! .w«> — .«.-.-...•: .;-.* =.< / <^-. amygdali, p. 29. •£>. calyptroides cacti, Comst., p. 29. ffowardia biclavis, Comst. = Ckionaspis biclavis, p. 30. Chionaspis dilatata, Green, p. TI. X> « * O C sp. ? = C. quercus, p. 30. C. tegalensis, Zehnt., p. 31. Mytilapsis hibisci, n. sp., p. 32. M. greeni, n. sp., p. 33. M, beckii, Newm. = M. citricola, p. 34. M. glo-veri, Pack., p. 35. Fiorinia fiorinia;, Targ. = F. camellia, p. 37. F. cockerel H, n. sp., p. 37. F. alaodendri, n. sp., p. 36. Aonidia (?) aattdi, n. sp. = F. allaitdi, p. 3^. A. (?) allaudi galliformens, n. var. = ^. «. galliformens, p. 36. Vinsonia stellifera, Westw., p. 38. Ceroplastes vinsoni, Sign., p. 38. Lecaninm olea, Bern., p. 39. £• kemispharicum, Targ., p. 4O. Z. kemispharicum filicum, Boisd., p. 4o /-• longulum, Dough, p. 4O. ^- nigrum, Nietn., p. 40. Z- tesellatum, Sign., p. 40. Z. Z7>/^, Green, p. 4I. Ptilvinaria cariei, n. sp., p. 41. Asterolecanium bambusa, Boisd., p. 4-, ^. miliaris, Boisd., p. 42. A. pustulans, Ckll.? = ^. qnercicola>, p. 43. Oudablis sp. ? = Phenacoccus nivalis, p. 42. Dactylopius calceolaria minor, Mask. P- 44- />• virgatus, Ckll., p. 44. D.filamentosiis, Ckll. = /?. z/aj/fc*,,-, p. 45 (fide Tinsl v D. sacchari, Ckll., p. 45. D. citri, Risso, p. 45. D. longispimts, Targ. = /?. adonidum, p. 46. = Z>. pteridis, p. 46. Orthezia insignis, Dougl., p. 46. /f^rya seychcllarum, Westw., p. 47. Chcetococcus bambusce, Mask. = Sph&rococcus bambusce, p. 48. - -= • . WOODS I AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, SYDNEY. Catalogue No. XVII. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE TUNICATA IN THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, SYDNEY, N.S.W. BY W. A. HEEDMAN, D.Sc., F.K.S., F.L.S., F.B.S.E., ETC.; PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES, E. ETHEEIDGE, JUNE., CURATOR. LIVERPOOL : T. DOBB & CO., 229, BROWNLOW HILL. 1899. <<-% rof! f \ A V • 7_ • t. XX /&*&i*kQ\ \CniS -».«>'*^ -^X^. NOTICE. IN the year 1888 my predecessor, Dr. E. P. Ramsay, acting on instructions from the Trustees of the Australian Museum, forwarded the collection of Tunicata descrihed in the present catalogue to Prof. W. A. Herdman, of Liverpool. In 1893, however, just as the work was about to he sent to press, circumstances of an official character, beyond the Trustees' control, temporarily put a stop to its publication. It now affords me much pleasure to say that in 1897 it was again possible to contemplate the publication of the catalogue, which was therefore at once completed, and is now issued as one of the Museum Series. At the time the specimens were forwarded to Prof. Herdman they formed a complete collection of the Tnnicata of the New South Wales coast, as then known to us, and very few additional forms have since come to hand. It is, however, unquestionable that by systematic collecting — which, unfor- tunately, the Australian Museum is not at present in a position to carry out — the list might be very much enlarged. In addition to the Museum material, Prof. Herdman has incorporated certain forms known to him, but at present not represented in the former. A preliminary list was published by Prof. Herdman in "Annals and Magazine of Natural History," 7th series, vol. I., p. 443, in June, 1898. B. ETHEBTDGB, JUNR., Curator. SYDNEY, 1st December, 1898. >°— •$& i LIBRARY so PREFACE. IN the autumn of 1887 I received a letter from Dr. E. P. Kamsay, at that time Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney, asking me to prepare, for the Trustees of that Institution, this descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Tunicata in their Museum. The specimens sent to me in several packages arrived in Liverpool during 1888 and 1889 ; and in the latter year, after I had made a preliminary examination of all the species and had reported upon the number that would require to be described and figured, arrangements were made by the Trustees as to printing the Catalogue in this country and as to the preparation of the plates. During 1890, and the following year or two, considerable progress was made with the detailed examination of the collection, the MS. descriptions of a number of the Ascidiaj Simplices were written out and 12 plates were prepared, put on the stone, and printed oft'. Then occurred the unfor- tunate financial crisis in Australia, and I received a letter from the Secretary to the Trustees telling me to go no further with the work, and incur no fresh expense connected with the catalogue till further notice. The work was put aside, and was only taken up again towards the end of 1897, after a lapse of several years. I am now authorised to complete the MS. and plates, and to deposit them in the hands of the Agent General for New South Wales, in London, with a view to publication of the catalogue as soon as the arrangements of the Museum permit. The type specimens of all the species described have been returned to the Australian Museum. yi. PREFACE. As some of the earlier plates had to be printed off before their exact position in the series could be determined, I decided to treat each family separately in the numbering ; hence the legends on the plates run Clav. I., Asc. I., Bot. I., II., III., and so on. A complete list of the plates in their order is given on p. 122. Finally, I desire to state that this work is merely a descriptive catalogue, and, although I have tried to make it as complete and as useful as possible, I do not expect it to be regarded as a monograph on Australian Tunicata. I was expressly requested by the Trustees not to enter into anatomical and histological details beyond what I considered necessary for the elucidation of the systematic position and the sufficient description of the various species, and not to treat in any detail of species outside of the collection sent to me from the Museum. I have added, however, at the end of the catalogue a complete list of the Tunicate Fauna of Australian seas so far as it is known to me ; and I have given in the Introduction a brief general account (illustrated by Plates A, B, and C) of the structure and life-history of a typical Ascitlian which may be useful to those who study the catalogue. W. A. HERDMAN. LIVERPOOL, January, CONTENTS. SHOWING THK SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION. PAGE. NOTICE ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... iii. PREFACE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v. CONTENTS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii. INTRODUCTION ix. TUNICATA 1 ASCIDIACEA ASCIDIJD SlMPLICES 3 Fam. I. CLAVELINID.E ... ... ... ... ... 3 Genus Podoclavclla ... ... ... ... ... 4 Genus Stereoclavella ... ... ... ... ... 6 Fam. II. AscimiDJi ... ... ... ... ... 9 Sub-fam. CIONIN.E 9 Genus Ciona ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Sub-fam. ASCIDIIN.E 10 Genus Ascid ia ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Fam. III. CYNTHIIDJB . . . ... ... ... ... ... 15 Sub-fam. BOLTENIIN.K ... ... ... ... ... 16 Genus Boltcnia ... ... ... ... 16 Sub-fam. CYNTHIIXJE ... 19 Genus Microcosinus ... ... ... ... ... 20 Genus Cynthia 27 Sub-fam. STYELINJS 36 Genus Stycla ...... ;37 G enus Polycarpa ... Fam. IV. MoLc;i'Liu.i-; ... ... 0.1 Genus Molijula Genus Ascopera ... ... ... ... 07 39748 Vlll. CONTEXTS. ASCIDLE COMPOSITE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 A. MEKOSOMATA 60 Fam. I. DISTOMID^-; ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 Genus Colella ... ... ... ... ... ... 61 Fam. II. POLYCLINIDJE 71 Genus Amaroiicinm ... ... ... ... ... 71 Genus Polycl'nuun ... ... ... ... ... 77 Genus Psammaplidiuin ... ... ... ... 85 Fain. III. DIDEMNID^; ... ... ... ... ... 89 Genus Lcptoclinwu, ... ... ... ... ... 90 B. llOLOSOMATA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 Fam. I. POLYSTYELIDJS ... ... ... ... ... 93 Genus Chorizoconntis ... ... ... ... ... 95 Genus Lroodslria ... ... ... ... ... 98 Fam. II. BOTRYLLID.I; ... ... ... ... ... 100 Genus Botrylloidcs ... ... ... ... ... 101 Genus Sarcobotrylloides ... ... ... ... ... 102 The Tunicate Fauna of Australian Seas ... ... ... 107 Index 117 List of Plates 122 Explanation of Plates... ... ... ... ... ... ... 123 Plates (arranged as follows : A, B, C, Clav. I., Clav. II., Asc. I., Asc. II., Cyn. I.— Cyn. XX., Mol. I., Dist. I.— Dist, III., Pel. I.— Pel. VI., Did. I., Did. II., Pst. I.— Pst. III., Bot. I.— Bot. III.). INTRODUCTION. PREVIOUS to the publication of the Reports upon the scientific results of the "Challenger" Expedition, comparatively little was known as to the Tunicata of the Australian seas. Some few species had been named and partly described by Savigny, Quoy and Gaimard, Stinipson, J. D. Macdonald, and Heller; but few of these were sufficiently characterised and figured to be really " known " to science. Savigny (1816) described Si. 309. INTRODUCTION. \i. its place in our system ; but, unfortunately, the very meagre descriptions of some of the older species do not give us the necessary information. No Ascidian, then, can he properly described without dissection and microscopic examination, and at the least the branchial sac, and, in some cases, the tentacles and the dorsal tubercle, should be figured, as well as the exterior of the animal. The classification of the Tuuicata which I followed in my " Challenger " Reports (1882), is one which has been pretty widely adopted. I gave a Revision of it, with some slight modifications and expansions, in my " Revised Classification of the Tunicata," &c., in 1891.* I am well aware of several other classifications which have appeared since, such as Lahille's in 1887, Garstang's modification of Lahille in 1895, and Sluiter's also in 1895, but after giving them all very full consideration, I am supported in adhering to the " Chal- lenger ' classification by finding that it is the one which Seeliger seems to receive with most approval in his great work on the Tunicata now appearing in Bronn's " Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs." I am aware that the Ascidia3 Composita? do not form a natural group, but can be broken into several sets which are related to different kinds of Simple Ascidians. I believe I was myself the first to point out this polyphyletic nature of the group ; and yet I consider it a practical convenience to retain the term Com- pound Ascidians in our classification, especially in a Museum Catalogue, where it is impossible to represent the complexi- ties of a phylogenetic arrangement — of lines branching in the three dimensions of space. Lahille, in his system of classification, makes use only of the condition and details of structure of the branchial sac, an organ that is physiologically of such dominant import- ance in Tunicata that it becomes liable to the loss or * Journ. Liun. Sue., Zool., vol. xxiii., p. 558. Xll. INTRODUCTION. modification of ancient morphological characters. The result, in my opinion, is a largely unnatural grouping. For example, the well-marked group Thaliacea is broken up, and the Doliolida3 are separated from their natural allies the Salpidas and are united with the Distomidse. Sluiter's classification (1895) is much more natural, and as to fundamental facts there is little difference of opinion between us. So much so, that I am in hopes that he may accept a modification which I shall here propose, and which would bring us entirely into accord. In the primary division into the three orders LARVACEA, THALIACEA and ASCIDIACEA we are at one ; it is only in the further division of the Ascidiacea that we differ, and that difference resolves itself into the treatment of the Compound Ascidians. Here again, as to the phylogeny or probable course of evolution of the group we are agreed. As I pointed out at full length in my " Challenger '; Keport,* and also expressed graphically in a phylogenetic-tree diagram, the Compound Ascidians must be regarded as a Polyphyletic group, and the families Botryllida3 and Polystyelidse are probably derived from CynthiidiE, while the other Compound Ascidians are more nearly related to the Claveliuida3 and Ascidiidae. Still I maintain that does not warrant us in separating in our classification the Botryllida3 from the Distomida3 and uniting them with the Cynthiidte as Sluiterf proposes. Whatever their history has been in the past, the Botryllidre and the DistomidaB are equally Compound Ascidians at the present day. Both form colonies of Ascidiozooids produced by gem- mation and imbedded in a common test, and consequently I consider we are justified in uniting them as ASCIDIJE COMPOSITE. On account, however, of the differences in origin, ex- pressed in existing forms by certain differences of structure, * I'art II. USStJ), p. 3S7, &u. t Junaisuhe Denksehr. viii., p. 1(55. INTRODUCTION. X1U. I should propose to divide Ascidire Compositse into two sections to which Sluiter's names "Merosomata" and " Holosomata " might well be applied. If Dr. Sluiter will accept this modification in the sense of his terms I shall be glad to adopt them. It will leave his term Merosomata unaltered, except for the exclusion of the family Pyrosomidae; but will mean that Holosomata is used in a very restricted sense as indicating only the remaining Compound Ascidians, i.e., the two families Botryllidre and Poly sty elidse. If, how- ever, Dr. Sluiter objects to my proposed change in the restriction of his names, the only course open to me will be to propose two new terms for the sections of Ascidise Compositse which I desire to recognise. I should suggest in this case " Pectosomata " for the compact-bodied families Botrylliclse and Polystyelidse, and " Chalarosomata " for the remaining families with extended or divided bodies. I divide, then, the Tunicata into three main sections or orders : — I. LARVACEA, the free-swimming, permanently-tailed, larva-like, mostly minute Appendicularians. II. THALIACEA, the free-swimming, highly modified, tail-less, somewhat barrel-shaped, Salps and Doliolums and their allies. III. ASCIDIACEA, the sessile, mostly fixed, Simple and Compound Ascidians. The collection I am describing does not contain representa- tives of the two first orders, nor yet of the exceptionally free swimming Pt/rosoma from the third section ; so we have only to do with the ordinary Simple and Compound Ascidians, which are all built up on one general morphological plan, each member of the colony of a Compound Ascidian being com- parable in structure with a single solitary Simple Ascidian. It will serve, then, as an introduction to the descriptions of the various forms in this catalogue if I give here a short account XIV. INTRODUCTION. of the structure of a typical Simple Ascidian, dealing chiefly with those points which are of importance in classification and diagnosis. The figures on Plate A. illustrate the follow- ing description of an ASCIDIA : — The ordinary species of Ascidia, such as are found in both European and Australian seas, in shallow waters round the coast, are irregularly ovate bodies, several inches in length, attached by one (the posterior) end to a stone or other foreign body (PI. A., fig. 1). The opposite (anterior) end has an opening, Br. (the "branchial aperture" or mouth), sur- rounded by 8 lobes, and leading (fig. 4) by a funnel-shaped passage (the "branchial siphon") into a large cavity (the "branchial sac " or pharynx), which occupies a great part of the interior of the body (fig. 2). The wall of the branchial sac is perforated by numerous slits (the "stigmata," formed by the breaking up or modification of gill slits) by means of which the water taken in at the mouth passes outwards into a space (the " peribranchial cavity' or " atrium "), which nearly surrounds the branchial sac and communicates with the exterior on the " dorsal ' ' surface by an opening (the " atrial aperture") surrounded by 6 lobes (figs. 1, 2, and 4). The positions of the branchial and atrial apertures serve to distinguish the anterior end and dorsal surface. These branchial and atrial apertures are the only openings on the surface of the body (fig. 1), which is covered all over by a firm and sometimes thick layer, the "test," which is of the nature of a cuticular secretion organised by the immigration of numerous cells (fig. 5), some, at least, of which are mesodermal. The ectoderm, the outer epithelium or continuous layer of cells of the body, lines the test and separates it from the muscular and con- nective-tissue body wall, known as the "mantle." Out- growths of the mantle covered by ectoderm (fig. 5) may form branching blood "vessels" in the test (PI. B, fig. 9). These and INTRODUCTION. XV. certain cell modifications may produce very various colours, appearances, and histological conditions of the test in different Ascidians. Finally, the test is notable amongst animal tissues for containing " tunicine," or animal cellulose. The branchial sac (figs. 2, 3, 4) is the dominant organ in the anatomy of an Ascidiau, and shows almost endless variations in structure, many of which are made use of in classification and in the diagnosis of species. The wall of the branchial sac is penetrated by a large number of channels, through which blood flows. These form the boundaries of the stigmata (fig. 3, sg.) through which the water passes from the branchial to the atrial cavity. The chief vessels or blood channels are: — the "transverse' (PI. A, fig. 3, /»•.), which run dorso-ventrally round the sides of the sac, the " inter- stigrnatic* or fine longitudinal (fig. 3, /.«.), and the stout internal longitudinal bars (/././>.) which run antero-posteriorly and with the transverse vessels form prominent meshes containing each a certain number of stigmata. The diagram (fig. 2) shows how the atrium surrounds the branchial sac on all sides, except the ventral, where the wall of the sac becomes continuous with the mantle. The branchial sac is very large in most Ascidians, and extends nearly to the posterior end of the body, while the rest of the alimentary canal lies (in Ascidia) upon its left side. The opening of the pharynx (branchial sac) into the oesophagus is placed far back on the dorsal edge, and is connected with the front of the sac (mouth) by a prominent ridge or fold, the dorsal lamina (d.L, figs. 2, 6, 7). Along the opposite or ventral edge of the sac runs a conspicuous groove with thickened lips, and containing glandular cells for the secretion of mucus. This is the endostyle. Food particles entering the mouth first pass through a circle of tentacles (simple in Ascidia, branched in many other Ascidians) attached round the base of the XVI. INTRODUCTION. branchial siphon, and are then entangled in the strings of mucus which are formed in the endostyle and are driven forward by ciliary action, and then round to right and left by means of the " peripharyngeal groove" so as to reach the front of the dorsal lamina, which in its turn guides the mucus-entangled food downwards to the oesophagus (PI. A, fig. 4, ce., see also PL B, fig. 10). The oesophagus is a narrow tube which leads to the stomach, a large thick- walled organ lying on the left-hand side of the branchial sac (PL A, fig. 4). From the opposite end of the stomach arises the intestine, a large curved tube which ends by opening into the cloacal portion of the atrium, from which the faecal pellets are carried to the exterior through the atrial aperture by the water current. The heart is placed alongside the stomach, and is notable in all Tunicata for its remarkable property of periodically reversing the direction of contraction, so that the course of circulation is at one time in one direction, and about a minute later is in the opposite direction (PL B, fig. 10). In a common British species of Ascidia the reversal of the blood current takes place about every ninety seconds. The nervous system consists of a single ganglion placed near the front end of the dorsal edge of the body (fig. 4), between the branchial and atrial apertures. Underneath the ganglion is placed the neural, or hypophysial, gland (fig. 6), the duct of which has a curiously-curled or other- wise complicated opening into the branchial sac at the anterior extremity of the dorsal lamina, and which, from its position and its prominence, is known as the dorsal tubercle (figs. 6 and 7, ^.O. This tubercle is probably a sense organ. The only other sense organs are the pigment spots between the lobes of the branchial and atrial apertures, the tentacles at the base of the branchial siphon, and possibly some parts of the dorsal lamina. INTRODUCTION. Xvil. The walls of the alimentary canal are glandular, and a separate digestive gland may exist in the form of a system of minute tubes ramifying over the intestine, and opening into the stomach. A renal organ is present occupying one loop of the intestine, another loop encloses the reproductive organs (see PL A, fig. 4, and PI. B, fig. 10). The Ascidian is hermaphrodite through not usually self- fertilising. The ovary and testis are both of them ramified tubes, and their cavities represent a part of the original coelom of the embryo which is not developed into any continuous body cavity in the adult. The reproductive ducts are continuous with the walls of their organs, and lead along- side the intestine to terminate in the atrial cavity close to the anus. In some Ascidians reproductive organs (gonads) are present on both right and left hand sides of the body, and in yet others there are several or even many (in Polycarpa) complete sets of male and female gonads attached to the inner surface of the mantle on both sides of the body, and projecting into the peribranchial cavity. The condition of the reproductive system affords valuable characters in classification arid the diagnosis of genera and species. This brief sketch* of the structure of a typical Ascidian will probably serve as an explanatory guide to the technical descriptions of species and diagnoses of genera and other groups that occur in the body of this catalogue. In Plate B, I have added a few figures illustrating the combination of " Ascidiozooids ' to form colonies in the Compound Ascidians. Thus figure 5 shows two Ascidio- zooids with a common cloacal aperture ; figures 6 to 8 show * A somewhat fuller account on the same lines will be found in the Article " Tunicata" of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th Edn. ; and a much more detailed statement is given in the Introduction to the " Challenger" Report on the Tunicata. After that reference must be made to the original memoirs of Milne-Edwards, Huxley, Savigny, Lacaze- Duthiers, Giard, Traustedt, Sluiter, Herdman, Van Beneden and Julia, Roule, and many others. XV111. INTRODUCTION. the three shapes of Ascidiozooid characteristic of (fig. 6) a Botryllid, (fig. 7) a Distomid, and (fig. 8) a Polyclinid; while figures 1 to 4 represent whole colonies of (fig. 1) a Distomid, (fig. 2) a Didemnid, (fig. 3) a Polyclinid, and (fig. 4) a Botryllid. These figures may help in reading the descriptions of Compound Ascidians in the latter part of this Catalogue. In consideration of the great importance of the matter, and the use made of it in definitions of the group Tunicata and its larger divisions (see pp. 1, 2, &c.), I have given, on Plate C, a series of diagrammatic figures illustrating the more note-worthy stages in the embryology and early life- history of a typical Tunicate. Figure 1 shows the ovum and spermatozoon, figs. 2 to 6 successive embryonic stages, figs. 7 to 9 the free-swimming tailed "Chordate" larva, and figs. 10 to 12 the process of degeneration into the sedentary adult Ascidian, such as those described from. Australia in the following pages. THE TUNICATA OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. TUNICATA. The Tunicata (or Urochorda) are hermaphrodite marine chordate animals which show in their development the essential vertebrate characters, but in which the notochord is restricted to the posterior part of the body, and is in most cases present only during the free -swimming larval stages. The adult animals are usually sessile and degenerate, and may be either solitary or colonies, fixed or free. The nervous system is in the larva of the elongated, tubular, dorsal vertebrate type, but in most cases degenerates in the adult to form a small ganglion placed above the pharynx. The body is completely covered with a thick cuticular test ("tunic") which contains a substance similar to cellulose. The alimentary canal has a greatly enlarged respiratory phatynx (the branchial sac) which is perforated by two or many more or less modified gill slits, opening into a peri- THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM branchial or atrial cavity, which communicates with the exterior by a single dorsal (rarely two ventral) exhalent aperture. The ventral heart is simple and tubular, and periodically reverses the direction of the blood current. The leading vertebrate characteristics of the Tunicata are the notochord, the dorsal nervous system, the ventral heart and the respiratory pharynx with gill clefts ; but these all disappear or undergo modification to such an extent during the metamorphosis, that the degenerate adult would not in most cases be recognised as belonging to the Chordata were it not for our knowledge of the life-history. Order I. ASCIDIACEA, Blv., 1827. This group includes fixed or free-swimming Simple or Compound Ascidians, which, in the adult, are never provided with a tail and have no trace of a notochord. The free- swimming forms are colonies, and the Simple Ascidians are never free-swimming. The test is permanent and well-developed ; as a rule it increases with the age of the individual. The musculature of the mantle is in the form of an irregular network, there being no regular circular banrls. The branchial sac is large and well-developed. Its walls are perforated by numerous slits (the stigmata) opening into a single peribranchial cavity, which communicates with the exterior by the atrial aperture. The anus opens into the peribranchial cavity. Many of the forms reproduce by gemmation, and in most of them the sexually produced embryo develops into a tailed larva. The order Ascidiacea is divided into three sections — the Ascidias Simplices, the Ascidiaa Compositag, and the Ascidia3 CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. Luciae — of which the last is not represented in the collection. Sub order I. ASCIDI^E SIMPLICES, Savigny, 1816. This group contains fixed (rarely unattached, but never free - swimming) Ascidians which are solitary, and very rarely reproduce by gemmation ; if colonies are formed, the members of the colony are not buried in a common investing mass, but each has a distinct test of its own, and gemmation is not directly from the body of the parent, but from a basal stolon. The Ascidiae Simplices include four families — the Clave- linida?, the Ascidiidae, the Cyntkiidae, and the Molgulidse — all of which are represented in the collection. Family I. CLAVELINIMJ, Forbes, 1853. Body attached by the posterior end, and usually by means of a peduncle, to a creeping basal stolon or common stolonial mass, from which young Ascidiozooids are formed by gemmation. Test gelatinous, rarely cartilaginous, usually thin and transparent. Apertures circular, very rarely distinctly lobed. Branchial sac not folded, often without internal longitudinal bars. The bars, if present, have no papillae. The stigmata are straight. Dorsal lamina represented by languets. Tentacles simple, filiform. Alimentary canal usually extending beyond the branchial sac poste- riorly to form an abdomen. Gonads placed in the intestinal loop. In addition to sexual reproduc- tion, colonies may be formed asexually by gemmation from the stolon. This family contains about 10 genera, and over 30 species. These are probably the most primitive of the Ascidians. They link on in the one direction through Ecteinascidia to Ciona and the Ascidiidae, and so to the rest of the Simple Ascidians, and in the other direction through Diazona to the Polyclinidse and other typical Compound Ascidians. THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Podoclavella,* Herdman, 1890. Body extremely long and narrow, divided into thorax and abdomen, and placed on the end of a long slender stalk. Test on the body thin, on the stalk thick and cartilaginous or horny. Mantle thin, musculature slight. Branchial sac with no internal longitudinal bars, and no papilliform connecting ducts ; transverse vessels all equally wide, and bearing broad horizontal membranes. Stigmata large. Visceral mass extending behind the branchial sac to form a distinct abdomen as large or larger than the thorax, and followed by a well- marked post-abdominal peduncle. There are two species in the genus, which may be separated as follows : — Colour light bluish green, tentacles in two rows, P. borealis, Sav. (Arctic). Colour purplish, tentacles in one row, . . P. meridionalis, Herdm. (Australia). Podoclavella meridionalis, Herdman | (1890). PI. Clav. II., figs. 1—4. External appearance. Body claviform, on a long slender stalk. Anterior end narrow but truncated, bearing both the branchial and the atrial apertures. Attached by lower narrower end of stalk. Surface of upper part of body smooth, of stalk slightly corrugated transversely. Colour of stalk yellow, of upper part of body grey, with a bluish purple tinge in centre. Length over all about 7-5 cm. Length of stalk about 4-5 cm. Breadth of upper part of body 7 mm , average breadth of stalk 2 mm. Test thin but tough and cartilaginous over the wider part of the body, thicker and more horny on the stalk. Mantle of a purplish colour, but thin and with little musculature, probably continued down the stalk as a slender tube. Siphons well- marked, with sphincter muscles. Branchial sac large. The transverse vessels are wide, and all of the same size ; they bear wide horizontal membranes. The stigmata are * A new genus formed for one of the species in this collection, along with the Clnceliim borealis of Savigny. First characterized in my paper on Ectcinascidia and the Clavelinidae read before the Biological Society of Liverpool, in December, 1890 (.see Trans. Biol. Soc. L'pool, vol. V., p. 144); denned more fully in "Revision," Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool., vol. XXIII., p. 603, 1891. t Briefly diagnosed in "Revision," p. 603; the full description is now given. CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. O fairly large, and are arranged with regularity. There are no internal longitudinal bars, and no papilliform processes on the horizontal membranes. Dorsal languets are present. They are long and pointed, and are not united at their bases. The tentacles are numerous and slender, placed in one row. The viscera form a large opaque mass, longer than the thorax, and of nearly cylindrical form, the stomach forming no marked enlargement. The rectum is very long. Locality. — Port Jackson. This form (PL Clav. II., fig. 1) has a superficial resemblance to some Compound Ascidians of the genus Colella, where the body is placed on the summit of a long slender horny stalk." The lower end of the stalk is expanded, and gives off root-like prolongations. The viscera and mantle are of a dark purplish colour, which shows through the thin grey test. There is a central cavity continued down the stalk, which probably contained a tubular prolongation from the body similar to that which is found in the stolon of Clavelina. It has, however, in these specimens been retracted and torn, no doubt as a result of the mode of killing and preservation, so as to lose its connection with the body proper, but its remains are to be found adhering to the walls of the tube. The branchial and atrial apertures are on small papillae placed not far apart. The mantle is full of dark purplish pigment corpuscles, which make it quite opaque ; the branchial and atrial siphons are especially dark-coloured. The branchial sac is large and has numerous stigmata. The horizontal membranes are especially wide (PI. Clav. II., fig. 4). Dr. Sluiter, in describing the Tunicata collected by Prof. Semon at Amboina and Thursday Island, came upon a form which he suspected to be this species. So, before describing it, he courteously consulted me on the matter, and sent me drawings. I had little difficulty in recognising that his specimen belonged to my species, and now that Sluiter's full account has been published,! I am still of the same opinion, notwithstanding a few slight differences in our descriptions and figures. These, I think, do not exceed the limits of individual variation. * See Herdman. "Challenger" Report, Ft. II., p. 72. See the species of Colella, figured further on in this Catalogue (PI. Dist. I.). * | Jenaische Denkschr. VIII., p. 165. 6 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM Stereoclavella,* Herdman, 1890. Colony with the stolons united in a basal thickening or mass of test. Body not pedunculated, apart from the long abdomen, which is distinct from the thorax. Branchial and atrial apertures circular, not lobed. Test on the body thin, thicker and cartilaginous posteriorly, where it forms the stolonial basal mass. Mantle thin. Branchial sac with no internal longitudinal bars. Transverse vessels all equally wide. Visceral viass forming a distinct abdomen as large as the thorax. There are four known species in the genus, S. (Clavelina) oblonga, Herdm., from the Atlantic, and Si (Clavelina) enormis, Herdm., from the South Atlantic, both obtained during the " Challenger" Expedition, in addition to the two described below. Garstang's Pycnoclavella aitiiluceus, from Plymouth, must be a closely related form. Stereoclavella australis, Herdman (1891), PI. Clav. I., figs. 1 — 11. External appearance,. The colony tassel-shaped, consisting of a large number of Ascidiozooids united together in clumps on the summit of a solid stalk-like mass of test. Free ends of the Ascidiozooids cylindrical, truncated anteriorly, where both apertures are placed not far apart. Colony about 9 cm. in length, and 5 to 6 cm. in breadth at the broadest part, and 3 cm. in thickness at the same place. The average thickness of the basal solid test is 2 cm., and its length about 5 cm. Surface smooth, colour grey. Test thin over the thoracic, free, part of the Ascidiozooid, thicker over the abdomen, gradually passing into the very thick solid basal mass. Abundance of small test cells in all parts. Over the abdominal part of the body small and very slender unbranched spines project from the surface of the test : each has a test cell at its base. Solid basal part of test with numerous stolonial blood vessels running in all directions and giving rise to many buds. Mantle with about 6 very distinct longitudinally running muscle bands on each side of body, on the thorax. These spread out and become more numerous on abdomen. Body of Ascidiozooid nearly 2 cm. long and about 5 mm. wide in the thoracic part Thorax globular, * Briefly defined for the reception of the two " Challenger" species Clavelina oblonya and C nun-mis, along with the present species, in Trans. Biol. Soc., L'pool, vol. V., pp. 160—161 ; and also in "Revision," Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool., vol. XXIII., p. 603. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 7 with a great ventral projection, and an accumulation of ova and embryos on the dorsal edge. Abdomen long and narrow, swelling at the posterior end where the stomach is placed. A slender stolonial appendage is continued down from the posterior end of the abdomen. The branchial and atrial siphons are well-developed, but not lobed ; they have strong sphincters. The mantle, on the whole, is rather strong and opaque, with well-developed musculature and abundant pigmentation. Branchial sac with about 14 rows of stigmata. The transverse vessels are all alike and are moderately wide. They are provided with horizontal membranes. Dorsal languets large, triangular, joined to the horizontal membranes, and not united by any longitudinal band. Tentacles about 20 in number, and of 3 sizes, the larger ones being long and slender. The visceral mass is very long, and is formed chiefly of oesophagus and intestine. The reproductive organs are placed in the loop. There is a large conspicuous vas deferens running up the inner side of the rectum. Locality. — " Under stones at low tide, Vaucluse, P.J., John Brazier, F.L.S." This species in appearance (see PI. Clav. I., fig 1.) is singularly like a Diazona, but differs entirely from that genus in the structure of the branchial sac (figs. 9 and 10). The arrangement of the Ascidiozooids is seen well in fig. 2, in which half of the colony has been cut away ; fig. 3 is one of the clumps. Figures 4 and 5 show the appearances of the right and left sides of the body respectively. The spines on the abdominal portion of the test (fig. 6) are not numerous. Each spine springs from immediately over a test cell, but there are far more test cells than spines. Deeper in the test a few " bladder cells " and other modifications of the test cells are found (fig. 7), while in the basal part of the colony there are very many ramifying stolons (fig. 11) with abund- ance of small buds. The longitudinal muscles of the mantle, which are few and regular on the thorax (see fig. 8, which shows also the distribution of pigment masses), break up over the abdomen, and further back come to be arranged chiefly dorsally and ventrally, about, 15 bands on each side of each edge of the body— about 60 longitudinal bands in all. There are no transversely running muscles. In the peribranchial cavity were found many large tailed larvae, measuring up to 1 mm. in length of body. 8 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Stereoclavella sp. (?australis, Herdman), PI. Clav. II., figs. 5—8. External appearance. The colony consists of several individuals adhering by their narrow posterior ends to a short thick irregular stolon. The anterior end of each Ascidiozooid is relatively wide and irregularly truncated. The body is elongated and distinctly divided into thorax and abdomen. The apertures are close together at the anterior end. The colour is grey. The length of an Ascidiozooid is 1-2 cm., breadth 4 mm. Test thin and transparent, rather thicker on stolon. Mantle thin and transparent, muscle bundles mainly longitudinal. Branchial sac delicate, transverse vessels all the same size. Stigmata large and numerous. Horizontal membranes present. Dorsal lanyuets long, and closely-placed, triangular in form. Locality. — Broughton Islands (No. 43). The specimen shown at PI. Clav. II., fig. 5, may possibly be a detached piece from a larger colony, like that figured on the previous plate ; but even then it is questionable whether it can be referred to the same species, as the musculature of the mantle (fig. 6) and the proportions of the dorsal languets (fig. 8) are a good deal different. This species, treating it as a distinct one, seems closely allied to Stereoclavella (Clarclina) oblouya, Herdman, from which it differs chiefly in the size and shape of the dorsal languets. In S. oblong a they are short and conical, and are placed about their own length apart*; while in the present species they are long and triangular in form (fig. 8), having an expanded base flattened antero-posteriorly, and tapering to a narrow point ; the distance between them is only about a fourth of the length of each languet. The languets are united at their bases by a longitudinal band (fig. 8, d.l.), which is very different from the condition shown (PI. Clav. I., fig. 10) in S. aicstmlis, where the stigmata are uninterrupted round the dorsal edge of the sac. Several large opaque ova and young embryos were found at the posterior end of the peribranchial cavity, close to the oesophagus, in one of the specimens, which shows that the Ascidiozooids were adult — although possibly they may be only a fragment of a colony. [The following Clavelinidae have also been found in Australian seas:— Pcroplwra Hutcldsoni, Macdonald. Ecteinascidia eitphues, Sluit. E. psammodes, Sluit. Eliopalopsis crassa, Herdm., Ki Is., 129 faths. Ii.fusca, Herdm., Banda, 17 faths.] ' "Challenger" Report, Tart I., PI. XXXV., fig. 8. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 9 Family II. ASCIDIIDJE, Herdman, 1880. Body attached, usually sessile, rarely pedunculated. Branchial aperture usually 8-lobed, atrial usually 6-lobed. Test gelatinous or cartilaginous, rarely chitinaceous or horny. Branchial sac without folds. Internal longitudinal bars present and usually papillated. Stigmata straight or curved. Tentacles simple, filiform. Alimentary canal either at one side of the branchial sac (usually the left) or extending beyond it posteriorly. Gonads placed close to the intestine. There are four sub-families — the Corellinse, the Hypobythiinae, the Ascidiinse, and the Cioninae ; only the two latter are represented in this collection. Sub-family CIONIKffi, Eoule, 1884, Herdman, 1891. Body more or less cylindrical, attached by posterior end. Test thin and gelatinous, may be modified anteriorly to form a lobe covering the apertures. Mantle with the musculature mainly longitudinal. Branchial sac provided with internal longitudinal bars. Stigmata straight. Dorsal lamina represented by languets. Alimentary canal on left side of branchial sac, extending posteriorly to it. I use this sub- family in a somewhat different sense from that originally proposed by Eoule. Keeping Ciona as the typical form, I remove Rhopalcea to the family Clavelinidae, and I substitute in its place Rhodosoma, which seems to me to have more affinity with dona than with Ascidia. Ciona* (Savigny, 1816), Fleming, 1828. Ciona intestinalis ('?), Linn., PI. Asc. I., figs. 1 — 4. About two dozen specimens from "off Cockatoo Island, Port Jackson (No. 21)," appear to belong to this common European species. They are very large and soft, and have an overgrown flaccid appearance. The largest is about 10 cm. in antero-posterior extent, even after preservation in alcohol. The test is in most cases exceedingly thin, in some quite membranous : the mantle is also very thin and transparent, and the * For characters of genus see Herdman, "Revision," p. 598. 10 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. muscle bands, although of the usual number, are remarkably weak. The alimentary canal is very clearly visible through the mantle (see fig. 3), and is seen to extend unusually far forwards. The branchial sac has very large papillae projecting from the internal longitudinal bars ; these are relatively larger and more conspicuous than in British specimens of the species. Figure 4 shows the dorsal tubercle. Many of the specimens adhere together in groups by their posterior ends, and their tests have grown together, but there is no reason to regard them as forming colonies. Notwithstanding these few points of difference in detail, I do not feel justified in separating the Australian specimens as a new species. I find also in the collection one specimen of a Ciona (figs. 1 and 2) adhering, along with Colella tcniiicaulis, to the back of the crab Macippe spinosa, Stimp. It is 2 cm. in length and 1 cm. in thick- ness, and is in a greatly contracted state. There are also 3 small specimens of Ciona adhering to Chorizoconniis subfuscus, from Port Jackson. All of these specimens are more or less in bad condition for detailed examination, but appear to be indistinguishable specifically from Ciona intestinalis, Linn., although living material might show differences. [The following Cioninae have also been recorded from Australian Ehodosoma, Ehrenberg, 1828. B. (Pera) Huxleyi, Macdonald. R. (Peroides) sp., Macdonald.] Sub-family ASCIDIIN^l, Herdman, 1882. Body usually attached by left side or posterior end. Branchial aperture with at least 8-lobes, atrial with at least 6-lobes. Test gelatinous or cartilaginous. Mantle with the musculature forming an irregular network, which is strongest on the right side. Viscera on the left side of the branchial sac. Branchial sac provided with internal longitudinal bars. Stigmata straight. Dorsal lamina usually a plain membrane, rarely languets (Abyss- ascidia). Ascidia, Linn. Only the typical genus Ascidia is represented in this collection. It contains two now species. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 11 Ascidia incerta, n. sp., PL Asc. I., figs. 5—8. External appearance. The body is ovate, with very well-marked, distinctly lobed siphons, upon which the apertures are placed. It is attached by the posterior end. The branchial aperture is anterior, and the atrial is about two-fifths of the way down the dorsal edge. The sur- face is slightly rough and partly covered with adhering animals. The colour is yellowish grey. Length 5 cm., breadth 3 cm., thickness 1'5 cm. Test thin, but tough, translucent; conspicuous vessels. Mantle fairly muscular round the edges of the right side, less muscular in the centre of that side, and very thin and membranous over the viscera. Siphons very distinct; branchial 7-lobed and atrial 6-lobed. Branchial sac minutely plicated, with transverse vessels all of one size. Meshes nearly square, containing each about 7 stigmata. The internal longitudinal bars bear at the angles of the meshes large curved papillae, which vary a good deal amongst themselves in size and shape. The dorsal lamina is rather narrow. It is strongly ribbed, but has a plain edge. The cesophageal aperture is fully two-thirds of the way down. The tentacles are very numerous, and closely placed. They are long and slender, and differ somewhat in size amongst themselves, but there is no regularity in their arrangement. The dorsal tubercle is simple but very large, occupying the whole of a very deep peritubercular area. It is elongated antero-posteriorly, with the horns curling outwards at the anterior end. Locality. — Port Jackson. One specimen. This specimen from Port Jackson is in some respects very like Ascidia pyriformis, found by the "Challenger" Expedition in the same bay at a depth of 6 fathoms. I have given this species the specific name incerta, because I still regard it as somewhat uncertain, or open to doubt, whether or not it is distinct from A. pyriformis. In using the dichotomising table of the characters of the species of Ascidia given in rny " Revision, " at p. 591, one is led by the characters of the present species straight to 'pyriformis at the top of p. 593 ; but on looking into further details it is found that there are certain definable points of difference. That being so, I think it wiser to describe A. incerta as a distinct species ; but I think it quite possible that the examination of a larger series of specimens than the 2 of pyrifonnis and 1 of incerta now known, may lead to the union of the two species. The chief differences are : the larger meshes of the branchial sac in A. incerta containing 7 stigmata (PI. Asc. I., fig. 6) in place of 3 or 4, the plain edge 'to the dorsal lamina (fig. 7), and the remarkably large dorsal tubercle (fig. cS). 12 THE AUSTBALIAN MUSEUM. In A. pyriformis also the dorsal tubercle is remarkable,* but in a different way. If these two forms turn out to be one species, it must have a very wide range of individual variation in its dorsal tubercle. Ascidia phallusioides, n. sp., PI. Asc. II. External appearance. The body is oblong, rather wider posteriorly and with a rounded anterior end. It is attached by the posterior end and a small part of the left side. The branchial aperture is near the anterior end, but is recurved so as to point nearly backwards — it has about 12 lobes ; the atrial aperture is on the right side of the dorsal edge, near the anterior end, and points forwards — it has 6 lobes. The surface is smooth, but marked with deep grooves with rounded edges. There may be little rounded knobs scattered over the surface. The colour varies from a warm yellowish grey to a dark smoky brown. The length is 16 cm., the breadth 8 cm., and the thickness 6 cm. Test thick and cartilaginous, firm, of the same colour and consistency throughout, and smooth on both surfaces. Large vessels from the body enter the test on the left side in front of the middle, and branch through all parts. Mantle thin, but muscular on the right side. The longitudinal muscle bands are mainly external, and the circular or transverse internal. The anterior part of the left side of the mantle is thinner and less muscular, while the posterior part over the viscera is very thin, and has no muscle bands. Branchial sac large and strong, minutely plicated. The transverse vessels differ in size, and there are usually 3 smaller between each pair of larger. The internal longitudinal bars bear very large papillae at the angles of the meshes, and are connected with the transverse vessels by wide membranes. The meshes are elongated transversely, and contain each 6 to 8 stigmata. Endostyle large, reaching to posterior end of branchial sac. The dorsal lamina is a narrow but strongly ribbed and toothed membrane. The large oesophageal aperture is placed about two-thirds of the way down it. The tentacles are not large. They are 36 to 40 in number, and are of two sizes placed alternately. The dorsal tubercle, is small and simple. It is placed in a large triangular peritubercular area, continuous with the rather narrow pre- branchial zone. * See "Challenger" Report, Part L, p. 220. CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 13 The nerve ganglion is placed only 1 cm. behind the dorsal tubercle, and the whole space between them is occupied by the very large neural gland, which has many complicated openings into the atrial cavity. The locality is Port Jackson. — Half a dozen specimens. This large and very solid species approaches in its characters the genus Pachychlcena, which was formed (as a sub-genus originally) for the recep- tion of three "Challenger" species, which differed from Ascidia in their very massive cartilaginous tests. These three species were, one from Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and the other two from Bass' Strait, Australia, at a depth of 38 to 40 fathoms. The present species, in the condition of the test, is intermediate between the ordinary Ascidia and these species of Pachychlcena, consequently I now feel inclined to relinquish the latter genus. This large species is undoubtedly new to science. I have examined the following specimens : — three typical examples (A, B, C) and one (D) of much darker colour which might be placed as a variety, also 3 additional specimens (E, F, G) which were in the original collection sent to the London Fisheries Exhibition of 1883. The sizes are as follows: — JENGTH. BREADTH . THICK- NESS. REMARKS. A 14 cm. 7'5 cm. 6 cm. Several other Ascidians, Cynthiidas and Molgulidae are attached. B 16-5 „ 8 „ 6-5 „ Typical example. C 10 „ 6 „ 45 „ This one is darker in colour than the two preceding, and forms a transition to the next. D 13 „ 8 „ 5 „ Dark-coloured variety. E 13-5 „ 7-5 ,, 7 „ Light-coloured ventrally and darker dorsally. F 11-5 „ 6 „ 5 „ Lighter coloured throughout. G 8-5 „ 5-5 „ 4 „ Lighter coloured throughout. 14 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. In size and general shape this species recalls Ascidia men tula of European seas, but that the body is more compact in this species, and the atrial aperture is placed further forward. The branchial aperture is very irregularly lobed in the test, but in the mantle there seem to be about 12 lobes, an unusually large number for an Ascidia. The surface of the test may have little scattered knobs, which gives an appearance like that of Pliallusia mammillata. There is a deep groove with several branches running down the middle of the right side (PL Asc. II., fig. 1.) in all the specimens. This may be partly due to contraction on death. In specimen D (No. 12 of Museum labels), where the colour of the test is very dark there is a great deal of pigment found, and there are little black areas O5 to 1 mm. in diameter scattered irregularly over the surface. Each of these has a non-pigmented brownish lighter spot in its centre (see figs. 9 and 10.), while similar smaller spots or papillae are scattered all over the surface both on the black areas and between them. Each such papilla is the enlarged knob of a blood vessel. The test is in all cases very vascular (fig. 3.) When the test, which averages about 5 mm. in thickness, is removed the body looks rather small. It is flat on the right side and convex on the posterior part of the left side, where the viscera form a projection. The siphons are well marked. The large branchial is anterior and the atrial is about one-fifth of the length of the body from the anterior end, and is directed dorsally (fig. 1). The thick walled branchial sac has a rough appearance internally, due to the large papillae (fig. 2). It is not reduplicated at the posterior end, and this forms an important point of difference between the present species and Ph. mammillata, the type of the genus Phallusia, according to Eoule's classification. On account, however, of a certain resemblance in form, and also in the condition of the neural gland described below, to that species, I have given the specific name i>liallnsioides. One of the most notable points about this species is the remarkable condition of the neural or hypophysial gland. This organ is large and extends from the dorsal tubercle anteriorly to the nerve ganglion posteriorly (fig. 7). Its aperture on the dorsal tubercle into the branchial sac is small and simple (fig. 5), but it has a large number of complicated secondary openings on the surface which is directed towards the atrial cavity (fig. 8). In the dark variety (specimen D) the gland is longer and narrower behind the dorsal lamina than in the other specimens, but is otherwise the same, and has many secondary openings. This adds another to the small number of remarkable Ascidians CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 15 which have many small secondary openings from the neural gland, or its duct, into the peribranchial cavity. This condition has been described by Julin and by Herdman in Phallusia mammillata, by Eoule in Ascidia Marioni, and recently by Metcalf* in Ascidia aim, from the West Indies. The present species differs from these others in having the neural gland so near to the dorsal tubercle, in having the secondary openings practically sessile upon the gland (fig. 7), and in having these openings so curved and twisted as to look like the opening in a dorsal tubercle (fig. 8). Metcalf points out the indication of relationship between the four species given by this remarkable anatomical condition, and I am inclined to think that the best way to recognise this fact might be to modify the definition of the genus Phallusia, so that marioni, atra, and phallusioides may be incorporated therein along with Ph. mammillata. [The following Ascidiinae have also been found in Australian seas :— Abyssascidia wyvillii, Herdm , S. of Australia, 2,600 faths. Ascidia cylindracea, Herdm., Twofold Bay, 120 faths. A. pyriformis, Herdm., Port Jackson, 6 faths. Pachychlcena oblonga, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. P. obesa, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. A. Sydneiensis, Stimp , Port Jackson, low tide. A. succida, Stinrp., Port Jackson, low tide. A. bifissa, Sluit., Amboina. A. emphercs, Sluit., Amboina A. geiumata, Sluit., Amboina. A. kreagra, Sluit., Amboina. ? A. diaphana, Q. & G., Hobart Town.] Family III. CYNTHIID^, Lac. Duth., 1877. Body usually attached, rarely free, sometimes pedunculated. Test membranous, or coriaceous, rarely cartilaginous or covered with sand. Branchial aperture usually 4-lobed, atrial 4-lobed. Branchial sac, longitudinally folded ; internal longitudinal bars not papillated. Stigmata straight, never forming spirals. Tentacles simple or compound. Intestine on left side, only slightly, or not at all, attached to the mantle. * See for an interesting discussion of the subject, Zoological Bulletin, vol. I., No. 3, Boston, 1897. 16 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Gonads on the inner surface of the mantle, either on both sides or on one only. This very large and important family contains three well-marked sections or sub-families — the Bolteniinae, the Cynthiinse, and the Styelinae — all of which are well represented in the collection. Sub-family BOLTENIINJE, Herdman, 1880. Body attached and pedunculated ; peduncle usually very long, branchial and atrial apertures having either 4 or less than 4 lobes. Test coriaceous, membranous or cartilaginous, not covered with sand. Branchial sac with more than four folds on each side. Tentacles compound. It is unfortunate that the eminent French Ascidiologists MM. Lacaze- Duthiers and Yves Delage,* in discussing the characters of the CynthiidaB in 1889, should have entirely omitted to consider this important sub-family, so as to give the impression that only the sub- families Cynthiinae and Styelinge exist. I established the sub-family in 1880, and again gave an account of it and described a number of new species belonging to it in the " Challenger " Eeport in 1882. The same authors, at p. 524 of their paper, indicate that the Cynthiae caesirae of Savigny are, in their opinion, probably Molgulidae, and they cite Eoule's similar statement (1886) as apparently the only previous investigation of the matter. But I showed in 1882, four years before Eoule, and seven years before Lacaze-Duthiers and Delage, that Savigny's Cynthiae csesirae really belonged to the genus Molijula. Boltenia, Savigny, 1816. Only the genus Boltenia in this sub-family is represented. There are three species. Boltenia pachydermatina, Herdm., PL Cyn. I. This is one of the largest known species of Simple Ascidians, and is apparently very common in southern seas, and especially round the coasts of Australia and New Zealand. It is a striking object, may grow to a very large size, and has probably often been brought to Europe by travellers and collectors. Specimens exist in most museums, but the •: AK.-II. Zool. Expei-. etgt-n^r., 2mc. ser., t. VII. , p. 519. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 17 species had not been named nor described until the Eeport upon the the "Challenger" Collection* in 1882. Since then von Draschef has given some further remarks and another figure of the species, from specimens obtained by the " Novara " Expedition to the South of Sydney. Von Drasche describes short knobbed calcareous spicules in the test. I have since found calcareous spicules in these Australian forms not only in the test, but also in the mantle and in the larger vessels of the branchial sac (PI. Cyn. I., fig. 2). Those of the mantle are elongated fusiform curved spicules, and those in the branchial sac are rather like the spicules of Culeolus. The dorsal tubercle is, in the large specimens, even more complicated in its pattern than I showed in the "Challenger" Keport. I give a figure here (fig. 3) which shows also the presence of branched spicules. The specimens in the collection are a group of 14 individuals adhering to the same basal mass (see PI. Cyn. I., fig. 1), two others of smaller size attached together, and two or three other specimens of medium size. The largest specimen attains to about 35 cm. in length, including the stalk. Boltenia tuberculata, HerdmanJ, 1891, PI. Cyn. II. External appearance. Irregularly club-shaped, the body being of irregularly ovate form placed on a short curved stalk and covered with tubercles or knobs. There is not much lateral compression. The apertures are not far apart, both on one surface, both transverse slits surrounded by many lobes, of which, however, there may be 4 more prominent. Surface very uneven on account of the numerous knobs. Colour dirty creamy white, to light brown. Size (average), body 5 cm. by 3 cm. by 2 cm. ; stalk about 12 cm. in length. Test very irregular in thickness, from 1 mm. to 10 mm., cartilaginous, white in section. Large vessels are found about the top of the stalk. Mantle thick, closely adherent to test. The finer muscle bundles form a close felted mass, while there are strong longitudinal and circular muscles extending from the siphons over the greater part of each side. Branchial sac with 6 or 7 folds on the right side, and 6 on the left. The folds converge to the mouth of the oesophagus. There is a mesh work consisting of very stout internal longitudinal bars and more slender • Report on Tunicata, Part I., p. 89. t Deuksclir. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. XLVIII., p. 370. 1884. I Briefly diagnosed in "Revision," p. 571, now fully described and figured. 18 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. transverse vessels, which stands on a plane internal to the inter-stigmatic vessels, which are much finer. These larger internal vessels contain spicules. Dorsal lamina very slight, dying away almost at once behind the dorsal tubercle. Tentacles 24 in number, 12 large and 12 small, placed alternately. Dorsal tubercle forming two close spirals with their apices directed away from one another. Locality.— Port Jackson, about a dozen specimens. This species differs from the other Boltenias externally in its knobbed appearance (PI. Cyn. II., figs. 1, 6, and 7), and internally in the structure of the branchial sac, the number of the tentacles, and the nature of the dorsal tubercle. Many of the specimens are covered with a smooth closely incrusting layer of sponge. This is one of the largest of Simple Ascidians. Although the stalk is not so long, the body attains a larger size than in Boltenia pacliydermatina. The sizes of the specimens before me are as follows : — No. Body. Stalk. 1 ... 45x2x1 cm. ... 12-5 cm. 2 ... 4 x 2 x 1 ... 8 „ 3 ... 5 x 1-5 x 1 13 ,, 4 ... 6-5x3x2 ,, ... 20 „ 5 ... 4'5 x 1 x 2 „ ... 4 ,, 6 ... 9x5x3,, ... 14 ,, 7 ... 6-5x3x3 „ ... 7 „ 8 ... 5 x 1-5 x 1-5 ,, ... 9 ,, 9 ... 4 x 1-5 x 1 ... 7-5 „ 10 ... 7-5 x 4 x 2-5 „ ... 20 „ 11 ... 5-5 x 3 x 2-5 „ ... 25 „ 12 ... 12 x 7 x 5 ,, ... cut short— which shows a considerable variation in the proportions. The amount of tuberculation also differs in specimens. There may be as many as 40 knobs on the body. The apertures are very remarkable. In one specimen I can count 13 lobes round the branchial aperture and 12 round the atrial, but others differ; frequently, however, four of the lobes are much larger than the rest, so as to present a 4-lobed appearance (see figs. 2 and 3). The branchial sac is very strong. There are some wide irregular vessels on the back, then the fine inter-stigmatic network, and then CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 19 the large meshes formed by the transverse vessels and the internal longitudinal bars (PI. Cyn. II., fig. 5). This last (internal) mesh work, with its spicules, clearly corresponds to the whole wall of the branchial sac in the genus Culeolus. We must regard the latter as derived from Boltenia by the suppression of the stigmatic network. The alimentary canal is large, and forms a close loop extending along the whole length of the left side. A gonad is present on each side, on the left in the loop of the intestine, and on the right, where it is much larger, it forms an elongated curved body, partly broken up into two rows of rounded masses. Several of the specimens of this species are firmly attached to other kinds of Simple Ascidians (PI. Cyn. II., figs. 6, 7) upon which they have apparently grown. Boltenia gibbosa, Heller. (? = Ascidia spinifera, Quoy and Gaimard). Two little specimens in the collection from Port Jackson probably belong to this species. They have variously shaped spicules in the test, showing gradations from simple bars to stellate forms. There are also branched spicules in the mantle and the chief vessels of the branchial sac, which show " contour " marks or lines of growth like those in the genus Culeolus. There are 6 folds on each side of the branchial sac. There are 4 longitudinal bars in the interspace between folds, and about the same number on each fold. Every fourth transverse vessel is wider than the intermediate ones, which are of one size. The meshes are oblong, each containing 9 to 10 stigmata, occasionally divided by narrow membranes, which do not, however, divide the stigmata. There are tapering languets along the dorsal lamina. Only 10 tentacles are present. The dorsal tubercle is nearly circular, with one horn coiled inwards. I think it possible that this species may eventually prove to be a young form of one of the others. [The only other species of this sub-family which has been recorded from Australia is Boltenia australis (Q. and G.) from Port Jackson. We can scarcely say with certainty now what this species was.] Sub-family CYNTHIIN-ffi, Herdman, 1880. Body attached, sessile, or very shortly pedunculated. Branchial and atrial apertures with 4 lobes each. Test coriaceous, rarely cartilaginous, rarely covered with sand. 20 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. ^ - Branchial sac with more than 4 folds upon each side (except Forbesella tessellata, Forbes). Tentacles compound. Alimentary canal with no marked stomach, but with a glandular lobed appendage. Of the four described genera of this sub-family, the two commoner ones, Cynthia and Microcosmus, are well represented. Microcosmus, Heller 1877. This genus is distinguished (see Heller, and " Eevision," p. 573) from Cynthia by the narrow intestinal loop and the plain dorsal lamina. Several species were previously known from Australian seas, and three new ones have been added by the present collection. Microcosmus Draschii, Herdman,* (1891), PI. Cyn. Ill and IV. External appearance. Shape irregularly ovate or reniform, flattened from side to side, attached by a variable extent of the posterior end. Apertures both on the anterior end, large, on prominent knobs, distinctly 4-lobed. Surface very irregular, often grown over with other animals, usually corrugated and crinkled. Colour from pale yellow to dark brown. Size up to 16 by 12, by 6 cm. thick. Test leathery or pergamentaceous, rough and irregular on the outside, smooth, glistening, and white or pearly on the inside. The posterior part may be greatly thickened, and is then soft and spongy. Mantle very thick, opaque, muscular, and densely crowded with calcareous spicules. The large siphons have very strong sphincter muscles. Branchial sac large and much folded. There are from 12 to 15 folds on each side. About a dozen internal longitudinal bars on a fold, and four in the interspace. Meshes small, nearly square, containing 2 or 3 stigmata only. The larger vessels contain large fusiform echiiiated calcareous spicules, and smaller ones are present in the finer vessels. Dorsal lamina represented by a row of small pointed languets. Tentacles large and branched, of 2 sizes, 12 larger and 12 shorter, placed alternately. Dorsal tubercle very large, of circular form, with a very elaborately curved pattern all over its surface. Alimentary canal large, forming a narrow loop along the posterior edge of the left side. * Brit-fly diagnosed in " Revision," p. 575 ; now fully described and figured. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 21 Locality. — Port Jackson and Port Stephen ; nearly a dozen specimens. I have formed this species for the reception of a number of specimens which vary somewhat amongst themselves, and which seem in most respects rather closely allied to Microcosmus Julinii, von Drasche ; but which, on the other hand, I feel somewhat inclined to remove from the genus Microcosmus, and place in the genus Bhabdocynthia, alongside R. complanata, Herdm. The specimens are all of large size. The largest is the one from Port Jackson, whose measurements are given above, and which is figured about half natural size in fig. 1 (PI. Cyn. III.). The test in this specimen is tough, leathery, and of a rich dark-brown colour on the outside, as if it had been tanned or tarred externally. The posterior end of the test is provided with a number of tufted, branched processes or tags for attachment (fig. 1). When this test is cut open, however, it is found that nearly the posterior half (6'5 cm.) is solid, and so the space left for the body is much reduced (see fig. 2). Another large specimen is attached to the posterior end of a large Ascidia, and bears in its turn four specimens of Polycarpa belonging to two species (PI. Cyn. IV., fig. 1). It is of a distinctly lighter-brown colour, and has the siphons or projections bearing the apertures relatively longer and narrower, but the internal structure is much the same. Then there are three larger specimens (between 12 cm. and 18 cm. in length) closely resembling the last, but more or less covered externally with colonies of a Leptoclinum and many other smaller animals. There is a specimen from Port Stephen measuring about 7-5 cm. in length and 6-5 cm. in breadth, so that the form is nearly discoidal ; and finally, there are half-a-dozen other specimens of varied shape and colour, extending from 12 cm. down to about 6 cm. in length. With the exception of the very dark specimen (PI. Cyn. III., fig. 1), the prevailing colours throughout the species are those bright yellows and ruddy browns which are already known in several other members of the genus. In the anterior part of the body the test is thin but tough, and it is seen in sections (fig. 4) that the projections on the surface are not mere folds, but are permanent outgrowths. The remarkable thickened part of the test forming the posterior half of the body in one specimen (fig. 2) is very soft, and spongy in texture. The large apertures are square, 4-lobed, or cross-slit in shape, according to the state of contraction. When the test is removed the siphons are seen to be very muscular and very long. They may be as much as 3 cm. in. 22 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. length and 1*5 cm. in diameter. Besides the very powerful sphincters (fig. 3), the rest of the mantle has strong muscle hands running in all directions, and forming a close but irregular network. The muscles are imbedded in gelatinous connective tissue, which is so densely packed with spicules as to have a felt-like appearance. The chief layer of connective tissue and spicules is on the inner side of the mantle. The spicules are shown in fig 5, and are seen to be of at least three sizes, the largest in longitudinal bands, the medium sized in rows running transversely, and the smallest scattered. The branchial sac has generally 12 folds on each side, but in one specimen, from Port Stephen, I count 11, and in one from Port Jackson there are 15 on each side, while in another there are 12 on one side and 13 on the other. I do not find any with 14, the number given by von Drasche for M. Julinii. On PI. Cyn. IV., fig. 2 shows the general appearance of the folds round the oesophageal aperture, fig. 3 shows the lines of spicules on the outer side of the branchial sac, and fig. 4 shows part of the sac from the inside. This is a fairly regular part. In some specimens many irregularities occur. The endostyle is very wide and shallow. Spicules are everywhere, short ones in the test, longer in the mantle, several sizes in the branchial sac, largest, perhaps, in the folds, long ones also in the tentacles. The tentacular circle is about 2 cm. in diameter. The tentacles are in all cases very large (up to 2 cm. in length) and much branched (PL Cyn. IV., fig. 2), but they vary a little in number in the different specimens. Twelve larger and twelve smaller is certainly the usual and characteristic arrangement, but I have seen 10 of each, and in one case can only find 17, several of the smaller ones being evidently absent. The dorsal tubercle may be from 7 mm. to 1 cm. in diameter, and is to the eye a convex circular elevation with a minutely marked spongy surface. Slight magnification with a lens shows that the usual slit is curved in meandering lines all over the surface, so as to form a close pattern (fig. 5). The large alimentary and reproductive viscera are completely imbedded in the thick mantle so as to be scarcely visible. There are specially large spicules in the mantle around the stomach and the ovaries. I have left to the last the curious character that the dorsal lamina in place of being a plain smooth-edged membrane, is represented by a series of very small languets. Strictly speaking, this character ought to remove the present species from the genus Microcosmus and put it in CATALOGUE OF TUNICA.TA. 23 Cynthia, or rather, on account of the numerous spicules, in my genus Rliabdocynthia. But all the other characters agree so closely with those of species of Microcosmus, and the animal seems so closely related to M. Julinii, v. Dr., that I am inclined to think that what is at fault is our present definition of the genus Microcosmus, and that we shall have to admit within its limits either dorsal lamina or dorsal languets, as we have had to do in Cynthia. Consequently, I consider that I am placing the present form nearest to its natural allies in calling it a Microcosmus. I regard it as closely related to M. Julinii, v. Dr. , which was brought by the " Novara " Expedition from Sydney. In fact, there are some points, such as the remarkable dorsal tubercle, in which it entirely agrees with that species, and at first I thought I had specimens of M. Julinii before me, but the presence of the languets renders that identification impossible, as von Drasche's species has a smooth edged dorsal lamina. There are some points of resemblance between the present species and Rhabdocynthid complanata, Herdm., which was found by the " Challenger " Expedition at Port Jackson. The spicules and their arrangement are remarkably alike. The dorsal tubercle of R. complanata looks as if it might be a young form of that of the present species. If Microcosmus draschii is ever moved to the genus Rliabdocynthia, its place will be beside R. complanata, and M. Julinii will have to accom- pany it. Microcosmus australis, n. sp., PI. Cyn. V. External appearance. Shape erect oblong with the branchial aperture at the anterior end and the atrial one-third down the dorsal edge. Attached by the posterior end, scarcely compressed from side to side. Apertures both prominent, but small. Surface much wrinkled and roughened. Colour tawny yellow. Size about 3 cm. by 2-5 cm. by 1-5 cm. Test thin, but tough; white on inner surface; its prolongation into the branchial siphon bearing minute spines in its outer part, and simple tentacles in its inner part. Mantle opaque yellow, muscular, with circular bands outside and radial inside. Branchial sac with 8 to 10 folds on each side. Several of those next the endostyle slight. There are about 6 or 7 internal longitudinal bars on each fold and about 3 to 5 in the space between. Every 6th or 7th transverse vessel is much wider than the intervening ones, sometimes every third one is a little wider. The meshes contain about 6 stigmata each, occasionally as many as 10 or 12. Dorsal lamina a plain membrane with a smooth edge. 24 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Tentacles 16, 8 larger and about 8 smaller, placed alternately. The larger ones much branched. Dorsal tubercle formed of 2 spiral cones turned away from each other. Gonculs a large single mass upon each side. Locality. — Port Jackson, about 20 specimens. This is a small Microcosmus, but apparently, from the condition of the gonads, quite mature. It has the usual crumpled condition of the test, characteristic of the genus. Although the apertures are on considerable prominences (PI. Cyn. V., figs. 1 — 3), the actual cross-slit openings are very minute. The figure (fig. 1) is not an exact portrait of any one of the specimens, but is a combination drawing presenting what seem to me the average characters. Each specimen seems more or less contracted or abnormal in some part. In a group like Ascidians, where there may be so much individual variation externally, due merely to an accident of the environment, I believe it would generally be more useful, where there are a number of specimens of a new species, to prepare a combination figure, giving what the observer considers the permanent characteristic features, rather than an exact representation of one individual with all its defects. Figure 3 shows a variation in form, and fig. 2 a cluster of half-a dozen specimens adhering together. The sizes of the 4 best specimens are as follows :— A. 3'5 cm. X 3 cm. x 2 cm. B. 4 ,, x 25 ,, x 1-5 ,, C. 3 „ x 2 „ x 2 „ D. 3 ,, x 2-5 ,, x 1-5 ,, The mantle is about equally muscular all over. The branchial sac is neat and regular in its vessels. In most cases it has 10 folds on each side. The internal longitudinal bars are rather narrow (fig. 5), and between the folds they are not placed at very regular distances apart. In some places the transverse vessels are arranged as follows : — very broad, narrow, narrow, narrow, broad, narrow, narrow, narrow, very broad (see fig. 6) ; in other places they are less regular. The prolongation of the test which lines the branchial siphon (see fig. 4 sc.) bears in its outer narrower part a large number of minute spines or pointed scales, so close set as to produce a shagreen-like surface. This condition I first of all pointed out in 1882, in the case of Cynthia arenosa. Later on (1884) Lacaze-Duthiers described it in some other Cynthiidae, and in 1885 I discussed the matter in a note on the armature of tho branchial siphon. Next comes a much corrugated zone, which marks the position of the sphincter muscle (fig. 4, cor.). Further down CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 25 the siphon, where the invaginated test becomes very thin and mem- branous, it bears scattered simple finger-like tentacles of moderate size (fig. 4, in.). These, of course, are supplementary to, and are placed anterior to the usual circle of much larger compound tentacles at the entrance to the branchial sac. Microcosmus affinis, Heller, PL Cyn. VI., figs. 6—8. This species was briefly described by Heller in 1878. In the present collection there are half-a-dozen specimens which I refer to the species, and as Heller gave only a figure of the exterior, I think it right to re- describe and re-figure it. Three of our specimens are united in a clump, the other three are separate. The exterior agrees well enough with Heller's description, and fig. 6 shows the characters. Our largest specimen measures 3 cm. by 2-5 cm. by 1 cm. The invaginated test of the branchial siphon shows 4 slight semilunar valves near the base of the tube. The branchial sac has usually a 9th slighter fold next the endostyle on one or both sides which does not extend to the posterior end of the sac. There are 8 bars on a fold and 2 in the interspace. The stigmata are rather short, wide and rounded. There are about 6 in the larger meshes. Every 7th or 8th transverse vessel is much wider than those between (see fig. 7). The tentacles are of two sizes, about 9 of each, the larger ones are very bushy. The dorsal lamina is a plain membrane. The dorsal tubercle is broadly cordate, with both horns spirally coiled inwards (fig. 8). This form not only resembles M. clauclicans, Savigny, as pointed out by Heller, but also very closely agrees with Heller's other species, Micro- cosmus distans, which was found at New South Wales. I strongly suspect they are all one species. It is also allied to the new species, M. Raiusayi. Microcosmus Ramsayi,:;: n. sp., PL Cyn. VI., figs. 1—5. External appearance. Shape irregularly ovate, somewhat compressed, attached by the posterior end. Apertures moderately far apart, usually prominent, and anterior, both 4-lobed. Surface folded and wrinkled. Colour dull yellowish brown. Size 5 cm. in length, 3'5 cm. in breadth, and 2 cm. in thickness. Test tough and leathery; rather thin over most of body, thickest round apertures. * I have named this characteristic Australian .species after Dr. E. 1'. Ramsay, who was Curator of the Museum at the time the collection was .scut to inc. 26 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Mantle yellow, opaque, muscular. The muscle bundles are strong, but loosely arranged. The chief ones run radially from the siphons and circularly round the body. Branchial sac with 8 well-marked folds on each side, up to 12 internal longitudinal bars on a fold, and 3 or 4 in the interspace. Occasional transverse vessels very much wider than the rest. Meshes rather small, elongated transversely, containing about 6 stigmata ; horizontal membranes well-marked. Dorsal lamina a plain smooth-edged membrane. Tentacles about 18, 9 large and much branched, and about the same number of much smaller intermediate ones. Dorsal tubercle prominent, with both horns coiled inwards, sometimes so much coiled as to form a pair of conical spirals. Locality. — Port Jackson ; about 20 specimens. This species — probably a common one at Port Jackson — has the characteristic external appearance of a Microcosmus. The actual shape differs much in the various specimens (see PI. Cyn. VI., figs. 1, 2, 3). Several of the smaller specimens have the apertures on prominent siphons, of which the branchial may be very long (fig. 3) ; the colour in these young specimens is whiter. In older specimens the siphons are less marked, and the shape is more irregular. The size varies from 5 cm. down to about 2 cm. in length. There are four that measure about 4 cm. by 3 cm. by 2 cm. Then there are the four shown in fig. 2, some others more irregularly shaped, and half-a-dozen small ones, like fig. 3. The invaginated test lining the branchial siphon is armed with numerous little spines closely placed. Near the base of that siphon there are four pouch-like folds forming a partial diaphragm (fig. 5) ; and in the atrial siphon there is a single large crescentic fold springing from the anterior side, and forming a valve or partial septum. The loosely arranged muscle bundles of the mantle are in places closely attached to the inner surface of the test. In the branchial sac there is a very slight 9th fold on each side, next to the endostyle, and only extending for part of the length of the sac. Figure 4 shows one of the very wide transverse vessels. The dorsal tubercle (fig. 5) is in some specimens a good deal more coiled, so as to form a pair of prominent cones. This species of Microcosmus and specimens of Styela personata apparently occur together, as they were mixed in several packages. Externally they are very much alike, and it is impossible to tell the Microcosmus from the Styela until the branchial sac or tentacles have been examined. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 27 Cynthia, Savigny (1816). This genus is represented by seven species, six of which are new to science. Cynthia praeputialis, Heller, PL Cyn. VII., figs. 1—3. Of this curious species four specimens, of somewhat different forms, exist in the collection from Port Jackson. I give reduced outline figures of three of them, to show the variation in proportions. The characteristic anterior end is, however, the same in all ; all have the ring-like pad or fold of test surrounding the two apertures. In one case (fig. 3) I have cut away part of the test to show the relation of parts in a section. This figure also shows the solid posterior part of the test. In another specimen (fig. 1) more than two-thirds of the body is solid test. The sizes of the specimens are as follows : — A. length 5 cm., breadth 8 cm. at base, thickness 5 cm. B. „ 25 ,, ,, 6 ,, at top. 10 ,, at top, ,, 8 ,, 5 ,, at base, » 5 ,, [at base. 4-5 > > !) 3 ,, 7 5 ,, (test removed) ,, 7-5 ,, ,, O. ,, 11 ,, !1 D. ,, 8 ,, ,,5 ,, ,, 3-5 ,, Shapes like B and C (figs. 1 and 3) agree perfectly with Heller's excellent figures and description,* but A (fig. 2), with no approach to a stalk or posterior thickening of the test, is quite an exceptional form ; it is probably a younger specimen. Our largest specimen is more than twice the size of the largest previously recorded. In internal structure our specimens agree with the account given by von Draschef in 1884. The dorsal tubercle is certainly a double cone, as shown by von Drasche, and not the horse-shoe-shaped form referred to by Heller. I am informed that the native name for this species in Australia is " Cunjeboy," and that the natives use it for bait. Cynthia molguloides, n. sp., PI. Cyn VII., figs. 4—10. External appearance. Shape globular, with a large dorsal projection bearing the atrial aperture. No lateral flattening, probably not attached. Branchial aperture median, anterior, on a long slender siphon ; atrial Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien. IM. LXXVII., \<. I'-', 1878. o t Denkscliv. Akad. Wi.ss. AVicu. lid. XLVIII., p. 074. ^>WA? ^:r ^®^0<^'

'•) ... ... C 2-5 D 2-5 E 2-5 " In the largest of them the Ascidian seems to be quite twenty times the size of the crab. " I notice in these specimens that the last pair of thoracic legs of the crab, which are much larger than the preceding pair, are turned up dorsally, and are so firmly embedded and attached by their sharp claws in the test of the Ascidian, that it is easier to disarticulate them than to loosen their hold." .... At that time I thought I could put the species in my "Challenger" genus Atopoyaster, but I now consider that it will be safer to regard it as an Amarouciwn. cm. cm. cm. 10 X 8 X 5 10 X 6 X 5 8 X 6 X 5-5 6 X 6 X 5 5-5 X 4-5 X 3 CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 75 Amaroucium distomoides, n. sp., PL Pel. IV., tigs. 7—13. External appearance. The colony is of oblong massive form, attached by a small area at one end and rounded at the other. It is of a yellowish grey colour, and the numerous small yellow Ascidiozooids are con- spicuous over the greater part of the surface. The colony is soft and easily deformed. The length is 7'3 cm., the breadth 3'2 cm., and the thickness T7 cm. The Ascidiozooids are small as seen on the surface, and are very numerous. They are arranged in definite systems (PI. Pel. IV., fig. 7), which are in some places circular or stellate in outline, but in other parts become larger and more complicated, and then form branched lines and networks. Cloacal passages are visible in places running through the test. The Ascidiozooids are of an opaque yellow colour, and show dis- tinctly against the grey test. The body is divided into thorax, abdomen, and post-abdomen (fig. 11). The thorax and abdomen are about 2 mm. in length and the post-abdomen may be about 8 mm., or even longer, and very slender. The thorax and abdomen run at right angles to the surface, but the post-abdomen soon turns downwards and runs vertically through the centre of the colony. The post-abdomen terminates in a delicate vascular appendage. The branchial aperture has 6 lobes, the atrial has one large tri-lobed languet. The atrial aperture is dorsal. The test is soft. It contains many bladder cells (PI. Pel. IV., figs. 8 and 9). There are white pigment cells, and many small stellate and spherical test cells. The outer layer of the test is firmer, and forms a membrane. The mantle has muscle fibres running longitudinally over the branchial sac, and also 2 or 3 transverse bands. The mantle is very delicate over the abdomen and strong again on the post-abdomen, where there are about 10 longitudinal muscle bands. It is crowded with yellow pigment cells, which, in some Ascidiozooids, are aggregated to form stellate and branched masses (PI. Pel. IV., fig. 10). The branchial sac has the ventral edge prolonged backwards, so that the posterior end of the endostyle projects (fig. 11). There are 3 or 4 rows of long, narrow stigmata, each about ten times as long as wide. The transverse vessels bear horizontal membranes (fig. 12). The dorsal lamina is represented by a series of languets set rather more than their own length apart (fig. 12). The tentacles are 14 in number, alternately large and small. The dorsal tubercle is placed close to the base of a tentacle, as there is no peritubercular area, and the peri-pharyngeal bands come far anteriorly. The opening leads into a wide infundibulum (fig. 13). 76 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Alimentary canal. The oesophagus curves round ventrally, and enters the stomach on the side. The stomach is oval and lies transversely (fig. 11). It has 3 or 4 longitudinal folds on each side. The intestine is rather narrow, and runs first posteriorly and then widens suddenly into a thick-walled heart-shaped cavity, which tapers off into the intestine, which then turns anteriorly and runs up the dorsal side of the thorax, nearly as far as the atrial languet. The rectum is wider than the intestine, but very thin-walled, so that the faecal pellets show through distinctly. Reproductive organs. None of the Ascidiozooids examined showed any trace of reproductive organs in the post-abdomen. Vascular append- ages are present, budding freely, both from the ends and sides of the post-abdomen (fig. 11). Locality. — Port Jackson ; one colony. Amaroucium anomalum, n. sp., PI. Pel. III., figs. 11 — 16. External appearance. The colony is small, and of nearly globular form. It is attached to the side of a small sponge (PI. Pel. III., fig. 11). The colony is of a light grey colour, the Ascidiozooids showing through of a darker tint. The anterior ends of the Ascidiozooids are all at the upper end, which is twisted over to one side. The rest of the colony is smoother and more compact. The length of the colony is l-5 cm., and the breadth l-2 cm. The Ascidiozooids are set at right angles to the surface, and are all nearly parallel in position. The thorax and abdomen measure about 7 mm., and the post-abdomen about 5 mm. (fig. 14). The test is soft and gelatinous round the anterior ends of the Ascidio- zooids. On the rest of the colony it is firm and compact. It contains no bladder cells and no pigment cells, but many rather large test cells. The test is traversed by vascular appendages arising from the post- abdomen of the Ascidiozooids, which run almost parallel with one another towards the lower end of the colony, and give off, usually alter- nately, short lateral branches, which bear clumps of terminal bulbs (see fig. 16). There seems to be no anastomosis between the various branches. The ectoderm covering these vessels is distinctly columnar. The mantle is very strong and muscular. The thorax has longitudinal fibres, and also transverse bands running round between the rows of stigmata. The longitudinal muscle bands are strong over the post- abdomen. The branchial sac is rather opaque. There are 9 or 10 rows of CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 77 stigmata, and about 40 in a row on each side. The stigmata are fairly wide, but are seven times as long as wide (fig. 13). They are rather wider than the thickness of the inter-stigmatic vessels. The transverse vessels bear narrow horizontal membranes. The dorsal lamina is represented by about 10 closely-placed languets (fig. 12), with large out-spreading bases, and reaching a length of about 0-3 mm. The tentacles are all similar. There are about a dozen. The alimentary canal has a very long and narrow oesophagus, which enters a heart-shaped stomach at its wider end (fig. 14). The stomach has 4 longitudinal folds in all. The posterior end of the stomach passes by a narrow constriction into the intestine, which widens again suddenly. The intestine runs posteriorly, and then at its most posterior point it, in some cases, widens again slightly. It then turns anteriorly, and becomes narrow for some distance, and then finally swells into the wide, thin-walled rectum, which runs up the dorsal edge of the thorax. The gland running over the intestine (fig. 15) is unusually large, and can be clearly seen with a 1 in. objective. Its duct seems wide and flattened, or ribbon-shaped. The reproductive organs are not present in all Ascidiozooids. When present, the post-abdomen is filled with spermatic vesicles up to the bend of the intestine. The masses have a polygonal shape, and fit closely side by side so as to form a long sausage-like mass. Locality. — I have one colony of this species from Sydney harbour. The branched vascular appendages in the test are in a particularly interesting condition. They show an intermediate state between the straight unbranched vascular appendages of the Distomidae (e.g., Colella) and the branched anastomosing vessels of the Botryllidae ; while, from the presence of a post-abdomen, the species clearly belongs to the Poly- clinidae. It may possibly be the form alluded to, but not fully described, by Macdonald under the name of " Polyclinoides " — a name which has been proposed several times over by various authors. Polyclinum, Sav., 1816. I place the following seven species, which seem to be undescribed, in this genus, chiefly on account of the stomach walls not showing any grooves or thickenings. Polyclinum clava, n. sp., PI. Pel. I., figs. 5—8. External appearance. The colony consists of an ovate Ascidiarium borne on a stout peduncle, which tapers downwards to a narrow base of 78 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. attachment (PI. Pel. 1, fig. 5). The widest part is about the middle of the Ascidiarium. There is no marked line of demarcation at the top of the peduncle. The colour is light yellowish grey all over, except close to the point of attachment, where it is a little darker. The dimensions of the larger colony are : — Length of Ascidiarium 6 cm., breadth 4'7 cm., thickness 4-5 cm. Length of peduncle 4 cm., thickness 2-5 cm., tapering down to 1'3 cm. The Ascidiozooids are scattered irregularly. They are large, being 1-5 cm. in length and l-5 mm. in breadth. The thorax is only half as long as the long, narrow abdomen (fig. 6). They are all retracted, so as to lie deeply in the test, and in some the thorax is much contracted. The long bodies of the Ascidiozooids penetrate the test in all directions. The test contains many bladder cells and large test cells. There are no pigment cells. The mantle is strong over the thorax. It is provided with longi- tudinal muscle bands running with regularity down the thorax and bifurcating at the base of the branchial siphon. The apertures are 6-lobed. An incubatory pouch is present, but no tailed larvae were seen. The branchial sac has about 10 rows of stigmata, with 15 in each row. The stigmata are about 8 times as long as wide. Narrow horizontal membranes are present, running along the transverse vessels (fig. 7). The dorsal lamina is represented by a long series of closely-placed, rather small languets (fig. 8). The tentacles are 14 in number and of 2 sizes, placed alternately. The larger ones are not all of the same size, and one of them, (placed laterally) is much larger than the rest. The dorsal tubercle has a simple circular opening. The alimentary canal forms a very long and narrow loop, rather wider posteriorly than where it joins the thorax (fig. 6). The oesophagus and intestine are both very long and straight. The ovate stomach is placed posteriorly. The reproductive organs are placed in the intestinal loop, the spermatic vesicles being posterior to the ovary. The spermatic vesicles are arranged in grape-like clusters. They are small and numerous, while the ova are few and large. In the younger Ascidiozooids the ova are rather more numerous and the spermatic vesicles fewer and smaller. It is evident that the Ascidiozooids are protogynous. Locality. — Port Jackson ; two specimens. The second is only about half the size of the one measured. CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 79 Polyclinum giganteum, n. sp., PL Pel. II., figs. 1 and 2. External appearance. The colony consists of a short, thick peduncle, bearing a pyriform or ovate massive Ascidiarium. The peduncle narrows to its point of attachment, and is of a darker grey than the upper part of the colony. It is slightly encrusted with sand on its surface. The colour of the Ascidiarium is a light yellowish grey. Its consistency is soft and spongy, and it is readily deformed (fig. 1). The dimensions are as follows: — Length of Ascidiarium 7cm., breadth 4-5 cm., thickness 3'3 cm. Length of peduncle 3-5 cm., thickness 2 cm. The Ascidiozooids are not much retracted. They are scattered over the surface. Each is about 6 mm. in length and 2 mm. in breadth. The abdomen is twice as long as the thorax. The vascular appendages are very long, and some have buds. The test is rather firmer on the outside than inside. The small test cells are spherical, fusiform, and stellate. There are no pigment cells, and very few bladder cells. The mantle is strong and rather contracted on the thorax. It has longitudinal muscle bands (formed of two fibres each), which run with regularity over the thorax. The branchial sac is very opaque and corrugated, being thrown into folds and obscured by the contracted state of the mantle. The stigmata are about 8 or 9 times as long as broad. The dorsal lamina is represented by a large number of short and very closely-placed languets. The tentacles are about 20 in number, and are of 2 sizes, placed alternately. The dorsal tubercle has a simple circular or oval opening. The alimentari/ canal forms a narrow loop. The thick - walled oesophagus passes back to the posteriorly-placed simple stomach, from which the delicate intestine runs anteriorly and dorsally, to end about one-third of the way up the thorax. The reproductive organs lie in the intestinal loop. The spermatic vesicles axe numerous, and closely placed. Locality. — Port Jackson ; two colonies. The larger colony (fig. 2) measures 11 cm. by 9 cm. by 4 cm. The figure represents it nearly natural size. The other colony (fig. 1) is smaller, and has the anterior ends of the Ascidiozooids more distinctly marked. 80 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. f Polyclinum globosum, n. sp., PI. Pel. II., figs. 3—8. External appearance. The shape of the colony is like that of many Fungi, and consists of a short and very stout peduncle, bearing a massive dome-shaped Ascidiarium. The Ascidiarium has its length, breadth, and thickness about equal. Its top is convex, and not pointed. It is of greyish white colour, and is fairly hard and elastic. The peduncle is covered externally with sand grains (fig. 3). It is of a very dark grey colour, and is about twice as thick as its length. The dimensions are as follows: — Length of Ascidiarium 5'3 cm., breadth 5-5 cm., thickness 5'0 cm. Length of peduncle 2-7 cm., thickness 3 to 5 cm. The Ascidiozooids have retracted about 5 mm. from the surface (fig. 4). They measure 1-2 cm. in length and 1-5 mm. in breadth. The abdomen is twice or two and a half times the length of the thorax (fig. 5). The vascular appendages are filled with blood corpuscles, and are budding. Numerous tailed larvae and embryos are to be found in the incubatory pouches. The average length of the tailed larva is 1 mm., and the breadth at the broadest end is 0-67 mm. (see fig. 8). The test contains many bladder cells with fusiform nuclei. There are rather large test cells, but no pigment cells. The mantle is exceedingly thick and strong, and is much contracted. It has longitudinal muscle bands (of two fibres each) running with regularity over the branchial sac and bifurcating at the branchial sphincter. The branchial sac is very much corrugated and obscured by the contraction of the mantle. The longitudinal vessels are wider than the stigmata (fig. 7), wrhich are about nine or ten times as long as wide. There are 8 transverse vessels in the branchial sac. The dorsal lamina is represented by a series of small, tentacular languets, placed about their own length apart (fig. 6). The tentacles are rather short and stiff. There are 8 or 10, all of the same size. The alimentary canal is a long, simple loop, like that of the last few species, having a thick-walled oesophagus, and a thin-walled intestine ; while there is a simple ovate stomach placed posteriorly. The rectum only reaches the posterior end of the thorax (fig. 5). The reproductive organs lie in the intestinal loop. Ova, spermatic vesicles, and tailed larvas are all present in the same Ascidiozooids. Locality. — Port Jackson ; three colonies. CATALOGUE OF TUNIC ATA. 81 This species and the last described are undoubtedly very closely related ; if, indeed, they are distinct. They differ chiefly in their tentacles and the dorsal languets, and these may possibly, when more specimens come to be examined, be found to vary considerably. In the meantime, I think it best to describe both forms fully, even though it may afterwards become necessary to unite them under one specific name. Polyclinum complanatum, n. sp., PI. Pel. I., figs. 9—12. External appearance. The colony is very wide and flat, but has evidently, in the only specimen, been very much distorted by pressure from above downwards. The peduncle has been pressed up against the Ascidiarium, and its wide base of attachment is now concave (PI. Pel. I., fig. 9). The Ascidiarium is almost rectangular in outline, and is of a yellowish white colour. The peduncle is rather greyer, and is slightly encrusted with sand. The dimensions are as follows : — Length of Ascidiarium 3-5 cm., breadth 10 cm., thickness 8 cm. Length of peduncle 2 cm., thickness 4 cm. The Ascidiozooids are from 7 to 15 mm. in length, and are 1'5 mm. in breadth. They lie principally near the base of the Ascidiarium, but are not much retracted from the surface, the two apertures being very distinctly visible. The body consists of thorax, abdomen, and a short post-abdomen, with vascular appendage (fig. 10). The abdomen is twice or more the length of the thorax. The vascular appendages are branched. Incubatory pouches crowded with embryos may be present. The test contains numerous large spherical, stellate, and fusiform test cells. The mantle has longitudinal muscle bands, which run over the thorax and bifurcate near the branchial siphon, each half then joining with the neighbouring half under the sphincter muscle. The branchial sac is very opaque, and is corrugated on account of the contraction of the mantle over it. The stigmata are very long, about eight or nine times their width (fig. 11). The inter-stigmatic vessels are narrow. The dorsal lamina is represented by a series of slender languets, which may be coiled (fig. 12), and are set rather less than their own length apart. The tentacles are about 12 in number, and all of one size. The alimentary canal consists of a long oesophagus, a simple and wide stomach, and a thin-walled intestine, which only reaches a little way up the thorax (fig. 10). It is usually distended with faecal pellets. 82 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. The reproductive organs, both ova and spermatic vesicles, lie in the short, stout post-abdomen behind the intestinal loop. Locality. — Port Jackson. A single colony attached to the carapace of a Dromia, 1882. Polyclinum fuscum, n. sp., PI. Pel. III., figs. 1 — 6. External appearance. The colony consists of a short, wide peduncle, supporting a globular, massive Ascidiarium. The single colony is im- perfect, about one-third, at least, of the head having been cut off. The whole colony is of a dark brown colour. The peduncle is encrusted with dark yellowish brown sand and shell fragments, &c. The lower 3 cm. of the Ascidiarium has no apertures of Ascidiozooids in it, but is smooth test externally. This region is partly encrusted with foreign bodies. The dimensions are: — Length of Ascidiarium 10 cm., breadth probably 10 to 12 cm., thickness 6'5 cm. Length of peduncle 3-5 cm., breadth 7 cm., thickness 3-5 cm. The Ascidiozooids are all slightly retracted, but are not more than 5 mm. from the surface. They are closely placed all over the surface, except in the basal 3 cm. They are very long, varying from l-5 to 2-5 cm., antero-posteriorly ; of this the thorax is 3 or 4 mm. only. An incubatory pouch is present, containing about 4 tailed larvae (fig. 2). The test contains bladder cells and many brown pigment cells (fig. 3). The test cells are few and small. There are also numerous crystals, which are probably due to post-mortem changes. The mantle is delicate, and is not pigmented. The muscle bands of the thorax run longitudinally only. The branchial sac is long and rather narrow. The stigmata are long and narrow, being about eight or nine times as long as wide (fig. 4). The branchial sac is rather corrugated and opaque. There are about 12 rows of stigmata. The dorsal lamina is represented by about 12 languets, which are set three-quarters of the length apart. Each is about 0'2 or 0'3 mm. in length and rather stout (fig. 5). The tentacles are 24 in number. There is one very large tentacle and 5 others on a level with it ; while further back, and alternating with these 6, are 6 others of about the same size as the 5 first ; then still further back are 12 very small and stiff tentacles, alternating with the other 12 (see fig. 6). The alimentary canal forms a long, narrow loop four or five times as long as the branchial sac. The stomach is simple. The intestine only reaches a very short way up the thorax. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 83 The. reproductive organs are placed in a short post-abdomen behind the intestinal loop (fig. 2). Locality. — Port Jackson ; one colony. Polyclinum prunum, n. sp., PI. Pel. IV., figs. 14 — 16. External appearance. The colony consists of a globular mass placed on a short peduncle. The surface is smooth and even, and the Ascidio- zooids are inconspicuous. The colour is a dull yellowish grey, the peduncle being slightly darker and encrusted with sand (fig. 14). Length 4'6 cm., breadth 5'2 cm., thickness 3-5 cm. Length of peduncle 1 cm., thickness of peduncle 1'2 cm. The Ascidiozooids are retracted into the test ; each is about 7 mm. in length, and is divided into thorax, abdomen, and post-abdomen (fig. 15). Tailed larvae are present in the thorax. The test is much crowded with test cells, many of which are fusiform. There are no bladder cells and no vessels, but a few yellow pigment cells are present. The outer layer forms a firm membrane over the much softer mass inside. The mantle is opaque. Longitudinal muscle fibres run over the thorax, and stronger ones along the post-abdomen. The branchial aperture has 6 lobes ; the atrial aperture is rather irregularly lobed. The branchial sac is very opaque, and much corrugated. There are many rows of small stigmata, which are about twice as long as wide. The stigmata are wider than the inter-stigmatic vessels (fig. 16). The dorsal lamina is represented by long slender languets, one opposite each transverse vessel (fig. 16). The tentacles are very numerous. There are more than 20, closely placed, and of different sizes. The dorsal tubercle has a small triangular opening. The neural gland is large. The alimentary canal has a short oesophagus, entering a cordate stomach placed with the wider end posterior. The stomach wall is not grooved (fig. 15). The wide intestine runs for some distance posteriorly, and then turns and ends about two-thirds of the way up the dorsal edge of the branchial sac. The reproductive organs consist of many spermatic vesicles, placed in the post-abdomen, with a conspicuous vas deferens and a few ova (fig. 15). Locality. — Port Jackson ; one colony. 84 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. (?) Polyclinum nigrum, n. sp., PI. Pel. I, figs. 13—16. External appearance. The colony is encrusting and expanded hori- zontally, of roughly ovate form, and with a convex upper surface. The irregular lower surface is attached to some small oyster shells, barnacles, and pieces of stone, which are all more or less grown over by the test. The colour is a very dark slatey or indigo blue, so dark as to be almost black in parts. The upper surface is smooth and glossy. The extreme length of the colony is 10 cm., the greatest breadth about 4'5 cm., the greatest thickness 3 cm., and the usual thickness about 1-5 cm. The Ascidiozooids are scattered evenly over the whole upper surface, but are not arranged in systems. They lie at right angles to the surface. They are about 5 mm. in length, the thorax being from 2 to 3 mm. long (fig. 14). The post-abdomen is very short. It gives off a narrow vas- cular appendage, which runs for some distance through the test. The test is firm and cartilaginous. Bladder cells are present (fig. 15), and many dark-coloured pigment cells. The test cells are large and very numerous, so that the test looks crowded. The muscle bands are strong and opaque. The mantle is rather muscular and is pigmented. Both longitudinal and transverse fibres are present on the thorax, while longitudinal are on the post-abdomen. The atrial siphon is very long, while the branchial is short. The branchial aperture is 6-lobed and the atrial 4-lobed (fig. 14). The branchial sac is exceedingly opaque and contracted. The stigmata are very long, about nine or ten times as long as they are wide (fig. 16). The dorsal lamina is represented by about half-a-dozen large, strong languets. The most anterior languet is shorter than the rest and wider at the base (fig. 16, a. I.). The tentacles are 10 in number, alternately larger and smaller. The alimentary canal forms a very long loop (fig. 14). The narrow oesophagus leads to a somewhat cordate, thick-walled stomach, the wider end of which is anterior. The intestine is narrow and thin-walled on first leaving the stomach, and becomes wider and thick- walled towards the posterior end of the loop. It then turns anteriorly and becomes undulating in its course, and then finally straight. It crosses over the oesophagus to reach the dorsal side of the branchial sac. TJie reproductive organs lie in the very short post-abdomen, and extend forwards into the intestinal loop. Only male organs were found. Locality. — There is one specimen of this species in the collection. It is labelled " 72, Naucluse, Port Jackson, John Brazier, F.L.S." CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 85 Psammaplidium, Herdman, 1886. This includes those species where a great part of the bulk of the test is made up of imbedded and encrusting sand grains. Nine species were previously known, and this collection has added 5 more. Psammaplidium solidum, Herdman,* PL Pel. V., figs. 1—5. Colony rather massive, formed of thick lumps, with few lobes, scarcely branched (fig. 1). No visible place of attachment. Ends of Ascidiozooids visible on the surface, closely crowded together. No common cloacal apertures seen. Closely covered with encrusting and imbedded sand grains. Surface rather smooth and glistening in parts. Colour a grey sand tint. Length about 8 cm., breadth 4-5 cm., thickness 1 cm. Test thickly encrusted with sand grains and other foreign particles, which penetrate into the centre of the colony. Outer layer rather tougher than the rest, so as to form a membrane. No bladder cells, pigment cells or vessels visible in test ; test cells small and not very numerous (fig. 2). Ascidiozooids placed at right angles to the surface, small. The thorax is about 0'7 mm. long, and the post-abdomen is very short (fig. 3). The branchial aperture is distinctly 6-lobed. The mantle has the majority of the muscle fibres running longitudi- nally ; there are a few transverse bundles on the thorax. Atrial languet either very small or absent. The branchial sac has both transverse and inter-stigmatic vessels very narrow (fig. 5), and the stigmata remarkably wide, the width being nearly half their length. Tentacles about 12 in number, short and stout (fig. 4). Endostyle thrown into a series of close lateral undulations (fig 3). Alimentary canal with a long, narrow- oesophagus, and a stomach with about 6 longitudinal ridges, intestine thick-walled, rectum thinner, with oval black pellets of faecal matter. Gonads in short post-abdomen, just below loop of intestine. Both spermatic vesicles and well-developed ova were present, and there were large tailed larvae in the peribranchial cavity. Locality. — Port Jackson ; one colony. Psammaplidium lobatum, Herdman, f PI. Pel. V., figs 6 — 12. Colony large, irregularly-lobed, slightly branched, and erect, the * ".Revision," 1891, p. 620. t "Revision," 1891, p. 6?0. 86 THE AUSTEALIAN MUSEUM. branches ending in rounded knobs (fig. 6) ; attached by a small but flat and slightly expanded base (fig. 7). Ascidiozooids visible on surface, but no arrangement in systems seen. Surface closely encrusted with sand grains all over. Colour sandy grey. Length about 13 cm., breadth of colony about 4 cm., thickness of a branch about -5 cm. Test not very brittle, but containing much imbedded and encrusting foreign matter, so as to be perfectly opaque. Outer layer of test rather firmer than the rest. No bladder cells, no pigment cells, and no vessels visible. Small test cells numerous (fig. 10). Ascidiozooids about 3 mm. long. Thorax about 1 mm, abdomen longer, and post-abdomen very short (fig. 8). Mantle rather corrugated and opaque, both longitudinal and trans- verse muscle bundles are present. Branchial sac with about 8 rows of stigmata. Stigmata narrow, much narrower than the inter-stigmatic vessels. Transverse vessels moderately wide, and containing muscle fibres (fig 11). Endostyle conspicuous and convoluted. Dorsal lamina represented by a number of closely-set languets. They are rather large and widen at their bases (fig. 9). Tentacles 10 or 12, of two sizes, placed alternately. Alimentary canal with a short oesophagus leading to an oval, opaque, smooth-walled stomach (fig. 8). Intestine narrow, rectum wider, and full of black faecal pellets. Gonads consisting of a mass of spermatic vesicles. No ova wyere seen ; but the peribranchial cavity contained many tailed larvae, which rather points to a protogynous condition. The larva has rather a short tail, three adhering papillae in front, and a single plano-convex black sense organ placed far back in the body (fig. 12). Locality. — Port Jackson ; several colonies and fragments. Psammaplidium fragile, Herdman,* PI. Pel. VI., figs. 10—14. Colony massive, being an irregularly-lobed, rather brittle mass (fig. 10), closely encrusted and permeated with sand, except in the centre. Ascidio- zooids visible on the surface, but not in systems, and no common cloacal cavities seen. Surface irregular, but rather smooth. Colour sandy grey. Length 10 cm., breadth 4 cm., thickness from 5 mm. to 10 mm. Test. A narrow axial band of test in the centre of the colony, and posterior to the bodies of the Ascidiozooids, contains scarcely any sand, and is of a dark bluish grey colour (fig. 11). No pigment cells, bladder * "Revision," 1891, p. 620. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 87 cells, nor vessels are visible. Many small, round test cells are present in the matrix. The outer layer is, as usual, firmer than the rest. Ascidiozooids about 3 mm. long, set at right angles to the surface. Thorax 1 mm. long, abdomen nearly twice as long, post-abdomen very short (fig. 12). Mantle very thick, opaque, contracted. Most of the muscle bundles on the thorax are longitudinal, only a few feebler ones run transversely. The branchial aperture is distinctly 6-lobed ; the atrial aperture has no perceptible languet. Branchial sac rather opaque in its contracted state. Stigmata about as wide as the inter-stigmatic vessels ; they get much smaller towards the ventral edge of the sac (fig. 13). Muscle fibres run along the trans- verse vessels. Tentacles, 20 ; 5 larger, with 3 smaller ones alternating with each larger (fig. 14). Alimentary canal with a narrow ossophagus leading to an oval, thick- walled, but smooth stomach. The intestine is narrow where it leaves the stomach, but soon widens. It is narrower again at the posterior end, where it turns anteriorly ; and then widens to become the rectum, which passes along the ventral edge of the stomach, and then crosses the oesophagus to end on the dorsal edge of the thorax (fig. 12). The gonads lie in the very short post-abdomen, and have both ova and spermatic vesicles. There are large tailed larvae in the peribranchial cavity. Locality. — Port Jackson ; one colony and a fragment. Psammaplidium incrustans, Herdman,* PI. Pel. VI., figs. 1 — 6. Colony thin and encrusting, with a few irregular lobes arising from its surface (fig. 1). No Ascidiozooids on the lower attached surface, which is covered with fragments of foreign bodies. Upper surface sandy, while a middle layer of test between is free from sand, and of a blue grey colour (fig. 4). Surface of colony rough with sand ; colour, sandy grey. Length about 8 cm., breadth about 3'5 cm., thickness about -5 cm. Test with much imbedded sand on the upper and lower surfaces. Numerous small test cells are present, but no pigment cells, bladder cells, nor vessels. Ascidiozooids about 3 mm. long, placed at right angles to the surface. Abdomen rather longer than thorax, and post-abdomen much shorter (fig. 5), in some cases practically absent. * "Revision," 1891, p. (520. 88 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Mantle very strong and opaque in its contracted state. Branchial sac opaque and corrugated ; stigmata difficult to see ; they are small, and of about the same width as the vessels between them. Strong muscle bundles run along the transverse vessels (fig. 2). Dorsal lamina represented by languets, which are not numerous, nor large; they are set about their own length apart (fig. 3). Tentacles 10 in number, of two sizes. The dorsal tubercle has a simple circular opening in this and other species of Psammaplidium. The alimentary canal is rather shorter than usual. A wide oesophagus passes into a smooth-walled, ovate stomach, followed by a thin intestine with no differentiation into regions (fig. 5), and containing oval black pellets of faecal matter. The rectum crosses the oesophagus to reach the dorsal edge of the thorax. Gonads formed of masses of globular spermatic vesicles, with a long, thick-walled vas deferens running up the dorsal edge of the abdomen (see fig. 5). No ova are visible. Tailed larvae are present in the peri- branchial cavity. They have a single crescentic, pigmented sense organ, and 3 adhering papillae (fig. 6). Locality. — Port Stephen ; one colony and some fragments. Psammaplidium pedunculatum, Herdman,* PI. Pel. VI., figs. 7—9. Colony in the form of small, sandy, club-shaped masses, consisting of a stalk, with a flattened expansion at its free end (fig. 7). These little clubs are often joined in pairs by the bases of their stalks. The flattened fan-like head consists chiefly of test, with imbedded and encrusting sand grains. The Ascidiozooids do not reach to the free end of the colony in the preserved condition, and lie chiefly in the upper part of the stalk. The colour is sandy grey, the upper end being rather lighter than the stalk. Length 13 cm., breadth 4 mm., width of stalk 2 mm. Test small in amount, and very much occupied with sand. There are no bladder cells, pigment cells, nor vessels. The fusiform and spherical test cells are rather large. Ascidiozooids about 7 mm. long, and placed parallel to the length of the peduncle. Thorax not so long as abdomen, and post-abdomen very long, in some cases as long as thorax and abdomen together (fig. 8). * "Revision," 1891, p. 620. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 89 Mantle strong, and opaque in the contracted state. The muscle fibres run longitudinally over the thorax. Branchial sac rather contracted and opaque. Stigmata rather long, about same width as inter-stigmatic vessels, and about seven times as long (fig. 9). Dorsal lamina represented by rather short, thick, dark languets, which are placed one on each transverse vessel (fig. 9). Tentacles about 20, of two sizes. There are 6 larger ones alternating with smaller ones, which are placed about two together ; they are all rather small. Alimentary canal with a small, simple stomach, and a thin-walled undifferentiated intestine (fig. 8). Gonads, with many masses of spermatic vesicles in the post-abdomen, and a very large and conspicuous brown-coloured vas deferens. Locality. — No label, probably Port Jackson ; about 20 small colonies. [The following Polyclinidae have also been recorded from Australian seas :— Sigillina australis, Sav., Port Jackson. Atopogaster aurantiaca, Herdm., Bass Str. Polyclinum fungosum, Herdm., Port Jackson. P. depressum, Herdm., Torres Str. P. glabrum, Sluiter, Amboina. P. hospitale, Sluiter, Thursday Is. Amaroucium albidum, Herdm., Bass Str. A. Bitteri, Sluiter, Thursday Is. Psammaplidium spongiforme, Herdm., Port Jackson. Ps. ovatum, Herdm., Torres Str. Ps. pyriforme, Herdm., N. Australia.] Family III. DIDEMNID-ffi, Giard, 1872. Colony usually flat, thin, and encrusting, rarely thick and massive, never pedunculated. Systems complicated and irregular, inconspicuous, or absent. Common cloacal apertures usually conspicuous. Ascidiozooids rather small, divided into two regions — thorax and abdomen. Branchial aperture 6-lobed ; atrial plain, or provided with an atrial languet. Test gelatinous or cartilaginous, usually containing stellate calcareous spicules. Ectodermal processes well-developed and provided with muscle fibres so as to form retractor muscles. 90 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Branchial sac small and not well-developed. Rows of stigmata few, usually three or four (rarely six). Alimentary canal united to thorax by a narrow neck. Stomach usually smooth-walled. Gonads placed alongside the intestinal loop. Ovary simple ; ova large. Male system consisting of a single large testis, around which the first part of the vas deferens is coiled spirally. Gemmation from the pyloric region ; thorax and abdomen of the new Ascidiozooid formed from separate buds. Embryonic blastogenesis rudi- mentary only. The Didemnids in the collection seem to require the formation of the three following new species— all belonging to the large cosmopolitan genus Leptoclinum. Leptoclinum, M. Edw., 1841. For characters, and list of existing species, see " Eevision," p. 630. Leptoclinum incanum, n. sp., PL Did. II., figs. 1 — 6. •The colonies are small, rounded or cylindrical masses, attached to various branches and other parts of sea-weeds and Polyzoa and other Ascidians (fig. 1). They are very white, opaque, hard, rather smooth, and encrusting. Branchial apertures of Ascidiozooids visible and slightly prominent, and stellate. Occasional irregularly-shaped cloacal apertures are also visible (fig. 3). Length varying, usually from 1 to 2 cm. ; breadth, on the average, about 5 mm. Test very densely crowded with an immense number of small, regular, sharp-pointed stellate calcareous spicules (fig. 2). These spicules are especially numerous on the surface and around the Ascidiozooids (fig. 6). No vessels and no bladder cells are visible. The spicules are smaller in this species than in the two following species of Leptoclinum,, but are far more numerous, and consequently the colony is harder, and of a whiter colour. The Ascidiozooids are numerous, and vertically placed. There is no regularity in their arrangement. The body is divided into thorax and abdomen. The atrial aperture has a long languet. The mantle has strong branchial sphincters, and longitudinal muscle bundles on the thorax. There are retractor muscles from the anterior end of the thorax. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 91 The branchial sac has 4 rows of stigmata, with 6 or 7 in a row. The stigmata are small and rounded, and are about the same width as the vessels between (fig. 4). The transverse vessels have muscle fibres. The dorsal lamina is represented by a few long and slender languets. The tentacles are 10 in number — one larger dorsal and 9 very small ones. The dorsal tubercle is a small circular opening immediately behind the largest tentacle (fig. 6). The alimentary canal has a thick-walled oesophagus opening into an oval stomach, with very thick walls and no folds (tig. 5). Gonads, both ova and the usual spermatic vesicle, with spirally coiled vas deferens, are present. No larvae were present. Locality. — Port Jackson. A number of small colonies growing over other marine animals and sea- weeds. Leptoclinum fimbriatum, n. sp., PI. Did. I., figs. 1—8. The colony is flat, encrusting and expanded, so as to be of consider- able size (fig. 1). It is of a dirty white colour, approaching in places a lavender grey. The surface is even, but not smooth, as all the numerous openings of Ascidiozooids form minute roughnesses. Cloacal apertures are also present, and are ovate slits surrounded with a fringe of fine processes (fig. 2). Size of a colony about 5 cm. each way. Test crowded with spicules, which are larger than those of the last species, but not so numerous and not so densely packed. Consequently the colony is not of such an opaque white tint. They become fewer in the deeper parts of the test (fig. 4), but are numerous again in the lower surface, which is hard and stony. There is a small dense clump of spicules at each side of the thorax of each Ascidiozooid. The test has numerous test cells, and a few vessel-like appendages (fig. 3). The Ascidiozooids are numerous, closely placed, and rather large. They are distinctly visible on the surface, but there is no definite arrangement. The body is divided into thorax and abdomen (fig. 6). The mantle has strong sphincter muscles at the branchial apertures, delicate longitudinal fibres over the thorax (fig. 7), and strong retractor muscles running into the test. The branchial sac has 4 rows of rather large stigmata (tig. 8), and there may be a 5th row of much shorter ones. The stigmata are rather wider than the vessels between. There are 7 or 8 stigmata in a row. The dorsal lamina is represented by a large languet on each trans- verse vessel (tig. 8). 92 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Tentacles 8, with the 2 lateral ones larger than the other 6. Dorsal tubercle with a simple oval opening. Alimentary canal with a thick-walled oesophagus, leading to an oval, smooth-walled stomach. Pylorus narrow, intestine widens, runs along ventral edge of stomach, and then crosses oesophagus to become the thin-walled rectum (fig. 6). Gonads. Masses of spermatic vesicles, with thick spiral vas deferens and a few ova. Locality. — Port Jackson. One large and one small colony, apparently attached to a piece of wood (? part of a pier). Leptoclinum patulum, n. sp., PI. Did. II., figs. 7—12. Colony large, flat, expanded over the test of a large Simple Ascidian ; of a white colour, marbled over the surface with a network of grey-blue veins, which follow for the most part the course of the common cloacal cavities (fig. 7). Length of the colony, 8 cm. ; breadth, 5 cm. Test containing numerous calcareous spicules, which are larger but not nearly so numerous as in the case of Leptoclinum incanum. The test, for a short way round the branchial aperture, is almost free from spicules (fig. 9). There are many small circular and fusiform test cells (fig. 11). Occasional stellate cloacal apertures (fig. 8) are present. Ascidiozooids arranged in lines alongside the branches of the common cloacal cavities. Body divided into thorax and abdomen. Mantle with strong branchial sphincters, and longitudinal muscle bundles over thorax and abdomen. Branchial sac with 4 rowrs of rather long, narrow stigmata (fig. 10). Muscles in the transverse vessels. Dorsal lamina represented by a short, thick languet on each trans- verse vessel. Tentacles 10. In some very minute intermediate ones also occur. Dorsal tubercle with a small, circular opening. Alimentary canal and gonads as usual, stomach globular (fig. 12). No larvae were seen. [The following Didemnidae have also been recorded from Australian seas :— Didcmnum aurantiacum. Herdm., Bass Str. Leptoclinum Jacksoni, Herdm., Port Jackson. L. psammathodes, Sluiter, Thursday Is. L. pantherinum, Sluiter, Amboina. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 93 L. pustulosum, Sluiter, Amboina. L. torresii, Sluiter, Thursday Is. L. sipkoniatum, Sluiter, Amboina. L. asteropum, Sluiter, Amboina. There are no Diplosomidae in the collection, and the only one known from Australian seas is : — Family IV. DIPLOSOMID-ffi. Diplosoma Bayneri, Macd., Sydney.] Section B. HOLOSOMATA, Sluiter,* 1895 (restricted Herdm., 1898). Compound Ascidians, in which the body is sht.rt and compact, the alimentary and reproductive viscera being alongside the branchial sac. There are two families. Family I. POLYSTYELID^l, Herdman, 1886. Colony massive or encrusting, sessile, rarely pedunculated, or formed of small masses connected by stolons. No common cloacal cavities present. Ascidiozooids large, and usually short-bodied, rarely with a distinct abdomen. Both apertures 4-lobed, and opening directly to the exterior. Test firm and cartilaginous. Matrix generally fibrillated, test cells small and inconspicuous, bladder cells rarely or never present. Vessels abundant, branched, and provided with distinct terminal bulbs. Branchial sac large and well-developed. Folds sometimes present. Internal longitudinal bars strong and fairly numerous. Dorsal lamina in the form of a plain membrane. Tentacles numerous, simple. Alimentary canal usually placed alongside the branchial sac, rarely extending beyond it posteriorly. Gonads in the form of polycarps, attached to or imbedded in the mantle, and projecting into the peribranchial cavity. Gemmation effected by means of out-growths from the mantle, which later become connected with the vascular prolongations from the Ascidio- zooids into the common test. * I use Skater's term in the restricted sense as defined above. Sluiter would include also the Simple Ascidians. THE AUSTBALIAN MUSEUM. Out of the six genera placed in this family in the Eeport on the " Challenger" Tunicata, only two are represented in the present collec- tion ; one being the " Challenger " genus Ghorizocormus, of which there are three new species, and the other being the genus Goodsiria, to which one species is now added. The following table shows how the genera and species of this family may be briefly distinguished, and indicates the position of the new forms. For a discussion of the history and relations of the members of the family reference must be made to the "Challenger" Eeport.* Polystyelidae. 2 6 "{ 9 Ascidiozooids projecting above the sur- face of the test ... Ascidiozooids completely imbedded in the test ... Ascidiozooids with no abdomen (Poly- styela) ... With abdomen as long as thorax (Thy- lacium) ... It is doubtful whether the two species are really distinct Colony formed of small masses united by creeping stolons (Ghorizocormus) Colony continuous, not broken up Branchial sac having rudimentary folds... Branchial sac with no rudimentary folds Atrial tentacles more than 20 in number Atrial tentacles not more than 20 16 branchial tentacles, 7 rows of stigmata 10 branchial tentacles, 10 rows of stigmata Colony thick and massive (Goodsiria) ... Colony thin and encrusting (Synstyela)... Test encrusted with sandf Not encrusted with sand ... Flesh colour, marked with red ... Light grey, with bluish and pink tints ... 1 2 P. lemirri, Giard. T. sylvani, Car. T. normani, Aid. 4 5 C. reticidata, Herdm. 6 C. sydneyensis, Herdm. 7 C. leucophcBus, Herdm. C. subfuscus, Herdm. 8 9 G. lapidosa, Herdm. 10 S. variegata, Aid. S. incrustans, Herdm. * Part II., p. 323 ; and Part III., p. 144. + The genus Oculiiuiria of Gray appears to be related here, but the description (Proc. Zool. Soc. L., 1868, p. 564), is not sufficient to determine the position with certainty see "Challenger" Report, Part II., p. 323, CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 95 f Colony discoid, branchial sac folded ... G. placenta, Herdm. 10 -! Colony not discoid, branchial sac not I folded 11 /• Colony elongated or irregular, not pedun- 11 -j culated G. coccinea, Gun. ( Colony round or pyriform, pedunculated G. pedunculata, Herdm. Chorizocormus sydneyensis, Herdm.,* PI. Pst. I., figs. 1 — 7. External appearance. The colony consists of a number of small masses of test, in each of which one or several Ascidiozooids are im- bedded, and which are united into straggling groups by thin extensions of the test, which may be called stolons (fig. 1). The whole is attached to and partly encrusts some slender algae, with which it forms an irregular network. The stolons are light grey and rather transparent, but in the more massive parts of the colony the closely-placed Ascidio- zooids give rise to a dark purplish brown colour. The test is cartilaginous. It contains many vessels, which branch freely (fig. 2), and have terminal knobs of rounded and ovate forms filled with dark blood corpuscles. There are no bladder cells and no pigment cells. The ordinary test cells are very small. The Ascidiozooids are about 4 mm. in length, and the same in breadth. The viscera lie on the left side of the branchial sac (fig. 5), so no separate abdomen is present. The mantle has both a transverse and a longitudinal musculature. The muscle bands are rather irregularly arranged. The branchial sac has internal longitudinal bars, but no folds. There are 8 rows of stigmata, and from 4 to 6 stigmata in a mesh (fig. 3). The stigmata are about six or seven times as long as wide. The dorsal lamina is a plain, straight membrane. The tentacles are rather short and thick. They are about 16 to 20 in number, and are of two sizes. There are from 5 to 7 large ones, with from 1 to 3 smaller ones between each pair of larger. There is con- siderable variability both in the number and the size of the smaller tentacles. At the base of the atrial siphon there are about 25 very small and slender atrial tentacles. The dorsal tubercle has a simple circular opening (fig. 4). The alimentary canal lies 011 the left side of the branchial sac. Its course is at first posteriorly and ventrally, then anteriorly, then dorsally and posteriorly, then dorsally and anteriorly. The directions are similar * "Revision," p. 636. 96 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. to those in the alimentary canal of an Ascidia, but the first bend of the intestine is at a more acute angle than in the Simple Ascidian, and the second at a more obtuse angle. The dorsal end of the stomach is thrown into thick folds, and appears to be glandular. The remainder has smaller longitudinal folds. The usual system of fine tubules (fig. 6), ending in ampullae, is found ramifying over the intestine, and opening by a common duct into the stomach. The reproductive organs consist of rounded polycarps (fig. 7) imbedded in the mantle, and projecting slightly into the peribranchial cavity. There are three colonies of this species from Port Jackson. The largest is about 15 cm. in length. All the four known species of Cliorizocormus resemble one another closely in external appearance, although they differ markedly in internal structure. The present species (PL Pst. I., fig. 1) is rather like the "Challenger" Ch. reticulata in form, but is darker in colour. The common test in this species is highly vascular, and the terminal knobs are very numerous (fig. 2). The branchial sac has large, distinct meshes (fig. 3), and the stigmata are regularly arranged. The Ascidiozooids form dark patches in the light-grey transparent test, which is dotted all over with the opaque terminal knobs of the vessels. Chorizocormus subfuscus, Herdm.,::: PI. Pst. I., figs. 8—11. External appearance. The colony is formed of a number of elongated and rounded masses, containing Ascidiozooids, and united by thinner portions of test, so as to form an irregular network, attached to several colonies of Polyzoa, of the genera Betepora and Amathia (fig. 8). The test is of a dull grey colour, while the bodies of the Ascidiozooids give a purplish brown colour. The test contains many vessels, with the usual terminal knobs, filled with dark blood corpuscles (fig. 9). There are no bladder cells ; the test cells are few and very small. The Ascidiozooids measure about 3 mm. by 2-5 mm. No separate abdomen is present. The mantle is delicate, with greenish brown pigment cells. The larger muscle fibres run longitudinally ; there are only a very few fine transverse ones. The branchial sac has internal longitudinal bars. There are at least * "Revision," p. 636. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 97 10 rows of stigmata, and from 3 to 5 stigmata in a mesh (fig. 9), but the series next the endostyle on each side have 6 stigmata. The dorsal lamina is a plain straight membrane. The tentacles are of two sizes, 5 long and 5 short (fig. 10, tn.}. There are about 16 small atrial tentacles. The dorsal tubercle has a circular aperture. The alimentary canal resembles that of the last species, and has the same form of stomach. The reproductive organs consist of pear-shaped polycarps (fig. 11), imbedded in the mantle. Some contain ova, and others spermatic vesicles. Locality. — Port Jackson. One specimen is about 10 cm. in length, and one 15 cm. in length and about 7 cm. in breadth. This species resembles the last in appearance, but differs from it in the tentacles (PI. Pst. I., fig. 10), which are only 10 in number. The colony, as a whole, is more opaque and browner in colour than that of C. Sydney ens is, and the Ascidiozooids are less conspicuous. Chorizocormus leucophseus, Herdm.,:;: PI. Pst. II., figs. 1 — 6. External appearance. The colony consists of elongated sub-cylin- drical masses, united to form an irregular network (fig. 1), the whole encrusting some brown Algae. Where the Ascidiozooids are few the the colony is of a greyish yellow tint and transparent (the dark sea-weed showing through), but where the Ascidiozooids are numerous the colony is of a dark purplish and slatey hue. The largest colony measures 17 cm. long and 7 cm. broad. The test is full of large, conspicuous vessels with terminal knobs. The blood corpuscles they contain, are not so dark-coloured as in the preceding species. There are no bladder cells, and the test cells are few and inconspicuous. The Ascidiozooids measure 2 to 2-5 mm. in length. The mantle has rather a regular musculature (fig. 2). Muscle bands run longitudinally over the branchial sac, and are crossed by obliquely directed fibres. Tlie branchial sac has 4 internal longitudinal bars on each side, but no folds. There are 7 rows of stigmata, and generally 4 stigmata in a mesh (fig. 3). In the series next the endostyle there are 6 to 8 stigmata. The stigmata are regular and all of the same size. * "^Revision," p. 636. 98 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. The dorsal lamina is a plain membrane. The tentacles are 16 in number (fig. 4). They are of two orders placed alternately, but the large ones are not all of the same size. There are also about 20 atrial tentacles (fig. 5). The dorsal tubercle has a simple circular opening. The alimentary canal has a short oesophagus leading to a stomach like that of the preceding species, with a corrugated glandular cardiac end and a series of longitudinal folds (about 8 on each side). The intestine is at first narrow, then slightly dilated, and then narrows to form the rectum (fig. 6). The alimentary canal lies with its longitudinal axis antero-posteriorly, and not transversely, as in Cli. sydneyensis. Its course is first ventral, then anterior, then dorsal, then posterior, and then dorsal. There is the usual system of glandular tubules branching over the intestine, and opening into the stomach by a single large duct. The reproductive organs are in the form of rounded polycarps imbedded in the mantle. Locality. — Port Jackson ; one large and six smaller specimens. This species differs somewhat from the other species of Chorizocormus in external appearance, as here the stolons are not nearly so well-marked, and the masses of Ascidiozooids are almost continuous with one another (PL Pst. II., fig. 1). There seems in the three above-described species of Chorizocormus to be a rough correspondence between the number of branchial and of atrial tentacles. Chorizocormus sydneyensis, which has the most branchial tentacles, has also most atrial tentacles, Cli. siibfuscus has fewest of both, and Cli. leucopliceus is in an intermediate condition, as follows : — Branchial tents. Atrial tents. Chorizocormus sydneyensis ... ... 20 (about) 25 Cli. leucophceus ... ... ... 16 20 Cli. siibfuscus ... ... ... ... 10 ... 16 There are apparently always more atrial than branchial tentacles. Goodsiria, Cunningham, 1871. This genus was only known previously from the South Atlantic and the Strait of Magellan. The Museum collection has added a new species, obtained at Port Jackson. It differs from the other members of the genus in having the test sandy. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA, 99 Goodsiria lapidosa, Herdm.,:;; PL Pst. III., figs. 1—12. External appearance. The colony is a solid cake-like mass (fig. 2), in which the Ascidiozooids are closely placed and completely imbedded. There are distinct upper and lower surfaces, and the Ascidiozooids form a single layer, being placed side by side with their antero-posterior axes vertical, and their branchial apertures all on the same surface (fig. 1). The whole of the colony, both upper and lower surfaces, is closely encrusted with sand grains and shell fragments. The colour is a stone grey, slightly darker in places. The test is firm and cartilaginous, and is stiffened on the surface by the imbedded sand. The colour in the interior is a light grey. Vessels are present, but they are few in number and very small. There are no bladder cells, and the ordinary test cells are small (fig. 3). The Ascidio- zooids are so large that there is comparatively little test present in the colony, only from 1 mm. to O5 mm. between each pair (see fig. 1). The Ascidiozooids are about 1-5 cm. in length and O4 cm. in breadth. They are not divided into thorax and abdomen. The apertures are distinctly 4-lobed. The mantle is very delicate and thin over the branchial sac. Both longitudinal and transverse muscles are present (fig. 5), but they are arranged irregularly. The Branchial sac is large and well developed. There are 4 branchial folds on each side between the endostyle and the dorsal lamina, but the first or dorsalmost of these is rudimentary, and consists only of 3 or 4 internal longitudinal bars placed close together without forming a pro- jection. The rest have generally about 9 bars each, and form well- marked projections (see figs. 6 and 7). In the interspace between each pair of folds there are 2 internal longitudinal bars, but between the dorsal lamina and the rudimentary fold there is only 1 such bar. The transverse vessels are wide. There are from 3 to 5 (generally 3) stigmata in a mesh, except in the series next the endostyle where there are 6 or 7. The stigmata are short and wide and very irregular, being in different positions and set at different angles. Sometimes 2 small ones, one above the other, take the place of one ordinary one ; sometimes 1 large one is found instead of 2 or 3 of the usual size. Now and then one of the stigmata lies alongside a transverse vessel, and occasionally a transverse vessel splits into two and then unites again, leaving an elongated space between. The dorsal lamina is a very narrow, plain membrane. » "Revision," p. 637. 100 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Tlic tentacles are of 2 sizes (fig. 10) and are very numerous, about 60. The larger tentacles have a short, thick basal part (about quarter of their whole length), and the remainder is a flattened transparent expansion recurved like a sickle. There are about 16 small atrial tentacles. The dorsal tubercle has a simple oval aperture. The alimentary canal consists of a short wide oesophagus opening into an elliptical or ovate stomach (fig. 8) which is about 3 mm. in length and has about 7 longitudinal grooves on each side. On the anterior edge of the stomach is a rounded projection into wrhich opens the duct from the system of branched tubules with dilated ends (fig. 9) which ramify over the intestine. The course of the alimentary canal is, first posterior, then ventral, then anterior, then dorsal, and finally anterior. The intestine is very long, about 7 mm. The intestine and rectum are the same width and are narrower than the oesophagus. The reproductive organs are in the form of polycarps attached to the mantle and projecting into the peribranchial cavity. Each is about 2-5 mm. in length. They are hermaphrodite (fig. 11), and the spermatic vesicles are far more numerous than ova. All the ducts open into a common central duct (fig. 12). Locality. — Port Jackson. The first specimen I examined of this species is only part of a colony, not including the point of attachment. The specimen is a nearly square piece which has evidently been cut off, and measures about 6.5 cm. by 5'5 cm., and 2 cm. in thickness. There has also been sent to me since an additional specimen found " on rocks, at low water, in Chouder Bay, colour brick red," which measures 7'5 cm. in length and about the same in greatest breadth. • It is 2'2 cm. in thickness. [The following Polystyelid has also been recorded from Australian seas : — Synstyela incrustans, Herdm., Thursday Is.] Family II. BOTRYLLID^, Giard, 1872. Colony usually thin and encrusting, sometimes in the form of thick fleshy masses. Systems circular, elliptical, or forming branched lines. Common cloacal openings distinct, usually lobed. Ascidiozooids short, and not divided into regions. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 101 Test usually soft, traversed by numerous vessels, with large terminal knobs. Branchial sac large and well-developed, internal longitudinal bars present. Stigmata numerous. Dorsal lamina in the form of a plain membrane. Tentacles simple, not more than 16 in number. Alimentary canal placed alongside the posterior part of the branchial sac. Gonads on both sides of the body. Gemmation lateral from the bodies of the Ascidiozooids, and also stolonial, from the ectodermal processes or vessels in the test. The Botryllids in the collection fall into the two closely allied genera Botrylloidcs and Sarcobotrylloides. Botrylloides, M. Edw., 1842. A new species and a variety are added to this genus. Botrylloides leptum, n. sp., PL Bot. I., tigs. 5 — 13. Colony thin, encrusting, spreading to form irregular lobed sheets of a general light brown colour, with the Ascidiozooids darker. Specimens about 6 cm. in length. Systems rather small, circular, elliptical, or short rows ; round the edges of the colony meandering lines occur (fig. 5). Large areas of test are free from systems. Test from 4 to 10 mm. in thickness ; grey, with numerous small, closely-placed brown dots, which are the knobs on vessels. No bladder cells, and no pigment masses, but very many rather large branching vessels (figs 7 and 8). The test cells are small and numerous, and, in some places, the matrix shows delicate fibrillation. Ascidiozooids 1 to 1-5 mm. long, with long axis parallel to surface. Viscera alongside thorax. Mantle very thin and delicate, with many longitudinally running muscle fibres. Branchial sac with 3 internal longitudinal bars on each side. The stigmata are short and wide (figs. 9 and 10), and are 3 or 4 in a mesh. Dorsal lamina a plain membrane, rather narrow. Tentacles 4 large and 4 small, placed alternately (fig. 12). Dorsal tubercle a circular opening in middle of prebranchial zone. Alimentary canal on left side of branchial sac, with 10 well-marked 102 THE AUSTKALIAN MUSEUM. folds on the stomach. The usual intestinal gland opens into stomach about its middle (fig. 11). Gonads one on each side. Ovaries only in the young Ascidiozooids (fig. 6). Locality. — Port Jackson ; about a dozen colonies. This species has some systems that are almost as small and as circular as those of a typical Botryllus, but others again form long lines (PI. Bot. L, fig. 5). Botrylloides leptum, variety, PI. Bot. I., figs. 1 — 4. Two colonies in the same bottle with those last described differ in a few particulars, but I hesitate to form a new species for them until we know more as to the range of individual variation. They measure about 7 cm. by 4 cm., and one is shown on PI. Bot. I., fig. 1. The Ascidio- zooids are more distinctly in lines, which meet to form a network. The knobs on vessels in the test are bulb-shaped (fig. 2), in place of globular (figs. 7 and 8), and have the narrower distal end dark with blood cor- puscles. These are very abundant round the edges of the colony. The Ascidiozooids are rather darker in colour, and that is due to scattered pigment masses (fig. 3) in the delicate mantle. The tentacles are in some cases at least 16 in number, 4 larger with 3 smaller between each pair, but some of the small ones are very minute. In other particulars these colonies agree with the other specimens of Botrylloides leptum. A piece of the branchial sac is shown in fig. 4. Sarcobotrylloides, von Drasche, 1883. I have placed the thicker, more fleshy colonies in this genus, but they really differ very little from species of Botrylloides. There are 4 new species. Sarcobotrylloides Jacksonianum, Herd.,- PI. Bot. II., figs. 1 — 8. Colony formed of quadrangular flattened masses rising from a narrow base (fig. 1) ; of a dull brownish grey colour, lighter in some places than in others ; surface smooth ; size about 5 cm., by 4 cm., by 7 mm. Systems vary from almost circular or short elliptical forms to long- parallel lines, often branching to form a network. The systems are so closely placed that very little test is left between them. The Ascidio- zooids stand out as lighter brown spots on the dark grey test. The * See "Revision." p. 609. CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. 103 common cloacal apertures can be seen under a low power of the micro- scope (40 diameters) as elongated apertures, along the edges of which a membrane, slightly folded, stands out like a frill (fig. 2). Test has large test cells and a system of irregularly branching and anastomosing vessels (fig. 3), which give off large elongated knobs (fig. 4), in some of which ova and young buds are found, as well as blood corpuscles (fig. 5). Some of these knobs are much swollen in size. Ascidiozooids placed at right angles to the surface, and form a layer not more than 2 mm. thick below the surface. The centre of the colony is formed of dark grey test, with no Ascidiozooids. The viscera are placed alongside the thorax, and there is a long atrial aperture reaching to about '5 mm. (fig. 7). Mantle very delicate. Most of the muscle fibres run transversely. Branchial sac long and narrow, with three internal longitudinal bars on each side (fig 6). The number of stigmata in the rows of meshes is as follows : — Dor. Lam. — 4—3 — 2 — 3 — Endost. The stigmata are short and regular. Dorsal lamina a plain, straight, wide membrane (fig. 6). Tentacles 16 ; 4 large alternating with 4 smaller, and then, nearer the branchial aperture, there are 8 exceedingly short ones alternating with the other 8 (fig. 8). The Stomach has 10 longitudinal folds. The anus is about one-third of the way up the branchial sac (fig. 7). There is a Gonad on each side of the body. The terminal knobs of the vessels of the test also contain ova and developing buds. Whether the buds are formed there, or have become secondarily connected with the vessels, as Hitter finds is the case in Goodsiria, is still doubtful. Locality. — Port Jackson ; two colonies. The massive lobes rising from a small base of attachment (PI. Bot. II., fig. 1) show that this is a Sarcobotrylloides. » Sarcobotrylloides anceps, Herdm.,* PL Bot. II., figs. 9—13. Colony an irregularly pyriform mass attached to several of the branches of an erect Ctenostomatous Polyzoon (fig. 9). Colour from dark purple to pink. Very little of the light grey test seen, as almost the whole surface is covered by dark Ascidiozooids. Surface smooth and soft. Length 3-5 cm., breadth 2 cm. Systems numerous and close, forming branching lines. * See •« Revision," p. 609. 104 THE AUSTBALIAN MUSEUM. Test, numerous branching vessels (fig. 12), with rather small terminal knobs, which are few and light-coloured. Small test cells, no pigment. Ascidiozooids about l-5 to 2 mm. long. The branchial apertures show as white dots on the surface of the colony. Mantle very thin. Muscle fibres almost hidden in masses of dark purple pigment cells (fig. 11). Branchial sac very long and narrow. There are at least 11 rows of stigmata, and about 12 stigmata in each row. There are 3 internal horizontal bars on each side, and from 2 to 4 stigmata in a mesh. The stigmata are short and regularly placed. Dorsal lamina a narrow membrane (fig. 10). Tentacles 16 ; 4 large, 4 about half the length of the last, and 8 very small ones regularly alternating (fig. 10). Dorsal tubercle a small circular opening placed just outside the peri- pharyngeal band. Alimentary canal. The stomach differs from that of our former Botryllidae in being quite globular, and in having two caeca, a small anterior one, which the duct from the intestinal gland enters, and a longer vermiform posterior caecum, which lies just to the left of the pylorus (fig. 13, ccc.}. The usual intestinal gland is present. The stomach has well-marked folds running from intestine to oesophagus. The rectum widens out so as to have an everted rim at the anus. No gonads were found, but young buds were very abundant in this colony. Locality. — Port Jackson, with Chorizocormus subfuscus. Sarcobotrylloides purpureum, Herdm.,:;:Pl. Bot. Ill, figs. 6 — 10. Colony massive, irregularly lobed, from pink to purple in tint. Sur- face smooth. No terminal bulbs of vessels visible, nor cloacal apertures. Length 7 cm., breadth 5 cm., thickness 5 mm. Systems irregular, chiefly in branching lines (figs. 8 and 10). Test with no bladder nor pigment cells. Vessels numerous, with many small ovate terminal knobs, seen in sections (fig. 9). Test easily tears, and Ascidiozooids fall out. Ascidiozooids about 5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad at most, with long axis parallel to surface. Branchial apertures show as white dots on the surface of the colony. Mantle thin, muscle fibres slight and distant, running longitudinally. A few purple pigment masses. * See "Revision," p. 009. CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 105 Branchial sac very long and narrow, at least 14 to 16 rows of stigmata, with 10 or 12 stigmata in a row. There are 3 internal longi- tudinal bars on each side, and from 2 to 4 stigmata in a mesh. Dorsal lamina a narrow membrane. Tentacles 16 ; 4 larger with 3 smaller between each pair, of which the middle one may be longer than its neighbours. Alimentary canal. Stomach rather globular, with a long vermiform caecum (tig. 6, CCB.}, enlarged a little at the end, and with about 10 longi- tudinal grooves (fig. 7). Gonads. 9 or 10 masses of spermatic vesicles, forming a gonad on each side of the body. Locality. — Port Jackson ; about a dozen masses (fig. 10). Port Stephen ; one colony (fig. 8). Many buds are present in the latter specimen. Sarcobotrylloides pannosum, Herd.,:;: PL Bot. III., figs. 1 — 5. Colony formed of long, fleshy lobed masses branching irregularly so as to give a ragged appearance (fig. 1). Colour a grey slatey brown. Surface smooth. Size of colony about 15 cm. by 3 cm. by T5 cm. Systems very irregular, can only be traced at the edges of the colony. Test light grey, closely crowded with Ascidiozooids. The Ascidiozooid appears under a lens as a brown mass with the branchial aperture as a dark dot surrounded by a faint white line. The common cloacal aper- tures very inconspicuous. Vessels small and not numerous in the test, but bearing many terminal bulbs. No pigment cells or bladder cells are present, and the test cells are small. Ascidiozooids about 2 mm. in length, set at right angles to the surface (fig. 2). Mantle thin, transparent. Branchial, sac long and narrow, with about 14 rows of stigmata, and 10 or 12 in a row. There are 3 internal longitudinal bars on each side. In some cases the stigmata between the dorsal lamina and the first bar are very irregular (see fig. 3). The stigmata are rather short and wide (fig. 4). There are from 2 to 4 in a mesh. Dorsal lamina a plain narrow membrane (fig. 5). Tentacles 8, large and small alternately. Dorsal tubercle. A simple rounded aperture outside the peripharyngeal band (see fig. 5, d. t.). * See " Revision," p. ti09. 106 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Alimentary canal. The stomach is a wide oval, nearly globular, and has 10 longitudinal grooves. It has a small anteriorly placed caecum, into which the duct from the intestinal gland opens. The long vermi- form caecum of Sarcobotrylloidcs purpurcum and S. anceps is not present. There is a narrow, well-marked lip running round the anal aperture. The Gonads on each side of the thorax contained ova only, in the Ascidiozooids examined. Locality. — Port Stephen ; four colonies. The species comes very near to Sarcobotrylloides purpureum, and •S'. anceps, but appears to be distinct. It differs in appearance of colony and slatey colour. The Ascidiozooids are not so large nor conspicuous (see PI. Bot. Ill, figs. 1, 8 and 10). [The following Botryllidae have also been recorded from the Australian seas : — Botryllus (? Symplegma) raccmosus, Q. and G. ? Distomus violaceus, Q. and G.]. 107 THE TUNICATE FAUNA OF AUSTRALIAN SEAS. The rich Tunicate Fauna of the Australian seas was first exploited by Quoy and Gaimard who, in their account of the animals collected during the voyage of the "Astrolabe," named, figured, and briefly diagnosed 18 new species col- lected at various points on the coast of Australia and New Zealand. Since then fresh instalments of new species have been added by Stimpson, Macdonald, Heller, Sluiter, and Herdman ("Challenger" collection), so that now the known Tunicate Fauna of Australia is probably larger than that of any other area of equal size in other parts of the world. The "Challenger' found 43 species in what may fairly be regarded as Australian waters. Since then collections have been made by Haddon, Willey, Semon, and others, in addition to the important local collection of the Australian Museum described in the previous pages. In the following list I have endeavoured to give a com- plete record of the Tunicate Fauna of the Australian seas so far as it is known to me. The sixty -three species described and figured for the first time in the present catalogue are marked with an asterisk. I have added the localities, and, in the case of previously described species, some reference to where a description or figure will be found. In the case of species described in this work I have added the page after the word Catalogue, so that the list may serve also as a classified index to these species. 108 THE AUSTBALIAN MUSEUM. LIST OF AUSTRALIAN TUNICATA. ASCIDIACEA. ASCIDLE SIMPLICES. Family I. MOLGULID.E. *Ascopera nana, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Catalogue, p. 57. *Molgula mollis, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 54. M. Forbes i, Herdm., Port Jackson, 2—10 faths.— " Chall." Eep. I., p. 78, PI. V., figs. 8—11. *M. sydneycmis, Herdm., Sydney Harbour. — Cat., p. 55. ••-M. recumbens, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 56. M. inconspicua, Stimp., Port Jackson. — P. Acad. N.S., Philad., July, 1855, p. 387. Caesira (? Molgula) parasitica, Macd., King George's Sound. — Tr. Linn. S., XXII., p. 367. C. (? Molgula) ficus, Macd., Shark Bay. — Loc. cit., p. 368. C. (? Molgula) pelhicida, Macd., Shark Bay. — Loc. cit., p. 369. Ascidia (? Ctenicella) tumulus, Quoy & Gaimard, Port Western. — Voyage "Astrolabe," III., p. 607. A. (? Molijula) sabulosa, Quoy & Gaimard, Port Western. — " Astrolabe," III., p. 613. Family II. CYNTHIID^;. Sub-family Boltenints. Boltenia pacliydcrmatina, Herdm., Port Jackson, &c. — "Chall." Eep. I., p. 89, PL VII., figs. 6—8. •••B. tuberculata, Herdm., Port Jackson and Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 17. B. gibbosa, Heller ('? = Ascidia spinifcm, Q. & G.), Bass Strait. — Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. B. australis (Q. & G.), Port Jackson, Port Western, &c. — "Astrolabe" III., p. 616. Sub-family Cynthince. Microcosmus affinis, Heller, Australia. — Sitz. Akad. Wien, 1878. M. polymorphic, Heller, Bass Str., 40 faths.— " Chall." Eep. I., p. 133, PL XIV., figs. 6—7. CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 109 M. Helleri, Herdra., Torres Straits and Amboina.— " Chall." Rep. I., p. 131, PL XIV., figs. 1—4. M. propinquus, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — "Chall. ' Eep. I., p. 132, PL XIV., figs. 5—6. M. Julinii, v. Dr., Sydney.— Denks. Akad. Wien., XLVIIL, p. 371. M. distant, Heller, New South Wales.— Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. *M. Draschii, Herdm., Port Jackson and Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 20. *M. australis, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 23. *M. Ramsay i, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 25. Ehabdocynthia\ complanata, Herdm., Port Jackson, 6 faths. — "Chall.' Eep. L, p. 145, PL XVII., figs. 1—9. B. tennis (?), Herdm., Amboina. — Jenais. Denk. VIII., p. 184. E. sp. ('?), Sluit., Thursday Is.— Loc. cit., p. 185. Cynthia praputialis, Heller, Port Jackson.— Sitz. Akad. Wien, 1878. C. arenosa, Herdm., Torres Str., 1—8 faths.—" Chall." Rep. I., p. 140, PL XVI., figs. 6—9. C.formosa, Herdm., Torres Str., 3—11 faths.— " Chall." Rep. L, p. 139, PL XVI., figs. 1—5. C. cerebriformis, Herdm., Port Jackson, 30 faths.— " Chall." Rep. L, p. 136, PL XV., figs. 5—7. C. irregular-is, Herdm., Port Jackson, 2—10 faths.— " Chall." Rep. I., p. 141, PL XVI., figs. 10—12. C. fissa, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths.—" Chall." Rep. I., p. 137, PL XV., figs. 8—11. C. arcuata, Heller, New South Wales.— Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. C. grandis, Heller, Sydney.— Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. C.hispida, Herdm, Bass Str., 40 faths.— " Chall." Rep. I., p. 146, PL XVI., figs. 1—4. *C. molguloides, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 27. ''••C. solanoides, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 29. ••'C. multiradicata, Herdm., Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 30. *C. cataphracta, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 31. *G. spinifera, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 32. -':C. crinitistellata, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 34. C. dumosa, Stimp., Port Jackson.— P. Acad. N.S., Philad., 1855, p. 207. C. sabulosa, Stimp., Port Jackson. — Loc. cit., p. 387. C. Icevissima, Stimp., Port Jackson. — Loc. cit., p. 387. tl know of three other new species of PJtabdocijnthM from the north of Australia, but they are not yet described. They are in the collection brought home from Torres Straits by Professor A. C. Haddon. 110 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. ? Ascidia aurora, Q. & G., Port Western. — " Astrolabe," III., p. 605. ? A. reticulata, Q. & G., King George Sd. — "Astrolabe, p. 606. ? A. erythrostoma, Q. & G., New Zealand. — " Astrolabe," p. 609. ? A. ianthinostoma, Q. & G., New Zealand. — "Astrolabe," p. 610. ? A. cceralea, Q. & G., New Zealand. — -"Astrolabe," p. 611. ? A spinosa, Q. & G., King George Sd. — "Astrolabe," p. 615. Sub-family Styelince. Styela radicosa, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — " Chall." Eep. I., p. 163, PL XXIV., figs. 6, 7; and "Chall." Eep. II., p. 410, PI. XLIX., figs. 9, 10. S. humilis, Heller, New Zealand. — Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. S. captiosa, Shut., Amboina. — Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 181. S. palinorsa, Sluit., Amboina. — Jen. Denk. VIII., p. 181. S. exigua, Herdm., Port Jackson. — "Chall." Eep. I., p. 157, PI. XIX., figs. 5, 6. S. bythia, Herdm., South of Australia, 2,600 faths.—" Chall." Eep. I., p. 151, PL XVIII., figs. 1, 6—8. S. squamosa, Herdm., South of Australia, 2,600 faths. — " Chall." Eep. I., p. 152, PL XVIII., figs. 1—5. S. plicata, Les. (= &'. gyrosa, Heller), Port Jackson, &c. — "Chall." Eep. L, p. 155. S. phaula., Sluit., Thursday Is.— Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 182. S. solvens, Sluit., Thursday Is.— Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 182. *S. ping ids, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 37. *S. Etheridgii, Herdm., Port Jackson and Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 38. ••'~S. Whitelcggii, Herdm., Port Jackson and Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 40. ••'•S. personata, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 41. •'•S. stolonifem, Herdm., Moreton Bay. — Cat., p. 42. Polycarpa tinctor, Q. & G., Port Jackson, &c. — " Chall." Eep. I., p. 170, PL XXI., figs. 1—6. P. anrata, Q. & G. (= P. sitlcata, Herdm. = P. pneumonodes, Sluit.), Port Jackson.— "Chall." Eep. I., p. 179, PL XXIIL, figs. 9—13. P. radicata, Herdm., Port Jackson and Twofold Bay, 120 faths. — " Chall." Eep. I., p. 181, PL XXIV., figs. 3—5. P. viridis, Herdm., Port Jackson and Port Stephen. — "Chall." Eep. I., p. 168, PL XXL, figs. 7—14. P. pedunculata, Heller, Bass Str. — Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. P. data, Heller, ? Austr. or New Zealand.— Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. P. Slhnpsoni, Heller, Sydney.— Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878, CATALOGUE OF TUNICATA. Ill P. obscura, Heller, Bass Str.— Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. P. nebulosa, Heller, ? Austr. or New Zealand. — Sitz. Akad. Wien., 1878. P.pilella, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 50. P. rigida, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — " Chall." Eep. I, p. 175, PL XXIII., figs. 1, 2. P. longisiphonica, Herdm., Port Jackson, &c. — "Chall." Eep. I., p. 176, PL XXIII., figs. 3—6. P. bassi, Herdm., Bass Str.—" Chall." Eep. II. App., p. 413, PL XLIX., figs. 1—3. P. molguloides, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths.—" Chall." Eep. I., p. 172, PL XXII., figs. 5—7. *P. fungiformis, Herdm., Moreton Bay. — Cat., p. 43. ••'P. stephenensis, Herdm., Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 45. •••P. Sliiitcri, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 46. "P. saccifoniiis, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 48. ••'P. Jacksoniana, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 50. *P. attollens, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 53. Family III. Sub-family Cionince. dona intestinalis, Linn., off Cockatoo Is., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 9. Eliodosoma (Per a) huxleyi, Macd. ('? — Peroides, Macd., also), Bellona reefs. — Jour. Linn. S., VI., p. 78. Sub-family Ascidiincs. ? Asculia diaphana, Q. & G., Hobart Town.— " Astrolabe," III., p. 612. A. cylindracea, Herdm., Twofold Bay, 120 faths.— " Chall." Eep. I., p. 216, PL XXXIII., figs. 7—9. A. pyriformis, Herdm., Port Jackson, 6 faths. — "Chall." Eep. I., p. 219, PL XXXIV., figs. 1—6. A. succida, Stimp., Port Jackson, low tide. — Acad. Philad., 1855, p. 388. A. sydneiensis, Stimp., Port Jackson, low tide. — LOG. cit., p. 387. A. bifissa, Shut., Amboina. — Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 176. A. empheres, Sluit., Amboina. — Loc. cit,, p. 177. A gemmata, Sluit., Amboina. — Loc. cit., p. 177. A. kreagra, Sluit., Amboina. — Loc. cit., p. 178. -•'A. incerta, Herdm., Port Jackson, 6 — 8 faths. — Cat., p. 11. '•'A. phallusioides, Herdm., Port Jackson, 6 — 8 faths. — Cat., p. 12. 112 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Pachychlcena oblong a, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — " Chall." Rep. I., p. 221, PL XXIX., figs. 1—9. P. obcsa, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — " Chall." Eep. I., p. 223, PL XXVIII , figs. 1—5. Abyssascidia ivyvillii, Herdm., South of Australia, 2,600 faths. — " Chall." Eep. L, p. 194, PL XXVII. Family IV. CLAVELINIDJE. Peropliora hutchisoni, Macd., King George's Sound. — Tr. Linn. S., XXII., p. 377. [? Chondrostachys sp., Macd., Bass Str., 10 — 12 faths.] ••'•Podoclavella meridional-is, Herdm., Port Jackson, Amboina, Thursday Is. — Cat., p. 4. * Stereoclavella australis, Herdm., Vaucluse, Port Jackson, low tide.— Cat., p. 6. *S. sp. ?, Broughton Ids.— Cat., p. 8. Ecteinascidia euplmes, Sluit. — Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 49. E. psammodes, Sluit. — Loc. cit., p. 50. Rhopalopsis crassa, Herdm., Ki Is., 129 faths.—" Chall." Eep. I, p. 240, PL XXXVI., figs. 12—14. E. fusca, Herdm., Banda, 17 faths. — " Chall." Eep. L, p. 241, PL XXXVI., figs. 7—11. ASCIDIJE COMPOSITE. I. MEKOSOMATA.t Family I. DISTOMID.E. Colella pedunculata, Q. & G., Port Western, &c. — "Astrolabe," III., p. 626. C. pulclira, Herdm., Torres Str., 6 faths.— " Chall." Eep. II., p. 106, PL XV., figs. 1—13. C. elongata, Herdm., Port Jackson, 30 faths.— " Chall." Eep. II., p. 110, PL XVI., figs. 1—7. C. Murrayi, Herdm., S.E. Australia, 120 faths., and Port Jackson. - "Chall." Eep. II., p. 115, PI. XVI., figs. 1—11. Do., var. rubida, Bass Str., 38 faths.— " Chall." Eep. II., p. 119, PL XVII., figs. 12—14. *<7. plicata, Herdm., (?= C. ccrebriformis, Q. & G.), Port Jackson, South Australia. — Cat., p. 62. t Modified from Sluiter's classification, and including those families of Compound Ascidians which are related to the Clavulinidse, and in which the body is divided into regions, such as the Distomidse and the Polyclmidte. CATALOGUE OP TUNICATA. 113 •'~C. tenuicaulis, Herdm., Port Jackson and Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 04. •*C. clariformis, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 67. ••'•C. cyan fid-, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 69. Distoma deerata, Sluit., Thursday Is., Torres Str. — Jen. Denk., VIII,, p. 167. ? Chondrostachys sp., Macd., Bass Str., 10 — 12 faths. — Ann. N. H., 1858, p. 40. ? Polyclinum cylindricum. Q. & G., Port Western. — " Astrolabe," p. 618. Family II. POLYCLINID^E. Sigtllina australis, Sav., Port Jackson [Whitelegge]. — Mem. Anim. s. Vert., p. 179. Atopogaster aurantiaca, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — " Chall." Rep. II., p. 168, PI. XXIII., figs. 7—13. Polyclinum fungosum, Herdm., Port Jackson, 6 — 15 faths. — " Chall." Rep. II., p. 190, PL XIV., figs. 15—23. P. depressum, Herdm., Torres Str., 3—11 faths.— " Chall " Rep. II., p. 193, PI. XXVI., figs. 5—7. P. glabrum, Sluit., Amboina. — Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 168. P. hospitale, Sluit., Thursday Is. — Loc. cit., p. 169. *P. clava, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 77. '•'••P. giganteum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 79. ••'•P. globosum, Herdm., Port Jackson.. — Cat., p. 80. '•'•P. complanatum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 81. -•'•P. fitscum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 82. •••P.prnnum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 83. ••'P. nigntm, Herdm., Naucluse, Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 84. Amarouciumalbidum, Herdm., Bass Str., 40 faths. — "Chall." Rep. II., p. 234, PI. XXVI., figs. 11, 12. A. Bitteri, Sluit., Thursday Is.— Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 170. *A. rotundatum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 71. *A. protectans, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 73. *A. distomoides, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 75. *A. anomalum, Herdm., Sydney Harbour (? =•- Poli/clinoiclcs sp., Macd-).- Cat., p. 76. Psammaplidium sponyiformc , Herdm., Port Jackson, 7 faths. — " Chall." Rep. II., p. 239, PL XXXII., figs, 1—5. P*. ovatum, Herdm., Torres Str., 3—11 faths.—" Chall." Rep, II., p. 246, PI. XXXI., figs. 13—16. Ps. zn/ri forme, Herdm., North Australia, 8 faths. — "Chall." Rep. II., p. 419. 114 THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. :':'-P.s. Hulidum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 85. *P.9. lobcttum, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 85. *P.s. fffii///f, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 8G. *P.s. incrustans, Herdm., Port Stephen. — Cat., p. 87. "P.s. pedimculatum, Herdm., ? Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 88. Family III. DIDEMXIDJK. Diilcmnnm aurantiacum, Herdm., Bass Str., 38 faths. — " Chall." Rep. II., p. 284, PI. XXXIII., figs. 1—8. Lcptoclinum Jackson i, Herdm., Port Jackson, G — 15 faths.—" Chall." Rep. II., p. 303, PI. XXXVIII., figs. 19—22. L. psammathodes, Sluit., Thursday Is. — Jen. Denk., VIII., p. 171. L. pantherinum, Shut., Amboina. — Loc. cit. , p. 172. L. pustnlosuni, Shut., Amboina. — Loc. cit., p. 173. L. tnrrcsii, Sluit., Thursday Is. — Loc. cit., p. 173. L, sipliontatwn, Shut., Amboina. — Loc. cit., p. 174. L. asteropnin, Sluit., Amboina. — Loc. cit., p. 175. *L. incanit'iii; Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 90. *L. liiiihriatiint, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat,, p. 91. *L. p« tn /.inn, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 92. Family IV. DIPLOSOMIDJE. Diplosoma Rauni'ri, Macd., Sydney Harbour (?) — Tr. Linn. S., XXII., p. 373. II. HOLOSOMATA.i Family I. POLYSTYKIJD.K. Si/HStyela iiicrivitftiix, Herdm., Thursday Is. — "Chall." Rep. II., p. 342, PI. XLYL, figs. 9—14. *(r<«>dsiria lajiidoxn, Herdm., Port -lackson. — Cat., p. 99. •••ClioriiOCOi-uiiifi si/iliH'i/riiNix, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. !)."). ••'•C. sultfHscux, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 9(5. ••'•(_'. /c.nco)>h-(Eiix, Herdm., Port Jackson. — Cat., p. 97. Family II. BOTHYLLID.K. linti'i/llux ('.' Ki/inj>li'.!iiit,'<) rHitN, Q. endicii/ ....... Chordata ............ Ghorizocormus ......... Ch. le/tcoj>)ueiix ... 94, 97, Ch. rcticulatu ...... 94, Ch. isiibfiiscits ... 10,94, 96, Ch . si/dncycms Is ... 94 , 95, CioninaB ............... 9, Ciomi ............ 3,9, C. infest iitd Us ......... Clitrclina ............ C. obknuja ............ (.'. I'lioi'iiiis ............ ClavelinicUe ............ CulclUt ............... 3, C. elongate ......... 62, C. claviformis ......... C. cone re fa ............ C. cyuni'd ............ C. (rdiiiuirdi ............ (.'. Murniyi, var. ruUidtitn, 61, C. pliedla ......... 61, C. pedunculata ...... 61, L'.pitlehnt ......... 61, C. (Juoyi ............ C'. ramulosa ............ C. tenuicaulis ...... 10, C. Tliotusoni ............ Colonies ............ Copepods in peribranchial cavity of Sti/cla pinrjnis.. . Do. branchial sac of sydneycnsis J)o. branchial sac of A nand Cui'i'lla Corcllinoj 55 58 58 58 71 2 94 98 96 98 98 10 10 9 5 6 6 3 61 70 67 61 69 61 70 62 70 70 62 61 64 61 3 38 Cukolns 17,19,32 "Cunjeboy" 27 Cynthige cyesiras 16 Cynthiidce 3,15,24 CynthiintE 16,19,35 Cynthia 20,23,27 C. arenosa 24, 36 C. arciiata 36 C. cerebriformis 36 C. crinitistellata 34 C. cataphracta 31 C. diuuosa 36 C. cchinata 33, 34 G. fortnosa 36 C.Jissa 36 C. i/riuidis 36 C. liispidd 36 C. hilgendorfii 33 C. irregularis 36, 52 C. laevissima 36 C. inolguloides 27 (7. mnltiradicata 30, 40 G. praeputialis 27 C. sabulosd 36 C. spinifera 32, 33 C. solanoidcs 29 C. L'iilosa '. 34 Delage Yves, Prof 16 Diazona 3, 7 Didemnidse 60,89 Didemnum aurantlacuni 92 58 58 9 93 93 70 ... 60,61 106 Droniid e.i'i'di'dtd, Ai/idro/i- citint 2>rntecti(iin on... 73, 74 Diplosomidae Diplosoma Rayneri Distoma dccrata ... Distomidse Ecteinascidia 3 INDEX. 119 E. cuphucs 8 E. psammodes 8 Ethericlge, Mr. R 39 Explanation of Plates 123 Fabricius 34 Fauna, Tunicate of Austra- lian Seas 107, 116 Forbcsclla tesaellata 20 Gaimard, Quoy, and 107, 116 Garstang, Mr 59 Goodsiria 94, 98 Or. coccinca 95 Or. lapidosa 94, 98 Or. placenta 95 Or. pedunculata 95 Gregarinida parasitic in O'ol- cila cijanca 70 liacldon, Prof 107, 109 Hal-isarca , incrusting Bui ten In 41 Heart 2 Heller 107 Ilerdman 15, 107 Holosomata 60,93 Hypobythinae 9 Julin, Prof 15 Kara Sea Kiter, Dr. 33 33 Lacaze-Duthiers, Prof. Lahille, Prof Lendenfeld, Dr. R. v. Lcptocliuum L. astcropmi, L. incanni/i L. Jdcksoni L. fimbriatum 16,24 .. 59 ... 74 21, 90 .. 93 ... 90 ... 92 91 Leptoclinum patulum '.'^ L . psammodes 92 L. pantherinum 92 L. pustitiosuvi 93 L. siphoniatum 93 L. torrcsii 93 List of Australian Tunicuta 10S List of Plates 122 Macdonald, Dr 107 Macippc spinosii, Colclla Icit- niadilis on 66 Metcalf, Mr 15 Merosomata 60 MMrocosmu* 20, 26, 36, 42 M. affims 25 M. Aiusti-alis 23 M. clait(Ut:(iii!s 25 M. Drusch ii ... 20, 22, 47, 50, 56 M. (Ustans 36 M. Heller i 36 M. Jtil in it M. propinqmis M. polymorphic M. Hamsayi ... 21, 23, 36 36 36 ... 25,42 ... 3, 16,54 Molynla 16, 54 M. ccepifornila 5S JI.Forbc.fi 47,55,56 J/. inconspicua 55, 5S Jl. moll is 54 ^[. Kecumbens 56 J/. sydneyensis 55 Notochord 2 Octilinai'ui ... 94 Pachychlcsna P. obloiii/ii 1 'c1 / 'op ho I'd Hu tcli is out 13 15 8 120 INDEX. Phallimia Ph. mammillata' ... Plates, Explanation of Plates, List of Podoclavella P. borcalis P. meridionalis 14,15 14, 15 .. 123 .. 122 4 4 4 Polycarpa 21,43,45 P. anrata 52 ditto, var. plana, nov 51 P. attollcns 53 P. bassi 54 P. data 54 P. fiuitj if or in is 43 P. Jacksoniana 50 P. longisiphonica 49,50 P. molijuloidcs 54 P. nebulosa 54 P. obscura 54 P.pildla 50 P. pcdata 53 P. pedunculata 54 P. mdicata 54 P.rlj'ula 47,48 P. stepfoneiisis 45 P. Sluitcri 46, 49 P. sulcata 38,41,52 P. sacciformis 48 P. Stimpsoni 54 P. tinctor 51 P. riridis 47 Polyclinidte 60, 71 PolycUnum 77 P.elava 77 / P. cylindriciiin 71 l\ complanatum 81 do. onD/oinia ... 82 P. depressum 89 P. fuse urn 82 P. fniKjosnm 89 L\ (jlabnnn 89 PolycUnum giganteum 79 P. globosnm 80 P. hospitalc 89 P. priinum 83 P. nigrum 84 " PolyclinouJcs" 77 Polystyelidas 60, 93 Polystyela 94 P. Icmirri 94 Psammaplidium 71, 15 Ps.fraijilc 86 Ps. incrustans 87 Ps. lobatum 85 Ps. ova t inn 89 Ps.' pedunculatum 88 Ps. pyriforme 89 Ps. solid urn 85 Ps. spongiformc 89 Puget Sound ... 33 Pycnoclavella auriluccns ... 6 Quoy and Gaimard ... 107, 116 Ramsay, Dr. E. P 25 Tietcpoi'a, Chorisoconmts s«^- f use us attached to 96 lihabdocyntli ia 21, 23, 36 E. complanata 21,23,36 E. tennis 36 Bhodosoma 9, 10 li.(Pcru)Hiu-leyi 10 R. (Peroides) sp 10 Rhopalaa 9 Khopalopsis crassa 8 Bh.fu.sca 8 Bitter, Prof 59,69 Roule, Prof 16 Sarcobotrylloides . . . S. Jacksonianum ... S. anccps ... 101, 102 102 103 INDEX. S. purpnrcum 104 S. pannosuiii 105 Saville-Kent, Mr 69 Savigny 16 Seeliger, Dr 59 Semon, Prof 5, 107 Sigillina australis ... 70,89 Sluiter, Dr 5, 59, 107 Stereoclavella 6 St. australis 6,8 St. (Clavelina) oblonga ... 6,8 St. (Clavelina) cnormis ... 6 St. sp 8 Stimpson 107 Styelinae 36 Styela 26,31,37 S. captiosa 54 S. cxiijua 54 S. Ethcridtjii 38 S. (jyrosa 40 S. humilis 54 S. plicata 40 S. per sonata 26,36,41 S. (Polycarpa) pneumonodes 52 S. palinorsa 54 S. pliaula 54 S. piny nis 37 Styela radicosa 54 S. soiv ens 54 S. stolonifcra 42 S'. Whitclcijijii 31,40 Slyclopsis yrossidaria 44 Symplegma 106 Synstyela 94 •S'. varicgata 94 S. incrustans 94, 100 Structure of Ascidian xiv. Thylaciioii 94 Th. sylvani 94 Th. norman i 94 Traustedfc, Dr 33 Tunic 1 Tunicata 1 Tunicate Fauna of Australian Seas.. . 107, 116 Urochorda Von Drasche, Dr. Wagner, Prof. Whitelegge, Mr. T. Willey, Dr 17,27 ... 33 ... 116 107 122 LIST OF PLATES, IX THEIR ORDER. Plates A, B, C (Diagrammatic). Plate Clav. I. ) Plate Mol. I. Plate Clav. II. Clavelinidae. Plate Dist, I. Plate Ase. I. | Plate Dist. II. Plate Asc. II. jAscidiid*. Plate Dist. Ill Plate Cyn. I. Plate Pel. I. Plate Cyn. II. Plate Pel. II. Plate Cyn. III. Plate Pel. III. Plate Cyn. IV. Plate Pel. IV. Plate Cyn. V. Plate Pel. V. Plato Cyn. VI. Plate Pel. VI. Plate Cyn. VII. Plate Cyn. VIII. Plate Did. I. Plate Cyn. IX. Plate Did. II. Plate Cyn. X. Plate Cyn. XI. Cynthiida?. Plate Pst. I. Plate Cyn. XII. Plate Pst. II. Plate Cyn. XIII. Plate Pst. III. Plate Cyn. XIV. Plate Bot. I. Plate Cyn. XV. Plate Bot. II. Plate Cyn. XVI. Plate Bot. III. Plate Cyn. XVII. Plate Cyn. XVIII. Plate Cyn. XIX. Plate Cyn. XX. / Molgulidae Distomidie. "Polvelinidie. Didenmidifi. ;- Polystyelidoe. . Bot ry 11 idie. 123 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. S. 1., S. j, Ac., indicate which of Swift's objectives were used in making the drawings. PLATES A, B, and C illustrate the structure and life-history of typical Simple and Compound Ascidians. (See Introduction, p. xiv. , ct scq.) PLATE A. Fig. 1. An Ascidia, from the right-hand side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Diagrammatic transverse section through the atrial aperture, along line A — B in fig. 4. Fig. 3. Part of wall of hranchial sac, magnified. Fig. 4. Diagrammatic longitudinal section along the line A — B in fig. 2. Fig. 5. Diagram to show structure of mantle and test (body-wall). Fig. 6. Diagram to show the relations of nerve ganglion, neural gland, duct, and dorsal tubercle. Fig. 7. Front of dorsal edge of branchial sac, showing tentacles, dorsal tubercle, languets, Ac., magnified. PLATE B. Fig. 1. Colony of Colclla Quoyi (Distomidae). Fig. 2. Colony of Leptoclinum najlcctnin- (Didcmnida,1). Fig. 3. Colony of Pharyngodictyon ininibilc (Polyclinidu.1,). Fig. 4. Colony of Botryllus Scldoxsei / (Botryllidte). (All nat. size, after Herdman, " Chall." Keport). Fig. 5. Diagrammatic section of a Compound Ascidian colony, showing parts of two Ascidiozooids and a common cloacal aperture, magnified. Fig. 6. Ascidiozooid from a Botryllid colony. Fig. 7. Ascidiozooid from a Distomid colony. Fig. 8. Ascidiozooid from a Polyclinid colony. (All from right side, magnified). 124 EXPLANATION OV PLATES. Fig. 9. Section of test of Ascidia, to show "vessels" and "bladder- cells," magnified. Fig. 10. Diagram showing Ascidian from left side, in correct morpho- logical position for comparison with Vertebrates,, to illustrate the course of the circulation, &c. PLATE C. Fig. 1. Ovum and spermatozoon. Fig. 2. Segmentation stage of embryo. Fig. 3. Early gastrula stage. Fig. 4. Later gastrula stage. Fig. 5. Embryo showing notochord and neural canal. Fig. 6. Later embryo showing body and tail, &c. Fig. 7. Transverse section of tail of larva. Fig. 8. A young tailed larva. Fig. 9. An older tailed larva. Fig. 10. Larva attaching itself to a stone. Fig. 11. Tail, &c., of larva degenerating. Fig. 12. Metamorphosis of larva into Fig. 13. Young Ascidian. PLATE CLAV. I. Fig. 1. Large colony of Stereoclavella australis, Hurdman, nat. size. Fig. 2. Colony cut in section to show stolonial tubes and buds, nat. size. Fig. 3. Group of Ascidiozooids, nat. size. Fig. 4. Ascidiozooid removed from test, right side ; enlarged. Fig. 5. The same, left side ; enlarged. Fig. 6. Part of surface of test showing spines. S. -J-. Fig. 7. Section through deeper part of test. S. f. Fig. 8. Part of mantle. S. 1. Fig. 9. Small part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 10. Dorsal edge of branchial sac showing languets. S. 1. Fig. 11. Section through basal part of test showing vessels and buds. S. 1. PLATE CLAV. II. Fig. 1. Podoclai'dla mcridiondlis, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 2. Body removed from test showing thorax and abdomen, nat. size, EXPLANATION OF PLATES, 125 Fig. 3. Transverse section of the peduncle of same. S. 1. Fig. 4. Part of the branchial sac from the inside. S. 1. Fig. 5. Stcreoclavdla sp. (? n. sp.), nat. size. Fig. 6. Part of the mantle. S. 1. Fig. 7. Part of the branchial sac, from inside. S. 1. Fig. 8. Some of the dorsal languets. S. 1. PLATE Asc. I. Fig. 1. Ciona sp. (probably C. intestinalis, L.) from back of Mac-ippe spinosa. Fig. 2. Body removed from test, nat. size. Fig. 3. Ciona intestinalis, L. (?), from off' Cockatoo Id. ; body removed from test, left side, nat size. Fig. 4. Dorsal tubercle of same. S. 1. Fig. 5. Ascidia inccrta, n. sp. Fig. 6. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 7. Part of dorsal lamina. S 1. Fig. 8. Dorsal tubercle and tentacles. S. 1. PLATE Asc. II. Fig. 1. Ascidia phallusioides, n. sp., specimen B., half nat. size, from the right side. Fig. 2. Part of wall of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 3. Section of test showing vessels. S. 1. Fig. 4. Part of the same. S. £. Fig. 5. Tentacles and dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 6. Part of dorsal lamina. S. 1. Fig. 7. Dissection jof the nerve ganglion and neural gland, showing the numerous secondary openings, slightly enlarged. Fig. 8. Part of the surface of the neural gland, showing the openings into the atrium. S. 1. Fig. 9. Part of surface of test, slightly enlarged. Fig. 10. Part of surface of test in deeply pigmented form (No. 12), under a Coddington lens. PLATE CYN. I. Fig. 1. Group of 14 specimens of Boltcnia pachydermatina, Herdm., adhering together by the base of their stalks, slightly less than half nat. size. 120 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Fig. 2. Small piece of branchial sac, to show spicules. S. }. Fig. 3. Dorsal tubercle of adult B. pachydermatina. S. 1. Fig. 4. Dorsal tubercle of B. . Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 6. Plan of the transverse vessels of the branchial sac. PLATE CYN. VI. Fig. 1. Microcosmus Pamsayi, n. sp., large specimen from right side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Clump of four specimens adhering, nat. size. Fig. 3. A smaller specimen from left side, nat. size. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac from inside. 8. 1. Fig. 5. Branchial siphon, dorsal tubercle, and tentacles, enlarged with lens. Fig. (i. Microcosmus ftjfinis, Heller, nat. size. Fig. 7. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. S. Dorsal tubercle. 8. 1. Fig. 9. Molt/ulii recumbens, n. sp., from left side, nat. size. Fig. 10. Same species, with test removed, from right side, nat. size. Fig. 11. From left side, nat. size. Fig. 12. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 13. The dorsal tubercle. S. 1. PLATE CYN. VII. Figs. 1 — 3, Cynthia pr&putialis, Heller. Fig. 1. Ci/nt)iia prteputialis, Heller, specimen B, one-third nat. size. Fig. 2. The same, specimen A, one-third nat. size. Fig. 3. The same, specimen C, one-half nat. size, with part of test cut out to show cavity in which body lies and pad-like fold at anterior end. 128 EXPLANATION OF PLATER. Figs. 4 — 10, Cynthia molguloides, n. sp. Fig. 4. Cynthia molguloides, n. sp., from the right side, nat. size. Fig. 5. The same, test removed, nat. size. Fig. 6. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 7. The dorsal languets. S. 1. Fig. 8. The dorsal tubercle, enlarged with lens. Fig. 9. Alimentary canal and left gonad, a little enlarged. Fig. 10. The right gonad, a little enlarged. PLATE CYN. VIII. Fig. 1. Cynthia solanoides, n. sp., right side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Some of the small tentacles on the test at the inner end of the branchial siphon. S. 1. Fig. 3. Some of the spines on the test near the outer end of the branchial siphon. S. ^. Fig. 4. Part of a section of the test showing vessels. S. 1. Fig. 5. The body with the test removed, nat. size. Fig. 6. Part of the branchial sac from the inside. S. 1. Fig. 7. The dorsal tubercle, a little enlarged. PLATE CYN. IX. Fig. 1. Cynthia multiradicata, n. sp., from left side, attached to a large Styela Whiteleggii, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1, Fig. 3. Dorsal tubercle, enlarged with lens. Fig. 4. Dorsal languets. S. 1. Fig. 5. The spines in lining of branchial siphon. S. ^. a, in situ ; b, a spine isolated ; c, in profile. Fig. 6-. Cynthia crinitisteliata, n. sp., branchial aperture, slightly enlarged. Fig. 7. Stellate hairs on the test of Cynthia crinitislellatat, in profile. S. 1. PLATE CYN. X. Fig. 1. Cynthia spinifera, n. sp., from right side, nat. size. Fig. 2. The same from posterior end, to show base of attachment. Fig. 3. Body after removal of test, nat. size. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac, from inside. S. 1. Fig. 5. Dorsal tubercle. Figs. G, 7, and 8. Branched spines from the surface of the test, S. 1. EXPLANATION OP PLATES. 129 Fig. 9. Spine from test of Cynthia villosa, Stimps., from Puget Sound. Fig. 10. Spine from test of Cynthia echinata, L., from British seas. Fig. 11. Tentacle of C. spinifera. Fig. 12. Same in lateral view. Fig 13. Cynthia crinitistellata, n. sp., nat. size. PLATE CYN. XI. Fig. 1. Cynthia cataphracta, n. sp., between two specimens of Styela personata, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 2. Small specimen of Cynthia cataphracta, nat. size. Fig. 3. Thin section of surface layer of test, showing globular spicules in situ. S. 1. Fig. 4. Isolated spicules, showing development. S. J. Fig. 5. Small part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 6. Dorsal tubercle, tentacle, and dorsal languets, enlarged with lens. Fig. 7. Partial diaphragm at base of atrial siphon. Fig. 8. Cynthia crinitistellata, n. sp., dorsal languets. S. 1. Fig. 9. Part of branchial sac of same species. S. 1. Fig. 10. Surface view of test of same species, showing the stellate hairs. S. 1. PLATE CYN. XII. Fig. 1. Styela pinguis, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 2. Other specimens of same species, nat. size. Fig. 3. Section of test, showing vessels, &c. S. 1. Fig. 4. Spines on test in branchial siphon. S. ^. Fig. 5. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 6. Part of dorsal lamina. S. 1. Fig. 7. Dorsal tubercle, enlarged with lens. Fig. 8. The alimentary canal, nat. size. Fig. 9. The gonads on the right side, nat. size. Fig. 10. Some of the spermatic vesicles. S. 1. PLATE CYN. XIII. Fig. 1. Specimen of Styela Etheridyii, n. sp., from the left side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of the branchial sac. S. 1 Fig. 3. Dorsal tubercle of one specimen. S. 1. Fig. 4. Another of the same. S. 1, 130 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. Fig. 5. Another of the same. S. 1 . Fig. 6. Another of the same. S. 1. Fig. 7. Another of the same. S. 1. Fig. 8. Dissection to show the alimentary and reproductive viscera, about nat. size, at., atrial aperture; e., endocarp of con- nective tissue ; i., intestine ; l.g., left gonad ; r.g., right gonad ; st., stomach. PLATE CYN. XIV. Fig. 1. Styela Whitelcggii, n. sp., from right side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Another specimen, reduced to half nat. size to show shape and large roots. Fig. 3. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 4. Dorsal tubercle and tentacles, slightly enlarged with lens Fig. 5. Part of surface of dorsal tubercle, magnified to show scattered openings. S. 1. Fig. 6. Dissection to show rectum and reproductive organs, slightly enlarged, a, anus ; At, atrial aperture ; e, gelatinous pads of connective tissue; g, gonad, and d, one of its ducts; r, rectum. PLATE CYN. XV. Fig. 1. Sti/ela • pcrsouata, n. sp., nat. size. Figs. 2 and 3. Outlines of two other specimens, nat. size. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 5. Tentacles of same species, showing the three sizes. S. 1. Fig. 6. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 7. Dorsal tubercle of another specimen. Fig. 8. Sti/ela stolonifcra, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 9. Dissection of posterior end of test, nat. size. Fig. 10. Dorsal tubercle. Fig. 11. Part of branchial sac. PLATE CYN. XVI. Fig. 1. Polycarpafungiformis, n. sp., nat. size Fig. 2. Body of same, from other side, nat. size. Fig. 3. The same, with test removed, nat. size. Fig 4. Group of polyearps in situ, slightly enlarged. Fig. 5. Two polyearps attached to the mantle, enlarged. Fig. 6. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 7. A few stigmata, to show muscle fibres. S. %. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 131 Fig. 8. Part of branchial sac from outside, to show papillae. S. 1. Fig. 9. Part of dor-sal lamina. S. 1. Fig. 10. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. PLATE CYN. XVII. Fig. 1. Polycarpa steplienensis, n. sp., from left side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 3. Dorsal tubercle and tentacles, slightly enlarged. Fig. 4. Alimentary canal and polycarps of left side, nat. size. Fig. 5. Polycarps of right side of mantle, nat. size. Fig. 6. Polycarpa Sluiteri, n. sp. (see PI. Cyn. IV., tig. 1, P1-), part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 7. The dorsal tubercle. Fig. 8. Some of the tentacles. Fig. 9. Polycarps from the mantle. S. £. PLATE CYN. XVIII. Fig. 1. Three specimens of Polycarpa viridis, Herdm., attached to a specimen of P. rigida, Herdm., nat size. Fig. 2. Dorsal tubercle of Polycarpa ri/jida. S. 1. Fig. 3. Another specimen of same. S. 1. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac and dorsal lamina of P. riyida. S. 1. Fig. 5. Stalked sandy specimen of P. viridis, nat. size. Fig. 6. Dorsal tubercle of P. viridis. S. 1. Fig. 7. Another sand-encrusted /*. viridis, nat. size. Fig. 8. Small part of branchial sac, highly magnified, to show out- growths from vessels and vesicular structure of bar. S. -£. Fig. 9. Tentacles of P. viridis. S. 1. Fig. 10. Atrial tentacles. S. 1. PLATE CYN. XIX. \ Fig. 1. Polijcarpa sacciformis, n. sp., left side, nat size. Fig. 2. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 3. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 4. Part of tentacular circlet, enlarged with lens. Fig. 5. Polycarpa longisiplwuica, Herdm., nat. size. Fig. 6. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 7. Polycarpa Jacksoniana, n. sp., right side, nat. size. Fig. 8. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 9. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. 132 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE CYN. XX. Fig. 1. Polycarpa aurata, var. plana, nov., right side, nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 3. Tentacles and dorsal tubercle, slightly enlarged. Fig. 4. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 5. Some of atrial tentacles. S. 1. Fig. 6. Polycarpa attollcns, n. sp., right side, nat. size. Fig. 7. Part of branchial sac. S. 1. Fig. 8. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 9. Dorsal tubercle of Polycarpa tinctor, Quoy and Gaimard. S. 1. PLATE MOL. I. Fig. 1. Molcjula mollis, n. sp., about nat. size. Fig. 2. Body removed from test, from left side, nat. size. Fig. 3. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 4. Dorsal tubercle and enormous hypophysial gland. S. 1. Fig. 5. Molgula sydncyejisis, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 6. Body removed from test, from left side, nat. size. Fig. 7. Body removed from test, from right side, nat. size. Fig. 8. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 9. Dorsal tubercle and tentacles, enlarged. Fig. 10. Ascopera nana, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 11. Body removed from test, from left side, nat. size. Fig. 12. Part of branchial sac from inside. S. 1. Fig. 13. Dorsal tubercle. S. 1. Fig. 14. A large tentacle. S. 1. PLATE DIST. I. Fig. 1. Colella tenuicaulis, Herdm., nat. size. Fig. 2. Group of four individuals of C. temiicaulis, half nat. size. Fig. 3. A small part of Ascidiarium of one of these, showing the arrangement of the Ascidiozooids, slightly enlarged. Fig. 4. Four individuals of C. tenuicaulis, nat. size. Fig. 5. Part of Ascidiarium of large specimen of C. tenuicaulis. Fig. 6. Another of same. Fig. 7. Part of peduncle and stolon of C. tenuicaulis. Fig. 8. Another stolon of same, nat. size. Fig. 9. Four individuals, reduced and part of peduncle omitted. Fig. 10. Small individual of C. tenuicaulis. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 133 Fig. 11. Group of five individuals, of which three are very young, reduced. Fig. 12. Part of branchial sac. S. ^. Fig. 13. Dorsal languets. Fig. 14. Part of section of test, showing an ectodermal process. Fig. 15. Circle of tentacles and dorsal tubercle. Fig. 16. Another circle of tentacles, in which 12 are present. PLATE DIST. II. Fig. 1. Colony of Colella plicata, Herdm., nat. size. Fig. 2. Another colony, with much-convoluted Ascidiarium Fig. 3. Small colony, showing connection or junction at c. Fig. 4. Fan -shaped colony, showing delicate membrane between the branches. Fig. 5. Small part of last, enlarged to show arrangement of Ascidio- zooids. Fig. 6. Colony, showing junction at c. Fig. 7. Two colonies, with distinct bases, joined at c. Fig. 8. Small colony, with long, slender peduncle. Fig. 9. Piece of small colony, showing two connections at c. Fig. 10. Very irregular colony. Fig. 11. Small massive colony. Fig. 12. An Ascidiozooid of C. plicata, measuring 2 mm. in length and 0-5 mm. in breadth. S. 1. Fig. 13. Part of section through peduncle, showing test and ectodermal vascular appendages, v. Fig. 14. Part of section of test, showing bladder cells and pigment cells. S. i Fig. 15. Part of branchial sac, with dorsal languets. PLATE DIST. III. Fig. 1. Group of colonies of Colella claviformis, Herdrn. Fig. 2. Another colony of unusual shape. Fig. 3. Another colony, with Ascidiozooids more distinct. Fig. 4. A colony in median, vertical section. Fig. 5. Section of the test. Fig. 6. Section of test of another colony, where yellow pigment cells are more abundant. Fig. 7. Outline of long, slender Ascidiozooid, 5 mm. in length. 134 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Fig. 8. Outline of shorter Ascidiozooid, 1 mm. in length, with two embryos in incubatory pouch. Fig. 9. Outline of another similar Ascidiozooid, 3 mm. in length and 2 mm. in greatest breadth. Fig. 10. Outline of another larger Ascidiozooid, with very long pedicle between thorax and abdomen. Fig. 11. Piece of branchial sac. Fig. 12. Piece of branchial sac of Ascidiozooid from another colony. Fig. 13. One of the dorsal languets. Fig. 14. Piece of an ectodermal vascular appendage, showing branch- ing S. 1. Fig. 15. End of another appendage, showing young branches growing out into test. S. 1. PLATE PCL. I. Fig. 1. Amaroucium rotundatwn, n. sp., colony, reduced in size. Fig. 2. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 3. Three of the very long dorsal languets. Fig. 4. An Ascidiozooid. Fig. 5. Polyclinum clava, n. sp., colony, nat. size. Fig. 6. An Ascidiozooid. Fig. 7. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 8. Some of the short, stout, close languets. Fig. 9. Polyclinum deprcssum, colony, nat. size. Fig. 10. An Ascidiozooid. Fig. 11. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 12. Some of the small tentacular languets. Fig. 13. Polyclinum (?) nigriim, n. sp., colony, nat. size. Fig. 14. An Ascidiozooid, showing especially the alimentary canal. Fig. 15. Part of test. Fig. 16. Part of branchial sac and dorsal languets. PLATE PCL. II. Fig. 1. Polyclinum yiy ante um, n. sp., colony, nat. size. Fig. 2. Larger colony of the same species. Fig. 3. Polyclinum ylobosum, n. sp., colony, slightly reduced, surface view. Fig. 4. Another colony in section, to show Ascidiarium and peduncle and the position of the ascidiozooids, nat. size. EXPLANATION OP PLATES. 135 Fig. 5. Ascidiozooid from last colony, enlarged. Fig. 6. Two of the tentacular dorsal languets. Fig. 7. Small part of the branchial sac. Fig. 8. A tailed larva from the colony. PLATE PCL. III. Fig. 1. Polyclinum fuscum, n. sp., colony, nat. size. Fig. 2. Ascidiozooid of same, with larvae in incubatory pouch. S. 1. Fig. 3. Part of test, showing bladder cells containing crystals, and brown pigment masses. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 5. Dorsal languets. Fig. 6. Circlet of tentacles from the branchial sac. Fig. 7. Amaroucium protectans, n. sp., colony on the back of a Dromia, nat. size. Fig. 8. Ascidiozooid from same. Fig. 9. Series of dorsal languets. Fig. 10. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 11. Amaroucium anomalum, n. sp., colony, nat. size. Fig. 12. Some of the dorsal languets. Fig. 13. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 14. Ascidiozooid. Fig. 15. Part of the branched gland from the intestine. Fig. 16. Part of the test, showing the system of branched " vessels." PLATE, PCL. IV. Fig. 1. Colella cyanea, n. sp., one-half nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of test. Fig. 3. Ascidiozooid. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 5. Dorsal languets. Fig. 6. Circle of tentacles from the branchial siphon. Fig. 7. Amaroucium distomoides, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 8. Section through edge of colony. Fig. 9. Part of test, showing a vascular stolon. Fig. 10. Masses of yellow pigment in mantle of post-abdomen. Fig. 11. Ascidiozooid. Fig. 12. Part of branchial sac and dorsal languets. Fig. 13. Dorsal tubercle and tentacles. 136 EXPLANATION OP PLATES Fig. 14. Polyclinum pnmum, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 15. Ascidiozooid. Fig. 16. Part of branchial sac and dorsal languets. PLATE PCL. V. Fig. 1. Psammaplidium solidum, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 2. Section of test of same. S. 1. Fig. 3. An ascidiozooid. Fig. 4. Three of the branchial tentacles. Fig. 5. Part of the branchial sac. Fig. 6. Small colony of Psammaplidium lobatum, n. sp. Fig. 7. Large colony of Psammaplidium lobatum. Fig. 8. An Ascidiozooid. Fig. 9. Three of the dorsal languets. Fig. 10. Part of the surface layer of test. Fig. 11. Small part of the branchial sac. Fig. 12. A tailed larva from the peri-branchial cavity. PLATE PCL. VI. Fig. 1. Psammaplidium incrustans, n. sp., nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 3. Dorsal languets. Fig. 4. Part of the colony seen in section, nat. size. Fig. 5. An Ascidiozooid. Fig. 6. A tailed larva from the peri-branchial cavity. Fig. 7. Psammaplidium peclunculatum, n. sp., three colonies, nat. size. Fig. 8. An Ascidiozooid. Fig. 9. Part of the branchial sac and dorsal languets. Fig. 10. Psammaplidium fragile, n. sp. Fig. 11. Part of the colony in section, nat. size. Fig. 12. An ascidiozooid. Fig. 13. Part of branchial sac, ventral edge. Fig. 14. Branchial aperture and circle of tentacles. PLATE DID. I. Fig. 1. Leptoclinmn fimbriatum, n. sp., colony, nat. size. Fig. 2. A common cloacal aperture, enlarged with lens. Fig. 3. Part of the test, showing spicules and an ectodermal process, magnified. Fig. 4. Section through the colony, showing Ascidiozooids and spicules. S. 1. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 137 Fig. 5. Calcareous spicules from the test, highly magnified. Fig. 6. An Ascidiozooid, showing the course of the alimentary canal. Fig. 7. Muscle bundles in the mantle over the thorax. Fig. 8. Part of the branchial sac, from a section. PLATE Dm. II. Fig. 1. Leptoclinum incanum, n. sp. , several colonies, nat. size. Fig. 2. Calcareous spicules from the test, magnified. Fig. 3. Part of the surface, showing two common cloacal apertures. and a number of branchial apertures, enlarged with a lens. Fig. 4. Part of the branchial sac, magnified. Fig. 5. The alimentary canal. Fig. 6. The anterior end of an Ascidiozooid in section showing tentacles, dorsal tubercle, dorsal languet, &c. , magnified. Fig. 7. Leptoclinum patulum, n. sp. , colony, nat. size. Fig. 8. Part of the surface showing the arrangement of the Ascidio- zooids, enlarged with lens. Fig. 9. Arrangement of the spicules around the branchial aperture of an Ascidiozooid. Fig. 10. Small part of the branchial sac. Fig. 11. Part of the test in section. Fig. 12. The alimentary canal. PLATE PST. I. Fig. 1. Colony of Chorizocormus sydncyensis, Herdm., nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of test. Fig, 3. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 4. Part of branchial siphon, to show dorsal tubercle. Fig. 5. Alimentary canal. Fig. 6. Part of wall of intestine, showing digestive tubules. Fig. 7. Polycarps containing ova. Fig. 8. Colony of Chorizocormus snbfuscus, Herdm., nat. size. Fig. 9. Part of section of same, showing branchial sac, &c. Fig. 10. Branchial siphon from inside. Fig. 11. A polycarp containing ova. PLATE PST. II. Fig. 1. Colony of Chorizocormus Icucophaeus, Herdm., nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of mantle. Fig. 3. Part of branchial sac. 138 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Fig. 4. Branchial siphon from inside. Fig. 5. Atrial siphon from inside. Fig. 6. Alimentary canal. PLATE PST. III. Fig. 1. Part of a colony of Goodsiria lapidosa, Herdin. Fig. 2. Another colony of same. Fig. 3. Part of test, showing vessels, test cells, and imbedded foreign bodies. Fig. 4. Part of vessel from test. Fig. 5. Part of mantle. Fig. 6. Part of branchial sac. Fig. 7. Graphic formula of branchial sac. Fig. 8. Alimentary canal. Fig. 9. Digestive tubules from wall of intestine. Fig. 10. Tentacles and dorsal tubercle. Fig. 11. Part of polycarp, showing ova and sperm sacs together. Fig. 12. Group of sperm sacs and ducts, separated out. PLATE EOT. I. Fig. 1. Colony of Botnjlloidcs Icptum, n. sp., variety, nat. size. Fig. 2. Part of test of same, showing vessels and pigment cells. S. J. Fig. 3. Part of mantle, showing muscle fibres and pigment cells. S. \. Fig. 4. Part of branchial sac of same form. S. 1. Fig. 5. Colony of Botrylloides leptum, nat. size. Fig. 6. Part of very young Ascidiozooid occurring in a section and showing the ova, and the young longitudinal bars of the branchial sac. S. ^. Fig. 7. Section of the edge of the test. S. £. Fig. 8. Section of another part of the test. S. J. Fig. 9. Ventral edge of branchial sac, showing endostyle. Fig. 10. Another part of branchial sac, near dorsal lamina. Fig. 11. Alimentary canal of same species. Fig. 12. Branchial siphon from the inside, showing the 4 large and 4 small tentacles and the dorsal tubercle, &c. S. •§-. Fig. 13. Longitudinal section through stomach showing the folds. S. %. PLATE BOT. II. Fig. 1. Colony of Sarcobotrylloides jacksonianum, n. sp. Fig. 2. A common cloacal aperture from same colony. S. ^. Fig. 3. Section of test. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 139 Fig. 4. Small part of section of test, highly magnified, showing the ova and young buds in the vessels. S. ^. Fig. 5. Young buds in vessels of test. S. •£. Fig. 6. Part of the branchial sac, from endostyle to dorsal lamina. S. 1. Fig. 7. Ascidiozooid from left side. Fig. 8. Branchial siphon from inside, to show tentacles. Fig. 9. Colony of Sarcobotrylloides anceps, n. sp., adhering to colonies of Polyzoa. Fig. 10. Part of the branchial sac and interior of branchial siphon. S. 1. Fig. 11. Part of mantle, to show masses of purple pigment cells. Fig. 12. Part of section of test. Fig. 13. Alimentary canal. S. J. PLATE BOT. III. Fig. 1. Colony of Sarcobotrylloides pannosum, n. sp., less than nat. size. Fig. 2. Ascidiozooids of same, with alimentary canal showing through. Fig. 3. Part of the branchial sac near the dorsal edge, showing irregular stigmata. Fig. 4. More regular part of the branchial sac. Fig. 5. Branchial siphon, &c. , from the inside. Fig. 6. Stomach in surface view, showing caecum and folds, in Sarcobotrylloides purpureum. Fig. 7. Stomach of the same in oblique section, showing folds. Fig. 8. Colony of Sarcobotrylloides purpureum, nat. size. Fig. 9. Part of a section showing the vessels near the surface of the test. S. 1. Fig. 10. Colony of Sarcobotrylloides pnrrjitreum, nat. size. THE END. n BY T. DOBB & CO., BROWJfLOW HILL, I.IVKHl'OOI,. Austr. Bins. Tunicata. Anler-ior Plate A. m.b m .1: -lilt W.A.H. del. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Fig. 1. Plate B. Fig. 5. of. Fig. 6 Fig. 8. . vise Posterior W.A.H. del. Anstr. Wins. Tunicata. Fig. 1. Plate C. W.A.H. del. Fiij. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Austr, Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Clav. I. Fig. 9. Fig. 11 W.A.H. del. STEREOCLAVSLLA AUSTBAIJS. Austr. lYIus. Tunicata. Plate, Clav. II. Fig. 1. Fig. 5. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 6 f .V. .\ • \ . • :--^~ • -. ---\--tr. Fig. 7. AT.A.H. del. PODOCLAVELLA. MERIDIONALIS, Herdm. STERBOCLAVELLA SP. Austr. Bus. Tunicata. Plate, Asc. I. Fig. 1. Fig 2 Fig. 7, Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Fig. 6 W.A.H. del. CIONA AND ASCIDIA, Austr. IKIus. Tunicata. Plate, Asc II. Fig. 1. Fig. 2 -•-.•• i r, ex-" fcSi5£>*-;3 ." ' Fig. 3. y & _Vf -., Fig. 4. Fig. 1. Fig. 6 _ O 0 Fig. 8 - :- Fig. 10. W.A.H. del. ASCIDIA PHALLUSIOIDES, n. sp. str. Mus.Tunicaha Plate Cyn. • • It/A H_<7,-/ .&,.< 2 SB..* BOLTENIA PACHYDERMAl INA.n Austr. Wins. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. !l, At. W.A.H. del. BOLTBNIA TUBERCULATA, Herdm. Austr. Mus. Tunicata Plata, Cyn. III. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. W,A.H del. MICROCOSMUS DBASCHII, Herdm. Plate, Cyn, iv. Asa'dift. Fig. 4, Fig. 3. W.A.H. del. MICROCOSMUS DRASCHII, Herdm. Austr, Mus. Tunicata Plate, Cyn. V Fig. 1. Fig. 4. |A n ' ' ' Fiij. 3. 77"-"r^'~ - " i ii ifM h^nfflr, r .;! I; I .(. '• :; "' ' " 111 < ^^iili .,.,-. L- • I ' . If! I: \ * t If* i i in i ;; 1 i • , ' I ' i s| . ' §^M& Flo. 5. K[| W.A.H. del. MICEOCOSMUS AUSTRALIA n. sp. : tr Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 8. Fig. 6 1 • . Fig. 9. Fig. 4. -brsi. Fig. 11. ' W.A.H d-el. Fig. 12. Figs. 1-5.-MICBOCOSMUS RAMSAYI, n. ep. Figs. 6--8.-MICROCOSMUS AFFINIS, Heller. Figs. G-13.-MOLGULA BECUMBBNS, n. sp. Fig. 13. Austr. Wlus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. VII. Fig. 1. Fig. 8 Fig. 2. Fig. 3. W.A.H del. *ft§0*i Fig. 4. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 5. br.f. Fig. 7. F'Q6 Figs. 1-3-CYNTHIA PR^PUTIALIS, Heller, Figs. 4-1O-CYNTHIA MOLGULOIDBS, n. sp. ikustr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. VIII. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. -, Fiq. 3. x^' -,,-r: >• • ; V;-. '• ' • '> Fig. 5. Fig. 4. _ ^"- — . . ',• j jyuyv T" mffl i •^^---^-^ .fr-..-i; ^^^,SK^_ : . ^ _ — - i^iAH Fig. 7, /I L^ . • •• • I ^Tf^jQUlM PBR'A'A^.'A'jS r\ r> ^, '"•>,' i"^^^^**^**5***' W.A.H. del. Fig. 6. CYNTHIA SOLANOIDBS, n. ep. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. IX. Fig. 7. W.A.H. del. Fig. 2. Figs. 1-5. CYNTHIA MULTIRADICATA, n. sp. Fig's 6-7. CYNTHIA CRINITISTELLATA. n. B Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. X. \ '' Fig. 10 Fig. 9. Fig. 8. fflp' ^K& '"A->\&& Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 11. W.A.H. del. CYNTHIA SPINIFERA, n. sp. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn, XI. Fig. 1. Fig. 5. yyuy Fig. 8. Fig, 2. Oo OOOOO Mil H- o {} W.A.H del. Fig. 6 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 7. Fig. 9. . 1-7-CYNTHIA CATAPHRACTA, n. sp. Figs. 8-IO- CYNTHIA CRINITISTELLATA, n. sp. Austr, Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. XII. Fig. 3. Fig, 4. TIM .»-.,-. • -~- U1 / iv - flff) ,.".".. , fe^-.... '. ' "'-. / !; • -, .- STYELA WHITELEGGi!.-. - j. Austr. Wlus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. XV. Fig. 4. Fig. 6. Fig. 11. w • ,' W.A.H del. J Figs. 1-7.-STYELA. PERSONATA, n. sp. Figs. 8-11,-STYELA STOLONIFERA, n. sp. Fig. 8 IrMus.Tunicafa. Plate Cyn XVI .*. ,-, .. ,-,^-f .-; »>. . " . ' '••'-. ... '-•'A- .-. '•- - . • . -.\J. , , H?aii^« Bliliiiilfili IE- SI • I'iiicwi fe iy ', . - ;,'._!•. -1 ' -; , V "rf •••'.- '.V " V H ? ill ' N ! HI ''-S ; •' H'lllS'l/:' "iUJJIHJ ;• $ . • • i1 •' ; B ' iiwiPi SF II : • {' ;j' ,. . •' • ,^.- POLYCARPA FUNG1FORM!S,n.sp Austr. Klus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. XVII, Fig. 1. W.A.H del. Figs. 1-5-POLYCARPA STBPHENENSIS, n. 6p. Figs. 6-9.-POLYCARPA SLUITERI, n. sp. iustr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. XVIII. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. < - •; ''• 0000( : - o o o i } 3 oo 0001 '00 Oi. Of)0<: 60 DO' --\ A r^ A Fig. 4. Fig. 7. Fig. 5. Fig. 10. W.A.H del. Fig. 8. Fig. 9 Figs. 1-4.— POLYCABPA RIGIDA, Herdm. Figs. 5-1O.-POLYCABPA VIRIDIS, Herdm. Austr. Nlus. Tunicata. r' Plate, Cyn. XIX. • m - -. *•"•/•'•'." -. ' •• Wg o-\-'. t . . * . _ ' • •, . -«VH gSte^^ws • '^r r: -:,; *••!•/$&& Fig. 3. Fig. 4. AfV Fig. 9. U-lfl Fig. 2. Fig. 5. Fig. 6 W.A.H del. ]l U u Fig. 8. ;- '"••:• Fig. 7. Figs. 1-4-POLYCARPA SACCIFORMIS, n. sp. Figs. 5, 6.-POLYCARPA LONGISIPHONICA, Herdm. Figs. V.9.-POLYCARPA JACKSONIANA, n. sp. Austr. IB us. Tunicata. Plate, Cyn. XX. Fig. 6 W.A.H del. Fig. 8. Figs. 1-5-POLYCARPA AURATA, var. plana. Figs. 6-8.— POLYCARPA ATTOLLBNS, n. sp. Fig. 9.-POLYCARPA TINCTOR ; Q. & G. lustr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Mol. I. Fig. 1. 0 0 " O o O O Q . >, • e o Fig. 13. A.M. del. MOLGULID^!. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Dist. I. W.A.H. del. Fig. 14. COLELLA. Austr. Hlus. Tunicala. Plate, Oist. II. Fig. 1 mm '. a ? •', COLELLA PLICATA, n. sp. Austr. Nlus. Tunicata Fig. 4. A.M. del. COLBLLA CLAVIFOBMIS, n. sp. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Fig. 1. Plate, Pel. I. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6 ' mTWMJisUHm fm J"A--> )^^^^S^fVWl Fig. 15. Fig. It. Fig. 13. W.A.H. del. Fig. 16. Fig. 14. Figs. 1-4-AMAROUCIUM ROTUNDATUM, n. sp. Pigs. 5-8-POLYCL.INUM CLAVA, n. sp. Figs. 9-12 -POLYOLINUM DBPRBSSUM, n. sp* Figs. 13-16 -(?) POLYCLJNUM NIGRUM, n. sp. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Pel. II. Fig. 4. Fig. 8. W.A.H. del. Pigs. 1-2-POLYCLINUM GIGANTEUM, n, sp Figs. 3-8 -POLYCL.INUM GLOBOSUM, n. sp. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Pel. III. -' " •'---^-' uTTTf Fig. 8. Fig. 7. Fig. 16. Figs. 1-6-POLYCLINUM FUSCUM, n. sp. Figs. 7-1O-AMAROUCIUM PROTBCTANS, n. sp, Figs. 11-16 -AMAROUCIUM ANOMALUM, n. sp. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Pel. IV. Fig. 1. • ' Figs. 1-6— COLELLA CYANEA, n. sp. Figs. 7-13-AMAROUCIUM DISTOMOIDES, n. sp. Figs. 14-16 -POLYCLINUM PBUNUM, n. sp. Austr. Hlus. Tunicata. Plate, Pel. V. Fig. 2. Fig. 1. nnnr Fig. 5. 'V • ^ *^ • - Fig. 7. W.A.H. del. Fig= 11. Fig. 12. Figs. 1-5-PSAMMAPL.IDIUM SOLIDUM, n. ep. Pigs. 6-12-PSAMMAPL.IDIUM LOBATUM, n. sp. Austr. Mus. Tunicata. Plate, Pel. VI. Fig. 8. W.A.H. del v- ) '•' - - - ' Fig. 11. Fig. 14. i.j. 10. Figs. 1-6— PSAMMAPLIDIUM INCBUSTANS, n. sp. Figs. 7-9-PSAMMAPLIDIUM PEDUNCULATUM, n. sp. Figs. 1O-14 -PSAMMAPLIDIUM FRAGILE, n. sp. Austr. Mus. .Tiinioata. Plate, Did. >« Fig. 5. W.A.H. del. Fig. 4. LEPTOCLINUM PIMBBIATUM, n. sp. Austr. Mus, Tunicata. Plate, Did. II. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Q cl.- Q Fig- 4. Fig. 3. Fig. 9. * j ^JL Fig. 8. Figs 10, Fig. 12. Fig. 11. Fig. 6. Fig. 5. ^f ' ; .;/ . :;'.•--•' i • i • ' Fig. 7. W.A.H, del. Pigs. 1-6-LEPTOCLINUM INCANUM, n. sp. Figs. 7-12-LEPTOCLINUM PATULUM, n. sp. mstr. Nlus. Tunicata. Plate, P-st. I. W.A.H. del. CHORIZOCORMUS. \ustr. Blus. Tunicata. Plate, P-st. II. ->&"' Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 4. •oe, •en. W.A.H. del. CHOBIZOCOBMUS. ustr. Nlus. Tunicata. Plate, P-st. III. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. 5; 5^:::/::'-V; ^":;;: '•/.• A::-:- -v.",TTv? • ••'/"' . ••-'. '.. - -> .,'• Fig. 5. ^oy \J \J looo goo-1 1500 ftS 0 JOO JO" o, oloso U !' jji'o w. 1 lood 00( : fiorJ OOf ; p) V v v ooc ii060 00( ( i 000 00! 1 P 0 ;1 ^ ^r,A u ijv v 004 1 I/ lA Hi ac - (K 0( Fig. 6. I. Fig. 12. W.A.H. Fig. 11. QOODSIBIA ftustr. Wus. Tunicata. Plate, Bot. I. Fig. 2. s 'f L' -V0 ' i.. ' t.V •••..Q . •.-, .ii*' ../ Fig. 3. .;' Fig. 4. /u 0 ffl VTL IAA, f Oy*N o v^ 00 -A_^ jv, ]i 4^" l^^^^^^^J Af-^- ill :^^y.oi^ii 0- .• •• ..-- /:'°-; in.. oe Fig. 12 W.A.H. del. Fig. 11. •it. BOTRYLLOIDES. Austr. Nlus. Tunicata. Fig. 12. W.A.H. del. SARCOBOTRYLLOIDBS. Anstr. Bins. Tunicata. --en A.I i Fig. 3. ...il 00001 t )0000( r\ •HtiU Fig. 4. .Cft Fig. 6. ••--st----