Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ae 1! ts 4 | ‘ < = — Eon. - ae , A 2 eas ; . t 7 Se Py eo Se — z bs ~ Pal a eS 7 bs @ saps Geer SS oe : . : GAREY) s NURSERIES (Successor to te 0. We Childs Neon 1s i iB Res ; REGEX Be A. . GAREY, PROPRI Poe SEP 1. 9 1923 +e 7 ; Ep bees <7 z ea a “DESCRIPTIVE: CATALOGUE “| Omament Tree and Shas | vis gee [OS RUT TREES, ere “Flowering Plants, Roses, ge. : ey LOS. ANGELES, CAL. Address, Sa ee rene . ANDREW =F. GAREY, { BO. Box 08, Station AZ ~ : age > ‘Bast Tce Angeles, Gaus: : | rata eealee AE SOROS ANGELES, CAL, - PRESS OF WANNOP & FORBUSH, 210 WEST First STREET. 1888. = ‘ bia Sy 7 Ee SST se < a Gatch > BIR SERIES (Successor to the O. W. Childs Nursery). AoE. GAR EGY? PROPRIETOR: “DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE ()rnamental [ees and Shrubs ee age AL RE ECS, Flowering Plants, Roses, &c. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Address, AGNDEwED Wwe i GA Fey, P. O. Box 28, Station A, Hast Los Angeles, Cal. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Press oF WANNOP & FORBUSH, 210 WEST FIRST STREET. 1888. TO MY PATRONS. A My stock is evterely free of all kinds of tnsect pests. Correspondents will greatly oblige us by observing the following : All orders should be made out in a list by themselves—not mixed up with the body of the letter. | Persons not acquainted with the different varieties of fruit will do well to leave the selection to ourselves, as we shall send only such as give general satisfaction. All orders from unknown correspondents must be accompanied with remittance or satisfactory reference. All trees are carefully labelled and packed in the best manner for shipping, accord- ing to distance, for which a charge will be made only to cover first cost of material and labor. All articles will be delivered to the railroad depot without charge. Packages are at the nsk of the purchaser after shipment. The risk and expense of transportation belongs to the purchaser, who must look to the forwarders for any damage caused by delay, miscarriage or accident. We will hold ourselves in readiness to rectify any mistake made by us, but all claims for loss or allowance must be made immediately upon receipt of goods, or they will not be allowed. Remittances may be made by draft or post-office order on Los Angeles, Wells, Fargo & Company’s money order, or cash by express, prepaid. Small packages, not exceeding four pounds in weight, may be sent by mail, at an additional charge of one cent per ounce. All communications to be addressed to ZASNE) EEE DG AR Ee P. 0. Box 28, Station A. EAST LOS ANGELES, CAL. Evergreen ‘[rees and Shrubs. ARAUCARIA. A. Bidwellii. A majestic tree, growing from 100 to 150 feet high; branches in regular whorls, branchlets opposite and closely set with spiny, shining, deep green leaves in a row on each side. A. Braziliensis. A fine tree with open spreading head, straight stem and pretty, smooth bark. Leaves sharp pointed, light green and glaucous beneath. A. execelsa. Norfolk Island Pine. A magnificent tree with straight trunk and pyramidal head ; branches comparatively short and slender, closely set with foliage, horizontal when young, presenting a most beautiful and symmetrical appearance. A. imbricata. Chili Pine. Beautiful regular pyramidal form ; branches in whorls, spreading horizontally when young, rather ascending near the top ; leaves suff, smooth, shining deep green, sharply pointed, and entirely clothing the branchlets. The greatest ornament among conifers. Growth slow. ACACIA. The species of this genus are both numerous and handsome, producing their flowers of the various shades of yellow from January till May, rendering them very desirable as park or lawn trees. A. floribunda. A. Laphanta. Aralia. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK. A. alba. White Spruce. A native tree of moderate growth, compact pyramidal form. Foliage silvery gray and bark light colored. A. pectinata. European:Silver Fir. A noble tree with spreading horizontal branches and broad silvery foliage. A. Nordmanniana. Nordmann’s Silver Fir. This majestic species is of symmet- rical form and vigorous growth. Foliage massive, dark green, shining above, slightly glaucous below. One of the finest of the Silver Firs. ARBOR VITZ. Arbor Vite Ever Golden (Seer Auwrea)—A new variety of the Golden Arbor "Vita, of dwarf habit, but of free growth. It retains its golden tint the year round. The best golden evergreen. 4 GAREY’S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. BIG TREES. Seguoia sempervirens. The well known Redwood tree. Seguoia gigantea. (Wellingtonia gigantea}. The famous Big Tree of this State. Buxus box. Tree Box. A handsome lawn shrub with deep green foliage. CAMELLIA. Camellia Japonica—The most beautiful of all Winter flowering shrubs. To grow them successfully in the open ground they require a little extra care, and shaded the first season after planting. A fine assortment of varieties. CEDRUS. CEDAR. C. deodara. Deodar or Indian Cedar. An exceedingly handsome tree of vigorous growth and pyramidal form ; graceful, drooping habit ; foliage, light silvery or glaucous green. C. Libani. Cedar of Lebanon. Vigorous growth, wide-spreading, horizontal branches, dark green foliage, massive and picturesque. CEPHALOTAXUS. C. Fortunei. A handsome tree from Japan, of rounded form, medium size dark- green foliage, and long, slender, drooping branches. CRYPTOMERIA. C. Japonica. Japan Cedar. A beautiful conifer from China and Japan, growing fifty to sixty feet in height. CYPRESS. C. elegans. A new fast-growing variety, with bluish foliage. C. funeral (/unebris). Beautiful drooping foliage ; well adapted for planting in cemeteries. C. macrocearpa. The well-known Monterey Cypress. C. pyramidalis. Pyramidal Cypress. A noble tree of upright, dense, rapid growth and pyramidal form. C. stricta Italian. This tree grows column-like, very erect, which gives it a very striking appearance ; much used for arches over gates and entrances. DAPHNE. D. indica alba. A medium sized handsome growing shrub, with deep green foliage and white very fragrant flowers in early spring. D. indica rubra. Purplish pink flowers. D. indica rubra variegata. Foliage edged with creamy white and purplish flowers. DIOSMA. D. alba. Breath of Heaven. A handsome little shrub with heath-like foliage and white star-shaped flowers, produced in great abundance. EVONYMUS. E. Japonica aurea. Foliage beautifully mottled with golden yellow. GAREY’S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 5 EUCALYPTUS. E. globulus. The well-known Tasmanian Blue Gum. E. rostrata. ~Red Gum. FICUS. F. elastica. India Rubber Tree. A grand tree with leaves from six to eighteen inches in length, and from three to six in width; dark shining green above, yellowish green below. GREVILLEA. G. robusta. A beautiful tree of rapid growth, with fern-like dark green foliage and orange colored flowers. ILEX. HOLLY. I. aquifolium. English Holly. A beautiful evergreen tree, with prickly dark green foliage ; grows moderately fast, producing bright red berries in profusion. JUNIPERUS. JUNIPER. J. Hibernica. Irish Juniper. A distinct and beautiful variety of erect, dense conical outline and upright growth ; short glaucous green foliage. J. Virginiana. Virginian Red Cedar. , A well-know American tree, varying much in habit and color of foliage. J. compacta. A slow growing, dwarf compact variety with foliage of a bluish tint. LAURUS. LAUREL. L. cerasus. English Laurel. A rapid growing spreading shrub, with broad, shining, green foliage, panicles of creamy, white fragrant flowers, succeeded by large purple berries. L. lusitaniea. Portugal Laurel. A very compact pyramidal shrub, or small tree. glossy dark green leaves, long panicles of creamy white, very fragrant flowers in great profusion, and purple berries ; very pretty and desirable. L. tinus. Laurustinus. The handsomest of our winter flowering shrubs, with clusters of small pretty white flowers. Well adapted for ornamental hedges. Laurus Camphord (Camphor tree). Native of Japan; very desirable as a lawn tree. MAGNOLIA. M. grandiflora. The most beautiful of all American evergreen trees. It is a native of the Southern States, but perfectly hardy here, of erect growth and pretty habit, with large rich foliage; glossy green above and brown beneath, and pro- duces immense extremely fragrant pure white flowers. Oxoniensis. Fine double-flowered varieties ; very free bloomer. MAHONIA. ASHBERRY. M. aquifolium. Holly-leaved Mahonia. A native species of medium size, with purplish, shining, prickly leaves and yellow flowers succeeded by bluish berries. MESPILUS. LOQUAT. M. Japonica. A handsome ornamental tree with large, crumpled, glossy, dark green foliage, fragrant white flowers, and producing a beautiful, tart, golden yellow, edible fruit about the size of a small plum. GAREY’S: DESCRIPTIVE “CATALOGUE. MYRTUS. MYRTLE. Myrtle. (JQrtus Communis)—Beautiful, fragrant foliage and white flowers. a su = Fa V. NERIUM. OLEANDER. coccineum. The well-known variety with double rose-colored flowers. . album maximum. Very large, pure white semi-double flowers. variegata. Foliage beautifully variegated with light yellow. PINUS. PINE. Austriaca. Austrian or Black Pine. A remarkably robust, hardy and spreading evergreen of rounded form ; leaves long, stiff and dark green ; growth rapid. Canariensis. A rapid growing handsome pine with foliage of a bluish tint. Monterey (Jzszgnzs). A very rapid growing tree, well known and planted everywhere. PITTOSPORUM. nigracans. A distinct and beautiful large shrub of upright, conical, and rapid growth, with crumbled leaves of a glossy, shining, light-green color. A most handsome lawn tree. tobira. A low spreading shrub, with dense, dark-green leaves and fragrant white flowers. tobira variegata. Foliage of a lighter green than the foregoing, and variegated with white. SCHINUS. PEPPER. molle. A beautiful evergreen of rapid spreading growth, with handsome, glossy, feathery, light-green leaves, and reddish berries in autumn. It bears pruning well, and under the knife becomes a splendid street tree. THUJOPSIS. JAPAN ARBOR VITZ. borealis. Nootla Sound Cypress. A vigorous upright tree with spreading curved branches, and flexible branchlets which droop at the tips, and are of a silvery glaucous tint. TAXUS. YEW. baceata. English Yew. A large bush or tree of slow growth and very bushy head, densely branchéd and thickly covered with sombre green leaves. It can be trimmed into any shape. fastigiata. [rish Yew. A remarkably upright growing variety of slow growth ; very distinct and handsome. The foliage is of the darkest hue, and the whole plant resembles a deep green column. VERONICA. Andersonii. A low close growing shrub with light-green foliage, and producing freely pretty spikes of bluish-purple flowers. Veronica Variegated. A very handsome shrub with variegated foliage and blue flowers. GAREYV’S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 7 HEDGE PLANTS. EVERGREENS. Biota Orientalis. Chinese Arbor Vitz. Buxus. Tree box in variety. Buxus sufiructicosa. Draft box for edging. Cupressus macrocarpa. Monterey Cypress. Erica Mediterraneana. Mediterranean Heath. Lauristinus. Lauristinus. Thuja occidentalis. American Arbor Vitz. Mexican lime. Very pretty. PALMS, DRACANAS, AGAVES, YUCCAS, ETc. Chamerops humilis. A variety of dwarf habit; a native of Southern Europe, very hardy, with light and elegant foliage of a glaucous hue. Corypha Australis. An Australian Fan Palm of rapid growth and great beauty. Cyeas Revoluta (Sago Palm). Fine, dark, grossy pinnate leaves ; fine large trunks. Phenix Dactilifera (Daze Palm). *¢ Canariensis. A more hardy variety than the foregoing. ‘¢ Macroearpa. A variety with larger fruit than the above. ‘¢ = Tenuis. This is a very hardy, elegant and desirable variety of Date Palm. *¢ Reclinata. An elegant Date Palm ; the leaves have a pendulous habit. Pritchardia filifera. California Fan Palm. A native of the southern part of this state ; of erect rapid growth, with immense fan-shaped leaves of a light green color, having numerous long hair-like filaments attached. Sabal Andansoni. A handsome Fan Palm from Florida. ** Blackburniana. SEAFORTHIA. S. elegans. One of the finest greenhouse or conservatory decorations ; leaves from two to ten feet long, dark green and gracefully arched. Dracena Australis. A fine tropical-looking plant, growing with a straight stem to a height of ten to twelve feet, with bright green leaves from two to six feet long, and from two to four inches broad. Yucea filamentosa. = pendula. Leaves finely curved ; one of the best plants for vases. _ ‘¢ = plicata.