DOBREE COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN NOCTUAE. {Reprinted fruni 'The Naturalist' for Fehriiary igoS). PRINTED AT BROWNS SAVILE PRESS, SAVIIE STREET AND GEORGE STREET, HULL. Hull i\Iiiseum Publications, No. 63. A ^DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE DOBREE COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN NOCTUAE . . . . COMPILED BY A <^ , f - L'^ HORACE B. BROWNE, M.A. Assi'sfaitf Masfer af Hymers College, Hull. PL'CLISHF.I) FOR THE HILL MlSEUMs COMMITTEK BV A. BROWN & SONS, Ltd., Hull, Loxdon axd Yokk. 1909. MUSEUMS SUB-COMMITTEE. Alderman J. Brown, Chairman. G. Hall. P. T. Crook. „ J. Shaw. Councillor G. Easton. J. Pybus. J. H. Robins. T. S. Taylor. Cm-atcr, i. Sheppard, F.G.S.. F.S.A. (Scot. PREFACE. When the late N. F. Dobree presented his collection of Euro- pean Noctuae to the Hull Museum, it was promised him that in due course a Catalogue of the collection should be issued. A remark to this effect made by the Curator of the Museum in con- versation with myself two years ago led to my undertaking the preparation of the promised Catalogue, and, incidentally, enabled me to fill in with pleasurable, and, I hope, useful, work some of the leisure hours which custom places at the disposal of a school- master. What I have attempted in the preparation of this Catalogue is to give an exact record of the collection as it now is, showing when, where, and by whom the specimens contained in it were obtained, describing briefly the varietal and aberrational forms of each species, and giving references to corresponding figures in Barrett's ' Lepidoptera of the British Islands,' South's 'Moths of the British Isles,' and the yearly volumes of ' The Entomologist.' By such means I have hoped to make the unique collection more widely known, and more useful to students in other parts of the country, as well as to those living in our remote corner of Holder- ness. The order in which the species are here given is that in which they occur in the collection, where the exigencies of space have, in some cases, interfered with the placing of the species in their proper scientific order. Those species which are not to be found in their expected places can easily be discovered — if examples are contained in the collection — on reference to the Specific Index given at the end of the volume. The order in which the different specimens of a series are placed is that adopted by the donor before the collection left his hands. The collection being formed — with two exceptions — between the years 1871 and 1889, the nomenclature adopted in it is, gener- ally speaking, that of the 1871 edition of Dr.Staudinger's 'Catalog.' Since then, however, the largely-revised edition of 1901 has been VI published, and I have here employed the generic names used in it, adding in brackets those of the earlier * Catalog ' when these are different. In dealing with Staudinger's huge and unwieldy genera of A gratis, Hadena, and Mamestra I have employed the generic divisions and names adopted in the ' Synonymic List of British Lepidoptera,' and commonly in use among British ento- mologists. The specific names adopted are those of Dr. Stau- dinger's ' Catalog,' 1901, and the synonyms used by Guenee, Hiibner, Barrett, South, Kirby, and Newman have also been given. The preparation of the Catalogue in this form would have been altogether impossible but for two things : — (i) The existence of a carefully-recorded diary, in which Mr. Dobree entered the source of each specimen in his collection ; and (2) The publication of Mr. J. W. Tutt's 'British Noctuge and their Varieties,' to which book I owe more than can be easily expressed. For defraying the cost of publication of the Catalogue, and for the interest taken in its' preparation, I have to record my thanks to the Museums Committee of the Hull Corporation. To Major de S. Dobree I am indebted for the loan of such of his father's annotated books as I required, and to Mr. Thomas Sheppard, F.G.S., for exceptional privileges of access to the collection under his charge, as well as for clerical assistance in the initial stages of the work. Lastly, I wish to express a student's thanks to Mr. William Lawton, the Chief Librarian of the Hull Public Libraries, for his unfailing readiness to bring before the Libraries Committee the requests of students, and notably those of the members of the Hull Scientific and Field Naturalists' Club. HORACE B. BROWNE. Hull, October 1909. CONTENTS. Memoir of Nicholas Frank Dobree and an Intro- duction TO HIS Collection of European Noctuae ix Abbreviations used ....... xiv Explanatory Notes ...... xv Catalogue giving — [a] Data of each Specimen ..... {b) Descriptions of all varietal and aberrational forms ....... (c) Condition of each specimen at the present time. i APPENDIX I. Names and Addresses of the Correspondents . 144 APPENDIX 11. List of Mr. Dobree's Contributions to Entomolo- gical Literature ...... 147 APPENDIX III. List of the Works of Reference dealing with European Lepidoptera that may be Consulted AT the Central Public Library, Albion Street, Hull . . . • . . . . . 147 Alphabetical Index to the Species contained in THE Collection ....... 149 a riDemoir OF NICHOLAS FRANK DOBREE (1830 — 1908) AND An iNTRor.ucTioN TO HIS Collection of European Noctuae. MR. N. F. DOBREE, of the New Walk, Beverley, the donor of the Collection of European Noctuae that is one of the treasures of the Hull Museum, was a native of Guernsey, and belonged to an ancient and distinguished family. He came to Hull in early hfe under the charge of Sir William Wright, and about 1850 started in business as a grain and seed merchant, his business offices being situated in the fine old Elizabethan house in High Street, Hull, which was the birthplace of William Wilberforce. There he remained till towards the close of 1906, when " Wilber- force House " was acquired by the Corporation for use as a museum of local antiquities. Mr. Dobree travelled largely on the Continent, and was an able linguist in German, French, Swedish, and Italian. On these travels he made the acquaintance of many of the leading Continental entomologists-, including Dr. Staudinger and Herr Louis Graeser. Mr. Dobree's inclinations had always lain in. the direction of natural history pursuits, and about 1871 his attention became directed to the wide field open for observation among the European Noctuae. With his friend, the late George Norman, he therefore set about forming such a collection of this group of the lepidopterous fauna as would show the geographical distribu- tion of the various forms. From 1871 to 1888 ' his amusement consisted '—to use his own words—' in collecting specimens of our insular Noctuae from different parts of Europe,' * and the collection so formed became * Used in the sense as understood by Dr. Staudinger in his definition of the range of European Lepidoptera. generally recognised as the best private collection of Noctuae in this country. In taking up the study of the Continental forms of British insects and the forms closely allied to them, he showed himself to be ahead of his generation ; for whereas this branch of study is now general among our foremost lepidopterists, there was in Britain, thirty years ago, an ' insular prejudice against insects of Continental origin.' The following extract from a short article contributed by him to ' The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine ' in 1877 formed a strong appeal to British collectors to enlarge their range of study, and to do away with the ' want of interest in all things continental,' that was then 'justly a reproach to them.' ' Amongst the general body of collectors, how lamentable is the ignorance on any point not purely of insular interest ; and yet, by a slight study of the European Fauna, how much those who have some little deeper aim than merely the desire of acquir- ing a number of insects, would find their means enlarged of taking an extended and comprehensive view of their favourite subject ! There is much to interest in the comparison of foreign with English specimens of the same species, and also in finding the gradual passage from one genus to another much more completely illus- trated than can be seen by the limited British list. Amongst the NoctuidcB, for instance, how little the beauty of some species is known to the ordinary British collector. Few are aware that our sober coloured CucuUics pass by steady gradations to the brilliant light green and silver of the common South German Cuciillia argentea ; that the genus Heliothis includes the rich magenta- tinted, but equally common German delphinii, or the rarer delicate rose-pink of Treilschkii ; that our handsome Plusice are rivalled by several common French and German species, or that the large subdivision of the yellow-underwinged Catocalce will bear contrast with our own richly coloured species. All this and much more they might learn if they would enlarge their present limited range of study.' The collection formed by Mr. Dobree consists of a magnifi- cent series of specimens obtained from almost every district of the entire Palaearctic Region from Iceland to Vladivostock. Many of these were collected by Herr Louis Graeser, of the Hamburg Museum, during a five years' tour in Amurland and Russian Turkistan, and duplicates of some are not to be found in any other British collection. They are supplemented by a small but in- teresting series of specimens collected by the late Mr. George Norman in Canada West,* and by other specimens from Labrador. The Dobree Collection is thus very rich in interest to the student of geographical variation, for it contains no fewer than * i.e., the Province of Ontario. XI 654 species, and more than 300 named varietal and aberrational forms, besides others that have not received that distinction. The Continental species in families of which we have British representatives, such as Cucullia, Pliisia, and Catocala, are especially worthy of attention. Of melanic and melanochroic forms the collection contains a large number. These are all noted and described in the following pages. Many of these forms, and of the corresponding light forms, were referred to in Mr. Dobree's paper 'On Melanism,' in 'The Entomologist ' for February 1887. In addition to these numerous examples of the imaginal stage of the insect, the collection contains exactly 720 examples of preserved larvae. In the preservation of larvae Mr. Dobree was a pioneer, and by his invariable kindness and courtesy helped many other students to a knowledge of the somewhat difficult processes involved. Nothing short of a Hfe-like appearance of the larvae when ' stuffed ' would satisfy him, and to obtain this he resorted to a special method of stuffing each empty skin, when ' blown,' with tiny pieces of Berhn wool, the colour of the wool used varying with the colour of the skin of the larva during its hfe. For this purpose he made it a practice to have by him some fifty different shades of wool. To the student of the purely British Lepidoptera the chief interest probably hes in these larvae, and one is safe in affirming that no provincial museum contains such a beautiful series of preserved larvae as is here to be seen. That many of our British Lepidoptera exhibit most wonderful schemes of colouring is well known to everyone who is interested in nature study, but how beautiful the larvae of the Lepidoptera may be is not so generally known. The lover of the beautiful in nature is recommended to see the larvae of Agroiis agathina and fraecox in Drawer 16 ; Hadena finiperda in Drawer 21 ; Polia flavicincta in Drawer 26 ; Dichonia aprilina in Drawer 27 ; Apiecia occulta in Drawer 28 ; and, especially, those of the Cucul- lidae in Drawers 33 and 34. Specially beautiful forms of the perfect insect are those of the various species of Plusia in Drawers 38 and 39, Cucullia in Drawers 33 and 34, and Catocala in Drawers 41 and 42, The knowledge thus gained by Mr. Dobree of the Continental forms of our British Noctuae gave rise to frequent contributions of small articles and notes to the pages of the entomological maga- zines,* but his most important contribution to entomological science was his paper ' On Melanism,' that appeared in ' The Entomologist ' for February 1887. The causes of the phenomenon of Melanism had then for some years been a matter of discussion. and, in fact, ' so much had been written on the subject, that it * A full list of these will be found in Appendix II., p. 147. xu might be considered thread-bare ' — to quote the opening words of the article referred to. But ' it had always been treated from a purely insular point of view,' and Mr. Dobree took up the subject once more, ' to examine it from the broader basis of its bearing on European insects generally.' The facts adduced by Mr. Dobree from a comparison of the geographical forms exhibited by the Noctuae in his collection put the subject in an entirely new light, and certainly ' tended to dis- prove more than one of the theories which then passed current ' among British entomologists. How valuable were the results attending Mr. Dobree's keen study of the European Noctuae is well shown in the following extracts from Mr. J. W. Tutt's ' Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera,' written in 1891 : — ' In these discussions [on the origin and distribution of melan- ism], the subject was generally treated from an insular point of view, until Mr. Dobree (' Entomologist,' xx., pp. 25-28) en- deavoured, by comparing our melanic forms with the forms of the same species obtained on the Continent, to correlate the facts obtained, and to show the real relation that not only our melanic, but also our ordinary forms, bore to the Palaearctic lepidopterous fauna, and to deduce reasons for the melanism so prevalent in our British forms.' ... ' Our greatest authority on Continental Noctuae, Mr. N. F. Dobree, wrote an article (' Entomologist,' xx., pp. 25-28), pre- viously referred to, disproving the general notion that melanism was characteristic of high latitudes, and pointing out the follow- ing facts : — (i) That melanism scarcely ever occurred in such latitudes ; (2) That, at any latitude, dry open areas produced more brightly and clearly marked forms of lepidoptera ; and (3) That the North of Europe produced, practically, no melanic forms, neither did the South, but that the melanism of the Continent was confined almost entirely to certain Alpine districts. ' Mr. Dobree used in former days to attend regularly the excur- sions of the Yorkshire Naturahsts' Union, and Mr. G. T. Porritt, who knew him well, has described him as being one of the most pleasant and genial companions in field work. For several years he was accustomed to write the Reports for the Entomological Section on the occasion of these excursions, and during the years 1881 to 1886 he was the President of the Hull Field Naturalists' Society, delivering a Presidential Address on the subject of Variation in Lepidoptera. In the year 1890 Mr. Dobree was elected a Fellow of the Ento- mological Society of London, but he resigned this honour in the following year. With advancing years came, naturally, a disinclination for further collecting, and in 1890 the collection was advertised for sale in * The Entomologist.' The authorities of the South Ken- sington Natural History Museum were anxious to become its possessors ; but, to the beneiit of the City of Hull and of all York- shire lepidopterists, the purchase was not effected, and in the month of December, 1902, the collection was formally transferred to the keeping of the Museums Committee of the Hull Corporation. Mr. Dobree's connection with Hull was severed by the purchase, on the part of the Corporation, of ' Wilberforce House ' in 1906, and he lived in retirement at his house in the New Walk, Beverley, from that time till his death, at the age of seventj^-seven, on January 8th, 1908. ABBREVIATIONS USED. Alph. . Alpheraky. A iiriv. . Aurivillius. Bjerk. . Bjerkander. Boisd. . Boisduval. Bork. . Borkhausen. Brem. . Bremer. Butl. . Butler. Cap. . . . Capieux. Carad. . Carad j a. Christ. . Christoph. Cock. . Cockerell. Cram. . Cramer. Curt. . Curtis. Cyr. . Cyrilli. Dalm. . Dalman. Donz. . Donzel. Dovf. . Dorfmeister. Doubl. . Doubleday. Dup. . Duponchel. Ersch. . Erschoff. Esp. . . . Esper. Ever. . Eversmann. Fab. . . . Fabricius. Feist h. . Feisthamel. Forst. . . Forster. Frey. . Freyer. Friv. . . Frivaldszky. Fuess. . Fuessly. Germ. . Germar. God. . . Godart. Graes. . Graeser. Gras. . Graslin. Greg. . Gregson. Guen. . Guenee. • Hatch. . . ?Iatchett. Haw. . Hawortli. Hevr-Sch. Herrich-Schaffer. Hoch. . Hochcnwarth. Hoff. . Hoffmann. Hub. . Hiibner. Hiib-Gev. . . Hiibner, ed. by Geye Hitfn. . Hufnagel. Roll. Kollar. Lamp. Lampsa. Led. Lederer. Let. ■■ ■ Lefebvre. Linn. Linnaeus. Mab. Mabille. M^n. Menetries. Mill. Milli^re. Mosch. . Mdschler. Newm. Newman. Ober. Oberthiir. Ochs. Ochsenheimer. Osb. Osbeck. Panz. Panzer. Payk. Paykull. Petag. Petagna. Pier. Pierret. Pill. Filler. Ramb. Rambur. Robs. Robson. Rogen. Rogenhofer. Rott. Rottemburg. Schiff. ' . Schiffermiiller. Schm. Schmidt. Schuy. Schoyen. Scop. Scopoli. Sodoff. Sodoffsky. Spa-Schn. Sparre-Schneider Stain. Stainton. Stand. Staudinger. Steph. Stephens. Taiisch. . Tauscher. Th-Mieg. Thierry-Mieg. Thiin. Thunberg. Treit. Treitschke. Van der H oev. Van der Hoeven. View. Vieweg. Vill. . . . Villers. Walk. Walker. West. Westwood. Zett. Zetterstedt. EXPLANATORY NOTES. 1. f placed after the data of a specimen denotes that the captor or breeder was Mr. Dobree himself. 2. * denotes a larva. 3. Where specimens are bracketed together, the description which follows applies to each of those within the bracket. 4. Where no bracket occurs, a description applies onlj^ to the one preceding specimen. 5. Specimens of which no description is given are type specimens, according to the definitions given in Tutt's ' British Noctuae and their Varie- ties ' for species occurring in Britain, and in Kirby's ' Butterflies and Moths of Europe ' for species of purely Continental habitat. 6. In Continental species where sexual difference is markedly noticeable the sex of the specimens is shown. This is shown also in the case of the rarer varietal and aberrational forms, especially those from the Eastern Palaearctic Region. 7. Where a specimen is not in good ' cabinet condition,' that fact is noted within square brackets. 8. The names of species of purely American habitat are enclosed within square brackets. 9. Throughout the Catalogue the use of the unnecessary digraphs se and ce has been avoided, in accordance with the practice adopted by German and American entomologists. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE DOBREE COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN NOCTUAE. DRAWER I. Habrosyne (Gonophora) derasa Linn. 4540 Beverlej^ bred 1880 f. 4536 „ „ t- 4538 „ „ t- — [Wings at rest]. ♦5456a Germany, 1883 ((Staudinger). *5456 ♦5650 London, x. 1884 (Russell). White spots on segments 5 and 6, but not on segment 7 ; that on segment 5 is the larger. 5061 Blagoweschtschensk, Amurland, 1882 (Staudinger). Var. derasoides Bull. A very fine variety, giving the impression of being a distinct species. With one I exception all the white markings have become purplish-grey ; the slope of first line altered, so that it meets the inner margin at its middle ; the white stripe along the hind margin almost obsolete, and the white basal streak contracted into a conspicuous white spot. 6389 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition), -v 6388 „ „ „ „ „ I 6251 Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). C 6252 „ „ „ I Var. intermedia Brein. Slightly tending to var. derasoides in that the white markings are tinged with pink, but otherwise typical. Thyatira batis Linn. 635 Forres vii. 1872 (Norman). 2417 Molescroft, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. ^ 118 Wolsingham, ix. 1871 (Pickard). / A very slight trace of the usual pink tinge. 4532 Beverley, bred 1880 f. 4533 ,, „ t- 4535 North of Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). The usual pink tinge entirely absent, as in Barrett. Plate 116, fig. 2b. 6369 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ ~| 6370 „ „ „ „ „ $ / A second small, white spot above the large spot in anal angle. So also in 4535. — [Wings at rest]. *5i8i Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). ♦5259 Saxony, 1883 ,, ♦4981 Germany, 1881 (Kricheldorff). A Cymatophora dupiaris Linn. i486 Grantham, vii. 1874 (Walpole). Approaching ab. argentea Tutt. In general appearance very similar to the first specimen of C. fluctuoas. ' '°° Beverley, bred 1880 f. •> 1489 1490 1491 1492 1497 1494 1495 1496 Norb t- t- t- t- t. ton, Surrey, bred 1879 (Ficklin). ; A series ranging from obscure markings to fairly distinct dark central band. Cymatophora fluctuosa Huh. 434 German}-, bred from pupa, 18 71 (Staudinger). 4839 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4840 „ „ „ 5062 „ 1882 ,, 5064 5065 5063 The transverse whitish band almost obscured towards inner margin. Polyploca (Asphalia) ruficollis Fah. 311 Dalmatia, 1887 (Staudinger). 312 The transverse markings more distinct than in the others. 313 Dalmatia, 1887 (Staudinger). 311a „ „ „ The fore wings darker in ground colour. *4979 Hungary, 1881 (Kricheldorff). Polyploca (Asphalia) diluta Fah. 5125 Huddersfield (?) ] 5126 ,, 1. 5127 5128 Ab. nubilata Robs. brown bands. Retford, 1881 (Pegler). The markings indistinct. Nottingham, ix. 1873 (Ensor). Grantham, 1874 (Walpole). Hungary, 1881 (Kricheldorff). Cymatophora or Fah. 3624 Bred from pupa, vi. 1S77 (Harwood). Fore wincis marked with four dark 1368 1367 1 73 1 •=4980 3625 4929 4931 4932 5394 5393 Scotland, 1881 (Salvage). Ground colour brownish-grey ; the transverse bands very conspicuous. Scotland, 1881 (Salvage). \ Bred' 1883 (Salvage)." j )> J! )> J Var. scotica Tutt. Ground colour purplish-gre^^, but the lines forming the transverse bands separate and distinct; stigmata hardly visible (41 mm.). Cf. Barrett, Plate 117, fig. 2a. 3022 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). The markings suffused. 3023 Zurich, 1889 (Riihl). Ground colour darker ; a very distinct purpHsh tinge along costal margin. 6373 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^\ 6374 „ .. .. . .. ?/ Smaller than the preceding (35 mm.) ; the transverse bands not so distinct, and the costa not so distinctly purplish. *5626 Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). *5627 *5628 ,, Cymatophora octogesima Hiib.=ocu\ar\s Guen. 3460 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3461 „ „ 3459 3762 Central Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). 3763 „ ,. ,. "... The stigmata especially distinct. • 3845 Switzerland, 1877 (Tasker). 3846 5066 Amurland, 1882 (Staudinger). ) 5067 „ „ „ / A finely marked form. The transverse dark lines and central pale band very clear. Stigmata not so distinct as in the previous specimens. Cymatophora argenteopicta 0Z)6r.=viridimixta Brem. 4501 Amurland, 1879 (Staudinger). (J \ 4500 „ „ .. .? J Markings of the fore wings suffused brown. 6691 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). (J Ground colour clear ashy-grey ; transverse bands very dark at costa, shading off to lighter, and very narrow. Cymatophora ampliata Butl. 6689 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser) . 3^ 5070 Amurland, 1882 (Staudinger). ^J 5069 ,,, „ ., ? Cymatophora albicostata Brem. 6690 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ,^ 5068 ,, 1882 (Staudinger*). ^ Polyploca (Asphalia) rsdens /^fl&.=xanthoceros Hub. 3286 Bathampton, Somerset, 1876 (Ross). ^ 3285 „ . ., „ / The pale markings white. 3556 Bred from pupa, 1877 (Harwood). 3557 3558 841 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 842 The pale markings greenish-ochreous — the general form. In the last of tliis group these markings are very con- spicuous, and the stigmata are clearly marked in dark central band. Cf. Barrett, PI. 119, fig. ic. 843 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). "\ 2196 „ 1874 „ / The markings suffused brown, with little or no tinge of green. 2193 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). A striking form. Ground colour pale greenish-grey, with darker transverse lines ; stigmata clearly out- lined in black. *5886 vii. 1885 (Salvage). *5887 „ „ Polyploca (Asphalia) flavicornis Linn. 2242 2243 2239 4861 4863 4862 4860 5820 5819 *6i27 *6i25 *6i26 ♦6127a "4095 ^5246 Bury. 20, iv. 1875 (Kay). ") )) )> J) )) (' J Fore wings tinged with yellowish-green. Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). ) Rannoch, iv. 1885 (Salvage). J Var. finmarchica Schijy. = w3iX. scotica Tutt. Ground colour dark grey, with purplish tinge ; orbicular stigma large, distinct, and greenish-yellow. In 5820 the orbicular stigma is extended towards base of wing as a streak across the iirst transverse double line.' Cf. Barrett, PI. 118, fig. 2C, and South, I. PI. 39, fig- 8. Rannoch, iv. 1885 (Salvage). Ab. rosea Tutt. Fore wings strongly suffused with purple ; the transverse bands very distinct ; or- bicular stigma clear greenish-yellow. Lancashire, vi. 1886 (Harwood). ^ / Greenish-yellow ; intermediate between 5246 and 6126, 6127a. Lancashire, vi. 1886 (Harwood). ) / Dorsal region greenish-black, with distinct white dots and pale dorsal line. Norway, 1882 (Staudinger). Dark greenish-grey ; the white dots indistinct ; no black spots, and the dorsal line almost obsolete. Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). Pale greenish-yellow ; the white dots absent. DRAWER II. Bryophila ravula Huh. 5074 Germany, i 882 (Staudinger). 5072 n ■ ;; 5073 >) X 5071 ,, ,, 5076 ,, ,, ? 5075 n ') 6 •^4994 Var. creptricula Treit. Large (27 mm. as against 22 mm.) ; basal area whitish, and sharply defined ; whitish markings also in anal angle. Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). ' B. ereptricula ' in Mr. Dobree's diarj'. Bryophila raptricula Hub. 845 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 848 847 » » „ 846 „ „ „ Bryophila fraudatricula Huh. 6028 Berlin, 1885 (Ribbe). 6029 ,, ,, ,, 6026 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). 6027 ,, ,, ,, The longitudinal black lines almost obsolete. Bryophila receptricula ////&. =strigula Bork. 2940 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2942 2943 2941 „ „ . „ A corresponding form to 6027 of the preceding species. Bryophila algae ^a&. =spoiiatricula Huh. 803 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 804 1972 „ 1874 M \ 1975 „ ,, „ J Ab. degener Esp. Almost unicolorous dark greyish- green. 1973 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 1974 3765 Central Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). 3764 5274 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). A variable series, all tending towards ab. degener. 5276 [The left hind wing broken]. 5273 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). \ 5275 „ ' „ ,, J Basal area bright pale green ; very conspicuous in 5275. Bryophila muralis i^ors2!.=glandifera Huh. 1693 Guernsey, vii. 1884 t- \ 1694 „ " ,, „ t- / Large (29 mm.) ; ground colour pale bluish-green. 1695 Guernsey, vii. 1884 t. 1696 „ „ „ t- 1697 „ „ >, t- Ground colour pale olive-green. 1698 Guernsey, viii. 1874 f. Ab. pallida Tutt. Ground colour pale creamy-white. 5407 Brighton, 1883 (Salvage) 5404 „ „ „ I 5406 5405 „ „ „ r )) >) >' J Var. par Hub. Ground colour of 5407 strongly ochreous ; of 5404 and 5405 pale grey, and of 5406 brownish-grey ; the markings almost obsolete in each case. Cf. South, I. PI. 103, fig. 11. 5408 Cambridgeshire, 1883 (Warren). Var. impar Warren. *530i Guernsey, vii. 1883 f. *,5439 Britain, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). *4685 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). .5962 Cambridgeshire, bred 1885 (Warren ).^ 5963 „ ., „ I 6146 ,, bred 1886 ,, j 6145 „ . n „ J Var. impar Warren. Grotmd colour biownish-whito, thickly dusted with blackish ; marldngs obscure. Cf. Barrett, Plate 249, fig. li. Bryophila peria Fah. 1708 Beverley, 1878 f. Var. suflusa Tutt. A conspicuous creamy-white transverse band before the first line ; remainder of wing suffused with dark grey. Cf. Barrett, Plate 250, fig. Id. 1704 Beverley, 1874, f. 1705 „ „ t- 1706 „ „ f. \ 265 Droylesden, v. 1872 (White), j Ab. distincta Tittt. The grey markings greatl}^ reduced and very conspicuous. 266 Droylesden, v. 1872 (White). Intermediate between the type and ab. flavescens. 1709 Beverley, 1885 f. 1 1707 Guernsey, 1887 f. / Ab. flavescens Tutt. Ground colour strongly suffused with ochreous. — [Wings at rest]. *5i45 Strood, vi. i882'(Ovenden). *5i44 „ „ „ „ ' *5020 Greenwich, i. 1882 (Tutt). Diphtera (Moma) alpium Osh.^ orion Esp. 816 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 818 4511 „ 1879 4512 1754 Canterbury, 1874 (Parry). 1291 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). "| _ 1290 ,, ,, ,, I 1288 „ „ „ J- 1289 „ „ ,, I 817 „ 1872 ,, J Ab. rosea Tutt. The costa and two longitudinal streaks rosy-white ; most conspicuously so is 1291. *5433 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). *5202 Brighton, 1882 (Salvage). ^5203 ,, ,, ,, Trichosea (Diphtera) ludifica Linn. 12 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 13 „ „ . 14 Zurich, 1888 (Riihl.) *6575 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Panthea coenobita Esp. 2207 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2208 ,, ,, ,, 2205 ,, ,, ,, *5702 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Very much darker than the following ; the yellowish markings almost obliterated. Marked ' Var. nigra ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. *570i Central Germany 1883 (Staudinger). Oxycesta (Clidia) geographica Fah. 835 Continent, 1872 (Staudinger). 837 838 Zurich, 1888 (Riihl). *66io Austria, 1888 (Staudinger). Oxycesta (Clidia) cliamaesyces Guen. 3033 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). (J 3034 „ „ „ ? ' Diloba caeruleocephaSa Linn. 919 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). ) 920 „ „ „ / Large (39 mm.). 5414 Beverley, 1883 f, [Wings at rest]. *5870 Beverley, reared from egg, 1885 f. [Half-grown]. *587oa „ „ „ „ f. *5869 „ „ „ „ t- [The colour gone]. Demas coryli Linn. 2190 Norwich, bred 1877 (Wheeler). 2191 ,, ,, ,, 2187 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). "\ 2186 „ „ „ / Larger than the preceding (36 mm. as against 30 mm.). *5950 X. 1885 (Harwood). Dorsal region dark purplish-brown ; faint indications of two yellow sub-dorsal lines. *5952 X. 1885 (Harwood). Dorsal region reddish-brown ; dorsal stripe and sub- dorsal lines black. *5i67 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Yellow ; a very distinct black dorsal stripe. *595i X. 1885 (Harwood). Yellow dorsal stripe broken and nearly obsolete. 6362 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ 6363 „ „ „ „ ? 6364 „ „ „ „ $ Var. mus Ober. (31 mm.). Suffused with purplish- grey ; the transverse band indistinct. Acronycta aini Linn. 5949 Chichester, bred 1885 (Anderson). -v 5948 „ „ ■ „ 5374 Beverley, bred 1883 f . V 3706 Wharncliffe, West Yorks., 5 vi. 1875 (Bloor). 5373 Bought at Stevens', 1883. ' There is a slight variation in the hind wings, from unspotted white to white with incipient brown band at the outer angle, and faint indications of the nervures. 6781 Beverley, vi. 1901 f. 6780 „ „ f. [The right fore wing damaged]. *6i43 Chichester, vii. 1886 (Anderson). Acronycta tridens Schiff. 587 Beverley, vi.-vii. 1872 f . 584 „ „ „ t- 581 „ „ „ t- Hind wings suffused with brown. [Named by Henry Doubleday] . 8 586 Epping, reared from the egg, 1872 (Doubleday).\ 2309 Rotterdam, v. 1875, bred by an old man. / Hind wings clear white. 2308 Rotterdam, v. 1875, bred by an old man. All the wings suffused with a peculiar shade of fawnish- brown : a striking form. *5358 Beverley, x. 1883 f . ♦5467 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). *5465 „ „ „ *5466 „ „ „ The dorsal stripe varying from orange to bright red, Acronycta psi Linn. 590 Epping, reared from the egg, vii.1872 (Doubleday). \ 591 „ „ „ „ „ J Var. suffusa TtM. Fore wings suffused with brownish- grey, and hind wings darker than in the type. 1820 Houghton, E. Yorks., vi. 1874 f . 1818 „ „ „ f. 1819 „ „ „ f. [Named by Henry Doubleday]. 2344 Beverley, bred from ovum, v. 1875 f. i 6692 Kuldja, Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). 6693 All the markings chocolate-brown instead of black. — [Wings at rest]. *5357 Beverley, ix. 1883 f. *5356a „ „ t- *5356 „ y, t- *3949 Sheffield, x. 1878 (Doncaster). DRAWER III. Acronycta cuspis Hub. 4006 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). 4002 4003 „ „ „ 4004 4005 2175 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). Ground colour lighter grey than in any of the preceding. 2176 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger ). \ 4007 ,, 1878 ,, / Semi-melanic : ground colour suffused with brown, but the markings distinct. *5559 Leipzic, 1884 (Heyne). Acronycta leporina Linn. 6183 Romney, bred 1886 (Buckell). ^ 6182 „ ;, „ [ 1017 Bred vi. 1872 (Earl). j 5968 Bred 1885 (Harwood). j Var. bradyporina Treit. Semi-melanic : wings dusted with greyish-brown atoms. Cf. Barr., PI. 120, fig. ib. 2177 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). \ 2180 „ „ „ J Type form : pure white with black markings. Var. leporella Staud. = cineracea Graes. White, very slightly dusted vnt\i grey atoms ; the markings indistinct. Cf. South, I. PL loo, fig. 3. 2184 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). "\ 525 Bred vi. 1872 (Earl). / Var. bradyporina Treit. *5423 Britain, 1883 (Watkins and Donca^ter). [Half grown]. *5688 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). \ *546o Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). j [The green colour partly gone]. Acronycta aceris Linn. 2338 Bred 1875 (Peters). 1748 Canterbury, bred 1874 (Parry). 1749 ,, M ,, 1750 Beverley, bred 1886 f. 2337 Bred 1875 (Peters). 1 751 Bred from larva, 1888 f. Ab. intermedia Tutt. The wings with an ochreous tinge ; nervures of hind wings strongly marked. 5537 South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). \ ; 5536 „ „ „ ./ Ab. candelisequa iis^. = infuscata Haw. Suffiised uniformly with brown, the markings indistinct. Cf. Barrett, Plate 120, fig. 2a. *5939 Ely, viii. 1885 (Cross). The hairs reddish-orange. ♦4978 Beverley, viii. 1885 f. The hairs light yellow, with four pairs of light red tufts. *4947 Greenwich, 1881 (Tutt). The hairs dull reddish-brown. Acronycta megacephala Fab. 2327 London, bred from larva, 1875 (Wittick). 2328 2334 2331 2330 2325 2332 The general appearance darker ; the light patch nearly obsolete. 5077 Russian Turkistan, 1882 (Staudinger). ~\ 1286 Andalusia, 1873 (Staudinger). / Var. turanica Staud. Formerly considered by Dr, Staudinger to be a distinct species. Mr. Dobree pointed out that it was ' nothing more than a light- coloured form ' of this species, suffused with pale brownish-grey. In Dr. Staudinger's 1901 ' Catalog ', however, it appears as a variety of A. Fumicis. *53i9 viii. 1883 f- *3952 Sheffield, 1878 (Doncaster). *4976 Germany, 188 1 (Kricheldorff). Acronycta strigosa Fah. 3716 1876 (Jackson). 6410 Bred 1886 (Harrison — probably from Warren). 6411 6412 „ „ „ „ 3025 10 5129 Cambridgeshire, 1881 (Warren). 5131 5130 .. .. .. ■\ 6148 Cambridgeshire, bred 1886 (Warren). / The reniform stigma almost obUterated by the pale grey apical suffusion. 6149 Cambridgeshire, bred 1886 (Warren). 6147 .. '. » 3024 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). \ )) )) ;> J Larger, but otherwise similar (31 mm. as against 27-28 mm.). Craniophora (Acronycta) ligustri Fab. 622 Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1877 f. 621 „ „ „ t- 1019 „ „ VI. 1873 t- 3137 „ „ vi. 1876 t- 3138 „ „ „ t- Ab. sundevalli Lamp. = o\i\a,cea Dobrtfe. 'A form in which the white markings are replaced by olive- green, and which is equally common with the type in East Yorkshire ' (Dobree). Cf. Barrett, Plate 123, fig. 2c. In 3137 the stigmata are almost entirely obliterated. 3139 Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 f- 3140 „ „ „ t- 3141 „ n .. t- Intermediate between the above and the type form. 3142 Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 f. 1018 „ „ vi. 1873 t- The white ring of the orbicular stigma very distinct. ♦6490 Bavaria, 1887 (Staudinger). *5474 France, 1883 (Staudinger). [The green colour mostly gone]. *5245 Bavaria 1883 (Staudinger). Greyish-green ; the yellow dorsal and sub-dorsal lines very distinct. Acronycta rumicis Linn. 2519 Beverley, vii. 1875 f. 1535 „ 1878 t. 5896 „ vii. 1885 f. The inner-marginal area very dark blackish-brown. .1530 Houghton, E. Yorks., vi. 1874 |.\ 3190 Beverley, 1881 f. J Intermediate between the type and ab. salicis. 3189 Beverley, 1881 f. Ab. salicis Curt. The wings suffused with brownish- black ; stigmata hardly traceable ; the white spots close to anal angle and along the hind margin con- spicuous. Cf. Barrett, Plate 123, fig. ib. 1 531 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). 6351 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $) 6350 ,. .. >. .. c?/ A beautiful variety. Smaller (32 mm.) ; ground colour purplish-grey ; oyie very conspicuous white crescent near anal angle ; the hind-marginal line hardly traceable. *3950 Sheffield, 1878 (Doncaster), II *6446 Beverley, bred from eggs laid by captured 9; 1887 |. *6447 » .. .. .. .. t- *59i5 Beverley, 1885 |. The body entirely black with reddish-brown hairs, and faint reddish-brown sub-spiracular lines. This and 6446 (which is normal in colouring) were bred from the same batch of eggs. Acronycta auricoma Fah. 3342 Madeley, Staffs., 1876 (Daltry). 3343 3341 3340 3338 3671 Brighton, 1877 (Salvage). 3672 3673 824 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). Yar. pepli Hilb. The wings suffused with brownish- grey, and the anal dagger-like mark obsolete. 822 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). Like the preceding, but the anal mark fairly distinct. *5422 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). *5689 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Uniform dull black, with reddish-brown hairs. *4687 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). Acronycta menyanthidis View. 2383 Bury, bred vi. 1875 (Kav). 2384 „ „ ^ „" 2385 2386 4124 Rannoch, bred 1879 (Salvage). Ground colour more bluish-grey than in the rest ; or- bicular stigma obsolete, reniform hardly traceable. 3134 Rannoch, vii. 1876 (Robertson). 3135 3136 The transverse markings suffused brown ; orbicular stigma quite obsolete ; first line nearly so. 3627 Rannoch, vii. 1877 (Clark). 5085 Russian Turkistan, 1882 (Staudinger). A very fine variety. The basal and central areas suffused with brown, shading to clear white before the second line ; this is deep black, and very con- spicuous, shading off towards the hind margin. *5472 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). ") *547i „ M „ / Black ; the sub-spiracular markings red ; hairs black. Acronycta abscondita Treit. 4009 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). ^ DRAWER IV. Acronycta euphorbiae Fah. 826 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). § 4013 „ 1878 „ $ 4012 „ „ „ $ 12 827 Germany, 1872 (Stau dinger). ^ 4° 1 5 1878 s 4014 ,, 3 1195 1873 Of Of 1 1 96 ,, 1198 „ 1197 ,, Var. montivaga Gife» = euphrasiae Frey. Larger than type (36 mm. as against 31 mm.) ; also darker, the fore wings and thorax slate-grey ; markings in- distinct. ♦5690 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). ♦5998 Saxony, 1885 (Staudinger). *5997 . ,. Acronycta myricae Guen. This form is now considered to be a British semi- melanic variety of the preceding species, from the type form of which it differs in its larger size (35- 36 mm. as against 31 mm.), and in having the ground colour a darker slate-grey and the markings more distinct. 3144 Rannoch, vi. 1876 (Clark). 9 4123 ,, bred 1879 (Salvage). $ 1 126 Inverurie, 1873 (Tait). $ Ground colour paler than in the others of the species. 3145 Scotland, 1887 (Salvage). $ ■) 3640 Rannoch, vii. 1877 (Clark). $ / The hind-marginal area pale between the nervures ; conspicuously so in 3145. 3639 Rannoch, vii. 1877 (Clark). ^ 1 127 Inverurie, 1873 (Tait). ^ 4122 Rannoch, bred 1879 (Salvage). ^ 3146 Bred 1885 (Salvage). ^ "28 „ „ S *49o6 Aberdeen, ix. 1881 (Mundie). *4907 „ ,, „ *5i88 „ vii. 1882 Notwithstanding the opinion expressed above, there is a considerable difference between the larvae of myricae and euphorbiae here preserved. Each larva of euphorbiae has a most distinct semi- circular pale mark curving backwards and joining each pair of the tubercular spots. These semi- circular marks are entirely wanting in the larvae of myricae. Acronycta euphrasiae Brahm. This form is likewise now considered to be a variety of A. euphorbiae, and appears as such in Dr. Stau- dinger's ' Catalog,' 1901. 4010 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). 4011 5772 Dalmatia, 1885 ,, The markings more suffused than in the preceding. (?) ab. esulae Hub. Simyra nervosa Fah. 6562 Germany, 1887 (Staudinger). 13 6563 6564 6565 Germany, 1887 (Staudingcr) Var. argentacea Herr.-Sch. Paler than the type form ; the thorax and basal and costal areas of fore wings conspicuously powdered with silvery-white. *6493 Central Germany, 1887 (Staudinger). Arsilonche albovenosa G ^e=venosa Bork. 3147 Soham, bred from pupa, vi. 1876 (Wilton). Wicken Fen, bred from pupa, vi. 1875 (Wilton). 2409 2407 2410 2408 3638 3637 3636 3148 828 1877 Soham, bred from pupa, vi. 1876 (Wilton). Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). Ab. csntripuncta Herr.-Sch. A small black spot at end of discoidal cell, with, in this case, another between it and the costal margin. Soham, ix. 1887 (Wilton). Hungary, 1S83 (Staudinger). *0457 *5686 *5687 Simyra dentinosa Frey. 3430 Continent, 1876 (Staiidinger). (^ 3431 „ „ ? *6494 Sarepta, South Russia, 1887 (Staudinger). Very large for the size of the moth. Tapinostola muscuiosa Huh. 3781 Hungary, 1877 (Staudinger). 3780 4513 Germany, 1879 „ 4514 [All the wings badly sprung]. Mythimna (Mithymna) imbecilEa Fah. 3035 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). $ 3036 „ „ „ ? 3037 ,, „ „ (j 3038 „ „ „ c^ Eogena contaminei Ever. 4773 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). $ 4774 „ „ '„ S *5002 ,, 1882 „ Leucania conigera Fah. 419 Forres, viii. 1871 f. 3980 Bred 1878 (Harwood). 3979 3982 3983 3978 3981 1851 1853 *5i73 '5174 Hartlepool, 1874 (Gardner). Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Ground colour bright reddish-brown, Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Ground colour bright green. [Colour gone near head]. 14 Leucania vitellina H iih. 921 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 3510 1876 ,, 3511 ,, 4448 1879 4449 4450 4452 4451 \ \ 4453 f '5555 Central area of the fore wings slightly darker than the other portions, thus producing the effect of a pale band between the second and subterminal lines. I.eipzic, 1884 (Heyne). Leucania turca Linn. 2571 2574 411 2572 2573 6375 6293 6079 *64i3 *64i4 *6oio *544'5 New Forest, 1886 (Bright;. Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ Ground colour as in the following, but without the central dark cloud. Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ 'Var. grandis Biiil.' Ground colour dull brown ; ' the small dark shade surrounding the white discal spot developed into a large dark grey cloud ' (Dobrce). Mongolia, 1885 (Staudinger). § A very distinct form. All the region from base to second line tinged with greyish ochreous ; lines very distinct ; the second line waved in large crescents with points towards the hind margin. Huddersfield, 1887 (Porritt). jj J) j> France, 1885, (Staudinger). Germany, 1883 ,, Leucania lithargyria Esp. lithargyrea Hub. 641 643 2517 2518 640 2514 1691 5746 5745 ►5811 "5812 •=5813 ^5814 Guernsey, vii. li Molescroft, E. Yorks., vii. 1875 f. Var. ferrago Fab. Ground colour dark reddish. Molescroft, E. Yorks., vii. 1875 f- Intermediate between preceding and the type. Guernsey, vii. 1885 f. "| Molescroft, E. Yorks., vii. 1875 j. - Beverley, 1875 (Bishoprick). J A distinct dark shade along hind margin, most pro- nounced in 1691. Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). \ " " " J . , .., Var. argyritis Ramb. All the wmgs pale grey with slightest pos'^ible tinge of red ; reniform stigma paler than the ground colour ; a discal row of black dots on hind wings. V. 1885 (Harwood). 15 DRAWER V. Leucania albipuncta Fah. 925 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 925a 3848 3847 Switzerland, 1877 (Tasker). \ >) )) )) J Large (38 mm. as against 31-36 mm.) ; 3847 darker, especially the hind wings. (?) ab. fiecki Car ad. Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 923 926 924 *4269 ,, 1880 ,, Leucania zeae Dup. 2971 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 2972 Leucania scirpi Dup. 4072 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). 4071 4791 ,, 1880 ,, ~\ 4790 „ „ „ /■ Labelled ' Var. montium Boisd.' , but I can distinguish no point of difference in 4791 and little in 4790, which is slightly darker than the preceding speci- mens. Leucania unipuncta //az&.=extranea Guen. 1 130 South Australia, 1873 (Cox). (J) 1129 „ „ „ $/ Small (39 mm. as against 43 mm.) ; ' greyer and mere coarsely powdered with black atoms than the spt ci mens from Canada ' (Dobree) ; the white spot in the reniform stigma hardly visible ; basal area of hind wings whiter. 2835 Orillia, Canada West, 1875 (Norman). 2836 2838 2834 2837 Fore wings strongly tinged with red. Leucania puirescens Hah. 723 1872 (Norman). [The wings chipped]. 1777 Plymouth, bred 1874. (Johns). 1778 1779 1780 ,, ,, ,, 5383 Torquay, 1883 (Harwood). 5384 5385 5386 5387 .=i388 Leucania obsoEeta Hah. 231 1 Rotterdam, 1875. 2170 Germany, 1S74 (Staudinger). 2167 Tlie transverse row of black dots more conspicuous than in the others. i6 2169 Germany, 1874. (Staudinger). [Left fore wing broken]. 4469 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 4464 The black striations more plainly marked than in the- others. 4468 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 2172 ,, 1874 ,, The wings of a more uniform buff than those of the others in the series. 4467 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 4465 2168 „ 1874 A large blacl> spot on the inner margin at end of the transverse line, and another nearer the base. *4686 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). No trace of the dorsal and sub-dorsa,l lines. Leucania punctosa Treit 4461 4460 4461 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). \ [Badly greased]. 4462 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). 4463 „ „ „ Leucania loreyi Dup. 2174 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 2173 Leucania littoralis Curt. 2851 Spurn, E.Yorks., vi. 1875 f. 1603 ,, vji. 1874 f. 1596 „ „ t 1598 „ „ t 1590 „ „ t 2468 ,, vi. 1875 t 2849 M ,/ t 2850 „ „ t 2852 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). The brown shading along the white median nervure less marked than in the others, *58i6 Bournemouth, v. 1885 (McRae). *58i8 *58i7 .. .. .. *58i5 .. » „ Leucania impudens Hub. =iiu6or\na. Hub. 6137 Askham Bog, York, vii. 1886 (Walker). 3576 1876 (Harwood). 3575 3573 3574 The body, wings, and fringes strongly tinged with pmk, 3578 1876 (Harwood). Ground colour of the wings pale grey, without reddish tinge. 2016 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2014 „ „ Pale greyish-ochreous ; conspicuously paler than all others except 3578. 17 6260 Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). $ ^ 6261 „ „ „ c? L 6404 Pokrofka, Turkistan, 1881-1886 j (Graeser's expedition). ^ J Var. obscurata Stand. = var. striata Dobrife. ' Glossy wainscot brown, coarsely powdered with dark grey ; conspicuous dark grey shading between the nervnres'. (Dobree). Leucania comma Linn. 4150 Beverley, 1S79 f- 407 496 497 1595 2418 405 406 1871 f. vi. 1872 f. „ t- vi. 1874 t, vii. 1875 f. All have the tiny black dot at end of discoidal cc.l which constitutes var. nigropuncta Tittt. Beverley, 1871 f- „ t- The costal and inner margins distinctly whitish. Konagria (Leucania) breviEinea Fenn. 5409 1883 (Salvage — taken by G. W. Bird). .5410 5223 3921 1882 (Mc Arthur). Wicken Fen, 1878 (Wheeler). [3921 and 3730 worn]. 3730 1877 (King). The short black basal line hardly visible, the form ' being, therefore, almost ab. sinelinea Farn. Cf. Barr., PI. 200, fig. ib, and South, I. PL 144, fig. 10. Leucania straminea Treit. 4288 Colchester, bred 1879 (Harwood). 4287 4286 5197 5198 4074 4075 4073 2017 2018 Lee, bred 1882 (Bower). Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). >) >> )i )j n JJ 1874 The specimens in the above series vary in size from 31 mm. (4.073) to 39 mm. (2017). Greenwich Marshes, vii. 1882 (Tutt). *5i86 *5i87 *5i85 Leucania i-album Linn. 930 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 929 „ „ „ 927 „ Leucania congrua Hub. 4792 Continent, it 4793 3o (Staudinger). DRAWER VI. Calamia phragmitidis Hah. Wed, E. Yorks., 1878 j- 3648 3649 3650 1609 1606 1608 1607 1613 1616 1610 1611 1614 „ t- „ t. Leven, E. Yorks., viii. 1874! u Soft unicolorous ochrecus, without the hind- marginal reddish tinge that is visible in the others of the series. Leven, E. Yorks., viii. 1874 f- t- t. t- t- t- 401 4585 400 1665 1666 1667 1669 1671 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1878 f. Leucania impura Huh. 1670 Beverley, 1882 f- 1880 f. 1882 t. Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1874 +. I ;; Beverley, 1874 f. ' All the above are of the common form, var. fuligosilia Haw. Wings m.arked with three tiny black dots placed triangularly. Beverley, 1874 f. Approaching ab. punctilinea Tutt. A continuous row of dots parallel to the hind margin, but the hind wings not dark^^r than usual. *5884 Beverley, vi. 1885 f. ♦5884a j> ?> 1 • *.5883 >> )> 1 * *5882 M JJ T* *588i Leucania pal lens Linn. 399 Beverley, 1877 t. 443 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. 1674 187^ |. 398 Forres, viii., 1871 f. 2485 Beverley, vii. 1875 i. 444 Weel, E. Yorks., 1883 f. 2484 Beverlev, vii. 1875 f. 1676 „ ' 1874 t 2482 Weel, E. Yorks., 1879 f. 2483 ,, • „ t. 1677 „ t- 3651 1877 t. j Labelled ab. ectypa Hiib., but hardly reddish enough for that variety, and without the dark grey shade along the hind margin of the hind wings. {Vide Tutt's ' Brit. Noctiue.') Senta maritima r«MscA.=ulvae Hub. 4457 German}.', 1879 (Staudinger). 4456 „ ' „ 19 3782 Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). 3783 4458 „ 1879 „ 1 4459 „ „ „ / Ab. bipunctata Hair. Both stigmata very conspicuous, rich dark brown ; a thin line of the same colour pro- jecting outwards from base of wing. Cf. Barrett, Plate 196, fig. 3b. 4787 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). Ab. wismariensis Schm. A central dark brown streak, gradually widening, running outwards from base of wing almost to the hind margin. Cf. Barrett, PI. 196, fig. 3c, and South, I. PI. 145, fig. 8. 5512 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Labelled ab. nigricostata Stand., but apparently nothing more than a slighter paler form of the following. 5107 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). \ 5108 „ „ „ j Ab. nigrostriata Staud. The costal region marked between the nervures with numerous longitudinal dark brown lines. Meliana flammea Curt. 2003 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2004 4454 „ 1879 4835 .. 1880 4836 4435 *4983 Sesamia cretica Led. 4837 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 2 2232 ,, 1875 (Haissen). q Sesamia nonagrioides Lef. 4850 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). ^ 4851 „ „ » ? Tapinostola fulva Hah. 1879 1881 (Kricheldorff). I5I7 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. il 576 f. ^ 2700 Bevei -ley ix. 1884 f. 2715 »> ,, f. 2718 ,, ix. 1876 +• 2716 ,, ,, f. 2717 ,, ,, f. I8IO ,, viii. 1874 j. 27II ,, ix. 1875 t. / 2713 „ ,, t- A fairly variable series, ranging through various tones of ground colour, from pale greyish-cchreous to light reddish-brown. Nooe rcscinbles iliibner's type apparently. Beverley, ix. 1875 f . 1 2714 ,, ix. 1884 t. '- 2712 2699 ■J Ab. fluxa Tred. Reddish brown ; nervures dusky. Tapinostola hellmanni Ever. 5232 1882 (RaynorK 5681 Cambridgeshire, 1883 ("Warren). 5682 20 4019 40i8 5231 5230 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). i882"(Raynor). Ab. saturata Stand. Ground colour reddish-brown. Cf. Barrett, Plate 198, fig. ib. [5231 has the leit wings badly sprung]. Nonagria neurica Huh. 5617 Cambridgeshire, 1884 (Warren). 3784 South Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). 3-785 „ ,. ,,' Tapinostola bondii Knaggs. 3279 Bathampton, Somerset, 1876 (Ross). 2853 Folkestone, 1875 (Meek^. 3276 1876 (Wittick). 4156 Folkestone, viii. 1879 (Blackall). 4153 ., 4152 4154 4155 ). Nonagria dissoluta Treit. 5616 Cambridgeshire, 1884 (Warren). Fore wings with a purplish tinge. 201 1 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2012 „ „ „ 2009 „ „ „ Coenobia rufa H aw. =6especia Treit. 5347 Forest Gate, London, 1883 (Boutteli). .5337 5335 ,. 5349 5345 5346 M 5345a „ 5332 5336 „ 5333 5334 5348 „ • Tapinostola elymi Treit. 934 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1881 t. 2432 „ „ t- 2435 V vi. 1875 +. 2439 ,, vii. 1879 t. 2438 „ „ f. 4613 ,, viii. 1880 t. 2440 ,, . vii. 1881 t. 4615 „ viii. 1S80 I. 4616 ,, ,, j. 2433 Weal, E. Yorks., 1879 f- *5574 Lincolnshire, bred iv. 1884 (Treadgold). 55/3 JJ J> J> yj Nonagria geminapuncta //a/c//.=paludicola Huh. 3916 Bred from pupa, Slioreham, 1878 (Salvage). Ab. pallida Tutt. Reddish-ochre"ous ; reniform stigma obliterated. 21 39i8 Bred from pupa, Shoreham, 1878 (Salvage). 3917 ,, ,. „ ., 3920 3919 „ ., ,, „ Ab. pallida-unipuncta Ttdt. Ground colour as above, but reniform stigma showing as one white dot. Cf. Barrett, Plate 195, figs. 2, 2a. 3913 Bred 1878 (Riding). Ab. obsoleta Tutt. Fuscous ; reniform stigma ob- literated. Cf. South, I. PI. 144, fig. 7. 5053 Environs de Berlin, 1882 (Kricheldorff). \ 5054 ., ,. » / Ab. guttans Hub. Fuscous ; reniform stigma showing as two white spots. 2035 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 1 2034 „ „ ,, V 2033 „ „ „ J Var. fu3ca-unipuncta Tutt. Fuscous ; reniform stigma showing as one white dot. Cf. Barr., PI. 195 fig. 2b. DRAWER VII. Nonagria nexa Hub. 2032 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2029 ,, ,, 2031 ,, ,, ,, 2030 Nonagria cannae OcAs.^arundinis H iib. 4083 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). ? 4085 0 4084 „ „ „ ? 4082 ,, ,, ,, c? 4081 ,, ,, c? 1278 „ 1873 ^ 1279 (? Nonagria sparganii Esp. 2005 Germany, 1874. (Staudinger). Ab. obsoleta Tutt. The central black lunule obsolete. 2008 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 5048 Environs de Berlin, 1882 (Kricheldorff). [The wings sprung]. 5047 Environs de Berlin, 1882 (Kricheldorff^). 5050 Hungary, 1888 (Staudinger). . Ab. obsoleta Tutt. [Badly greased]. 5051 Hungary. 1888 (Staudinger). No trace of the row of black dots parallel to the hind margin. 5052 Hungary, 1888 (Staudinger). 5515 Himgary, 1883 (Staudinger). 5049 „ 1888 Ab. rufescens Tutt. Ground colour reddish-brown. [The abdomen greased]. Nonagria typhae Thun. =arundinis Fab. 6481 Wicken Fen, bred from pupa, 1887 (Wilton^. 6485 6483 ,, M „ „ 22 2622 Wakefield, viii. 1875 (Wilson). \ 6482 Wickcn Fen, bred from pupa, T887 (Wilton)./ Intermediate between the type and ab. fraterna Treit. 6484 Wicken Fen, bred from pupa, 1887 (Wilton). 1 4Q73 Brighton, bred 188 1 (Salvage). 5729 Kent, 1884 (Salvage). J Ab. fraterna Treit. Ground colour brown, with a slight reddish tinge. Cf. Barrett, Plate 195, fig. ib. 5729 darker than the others. *;87i vii. 18S5 (Salvage). Calamia lutosa Hub. 2736 Weel, E. Yorks., x. 1884 f. Ab. crassicornis Haw. Three longitudinal dark shades. Cf. Barrett, Plate 199, fig. ib. 1839 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1874 f. 4966 „ „ X. 188 T t- 1371 I. .. i'*^- 1873 t- Ab. pilicornis Hmv. Greyish-ochreous, without the longitudinal dark shades, but with a transverse row of black dots. Cf. South, I. PI. 145, fig. 2. In this specimen, and in 1841, the row of dots has developed into an indistinct sharply-angulated line. 1842 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1874 f. ) 2737 ,, „ i-"^'- ^875 t- / Ab. crassicornis Hnw. 2735 Weel, E. Yorks., x. 188 1 j. 1840 „ „ ix. 1874 f. 1841 „ n „ t- 1843 „ „ „ t- Ab. cannae Steph. Like ab. pilicornis, but ground colour reddish -ochreous. Glottula (Brithys) pancratii Cyr. 5488 Central France, 1883 (Staudinger). ,^ 5486 „ ;, $ 5487 „ „ ? Agrotis cuprea Hah. 3806 Switzerland, 1877 (Staudinger). 5 3807 „ ,, ? 3808 „ „ ^ 3809 „ „ S Ground colour more uniform than in the preceding. Hydrcecia leucographa 5oyA.=borelli Pter.=lunata Frey. ?. 5094 South-East Hungary, 1882 (Staudinger). ^ 5093 „ ., ,. ■,^ ? Hydroecia zanthenes Germ. 5545 Sicily, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ 5544 „ „ „ 9 [The abdomen in very bad condition]. Goriyna ochracea i^«6.=fllavago Esp. 387 Newcastle-on-Tyne, ix. 1871 (Wassermann). 389 390 Sutton, E. Yorks., bred from pupa, ix. 1879 f. ^3 3401 Lewisham, 1876 (Kenward). 3400 ,, ,, „ -\ 3412 Hull, bred from larva, 1884 (Bonlt). | 3402 „ ,. „ „ ' j 2315 Rotterdam, 1875. j Var. flavago £s/5. = flavo-auratum Ttitt. Larger than the above ; ground colour golden-yellow. 3400 and 2315 darker in tone. Cf. Barr., PI. 193, fig. 2b. = } Var. flavagO [Wings at rest]. *49o8 Hull, 1881 (Potts). *56o7 „ vii. 1884 (Boult). Hydroecia nictitans £o^/^.=chrysographa Hiib. 384 Forres, viii. 1871 +. 385 „ „ t- Ab. rosea Tiiti. Ground colour red ; reniform stigma white. 2817 Beverley, bred 1883 •}•. Ab. auricula Haw. Ground colour dark reddish-grey ; reniform stigma yellow. 6744 South England, bred 1889 (Weir). Ground colour pale grey with no reddish tinge ; reniform stigma white. 6743 South England, bred 1889 (Weir). Ground colour pale grey with no reddish tinge ; reniform stigma yellow. 6344 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ) 6343 V „ „ „ j Ab. erythrostigma Haw. Reniform stigma red. In these the basal area is suffused with orange-red. 6345 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition).) 6735 Amurland, 1888 (Tancr^ — taken by Graeser). / Type forms, but with slight orange-red suffusion at base of wings. [6345 has left wings sprung]. 3593 Orillia, Canada West, 1875 (Norman). Approaching ab. rosea Tttit. 3594 Orillia, Canada West, 1876 (Norman). Ab. auricula Haiv. *5704 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). [Half grown]. *5703 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Hydroecia petasitis Doubl. 3233 Bury, viii. 1876 (Kay). 2609 Wakefield, bred from pupa, viii.-ix. 1875 (Wilson). 26c8 [Broken, and in very bad condition]. 2614 Wakefield, bred from pupa, viii.-ix. 1875 (Wilson). 2611 ,, ,, ,, J, 2612 ^ „ . . 2613 Bury, vni. 1876 (Kay). 5780 Amurland, 1885 (Staudinger). Var. amurensis Stand. The dark central band most conspicuous ; the lighter areas having a delicate violet gloss. ♦5254 Bavaria, 1883 (Staudinger). 24 DRAWER VIII. Hydroecia micacea £s/).=cypriaca Hub. 2727 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1876 f. Beverley, ix. 1877 f 2647 2648 3941 2728 3943 4651 3942 Brighton, 1883 (Salvage). Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1880 f. There is some variation in the depth of the ground colour, in distinctness of the darker shades, and in size, which ranges from 33 mm. (4651) to 43 mm. (2728). 3938 Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). Ab. lutea Ttitt. Ground colour pale reddish. — [Wings at rest]. Axylia putris Linn. 3857 Beverley, bred 1879 f. 3858 „ „ t- 3855 London, bred 1878 (Riding). 3859 3864 3860 3861 3866 3863 *5933 *5928 *5925 *5926 *5927 Xylophasia rurea Fah. Ely, viii. 1885 (Cross). Carmarthen, viii. 1885 ((Owen Wilson). 3i» 722 571 6468 570 571a 745 746 "5670 •=5602 "5600 Droylesden, v. 1872 (White). Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. Forres, vi. 1872 (Norman). \ Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). / The inner-marginal area more whitish than in the preceding. Cf. Barrett, Plate 179, fig. id. Forres, vi. 1872 (Norman). »» >» 0 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). J) >> j> Ab. combusta Hiife. All except the costa filled up with deep reddish-brown ; stigmata with pale outlines. 571a paler than the others ; 570 redder. Cf. Barrett, Plate -180, figs. I, la, and South, I. PI. 135, fig. 2. Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). Oldham, 1883 (Rodgers). Dorsal and sub-dorsal lines clear white. *56oi Oldham, 1883 (Rodgers). *52i7 Carmarthen, x. 1882 (Owen Wilson). Dorsal line yellow. Xylophasia lateritia /f^^/^^.=molochina Huh. 3079 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). $ 3080 „ ■ „ „ ^ 3081 „ „ „ ^ Cliffe, E. Yorks., vii. 187: Forres, 187 1 (Norman). Beverley, 1874 f. „" „ t- „ t- Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). lithoxylea Hub. 25 Rhizogramma detersa £s/).=petrorhiza Tieii.^comm& Hub. 3082 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2 3083 „ „ „ 5 3084 „ „ ,. ^ Xylophasia lithoxylea Fab. 564 564a 565 566 567 1571 1572 1573 *6ao8 *6oo7 Xylophasia sublustris Esp. 2874 1879 (Harwood). 2876 2877 3986 Bred 1878 (Harwood). 3984 3985 All agreeing with Barrett, Plate 176, fig. 3a, which form Tutt would apparently call ab. intermedia. Scotochrosta pulla Hub. 3500 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). (^ 3501 „ ,, „ ? 3502 ,, ,, ,, $ Xylophasia monoglypha i/{^/n.=polyodon Linn. 2535 Beverley, 1886 f. 6187 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). — Beverley f. Wings suffused with pale markings distinct. 2534 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1886 f. 425 Forres, viii. 1871 f. 6186 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). Ab. obscura Tuft. Wings suffused with brown ; markings indistinct. Cf. South, I. PI. 136, fig. 4. 2533 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1886 f. Ab. infuscata White. Wings suffused with black. Cf. South, I. PI. 136, fig. 5. 6478 Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). Ab. aetliiops Haw. Wings intense black ; markings entirely obliterated. *4253 Loughborough, 1879 (Wieldt). *54i9 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). [Half grown]. Xylophasia hepatica Hub. 4544 Beverley, vii. 1880 j. Beverley, vii. 1873 f. brownish-ochreous, but 1035 1034 4547 4546 4545 2422 2421 2506 3647 t- „ vii. 1880 f. „ t- „ t. Molescroft, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. „ t- „ vn. 1875 f. Beverley, vii. 1877 f. There is some variation in the amount of surface covered by the brown markings. [^^ J 26 *5693 Saxony, 1883 (Staudinger). *5'594 Paler and greyer. Xylophasia scolopacina Esp. 2599 Barnsley, viii. 1875 (Jackson). ■> 2600 „ ,, ,, 2601 Masborough, Derby, 1879 (Bloor). 2602 ,, ,, ,, ,, 541 1 1883 (Salvage). 5412 5413 . ., 2598 Barnsley, viii. 1875 (Jackson). 3711 n 1877 3714 There is a slight variation in the extent of brown shading in the wings. *6i22 London, vi. 1886 (Pearce). *6i2o „ „ „ *6i23 ,, ., „ *6l2I DRAWER IX. Dipterygia scabriuscula Lifn7.=pinastri Linn. 1181 Bred 1887 t. 1182 „ „ t. 1183 .. „ t. 1184 „ „ f. 1 176 1873 (Lulham). 1178 "75 1179 *5920 viii. 1885 (Harwood'. *59i9 *59i8 *59i7 *59i6 Xylomyges conspicillaris Linn. 2869 Loughborough, 1875 (Wieldt). ^ 2868 28 27 2977 2978 2979 2980 33 34 32 •=4268 *'3993 J Ab. intermedia Tutt. The inner margin and apex ochreous. Cf. Barrett, Plate 152, fig. 3a. Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 1876 Ab. intermedia Tutt. Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). Ab. melaleuca View. The whole costal region rich blackish-brown ; only the inner margin ochreous. A fine form. Cf. Barrett, Plate 152, fig. 3b. Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 27 Aporophyla australis Boisd. 3323 Bristol, 1876 (Spiller). ,$ 3320 Colchester, 1876 (Harwood). ^ 3324 „' ,. „ o 3319 „ „ „ 6 3321 „ „ „ $ 1914 Lewes, 1874 (Mond). $ Var. pascuea Curt. Smaller than the type (35 mm. as against 39 mm.) ; markings darker and most conspicuous : the common form found in Britain. 3433 Dalmatia, 1876 (Staudinger). $ 3432 „ „ „ S 2981 „ „ „ 2 2982 „ „ „ S An extreme form of the type. All the central portion of the wing taken up by the ashy-white ground colour. *566i Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). Rich reddish-brown ; markings lighter ; no trace of green. *5662 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). *50i6 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). 5086 „ „ „ o -^ 6552 Asia Minor, 1887 ,, ^ / Ab. ingenua Frey. Semi-melanic : dark blackish-grey ; markings obscured (42 mm., 38 mm.). Caradrina exigua Huh. 2983 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 4702 ,, 1880 ,, 4703 4705 4704 4442 „ 1879 6051 Dalmatia, 1885 ,, 6050 „ „ „ The colouring lighter. } givmg a washed-cut appearance Prodenia littoralis Boisd. 6536 Syria, 1887 (Staudinger). ^ 6536a „ „ „ 0 Ulochlaena hirta Hah. 4825 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4826 „ „ . „ • 4827 s s 6 4828 „ „ „ (J Neuria reticulata Ft7/.=saponariae Bork. 3172 Molescroft, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 f. ') 3192 Hunsley, E. Yorks., 1876 |. / Referring to these two specimens, Mr. Dobree wrote in a letter to Mr. Tutt, ' N. reticulata is so scarce in this part of the East Riding (Beverley) that I have never taken more than two ; but these still retain a decided vinous tinge, though taken five years ago.' The vinous tinge has now disappeared. 6451 Brighton, 1887 (Salvage). 6452 4206 Ripon, 1879 (Meldrum). 4208 „ „ „ ■ The space between the elbowed and subterminal lines unicolorous dull brown. 28 5080 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger^. 5081 ,, ' „ „ ' 6714 Kaschgar, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). $ '\ 6713 „ „ „ '.=tersa Huh. 4819 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). $ \ 4820 „ „ „ ^ j Ground colour reddish-ochreous ; markings indistinct. 4821 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). (J \ .4822 „ „ ' „ ? j Ab. tersina Stand. Soft whitish-ochreous, lightly shaded with darker ; two dark reddish-brown spots, one (triangular) before the orbicular stigma, and one (square) between the stigmata. 6538 Austria, 1887 (Staudinger). ^ 6539 „ „ „ S 6537 „ „ „ $ 4823 „ 1880 „ $ Var. dentimacula if Mi. = tri macula Hub. Ground colour purplish-grey ; three dark reddish-brown markings surrounding the very large stigmata, which would be otherwise indistinguishable from the ground colour. [6539 has the right fore wing badly sprung, and the left hind wing broken]. *6492 Austria, 1880 (Staudinger). ' Ep. dentimacula.' 29 Charaeas gram in is Linn. 4645 Norbiton, Surrey, 1880 (Ficklin) 4646 4648 4649 4647 4650 38 6049 6048 5489 "5149 "5147 "5148 Ab. rufa Ti<;< = tricuspis Hiib. (33-38 mm.). Dark reddish-brown ; stigmata yellow ; median nervure white and two-branched beneath the reniform. Cf. Barrett, Plate 151, fig. 2a. Forres, viii. 1871 |. § Ab. hibernicus Curt. Smaller (33 mm.) ; dull yellow- ish-brown ; stigmata and median nervure yellow ; the darker markings indistinct. Cf. Barrett, Plate 151, fig. 2C. South Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). ^J "| ? / Ab. tricuspis Esp. A very distinct form (30-32mm.). Almost uniform pale reddish-brown ; stigmata yellow, indistinct ; median nervure white, ex- panding largely under the reniform stigma. Turcomania, 1883 (Staudinger). (^ Var. megala Alph. (34 mm.). Resembles the last two, but the white markings are not so distinct. Lauder, Berwickshire, vii. 1882 (Turnbull). DRAWER Pachetra leucophaea View. 3073 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). X. 3075 787 786 6674 6673 3077 3076 784 *5996 ''6002 ''4675 1872 Asia Minor, iJ Germany, 1876 $ (52 mm.). J (40 mm.). 1872 There is considerable variation in the depth of the markings, 3073 and 3075 approaching ab. vestigialis Esp., being speckled with ochreous. Saxcny, 1885 (Staudinger). Germany, 1880 ,, CeEaena rrtatura i/^i/7?.=cytherea Fab. 430 Ipswich, 1872 (Long). 432 2752 4569 4567 4=:CS Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1881 f. Largely suffused with ochreou.-, appearance more uniform. Spurn, E. Yorks., \-iii. 1880 t- and the general 30 749 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). All the central area from costal to inner margin pale brownish-grey. 748 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 747 Small (33 mm. as against 42 mm.) ; almost mii- colorous dull brown. *6oii France, 1885 (Staudinger). *5473 Fraiice, 1883 ,, *658i Berlin, 1886 (Gleissner). Dianthoecia luteago Hub. 40?) Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). ^ 4025 „ „ „ / Var. argillacea Hub. A very distinct form. Ground colour dull yellowish-white ; the dark markings more distinct than in the type form. 4805 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4806 „ „ „ *5697 Austria, 1883 ,, ^ *5696 „ „ „ / Large for size of imago. [The colour gone]. Luperina testacea Hub. 2616 Weel, E. Yorks., viii. 1875 t. ] 5401 Brighton, 1883 (Salvage). V 5400 M „ „ j Ab. unca Haw. A longitudinal black mark between the transverse lines under the stigmata. 2617 Weel, E. Yorks., viii. 1875 f- Intermediate between the above and the following. 1386 Weel, E. Yorks. ix. 1873 f. ] 2618 ,, viii. 1875 t- - ~ 2619 „ „ t- J Pale greyish-ochreous ; almost unicolorous. 5399 Brighton, 1883 (Salvage). ] 1631 Leven, E. Yorks., viii. 1874 f. t 2620 Sligo, 1885 (Russ). 1 6169 „ 1886 „ .' Ab. nigrescens Tiitt. Dark brownish-grey ; markings indistinct. "Cf. Barrett, Plate 173, fig. le. "'5692 Austria, 1883 (Staudinger). [Half grown]. Luperina nickerlii Frey. 551 1 Bohemia, 1883 (Staudinger). <^ 5510 „ „ „ $ 65^8 „ 1887 „ $ 6527 „ „ „ 2 Luperina dumerilii Dup. . 5673 Continent, 1884 (Gerhardt). ^ 3002 „ 1876 (Staudinger). 9 [The wings badly sprung]. 6074 Granada, 1885 (Ribbe). (J Very small (27 mm. as against 34 mm.) ; ground colour white. Luceria (Luperina) vsrens Linn. 5481 Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). § 5480 „ „ „ c? *6625 Berlin, 1888 (Staudinger). 31 Epineuronia 4241 (Neuronia) cespitis Fah. Brighton, bred 1879 (Salvage). 4243 )> J) 4240 , 4245 4246 ' 4239 *6622 *6623 Aus :ria, 1888 (Staudingei ')• IVIamestra leineri Frey. 6640 Austria, 1888 (Staudinger 6641 ,, ., ,, 3449 „ 1876 )• ? } Nervures . maillardi 3450 „ „ „ 2 Var. pomerana Schulz. Hadena exulis Lef. Sunk as a variety of H stron in Dr. gly white. Staudinger 6504 6504a Icek ' Catalog,' 1 90 1 ind, 1887 (Staudingei J Ab. gelida Gnen. Like ab. groenlandica, but smaller (33 mm. ; 35 mm.). 4027 Iceland, bred from pupa, 1878 (Staudinger). Greyish-brown, with a distinct transverse band between the stigmata (42 mm.). 4026 Iceland, bred from pupa, 1876 (Staudinger). Ab. groenlandica Dup. Greyish-brown, powdered with white, but otherwise as the type (43 mm.). 6505 Iceland, 1887 (Staudinger). Ab. poli Giten. Small (34 mm.) ; stigmata distinct ; a series of white dots on the nervures before the sub- terminal line. 6506 Iceland, 1887 (Staudinger). Small (33 mm.) ; dark brown ; markings indistinct. 4028 Iceland, bred from pupa, 1878 (Staudinger). Very rich dark reddish-brown ; nervures whitish to beyond the reniform ; stigmata distinct and outlined in whitish (38 mm.). 4029 Iceland, bred from pupa, 1878 (Staudinger). As the preceding, but the nervures and stigmata only just distinguishable ; reniform stigma filled in with reddish .(39 mm.). 6507 Labrador, 1887 (Staudinger). "\ 6508 „ „ „ / Type form : brownish-grey ; an indistinct central dark band ; stigmata fairly distinct ; a row of dark brown wedge-shaped soots before the hind margin (40 mm.). 6591 Shetland, 1888 (Salvage). \ 5366 Unst, vii. 1883 (McArthur). j Large (48 mm. ; 42 mm.), and strongly marked with transverse yellow lines and bands. Cf. ' Entomolo- gist,' 1884, Plate I, figs. 5, 6, 7, and South, I. PI. 123, 6590 Shetland, 1888 (Salvage). ] [figs, i, 4. 5485 Rannoch, 1883 (Clark). [ 5484 „ „ „ I Ab. assimilis Doubl. Rich dark brown, with lighter transverse lines, and stigmata outlined in pale brown. (46 mm. ; 44 mm. ; 42 mm.). Cf. ' Entomologist,' 1884, Plate I, fig. 4, and South, I. PI. 123, fig. 3. 32 6151 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). ~\ 61.50 „ „ „ „ / Intermediate between the type and ab. assimilis (42 mm. ; 44 mm.). Cf. Barr., Plate 151, fig. la. Hadena arctica Frey. 2842 Orillia, Canada West, 1875 (Norman). $ 2840 „ „ „ „ „ ^ Pseudohadena (Luperina) immunda Ever. 6639 South France, 1888 (Staudinger). $ 6639a „ „ „ cj Hadena maillardi Hub.-Gey. 4807 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). ^ '\ 4809 „ „ „ (5 I Cf. Barrett, Plate 151, fig. ib, where the species is treated as a variety of Crymodes exulis. (But vide H. exulis ante). Pseudohadena (Luperina) chenopodiphaga Ramb. 4812 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 9 4814 M „ „ ? Hadena zeta Trert. 3843 Switzerland, 1877 (Tasker). ^ 3844 „ „ „ (? 6742 Switzerland, i889(Ruhl). ^ Var. pernix Hilb.-Gey. Semi-melanic, and much like H. maillardi, except that the general appearance is more uniform. DRAWER X9. Mamestra abjecta Hub. 4593 Spurn, E.Yorks., viii. i 4592 4594 4599 4596 4597 459S 4044 4043 3504 3505 !i t viii. 1886 + t t J. t- t- Germany, 1S78 (Staudinger '.! 1876 All the above specimens belong, more or less, to the form called by Mr. Tutt ab. unicolor : ' brownish- grey, with an ochreous tinge, and with no distinct markin-rs.' Mamestra sordida 5orA.= anceps Hub. 4140 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f- 4141 3632 2526 2525 2522 2523 2524 2521 2520 2527 Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1877 f. Brighton, 1885 (Salvage). yr J» J» Hartlepool, vii. 1875 (Robson). Molescroft, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f". „ t- ; Beverley, vi. 1875 t. There is a slight variation in the depth of the brown markings, 2526 being the darkest. 33 Mamestra albicolon Hiih. 4144 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f. 4142 „ „ f. 4145 4587 4588 2450 2449 2452 2453 2454 2455 t- viii. 1880 f. » t- VI. 1875 t- ., t. ,, t- „ t- „ t- „ t- There is a slight variation in the depth of the ground- colour and markings of these specimens. Mamestra brassicae Linn. 437a Beverley, bred 1877 f. -, 437 „ „ t- [ 438 „ „ t- ( 436 „ „ t- j Ab. albicolon Steph. The common form in Britain : stigmata and subterfninal line distinctly marked in yellowish- white. 6333 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). \ 6334 „ „ „ „ J Var. decolorata Stand. A very distinct variety. Ground colour pale brownish-ochreous ; reniform stigma white, filled in with ochreous ; all the stigmata outlined in black, the claviform stigma being thereby rendered very distinct ; a grey shade beyond the subterminal line, which is only slightly lighter than the ground colour. *536o Beverley, viii. 1882 f. Light brown. *536i „ „ t- Dark brown. Beverley, ix. i{ "4909 •=4630 {:} Pale reddish-brown. *5362 Beverley, viii. 1882 f. Light yellowish-brown. *5943 Beverley, ix. 1885 f. Bright green. *5359 Beverley, viii. 1882 f. ' Olive-green. *5633 Beverley, ix. 1884 f. Bright green. Mamestra furva Huh. 3389 Ayton, Berwickshire, 1878 (Buglass) 3390 „ „ „ „ 3391 3665 3666 6550 6551 1879 J) )> )> )) The markings not so distinct as in the Continental type form below. Turcomania, 1887 (Staudinger). ) )> )) )) J Large (43 mm.) ; apparently Guenes's furva = var. ochracea Tutt. Ground colour pale brownish- ochreous ; markings distinct. C 34 2936 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2937 2938 2939 „ „ Mamestra persicariae Linn. 1505 Bred vi. 1874 (Harwood). 1502 „ „ 1499 „ „ 1509 „ „ 1501 „ „ [Wings at rest] 3787 Saxony, 1877 (Staudinger). $ \ 3786 „ „ „ (J j Ab. unicolor Stand. A nielanic form : reniform stigma entirely filled in with brown ; wings suffused and markings indistinct. ' A common Continental variety.' (Dobree). *52o8 Beverley, ix. 1882 f. Rich reddish-brown. *5659 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). \ *566o „ „ „ / Pale reddish-brown. *4945 Greenwich, 1881 (Tutt). \ *4946 „ „ „ / Green. Apamea basilinea Fah. 3419 Gateshead, 1876 (Hedworth). 3417 „ ,. » 328 Beverley, vi. 1877 f. 3418 „ 1883 t. 3418a „ „ t- 4589 „ 1880 f. 3419a Gateshead, 1876 (Hedworth). 6773 Hartlepool, bred 1889 (Gardner). Small (35 mm.) ; darker, and with a faint purplish tinge. ' A very scarce local variety.' 4767 Canada, 1875 (Norman). \ 4768 „ „ „ / Labelled ' Had. finitima, Canada, ? spec. Danv. ? ' In his diary Mr. Dobree remarks, ' Is this not our basilinea under climatic influences ? What is the larva like ? ' The two specimens certainly have the appearance of being a finely-marked variety of basilinea, with ground colour purplish-grey, and darker central transverse band. [4768 has the left hind wing broken]. Helotropha leucostigma Huh. 5397 Brighton, bred 1883 (Salvage).^ 5132 Ely, 1882 (Raynor). 1236 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 3484 M 1876 Var. fibrosa Hub. Deep reddish-brown ; reniform stigma ochreous in 5397, 5132, and white in 1236, 3484, the nervures forming a white forked line at its lower extremity ; a pale ochreous band parallel .. ;^ to the hind margin. Cf. Barrett, Pfate 191, fig. ib. 35 ^ 3591 Canada, 1875 (Norman). \ 3590 „ „ „ / Like the above, but ground colour dark brown, with no trace of red. In his diary Mr. Dobree remarks of these : ' Helotropha reniformis— the American form of A. fibrosa.' 5133 Ely, i882(Raynor). The type form : almost unicolorous dark reddish- brown ; reniform stigma yellow. 3633 Norwich, vi. 1887 (Wheeler). Ab. albipuRcta Tutt. As the type, but reniform stigma white. 5134 Ely, 1882 (Raynor). "\ 3482 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). / Type form. 3592 Canada, 1875 (Norman). As the type, but ground colour deep brown, with no trace of red, and not quite so unicolorous. In his diary Mr. Dobree remarks : ' The American form of A. leucostigma.' 6359 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition) ^ \ 6360 „ ,, ^^ ■'^^ ' "^j The type form, but small (34 mm., 31 mm.), and slightly duller than 5133. Apamea gemina Hah. 4134 Beverley, 1879 f. -^ 4935 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1886 f. / Intermediate between ab. intermedia and ab. remissa. 4934 1881 (Salvage). Ab. remissa Treit. The small basal patch, inner margin, and space between the reniform stigma and subterminal line pale ochreous ; claviform stigma as in ab. intermedia. Cf. Barrett, Plate 182 fig if 4590 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1886 f. ") 4136 „ vii. 1886 f. \ 4933 Hull, 1881 (Boult). J Ab. intermedia Tutt. Claviform stigma represented by a longitudinal black streak between the transverse Imes. Cf. South, I. PI. 131, fig 8 2530 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1886 t. 4135 Beverley, 1879 f. 5901 „ vii. 1885 t- 1 — J [Wings at rest]. 1233 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). As the type, but ground colour warm brownish-grev. *5i79 ,. 1882 (Staudinger). • DRAWER XII. Apamea pabuEatricula Bm/7m=connexa Bork. 2552 Masborough, Derby, 1875 (Bloor). 2553 2554 ^-555 „ ,'! 1879 25.56 „ 2557 >) )) , 36 2558 Masborough, Derby, 1879 (Bloor). 2559 >> >> »i » 2560 „ „ „ „ 2561 Sheffield, 1875 (Doncaster). 2562 „ „ „ 2563 „ ,. ,. • Apamea unanimis Treit. 4659 London, bred 1880 (Pratt), 4661 „ „ M 4658 3883 Weal, E. Yorks., bred 1884 f. [The left hind wing broken]. 3885 Weel, E Yorks., bred 1884 f. 3884 » .» t. 3886 „ „ t. 1241 5325 *4954 bred 1883 f. 1881 f. [Named by Mr. W. Buckler"!, *5648 Weel, E. Yorks., x. 1884 t. ^5647 t- ♦4270 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). Apamea ophiogramma Esp. 2924 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2925 2926 2927 2920 2928 4475 4471 4472 4473 4474 4470 1879 Apamea secalis 5/g;'^. =didyma £^s/). = oculea Guen. 613 Beverley, vii. 1872 j. \ 614 t.J Ab. nictitans Esp. Brown, reticulated ; no central band. Cf. South, I. PI. 132, fig. 9. 616 Beverley, vii. 1872 j. Intermediate between the above and 619. 619 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. Didyma ksp. Reddish-brown, banded ; a longitudinal black streak below the stigmata. Cf. South, I. PI. 615 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. [132, fig. 7. OculeaGwew. Greyish-oclireous ; costa and hind margin dark. Cf. Barr., PI. 183, fig. ij, and South, I. PI. 6188 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). [132, fig. II. Intermediate between ab. nictitans and oculea. 6170 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). Ab. furca Haw. Warm reddish-brown ; the costa and hind margin black. Cf. Barrett, Plate 183, fig. le. 617 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. Ab. I-niger Haw. Pale yellowish-grey, banded ; a black streak below the stigmata. 620a Beverley, vii. 1872 \. Didyma Esp. Ground colour slightly paler than in 619. : 37 620 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. Dark, blackish-brown, approaching ab. lugens Haw. 618 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. Almost unicolorous dark reddish-brown, approaching ab. rufa Tutt. [Wings at rest], *5i8o Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Miana strigilis Clerck. 456 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. "I 456a „ „ t- I 457 ., .. t- 457a ). >. t- J Suffused melanic forms. Cf. Barrett, Plate 186, fig. li. 458 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. ) 458a „ „ f. / Ab. aethiops Haw. Unicolorous black, with slight gi-een- ish tinge. Cf. Barr., PI. 186, fig. ig, and South, I. PI. 6172 Sligo, 1886 (Russ) 6171 539 Cliffe, E. Yorks., vii. 1872 f. Small (23-25 mm.) ; 469 Beverley, viii. 1876 f- 469a „ „ t- 470 ,» .. t- 470a „ „ t- 470b „ „ t- *649i Bavaria, 1887 (Staudinger). ♦6205 France, 1886 ,, Miana fasciuncula Haw. 2471 Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f [134, fig. 16. suffused brownish forms. 2476 2475 2473 2474 2472 3175 3176 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 245 244 t „ t „ t n t „ t vi. 1876 t- Ab. pallida Tutt. Pale ochreous ; the central fascia indistinct, and only slightly darker f^an the ground colour. Cf. Barrett, Plate 186, fig. 2b. Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. I876 f- vi. 1875 t- M t „ ■ „ t „ t „ t Droylesden, v. 1872 (White Miana bicoloria VUl. =furuncula Treit. 4618 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f. '\ Middlesex, 1876 (South). I Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f. j 1881 f. ] Ab. furuncula Hiib. The basal half reddish-brown ; outer half ashy-grey. Cf. Barrett, Plate 187, fig. i. Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f. Ab. pulmonariae Dup. The basal half pale reddish ; outer half as type. 3255 4617 3258 4619 38 Cf. Barrett, Plate 187, Cf. Barrett, 3262 Hartlepool, 1876 (Robson). A suffused form of the tj^pe. fig lb. 3254 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1881 f. Suffused uniformly with greyish-ochreous. Plate 187, fig. li. 3256 Middlesex, 1876 (South). Var. rufuncula Haw. Unicolorous reddish-brown. 3257 Middlesex, 1876 (South). Labelled ab. vinctuncula Hub., but not a good ex- ample of that form, the ' fine, black, transverse line ' bounding the central fasc'a being inconspicuous. 4622 Spurn, E. Yorks., 188 1 f. ) 3259 Holme, E. Yorkshire, vii. 1876 f. J Small (19 mm.) ; very pretty mottled forms. 4621 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f. Slightly paler than 3254. 6199 New Holland, Lines., 1886 (Boult). Slightly darker than 3254. 6277 Denmark, 1886 (Staudinger). \ 6276 . „ „ „ i Var. insulicola Stand. Very pretty mottled forms, something like 4622 and 3259. Ground colour very pale ochreous, the markings of 6276 darker. Miana onychina Herr-Sch. Sunk as a variety of the following species in Dr. Staudinger's 'Catalog,' 1901, 5674 Continent, 1884 (Gcrhardt). 5754 South Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). 5535 Heligoland, 1883 (Staudinger). Miana literosa Haw. =erratricula Gtten. 229 Forres, viii. 1871 f- 4555 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. i 880 t. 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 1 — iy\ 1 lyings at rest]. Petilampa (Hydrilla) arcuosa Hm £J. 1542 Beverley, vii. 1874 |. 1543 » 1879 t. 1544 „ t- 1545 „ t- 1548 vii. 1877 f. 1012 + 1482 „ t- 1549 vii. 1874 f. 1550 1878 t. 1547 vii. 1879 f. 1546 vii. 1882 t- 1546a „ t- 832 . „ t- 39 5193 Beverley, vii. 1882 f. Small (22 mm.), and with the dots of the first line joined together by curved lines. Miana (Phothedes) captiuncula Treit. - ? The entire wing-surface suffused wth pale brown ; markings indistinct. 2901 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). $ \ 2902 „ „ „ $ I 2904 ,, „ „ S \ 2903 „ „ „ > M >) o 2905 „ „ „ $ 2906 „ „ „ ^ Paler brown than the others. Celaena haworthii Curt. 4289 Bred 1879 (Harwood). 4290 4292 „ „ 4291 5520 5519 2933 2932 2934 2935 2931 752 753 Of a very much paler reddish-brown than the Con- tinental specimens below. Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). >) >> >> Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 1872 Grammesia trigrammica Hufn.=it\\\ne2i Huh. 1527 Kingston, Surrey, vii. 1874 (Lulham). Ab. evidens Bork. Ground colour ochreous. Molescroft, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 f. 1875 t. 3174 2428 2427 2426 1528 478 t- t- Kingston, Surrey, viii. 1874 (Lulham). Beverley, 1871 f. Ab. semifuscans Haw. Basal half of wings pale grey ; outer half, from the medium line, smoky-grey. Cf. Barrett, PI. 222, fig. la, and South, I. PI. 151, fig. 2. 40 49 1 8 Brighton, (Salvage). 4919 „ 4920 „ 4921 „ Ab. bilinea Hub. Entirely suffused with dark smoky- grey ; the median transverse line obscured. Cf, Barrett, Plate 222, fig. ib. ♦6498 Austria, 1887 (Staudinger). DRAWER XIIK Segetia viscosa Frey. 3548 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3549 „ „ „ Hydrilla palustris Huh. 4047 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). \ 4326 „ 1879 „ [^ UVJ4^ rvips, 1000 ,, 6643 „ „ „ i $ $ (22 mm.-24 mm.). 4713 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). \ 4325 „ 1879 „ L 4048 „ 1878 4714 „ 1880 „ J S S (30 mm.— 33 mm.). Hydrilla gluteosa Treit. 6052 Hungary, 1885 (Staudinger). $ 6053 „ „ „ c? (The left fore wing chipped]. Caradrina lenta Treit. 4330 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). $ 4328 „ „ „ $ 4329 „ „ „ (J 4327 „ „ „ >^=tenebrosa Hah. 3197 Rannoch, 1879 (Salvage). 2466 3200/ 3199 3198 Ab. obscura Tutt. Unicolorous blackish-brown, but the costal spots persist in all except 3199. Cf. Barr., 3202 Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 t- [PI. 216, fig. ib. . 3201 ' „ „ f. 3203 „ „ f. 2465 Aberdeen, vi. 1875 (Carpenter). 2589 „ vii. 1875 *6487 Hartlepool, xi. .1887 (Gardner). *6486 *6oo9 Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). DRAWER XIV. Agrotis obesa Boisd. 4037 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). ^ 4036 „ „ „ ? 43 4038 Asia Minor, 1878 ,, ^ Var. seytha Alph. Ground colour whitish, and the markings consequently more distinct ; hind wings entirely white. (Marked ' var. albidior ' in Mr. Dobree's diary). Agrotis fatidica Hah. 6066 Central Alps, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ 6065 „ „ „ ^ • 4815 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). ^ Agrotis vestigialis i?oi;^.= valligera Huh. 2458 Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. 4^03 ,, viii. 1886 f. 4604 ,, „ t- 4503 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). ^ 4502 „ „ „ / Ab. sagittiferus Haw. Ground colour dark grey. 4600 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1886 f- 1649 ,, vii. 1874 f. 126 „ 1883 f. Suffused with brown ; the markings obscured ; ap- proaching ab. nigra Tutt. 6434 Sligo, 1885 (Russ). 5339 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1883 f. 9 \ 5340 „ „ t- c? i [Wings at rest]. 1650 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1874 f. Ground colour soft fawn ; the wedge-shaped spots very distinct. ♦4985 Berlin, 1881 (Kricheldorff). [The colour gone]. Agrotis graslinii Ramh. 4039 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). $ 4040 „ „ ,, s Agrotis trifurca Ever. 6695 Amurland, 1888 (Tancr^ — taken by Graeser). ^ 6694 „ „ ,. d^ . All the wings much darker than in the preceding. Agrotis issykula Stand. Sunk as a variety of A. multicuspis in Dr. Staudinger's ' Catalog,' 1901. 6696 Issyk-Kul, Turkistan; 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). $ 6697 .. .. .. .' cj Agrotis spinifera Huh. 6073 Granada, 1885 (Ribbe). (^ Agrotis puta Hah. 1722 Guernsey, ix. 1874 |. 1721 „ „ t- 1720 „ „ t- 1719 „ „ t- 1725 „ „ t- Lighter grey than the other six y 5- 1728 Brighton, 1883 (Salvage). 1729 „ „ ,, 1726 ,, ,, ,, 1727 1723 Guernsev, ix. 1874 t. 1718 „ ' „ t- 1724 ,, „ t- 44 Agrotis ypsilon Rott. =suffusSL Hub. 3352 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1876 f. 3351 „ „ „ t- 3351a ,, „ „ j. 3352a „ „ „ f. 6766 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 6765 Sligo, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 3291 Canada, 1875 (Norman). » 6391 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). - $ I [Wings at rest]. Agrotis saucia Hub. 2729 Guernsey, 1875 (Luff). 2665 1875 (Harwood). 2666 ,, ,, 2667 2668 2730 Bathampton, Somerset, 1875 (Ross). 3289 Canada, 1875 (Norman). 3288 Ab. ochrea-costa Tuti. Blackish-grey with ochreous costa. Cf. Barrett, PI. 135, fig. i, and South, I. PI. 104, fig. 9. 3290 Canada, 1875 (Norman). *542o Britain, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). Agrotis segetum Schiff. 2430 Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f- Dark blackish-brown ; the markings indistinct. 4943 Shetland, 188 1 (Salvage). $ Ab. subatratus Haw. Black, with hind-marginal row of pale spots. 4944 Shetland, 1881 (Salvage). $ Ab. nigricornis V ill. = nigTicornutvLS Haw. Unicolorous black. [The abdomen badly greased]. 4128 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f. 1804 Guernsey, ix. 1874 f. 6402 Turkistan, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). (J Var. pallida Stand. A very distinct form. Uniform pale whitish-brown ; stigmata of the same colour but outlined in pale brown ; (34 mm.). [The left hind wing damaged]. 6403 Turkistan, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ Var. pallida. Not quite so uniform ; reniform stigma filled in with dark grey ; (39 mm.). 6223 Turkistan, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ Var. pallida. Tike 6402, but with some faint indica- tions of the transverse markings ; (39 mm.). *53i6 Beverley, bred from ovum, viii. 1883 f. *53i5 » ,. >, t- *53i6a „ „ „ t- *4984 Germany, 1881 (Kricheldorff). Agrotis exclamationis Linn. 4129 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f* — $ Suffused with blackish-brown ; orbicular stigma in- distinct. 45 — ? Ab. rufescens Tutt. Ground colour reddish-brown, darker than c? q. 4132 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 |. $ Ground colour reddish-brown ; all the stigmata run together to form one large dark-brown blotch. Cf. Barrett, Plate 127, fig. if. 4857 Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). $ Ab. plaga Steph. Reniform and orbicular stigmata joined to form one blotchy streak. 4133 Beverley, 1874 (Bishoprick). $ As 4132, but ground colour and blotch duller. 4132a Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f. ^ As 4857 ; claviform stigma intensely dark. 4131 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f- c? \ — Si All the stigmata separate and very distinct. Orbicular stigmata obsolete. 4130 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1879 f. (J \ — S J Ab. rufescens Tutt. Ground colour pale reddish- brown ; claviforna stigma intensely dark. *4986 Germany, 1881 (Kricheldorff.) Agrotis fennica Tausch. Of this species one specimen was said to have been taken in England about 1850, and none has ever been taken here since. The two females in this collection were probably the first ever brought to England, and until Herr Louis Graeser bred these from larvae found in Eastern Siberia, the difference between the male and the female seems to have been unknown to scientists. (See Mr. Dobree's article in the ' Entomologist," December 1887, where, how- ever, the habitat is wrongly given as ' Western Siberia.' This mistake is repeated on p. 376 of Barrett's 'Brit. Lep.' Vol. III., and on p. 84 of Tutt's 'Brit. Noct.', Vol. II.). 6322 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition) ^. 6321 „ „ „ „ S 6324 „ „ „ „ ? 6323 » „ ,. .. ? [The abdomen badly greased]. Agrotis conspicua Hub. 6384 Turkistan, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ 6383 „ „ „ ? 3837 Western Siberia, 1877 (Staudinger). $ 3838 „ „ „ cJ 3840 „ „ „ $ 3839 ,, ,, „ $ 46 DRAWER XV. Agrotis trux Huh. 6225 Sicily, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ 512 1 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). $ 5122 „ „ „ s 6226 Sicily, 1886 (Staudinger). $ Ab. terranea Frey. A very distinct form. Ground colour yellowish-brown or reddish-brown ; markings indistinct ; claviform stigma absent ; hind wings of $ $ whiter than in the' type form. 5045 Switzerland, 1882 (Kricheldorff). ^ Claviform stigma large and very conspicuous. 2216 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). ^ 4818 „ 1880 „ $ 5046 Switzerland, 1882 (Kricheldorff). 9 Suffused with brown ; the markings indistinct. 2217 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). (J ) 2215 „ „ „ c? / Orbicular stigma pale greenish-white, claviform stigma dark reddish brown ; both very conspicuous. Agrotis simplonia Hub.-Gey. 4487 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). (^ 4488 „ „ „ ? 4490 „ „ „ 6 4489 „ „ „ ? Agrotis lunigera Sieph. Sunk as a variety of A. trux in Dr. Staudinger's ' Cata log,' 1901. 6605 Isle of Wight, 1888 (Hodges). ^ 4157 „ 1879 (Riding). ^ 4159 „ „ „ ? \ 4158 „ „ „ ? i Intermediate between the type and ab. sufFusa. 6606 Isle of Wight, 1888 (Hodges). $ Ab. suffusa Tidt. Ground colour blackish-grey. 5538 Switzerland, 1883 (Staudinger). 9 Rich brown ; orbicular stigma large, irregular in shape, and very conspicuous. Agrotis corticea Hub. 2581 Canterl my, 1875 (Parrj^). 2583 „ „ „ 2582 5969 Brighton, 1885 (Salvage). Suffused with blackish-brown from the base to second line ; beyond this paler. 5971 Brighton, 1885 (Salvage). Ab. brunnea-virgata Tutt. Suffused with dark brown from base to subterminal line ; beyond this pale yellowish-brown. Cf. Barrett, Plate 126, fig. ic. (But the contrast is greater here than in the figure). 2585 Canterbury, 1875 (Parry). Ground colour pale whitish-brown, and markings much lighter than in the type. Cf. Barrett, Plate 126, fig. id. 2584 Canterbury, 1875 (Parry). f Larger than all the others (41 mm.). As the type, but the thorax much crested with ashy-white. 47 597° Brighton, 1885 (Salvage). Ground colour blackish-grey ; basal area and the ner- vures whitish-brown ; approaching ab. venosa Tutt. 1052 Forres, bred 1873 (Norman). Ground colour pale whitish-brown ; stigmata very distinct ; costal region dark brown. 6348 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ Costal region suffused with dark blackish-brown ; orbicular and reniform stigmata indistinct. (?) var. obscura Frey. ♦6488 Austria, 1887 (Staudinger). Agrotis cinerea Hah. 3376 Brighton, 1876 (Salvage). Ab. pallida Tutt. Ashy-grey ; the transverse median shade obsolete. Cf. Barrett, Plate 126, fig. 2 b. 3377 Brighton, 1876 (Salvage). 3378 3384 »> i> » 3383 „ „ " \ 4936 „ 1881 „ J The dark median shade extended along mner margm towards the base. 3692 Brighton, bred 1877 (Salvage). 3691 3690 „ „ „ I 3693 .. .. » / , , , , The dark median shade takes up almost the wnole space between the first and second lines. ♦6443 Bred from ovum, viii. 1887 (Salvage). *6444 „ » » *6445 ,, „ „ Agrotis cursorsa Hufn. 3248 Ipswich, 1877 (Wheeler). \ 4573 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f. J Intermediate between the type and 5365. 4572 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 t. 4579 .' " t- Brown, darker than the type. 4578 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 t- Ab. mixta Fab. Very pale whitish-grey ; markings fairly distinct. 4574 Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f- \ Ab. OChrea Tutt. Yellowish-brown ; the orbicular and reniforrri stigmata, median nervure, and costal streak paler. Cf. Barrett, Plate 129, figs, ib, id. 6179 Shgo, 1886 (Russ). \ 6178 „ „ „ J Brown forms, darker than the type. 5365 Unst, vii. 1883 (McArthur). A very pretty form, strongly resembling the Forres forms of A. tritici (555, 556). Ground colour reddish-brown, but the two upper stigmata, costal streak, median nervure, and clouds along the hind margin and inner margin pale ashy-grey. Cf. ' Entomologist,' 1884, Plate i, fig. 3. 5341 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1883 f- Ab. ochrea. [Wings at rest]. 5342 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1883 f- Type form. [Wings at rest]. *5570 X. 1883 (McArthur). [Colour gone]. 48 Agrotis nigricans Ltnn.=^umosa Hah. 1685 1684 1682 4580 5403 2771 2270 5402 Leven, E. Yorks., viii. 1874 t. „ t. ■ „ t. Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f. Brighton, 1883 (Salvage). Ab. striata Tutt. Ground colour pale yellowish- brown ; transverse lines and stigmata ochreous ; beyond the second line the nervures ochreous. Shetland, bred from pupa, 1886 (Salvage). \ Canterbury, 1875 (Parry). J Ab. rufa Tutt. Ground colour pale reddish-brown ; reniform stigma ochreous. Canterbury, 1875 (Parry). *6oo6 *6oo5 Agrotis tritici Linn. 5390 Spurn, viii. i Brighton, 1883 (Salvage). Parallel forms to ab. striata Tutt, but ground colour fairly dark greyish-brown. Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). 3 t- t- ,, viii. 1880 f. Deal, 1886 (Tutt). ) „ „ „ / Groundcolour slaty-grey, tinged with brown ; costal streak undeveloped. ' Taken in the proportion of about 5 per cent.' 6i8oa Deal, 1886 (Tutt.). 555 Forres, viii. 187 1 f. 1888 (Salvage). Ab. vitta Hub. Ground colour purplish-brown, with costal streak, margins of stigmata, median nervure, and space between the second and the subterminal line whitish. Cf. Barrett, Plate 131, fig. ib. Spurn, E. Yorks., viii. 1880 f- As the preceding, but all the markings have a decided brown tinge, and the costal streak is rich creamy- white. Canterbury, 1875 (Parry).-, " ,,).(_ ;; :; :: J Labelled ' var. aqiiilina Hiib.' The first three of these have the ground colour yellowish-brown, 2776 being almost unicolorous ; 2773 resembles the t}rpe form, but is slightly suffused. 5389 4583 6180 6181 556 4581 2775 2776 2774 2773 Agrotis ripae Huh. 1654 Spurn, E. Yorks. vii. 1874 f. 2442 viii. 1879 f. 1653 t. 1655 t- ?44i t- 2446 vi. 1875 f. [Named by Mr. Henry Doubleday]. Ground colour yellowish-brown, with the transverse markings well developed ; the submarginal row of wedge-shaped spots strongly developed in 1654. These arc ap- parently ab. brunnea Tutt. 49 2444 Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. 2447 ,, „ f. 1656 „ viii. 1879 t- Ground colour much paler, and markings indistinct. 6543 Sarepta, Soutli Russia, 1887 (Staudinger). (J'\ ^■542 „ „ „ SI Var. desertorum Boisd. Pale greyish-white with slight ochreous shading ; reniform stigma darker ; in 6542 the transverse markings practically obsolete ; hind wings pure white. ♦5640 Ely, ix. 1884 (Cross). 3487 Germany, 1876 (.Staudinger). S 1 3485 „ ' „ „ c?/ Var. weissenbornii Frey. A most distinct lorm. Ground colour pure white ; stigmata outlined in dark reddish-brown ; a sub-marginal row of dashes of same colour. In 3487 these markings are only just discernible. *6503 South Germany, 1887 (Staudinger). • Agr. weissenbornii.' Agrotis recussa Hub. 4S01 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 2 4803 „ „ „ ? 4804 „ „ „ S 4802 „ ., „ ^ Agrotis obelisca Huh. 3387 Ayton, Berwickshire, 1876 (Buglass). "j 3388 ■ „ „ „ „ I. 3385 „ „ ,. „ I 6609 Isle of Wight, 1888 (Hodges). j Ground colour rich purplish-brown, with paler costal streak. (?) var. hastifera Donz. 6608 Isle of Wight, 1888 (Hodges). Ab. grisea Tutt. As the preceding, but with a greyish tinge. Cf. Barrett, Plate 133, fig. ic. I3°3 Germany, 1873 (Staudingf^r). ^ 1304 M ,, „ I 3479 „ 1876 „ j 3478 „ „ . „ ) The Continental type form : ground colour reddish- brown, with ochreous costal streak. 6038 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). Exactly similar to the British forms preceding. 6037 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). Var. hastifera Donz. Ground colour deep vinous black, with slightly paler costal streak. 3481 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger) 6040 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). 6039 „ Var. villiersii Guen. Larger than type (40 mm.) and paler, with a greyish tinge. 6041 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ 6042 ,, ,,,,}- 1269 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). J Ab. ruris Hub. Reddish-grey as the preceding form, but the pale costal streak obsolete. 50 DRAWER XVI. Agrotis renigera Hub. I 3i'^ 6072 Swiss Alps, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ f^ 5i *4^ V--i •-% [Does not agree with Kirby's description of the species], Agrotis signifera Fah. 4477 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). $ 4479 „ „ „ $ 4478 ,, ,, ,, S 4476 „ „ „ (? Agrotis forcipula Huh. 4507 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). $ 4508 „ „ „ (? Agrotis agathina Dup. 3656 ■ Forres, bred 1877 (Norman). 3655 „ „ y, 3654 „ ,, „ ■ 3653 „ „ „ 6471 Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). 6470 *6424 Perth, vi. 1887 (Anderson). *6425 *6426 ,, ,, „ ♦5832 Scotter Common, Lines., v. 1885 |. Very beautiful examples of the art of preserving larvae, the green colour and white markings remaining perfect. Agrotis erythrina Ramb. 6548 Central France, 1887 (Staudinger). $ 6549 „ „ „ i » " 3906 ,, ,, ,, >j » *5852 vi. 1885 (Hughes). *5849 Agrotis candelisequa //zi6.=sagittifera Hilb. 6637 Austria, 1888 (Staudinger). $ 6638 „ „ „ ^ 4293 Continent, 1879 (Graeser). ^J *66i7 ,, ,, „ Agrotis helvetina Boisd. 5279 Switzerland, 1883 (Staudinger). $ 4504 Germany, 1879 ,, $ 4505 „ >. .. cj Agrotis sollers Stand. 5549 Turcomania, 1883 (Staudinger). 9 Agrotis lucipeta Fab. 3049 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). ^ Agrotis obscura Brahm^rayMsi Hub. 4606 Spurn, E. Yorks. viii. 1886 f. 4607 „ „ t- 4609 „ „ f. 2586 Beverley, vii. 1875 f . 1339 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). Intermediate between the type and the following. 1340 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). Ab. obducta Esp. The reddish costal streak obsolete. ♦6573 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Agrotis simulans Hufn. 1273 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). $ 1271 „ ' „ ,. ? 1272 „ „ „ (J Agrotis fugax Treit. 608 Guernsey, viii. 1872 (Luff). ^ 6545 Austria, 1887 (Staudinger). $ 6544 „ „ .. ? . Ground colour darker than in the preceding. Agrotis birivia Hub. 6247 Switzerland, 1886 (Staudinger). $ 6248 „ „ „ $ [The right fore wing much broken]. Agrotis grisescens Treit. 6547 Alps, 1887 (Staudinger). (^ A dark central band across the wing. 6546 Alps, 1887 (Staudinger). $ Agrotis decora Hub. 6031 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). 5 6032 „ „ ,, ^ Agrotis iucernea' Linn. 3663 Ayton, Berwickshire, 1877 (Buglass). 3662 „ „ „ „ 3^64 „ „ „ „ 52 6760 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). \ 6768 „ ,, „ „ / Var. renigera Steph. Melanic : uniform dark brown ; 6768 the more extreme form. Cf. Barr., PI. 136, fig.3b. 6767 North "Wales, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). Ground colour greyish-brown, paler than the type. 6670 Dalmatia, 1888 (Staudinger). ~\ 6671 „ „ „ / Var. dalmata Staud. Very fine varieties. Ground colour glossy whitish-brown ; 6671 slightly the paler. In his ' Catalog,' 1901, Dr. Staudinger suggests the possibility of this form being a distinct species. *5i53 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). ) *4688 „ 1880 „ / Dark reddish-brown with yellowish markings. Agrotis nictymera Boisd. 6222 Castile, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ Labelled ' Sp. Darw." and differing from the speci- mens of A. lucernea above only in the ground colour, which is of a soft yellowish-brown. Agrotis alpestris Boisd. 6230 Zurich, 1889 (Riihl). ^ 6227 Switzerland, 1886 (Staudinger). 9 6228 „ „ „ O 6229 ,. „ „ „ ^ Agrotis latens Hub. 6244 Saxony, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ 6036 Central German)^, 1885 (Staudinger). $ 6035 M „ „ c? 6243 Saxony, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ Agrotis elegans Ever. 6220 Central France, 1888 (Staudinger). $ 6221 „ „ ' „ 6 Agrotis ocellina Hah. i 6235 Switzerland, 1886 (Staudinger). $ 623^^ „ „ „ O ^^237 ., „ „ c? ' ' 6238 „ „ „ 3 Agrotis fimbrioia Esp. 6232 Hungary, 1886 (Staudinger). 9 6234 „ „ „ O . t>233 „ „ „ ^ 6231 » „ „ 6 J. '< DRAWER XVII. Agrotis multanguia Hub. 6241 Hungary, 1886 (Staudinger). $ 6239 „ „ » c? 6240 „ „ „ ? 6242 „ „ „ (J 53 Agrotis rectangula Fab 4799 4800 4799 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). \ Var. andereggii Boisd. Ground colour dark purplish- brown : a melanochroic form of the type. Agrotis polygona Fab. 6246 Austria, 1886 (Staudinger). \ 6245 >, „ ,, ' / . Ground colour and markings of a warmer brown tint than in the following. 3759 Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). 5758 Agrotis anachoreta Herr.-Sch. 5278 Caucasus, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ 5277 „ „' ., 3 Triphaena cliardinyi Boisd. 3756 South Russia, 1877 (Staudinger). ^ 3757 „ .. „ ? Triphaena linogrisea Schiff. 3455 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). ^ 3456 „ „ „ 5 3457 M » ,, ? - c? - S - ? ♦6574 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). *5556 Leipzic, 1884 (Heyne). Triphaena orbona Hufn. =subsequa Hub. 6595 Forres, 1888 (Salvage). "| 6596 „ „ „ I 3752 Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). j 3754 „ „ „ J Ab. subsequa Hub. Ground colour reddish-brown ; darker than any of the following. Cf. Barrett, Plate 138, fig. 3a. 3753 Germany 1877 (Staudinger). 3755 798 Germany, 1872 ,, 2220 ,, 1874 ,, \ 2221 ,, ,, ,, / [The abdomina greased]. 2222 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). Triphaena janthina Esp. 634 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. 2633 „ viii. 1875 j. 2564 3988 Bred 1878 (Harwood). 5082 Asia Minor, 1882 (Staudinger). \ .5083 „ „ .„ j Ground colour paler and thickly dusted with bluish- grey atoms along the costal region to beyond the reniform ; this most pronounced in 5082. 6687 Ziirich, 1888 (Riihl). Small (33 mm.) ; the hind-marginal area beyond the reniform stigma strongly suffused with bluish grey. ♦5826 V. 1885 (Salvage). *5825 *5824 54 *5827 V. 1885 (Salvage). *3953 Sheffield, 1878 (Doncaster). Triphaena fimbria Linn. 2492 Bred from pupa, vii. 1875 (Harwood). ~\ 2493 ,. „ n / The yellowish-brown type form. 2495 Bred from pupa, vii. 1875 (Harwood).') 2499 ,, ,, ,, L 1 2497 „ ,, ,. \ 2496 ,, ,, ,, J Ground colour olive-green in different shades. *5684 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). [Young]. *58o2 Kent, v. 1885 (Williams). *=58oi . ♦5804 Perth V. 1885 (Lawson). *58o5 V. 1885 (Harwood). Triphaena interjecta Huh. 2503 Stanstead, 1875 (Spiller). 1744 Bred 1883 (Salvage). 1745 1746 2505 Bred 1883 t. Less reddish and duller than any other of the series. 1743 Bred 1883 (Salvage). 1747 ♦5807 V. 1885 (Harwood). *58o6 *58o9 *58o6a „ „ Triphaena comes Huh. =:orbona Fah. 3349 Beverley, bred from larva, 1S76 f. Almost unicolorous soft yellowish-drab, with a slight reddish tinge. 4137 Bristol, 1879 (Mann). Pale reddish-brown with the stigmata and transverse lines dark : apparently the type form. 515 Beverley, 1871 f. ) 3348 ,, bred from larva, 1876 f- i Ab. grisea Tittt. Dark grey, almost unicolorous. 3571 Beverley, 1876 (Cherry). Varied with dark and light grey ; stigmata darker. 3350 Beverley, 1875 (Bishoprick). Pale grey with stigmata darker ; the first and second lines very distinctly marked, and consisting of a series of wave-forms, each rounded towards the middle of the wing. 6566 Isle of Lewis, bred from larva, 1887 (McArthur). As 3349 in ground colour, but with a more decided reddish tinge, and with most conspicuous stigmata, dark reddish-brown edged with pale. ' One of a series of eighteen which were mostly like this, and with dark stigmata ; one was like 3571.' (MS. note in Mr. Dobree's diary). 3496 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). Large (46 mm.) ; a very soft fawn-colour, unicolorous. 55 ^ *543i Britain, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). . *5437 *5438 [The skin badly eaten by mites ; as a result the brown wool stuffing exposed. 3630 Forres, vii. 1877 (Norman). Ab. rufescans Ttttt. Reddish-brown ; reniform stigma slightly darker. Cf. ' Entomologist,' 1889, Plate vi., fig. Bi, and Barrett, Plate 139, fig. la. 3628 Forres, vii. 1877 (Norman). ■^s 3571, but general tone darker. 6593 Forres, 1888 (Salvage). A melanic form of the preceding : a slight reddish tinge along the costa ; hind wings completely filled in with smoky-black, leaving only the fringe yellow. 1072 Forres, bred 1877 (Norman), l 1070 ,, ,, ,, 6592 „ 1888 (Salvage). J Var. curtisii Newm. A ver^^ distinct form. Deep blackish-brown with broad red shade along the costal region. Cf. ' Entomologist,' 1889, Plate vi., figs. Ci, C2, and Barrett, Plate 139, fig. id. The hind wings largely suffused with black scales, especially in 6592. 3629 Forres, vii. 1877 (Norman). Ab. nigrescens Tutt. Black ; transverse lines and I edges to the stigmata pale. Cf. ' Entomologist,' i _ ■■ 1889, Plate vi., fig. Di, and South, I. PI. 115, fig. 8. The hind wings strongly suffused with black scales. 6594 Forres, 1888 (Salvage). ^ 3631 „ vii. 1877 (Norman). J Ab. nigrescens Tutt. Almost unicolorous black. Cf. ' Entomologist,' 1889, Plate vi., fig. D2. The 1 1 hind wings of 3631 almost completely suffused with black scales. 1071 Forres, bred 1877 (Norman). ) ' 1073 „ „ „ / As 3629, but smaller (36 mm. ; 34 mm.), and with costal region tinged with pale reddish-brown. The hind wings of 1071 slightly suffused with black. Note. — In the Collection the label ' V. curtisii Newm.' is made to apply to all the .specimens from 3630 to 1073 inclusive. Only the three noted above are, however, thfe true var. curtisii. Triphaena pronuba Linn. A sub-ab. of innuba, with ochreous costal streak, Ab. innuba Treit. Unicolorous dark blackish-brown. A sub-ab. of innuba, with darker spaces before and after the orbicular stigma. ~\ / Ab. rufa Tutt. Reddish-ochreous, almost unicolorous. Fore wings largely suffused from the base outwards with pale purplish-grey. 5b *5233 Oldham, xii. 1882 (Rodgers). *5432 Britain, 1883 (Watkins and Doncastcr). *52i9 Carmarthen, x. 1882 (Wilson). *4633 Derby, xii. 1883 (Hutchinson). DRAWER XVIII. Agrotis candeEarum 5/a^^^. ^candelisequa Hah. 221 1 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). Almost unicolorous, with the large stigmata showing slightly paler than the ground colour, and with thrci^ dark costal spots. [The left hind wing slightly broken] . 2214 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2212 2213 *5449 South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Dull brown, with sub-dorsal rows of dark purplish wedge-shaped spots. Agrotis ashworthii DouU. Whether this insect is entitled to specific rank is doubt- ful. Mr. Dobree says : — ' It is generally admitte.i to be merely an illustration of the melanism, so commonly occurring in Britain, of common Con- tinental species, and by no means entitled to rank as a separate species ' (Letter to Mr. Tutt). This makes it an insular variety of the preceding specie.^, and certainly, notwithstanding the remarks of Barrett (Vol. III., page 384), the resemblance between the two forms is striking. But the larvae as here represented are distinct. 6755 North Wales, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 4542 Bred 1880 (Meek). 4543 3715 1876 (Jackson — came from Gregson). *5566 1884 (McArthur). *5565 „ ,, *454i 1880 (Meek). Colour and markings as the preceding, but the dailc spots much squarer in shape. Agrotis chaldaica Boisd. 6656 Siberia, 1888 (Staudinger). ^ 6655 „ „ „ ? Agrotis depuncta Linn. . 724 Forres, viii. 1871 f. 727 „ „ t- 726 „ „ f. 6763 Sligo, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). Ground colour paler, and without the red tinge of th;^ other specimens. 5490 Central France, 1883 (Staudinger). '^ 5491 „ „ „ / Ground colour paler than the Forres form above, but with the same reddish-brown tinge. 57 6669 Asia Minor, 1888 (Staudinger). Var. pontica Stand. Darker than any of the preceding ; ground colour greyisli -brown, with a purple tinge. *500i Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Noctua augur Fah. 251 Droylesden, 1872 (White). 3658 Beverley, 1877 -f. 6762 North Wales, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 6761 Sligo, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). Much darker than the preceding, and the fore wings of a different shape — the costa straighter and the hind margin much rounded. 5338 Beverley, 1883 f. [Wings at rest]. *6i28 Beverley, v. 1886 f- *6i29 ,, ,, t- *5457 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). [Noctua haruspica Grotei Labelled ' North American ? sp. darwinii ? ' Mr. Butler says of this species : ' G. haruspica, thougli very closely allied to G. augur, differs in being constantly much darker and larger.' These specimens are larger than those of N. augur (47 mm. as against 39-42 mm.), but not so dark as 6761 above, and, allowing for the difference in size, the two species seem identical. In Dr. Staudinger's ' Catalog,' 1 90 1, the form appears under Agrotis augur as var. haruspica Grote. 5967 St. Catherine's, Canada West, 1875 (Norman). 5966 ,, ,, „ „ Noctua signum Fab. =sigma Hah. 4831 Germanv, 1880 (Staudinger). $ 4832 „ ■ „ „ ? 4830 „ „ „ 6 4829 „ „ „ S *4677 Noctua leucogaster Frey. 5762 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). $ 5763 » „ „ c? Noctua plecta Linn. 4100 Lancashire, bred from pupa, vi. 1879. 4103 „ „■ 4101 „ „ „ 4104 „ „ „ 3164 Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 f. [Wings at rest]. 6401 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^\ 6400 „ „ „ „ ?[ 6249 Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). ^) Var. glaucimacula Graes. Ground colour dark pur- plish-brown, without the reddish tint of the pre- ceding specimens. Cf. Barrett, Plate 141, iig. 2d. *592i Carmarthen, viii. 1885 (Wilson). i *5922 *5923 *5924 „ „ „ *526i Saxony, 1883 (Staudinger). 58 Noctua flammatra Fab. 5562 Gloucester, 1884 (Marsden). 5561 „ ,, ,, 1230 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). Almost unicolorous, except for the dark basal streak, and another before the orbicular stigma. 123 1 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 3046 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3045 5084 Russian Turkistan, 1882 (Staudinger). Ground colour paler than that of any of the preceding, but otherwise much resembling 1230. Noctua collina Boisd. 5770 Silesia, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ 5769 „ „ „ $ Noctua c-nigrum Linn. 646 Forres, vii. 1872 (Norman). 645 691 Molescroft, E. Yorks., 1873 f. 2723 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1875 |. 1664 Spurn, E. Yorks, vii. 1874 f. 1662 6366 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). \ 6367 „ „ „ „ 1 6365 „ „ „ „ •' Ab. suflusa Tutt. Ground colour deep purplish- black, extreme in 6367 ; the hind wings of 6168 and 6365 also darker than in the type. [The left fore wing of 6365 sprung]. *6oo3 Central Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). *5i58 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Noctua ditrapezium Bork. 4236 Brighton, bred 1879 (Salvage). 4237 Much resembles 3506, but the costal streak is distinctly reddish. 4235 Brighton, bred 1879 (Salvage). 4226 Colchester, bred 1879 (Harwood). 4227 1229 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 3509 „ 1876 „ 3508 3506 „ „ „ \ 6390 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition)./ Fore wings suffused with purplish-black ; parallel forms to 6367 of the preceding species ; the mark- ings of 6390 brighter than those of 3506. ♦5263 Saxony, 1883 (Staudinger). *6ooi Central Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). Noctua triangulum Hufn. 4655 London, bred 1880 (Williams). 4653 4656 4657 648 Beverley, bred 1880 f- 2805 „ „ t- 3214 Holme, E. Yorks., vii. 1876 f- / All the specimens in this series are ab. Sigma Haw.= intermedia Tutt. Ground colour reddish : the common British form. 59 6686 Zurich, 1888 (Riihl.). Larger (42 mm. as against 37-39 mm.). *4634 Beverley, ix. 1884 f. [Half grown]. *5i55 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). *5379 Brighton, bred 1883 (Salvage). Noctua fuscostigma Brem. 6387 Wladiwostock, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ Strongly resembling the preceding species, and ap- parently a form of it with a strong vinous tinge over the whole area of the wings, and with the markings indistinct. Larger than the British specimens (42 mm.). Noctua margaritacea Vill. 5509 Central France, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ 5507 M „ ,. 2 5508 „ „ „ c? Noctua glareosa £:s/).=hebralca Hah. 3407 Clevedon, 1887 (Mason). 4182 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). 4181 3411 4185 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). ) 6764 „ „ „ „ / Ab. rosea Tutt. Ground colour with a reddish tinge. 6604 Shetland, 1888 (Salvage). ) 6152 „ 1886 (Salvage's expedition). J Var. edda S/aK(?. =suffusa Tutt. An intensely melanic form : wings suffused witli deep brownish-black. Cf. Barrett, Plate 141, fig. ib (where the transverse pale lines are, however, too distinct), and ' Ento- mologist,' 1884, Plate L, fig. i (where the hind wings are too white). DRAWER XIX. Noctua castanea Esp. 4205 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). 4201 „ „ „ „ 4204 „ „ „ „ 4202 „ „ „ „ 4203 „ „ . „ The type form : dark red. Cf. Barrett, Plate 148, fig. 2a, and South, I. PI. no, fig. 3. 1326 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). \ 510 Forres, viii. 1871 f. J Ab. laevis Haiv. An intermediate form :. grey, thickly dusted with red atoms. 3284 Bathampton, Somerset, 1876 (Ross). \ 3283 „ „ „ J Var. neglecta Hub. The more usual pale greyish form. 509 Forres, viii. 187 f. As the preceding, but ground colour a darker grey. ♦6422 Perth, vi. 1887 (Anderson). \ *6420 „ „ „ / [Three-fourths grown]. ♦6421 Perth, vi. 1887 (Anderson). *6423 6o Noctua brunnea Fah. 4548 Beverley, bred 1880 f. 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 2361 3681 *64i5 *5262 *6oo4 ♦6417 *4955 J All the above specimens are ab. lucifera Esp. Groiind colour purplish-brown. ITunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. Ground colour delicate purplish-grey, and the markings very distinct. Beverley, bred 1882 t. London, v. 1887 (Williams). [Half grown]. Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Central Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). London, v. 1887 (Williams). 1735 2778 4874 Noctua primuiae Esp. =festiva Huh. 562 CHffe, E. Yorks., vii. 1872 t.\ Grantham, 1874 (Walpole). / Primuiae Esp. Yellow- ochreous spots well developed. Dunecht, Aberdeen, 1875 (Carpenter).) Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). / Intermediate between the preceding form and following. 720 Forres, ix. 1872 (Norman). Ab. ignicola Herr.-Sch. Pale yellow- ochreous ; the markings indistinct. 4873 Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). Approaching the following form, but more unicolorous. Carniola, 1885 (Staudinger). the quadrate dark the 6064 6063 } Labelled ' Var. transiens,' and so recorded in Mr. Dobree's diary. Finely marked forms : deep reddish- ochreous, with basal and hind-marginal areas pale rosy-grey. 6063 has the quadrate dark spots, 6064 not. 6159 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition), Semi-melanic : suffused with blackish-brown, and shaded with grey. 5207 Labrador, 1879 (Couper). Very much like 6064, but without the ocheous tinge in the central area. ♦4956 London, 1881 (Williams). [Half grown]. ♦6418 London, v. 1887 (Williams). *5237 Oldham, 1882 (Rodgers). ♦6419 London, v. 1887 (Williams). Noctua conflua Treit. Sunk as a variety of the preceding species in Dr. Staudinger's ' Catalog,' 1901. 6166 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). Blackish-grey, with lighter shades ; the quadrate spots marked. ^ ; 6i 6163 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). ~\ 6164 „ „ „ / Dark brown, with the quadrate spots well developed. i Cf. Barrett, Plate 146, fig. if. 6162 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition), "j 5649 Unst, 1884 (Salvage — taken by Curzon). I I „ 1883 (McArthur). J Var. thulei Stand. Reddish-brown variegated forms. Cf. Barrett, Plate 146, fig. id., and South, I. Plate 113, fig. 10. 6165 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). Suffused with dark red. Cf. Barrett, Plate 146, fig. ib. 6160 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). ) 6167 „ „ „ / Reddish-brown forms, more uniform than those above. Cf. Barrett, Plate 146, fig. i. 6177 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). Var. borealis Zett. Greyish-brown ; markings distinct. Cf. Barrett, Plate 146, fig. ic. 6161 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). Suffused with light brown ; stigmata entirely obsolete. 6062 Lapland, 1885 (Staudinger). A form parallel to 4873 of the last species, but smaller (29 mm. as against 34 mm.). Noctua dahlii Hnb. 728 Newcastle, Staffs., vii. 1872 (Earl). Deep yellow-ochreous, with purplish-brown markings. 4174 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). Dull purplish-brown ; the markings indistinct. 715 Forres, 1872 (Norman). ^ 4172 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). j Dark purplish-brown ; reniform stigma fairly distinct ; the other markings indistinct. Cf.Barr.,Pl.i44,fig. ib. 4175 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). 4177 Ochreous-brown ; markings indistinct. 4176 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). Purplish-brown, mottled. 6320 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). 6319 } A fine, large, distinct form (40 mm.). Deep yellow ochreous, with purplish transverse markings ; the hind-marginal area purplish-brown. 6317 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). Another large form (44 mm.). The markings not so bright as in the preceding. 6318 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). A third large and magnificent form (44 mm.). Suffused with dark purplish-brown, markings indistinct ; much resembling 715 and 4172, but more unicolorous. Noctua subrosea Steph. 4531 England, 1S79 (Staudinger). (^ 5292 Hungary, 1883 „ $ 5288 „ „ „ $ 5291 ,, ,, ,, o 5287 „ „ ,, S 5290 „ „ „ ^ 1324 Continent, 1873 ,, (^ Var. subcaerulea Stand. Very distinct frcm the reddish-brown type ; ground colour ashy-grey, , ■ slight h^ tinged with brownish-red. 62 Noctua florida Schmidt. 6034 Saxony, 1885 (Staudinger). 5 ^033 „ „ „ (? Noctua punicea Huh. 4843 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 1878 4041 4042 •=5464 *5462 1883 Pale reddish-brown. Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). Dark purplish-brown. [Half grown]. Recorded as ' var. obscura/ [Neither of these agrees with Kirby's description of the larva]. Noctua rubi Tigix'. = bella 5or^. 4164 Isle of Wight, 1879 (Riding). 658 Bred 1885 (Harwood). 660 . ,, ,, 661 „ „ 659 *6ioi London, v. 1886 (Pearce). Dark olive-green. *6ioo London, v. 1886 (Pearce). \ *6o99 „ „ „ J Pale olive-green. Noctua sobrina Giien. 4167 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). 4166 „ „ „ „ 3231 Rannoch, 1876 (Robertson). Approaching var. gruneri as showing the same ashy- grey dusting, but in a less marked degree. Central France, 1883 (Staudinger). \ Livonia, 1885 (Staudinger). / Var. gruneri Guen. Ground colour thickly dusted with ashy-grey atoms, especially in the basal half of the wings. Noctua umbrosa Hah. 1084 Beverley, viii. 1881 f. 3722 „ „ t- 3724 ,, 1882 t- 1582 „ 1884 t- 3346 Weel, E. Yorks., 1882 f- Noctua baja Fah. 2625 Stanstead, 1875 (Spiller). 2631 Kingston-on-Thames, 1879 (Windybank). '\ 2630 „ „ „ „ „ / 5534 5779 Ab. grisea Tutt. Without the ferruginous tinge of the type form. Cf. South, I. PI. 114, fig. 8. North Ireland, i88g (Salvage's expedition). Fine large (43 mm.) type form, but the fore wings slightly darker than in the others. 2628a North Ireland, '1889 (Salvage's expedition). 503 Forres, viii. 1871 -f. „ t. North America, 1885 (Staudinger). \ » M J Indistinguishable from 506 above (58 mm.). Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). London, vi. 1886 (Pearce). Saxony, 1887 (Staudinger). . 2628 506 5795 5796 *546i ♦6438 ♦6489 63 Noctua stigmatica ////&. =rhomboidea Treit. 1832 Stanstead, 1874 (Spiller). \ 1834 „ „ „ \ 3344 Bathampton, Somerset, 1876 (Ross). J Apparently ab. tristigma Steph. Matches in colour the dark purplish-brown of N. brunnea ab. lucifera. Cf. Barrett, Plate 143, fig. 2a. 4847 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). \ 4848 „ „ „ / Very much like the preceding, but with a slightly redder tinge. *62io Central German)', 1886 (Staudinger). Noctua xanthographa Fah. 512 Forres, viii. 1871 f. Blackish-brown ; reniform stigma fairly distinct. 4170 Beverley, 1882 f Uniform light red ; reniform stigma pale yellow. Cf. Barrett, Plate 148, fig. ic. 3355 Beverley, 1876 f. ~1 4169 Innerhadden, Kinloch, 1879 (Salvage). \- 513 Forres, viii. 1871 f. j Reddish-brown, almost unicolorous. 3356 Beverley, 1876 f. ^ 3357 » ' 1878 t. - 3358 „ „ t- J Grey type forms. 4171 Beverley, 1879 \. \ — Unst. / ; Ab. nigra Tutt. Semi-melanic : suffused with blackish - grey. *5823 v. 1885 (Harwood). *4958 London, xi. 188 1 (Williams). *4628 London, x. 1880 (Russell). *582i v. 1885 (Harwood). 6679 Asia Minor, 1888 (Staudinger). Var. elutior [Alph.]. Large (38 mm..) ; reddish-grey, almost unicolorous. Apparently also Tutt's ab. rufescens. 5569 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). \ 5570 Sicily, 1883 „ / Var. cohaesa Herr.-Sch. Large (39 mm.) ; almost unicolorous dark grey ; in 5570 the ground colour minutely dusted with ochreous. *5447 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). ' Agr. cohaesa.' DRAWER XX. Pachnobia leucographa Huh. 4088 Bathampton, Somerset, bred 1879 (Ross). 3603 „ „ bred 1877 3604 „ „ „ „ \ 3602 „ „ „ „ / Ground colour a brighter red than that of the ethers in the series. 4716 Bathampton, Somerset, bred 1880 (Ross). 4715 » » ,) „ 3476 3475 914 913 "5680 "5679 64 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). '\ >> >> j> I 1872 „ r >> >> )) ' Of a darker purplish tinge than the British specimens preceding. I.eipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt).. Pale purplish-red. [Three-fourths grown], Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). Green. Taeniocampa munda Esp. 2283 Houghton, E. Yorks., 1877 f. "\ 2281 „ „ „ f. / Ground colour strongly ochreous. 2282 Houghton, E. Yorks., 1877 f . 1415 „ » » t- 2266 „ ,, bred from ovum, iv. 1875 f . 2265 „ „ „ „ 1418 „ „ 1877 f. 1417 .. » 1874 f. 1419 „ „ „ t- Ab. immaculata Stand. The subterminal black spots ob- solete. Cf. Barr., PI. 212, fig. 2e. and South, I. PL *5i42 Strood, vi. 1882 (Ovenden). [158, fig. 12. [Half grown]. *6204 Central Germany, 1886 (Staudinger). "''5244 Saxony, 1883 (Staudinger). *6204a Lee, 1887 (Bower). Taeniocampa gothica Linn. 961 1428 1429 7 4086 4867 4864 4865 4866 5794 ^557» "5442 ^5577 Sligo, 1885 (Russ). Ab. brunnea Tutt. Ground colour deep reddish-brown. Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 f. Ab. rufescens Tutt. Ground colour lighter than in the preceding. Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 f. Beverley, iii. 1872 f. Rannoch, 1879 (Salvage). " Var. gothiclna Herr.-Sch. Ground colour ferruginous red, with the ' gothica ' mark red, and indistinct in all except 4865 and 4866. Cf. Barrett, PI. 208, figs. I, lb, and South, I. PI. 155, figs. 9, 10. Beverley, bred v. 1884 f. Derby, 1883 (Hutchinson). Beverley, bred v. 1884 f- Pachnobia rubricosa Fab. 2276 London, bred 1878 (Etheridg.). 280 Forres, v. 1872 (Norman). ] Ab. mucida Esp. Purplish-brown, thickly du.sted with slaty-grey, especially along the costa. 1422 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 f. 2298 London, bred 18;; 8 (Etheridge). Ground colour red, almost unicclcrcus. 65 2275 London, bred 1878 (Etheridge). 2277 „ „ „ 2279 „ 1423 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). ♦5868 Ely, vi. 1885 (Cross). [Half grown]. *5867 Ely, vi. 1885 (Cross). *5866 „ Taeniocampa incerta Hufn. =\nsia.b\\is Esp. 1425 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 j. Instabilis Hub. Dark reddish-brown, with a darker central band. II Beverley, bred from pupa, iii. 1872 f. Ab. angusta Haw. Dark blackish-grey ; stigmata plainly outlined, subterminal line bordered inwardly with reddish-brown. 15 Beverley, bred from pupa, iii. 1872 f. ~| 72 ,, iv. 1872 t- / Paler than the preceding specimen, and with an in- distinct central band. 274 Forres, v. 1872 (Norman). \ 1424 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 \.j Var. contacta Esp. Dull reddish-brown ; stigmata plainly outlined. 4899 Scotland, 1881 (Salvage), 'j 4900 ,, ,, ,, / Instabilis JFah. Whitish-grey forms. Cf. Barrett, Plate 211, fig. ig. 6588 Forres, 1888 (Salvage). Ground colour pale brown, with a very conspicuous dark central band. Cf. Barrett, Plate 211, fig. ih. 6589 Forres, 1888 (Salvage). Pale ochreous-brown ; almost unicolorous. 6030 Rannoch, 1885 (Salvage). Ab. fuscata Haw. Small (33 mm.) ; dull brownish- black ; subterminal line and edges to the stigmata pale. ' Salvage says it is the only one he has ever taken. He has submitted it to Dr. Staudinger, who says it is true "fuscata"' (MS. note in Mr. Dobree's diary). Cf. South, I. PI. 157, fig. 6. *4256 Loughborough, 1879 (Wieldt). Taeniocampa opima Hub. 1456 Bred iii. 1874 (Harwood). \ 145.5 1458 1453 1452 14 j. Bred 1871 (Harwood) Ab. brunnea Tutt. Deep brown ; subterminal line and outlines of stigmata pale. Cf. Barrett, Plate 2TO, fig. 2c, and South, I. PL 157, fig. 10. 145 Bred 1871 (Harwood). 147 1454 Bred iii. 1874 (Harwood). 1457 .. " ♦5605 vi. 1884. ♦5604 ,, *56o3 *56o6 66 Taeniocampa populeti Treit. 141 Bred 1872 (Harwood). 1459 Bred iii. 1874 (Harwood). 1460 „ „ 1461 „ 1876 3089 „ „ 3090 „ „ 4939 Rannoch, 1881 (Salvage). ^ 4937 .. » » I 4938 „ „ » J Ab. ocularis Frey. A subterminal row of 6, 7, or 8 black spots. Cf. Barrett, Plate 210, fig. ib. *5593 Tenbury, vi. 1884 (Decie). "| *5594 „ .. .. I *5595 „ » .. I *5596 „ „ „ J [The colour not well-preserved], Taeniocampa stabilis View. 1433 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 -f. 16 Beverley, iii. 1872 f- 1438 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874!. 1437 » .. » t- Ab. pallida Tutt. Ground colour pale grey. 19 „ „ t- ■ Intermediate between the preceding and following forms. 21 Beverley, iii. 1872 j. \ 1439 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 f. J Stabilis Hub.=Ya.v. suffusa Tutt. Ground colour dark grey, powdered with brown scales. Cf. Barrett, Plate 209, fig. 2c. 20 Beverley, iii. 1872 f . More variegated, and the space behind the subterminal line pale yellowish-white. — Sligo. Ground colour rich brown, thickly dusted with darker scales. [Wings at rest]. *5874 vii. 1885 (Salvage). . *5875 *5875a „ Note. — 1438 and the Sligo specimen have the orbicular and reniform stigmata j oined, and are thus Haworth's ab. juncta. Taeniocampa gracilis Fab. 2263 Bred 1875 (Harwood). 2262 ,, . ,, 149 Bred 1871 ,, 1479 London, 1874 (South). 1480 ,, ,, „ 3183 Houghton, E. Yorks., 1876 f- ■ 5985 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1885 (Ribbe). "^ 6353 Turkistan, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition), j Var. pallidior Stand. Ground colour paler and clearer, and sparsely covered with minute black atoms ; markings indistinct. 6352 5984 67 Turkistan, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). \ Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1885 (Ribbe). j Ground colour as type, but thickly covered with minute black atoms. [Abdomen of 5984 greased]. New Forest, 1886, bred from larva 'found feeding on'' Myrica gale ' (Harwood). 6311 6433 6314 6312 6310 6313 6427 6428 6429 6431 6432 6430 „ „ , ,. .. ^. . Ab. rufescens Cock. A fine series of a most distmct form. Ground colour red, ranging from an intermediate tone in the first two of the series through clear light red in 6314 to dark purplish-red in the last three of the series. In 6310 and 6313 the claviform stigma is distinct, and in 6312 the orbicular stigma is reduced to a small dot. ' These specimens were shown at the Entomological Society, January, 1887. They seemed to be known, but none present could give any direct information. Warren, however, had never met with them. To Porritt they were quite unknown.' (MS. note in Mr. Dobree's diary). Cf. Barrett, Plate 213, fig. ig, and South, I. PI. 158, figs. 6, 7. Taeniocampa pulverulenta Esp. =cru6si Treit. 1442 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 1446 „ „ „ 1440 1445 1450 „ .. „ Note. — The larvae of T. gracilis and T. pulverulenta will be found in the last column cf Drawer XXII. Taeniocampa miniosa Fah. 2256 Plymouth, bred from ovum, iv. 1875. 136 Bred 1877. 2859 Devon, 1875 (Harwood). *5i39 Bred v. 1886 j. *5459 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). *53o6 Bred 1883 f. ♦6130 Bred v. 1886 f- • *6i3i „ t- • *6i32 „ t- ■ DRAWER XXI. Perigrapha cincta -Fa&. = l-cinctum Hub. 4772 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). $ 4769 „ „ „ ? 4771 ., ,. „ S 4770 „ „ „ S 68 Panolis griseovariegata Go^e=piniperda Panz. 278 Forres, v. 1872 .(Norman). 3098 Wolsingham, bred from larva, iv. 1875 f. 1414 Houghton, E. Yorks., iv. 1874 f. 959 ., „ iv. 1873 f. "\ 957 .. .. „ t- -' Ab. grisea Tutt. Ground colour grey, green. Cf. Barrett, Plate 206, fig. 2c. Wolsingham, bred from larva, iv. 1875 f. Ely, vii. 1885 (Cross). tinged with 3095 "5876 ^5877 ^5878 ^5879 Agrotis hyperborea Zett. =a\p\na West. 4883 Shetland, bred from pupa, vi. 4887 6193 6194 „ „ 6195 4885 6198 6197 886 (Salvage). ; A magnificent series of forms, of which 6198 is ab. glacialis Herr.-Sch. = caerulescsns Tutt. Ground colour ashy-grey, clouded with rich reddish- brown ; a quadrate black spot between the stigmata, a longitudinal black streak across the wing under them, and two short black streaks outwards from the reni- form stigma. Cf. Barrett, Plate 215, fig. le. The others are extreme forms of variation starting from this and developing longitudinal black streaks between the nervures. 4885 has these developed most fully. Cf. 'Entomologist,' 1880, PI. 4, fig. 15. 4884 Shetland, bred from pupa, vi. 1886 (Salvage). The largest of the series (40 mm.) ; the reddish-brown area largely extended at the expense of the black striations. 3458 Finmark, 1876 (Staudinger) . The type form : ground colour ashy-grey with brown markings, lacking the warm reddish tinge of the Shetland specimens preceding. *5567 V. 1884 (McArthur). •=5568 *4942 Shetland, 1881 (Salvage). 6196 Shetland, bred from pupa, vi. 1886 (Salvage). "^ 4886 „ „ „ „ [ 6192 „ „ „ „ j A continuation of the Shetland series preceding. In 6196 the black striations form a large central patch completely hiding the reniform stigma. 3366 Rannoch, 1876 (Clark). More like the Finmark type specimen than any of the other British specimens. 3364 Rannoch, 1876 (Clark). 3363 3270 Schiehallion, Perth, i876(Meek) Var. carnica Hering. Ground colour pale reddish- brown, with slight purplish tinge. 69 6297 I.ivonia, 1886 (Staudinger). 6296 ,, ,, ,, 6298 Large ashy-grey forms (40 mm.), resembling the Finmark type, but tending to a more unicolorous appearance. 6298 has a distinct vinous tinge, most marked along the costa. Dyschorista suspecta Huh. 3719 1876 (Jackson). Approaching the succeeding form. 2540 Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). 2539 4879 Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). Ab. variegata Tntt. Reddish-brown, with pale ochreous hind margin. Cf. Barrett, Plate 222, fig. 2b. 4881 Scotland, 1881 (Salvage). Ab. nigrescens TiM. Almost uniform smoky-red. Cf. Barrett, Plate 222, fig. 2. 4882 Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). \ 2541 Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). / Approaching the preceding form. 5773 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). 6067 ,, ,, „ 6068 Ab. Iners Treit. A very distinct form. Pale gi"ey ; markings indistinct. 6715 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Gracser). As the preceding, but ground colour darker. *5888 Rannoch, bred from ovum, vii. 1885 (Salvage). *5889 *5890 Dyschorista fissipuncta /faz£;.=ypsilon Bork. 4610 Hull, vii. 1880 f. >> 4611 „ „ t- I 2516 Huddersfield, bred from pupa, vii. 1875 (Mosley). J Ground colour paler than in the following, and showing the development outwards of the claviform stigma as two black streaks. 2679 Beverley, bred 1882 |. 2669 1875 (Harwood). 2670 2671 1730 Pulfin Bog, E. Yorks, vii. 1874 \. 1172 Beverley, 1872 |. ♦5258 Saxony, 1883 (Staudinger). *5837 vi. 1883 (Harwood). *5838 *5836 Orthosia lota Clerck. 282 Beverley, 1871 f. The margin of the hind wings pale and unicolorous with the fringe, producing the effect of a wide pale grey border. There is a tendency in the same direc- tion in 687, 688, and 4665. Cf. Barr., PI. 229, fig. i. 686 Beverley, bred from ovum, ix. 1872 f. 687 „ „ „ t. 689 „ „ „ t- . . 688 „ „ „ f 70 4663 4662 4665 6756 Beverley, bred 1880 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). Wings suffused with reddish-brown, and the dark spot of the reniform stigma obsolete, vi. 1885 (Harwood). ♦5842 *5840 *5S39 *5839a *584i Orthosia macilenta Hiih. 3403 Clevedon, 1887 (Mason). 3404 ,, 1879 1878 3405 1882 Ayton, Berwickshire, 1881 (Buglass). Ab. straminea Tutt. Ground colour pale yellow. 1876 Clevedon, 1887 (Mason). 1877 1879a 1880 1878a Ab. obsoleta Tutt. Ground colour as the type, but the dark spot of tlie reniform stigma obsolete. Cf. South, II. PI. 7, fig. 8. 1876a Clevedon, 1887 (Mason). Ab. straminea-obsoleta Tutt. Ground colour pale yellow and the dark spot of the reniform stigma obsolete. Orthosia laevis Hah. 4336 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 9 4338 „ „ ,/ ? 4337 „ „ „ 6 4335 ,. „ ,. 6 Orthosia ruticilla Esp. 4516 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 9 4515 „ ,, „ 6 Orthosia nitida Fab. 2989 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 9 , ■ 2990 „ „ ,, 9 2991 „ „ „ 6 2992 „ „ „ c? Orthosia helvola Linn.=ruf\nsi Linn. 4639 4644 4638 4'535 4643 4637 4876 4877 4878 4050 4049 Beverley, bred ix. 1880 |. t- t- t. t- t- Ab. ochrea Tutt. Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). Siberia, 1878 (Staudinger) Ground colour ochreous. Var. sibirica Staud. A large (40 mm., 37 mm.) and strikingly pale form ; ground colour paler than in ab. ochrea, and the transverse bands little darker than the ground colour. Cf. Barr., PI. 226, fig. 2b. 71 *5S75 Beverley, bred from ovum, v. 1884 f- \ *5576 „ „. „ t-J Pale reddish-brown. Orthosia pistacina Fah. 174 Beverley, 1871 f. "^ 175 „ „ t- / Ab. venosa Haw. Reddish-brown, with distinct mark- ings and pale nervures. 171 Beverley, 1871 f. Redder and more unicolorous than the preceding. 172 Beverley, viii. 1878 t. A form of ab. venosa developing basal and submarginal transverse blackish bands, cut across by pale ner- vures. Cf. Barrett, Plate 227, fig. ib. 681 Beverley, ix. 1872 f. 169 „ 1871 t- Ab. ferrea Haw. Ground colour bright yellowish-red ; markings indistinct ; 6'8i almost unicolorous. Cf. South, II. PI. 9, figs. 5, 6. 680 Beverley, ix. 1872 f- \ 173 „ ' 1871 t- J Ab. obsoleta Tutt. Ground colour ochreous-brown ; markings indistinct. 176 Beverley, 1871 f. Ab. serina Esp. Ground colour pale grey ; markings distinct. Cf. Barrett, Plate 227, fig. le. *5585 Beverley, bred from ovum, vi. 1884 f- \ *5582 „ „ „ t- / Purplish-red. ♦5583 Beverley, bred from ovum, vi. 1884. f 1 ♦5584 „ „ „ t- / Green. Anchocelis lunosa Haw. 132 Forres, 1871 (Norman). 2733 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1875 f- 2847 Guernsey, 1875 (Luff). 2848 „ „ ,, \ 2732 Weel, E. Yorks., ix., 1875 f. / The hind wings suffused with blackish. 1791 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1874 f. A parallel form to 172 of the preceding species, develop- ing basal and submarginal transverse blackish bands, cut by the pale nervures. 5782 Central Spain, 1885 (Staudinger). o \ 5781 „ „ M • ?/ Smaller than the above (32 mm., 30 mm.), and paler. 5783 Central Spain, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ \ 5784 „ ,, „ $J Recorded as ' ab. pallida ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. Small (31 mm., 28 mm.) ; ground colour pale fawn ; the markings nearly obsolete. 5786 Central Spain, 1885 (Staudinger). ^\ 5785 „ „ „ $J Recorded as ' ab. rubicunda ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. A very distinct form. Small (30 mm.) ; ground colour reddish-ochreous, nervures invisible, and markings almost obsolete. The stigmata distinct in 5785. 72 DRAWER XXII. Orthosia litura Linn. 683 Beverley, ix. 1872 f- 682 „ „ f. 684 „ „ f. 685 „ bred 1882 t- Ground colour uniform reddish-brown. Ab. borealis Spa-Schn. Basal area greyish-ochreous. Cf. South, II. PI. 9, fig. 8. 3944 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1878 f- As the preceding, but the outer portion of the fore wings darker. ' = } [Wings at rest — one of each of the two forms above]. 5771 Mauretania, 1885 (Staudinger). $ Var. merldionalis Stand. Ground colour uniform purplish-grey, with sharply-defined reddish-brown central band, shading off towards the hind margin. *53o8 Colchester, bred from ovum, 1883 (Grapes). *5302 Beverley, bred 1883 f. *5303 „ „ t- *5304 „ ,. t- Orthosia humilis Fah. 5101 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). $. 5102 „ „ ., d^ Orrhodia veronicae Hnh.^AoXo^^ Huh. 3810 Hungary, 1877 (Staudinger). 3811 „ „ „ 3812 „ ,, » . _ 3813 » » Orrhodia vaccinii Linn. 104 Beverley, 1871 f. -. 105 „ „ t- \ 106 „ „ t- i Ground colour dark yellow-ochreous, with the trans- verse markings distinct. Cf. Barrett, PI. 234, fig. i. 4972 South of England, x. 1881. ~\ 4971 » >, .. / Ground colour purplish-grey, with the nervures pale, and a subterminal pale band. Cf. South, II. PI. 11, fig. 5. 4968 South of England, x. 1881. \ 109 Beverley, 1871 f. / The type form : bright reddish-brown, almost uni- ' colorous. no Beverley, 1871 f. Intermediate between the type and the following. 4970 South of England, x. 1881. The whole area from the base to second line suffused with dark purplish-grey, 4969 South of England, x. 1881. As 6305, 6304, 6303 in the next column. 6684 Forres, 188,8 (Salvage). \ 6685 „ „ „ / Ground colour uniform dark purplish-brown, with nervures and outlines of the stigmata grey. 73 *4999 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). *542i Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). 1892 Beverley, x. 1874 f. 1889 „ „ t- 1891 „ „ t- 1894 „ „ t- 2833 „ X. 1875 f. X. 1874 f. » t- » t- 1871 t. Labelled ' Ab. spadicea Hub.', but really 0. ligula ab. spadicea Haw. Ground colour dark reddish-brown and the marking indistinct. Cf. South, II. PI. 11, fig. 10. 6305 Clevedon, 1886 (Mason). 6304 „ „ 6303 Labelled as above, but referable to 0. ligula ab. sub- nlgra Haw. Ground colour as the preceding, but the stigmata, transverse lines, and subterminal band pale. Cf. South, II. PI. II, fig. 8. Orrhodia erythrocephala Fab. Zeitz, bred from larva, 1888 (Obenauf). 897 895 ♦6569 ♦6570 859 860 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). Ab. glabra. As 2236, 2237. Zeitz. vii. 1888 (Obenauf). 2236 2237 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 1 >> )> >» J Ab. glabra Hub. Ground colour dark brown, with costal streak and subterminal band pale ochreous ; stigmata pale yellow. Cf. Barrett, Plate 233, fig. 3a. Continent, 1875 (Halssen). \ >> )> >> J Ab. glabra Hub. As the preceding, but ground colour duller, stigmata ochreous, and the whole appearance less conspicuous. Orrhodia vau-punctatum Esp. =s\\ene Hub. 2985 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2986 „ ,, „ 2987 ,, ,1 „ 2988 A warmer brown than the preceding. Orrhodia fragariae £s/).= scroti na Ochs. 4758 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4759 4760 „ Hind wings almost entirely suffused with black. *6579 Berlin, 188,8 (Gleissner). Ground colour pale greenish-yellow. ♦6578 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Ground colour rich purplish-brown. Orrhodia ligula Esp. 3819 Switzerland, 1877 (Staudinger). \ )> >) )) J Small (27 mm.), and almost unicolorous. [The right hind wing of 3819 chipped]. 3818 74 3821 3820 Hungary, 18517 (Staudinger). 3815 3816 3817 Ab. subspadicea Stand. Larger (32 mm.) ; reddish- brown ; nervures, outlines of the stigmata, and a subterminal band indistinctly pale. Switzerland, 1877 (Staudinger). -, )> >) )) r )> )) )) -^ Ab. polita Hub. (33 mm.). Ground colour of 3815 dark slaty-grey, of 3816 and 3817 purplish-brown ; nervures, outlines of the stigmata, and a subterminal band slaty-grey. Cf. South, II. PI. 11, fig. 9. Scopelosoma satellitia Linn. 3370 Beverley, 1871 f. 83 „ „ t- 3371 . „ „ t- 85 „ „ t- i 86 „ „ f. j Ab. rufescens Tutt. Ground colour reddish-brown ; reniform stigma white : the common British form. 90 Beverley, 1871 f. 3374 „ " „ t- 88 „ „ t- Ground colour lighter than in the preceding ', reniform stigma orange, and inconspicuous. Cf. Barr., Plate 234, fig. 3a, and South, II. PI. 12, fig. 3. 3375 Beverley, 1871 f. ~\ 87 Ground colour dull brown and conspicuous. *6o24 Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). *5476 „ 1883 *5000 ,, 1882 ,, [The colour partly gone]. Orrhodia rubiginea Fah. 1319 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). reniform stigma orange,. 1321 2997 2995 2998 882 5103 5541 5540 5104 "4264 "5453 ►5710 •=5669 1876 1872 Ab. tigerina Esp. Ground colour redder than in the type. Central Germany, 1882 (Staudinger i.'i 1882 „ j Ab. unicolor Tutt. Almost unicolorous orange-red^ especially so in 5540 and 5104. The latter has the nervyres on the extreme hind margin marked in white. Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). Hoporina croceago Fah. 189 Canterbury, 1871 (Parry). 2749 Crawley, Sussex, 1875 (Peters). 865 Germany, 1872 ((Staudinger), 75 3399 Brighton, 1876 (Salvage). 3397 3398 3396 2907 Devonport, bred 1875 (Mathew). 6047 Austria, 1885 (Staudinger). _ Ab. Corsica Mab. Ground colour_^paler, and with a whitish tinge. *5858 vi. 1885 (Harwood). *5855 *5857 *5857a „ „ Cirrhoedia xerampelina Hub. 2680 Colchester, bred 1875 (Harwood). 4186 ,, bred 1879 ,, 4187 „ „ „ 1069 Bristol, 1873 (Greene). 1068 „ „ „ 3669 Hunsley, E. Yorks., 1877 f. 3670 Hunsley, E. Yorks., 1877 f. \ 2681 Stanstead, bred 1875 (Spiller). / The dark central band extends to the costa. 1222 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). '\ 1223 5099 „ 1882 „ J Ab. unicolor Stand. A very distinct form. Ground colour pale reddish-brown, uniform from costa to inner margin ; central band slightly darker than the ground colour, and bounded by vellow lines. *668i Isle of Man, 1888 (Mosley— taken by Porritt). ^ *5553 Leipzic, 1884 (Heyne). ' V [Half grown]. J Cirrhoedia ambusta Fah. 3823 Hungary, 1877 (Staudinger). 3822 3825 3824 Taeniocampa gracilis Fah. *6463 New Forest, 1887 (Harwood). \ *6464 „ „ ., J Green ; markings distinct. [Half grown]. *6459 New Forest, 1887 (Harwood). *646o ,, ,, ,, *6462 Green ; markings obscure. ♦6461 New Forest, 1887 (Harwood). Dull purplish-brown ; markings obscure. ♦6458 New Forest, 1887 (Harwood). Green ; markings distinct. ♦5250 Bavaria, 1883 (Staudinger). Bright reddish-brown ; markings distinct. Taeniocampa pulverulenta £^5/). =cruda Treit. *5590 Dartford, vi. 1884 (Davis). *559i *5592 76 DRAWER XXIII. Xanthia citrago Linn. 1716 Barnsley, viii. 1874 (Harrison). \ 1713 1710 1711 1712 \ 5791 4736 4737 5542 5543 Var. aurantiago Tutt. Ground colour orange-red : the common British form. Cf. Barr., PL 230, fig. ib. Denmark, 1884 (Staudinger). Ground colour paler orange than in the type ; the central transverse line conspicuously dark. Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). -> ») )> M I Island of Flado, 1883 (Staudinger). C Ab. subflava Ever. Ground colour orange, crossed by a basal and a hind-marginal dark reddish band ; stigmata filled in with the same colour. A very distinct form. *5668 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). *5835 vi. 1885 (Harwood). *5834 *5833 Xanthia fulvago Z,mw.=cerago Fah. 91 Forres, viii. 1871 j. Crawley, Sussex, 1875 (Peters). 2743 2745 3963 3964 3965 Derby, bred from larva, ix. 1887 (Sheldon). 3968 3967 92 2744 93 6339 95 97 96 3962 3956 3960 3958 3959 6717 6716 Ab. suflusa Tttit. The central markings extended and dark purplish-brown in colour. Cf. Barrett, Plate 230, fig. 2a. The specimens range in size from 28 mm. (3964) to 35 mm. (2743). ' Larvae taken at Little Eaton, three miles N.E. of Derby, and noticeable that many of the lepidoptera occurring in that valley incline to melanism ' (MS. note in Mr. Dobree's diary). Gateshead, bred 1878 (Hedworth). >) >» )) Forres, viii. 1871 f. Crawley, Sussex, 1875 (Peters). \ Forres, viii. 1871 f. / Ab. aurantia Tutt. Ground colour orange. Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). The central markings confined to the costa, where the most conspicuous mark is a dark triangular blotch near the apex. Cf. Barrett, Plate 230, fig. 2. Forres, vii. 1 8 7 1 , ' equally abundant with the type f . " >> '> )) >> )) >> )> T" )' >> >) >> )) )> )> ?• Gateshead, bred 1878 (Hedworth). Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). Ab. flavescens Esp. The markings reduced to a dark spot in the lower half of the reniform stigma, and 77 a submarginal row of dots, the latter obsolete in 96, 3962 and 6717 ; fringes orange-red except in 6717, which has fringes unicolorous with the surface of the wings. This specimen has also the dot in the lower half of the reniform stigma nearly obsolete. ♦5846 vi. 1885 (Harwood). *5845 *5844 *5843 Xanthia lutea Strdm=f[avago -Frt5.=silago Hub. 180 Canterbury, 1871 (Parry). 179 177 Forres, viii. 1871 f . 1792 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1874 f. 2719 „ „ ix. 1875 t- 2742 Crawley, Sussex, 1875 (Peters). 2740 2739 2741 6380 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1S86 (Graeser's expedition). Small (26 mm.) ; inner edge of the dark transverse band more regular than in the British specimens. *6io6 vi. 1886, bred from ovum laid by captured female (Harwood)^ *6io5 *6io4 „ ,, „ „ „ *538o Brighton, bred from ovum, 1883 (Salvage). Xanthia aurago Fab. 3969 Watford, 1878 (Slocombe). ) 3970 ,, „ „ / Var. virgata Tutt. The central band orange : the common British form. 3971 Watford, 1878 (Slocombe). , 3292 Colchester, 1876 (Harwood). 3293 3294 3295 3972 W^atford, 1878 (Slocombe). Ab. rutilago Fab. The central band deep orange-rec^^ 2793 Barnsley, 1875 (Jackson) Approaching ab. unicolor Titii. Cf. South, II. PI. 10, fig- 3- 4509 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). Recorded as" var. fucata/ but, rather, a good example of ab. unicolor Tutt. Almost unicolorous orange. 5105 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). 5106 Ab. fucata Esp. The central band very dark and the division between it and the outer purplish band correspondingly indistinct. Xanthia gilvago Esp. 181 Croxton, 1872 (Cole). 990 Derby, bred 1872 (Baker). 2696 ,, bred 1875 ,, 2694 „ n 2693 2695 Var. suflusa Tutt. The wings sufiused with smoky- black, and the transverse markings extended to form a band : the common British form. Cf. Barr., PI. 231, figs. 2, 2a., and Scuth, II. PI. 10, 78 6 Continent, 1872 (Staudinger). 4 3 Recorded as ' ab. palleago ' in Mr. Dobree's diary and ' so labelled, but really the type form. Cf. Barrett, Plate 231, fig. 2b. 6340 Cliabarofka, Amurland, 1 881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). \ 572o_Amurland, 1885 (Staudinger). / The true ab. palleago Hilb. A form exactly corres- ponding to the ab. flavescens form of X. fulvago. Ground colour pale yellow, transverse markings only distinct on the costa ; lower half of the reniform stigma white, outlined with dark reddish-brown ; considerably larger than all others of the series (39 mm.). In Mr. Dobree's diary 5720 is recorded as ' var. pyrrhago Stand.' *5i6o Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). *6o23 Austria, 1885 ,, Crthosia circellaris i7w/n.==ferruginea Esp. 4901 Beverle}^, 1880 (Bishoprick). Ab. macllenta Hub. A suffused form corresponding to var. suflusa of the preceding species ; the dark markings enlarged to form transverse smoky bands, and the nervures very distinct. Cf. Barrett, Plate 226, fig. 3b. The last of the four is much larger than any other in the series (41 mm.). 76 Beverley, 1871 j. 77 .. .. t- 75 • n „ t- Ferruginea Esp. Ground colour reddish -brown. Cf. Barrett, PI. 226, fig. 3a, and South, II. PI. 7, fig. 10. 6189 Orillia, Canada West, ix. 1875 (Norman). 6190 } Labelled ' Orth. f errugineoides Grote : ? sp. Darw. ?' Small (31 mm.), but otherwise indistinguishable I from the type specimens above. *526o Saxony, 1883 (Staudinger). *5666 Leipzic, 18S4 (Gerhardt). *5665 ♦5463 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Xanthia ocellaris Bork. 54 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 0 56 „ „ J, • ? 53 » >» » c? 55 6 Xanthia suiphurago Fab. 885 Germany, 1872- (Staudinger). ? 885 " )> o 3196 Leipzic, bred from pupa, 1876 (Heyne). $ ♦5004 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). Mesogona acetosellae Fah. 893 Germany, 1872 (Staudmger). $ 4319 „ 1879 „ ? 4320 „ „ „ O Mesogona oxalina Huh. 4521 Sicily, 1879 (Gerhardt). $ 4522 „ „ ,. S 4523 " » " + Plastenis subtusa Fah. 2664 Bred 1875 (Harwood;. 2663 ,, ., 3973 Derby, bred 1878 (Baker). :>974 3975 >> >' " 4219 „ bred 1879 (Sheldon). 4216 „ „ » 4217 4218 ,, „ „ 1225 Germany, 1873 (Staudmger), 1226 ,, n » *6ii8 Lee, vi. 1886 (Bower). *6ii9 „ ,, ,) Plastenis retusa Linn. 4191 Lee, bred 1879 (Bower). 4192 ,) .. »' 4193 .. » " 4194 » )> " 4195 .. >' " 4196 ,, ,. >. 4210 ,, „ „ 4211 „ ,, )) 4212 „ ,, » 4213 .. " " 4215 *6i24 Lee, vi. 1886 (Bower). *5i6i Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). DRAWER XXIV. Cosmia contusa Frey. 4783 Germany, 1880 (Staudmger). ^ . 4784 „ „ ,, ?• Cosmia abluta Huh. 912 Continent, 1872 (Staudinger). $ 911 ,, ). >' 4786 „ 1880 „ $ \ 4785 )) .. " <^ ^ , . ^ , Ab. glaucula Guen. A s;mi-melanic form : ground colour dark ashy-grey. 8o Cosmia paleacea Esp. =fulvago Hah. 4220 York, 1879 (Prest). 4^21 „ „ „ 4222 „ „ „ ' T Slightly suffused with dark grey. 4223 Rotherham, 1888 (Young). 4224 743 Barnsley, 1873 (Jackson). Almost unicolorous, the dot in the lower half of the reniform stigma being the only mark plainly visible. 4225 York, 1879 (Prest). As the preceding, but the ground colour very pale. ' This pale var. he [Prest] considers very rare '. (MS. note in Mr. Dobree's diary). 670 ix. 1872 (Norman). Unicolorous ; all the markings obsolete except for a faint indication of the dot in the reniform stigma. 6702 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser).) 3514 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). J Slightly larger (42 mm.) ; but otherwise indistinguish- able from the first three of the York specimens. *5i59 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). Pale brown, and not resembling Buckler's figure. [Half grown] . Dicycia OO Linn. 292 Newcastle, Staffs,. 1871 (Earl). 293 » .. .. .. 197 1 1875 (Harwood). 1970 1969 „ „ 1968 Ab. ferruginago Hub. Intermediate between the type and ab. renago ; a narrow dark band developed between the second and the subterminal line. 6450 Brentwood, bred from ovum, 1887 (Raynor).l 4046 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). I 4045 .. .' " I 4310 ,, 1879 ,, J Ab. renago Haw. A handsome form with broad dark reddish bands, one in the basal area and one stretch- ing from the reniform stigma to the subterminal line. Cf..Barr., PI. 223, fig. 3b, and South, II. PL 2, fig. 2. In 4310 these bands are blackish and are joined across the central area below the stigmata. *4f)84 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). Calymnia trapezina Linn. 2646 Holme, E. Yorks., vii. 1876 f- 3273 Hunsley, E. Yorks., viii. 1876 f. '234 Wolsingham, 1872 (Pickard). Ab. ochr.ea Tutt. Ground colour reddish-ochreous. 1038 Barton, Lines.; bred from larva, 1873 f. ~\ 3271 Holme, E. Yorks., vii. 1876 f. J Slightly darker than the first two of the series. 3272 Holme, E. Yorks., vii. 1876 f- A pretty form. Ground colour whitish-grey, witii dark central shade, transverse lines, and hind margin. The transverse lines nearly meet on inner margin. 905 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). Ground colour browner, and with the transverse lines indistinct. 8i 907 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 908 Intermediate between the type and ab. ochrea. 6377 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). § "I 6376 „ „ „ ,, c? / Var. saturata Stand. Small (29 mm., 31 mm.) ; a melanochroic form : ground colour reddish-brown ; darker than any of the preceding. *5847 Beverley, vi. 1885 f. *5847a „ „ t- *5435 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). Calymnia pyralina Vieie!. 4307 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). 4306 „ 4308 899 ,, 1872 „ 900 Var. corusca Esp. Ground colour redder and apical markings whiter than in the type : the more common form. 3833 Saxony, 1877 (Staudinger). 3836 „ 1879 „ 3834 Calymnia camptostigma Men. 6327 Chararofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). (^ \ 6328 „ „ „ „ c? I 6329 „ „ „ „ ? I 6330 .. .. .. .. ? -* ' The markings of the above vary considerably in depth and shade. No two of the /f'^ur specimens are exactly alike. Calymnia diffinis L^7n2. 2661 1875 (Harwood). 2662 >) yj 3219 Loughborough, 1876 (Wieldt) 3220 3215 3218 3217 3216 Calymnia variegata Ober. 6337 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ 6338 „ „ „ „ ? The costal markings much darker than in the preceding specimen. Calymnia afiinis Linn. 3677 Beverley, 1877 f. | 2594 Loughborough, 1875 (Wieldt). ,- 2595 „ .-, „ i Intermediate between the type and ab. suSusa. 2593 Loughborough, 1875 (Wieldt). \ 2596 „ „ „ r 2591 „ „ „ I Ab. suffusa Tittt. Sema-melanic : ground colour smoky-brown ; the white apical markings obsolete in 2591. F 84 Dianthoecia carpophaga Bork.=perp\exa Hub. 4285 Colchester, bred 1879 (Harwood). \ 4284 „ „ 1884 „ y 5897 Brighton, 1885 (Salvage). j Ab. lepida Esp. 4284 shows a tendency to the develop- ment of a dark central band, which becomes dis- tinct in 5897. 2762 Crawley, Sussex, bred 1875 (Peters). 2761 ,, ,, „ „ 1004 vi. 1873 (Lees). 1846 Hartlepool, 1874 (Gardner). 4282 Colchester, bred 1879 (Harwood). ) 4283 „ „ „ / Ab. lepIda Esp. Ground colour pale yellow-ochreous ; markings darker. 5898 Brighton, bred 1885 (Salvage). A most distinct form : var. pallida Titti. Ground colour white ; faint traces of the first and second transverse lines ; stigmata outlined in brown ; a pale brown shade before the apex and faint in- dications of the subterminal arrow-heads ; fringes normal. 4859 Brighton, bred 1880 (Salvage). Var. ochracea Haw. Ground colour pale yellow- ochreous ; markings as in the preceding, but without the apical shade ; fringes unicolorous with the ground colour of the wings. Cf. Barr., PI. 162, fig. ib. *589i Guernsey, vii. 1885 j- *3945 Sheffield, 1878 (Doncaster). *588o Guernsey, vii. 1885 t- Dianthoecia capsophila Dttp. Sunk as a variety of the preceding species in Dr. Staudinger's 'Catalog,' 1901. 2403 Isle of Man, bred from larva, vi. 1875 (Harwood). 2398 2400 „ ,, „ „ 6191 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). 5907 Lough Swilly, bred from larva, 1885 (Campbell). 5908 Sligo, 1885 (Russ). Hind margin strongly marked with white. 2406 Guernsey, bred from larva, 1885 f. \ 5913 n " " t- ./ Small (29 mm.) ; ground colour and markings pale olive-green in 2406, brown in 5913. 2784 Isle of Man, bred from larva, and emerged x. 1875 (Harwood). Small (30 mm.); suffused with greyish-green; mark- ings indistinct. 5909 Lough Swilly, bred from larva, 1885 (Campbell). [Wings at rest]. *5904 Lough Swilly, 1884 (Campbell). \ *5903 .. .' " ^ Paler than the followmg. [The colour probably gone], *5902 Lough Swilly, 1884 (Campbell). *5905 Dia^ithoecia capsincola Hub. 2353 Beverley, bred from larva, v. 1875 f. . 2354 .. " " t- 2355 .. " " t- 2356 2358 5764 5521 5522 779 *5634 *53i3 *53i4 *3946 " 85 Guernsey, bred from larva, 1885 7. » >> )> !• Andalusia, 1885 (Staudinger). 1883 „ 1872 Cambridge, ix. 1884 (Warren). Meaux, E. Yorks., 1883 f. Guernsey, vii. 1885 t- Sheffield, 1878 (Doncaster). Dianthoecia cucubali Ftcess. 774 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 775 777 776 2084 2085 2087 2089 2090 ' 2086 *54i5 *5oi7 *3947 Dianthoecia 5732 5733 5731 772 2160 2162 1 199 3063 3062 3061 *62i3 *4668 Diantlioecia 4924 4925 4926 4297 4940 4941 6154 5371 5372 6349 The purple tint very strong in this specimen. Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 1874 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and^Doncaster). Greenwich, 1882 (Tutt). Sheffield, 1878 (Doncaster). albimacula Bork. Brighton, 1885 (Salvage). Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 1874 1873 1876 Central Germany, 1886 (Staudinger). 1880 nana i?o«.=conspersa Esp. Torquay, bred from larva, 1881 (Salvage). Shetland, 1881 (Salvage) ,, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). Var. obliterae Robs. = hethlandica Stand. A melanic form : entirely suffused with greenish -black ; no white markings. Cf. Barrett, Plate 164, fig. if, and South, I. PI. 123, fig. 8. Unst, 1883 (McArthur). ) „ „ „ / Ab. OChrea Greg. Suffused with pale olive-green, but not so fully as in the preceding ; orbicular stigma white, the other markings showing paler than the ground colour. Cf. ' Entomologist,' 1880, Plate 4, fig. 12, and Barrett, Plate 164, fig. ig. Pokrofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ Small (30 mm. as against 35 mm.), but otherwise simi- lar to the type form above. « 8b *5937 *5936 *5935 *5938 Dianthoecia 782 783 2092 2094 2095 2097 3551 3550 3553 3552 3554 3555 Dianthoecia 6688 6045 6046 2163 2166 2165 2164 *6209 *4669 Dianthoecia 3441 3442 Dianthoecia filigrana Esp Brighton, viii. 1885 (Salvage) caesia Bork. Continent, 1872 (Staudinger). ■^^ 1874 1876 Switzerland, 1888 (Riihl). There is in the above series much variation in the tone of the ground colour, and in distinctness of the mark- ings. 782 and 3552 tend most towards a unicolorous bluish-grey ; 783 and 2092 are the most variagated forms ; 3555 has the most fully developed dark transverse band in the basal area. compta Fah. Zijrich, 1888 (Riihl). ^ Silesia, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ ? Larger and darker than any others of the series (33 mm. as against 26-30 mm.). Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). ^ >> )) )) o ■ „ n ? ? Central Germany, 1886 (Staudinger). Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). magnolii Boisd. Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). ^ 2078 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). ,^ 2079 „ „ „ ^ 1204 „ 1873 „ ^ 1205 Switzerland, 1888 (Riihl). $ Var. xanthocyanea Hiib. The $ darker than the ^ ^, and the orange basal spot very conspicuous. DRAWER XXVI. Metopoceras felicina Donz. 4754 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4755 Polia suda Hub. -Gey. 5497 Switzerland, 1883 (Staudinger). jj. 5498 „ „ „ ?. Polia Chi Linn. 1039 Manchester, bred from larva, 1873. • 87 220 Forres, viii. 1871 f. 219 „ „ t- 2542 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). Ground colour strongly bluish-grey. 1042 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 1042a „ „ „ 218 Forres, viii. 1871 f. The usual dark markings reduced to pale brown. 2545 Ayton, Berwickshire, 1876 (Buglass). \ 1366 Huddersfield, 1873 (Dearnley). [ 6111 Newcastle-on-Tyne, bred 1886 (Maling). j 6110 ,, ,, ,, ) Var. olivacea Steph. Ground colour greenish-grey, very clear in 61 10, and darkest in 2545. Cf. Barrett, PI. 170, figs. ic. ih, and South, I. PI. 138, figs. 4, 5, 6361 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ Var. subcaerulea Graes. Ground colour bluish-grey, with a slight purple tinge. *6436 Leeds, bred from ovum, vi. 1887 (Pickles). *6435 Polia canescens Dup. 1294 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). $ 4756 „ 1880 „ $ 4757 „ » » cj Poiia polymita Linn. 5496 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ 5495 „ „ „ ^ . Ground colour a more uniform olive-brown than in the others. 5493 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). $ 5494 „ „ „ ? Polia xanthomista i///&. =nigrocincta Dup. 6263 Central France, 1886 (Staudinger). ^ ~\ 6265 „ „ „ • ? / Fine examples of the type form, with yellow markings very conspicuous. 6266 Central France, 1886 (Staudinger). $ 6264 „ „ „ ^ 2917 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). ^ The yellow markings reduced and inconspicuous ; 2917 shows a strong development of the central transverse dark band. 6184 Trevalga, North Cornwall, 1886 (Riding). $ See ' Entomologist,' Dec. i{ 2049 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). $ 6267 Hungary, 1886 ,, $ 6268 „ „ „ ^ 770 Germany, 1872 „ (^ Var. nigrocincta Treit. Semi-melanic : suffused with dark grey, darker in the English specimens than in the Continental ones. In all the yellow markings are reduced to a minimum. *668o Isle of Man, 1888 (Mosley— taken by Porritt). Polia flavicincta Fab. 1 165 Beverley, 1876 f. 1161 „ 1873 f. 214 ,, 1871 |. 3331 „ 1876 t- The markings reduced, and the pale cream ground colour more evident ; hind margin unicolorous cream colour. 90 6757 6759 6753 6751 6748 4747 6749 6746 6754 6758 Sligo, 1889 Salvage's expedition). North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition) Sligo, 1889 (Salvage's expedition) $ ; Ab. luneburgensis Frey. Dark blackish-brown, with central band still darker. Cf. Barrett, Plate 166, fig. ic (but without the pale second line of this figure) ; and South, I. PI. 137, figs. 9, 10. 4519 Sicily, 1879 (Gerhardt). ^ ) 4518 „ „ „ $ / Received from the Continent as var. luneburgensis, but really being var. sedi. (See ' Entomologist,' 1884, page 107). [The right hind wing of 4519 badly broken]. Epunda lichenea Hub. 3695 Guernsey, bred from larva, x. 1877 (Luff). 3694 3935 3698 2845 3697 3696 2846 2844 3936 Plymouth, 1886 (Lascelles). j> j> J} Basal and costal areas and the stigmata whitish. Plymouth, 1886 (Lascelles). Guernsey, bred from larva, x. 1877 (Luff). „ x. 1875 (Luff). ^ .. ,, ,. f ,, bred from larva, x. 1878 (Luff). J Var. viridicincta Frey. Ground colour and markings of a more yellowish green. Cf. Barr., PI. 167, fig. 2a. v. 1885 (Harwood). *5798 *5797 *5799 *58oo ,, ,, Polia serpentina Treit. 3154 Continent, bred 1876 (Staudinger 3154a 3155 3155a ;> ,, ,. Valeria oleagina Fab. 69 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). $ 5503 Hungary, 1883 „ $ 5502 „ „ „ (J 3770 „ 1877 „ (J 3771 „ „ „ 6 3772 „ „ „ ^ *3990 Germany, 1878 ,, Valeria jaspidea Vill. 3769 Saxony, 1877 (Staudinger) 3536 Germany, 1876 3537 5499 5500 5501 "5443 91 Oxytrypia orbiculosa Esp. 3434 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). ,^ 3435 M „ .. o Miselia oxyacanthae Linn. 209 Beverley, 1882 -f. 208 „ „ t- 4228 Londonderry, bred 1879 (Campbell). 4230 207 Beverley, 1882 f. The central area, except along the inner margin, little darker than the hind margin, and the reniform stigma almost invisible, being concolorous vidth the ground colour ; the first and second lines distinct. 6561 Syria, 1887 (Staudinger). 'j 6560 „ „ ,. / \'ar. benedictina Stand. An intermediate form between the type and ab. capucina, being of the ground colour of the type, but without the green shade along the inner margin ; reniform stigma very conspicuous, and in shape a long ellipse, with axis parallel to the costa. 2777 Beverley, x. 1875 j. \ 1868 „ X. 1874 t- \ 690 ,, ix. 1872 f. ) Ab. capucina Mill. A mclanochroic form : suffused with dark reddish-brown, the typical green of the inner margin obliterated, but the white anal crescent conspicuous. Cf. Barrett, PL 172, fig. 2b, and South, I. PI. 141, fig. 3- *5299 Meaux, E. Yorks., 1883 f. *530o ,, ,, ,, f. Miselia bimaculosa Linn. 190 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). $ 4776 „ 1880 „ $ 4775 „ ., „ > bred from pupa, 1874 f . 1757 >> t. 92 1760 3562 "5157 •■5854 ''5^37 "5136 Beverley, bred from pupa, 1874 |. Ground colour a whiter green than in the preceding, and the black markings reduced to a minimum. Beverley, 1876 (Bishoprick). Ab. virgata Tuit. A fine form. The black markings of the central area extended so as to form a distinct black band, crossed by the pale nervures, between the first and second transverse lines. In this speci- men the ground colour is strongly ochreous. Germany, 1882 (Staudinger).- Beverley vi. 1885 f. vi. 1882 j. Jaspidea celsia Linn. 4277 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4278 4707 4706 ♦6626 +6576 Berlin, 1888 (Staudinger). 1888 (Gleissner). Phlogophora (Habryntis) scita Hub. 6634 Zittau, bred 1888 (Ralle). $ 6631 „ „ „ ? 6632 6633 *657i ♦6571a ♦6571b Brotolomia meticulosa Linn. 198 Beverley, vii. 1873 199 197 [Wings at rest]. 6331 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1 881 -1886 (Graeser's expedition). \ 6294 Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). j Var. pallens Ober. A distinct form. The markings blurred by the pale reddish shade (rather greyish than red in 6331) extending from the base outwards as far as the reniform stigma, thus obliterating the upper portion of the first line. The second line has a different direction from that in the type, being rounded outwardly at its middle instead of being parallel to the hind margin. *5657 Christchurch, x. 1884 (Druitt) ♦5656 )) )) )) *5655 )) ■ >) j» [Green]. ♦5658 Christchurch, x. 1884 (Druitt) ♦5654 M )) M *5652 >> )) )5 *5653 .) .! » Bright reddish-brown. 93 DRAWER XXVIII. Trigonophora flammea £s/).=empyrea Hni 194 Brighton, 1872 (The O'Reilly). 192 „ 3392 „ 1876 (Salvage). 3394 3393 3395 2146 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 3854 „ 1876 3853 Euplexia lucipara Linn. 5192 Beverley, bred 1882 f. _548 ,, bred 1878 (Bishoprick). 549 3177 2424 2425 [Wings at rest]. ♦5194 Beverley, viii. 1882 t- 1 *5i94a „ „ t- r *5i95 » .. t- ) Green. *5i96 Beverley, viii. 1882 f. ~\ ♦5196a Purplish-red. Polyphaenis sericata £^5/). =prospicua Huh. 755 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 1216 ,, 1873 ,, 1217 1221 ,, ,, ,, 1219 The central area between the first and second lines unicolorous ; stigmata obliterated. 1220 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 1214 ,, ,, ,, 5090 ,, 1882 ,, ^ 5089 „ „ „ ' Recorded as ' var. viridisema ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. Ground colour pale yellowish-green instead of greyish- brown, as in the preceding. A very pretty form. *50io Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). Aplecta prasina Fa&.=herbida Hub. 3158 Hunsley, E. Yorks., vi. 1876 f. 3159 „ ., M t- 4892 Hull, bred from larva, 1880 f. "\ 4891 „ „ „ t- / Ground colour a paler and brighter yellowish-grer n than in the preceding, and the white blotch beyond the reniform stigma obliterated by it. 6683 Switzerland, 1888 (Riihl). The whole central area between the first and second lines developed into a dark brown band, except for the white blotch beyond the reniform stigma, which is thereby rendered the more conspicuous. 6778 Switzerland, 1889 (Riihl). 94 8oi Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). The general appearance paler than in the others of the series, and the blotch beyond the reniform stigma conspicuously white. 800 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). *6568 Beverley, i. 1888 (Staudinger). *5368 London, x. 1883 (Williams). *5367 Aplecta occulta Linn. 1389 Rannoch, 1873 (Meek). Intermediate iDetween the type and var. implicata. 3223 Beverley, viii. 1885 f. 1391 ,, „ t- 3221 Rannoch, 1876 (Robertson). ^ ) 813 „ bred 1881 (Salvage). $ / Var. implicata Lef. A melanic form : ground colour dark blackish-brown ; the orbicular stigma and transverse lines pale ashy-grey ; reniform stigma indistinctly outlined. Cf. Barrett, Plate 150, fig. la, and South, I. PI. 117, fig. 4. 814 Rannoch, bred 1881 (Salvage). $ A magnificent form, with ground colour as in the pre- ceding, but the transverse lines broadly grey, and the hind margin touched with dark grey. 6385 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). J (50 mm.). 6386 „ „ „ „ $ (60 mm.). Fore wings much more pointed than those of the pre- ceding specimens. ♦5458 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). ♦4667 Continent, 1880 ,, Aplecta nebulosa Hufn. 451 Beverley, vii. 1872 f. 541 Cliffe, E. Yorks., vii. 1872 f. 1 59 1 York, 1 88 1 (Prest). 1592 „ „ „ \ 6173 Barnsley, 1886 (Salvage). J Var. bimaculosa Esp. The ' Yorkshire form ' ; semi- melanic : ground colour suffused with dark greyish- brown. Cf. Barrett, Plate 155, fig. id, and South, I. PI. 119, fig. I. 6173 is the darker. 6381 Chabarofka, Amurlund, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ \ 6382 „ „ „ „ $j Ground colour a delicate purplish-grey, and the mark- ings not so conspicuous as in the type. *4666 Gernjany, 1880 (Staudinger). *6io2 London, v. 1886 (Pearce). *6i03 ,, ,, ,, *5434 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). [Half grown]. *4625 London, 1880 (Williams). [Three-fourths grown]. Apiecta tincta 57'a/zw=hepatica Hah. 3224 Rannoch, 1876 (Robertson). 3225 3226 ,, ,, ,, 2118 21 1 7 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2116 95 1234 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). Fore wings suffused with brown. 1235 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). ♦5221 Isle of Arran, 1882 (McArthur). ♦5220 ,, ,, ,, Aplecia advena Fab. 6448 Ely, bred from ovum, 1887 (Raynor).- 'I 6449 „ „ „ „ / Almost uniform pale reddish-grey ; markings very faint. 3463 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). Ab. unicolor Tutt. Almost unicolorous dark reddish- grey ; the reniform stigma faintly marked. 3801 Central France, 1877 (Staudinger). 3803 6379 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ 'I 6378 „ „ „ „ Si Suffused with reddish-brown ; the inner marginal area and that before the subterminal line slightly paler ; stigmata faintly marked. ♦6476 Brentwood, bred from ovum, 1887 (Raynor). ^ *66i8 Silesia, 1888 (Staudinger). J [Half grown]. *5256 Bavaria, 1883 (Staudinger). *66i9 Silesia, 1888 (Staudinger). Marked ' mature ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. Enormous (length 64 mm., thickness in middle, 9 mm). DRAWER XXIX. Agrotis speciosa Huh. 6645 Alps, 1888 (Staudinger). ^ 6646 „ „ „ ? 6648 Lapland, 1888 (Staudinger). ^ \ 6647 „ „ , „ ^ i Var. arctica Zett. Semi-melanic : ground colour suffused with dark brownish-grey ; the stigmata and other markings almost obliterated. Hadena jankowskii Oher. 6325 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1 881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ 6326 „ „ „ „ ^ Hadena arnica Treit. 3490 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). $ 3489 „ „ „ c? Hadena leuconota Herr.-Sch. 6295 Asia Minor, 1886 (Staudinger). $ [The abdomen badly greased] . Hadena porphyrea £s^.=satura Hub. 3070 Germany, 1876 (Stand 5265 Saxony, 1883 5269 5268 5266 5267 *5455 Hungary, 1883 *5455a „ „ nger;. 96 Thecophora fovea Treit. 597 Hungarj', 1872 (Luff). $ 1392 „ 1873 „ ? 5504 „ 1883 (Staudinger). § 5505 ,. » .. S \ 5506 „ „ „ cJ I 598 „ 1872 (Luff). c? 596 „ „ „ ^ ) The oval cup-like fold in the middle of the hind wings, peculiar to the males of this species, is most notice- able. *5448 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). Hadena solieri Boisd. 5041 France, 1882 (KricheldoriY). $ * 5042 „ „ „ o 5043 .. .. " (? Darker than the preceding. 5044 France, 1882 (Kricheldorff). ^ Paler than any of the others, Hadena adusta Esp. 2864 Stanstead, 1875 (Spiller). 2863 3131 1885 (Salvage). \ 2867 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition), j Ab. duplex Hmv. A melanic form : ground colour dark blackish-brown ; markings, except the sub-terminal line, inconspicuous. Cf. Barrett, Plate 150, fig. 2b. 3128 Rannoch, 1876 (Robertson). 5730 Unst, 1884 (Salvage — taken by Curzon). '^ 6176 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage). / The wedge-shaped spots before the subterminal line increased in size and number, so as to give the outer area of the wing a striated appearance. In 6176 all three transverse lines are conspicuous. 5766 Livonia, 1885 (Staudinger), § ] 5765 -, ,. .. ? 3788 Germany, 1877 „ S ) Var. Ibaltica Hering. Ground colour pale reddish- brown (palest in 3788) ; the longitudinal black mark below the stigmata well developed ; unicolorous beyond the second line ; the subterminal line ob- literated. *5643 Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). Green. *5428 Britain, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). Bright red. Dryobota furva £s/).=occlusa Huh. 4446 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). ^ 4443 ., .. „ ^ . , , . The reniform stigma conspicuously white. 4445 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). $ The reniform stigma white, but filled in with brown. 4444 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). § Dryobota roboris Boisd. 5056 Hungary, 1882 (Kricheldorff). ^ 4483 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). ^. 4482 „ „ „ 9 5055 Hungary, 1882 (Kricheldorff). o 97 Dryobota saportae Dup. 5109 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger) ^ 5III s 5II0 -to 5II2 ? [The right fore wing rubbed]. Dryobota monochroma £:s^.=distans Hah. 5087 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). ? 5088 .. ,. ,, S 5743 GaUcia, 1885 Staudinger). ^ \ 5744 S f Var. suberis Boisd. Ground colour more \v iiitish than that of the type male above, and in 5744 the mark- ings less distinct. Oichonia aeruginea Hub. 5736 Hungary, 1885 (Staudinger). $ 4484 Germany, 1879 ,, $ 4485 >) )> 6 5737 Hungary, 1885 6 5738 ,, ,, ? \ 6070 .. ^ J Var. mioleuca Hiib.-Gey. A very distinct form. Ground colour purplish-grey ; stigmata concolorous with this, and the other markings inconspicuous. ♦6496 South Austria, 1887 (Staudinger). Dryobota protea Bork. 237 Forres, viii. 1871 f- 238 A pretty form. Ground colour pale reddish-brown, with the white markings very distinct. 2702 Beverley, ix. 1875 f. Semi melanic : ground colour suffused with dark blackish-brown ; the orbicular stigma, a pale blotch below it, and the inner margin pale. 2703 Beverley, ix. 1875 f. ] 2710 ,, „ t- r 2708 „ „ t- J Ab. variegata Tutt. Ground colour as in the type, but the white markings well developed. 2706 Beverley, ix. 1875 f. 2705 ,. „ t- 2707 „ „ t-. 2704 ,, ix. 1876 f. Pale olive-green with a reddish tinge, much mottled with black. Dianthoecia proxima Huh. 1206 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). ^ 1207 „ „ „ $ 6529 Switzerland, 1887 ,, $ 6530 „ „ „ ? Strongly marked. 5756 Livonia, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ ■\ 5757 ., „ „ c? / Var. cana Ever. The markings paler and the general appearance therefore more uniform. G 98 Dichonia convergens Fah. 6534 Saxony, 1887 (Staudinger). $ 6532 „ „ „ ? Darker than the preceding. 6531 Saxony, 1887 (Staudinger). ^ 6535 „ „ „ S 6533 „ „ „ S Paler than the two preceding specimens. *6495 Saxony, 1887 (Staudinger). Hadena glauca Huh. ^izj Rannoch, 1876 (Robertson). 3125 3124 3126 ,, ,, ,, 5150 Lancashire, bred from pupa, 1882. 5151 5152 Hind-marginal area whitish, in which the black wedge- shaped spots of the subterminal line stand out con- spicuously. Cf. Barrett, Plate 158, fig. 3a. 3056 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). Ground colour sufi:used with purplish-grey ; the or- bicular and claviform stigmata indistinct. *6o84 Thiiringen, 1885 (Heyne). Hadena leucodon Ever. 4447 South Russia, 1879 (Staudinger). DRAWER XXX. Hadena dentina Esp. 446 Hunsley, E. Yorks., 1877 f. 2362 „ „ vi. 1875 t- 2364 ,, „ „ f. 2366 „ „ „ t- 3572 Beverley, 1876 (Cherry). 4856 Scotland, 1880 (Salvage). The pale nervures distinctly marked in the outer margin of the wing. 6168 Sligo, 1886 (Russ). Approaching the preceding form. 1588 Beverley, vi. 1874 f. \ 2367 Spurn, E. Yorks., 1886 j. j Suffused brown forms ; markings indistinct. Appar- ently ab. latenai Pier. 6153 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). A small (30 mm. ) dark form ; very dark brown central band,* and hind margin crossed by paler nervures. 6262 Alps, 1886 (Staudinger). Ab. latenai Pier. A suffused brown form with dark central band and pale transverse lines. 6636 Zurich, 1888 (Ruhl). A very distinct form. Ground colour purplish-grey ; markings very distinct. *593i Hartlepool, 1885 (Robson). *5932 *5930 99 Hadena marmorosa Bork. ^nana Guen. 3880 Leipzic, bred from pupa, 1878 (Heyne). ^ 3881 „ „• „ „ ^ - 6 *66ii Saxony, 1888 (Staudinger). Large for size of imago. 6649 Alps, 1888 (Staudinger). ^ ] 6650 „ „ „ c? r 3454 Continent, 1876 ,, 3 J Var. mierodon Guen. A melanochroic form : ground colour dark brown, the orbicular stigma pale and very distinct. Hadena peregrina Treii. 4517 Sicily, 1879 (Gerhardt). 1^ 6134 „ 1886 (Heyne). ^ 6133 „ » „ ? Hadena trifolii i^oi!2f. =chenopodi! Fab. 2414 Bred vi. 1875 (Harwood). 1567 Greenwich, 1881 (Tutt). 241 1 Guernsey, vii. 1885 (Luff). 2411 ,, ,, ,, 6739 Altai Mountains, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). 6740 6733 Kaschgar, Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser).) 6734 „ „ „ „ „ „ / These two specimens agree exactly with the descrip- tion (Barrett, vol. iv., page 201), and the figure (Plate 159, fig. 2c) of var. albifusa Grote : orbicular stigma large and conspicuously whitish ; lower half of reniform stigma dark grey ; claviform stigma broad and also dark grey ; a pale oblique band from the orbicular stigma joining a second from the apex at the anal angle. Barrett's statement that, with the exception of a single specimen taken at Portland in 1888, ' this peculiar variety does not seem to have been observed in the eastern hemisphere,' is ap- parently incorrect. *4948 Greenwich, 1881 (Tutt). Dull yellowish-green. *4949 Greenwich, 1881 (Tutt). Purplish-red. ♦4950 Greenwich, 1881 (Tutt). "\ *56i4 London, ix. 1884 (Buckell). / Pale reddish-brown. *56i2 London, ix. 1884 (Buckell). Dull yellowish-green. *56i5 London, ix. 1884 (Buckell). Bright biulsh-green ; the subdorsal black markings very distinct. *56ii London, ix. 1884 (Buckell). Pale green. [Mamestra albifrons Grote]. 4833 Orillia, Canada West, 1875 (Norman), ■) 4834 Rhode Island, 1876 (Norman). / 4833 is exactly similar to the Altai specimens of the preceding species, but 4834 has the ground colour paler. Labelled ' ? spec. Darwini ? ' 100 Hadena sodae Ramh. 4794 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). § 4795 ., .. ,. $ 4796 „ „ „ S The reniform stigma very conspicuous. 4797 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). ^ The markings less distinct and the general appearance hence more unicolorous. [The left fore wing badly sprung]. Hadena atriplicis Linn. 4092 Leipzic, bred from pupa, vi. 1879 (Heyne). 4097 4090 4093 4096 4095 4091 Paler than those preceding. ♦5664 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). ^ *5663 „ „ „ / Dark greyish-green. [Three-fourths grown]. *5698 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). As the above, but the dorsal line conspicuous. ♦5699 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Dark green. *399i Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). Yellowish-green. [Colour probably gone]. Hadena dissimilis X;tocA=suasa Bork. 3729 London, 1877 (King). \ 3727 1014 6316 6315 3796 3794 3795 3797 5078 5079 6698 6699 "6621 Droylesden, 1873 (White). [ Hartlepool, 1884 (Harwood). j Suasa Bork. The variegated form. Hartlepool, 1884 (Harwood). Dark, almost unicolorous, except for the subterminal line. ? ab. confluens Ever. Central Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). Dissimilis Knock. The more unicolorous form. Central Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). As the preceding, but markings still more obsolete. Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). "\ / • Recorded as 'var. varians' in Mr. Dobree's diary. Ground colour reddish-brown ; costal area pale grey ; subterminal line very conspicuous. Cf. Barrett, Plate 157, fig. lb. Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre— taken by Grae§er).\ >) , >» >j >» >» '* -^ Groimd colour dark reddish-brown, almost unicolorous, except for the subterminal line, which is con- spicuous, as in the preceding. Austria, 1888 (StsCttdinger). Hadena oleracea Linn. — spurn, E. Yorks f. lOI 3635 Beverley, bred vi. 1877 f. *535i Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1873 f- Pale whitish-green. *535o Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1873 f- Bright green. *5352 Weel, E. Yorks.', ix. 1873 t- Greyish-green. *5353 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1873 j- Dark red ; barred with green between each segment. *5354 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1873 f- Reddish-brown. *5355 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1873 f. Brown. *5^35 Beverley, ix. 1884 f- \ *5637 ,. „ t- -< Pale salmon colour. *5683 Beverley, taken off clematis with the two previous specimens. ix. 1884 t- Greyish-black. [Half grown]. Hadena pisi Linn. 3870 Wakefield, bred from larva, 1878. Intermediate between the type and the following. 2565 London, bred 1875 (Wittick). Ab. splendens Steph. Ground colour uniform reddish- brown. 2369 London, bred 1875 (Wittick). Paler than the preceding specimen, and the sub- terminal line not so conspicuous. 2370 London, bred 1875 (Wittick). 2373 Shetland, 1887 (Salvage). Var. scotica Tiitt. Ground colour purplish-brown ; markings conspicuously dark. Cf. Barrett, Plate 157, fig- 2b. 2374 Shetland, 1887 (Salvage). 6371 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ Suffused with a strong purplish tinge. 6372 Nicolajefsk, Amurland, 1 881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ Var. pallens Stand. Ground colour pale brown, almost unicolorous ; the subterminal line almost obsolete. 4035 1878 (Staudinger). ^ 4°34 „ „ /. . ^ , ... u ' Var. sibirica ' in Mr. Dobree s diary. Pale reddish- brown ; markings indistinct ; the yellowish-white anal mark large and blurred. But Staudinger's description of the preceding form would probably also apply to these specimens — ' fore wings pale (yellowish) brown, less marked.' ♦5209 Carmarthen, x. 1882 (Owen Wilson). \ ♦4631 Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1883 t- / Ground colour purple. [5209 three-fourths grown]. ♦4631a Weel, E. Yorks., ix. 1883 f- Ground colour greyish-green, 102 Hadena genistae Bork. 792 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). ^ 790 791 789 3052 „ 1876 „ j^ 3790 Central Germany, 1877 (Staudinger). 3791 3789 3792 In the above series there is a slight variation in the distinctness of the dark markings in the central area. *5999 Saxony, 1885 (Staudinger). *6ooo „ ,, ,, [Three-fourths grown]. *569i Central Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). \ *5695 „ ,. „ „ J [Half-grown]. DRAWER XXXI. Hadena thalassina Rott. 248 Droylesden, 1872 (A^liite). 246 te). 2419 Molescroft, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. ♦6083 Saxony, 1886 (Heyne). 249 >) )I 2322 bred 1875 (Wh 2316 2317 2318 2319 2321 2320 Hadena contigua Vill 3123 Rannoch, vii. 1876 (Robertsen). 3"7 4896 4894 6737 6736 793 *5956 *5957 *5958 "5959 1881 (Salvage). >) >> Scotland, 1881 (Salvage). With the exception of the pale blotch at base of fore wings, the whole area up to the second line ver}- dark, and the orbicular stigma and anal blotch therefore very conspicuous by contrast. Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). $ ) j> >» n >j >» O -' The ground colour duller and paler and the markings blurred, the brightness of the preceding specimens being entirely wanting. Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). ix. 1885 (Harwood). ] Bright green, the sub-dorsal markings distinct. ix. 1885 (Harwood). Bright green, the sub-dorsal markings obsolete. 103 *5955 i-^- 1885 (Harwood). Pale reddish-brown. [Half-grown]. *5954 ix. 1885 (Harwood). Brown, with traces of green markings. [Half grown]. *5953 ix. 1885 (Harwood). Pale reddish-brown, with traces of green markings. Hyppa rectilinea Esp. 3104 Rannoch, vi. 1876 (Clark). 3105 >, 1877 3106 ,, ,, ,, 3109 „ „ ,. 3108 „ „ „ 3107 ,, ,, ,, Var. virgata Tutt. The common Scotch form : a dark reddish-brown central band between the first and second lines, the band most uniformly dark in 3107. Cf. Barrett, Plate 189, fig. i, and South, I. PI. 126, fig. 7. In 3105 it is invaded by the grey costal patch. 3112 Rannoch, vi. 1876 (Clark). Ab. semi-virgata Tutt. The upper half of this band replaced by the slaty-grey ground colour. ♦562 1 Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). ♦5620 ,, ,, ,, *5622 ,, ,, ,, *5625 [Hyppa xylinoides Guen.]. In Dr. Staudinger's 'Catalog,' 1901, this form appears as a variety of the preceding species. 5623 Orillia, Canada West, vi. 1876 (Norman). $ ) 5624 „ ,. ., „ c? J Almost exactly like 31 12 above, but not so bright, and the stigmata more indistinct. Labelled ' ? spec. Darw. ? ' IVIamestra splendens Hub. 5571 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). $ 5572 ,, ,. ,, ,, [Wings at rest]. •'3954 Bought in Paris, 1878 (Wailly). [Three-fourths grown]. "5296 Meaux, E. Yorks., vii. 1883 f- '5297 Cucullia scrophulariae Cap. t- 381 871 874 4138 4139 3899 3896 3897 Canterbury, bred from pupa, v. 1872 (Parry). Is this, rather, a diminutive specimen of C. verbasc! ? In an article entitled ' Cucullia scrophulariae probably specifically identical with C. lychnitis ' (' Entomo- logist,' June 1891), Mr. Dobree says that in his opinion, ' C. scrophulariae is probably not found in Great Britain at all.' Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). The costal streak very dark. Hamburg, 1879 (Graeser). \ J Of a more whitish appearance than the others in the series, and the costal streak whitish-grey, instead of brown. ' These may be considered typical of scrophulariae.' (MS. note by Mr. Dobree.) Toulouse, 1878 (Wailly). 'Bred from pupa obtained from Toulouse from a correspondent who, he says, knows the insect.' Toulouse, 1878 (Wailly). The costal streak very pale. 109 *3992 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). *4977 „ 1881 (Kricheldorff). ♦6087 Thiiringen, 1886 (Heyne). *3955 Bought in Paris, 1878 (Wailly). Cucullia lychnitis Ramh. In the article previously referred to, Mr. Dobree says, 'The identity of C. scrophularlae ^\ith C. lychnitis is likely to be proved when any specialist has the opportunities for close and extended comparison.' i960 Bred 1875 (Harwood). 1959 4190 „ 1879 4188 4189 3932 Brighton, bred 1878 (Salvage). 3933 J 5392 „ bred 1883 5391 *6o88 Bohemia, 1886 (Heyne). *570o South France, 1883 (Staudinger). *5204 Brighton, viii. 1885 (Salvage). *52i5 The larva of C. lychnitis is ' absolutely indistinguish- able ' from that of C. scrophularlae. (Ibid.) Cucullia prenanthls Boisd, 5675 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). 5676 Cucullia thapsiphaga Treit. 4313 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 4314 4316 ♦5008 „ 1882 [The colour gone]. Cucullia blattariae Esp. 4735 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 6657 Dalmatia, 1888 (Staudinger). 6658 ♦5248 „ 1883 Cucullia scrophulariphaga Ramb. 6525 Corsica, 1887 (Staudinger). 6526 Cucullia gnaphalii Hub. 6096 ' Tilgate Forest, Tester, 1872 ' (Salvage). 6524 Livonia, 1887 (Staudinger). Ground colour entirely suffused with dark violet-grey, Cucullia asteris Schiff. 2380 Crawley, Sussex, bred from pupa, 1875 (Peters). 2379 2376 2381 2375 855 South Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). *5947 viii. 1885 (Salvage). ^ *5946 „ „ ;- *5944 ., „ ) , Bright green ; the pale yellow lines tinged with green,, i as if the green colour had ' run.' no *52o6 Brighton, 1882 (Salvage). ' ~\ *5425 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). j Duller green than the preceding, and the pale yellow lines clear. *5945 viii. 1885 (Salvage). Pale red ; the pale yellow dorsal line very distinct. *5426 Continent, 1883 (Watkins and Doncaster). Sides pale red ; dorsal area black, in which the pale yellow dorsal line is very conspicuous. Cucullia xeranthemi Boisd. 611 Gut rnsey, 1872 (Luff). ^'^- J) >» >> Ground colour suffused with dark grey. *66i5 Hungary, 1888 (Staudinger). Dull green ; dorsal stripe purple. *66i6 Hungary, 1888 (Staudinger). Dull green ; no dorsal stripe. Cucullia artemisiae Hufn. =ahroian\ Hub. 1330 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). ' ■ 132S „ „ „ ■ ! ^ 1329 850 ,, 1872 ,, *5672 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). : Cucullia scopariae Dorf. 4317 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). 4318 *66i4 Aus'.ria, 1888 „ ; ' [Half grown]. , ; Cjcullia absinthii Linn. 3281 Bathampton, Somerset, 1876 (Ross). 3280 „ „ „ „ 1355 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). ^35" >> )> >> 1354 n „ „ 135^^ „ „ „ .' , 135'' ,, „ » *5i64 „ 1882 „ Cjcullia formosa Rogen. 3428 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger), 3429 „ „ • „ ■ *4672 „ 1880 . „. DRAWER XXXIV. Cucullia fraudatrtx Ever. 3422 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3423 „ [The right hind wing broken], Cucullia santonici Hub. 4304 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). 4303 „ „ „ Cucullia tanaceti Schiff. 3047 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger) 3048 „ „ „ • *6577 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). 2292 2294 III Cucullia santolinae Ramh. 6652 South France, 1888 (Staudinger). ' 6651 „ „ „ Cucullia chamomillae Schiff. 2293 Crawley, Sussex, bred from pupa, 1875 (Peters). \ :: ;; :; :; ;; / Darker than the Continental type form, and approach- ing the following variety. 3601 Beverley, v. 1877 f . 3600 Bred from pupa, v. 1877 (Harwood). 3599 4301 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). 4302 Ab. chrysanthemi Hiib. A semi-melanic form, much streaked with dark. Cf. Barrett, Plate 240, fig. la, and South, II. PI. 16, fig. 2. All but 4302 show a distinct pale spot below the centre of the fore wings. The Continental specimens are larger (50 mm. and 48 mm., as against 42 mm., 45 mm., 46 mm.). *427i Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). The dorsal markings dull purple, with a large purplish blotch on the middle of each segment. *545i South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Colour and markings greener, and without the purplish blotches. Cucullia lucifuga Huh. 'i']\'] Bavaria, 1877 (Staudinger). 3748 3749 Cucullia lactucae Esp. 4051 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). 4052 „ „ „ 4053 *658o Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Cucullia umbratica Linn. 545 Cliffe, E. Yorks., vii. 1872 f. 1647 Beverle^r, vii. 1877 f. 547 „ n t 1642 Houghton, E. Yorks., vi. 1874 f. 1643 „ ,, „ t- 1644 n „ .. „ f. 1645 Spurn, E. Yorks., vii. 1874 f. 1646 „ „ „ t- *467i Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). *5450 South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Cucullia praecana Ever. 3420 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3421 „ „ „ Cucullia lactea Fah. 3750 South Russia, 1877 (Staudinger) 375^ j> jj » 4732 Continent, 1880 „ Cucullia balsamitae Boisd,. 4733 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4734 „ ,> *4'^70 „ „ 112 Cucullia argentina Fah. 3424 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3426 3425 3427 ., >, ,, Guculiia splendida Cram. 5713 South Russia, 1882 (Staudinger). 5712 4056 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). 4057 Guculiia magnifica Frey. 4055 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). Cucullia argentea Hufn. =artemisiae ScUff. 1346 Germany, bred from pupa, 1878 (Heyne). 1347 ,, M .. n \ 8 ,, 1872 (Staudinger). / The ground colour darker green than in any of the others in the series, and the longitudinal dark mark- ings across the silvery spots that replace the upper stigmata so dark as to appear black. 811 Germany, 1872 (Staudinger). 812 854 1345 .. 1873 Ground colour yellowish-green. 1349 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 853 4486 „ ,, „ Ground colour very bright green, and the longitudinal dark markings nearly obsolete. ♦5671 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). The purplish markings of the two following specimens are here replaced by dull yellow, probably as the result of bad preservation. ♦5163 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). *5007 .. " DRAWER XXXV. Epimecia ustula i^rey. =ustulata Hiib.-Gey. 6056 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). 6057 Stemmaphora (Omia) viola Stand. 5124 Russian Turkistan, 1882 (Staudinger). Heliodes rupicola Hub. 1394 Hungary, 1873 (Luff). 1393 .. n >. Omia cymbalariae Hub. 5271 Switzerland, 1883 (Staudinger). 5272 ., ■ » » Cleophana yvanii Dup. 4762 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 9 1 4761 „ „ „ (^ / , , . Var. diflluens Stand. Grey, with darker central band ; the first and second transverse lines not united at "" about their middle ; the stigmata with black centres in 4761, and almost obliterated in 4762. In Dr. 113 Staudinger's 'Catolog,' 1901, this form is raised to specific rank, though he appends the remark, ' Yvanii forma Darw. ? ' Cleophana antirrhini Huh. 1307 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). 2098 „ 1874 „ 2099 1308 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). [The wings badly sprung]. *6628 Hungary, 1888 Cleophana olivina Herr.-Sch. 4753 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger. [The right hind wing sprung]. Cleophana dejeanii Dup. 6278 Castile, 1886 (Staudinger). 6279 Cleophana baetica Rarnh. 6075 Castile, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ 6076 „ „ „ $ Calophasia lunula Hufn.^WnmzR Esp. 2138 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2140 2137 2139 A narrow transverse black band strongly developed between the first and second lines in the lower half of the fore wings. Calophasia platyptera Esp. 2959 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 2960 ,, ,, ,, 2961 ,, ,, ,, 1 2962 „ „ ,, / Both fore wings and hind wings much darker. Calophasia casta Bork. =opa\\na Esp. 2141 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2142 2143 2144 The abdomina with a reddish tinge. *66i2 Hungary, 1888 (Staudinger). Chariclea delphinii Litin. 763 1 87 1 (Cooke). 764 851 852 2059 2064 2060 2061 2062 2063 2065 Continent, 1872 (Staudinger) 1874 There is in the above series some variation in the dark- ness of the transverse markings, which are perhaps most distinct in 2060. The hind margin and fringe of 764 are clear pale yellow, without the rosy tinge noticeable in the others of the series. In 2062 this pink tinge is very faint. H 114 *4676 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). Euterpia laudeti Boisd. 3438 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 4079 „ 1878 The whole of the abdomen strongly red. !Vlycteroplus puniceago Boisd. 3103 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3102 The abdomen strongly red. Pyrrhia (Chariclea) purpurites Treit. 999 V. 1873 (Marsden). 1000 ,, ,, The hind-marginal purplish band dark and very dis- tinct. 984 V. 1873 (Marsden). "\ 983 . „ „ / Markings suffused ; the hind-marginal band little darker than the remainder of the wing ; abdomina strongly tipped with red ; 983 paler in ground colour and markings than 984. Pyrrhia (Chariclea) umbra /iw/w.=marginata i^aft. 1857 Hartlepool, 1874 (Gardner). 2460 Spurn, E. Yorks., vi. 1875 f. 2461 „ „ t- 2462 ,, ,, +. 3182 Hartlepool, bred from pupa, vi. 1876 (Gardner). 6711 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). *57ii Brunswick, 1883 (Staudinger). Dark violet-grey. "•■6453 Burniston, N. Yorks., viii. 1887 f. Pale reddish-brown. *6454 Burniston, N. Yorks., viii. 1887 j. Green. The dorsal line in each of these three specimens is darker than the ground colour.^'. *52i4 Brighton, 1882 (McArthur). Larger than the preceding ; the colour dark green and the dorsal line paler. OharicSea treitschkei -Fnw. =taurica Herr.-Sdi. 2955 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 2956 3595 ,, 1877 ^4679 ,, 1880 ,, HeBJothis peStigera Schiff. 1066 Bristol, 1873 (Greene). "1 3287 Bathampton, Somerset, 1876 (Ross). [- 3414 „ „ ,, „ ' Darker in ground colour than the Continental speci- mens, and without the pale mark in the dark mar- ginal' band of the hind wings that is conspicuous in 3739, 3740, and 1305. 1066 and 3287 are also smaller than the Continental type specimens (30 mm. as against 38 mm.). 3741 Dalmatia, 1877 (Staudinger) 3739 „ „ „ 3740 „ 1305 Germany, 1873 ,, 115 Chariclea victorina Sodof. 3597 Continent, 1877 (Staudinger). Ground colour pale sulphur-yellow, and the purple stripes nearly obsolete ; costal margin of the hind wings white. 2957 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). Ground colour suffused with brown as far as the second line, and the purple stripes obliterated : a semi- melanic form. 3596 Continent, 1877 (Staudinger). 2958 „ 1876 „ Heiiothis armigera Huh. 1300 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 2964 ,, 1876 ,, 2963 862 „ 1872 ,, 3743 South Russia, 1877 (Staudinger). 3744 Ground colour yellowish-brown. 3745 South Russia, 1877 (Staudinger). '\ 2965 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2966 „ „ „ - 861 „ 1872 1299 „ 1873 .. ) Ground colour paler, yellowish-grey. 6710 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). Ground colour pale yellowish-grey as in the preceding, but more unicolorous, the only dark marking being the lower half of the reniform stigma, and the fringe being concolorous with the ground colour. 5739 North America, 1885 (Staudinger). Ground colour as the first six in the series, but the transverse band beyond the reniform stigma darker and more conspicuous. [Apex of right fore wing chipped]. Heiiothis dipsacea Linn. 1966 1875 (Harwood). 6306 New Forest, 1885 (Harwood). 6307 .. 6309 Essex Coast, 1886 ,, ~\ 6308 „ „ „ / Approaching var. maritima, but not so smooth-looking, and with. (a) several dark dots distributed over the wing-surface, and a marginal row of dots before the fringe ; {b) the inner edge of the central transverse band more irregular, and at the same time less sloping towards the base. 2968 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). \ 2969 ,, „ „ J Slightly larger than the British specimens (32 mm. ' as against 28-30 mm.). 367 Dresden, 1872 (Staudinger). Ground colour of a more distinct greenish hue tlian in any of the others in the series. 6709 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser) Larger (33 mm.), and the ground colour paler than in any of the others. ii6 3731 South France, 1877 (Staudinger). ~\ 3732 „ „ „ / Var. maritima Gras. Of a very smooth appearance, without dark dots, and with the inner edge of the transverse central band sloping regularly towards the base from a bend a short distance from the costa. *3994 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). Pale yellowish-brown. *4266 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). Dull greyish-green. Hcdothis scutosa Schiff. 374 Dresden, 1872 (Staudinger). 373 >) )) 372 >) ,, 371 3437 3737 Germany, 1876 1877 3733 ,, ,, 3734 ,, *,, 3735 3738 6708 Kuldja, E ussiai rkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). Larger than the Continental specimens in the series (36 mm. as against 31-34 mm.). The reniform stigma smaller, and a correspondingly larger white area in the wing ; the nervures not so distinct. *3995 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). *4267 „ 1880 HeSlothis incarnata Frey. 5533 Sarepta, South Russia, 1883 (Staudinger). Ground colour paler and the general appearance more unicolorous than in the following, owing to the obsolete character of the markings. 5531 Sarepta, South Russia, 1883 (Staudinger). 5532 5530 „ M M ,. • Heliothis ononis i^a5.=ononi(Iis Guen. 2055 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2056 ,, ,, ,, 2057 DRAWER XXXVI. Heliothis purpurascens Tausch. 3539 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3538 Heliothis cardui Hub. 537 Germany, bred from pupa, 1872 (Staudinger). ) 538 „ „ „ „ ./ Marked ' or cognatus ' in Mr. Dobrce's diary. 4993 Hungary, i88i (Kricheldorff). 4992 4991 *5i69 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). HeSiothis cognata Frey. 4988 Berlin, 1881 (Kricheldorff). 4989 „ „ „ 117 630 Continent, bred from pupa, 1872 (Staudinger). ^ 631 „ „ „ „ / Marked ' H. cardui aut cognatus ' in Mr. Dobree s diary. *5i68 Continent, 1882 (Staudinger). Janthinea frivaldszkyi Dup. 4065 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). 4066 ,, ,, ,, Anarta melaleuca Thun. 6271 Lapland, 1886 (Staudinger). 6272 6273 Ground colour of the fore wings brown instead of grey, and the marginal band of the hind wings dark brown ; base of the hind wings strongly suffused with the same colour. 6274 Lapland, 1886 (Staudinger). Ground colour a paler iron-grey than in the preceding. 6275 Lapland, 1886 (Staudinger). Ground colour much darker , and the appearance more unicolorous. Anarta zetterstedtii Staud. 5524 Lapland, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ 5523 ,, „ „ $ Heliothis imperialis Staud. 5546 Caucasus, 1883 (Staudinger). $ Anarta funebris Hah. 5282 Switzerland, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ ^ 5283 „ „ „ $ / The ' white spot in the midcMe ' of the hind wmgs (Kirby) lacking. Anarta richardsoni Curt.=a\g\^a Lef. 6270 Labrador, 1886 (Staudinger). <^ 6269 „ „ „ $ The central area invaded by the pale grey ground colour, and the stigmata less conspicuous than in the preceding. Anarta melanopa Thun. 3877 Rannoch. 1878 (Clark). ^ 3612 Pitlochrie-, vii. 1877 (Clark). \- 3613 » „ .. J x\ distinct pale grey central transverse band, bounded on its outer margin by dark brown bands. 3614 Pitlochrie, vii. 1877 (Clark). ^ 3878 Rannoch, 1878 (Clark). } 3879 „ „ „ J The wing-surface more uniform than in the preceding. 6156 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). "\ 6155 „ „ „ „ / Suffused with rick dark brown ; the nervures showing in pale grey. 6158 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). Fore wings suffused with blackish-brown, but lighter , around the stigmata. Cf. Barrett, Plate 250, fig. 2a. 6157 Shetland, 1886 (Salvage's expedition). I A very pretty form. A pale grey central transverse ^ band extending beyond the reniform stigma, which \ is therefore conspicuously dark. iiS 864 863 1362 i3'53 Continent, 1872 (Staudingcr). )> J» n 1873 Var. rupestralis Hi'ib. Strongly melanic. 864, 863, have the fore wings and hind wings entirely suffused with blackish-grey, with markings of the fore wings darker. In 1362, 1363, the melanism is not so strongly pronounced, the general tone being lighter and the hind wings not so completely suffused. Anaria cordigera Thun. 3227 Rannoch, 1876 (Robertson). '\ 3132 3133 3228 3229 3642 ,, vii. 1877 (Clark). 3876 - - 3875 3874. 4117 Innerhadden, Kinloch, bred 1879 (Salvage). There is in this beautiful series considerable variation in the distinctness or indistinctness of the central transverse black band, and in the size and shape of the reniform stigma, which is large and irregularly- shaped in 3132 (cf. Barrett, Plate 250, fig. 3b), large and kidney-shaped in 4177, and narrowly con- tracted in 3133, 3229, 3874. 3644 Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). A very pretty form. Basal and outer areas distinctly ashy-grey. Cf. Barrett, Plate 250, fig. 3. 3643 Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). Ab. aethiops Hoff.=ah. suflfusa Ttttt. The whole area of the fore wings deep black with the exception of the hind margin. Reniform stigma ochreous, as in the specimen recorded by Mr. Tutt. 1364 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). \ ^3'^5 „ „ n / Quite distinct from all others in the series. The fore wings suffused with purplish-brown, and the bright- ness of the whole appearance lost. Anaria myrtilli Linn. 1957 1875 (Harwood). > 287 Wolsingham, 1871 (Pickard). 288 289 Sheffield, bred from pupa, 1878. 291 290 3608 3607 3609 3610 1956 bred from pupa, 1877 (Doncaster). 1875 (Harwood). All the above specimens are var. rufescens Tutt. Ground colour brighter red than in the type form, and the white markings more distinct. 1954 Scotter, Lines., v. 1885 f. 1 1955 „ „ n t- / The type form : ground colour dark purplish-brown ; the markings less clear, and the central spot blurred. [1955 has wings at rest]. 119 •=5631 •=5629 Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). Bright green, the hnes distinctly white. *563o Rannoch, ix. 1884 (Salvage). ) *5632 „ „ „ / Yellowish-green, the lines indistinctly marked. Heliaca tenebrata Scop. =SLrbuii Fab. 1 1 17 Nottingham, 1873 (Sherwood). 1115 1155 1 140 "53 1 143 1142 1 144 1 145 1 1 56 1157 1141 1 1 52 1154 Kingston, Surrey, 1873 (Liilham). ; There is in the above specimens a slight vaiiation in depth of the tone of the fore wings, and in width of the yellow band of the hind wings, this being much narrower in 1117, 1115, and 1154 than in the others of the series. Metoponia koekeritziana //«5.=flava Hub. =fiaM'n\a Ochs. 2952 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 2951 2950 „ The central black dot very indistinct. 2953 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). The central black dot obsolete. Metoponia vespertalis Hiib.=yespert\nsi Treit. 5792 Mauretania, 1885 (Staudinger). 5793 Emmelia (Agrophiia) trabealis 5c:o^.=sulphuralisL^^n.=sui- phurea Esp. 41 15 Cambridgeshire, vii. 1879 (Fleet). The three costal spots united, and forming a black streak. Cambridgeshire, vii. 1879 (Fleet). 4116 41 1 1 4112 4114 4113 5330 5329 5328 5331 1185 1188 The yellow ground colour diminished in area by an increase in the width of the dark markings ; the first two costal spots joined. (?) ab. algira Ober. Cambridgeshire, vii. 1879 (Fleet). 1883 (Warren) The subterminal row of spots not joined together, and the other spots reduced in size. Cf.|;^Barrett, Plate 248, fig. lb. ■ Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). \ i The first two costal spots joined. 120 1=5709 •■5707 South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). [Three-fourths grown']. *57o8 South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). *5QI4 viii. 1885 (Salvage). Xanthodes graellsii Feisth. 761 Continent, 1872 (Staudinger). 762 The three spots below the costa obsolete. Acontia lucida Hufn. =solaris Esp. 733 Hungary (?), 1872, from a French collection (Luff).v 734 735 736 2043 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 2044 „ „ 2045 2046 Var. albicollis Fab. ' Considered by the French ento- mologists to be a distinct species ' (Kirby). Basal area of the fore wings entirely white, and the cen- tral dark band narrower than in the type. This band is much invaded by the white of the basal portions in 2046. In the hind wings the marginal dark band is also narrower (extremely narrow in 2044), and the basal area is clear white, except in 734, 735, and 736, where the three brown rays of the type persist, though they are much restricted. Cf. South, II. PI. 19, fig. 9. Barrett, Plate 246, fig. 3. is a representa- tion of this variety under the name of Acontia Solaris. Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 2039 2040 2041 2042 ,, ,, ,, Acontia luctuosa Esp. 339 Droylesden, v. 1872 (Wliite) London, 1872 (Boulden). 465 466 467 464 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 Colchester, 1876 (Harwood). J There is in the above series some variation in the size, shape, and colour of the light costal patch in the fore wings, which is white in 465, and tinged more or less with ochreous in all others of the series — most strong- ly in 466. The central white band of the hind wings is widest in 464, and narrowest in 3296. *556o Leipzic, 1884 (Heyne). Uniform pale reddish-brown, without the markings shown in Buckler's figures. Acontia urania Fnv. 4789 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger. $ 4788 „ „ „ c? 3540 „ 1876 „ ^ 121 3541 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). $ The rose-coloured suffusion in the basal area of the fore wings more marked than in the preceding. Acontiola (Acontia) moldavicola Herr.-Sch. 4276 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4275 Armada hueberi Ersch. 5564 Turcomania, 1883 (Staudinger). $ 5565 „ „ „ 3 Acontia titania Esp. 4064 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). A parallel form to A. lucida var. albicollis. The white basal area of the fore wings extended, and the black basal area of the hind wings lessened and broken up with white. 4063 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). Armada clio Stand. 6080 Turcomania, 1885 (Staudinger). ^J Erastria argentuia Hub. 5199 Ely, 1882 (Raynor). 5200 5201 1932 1929 1927 1928 1934 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). The two teeth on the outer edge of the inner central transverse white line enlargedand very conspicuous. ton, Surrey, 1879 (Ficklin). DRAWER XXXVII. Erastria fasciana Linn. =f uscula Hub. 1520 Kingston, Surrey, vii. 1874 (Lulham). 1521 1522 1525 1526 1795 1796 1797 Norb: 1798 1799 1800 1 801 1802 ,',' ',', ',', ',', J The above specimens show a slight variation in the depth of the dark colouring in the apical region beyond the reniform stigma. *650i Bavaria, 1887 (Staudinger). *6502 Erastria venustula Hub. 3235 1876 (Meek). 3234 3238 1887 (Salvage). 3239 *57°5 South Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). *57o6 „ „ „; 122 Erastria uncula Clerck = uncsL Schiff. 1962 York, vii. 1884 (Walker). 1963 1964 1965 5608 5609 3682 „ 3683 1923 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). There is in the above specimens a sHght variation in the size and shape of the ' hook,' this being widest in 1964 and narrowest in 3682. Thalpochares (Erastria) scitula Ramb. 6219 Central France, 1886 (Staudinger). 6218 Thalpochares dardouini Boisd. 3193- Continent, bred from pupa, 1876 (Heyne). 3194 „ „ .. 3195 Thalpochares candidana -Fa&.=minuta Hi'tb. 6016 Granada, 1885 (Ribbe). 6014 6015 6018 6017 Ground colour suffused with greyish-brown. men lost]. Spain, 1885 (Staudinger). [Abdo- As 6015 in ground colour, but with a strong pink suffusion over thorax, abdomen, and basal area of the wings. Thalpochares paula Hub. 2887 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2888 2890 2891 2892 6516 6517 6518 6519 Austria, 1887 (Staudinger). Smaller (15 mm. as against 17 mm.); and suffused with pale grey, thus having a more uniform appearance. Thalpochares parva Hfeb. 2893 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 2895 2896 2894 The area bej^ond the central transverse line purplish- grey. [Apex of the right fore wing chipped]. Thalpochares ostrlna H77b. 1947 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 1948 123 6515 Syria, 1887 (Staudinger). ^ 6021 Central France, 1885 (Staudinger). \- 6022 ,, ,, ,, J Var. porphyrina Frey. (18 mm. -21 mm.) ; ground colour pale whitish-ochreous ; central band narrow, broken and distinct ; apical streak contracted. Not larger than the type form preceding. 1943- Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). "j 1944 I) )> )» '- 5057 „ 1882 „ j 5058 „ „ " -', Var. aestivalis Gnen. (17 mm. -21 mm.) ; resembles the type in general appearance, but the ground coloiu" is paler and the markings less pronounced ; only 1943 smaller than the type. 1945 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). \ 1946 „ „ „ J Var. carthami Herr.-Sch. A fine leucochroic form : ground colour pale whitish-ochreous, and the mark- ings obsolete, except for a slight persistence of the apical streak. Erastria deceptoria Sco/).= atratula Huh. 2897 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2900 ,, ,, ,, Thalpochares purpurina Hiih. 1935 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). Larger than any of the following (26 mm.) ; the outer half of the wings more reddish, and the enclosed markings more suffused. 1938 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). Very small (20 mm.). 1937 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 1936 Thalpochares communimacula Huh. 4272 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4273 The reddish-bro-wTi spot in the middle of the inner margin of the fore wings very large. 4274 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). Thalpochares pannonica Frey. 5478 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). [The right fore wing badly sprung] . 5479 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). Thalpochares rosea //?v&. =rosina Hah. 1939 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 1939a „ „ ,, 1940 „ „ „ 1941 „ „ 1942 Thalpochares respersa iy//6.=amoena Hah. 2946 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 2947 ,, ., ,. 2948 „ 2949 „ ,, „ 124 Erastria pusilla Ft>z&.=candidula Huh. 5787 South Germany, 1884 (Staudinger). 5789 „ » 6020 „ 1885 „ 1 6019 ,, „ ,, / . The white markings having a faint rosy tint. Thalpochares pura Huh. 6214 Central France, 1886 (Staudinger). 6216 „ „ „ 6217 „ „ „ \ 6215 „ „ „ / The central transverse line indistinct. Thalpochares lacernaria i/«5.=glarea Treit. 4708 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4709 ,, „ 4710 Var. eretula Frey. A leucochroic form : ground colour pale whitish-ochreous ; markings faint. Erastria obliterata Ramh. =mmmer\ Treit. 6521 Tyrol, 1887 (Staudinger). 6520 ,, ,, ,, Eublemma (Thalpochares) arcuinna H//&.=inamoena Huh. 5286 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). ,^ Larger than the $ $ (32 mm. as against 29 mm.), and paler, the hind wings especially so. 5284 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). $ 5285 „ „ „ ? Leocyma albonitens Brem. 6355 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ 6354 „ „ „ » » c? IVIetoptrIa monogramma Huh. 5563 Andalusia, 1883 (Staudinger). . 6286 Algeria, 1886 (Staudinger). 6285 The markings paler and yellower than in the preceding, and the subterminal pale line not so conspicuous. IVIegalodes eximia Frey. 5678 Continent, 1884 (Gerhardt). Brephos parthenias Linn. 2251 Bred 1874 (Harwood). ~) 2252 ,, „ I 2253 „ „ 1- 2254 „ „ ! 2255 „ „ J . The above specimens show a slight variation in the extent and distinctness of the central transverse white streak, this being wide in 2251, and nearly obsolete in 2254. 3328 Houghton, E. Yorks., 1882 f. Ground colour brown, largely dusted with grey atoms in the basal area, and in a transverse band beyond the central white streak. This latter is very broad, as in the Amurland specimen, 6510. 3326 Rannoch, 1887 (Salvage). \ 3327 ,, „ „ / Ground colour darker than in any of the others m the series, and the white markings correspondingly more distinct. 125 6509 Amurland, 1887 (Staudinger). "\ 6510 „ „ „ / The central white streak broad, especially in 6510 ; in the hind wings the central lunule very sharply defined and the marginal band more regular in shape. *5587 Dartford, vi. 1884 (Davis). *5587a *5588 *5589 [Brephos infans Mosch.] 5528 Labrador, 1883 (Staudinger). » 5529 Indistinguishable from some specimens of the preceding species, except that the hind wings are distinctly redder in tone. Brephos notha Hub. 1466 Bred from pupa, iii. 1874 (Harwood). A distinct dark transverse oblique band before the middle of the fore wings. Cf. South, II. PI. 38, fig. 5. 2269 Bred from pupa, iv. 1875 (Harwood). The usual pale markings obsolete, and the general appearance therefore more nearly unicolorous. 6677 Amurland, 1888 (Staudinger). 6678 6512 Turcomania, 1887 (Staudinger). 6511 „ „ ,, *5864 vi. 1885 (Harwood). Dorsal area green, sides purple. *5862 vi. 1885 (Harwood). As the preceding, but the contrast not so great. *5863 vi. 1885 (Harwood). 1 *586i „ „ / Green. [The colour partly gone]. *586o vi. 1885 (Harwood). ^ *5859 „ „ / Reddish-brown. Brephos puella £s^.=caelebs Hub. 4068 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). A distinct dark transverse oblique band, as in the first specimen of the preceding species. 4067 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). 4069 „ „ „ 4070 Callopistria (Eriopus) purpureofasciata P^7/.=pter!d!S Fab. 2066 Central Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2067 ,, ,, *6585 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Reddish-brown. *6586 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Bright purphsh- •red. *6587 Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). Green. Callopistria (Eriopus) latreillei Dtip. 5758 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). Tlie ground colour darker than that of the followins 5759 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). 5760 5761 „ „ „ 126 Eutelia (Eurhipia) adulatrixT//^^. 3027 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3028 „ „ „ 3029 TelesiHa amethystina Huh. 2100 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2101 2102 Central Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 2103 Fore wings strongly flushed with purplish-red. beautiful form. Telesilla vorgo Treit. 4842 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 6357 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ 6356 „ „ „ „ s The markings duller than in the preceding. DRAWER XXXVDII. Abrostola tripartita .ffw/».=urticae Hub., 1 02 1 Bred from larva, vi. 1873. 2300 Bred from pupa, 1875 (Harwood). 2301 2302 ,, ,, ,, 2305 ,, ,, ,, 2306 ,, ,, ,, * 3563 Bred 1876 (Harwood). 3564 3565 3560 There is in the above series some variation in the distinctness of the grey markings at the base and along the hind margin of the fore wings. 635I5 Nicolajefslc, Amurland, 1 881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). Small (21 mm. as against 22 mm-26 mm.) ; the grey markings less developed than in any of the preceding, and the general appearance therefore more unicolor- ous. *62o8 Central Germany, 18S6 (Staudinger). *4678 German\ , 1880 (Staudinger). Abrostola triplasia Linn. 1020 Bred from larva, v. 1873. 2299 Bred from pupa, v. 1875 (Harwood). 2298 ,, ,, ,, 2295 , „ • » » 2296 2297 *5469 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). 1 )ull greyish-green. *5469a Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). 1 )ull purple. *5i65 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). I)ull reddish-brown. Abrostola asclepiadis Schiff. 3516 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3517 ,, » 127 2II9 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). *5444 ,. 1883 „ ■) ♦6500 South Germany, 1887 (Staudinger). / Mr. Tutt describes this as ' a form intermediate be- tween typical tripartita and the obscletely-niarked form urticae Hub. ' ; but the larvae here she vvn are quite distinct from those of A. tripartita. Plusia cheiranti Tawsc/z. ==eugenia Ever. 3005 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3006 6738 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^ Larger (33 mm. as against 30 mm.) ; tlie markings at the tip more sufiused, and the hind wings slightly darker. Plusia variabilis P^7/.=illustris Fah. [The right hind wing lost]. Plusia modesta Huh. The double inner line curved instead of angulated on the median nervure, and the inner component of the double second line curved instead of being almost straight. Plusia consona Fah. Plusia c-aureum /iwoc/i= concha Fah. 840 Germanv, 1872 (Staudinger). 839 „ " „ 6779 Switzerland, 1889 (Riihl). *3997 Germany, 1878 (Staudinger). [? not full grown]. Plusia moneta Fah. 6705 Amurland, 1888 (Tan'cre — fakm by Graeser). ^ ) 6704 » „ „ „ ?/ Var. esmeralda Oher. ' Of this species there is a not uncommon variety* of the imago in Amurland (Siberia), in which the fore wings are shining siher- white instead of the golden-grey in the type ' (N. F. Dobree, ' Entomologist,' November 1890). Plusia chryson i:s/).=oricha!cea Huh. 3542 German}^, 1876 (Staudinger). 3545 3543 3544 6772 Cambridgeshire, bred from larva, 1889 (Salvage). 5960 ,, bred 1885 (Warren). 5961 128 56i8 5619 Plusia chrysitis Linn 2486 3645 3893 1564 2488 442 Cambridgeshire, bred from larva, 1884 (Wan-en). Beverley, vii. 1875 f. vii. 1877 f. 1878 t. ^ vii. 1874 f. I vu. 1875 f. j VI. 1872 f. J Ab. juncta Tutt. The two transverse metallic bands joined by a longitudinal band below the median nervure. ' Commoner in England than the type.' Molescroft, E. Yorks., vii. 1875 f. An intermediate form between ab. juncta and the type, the separation between the internal projections on the two metallic bands being very slight. Amurland, 1887 (Staudinger). ^ \ )) )) >) +■ J An extreme form of ab. juncta Tutt, the junctional band being very wide, and very sharply defined. Berlin, 1888 (Gleissner). [? not full grown]. Plusia bractea Fah. 2490 6556 6557. •=6583 [Very worn specimens]. • 6601 Forres, bred by Curzon, 1888 (Salvage). ") 663i „ „ „ „ / Ground colour and markings richer and darker than in the Continental specimens below. 3470 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3469 3013 3014 >. .. ). Plusia festucae Linn. 5894 Egerton, Lanes., bred from pupa, vi. 1885 (Smith). .5896 ,, „ „ ,, 5893 " " » " 5895 .. " " >' 22 Egerton, Lanes., 1885 (Smith). 23 24 25 26 [Wings at rest]. *5829 Egerton, Lanes., vi. 1885 (Smith). *583o „ „ ,, ■ *5828 Piusia pulchrina //azt.=v-aiireum Guen. 4197 Carmartlien, bred 1S79 (Hearder). 4198 „ „ „ 4199 4200 3901 3902 3903 3701 Londonderry, vui. 1878 (Campbell). 1877 Tiiese specimens show ccnsideiable variation in the size and shape of the lower metallic spot, this being 129 small and oval in 3901, 3902 ; large and circular in 4200 ; long and narrow in 3903 and 3700. The four Welsh specimens are brighter and redder in colour than the Irish specimens, besides being more uniformly large (40 -41 mm. as against 36-39 mm.). Yet ' pulchrina is only 38 mm. in expanse ' (Guenee, quoted by Mr. Tutt). 3700 Londonderry, 1877 (Campbell). Ab. percontatrix Auriv. =a.h. juncta Tutt. The two metallic markings joined and forming a ' gamma,' as in P. iota var. percontationis. Cf. South. II. PI. 24, fig- 5- -. } [Wings at rest]. Plusia iota Linn. 1024 Beverley, vii. 1877 f. \ 1554 .. .. t- J Ground colour slightly paler than in the following specimens, and the lower central area largely shaded with rust-coloured brown below the metallic spots. 1025 Beverley, vii. 1877 f. 1553 .. ^'ii- 1874 t- The metallic spots very small. 1555 Beverley, vi. 1875 f. \ 1556 » ,. t- J Ab. percontationis Treit. The metallic spots jomed, and forming a ' gamma ' as in ab. juneta of the pre- ceding species. Cf. South, II. PI. 24, fig. 7. 1557 Beverley, vi. 1875 f. 1558 » ,, t- The ground colour very pale rosy, and the outer area and inner margin much paler than in the preceding specimen ; the metallic spots very small. 6077 North Germany, 1885 (Staudinger). ^ "\ 6078 „ „ ,, ? / Ab. inseripta Esp. Fine purplish forms (38 mm., 43 mm.) ; the lower metallic dot obsolete in 6077, and almost so in 6078, the upper dot almost obsolete in both. DRAWER XXXIX. Plusia deaurata £s^.=aurea Hub. 301 1 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). $ 3010 „ „ » (J 3012 „ „ „ (J Plusia aemula Huh. 5280 Styria, 1883 (Staudinger). $ 5281 „ „ „ S Plusia zosimi Huh. 6706 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). 6707 ,, ,, ,, ,, Plusia v-argentum £s/).=mya Huh. — ^ 4058 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). ^ Plusia chalcitis £s/).=chalsy4!S Huh. 1284 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). 1285 „ 130 Plusia circumflexa Linn. 51 19 Russian Turkistan, 1882 (Staudinger). 5120 „ „ „ 1 Plusia ni Huh. 5721 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). 5722 „ „ „ 5677 Continent, 1884 (Gerhardt). The lower white mark expanded laterally, and joined to the upper (36 mm.). 3171 Sicily, 1875 (Staudinger). (30 mm.), Piusia gamma Linn. 2642 Beverley, viii. 1875 f. 2643 ,, ,, t- 3367 „ X. 1876 t- 3368 j» )> T* 3369 ,, ,, t' 3674 ,, ix. 1877 f. 3675 ,, ,, f. 2644 ,, viii. 1875 f. } [Wings at rest]. *53i2 Beverley, bred from ovum, 1883 f. *53ii )) )) >> T' *53io >> )) )> T* *6i35 ,, ' summer brood,' 1886 j. *6i36 !J )) 5> T« Plusia accentifera Lef. 1313 Continent, 1873 (Staudinger). ^ 1314 ? [The right hind wing broken]. Plusia daubei Boisd. 6054 South France, 1885 (Staudinger). $ 6055 ,, (? 2026 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). ^ 2025 S Plusia gutta Gwe«.=circumflexa Esp. 2027 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). '^ 2028 / (29 mm.) ; ground colour rich reddish-brown. (32 mm.) ; ground colour greyish -brown, and the whole appearance duller. Plusia inierrogationis Linn. 2387 Wolsingham, bred from larva found feeding on heath^ on the high Fells, 1875 (Pickard). 2388 2389 ,, :, 2390 „ „ 2391 ,. ■ » 2392 „ ,, 2393 » .) 2394 » » 2395 .. >» 2396 2129 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). The specimens of this series show much variation in the character of the central metallic marks, these gener- 131 ally being separated, one a much-curved line, and the other a circular dot. In 2393 the dot is large, and in 2394 it is united to the curved line, so forming a shapeless blotch. Several specimens in the series have the very rosy tint (pronounced in 2390), charac- teristic of ab. rosea Tutt. 1 192 Germany, 1873 (Stauudinger). The lower central area less dark than in the preceding specimens, and the costal, basal, and hind-marginal areas of a paler and clearer grey. Plusia ain Hoch. 3774 Switzerland, 1877 (Staudinger). 377.5 6598 Silesia, bred 1888 (Teicher). \ 6597 „ .. „ / . Ground colour tinged with violet, and the dark mark- ings more brilliant. Plusia microgamma Hub. 6071 Finland, 1885 (Staudinger). $ Plusia devergens Hub. Plusia hochenwarthi Foe/?. =divergens Fab. 6406 Turkistan, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ \ 6405 „ „ „ c? / The subterminal line more irregular than in the type, and in character like that of the preceding species. In 6405 the ground colour is a suffused brown, and the markings are indistinct, the metallic mark being small and dark. 3778 Western Siberia, 1877 (Staudinger). $ \ 3777 .. .. n 6 / The subterminal line intermediate in character between that of the form preceding and that of the type following. 2021 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). 2022 ,, ,, ,, 3776 Western Siberia, 1877 (Staudinger). $ \ 3779 „ „ „ (J / Var. tibetana Stand. Ground colour and markings paler than in any of the preceding ; the subterminal line as in 3778 and 3777, but not so distinct. All the Asiatic specimens are slightly larger than the Continental typeforms ( against 29 mm.). Caipe capucina Es/).=thalictri Bork. 2023 Continent, 1874 (Staudinger). $ (39 mm.). "| 4060 Amurland, 1878 ,, ^ (46 mm.). ]- 4059 „ „ „ 5 (46 mm.). J Notable for the curious form of the inner margin of the fore wings. Naenia typica Linn. 1627 Hull, bred 1874 (Sawyer). 1629 „ „ „ 2314 Rotterdam, 1875. The wing-surface between the nervures much darker than in the preceding specimens. 132 ♦5964 Perth, V. 1885 (Lawson). \ *5965 „ „ ,, J Pale reddish-brown ; marked ' ? ? ' in Mr.^Dobree's diary. *5892 Beverley, vi. 1885 -f. Pale yellowish-brown. *5586 Weel, E. Yorks., iv. 1884 f. Reddish -brown . ♦5234 Oldham, 1882 (Rodgers). \ *5235 „ .. .. ^ Dull brown. Mania maura Linn. 2549 Loughborough, 1875 (Wieldt). 2550 2551 „ ,, .. 532 Newcastle, Staffs., vii. 1872 (Earl). The central dark band very conspicuous owinglto light shading beyond the second line. A pale apical blotch, and traces of pale nervures across the outer area of the wings, thus approaching ab. -striata Tutt. Cf. South, I. PI. 142, fig.|3. 4294 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). AId. rosea Tutt. A magnificent form. The central band darker than in the preceding specimens, and the area beyond it paler and tinted with pink. The apical blotch large, and also tinted with pink. Cf, Barrett, Plate 216, fig. 2c. *5i72 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). *5465 „ 1883 DRAWER XL. Scoliopteryx (Gonoptera) libatrix Linn. The grey portions of the wing darker in tone, and the orange-red portions sharply and narrowly confined. All the wing-surface suffused with whitish-grey scales, producing a very pale appearance. 6703 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). (J Large (47 mm. as against 41-45 mm.) ; the costal area broadly whitish. *5i75 Germany, 1882 (Staudinger). Pale yellowish-brown. [? colour gone]. [Amphipyra pyramidoides Grote.] 6200 Orillia, Canada West, 1876 (Norman). ) 6201 „ ,, „ ,, J Very much resembling A. pyramidea, but the outer area beyond the second line more uniformly pale, thus throwing into prominence the darker central band. Hind wings dull coppery brown, dark brown along the costal margin. 133 Amphipyra pyramidea Linn. 6332 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^\ 6701 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser).) $J Var. obscura Obey. = va.r. obliquilimbata Graes. A melanochroic form (42 mm., 48 mm.) : fore wings entirely suffused with dark brown, the transverse lines indistinct, the dark shading along the central portion of the median nervure constant ; hind wdngs brownish, with hardly a trace of the normal colour. 1099 Beverley, bred 1879 f. \ iioo „ „ t- / . ^ ,. Finely marked type form : the white second Ime very conspicuous. 3585 Beverley, bred 1879 f. ) 1097 » ., t- J Ground colour pale ochreous-brown ; the central transverse band narrowed, and conspicuous only where it crosses the median nervure. Cf. Barrett, Plate 218, fig. ic, and South, I. PI. 154, fig. 3. 1095 Beverley, bred 1879 f- Asymmetrical : as the type forms above, but the right hind wing much lighter in colour than that on the left. *6io9 vi. 1886 (Harwood). "\ *6io8 „ „ / Dull yellowish-green. [? colour gone]. Amphipyra perflua Fah. 4321 Germany, 1879 (Staudinger). 4745 ,. 1880 4746 *468o „ „ „ Amphipyra effusa Boisd. 4323 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). Var. sciaphila Stand. Ground colour of the fore wings m.uch paler than in the type following, and the reniform stigma unicolorous with it. 4747 Continf-nt, 1880 (Staudinger). 4748 Amphipyra livida Fah. 3026 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 4744 ,. 1880 ■ „ r\ 4743 Amphipyra cinnamomea Goze. 3530 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3531 „ ., n : 4510 „ 1879 Amphipyra tetra Fa&. 4741 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4742 „ ,, „ The white costal spots very faint. Exophyla rectangularis Huh.-Gey. 4749 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4750 The transverse row of black dots in the outer area of the fore wings nearly obsolete. 134 475^ Continent, 1880 (Staiidingcr). The black dots form a complete series from the costa to the inner margin ; seven in number, the lower five being very conspicuous. 4752 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). Amphipyra tragopogonis Linn. 343 Forres, viii. 1871 f. 344 „ ,, t- 2604 Molescroft, E. Yorks., viii. 1875 \. 3310 Colchester, ix. 1876 (Harwood). 5091 Asia, 1882 (Staudinger). ^ 5092 „ „ „ / Var. turcomana Stand. Thejentire ground colour and markings of a paler greyjthan in the type form. *558i Beverley, bred v. 1884 f. *558o „ „ f. *5579 „ „ t- Apopestes (Spintherops) cataphanes Hah. 6284 Central France, 1886 (Staudinger). Apopestes (Spintherops) spectrum Esp. 3529 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3528 4506 „ 1879 Recorded as ' var. obscura ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. The ground colour darker, and the transverse bands therefore less conspicuous ; the central transverse shade wider, and the tiny white orbicular stigma conspicuous. 6302 Russian Turkistan, 1 881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ~\ 6301 ,, ,, ,, J Var. phantasma Ever. Ground colour paler than in the tjrpe, but speckled all over with brown ; the dark markings reduced and indistinct, except for one conspicuously dark blotch before the subter- minal line and close to the inner margin. Apopestes (Spintherops) dilucida Huh. 3519 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3518 4527 • „ 1879 „ "I 4526 „ „ „ ) Var. limbata Stand. Fore wings more strongly speckled with brown, and the marginal areas to both wings broadly darker than in the preceding specimens. In Dr. Staudinger's ' Catalog,' 1901, the form is raised to specific rank, though he suggests its being . a ' Darwinian form of A. dilucida.' Stilbia anomala Haw.=[\ybr\iiaia Hub. 296 Forres, viii. 1871 f. 300 Sligo 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 301 .. 6090 North Ireland, 1889 (Salvage's expedition). 6092 ,, ,, ,, 52 1 1 Isle of Arran, 1882 (McArthur). 6469 Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). 'I 6095 „ „ „ / Var. stagnicola Treit. Inner and hind-marginal areas pale slaty-grey ; distinct from others of the series. 135 6469a Isle of Lewis, 1887 (Salvage). The only ^ in the series. Apopestes (Spintherops) glebicolor Ersch. 6347 Amurland, i88i-i886- (Graeser's expedition). $ 6730 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). $ A melanic form : ground colour dark gre>dsh-brown, and almost unicolorous. Pericyma albidentaria Frey. 4699 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4700 ,, ,, ,, Slightly paler in ground colour than the precedmg ; intermediate between it and the following form. 4701 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). Var. squalens Led. Ground colour and markings very pale. ' Possibly a distinct species.' (Staudinger). ♦4698 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger) Catephia alchymista Schiff. 3495 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). *6o86 Saxony, 1886 (Heyne). *6o85 [Three-fourths grown]. DRAWER XLI. Calocala fraxini Linn. 1335 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 1336 The ' sub-reniform ' stigma large and very conspicuous. 1337 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). The markings darker, and the whitish-grey areas re- duced in size ; the hind-marginal area distinctly pale. *5466 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Catocala lara Brem. 6396 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ The ' sub-reniform ' stigma very conspicuous. 6397 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ A darker and more suffused form, with the markings correspondingly less distinct. Catocala nupia Linn. 1138 Kingston, Surrey, 1873 (Lulham). ") "37 „ -, ' M „ (-. 1136 „ „ „ „ ) The inner portion of the fore wings, up to the reniform stigma, conspicuously paler than the outer portion, and crossed at about its middle by the double first line. Cf. South, II. PL 31, fig. 3. 1133 Kingston, Surrey, 1873 (Lulham). The ' sub-reniform ' stigma and a patch before the reniform stigma conspicuously pale. 1134 Kingston, Surrey, 1873 (Lulham). "35 ♦6499 South France, 1887 (Staudinger). 136 Catocala elocata Esp,=uxor Hub. *5454 Hungary, 1883 (Staudinger). Catocala electa Bork. 3522 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). "90 „ 1873 6728 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). $ The ground colour dark iron-grey, a broad black shade running along the inner margin, and the nervures of the outer area of the fore wings conspicuously black. 6729 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^ Ground colour a paler tone of the preceding, the black shading along the inner margin not so extensive, and the nervures as in the type. *5445 Germany, 1883 (Staudinger). Catocala dula Brem. In Dr. Staudinger's 'Catalog,' 1901, this species is noted as being a ' Darwinian form ' of C. sponsa. 6394 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1 881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ 6395 „ „ „ „ ? Of a darker and more unicolorous appearance, owing to a dark suffusion of tho typical whitish patches near the costa. Catocala conjuncta £s/>.=conjuga Hub. 5525 Dalmatia, 1883 (Staudinger). 5526 The area on each side of the second line darker, so that the line itself is not so conspicuous. Catocala dilecta Hub. In Dr. Staudinger's Catalog, this species also is noted as being possibly a ' Darwinian form ' of the follow- ing. 3827 Dalmatia, 1877 (Staudinger). 3828 Ground colour suffused with brown, producing a more unicolorous appearance, but the sharply-pointed second line very conspicuous in its upper portion. Catocala sponsa Linn. 2687 New Forest, 1875 (Spiller). 2688 Ground colour darker, and the usual pale markings in- conspicuous. 2689 New Forest, 1875 (Spiller). \ 2690 „ „ „ / Ground colour more ochreous in tone, and the area between the first and second transverse lines pale, the ' sub-reniform ' stigma conspicuously so. 3699 Bred 1877 (Harwood). Markings darker, but otherwise as the two preceding specimens. *6oi3 Germany, 1585 (Staudinger). ♦5717 Leipzic, 1884 (Gerhardt). [Small]. 137 DRAWER XLII. Catocala promissa Esp. 2685 New Forest. 1875 (Spiller). 2684 „ ' „ 1829 ,, viii. 1874 (Spiller). 1828 1830 Ground colour and markings decidedly ochreous in tone. Catocala serenides Stand. Sunk in Dr. Staudinger's 'Catalog,' 1901, as being a variety of C. bella Biitl. 6399 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). $ 6398 „ „ „ „ 6 Catocala puerpera Gioma. 5775 Switzerland, 1885 (Staudinger). 5776 The hind wings orange-red rather than ' pale crimson ' as described by Kirby. (?) var. pallida Alph. Catocala pacta Linn. 3086 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 3087 Catocala optata God. 3829 South France, 1877 (Staudinger). 3830 The blackish-brown basal streak and sharply-pointed second line less pronounced than in the preceding. Catocala neonympha Esp. 3524 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3525 Catocala f ulminea Scop. = paranympha Linn. Catocala nymphaea Esp. 4740 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). 4299 „ 1879 4300 Kirby states that this species ' has fore wings like those of C. conversa.' But the difference is con- siderable, especially noticeable being the pronounced character here of the ' sub-reniform ' stigma, and the absence of the black trifid mark where the second line meets the inner margin. Catocala conversa £s/).=uxor Hub. 5752 Greece, 1885 (Staudinger). 5753 = } Var. agamos Hub. A melanic form : ground colour of the fore wings darker, and the yellow of the hind wings suffused with smoky-brown. Catocala diversa Hub.-Gey. 4061 Continent, 1878 (Staudinger). 4854 „ 1880 4855 138 Catocala dissimilis Brem. 6409 Chabai-ofka, Amurland, i8bi-i886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ Catocala nymphagoga Esp. 6559 Dalmatia, 1887 (Staudinger). 6558 „ „ „ \ 6558a „ „ „ / A parallel form to C. conversa var. agamos, 6558a being pronouncedly melanic. (?) ab. anthracita Th.-Mieg. Catocala eutychea rm2:.=languida Hen.-Sch. 6555 Greece, 1887 (Staudinger). Catocala hymenaea Schiff. Aedia funesta £:«/).= leucomelas Huh. 2973 Germany, 1876 (Staudinger). 2974 „ 2975 2976 „ „ „ Anophia leucomelas ilmw.=ramburii Ramh. 5723 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). 5724 5725 The ■ sub-reniform ' stigma more conspicuously pale than in the others of the series. 5726 Dalmatia, 1885 (Staudinger). Pseudophia tirrhaca Cmm.=tirrhaea Treit^ 3527 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). \ 3526 „ „ „ J The ' short, broad, black band beyond the middle ' of the hind wings is in 3527 only a blotch little larger than the reniform stigma, but in 3526 it has devel- oped into a very broad black band, reaching almost to both the costal margin and the anal angle. Lagoptera juno Dalm. =eiegans Fan der Hoev. 6407 Wladiwostock, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). Ground colour pale purplish-grey, and all three pale tranverse lines bounded with reddish-brown. 6408 Wladiwostock, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). Ground colour reddish-brown, and the dark margin to the second and subterminal lines obsolete. Verj'- conspicuous plumes on the inner margin of the hind wings. Pseudophia lunaris Schiff. A broad dark brown shade extending across the fore wings beyond the second line. Cf. Barrett's figure of the species, Plate 252, fig. 2. The reniform stigma in this specimen is almost obsolete. The fore wings paler grey, and the hind wings much paler than in the first of the series. *468i Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 139 DRAWER XLIII. Pseudophia (Bolina) flavomaculata Brem. 6393 Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ 6392 „ „ „ „ $ Ground colour more whitish in tone and the dark markings therefore more conspicuous. Leucanitis picta Christ. 6725 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). 5 6724 „ „ „ „ „ „ c? Agnomonia juvenilis Brem. 4530 Amurland, 1879 (Staudinger). (J 4529 „ „ „ § Leucanitis caucasica i^o//.=asirida Ever. 51 16 Russian Turkistan, 1882 (Staudinger). O 6722 Kuldja, Russian Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^ The much-curved black second line more pronounced than in the preceding, and the general appearance of the fore wings correspondingly brighter. Leucanitis spilota Ersch. Sunk as a variety of Palpangula atrosignata Walk. in Dr. Staudinger 's 'Catalog,' 1901. 5547 Turcomania, 1883 (Staudinger). § (30 mm.). Leucanitis flexuosa Men. =singularis Koll. 5548 Turcomania, 1883 (Staudinger). ^ (32 mm.). [The abdomen greased]. 6726 Kaschgar, Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^ (37 mm.). 6727 Kaschgar, Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^ (36 mm.). Ground colour and markings darker than in the preceding specimens. Toxocampa pastinum Treit.^\usor\?i Huh. 5741 Brighton, bred 1885 (Salvage). Ground colour more whitish and the outer-marginal band paler than in the following ; approaching ab. pallida Tutt. (?) var. dilutior Stand. 981 Forres, bred v. 1873 (Norman). The reniform stigma expanded irregularly in its lower portion. Cf. Barrett, Plate 218, fig. 2b. The or- bicular stigma is here conspicuously large. 4731 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). *4263 „ „ „ \ *3996 „ 1878 . „ / Pale yellowish-brown, with the dorsal area reddish- brown. Buckler's and Barrett's figures are much too highly coloured, judging from these specimens.. Sypna rectifasciata Graes. 6721 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^ 6720 „ „ „ „ ^ The white central transverse band not so clearly defined on its outer margin as in the preceding. Sypna picta Butler. 6718 Amurland, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). ^J 6719 „ „ „ „ cJ Var. fumosa Butl. A melanic form : the white cen- tral transverse band entirely absent. 140 Cerocala scapulosa Huh. 4727 Continent, 1880 (Staudinger). ^ 4728 „ „ „ $ The markings paler and the ground colour darker, hence losing the bright appearance of the preceding. Toxocampa craccae Fab. 4718 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4717 4719 4720 4721 4722 *4689 A form apparently near akin to Pseudophia illunaris. It is smaller than that species (34 mm., 37 mm. as against 40 mm., 43 mm.) ; the reniform stigma forms a white ' 8 ' as in that species, but the trans- verse lines are more distinct, and the subterminal line — composed of six dark reddish-brown crescents and a square spot, the latter beneath the costa — which is only faintlj' indicated in P. illunaris, is here conspicuous. - s Palpangula (Leucanitis) cestis ^ M6'w.= punctata $ Men. 4528 Continent, 1879 (Staudinger). Toxocampa viciae Huh. 4723 Germany, 1880 (Staudinger). 4724 „ „ „ 4725 4726 Toxocampa lusoria Linn. 857 Continent, 1872 (Staudinger). 858 6668 Austria, 1888 ,, Ground colour slightly darker and the outer marginal shade broader and more suffused ; hind wings also darker. (?) var. amasina Stand. ♦6630 Austria, 1888 (Staudinger). Eccrita ludicra Huh. 3050 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3051 Toxocampa limosa Treit. 3161 Continent, bred from pupa, iv. 1876 (Heyne). 3160 ,, ,, ,, ' 6667 Austria, 1888 (Staudinger). 6666 Pseudophia illunaris Hub. 6664 South France, 1888 (Staudinger). [The left hind wing sprung]. 6665 South France, 1888 (Staudinger). Grammodes algira Linn. = triangularis Hub. 3059 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). 3058 *6629 Central France, 1888 (Staudinger). 141 Grammodes geometrica i^a&.=paralielans Hub. ^bi^asciaiz Petag. 6659 SouthFrance, 1888 (Staudinger). 6660 6661 Leucanitis stolida Fa&.=cingularis Hub. 6662 Asia Minor, 1888 (Staudinger). 6663 The subterminal line nearly obsolete. Euclidia glyphica Linn. — r — " J The markings less distinct than those of the Continental type form below. 1 99 1 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 1990 Small (24 mm.). 1988 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). (29 mm.) ; the transverse narrow band of the hind wings only faintly developed, and the yellow ground colour hence more noticeable. 1989 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 6280 Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). (J ) 6281 „ „ „ c?/ Var. dentata Stand. Large (33 mm., 29 mm.) ; the area beyond the second line paler, thus showing^ the remaining portion of the wing in greater contrast. 6289 North America, 1886 (Staudinger). 'J^ 6290 „ „ „ 31 Var. cuspidea Ever. A striking form. Large (33 mm.,. 31 mm.) ; the outer area pale, as in the preceding , four conspicuous blackish-brown marks developed : one, as in the type, on the costa before the apex ; another, triangular in form, below the costa, and [ within the second line ; a third transversely across the wing beyond the first line — which is deeply angulated at its middle point —the outer edge of this band being regularly curved ; a fourth on the inner margin near the base, as in the following species. The hind wings of 6289 are entirely suf- fused with smoky-black, and those of 6290 almost so. 6282 Amurland, 1886 (Staudinger). ^^ 6283 „ „ „ ?/ Recorded as ' var. annetta ' in Mr. Dobree's diary. A very large (37 mm., 39 mm.) and remarkable form. The apex of the fore ■wings shaped as in Hypena proboscidalis, to which insect there is an apparent resemblance at first glance ; the first line evenly oblique, and followed by a transverse dark shade, narrow on the costa, but expanding laterally along the inner margin ; some dark shading before the second line from the costa to the middle of the wing ; the second line indistinct ; the hind wings brown, with a suffused dark transverse band, and pale yellowish-brown costal area. 142 Euclidia mi Clerck. 1334 Germany, 1873 (Staudinger). 1987 „ 1874 The markings dull and inconspicuous 1984 Germany, 1874 (Staudinger). 6513 Turcomania, 1887 (Staudinger). \ 6514 ,. .1 » J Large (31 mm., 33 mm.) ; and conspicuous. South Germany, 1886 (Staudinger) the markings very bright 6288 6287 6341 6342 6673 6676 ^^5941 Euclidia triquetra Fah. ^ \ ? i Var. litterata Cyr. A leucochroic form : the yellow markings of the type replaced by white, the area of the white in both wings of 6287 being greater than that in 6288. Chabarofka, Amurland, 1881-1886 (Graeser's expedition). ^ ) JJ J» )) J) M T -' Also var. litterata, the white markings in 6341 being extraordinarily developed in both wings. Amurland, 1888 (Staudinger). ^ \ ,. ? / Also var. litterata. Magnificent specimens, very large (31 mm., 32 mm.), and the white markings largely developed and clearly defined. Brighton, viii. 1885 (Salvage). nent, 1874 (Staudinger). 1992 Cont 1993 1997 1998 1999 , 1994 1995 1996 , There is in the above series some variation in the contrast shown between the lightness of the ground colour and the depth of colour in the markings, the contrast being greatest in 1995, and least in 1997. Euclidia munita Huh. 5527 Sarepta, South Russia, 1883 (Staudinger). Zethes insularis Ramh. 3000 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). \ 3001 „ ,, „ / Remarkable for their resemblance in shape and general appearance to the species of the genus Selenia among the Geometrae (34 mm., 29 mm.). Protyhmnia sanctiflorentis Boisd. In his Catalog, 1901, Dr. Staudinger suggests the possibility of this being a ' Darwinian form ' of P. viridaria. 4712 Spain, 1880 (Staudinger). 471 1 » »' s 143 Prothymnia leda Herr.-Sch. 2954 Continent, 1876 (Staudinger). Prothymnia viridaria C/eyc^=aenea Hub. 536 1882 (Ovenden). 535 )> >> 1015 >, » 3316 Colchester, 1876 (Harwood). 3317 3318 „ „ 3241 1876 (Meek). 3242 3243 3244 „ „ 6712 Issyk-Kul, Turkistan, 1888 (Tancre — taken by Graeser). Ab. modesta Car ad. The purple bands very indis- tinctly marked, and the general appearance more unicolorous. [The remaining eight Drawers of the Cabinet contain miscellaneous specimens of Insects — chiefly Lepidoptera — from South Africa and North America]. 144 APPENDIX I. Names and Addresses of the Correspondents referred to in the -preceding pages. [The addresses given are those recorded in Mr. Dohree's diary]. I Correspondents whose names are thus marked are known to he now deceased. Anderson, Joseph, Junr., Aire Villa, Chichester. Anderson, W., 17 Stormont Street, Perth. Baker, Geo., 17 Kedleston Street, Derby. Billington, E. R., Wallasey, Cheshire, t BiSHOPRiCK, — , Beverley. Blackall, W., 9 Church Street, Folkestone. Bloor, J., 125 Masborough Street, Masborough. BouLDEN, P. C, 32 Marian Square, Pritchard's Road, Hackney. BouLT, J. W., 28 Wainfleet Terrace, Hull. BouTTELL, Chas. S., 3 Chestnut Villas, Woodford Road, Forest Gate. Bower, Benj. A., Langley, Eltham Road, Lee. Bright, Percy, M., Roccabruna, Bournemouth. Brown, Lieut., West Kent Regiment, Portland. Buckell, Dr. F. J., 316 Upper Street, Islington. BucKELL, W. R., Romney. Buglass, Simpson, Ayton, Berwickshire. Campbell, W. H., Ballynagard House, Londonderry. Carpenter, H. J., The Observatory, Dunecht, Aberdeen, Cherry, R. F., Beverley. Clark, G., Croiscrag, Rannoch. Cole, W. H., Croxton. + CooKE, T., London. Couper, I., Quebec. t Cox, H. Ramsay, Lyndhurst. t Cross, W. J., Ely. t Daltry, Rev. T. W., Madeley Vicarage, Newcastle, Staffs, t Davis, J., Hythe Street. Dartford. Dearnley, F., Nortonthorpe Post Office, nr. Huddersfield. Decie, Miss Prescott, Bockelton Court, Tenbury. Doncaster, a., Broomhall Road, Sheffield, t DouBLEDAY, Henry, Epping. Downing, W., Whips Cross, Walthamstow. Druitt, a., Christchurch, Hants. Earl, E., Orme's School, Newcastle, Staffs. Ensor, Arthur R., 42 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham. Etheridge, R. D., 59 The Park, Sydenham. Ficklin, W., Norbiton, Surrey. Fleet, H., 9 Thompson's Lane, Cambridge. Gardner, J., 8 Friar Terrace, Hartlepool. Gerh.\rdt, Bernhardt, Arndt Strasse, Leipzic. ' •'; Gleissner, Rector H., 160 Kurfursten Strasse, Berlin, W. Graeser, Louis, 46 Ferdinand Strasse, Hamburg. Grapes, G. J., Colchester, t Greene, Rev. Joseph, Rostrevor, Clifton, Bristol. 145 Halssen, G., Mincing Lane, London. f Harrison, J., 7 Gawber Road, Barnsley. Harwood, W. H., St. Peter's, Colchester. Hearder, Dr. Geo. J., Job's Well, Carmarthen. Hedworth, Thos., Dunston, Gateshead. Heyne, Ernst, Hospital Strasse, Leipzic. Hodges, Albert J., 2 Highbury Place, London, N. Hughes, W. Rathbone, Liverpool. Hutchinson, Rev. T. W., Cambridge Villas, Osmaston Road, Derby. Jackson, Joseph, 4 Kendray Yard, Barnsley. Johns, Wm., Fore Street, Plymouth. Kay, R., 2 Spring Street, Bury. Kenward, J. N., 4 Mount Pleasant Road, Lewisham. King, G. H., Portland Road, London. Kricheldorff, a., Berlin. Lascelles, a. a., 7 Stanley Terrace, Plymouth. Lawson, p., High Street, Perth. Lees, Dr. F. Arnold, Macdonald Place, Hartlepool. Long, C. F., Borough Asylum, Ipswich. Luff, W. A., Junr., 12 Mansell Street, Guernsey. Lulham, C, Oil Mill Lane, Kingston, Surrey. McArthur, H., Toronto Terrace, Brighton. McRae, W., Bournemouth. Maling, W., Ellesmere Villa, Granville Road, IS^ewcastle-on-Tyne. Mann, J. K., Wellington Terrace, Clifton, Bristol. Marsden, H. W., Gloucester. Mason, J., Clevedon Court Lodge. Mathew, Gervase, H.M.S. ' Britannia,' Devonport. Meek, E. G., Brompton Road, London. Meldrum, T., Ripon. Mond, M., 38 High Street, Lewes. Mosley, S. L., Huddersiield. MuNDiE, J., 22 Watson Street, Aberdeen. t Norman, George, Hull. Obenauf, G., 4 Lange Strasse, Zeitz. O'Reilly, The, 6 Denmark Terrace, Brighton. Ovenden, J., Frindsbury Road, Strood. f Parry, G., Church Street, Canterbury. Partridge, Major, West Kent Regiment, Portland. Pearce, W. G., 187 Caledonian Road, London, N. Pegler, S., Retford. Peters, J., The Hall, Worth, Crawley, Sussex. PiCKARD, Alfred, Wolsingham. Pickles, — , Leeds. Porritt, Geo. T., Greenfield House, Huddersfield. Potts, J., Wainfleet Terrace, Hull. 146 Pratt, D., 398 Mile End Road, London, E. t Prest, Wm., Holgate Road, York. Ralle, G. a., Zittau. Raynor, Rev. G. H., Brentwood. RiBBE, H., Zollner Strasse, Dresden. Riding, W. S., 25 Endsleigh Gardens, Euston Square, London. Robertson, Duncan, The School, Camghouran, Rannoch. + RoBSON, J. E., 15 Northgate, Hartlepool, RoDGERS, J. T., 226 Chadderton Road, Oldham, f Ross, J. G., Bathampton, nr. Bath. RuHL, Fritz, Zurich Hottingen. Russ, Percy H., Culleenamore, Sligo. Russell, J. W., 6 Leverton Street, Kentish Town. St. John, Rev. J. S., 42 Castlewood Street, Stamford Hill, London. Salvage, T. W., 22 Montreal Road, Brighton. Sawyer, J., Hull. Sheldon, W. G., Oval Road, Addiscombe. Sherwood, G., Market Place, Retford. Slocombe, E., The Cottage, Eastbury Park, Watford. Smith, C, Egerton, nr. Bolton. South, Richard, Goldbeater's Farm, Hendon, N.W. Spiller, a. J., Stanstead. f Staudinger, Dr. O., Dresden. Tait, W., Bromend, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. Tancr6, R., Anklam in Pommern. Tasker, Rev. J. C. W., Aigle, Canton Vurd, Switzerland. Teicher, Theodor, Landeshut, Silesia. Thurnall, a., Whittlesford, nr. Cambridge, Treadgold, a. N. C, Grantham. Turnbull, J., Gas Works, Lauder. TuTT, J. W., Rayleigh Villa, Westcombe Park, S.E. Wailly, a., Clapham Road, London. Walker, Samuel, 8 Neville Street, Haxby Road, York. Walpole, Thos., 48 Westgate, Grantham. Warren, William, Merton Cottage, Cambridge. Wasserman, J. C, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Watkins and Doncaster, Strand, W.C. t Weir, J. Jenner, Blackheath, S.E. Werner, — , Hilbersdorf bei Chemnitz. Wheeler, F. D., City Saw Mills, Norwich. White, John S., Droylesden Lane, Droylesden. VViELDT, J. B., Baxtergate, Loughborough. Williams, C. H., 7 Corburton Street, Gt. Portland Street, London. f Williams, J. T., 5 Woodland Villas, Footscray, Kent. WiTTicK, H., 38 Chestnut Terrace, Forest Gate. Wilson, G., Howard Street, Wakefield. Wilson, Owen, Cwmffrwd, Carmarthen. Wilton, E. R., Soham, Cambs. Wxndybank, a. J., 27 Albert Road, Kingston-on-Thames. f Young, John N., 85 Fitzwilliam Road, Rotherham. 147 APPENDIX 11. A List of Mr. Dobree's Contributions to Entomological Literature. [The titles here given are not necessarily those under which the contributions originally appeared, but are framed to show the subject- matter of the articles contributed. ' The Occurrence of Eupithecia extensaria at Hull.' — Entomologist, 1875, P- 133- ' Collections of British Lepidoptera.' — Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, July, 1877. ' Acronycta myricae — ? An insular form of ^4. euphorbiae. — Ibid, 1878, p. 69. ' Identity of Crymodes exulis and Hadena assimilis.' — Ibid., 1879, p. 107. ' On Certain Species of East Riding 'LQ^ido^texz..' ^Naturalist, 1880-1881, p. 58. ' Dasypolia templi at Beverley.' — Ibid., 1881-1882, p. 82. ' Occurrence of Certain Species and Varieties of Lepidoptera at Beverley, Hull, and Spurn.' — Ibid., 1881-1882 pp. 147-8. ' The Varieties of Epunda lutulenta.' — Entomologist, 1884, p. 107. ' Astynomus aedilis at Hull.' — Naturalist, 1884-1885, p. 103. * On Melanism/ — Entomologist, 1887, pp. 25-28. ' A New Method of Sugaring.' — Ibid., 1887, pp. 164-5. ' Sphinx convolvuli at Beverley and Hull.' — Ibid., 1887, p. 303. ' Agrotis fennica.' — Ibid., 1887, pp. 313-14. ' Sirex juvencus at Hull.' — Naturalist, 1888, p. 51. ' Report for Entomological Section of the Y.N.U. at Market Weighton ' (August 6th). — Ibid., p. 279. 'Agrotis ashworthii Doubl.=/i. candelarum Staud.' — Entomologist, 1890, p. 136. ' A New Variety of Plusia moneta occurring in Amurland. — Ibid., 1890, P- 344- ' A Plague of Liparis monacha in Southern Europe.' — Ibid., 1890, pp. 347-8. ' Cucullia scrophulariae probably identical with C. lychnitis.' — Ibid., 1891, pp. 146-7. 'A Hint to Breeders of Lepidoptera — Continental Method of Keeping Cuttings of Hollow-stemmed Plants Fresh.' — Ibid., 1892, p. 143. ' The Hairs of Acronycta alni Larva.' — Ibid., 1893, p. 164. ' Spilosoma mendica var. rustica and Amphidarys betularia var. doubleday- aria on the Continent.' — Ibid., 1894, p. 219. 'Acronycta alni at Beverley.' — Naturalist, 1901, p. 291. ' The Geographical Distribution of Leucanitis {Ophiusa) stolida. — Ibid., 1904, p. 158. APPENDIX III. Works of Reference dealing with Eitropean Lepidoptera that may be consulted at the Central Public Library, Albion Sireef, Hull. Barrett, C. G., * Lepidoptera of the British Islands,' Vols. I. -XL, 1903-7. {Large paper edition with coloured plates). Buckler, W., 'Larvae of the British Butterflies and Moths,' 9 vols. {Ray Society Publications), 1886-1899. Curtis, J., ' British Entomology : Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects,' 16 vols., 1824-39. 148 Duncan, J., Natural History of British Butterflies and Moths {Naturalist's Library Publications, Vols. III. & IV.), 1835-6. Ellis, J. W., Lepidopterous Fauna of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1890. Hampson, Sir G. F., Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum (British Museum Publications). Vol. I. Syntomidae. II. Arctiadae. III. Agaristidae. IV.-VII. Noctuidje. Harris, M., The Aurelian : a Natural History of English Moths and Butterflies, 1766. KiRBY, W. F., European Butterflies and Moths, 1882. Lang, H. C, Butterflies of Europe, 2 vols., 1884. Meyrick, E., Handbook of British Lepidoptera, 1895. Pierce, F. N., Genitalia of the Group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles : an Account of the Morphology of the Male Clasping Organs, 1909. PoRRiTT, G. T., List of Yorkshire Lepidoptera, 1904. Rennie, J.,. A Conspectus of the Butterflies and Moths found in Britain, 1832. Seitz, a. (ed.), Macrolepidoptera of the World: a Systematic Account of all the Known Macrolepidoptera, 1906-9 (in course of completion). Sharp, D., Lepidoptera (in Cambridge Natural History, Vol. VI.), 1899. South, R., Butterflies of the British Isles, 1906. ,, Moths of the British Isles, 2 vols. 1907-8. Stainton, H. T., British Butterflies and Moths, 2 vols., n.d. Staudinger, O. and Wocke, M., Catalog der Lepidopteren des Europ- aeischen Faunengebiets, 1871. Staudinger, O., and Rebel, H., Catalog der Lepidopteren des Palaearctischen Faunengebietes, 1901. TuTT, J. W., British Noctuae and their Varieties, 4 vols., 1891-2. „ Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera, 1891. ,, Natural History of British Butterflies : their World-wide Variation and Geographical Distribution, 1905-9 {in course of completion). ,, Pterophorina of Britain : a Monograph, 1895. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, from Vol. I, 1838 to date, except- ing Vols, for 1848 to June, 1858 ; i860 to June, 1864 ; and 1890. Entomological Society of London, Transactions for the Years 1879-1881 ; 1886 to date. Entomologist, Vols. II. -XXVII, 1864-1894 ; Vols. XXXV, 1902, to date. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, Vol.11, 1865-6; Vols. VII-XI, 1870-5 ; and from Vol. XLII, 1906 to date. Entomologists' Record, from Vol. I, 1890 to date. Naturalist, The, Vols. I.-VIII, 1851-9 ; N.S., Vol. II, 1876 to date, excepting a few odd numbers. Zoological Record, Vols. I. -XXXVIII, 1864-1901. Zoologist, The, Vols. I.-XXVI, 1843-68 ; Vols. XXXIII to 4th Series, Vol. IX, 1875-1905. 149 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE SPECIES CONTAINED IN THE COLLECTION. abjecta, Mamestra abluta, Cosmia abrotani = artemi siae abscondita, Acronycta absinthij, Cucullia . . accentifera, Plusia aceris, Acronycta . . acetosellae, Mesogona adulatrix, Eutelia adusta, Hadena . . . advena, Aplecta aemula, Plusia aenea = viridaria aeruginea, Dichonia affinis, Calymnia agathina, Agrotis . . ain, Plusia albicolon, Mamestra albicostata, Cymatophoi albidentaria, Pericyma [albifrons, Mamestra] albimacula, Dianthoecia albipuncta, Leucania albonitens, Leocyma albovenosa, Arsilonche alchymista, Catephia algae, Bryophila algida = richardsoni algira, Grammodes . . aliena, Mamestra alni, Acronycta alpestris, Agrotis alpina = hyperborea alpium, Diphtera alsines, Caradrina . . ambigua, Caradrina ambusta, Cirrhoedia amethystina, Telesilla arnica, Hadena amoena = respersa . . amoenus, Phoebophilus ampliata, Cymatophora anachoreta, Agrotis anceps =sordida anomala, Stilbia antirrhini, Cleophana aprilina, Dichonia . . arbuti=tenebrata .. arctica, Hadena arcuinna, Eublemma arcuosa, Petilampa c E 3 (U rt ■00 u "o OJ Q