DEVELOP KJG ACCESS TO SCIENCE. ENGINEERING. AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA (PROPOSAL / GRANT NO. SP78-02509) January 1979 Final Report December 3| , | 978 DEVELOPING ACCESS TO SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, AND TECHNOLOGY RESOORCES FOR THE GENERAL ASSBHBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA (Proposal/Grant No. SP78-02509) First Quarter SanaarY As discussed in the First Interim Report filed June 30, 1 978, during the first three months of its operation, the North Carolina General Assembly's State Science, Engineering, and Technology (SSET) Program centered its attention on three areas. These areas, which are specified by the time schedule table in the grant application, are: examination and identification of science/engineering/technology issues encountered by past sessions of the General Assembly, projections of future science/engineering/technology issues, and an inventory of science/engineering/technology resources available to the State of North Carolina. In the search for past science/engineering/technology issues, bills from the three most recent biennial sessions of the General Assembly were examined. A table showing the results of the bill examination and various statistical comparisons is attached to this report (Table |). To accomplish the projection of future science/engineering/technology issues, an interview form was mailed to 39 selected leaders or science oriented members of the General Assembly. A table outlining the issue projections received is also attached to this report (Table 2) . The inventory of science/engineering/technology resources available to the State of North Carolina was started in the first guarter of the project and it was completed in the second guarter. An effort will be Bade to begin a continuing relationship betveen these resources and the staff and oembership of the General Issembly; the plan for North Carolina linkage will stress the utility of this type of relationship. Second Quarter Discussion The initial inventory of science/engineering/technology resources available to the State of North Carolina developed during the first guarter of the project has been expanded in tvo major areas during the second quarter. The first area of expansion includes heads of specific State agencies that deal with issues related to science/engineering/technology as a regular portion of their programatic responsibilities. k second area, the community college system, vas also added and this expansion represents the addition of the trade and technical schools found in North Carolina that represent potential sources of science/engineering/technology data. This additional information has been entered into the computerized data storage system along with the previous information in the inventory. Each resource is indexed according to the agency, department, or other head of the group or institution in the inventory and as a result the information may be retrieved accurately and rapidly. The specialized bibliography dealing with the implementation and organization of various approaches to science/engineering/technology linkage with state legislatures which was started during the first guarter was expanded during the second guarter. There are now approximately 48 major publications entered into the computer's storage system and indexed for easy access. Additionally, a summary of the content of each publication is also stored and indexed in the legislature's computer system. Of course, information is also being kept on file on science/engineering/technology sources outside the state. This includes the Model Interstate Scientific and Technical Information Clearing House and access information for the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer. In order to enhance the selection of a science/engineering/technology model for use by the North Carolina General Assembly, the SSET staff examined operating programs in other states which utilized various approaches to providing SSET information for legislators. The staff carefully examined the descriptions of other SSET programs supplied by NCSL staff, and the various types of approaches were viewed in light of the other relevant research data collected in connection with the project. The staff chose to travel to Massachusetts for a first hand examination of their programs and to talk by phone and correspond extensively with Oklahoma to learn about their program. Massachusetts is working on a legislative SSET improvement grant (improvement of significant existing science mechanism) and Oklahoma is working on an SSET development grant (initial experience in working with science mechanism) . Outlines of these state program examinations are attached (Exhibit A and Exhibit B) . It was felt that the information acguired by other states in problem-solving for their programs would be useful to North Carolina in its planning and development of an SSET model. A number of alternative programs and approaches which serve as models for the design of a state flcience/engineering/technology capability enhancement programs have been studied. The basic models examined include the personal research model, the committee model, the task force model, the expert consultant model, the intern staff model, and the professional staff model. The Hassachusetts visit gave insight into the intern staff model and the recruiting, organization, and coordination of science and technology volunteers from universities and industry to assist the legislature. Oklahoma's program combines the professional staff model with some of the best aspects of the other models. The result of the second quarter of program study was that Horth Carolina might be best served by a model which would constitute a hybrid of the professional staff model and the intern staff model. Third Quarter Discussion The third quarter of the SSET program study was devoted to the selection of a model alternative, the design of a Horth Carolina program to provide SET linkages, and the preparation of this final report. As the second quarter discussion indicated, the best choice of a Horth Carolina SSET program design would probably be a hybrid between the professional staff model and the intern staff model. This approach would allow the threshold institutionalization of the SSET concept into the Horth Carolina General Assembly's research system capacity and at the same time would only require a modest economic investment and organizational structure change. Because the Legislative Services Office in North Carolina has no partisan commitments, the professional SET staff would likewise be non-partisan in perspective. The same consideration would also apply to the selection and hiring of technically oriented student interns to augment the program. The professional SET staff would be integrated into, and a part of, the presently existing professional staff structure of the Legislative Services Office. This staff would have duties in addition to those relating solely to the SET program. The imposition of these additional duties on the professional SET staff is necessary because of the modest budget and limited number of staff people available to research issues for the members of the General Assembly. The primary functions of the professional SET staff would be to organize, coordinate, and supervise the technically-oriented interns used in the SET program. Also, the professional SSET staff would be expected to be scientific counsel on a limited basis to the members of the General Assembly and act as a clearinghouse for information flow from SET sources within and without the State. At the threshold level, the overall duty of the professional SET staff would be to act as a conduit for the SET information going to the legislative members and as a coordinator of information transfer from the public and private sectors to the members of the General Assembly. The combination of a professional staff model and an intern staff model has been adopted in part by the Hassachusett's SET program. Like the Massachusetts legislature, the North Carolina General Assembly has a wealth of SET information available from university and private sources well within its geographical area. If the Massachusetts model were adopted, the North Carolina SET program would operate at three basic levels. At the first level the professional staff would serve as a link between legislative inquiries and technical resource people in the private and public sectors. Telephone conversations and correspondance with science/engineering/technology experts would be the main source of information for the legislators. An SET inquiry form could be easily designed for use in providing written responses from the science/engineering/technology experts to the legislative members. The professional SET staff would organize and coordinate university volunteers from science and technological fields to be "on-call" to answer (on an informal basis) SET-related questions from the members of the General Assembly. Industry volunteers could also be used in this way. Accordingly, a directory indicating the name, address, and the area of expertise of the volunteer could be published and made available to the legislators. A preliminary directory has been developed under this planning grant (Exhibit C) . The second level of the SET program would allow deeper probing into the questions and issues raised by legislators than would be possible with the first level. This approach would be designed to set up dialogue between the legislators and specialized science/engineering/technology experts with respect to a given issue. The dialogue sessions might typically range from one hour face-to-face interviews between technical experts and legislators. To promote efficiency through this mechanism, group briefings or seminars could be set up using the SET professional staff as liaison and coordinators for such meetings. The third level of the SET program would be the initiation of technical studies. This approach would be used whenever the first or second levels of operation were not appropriate. Individuals or organizations might foreseeably be asked to make specialized studies in their fields of expertise on behalf of the General Assembly. It is important to note that the North Carolina General Assembly already has a Legislative Research Commission. The committees of the Legislative Research Commission would be set up with a combination of legislative members and non-legislative members, some of whom would be experts in the SET field under review. These committees would conduct in-depth studies of SET issues. The science interns selected to participate in the program would be chosen from the undergraduate and graduate scientific and technical programs in colleges and universities in the State. Presumably a large majority of these interns would be majoring in science or engineering programs. Conclusion If a SET program is inplemented in North Carolina, the above model will be used subject to modification as experience in the program is gained. Although the plan outlined above would involve a minimal level of funding, additional federal financial assistance may be necessary to implement the program. w < w 0) 3 m (0 H W CO M > H n Ci m !u =r in ro t- t- C^l^i m a (N n I ' i I V£>IOn-| -p c Q) 1 U •H U JJ 3 c U OJ c TD o M u itn 6 ri CM w DQ - O ^. o o CO 1 1 1 .H rH •iH 33 b- t". Vi lit; b^ ts r- m t— ^ Ox oo 1 — [^ U-l • f • • • • a^ 0 fM cr n rM lO CN *" '- ■ *" "" rj LO ^ r- c; yD a-. rH =t *" CO ^ ca n «— p? ^13 O US r^ r^ rH >^ r- o CT\ (^ U3 CTi 13 o r~-;ro O 11 00 T 4J 1 to u to H U U iH M 0) o •H 00 ♦ x; •p CQ c 0) u o (X » * d) Vh k Q) U-< 5" o on (0 (U u 0 O c ?g (1) £ ■H u c to 0 o • OJ t-i 0 K (tJ 0) V V ^ to • to CI rH c +J CJ -ol -TJ ■P o 10 Cf c 4J C -H to u 0 OJ 4J <' a, Eh ^1 (0 . L^ ■ V-l o _ 3 -H C 4J O Ml 0^ c C -H !/) dJ O +J 0 -u u c r. c to c fl c E n o •H ■P «0 c en •H to (1) D « TABLE 2 SET* ISSOB PROJECTIOH (Legislative Poll) SET TSSOE OF LBGISLiTORS PROJECTING THE SET ISSUE AS A HAIN CONCERN TO SOCIETY •ledical 5 Health Issues Hazardous Materials Solid Haste Disposal Clean Hater & Air Legislation Resource Recovery 5 Recycling PCB Spills Utility Regulations E ne rg y Drug Abuse Transportation, Hass aath & Science Education Sovernmental Haste Reduction Land Use Policy Shell Fish S Fish Protection Computer Use in State Government OSHA Worker Protection Highway Deterioration Coastal Erosion H0% .16%. 32% _ii% ..Hi. 56% .16%. 16% J*% 4% ii% 8% U% No. of Legislative Leaders Polled - 39 No. of Responses to Poll - 25 ♦Science, Engineering, and Technology EXHIBIT A Massachusetts SSET Program Site Visit On September 15, 1978, Ed McClearen (SSET Researcher) visited the Massachusetts General Assembly SSET Program to take a first- hand look at that State's operation. The following is a basic outline of the structure of the Massachusetts Program: Science Resource Network (Massachusetts Legislature) I. Network Functions A. Inquiry Service 1. Linkage between legislative inquiries and technical resource people 2. Telephone conversations with experts are the main source of information 3. Written responses a. Single-page typed responses b. Statement of question c. Key resource person contacted d. Background of SSET issue e. Response summarized and references B. Dialogue Program 1 . Deeper probing of questions and issues than is possible with the Inquiry Service 2. Dialogue program emphasizes legislative "foresight' as opposed to the more traditional after-the-fact legislative review of proposals and programs 3. Dialogue sessions typically range from one hour face-to-face interviews between technical experts and legislators a. Group background briefings for legislator b. Seminars for specific committees and groups of legislators C. Technical Studies 1 . Used whenever the network Inquiry Service or Dialogue Program is not appropriate 2. Science resource network seeks out individuals or organizations to perform specialized in-depth technical studies 3. Task force team of both legislative and resource people may be formed to coordinate the study and channel it in proper directions II. Network Support A. Information Service 1 . Talent Bank a. University volunteers from science and technology fields b. Industry volunteers from science and technology 2. Resource directory development for legislators use B. Data Base 1. Data bases are comprised of the technical studies 2. Data bases are indexed C. Communications System 1. Film, slide, and video-projection equipment used 2. Use of camera and recorders in field research 3. Electronic response and teleconferencing techniques 4. Interactive computer graphics III. Network People A. Science Interns 1 . College juniors and seniors 2. Graduate students 3. Majority of such students will be majoring in science or engineering 4. University credit may be possible for Science Interns B. Legislative Staff 1 . Internal talent bank 2. Staff briefings as interval part of Dialogue Program C. Visiting Scientists 1 . Temporary assignment to legislature to assist in technical studies 2. Supervision of work of Science Interns 3. Conduct of one or more staff briefings D. Legislative Committee (tentative) EXHIBIT B FIRST DRAFT PROPOSED SSET PROGRAM FOR THE OKLAHOMA LEGISLATURE I. Structural Characteristics A. Organizational accoxintability: Research Coordinator plans and executes SSET program with advice and approval of Legislative Council Director and legislative leadership. B. Organizational Affiliations: 1. Oklahoma Executive Branch agencies 2. University community 3 . State and national SET organizations 4. Private industry. II . Mission Characteristics A. Primary fiinction: provide, via information transfers and impact assessments, reactive and proactive advisory support to the Legislature. B. Secondary functions: 1. Coordinate SSET needs and resources available from governmental, miiversity and private sector sources. 2. Publish newsletter and conduct seminars and workshops. III . Personnel Requirements A. Full-Time Staff: Research Coordinator, two staff members. B. Part-Time Staff: Interns, as needed. C. Technical Advisory Staff: Expert advisory assistance from external institutions, as needed. FIRST DRAFT V. Costs and Funding Suppori: A. Annual Costs: 1. First Year Estimate — $63,600 (Rsch. Coord. — $20,000 Staff (each) - $15,000 Supplies $ 3,600 Travel $10,000) 2. Second and Siobsequent years — $75,000 3. Each additional staff member — $15,000. B. Possible F\inding Support — National Science Foundation, U.S. Civil Service Commission, private foundations, etc. V. Implementation a. First Year: 1. Naming of Research Coordinator (0-4 months) 2. Hiring of two staff members (1 6 months) 3. Development of Impact Assessment Program (4-8 months) 4. Utilization of Resource Inventory and Intern Program, as needed. B. Second and Future Years: 1. Continue fully-operationalized SSET program. 2. Update Resource Inventory, as necessary. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART — LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL SSET PROGRAM LEGISLATIVE COXJNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DIRECTOR, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL DIRECTOR, RESEARCH AND REFERENCE DIVISION RESEARCH COORDINATOR RESEARCH AND REFERENCE STAFF I INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM FLOW CHART — IMPACT ASSESSMENT RESPONSE REQUEST DIRECTOR STAFF, RSCH. COORD., R&R DIRECTOR, LEGISLATOR - AS APPROPRIATE - I COORDINATOR RESEARCH INTERNS AND/OR EXTERNAL INSTITUTIONS 5F YES JOS. LIAISON?S-^ FLOW CHART — INFORMATION TRANSFER YES COMMITTEE LEGISLATOR RESPONSE REQUEST STAFF , RSCH . COORD . , R&R DIRECTOR, LEGISLATOR - AS APPROPRIATE - INTERNS AND/OR EXTERNAL INSTITUTIONS NO RESEARCH L- COOR^INATOR YES EXTRAMURALX_YES Exhibit C Mr. George Allen Allen Western Electric Co., Inc. 3336 Kirk Boad Hinston-Salem, NC 27|06 John L. Allen« Jr. , President Allen Allen Science Research, Inc. 123 W. Seventh Street Charlotte, NC 28232 Dr. Laura G. Anderton Anderton Department of Biology University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC 274 | 2 W.F. Andrews, Jr., Group Vice Pres- Andrews Scovill - Fluid Power Division O.S. Route I Wake Forest, NC 27587 Dr. A. L. Applegate Applegate Mathematics and Science Division St. Andrews College Laurinburg, NC 28352 Mr. Bobert W. Armstrong Armstrong American Textile Manufacturers Institute, Inc. I 50 I Johnston Building Charlotte, NC 28202 Allen J. Arnold, President Arnold and General Manager Onark - Hydraulic Materials Handling Division P.O. Box 9U6, Route 6UE. Zebulon, NC 27597 B. 0. Bach Bach Hanager of Research Ellestad Research Laboratories P.O. Box 795 Bessemer City, NC 280 | 6 John A. Bailey BSc. Ph.D.FIM Bailey Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Eng. P.O. Box 5246 Raleigh, NC 27650 Garza Baldwin, Jr., President Baldwin Olin - Fine Paper 6 Film Group P.O. Box 200 Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Ben Barr and Dean Pennell Barr He Care Builders, Inc. 312 Ninth St. North Hilkesboro, NC 28659 H. W. Bates, Jr. Bates Director of Research Center Liggett & flyers Research Center U. Main Street Durham, NC 27702 Billiam C- Battle, President Battle Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. Eden, NC 27288 Beatty K.O. Beatty, Jr. prof, of Chen. Eng. Dept. of Chem. Eng. HCSO Baleigh, NC 27607 Bingaman D. P. Binganan, Research Adm. Lorillard - Research Division 4 20 English Street Greensboro, NC 27405 * DPn Bixler Dean A. Bixler, Director of R&D cone Mills corporation I 106 Haple Street Greensboro, NC 27405 Boyers Dr. Albert S. Boyers .^rosoace Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering „^^^ii¥v North Carolina State Dniversiity Raleigh, NC 27607 Boyle Dr. Bruce M. Boyle Director of Grants Planning Appalachian State Dniversity Boone, NC 28607 Broughton Mr. Ton Broughton . Business Assistance Division Department of Commerce Raleigh, NC 276| I .^ . Brown President Eugene M. Brown, i-r Hendrix & Dail, Inc P.O. Box 631 Greenville, NC 27834 Aaron Burleson Burleson Assistant Director E5D J. Spencer Love Research Center Burlington, NC 272|5 Dr. Charles Cahill Cahill Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 28401 J.B. Call, President Call Firestone Textiles Company P.O. Box 1278 Gastonia, NC 28052 S.L. Caoacho, President Camacho Technology Application Services Corporation Umstead Industrial Park, Box ||4-Z Raleigh, NC 276 | 2 P. H. Cannon, Facilities Manager Cannon Celanese BSD Lab Fibers Technical Center P.O. Box 10038 Charlotte, NC 28237 Dr. John B.Chaddock, Director Chaddock Center for the Study of Energy Cons. Duke University Durham, NC 27706 Richard T, Chatham, President Chatham Chatham Mfg. Co. Elkin, NC 28621 Clark Dr Dwiqht Clark. ^^ . Jice cilncellor of Academic Affaxrs University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC 27412 Cog Fred A. Coe, Jr., President Burroughs Wellcome Co. 3030 Cornwallis Boad Research Triangle Park, HC 2770y Julie cole, Ass't Grants Coordinator Cole Appalachian State Onxv. Grants Planning Boone, NC 28608 Dr D. W. Colvard, Chancellor university of North Carolina Charlotte, NC 28223 Colvin David P. Colvin, Ph.D. Chief, Engineering Services Branch Biomedical Engineering & Mat. Dept. Becton, Dickinson Research Center Becton, Dickinson and Company P.O. Box 12016 oTTOq Research Triangle Park, NC 27703 jj^^A Cook Dr. Robert E. Cook, Head Department of Poultry Science N.c. State University Raleigh, NC 27607 J.H. corrlgan. Jr., President cocr.gaB RJR Archer, Inc. 220 E. Polo Road Winston-Salem, NC 27J02 Marvin B. Crow Crow Executive Vice President - Mfg. J. P. Stevens & Co., Inc. Gullistan Carpet Division Aberdeen, NC 283|5 J- N. Daniel, Vice President Daniel and Control Groap Manager Square D Co. - Control Group 28 Bingham Road Asheville, NC 28806 U.U. Daniels, Lab Director Daniels Dacron Research Laboratory P.O. Boz 800 Kinston, NC 2850 | Clarence H. Davis Davis Textile Research Services, Inc. 1501 S. Blount Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Dr. Grahan J. Davis, Chairman Davis Department of Biology East Carolina Dniversity Greenville, NC 2783** Dr. D. L. Dean Dean Department of Civil Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Dr. Ray Derrick, Chairman Derrick Department of Biology Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28607 Dr. H. 0. Doggett Doggett I 1 6 General Lab Physical Sciences Research North Carolina State Dniversity Raleigh, NC 27607 P.J. Dolby, «gr. Dolby ICI - Dyes Applications Lab Charlotte, NC 2823 | d'^. L. C. Do^d^ Dowdy Chancellor N.C. Agricultural and Technical State Dniversity Greensboro, NC 27411 Mr. W. Driver, Director Driver Belmont High Power Laboratory Belmont, NC 280|2 Dr. George J. Driz Driz Assistant Director of Besearch Agricultural Experiment Station N.C. State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Dr. Earl G. Droessler Droessler Administrative Dean for Research North Carolina State Dniversity Raleigh, NC 27607 C. Jordin Dulin, President Dulin Martin Marietta - Sodyeco Division P.O. BOX 10098 Charlotte, NC 28201 Dr. Herbert M. Eckerlin Eckerlin Departnent of Mechanical S Aerospace Engineering N.C. State University Baleigh, NC 27607 Dr. J. D. Eyre, Chairman Eyre Department of Geography University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Dean B. E. Fadum Fadaa 229 Riddick North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Dr. Henry A. Fairbank, Chairman Fairbank Department of Physics Duke University Durham, NC 27706 G. E. Falkenberg, General Manager Falkenberg Textile Chemicals Division The Sherwin-Williams Co. Stage Coach Trail S Sherwin Rd. Greensboro, NC 27U09 Franklin Farnam, President Farnam Farnam Hfg. Co., Inc. 2000 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC 28803 Dr. James S. Ferguson Pergasoc Chancellor University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC 27a | 2 Dr. J. K. Ferrell Ferrell I 13 Biddick Department of Chemical Engineering North Carolina State University Baleigh, NC 27607 John E. Field, President Field Cone Mills Corporation 1201 Maple Street Greensboro, NC 27U05 Handley H. Fincher Fincher Director of Product BSD Drexel Heritage Furnishings Drexel, NC 286|9 Dr. John H. Fleming Fleming Interim President Shaw Dniversity Ealeigh, NC 27602 Dr. William C. Friday, President Friday General Administration University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514 H.N. Friedlander, Director Friedlander Technical Operations Monsanto Triangle Park Development Center, Inc. P.O. Box 12274 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Mr. C. E. Garton Garton Brick Association of North Carolina P.O. Box 6305 Greensboro, NC 27405 Dr. Bonnie J. Gillespie, Chairman Gillespie Division of Administrative and Urban Sciences Shaw University Raleigh, NC 27602 Ben Gravely Gravely Gravely Research Corp. 7001 Buckhead Dr. Raleigh, NC 27609 Frank Greenspan, Vice President Greenspan BSD Center - Reeves Brothers, Inc. Harris Blvd. S 1-85 Charlotte, NC 282|3 Donald H. Grubb, President Grabb Huyck Corporation Hake Forest, NC 27587 R. E. Ha'-der, R&D Manager Harder Dow Chemical Company Textured Yarns R&D Lab Mebane, NC 27302 Dr. Elvood S. Harrar, Dean Harrar School of Forestry Duke University Durham, NC 27706 Dr. Donald J. Hart Hart President St. Andrews Presbyterian College Laurinburg, NC 28352 Dr. John R. Hart Hart Ass't. Dean of Engineering for Ext. North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Percy Hatfield, Technical Director Hatfield Celanese -BSD Laboratory Fibers Technical Center P.O. Box 10038 Charlotte, NC 28237 Howard H. Haworth, President Haworth Drexel Heritage Furnishings Drexel, NC 286 | 9 G. H. Hembree, Lab Director Hembree DuPont - Brevard Research Lab Brevard, NC 287|2 George R. Herbert, President Herbert Research Triangle Institute P.O. Box |2|94 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Richard A. Herrett, Technical Hgr. Herrett ICI - Biological Research Center P.O. Box 208 Goldsboro, NC 27530 Dr. William E- Highsmith Highsnith Chancellor University of North Carolina Asheville, NC 28802 t§5 Dr. Tim Hight Hight Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Duke University Durham, NC 27706 Dr. Marcus Hobbs Hobbs Department of Chemistry Duke Oniversity Durham, NC 27706 William D. Hobbs, President Hobbs R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 40| N. Main Street Hinston-Salem, NC 27|02 Dean George B. Holcomb Holcomb Office of Research Administration 01 South Building University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|a Dr. Aaron Hyatt Hyatt Director of Institutional Research Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC 28723 Dr. J- Logan Irvin, Chairman Irvin Department of Biochemistry University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275)4 Dr. James Jenkins Jenkins Assistant Academic Dean for Administration Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Dr. Leo Jenkins, Chancellor East Carolina University Greenville, NC 2783U Jenkins or. i. E. Jenner, Chairman Department of Mathematics University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|U Jenner Dr. Basil Johnson, Chairman Department of Biology Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28607 Johnson Dr. English Jones Chancellor Pembroke State College Pembroke, NC 28372 Jones Dr. E. Walton Jones Associate Vice President for Research and Public Service General Administration University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|a Jones Dr. Lyle V. Jones Vice Chancellor and Dean of Graduate School 202 South Building University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|a Jones Howard A. Kaiser, President Kaiser Burlington Hosiery Company Butlington, NC 272|5 C. H. Karnes, Director Karnes Development & Divisional Liaison Burlington Industries, Inc. 3330 H. Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27420 James F. Kelly, President Kelly Aeroglide Corporation 7 1 00 Hillsborough Boad Saleigh, NC 27606 Hal Kendrick, Chief Research Exec. Kendrick Collins & Aikman Science and Service Center P.O. Box 1599 Charlotte, NC 2820 | Mr. Douglas Kerr, Exec- V. P. Kerr Southern Furniture Hftr. Assn. P.O. Box 2436 High Point, NC 2726| fiichard Kerr and Bill Polfus Kerr Chief Research Executives Reeves - Vulcan Coated Fabrics Div. P.O. Box 431 Rutherford, NC 28|39 W. W. Kirk, Manager Kirk Francis L. LaQue Corrosion Lab P.O. Box 656 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 David E. Klett, Ph.D Kl*.tf Bechanical Engineering Dept. Axett North Carolina AST State Dniv. Greensboro, NC 274 | 2 Daniel H, Koenigshofer v^^^-i^ u * Integrated Energy Systems Koenigshofer 2|| North Columbia St. Chapel Hill, nc 275)4 Mr. Barry Lesley, Director Lesl^v Academic Contracts and Grants i-«s.xey University of North Carolina Charlotte, NC 28223 Lester, Technical Superintendent Lester Hercules - Hanover Plant Laboratory ^esT:er P.O. Box 327 ^ Wilmington, NC 2840| Lester D. Little Lii-i-i» Manager of Engineering j-i-ttxe General Electric Co. - Asheboro Pro. P.O. Box 30 Asheboro, NC 27203 Dr. William F. Little Lif*-i« Vice Chancellor for Development ^ittie and Public Service 2J7 South Building University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|4 Dr. Melvin Liverman Department of Physiology Liverman Medical Science Building Duke University Durham, NC 277|0 C. V. Long, Jr., President Long Engineered Plastics, Inc. 2|4 Chast Street Gibsonville, NC 272U9 Dr. Charles Lyons, Jr. Lyons Chancellor Fayetteville State Dniversity Fayetteville, NC 2830 | Dr. John flcKinney McKinney Dean of Graduate School Duke Dniversity Durham, NC 27706 Roger D. Ueadows Meadows Director Research and Development Dayco - Haynesville Research Center Waynesville, HC 28786 Dr. A. C. Henius, Dean Henius School of Physical & Math- Sciences North Carolina State Dniversity Raleigh, NC 27607 Dr. Isaac H. Miller, Jr. Miller President Bennett College Greensboro, NC 27a02 Stuart G. Miller, Gereral Manager Miller Nuclear Fuel Departaent Miller General Electric Conpany P.O. Box 780 Wilmington, MC 28401 Philip K. Milroy, General Manager Milrov General Electric Coapany nixroy Lighting System Business Dept. Hendersonville, NC 28739 John C. Mitchell, Plant Mgr. Mi+^K«n Fayetteville Plant Lab Mitchell fiohm and Haas Company P.O. Box 630 Fayetteville, NC 28302 Dr. Larry Monteith „ 4. .^,. Dept. of Electrical Engineering Montexth North Carolina State University fialeigh, NC 27607 Dr. John C. Morrow, Provost Morrou University of North Carolina norrow 104 South Building Chapel Hill, NC 275|4 Dr. Richard Morse Department of Biology Horse University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC 274 | 2 Dr. J. Bichard Mowat Assistant Professor of Physics nowat North Carolina State University Baleigh, NC 27607 Raymond J. Mulligan, President Mulligan Liggett & Myers, Inc. 4 I 00 Boxboro Goad Durham, NC 2770U Joseph B. Nelli, Mgr. of Devel. Nelli Ellestad Besearch Laboratories P.O. Box 795 Bessemer City, NC 28016 George Norman, Vice President Norman of Research & Development Burlington Industries Bes. Center Jamestown, NC 27282 E.G. Oppenheimer, President Oppenheimer Wall-Lenk Mfg. Co. Greenville Highway Kinston, NC 2850| Richard G. Orr, General Manager Orr Fairchald Industrial Products Div. |50i Fairchild Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27|05 Dr. David E. Padgett Padgett Department of Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 28401 Dr. Everett D. Palmatier Palmatier Department of Physics University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275| 4 H. H. Parks, Director Parks Engineering Test Laboratory P.O. Box 579 florganton, NC 28655 Dr. £. James Peeler Peeler Dean of Graduate School 104 Peele North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Iver J. Petersen, General Manager Petersen General Electric Company Distribution Transformer Products P.O. Box 2|88 Hickory, NC 2860 J Dr. Samuel B. Pette«ay Petteway President College of the Albemarle Elizabeth City, NC 27909 J. Bailey Phelps, President Phelps Celanese - Fiber Industries, Inc. P.O. Box ia|4 Charlotte, NC 28237 Claude S. Ramsey, President Ramsey Akzona Incorporated P.O. Box 2930 Asheville, NC 28802 Edward L. Rankin, Jr., Vice Pres. Rankin Public Relation - Cannon Mills P.O. Box 7 Kannapolis, NC 2808| M. M. Bicketts, President Ricketts Northrop Carolina, Inc. P.O. Box 3049 Asheville, NC 28802 John Roberts Roberts 3| I N. Pittsboro St. ONC-CH Chapel Hill, NC 275|U Dr. Howard F. Robinson, Director Robinson Research Administration N.C, Agricultural and Technical State University Greensboro, NC 27411 Dr. Leonard Robinson Robinson Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs North Carolina Central University Durhaa, NC 27707 Dr. Preznell R. Robinson Robinson President St. Augustine College Raleigh, NC 27602 Dr. Gerald Rosen Rosen Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 277|0 John C. Buss, Lab Director Euss Edax Laboratories 4509 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 276 | 2 Professor F. Sadek Sadek Natural Science Department iinston-Salea State University Hinston-Salem, NC 27|02 R. E. Salvin, V. Pres. 6 Gen. Mgr. Salvin Aeronca, Inc. - Enviromental Control Group 200 Rodney Street Pineville, NC 28|3a Mr. Terry L. Sanford Sanford President Duke University Durham, NC 27706 Dr. Janes R. Scales Scales President Wake Forest University Hinston-Salem, NC 27|06 Dr. John H. Scalf, Jr., Chairman Scalf Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 28U0| William J. Scharf f enberger, Pres, Scharf fenberger 6 Chief Executive Officer The Duplan Corporation i |0 W. Third Street Winston-Salem, NC 27|02 E. A. Schlaginhaufen, President Schlaginhauf en Dyestuffs 5 Chemicals Division Ciba-Geigy Corporation U|0 Swing Road Greensboro, MC 27U09 Dr. Anton F. Schreiner Schreiner Professor of Chemistry North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Earl E. Schwartzenbach Schwartzenbach Manager of Development Cutler-Hammer-Shallcross Lab Preston Street Selma, NC 27576 Dr. Tom K. Scott, Chairman Scott Department of Botany University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|4 Dr. L. N. Seagondollar Seagondollar 106 General Lab Department of Physics North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27607 Curt Seifart, President Seifart Chadbourn Hosiery Company 7|2 N. Brevard Street Charlotte, NC 2820 | M. D. Sellers, President Sellers Celanese Fibers Company P.O. Box |4|4 Charlotte, NC 28232 Dr. Jason C. H. Shih Shih Departnent of Poultry Science N.C. State University Baleigh, NC 27607 Ms. Marty Shore Shore Office of Besearch Administration P.O. Box 71*23 Hake Forest University Binston-Salea, NC 27|09 Elwin E. Smith, President Smith Lithium Corp. of America 449 N. Cox Road Gastonia, NC 28052 Walter S. Smith, President Smith Entropy Environmentalists, Inc. P.O. Box |229| Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 a. H. Spears, Vice President BSD Spears Lorillard Corporation 420 English Street Greensboro, NC 27405 Dr. Samuel R. Spencer, Jr. Spencer President Davidson College Davidson, NC 28036 L. H. Staples Staples Vice President & General Manager Olin - Ecusta Paper Division P.O. Box 200 Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Rudolph Steinberger, Research Man. Steinberger Hercules Incorporated P.O. Box |2|07 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Fred B. Stencel, President Stencel Stencel Aero Engineering Corp, Airport Road Arden, NC 28704 J. Paul Sticht, President and Sticht Chief Operating Officer E. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. 401 N. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27|02 R.A. Stobbe, Head of Lab Stobbe Kevex-Wood Furniture Division P.O. Box 5400 Statesville, NC 28677 Or. John L. Stokes Stokes Director of Grants and Research University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 2840 1 Charles F. Strandberg Strandberg Strandberg Engineering Labs, Inc. 1 00 I S. Elm Street Greensboro, NC 27406 ?n?^r f*"^*2' sr. Vice President stult^ for Technxcal S Admin. Stultz Celanese - Harketing Technical Dept. P.O. Box J4j4 *^ Charlotte, NC 28237 Dr. c. E. Styron St. Andrews Presbyterian College Styron Laurxnburg, NC 28352 Dr. Halter H. Sullivan ^„,,. Department of Chemistry Sullivan N.C. Agricultural and Technical State University Greensboro, NC 21Hi\ Hs. Dorothy Sulock Acting Director of Institutional Sulock Besearch Oniversity of North Carolina Asheville, NC 2880U A. G. Swan, Director Becton, Dickinson Besearch Center P.O. Box |20|6 Besearch Triangle Park, NC 27709 Dr. N. Ferebee Taylor Chancellor Taylor University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 275|a Dr. Joab L. Thomas Chancellor Thomas North Carolina State Oniversity fialeigh, NC 27607 Dr. Marion I. Thorpe Thorpe Chancellor Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Dr. Daniel E- Todd, Jr. Todd Asst. to Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Pembroke State University Pembroke, NC 28372 William F. Troxler, President Troxler Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box 12057 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 George Underwood, President Underwood Almay, Inc. P.O. Box 748 Apex, NC 27502 United Merchants & Mfg., Inc. United Uniglass Industries Division 535 Connor Street Statesville, NC 28677 Dr. Aleksandar S. ¥esic Vesic School of Engineering Duke University Durham, NC 27706 Dr. William H. Wagoner Wagoner Chancellor University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 2840| Alton Walker, Research Administrator Walker Bartlett Tree Research Lab Hamilton, Rt. | , Box 54 Pineville, NC 28|34 Patricia B. Watson, Dir. of Ada. Watson Hanes - Central Research & Devel. Laboratory P.O. Box 5a|6 Winston-Salem, NC 27|03 Dr. Herbert W. Wey Wey Chancellor Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28607 Dr. Jaaes L. White White Research Grants Coordinator East Carolina University P.O. Box 2787 Greenville, NC 2783U Dr. Albert N. Whiting Whiting President North Carolina Central University Durham, NC 27707 Hugh Whitted, III Whitted Box U44A, Route 2 East Bend, NC 270 1 8 D^. Norman A. Wiggins Wiggins President Campbell College Buies Creek, NC 27506 Or. Kenneth B. Hilliams Hillians President Winston-Salem State University Hinston-Saleo, NC 27|02 J. Tylee Wilson, President Wilson BJR foods. Inc. aO| N. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27|02 Haarice Winger, Jr., Pres. Winger American £nka Company Enka, NC 28728 F^a^^ci^ C. Zernik, Director Zernik Research Engineering 6 Industrial Products Research Kendall Company Textile Lab P.O. Box 1828 Charlotte, NC 28232 Secretary Joseph W. Grimsley Department of Administration Administration Building I 1 6 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 2761 | Commissioner James A. Graham Department of Agriculture Elks Building |2| West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 276 li Secretary D. M. Faircloth Department of Commerce Dobbs Building U30 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 2761 I Secretary A. E. Reed Departnent of Correction 840 H. Morgan Street Raleigh, NC 2761 | Secretary J. Phil Carlton Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Archdale Building 5|2 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 276| | Superintendent A. Craig Phillips Department of Public Instruction Education Building I JU V. Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 276| | Secretary Sarah T. Morrow Department of Human Resources Albemarle Building 325 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 276i J Commissioner John C. Brooks Department of Labor Labor Building 4 W. Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 276J | Secretary Howard N. Lee Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Archdale Building 5|2 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611 Kenneth Kiser, Chairnan Occupational Saffety and Health Review Board Heart of Baleigh Motel 227 E. Edenton Street Raleigh, NC 27611 Secretary Thomas H. Bradshaw, Jr. Department of Transportation Highway Building Corner Hilmington Street and New Bern Avenue Raleigh, NC 276J | Charles L. Wheeler, Director University of North Carolina Higher Education Facilities Comm. 320 H. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 276|| State Board of Dental Examiners Christine Holloway P. 0. Drawer |030 1 4th Floor Insurance Building Room 1002 336 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, NC 27602 State Board of Registration for Foresters Fred M. White, Secretary Duke Station; P. C. Box 4837 Durham, NC 27706 State Board of Medical Examiners Bryant B. Paris, Exc. Secretary 222 N. Person, Suite 2 | 4 Raleigh, NC 2760| North Carolina Board of Nursing Miss Mary McRee P. 0. Box 2|29 Raleigh, NC 27602 North Carolina State Board of Opticians H. L. Bidgeway, Jr., Exc. Secretary P. 0. Box 18206 aaleigh, NC 27609 N. C. State Board of Examiners in Optometry Dr. L. Sidney Christian P. 0. Box 886 Hilliamston, NC 27892 N. C. Board of Osteopathic Examination S Registration Dr. Gary T. Mutch, Secretary-Tres. P. 0. Box 506 Madison, NC 27025 N. C. Board of Pharmacy David R. Work 10| E. Rosemary, P. o. Box a7| Chapel Hill, NC 275|a State Examining Committee of Physical Therapy Mrs. Robert S. Peake, Exc. Sec. 2426 Tryon Road Durham, NC 27705 State Board of Examiners and Plumbing and Heating Contractors F. 0. Bates, Exc. Secretary P. 0. Box 110 Raleigh, NC 27602 State Board of Podiatry Examiners N. F. Coston, Jr., Exc. Secretary 1230 Medical Center Drive Wilmington, NC 28a0| N. C. State Board of Practicing Psychologists Dr. Ben B. Monroe Smokey Mountain Mental Health Ctr. P. 0. Box 280 Dillsboro, NC 28725 Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists 6 Audiologists Dr. Mariana Newton, Chairman 2405-B Patriot Way Greensboro, NC 27408 N. C. Veterinary Board Dr. Dennis Jackson 2028 Owen Drive Fayetteville, NC 28306 Dr. H. B. Monroe Anson Technical Institute P. 0. Box 68 Ansonville, NC 28007 Harvey L. Haynes Asheville-Buncombe Technical Inst. 340 Victoria Road Asheville, NC 2880 1 Janes P. Blanton Beaufort County Technical Inst. P. 0. Box 1069 Washington, NC 27889 George Eesseguie Bladen Technical Institute P. 0. Box 266 Dublin, NC 28332 Dr. Hilliam D. Killian Blue Bidge Technical Institute Flat Bock, NC 28731 D^. B. E. Beam Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute P. 0. Box 600 Lenoir, NC 28645 H. J. McLeod Cape Fear Technical Institute 4| I N. Front Street Wilmington, NC 2840| Dr. Donald W. Bryant Carteret Technical Institute 3505 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 Bobert E. Paap Catawba Valley Technical Institute Hickory, NC 2860 | Dr. J. F. Hockaday Central Carolina Technical Inst. I |05 Kelly Drive Sanford, NC 27330 Dr. Richard Hagemeyer Central Piedmont Community College P. 0. Box 4009 Charlotte, NC 28204 James Petty Cleveland County Technical Inst. 137 S- Post Boad Shelby, NC 28|50 Or. James L. Henderson, Jr. Coastal Carolina Community College 222 Georgetown Road Jacksonville, NC 28540 Dr. J. Parker Chesson, Jr. College of The Albemarle Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Dr. Thurman Brock Craven Community College P. 0. Box 885 New Bern, NC 28560 Dr. Grady E. Love Davidson County Community College P. 0. Box 1287 Lexington, NC 27292 Dr. John M. Crumpton, Jr. Durham Technical Institute P. 0. Drawer ||307 Durham, NC 27703 Charles B. Bclntyre Edgecombe Technical Institute P. 0. Box 550 Tarboro, NC 27886 Howard E. Boudreau Fayetteville Technical Institute P. 0. Box 5236 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Harley P. Affeldt Forsyth Technical Institute 2|00 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27|03 Dr. Joseph L. Mills Gaston College New Dallas Highway Dallas, NC 28034 Dr. Hoodrow B. Sugg Guilford Technical Institute P. 0. Box 309 Jamestown, NC 27282 Dr- Phillip Taylor Halifax Community College P. 0. Drawer 809 weldon, NC 27890 Joseph H. Nanney Haywood Technical Institute P. 0. Box 457 Clyde, NC 2872| Fred J. Eason Isothermal Community College P. 0. Box 804 Spindale, NC 28|60 Dr. Carl D. Price James Sprunt Institute P. 0. Box 398 Kenansville, NC 28319 Dr. John Tart Johnston Technical Institute P. 0. Box 2350 Smithfield, NC 27577 Dr. Jesse L. McDaniel Lenoir Community College P. 0. Box 188 Kinston, NC 2850 | Dr. Isaac B. Southerland Martin Community College P. 0. Drawer 866 Williamston, NC 27892 Dr. 0. H. BlaJce Mayland Technical Institute P. 0. Box 547 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 J. A. Price McDowell Technical Institute P. C. Box 1049 Marion, NC 28752 Dr. Charles C. Poindexter Mitchell Community College West Broad Street Statesville, NC 28677 Marvin Miles Montgomery Technical Institute p. 0. Drawer 579 Troy, NC 27371 Jack Ballard Nash Technical Institute Route 5, Box 255 Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Paul Johnson Pamlico Technical Institute Highway 306 South Grantsboro, NC 28529 Dr. Edward W. Cox Piedmont Technical Institute p. 0. Box I |97 Roxboro, NC 27593 Dr. William Fulford, Jr. Pitt Technical Institute p. 0. Drawer 7007 Greenville, NC 27834 M- H. Branson Randolph Technical Institute P. 0. Box 1009 Asheboro, NC 27203 Kenneth Melvin (Acting Pres.) Richmond Technical Institute P. 0. BOX I 189 Hamlet, NC 28345 J. H. Young Roanoke-Chowan Technical Institute Route 2, Box a6-A Aboskie, NC 279|0 Dr. Craig Allen Robeson Technical Institute P. 0. Drawer A Lumberton, NC 28358 Dr. Gerald B. James Rockingham Community College Wentworth, NC 27375 Dr. Richard L. Brownell Rowan Technical Institute P. 0. Box |595 Salisbury, NC 28|Ua Bruce I. Howell Sampson Technical Institute P. 0. Drawer 3|8 Clinton, NC 28328 Dr. Raymond A. Stone Sandhills Community College Route 3, Box |82-C Carthage, NC 28327 Dr. W. Ronald McCarter Southeastern Community College P. 0. Box |5| Whiteville, NC 28472 Edwacd £. Bryson Southwestern Technical Institute P. 0. Box 95 Sylva, NC 28779 Dr. Charles H- Byrd Stanly Technical Institute Route U, Box 5 Albemarle, NC 2800| Dr. Swanson Richards Surry ComiHunity College P. 0. Box 304 Dobson, NC 270|7 Dr. William E. Taylor Technical Institute of Alamance P. 0. Box 623 Haw Eiver, NC 27258 Vincent W. Crisp Tri-County Technical Institute P. 0. Box ao aurphy, NC 28906 Dr. Donald B. Hohorn Vance-Granville Community College P. 0. Box 9|7 Henderson, NC 27536 Robert H. LeMay, Jr. Hake Technical Institute Route |0, Box 200 Raleigh, NC 27603 Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, Jr. Wayne Community College caller Box 8002 Goldsboro, NC 27530 Dr. Gordon Blank Western Piedmont Community College 1 00 I Burkemont Avenue Horganton, NC 28655 Dr. David E. Daniel Wilkes Community College P. 0. Drawer |20 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Dr. Ernest Parry Wilson County Technical Institute P. 0. Box 4305, Woodard Station Wilson, NC 27893 SUPPLEMENT TO THE REPORT OF THE AIR QUALITY LEGISLATIVE STUDY COmiSSION Ofl IMPLEMENTATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION/MAiriTENANCE PROGRAM TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION 72 OF THE 1979 SESSION APRIL 30. 1980 ^ortl| darolhia 05enpral ^sscmbly ^misr iif HcprcacutatiUfs ^talcigli 27611 CULLIPHER ESS: 102 Christina Avenue WlLLIAMSTON. N. C. 27892 April 30, 1980 COMMITTEES: commercial flshina Vice Chairman LOCAL Government i Vice Chairman appropriations appropriations on Human Resources and Correction* education Law Enforciment Natural and Economic Rbsourcc* TO: The Members 1979 General Assembly (Second Session, 1980) Transmitted herewith is the Supplement to the Report of the Air Quality Legislative Study Commission made on April 30, 1980. This study was conducted pursuant to Resolution 72 of the 1979 Session Laws (House Joint Reso- lution 31). Respectfully submitted, George {PJ. Cullipher, Chairman Air Quality Legislative Study Commi s s ion PREFACE Although the Air Quality Legislative Study Comraission reviewed much of the available literature concerning inspection/ maintenance and heard from experienced administrators and pro- fessionals prior to February 1, 1980, the date on which the Commission's initial report was issued, the compressed schedule did not allow the Commission time to visit existing inspection/ maintenance programs or to gather valuable input from the public. After February 1, the Commission was able to visit existing inspection/maintenance programs and hold two public meetings in Mecklenburg County. These subsequent activities enabled the Commission to finalize its findings and recommendations based on a more complete review of experiences to date in inspection/ maintenance and considerable insight into the attitudes and concerns of those who v/ill be subject to the inspection/main- tenance program in North Carolina. This supplement presents the findings and recommendations of the Commission along with a brief description of the rationale behind the findings and recommendations. In addition, a brief discussion of the air pollution problem in Mecklenburg County which led to the need for inspection/maintenance is included as an appendix. TABLE OF COIJTENTS Page FINDINGS AND RECOIWENDATIONS 1 RATIONALE OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 APPENDIX: AIR QUALITY IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY 10 -1- FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. In areas of the State v/here an inspection/maintenance program is found to be necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act, the inspection/maintenance program should be implemented and operated within the private garage system, i.e., the decentralized system. 2. The annual exhaust emission inspections to be performed through the private garage system in the inspection/ maintenance program should be performed in conjunction with the annual safety inspections. 3. The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles should be the agency responsible for integrating the emission inspection system into the existing safety inspection system and overseeina and enforcing the emission inspections. The N.C. Division of Environmental Management and appropriate local agencies (such as the Mecklenburg County Environmental Health Department) should participate in the design of the inspection/ maintenance program, and these agencies in conjunction with the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles should develop and operate a comprehensive and effective public information program. 4. The N.C. Division of Environmental Management should be the agency responsible for analyzing exhaust emission data, setting exhaust emission standards, and determining air quality trends and exhaust emission trends related to the inspection/maintenance program. 5. The enforcement m.echanism for the inspection/maintenance program should be a windshield sticker system; however, whether the emission test will be included in the safety inspection sticker or whether the emission test will require a separate inspection sticker will be decided by the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles. 6. The exhaust emission test in the inspection/maintenance program should be performed on all registered gasoline- powered motor vehicles operated by any resident, firm, association, or corporation in the nonattainment area except for those vehicles older than twelve (12) model years. 7. All law enforcement agencies having the authority to enforce General Statute 20-128.1, relating to visible emissions (smoke) from motor vehicles, should be encouraged to enforce this statute especially in areas where an inspection/main- tenance program is being implemented. In addition, these agencies should have adequate personnel who have completed the Visible Emission Evaluation Training Course and Certi- fication offered by the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. -2- A raotor vehicle which fails an emission test in an inspection/ maintenance program should not be required to spend more than $50 (fifty dollars) or the minimum cost ceiling specified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, whichever is more ; however, this repair cost ceiling should not apply in instances in which the devices on the vehicle designed specifically for emission control have been deliberately removed, disconnected, or otherv/ise made inoperative. The automobile repair industry (including automobile dealerships, service stations, garages, etc.) in an area where an inspection/maintenance program will be implemented should be encouraged to have personnel properly trained in emission-related repair work. Sufficient funds should be allocated to allow the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles and the N.C. Division of Environmental Management to purchase equipment and materials, hire personnel, or enter into contractual agreements to facilitate the implementation of the inspection/maintenance program. These funds should be sufficient to allow the inspection/maintenance program to begin operation and to continue until the revenue from emission test fees is available to sustain the program. The following appropriations will be necessary to implement the inspection/maintenance program and operate the program until revenue from the emission test fees can support the program: 1980-81 1981-82 Division of Motor Vehicles $325,000 $330,000 Division of Environmental Management 130,000 70,000 Total $455,000 $400,000 Some of these appropriated funds could revert to the General Fund if the State can obtain federal matching funds which may be available to support part of the initial development and implementation of the program. 11. The inspection/maintenance program should not impose additional financial burdens on the local governraents . 12. The General Assembly should enact this year the legislation necessary to implement and fund the recommended inspection/ maintenance program. Legislation is being prepared at the request of this Commission by the Division of Motor Vehicles and the Division of Environm.ental Management in coordination with the appropriate local agencies for introduction by Legislative members of this Commission. -3- RATIONALE OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Note: The following rationales are in the same order as the "FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS." Although each of the alternative approaches for implementing and operating an inspection/maintenance program is associated with specific advantages and disadvantages, the decentralized approach (private garage system) seems to be particularly appropriate for North Carolina since the safety inspection program already exists in the private garages. Such an approach should be more convenient to the motorist by allowing "one-stop shopping" for both the safety and the emission tests. The safety inspection program also provides an existing administrative framework within which the inspection/maintenance program can be implemented and enforced without possibly creating a new governmental organization solely for the new program. In addition, implementation through the private garage system should allow the inspection stations (service stations, garages, etc.) to recover their costs for exhaust gas analyzers which they would need under any alternative in order to perform proper emission repairs. The disadvantages of the decentralized approach relating to enforcement and supervision and data processing should be able to be overcome if sufficient resources are allocated for this purpose. The efforts to supervise and monitor the accuracy and fairness of the emission inspections must be -4- effective and highly visible to assure the public of the efficacy of the inspection/maintenance program. 2. One of the major advantages of the decentralized approach in a nonattainment area in Ilorth Carolina is that the safety and emission inspections can be combined into one test so that the motorists' trips are reduced. If these inspections were separated, a motorist might have to make two trips and the paperwork may be unnecessarily doubled. 3. Since the N. C. Division of Motor Vehicles currently administers the safety inspection and since the emission test will actually become a part of the safety inspection, the natural choice for the administering agency is the Division of Motor Vehicles. 4. A major task of the inspection/maintenance program will be the determination of standards that the different years and makes of motor vehicles will have to meet. The standards will be based to a large degree on the reduction in carbon monoxide emissions that will be necessary to eliminate violations of the national health standard in a timely manner. Thus^ the standards must continually consider air quality trends and reductions in carbon monoxide emissions through other programs. Since the N. C. Division of Environmental Management will be analyzing air quality trends and monitoring the effectiveness of other control programs, the determination of emission standa -3- should be by regulations proposed by this Division for N.C. Environmental Ilanagement Comnission adoption. Since the enforcement of the existing safety inspection program through a windshield sticlcer system has been well established, it is appropriate that the inspection/maintenance program also be enforced through a sticker system. Enforce- ment through the registration system (e.g., denial of registration v/ithout emission test) does not appear to offer significant advantages over the sticker system if the sticker system includes a comprehensive effort by the law enforcement agencies. Gasoline-powered motor vehicles are the main contributors to carbon monoxide pollution, whereas diesel-powered m.otor vehicles, although associated v;ith higher visible emissions, are relatively minor sources of carbon monoxide. A requirement for diesel-pov/ered vehicles to participate in the inspection/ maintenance program would not accomplish a significant reduction in carbon monoxide. Similarly, vehicles which are older than twelve (12) years contribute only a small portion to the total carbon monoxide emissions mainly because these vehicles constitute only a small percentage of the vehicle fleet. Vehicles older than twelve years often account for less than three or four percent of the total miles traveled in an area, and many of these vehicles are ovmed by persons in low-income groups. Thus, inspection/maintenance of these older vehicles -6- might create economic hardships on some persons without producing meaningful reductions of carbon monoxide emissions. Although diesel-powered vehicles and older vehicles will be exempted from the emission test, they are subject to the existing regulation (G.S. 20-128,1) regarding visible emissions (smoke) as are all other registered motor vehicles. A strong enforcement effort of this regulation is an important element in an overall motor vehicle pollution control program, and it assures those who are subject to the emission test that diesel-powered vehicles and older vehicles do their share to control pollution. In order to effectively enforce this regulation, law enforcement agencies must have adequate person- nel trained and certified in recognizing the various degrees of visible emissions. Studies in existing inspection/maintenance programs have shown that the average repair costs for vehicles which fail the emission test are usually about $25 or $30. A great majority of all the repair costs are below $50 with only a small percentage of the repairs reaching over $100. Since most repairs can be accomplished for under $50 and since it is desirable to avoid creating any major economic hardship on vehicle owners, it seems appropriate to establish a repair cost ceiling that provides an adequate range for restorative maintenance work yet assures the public that unreasonable repair work will not be required. However, it is also -7- appropriate that this repair cost ceiling not apply in instances where deliberate removal or other tampering with the emission control devices has occurred or where the oxidation catalyst has been destroyed by the use of leaded fuel. The repair cost ceiling should be set at $50 or the U.S. EPA minimum requirements, whichever is more. Initial reports indicate that the EPA minimum will probably be about $75. Studies in existing inspection/maintenance programs have shown that potential emission reductions and consumer protection are greatly enhanced by a strong effort to upgrade the skills of in-service mechanics relating to emission-related repair work. The complexity and changing character of many emission control systems warrant a concerted effort to assure that adequate training opportunities are available and that the repair industry is aware of the benefits of these opportunities, An inspection/maintenance program requires a substantial manpower and financial commitment to assure that the program is implemented with minimal adverse impact to the community and operated in an efficient and effective manner. Although the program will be self-sustaininq through the emission inspection fees that will be collected, there will be an initial period in which State funds will be required to accomplish public information activities and a voluntary inspection phase and to establish an administrative and -3- enforcement staff. The following costs have been estimated for the Division of Motor Vehicles and the Division of Environmental Management (of the Natural Resources and Community Development Department) : 1980-81 1981-82 Division of Motor Vehicles Personnel $126,000 $183,000 Equipment 122,000 52,000 Other 77,000 95,000 Sub Total $325,000 $330,000 Environmental Management Division Public Information Activities $ 60,000 $ 15,000 Personnel 38,000 41,000 Equipment (Data Processing) 30,000 12,000 Other 2,000 2,000 Sub Total $130,000 $ 70,000 ■^ot^l $455,000 $400,000 The costs in 1980 and 1981 are related primarily to public information activities and the voluntary inspections. Costs in 1981 and 1982 are devoted to establishing administra- tive, enforcement, and data processing functions. The costs identified above are needed to support the program until the middle of 1982 when the revenue from emission inspection fees should begin to support the program. Some of the State funds could revert to the General Fund if the State can obtain federal matching funds to support public information activities, the voluntary inspections, and some -9- other tasks related to the development and implementation of inspection/maintenance. 11. Although inspection/maintenance should reduce carbon monoxide air pollution in one specific county (Mecklenburg) , this program is advocated and specifically required by the federal government. Therefore, any supportive or supplemental funds should be either federal or State funds rather than local funds. This recommendation does not preclude the participation of local agencies in the implementation of inspection/maintenanc but rather it encourages such participation so long as a significant allocation of local funds would not be required. 12. Legislation is necessary to implement and fund the inspection/ maintenance program recommended by the Commission. The legislation is needed this year to provide the necessary lead- in program prior to the deadline for the mandatory phase of the program. -10- APPENDIX AIR QUALITY IN xMECKLENBURG COUNTY Various air pollutants in Mecklenburg County have been monitored for several years by the County Environmental Health Department. The results of the monitoring efforts have shown that the levels of ozone and carbon monoxide have often been above the national standards for those air pollutants. High ozone and carbon monoxide levels often result in urban areas like Charlotte where concentrated motor vehicle activity and industrial processes emit more pollution than can safely be dispersed by natural processes (wind, rain, etc.). Ozone is formed through a chemical reaction involving nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and sunlight. The chemistry of this reaction indicates that the most effective approach for reducing ozone is to reduce the emissions of hydrocarbons. In Mecklenburg County, as in other urban areas of the country, about half of the hydrocarbons come from motor vehicle exhaust emissions while the other half comes from factories, petroleum storage and transfer facilities, and other industrial facilities. The hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles are essentially unburned gasoline vapors, gasoline being composed of several different hydrocarbons. Ozone has been monitored at three locations in the county: downtown at the Environmental Health Department; just north of 1-85 at Beatties Ford Road; and near V7oodlawn Road to the south. At all of these sites the ozone levels have been higher than the national standard at certain times during the year. Some of these ozone levels have been 5 0 percent higher than the ozone national -11- standard, and all sites have experienced ozone levels at least 35 percent higher than the standard. To reduce the hydrocarbon emissions which contribute to the formation of ozone, a set of regulations based on reasonably available control technology has been implemented in Mecklenburg County to reduce emissions from existing stationary sources (petroleum storage facilities, industrial processes, etc.), and even more stringent control regulations apply to new stationary sources. At the same time, the hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles are being reduced as newer motor vehicles v;ith more effective emission control systems replace older vehicles which have higher emission rates. Through these emission reductions from stationary sources and motor vehicles, the exceedances of the ozone standard are expected to be eliminated by the end of 1982. Unlike ozone, carbon monoxide is emitted directly from motor vehicles and, thus, is characterized by significantly different dispersion and transport properties. Over 90 percent of the carbon monoxide in Mecklenburg County results from motor vehicle activity while the remaining portion comes from certain industrial processes, residential v/ood burning, and other sources of combustion Carbon monoxide levels are currently monitored continuously at three locations in Mecklenburg County (at the Federal Reserve downtown, near Park-Woodlawn intersection, and near Central-Sharon Amity intersection) and have been monitored at five other locations. All of the monitoring sites have recorded violations, i.e., carbon monoxide levels above the national standard, v;ith the higher levels beina about twice the standard. These high levels have usually -12- occurred on about 2 0 days out of the year. Since almost all of the carbon monoxide emissions comes from motor vehicles, the strategy to reduce carbon monoxide levels centers around reducing emissions from motor vehicles, although controls on stationary sources, e.g., factories, are also part of the strategy. The greatest reduction in motor vehicle emissions will result from newer cars and trucks with more effective emission controls replacing older cars and trucks with less control- led emissions. Although these new, more controlled vehicles will reduce carbon monoxide emissions by over 4 0 percent between now and 1937, this reduction in emissions will not be sufficient to lower the carbon monoxide levels, i.e., ambient concentrations, to below the standard throughout the year. Further measures will be required. Among these measures, inspection/maintenance v/ill pro- vide the most additional reduction in carbon monoxide emissions. Inspection/maintenance should be able to reduce the 1987 carbon monoxide emissions by another 25 percent v/hich should prevent the national carbon monoxide standard from being exceeded.