Univ. of Toronto N ZOOLOGY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL. Dr. CYRUS ABLER (United States). Prof. H. E. ARMSTRONG (United Kingdom). N. TYPALDO BASSIA (Greece). Pbof. Dr. a. von BOHM (Adsteia). Dr. J. BRUNCHORST (Norway). Dr. E. W. DAHLGREN (Sweden). E. M. DOWSON (Egypt). Prof. A. FAMINTZIN (Rdssia). Prof. Dr. J, H. GRAF (Switzerland). Prof. J. W. GREGORY (Viotobij!^). Dr. M. KNUDSEN (Denmahk). Prof. D. J. KORTEWEG (Holland). Prof. H. LAMB (S. Adstralia). Pbof. A. LIVERSIDGE (New Sodth Wales). Prof. R. NASENI (Italy). Don F. DEL PASO Y TRONCOSO (Mexico). Prof. H. PODJCARfi (Frajjoe). Col. D. PRAIN (India). Prof. GUSTAV RADOS (Hungary). Hon. C. H. RASON (W. Australia). Prof. J. SAKURAI (Japan). R. TRIMEN, (Cape Colony). Prof. Dr. 0. UHLWORM (Germany). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Pbof. H. E. ARMSTRONG. Dr. HORACE T. BROWN. Pbof. A. FAMINTZIN. LEONARD C. GUNNELL. Prof. H. MoLEOD. Dr. p. CHALMERS MITCHELL. Pbof. R. NASLNI. Pbof. H. POINCARfi. Pbof. Db. 0. UHLWORM. DIRECTOR. Db. H. FORSTER MORLEY. REFEREE FOR THIS VOLUME. THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD COMMITTEE. INTERNATIONAL C ATA LUG UE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Eighth Annual Issue. N ZOOLOGY PUBLISHED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL By THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON LONDON : Harkison and Sons, 45, St. Martin's Ijine France: OAmnER-Viu^RS, Paris Germany : R. Frieplander und Sohn, Berlin 1910 (JANUARY) 7^03 [Material received between June 190S and June 1909.] The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature is in effect a continuation of the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientifc Papers which will, when completed, consist of an Author Catalogue and Subject Index covering the period of 1800-1900. Twelve quarto volumes of the Author Catalog'ue covering the period 1800-1883 have already been published; the volumes for 1884-1900 are in course of preparation. The Subject Index will be issued separately for each of the seventeen sciences dealt with in the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, and will be arranged in rfccordance with its Schedules. The volumes fo]- Pure Mathematics and Mechanics are now published. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. Governments and Institdtions co-operatino. in the Production OF THE CATALOaUR. The Governmeut of Austria. The Goverumeut of Belgium. The Government of Canada. The Government of Cuba. The GoveiTiment of Denmark. The Government of Egypt. The Society of Sciences, Helsingfors, Finland. The Governmeut of France. The Government of Germany. The Royal Society of London. Great iiritain. The Governmeut of Greece. The Government of Holland. The Government of Hungary. The Asiatic Society of Bengal, India. The Government of Italy. The Government of Japan. The Government of Mexico. The Goverumeut of New South Whales. The Government of New Zealand. The Government of Norway, The Academy of Sciences, Cracow. The Polytechnic Academy, Oporto, Portugal, The Government of Queensland. The Government of Russia. Tho Government of the Cape of Good Hope. The Government of South Australia. The Government of Spain. The Governmeut of Sweden. The Government of Switzerland. The Smithsonian Institution, United States of Amorica, The Governmeut of Victoria. The Government of Western Australia. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. CENTRAL BUREAU. 34 AND 35, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C. Director. — H. Forster Morlet, M.A., D.Sc. REGIONAL BUREAUS. All commnnications for the several Regional Bureaus are to he sent to the addresses here given. Austria. — Herr Dr. Rudolph AVaoner, Direktor, K. K. Hoflnbliothek, Vienna. Belgium. — Monsieur Louis Masure, Secretaire-General de I'Office International de Bibliographie, Brussels. Canada.— Prof. J. G. Adami, McGill College, Montreal. Cuba. — Prof. Santiago de la Huerta, Havana. Denmark. — Dr. Martin Knudsen, Jens Koefoedsgade 2, Copen- hagen. 0. Egypt. — E. M. Dowscn, Esq., A.I.C.E.. Director-General, Survey Department. Cairo Finland. — Herr Dr. G. Schauman, Bibliothekar der Societat der Wisseuschaften, Helsingfors. France. — Monsieur le Dr. J. Deniker, 8, Rue de Buffon, Paris, Germany. — Herr Prof. Dr. 0. Uhlworm, Enckeplatz, 3a, Berlin, S.W. Greece. — Monsieur P. Calogeropoulos, Boule ton ElU'non, 20 llonior Street, Athens. Holland. — Heer Prof. D. J. Korteweg, Universitat, Amsterdam. Hungary. — Herr Prof. Gustav Rados, viii, Muzeumkorut, Miiegyetem, Buda-Pest. India and Ceylon. — The Hon. Sec, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57, Park Street, Calcutta. Italy. — Cav, E. Maucini, Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo ('orsini. Lungara, Rome. Japan. — Prof. J. Sakurai, Imperial University, Tokyo. Mexico. — Seiior Don Jose M. Vigil, Prcaidente del luatituto Biblio- grafico Mexicano, Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico City. New South Wales. — The Hon. Sec, Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. New Zealand. — The Director, New Zealand Institute, Wellington, N.Z. Norway. — Mr. A. Kiaer, Universitetet, ICristiania. Poland (Austrian, Russian and Prussian). — Dr. T. Estreicher, Sekretarz, Komisya Bibliograficzna, Akademii Umiejgtnosci, Cracow. Portugal. — Senhor F. Gomez Teixeira, Academia Polytechnica do Porto, Oporto. Queensland. — John Shirley, Esq., B.Sc, Cordelia Street, South Brisbane. Russia. — Monsieur E. Ileintz, I'Observatoire Physique Central Nicolas, Vass. Ostr. 23-me ligne, 2, St. Petersburg. South Africa. — Dr. L. Peringuej^ South African Museum, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. South Australia. — The Librarian, Public Library of South Australia, Adelaide. Spain. — Serior Don Jose Rodriguez Carracido, Real Academia de Ciencias, Valverde 26, Madrid. Straits Settlements.^The Director, Raffles Museum, Singapore. Sweden. — Dr. J. A Bergstedt, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stock- holm. Switzerland. — Herr Prof. Dr. J. H. Graf, Schweizerische Landes- bibhothek, Berne. The United States of America. — Dr. Cyrus Adler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Victoria.— Thomas S. Hall, Esq., Hon. Sec. Royal Society of Victoria, Victoria Street, Melbourne. Western Australia.— J. S. Battye, Esq., Victoria Public Library Perth. THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD VOLUME THE FORTY-FIFTH P.EING UECORDS OP ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE RELATING CHIEFLY TO THE YEAR 1908 Compiled by the Regional Bureau? of the I^■TEI!^"ATIONAL CATALiiOiE of SCIEXTIFIC LlTEKATURE ; SUPPLEMENTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON By D. Siunr, H. M. Woodcock, Igekxa B. J. Sollas, C. L. Boli.e.vger, S. Pace, R. Shelford, R. Bowdler Sharpe, and R. Iadkkker SUPERINTENDED BY DAVID SHARP, M.A., F.K8., F.Z.S., &c. Curator in Zoologij, Unlversiiij of (kiinbrldgc. Explorate solum : sic fit via ccrtior iiltiu. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY; SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IX HANOVER SQUARK M.DCCCCX CONTENTS. I. COMPREHENSIVE and GENERAL ZOOLOGY. IL PROTOZOA. IIL PORIFERA OR SPONGL\E. IV. COELENTERATA. V. ECHINODERMATA. VL VERMIDEA : including Gephyrea and Pterobhanchiata. VIL BRACniOPODA and BRYOZOA or POLYZOA. VI I L MOLLUSCA. IX. ARTHROPODA (General). X. CRUSTACEA. XI. ARACHNIDA and MYRIOPODA; ii:c1udii.o- aI>^o Gigant- OSTRACA, EURYPTERIDA, PrOTOTRACIIEA lA, XII. INSECTA. XIII. PROCHORDATA = Tlnicata. Cei'iiai.ocuordata. En i ki:..- PXEUSTA. XIV. VERTEi^,UATA (General). XV. PISCES. XVL KEPTILIA AND BATRACIIIA. XVn. AVES. XVI I L .\L\>LNL\1>IA. ALi'HAr.LriCAi. Index oe New Names oe Genel-a ani' SrnGENEitA, Lisi or A]!I;hk\ LVTioNs and oe Titles oe Joiknai.!?. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION (N) ZOOLOGY (M-10332) N (N) ZOOLOGT. (N) ZOOLOGIE. EXPLANATORY. OwE^G to the great extent of Zoology, and the consequent specialisation that occurs amongst its workers, and because also of the desire that parts of the Zoological Catalogue shall be complete each one in itself, Zoology is divided into " Branches." These Branches, though primarily determined by the natural divisions of the animal kingdom, do not entirelj' correspond therewith, because of the great diii'erence in the extent of the natural divisions. Some of these divisions (Phyla, or Classes) are consequently treated together, while others are divided into more than one Branch. When a division of this kind is adopted, there is also a Branch in which the divisions are still treated together as one whole, viz., Arthro- poda, 2400-2431, and Vertebrata, 5200-5231. These two Branches will include only works of a wide scope. Th'rty Branches are adopted, under the numbers 0400 to 6031, and there is also a comprehensive Branch numbered 0000-0231. The subject matter of Zoology proper (as distinguished from the mode of arrangement of the animals alluded to above) is arranged under eight heads (or great Subjects). These eight Subjects all recur under each of the thirty Branches. Each Subject is indicated by a number, the terminal two digits of which are the same in every Branch. These great subjects will be found under 0207 to 0231. Each great subject is divided into Bub-divisions which are not num- bsred. ERLAUTERUNG. Bei dem grossen Umfange der Zoologie und bei der hieraus sich ergebenden Specialisierung unter ihren Forschern, und ferner, wei! der Wunsch besteht, dass einzelne Telle der zoologischen ISibliographie ein in sich geschlossenes Ganzes darstel- len mochten, ist es als notwendig befunden, die Zoologie nach ,,Zwei- gen " abzuteilen. Diese Zweige sind zwar in erster Linie nach den natiir- lichen Gruppen des Tierreichs bestimmt, entsprechen ihnen aber doch nicht vollig, da der Umfang der einzelnen natiirlichen Gruppen zu verschieden ist. Demgemass sind einzelne dieser Gruppen (Phyla oder Klassen) mit cinandcr zusammengefasst, wah- rend andere in mehrere Zweige geteilt sind. In den Fiillen, wo eine solche Teilung vorgenommen ist, giebt es audi einen Zweig, in dem die betreffende Gruppe un- geteilt als Ganzes behandelt wird, namlich Arthropoden, 2400-2431 und Vertebraten, 5200-5231. Diese beiden Zweige sollen nur Werke allgemeinerer Art enthaltcn. Im ganzen sind unter Nummer 0400 bis 6031 dreissig Zweige angenom- men und dazu kommt noch ein alles umfasscndcr, unter Nummer 0000 bis 0231. Der sonstige Stoff der Zoologie (im Unterschicd von der Art der Anordnung der Tiere, von der bisher die Rede war) ist auf acht Ka])itel (oder Hauptgegenstiinde) verteilt. Diese acht Gegenstiinde kehrcn bei jedem der dreissig Zweige wicder. Jeder Gegenstand ist durch eine Nummer bezeichnet, deren letzte beide Ziffern in alien Zweigen die gleichcn sind. Diese Hauptgegenstiinde findet man unter 0207 bis 0231. Jeder Hauptgegensland ist in Unterableiluneen geteilt, die nicht numeriert sind. K (N) ZOO LOG IE. EXPLICATIOX. (N) ZOOLOGIA. SPIEGAZIONI. Etant donnce d'une part la grande extension de la Zoologie, qui force les adeptes de cette science a se specialiser, et d'autre part la aecessite de rendre les diverses parties du Catalogue zoologique independantes les unes des autres, ct aussi completes que possible, on a. juge necessaire de diviser la Zoologie en un certain nombre de " branches." Ces branches ont etc etablies autant que possible d'apres les divisions naturelles du regne animal ; toutefois elles ne corres- pondent pas toujours exactement a ces divisions, en raison des'grandes difiFerences qui existent dans I'eten- due de celles-ci. 11 en resulte que certaines divisions (phj'la, ou embranchements) sont traitees en- eemble, tandis que d'autres sont partagees en plusieurs branches. Daxis ce dernier cas il y a ordinaire- ment une branche qui traite I'en- aemble d'un embranchement, par exemple, Arthropodes, 2400-2431, et Vertebres, 5200-5231. Ces deux branches ne comprennent que des ouvrages traitant un sujet assez vaste. On a adopte trente branches, portant les indices 0400 a 6031. II y a en outre une branche de generalites portant I'indice 0000- 0231. La Zoologie consideree en elle- meme, independamment des sub- divisions en groupes auxquelles il vient d'etre fait allusion, est parta- gee en huit chapitres (ou grandes categories de sujets). Ces huit categories se repetent dans chacune des trente branches, et sont indiquees chacune par des nombrea dont les deux derniers chiffres sont les memes dans toutes les branches. Elles se trouvent sous les indices 0207 a 0231. Chacune d' elles se partage en subdivisions qui ne portent pas d'indices speciaux. In" causa della grande estensione della zoologia, e della conseguente specializzazione die esiste tra i suoi cultori, e perche e desiderabile chc le parti del Catalogo zoologico siano complete ciascuna persestessa, si e trovato necessario dividere la zoo- logia in " rami." Questi rami, quan- tunque principalmente determinati dalle natural! divisioni del regno animale, non corrispondono intera- mente ad esse in causa della grando ditferenza nella estensione delle divisioni natural!. Alcune di questo divisioni (phyla, oppure classi) sono conseguentemente trattate insieme, mentre che altre sono divise in piu di un ranio. Quando una divisione di questo genere e adottata, vi e anche un ramo nel quale le divisioni sono tuttavia trattate insieme come im complesso, p. es. Arthropoda, 2400-2431, e Vertebrata, 5200-5231. Questi due rami includeranno sol- tanto opere di largo soggetto. Trenta rami sono adottati, sotto i numeri 0400 a 6031, e inoltre e incluso an ramo compreusivo col numero 0000-0231. La materia della zoologia com- prensiva (distinta da quella dei gr uppi degli animali qui sopra accennati) e disposta sotto otto capitoli (o grandi soggetti). Questi otto soggetti tutti si ripetono in ognuno dei trenta rami. Ciascun soggetto e indicato da un numero, del quale le due ultime cifre sono le stesse in ciaschedun ramo. Questi grandi soggetti si trovano sotto i numeri da 0207 a 0231. Ciascun grande soggetto e diviso in sottodivisioni, che non sono numerate. (N-10332) B 2 N INSTRUCTIONS. The registration numbers used in Zoology consist of four figures, of which the first two indicate the taxonomic position of the animal or animals dealt with and the last two the heading under which the paper is to be indexed. Thus, in the registration number 2611 the figures 26 indicate Crus- tacea, while the figures 11 denote Physiology. All registration numbers beginning with 26 refer to Crustacea, and all registration numbers ending in 11 show that the paper indexed deals with a physiological subject. INSTRUKTIONEN. Die in der Zoologie gebraucliten Ordnungsnummern bestehen aus vier Ziffern, von denen die beiden ersten die taxonomische Stellung des oder der behandelten Tiere anzeigen, wiihrend die letzten die Art der Behandlung angeben. So bedeutet z. B. in der Ordnungsnummer 2611 die 26 Crustacea, die 11 aber Physiologie. Die mit 26 be- ginnenden Ordnungsnummern be- zielien sich also auf Crustacea, und alle Ordnungsnummern auf 11 geben an, dass die katalogisierte Arbeitsich mit einem physiologisehen Gegenstande befasst. .00 .03 11 ,15 19 .23 .27 .31 02.. 04.. 00., 08.. 10., '12., 14., 10. 18. The meaning to be assigned to the last two figures is always that given in the following list : — Title slip. Comprehensive and General Works. (For sub-divisions see Hyper- zoology f. 18.) Structure. (For sub-divisions see 0207.) (For sub-divisions see Physiology. 0211.) Develoyjment. see 0215.) Ethology. 0219.) Variation and Aetiology. divisions see 0223.) Geography. (For sub-divisions see (J) Geography.) (For sub-divisions (For sub-divisons see (For sub- Taxonomy. The meaning of the first two figures is as follows : — General papers, or papers dealing with .'cveral classes of animals. Protozoa. Porifera (or Spongida). Coelenterata (or Cnidaria). Ecliinodcrmata. Platylifliiiinthes. Mesozoa and Trichojilax. Noma t helm in thes. Chactognafha. Rotifera. Gastro- tricha. Kinorhyncha (or Echino- dcra). Arcliiannelida. Polychaeta. Myzo- stomaria. Oligochaeta. Gephy- rca. Phoronis. Hirudinea. Die Bedeutung der letzten beiden Ziffern ergiebt sich aus folgender Liste : — Titel-Zettel. Umfassende und allgemeine Arbei- ten. (Unterabteilungen siehe Hyperzoologie p. 18.) Morpholosie. (Unterabteilungen siehe 0207.) Physiologie. (Unterabteilungen siehe 0211.) Entwickelung. (Unterabteilungen siehe 0215.) Ethologie. (Unterabteilungen siehe 0219.) Variation und Atiologie. (Unterab- teilungen siehe 0223.) Geographische Verbreitung. (Unter- abteilungen siehe (J) Geographic.) Taxonomie. Die ersten beiden Ziffern bedeuten Folgendes : — Allgemeine, oder auf mehrere Tierklassen beztigliche Arbeiten. Protozoa. Porifera (oder Spongida). Coelenterata (oder Cnidaria). Echinodermata. Platyhelminthes. Mesozoa und Trichoplax. Nemathelminthes. Chaetognatha. Rotifera. Gastro- tricha. Kinorhyncha (oder Echinodera). Archiannelida. Polychaeta. Myzo- stomaria. Oligochaeta. Gephy- rea. Phoronis. Hirudinea. N INSTRUCTIONS. Les nuincros enregistreurs em- ployes en zoologie compreiinent quatre chitTres, dont les deux premiers indiqueiit la position taxo- uomique de Tanimal ou des auimaux en question, tandis que les deux derniers indiquent la rubrique sous laquelle le memoire doit etre classe. Ainsi, dans le numero enregis- treur 2tUl les chiJTres 20 indiquent Orustaces, pendant que les chiffres 1 1 signifient Physiologie. Tout numero enregistreur qui commence par 26 se rapporte aux Crustaces, de menie que tout numero enregis- treur on 11 indique quo le memoire dont il est question s'occupe de physiologie. La signification des deux derniers chiffres est toujours celle qui est donnee dans la liste suivante : — ..00 Fiche de titre. . .03 Ouvrages generaux ou d'une grande eteudue. (Pour les subdivisions voy. Hyperzoologie p. 19.) ..07 Morphologic. (Pour les sub- divisions voy. 0207.) . .II Phvsiologie. (Pour les subdivisions t-oy. 0211.) ..15 Developpement. (Pour les sub- divisions voy. 0215.) ..19 Ethologie. (Pour les subdivisions voy. 0219.) ..23 Variation et etiologie. (Pour les subdivisions voy. 0223.) ..27 Distribution geographique. (Pour les subdivisions voy. (J) Geo- graphic.) ..31 Taxonomie. La signification des deux premiers chiffres est comme suit : — 02 . . Memoires generaux ou ayant trait a plusieurs classes d'animaux. 04 . . Protozoaires. 06.. Poriferes (ou Spongiaires). 08 . . Coelenteres (ou Cnidaria). 10.. Echinodermei. ' C 12. . Platyhelminthes. Mesozoaires et le Trichoplax. 1-4. . Nemathelminthes. 16.. Chaetognathes. Rotiferes. Gastro- triches. Kinorhynques (ou Echinoderes). 18.. Archiannelides. Polychetes. Myzo- stomes. Oligochetes. Gephy- riens. Phoronis. Hirudinees. ISTRUZION) I numeidi reTist.-azioia adoperati nella zoologia coasistoiio di qu 4 ttro cifre, delle quali le due prime iiidi- cano la posizioue tassonomica dell'animale o degli animali di cui si tratta, mentre che le due ultimo indicano la rubrica sotto la quale si ha da catalogare la memoria. Cosi, nel numero di registrazione 2611 le cifre 26 indicano Crustacea, mentre che le cifre 11 si riferisooao alia Fisiologia. Ogni numero di registra- zione che comincia con 26 si riferisce ai Crustacea, e da ogui numero che termina in II si pud inferire che la memoria catalogata si occupa di fisiologia. Le due nltime cifre hanno in- variabilmente la significazione cho si vede nell'eleaco seguente : — Scheda a titolo. Opere generali e comprensive. (Per le suddivisioni vedi Iperzoologia p. 19.) Struttura. (Per le suddivisioai vedi 0207.) Fisiologia. (Per le suddivisioni vedi 0211.) Sviluppo. (Per le suddivisioni vedi 0215.) Etologia. (Per le suddivisioni vedi 0219.) Variazione ed Etiologia. (Per le suddivisioni vedi 0223.) Geografia. (Per le suddivisioni vedi (J) Geografia.) Tassonomia. Le due prime cifre hanno sempre la signifioazione seguente : — Lavori generali o rifereritisi a piu classi di animali. Protozoa. Porifera (vel Spongida). Ccelenterata (vel Cnidaria). Echinodermata. Platyhelminthes. Mesozoa e Trichoplax. Nemathelminthes. Chsetognatha. Rotifera. Gastro- tricha. Kinorhyncha (vel Echino- dera). Archiannelida. Polychseta. Myzo- stomaria. Oligochajta. Gephy- rsea. Phoronis. Hirudinea. N 20 . . Brachiopoda. Bryozoa (or Poly- zoa). 22.. Mollusca. 24 . . Arthropoda. 26 . . Crustacea. (28.. Trilobita. Xiphosura. Eurypterida. Pantopoda. Tardigrada. Lin- J guatulida. I 30 . . Arachnida. I 32.. Prototracheata (or Onychophora). L34.. Myriopoda. 35.. Insecta. 36 . . Aptera (or Apterygogenea). Ano- plura. Mallophaga. Thysano- ptera (or Physopoda). Siphona- ptera (or Aphaniptera). 38. . Orthoptera, Neuroptera and Tricho- ptera. 40.. Hemiptera (or Rhynchota), ex- cluding Anoplura, which are placed in 36. . 42.. Diptera, excluding Siphonaptera, which are placed in 36.. 44.. Lepidoptera. 46 . . Hymenoptera. 48.. Coleoptera, including Strepsiptera. 50. . Prochordata : Amphioxus (or Lepto- cardii), Enteropneusta, Tunicata. 62 . . A'ertebrata. 54.. Pisces, excluding Leptocardii (or Amphioxus), which are placed in 50.. 56.. Amphibia and Reptilia. 58.. Aves. CO.. Mammalia. In addition to the complete volume it is intended to issue as three separate parts sections 12. . to 18. . (Vermidea) ; 28.. to 34..: and 35.. to 48.. (Hexapoda). Each of the remaining sections will then be published as a separate part. Bryozoa (oder Polyo- Brachiopoda. zoa). Mollusca. Arthropoda. Crustacea. Trilobita. Xiphosura. Eury- pterida. Pantopoda. Tardi- grada. Linguatulida, Arachnida. Prototracheata. Myriopoda. Insecta. Aptera (oder Apterygogenea). Ano- plura. Mallophaga. Thysano- ptera (oder Physopoda). Siphona- ptera (oder Aphaniptera). Orthoptera, Neuroptera und Tricho- ptera. Hemiptera (oder RhjTichota), excl. Anoplura, die unter 36 . . eingeordnet sind. Diptera, excl. Siphonaptera, die unter 36 . . eingeordnet sind. Lepidoptera. Hymenoptera. Coleoptera, incl. Strepsiptera. Prochordata : Amphioxus (oder Leptocardii), Enteropneusta,Tuni- cata. Vertebrata. Pisces, excl. Leptocardii (oder Am- phioxus), die unter 50 . . ein- geordnet sind). Amphibia und Reptilia. Aves. Mammalia. Es wird beabsichtigt, ausser dem Gesamtbande noch drei separate, aus folgenden Abschnitten beste- hende Telle herauszugeben : 12.. bis 18. . (Vermidea) ; 28. . bis 34. .; und 35. .bis 48. . (Hexapoda). Jeder der iibrigen Abschnitte wird dann auch separat herausgegeben. Slifs or Cards vsed in preparing the Volume. Four kinds of slips arc to be provided:— (1) Title slips, (2) Sub- iect slips, (3) Systematic (Taxo- nomic) slips, (4) New Genera or Species slips. The several slips relating to the same j)apcr should be tied together, and should have a common (arbitrary) number. This number must not be used for any other paper until two years have Zeitel zur Vorhereitung des Bandes. Es miJssen vier verschiedcnc Zettel hergestcllt werden: — (1) Titel-Zettel, (2) Sach-Zettel, (3) Systcm-(Taxo- nomie-) Zettel, (4) Zettel fiir neue Gattungen oder Arten. Die verschie- denen, auf dieselbe Arbeit bcziig- lichen Zettel sollen zusammcnge- heftet und mit eincr gemeinsamen (willkiirlichcn) Nummcr versehen werden. Vor Ablauf von zwci N < 20.. Braohiopoiles. Bryozoairca (ou Polyzo.iires). 22.. Mollusques. 24.. Arthropodos. 26.. Crustaces. (28.. Trilobites. Xiphosures. Eurv- I pterides. Paiitopodes. Tardi- grades. Linguatulides. 30.. .\rachnides. 32.. Prototraeheates (ou Onychophores). j,34.. Myriapodes. 35.. Insectes. 36.. Apteres (ou Apterj'gogeniens). Ano- ploures. Mallophages. Thisano- pteres (ou Physopodes). Siphona- pterea (ou Aphanipteres). 3S. . Orthopteres, Nevropteres et Tricho- pteres. 40. . Hemipteres (ou Rhyncbotes), a I'ex- clusion des Aaoploures, qui sont places sous le numero 36 . . 42.. Dipteres, a rexclusioii des Sipliona- pteres, qui sont places sous le numero 36 . . 44.. Lepidopteres. 46.. Hymenopteres. 48.. Coleopteres, y compris les Strepsipteres. 50.. Prochordes : Amphioxus (ou Lepto- cardiens) Enteropneustes, Tuni- ciers. 62 . . Vertebres. 54.. Poissons, a rexclusion des Lepto- cardiens (ou Amphioxus), qui sont places sous le numero 50 . . 56. . Batraciens et Reptiles. 58.. Oiseaux. 60.. Mammifcres. Outre le volume complet, Ton se propose de publier en trois volumes a part les sections 12.. a 18.. ( Vermides) ; 28 . . a 34 . . ; et 35 . . a 48.. (Hexapodes). Puis chacune des sections suivantes sera aussi publiee a part. Brachiopoda. Biyozoa (vel Poly- zoa). Mollusca. Arthropoda. Crustacea. Trilobita. Xiphosura. Eurypterida. Pantopoda. Tardigrada. Lingua- tulida. Arachnida. Prototracheata (vel Onychophora). Myriopoda. Insecta. Aptera (vel Apterygogenea). Ano- plura. Mallophaga. Thysano- ptera (vel Physopoda). Siphona- ptera (vel Aphaniptera). Orthoptera, Neuroptera et Tricho- ptera. Hemiptera (vol Rhynchota), esclusi Anoplura, che sono indicati col numero 36. . Diptera, esclusi Siphonaptera, cbe sono indicati col numero 36.. Lepidoptera. Hymenoptera. Coleoptera, incl. Strepsiptera. Prochordata : Amphioxus (vel Lep- toeardii), Enteropneusta, Tuni- cata. Vertebrata. Pisces, escl. Leptocardii (vel Amphi- oxus), i quali sono indicati col numero 50. . Batrachia et Reptilia. Aves. Mammalia. Oltre il tomo completo si ha I'intenzione di pubblicare in tre parti separate le sezioni 12.. a 18.. (Vermidea); 28.. a 34.. ; e 35 . . a 48 . . (Hexapoda). Ciascuna delle rimanenti sezioni verra poi anche pubblicata separatamente. Bedaction des FicJies. Redazione dclle Schcde. li doit y avoir quatre sortes de fiches, savoir : — (1) Fiches de titre, (2) Fiches de matiere, (3) Fiches systematiques (taxonomiques), (4) Fiches pour les genres ou especes nouvellcs. Toutes les fiches qui 86 rapportent au meme memoire doivent etre attachees ensemble et marquees d'un numero en com- mun (arbitraire). Ce numero ne Devono farsi quattro specie di schede :— (1) Schede a titolo, (2) Schede a materia, (3) Schede sistematiche (tassonomiche), (4) Schede per i generi o le specie nuove. Tutte le schede riferentisi al medesimo lavoro devono essere attaccate insieme e segnate con un numero commune (arbitrario). Questo numero non e da u.sarsi N elapsed. The slips should be pre- pared as follows : — (1) Tifle slips. — The first entry on a title slip is the letter N, followed by a four-figure registration number, in which the first two figures indi- cate the Branch of zoology as given in the above list, while the two last figures are ..00. The remaining entries on the title slips are to be made as on the author slips for the other sciences. At the foot of each title slip all the registration numbers corresponding to the subject and systematic slips prepared for the paper are to be given. If a paper is to be indexed under more than one Branch of zoology a separate title slip must be prej^ared for each Branch. Example — N 6000. Mansion, Arthur. La taupe commune. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 17, 1902, (13-18). [6019 6031]. In order to economise space and to simplify entries, the full reference to a paper will be made only on the title and systematic sUps. Each title slip will be printed in the Catalogue with a definite number attached. This number, together with the author's name, wiU be the reference to the paper in all other cases. (2) Subject Slips. — The entries on the subject slips shall not, as a rule, be reproductions of the title, but such modifications thereof as shall serve to convey the necessary information in the clearest and most direct matmer possible. To prepare such slips properly it is essential that the papers shall have been read and indexed by those who are able to determine what are the several matters of importance to be brought under notice. In the case of slips bearing the numbers 0000-0050, 0070 and 0090, Jahren darf keine andere Arbeit mit derselben Nummer bezeichnet wer- den. (1) Titel-Zettel.—Bie erste Eintra- gung auf einem Titel-Zettel ist der Buchstabe X, worauf eine vierziffrige Ordnungsnummer folgt wovon die zwei ersten Ziffern den Zweig der Zoologie bezeichnen, wie in obiger Liste angegeben, wahrend die zwei letzten Ziffern ..00 sind. Die iibrigen Eintragungen auf dem Titel-Zettel sind in derselben Weise abzufassen wie bei den Autoren- Zetteln in den anderen Wissen- schaften. Am Fusse eines jeden Titel- Zettels miissen samtliche, den fiir die betrefiende Arbeit hergestellten Sach- und System-Zetteln ent- sprechende, Ordnungsnummern an- gegeben werden. Soil ein Aufsatz unter mehr als einem Zweige der Zoologie katalogisiert werden, so ist fiir jeden Zweig ein besonderer Titel-Zettel herzustellen. Beispiel — N 6000. Mansion, Arthur. La taupe comnume. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 17, 1902, (13-18). [6019 60311. Um Raum zu ersparen und die Eintragimgen zu vereinfachen kommt das vollstandige Citat nur a\if die Titel- und System-Zettel. Jedem im Kataloge gedruckten Titel-Zettel wird eine bestimmte Nummer zugeteilt. Diese Nummer, mit dem Verfassernamen, bildet in alien anderen Fallen das Citat. (2) Sach-Zettel. — Die Eintra- gungen auf den Sach-Zetteln soUen in der Regel keine Wiederholungen des Titels sein, sondern solche Modifikationen desselben, dass sie die erforderliche Auskunft so kurz und biindig wie moglich erteilen. Fiir die richtiae Fassung solcher Zettel ist es von Wichtigkeit, dass die Aufsatze von Personen gelesen und katalogisiert werden, welche im stande sind das Wichtige darin zu erkennen und hervorzuheben. Bei Zcttehi, welche die Nummern 0000-0050, 0070 und 0090 tragen. N diit etre employe pour aucun autre lueinoire qn'au bout de d:'ux nns. Voici comment il faut rediger le.s fiches : — (1) Fiches dc litre. — La fiche de titre doit cominencer par la lettre N, suivio d'un numero euregistieur de quatre chitTres, dent les deux premiers indiqueat la branche de zooloizie d'aocord avec la liste ci- dessus, taudis que les deux dernieres sont 00. Easuite la fiche de titre sera etablie de la mSme fayon ques les fiches d'auteur pour les aiitres sciences. per ncssun altro lavoro jirima che .•=iano scorsi due anni. Le schede dovono essere redatte come segue : — (1) Scheile a titnlo. — La schcda a titolo devo cominciare coUa lettera N, seguita da un numero di regis- trazione di quattro cifre di cui le due prime indicano il ramo di zoologia d'accordo coirdenco dissopra, mentre che le due u'.time sono . .00. Le altri annotazioni sulla scheda a titolo si fanno poi come suUe schede per autori nelle altre scienze. Chaque fiche de titre doit porter en bas tons les numeros enregis- treurs qui correspondent aux fiches da matiere et systematiques qui aient ete redigees pour le memoire dont il s'agit. Si un memoire doit €tre catalogue sous plus d'une branche de zoologie il faut ime fiche separee pour chaque branche. La scheda a titolo deve portare in fondo tutti i numeri di registrazione corrispondenti colle schede siste- matiche ed a materia che si siano preparate per 11 lavoro di cui si tratta. Se si vuol catalogare un lavoro sotto piu d'un ramo di zoologia bisogna fare una scheda separata per ogni ramo. Exemple — N GOOO. Mansion, Arthur. La taupe commune. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 17, 1902, (13-18). [6019 6031]. Pour gagner de la place et sim- plifier les articles, la reference ne sera donnce en entier que sur les fiches de titre et les fi:;hes sy- stematiques. Chaque fiche de titre sera imprimee dans le Catalogue et designee par un numero. Ce numero, avec le nom d'auteur, servira de renvoi k 1' article partout ailleurs. (2) Fiches de matiere. — Regie generale, la fiche de matiere doit porter non pas une reproduction dii titre mais de telles modifications du titre qui suffisent a donner les renseignements necessaires de la maniere la plus precise. Afin que de telles fiches soient bien etablies il est essentiel que les memoires aient etc lus et catalogues par des porsonnes a meme de deter- miner quelles sont les choses d'im- portance h, faire ressortir. Li ou il s'agit de fiches portant les nu- meros 0000-0050, 0070 et 0090, le Esemplo — N 6000. Mansion, Arthur. La taupe commune. Rev. Sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 17, 1902, (13-18). [6019 6031]. Per risparmiare lo spazio e ridurre al piu semplice le annotazioni, la riferenza non verra scritta per esteso che sulle schede a titolo e le schede sistematiche. Ogni scheda a titolo si stampera nel Catalogo con un numero definite. Questo numero, assieme al nome del- I'autore, costituira la riferenza al lavoro in oerni altro caso. (2) Schf'ie a materia. — Le anno- tazioni sulle schede a materia non saranno, di regola, ripetizioni del titolo, ma saranno tali modificazioni di questo che bastino a dare le informazioni necessarie nel modo piii perspicuo che sia possibile. Perch^ tali schedo siano ben redatte e essenzialo che le memorie siano state lette e catalogate da persone che possano determinare quali sono le cose i-nportanti da far risaltare. Trattandosi di schede portanti i numeri 0000-0050, 0070 e 0090, il N 10 the aiithor's name should im- mediately follow the registration number. Example — N 0040. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoes. London, Proc. R. Inst., 16, 1901, (295-313). This should be attached to the title slip and abbreviated thus : — N 0040. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoss. (295-313). In cases in which it is desirable, for other purposes which the Bureaus may have in contemplation, to enter the full reference on the sUp, the shortened reference will be made at the Central Bureau by striking out unnecessary particulars. On slips bearing a nimiber ending in . .27 (Geographical Distribution) the registration number should be immediately followed by the geo- graphical synabol. After this should come (a) the author's name, (b) the title of the paper. Example — N 2227 he. Pilsbry, H. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte [P. clappi]. Nautilus, Phila- delphia, Pa., 15, 1901, (34- 35). which, if the above directions are followed, will be reduced to — N 2227 hr. Pilsbry, H. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte. (34- 35). The remaining registration num- bers, viz., 0060, and those ending in ..03, ..07, ..11, ..15, ..19, and . .23, are divided into numerous sub-headings. One of these sub- headings should follow the registra- tion number. A separate card must be provided for each entry that is to appear separately in the Catalogue. In ca-cs in which entries cannot be included under existing sub- divisions, and for which a new sub- muss der Verfassername unmittelbar auf die Ordnungsnummcr folgen. Beispiel — N 0040. Ross, R. IMalaria and mos- quitoes. London, Proc. R. Inst., 16, 1901, (295-313). Dieser Zettel miisste an den Titel- Zettel geheftet und wie folgt ab- gekiirzt werden : — N 0040. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoes. (295-313.) Falls es den Bureaus, zu irgend einem von ihnen beabsichtigten Zwccke, wiinschenswert erscheint, das vollstandige Citat beizube- halten, so %\ard das Centralbureau durch Streichen des Uberfliissigen dasselbe abkiirzen. Bei Zetteln, welche eine Nummer auf . .27 tragen (geographische Verbreitung) muss das geographische Symbol unmittelbar auf die Ord- nungsninnmer folgen. Dann kommt (a) der Verfassername, (b) der Tite) des Aufsatzes. Beispiel — N 2227 he. Pilsbry, H. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte [P. clappi']. Nautilus, Phila- delphia, Pa., 15, 1901, (34- 35). was, obiger Vorschrift gemass, abge- kiirzt so lautet : — N 2227 he. Pilsbry, H. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte. (34- 35). Die iibrigen Ordnungsnummern, namentlich 0060 imd jene auf ..03, ..07, ,.11, ..15, ..19 und ..23, sind in zahlreiche Unterabteilungen geteilt. Eine dicser Unterabtei- lungen muss auf die Ordnungs- nummer folgen. Jeder besoudcren Eintragung im Kataloge muss ein besonderer Zettel cntsprechen. Falls die vorhandencn Unterab- teilungen zur gehorigen Katalo- gisierung nicht hinreichen unci 11 N nom d'autcur doit suivrc immcdiaf c- ment le nuincro enresxistreur. Exemple — N 0040. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoes. London, Proc. R. Inst., 16, 1001, (295-313). Ceci doit etre attache k la fiche de tit re et abrege ainsi : — N 0040. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoes. (295-313). Dans les cas ou les bureaux rcjrionaux, dans un but quelconque, desirent mettre la reference en entier sur la fiche, le Bureau Central en fera la reference abregee en biffant les details superflus. Sur les fiches portant un numcro en . .27 (Distribution Geographique) le numero enregistreur doit etre siiivi immt'diatement du symbols geographique. Ensuite viendrait (a) le nom d'auteur, (b) le titre du memoire. Exemple — X 2227 he. Pilsbry, H. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte [P. clappi]. Nautilus, Phila- delphia, Pa., 15, 1901, (34-35). Ce qui, conformement aux instruc- tions ci-dessus, sera reduit a : — X 2227 he. Pilsbry, H. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte. (34- 35). Les autres numeros enregistreurs, c.a.d. 0060 et ceux en ..03, ..07, ..11, ..15, ..19 et ..23, sont divises en de nombreuses sub- divisions. Une de ces subdivisions doit suivre le numero enregistreur. n faut une fiche separee pour chaque article qui doit paraitre separement dans le catalogue. S'il se trouve que les subdivisions actueUes ne suffisent pas et qu'une nouvelle subdivision serait a desirer, nome dell'autore deve seguire immediatamente il numero di regis- trazione. Esempio— N OOiO. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoes. London, Proc. R. Inst., 16, 1901, (295-313). Questo si deve attaccare alia scheda a titolo ed abbreviare cosi : — • X 0040. Ross, R. Malaria and mos- quitoes. (295-313^. Ove gli Uffici Regiouali, a qual- unque scopo, volessero anuotare la riterenza suUa scheda per esteso, la riferenza abbreviata si farebbe dal- I'Ufficio Centrale col cancellaro i dettagli soverchi. Pullo Rchede portanti im numero ia ..27 (Distribuzioue Geosrafica) il numcro di registrazione dev'essere seguito immediatamente dal simbolo- ceografico. Poi verrebbe (a) il nome dell' autore, (b) il titolo della memoria. Esempio — - N 2227 he. Pilsbry, H. A.. A new Colombian Pleurodonte [P. clapppj. Xautilus. Phila- delphia, Pa., 15, 1001, (34- 35). Giusto le suddette i.struzioni questo si ridurebbe a : — X 2227 he. Pilsbry, 11. A. A new Colombian Pleurodonte. (34- 35). 1 rimanenti numeri di registra- zione, cioe 0060 e queUi in ..03,. ..07, ..11, ..15 e . .23 sono dinsi in numerose suddivisioni. L^na di queste suddivisioni deve seguire il numero di registrazione. Ci vuol una scheda separata per ogni articolo die deve apparire separatamente nel Catalogo. Xel caso di articoU che non si possono includere nelle suddivisioni attuali e per i quah si stimadesidera- N 12 division is thought to be desirable, such suggested new sub-division shall be recorded upon the card, in order that the matter may be dealt with by the Central Bureau. In no case must two differently numbered subjects be placed on one slip. If the book or paper deals with so many of these sub-headings as to render it unnecessary to mention all of them, the word " general " should be used for the sub-heading. The sub-heading should be followed by (a) the author's name, (6) the title or modified title of the paper. Example — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C Experiments on regeneration [of kidneys]. (Danish) Kjobcnhavn, Biol. Forh., 1899-1900, 1901, (1-8). If this card is sent to the Central Bureaii tied to the corresponding title shp, it should be abbreviated, as explained above, to — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidney.s]. (Danish) (1-8). (3) Systematic slips. — In these slips the name of the animal or animals should immediately follow the registration number. Where more than one g^vis is mentioned a separate slip must be prepared for each genus. Every new genus must have a separate slip ; the name of the new 'genus must be followed by the indication "'n. gen., ''a brief statement as to what it is allied to and some indication of the species it includes, followed by the author's name and reference. New sub-genera are to be treated in a similar manner to genera, except that " n. subgen." will be used, and the name of the genus of which it is a division will follow. eine neue Unterabteilung deshalb wiinschenswert erscheint, so ist die vorgeschlagene neue Unterabteilung auf dem Zettel auzugeben, damit das Central-Bureau entscheide, wie dabei zu verfahren sei. Auf keinen Fall diirfen zwei verschieden numerierte Gegenstande auf einen Zettel gesetzt werden. Bezieht sich das Buch, resp. der Auf sat z, auf so viele Unterab- teilungen, dasses unzweckmassig ist, sie alle anzufiihren, so gebraucht man das Wort ,,Allgemeines" fiir die Unterabteilung. Auf die Unterabteilung folgt (a) der Ver- fassername, (b) der Titel, resp. der modifizierte Titel der Arbeit. Beispiel — X 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidneys]. (Danish) Kjobenhavn, Biol. Forh., 1899-1900, 1001, (1-8). Wird diescr Zettel mit dem ent- sprechenden Titel-Zettel zusam- mengeheftet an das Central-Bureau geschickt, so ist er, wie oben erkliirt, folgendermassen abzukiir- zen : — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidneys]. (Danish) (1-8). (3) System-Zettel. — Bei diesen Zetteln soil der Name des Tieres oder der Tiere unniittelbar auf die Ordnungsnummer folgen. Wird mehr als eine Gattung erwahnt, so ist fiir jede Gattung ein besonderer Zettel herzustellen. Jede neue Gattung muss einen besonderen Zettel erhalten ; auf den Namen der neuen Gattung folgt die Bemerkung „n. gen.," eine kurze Notiz, wem sie verwandt ist, imd irgend eine Angabe iiber die Species, die sie umf asst ; hierauf Verfassername und Citat. Neue Untergattungen sind ahnlich zu behandeln, wie Gattungcn, nur dass die Bemerkung ,,n. subgen." gebraucht und der Name der Gattung, um deren Unterabteilung es handelt, hinzugefiigt wird. 13 N la nouvelle subdivision que Ton propose doit etre indiquoe si r la fiohe afiu que le Bureau C- ntral decide comment il faut proccder. En aucun cas deux articles portant des numeros diiYtrents ne doiveut etre ecrits sur la meme fiche. Dans le cas ou le livre ou mcnioire traite de tant de ces subdivisions qu'il est inutile de les citer toutes, il faut employer le mot " Gcnera- litcs " pour la subdivision. La subdivision doit etre suivie (a) du nom d'auteur, (b) du titre ou du titre modifie du mcmoire. bile qualche nuova suddivisione, si deve annotare suUa scheda la nuova suddivisione proposta affinche IT'flicio Ccntrale decida come si debba comportare con essa. In nessun caso si dovono porre sulla stcssa scheda duo soggetti portant i numeri diversi. Se il libro o la memoria si riferisce a tante di queste suddivisioni die non fa d'uopo accennarle tutte, allora si pone per la suddivisione la parola " generale." La suddivisione dev' essere seguita (a) rial noma del- I'autore, (6) dal titolo, ossia dal titolo modificato, del lavoro. Exemple — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidnej-s]. (Danish) Kjobenhavn, Biol. Forh., 1899-1900, 1901, (1-8). Si cette fiche est envoyee au Bureau Central attachee a la fiche de titre correspondante eUe doit etre abrt-gee, comma il est exphque ci-dessus, a : — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidneys]. (Danish) (1-8). (3) Fiches systcmatiques. — Sur ces fiches le nom de I'animal ou des animaux doit suivre immediatement le numero enregistreur. Si mention est faite de plus d'un genre il faut une fiche distincte pour chaque genre. Chaque genre nouveau doit avoir une fit he distincte ; le nom du genre nouveau doit etre suivi de I'indica- tion " n. gen.," puis d'une courte indication du genre ou des genres auxquels il est alhe et de quelques indications relatives aux especcs qu'il renferme ; le tout sera suivi du nom d'auteur et de la reference. Les sous-genres nouveaux seront traites de la meme fa^on que les genres, mais I'indication " n. gen." sera remplacee par " n. subgen.," et Ton mettra ensuite le nom du genre auquel le sous-genre se rattache. Esempio — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidnej's]. (Danish) Kjobenhavn, Biol. Forh., 1899-1900, 1901, (1-S). Se questa scheda si manda al- rUfiicio Centrale attaccata alia scheda a titolo corrispondente si deve abbreviare, come si e spiegato qui sopra, a : — N 6015 [Regeneration]. Lange, C. Experiments on regeneration [of kidneys]. (Danish) (1-8). (3) Schedf. si/ffumatiche. — Su queste schede il nome dell' animale o degli animali deve seguire immediata- mente il numero di registrazione. Sa si fa menzione di piu di un genera bisogna far una scheda separata per ogni genere. Ciascun nuovo genere deve avere una scheda separata ; il noma del nuovo genere dev' essere seguito dalla indicazione " n. gen.," poi viene una breve indicazione di quello cui esse si connette, a qualche indicazione delle specie che include, e segue infine il nome dell' autore e le riferenze. I nuovi sottogeneri saranno trat- tati in modo simile ai nuovi generi, ma sara adoperata la indicazione " n. subgen.," e seguiri. il nome del genere del quale il sottogenere d divisione. N 14 The author's name should follow the title or modified title on these slips. Examples — (I) N 2631. Amblyops crozetii, bipolar occurrence. Ohlin, A. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 7, 1901, (371-374). [Schizopoda.] (II) N 4431. Helerephrya neximnrgo sp. n. Peru. Warren, W. Nov. Zool., Tring, 8, 1901, (457). [Geometridae.] When more than one new species is described from the same genus, all the new species should be mentioned on the sUp and the respective page references given. Wliere only one new species is mentioned the shp should be arranged as in Example II. In any case the habitat should be given where possible. At the end of each slip the name of the group of animals referred to should be given. When the work gives no indication of the group (i.e.. Family, Sub-family or Tribe) and the slip-maker cannot frcm his own knowledge supply the deficiency the sign [?] may be written at the ■end of the slip. When it is undesirable to index ■each genus sejiarately a general entry should be given. Example — N4431. Hoyningen-Huene, F. von. Aberrationen einiger est- liindischer Eulen und Spanner. Berhner cut. Zs., 46, 1901, (309-319, mit 1 Taf.). [Noctuidae.] On systematic slips Christian names should be represented by initials only. Slips relating to fosiiil forms are to be marked |, and slips relating to fossil and recent formsf*. {The latter condition occurs only farely in this division.) Bei diesen Zetteln sollte der Verfassernarae auf den Titel oder modifizierten Titel folgen. Beispiele — (I) N 2631. Amblyops crozetii, bipolar occurrence. Ohlin, A. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 7, 1901, (371-374). [Schizopoda.] (II) N 4431. Heterephrya neximargo sp. n. Peru. Warren, W. Nov. Zool., Tring, 8, 1901, (457j. [Geometridae.] Wird mehr als eine neue Art derselben Gattung beschrieben, so sollen samtliche neue Arten, mit Angabe der betrefienden Seiten- Zahlen, auf dem Zettel erwahnt werden. Wo es sich bios um eine neue Art handelt, ist der Zettel wie in Beispiel II herzustellen. Das Habitat ist auf jedcn Fall wenn moglich anzugeben. Am Ende eines jeden System- Zettels ist der Name der betref- fendcn Tiergruppe anzufiihren. Enthalt die Arbeit kcine Angabe der Gruppe (d.h. Familie, Un- terfamilie oder Tribus) und ist der ZettelsciiK iber nicht im stande, aus eigencr Kentniss die Liicke auszufiillen, so kann das Zeichen [?] an das Ende des Zettels gesetzt werden. Ist die gesonderte Angabe einer jeden Gattimg nicht wiin- schenswert, so ist eine allgemeine Bczeichnung zu geben. Beispiel — N4431 Hoyningen-Huene, F. von. Aberrationen einiger est- liindischer Eulen imd S})annor. Berliner ent. Zs., 46,1901,(309-319, mit 1 Taf.). [Noctuidae.] Auf den System-Zetteln sollen die Vornamen nur durch Anfangs- buchstaben wiedcrgegeben werden. Zettel, die sich auf fossilo Formen beziehen, sind durch eint zu bczeich- nen ; solche, dio sich sowohl auf fospile als auf recente Formen beziehen, durch einf*. (Der letzte Fall kommt in diesem Abschnitt nur selten vor.) 15 N Le nom d'auteur doit suiirc lo titre ou le titrc modilie sur ces tiches. Ex era pies — (I) N 203 1. Ambh/ops croze tii. bipolar occurrence. Ohlin, A. Ann. Mas;. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser 7), 7, 1901,(371-374). [Schizopoda.] (II) X 4431. Hetcrephri/a neximargo sp. n. Peru. Warren, W. Nov. Zool., Tring, 8, 1901, (457). [Geometridao.] Quand il y a description de plus d'une espece du raeme genre, toutes les especcs nouvelles doivent etre portees sur la liche avec le renvoi aux pngcs respectives. S'ilnes'agit que d'une seule espece nouvelle la tiche doit etre etablie conformement a exemple II. L' habitat doit etre indique en tout cas si possible. L'on devra placer a la fin do chaque fiche systcmatique le noiu du groupe d'animaux auquel la fiche se rapporte. Quand I'ouvragc ne fournit aucune indication de groupe (famille, sous-faniille ou tribu) et lorsque le redacteur de la fiche ne peut, d'apres ses propres connaissances, suppleer a ce dclaut d'indications. Ton pourra mettre le signe [?] a la fin de la fiche. S'il n'est jjas a desirer que chaque genre soit catalogue separement il faut etablir ua article general. Exemple — N 4431. Hoyningen-Huene, F. von. Abcrrationen einiger est- liindischer Eulen und Spanner. Berhner ent. Zs., 46, 1901, (309-319, mit 1 Taf.). [Noctuidac.j Sur Ics fiches systematiques les noms de bapteme doivent etre representes par des initiales seule- ment. Les fiches relatives aux formes fossiles doivent etre marquees f, et celles qui se rapportent aux formes fossiles recentes j *. (Cette derniere condition ne se prcsente que rarement dans cette division.) Su queste schcde il nomo dol- I'autore deve venire dopo il titolo o titolo raodificato. Esem])i — (I) N 2631. Amhlijops crozetii, bipolar occurrence. Ohlin, A. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 7, 1901, (371-374). [Schizopoda.] (II) N 4431. Hetere.phrya neximargo sp. n. Peru. Warren, \V. Nov. Zool., Tring, 8, 1901, (457). [Gcometridae.j Quando si descrive piu di una specie nuova del mcdesimo genere, tutte le specie nuove devono venire accennate suUa schcda coUa riferenza alio pagine rispettive. Trattandosi di una sola specie nuova, la scheda dev' essere redatta come in esempio II. In ogni caso, jicr quanto sia possibilc, si deve menzionare il habitat. Al fine di ciascuna scheda siste- matica si deve porre il iiome del gruppo di animali cui la scheda si riferisce. Quando il lavoro non porta indicazioue del gruppo (cioel'amiglia, sottofamiglia, trihu) e il redattore della scheda non puo di suo supplire alia deficienza, si pi:6 mettere al fine della scheda il segno [?]. Quando non si vuole catalogare scparatamente ogni genere, si lara un' annotazione generale. Esempio — N4431. Hoyningen-Huene, F. von. Aberrationeu einiger est- liindischer Eulen und Spanner. Berhner ent. Zs., 48, 1901, (309-319, mit 1 Taf.). [Noctuidae.] I nomi di battesimo devono essere rappresentati sulle schede sistematiche coUe sole iniziali. Le schede relative a forme estinte saranno segnate f, c le schede relative a forme estinte e viventil*. (L'ultima condizione occorre sol- tanto raramente in questa divisionc.) N 16 (4) Lists of New Genera and Species. — For the preparation of these lists, the Regional Bureaus should give the names of genera and sub-genera (a) which are new, (6) the significance of which has been changed, (c) which contain new species. These may be written at the foot of the systematic slips, but it would greatly facilitate an earlier production of the volume if the Regional Bureaus would write each new genus on a separate card and attach it to the systematic slip. (4) Listen neuer Gattungen und Arten. — 'Zur Herstellung dieser Listen soUten die Regionalbureaus die Namen der Gattungen und Untergattungen angeben, (a) die neu sind, {b) deren Bedeutung sich geandert hat, (c) die neue Arten enthalten. Diese konnen am Fusse der System-Zettel angefiihrt werden, es wiirde jedoch zur schnelleren Erscheinung des Bandes wesentlich beitragen, wenn die Regional- bureaus jede neue Gattung auf einem besonderen Zettel schrieben und diesen an den System-Zettel hefteten. Date of Receiving Slips. The period during which the material for any one year will be received at the Central Bureau will not extend beyond June of the following year. Regional Bureaus are therefore earnestly requested to complete the indexing of their zoological literature within the time named. The period covered by the litera- ture indexed in anj^ one of the annual volumes shall be from January 1st to December 31st of the particular year, but any matter which had not been received in time for insertion in the previous volume shall also be included therein. Termin des Empfayigs der Zettel. Das Material fiir irgend ein Jahr darf nicht spater als Ende Juni des folgenden Jahrcs in den Besitz des Centralbureaus gelangen. Die Regionalbureaus werden daher dringend ersucht, mit dem Kata- logisieren ihrer zoologischcn Litera- tur bis zu dem genannten Termin fertig zu werden. Die in irgend einem der jahrlichen Bande vercffentlichte Litteratur soil die Periode vom 1. Januar bis zum 31 December des betreffenden Jahres decken, etwaige Artikel aber, die fiir den vorigen Band zu spat eintrafen, werden darin mit aufgcnommen. Distinctive Character of cards. The editorial work will be greatly facilitated by ruling a red line near the left-hand edge of the title slips, a green line near the left-hand edge of the subject slips, and no line at all on the taxononij' and new species slips. Or the slips may be printed on thin card of three colours, viz., red for the title slips, green for the subject slips, and white for the systematic slips. The size of the slips must be IG cm. by 8 cm. Markierung der Zettel. Die Herausgabe wird be- deutend erleichtert werden, wenn auf den Titel-Zetteln nahe dem linken Rande eine rothe Linie, auf den Sach-Zetteln entsprechend eine griine Dinie gezogen wird, wiihrend die Taxonomie- und Arten-Zettel ohne Linie bleiben. Man kann auch die Zettel auf drei verschiedeniarbige Sorten (,'arton drucken, niimlich die Titel-Zettel auf roten, die Sach-Zettel auf griinen und d'e System-Zettel auf weissen. Die Zettel mussen 16 x 8 cm. gross sein. i: N (4) Listcs Jcs genres ct especcs nouvclles. — Pour la redaction de ces listes Ics Bureaux Kegionaux doivent donncr les noius des genres ct sous-genres (a) qui sont nouveaux, (b) dont !a signific-ation est changee, (c) qui coiitiennent des especes nouvclles. lis peuveiit etre ecrits au pied des liclics systcraa- tiqucs, pourtant si les Bureaux Region.iux voulaient ecrire chaque genre nouveau sur une fiche separoc et Tattachera la fiche systematique, cela contribuerait beaucoup a accclerer la publication du volume. (4) Elenchi ili Ocitfri c Sjieric. nuove. — Per la rcdaziono di quest! elenchi gli Uffici Rccionali devono dare i nomi dci generic sottogeneri, (a) che sono nuovi, (b) il cui signiC- cato si 6 cambiato, (c) che con- tengono delle specie nuove. Quest) possono cssere scritti in fondo alle schede sistematiche, ma contri- buirobbo molto ad accelerare la publicazioue del tomo se gli Uffici Rogionali scrivessero ogni genero nuovo sopra una schcda separata o attaccassero (piesta alia schcda sistematica. Date dc la reception des fiches. La pcriode pendant laquclle les matieres pour une anncc quclconque scront admises par le Bureau Central ne s'ctendra pas au-dcla du mois de juin de Tannee suivante. Aussi les Bureaux Rcgionaux sont-ils instam- luent pries de completer I'index de leur litterature zoologiquc avant Texjiiration de ce terme. La litterature indexee dans un volume annuel quelconque com- prendra la periode du ler Janvier au 31 decembre de I'anneo en ques- tion, ainsi que les articles qui etaient arrives trop tard pour etre incor- pores dans Ic volume precedent. Data di ricczione delle schede. II periodo durante il quale il materialo per im anno qualunque sara ammesso dall' Ufficio Ccntralo non si stendera in la di Giugno dell'anno segucnte. Gli Uffici Rogionali sono percio prcgati con istanza di completare il catalogo della loro Ictteratura zoologica deu- tro del detto termine. La letteratura catalogata in un tomo annuale qualunque compren- dera il periodo dal 1° Gennaio al 31 Dicembre dell' anno di cui si tratta, coU' aggiunto di quegli articoli che fossero ricevuti troppo tardi per essere inclusi ncl tomo precedentc. Caractcre distinclif des fiches. Le travail du Directeur sera grandement facilite si Ton trace line ligne rouge pres du bord gauche des fiches de titre, une ligne verte pres du bord gauche des fiches de matiere, et si Ton ne trace aucune ligne sur les fiches systema- tiques et sur le? fiches pour les especes nouvclles. On peut aussi imprimer les fiches sur des cartons minces de trois couleurs, savoir, une carte roug pour les fiches de titre, une carte veite pour les fiches de matiere, et une carte blanche pour les fiches systcma- tiques. Les dimensions des fches doivent etre de 16 cm. sur 8 cm. (.\-10.332) Carallcre disiintivo delle schede. II lavoro deir UWcio Centrale sara grandcmente facilitato dal segnare il margiiie sinistro delle schede a titolo con una linca rossa. quello doUe schede a soggetto con una verde, e dal lasciare senza linea le schede tassonomiche e quelle i>er le specie nuove. Oppure le schede potranno essere scritte su carta di tre oolori, rosso, verde, e bianco, il primo per le schr-de a titolo, il secondo per quelle a sotr^eito, il terzo per quelle sistematiche. II formato delle schede de, 'lesser j di IG per 8 centimetri di lato. o N IS D-0231. Comprehensive Zoology. N.B. — ±ne subjects enumerated under numbers 0000 to 0231 maj' recur in any one of the subsequent Branches. In the Catalogue only works that deal with several Branches will be registered under numbers 0000 to 0231 ; hence the term " Comprehensive Zoology." 0000-0231. AUgemeine Zoologie. N.B.— Die unter Nr. 0000 bis 0231 aufgefiihrten Gegenstiinde konnen in jedem der nachfol- genden Zweige wiederkehren. Unter Nr. 0000-0231 bringt der Katalog nur solclie Arbeiten, die mehrere Zweige behandeln. Daher der Ausdruck „Allge- meine Zoologie." Hyperzoology. 0000 Philosophy. 0010 History. Biography. 0020 Periodicals. Reports of Institutions, Societies, Congresses, Explora- tions. 0030 General Treatises, Text-books, Dic- tionaries, Collected Works, Tables. 0032 Bibliographies. 0040 Addresses, Lectures, etc., of a general character. 0050 Pedagogy. 0060 Institutions, Museums, Collections, Aquaria, Gardens, Utility and Harmfulness, Zoology in relation to Medicine, etc. {See also the general sections of Special Zoology.) 0070 Nomenclature (principles of). 0090 Technique. Methods of research, instruments and apparatus. 0207 Structure (or Morphology). [In general or of more than one of the classes of animals.] (See also (L) General Biology (0) Anatomy and (Q) Physiology.) General ; Comparative Anatomy ; Special Anatomy and Histology: Tegument and its Organs ; Nervous System and Organs of Sense ; Myology ; Skeleton (including Osteology and Denti- tion) ; Skeletal Structures of Invertebrates ; Alimentary Sy- stem ; Circulatory and Respira- tory Organs ; Water Vascular System, Blood, Lymph, Ccelo- mic Fluid, Chyle. Special Glands ; Excretory Organs ; Reproductive Organs ; Special External Characters ; Colour. Rudimentary or Vestigial Organs, and Organs of uncer- tain nature. Hyperzoologie. Philosophic. Geschichte. Biographien. Periodica. Berichte von Instituten, Gesellschaften, Kongressen, Forschungsreisen etc. AUgemeine Abhandlungeu, Lehr- biicher, Worterbiicher, Sammel- werke, Tabellen. Bibliographien. Festreden, Vortrage u.s.w., allge- meiner Art. Piidagogik. Institute, Museen, Sammlungen, Aquarien, Garten, Niitzlichkeit iind Schadlichkeit, Zoologie in Beziehung zur Medizin etc. (Siehe audi die allgemeinen Abteilungen der speciellen Zoologie.) Nomenklatur (Prinzipien). Technik. Untsrsuchungsmethoden. Instrumente and Apparate. StRUKTUR (ODER MORPHOLOGIE). [Im allgemeinen oder von mehreren Tierklassen.] {Si:he attch (L) AUgemeine Bio- logic, (0) Anatomic und (Q) Physiologic.) Allgcmeines ; Vergleichende Ana- tomic ; Specielle Anatomie und Histologic : Tegument und seine Organe ; Nerven- system und Sinnesorgane ; Myo- logie ; Skelett (einschl. Osteo- logie und Zahnbildung) ; In- neres Skelett bei Wirbellosen ; Erniilu-ungssystem ; Circula- tions- und Respirationsorgane ; Wassergefiisssystem, Blut, Lymphe, Coelomfliissigkeit, Chy- lus. Specielle Driisen ; Excre- tions-Organe ; Reproduktive Organe ; Specielle aussere Charactere ; Farbe. Rudimen- tare oder unentwickelte Organe imd Organe ungewisser Natur, 10 N 0000-0231. Zoologie g6n6rale. 0000-0231. Zoologia comprensiva. X.B. — Lcs sujots t'liuiin'Tos sdus Ics indices 0000 ;\ 0231 ppuvent 6tre reprosentOs dans chaciine eli . . Cysloidea.. Death Decapoda . . Deep-sea Animals Defensive Processes Demospongiae Dentition . . Dennaptera DeTclopment A ariatioiis of Diaptosauria Dibranchiata Dictionaries DicycniidsD Dinotlagellata Diiioi-nillies . . 4631 Dinosauria . . 5631 .. 4631 Diplopoda. . . . 3431 .. 203L Diploptera .. 4631 . . 5631 Dipnoi . . 5431 . . 3031 Diptera . . 4200- . . 3131 Dissojiony . . 0215 .. 3131 Distribution, Geographical . . 0227 . . 6031 Ecaudata . . . . 5631 . . 5631 Echinodera . . 160O .. 4631 Echinodermata . . . . lOOO . . 0207 Echinoidea . . 1031 . . 0431 Ectoprocta . . 2031 . . 0207 Edemata . . . . 6031 . . 2H31 Edriophthalina . . . . 2631 . . 0803 Embiidae . . . . 3831 .. 4031 Embryology . . 0215 . . 0131 Enteropneusta . . . . 5000 .. 5831 Entomostraca . . 2631 . . 0800 Entoprocta . . 2031 . . 0207 Environmental Efiects . . . . 0211 . . 4800 Ephemeridte . . 3831 . . 0030 Ethology . . . . 0219 . . 0060 Eurypterida . . . . . . 2800 . . 3631 Evaniidse . . . . ... .. 4631 0207, 0219 Evolution.. . 0223 . . 0223 Excretory Organs . , 0207 . . 5831 Explorations .. 0020 . . 0020 Fertility, Variations of .. . . 0223 . . 2631 Fertilization, Phenomena .. 0215 .. 5831 Flageilata . . . . 0431 . . 5631 Foramiuilera . 0431 . . Iu31 Forficulidse . 3S31 . . 5631 Formieidse . 4631 . . 0223 Form, Variations of . 0223 . . 2600 Fossoria . . . 4631 . . 2031 Fulicarise . . . 5831 . . 5831 Function, Change of . 0211 . . 0831 Gallinae . . . 5831 . . 2031 Ganoidei . . . 5431 .. 2631 Gardens . . . 0060 . . 2031 Grastro|ioda . 2231 .. 5431 Gastrotricl.a . 160O . . ^631 Gavise . 5831 .. 5831 Generations, Alternation of . 0215 .. 1031 Geographical Zoology • . . 0227 .. 0211 Gepbyrea.. . 1800 .. 2631 Glands, Function of . 0211 .. 0219 Special . 0207 .. 021!) Gordiida) . . . 1431 . . 0631 Grafts , 0223 . . 02U7 Grapfolitcs . 0831 . . 3831 Gregarinida . 0131 .. 0215 Gregariousness . . . 0219 . . 0223 Gryllidte . 3831 .. 5631 Gymnolaema . 2031 .. 2231 Habitat; .. . 0219 . . 0030 Habits . 0219 .. 1231 Variations of . 0223 .. 0431 Haemosporidia . . . 0431 .. 5831 Ilnrnifuluess . 0060 39 N Heliozoa . . .. 0481 Metamorphosis , . . 0215 Hemiiiiorula> .. 3831 Methods .. . 0090 HeniipttM-a . . 4000 Migraiioii.. . 0219 Heredity . . 0223 Mimicry . . . 0219 Hermaphroditism . . 0215 Moliusea . . . 2200 Herodiones .. 5831 ^lonaxonida . 0031 Hetcrocora .. 4431 Monotremata . 6031 Heterodiictvlae . . . 5S31 Montifuliporidae . . . 0831 Heterogyna .. 4631 Morpliology . 0207 Heteropoda . . 2231 Multituberculata . 6031 Hexactiuellida . . ,. 0631 Museums . . . O06O Hibernsitiou . . 0219 Mycetozoa . 0431 Hirudinea . . 1800 Myology . . . 0207 Histogeny. . .. 0215 Myriopoda . 340O Histology . . . . 0207 Myxospongida . 0631 History . . 0010 Myxosporidia . 0431 Holocephali .. 5431 Myzostomaria . 1800 Ho'.othuriodea . . 1031 Xautiloidea . 2231 Homoeotic Variations . . . 0223 Nemathehninthes . 1400 Hybrids . . . . 0223 Kemacoda. . . 1431 Hydromedusse . . . . 0S31 Nematomorpha . . . 1431 Hymenoptera . . 4600 Nemertiuea . 1231 nyperzoology . . 0000 Nervous System . . . 0207 1 •hneumonidse .. . . 4631 Neuroptera . 380O Lhtbyosauria . . 5631 Nomenclature, Principle s of '. . 0070 Impennes . . . . 5831 Nucleubranchiala . 2231 In-breeding . . 0223 Nudibranchiata .. . 2231 Infusoria . . . . 0431 Odonata . . , 3831 Insecta . . 3500 Odontolcse . 5831 Insectivora . . 6031 Odontormaj . 5831 Instinct . . .. 0219 Oligocbseta . 1800 Institutions 0020, 0060 Ontogeny, Postembryoni . 0215 Instruments . . 0090 Onychopbora . 3200 Isopoda . . . . 2631 Oogenesis . . . 0215 Keratosa . . . . 0631 Ophidia . . . 5631 Kinorhyncha . . 1600 Opbiuroidea . 1031 LabTrinthodontia . . 5631 Opdiones . . . 3031 Lacertilia . . . . 5631 Opist bobrancbiata . 2231 Lamellibranchiata . . 2231 Opistbocomi . 5831 Larval Forms . . 0215 Organogeny . 0215 Lectures . . . . 0040 Ornament . 0219 Lepidoptera . . 44C0 Ornitbosauria . 5631 Leptocardii . . 5000 Ortboneclidse . 1231 Leptostraca .. 2631 Orthoptera . 380O Life, Duration of . . 0211 Oryssidae . . . 4631 Limicolae . . . . 5831 Ogteolog;v . . . 0201 Linguatulida . . 2800 Ostracoda . 2631 Locustidse. . . . 3831 Ostracodermi . 5431 Luminosity . . 0219 Oviposition . 0219 Lymph . . 0207 Ovum . 0215 Malacostraca . . 2631 Psedogenesis . 0215 llallophaga . . 3600 Palamediidse . 5831 Mammalia . . 6000 Palpigradi . 3031 Mantidse . . . . 3831 Panto poda . 2800 Marsupialia . . 6031 Parasitica . . . 4631 Mastigophora .. 0431 Parasitism . 0219 Maturity, Variations of . . . 0223 Pareiasauria . 5631 -Megalyridae . . 4631 Parental Relations . 0219 Meristic Variations . . 0223 Parthenogenesis . . . 0215 iJesozoa .. . . 1200 Passeres . . . 5831 N Pauropoda Pedagogy . . Pedipalpi . . Pelagic Animals . . Pelecinidse Pelecypoda Periodicals Peripatus . . Perissodactyla Perlidse . . Phalangida Phasmida. . Phenology Philosophy Phcenicopteri Phoronifi . . Phylactolaema . . Phyllopoda Phylogeny Physiology Physopoda Phytophthires Pici Pisces Plagiostomi Plankton . . Planipennia Platyhelminthes . . Plesiosauria Podargidse Podophthalma . . Poly cb seta Polyzoa . . Porifera . . Primates . . Prochordal a Procolophonia ProctotrupidfE . . Proganosauria Proportions, Variations of Prosobranchiata . . Protection Proreomyxa Protorosauria Prototracheata . . Protozoa . . Peelaphognatha . . Pseudoscorpiones. . Psittaci . . Peocidse . . Psychology Psyllidae . . Pf enoglossa Pterocletes Pteropoda. . Pterosauria Pulmonata Pygopodes Pytbonomorpba . . Eachiglossa 40 3431 Kadiolaria 0050 Eegeneration 3031 Eeproduction 0219 Eeproductive Organs 4631 Eeptilia 2213 Eesemblances 0020 Eespiration 3231 Eespiratory Organs 6031 Ebese 3831 Ebipidoglossa 3031 Ebiptoglossa 3831 Ebizopoda 0219 Ehop ilocera 0000 Ebyncliosauria . . 5831 Ehyncbota 1800 EbVncbocepbalia 2031 Eodentia 2631 Eotifera . . 0223 Eudimentary Organs 0211 Sarcosporidia, 3600 Saururffi . . 4031 Scaphopoda 5831 Scbizopoda 54C0 Scolopendrella . . 5431 Scorpiuuida 0219 Scypbomedusse . . 3&31 Senescence 1200 Sense, Organs of . . 5631 ■ Function of . . 5831 Sessilivcntres 2631 Sex, Production of 1800 Sexual Eelations . . 2000 Sipbonaptera 0600 Sirenia 6031 Siricidse . . 5000 Size, Variations of • • 5631 Skeletal Structures (internal) 4631 Invertebrates . . 5631 Social Eelations . . 0223 Societies, Eeports of 2231 Solifugffi 0219 Sound Production , 0431 Spermatogenesis . . 5631 Spermatozoon 3200 Sphegidae 0400 Spongida . . 3431 Sporozoa . . . 3031 Steatornis . 5831 Steganopodes . 3831 Stegocepbala . 0219 StephanidiE . 4)31 Stereornitbes 2231 Stomatopoda . 5831 Strepsiptera . 2231 Striges . 5631 Stromatoporid£e . . 2231 Struthiones '. 5831 Stylommatopbora . 5631 SuLumgulata 2i31 Symbiosis.. of 0431 0215 0215 0207 5600 0219 0211 0207 5831 2231 5631 0431 4431 5631 400O 5631 6031 1600 0207 0431 5831 2231 2631 3431 3031 0831 0211 0207 0211 4631 0211 0219 3600 6031 4631 0223 0207 0219 0020 3031 0219 0215 0215 4631 0600 0431 5831 5831 5631 4631 5831 2631 4800 5831 0831 5831 2231 6031 0219 41 N Svniphvla. . Tables " . . Taenioglos207 Brachiopodes . 2000 Andrenides . 4631 Braconides . 4631 Animaux cavernicoles . . . 0219 Bryozoaires . 2000 pelagiques . . . 0219 Caleaires . . . 0631 Anisodactyles . 5831 Cariama . . . 5831 Anisopodes . 2631 Carnivores . 6031 Anomodontes . 5631 Carnosa . . . 0631 Anoploures . 3600 Casuariens . 5831 Anoures . . . 5' 31 Cephalopodes . 2231 Anseriens . . . 5831 Cepbidea . . . 4631 Antophiles . 4631 Cestodes .. . 1231 Aphanipteres . 4600 Cetaces . . . 6031 Aphides . . . 4031 Cbsetognathes . 1600 Apides . 4631 Cbalastogastres . . 4631 Apodes . 5631 Chalcidides . 4631 Appareils . . . 0090 Lbeilostomes . 2031 Apieres . . . 3600 Cheloniens . . 5631 43 N Chernetiiles Chilognalhes Chilopodes Clnropteres Cboiistodorcs Clirvsidides Cliy'le Cilies Circulation, Appareil de Cirripodes Cnidaria. . Coccides . . Coccidiidcs Coccvgieiis Cuelenteres Coleopteres Collections CoUeniboles Columbins Couiereuces Congres , . Copepodes Coraciens . . Cotvlosaurieus Couleur . . Tariations d Crinoides . . Crocodiliens Croi^enients Ciustates . . Cr_\ptostomes Crvpturicns Ctenc'pliores Ctenostomes Cuiuaces .. Cvclostouies Cvijipides Cypseliens Cvstoiides Def-apodes Defense, Procedes de Demospongiaires Dentition . . JJerniapteres Develuppement Variations d Diaptosauriens Dibrunches Dietionnaires Dicveuiida' iJinotiagelles Dinornitbiens Dinosauriers Diplopodes Diplopteres Dipnoiques Dipteres . . Diseours . . Dissogenie Distribution geographique 020 031, 3031 Dureo de la vio . . . 0211 3 131 Eeliinoderes . 1600 3J31 EchinoiU-rnies . 1000 i;o3i Eehiiioides . 1031 5631 Eftoproctes . 2031 4ti31 Edeiitos . . . 6031 0207 Edriophthalmes .. . 2631 0-131 Elevage . . . 0219 0:;07 Embiides . . . 3831 2631 Knibryologie . 0215 OSOO Enteropiieustes .. . 5000 4031 Entoniostraces . 2631 0-431 Entoproctes . 2031 5S31 Eplienierides . 3831 OSOO Ethologie., . 0219 4S00 Etiologie . . . 0223 0060 Euryplerides . 2800 3631 Evaniides . . . 4631 5S31 Evolution . . . 0223 0010 Excretion, Organes d' . . 0207 0020 Evplorations . 0020 2631 Fecundation, Phenouieiies de . . 0215 5831 Fecondite, Variations de . 0223 5631 Flagelles . . . 0431 0219 Fonction, Cbangement de . 0211 0223 Foraniiniferes . 0431 1031 Fiirfieulides . 3831 5631 Forme, Variations de . . 0223 0223 Formicides . 4631 2600 Fouisseurs . 4631 2031 Fulicarieus . 5831 5b31 Gallinaces. . . 5831 0831 Ganoides . . . 5431 2031 Gastropodes . 2231 2631 Gustrotriclies . 1600 54 31 Gaviens . . . 5831 4631 Generations alternantes. . 0215 5831 Genres, Formation des . . 0211 1031 Gepbyriens . 1800 2631 Glandes, Fonction des . . 0211 0219 ■ speciales . 0207 0631 Gordiens . . . 1431 0207 Graptolites . 0831 3831 Graff es ,. . 0223- 0215 Gregarinides . 0431 0223 GrjUides . . . 3831 5631 Gymnolemes . 2031 2231 Habitat . 0219 0030 Habitudes . 0219 1231 Variations d' . 022a 0431 Haemosporidies . . . 0431 5831 Heliozcaires . 0431 5631 Heinimerides . 3831 3431 Hemipt^res . 400O 4631 Heredite . . , 0211 5431 Hcrmapbrodijme . 021& 4200 Herodiens.. . 5831 0040 Heterocenes . 4431 0215 Heterodactj'les .. . 5831 0227 Heterogynes . 4631 N Heteropocles Hexactinellides . . Hibernation Hirudinees H istogenie Histoire . . Hislol.ogie. . Holocephales Holothurio'ides . . Hybrides . . Hjdromediises . . Hymenopfceres . . Ichneumonides . . IchtliTOsaui'lens . . Impennes . . Infusoires. . In^ectes . . Inseotivores Instinct . . Instincts soeiaux Institutions Instruments Isopodes . . Tardins Keratosa . . Kinorhynques Labyrinthodontes Lacertiliens Lamellibranclies . . Lepidopteres Lep'-ocardiens Lsptostraces Limicoliens Linguatulides . . -^ Liquide de la cavite genei Locustides ' . • Luminosite Lyniphe . . Malacostraces Mallopliages Mammiferes Mantides . • Manuels . . Marsupiaux Mastigophores . . Maturite, Variations de . Megalyridcs Mesozoaires Metamorpyiose . . Methodes . . Migration . . Milieu, Inlluence du Mimetisine MoUuiques Monaxonidcs Monolrcmes Monticuliporides. . Morphologic Mort .. ^ ■• Multitubcrcules . . 44 2231 Musees 0631 Mycetozoaires 0219 Myologie . . 1800 Myriapodes 0215 Myxospongiaires . . 0010 Myxo3poridies . . 0207 Myzostomaires . . 5431 Nautiles . . 1031 Neinathelmintlies 0223 Nematodes 0S31 Neniatoraorphes . . 4600 Nemertiens 4631 Nerropteres .'. 5631 Nocaite .. 5831 Nomenclature 0431 Nucleobranches .. 3500 Nudibranches 6031 Odonates . . 0219 Odontolciens 0219 Odontormiens 0020,0060 CEuf OODO Oiseaux . . 2631 Oligochsetes '.', 0060 Ongules 0631 Ontogenie post cmbryonnaira 1600 Onychopliores 5631 Opliidiens.. 5631 Opliiuroides 2231 Opilions . . ! . 4400 Opistliobranclies . . 5000 Opistliocomes '. '. 2631 Organes rudinientaires . . 5g3]^ tegamentaircs 2800 Organogenie ■ale . . 0207 Ornements 3S31 Ornitliosauricns . . 0219 Orthoncctid* 0207 Orthopteres 2631 Oryssides . . .'. 3600 Osteologie \ . . 6003 Ostracodermes . . \ .. 3831 Ostracodes \ .. 0030 Ovgenese . . (5031 Pajdogenese^ 0131 Palaniediidos 0223 Palpigrades 4631 Pantopodes 1200 Parasites . . 0215 Parasitisme 0090 Pareiasauriens . . 0219 Parente, Relations de . . ' .. 0211 Partlienogenese .. [ . . 0219 Passereaux ' . . 2200 Pauropodes .. 0631 Pedagogic .. (-,031 Pedipalpes * .. 0->31 Pelecinides 0207 Pelecypodes '\ .. 0211 Periodiques '[ '.. 6031 Peripatus 0060 OtSl 0207 3103 0631 0131 1800 2231 1403 1431 1431 1231 3S0) 0060 0070 2231 2231 3S31 5831 5-131 0215 5800 1800 6031 0215 3203 5631 1031 3031 2231 5831 0207 0207 0215 0219 , 5631 , 1231 . 3800 . 4631 . 0207 . 5431 . 2631 , 0215 . 0215 . 5S31 , 3031 , 2800 . 4631 . 0219 . o()31 . 0219 . 0215 , . 5831 , . 3431 . . 0050 . . 3031 . . «!31 . , 2231 . . 0020 . . 323 L 45 N Perissodaoljles Perlides . . Perroijuets Plialaniiiiios Phasmidcs Pheuoloiiie Philosophie Phipnicoptercs Phoronis . . PhTlactolemcs Phyllopodes Pliylogenie PliTsiologie Pliysopodes PhVtcphtbiies Pics Plagiostomes Planipennes Plankton . . Platviielniinthes Plesiesauriens r.'ilarges .. r Jopluhalnr.aires i'oissons . . Polycliffites Polvzoaires Polite Poriferes . . Porte- Aiguillons Primates . . Procliordes Procolophoniens Proclotiupides Proganosauriens Proportions!, Yar Prosobranches Protection Proteomyxes Pro! orosauriens PrototracLeates Protozoaires PselapLo£^atlies Pseucloscorpions Psocides . . PsTcliologie Psyllides .. Ptenoglossa Ptcroeliens Pleropodes Pterosauriens Pulmones . . Prgop des Pytlionomorplies Eacliig!os?es Radiolaires Eecueils . . Regeneration Relations sexuelle sociales Reproduction tions de . . (5o;u Kcin-odiu'tion, Organcs dc .. ;5^;u Reptiles .. . . ONIU Respiration . . 3031 . . 3!S31 Appnreil de la Ressemblanoe .. 02 H) Rlicens . . cooo Rliipidoglosses . . . . 5831 Rhiptoglosses . . 1!>00 Rliopaloceres . . 2031 Rlivnchocephales . . 2631 Rhynctosauriens. . . . 0223 Rhynchotes .. 0211 . . 3(;oo . . 4031 Rhyzopodes Rongeurs . . Rotit'eres . . . . 5S31 Sang . . 5 131 Sareosporidies . . 3.>-31 Saururiens . . 0219 . . 1200 . . 5631 Seapliopodcs SchJzopodes S(tolopendrelIes . . .. 5831 Scorpionides . . 2631 Scyphomeduses .. . . 5400 Senescence . . 1800 . . 2000 Sens, Organes des Fonctions des organes des . . 0219 Sessiliventres . . 0600 Sexes, Production des .. . . 4631 Siplioiiapteres . . 6081 Sireniens . . . . 5000 Siricides . . .. 5631 Soeietes, Rapports tie . . . . 4631 . . 5631 Solifuges .. Sons, Production des . . 0223 .. 2231 Sperniatogenese . . Spcrniatozo'ides . . . . 0219 .. 0431 ., £631 Sphegides.. Spongiaires Sporozoides . . 3200 Squeletle interne des invert Sbres . . 0400 Stcatornis . . . . 3431 . . 3031 . . 3831 Steganopodes Stegocepliales Stephanides .. 0219 Steieornitliiens . . . . 4031 Stomatopodes . . 2231 .. 5831 .. 2231 . . 5631 Strepsipteres Strigiens . . Stromatoporides . . Strutliioniens . . 2231 . . 5831 . . 5631 Slylommatophorcs Subongules Symbiose , . . . 2l>31 Sympbyliens .. 0431 Systime digestif . . . . 0030 nerTCUx . . 0215 Tables . . 0219 Taenioglosses . . 0219 Taille, Variations de la . . .. 01:15 Taxononiie en general . . M 46 Technique . 0090 Tecfcibranclies . 2231 Telegonie . . . 0223 Teleosteens . 5431 Teleostomes . 5431 Teuthredinides . . 4631 Termitides . 3831 Tetractinellides , . 0631 Thoracostraces . . 2631 Thysanopteres . 3603 Thysanoures . 3631 Tillodoiites . 6031 Toxoglosses . 2231 Traites generaux. . 0030 Trematodes . 1231 Trepostomes Trichoplax Trichopteres Trilobites , . . 2031 . 1231 . 3S00 . 2S00 Trygonalides . 4631 Tubinariens . 5831 Tuniciers . . . 5000 Turbellaries . . > . . 1231 Urions consanguines . 0223 Urodeles . . . 5631 Utilite , 0060 Variation . , . 0223 Vertebres . . . 5200 Vespides . . . 4631 Voix . 0219 Xiphosures . 2800 Zoanth aires . 0831 Zoologie generale. . 0000-0231 ■ geographique . . 0227 speeiale 0400-6031 topograpliique . . 0227 Zygodactyles . . 5831 N I X D E X (N) ZOOLOGIE, Abhandlungen, Allgemeine . 0030 Anura . . 5631 Acanthocephala . . . 1431 Apliauiptera 3600-3631 Acari . 3031 Apliidte . . . . 4031 Acarida . . . 3031 Apidoe Andrenidae . . 4631 Accipitres. . . 5831 Apoda . . 5631 Acinetaria . . 0431 Apparate . . . . . . 0090 Acridiidse . 3831 Aptera 3600-3631 Aculeata . . . 4631 Apteryges. . . . 5831 Aehnlichkeiten . . . 0219 Apterygogenea . . 3600-3631 ^pyornithes . 5831 Aquaritn .. .. .. . . 0060 -Stiologie . . . 0223 Arachnida 3000-3031 Akkliinatisation .. . 0219 Araneida . . . . 3031 Alcse . 5831 Archiannelida 1800-1831 AlcTonaria . 0831 Artlirodira . . 5431 Alectorides . 5831 Arthropoda 2400-2431 Aleurodidifi . 4031 Arthrostraca . . 2631 Altera . 0211 Artiodactyla . . 6031 Ammonea . . . 2231 Assimilation .. 0211 Aruoeb.iea. . , . . 043 L Asteroidea . . 1031 Amphibia . . . 5631 Afcmung . . .. 0211 Amphineura . 2231 Aves 5800-5831 Amphioxus .. .. 5 [)00-5031 Bas3omatophora .. .. .. 2231 Amphipoda . 2631 Bastardbildung . . . . 0223 Anatomie . . . 0207 Batrachia . . 5600-5631 Andrenidae . 4631 Befruchtungs-Phanomene .. 0215 Anisodactylae . 5831 Bibliographien . . . . 0032 Anisopoda . . 2631 Biographien . . 00] 0 Anomodontia . 5631 Bionomische Variation . . , . 0223 ' Anoplura . . . . . . 3 600-3631 Blastoidea . . 1031 ' Anpassung . 0211 Blattidaj . . .. 3831 ' Anseres . . . . 5831 Blut . . 0207 . Anthophila . . 4631 Brachiopoda 2000-2031 N 48 Braconidcie .. 4631 Diplopoda .. 3431 Bryozoa . . 2000-2031 Diploptera , , 4631 Calcarea . , .. 0H31 Dipnoi 5431 Cariama . . . . 5831 Diptera . . 4200-4231 Carnirora . . 6031 Dissogonie 0215 Carnosii . . .. 0631 Driisen 0207-0211 Casuarii . . . . 5831 Ecaiidata . . 5631 Caudata . . . . 5631 Ecliinodera 1600-1631 Cephalopoda . . 2231 Ecliinoderuiata . . 1000-1031 Cephidfe . . .. 4631 Echinoidea , , 1031 Cestoda .. 1231 Ectoprocta 2031 Cetacea . . 6031 Edentata . . ^ ^ 6031 Chaetognatha 1600-1631 Edrioplitlialma . . 2631 Clialastogastra . . . . 4631 Eiablage .. , , 0219 Clialcididse . . 4631 Embiidise . . 3831 Cheilostoniata .. 2031 Embryologie . , 0215 Clielonia . . .. 5631 Endoprocta 2031 Chernetida . . 3031 Enteropneusta . . 5000-5031 Chilognatha .. 3431 Entomostraca , . ^ ^ 2631 Chilopoda . . 3431 Entwickelung 0215 Chiroptera . . 6031 Ephemeridaj 3831 Choristodera . . 5631 Erniihrungs-System , , 0207 Chylus . . 0207 Ethologie . . 0219 Ciliata . . 0431 Eurypterida 280C )-2831 Circulationsorgane . . 0207 Evaniida^ . . .. 4631 Cirripedia . . 2631 Evolution . . , , 0223 Cnidaria . . 0800-0831 Excretions-Organe 0207 Coccidse . . . . 4031 Earbe ., .. 0207, 0219 0223 Coccidiidea . . 0431 Eestreden . . .. 0040 Coccyges . . . . 5831 ElHgellafa. . ,, 0431 Coelenterata 0800-0831 Eorficulida; 3831 Coelomflussigkeit . . 0207 Form 0223 Coleoptera 4800-4831 Formicida^ 4631 CoUembola . . 3631 Foripflanzung 0215 Columba? . . . . 5831 Forscliungsreisen. . , , 0020 Copepoda . . . . 2631 Fossoria . . 4631 Coraciae . . . , 5831 Fulicariie . . 5831 Cotylosauria . . 5631 Funktiousweclisel 0211 Crinoidea . . . . 1031 Garten 0060 Crocodilia. . .. 5631 Gallina? . . , , 5831 Crustacea . . 2600-2631 Ganoidei . . 5431 Cryptostoniala .. . . 2031 Gastropoda 2231 Cryiit iiri . . . . 5831 Gastrotricha 1600 -1631 Crysididie . . 4631 Gavise , . 5831 Ctenophora . . 0831 Gephyrea . . 1800 -1831 Cumacea . . . . 2631 Generationswecbscl . . 0215 Cyt-lo^^toiuata . . 2031 Geograpliisclie Zoologie. . 0227 Cyclostomi . . 5431 Geschicl te 0010 Cynipidsc . . . . 4631 Gesellscliaften, Eericlite von 0020 Cypseli . . 5831 GordiidfX" . . 1431 Cystoidca . . .. 1031 Graptolitcs 0831 Decapoda . . . 2631 Grrgarinida 0431 ])emos|>oiigiae . . 0631 Griisso 0223 Uerniaptera • . . . . 3831 Gryllid:t- 3831 Uiaptocauria . . 5631 Gymnolaenia 2031 Dibrancliiata . . 2231 habitat .. 0219 Dicyeiiiidie . . 1231 ITaeniosporidia . . 0431 3)iiiullaj:cllati .. . . 0431 lleerdculebcn 0219 Dinornitlics . . 5831 Jleliozoa .. , , 0431 Dinosauria . . 5631 Hcmimeridic . , 3831 49 N Heniiptera Heruiaphroditi.smiis Herodiones Heteroi'era Heterodact vlif Heterogyna Hctoropoda Heteroptera. Ilomiptoi Hexai'tinelliila llinuiiuea Hi^toireiiie Histologie Hohlentiere Holoeepliali Ilolotliurioidea . . Homoeotisclie Variation Hrdromedusir Hnuenoptera Iclineumonidir . IclitliTOsauria Impennes . . Infusoria . . Insecta Insectivora Instinkt . . Institute . . Instnimente Inzucht . . Isopoda . . Keratosa . . Klassifikation Kinorhvncha Knospenbilduno; Kongresse, Bericl*te ron Kreuzung.. Labyrinthodontia Lacertilia . . Lamellibrancliiata Larrenformen Lebensdauer Lebensgewobnlieiten Lehrbiicher Lepidoptera Leptocardii Leptostraca Leuchtvermogen. . Limicolae . . Linguatulida Locustidie. . Lrmphe . . ilalacostraca Mallophaga Mammalia Mantida? . . Marsupialia Mastigophora MegalyridiE ^reristische Variation Mesozoa . . Metamorphose . . (.\--lu332j 4031 ^[othodcn. . 00i)0 0215 ^[imiery . . 0219 5831 ilollusca . . 2200 -2231 4131 ^foiuixoiiida 0631 583 1 ^louotrouiata .. 6031 4631 ]\ronticuliporida> 0831 2231 ^forphologie , , 0207 ra 4031 ^lultituberculata , , 6031 0631 Museen 0060 180J -1831 ]\[yfetozoa 0131 0215 Myologie . . 0207 0207 Myriojioda 3400 -3131 0219 Myxospongida 0631 5431 !Myxosporidia 0431 1031 Myzostoniaria 18O0 -1831 )n 0223 Nautiloidea 2231 0831 Xeiuathehninthcs 1400 -1431 4600-4631 Xematoda. . 1431 4631 Xematomorpha . . 1431 5631 Xemertinea 1231 5831 ]S"erTensystem 0207 0431 Xeuroptera 3800 -3831 , . 3500 Xomeuklatur 0070 6031 Nucleobranchiata 2231 0219 Xudibrancliiata . . 2231 0020, 0060 Xiitzlichkeit 0060 0090 Odonata . . 3831 0223 Odontolcaj 5831 2631 Odontorma? 5831 0631 Oligocliseta ]800 -1831 0231 Ontogenie, postembryonisclie . . 0215 1603 -1631 Onychophora 3200 -3231 02 J 5 Oogenesis . . 0215 jn 0020 Ophidia . . 5631 0223 Ophiiiroidea 1031 5631 Opiliones . . 3031 5631 Opisthobranchiata 2231 2231 Opistbocomi 5831 0215 Orsanogenie 0215 0211 Ornithosauria 5631 0219 OrthoneetidcC 1231 0030 Orthoptera 3800 -3831 4400-4431 Oryssida? . . 4631 5000 -5031 Osteologie. . 0207 2631 Ostracoda 2631 0219 Ostracodermi 5431 5831 Orum 0215 2800 -2831 Piidagogik 0050 3831 Pedogenesis 0215 0207 Palamediidcc 5831 2631 P.ilpigradi 3031 3600 -3631 Pantopoda 2800 -2831 6000 -6031 Parasitica.. 4631 3831 Parasitismus 0219 6031 Pareiasauria .. .-.631 0431 Parthenogenesis . . 02 ir, 4631 Passeres . . 5831 .. 0223 Pauropoda 3431 1200 -1231 Pedipalpi . . 3031 0215 Pelagische Tiere 0219 N oO Pelecinidfe Pelecypoda Periodica . . Peripatus . . Perissodactyla PerlidiB . . Pfropfen . . Pluinolojjie Phalangida Phasmida; Philosopliie Phci'nicopteri Phoronis . . Pliylactolaemii Pliyllopoda Phylogenie Pliysiologie Physopoda PhTtophtliires Pici Pisces Plagiostomi Planipennia Plankton , , Platyheluainthes Plesiosauria Podargidae Podophthahnata Polychceta Polyzoa Porifera . . Postembryonale Ontogf Primates . . Procliordata Procolophonia Proctotrupida> Proganosauria Proportionen Prosobranchiata Proteomyxa Protorosauria Prototraclieata Protozoa . . Pselaphognatha Pseudoscorpiones Psittaci Psocidffi . . Psychologic Psyllidte . . Ptenoglossa Pterocletes Pteropoda Pterosauria Pulmonata Pygopodes Pythonomorpha Rachiglos^a Radiolaria. . Regeneration Eeproduktiye Organe 1800- 3600- 5400- 1200- 1800- 2000- 0600- 5000- 3200- 0100- 4631 2231 0020 3231 6031 3S31 0223 0219 3031 3831 0000 5831 1831 2031 2631 0223 0211 ■3631 4031 5831 5431 5431 3831 0219 1231 5631 5831 2613 1831 2031 0G31 0215 6031 ■5031 5631 4631 5631 0223 2231 0431 5631 3231 0431 3431 3031 5831 3831 0219 4031 2231 5831 2231 5631 2231 5831 5631 2231 0431 0215 0207 Eeptilia . . Respirationsorgane Rhea? Rliipidoglossa Rhiptoglossa Rliizopoda Rhopalocera Eliynclioceplialia Rhyiicliosaiiria . Rhynehota Rodentia . . Rotifera . . Rndimentjire Org Sammelwcrke Sammlungen Sarcosporidia . Saurur* . . Scaphopoda Scliadliclikeit Schizopoda Schmuck . . Sclmtzniittel Scolopendrella Scorpionida Scyphomedusa? . Sessiliventres Sexnelle Bezieliun Sinnesorgaue Siphonaptera Sirenia Siricidic . . Solifugse . . Soziale Bezieliunj Spermatogenesis . Spermatozoon Spliegida' . . Spongida . . Sporozoa . . Steatornis . . Steganopodcs Stegocepliala Stephanidic Stereornitlies Stimme Stomatopoda Strepsiptera Striges Stromatoporidte . Structur . . Striithiones Stylommatopiiura Subungulata Symbiose . . Sympliyla . . Tabellen .. Taeniglossa Tardigrada Taxonomie Technik . . Tectibrancbiata , 4000 IBOa 0207, 3600- 5600-5631 . . 0207 . . 5831 . . 2231 . . 5631 . . 0431 . . 4431 . . 5631 . . 5631 4031 6031 1631 0207 0030 0060 0431 5831 2231 0060 2631 0219 0219 3431 3031 0831 4631 0219 0211 3631 6031 4631 3031 0219 0215 0215 4631 0631 0431 5831 5831 5631 4631 5831 0219 2631 •4831 . . 5831 . . 0831 . . 0207 . . 5831 . . 2231 . . 6031 . . 0219 , . 3431 . , 0030 . . 2231 2800-2831 . . 0231 . . 0090 .. 2231 0600- 4800- 51 N Togimient.. 0207 Trilobita . . Tolegouie . . 0223 Tubinarcs. . Telcostoi . . 5131 Tubulifoni Teleoskiini 5131 Tunifata . . Tontlircdinida' . . 4631 Tui-bellavia Teratologisohc Ytiriatiou 0223 Ungulata . . Termitidip 3831 Urodela . . Tetractinellidii . . 0(531 Variation . . Tlioracostracft 2631 Vererbung Thvsanoptera 360;) -3631 Vertebrata Thysanura 3631 Yerteidigung Ticfsee-Tiere 0219 Yespidiu . . Tillodontia 6031 Yortriige . . Tod 0211 Wanderung Topographiselic Zoologie 0227 Wintersclilaf Toxoglojsa 2231 Worterbiicher Trematoda 1231 Xiphosura Treposfomatu 2031 Zahnbilduug Triflioplax 1200 -1231 Zoantliaria Trichoptera 3800 -3831 Ziiclitiung .. Trigonalida; 4631 Zygodactykf 2800-2831 . . 5831 . . 4631 5000-5031 . . 1231 . . 6031 . . 5631 . . 0223 . . 0223 5200-5231 . . 0219 . . 4631 . . 0040 . . 0219 . . 0219 . . 0030 2800-2831 . . 0207 . . 0831 . . 0219 . . 5831 N 52 INDICE PER LA ZOOLOGIA (N). Abissali, Animali delle zone . 0219 Apidae . 4631 Abitudiui . . . 0219 Apoda . 5631 Yariazioni di . 0223 Apparato . . . 0090 Acanthocepliala . . . 1431 Aptera . 3600 Acari . 8031 Apteryges. . . 5831 Acarida . . . 3031 Apterygogenea . . . 3600 Accipitres. . . 5831 Aquaria . . . 0060 Acclimafcazione . 0219 A.rachnida . 3000 Acinetaria.. . 0431 Araneida . . . 3031 Acridiida; . . . 3831 Arcbiannelida . 1800 Aculeata . . . 4631 Arthrodira . 5431 Adattamento . 0211 Artliropoda . 2400 JSpiornithes . 5831 Arthrostraca . 2631 Alcse . 5831 Artiodactyla . 6031 Alcyonaria . 0831 Assimilazione . 0211 Alectorides , 5831 Asteroidea . 1031 Aleurodidae . 4031 Aves . 5800 Alimentare, Apparecchio . 0207 Bassomatopbora . . . 2281 Allevamento . 0219 Batracliia . . . 5600 Ambiente, Effetti dell' . . 0211 Bibliografic . 0032 Ammonidae . 2231 Biografia . . . 0010 Amoebaca. . . (1431 Bionomicbc, Variazioni . . 0223 Ampliibia . . . 5600 Blastoidea . 1031 Amphineura . 2231 Blattidii' . . . 3831 Amphioxus . 5000 Bracbiopoda . 2000 Ampliipoda . 2631 Bracoiiida' . 4631 Anatoiiiia . . . 0207 Bryozoa . . . 2000 Andreiiidae . i(i31 Galea rea . . . 0631 Anisodactylao . 5831 Cariauia . . . 5831 Anisopoda . 2631 Carnivora . . . 6031 Anoniodontia . 5631 Carnosa . . . 0631 Anoplura . . . 3600 Caste, Produzione di . 0211 Ad seres . 5831 Casuarii . . , 5881 Antliopbila . 4631 Caudata . . , 5631 Anoura . 5631 Cavcrnieoli, Aiiiiiiali . 0219 Apliaiiiptora . 3600 Celomaticu, ]vi(|uidu . 0207 Apliidae .. . 4031 Cephalopoda . 2231 53 N Ccphidap . . . . 4(;31 Dipnoi 5431 Cestoda . . 1231 Diptcra 420!) Cetai-ea . . (5031 Discorsi . . 001C» Cha'tognrttlia . . 1600 Dissogouia 0215 Chalastogastia .. .. 4031 Distribuzione geografica. . 0227 Chalcididiv . . 4631 Duiata della A'ita 0211 Cheilostomata . . 2031 Ecaiidata . . 5631 Chelonia . . . . 5631 Echinodera 160!) Cheruetida . . 3031 Ecliiuodermata . . 1000 Chilo . . 0207 Echinoidea 1031 Chilognatha . . 3431 I'^ntoprocta 2031 Chilopoda. . . . 3431 Ephemerida? 3831 Chiroptera . . 6031 Epoca d'apparizioiie, Yariazioui Choristodera . . 5631 di 0223 Chrvsididiv . . 4631 Ercdita 0223 Ciliafa . 0431 Eriuafroditismo . . 0215 Circolazione, Organi della . . 0207 Escretoi'i, Organi 0207 Cirripedia. . . . 2631 I'lsplornzioni 0020 '"'i.idaria .. . . 0800 Etiologia . . 0223 cida'? .. . . 4031 Etologia . . 0219 •cidiidpa . . 0431 Eurypterida 2800 ( .K-CTges .. . . 5831 Evaniidffi . . 4631 I olenterata . . 0800 Eroluzione 0223 Coleoptcra . . 4800 Fecondazione, Fcnomeni di 0215 Collembola . . 3631 Fecondita, Yariazioni di 0223 Collezioni . . . . 0060 Fenologia . . 0219 Colore 0207, 0219 Filogenia . . 0223 Yariazioui di . . 0223 Filosofia . . 0000 Columba? . . . . 5831 Fisiologia . . 0211 Congressi . . .. 0020 Flagellata. . 0431 Cnnsanguineita . . . . 0223 Foraminifera 0431 L'opepoda . . . . 2631 Forficulidae 3831 Coraciae . . .. 5831 Forma, Yariazioni di 0223 Cotylosauria . . 5631 Formicidte 4631 Crinoidea . . . . 1031 Fossoria . . 4631 Crocodilia. . . . 5631 Fiilicaria? . . 5831 Crustacea . . . . 260(3 Funzione, Cambiamento di 0211 Crjptosiomata .. . . 2031 Gallina; . . 5831 Crypturi . . . . 5831 Cranoidei . . 5431 Ctenophora . . 0831 G-astropoda 2231 Ctenosiomata . . 2031 Gastrotricba 1600 . . 2631 Gavise 5831 Cjelostomata . . 2031 Gemmazione 0215 Cyclostomi . . 5431 Generazioni, Alternauza dellc . . 0215 Cynipida? . . . . 4631 Gepbyrea . . 1800 Cypseli . . 5831 Giardini . . 0060 Cystoidea . . . . 1031 Glandule, Funzioni delle 0211 Decapods . . . . 2631 speciali 0207 Demospongiae . . 0631 GordiidsD . . 1431 Dentizione . . 0207 Graptolites 0831 Dennaptera . . 3831 Gregarii, Istinti . . 0219 Dibranchiata . . 2231 Gregarinida 0431 Dicyemidse . . 1231 Gryllidse . . 3831 Difensivi, Process! . . 0219 Gymnolaema 2031 Dimensione, Yariazioni di . . 0223 Habitat 0219 Diiioflage)lata .. 0431 Haemosporidia . . 0431 Dinormtbes . . 5831 Heliozoa . . 0431 Dincsauria . . 5631 Hemimeridic 3831 Diplopoda. . . . 3431 Hemiptera 400O Diploptera . . 4631 Herodiones 5831 N 54 Heterocera . . 4431 MonticuliporidcV . . Heterodactrlae . . 5831 Morf ologia Heterogjua . . 4631 Morte Heteropoda . . 2231 Multitubercidata . . HexactmeUid-i , . 0631 Musei Hirudinea . . 1800 Myriopoda Holocephali . . 5431 Myxospongida Holothuriodea . . 1031 Myxospoi-idia HydromedusiT . . 0831 Myzostomaria Hymenoptera . . 4600 Nautiloidea Ibernazione . . 0219 Nemathelmintlies Ibridi . . 0223 Nematoda. . IclmeumoniduL' . . . . 4631 Nematomorplia . . Iclitliyosauria . . . . . 5631 Nemertinea Impennes . . . . 5831 Nervoso, Sistema . . Incrociameuti . . 0223 Neuroptera Infusoria . . . . 0431 Noi.'ivita .. Innesti . . 0223 Nomenclatura, Prineipi di '.'. lusecta . . 3500 Nucleobranchiata InsectiTora . . 6031 Nudibranchiata . . Iperzoologia . . 0000 Odonata . . Isopoda . . 2631 Odontolcse Istinto . . 0219 OdontormcE Istituzioni 0020, 0060 OligochtBta Istogenia . . . . 0215 Omeoticlie, Variazioni Istologia . . . . 0207 Ontogenia postembrionale Istrumenti . . 0090 Ouycliophora Keratosa . . . . 0631 Oogenesi . . Kinoryneha . . 1600 Ophidia . . Labyrintliodontia . . 5631 Ophiuroidea Lacertilia . . . . 5631 Opiliones . . Lamellibranchiata . . 2231 Opisthobrancliiata Lepidoptera . . 4400 Opistliocomi Lei^tocardii . . 5000 Organogcnia Leptostraca . . 2631 Ornamenti Lezioni . . 0040 Ornithosaviria Limicolffi . . . . 5831 Ortlionectidip Linfa . . 0207 Orthoptera Linguatulida . . 2800 Oryssida' . . Locustida;. . . . 3831 Ostcologia. . Luiniiiosita . . 0219 Ostracoda . . Mallopliaga . . 3600 Ostracodcrnii Malocostraca . . 2631 Ovipusiziono Mammalia . . 6000 Palamodiidiu Mantidsu . . . . 3831 Palpigradi Manuali . . . . 0030 Pantopoda Marsupialia . . 6031 Parasitica . . Mastigo])h()ra . . 0131 Parasitismo Maturita, Variazioni di . . . 0223 Pareiasauria Megalyrida; . . 4631 Parentali, Eai)i)orti Meristiclic, Variaziuni . . . 0223 Partenogenesi Mesozoa . . . . 1200 Passercs . . Metamorfosi . . 0215 Pauropoda MeLudi . . OOiiO Pedagogia. . MigrazioDC . . 0219 Pedipalpi . . Mimef ismo .. 0219 Pedogenesi Miologia . . . . 0207 Pelagici, Animali Mollusca . . . . 2200 I'elecinidic Momixonidau .. ()(;31 Pclcoypoda Monot remain . . 6031 Poriodiei . . N Peri pat u^ .. .. :V2:n Perissodiictvla . . (i031 Perlid.v .". . . assi Phalaugidrt . . 3031 Phasmida'. . . . 3831 Pliirniooptori . . 5831 Phorouis . . . . 1800 PiivlnotDlaema . . l'()31 Plivllopoda . . 2631 Physopoda . . 3000 Phvtophtliires . . . . -1031 Pici . . 5831 Pisces . . 5400 Pla^iostomi . . 5 131 PlaniiHMinia . . 3831 Plankton . . .. 0210 Platvlielniintlies . . . . 1200 Plesiosauria . . 5631 Podargid* . . 5831 Podophthalma . . .. 2631 PoWchivta . . 1800 Polyzoa . . . . 2000 Porifera . . . . 0600 Primates . . . . 6031 Proehordata . . 5000 Pivtoloplionia . . 5631 Proetotrupidir . . 4631 Prog«nosaiiria . . 5631 Proporzioni, Variazioni di . . 0223 Prosobranchiata . . . . 2231 Proleonivsa . . 0431 Protezione . . 0219 ProtOi'osauria . . 5631 Prototraclieata . . . . 3200 Protozoa . . . . 0400 Pselapliognatha . . . . 3431 Pseudoscoriiioncs . . 3031 Psicologia. . .. 0219 Psittaci . . 5831 PsocidiP . . . . 3831 Psvllidae . . 4031 Pteroelctes . . 5831 Ptenoglossa . . 2231 Pteropoda . . 2231 Pterosauria . . 5631 Pulmonata . . 2231 Pygopodes . . 5831 Pythonomorpha . . . . 5631 Kaccolte . , . . 0030 Rjr-higlossa . . 2231 Eadiolarja.. . . 0431 Eassomiglianze . . . . 0219 Reptilia . . . . 5600 Respirazione .. 0211 Organi della . . 0207 Rhese . . 5831 Rhipidoglossa . . 2231 Rhiptoglossa . . 5631 Rhizopoda . . 0431 Rhopalocera . . 4431 Ri.yncluisauria .. .. 5631 Rhynchota . . 1 100 Rhynchoi-ephalia . . . . 5631 RigiMioraziono .. .. .. 0211 Riproduttivi, Orgaui . . . . 0207 Kiprodiiziono .. .. .. 0215 Rodent ia . . . . . . . . ()031 Rotifora .. .. .. .. lOOO RudiuuMitali, Organ! . . . . 0207 Saugue . . . . . . . . 0207 S.ir;-o.sporiclri .. . .. 0131 SaururcU . . . . . . . . 5831 Si-apliopoda .. .. .. 2231 Sehcletriche, Strnttnre intenic. degli invortehrati .. .. 0207 Scliizopoda . . . . . . 2631 Scolopcndrella . . . . . . 3131 Si'orpionida . . . . . . 3031 Scvpliomodu.s:i! . . . . . . 0831 Senesceuza .. .. .. 0211 Sciiso, Organi di . . . . . . 0207 Funzione dogli . . 0211 Sessi, Produzione dei . . . . 0211 Sessiliveutres . . . . . . 4631 Sessuali, Rapporti . . . . 0219 Simbiosi . . . . . . . . 0219 Siphonaptera . . . . . . 3600 Sirenia 6031 SiricidfiD . . . . . . . . 4631 Soeiali, Rapporti. . . . . . 0219 Societa, Resoponti di . . . . 0020 Solif uga; 3031 Suoui, Produzione di . . . . 0219 Spermatogenesi . . . . . . 0215 Spermatozoide . . . . . . 0215 Sphegidic 4631 Spougida 0600 Sporozoa . . . . . . . . 0431 Steatoruis. . . . . . . . 5831 Steganopodes . . . . . . 5831 Stegocepliala . . . . . . 5631 Stephanidae . . . . . . 4631 Stereornitbes . . . . . . 5831 Stomatopoda . . . . . . 2631 Storia 0010 Strepsiptera . . . . . . 4800 Striges 5831 Stromatoporidie . . . . . . 0831 Struthiones . . . . . . 5831 Stylommatophira .. .. 2231 Subungulata 6031 Sviluppo . . . . . . . . 0215 Variazioni di . . . . 0223 Symphyla.. .. .. .. 3431 '1 aenioglossa .. .. .. 2231 Tavole 0030 Tardigrada 2800 Tassonomia generale . . . . 0231 Tecnica 0090 Tectibranchiata 2231 N 56 Tegumento . 0207 Telegonia . . . 0223 Teleostei . . . 04.31 Teleostomi . 5431 Tenthredinidse . . . 4631 Teratologiclie, Yariazioni . 0223 Termitid* . 3831 Tetractinellida . . . 0631 . 2631 Thvsanoptera . 3600 Thysanura . 3631 Tiliodontia . 6031 Toxoglossa . 2231 Trattati general! . . . 0030 Trepostomata . 2031 Trematoda . 1231 Triclioplax . 1231 Trichoptera . 3800 Trigonalid* . 4631 Trilobita . 2800 Tubinares . . . . 5831 Tubulif era . . 4631 Tunicata . . .. 5000 Turbellaria .. 1231 Ungulata . . . . 6031 Uovo .. 0215 Urodela . . . . 5631 Utilita . . 0060 Yariazione . . 0223 Yertebrata . . 5200 Yespidie . . . . 4631 Yestigio, Organi in . . 0207 Yoce . . 0219 Xiphosura . . 2800 Zoautharia . . 0831 Zoologia comprensiTa . 0000-0231 geografica . . . . 0227 topografica . . . . 0227 Zvgodactvlse . . 5831 1. COMPREHENSIVE ZOOLOGY AURAXGED BY 1). SIIAliP This section includes works that deal with more than one branch of Zoology, or that are of g-eneral interest to Zoologists. It is, therefore, not complete in itself as regards any one subject included in it. The special records complete each subject. Many memoirs included in the sp3cial records are repeated in this division. I COXTEXTS PACK I. Titles . . 4 11. SUUJECT-IXDLX : — Hyperzoology : — Philosophical .. 50 Historical =0U00: JIistory=0010 .. 50 Biography, Obituary notices .. 50 Peiiodicals, Reports, Congresses = 0020 .. .. 52 General Treatises, Text-books = 0030 .. 53 Bibliography =0032 .. 54 Addresses, Lectures, &c. = 004:0 .. 55 Pedagogy=0050 . . 55 Institutions, Museums, Economic = 0060 . . 55 Nomenclature =0070 . . 57 Methods, Technique=00r)G 57 (1.--10332 q) a 1 JVlorpholoci-y =020/ — PAGE General 5S Histolog-j 5» Skeleton (vacant) Nervous system, Seuse-org-aus 5f> Myoloo-y 60 Alimentary system, Blood 1 Respiratory system . . J 60 Physiology=0211— General 60 Cytological. Protoplasm and cell 60 - ^l- BBe,itnie bi. iiavqeiiie tin3iinixi> opra- iinaMOB-b. 1. Mopi1>o.ioriH ii oncTt'Ma- TiiKii ae.ioHbJX'i. Bo;iopoi.Meii ii o.iii3kiixi. K'h miMh OKpaiiifiiiibix'i opramiviMOBi. liptcHUXb tioxb. "J-e 113,1. [Einfuhiung in das Studium der niedersten Organis- men. 1. ilorphologie und S^stcmatik der griinen Algen und der ihncn nahestehenden gefarbten Organisnien des Siisswassei-s. 2-te Aufl.] Moskva, 1908. (XX + 340 + 1) 232 Fig. i. T.u. 3Taf. 27 cm. 2,13 Rub. 20 Attems, C. Wissenschaftliche Ergeb- nisse der Expedition Filchner nach China und Tibet. 1903-1905. Bd 10. Tl 1. Abschn. 1 : Zoologische Samni- lungen. bearb. v. C. Attems [u. a.] . . . Absclin 2 : Botanisehe Sammlungen bearb. v. [Ludwig] Diels. Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (xii + 288, mit 26 Taf. u. 1 Karte). 27 cm. 20 M. 21 Aaerbach, Leopold. Weitere Erfah- rungcn iiber die primare Farbbarkcit des Xervengewebes und die Fibrillen- saure (Bethe). Auat. Anz., Jena, 23, 1908, (102-109). 22 [Avtokratov, D. M.] ABTOKpaiOB'hi JI. M. K-b aiiaroMin cepwa n r.iaBntii- lunxi. KpoBcnocHLiXTj coey,iOB'h. [Zur Anatoraie des Herzens und der wichtig- sten Blutgcfasse.] Probevorlesung. Arch, veterin. nauk, St. Peterburg, 38, 1908, (1090-1103). 23 [Awerinzew, S.] ABepnimem., C. HtKOTopua ,TanHKia o pacnpexfe-ieiiiii JOHHblXT. liniBOTHblXT. Bt Ko.IbCKOil ryCt. [Einige Beitrage zur Verbreitung der Bodenfauna im Kola-Fjorde.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soe. uat. C. r. seances, 39, 1. 1908, (178-192 ; deutsch. Res. 195-203). 24 B., F. E. Charles Stewart, 1840- 1907. London Proc. R. Soc, B 80 1908 obit. (Ixxxii-lxxxiv). 25 Baer, G. A. Notice necrologique sur Charles Eugene Potron. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 76, 1907, [1908], (527-528) 26 [Bailey, Liberty Hyde]. Nature portraits : Studies with pen and camera of our wild birds, animals, fish and insects. Text by the editor of " Country Life in America." With fifteen large plates and many illustra- tions by the best nature photographers. Xew York (Doublcday, Page & Co.). 1902. (viii + 40) 15 pis. 40 cm. 27 Bailey. Samuel E. vide Ritter Wm. E. Balducci, Enrico. Divagazioni sul- Toriuine della vita. Biologica, Torino, 1, 1907, (240-240). 28 Ball, Sydney H. A geologic recon- naissance in southwestern Nevada and eastern California. Washington, D. C, Dept. Inr., Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 308, 1907, (1-218). pi., mapf. 29 Bally, W. vide Thomann, J. Banta, Arthur M. The fauna of ilaylield's cave. Washington (Carnegie Institution, Pub. No. 67), 1907, (114) pi. 25 cm. 30 Baraibar, F. Nombres vulgaris do animalcs y de plantas usados en Alava y no incluidos en el " Diccionario de la Real Acadcmia Espaiiola " (Deci- ma tercia edicion). Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (280-298). 31 Barfurth, Dietrich. Das Regcnera- tionsvermugen der Kristalle und der Organismen. Centralbl. Biol., Leipzig, Abt. 2, 1, 1906, (281-291, 341-351, 537-544, 569-582, 633-643). 32 Barker, Lewellys F. Anatomical terminology, with special reference to the [BNA]. [With vocabularies in Latin and English.] Philadelphia (Blakiston's son & co.), 1G07, (ix + 103). 24.3 cm. 33 Barth, J. In Memoriara Profe-'sor Dr. med. G. A. Guldberg. Intern. Monatsehr. Anat., Leipzig, £5, 1908, (101-107). 34 Bass, .1. K. G. Lutz, der Griinder und 1. Vorsitzende des Deutschen Lebrer- vereins f iir Naturkunde. Danzig, Jahrb. Lehrerver., 2-3, (1906-07), [1909], (10-20). 25 Bassler, R. S. The Nettelroth collec- tion of invertebrate fossils [chiefly from Palaeozoic strata outcropping in the vicinity of Louisville, Ky.]. Wash- ington, D. C, Smithsonian Inst., I\Iisc. Collect. Q., 52, 1908, (121-152) 2 pis., 1 portr. 36 Bateson, W. The methods and scope of genetics, an inaugural lecture dehvered 23 October 1908. Cambridge 1908 (1-49). 37 6 Compr. Zod. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Bateson, William. Facts limiting the theory of heredity. [Address delivered at the International zoological congress, before the Section of cytology and heredity, August 23, 1907.] Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907. (149-660). 38 Bateson, W.. Saunders, Miss E. R. & Punnett, R. C. Experimental studies in the physiology of heredity. Rep. Eyol. Comm. R. Soc. London 4 1908 (1-40) 39 Bateson, W. vide Punnett, R. C. Bather, F. A. Dates of publication. Naturalist, London 1908 (190-192). 40 Bather, F. A. Lamarck's " Systeme des animaux sans yertebres." Nature London 78 1908 (476). 41 Beck, P. y. Die Gregor Mendelsche Vererbungstheorie. Hund Wien, 11, (1907-1908), 1908, (369-372, 394-398). 42 Behrens, Wilhelm. Tabellen zum Gebrauch bei mikroskopischen Arbeiten. 4. yerb. Aufl., hrsg. von Ernst Kiister. Leipzig (S. Hirzel), 1908, (VIII + 24.5) 24 cm. 7 M. 43 [Belousov, N.] Bi.ioycoBt, H. Hi- KOTopLiH Hepibi CTpoenlH HonepeHHO- ncqepqcHnaro BCiOKua Muiimi, ;f;nBOT- HUX-i. [Sur la structure de la fibre musculaire striee des animaux.] Chart- koy. Tray. Soc. nat., 41, 1906 [1907]. (1-25). 44 [Belousov, X.] BfeoycoBt, H. ^tfi- CTBie F-qee Cannabis indicae Ha ;Kn- BOTHUXt. [Quelques traits des pro- prietes physiologiques de Camiabis indica.^ Chartkov, Tray. Soc. nat., 41, 1906 [1907], (39-46). 45 [Belousov, N.] B-kioycoBi., H. 06t> aiacinqHOCTn jkhbothux-i. TKaneft. [Sur I'elasticite des tissus animaux.] Chartkoy, Tray. Soc. nat., 41, 1906 [1907], (141-180) 1 Tab. 46 [Berg, L.] Beprb, JI. Apa.ibCKoe Mope. Unun. (Iin3HKO-reorpa(jinqecKort MOHOrpattiirt. [Der Aral-See. Ver.such einer physischgeographischen Mono- graphic] Taskent, Izy. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc., 5, 9, 1908, (1-xxiii + 1- 580) mit 2 Karten, 6 Taf. 47 [Berg, L.] Bepn., 11. HacraB- -ieniH ;t.iH coonpaiiiH iJociornHecKiixij KO.i.i«;Kuirt. 111. IIiicTpyKuirt ,i.ia coCnpaiiiii n rn'pi'fU.iKn j)i.i6'i>, aM([iiiC)iii H petiTn.iirt. [Anweisungen zum Sammeln zoologischer Objekte. III. Anleitung zum Sammeln und Versenden yon Fischen, Amphibien und Reptilien. St. Peterburg )Zoolog. Mus. Kais. Akad. d. Wiss.], 1908, (10 + 2). 25 cm. 48 Berg, W. Die Fehlergrosse bei den histologischen Methoden. Berlin (A. Hirschwald). 1908, (iii -f 48). 25 cm. 1,20 M. 49 Berg, W. Zelle und Zellteilung. Jahresber. Anat., Jena, (N. F.), 13, Tl 1, 1908, (43-80). 59 Berg, W. vide Voit, M. Bergroth, E. Additions and correc- tions to the ' Index zoologicus ' of C. 0. Waterhouse (second series). Zoologist London 1908 (252-255). 51 Berlese, Antonio. Considerazioni sui rapporti tra piante, loro Insetti nemici e cause nemiche di questi. Redia, Firenze, 4, 1907, (198-246). 52 Bernard, Xoel. Le mendelisme. Revue du mois, Paris, 5, 1908, (33-53). 53 Berthelot, M. Notice necrologique sur Henri Milne-Edwards. Paris, Mem. Acad, sci., 47, 1904, (i-xxxvii). 54 Bernhardt, Hans. L'eber die Verer- bung der inneren Knochenarchitek- tur beim Menschen und die Teleologie bei Julius Wolff. Zs. EntwLehre, Stuttgart, 1, 1907, (305-322) 1 Taf. 55 Bethe, Albrecht. Wirbellose Tiere. [In : Handbuch der physiologischen Methodik, hrsg. v. R. Tigerstedt. Bd 1. Abt. 2.] Lepizig (S. Hirzel), 1908, (69-112). 58 Bezzi, Mario. In memoria di Camillo Rondani nel primo centenario della sua nascita. Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, N. 592, (1-10) ritratto. 57 Bezzi, M. Camillo Rondani. Zu seinem lOOjiihrigen Geburtstage. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (192-193). 58 Bielschowsky, Max vide Cajal, S. R. Blackwelder, Eliot vide Willis, Bailey. Blanchard, Raphael. Glossaire alle- mand fran^ais de termes d'anatomie et de zoologie. Paris (Asselin et Hou- zeau), 1908, (viii + 298). 21 cm. 8.5 fr. 59 Boas, J. E. V. Lehrbuch der Zoo- logie f iir Studierende. 5. verm. u. verb. 7 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Aufl. Jena (G. Fischer), 190S. (X + (Jt38). 2l> cm. 12 M. 60 Bddecker, C. Francis. Cvlloldin- Entkalkungs- unci Entkiesolungs- MetJiode. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk.. Leijv.isi 25. 1008. (21-29) 1 Taf. 61 Bohm, Alexander und Oppel, Albert. Taschenbuch der mikroskopischen Technik. Kurze Anleitung zur mi- kroskopischen Untersuchung der Ge- webe und Organe der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen unter Beriicksichtigung der embryologischen Technik. ilit einem Beitrag (Rekonstruktions- methoden) v. G. Born. G. durchges. u. verm. Aufl. Miinchen u. Berlin (R. Oldenbcurs). 1008, (VIII + 339). 19 cm. Geb. o.80 M. 62 Boehm, G. vide Penecke, K. A. Boer, J. F. de vide Hamburger, H. J. Boettger, O. Liste der tertiiiren und jiingeren Versteinerungen von Timor, Rcndjuwa, Sumba, Saonek besar und Misool. Jaarb, ilijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia. 37, 1908, (668-675); Ed. fran?. 37, 1908, (682-690). 63 [Bogoslovskij, Iv. VI.] Boroc.iOB- CKiii, 11b. B.I. PasBniie ;Kii3Hn. [Die Entwicklung des Lebens.] St. Peter- burg, 1908, (675 + 5). 26 cm., 2.75 Rub. 64 Bohn, Georges. A propos des lois de I'excitabilite par la lumiere. i. Le retour progressif a I'etat d'immobilite, apres une stimulation mecanique. ii. Du change ment de signe de phototro- pisme en tant que manifestation de la sensibilite differentielle. Paris, C. R. see. biol., 63, 1907, (655-658, 756-759). 65 Bohn, G. De I'influence de I'oxygene dissous 6ur les reactions des Actinies. Quelques remarques a propos des com- munications de M. Pieron. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1087-1089). 66 Bonnevie, Kristine. Chromosomen- studien. Arch. Zellforschg, Leipzig, 1, 1908, (450-514); 2, 1908, (201-278) 7 Taf. 67 Borcherding, Fr. Albrecht Poppe- Bremen, Abh. natw. Ver., 19, 1908, (193-203) Portr. 68 Borgert. Bericht iiber eine Reise nach Ostaf rika und dem Victoria-Nyansa nebst Bemerkungen iiber einen kurzen Aufenthalt auf Ceylon. Bonn. SitzBer. Ges. Xatk., 1907, 1908, natw. Scktion. (12-33). 69 Borradaile, L. A. Synopsis of the classitioation fused in] bibliography o the marine fauna. Third and tinal draft. London Challenger Society 1908 (1-34) map. 70 Bottazzi, F. Osmotischer Druck und olektiischeL'^itfiiliigkeitderFliissig- keiten der einzelligen. pflanzliehen und tierischen Organismen. Ergcbn. Phvsiol., Wiesbaden, 7, 1908, (161- 402). 71 Bourgeois, J. L'abbc F. J. Fctti . . . 1824-1906. [Biogr. nebst Schriften verzeichnis u. Ausziigen aus d. entomol. Tagebuch.] Colmar, Mitt, nathist. Ges., (N. F.), 9 (1907-08), 1908, (199- 239). 72 Bouvier, E. L. Quelques impres- sions d'un naturaliste au cours d'une campagne scientifique de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco, 1905. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 93, 1907, (103-1). 73 Bradley, J. Chester. A protest on behalf of the systematic zoologist and the bibliographer. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 25, 1907, (907-908). 74 Braem, F. Ueber die Umwandlung plasmatischer Granula zu halbmond- formigen Korpern. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (360-364). 75 Braem, F. Die Knospung der Marge- liden, ein Bindeglied zwischen ge- schlechtlicher und ungeschlechtlicher Fortpfianzung. Biol. C'entralb., Leip- zig, 28, 1908, (790-798). 76 Branca, W. Fossile Flugtiere und Erwerb des Flugvermogens. Berlin, Abh. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (1-49). 77 [Brandt, A. Th.] KpanAT't, A. 9. Me;timiiHCKaa 3oo.ioria coBK.iioKe ieii'b BeTepnHapHO-Me,T.nunHCKOi'r II noBTopn- xe.ibnaro Kypca a-'ia ecTecTBeiinnKOB-b. 11.3,1- 3-e. Bun. l-ufi. [Mcdizinische Zoologie mit Einschluss der veterinar- medizinischen und eines Repetitions- Kurses fiir Studierende der Natur- wissenschaft. 3-te Aufl. Leif. 1.] Charikov, 1908, (2 + 1-176) 25 cm. 3,00 Rub. 78 Brandt, K. Bericht iiber allgemeine biologische Meeresuntersuchungen. [Jn : Die Beteiligung Deutschlands an dcrin- ternationalen Meeresforschung. Jahres- ber. 4-5.] Berlin (0. Salle), 1908, (17- 40). 79 8 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Brandt, K. «& Apstein, C. Nordisches Plankton, hrsg. v. K. Brandt u. C. Apstein. Lfg 7. 8 & 9. Kiel ii. Leipzig (Lipsius & Tischer), 1908, 29 cm. 16 M. 12 M. & 10 M. 80 Braun, M. Die Fauna des Grund- wassers und der Brunnen. Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 49, 1908 [1909], (302-306). 81 Braun, Max. Die tierischen Para- siten des Menschen. Ein Handbuch fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 4. verm, u. verb. Aufl., mit einem klinisch- tberapeutischen Anhang bearb. von Otto Seifert. Wiirzburg (C. Kabitzsch) 1908, (ix + 623). 24 cm. 15 M. 82 Braun, M. und Liihe, M. Leitfaden zur Untersuchung der tierischen Para- siten des Menschen und der Haustiere fiir Studierende, Aerzte und Tierarzte. Wiirzburg (C. Kabitzsch), 1908, [1908], vii + 186). 24 cm. 5,20 M. 83 Breckner, A. Zur doppelten Ein- bettung in Celloidin und Paraffin. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (29-32). 84 Brehm, V. Das Siisswasserplankton. Biologische Ergebnisse, Methoden und Ziele der Planktonforschung. Pro- gramm k.k. Staats-Realschule in Elbogen, (1904-1905), 1905, (3-32). 85 [Breitfuss, L.] BpeiiT(|jyc'b, JI. OnucoKT. ciaimifi 0Kcne,7ini;iii ]x:xn HayqHO-npoMucioBHXT. H3c,Tt;i,0Baiiiu MypMana bij BapeimoBOMi. iiKapcKOM'b MopaxT. II ou3op'h npon3Be;i,eHHux'i. iia HHXt padoT-L B7. 1906 r. [Liste des stations de "!' Expedition pour 1' ex- ploration scientifique et industrielle de la cote de Mourman " dans les mers de Barents et de Kara avec un aper9u des travaux executes en 1906]. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, [i-xxxiij. 86 [Breitfuss, L. L., Soldatov, V. K., Goebel, (i. u. a.] HpeiiT(|)yc'J:., JI.JL, Co.i- j;aTOB'i,, B. J\., reoe.Tb, V. ii Ap. ;)KCiie- ;tHU,ia ji,;iK iiayqiio-npoMi,ic.iOBux-i. 113- cjiiiAOBanifi y OepcTOB'i. Mj'pMaiia. Ot- HeT7. 0 i)auoTax'j. b'b 1904 r. [Wisscn- schaftlich-praktische Murman-Expedi- tion. Bericht iiber die Tiitigkcit pro 1904.] St. Peterburg [Comite zur Unterstiitzung der Kiistenbewohncr des russischen Nordens] 1908, (Ixxi + 342 + 231 ) 3 Kart. u. 8 Tab. 29 cm. 87 Bresslau, E. Der Polarisations- apparat im Dienste zoologischer L^nter- suchungen. Zs. biol. Techn., Strass- burg, 1, 1908, (62). 88" Brimley, C. S. and Sherman, Franklin, jun. Note on the life-zones in North Carolina. Chapel Hill. N. C, J. Ehsha Mitchell Sci. Soc, 24, 1908, (14-22). 89 Brockmann, Chr. Las Plankton im Brackwasser der Wesermiindung. Aus d. Heimat, Leipzig, (N. F.), H. 1, 1908, (32-57). 90 Brogger, A. W. Vistefundet. En ffildre stenalders kjokkenmodding fra Jajderen. Med 5 pi. og 20 fig. i tex- ten. ..Resume" in deutscher Sprache. [Der Fund von Viste. Ein Muschel- haufen aus der iilteren Steinzeit von Jaederen, S. W. Norwegen.] Stavanger, Mus. Aarb., 18, 1907, (1908), (102), PI. i-v. 91 Bronn, H. G. Klassen und Ordnungen der Tier-Reichs, wissenschaftlich dar- gestellt in Wort und Bild. Bd 2 : Abt. 2 : Coelenterata. Lfg 4-6 (S. 113- 176). Bd 3 : Mollusca, Lfg 95-97 (S, 1-80). Bd 4 : Vermes, Turbellaria, Lfg 97-117, (I-XXn, 2257-2599, mit 2 Taf.). Bd 5, Abt. 2 : Gliederfiissler (Arthropoda), Lfg 80-82 (S. 265-312, mit 2 Taf. ). Bd 6. Abt. 1 : Pisces, Lfg 23-28 (337-438, mit 2 Taf.). Leipzig, (C. F. Winter), 1908, 26 cm. Die Lfg 1,50 M. 92 Brooks, William Keith. Joseph Leidy. The Anatomical Record, [Baltimore, Md.], 1, 1907, (109-111). In : Amer. J. Anat., 7, (after p. 168). 93 Bruce, William S. et alii. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.y. " Scotia " during the years 1902, 1903 and 1904 under the leader- shiji of William S. Bruce. Volume 5. Zoology parts i-xiii. Invertebrates. Edinburgh 4to 1909 (viii + 313) 36 pis. [Though dated 1909 all the contents have been issued in previous years.] 94- Bruce, William 8. vide Wilton ei alii. Brues, Charles T. Is mutation a factor in the production of vestigial wings among insects ? New York, N. Y., J. Ent. 800., 16, 1908, (45-52). 95 Bruntz, L. Sur la contingence de la bordurc en brossc et la signification probable des batonnets de la cellule 0 Compr. Zooi. Titles. 0000 renale. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci.. 147. 190S. (S3-Sr>). 96 Bruyant, Ch. Cioograpliio zoolociquo (de I'Auvergne). In : Clermont-Ferrand et le Piiv-de-D6mc. Clermont-Ferrand. 1908.(137-180). 25 cm. 97 Bryan, William Alanson. A mono- uiapli of Marcus Island. [With Appen- dix on Fishes by W. A. Bryan and A. C. Herre.] Honolulu. H. I., Occ. Paprs., Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mas., 2, 1903. (77-139). 98 Bnckman, S. S. The first species rule : An objection. Science, New York. N. y., (X. Ser.), 26, 1907, (378- 379). 99 [Biichner, L.] BK)xiiepi>, JI. ^T^ap- Bniiii3Mh ii eouianiiSMT.. Hep. c^^ h1;m. H ). Besit. [Darwinismus und Socialis- mus. Uebers. a. d. Dcutsch. y. J. Bohm.] St. Peterburg, 1907, (77). 21 cm. 0,50 Rub. 100 [Biichner, L.] Eioxiiepii, JI. Cn.ia Ii;iC.Tfe,U'TBL'HHOCTn. llept'B. CTj HfjM. I< >. BeMT>. [Die Starke der Vererbung. Tebers. a. d. Deutsch. von J. Bohm.] St. Peterburg, 1907, (viii + 105). lUcm. 0,60 Rub. 101 Boen, Odon de. Allocution sur la station zoologique des Baleares. Paris, Bui. sec. zool., 33, 1908, (40-51) portr. 102 Butschli, 0. Untersuchungen iiber organische Kalkgebilde, nebst Bemer- kungen iiber organische Kieselgebilde, insb sondere iiber das spezifische Gewicht in Bezi; hung zu der Stniktur, die chemische Zusammensetzung iind anderes. Gottingen, Abb. Ges. Wiss., math.-phvs. Kl., X. F., 6, 1908, Xo. 3. (iv -f 177) i Taf. 103 Burckhardt, Rud. Aristotcles und Cuvier. Zool. Ann., Wiirzburg, 3, 1908, (69-77). 104 Burnett, Theo. C. Can sea water maintain the beat of the heart of fresh water animals ? Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907, (203-210). 1C5 Cajal, S. R. L'hypothese de Mr. Apathy sur la continuite des cellules nerveuses entre elles. Reponse aux objections de cet auteur contre la doctrine neuronale. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (418-+48, 468-493) ; Berichti- gung V. Max Bielschowsky. t.c. (557). 106 CajaU S. R. vide Ramon y Cajal, S. Camerano, Lozenzo. La fauna dello nostre Alpi. Lettura. Torino. Boll, Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, X. 590. (1-18). 107 Camerano, Lorenzo. Oiusei^pe Xobili. Conni biogratici. Torino. Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, N. 595, (l-5> ritratto. 108 Camerano, Lorenzo. Materiali per la storia dclla Zoologia in Italia nella prima meta del secolo XIX. I Mano- scritti di Franco Andrea Bonelli. IV. Torino. Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908. No. 579, (1-7); v. t.c. N. 586. (1-12) ; vi. t.c. N. 591, (1-48). lOft Carpenter, George H. Injurious insects and other animals observed in Ir^^land during the year 190(). Dublin. Econ. Proc. R. Soc, 1, 1907, (421-452) 6 pis. iia Carpenter, Geo. H. Injurious insects and other animals observed in Ireland during the year 1907. Dublin, Econ. Proc. R. Soc, 1, 1908, (559-588) 6 pis. Ill Carpenter, G. H. et alii Zoology. Handbook to the city of Dublin and the surrounding district. Dublin 190fi (108-222). 112 Carreras, R. L'impregnazione ar- gentica associata all'uso della piridina per la colorazione del tessuto nervoso. Xota di tecnica. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (177-179). 113. Castle, W. E. and Mark, E. L. Ex- 2D?rimental studies in heredity. [Ab- stracts of roports on grant no. 331]. Wasliington, D. C, Carnegie Inst., Year Book Xo. 5, (1906), 1907, (243- 244). 114 Cecconi, Giacomo. Contributo alia fauna delle Isole Tremiti. Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, X. 583. (1-53). 11& Cepede, C. Materiaux pour la Limno- biologie du nord de la France (Micro- biologic des mares de Wimereux-Amble- teuse). Feuille jeunes natural., Paris,. 38, 1908, (246-248). 116 Chapman, Henry C. The life and work of .Josepli Leidy. [Address delivered at the unveiling of the Leidy statue,. October 30, 1907, City hall plaza^ Philadelphia]. Science. X^ew York, N. Y., (X. Ser., 26, 1907, (812-815).. 117 10 Compr. Zocl. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Chatin, Joannes. Sur quelques formes mixtes d'alterations nueleaires. Paris, C. E. Acad. sci.. 147, 1908, (488-490). 119 Chevalier, Aug. Rapport sur une mission scientitique et economique au Chari-Lac-Tchad. Nouv. arch, miss. sci. et litt., Paris. 13, 1905. fasc. II, (1-52) carte. 120 Chevalier, Aug. L'Afrique centrale fran9aise. Recit du voyage de la mission par A. Chevalier. Appendice par Pellegrin, Germain, Courtet, Petit, Bouvier, Lesne, Du Buysson, Surcouf, A. Chevalier. (^Mission Chari-Lac Tchad.) Paris (Challamel), 1907, [1908], (xv + 776) 6 pis. et 6 cartes. 121 Child, C. il. Driesch's harmonic equipotential systems in form-regula- tion. Biol. Centralbl.. Leipzig, 28, 1908. (577-588, 609-623, 736). 122 Child, C. M. The phy.^iological basis of restitution of lost parts. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (485- 502). 123 Child, C. M. Some corrections and criticisms. [B?tr. H. Driesch, Re'erat iiber Entwicklungsphvsiologie.] Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig" 24, 1907, (131- 146). 124 Child, C. M. Studies on the relation between amitosis and mitosis. 3. Maturation, fertilization, and cleavage in Moniezia. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl.. Mass., 13, 1907, (138-160) pi. 125 Child, C. M. Studies on the relation between amito.sis and mitosis. 4. ^s^uclear division in the somatic struc- tures of the proglottids of Moniezia. 5. General discussion and conclusions concerning amitosis aud mitosis in Moniezia. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl.. Mass., 13, 1907, (165-184) pi. 126 Chittenden, Ru.=sell H. Some of the presentd.iy problems of biological chemistry. [Address of the president of the American society of biological chemists and chairman of the Biological section of the American chemical society at the joint meeting in Chicago, January 1, 1908.] Science. New York, N. Y.. N. Scr.. 27, 1908, (241-254). 127 Cholodkovsky, Xikolaj. Zur Frage iiber die biologischen Arten. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (769- 782). 128 Chun, C. Wissenschaftliehe Ergeb- nisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer ,,Valdivia" 1898- 1899. Im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern hrsg. von Carl Chun. Bd 2. Tl 3 : Marloth, Das Kapland. Bd 14, Lfg 3 : Haecker. Radiolarien. Allg. Tl. Bd 19, H. 2 : Yanhoffen. Xarcomedusen. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (1-436) 28 Taf. u. 8 Kart. ; (477-706) 2 Taf. u. 2 Kart. ; (41-74) 3 Taf. 35 cm. 100 M. 25 M. 9 M. Bd 8, Lfg 3 : Zimmer, Cumaeeen. Bd 14, Lfg 2: Haecker, Radiolarien Abschn. 1. Spez. Tl. 2. Halfte, (155-196) 11 Taf. : (337-476) 23 Taf. 34 cm. 25 M. 65 M. Bd 9. Us 3 : Plate, Solenoconchen, (337-361) 1 Taf. 34 cm. 4 M. Bd 10, Lfg 3 : Reinisch, Petro- graphie. II. Bd 16, Lfg 1 : Ehlers, Anneliden. (47-75) 5 Taf. : (1-167) 23 Taf. 35 cm. 50 u. 45 M. Bd 10 Lfg 4 : Sir John Murray u. E. Philippi : Die Grundproben der " Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition." (77-206) 7 Taf. u. 2 Kart. 35 cm. 22 M. Bd 14, Lfg 1 : Haecker, Tiefsee-Radiolarien Spez. Tl. Lfg 1 : (Aulacanthidae-Con- charidae, (x + 336) mit 62 Taf. Bd 15, Lfg 2 : Brauer, Die Tiefseefische. II. Anat. Tl. (266) 26 Taf. 35 cm. 59 M. 129 [Cirjev, S. I.] HnpbeBi., C. IT. Ana- TOMnqecKifi cyocTpar-i. ;iyiiin, resp. co- SHania. [Das anatomische Substrat der Seele. resp. des Bewusstseins.] Kiev, 1907. (28). 25 cm. 130 Claparede, E. Die Methoden der Tierpsychologie. Umschau, Frankfort a. M.,"l2, 1908, (503-507, 535-538). 131 Claparede, E. Les tropismes devant la psvchologie. J. Psvchol., Leipzig. 13, 1908, (150-160). " 132 Clapp, Frederick G. Complexity of the Glacial period in northeastern New England. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. New York, N. Y. 18, (1907), 1908, (505-556) pi. 133 Clarke, John M. Earlj' Devonic history of New York and eastern North America. Albany, N. Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Mem., 9, 1908, (1-366), maps. pi. 134 [Clarke, .John Mason]. Report on the Zoology section. Albanv. N. Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Rep., '60, 1907, (70-73) pi. 135 11 Compr. Zod. Titles. 0000 Cleland, H. F. Further notes on the Calciferous (Beekmantown) formation of the Mohawk valley, with descriptions of new species. Bulletins of America Paleontolofiv. (Cornell I'niversitv). Ithaca. Xr' Y.. 4, 1!K)3. (iD-.lO) pi. also paged as Bulletin Xo. 18, (1/. + 3-24) pi. 136 Cockerell, T. D. A. Aspects of modern biologj'. [Lecture delivered before the Scientific societv of the Universitv of Colorado. Jan. 20. li)08.] Pop. Sci."Mon.. New York. N. Y.. 73, 1908. (540-548). 137 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some results of the Florissant expedition of 1908. Amer. Nat.. Boston, Mass., 42, 1908. (569-581). 138 Cognetti De Martiis, Luigi. Paolo BioUev. X'ecrolotria. Torino. Boll. Musei' zool. anat..^ 23, 1908, X. 589. (1-2). 139 Collier, Arthur J. The Arkansas coal held. \^'ith reports on the paleon- tology by David White and G. H. Girtv. Washington. D. C, Dept. Int.) Bull'. U. S. Geoi. Surv.. Xo. 326, 1907, (i-vi + 1-158) pi., maps. 140 Conklin, Edwin G. The mechanism of heredity. [Address of the vice- , president and chairman of Section F, I zoology, American association for the i advancement of science, Chicago meet- i ing, 1907-8]. Science. Xew^ York, X. Y'.. 1 N. Ser., 27, 1908, (89-99). 141 Cook, 0. F. Evolution without ' isolation. Amer. Xat., Boston, Mass.. 42, 1908, (727-731). 142 Cori, C. I. Ueber die marine For- schung in Oesterreich. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (217-220). 143 } Cori, C. I. Das osterreichische ' Forschungsschiff ,,Adria". Wien. JahrBer. Ver. Adria, 5, (1907). 1908 (16-29). 144 Cori, 0. I. Das o.sterreichische Forschungsschiff ., Adria". Wr. Urania. Wien. 1, 1908, (325-326). 145 Crampton, Henry E. Zoology. [A lecture delivered at Ck)lumbia university in the series on science, philosophy and art December 11, 1907.] Pop. Sci. Mon., Xew York, N.Y., 73, 1908, (441-461). 146 Crossland, Cyril. The r.fonn of zoological nomenclature. Xaturo London 79 1908 (190). 147 Cu§not, L. Sur quelques anomalies apparentes des proportions mende- liennes. Arch. zool.. Paris, (ser. 4). 9, 1908, (notes et revues, vii-xv). 148 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and jialeontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana. Dept. Geol. Xat. Res., Rep.. Indianapolis, 32 (1907), 1908, (605-1190), maps, charts. 149 Cunningham, J. T. The heredity of secondary sexual characters in relation to hormones, a contribution to the theory of heredity (abstract). London Proe.'Zool. Soc. 1908 (434). 150 Cunningham, J. T. The heredity of secondary sexual characters in rela- tion to hormones, a theory of the here- dity of somatogenic characters. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (372- 428). 151 Cunningham, J. T. The evolution of man. Sci. Progress London 3 1908 (192-201). 152 Cunnington, W. A. Description of a biological expedition to the Birket-el- Qurun, Fayum province of Egypt. London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908 (3-5). 153 Curreri, Giuseppe. Ricerche intorno alia natura delle spine collaterali dei prolungamenti dendritici delle cellule nervose. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (429-441). 154 Cyon, E. von. Das Ohrlabyrinth als Organ der mathematischen Sinne f tir Raum und Zeit. Berlin (J. Springer), 1908, (XX + 432, Portr. u. 5 Taf. 25 cm. 14 M. 155 Daday, Jeno. Adatok Xemet-Kelet- Afrika edesvizi mikrofaunajanak is- meretc'hez. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mikrofauna von Deutsch-Ostafrika.] Math. Termt. £rt., Budapest, 26, 1908, (1-57, 200-220, 294-321, 374- 421, 455-474). 153 Dahl, F. Der heutige Stand der Darwinschen Theorie. Umschau, Frankfurt a. M., 12, 1908 (483-487). [0223]. 157 Dahl, Friedr. Grund.satze und Grundbegriffe der bioconotischen For- 12 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] schung. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 190S, (349-353, 496). 153 Dahl, Friedr. Xoch einmal uber den Instinkt. Zool. Anz. Leipzig, 33, 1908 (120-124). 159 Dahl, Friedr. Die Redeschlacht in Berlin iiber die Tragweite der Ab- stammungslehre. Eine kritische Be- sprecluing mit erklarenden Anraer- kungen. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908. (10)- 22 cm. 0,50 M. 160 Dahl, Friedrich. Kurze Anleitinig zum wissenschaftlichen Sammeln und zum Konservieren von Tieren. 2. ganzlich umgearb. Aufl. Jena (tJ. Fischer), 1908, (vii + 143). 20 cm. 161 Dahlgren, Ulric and Kepner, William A. A text-book of the principles of animal histology. New York (Macmil- lan), 1908, (xiii + 515) 22.5 cm. 162 Dakin, W..T. The Marine Biological Station at Port Erin. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (740-745). 163 Dalmady, Zoltan. Az ,,arva golya" meseje es az allatok ongyilkossagarol szolo mendemonda. [Die Fabel vom ,,Waisenstorch" nnd das Gcrcde vom Selbstmord der Tiere.] Termt. Kuzl., Budajjcst, 40, 1908, (G(3-68). 164 Damkohler, Eduard. Kleine Mittei" hingen iiber das Vorkommen einiger Tiere im Harz. Arch. Landesk. Sachsen, Halle, 18, (1908), 1909, (121- 124). ie5 Dantschakoff, Wcra. Zur Herstcl- lung der Celloidinserien. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk., Leipzig, £5, 1908, (32-37). 166 Darbishire, A. D. Mendelism. 8ci. Progress London 2 1908 (429-448). 167 Darwin, Charles [the late]. The tendency of species to form varieties ; and on the ^perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selec- tion [republication in] the Darwin- Wallace celebration held on Thursday, 1st July 1908 by the Linnean Society of London. London 1908 8vo. (viii + 139). 10i)]s. 168 [Darwin, Charles,] ^T,iip}5iiii]., VI;ii),ic'i,. lI.i.iiocT])opoBaiiiiou coopaiiio comi- iieiiiii. T. I. lIcpf.BOXi'i iipeAiicioBie n ptviaKniii ii|)0(|). K. A. TiiMiipii.'jciia. [lllustrierte Sammlung der VVcrke. Bd I. Ucbcrsetzt, redigiert und niit einem Vorwort versehen von Prof. K. A. Timirmzev.] Moskva (J. Lepkovskij), 1907, (xvi + 430 + 5) 10 Abh. 25 cm. 169 [Darwin, Charles] J^apenin,, Hapjisi.. ILunocTpiipoBaiinoe coopanie cohh- HCHifi. T. II. TIepeB. co !2-ro. aiirji. n3,i;. E. EopaTiJHCKOi'i. lloaii pt'AaKn,. npocj). K. TiiMiipaseBa. [lllustrierte Samm- lung der Werke. Bd II. Uebers. n. d. 2-ten engl. Ausg. unt. d. Red. v. Prof. K. Timiriazev.] Moskva [J. Lep- kovskij], 1908, (2 + 370 + 4). 25 cm. 170 [Darwin, Charles] JlapBiiiri,, HapjiS'b. ILi.iiocTpnpoBaiiHoe coupaiiie cohii- iienifi. T. III. Ilt'pcB. CO 2-ro. anrju n3;i;. . H. KpauieiniiinnKOBa. [lllu- strierte Sammlung der Werke. Bd. Ill, Uebers. n. d. 2-ten engl. Ausg. von F. N. Kraseninnikov.] Moskva [J. Lspkovskij], 1908, (4 + 211 + 2-1- 113 + 1) 7 Taf. 25 cm. 171 [Darwin, Charles] JJapBHUi,, Hapji3i>* IIa.iK)CTpiipoBanHoe coopanie comi- HeHiii. T. IV'. IlepeBOATj II. ITeTpoB- CKaro. [lllustrierte Sammlung der Werke. Bd IV. Uebers. v. I. Petrov- skij.] Moskva [J. Lepkovskij]. 1908, (2 + vii + 168 + 3 + 259 +4). 4 TaL u. 38 Abh. 25 cm. 172 [Darwin, Charles] JapBinri., Hap.!i3'h- IIxirocTpnpoBaHiioe coopanie cohii- neniii. T. V. Ilepes. npo(J). II. CtHe- iiOBa. [lllustrierte Sammlung der Werke. Bd V. Uebers. v. Prof. I. Secenov.] Moskva [J. Lepkovskij], 1908 (viii + 320) 2 Taf. 25 cm. 173 [Darwin, Charles] J[apBnii'j,, Map.r3'i.- lIpoiU'xo;ivT,eiiin nejioBtKa ii IIojioBoii Tio;i,no])'i.. IlepcB. c^h iioc;r. aiir.i. U311,. M. ii:iniiOBa. 3-e ii3/i. [The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. Translat. from the last engl. edit, by M. Filipov. 3'-'' ed.] St. Petcrburg, 1908 (?), (viii -h 551) 25 cm., 2.00 Rub. 174 Darwin, Francis. [British Associa- tion] inaugural address by Francis Darwin President. Nature London 78 1908(416-425). 175 Davenport, Charles B. Determination of dominance in Mendelian inheritance, i'hiladelphia. Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 47, 1908, (59-03). 176 Davenport, E. Princijjles of breed- ing. A treatise on thremmatology. Country life education series (xiii + 727- 177 13 Comjir. Zol. Titles. 0000 Davidoff, ^^. von. Russiscli:> Zoo- logischc Station inVillefraiicho (Riviera). Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol.. Leipzig. 1, 11)08. (295-297). ^ 178 Dean, Bashford. Accidental re- semblances among animals. A chapter in un-naturi> in Philosamia cynthia. Biol. Bull. \\oods HoU., Mass., 13, 1907, (94-10(;). 181 Deh^rain, Henri. Catalogue des iiuinuserits du fonds Cuvier (travaux correspondance scientifiques) con- ;vcs a la Bibliothcque de I'institut de France (Extrait de la Revue des Bibliotheques. 1907-1908). Paris (Champion), 1908, (154). 25 cm. 182 Delage, Y'. La parthenogenese \pcrimentale par les charges elcc- ques. Paris. C. R. Acad, sci., 147, Ml 18. (553-556). 183 Delage, Y'^ves. Sur le mode d' action ' relectricite dans la parthenogenese ctrique. Paris, C.R. Acad, sci., 147, i.'U8. (1372-1378). 184 Delage, Yves. La pirthenogenese I'lectrique. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4). 9, 1908, (30-43). 185 Delage, Y'ves. La parthenogenese a Roscoff et a Berkeley. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (262-265). 186 Delage, Y'ves. Solutions isotoniques vi solutions isosmotiques. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (319-321). 187 Delage, Y'ves. Notice sur la station biologique de Roscoff (Finistere) France. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, J 908, (282-288). 188 Delia Valle, Paolo. Osservazioni di tetradi in cellule somatiche ; contributo alia conosccnza delle tetradi. Napoli, Atti Ace. Sci., Ser. 2, 13, 1908, Mem. N. 13, (l-40)tav. 189 Ditlevsen, Hjalmar. Versuche iiber das Verhiiltnis einiger Planktontiere ^gsgeniiber Licht. Skand. Arch. Phy- siol., Leipzig, 19. 1007, (241-261) 2 Taf. 190 Dittrich, R. Friedrich Wilhelm Konow. Xachruf. Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk., (X. F.), H. 33, 1908. (xxxviii-xxxix). 191 Donitz. [Wilhelm]. Kurzer Riick- bliek auf die Vereinstiitigkeit und die Fortschritte dcr Entomologie in den letzten 50 JaluvMi. Berliner ent. Zs.. 52, (1907), 1908. ((7)-(15)). 192 Doflein, F. Beitrage zur Natur- geschichte Ostasiens. Hrsg. von FjranzJ Doflein. Abh. 1-4. Munchen. Abh. Ak. Wiss., math.-phys. Kl., Sup])I.-Bd 1. 1908 1 1909] (8), 2 Kart ; (86) 5 Taf. : (52) 9 Taf. ; (72) mit 4 Taf. ; (78) 2 Taf. 193 Doflein, F. ITeber Schutzanpassung dureh Aehnlichkeit. (Schutzfiirbung und Miniikry.) Biol. Centralbl.. Leip- zig. 28, 1908, (243-254). 194 [Dogiel, A. S.] JIore.7b, A. C. Crpoe- iiie II :i;n:jiii. Me.iKiix'i. HacTiiin> (K.iii- T0K7>) TI3'b KOTOpi.IX'I> COCTOIIT'I. Tt.IO Me.iOB'l-.Ka n jKiiBOTHUx'h. „Cbo6o;uio« Bnanie." [Der Bau und das Leben der kleinsten Teilchen (Zellen). aus denen der Korper des Menschen und der Tiere aufgebaut ist. ,,Svobodnoje Znanije".] Moskva (M. 0. Wolff:, 1907 ? (55). 23 cm. 195 Doncaster, Leonard. Animal par- thenogenesis. Sci. Progress London, 3 1908 (40-52). 196 Doncaster, L. On sex-inheritance in the moth Abraxas grossulariata and its var. lacticolor. Rep. Evol. Comm. R. Soc. London 4 1908 (53-57). 197 IDorogostajskij, V.] ^T^oporocran' ckIm, B. IIotajKa btj c'l;Bcpo3anaAHyio Monro.iiio. [Eine Fahrt nach der nord-westlichen Mongolei.] St. Peter- burg, Izv. russ. geogr. Obsc., 44, 5, 1908. (233-246). 199 Downing, Elliot R. The ovogenesis of Hydra jusca — A pi-eliminary paper. Biol. Bidl., W^oods Holl., Mass., 15, 1908, (63-66). 200 Drago, Umbcrto. Nuove riccrche suir '"attrazione" delle cellule sessuali. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (448-475). 201 [Dzavachov, G. A.] JlncaBaxoBT., F. A. CariiTaiLiibiii paaptst nepeiia aiiTpo- noMopcj^HLixTi ouesbaiii. ii HCiOE'liKa. fCoupe sagittale du crane chez les singes anthropomorphes et chez les hommes.J St. Pcterburg, Bull. Ac. EC, Ser. 6, 1908, (857-880). 202 1-1 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Drew, Gilman A. A laboratory manual of invertebrate zoology . . . With the aid of members of the zoo- logical staff of instructors of the Marine biological laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. Philadelphia and London (W. B. Saunders co.), 1907, (viii + 201). 20.6 cm. 203 Driesch, Hans. Das System der Biologic. Siidd. Monatshefte, Miinchen, 2, 1905, (485-497). 204 Driesch, Hans. Zur Theorie der organischen Symmetric. Arch. Entw- Mech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (130-145). 205 Driesch, Hans. Ueber cine funda- raentale Klasse morphogenetischer Regulationen. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (146-152). 206 Driver, H. Das Ostseeplankton der 4 deutschen Terminfahrten im Jahre 1905. Wiss. Meeresunters., Kiel, (N.F.), 10, Abt. Kiel, 1908, (107-128) 3 Tab. 207 Drygalski, E. von. Deutsche Siid- polar-Expedition 1901-1903, im Auf- trage des Reichsamtes des Innern hrsg. V. Erich von Drygalski. Bd 9 : Zoo- logie, Bd 1. H. 6. Bd 10 : Zoologie, Bd 2. H. 1-3. Berlin (G. Reimer), 1908, (I-XII, 415-567) 7 Taf. ; (1-322) 38Taf. 35 cm. 29 M. 13 M. 208 Drzewina, Anna. Y a-t-il una difference effective entre la pretendue autotomie psychique et I'autotomie reflexe ? Reponse a M. Pieron. Paris, C. R. see. biol., 62, 1907, (493-495). 209 Dubois, Ch. vide Wertheimer, E. [Dubjansky, A.] JtjojiHCKiii, A. nptviBapnTe.ii.Hufi oTHex'b o reo.iorn- HecKiix-j. n3c:iiv'lOBaHi}iXT> bi. Borynap- CKOM-b yisAt' BopoHe;KCKofi ryoepniii bt. npejitjaxT. 75 .incTa ;!iecaTHBepcTHoft KapTU EBponeiiCKofi Pocciii. [Vor- laufiger Bericht iiber die geologischen Untersuchungcn im Boguscharsky'schen Krcise des Gouvernemcnts Woronesh (75-tes Blatt der zehnwerstigen Karte d. Europ. Russlands.] Jurjcv, Sitzb. Naturf. Gcs., 16. 3, 1907, [1908], (209- 228, deutsch. Res. 229-231). 210 Dubreuil, G. vide Regaud, CI. Durham, Florence M. A preliminary account of the inheritance of coat-colour in mice. Rep. Evol. Comm. R. Soc. London 4 1908 (41-53). 211 Durham, Florence M. & Marryat, Dorothea C. E. Note on the inheri- tance of sex in canaries. London R. Soc. Rep. Evol. Comm. 4 1908 (57-60). 212 Eckstein, K. Zoologie. 1907. Allg. Forstztg. Frankfurt a. M., 84, 1908, Supplement, (43-58). [0219]. 213 Eckstein, Karl. Die Exkremente der Tiere. Eine nicht unasthetische Betrachtung. Aus d. Natur, Stuttgart, 4, 1908, (289-297, 341-344). 214 Edinger, L. Prinzipelles zur Tier- seelenkunde. Umschau. Frankfurt a. M., 12, 1908, (461-467). 215 Edson, George E. Geology of the town of Swanton. Vermont, Rep. Geol., Burlington, 6, (1907-1908), 1908 (210-220). 216 Edwards, Charles Lincoln. Biometry as a method in taxonomy. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (537- 540). 217 Eggeling, H. Integument. Jahres- ber. Anat., Jena, (N. F.), 12, Tl 3, 1908, (707-742). 218 Ehrlich, Felix und Kolkwitz, [Ri- chard]. Chemisch-biologische Unter- suchungcn der Elbe und Saale. Berlin, Zs. Ver. D. Zuckerind., 57, 1907, Allg. Tl, (478-571). 219 [Eismond, 0.] DrtcMoiiAb, O. IJeH- Tpo30Ma II KatTOHHun MexannsMTb. [Das Centrosom und der Zellmechanismus.]. Varsava, Izv. Univ., 1908, 1, (1-32). 220 [Eismond, 0.] OiicMOn^^'i, 0. Iten- Tpo30Ma n K.TfcTOifiiLiii Mexanii3Mij. ITpo;i,o,i;K. [Das Centrosom und der Zellmechanismus. Forts.] Varsava, Izv. Univ., 1908, 3, (33-40). 221 Eldridge, George Homans and Arnold, Ralph. The Santa Clara valley, Puente hills and Los Angeles oil districts, southern California. Washington, D. C, Dept. Int., Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 309, 1907, (i-xi + 1-266) pi., maps, charts. 222 Enderlein, Giinthcr. Ueber die bio- geographische Stellung der Crozet- Inseln. 14. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der antarktischen Fauna. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (751-753). 223 Enderlein, Giinther. Biologisch- faunistische Moor- und DUnen-Studien. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis biosynci- 15 Compr. Zod. Titles, 0000 cischer Ro^ionen in Westproussen. Danzig. Ben bot.-zool. Vcr., 30, IWS. (54-23S) 1 Kart,^ 224 Enriques, Paolo. La forma come funzione lielhi grandezza. 2a memoria : Ricerche sui gangli nervosi degli In- vertebrati. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzii:. 25. IOCS. (G55-714). 225 Entz, C.eza pin. Die biologischen Resultato der Balatonforschung. In- tern. Rev. Hvdrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 190S. (425-43S)." 226 Entz, Geza. Az alkohol hatasa a novenvekiv es az allatokra. [Wirkung des Alkohols auf Tiere uud Pllanzen.] Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 40, 19U8. (593-605). 227 Entz, Geza sen. A ho es feny hata-^a az allatvilagra. [Uber die Wirkung der Wiirme und des Lichtes auf die Tierwelt.] M. orv. termv. nagygy. evk., Budapest, 34, 1907, (88-110). 228 Entz, Geza sen. Megemlekezes elhunyt zoologusokrol. [Gedenken an verstorbene Zoologen.] Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7, 1908, (116-117). 229 Erdmann, Rh. Experimentelle Untersuchung der Massenverhaltnisse von Plasma, Kern unl Chromosompn in dem sich entwickelnden Sceigelei. Arch. ZeUf orschg, Leipzig, 2, 1908, (76- 136), Tab. 230 Eternod, A. C. F. et Robert, A. Eug. Les Chromatocytes, Anatomic, Physio- locrie. (Note provisoire.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, Ergli., 1908, (121-131). 231 Eycleshymer, Albert C. The closing of wounds in the larval 'tectums. Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md., 7, 1907, (317-325). 232 Faes, H. La lutte centre les para- sites en agriculture. Lausanne Bui. See. Sci. nat. 44 1908 (87-98). 233 Farquhar, H. The bipolar theory. WeUington. Trans. X. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (2.59-261). 234 Faure-Fremiet, E. La structure des matieres vivantes. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (104-106). 225 [Faussek, V. A.] <[>ayceKi,, B. A. Ja.ibHtfimia AamiuH Kb Boiipocy o jBnHieHiax-i yrpo.3U. ^BniKCHbi y- rpo3hi y TapaHTj-.ia h CKO.ioaeHApu. ;iBna:eHiH yrpoati y Bo;iHUX-b hcdbot- Hux-b. [Beitrage zur Frage der Drohbewegungen. Die Drohbewcgun- gen der Tarantel und der Seoloponder. Drohbewcgvingen bei Wassertieren.] St. Poterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, zool., 37, 2, 1908, (53-85, deutsch. R6s. 86-87) Taf. iv. 236 Federley, Harry. Carl von Linn6 oeh bans betydelse for naturevcten- skaperna. [Carl von Linne und seine Bedeutung fiir die Naturwissenschaf- ten.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fcnn., 34, 1908, (2-11). 237 Ficalbi, Eugenio e Monticelli, Fr. Sav. Repertorio di sjieciu nm)ve di animali trovate in Italia e descritte in pubblicazioui italiane o forestiere nell'anno 1906. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (306-316). 238 Fick, R. Ueber die Vererbungs- substanz. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Leip- zig, Anat. Abt., 1907, (101-119). 239 Field, H. H. Bibliographia Zoologica (diario ,, Zoologischer Anzeiger" ad- nexa) condita ab T. Victor Cavus edidit Herbert Haviland Field. Vol. XIV. Leipzig (W. Engelmann), 1908, (480). 23 cm. 240 [Filchner expedition vide Attems.] Filippi, Filippo de. Ruwenzori, an account of the expedition of H.R.H. Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy Duke of the Abruzzi. With a preface by H.R.H. the Duke of the Abruzzi. London 1908 8vo. (xvi + 408) pis. &. maps. 241 Fischel, Alfred. Ueber eine vitale und spezifische Nervenfarbung. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (154-157) 242 Fischer, C. E. C. Fear in animals. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist, Soc, 18,. 1908, (704-705). 24a Fischer, Julius. Die Lebensvor- gange in Pflanzen und Tieren. Versuch einer Losung der physiologischen Grundfragen. Berlin (R. Friedliinder & S.), 1908, (83). 23 cm. 3 M. 244 Fischer-Planer, Ernst. Vererbung psychischerFahigkeiten. Zugleich eine Entgegnung auf : Ein neues Argument gegen den Materialismus. Arch. Philos., Berlin, Abt. 2, 13, 1907. (63-96). 245 Foa, Edouard. Resultats scienti- fiques des voyages en Afrique d'Ed. Foa, publics sous les auspices du Mu- 16 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1903] ■seum national d'histoire naturelle. Pre- face d'Edm. Perrier. Paris (Im- primerie Xationale), 1908, (XLl + 731) av. fig.. 12 pis. et 6 cartes ou coupes 32 cm. 246 Foa, Edouard. Mceurs des animaux de I'Afrique centrale. In : Resultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique •d' Edouard Foa. Paris (Impr. nat.). 1908, (323-507). 247 Focke, W. O. Zur Xaturkunde- Klima. Flora und Fauna von Bremen- ^In : Bremen in hyg- Beziehung, lirsg. V. T i a d e n.] Bremen (G. Winter), 1907, (15-25). 248 Folger, A. F. Ueber lokale Eo- slnophjlie (Gewebseosinophilie). bei zooparasitaren Leiden. Zs. Infekt.- Krankb., Berlin, 4, 1908, (102-131), 2 Taf. 249 Foot, Katharine and Strobell, E. C A study of chromosomes in the sper- matogenesis of Anasa iristis. Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, ild., 7, 1907. .(279-316), 3 pi. 259 Forli, V. [Rina Monti.] Med. Klinik, BerHn, 4, 1908, (350-351). 251 Fragnito, 0. Ancora sulla genesi ■delle neurofibrille. Xota. Anat, Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (314-319). 252 [France, R.] P. n.ioco(Ina ecTecTBOsiianiK. CoBpeMenHoe no.io- :;KeHie .lapBnHiiSMa. Ilepen. ci> hIsm. A. BpycoBa. [Die Philosojihie der Naturkundc. Die heutige Lage des .Darwinismus. Uebers. a. d. deutsch. von A. Brussov.] Vest, znan., St. Peterburg, 1908, 6, Beilage (104). 253 France, R. Funktionelle Selbst- gcstaltung und Psvchomorplologie. Arch. Entw:Mecb., Leipzig, 25, 1908. .(715-719). 254 France, R. vide Rothe, K. C. Frank, Philipp. Mechanismus oder A'italismus y Versuch einer priizisen Formulierung der Fragestellung. (Be- «onders im Hinblick auf den Xeovitalis- mus von Hans Driesch.) Vortrag. . . . Ann. Natphilos., Leipzig. 7, 1908, (393-409). 255 Franz, V. Die Struktur der Pig- mcntzelle. Biol. Centralbl., Leiiizig, 28, 1908, (536-543, 545-548). 253 Frisch, Karl von. Studien iiber die Pigmentvcrschicbung im Facettenauge. Biol. Centralbl.. Leipzig, 28, 1908. (662-671, 698-704). 257 Fritze, Adolf. Biologische Gruppen. Hannover. Jahrb. Prov. Mus., 1907-08, 1908, (35-38), 2 Taf. 253 Filrnrohr, Otto. Die Xaturforscher- Familie Schaffer in Regensburg. Regens- burg, Ber. natw. Ver.. H. 11 (1^905- 1906), 1908, (120-139), 3 Taf. 253 Fiitst, Carl M. Gustav Adoljjh Guldbers t. Xachruf. Anat. Anz.. Jena, 32^ 1908, (506-512). 260 Funck, Ch. Dispositifs permettant d'utiliser tout le tranchant des rasoirs fi microtome. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (53-60). 261 Furlani, Joh. Lebenswerdung und Lebenserhaltung. JahrBer. d. k. k. Staategj-muasiums in Xikolsburg, 35, 1907-1908, (1-16), 2 Taf. 262 G., A. Henry Baker Tristram- 1S22-190G. London Proc. R. Soc. B 80 1908 (xlii-xliv). 263 G.. A. Alfred Xewton. 1829-1907. London Proc. R. Soc. B 80 1908 (xlv- xlix). 264 G., W. H. Sir Michael Foster. 1836- 1907. London R. Soc. Proc. B 80 1908 obit. (Ixxi-lxxxi) portrait. 265 Gabnay, Ferencz. A magyar. kiral\'i mezogazdasagi miizeum. [Das konigl. ung. landwirtschaftliche Museum.] Termt. KozL, Budapest, 40, 1908. (453-466), 5 Abbild. 266 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri. Voyage zoologique en Kliroumirie (Tunisie) mai- juin 1906. Avee quatrc memoir?s du Comte Carl Attems, d'Ignacio Bolivar, du Dr. Raphael Blanchard et de Louis Germain, sur les ^lyriapodes, les In- sectes Orthopteres. les Hirudines et les ^Molluscjues rccoltes pendant ce voj-age. Paris 1908 8vo. (xviii + 316) 30 pis. 267 Gadow, Han~. Through southern Mexico. London 1908 8vo. (xvi + 527). 268 Gage, Simon H. and Gage, Susanna Pheli^s. Sudan 111. depo.-iitcd in the egg and transmitted to the chick. Science, Xew York, X.Y., (X. Sir.). 28, 1908, (494-495). 269 Gage, Susanna Phelps vide Gage, Simon H. 17 Compr, Zocl. Titles. 0000 Gallardo, Engel. Surl'epr.^uvc stati- stique dc la loi de Mendel. Paris. C. R. Acad. sci.. 146, 1008, (3151-302). 270 Gamble, F. W. Animal life. London lOuS Svo. (xviii + 305). 271 Gardiner. Edward Gardiner. Science, New York. X.Y., X. Ser., 27, 1908. 3-i:)o). 272 Gardiner, J. Stanley. Second report of the Committee . . . appointed to •carry on an expedition to investigate the Indian ocean between India and South Africa. . . . London Rej). Brit. Ass. 1907 1908 (351-353). 273 Gaudry, Albert. Fossiles de Pata- gonie ; de Tcconomie dans la nature. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908. (1131- 1134). 274 Gaudry, Albert. Fossiles de Pata- gonie ; de I'economie dans la nature. Ann. paleont., Paris, 3, 1908, (41-60). 275 Georgevitch, J. Les organismes du plankton des grands lacs de la peninsule balkanique. Paris, Mem. sec. zool.. 20, 1908, (5-19). 276 Gerlache, A. de vide Orleans due d'. Gigiio-Tos, Ermanno. L"eredita ■negli organismi e I'interpretazione chimica della vita. Biolosica. Torino, 1, 1908, (529-549). ^ 277 Giglio-Tos, Ermanno e Granata, Leopoklo. I mitocondrl nelle cellule seminali maschili di Pamphafjus inar- moralus Burm. Biologica, Torino, 2, X. 4, 1908, (1-115), tav. 278 Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. L'eredita e le leggi razioraali deiribridismo. Bio- Jogica, Torino, 2, 1908, (1-36). 279 Gill, E. Leonard. The Hancock Museum and its history. Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, 3, 1908, Appendix (i-xxvii), 2 pis. 280 Gill, Theodore. Systematic zoology : Its progress and purpose. [Address before the Section of systematic zoology, Seventh International zoological con- gress, August 20, 1907. — Reprinted from Science, Oct. 18, 1907, with verbal modifications and additional notes.] Washington, D. C, Smithsonian Inst., Rep., 1907, 1908, (449-471), portr. 281 Gill, Theo. Systematic zoology : Its progress and purpose. [Address before the Section of systematic (.\-10332 2; zoology, seventh International zoo- logical congress]. Science. New York. N.Y'., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (489-505). 282 Girty, George H. The Guadalu]iian fauna. Washington, D. C, Dej)t. Int., I'. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr., No. 58, 1908, (1-649) pi. 283 Glaser, 0. C. Pathological amitosis in the food-ova of Fn^^ciolaria. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl., Mass., 13, 1907, (1-4). 284 Glossner, M. TierintcUigenz und Pflanzensinne ? Eine naturphilo- sophischc Studie. Jahrb. Philos., Paderborn., 22, 1908, (305-324). 285 Goebel, Ferdinand. Die Pendu- lationstheorie im Lichte der Geologic und Paliiontologie. Zs. Min., Stutt- gart. 2, 1908, (78-83, 109-112, 129- 130, 164-168). 287 Goebel, G. vide Breitfuss. L. L. Goering, Victor. Die Entwicklung des Zoologischen Gartens zu Frankfurt a. ^r. von 1858 bis 1908. Nach eigener Wahrnehmung und authentischen Quel- len niedergeschrieben. Frankfurt a. M. (F. B. Auffarth i. Komm.), 1908, (79). 12Taf. 24 cm. 2 M. 288 Goizaeta y Diaz, D.. J. Reflexiones acerca de la evolucion de las especies animales. Barcelona Mem. R. Ac. Cs., 6, 1908, (69, etc.) 289 Golanski, Jan. 0 mowie zwierz^t. [La parole chez les animaux]. Wszech- swiat, Warszawa, 27, 1908, (199-202. 218-220). 290 Gorka, Sandor. Az elet tartama es az anyagforgalom. [Uber Lebensdauer und Stoffwechsel.] Termt. Kozl., Buda- pest, 40, 1908, (628-630). 291 Gottsche, C. Nachruf f iir Herrn Otto Semper. Hamburg, Verh. natw. Ver., (3. F.), 15, (1907), 1908, (lix). 292 Graebner, Paul. Die Pflanzcnwelt Deutschlands. Lehrbuch der Forma- tionsbiologie. Eine Darstellung der Lebensgeschichte der wildwachsenden Pfianzenvereine und der Kulturflachen. Mit zoologischen Beitriigen von F. G. Meyer. Leipzig (Quelle «fc Meyer), 1909, [1908], (XI + 374). 24 cm. 7 M. 293 Gran, H. H. und Nathansohn, Alexander. Beitrage zur Biologic des Planktons. i. Ueber die allgemeinen 18 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908) Produktionsbedingungen im Meere. Von A. Xathansohn. Intern. Rev. Hydro- biol., Leipzig. 1, 1908, (37-72). ~ 294 Granata, LeoiDoldo vide Giglio-Tos E. Gratacap, L. P. A trip around Ice- land. Pop. Sci. Mon.. New York. N. Y. 71, 1907, (289-302, 421-432, 560-567). 295 Gray, A. A. An investigation on the anatomical structure and relationshijjs of the labyrinth in the reptile, the bird and the mammal. London, Proc. R. Soc. B 80, 1908 (507-528), pis. xix & XX. 298 Gray, A. A. The Labyrinth of animals. Vol. 2, London, 1908, (xiii + 252). 297 Gregory, W. K. Linnaeus as an intermediary between ancient and modern zoology ; his views on the class Mammalia. New York, N. Y., Ann. Acad. Sci., 18, 1908, (21-32), pi. 298 Gregory, William K. The place of Linnaeus in the unfolding of Hciencc ; his views on the class Mammalia. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N. Y., 71, 1907, (121-130). 299 Grevillius, A.. Y. und Niessen, J. Begleitwort zu Zoocecidia et Cecidozoa imprimis provinciae Rhenanae. Samm- lung von Tiergallen und Gallentieren insbesondere aus dem Rheinlande, Lfg 1-3. Nr. 1-75. (Arb. Rhein. Bauern- ver.) Coin, 1906-1908, (39 + 49 + 47). 24 cm. 300 Grobben, Karl. Die systematische Einteilung des Tierreiches. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 53, 1908, (491- 511). 301 Grobben. [Xekrolog von Ludwig Karl Schmarda, 7. April 1908.1 Wien, Aim. Ak. Wiss., 53, 1908, (284-286). 1 Taf. 302 Guenther, Konrad. Vom Urtier zum Menschen. Ein Bilderatlas zur Ab- stammungs- und Entwicklungs- geschichte des Menschen. Bd 1. 2. Stuttgart (D. Verlagsanstalt), [1908-09], (III + 202 ; 210), 90 Taf. 35 cm. Geb. 20 M. 303 Guieysse, A. Regeneration de frag- ments nuclcaircs dans les cellules g^antes experimcntales. Paris, C. R. 80C. biol., 64, 1908, (387-389). 304 Guieysse, A. Caryoanabiose de tetes de sp3rmatozoides dans les cellules geantes experimentales. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (606-607). 305 Gulick, John T. Isolation and selec- tion in the evolution of species. The need of clear definitions. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (48-57). 306 [Gurvid, Al.] FypBnTi,, A.7. Kpar- Kiil yqeoHUKt AHaiOMin He-iOB-feKa bt> CBHsn CI. o.ieMeHTaMii rncTo.ioriii n OMopio.iorin. [Kurzes Lehrbuch der Anatomic des Menschen im Zusammen- hang mit den Elementen der Histologie und Embryologie.] Kiev (Sotrudnik), 1908. (1-320), 270 Fig. i. J. 23 cm. 2 Rub. 307 [Gurwitsch, A. G.] rypBnqt, A. F. 0 flB.ieHiaxT. pery.iHii,in btj npoTO- n.iasM'fe. [L'eber Regulationser- scheinungen im Protojjlasma.] St. Peterburg. Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, zool., 37, 2, 1908, (139-186, deutsch. Res. 187-190). 308 Haeckel, Ei-nst. Alte und neue Naturgeschichte. Fcstrede [Nebst Anhang :] Verzeichnis der Druck- schriften von Ernst Haeckel in chi'ono- logischer Reihenfolge. Jena (C Fischer), 1908, (32). 24 cm. 0,60 M. 309 [Haeckel, E.] FeKKe.ib, 3. Bopboa 3a njeio pasBniia. Tpn .lennin. Ilepe- BO.t'b B. r. Bpoyiia. [Der Kampf um den Entwicklungsgedanken. Drei Vortrage. Uebers. v. V. Braun.] Mockva, 1907, (128). 1 Portr. 23 cm. 0,60 Rub. 310 [Haeckel, Ernst.] FeKKe-ib, ;)i)HCT'i. MipoBLiH aarajKii. C'-i noc.TfeaiOBieMi> „lIcnoBlub Hncraro pa3yMa." Ufpes. ctj HtM. TI.3,";. C. F. 3aiiMOBCKaro. [Welt- ratsel. Mit einem Nachwort ,,Beichte der reinen Vernunft." Uebers. a. d. Deutsch. von Zaimovskij.] Moskva, (A. u. I. Granat), 1907, (431). 18 cm. 0,90 Rub. 311 [Haeckel, Ernst.] FcKKe.!!., npiicrB. ]\IipoBU}i 3ara;uvn. IIoiiy-iHiJiiue onepKn MOHiicrnHecKoft (})ii.iocoilnii. FlepeB. ch HliM. F. A. KoT.iHpa. [Welt- rathsel. Populiire Skizzen der monisti- schen Philosophic. Uebers. a. d. Deutsch. von G. A. Kotljar.] Mo.skva, 1907, f8 + vi + 354 + 1). 25 cm. 200 Rub. 312 19 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 [Haeckel, Ernst.] TeKKCih, Hpiicn.. Hy^eca :i;n3iin. OCiiuuocTyunue OHcpKii Oio.iornqocKotl (Jiii.ioco(|nn. Jono.iiinTiMi.HUfi tomtj kt. Kunrt o MipoBuxb 3ara;iKan>. ITepeB. ci> '1 ro HtM. n3X H. A. A.ieKctoBa. [Die Le- benswunder. Allgcmcinvcrstiindlicho Studien iibor biologische Pliilosopih". Erganzungsband zum Werke viber die Weltriithsel. Uebers a. d. 2-ten deutsch. Ausg. v. N. A. Aleksejev.] St. Pcterburg. 1908, (viii + 220). 24 cm. 1.50 Rub. 313 Haecker, Valentin. Ucbor die lebende Substanz. Stuttgart, Jahres- hefte Ver. Xatk., 64, 1908^ (346-3G8). 314 Haeffs, Albert. Parasitismus, Kom- mensalisnius und Symbiose in der Tierwclt. Xatur u. "Otfenb.. Miinster 54, 1908, (14-31, 79-90). 315 Haempel, Oskar. Biologische Un- tersuehungen an den Versuchsteiehen bei Frauenberg walirend des Jahre.s 1907. Oest. Fischereiztg, Wien, 5, 1908, (291-295, 307-310, 324-327). 316 Hagenbeck, Carl. Von Tieren und Men5ch?n. Erlcbnisse und Erfahrun- gen. Berlin-Ch. (Vita, Dcutsches Verlagshaus), [1908], (483). 47 Taf. und 1 Portr. 26 cm. Geb. 15 M. 317 Hamburger, H. I. Injektionen mit Eiweiss- und Serumtusch? zu mikro- skopischen Zwecken. Nach Versuchen in Gemeinschaft mit I. F. de Boer und G. A. Kalverkamp. Zs. wiss. ilikrosk., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (1-3). 318 Hamdorfl, G. Linne als Lehrer. Zs. Philos. Pad., Langenslaza, 15, 1908, (.321-527, 578-584). 319 Hamy, E. T. La mission de Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire en Espagne et en Portugal (1808). Histoire et documents. Nouv. arch. Museum, Paris, ser. 4, 10, 1908, (1-66), av. portr. 320 Hamy, E. T. La genealogie de Lamarck. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, (489-4r:3). 321 Hankinson, T. L. The fauna of Walnut lake. In : Hankinson, T. L. A biological survey of Walnut lake, Michigan. Lansing, Mich., 1908, (232- 238). 322 Hanstein, R. v. Franz v. Leydigf. Natw.Rdsch., Braunschweig, 23, 1908, (347-352). 323 (N-10332 3) Hanstein, R. v. Karl Mobiusf. Xachruf. Natw. Rdsch., Braun- sehwoig, 23, 1908, (361-363, 373-375). - 324 Harmer, S. F. The British Associa- tion. Section D. Opening address. Nature London 78 1908 (488-496). 325 Hartmeyer, Robert. Zur Termino- logie der Familien und Gattungen der Ascidien. Zool. Ann., Wiirzburg, 3, 1908, (1-63). 326 Harvey, Nathan A. The study of type.s in the presentation of botany and zoology in secondary schools. Lansing, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci., 10, 1908, (145- 152). 327 Hassall, Albert vide Stiles, C. W. Haswell, William A. vide Parker, T. Jeffery. Hatschek, B. Beantwortung der theror.'tischen Einwiinde Plate's gegen nieine Vererbungstheorie. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (306-320). 328 Hawrysiewicz, Julian. Spostrzc- ^enia pojawow w swiecie roslinnym i zwierz^cym, wykonane w r. 1905 w Ozydowie. [Observations pheno- logiques faites a Oiydow en 1905.] Krakow, Spraw. Kom. fizyogr., 40, 1907, (64-73). 329 Hawrysiewicz, Julian. Spostrzo- ^.enia pojawow w swiecie roslinnym i zwierz(^cym wykonane w roku 1906 w Ozydowie. [Observations pheno- logiques faites a O^ydow en 1906.] Krakow, Spraw. kom. fizyogr., 41 , 1908, (62-71). 330 Heape, Walter. Note on Russo's attempt to show differentiation of sex in the ovarian ova of the rabbit. Cam- bridge Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 1908 (609- 612). 332 Heine, [Leopold]. Uebcr die Ver- haltnisse der Refraktion, Akkomo- dation und des Augenbinnendruckes in der Tierreihe. Med. -natw. Arch., Berlin, 1, 1907, (323-344) 1 Taf. 333 Heinis, Fr. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moo.sfauna der kanari.schen Inseln. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (711-716). 334 Henderson, Junius. The sandstone of Fossil ridge in northern Colorado and its fauna. Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud., 5, 1908, (179-192). 335 a 2—2 20 Comvr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Hensen, V. Ergebnisse der in dem Atlantischen Ozean von Mitte Juli bis Anfang November 1889 ausgefiihr- ten Plankton-Expedition der Hum- boldt-Stiftung. Hrsg. v. Victor Hensen. Bd III. L. h. 6 : Schmidt. Castanellidae. Kiel u. Leipzig (Lipsius & Tischer), 1908, (233-279) 4 Taf. 33 cm. 7,20 M. 336 Hentschel, Ernst. Das Leben des Siisswassers. Eine gemeinverstand- liche Biologie. Miinchen (E. Rein- hardt), 1909, [1908], (IV + 336) 17 Taf. 24 cm. Geb. 5 M. 337 Herdman, W. A. et alii. Re- ports on the marine zoology of th'> Sudanese Red Sea, from collections made by Cyril Crossland, M.A., B.Sc. F.Z.S. London J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31 1907 etc. (1 & 2). 338 Herdman, W. A. Plankton fishing off the Isle of Man. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (551- 554). 339 Herman, Otto. Pungur Gyula- [.Julius Pungur.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (i-xxxii). • 340 Hermann, Adam. Modern methods of excavating, preparing and mounting fossil skeletons. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (43-47). - 341 [Hertwig, O.] repTBnn>, 0. D.ie- MCHTLi yMupio.Torin Me.ioB'liKa ii nosBO- HOHHbixi, :KnBOTHLixi> j^H Bpa^ieii n CTy;ieHTOBii. Uei^eBoxh ch 3-ro utMeu,- Karo naanlH noai. pe^iaKu. B. H. Pyoaiu- Knua. [Die Elemente der Entwicke- lungslehre des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Uebersetzt n. d. 3-ten deutsch. Aufl. unt. d. Red. v. V. Ja. Rubaskin.] St. Petcrburg, 1908, (viii + 502). 25 cm. 4,40 Rub. 342 Hertwig, Richard. Ucber neue Probleme der Zellenlehrc. Arch. Zell- forschg., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (1-32). 343 Hertwig, Richard. Ueber den Chroniidialapparat und den Dualismus der Kernsubstanzen. Miinchen. Sitz- Ber. Ges. Morph., 23, 1907, (19-40). 344 Hertwig, Ricliard. Uebcr die Bc- deutung der Stationen fiir Siisswasscr- l>iologie. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. Leipzig. 1, 1908, (18-28). 345 [Hertwig, Richard] FcpTBnn., Pnxami). >'"ieijiini;'i. l}ooaorin. !lc])('p,. CI, nsM-feHeniaMn n ;3,ono.iHeiiiaMn Ana- .leMHKa B. Sa-ieHCKaro. [Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Verm. u. Verand. Uebersetzung durch Akademiker W. Salensky.] 4-t3 Aufl. nach d. 8-ten deutscb. Aufl.] Odessa, 1908, (XIV + 2 + 796). 26 cm. 5,00 Rub. 346 Hesse, Richard. Abstammungs- lehrs und Darv/inismus. 3. Aufl. (Aus Natur u. Gei.^teswelt. Bd 39.) Leipzig (B. G. Teubner), 1908, (iv + 118). "l8cm. Geb. 1,25 M. 347 Hesse, R. Ueber das Sehen der niederen Tiere. Vcrh. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 79, (1907), Tl 1, 1908, (198- 203). 348 Hesse, Richard. Das Sehen der niederen Tiere. Erweiterte Bearb. eines .... Vortrages. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (47). 24 cm. 349 Heuss. Professor Dr. med. Rudolf Blasiust. Jabrb. Vogelschutz, Berlin. 4, (1907), 1908, (41-43). 350 [Heyneman, B.] FefiHeMaii'L, B. Ko- .itmecTBeiiiioe oiipejitieiiie n.iaHKTOna 03. liecTOBO ct Mas 1904 r. no iiafi 1905 r., B-h CBH3II CI. nepio;tiiHecKnMTi KCieoaiiisiMn ero bi. TeneHie ripeAiueci- Byioiuiixi, .TfexT,. [Quantitative Be- stimmung des Planktons im Pestowo- See vOm Mai 1904 bis Mai 1905, in Verbindung mit den Schwankungen desselben wahrend der vorhergehenden Jahre.] Nikchk Fischzucht., St. Peter- burg, 11, 1908, (31-54, ^eutsch. Res. 52-53, mit Tab. 54-69). £51 Hickson, Sidney J. et (tlii. Joint discussion on the physical basis of inheritance. London Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 1908 (541 & 542). 352 Hilzheimer, Max. Wie sollen wir die Haustiere hcnennen ? Zool. Anz.. Leipzig, 33, 1908, (182-187). 253 Hink, A. Die erworbenen Eigen- schaften und das Vererbungsproblcm. Eine ziichtungsbiologiache und natur- philosophisch? Studie. Hannover (M. & H. Schaper), 1908, (32). 22 cm. 1 M. 354 Hippolyte-Boussac, P. La pantherc dans la civilisation cuvptienne. Nature. Paris, 36, (le semest.), 1908, (71-75) £55 Hird, Dennis. A picture botk of evolution, imrt 2. London 1907 (214 pp. :53 '21 Compr. Zod. Titles. 0000 Hock, F. Die I><>bonsroii'lio als Erzeugnisse der Entwioklungsgescliichto und des Kliinas dor Eidc. Zs. Entw L?hrc\ Stuttgart. 2, 1908, (12-29). c57 Hofmann, Karl jun. Die Struktm- der Oriranisinen. Ann. 2satphilo>'.. Leipzig. 7, ll'OS. (03-77). c53 Holdhaas, K. Biogeographische Argutnontf fiir die Existenz eines pazidschen Kontinents. Wien. Vorh. ZoolBot. Cos.. 57, llt07. ((258) (2(50)). Holdhaus, Karl. Ueber Faiuifu- differenzieruuir. Zool. Anz., Leipzitr. 33, 1908, (38-45). 360 HoUe, Aug. Ueber Mikroaquaricn und X'eisand lebender Mikroorganis- men (sp^z. Plankton). ^Mikrokosnios. Stuttgart, 2, 1908, (17-18). 361 Holmes, S. J. The instinct of feigning death. Pop. Sci. Mon.. New York, X. V.. 72. 190S, (179-185). 362 Holmes, S. J. The selection of random movements as a factor in phototaxis. J. Comj). Nour. Psych., Granville, Ohio, 15, 1905, (98-112). 363 Holt, W. P. The claims of natural history in biological courses of secon- dary schools. [Lansing], Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci., 10, 1908, (153-158). 364 Holway, Ruliff S. Physiographic changes bearing on the faunal relation- ships of the Russian and Sacramento rivers, California. Science, New York, N.Y.. (X. Ser., 26, 1907, (382-383). 365 Hornaday, William T. Report of the Director of the Zoological park. New York. X.Y.. Rep. Zool., Soc. 11, (1006), 1907, (53-80). 366 Hornaday, William T. Report of the Director of the Xew Y'ork zoological park. Xew York, X.Y^., Rep. Zool. Soc, 12, (1907), 1908, (51-84) pi. 367 Horvath, Gcza. A Bostonban megtartott VII. nemzetkozi zoologiai congressus. [Bericht iiber den VII. internationalen zoologischen Kongress in Boston.] Allat. Kozlem., Budapest. 7, 1908, (51-61). 368 Hoaard, C. Les Zoocecidies des plantes d' Europe et du bassin de la Mediterranee. Description des Galles ; Illustration ; Bibliographie detaillee ; Repartition geographique ; Index biblio- gra])hique : t. I, Cryptogames, (iymmt- .^^permes. Jlonocotyledone.'^, Dicotylc- donos (Ir? Partie). Paris (Herniaini). 1908. (509) Hg. et 2 pis. 25 cm.. 5. [Prix de TOuvrage complet, 40 fr.] 369 Hovey, Edmund Otis. The bicen- tenary of the birth of Carolus Linnteus. New Y'ork, N.Y^.. Ann. Acad. Sci.. 18, 1908, (1-90) portr. pi. 370 Huber, Gottfr. Biologische Noliz iiber das Langnioos bei Montiggl (Siid- tirol). Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart. 3, 1908, (309-310). "^ 371 Hussakof, L. Catalogue of types and figured spscimcns of fossil vertebrates in the American museum of natural history. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.. 25, 1908, (1-103) pi. 372 Ihering, Hermann v. Die Entste- hungsgeschichte der Fauna der neotro- pischen Region. Wien. Verh. Zool Hot. Ges.. 53, 1908, (282-302). 373 Ihering, Hermann von. Archhelenis und Archinotis. Gesammelte Beitrage zur Geschichte der neotropischen Region. Leipzig (W. Engelmann). 1907, (iii + 350) 1 Karte. 23 cm. 6 M. 374- litis, Hugo. Johann Gregor Mendel als Forscher und Mensch. Briinn (Rudolf M. Rohrer), 1908, (19, + 1) Taf. 16 cm. 375 [Ispolatov, E. I.] IIcno.iaTOBi., H II. b'i> Bonpocaxi. :)BO.iiouin. [Die experimcn- telle Methode bei der Losung der Evolutionsfragen.] Varsava, Izv. Univ., 1908, 3, (1-39). 379 22 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Jaeger, Gustav. Das Leben im Wasser und das Aquarium. 3. durcli- gesehene Aufl. Suttgart (Kosmos), [1908], (VIII + 367) 9 Taf. 26 cm. 3,50 M. 380 Taekel, 0. Zu Gustav Steinmann's Geologischen Grundlagen der Abstam- mungslehre. Centralbl. ilin., Stuttgart, 1908, (461-471). 381 Jeannel, R. et Racovitza, E. G. Enumeration des grottes visitees 1906- 1907 (2» serie) (Biospeologica. VI). Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, (327- 414). 382 Jennings, H. S. The interpretation of the behavior of the lower organisms. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (098-710). 383 Jennings, H. S. Heredity, variation and evolution in Protozoa. 1. The fate of new structural characters in Para- mecium, in connection with the problem of the inheritance of acquired characters in unicellular organisms. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (577-632). 384 Johnstone, James. Conditions of life in the sea. A short account of quantita- tive marine biological research. Cam- bridge biological series, 8vo. (xiii -|- 332) 1 chart. 3£5 Johnstone, Jas. Recent work on marine metabolism. Sci. Progress London 3 1908 (1-20). 386 Jones, Alfred W. The fauna of the Mentor. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (122). 387 Jones, W. H. S. Malaria and History. Ann. Trop. Med. Liverpool 2 1908 (529- 546). 388 Jordan, David Starr. The law of geminate species. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (73-80). 389 Jordan, Hermann. Ueber Entwicke- lung vom physiologischcn Standpunkte aus. Versuch, der vergleichcnden Physiologie ein Arbeitssystem zu schaf- fen. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (278-287). 390 Jordan, Hermann. Ueber rtflex- arme Tiere ii. Stadium ohno regu- lierende Zentren : Die Ph3'siologie des Nervenmuskelsystems von Actinoloba dianthus Ellis (Fuss, Maucrblatt, Septen, Ncrvennetz der Mundscheibe). Nebst einigen Versuchen an Fiisus antiquus. Zs. allg. Physiol., Jena, 8, 1908, (222- 266). 391 Jordan, H. E. The spermatogenesis of Aplopus mayeri. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, D.C., 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), 1908, (13-36) 5 pis. 392 Jordan, H. E. The relation of the nucleolus to the chromosomes in the primary oocyte of Asterias forbesii. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton, Washington, D.C.. 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), 1908, (37-72) 7 pis. 393 Joubin, L. Considerations sur faune des cotes de France. La reparti- tion des animaux dans ses rapports sur la nature des rivages. Les cotes ro- cheuses. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 71, 1906, (1-126). 394 Joubin, L. Considerations sur la distribution des animaux sur les cotes oceaniques de France. — Les animaux des plages. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 72, 1906, (1-23). 395 Joubin, L. La repartition des ani- maux marins sur les cotes fran9aises de la Mediterranee. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 74, 1906, (1-25). 396 Joubin, L. Le^on d'ouverture des cours do rinstitut oceanographique. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 86, 1906, (1-15). 397 Joubin, L. La presqu' ile de Qui- beron. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco. 98, 1907, (1-24). 398 Jourdan. Notice sur les Iravaux seientifiques de Pierre Stephan. Ann. Fac. sci. Marseille, (ser. 5, 2), 16, 1908, (185-205) portr. 399 Juday, Chancey. Resume of recent woik on lakes by the Wisconsin Geo- logical and Natural History Survey. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (240-242). 400 [Jurinskij, T. I.] lOpHHCKitt, T. L 0630irb Beceiiiiiixi, ({K'iiojornqccicnx7> HB-ieiiiii iipiipojiu Kb BocToiiaoii Cnnnpii Bcciioio 3a 1903 n 1904 rr. [Ueber- sicht der phanologischen Erschcinungen in der Natur Ost-Sibiriens im Friihling der Jahre 1903 u. 1904.] Irkutsk, Izv. Vost.-Sib. otd. rusq, geogr. Obsc., 36, 1905 [1908], (6-47). 401 23 Compr. Zod. Titles. 0000 [Kaigorodov, Dm.] Kaiirop.iOBh, ,1m. Har.iH.iiuv luiodpa-.Ki'iiin iio.iuju ii Kpi-.ui n mmvnMbixb iiaiiinMn iiTiiuaMii. [Anschauliohe Darstellung des Xutzens unci Schaden.^ unserer Vijgel.l Vierte Auri. St. Pftcrburg. 1908, (1 Tab.) 62 cm. ; 0.30 Rub. 402 Kalverkamp, G. A. vide Hamburger, H.I. [Kaminskij, X.] KaMnncKirt, H. O oocTaBt. BO,iu n B-iiaain ero na nat'e- .leHie aKBapivMOB-b. [Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Wassers und ihr? Wirkung auf der Bevolkerung der Aquarien.] 2urn. Obsc. Hub. Komm. ra?t. i. akv., St. Peterburg. 14, 1907, (98-103). " 403 Kammerer, Paul. Lebenscen.ein- schaften von Tieren und niedcren Pflanzen. Umschau, Frankfurt a. M. 12, 1908. (409-411). 404 [Karpov, VI.] KapnoBi., Bi- OnepK-b oQmeil Tt-'Opin MTiKpocKona btj en ncTO- pnieCKOMT, pasBiiTin. [Uebersicht der allgemeinen Theorie der Mikroskops in ihrer historisehen Entwicklung.] Moskva, 1907, (80). 23 cm. 0.75 Rub. 4C5 [Kartasevskij, E.] KapTameBCKifi, E. O B.iiHiiiTi OKpyiKaioiueii leMnepa- TVpU Ha iKHBOTHUXt, HaXOjaiUTIXCH B1> ra,30B0fi cpL*,it., o-fejHofi KnciopcioM-b. [Ueber die Wirkung der umgebenden Temperatur auf Thiere, welche .sich in einem sauerstofFarmen Gasmedium be- finden.] St. Peterburg, Izv. voen.- med. Akad., 16, 1908, (259-285). 406 Kanpp, B. F. Animal parasites and parasitic diseases. [Text book.] Chi- cago, 1908, (207). 20 cm. 407 Eeibel, Franz. Modelle zu der Ent- ■wickelung des Urogenital-Apparates von Echidna aculeata var. typica {Tachy- glossus aculeatus). hergestellt von Herrn Priedrich Ziegler in Freiburg i. B. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (243-248). 408 Kepner, William A. vide Dahlgren, L'lric. Kerr, J. Graham. The work of John Samuel Budgett, Balfour student of the Univer.sity of Cambridge, being a collec- tion of his zoological papers, together ^th a biographical sketch by A. E. iShipiley, F.R.S., and contributions by Richard Assheton, Edward J. Bles, Edward T. Brown^, J. Herbert Budgett and J. Graham Kerr. Edited by J. (JraliMm Kerr. Cambridge 1907 4to. (X + 494). 28 pis. & portrait. 409 Eiaer, Hans. Oni kvartaertidens marine atleiriiigir ved Tromso. (With an English Summary.) |0n th^ post- tertiary and recent marine deposits in the Trom.'^o region. IMollusca and Foraminifera.] Trom?o Mus. Aarsh. 25, (1902), 1907-08, (17-44). 410 Kiser, Johan. Das Obersilur im Kristianiagebiete. Eine stratigraphif ch- faunistische Untersuchung. Mit 102 Abbild. im Text, 3 Profil taf. u. 0 geolog, Kart'>n. Kristiania. Skr. Vid. selsk., I, 1906, Bd. II. (1908), (xvi + 596), Taf. i-iii u. Karte i-vi. 411 Kiser, Hans. Om strandcn? dyreliv. [Das Tierleben des Mecrcsstrandes.] Bergen, Naturen, 32, (1908), (213-231). 412 Kieffer, J. J. Quatrieme contribu- tion a la faune et a la fiore de Bitche. Metz, Bull. soc. hist, nat., H. 25, 1908. (9-45). 413 Kienitz-GerlofE, F. Eine Principien^ frage betreffs der biologischen (okolo- gischen) Behandlungsweise des Unter- richts in der Botanik und Zoologie. [Nebst] Bemerkungen von Schmeil. Pad. Warte. Osterwieck, 13, 1906, (563- 571, 678-680). 414 King, Helen Dean. The spermato- genesis of Bitfo lentiginosus. Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Ivld.,7, 1907, (345- 386) 3 pi. 415 King, Helen Dean. Food as a factor in the determination of sex in amphi- bians. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907, (40-56). 416 Klaptocz, Bruno vide Rogenhofer, Alois. Klausener, Carl. Die Blutseen der Hochalpen. Eine biologische Studie auf hydrographischer Grundlage. In- tern. Rev. HydrobioL, Leipzig, 1, 19C8, (359-424). 417 Klausener, C. Jahreszyklus der Fauna eines hochgelegenen Alpensees. Intern. Rev. HydrobioL, Leipzig, 1, 1908, (142-152) 1 Karte. 418 Kleinschmidt, O. Anfang und Ende. (Zoographia inQnita, eine Naturge- schichte u. Xaturgeographie auf Kant- sclier Basis). Berajah, Leipzig, 1908, (1-8). 419 24 Comj/r. ZvA. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908} Knab, Frederick. Tower's " Evolu- tion in Leptinotarsa.'' Science, New York, X. Y., X. Ser., 27, 1908, (223- 227i. 420 Knoblauch, AugxiBt. Die Arlx-its- teilung der quergestreiften 3Iu.skulatur und die funktionelle Leistung der „flinken" und ..tragen" Maskel- fasem. Biol. CentralbL, Leipzig, 28, 1908, (408-477). ' 421 [Knipowitsch, X. M.] KunnoBnm.. H. M. BBejenie [Untersuchungen irn Ka.spLschen Meere i. J. 1904] Arb. Kasp. Exp., St. Peterburg, 1, 1907, (1-104, deutsch. Res. 10.5-11.3) 1 Karte u. 1 Taf. 422 [Ko6etov, X. A.] PCoieTOB-fc, H. A. HscitjOBaid*! nnrMeHTHaro onnxf.-.iia ci^THaiKn B'j. CBHSH CT> Bonpoco>n, 0 jtifcHin K."itTKH. [Untersuchungen iiber das Pigmentepithfel der Ptetina irn Zusammenhange mit der Frage der Zellenteilung.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances, 39, 1, 1908, (134-14.5, deutscli. Res. 160-107) 1 Taf. 423 Eoch, J. W. R. Xatuurhistorisch verslag. [Xaturhistorischer Bericht.] RoufIa=r, O. P., Posthumus Meyes, R., Rocheinont, E. J. de. De Zuidwest- Xieuw-Guinea Expeditie 1904—5 van het Kon. Xederl. Aardr. Genootschap, (499-.540) ; Leiden (E. J. Brillj, 1908, (XXVI + 676) Taf. u. Karte. 25 cm. 424 Eoch, G. von. Die zoologLschen Sarnrnlungen des Landesmuseums in Darmstadt. Museumskunde, Berlin, 3. 1907, (201-205). 425 Edppen, Friedrich Theodor. Biblio- theca Zoologica Rossica. Litteratur iiber di^- Thierwelt Gesammtrusslands bis zum .Jahre 188.5 incl. Herau.-gegeben von der Kais. Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Allg. Theil. Bd. 11. Zweite Halfte, St. Peterburg, 1908, (1 -f- 307- 532 + 1). 25 cm. 1,85 Rub. 426 Eoeppen, Fr. Th. vide. Adelung, X. v. Eofoid, C. A. The plankton of th':; Illinois river, 1894-1899, with intro- ductory notes upon the hydrography of the Illinois river and its basin. Part 2. Constituent organisms and their seasonal distribution. Urbana, Bull. 111. Lab. Xat. Hist., 8, 1908, (iii-vii -f- .3- 301). 427 Eohl, F. G. Buffon. Aus d. Xatur, Stuttgart, 3, 1907, (481-487). [(MUK 428 Kohnstamm, Oscar. Warum werden VerstUrnrnelungen nicht vererbt ? Zs. EntwLehre, Stuttgart, 1, 1907, (241- 244). 429. Kolkwitz, R. vide. Ehrlich, Felix. Kollmann. Sur le role physiologique des granulations leuoocvtaires. Paris, C. R^. Acad, .sci., 147, 1908, (1.53-1.54), 430 ZolLmann. Reactions chromatiques et classification des granulations leuco- cytaires des Invertebres. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci., 146, 1908, (1.337-1339). 431 EoltzofP, X. K. Studien iiber die Gestalt d'rr Zelle. II. Untersuchungen iiber das Kopfskelett des tierischen Spermiums. Arch. Zellforschg, Leipzig, 2, 1908, (1-05), 5 Taf. " 43'a Eoningsberger, J. C. Eenigeaanteeke- ningen over de fauna der Duizend- eilanden. [Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fauna der ,,Duizend"-Insel.] Teys- mannia, Batavia, 19, 1908, (363-374). 43a [Eornilovid, X.] KopninoBiiq-b, H. OcFioBU HopMa.ibHOft Mhkpocko- nniecKOfi AHaioMin. Buil 2-oii. Bse- jenie B-B le.xHHKy, ,iOMaiiiHaa .laoopa- Topia. [GrundJagen der normalen mikroskopischen Anatomic. Lief. 2 Einfiihrung in die Technik, das Haus- laboratorium.] St. Peterburg, 1907, (09-127). 25 cm. 0,-50 Rub. 434- Eorschelt, E. Ueber die Beein- flussung der Komponenten bei Trans- plantation. Med.-natw. Arch., Berlin. I, 1908, '447-526). 425 [Eorschelt, Eugen. Xekrologe fiir Rudolf Blasius, Rudolf Burckhardt, Maximilian Meissner, Karl Mobius, Oswald Seeliger, Franz Levdig.] Verb. D. zool. Ges.,' Leipzig, 18, 1908, (14-19). 43& Eostanecki, K. Heinrich Hoyert. Intern. Monatschr. Anat., Leipzig, 24, 1908,(447-461). 437 Eotschetow, X. A. vide Kocetov, X. A. [Kovalevskij, P. I.] KoBa-ieBCKifi^ II. II. .\Iipo(;o3;ta(iie. EcTecTBeiiMo- HCTopiiqecKiH 0H«;pK7>. (CBoOo;tfioe .Tuafiie.) [Die Erschaffung des Welt. Eine naturhistorische Skizze. (Freies Wissen, Samlung allgemeinverstand- licher Aufsatze und \'orlesungen.)] St. 2i> Compr. Zool. TlTLKS. 0000 Pet^rbufii u. Moskva. 1007 [?]. (iii + 120). 22 cm. 438 [Kozevnikov, (I. A.] l\o;iconiinKOB i., r. A. ( )i'!iOBiiijti iioiiHTUi ;won'orpai|>in. (rioii.v.uiiiHUit O'lopKi..) I Die (iriinil- begriff.^ dcr Zooiieograpliis'. (Kiiu- populare Skizz^)] Ochotn. vostn., Moskva. 1908. Heil. ; Ochotnicia Enci- klop?dija. 1. (72-96). 439 [Kozevnikov, 0.] Komccbiiiikob h, r. llciaroi imecKifi aicMeiin. Bbecrc- cTBeniio-iicTopii'ieoKiix'b MvacHXh Eb- poiiu II I'. Amoijiikii. (ll:}b iiot.3;uvii 1907 ro.ia.) [Das padagopcisch'? Ele- ment in den naturgeschlchtlichon Mu- seen Europas und Xordamerikas. (Er- innerungen cin'T im Jahi\^ 1007 untor- nommcnen Reise.)j Moskva, 1908, (23). 23 cm. 440 [Kozevnikov. G. [A.] Ko;KeBiin- KOBT., r. A. F) I. „ :)BlipniiOM'L " iiapid;. [Im ..Tior'-Park.] Ochotn. vestn., Moskva, 8, 1908, (325-327, 340-342). 441 [Kozevnikov, G. A.] KoiKeBiiiiKOBb, r. A. Ci. lOoiueniiofi aKK-iiiMaTiiua- uioiinoii BUCTaBKii tt aKK.iiiMaTiiaauioii- liaro ci.i;3;ta [b'B Mockb1;|. [Von dor Jubilacums - Akkliinatisationsausstcl- lung nnd deni Akklimatisationscon- L'ress [in Moskau].]. Psov. i. ruzejn. hota, Moskva, 13, 1908, (274-278). 442 Kraefft, F. Uebcr das Plankton der A-. B-, C-Stationcn in der Elbmiindung in den Jahren 1905-1907. Berlin, Mitt. D. Seefischereiver., 24, 1908, (30- 78). 443 Kraepelin, K. Zum Gedjichtnis Carl von Linnes. Hamburg, Verli. natw. Ver., (3. ¥.), 15, (1907), 1908. ">5-74). 444 Kraepelin, K. Zum Gedachtnis < rustav Heinrich Kirchenpauer's. Ham- burg, Verh. natw. Ver., (3. F.), 15. (1907), 1908, (81-89). 445 Kranichfeld, Hermann. Das ,, Ge- dachtnis" der Keimzelle und die Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 27, 1907, (625-638, 681-697). 446 E[raose, W. Sinnesorgane. A. Allgemeines. Geruch, Geschmack. Jahresbcr. Anat., Jena, (X. F.). 12, Tl 3. l')08. (742-747). 447 Kropotkin, Peter. Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt. Auto- risierte deutscho Ausgabe bosorgt voii tlustav Landauer. [Leipzig (Tli. Tliomiis, 1908. (xvi + 294). 20 cm. 2 M. 448 Kubrakiewicz, Julian. Wplyw i^wiatla na istdty organiezne i barwy zwierzj^it. IL'intlucnco de la lumierc' sur les etrcs vivants : la coloration des auimau.v]. Sprawozdanie Dyrckcyi c. k. gimna- zyuin w Stryju za rok szkolny 1!)08. Stryj, (Nakl. un. naukowego), 1908,. (88). 8vo. 449- Kiihner, F. Lamarck, Kant, Pauly. Polit.-anthr. Rev., Leipzig, 7, 1908. (300-310). 453- Kiikenthal, W. Ergebnissc einer zoologischen Forschungsreise nach West- indien. (Kiikenthal und Hartmeyer 1907.) Einleitung und Reisebcricht. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Suppl. 11, 1908, (1-12). 451 Kiister, Ernst vide Behrens, Wilhelm. Kuhlmann, Fritz. Das lebende Tier im Zcit'lienunterricht. Siiemann, Leip- zig. 4, 1908, (249-252). 452. [Kulagin, Nik[olai].] ]\y,iaiiiiri., HiiK. CtapocTi. II cML'pTi. no ynciiiio ecTecTBOHCiiiJTaTe.ieii. [Alter und Tod naoh den Lehren der Naturforscher.]! Moskva, 1907, (44). 20 cm. 453 IKulIabko, A. A.] Ky.iaf5K0, A. A. Ot'kmo oi.cTCH cepAue? (Heiipoiennaji II Mioreiiiiaa reopia cep,ieqiioii A'taTe.ii.- HOCTii. [Woher schlagt das Herz ?' (Die neurogene und die myogene Thcorie der Herztatigkeit.)] Tomsk, Izv. Univ. 28, 1907, (1-25). 451- [Kulidickij, N. K.] Ky.ibKHn;Kiii, H. K. (JcnoBi.1 rncToaoriii HciiBOTiiux'ir II HC.'iOB'iiKa. [Grundziige der Histologic der Thicra und des Menschen.] 3-te Aufl. Charikov, 1908, (vii + 525) 27 cm. 4.50 Rub. 455. KuU vide Schroder, Jos. [Kuznecov, N. Ja.] Tvy3iicuoBT>, 11^ H. () .'ioo.toriiHecKHX't My.3eax'ij, .lauo- Kropiax'h ii iiapKax't Coe;(iinRiiii[.iX'K TaTOB'ij Bt C-feBepnoii AMcpiiKH.. [Notes sur les musces, les laboratoires et les pares zoologiques des fitats Unis de I'Amerique du Nord.] St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, [1909], (385- 416). 453 Kusnezov, X. J. vide Kuznecov, X". Ja^ Lachi, P. Ayjplicazioni della foto- grafia a colori nolle scienze biologichs.. 26 Compr. Zool. T. Comprehensive Zooogy. [1008] Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (14-17). 457 LaflSte, Jean-Paul. Alfred Giard. Nature, Paris, 36, (2e sem.), 1908, (177). 458 [Laister, Alexander.] JTHfiCTept, A.ieKcaH:ip'i.. O63opi> osepa FoKHa [Besehreibung des Goktscha-Sees.] Erivani, Pam. Knizka Erivansk. gub. 1908, (163-222). 453 Lakowitz, Zur Erinnerung an Linne. Danzig. Ber. bot.-zool. Ver., 30, 1908, (42-50). 460 Lamarck, Gillaume de. A letter re- lating to the biography of Lamarck. [Translation. With notes by Bashford Dean, Treasurer of the American branch of the Lamarck memorial committee.] Science, New York, N.Y., X. Ser., 27, 1908, (151-153). 461 Lampert, Kurt. Das Leben der Binnengewasser. 2. verb. u. verm. Aufl. Lfg 6-9. Leipzig (Ch. H. Tauch- nitz), 1908, (257-464) 3 Taf. 26 cm. Die Lfg IM. 462 Lampert, [Kurt]. Tiere und Pflan- zen der Jetztzeit in unseren Hohlen. Tiibingen, Bl. Albver., 20, 1908, (11-19, 50-54, 74-80). 463 Lampert, K. Tiere und Pflanzen der Jetztzeit in den schwabischen Hohlen. (Schriften des schwab. Hohlenver., Nr. 7) Tiibingen (Albverein), 1908. (39). 22 cm. 464 Lams, Honore. Le laboratoire beige de Biologie lacustre. Bull. biol.. Jurjev, 2, 1908, (163-164). 465 Landauer, Gustav vide Kropotkin, Peter. Langeron, Maurice. Technique des manipulations complementaires de para- sitologic. Arch, parasit., Paris, 12, 1908, (177-191). 466 Lankester, Sir E. Ray et alii. Isational Antarctic expedition 1901- 1904. Natural Histor}', vol. 2, zoologj'. Vertcbrata, mollusca Crustacea (xiv -f various paginations) pis. -Vol. 3 Zoology and Botany, Invertcbrata : Marine algae, Musci. Vol. 4. Various Invertc- brata. London, British Museum 1908, 4to. 467 LapiCQue, L. Tableau general des poids somatique et encephalique dans les especes animales. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anthr., ser. 5, 8, 1907, (248-270). 468 Lapicque, L. Le poids encephalique en fonction du poids corporel entre individus d'une meme espece. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anthr., ser. 5, 8, 1907. (313-345). 469 Latter, 0. H. et alii. Joint discussion on the teaching of biology in schools. London Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907, 1908 (547- 549). 470 [Laudenbach, J. P.] iIay;i,eH6ax-i>, K). II. 0 ;i'feucTBin SM-fefmaro aja n aHTU3M-feiiHon cuBopoTKii Ha cep^e ii KpoBHHoe ;iaB.ieHie. [Ueber die Wirkung des Schlangengiftes und dessen Antitoxins auf das Herz und den Blut- druck.] Kiev, Izv. Univ. 48, 1908, 2, (75-95). 471 Lauterborn, R. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 2. biologischen Unter- suchung des Oberrheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz (30. April bis 12 Mai 1906). Berlin, Arb. Gesundhtsamt, 28, 1908. (1-28). 472 Lauterborn, R. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 3. biologischen Unter- suchung des Oberrheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz vom 9.-22. August 1906. Berhn, Arb. Gesundhtsamt, 28, 1908, (62-91).' 473 Lauterborn, R. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 4. biologischen Unt^r- suchung des Rheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz (vom 14. bis 25. Marz 1907). Berlin, Arb. Gesundhtsamt, 28, 1908, (532-548). 474 [Lavrov, S.] JlaBpoBi., C. Ciicie- .MarnqeCKiii Kaia-ion, nosBOHOHHbix'b jKHBOTHuxt 3oo.TOriiqecKaro ]\Iy3ea IlMriepaxopcKaro KasaHcnaro ynuBep- ciiTeia. HacTb II. I1tiiu,u (Aves). OKOHHanie. [Systematischer Katalog der Wirbelthiere des Zoologischen Museums der Kais. Universitat Kazan. II. Theil. Aves. Schluss.] Kazani. Zap. Univ, 75, 1, 1908, (97-374, i-vi). 475 Lazaro 6 Ibiza, B. et alii. Homenaje a Carlos Linneo en el segundo cen- tenario de su nacimicnto 1707-1778. Madrid INIem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 5 1907 (1-134 + i-xxxiv) 4 pis. 476 [Lebedincev, A.] JIc6e,-inimcm>, A. Pe:iy.'ii.TaTi.i ana.iiiaa occiiiicii bo,-;ij h Il.iaHKTOllHUX'Ijy.IOBOB'Ij 03tpa ILlbMCHH HoBrop. ry(5epHin. [Ergebnisse der 27 Compr. Zod. Titles. 0000 Analyse des Herbstwassers und dor Planktonproboii des Ilincn-Sees. CJouv. Novgorod.] Xikolsk Fischzucht., St. Peterburg. 11, 1908, (70-81). 477 [Lebedincev, Alcksei.] JIe<5eAnii- ueB'b. A.k'Kotil. llo.iuTKa onpe;it.iiiTb aaiiacm puGu bi. oaepb no ero kuc.io- po;;noMy Oa.iancy. [Eiu Versuch dcr Bestimmung des Vorraths an Fischen in einem See naeh dcssen SauerstolJ- gehalt.] Xikolsk Fischzucht, St. Peter- burg, 11, 1!)08. (81-111). 478 L§caillon, A. Insectes et autres in- vertebres nuisibles aux plantes cuhivecs et aux aniniaux domestiques. Paris ( Impr. nationale), l'J03, (182) 2(5 cm. 479 Lefevre, George and McGill, Carolin?. The chromosomes of Anasa tristis and Anax Junius. Amor. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md., 7, 1908, (-469-487). 480 Legendre, R. Recherches sur le nanisme experimental. Influence des excreta. Arch, zool., Paris (ser. 4), 8, 1908, (notes et revues, Ixxvii-lxxxiv). 481 Leger, L. Le Laboratoire de piscicul- ture de rUniversite de Grenoble; son role et son fonctionnement. Grenoble (impr. Alher), 1908, (22) 8 pi. 24 cm. 482 Lehrs, Phillipp. Katur und ^Raum- kunst. Anmerkungen zu ' einem museumstechnischen Versuch. Mu- scumskunde, Berlin, 3, 1907, (70-77). 483 Leidenfrost, Gyula. Adatok a Quarnero zoogcographiajahoz. [Bei- trage zur Zoogegraphie des Quarnero.] Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7, 1908, (95-115). 484 Leiper, R. T. Some generic names that have been omitted from recent zoological indices. Zoologist London 1908 (390). 4£5 [Leontovi5, A. V.] JleOHTOBinxi A. B. MiiCTo MaTepia.ni3Ma b-b eciecTBO- 3Haniil. [Der Platz des Materialismus in der Xaturkunde.] Kiev, Izv. Univ., 47, 1907, (1-10). 486 [LeontoviS, A. V.] JleoHTOBHHb, A. B. M bcTO MaTepianusMa bt. ecxecxBO- 3Haiiiii. BcTyuiiTe.ibuaa .ieKU,ia. [Der Materialismus und seine Bedeutung in der Xaturkunde. Eine Antrittsrede.] Kiev, 1907, (16). 25 cm. 487 [Lspeskin, V. D.] JIoneiuKuu i., 15. X Ivb iioaiiaiiiio ciiepMaToiciioaa y Moina rcctirostris Miill. u Muiixi para- doxa Weism. [Zur Kenntnis ilcr Spermatogenese bci Moina rectiroslris Miill. und Moina paradoxa Weism.] Moskva. Dnevn. zool. otd. Imp. Ob.sc. liub. jest. 3, 9, 1908, (1-9) 1 Taf. 488 [Leshaft, P.] JIecra({)T7,, II. OC- maa aaaTOMiH opraiioBt pacTiiTe.ibnort ;kii3HII. [Allgemeine Anatomic der Organe des vegetativen Lebsns.] (Forts.) St. Peterburg, Bull, labor, biol., 9, 1908, 2, (85-105); 3, (14-40); 4 (50- 100) 2 Taf. 489 Levander, K. M. Die Zusammen- sctzung und die biologischen Verhalt- nlsse des Planktons im Obersee. [In : Guido Schneider, Der Obersee.] Arch. Biont., Berlin, 2, 1908, (124-143) 2 Tab. 490 Levander, K. M. Zur Kenntnis des Planktons einiger Binnenseen in Rus- siscli-Lappland. Helsingfors, Fest- schrift fur Palmen, N^ 11, 1905, (1- 49) 3 Taf. 491 Levander, K. M. Muntamia piirteeta nykyajan planktontutkimukscsta. [Einigs Ziige der gegenwartigen Plank- tonforschung.] Helsingfors, Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 47, X°. 22, 1905, (15-28). 492 Levander, K. M. tJber das Winter- plankton in zwei Binnenseen Siid-Fin- lands. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fcnn., 27, X^ 1, 1905-1906, (1-14). 494 Levander, K. 51. Beitrage zur Kennt - nis des Sees Pitkaniemijarvi der Fi- schereiversuchsstation Evois. Helsing- fors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 29, N°. 3, 1900-1908, (1-15) Karte. 455 Levander, K. M. Ubcr das Plankton des Sees Humaljarvi. Helsingfors. Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 32, 1906, (42-46). 496 Levander, ' K. M. Notiz iiber das Wintcrjiiankton in drei Seen bei Knopio. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 32, 1906, (93-96). 497 Lillie, Frank R. The development of the chick : An introduction to embryology. [With bibliography.] Xew York (Holt), 1908, {II. + xi + 472) illustr., text fig., tab., col. pi. 22.5 cm. 498 28 Compr. Zod. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908 J Lindinger, Leonhard. Xomenklatur- betrachtungen. Berlinsr ent. Zs.. 52, (1907), 1908. (83-95). 499 Linton, Edwin. The progress of egg-making in a trematode. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (19-26). 530 Livesey, G. H. Common parasites of cat and dog. [Lecture.] Brighton Rep. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1907, (21-25). 531 Loeb, Jaques. Ueber den chemi- schen Charakter des Befruchtungs- vorgangs und seine Bedeutung fiir die Theorie der Lebenserscheinungen. Vor- trag. (Vortrage u. Aufsatze liber Entwicklungsmechanik der Organis- men, hrsg. v. Wilh. Roux. H. 2.) Leipzig (W. Engelmann). 1908. (.31). 8°. 0,80 M. 532 Loeb, Jacques. On the chemical character of the process of fertilization and its bearing upon the theory of life phenomena. [Address delivered at the International zoological congress at Boston, August 22. 1907.] Science, New York, N.Y., N. Scr., 26, 1907, (425-437). 503 Loeb, Jacques. L^eber den Unter- schied zwischen isosmotischcn und isotonischen Losungen bei der kiinst- lichen Parthenogenese. [In : Fest- band der biochem. Zeitschr. fiir H. J. Hamburger.] Berlin (J. Springer), 1908, (144-160). Biochem. Zs.. Berhn, 11, 1908, (144-160). 594 Loeb, Jacques. Qu'est-ce qu'unc solution de .saccharose isotonique i:)our les ceufs de Stronyyiocentrotus ? Paris. C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (246-24<.). 5C5 Loeb, Jacques. Ueber Heliotropismus und die j)eriodischen Tiefenbewcgungi n pelagischer Tiere. Biol. Ccntralhl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (732-736). 536 Loeb, Jacques. L^^eber die Natur der Bastardlarvc zwischen dem Echino- dermenci {Strong ylocentro'tus francis- canus) und .Moliuskensamen ((Jhlaro- sloma funehrule). Arch. Entwilech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (476-482). 537 Loeb, Leo. Bcitrage zur Analyse des (lewebewachstums. I. Ueber Transplantation rcgenerierenden Epi- thels und iibcr Serientransplantation von Epithel. Arch. EntwMoch., Li i[)- zig, 24, 1907, (638-655). 508 Lofting, I. Chr. L. Zoologi. (The zoological instruction and biographies of the zoologists at the royal veterinary and agricultural academy of Copen- hagen during the last 50 years.) Koben- havn. Den kongelige Vetcringer- og Landbohojskole 1858-1908. Festskrift ved Hojskolens halvtredsindstyveaars Jubilseum 24 August 1908 (457-469). 509 Lons, Hermann. Die Quinttirfauna A'on Nordwestdeutschland. Ein zoo- geographischer Versuch. Hannover, Jahresber. nathist. Ges., 55-57, 1908, (117-127). 510 Lo Guidice, Pietro. Un nuovo somatometro (somatometro a tras- lazione). Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1908, (177-180). 511 Lohmann, H. Ueber die Bezie- hungen zwischen den pelagischen Abla- gerungen und dem Plankton des Meeres. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (309-323), mit 1 Taf. 512 Lohmann, H. Untersuchungert zur Fcststcllung des vollstandigen Gehaltes des Meeres an Plankton. Wiss. Meeresunters., Kiel. (N.F.), 10, Abt. Kiel, 1908, (129-370), 9 Taf. u. 2 Tab. 513 Lohmann, H. Neues aus dem Gebiete der Pljanktonforschung. Natw. Wo- chenschr., Jena, 23, 1908, (801-810). 514 Loisel, Gustave. Rapport sur unc mission scientifique dans les jardins et etablisscments zoologiques publics- et privcs du Royaume-Uni, de la. Belgique, des Pays-Bas, de TAllemagne, de rAutriche-Hongrie, de la Suisse et du Danemark. Nouv. arcli. miss. sci. lift., Paris, 14, 1907, (124) ; 15, 1907. (125-282). 515 Loisel, Gustave. The zoological gardens and establishments of G'reat Britain, Belgium, and the Netlierlands. [Translated and abridg d from the " Rapport sur une mission scientifique dans les jardins et ctablis.seraents zoologiques 2^^^^''^^ ^^ privcs du Royaume-Uni, de la Btlgique et des Pays-Bas," par M. Gu.'-tave Loisel. Extrait des Nouvclles Archives des Missions Scientitiques. t xiv. Paris, 1907.] Washington, D.C.. Smithsonian Inst., Rep. 1907, 1908, (K(7-4-18). with pi. 51& 29 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 laomis, F. B. Origin of the WaMitiii deposits. Amor. J. 8ei.. New Haven. Conn.. Ser. 4. 23, 1907. (35t}-3t)4). 517 Lozy, Jozsef. A faj os a fajta. [tJber Art und Varietal.] JI. orv. termv. naevgv. evk., Budapest, 34, 1907. (22(i- 228). ■ 518 Lacas. Frederie A. Linnreus and American natural history. New York. X.Y.. Ann. Acad. Sci.."l8, 190S. (.■")2- 57). 519 Liihe. M. vide Braun, M. Lundahl, (Justaf. Beitrag zur Kcnnt- nis der sogenannten Grenztibrillen dcr Epithelzellen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. I. 37, 1908, (199-215). 3 Taf. 520 Latz, Frank E. Notes on the in- heritance of variations in the color pattern of Crioceris nsparagi. Psj-che, Boston. Mass.. 15, 1908, (.50-52). 521 Maar, Vilhehn. Om Optagelsen af Ductus Vitello-Intestinalis. [Discoverj- of the Ductus Vitello-Intestinalis.] Kobenhavn. Vid. Selsk. Overs.. 1908, Nr. 5, (233-265). 522 Maas, O. Bemerkungen zu Simroths Pendulationstheorie. Geosr. Zs., Leip- zig. 14, 1908. (268-274). " 523 Macallum, A. B. Die Methoden und Ergebnisse der Mikrochemie in der biologischen Forschung. Ergebn. Physiol., Wiesbaden, 7, 1908, (552- 652). 524 McClendon, J. F. The spermato- genesis of Pandarus sinuatus Sav. Biol. Bull.. Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907, (114-120), pi. 525 McClendon, J. F. The segmentation of eggs of Asterias forbesii deprived of chromatin. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig. 26, 1908, (662-668). 526 McClung, C. E. Cytology and taxonomy. Lawrence, Kan. L'niv., Sci. Bull.. 4, 1908. (197-215). 527 McClung, C. E. Bibliography, with brief history, of the Department of zoology, fniversity of Kansas. Law- rence, Kan. Univ., Sci. Bull.. 4, 1908. (217-232). 528 McCiang, C. E. The spermatogenesi.s of Xiphidium fasciatum. Lawrence, Kan. Univ., .Sci. Bull., 4, 1908, (2.")3- 262) pi. 523 McGill, Caroline vide Lefevre, George. Mackinnou, Doris L. et Vies, Fn'd. Sur Ics proprietes optiiiues do quolques elements contraetiles. Paris, C. R. Acad. sol.. 147, 1908, (388-390). 530 McMurrich, J. Playfair. The phylo" gcny of the plantar musculature. Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md.. 6, 1907, (407- ■137). 531 Marchand, Felix. Die tierischcn Parasiten des Mcnschen. [In : Hand- buch der allg. Path. hrsg. v. L. Krehl r. F. Marchand. Bd 1.] Leipzig (S. Hirzel). 1908, (340-359). 532 Marcus, Han-y. Ueber den Aggregat- zustand der Kernmembran. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. Morph., 23, 1907, (61-69). 533 Mark, E. L. vide Castle, W. E. Markow, Michel. Mitteilungen iiber das Plancton des Schwarzen Meeres in der Niihe von Sebastopol. Zool. Anz., Leipzig. 33, 1908, (663-666). 534 Marktanner-Turneretscher, Gottlieb. Ein kl'iner Hilfsapparat f iir zoologische und anatomische Museen und Institute. Muscumskunde, Berlin, 3, 1907, (215- 221). 535 Marryat, Dorothea C. E. vide Dur- ham, Florence M. Marshall, Francis H. A. The effects of environment and nutrition on fertility. Sci. Progr3SS London 2 1908 (369-377). 536 Marsson, [Max]. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der zwciten am 12. Mai und yom 16. bis zum 22. Mai 1906 ausgefiihrten biologischen L'ntei'su- chung des Rheins auf der Strecke Weisenau- Mainz bis Coblenz-Nieder- werth. Berlin, Arb. Gesundhtsamt, 28, 1908, (29-61). 537 Marsson, M. Bericht iiber die Er- gebnisse der dritten vom 15. bis zum 22. August 1906 ausgefiihrten biolo- gischen Untersuchung des Rheins auf der Strecke Mainz bis Coblenz. Ber- lin, Arb. Gesundhtsamt, 28, 1908, (92-124). 538 Marsson, M. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 4. biologischen L'nter- suchung des Rheins aiif der Strecke ^lainz bis unterhalb Koblenz vom 18. bis zum 25. Marz 1907. Berlin, Arb. Gesundhtsamt, 28, 1908, (549-571). 539 30 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Martens, E. v. Ueber Tier-Xamen in den europaischen Sprachen. Zool. Ann., Wurzburg. 3, 1908, (78-104). 5W Martial, Rene. Alphons Laveran. Miinehener med. Wochenschr., 55, 1908, (516-517). 5tl Martin, H. T. A collecting trip to Patagonia. South. America. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (101- 10-4) pi. 512 Matzdorff, C. Die Lehre vom Bau der Tiere. (Wandtafeln zur vergleich. Morphologie u. Anatomie der Tiere.) Taf. 1. Vogelschnabel. — II. Sauge- tierschnabel. Esslingen u. Miinchen (J. F. Scbreiber), [1908]. Je 92 x 123 cm. Je4,30M. 5i3 MatzdorfE, C. Die Lebensbeziebun- gen u. Gewolmbeiten der Tiere. (Oeko- logiscb-etholog. Wandtafeln zur Zoo- logie.) Taf. iii. Leuchtende Tiere der Flacbsee. — ir. Lebensgemeinscbaften. Esslingen u. Miinchen (J. F. Scbreiber). [1908], Je 92 x 123 cm. Je 4 M. 514 Maury, C[arlotta] J. An interglacial fauna found in Cayuga valley and its relation to the Pleistocene of Toronto. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (56.5- 567). 515 May, Walther. Die Xaturteleologie und Biogenic der Kirchenvater. Karls- ruhe, Verb. natw. Ver., 20, (1906-1907). 1908, Abb., (33-64). 516 May, Walther. Erinnerungen an Rudolf Burckhardt. :SIitt. Gesch. Med.. Hamburg, 7, 1908, (357-362). 517 Mayer, Alfred G. On the use of carbon dioxide in killing marine animals. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 16, 1908, (18). 518 Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough. The cause of pulsation. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, X.Y., 73, 1908, (481^87). 519 Mayer, P. Zoologischer Jabresbericht fur 1907. Hrsg. v. d. Zoolog. Station zu Xeapel. Red. v. Paul Mayer. Berlin (R. Friedlander & S.). 1908. (VIII -f 53 -f 10 -f- 35 -f 16 -r 87 + 2 + 71 -f 22 -f 5 + 266 + 31). 26 cm. 550 Mead, George H. Concerning animal Perception. Psych. Rev., Baltimore. _ Id.. 14, 1907, (383-390). 551 Meek, Seth Eugene. The zoology of lakes Amatitlan and Atitlan, Guatemala, with special reference to ichthyology. Qhcago. 111.. Field Columb. Mus., Pub., Zool. Ser., 7, 1908, (II + 159-206) pi. 552 Meerwarth, H. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt. Sonderheft : Da-s Tier- bild der Zukunft. Leipzig (R. Voigt- lander). 1908, (60). 24 cm. 0,40 M. 553 Mehely, Lajos. Az eloskodes fogal- marol. [tJber den Begriff des Para- sitismus.] Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7, 1908. (181-185, 235-236). 554- Meigs, Edward B. The structure of the element of cross-striated muscle, and the changes of form which it under- goes during contraction. Zs. allg. Phvsiol.. Jena, 8, 1908, (81-120) 3 Taf. 555 Meinhold u. Pascal. Biolcgische Charakterbilder der niederen Tiere Xr. 1. Ameisenlowe. 2. Griines Heu- pferd. 3. Hirschkafer. 4. Kiefern- spinner. 5. Riickenschwimmer. 6. Gelbe Sichelschlupfwespe. 7. Stech- miicke. 8. Gem. Steinkriecher. 9. Wolfsmilchschwarmer. Dresden (C. C. Meinhold), [1908], Je 91 X 69 cm. Je 1,10 M. 555 Meisenheimer, Johannes. Entwick- lungsgesehichte der Tiere. I. Fur- chung, Primitivanlagen, Larven, Form- bildung, Embrj-onalhiillen. II. Organ- bildung. (Sammlung Goschen. 378- 379). Leipzig (G. J. Goschen), 1908, (136: 134). 16 cm. Geb. je 0.80 M. 557 [Meissner, V.] MeficHep-B, B. MnKpocKoniiqecKie npeztcTaBnie.in bo;i- HOfi (fiavHiJ Apa.ibCKaro Mopa n Bnaja- lomiisTj Bt Hero ptKi,, btj cBasn ci. BonpocoMt oOt, TciOBiHst iixt pacnpe- j'fe.ieniH. [Mikroskopische Wasser- tiere des Aralsees und der einmiinden- den Fliisse. im Zusammenhang mit der Frage nach deren Verbreitungsbedin- gungen.] Taskent, Izv. Turk. Otd. russ. Geogr. Obsc. 4, 8, 1908, (1-102) Taf. i-iv. 558 [Meissner, W.] Meficnep-b, B. Onert o .itaTe.ibHOCTn Bo.i;KCKOtt 6io- .lonmecKOrt CiaHuin 3a 1907 voxh. [Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit der Bio- logischen Wolga-Station pro 1907.] Saratov. Trd. Obsc. jest. 5, 3, 1908. (1-104) 2 Taf. 553 Merriam, C. H. [Pioneers of science in America.] John James Audubon. 31 Compr. Zod. Titles. 0000 [Address delivoivd at American museum of natural history, New York City Dec. 2S). 1907.] Pop. Sci. Mon.. New York. N. Y., 70, 1907, (301-303) portr. 530 [Metalnikow, S. I.] ^lera.ibnnKOB-h, C. II. :'>KCIIOpiIMt'HTa.Tl.HlJH Il3C.lU,T0- Baiiia WAXb UKCiiiiiort MO.ibW (Oallcrii meloncUa). [Recherches experimen- tales sur les chenilles de GaUeria nulonella.] St. Peterburg, 1907, (118) mit U Fig. i. T. u. 2 Taf. 26 cm. 531 Meves, Friedrich. Die Chondrio- somen als Triiger erblicher Anlagen. Cytologische Studien am Hiihner- embrvo. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 190S."(816-867)4Taf. 532 Meyer, F. G. vide Graebner, Paul. Meyer, H. Der gegenwartige Stand der Entwicklungslehre. Bonn (P. Hanstein), 1908/(112). 23 cm. 1,60 M- 533 Michaelsen, W. & Hartmeyer, R. Die Fauna Siidwest-Au^traliens. Ergeb- nisse der Hamburger siidwestaustra- lischon Forschungsieise 1905, hrsg. v. W. Michaelsen und R[obert] Hartmeyer, Bd 1. Lfg 8-13. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (309-488) 1 Taf. 27 cm. ; Bd 2, Lfff. 1-4. (1-68) 10 Taf. 27 cm. 12 JI Bd^2, Lfg 5-8, (67-128) 2 Taf. 5 M. 534 [Michailov, Sergei.] ]\IiixanaoBi,, Ceprtit. Hettpo(|)ii6pH.iau cHMuain- lecKiixT, raHiaioaiibixt K.itTOK'b M.ie- KonnTaromiixij. [Die Neurofibrillen der 8ympathisch°n Ganglienzellen bei den Saugetieren.] 2urn. nejrop. psi- chiatr. imeni Korsakova, Moskva, 8, 1908, (425-450). 535 Michel, Auguste. Sur la Syllis vivipara et le probleme de sa sexualite. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1423- 1425). 536 [Midikuri, K.] MiiHiiKypii, K. IIo.iHoe paspyiueHie J,apBHHH3Ma. lUecTb 6n6.7eiicKHX-b aneii TBopeHia Mipa II MOMeHTa.ibHoe ero TBopenie, Bupda:eHHoe MaieMaTHHecKOii (})opMy- .lofi. [Die ganzliche Zerstorung d'es Darwinismus. Die sechs biblischen Schopfungstageund die augenbiickliche Schopfung der Welt ausgedriickt durch eine mathematische Formel.] Moskva, 1907, (44 + 1). 27 cm. u. 75 Rub. 537 [Miljutin, \Vl.] Mh.iiothii-l, Bj. H3cak;;oBaHie KOCTiiort TKami Bb no.m- piuiOBailiTOMT. CBt^ffe. [Untersuchung des Knoch?ngc^webss im polarisiertcn Licht?.] St. Pcterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. S?ct. zool.. 37. 2, 1908,''(1 13-120,deut'^ch. Res. 131-136) Taf. vii. 538 Milutin, \V1. vide Miljutin, Wl. Mirande, Marcel. A propos de la fixation du carbone atmospherique par les animaux. Paris, C. R. soc. biol.. 63, lit07, (558-560). 539 [Mitrofanov, P. I.] MiiTpo(J)anoB7>, n. II. 3ooTOMriHecKan JIa6opaTopiH, SooTOMH'iecKirt KaCimeTij ii iipeno;to- Baniji anaTOMiiucCKiix-i. Ancuiiii.-iiiin, iia '['ii;}.-MaT. (|)aKy.ibTeT'b Ihiii. Bap- UKiBCKaro yiiiiBjpciiTCTa. [Das zooto- mische Laboratorium und das zooto- mischo Kabinet, sowie der Unterricht in den anatomischen Disziplinen an der Phys.-Math. Fakultat der Kais. Uni- versitat Warschau.] Fortsetzung. \'ar- sava, Izv. Univ., 1908, 1, (49-154) mit 4 Taf. 570 Mobius, Karl. Aesthetik der Tier- welt. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (v + 128) 3 Taf. 28 cm. 571 [Mokrzeckij, S. A.] MoKp;Kei];Kifi, C. A. OrqeTb o jt'bHTe.ibHocTH TyOepii- cKaro 3nTOMO."iora TaBpii4ecKaro 3eM- CTBa 3a 1907 ioat- ToAb X\'-fi. Bpe;i,- HLia nacfcKOMiJH II Oo.Thsiiii pacieHifi, HaS-iiojaBLuiaca Bb TaBpiinecKOtt ry- 6epHin bt. Teqenie 1907 ro;i,a. [Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit des Gouvernements- entomologen der Taurischen Landschaft fiir das Jahr 1907. 15-ter Jahrgang. Die im Taurischen Gouv. wahrend des Jahres 1907 beobachteten schadlichen Insekten und Pflanzenkrankheiten.J Simferopol, 1908, (36 + 1). 25 cm. 572 [Mokrzeckij, S. A.] MoKpiKet^Klii^ C. A. OrneTh no ecTecTBeHHO-iicTopH- HecKOMy Myseio TaBpHqecKaro ryoepa- CKaro seMCTBa 3a 1907 rojtt. Toi[i> ^'Ill-ii. [Bericht iiber das naturhisto- rische Museum der taurischen Gouverne- mentslandschaft fiir das Jahr 1907. 8-ter Jahrgang.] Simferopol, 1908, (19 4 1). 24 cm. 573 Monaco, le prince Albert de. Sur la 7' campagne scientifique de la Princesse Alice. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 69, 1906, (1-6). 574 Monaco, le Prince Albert de. Sur la 8'' campagne de la Princess- Alice II. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 95, 1907, (1-4). 575 ^2 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Montgomery, Thos. H. jun. The sex Tatio and cocooning habits of an ara- nead and the genesis of sex ratios. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia, Pa.. 5, 1908, •(429-452). 578 Monti, Rina. L'insegnamento della ^oologia nelle Scuole di Medicina. Milano. Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 46, 1908, (324-339). 577 Monti, Rina. Le migrazioni attive e passive degli organismi acquatici d'alta montagna. Milano, Rend. 1st. lomb., Ser. 2, 41, 1908, (899-912). 578 Monticelli, Fr. Sav. Repertorio di specie nuove di animali italiani descritte in pubblicazioni estere ncll'anno 1905. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908. (211-216). 579 Monticelli, Fr. Sav. vide Ficalbi, Eu- genio. Montlezun de. Aide-memoire pour indiquer aux naturalistes qui voyagent les precautions qu'ils doivent prendre pour conserver les pieces destinees •a figurer dans les collections d'histoire naturelle, telles que mamiferes, oiseaux, reptiles, poissons, papillons et coleo- pteres. Toulouse, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 40, 1908, (50-67). 580 [Mordvilko, A. K.] Mojj.-iBfiJiKO, A. K. Kt BOiipocy 0 nponcxo;i;;i,i'iiiii HB.it'iiiji TipoMejKyTOMHLix'i, xo3HeBi> y ;i;nBOT- HLIX7J napasiiTOB^h. lIpeAB. coouni. 1^ Contributions a la question de I'origine du phenomene des botes intermediaires chez les parasites animaux. Comm. prelim.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. sc, .Ser. 6, 1908, (359-362). 581 [Mordwilko, Alexander] MopaBn.iKO, A.-ieKcaii;ipi>. lIpoiicxoiivT.eiii'^ jiB-ieiiiH ^poMe;I;yTOHHLIx^. xosaeB^h y ikiibot- uiJX'i. napa;3nTOB7.. [Originc dcs hotes intermediaires chez les parasites animaux.] St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 13, 1908, (129-220). 582 Morgan, T. H. Experiments in grafting. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass, 42, 19U8, (1-11). 583 Morgan, T. H. The location of embryo-forming regions in the egg. •Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser.. 28, 1908, (287-288). 584 Morstatt, H. Karbolglyzerin als AufhclhingHmittel bei mikrosko))ischcn Untersuchungen. Ceisenheini. Bcr. Lchranst. Obstbau, 1907, 1908, (355). 5S5 Morton, W. Recit de voj'age a Ceylon et a Sumatra. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. nat. 44 1908 (143-204). Liste des animaux rapportes (176-204). 536 [Moskov, V. A.] MomKOB-B B. A. HoBaa xeopia npoiicxo^KfleHia He-iOBiiKa n ero BLipo;i;AeHi-ji, cocTaB.ienHaa no jjaimuMT. 30o;iorin, reoaorin, apxeo- .lorin, anxpono-iorin, ;}THor])a(J)in, ncTopin n CTaTncTHKii. Toml I. IIpoiic- xoiK^ienie ne.iOB'iKa. [Eine neue Theo- rie der Abstamraung des Menschen und seiner Degeneration, zusamengestellt nach den Daten der Zoologie, Geologic, Archaeologie, Anthropologic, Ethno- graphie, Geschichte und Statistik. Band I. Abstammung des Menschen.] Varsava, 1907, (xv + 1 + 239). 24 cm. 2,00 Rub. 537 rVIoszkowski, Max. Biologische Notizen aus Zentralsumatra. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Fr?unde, 1908, (69-89). 588 Mudge, Geo. P. On some features in the hereditary transmission of the self-black and the " Irish " coat characters in rats. Paper i. London Proc. R. Soc. B 80 1908 (97-121) 3 charts Paper ii. T.c. (38S-393). 589 Murray, Sir John. The distribution of organisms in the hydrosphere as affected by varying chemical and physical conditions. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., LeiiDzig, 1, 1908, (10-17). 530 Nagel, Oskar. Zur Entstehung der Arten. Ann. Natphilos., Leipzig. 7, 1908, (387-392). ' 531 Nagel, Oskar. Evolution und Energie. Ann. Natphilos., Leipzig. 7, 1908, (251-256). "^532 [Nasonov, N. V.] HacoiiOBt, H. B. OB'i^^'hlli}I O XOJl'b oOpaoOTKTI irilKOTO- pijx'b KcracKniiii coi1paiiiii.ix'i, pasJinq- iiUMn OKcruvi,nii,i!iMii ii iiaxo;(aiunxca b'b 3oo;iorn4ecKOM'i. My^ea 11. mil AKa,i,cMiii HayKi.. I Informal icuis sur les publications conccrnant les resultats scientifiques acquis par les expeditions diverses, dont les materiaux sont con- serves au Musee Zoologique de TAcade- Imp. des Sc. de St. I'ctersburg] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool. 13, 1908, (0119-0140). 593 [Nasonov, N. V.] HacoiiOB'i., H. B. ()t';i,o])i. lleT])OBn'n. Keiiii(3ii'i.. Hu- Kpo.iori.. I l*'r. Til. Koeppen. Necro- 33 Compr. Zool. Titles 0000 loffie.jSt. Peterburg.Bull. Ao. So..X. Ser. 1908,(1029-1031). 5M Nathanson, A. Sur rinlhience de la circulation veitioale des eaux sur la production du plankton niarin. Bui. Mus. oc-i-an., Monaco. 62. l!H)0. (1-1-2). 5:5 Nathansohn, Alexander vide (iran, H. H. Nehrkorn, A. Rudolf Blasiusf. Ein? Lobensskizz?. J. Ornith.. Leipzig, 53. lltOS, (l-G) Portr. 596 Nepveu, Andre. La resistance de liris dans la serie animale. J. phvsiol. path, gen., Paris, 9, 1907, (759-707). 537 Neumayer, L. Zur Technik der CelloIdineinb?ttuns. Zs. wiss. Mi- korsk., Leipzig, 25, 1008. (38-41). 598 Neuville, II. Collections recueillics au cours de la Croisiero de I'lle-de- Franc" en Xorvege et an Spitzberg (juill^t 1906). Bui. Museum, Pari.s. 1907, (.504-560). 539 Newman, H H. The process of heredity as exhibited bj^ the develop- ment of Fundulus hybrids. J. Exp. :^ool.. Pliiladclphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (-503- 562) 5 pis. 600 Nicoll, ^I. J. Three voyages of a Naturalist. London 1908 (xxxi + 246) 57 pis. 4 maps. 601 Niessen, J. vide Gevillius, A. Y. [Nikoliskij, A. M.] HnKO.ii.c.Kiii, A. M. Me.inninicKaa 3oo.70ri>f. Yqeo- nnK7. lioo.ioriii j.ia cTVAeHTOB-b Me- ,inK0B7. II BeTepiinapoB'k Wzx 2-6. IDie Medizinische Zoologie. Ein Lehrbucli der Zoologie fiir Studierende der M°dizin und der Veterinarwis- i 8en.schaften. 2-te Aufl.] Chaiikov, 1908, (viii + 241 + 1) 27 cm., 1,60 Rub. 602 [Nikoliskij, A. M.] HfiKO.ii.CKiii, A. 31. B'l, aamiiTy xcopiii iio.ioBaro iiCI'lopa. [Zur Vertheidigung der ; Theorie der geschleehtlichen Zucht- il -wahl.] Charikov, Trav. Soc. natur., Il 41, 1906 [1907], (373-392). Vile ' Nikoliskij, A. M. 627, Int. Cat. Zool. 1907 Compr. Zool. 603 i Nusbaum, Jozif. Zootomia prak- tyczna. Z licznymi rysunkami w tekscie. [Cours pratique de Zootomie.] Warszawa (E. Wende), 1908, (viii -^ 263), 8°, rb. 2. 604 (s-10332 q) Njsbium, J. Nowe prydy i kierunki w zoologii lat ostatnieh. ' | Idees et tiieories nouvelles en zoologie.] Museum, Lwow. 24, 1908, (8-29, 144-160). 606 Nussbaum, M. Franz von Loydigf. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (503-506). 607 Ogilvy, A. J. Die Fibcl des Darwi- nismus. Aus dem Englischen uber- setzt von A. v. Borosini. (Gemein- verstiindl. Darwinisti.sche Vortriige u. Abhandlungen. Hr-g. W. Breiten- baeh. H. 10.) Brackwede i. W. (W. Brjit-nbach), 1908, (iv + 95^. 22 cm. 608 [Ognev, I. F.] OnieBi,, TI. . Kypci. iiopMa.ihHOii rncTo.ioriii. ^facri, I. yneiiie 0 Ki-bTivt. Bropoenax [Kur- sus d'^r normalen Histologic. I. Theil. Die Lehre von der Zelle. 2-te Aufl.] Moskva, 1908, (xi + 464), 27 cm. 609 [Ognev, S. I.] OriieBi,, C. IL Ma- Tepia.ibi ;i,.iii (|)aynbi sBt.peii, nTnu,'b ii ra;iOB'i. roro-BOCxoHHOii nacTii Op.ioBCKOfi ryuepiiiii. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Saugethiere, Vogel, Reptilien und Am- phibien des siidostlichen Theiles des Gouv. Orel.] Moskva, Dnevn. zool. otd. Imp. Obsc. Hub. jest., 3, 9, 1908, (10-63). 610 Omensetter, Sanford. Hibernation. Media, Pa., Proc. Delawars Co. Inst. Sci., 2, 1900, (16-29). 611 Oppsl, A. vide Bohm, A. Orleans, Due d'. Croisiere oceano- graphique accomplie a bord de la Belgica dans la nier du Gronland 1905. Par A. de Gerlache et alii, viz. — ■ Koefoed, E., Oceanographie et biologie, Avant-propos (115-117); Damas, D. & Koeioed, E., Ls plankton de la mer du Gionlan;! (347-453) ; Jorgensen, E. Xotc sur l\s Radiolaires (45.5-462); Hartlaub, C, Meduses (463-484) ; Koe- foed, E.. Poissons (485-502) ; Grieg, J. ei alii, Invertebres du fond (503-502) ; Anon., Remarques sur la nourrifurc de quelques Vertebres arctiques (503-567). Bruxellcs, 1907, 4to. (1-568 -f v) 79 pis. 612 Ortmann, A. E. The distribution of closely allied species. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (427- 429). 613 Ortmann, A. E. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte unserer Kenntnis von der a 3 Zi Comjjr. Zovl. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Verbreituno der Tiere (1904-07). Gecgr. Jahrb., Gotha, 31, 1980, (231-284). 614 Osborn, Heniy Fairfield. Evolution as it apjjears to the paleontologist. [Address before th? Seventh Inter- national zoological congress. Section of paleozoology]. Science, New York, N. Y., X. SeV.. 26, 1907, (744-749). 6: 5 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. The four inseparable factors of evolution. Theory of their dii^tinct and combined action in the trans- formation of the titano- tHftres, an extinct family of hoofed animals in the order Perissodactyla. [Abstract.] Science. New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (148-150). [0223]. 616 Osborn, Henry F. Coincident evolu- tion through rectigradations and fluctuations. (Third paper.) Science, New York, N. Y. N. Ser., 27, 1908. (749-752). 617 Osborn, Herbert. Economic zoology : An introductory text-book in zoology, with special reference to its applica- tions in agriculture, commerce, and medicine. New York (Macmillan), 1908, (xv + 490) 19.2 cm. 618 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. Explora- tions of John Bell Hatcher for the paleontological monographs of the United Stated geological survey, to- gether with a statement of his contribu- tions to American geology and paleonto- logy. In : Hatclxer, J. B. The Cera- topsia. Washington, D. C, Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 49, K:07, (xvli-xxvi). 619 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. [Pioneers of science in America.] Edward Drinker Cope. [Address delivered at American museum of natural history. New York Citv, Dec. 29, 1907.] Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N. Y., 70, 1907, (314-310). 620 Ostenfeld, C. The phytoplankton of the Aral Sea. Taskent, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc., 4, 8, 1908, (123-225) Taf. v-viii. 621 Ostwald, Wolfgang. Uebcr die zoitlick'n Eig. nschaften der Entwick- lungsvorgangf. Vortr. EntwMech., Leipzig, H. 5, 1908, (1-71)11 Taf. 622 Ostwald, Wolfgang. I'eber die LicblemplindHclikeit tierischcr Oxy- dasen und iibcr die Bczichungcn dieser Eigenschaft zu den Erschei- nungen des titrischen Phototropismus. Biochem. Zs., Berlin, 10, 1908, (1-130). 623 Oxner, Myeczyslaw. Quelques ob- servations biologiqucs et experiences sur la faune des bords de cuvette. Bui. Mus. ocean. Paris, 108, 1907, (1-17). 624 Paladino, Giovanni. A"ncora del piu intimi rapporti tra il nevroglio e le cellule e le fibre nervose in lobi elettrici di Torpedo. Napoli, Rend. Ace. Sc, Ser. 3, 14, 1908, (238-244) 1 tav. 625 Pahcen, J. A. Naturalhistoriens stallning i Finlands laroverk. [Die Stellung der Naturgeschicht ' in den Lehran.'talten Finlands.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 32, 1906, (33-38, deutsches Rcferat 188). 626 [Palm6n, J. A.] Festschrift Herro Professor Dr. J. A. Palmen zu scinem 60. Geburtstage am 7. November 19G5 gewidmet von Schiilern und Kollegen. Band i. Helsingfors 1905-1907. Por- trait. Band ii. Helsingfors 1905-1907. [A collection of 18 memoirs with separate paginations.] (vi -j- 911) 34 pis. 1 map. 26 cm, 627 Parker, G. H. Zoological progress. [An address delivered at The College of the Citv of New York.] Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (115-133). 628 [Parker, Th. Jeffery and Haswell, William A.] IlapKepi,, T. JI;i;e(|)i|oepri II FacBe.iab, Bii.i:iia>n. A. PyKOBOH- CTBO K'b 3oo.iorin. llepeB. ci. aum. M. A. McHsonpa. T. II. IIsA. 2 e. [A text-book of Zoology. Transl. fr. English by M. A. Mensbier. V. ii. 2nd ed.] Moskva, 1908, (4 + 692) 573 Fig. u. 1 Karte. 24 cm. 5,00 Rub. 629 Parker, T. Jeffrey and Parker, ^V. N. An elementary course of practical zoology. 2nd Ed. London (Macmillan), 1908, (xii + G24) 167 illust. 18 cm. 10s. 6d. 630 Parker, W. N. vide Park' r, T- Jeflrey ; etiamque Wiedersheim. E. Pascal vide Meinliold. Patterson, J. Tlios. A micro- cope- stago incubator. Biol. Bull. Woods HoU, Mass., 14, 1908, (324-327). 631 Pearson, Karl. On a math n utical theory of dcterminantal inlv ritance. 35 Compr. Zod. Titles. 0000 from suggestions and notes of the late W. F. K. Weldon. Biomotiika Cam- bridge 6 19U8 (S0-it3). 632 Pearson, R. Hooper. The book of garden posts. London 1908 (xiii + 214) pis. 633 Peham, H. Uebcr Fiitterungen mit Ovarialsubstanz zum Zweckc der Beein- flussung der Geseldechtsbildung. Eine experimentclle Studie. Monatschr. Geburtsh., Berhn, 25, 1907, (433-440). 634 Penecke, K. A. iind Boehm, G. Liste der periuischen. jurassischcn imd creta- ceischen Vcrsteinerungen von Timor, Rote, Savu, Babar. TaUabo. Mangoli und Buru. Jaarb. Mijmv. Ned. Ind., Batavia. 37, 1908, (060-606); Ed. Iran?.. 37, 1908, (675-680). 625 Perkins, G. H. Preliminary report on the geology of Franklin county. Vermont, Rep. Geol., Burlington, 6, (1907-1908), 1908, (189-209). [0227 gg]. 636 Perkins, G. H. Preliminary report on the geology of Chittenden county. Vermont, Rep. Geol., Burlington, 6 (1907-1908), 1908, (221-264). 637 Perrier, Edm. et Anthony, R. Or- ganisation d'une etude generale du Plankton de la Bale de la Hougue. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, (559-563). 638 Perroncito, Aldo. Condriosomi, cromidii, e apparato reticolare interne neUe cellule spermatiche. Nota pre- ventiva. ililano, Rend. 1st. lomb., Ser. 2, 41, 1908, (988-991). 639 [Personallnyi, S. K.] IIepcona.iLHLifi, C. K. KpaTKiii yqeonnKi. 3oo.iorin. [Kurzes Lehrbuch der Zoologie.] Moskva 1907, (194 + ii) zahlr. Fig. i. T. 24 cm. 1,00 Rub. 640 Pesker, D. J. Zur Lehre von der Histogf-nese der Neurofibrillen. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1908, (333-349) 1 Taf . 641 Pettigrew, J. Bell. Design in Nature, illustrated by spiral and other arrange- ments in the inorganic and organic Kingdoms as exemphfied in matter, force, life, growth, rhythms, etc., cially in crystals, plants and animals ii examples selected from the re- luctive, alimentary, respiratory, ulatory, nervous, muscular, osseous, locomotory, and other systems of ani- (N-10332 2) mals. London 1908 4(o. Vol. 1 (xxxii +421). Vol. 2 (xi + 425-1069). Vol. 3 (ix + 1073-1410). About 2000 illustrations. 642 Pettit. Aiiguste. Societ6 do Biologie (1849-1898). Table cinquantenaire des autours et des matieres [dcs notes contenues dans les publications de la Societe]. Paris (Mas^on), 1906, (iv + 425), 25 cm. 20 fr. 643 Pi6ron, H. Les problemes actuels de I'instinct. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anthr., ser. 5, 9, 1908, (503-538). 644 Pi6ron,|H. L'cvolution du psychisrae. Revue du mois, Paris, 5, 1908, (291- 310). 645 Pi^ron, Henri. Autotomie et " auto- spasie." Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (625-427). 646 Pi6ron, Henri. L'autotomie pro- tectrice chcz les Orthopteres. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (463-465). 647 Pi^ron, Henri. L'autotomie volon- taire des Decapodes. Quelques ideea et quelques faits. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (517-519). 648 Pi6ron, Henri. De I'influence de I'oxygene dissous sur le comportement des invertebres marins. i. Quelques recherches preliminaires sur les besoins respiratoires en milieu clos. ii. Quelques moyens de defense contra I'asphyxie. iii. Rythmes engendres par une varia- tion periodique de la teneur en oxygene. iv. Role a attribuer a I'oxygene dans la reaction des actinies aux marees. v. Observations complementaires sur Ac- tinia equina. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (886-888, 955-957, 1020-1022, 1061-1003, 1161-1162). 649 Plate, Ludwig. Selectionsprinzip und Probleme der Artbildung. Ein Hand- buch des Darwinisraus. 3., sehr verm. Aufl. Leipzig, (W. Engelmann), 1908, (viii + 493). 8°. 12 M. €59' Plate, L. Die Beweismittel der Deszendenztheorie und das Verhaltnis von Lamarck zu Darwin. Arch. Rassenbiol., Munchen, 5, 1908, (593- 611). €51 Poche, Franz. Supplement zu C. 0. Waterhouses Index Zoologicus. Zool. Ann., Wurzburg, 2, 1908, (273-343). 652 a 3—2 36 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908J Poche, Franz. Ueber die Bestim- mung des Typus von Gattungen ohne urspriinglich bestimniten Typus. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (126-128). 653 [Pogodin, A. L.] IIorOAnin,, A. JI. IIoqeMj He, roBopHii, ;i;iiBOTHLn,. Kt Bonpocy 0 nponcxo;K;ieniK) asHKa. [Warum die Thiere keiiie Sprach? haben. Ein Beitrag zur Fraga der Entsteliung der Sprache.] St. Peter- burg [Svobodnoje Znaniji], 1908, (89). 22 cm. eSl [Pogorzeliskij, V. A.] lIorop;Ke.Ti.- CKiii B. A. MocKOBCKifi SoojoniiecKiii Cafl-b. 45 JitT-i ero ji,tHTeai>HOCTTi, ero SHaneiiie h sajiain. [Der Moskauer Zoologische Garten. 45 Jahre seines Bestehens, seine Bedeutung und seine Aufgaben.] Moskva, Vcstn. Zool. Sada.l, 1908, (1-17). 655 [Poliakov, P. A.] lIo.iaKOBi., IT. A. OcHOBW rncTO.iorin k-i. o.ieMe.iiTaMn sm- 6pio.ioriii ne.TioBtKa n iioaBOiiomn.ixi.. 4acTb nepBaa. Oomaa rncTO.'ioria n ooinaa OMopicioria. [Grundlagen der Histologic und Elemente der Embryo- logie der Menschen und der Wirbel- thiere. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Histologie und allgemeineEmbryologie.] Jurjev, 1908, 608) 893 Fig. 1 Taf . 24 cm. 5 Rub. 653 Poll, Hcinrich. Mischlingstudien iii : System und Kreuzung. Berlin, SitzBer. Oes. natf. Freunde, 1908, (127-139) 1 Taf. 657 Poll, Heinrich. Gibt es Nebennieren bei Wirbellosen ? Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (18-24) 1 Taf. 658 Pompeckj, J. F. Die faunistische und zoogeographisclie Bedeutung der Jurageschiebe im Diluvium Ost- und Westpreussens. [Auszug.] Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 48, 1907, (92-94). 659 Popofl, Methodi. Experimentelle Zellstudien. Arch. Zellforsehg, Leipzig, 1, 1908, (245-379). 660 Portier, P. Determination do la pre.'^.sion osmotique du sang et des liquides internes des Vertebres des contrecs polaires arcti([ues. Paris, C. R. soc. bid., 62, 1907, (627-630). 661 [Pospelov, V. P.] IIociitjiOB'h, B. 11. O paiiBiiTJn osnMoii cobkii [Agrotis segelum Scliiil.) b'i. JxicBcicoii lyu. ii o M-tpax'!. uopbGu C'L iicio. [Ueber die Entvvicklung von Agrotis segetum Schiff. im Gouv. Kiev und die Massnahmen zu deren Bekampfung.] Choziajstvo, Kiev, 3, 1908, (501-506, 547-552). 662 Potonie, Henry v. Wasmann, Erich. Poulton, Edward Bagnall. Essays on evolution 1889-1907. Oxford 1908 8vo (xlviii + 479). 663 Piitter, August. Methoden zur Erforschung des L?bens der Protisten. [In : Handbuch der physiologischen Methodik, hrsg. v. R. Tigerstedt, Bd 1, Abt. 2.] Leipzig (S. Hirzsl), 1908, (1-68). 664 Punnett, R. C. and Bateson, W. The heredity of sex. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (785-787). 665 [Pravoslavlev, V.] ITpaBociaB.ieBi., v. Maiepiaau kt. noaiianiio Hn;KHe- B0.7;i;cKnxT. KaciiincKiix'i> OT.iOHceHiii. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Kasj^ischen Ablagerungen der unteren Wolga- Stufe.] Varsava, Izv. Univ., 1908, 2, (159-254). 666 [Pravoslavlev, V.] irpaBOCJiaB.ieB-b, B. Maiepiaau kt, nosuaHiio Hii;i;ne- Bo.i;KCKnxij IvacnificKTiXTj OT;io;i;eHiii. npo;i,o;i;ic. [Beitrage zur Kennntis der Kaspischen Ablagerungen der unteren Wolga-Stufe. Forts.] Varsava, Izv. Univ., 1908, 5-6, (255-302). 668 Prince, Edward E. Presidential address. The biological investigation of Canadian waters with special refer- ence to the government biological stations. Ottawa Proc. & Trans. R. Soc. Canad. ser. 3 1 1907 sect. 4 (71-92). 669 Prince, Edward E. Infant cannibalism among animals. Ottawa Natural. 22 1908 (125-129). 670 Prochnow, Oskar. Die Abhiingig- keit der Enlwicklungs- und Reak- tionsgeschwindigkeit bei Pflanzen und poikilothcrmen Tieren von der Tem- ])oratur. Diss. Berlin. Guben (Druck v. E. Fcchner), 1908, (40). 21 cm. 671 Prochnow, Oskar. Reactionen auf Temperatur-Reize. [Biophysikalisch- dcszendenztcoretische Studien. Tl 1.] Berlin (W. Junk), 1908, (63). 23 cm. 672 Prochnow, O- Rcaktionen auf Tem- peratur-Reize ; Biophysikalisehdeszcn- denzthcoretische Studien. Tl. 1 . (Scliluss). Intern, ent. Zs. Guben 2, 1908 (197-199). 673 37 Compr. ZooL Titles. 0000 Przibram. Hans. Exj)ciiincntolle iM'hiuiilluni; bioloi:iscii?r lirundfras;:;'!! . Wion. Verh. ZoolBot. Cos., 53, I'.lOS. (171-lSO). 674 Pannett, R. C. vide Batoson. W. cti- anviuc Wood. T. B. Rehn. .T. A. G. Obituary. Tiof. Paul Biollev. Ent. News. riiiladcli)hia. Pa.. 19, 190S. (394-31)5) poitr. 675 Rabaad, Etienne. Les tendances actuelles de la Teratogenie. Revue du mois, Paris, 5, 1908, (327-343). 676 Rabe, C. Die Saturation (Blutsatti- euns). Hund, Wien. 11, (1907-19U8). 1907. (47-50, 65-67, 111-114). 677 Racovitza, E. G. vide Jeannel, R. [Radloff, E.] Pa,i.ioB-b, 3. O. n. Ki'iiiK'Hi.. (HeKpo.ion..) [Th. P. Koeppen. ^ (Eln Xekrolog).] St. Peterburg. Zurn. Min. Xarodn. Pro- svcsc. N. Ser. 16, 1908, 7, (31-33). 678 Ramon [y] Cajal, S. Nouvelles observations sur revolution des neuroblastes. avec quclques remarques sur I'hypothese neurogenetique de Hensen-Held. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (1-25, 65-87). 679 Ramon y Cajal, Si.'vide Cajal, S. R. Randolph, Harriet. On the sperma- togenesi:- of the earwig Anisolahis mari- tima. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (111-118) pi. 680 [Raskovid, Maria.] ParuKOBnHt, Mapia. KpaiKifi Kvpcb eciecTBOsiia- hIh n rnriL'HU. ToMt II. [Kurzes Kursus der Xaturgeschicbte und der Hvgiene. 2-ter Theil.] Moskva, 1908, (437) 24 cm., 1.25 Rub. 681 [Raskovid, Maria.] PaiiiKOimm,, Mapia. KparKiii nypcb ecxecTBO- 3HaHiH n niribHU. Tomi. I. [Kurzes Kursus der Xaturgeschichte und H}'- gien?. Band I.] Moskva, 1907, (vi + 1- 351) mit Textfig. 1-201. 24 cm.', 1.25 Rub." 682 Rauhu, G. Verstandesmiissig ausse- hende Tatigkeiten im Kreise des Tierlebens. Xatur u. Offenb., Miinster, 54, 1908, (705-725). 683 Ravasini. Dimostrazione deirul- tramicroscopio. Boll. Ass. Med. Triest., Triest, 11, (1907-08), 1908, (75-78). 684 Regaad, CI. et Dubreail, G. Perturba- tions dans le developpement des ceufs fccondi'.s par des spermatozoides r. J. The biological work of the Scottish Lake Survey. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (177-192). 760 41 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Sears, John H. A soutlici-n flora and fauna of I'ost-Vleistoceno age in Essex county. Massachusetts. Rhodora, Boston, Mass.. 10, 1908, (42-4(5). 761 Seligo, A. Tieie und Pflanzon des Seenplanktons. (Mikioloijisehe Biblio- thek. Bd 3.) Stuttgart (Franckh) [1908], (04) 1 Taf. 26 cm. 763 Sellnick, 'Slax. Beitrag zur Moos- fauna der Fariier. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, I9US. (208-212). 764 Selous, Frederick Courtcney- African nature notes and reminiscences with a " foreword " by President Roosevelt. London 1908 8vo. (xxx + 350) 13 pis. 7€5 Semen, Rich. Die Mneme als er- haltendes Prinzip im Wechsel des organischen Geschchens. 2. verb. i Aufl. l^ipzig (W. Engelmann), 1908. [ (xv + 391). 8ro. 9 M. 766 Semon, Richard. Zoologische For- ; schungsreisen in Australien und dcm 1 Malayischen Archijwl. Mit Unter- I stiitzung des Herrn Paul von Ritter '■ ausgefiihrt i. d. J. 1891-1893. Bd 3 : , Monotremen und Marsupialier. Tl 2. I Lfg 4 (des ganzen Werkes Lieferung 28). Jena, Denkschr. med. Gcs., 6, Tl 2, 1908, (483-788) 9 Taf. 767 ! Semon, Richard. Zoologische For- schungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Arclupel. ^lit Unter- stiitzung des Herrn Paul von Ritter ausgefuhrt i. d. J. 1891-1893. Bd 4 : Morphologic verschiedener Wirbel- tiere. Lfg 4 (des ganzen Werkes Liefe- rung 30). Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 7, 1908, (521-526) 5 Taf. 768 Semon, Richard. Zoologische For- schungsreisen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel. Mit Unter- Btiitzung des Herrn Paul von Ritter ausgefuhrt i. d. J. 1891-1893. Bd 1 : Ceratodus. Lfg 6 ; Bd 3 : Monotremen und Marsupialier. Tl 2, 2 (des ganzen Werkes Lfg 31-32). Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 4, 1908, (IX-XII, 661-934) 22 Taf. ; 6, Tl 2, 1908, (789-921). 769 Semper, M. Die Grundlagen palao- geographischer Untersuchungen. Cen- tralbl. :Min., Stuttgart, 1908, (434-445). 770 Searat, L. G. Les iles coralliennes de la Polynesie. Structure. Mode deformation. Faune et Flore. Bui. Mus. Ocean., Monaco, €5. 1906, (1-10). 771 Sharp, D. ct alii. Records of zoo- logical literature relating chiefly to tlie year 1900. Zool. Rec. London, 43, 1908 and Int. Cat, Sci. Lit. 6 various paginations). 772 Sherborn, C. Davics. Notes on biblio- gra})hy, publication and nomenclature. Naturalist London 1908 (5-9). 773 Sherman, Franklin, jiui. vide Brimlcy. C. S. Shimer, Hervey W. Dwarf faunas. Aincr. Xat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (472-490). 774 Shipley, A. E. Obituary. [Professor Alfred Xewton.] London Proc. Linn. Soc. 1907-1908 (56-58). 775 Shipley, E. A. John Samuel Budgett. fin] 'i'he work of John Samuel Budgett. Cambridge 1907 4to. (1-55) jjortrait. 776 Silfvenius, A. J. Tvarminnen eliiintie- tecllinen ascma. [Die Zoologische Station bei Tvarminne in Finland]. Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 8, 1904, (273-278). 777 [SimkeviC, V. M.] IIlHMKeBuqt, B. ]\I. MeTopn3iic"b, KaKii OMopioJoni- HecKifi n pill I mi 111,. [La methorisis, com me principe embryologique]. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. sc, (Ser. 6), 1908, (997-1008). 778 Simkevii vide Schimkewitsch. Simroth, H. Ueber den Einfluss der letzten Sonnenfleckenperiode auf die Tierwelt. V'erh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (140-153). 779 Simroth, H. Der Einfluss der letzten Sonnenfleckenperiode auf die Tierwelt. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 5, 1908, (263-267). 780 Simroth, H. Die Pendulationstheoric. Aus d. Xatur, Stuttgart, 4, 1908, (124- 128). 781 Simroth, H. The pendulation theory in relation to geographical distribution. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 1908 (544 & 545). 782 Simroth, H. Zur Atlantisfrage. Xatw. Wochenschr., Jena, 23, 1908. (410-414). 783 Simroth, H. Professor William Marshall t- Ein Nachruf. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (50- 60). 784 42 Compr. Zool. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Sjostedt, Yngve. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen zoologi- schen Expedition nach dem Kilimand- jaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905 -1906 unter Leitung von Yngve Sjostedt. Herausg. von der K. Schwe- dischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Stockholm. Uppsala. 1908. 31 cm. 2. Mammals by Einar Lonnberg. (58) 7 pis. 3. Vogel von Yngve Sjostedt. (173) 5 pi. 7. Coleoptera. 1. Dytis- cidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae par M. Eegimbart. (1-12). 2. Histeridae by G. Lewis. (13-16). 3. Buprestidae par Ch. Ken-emans. (17-32) pi. 1. 4. Bostrychidae par Pierra Lesne. (33-37). 5. Coprophaga. 1. AteucJiini und Coprini von Carl Felsch° (39-44). 2. Onthophagidae par Henri d'Orbigny. (44-52). 3. Genus Aphodius von Adolph Schmidt. (53-56). 6. Elateridae von Otto Schwarz. (57-67). 7. Cleridae, ErotyJidae und Endomychidae von Sigm. Schenkling. (69-78) pi. 2. 8. Staphy- linidae von F. Eichelbaum. (79-94). 9. Apioninae von Hans Wagner. (95- 104). 10. Malacodermata -p&r J. Bour- geois. (105-138) pi. 3. 11. Cerambycidae von Chr. Aurivillius. (139-152). 8. Hymenoptera. 3. Braconidae und Ich- neumonidae von Gy. Szepligeti (25-95) pi. 3-5. 4. Akaziengallen und Ameisen auf den ostafrikanischen Steppen. Biologische Studien von Yngve Sjostedt. (97-118) pi. 6-8. 10. Diptera. 2. Oestridae von Yngve Sjostedt. (11-24) pi. 1-2. 11. Siphonaptera et Anoplura. 1. Siphonaptera by K. Charles Roth- schild. (1-5) pi. 1. " 12. Hemiptera. 1. Coccidae by Robert Newstead. (1-10). 2. Geocorinae, Belostomidae, Nepidae, Mononychidae et Naucoridae par A. L. Montandon. (11-20). 3. Gerridae, Corixidae and Sotonectidae by G. W. Kirkaldy. (21-24). 13. Xeuroptera. 1. TncAo/j^era von Georg Ulmer. (1-10) pi. 1. 15. Corrodentia. 3. Emhiidae auct. Filippo Silvestri (41-42) pi. 6. 4. Mallophaga by Vernon L. Kcllog (43- 66) pi. 7. 16. Physapoda. Von Eilip Tryl>om. (22) 2 pi. 18. Apterygonea. 1. Collembola von Einar Wahlgren. (1-10) pi. 1. 2. Thysanura auct. Filippo Silvestri (11-14) pi. 2-3. 20. Arachnoidca. 3. Atari by Ivar Tragardh. (31-57) pi. 2-3. 785 [Skliutkovskij, I.] IIIk-iiotkob- CKifi, ]Ib. K'b Boiipocy o iiupBax'i. KO;Kn. npe;aB. cooolu. [Zur Frage der Xerven der Haut. Vorl. ]Mitth.] St. Peterburg. Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. se- ances. 39, 1, 1908, (148-163, deutsch. Res. 171-172). 786 [Skorikov, A. S.] CKopnKOB-b, A. C. HacTaB.ienia j:\n. cooupaeiii soo.io- niqecKHXt KO.T.ieKii;in ii3;iaBaeMua Boo.iornqecKnMT, MyseeJiB IbinepaTop- CKOu AKa3,eMiii HavK-B. IV. IlHcipyK- n,iH ;5.ia KO-xieKinpoBaHia nptcHOBOAHoQ ^jajHbi. [Anleitungen zum Sammeln zoologischer Objekte, h'-rausgegeben von dem Zoologischen Museum der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften. IV. Instruction zum Sammeln von Siisswasserthieren.] St. Peterburg, 1908, (1 + 22) 25 cm. 787 Sluiter, C. Ph. Het experiment in dienst der Morphologic. [Das Experi- ment im Dienste der Morphologic.] Haarlem (H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon), 1908, (18), 23 cm. ; Album der Natuur, Haarlem, 1908, (129-146). 788 Smallwood, William Martin. Sylla- bus of lectures on animal biologv. Syracuse, N. Y.. 1908, {21. + 166. interleaved). 19.5 cm. 789 [Smirnov, N.] CMnpHOBi>, H. Ot- HCTt 0 ;5taTe.ibH0CTn MaHriiin.iaKCKOii ciaHuiii KacniiicKoft 3KcntM,Tin,iii. [Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit der Mangy- schlak-Station der Kaspischen Ex- pedition.] Arb. Kasp. Exp. St. Peter- burg. 1, 1907, (200-214). 790 Smith, Geoffrey. Sex in the Crustacea, with special reference to the origin and nature of hermaphroditism. Lon- don Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 1908 (543). 791 Sobotta, J. Eircifung und Befruch- tunfj. .Jahresber. Anat., Jena, (N. F.), 13, (1907), Tl 2, 1908, (1-33). 792 S0rensen, H. L. Lajrebok i zoologi for iiiiddelskolen. 4. oplag gjcnnemset af Kristine Bonnevie. [Lehrbuch der Zoologie fiir die Mittelschule. 4. Aufl. durchgesehen von Kristine Bonnevie.] Kristiania (T. 0. Brogger), 1908, (iv -f 164). 24 cm. Kr. 1,85. 793 Sofer, L. Auf den Spuren der Mendelschen Gesctze. Polit.-anthr. Rev., Leipzig, 7, 1908, (345-351). 794 Soldatov, V. K. vide Breitfuss, L. L. Southwell, T. Professor Alfred Newton, F.R.S. and Mr. Howard 43 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Saunders. In ^I'Mnoriam. Norwich Trans. Xat. 80c. 8 1908 (517-523). 795 Speiser, P. Die Geschichte der Ticr- welt Westproussens. Danziti. Jahrb. L»hr>?r\-er., 2^, (1906-07). [1909], (49- 53). 796 Speiser, P. Adventiv-Fauna. K6- nigsbers. Schr. phvsik. Ges.. 48 (1907)' 190S. (378-385). " 797 Speiser, P. Der Stand unscrer Kenntnis von der Tierwelt de.s Kr:iscs Bcrout. Danzig, Ber. bot.-zool. Vcr., 30, 1908, (275-279). 798 Speiser, P. Dr. Leopold Sautcr. Ein Gedcnkblatt zu seineni lOOjIihrigen Geburtstage. Konigsberg. Schr. phvsik. Ges., 49, 1908 [1909], (299-301). ' 799 Spillman, W. J. Inheritance of fluctuating variations. Science, New York. X. Y., X. Ser., 27, 1908, (509- 510). 800 Spillman, W. J. An interjiretation of elementary species. Science, Xew York. X. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (896- 898). 801 Spillman, W. J. Spurious allelo- morphism : Results of some recent investigations. Amer. Xat., Boston, Mass.. 42, 1908, (610-615). 802 Stadler, H. Albertus Magnus als 8elbstandig?r Xaturforscher. Forsch. Gesch. Bayern, Miinchen, 14, 1906, (95-114). " 803 Stadler, H. Albertus Magnus von Coin als Xaturforscher und das Coiner Autogramm seiner Tiergeschicbte. Yerh. Ges. b. Xatf.. Leipzig. 80, (1908), Tl. 1, 1909. (29-37). 804 Stadler, H. Zur Tiergeographie Deutschlands im !Mittelalter. X'atur u. Kultur, Munchen, 6, 1908, (05-72). 8G5 Stebbing, E. P. A manual of ele- mentary forest zoology for India. Calcutta, 1908. 8vo. (iif -f iii -f 3 -f xxiii + 229 -f xxiv.) 118 pis. 806 Steiner, Max. Die Lehre Darwins in ihren Ictzten Folgen. Beitrage zu einem systematischen Ausbau des Naturalismus. Berlin (E. Hofmann & Co.), 1908, (vii + 244). 20 cm. 3 M. 807 Steinmann, G. Clemens August Schlu -ter. Bonn, SitzBer. Ges. X'atk., 1907, 1908, natw. Sektion, (96-112). 808 Steinmann, Paul. Die Tierwelt der (,;el)iri;sbach'\ [Auzsug aus : Ann. de Biol. lac. II. 1907.] Arch. Hydro- biol., Stuttgart, 3, 1908, (266-273). 809 Stejneger, Leonhard. Hvorfra kora Yestnorges eiendommelige dyr og plan- ter ? [\Voh"r sind die clcin wcstlichen Xorwegen eigentiimlichen Tierc und rilanzen gekomiitcn ?] Bergen, Naturcn, 32, (1908), (193-202, 269-277). 810 Steuer, A. [Ueber den Chromidial- apparat, einen neuen Zellenbestandteil.] Innsbruck, Ber. Xatw. Med. Vcr., 30, (1905-1907), 1907, (ix-xi). 811 Stevens, N. M[aria]. The chromo- somes in Diabrotica vittata, Diabrolica soror and Diabrotica 12-punctala. A contribution to the literature on heterochromosomes and sex determina- tion. J. Exp Zool., Philadelphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (453-470) with 3 pis. 812 Stewart, F. H. Report on a collec- tion of aquatic animals made in Tibet. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 4, 1908, (309-31 1)2 pis. 813 Stiasny, G. Beobachtungen liber die marine Fauna des Triester Golfes im Jahre 1907. Mitteilungen aus der k. k. Zoologischen Station in Triest, Xr. 10. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (748-752). 814 Stiles, C. Warden. Report of the International commission on zoological nomenclature. Science, New York, X. Y., X. Sir., 26, 1907, (520-523). 815 Stiles, C. Wardell and Hassall, Albert. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Part 17. " Authors : M to Martirano." AV'ashington, D.C., U. S. Dcpt. Agric. Bur. Anim. Ind., Bull., No. 39, 1907, (1209-1304). Part 18. Martius to Mitrofanow. (1305-1398). Part 19. Mitschein to Myrejj.sus. (1399- 1492). Part 20. N. to Ny.'^trom. (1493- 1574). Part 21. 0 to Ozzard. (1575- 1624). 816 Stone, Witmer. Adolplius L. Heer- mann, M.D. Cassinia, Philadelphia, Pa., No. 11, (1907), 1908, (1-0), portr. 817 Stre:;ker, Frdr. Das Kau.salitats- prinzip der Biologic. Leipzig (W. Engel- mann), 1907, (viii + 153). 8°. 3 M. 818 Strobell, E. C. vide Foot, Katharine. 44 Compr. Zooi. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Sudry, L. Sur un genre particulicr de fond marin dans I'etang de Than. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1012- 1013). 819 Siitoin, K. Sarajarven elaimisto. [Die Tierwelt des Sarajarvi-See.s.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 29, No. 10, 1906-1908, (1-44). 820 [Sugurov, A. M.] IIIyrypoB'i.. A. M. MfMKia saM-feiKH no iiCTopin KpuM- CKon (|iayHbi (npe;iBap. cooom.) [Kurze Xotizen zur Gcschichte der krimschen Fauna. (Vorlauf. Bericht).] Tiflis, iUtth. Kauk. Mus.. 3, 1908, (336-348 : deutsch. 349-362). 821 Summer, Francis B. The biological laboratory of the Bureau of fisheries at Woods Holl, Mass. : Report of work for the season of 1907. Amer. Nat.. Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (317-340). 822 Suworow, E. K. Zur Beurteilung der Lebenserscheinungen in gesattig- ten Salzseen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig. 32, 1908, (674-677). 823 Swartz, Charles K. The succession of faunas in the Portage and Chemung formations of Maryland. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (328-346) map. 824 [Syrenskij, N. N.] CupeHCKifi, H. H. .li'iiKOU.HTOSt H .lenKomiTO.iiis'i, npii nimieBapeHin. re.MaTO.iornqecKia iiao.irojeiiisi wslji^ Mopc|)0.iorieu numesa- pnie.ibHaro .ieiiKon,TiT03a. [Die Leukocytose und die Leukocytolyse bei der Verdauung. Haematologische Beobachtungen iiber die Morphologie der Verdauungs-Leukocytose.] Diss. St. Peterburg, 1908, (140 + 2). 23cm. 825 Szilady, Zoltan. Az c'loskodes fogalmanok kiterjeszteserol. [tJber die Ausdehnung dcs Begriffes des Parasitis- mus.] Allatt. Kozlera., Budapest. 7, 1908, (125-144). 826 Taub, Simon. Ein Beitrag zu den Theorien eincr Vererbungssubstanz. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Leipzig, Physiol. Abt., 1908, (43-50). 827 Thanner, Rudolf v. Ein Sammelaus- flug naeh La I'alma. Hierro und Fuerte- ventura. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (198-215). 828 Thesing, C. Biologische Streifziige. Eine gemeinverstandliclie Einfiihrung in die allgemeine Biologic. 2. Aufi. Esslingen u. Miinchcn (J. F. Schreiber), [1908], (viii + 364) Taf. 22 cm. 6 M. 829 Thiebaud, Maurice. Contribution a la biologic du lac de Saint-Blaise. Ann. biol. lacustre Bruxelles 3 1908 (54-140) pis. i-v. 830 Thienemann, August. Das Vor- kommen echter Hohlen- und Grund- wassertiere in oberirdischen Ge- wassern. Ein Erklarungsversuch. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart. 4, 1908, (17-36). 831 Thomann, J. und Bally, W. Bio- logisch-chemische Untersuchungen iiber den Arnensee. Intern. Rev. Hjdro- biol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (610-622). 832 Thomas, W. Beach. Heredity and radium at Dublin. An impression of the British association meeting. Sci. Progress London 3 1908 (177-191). 833 Thomson, J. Arthur. Heredity. The Progressive Science series, London 1908 8vo^ (yvi + 605). 834 Thulin, Ivar. Muskelfasern mit spiralig angeordneten Saulchen. (Vorl. Mitt.) Anat. Anz., Jena, S3, 1908, (241- 252). 825 [Tichomirov, A.] TiixoMnpOBt, A. CyAboa JapBiiHnsMa. [Das Schicksal des Darwinismus.] St. Peterburs. 1907, (vi + 82.) 24 cm. 0,75 Rub. 836 [Timiriazev, K.] THiiiipaaeBi,, K. HacyuiHua 3a;iaHii coBpciieiinaro ecie- CTB03HaHifi. nyoaiiMHUH p'hHu. [Die dringendsten Aufgaben der modernen Naturkunde. Oeffentliche Vorlesungen. Moskva. 1908, (xxxiv + 514). 23 cm. 2,00 Rub. 837 [Timiriazev, K. A.] TnMTipji3eB'b, K. A. OciioBHMH HcpTU iicTopiii pas- BiiTia oio.ioriii B7. XIX ct. [Die Giundziige in der Entwicklung der Biologic im xix-ten Jahrhundert.] Moskva, 1908, (119 + 4, mit Portr.). 19 cm. 0,40 Rub. 838 Toll, E. [Resultats scientifiqucs do r Expedition polaire Russe en 1900- 1903 sous la direction du baron E. Toll. Sect. E. : Zoologie.] HayHiiut^ pe3y.ii.TaTi,i PyccKoii Itciapiioii Uucne- ;uiii,iii I'.tiK) 1!X)3 iiaxi. iiaHa.ii.CTBOM'b oapoiia '■). Vi. To.i.iJi. Otx- E. IJoo.ioria. ToM'i. I, Bun. 7. [Vol. I. livr. 7. Kulczyi'iski, \\. Araneae et Oribotidae.] St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, Ser. 8, 18, 45 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 7. 1008. (2 + 1-07) 3 Taf. Vol. I. Ii\ r. 8. Schizopodcs do la mer tijacialc ) 7 Karte. Vol. 1, livr. 12. Jaderholm. Elof. Die Hydioidcii di'.-* Sibii-i.-^ch'Mi Eismcercs (1 + 1-28) 3 Taf. \o]. I. livr. 13. Friei^o. H. Uebvi- tlie Bienen der lussischen Polar- cxp.Hlitiou 1!)00-1903 und ciniger an- dcr.Mi aiktisfhen Ausbcutcn.] (1-77) 1 Taf. 839 Torrey, Harry Bcal. The method of trial and th'' tropism liypothesis. .Science. New York, X. Y.. X. Sor.. 26, 1907. (313-323). 840 Townsend, Charles H. Reijort of the Director of the aquarium to the Board of managers. Xew York. X.Y., Re]). Zool. Soc':, 12, (1907), 1908, (87- *to) pi. 841 [Tretjakov, D.] TpeTbHKOBi>, 7i- -Veso- myiii volgen-'iisnoy. sp.(H3'i.MaTepia.iOB'i> OKCKvpcin 1905 ro,ia no Bo.irh). [Meso- myIit Ausschluss der Regeneration und Transplantation. [ Jahresber. Anat. Jena. (X.F.), 13 (1907), Tl. 2, 1908. (132-150). 844 Triepel, Hermann. Die anatomischen Kamen, ihre Ableitung und Aus- sprache. 2. verb. Aufl. Wiesbaden (J. F. Bergmann), 1908, (VII + 83). 20 cm. 2 31. 845 Trinci, Giulio. L'evoluzione storica del problema della riduzione cromatica in rapporto all' attuale ipotcsi dell'esi- stfnza d'un tipo unico e fondamentale
  • epBopin,, McKCb. EcTecTB03iiaiiie n Mipocoaepnaiiie. [X^aturkunde und Weltanschauung.] tJebers. a. d. Deutsch. von P., S. A. Moskva, 1907, (36). 20 cm. 859 [Venglovskij, R. I.] Benr-iOBCKiii, P. I. K))aTKiii ymiunnK'b MHKpocKunH- HCCKOii II .laoopaTopiioii 'lexiniKH. iG Compr. Zooi. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] [Kurzes Lehrbuch der mikroskopischcn und Laboratoriums-Technik.] St. Peterburg, [K. L. Ricker] 1907, (viii + 273). 24 cm. 860 VialletoD, L. Un probleme de revolution. La theorie de la recapitula- tion des formes ancestrales au cours du developpement embryonnaire. Mont- pellier (Coulet) ; Paris (Masson), 1908, (244) 22 cm. 5. 861 Virchow, H. Sinnesorgane. B. Sehorgan. Jahresbcr. Anat., Jena, (N.F.), 12, Tl 3, 1908, (748-791). 862 [VladyCko, S. D.] B.ia;iuHKO, C. X nSMtHeiiiji BHVTpiIK.ltTOHHUXI, HefipO- (jraupn.i.ien npn oxpaB.ieHin MUiubflKOM-B n (ljocf|iopoM-B. [D'e Veranderungen der intracellularen Neurofibrillen bei Arsenik- und Phosphorvergiftung.] Kiev, Izv. Univ., 48, 6, 1908, (1-73) 1 Taf. 863 Vies, Fred. Sur la birefringence muscuiaire. Ai-ch. zool., Paris, (scr. 4), 8, 1908, (notes et revue, xl-41). 864 Vies, Fred. Sur la birefringence apparente des ciLs vibratiles. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (88-89). 865 Vl^s, Fred, vide Mackinnon, Doris, L. Vbltz, W. Ueber die Bedeutung des Problems der Vercrbung sogen. er- worbener Eigenschaften fiir die land- wirtschaftlicbe Tierzucht. D. landw. Presse, Berlin, £5, 1908, (859-861, 872). 866 Voeltzkow, A. Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903—1905 mit Mitteln der Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann- Wentzel-Stiftung ausgcfUbrt von Alfred Voeltzkow. Wisscn.schaftliclie Ergebnisse. Bd. 2. Systematischo Arbeiten. H. 3. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1908, (179-263) 3 Taf. 32 cm. 11 M. Bd 3. H. 1. (l-ti4) 9 Taf. 16 M. 867 Vogt, H. Neurobiologische Betrach- tungen. Med.-natw. Arch., Berlin, 2, 1908, (81-106). 868 Voit, M. und Berg, W. Transplanta- tion, Rcgeniration und Involution. Jahresbcr. Anat., Jena, 13, (1907), Tl 2, 1908, (88-131). 869 Volk, Richard. Mitteilung iibcr die biologi.scheEllj-UntersuchungdesNatur- hi.storischen Museums in Hamburg. Zs. Fischerei, Berlin, 14, 1908, (30-(i5) 2 Taf. u. 1 Karte. 870 Volk, Richard. Mitteilungen iiber die biologiscbe Elbe-Untersuchung des Xaturhistorischen Museums in Ham- burg. Xach . . . ^'ortragen. Hamburg, Verb. natw. Ver., (3. F.) 15, (1907), 1908, (1-54) 3 Taf. u. 1 Karte. 871 Von Baer, Karl Ernst. Biographie de Cuvier, publiee par Ludwig Stieda, avec preface de Leon ^'aillant. Ann., sci. nat. (Zool.), Paris, (ser. 9), 6, 1908 (263-347). 872 Wagner, A. Zur Reformbewegung im naturwissenschaftlicben Unterrichte. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart, 3, 1908, (317-338). 873 Wagner, W. Das Tierleben der [Liineburger] Heide. Aus d. Heimat, Stuttgart, 20, 1907, (4-11, 43-50). 874 Walcher, [Gustav]. Ueber die Physio- logic des Fhigs der Tiere. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 64, 1908, (lii- Ixvii). 875 Walker, Charles Edward. The essentials of C3^tology. An introduction to the stud}' of living matter, with a chapter on cytological methods. Lon- don 1907 8vo. (1-139) 3 pis. 876 Walker, Elda R. Observations on the micro-fauna of an Oregon pond. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc, Chicago, 111., 28 (1906), 1908, (76-84) 1 pi. 877 Wallace, A. R. [Address in] The Darwin-Wallace celebration held on Thursday 1st July 1908 by the Linnean Society of London. London 1908. [vide etiam Darwin, C] (5-11 & 98- 118). 878 Wandolleck, Benno. Photographie in der Wissenschaft, besonders in der Zoologie.. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (28-32). 879 Wanner, J. Liste der Triasversteinc- rungen [von Verbeeks Reise im ost- lichen ostindischen Archipel]. Jaarb. ]\lijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 37, 1908, (066-667) ; Ed. Irang. 37, 1908, (681- 682). 880 Washburn, Margaret Floy. The animal mind ; a text-book of com- parative i^sychology. (The Animal Behavior Scries. Vol. 2.) New York (Macmillan), 1908, (x -f U. + 333). 20.3 cm. 881 Wasmann, E. Zur Diskussion iiber die Tragwcite der Abstammungs- 47 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 lehre. Eine Erwiderung an Horrn Prof. Dahl. [Xebst Bcmcrkunsj; von H[i'nrvl Potoii:6.] Natw. Wochonsckr., Jena. 23. I'.'OS. (o-i). 882 Weidenreich, Franz. Allgemeinc Anatomie. v. Epithol. vi. Pigment, vii. Bindogewcbe ; Fettgowebe. viii. Knorptlgowcbe. ix. Knochongcwcbc ; Verknoolierung. Jaliresber. Anat., Jena, (X.F.), 31, TI 1, 1908, (227-252). 883 Weismann, August. Einc hydro- biologische Einleitun;;. Intern. Rev. Hydro biol., Leipzig," 1, 1908, (1-9). 884 Weiss, Artur. Die Fauna (Ticrwclt) [des Herzogtums Sachsen-Meiningcn]. Hildburghausen, Schr. \'cr. mcininc Gesch., H. 57, 1908, (G19-710). 8E5 Weldon, ^^^ F. R. [the late] vide Pearson K. Weller, Stuart. The classification of the Upper Cretaceous formations and faunas of New Jersej'. J. Geol., Chicago, III., 13, 1905, (71-84). 886 Weller, Stuart. The fauna of the CHtlwood (N. J.) clays. J. Geol, Chicago. III., 13, 1905, (324-337). 887 Weller, Stuart. The northern and southtrn Kinderhook faunas. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 13, 1905, (617-634). 888 Wellmann, F. Creighton. A pre- liminary list of invertebrates, parasitic or otherwise noxious to man, collected in Portuguese West Africa : 1904- 1906. Trans. Amer. ISIicrosc. Soc, Chicago, III., 28, (1906), 1908, (61-74). 889 WeUs, H. G. & Davies, A. M. Text book of Zoology. 4tb edition. London (458 pp.) 890 Werner, Franz. Xochmals !Mimikry und Schutzfarbung. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (567-576, 588-001). 891 Werner, Franz vide Rogenhofer, Alois. Wertheimer, E. et Dubois, Ch. Un argument contre la regeneration auto- gene des nerfs. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1008, (1098-1100). 892 ' Wesenberg-Lund, C. Mitteilungen aus dem biologischen Siisswasserlabora- torium Frederiksdal bei Lyngby (Dane- mark). I. Die littoralen Tiergesell- schaften unserer grosseren Seen, a) Die TiergeseUschaften des Brandungsufers. Intern. Rev. Hj-drobiol., Lt>ipzig. 1, 1908. (574-609). 893 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Plankton in- vestigations of the danish lakes, general part, the baltic freshwater plankton, its origin and variation (Danish fresh- water biological laboratory Op. 5) Coijcnhagen, 1908, (I. Text 1-389, II. Appendix w. 46 pi.) 27 X 32 J Price 60 Kr. 894 Wesenberg-Lund. Ueber tropfende Laichmassen. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (869-871). 895 Westell, W. Percival. The story of tlie sea and seashore. London 1908 (1-343). 896 Wetzel, G. Die Entwickelung des Ovarialeies und des Embryos, cheraisch untersucht mit Beriicksichtigung der gleiehzeitigen morphologischen Veran- derungen. II. Die chcmische Zuzam- mensetzung der Eier des Seoigels und der Seeapinne, des Tintenfisches und des Hundshaies. Arch. Anat. Physio!., Leipzig, Physiol. Abt., 1907, (507-542). 897 Wheeler, William Morton. Vestigial instincts in insects and other animals. Aiiier. J. Psych., Worcester, Mass., 19, 1908, (1-13). 898 Wheeler, William Morton. The structure of wings, [in animals]. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1905, (257- 262). 899 Wiedersheim, R. and Parker, W. N. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. London, 1907, (xii + 576). 900 Wilder, Burt G. What we owe to Agassiz. [Address at Centenary of Louis Agassiz, Cornell university, May 28, 1907.] Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N. Y., 71, 1907, (5-20). 901 WiUis, Bailey, Blackwelder, Eliot and Sargent, R. H. Research in China. Vol. 1, Part 1. Descriptive topography and geology. Washington (Carnegie Institution), [Publication No. 54], 1907, (H. + xiv + 353 + xvi) pi. maps, 29.8 cm. 902 Wilson, Edmund B. Some recent studies on heredity. The Harvey Lectures, delivered under the auspicea of the Harvey Society of New York. Philadelphia and London (Lippincott). 1906-07, 1908, (200-221). 903 43 Compr. Zooi. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Wilton, David W. and others. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia" during the years 1902, 1903 and 1904. under the leadership of William S. Bruce. Scottish national antarctic expedition Vol. 4 Zoology. Part i. Zoological log. Edinburgh 1908 4to (xiv + 10.3). 33 pis. & 2 maps. [For Vol. 5 vide Bruce, William S. 904 Winckler, A. Professor Dr. ]Moritz Pabst.t- D. ent. Zs. Iris, Berlin, 21, 1908, (vii-ix). 905 Windle, Bertram C. A. What is life ? A study of vitalism and neo- vitalism. London 1908 8vo. (x + 147). 906 Winiwarter, Hans v. und Sainmont, O. Erfahrungen iiber die Flemmingsche Dreifiirbung. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (157-162). 907 Winkler, Hubert. Ein ungedruckter Linnebrief. Mitt. Gesch. Med., Ham- burg, 7, 1907, (24-27). 908 Winkler, Hubert. Die Linneliteratur paiin'b .]Ieii,HTiri.. lS'21-1908. HeK- ]Xjaori,. [Franz von Leydig. 1821-1908. Necrologiej. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. S3., Ser. 6, 1908, (942). 925 Zander, Enoch. Sicb- und Filter apparate im Tierrcicho. Zs. Natw.. Leipzig, 80, ]!;08. (39-90) 1 laf. 926 [Zavarzin, A.] ;^aHa]):!nii'i., A. 111;- KOTopbiJi iiai'i.ii();ieiiiii iia;i'i> '.)iinTe;iieM'b TIecn(!M(;TOBoii oiIo.iomkii. lIpejjB. coooiu. [Einige Beobachtungcn iiber das Epithel der Membrana Dcscemetii. Vorl. Mitth.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances, 39, 1, 1908, (119-134; deutsch Res. 164-185). 927 49 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Zell, Th. rntcrsch?idet das Tier Mann und Frau ? 1.-5. laus. Berlin ^Concordia). 1908, (92). 21 cm. 1 M. 928 [Zell, Th.] He.i.ib, 0. ILri. ;i:n;uni -.KiiBOTiiuxi.. (.)iiinr)omibiH MHi.lliH, cyeBl'.piH II iii)iapa3L'y;iKii. [Thier- fabclu und andcre Irrthvinicr in der Thierkunde.] Ucbers. a. d. Deutsch. V. V. Sokolov. Moskva, 1908, (92). 22 em. : O.oO Rul). 929 Zernoff, S. A. Biologische Station der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissen- ^chaften zu Scbastopol. Intern. Rev. Hvdrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (861-863). 930 [Zernov, S. A.] 3epH0B7., C. A. O- CHOBHUH HepTH paciipcjhaeHiH ;i:iibot- iibixi. BhHepHOM'i. Mopty CeBacTOiio.it. [Traits prineipaux de la repartition du regne animal dans la Mer ^Noire pres de Scbastopol.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. sc, Ser. 6, 1908, (881-904). 931 [Zernov, S. A.] SepitoBi,, C. A. Ot- Meri> no KoManAnpoBKli bi. C.-'S. HacTi> Hepiiaro Mopa ;i.ia nsyqeHiH (jiayiiu n toonpaiiia KO.i.ieKuiii X'ih 3oa.iorn- KecKaro Mysea IbinepaTopcKOu Ana- .leMin HavK-b. [Compte-rendu de I'expedition pour I'exploration fauni- .«tique dc la partie N.-W. de la mer Xoire.] St. Peterburg. Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908 [1909], (0154-0166). 932 Ziegler, H. E. Die Erklarung der ^lendelsehen Kegel. Zool. Anz., Leip- zig. 33, 1908, (177-182). 933 Ziegler, H. E. Zoologisches Worter- buch. Erklarung der zoologischen Fachausdriicke. Zum Gebrauch. beim >Studium zoologi.scher, entwicklungs- geschichtlicher und naturijliilo.soijhischer Werke verfasst von E. Bresslau [u. A. . . . ], hr.sg. V. H[einr.] E[rnst] Ziegler. Lfg 2 : F-0. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (209-416). 26 cm. 934 Tirino, R. G. La temperatura dei Vertebrati marini e particolamente dei Pesci del gruppo dei Tonni [secondo il PortierJ. Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1908, (12.3-125). 935 [Zograf, Nikolai] Borpatfj-b, Hn- Ko.iaii. Jiyi^cTj ijoo.iorin ,v[h ct^'akhtobtj ecTecTBeiiHiiKOB'b, Me;inKOB'i> n ce.ib- CKiixi. xosaeB-b. ^lacTb 2. [Kursus der Zoologie f iir Studierende der Natur- wissenschaften, Aerzte und Landwirthc. 2-ter TheiL] 2-te Auflage. Moskva, 1908, (467 +1)27 cm., 3,00 Rub. 936 (x-10332 q) [Zograf. Xicolai] liorpaijvb, Hn- Ko.iaii. llepBaa pyccuaa ni;i.po6io.io- riiuecKaa cTaiinia. [Die er.ste rus.si.sche hydro-biologisehe Station.] Naturfreund St. Peterburg, 5, 1908, (193-205). 937 [Zograf, Nieolai] 3orpa(ln., Hn- Ko.iaii. ,'IaMapK'b, ooiiOBaTc.u, ubo.iio- uioiiiiaro yiciiia, cro :i;n3iib, Tpy^^ij, ii,1,en n iioc.rhAOBaTc.in. [Lamarck, der Begriinder der Evolutionslehre, sein Leben, seine Arbeitcn, Gedanken und Nachfolgcr.] Jestestv. i geogr., Moskva, 13, 1908. 5, (1-26) Portr. 938 [Zograf, N. Ju.] 3orpa(Iyb, H. 10. HliKoTopbiH nay^Hbia ii nayinioiipii- K."ia;i,iibia aajiann socioriiHcciciixi. ca;i,()irb. L lIonbiTKii iipaivTii4e,civaro iipinrhiifnia iipaBii.Th Meii;i,c.ia. [Einige wissenschat'tliche und praktische Auf- gaben der zoologischen Garten. I. Ein Versuch der praktischen Verwer- tung des Mendel'schen Gesetzes.] Moskva, V&3tn. Zool. Sada, 1, 1908, (17-24). 939 Zschokke, F. Die Bezichungen der mitteleuropaischen Tiervvelt zur Eiszeit. Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig. 18, 1908, (21-77) 2 Taf. 940 Zschokke, F. Nachkliinge der Eiszeit in der Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Um- schau, Frankfurt a. M., 12, 1908, (723- 725). 941 Zschokke, F. Die Result ate der zoologischen Erforschung hochalpiner Wasserbecken seit dem Jahra 1900. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (221-235). 942 Zschokke, F. Beziehungen zwischen der Tiefenfauna subalpiner Seen und der Tierwelt von Kleingewassern des Hoch- gebirges. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (783-790). 943 Zschokke, F. Die biologische Station in Lunz-Seehof (Nieder-Oesterreich), eine neue Forschungsstatto der Natur- wissenschaft. Aus d. Natur, Stuttgart, 3, 1907-08, (513-520, 552-557, 594- 600). 944 Zugmayer, E. Ueber Mimikry und verwandte Erscheinungen. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (313-326). 945 Zur Strassen, 0. Zur Widerlegung des Vitalismus. Arcli. Entw.-Mech., Leii^zig, 26, 1908, (153-177). 946 Zur Strassen, 0. Die neuere Tier- psychologie. Verh. Ges. D. Natf., a 4 50 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Leipzig, 79, (1907). Tl I, 1908, (140- 175) ; Leipzig und Berlin (B. G. Teub- ner), 1908, (78). 21 cm. 2 M. 947 Zykoff, W. Das Plancton des Flusses Irtiseh und seiner Nebenflusse Bukon u. Tabol. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (103-112). 948 IL— SUBJECT INDEX. The author's name and the number refer to Titles, tvhere the full refer- ence will be found. HYPERZOOLOGY. Philosophical. 0000 Das System der Biologie ; Driesch, 204. Philosophie der Naturkuude, etc. (Russ.) ; France, 253. Die ErschafFung der Welt (Russ.) ; Kovalevskij, 438. Naturkunde und Weltanschauung (Russ. Uebers.) ; Verworn, 853. Alter und Tod nach den Lehren der Naturforschcr (Russ.) ; Kulagin, 453. Weltratscl (Russ. Uebers.) ; Hackel, 311 & (Russ.) 312. Die Lebenswunder (Russ.); Haeckel, 313. Life ; a study of vitalism & neo- vitalism ; Windle, 906. Mechanismuri oder Vitalismus ? Frank, 255. Zur Widorlogung des Vitalismus; zur Strassen, 946. Eiitwicklunii des Lebens (Russ.) ; Bogojavlenskij, 64. Originc della vita ; Balducci, 28. Erc-dita e interpretazione chimica della vita ; Giglio-Tos, 277. Das Kau'^alitiitsprinzip der Biologic ; Strecker, 818. Zoographia infinita, eine Natur- geschiehte u. Naturgeographio auf Kantschcr Basis ; Kleinschmidt, 419. Liunafk. Kant, Pauly, Evolution ; Kuhner, 450. Uber die biocliemische Verwand- schaft der Tiere (Ungarisch) ; Abonyi, 2. Bio-chemistry of animals & plants ; Rosenheim, 707. Fossiles de Patagonie ; de I'economie dans la nature ; Gaudry, 274 & 275. Design in Nature ; Pettigrew, 642. Der Materialismus in der Natur- kunde (Russ.) ; LeontoviC, 486. Der Materialismus und seine Be- deutung in der Naturkunde (Russ.) ; Leontovid, 487. Abstammung der ]\Ienschen und seine Degeneration (Russ.) ; Moskov, 537. Aesthetik der Tierwelt ; Mobius, 571. Funktionelle Selbstgestaltung und Psychomorphologie ; France, 254. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber Psj^cho" morphologic und Entwicklungs- mechanik ; Roux, 709. L' evolution du psychisme ; Pi^ron, 645. Thierfabeln und andere Irrthiimer in der Thierkunde ; Zell, 929. What are species and varieties ? (.Japanese) ; Yatsu, 920. Darwinismus und Sozialismus (Russ.); Biichner, 100. History, Biography. 0010 History. Die Naturteleologie und Biogenie der Kirchenvater ; May, 548. Malaria & history ; Jones, 388. Zur Geschichte der Naturforschung in Frankfurt a. Oder ; Roedel, 704. Systematic zoology : Its progress and purpose ; Gill, 281 & 282. Die Grundziige in der Entwicklung der Bioloige im xix-ten Jahrhundert (Russ.) ; Timiriazev, 838. The zoological instruction and bio- graphies of the zoologists at the royal veterinarian and agricultural academy of Copc^nhagcn duriiic; the last 50 yeart* (Danish) ; L0fting, 539. The discovery of the Ductus Vitcllo Intestinalis (Danish) ; Maar, 522. 51 Compr. Zod. Subject Index. 0010 Aristotolos uiul Cuvior ; Burck- hardt, 104. Darwin-Wallacc oilebration, ail- ihv-^-i's. reprint of the ISoS essays ; Darwin, 168 ; WaUace, 878. Mission de Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire en Espagne et en Portugal (ISOS) Histoire et documents ; Hamy, 320. Riickblick auf die Vereinstati;j;kcit und die Fortschritte der Entoniolotrie in den letzt^n oO Jahren ; Donitz, 192. Due precursori nella applicazione degli Insetti carnivori a difesa dello piante coltivate ; Trotter, 847. La panthere dans la civilisation ^gyptienne ; Hippolyte-Boussac, 355. Bon?lli, Franco Andrea, I Manos- critti di ; Camerano, 109. Biography. Xekrologe fiir Rudolf Blasius. Ru- dolf Burekhardt, Maximilian Meissner, Karl Mobius, Oswald Seeliger, Franz Leyiig ; Korschelt, 436. What we owe to Agassiz ; Wilder, 901. Alb?rtus Magnus als sclbstjindigcr Xaturforscher Tstadler, 803 & 804. Audubon, John James ; Merriam, 530. Biollev Paolo : Necrolo^ia ; Cognetti De Martiis, 139 ; Rehn. 675. Brooks, William Keith ; Andrews, 13. Blasiu^. Professor Dr. mcd. Rudolf ; Heuss, 35D ; Nehrkorn, 596. Budgt'tt, John Samuel ; Kerr, 409 ; Shipley, 776. Buffon ; Kohl, 428. Burekhardt, Rudolf ; May, 547 ; Sauerbeck, 722. Cope ; Osborn, 620. Cuvier ; Biographie de Cuvier, publics par Ludwig Stieda, avcc pre- face de Leon Vaillant ; Von Baer, 872 ; Catalogue des manuscrits du fonds Cuvier'; DeWrain, 182. Gedenken an vcstorbene Zoologen (Ungarisch) ; Entz, 229. Fetticr, L'abbe F. J. . . . 1824- 1906 ; Bourgeois, 72. Foster, Sir Michael ; G., 265. (s-10332 q) Fiiodcl. Ernst, 1837-1007, cin 0?- diikl>latt zum 70. Geburtstage ; Albrecht, 5. Gardiner, Edward Gardiner, with bibliography ; 272. Giard, Alfred ; Lafflte, 453. (luldberg. Professor Dr. med. G. A. ; Barth, 34 : Fiirst, 260. Ifatili'-r. John Bell, explorations of J Osborn, 619. Heermann.Adolphus L., M.D. ; Stone, 817. Hoyer, Heinrich-f ; Kostanecki, 437, Kirchenpaucr, Gustav lleinrich ; Kraepelin, 445. Koepi)Pn. Fr. Th. t : Adelung, 3 & 4 : Nasonov, 534 : Radloff, 678. Konow, Freidrich Wilhclm ; Dit- trich, 191. Lamarck, la genealogie de ; Hamy, 321, — Lamarck als Begr Under dcr Evolutionstheori% Biographic etc. (Russ.) ; Zograf, 938.— A letter relating to the biography of Lamarck ; La- marck, 461. — The Lamarck manuscript in Harvard ; Dean, 180. Laveran, Alphons ; Martial, 541. L^id\% Joseph, the life and work of ; Chapman, 117 : Leidy, Joseph ; Brooks, 93. L-jydig, Franz v. j ; Hanstein, 323 : Nussbaum, 607 : Schultze, 751 : Zacftarias, 923 : Zalenskij, 925. Lilljeborg, Wilhclm (Norw.) ; Appellof, 16. Linna)us as a zoologist ; Allen, 7. — ■ As an intermediary between ancient and modern zoology ; Gregory, 298. — Carl von Linne und seine Bedcutung fiir die Naturwisscnschaften (Schwe- disch); Federley, 237.— The place of Linnaeus in tlij unfolding of science ; his views on the class Mammalia ; Gregory, 299. — Linne als Lehrer ; Ham- dorff, 319.^The bicentenary of the birth of Carolus Linna)us ; Hovey, 370.— Kraepelin, 444 : Lakowitz, 460 : Lazaro, 476. — Linnaius and American natural history ; Lucas, 519. — Als Zoologa (Finnis h) ; Sahlberg, 712. — Ein ungedruckter Linne brief ; Winkler, 908. — Die Linnelitcratur des JubilUumsjahres 1907 ; Winkler, 909. Lister, Arthur ; Nature 78 p. 325. a 4— 2 52 Compr. Zod. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] K. G. Lutz, der Griinder und 1. Vorsitzende des Deutschen Lehrer- vereins fiir Naturkundes ; Bass, i5. Marshall, Prof. William Ein Xacli- ruf ; Simroth, 784. ^lendel, Johann Gregor, als Forscher und Mensch ; litis, 375. Milne-Edwards, Henri ; Berthelot, 54. Mobius, Karl, Nachnif ; Hamstein, 324 : Mobius Prof. K. A. ; Nature 78 p. 82. Monti, Rina ; Forli, £51. - Newton. Alfred ; G., 264 : Shipley, 775: Newton, Prof. Alfred with portrait ; Southwell, 795. Nobili, Giuseppe ; Camerano, 108. Xordlinger. Julius Simon von ; Regelmann, 686. Pabst, Professor Dr. Moritz ; Winckler, 9C5. Poppe. Albrecht ; Borcherding, 68. Potron, Charles Eugene ; Baer, 26. Punyur, Julius (Ungarisch u. deutsch) ; Herman, 340. Rondani, Camillo. Zu seinem 100 jahrigen geburtstage : Bezzi, 53. — Rondani, Camillo, nel primo cente- nario della sua nasuta ; Bezzi, 57. Santer, Dr. Leopold. 100 jiihrigrigen Geburtstage ; Speiser, 799. Die Naturforscher - lamilie Schiiffer in Regensburg ; Furnrohr, 253. Schlueter, Clemens August ; Stein- mann, 808. Schmarda, Ludwig Karl, Nekrolog von, 7 April 1908 ; Grobben, 302. Schultz, Hermann, Nachruf ; Schu- mann, 753. Semper, Otto ; Gottsche, 292. Stephan, Pierre, travaux scicnti- fiques ; Jourdan, 399. Stewart, Charles ; B., 25. Sturm, Dr. Jakob der Ikonograi)h von Deutschlands Flora und Fauna : Ulsch, 853. Tristram, Henry Baker ; G., 263. Periodicals, Reports, Congresses, etc. 0020 New periodicals, vide list of abbrevia- tions. International pour I'exploration de la mer ; Trybom, 848. Skrifter udgivne af Komroissionen for Havunder?0gelser Nr. 4. De Inter- nationale Havundcrsogelser 1902-1907. [The international investigations of the sea 1902-1907.] Kobenhavn. 1908. Bericht iiber den vii. internationalen zoologischen Kongress in Boston (Un- garisch) ; Horvath, 368. Zoologische Reise nach Dalmatien ; Rogenhofer, Werner, und Klaptocz, 7C5. Die Zoologische Station bei Tvar- minne in Finland (Finnisch) ; Silf- venius, 777. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der Mongyschlak-Station der Kaspischen Expedition (Russ.) ; Smirnov, 790. [Bureau fiir gewerbliche Zoologie und Fischzucht dcs Gelehrten Comite's der Hauptverwaltung fiir Landwirth- schaft und Ackerbau.] Empo no npoMLic.iOBiiii soo.ioriii ti PbiuoBt);i,cTBy ynenaro KoMnieia F.iaBHaro Yn- paB.ieHiff 3eMjeycTpoficTBa n 3eM- jeAtiia. IlpyAU KacniiicKOii 9kc- neOTuin 1904 ro^a. Tomi> ^epBuii. [Arbeiten der Kaspischen Expedition im J. 1904, 1-ter Band.] St. Peterburg, 1, 1907, (vi + 313). mit 1 Karte u. 14 Taf. 27 cm. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der Gouvernementsentomologen der tauri- schen Landschaft f. d. Jahr 1907. 15-ter Jahrg. Die im taurischen Gouv. wiihrend d. Jahrcs 1907 beobachteten schsdlichen Insekten und Pflanzen- krankheiten (Russ.) ; Mokrzeckij, 572. Bericht iiber das naturhistorische Museum der taurischen Gouverne- mentslandscliaft fiir das Jahr 1907 (Russ.) ; Mokrzeckij, 573 Biologische AVolga-Station. Bericht pro 1907 (Russ.) ; Meissner, 553. [St. Peterburg, Musce Zoologique de I'Acad^'mie Imp. des sciences.] ( •.-llc.Tiipijypn., IJoo.iorimecKiii ]\Iy3eii IImii. AivaAiiMiii HayKi.. Othcti, no 53 Compr. Zod. Subject Index. 0030 3oo.iornHeeKOMV Mvsch) IImu. Ana.VMin HaVKi. 3;l 1!K>T V. [Comptc-romhi du Musoe zoolosiique do TAcadiMiiic Imp. dcs Sciences pour I'annee litOT.] St. Peterburg. Ann. Mus. Zool.. 13, 1<»08. Government of Egypt, Tublic Works Department, Zoological Gar- dens, Giza near Cairo. Report for the vear 1907 (Ninth Annual Report) i3y the Director. Cairo, 1908, 30 pp. Annual Report on the Raffles Library and ^luseum. Singapore, for the vear li)07 ; Hanitsch, Singapore, 1908! (8) folio. 33 cm. Report on the Zoology section ; Clarke, 135. Report of the Director of the Zoo- logical park ; Hornaday, 366 ; for 1907, Id. 367. Report of Director of aquarium ; Townsend, 841. General Treatises, Text-Books, etc. 0030 Zoologischer Worterbuch ; Ziegler. 934. Glossaire allemand fran9ais de termes d' anatomic et de zoologie ; Blanchard, 59. Grundriss der Xaturgeschichte (Russ.); Schmeil, 734. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Anatoraie der Menscben im Zusammenhang mit den Elementen des Histologie und der Embryologie. (Russ.) ; GurviS, 307. Grundlagen der Histologie und Ele- mente der Embrj^ologie des Menschen und der Wirbelthier?. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Histologie und fillgemeine Embryologie (Russ. ; Poliakov, 653. Kurzes L"hrbucli der Zoologie (Russ.); Personalinyi, 640. Textbook of Zoology (Russ.) ; Parker and Has well, 629. Lohrlmch der Zoologie fiir Studie- rende ; Boas, 60. Lehrburh der Zoologie (Russ.) ; Hertwig, 346. Lehrl)ueh der Zoologie fiir hoherc LehraiLstalten und die Hand des Lehrers, sowie fiir alle Freunde der Natur ; Schmeil, 731. Kursus der Zoologie (Russ.) ; Schmeil, 732 & 733. Text-book of Zoology; Wells & Davies, 890. Lehrbuch der Zoologie fiir die Mit- telschule (Norw.) ; S0iensen, 793. Kiu-sus der Zoologie fiir Studierendo des Xaturwissenschaftcn, Aerste iind Landwirthe (Russ.) ; Zograi, 930. Laboratory manual of invertebrate zoology ; Drew, 203. Einfiihrung in das Studium der niedersten Organismen. 1. Morpho- logie und Systematik der griinen Algen und der ihnen nahrstchenden Organismen des Siisswassers (Russ.) ; Arnoldi, 20. Kurzes Kurzus der Naturgeschiehto und Hygiene (Russ.) ; Ra§kovi6, 681 & 682. Medizinischo Zoologie (Russ.) ; Nikoliskij, 602. Cours pratique de Zootomie (Po- lonais) ; Nusbaum, 604 & 605. Practical zoology ; Parker and Parker, 630. Syllabus of lectures on animal biology ; Smallwood, 789. Palmen, Eestschrift fiir ; Palmen, 627. Biologi^che Streifzuge, Eine ge- meinverstandliche Einfiihrung in die allgemeine Biologie ; Thesing, 829. Naturwissenschaftliche Vortrage ; Beinke, 694. Evolution, essays on ; Poulton, 663. Illustrierte Werke (Russ.) ; Darwin, 169-173. Descent of man and selection in relation to sex (Russ.) ; Darwin, 174. Klassen und Ordnungen des Ticr- Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild ; Bronn, 92. Budgett memorial Volume ; Kerr, 409. Marine biology, popular ; Westell, 896. Nature portraits : Studies witli ])en and camera of our wild birds, animals, fish and insects ; Bailey, 27. 54 ComfT. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Bibliography. 0032 Dates of publication ; Bather, 40. Bibliography, nomenclature, dates ; Sherborn, 773. Zoologisch^r Jahresbericht fiir 1907. Hrsg. V. J. Zoolos. Station zu Neapel. Eed. V. Mayer ; 553. Zoological literature of 1906 ; Sharp et alii, 772. Bibliographia Zoologica ; Field, 240. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Tiere. Begriindet v. R. Leuckart. (N. F.), Bd 19. Berlin (Nicolai), 1908, (getrennte Paginierung). 24 cm. [= Arch. Xatg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 3.].— Bd 20. Berlin (Nicolai), 1908, (getrennte Pag.). 24 cm. = Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70, Bd 2, H. 3. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomic und Entwicklungs- geschichte. In Verbindung mit Karl von Bardeleben [u. A.] hr-'^EC. V. G[ustav] Schwalbe. (X. F.), Ed 12 : Literatur 1906. Tl 3, Abt.. 2. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (621-1050, i-xx). 24 cm. — In Verbindung mit Pedro Arens [u. A.] . . . hrsg. v. G[ustav] Schwalbe. (X. F.) Bd 13 : Literatur 1907. Tl 1. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (414). 24 cm.— In Verbindung mit Pedro Arens [u. a. . . .] hrsg. V. G[ustav] Schwalbe. (X. F.) Bd 13 : Literatur 1907. Tl 3. Abt. 1. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (628). 24 cm. Jahresbericht iiber Veroffentlichun- gen und wichtigere Ereignisse im Ge- biete des Forstwesens, der forstl. Zoo- logie, der Agrikulturchcmic, der Mete- orologie und der forstl. Botanik fiir das Jahr 1907. Hrsg. von Heinrich Weber. Allg. Forstztg, Frankfurt a. M., 84, 1908, Supplement, (1-89). Jahresbericht iiber das Gebiet der Pilanzenkrankheiten. Unter Mit- wirkung von O. von Czadek [u. A.] hrsg. von M[ax] Hollrung. Bd 9 : Das Jahr 1906. Berlin (P. Parey), 1908, (viii + 298). .Tahres-Bericht iiber Tier-Chemie, 1906; Andreasch et alii, 12. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology ; Stiles and Hassall, 816. Zeitschrift f. wissenschaftliche Zoo- logie, begriindet v. Carl Thdr. v. Sie- boldu. Alb. V. Kolliker, hrsg. v. Ernst Ehlers. Xamen- u. Sachregister Bd 01-75. Leipzig (W. Engelmann), 1908, (1022). 64 M. Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abteilung fiir Systematik, Geographic u. Bio- logic der Tiere. Hrsg. v. J. W. Spengel. Generalregister zu Bd 1-20 sowie zu den Supplementen 1-7. Bearb. v. R. v. Hanstein. Jena (G. Fischer), 1907, (V + 474). 8°. 22 M. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Register zu Bd 26-30 u. Bibliographia Zoologica vol. 8-12. Leipzig (W. Engelmann), 1908, (iv + 536). 8°. 24 M. Societe de Biologic Paris ; Table des auteurs et des matieres 1849-1898 ; Pettit, 643. Bibliotheca Zoologica Rossica ; Koppen, 426. [St. Petersburger Bureau fiir Inter- nationale Bibliographic.] C.-IIeTep- 6yi)rcKoe Eiopo no Me;iuyHapo,iHou 6no.iiorpa(|)in. PyccKas En6aiorpar|na no EcTecTBOSHaniio n MaxeMarnK't. ToM-B m. (1903-1904.) [Russische Bibliographic fiir Xaturwissenschaften und Mathematik. Band III, (1903- 1904).] St. Peterburg [K. Akad. d. Wissensch.], 1908, (vi + 390). 23 cm. 3,00 Rub. Statistisches iiber die physiographi- sche Literatur Polens 1891-1905. (Polnisch) ; Romer, 706. Animali italiani descritte in pubbli- cazioni estcre nell'anno 1905 ; Monti- celli, 579. Pennants' Allen, 9. Lamarck's " systeme des animaux sans vertdbres," two issues ; Bather, 41. Catalogue des manuscrits du fonda Cuvier (travaux et correspondance scientiflques) conserves a la Biblio- theque de I'lnstitut de France ; De- h6rain, 182. " Indian zoology " 55 Compr. Zool. Subject Index. 0060 Addresses, Lectures, etc. 0040 Somo of tK> presont-day problems of biological chemistrv ; Chittenden, 127. A~p^ots of modern biology; Cockerell, 137. Zoology ; Crampton, 146. Alte und nt^ne Xaturgeschichte, Festrede ; Haeckel, 309. Presidential address ; Darwin, 175. Presidential address ; Harmer, 325. Einige Ziige der gegenwartigen Plank- tonforschung (Finnisch) ; Levander, 493. L'insegnamente della Zoologia nelle Scuole di Medicina ; Monti, 577. Idees et theories nouvelles en zoo- logia (Polonais) ; Nusbaum, 606. Zoological progress ; Parker, 628. Das Experiment im Dienste der Morphologie (Holland.) ; Sluiter, 788. Die Aufgaben der modernen Xatur- kunde (Russ.) ; Timiriazev, 837. Pedagogy. 0050 Secondary schools ; Harvey, 327. Natural history, secondary schools ; Holt, 364. Eine Prinzipienfrage betreffs der biologischen (okologischen) Behand- lungsweise des Unterrichts in der Bota- nik und Zoologie. Nebst Bemerkun- gen von Schmeil ; Kienitz-Gerloff, 414. Das lebende Tier im Zeichenunter- richt ; Kuhhnann, 452. Biology in schools ; Latter & others, 470. Das zootomische Laboratorium und das zootomische Kabinet, sowie der Unterricht in den austomisch^n Dis- ciphnen an der Phys.-Math. Fakultat der Kan. Universitat Worschau. Forts. i:inte, lore Inset ti neniiei e cause verniche di questi ; Berlese, 52. >[aiiual of forest zoology for India ; Stabbing, 806. Enemies to agriculture : Faes, 233. Carden pests ; Pearson, 633. Xutzen und Scliaden der Vogel. Wandtofel (Russ.) ; Kaigorodov, 402. Ueber die Entwicklung von Agrulii seqetuin SchilT. im Gouv. Kiev und die Maassnahmen zu deren Bekam2)fung (Russ.); Pospelov, 662, Raupen von GaUeria meloneUa als Mittel zur Immunisierung gegen Tuber- culose (Russ.) ; Metalnikov, 551. Nomenclature. 0070 List of omitted names of genera; Bergroth, 51; Leiper, 485 ; Poche, 652. Report of the International com- mission on zoological nomenclature ; Stiles, 815. Reform of zoological nomenclature ; Crossland, 147. Xomenklaturbetrachtungen ; Lin- dinger, 499. A protest on behalf of the systematic zoologist and the bibliographer ; Bradley, 74. The first species ride ; Buckman, 99. The sp?cles question ; Allen, 10. Article 30 of the International code of zoological nomenclature ; Allen, 8. Bestimmung des Typus von Gattun- gen ohne ur.-prunglich bestimmten Typus ; Poche, €53, Anatomical terminology, witli voca- bularies in Latin and English ; Barker, 33. Nomenclature anatomique en quatre langues ; Rodet, 703. Wie .'•ollen wir die Haustiere benen- nen ? Hilzheimer, 253. Lber Tier-Namen in den europai- schen Sprachen ; Martens, 540. On subspecies in ornithology and tlxeir nomenclature (Hungarian and English) ; Ruskin-Butterfleld, 710. Spanish names of animals ; Bar^ibar, 31. Zur Terminologie, der Familien und Gattungen der Ascidien ; Hartmeyer, 326. Technique, Methods. 0090 Hilfsap])arat fiir zoologischo und anatomisciie Museen und Institute ; Marktanner-Tumeretscher, 535. Wirbellose Tiere ; Bethe, 55. Technique des manipulations com- plementaires de parasitologic ; Lan- geron, 466, S iisswasserplankton, Biologische Er- gebnisse, Methoden und Zielo der Planktonforschung ; Brehm, 85. Die Methoden und Ergebnisse d-^r jMikrochemie in der biologischen For- schung ; Macallum, 524. Methoden zur Erforschung des Lebens der Protisten ; Putter, 664. Die Fehlergrosse bei den histologi- schen Methoden ; Berg, 49, Somatometi'o a traslazione ; Lo- Guidice, 511. Kraniometrische Methoden (Russ.) ; Dzavachov, 202. Th?orie der MikrcskoiDS (Russ.) ,•; Karpov, 4C5. Taschenbueh der mikroskopischoa Technik ; Bohm und Oppel, 62. Mikroskopische und Laboratoriums- Technik (Russ.); Venglovskij, 860, Tabellen zum Gebraueh bei mikro- skopischen Arbeiten ; Behrens, 43. Dimostratione dell'ultramicroscopio J- Ravasini, 684. Neue Mikroskope und mikroskopi- sche Hilfsa])paratc zur Sichtbarmach- ung ultramikroskopischer Teilchen ;: Reichert, 687. Neuere Aj>parate zur Sichtbarmach- ung ultramikroskopischer Teilchen. und Bakterien in ungefarbtsn Prapara- ten ; Reichert, 688, Spiegelkondensor ; Reichert, 689. 58 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] A microscope - stage incubator ; Patterson, 631. Untersuchungsmethoden im polari- sierten Lichte (Russ.) ; Miljutin, 5S8. Der Polarisationsapparat ; Bresslau, 88. Photographic in der Zoologie ; Wan- dolleck, 879. Photography of aquatic animals in their natural environment ; Reighard, 693. Fotografia a colori nelle Scienze biologiche ; Lachi, 457. Karbolglyzerin als Aufhellungsmittel bei mikroskopischen Untersuchungen ; Morstatt, 585. Injektionen mit Eiweiss- und Serum- tusche zu mikroskopischen Zwecken ; Hamburgel. 318. Flemmingsche Dreifarbung ; Wini- warter und Sainmont, 907. Fiirbung der Nervenzellen (Russ.) ; VIady6ko,863. Tmpregnazione argentica associata all'uso d^lla piridina per la colorazione del tessuto nervoso ; Carreras, 113. Zur Technik der Celloidineinbettung ; Neumayer, 538. Zur doppelten Einbettung in Cel- joidin und Paraffin ; Breckner, 84. Cclloidin-Entkalkungs- und Entkiese- lungs-Methode ; Bodecker, 61. Dispositifs permettant d'utiliser tout le tranchant dcs rasoirs a microtome ; Funck, 261. Zur Hcrstf'llung der Celloidinsericn ; Dantschakoff, 166. Carbon dioxide in killing marine animals ; Mayer, 5i8. Anwendung der Rontgcnstrahlen in der Palaontologie ; Abel, 1. Ueber IMikroaquarien und Versand le bender Mikroorganismen (spez. Plank- ton) ; Holle, 361. Apparat zum Durchliiften von Aquarien (Russ.) ; USakov, 855. Anleitung zum vvisscnscliaftlichen Sammeln und zum Konscrvicren von Tieren ; Dahl, 161. Zoologische Ausriistung u. Material der D. Sudpolarexp. ; Vanhoffen, 858. Anweisungen zum Sammeln zoologi- scher Objekte. iii. Anleitung zum Sammeln und Versenden von Fischen, Reptilien und Amphibien (Russ.); Berg, 48. Aide-memoire pour indiquer aux naturalistes qui voyagent les pre- cautions qu'ils doivent prendre ; Mont- lezun, 530. Anleitungen zum Sammeln von Russ- vvasserthieren (Russ.) ; Skorikov, 787. Modern methods of excavating, pre- paring and mounting fossil skeletons ; Hermann, 341. Proximal und distal ; Schulze, 753 &757. Anwendung der Worte Cavum und Spatiura in der Anatomic ; Schultze, 753. Die Exkremente der Tiere ; Eck- stein, 214. MORPHOLOGY. 0207 General. Miscellaneous. Cytology vide Physiology. Struktur der Organismen ; Hofmann, 353. Zur Theorie der organischen Sym- metric ; Driesch, 2C5. Die anatomischen Namen, ilire Ab- jcitung und Aussprache ; Triepel, 845. Anatomic der vegetativen Organe (Russ.) ; Leshaft, 489. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates ; Wiedersheim and Parker, 900. Allgemeine Anatomic Muskel- gewebe (und elektrischc Organe), Ner- vengewebe ; ScliiefEerds3ker, 723. Allgemeine Anatomic, Epithel, Pigment, Bindegewebe, Fettgewebe, Knorpelgewebe, Knochengewebe, Ver- knocherung ; Weidenreich, 883. Structure of wings ; Wheeler, 899. Integument ; EggeUng, 218. Struktur dcs jugcndlichcn Bindege- webes ; Albrecht, 6. Chromatocytes, Anatomic, Physio- logic ; Eternod et Robert, 231. Sur la birefringence a^iparente des cils vi bra tiles ; Vies, 865. 59 Compr. Zool. Subject Index. — Morphology. 0207 Radiata und Bilatoria ; Salensky, 714. VhcT die Beziehmigon zwischen don Bilatoralia und den Radiata ; Schim- kewitsch, 726. Histology. La structure des matiercs vivantcs ; Faure-Fr^miet, 235. Uebor die lebende Substanz ; Haecker, 314. Plasmastructur (Russ.) ; Gur- witsch, 308. A text-book of the principles of animal histology ; Dahlgren and Eepner, 162. Histologie der Thiere und des Men- schen (Russ.) ; KuliCickij, 455. Kxirsus der normalen Histologie, Lehre von der Zelle (Russ.) ; Ognev, 609. Grundlagen der normalen mikro- skopiscli?n Anatomic (Russ.) ; Korni- lovi6, 434. Histologiscbes Praktikum der Tiere f iir Studenten und Forscher ; Schneider, 741. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der sogenann- ten Grenzfibrillen der Epithelzellen ; Landahl, 520. Histogenetische Unfcersuchungen. I. .Syncytien, Plasmodien, Zellbildung und histologische Differenzierung ; Rhode, 697. Die Struktur der Pigmentzelle ; Franz, 255. Sur la contingence de la bordure en brosse et la signification probable des batonnets de la cellule renale ; Brnntz, 96. Unterschiede der Fixierbarkeit und Farbbarkeit als Zeichen der physio- logischen Veranderungen im Nerven- system (Ungarisch) ; Apathy, 15. Nervous system. Sense organs. Die Reizleitung bei den Tiercn ; Schiefferdecker, 724. Histolo^v of nervous system ; Retzius, 695. Zur Histogenese des Nervensystems ; Schultze, 752. Einfiihrung in die Histologie und Hisio]iathologie des Nervensystems ; Schroder, 744. Plan des anatomischen Substrats der unbewussten und bcwussten paycho- losisciien Funktionen (Russ.) ; Cirjev, 130. Erfahrungen i'lber die primare Farb- barkeit des Nervengewebes und die Fibrillensaure (Bethe) ; Auerbach, 22. Gangli nervosi degli Invertebrati ; Enriques, 225. Evolution des neuroblastes, I'hypo- these neurogenetiquo de Hensen-Held ; Ramon y Cajal, 679. L'hypothese de I\Ir. Apathy sur la continuite des cellules nerveuses entre elles ; Reponse aux objections de cet auteur centre la doctrine neuronale ; Cajal, 106, mit Berichtigung v. Max Bielschowsky. Continuite des cellules nerveuses entre elles ; Wolff, 911. Natura dclle spine collaterali dei prolungamenti dendritic! delle cellule nervose ; Curreri, 151. Genesi delle neurofibrille ; Fragnito, 252. Zur Lehre von der Histogenese der Neurofibrillen ; Pesker, 641. Ueber eine vitale und spezifische Nervenfarbung ; Fischel, 242. Nervenendingungen in der Haut an der Grenze der Regio olfactoria (Russ.) ; Skliutkovskij, 786. Intimi rapporti tra nevroglio c cellule e fibre nervose ; Paladino, 625. Le poids encephalique en fonction du poids corporel entre individus d'une meme espece ; Lapicque, 489. Tableau general des poids somatique et encephalique dans les especes ani- males ; Lapicque, 468. Sinnesorgane, Allgemeines, Ge- ruch, Geschmack ; Krause, 447. Sehorgan ; Virchow, 862. Sehen der niederen Tiere ; Hesse, 348 & 349. Verhaltnisse der Refraktion, Ak- komodation und des Augenbinnen- druckes in der Tierreihe ; Heine, 333. Pigmentepithel der Retina, Verte- brata (Russ.) ; Kodetov, 423. 60 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Pigmentverschiebung im Facctten- auge ; Frisch, 257. Labyrinth of ear ; Gray, 296 & 297. Myology. Structur der quergestraiften Muskel- fasern (Russ.) ; Belousov, 44. The structure of ths element of cross-striated muscle, and ths changes of form which it undergoss during con- traction ; Meigs, 555, Birefringence musculaire ; Vies, 864. Sur les proprietes optiques de quel- ques elements contractiles ; Mackinnon et Vies, 530. Die Arbsitsteilung der quergestreif- ten Muskulatur und die funktionelle Lsistung der ,, iiinken '• und ,, tragen " Muskelfasern ; Knoblauch, 421. Muskelfasern mit sjjiralio; angsord- neten Saulchen ; Thulin, 835. Vascular system. Anatomie des Herzens und der wichtigsten Blutgefasse (Russ.); Avtokratov, 23. Glands, Blood, Leucocytes. Gibt es Nebennieren bei Wirbel- losen ? Poll, 653. Blut und Lymphe ; Blutbildung ; S^hwalbe, 753. Reactions chromatiques et classifica- tion des granulations leucocytaii'es des Invertebres ; KoUmann, 431. PHYSIOLOGY. 0211 General. Die Leben'^vorgiinge in Pllanzen und Tieren ; Fischer, 244. Entwickeking vom physiologisciicn Stand punktc aus, Versuch der ver- >;leichendcn Physiologic ein Arbeits- system zu schaff L'n ; Jordan, 390. Experimcntcllc Behiimllung biologi" scher Grundfragen ; Przibram, 674. Reflexarme Tiere ; Jordan, 391. Untersuchungcn iibcr organiscln Kalkgebilde, nebst Bcmerkungen iibcr organisclr; Kiescigebidc. ins- besonderj iibcr das spczitischo Gcwicht in Beziehung zu der Struktur. die ch?mische Zusammensetzung und an- der^s ; Biitschli, 103. Osmotischer Druck und clektrische Leitfahigkeit der Fliissigkeiten der einzelHgen, pflanzHchen und tierischen Organismen ; Bottazzi, 71. Elasticitat verschiedener Gewebe (Russ.) ; Belousov, 46. T-i'mjieratura dei vertebrati marini ; Zirino, 935. Die Bedeutung der Kieselsiiur? fiir das organische Leben ; Schulz, 755. Fertility, nutrition & environment ; Marshall, 536. Cytological. Protoplasm. Spermatogenesis, oogenesis, vide Development. Cytology, introductory work ; Wal- ker,'876 Cytology and taxonomy ; McClung, 527. Experimentelle Zellstudien ; Popoff, 660. Ueber neue Problcmo der Zellen- lehre ; Hertwig, 343. Zelle und Zellteilung ; Berg, 53. Bau und Leben der Zellen (Russ.) ; Dogiel, 195. Studies on the relation between amitosis and mitosis ; Maturation, fertilization, and cleavage in Moniezia ; Child, 125. — Nuclear division in the somatic structures of the proglottids of Moniezia ; General discussion and conclusions concerning amitosis and mitosis in Moniezia ; Child, 126. Experimentelle Untersuchung der Massenhilltnisse von Plasma, Kern und Chromosomen in dcm sich ent- wickelnden Sccigelei ; Erdmann, 230. Chromosomenstudien ; Bonnevie, 67- Chromidialajjparat und Dualismus. der Kernsubstanzen ; Hertwig, 344. Ursache der Bildung achromatischer Figuren (Russ.) ; Gurwitsch, 308. Das Centrosom uiul der Zvjlmechanis- raus (Russ.) ; Eismond, 220 & 221. Chromidialapparaf, cincn neucn Zcl- lenbestandteil ; Steuer, 811. 61 Compr. Zod. Subject Index. 0211 Riduzione croinatica. tipo unico noi due Rot;ni : Trinci, 846. Thi' chromosomos in Diubrotica viitaltii, ^"toror and 12- punctata ; a contribution to tlie literature on hctero- chroniosdiiios and sex determination ; Stevens 812. A«:^'i\^i:atzustand der Kernmembran; Marcus, 533. Kirnmetaniorpliosen. Centraphormia in der Menibrana descemetii (Russ.) ; Zavarsin, 927. Die Chondriosoinen als Triiger er- blicher Anlagen. Cytologische Studicn am Hiihnerembryo ; Meves, 532. Condriosomi. eromidii, apparato reti- colare interno nelle cellule spermatichc ; Perroncito. 639. Mitocondri delle cellule seminali e loro divisione ; Giglio-Tos e Granata, 278. Umwandlung plasmatischer Granula zu halbmondfcirmigen Korpern ; Braem, 75. Zur quelques formes mixtes d"altera- tions nuclcaires ; Chatin, 119. Tetradi in cellule somatiche ; Delia VaUe, 189. Ueber kiinstliche Hervorrufung \(;n ^'iere^gruppen bei Cyclops ; Schiller, 725. Regeneration de fragments nu- clcaires dans les cellules geantes ex- perimentales ; Guieysse, 304. Caryoanabiose de tetes de sper- raatozoldes dans les cellules geantes experimentales ; Guieysse, 305. Pathological amitosis in the food-ova of Fasciolaria ; Glaser, 284. Sur le role physiologique des granu- lations leucocytaires ; Kollmann, 430. Sex. Sex - inheritance exporiments vide Heredity. Ueber Fiitterungen mit Ovarialsub- stanz zum Zwecke der Beeinflussung der Geschlechtsbildung ; Peham, 634. Food as a factor in the determina- tion of sex in amphibians ; King, 416. Sex in ovarian ova, rabbit ; Heape, 332. The sex ratio and cocooning habits of an aranoad and the genesis of sex ratios ; Montgomery, 576. Hermaphroditism ; Smith, 791. Pai'thenogenesis. Vide etiam Development, experimen- tal embryology. Parthenogenesis ; Doncaster, 196. La parthenogenese ; Delage, 186. Parthcnogenese clectrique ; Delage, 1E5. La parthcnogenese experimentale par les charges electriques ; Delage, 183. Sur le mode d' action de I'electricite dans la ])arthenogenese electrique ; Delage, 184. Metabolic. Metamorphosis. Metaljolism. marine organisms ; Johnstone, 386. Leucocytose, Leucocytolyse bei der Verdauung (Russ.) ; Syrenskij, 825. Fund ion. General and Special. Lois de rexcitabilite par la lumiere ; Bohn, C5. Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Athmung (Rusi-.); Kartasevskij, 406. Sieb- und Filterapparate im Tier- reiche ; Zander, 926. Fixation du carbone atraosphcrique par les animaux ; Mirande, 559. Abnahme des Sauerstoffgehalts eines Gewassers dureh Athmung des Plank- tons (Russ.) ; Lebedincev, 478. T'rsaeh^n der Herztatigkeit (Russ.) ; Kuliabko, 454. Can sea water maintain the beat of th'^ h'^art of fresh water animals ? Burnett, 1C5. The cause of pulsation ; Mayer, 519. La resistance de I'iris dans la serie animale ; Nepveu, 537. Ueber die VerhiUtnisse der Refrak- tion, Akkoraodation und des Augen- binnendruckes in der Tierreihe ; Heine, 333. 62 Compr. Zool. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Das Ohrlabyrinth als Organ der mathematischen Sinne fiir Eaum und Zeit ; Cyon, 155, Phvsiolocrie des Flugs der Tiere ; Walc'her, 875. Role de la torsion positive dans les heUces aeriennes et les aeroplanes ; Amans, 11. Environment. Adaptation. Einwirkung ausserer Bedingungen auf den histologischen Bau (Russ.) ; Michailov, 535. Einfluss der cheroischen Zusammen- setzung des Wassers auf den Bestand des Planktons (Russ.) ; Lebedincev, 477. Wirkung der chemischen Zusam- mensetzung des Wassers auf Aquarien- thiere (Russ.) ; Karninskij, 403. tJber die Wirkung der Warme und des Lichtes auf die Tierwelt (Un- garisch) ; Entz, 228. L'influence de la lumiere sur les etres vivants ; la coloration des ani- tnaux (Polonais) ; Kubrakiewicz, 449. Versuche iiber das Verhaltnis einiger Planktontiere gegeniibcr Licht ; Dit- levsen, 190. Fossile Flugtiere und Erwerb des Flugvermogens ; Branca, 77. Determination de la pression os- motique du sang et des liquides in- ternes der vertebres des contrees polaires arctiques ; Portier, 661. Die Abhangigkeit der Entwick- lungs- und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit bei Pflanzen und poikilothcrnien Tieren von der Temperatur ; Prochnow, 671. Reactionen auf Temjaeratur-Reize ; Prochnow, 672 & 673. Regeneration. Grafting. Ueber Roduftionen. Hunger bei Asterias ruhens und M ytUus bald nach der Metamorphose ; Schultz, 753. Experimentclle Beliandluiig ln'ologi- Bcher Grundfragcn ; Przibram, 674. The physiologieal basis of restitution of lost parts ; Child, 123. Regenerationsvermogen der Kris- talle und der Organismen ; Barfuith, 32. Driesch's harmonic equipotential systems in form-regulation ; Child 122. Transplantation, Regeneration und Involution ; Voit und Berg, 869. Ueber eine fundamentale Klasse morphogenetischer Regulationen ; Driesch,"206. Some corrections and criticisms betr. H. Driesch, Referat iiber Ent- wicklungsphysiologie ; Child, 124. Contre la regeneration autogene des nerfs. ; Wertheimer et Dubois, 892. Experiments in grafting ; Morgan' 533. Transplantation regenerierenden Epithels und iiber Serientransplanta- tion von Epitbel ; Loeb, 5D8. Beeinflussung der Komponenten bei Transjjlantation ; Korschelt, 435. Senescence, Lebensdauer und Stoffwechsel (Un- garisch) ; Gorka, 291. Cliemical. tjbcr die biochemische Verwand- schaft der Tiere (Ungarisch) ; Abonyi, 2. Wirkung des Schlangengiftes und Mittel dagegen (Russ.) ; Landen- bach, 471. Schmerzstillen !e Wirkung von Can- nabis indica bei Tieren (Russ.) ; Beloujov, 45. Wirkung des Alkohols auf Tiero und Pflanzen (Ungarisch) ; Entz, 227. DEVELOPMENT. 0215 Regeneration ; vide Physiology. General. Entwicklungsmechanik ; Triepel, 844. Eleinente der Entwicklungslehrc des Mcnschen und der Wirbtlthkre, Uebers. a. d. Dcutsch (Russ.) ; Hertwig, 342. Lebenswcrdung und Lebenserhal- tung ; Furlani, 262. 63 Compr. Zool. Subject Index. — Pjiysiology. — Development. 0215 On th*" normal rate of growth of an indiviihial. and its biochemical signi- ficance ; Robertson, 702. Die ilethorisi-* als eiiibrvologisches Prinzip ; Schimkewitsch, 727. Uebcr iimkehrbare Entwickelungs- prozcsse und ihre Bedeutung fiir eine Theorie der Vcrerbung ; Schultz, 749. Ontogenetisehe iind phylog?netische Ruckbildungen ; Schultz, 748. Zeitlichen Eigensehaften der En- twicklungsvorgange ; Ostwald, 622. Knospung der Margeliden ein Binde- glied zwischen geschlechtlicher und ungescldechtlicher Fortpflanzung ; Braem, 76. Eiroifung und Bcfruchtung ; So- botta, 792. Th? causation of maturation in the eggs of limpets by chemical means ; Wolfsohn, 912. Die Abhiingigkeit der Entwicklungs- und Rcaktionsgeschwindigkeit bei Ptianzen und poikilothermen Tieren von der Temperatur ; Prochnow, 671. Syllis vivipara et le probleme de sa sexualite ; Michel, 536. Ovum, oogenesis. Ovogenesis, Hydra fusca ; Downing, 200. Egg-making in a tromatode ; Linton, 500. The relation of the nucleolus to the chromosomes in the primary oocyte of Asteria-s forhesii ; Jordan, 393. Entwicklung des Ovarialeies und des Embr\-os, chemisch untcrsucht ; ii. Die chemische Zusammensetzung der Eier des Seeigels, der Seesjiinni', des Tintenfisches und des Hundshaies ; Wetzel, 897. Spermatozoon, Spermatogenesis. Studien iibcr die Gestalt der Zelle ; Kopfskelett des tierischen Spc?rmiums, Untersuchungen ; Koltzoff, 432. Spermatogenese Moina (Russ.) ; Lepeskin, 488. ■^•^ermatogenesis, Bufo hntiginosus \ I, 415. p-^rmatogenesis, Philosamia cyn- i ; Dederer, 181. Spermatogenesis. Anisolahis mari- tima; Randolph, 680. Spermatogenesis of Xiphidium fasciatum ; BlcClung, 529. The spermatogen?sis of Aplopus mayeri ; Jordan, 392. Chromosomes, spermatogenesis, Anasa tristis ; Foot and Strobell, 250. Spermatogenesis of Pandarus sinua- tus ; McClendon, 525. Fertilization. Ricerche suU' " attrazione " dello cellule sessuali ; Drago, 201. Ueber den chemischen Charakter des Befruchtungsvorgangs und seine Bedeutung fiir die Th-orie der Lebens- erscheiuungen ; Loeb, 532. On the chemical character of the process of fertilization and its bearing upon the theory of life phenomena ; Loeb, 5D3. Perturbations dans le developiie- ment des oeufs fecondes par des sper- matozoides roentgenises chez le lapin ; Regaud et Dubreuil, 685. Embryology. Recapitulation des formes ances- trales au cours du developpement em- bryonnaire ; Vialleton, 861. Metoristische Erscheinungen bei der Embryonabntwicklung (Russ.); Sim- kevie, 778. Tho development of th3 chick : An introduction to embryology ; Lillie, 498. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tiere ; i, Furchung, Primiti%anlagen, Lar>en, Formbildung, EmbryoualhUlkn ; ii, Organbildung ; Meisenheimer, 557. The location of embryo-forming regions in the egg ; Morgan, 534. Histogenetische Untersuchungen. i. Syneytien, Plasmodien, Zellbildung und histologische Difi<;renzierung ; Rhode, 697. Chromosomes, Anasa tristis and Anax Junius ; Lefevre and McGill, 480. On the weight of developing eggs ; Ritter and Bailey, 701. 64 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Sudan III. deposited in the egg and transmitted to the chick ; Gage and Gage, 269. Experimental embryology. Entwicklung nach Zentrifugieren Begulation (Russ.) ; Gurwitsch, 308. Segmentation of eggs of Asierias forhesii dejjrivcd of chromatin ; Mc- Clendon, 526. Qu'est-ce qu'une solution de sac- ■charose isotonique pour les ceufs de JStrongylocenlrotus ? Loeb, 5C5. Solutions isotoniques et solutions isosmotiques ; Delage, 187. Ueber den XJnterschied zwischen isosmotischen und isotonischen L6- sungen bei der kiinstlichen Partheno- genese ; Loeb, 504. Closing of vvoimds in the larval iNeclurus ; Eycleshymer, 232. ETHOLOGY. 0219 ■General. Animal life ; Gamble, 271. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt ; Meerwarth, 553. Moeurs des animaux de TAfrique «entrale ; Foa, 247. Zoologie, 1907 ; Eckstein, 213. Grundsatze und Grundbegriffe der bioconotischen Forschung ; Dalil, 158. Parasitismus, Kommensalismus und Symbiose ; HaefEs, 315. Planktonforschung ; Lohmann, 514. Fcststellung des vollstandigen Ge- haltcK des Meeres an Plankton ; Lohmann, 513. Le^on d'ouverture des cours de rinstitut ocdanographique ; Joubin, 397. Impressions d'un naturaliste au cours d'uno canipagne scientifique do S. A. S. Ic Prince de Monaco, 1905 ; Bouvier, 73. Die Wasserbliito als wichtiger Fak- lor ini Krcislauf desorganischenLebens; Wolt, 910. Influence de I'oxygene dissous sur ]e comportement des invertcbres ma- rins ; Pi6ron, 649. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen unseren Misteln und der Tierwelt ; Tubeuf, 851. Les Zoocecidies des plantes cl' Eu- rope et du bassin de la Mediterranee ; Houard, 369. Begleitwort zu Zoocecidia et Cecido- zoa imprimis provinciae Rhenanae ; Grevillius und Niessen, 300. Von Tieren und Menschen, Erleb- nisse und Erfahrungen ; Hagenbeck, 317. Einige traditionelle Irrtiimer in zoo- logischen Lehrbiichern ; Schmitz, 737. Unbekannte treibende Eier und Cysten der deutschen SiidiJolar-Expedi- tion ; Schroder, 743. Phenology . Phenology, Dorset ; Richardson, 698 Observations phenologiques faites a Ozydow (Polonais) ; Hawrysiewicz, 329 & 330. Phaenologische Beobachtungen im Gouv. St. Peterburg 1906-1907 (Russ.) ; Ispolatov, 376. Phaenologische, Friililings, Ost-Si- birien (Russ.) ; Jurinskij, 401. Periodicitiit des Planktons, Span- kausee (Livland) (Russ.) ; Samsonov, 717. Parental. Infant cannibalism ; Prince, 670. Tropfende Laichmassen ; Wesenberg- Lund, 895. Sexual. Sexual selection ; Nikoliskifj, 603. Unterscheidet das Tier Mann und Frau ? Zell, 928. Social. Gegenseitige Hilfi^ in der Tier- und Menschenwelt ; Kropotkin, 448. Lebcnsgemeinscliaftcn von Tieren und niederen Pllanzcn ; Kammerer, 404. I'C) Compr. Zool. SuBTKCT Index. 0219 Hibeniation. Hilicrnation : Omensetter, 611. Sur le somnioil d'hivcr (Polonait!) ; Wrzosek, 918. Parasitism. Cbor lion Bcgriff dcs Parasitismus Tngarisch unci dcutsch) ; M^hely, 554. t*ber die Ausdehnung des BcgrilTcs dcs Parasitismus (Ungarisch) ; Szilady, 826. Animal parasites and parasitic Ureases; Eaupp, 407. Ursache des Auftretens dcr Zwi- -ohenwirthe (Russ.); Mordvilko, 581. — Oricrine des hotes intcrmediaires (Russ:): Mordwilko, 582. Die tierischen Parasiten des Men- schen ; Marchand, 532. — Die tierischen Parasiten des Menschen. Ein Hand- buch fiir Studierende und Aerztc ; Braun, 82. — Leitfaden zur Untersu- chunt: der tierischen Parasiten dcs Menschen und der Haustiere fiir Studierende. Aerzte und Tierarzte ; Brann und Liihe, 83. Parasites of cat & dog ; Livesey, 501. Ueber lokale Eosinophilic (Gewebsco- iiiophilie). bei zooparasitiiren Leiden; Fblger, 249. Voice. La parole chez les animaux (Polonais) ; Golanski, 290. Entstehung der Sprache (Russ.) ; Pogodin, €54. Plankton Tlmcn-Soc. Lebedincev, 477. (Russ.) ; Habitat. Hjdrobiologische Einleitung ; Weis- mann, 884. Die allgemeinen Produktionsbedin- guncrcn im Meere ; von A. Nathansohn ; Gran und Nathansohn, 284. Die Beziehungcn zwischen den pelagi- then Ablagerungen und dem Plank- ton des Meeres ; Lohmann, 512. Quantitative Bcstimmung dcs Planc- tons im Pistowo-See ; Heyneman, 251. Xordisches Plankton ; Brandt u. Apstein. 80. ^N-- 10332 3) Reise nach Ostafrika und dem Vic- toria-Nyansa nebst Bemerkungen iiber einen kurzen Aufenhalt auf Ceylon ; Borgert, 69. Zur Beurteilung der Lebenser- schcinungcn in gesiittigtcn Salzsecn ; Suworow, 823. Wirkung des Inscllcbens auf cinigo Ticrgruppen ; Arldt, 19. Das Leben des Siisswasscrs ; Hent- schel, 337. Mitteilungen aus dem biologischen S iisswasserlaboratorium Fredcriksdal bei Ljmgby (Diinemark). i. Die littoralen Tiergesellschaften unserer grosseren Seen, a) Die Tiergesellschaften des Brandungsufers ; Wesenberg-Lund, 893. Das Leben dcr Binneng^wilsser ; Lampert, 462. Tiere und Pflanzen des Scenplank- tons ; Seligo, 763. Die Tierwelt der Gebirgsbaehe ; Steinmann, 809. Fauna dcs Grundwasscrs und dcr Brunnen ; Braun, 81. Die Blutseen der Hochalpcn, cine biologische Studie auf hydrographi- scher Grundlage ; Klausener, 417. ]Migrazioni attive e passive, organismi acquatici d'alta montagna ; Monti, 578. Beziehungen zwischen der Tiefen- fauna subalpiner Seen und der Tier- welt von Kleingewassern dcs Hoch- gebirges ; Zschokke, 943. Tierleben des Mccresstrandes (Xorw.) ; Kiaer, 412. Das Leben im Wasser und das Acjuarium ; Jaeger, 380. Sulla biologia termale ; Issel, 377. Moosfauna-Studien ; Richters, 699. Biologischfaunistische Moor- und Diinen-Studien, Beitrag zur Kenntnis biosynocischer Regionen in Wcst- preussen ; Enderlein, 224. a 6 GO Compr. Zoo!. I. Comprehensive Zoolog'y. [1908] Cliemisch - biologische Untersucliun- gen der Elbe imd Saale ; Ehrlich uud Kolkwitz, 213. Observations biologiques et ex- periences sur la faune des bords de cuvette ; Oxner, 624. Speleology. Vorkommen echter Hohlen- und Grundwassertiere in obeiirdisehen Gewassern ; Thienemann, 831 . Tiere und Pflanzen der Jetztzeit in unscren Hoiilen ; Lampert, 463. Tiere und Pflanzen der Jetztzeit in den schwabischen Hohlen ; Lampert, 464. The fauna of May field's cave ; Banta, 30. Enumeration des grottes visitees, 1906-1907 : Jeannel et Racovitza, 382. Migi'ation. Tierische Wanderungen ira Meere (Meereskunde) ; Woltereek, 914. Der Einfluss der letzten Sonnen- fleckenperiode auf die Tierwelt ; Sim- roth, 780. Psychology. Tropisms. Vide etiam Physiology, Environ- mental effects. The animal mind ; a text-book of comparative psychology ; Washburn, 881. Die ;Metlioden der Tierpsychologie ; Claparede, 131. Prinzipielles zur Tierseelcnkunde ; Edinger, 215. Die Seele der Tiere im Liehte der Forschung unserer Tage ; Renter, 696. Tierintelligenz und Pflanzensinne ? Glossner, 285. Die neuere Tierpsychologic ; zur Strassen, 947. The interpretation of the behavior of the lower organisms ; Jennings, 383. The method of trial and the tropism hypothesis ; Torrey, 840. Les tropismes devant la psychologic ; Clapar6de, 132. Phototropipmus ; Ostwald, 623. Heliotropismus und die periodi- schen Tiefenbewegungen pelagischer Tiere ; Loeb, 506. The selection of random move- ments as a factor w phototaxis ; Holmes, 363. Genetic relations of tj-pes of action ; Yerkes, 921. Xeurobiologische Betrachtungen ; Vogt, 868. Anatomisch&s Substrat der unbc- wussten und bewussten psychologi- schen Funktionen (Russ.): Cirjev, 130. Problemes actuels de Tinstinct ; Pieron, 644. Instinkt ; Dahl, 159. Vestigial instincts in insects and other animals ; Wheeler, 838. Animal perception ; Mead, 551. Verstandesmassig aussehende Tatig- keiten im Kreise des Tierlebens ; Rauhut, 683. Influence de Toxygene dissous sur les reactions des Actinies, quelques remarques a propos des commiinica- tions de M. Pieron ; Bohn, 66. Th^ instinct of feigning death : Hohnes, 362. Prinzip der Drohbewegungen (Russ.) ; Faussek, 236. Fear in animals ; Fischer, 243. Autotomie et autospasie : Pieron, 646. L' autotomie protectrice chez les Orthopteres ; Pieron, 647. L' autotomie volontaire des Decapo- des, quelques idees et quelques faits ; Pieron, 648. Diflerence entrc la pretcndue auto- tomie psycliique et I'autotomie rc- flexe ? Drzewina, 209. Die Fabel vom ,,AVaisenstorch" und das Gerede vom Selbstniord der Tiere (Ungarisch) ; Dalmady, 164. Colour. Defensive processes. Schutzanpassung durcb Ahnlichkcit, Schutzfarbung und Mimikry ; Dofiein. 194. 07 Compr. Zod. Subject Index. — Variation, Etc. 0223 Mimikry uiul verwaiulto Er^clK'iniin- gcn : Zugmayer, 945. Mimikiv uiul St-'hutztiirbung ; Wer- ner, 891. " Protective coloration «fc rccoguition marks ; Selons, 765 cbaps. i & ii. Die GiftpHanzcu uiul die weiden- deu Tbiere (Ungarisch) ; Sajo, 713. AETIOLOGY AND VARIATION. 0223 General. ^letbod & scope of genetics ; Bate- son, 37. Die Mneme als erhaltendes Prinzip im Wecbscl des organischen Gesche- bcns ; Semon, 766. Variation. Hcrcditat. Bastardierung, Dcscendenzlehre ; Schleip, 729. Ontogenetische und phylogenetiscbe Riickbilduugen ; Schultz, 748. Accidental resemblances among animals ; Dean, 179. Die Saturation, Blutsattigung ; Rabe, 677. Variation. Xanisme experimental, Influence des xcreta ; Legendre, 481. Metoristische Erscheinungen bei der Embrvonalentwicklung (Russ.) ; Simkevie, 778. Teratology. Lcs tendances aetuelles dc la Tera- togenie ; Rabaud, 676. Lc bystemc musculairc; dans les rudiments dc membres des Ectro- meliens ; Salmon, 716. Hybrids. Mischlin^studien, System und Kreu- zung ; Poll, 657. The process of heredity as exhibited by the development of Fundalus hybrids ; Newman, 600. t)ber die Xatiir der Bastanllarve z\visch-."U dem Eehinodcrmenei und ^Molhiskensamen ; Loeb, 597. Heredity. Heredity, general work ; Thomson, 834.— Review of Thomson ; Reid, 691. Der moderne Stand des Vercrbungs- problems ; Tsohermak, 849. Heredity ; Wood & Punnett, 916. Recent studies on heredity ; Wilson, 903. Heredity (at Dublin meeting of Brit, ass.) ; Thomas, 833. Facts limiting the theory of here- dity ; Bateson, 38. Die Starke der Vercrbung (Russ.); Biichner, 101. The mechanism of heredity ; Conkhn, 141. Die Vererbungssubstanz ; Fick, 239. Beitrag zu den Theorien ciner Verer- bungssubstanz ; Taub, 827. Chromosomes in inheritance ; Hick- soa and others, 352. Die Chondriosomen als Trager er- blicher Anlagen, Cytologische Studien am Hiihnerembryo ; Meves, 532. Heredity of secondary sexual cliar. acters. Hormones ; Cunningham, 150. A theory of the heredity of somato- genic characters ; Id.; 151. Theory of determinantal inherit- ance by the late W. F. R. Weldon ; Pearson, 632. Eredita, e leggi rationali dell' ibridis- mo ; Giglio-Tos, 279. Beantwortung der theoreti.schen Ein- wande Plate's gegen meine Vererbungs- theorie ; Hatschek, 328. Ueber umkehrbarc Entvvickelungs- prozesse und ihre Bedeutung fur eino Theorie der Vercrbung ; Schultz, 749. Ueber die Bedeutung des Problems der Vercrbung sogen. ervvorbener Eigen- schaften fiir die landwirtschaftlichc Tierzucht ; Voltz, 866. Die ervvorbenen Eigcnschaften und das Vererbungsproblem ; Hink, 354. 68 Compr. Zool. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Inheritance of acquired characters, correspondence ; Reid and others, 692. Inheritance of acquired characters in unicellular organisms ; Jennings, 384. Das Gedachtnis der Keimzelle und die Vererbung crworbener Eigen- schaften ; Kranichfeld, 446. Inheritance of fluctuating variations ; Spillman, 800. Warum werden ^'erstiimmelungen nicht vererbt ? Kohnstamm, 429. Ueber die V^ererbung der inneren Knochenarchitektur beim Menschen und die Teleologie bei Julius Wolff ; Bernhardt, 55. Vererbung josychischer Fahigkeiten ; Fischer-Planer, 245. Experimental studies in heredity ; Castle and Mark, 114. Experimental studies, poultry, comb & plumage characters ; Bateson, Saunders & Punnett, 33. Coat-colour in rats, hereditary trans- mission ; Mudge, 589. Inheritance of coat-colour in mice ; Durham, 211. Notes on the inheritance of varia- tions in the color pattern of Crioceris asparugi ; Lutz, 521. Le mendclisme ; Bernard, 53. Mendelism ; Darbishire, 167. Mendelsche Vererbungstheorie ; Beck, 42. Sur I'epreuve statistique de la loi de Mendel ; Gallardo, 270. Auf den Spuron der Mendelschen Gesetze ; Sofer, 794. Die Erkliirung der Mendelschen Regel , Ziegler, 933. Detcrminatior of dominance in 'Men- delian inheritance : Davenport, 176. Anomalies apparent cs dcs pro2)or- tions mcndcliennes ; Cu^not, 148. tSpurious alleloraorpliism ; Spillman, 802. Mendelism & sex ; Reid, 690. Th-" heredity of sex ; Punnett and Bateson, 665. Sex-inheritance, Abraxas (jwssula- riata lacticolor ; Doacaster, 197. Sex-inheritance, varieties of canaries ; Durham & Marryat, 212. Principles of breeding ; Davenport' 177. Anwendung des Mendel' sch?n Ge- setzes in Zoologischen Garten (Russ.) ; Zograf, 939. Evolution. Origin of Species. Evolution und Ensrgie ; Nagel, 592. Organic evolution, review of theories ; Darwin, F., 175. Losung der Fragen der Evolution durch die experimentelle Methode (Russ.) ; Ivanovskij, 379. Darwinismus und Sozialismus- (Russ.); Buehner, 100. Evolution without isolation ; Cook, 142. Evolution, historical, popular ; Hird, 353. Versuch einer Begriindung der Des- zendenztheorie ; Schneider, 740. Evolution as it apjjears to the paleontologist ; Osborn, 615. Der gegenwartige Stand der Eni- wicklungslehre ; Meyet, 533. Die Beweismittel der Deszendenz- theorie und das \'erlialtnis von Lamarck zu Darwin ; Plate, 651. Das Grundjnoblein iler Dcszendenz- theorie ; Schneider, 739. Zu Gustav Steinmann's Geologischen (Jrundlagen der Abstammungslehrc ; Jaekel, 381. Abstaramungslehre und Darwinismus; Hesse, 347. Der Kanij)f um den Entuicklungs- gcdanken (Russ.) ; Haeckel, 310. Darwinismus am heutigcn Tagc. (Russ.); Franca, 253. Die Redeschlacht in Berlin iiber die Tragweite der Abstammungslehrc ; Dahl, 160. Der lieutige Stand der Darwin.schcn Tlicorie ; Dahl, 157. 69 Compr. Zod. Subject Index. — Evolution. — Geography. 0227 Diskussiou iiber die Tiagwcito dor Ab^tauiinungsleliro. eino Erwideiuug an Heirn Prof. Dahl ; Wasmann, 882. Zur Mcthodologie uml Gcschiilitc dor Deszendcnzthoorie ; Tschulok, 850 Die Lohro Darwiiis in ihrcn letzten Folgeu; Steiner, 807. Die Fibol dos; Darwiuismus ; Ogilvy, 608. Criticism of Darwinism (Russ.) ; Mieikuri, 537. Sohicksal dcs Darwinismus (Russ.) ; Tichomirov, 836. Zur Entsteliung der Arton ; Nagel, 591. The four insejjarablo factors of evolution ; Osborn, 616. Coincident evolution through recti- gradations and fluctuations ; Osboin, 617. The distribution of closely allied species ; Ortmann, 613. Origin of species ; Goizueta, 289. Art und \'arietat (Ungarisch) ; Losy, 518. Selectionsprinzip und Problems der Artbildung, ein Handbuch des Dar- winismus ; Plate, 650. Elementary species ; Spillman, 801. Die tutamentalen Anjoassungen und die Deszendenztheorien ; Rothe, 708. The law of geminate species ; Jordan, 389. Isolation and .selection in the evolu- tion of sijecies ; Gulick, 306. Is mutation a factor in the pro- duction of vestigial wings among insects ? Brues, 95. Das Zeugnis der Verstcinerungen gegen den Darwinismus oder die Be- deutung der persistenten Lebensformen fiir Abstaniraungslchre und Apologetik ; Semnitt, 736. Fo.ssile Flugtiere und Erwerb des Flugvermogens ; Branca, 77, Evolution of man ; Cunningham, 152. Vom Urtier zum Menschen, ein Bilderatlas zur Abstamraungs- und Entwicklungsgeschichtc des Menschen ; Guenther, 303. Die tierischo Abstanimung dos Men- schen ; Ungar, 854. Tower's '" Evoiuliun in Ltylino- tarsa" ; Knab, 420. Radiata und liilateria ; Salensky, 714. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen den Bilateralia und den Radiata ; Schimkewitsch, 726. Verwandtschaft dor Anneliden und Vertebraten auf Grand dor Hoinologie der Schlundtaschen ; Salensky, 715. Phjdogeny of tlio plantar muscu- lature ; McMurrich, 531. 0227 GEOGRAPHY. General. Including Plankton General. Grundbegriffe dor Zoogeographie (Russ.); Kozevnikov, 439. Bericbt iiber die Fortschritte un- serer Kenntnis von der Verbreitung der Tiere (1904-07) ; Ortmann, 614. Berieht iiber allgemeine biologische Meeresuntersuchungen ; Brandt, 79. Bipolar theory ; Farquhar, 234. Distribution of organisms in the hydrosphere as affected by varying cliemieal and physical conditions ; Murray, 590. Distribution, pendulation theory ; Simroth, 782, Pendulationstheorie ; Simroth, 781. Simroth's Pendulationstheorie ; Maas, 523. Die Pendulationstheorie im Lichte der Geologic und Paltiontologie ; Goe- bel, 287. tJboi' don Eiuliuss dor letzten Son- ni'nileckenj)eriodo auf die TierwoU ; Simroth, 779 & 780. Tiergeographische Beziehungen zvvi- schen Westafrika und dem malayischen Gebietc ; Arldt, 18. Delimitation of the oceans of the globe ; Borradaile, 70. Uebersicht iiber das Plankton l'J02- l'J07 ; Apstein, 17, JO Compr. Zool. I- Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] Ueber Faunendifferenzierung : Hold- haus, 360. Die Lebensreiche als Erzeugnisse der Entwicklungsgesckichte und des Klimas der Erde ; Hock, 357. Die Grundlagen, palaogeographischer Untersuchungen ; Semper, 770, Ueber das Plankton als Unter- richtsgegenstand ; Zacharias, 924. Conseil permanent international pour I'exploration de la mer. Bulletin tri- mestriel, des resultats acquis pendant les croisieres periodiques et dans les i^eriodes intermediaires. Plankton, Part D. 1-124, 1906-1907. (German, English) Kobenhavn, 1908. 33 x 27. Beziehungen zwischen der Tiefen fauna subalpiner Seen und der Tierwelt von Kleingewassern des Hochgebirges ; Zschokke, 943. Die Resultate der zoologischen Er- forschung hochalpiner Wasserbccken seit dem Jahre 1900 ; Zschokke, 942. Nackklange der Eiszeit in der Tier- welt Mitteleuropas ; Zschokke, 941. Die Beziehungen der mitteleuro- paischen Tierwelt zur Eiszeit : Zschokke, 940. Zur Atlantisfrage ; Simroth, 783. Biogeographische Argumentc fiir die Existenz eines pazifischen Kontinents ; Holdhaus, 359. Aichhelenis und Archiuotis, Ge- sammelte Beitrage zur Geschichte der neotropischen Region ; Ihering, 374. Adventiv-Fauna ; Speiser, 797. Dwarf faunas ; Shimer, 774. Faune des cotes de France, La repartition des animaux dans ses rapjiorts sur la nature des rivages, les cotes rocheuses ; Joubin, 394. Distribution des animaux sur les cotes oceani(|ues de l'"iaiu-c. Les ani- maux des rlages ; Joubin, 395. Repartiti(;n des animau.x inarins sur les cotes frantjaises de la Mc'diter- ranee ; Joubin, 396. Tlie law of geminate species ; Jordan, 389. Inlluence de la circulation ^ertieale des caux sur la ))roiluction du plank- ton mariu ; Nathanson, 595. Expeditions, Travels. Liste des stations de I'Expedition a la cote de Mourman, Mers de Barents et de Kara 1906 (Russ.) ; Breitfuss, 86. Filchner exp. nach China ; Attems, 21. Mission scientifique et economique au Chari-Lac-Tchad ; Chevalier, 120 & 121. Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition " Val- divia " ; Chun, 129. East Asia ; Doflein, 193. Sudpolar Deutsche exp. ; Drygalski' 208. iSouthern Mexico, Naturalists' travels; Gadow, 268. Publications sur les resultats scienti- fique des expeditions russes (Russ.) ; Nasonov, 593. Ruwenzori, Duke of the Abruzzi expl. ; FiUppo, 241. Rapport preliminaire sur un voyage a Java et Sumatra (Russ.); Ivanov, 378. Three voyages of a Xaturalist ; NicoU, 601. Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Siidafrika ; Schultze, 751. Ergebnisse der schwed. Zool. ExjDcd. nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaistepj^en ; Sjostedt, 785. Africa ; Wollaston, 913. St. Petersbourg, Academic Imperiale des Sciences. C.-llerei)6ypri,, 11m- nepaiopcKaa AKa;i,eMia Hayni,. Ot- HCTJj OATjHTC.lbHOCTII KOMMIlCCllI H^Sl ciiapHiiceiiia PyccKOii Ilo-Thpiioii !Jkc- no;umin sa 1907 io;i'h. [Conipte- rcndu des travaux de la com- mission pour I'cquijDement de I'Expedi- tion Polaire Russe jjour Tannce 1907.] St. Peterburg, 1908, (9). 25 cm. [Kais. Russische Geographische Ge- sellschaft.] Ibiii. Pyccivoe rcorpa(|ni- HccKoe OoiuecTBO. HavHiibic pe3y,ii.Tari.i Apa.ii.CKoii r)Kciio;tiiuiii. Euii. \"1I1. I W'issenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Aral- Expedition. Lief. VIIL] Taskent Izv. Turk. Utd. Russ. Gcogr. Obsc. 4 8 1908, (1-225) «Taf. 71 Compr. Zonl. Subject Index. — Qeoi-rapiiv. 0227 [Socnoomniission der Dorpatcr Xa- turforschcigosellschaft.] 03t.'])iia}i KOMiKria npu lOpBt'BCKOMi. ()-b1; Ec- reiTBoncinuTUTiMoii. Maiopia.iu no (i3(.'.ii..loBaiiiKt u;u-i)i. ."Int|i.iHiiACKOii rviHpHiii. Ki. cBtat'iiiuMTi o ii.ianK- roiih o;i. llIuaiiKoy (.'In(|u. ryu.). [Matorialicn zur Erforschung der Seen Li viands. Zur Kenntniss der Plank- ton des Spankausees (Gouv. Livl.] Jurjev. Litzi. Xatnrf Oes. 17, 1!)08. Expedition polaire russe ; Toll. 839. Ergohnisse einer Zoologischcn Forschungsreise nacb Westindien ; Kiikenthal, 451. Faunae. Including Plankton local. Europe. d Moosfaiina der Faroer : Sellnick, 764. Wohcr pind die dcm westlichen Xor- wegen eigentiimlichen Tiere und Pflan- zen crc'kommcn y (Xorw.); Stejneger, BIO. Jcederen, Xorwegen, Fund von \'iste, Tierreste (Xorw.) ; Br0gger, 91. vXorway, Troms0 region, postter- tiary and marine deposits. (Xorw.) ; Kiser, 410. tObersiliirim Kristianiagebiete, Xor- wegen, Stratigraphisch - faunisfiscbe Untersucbung ; Kiaer, 411. Plankton einiger Binnenseen in Russisch-Lappland ; Levander, 491. Winterplankton in zwei Binnenseen Siid-Finlanos ; Levander, 494. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Sees Pitkaniemijarvi der Fischereiversuchs- station Evois ; Levarder, 495. t"b?r das Plankton des S e-s Hunial- jarvi ; Levander, 496. W'inti'iplankton in drei Seen bei Knopio ; Levander, 497. Der Obersee bei Reval : Schneider, 738. Ticrwelt des Sees Sarajarvi (Fin- nisch) ; Sutoin, 820. Plankton investigations of tbe danish lakes ; Wesenberg-Lund, 884. Tbe biological work of tb" Sc-ottisli Lake Survey : Scourfield. 760. Fauna of Dulilin ; Carpanter and otbers, 112. Plankton. Isle of Man : Herdman, 339. Herkunft der Fauna dir Krini (russ. & dcutscb. ) ; Sugurov, 821. Postpliocan Fauna der Kaspiscben Ablagerungen an der unteren \Volga ; Pravoslavlev, 667. tKaspisobe Ablagerungen der un- tiMvn Wolga-Stufc (Russ.) ; Pravo- slavlev, 668. Fauna der ^^'ol!^a bei Saratov (Russ.) ; Meissner, 553. Gouv. Orel, Mammalia, Aves, Rep- filia. Amphibia, Cbarakteristik der Faune (Russ.) ; Ognev, 610. Fauna der Kreide- tcrtiaren und posttertiaren Ablagerungen des Bogu- sebarsky'sehen Kreises (Gouv. Wo- rone-h) (Russ. & deutscb. Res.); Dubjansky, 210. Fauna des Kaukasus (Russ.) ; Satunin, 720. Transkaukasien, Fauna (Russ.); Satunin, 721. Faune der Kauka.sus (baupts. V'erte- brata) (Russ.) ; Satunin, 719. Transkaukasien, Tbierwelt (Russ.); Schmidt, 735. See Gokt.'cha. Fauna (Russ.); Lais- ter, 453. Zur Fauna des Vcreinsgebietes, Mit Beitragen von W. Ahrend u. A. Bonn, SitzBer. Ges. Xatk., 1907, 1908, E, pp. 103-108. Das Plankton im Brackwasser der Wcsermundung; Brockmann, Cbr., 90- Vorkommen einiger Tiere im Harz ; Damkohler, 165. Das Ost^eeplankton der 4 deutscben Terminfahrten ; Driver, 207. Biologisobfaunistiscbe Moor- und Dii- ncn-Studien, Beitrag zur Kenntnis biosynociseher Regioncn in AV'est- preussen ; Enderlein, 224. Zur Xaturku.ide, Klima, Flora und Fauna von Bremen ; Focke, 248. Die Pflanzenwelt deutschlands, Lehr- buch der Formationsbiologie, Mit 72 Compr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908] zoologischen Beitriigen von F. 0. Meyer ; Graebner, 293. Untersuchungen an den Ver.-ucli- steichen bei Fraucnbcrg ; Haempel, 316. Faune et flore de Bitchc ; Kieffer, 413. Ueber das Plankton der A-, B-, C-8tationen in der Elbmiindung in den Jahren 1905-1907 ; Kraefft, 443. Tiere xmd Pflanzen der Jetztzcit in den schwiibisclien Hohlen ; Lainpert, 464. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 2. biologischen Vntersuchung des Ober- rheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz ; Lauterborn, 472. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 3. biologischen Untersuchung des Ober- rheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz ; Lauterborn, 473. Ero-el)nisse der 4. biologischen Unter- suchung des Rheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz ; Lauterborn, 474. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der biologischen Untersuchung des Rheins auf der Strecke Weisenau-Mainz bis Coblenz-Niederwerth ; Marsson, 537, 538 & 539. Die Zusanimensetzung und die bio- logischen Verhiiltnisse des Planktons inT Obcrsee ; Levander, 490. Die Quintiirfauna von Nordwcst- deutschland ; Lons, 510. tFaunistische und zoogcographische Bedeutung der Jurageschiebe im Dilu- vium Ost- und Westpreussens ; Pom- peckj, 659. I\Iecklenburg expedition ; Schubotz, 747. Geschichte der Tierwclt West- preussens ; Speiser, 796. Kenntnis von der Tierwelt des Kreises Berent ; Speiser, 798. Zur Tiergeographic Deutschlands im Mittelalter ; Stadler, 805. Biologische Elbe- Untersuchung ; Volk, 870. Die biologische Elbe-Untersuchung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg; Volk, 871. Tierlcl.en der I.iinebuvger Hcide; Wagner, 874. Die Fauna (Tierwelt) des Hcrzog- tums Sachsen-Meiningen ; Weiss, 885. Geographic zoologicpie de F Auvcrgne ; Bruyant, 97. Jlicrobiologie des mares de ^Yi- mereux-Ambleteuse ; Cepede, 116. La presc^u'ile de Quiberon ; Joubin, 398. Organisation d'une etude generale du Plankton de la Bale de la Hougue ; Perrier et Anthony, 638. Un genre particulier de fond marin dans I'etang de Thau ; Sudry, 819. Fauna, Alpi ; Camerano, 107. Animali trovate in Italia e de- scritte in pubblicazioni italiane o forestiere nelV anno 1006 ; Ficalbi, e Monticelli, 238. Lac de Saint -Blaise ; Thiebaud, 830. Die Blutseen der Hochalpen, eine biologische Studie auf hydrographi- scher Grundlage ; Klausener, 417. Jahreszyklus der Fauna eines hoch- gelegenen Alpensees ; Klausener, 418. Biologisch-chemische Untersuchun- gen iiber den Arnensee ; Thomann und Bally, 832. Biologischen Rcsultatc der Balaton- forschung ; Entz, 226. Biologische Notiz iiber das Lang- moos bei Montiggl Siidtirol ; Huber, 371. Beitrage zur Zoogecgraphie des Quar- ners (Ungarisch) ; Leidenfrost, 484. Les organismes du plankton des grands lacs de la ])eninsule balkanicpie ; Georgevitch, 276. Fauna delle Isole Trenciti (Adriatico); Cecconi, 115. Beobachtungen iiber die marine Fauna des Triester Golfes im Jahre 1907 ; Stiasny, 814. Plancton des Schwarzcn Meeres in der Niiho von Sebastopol ; Markow, 534. Fauna des S^hwarzen Meeres, Ein- theilung in Facien (Russ.); Zernov, 931. Sehwarzcs Mcer, Fauna (Russ.); Zern07, 932. 73 Compr. Zool. Subject Index. — Gkouramiv. 0227 Aral-Si'c, I'auna, (Icieii rrspninii (Russ.): Berg. 47. Beritht iiber oine Rciso Lack Ost- afrika und clem X'ictoria-Nyansa ncbst Beinorkuniicn iiber einem kiirz?ii Auf- enthalt auf Ceylon : Borgert, 69. tCoiMiozoic fossils of ^falay Archi- pelago : Boettger, 63. Fauna der ..Dnizend "-Insel iiii .lava- Meeie (Holliindisch) ; Koningsberger, 433. Ceylon & Sumatra ; Morton, 586. XorJ-\vc>tl. Mongolie, Pisces, Aves, Mammalia (Russ.j ; Dorogostaiskij, 199. Intersuchuugen im Kaspisehen Meere ; Knipowitsch, 422. Syi-darja. Amu-Darja, ^likro- skcpisehe Fauna (Russ.): Meissner, 55S. Biologische Xotizen aus Zentral- sii'ii ttra ; Moszkowski, 588. 1 nkton. Aral-Sea. Syr-darja. An.n-darja ; Ostenfeld, 621. tMalay Archipelago Palaeozoic and Moozoic fossils : Penecke and Boehm, 635. Collection of acjuatic animals, Tibet ; Stewart, 813. Zur Beurteilung der Lebenserschci- nungen in gesiittigten Salzseen ; Suwo- row, 823. Hcrkunft der Kaspisehen Fauna au~ d<^m nordl. Eismeere (Russ.) ; Tretjakov, 842. tMalay Archi))elago, Triassic fos- Bils ; Wanner, 880. Xiederungen der .Jenissei, Fauna (Russ. ) ; Tugarinov, 852. Research in China. Vol. 1, Part 1, Dfscriptive toj^ocrraphy and geology ; WiUis, Blackwelder and Sargent, 902. Das Plancton des Flusses Irtisch und seiner Xeb-nflii.sse Buken u. Tabol ; Zykoff, 948. Africa. f Ostafrika ; Borgert, 69. Mikrofauna vrm Ucutsch-Ostafrika (Ungari.sch) : Daday, 158. (n-10332 5) Tun pt.c.viK^dition to Birket-el-Qurun; Cunnington, 153. Resultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Ed, Foa ; Foa, 246. Voyage en Tunisie ; Gadeau de Kerville, 267. Indian ocean, Seychelles ; Gardiner, 273. Sudanese Red sea, fauna, Crossland expedition ; Herdman & others. 338. Reise in Ostafrika ; Voeltzkow, 867. List of invertebrates, parasitic or noxious to man, Portuguese West Africa ; Wellman. 889. Xorlh America. g tGeologic reconnaissance in south- western Nevada and eastern Cali- fornia : Ball, 29. Fauna of Maviield'.s cave ; Banta, 30. Life-zones, X'orth Carolina ; Brimley and Sherman, 89. A monogra])h of Marcus Island ; Bryan, 98. Glacial ])''riod in northeastern New England ; Clapp, 133. tEarly Devonic history of New York and eastern North America ; Clarke, 134. ■j-Further notes on the Calciferous (Beekmantown) formation of the Mo- hawk valley, with descriptions of new species ; Cleland, 136. f Results of the Florissant expedition of 1908 ; Cockerell, 138, fThe Arkansas coal field, paleon- tology by David White and G. H. Girty ; CoUier, 140. jStratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana ; Cumings, 149. tSwanton, list of Paleozoic fossils; Edson, 216. fThe Santa Clara valley, Puente hills and Los Angeles oil districts, southern Califoinia ; Eldridge and Arnold, 222. fThe Guadalupian fauna ; Girty, 283. a (3 74: Compr. Zool. Comprehensive Zoology. [1908J Fauna of Walnut lake, ^Michigan ; Hankinson, 322. tSandstone of Fossil ridge in northern Colorado, fauna ; Henderson, 335. Physiographic changes bearing on the faunal relationsliips of the Russian and Sacramento rivers ; Holway, 365. Conditions of life .in the sea. account of Plankton work, etc. ; Johnstone, 385. fTbe fauna of the Mentor ; Jones, 387. Resume of recent work on lakes by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survej' ; Juday, 400. The plankton of the Illinois river, constituent organisms and their sea- sonal distribution ; Ko2oid, 427. Origin of the Wasatch deposits ; Loomis, 517. finterglacial fauna, Cayuga vallej- : Maury, 545. fFranklin county, list of Paleozoic fossils ; Perkins, 636. tGeology of Chittenden count}', lists of Paleozoic and Pleistocene fossils ; Perkins, 637. The faunal aifinities of the prairie region of centi'al North America ; Ruthven, 711. fA southern flora and fauna of Post- Pleistocene a'^e in Essex county, Mas- sachusetts ; Sears, 761. tSuccession of faunas in the Portage and Chemung formations of Maryland ; Swartz, 824. Micro-fauna of an Oregon pond ; Walker, 877. tClassification of the Upper Creta- ceous formations and faunas of Xcw Jersey ; Weller. 886. fFauna of the ClifTwood (N.J.) clays ; Weller, 887. fTlic uorlhern and .southern Kinder- hook faunas ; Weller, 888. tGeology of Cass county, Nebraska. Physiography; Topography; Natural divi.sions ; Drainage ; Stratigraphy ; Mineral resources ; Water resources ; Climate ; Paleontology ; Woodruff, 917. Central <£• South America. h Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Fauna der neotropischen Region ; Ihering, 373. fA collecting trip to Patagonia, South America ; Martin, 542. The zoology of lakes Amatitlan and Atitlan, Guatemala ; Meek, 552. Australasia. i Notizen iiber die Fauna von Siid- west-Neu-Guinea (Hollandisch) ; Koch, 424. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moos- fauna Australiens und der Inseln des Pazifischen Ozeans ; Richters, 700. Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Aus- tralien und dem Malavischen Archipel. ; Semon, 767, 768, 769." Fauna Siidwest- Australiens ; Mic- haelsen und Hartmeyer, 554. Arctic k Kola-Fjord, Bodenfauna (Russ.); Awerinzew, 24. \'erteilung der Tierwelt am Mur- man. (Russ.) ; Breitfuss, etc., 87. A trip around Iceland ; Gratacap, 295. Collections de la Croisiere de File de-France, en Norvege et au Spitzberg ; Neuville, 599. Arctic fauna ; Orleans, 612. Atlantic. I Ein Sammelausflug nach La Palma, Hierro und Fuerteventura : Thanner, 828. Moosfauna der kanarischen Insein ; Heinis, 334. Ergcbnisso der in dem Atlantischen Ozean von Mitte Juli bis Anfang November 188!)ausgetiihrten Plankton- Expedition der Huml'oldt-Stiflung ; Hensen. 336. 7" campagne scientitiquc de la Princes.se- Alice; Monaco, 574; Sur la 8' campagne ; Id. 575. Campagne scientifique de la Princesse- Alice (190G). Liste des stations ; Hul. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 87, lOOB, pp. I 21 2 cartes. 75 Compr. Zool. Subject Index. — Geography. 0231 Campagne scientiliquede la Princesse- Biogeographische Stellung der Crozet- Alice (1907). Liste des stations; Bui. Insoln ; Enderlein, 223. Mus. ocean.. Monaco. 106, 1907, pp. 1-11 carte. Les iles coralliennes de la Polynesie, 0231 TAXONOMY. Structure, Mode de formation, Faune €t Flore : Seurat. 771. ( ytology and taxonomy ; McClung, 527. Antarctic o .Supplement zu C. O. W'aterliouses •Scotia-' antarctic expedition: /"dex Zoologicus ; Bergroth, 51; Lankester, 467: Vol. 4. Wilton and I'eiper,485; Poche, 652. others 904 ; \'ol. 5, Bruce, 94. Die Systemati.sche Eiuteilung des Haerd-lnsel Tiere und Pflanzen ; Tierreiclies ; Grobben, 301. Vanhoffen, 856. Biometry as a method in taxonomy ; Die Tiere und Pflanzen von Posses- Edwards, 217. sion-Eiland der Crozet-Gruppe ; Van- Frage iibcr die biologischen Arten ; hoften, 857. Cholodkovsky, 128. II. PROTOZOA ARUAStiED BY II. M. WOODCOCK, D.Sc. (Loud.) CONTENTS T. Titles [I. SCBJKCT IXDEX : Comprehensive and General = 0403 Historical Philosophical Bibliography, . Reviews, Treatises, Essays. . Economics Hygiene . . Protozoa and disease General . , Mycetosis Araoebosis Gregarinosis . . Coccidiosis Haeinosporidiosis Piroplasraosis . . Myxosporidiosis Haplosporidiosis Trypanosomosis . • Various . . . . . . Miscellaneous Transmission ; infection . . Artificial cultivation Collection and technique. . Structure = 0407 : — General Anatomy, Morphology (a) of Mycetozoa . . (b) of Sarcodina . . (c) of Sporozoa , . (d) ot ^lastigophora (e) of Ciliophora . . (n-10332 c) PAGE 4 25 2.T 25 25 2G 20 •2G 2G 2Q •26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 b 1 Miuute Structure ; Special Anatom}- : — (a) Test, siiell, etc. (b) Cytoplasm and nucleus (c) Organellae of movement, etc. Physiology = 0411 : — General Nutrition, excretion . . Movement Special functions Senescence, recuperation Sexuality Eiiviromnental effects ; response to stimuli Development and reproduction = 0415 : — (a) Mycetozoa (b) Sarcodina (c) Sporozoa (d) Mastigophora . . (e) Ciliophora 32 Ethology = 0419:— Behaviour, habits Plankton Psychology . . Parasitism Protozoa . . Platyhelininthia Nen)atoda . . Neraertinea i'olychaeta Ilirudinea . . Ou Australasia 4> Africa 12 America . . 42 Oceanic 42 Geological : — General 43 Quaternary 4:5 Tertiary . . 4;} Secondary . . 4:} Primary . . 4:5 111. Systematic = 04;51 :- 43. 1 . Mycetozoa . . .. 44 2. Sarcodina .. 44 (a) Amoebiea . . 44 (b) Foraminifera . . . . 45 (c) Heliozoa .. 4b (d) Rauiolaiia . . 48. 3. Sporozoa .. 52 (a; Greg-arinidea . . . . 52' (b) Uoccidiidea . . 53 (c) Haemosporidia . . 53 (d) Myxosporidia. . . . 54 (e) Sarcosporidia. . 55 (f) Haplosporidia. . . . 55 Incertae sedis, . 55- 4. Mastig-ophora 5."). (a) Flag-ellata . . 5.> (b) Silicoflag-ellata (v;icant) (c) Dinofiag-ellata. . . . 58 (d) Rhynclioflagellata (vacant) 5. Ciliophora . . 58 (a) Ciliata. . . . 58 (b) Suctoria . . 60 (n-10332 e) b 1—^ 4 Prot. II Protozoa. [I 90S] I.— TITLES. [AbramoflF, S. S.] ASpaMOBt, C. 0. llaToreHHue MaKpoopraHH3MU. IIxi. po.it. Bt OTio.ioriH, naio.ioriii « aniwe- Mio.ioriH sapaaubix-B 6o.Tfe3Heli. [Die pathogeneu Mikroorganismen. Ihre RoUe in der Ethiologie, Pathologie und Epidemiologie der ansteckenden Krank- Tieiten.] Moskva, 1908, (iv+ 432 +viii), 9 Taf. 1 Adams, John. A synopsis of Irish Algae, freshwater and marine. Dul)lin, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 27b, No. 2, 1908, (11-59). 2 Alezleff, A. Sur la division de llexa- mitus hitestinalis Dujardin. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (402-404). 3 Alilaire, Eugene vide Chatton, E. Anderson, A. R. S. Dysentery with intestinal Amoebae, but without hepatic abscesses. Lancet, London, 1908, ii, (482). 4 Anderson, A. R. S. Note on the occurrence of Amoeba eoli in Port Blair, Andaman Islands. Ind. Med. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 42, 19U7, (126-128). 5 d'Anfreville, L. vide Thiroux, A. Apstein, 0. Anhang zur Abteilung xviii-x.Ki. Pflanzen des Nordischen Planktons. [In: Nordisches Plankton, Lfg 8.] Kiel u. Leipzig (Lipsius & Tischer), 1908, xxii, (1-5). 6 Aragao, Ilenrirpie de Beaurepaire. Ueber den Entwicklungagang und die Uebertragiing von [[aemoproteus colum- bae. (Vorl. Mitt.) Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 12, 1908, (154-1G7), Taf. xi-xiii. 6a [Amoldi, y. M.] Apiio.ib,iH, B. M. BBfi;iciiiii Bi- n:!y'i('.iiin nn3iiinx'i. op- raimsMOB'b. 1. Mopij)o.ioriH h ciicTeva- THKa3(MClllJX'h BOAOpOCiefl H 6.1H:?lvHX'b K'l. iiiiMi. oivpaiiiciiiiuxi. opraiiii;!MOBi. nptciioti BOJUJ. 2-(; H3A. [Einfiihrung in das Sludiuui der niedersten Orgaiiismen. 1. Morphologie und Systematik der griinen Algen und der ihnen verwandten gefarbten Organismen des Siisswassers. 2-te Aufl.] Moskva, 1908, (xx+ 340+1), 3 Taf. 7 [Averintzefif, S.] ABeptiHueBi., 0. n3C.Tiij,0BaHia HaAT> napa3HTuqecKHMH npocTiiiiuiHMH. I-VII. [Studien iiber parasitische Protozoen. I-VIL] St. Peterburg, Trav. soc. nat. Sect, zool., 38, 2, 1908, (v-xii -f 1-133 ; deutsches Ref. 135-139), 4 Taf. 8 Averintzefif, S. 0 KOKn.iiAiHX'i) iisi, KHmeqaiiKa Cerebratidus sp. [Sur les Coccidies de I'intestin de Cerebratidus sp.] (Comm. prel.) St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. Nat. (C. R.), 39, 1, 1908, No. 8, (320-327 ; res. fr. 329). 9 Averintzefif, S. Ueber ein parasitisches Infusor aus dem Darme von Ophelia lima- cina (Rathke). Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (334-342), Taf. xix. 10 Averintzefif, S. Ueber die Gregarinen aus dem Darme von Amplilporus sp. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (685- 687). 11 Bachmann, Hans. £tude comparative du phytoplancton des Lacs d'Ecosse et de la Suisse. Arch. Sci. Phys., Geneve, 25. 1008, r249-268, 360-372). [As in Bachmann, Zool. Rec. Protozoa, 1907, (15J.J 12 Bagg, Riifus Mather, jun. Foraniini- fera collected near the Hawaiian Islands by the steamer Albatross in 1902. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (113- 172), pi. 5. 13 Bagg, Kufns M. Miocene Foramini- fera from the Monterey Shale of Cali- fornia, with a few species from the Tejon formation. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 268, 1905, (1-77), pis. i-xi. 14 5 Prof. Titles. 0400 Balfour, Andrew. Trypanosomiasis ill the Anglo-Kgyptiau Soiulan. Khar- toum. Rep. Wellcome Res. Lab., 3. I'JOS, (27-35), pi. i. 15 Balfour, Andrew. Haemogregarine of Hhampliiophit I'lihropunctatus. Khar- toum, Rep. Welloome Res. Lab., 3, 1908, (36), pi. iii. fig. L 16 Balfour, Andrew. Piroplasmosis in the Anglo-Eg}-ptian Soudan. Khartoinii, Rep. Wellcome Res. Lab., 3, 1908, (37j. 17 Balfour, Andrew. Miscellaneous notes. Khartoum, Rep. Wellcome Res. Lab., 3, 1908, (59). 18 Bateman, IT. R. vide Bruce, David ; also Plimnier, H. G. Battaglia, Mario. Hepatitis bei experi- meuteller Trypanosomiasis. Centralhl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 46, Originale, 1908, (328-332). 19 Battaglia, Mario. Einige Untersu- chungen iil)er das Nagana-iVypaxosomn. (Vorl. Mitt.) Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 47, Orig., 1908, (3.50-351). 20 Baumgarten, P. von & Tangl, F. (L'nter .Miiwirkung von Fachgenossen.) Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den pathogenen Mikro- organismen, nmfassend . . . Protozoen. Jg. 22, (1906), Abt. 1, Leipzig (S. Hirzel), 1908. (xii + 1-967). 21 [B§Utzer, A. V.j Btiimepi,, A. B. n3C,Tfe;ioBaHie niipon.iaaMoaa j .iouia;ieft BT. 19iJ7 ro;y Bt PaaancKoft rj'OepniH. [L'ntersuchungen iiber die Piroplasmose der Pferde im Jahre 1907 im Gouv. Rjazan.l Arch, veterin. nauk, St. Peter- burg, 38, 1908, (123-160, 235-263), 4 Taf. u. 1 Tab. 23 Bensen, W. Die Darm protozoen des il'rnschen. Arch. Schiffshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, (G61-67GI ' 24 Berenberg- Gossler, Herbert von. Ueljer ein neues Tr3-panosom im Blute eines siidamerikanischen Affen {Onaluiria calica). Arch. Schiffshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908,(541). 25 Berenberg- Gossler, Herbert von vide Gonder, Ricliard. Bliiml, Math, und Metz,G. F. Schizo- gonie der Makrogameten. Arch.SchifTs- hyg., l^ipzig, 12, 1908, f 249-255;. 26 Bohne, A. und Prowazek, S. v. Zur Frage der Flagellatendysenterie. Arch. Protistcnknnde, Jena. 12, 1908, (1-8), 1 Taf. 27 Boissevain, Maria. Ueber Kernver, hallnisse von Actinospliaeriuin cichhorn, bei fortgesetzter Kultur. Arch. Proii- stenkunde. Jena, 13, 1908, (167-191), Taf. x-xiii. 28 Borgert, A. Bericht iiber eine Reise nach Ostafrika und dem Victoria Nyanza nebst Bemerkungen iiber einen kur/.eii Aufenhalt auf Cevlon. Bonn, SitzBer. Ges. Natk., 1907, i, 1908, (A 12-A 32). 29 Borrel, A. Spirilles, Spirochetes, Try- panonomes. Paris, Bidl. Soe. path. exot.. 1, 1908, (151-155;. 30 Bosc, F. J. Epithelioma claveleux et nature parasitaire du cancer. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (1058-1060). 31 Bouet, G. Piroplasmose bovine ob- servee a la Cote d'l voire. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (234-236). 32 Bouet, G. Note sur les try])anoso- miases du Dahomey. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (519-525), 33- Bouffard, G. Du role compare des Glossines et des Stomoxes dans I'etiologie de la Souma. Paris, Bui. soc. path. exot., 1, 1908, (333-337). 34 Bouffard, G. La Baleri, trypanoso- miase animale des territoires de la Ijouche du Xiger. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 22, 1908, (1-2,5). 35 Boussac, Jean. Sur la distribution des niveaux et des facies du Mesouum- uiulitique dans les Alpes. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1086-1089). 36 Boyce, Rupert & Breinl, Anton. Atoxyl and trypanosomiasis. Ann. trop. Med., London; 2, 1908, (1-32). 37 Brasil, L. Le genre DoUoci/stis Leger. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci,, 146, 1908, (425- 427). 38 Brasil, L. La croissance du Dolio- cystis elongata Ming, dans Pintestin de Lumhi'icoiiereia hnpatiens. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 64, 1908, (355-356). 39 Brass, Arnold. An der Grenze des Lebens. (Naturwiss. Zeitfragen, hrsg. v. p>. Dennert. H. 3.) Hamburg (G. Schloessmann), 1908, (1-84), 4 Taf. 40 Braun, M. Ueber riesige Rhizopoden der Tiefsee. Konigsbeig, Schr. physik. Ges., 48, 1907, (1908), (110-112). 41 C Prot. II Protozoa. [1908] . Breinl, Anton v'uh Boyce, R., also Salvin-Moore, J. E. Breinl, Auton & Hindle, Edward. Coiitributious to the morphology and Ii£e-history of Piroplashta canis. Ann. trop. Med., London, 2, 1908, (233-248). pl^. vi-ix. 42 Brimont, E. vide Levaditi, C. ; and Mesnil, E. Brodsky, A. Sur une adaptation a la vie littorale chez VOnychodactylns acro- bcdes Entz. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 8. 1908, Notes et revue, (li- liiij. 43 Brodsky, A. Observations sur la structure intime de Frontonia leucas Elirbg. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve, 16, 1908, (75-130), pis. ii and iii. 44 Brooks, William Keith and Kellner, •C'arl. On Oihopleura tortugensid, a new Appendicularian from the Tortugas, Elorida, with notes on its embryology. £\Vith note on a new species of Gioniia (G. appendicularkie).] (The pelagic Tunicata of the Gulf stream. Part 4.). PajDers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1, (Carnegie lust. I'ulj. No. 102), 1908, (89-94), 5 pis. 45 Bruce, David. Ely-fever in Africa. Nature, London, 78, 1908, (413-414). 46 Bruce, David & Bateman,H. R. Have Trypanosomes an ultra-microscopical stage in their life-history? Loudon, I'roo. R. Soc'., B80, 1908, (394-398). 47 Bruck, Werner Friedrich. Beitrage /ur Physiologie der Mycetozoen. Tl 1 : V erschmelzuugsvorgange, Entwicklungs- anderungeu. Zs. allg. Phvtsiol., Jena, 7, 1908, (505-558). ^ 48 Brugnatelli, Ernesto. Observations stir une ( 'occidie {Kloss'iclla viui'is) ayaut donne occasion a une uouvelle doctrine sur la fonctiou renale. J. anat. physiol., Paris. 44, 1 908, (121-12G), pi. xi. Reponse de A. Leli^vre a co travail. Ibid. (127-131J. 49 Brumpt, E. De I'origiue des Hemo- flagelles du sang des Vertebres. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1040-1048). 50 Brumpt, E. Guerison de la nialadie 'h< b(jnjmeil chez le lerot vulgaire en liiberuation. Action du froid sur le Trypanosoma 'iriophiatum, in vivo. Paris, C. li. HOC. biol., 64, 1908, (II47-1149). 51 Bureau, Gustave et Labb^, Alphonse. Sur I'afFection connue sous le nom de botryomycose et son parasite. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (697-099). 52 Butler, J. Bayley. Protozoa. Flagel- lata, Ciliata, Rhizopoda, etc. British Ass. Handbook, Dublin, 1908, ("216- 220). ' 53 Calkins, (iary N. The Protozoan species. Science, New York, 25, 1907, (697-698). 54 C[alkins], G. N. Some Amoeba studies. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (422-428j. 55 C[alkms], G. N. Some recent Pro- tozoa literature. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (62-67). 56 Canestrelli, G. Revisione della Fauna Oligoceuica di Laverda nel Vicentino. Genova, Atti Soc. Ligustica sc. nat. geogr., 19, 1908, (27-79, 97-152), 2 pis. 57 Carini, A. .Sobre a Haemogregarina Jcptodacti/U do Leptodactyluts ocellatus. Sao Paulo, Rev. Soc. Sci., 1908, (59-60). 58 Carini, A. Un novo Trypanosoma do Leptodacti/hi.y ocellatus. Sao Paulo, Rev. Med. 1907, No. 22, (30th Nov,), (re- print, 2). ' 59 Castellani, Aldo. Note on a liver- abscess (if iinioebic origin in a monkey. Parasitol.. Cambridge, 1, 1908, (101- 102), pi. viii. 60 Cazalbou, L. Souma et Baleri. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (390-393). 61 C^plde, ('asimir. La rayxosporidiose des anguilles dans les eaux douces, saumatres et salees du Boulonnais. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (93 95). 62 C^p^de, ('. Materiaux jiour la liinno- biologie du uord de la France. Micro- biologie des mares de Winiereux-Amble- teuse. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (240-247). 63 Chapman, Frederick. On dimor- jiiiisui iu the Recent Foraminifer AlveoLina boscii, Defr. sp. London, J. R. Microsc. Soc, 1908, (151-153), pis. ii and iii. 64 Cbapman, Frederick. Toitiary For- aiuinifera of Victoria, Australia. The I'alcomliiau Deposits of Port I'liillip: Ptot. Titles. 0400 Piirt I. London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 30, IW:, (UV35\ pb. i-iv. 65 Chapman, Frederick. On the Tertiary Limestones and Foraniiniferal TulTs of Malekida, New ' Hebrides. Sydney, X.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc.. 32, No. ifS, UX)7 (1908), (745-760), pis. xxxvii-xli. 66 Chapman, Fi-ederick. On the reUi- tionsUip of the genns Girvanella, and its occurrence in the Silurian Limestones of Victoria. Rep. Austr. Ass., (Adelaide"), 11, 1908, 1377-386), 3 pis. 67 Chardin, Teilhard de. L'fiocene des environs de Minieh. Cairo, Bull. Inst. Eg>-pt., (Ser. 5), 2, i, 1908, (110-1 '21). [Occurrence of various Nummitlitidac". 68 Chatton, Edouard. Note prelirainaire sur trois formes nouvelles du .i^enre Blastodinium Chatton. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (134-137). 69 Chatton, Edouard. Sur la repro- duction et les affinites du Blastididium pcedophtliornm Ch. Perez. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (34-30). [To be associated rather with Fungi {CJiytri- diaceae) than with the HaplosporidiaJ. 70 Chatton, Edouard et Alilaire, Eugene. Coexistence d'un Leptomonas {Herpeto- monas et d'un Trypcinosoma chez un Muscide non vuhlerant, Drosopltila con- fusa Stager- Paris. C. R. soc. biol.. 64, 1908, (1004-1U06). 71 Chatwln, Charles P. and Withers, 'ITiomas H. Tlie Zones of the Clialk in the Thames Valley between Goring and •Shiplake. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908, (390-420), pi. xxiv. 72 Chavanne, J. Dareste de la. Sur la classification des terrains tertiaires de la region de (iuelnia fAlgerie). Paris, 0. R. Acad. Sci., 147, 1908, (280-283). 73 Chierici, Giacomo. Note di paras- >^itologia. La coccidiosi epatica nel gatto. II nuovo Ercolani, Pisa, 13, 1908, 1 54-57). 74 Chowning, William M. vide Wilson Louis B. Cleland, — . Demonstrations on some parasites of the blood. Journ. West Australian Soc, 3, 1900, (reed. 1909), <^36-44i. [Popular account, including Protozoan blood-parasites of the rat]. 75 Cole, Leon J. and Hadley, Philip B. Blackhead, a Coccidial disease of turkeys. Science, New York, 27, I9i>8, (994). 76 Collin, B. Quelques remarques sur I'okoplirya cijclopeum CI. et. 0. (Note prel.). Arch, zool., Paris, (scr. 4), 8, 1908, Notes et revue, (xxxiii-xx.\ix). 77 Comte, Charles vide NicoUe, Charles. (Conn, Herbert William. A prelimi- nary report on the Protozoa of the fresh waters of Connecticut. Connecticut, Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull., Hartford, No. 2, 1905, (1-69), 34 pis.) 78 Craig, Charles F. Studies upon the ■ Amoebae in the intestine of man. J. inf. diseases, Chicago, 5, 1 908, (324-377), pis. ii & iii. 79 Cropper, J. Phenomenal abundance of parasites in a fatal case of pernicious malaria. Lancet, London, 1901, ii, (16-17), 1 pL 80 Cropper, J. Phenomenal abundance of parasites in the peripheral circulation of a fatal case of pernicious malaria. J. trop. Med., London, 11, 1908, (91-92). 81 Cushman, Jozeph A. Foraminifera of the Woods lioU region. Boston, Mass., Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist., 34, 19()8, (21-34), pL V. 82 Dalton, Leonard V. Notes on the Geology of Burma. Loudon, Q. J. (ieol. Sue, 64, 1908-, (004-644), pis. liv-lvii. 83 Dangeard, P. A. Sur lui nouveau genre parasite de Chrysomonadinees, le Leeythodijtes paradoxus. Paris. C. K. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (1159-1160;. 84 Daniel, J. Frank. The acclimatization of SUiitor to alcohol. Science, New York, n. s. 27, 1908, (443). 85 Daniel, J. P'rank. The adjustment of Paramoecium to distilled water and its bearing on the problem of the necessary inorganic salt content. Amer. J. Physiol., Boston, Mass., 23, 1908, (48- 63). 86 Degrange-Touzin. Sur un affleure- meiit de terrain nunmiulitique dans lea environs d'Orthe/.. Bordeaux, Proc- verb. Soc. Linn., 62, 1908, (xciii-xciv). 87 Dellinger, 0. P. The cilium studied comparatively as a key to the structure of contractile protoplasm. Proc. Amer. 8 Pfo«. II. Protozoa. [1908] Physiol. Soc, in Amer. J. Physiol., Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (xi-xii). 88 Dellinger, 0. P. vide Gibbs, David. Deprat, J. Sur Tidentite absolue de Numnndijia pr'mt'ina Brady et de Num- mulites variolarius Lmck., et sur son existence dans des depots tertiares neo- caledoniens. Bruxelles, Aun. Soc. roy. Malac, 40, 1905 (1906), (17-22). 89 Distaso, Arcangelo. Sui processi vegetativi e sull' incistidamento di Ac- tinoplirys sol. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 12, 1908, (277-313), Taf.xix & xx. 90 Dobell, C. Clifford. The structure and life-history of Copromonas suhtilis, nov. gen. et nov. spec. : a contribution to our knowledge of the Flageilata. Q. J. Microsc. Sci., London, 52, 1908, (75-120), fls. iv & V. 91 DobeU, C. Clifford. On the intestinal Protozoan parasites of frogs and toads. (Prel. Comin.) Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Sec, 14. 1908, (428-433). 92 Dotoell, C. Clifford. Some notes on the Haemogregarines parasitic in snakes. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (288- 295), pi. XX. 93 Dobell, C. C. Some remarks upon the "autogamy" of BocJo laccrtae (Grassi"). Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (548- 555). 94 Doflein, F. Beobachtungen und Ideen iiber die Konjugation der Infusorien. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. Morjjh., 23, 1907 (1908), (107-114). 95 Doflein, F. Probh^ne der Protisten- kunde. 1. Die Trypanosomen, ihre Bedeutung fiir Zoologie, Medizin und Kolonialwirtschait. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (1-57). 96 Doncieux, L. £tude g^ologique sur la Feuillc dt> Perpignan. Carcassonne, Bui. Soc. etud. sci., 19, 1908, (249-2C0). [Oc- currence of Nummulites.] 97 Douvill^, H. Rectificaticns a la nriniciicluiiire de quelqnes Nununulites. Paris, Hill. soc. geoL, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, (267-208). 98 Douvill^, II. Sur des LepidocycliiH^s (Tun c-alc:iire de I'ile (irand-Kei. Jaai'h. J\lijnvv. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 37, 1908, (f;ij()-69;^,j; td. iranr., 37, 1908, (705- 708). 99 Douvill^, Ilobcrt vide Lemoine, Paul. Driver, H. Das Ostseeplankton der 4 deutschen Terminfahrten im Jahre 1905. Wiss Meeresunters., Kiel, (N.F.), 10, Abt. Kiel, 1908, (109-128;, 4 tables. 100 Duboscq, 0. vide Leger, L. Ducloux, E. Sur un Protozoaire dans la lymphangite ^pizootique du mulct en Timisie. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (593-595). 101 Durham, Herbert E. Notes on Nagana and on some Haematozoa ob- served during my travels. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (227-235). 102 EErland, Arthur vide Heron-Allen, Edward. EdiDgton, Alexander. Preliminary note on the occurrence of a new variety of trypanosomiasis on the Island of Zanzibar. London, Proc. R. Soc, B 80, 1908, (545-549). 103 Edmondson, C. H. A variety of Anisonema vifrea. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), l'J08, a9P. 104 rggebrecht, [Max]. I'iroplas7na cam». Zs. InfektKrankh. llaustiere, Berlin, 5, 1908, (129-132), 3 T;if. 105 Egger, J. G. Mikrofauna der Kreide- schirhten des westlicheu Bayrischcn \V aides und des Gebietes um Regeus- biirg. Passau, Ber. naturw. Ver., 1907, (1-75), 10 pis. 106 Ehrlich, Richard. Ein Beitrag zur Frage von der Mfmbran der Choano- flagellaten. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, P, lbs, (117-120). lOY Elmassian, M. Contribution a I'etude microscopique de la oornee vaccinee chez le iajiin. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Al)t. 1, 48, Orig., 1908, (207-21(i), 1 ph 108 Enriques, Paolo. Stdla morfologia e sisteniaiica del genere Colpodn. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, Notes et Revue (i-xv). 109 Enriques, Paolo. Die Conjugation unil sexuello Differenzierung der In- fusorien. 2. Abhandlung : Wiedercon- jugante tind Hcniisoxe bei CliUddou. Arcli. I'rotistenkunde, Jena, 12, 1SI08, (213-27r)), 'Pal. xvii cV- xviii. 110 0 Prot. Titles. 0400 Enriques, Paolo. Di un nuovo Tnfu- irio oligotrico {TurbUina 'mstah'iUa, . g., n. sp. e suo signiticato per la logenia (lei Peritrichi. Hoiua, Keiul. lCC. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, i, 1;108, ?24-235;. Ill Entz, Geza, jn«. A Xiictothenis pisc'i- ohi szervezeti viszonyoirol. [Die >rg-auisatioiisverhaltiiisse von Xijcto- herus plsi'ieoJa.] Allatt. Kozlem., Buda- pest. 7, 1 90S, (-215-226; deutsches Ref. 30-237), Taf. iii. 112 Entz, Geza, jun. A Tintinnidak zervezete. [Organisation der Tintin- liden.] Math. Tenut. Kozlem., Bmla- )est. 29, 1908, (433-568), mit Taf. 1-13. 113 Entz, Geza, jun. A protistak elter- edeserol. [Ober die Verbreitung der Protisten." .\1. orv. termv. nag^•gv. evk., 3udapest;34, 1907, (234). ' ' 114 Erhardt, E. ride Tappeiner, H. v. Esau vide Ruge, Reiubold. Ewlng, James. The morphological liagiio^is of pathogenic Protozoa. Science, New York, N.Y., 25, 1907, (698- 599). 115 Fabiani, Ramiro. Sulla costitiizione s^ologica delle coUine di Sarcedo nel Yicentino. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 66, 19U7, (407-424). 116 Fantham, H. B. The Schizogre- parines ; a review and a new classifica- tion. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 19<)8, ^309-4 12 i. 117 Fantham, H. B. The classification of the Ha|>l"S]ioridia. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1907 (1908), (553-554). [See Zoo). Rec. 19U7, Protozoa No. 372.] 118 Faure-Fremiet, E. A propos d'une note de M. P. Enriques sur un Infusoire oligotriche. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, I9<'J.\ 'J28-4.3a. 119 Faure-Fremiet, E. Sur I'etude ultra- microtcopique de quelques Protozoa ires. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (582- 584 . 120 Faure-Fremiet, E. Etude descripti%^e des Peridiniens et des Infusoires cilies du plankton de la baie de la Hougue. Ann. sci. nat. (zool.), Paris, (ser. U), 7, 1908, (209-240), pis. xv & xvi. 121 Faure-Fremiet, E. Sur deux Infu- soires nouvcaux de la famille des 'J'rn- cheVuhie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Zoo]., 33, 1908, (13-16). 122 Faur^-Fr^niiet, E. Micvogromia ^piniiD^d n. sp. Paris, Bull. soc. zool., 33. 1908, (7(;-77). 12S Faure-Fremiet, E. [TurbUina ini^ta- bilis Enriques = Stvombilidium gyravti Sriiewiakoff.] Paris, Bull. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (78). 124 Faure-Fremiet, E. La structure des matieres vivantes. Paris, Bull. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (104-106). 125 Faure-Fremiet, E. Le Tintinnidiavi i}tq)idiii)ii)i. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 11, lOOS, (225-251), Taf. ii. 126 Faure-Fremiet, E. L'Aneyatropodium maupasi (nov. gen. nov. sp.). Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 13, 1908, (121- 138). 127 Fellmer, T. Veraudemngen an Nagana-Trj^panosomen durch Igel- passage. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 45, Origiuale, 1907, (512-515), 1 Taf. 12S Fiebiger, J. Ueber Coccidien in der Schwimniblase vonGarfHs-Arten. Wieri, Ann. Nat. Hist. Eof.-mus., 22, 1907-8, (124-128). 129 Field, H. H. Bibliographia protozoo- logica. Protozoen-Literatur, 1906 III. Theil, 1907 1. Tlieil una 1908 I. Theil. Zusaumiengestellt vom Concilium Biblio- graphicum. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 12, 1908, (331-376). 130 Flu, P. C. Usher die Flagellaten im Darm von Melopliagits ovinun^ Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 12, 1908, (147 153j, Taf. X. 131 Flu, P. C. Untersiichnngen iibir Afienmalaria. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jen;i, 12, 1908, (323-330), Taf. xxii. 132 Fomasini, Carlo. Illustrazione di specie Orbignyane di Nodosaridi, Ro- taiidi e d'altri Foraminiferi, istituile nel 1826. Bologna, Mem. Ace. sc, Ser. 6, 5, 1908, (3-16 or 41-54), 3 Tav. 133 Fraenkel, Carl. Die lielebten Krank- heitsursachen. A. Die Lehre von der Infektion mit Einschluss der Protozoen und der pflanzlichen Parasiten. In : Handbuch der allg. Path. hrsg. v. L. Krehl u. F. Marciiand, Bd 1. Leipzig (S. llirzcl), 1908, (290-340). 134 Fran(?a, C. Une Hemogregarine de Fanguille. Arch. R. Inst. Bact., Lisboa, 2,1908,(109-112). 135 10 Trot. II. Protozoa. [1908] Franca, C. Quelques notes stir VHaemogregarina s-plendens (Labbe). Arch. R. Inst. Bact., Lisbon, 2, 1908, 1123-131), pi. iii. 136 Franca, C. Encore sur le Trj-pano- ■some de Hyla arhorea. Arch. R. Inst. Bact., LiFboa, 2, 1908, (271-272). 137 Franga, C. Une Hemogreparine de rangiiille. Lisbonne, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat., 1, 1908, (165-168). [Similar to 135), but n-ithoiu figg.] ' 138 Francja, C. Cycle evolutif des Try- panosoiues de la grenonille {T. costatum, fotatonum et inopinatuni). Lisbonne, Bull. Soc. Port. Sc. Xat., 1, 1908, (169- 170;. 139 Franga, C. Notes sur la biologie des Trypanosomes. 1. Culture des Try- panosomes de la grenouille (7'. costatum et T. rotator'mm) dans le sang de 1 'animal porteur de I'infection. Arch. R. Inst. Bact., Lisboa, 2, 1908, (43-19). [As in Zool. Rec. 1907, Protozoa (164).] 140 Fran?a, C. Le cycle evolutif des Trypanosomes de la grenoiiilie {T. cos- tatum, T. rotatoriuvi et T. inop'nmtuin). Arch. R. Inst. Bact., Lisboa, 2, 1908, (89-93). [See Zool. Rec. 1907, Protozoa (166).] 141 Franca, C. Le Trypanosome de lannfiiiUe {T. firamdosuvi Laveran et .Mesnil). Arch. R. Inst. Bact., Lisboa, 2, 1908, (113-121), pi. ii. [As in Zool. Rec. 1907, Protozoa (167).] 142 Franga. C. Sur un Heuiatd/.oaire nouveau de Lacerta ocellata. Paris, Bull. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (301-303). 143 Franca, Carios. Sur una i3iro]ilas- inose iiouvelle chez une mangouste. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, 110 412). 144 Franc^, R. II. Untersuchungen iiber die Siunpsorganfunktion der Augeii- Hecke bei Algen. Arch. Hvdrobiol., Stuttgart, 4, 1908, (37-48). * 145 Francotte, C. v'tde Plateau. Flilleborn, [Friedrich]. „Kreuzforni" bei Jlaljctv.- Ynrk] NY., 27. 1908, (441-442). 168 Halberataedter, Ludwig und Prowa- zek, S. von. Untersucbungen iiber die ilalariaparasiten der AfFen. Berlin, Arb. Gesuudhtsamt., 26, 1907, (37-43), pi. vi. 169 Hamburger, Clara. Zur Kenntnis der Ck)njugatio!) von Stentor coendeux nebst einigeii allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber die Conjugation der Infusr^rien. Zs. wiss. Zool., l^ipzitr. 90, 1908, (423-4oO), Taf. XXV. 170 Hamelin et Morin. Sur un nouveau gite fossilifere stampien a Dar^'ault pres Nemours (Seine et Mame). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, 75-7S . 171 HauTls, Norman M. A method of pre- paring the Romaiiowskv stain. Calcutta, J. trop. vet. sci., 3, 1908, (92-94). 172 Hartmami, iJax. Eine neue Dysen- terieani()l)e, I'Jiitamoeha tctragena (Vier- eck) syu. Entamoeba africana (Hart- mann). Arch. Schiffshvg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, Beih. 5, (117-127). 173 Hartmann, M. und N^gler, K. Copu- lation l)ei Amoeba diploidea u. sp. mil Selbstaudigbleiben der Gametenkerue wahrend des ganzen Lebenszyklus. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, a 12- 1 25;, Taf. v. & vi. 174 Hausmann, \V. und Kolmer, W. Leber die sensibilisierende Wirkung pflaiiz- licher und tierischer Farbstolle .aut Paramaecien. Biochem. Zs., Berlin, 15, 1908, (12-18). 175 Heim, Arnold. Leber das Pro 111 von SeewenSchwyz und deu Fund von Hahkerngranit im Nuuimulitengriinsaiid. Zurich, Vierteljahrsch. NatL Ges., 53, 1908, (377-386), pi. i. 176 Heim, Arnold. Die Nummuliten- und Flvschbildungen der Schweizer- alpeu. "Versuch zu einer Revision der alpinen Eociin-Stratigraphie. Zurich, Abb. Schweiz. pal. Ges., 35, 1908, No. 4. (i -f xi & 1-301), 8 pis. 177 Heinis, Fr. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Moi sfauna der Kanarischen Inseln. ZooL Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (711-71()J. 178 Herdman, W. A. and Scott, Andrew. An intensive study of the marine iilaiik- ton around the South end of the Isle oi Alan. Liverpool, Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc, 22, 1908,(186-289). 179 Heron-Allen, Edward and Earland, Arthur. Oii CydolocuUna, a new generic tv})e of the Foraminifera, with a preliminary study of the Foraminiferous deposits and shore sands of Selsey Bill. London, J. R. Microsc. Soc, 1908, (o2n^ 543), pi. xii. 180 Hertwig, R. Ober neue Probleme der Zell.nlehre. Arch. Zellforschg Leipzig, 1, 1908, (1-32). 181 Hewlett, Tanner R. Pathogenic Protozoa. With special reference to the malaria-parasite and the Piroplasmata. [In • Bericht iiber den XIV. internat. Kongress fur Hygiene. Bd 2.] Berlin (A. Hirschwald), 1908, (136-151). 182 12 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1908] Hickson, S. J. and Wadswortli, J. T. Structure of Deiidrosoma radiavs. Nature, London, 78, 1008, (G48). 183 Hill, M. D. A variation in Amoeha. Kature, London, 77, 1908, (367-3(38). 184 Hinde, George Jennings. Radiolaria from Triassic and other rocks of the Dutch East-Indian Archipelago. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 37, 1908, (694-736) pis. v-x ; Ed. fran^. 37, 1908, (709-751), pis. v-x. 185 Hindle, Edward vide Breinl, Anton, also Salvin-Moore, J. Hohnel, F. Ueber Trypanosoma congolense. Arch. Schiffshvg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, Beih. 3, (1-30), 2 Taf. 186 Hoffmann, Richard. Ueber Fort- pflanzuugserscheiuungen von Monocyst- ideen des Lumbriciis agrieola. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 13, 1908, (139- 166), Taf. ix. 187 Hoogenraad, H. R. Beuierkungen tiber einige Siisswasserrhizopoden und Heliozoen. Ann. Biol, lacustre, Brux- elles, 3, 1908, (248-258). 188 Hoogenraad, H. R. Rhizopoden en Heliozoen uit bet zoetwater van Neder- laud. [Rhizopoden und Heliozoen aus dem ytisswasser der Niederliinden.] Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver., Ser. 2, 10, 1908, (384-424). 189 Huber, Gottfr. Biologische Notiz iiber das Langnioos bei Montiggl (Siidtirtjl). Arch. HydrobioL, Stuttgart, 3, 1908, (309-316). 190 Issler, Alfred. Beitriige zur Strati- graphie und ilikrofauna des Lias in Schvvaben. Palaeontographica, Stutt- gart, 55, 1908, (1-104), 7 Taf. 191 Janicki, Costantino. Contribuzione alia conoscenza di alcuui Protozoi parassiti della Periplaneta orieiitalis {Lop]iomo7ias hlattarum, Stein ; L. striata Biitschli ; Amoi'ba hlattae Biitschli). Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincci, (Ser. 5), 17, ii, (140-151). 192 [Jansson, M.] /Iiicoiri,, "M. 0 iiajja- 3iiTnmibix'i. oAiioK.rlno'niiJX'b opra- HH3Max'i) H3'i. KiiiilCHiiUKa Jjcii'Jrocnelum lacteum. [Parasitische Protozoa im Danne von Dendrocoe.htm lacteuvi.] Bull.biol , Jurjev, 1, 1907, [1908], (337- 340, russ. n. deutsch). 193 Jennings, II. S. Heredity, variation and evolution in Protozoa. 1. The fate of new structural characters in Para- moecium, in connection witli the problem of the inheritance of acquired characters in unicellular organisms. J. Exp. ZooL, Philadelphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (577-632). 194 Jennings, H. S. The interpretation of the behaviour of the lower organisms. Science, New York, 27, 1908, (698-710). 195 Jennings, H. S. The basis for taxis and certain other terms in the behaviour of Infusoria. J. Coinp. Neur. Psych., Granville, Ohio, 15, 1905, (138-143). 196 Jones, W. H. S. Malaria and His- torv. Ann. trop. med., London, 1, 4 1908, (529-546). 197 Jurgens, [Georg Johann]. Die Amoben-Enteritis und ihre Beziehungen zur Dysenteric. Zs. exper. Path., Berlin, 4, 1907, (769-816), 4 Taf. 198 Kashyop, Shiv Ram. Notes on a peculiar form of Euglena. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, (111-112). 199 Kellner, Carl vide Brooks, W. K. Kerandel, J. Trypanosomiases des Mamniiferes au Congo fraiigais. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (515-519). 200 Keysselitz, G. Die Entwicklung von Mi/xobolus iDfeiferiTh. Tl. 1-2. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 11, 1908, (252- 308), Taf. xiii-xvi. 201 Keysselitz, G. Studien iiber Proto- zoen. (Aus dem Nachlass v. Fritz Schaiidinn.) Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 11, 1908, (334-350), Taf. xix-xxi. 202 Keysselitz, G. Ueber durch Sporo- zoen (My.xosporidien) hervorgerufene pathologische Veraiiderungcn. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzitr, 79, 2, ii, 1907 (1908), (342-343). ' 203 Keysselitz, G. Ueber ein Epitlielioniii der Karhcn. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 11, 19(18, (326-333), pis. 17 & 18. 204 Keysselitz, Gustav und Mayer, Martin. Zur Frage der Entwicklung von Trypanosoma hritcei in (llossina fusca. Arch. Schifishyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, (532-535). 205 Kiser, Hans. Omkvarta'rtidensmarino adiMriitger vod Troms0. (With an English Summary.) [On the post-tertiary and recent marine dejiosits in the TromB0 region. Mollusca and Forami- 13 Prot. Titles 0400 nifera.] Tromso Mus. Aarsh., 25, 1902. (1907-OS\ (17-44). 206 Kisr, Flans. Fortejrnelse over Trom- sosuudets Foruminiferer. [Verzeichnis der Foraminiferen des Tromsosundes.] Tromso Mus. Aarsh., 25, 1902, (1907 -08\ (45-48). 207 Kinghom, Allan and Montgomery, R. Kusitaoe. Reports of the " Sleepino;- Sickness" Esjiedition to tiie Zambesi, for the year 1907-1908. Ann. Trop. Mel. London. 2, 1908, (53-96). 208 Kinghom, Allan vide Montgomery, R. Klaptocz, B. Die Fortpflanzung der Ojxjlinen Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 57, rj07, v(264)-(266)). 209 Kofoid, Charles Atwood. Exuviation, autotomv and regeneration in Ceratium. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub., Zool., 4, 1908, (345-386j. 210 Kofoid, Charles Atwood. Notes on some obscure species of Ceratium. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub., Zool., 4, 1908, (387-393). 211 Kofoid, C. A. Exuviation, autotomy I and regeneration in Ceratium. Science, New York, X.S., 27, 1908, (948). [Brief account of (210).] 212 Kofoid, C. A. The plankton of the Illinois River, 1894-1899, with intro- ductory notes upon the Hydrography of the Illinois River and its Basin. Pt. II. Constituent organisms and their seasonal distribution. Urbana, Bull. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist., 8, 1, 1908, (1-361), 5 charts. 213 Kohl, Nina ride YakimofF, W. L. Koiransky, M. Zur Frage der Gregari- nose bei uaseren Haustieren. Berliner tierarztl. Wochenschr., 1908, (675-678). 214 Koizumi, Makoto. Chromidium-ron no genkyo. [On the present state of the chromidium-theory.] Dobuts. Z., Tokvo, 20. 193HH 11 CML'pTHOCTb J ..-.LKOMUxt. [Leber neue krankheits- erregende Sporozoen bei Insekten.J Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml., .St. Peterburg, 7, 5, 1908, (1-113 ; deutsch. Res. 114-128), 6 Taf. 216 KUster, Ernst. Eine kultivierbare Poridiuee. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 11, 1908, (351-362) 217 Kunstler, J. L'origine des Hcmo- flagelles du sang des Vertebres. Paris, C."R. soo. biol,, 65, 1908, (30). 218 Laackmann, Ilans. Ungeschlechtliche unil geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung der Tintinnen. Wisa. Meeresunters., Kiel, (X.F.), 10, Abt. Kiel, 1908, (13-38), Taf. 1-3. 219 Labb^, Alphonse ritZe Bureau, Gustave. Landacre, F. L. The Protozoa of Sandusky bay and vicinity. Columbus, Proc. Ohio Acad. Sci., 4, Part 10 (Special Paper No. 13j, 1908, (421-472). 220 Langeron, Maurice. Technique micro- scopique appliquee a la medecine colo- niale. Arch. Parasit., Paris, 12, 190S, (135-163). 221 Lankester, E. Ray. On Archerimi, Golenkinia and Botryococcus. Q. J. Microsc. Sci., Loudon, 52, 1908, (423- 430), pi. XXV. 222 Lauterbom, Robert. Protozoen-Stu- dien. Tl. V. Zur Kenutnis einiger Rhizopoden und Infusorien aus deni Gebiete des Oberrheins. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (645-669), Taf. xli-xliii. 223 Lauterbom, R. und Marsson. Be- richt[e] iiber die Ergebnisse der [2"^° bis 4"^°] biologischen Untersachung [en] des Oberrheins [1906-1907]. Berlin, Arb. Kais. Gesundhtsamt., 28, 1908, fl- 124, 532-571). 224 Laveran, A. Au sujet de Trypano- soma congolense Broden. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (853-857), and op. eit. 147, 1908, (452-455). 225 Laveran, A. Sur une Hemogregarine de la couleuvre argus. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (103-106). 226 Laveran, A. De I'emploi de Temetique dans le traitement des trypanosomiases. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (510- 514). 227 Laveran, A. Sur une Hemogregarine, un Trypanosome et un Spirille trouves dans le sang d'un requin. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (148-150). 228 Laveran, A. Contribution a I'etude de Trypano'ioma conqolense. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 22, 1908, (833-855). 229 14 Prot. n. Protozoa. [190SJ Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Contribu- tioa a I'etude de Ilaenwjregarina lacertae Danilewskv et Chalachnikow. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci.. 147, 1908, (1257- 1260J. 230 Laveran, A. et Pettit, A. Sur les formes de nuiltiplicatioii endogene de Ilaemogrcgar'nia lacertae. Paris, C. R. Acad, sc, 147, 1908, (1378-1382) 231 Laveran, A. et Tliiroux, A. Re- cherches sur le traitement des try- panosomiases. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 22, 1908, (97-131). 232 Lebedew, W. Ueber Tracheloeerca phoenicopterus Cohii. Eiu marines Infiisor. Arch. Protistenkiinde, Jena, 13. lOO.S, (70-1 14j, Taf. vii & viii. 233 Leboeuf vide Martin, Giistave. Leger, Louis. Mycetozaires endo- parasites des Insectes. I. Sporomyxa scaiiri nov. gen. nov. spec. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 12, 1908, (109- 1.30j, Taf. viii. 234 Leger, I>. und Duboscq, '). Ij'evo- lution scliizogonique de \'Arigrete sur les Entan)ibes ilaiis hi dvsenterie aniibiennc des pays chaiid :. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908,(104-111). 242 Lesage, J. el Solanet, E. Sur lea caractercs el la frequence de " Haemo- gregarhui leptodactyli " dans le sang des grenouilles de I'Argentine. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (295-296). 243 Letulle, Maurice. La botryomycose. (Histogenese. Nature parasitaire.) Paris, ('. R. soc. biol. 64, 1908, (267-269). 244 Leupoldt, — . Plroplasma canis im Bezirk Usumbura in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Arch. Schiflshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, (30-31). 245 Levaditi, ('. et Rosenbaum, A. Ac- tions des sul)8tances hen)olytiques sur les Protozoaires, les Spirochetes et les Vibrions. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 22, 1908, (323-340). 246 Levaditi, C". et Yamanouchi, T. Me- canisnie d'action de Tatoxyl dans les trvpanosomiases. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (23-25). 247 Levaditi, C, Brimont, E. et Yama- noucM, T. Action du trypanotoxyl sur les races de Surra resistantes a I'atoxvl. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (25-26). 248 Levander, K. M. Zur Kenntniss des Planktons einig^r Binnenseen in Rus- sisch- Lajiland. Helsingfors, Eestsclirift fiir Palmen. 1. No. 11, 1905-1907, 1 49), 3 pis. 249 Levander, K. M. [Enfama;ha hitccalls fran FinlaudJ. [Entnmn'ba hiiccalis aus Finland]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (49-.50, deutsches Ref. 213). 250 Levander, K. M. vide Viilikangas, I. Loewenthal, Waldemar. Xotizen iiber Opalimi rdtKirnm nebst Bemerkungen iilier die Unterscheidimg von Ervthro- und C'vanochromatin. Arch. Protisten- kunde,'Jena, 13, 1908, (115-120). 252 Lohmann, H. Untersuchungen zur Feststellung des vollstiindigen Gehaltes des Meeres an Plankton. Wiss. Meeresunters., Kiel, (N.F.), 10, Abt. Kiel, 1908, (129-370), Taf. ix-xvii, 2 fables. 253 Loppens, K. Contribution a I'etude du iuicro|ilankton des eaux saumatres de la Belgiqup. Ann. Biol. ]acu>trp, Brux.-lles, 3, 1908, (16-53). 254 Lucas, Robert. Protozoa, niit Aus- schluss der Foraminifera, fiir 1897. [.lahresbcriclit.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69. Bill, 11.3, 1903 [1908], XVIlIa, (1-92); Desgl. fiir 1898. T.c. (1-86 [zweite ZiiblungJ).— Desgl. fiir 1899, op. lo Prot. Titles. 0400 cit. 70. -2. ]ft04. il!108). XVllla, vl- V6o\ 255 Lutz, Adolf uiul Splendore, Alfonso. Ueber Pebriiie iiiul \ei\vaiulte Alikro- sporidieii. "1. Mitt. Contralhl. Bakt., Jena, Aln. 1. 46, Oiiciiiale, IH08, (311 315'. ' 256 MacMnnon, I)oi-is L. A few observa- tioiis on the encvstation of Act'mo- sphacniun eichhorni under different conditions of temperature. Q. J. Mirrosc. Sci.. London, 52, 1008, (407- i'2-2\ pi. xxiv. 257 Mackiimon, Doris L. ami Vies, Fred. On the optical properties of contractile orjjans. London, J. R. Miorosc. Soc, 1908. ir).').3-55S;. 258 Mackiimon, Doris L. et Vl^s, Fred. Sur les proprietes optiques de quelques elements c(intractiles. Paris, C. I\. Acad. .>^ei., 147, 1U08, (388-390). 259 Haire, R. et Tison, A. Sur le de- Teloppemeut et les allinites du Soro- sphaera veronicae Schroter. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1410- 1412). 260 Manceaux, L. vide Nicolle, C. Manson, Patrick. My experience of tryj)auosomiasis in Europeans and its treatment bv atoxvl and other drugs. Ann. trop. Med., London, 2, 1908, ^33- 51). 261 Marcone, G. Sporozoen-Dennatosen des Hundes. Zs. Infekt.-Krankh., Berlin, 4, 1908, (5-32) 4 Taf. 262 * Marinelli, Olinto. Descrizione geo- logica dei dintorni di Tarcento in P^iuli. Firenze, Pubblic. 1st. st. sup. (Sci. fis. nat.),Xo. 43, 1902, (viii + 1-238), 5 pis., 2 charts. 263 Markow, Michel. Jlitteilungen iilier d;is Plancton des Schwarzen Meeres in der Xahe von Sebastopol. Zool. Anz., I Leipzig, 33, 1908, (G63-666). 264 Marsson, — vide Lauterborn, R. Martin, Gustave, Leboeuf, — et Rou- band, — . Les trj^panosomiases ani- Hinalea du Congo frangais. Paris, Bui. Boc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (351 -355). 265 Martin, Gustave, Leboeuf, — et Rou- baud, — . Experiences de transmission du Xagana par les Stomoxes et les moustiques du genre Mansonia. Paris, BuL 80C. path, exot., 1, 1908, (355-358). 266 Mast, S. 0. Light reactions in lower organisms. 2. Volvox (jlohator. J. Com p. Xeiir. Psvch., Granville, Ohio, 17, 1907, (99-180).' 267 Mayer, ^iLirtin. Ueber Malarin- parasiten bei Affen. Arcli. Protisten- kunde, Jena, 12, 1908, (314-322) Taf. xxi. 268 Mayer, ilartin. Ueber Malariapara- sitien bei AlTen. Verb. Ges. 1) Naturf., Leipzig, 79. 2, ii, 1907, (1908), (540- 547). 269 Mayer, ^fartin ride Keysselitz, (i. McCampbell, Eugene Franklin ride PliiUips. .James Mcllvaine. McClendon, J. F. The reaction of Amoeba to stimuli of small area. Proc. Amer. Physiol. Soc, in Amer. J. Physiol.. Boston, Mass., 21, 1908 (xiii-xiv). " 270 McClendon, J. F. The effects of prolonged centrifugal force on Parnmnc- cium. Proc. Amer. Pliysiol. Soc, in Amer. J. Phvsiol., Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (xiv). ' 271 (McNeal, W. J. The life-history of Trijpaiinsoma lemsi and Trypanosoma hriicei J. Inf. Diseases, Chicago, 111., 1, 1904, (517-543), with pis.) 272 McNeal, W. J. vide Novy, Frederick G . Meek, Seth Eugene. The Zoology of Lakes Amatitlan and Atitlan, Cxuate- raala, with special reference to Ichthyo- logy. Chicago, 111., Field Colmnb. Mus.^ Pub. Zool. Ser., 7, 1908, Publ. No. 127. (159-200). 273 [Meissner, ^'.] Miiiciiciri., B. Mii- KpocKoriimccKlH iipejicTaBiiTCJiii bo^hoh (fiajHu ApajibCKaro Mopa h Bna^aro- JUlfXl. BT. Hero pt.Kl., Bli CBtsH CT> BoripocoM'b GOT, ycioBiHX'h HXT. pac- iipe,Th.ieiii«. [Mikroskopische Wasser- tiere des Aralsees xuid der einmiinden- den Fliisse, im Zusammenhang niit der Frage iiber deren Verbreitungsbedin- gungen.] TaSkent, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. ObSc., 4, 8, 1908, (1-102). Taf. i-iv. 274 Melxner, A. On the Fauna of the- Bradford Coke Bed effluent. [In (German. | Cambridge, Proc Phil. Soc, 14, 1908, (530-531). 275 Mercier. Louis. Sur le developpment et la structure des spores de Thelohania iG Prol. II. Protozoa. [1908] giardi Henneguv. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (34-38). 276 Mercier, Louis. La schizogonie simple chez Amoeba blattce Biitschli. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (942- 945j. 277 Mercier, Louis. Notes sur les Myxo- sporidies. Arch. zool. Paris, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, Notes et Revue (liii-lxii). 278 Mercier, Louis. Xeoplasie du tissu adipeux chez des Blattes (Periplaneta ^jrientalis L.) paraeitees par una Microsporidie. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 11, 1908, (372-381), Taf.xxii. 279 Merton, Hugo. Leber den Bau und die Fortptlanzung von Pleodorina iUlnoi- scnsia Kofoid. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (445-477), Taf. xxvii-xxviii. 280 Mesnil, F. et Brimont, E. Sur les proprietes de races de Trypaiiosomes resistantes a Tatoxrl et aux serums. Paris, C. R. soc. b'iol.. 64, 1908, (()37- 640). 281 Mesnil, F. et Brimont, E. Sur une race de Trypanosonies r^sistante a I'emetique et sur revahiation in vitro de sa resistance. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (820-823). 282 Mesnil, F. et Brimont, E. Sur les proprietes preventives du serum des animaux trvpanosomies. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 65, 1908, (77-80). 283 Mesnil, F. et Brimont, E. Sur un Hematozaire iiouveau (Eiidutrypaniun n. gen.) d'un Edente de Guyane. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (581-583). 284 Mesnil, F. et Brimont, E. Sur les proprietes des races de Trypanosonies resistantes aux medicameiits. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 22, 1908, (850- 875). 285 Metz,0. F. vide BlumJ, Math. Meylan, Oh. Ctrntribution i la con- iiaissance des Myxoinycetes du Jura. Lausanne, Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat., 44, No. 1G4, 1908, (285 302). 286 Mezinescu, D. Les Trypanosonies des inou-iliijiiis et leurs relations avec les Ihwmoprotpxia des oiseaux. Paris, C W. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (975-9711). 287 Mielck, W. Acantlionietrr'n von Nen- PomiiiiTM. Wiss. MccrcsuiiteiH., Kiel, (N.F.;, 10, Abt. Kiel, 1908, (39-Hi.''>i, Taf. pis. iv-viii. 288 Miller, W. W. Eepatozoon pemi- ciosum (n. gen., n. sp.) ; a Haemogre- garine pathogenic for white rats ; with a description of the sexual cycle in the intermediate host, a mite (Lelaps echid- ninus). Washington, D.C, Treaa. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab., Bull., No. 46. 1908, (1-48), pi's. 289 MiUett, F. W. The Recent Forami- nifera of Gahvav. Notes on a Report by F. P. Balk will & F. W. Millett, together with corrections, and a repro- duction of the illustrations taken from the original drawings. Plymouth (W. Brendon & Son), 1908, (3-8), pis. i-iv. 290 Minchln, E. A. Investigations on the development of Trypanosonies in the Tsetse-flies and other Diptera. Q. J. microsc. Sci., London, 52, 1908, (159- 200), pis. viii-xiii. 291 MincMn E. A. On a Haemogre- garine from the blood of a Himalayan lizard {Agama tuherculata). London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907 (publ. 1908) ii, (1098-1104), pis. Iv&lvi. 292 Minchin, E. A. Note on the poly- morphism of Trypanosoma gambiense. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (230- 237), pi. xvii. 293 M[inclun], E. A. The etiology of trvjtanosomiasis. Nature, London, 78, 1908, r372). [Abstract of Roubaud's woik (384)]. 294 Montgomery, R. Eustace A Kinghom, Allan. A Hejiort on ti-ypanosomiasis of domestic stock in North- Western Rhodesia. Ann. trop. Med., London, 2. 11)08,(97-132), 10 charts. 295 Montgomery, R. E. vide Kinghom, A. Monti, Rina. L'insegnamento della Zof)iogia nelle scuole di medicina. Milaiio, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat, 46, 1908 (324-339). 296 Moore, Benjamin, Nierenstein, Maxi- milian .V Todd, .lohn Lancelot. Notes on the ellects of therapeutic agents on Tryjianosomes in respect to (a) ac(]uire(l resistance of the parasites to the drug, and (b) changes in virulence of the strains after escape from the drug. Ann. trop. Med., London, 2, 1908,(221-220) „„ , "" 297 Moroff, 1 hcodor. Dei bei den Cepha- lopoden vorkommendeu Aggregataarten 17 Prot. Titles. 0400 als Gruudlage einer kritischen Stiulie iiber die riiy>iologie des Zollkoriios. Arch, rrotisteukuiide, Jena, 11, I'JOS, Vl-1'24\ 11 Taf. 298 MttMena, P. Die Schlafkrauklieit wnd ilire IJehaiuilupg. Sanimeheferat. Ceiitralhl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 40, Keferate, 1907, (481-499). 299 Huratet, L. tide Sabrazes, J. Murray, James. " Scotia " Collec- tions. Note on microscopic life in Gongh Island, Soutli Atlantic Ocean. Edinburuh, Proc. R. Phvsic. Soc, 17, 1908,(127-129). ■ 300 Nagler, K. vide Hartmann, M. Neg^, A. Beobachtungen iiber Sarco- sporidien. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena. Abt. 1, 47, Htu8, (56-Hl, G12-622), 3 pis. 301 Negrri, A. Osservazioni sui Sarco- sf)oridi. Roma, Rend. Ace. Liucei, canine du Kala-Azar. Paris, Bui. sue. path, exot., 1, 1908, (2;)9-30i). 311 Nicolle, C. et Manceaux, L. Sur une infection a corps de l.eishman ( m organismes voisins^ du (ionili. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (7n3-7GG). 312 Nicolle, C. et Sicre, A. Reproduction experinientale du houion d'Orient ciii z le singe (MacaeuH slnicua). Paris, C. \i. soc. biol.'64, 1908, (109G--1098). 313 Nicolle, C. et Sicre, A. Faible viiu- lence des cultures de Leinhnianiti tropica pour le singe (bonnet chiuoisj. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (143 - 144). 311 Nierenstein, Maximilian vide .Moore, !!. Noc, F. Un cas de dysenteric a Balantidium chez le Macdcua ciiuonwlgui . Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, («7.S- 880). 315 Novy, F. G. Immunity again -t "i'rvpanosomes. 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[1908] Nuttall, fJeorge H. F. and Graham- Smith, G. S. Notes on the drug treat- ment of canine piroplasmosis. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (220-2:^6). 322 Nuttall, George H. F. and Graham- Smith, G. S. The development of Piruplasma cams in culture. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (243-260), pi. xix.. 323 Og-ata, ^r. Die Aetiologie der Ratten- bisskrankheit. D, med. Wochenschr., Leipzig, 34, 1908, (1099-1102). 324 Osimo, (fuiseppe. Di alcuni Forami- niferi deH'Eocene superiore di Celebes. Kiv. itul. paleont., Perugia, 14, 1908, {2%- 54), pis. i-iii. ' 325 Ostenfeld, C. The phytoplaukton of the Aral Sea. Taskent, "izv. Turk. otd. niss. geoar. Ob§c., 4, 8, 1908, (123-225). Taf. v-vii. 326 Osthelder, F. vide Tappeiuer, H. Ottolenghi, D. Untersuchungen iiber 'J'njyinnosoma hrncei und iiber T. cijuhuvn. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 47, 1908, (473-483). 327 Ottolenghi, D. Nuove ricerche sul '1 riii(iu()>ioma hrucei e sul Tri/pavosonia cfiuhium. Monitore zool. itaL, Fireiize, 13, 1908, (29-38), tav.ii. 328 Pace, Donienico. Parasiten und Pseudo])arasiten der Xervenzelle. ^ ojliuilige Mitteilungen uber ver- gleichende Paiasitologie des Xerven- systems. Zs. Hyg., Leipzig. 60, 1908, (62-74), i-iv. 329 Pause, [Otto]. Piroplasmose bei ostafnkanischeii Ziegen. Arch. Schiffs- hyg., Leipzig, 12, 1903, (31). 330 Pascoe, E. 11. Marine Fossils in the Yeiiangyanng Oil-field, L'pper Burmah. Pec. Geol. Surv. hid. Calcutta, 36, i'.iOS, (135-142), 1)1. xviii. [Cf. Vredenburg, 460 ; 331 Patton, W. S. The develdjmieut of the Lcishnian-Donovan ])arasite in Cimex rotitnddtiis — Second Report. Sci. Mem. Med. Ind., Calcutta, 31, 1908 (1-25), 2 pis. 332 Patton, \V. S. The life cycle of a sjieties of Crhliidia parasitic- in the intesiinal tiact oi Gerrift fosnarujn l""abr. Arcli. J'roti.sienkunde, .Jena, 12, lilOS. (131- MO) Taf. ix. 333 Patton, W. S. Jferpctomonax biijac'i. Ar:h. Protifitenkunde, Jona, 13, "l'908. (1-18J, Taf. i. 334 Patton, W. S. 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Rev. Suisse Zool., 16, 1908, (441-471), pLxvii. 340 Penard, E. Sur une Difflugie nouvelle des environs de Geneve (D. truncata). Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve, 16, 1908, (473-482), pi. xviii. 341 Penard, E. Die Sonnentierchen. :Mikrokosmos, Stuttgart, 2, 1908, (59-71). 1 Taf. 342 Penning, C. A. Surra onder den \eestapel in Nederlandsch Indie en andeie Trypanosomen. [Leber Surr;i unter dem Viehstand in Niederliindiscli Indien und liber andere Trypanosomen.] •Tijdschr. Yeearts., Utrecht, 35, 19(^8, (191-212). 343 Perez, Charles. Sur Duhosccjia legeri, ilicrosporidie nouvelle parasite du Terincs lucifiigus, et sur la classification des Micros])oridies. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (631-633). 344 Perez, Charles. Dermocystis puisida. organisme nouveau parasite de la pean des tritons. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907,(445-446). 344a Peters, Amos W. The biocheniical action of copper sulphate on aquatic 19 Prot. Titles. OICL microorganisms. 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(Deutsche Siidpolar - Expedition "l9ltl^ (N-10332 e) 19116, Bd 10, H. 3.) Berlin (G. Reimtrj, 1908, (183-305), Taf. xx-xxxvi. 355 Porter, Annie. Leucoeijtozoonmiwidi sp. n., a ])arasitic Protozoan from the blood of white mice. London, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, ii, (703-716) pi. xx.xi.v 356 Porter, Annie. A new Schizogrega- rine, Merogregarhia amavoucii nov.gen., nov. sj)., parasitic in the alimentary canal of the composite Ascidian, Amarou- cium sp. (Prel. Comm.). Arch. Zool., Paris (4) 9, 1908, Notes et Revue, (xliv-xlviii). 357 Powers, J. IL Further studies in Volvox, with descriptions of three new species. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc, Chicago, 111., 28 1906, (1908), (141-17.5), 4 ])ls. 358 Provale, Irene. Di alcana Nnmmuli- tine e Orbitoidiue dell' isola di Borneo. Riv. ital. paleout., Perugia, 14, 1008, (55-80), ].ls. iv-vi. 359 Prowazek, S. von. Bemerkungen zu dem Geschlechtsproblem bei den Proto- zoen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (789-793). 360 Prowazek, S. von. Zur Lebensge- schichte der Glaucoma. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (277-279) 361 Prowazek, S. von. Ueber Haemogre- garinen ans Porocephalus moniliformis. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (465-466), 362 Prowazek, S. von. Studien zur Bio- logic der Zelleu. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (782-790). 363 Prowazek, S. von. Einfiuss von Siiurc- losungen niedrigster Konzentration auf die Zell- und Kernteilung. A.rch, Entw- Mech., Leiiizig, 25, 1908, (643-647). 364 Prowazek, y. von vide Bohne, also Halberstaedter, L. Piitter, August. Methoden zur Erfor- schung des Lebens der Protisten. [In ; Handbuch der physiologischcu Melhodik, hrsg. V. R. Tigerstedt, Bd 1, Abt. 2.] Leipzig (S. Hirzel), 1908, (1-68). 365 Batz, Istvan. Az izmokban eloskodo veglenyekrol es a Magjar faunaljan elo- fordulo fajaikrol. [Gbcr die in Muskeln parasitirenden Sarcosporidien und deren in Ungarns Fauna vorkommenden Arten.] Allat. Kozlem, Budapest, 7, 1908, (177-178. deutsch. Res. 180). 366 b 2—2 20 Prot. n. Protozoa. [1908] Ravagli, Maria. Calcari nummulitici dei dintorni di P'irenze. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 17. i, 1908, (125- 129). 367 Ravagli, Maria. Nummuliti oligo- cenichedi Laverdanel Vicentino. Roma, Rend. Ace. Liueei, (Ser. 5j 17. ii, 190S, (500-508). 368 Razzeto, — . Ueber die hvgienische Bedeutung von Protozoen im Wasser und iiber das Verhalten von Filtern gegeniiber Protozoen. Hyg. Rdsch., Berlin, 18, 190S, (1020-1025). 369 Resch, Ignaz. Die Kernteilung und der Depressionszustand bei Colp'idium colpoda Stein. (Diss.) Miinchen ^^Dr^ck T. C. Wolf & S.), 1908, (35). 370 Reuss, Hans. Neue Myxoboliden \ on Siisswasserfiscben. St Peterburg, Bull. Ac. sc, (Ser. 5), 25, 1906, [1907]. (199- 205). 1 Taf. 371 Ricci, Omero. Stadi di sviluppo del parassita della psoriasi — e uno Sporozoo. Riv. Ital. sc. nat., Siena, 28, 1908, (89- 91). 372 Richardson, L. On the Section of Lower Lias at Hock Cliff, Fretherne, Gloucestersliire. Gloucester, Proc. •Cotteswold Nat. F. CI., 16, 1908, (135- 142). 373 Richters, E. Rotatoria, Tardigrada und andere Moosbewohner. [In „ Fauna Siidwest-Au^traliens." Ergebn. Ham- burger Siidwestaustral. Forschungsreise 1905 herausgeg. v. W. Michaelsen and R. Hartmever. Bd. 2.] Jena ^G. Fischer), 1908, (81-85), 374 Richters, F. Moosfauna - Studien. Frankfint a. M. Ber. Senckeub. Ges., 1908, I l-30j 2 Taf. 375 Richters, F. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Moosfauna Australiens und der Jnseln des Pacifischen Ozeans. Zool. Jahrb. Jena, Abt. Syst., 26, l'.)08, (196-213), pi. xvii. 376 Richters, Ferd. .Moosbewoliner. Wis- sensL-liaftl. Frgebnisse der SiLwed. Siid- polar-Exped., 1901-1903, 6, Litf. 2. Stockholm, 1908, (1-16), 1 j-l. 377 Robertson, Alexander. Preliminary note on a I'rutozoan in Yaws. J. tioj). Medicine, London, 11, 1908, (321). 378 Robertson, Muriel. Notes upon a Hapiosjioiidian belonging to the genua Iclitltijosijor'idhnn. Ediuijurgh, Proc. R, Phvsic. Soc, 17, 1908, (175-187), pis. ix & X. 379 Robertson, iluriel. A preliminary note on Haematozoa from some Cejdon Reptiles. Spolia Zevlan., Colombo, 5, 1908, (178-185), 1 pi.' 380 Rogers, Leonard. A peculiar iutra- globular cirrhosis of the liver produced by the Protozoal parasite of Kala-Azar. Ann. trop. Med. London, 2, 1908, (147- 152), pi. i. 381 Roig, J. vide Soulie, H. Rosenbaiim, A. vide Levaditi, C. Rosenbusch, F. Kern und Kern- teilung bei Trypanosonaen und Balte- r.diiim. (Vorl. Mitt.) Arcli. Schiffshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, Beih. 5, (147-155). 382 Roth, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis des IcJithyophthirius midtifiliis Fouqu. Bl. Acjuarieukunde, Stuttgart, 19, ]908, (680-684, 692-698, 705-711, 726-731). 383 Roubaud, E. Fixation, multiplica- tion, culture d'attente des Trypanosoaies pathogeues dans la trompe des mouches tse-tse. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (423-425). 384 Roubaud, E. Sur un nouveau Fla- gelle parasite de I'intestin des Muscides au Congo franc^ais. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1106-1108). 385 Roubaud, E. Leptomonas mesnili n. sp. ; nouveau Flagelle a formes try- panosomes de I'intestin de Muscides non piqueurs. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (39-41). 386 Roubaud, E. Resultats actuels des recherches biologiques eilectuees au laboratoire de la Jlission d'ctude de la nialadie du sommeil a Brazzaville et leur application a la prophviaxie. Bui. Mur,eum, Paris, 1908, (210-214). 387 Roubaud, E. Resultats actuels des travaux biologiques de la Mission d'etudes de la maladie du sommeil. Geographie, Paiis, 18, 1908, (99-100). 388 Roubaud vide ^lartin, Gustave. Ruge, Rciidiold und Esau. Das Durchwandern der l)ysenteiie-Airi(')ben durch die Darmwand. Centralbl. Bakt . Jena, Abt. 1, 46, Originale, i9u8, n21!;, 2 Taf. ■ 389 21 rrot. Titles. 0400 Sabraz^s, J. et Muratet, L. Try- panosoine de la turpi lie (rorpcdo mar- viorata Risso). Bonkaux, Proc.-verh. Soc. Lian., 62, 190S, (cxvii-cxix). 390 Salmon, Paul. Le derive acetyle de I'atoxvl dans la maladie dii souiineil. Paris; C. K. Acad. Sci., 146. I'JOS, (134l'-l343). 391 Salvln-Moore, J. E. and Breinl, Anton. ■ life-history of Trypanosoma eqiii- y .Jiim. Loudon, Proc 11. Soc, B 80, 190S, (2SS-2i)8), pis. viii & ix. 392 Salvin Moore, J. E., Breinl, Anton, and Hindle, Edward. Tlie life-history rif TrupAiiosjnia lei-cisi. Ann. trop. Med. luloa, 2, 1903, (197-220), pis. ii-v. 393 Sambon, L. W. Remarks on the V'.iaa Haemoprotozoa of the genus icoci/tozoon, Danilewskv. J. trop. 1., London, 11, 1908, (245-248, 0-.-.-32SJ. 394 Sambon, L. W. and Seligmann, C. tJ. Descriptions of five new species of Haemogregarines from snakes. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, i, (283-284). 395 Sambon, L. W. and Seligmann, C. (i. Haemogregarines in snakes. Lancet, London', 1907, i, (1(350 & 1737). 396 Sambon, L. W. and Seligmann, C. C< . The Haemogregarines of snakes. J. p. Med., London, 11, 1908, (355- o, 374-377). 397 [Samsonoflf, X. A.] CaMcoiiOBi., H. A. Ki. cBt;i1;niaM'b o n.iaiiKTOnt 03. niriaHKay (JIh(j|).7. ry6.). 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W. Senna, Angelo. Raccolte plancto- niclie fatte dalhi R. Nave " Liguria " nel "viaggio di circonnavigazione del 1903- 05 sotto il coniando di S. A. R. Luigi di Savoia duoa degli Abruzzi. Vo], 1, t'asc. 1. Firenze, Pubblic, Ist. st. sup., 1906, (1-19), 2 pis. 415 Sergent, Edmond. Un cas de reveil •d'intection a, Heinocytozoaires chez un ;singe. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908.(187-188). 416 Sergent, Edmond et Sergent, £tienne. .Sur la structure fine des sporozoites de Plas^modi iim rdlctum Grassi et Feletti (= Proteosoinn). Paris, 0. R. Acad, sfi., 147, 1908, (439-441). 417 Shipley, Arthur E. Rats and their aniiual j)aras^ites. J. econ. Biol., London, 3, lOOS, ((31-83). 418 Shipley, Aitbur E. Malaria. [In : , "Pearls and Parasites.'"] London (Murray;, 19U8, (129-154). 419 Shipley, Arlhur E. " Infinite torment of flii.-s." [In : Pearls and Parasites.] London (Murray), 1908, (155-173). 420 Sicre, A. vide Nicolle, C. Sidebottom, Henry. Report on the Recent I'oraniitiifera of the Island of Delos ((Jrecian Archipelago). Part V. Manchester, Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc, 52, 1908, No 13, (1-28), r> pin. 421 Siebert, W. Studien iiber Sj)iro- •chateii und 'IVvpanosouipn. Arch Pro- tistenkunde, Jena, 11, 1908, (303-371). 422 Sievers, R. Zur KemitiiiS der Ver- breitung von l).iiniparaHiten des Men- schen in Finland. Ilelsingfors, Fest- schiirt fiir Palmen, No. 10, l'J05, {\~m, Karte. 423 flievera, R. Till kiinnedonien om fore- koni^ten af intestinal parasitor Iios iniinniskan i I'inland. [Zur Kenntnis des Vorkonimens von Intestinalparasiten beiui Meuschtin in Finland]. B\ Liik.'vres. Handl., Helsingfors, 48, Erstes Halb- jahr, 1906, (39-79). 424 Silvestri, Alfredo. L'Omphalocydus jiiaeropora (Lamck.) a Temaini-Imerese (Palermo). Roma, Atti Ace. Nuovi Liucei, 61, 1908, (17-26). 425 Silvestri, Alfredo. Sulla " Orhltoldes 'rb'i!olina in India and Persia. Rec. (ieol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 36, ]90^ (:;i !). 463 [Vrublevski, K. I.] BpyojiefiCKifi, K. I. Ti)niiauo30Ma syOpoB-i. B'fcvioB'bHc- CKOfi Jl\inii. [Ein TrijiMiwsoma des AViscnt nil Walde von Bjelowesh.] Arch, veteriii. i-auk, St. Peterbura, 38, 1908, (5;j4-r.r.i;'. [Cf. (465)]. ■' 464 Vrublevski, K. I. Ein Trypanosoma des \\ it.eiit von Bielowesch. Centralbl. Bakt., .Icna, .'Vbt. 1, 48, Orig., 1908. (162-ir,3i. 1 pi. 465 Wadsworth, .1. T. ride llickson, S. J. Wagner, George. A note on the cheinotaNis of Oxytr'ieha aerug'moilMtscliniarotzer. Leijizi" (.J. .'\. naiili), 1908, (1-17.1), 8 pis. 468 Wasielewski, ITheodor] v. Krankheits- erregi'iili I'ruto/oen. [In: Berioht fiber (l''ii .\1V. iiiternat. Kongress fiir ]lvgic;i>. I! Proi. Si'B.iEcT In HEX. 0403 a varied eiiviroiiuiPuf. Amor. Xat., Boston. Mass.. 42, 11)08. (,520-5l'(>^. 482 Woodruff, Lonmtle Loss. Effects of alcohol on the life cvcle of Infusoria. Biol. Hull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (S5-10i), iliiigra., tab. 483 Woodruff, l.orande Loss. Effects of alcohol on the division rate of Infusoria. Science. New York. X.Y., 27, (143-444). [Riief account of (483)]. 484 Woodruff, Loraude Loss. Variation during the life-cycle of Infusoria in its bearings on the determination of species. Science, New York, X.Y.,25, 1907,(734- 735). 485 Worth, R. Hansford. The dredgings of the Marine Biological Association (ISflo-lOOlp), as a Contribution to the knowledge of the geologj' of the English Chaiuiel. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., 8, 1908. (118-188), pis. vi-xvii). 486 Wright, Joseph. Foraminifera. Brit. Ass. Handbook, Dublin, 1908, (220-222). 487 Wurtz, R. vide Thiroux, A. Yamanouchi, T. vide Levaditi, C. Yakimoff, Vas.] Hkhmobt., B. KpoBonapaaiiTU aoMaiumiXT. aaiBoi- HUXT.. (U030pT> CO BTOpOil nO.lOBIIHU 1904 r. 110 BTopyio nciOBiiny 1906 r.). [Die Blutparasiten der Haustiere. (Uebersicht von der 2-ten Halfte 1904 bis zur 2-ten Halfte 1906).] Jurjev, Zs. Veterin. med.. 1, 1906, (103-146). 488 YaTdmoff, V. L. & Kohl, Nina. Zur Infektiousmoglichkeit der Hiihner mit Dourine - Trvpanosomen. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena, Abt. 1, 47, 1908, (483-486). 489 fYakimoff, V. L. et Schiller, Nadezda.] flKIIMOBt, B. u IIlH.i.iepi., H. O 3if- paiKeaiii TpiuiaH030MaMii iiepe3i> c.iiisii- CTyw ooo.iOMKy nHuteBapiiTe.TbHaro TpaKta. [Infection trypanosomique par le passage a travers la muqueuse des voies digestives.] Jurjev, Zs. Veterin. Died., 1, 1906, (51-69, res. Iran?. 70). 490 Zuelzer, Margarete. Ban nnd Ent- wicklung von Wagnerella horerdis M. fV'orl. Mitt.) Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (151-156), Taf. ix. 491 Zykoff, W. Das Plancton des Flusses Irtisch und seiner Nebenfliisse Bukon u. Tabol. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, n 03-1 12). 492 1 1.— S OBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 0403 Historical. On the historical occurrence of malaria among the Greeks and Romans; Jones, 197. Philosophical. Protozoa from the standpoint of the general Naturalist ; Wilson, 477. Bibliography. Records of Protozoan literature for 1907 ; Gros, 163 & Woodcock, 481. Protozoen-Literatur, 1906, Th. Ill, 1907, Th. I, und 1908, Th. 1 ; Field, 130. Jahresbericht iiber Protozoa, mit Ausschluss der Foraminifera, fiir 1897, 1898, und 1899; Lucas, 255. Reviews, Treatises, Essays. An der Greuze des Lebens ; Brass, 40. Critical review and notes on certain Protozoan-cytology questions ; Calkins, 56. Pathogenic Protozoa. With special reference to the malarial parasite and the Piroplasmata ; Hewlett, 182. General account of Protozoan blood- parasites ; V. Wasielewski, 468. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Lehi-e von den pathogenen Mikro- organismen, umfassend Protozoen ; Baumgarten und Tangl, 21. Reviews of two theses on sexuality in the Sporozoa ; Plateau, Francotte, & Willem, 350. Review of the Schizogregarines ; Fantham, 117. Essay on malarial parasites and malaria ; Shipley, 419. Lecture on Piroplasmata and piro- plasmoses ; Nuttall, 320. Short summary of knowledge relating to morphology of Trypanosoma gam- biense, its transmission by (U. palpalis, its connection with sleeping-sickness, and the methods of combating that disease ; MUhlens, 299. 26 Pmt. IT. Protozoa. [1908] Review of the relation of blood- ?iucking Invertebrates to the life cycles of Trvpauosomes of Vertebrates; Patton <*t Strickland, 337. On recent discoveries regarding Trypanosomes and sleeping-sickness ; "Ward, 467, Trypanosomeu iiiiil Trypanosomosen. Uebersicht der Litteratiir 1904-1906. iKuss.); Yakimoff, 488. Economics. Hygiene. Ueber die hygienische Bedeutung von Pi'otozoen im Wasser \md iiber das Verhalten von Filtern gegeniiber Pro- tozoen ; Razzeto, 369. Protozoa in relation to disease. (a) General. On the importance of the study of parasitic; Protozoa for medicine and a medical career; Monti, 296. Probleme der Protistenkunde. Die TryjKinosomen, ihre Bedeutung fiir Zoo- logie, Mcdizin nnd Kolouialwirtschaft ; Doflein, 96. Patlingcne IMikrooi-ganlsmen (Russ.) ; Abramoff, 1. Kraiiklieitserregende Protozoen ; Wasielewski, 469. lii<' licl('l)t('n Krankheitsursachen. A. Die [.,plu'e von der Infektion mit Ein- schluss der Protozoen Parasiten ; rraenkel, 134. (b) Mycet08i». Action of the endoparasitic Myceto- 'zonn , Sporo)nyxa HCdiiri , on its host's cells and tissues is purely destructive, not proliferativ«( ; L^ger, 234. (c) Ainarhosin. Die Auioben-lCnteritis uiid ilirr Be/.ic- Imngen zur Dysenteric; JUrgens, 198. Sur lea Eiitainib(!s dans la dysiiilcirlc aiiiibieniie dcs pavs cliauds; Leaage, 242. Durchwandorn dor Dyson tcrie-Ami) I irn itozoon sp.) pathogeaio for wliito rats ; MiUer, 289. Pro'eoxom i ' ILirmypr<}!cns) and bird malaria ; v. Wasielewaki, 468. (g^ Piroplasmosis. Piroplasinosis in the Soudaa {higeiii'i- num and mutatis: absence of parcum); Balfour, 17 (witb pi. 4). riroplasmose bovine observee a la Cote d'lvoire ; Bouet, 32. Piropla.-^mose bei ostafrikanischeu Ziehen ; Pause, 330. llbservations sur la piroplasmose des Bovides d'Lido-Chiue et constatation de piroplasnioses chez les buffles ; Scbein, 400. A bovine piroplasmosis (of the type P. higetriinum), with bacilliform phases, in the neighbourhood of Algiers ; Souli^ & Roig, 431. Piroplasmosis of horses (Pifoploffmn equi) in Russia ; Belitzer, 23. An epizootic of infectious jaundice among dogs, thought to he a piroplas- mosis caused by a new form of parasite, P. commune ; Phillips & McCampbell, 347. (Studies in " piroplasmosis hominis "' ("spotted fever" or "tick fever " of tite Rocky mountains;) ; Wilson and Chow- nlng," 479. A peculiar intraylobular cirrhosis of the liver, due to Le'ishmania donovani ; Bogers, 381. Epizootic lymphangitis in a nude, caused by a Protozoan parasite rif polynuclear leucocytes, lesembling Wright's bodies ; Ducloux, 101. The parasite causing equine hTiiphan- gitis, named Leucocytozoon piroplas- moides by Ducloux, probably a Le'ish- mania allif'd to L. tropica ; Tbiroux et Teppaz, 449. (h; Myxosporidiosis. Ueber durch Myxosporidien hervor- gerufene pathologische Veranderungen ; Zeysselitz, 203. On tiie formation of the tumours pro- duced by Myxotjolus pfeijjt'eri in the barbel, and their relations to the para- sites; Keysselitz, 201. — Cystitis of the gall-bladder of Oadua rirens caused by a Myx'tdium ; Keysselitz, 201. Discussion of the "(u'lben Kiiriier" in counectiou with Myjeoholuti and llofc- rellnff cyprini ; regarded as degenerating, spore-containing, pliagocytic masses; Mercier, 278. Die Pelirinc-Krankheit der Soiden- nuipe ; Stempell, 435. Parasiten (Glwjea lopli'i't) und PscmkIo- parasiten der Nervenzelle; Face, 329. Xeoplasie du tissu adipeux chez des Blattes {Peri planet a orientalis L.) para- sitees par nno ilicrosporidie ; Mercier, 279. (j) Ilaplosporidioais. Disturbance caused by an Ichthyo- sporidiutn to the alimentary canal of a liounder — cell ]irolifpratioii, notlide formation ; Robertson, 379. (k) Trypanosomosis.' Baleri, trypanosomose des territoires de la bouche du Niger, et T. pecaiidi ; Bouffard, 35. Souma et Baleri ; Cazalbou, 61. lies trypanosomoses animales du Congo francj-ais; Martin, Leboeuf et Roubaud, 265. Trypanosomoses des Mammifei-es an Congo fraugais ; Kerandel, 200. Sur la maladie du sommeil et les try- panosomoses animales a la Petite Cote et dans la region des Niayes au Senegal ; TMronx, Wurtz, & Teppaz, 450 & 451. Trypanosomoses du Dahoniev ; Bouet, 33. Notes on various trypanosomoses of camels, cattle, etc., in the Soudan (V. dimorpliou, pecaudi, soudane nae , vniium, etc.) ; Balfour, 15 ; also Wenyon, 473. Various ti'yjjanosomoses of cattle, caused by T. diinarphon, v'nuix and the'deri ; Montgomery & Kingbom, 295. A new form of trypanosomosis occur- ring in a honse in Zanzibar; Edington, 103. Ueber die Surra-Krankheit in Nieder- landisch Ostindien ; Penning, 343. Hepatitis in animals artificially in- fected with T. vespcrtilion/8 ; Battaglia, 19. 28 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1008] Lonrjevity of guinea-pigs suffering from Nagana ; behaviour of birds (e.g., kestrel) towards the parasites ; Durliajn, 102. Diminished virulence of T. hrucil after passage through a hedgehog; Fellmer, 128. A goat immunized to T. congolevse acquired an infection with T. dimorplion ; Laveran, 225. On inununity against Trypanosomes ; Novy, 316. Guerison de la maladie du sommeil chez le lerot vulgaire {Myoxus mtela) en hibernation ; Brumpt, 51. — Lethal effects of T. inopinatum on frogs ; Brumpt, 51. (l) Various. Intestinal Protozoa of Man, and the diseases associated with them ; Guiart, 164. Zur Kenntnis des Vorkonmiens von Intpstinaiparasiten beim Menschen in Finhuul ; Sievers, 423 & 424. Relative frequency of occurrence of intestinal Amoebae and Flagellates in cases of dysentery in the Andaman Islands ; Anderson, 4. The bearing of Lamhlia intcstinaris and Tr'icliomoims intcstinalis upon dy- sentery ; Bolme & Prowazek, 27. A case of Piahmtidhim-enterliis; Glaessner, 158. A case of dysentery in a monkey (Mucacus cynomolgus) associated with the occurrence of Balantidium coli ; Noc, 315. I'.IVccts of 1 chthyophlh'ir'iu^ midtifiUis on the skin, gilbepithelium. etc., of infected fish; Roth, 383. " Rattenbisskrankheit " alleged to lie caused by a Sporozoan parasite; Geata, 324. JJodies regarded as Protozoa [doubtful] found in Yaws; Robertson, 378. Guarnieri's bodies, occurring in vaccinia in the ral)bit, regarded as cell- incbisions and not true living organisms (I'rowazck's " Chlamydozoa "j ; Elmas- sian, 108. " Kpillicliouia clavclcux," cancer and other diseawes regarded as caused bv a j)arasitic Protozoaa ; Bosc, 31. Miscellaneous. Trnnsmission : natural and ex- perimental infection. General discussion of the modes of transmission of Trypanosomes and the manner of infection of both the Vertebrate and Invertebrate hosts ; Minchin, 291. Essay on " flies" in relation to the trans- mission of Protozoan blood-pai\asites ; Shipley, 420. The connection between various- African Trypanosomes and Tsetse-flies, as possible transmissive agents; Bruce, 46. The transmissive agents of various Trypanosomes of cattle in Rhodesia ; Montgomery i^ Kinghom, 295. Du role compare des Glossines at des Stomoses dans I'etiologie de la Souma j Bouflfard, 34. Experiences de transmission du Nagana par les Stomoxes et les mous- tiques du genre Mansonia; Martin, Leboeuf & Roubaud, 266. Tsetse-flies (GJo.%siva s]i]i.) and T. (laiiihicn.'ie', Kinghom & Montgomery, '208. Prol)al)ility that Glossina fusca can only become infected with T. hriicii at time of its first meal; Keysselitz & Mayer, 205. Transmission of T. lewisi from rat to rat by fleas {Ceratophyllus fasciatus and Ctenophthalmus agyrtes) and lice (Haentatopinus spimdosus) ; Nuttall, 319. Successful infection of Stcgomyia with Prnteonoma (the parasite of bird- malaria), development of the sporozoites and transmission to canaries; Neumann, 305. Method of infection of Lygae^is inilitari.'i with Herj)ctomonas lygaei : no hereditary infection ; Patton, 334. Infection of Lyncliia sp. with llallcridium columhae and transmission of the jiarasites by lliis Insect to pigeons ; Aragao, 6a. Ilclohdclla algira fi'ansmits the Trypanosomes of frogs, viz., 7'. rola- torium and T. inopinatum ; Franca, 139 cV 141. 29 Prvt. SrnjECT Index. — Structure. 0407 Artitioial infection (only sliuht) of fowls with tlu> Trvpanosome of Douriue ; Yakimoflf .V: Ko'm, 489. Guinea-pigs iuociilable (with fatal results) witli a new form of Piro[>Iasin(t, P. commuiw; Phillips A: McCampbell, 347. Unsuccessful attempts to inoculate n the structure of certaiu Flagellates from tite gut of the frog and toad ; Dobell, 92. ' Description of a remarkable new Trypanosome-like parasite (Endotrij- pdiium n.g. I cndiigloliular in Choloepus ', Mesnil tt Brimont, 284. A very small 'rrypanosome, probably a new form, from a horse at Zanzibar; Edington, 103. Morphological notes on : a new Try- panosome from a snake, T. erythrolampri n. sp. ; Wenyon, 472 ; and on various new Trv})ain)somes and Haemocytozoa ; Wenyon, 473. Structure of hophomonds bldltarum and L. atriata ; Janicki, 192. Three new forms of Jjlastodiuhim ; Cbatton, 69. Description of Pleudor'uia lUinoiaensi-f Kofoid : the difTcrcnt types of cell- individual ; Merton, 280. Further studies iu Volvox, with de- scriptions of three new species; Powers, 358. (e) of ClLIOPHORA. Account of a new parasiticlnfusorian, llilt.^eldii'lld ophcliae n. g., u. sp. ; Averintzeff, 10. Sulla morfologia del genere Colpoda ; Enriques, 109. Sulla intcrpretazidiie niorfologica degli Infusori ; GigUo-Tos, 156. Die Oi'ganiHationsverhaltnissc von KycloUierus pitclcold ; Entz, 112. 31 Prot. Subject Index. — Structure. 0407 I'ycnotlirlx monocijsto'idoi, iiov. fxen., uov. spec, eiu riesiges neiies merkwiir- diges parasitisches Ciliate; Schubotz, 413. Organisation der Tintinniden (Un- garisclit; Eatz, 113. Morphology of a new Oligotricliau, Tii'-hilina instabiliif u. g., n. sp. ; Enriques, 111. 'Mieral account of the marine In- :iau, Trachi'loccrca phociiicoiyteriof Coliu ; Lebedew, 233. Morphology of two new Tracliclidae, LoxophyUiiin solifonnc n. sp. and Leqenirca loijezae n. g., n. sp. ; Faure- Fremiet, 122! Description of Tokoplirya cydopeum CI. et C. ; Collin, 77. Minute structure : special anatomy. (a) Test, shell, etc. Shell - formation, double - shells ("twins") in FusaUnae ; shell-dimor- phism ; Staff, 432. Shell-slrufture in the Futtidinae ; Schellwien, 402. — Account of the shell form anl structure in Ftisulina elon- guta ; Girty, 157. Shell-structure and roode of growth of a new generic type of Foraminiferan, ('iji:'oloculina; Heron-Allen A- Earland, 180. Presence of spicules in the external envelope of Sticliolonche zanclea ; SchrSder, 410. Details of the shell-structure of the A tie»2Sf); "Laveran, 227.— Effects of orpiment-atoxvl on T. caznlboui and T. dimorphon ; Tliiroux & Teppaz, 448. Effects and mode of action of trypano- toxvl (= atoxyl + extract of liver) on various Trvpanosomes ; Levaditi & Ya- manouchi, 247 ; also Levaditi, Brimont & YamanoucM, 248. Marked effects of sodium antimonyl tartrate on T. brurii and T. evansi ; Plimmer it Thomson, 352 ; also Plimmer & Bateman, 351. Effect of various medicaments (arsenic preparations) on pathogenic Trypano- somes ; Laveran & Thiroux, 232 ; Sal- mon, 391. On the effects of therapeutic agents on Trypanosomes in respect to acquired resistance of the parasites to the drugs and subsequent changes in virulence ; Moore, Nierenstein & Todd, 297. Effect of various reagents (strong solutions of salt, saponin, sublimate, taurochol, &c.) on Trypanosovia eqm- perdum of Dourine ; Siebert, 422. On certain interesting properties of Trvpanosome-races resistant to various drugs anil to sera; Meanil & Brimont, 281 283 & 285. De Taction du serum humain sur Tr>j- panosoma pecaudi Laveran. Differencia- tion de T. prrawli d'avec '/'. gamhwnse ; Thiroux et d' AnfreviUe, 447. (b) Sarcodina. REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOl'MENT. (a) Mtoetozoa. 0415 Verschmelzungsvorgiinge und Ent- wicklungsiinderungen bei Mycetozoen (Didymium and Cliondr'ioderma) ; Bruck, 48. On Ihe occurrence of si^xual pheno- mena in a Mycotozoan, Didymium m- rjripea ', Pinoy, 348. Sporulation and spores of the endo- paraaitic Uporomyxa acauri ; L^ger, 234. Multiple Verschmelzungen bei ver- schiedenea Rhizopodeu ; Doflein, 95. Notes on the various phases in the life-histories of Amoebae ; Calkins, 55. Copulation he'i Amoeba diploidea n.sp. mit Selbstandigbleiben der Gameten- kerne wahrend des ganzen Lebenszy- klus: Theilung; Hartmann & Nagler, 174. La schizogouie simple chez Amoeba blattce : mode du division nucleaire ; Mercier, 277. Reproductive phases of the parasitic Amoeba of Iwtryomycosis ; Bureau & Labb6, 52. Fortpflanzungserscheinungen bei Areella vulgaris : vegatative Fortpflan- zimg (auf verschiedenen Wegen), und Chromidiogamie ; Swarczewsky, 439. Multiplication and cj^st-formation in Entamoeba ranarum n. sp. ; Dobell, 92. Modes of reproduction of Wagnerella borealis ; Zillzer, 491, On the encystment, and the cytological processes then occurring, in Actinophrys sol ', Distaso, 90. Reduction- and maturation-divisions of the nucleus in Actinophrys ; Keys- , seUtz, 202. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fortpflan- zung der Castanelliden ; Schmidt, 403 & 404. (e) Sporozoa. The question of solitary encystment; in the Gregarines ; Schellack, 401. On the nuclear divisions, formation of gametes, conjugation and sporocyst formation in Monoeyntis sp. of Lum- brieus agricola ; Hoffmann, 187. Development of ])eculiar nucleated structures in a Gregarine imspec., from Amphiporus, regarded as merozoites produced by an unusual form of schizo- gony; Averintzeff, 11. Schizogony and sporogony in Mero- gregarina n. g. ; Porter, 357. L'evolution schizogonique de VAggre- gata (Eueoccidium) eberthi chez les I'ortunus ; L^ger & Duboscq, 235. Development, maturation and fertilisa- tion of the male and female elements in 35 Prot. Subject Ixdex. — DKVELoriiKNr. 0415 Aggregata spp., from a cytological standpoint ; Moroff, 298. Stages observe^! in a Cocc'idhim para- sitic in turkeys ; Cole A Hadley, 76. Microgametefonnitiou in a Poly- sporix-ystid Coccidiau of Cerebratulua ; Averintzeflf, 9. Phases of the life-cycle, including sexual forms and coujuLiatirin, inHacmo- grejarlna stepanowi; HaJin, 168. Endogenous multiplication of Haeino- gregarlna lacertae ; micro-and luega- merozoites ; Laveran & Pettit, 231. Schizogony in a Haemogregariue (probably II. shattocki) from an Austra- lian snake ; Laveran, 226. Schizogony in Dactylosoma splendens ; Fran(^, 136. Schizogonie der Makrogameten von Plasmodium vivax; Bliiml & Metz, 26. Leber den Entwicklungsgang von Haemoproteus columbae in Lijnch'ia sp., Bowohl wie in den Tauben ; Aragao, 6a. Development of Frotcosoma {Haemo- proteus) in Stegomyia, in a manner corresponding to the course taken in Culex ; Neumann, 305. Life cycle of " Hepatozoon pern'ic'io- eum" [=Leucocytozoo7i sp.], both in white rats and in a mite (Lelaps) ; Miller, 289. .Schizogony in Leucocytozoon musculi ; Porter, 356. The mode of multiplication of Piro- jUaama bovia and P. pitheci in the blood compared with that of P. cams ; NuttaJl A Graham-Smitli, 321. Curious (i)erhaps abnormal) forms of Piroplaama canis, with spike-like pro- cesses, similar to those obtained by Koch in the tick, developed in cultures ; NuttaU & Graham-Smith, 323. Entwicklung der Piroplasmen in Zecken (Ptuss.j ; Belitzer, 23. Sporenbildung und andere Entwicke- lungsphasen bei Ceratomyxa spp. ; Averintzeff, 8. Development of the pansporoblasts, ■and spore formation, in Myxobolus pfeiferi, M. cordis and M. miisculi ; Keysselitz, 201. Spores of Iloferellus eyprinl; Mercier, 278. (N-10332 e) Pansporoblast- and spore-formation in a new Slicrosporidian, I)uboscqia legeri; Perez, 344. Development of the sporont and spores in TItclohania giardi : formation of valve cells ; Mercier, 276. Binary fission in the spores ("gymno- sport's "j of Sarcocystis muris and S. bertrami ; Negri, 301. Plasmotomy in lelithyosporidium sp. ; Robertson, 379. Kernprozesse bei der Fortpflanzung von Lymphocystis johnstonei ; Averintzeff, 8. Komplizierte Fortpflanzungsweise, Mikroklossia (Russ.) ; KrassilstsoMk, 216. (d) Mastigophora. Life cycle of : Herpetomonns lygaei n. sf ., comparison with that of Leishmania donovani ; Patton, 334. — CritJiidia gerridis n. sp. ; Patton, 333. Nuclear division and subsequent cvtoplasmic fission in Oxyrrliis marina ; Keysselitz, 202. Fission, conjugation and cj'st-forma- tion in a new Flagellate, Copromonas suhtilis; Dobell, 91. Development of Flagellate phases of Leishmania donovani in the bed-bug (Cimex rotuivdatus) ; Patton, 332. Development of Flagellate phases of the parasite of Delhi boil {Leishmania tropica), quite similar to those of the Kala-Azar parasite, in cultures ; Nicolle, 307. Phases in the life-history of Piro- plasma eanis, binuclear condition and development of Flagellate forms ob- served ; Breinl & Hindle, 42. On the imlikelihood that Trypano- somes have an ultra-microscopical stage in the life-cycle; Bruce & Bateman, 47. Zell-und Kerntheilung bei Trypano- soma unter Einfluss von Saurelcisungen niedrigster Concentration; Prowazek 364. T. bi'ucii in Olossina fusca, Stuhl- mann's phases observed again ; Keys- seUtz & Mayer, 205. Forms and phases in the life-history of T. gambiense and T. grayi inOlossina palpalis ; Minchin, 291. b 3—2 36 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1908] Polymorphism (probably iudicating the differentation of sexual forms) ia T. (famhiense ; Mmchin, 293. Attachment, multiplication, formation of a " culture d'uttente," of certain pathogenic Trypanosomes (incl. 7'. gamhierise, T. brwAi), in the proboscis oi Glossina palpalis.; Roubaud, 384. Various phases of T. hvwii and 7'. equinum described, legarded as conju- gation phases [more probably irregular multiple fission] ; Ottolenghi," 327 & 328. On the formation of " latent bodies '" in T. equiperdum ; Salviii-Moore & Breinl, 392. Division-phases in T. leirlsi ; appear- ances and behaviour of the nuclear and flagellar organellae; Salvln-Moore, Breinl & Hindle, 393. Binary fission in Hexamitus intesti- nalis : nuclear division by a primitive mitosis ; AlexieflF, 3. Phases in the life-history of certain Flagellates, intestinal ])arasites of the frog and toad ; Dobell, 92. Division, cyst-formation in Lophomo- iia8 blattarum and L. striata ; Janicki, 192. Ungpschlerhtliche und geschlechtliche Fortpflanziing von Tieodorina illinoi- senxia Kofoid ; Merton, 280. Exuviation, autotomy and regenera- tion in Ceratium; Kofoid, 210. Encystment and multi])lication in Oymnodinium fu.onim u. sp. ; Kilster, 217. (e) Cii.ioi'Huka. Beobachtungen iiber die Konjugation Iiilae n. sp, ; in D. c, Malpigliian tubes, " 'I'rujiinosoma " droi'ophilne n. sp. ; Chatton A Alilaire, 71. In a flea (T.(rinopsijUa cicopalrae), Crithidia pulicis; Balfour, 15, p. 3o' pi. 2. In CennH fosaariim and Mteroveha sp., nymph.s and imagines, alimentary canal, ( ritlii'lin gi'rriil'iH, n. s|,. ; Patton, 333. Glossina palpalis, hehaviour of certain pathogenic Trypanosomes (T. gam- bieyi-'te, T, hrucii), in proboscis of ; Roubaud, 384. In Lucilies latifrons and L. sp., (non- biting Muscidae), intestine, Jlerpctomo- nas mesnili n. sp. ; Roubaud, 386. In Lygaeus militaris (non blood- sucking), alimentary canal only, Her- petomonas lygaei sp. n. ; Patton, 334. In Lynchia (hrunea or livicolor), alimentary canal, Halter tdium columbae ; Aragao, 6a. In the following Insects (Brazil), new Microsporidia, viz. : — Simulium sp. (larvae) — Thclohania simulii ; Scea auriiiamma — Nosema aurijlammae ; Epliemerid larvae — N. ephemerae ; Chironomus larvae — N. ehironomi ; a Bombycid-larva (indet.) — N. sabaunae ; llydria sp. — N. hydr'iae ; Ephialtis angulosa — A^. ephialtis ; Corethra (Sayomyia) — iV. corethrac, n. spp. ; Lutz & Splendore, 256. In Mclophagus ovinus, alimentary canal (also ovary ?), CritJiidia melophagia n. sp. ; Flu, 131. In Musca domestlca, alimentary canal (also in faeces), aHerpetomonad, regarded as new (Crithidia mu-'tcac-domesticae) ; Werner, 475. In Pj/cnosoma putorium (Muscidae), intestine, Ilerpctomonas mirabdis n. sp. ; Roubaud, 385. In Periplaneta orienlnlis, fat-bodies, Pleistopliora sp. ; Mercier, 279. Parasiten von Schmetterlingen, MikroMossia mit n. s]ip., .1/ or/c/?^, n. gen. (Russ.); Krassilstschik, 216. In Tabavus /i;Zrrr;HS, alimentary tract, Crilliidia laldui, n. sp. ; Patton & Strickland, 337. In Talianus socius, africanus, par, ditacniatus, fasciatus, gmtiin, rirgatus, Herpetomonas unspec. ; Wenyon, 473. In Tennes hicifugus, body-cavity, a new Microsporidian, Duboscqia legeri n. g., n. sp. ; Perez, 344. Araclinida. 11 aemaphysalis ilava perhaps the alternate host of T^eiicon/lnzonn Irporis ; Patton, 336.— in //./., rritliidni luwma- phiiffaliilis, n. sp. ; Patton ^- Strickland, ■66). 39 Prot. SUBJECT IxPEx. — Parasitism. 0419 In a mite (T^laps ecliidiiiriua), sexual cycle of " Hepatozcion fK'm'iciosum" 1 = Leitcoeytozoon sp.] ; Miller, 289. Pentaatoniida . Occurrence of IJaemogregarina fllthonis, various stapes, in alimentary tract of Porocephalus mvnUiform'is (perhaps an alternate host) ; Prowazek, 362. iloUitsca. In spiral intestine of Octopus, Aggre- <)ata duboscqi. lahbci, legeri, ovata, ■ thji^a. Si^line'iderl and siedlecMi, p ; Moroff. 298. Tunicata. In Amaroucium sp., alimentary canal, Mtrogregarlna amaj'oucii n. g., n. sp. ; Porter, 357. From Oikopleura tortujensis, Gromia appendiculariae n. sp. ; Brooks lS: EeUner, 45. Pisces. In Anguilla vulgaris, red blood-cor- puscles, llaemagregarina bettencoufti II. sp. ; Franga, 135. In the barbel (Barbus), Myxobolus erni().''ard Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 pp. 441-471 pi. xvii. Rhizopoden von antarctischen und subautarctischen Inseln ; RiCHTERS Wiss. Ergeb. Siidpolar Exp. 6, 2, pp. 2-16. Rhizopods and Heliozoa (fresh-water), Netherlands, nfites on ; Hoogeneaad Ann. Biol, lacustre 3 pp. 248-258 and Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 10 pp. 384- 424. fThe fossil form G'lrvaneUa, usually considered to be of Rbizopodal nature, regarded as belonging to the Algae (Cya»ophyceae) ; Chapman Rep. Australas. Ass. 11 pp. 377-386 3 pis. Lecythodytea g-en. n. paradoxua sp. n., an organism of somewhat doubtful systematic position,, but regarded as a Rhizopod allied to the Gromidae, para- sitic iu Chromidlna ; Daxge.\RD C. R., Acad. sci. 146 pp. 1159-1160. Xenophyophora, short general account ; Brai'n Schr. phvsik.-okonom. Ges. 48 pp. 110-112. (a) Amcebaea > = Lobosa). Ammba studies : C[alkixs1, Amer. Nat. 42, pp. 422-428.— A. 6Za«iE Butscli., schizdgonie simple et mode du division nucleaire ; Mercier, C. R. Acad. sci. 146 pp. 942-945. — A. blathr, notes on ; .l.wiiKi Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 ii pp. 148- li'>\. — -4. coVi, occurrence in Port Blair, Andaman Islands ; Anherson, Ind. Med.^ Gaz. 42 pp. 120-128 — A. d'iploidea, sp. n. from Lacerta, remarkable behaviour of the sexual nuclei after conjugation ; Hart.mann iV: N.miler S. B. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 pp. 112-125 pis. v & vi.— A. j^roteus, notes on habits, behaviour,* etc.; GiBiiS and Dellixger Amer. J. Psych. 19 pp. 232-241 pi. & text-figs.— .1. p., occurrence of striatior.s in the ectosarc ; Hill Nature 77 pp. 367-368. — A. sp. a new parasite form, causing botryomycosis, described ; Bureau et Labbe C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 697-699. Arcella vnJyaris Ehrbg., Fortpflan- zungserscheinungen ; SwaRCZEWBKT Arcii. i'rotistenkunde 12 pp. 173-212 Taf. xiv-xvi. 45 Prot. Systematic. — Amiedaka — Foramikikera. 0431 CypJtoderui myo^ur •> sp. n. L;ike oi Geneva ; Penard Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 p. 454 figs. 9-11. DiMugia arruhi var. u. fahifornua ; RicHTERs Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908. — D. histrio sp. n., Like of Geneva ; Pesarp Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 p. 452 figs. 4 & 5. — D. truneata sp. n., environs of Geneva, described ; Pevard t. c. pp. 473-482 pi. xviii. Entaoiibes dans la dyseuterie an>ibieniie des pays chauds ; Lesage, Bull. Soc. path. eiot. 1 pp. 104-111 av. figs. Entamoeba coli and E. histolytica, com- parative account; Craig J. inf. diseases 5 pp. 324-577 pis. ii & iii. — E. h., und ihro Beziehungeu zur I vseuterie; Jukgess Zs. eiper. Path. 4 pp. '769-816 & 4 Taf.— E. nuttalli sp. n., from a liver-abscess iu a monkey ; Castellan'I Parasitol. 1 pp. 101-102 pi. viii. — E. phagocyto/dea sp. n., human intestine and also in ponds, pecu- liarities in cultures; GAtTDrriiEAC C. R. <"c. biul. 64 pp. 493-494. — E. ranarum sp. n., notes on ; Dobelt, Cambridge Proc. i iiil. Soc. 14 p. 431. — E. tetrageiia -reck, syn. Entamoeba afr'icana Hart- . ;iin, notes on ; Hartmasx, Arch. - iiiffshyg. 12 Beih. 5 pp. 117-127. Heleopera sabaitdi sp. n. Lac. raud-Kei, (Malay Arcliipelago) comparison with European fonns ; Douville, Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind.. 37, pp. 690-693 ; Ed. fran.;. 37, pp. 705-708. — L. andreicsiana p. 757, fig. 10, angtdaris p. 756 fig. 3, viujiieri p. 757, fig. 2, Tertiaiy Limestone, Malekula ; Chapman Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 32. — />. provalei sp. n.. Eocene, Celebes ; 0.«imo Riv. ital. pal. 14 p. 40 pi. i figs. 10-12.— (L.. descrip- tion, distribution and relationship of 47 Prot. SVSTKMATK'. — 1"\>:! VllIN UEUA. 0431 genus aad its species; L. raiclinl p. 11 pi. i figs. 3, 6, 9, 13, U), pi. ii ligs. 3. 10, pi. iii figs. 4, 14, achlumbergeri p. 14 pi. i fig. 10, pi. ii fig. I), chapcri p. 14 iig. 5, gaUienii p. 15 pi. i fig. 8 pi. ii fig. 1, jojfrei p. 16 pi. ii fig. 17, pi. iii fig. 11, morgntil p. 17 pi. i fig. 12 pi. ii fig. 15, pi. iii tig. 0, tournoueri p. 10 pi. i fig. 5, pi. ii figs. 2, 14, pi. iii fig. 1, canellei p. 20, pi. i fig. 1, pi. iii fig. 5. munieri p. 20, pi. ii fig. 22, Lein. i^ Douv. spp. ; Lemoine a Docville Mem. Soc. Palaeon- tol. 32.) ]Lepidorbitoides gen. n. (for certain Urbitoideae, e.g. 0. minor) diagnosed, [. 23, paronai sp. n. p. 18; Sii.vestiu Atti Ace. Nuovi Lincei 61. — L., further discussion on forms comprising genus ■ '.Ig. L. (Orbitoides) soc'ialis (Leym.) '.. cggeri nom. nov. ; Silvestri T.c. •.H-99. Linderitia paronai sp. n., Eocene, ._cicbes; OsiMO Riv. ital. pal. 14 p. 38 pi. i figs. 13 & 14, pi. ii figs. 3-5. . "fMicrogromia spumosa sp. n. occur- rence and description ; Fauke-Fremiet BjI. soc. zool. 33 pp. 76 & 77 fig. 1. TMilinlina (Quinqueloculina) seminu- lum figs. 1-3 & 5, M. (Triloeullna) angularia fig. 4, p. 156, Eocene lime- stone, English Channel ; Worth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 8. f}\odocydina subgen. n. of Ortlio- phragmina; Heim .A.bh. Schweiz. pal. Ges. 35 No. 4 p. 271. I" XummjiZiwa 'prtsftna " Brady the megalospheric form of Nummulites variolar iu8-heberti ; Deprat Ann. Soc. Malacol. Belg. 40 pp. 17-22. 'fXummulites eompanata varr. n. tenuisaina, minar p. 210 pi. vi figs. 25 & 26, X. helvetica var. n. minor p. 213, A", boucheri varr. n. falcifera p. 219 pi. vi fig. 4, striatoidea p. 219 pi. vi figs. 5- 8, 13, 15 & 17, craaairadiata p. 220 pi. vi figs. 9, 10, 14 A 19, iV. atacica var. n. erasaisaima p. 221, N. uroniensia p. 226, pis. i, ii, & iii figs. 1-11, gallennia p. 233 pi. iii figs. 12-23, pis. iv & v, spp. n. both A & B forms, described, Eocene, Swiss Alps ; Heim Abh. Schweiz. Pal. Ges. 35 No. 4.— .V. doutillei sp. n., Kachh (India), A & B forms described ; Veedexburo Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., 34 pp. 79-85 pi. viii.— N. (Paronaea) oaimoi p. 02 pi. iv figs. 3-5, aubosimoi p. Gl pi. iv figs. 6-8, prereri p. 63 pi. iv figs. 9 11, attbpreveri p. 63, pi. iv figs. 12-15, N. (Giimbelia) sub-fonmii p. 64 pi. iv figs. 16-20, spp. n., Eocene, Borneo ; Provai.e Riv. ital. pal. 14. — '\N. vredenbnrgi nom. nov.^ Prever, for A^. douvillei Vredenb. praeocc. ; Vredenburo, Kec. geol. Surv. India, 36 p. 239. "fNummurdidae, origin and relation- ships ; Schubert N. Jahrb. Min. Beila- gebd., 25, pp. 250-253. — N., Olipocene,. Laverda (Vicentiuo), notes on ; Ravahli Rend. Ace. Lincei 17, ii pp. 501-507, and 11 text.-figs.--N. and Orbitoidcae, Eocene, Swiss AljDine regions, fully described; Heim Abh. Schweiz. PaL Ges. 35 No. 4 pp. 206-301, 8 pis.— N. and (). Eocene, Borneo, notes on ; Provale Riv. ital. Pal. 14 pp. 55-80 pis. iv-vi. fNuminidostcgina relebitana sp. n.> Carboniferous, Velebit ; Schubert, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 58 p. 377 text- fig. 4. 1iOmplialoci/clus macropora (Lamek.), Cretaceous (Dordonian) Termini- Imerese, notes on ; Silvestri Atti Ace. Nuovi Lincei 61 pp. 17-23 and 3 text- figs. ■fOperctdiiia tellinii sp. n. (Forma B),. Eocene, Tarcento (Friuli) ; Marinelle Pubblic. 1st. St. sup. (Sci. fis. nat.) No. 43. p. 181 pi. v fig. 10. fOphtlialmidium bacidaris sp. n.. Lias inSchwaben ; Lssler, Palaeontographica 55 p. 44 fig. 25. — 0. oolithieum sp. n., Jurassic, Swabian Alps ; Gaub, Centralbl. Min. 1908, pp. 584-589 3 text- figs ^Orbitoideae see under Nummulitidae^ 'fOrbitoides spp., Cretaceous, India,, description and distribution, pp. 172- 212, pis. xxv-xxix, 0. hollandi sp. n., p. 201 pi. xxvi ; Vredenburg Rec. GeoL Surv. India 36. "fOrbitolina, occurrence of this genus in India and Persia noted ; V'redenblrg T.c. 36 p. 314. f " Orbttiditea complannla " Martelli, not the same as OrbitoUtes c. Lamck, but rather a Lepidocyclina = L. com- planata (Mart.); .Sh.vestri Atti Ace. Nuovi Lincei 61 pp. 131-133. fOrthophragmina (Diacocyr.linay discus varr. n. granulatotenuia p. 256, granulatocraasa p. 257, laevicrasaa p. 4S Prot. II- Protozoa. [1908] 257 pi. viiifigs. 19-21,23-27, laev'itenuls p. 258 pi. viii fig. 22, 0. (D.) arch'iac'i var. 11. major p. 263, 0. (Nodocydnia) ji. sp. (?), p. 272, Eocene Swiss Alpine region; Heim Abh. Schvreiz Pal.Ges. 35 No. 4. — 0. varians var. n. seUiformis, p. 73 pi. V figs. 11 & 12, Eocene, Borneo ; Trovale Riv. ital. Pal. 14. fF'aroJicEa laverdae sp. n. Oligocene, Vicentino ; Ravagli Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 ii p. 503 fig. 9. Penardia li'ilda sp. n., occurrence and •description; Sciiouteuek Ann. Soc. Malacol. Belg. 40 pp. 11-16 fig. 8. jPenteUina ehahnasl p. 122 figs. l-,"» ie Radiolariou der Antarktis (mit -uahine der Tiipyleen ; ; Pdpufsky D. - Ipolar-Exped. 10 iii pp. ISo-oOo pi*. xxxvi & '2d text-ligs. 'eitrage zur Kenntuis des Weicli- : ners - uiul der FortpRanznng der -tanellideu ; Schmidt Dis'^. Bonn |>. pp. 39. Radiolaria, Triassic rockt;. various :uls in ^[alav Archi})elarjo, described ; i'E Jaarb. .Mijn.Xed. Ind. 37 pp. TOO- it pis. v-s. Acaitthodtiasiiuf ci-'niituni p. 60, comatuni p. 01 pi. i tig. 1, rahimensc ). (34 pi. ii fig. 3, spp. n. Neu-Poiumern ; MiELCK, Wis. Meeresuiiters., 10. ieanthontetridac New Pomerauia, described; Mfelck T.c. pp. 39-105 pls.- iv-viii. icaullioitia praeacuta p. 70 pi. i fig. 7 )>1. ii fig. 4, serrata p. 71 pi. i fig. S ])1. ii figs. 5 & (J spp. n. Xeu-Pommern ; .MielckT.c. — A. rliipidia var. ii. incisata, Antarctic ; Popofsky D. Siid polar Exped. 10 3 p. 247 text-fig. 14. Acauthospliaero fiisea, glohosa Ant- arctic spp. n. ; Popofsky T.c. p. 211 pi. xxi figs. 3 & 4. — A. hirsutissima n. Atlantik; Haecker Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-Exped. 14 p. 436 figs. 574 & 575. Actinomma nnperfcLta, staurotho- lonia Antarktis, app. n. ; Popofsky D. judpolar-Exped. 10 3 p. 215 pi. xxiv ig. 4 & pi. xxxii fig. 10. Amphilonchidium brandti sp. n. Xeu- *ommern ; Mielck Wiss. Meeresuiiters. 10 p. 101 pi. V fig. 7. Anthoeurtidium biseriale sp. n. Indik ; Iaecker Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-Exped. 14 451 fig. 597. stracaiitha hetcraeantlio'ides sp. n. uelastrom : H.vecker T.c. -g. 388 531 & 532. Atlanticella hicornis Guinea-Strom, 314 figs. 433 & 461, morchella Indik, p. 315 fig. 434, spp. n. ; Haeckeii T.c. Udodendron veHicillatum sp. n., • irktis ; Haecker T.c. p. 90 fig. 319. Aulographia pentaatyla Atlantik, Indik, p. 43 figs. 8 & 9, tetrastyla Atlantik p. 43 fig. 10, arcuafa p. 44 (K-10332 ej figs. 11 it 9U; bicurraUi Indik p. I J lig. 12, spp. n. ; Haeoker T.c. AidofjTaphoniHin h'u'or)ic Atlantik, Indik, p. 6!) figs. 1 ct 57, indiciim Indik, p. 70 fig. ')S, autavticKin Antarktik, p. 70 fig. 59, i^t^ll/styhiw, p. 71 iig. 318, anthoidcs Antarktik, p. 72 figs. 49 it 52, spp. n. ; Haecker T.c. Aulo>:ero>s ar'hofcscois subsp. ini. subelcgaiis p. 54 figs. 23, 29 & 30, irrcguUiris p. 54 fig. 31. Antarctic; Haecker T.c. Aulopelasus gen. n. {Aulacunlhldae). rharoideis sp. n. Atlantik, Indik; Haecker T.c. ]). 75 figs. 47 it 48. Bisphaerocephalus gen. n. (Tripo- cijrtidae) p. 284, minutu.'i sp. n. Antark- tis, p. 285 pi. 33 fig. 9; Popofsky I). Siidpolar-Exped. 10 3. Castanarium favosum Indik, p. I5(i fig. 258, antarcticum Antarktis p. 156 lig. 259, spp. n. ; Haeckeb Ergeb. D. Ticfsee-E.xped. Ed. 14 Jig. 1. Castanea gen. n. {dastanellidae) p. 168, globoid sp. n., p. 169 figs. 280, 287, Trop. Oceane ; Haecker T.c. CaatancUidac, various Oceanic regions (Plankton - Exped. Plumboldt-Stil'tung), described ; Son.MiDT Ergebn. Plankton- Exped. 3 L. li. i; pp. 247-279 A- pis. 18-21. Caslanidhim clega)in p, 252 pi. xx fig. 1, maeroporum p. 252 pi. xix fig. 2 spp. n., various Oceanic regions ; ScuMiDT T.c— C. longispimim sp, n., Oceane; Haecker Ergeb. D. Tiefsee- Exped. Bd. 14 Lfg. 1 p. 163 figs. 285, 286, 290, 291, 296. Caatanissa pseudocastanella sp. n., Atlantik ; Haecker T.c. p. 159 fig. 264. — C. ahnilis p. 257 pi. xx fig. 5, proteus p. 258 pi. xxi fig. 1 spp, n. \arious Oceanic regions ; Schmidj Ergcliii. Plankton-Exped. 3 L. h. 0. CaatanopaiH fra'jilis Antarktis, p. 167 figs. 268 & 269, cidaris Atlantik, ]j. 167 fig. 270, spp. n. ; Haecker Ergel). D. Tiefsee-Expod. Bd. 14 Lfg. 1. iCenellipsift favus sp. n. Triassic, Malay Archipelago ; Hinde, Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind. 37 p. 704 pi. v i\p. 230 pi. xxvii _-. 2-4, ohacurus p. 231 tigs. 5 & 6, . xxviii figs. 3-5, Antarctic spp. n. ; iOFSKY T.C. '^Lithocampc mendonensis pi. viii tig. I. Icvit fig 11, clecjans fig. 12, pupoides J. 13 spp. n., Trassic, Malay Arclii- , tlago ; HiNDE, Jaarb. Mijmv. Xed.Ind., 37 p. 720 ; Ed. fr. p. 735. L'tthomeUssa joi'genseni sp. n. p. 275 ]1. xxxi figs. 4, 5, 11 & 12, var. n. cdata ]>. 277 pi. xxxi fig. 3, L.(?) capitata II. 278 figs. 13 & 14, brevispicida p. 279 jl. xxxii figs. 7 & 8, spp. n. Antarctic ; roF.sKY D. Siidpolar-Exped. 10 iii. Lhhomltra vanhoffenl sp. n. Antark- tis; Popofsky T.c. p. 290 pi. xxxvi fig. 9. \L. exlenisa pi. viii fig. 3, catenata tig. 4, scalar'iH tig. 5, praelonga fig. 0, spp. n. Triassic, Malay Archipelago ; :;n"de, Jaarb. Mijmv. Ned. Ind., 37 . 717-719; Ed. fr. pp. 732-733. jLttho>strobus pusillus sp. n. Triassic, ivu; HiNi>E, T.c. p. 713 pi. vii tig. 8 ; i;d. fr. p. 728. Lonchosphaerci gen. n. (Aatrospluie- I'ldac) p. 217, spicata sp. n. Antarktis )). 218 ill. xxiv tig. 2, pi. XXV tigs. 2 & 7 ; PoPOF.SKY D. Siidpolar-Exped. 10 3. ilitroealpis araneafera sp. n. Antark- tis ; P0POF.SKY T.c. p. 273 pi. xxs tig. 11. Xationaletla valdiviac sp. n. {'^Gazel- "a frar/ilia Fowl.), Indik ; Haecker i.rgeb. D. Tiefsee-Exped. Bd. 14 Lfg. 1 p. 312 figs. 443-445 & 450. Peridium minutiiin p. 272 pi. xxx tig. lU, quadnsp'tculum p. 273 pi. xxxi tig. 1, piriforiitc p. 273 pi. xx.xi tig. 9 Antarktis, spp. n. ; Popofsky D. Siid- polar-Exped. 10 3. " Phacocolla vcddiciae " prov. sp. n. (vielleicbt Entwickelungstadium einer dicystiden Aulacantbidej, Indik. ; Haecker Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-E.xped, Bd. 14 Lfg. 1 p. 7 pi. xlii fig. 302. ^Pltonnocyrtis lagena sp. n. Triassic, Rote (.Malay Archipelago) ; Hinde, Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., 37 p. 71t» pi. vi fig. il ; Ed. fr. p. 725. Plcetopliora triaeantha sp. n. (An- tarktis ; Popofsky D. Siidpolar Exped. 10 3 p. 202 pi. xxix tig. 1 & pi. xxx fig. 1. Poroampliora gen. n. {Llthocampidae) p. 2Wi,paradoxa sp. n. Antarktis, p. 294 pi. xxxvi iig. 5 ; Popofsky T.c. ■\Porodiscus lev'is sp, n. Triassic, Savu (Malay Archipelago) ; Hinde, Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind. 37 p. 705 pi. v fig. 14 ; Ed. fi-. p. 720. Ps'domelissa tricuspldata sp. n, A.n- tarktis ; Popofsky D. Siidpolar-Exped. 10 3 p. 284 pi. xxxii fig. 9 & pi. xxxiii fig. 8. Pterocorys hieornls sp. n. Antarktis ; PopOF.SKY T.c. p. 288 ]j1. xxxiv figs. 7 & 8. Rhizoplcgmahoreale var n. anlardica ; Popofsky T.c. p. 210 pi. xxiv tig. 1 . ^Rltopalastrum verheeki pi. vi tig. 1, pistillum tig. 2 spp. n. Triassic, Rote (Malav Archipelago) ; Hinde, Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind. 37 p. 700 ; Ed. fr. p. 721. Sagenoarium aniliophorum sp. n. ; Haecker Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-Exped. Bd. 14 Lfg. 1. p. 142 fig. 308. Saturnalls aureolatus for Saiurnulus a. ; Haecker T.c. p. 443 fig. 82. Semantis Iriforis p. 207 pi. xxx fig. 2, micropora p. 208 pi. xxx fig. 4, Antarktis, spp. n. ; Popofsky D. Siidpolar-Exped. 10 3. Seviantisciis grac'dls sp. n. Antarktis ; Popofsky T.c. p. 208 pi. xxx fig. 5. ■fSethamphora squinaholi pi. vi fig. 0, pijriformis fig. 7, spp. n. Triassic, Rote (Malay Archipelago) ; Hinde Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind. 37 p. 708; Ed. fr. p. 723. 52 Prot. 11. Protozoa. [1908] SctJwcepluilius (jaleutu!< sp. n. Aut- arktis; Popofskt D. Sudpolar Exped. 10 3 p. 287 pi. xxxiii fig. 7. SetJioconus conicus sp. n. Autarktis ; PopoFSKT T.c. p. 287 pi. xxsiii fiers. 10 Jc 11. ■\Sphaeropylc simplex sp. n. Triassic, Rote (Malay ArchIpelago\ Hisde, Jaarb. ilijaw. Xed. lad. 37, p. 703 pi. V fig. 8 ; Ed. fr. p. 718. S]x>ngodiseus faxus var. u. maxima ; PoPOFSKY D. Siidpolar-Exped. 10 3 p. 226 pi. xxri fig. 4. fiS. gracilis pi. v fig. 17, nitidii'> pi. V fig. 18, textilis jjl. vi fig. 3, spp. n. Triassic. Malav Archipelago ; HiXDE, Jaarb. Mijnw. ' Ned. Ind. 37 pp. 706-707 ; Ed. fr. pp. 721-722. ^Spongolonche angidaris sp. n., Triassic, Rote (Malay Arcbipelago) ; HiSDE, Jaarb. Mijuw. Xed. Ind. 37 p. 707 pi. vi fig. 4 ; Ed. fr. p. 722. Spongotrochus glacialis sp. n. Aiit- arktis; Popofsky D Siidpolar Exped. 10 3 p. 228 pi. xxvi fig. 8 pi. xsvii fig. 1 «t pi. xxviii fig. 2. jSticJwcapsa eepida pi. ix fig. 3, inauvis pi. X fig. 7, polita pi. ix fig. 4, crinita pi. ix fig. 5, hispida pi. ix fig. 0, apicata pi. ix fig. 7, patvda pi. ix fig. 8, capax pi. ixfig. 9, aspcra pi. ixfig. 10, reticulata pi. ix fig. 11, capital a pi. ix fig. 12, fencstrata pl.x fig. 1, proccra pi. xfig. 2, iicerra pi. x fig. 3, mtida pi. x fig. 4, mucronula pi. x fig. ;j, fusiformis pi. x lig. 6, riistica pi. x fig. 8, spp. n. Triassic, Malav Arcbipelago ; Hixde, Jaarb. Mijnw. Xed." lud., 37 pp. 721-727 ; Ed. fi-. pp. 73t>-742. •\Stichophormis polita sp. n. Triassic, Rote (Malay Arcbipelagoj ; Hixde T.c. ]>. 713 pi. vii fig. 7 ; Ed. fr. p. 728. Stichopilium (?) tariahdis sp. n. Autarktis ; PoPOFSKY D. Sudpolar E.xped. 10 3 p. 290 pi. xxxv figi<. 4-7. rSlghsphaera densiporata sp. n. 'I'riassic, Savii ; Hiniie, Jaarb. Mijuw. Ned. Ind. 37 p. 703 j)I. v fig. 9 ; Kd. fr V- 718. Tetracanthus simplex Popofsky, Aut- arctic; Popofsky D. Siidpolar-Exped. 10 iii p. 236 fig. 4. Tetraplecta xipliacantlui sp. n. Aut- arktis; Popofsky T.c. p. 263 pi. x.xix figs. 2 A 3. Thalussotluim tills piiieluin sp. n. -Vut- arktis ; Popofsky T.c. jj. 205 pi. xx fig. 1. jTlicocampe liunida sp. n., Triassic. Rote (Malay Archiijelago; ; Hisde, Jaarb. Mijnw. Xed. Ind., 37 p. 711 pi. vii fig. 1 ; Ed. fr. p. 726. jTheosyringiuvi savueiise sp. n. Triassic, Savu ; HrxDE, T.c. p. 71u pi. vi fig. 12 ; Ed. fr. p. 725. ■fTricolocampe pumila sp. n., Triassic Ceram ; Hixde, T.c. p. 711 pi. vi fig. 13 : Ed. fr. p. 726. jTricolocapsa celata pi. vii fig. 2, hiimilis fig. 5, aiTecta tig. 0, spp. n. Triassic, Malav Archipelago; Hisui . T.c. pp. 711-713 ; Ed. fi-. pp. 726-728. Triodiscus variahilis sp.n. Autarktis; Popofsky D. Sndpolar-Exped. 10 3 p. 225 pi. XXV fig. 4 & pi. xxvi figs. 1-3. Tripospyris hilocidata pi. wv fig. 7. hieornis fig. 6, Antarktis spp. n. : Popofsky T.c. p. 269. Tuscaraiitha hydra sp. n., Bengiiela- strom; Haecker Ergeb. D. Tiefsee- Exped. Bd. 14 Lfg. 1 p. 225 fig. 26. Tuscaretta '-cpa p. 229 fig. 221, caln- thoides p. 237 fig. 237, spp. n., ludik ; Haecker T.c. Xipliostylus dendrocopus sp. n. Indik : Haecker T.c. p. 440 fig. 79. Allied to Radiolaria : — SticJiolonci zanclea Hertw., general stnicture , Stiasxy Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 440-445.— •S'. z., occurrence and note on minute structure ; Schroder D. Sudpolar-Exped. 10 iii pp. 317-322 and 4 figs. 3. .SPoROZUA. la, Gregaiinidea. Mouocystid Greg-arines {Doliocystis Lcger, KaJpidorhynchiis, Cunn.), iixative organellae compared, phylogeuy A: relationships ; Brash. C. R. Acad. sci. 146, pp. 425-427. A Gregarine, sp. iucert., from Amphiporus. development of peculiar structures, perhaps merozoites ; AvERixTZEFf Zool. Anz. 33, pp. 685-687 ct 1 fig. Ueber die solitiire Encystierung bei Gregarinen ; Sciiei.lack Zool. Anz., 32, pp. 597-609. Prot. Systematic. — SronozoA. 0431 The Schizogret;ariiies : general review aud classification of the group ; Faxtham Parasitol. 1 pp. 3(59-412 & 9 text- Doriocijii ; ER & DcBO-SCO Arch Protistenkunde 12 pp. 57-89 pis. v-vii. — .-1. reticulosu . 146_& 59, ovata pp. 140 &. 03, labbei 145 & 74, Hchnc'idcri pp. 145 & 70, ■Jleehii pp. 145 & 79, duboscqi pp. i 15 & 84, legerl pp. 144 & 11, stellata '■■ 146, arcuuLa pp. 146 & 116, m'lngaz- j p. 147, mhiiina p. 147, frenzeli p. . , mam'dlana p. 147, spp. n., from >pu8, spiral intestine ; iloROFF Arch. listenkunde 11 pis. i-xi & 74 text- ''occ'idium nudum sp. n. ; Marcoxe — Infektkrankh. 4 pp. 5-32 mit 4 Taf. . ranac sp. n. [ = C. ranarnin ?] ; bell Cambridge Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 p. 432. — C. sp. incert., causing "black- head " in turkeys, stages in life-histon- ; I "LE & Hadlev Science 27 p. 994. " Goussia" spp., with G'. gadl prov. sp. n., from the swim-bladder of Gudu.f, notes on ; Fieuiger Ann. Xat. Hist. Uof.-Mus. 22 pp. 124-128 & 1 fig. KlossicUa mttrls, ]ihases of the life- lustory and relation to the kidney-tissue ; Bruoxatelli, J. anat. physiol. 44, 11 pp. 121-120 pi. xi. c) Haemospoiidia. General account of pathogenic Proto- zoa, «-ith special reference to the malarial parasites and the Piruplasmala ; Hewlett Bericht int. Kongr. Hvg. 2 pp. 130-151. Haemogregarines of snakes, general account ; Sambox & Seligmann J. troj), Medicine 11 i)p. 355-358, 371-377 cV text-figs. DactylosoiHu {litieinoyregarhiu) spleii- deiis, Labbe, nuclear structure, schizo- gony ; FRANf a Arch. R. Inst. Bacteriol. 2 pp. 123-131 pi. iii & 12 figs. Jfalteridium columbae, Eutwickkmgs- gang und Uebertragung mittels Lyncliui sp. ; Aragao, Arch. Protistenkunde 12 pp. 154-167 Taf. xi-xiii. Haemocyst'idlum ncuac sp. n., \). 15U pi. xiv figs. 1-17 & 21, pi. XV figs. 4-6 ; Wexvox Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3. Ilaemocjregar'ina bettencourli. sp. n. (possibly the same as II. Ugnierefil) occurrence and descrijition ; Franca Arch. R. Inst. Bacteriol. 2 pp. 109-112 & 4 figs. — U. carehariaa'i sp, n. ; Laverax Bull. Soc. jjath. exot. 1 p. 150 figs. 1-2. — Ti. graallia p. 153 pi. xii figs. 17-32, pi. XV figs. 10 & 13, »/7; p. 157 spp. n., described; Wenyox Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3. — H. lacerlac Daui- lewsky & Chalachnikow, notes on struo ture ; Laverax & Pettit, C. R. Acad, sci. 147 pp. 1257-1260 & 10 figs.— J?. I. endogenous nmltiplicatiou ; Laverax & Pettit, C. R. Acad. sci. 147, pp. 1378-1382 with 10 figs.—//. IqdodactyU sp. n. ; Carixi Rev. Soc. Sci. Sao Paulo 1908 pp. 50-00; also Lesacje C. R. soc. biol. 64 ]). 996.—//. lepto- daclyli, frecpiency of occurrence, size of the various forms ; Lesage & Sola>"Et C. R. soc. biol. 65 })p. 295 & 296.— H. poeocki pp. 10 & 283, uliattocki, rcfvin- gens, manaoTu and rarefac'ienH pp. 17 & 284, spp. n. ; SAiiiiox & Seligm^vxn Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 i. — //. cantliei, wardi, hvendae, ndigniatiiu, ierzi't spp. n. 54 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1908] I names only) ; Sa-MBon & SELiGiiANX Lancet 1907 i p. IQoQ.—H. pijthon'is, phases observed in Poroeephalns moniU- ionnis ; Prowazek Zool. Auz. 33 pp. 405-406. — H. schauainni sp. n. from Lacerta ocellata ; FRAXrA Bui. see. path, exot. 1 pp. 301-3U3.— 7/. stepaiioiL-i Danil., stages in life-cycle ; Hahk Science 27 pp. 441-442. — //. tJtomsoni sp. n., occurrence and description ; Mixchin Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii pp. 1098-1104 pis. Iv & Ivi. — //. vaughaiii sp. n., from h'liamphiopliis vuhropunctatus ; Bai.FGUR Rep. Welle, Res. Lab. 3 p. 30 pi. iii %. l.—H. vittatae p. 183 figs. 2 & 3, Jeschenaidtii p. 184 figs. 4-7, triedri p. 184 figs. 10 & 11, spp. n., occurrence and notes ; Robertson Spolia Zeylan. 5. — If. sjj. (cf. shattocld Samb. & Seligm.), oc- currence and description ; Laveran C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 103-106 10 figs.— //. spp. var. from snakes, notes on ; DoBELL Parasitol. 1 pp. 288-295 pi. xx. —Also Wesyo.v T.c. pp. 316-317 figs. 0 & 7. Ilaeviop-oteus, see under Proteosoma. Ilepalozoon gen. n. pernieiosum sp. n. [really a cf. ninris Lencoeytozoon], infection and life-history in white rats and mites; iiii.LER, Washington Treas. Dept., Pub. Ijlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab., Bull., Xo. 46 pp. 48 & pis. Lcucocytozooii, general account of this genus (as restricted to Avian forms) and enumeration of the knov\-n Avian species : L. saliharofn, hcraslnefii, todd'i, mansoni, macleayii spp. n., occurrence and notes ; Sambon J. trop. Medicine 11 pp. 245- 248 & 325-328 with figs.— 7>. muscuU sp. n., described ; Porter Proc. Zool. .Soc. 1908 ii pp. 703-716, pi. xxxix.— L. iicacei (Balfour) described ; Wenyox I?ep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3, pp. 157-105, pi. xvi. — L. p'iroplaisinoidcs sp. n., a Protozoan resembling Wright's bodies found in lymphangitis in a mule ; Di- CLOLX C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 593-595.— L. p. Ducloux is most probably a Leisli- ninnia closely allied to L. tropica ; 'I'liiRorx & Teitaz C. R. Acad. sci. 147 ])]). 1075-1076. PiropiLasma (ii'iridari--< sp. n., j). 152 ]j1. X figs. 1-8 ; Weni-ok Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3. — P. hoiia, "Kreuzform "; I'Tllebork Arch. SchifTshyg. 12 p. 31. — P. hov'iH and P. pitlicci, multiplication- foiins in the blood compared with those viP.eania; Nuttall & Ci rah a.m -.Smith Parasitol. 1 pp. 134-142 pi. 11 & 4 diagrams. — P. e. development in cultures; NcTTALL & Graham-Smite T.c. pp. 243- 200 pi. xix. — P. c, phases in the life- history, development of Flagellate forms ; Breinl & HiNDLE Ann. trop. Med. 2 pp. 233-248 pis. vi-ix. — P.c. ; Egge- brecht Zs. InfektKrankh. Haustiere pp. 129-132 3 Taf.— P. c. im Bezirk Usum- bura in Deutsch-Ostafrika ; Leupoldt Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 pp. 30-31.— P. commune sp. n., causing jaundice in dogs, regarded as distinct from P. cams, since inoculable to guinea-pigs ; Phillips & ilcCAMPBELL Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 47 pp. 592-008 1 pi.— P. £■?«;, Uebertra- gung : hervorgerufene Krankheitser- scheinungen beim Pferde ; Belitzer Arch, veter. nauk. 38 pp. 123-100 235- 203 4 Taf. u. 1 Tab.— P. herpestidis sp. n. ; pRAxgA Bui. soc. path. exot. 1 pp. 410-412. — P. sp. of Bovidac and buffaloes in Indo-China, notes on various tj-pes of form ; ScHEix, Ann. Inst. Pas- teur 22 pp. 1005-1011 et 17 text-figg. Plasmodium ei/iiomolgi sp. n. (perhaps syn. P. inui, Halberst. & Prowazek), stages of the life-cycle in the monkey ; Mayer Arch. Protistenlcunde 12 pp. 314- 322 pi. xxi. — P. c. notes on ; Flu Arch. Protistenkuude 12 pp. 323-330 pi. xxii. — P. inui and P. pitheci spp. nn. occur- rence and notes on ; Halterstaepter & Prowazek Arb. Kais. Gesundhtsa. 26 pp. 37-43 pi. vi. — P. rclictum Grassi et Fel. ride Proteosoma. — P. rivax Schizogonie der ^lakrogameten ; BlCml & Metz, Arch. .Schinshyg. 12 pp. 249-255.— " P." mahuiac sp. n., described ; Wekyon Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3, p. 146 pi. xii figs. 1-12 & 14. Proleosonia (Uaeinoproteus) of birds, normal development in Slcgomyia fas- ctata and successful transmission to canaries ; Neumann Arch. Protisteii- kunde 13 pp. 23-09 pis. iv-vi.— P. re- llclu nuclear structure of sporozoites ; Sergext & Seisgest C. R. Aead. sei. 147 pp. 439-441 1 fig. — "P." atjamacSTp.u., deserilied; Wenyox Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3 p. 148 pi. xiii figs. 1-10, pi. xv ligs. 12 & 14. (d) Myxosporidia. Notes sur les JMyxosporidies. Las " gelben kcirper" ; Mercier, Arch, zool., 8, N. et R. pp. liii-lxii & 5 figs. Prof. Systematic. — Sroniv.ov — Flagei.lata. 0431 \ ratoinyxu (h'cpanopsettne, mmosti Aveiintzeff, Sporeubildiing uiid andere Lebensprozesse ; Averistzeif, St. Peter- burg Trav. Soc. uat. Sect. ?-ool. 38 - pp. 1-GS & 137 pis. i & ia. Duhoscj'ia gen. n. (allied to Ghigea) legeri sp. n., occurrence, pansporoblast and spore-formation ; Perez C. R. soc. biol. 65 pp. G31-C33. Ghnjea lophii, notes on, relation to the ners-ous system and comparison with p^oudoparasites ; P.\CE, Zs. Hyg., 60 ]->]\ 02-74 Taf. i-iv. Lento!*ix)ra miiltipl'ieata sp. n., occur- rence and diagnosis ; Rei'ss St. Peter- I'urg Bull. Ac. sc. 25 p. 203 tig. 8. jmphocystis johnstonei, Kernpro- "►^ bei der Fortpflanzung, Cystenbil- .,' ; AvERlXTZEFF, St. Peter burg, Trav. nat. Sect. zool. 38 2 pp. 1-6S t^- pi. ii. Mijxidium giardi Cepede, general nceouut ; Cepede, Feuille jeunes natural. 38. pp. 93-95 & G figs. Mijxoholus hallerl p. 204 fig. 11, nae p. 203 fig. 9, cyprinicola p. 204 10, macrocapsidans p. 202 fig. 6, -opliUus p. 201 figs. 4 & 5, sandrae -02 fig. 7, scardlnii p. 201 fig. 3, Dsis p. 200 figs. 1 & 2 spp. 'n., irrence diagnoses ; Rei ss .St. Peterb. .1. Ac. Sci. 25. — M. pfeifferi, structure iiiid development, and relations to the tumour-disease of the barbel ; 3/. cordis ]}. 279 figs. 14-16, musculi p. 282 figs. 9-13 & 17, squamae p. 273 figs. 94-96, spp. n., also in the barlx'l ; Keysselitz Arch. Protisten- ^•' ';de 11 pp. 252-308 pis. xiii-xvi. osema sabauiiae fig. 40, auri- "a?«macfig. 38, nii/stacis fig. 32, distomi fig. 33, chironoml fig. 35, epliemerae Hl-. 36 & 37, hydrlae fig. 39, p. 314, altis, p. 315, " y." (perhaps rather oliania) corethrae fig. 30, halanl'idu •14, p 315, spp. n., spores only and irrence ; Lutz & Si'LENDORE Centralbl. JJakt. Abt. 1 46 Orig. Pleistophora sp., parasite of Peri- planeta ovioitalis L., notes on ; Merciek Arch. Protistenkunde 11 pp. 372-381 pi. xxii. Tlielohama giardi Henneg., sporont- and spore-development ; Mercier C. R. Acad. sci. 146 pp. 34-.38 & 16 figs.— T . I" y osema ") simidii sp. n., spores ; I.rrz I'C- Srr.ENDORE Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 46 Orig. p. 312 fig. 29.— T., see also under Xosema. (e^ Sarcosporidia. S:ircosporidia, general remarks on ; Ratz Allatt Kozlem 7 pp. 177-178 & 180. Sarcocijstis gracilis, liorvathi spp. n., occurrence only ; Ratz T.c. pp. 178- 180. — S. maris, binary fission of "gymno- spores " .• small forms produced in guinea-pii>s artificially ii;focted ; Negri Centralbl". Bakt. Abt. 1 47 pp. .5G-61 tt 612-622 with 3 pis. (f) Haplosporidia. Iclillii/O'^iyiridiiiiii. sp., j)eriiaps neu-, occurrence, cilects on host and morpho- logy ; Robertson- Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 17 pp. 175-187 pis. ix & x. Metschnikovella selenidii sp. n., de- scription; AvERiXTZEFF St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, zool., 38, 2, pp. 109-118 & 138 pi. iii figs. 18-30. lyCERTAE SEDIS. [Various and doubtful]. Aporiella gen. n. dimorpha sp. n. Parasit von Aporia erataegi ; Krassii.st- SCBIK Trd. b. entom. ucen. Koin. (11. Upr. Zeml., 7 5 p. 92. Capillus gen. n. intestinalis sp. n. parassita di Pacliyiulim communis; Gran'ata Biologica, 2, N. 1, pp. 3-16 & 1 tav. Dermocijstis pusula, organisme nou- veau parasite de la peau des tritons ; Perez, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, pp. 445- 446. [Perhaps an Eutomophthorean.] " Dermosporidiuvi " gen. n. canis (sp. n. ad inter.) ; Marcoxe, Zs. Infekt.- Krankh., 4, pp. 5-32, mit 4 Taf. Miln-oMosaia prima Krass., apiculala, mamestrac spp. n. ; Krassilstsciiik Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Gl. Ujir. Zeml., 7, 5, p. 86. 1. MASTIGOPIIORA. (a) Flagellata. Flagellates from Culcx (Critliidia fasciculata and Ilerpetomonas culieis), notes on ; Mezisescu C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 975-976. 56 Prot. IT. Protozoa. [1008] An'isoncma fitrea var. u. [jcntagona Tortugas, Fla. ; Edmoxdsox Washington, Carnegie lust. Pub. No. 102 p. 191 text-figs. CaJyeomoiuis gen. n. (near Tmchelo- iiionas) gracilis, glohosa spp. n. Ostsee ; LoHiiASS Wiss. ileeresunters. 10 p. 201 pi. xvii fig. 13. (^hrysomonadina cch'inata, latvlx spp. n. Aral Sea ; Osten'feld, Taslient, Izv. Turk. otol. niss. geogr. Obiic., 4, 8. Clirysopyxishipes vai: n. minor. Upper Silesia; Lemmermaxs, .\rch. Hydrobiol. 3 p. 39G. Codosiffci hotryti-i, the question of the presence of an undulating membrane in ; Ehrlich, Biol. Centrall)L 28 pp. 117- 120 & 5 text-figs. Copromonas gen. n. (allied to Pera- iicmidae;, suLtilis sji. n., structure and life-cycle; Dokell Q. J. ^licr. Sci. 52 pp. 75-120 pis. iv & V. Crithidia gerridis sp, n., habitat and life-cycle; Paitox Arch. Protistenkunde 12 pp. 131-140 Taf. ix. — C. melophagia sp. n., occurrence and description ; Fn Arch. Protistenkunde 12 p. 153 pi. x. — C. 2'>idici'< in gut oi Loeiitopsylla cleo- patrae; Balfouk Kep. Wellc. Res. Lab. 3 p. 30 pi. ii. — C. ctenophthalini sp. n. '^ perhaps a phase of T. Icicisl], p. 33.j text-figs. 1-8, C. taban'i & C. hacina- phyftai'tdis spp. n. names and occurrence only, pp. 340 &. 341, C. rohertsoni & haematopini nomm. n. for. T. raiac in the leech (Pontobdclla) & T. leic'isi in the rat-louse (Haematopinus) ; Patton' & Strickland Parasitol. i.—C. muscac- domesticae sp. n. [perhaps a new form of Jlerpctomonas, different fi'oni II. m.- d.] ; Werner Arch. Protistenkunde 13 pp. 19-22 pis. ii & iii. Endotryixiiitim gen. n. schaudinn'i sp. n., a remarkable endoglobnlar para- site with Try])anos()me-affinities, occur- rence and description; Mesnil & Bri- MONT ('. R. soc. binl. 65 pp. 581-583 & 7 figs. Eiiglenu, notes on minute structure ; Sa.ssi Mitt. Xatw. Ver., Wieu,5, pp. 113- 123, 1 pi. — E., notes on Finnish s|jecies ; \'aukanoas & LEVAxr»ER Medd. Soc. Faun. et. Fl. Fenn. 33 pp. 04-00.— E. sp., notes on a peculiar form, resembling E. tuba ; KAsnvni' ]}pr. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. lll-]J-_'. Uerpctomonas [Lcptomonas) droso- philac sp. n. ; Chattox & Alilaire C. R. soc. biol. 64 p. 1004 figs. 1-3.— 77. (L.) mirabilis sp. n., occurrence and descrip- tion ; RocBArD C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 1106-1108 11 text-figs.— Z/. (L.) mesnili sp. n., from Lucilies (Muscidae), very similar to ZJ. mirabilis; Rocbacd C. R. soc. biol. 65 pp. 39-41 & 11 figs.— H. lygaei sp. n. habitat and life-cycle ; Pattox, .Vrch. Protistenkunde 13 pp. 1- 18pl. 1. Ilexnmitus intestinalis Duj., division described; Alesieff C.R. soc. biol. 65 pp. 402-404 and 7 figs. Lamblia iiitestiitdlis, relation to dysentej-y, notes on cytology ; Bohxe und Prowazek, Ai-ch. Protistenkunde. 12 pp. 1-8 Taf. 1 and 3 text-figs. Leislimania donovani, development of Flagellate phases in Cimex rutundatiifi : Pattox Sci. Mem. India 31 25 pp. 2 pis. — L. gondii sp. n. (probablv distinct fi'Om Piroplasmn quadrigeminum occurrence and description ; XicoixE <:•! Maxceavs C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 703 706. — L. tropica the parasite of " boutoii d'Orient," development of • Flagellate phases in cultures ; Xicoli.e C. R. Acad, sci. 146 pp. 842-843. — [L., see also under Leucocytozoon piroplasmoidcs.1 Leptomonas syn. Ilei-petomonas q. v. Lophomonas blattarum Stein, striata Biitschli, described ; Jaxicki Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 iipp. 140-148. Monoeercomonas bufonis sp. n. ; DoBELL Cambridge Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 p. 431. Oxyrrhis marina, nuclear and cell- division, food - injestion ; Keysselitz Arch. Protistenkunde 11 pp. 334-339 pi. xix. Pleodorina ilUnoisensis Kofoid ; Bau und Fortpflanzung ; Mertox Zs. wiss. Zool. 90 pp. 445-477, Taf. xxvii \- xxviii. I^hodomoiias pelagica sp. n. Ostsee ; LoHMAXX Wiss. Meeresuuters. 10 p. 28(5 pi. xvii figs. 29-33. TraeJiclomonas scliauinshindii, Jluiia- tilns spp. n. ; Leumermaxx Hedwigia 48 pp. 126-139, 1 pi. Trichomastix batracliorum sp. n. observations on ; Dobell Cambridge Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 p. 428. Prot. Systematic. — Flvuei.lata . 0431 Trypanosoma brucii, phases ia Gl. Jusca ; Keysski.itz uiid Maver Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 pp. r)32-r);:!.3.— r. b., ■notes ; Battaolia Cemrlbl. Bakt. Abth. 1 47 Grig. pp. 350-351. — {T. b. cultiva- tion ; NovY aad McNeal, J. Inf. Diseases, 1 pp. 1-30). — T. b., passage through "hedgehog, alteration of \-irnlence ; Fei.lmek L'eiitralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1, 45, Grig, pp. 51:2-515. — T. b. and T. cquinam, curious phases observed regarded as " ii'ating conjugation [more probably _'alar multiple iissionl ; Gttolenghi lalbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 47 pp. 473-483 1 9 tigs., and Monit. Zool. Ital. 19 pp. S 1 pi. — T. carehariasi sp. n. ; RAN" Bull. Soc. path. exot. 1 p. 150 'i. — T. con'iolense Broden, notes on, :iction from T. dimorphon ; RAK Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 22 pp. 833- ind 3 figs., also C.R. Acad. Sci. 146 -^.53-857 & op. cit. 147 pp. 452-455. c, observations on ; Hohkel, Arch. - iTshyg., 12 Beih. 3 pp. 1-30 and 2 — r. dimoyphon pp. 118-122, T. •X pp. 122-123, notes on morphology ; rGOMERV and Kinghorn Ann. trop. :. parasitol 2. — T. equiperdum, forma- if ''latent bodies " in ; Salvin-Moore Breikl Proc. R. Soc. B. 80 pp. 288- pls. viii & ix. — 2'. crytJirolampri n., notes on morphology ; Wenyon .sitol. 1 pp. 314-316 figs. 1-4.— a«8i and other spp., notes on; Pex- Tijdschr. Veearts. 35 pp. 191-212. . gambiense, polymorphism (sexual is) ; MiNcniN Parasitol. 1 pp. 236- r pi. xvii. — T. g. and T. grayi, forms aii i phases of the life-history occurring in Glossina palpalis ; MlNCiiiN Q. J. Micr. Sci. 52 pp. 159-260 and pis. viii-xiii. — r. hylae Bp. n. for the Trypanosome of Uyla nrhorea, regarded as distinct from T. rotatorium ; FraX(;a, Arch. R. Inst. Bacteriol. 2 pp. 271 & 272.— T. lepto- dactyli sp. n. occurrence and note ; Carim Rev. Med. Sao Paulo 1907 No. 22 {reprint; 2 pp. — T. lewiai, division- phases, appearances of the nuclear and flagellar organellae ; Salvin - Moore, Breisl & HisDLE Ann. trop. Med. 2 pp. 197-220 pis. n-\-.—(T. I. and T. hrucii, observations on ; MacNeai, J. Inf. ' Diseases 1 pp. 517-543 with pis.). — ^ T. mabniae p. 141 pi. x, figs. 13, 15, 16 i and pi. XV figs. 7, 9, 11, numidae p. 141 pi. xvi figs. 21-25 and 28, varani p. 142 pi. xiii figs. 11-13, chamaeleonis p. 142 pi. xiii fig. n,naiae p. 142 pi. xv figs. 1 and 2, avicidaria p. 143 pi. x fig. 9, ! (N-10332 e) acomys p. 143 pi. x figs. 17-19, iiic'ia- dermae p. 143 pi. x fig. 16, spp. n., occurrence and notes ; Wenyon Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3. — '/'. nanum, notes on different forms of, comparison with T. dimoi^ihon ; W^enyon T.c. pp. 136-138, fig. 39. — T. peeaudi and distinctions from T. cazalboui ; Bouefard, Ann. Inst. Pasteur 22, pp. 1-25. — T. peeaudi and T. gambie)iise distinct species ; Tni- KOU.\ et d'Anfrevili-e, C. R. Acad. sci. 147, pp. 462 -464.— 'i'. prowazehi sp. n., occurrence and note ; Gonder & Beren- BERG-GossLER Malaria 1 pp. 47-56 and pi. — 7'. theUeri im siid lichen Deutsch- Gstafrika ; Stolowsky Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 p. 30. — T. torpedinis sp. n., occur- rence and description ; Saurazics & McRATET Pr.-verb. Soc. Linn. 62 pp. c.Kvii-cxix and 3 text-figs. — V. vittatae p. 183 fig. 1, pertenue p. 184 fig. 13, Leschenaidtii p. 184 figs. 8 and 9 spp. n., occurrence and notes ; Rohertson Spolia Zeylan. 5. — T. sp. from Binon, described; Vrublevski Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 48 Grig. pp. 162 and 163 1 pL— Named T. vruUevskii sp. n. ; Vi.adi- MIROFF & Yakimoff T.c. p. 164. — " T." drosophilae sp. n., perhaps not a true Vertebrate Tryjijanosome (syn. Tlerpe- tomonas d. ?) ; Chatton & Alilaire C. R. soc. biol. 64 p. 1005 figs. 4-9. — T. sp. n. im Blute eines siidamerikanischen Affen {Onakaria calwa) ; Berenberg-Gossi.ek Arch. Schiffshyg., 12 p. 541.— 'i'. sp. prob. new, a very small form, occurrence and note ; Edington Proc. R. Soc. B 80 pp. 545-549. — T. sp. unspec, from Cho- loepus didactylus [possibly connected with Endotrypanum (q.v.)] ; Mesnil & BuiuoNT C. R. soc. biol. 65 p. 583 1 fig. Trypanosomes, certain patliogenic forms (incl. T. gambiense, T. brucii), behaviour and multiplication in the pro- boscis of Gloaaina palpalis ; Roubaud, C. R. Acad. sci. 146, pp. 423-425 and Bui. Museum 1908 pp. 210-214. — Notes on various Trypanosomes in camels, cattle, etc. in the Soudan (2'. dimorplion, peeaudi, nanum, cazalhoui) ; Balfour Rep. Welle. Res. Lab. 3 pp. 27-35 and pi. i. Volvox spermatosphera pj). 142-151, weismannia pp. 152-162, perglobator pp. 162-167, spp. n. United States; Powers, Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc, 28 with 4 pis. — V. globator, reactions to light ; Mast, J. Comp. Neur. P-sych. 17 pp. 99-180 15 text-figs. b 5 58 Prot. 11. Protozoa. [19081 (b) Silicoflagellata.— Vacant. (c) Dinoflagellata. £tade descriptive des Peridiniens et des Infiisoires cilies da plankton de la Baie de la Hougue ; Fauee-Fremiet, Ann. sci. nat. (zool), 7, pp. 209-240, pis. xv & xvi. Peridinida, Nordisches Plankton, oc- currence and diagnoses ; Paulsen Nor- disches Plankton 8 xviii pp. 1-124 & 155 text-figs. Amiyliidimum rotundatuvi, longum, crassum spp. n., Ostsee ; Lohmank Wiss. Meeresnnters. 10 p. 261 pi. xvii figs. 9 15 & 16. Blastodhiium mangini p. 136 fig. 2, contortum fig. .3, craaaum, p. 137 fig. 4, spp. n., occurrence and notes ; Chatton Paris Bui. soc. Zool. 33. Ceratium li'trundineUa, variation- statistical observations on ; Wesenberg- Ltmi Plankton Investig. Danish Lakes 1908 i^p. 55-71 pis. V & xii. — C. lamel- lieornc nom. n. for dilatatn (Karsten), I^reocc, C, certain obscure spp., notes on ; KoFoiD ; Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 4 pp. 387- 391. — C. tripofi var. baltica, form. nn. lata, lineata, truncata, pendida ; Lohmann Wiss. Meerpsunters. 10 pp. 269-272 text- fig. 21. — C. spp., exuviation, autotomy and regeneration and their functional signiiicauce ; Kofoio Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 4 pp. 345-386, 33 text-figs. (' ocldodinium longum, pellucidnm spp. n. O.stsee ; Loii.mann Wiss. Meere- sunlcrs. 10 p. 264 pi. xvii figs. 21 & 22. Diplopsalis pdlida sp. n., Aral Sea ; 0.STESFE1D Taskent, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obtic. 4, 8. Exuviaella hnltica sp. n. Ostsee ; LoiiMANN Wiss. Meeresunters. 10 p. 265 pi. xvii fig. 1. Glenodiniurn ovatum sp. n. Saint Vaast ; FAunE-FuE.MiET Ann. sci. nat. (zool.j 7 p. 214 pi. XV fig. 2. Gonyuulax mavgiiii sp. n. Baie do la Hougue ; Faure-Fkemiet T.c. p. 230 ]>\. xvi fig. 19. CI ymiiodinium Junorinn sp. n. ; KCsteu Arch. Protisteidvunde 11 pp. 352-362 4 iext-figs. r/. Uihmarmi nom. n. (fiii' roKeum l.ohn). J9()8); J'ai'i.sen' Nor- disches Plankton 8 xviii p. 99 fig. 137. — G. roacum sp. n. Ostsee ; Lohmann Wiss. Meeresunters. 10 p. 263 pi. xvii figs. 27 & 28. Peridinium antlionyi p. 216 pi. xv fig. 4, lenticidatum p. 217 fig. 5, kofoidi p. 224 pi. xvi fig. 12, nndtipunetatum p. 226 fig. 14, perr'ieri p. 228 fig. 16, hiaequale p. 229 fig. 13 spp, n., eraHsipes var. 11. tatihouensis p. 218 pi. xvi fig. 17, pelhicidiim varr. n. crassum p. 219 pi. XV fig. 9, acidum p. 221 pi. xvi fig. 10, minutmn var. n. tatihouensis p. 227 pi. xvi fig. 15, Baie de la Hougue ; Faure- FRE.MIET Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.) 7. — P. latum nom. n. (fiir Glenodiniurn acutum Apstein, Diplopsalis acuta Entz), p. 41 fig. 48, P. brevipcs nom. n. (perhaps n. sp.) p. 108 fig. 151 ; Paulsen, Nordi- sches Plankton 8 xviii. — P. subsalsum sp. n. Aral Sea ; Ostenfeld TaSkent. Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. ObSc. 4 8. p. 166 — P.westiivav. n. areolatum. p. 180 pi. v figs. 7-10, umhonatum var. n. jMpilliferum- p. 180 figs. 17-20, occurrence and diag- nosis; Lemmermann Arch. Hydrobiol. 4. Pouchetia parva sp. n. Ostsee ; Loh- mann Wiss. Meeresunters. 10 p. 264 pi. xvii fig. 23. Prorocentrum obtusum sp. n., Aral Sea ;• Ostenfeld TaSkent Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. ObSc. 4 8 p. 101. Protodinium simplex sp. n. (!)stsee ; Lohmann Wiss. Meeresunters. 10 p. 265- pl. xvii fig. 17. 5. CTLIOPHORA. (a) Ciliata. Infusoria and Rhizopoda from Upper Rhine district, described ; Lauterborn Zs. wiss. Zool. 90 pp. 645-669 pis. xli- xliii. Infusori : interpretazione morfologica e fisiologica di essi. Giglio-Tos Bio- logica, 2 N. 3 pp. 1-79 & 3 figs. Infusoria {Frontonia, Stylonichia, and Dih'jitiis), experimental cell-studies on;. Poi'OFF Arch. Zeilforschung 1 pp. 245- 350 numerous text-figs. & tables. Organisation der Tintinniden (Un- garisch) ; Fntz Math. Termt. Kozlem pp. 433-508 mit Taf. i-xiii. Amphorella prgcnseni sp. n. Baie de la Hougue ; Faure-Fkemiet Ann. sci. nat. (zool.) 7 p. 235 text-fig. 22. Ancystropodium maupasi Faure- Fremiet, minute structure, special nO Prot. Systematic. — Di>jofl\(,i:li..vt.\. — CiLi.vi.v. 0431 reference to llio cirrhi ; FAL'Rii-FREMiET Arcli. rrotistenkimde 13 pp. 121-138 7 text- ligs. BtitsehieUa gen. n. (Aspirotricha, perhaps allied to IlolopJiryiiwc) oplicliac sp. n. ; AvERiNTZEFF Zs. wiss. Zool. 90 pp. 334-312 & pi. xix. — B. o. Averint/.., Besrhieibung. Averinzeff, St. Peter- burtr Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool.. 38, 2, pp/ll9-12S & 1.38 pi. iii figs. 31-41. ' 'arclwsium polypinum L., formation _'ametes and conjugation ; PoroFF wiss. Zool., 89 pp. 478-524, . i!. xxix. ' 'hilodu7i achewiakoffl Schout., Bel- :ii, note on; Scoouteden Ann. Soc. Malacol. Belg. 40 p. xcii. — C. natus. Conjugation unci sexuelle renzierung, Wiederconjugante und isexe ; EsRigrEs, Arch. Protisten- K.iii.ie 12 pp. 213-276 Taf. xvii & inetochiluni. biU.-8] Saprodinium gen. n. for DiscomorpJia dentata, Lauterb. ; Lauterbors Zs wiss. Zool. 90 p. 662 pi. 42 figs. 23 & 2-1. Stentor coeruleus, Conjugation; Ham- burger Zs. wiss. Zool. 90 pp. 423-435 & pi. xsr^^ StromhiUdium gyraus, notes on fixative organellas and nuclear apparatus; Faure-Fremiet, C. R. soc. biol 64 pp. 428-430.— S. :/., see also under lur- bilina. TuUinnidae Kieler Bucht, asexual and sexual reproduction, systematic description; Laackuann' Wiss. Meeres- unters. 10 pp. 13-38 pis. i-m. Th^tinnidium inquilinimi, historical, morphology, and comparison with other Vorticellids ; Faure-Fremiet Arch. Protistenkunde U pp. 225-201 Taf . xu 11 text-figs. Tintinnopsis lohmanvi sp. n. Kiel p. "0 haltica var. n. rotundata p. 20 pi. i fig 9- Laagkmanjt Wiss. Meeresunters. 10 _T. nana sp. n. Ostsee ; LoHMiSN T.c. p. 294 pi. xvii fig. 12. Tuttvmiis suhulatus var. u. kiliensis Kieler Bucht ; L.\ackmann Wiss. Meeres- xinters. 10 p. 17 pi. i figs. 1 & 3. Trachelocerca phoenicopterus Cohn, minute structure, life-cycle and relation- ships • Lebedew Arch. Protistenkunde 13, pp. 70-114 Taf. vii and viii, 7 text- figs. TurUlina gen. n. {[lalteridae) in- stabUis ap. n., description and signi- ficance in the phylogeny of the Peri- tricha ; E>^RiQrE?, Rend. Ace. Lmcei, 17, i. sem. pp. 224-235 and 10 figs.— T. %., Enriques, only a new variety of Strom- hilidium gijmns ; Faure-Fremiet C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 428-429 and Bull. Soc. Zool. 33 p. 78. (b) Suctoria (= Acinetaria). Acineta gelatinosa Buck, formation of aciliate, "metabolic" buds; SwAR- czewsky Biol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 441-44o and 8 figs. Dendrosonm radians, Kent's " ex- ogenously - produced buds" really cpizoic or parasitic Acinetaria of the genus Urnula ; HiCKSOS & Wadsworth Nature 78, p. 648. Sphaerophrya soViformis nom. n. fur. S sol. Lauterb. 1901; Lauterbors Zs. wiss. Zool. 90 p. 666, pi. xli fig. 10. Tokophrya cydopeum CI et C, structure, development of embryo; Collin Arch, zool., 8 N. ctR. pp. xxxiu- xxxix & 2 figs. Urnula see under Dendrosoma. III. PORIFERAoR SPONGIDA AliRAXGEP l\\ I. B. J. SOLLAS CONTENTS rA(;i' I. Titles 2 II. SiBjECT Index: — General works, economics, and technique 4 Anatomy . . ' , . 4 Physiology 4 Development Ethology Distribution : — Actual Fossil 5 5 5 5 1 1 . Systematic : — ' Fori f era, general <■) Calcarea Ilomocoela Heterocoela .. 6 (> 6 Hexactinellida Dictyonina Demospong-iae Tetractinellida Choristida Lithistida 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Monaxonida . . Hadromerina Hali chondriLa . . ..8 8 ..8 Keratosa (va cant) Incertae sedis , . . . , . 9 (ic-10332 h) D 0 :.' For, 111. Porifera or Spongida. [I'JOS] I.— TITLES. Allemand, A. Contribution a I'etude flu transport et de racclimatatiou de rei:)onge (JJippospong'ia equina), fessais entre Sfax et les cotes de Tunis). Lvon, Aim. soc. linn., 54, 1907, (91-92). " 1 Annandale, X. Notes on some fresh- water sponges collected in Scotland. London, J. Liun. Soc. Zool., 30, 1908, (2U-250). 2 Annandale, X. Notes on freshwater sponges. VIII. Preliminary notice of a roilectiou from Western Lidia, with descriptions of two new species. Rec. Ind. Mas.. Calcntra. 2, pt. 1, 1908, (25- 28). 3 Annandale, X. X'otes on freshwater sponges. IX. Preliminarj- notice of a collection from Burma, with the descrip- tion of a new species of Tubella. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 2, 1908, (157- 158). 4 Annandale, X. Xote on Ephtjdatia meijeni (Carter). Rec. Ind. Mus., Cal- cutta, 2, pt. 3, 1908, (306-307). 5 Le Barbier. Les peches maritinies dans la ])rovince de Tulear. Bulletin Economique, Madagascar, 8, 1908, (30- 47). 6 Braun. Euspougilla lacustris aus einem abgelassenen Karjjfenteich zu Succase, Westpreussen. Kouigsherg, Schr. physik. Ges., 48, 1908, (2-13-245). 7 Bukowski, G. v. Cher die jurassischen luid eii-tacischen Ablagerungen von .Spizza in Suddalniatien. Wien, Verb. Geol. ReichsAnst., 58, 1908, (48-59). 8 BUtsclili, 0. Untersnchungen iiber orgaiiischf Kalkgebilde nebst Bemer- Icungen iiber organische Kieselgebilde. (KJttingen, Abli. (fes. Wiss., X.F., 6, 1908. 9 Chapman, 1*'. Xew or little known Victorian fossils in the National Museum . IX. Some Tertiary species. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict", 20, (n. s.), pt ii, 1907. (208-220), pis. xvii-xix. 10 Chatwin, C. P. and Withers, T. H. The Zones of the Chalk in the Thames vallev. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908, (390-420). 11 Clarke, J. M. Early Devonic history of Xew York and Eastern North America. Albany Univ., N.Y., St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Mem., 9, 1908, (1-252). Sponges f220). 12 Clarke, J. M. The beginnings of dependent life. Albany, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Rep., 61, 1908, (140-169), pis. i-xiii. 13 Connold, E. Some local marine sponges. S. E. Nat., Tunbridge Wells, 1908, (80-91). 14 Cotte, Jules. Quelques observations de morphologie experimentale chez les Spongiaires. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (526-528). 15 Cotte, J. La spongiculture peut-elle devenir une Industrie ? Bull, enseigne- ment pi'ofessional et technique. Peches uiaritimes, 1907. (12 pp.) 16 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol Nat. Res. Rep., Indianapolis, 32, (1907), 1908, (603-1190), maps, charts. 17 Favre, J. ct Thi^baud, ^I. .Monograjjhie des marais de Pouillerel. Neuchatel, Bnl. Soc. Sci. Nat., 34. 1908,(25-87). 18 Franga, Carlos. Le Professeur Bar- l)osa du Bocage 1823-1907. l<:ioge iii^torique prononce :i la seance solen- nelle du 2 luai 1908. Lisbonne, BuU. Soc. Port. Sci. nat., 2, 1908, (141-101). 19 Girty, George H. The Guadalupian fauna. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr., No. 58, 1908, (1-649), pi. 20 o For. Titles. 0600 Girty, tieorge II. <.in some now and old species of Carbouiferous fossils. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., '" SNadon. Mus., Proc. 34. 1908,(281- with pi. '. 21 Gregorio, A. de. Sui generi Zittel- niziii. Xaturalista sicil., Palermo, 20, i,'.'8'''S3\ 22 Hinde, Li. J. On a new sponge from chalk at Goring-on-Thames. Loudon, . Geol. Ass., 20, 1908. (4i'U-42]). 23 Jenkin, C. F. The marine famia of /.ilK\r and British East Africa from L ..^ction made by Cvril Crossland, .\:.A.. in the years 1901-1902.— The ' ; -areoussiKinges. London, Proc. Zool. ^ , 1908, (434-45G), pi. 24 Jenkin, C. F. National Antartic Ex- tion. Natural History 4. Calcarea, ■^ pp.. pls- 25 Kirkpatrick, R. "National Aniarotic lieditiou. Natural History, 4, Pori- ,1 Tetraxonida, 1908, (1-56), pis. viii- 26 Kirkpatrick, R. Ou two uew genera recent Pharetronid sponges. Ann. _'. Nat. Hist., London, Ser. 8, 2, 1908, '.-.■Jl.^', pis. xiii-xv. 27 Kirkpatrick, R. Description of a new vonine sponge from the Indian an. Ree. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, !•<, 21-24 , with 1 pi. 28 Kirkpatrick, R . Description of a uew . ietv of SiKingUla lorlcata, Weltner. •. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, (97- 29 Kofoid, C. A. Plankton Studies V. ■ plankton of the Illinois River, 1894- ■ ''.), Pt. II. Constituent organisms 1 their seasonal distribution. Urbana ,1. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist., 8, 1908, (1- I. Porifera(132j. 30 Liihe, M. Unsere eiuheimischen Siiss- -sei-schwiimme. Konigsberg, Schr. l.hvsik. Ges., 49. 1908-1909, (309-315). 31 Maas, 0. Bemerkungen zu ,,Les acteres et I'emplacement des Spon- giaires" i^ar Ad. Kemna. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. roy. Malac. 13, 1907, (131- '■'.\\ ^ 32 Meek, S. E. The zoologj' of Lakes -vmatitlau and Atitlan, Guatemala, with special reference to ichthyology. Chicago, III. Field Columb. :Mus. Pub. Zool., Ser., 7, 1908, 1 159-206). Sponges in Lake .Vmatitlan (198). 33 Minchin. K. .V. Materials for a mono- grai^h of the Ascons II. The formation of spicules in the genus Leucosolenia, witli some notes on the histologj' of the sponges. Q. J. Microsc. Sci., London, 52, 190S, (301-357), pis. xvii-xxi. 34 Mincliin, E. A. and Reid, D. J. Ob- servations on the minute structure of the spicules of calcareous sponges. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (061- 676), pis. xxxiv-xxxvii. 35 Putter, August. Studien zur ver- gleichendcn Physiologic des Stoffwecli- sels. Gottingen, Abh. Ges. Wiss., math.- phvs. Kl., (N.F.), 6, 1908, No. 1, (79). 36 Reid, D. J. cide Minchin, E. A. 21. Sclineider, ( i . Der Obersee bei Reval. Arch. Biout., Berlin, 2, 1908, (1-198). 37 Seely, Henry M. Stellae and rabdo- litlis of the genus Strephoclietus. Ver- mont, Rep. Geol., Burlington, 6, (1907- 1908), 1908, (187-188), pi. 38 S[eely], H. M. CryplozoiJn. Reply tu the review of C. W. W. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (298). 39 Skeats, E. W. On the evidence of the origin, age and alteration of the rocks near Heathcotc, Victoria. Melbourne, Proc. R. Sec. Vict., 21, 1908, (302-246), pis. xiv-XA'iii. 40 Sollas, 1. B. J. The inclusion of foreign bodies by sponges, with a de- scription of a new genus and species of inonaxonida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, Ser. 8, 1, 1908, (395-401, text Ijgg 1-5). 41 Stephens, Jane. Porifera. Brit. Ass. Handbook, Dublin, 1908, (213- 215;. 42 Stose, G. W. The Cambro-Ordovician limestones of the Appalachian valley in Southern Pennsylvania. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (698-714). 43 Tanner, F. L. Report of section for marine zoology. Guernsey, Rep. Soc. Nat. Sci., 1907^ 1908, (282-284). 44 Thacker, A. G. On collections of the Cape Verde Islands faima made by Cyril Crossland, M.A. (Cantab.), B.Sc. (Lond.), F.Z.S. dale of the Gat by Marine Laboratory, St. .Andrews University), 4 Por. III. Porifera or Spongida. [19081 from July to September, 1904. The Calcareous Sponges. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (757-782), pi. xl. 45 The'el, Hjalmar. Om utveckliugen af Sveriges zoologiska halstation Ivri- stineberpoehomdjurlivet i anp-ansande haf orh fjordar. Ark. Zool., Stockholm 4, 1908, No. 5, (1--13G). ^6 Thiebaud, M. Contribution a la bio- logic du lac de Saint-Blaise. Annales Biolorrie Lacustre, Bruxelles, 1908. 3, (54-138 >. ^^ Thiebaud, il. ndc Favre, J. 10. Topsent, E. Spongiaires. Expedition antarctique fran^aise (1903-1905). Paris, 1908, (37). « Topsent, E. Sur une variete de CUonofjsis vlate'i Tliiele. Bui. Mus ocean., Monaco, 120. 1908, fl-S). 49 Topsent, E. Sponges calcaires re- cueillies par le Frau(^ais dans I'antarc- tique (Expedition du Dr. Charcot). Bui. iluseum, Paris, 1907, (539-541). 50 Urban, F. Die Kalkschwamme der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Zool. Auz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (247-252). 51 Vosmaer, C. C. J. Poterium, een boorspons. [Voterion, a boring sponge.] Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. A£d. Iv. Akad. Wet., 17, [1908], (10-22) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. iVkad. Wet., 11, [1908], (37-41) (English). 52 [Review of] Contrilmtion to the geology and paleontology of Vermont, by C. W. AV. By Henry M. Seely. [With special reference to Cryptozoon.'] J. Geol.. Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (85-86). 53 Woodland, W. Studies in spicule for- mation Vlll. Some observations on the sclerol)]astic development of Hexacti- nellid and other Siliceous sponge spicules. Q. J. Microsc. Sei., Lojidon, 52, 1908, 39-157), " ■■ ische Kieselgebdde iosbesoudere iiber das spezifische Gewicht in Beziehuug zu der Struktur, die chemische Zusam- mensetzung und anderer ; Biitschli, 9. L'emplacement des spongiaires ; Maas, 32. Notes on freslwater sponges ; Annan- dale, 2-5. La spongiculture peut-elle deveuiruue industrie ? ; Cotte, 16. Les peches maritimes dans le provmce de Tulear ; Le Barbier, 6. 131 pi. 54 11. _S U B J E C T— I X D E X. GENEIIAL WOltKS, ECONOMICS AND TECHNIQUE. 0603 Contribution a I'etude du transport et de I'acclimatalion de rei)onge {Hippo- npomjia equina)', Allemand, 1. Untersuchungcn idjor organische kalk- ^'pbildo iiobsl Bcmerkungcn iiber organ- STPvUCTURE. 0607 Calcareous spicules, discussion of causes producing the forms of ; Minchin, 34. Spicules of calcarea, miimte structure ; Mincliin and Reid, 35. Cauouchelae, shattleshaped chelae of the new genus Cerc'idotliela ; Kirk- patrick, 26. Forms of fossil hexactinellid spicules ; Clarke, 12. Stellae and rabdolitlis of the genus Strepltoclietus ; Seely, 38. Excretory cells Leueosoleiua cnmph- catn ; Mincliin, 34. Collar cells and canal systems, Mlnch'mella ; Kirkpatrick, 27. Pores, oscnles, canals, Calcarea; Jenkin, 25. Structure of Pofcnon ; Vosmaer, 52. PHYSIOLOGY, 0611 Studien zur verglelchenden Physio-/ logie des Stoffwechsels ; PUtter, 36. Pore, oscules, canals, si^icules, struc- ture in calearea ; Jenkin, 25. Mode of inclusion of foreign bodies i)y sponges ; Sollas, 41. DEVELOPS! ENT 0615 Regeneration in some calcareous and silicious sponges ; Cotte, 15. Ova, larvae, Cclcarea; Jenkin, 25. Spicnle-formation, Lcucosolen'ia ; Min- chin, 34. Por. Subject Index. iSpiculi' foiuiatioii Ht'xatiiiellitl;i, 'IVtraitiiu'lliJa. Monactiiu-llida ; Wood- land, 54. i:thology. 0619 'utribution a I'etudp dii transport ct lie racoliinatation de reponge (H'lppo- sp'^ngiu c|i uges occurriu:: in neighbourhood, i:^ 14 spp. ; Th^el, 46. itzerland, Lac de Sainte-BIaise. I'llla Jaru>ffvis only sponge; Thi^- baud, 47. America, freshwaters. / Illinois river, sponge spicules as blankton in ; Eofoid, 30. lateraala, Lake Amatitlan Sponr/dla /'x; Meek, 32. Atlantic Ocean. ? Atlantic sponges, influence of Gulf Stream and X. Equatorial currents on distribution of ; Thacker, 45. X.E. Atlantic Leiiconia 1 sp. n. ; Urban, 51. Porto Santo Island near iladcira. Pharetronidae ] sp. n. ; Kirkpatrick, 27. Gape X'enlc l^ n. ; Thacker, 45. 0627 Mils, Calcarea U spp. Indian Ocean and freshwaters. m Indian Ocean, Eitrctc sp. n. ; Kirk- patrick, 28. Burma, Spunr/illa lov'ictita Wcltner, n. var. ; Kirkpatrick, 29. West Intlia, Spongilla 2 spp. n. ; Annandale, 3. Burma, preliminary notice of a collection and Tuhella sp. n. ; Annan- dale, 4. African Seas. Agulhas Stream -Lh/j/wc/.scp/.'s 1 s]). n., Lciieonia 1 sp. n. ; Urban, 51. Zanzibar and British East Africa, marine sponges, calcarea 5 spp. n. ; Jenkin, 24. S. African coast TjCucuuiu 1 sj). n. ; Urban, 51. Pacific Ocean. Xew irel)rIdos. I'liaretronidae 1 Kirkpatrick, 27. .p. n Antarctic Ocean. « Antarctic, Tetillidae 4 ■n\>{). .Monaxo- uellida 22 spp. n. ; Kirkpatrick, 26. ilonaxonida G spp. u. ; Topsent, 48. fiponges calcaires, 2 spp. n. ; Topsent, 50. Homocoela 2 s]ip. u. Heterocoela 18 spp. n. ; Jenkin, 25. Antarctic Ocean and Kergueien neigh- bourhood Calcarea S spp. n. ; Urban, 51. B. I'ossil. Tertiary, Victoria CUona 2 s])j). n. Echionema 1 sp. ; Chapman, 10. Cretaceous, Chalk of Thames Valley, Sponges 11 spp. 1 s]). n. ; Chatwin & Withers, 11.' Jurassic deposits Spizza, Soutli Dal- matia, Sponge spicules ; Bukowski, 8. .Turassic, Bathonian, Pouillard, Rhak- sella spicules and ? Cncinidianlrum spicules ; Favre k Thi^baud, 18. fi Por. III. Porifera or Spongida. [1908] "|"Carlioniferous, Gnadalupiau, Pori- fera 13 spp. n. and several var. ii. ; Girty, 20. Carboniferous Kansas Calcisponglae 3 n. spp. SilicisponfTiae 2 ii. spp. ; Girty, 21. Devonian, Lower Helderberg (Iroup, Cape Gaspe, Beeeptacid'ite^ jonrt<\ ; Clarke, 12. Orduviciau, Victoria Prolospuiig'ui ; Skeats, 40. Cambro-Ordovician (Cliambersberg formation) S. Pennsylvania Rcceptacn- I'des sp. TJ India sp. ; Stose, 43. Cincinnati series of Indiana ; Cumings, 17. III.— SYSTEMATIC. 0631 Minute structui'es of the spicules of CJalcarea MixciiiN & Reid London P. Z. S. pj). 661-()7C pis. xxxiv-xxxvii. Materials for a monograph of the Ascons II. The formation of spicules in the genns Lcucosolcnin Avith soni(> notes on the histology of the sponges Mixciiix Q. J. Microsc.'Sci. 52 p. 301. Spicule formation, Hexactineliida, T'etractinellida, Monactiuellida, Wood- i,.\XD Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 52 p. 139. L'emplacement des Spongiares, ^Lias, Ann. Soc. malac. 13 p. 131. CALCAREA. (i) HOMOCOELA. Lciivosoleii'ia atlani'ica sp. n. Cape ^'crde Islands. Tiiacker London P. Z. S. 1908 p. 760. — L. canariensif; nsed in comprehensive sense including notably L. nhnsein Breitfuss L. totuipiloxa Dendy. Tiiackku 'i'.c. ]i. 762. — L. irrcfju- lav'iH sp. n. Britisli E. Africa Jknkin- T.c. p. 440. — /.. Incas, Dendy, Antarctique Topsent Bui. Museum Paris 1907 p. 539. — L. ineerla sp. n. Antarctic Ocean Uriian Zool. An/,. 33 p. 247.— L. dlHcovcn/l, mhiclihii ]■>. S, spp. n. Antarctic Jenkix National .Antarctic Expedition 4 ]908 Calcarea. fii) METEltOCOEL.X. Aclnrniiovphfi g. n. Sl:uii'orIia|ilii(lariun fain, n., ijlacialia j). 30, 'ji-iindini.-< ]>. 32, njiydis ]). 33 Jenkin Nat. Ant. Exp. 4 Calcarea. Amhhis'ipJionella guadalupen.^'is sp. n. Texas Cuadalupian, CIirty Washington Dept. Int. U. S. Ceol. Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 58 p. 91. Amp]iariscu.-< hr!iplov(ip}il-< sp. n. Agulhasstrom, Urban Zool. Anz. 33 p. 249. ^i'ustotliahunia gen. n. Ciistotliala- iniidae fam. n., HoJu/i/tuvi sp. n. Texas Cuadalupian, Girty Washington De]ji. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pa].r. No. 58 p. 89. Dcrmairelun g. n. Grantlidaruni, eliartaceiini, Jtodgsoni, spp. n. Antarctic, Jeskin Nat. Ant. Exp. 4 p. 22. Chriidcssa simplex p. 446, zmutharis p. 449, Zanzibar coast, spp. n., Jexkix London P. Z. S. 1908. Grantia 'intermedia sp. n. Cape Verde Island Tii.vCKiCR London P. Z. S. 1908 p. 770. — 2, near Sollasla, heedel sp. n. p. 284 Kansas Carboniferous, Girty Washington Smithsonian lust. IT. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. llypodletijongn. Chiphoridaruni loinj- siajjl sp. n. Antarctic, Jenkin Nat. Ant. J'-xp. 4 Calcarea p. 27. Lenvdudra Jtirsnla p. ;')4l, jonbini p. r)42, spp. n., Antarctique Topsent Bui. Museum Paris 1907. — L. rerdensla sp. n. p. 772 Ca])e Verde Island, rudl f('i-(i Polejacif p. 773 description of external form, rvi>s.^landl p. 777, 'jeminl- p'Ava p. 779, spp. n., Th.vcker liondon i*. Z. S. 1908. — I J. prlvngenia leplovaphh \ar. n., friglda, hrumaUs, gelalinosa, clvraia hiherna, spp. n., Antarctic, Jenkin Nat. Ant. Exp. 4 pp. 14-20. Leucilla icaslnensls sp. n. Britisli East Africa Jekkin London P. Z. S. 1908 |). I.IL For. Systematic. 0631 LcHcon'ui sptssa Agulhasbaak p. 249, ainnata Francis Bay i'iri7iosa, p. 250, A'erc7MfZt'»j.'*i.s, minor, anfraeta, Kerguelen, p. 2.'»1, rj/?ra, Adantio, p. 2.j2, spp. n. t'RBAN Zool. Anz. 33. ^Macatidrostia gen. n., p. 281, near Cystothalamia, kansascnsiti • sp. n. p. 2S5, Kansas Carboniferous, Gikty Washington L'. S. Nation. Mus. Proc 34. Megapofjon g. n. StaurrorUaphidarum erucifcnis p. 36, vUlosus p. 37, raj-i- p/7((.< p. 38, ix)lUcav:fi p. 40, eris^patiii^ p. 41. Antarctic, Jenkis Nat. Ant. Exp. 4. MerJia g. n. irerlinarum sub-fam. n., nonnani sp. n. Porto Santo Is. Madeira KiRKPAxnicK Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 ichincllag.n. Lithoniuarnm, lamel- sp. n. New Hebrides Kiukpatrick . 504. 'i'olysiphon gen. n., PoJusiplionidae faia. Q., type mirahUi>f sp. n., Texas lalupian, GiRTY Washiucrton Dept. '■■'. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pal)r. No. 58 einmannia amerieann sp. n., < Guadalupian, Girty, T.c. p. 92. — jamuu sp. n. Kansas Carboniferous, V Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. . 34 p. 2S6. ■eptoeonus g. n. Chiphoridarum n., aiistralis sp. n., Jenkix Nat. Exp. Calcarea p. 25. on coyninatum sp. n. Cape Verde .Is, TiiACKER Loudon P. Z. S. 1908 7. — S.ltergiielenais sji.n. Kerguelen, -N- Zool. Anz. 33 p. 248.— S. mun}- sp. n. Zanzibar channel, Je.vkix Ion P. Z. S. 1908 p. 443. idlirenodes g. n. Sycettidamm, scottl p. J. antarcticus p. 12, spp. n., Antarctic, Jenkh; Nat. Ant. Exp. 4 Cah area. HEXACTINELLIDA. jHexactineUid spicule types from early Devonian beds New York and E. North America, Clarke Albany Univ. N.Y. Mem. St. Mus. 9 (220-225) 2 pis. (i) LYSSACINA. fProtospoyigia, Ordovician Victoria, Skeats Victoria P. R. S. 21 p. 340. •\Receptacidites of. occidentalis Cam- bro-Ordovician S. Pennsylvania, Stose J. Geol. Chicago 16 p. U'2.—R. jonesi Devonian E. N. America, Clarke Albanv Univ. N.Y. Mem. St. Mus. 9 p. 220. (ii) DICTYONINA. Eurete annandale'i sp. n. Indian Ocean, Kirktatrick, Rec. Ind. I\Ius. 2 p. 21. ■\Malfaltispon'fia nom. n. for ZittelJo- spong'ia Malfatti 1901, De CiiiEGORio Naturalista Sicil. Palermo 20 p. 83. ■\Stromatidinm gen. n. type typicale sp. n. Texas Guadalupian Girty Wash- ington Dept. Int. U . S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 58 p. 77. ■fVcrrucocoelia Luherosa sp. n. Chalk (ioring, HlXDE London Proc. CJeol. Ass. 20 p. 420. DEMOSPONGIAE. (i) TETRACTINELLIDA. (a) Choristida. Cinachyra vertex moiitieularis var. n., KiRKPATRiCK National Antarctic Expedi- tion 4 p. 11. Craniella sagitta, microsigma and pachyrrhahdus varr. n. Antarctic, Kirkpatuick National Antarctic Expedi- tion 4 p. 1. Dereilua niger Guernsey, Tanxer Guernsey Trans, soc. nat. sci. p. 284. ■\Ecliionema nricheryi McCoy sp. Tertiarv Victoria, Cil^pmax Victoria P. R. S". 20 1907 p. 210. ■fTiliakselld spicules, Bathonian Pouillerel, Favre & TuiEiiALi) Neu- chatel Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 34 .1908 p. 25. (b) LiTIIISTIllA. IjAjithracosyeon gen. n. Tetracladina(?), fieus sp. n. var. n. cnp'itanenne, Texas Guadalupian, Girty Washington Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 58 p. 72. jCneviidiastrum spicules Bathonian Pouillerel, Favre & Thiebal-d, Neu- chatel Bui. soc. sci. nat. 34 p. 30. ■fHlndia sp. indet. C am bro- Ordovi- cian S. Pennsylvania, Stose J. Geol. Chicago 16 p. 714. 8 Por. III. Porifera or Spongida. [1908] ■fPseiidov'vf/uIa gen. n. p. 75, Tetra- cladina, type tenuis sp. n. p. 70, Texas Guadalupian, Girtv Washington Dept. Int. U. S.Geol. Siirv., Prof. Papr. ■\Virgula gen. n. p.. 72, TefraeJadlna, type ncphuiia, r'lrjida p. 74 spp. n., var. n. coustrietd p. 75, Texas (xuadalujiian, GlRTY T.c. (ii) MONAXONIDA. (a) HADROMErilNA. Clionu cclata. Pi'obably PapiUina aiiberca O.S., Osculinajioh/stomella O.S., Painllina nigricans O.S., and Fiso- riridis O.S. are all modifications oL' Cliona celata Vosmaer Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 11 p. 37. fCliona mammillata sp. n. Tertiary (Kalimnan) Victoria, Ciiai'man Victoria, P. R. S. 20 1907 p. 208. t ? Cliona perefirinaloi' sp. n. 'I'ei'tiary (Barwouiau) ^'ictoria, Ciiai'-MAN T.c. p. 209. CUonopsis platel Tliiele, boring variety, locality unknown, in Mnsenm of Caen Topsext Bull. Mus. ocean. Monaco No. 120 pp. 1-3. Ifymedesmia exigua further described and figured, Kirkpatuick National Antarctic Expedition 4 p. 24. Lalruneulia apicaVis (R. & D.) h'l- I'onni--^, hasalis var. n. KiRKrAi'incK 'I'.c. p. M. Polipnasiiu inraglnata further des- cribed and figured, KiRKrATUicK T.c. p. 15. Potrrioji ; habits, anatomy, VosMAER, Amsterdam, Proc Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 11, pp. 37-41 (English) ; Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 17, pp. 10-22 (Dutch). Spliaerotylus anlarci'icus further des- (u-il)ed and figured, Kirkpatuick National Antarctic Expedition, 4 \). ](!. Hltjlocordijla horcalin, amala var. n. KiRKP.VfRICK T.c. ]). 22. Suberites mlcroslonins (R. & 1).) stcl- latiia var. n. caDiinatuH (R. & D.) papil- lalus var. n. Kiukpatrick T.c. 4 p. 19. (b) IIalu'iioxiirina. Crrcidochda hiiikcstcri furtlier des- (•ril)ed and figured, KiRKPATRiCK National Antarctic Expedition 4 p. 42, Chalina spongiosissima sp. n.. ToPSENT Spongiaires Exped. antarct. franc, p. 14 pi. 1 fig. 4, pi. 5 fig. 12. Dcsmacidon Kerguehnsis (R. & ]).), nntarctica, cactoides varr. n. D. spinigera and macandr'ina further described and : figured, KiRKi'ATRiCK National Antarctic ■ Expedition 4 p. 38. Ephydatia meyeni (Carter) a variety of Ephydatia rnidlcri and not of Ephydatia Ihiriatilis, .VxN-ANDALE Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 30(;. GeUitit^ Jiiiilifialita, pilosus, cucurhiti- fovmis further described and figured KiRKPATRicK National .\rtarctic Expedi- lion 4 p. 48. Hoplahithara doidyi further described and figured Kirkpatuick T.c. j). 44. llymerrhaplda rufa further described and iigured Kirkpatrick T.c. p. 25. lophon spatidattis and flahello-digitatus further described and figured, Kirk- patrick T.c. p. 29. Joycuxia hclll further described and figured Kirkpatrick T.c. p. 41. Lissomyxilla lianitsehi further des- criljed and figured Kirkpatrick T.c. 4 p. 20. J//;ya.s gen. n. porphyriuii sp. n. Mozambique coast, Sollas Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. i. p. 395. Mycalc acerata further described and figured Kirkpatrick National Antarctic Expedition 4 }). 30. Myxilla, dcccpt(t I'urthcr descriljcd and figured Kirkpatrick T.c. p. 27. Oceanap'ia tantida further descriiied and figured Kirkpatrick T.c. p. 50. Opldilaspoiig'ia uidifieata further de- scribed and figured KiRKPATRiCK T.c. p. 25. PcUina dcpcUfn>^ sp. n., 'I'opsent Sj^ongiaires Exped. antarct. franc. 1908 p. L5, pl. 2 fig. 1 at 5, pi. 5 fig. 9. Pelrosia fii^lidala further descriiied and figured Kirkpatrick National Ant- arctic Expedition p. 51. Pyloderma latruneidioidea further de- scribed Kirkpatrick T.c. p. 5 1 . Renicra acotti Kirkp. dancol Topsent further described and figured Kirk- I'.vfrick T.c. p. 52. — 7i*. flaccida,^. 10 pl. 3 fig. 7 pl. 5 fig. 7, prolelaria p. 17 il For. Systematic. 0631 pi. 1 fi>?. - pi. 5 fiu;. S, v'n-cns p. 19 pi. 5 fig. 10, pcnieilla'a p. 20 pi. 2 fig. i-S pi. 5 fig. 14 spp. n. TopsENT >fX)ugiaires Exped. aiitaret. frauc. Siijmaxhiyssa phakeUiouh's described •uid figured Kirkp.^trick National Ant- .irctic Expedition 4 p 23. Spongillidae Unsere einheimischen Susswasserschwamuie, Luiie, Konigs- berg Schr. phvsik. Ges. 49 pp. 309- 312. Spongilla frag'dis Lake Amatitlan, Meek Chicago 111. Field Columb. Mus. Pub. Zool. ser. 7 1908 p 198.— 5. laciia- tris, distribution, definition, various forms from Scotland, Aknanpale J. Linn. Soc. 30 p. 244 ; S. lacustris sole representative of Porifera in the Lake Saiute-Blaise Thiebaud Ann. Biol. Lacustre Bruxelles 3 p. 08. — S. loricata var. n. burmanica, Burma, Kirkpatriok Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 97. — .S'. indiea lapidoaa p. 26 ; p. 25 spp. n., W. India, AxVASDALE Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. Tedanla variolosa Hiulcoui/uaui further described and figured, Kirkpatriok National Antarctic Expedition 4 p 32. Tubella pemistjlvanica Scotland, Annandale J. Linii. Soc. 30 p. 248. — T. vesparioides sp. n. Moulinein, iVNNANDALE Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 157. Incertae Sedis. ■fC'ryptozoon, Seely, J. Gaol. 16 p. 298. 'fStrephochehis, microstructure, stel- lae and rabdoliths, Seely Vermont Rep. Geol. 6 p. 187 pi. ^Coelocladia gen. n. Silicispongiae p. 287, near Cylindrophyma, spinosa sp. n. p. 288, Kansas Carboniferous, Gikty, Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. ■flleliospongia gen. n. p. 288, near Coelocladia, ramosa sp. n. p. 289, var. n. parallela p. 290 Kansas Carbonife- rous, GiRTY Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. (K-10332 h) b 7 IV. COELENTERATA AKItANGED BY n. M. WOODCOCK, D.Sc. (Lond.) CONTENTS PAGE I. TlTI.KS . . 3 I. Subject Index : — General and Miscellaneous = 0803 : — Treatises, etc. . . 12 Bibliography 12 Collections, Aquaria 12 Economics 12 Technique 12 Mori)holog-y := 0807 :— General , . 12 Skeleton (septa, spicules) 13 Organs . . 13 Histology 13 Physiolog-y = 0811 : — General . . . . . . ' 13 Nutrition, excretion ..13 Special functions 13 Stimuli, environmental effects 13 Development = 081.5 : — Growth, budding 14 Reproduction 14 Regeneration 14 Sexual organs and cells 14 Embryology 15 Histogenesis 15 Larval forms 15 (K-10332 i) b8 Ethology = 0819:— Habits, behaviour Plankton . . Sj'mbiosis Variation and Aetiology = 0823 Evolution Phylogeny Distribution = 0827 Recent : — Atlantic and adjacent seas Indian and adjacent seas Pacific and adjacent seas Arctic and Antarctic . . Freshwater Geological : — Tertiary Secondary Primary III. Ststematic = 0831:— Hydrozoa (= Hydromedusae) Graptolithida Scyphozoa {= Scyphomedusae) \iilhozoa Alcyonaria ZoantharJa Ctenophora . . PAGE 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 22 23 24 24 27 30 3 Cai. Titles. 0800 I. TITLES. Ammon, Ludwig von. Ueber eine coronate Qualle {Ephyropsites jurassicus [n. g. n. sp.]) aus deiu Kalkschiefer. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Miinchen, 19, 1906, (1908). (169-186), Taf. 3. 1 Annandale, X. Observations on specimens of Hydra from Tibet, with notes on the distribution of the genus in Asia. Rec. Ind. Mus.. Calcutta, 2, 1908. (311-313). 2 Ashwortb, J. H. vide Maas, Otto. Bade, E. Das Seewasser-Aquarium, seine Einrichtung, seine Bewohner und seine Pflege. Magdeburg fCreutz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung), 1907, (1-192). 16 pis. 3 Bedot, M. Sur un animal pelagique de la region antarctique. Expedition antarctique fran^aise (1903-1905;, Paris, 1908, (1-7;, 1 pi. 4 Billard, Armand. Sur les Plumn- larildae de la collection du Challenger. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147. 1908, (758- 760, 938-941;. 5 Billard, Armand. Sur les JIaleciidae, Campanulariidae et Sertulariidae de la collection du Challenger. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (135o-1358j. 6 Billard, Armand. Note sur deux varietes nouvelles d'Hydroides provenant de I'eipedition du Siboga. Arch, zool., Paris, fser. 4), 8, 1908, Notes et Revue, (Ixxiii-lnvii). 7 Billard, Armand. Note sur une variete nouvelle d'Hydroide. Arch, zool., Paris, (s^r. 4;, 8, 1908, Notes et Pievue, (cxii-ciivj. 8 Billard, Armand. Les mousses marines. Nature, Paris, 36, (1" sem.), 1908, (275-277). 9 (s-10332 i) Binder, Adele. Note sur les polypes de la Cladonema radiatum. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (385-386). 10 Bohn, Georges. L'assimilation pig- mentaire chez les Actinies. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (689-692). 11 Bohn, Georges. Scissiparite et auto- tomie ches les Actinies. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (936-939). 12 Bohn, G. De 1' influence de I'oxygene dissous sur les reactions des Actinies. Quelques remarques a propos des com- munications de M. PiERON. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64. 1908, (1087-1089). 13 Bohn, Georges. Les facteurs de la retraction et de I'epanouissement des Actinies. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64. 1908, (1163-1166). 14 Bohn, Georges. L'epanouissement des Actinies dans les milieux asphyxiques. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, (317- 320). 15 Boulenger, Charles L. On the occurrence of the Hydroid Cordylophora in Egypt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, Ser. 8, 1, 1908, (492-493). 16 Boulenger, Charles L. On Maerisia lyons'i, a new Hydromedusan from Lake Qurun. Q. J. microsc. Sci., London, 52. 1908, (357-378), pi. xdi & xxiii. 17 Boulenger. C. L. [On a new Hydro- medusan from Lake Birket-el-Qurun in the Fayum.] London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907 ii (516). 17a Braem, F. Die Knospung der Mar- geliden, eiu Bindeglied zwischen ge- schlechtlicher und ungeschlechtlicher P'ortpflanzung. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (790-798). 18 b8— 2 4 Ccel. IV. Coelenterata. [1908] Broch, Hjalmar. Hrdroideminter- suchungen I. Tecaphore Hydroidea von dem nordlichen Norwegen nebst Be- merkungen iiber die Variation und Artbegreazung der nordischen Lafo'ea- Arteu". Tromsd Mus. Aarsh., 29, 1906, (1908), (27-46). 19 Broch, Hjalmar. Die Verbreitung von DiphTjes arctica, Chun. Ark. ZooL, Stockholm, 4, No. 20, 1908, (1-6). 20 Browne, Edward T. The Medusae of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedi- tion. Edinburgh. Trans. R. Soc, 46, No. 10, 1908, C233-251), 2 pis. 21 Browne, Edward T. The Medusae of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedi- tion. Rep. Sci. Results Voyage "Scotia," 5, pt. II, 1909 (issued May, 1908), (169-188), 2 pis. [Reprint of (21), but pagination different.] 22 Browne, Edward T. On the fresh- water Medusa, Limnoenida tanganicae, discovered in the River Niger by the late J. S. Budgett. [In : " The work of John Samuel Budgett," edited by J. Graham Kerr.] Cambridge (C. Clav), 1907, (471-480), pl. sxviii. 23 Bullen, G. E. Notes upon Hydroids observed in Aberdeen trawl refuse. Stratford-on-Avon (Shakespeare Head Press) n. d., (1-10). 24 CanestreUi, G. Revisione della Fauna Oligoienica di Laverda nel Vicentino. Geneva, Atti Soc. Ligustica sc. nat. geogr., 19, 1908, (27-79, 97-152;, 2 pis. 25 Carlgren, 0. Anthozoa. (Forts. GeschichteJ. (H. G. Bronns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tier-Ueichs, Bd 2, Abt. 2, Lfg 4-6.) Leipzig (C. F. Winter). 1908, a 13 176). 26 Chapman, Frederick. New or little- known Fossils in the National Museum. Part IX. Some Tertiarj^ species. Mel- bourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., 20, 1908, (208-221), pis. xvii-xix. 27 CMld, C. M. Form-regulation in Ceriantlius cestuarii. Biol. BuU., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, ('27-53). 28 Child, C. M. Regulation of II arenact'ta attenuata in altered environment. Biol. BuU., Woods Holl, Mass., 16, 1908, (1- 17). 29 Child, C. M. Minimal size in form- regulation. Science, New York, 27, 1908, (910). 30 Clarke, John M. The Beginnings of dependent Life. Albany, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Rep., 61, 1, 1907, (1908), (146-196), 13 pis. [Also in Bull. 121 same pagtn.] 31 Clarke, John M. Early Devonic history of New York and eastern North America. Albany, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Mem., 9, 1908, (1-366), maps & plans. 32 Clubb, J. A. Coelenterata. iv. Actiniae. [In : National Antarctic Ex- pedition 1901-1904, Natural Historv-. 4 Zoologv (various Inveriebrata).] London (British Museum), 1908, (1-12), 3 pis. 33 Cohn, Martin. Alcyonacea von Mada- gaskar und Ostafrika. [In : Reise in Ostafrika v. A. Voeltzkow. Bd 2.] Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1908, (207-244), 1 Taf. 34 Conklin, Edwin G. The habits and early development of Lmei-ges mer- curius. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 2, (Publication No. 103), 1908, (153-170), 8 pis. 35 Conklin, Edwin G. Two peculiar Actinian larvae from Tortugas, Florida. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. 2, (Publication No. 103), 1908, (171-186), 4 pis. 36 Cotter, G. de P. vide Pascoe, E. H. Coulon, L. Un sejour a Dieppe an point de vue de I'histoire naturelle. Troisieme et derniere partie. Les In- vertebres niarins. Elbeuf, Bui. Soc. etud. sci. nat., 26, 1908, (137-165). 37 Cowper Reed, F. K. and Reynolds, S. H. Silurian fossils from certain localities in the Tortworth inlier. Bristol, Proc. Nat. Soc, (Ser. 4), 2, (32-40). 38 Cremer, Max. Ueber das Elektro- grammderMedusen. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. Morph., 22, 1906, (1907), (41-45). 39 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Rep., Indianapolis, 32, 1907, (1908), (605-1190), 55 pis., maps & charts. 40 r. Cad. Titles. 0800 I I Cunning^on, W. A. Description of a Biological K\i)e<.lition to th^ Biikot-el- Qurun, f^ivuui Province of Egypt. Loudou, Troc. Zool. Soc, 1908, i, (3-5). 41 Dal Piaz, G iorgio. SuU'eta degli strati coralligeui di iionte Zovo presso Mori nel Treutino. Roma, Kend. Ace. Liucei, (Ser. 5J, 17, i, 190S, (116-12:1). 42 Dalton, Leonard V. Notes on the Geologv of Burmah. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 190S, (60-1-6-14), pis. liv- Ivii. 43 Dollfus, G. F. Sur quelques poly piers fossilcs des Indes Neerlandaises. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 37, 1908, (67t)-6S6), pis. 1-3; Ed. fran?., 37, 190S, (G91-701). 44 Dor^e, Charles. On the presence of cholesterol ia the Coelenterata. J. Phvsiol., Cambridge, 37, 1908, (Iviii- lix'. 45 Downing, Elliot R. The ovogenesis of Hydra fusca — A prelimiuaiv pai)er. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl., Mass., 15, 1908, (63-66). 46 Driescli, Hans. Zwei Mitteilungen zur Kentitution der Tubidarla. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (119- 129). 47 Elles, Gertrude L. and Wood, Ethel il. R. [Mrs. ijhakespeare]. A Monograj)h of British Graptolites. Part VII. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 1908, (cixi-cilviii, 273-358), pis. xxxii-xxxv. 48 Etheridge, R., Junr. An undescribed Australian Cystiphyllid — Mictocyslis — from the Upper Silurian Rocks of the Mount Canobalas District. Sydney, N.S.W., Rec Austr.Mus., 7,(1908), (18- 20), pis. iv & V. 49 Faust, Edwin Stanton. Die tierischen Gifte. [In: Die Wissenschaft. Samm- lung naturwissenschaflicher und mathe- inatischer Monographien ] Braun- schweig (Friedr. Vieweg u. S.), 9, 1900, (231-233). 50 Franz, V. und Stechow, E. Symhiose zwischen einem Fisch und einem Hydroidpolypen. Zool. i\jiz., Leipzig, 82, 1908, (752-754). 51 Gerth, Ileinricii. Beitriige zur Phy- logenie der Tubocorallior. Zs. indukt. Abstamnmngslehre, Berlin, 1, 1908,(11- 68). 52 Girty, (leorge U. The Guadalupiau fauna. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr., No. 58, 1908, (1-649), 31 pis. 53 Goette, A. Microhydra ryderi, ein seltener Hydropolyp in Strassburg. Mitt, philomath. Ges., Strassburg, Bd IV, Jg. 16, 1908, (35-43), 1 Taf. 54 Goodey, T. On the presence of gona- dial grooves in a Medusa, Aiirelia aurita. London, Proc Zool. Soc, 1908, i, (55- 59), pi. i. 55 Gorzawsky, Hubert. Die Gorgona- ceeufamilien der Prinmoiden und Muri- ceiden. Breslau (Druck v. H. Fleisch- mann), 1908, (1-50). 56 Gorzawsky, Hubert vide Kiikenthal, W. Grabau, A. W. vide Sherzer, W. H. Gravely, F. H. vide Hickson, S. J. Gravier, Ch. Sur un cas de greffe naturelle chez nn Madreporaire. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (859-861). 57 Gravier, Ch. Sur la biologic des Madreporaires du genre Siderastrea Blainville. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1081-1082). 58 Gravier, Ch. Recherches sur quelques Alcvonaires du golfe de Tadjourah. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, (179-26C), pis. v-xi. 59 Gravier, Ch. Sur quelques traits de la biologie des recifs coralliaires. Paris, Bui. soc philom., (ser. 9), 10, 1908, (144-1 02). 60 Gravier, Charles. La Meduse du Tanganyika et du Victoria Nyanza. Sa dispersion en Afrique. [In : Resultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa.] Paris, (Impr. nat.), 1908, (GOl-Cllj. 61 Groben, Paul. Uel>er die Faunen dea untercarbonischen Transgressionsmeeres des zentralen Tian-schan, die in der Umgebung des Sartdschol-Passes gefun- den worden sind. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 26, 1908, (213- 248) Taf. XXV- XXX. 62 6 Cod. IV, Coelenterata. [1908] Gunther, R. T. Zoological results of the 3rd Tanganyika Expedition, conducted hv Dr. W. A. Cunnington, 1904-1905.— Report on Limnocnida tanganicae ; with a note on the sub-species from the Victoria Nvanza. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, 'ii, (643-656) pi. xxxvii. 63 Hadzi, Jovan. Einige Kapitel aus der Eutwicklungsgeschichte von Chnj- saora. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1907, (17-44) 2 Taf. 64 Hadzi, Jovan. Ueber die Nesselzell- Manderung bei den Hydroidpolvpen. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1907, (65-94) 2 Taf. 65 Hargitt, Chas. W. Notes on a few Coelenterates of Woods HoU. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 14, 1908, (95- 120). 66 Hargitt, Chas. W. Occurrence of the fresh-water Medusa, Limnoeodium, in the United States. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, -Alass., 14, 1908, (304-318). 67 Harrison, Ruth M. Some new Alcyona- ria from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. (Prelim, notice.) London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 30, 1908, (185-190). 68 Hart, T. S. The Graptolite Beds at Daylesford. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., 21, 1908, (270-284), pi. xii. 69 Hartlaub, CI. Meduses recueillies en 1904 j,ar M. Ch. Gravier dans le GoLfe de Tadjourah (Somalie fran(;-aise). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (383-384). 70 Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach Quad- rangles. Albanv, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Pep., 60, 1, 1906, (1908), Bull. 114 (Pal. 17), (1-35). [List of Corals.] 71 Hedley, C. and Taylor, T. Griffith. Coral reefs of the Great Barrier, Queens- land : a study of their structure, life- distribution, and relation to mainland Physiography. Rep. Austr. Ass. (Adelaide), 11. 1908, (397-413) 3 pis. 72 Heric, Mat. Zur Kcnntnis der poly- disken Strobilation von Chrysaora. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1907, (95^ 108) 1 Taf. 73 Herdman, W. A. Twenty -iirst Annua! Report of tiie Liverjiool Marine Biology Conanittee, and their Biological Station at Port Erin. Liverpool, Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc, 22, 1908, (33-92). 74 Herouard, Edgard. Sur un Acraspede sans Meduse : Taeniolhijdra roscoffensis. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1336- 1337). 75 Herouard, Edgar. Metrotropisme des bourgeons nus chez les Scvphistomes. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (10-11). 76 Hickson, S. J. Coelenterata. I. Alcvonaria. [In : National Antarctic Expedition 1901-1904. Natural His- tory. 3 (Zoology and Botany).] Lon- don (British Museum), 1907, (1-15) 2 pis. 77 Hickson, Sydney J. On the syste- matic position of Eunephthyn maldl- vensis Hickson. Zool. Anz., Leipzisr, 33, 1908, (173-176). 78 Hickson, S. J. and Gravely, F. H. Coelenterata II. Hydroid Zoophytes. [In : National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904. Natural History, 3 (Zoology and Botanv).] London (British Museum), 1907, (1-34) 4 pis. 79 Jaccard, Frederic. Un nouveau Chaetetes du Gault (Albien inferieur) de la Plaine Morte (Region Wildstrubel). — Chaetetes lugeoni nov. sp. Lausanne, Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat., 44, No. 162, 1908, (23-25) pi. ii. 80 Jaderholm, Elof. Zur Kenntniss der Hydroidenfauna des Beringsmeeres. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, 1908, No. 8, (1-8) 2 pis. 81 jaderholm, Elof. Die Hydroiden des Sibirischen Eismeeres, gesamraelt von der Russischen Polar-Expedition 1900-1903. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, Ser. 8, 18, 12, 1908, (H-1-28) 3 Taf. 82 Jones, Frederick Wood. On the growth-forms and supposed species in Corals. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, ii, (518-556), pis. xxvii-xxix. 83 Jones, Frederick Wood. The rate of growth of the reef-building Corals. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (716-717). 84 Jonescu, Constantin N. Ueber die Ctenophore Eiirhanipliaea vexilUgera. Jenaische Zs. Natw., 43, 1908, (685-691) Taf. xxiv. 85 : Cc^. Titles. 0800 Jordan, H. Ueber reQexanne Tiere II. Stadium olme regiiliereude Zentren : Die Physiologie des Xervenmuskel- systems von Acthioloba dianthus Ellis (Fuss. Mauerblatt, Septen, Nervennetz der Miuidsclieibe). Nebst einigen Ver- sucheu an Ftiaua aiitiquus. Zs. allg. Physiol., Jeua. 8, 1908, (222-206). 86 Kassianow, Nicolai. Untersuchungen iiber das Nervensvstem der Alcyonaria. Zs. wiss. Zool.. Leipzig, 90, 1908, (478- 5351, Taf. isii-xixi. 87 Kassianow, Nicolai. Vergleich des Nerveusystems der Octocorallia mit dem der Hexacorallia. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leip- zig. 90, 1908, (670-677). 88 Kawamura, Tamiji. Kudakurage ni •--.ite. [On Siphonophores.] Dobuts. ', Tokvo, 20, 1908, (77-83, 101-109, '-148). 89 Kinoshita, Kumao. Vorlaufige Mittei- lung liber einige neue japanische Prim- noid - Koralleu. Annot. Zool. jap., Tokyo, 6, 1907, (229-234). 90 Kinoshita, Kumao. Diplocalyptra, eine neue Lutergattung von Thouareila iPrimnoldie). Annot. Zool. jap., Tokyo, 7. 1908, (49-60). 91 Kinoshita, Kumao. Primnoidae von Jai.an. Tokvo, J. CoU. Sci., 23, Art. 12, iyu>., ,l-74)'6pls. 92 Kinoshita, Kumao. Gorgonacea no ikka Prinmoidea ni tsuite. [On the Primnoidea, a family of Gorgonacea.] Dobuts. Z., Tokvo, 20. 1908, (409-419, 453-459). [Cf. (90 & 92)]. 93 Knod, Reinhold. Devonische Faunen Boliviens. (Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaontologie von Siidamerika, hrsg. von G. Steinmann. XIV.) N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 25, 1908, l93-600j Taf. xxi-xxxij. 94 Koelitz, W. Zur Kenntnis der Fort- pflanzung durch Querteilung bei Hydra. Zool. Adz., Leipzig, 33, 19U8, (529-536 & 783j. 95 Krapfenbauer, A. Einwirkung der Exibtenzbedingungen auf die Fortpflan- zung von Hydra. Miinchen (Druck v. C. Wolf & S.j, 1908, (1-45). 96 Kukenthal, W. Diagnosen neuer Gorgoniden au8 der Familie P/exawri- dae. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (495-504). 97 Kiikenthal, W. Diagnosen neuer Gorgoniden. (4. Mitt.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (9-20). 98 Kiikenthal, W. Ueber die Berecliti- gung des Gattungsnamena Siioiigodca Less. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (288). 99 Kiikenthal, W. Die Gorgoniden- familie der Mditodldae Verr. (5. Mitt.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (189-201). 100 Kiikenthal, W. Diagnosen neuer Gorgoniden aus der Gattung Chryao- gorgia. (6. Mitt.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (701-708). 101 Kiikenthal, W. Japanische Alcyo- naceen. (Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasieus. Hrsg. von F. Doflein. xVbh. 1.) Miinchen, Abh. Ak. Wiss., math.-phvs. KL, Suppl.-Bd 1, 1908, (1-86) 5 Taf. [Identical with Kukenthal (6), Zool. Rec. 1906, Coelent. p. 7, q.v.] 102 Kiikenthal, W. und Gorzawsky, H. Diagnosen neuer japanischer Gorgo- niden (Reise Doflein 1904/05). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (621-631). 103 Kiikenthal, W. und Gorzawsky, H. Japanische Gorgoniden. Tl. 1 : Die Familien der Primnoiden, Muriceiden und Acanthogorgiiden. (Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Hrsg. von F. Doflein. Abh. 3.) Miinchen, Abh. Ak. Wiss., math.-phys. Kl., Suppl.-Bd 1, 1908, (1-71), 4 Taf. 104 Laackmann, H. Zur Kenntnis der Alcyonarien-Gattung Telesto Lmx. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Suppl. 11, 1908, (41-104). Taf. ii-viii. 105 Lang, W. D. Polyzoa and Anthozoa from the Upper Cretaceous Limestone of Need's Camp, Buffalo River. Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric. Mua., 7, 1908, (1-11) 1 pi. 106 Langenbeck, R. KoraUenriffe und Koralleninseln. Geogr. Anz., Gotha, 9, 1908, (97-101, 125-128). 107 Le Barbier. Les peches maritimes dans la Province de Tulear. Bulletin Economique, Madagascar, 8, 1908, (30- 47). 108 Lee, G. W. Sur la presence de cal- caires a Productus gigavteua a la Nou- velle Zemble. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci^ 147, 1908, (875-877). 109 8 Cod. IV. Ccelenterata. [1908] Lens, Albertine D. and Riemsdijk, Thea van. The Siphonophora of the Siboga Expedition. Uitkomsten op zooL, botan., ocean., geol. gebied, ver- zameld in Ned. lud., 1899-1900, aan boord H.M. Siboga, onder commando van Lt. t/z le Kl. G. F. Tjdeman, uit- gegeven door Max Weber. [Resultats des explorations zool., botan., ocean., geol., entreprises aux Indes Neerl. Or., 1899-1900, a bord du Siboga, sous le commandement de G. F. Tydeman, publics par Max Weber.] Livr. 38, Monogr. 9, Leiden (E. J. Brill), 1908, (1-130), av. 2-1 pis. 110 Lillie, R. S. The relation of ions to contractile processes. — 2. The role of calcium salts in the mechanical inhibi- tion of the Ctenophore swimming-plate. Amer. J. Physiol., Boston, Mass., 21, 190S, (200-220). 110a Maas, Otto. Meduses. Expedition antarctique fran^aise (1903-1905). Paris, 1908, (1-19), 2 pis. Ill Maas, Otto. Ueber den Bau des ileduseneis. Verb. D. zool. Ges., Leip- zig, 18, 1908, (114-129). 112 Maas, Otto and Asliwortb, J. H. Coelenterata. Zool. Jahresber., Ber- lin, 1907, (1908), (1-35;. 113 MaJard, A. Eug. Sur la presence a mer basse de Corymorpha viUans Sars sur une plage de File Tatihou. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, (563-564). 114 Marenzeller, Emil v. Ueber deu Septeniiachwuchs der Eupsamminen E. H. [In: Expeditionen S. M. Schiff ,,Pola" in das Rote Meer, nordliche uud siidliche Halfte 1895/96-1897/98. Zoologische Ergebnisse XXI\^] Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80, 1907, Berichte der Kommis- sion fiir ozeauographische Forschungen, (1-12). 115 Marenzeller, Emil v. Tiefseekoralleu. [In : Expeditionen S.M. Schiff ,,Pola" in das rote Meer, nordliche und siidliche Halfte 1895/96-1897/98. Zoologische Ergebnisse XXV'.] Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 80, 1907, Berichte der Kom- mission fiir ozeauographische P'orschun- gen, (]3-2.'3) 2Taf. 116 Marenzeller, Emil v. Riffkorallcn. [In : Ex|)e(litionen S.M. Schiff „Pola" in das rote ileer, nordliche und siidliche Halfte 1895/96-1897/98. _ Zooh)«ische Ergebnisse XXVI.J Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 80, 1907, Berichte der Kom- mission fiir ozeanographische Forschun- gen, (27-97) 29 Taf. 117 Marinelli, Olinko. Descrizione geo- logica dei dintorni di Tarcento in Friuli. Firenze, Pubblic. 1st. st. sup. (Sci. fis. nat.), No. 43, 1902, (viii + 1-238) 5 pis. & 2 charts. 118 Markow, Michel. Mitteilungen iiber das Plancton des Schwarzen Meeres in der Niihe von .Sebastopol. Zool. Auz., Leipzig, 33, 190S, (663-666). 119 Matley, Charles Alfred. The Car- boniferous rocks at Loughshinny (County Dublin). With an account of the Faunal Succession and Correlation by Arthur Vaughan. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (-113-472), pis. xlix and 1. 120 Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough. Rhyth- mical pulsation in Scyphomedusae. Papers from tlie Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), 1908, (113-131). 121 McGill, Caroline. The effect of low temperatures on Ejjdra. Biol. Bull. Woods HoU, Mass., 14, 1908, (78-88), pi. iv. 122 McQueen, James M. vide Thomson, J. A. Momer, Carl Th. Zur Kenntnis der organischen Geriistsubstanz des Anthozoenskeletts. 2. Mitt, Hoppe- Sevlers Zs. phvsiol. Chem., Strassburg, 55", 1908, (77-83). 123 Morgan, T. H. Some further records concerning the physiologj^ of regenera- tion in Tubularia. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 14, 1908, (149-162). 124 Moser, Fanny. Neues iiber Cteno- phoreu. Mitt. III. Die Ctenophoren der deutschen Siidpolar-Expedition. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (750-759). 125 Moser, Fanny. Japanische Ctenopho- ren. (Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Hrsg. von F. DoQein. Abh. 4.) Miinchen, Abh. Ak. Wiss., niath.-pliys. Kl., Suppl.-Bd 1, 1908, (1-78), 2 Taf. 126 Moser, Fanny. Ctenophores de la Bale d'Amboine. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve, 16, 1908, (1-26), pi. i. 127 0 Ccel. Tm.K^. 0800 Motz-Kossowska, S. Quelquoa cmh- siiierations a projxis de Plumttlaria licli- tenstenii Mark. -Turn, et des especes affiiifs. Arch. Zool., Paris, ^_4) 9, liWS, Notes et Re\nie, (Iv-lix). 128 Mourlon, Michel. I-e calcaire carboni- f et les depots i>ost-priniaires qui le .c.ouvreiit dans la Vallee de I'Escaut entre Touruai et Autoiug. Bruxelles, Bull. Soc. geol., 22, 3, Proces-verb., 1908, (SO-lOo). 129 MiUler, Hermann. Untersuchuugen er Eibildung bei Cladoneraiden und douiden. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 89, I'JOS, (28-80), Taf. iii-v. 130 Nuttingr, CharlesC. Descriptions of tlie Alcyonaria collected by the U.S. Bureau cif Fisheries steamer Albatross in the vicinity of the Hawaiian islands in 1902. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., '■. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, ■ 13-601) pis. xli-li. 131 Nutting, C. C. Was the Hydroid or the Medusa the original form of the Hvdromedusae ? Science, New York, n.'s. 27, 190S, (917-948). 131a Oka, Asajiro. L'nnnocodium im Jant- sekiang, eine neue Siisswassermeduse aus China. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 190S, (669-671). 132 Oka, Asajiro. Eine neue Siisswasser- meduse aus China. Annot. Zool. jap., lokyo, 6, 1907, (219-227) pi. viii. 133 Old, Edsvard H. A report of several cases with unusual symptoms, caused by contact with some unknown variety of jelly-fish (Scyphozoa). Philippine J. Sci., Manila, P.I., B3, 1908, (329-333). 134 Oppenheim, Paul. Ueber eine Eocan- faunula von Ostbosnien und einige Eocanfossilien der Herzegowina. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst, 58, 1908, (311- 344), Taf. xi-xv. 135 Parks, W. A. Notes on Silurian "'njmatoporoids from Hudson's Bav. jttawa Nat., 23, 1908, (25-29). 136 Parka, W. A. Niagara Stromatopo- roids. Toronto, Stud. Univ. Geol. Ser., No. 5, 1908, (175-240 [or 1-68]), pis. vii-xv. 137 Paacoe, E. H. and Cotter, G. de P. On a new species of Dendrophyll'ia from ;'ie Upper Miocene of Burmah. Reo. ■ eol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 36, 1908, ^147-148), pi. xxi. 138 Pax, Ferdinand. Hyperlropliie bei Actinienlarven. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (187-189). 139 Pax, Ferdinand. Antliozoa. Uie .\ktinienfauna Westafrikas. [In: L. Schultze, Zool. u. antlirop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. nied. Ges., 13, 1908, (463-504), Taf. xxv. 140 Pearl, Raymond. iMorphogeneti(' localisation in Aijlaoplienia. Science, New York, 25. 1907, (781). 141 Peebles, Florence. The influence of grafting on the polarity of Tubularia. J. Exp. Zool, Philadelphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (327-358). 142 Penecke, Karl A. Ueber eine neue Koralleugattung aus der Permformation von Timor. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., Ratavia, 37, 1908, (657-660) ; franc.-. 37, 1908, (672-674). 143 Perkins, H. F. Notes on Medusae of the western Atlantic. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washing- ton, D.C., 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), 1908, (133-156), pi. 144 Pi^ron, Henri. De I'influence reci- proque des phenomenes respiratoires et du comportement chez certaines Actinies. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147,1908, (1107- 1410). 145 Pi^ron, Henri. De I'influence de I'oxy- geue dissous sur le comportement des Invertebres marins. 1. Quelques re- cherches preliminaires sur les besoins respiratoires en milieu clos. II. Quelques nioyens de defense contre I'asphyxie. III. Des n'thmes engendres par une variation periodique de la teneur en oxygene. IV. Du role a attribuer a I'oxyg^ne dans la reaction des Actinies aux" marees. V. Observations comple- mentaires sur Actinia equina. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64. 1908, (886-888, 955- 957, 1020-1022, 1061-1063, 1161-1162). 146 Pi^ron, Henri. La lythmicite chez Actinia eqimia L. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65,1908,(726-728). 147 Plate. L. Das Sammeln und Kon- servieren wirbelloser Seethierc [In : Neumaver, G. von, Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen. Bd II.] Hanover (Max Janicki), 1906, (619-623). 148 10 Coel. IV. Ccelenterata. [1908] Potts, Edward. A fresh-water jelly- fish from Delaware couuty, Penna. Media, Pa.,Proc. Delaware Co. Inst. Sci., 2, 1907, (77-82) pi. 149 Rand, Herbert W. Wound-reparation and polarity in tentacles of Actinians. Science, New York, 27, 1908, (447-148). 150 Rennie, John. Coelenterata III. Tentacles of a Siphonophore. [In : National Antarctic Expedition, 1901- 1904. Natural History 3 (Zoology and Botanv)]. London (British Museum), 1907, '(1-3). 151 Reynolds, S. H. vide Cowper-Reed, F. P. Richardson, C. H. The geology of Newport, Trov and Coveutrv. Vermont, Rep., Geol., Burlington, 6, (1907-1908), 1908, (265-291), map and pis. 152 Richters, F. Cladonema radiatuin bei Helgoland. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (G87). 153 Riemsdijk, Thea van vide Lens, A. Ritchie, James. On Collections of tlie Cape Verde Islands Marine Fauna, made by Cyril Crosland, M.A. B.Sc. F.Z.S., of S. Andrews University, July to September 1904. — Tlie Hydroids. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, ii, (488- 514), pis. xxiii-xxvi. 154 Roule, Louis. Alcyonaires. Expedi- tion antarctique fran^aise, (1903-1905), Paris, 1908, (1-8), 1 pi. 155 Roule, L. Alcvonaires d'Amboine. Rev. Suisse Zool. 16, 1908, (lGl-194), pis. vi-viii. 156 Rowley, R. R. The geology of Pike county. Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines, Jefferson City, Ser. 2, 8, .[1908?], (i-xiv -f- 1-122), pis., tables and map. 157 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of Ni'w V(;rk. Pt. II. Graptolites of the Higiier Beds. Albany New York, St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Rep. Mem. 11, 1908, (1-583), 31 pis. 158 Russell, E. S. Occurrence of Gonac- tijiia prolifera, Sars, in the Firth of (Jlyde. Glasgow, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, 8. ]!)()5-19U(J, (1908), (27-30). 159 Senna, Angelo. Larve pelagichi di Attiuiari. [Raccolte jjlanctoniciie i'atto dalla R. Nave " Liguria " nel Viaggio di circonnavigazione del 1903-05 sotto il comando di S.A.R. Luigi di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi, 1, iii]. Firenze, Pubbl. 1st. St. sujD. (Sez. sci. fis. nat.) 1907, (79-198), pis. v-viii. 160 Sherzer, W. H. and Grabau, A. W. New Upper Siluric Fauna from Southern Michigan. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., New York, '19, 1908, (540-553). 161 Sibly, Thomas Franklin. The Faunal Succession in the Carboniferous Lime- stone (Upper Avonian) of the Midland Area (North Derbyshire and North Staffordshire). I-ondon, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (34-82) pi. i. 162 Steche, 0. Die Entwicklung der Geni- taltrauben bei Physalia. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (638-641). 163 Steche, 0. Der gegenwartige Stand unseres Wissens vom Siisswasserpolypen (Hydra). Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (463-480). 164 Stechow, Eberhard. Beitriige zur Ivenntnis von Branchiocerianthua im- perator (AUman). Miinchen (Druck v. F. Straub), 1908, (1-31). 165 Stechow, E. Vide Franz, V. Steinmann, G. and Wilckens, Otto. Kreide- und Tertiarfossilien aus den Magellanslaudern, gesammelt von der Schwedischen Expedition 1895-1897. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 6, 1908, (1-118), 7 pis. 166 Stephens, Jane. Coelenterata. Brit. Ass. Handbook, Dublin, 1908, (210- 213). 167 Stiasny, Gustav. Eine atlantische Tima im Golfe von Triest. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1908 (221-224), 1 pi. 168 Stockard, Charles R. An experi- mental study of the rate of regeneration in Caeaiopaea xamacliana (Bigelow). Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, D.C., 2 (Publication No. 103), 1908, (61-102). 169 Stockard, Chas. R. An experimental study of the rate of regeneration in Cassiopaea xamacliana. Science, New York, 27, 1908, (448). 170 Tanner, F. L. Report of Section for Marine Zoology. Guernsey, Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci., 1907 (1908j, (282-284). 171 11 Cat. Titles. 0800 Tannreutlier, Geo. W. The develop- ment of Ili/dra. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass.", 14, 1908, (261-280), pis. viii-xi. 172 Taylor, T. Griftith. Preliminary note i>n Archaociiathhiac from the Cambrian '"Coral Reefs" of South Australia. Rep. Austral. Ass. (^Adelaide), 11, 1908, ^423-437) 2 pis. 173 Taylor, T. Griffith vide Hedley, C. Th^el, Hjalmar. Cm utvecklingen af Sveriges zoologiskahafsstation Kristine- l>erg och om djurlif\-et i angriinsande haf och fjordar. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, 1908, No. 5, (1-136) 5 pis. & 3 charts. 174 Thevenin, Armand. Paleontologie de Madagascar. V. Fossiles liasiques. Ann. paleont., Paris, 3, iii, 1908, (105- 143), pis. 8-12 (1-5). 175 Thompson, J. Zoophj-tes in ihe Humber. Naturalist, London, Ko. 623, Dec. 1908, (454). 176 Thomson, J. Allan. Fossils from Kakanui. Wellington, Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908. (98-103) pi. xiv. 177 Thomson, J. Arthur. A large Tubu- larian {Tubularia regalia, Boeck) from the Moray Firth. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc , 17, 1908, (143-148). 178 Thomson, J. Arthur. Note on a large Antipatharian from the Faeroes. Edin- burgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc, 17, 1908, (188-194) pi. xi. 179 Thomson, J. Arthur. Note on a remarkable Alcyouarian, Studeria mira- hilis g. et sp. n. London, J. R. Microsc. Soc, 1908, (675-681) pi. xvi. 180 Thomson, J. Arthur, and McQueen, James il. The iVlcyonarians. [In : Reports on the Marine BiologA' of the ^ udanese Red Sea, from collections ...ade by Cyril Crossland, M.A., B.Sc, F.Z.S. No. VIII.] London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 31, 1908, (48-75j pis. v-viii. 181 Thomely, Laura Roscoe. Hydroida collected by Mr. C. Crossland from October 1904 to May 1905. [In: Reports on the Marine Biology of the Soudanese Red Sea. No. X.] London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 31, 1908, (80-85J pl.ix. 182 Toniolo, .V. R. L'Eocene dei dintorni di Hozzo in Istria. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 17, i, 1908, (815-824). 183 Tornquist, — . Korallen in den Geschiehen dcr Proviuz Ostpreussen. Konigsberg, S^'hr. phvsik. Ges., 49, 1008,^(308-309). ' 184 Torrey, Harry Beal. Fission in tho Hydroid Cori/movpha. Science, New York. 25, 190t, (734). 185 Vanhoffen, E. Die Lucernariden und Sc'vphomedusen der Oeutschen Siidpolar- Expedition 1901-1903. (Deutsche Siid- polar-Expedition 1901-1903, Bd 10, H. I.) Berlin (G. Reimer), 1908, (25- 49), Taf. ii & iii. 186 Vanhofifen, E. Die Narcomedusen. (Wissenschaftl. Ergebnissed. D. Tiefsee- Expedition, Bd. 19, H. 2.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (41-74), Taf. vii-ix. 187 Vaughan, Thomas Wayland. H.M.Ber- iiaid's work on the Poritid Corals. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (373-378). 188 Vaughan, Arthur vide Matley, C. A. Verrill, Addison E. Some singular cases of regeneration and increase in a deep-sea Coral by agamic endo- genesis. Science, New York, 27, 1908, (449). 189 Verrill, Addison E. Distribution and variations of the deep-sea Stony Corals from off the Coast of the United States. Science, New York, 27, 1908, (494). 190 Walton, C. L. Notes on some Sagar- tiidae and Zoanthidae from Plymouth. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., 8, 1908, (207-214). 191 Walton, C. L. Actiniae collected by the s.s. " Huxley " in the North Sea during the summer of 1907. Pl^Tiiouth, J., Mar. Biol. Ass., 8, 1908, (215-226). 192 Warren, E. On a collection of Hydroids, mostly from the Natal Coast. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., London, 1, pt. 3, 1908, (269-355) pis. xlv-xlviii. 193 Wassilieff, A. Japanische Actlnien. (Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Hrsg. V. F. Doflein. Abh. 2.) Miinchen, Abh. Ak. Wiss., math.-phys. Kl., Supjil.- Bd. 1, 1908, (1-52), 9 Taf. 194 12 Cod. IV. Ccelenterata. [1908] Weltner, W. Zur Unterscheidung Her deutschen Hvdren. Arch. Natg., Berlin, 73, Bd. 1, 1907, (475-478). 195 Wloitney, D. D. Further studies on the elimination of the gi"een bodies from the endoderni cells of Hydra viridis. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (241-240). 196 Wilckens, Otto vide Steinmann, G. Woltereck, R. Thierische Wanderun- gen im Meere. Meereskiinde, Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 2, iii, 1908, (1-44). 197 Wood, Ethel M. R. On Graptolites from Bolivia, collected by Dr. J. W. Evans in 1901-1902. Rev. Minist. Colon. Agric, La Paz, 3, No. 28, 1907, (556-557 ; Spanish translation, 558- 559). 198 Wood, Ethel M. R. vide Elles, Ger- trude. Woodcock, H. M. Ccelenterata. Zool. Rec. London, 44, 1908, No. IV, (1-28). 199 II.— SUBJECT-INDEX. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 0803 Treatises, Reviews. Anthozoa (Forts. Geschichte). (In : II. (!. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen desTi.r-IIeichs, Bd 2, Abt. 2, Lfg4-6); Carlgren, 26. Der gegenwartige Stand unseres Wissens vom Siisswasserpolj'pen (Hydra) ; Steche, 164. General account of Si[ihonoi)hora (in Japanese) ; Kawamura, 89. General review of U. M. T'xnnard's work on Poritic Corals ; Vaughan, 188. Bibliography. Literature of Coelenterata for 1907 ; Maas (V: Ashworth, 113 ; Woodcock, 199. Collections, Aquaiia. Coelcntf-rates in connoction with the Marine Aquarium ; Bade, 3. Economics. Utility or Harmfuhiess. Hydroids {Sertulnria and Hydrall- mania) used as adornments for hats, etc. ; Billard, 9. Painful symptoms produced by the stinging of an unknown variety of jelly- fish in the Philippines ; Old, 134. Technique. Collection and preservation of Coelen- terates ; Plate, 148. STRUCTURE. 0807 General. Morphogenetic localisation in Aglao- phenia ; Pearl, 141. Observations ontheHydroid polyps of Cladonema radiatum ; Binder, 10. On the form and structure of the colonies in Vlinnular'ia Uclttensterni ; Motz-Kossowska, 128. Account of a large Tuhidaria, prob- ably 2'. regalis ; Thomson, 178. Description of LJ7?inocmcZa tanganicae ; Browne, 23. — Notes on the morphology of Limnocnida; Giinther, 63. Description of Limnocodium kaicaii ; Oka, 132 A 133. — Notes on structure of L. soiccrhii occurring in America ; Hargitt, 67. Structure of a remarkable new pelagic form, allied to the Siphonophora, Wandelia charcoti n. g., n. sp. ; Bedot, 4. Notes on various morphological features of Graptolites ; Buedemann, 158. Description of a new fossil Medusaui Ephyropaites juraasiciis n. g., n. sp. ! Ammon, 1. Account of certain interesting Alcyonaria (incl. Sarcophytum myce- toidcs, Mcsohclemnoti and Scytaliopsis) ', Gravier, 59. A remarkable new Alcyonaiian, Studeri a gen. n.; Thomson, 180. Zur Kenntnis (irr .McyniKiiicngattuiig Telesto Lmx; Laackmann, 105. 13 Cad. Subject Index. 0811 Form and structure of the remarkable fossil orctauisms ArcJiccocyathincB ; Taylor, 173. Beitriige zurKenntnisvon Ih-anchiocc- aiUhus imperator; Stechow, 165. Full description of certain Ctenophora 'Vi'urobrnchia striata, Hormiphora ihoinni' Mid Ganesha cZejans, Moser) ; Moser, 127. MorphoIosT}" of the Ctenophoran, irhamphaea vcxiU'igera ; Jonescu, 85. Skeleton (septa, spicules). Teber den Septennachwiichs der ipsanuuinen E. H. ; Marenzeller, 115. i3n the form and arrangement of the - .-^letal structures in the Arehccoey- ■ huic ; Taylor, 173. Nutrition, excretion, etc. Poisonous secretions of Coelenteratea {I'hysaUa, Siplionopliora, tentacles of Actinians) ; Faust, 50. Presence of cholesterol iu tlic ("dclcn- terates (sea-anemones) ; Dor^e, 45. L'assimilation pigmentaire et la re- spiration chez les Actinies; Bohn, 11. Special functions. Ueljer reflexarnie Tiere. II. . . Stadium ohne regulierende Zentren : Die Physiologic des Nervenmuskel- systems von Actlnoloba dianthus (Fuss, Mauerhlatt, Septen, Nervennetz der Mundscheibe) ; Jordan, 86. Grooves for the passage of the sex- cells in Aurelia ; Goodey, 55. Organs. On the occurrence of grooves leading fiMUi the gonadial (or gastric) pouches ■ the digestive cavity in Aia^elia', Goodey, 55. Zur Kenntniss der Alcynnarien- Gattung Telesto ; Laackmann, 105. Histology. Untersuchungen iiber das Nerven- -vstem der Alcyonaria (Aleyonium digi- uitiim and palmatum); Easslanow, 87. Vergleich des Nervensystems der Mcyonien mit dem der Hexacorallia Actinien); Kassianow, 88. Xesselzellen bei den Hydroidpolypen ; Hadzi, 65. Zur Kenntnis der organischen Ge- riistsubstanz des Anthozoenskeletts ; Momer, 123. Cber den Bau des Mednseneis ; Maas, 112. Environmental effects stimuli. reaction to PHY.SIOLOGY. 0811 General. On the physiological factors concerned in regeneration ("formative-action"), as seen in Tuhidaria ; Morgan, 124. Regulation of Earenactis attenuata to altered environmental conditions ; CUld, 29. Einwirkung der Existenzbedingungen auf die Fortpflanzung von Hydra ; Krapfenbauer, 96. Iniluence of environment on the growth-forms of Corals ; Jones, 83. Influence of external conditions on scissiparity and autotomy in Anthea ; BoJin, 12. The effect of low temperatures on Hydra ; histological changes due to loss of water ; McGill, 122. On the elimination of the green bodies from the endoderm cells of Hydra viridia, when kept in a weak solution of glycerine ; Wliitney, 196. Behaviour of the fresh-water Medusa, T/nnnocodium, in distilled water; Hargitt, 67. Ueber das Elektrogramm der Medusen (Limnocodluvi) ; Cremer, 39. The relation of ions to contractile processes. 2. The role of calcium salts in the mechanical inhibition of thf Ctenophore swimming-plate ; Lillie 110a. 14 Ccd. IV, Ccelenterata. [1908] De riofluence reciproque des pheno- menes respiratoires et du comportement chez certaines Actinies ; Pieron, 145. De I'influence de I'oxygene dissous svu- les reactions des Actinies ; Bohn, 13. De I'influenee de I'oxygene dissous sur le comportement des Invertebres marins (ex : Actinies). Sur les besoins respira- torires en milieu clos. Quelques movens de defense contre I'asphyxie. Eythnaes engendres par une variation periodique de la teneur eu oxygene. Role a attri- buer a I'oxygene dans la reaction des Actinies aux marees ; Pieron, 146. Enumeration and classification of the factors and " rhythms " influencing con- traction and expansion in Actinians ; Bolm, 14. Rhythmical phenoniena in Actinia equina ; Pieron, 147. Rhythmical pulsation in Scyphome- dusae ; Mayer, 121. Metrotropisme des bourgeons nus chez les Scyphistomes ; Herouaxd, 76. DEVELOPMENT. 0815 Growth, budding. The influence of grafting on the polarity of Tubularia ; Peebles, 142. Einige Kapitel aus der Entwicklungs- geschichte (Scyphiit el Qurun, f.iv. to luackish, occurri'iu-e of ('nrdi/lopliiini hicuntr'm; Cunnington, 41 ; Boidenger, 16. La Medusa du Tanganyika et du Victoria Nyanza : sa disjjei-sion en Afrique ; Gravler, 61. Washington, U.S., occurrence of the lrcsli-wat(U- Medusa, Limnocodiuni ; Hargltt, 67. Fresh-water streams, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, Microlnidra ryder'i ; Potts, 149. Hydra from Tibet, with notes on the distril)ntion of the genus in Asia ; Annandale, 2. 2. Fossil Tertiary, Various horizons (Oligocene — Plio- cene), Malay Archipelago, Zoantharia [Septastrea, Fangia, Prionaf>trea, Goni- astrea, Aatrocoenia spp. ; Dollfus, 44. Miocene, Burmah, Corals ; Dalton, 43. Oligocene, Laverda (Vicentino), Corals ; CanestreUi, 25. Eocene, Eastern Bosnia and Herze- govina, Corals, with new forms ; Oppenheim, 135. Eocene, Rozzo (near Pinguente), Istria, Corals ; Toniolo, 183. Secondary. Gault (Albien inferieur), Plaine Morte (region Wildsti-ubel), Chaetctes lucjeoni n. sp. ; Jaccard, 80. Jurassic (Oolitic, " Bathonian "), Monte Zovo (Mori), Trentino, Stephano- eoenia oolitica ; Dal Piaz, 42. Liassic, Madagascar, Corals (Epi- smilia grandicrl & Isantraca fischeri) ; Thevenin, 175. Jurassic (Solenhofener Schiefer), Pfalzpaint, a new Medusan, Ephyropaitca jurassicus ; Ammon, 1. Primary. Permian, Timor (Malay Archipelago), a new Coral, Verheekia permica n. g., n. sp. ; Penecke, 143. b 9 18 Cod. IV. Ccelenterata. [1908] Carboniferous Limestone (Upper Avonian), North Derbyshire and North Staffordshire, Corals {Dibiinophyllum, Konineliophi/lhun & Lonsdalela) ; Sibly, 162. Carboniferous, Loughshinny (Dublin), Corals ; Vaughan, in Matley, 120. Carboniferous limestone, Pont-a-Rieux (Tournai), Anthozoa ; Mourlon, 129. Carboniferous, Pike county (Missouri), Corals ; Rowley, 157. Lower Carboniferous, Nova Zembla, Corals, several different forms ; Lee, 109. Palaeozoic (Cincinnati Series) Indiana, Corals ; Cmnings, 40. Palaeozoic, Guadalupe Mts., Texas, Corals ; Girty, 53. Early Devonic history of New York and eastern North America ; Clarke, 32. Devonian, Bolivia, Corals, with neAv forms ; Enod, 94. Upper Silurian (ZZaZT/sites-Limestone), Mount Canobalas District, a new Cysti- phyllid, Micloeijsiis, n. g. ; Etheridge, 49." Upper Silurian, Southern Michigan, Anthozoa ; Sherzer & Grabau, 161. Silurian, Tortworth, Coials ; Cowper- Reed & Reynolds, 38. Silurian, East Prussia, Talndate Corals and Monticuliporidae ; Tomquist 184. Silurian, Hudson's Bay, Stromato- poroids, Parks, 136. Silurian, Niagara region, Stromato- poroids, with new forms ; Parks, 137. Silurian (" Upper New York Beds"), Graptolites with many new forms ; Ruedemann, 158. " Castlemaine Beds," Daylesford, Victoria, Graptolites ; Hart, 69. Ordoyician and Silurian, British Grajitolites, with new forms ; Elles & Wood, 48. Oniovician (Arenig formation), Bolivia, Graptolites ; Wood, 198. III.— SYSTEMATIC. 0831 ^Arcluxocyathinac, Cambrian, Sth. Australia, description of structm-e, and affinities ; Taylor, Rep. Australas. Ass. 11 pp. 423-437, with 2 pis. & 8 text- iles. HYDROZOA ( = EYDROMEDUSAE). Hydromedusae & Scyphomedusae, Scottish National Antarctic Exjjed. ; Browxe Rep. Sci. Results "Scotia" 5 pt. 11 pp. 169-188 & 2 pis., and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 46, pp. 233-251 with 2 pis. Hydromedusae, with certain rare forms. Woods Holl, Mass. ; Hargitt Biol. Bull. 14 pp. 95-117 & 17 text-figs. Hydroids, McMurdo Bay (Antarctic), described; Hickson & Gravely Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 3 34 pp. 4 pis. Hydroids, Siberian Polar-Sea, de- scribed ; Jadereolm St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 12 pp. 1-28 & 3 pis. Hydroids, Behring-Sea (additional ones of the " Vega "-Expedition), occurrence and description ; Jaderholm Ark. Zool. 4 No. 8 pp. 1-8 2 pis. Hydroids, Cape Verde Islands, with new forms ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907 ii pp. 488-514 pis. xxiii-xxvi. Hydroids, Soudanese Red Sea, de- scrilied ; Thornely J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31 pp. 80-85 pi. ix. Hydroids from the Natal and Zulu- land coasts described ; Warren Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1 pp. 269-355 pis. 45- 48 & 23 text-figs. lialeciidae, Cam-panulariidae et Ser- tidariidae of the Challenger collec- tion, complimentary notes to Allman's memoir : identity and synonymy of various forms ; BiLLARD C. R. Acad, sci., 147, pp. 1355-1356. Notes on the tentacles of a Siphono- I^hore, from McMurdo Bay, apparently belonging to an unknown form ; Rennie Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 3 pj). 3 & 5 figs. Ahijla haeckeli. sp. n. Malay Archi- pelago ; Lens and Rie-msduk. Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38, Monogr. 9, p. 32, figs. 39-41 & text-figs. 32-40. Aegina Inctea Atlantik p. 50 fig. 3^ hrtimiea Indik p. 51 fig. 4 spp. n. ; Vaniiufeen Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-ExpecJ. 19 2. 19 Cat. Systematic. — Hydrozoa. 0831 Aglaophcn'ia marg'inata sp. n. Cape Verle Islands ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii p. "•O'.t pi. xxiv fiors. 7-JO.— .1. ■(.-•I'ici sp. n. p. 332 pi. xlviii iigs 28- -. text-liii. 17, S. .Vfrica ; Warres, .\nn. N.ital Govt. i[us. 1. Aglaura c'diata sp. n., open sea aronud Tortugas Is., Florida ; Pkrkins Washinsiton, Carnegie Inst., Pnb., No. 102 p. 148. Amphogona pttf'illa sp. n., Ciulf of I'adjourah ; Hartl.wb BuI. Museum 1908 p. 384. Antennella nataletiKis sp. n. S. Africa ; W\RREs Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., Ip. 318 .t-tig. 14. Archanjflopsis gen. n. {Angelidae Fewk.), typica sp. n. Malay Archi- lago ; Less and Riemsdijk Res. Expl. ':)0£ra Livr. 38 Monogr. 9 p. 91 figs. \2i-liO. Asyncorijne gen. n. (Syneoi'ynidae), nietisjs, sp. n., S. Africa; Warren :n. Natal Govt. Mus., 1 p. 285 pi. xlvi igs. 13-17. Auronectae Haeckl. No such thing as an " aurophore " and therefore no croup Auronectae. These forms all belong to fam. Angelidae of Physonectae ; Len3 & Riemsdijk R^s. Expl. Siboga Livr. 38 Monogr. 9 pp. 93 & 94. Bathyphysa sihogae sp. n. Malay -Vrchipelago ; Leks and Riemsdijk Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38 Monogr. 9, p. 114 figs. 148, 160-164 & 173. Bathyphysidae subfam. n. of Siphono- phora ; Lens and Riemsdijk T.c. p. 105. Botrynema gen. n. (Trachomedusae, prov. in fani. Halic.reidae), hruaei sp. n., Scottish Antarctic Exped. ; Brow>.-e Rep. Sci. Results Scotia 5 pt. 11 p. 175 pi. i figs. 8 & 9 pi. ii fig. 1, & Trans. R. Soc.Edinb. 46, p. 239. Campanidaria macrotheea sp. n. Tor- tugas Is. Florida ; Perkins, Washing- ton, Carnegie Inst, Pub. No. 102 p. 146. — C. miUabilis sp. n. Cape Verde Islands ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 504 pi. ixiii figs. 3-5. Ceratocymha asymmetricaBi). n. Malay Ajchipelago ; Lens and Riemsdijk, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38 Monogr. 9 p. 9 figs. 2-0 & text-figs. 7-11. (N-10332ij ChtiniiJiycs gen. n. ^Siphonophora inc. scd.), mullidciitata sp. n., Malay Archi- pelago ; Lens and Riemsdijk T.c. p. 13 figs. 9-15 & text-figs. 12-23. Cladonemn mayer'i sp. n. Tortugas Is., Florida; Perkins, Washington, Car- negie Inst., Pub., No. 102 p. 136. — C. radiatum, biological observations on the Hydroid polvps of ; Binder Bui. Museum 1908 pp. 385-386. Cladonemidae and Codon'idne ("e.g. Cladoneina radiatum, Elcutheria dicho- tnina, Margelopsis liaeckcli, Steenslriipia galanthus, Euphysorn higcJoici and Ilybo- codon prolifer), Untersuchungen iiber Eibildung; MiJLLER, Zs. wiss. Zool. 89 pp. 28-80 pis. iii-v. Clausophyes, gen. n. (Siphonophora inc. sed.), galeata sp. n. Malay Archi- pelago ; Lens and Riemsdijk, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38, Monogr. 9, p. 12 figs. 6-8. Clavatella midtitentaeulata s'p. n., Sth. Africa ; Warren Ann. Natal. Govt. Mus. 1 p. 278 pi. xlv figs. 7-9. Clytia elongata sp. n. S. Africa ; Warren T.c. p. 339, text-fig. 20. Corymorpha nutans Sars, presence h, mer basse sur une plage de Pile Tati- hou ; Mai,.\rd, Bui. Museum, 1907, pp. 563-564. Coryne (?) duhium sp. n. Cape Verde Islands; Ritchie Proc. ZooL Soc. 1907 ii p. 491 pi. xxiii figs. 1 & 2. Cunoctona guinensis Gulf of Guinea p 53 fig. 29, obseura Coast of German East-Mrica p. 53 figs. 7, 25-28 & 30 spp. n., grimaldi var, n. munda West- African Coast p. 53 fig. 6 ; Vanhoffen Ergebn. D. Tiefsee-Exped. 19 2. Cytaeis octopunctata, occurrence in plankton. Black Sea, near Sebastopol ; Markow, Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 664 & 665. Dietyoeladium fuscum sp. n. p. 21 fig. 22, Antarctic; HicKSON and Gravely Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 3. Diphyabyla gen. n. (Diphyidae) hu- brecliti sp. n. Malay Archipelago ; Lens and Riemsdijk, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38, ilonogr. 9, p. 36 fig. 47 & text-figs. 46-49. Diphyabylinae subfam. n. ; Lens and Riemsdijk, T.c. p. 36. b9— 2 20 Cod. IV. Ccelenterata. [1908] Diphycfi arcttca, Terbreitnng ; Broch Ark. Zool., 4. Xo. 20 pp. 1-6.— D. con- torta p. 39 figs. 48-50, nierstraszi p. 43 fig. 53, indica p. 44 fig. 54, D. {Diphyopsis) malayana p. 45 figs. 55 & 56, gegenhainn p. 46 figs. 57 & 58, suitiloides p. 46 figs. 59-61, spp. n. Malay Arcliipelago ; Lens and Riems- DiJK, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38, Monogr. 9. Diphyopsis diphyoides p. 51 figs. 65 & 66, u-eberi p. 53 figs. 67 & 68, anomala p. 54 figs. 69 & 70 spp. n. Malay Archi- pelago ; Less and Riemsdi.ik, T.c. Doramas'ia pictoides sp. n. Malay Archipelago ; Lens and Riemsdijk, T.c. p. 3 fig. 1 . Eremia hcdoti sp. n. Malay Archi- pelago ; Less and Riemsdijk, T.c. p. 66 figs. 85-90. Eudendrium angustum p. 275 pi. slv. figs. 5-6 & text-fig. 2, parvum p. 272, pi. xlv. figs. 1-4, text-fig. 1, spp. n., S. Africa ; Warres, Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., 1. — E. caricum sp. n. Sibirisches Eismeer; J.\derholu, St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. Sc. 18, 12, p. 5 pi. i fig. 4 pi. ii fig. 1. Eutimalphes modesta sp. n.. Gulf of Tadjourah ; Hartl.\ub Bui. Museum 1908 p. 383. Galeolaria chun'i sp. n. ilalay Archi- pelago; Less and Riemsdijk, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38 Monogr. 9 p. 61 figs. 78 and 79. Ualicornar'ia segmentata sp. n., S. Africa ; Warres, Ann. Natal Gov. Mus. 1 p. 328 pi. xlviii figs. 33-36. Ilalicreas /)ap/7Zos((m var. n. antarcti- cum, Scottish National Exped. ; Browne Rep. Sci. Results Scotia 5 pt. 11 p. 173, and Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. p. 237. Ifaliatemma cupidlfera sp. n. Malay Archipelago ; Lens and Riemsdijk Res. Expl. Siboga Livr. 38 Monogr. 9 p. 85 figs. 116-119. Hydra jusca, Linn, from Rham-Tso (lake) Tibet: //. spp. distriljution in Asia and pcruliarities ; Ann.\j«I)alk Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 ].p. 311 313.— //. /. oo- genesis; Downing, Biol. Bull. 15 pp. 63- 66. — //. spp., occurrence of transverse fission ; KoELiTz Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 529- 536 & 5 text figs. — //. embryology ; Tansueuthek Biol. Bull. 14 pp. 261-280 ])ls. viii-xi. — //. distinction of tlie dif- ferent German species ; Weltner Arch. Natg. 73 Bd 1 pp. 475-478 & 1 fig. Hylractinia dendritica sp. n., An- tarctic ; HicKsos & Gr.\velet Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 9 figs. 7-10. — U. verdi sp. n. Cape Verde Islands ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii p. 498 pi. xxiii figs. 6 & 7. Lafoea magna sp. n. p. 342 text fig. 22, S. Africa; Warres Ann. Natal Gov. Mus., 1. — L. spp. Northern Norway, form-variations and species-limits in ; Broch Tromsp Mus. Aarsh. 29 pp. 33- 38 and test-figs. Lampra parvula p. 17 figs. 15 & 16 & 35, microrhiza p. 18 fig. 14, spp. n., McMurdo Bay; Hickson & Graveley Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 3. Limnocnida tanganicae, notes on struc- ture, history and affinities ; Browne in : The Work of J. S. Budgett, Cambridge (C. J. Clay) 190S pp. 471-480 pi. xxviii ; also GiisTHER Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii pp. 643-655 pi. xxxvii & 3 text-figs. Limnoeodium kaicaii Oka, China ; Oka, Zool. Anz., 32 pp. 669-671.— L. k. from Yangtsekiang ; Oka, Annot. Zool. Jap., 6 pp. 219-227, pi. viii.— L. sowerbii occurrence in the United States, notes on structure ; Hargitt, Biol. Bull. 14, pp. 304-318 & text-figs. LoveneJla corrugata sp. n.. Red Sea ; Thornely J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31 p. 82 fig. 4. Lytoearpun erosslandi sp. n. p. 511 pi. xxiv fig. 11 & pi. xxvi figs. 2-4, L. grandis var. n. unllnteralis p. 510 pi. XXV figs. 1-3, Cape Verde Islands ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii. — L. pliiUppinus Kirch., var. n. s'mgidaris East Indian Archipelago ; BiLLARoArch. Zool. 8 pp. cxii-cxiv & 2 figs. MargeVtdae {L'tzz'ia, Bathlica), Knos- ])ung, ein Bindeglied zwisclien ge- schlechtlicher und ungeschlechtlicher Fortpflanzung ; Braem Biol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 790-798 & 5 figs. Microhydra ryderi, in Strassburg; Goette, Mitt, philomath. Ges., Bd IV Jg. 16, pp. 35-43 1 Taf.— 3/. r. fresli-water streams, Pennsvlvania ; Potts, Proc. Delaware Co. Inst. Sci., 2, pp. 77-82 pi. Moerisia gen. n. (Sarsiidae), lyoiiai sp. n., Lake Birket el Qurun, mention only ; Boulenger Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907, 21 Cod. SVSTKilATIC.^HYDF.OZOA. 0831 ii p. 310. — M. I., placed in Boiigahi- riUlukic-Codoni'iae, full description ; BoiLENr.EK Q. J. Micr. Sci. 52 pp. 357- 378 pis. sxii A xsiii. Xarcomedusae, German deep-sea Exped. (•' Valdivia"); VanhOffes Wiss. Ergebn. 19 2 pp. 41-74 pis. vii-ix. Octorchatulra orieiiial'is sp. n., Gulf of Tadjourah ; Hartl.vVB Bui. Museum 1908 p. 384. Ophiodes cacln'iforinis sp. n. Cape Verde Islands ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii p. 500 pi. xxiii_ figs. 11 & 12, pi. xxiv fig. 1 pi. XXV tig. 5. Paragattya gen. n. [Plumulariidae) intermedia ap. n. S. Africa ; Waurek Ann. Natal Govt. .\Ius., 1, p. 323 pi. xlvii fig. 27. Perigonimus aiitareticiis sp. n., McMurdo Bay ; HicK-sos & Gravely Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat Hist. 3 p. 4 tigs. 1- 3 & 32. — P. vagans sp. n., Red Sea; Thousely J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31 p. 81 fig. 1. Plumidaria glacialis, sp. n. p. 22 figs. 23 & 24, Antarctic ; Hickson & Gravely Nat. Antarct. Exped. Nat. Hist. 3.--P. kirkpatricki sp. n. Challenger collec- tion ; BiLLARD C. R. Acad. sci. 147 p. 758.— P. spp. Challenger collection, complimentary notes to Allman's Memoir; Billard I.e. p. 759. — P. Uch- teiistemi, form and structure of colony, comparison with P. secundaria and Antenella ; Motz KossowsK.*. Arch. Zool. exp. (4) 9 N. et R. pp. Iv-lix 3 text- figs. — P. tenuis sp. n., S. Africa ; Warres, Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., 1. p. 310, text-fig. 13. Plumulariidae, various, Challenger collection, complimentary notes to Allman's memoir; Billard, C. R. Acad, sci. 147, pp. 938-941. Podocoryne anechinata sp. n. Cape Verde Islands ; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii p. 499 pi. xxiii figs. 8-10. Pterophi/sa (Bafhyphysa) studeri sp. n. Malay Archipelago ; Le.s's and Riem.s- DI.JK, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38 Monogr, 9 p. Ill figs. 149, 153-155, 157-159, 105 & 171. Sertularella campanidata p. 300 pi. xlvii figs. 21 & 22, tumida p. 297 text- fig. 6, spp. n. Natal Coast ; Wakrem .A^n. Natal Govt. Mus. 1. — .S. spiralis p. 19 figs. 19 A 20, plcdiUi* p. 20^fig. 21, spp. n. Antarctic ; IIukson & Gkwely Nat. Antarct. Exped. Nat. Hist. 3. Serltdaria hTrimnnjinata sp. n. Cape Verde Islands; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ii p. 507 pi. xxvi figs. 5 & 0.— 5. Vmcarts sp. n., Zululand ; Warrem Ann. Nat. Govt. Mus. 1 p. 303 text-fig. 9. Siphonophora of the Siboga Expedi- tion; Less and Riemsdi.ik, Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 38, Monogr. 9, pp. 1-130 24 pis. Soleniopsis gen. n. [Clavidae) p. 494, dendriformis sp. n. Cape Verde Islands; Ritchie Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 495 pi. xxvi fig. 1 & 2 text-figs. Staurophora falklandiea sp. n. ; Browne Rep. Sci. Results Scotia, 5, pi. 11 p. 171 pi. i fiss. 1-8, and Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 46 p.^235. Sti/lactis haleeii sp. n., McMurdo Bay ; Hickson & Gravely Nat. Antarct. Exped. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 8 figs. 5 & 6 & 33 — S. minoi, sj-nibiosis with Minous inerinis, occurrence on East Coast of Japan ; Franz uud Stechow, Zool. Anz., 32, pp. 752-754. Theeocarpus imjriophyllum var. n. elongatus Challenger collection ; Billard C. R. Acad. sci. 147 p. 758. — T. myrio- phylluin (L.) varr. n. orientalis p. 1 xxiii fig. 1, perarmatus p. Ixxiv figs. 2 & 3; Billard Arch. Zool. N. et R. 8. Thuiaria tolli sp. n. Sibirisches Eis- meer ; J.\DERiioLy St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 12 p. 19 pi. iii figs. 8-12. Thyroscyphus aeqitalis sp. n. S. Africa ; Warren Ann. Natal Gov. Mus. 1 p. 344 pi. xlviii figs. 38-40 text-fig. 23. Tima flavilahris Eschsch , occurrence. Gulf of Trieste and note ; Strasny Arb. Zool. Inst. 17 pp. 221-224 & 1 pi. Tubularia betheris sp. n. S. Africa ; Warren Ann. Natal Gov. Mus. 1, p. 280 pi. xlv figs. 10-11. pi. xlvi fig. 12.— T. hodrjsoni p. 13 figs. 13 & 31, longstaffi p. 14 fig. 11, spp. n. Antartic ; Hickson and Gr.wely Nat. Exped. Nat. Hist. 3. — T. reijalis Boeck, from Moray Firth, described; Th(xvison Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 17 pp. 143-148.-2'., Restitution; Driesch Arch. Entw.Mech., pp. 119-129. T., further records concerning the physiologv of regeneration ; Morgan Biol. Bull' 14 pp. 149-102. 22 Cod, IV. Ccelenterata. [1908] Wandelki gen. n. allied to Sii^hono- phora {Disconectae), charcoti sp. n. occurrence and descripjtion ; Bedot Exped. antarct. franc. 1908 7 jDp. 1 j)!. Stromatoporidae (allied to Hydrozoa). fStromatoporidae, Silurian, Niagara region, described ; Parks Stud. Uuiv. Toronto Geol. Ser. 5 pp. 182-240 & pis. vii-xv. ■[Stromatoporoids, Silurian, Hudson's Bay, notes on ; Parks Ottawa Nat. 22 pp. 25-29. ^Actinostroma inflcetum sp. n. Silurian Hudson's Bay ; Parks Ottawa Nat. 22 p. 27. — A. tenu'ifilatuin sp. n. p. 182 pi. ix figs. 1-3, .:1. icMteaveaii var. n. nia(iarense p. 183 pi. xii figs. 4 & 5 Silurian, Niagara ; Parks Stud. Univ. Toronto Geol. Ser. 5. '\CJtalazodes gen. n. {Labech'ulae) p. 205, (jranulatum p. 208 pi. ix fig. 6 pi. xi figs. 1, 2, 7, & 8, magnum p. 210 pi. ix fig. 7 pi. X fig. 8 pi. xi figs. 5 & 6, spi7i- dicandum p. 212 pi. ix fig. 8 pi. xi figs. 4 & 8, romiugeri p. 213 pi. xiv fig. 2, spp. n., Silurian, Niagara ; Parks T.c. '\Clathrodictyon dvummondense p. 198 pi. vii fig. 5 pi. viii figs. 3 & 7, rectum p. 200 pi. ix fig. y pi. xiv figs. 1 & 2, spp. n., C. cyatonum var. n. lineatum p. 193 ]il. vii fig. 5 pi. viii fig. 8, vesiculo- suin varr. n. minutiim, aatrodistana, p. 18fj pi. vii fig. 6 pi. viii fig. 5, Silurian, Niagara ; Parks T.c. '\Lahechia delieatiila sp. n., ji. 201 ]>!. ix figs. 4-t), Silurian, Niagara; Parks T.c. '\Iio8e7iella (?) manhouUnenaia sp. n. p. 214 pi. xii fig. 3 pi. xiv fig. 8, Silurian, Niagara; Parks T.c. ]Sl.rovtalopora indianc^isia sp. n. ]). 222 pi. xii figs.O & 9, Silurian, Niagara ; Parks T.c. — S. nilaoni sp, n., Silurian, Hudson's Bay ; Parks Ottawa Nat. 22 p. 28. ^[Syringoalroina inagarenw p. 224 pi. X figs. 1, 2, 5, & 7. pnrallelnm p. 22G figs. 3, 4, & G, sp. n., Silurian ; Niagara ; Parks Toronto Univ. Stud. Oeol. ser. 5. iGRAPTOLITHIDA. |Monograpli of British Graptolites. Pt. VII. Elles and Wood Monogr. Palaeont Soc. 1908 pp. 273-358 pis. xxxii-xxxv & text-figs. 188-235. fGraptolites, Silurian (Upper New- York Beds), described (many new muta- tions) ; RuEDEMANN Albany Univ. N.Y., Mem. St. Mus. 11, pp. 1-583 with 31 jdIs. The geologj" of Newport, Troy and Coventry. [ VVith note on the occurrence of crushed Graptolites.] Richardson, Vermont, Rep. Geol., 6 pp. 265-291, map. pis., text-figg.. "fAzygograptus (?) simplex sp. n. p. 258 pi. xiv fig. 10 ; RcEDEMANN Albany Univ. St. Mus. Mem. 11. "fCactograptiis gen. n. (Deiidro- graptidae), p. 196, crassus sp. n. p. 197 pi. viii fig. 1 ; RuEDEiiANN T.c. '\VhaxinograptuH gemmatus, p. 220 pi. X fig. 11 pi. xi figs. 6 & 7, C. (?) reeti- linea p. 227 pi. x fig. 12, spp. n. ; RuEDEMANN T.C. — C. gracilis Clarke, Devonian, Quebec ; Clarke, Albany St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Mem. 9, p. 219, pi. xlviii figs. 3-5. '\Clini.acog7-aptus idrichi p. 412 pi. xxviii figs. 10 & 11, mississippieiisis p. 413 pi. xxviii figs. 12 & 13, modestus p. 432 pi. xxviii fig. 30, spp. n. ; Ruede- SJANN Albany Univ. Mem. St. Mus. 11. ^Cyrtograptus idriclii sp. n. p. 459 pi. xxix fig. 4 ; RUEDEMANX T.c. ^Dendrogi'aptus rectus sp. n. p. 145 jil. viii fig. 2 ; Ruede.makn T.c. '\Desmograptua teiiuiramoifus p. 177 jjI. i fig. 2, hecrajtenais p. 179 pi. v fig. 1, vandelovi p. 181 pi. v fig. 2, spp. n. ; RuEDEMANN T.C. 'IDicellograjitiis incnsurana p. 295 pi. xviii fig. 2, siuithi j). 313 pi. xix figs. 3- 6, spp. n. ; RuEDEMANN T.c. If Dicraiiogj'aptus eontortus sp. n. p. 337 pi. xxiii fig. 9 ; Ruedemann T.c. ■\Diclyonema spiniferum sp. n. ]). 150 pi. i fig. 4 ; Ruedemann T.c. ]Dimo7-phogrciptidne nom. nov. for faniilj' Jleteroprionidae TuUb., p. 347 ; Ei.les & Wood Monogr. Palaeont. Soc. 1908. 23 Ccd. StSTBMATIO. — SCYPHOZO.V. 0831 fDimorphoijrai^iis dccnssatus p. 5'i- }il. XXXV f. 5, var. n. ixirlUitci' p. 353 |>1. XXXV f. 0, />. credns p. 355 pi. xxxv lig. 9, cxtemuitus p. 358 pi. xxxv lig. 10, spp. n. ; Elles & Wood T.c. ] Di plograptus craasitcstus sp. n. p. 354 jil. XXV lig. G ; RiEDEMAKN Albany Univ. Mem. St.'Mus. 11. ■\Glosfograptus acantlnm sp. n., p. 314 pi. xxxiii tig. 4 ; Elles & WooDMonogr. Palaeont. Soc. 1908. fTAJSio'G Smithson. Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34, p. 573 pi. xliii fig. 3 pi. xlvii fig. 4. Anthomuricea tejiuispina sp. n., Hawaii ; Nutting T.c. p. 581 pi. xliv fig. 2 pi. xlviii fig. 5. Avtlioplcxaura gen. n. (Plexanridae), dimorplm sp. n., Japan ; Kukenthal Zool. Anz., 32, p. 502. Arthvogorgia gen. n. (Primnoidae near Calyptrophora) p. 625, mcmbranacea sp. n. p. 626, Japan ; Ivukenthal & Gorzawsky Zool. Anz. 32. — A. membra- ■nacea described; Kukesthal & Gor- zawsky Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.- phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd 1 p. 29 figs. 10 c^ 11." Calibelemnon gen. n. (KophobeJemno- nidae), symmetricum sp. n. Hawaii ; Ndtting Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 562 pi. xlii tigs. 1 & 2. Calicogorgia gramdosa sp. n. Japan ; Ki'KENTHAL & G0RZ.4.WSK:i', Zool. AllZ., 32, p. 631. — C. granulosa described ; Klkenthal & CJORZAWSKY Miiiichen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 68 fig. 22. Caligorgia aspera sp. n. .Tajiaii ; KiNosHiTA J. Coll. Sci. 23 Art. 12 j). 39 figs. 15, 16 & 47.— C. gilberti sp. n, Hawaii ; NuTTiNG Smithson. lust. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, p. 574 jJ. xliii fig. 4 pi. xlvii fig. 6. — C. granulosa sp. n. Japan ; Kinosiiita Annot. Zool. Jap. 6 p. 231. — r. g. described ; Kino-shita J. Coll. Sci. 23 12 p. 37 figs. 13 & 14, 46. — 0. ramosa sp. n. p. 625, flabcllum var. n. grandis p. 624, Japan ; Ki'KEN- tiiai. & Gorzawsky Zool. Anz. 32. — C. ramosa p. 26 fig. 9, llabcllum var. grandis p. 20 fig. 8; Kikenth.vl & Gor- zawsky Miinchen Aljh. Ak. Wiss. math.- phys. Su]ipl. Bd. 1. .') Cad. Systkmatic. — Anthozoa. 0831 l^dliji^trophora Jjnodf ap. n., Japan ; KiNosiUTA Aniiot. Zoul. .lap., 6, p. 'JSl. — C. i.. deticril>ed ; Kinosiuta J. VoW. Sci. 23 ll' p. ."lO figs. 2S .^ 54.— C. nr- sliiysi sp. n., Hawaii ; Nitting Siiiithaon. Inst. U. S. Natiou. Mus. Proc. 34 p. oT'.t pi. xliii fig. 8. Ceratoisis (Pniuno't)!is) delieatula p. 5 figs. 11 & 12, ('. splcata p. 7 figs. 16-18, spp. n., described ; HiCKSON Nat. Ant- arctic Expcd. Nat. Hist. 3. — C. IhiheUum "70 pi. xliii fig. 1 pl.xlvii fig. S,f]van(]is ■'i71 pi. xliii fig. 2 pi. xlix fig. 3, Hawaii, spp. n. ; NLTTiyc, Smithson. lust. U. S. Nation Mas. Proc. 34. Oilroiicphthtja s'ipliono». d. described; Kinosiiita J. Coll. Sci. 23 12 p. 25 figs. 11 ."c 44. Dlplocalyptra subgen. n. Thoiuirdla, for l). ('/'.) iHirra ji. 5."{, text-figs 1-3, anil I). (7'.) eoronala ]). 56 figs. 4-6, spp. n., described; Kinosiiita Annot. Zool. Jap. 7. Echhiomuricca bruunca sp. n. Hawaii ; Nutting Smithson. Inst. V. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34, ]>. 585 pi. xlv fig. 1 pi. xlix fig. 4. Erythropodium slceliei sp. n. Moluk- keu ; Kt'KENTiiAi, Zool. Anz. 33 p. 19. Eunephtliya mnldivensis Hickson, perhaps better placed in the genus LitJiophytum ; HicKSON Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 173-175. Eumcelln r'lg'ida S. AFiica, pendula p. 503, Itendersonl Japan p. 504, spp. n. ; KUKKNTIIAL Zool. Auz. 32. Euplexaura albida Australia p. 405, crasna, abietina p. 496, spaisiflora, erecta p. 497, ciirvata, robuata p. 498, Japan, spp. n. ; Ki':KENTiUL T.c. IlallscepLrum tc.nue sp. n., Amboine ; Roui-E Rev. Suisse Zool. 16, p. 187 figs. 10 & 11 & 13. IcUigorgia ballini sp. n. W. Indies (St. Tlionias) ; Kl'kentiiai. Zool. Anz. 33 p. 17. Irldogorgia bella p. 594 pi. xlvi fig. 4 pi. li fig. 1 , superba p. 595 pi. xlvi fig. 5 pi. 1 fig. 2, Hawaii, spp. n. ; Nutting Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. "fists lianiiltoni sp. n., Tertiary lime- stones, Kakanui (New Zealand) ; Thom- son Trans. & Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 p. 99, pi. xiv fig. 1. Lepidogorgia gibbosa p. 587 pi. xlv fig. 6 pi. xlix fig. 5, spiralis p. 588 pi. xlv fig. 5, Hawaii, spp. n. ; NurriNG Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. Lithophytum croaslandi p. 56, macro- apiculatum p. 57 pi. viii figs. 2 & 3, spp. n., Red Sea ; Thomson & McQueen J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31. — L. see under EunepMhya. Lobophytiim candelabrum sp. n., Am- boine ; Roui,e Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 p. 177 figs. 6-0. 26 Cod. rv. Ccelenterata. [1908] MeVitodes flabeUifera p. 190, dcnaa p. 192, arhorea p. 193, Japan, africana p. 194, S.-Africa, spp. n. ; Kikentual Zool. Adz. 33. — M. splendeiis sp. n. Ked Sea ; Thomson' & McQceek J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31 p. 67 pi. vii figs. 1 & 2. I Melitodidae Verr., classification and diagnoses of genera composing family ; KiKENTHAL Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 189-190'. Menella grandiflora sp. n., Hawaii; NuiTiSG Smithson. last. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 584 pi. xliv fig. 5 pi. ilviii fig. 6. Mesohelemnon gracile Grav., full description; Graviee Arch. zool. 8 pp. 228-236 pi. vii figs. 47-61. Mopsea elongata sp. n ; RouLE Exped. antarct. franc;. 1908 p. 5 pi. i tigs. 1-4. Mopaella khmzingert p. 198, sanguinea, zimmeri p. 11^9, spp. n., Australia; KCkenthal Zool. Anz. 33. Paehyclavularia erecta Roule, Malay Arch., described ; Roile Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 pp. 165 & 166 figs. 3-5. Paracalyptrophora Bubgen. n. of Caltjptrofhora ; Kinoshita, J. Coll. Sci., 23, Art. 12, p. 58. Paramuricea haicaUeus'ig sp. n. Hawaii ; Xuttixg Smithson. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 580 pi. iliv fig. 1 pi. xlviii fig. 3. Pennalula isangninea p. 557, pi. xli figs. 7 & 8, fava p. 558 figs. 5 & 6, pallida p. 5.59 figs. 9 & 10, Hawaii, spp. n. ; NcTTiSG T.c. Pleurogorgia viilitaris sp. n., p. 596, pi. xlvi fig. 8 pi. li fig. 2, Hawaii ; NlTTIKG T.c. Plexauroides michaelserii p. 499, rigida, timplex p. 500, West Australia, etuderi Nikobaren, Kpiiw>ta Japan, fili- foT^mia West Australia p. 501, spp. n. ; Klkekthai. Zool. Anz. 32. Plumarella gracilis p. 8 figs. 1 & 36, acumiiuita p. 9 figs. 2 & 37, longiapina p. 14 figs. 5 & 39, alba p. 15 figs. 6 & 7, 40, carinata p. 17 figs. 8 & 41, spp. n., Japan ; Kinoshita, J. Coll. Sci. 23, Art. 12. — P. lata p. 621, spinosa, rigida p. 622, eerta, crislata p. 623, dofieini p. 624 spp. n., Japan ; Kikenthal & GoRZA\v6KY Zool. Anz. 32. — P. lata p. 5 fig. 1, spinoaa p. 7 fig. 2, rigida p. 11 fig. 3, serta p. 14 fig. 4, criatala ]). 16 fig. 6, dofleini p. 18 fig. 7, described ; Kukenthal & GoEZAWSKT Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd 1. — P. spinosa sp. n., diagnosis and occurrence ; Kin'oshita Aiinot. Zool. Jap., 6, p. 229. — P. s. described ; Kinoshita J. Coll. Sci. 23 12 p. 11 figs. 3, 4 & 38. Prlmnoa pacifica sp. IL, Japan ; Kisoshita Annct. Zool. Jap., 6 p. 232. — P. p. described ; Kikoshita J. CoU. Sci. 23 12 p. 42 figs. 1, 20 & 49. Primnoella, diagnosis of the genus p. 12, coviprtssa sp. n. Chili, p. 14 ; Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 33. — P. divergens sp. n. (between Primnoella and Cali- gorgia), Antarctic, described ; Hickson Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 3 p. 10 figs. 8-10. Primnoidae, classification ; Kinoshita Dobuts Z., 20, pp. 409-419, 453-459, also J. CoU. Sci. 23 12. Protoptilum wrighti sp. n. Hawaii ; NcTTiNG Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 566 pi. xlii fig. 7. Phopalonella pendidina Roule, Ant- arctic, described ; Rolle Exped. Antarct- frau?. 1908 pp. 2-4 figs. 5-8. Sarcophytum palUdumBp. n. Zanzibar, glaucum var. n. tamatavense ; CoHN Reise Ostafrika p. 221. — S. mijeetoides Grav., described ; Geavier Arch. zool. 8 pp. 182-197 pi. V figs. 1-20, pi. vi figs. 22-38 & pi. X figs. 87-90. Scytaliopsidae nov. fam. ; Graviee Arch. Zool. 8 p. 249. Scytaliopsis djiboutienaia account; Geavier Arch. zool. 249 pi. vii figs. 62-65 pi. viii pi. ix figs. 81-86. Siphonogorgia coUaria sp. Nutting Smithson. Inst. U. JIus. Proc. 34 p. 556 pi. xl rotunda sp. n.. Bay of Bengal, Harbison J. Linn. Soc. Zool. Grav., full 8 pp. 236- figs. 66-80 n. Hawaii ; S. Nation, i fig. 4. — S. diagnosed ; 30 p. 189. Spongioderma chuni sp. n., S. Africa ; Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 33 p. 18. Spongodes Less., on the validity of this generic name ; Kukenihal Zool. Anz. 33 p. 288. — S. alexanderi sp. n., Hawaii ; Nutting Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 555 pi. xli fig. 3 pi. xlvii fig. 2. — S. nuesiana p. 62 pi. v fig. 1 . pharonia p. 64 figs. 2 & 3, spp. n. Red Sea ; Thomson cV: McQueen J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31. — S. thomsoni, elegajia p.. 185, biformata, rubescens, chimmoi p.. 27 Cad. Systematic, — Zoantharia. 0831 ISG, spp. n., Indian Ocean diagnosetl ; Hariuson, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30. Stachijodcs mujularis p. 576 pi. xliii fig. 7 pi. xlviii tig. 1, boicersi p. 577 pi. xliii tigs. 5 & 6 pi. xlviii tig. 2, Hawaii, spp. n. ; XiiTiNG Smithson. lust. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. — S. megalepis p. 47 tigs. 21, 22 & 50. — S. compres-^a p. 51 tigs. 25 c^' 51, spp. n., Japan ; Kixoshita J. Coll. Sci. 23 .\rt. 12. — S. irregularis, biatimdata spp. n., Japan ; Kinoshita Annot. Zool. Jap., 6 p. 233. — S. ;. and 8. b., described ; Kinoshita J. Coll. Sci. 23 12 pp. 49 & 53 tigs. 23, 24, 52 & 20, 27 & 53. Stenella lielinintliophora sp. n., Hawaii ; Nctting Sniitlisou. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34, p. 575 pi. xliv tig. 6-9 pi. xlvii tig. 5. Studeria gen. n. (related to Parcdcyo- tiiuDi, but probably type of new fam.), viirabilis sp. n., Andamans ; Thomson ' J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1908 pp. 675-581 pi. xvi. [ Scavopsis elegans Roule, Aniboine, ■'■ -■ ribed ; Rocle Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 181-185 figs. 12 & 14-17. impodium tamatavenae sp. n. Mada- ar ; Cohn Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 'clesto, account of the genus, and -t Indian spp., T. viultiflora sp. n., : ks Bay p. 91 ; Laackmann Zool. -.rb. Suppl. 11 pp. 41- 104 pis. ii-viii. IhouareVa tenuisquamis nom. n. for daris 1907, chilenais, clavata Chili, nata Japan spp. n. ; Kl'kenthal /. A. Ajiz. 33 p. 11. — T. typica Bi>. n., .hi|jan; KiNoSHiTA Annot. Zool. Jap. 6 ]>. :i.30. — T. t. described; Kinoshita J. Coll. Sci. 23 12 p. 23 figs. 9, 10 & 43. Titanideum hartmeyeri sp. n., Tortu- gas (\V. Indies) ; Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 33 p. 19. Triehoptilum attenuatum sp. n., Hawaii ; Nl'ttino Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 567 j)!. xlii fig. 8. Umhelhda jordani p. 564 pi. xlii fig. 3, gilbeHi p. 565 fig. 4, Hawaii, spp. n. ; Nutting T.c. Verrucella bicolor sp. n., Hawaii ; Nutting T.c. p. 597 pi. Ivi tigs. 6 & 7. Wrightella tongaensin sp. n., Tonga ; Kckekthal Zool. Anz. 33 p. 200. Zoantharia. Die Aktinienfauna W'cstafrikas ; P.\x Denkschr. med. Gcs. 13 jip. l()3-504 iV: Taf. XXV. .Vctinians (Cerianthidac and Zonn- tJiidae), larval forms described; Sknna Pubbl. 1st. St. sup. (sez. sci. fis. nal.'l 1907 pp. 79-198 & pis. v-viii. Notes on two peculiar Actiuian larvae, {Zoanthclla henscni and ZucuitJiiua americatia ?), Tortugas, Florida ; CoNK- LiN Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 103 pp. 175- 186. Tiefsee Korallcn, Rotes Meer ; v. M.\RENZELLER Wieu Deuksclir. Ak. Wiss. 80 pp. 13-25 & 2 pis. Reef-Corals, Red Sea (Expedition S. M. Shiff " Pola "), described : v. Maren- ZELLER Wien Deukschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 pp. 27-97 & 29 pis. tCorals, Tarceuto in Fruili ; M.auinelli Pubblic. 1st. St. sup. (Sci. fis. nat.) No. 43 pp. 193-198. "fA new genus of Clisiophyllid, described ; Vaugh.vn Q. J. Geol. Soc. 64 pp. 464-465, text.-fig. 1 6. Acropora massaiceiisis Marenz., p. 54 figs. 49 & 50, eminens Marenz, p. 56 fig. 78, Rotes Meer ; v. Maren- ZELLER Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80. — A.muricata, instance of natural graftiiag; Gravier, C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 859- 861. 'lActinaeia ncetUngi sp. n., Miocsne, Burmah ; Dalton Q. J. Geol. Soc. 64 p. 622 pi. 54 fig. 1. Actiniae Antarctic regions ("Dis- covery" Exped.) ; Clubb Nat. Antarctic Exped. Nat. Hist. 4 12 pp. 3 pla.— A. North Sea, notes on ; Walton J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 8 pp. :^15-226. Aetiniidae East Coast of Japan, described; Wassilieff, Munchen, Abh. Ak. Wiss. raath.-phys. Kl. Suppl.-Bd. 1 52 pp. 9 pis. Ac.tinoatola carlgreni sp. n. Japan, p. 28 figs. 26, 82 & 83 ; Was.silieff T.c. 1[Alveolites Ihoroldenais sp. n., p. 231 pi. XV figs. 5 & 6, Niagara Region ; Parks Stud. Univ. Toronto Geol. Ser. 5. Amphianthiis roaaceus sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff Miinchen Abli. Ak. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 41 figs. 10 & 100 & 101. 28 Ccd. IV. CcElenterata. [1908] Anemonia sargasseiisis sp. n., Woods HoU, Mass. ; Hargitt, Bioi. Bull. 14 p. 117. Aiithea cereu>i, scissiparite et auto- tomie ; Bohn C. R. see. biol. 64 pp. 936- 939. Ardhopleura mcmnrrichi sp. n. Japau ; Wassilieff Miinchcii Abh. Ak. Wiss. math. phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 19 figs. 14 & 6] -64. fAsti-ocoenia foUacea var. ii. lohata Oligocene, Ceram ; Dollfus Jaarb. Mijnw . Xed. Ind., 37 p. 685 pi. ii figs. 9 & 10. "fBosnopaaminia gen. n. (hhipsam- minidae) katzeri sp. n., Eoceue, Bosnia, described; Oppenheim Jahrb. Geol. RchAnst. 58 p. 315 pi. xi fig. 1. Brunchiocerlanthus imperator (All- man), notes on ; Stechow, Miinchen 1908 pp. 31. ■\Careinophijllum curkeenense sp. n., Carboniferous, Dublin; Vaugiias Q. J. geol. see. 64 p. 464, pi. xlix fig. 5. ■\Caryoph;jllta aebastiana sp. n. Tertiar, lenerland ; Steinmank & Wilc- KESS Ark. Zool. 4 No 6 pp. 71-73 pi. vii fig. 6 & 2 text. -figs. Cerianthusaenltiarli, form-reguLilion ; Child, Biol. Bull., 15, pp. 27-53, 24 text- tigs. '\Cliaetelealugeoni sp. n.,Gault, region Wildstrul)el, described ; Jaccaud Bui. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 44 No. 162 pp. 23- 25 pi. ii. Choiidrodactia gen, n. (^Sagartiiduc) p. 35, viagna p. 36 figs. 22 & 89-92, japoiuca p. 38 figs. 23 & 90-95, crasna p. 39, figs. 20 iSi 96, spp. n., Japan ; Wassilieff Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1. 1[Cladopora aplnulata p. 102, pi. xvii fig. 17, C. ? tubuldta p. 101 pi. XXV fig. 5, spp. n. Texas, Guadalupian ; (jiuty (j.'^. (ieol. .Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 58. ^Comoaerla {Oroaer'ia) auatralia sp. n., Tertiary limestone, Maude (Victoria), diagiio'^ed ; Ciiap.van Proc. R. Soc. Vict. 20 p. 213 pi. xviii figs. 1 & 2. Cotulylactia hcrtwigi sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. matli.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 1 1 figs. 4&5. Cradactia cxcelaa sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff T.c. p. 23 figs. 17 & 71-73. Crihr'ma japonica sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff T.c. p. 16, figs. 12 & 54-58. Cymbactls actlnostoJoides p. 25, figs. 24 & 74 & 75, maxima p. 27, figs. 25 & 76-80, spp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff T.c. ■fCyatliaxonia disaimiUs sp. n., Lower Carboniferous, Tian-schan ; Grober N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 26 p. 229 pi. xxvi tig. 5. Daamosmilia lyman'i, singular mode of increase by agamic endogenesis ; Vebrill Science 27 p. 449. — D. valida Marenz., Rotes Meer, Beschreibung ; Marenzeller Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 p. 18 pi. ii fig. 2. fDendi'ophylUa maeroriana sp. n., Miocene, Burmah, diagnosed; P.ascoe & Cotter Rec. Geol. Surv. India 36 pp. 147-148 pi. xxi. — D. vieentina sp. n., Oligocene, Laverda ; Cakestreli.i Atti Soc. Ligustica sc. nat. geogr., 19 p. 40 pi. i fig. 1. jDeiiaiphyUiiyn rusliiamini sp. n., diagnosed ; Vaugiian" Q. J. geol. soc. 64 p. 459. fDlbunophyllum matlockense p. 74, fig. 2, derbiense p. 75 fig, 1, Upper Carboniferous ; Sibly Q. J. Geol. Soc. 64. Dofleinia gen. n. (Antheadae) p. 13, armata sp. n. Japan p. 14 figs. 7, 8 & 49-51 ; Wassilieff Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math. phjs. Kl. Suppl. Bd 1. ■fEpismilia grandieri, Lias, Madagas- car, note ; Thevenin Ann. Paleont. 3 iii p. 35 text.-fig. 27. EuplieUin gen. n. (Sagai'tiidae), cincji- d'lfera sp. n. Teneriffe ; Pax Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 475. Eupsamm'niidae, verschiedene, Sep- tennachwuchs ; Marenzki.leu Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 pp. 1-12 S: 7 text-figs. Fung'ia doderleini ^Marenz., Rotes Meer; Marenzeller T.c. p. 88 fig. 71. fF. plana, Pliocene (?) ilalay Archi- pelago, notes; Dollfls Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., 37 p. 678 pi. i figs. 4 & 5. Gemmaria oUgomyaria sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 47 text- lig. 29. 29 Cad. Systematic. — Zoantharia. 0831 T'7o))ias/rt*(i cernim. Pliocene (?) Malay lipelago, notes; DoLLFrs Jaarb. \v. Ned. Ind. 37 p. 6S3 pi. iii tics. ; ;5. n'lopora hhiiiznigcr'i nom. n. fiir opora lichen Dana; Makenzeller a Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 p. 67. ilcampella minuta sp. n. Japan ; -ILIEFF Miinehen Abh. Ak. Wiss. :.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 7 iigs I ! yanthops'tif elegans sp. n. Japan ; W ^^siLiEFF T.c. p. 8 figs 2 & 38-40. 'sastraea fi-i^cheri Lias, Madagascar, ; TnEVESix Aim. Paleont. 3 iii p. '6') text-fig. 28. fKoninekophyllum pi-opr'uim sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Midland area ; SinLY Q. J. Geol. Soc. 64 p. 70 fig. 3. lotealia dub'ia sp. n. Japan; ~5IUEFF Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. !.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 20 figs. c 65-67. Lindstroemiu permiana p. 97 pi. xvii - 13 & 14, cylindrica p. 99 pi. xvii 16, Texas, (iuadalupian, spp. n. ; rt U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 58. ^Lonsdaleia duplieata. Upper Car- ferous, Midland area; Siblt, Q. J. 1. Soc. 64 p. 72 fig. 5. -'/opora gigantea sp. n., Devonian .ivia; KsodX. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 p. 563 pi. XXX figs. 4-6. Madracia inter jecta Marenz., Rotes Meer, Beschreibung ; Makexzeller, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 p. 20 pi. ii fig. 3. TMichelinia tenulsepta p. 455 text-fig. var. n. favomtoides p. 450 pl.xlix ^11, Carboniferous, Dublin ; ViuonAX ",;. J. Geol. Soc. 64. — .V. transltoria sp. n., Devonian, Bolivia ; KsoD N. ^ ^-rb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 p. 561 pi. figs. 1-3. Mictocyatia gen. n. (Cystlphijllidae, 1 resemblances to Actinocystis, rjphyllum), endophyUoides sp. n., I i per Silurian, Mt. Canobalas District, ribed ; Etiierilge Piec. Austral. ^. 7 pp. lS-20 pis. iv & V. fontipora denaa sp. n. p. 02 fig. 69, 'Jiraea Marenz p. 58 figs. 73 & 74, es Meer ; v. ilARE.szELLEB Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80. fMotiotryj-xi rarUahidatd sp. n., Devonian, liolivia; Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 p. 560 pi. x.xxi figs. 1 i*t 2. ParapJieUia polyptycha sp. n., S.-W - Afrika; Pax Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 493. PJiyllactls atriatn sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 22 figs. 16 & 68-70. ■fPleurod'ictyum lent'tcularc var. n. laurcnt'inum Devonian, Quebec ; Cr.ARKE Albany St. Educ. Dept. Miis. Mom. 9 p. 219 pi. xlviii, fig. 1. \Prionastren verheehl nom. n. (pour P. heinp'ichi) Pliocene, Malay Archi- pelacro; Doli.fus, Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind."37 p. 681 pi. ii figs. 6-8. Sagartia nitida sp. n., Japan ; Wassi- LIEFF Munchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.- phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 31 figs. 18 & 19; 84-88. Sagartiidae and Zoanthidae, Plymouth, notes on ; Walton J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 8 pp. 207-214. Sideraatrea radians and S. aiderea, conditions influencing habitat ; Gravier, C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 1081-1082. Stephanactia ovata sp. n. Japan ; Wassilieff Munchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 43 figs. 11 & 102-104. ■\Stylocoenia epithecata sp. n.. Eocene, Bosnia ; Oppenheiu Jahrb. Geol. Rchs- Anst. 58 p. 322 pi. xi tig. 0. Stylophora erythraea Marenz., Rotes Meer ; ilARENZELLER, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 p. 75 figs. 100-105. Turbinaria tenuia Marenz., Rotes Meer ; Marenzeller, T.c. p. 72 fig. 65. ■\Verbeekia gen. n. (near Siphovaiia), permica sp. n. Timor described ; Penecke Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind. Batavia 37 pp. 657-659 & 2 figs. ■\Zapkrentis enniakilleni p. 456, pi. xlix fig. 13, omalinsi p. 457 figs, d & 8, a Densiphylloid Z. sp. n., p. 459 fig. 2, Carboniferous, Dublin; Vaughan Q. J. Geol. Soc. 6i.—iZ. palmeri sp. n., Carboniferous, Missouri ; Rowley Missouri Bur. Geol. ilines 8 p. 63. 30 Coel.. IV. Coelenterata. [1908] CTEt^OPnOEA. Ctenophora, Japan ("Beitrage zur Xaturgeschichte Ostasiens "). described ; MosER Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.- phys. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 78 pp. 2 pis. Bero'e hyalina Mos. Japan described ; MosER T.c. p. 27 pi. 1 figs. 4 & 5.—B. com- pacta sp. n., name only ; Moser Zool. Anz. 33 p. 758. Bolina mikado Mos., Japan, described ; Moser Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.- phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 56, pi. 2 figs. 1-6. Cdllianira cristata sp, n., Antarctic, name onlv ; Moser Zool. Anz. 33 p. 758. Cryptolohata prov. gen. n., pnmitiva prov. sp. n., Atlantic (Seychelles), pos- sibly a larval form, described: Moser Zool. Anz. 33 p. 759. Eurhamphaea vevilligera described ; JosEscc Jenaische Zs. Natw. 43 pp. 685-691 pi. xdv. Ganesha elegans Mos. Bay of Am- boine, described ; Moser Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 pp. 12-21, figs. 5-8. Hoi~miphora amhoinae Mos., described ; MosER Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 p. 8 fig. 4. — H. japonica Moser, Japan ; Moser Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 10 pi. 1 figs. 6 & 7. — H. punctata sp. n., name only ; Moser Zool. Anz. 33 p. 758. Mertensm chun'i sp. n. Antarctic, name only; Moser Zool. .Ajiz. 33 p. 758. Pandora mitrata Mos. Japan, de- scribed ; Moser Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math.-phvs. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 1 p. 34 pi. i figs. 1-3." PleurohracMa crimta sp. n., Green- land; Moser Zool. Anz. 33 p. 759. — P. striata Mos., Amboine described ; Moser Rev. Suisse Zool. 16 p. 6 figs. 1-3. V. ECHINODERMA CONTENTS PAGE 1. TiTLKS 2 II. SuHJECT Indkx : — General = 1003 13 Structure = 1007 ] ;5 Physiolog-y =1011 .. 14 De%'elopment = 101.3 .. 14 Ethology = 1019 15 Variation and Aetiology = 023 10 Distribution = 1027:— (") Recent . . 16 (6) Fossil . . 18 III. Systematic Indkx = 1031 :— p General . . 21 Holothurioidea . , 21 Echinoidea 21 Asteroidea 25 Ophiuroidea 25 Crinoidea 26 Cystoidea 30 Blastoidea 30 (N--10332 m) b 10 :.' Eehin. V. Echiiio derma. [190S] Abbreviations employed in Sections II and III :— anat. = anatomy. chars. = specific characters. coUn. — collection. comp. = characters compared. descr. — description, or described. dev. = development. diagn. = diagnosis. disc. — discussion, or discussed. distr. = distribution. esp. = especially. expdn. = expedition. formn. = formation. incl. = includes, or included. occ, = occurrence. ref. = referred, or referable. reg. — regarded. rev. ■-- revision, or revised. spec. = specimen. syn. — synonym, or synonymy. T.— TITLES. AgasBiz, Alexander. Echini. The genus Colobocctitrotus. (Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by tlie V. S. fish commission steamer " Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander JefTerson F. Moser, U. S.N. , commanding. 11.) Cambridge, Mass., Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 36, 1908, (4 I. + 1-33 + 49 l), 49 pis. 1 Agassiz, Alexander & Clark, Hubert Lyman. Hawaiian and otiicr Pacific Echini. The SaJeiiidcc, Arhaciadce, Aap'idodiadematldce, and D'ladematidce. Cambridge, Mass., Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., HarvanI Coll., 34, I'JOS, (2 Z. + •17-131' + 17 /.), 17 pis. 2 Andeer, Giovanni. Sulla piastra calcarea circumoculare delle Asterie. Catania, Boll. Ace. Gioenia, (N. Ser.), fascicolo 93, 1907, (28-29). 3 Anderson, Robert, vide Arnold, R. & Anderson. [Anon.l Charles Stewart, 1840-1907. Loudon, J. R. Microsc. Soc, 1908, (435- 436). 4 Arnold, Ralph. Descriptions of new Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (345-390), 7 pis. 5 Arnold, Ralph. Description of a new Brittle Star from the Upper Miocene of the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (403-406), pi. 6 Arnold, Ral])h & Anderson, Robert. Geology and Oil Resources of the Santa Maria oil district, Santa Barbara County, California. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 322, 1907, (1-161), 24 pis. & 2 maps. 7 B., F. E. Charles Stewart, 1840- 1907. London, Proc. R. Soc, ser. B, 80, 1908, (Ixxxii-lxxxiv). 8 Baltzer, F. Ueber die Grosse und Form der Chromosomen bei Seeigeleiern. Verb. D. zool Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (240-241). 9 Baltzer, Friedrich. Ueber mehrpolige Mitosen bei Seeigeleiern. Wiirzbiirg, Verb, pliysik. Ges., N.F., 39, 1908, (291-330),"5Taf. 10 Baron, vuh Bohn, G. Echin. Titles. 1000 Bather, F. A. Stmlies in Eilrioas- leroidea. HI. [.ebetoiVisctti^ n.g. for Agclacrinitcs Dichsoiii, Rilliiigs. Geol. Mas-, I.'Midoii, ser. 1', dec. .'», 5, IHOS. (543-550), pi. \xv. 11 Bather, F. A. Ptilocrimts untiircthini n. sp., a crinoid dredged by the Belgian Antaretie F.xpt^dition. Brnxellos, Hnl. Acad. roy.. 1908, ^I'DC- 21101 12 Bather, F. A. The Echinoid Name hiri-i and its modern application. :iu. Mag. Nat. Hist., I.,ondon, ser. 8, 1, I'.HiS, iL'S4-28S). 13 Bather, F. A. The Genotype of (">dari». Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ^er. 8, 2. 1908, (134-130). 14 Beauchamp, P. de. vhlf Delage, Y. X auchanip. Becher, Siegfried. EliahdoinoJguK ruit-r nnd die Stamraform der Holo- thurien. [Diss.] Bonn (S. Foppen), 1907, (40), 21 cm. 15 Benham, W. B. An Erroneous Eohi- iiodermal Identification. Ann. Mag. Xiit. Hist., I^ndon, ser. 8, 1. 1908, (104- InS'. ■ 16 Berliner, Ernst. Echinoderma fiir 1 ■^C'G. Mahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., i'erlin, 69, Bd II, H. 3, 1903, [1908], XV, (l-28j. 17 Berry, S. S. Miscellaneous notes on Californian Mollusks. Nautilus, Boston, Man., 22, 1908, (37-41). 18 Boehm, Georg. Geologische Mit- teilungen aus dem Indo-Australischen Archipel. Unter Mitwirkung von Fach- genossen berausgegeben. VI. a) Vor- jurassische Brachiopoden von Ambon, Ij Jiingeres Palaozoicum von Timor, c) •Jura von Rotti, Timor, Babar und Burn. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beila- gebd. 25, 1908, (293-343), 5 Taf. 19 Boehm, G. Zur Geologie des indo- australischen Archipels. Nachtrage. I. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1908, (503- 504). 20 Bohn, Georges. Sur le role et la protection des organes des sens chez les Echinodennes. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (277-280). 21 Bohn, Georges. Sur les mouvements rotntoires des etoiles de mer et des Ophiures. Paris, C. Ti. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (532-534). 22 (x-10332 m) Bohn, Georges. De I'acqnisition des habitudes chez les etoiles de mer. Paris, V. If. soc. l)iol.. 64, 1908, (033-G35). 23 Bohn, d. L'individiialilt^ psytliiipio I'lioz les \'ers, les Echinoderinos et les Insoctes. Mull. Inst, gi'-n. psyclit)]., Taris, 6, 190r., (115 li'.">). I)isinssi,,n MM. Pi^ron, Perrier, Barron, Oppen- heimer. 24 Boule, .M. v\: Thevenin, A. Sur de nouveaux fossiles de la cote orientale de -Madauascar. Paris, Bid. soc. gcol., ser. 4,7, pt. 0, 1907, (314-315). 25 Bouvier, E. L. Sur le comniensalisme d'un crabe portunien, le LissocarciiiU't ofhiriilarift Dana. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, [1908] (503-504). 26 Boveri, Theodor. Zellen-Studien. VI Die Entwicklung dispermer Seeigel- Eier. Ein Beitrag zur Befruch- tungslehre und zur Theorie des Kerns. Jenaische Zs. Natw., 43, 1907, (1-292), pis. i-x : Separately, Jena (G. Fischer), 1907, (IV + 292), 10 Taf., 26 cm. 30 M. 27 [Brashnikov, V.] BiJaiKiinKOBi., B. MaTcpia.iu no (jiayiii PyccKnx'i. Boc- tohhuxtj Mopt'ii coopaniiwe nixyHOio iiCTopo;!;-!," 1899-190-2 rr. [Beifriige zur Fauna der russischen ostlichen Meere gesammelt von dem Schoner Storosh i.d. J. 1899-1902.] St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc, ser. 8 20, pt. 6, 1907, (2 + 185) 2 Taf., 1 Karte. 28 Britten, M. Holothurien aus dem Japanisclien und Ochotskischen iMeere. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, Ser. 5, 25, 1-2, ] 900 [1907], (123-157). 29 Brydone, Reginald Marr. On the sub- divisions of the Chalk of Trimingham (Norfolk). London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (401-412), pis. xlvii-xlviii. 30 Buen, Odon de. [The new marine laboratory in the Balearic Is.] Paris, Bui. soc zool., 33, 1908, (40-51). 31 Burnet, A. Notes on the Upper Chalk of Lincolnshire. Leeds, Trans. Geol. Ass., 14, 1908, (8-10). 32 Caneva, Giorgio. La Fauna del Calcai-e a Bclleroi>lion. Contributo alia conoscenza dei limiti Permo-Triasici. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 25, pt. 3, (1900), 1007, (427-452). pi. ix. 33 Capeder, G. Sopra alcune forme teratologiche di Fibulaiidi del miocene b 10—2 •1 Echin, V. Ecliinoderma. [190S] medio della Sardegna. RIv. ital. paleont., Bologna, 13 pt. i, 1907,(28-35). 34 Cardas, Agricola. Note sur quelques £i-hinodermes de la region jurassique de Harsova-Topal (Dobrogea). Ann. Univ., Jassy, 4, 1907, (173-179). 35 Caullery, Jl. & Lavall^e, A. Le Fecondation et lo ) level opiDement de I'cKuf des Orthonec-tides. I. — L'hopnlimi Ophioeomm. Arch. ZooL, Paris, ser. 4, 8. 1908, (421-4G9), pi. xv. 36 Caziot, E. &' Maury, E. Nouveaux gisements pliocenes et post-jjliocenes murins et complement des faiiues deja publiees des gites marins de ces etages sur la cote des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris, Pmll. 30C. geol., ser. 4, 7, pt. 3-4, 1907, (72-79). 37 Cepede, Casimir. Le castration parasitaire des Etoiles de mer males par iin noiivel Infusoire astome : Oreh'ito- plirya .ftellaritm, n. g., n. sp. Paris, C. K. Acad, sci., 145, 1907, (1305-1306). 38 Chadwick, Herbert C. Eeports on the Marine Biology of the Sudanese Red Sea. — VII. The Crinoidea. London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 31, 1908, (44-47). 39 Chatwin, Charles P. & Withers, Thomas H. The Zones of the Chalk in the Thames Valley between Goring and Shiplake. With Appendix by George J. Hinde. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908,(390-420). 40 Chudeau, R. Excursion Geologique an Sahara et an Soudan (mars 1905 — decembre 1900). Paris, Bull. soc. geol., ser. 4, 7, pt. 0, 1907, (319-340), pi. xi. 41 Clark, Austin Hobart. Notice of some Crinoids in the collection of the Museum of comparative zoology. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 51, 1908, (231-248 + 21.), 2 pis. 42 Clark, Austin Hobart. Preliminary notice (if a collection of recent Crinoids from the Phiii]ipine Islands. Washing- ton, D.C., Sinitlisonian Inst., Misc. Colle<-t., 52, (quart, ser. 5), 1908, (19!)- 234). 43 Clark, Austin IIo])art. New stalked Ci-inoids from tin; eastern coast of Nortii America. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Pioc, 34, 1908, (iiU5-208). 44 Clark, Austin Hobart. Descriptions of new species of Crinoids, chiefly from the collections made by the U. S. fisheries steamer " Albatross " at the Hawaiian Islands in 1902 ; -with remarks on the classification of the Comatulida. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., 11. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (209-239). 45 Clark, Austin Hobart. On a collec- tion of feather stars, or Comatnlids, from Japan. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (305-319). 46 Clark, Austin Hobart. New genera of uustalked Crinoids. Washington, D.C., Proc Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (125- 136). 47 Clark, Austin Hobart. Two new Crinoid genera. Washington, D.C., Proc Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (149-152). 48 Clark, Austin H. New genera and species of Crinoids. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (219-231). 49 Clark, Austin Hobart. The genus Pt'ilocrinus. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42,1908,(541-543). 50 Clark, Austin Hobart. The Nomen- clature of the recent Crinoids. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (435- 542). 51 Clark, Austin Hobart. The Crinoid genus IJomatvla Lamarck, with a note on the Eucrinus parrai of Guerin. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 33, 1908, (683-088). 52 Clark, Austin Hobart. The Crinoid geims 7i'uJior»?'/H?(.s, with description of a new s])ecies. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (271-279). 53 Clark, Austin Hobart. Tnfrabasals in i-ecenl genera of the Crinoid family Pentacrinitidae. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 33, 1908, (671-676). 54 Clark, Austin Hobart. Some cases (if aiinormal arm s'^ucture in recent Crinoids. WasJjittgtOtt, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U. ''S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (205-270). 55 5 Echiu. Titles. 1000 Clark, Austin Hobarl. Tho axial raiKils of the recont Peutaeriiiitiilao. \Va:?liiiigton, D.C., Sniitlisonian lust., r. S. Nation. Mus., Proi-., 35, 190S. (^87-1)1). 56 Clark, Austin llobart. The homo- logies of the aiuu joints anil arm divisions in the recent Criuoids of the families of the Comatulida and the Pentaerinitid;e. Washington, D.C., .Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Xation. Mus., Proc., 35, I'JOS, ;;113-131). 57 Clark, Austin Hobart. Some points in the ecologv- of recent Crinoids. Amer. Nat., Boston, JVIass., 42, 190S, (717-726). 58 Clark, Hubert Lyman. The starlishes the genus Ilclianter. Cambridge, --., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard .1., 51, pt. l^ 1907, (23-70 + 8 L), .- pis. 59 Clark, Hubert I.ymau. The Ciduri- (."ambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. ip. Zool. Harvard Coll., 51, pt. 7, '7, (U + 165-230 4-lH.), 11 ])ls. 60 Clark, Hubert Lyman. Some Jajjauese .■t!:l East Indian Echinoderms. Cani- ' Ige, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. vard Coll.. 51, 1908, (277-311). 61 Clark, Hubert Lyman. A brittle-star to the Woods Hole region. Science, .v York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (U7l 62 Clark, Hubert Lyman. The type of CiUiri'i. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (532-533). 63 C^lark], H. L. Renewed interest in recent Crinoids. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (350-355). 64 Clark, Hubert Lyman, vide Agassiz, A. & Clark. [Clarke, John Mason]. A Devonic brittlestar. Albanv, X.Y., St. Educ. D*»pt., Mus., Bull., No. 121, 1908, (61- : ■ . 1)1. 65 . 'jckburn, Charles Frederick, Obituary notice] vide Rowe, A. W. & Sherborn. Colgan, Nathaniel. Some County Dublin Hdlothurians. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, lllDS, (69-71). 67 Colgan, Nathaniel. Dublin ilarine Biological Committee. Geneial Account of Dredging Operations, 1907. With 8i)ecial notes on the MoUusca. Irish Kat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (105-114;. 68 Connold, Ed. Some British Echino- derms. I.Vbstract.] Brigiiton, Reii. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1908,(42). 69 Ciuuings, E. 1\. The straligraiihy and palaeontology of the Cinciimati series of Indiana. Indiana, Dejjt. (!col. Nat. Res.. Rep., Indianapolis, 32, (1907), 1908, (605-1190), illuBtr., maps, charts. 70 Dall, William Healey. Reports on the Dredging Operations off the West Coast of Central America to the Gala- pagos, to the West Coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California, in charge of Alexander Agassiz . . . "Albatross" . . . 1891 . . . XXXVni, and Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedi- tion to the Eastern Tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the ..." Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, . . . XIV. Cam- bridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll.. 43, 1908, (205-487), pis. i-xxii. 71 Delage, Y. Les vrais facteurs de la ])arthcuogenese experinientale. Elevage des larves jtarthenogenetiques jusqu' a la forme jiarfaite. Arch. Zool., Paris, ser. 4, 7, 1907, (445- 506). 72 Delage, Yves. L'oxygene, la pression osmotique, les acides et les alcalis dans la 2)arthenogenese experimentale. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 145, 1907, (218-224). 73 Delage, Yves. Develo])pements par- thenogeneti(jues en solution isotonique a I'eau de mer. filevage des larves d'Oursins jusqua'a I'imago. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 145, 1907, (448-452). 74 Delage, Yves. La parthenogcnese sans (jxygeue. — Elevage des larves par- thenogenetiques d'Asteries jusqu'a la forme parfaite. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 145, 1907, (541-546). 75 Delage, Yves. Les revendications de M. Loeb dans la question de )a par- thenogcuf-se experimentale. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 145, 1907, (1118-1121). 76 Delage, Yves. La partlienogenese a RoscofT et a Berkeley. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (262-265). 77 Delage, Yves. Solutions isotoniques et solutions isosmotiques. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (319-321). 78 G Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1908] Delage, Y. La partheuogenese experi- mentale par les charges electriques. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (553- 556). 79 Delage, Yves. La partheuogenese electrique. Arch, zool., Paris, ser. 4, 9, Notes, 1008, !xxx-xl'. 80 Delage, Yves & Beauchamp, P. de. Etude comparative des phenols conime agents de partheuogenese. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 145, 1907, (735-738). 81 Delhaye, L. Note sur le tufeau Maes- trichtien du bord nord du bassiu cretace du Hainaut. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgiqne, 34, 1908, (B. 33-B. 35). 82 Dendy, Arthur. Note on the Spicules of Chirodota geminifera Dendy & Hindle. London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 30, 1908, (251). 83 Deperet, Charles. Les auciennes lignes de rivage de la cote fran(^aise de la Mediterranee. Paris, Bui. Soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, 1900, (207-230). 84 De Stefani, C. I terreni e le acque cloro-sodiche della salute in Livorno. Pisa, Atti Soc. tosc. sci. nat., 23, 1907, (88-124). 85 Doderlein, L. Asterlna liideritziana , eine neue Art aiis Stidwest-Afrika. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Yer. Natk. , 61, 1908, (296-298), pi. 86 Dollfus, Gustave F. Faune malaco- logique du miocene superieur de Beau- lieu (Mayennej. (Etage redonien). Paris, C. R. ass. fraiiQ avanc. sci., 35 (Lyon, lUor.j, pt. 2, 1907, (304-315). ' 87 Dollfus, G. Excursion a Verzenay — 3 aout 1907. Paris, C. R. ass. franc, avanc. sci., 36 (Reims, 1907), pt. 1, 1907, (210-211). 87a Douglas, J. A. A note on some new Chalk Crinoids. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5. 1908, (357-359) pi. xviii. 88 Drevermann, Fr. Palaozoische No- tizen. Frankfurt a M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges.,1907, (125-136), pi. 89 Diiesch, Hans. Zur Theorie der organischi-n Svnimetrie. Arch. Entw- Me.I,., Leipzig", 26, 1908, (130-145). 90 Edwards, Cliarles Lincoln. Yariation, I *eveloprueut and Growth in JlololUurid lliiridaiia Poiirtales and in Halothurici iitrn Jager. Bionietrika, Cambridge, 6, 1 908, (230-301), pis. i-v. 91 Erdmann, Rh. Experimentelle Unter- suchung der Massenverhaltnisse von Plasma, Kern und Chromosomen in dem sich entwickehiden Seeigelei. Arch. ZelKorschg, Leipzig, 2, 1908, (76-136), Tab. 92 Farquhar, H. OpMocoma hollonsi n. sp. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (108). 93 Fibicll, Stanistaw. Choroby ryb. [Les maladies des poissons]. Okoln. ryb., Krakow, 1907, (36, 43). 94 Fisher, Walter K. Necessary changes in the nomenclature of starfishes. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., Q., 52, 1908, (87-93). 95 Fisher, Walter K. Some necessary changes in the generic names of Star- fishes. Zool. Anz,, Leipzig, 33, 1908. (356-359). 96 Flamand, G. B. M. Sur le presence du terrain carboniferieu aux environs de Taoudeni (Sahara sud-occidental). Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 144, pt. 24, 1907, (1387- 1390j. 97 Fucini, A. Fauna della zona a Pentacrhius tuhercidatus Mill, di Ger- falco in Toscana. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 25, pt. 3, (1906), 1907, (613- 654), pi. xi. 98 GautMer, Y. Echinides (supplement) in Mission scientifique en Perse par J. de Morgan. Paris, 3, 1902. 99 Geyer, G. Cber die Gosaubildung des unteren Ennstales und ihre Bezie- hungen zum Kreideflysch. Wien, Yerh. geol. RchsAnst., 1907, pt. 2-3, (55-76). 100 Girty, George H. The Guadalupian fauna. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv , Prof. Papr., No. 58, 1908, (1-649) pi. 101 Godlewski, Emil jun. Plasma und Keriisul)stauz in der ndrmalen und der dureh iiussere Faktoren veranderten Eutwicklung der Echiniden. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (278- 328) 2 Taf. 102 Godlewski, E. jiui. Tworzenie si^ substancyi jijdrowej z substancyi plaz- matycznej w czasie normalnego i zniienionego sztucznie rozwoju jezow- cuw. [Transformation des Protoplasniaa in Kernsubstanz walu-end der normalen 7 I'Jrhin. TlTF.ES. 1000 uiid iler kunstlicli veraiuleitt'ii Eiitwitk- lung der Echiiiideii.] Krak.nv, Bull. Imeni. Acad., 1908, (522-520}. 103 Goldschmidt, Richard i^c Popoff, Meiliodi. Ueber die sogeii. hyaline riasmasehioht der Seeigeleier. Biol. CeiitralljI.. Leipzig, 28, 191)8, (210-223). 104 Gregory, J. W. The name Arcliceo- laris. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, r. 8, 1, 1908, i208). 105 Grieg, James A. Echinodermata. Kii>tiaiiia, Report of the Second Nor- wegian Arctic E.xpedition in the " Fram " ] 898-1902, No. 13, 1007, (28) 3 pis. 106 [Gurwitsch, A. G.] FypBUHb, A. F. O HB-ieniaxT. pery.iHuiii Bb npoTO- iLiasMt. L^'eber Regulatioaserscheinuu- gen im Protoplasma.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, zool., 37, 2, 1908, 139-186, deutsch. Res. 187-190). 107 Hartineyer, R. vide Koehler, R. Hefifner, Barbara. Ueber experimen- .1 erzeugte Mehrfachbildungen des - .elets bei Echinidenlarven. Arch. itwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (1-46) . Taf. 108 Herbst, Curt. Vererbuugsstudien. V. Auf der Suche nach der Ursache der _: issereu oder geringeren Aehnlichkeit . r Nachkommeu mit einem der beiden Litem. Arch. EiitwMech., Leipzig, 24, rj07, ( 185-238 j 3 Taf. 109 Hitzel, E. Sur les fossiles de I'etage albien recueillies par M. A. Guebhard dans la region d'Escragnolles. (A.-M.) Paris, Bui', soc. geol., ser. -i, 2 (1902), Pt <;, 1005, -874-880). 110 Hopkinson, John. Dates of Publica- u of the Separate Parts of Gmelin's . . litiun (13th) of the " Systema Naturae " ..[ LinujEus. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, [1908], (1035-1037). Ill Horwood, A. R. On a hitherto uu- : .'iced .Section of the Amaltlieus spina- tus Zone and the Transition Red in the Middle Lias at Billesdon Coplow, Leicestershire. London, Rep. Brit. 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An Artificial Key to the Genera [of Inferior Oolite FCchi- noids of W. England]. [.Appendix to No. 181.] Gloucester, Proc. Cotteswold Nat. S. CI., 16, 1908, (184-185). 163 Paris, E. Talbot vide Richardson, L. & Paris. Pearse, A. S. Observations on the behavior of the ilolothnrian, Tliyone briureus (Leseur). Biol. Bull., Woods HoU, Mass., 15, 1908, (2.59-288). 164 Perrier, vide Bohn, G. Peter, [Carl]. Ein Beitrag zur A'ercr- bungslcbrc. Greifswald, Verb. med. Ver., 1906, 1907, (55-00). 165 Pieron, vide Bohn, G. Pigeot, P. Catalogue des Erhinides irreguliers du Jurassique des Ardennes. Charleville, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 12. 1905, (1.3-17). 166 Pigeot, P. Quelques rnots sur les Crinoides et le Catalogue des especes 10 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1908] reucontrees tlans le Jurassiqxie des Ardennes. Charleville, Bui. soc. hist. nat., 12, 1905, (58-63). 167 Plate, L. Apogonochthys strombi n. sp., ein symblotisch lebeuder Fisch von den Bahamas. Zool. 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Ou the Stratigraphical and Geographical Distribution of the Inferior - Oolite Echinoids of the West of England [with Appendices]. Gloucester Proc. Cottes- wold Nat. F. CI., 16, 1908, (151-193), pis. xvi-xvii. 181 Ritchie, James, & Mcintosh, D. C. On a case of Imperfect Development in Echinus esctdeiitus. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (646-661), pi. xxxiii. 182 Rowe, Arthur W. The Zones of the White Chalk of the English Coast. V. The Isle of Wight. The maps and de- scriptive Appendix by C. Davies Sher- bom . . . and a note on certain Silicious Nodules by G. T. Prior. Lon- don, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908, (209- 352j, pis. viii-xxiii, maps. 183 Rowe, Arthur -W. Viiitacrinus in the Ringwould Area, near Dover. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (74-78). 184 Rowe, Arthur W. Acfmocnmax verus in the Upper Pai"t oi the Micraster cor-aiifjuinuiit Zone at Walmer and St. Margaret at Cliffe. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (79). 185 R[owe], A. W. & S[heiborn], C. D. 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Revision des Echinides fossiles de I'Yonne. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. nat., 60, 1907, (9-191). 226 Vaney, Clement. Les Holothuries recueillies par I'Expediton antarctique ecossaise. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (290-299). 227 Vaney, C. Deux uouvelles holothuries incubatrices. Paris, C. R. ass. franc;;, avanc. Sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906), pt. 2,1907, (535-538). 228 Vaney, C. vide Kwhler, R. & Vaney. Vies, Fred. Remarques sur la classification des Echinides. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 31, 1906, (143-148). 229 Vogl, Viktor. Adatok a foti also- mediteri-an ismeretehez. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Untermediterrans von Fot.] Foldt. Kozl., Budaj)est, 37, pt. 6-8, 1907, (Hungarian 243-246, German 303-307). 230 Wandolleck, Denuo. Photographie in der \\'issenschaft, besonders in der Zoologie. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (28-32). 231 Weaver, Charles E. New Echinoids from ihe Tertiary of California. Berke- ley, Univ. Cal. Pub., Bull. Dept. Geol., 5, 1908, (271-274 + 21), 2 pis. 232 Weller, Stuart. A Report on the Cretaceous Paleontology of New Jersey Based upon the stratigiaphic studies of George N. Knapp. Geological Survey of New Jersey. Paleontology Series, Trenton, 4, 1907, (Text, i-x -|- 3-871 ; Plates, 873-1106, cxi pis.). 233 Weller, Stuart. A fossil starfisli from tlic ( 'retaceous of Wyoming. J. (.ieol., Chicago, 111., 13, 190o, (257-258). 234 l.-! Frhi». Subject Tvdkx. — (iFathvi., Srurnrnr. 1003, 1007 Wilckens, Otto r'ule Steinmann, G. i^ Wilckens. Young, (ieoip;e William. The Cliallv Area of Western Surrev. London, Proc . (Je.>l. A*s , 20, 190S, (.422-455). 235 II.— .<;UBJECT INDKX. ("IF.XERAL. 1003 Biography. I'leklmrii, Charles Frederick; Rowe A Sherborn, 186. \M Stewart, Charles; 4; B., 8. Bibliogiaphy. Works pnblished diiriiii]; 1S9G; Ber- liner, 17 : 1S97-8; Strand', 211 ; durin- .1; Strand, 212; durin-,' UKJC) ; Imms . ^.tliers, 116. I'ates of puliliration, Gnielin's edition of l.innreus' "Systema Naturae"; Hop- kinson, 111. General Treatises. S ime British Ecliinoderma (popular) ; Connold, 69. Museums, Collections and Expeditions. Balearic Is., marine laboratory ; Buen, 31. ' ambrid^e, Mass., Harvard College -eum, spp. Crinoidea descr.; Clark, 42. '■)penhagen, University JLus., spp. n. Crinoidea; Clark, 49. I'aris, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Ophiuroidea ; Eoehler, 121. ^hepton-Mallet Museum, "J. Phyllis" In. Inferior Oolite spp. rev. ; Richard- son, 178. "Albatross" (1902 & 1900) collns. Arbaciadae, Aspidodiadematidao and Diadematidae, Salenidae ; Agassiz A Clark 1. '"Albatross" (1902) collns. Hawaiian Is. Comatulida descr. ; Clark, 45, " Albatross " expdn. to Philippine Is., coUn. Crinoidea ; Clark, 43. Belgian antnrrtie expdn., s]>. n. PI'iId- criniis ', Bather, 12. C. Crossland l>i. .'iSl ; Coloio- c.entrotua ; Agassiz, 1. 14 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1908] Asteroidea, Cretaceous ; Spencer, 206, p. 112 ; Sphaeritidae ; Schondorf, 195. Uintacrinua ; Martin, 149. Cystoidea ; Stromer, 213 ; Edrio- asteroidea ; Bather, 11. BJnstoidocrinits ; Hudson, 114 ; Hud- son, 115. Stdla piastra calcarea circumocidare delle Asterie ; Andeer, 3. Presence of infrabasals in recent Pentacrinitidae ; Clark, 54 & 56. Arm structure recent crinoids; Clark, 55 ; Eiidiocrinus etc.; Clark, 53. — Homologies of arm joints and arm divisions, Comatulida, Peutncrinitulae ; Clark, 57. Axial cunals, Pentacrinitidae; Clark, 56. Ambulacra, Palaeozoic Asteroidea ; Schondorf, 197. Pedicellariae etc. Salenidae p. 50, Arbaciadae p. 62, Aspidodiadematidae p. 89, Diadematidae p. 103 ; Agaasiz & Clark, 2. Glands. Glands, Ophiuroidea ; Reichensper- ger, 174. Mucous elands, Crinoidea ; Reichen- sperger, 176. Reproductive Organs. Le cellule nutrici del testicole degli Echinidi ; Russo, 181. PHYSIOLOGY. 1011 Oeneral, Thyone hriareus ; Pearse, 164. Alimentation of marine organisms ; Johnstone, 118 A. Body temperature ; Simpson, 202 ; Asteriaif, Echinus; Simpson, 201. Tonus, Herzigel ; UexkUU. 223. Die Fiisschen der Seesferne und die Koordination ihrer Bewegungen ; Mangold, 145; Mouvements rotatoires, Asteroidea, (Jpliiuroidea ; Bohn, 22. Autointoxikation und Staclielbewe- gung bei Seeigeln ; Mangold, 147. Le role et la protection des organcs des sens chez les Echinodermes ; Bohn, 21. Oviposition, Anfedon ; Reichensper- ger, 176. Natur der Pigmente von Ophiopholis acnlcata ; Sokolov, 205. Influence of food-supply, depth, etc., Crinoidea ; Clark, 58. DEVELOPMENT. 1015 General. Zur Theorie der organischen Sym- metric ; Driesch, 90. Citcumaria lateralis, Psohcs granu- losus; Vaney, 228; Rolothuria flori- da)ia ; Edwards, 91 p. 243. Ein Beitrag zur Vererbungslehre ; Peter, 165. — Auf der Suche nach der Ursache der grosseren oder geringeren Aehnlichkeit der Nachkommen mit einem der beiden Eltern ; Herbst, 109. Experimentell erzeugte Melirfachbil- dungen des Skelets bei Echinidenlarven ; Heffner, 108. Abnormal development Asteracan- tluun; Rabaud, 170. Development of naturally and arti- ficially fertilised eggs compared, Ophio- tlirix; MacBride, 141. Transformation des Protoplasmas in Kernsubstanz wahrend der normalen iind der kiinstlichveranderten Entwick- lung der Echiniden ; Godlewski, 103. Ovum and Oogenesis. ilaturation ; Matthews, 150. Uber die sogen. hyaline Plasma- schicht der Seeigeleier; Goldschmidt, 104. The location of embryo-forming regions in the egg ; Morgan, 152. Die Griisse und Form der Chromo- somen bei Seeigeleiern ; Baltzer, 9. Fertilization and Segmentation. Fertilization ; Loeb, 137 ; Matthews, 150. Die osmotischen Eigenschaften und die Entstehung der Befruchtungsmem- l)ran beim Seeigelei ; Loeb, 138. 1'' Echin. DF.vEi.orMFVT, ETnoi.onv. 1015, 1019 Vt^rsuche iiber Beziehungen zwisclieu Eiei u iind Sainenfaden bei Seeigeln ; LOwenatein, 140. Fertilization by sperm immersed in various sohitions, Astcrias, Arbacia ; ToreUe, 219. The chromosomes in cross-fertilized Echinoid eggs; Tennent, 217. ilasseuverhaltnisse ww IMasina, Kern und Chromosomeii in deiii sieli eut- wiekebiden Seeigelei ; Erdmann, 92. Mehrpolige Mitozen, Seeigeleierii ; Baltxer, 10. .:iect of alkaloids on early develop- Uic.t, Toxoptieuetcs varierjatHS ; Mor- gulis, 154. ■Segmentation ; Matthews, 150. "■egmentation of eggs deprived of chromatin, Asteriaa forbe-^ii ; McClendon, 142. '••gulation und Entwickluug nach •.rifugieren der Eier Echinus, igyloce)itrotus ; Gurwitsch, 107. ue relation of the substances of the ;. separated by a strong centrifugal ', to the location of the embiyo ; :■: rg-an \- Lyon, 153. Anificial Pajlhenogenesis. Artilkial parthenogenesis ; Loeb, 137 ; Loet), 134 ; Matthews, 150 ; Tennent, 216. •=s vrais facteurs de la parthe- _ nese eiperimentale. Elevage des —3 parthenogenetiques jusqu'a la iC parfaite ; Delage, 72. — Les reven- ^.-citions de M. Loeb dans la question de la parthenogenese experimentale ; Delage, 76. T.I Parthenogenese a Roscoff et a Br; keley ; Delage, 77. Influence of electric field etc. ; Delage, 80 ; Delage, 79. By momentary elevation of tempera- i .re in starfish eggs; Lillie, 133. Diirch das Blutserum von Kaninchen und durch cvtolytische Stoffe ; Loeb, 136. Les phenols comme agents de partlie- nogenese ; Delage & Beauchamp, 81. Developpementa parthenogenetiques en solution isotonique a I'eau de mer ; ' - '.age des larves d'Oursins jusqu'a I'imago ; Delage, 74. — Solutions isoto- niques et solutions isosmotiquea ; De- lage, 78. — (Ju'est-ce qu'une solution de saccharose isotonique jionr les (pufa do Stroudyloccntrotua; Loeb, 135. L'oxygene, la )iression osmotique, les acides et les alcaiis dans la partheno- genese experimentale; Delage, 73. La parthenogeneso sans uxygene. Elevage des larves parthenogenetiques d'Asteries jusqu'a la forme parfaite ; Delage, 75. Larval Foiins. Holothuroidca ; Britten, 29. Changes during Life. Holothuroidea ; Britten, 29. Regeneration. Abnornaal Asteracanthion ; Rabaud, 170. Farbung der regenerierten Stralden von Ophiopholis aculeata ; Sokolov, 205. ETHOLOGY. 1019 General. Conditions of life in the sea ; John- stone, 118a. Rolothuria floridann, atra ; Edwards, 91 ; Thyone briareus ; Pearse, 164. Psychology. L'individualite psychique ; Bohn, 24. L'acquisitiou des habitudes chez les etoiles de mer ; Bohn, 23. Tropisms. To water-margins ; Oxner, 160. Locomotion and Movements. Bohn, 22 ; Mangold, 145. Ophiuroidea ; Mangold, 146. Breeding Habits. Anledou etc. ; Reichensperger, 176. Incubation, Cucinnarla lalernl'iH, Peolus r/ramdoHun ; Vaney, 228. 16 Echm. V. Echinoderma. [100^1 Luminosity. 0|>liiiiioi(lea ; Mangold, 146 ; Reichensperger, 175 ; Trojan, 222. Habitat. Habitat; Johnstone, 118a. Boring Echini ; Mcintosh, p. 1-3, 143. Parasites and Commensals. Gregarina, notes on ; Schellack, 193. Infusorian {Oehltopln-iia i^teUarum) on Asteracanthion rubcns ; Cepede, 38. Orthonectidae (Rhopalura opluocomne), in Ampluura prjuamata; Caullery & Lavallee, 36. Gastropod {Platyceras hospesi) on Iilu]itdoe.ri7ms gonatodes ; Drevermann, p. 134, 89. Prosobranch (Pelseneeria gen. n.), on Ecliinus affinis and Genoc'idaris macu- lata ; KcBhiler & Vaney, 124. Prosoljranch (Stilifer hatltipnetrae ap. n.) on Batltymetra sp. ; Dall, 71. Crab {Pinnixa. tumkla) commensal with Caudina sp. ; Stimpson, 210, p. 143. Crab (Lissocarchms orbicular is) com- mensal with Ilolothiiria nigra; Bouvier, 26. Fisli commensal with Diadevia saxa- tile ; Plate, 168. Ornament and Colour. l''arl)un_L( dvv Kurpcrs von Ophiopholis acideata L. Sokolov, 205. Crinoidea ; Clark, 58. VAIIIA'I'ION AND .ETrOLOGY. 1023 General. Heredity ; Peter, 165. Ueliaaler; Clark, 59. Variation. jrolotlmroidea; Britten, 29; llolo- thiiria Jiuridava, aira ; Edwards, 91. Coloration, Ophiopliolis (u-ideaUt ; Sokolov, 205. Teratology. Echinoc'jamus etc. ; Capeder, 34. Arms, Crinoidea ; Clark, 55. Hexamerous free Crinoidea ; Clark, 42, p. 244. — Hexamerous Echinoidea ; Ribaucourt, 177. Anomalies de regeneration et de developpement, Asteracaut}u07i ruhens ; Rabaud, 170. Imperfect development of test, Ecliinus eftculentus ; Ritchie & Mcintosh, 182. Phylogeny. Holothnroidea, ancestral form etc. ; Becher, 15. Cretaceous Asteroidea ; Spencer, p. 127, 206. Hybridism. Cross-fertilization, Echinoidea ; Ten- nent, 217. Ueber die Natur der Bastardlarve zwischen dem Echinodermenei {Strongy- locentrotua frayiciscmms) und Mollus- kensamen {Chlorostoma funehrale) ; Loeb, 139. DISTRIBUTION. (a) Recent. 1027 General. General, distr. Ilolotliuria atra, jloridann; Edwards, 91; Echinoidea; Mortensen, 155 ; rev. Cidaridae ; Clark, 60; rev. Coloboceufrotus ; Agassiz, 1; distr. Crinoidea ; Clark, 58 ; Clark, 50 ; key to spp. Antedonidae ; notes on spp. Crinoidea; Clark, 42 ; Ophiuroidea, rev. collns. Paris Museum ; Koehler, 121 ; lists spp. and keys to Ophiocreas, Ophiozona, Pteraster, Spatangus, etc. ; Clark, 61 ; distr. and lists spp. Enduxocriitus (gen. n.), Ilypalocrimis (gen. n.), Isocrimis, Metacrinus; Clark, 57. I.ocalltv uncertain, sp. n. OpJiiopeza ; Koehler, 121. lidcality u7iknown, sp. n. Avipliiura; Koehler, 121 ; sp. n. Mastigometra (gen. n. Crin.J; Clark, 49. 17 Erhin. Oi^iTninrTiov. 1027 Arctic Ocean. South Atlantic Ocean. Aivtic. oollii. dexT. ; Grieg, 106; S. Atlantic, Eclunoiat^i; MortenBen, Echinoidea ; Mortensen, 155. 155- E. South Atlantic, sp. n. ; Pnyrhro- ^ ., , pot'^^ '• Vaney, 227. North Atlantic Ocean. Caiibbean ,, n i ■ ,i ■ . v^m^^ r, J /-, r n/r • Cunffo, SIX n. Ophiotkrix Koemer, Sea. and G. of Mexico. 121. X. Athintic. Kchinoidea ; Mortensen, SAV. Africa, sp. n. Aatevhtn ; Dttder- 155. lein, 86. \V. North Atlantic, sp. n. /'((ropuZnjvs ; \V. Tape Colonv, sp. u. TJiijone ; Clark, 60. Vaney, 227 . " (uialeloupe, sp. n. Astroehema ; S. South Atlaatic, colln. Holothuroi- Koehler, 121. dea ; Etiphronidef^, SyiiallacteH spp. n. ; Off Cuba, sp. n. Adelomelva ; Clark, Vaney, 227. 45. S. o[ Tristan da (.'unlia, sp. n. Ben- Caribbean Sea, sp. n. PHitlujcrhm^ ; thodyte^f, Ysmey, 227. Clark, 42. Antarctica, colln. Holothuroidea, X. I'anama (off Colon), sp. n. Olujo- Peniagone, Psychropotes spp. n;W&n6y, .etra ; Clark, 45. 227 = Antarctic, Cucumana laterahn Psolus granulosus; Vaney, 228; vidf United States (off GeorguO, spp. n. ^j^„j ,,„!, Pacific. Trlchmnetra, Zenometra; Clark, 45. ^ , .^ , . . . South Orkney Is., spp. n. f, nntmana. United States fcff ^ irginia), sp. n. PsoUdium; Vaney, 227. Bathucrinus ; Clark, 44. „ , , t^, n Rurdwood Bk., sp. n. Cueumaria; United States (Mass.), Amphioplns Vaney, 227. i ci » ^^a rt^v^o^rm vmerdata ; KcBhier & Vaney. 124. Indian Ocean, Red bea. and Persian E. Ireland (co. Dublin), occ. etc. few spp.; Colgan, 67; occ. few spp.; Indian Ocean, sj). n. Himerometm; Colgan, 68. Clark, 49. Irish Sea, occ. few plankton spp. ; Portuguese E. Africa, sp. ii. Ophio- JohnBtone, 118a. mora (gen. n. Oph.) Ophiopsila ; Koehler, 4 04 .S.W. Sweden (Kristineberg district), •'^■^' fauna ; Th^el, 218, p. 77. G. of Aden (Djibuti), sp. n. Oph'iothrlx ; Channel Is. (Guernsey), fauna ; Sharp, Koehler, 121. 199. Red .Sea. colln. Crinoidea ; Chadwlck, . , ri , • y>- • . 39 : D'ladema saxatile ; Plate, 168. Azores, occ. etc. hchinus amnis; "" • KoBMer & Vaney, 124. " G. of Suez. sp. u. Opluothri.'- ; KcBMer, Ca})e Verd Is., sp. n., Ophiocnida ; *^*' Koehler, 121. Persian G., sp. n. Himerometra ; Clark, 42. „ ,., o T>i 1 c 1 C-) Tranquebar, sp. n. Oligometra; Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and ^^g^!^ ^g ^ Sea of Azov. g ^y Australia, Ophiuroidea ; Ophia- Adriatic Sea ; Leidenfrost, 132. cantha, Ophlothrlx spj). n. ; Koehler, 122. G. of Trieste, occ. Br'iasop.'ii.f lyrifera, Off W. Tasmania, sp. n. Bathymctrw, notes on plankton ; Stiaany, 209. Clark. 45. (K-10332mi ^" 18 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1908] Malaysia. Malaysia, colln. descr. ; Clark, 61. Strs. of Malacca, sp. u. Himerometra ; Clark, 49. Singapore, spp. n. Himerometra, Oli- gometra ; Clark, 49. Cochin China (C. St.-Jacques), sp. n. Nepanthia ; Kcehler, 123. Philippine Is., colln. Criuoidea descr. ; Calometra, Catoptometra, Charitometra, Comatella, Cyllometra, Eudiocriniis, Eumetra (gen. n.), Himerometra, Irido- vietra Metacrinus, Olirjornetra, Pentame- trocrifiiis, Perometra, Ptilornetrn, Triclio- metru spp. n. ; Clark, 43. Pacific Ocean. Pacific, rev. Salenidae, Arhaciadae. Aepidodiadematidae, Diadematidae ; Agassiz & Clark, 1. E. Pacific, sp. 11. Bathycrinus ; Clark, 42 ; rev. Heliaster ; Clark, 59. Strs. of Formosa, sp. n. Asterometra ; Clark, 49. E. Siberia, fauna ; Brashnikov, 28. Sea of Japan, Holothuroidea ; Britten, 29 ; sp. n. Himerometra ; Clark, 45. Japan, colln. descr. ; Asteriaa, Mol- padia, Ophiocreas, Ophioglypha, Opliio- zona, Pteraster, Spatangiis spp.n.; Clark, 61; colln. Comatulida descr.; Comaster, Thalassoynetra spp. n. ; Clark, 46 ; spp. and snbsp. n. Comanthus, Cyllometra, Heliometra, Himerometra ; Clark, 49 ; spp. n. Cyllometra, Tha'umatometrn ; Clark, 45 ; spp. n. Anfrdnu ; Clark, 42 ; sp. n. Oplii<)creu»; Koehler, 121; sp. n. Kndiocriinis, Sagaini 15. ; Clark, 53. Bonin Is., sp. ii. Cololioreiitroliis ; Agassiz, 1. Sea of Okhotsk, Holothuroidea; Anapta spp. n. ; Britten, 29. W. Behring Sea, sp. ii. J'alJujvwtra ; Clark, 45. Aleutian Is., sp. u. Piialhyrometra ; Clark, 45. OIT Queen Charlotte Is., ^\).n.Psalhy- rometra ; Clark, 45. G. of (.'alifornia, sp. n. Tretoeidaris ; Clark, 60. Ecuador, sp. n. 'J'reldridarix ; Clark, 60. Peru, sp. n. Heliaster ; Clark, 59. Chili, sp. n. Heliaster ; Clark, 59. Tieria del Fuego, spp. n. Amphiura ; Kcehler, 121. Strs. of Magellan, spp. n. Amphitira, Ophiacantha ; Kcehler, 121. Antarctica, sp. n. Ptilocrinus ; Bather, 12 ; vide etiam sub. S. Atlantic. Campbell Is., sp. n. Ampluura ; Koehler, 121. New Zealand, Chirodota spp ; Dendy, 83 ; spp. Pseudechimis, sp. n. ; Benham, 16; sp.n. Amphiura ; Koehler, 121; sp. n Opiiiocoma ; Farquhar, 93. Queensland, sp. n. Comantlais ; Clark, 49. New Caledonia, sp. n. Ophioglypha ; Koehler, 121. Fiji Is., sp. n. Himerometra ; Clark, 42. Marshall Is., sp. n. Himerometra ; Clark, 42. Hawaiian Is., Comatulida collns. descr., key to spp. p. 21,3 ; Atelecrinus, Charitometra, Decametrocrinus, Irido- metra, Psathyi-ometra, Thalassometra, Triehometra, Zenometra spp. n. ; Clark, 45. (h) Fossil. General. France (Paris basin), calcaire piso- lithique, Echinoidea ; Lambert, 127. Lehm et conglonierats des pentes de I'ile de cremien ; Jacquemet, 117. Notes sur quelques Eehinides du l)au])hine et autres regions ; Savin, 191. Malaysia; Boehm, 20; Jurassic and late Palaeozoic faunas ; Sc]ii::ohlastus sp. n. ; Boehm, 19. Cainozoic. S. France ; Caziot ^- Maury, 37 ; occ. spp. ; Dep^ret, 84. California,, faunas of Santa Maria district; Arnold & Anderson, 7. Post Tertiary. I tidy (Livorno), occ. lyrifera ; De Stefani, 85. in!isop»if< l;i Erhin. nisTRinrTioN. 1027 California, occ. StrongyloccnlrDtits purpwatits. Pleistocene nr. Santa Bai liara ; Berry. 18. Tertiaiy. France, occ. Marropneustt-tf prcvosti ur. Verzenay ; Dollfus, 87a. France i^Mavenuei, Itedouian ; Dollfus, 87. Italy (Turin), list Pliocene fauna ; Sacco, 188 ; occ. spp. ur. Turin ; Prever, 169. Italv (Appennines\ lists etc. fauna ; Sacco," 189. San Marino, Miocene fauna of Mte. Titano ; Cidaris, Clypeaster, Ech'ino- lampas, Etipatagus, PUolampcuf, Paain- mechinns, Sciitella spp. n. ; Nelli, 157. Sardinia, ^fiddle Miocene Echino- cyamus etc. ; Capeder, 34. Hungry, Upper Mediterranean spp. from Ribice ; Vadasz, 225. Hungary (Fot), Lower Mediterranean ; Vogl, 230. Malaysia (Timor), Pcricosimis sp. ; Lambert 129. \V. Persia, coUn. Echinidae descr. ; Briaaopais, Cisnobrlnus, Conoclypeua, Ech'nwlampaa,Euspatangu3,Pericosmus, Rhabdocidaris, Schizaster spp. n. ; Gauthier, 99. X. Africa, occ. few spp. ; Chudeau, 41. C. Africa, sp. n. Plesiolampa^ ; Lambert, 130. California, Clypeaater, L'inthia, Schizaater, Scutella spp. n. ; Weaver, 232; sp. n. Amphiura ; Arnold, 6; faunas Santa Cruz Mis. ; (.'idur'm spp. n. ; Arnold, 5. Patagonia ; Steinmann \ Wilckens, 208. Mesozoic. Thuringia ; Schafer, 192. Cretaceous General, n.);es on Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea ; Spencer, 206. C. Europe, occ. spp ; Scupin, 198. Crimea, Lower Cretaceous fauna ; Eehinobriaaiis sp. n. ; Karakaach, 119. (N-103.32 m) Hi'luiuni, occ. few spji. nr. Liege ; Stainier, 207 ; occ. Ptoiirtiuelicrhnis rlliliticns nr. IJaudour ; Delhaye, 82. British Is., nionograpli .Vsliididfa auil (Ophiuroidea continued; Amj>liiiira, Aiiltraater, Mctopa>ttcr, Xympitaatcr Opliiotitanoa (gen. u. Opii.), (J pit in ni Pyciiujstcr (gen. n. Ast.), Sliiunnnler- axlcr (gen. u. Ast.) spp. n. ; Spencer, 206 S. England, spp. n. lioveocrlnua (gen. n. Crin.) ; Douglas, 88. England (Kent), occ. few spp. in the Hingwonld area ; Rowe, 184 ; ore. few s]ip. ; Rowe, 185. England (Linei)lnshire), list Upper Chalk fauna ; Burnet, 32. England (Norfolk), occ. etc. few spp. ; Brydone, 30. EuLihind (.Surrev), list Chalk fauna ; Young, 235. England (Thames Valley), zonal fauna of the Chalk ; Cbatwln t^- Withers, 40. I. of Wight, zonal faunas of the White Chalk ; Rowe, 183. S. E. France, spp. Echinoidea ; Lambert, 126. Fiance (Aljaes-Marit.), occ. sp. ; Maury, 151. P^rance (Ariege), spp. n. Micropaia, I'rolohr'iasiia (gen. n. Ech.) ; Lambert, 126. France (Haute Garonne), Diplodetus, Echinocorya, Garumnaater (gen. n. Ech.), Goniopygua, Ilolectypius, Linthia, Njicleopygiia, Pliymosoma, Racltieoma, Salenia spp. n. ; Lambert, 126. France (Isei-e), few sjip. nr. Autrans; Paquier, 161. Austria, Hippuritea beds of Gosau, Echinidae ; Lambert, 125 ; Gosau beds of the Enns Valley; Geyer, 100; sp. n. Apsidocrlnus (gen. n. Cria.j, Neocomian of Stramberg ; Jaekel, 118. W. Persia, colln. Echinidae descr. ; Cidaria, Diacoidea, Epiaater, Hemiaater, Holaaler, Hypaaatei; Iramaster, Opisaa- ater/JrUierhinna, Rhahdoc'idaria, Stenonia spp. n. ; Gauthier, 99. Aladagascar, occ. few spjD. ; Boule & Thevenin, 25. United States (Wyoming), sj). n. Peti- tiigo)i/i>iler ; Weller, 234. ta 11—2 •20 Echin. V. Echinodeima. finos] United State? (New Jersey), fauna ; Cardiaster, Cafopyrjns. Hrminsfpr, Pen- tacero!^, Rhizncrnius spp. ii. ; Weller, 233. Peru, fauna ; sp. u. HcmidstiT ; Neu- mann, 158. Patagonia ; Steinmann i<: Wilckens, 208. Hungary (Persanygebirge), Lower Liassic fauna ; Vadasz, 224. Roumauia, c-olln. descr. ; Cardas, 35 ; occ. few B])p. ; Simionescu, 200. Palaeozoic. Belgium, oce. Sphneronites jvinctntus, etc. ; Malaise, 144. Jurassic, General, I^iassic Diadematoidea ; Tomquist, 220. W. ]''urope, range some Inferior Oolite spp. ; Richardson, 180. Germany (Wiirttemberg), Liassic Diadematoidea fauna ; Dladernopsis, Hemipedina, Pnlaeopedlna spp. n. ; Tom- quist, 220. England, iiotes on Liassic Echini ; Paris, 162. W. England, rev. Inferior Oolite Echinoidea ; Richardson X- Paris, 181 ; key to genera of Inferior Oolite Echinoidea ; Paris, 163 ; spp. & varr. n. Acrosalenia, Clypeiis, Collyr'ites, Eehi- nohris>'i«dcmnpH'iH ; Tomquist, 220 ; occ. Pciitncrinus penia- gori(di»; Niethammer, 159. Austria sp. n. Pxendodiddcma from the A eaiitliinix beds nl' Giesshiil)! ; Toula, 221. Permian. England (Devon), few spp. Tiverton district ; Martin, 148. Italy, Bellerophon Kalk at Cadore ; Caneva, 33. United States (Texas), Guadahipian fauna, CnejiociiKtifi (gen. n. Cyst.) sp. n. ; Girty, 101. Carboniferous. Russia (Samara), fauna ; sp. n. Poterio- crinns ; Stuckenherg, 214. Belgium, occ. few spp. ; Mourlon, 156. S. W. Sahara, occ. Poteriocr'nius (?) ; Flamand, 97. United States, comp. of Kansas and Red-Wall faunas ; Reagan, 171. Devonian. Germany, Plilp'idorrbmft goiiatodcsrxT. Ems ; Drevermann, 89. United States (New York), IJcVianllias- Icr spp. n. ; Clarke, 65. United States (Ohio), Sandusky forma- tions; Swartz, 215. Bolivia, fauna ; Knod, 120. Argentina, ii\).t^.(^ljatho('rhut>^ ; Knod, 120. Silurian. iMigland (nr. Tortworth, Gloucest.), occ. few spp. ; Reed iV- Reynolds, 172. United States (Illinois), spp. n.Aehra- doc,r'inu», Jlahrocrhius, Platyerhnis, Steplianocrhnis, Thyi^nnocrivxis, Zopho- erinuff, Niagara Limestone, Chicago area ; Slocom, 203. Ordovician. United States (Indiana), fauna of Vm- cinnati series; Cumings, 70. !1 t'chiii. Systematic, (.Jenkual, llnumiLitniDEA. 1031 Lniled IStates vXcw York), Cliazy Limestoue I'dniatozoa : sf)p. n. Ilcrco- crinus (geu. n.) ; Hudson, 113. United States (Minnesota), (."rinoidea ; spp. n. PoJuliUnts ygca. u.) ; Saxdeson, 190. HI. SY.STEMAT1L' INDEX 1031 General. fLower Cretaceou.s fauna of the • ':iinea KAitAKASCir St. I^etersburg Trav. ^ ■. nat. sect. geol. 32 pt. o pp. 1-482 _~. — Fossiles de I'etiige albieii, region l.>cragaolles HiTZEL Paris, Bull. Soc. _ '1. 2 pp. 87-1-880. — Jurassic spp. from iiouniania Cardas Ann. Uni\'. Jassy 4 ]»p. 173-179. — Fauna of the Cincinnati "■ : ies of Indiana Clmings Rept. Dept. 1. Indiana 32 pp. 088-689, 710-735 tigs. — Geologische ilitteiluugen aus .1 Indo-Aiistralisclien Arcliipel BuEii.\[ •lahrb. Miu. Beilagebd 25 pp. 293- .;13 tigs. HoLOTHUROIIlEA. Tollus. from Sea of Japan and Sea of hotsk Britten St. Feterburg Bull. Ac. " . -er. 5 25 pp. 123-157. ^Anal)ta amurensis (Amur Est.) ImUcigi laghalien I. and Shautiy- B.) spp. n. Sea ; Okhotsk Britten St. Peterburg Bull. c. Sc. ser 5 25 pp. 123-157. Bentliodijtes hrownl sp. n. South At- ' lantic (S. of Tristan da Cunba) p. 293 ; B. spuma p. 292, recta j). 293, spp. n. Antarctic V.VNEY Zool. Anz. 33. Ch'irodota gembiifera chars, etc. Dexdy Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 p. 251. Cticunutria (vide etiam Fuolklium). — C: psolidifovtnls p. 296, aapera, con- spicua p. 297, penprocta, pnrfida, secunda p. 298 spp. n. South Orkney Is. (Scotia B.J ; C. anal'm sp. n. South Orkney Is. p. 298 ; C. croceoida sp. n. Burdwood Bk. p. 299 ; C. armala sp. n. Falkland Is. (Port WiHiam) p. 299 Vaney Zool. Anz. 33. Euphronides acotiae sp. n. S. .South Atlantic (62" S. 41° W.) Vanev Zool. Anz. 33 p. 293. IloloUiuna atra ]>. 274, florldana ]j. 241 chars, anat. variation etc. Edwards iJiometrika 6. MolihuUa key to spp. p. oil ; .1/. rosacea sp. n. Jajjan (Saganii B.) p. 310 Clark Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 51. Pcniagone mossinatii p. 291, pirri vlltuiii p. 292, Antarctic spp. n. Vankv Zool. Anz. 33. I'nolidiinii {Ciicuinaria) cuatui sp. n. South Orkney Is. (Scotia B.) VaKey Zool. Anz. 33 p. 295. ' I'sijehropotcii hrucci sp. n. .Vnlarctic (67-^ 3' S. 37" 43' W.) ; I'. Udicauda sp. n. South Atlantic (39° 48 ' S. 2" 37 ' E.) and Antarctic (67° 31' S. 36^ 48' W.) ; P. longicauda var. n, antarcllca Ant- arctic (7r' 22' S. 16° 34' E.) Vaney Zool. Anz. 33 p. 294. Rhabdoinolgutt ruber und die Stanuu- form der Holotluirien Becher Diss. Bonn 1907 p. 40. Sijmdlactea roberlaou'i sp. n. S. South Atlantic (00" 40' S. 40^35' W.) Vaney Zoul. Anz. 33 p. 291. 'Ilnjoue arlifuLala sp. n. Capo Colony (Saldanha B.) Vaxey Zool. Anz. 33 p. 295. Echinoidea. Echinoidea classification Vi,i;s Paris, Bui. soc. zool. 31 pp. 143-148 figs.— Atlantic and Arctic spp. Mortensen Danish Ingolf-Expedition 4 Part 2 pp. 1-200 figs. — Pacific spp. Acjassiz & Clark Mem. Mus. Zool. Plarvard 34. figs. f Echinoidea : Miocene spp. from San Marino Nei.li Boll. Soc. Gool. Ital. 26 pp. 252-278 figs. — Eoceni; and Cre- taceous spp. from W. Persia Gautuier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 figs. — Fauna of the Ulppur'itca beds of (iosau Lambert Bull. Soc. beige geol. 21 pp. Mem. 85-95 figs. — Key to Inferior Oolite genera of W. England Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 184. fDiadeniatoidea of the Lias of Wiirt- temberg etc. Tornquist Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 60 p. 378 figs. Ananchitidae gen. n. vide Garum- naster. Arbaciadae rev. ; key to genn. p. 66 Agassiz & Clark Mem. Mus. Harvard 34. Aspidodiadematidae rev. AcAssiz & Clark Mem. Mus. Harvard 34 p. 23. Cidaridae rev. ; keys to genn. and spp. Clark Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 51 22 Ecliin. Echinodenna. [1908] pp. 165-230 figs. — Genn. n. vide Au-i- trocidaris, Calocidarls. Diadematidae rev. ; key to genn. p. 110 Agassiz & Clark Mem. Mus. Harvard 34 p. lOS. — Genn. n. vide Engelia, Eremopyga. Salenidae rev. ; key to genn. and spp. p. 52 Agassiz & Clabk: Mem. Mus. Harvard 34. Echinoidea genn. n. vide etiam Cir- copeltaris, Polyplodia, Protohris&us. fAcrosalema miliaria sp. n. luferior Oolite, England fnr. Cheltenham) Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 178 figs. Amphiepe Lambert Beziers Bui. see. etud. sci. nat. 29 pp. 49-62 fig. jA rchaeocidaris name maintained Gregory Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 208. Austroctdaris gen. n. of Cidaridae, tvp*; Temnocidaris canalicidata Claek Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 51 p. 212. Brissopsiii dita, atlaiitira, elongata spp. n. ; B. hjrifera var. n. capensin MoETEXSES Ecliin. Dan. Ingolf Exp. 4 pt. 2. ■^Brissopsis (contd.i. — B. constvicta sp. n. Upper Eocene, W. Per.sia fMol- lah Ghiavan) Gauthier Miss. sci. Peise J. de Morgan 3 p. 158 figs. Calocidaria gen. n. of Cidaridae, type Doroeidaris mieans Clark Bull. Mus. Z»ol. Han-ard 51 p. 211. ^Cardiaater amocJii Clark sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surr. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 292-311. ^Catopygiis icilliamsi Clark sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 292-311.' Cidaris genotvpe etc. disc. Bather Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 281 ; 2 p. 134 ; genotype disc. (C. tribuloide.f maintained) Clark Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 1 p. 532. '\CidariJi (contd.). — C. scarabellii Stefanini sp. n. Miocene, San Marino Nelli Boll. Soc. geol. Itxil. 26 p. 254 ligs. — ('. merrianti sp. n. Ix)Wer Eocene (Martinez fonnn.j, California (San Mateo Co.) p. 359 fig. ; C. braunerl sp. n. Oligocene (San Lorenzo formn.), California (Santa Cruz C'l. Arnold U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 363 fig. — C. scabra sp. n. Cretaceous (Senonian;, Persia (Lauristanj Gauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 147 figs. '\Circopeltaris gen. n. (= Circopeltis Pomel pro parte), type C baicheri Valette Auxerre Bui. soc. sci. nat. 60 p. 117. ■\Ci-'snobri8sus p. 160 ; C. morgani sp. n. p. 161 figs. Upper Eocene, W. Persia fMollah Ghiavan) Gactthier Miss, sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3. jCUfopygus strietestellatiis sp. n. Valette Auxerre Bui. soc. sci. nat. 60 p. 147. '\Clypeas:fcT capelUnii sp. n. Miocene. San Marino Nelli Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 26 p. 25s figs. — C. boicersi sp. n. Ter- tiary, (^"alifornia Weaver Univ. Calif. Publ. BulL Dept. Geol. 5 p. 271. '\Clypeii-s agassizi var. n. conicus p. 180. Intgi vax. n. conicus p. 181 figs. Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16. "fCollyrites lamherti p. 139, paHilliensis p. 140 spp. n. Valette Auxerre Bui. soc. sci. nat. 60. — C. ovalis vax. n. depressus Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 181. Colobocentrotus rev., incl. C. mertensii ; C. stimpsoni sp. n. Bonin Is. Agassiz Mem. Mus. Zool. Harvard 36 p. 9. \Conoclypeus morgani sp. n. Middle Eocene, W. Persia (betw. Kachan and Isi^ahan) Gauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 181 figs. ■\Diademopsis hettangiensis sp. n. Lower Lias, England (Keynshani nr. Bristol) Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 148. — D. hclretica sp. n. Switzerland (Schaubele Aargau), Lias Tornquist Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 60 p. 420 figs. Diplocidaris jacquemeti sp. n. Lambert Ann. Soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 p. xix. '\DipU)detH8 pyrena'icns Cretaceous (Campanian), France (Roquefort nr. Boussens) L.vmbert BuU. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 703 fig. '\DipJ.opodia rotida p. 134, tuberculata p. 136 spp. n. Valette Auxerre Bul. soc. sci. nat. 60. "fDisi-oides morgani sp. n. Cretaceous (VAlbian), W.Persia (Kauepan) Gauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 119 figs. '2o Echin. Systematic, K( ii inoi dea. 1031 Dorocidarls ruijo.-eutsch. geol. Ges. 60 p. 408. ^Epiaster lamberti sp. n. Cretaceous ■^enonian) W. Persia Gauthier Miss. -■i. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 129 figs. Eremopyga gen. n. of Diadematidae, tN]te Astropyga denudata Agassiz & ( i.AUK Mem. Mus. Harvard 34 p. 122. fEupatagus sanmar'mensis sp. n. Miocene, San Marino Nelli Boll. Soc. -eol. Ital. 26 p. 270 fig. TEuspatangus ghiavanenuis sp. n, I'jiper Eocene, W. Persia (MoLlali iiliiavan) Galtuier Miss. sci. Perse .1. de Morgan 3 p. 156 figs. ]Galeropyguis dumorticri sp. n. Toar- lian, England (Haresfield Beacon nr. liloucester) Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 149. — G. agariciformis var. n. onicus Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 ,. 182. -fOarumnaster gen. n. of .\nanchitidae for G. michaleti sp. n. Cretaceous (Ga- rumnian), France (Tuco, Haute-Gar.) L.vMBERT Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6. ■\Goniopygus bazerguei p. 700 figs., tetraphyma p. 701 figs. spp. n. Creta- ■cous (Campaniau), France (Roc|uefort nr. Boussens) Lambert Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6. '\Hemlastcr spp. n. Clark Cretaceous, United Suites (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Sor. 4 pp. 292-311.— /i. devolntiis p. 117, movgani pp. 119, 131, Juinepanensia p. 133, reenrcus p. 135, imrlhicus p. 137 spp. n. noemiac vax. n. gulgulov^i.-* ]). 140, Cretaceous, W. Persia Gauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 figs. — //. stehvnanni sp. n. Cretaceous, Peru Neumann N. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 95. '\nemipedina pervida sp. n. Lias, Wiirttemberg, Tornquist Zeitsclir. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 60 p. 417 fig.—//. tvamenHis sp. n. \"ai.ette Auxerre Bui. soc. sci. nat. 60 p. 111. — //. perforata vax. n. pisolitica Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 182. '\nolaste7- Huhcontcus sp. n. Cretaceous, W. Persia (Kanepan) Gauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 109 figs. ■fHoledypus proxlniua sp. n. Creta- ceous (Carapanian), France (Roquefort nr. Boussens) Lambert Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 701 figs. — 7/. deprcs- sus var. n. coniciia Paris Proc. Cottes- wold CI. 16 p. 182. ■fHijboclypeus liarfordeusis sp. n. Bajocian; England (Harford, Gloucest.) Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 179 figs. ■fHypsaster eonvexus p. 112, valam- tarensis p. 113, douvUlel p. 115 spp. n. Cretaceous, W. Persia Gauthier Miss, sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 figs. fli'ciniaster 7iodulo»u-'^ sp. n. Creta- ceous (Senonian), \V. Persia (Kanepan) Gauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 122 figs. Leiocldar'is vide Rluibdocidaria. ^L'lnthla bazerquei Cretaceous (Caiu- })anian), France (Roquefort nr. Boussens) Lambert Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 1 6 p. 704 figs. — L. (?) ccdi/omica sp. n. Tertiary, California Weaver Univ. Calif. Publ. B"u11. Dept. Geol. 5 p. 273. ■fMagnoaia aalenais sp. n. Inferior Oolite (Aalenian), England (nr. Chelten- ham) Paris Proc. Cotteswold CI. 16 p. 180. ■\Me8odiadeinu angeliacenee sp. n. VALEriE Auxerre Bui. soc. sci. nat. 60 p. 107. S4 Echin. V. Echino derma. [1908] tl/icropsis rev. p. 712 ; M. cenzolsen- ,;.s p. 716 figs. sp. n. Cretaceous (Danian), France (Cerizols, Ariege and Marsoulas, Hte-Gar.) i^\lcleopl|qus carezi Cretaceous (Maes- triihtian), France (St. Marcet) Lamb_ert Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6p. -U- figs. Wpissnster douiiUcl sp. n. Cretaceous (Senonian), W. Persia (Kanepan) CxAU- THIER Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 141 figs. iOrtheeJunus cotteanl sp. »• Creta- ceous (Senonian), W. Persia (Teng e- Hiana) Oauthier Miss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 152 figs. ^Palaeopedina sonde! fragensis sp. n. Lias Wiirttemberg Tornquist Zeitsclir. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 60 pp. 378-430. ^Perieosmus douvillei sp. n. Upper Eocene W. Persia (MoUab Ghiavan) (iAUTHiERMiss. sci. Perse J. de Morgan 3 p. 169 figs. fPhipno^oma carezi p. 699 figs. Cam- panian (Roquefort nr. Boussens), savini p 706 fi"s. Maestrichtian (Genrac de Boulogne)" spp. n. Cretaceous, France Lambert Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6. ^Plcxiolavipas ; P. paquieri sp. n. Eocene, C. Africa (Quidain Badoj Lam- bert Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 693 figs. fPleniocidaris anhlMihcmu p. H'J, pscdospinosa p. 153 spp n. \ alehe Auxerre Bui. soc. sci. na'. 60. ■\Pliolampas titanensis sp. n. Miocene, San Marino Nelli Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 26 p. 268 figs. Podoplwm, incl. P. atmta pedifera Agassiz Mem. Mus. Zool. Harvard 36 pp. 1-33. fPolyplodui gen. n. (Pseiidoplodia Valettepro parte) type Diadevm versi- porn Phillips Valette .\uxerre Bui. soc. sci. nat. 60 p. til. ^Protohrlasiis gen. n. lor l\ mm- teLem [sp. n.] Cretaceous )). 278 figs. Clark Proc. U. S. Nation. ]ilus. 34 ; genus restricted ; E. indivisus ref. to Zygoiuetridae Clark Washington Proc. 15i"ol. Soc. 21 p. 134.— E. serr'ipinna sp. n. Philippine Is. Clark Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52 p. 211. Euvietra gen. n. p. 230 of Aute- donidae for I'J. cliamhcrlaini sp. n. Philippine Is. Clark Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52. ^Hahrocrinus fan'bir/toni pp. 296- 297, lemontensia pp. 297-299 spp. n. Silurian (^Niagaran Limestone), United States (Illinois) Slocum Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Geol. Ser. 2. Hathrometra gen. n. of Autedonidae, type Alectro deivtala Clark Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 ]). 130. Ilelioinrira jurenalis sp. n. Davis Str. (off Cape Kaper) Clark Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 51 p. 2.j9. — //. (jlacialls subsp. n. hiarlicidata Japau Clark Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 231. Hercocrinus gen. n. spp. n. Oidovi- cian (Chazy Limestone), Cnited States (Xew York) Hcdson Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 125-131. Ilivieromctra (jraudls Japan (Hirado Stra.), molleri (Liitkeu MS.) p. 222. " Indian Ocean " and Strs. of Malacca, schleijcUi (Liitkeu MS.) p. 223 Japau spp. n. ; //. produeta p. 224, ensifer p. 225 spp. n. Singapore Clark Wash- inglon Proc. Biol. Soc. 21. — H. acuta Fiji, heliaster p. 242, Marshall Is. (Ebon), persiea p. 243 Persian G. spp. n. Clark Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 51.—?/. hart- schi p. 212, robust'tpinna p. 213, magni- p'lnna p. 214, fZ/'.s-cok/ea p. 215, unicornis }). 216, echinus p. 218, gracilipes p. 219 spp. n. Philippines Clark Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52. — 11. subcarinata sp. n. Sea of Japau (59 fms.) Clark Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 237. Hijpalocri litis gen. n. of Peutacrini- tidae, type Pentacrinits 7iaresianus Cl.\rk Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 35 p. 130 ; Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 152. lllipalometra gen. n. of Autedonidae, tvpe Antedon defecta Clark Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 133. Iridometra gen. n. of Autedonidae, type Antedon adrcstine Clark Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 130. — I. crispa sp. n. Hawaiian Is. Clark Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 218.-7. scila sp. n. Philip})iue Is. Clark Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52 p. 232. Isocrmus mullcri ref. to i. parrac Clark Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 33 p. 687. Isometra gen. n. of Autedouidae, ty-pe Antedon lineata Clark Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 133. Leptometra gen. n. of Antedonidae, type Alecto phalangium Clark Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Sue. 21 p. 129. Loncltocrinus gen. n. of Eugenio- crinidae, type Eugeniaerinus dumortieri Jaekel N. Jarb. Min. 1907 p. 297. Mastigomelra gen. n. of Autedonidae, type iJagellifera (Liitken MS.) ap. n. locality unknown Ciark Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 229. Melacri)ius zonatua sp. n. Philijipine Is. Clark Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52 p. 200. -".) Efhin. System Axrr, ('Ri\oinK.\. 1031 Olifjomctrn gen. n. of Tlimerometridae, iv[>e Antcilon scrnpnuin I'i.auk Wasli- liton Vvov. Biol. Sof. 21 p. 126.— O. Irlu'lla )>. l'2l> Siugiipoir, inihrifatd I'L'iS ? 'riamiuebar, liulia spp. n. 1 I AKK Washington Proc. Biol. Soi-. 21. — ". (.'aribben sp. n. X. ranania i^ojT I'olon, 34 fms.) Clauk Proc. U. .S. Xat. Mils. 34 ji. l'3S. — 0. gmciliclrra sp. n. Philijijiine Is. Clark Smithson. Misc. O'litvt. 52 p. 221. Pacluiocrinus crass'ihaie Euqoriacrtmi.t holopiformiH Jaekel X. Jahrb. Min. 1907 p. 292. Psathyrometra horeal'iH sp. n. Aleu- tian Is. (E. of Agattu Is., 1046 fms.) n. 236; P. profundorian sp. n. N. E. i'lcific ''off Moresby I., Queen Charlotte ' 'P., 1588 fms.) p. 237 Clark Proc. U. S. Xat. ilus. 34. — P. congesta sp. n. Ha- waiian Is. Clark Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus. 34 p. 221. Pseudolopu.^ gen. n. of Holopodidae •Taekel N. Jahrb. Min. 1907 p. 274. Ptilocrlnua Clark Amer. Xat. 42 1 1. 541-54;5 ; diagn. p. 297, P. avt- i-eticuH sp. n. Antarctic (70'' 23' S. 82 17' W.) Bather Bull. .\rad. IVl-. 1908 11. 296 fig. Plilomclra tricliopoda sp. n. Philip- ]iine Is. Clark Smithson. Misc. Collect. 52 p. 224. RJiizocrlnuH verriU'i sp. n. E. United States (off ]\Iarthas Vineyard, ^lass., 640 fms.) Clark Proc. U. S. Xat. .Mus. 34. p. 207. ] Nil izocr 'nuts (contd.). — R. rylindricuK sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (Xew Jersey) Weller Xew Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 270-279. \l'oveocrinus gen. n. of Crinoidca for li. (datd ]). 358 iigs., communis p. 359 iigs. spp. n. Upper Chalk, S. England (Seaford Hd., Sussex etc.) Doufii.AS Cieol. Mag. ser. 2 dec. 5 5. ''fStephauocrimis ohcon'miK pp. 281- 282, sliiffl pp. 282-284 spp. n. Silurian (Xiagaran limestone), United States (Illinois) Slocum Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Geol. Ser. 2 pp. 281-289. Tlialassometva gigantea p. 222, fislieri p. 223 cmssie'n'ra, delicntn p. 225 spp. n. Hawaiian Is. Cl-^rk Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus. 34. — '][. Iwmacln sp. n. Japan (.Misaki, Sagami B.) Ciark Proc. U. S. Xation. Mus. 34 p. 311. Tliaumatometra gen.n. of Antedonidae, type Antedon cUiata Clark Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 127.— T. comaater sp. n. Japan (Yezo Str. 300-533 fms.) p. 232 ; T. parva sp. n. Japan (Sagami B., 120-265 fms.) p. 231 Clark Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus. 34. '\Th]jsaiiocrhiUH campmudatui^ sp. n. Silurian (Xiagaran Limestone), United States (Illinois) Slocum Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Geol. Ser. 2 pp. 299-301. Trichomelra gen. n. of Antedonidae, type Antedon aspera Clark Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 131. — T. anpera sp. n. E. United States (off S. Georgia, 270 fms.) Clark Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 231. — T. expUenfn sp. n. Philip- pine Is. Clark Smitlison. Misc. Collect. 52 ]). 232. — T. vevdtor sp. n. Hawaiian Is. Clark Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus. 34 p. 217. Zenometra pyramidalis sp. n. E. United States (off Savannali, Georgia, 440 fms.) Clark Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 237. — Z. triserinlin sp. n. Hawaiian Is. Clark Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus. 34 p. 219. 30 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1908] Zophocrhius glohosiis p. 2S5, pyrl- formis pp. 285-:?S6 spp. n. Silurian (Xiagaran Limestone), United States (Illinois) Slocum Field Columb. ilus. Piibl. Geol. Ser. 2. Cystoidea. Cryptocrinidae gen. n. vide Coeno- eystis. Edrioasteroidea Bather Geol. Mag. ser. 2 dec. 5 5 p. 543 figs. 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Note on a new deep- sea Ecliiuroid, Protohonell'ia mitsiikurii, n.g. et n.sp. Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo, 6, 1908, (259-265). 158 Ivanov, P. Die Regeneration des vordereii uml des hinteren K6r})erendes bei Spirograpliis spallanzayiii Viv. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 91, 1908, (511- 558), 3 Taf. 159 Izuka, Akira. On the breeding habit and development of Nereis japoniea n. sp. Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo, 6, 1 908, (295-305 J. 160 Jacobsolin, L. Ueber Cysticercus cellulosae cerebri et musculorum, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der den Parasiten einschliessenden Kapselwand. Monafsclir. Psvchiatrie, Berlin, 21, 1907, (119-136J, G faf. 161 Jacubowa, Lydia. A new species of I'lnrwrera {P. gilchristi) from South Africa. Cape Town, Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc., 17, 1908, (115-149), pi. xv. 162 Jilgerski(51d, L. A. Kh'inc Bcitragc zur Kenntnis der X'ogeltrcinatodcn. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, 48, 1908,(302- 317). 163 Jagerskiold, L. A. 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Infekt- 11 Verm. TiTLBS. 1200-lSOO Krankli. Haustiere, Berlin, 4, lOOS, (201-ino:i, 2 Taf. 173 Joest, E. iS Felber, W. Ueber lokale Eosiiiophilie isi der Lelier der Haus- tiere. Zugleich eiu Beitrag zur patlio- logischen Anatomie der zooparasitiiren Lel)ererkrankungeii. Zs. liifektKrankh. Haustiere, Berlin, 4, 1908, (413-462). 174 Joest \- Felber. Xachtrag zu unserer Arbeit ..I'ber lokale Eosinopliilie in der Leber der Haustiere". Zs. Infekt- Kraakh., Haustiere, Berlin, 5, iOoS, (151\ 175 Johnson, Herbert. Lycnstis quad- ratici'ps, an liermapbrodite iiereid with gigantic ova. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 14, 1908, (371-386J. 176 Jolinstone, James. Conditions of Life in the Sea. A short account of Quanti- tative Marine Biological Research. [Cam- bridge Biological Series.] Cambridge, (University Press), 1908, (i-xiv -f 1- 332). ' 177 Joubin, L. Expedition Antarctique Fi-an^aise (190.3-1905) commandee par le Dr. Jem Charcot. Sciences uaturelles : Docaments Scientifiques. Nemertlens. 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Notes on Fossils from Prince Charles Foreland, brought home by Dr. William S. Bruce in 1906 and 1907. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc, 17, 1908, (149-166), pi. viii. '203 Leiper, R. T. Note on the anatomy of ('ijslidicola iarionis. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (193-194). 204 Leiper, Robert T. Generic Names of Polyclia»t worms that have been pre- occupied and remain unreplaced. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (468). 205 Leiper, Robert T. Some Generic Names that have been omitted from recent Zoological Indices. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (390). 206 Lemmermann E. Beitriige zur Kenntiiis der Planktonalgen. XXllI- XXV. Arcli. llvdroliiol., Stuttgart, 3, 1908, (349-410). ' 207 Leon, N. Ein neuer menschlicher Cestode. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (359-362). 208 Lericbe, Maurice. Sur des corps ver- mifoiTnes provenant de I'argile de Boom (Rupelien) et attribuables a des Anne- lides. LiUe, Ann. soc. geol., 36, 1907, (137-138). 209 Le Boux, Marc. Recherches biolo- giques sur le lac d'Annecv. Ann. Biol, lacustre, BriiseUes, 2, 1907, (220-387), pi. 210 Letulle. Bilharziose iirinaire chez un uegre du Congo. Mode de dissemi- nation des lesions parasitaires. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (280-284). 211 Levander, K. M. Nagra zoologiska notiser. [Einige zoologische Notizen.} Helsingfors, Med. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 31, 1906, (66-67). [Deutsches Referat: 216-217.] 212 Levander, K. M. Sraarre zoologiska notiser. [Kleinere zoologische Notizen.) Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 32, 1906, (74-75). [Deutsches Referat: 196.] 212a, Levander, K. M. Om larver af Diboth- riocepliahis latus (L.) hos insjolae. [Qber Larven von Dihothriocephalus: latus (L.) bei Salmo lacitsh-'ts.'] Helsing- fors, Med. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 32, 1906, (93, deutsches Referat 196). 213 Levander, K. M. Verijuotikkaan, Tlivudo vied'ic'niaVis L., levenemisesta Suomessa. [Ober die Verbreitung von Hirudo mediclnalis L. in Finland.] Helsingfors, Med. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (27-33, deutsches. Referat 212); Luonnon Ystiiva, Hel- singfors, 11, 1907, (180-186). 214 Levander, K. M. Amiraca aculeata Ehrbg. var. cochlcaris M. Voigt. Hel- singfors, Med. Soc. Faima et Fl. Fenn., 34,1908, (34-36). 215 Levander, K. M. Zur Kenntnis der Verlircitung der Gordiiden in Finland. Helsingfors, .Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (106-109). 216 Levander, K. M. Om Terehellides strocnii Sars. [Ueber Terebell'ule» atroemi Sars.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (126-12S, deutsches Rcf. 212). 216a Levander, K. M. Om blasor i lakens lefver. fOb(>r Cysten in der Leber von Lota vulgaris.'] Fisk. Tidskr. I'lnl., Helsingfors, 15, 1906, (93-102). 217 13 Verm. Titles. 1200-1800 Lerander, K. M. Rakkuloista mateen tnaksas&i. [Cber Cysten iu der Leber von Lota i-ulgaris.] Luounon Ystiivii, HeUin^-fors. lb, 1900,(1-7). 218 Levander, K. M. Luettelo Suomessa tavatuista juotikaslajeista. [Verzeichnis der in Finland gefundenen Hinidineen.] Luonnou Ystavii, Helsingfors, 12, 11108, (215). 219 L^vfeque. Note preliminaire sur quelques eSets de la leucine sur les In- vertebres. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (89-91). 220 Lewlnson, J. vide Hippius, A. & Lewinson. Llnstow, [Otto] von. Helminthes. Neinatodeu und Acanthocephalen. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- nisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 4.] Jena, Denkschr. med. <5es., 13, VjuS, (19-28), 1 Taf. 221 Llnstow, 0. von. Recent additions to the collection of Entozoa in the Indian Museum. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908, (108-109). 222 Linstow, V. Hiimenolepis furcifera nnd Talr'ia h'lremis, zwei Tanien aus Fodiceps iiigrieolUs. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 46, Originale, 1908, (37- 40). 223 [Linstow, v.] JIhhctob-b, (Jioht.. OnepKH 4)ayHU TypKeciana Ha ocho- Banin Maiepia-ia co6paHHaro Jl. Jl. IleiameHKO. (1904-1906. )_ I. Nemat- helmintes. 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Contributions h, I'etude dii micro-plankton des eaux saumatres de la Belgique. Ann. Biol, lacustre, Bru.xelles, 3, 1908, (16-53). 230 Ldsy, Jozsef. A metelyfergek fejlo- dese. [Die Entwicklung der Distomen.] AUatt. Kozlem , Budapest, 7, 1908, (83- 94). 231 Ltihe, Max. Zur Systematik und Faunistik der Distomen. I. Die Gat- tung Metorehh Looss, nebst Bemer- kungen iiber die Familie Opisthorchiidae. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, 48, 1908, (428- 436). 232 Luther, Alex. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Macrostonia. Helsingfors, Festschrift fiir Palmen, No. 5, 1905, (1- 61), 4 Taf. 233 Luther, A. Ober das Vorkommen von Plmiaria alpina Dana in Lappland. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fi. Fenn., 34, 1908, (56-59). 234 Luther, A. Ober ,,\Veldonia paray- guensis " C. H. Martin. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (300). 235 Mcintosh [W. C.]. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. — No XXIX. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (373-387), pi. xvii. 236 Mcintosh [W. C.]. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. — No. XXX. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (524-545), pis. xii- xiia. 237 Mcintosh [W. C.]. On the Perfora- tions of Marine Animals. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (41-60). 238 MaJaquin, A. La protonephride des Salmacincs et Filogranesadultes. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (699-701). 239 Malvoz, E. La question de I'anky- lostomasie. L'ankylostomasie en Bel- gique. [In : Bericht iiber den XIV. internat. Kongress fiir Hygiene Bd. 2.] Berlin (A. Hirschwald), 1908, (904-918). 240 14 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Man, J. Ct. de. Obsen-ations sur quelquesespeces de Nematodes terrestres libres de Tile de Walcheren. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. zool. malac, 41, 1907, (lo6- 174). ^" Man, J. G. de. Sur quelques especes nouvelles ou pen connues de Nematodes libres habitant les cotes de la Zelande. Paris, Mem. soc. zool., 20. 190«. (-^3-90) pis. i-iv. 242 Marcinowsld. Untersucbungen iiber Nematoden. Berlin, Mitt. biol. Anst H. 6, 1908, (40-43). 243 Marctnowski, Kati. Znr Kenntnis von Aphehnchus ormerochs Ritzfma Bos. Berlin, Arb. bid. Anst., 6, IJUb, (407-444). 244 Martin, A. vide Jammes, L. & Martin. Martin, C. H. Notes on some Oligo- chKts found on the Scottish Loch Sur- vey. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Soc, 28 1908, (21-27), pis. i-n. •^^ Martin, C. H. Notes on some Tur- hellaria from Scottish Lochs. Edin- burgh, Proc. R. Soc, 28, 1908, (28-34), pis. iii-iv. Martin, C. H. Weldonia pamygiiensis A doubtful form from the fresh water of Paraguay. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32 1908, (758-763). 247 Martin, C. H. The Nematocysts of Tuibellaria. Q J. Microsc. Sci., Lon- don, ser. 2, 52, 1908, (2G1-277), pi. :av^ Martin, Louis. Sur la memoire des marees chez Convoluta roscoljensis. ?arTsC.R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (81^ 83). ^ . 2*9 Martini, E. Zur Anatomic der (lattung Oxyuris und zur Systematik der Nematoden. Zool. Anz., LeipziP- 32, 1908, (551-559). 250 Martini, E. Ueber Subcuticula und Seiteufelder einiger Nematoden. (Mit Bemerkungen iiber delermmierte Eiit- ^vicklung.) III. Zs.wiss. Zool., Leipzig 91, 1908, (191-235). 251 Martini Die Konstanz histologischer Elemenltj Ijei Nematoden nach Abschluss der Entwickelungsperiode Anat Anz., Jena, 32, Ergll., 1908. (132-134). 252 Martini. Ueber Konstanz hlstolo- cisclicr Klemente bei erwachseneii Ne- niatuden als Folge der deltnninierten Entwicklung. Rostock. S.tzBer. natf^ Ges., 1907. [1908], (xxin-xxvu). 253 Masterman, A. T. On the Diplochorda. Part V. Certain Points in the Stracture of Tornaria. Q. J. Microsc Sci., London, ser. 2, 52, 1908, (481-493), pi. xxix. 254 Masterman, E. W. G. Hlmdmea as Human Parasites in Palestine. Parasi- tology-, Cambridge, 1, 1908, (182-185) Mayer, Alfred. Zur Kenntnis der Samenbildung bei Ascaris megaloce- phala. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat 25, 1908, (49.5-546X 2 Taf. 256 [Meissner, V.] MeacHept, B. MiiKpocKonQqecKie npe;i,CTaBiiTe.in bo«- HOH AayHU Apa.ibCKaro Mopa h Bna3,a- MmHXt B-B Hero p-feK-i, Bt CBHSH CB BO- npocoM-b cot ycaoBias-B hx-b pacnpe;i-fe- .lenin. [Mikroskopische ^Yassertlere "des Aralsees und der einmundenden Fliisse, im Zusamengang mit der Frage iiber deren Verbreitungsbedingungen.J Ta§kent., Izv. Turk. otd. russ. •eogr Obsc, 4, 8, 1908, (1-102), Taf. i-iv. 257 Mencl, Emanuel. Ober die Histologie und Histogenese der sogenannten Punkt- substanz Leydigs in dem Bauchstrange der Hirudineen. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 89, 1908, (371-416), pis. xsiv-xxv. 258 Meyer, Werner. Beitrag zum Yor- kommen vereinzelter Cyaticerci cellulosae lieim Schweiu. Zs. Fleischhyg., Berlin 18, 1908, (241). 259 Michael, E. Le Roy. Notes on the identification of the Chaetognatha. Biol. BuU , Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, :fi7-- 84), pi. 260 Michaelsen, W. Pendulations-Theorie und Olic'ochaten, zugleich eine Eror- teruiig der Grundziige des Oligochaten- Svstems. Hamburg. Jahrb. wiss. Anst 25, (1907), Beih. 2, 1908, (153-175). 261 Michaelsen, W. Annelida. A. Oligo- chaten aus dem westlichen Kapland. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Er- gebiiisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1 Lfcr 1.] Jena, Denkschr.med. Ges,, 13, 1908, (29-42), 1 Taf. '262 Michaelsen, W. Die Oligochaten Westindiens. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Suppl. 11, 1908, (13-32), 1 Taf. 263 Michaelsen, W. Zur Kenntnis der Tubificiden. Arch. Natg., Berlin, 74, Bd 1, 1908, (129-162), 1 Taf. 264 Michaelsen. W. Die zoologische Reise des naturwisseuschaftlichen W 15 Verm. Titles. 1200 1800 reines narh Dalmatien im April lOOti. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeituiig des gesammelten Materialed. 8. Lumhn- eidae. Wien, Mitt. Xatw. Ver. Tniv., 6, 190S, (117-119). 265 Michaelsen, W. Oligocbaeta fiir 1898, 1S90 uml li'OO. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Xatc, Berlin, 70, Bd 2, 1904, [190S], XIV c, (1-56). 266 Midelburg, Ada. Zur Kenutnis der Monooelididae. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig 89, r.)08, ,81-108), pi. vi. 267 Miestinger, Karl. Die iVnatoinie und Bistologie von Sterrhunis fusiformis (Liihe) 1901. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1908-09, (359-383), 2 Taf. 268 Mines, G . R. vide Barcroft, J. & Mines. Miyake, II. Morphologisclie tmd klinische Beitrage zur Filaria Bancrofti. Zs. Hvg., Leipzig, 59, 1908, (351-361), 1 Taf.' 269 Miyaie, H. Ueber die Ascaridener- krankuuii in der Chimrgie. Arch. klin. Chir., Berlin, 85, 1908, (325-342). 270 Mirtler, Otto. Et Tilfolde aiEli'inococ- eus alveolaris. [Ekhwcoceiis alveolaris observed in Denmark.] Kobenhavn, Hosp. Tid., (5 Rsekke), 1, 1908, (929- 933). 271 Mola, Pasquale. Due nuove fonne di TetraphyUidae. Triest, Boll. Soc. Adiiat. Sci. Nat"., 24, 1908, (1-16), 1 Taf. 272 Molcanov, L. A. Beitrag zur Mor- {)hologie und Physiologic der Priapu- iden. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. sc, ser. 6, 1908. ',1,57-967). 273 Moltschanov, L. A. vide Molcanov. Montagu, George [biographical notice] vide Swanton, E. W. Montgomery, Thomas H., jr. On morphological difference of the chromo- somes of Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. Zellforschg., Leipzig, 2, 1908, (66-75), 2 Taf. ^ 274 Monticelli, Fr. Sav II genere En- eotyllahe Diesing. Napoli, Annuario •Museo zool., (N. Ser.), 2, N. 20, 1907, (1-1.3), 1 tav. 275 Monticelli, Fr. Sav. II genere Kitzschia Von Baer. Napoli, Annuario Museo zool., .Ser. 2, 2, N. 27, 1908, (1- 19), 1 tav. 276 Moore, J. Percy. Some Polychaetous Annelids of the northern Pacific coaqt of North America. PliiUul rpynnax-b. [Ueber die Nematoden und die ihnen nahestehenden Gruppen]. St. Peterburg, 1908, (H- 90), 13 Taf. 23cm. 343 Schepotieflf, A. Trichoderma oxycau- datum (Ireeff. (Untersuchungen tiber einige weuig bekannte freilebende Ne- matoden. 1.) Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 26, 1908, (385-392), 1 Taf. 344 Schepotieff, A. liliabdogaater cyg- noides Metschn. (Untersuchungen iilier einige weuig bekannte freilebende Ne- matoden. II) Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 26, 1908, (393-400), 1 Taf. 345 Schepotieff, A . Die Chaetosomatiden. (UntcrHucliuiigen ■ul)er einige wenig be- kannte freilebende Nematoden. 111.) Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 26, 1908, (401-414), Taf. 346 Schepotieff, Alexander. Die Dcsnios- cole.-iilen. Z«. wiss. Zool., Leipzig. 90 1908, (181-201), 3 Taf. 347 Schepotieff, Alexander. Zar Kennt- nis der Echinoderiden. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (585-589). 348 Schepotieff, Alexander. Uber den feineren Ban der GortZiuslarven. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 89. 1908,(230-241), pi. xi. 349 Schepotieff, A. Das Excretion ssy stem der Echinorhynchen. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat.; 26, 1908, (293-304), 1 Taf. 350 Schepotieff, A. Die Pterobranchier. Auatomisebe uud histologische Unter- suchungen iiber Eliahdopleura normanni AUman und Cephalodiscus dodecalophus MTnt. Tl 2. Cephalodiscus dodeecdo- phus M'Int. Abschn. 2. Knospungs- prozess von Cephalodiscus. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 25, 1908, (405-494) 4 Taf. 351 [Schepotieff, A.] IIIenoTBeBi>, A. Pterobranchia. OpraHHsaAlH Rhahdo- pleura normani Allnian u. Cephalodiscus dodecalophus M'Int. [Die Pterobranchia- ten. Ueber die Organisation von Bhah- dopleura ncrviuni Allman und Cephalo- discus dodecalophus M'Int.] St. Peter- burg, 1907, (V + 248), 30 Taf. 352 Schepotieff, Alexander. Neuere Ar- beiteu iiber Pterobranchier. [Sammel- referat.] Zool. Zentralbl., Leipzig, 14, 1908, (729-746). 353 Schepotieff, Alexander. Hirudinea fiir 1895-1905. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70. Bd 2, 1904, [1908J, XlVd, (1-26). 354: Schepotieff, Alexander. Aberrant© Wiirmer (Enteropneusta, Phoroms, Orthonectidae, Dicyemidae, Trichoplax T)inophilus, Histriobdellidae, lihodope} fiir 1895-1905. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70, Bd 2, 1904 [1908], XlVf. (1-22). 35& Schimkewitsch, W. Die Methoiit^is als cmbrvologischer Prinzip. Zool. Anz., Leip/.ig,'33, 1908, (585-598). 35& Schneider, (iuido. Die Ichthyotae- nien des Finnischen Meerbusens. Helsingfors, Festschrift fiir Palnien, 1905, No. 8,(1-31),! Taf. 357 Schneider, Guide. Darmparasiten. des Luchses {Felia lynx L.). Helsing- fors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 31, 1906,(105-107). 358 19 Verm. Titles. 1200-1800 Schreiner, A. it Schreiner, K. E. Neue Siudieii iiberdie Chroniatiiireifung der Gesoklecktszelleu. 1. Die Keifuug der nianiilicheu Geschlechtszelleu vou Tomopterls onisrifoniiis. Esohscholtz. Arch, biol., Paris-Bruxelles, 22, I'JOf), (1-69). pis. i-iii. 359 Schultze, L. vide Ehlors, E. ; Lin- stow, 0. V. ; Michaelsen, W. Schwartz, Willy. Ueber eiuen Sel- tenen Fall vou Puerperalfieber [Diss.] Leipzig (B. Georgi), 1907, (30). 23 cin. 360 Senna, Angelo. Su una lan-a di Echiiirus {E. abyssalis Skor.) del planc- ton di Messina, ilonitore zooi. iti^l., Fireuze, 19, 190S, (38-44). 361 Senoo, Hideiui. Nippon san jisutoma. [Japanese distonife.] Dobuts. Z., Tokvo, 19, 1907, (]21-12i, 354-359), pi. ; 20, 1908, (10-14). 362 Sergent, Edmond & Foley, H. Exist- ence de FUar'ui pevstaiis chez un indi- gene de I'Afrique du Nord. Paris, Bui. Boc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (472-473). 363 Sharp, E. The Echinoderms of Guernser. Guernsey, Rep. Soc. Nat. Sci., 1907, 1908, (329-332). 364 S[lieppardi, T. In memoriam. Henry Clifton Sorby, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A.. f .G.S., etc. Naturalist, London, 1908, (129-130). 365 Sherbom, C. Davies vide Rowe, A. W. Shipley, A. E. Rats and their Animal Parasites. J. Econ. Biol., Lon- don, 3, 1908, (61-83). 366 Shipley, A. E. Note on Cystidicola farionis Fischer. A Thread - worm Parasitic in the Swim-Bladder of a Trout. Parasitol., Cambridge, 1, 1908, (190- 192). 367 Sievers, R. Zur Kenntnis der Ver- breitung von Darmparasiten des Men- schen in Finnland. Helsingfors, Fest- schrift fur Palmen, 1905, No. 10, (1-46), Karte. 368 Sievers, R. Till kannedomen om forekomsten af intestinalparasiter hos manniskan i Finland. [Zur Kenntnis der Vorkommens von lutestinalparasiten beim Menschen in Finland]. F. Lakares. Handl., Helsingfors, 48, Erstos Halb- jahr, 1906, (39-79j. 369 [Skrj:abin,K.] CKpa6HHT>,K. Echino- rhynchiasis ;iHKHX'i. yiOK'b. [Echino- (N-10332 o) rhvnchiasis bei Wild-Enten.] Veterin. vrac, St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (601-CC2). 370 Sorby Henry Clifton. [Obituary notices] vide G. A.; Judd, J. W. ; L., E. F. ; Sheppard, T. Soulier, Albert. La Polyspenniochcz Protula Meilhaci. Arch, zool., Paris, ser. 4, 9, 1908, Notes, (liii-lv). 372 Southern, Rowland. Occurrence of a Fresh- water Nemertine in Ireland. Nature, London, 79, 1908, (8). 373 Southern, R. The Vascular systnm of Stijlodrilus. Nature, London, 78, 1908, (648). 374 Southern, R. British and Irish Marine Worms. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (83-86). 375 Southern, Rowland. Dublin Marine Biology Couunittee. A new Irish, Gephyrean. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (171-173), pi. ix. 376 Southern, Rowland. The Vascular System of Sliilodrilns. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908 (238-230). 377 Southern, R. [Exhibition and notes on MacrorhyyichtLs croceus Fabr.]. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (102). 378 Southern, R. [Exhibition and notes on Tylencholaimus minimus']. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (124-125). 379 Southern, R. [Exhibition and notes on Branchiomma vesiculosutnj. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (261). 380 Southern, R. [Exhibition and notes on Autolytus inctuii]. Irish Nat., Dub- lin, 17, 1908, (262). 381 Steimnann, Paul. Die polypharyu- gealen Planarienformen und ihre Be- deutuDg fiir die Deszendenztheorie, Zoogeographie und Biologic. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol, Leipzig, 1, 1908, (679- 690). 382 Steinmann, Paul. Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten des Verdauungs- systems bei der Regeneration der Tri- claden. Arch. EntwAlech., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (523-568), 1 Taf. 383 Stephenson, J. The Fauna of Brackish ponds at Port Canning, Lower Bengal. Pt. VIII. Preliminary description of an Oligochaete worm of uncertain position. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt 1, 1908, (39-42). 384 bI3— 2 20 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Sterling, Stefan. Przyczynek do histo- logii naczyn krwionosnych u Rhyn- chobdellida'e. [Ein Beitrag zur Histo- logic des Blutgefasssystems bei Rhyn- chobdellidenl. Kosmos, Lwow, 33, 1908, (212-234). 385 Stevens, J. The Rotifera of the Exeter District. Exeter, Proc. CoU. Field CI., 1, 1907, (30-31). 386 Stiasny, G. Beobachtiuigen iiber die marine Fanna des Triester Golfes im Jahre 1907. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (748-752). 387 Stiles, Ch. Wardell. Agamofilaria ■rjeorgiana n. sp., an a2)parently new roundworm parasite, from the ankle of a. negress. Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv.,Hyg. Lab., Bull., No. 34, 1907, (9-30). 388 Stiles, Ch. Wardell. The zoological characters of the roundworm genus Filaria Mueller, 1787, with a list of the threadworms reported for man. Wash- ington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. HUh. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab., Bull., No. 34, 1907, (31-51). 389 Stiles, Ch. Wardell. Three new American cases of infection of man with horsehair worms (species Paragurdius varius), with summary of all cases re- ported to date. Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab., Bull., No. 34, 1907, (53-68). 390 Stiles, Ch. Wardell. The occurrence of a proliferating Cestode larva (Sjxir- ganum proUfermn) in man in Florida. Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. Hkh. Mar. Hosp. Surv.,Hyg. Lai)., Bull., No. 40, 1908, (7-18), pi. 391 Stiles, Ch. Wardell. A re-examination of the type specimen of Filaria reatifor- mia Leidy, 1880, — Agamomermis resti- formia. ' Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Ilvg. Lab., Bull., No. 40, 1908, (19-22), pi.' 392 Stiles, Ch. Wardell & Goldberger, Joseph. Obse:-vations on two new jjura- sitic trematode worms : J[omaloga»tev plidippinenaia, Agamodiatomuin tianua. Washington, D. C., Treas. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab., Bull.. No. 40, 1908, (23-33), pi. 393 Stiles, Ch. Wardell Sc Goldberger, Joseph. A re-examination of tho original specimen of Taenia saginafa ahietina (Weinland, 1858). Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab., Bull., No. 40, 1908, (35-38). 394 StUes, Ch. Wardell & HassaU, Albert. Index-catalogue of medical and veteri- nary zoology. Subjects : Trematoda and Trematode diseases. Washington, D. C, Treas. Dept., Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Hyg. Lab., Bull., No. 37, 1908, (1-398). 395 Stoerk, Erich & Hahndel, Otto. Ein Fall von Taenia [Hymenoleins] nana in Oesterreich. Wr. Klin. WochSchr., Wien, 20, 1907, (882-887). 396 Strickland, Cyril vide Nuttall, G. H. F. & Strickland.' Sudry, L. Sur un genre jDarticulier de fond marin dans I'etang de Thau. Bui. Inst, ocean, Monaco, 130, 1908, (1-7). 397 [Sukatscboff, B. W.] CyKaqeBt, B. B. Omcpkii ^aynu TypKecTana na ocHOBaniii Maxepiana, coupanHaro J^. Jl- ne,iaiiieHKO (1904-1906). III. 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Observations on some wonns found in the Aortas of buffaloes and bullocks. Calcutta, J. Trop. Vet. Sci., 2, No. 1, 1907, (69-100). 410 Tomer, G. A. Bilharziosis in South Africa. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1, 1908, (195-217). 411 Ude. Joh. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Histologie der Siisswassertricladen. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 89, 1908, (308- 370), pis. xxi-xxiii. 412 Unterberger, Franz. Der Oxyuris rermtcidari'i in seiner Beziehung zur Darmwand und Appendicitis. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. I, 47. Originale, 1908, (495-503). 413 Vallilo, Giovanni. Die positive chemotaktische Wirkung des Extrakts Scleroatomum hidentatum und dessen Larven auf die polymorphkernigen eosinophilen Leukozyten. Arch. Tier- heilk., Brrlin, 34, 1908, (505-526). 414 Verdim, P. & Bruyant, L. Sur la dualite specifique de la douve de Chine (Clonorchia sinensis Cobbold, 1875), Arch, parasit., Paris, 12, 1908, (99-124). 415 Verdun, P. & Bruyant, L. La douvo du chat [Opistliorchis fdineus Riv.) existe an Tonkiu et s'obscrve chez rhonune. Arch, parasit., Paris, 12, 190S, (125-134). 416 Vl^s, Fred. Remarques diverses sur la reptation des Mollusques. Paris, Bui. Soc. zool., 33, 1908, (170-179J. 417 Voigt, M. Die Gastrotrichen, eine wpiiig bekannte Tiergruppe des Siiss- wassers. Mikrokosmos, Stuttgart, 2, 1908, (10-12). 418 Voigt, Walt. Wann sind die Strudel- wurniarten Planaria alpina, Polycells coniuta und Planaria gonocepliala in die Quellbache an den Vulkanen der Eifel eingewandert ? Bonn, SitzBer. Ges. Natk., 1907, 1908, E, (67-75), 1 Taf. 419 Wagner, K. E. Zur Frage der eosino- philen Leukocytose bei Echinokokkus der inneren Organe. Zentralbl. inn. Med., Leipzig, 29, 1908, (129-144). 420 Ward, Henry B. Data for the deter- mination of human Entozoa — II. Trans. Amer. MIcrosc. Soc, Cliicago, 111., 28, (1906), 1908, (177-201), pi. xxvii. 421 Weinberg, M. & Romanovitch. Hel- minthiase de I'intestin grele du chim- panze et des singes inferieurs. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (181- 186). 42a Whitney, D. D. The desiccation of Rotifers. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42,. 1908, (665-671). 423- WUfarth, H. vide Wimmer, G. Wilielmi, J. On the North American marine Triclads. Biol. Bull., Wood's Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (1-0). 424 Wilhelmi, J. Seetricladen von Ply- mouth. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (618-620). 425. Wilhelmi, J. Unsichere Arten der marlnen Tricladen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (33-37). 426 Wilhelmi, J. tiber einige AUoiocoelen des Mittelmeeres. Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel, Berlin, 18, 1908, (644-650). 427 Wilhelmi, J. Leber die geographischo- Verljreltuug von Procerodes iobata (O. Schmidt). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 3^, 1908,. (205-208). 42a 22 Verm. VT. Vermidea. [1908] Wilhelnu. Sinnesorgane der Auricu- largegend bei Siisswassertricladen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (388-393). 429 Wilhelmi, J. Turbellaria fiir 1895- 1905. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70, Bd 2, 1904, [1908], XIV h, (1-60). 430 Wimmer, G. Nach welchen Gesetzen erfolgt die Kaliaufnahme der Pflanzen aus dem Boden ? Nach Untersuchungeii d. herzogl. Anhaltischen landw. V'er- suchsstation Bernburg . . . bearb. V. H. Wilfarth (f) [u. a. . . .1 Berlin, Arb. D. LandwGes., H. 143, 1908, (1- 163). 431 Withers, Thomas H. vide Chatwin, C. P. & Withers. Woodward, B. B. Malacology versus PaUroconcliology. London, Proc. Make. Soc, 8, 1908, (6G-83). 432 Yatsu, N. A note on the adaptive significance of the spermbead in Cere- hrafvlus. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907, (300-301). 433 Yatsu, Nashide. Some expei-iments on cell-division in the egg of Cerebra- tiihis lacteua. Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo, 6, 1908, (207-276). 434 Yoshlda, Sadao. Cho-rui ni kiseisuru jochyu 3 shu. [3 new species of tape- worm parasitic in birds.] Dobuts. Z., Tokyo, 20, 1908, (297-303), pi. 435 Yoshida, Sadao. Niwatori no ketsu- maku ni kiseisuru senchyu. [A Nema- tode parasitic in the cornea of poultry (Oxynpirura mansoni).] Dobuts. Z., Tokyo, 20, 1908, (359-364), pi. 436 Young, George William. The Chalk Area of Western Surrey. London, Proc. Geo!. Ass., 20, 1908, (422-455). 437 Young, Robert Thompson. The Histo- genesis of CystlcercuH jnsijorm'is. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Anat., 26, 1908, (183-254), pi. viii xi. 438 ZalensldJ, V. V. vide Salensky. Zelinka, C. Zur Anatomic der Echi- noderen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (629-647). 439 zur Loye, 1. F. Die Anatomic von Spirurb'iH ioredlis mit bosoiiderer Be- riicksichtiguiig der Unrcgelmiissigkeiten des Korperbaues und dercu L'rsacheii. Zool. fahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 26, 1908, (305-354), 3 TaL 440 zur Loye, J. F. Die Anatomie von Sph-orbis borcaJis mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Uuregelmassigkeiten des Korperbaues und deren Ursachen. [Diss. Greifswald.] Naumburg a. S. (Lippert & Co.), 1908, (51), 3 Taf. 23 cm. 441 Zykoff, W. Das Plancton des Flusses Irtisch und seiner Nebenfliisse Bukon u. Tabol. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (103-112). 442 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL. 1203, 1403, 1603, 1803 Biography. Montagu, George ; Swanton, 401. Sorbv, Henrv Clifton ; G., 103; Judd, 181, 182 ; L., 199 ; Sheppard, 365. Bibliography. Limnological works, bibliography and review ; 2. Works on Phorotiis, Orthonectidae, Dicyemidae, Trichoplax, D'uiophilus- Histriobdellidae, Rhodope, 1895-1905 SchepotieflF, 355. Works on Turbellaria, 1895-1905 WUhelmi, 430. Treniatoila and trematode diseases StUes ct Hassall, 395. Review of recent work on Mesozoa Neresheimer, 287. Works on Chaetognatha, 1895-1905 Ritter-Zihoni, 324. Works on Rotatoria and Gastrotricha 1900-1902; Collin, 65; 1903-1905 Klausener, 187. Works on Ollgochaeta, 1898-1900 Michaelsen, 266. Works on Gephyrea, 1895-1900 Ritter-Zahony, 325. Recent work on Pterobranchia Scbepotieff, 353. Works on Ilirudinea, 1895-1905 Schepotiefif, 354. Works of G. Montagu; Swanton, 401. Verm. S0BJSCT Index. Dates of publication, Omeliu's edition of Liiiuaeu^i" " Systeina Naturae " ; Bopldnson, 152. Additions and corrections to Water- house's " Index Zool." ; Bergroth, 19. Names of genera of Polycbaeta omitted from Scudder's " Nomenclator Zool.." Waterhouse's " Index Zool.," etc. ; leiper, 206. General Treatises. Bronn's " Klassen und Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs," Turbellaria concluded ; Graff, 117. Museums, Collections and Expeditions. Balearic Is., marine laboratory ; Buen, 42. Calcutta. Indian ilus., collu. Gordiacea descr. ; Camerano, 45 ; additions to the colln. of Entozoa ; Linstow, 222. Naples. Mns. Zool., collu. Acautho- icephala ; Porta, 305. Sheptou-Mallet Museum, "J.Phyllis" colln. Inferior Oolite spp. rev. ; Bichardson, 321. " Albatross ' (1003), colln. Polychaeta descr. ; Moore, 277. " Belgica " Antarctic expedn. QSOT-O), colln. Turbellaria descr. ; Bohmig, 27. " Fran(;ais " Antarctic expedn. (190.3- .' coUns. Polyclada and Triclada descr. ; Hallez, 129 ; collu. Xemertea descr. ; Joubin, 178 ; coUu. Gephyrea descr. ; Herubel, 145. •'Porcupine" (1869, 1870), note on collns. of Opheliidae, Scalibregmidae and Telethusae ; Mcintosh, 236, p. 383 ; Sphaerodoridae, Chloraemidae and Chaetopteridae ; M'Intosh, 237, p. 535. L. Schultze's expedn. (1903-5) to W and C. S. Africa, colln. Polychaeta descr. ; Elilers, 85 ; colln. Oligochaeta descr. ; Micbaelsen, 262 ; colln. Nema- toda and Acanthocephala descr. ; Linstow, 221. " Scotia," Scottish Nat. Antarctic expedn., collu. Rotifera ; Murray, 285. " Valdivia" German deep-sea expdn. (1898-9) colln. sedentary Polychaeta descr ; Elilers, 84. Nomenclature. NoiniMU'lature, suggested reform; Crossland, 69. Technique. Collecting apparatus ; Johnstone, 177. Cjllecting, Convoluta ; Keeble, 183, p. 433. Plankton methods disc. ; Johnstone, 177. Preservint: and examining Chaeto- gnatha ; Michael, 260. Fixing, imbedding etc., Orthonectidae and their eggs; Caullery & Lavall^e, 52, p. 434; fixing eggs of Ascaris ; Artom, 6. Miscellanea. Alleged sliowers of worms, Merinis, Gordias ; Powell, 309. General. STRUCTURE. 1207, 1407, 1607, 1807 Spp. parasitic in Fells lynx ; Schneider, 358. Turbellaria, Scottish freshwater spp. ; Martin, 246. — Monocelididae ; Midel- burg, 2&7. — Man-ostomn ; Luther, 233. — Triclada, freshwater spp. ; Ude, 412. — Planocera gUchrlsti ; Jacubowa, 162. Procerodea ; Hallez. 129. — Protocotylns; Korotneff, 189. — Uliynchodemns ; Bendl, 18. — Tiimleola (gen. n.), Procerodes ; Bohmig, 27. — Polyclada ; Hallez, 129. Trematoda ; Ratz, 315. — Opisthor- chidae ; Liihe, 232. — SterrJiurus fusi- formis, Lerithochirlum rufoviride', Miestinger, 268. — Distomum wester- manni; Tsunoda, 409. — Monostomum viearium sp. n. ; Arnsdorff, 5 — Spelo- phallus (gen. n.) etc. ; Jagerskiold, 163. AmphiUjia liguloidea ; Jinicki, 169. Cestoda; Klaptocz, 186. — Cyntocotyle marchesettii gen. et sp. n.j, Polipo- bothrlum vaecarii (sp. n.) ; Mola, 272. — Anonehotaenia ; Fuhrmann, 101. — ArMgcfes ; Mrdzek, 280. — Braun'm (gen. n.) ; Leon, 208. — Cittotae- nia mosaica; Hall, 127. — Ekinoeoccus alveolaria ; Miller, 271. — 11 ymenolepia farcimenalis ; Rosseter, 331a ; H. fragilis ; Rosseter, 331. — Ichthyotaenia ; 24 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Sclmeider, 357. — Lytocestus ('gen. n.),etc. ; Colm, 64. — Sanguinicola ; Plehn, 302. — Taenia echinococcus; Titov, 406; T. nana ; Stoerk & Hahndel, 396. Nemertea, Antarctic spp. ; Joubin, 178. — Nectonemertes, Pelagoucmertcs, PlanMonemcr-tes ; Jout)in, 179. — Pro.s- toma ; Oxner, 295. llesozoa, review of recent work ; Nereslieimer, 287. Australian Glossiplioniicfae ; Goddard, 111. Herpobdella atomaria ; SukatschoflE^ 398. Tegument, etc. Nematocysts of TurLellaria, derived from food ; Martin, 248. — Intranuclear crystalloids, epithelial cells Sorocelis ; Sabussow, 336. Mesozoa, esp. Baplozoon ; Dogiel, 79. Trochal disc, Rotifera ; Beauchamp', Nematoda, free-living marine spp. ; Man, 242. — Cystidicola faj'ionis ; Leiper, 204. — Dorylaimus crasaoides sp. n. ; JagersMold, 164. — Trichina ; Bohm, 23. Gordius aquaticiis ; Schepotieff, 343. Chaetosomatidae ; Schepotieff, 346. Bliabdogaster ; Schepotieff, 345. Desmoscolecidae ; Schepotieff, 347 ; Schepotieff, 343. Trichodermu ; Schepotieff, 344. Rotifera; Lauterbom, 201. — ■'Meli- eerlidae; Hlava, 149. — Notommata; Beauchamp, 15. Ecliinoderidae ; Schepotieff, 348; Zelinka, 439. — Echinodercf: ; Schepotieff, 343. Protodr litis ; Pierantoni, 299. Spi}'orl)is horealis ; zur Loye, 441 1 zur Loye, 440. — Microspio mecznikowia- nnx ; Cerruti, 53. Oli^'.jchaeta, S. African spp.; Michael- sen, 262. Oligochaota, W. Indian spp. ; Michael- sen, 263. — Verzeiclmis der bis jetzt nus Finlaiiil ])Pkannten Oligochaeten ; Mun- sterhjelm, 282. — PJireatothrix, etc. ; Beddard, 17. Sli/Jriri(i Jacustris (Naia prdboseidea) ; DaUa Fior, 75. Sipunculidae, comparative morpho- log>- ; H^nibel, 144. — Priapulidae; Moidanov, 273. — ICrhiurus ; Salensky, 339; Salensky, 338.- 7V(a/o.sto»ia viinu- tum; Southern, 376. - PliascoloKoma charcoti ; H^rubel, 145. — Protobonellia (gen. n.) ; Ikeda, 158. Plmronin, I'horonopsls (gen. n.); GUchrist, 108. L'hiihdiijJriira, Crphnlodiaciia ; Sche- potieff, 352 ; Schepotieff, 351. 14. Presence of gelatinous tunic in Roti- fera spp., esp. Mastigocerea setifera^ Lauterbom, 201. Epidermis, Travisia forhesi ; B€au> 316. Anatoraie, Histologic \uad Ersatz der Borstenorgane Lei Lumbriciis ; SajOTic^ 337. Nervous System. Haller, 128. Nematoda ; Martini, 253. — Ascai-is j Deineka, 77 ; Goldschmidt, 112 ; Dogiel, 80. Hirudinea ; Jakubski, 167. Neurofibrillae, Ascar'is ; Goldschmidty 113. — Lnmlricus ; Kowalski, 190a. Neuroglia, Hirudinea ; Jakubski, 165 r Jakubski, 166. Histology Hirudinea (" Punktsub- stanz " etc.); Mencl, 258 Giant nerve cells and fibres, ILalla partlienopeia ; Ashworth, 8. Sense Organs. Triclada ; Wilhelmi, 429. Muscular System. Nematoda: Oxijuris', Martini, 250. Oligocliaeta : Stylaria lacustris j Kuhlmann, 198. Alimentary System. Turbellaria : Die polyjjliarj'ngoaleii Planarieniormen ; Steinmann, 382. — Sur la suture syncyliale dc I'inli'stin des RhabdofQ-les ; ' Hallez, 131. — Histology f>f pharvnx etc, Triclada; Korotneff, 190. 25 Verm. Subject Index. Polvchaeta : SchliiiuT iind Sclilund- taschen, Spiouidae ; Salensky, 341. (''ligooliaeta : Darmlunge, Lnmhricns ; Brandes, 35. Circulatory Organs. ^'asoula^ system Stijlodrihis ; Southern, 380 ; Southern, 374. Rhynchobdellidae ; Sterling, 385. Histolog}-, Brancluodclla etc. ; Bilek, 21. Glands. Distomum hepciticum ; Guerrini, 125. Cephalic glands, Dicrocoelntm lancca- tum ; Buschkiel, 44. Excretory System. Polychaeta : nephridies tlioraciques des llermellides ; Dehome, 76. — La pro- tonephride des Salniaciues et Filogranes adultes ; Malaquin, 239. — Segmental organ, Fodarkc obscnra; Gregory, 122. Echinorhyncltus etc. ; Schepotiefif, 350 ; E. gigas ; Schepotiefif, 343. Reproductive Organs. Turl)ellaria : Sorocelis pardalina; Sabussow, 336. Trematoda : Epihdella iumpiisi ; Linton, 225. Cestoda ; Balss, 10. Oligochaeta ; Michaelsen, 261 ; Stylo- drilua gabreteac ; Martin, 245. Organs of Doubtful Homology. " Yellow-brown cells " (symbiotio algae), Convoluta ; Eeeble, 183. "Ciliated Urns" Sipunculidae ; Kttnstler, 196 ; Ktinstler, 197 ; Nere- sheimer, 287, p. .'JiJl ; Selensky, 340 ; Sipunculu.'^ ; Lankester, 200. PHYSIOLOGY. 1211, 1411, 1611, 1811 General. Sipunculidae ; Herubel, 144, p. 335. Jihahdopleura, Cephalodiscus ; Sche- potieff, 352. — Phoronis ; Gilchrist, 108. Actii^n of leucine, Vlanar'ta, Ilh-iido' L^v^que, 220. riiysinlogical properties of Hirudin t Barcroft c't Mines, 11. Absence d'anaphylaxie a la suite d'injections sous-cutanees de substance nerveuse ; Remlinger, 319. YeUow-brown ^^symbiotic algal) cells; oi Convoluta; Eeeble, 183. Alimentary System, Assimilation. Pharynx of Triclada ; Korotneflf, 190. Alimentation of marine organisms;' Johnstone, 177. Studien zur vergleichenden Physio- logie des Stoffweehsels ; Flitter, 311. Function of zoochlorellae (symbiotic algae), Convoluta; Gamble & Keeble, 106. — Photosynthetic activity of yellow- brown cells of Convoluta ; Keeble, 183. Circulatory, Respiratory and Excretory Systems. Sur la respiration des lombrics^ Eonopacki, 188. Ausscheidung eingefiihrter Substan- zen, Friapidus caudatus ; Molcanov,. 273. Nervous and Muscular Systems. llirudo viedicinalls; Bethe, 20. Reproductive System. Trematoda : Epibdella ; Linton, 225. Asnderung des Geschlechts durch- aussere Beeinflussung ; Braem, 34. Environmental Effects, Adaptation,. Conditions of life in the sea ; Johnstone,. 177. Einfluss des Fixierungsortes des- Echinococcus auf dessen Bau, Taenia eclibweoccus ; Titov, 406. Lifluence of salinity, Nemertea ~ Oxner, 296. Action de la chaleur sur le distome- immatnre de Gymnophallua margari- tarum; Dubois, 82. 26 Verm. VI. Vermidea sur Bonellia [1908] Action de la lumiere riridis ; Cordier, 67. The desiccation of Rotifera ; WHitney, 423. Wachstumsvorgancre am Hinterende imd die uiigesclilechtliche Fortpflanzung von Stijlaria lacustris {Nais proboscidea)', Dalla Flor, 75. DEVELOPMENT. 1215, 1415, 1615, 1815 General. Methorisis ; Schimkewitsch, 356. Turbellaria : ilaturation de Vceni et cytodierese des blastoiueres, Paravortex ■cand'ir ; Hallez, 132. — Destinee des noyaux des cellules lecitogenes des Rhahdocales ; Hallez, 133. — Triclada ; KorotnefF, 190. — Planocera inquilina, early dev. ; Surface, 399. Trematdda : Faseiola liepatica ; Ortmann, 294. Cestoda : EcJiinococcus ; Dev^, 78. — Amitosis and mitosis 'mMoniezia ; Child, 58. Ampliilina I'lguJoidea', Janicki, 169. Mesozoa ; Neresheimer, 287. Dicj'emidae, summary ; Caixllery •& Lavall^e, 52, p. 456. Ortlionectidae, summan- ; Caullery & Xavall^e, 52, p. 4.')6. — I?hopaIura opJiio- comae; Caullery & Lavall^e, 51. Gber Subcuticula und Seitenfelder einiger Nematoden ; Martini, 251. — Die Konstanz histologischer Ehanente bei Nematoden nach Abschluss der Ent- •wickelungsperiode ; Martini, 252. — Ueber Konstanz histologischer Elemente bei erwachsenen Nematoden als Folge der determiiiierten Entwickliing ; Mar- tini, 253. V Nematomorplia ; SvAbenlk, 400. Eotifera : Melicertidae ; Hlava, 149. Polychaeta : " Pleterotypical " mitosis, Nereis limlxiln; Bonnevie, 32. — A'e?'e(s japonica ; Izuka, 160. — Lycastia qiiadra- tieepn, an hennapbroditp nereid with gigantic ova ; Johnson, 176. —Polychaeta sp. ; Kirk, 185. Protodrilm ; Pierantoni, 299. Echiurita ; Salensky, 339. Asexual Reproduction. h'liii)jd(Jiil('urii nnriiiaiii, Cephalodin- cuH dodrrcdojiJiufi ; Schepotieff, 351. — CejJialodincua, Ii'liabduplcura; Schepo- tieff, 352. Oogenesis and Egg. Oogenesis, Trematoda : Dicrocoel'nim lanceolatum ; Goldschmidt, 114. — Die Chromatinreifung der Geschlechtszellen des Zoogonus minis imd der Primartypus der Reduktion ; Goldschmidt, 115. Maturation, Cestoda : Moniezia] Child, 57. Oogenesis, Hirudinea ; NepheJis; Jor- gensen, 172. Eggs of human Entozoa ; Ward, 421. Eggs, Convoluta ; Keeble, 183, p. 4-42. Winter egg, Planaria simjMssissiina; Chidester, 56. Spermatogenesis and Spermatozoon. Spermatogenesis, general review ; Schreiner & Schreiner, 359. Spermatogenesis, Turbellaria : Pla- 7iaria Inctea ; Hammerschmidt, 134. — Procerodes gcrlachei ; Bohmig, 29. — Plagiostoma girardi ; Bbhmig, 28. Spermatogenesis, Nematoda : Ascaris megalocephnia ; Mayer, 256. Spermatogenesis, Polychaeta : Tomo- pteris onisciformis ; Schreiner & Schrei- ner, 359. Spermatozoa, Turbellaria : Plagio- atnma ; Bohmig, 28 Planaria lactea ; Hammerschmidt, 134. The adaptive significance of the spermhead in Cerebratidiis ', Yatsu, 433. Fertilization, Artificial Partheno- genesis. Fertilization, Trematoda : Dicrocoe- lium lanceolatum ; Goldschmidt, 114. Fertilization, Cestoda : Moniezia ', ChUd, 57. Fertilization, Orthonectidae : Rhopa- lura o})hiocomae ; Caullery & Lavall^e, 52, p. 441. Polvspermv, Protula meilhaci ; Sou- lier, 372. 27 Verm. Subject Index. Les conditions du doveloppenient en milieu artificiel de I'oeuf do quelques Nematodes parasites ; Jammes <<: Martin, 168. nie Entwicklimgserreffiing unbe- fruohteter Annelideneier [PoJynoe^ niit- telst Saponin und Solania ; Loeb, 228. Segmentation. Cestoda : Moniezia ; Cliild, 57. Xeuiertea : Cerebratulus lacieus ; Yatau, 434. (^rthonectidae: R]iop(jJuraop]iiocoinac ; CauUery c^- Lavallee, 52, p. 448. X-'tnatoda : Ascaris megaloeephala ; Montgomery, 274. Polychaeta, Protula meilhaei ; Soulier, 372. Organogeny. Nervous sj-stem, Hinidinea ; Menci, 258. Entwicklung der Schlundtascken, Spionidae ; Selensky, 341. Entwicklung der Geschlechtsgaage bei Cestoden, nehst Bemerkungen zur Ectoderrafrage ; Balss, 10. Histogenesis, Cysticerciis pisiformis ; Toting, 438. Larval Organs. Tube-Eorming gland, larva of Lanice eonchilega ; Elrington, 83. Larval Forms. Orthonectidae Wiopahira oph'iocomae ; CauUery & LavaU^e, 52. p. 454. Fber dimorphe Nematoden ; Ratz, 313. Gordhis ; Schepotiefif, 349 ; O. aqua- tieiia ; Schepotieff, 343. Pelagic larva hanice conehilcga ; Elrington, 83. Ech'urus; Salensky, 338. — E. ahys- aalia ; Senna, 361. Metamorphosis, Life-Cycles. Trematoda, Gymnophalhis, Maritrema, Spelotrema ; Lebour, 202. — Galacto- somnm laeteiun ; Jagersldbld, 163. — D'latomum ; Ldsy, 231. Cestoda : Cynt'wereiis tetiiiicelhis (Taenia marg'niata) ; Oough, 116. — Entwicklung des Echinococcns in Knochen., Taenia echinococcns ; Titov, 406. Cber dimorphe Nematoden ; RAtz, 313. Veranderungen der Korperhiille wahrend der Hiiutungen, Eehinoderes ; Schepotiefif, 343. Rotifera : Anuraea acnleata ; KrS,tz- schmar, 193. Regeneration. Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten des Verdauungssystems bei der Re- Exeneration der Tricladen ; Steinmann, 383. Polychaeta : Nei-eis diversicolor ; Nusbaum, 292. — Spiroqrnphis spallan- zanii ; Ivanov, 159. — Die Abhiingigkeit der Regeneration vom Xervensj^stem bei Nereis diversicolor ; Nusbaum, 291. — Regeneration des Afterdarms bei Ophryotrocha ; Braem, 34. Oligochaeta : Lumbricidae ; Brandt, 36. — Vereinigung invers gelagerter Teilstiicke unter Ueberwindung der Polaritiit ; Ruttloflf, 335 : RuttlofiT, 334. — Lumbricnhis rariegntus, Tidiifex rivulorum ; Miiller, 281. Clepsine tessulata ; Gluschkiewitsch, 110. Hermaphroditism. Hermaphroditism and supplemental males, Xematoda ; Potts, 308. Polychaeta: Lycastis quadrat iceps ; Johnson, 176. ETHOLOGY. 1219, 1419, 1619, 1819 General. Convolida paradoxa ; Keeble, 183. Nemertea, habits ; Oxner, 296. Nematoda, notes on free-living marine spp. ; Man, 242. Orthonectidae Rhopalura ophiocomae ; CauUery & LavaU€e, 52. Rotifera spp. ; Lauterbom. 201 — Melicertidae ; Hlava, 149. 28 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Sedentaiy Polychaeta; Ehlers, 84. Microspio meczikoioianus ; Cerruti, 53. Lumbricidae ; Michaelsen, 265. Sipunculidae ; H^rubel, 144. Phoronis, Phoronopsis (gen. n.) ; GUchrist, 108. Psychology, Tropisms. General, Branchdlion ; Bolin, 30. Tidal migration, Convoluta ; Keeble, 183, p. 434. — La jnemoire des niarees chez Convoluta roscoffeiisis ; Martin, 249. Tropisms, Convoluta: Keeble, 183, p. 434. Phototropism, Xemertea ; Oxner, 296, p. 8 ; Phyllodoce, etc. ; Johnstone, 177. To water margin, Nemertea etc. ; Oxner, 296. Locomotion and Movements. Procerodea iclieatlandi etc. ; Curtis, 73. AmpJiiporus marty'i ; Vies, 417. Feeding Habits. Turljellavia, utilization of derived nematocysts ; Martin, 248. Convoluta ; Keeble, 183, p. 443. Breeding Habits. Nereis japonlt'a; Izuka, 160. Oviposition, Epihdella humpiis'i ; Linton, 225. Periodicity of egg-laying, Convoluta ; Keeble, 183, p. 440. Zeit und Dancr der EieLlage, Rota- toria ; Samsonov, 342. Extrusion of tlie winter egg capsule, T'hniarid n'lmplissisaima ; Chidester, 56. Luminosity. Luminosity ; Kiemik, 184 ; Acholue astericola ; Falger, 87. Habitat. Haljitat; Johnstone, 177. Convoluta ; Keeble, 183, p. 432. Nemertea, lioscofE spp. ; Oxner, 296, p. 15. Sipunculidae ; Herubel, 144, p. 227. Quantitative Planctonbestimmung im See Pestowo, Rotifera ; He3meman, 147. Boring and burrowing spp. ; Mcintosh, 238. — Burrowing; Douvill6> 81. On icebergs, 7?iHi(co?(3(gen. n. Turb.) cjlacialis ; Bohmig, 27. Vorkommen bei verscheidenem Salz- gehalt des Wassers, Rotifera ; Meissner, 257. Glacial relicts in Denmark, Planarirt conocephala, alp'ina ; Petersen, 298. Acclimatisation. Introduction of Planaria gonnccphala and PolijceUs cornnfa into Riigen L^ Pommerania ; Thienemann, 405. — Wann sind die Strudelwurmarten Planaria alp'ina, Polycel'is cornuta und Planaria gonocephala in die Quellbache an den Vulkanen der Eifel eingewan- dert? ; Voigt, 419. Parasitism and Commensalism. Hosts of Turkestan spp. ; Linstow>. 224. S. W. African Xematoda and Acan- tbocephala ; Linstow, 221. Parasites of Homo : Ward, 421. — Newly described spp.; Braun, 38. — Nematoda and Cestoda ; Sievers, 368. — Intestinal parasites ; Sievers, 369. — ■ S. African spp. ; Turner, 411. Of Mammalia : Parasites of cat and dog r Galli-Valerio, 105. — Of Cat and Dog, (popular 1 ; Livesey, 226. — ayp. in dogs ; Nuttall iV- Strickland, 293.— Of FeUs lynx ; Schneider, 358 ; Of Mus deeu- vianuf^, riitttui; Shipley, 366; worms- found in tiie aortas of buffaloes and bullocks ; Tuck, 410. Of Pisces : Turkestan spp. ; Linstow, 224.^Cysten in der Le])er von Lota vulrjar'is; Levander, 218 ; Levander, 217. Rhabdcicd'Ie jiarasito du Cardium edule ; HaUez, 130. Treniatoda: Stiles .'v- Has&aU, 395 ^ Lebour, 202. — Japanese spp. ; Senoo, 362. — Sj)ii. ])ar. in Carnivora ; Ratz, 315; in marine Aves; Jagerskiold, 163 ; Treniatoda, esp. EchinoMiimnm sp. n. in Zeus fahcr; Fiebiger, 90. — A(jaiuud!>- 29 Verm. Subject Ixdex. fitomum nauti:* ami llomaJo'jastcr pJtU'ii.}- pinertsis ; Stiles i^ Goldberger, 393. — Bilhurzia ; Letulle, 211. — l)iict)jlo(ji/ru.-< ] Plelin, 303. — DUicmlstcpliauus li/diac in Ortluijoriscus niohi ; M'Intosh, 237, p. T'l'S. — iyiiigy- h/.s(/;- -il- Enemies, etc. Enemies of Sipunculidae ; H^rubel, 144, p. 254. Pathology, tumour in S'lpuncidus nudus ; H^rubel, 144, p. 328. Destruction by materials erupted from Vesuvius ; Lo Bianco, 227. Defence and Protection. Xematocysts ( existe an Tonkin et s'ob- serve chez rhonime ; Verdun A Bruyant 415. Tricliinosis ; Bohm, 24 ; Bohm, 25. Die iwsitive chemotaktisclie Wirkung des Extrakts von Sclerostomum bidenta- tum und dessen Larven auf die poly- morphkernigeu eosinophilen Leukozy- ten; VaUilo, 414. VARIATION AND .ETIOLOGY. 1223, 1423, 1623, 1823- General. Mesozoa ; Neresheimer, 287. Sabellaridae, etc. ; Gravier, 121. Variation. Taenia ech'niococcna ; Titov, 406. Rotifera ; Meissner, 257. — Brachionus iaceri, Polyarthra platyptcra, Anui-aca cochlearis, aculeata ; Samsonov, 342. — Anuraea aculeata ; Kratzsclimar, 193. Sipunculidae ; H^rubel, 144, p. 320. Phylogeny, etc. Affinities with Mollusca ; Woodward, 432. Verwandtschaft mit dem Vertebraten ; Salensky. 341. Die polypharyngealen Planarienformen und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Deszendenz- theorie ; Steinmann, 382. Relatiousliips of Ce^toda ; Plehn, 302. Mesozoa ; Dogiel, 79. Orthonectidae, Dicyeinidae ; Caullery & LavaUee, 52, p. 463. Nematoda ; Martini, 250. Relationships Xematomorpha ; §va- benik, 400. Groups of Rotifera ; Beauchamp, 14. Abstammung dor Echinoderidae und Gastrotriclia von UotatorUi ; ScliepotieflF> 343. Ecliinodera ; Zelinka, 439. Sipunculidae; H^rubel, 144, p. 'iOl. Pterobrauchia; SchepotiefiF, 352. — Re- lationships ; Masterman, 254. DISTRIBUTION. 1227, 1427, 1627. 1827 (a) Recent. General, Tnrbellaria ; Steinmann, 382 ; Echinodercs ; Schepotieff, 343. — Sel- tsame Fadenwiinner ; Ratz, 314 ; Pendu- lations-Theorie und OligochJiten, zu- gleich eine Erorterung der (inmdzuge des Oligochaten-Systems ; Michaelsen» 261. Italy, sp. n. Planaria ; Stainmann, 383. Trieste, sp. n. Monocelis ; Midelburg, 267. Formosa, Oxyspinira mansoni ; Yoa- Mda, 436. Iiido-China, F'daria ; Noc, 289. (a) Marine. General. Turbellaria, distr. Procerodes lobata ; Wilbelmi, 428. Trematoda : rev. Eneotyllabe ; Monti- ceUi, 275. Cestoda : spp. n. Cyatocotyle (gen. n.), Polibothrimn ; Mola, 272. Pelagic Nemertea ; Joubin, 179. Gastrotricha ; Griinspan, 124. Sedentary Polychaeta ; Ehlers, 84. Sipunculidae, distr. disc, at length; H^rubel, 144, p. 148. Pterobrauchia ; Schepotieff, 352. Atlantic Ocean, spp. n. TomopAerisl Rosa, 330. Locality not specified, spp. n. Brada, Stylarioides : M'Intosh, 237 ; sp. n. Am- motrypane ; Mcintosh, 238. Arctic Ocean. Arctic, notes on Maldanidae ; Arwids- son, 7. 32 Verm. VI, Vermidea. [1908] Spitzbergen, coUii. Rotifera ; Murray, 284. Franz Josef Land, colin. Rotifera ; Murray, 284, Xovaya Zemlya, few spp. Rotifera ; Murray, 284, ITorth Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and G. of Mexico. Xorth America, Triclada; Wilhelmi, 424. United States (Massachusetts), Proce- rodes wheatlandi at Sandwich ; Curtis, 73 ; sp. n. Syllides from Wood's Hole ; Moore, 278. G. of St. Lawrence, notes on Sphaero- •doridae, Chloraemidae and Chaetopter- idae; M'lntosh, 237, p. 540; notes on Opheliidae; Mcintosh, 236, p. 385. Sargasso Sea, sp. n. Planlitonemertes; Joubin, 179. E. North Atlantic, Sphaerodoridae, Chloraemidae and Chaetopteridae ; M'ln- tosh, 237 ; sp. n. Trav'isia ; Mcintosh, 236. AV. Europe, notes on Maldanidae ; Arwidsson, 7. British Is., rev. Sphaerodoridae, Chloraemidae and Chaetopteridae; M'ln- tosh, 237, p. 528 ; rev. Opheliidae, Scalihreguiidae and Telethusae, sp. n. ; Mcintosh, 236. Ireland, li.st of Amphinomidae, Aphro- ditidae, Polynoidae, Sigalionidae, Neph- thydidae, Phyllodocidae, Hesionidae ; Southern, 375 ; occ. Pctalostoma minii- ■tiuii ; Southern, 376. \V. Irrlaiul, occ. Pohjophthalmus inc- iu8 ; Mcintosh, 236 ; occ. Branchi- ■omma Tcsiculonum at Ross ; Southern, 380. S. W. Ireland (V'alentia Hr.), sp. n. €pheUa ; Mcintosh, 236. Ireland (co. Dublin), occ. Autoh/tus pictu8 at Dublin B. ; Southern, 381 ; occ. MdcrorJiipicJtus croceu.s at ^lalahide ; Southern, 378. Irish Sea, occ. few plankton spp. ; Johnstone, 177. Hel)rides (Sd. of Karris), sp. n. Ar- mandia ; Mcintosh, 236. W. Scotland, few spp. Rotifera ; Murray, 283. E. Scotlaud (St. Andrews) occ. few parasitic spp. ; Mcintosh, 237, p. 528. E. England (Northumberland), Tre- matoda ; " Cercaria '' (Gymnopliadus, Spclotrcma), Steringophorus spp. n. ; Lebour, 202. North Sea, sp. n. Hamiglycera ; Ehlers, 84. Norwegian Sea, distr. Sipunculidae ; H^rubel,"l44, p. 181. Norway, Sipunculidae ; H^rubel, 144, p. 172. S.W. Sweden, fauna nr. Kristineberg ; Theel, 403, pp. 61-72, etc.; few Trema- toda nr. Gottenburg ; JSgerskiold, 163. Holland, Nematoda from Zeeland, list of fauna [the "genn. n." and "spp. n." have been already described, cf. Zool. Rec. 1907 No. 218] ; Man, 242. Belgium, brackish water plankton; Loppens, 230. English Channel, key to genera and spp. of SyUidae ; Elwes, 86, p. 203. S. England (Torquay), littoral SyUi- dae, incl. Antolytus ehhiensis, longi- fer'iens, macrophthalma, Gruhea clavata, Eurysyllis paradoxa, PionosylUs lamel- liqcra new to the British area; Elwes, 86. England (Pljmiouth district), notes on Triclada ; Wilhelmi, 425 ; occ. Aphro- dite aeuleata ; Hearder, 138. Off S. W. England, distr. plankton spp. ; Bullen, 43. Channel Is., SclerocheUus mlnutus ; Mcintosh, 238. Channel Is. (Guernsey), Gephyrea ; Sharp, 364 ; occ. Dreplianopliorus [sic] upcctahiUs ; Tanner, 402. N. France (Calvados), occ. Ncre'depas fucala, Ilannntlioc hnhricata at Grand- camp; Chevreux, 55. N. W. France (Roscoff district), few spp. Neniertea, Oerstedla, Prostoma spp. n. ; Qjcner, 296 ; Sipunculidae fauna ; H^rubel, 144, p. 150 ; few Nemertea, spp. n. Prostoma ; Oxner, 295. N. W. Franco (Morbilian), notes on few spp from Quiberon ; Joubin, 180. S. W. Spain ; s]i. n. Stylarloidca off C. Sagres ; Mcintosh, 237. 33 Verm. Subject Index. Nr. Madeira, Joubln, 179. . n. Archigetes (Cest.), nr. Prague; Mrazek, 280." Bukowina, Gastrotricha fauna nr. Czeruowitz ; Chaetonotus, Setopus (gen. n.) spp. n. ; Grlinspan, 124. Dalmatia, Luuibricidae ; Urlodnluts sp. and var. n. ; Michaelsen, 265. S. Tyrol (Langmoos ar. Montiggl), notes on fauna ; Huber, 156. Balkan Peninsula. 12-1827 dl Balkan Peninsula, plankton of great lakes, lists of Rotifera ; Georg^vitch, 107. Rouniania, s]). n. Jiraunia (gen. n. Cest.) ; Leon, 208. Asia and Malaysia. 12-1827 e Asiatic Russia (Syr-darja), plankton ; Dinocharis var. u. ; Meissner, 257. Asiatic Russia (Amu-darja), plankton Meissner, 257. Asiatic Russia (Turkestan), parasites ; spp. n. Ascaris, EcJunorhynchus ; Lin- stow, 224 : Ilerpohdella atomav'ia ; Suka- tschoflf, 398. Asiatic Russia (R. Irtiscb, etc.), lists Rotifera ; Zykoff, 442. Asiatic Russia (L. Baikal), sj). n. I'rotocotylus (gen. u. Turb.) ; KorotneflF 189. China, Clonorchis sinensis ; Verdun & Bruyant, 415. .Japan, Treinatoda ; Eurytrama, Loxo- 'jcnes spp. ji. ; Senoo, 362 ; spp. n. Hymenolepia ; Yoshida, 435 ; Schisto- sonium japoHicum ; Tsuchiya, 408 ; sp. n. Phevetrina ; Cognetti de Martiis, 62. Formosa, Oxyspirura mansoni ; Yoshi- da, 436. Cochin-china, Fasciolopsis biiski ; Barrois & Noc, 12. Tonkin, occ. Opisthorehis felineus ; Verdun & Bruyant, 416. Siam, sp. n. Homnlogaster; Stiles & Goldberger, 393. bl4— 2 36 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] India, Gordiacea ; spp. n. Chordodcs, Gordius ; Camerano, 45. Java, sp. n. Craspedonema (gen. n. Xemat.) ; Richters, 322. Philippine Is., sp. n. Homalogaster ; StUes & Goldberger, 393. Palestine, Lhnnatis ndotica ; Master- man, 255. L. Aral, plankton ; Meissner, 257. Africa and Madagascar. 12-1827 f Africa, uistr. Fdaria; Blatin & Joyeux, 22. N. Africa, occ. Filarla -perstans; Sargent & Foley, 363. Tunis (Dscherba I.), sp. n. 'Taenia ; Cholodovsky, 59. N.E. Afiica, Cestoda ; Klaptocz, 186. Egypt (Birket-el-Qurun. Fayiim), occ. Paranais littoraVis ; absence of other Venuidea ; Cunnington, 71 ; occ. Parayials JittoraUs; Beddard, 16; Cunnington, 72. Soudan, sp.and var. n. MonopyJidium, Taenia ; Klaptocz, 186. Abyssinia, sp. n. Rhynchodemus (Turb.) ; Bendl, 18, Old Calabar, few spp. Rotifera, CaUi- dina var. n. ; Murray, 286. Caraeroons, Kecator americanus ; Fiillebom, 93. S. C'aineroons, Ankylostoma ; Broden & Rodhain, 39. Angola iBeiiguela), Limuatift sp. ; Harding, 136; sp. n. Agamodislommn; Stiles A: Goldberger, 393." Uganda, few spji. Rotifera ; Callidiua sp. n. ; Murray, 286. N. Uganda, sj). n. Davainea; Klap- tocz, 186. German E. Africa, micro-fauna ; Brachionua, Ceplialobus, Dorylaimus, Hydatina, Lepidoderma, Monlujatcra, Mononchus, Kotomwata, Plectns, Trilo- huH, spp. and varr. u. ; Daday, 74 ; sp. n. Filaria ; Ftillebom, 95, Lake Nyassa, occ. few spji. ; Beddard, 16. S.W. Africa, Nematoda and Acautho- cephala ; Linstow. 221. S. Africa, notes on Oligochaeta faujia ; Micbaelsen, 262 ; Cystieercus tenuicollis ; Gough, 116 ; occ. human parasites ; Turner, 411. Cape Colony (Grahamstown), Clior- dodes hairkeri ; Camerano, 47. W. Cape Colony, Oligochaeta ; Chilota, Microchaetus, PcJodrilus spp. n. ; Micbaelsen, 262. ^ladagascar, Murray, 286. few spp. Rotifera ; North America. 12-1827 g Labrador, sp. u. Monostomum (Trem.) ; AmsdorfF, 5. United States (Massachusetts), Roti- fera from Boston, Notlioica sp. n. ; Rousselet, 332. United States (Florida), occ. Sparga- num proUferum ; Stiles, 391. United States (Georgia), Agamoiilaria sp. n. ; Stiles, 388. United States (Colorado), sp. n. Vittotaenia ; Hall, 127. United States (.Minnesota), sp. n. Placohdella ; Hemingway, 140. Central and South America and West Indies. 12-1827 h Guatemala (L. Amatitlan), Hirudiuea ; sp. n. Ei-pobdella ; Moore, 278. W. L\dies, Oligochaeta fauna, spp. n. ; Michaelsen, 263. Havti, sp. n. Dicliogastcr; Michaelsen, 263. ' St. Thomas, sp. n. Kcryia ; Michael- sen, 263. Jamaica, spp. u. Dichogaster ; Michaelsen, 263, ]iri\7A\, Amplidina Ugnloidea ; Janicki, 169 ; spp. n. Anonckotaenia (Cest.) ; Fuhrmann, 101 ; sjip. n. Biiderina (Cest.) ; Fuhrmann, 102. Paraguay, sj). n. Wehluiiia (gen. n. incert. sed.) ; Martin, 247. Australasia, 12 18271 1 hitcli New ( iiiinea, sjtp. n. Vharetrina Cognetti de Martiis, 63. N. S. Wales, Hirudinea ; spp. n Glossiphonia, Scmtlagenata (gen. n.) Goddard, 111. 37 rerm. Systematic. Atlantic. 12-1827 1 Canary Is. (TeneritTe I J. few spji Rotifera etc. from moss ; Heinis, 139. (h) Fossil. General. (.leneral distr. terricolous Oligochaeta ; Arldt, 4 ; fossil worm burrows ; Dou- viU^. 81. Tertiary. Belgium (Boom), supposed Rupelian Polvciiaeta ; Leriche, 209. Cretaceous. England i^NorfoIk), occ. etc. Serpidn eanteriata ; Brydone, 41. England (Surrey), list Chalk fauna ; Young, 437. England (Thames Valley), zonal faunas of the Chalk ; Chatwin & others, 54. I. of Wiglit, zonal faunas of the White Chalk ; Rowe, 333. United States (X. Colorado), sp. n. Serpula ; Henderson, 142. Jurassic. England (.Somerset), J. Phyllis' colln. Inferior Oolite spp. from Doulting rev. ; Richardson, 321. Triassic. England (Leicestershire, etc.), occ. w..rTa tracks in the Upper Keuper ; Horwood, 154. Palaeozoic. Arctic (Prince Charles Foreland), occ. Spirorbis sp. ; Lee, 203. Permian. United States (Texas), sp. n. Spirorhis ; Girty, 109. Carboniferous. Ireland (Tyrone), occ. Serpidites mem- branaceua at Dungannon ; Bolton, 31. Devonian. E. North America, fauna ; Claxke, 60. Canada (Quebec), spp. n. Spivoi-his, Tentaetdites ; Clarke, 60. Ordovician. United States (Indiana), fauna of Cin- cinnati Series ; Ciunings, 70. Silurian. Scotland (nr. Girvan), supposed Anne- lid tube from Thraive Glen ; Reed, 317. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 1231, 1431, 1631, 1831 General. Additions and corrections to Water- house's "Index Zool. " Bergroth Zoolo- gist ser. 4 12 pp. 252-5. Micro-fauna of German East Africa, Dadat Math. Termt. £rt. Budapest 26 pp. 1-57, 200-220, 294-321, 374-421, 455-474. Data for the determination of hiunan Entozoa, Ward Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 28 pp. 177-201 figs. jTentac.jdites cartieri, p. 226, Icclerc- qu'ia, p. 117 spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9. Weldonia gen. n. [incertae sedis, affine Turbellariis], for W. parayguensis sp. n. Paraguay Martix Zool. Anz. 32 p. 758 figs. — Vide etiam sub Turbellaria. Platyhelminthes. Amphilina Janicki Zs. wiss. Zool 89 pp. 568-597 figs. Turbellaria. Turbellaria Monograph Graff Broim's Klass. Ordn. Tier-Reichs 4 pp. 2257 2599 I-XXII figs. Turbellaria, Scottish freshwater spp. Martin Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 28 p. 28 figs. — Antarctic fauna BoiiwiN't Result. Voy. Belgica Turbell. AUioicoela, Mediterranean spp. Wn.- iiELMi Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel. 18 pp 044- 050 figs. 38 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Cotylifera gen. n. vide Protocolyhis. Polyclada, colln. " FranQais " Antarc- tic expedn. desci-. [the " spp. n." all previously descr.] Hallez Exped. Ant- arct. FraiiQ. Poljclades etc. 26 pp. figs. Triclada syn. etc. N. Americaa spp. WiLHELMi Biol. Bull. Woods HoU 15 pp. 1-6. — Kotes on spp. Wilhelmi Zool. Anz. 33 p. 33. Euryleptidae key to genera Hallez Exped. Antarct. Frang. Polyclades etc. p. 4. — Gen. n. vide Stylochoides. Monocelididae Midelburg Zeitsclu-. wiss. Zool. 89 pp. 81-108 figs. Procerodidae rev. Antarctic spp. BoHMlG Result. Toy. Belgica Turbell. p. 26. — Subf. n. vide Stummeriuae. Proporidae gen.n. vide Rimicola. Stummerinae subf. n. of Procerodidae for Stummeria (gen. n.) Bohmig Result. Voy. Belgica Turbell. p. 27. Macrostoma Ltjther Helsingfors Fest- sclir. Palmen No. 5 figs. MonoceVis fuhrmanni sp. n. Trieste. MiDKLBDRG Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 89 p. 104 figs. Planaria teratophila sp. n. Italy Steinmann Arch. EntwMech. 25 p. 531* Planocerd gilchristi sp. n. S. Africa (Cape Town) Jacdbowa Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 17 p. 145 figs. Procer-odes rev. [the "spp. n." pre- viously descr.] Hallez Exped. Antarct. Frang. Polyclades etc. pp. 14 etc. figs. ; notes on spp. Curtis Zool. Anz. 33 p. 202 figs. ; Wilhelmi t.c. p. 205 figs. — P. (jerlache'i sp. n. Antarctica, spermatogenesis Boiimig Arch. Biol. 23 pp. 1-12 fig. — P. haVez; sp. n. Tierra del Fuego (Lapataia B. Beagle Ch.) Bohmig Result. Voy. Belgica Turbell. p. 22 figs. Protocot'jins gen. n. of Cotylifera for P. flavus sp. n. Lake Baikal Korotneit Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 625, 861 figs. Rhipichodevius rev. ; R. henrici sp. n. Savoy (Santuario) p. 526, imriyureus sp, n. Al)vssinia p. 535 Benul Zs. wiss. Zool. 89 pp. 525-554 figs. Riniirola gen. n. of Projioridae f(n- J', glacialia sp. n. Antarctica Bohmig Result. Voy. Belgica Turbell. p. 3 figs. Stummeria gen. n. of Stummerinae, type Procerodes marginata Bohmig Result. Voy. Belgica Turbell. p. 28. StyJochoides gen. n. of Euryleptidae for Styloeltus allnis Hallez Exped. Antarct. Frang. Polyclades etc. p. 2. Weldonia parayguensis ref. to Catenu- lidae Llther Zool. Anz. 33 p. 300. Trematoda. Trematoda of Northumberland, Engl. Lebour Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northnmb. ser. 2 3 pp. 28-45 figs. Index-catalogue of Trematoda and trematode diseases Stiles & Hassall Washington D.C. Treas. Dept. Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 37 pp. 1-398. Opisthorchidae rev. LiJHE CentrBl. Bakt. Parask. Orig. 48 p. 428.— genu. n. vide Cyclorchis, Pseudamphistonium. Trematoda genu. n. vide etiam Spclo- pliallus. Agamodistoimim nanus sp. n. West Africa (Benguella) from Francolinus sub- torquatu8 Stiles & Goldberger Wash- ington D.C. Treas. Dept. Pub. Hlth. ]\Iar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 40 p. 30. " Ccrcaria^' (Gymnophallus) glandosa p. 29 fig. par. in Paludestriua stagnalis, macomae p. 31 fig. par. in Maeoma halthica, strigata p. 32 fig. par. in Tellina temiis and Donax v'dtatus, {Spelotrema) balani p. 35 figs. par. in lialanus balano'idcs, carclni'i p. 35 figs. par. in Careinus maenas, coroph'il p. 34 figs. par. in CoropMum grossipes and Gammariis diiebeni spp. n. N. E. Eng- land (Northumberland) Lebour Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. ser. 2 3. CyclorehJn gen. n. of Ophistliorchidae, type Distomiitn ampliileiiciim. Li'iiE CentrBl. Bakt. Parask. Orig. 48 p. 432. Ecliinostomicm periolintum sp. n. parasitic in dog Ratz Allatt. Kozlem. Budapest 7 p. 16. — E. sp. n. [not named] Trieste, in Zeus faher Fiebiger Centralis. Bakt. Abt. 1 47 Originale pj). 62-()9. Encotyllnhc rev. key to spji. ]1. 7 ; paronoe Genoa, pav.mCrenilabvvsparu, vallei Trieste par. in ChrysopliryH 39 Verm. Systematic. — Pt.AnnEi.MiNTiiEs aurata spp. n. iloSTlCELLi Napoli Ann. Mus. zool. ser. 2 2 Xo. 20 figs. Eurylrcma ixirciim sp. n. Japan, fioui tlie pancreas of Benin Island cattle. Sesoo Dobuts. Z. 20 p. 13. Gymnophallus wide " Cercariay Holometra aegyptlaca sp. n. (= //. exiqiui Looss uon Miihliug) LChe Ceu- tralBl. Bakt. Parask. Grig. 48 p. 431. Homalogastcr philipphu^nsis sp. n. Philippine Is. and Siam, par. in Bos Stiles & GoLnBERCER Washinrjton D.C. Treas. Dept. Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 40 p. 25. lyoxogenes Ubcriim sp. n. Japan, par. in frog Sexoo Dobuts. Z. 19 p. 355. Maritrema linguilla sp. n. N. Iceland (Eiafjord) p. 310 tig., snhdolum sp. n. S. W. Sweden (nr. (rothenburg) in Actitis hypolencos p. 313 iig. J.\GEUSKioLn CentrBl. Bakt. Parask. Grig. 48. Metorchis rev. Li'nE CentrBl. Bakt. Parask. Grig. 48 p. 428. Monostomum viearlum sp. n. X. E. Labrador, in Arquatella maritima Arxsdorff Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 47 Originale p. 362. XUzschia Mosticelli Napoli Ann. Mus. zool. ser. 2 2 Xo. 27 figs. Parorchis nom. n. (ZeugorcMs Xicoll non Stafford) Xicoll Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7 19 p. 128. Pseudamphistomum gen. n. of Opis- thorchidae, type Distomum truncatum (Rud.) Llhe' CentrBl. Bakt. Parask. Grig. 48 p. 429. Schist osomum japonieum TsuCHlYA Arch. path. Anat. 193 pp. 323-369 fig. Spelophallus gen. n. aff. Spelotrema for .S. primas sp. n. S. W. Sweden (Styi-so nr. Gothenburg), in the Eider duck etc. Jagerskiold CentrBl. Bakt. Parask. Grig. 48 p. 302 figs. Spelotrema vide " Cercaria." Steringophorus ovacutus sp. n. Xortli Sea (Xorthumbei-land), par. in Hippo- glossus limandoides Lebour Trans. Xat. Hist. Soc. Xorthumb. ser. 2 3 p. 42 fig. Cestoda. Cestoda, parasites of Aves Fchrmaxn Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 10 pp. 1-232.— Deux Cestodes d'oiseaux Kowalewski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1907 pp. 774-776 ; Kowalewski Krakow Kozpr. Akad. 7 B 1007 pp. 633-640. Cestodaria Pleiin Zool. Anz. 33 p. 427. LigulLnae gen. n. vide Braunia. Cestoda genu. n. vide etiam Cyato- cotyle, Lytocestus. Anonchotaenia rev. ; A. trochili sp. n. Brazil in Eupetomena macriira p. 629 fig. ; .4. macrocephala sp. n. Brazil in Progtic spp. etc. p. 629 figs. ; A. brasi- liense sp. n. Brazil (San Paolo) in Cassi- cus Jiaemorrhous p. 630; A. conica sp. n. Europe in Dendrocopus major p. 630 figs. FuHRMANN Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 46 Originale. Archigetes hracliyurus sp. n. Bohemia (nr. Prague), in Li mnodrihisholTmeisterl Mrazek Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 46 Griginale p. 719 figs. Biuterina rev. ; B. rectangula sp. n. in Coracias garrulus p. 416 fig. ; motaeilla 3'p. n. Brazil, in Daenis cayana p. 417 fig., globosa sp. n. Brazil in Tityra scmifasciata p. 418 fig., trigona- caiitlia sp. n. Brazil, in Synallaxis phryganophila p. 418 figs., lobata sp. n. Germany (Dresden), in Upupa epops p. 419 figs., trapezoides sp. n. Brazil, in Molothrus peconis etc. p. 420 figs. ; distincta sp. n. Brazil, in Gracida sp. p. 421 figs., cylindriea sp. n. Brazil, in Tachyphonus spp. p. 422 igs. , passerhia sp. n. Europe, in Alauda arvensis and Galerita cristata p. 426 figs. ; B. mero- pina vax. n. viacrancistota Fuhrmaxx Centralbl. Bakt. Parask. Grig. 48. Braunia gen. n. of Ligulinae for B. jasstjensis sp. n. Rumania, in Homo Leox Zool. Anz. 33 p. 362 figs. Cittotaenia mosaica sp. n. United States (Colorado) in Lepus pinetis Hall Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 691 figs. Cyatocotyle gen. n. ex. aff. gen. Tetrn- hothrii p. 3 for C. marcheseltii sp. n. par. in Carcharias lamia Mola Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat. 24 pp. 4-10. Davainea icemeri sp. n. N. Uganda, par. in Coitus leucotis aif'mis KlaI'TOCZ Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss' 117 pp. 2.59 - 298. Gatesius subgen. n. of Sparganum, type S. proliferum Stiles Washington 40 Verm. VI. Vermidea. D.C. Treas. Dept. Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. BuU. 40 p. 18. Hymenolepis exigua, inermis, trlelio- rhynchus spp. n. Japan, par. in Aves YosHiDA Dobuts. Z. 20 p. 297 figs. — H. farcimenalis RossETER Journ. Quekett CI. 10 p. 295 figs.— H. furei- fera in Podiceps nigricollis Linstow Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 46 pp. 37-40. Ichthyotaen'ia G. of Finland spp. ; I. esocis sp. n. parasitic in Esox luciiis Schneider ^Helsingfors Festschr. Palmen No. 8 figs. Id'iogenes longic'irrhosns comb. n. ans M'dvus aegyptius Nord-Uganda. Klaptocz Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 pp. 259- 298. Lytoeestus gen. n. for L. adhaercns sp. n. Hong Kong, in Clarlus fuscus (fish) CoHN Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 46 pp. 134-139. Monopylidium infundihidiforme var. n. polyorchis Soudan, par. in Milvus aegyptius Klai'tocz Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 pp. 259-298. Pollpohothr'ium vaccarii sp. n. par. in Selache maxima MoLA Triest Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat. 24 p. 10. Sparganum subg. n. Yide Gatesius. Taenia punica sp. n. Tunis (Dscherba I.), in Cams familiarls Cholodkovsky Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 418-420.— T". saginata abietina type Stiles & Goldberger Washington D.C. Treas. Dept. Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. 40 pp. 35-38.—:/'. sp. n. KSoudan, par. in Pomatorhynchus remigialis Klaptocz Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 pp. 259- 298. Tatria biremis Linstow Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 46 pp. 37-40. Nemertea. Nemertea colln. Antarctic spp. descr. JouBiN Exped. antarct. fran^. Nenier- tiens p. 16 figs. ; rev. pelagic sp]). JouBiN Bull. Mus. Monaco No. 78 figs. [1908] Ocean. Nectoyienieries chav'isi p. 16 fig., grimnldii p. 19 fig., lobala p. 20 fig., " spp. n." [prev. descr.J Joubin Bull. Mus. Monaco 78. Oerstedia iMtriciae, roscov'iensis spp. n. [sine descr.] N.W. France (Roscoff) OxNER BuU. Inst. Monaco No. 108 pp. 2 etc. Pelagonemertes riehardi " sp. n." [prev. descr.J Jodbin Bull. Mus. Monaco 78 p. 21 fig. Planhtonemertes gr'imaldl'i p. 4 figs. Sargasso Sea and Azores (off Yilla- franca), alberti p. 9 figs, off N. Iceland, zonata p. 11 figs. E. North Atlantic (Princesse Alice Bk. and Hiroudelle Ch.), rliomboidalis p. 14 figs. Sargasso Sea " spp. n." [prev. descr.] ; sargassi- cola Sargasso Sea, elongata near Madeira (Seine Bk.) spp. n. Joubin Bull. Mus. Monaco 78. Prostoma lierouardi, leon'dlae spp. n. [sine descr.] N.W. France (Roscoff) OxNER Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco 108 pp. 2 etc. ; P. lierouardi p. 1 figs., leonillae p. 10 figs. spp. n. N.W. France (Roscoff) OxNER Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco 127. Mesozoa. Mesozoa Neresheimer Zool. Zentralbl., 15 pp. 257-312. Catenata group n. p. 471 of Mesozoa for Ilaplozoon DoGiEL Zs. wiss. Zool. 89 pp. 417-477 figs. Nem.ouelminthes. Chaetosomatidae Schepotieff ZooL Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 401 figs. Chaetoaoma Schepotieff Nematoden, St. Peterburg. — C. macroeephalum, longiroslrum " spp. n." [prev. descr.] Schepotieff Zool. .Tahrb. Syst. 26 p. 400. Dcsmoscolex Schepotieff Nematoden St. Peterburg. Nectonema affinities Nierstrasz Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Ser. 2 10 p. xvii. lihabdogaster cygnoidcs Schepotieff Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p]). 393-400 figs. ; Schepotieff Nematoden St. Peterburg. Trichoderina oxycaudulum Schepo- tieff Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 pp. 385- 392 figs. ; Schepotieff Nematoden St. Peterburg. 41 Verm. Systematic. — NEMAxnELMiNTnEs. Xematopa. Ueber die Xematodeii und dio ihnen nahestebenden Gnippen Sciii:roTiEFK St. Peterburg. Nematoda free-living spp. of Zeeland Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 pp. 33- 90 tills. — Terrestrial spp. Walcberen I. HoMaud Max Ann. Soc. Zool. Belg. 41 p. 156 figs. Untersucliungen iiber Nematoden. Marcisowski Berlin Mitt. biol. Anst. H. 6 pp. 40-43. Desmoscolecidae Soiiepotieff Zeitsclu-. wiss. Zool. 90 p. ISl ligs. Nemaioda gen. n. \ide Craspedonema, Du'tyocaulus, Haemostvongijlus, Synlhe- locauliis. AegialoaJaimiis " gen. n." [previously descr.] ; A. eJegnns " sp. n." [previously descr.] Max Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 35 fig. Agamofilaria georgiana sp. n. United States (Georgia), parasitic in Homo Stiles Wasbington Treas. Dept. Pub. Hlth. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. 34 pp. 0-30 figs. Agamomermis restifonnls (Leidy) not a FUaria p. 22, re-e.xamination of type pp. 20-22 Stiles Wasbington D.C. Treas. Dept. Pub. Hltb. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. 40. Alaimus elongatus sp. n. Holland (Walcberen I.) Man Ann. Soc. Zool. Belg. 41 p. 157 fig. Anoplostoma p. 49 ; A. vivipariim ]). 50 fig. Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. Aphelenchua ormerodis Ritzema Bos Marcinowski Berlin Arl). biol. Anst. 6 pp. 407-444. Ascaris quadrilohata,tliyrsit'iS Bjtj). n. ^. Afrika Linstow Jena Denkscbr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 21. — A. squalls sp. n. Turkes- tan, par. in Squaliiis schmidtii LiNSTOW St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 2 p. 4. Cephalohus brachtjur'is, palustris, un- atiis Deutscb-Ostafrika spp. n. Daday .Matb. Termt. £rt. 26 pp. 16-19. Chromadora vivipara " sp. n." [pre- viously descr.] Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 67 fig. Cobhia " gen. n." [previously descr.] trefugiaeformis " sp. n." [previously descr.] Man Mem. Soc. zool. Franco 20 p. 47 fig. Craspedonema gen. n. Ihiuouema for C. jafauicum sp. n. Java Richteus Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908 p. 24. Cyatholaimus elongatus " sp. n." [previously descr.] Mxs Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 70 fig. Cystidicola fario)tis occ. etc. Shipley Parasitol. 1 pp. 190-2; anat. syn. Leipeu t.c. pp. 193-4. Dictyocaulus gen. n. type Strongyhts filaria Rudolpbi 1809 Raillet & Henry Paris C. R. soc. biol. 63 p. 752. Doryla'nims coronatus p. 168 figs., laticolUs p. 105 figs. spp. n. Holland (Walcberen I.) Man Ann. Soc. Zool. Belg. 41. — D. crasso'ides sp. n. Switzer- land {L. Tbun) J.Kgerskiold Zool. Anz. 33 p. 673 ligs.— D. afncanus, pacliy- dermis spp. n. Deutscb-Ostafrika Dapay Matb. Termt. .trt. 26 pp. 19-23. Enoplus hiselosus, maerolaimus spp. n. S. W. Africa Linstow Jena Denkscbr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 27. Euchromadora afrieana sp. n. S.W. Africa Linstow Jena Denkscbr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 28. EuUnhomoeus " subgen. n. " [pre- viously descr.] of Linhomoeus Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 47. Eurystoma terricola " sp. n." [pre- viously descr.] Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 84 fig. Eustrongylus gigas Huber Zool. Ann. 3 p. 105. Filaria cbars. list spp. parasitic in Homo Stiles Wasbington Treas. Dept. Pub. Hltb. Mar. Hosp. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. 34 pp. 31-51 figs.— Of Indo-Cbma Noc Paris Bid. soc. patb. exot. 1 p. 3(j9. — F. grassii Noc Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei ser. 5 17 pp. 282-293 fig.— F. laUalis Pierantoni Napoli Ann. Mus. zool. ser. 2 2 No. 25 figs.— F. mesnili sp. n. par. in Gecko Noc Paris Bid. soc. patb. exot. 1 p. 373 fig. — /<\ ochmanni sp. n. German e! Africa, par. in dog Fijlleboun Arcb. Schiffsbvg. 12 p. 644.— F. scalprum sp. n. S. Afrika Linstow Jena Denkscbr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 26. Gtiathostoma paronai sp. n. Sumatra (Mentawei Is.), in Mus rajah Porta Zool. Anz. 33 p. 8 figs. 42 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Haemostrongylus gen. n. type Strongy- lus vaaorum Baillet 1866 Raillet & Hexrt Paris C. R. soc. biol. 63 p. 753. KalicepJialus rotundatus sp. n. S. Afrika Lixstow Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 2.3. Linhomoeus p. 74 ; L. (Paralinho- moeus) attenuatiis p. 78 fig., lepturus p. 74 fig. " spp. n." [previously descr.] Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. Metalinhomoeus " gen. n." [previously descr.] p. 81 ; M. typieus " sp. n." [pre- viously descr.] p. 82 fig. Mas" Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. Mihrofilaria noetuitia, d'lurna BoDEK- WALT Arch. Schiffshvg. 12 Beili. 10 pp. 1-30. ^^ Monhystera fiillehorni sp. n. Deutsch- Ostafrika Dadat Math. Termt. Kozl. 26 pp. 11-12. Monohystcra stenosoma " sp. n." [pre- viously descr.] Max Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 36 fig. ilonoiieJius tenuis sp. n. Deutsch- Ostafrika Daday Math. Termt. Kozl. 26 pp. 14-15. Oncholaimus spiralis sp. n. S. Afrika, Atlautik LiJJSTOW Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 27. Oxystoma elongatum (?) Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 43 fig. Oxyuria lunata, lohata p. 24, perar- mata, opisthogonima, parallela p. 25, candata p. 26 (S. Afrika) spp. n. Lix- STow Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13. Paralinhomoeus " subgen. n." [pre- viously descr.] of Linhomoeus p. 74. Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. Parasabatieria " gen. n." [previously descr.] vulgaris " sp. n." [previously descr.] Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 66 fig. Physaloptera incurra, paradoxa spp. n. S. Africa Lixptow Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 22. Plectus afric.anus sp. n. Deutsch- Ostafrika Daday Math. Termt. firt. 26 pp. 15-16. Sahbatieria p. 61 ; S. tenuicaudata p. 62 fig. ; S. praedatrix " sp. n." [prev. descr.] Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 63 fig. Spliaerolaimus p. 54 ; S.liirsntua Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 55 fig. Spiroptera stylosa sp. n. S. -Afrika LiNSTOw Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 26. Synthetocaulus gen. n. p. 752, type Str.commiitatus Diesiug 1851 , itneiphorus, oereatus p. 753 spp. n. Railliet & Henry Paris C. R. soc. biol. 63. Terschellingia longicaudata " sp. n." [previously descr.] p. 39 fig. ; T. (?) filiformis " sp. n." [previously descr.] p. 41 fig. iLvN Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. Thalassoalaimus tardus Man Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 34 fig. Trichina spiralis Hoyberg Zs. Thier- med. 12 pp. 26-33. Trilobus graciloides sp. n. Deutsch- Ostafrika Daday [Math. Termt. Ert. 26 pp. 12-14. Nematomorpha. Gordiidae Svabenik Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 385-388 ; Camerano Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2. — Irish spp. Camerano Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 23 Xo. 578 pp. 1-2. Chordodes minandalei (Chitlong, Xepal) p. 113, giglio-tosi (Purneah, N. Bengal; p. 114 spp. n. India Camerano Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — C. liaickeri Camerano Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 23 No. 580 pp. 1-2. Gordius zavattarii sp. n. India (Darjeling) Camerano Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2p. 117. Acaxthocephala. Acanthocephala spp. par. in Mam- malia Porta Xapoli Ann. Mus. zool. ser. 2 2 X. 22 figs. ; spp. par. in Amphibia and Reptilia Porta Archivio zool. 3 p. 225 figs. Echinorhynchus perforator sp. n. Turkesten par. in Diptychus dyboicskii Schizothorax pseudoahsaieiisis issykhuU, Squalius sclimidtii LixsTOW St. Peter- burg Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 2 p. 4. Ciiaetoonatiia. Notes on the methods of identifica- tion; key to genu, and spp. Michael Biol. Bull. Woods Holl 15 pp. 67-84. 43 Verm. Systematic. Chaeto^natlia sp. New Zealand (B. of Islands) Fowler Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 1 p. L* 10 tig. ROTIFERA. Arotic spp. Murray Edinburgh Proo. Physic. Soc. 17 p. 121. — Livland spp. SiJisoNOV Jurjev Sitzb. Xaturf. lies. 17 pp. 1-1)2. — Fauna Balkan Peninsula Gkoroevitcu Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 pp. 6-19. — Fauna Boston Mass. RorssELET Journ. Quekett CI. 10 p. 335 figs. — Scottish spp. Murray Trans. Roy. ■^oc. Edinburgli 46 p. 189 figs. Melicertidae subff. n. vide Conochiloi- dinea, Eunielicertinae ; gen. n. vide ConochUoides. — Fauna of Bohemia ; key to spp. p. 83 Hlava Arch. Xatw. Ld- Durchf. Bohmeu 13 Xr. 2. Conochiloidinae subfam. n. of Meli- certidae Hl.*.va .\rch. Xatw. LdDurchf. Bohmeu 13 Nr. 2 p. 83. Eumelicertinae subfam. n. of Moli- certidae Hlava .\rch. Natw. LdDurclif. Bohmeu 13 Nr. 2 p. 83. Aniiraea hircmi'i var. n. acuminata Belgium (Xieuport) Loppexs Ann. Soc. zool. malac. Belg. 42 p. 185 [omitted Zool. Reo. 1907]. Brachioniis bakeri varr. n. fidleborni, ermis, latiasimus, micJiaelseni Deutsch- 'itafrika Dad.\y Math. Termt. £rt. 26 . 34. — B. falcatua var. n. lyratits Silesia Ilogau bei Krappitzj Leiiiier>lvi;n Arch. Hydjobiol. 3 p. 401 figs. Callidtna circinata j). 195 figs., "Inuta p. 194 figs. spp. n. Scotland; '■-'. pUcata var. n. hirundinella Scotland Murray Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 46. — C. pinnigera sp. n. Uganda p. 608 figs. ; C. multinpinoaa var. n. hrevia- pinosa W. Africa (Old Calabar) p. 666 figs. MuRR.AY Journ. Micr. Soc. London 1908. Conoehiloides gen. n. of Melicertidae for Conochilus Hlava Arch. Natw. LdDurclif. Bohmen 13 Nr. 2 p. 83. DinocJuiris pocillum var. n. bergi Syr- darja-Miindung Meissser Tashkent Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 p. 15. Ilydatina oblonga sp. n. Deutsch- Ostafrika Daday Math. Termt. £rt. Budapest 26 pp. 33-34. Monostijla fteiirosi nom. n. [M. hlconiii* Stecur. praeocc.) Meissner TaAkeut Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 p. 23. Notholca boslonicnsis sp. n. Uniteil Suites (Boston, Mass.) Rou.sselet Journ. Quekett 01. 10 ji. 337 figs. Notommnta hrnchinta sp. n. Doutsch- Ostafrika Daday Math. Termt. iSrt. Budapest 26 })p. 31-33. — A', pseudocer- beni)^ nom. n. {N. cerberusde Beauchamj) nee Gosse) Beauchamp Zool. Anz. 33 p. 400. Pliilodina rev. Murray Journ. Quekett Cl. 10 p. 207 figs. — P. converyens sp. n. Scotland (R. Lochy and East Kilbride) Murray Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 46 p. 190 figs. Oastrotriciia and Echisodera. Gastrotricha Voigt Mikrokosmos 2 p. 10; Grunspan Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 pp. 214-256 figs. — Gen. n. vide Setopus. Echinodera Zelinka Zool. Anz. 33 p. 629 figs. Echinoderidae Schepotieff Zool. Anz. 32 p. 585 ; Schepotieff Nema- toden St. Peterburg. Cliaetotiotus tenuis Bukowina (Czerno- witz) p. 219, multispinosus p. 225, ze- linkal p. 226 Wiirttemberg (nr. Heiden- heimj spp. n. Grunspan Zool. Jalirb. Syst. 26 figs. EeJiinoderes Sciiepotieff Nematoden St. Peterburg. Ichthydium cyclocephalum p. 232, tergestinuin p. 233 spp. n. G. of Triest Grussp.\n Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26. Lepidodenna hystrix sp. n. Deutscli- Ostafrika D.iday Math. Termt. Ert. 26 pp. 25-27. Setopus gen. n. of Gastrotricha for S. primus sp. n. Bukowina (Czernovvitz) Grunspan Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 222. Archiannelida. Polygordius Hempelmann Zool. Zen- tralbl. 15 pp. 649-672. Protodrdus liatscheki p. 159, oculifer p. 173, splmeridatus p. 180 spp. n. B. of Naples PiERANTONi Fauna Flora Neapel 31, figs. 44: Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] POLTCHAETA. Polvcliaeta list of pre-occupied generic names Leiper Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 468. — List of generic names omitted from Scudder's " Xomenclator Zool.," Waterhouse's " Index Zool.," etc. Leipee Zoologist ser. 4 12 p. 390. Polychaeta sedentary spp. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch Tiefsee-Exped. Bd 16, Lfg 1 figs. Capitellidae gen. n. vide Leiochrus. Cirratulidae gen. n. vide Ch'ropliorus. Chaetopteridae X. Atlantic spp. M'Intosh Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 2 pp. 528-545 figs. Cliloraemidae X. Atlantic spp. M'lx- TOSH Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 2 pp. 528-545 figs. Glyceridae gen. n. vide Hamiglycera. Hermellidae gen. n. vide Cryptopo- matus. Hesionidae genn. n. vide Leocralides, Orlhodromus. Maldanidae gen. n. vide Heteromal- dane. — Xotes on some northern spp. Arwidssox Zool. Anz. 33 p. 267. Opheliidae X. Atlantic spp. M'Intosh Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 1 pp. 375- 387 figs. Scalibregmidae X. Atlantic spp. M'lyiosH Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 pp. 375-387. Sphaerodoridae X. Atlantic spp. M'lxTO.sn Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 2 pp. 528-545. figs. Syllidae, key to genera and spp. of English Channel p. 203, littoral fauna Torquay (England) p. 197 Elwes Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc. Plymouth ser. 2 8. Telethusae N. Atlantic spp. M'Intosh Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 1 pp. 375- 387. Uncinisetidae discarded Ahwidsson Zool. Anz. 33 p. 267. Polynoinae gen. n. vide Perolepaia. AJmage sculpta sp. n. Bouvet I. Ehi.ers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. Bd. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 141. Ammotrypave aulogaster McIntosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 376. — A. gymnopygc sp. n. Kerquelen Ehlehs. Ergeb. Deutsch Tiefsee - Exped. 16 Lfg. ] p. 118. — A. iPphelina) liiikentliali sp. n. McIntosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 385. Amphitnte radiata nom. n. (A. pal- mata Jloore non Malmgr.) Moore Phihidelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 p. 350. Aneistrosyllis rohusta sp. n. Gr. Fisch- bai Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch Tiefsee- Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 59. Armandia robertianae sp. n. Hebrides (Sd. of Harris) McIxtosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 376. Aidolytus afer sp. n. S.W. Africa (Angra Pequena B.) Ehlers Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 46. Brada normani M'Intosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 543 figs. Braneh'iomma roidei sp. n. (sine descr.) Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 526 ; B. roidei sp. n. Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 44. Chrysopetalum riveti sp. n. [sine descr.] Peru (Payta) Gravier BuU. Mus. Paris 13 p. 526 ; C. rheti sp. n. Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 40. ' Cirratulus afer Gr. Fischbai p. 127, eoncinniis Agulhasbank p. 128 spp. n. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg 1. Cirrophorus gen. n. of Cirratulidae ; C. brancliiatiis sp. n. Agulhasbank Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 124. Cryptopomatus gen. n. of Hermellidae for C. sp. n. Madagascar Gramer Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 146 p. 145 ; named C. geayi t.c. p. 250. Diopatra punctifera Agulhas-Bank p. 79, pancibrancli'ts Antarktis p. 81 spp. n. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. 16 Lfg. 1. D'ltrypa erenata sp. n. Zanzibar Ch. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 163. Dodecaceria opideun sp. n. [sine descr.] Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 526 ; D. opulens sp. n. Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. :Mns. Paris 1908 p. 41. En'ipo rhomh'igera sp. n. S. .South Atlantic (E. of Bouvet \.) Ehlers Ergeb. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 47. 45 Verm. Systematic. — Polycuaeta. Enchone pciUhia sp. n. Kerquelen Ehlers Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 lig. 1 p. 159. Eulalia ixTsonata sp. n. Peru (Payta) Gravieb Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 528. — E. raria sp. n. Kergueleu I. (Gazelle Basin) Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee- '"xj^d. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 57. Eiitlialencasa insiijuis sp. n. Agulhas- Bank Ehlers Ergeb. D. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 52. FlaheUiijcva pennigcrn sp. n. Ker- gueleu Ehlers Ergeb. Deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 123. Galtijajia pallida sp. n. (ofE W. Su- matra) Ehlers Ergeb. Deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 49. Hamighjcera gen. n. of Glyceridae ; //. serridifera sp. n. Xordsee (60^ 42' N. 30^10' W.)[sic] Eqlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 105. Rerdmaiiella gracUis sp. n. off E. .\frica Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tief- see-Exped. 16 Lfg 1 p. 44. Heterocirrua cinchuiatus sp. n. Ker- quelen Ehlers Ergeb. Deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 129. tleteroinaldane gen. n. of Maldanidae p. 132, E. aequalis sp. n. p. 133 off Somaliland (2' 58' X. 46' 50' E.) Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee - Exped. 16 Lfg 1- Jasmineira anal'is sp. n. S.W. Africa Angra Pequena B.) Ehlers Jena Denk- -jlir. med. Ges. 13 p. 48. Laranda annulata sp. n. off E. Africa '>" 55' S. 30^ 1' E.) Ehlers Ergebn. 'L'eutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 99. Leioehrus gen. n. of Capitellidae for L. ahdaceus sp. n. betw. Sumatra and Siberut L Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 130. Leocratides gen. n. of Hesionidae ; filamentosus sp. n. ludik fNias S. Ch.) Ehlers Ergebn Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 63. Lumhrico nereis mueronata p. 95 Congo, ocidata p. 96 Cape Colony fFrancis B.), albidentata p. 97 Agulhas-Bank n. spp. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1. Mageloiia cincta sp. n. Cape Colony fAlgoa B.j Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 111. Marpltyna achmardai sp. n. Peru (Pavta) Gbavier Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 529. Xainereia vide Scoloplos. Xearithos vide Nereis. Nereis lucipeta p. 69 Cape Colony (Gr. Fischbai), iincinata p. 72 Bouvet Is., glandulosa p. 74 Cape Colony (Algoa B. and Plettenberg B.) spp. n. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. I ; N. japonica sp. n. Japan Izuka Annot. Zool. Jap. 6 p. 295. — N. (Nean- tltos) succinea, perrieri indentity disc. HoRST Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30 p. 215. Nicomache interstricta sp. n. off W. Sumatra (1" 47' N. 96' 58' E.) Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 134. Ophelia limacina p. 375 etc. ; 0. ralhkei sp. n. S. W. Ireland (Valentia Hr.) p. 375 ; 0. radiata p. 385 fig. McIntosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1. Ophelina vide Ammotrypane. Orthodromus gen. n. of Hesionidae, 0. apinosus sp. n. Cape Colony (Gr. Fisch- bai) Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 61. Pallasia porreeta W. Sumatra p. 136, albigena Diego Garcia p. 138 spp. n. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1. Paractiua notialis sp. n. Kerquelen Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 101. Perolepis gen. n. of Polynoinae, P. regularis sp. n. E. Africa (off Dar es Salaam) Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 51. Phijllodoce purmda sp. n. Peru (Payta) Gr.\vier Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 527. Pionosyllis gigantea sp. n. British Columbia (Queen Charlotte Sd.) and Alaska Moore Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 p. 325 figs. PolyopMhalmiis pictus McIntosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 377. Potamilla perlonga sp. n. Nicobar Is. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 156. Rhamphohraehium chuni sp. n. Indian Ocean (Nias Ch. and off E. Africa) Ehlebs Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee - Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 77. 46 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1908] Sahellaria fmiveli sp. n. [sine descr.] Peru (Payta) Graviee Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 526. — S. iauveli sp. n. Peru (Payta) GR.VV1ER Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 43." Saccocirrus rev. ; S. major sp. n. Naples PiERANTONi Napoli Ann. Mus. zool. ser. 2 2 p. 1 figs. Scal'ihregma inflatmn McIntosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 379. Scione spinifera sp. n. nr. Bouvet I. Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 152. Sderocheilus viiniUus McTntosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 380. Scoloplos grubei sp. n. [sine descr.] Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 526. — S. (Kainereis) grubei sp. n. Peru (Payta) Gravier Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 42. ^Serimla viarTimanl sp. n. Cretaceous United States (Colorado) Henderson- Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 263 figs. SphaerosyU'ia perspieax sp. n. Kerque- len Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee. Exped. Bd. 16 Lfg. 1 .p. 66. ■fSpirorbis lattssimus sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 117. — S. texanus sp. n. Gua- dalnpian United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 112. Stylario'ides coronat.us sp. n. ludik Ehlers Ergebn. Deutscli. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 121. — iS. normani sp. n. M'Intosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 542 figs. — S. sarsi sp. n. S.W. Spain (off C. Sagres, 45 fms.) M'Intosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 536 figs. Syilides verrilli sp. n. E. United States (Wood's Hole, Mass.) Moore Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59 p. 448 fig. Syllia alternata sp. n. S.E. Alaska (Naha B. etc.) Moore Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 p. 323. Tdepaaxuii vitrarius sp. n. Cape Colony (Gr. Fischbai) Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 114. Terebella (Loimia) contorta sp. n. off Somaliland Ehlers Ergebn. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. 16 Lfg. 1 p. 149. Tomopter'iH niaseni Oc. Atlantico, ligulata Oc. Atlantico e Pacifico ; dunckeri Oc. indierno spp. n. Rosa Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 23 No. 588 p. 1. Travisia forbesi pp. 399 etc. ; T. gravieri sp. n. W. North Atlantic (48" 06' N., 9° 11' W.) p. 383 McIntosu Ann. Maar. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1. Oligochaeta. Oligochaeta rev. Michaelsen Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 25 Beih. 2 p. 153. — Fauna of Finland Munsterhjelm Hel- siagfors Festschr. Palmen No. 13 figs. — Lombrichi ricordati da S. Delle Chiaie Rosa Napoli Ann. Mus. zool. ser. 2 2 p. 1. Tubificidae Michaelsen Arch. Naturg. Berlin 74 Bd. 1 pp. 129-162 figs. Olioochaeta gen. n. vide Matla. (Jhilota schultzei (Table Mt.) p. 35, bergdietanus (Cape Flats) p. 37 spp. n. Cape Colony Michaelsen Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 fig. Dendrobaena vide Heiodrllus. Dichogaster gagzoi sp. n. Hayti (St. Marc) p. 17 figs., D. hartmeyeri sp. n. W. Indies (Blue Mts., Jamaica) p. 15 figs. ; D. rcichardtl sp. n. Jamaica p. 20 figs. Michaelsen Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 11. Eophila vide Helodrilus. Heiodrllus {Dendrobaena) ganglbaueri var. n. meledaensis Dalmatia ; H. (Eopliila) meledaensis sp. n. Dalmatia (.\Ielada I.) Michaelsen Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 117-119. Kerria kilhentliali sp. n. W. Indies (St. Thomas) Michaelsen Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 11 p. 24 fig. Matla gen. n. bengalensis sp. n. Lower Bengal (Port Canning) Stephenson Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 1 pp. 39-42. Microchaetus rosai p. 38, namaensis p. 40 spp. n. N.W. Cape Colony (Kamaggas) Michaelsen Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Naidium palmeni sp. n. Finland Munsterhjelm Helsingfors Festschr. Palmen No. 13 p. U figs. Pelodrilus monticula sp. n. Cape Colony (Table Mt.) Michaelsen Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 33. 47 Venn. Systematic. Du'irtima fakfakritsls. iKSclii spp. n. Dutch New Guinea (Fak-FalO I'oc.Nf.rn Dt Martiis Torino Boll. Musoi zool. auat. 23 Xo. oSI pp. 1-4 figs. — P.sctosa Bp. n. Japan i^Tokushima) Cogn'ktti De M.^RTiis Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 23 Xo. 577 pp. 1-2 fig. Phrccitothrix (or Trichodrilus) canta- hrigieus'ia sp. n. England (well ur. Canibriilge") Bedd.\rd Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 365 tigs. Stijlaria lomoudi sp. n. Scotland (nr. Tarbert, L. Lonaond) Martin Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 28 p. 25 figs. Stylodrilus sp. n. (un-named) Ireland (R. Annalee, Co. Cavan) vascular system SovTHERX Irish Xat. 17 pp. 238-9." Trichodrilus vide Phrcatotlir'ix. Tubifex iierthus sp. n. Riigen MiCHiELSEX Arch. Natg. 74 Bd I p. 155 figs. Gephyrea. Sipunculidae anat. distr. etc. Herubel Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 pp. 107-418 figs. ; Hercbel These Fac. Sci. Paris. Gephyrea gen. n. vide ProtobonelUa. Petalostoma minuium occ. Ireland, chars. Southern Irish Xat. 17 pp. 171-3 figs. Plwscolosoma, antarctic spp. Herubel Exped. antarct. franc;. Gephyriens figs. — P. delarjei p. 115 figs., charcoti p. 117 figs. "spp. n." [previously descr.] ; P. elongatum ''xdr. n." [previously descr.] punetatum p. 113 figs. Herubel Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. Phymoaoma meteori " sp. n." [pre- viously descr.] p. 123 figs. ; P. scolops " var. n." [previously descr.] adcuticula- tum p. 121 figs. Herubel Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. ProtohonelUa gen. n. mitsukurii sp. n. Japan Ikeda Annot. Zool. Jap. 6 pp. 259-265. Sipuiicuhts honhourci p. 137 figs., gravicri p. 128 figs., joubini p. 141 figs. " spp. n." [previously descr.] Herubel Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. PiioRONiDEA and PtEROBR-U'CHU. Pterobranchia Schepotieff Die Ptero- brancha St. Peterburg. — Review of recent work Schepotieff Zool. Zontralbl. 14 p. 729. .Vctinotrocbidea nom. n. Puche Arch. Xaturg. 74 Bd 1 p. 376. Actinotroclia syn. spp. ; A. glandnll- fera nomm. n. clowjata p. 385, ind'ica, corn p. 386, lacunifera p. 387 Pocii?: Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 1. Phoroms capenais sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 17 p. 157 fig. Pho7'onopsis p. 151 gen. n. for P.alho- maeidata sp. n. p. 153 fig. S. Africa Gilchrist Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 17. Hircdinea. Glossiphouiidae gen. n. vide Semila- geneta. Erpobdella triannulata sp. n. Guate- mala (L. Ainatitlan) Moore Chicago Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Zool. 7 p. 199. Glosslplion'ia australiensis (nr. Oberon) p. 322 fig., injiexa (Sydney) p. 337 spp. n. New South Wales Goddaed Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 39. Limnatis sp. Angola (Benguelia) Harding Parasitol. 1 pp. 186-189 figs. Plaeohdella pedieulata sp. n. United States (Minnesota), from Aplodinotus grunniens Hemingway Amer. Nat. 42 p. 527 fig. Semdageneta gen. n. of Glossipho- niidae for S. h'dli sp. n. New South Wales (nr. Oberon) Goddard Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 338 fig. VII. BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA (a) BRACHIOPODA CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles 2 II. Subject Index : — General = 2003 7 Structure = 2007 7 Physiology = 2011 7 Development = 2015. . 7 Ethology = 2019 8 Variation and ^Etiology = 2023 8 Distribution : — (a) Recent . . .. 8 (^) Fossil .. 8 III. Systematic Index = 2031 . . .. 11 (s- 10332 p) bl5 2 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda. [1908] Abbreviations employed in Sections II and III: — anat. chars. = anatomy. = characters. coUn. = collection. comp. descr. = characters compared. = description, or described. dev. diagn. = development. = diagnosis. disc. = discussion, or discussed. distr. = di.stribution. esp. expedn. formn. = especially. = expedition. = formation. incl. ~ includes, or included. occ. — occurrence. ref. = referred, or referable. reg. rev. = regarded. = revision, or revised. spec. = specimen. syn. = synomyn, or synonymy. I. -TITLES. AiragM, Carlo. Fossili Permian! dei dintorni di Recoaro. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 46, 1907, (38-57), pi. ii. 1 Anderson, Iiobert ride Arnold, R. & .Vndersoii. Arnold, Ralph. Description of new Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Washington, D.C, Smitiisonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. rroc.,34, 1908, (.•)4.^»- 390), pla. xxxi-xxxvii. 2 Arnold, Ralph tV: Anderson, Robert. Geology and Oil Resources of the Santa Maria oil district Santa Barbara County, California. Washington, D.C. De])t. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Dull., 322, 1907, (IGI pp , 24 pis., 2 maps). 3 Beede, J. W. Brachipoda [of the Salem limestone.] [In Cumings, E. R. & Beede.] Indiana, Rep. Dept. Cieol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis, 30, (1905), 1906, (1297-1322), pis. xviia-xxii. 4 Berry, S. S. Miscellaneous Notes on Californian Mollusks. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (37-41). 5 Blochmami, F. Zur Systematik und geograiihischen Verbreitung der Brachio- podeu. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (596-644), 5 Taf. 6 Boehm, Georg. Beitrage zur Geologic von Niederlandisch-lndieu. I. Abtei- lung. Die Siidkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu nnd Mangoli. 3. Abschnitt. Oxford des Wai Galo. Palaeonto- graphica, Stuttgart, Suppl. 4, pt. 2, 1907, (59-120), pis. ix-xxi. 7 Boelim, Georg. Geologische Mit- teilungen aus dem Indo-Australischen Archipel. Unter Mitvvirkimg von Fachgenossen herausgegeben. VI. a) Vorjurassische Brachiopoden von Ambon, b) Jiingeres Palaozoii'um von Timor, c) Jura von Rotti, Timor, Babar and Buru. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 25, 1908, (293- 343),5TaL 8 Boehm, G. Zur Geologie des indo- australischen Archipels. Nachtriige. I. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1908, (503- 504). 9 Boehm, Georg v'ulc Wanner, J. Bolton, II. On a Section of the Lower Coal-Measures at Emerald Pit, Dungannon [Abstr.]. Geol. Mag., Lon- don, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (464). 10 Bourgeat, [ ]. Sur les fossiles de jietite taille. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. scicnt., 32, 1908, Mem., (1-6). 11 3 Brack. Titles. 2000 Brydone, Ue^^iiuiUl Man-. On the Sulxlivisions of the Chalk of Tiiminghain. (Norfolk). London, Q. J. Geol. See, 64. 1008, (401-412), pis. xlvii-xlviii. 12 Buckman, S. S. Brachiopod Nomen- clature : The Terehratididae oi the Crag. Ann. Mas;. Xat. Hist., Loudon, ser. S, 1, 1908, (444-447). 13 Buckman, S. S. Brachiopod Morpho- logy : C'nictii, Ff/'/csJa, and the Develop- ment of Ribs. London, Q J. Geol. Soc, 63. pt. 2.M, 1907, (338-343), pi. xxiv. 14 Buckman, S. S. Brachiopod Horaoeo- morphv : ' Sptrifer glabcr.' Loudon, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, U108, (27-33). 15 Backman, S. S. On the Correlation of the Bath-Doulting Strata with those of Dorset [Appendix to Xo. 81]. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc., 63, No. 252, 1907, (424-426). 16 Buen, Odon de. [The ne«- Marine Labi>ratorv in the Balearic Is.] Paris, Bui. Soc. zool., 33, 1908, (40-51). 17 Bumet, A. Notes on the Upper Chalk of Lincolnshire. Leeds, Trans. Geol. Ass., 14, 1908, (8-10). 18 Caneva, Giorgio. La Fauna del cal- care a Bellerophon. Contributa alia conoscenza del limiti Permo-Triasici. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 25, (1906), pt. 3, 1907, (427-452), pi. ix. 19 Cbapman, F. On some Fossils from Silurian Limestone, Dolodrook Valley, Mt. Wellington, Victoria. Vict. Nat., Melbourne, 24, 1907, (34-35). 20 Chatwin, Charles P. & Withers, Thomas H. The Zones of the Chalk in the Thames Valley between Goring and Shiplake. With an Appendix by George J. Hinde. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, IOCS, 329-420). 21 Clarke, .John, M. Some new Devonic Fossils. Albany, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull., No. 137, (geol. ser., No. 12), 1907, '153-291). 22 Clarke, John. M. Early Devonic his- tory of New York and eastern North America. Albany, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Mem., 9, 1908, (1-366), maps, pi. 23 Cleland, H. F. Further notes on the Calciferous (Beekmantown) formation of the Mohawk valley, with descriptions of new species. Bulletins of American (s- 10332 p) Paleontolog^• (Cornell Univorsitv) Ithaca, N.Y', 4. 1903, (29-50), pi.; also paged as Bulletin No. 18, (1/. + 3-24) pi. 24 Comet, J. Compte rendu sommaire de I'excursion du 11 avril 1908 a Basecles et Blaton. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35, 1908, (B. 236-B. 242). 25 Comet, J. Compte rendu de I'excur- sion du 28 mai 1908 dans les vallees de I'Hogneau et du Ruisseau de Bavai. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgiqne, 35, 1908, (B. 268-B. 274). 26 Cossmann. Mollusque eocenique de la Loire inferieure. Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2, 5, 1905, (135-189); 6, 1906, (189-318). 27 Culpin, H. Marine Beds in the York- shire Coal-Measures above the Barnsley Coal. Geol. Mag., Loudon, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (148-149). 28 Culpin, H. ]\Iarine Beds in the Coal- Measures near Doncaster. Naturalist, Loudon, 1908, (39-40). 29 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Cincinnati Series of Indiana. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis, 32 (1907), 1908, f605-l 190), pis. 30 Ciunings, E. R. & Beede, J. W. Fauna of the Salem Limestone of In- diana. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis, 30, (1905), 1906, (1187-1486), pis. vii-xlvii. 31 Dall, William Healey. The Mollusca and the Brachiopoda. (Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California, in charge of Alex- ander Agassiz, carried on by the U. S. fish commission steamer " Albatross," during 1891, Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., commanding. 37. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. fish commission steamer " Alba- tross," from October. 1904, to March, 1906, Lieut Commander L. M. Garrett, L^ S. N., commanding. 14). Cam- bridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 43, 1908, (203-487 -|- 22 l), 22 pis., 3 maps. 33 b 15—2 4 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda. [1908] DaU, Wm. H. Some new Bracliio- pods. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (28-30). 34 Delhaye, F. Note sur le tufeauMaes- trichtieu du bord nord du bassin cre- tace du Hainaut. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgiqne, 35, 1908, (B. 33-B. 3p). Drevermann, Fr. Palaozoisclie Noti- zen Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb., Ges., 1907, (125-136), pi. 36 Eisel, Robert. Ueber die Varianten des Productus horridus Sowerby, bei Gera. Gera, Jaliresber. Ges. Nat^-., 49-50, (1906-1907), 1908, (33-37), 2 Taf. 37 Foerste, Aug. F. Notes on the dis- tribution of Brachiopoda in the Arnheim and Waynesville beds. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 36, 1905, (244- 250). 38 Fourmarier, V. & Lespineux, G. Compte rendu de I'excursion du di- manche 28 Juin 1908 aux environs de Huy Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35, ioOS, (B. 301-B. 314). 39 Fraipont, Charles. Notes sur quel- ques fossiles du Calcaire carbonifere. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35 1908, (M. 7-M. 12), pi. iv. 40 Fucini, A. Ancora sopra I'eta del marmo giallo di Siena. Pisa, Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat., 23, 1907, (3-7V 41 Fucini, A. Fauna della zona a Pen- tan-inus tuherculatu^ Mill, di Gerfalco in Toscana. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital.. 25, (1906), pt. 3, 1907, (613-654), pi. xu Girty, George H. The Guadalupiau fauna. Washington, D.C. Dept. Int^, U S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr., No. 58 1908, (1-649), pi. *3 Girty, George H. On some new and old species of Carboniferous fossds. Washington, D. C. Smithsonian Inst U S Nation. Mas., Proc, 34, 1908 (281-303), 8 pis. ** Greene, F. C. The development of a Carboniferous Brachlopod, ChoneteH qrauuljfer Owen. J. Geol., Chicago ill., 16, 1908(654-663), pL 45 Greger, Darling K. A new Devonian Brachiopod retaining the original color inarkinLrs Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, CoZ £.4.25.1908.(313-314). 46 Grober, Paul. Ueber die Faunen des untercarbonischen Transgressionsmeeres I des zentralen Tiaii-schan, die in der 1 Umgebuug des Sartdschol-Passes gefun- den worden sind. N. Jahrb. Mm., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 26, 1908, (213- 248),'6 Taf. 4^ Guebliard, A. ride Kilian, W. & Guebhard. Hamling, J. 3). 28 Taf. 57 KendaU, P. F. Erratic Blocks of the British Isles [Report of British Associa- tion Committeel Lomlou, Rep. Brit. Ass., 57, (Leices'ter, 1907), 1908, (329- 331'. ' 58 Kilian, \V. Sur quelques gisements d'Ammonitesdansle jurassiquesuperieur et le cretace des chaiues subalpiues. Paris, C. R. ass. frauc^. avanc. sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906;, pt. 2, 1907, (293-300). 59 KiUan, W. & Guebhard, A. Etude paleontologique et stratigraphique du svsteme jurassique daus les prealpes maritimes. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 2, (1902), pt. 6, 1905, (737- 828), pis. xlviii-I. 60 Kindle, Edward M. The fauna and stratigraphy of the Jefferson limestone in the northern Rocky mountain region. Bulletins of American Palaeontology, (Cornell University), Ithaca, N.Y., 4, 1908, (79-117), pi. ; paged also as Bulletin No. 20, (1-39), pi. 61 Kittl, E. Die Triasfossilien vom Heureka Sund. Kristiania, Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Fram " 1898-1902, No. 7, 1907, 1-44), 3 Taf. 62 Enod, Reinhold. Devonische Fauneii Boliviens. (Beitrage zur Geologic uud Palaontologie von Siidamerika, hrsg. von G[ustav] Steinrcann, xiv.) N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart. Beilagebd, 25, 1908, (493-600), 11 Taf. 63 Lee, G. W. Notes on Fossils from Prince Chai-les Foreland, brought home bv Dr. William S. Bruce in 1906 and 1907. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Phvsic. Soc, 17, 1908, (149-166), pi. viii. ' 64 [Lehmann, W.] JleMant, B. 0 npe^- ciaBiiTtMaxi) Terebratulacea Bnpraio- BbiXT. II KaTeHy.iflTOBUx-b OT.7o;i;eHiii. [Les Terebratulacea des couches avec Virgatites virgatus et Oxynoticeras cate- nulatus.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, geol., 34, 5, 1907, (191-217, Res. franr. 217-221), Taf. ii. 65 Lespineuz, G. vide Fourmarier, P. & Lespineux. Lorenz, Th. Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaeontologie von Ostasien unter besonderer Beriicksicluigung der Proviuz Schantung in China. ll.-Palaeontologi- scher-Teil. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 58, 190G, (53-108), pis. iv.-vi. 66 Malaise, C. Excursions silurienne du 21 niai 1905. Bmxelles, Bui. vSoc. geol., 22, 1908, :\Iem., (59-62). 67 Martelli, Alessandro. Bracliiopodi del Dodger Montenegrino. Roma, Boll. Soc. ged. ital., 25, pt. 2, 1906, (281-319), pi. vi. 68 Martin, Edgar C. The New Red (Permian) Gravel of the Tiverton Gravels. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, der 5, 5, 1908, (150-157). 69 Meissner, Maximilian. Brachiopoda I'tir 1903-1905 (mit Xachtragen). [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 3, 1903 [1908], xii, (1-4). 70 Mourlon, Michel. Le Calcaire car- bonilere et les depots post-primaires qui le reeouvrent dans la vallee de VEscaut, entre Tournai et Autoine. Bruxelles, Bui. Soc. geol., 22, 1908, Pr.-verb. (89- 10.5). 71 Miiller, Ludwig. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Craniiden unter beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Kreide- Formen. Abichnitt 2 : Beitrage zur Organisation der Craniiden. Diss. Berlin. Halle a. S. (Druck v. K. PritschowX 1908, (vi-f 33). 22 cm. 72 Niethammer, G. Die Klippen von Giswyl am Briinig. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, pt. 16, 1907, (481-484). 73 (Ehlert, D. P. Expedition Antarcti- que Fran(;aise (1903-1905) commandee par le Dr. Jean Charcot. Sciences Naturelles : Documents scientifiques, Brachiopodes. Paris (Masson & Cie), 1908, (3), pi. 74 Paquier, V. Sur I'Aptien et I'Albien des environs d'Autrans (Vercors septen- trional). Paris, Bul. Soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, (1906), 1907, (461-472). 75 Reagan, Albert B. Die Fossilien des Heihern Red-Wall-Kalksteins mit den- jenigen der Kansas - Kohlenformation verglichen. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, pt. 20, (609-611). 76 Reed, F. R. Cowper. Sedgwick Museum Notes. Notes on some Fossils 6 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda. [1908] from Xepal. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (256-261). 77 Reed, F. R. Cowper. Sedgwick iluseum Notes : New Fossils from the Haverfordwest District. VIII. Geol. Mag. London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (4.33-436), pi. xiv. 78 Reed, F. R. Cowper & 7ieynolds, H. S. Silurian Fossils from certain localities in the Tortworth Inlier. Bristol, Rep. Nat. Soc, ser. 4, 2, 1908, (32-40). 79 Renier, Arraand. Echantillons de profondeur de quelques roches t3-pes dii Houiller inferieur (H la et H Ic). Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35, 1908, (B. 58-B.GO). 80 Reynolds, H. S. vide Reed, F. R. C. & Reynolds. Richardson, Linsdall. The Inferior Oolite and Contiguous Deposits of the Bath-Donlting District. [With appen- dices.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 63, pt. 252, 1907, (.383-436), pis. xxviii-xxix, 4 tables. 81 Richardson, L. On the Phyllis collection of Inferior Oolite fossils from Doulting. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. '), 5, 1908, (509-517). 82 Richardson L. The Geology of Ebrington Hill, North Cotteswolds. Gloucester, Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F. CL, 16, 1908, (129-134). 83 Richardson, L. On the Section of Lower Lias at Hock Cliff, Fretherne, Gloucestershire. Gloucester. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F. CI., 16, 1908, (135- 142), pi. 84 Richardson, Linsdall & Walker, John Francis. Remarks on tlie Brachiopoda from the Fullers' Earth. [Appendix to No. 81]. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 63, pt. 252, 1907,(426-434), pis. xxviii-xxix. 85 Rowe, Arthur W. The Zones of the White Chalk of the English Coast. V. The Isle of Wight. The maps and descriptive Appendix by C. Davies Sherbom . . . and a note on certain Silicious Nodules by G. T. Prior. Lon- don, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908, (209 352), pis. viii xxiii, maps. 86 Rowe, Arthur W. Viiddcr'miis in tiic Ringwould Area, near Dover. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (74-78). 87 Schmidt, F. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der ostbaltischen, vorziiglich unter- silurisciien, Bracliiopoden der Gattungen Pleetamboiiites Paud., Leptaena Dalm. and Stvophomena Blainv. Vm"l. Mitth. St. Peterburg, Ball. Ac. sc, Ser. 6,1908, (717-726). ' 88 Schmidt, Martin. Ueber Oberen Jura in Pommern. Beitrage zur Stratigraphie und Paliiontolooie. Berlin, Abh. geol. Landesanst., N.'F., H. 41, 1905, (1-222), 10 Taf., 1 Karte. 89 Sheppard, T. Fish and other Remains from the Chalk of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Natui-alist, London, 1908, (187-189), pi. xvi. 90 Sherbom, C. Davies. AiiOrthis from Ladock Quarrv, Cornwall. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2,'dec. 5, 5, 1908, (330-331). 91 Sibly, Thomas Franklin. The Faunal Succession in the Carboniferous Lime- stone (Upper Avonion) of the Midland Area (North Derbyshire and North Staffordshire). London, Q.J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (34-82), pi i. 92 Stainier, X. Notes sur le Cretace de la Hesbave. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35, 1908, (M. 73). 93 Steinmann, Gustav vide Knod, R. Steinmann, G. & Wilckens, Otto. Kreide- und Tertiarfossilieu aus den Magellansliindern, gesammelt von der Schwedischen Expedition, 1895-1897. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, 1908, No. 6, (1-118), 7 pis. 94 Stepanov, P. La faune silurienne superieuro des environs du lac Balchas. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, ser. 6, 1, 1907, (170- 172), [Russian]. 95 [Stuckenberg, A.] lUryKeHoeprt, A. •I'aymi Bcjixiie - KaMemioyro.ii.Hoii TO.iiiui CaMapcKOy.iyKTi. [Die Fauna der obercarbonischen Suite des Wolgadurch- bruches.l St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog. ser. 2, 23, 1905, [1907 ?], (xiv4- 144 pp.), 13 pis. [Russ. mit deutscli. Res. (111-144)]. 96 Swartz, Charles K. The Ithaca Fauna of Alarvland. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hojjkins Univ. Cir., No. 199, (1907, No. 7), 1907, (50-55). 97 Swartz, Cliarles K. The Relation of the Columl)us and Sandusky Formations of Ohio. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Brack Subject Ixoex. 2015 Univ. Cir., Xo. 199, (li)07, No. 7\ 1907. (56-05). 98 Swartz, Charles K. The succession of faimas in the PorUige and Cliemung formations of Marvland. J. Geol., Chicago, 111, 16, 1908, (328-346), map, diagr.T tabs. 99 Th^el, Hjalmas. Om ulveeklingen af Sveriges /oologiska hafsstation Kristine- berg oc-h om djurlifvet i angriinsande haf i^Kih fjordar. Ark. ZooL, Stockholm, 4, No. ."), 1908, (1-130), 5 pis. 3 maps. 100 Toula, Franz. Die Acanflt'icus- Schichten im Randgebirge der Wiener Bncht bei Giesshubl (M6dling W N W). Wien. Verb. geol. RchsAnst., 1907, pt. 13. (299-305). 101 Walcott, Charles D. Cambrian geo- logy and paleontology. No. 3. Cam- brian Brachiopoda : Descriptions of new genera and species. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 53, 1908, (53-137). 102 Walcott, Charles D. Cambrian geo- logy and paleontology. No. 4. Classi- fication and terminology of the Cambrian Brachiopoda. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., Misc Collect., 53, 1908, {11 + 139-165), 2 pis. 103 Walker, John Francis vide Richard- son, L. vi Walker. Wanner, J. Triaspetrefakten der ilolukken uud des Timorarchipels. (Geologische Mitteilungen aus dem Indo-Australischen Archipel, hrsg. v. Georg Boehm. IV.) N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart, SuppL, 24, pt. 1, 1907, (161- 2201. pis. vii-xii. 104 Weller, Stuart. A Report on the Cretaceous Paleontology of New Jersey, based upon the stratigraphic studies of George N. Knapp. Geological Survey of New Jersey, Paleontologv Series, Trenton, 4, 1907, (Text, i-ix + 3-871 ; Plates, 873-1106), cxl pis. 105 Whitfield, R. P. Notes and observa- tions on Carboniferous fossils [Brachio- poda] and semifossil shells [Astarte hore- alis and Saxicava rii(io8a'\, brought home by members of the Pearv expedition of 1905-1906. New York. N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1907, (51- 58), pi. 106 Wilckens, Otto vide Steinmann, G. & Wilckens. Williams, Henry S. The Daluianellaa of the Chemung formation, and a closely relateel new Brachiopod genus Thicmella. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (35- 64), pis. ii-iv. 107 Withers, Thomas H. vide Chatwin, C. P. iV: Withers. Young, George William. The Chalk Area of Western Surrey. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908, (422-455). 108 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL. 2003 Bibliography. Works published, 1903-5; Meissner, 70. Dates of publication, Gmelin's edition of Linnaeus' "Systema Naturae"; Hop- kinson, 52. Museums, Collections and Expedi- tions. Balearic Is., Marine Laboratory ; Buen, 17. Shepton-Mallet Museum, G. Phyllis colln. Inferior Oolite spp. rev. ; Richard- son, 82. "AUiatross" (1891, 1904-5) expedns. to Eastern tropical Pacific, collns. descr. ; DaU, 32. " Fram " Norwegian Arctic expdn. (1898-1 902), colln. Triassic fossils descr. ; Kittl, 62. STRUCTURE. 2007 Shell, Dalmanella ; Williams, 107. Sliell, development of rib.s ; Buckman, 14. PHYSIOLOGY. 2011 Veranderung der Schale infolge fest- sitzenden Lebens, Strophomenacea ; Jakovlev, 56. DEVELOPMENT. 2015 Chonetes granulifer ', Greene, 45. 8 Brack ETHOLOGY. VII. Brachiopoda. 2019 Cainozoic. [1908] 56. Habitat, Strophonwtiacea ; Jakovlev, California, faunas of Santa ilaria district ; Arnold & Anderson, 3, VARIATION AND .ETIOLOGY. 2023 Dwarfing, in fossil spp. ; Bourgeat, 11 Dalmaiiella ; Williams, 107. Tihynehonella lineolata ; Karakasch, 67, Stroplwmenaeea ; Jakovlev, 56, DISTRIBUTION. 2027 (o) Recent. General ; Blochmann, 6 ; distr. Terc- hratida ma ; CEhlert, 74. North Atlantic Ocean, etc. S.W. Sweden (Kristineberg district), fauna ; Th^el, 100, p. 12. Indian Ocean. Nr. Xias Is., sp. n. Tcrehratidina ; Blochmann, 6. Pacific Ocean. E. Pacific, collns. descr. ; Dall, 32. ^.y.. Pacific, list deep-water fauna ; DaU, 32, p. 223. C. Pacific, sp. n. Hemithyris ; Dall, 32. Sea of Japan, few spp., Laqueiis, Waldheimia sp. and var. n. ; Dall, 34. Sea of Okhotsh foff S.E. Sakhalin I.), sp. n. Terehvatula ; Dall, 34. kn.ia.Yc\.\cdL, Terehratula ui:a\ (Elilert, 74. ()3) Fossil. General. Belgium, occ. few sp]x ; Cornet, 26 ; occ. few spp. ; Comet, 25. British Is., occ. few derived fossils in erratic blocks ; Kendall, 58. Malaysia; Boelim, 9; Jurassic and Palaeozoic faunas ; Atln/ria, Dielaama, TiJii/nchopoi-a, Spirifcr'nia spp. n. ; Boebm, 8. Post-Tertiary. California (Santa Barbara), Platidea cf. anomioides. Pleistocene ; Berry, 5. Tertiary. England, Crag spp. Terebratula ; Buckman, 13. France (Loire inferieure), sp. n. Cis- tella ; Cossmann, 27. California (Santa Cruz ilts.), faunal lists ; Arnold, 2. Patagonia ; Steinmann ^t Wilckens, 94. Mesozoic. England (Ebrington Hill, Gloucest.), occ. few spp. ; Richardson, 83. Italy (Siena) ; Fucini, 41. Switzerland (Vaud), notes on spp. from the calcaires de St. Triphon ; Jaccard, 55. Cretaceous. Crimea, Lower Cretaceous fauna ; Rhijnclionella, Tcrebratidina, Ze'illeria spp. n. ; Karakasch, 57. Belgium (nr. Liege), occ. few spp. ; Stainier, 93. Xr. Bandour, occ. Theeidea pnpillata ; Delhaye, 35. England (Kent), occ. few spp. in the Ringwould area ; Rowe, 87. England (Lincolnshire), list Upper Clialk fauna ; Bumet, 18 ; occ. few spp. ; Sheppard, 90. England (Xorfolk), occ. few spp. ; Brydone, 12. iMigland (.Surrey), list Chalk fauna ; Young, 108. England (Tiiames Vallev), zonal faunas of tlie Chalk ; Chatwin A'withers, 21. I. of Wight, zonal faunas of the White Chalk ; Rowe, 86. Franco TAlpes-Marit.), occ. few Albian spp. nr. EscragndUes ; Hitzel, 51. '.> Brack. Subject Index. 2027 France (Isere\ few spji. nr. Aut- rans ; Paquier, 75. United States ^Xew Jersev\ sp. n. Plathiia : WeUer, 105. Patac;onia ; Steimnann \- Wilckens, 94. Jurassic. Russia, Terebratiilacea of the Volga formation ; Lehmann, 65. Ponierania, spp. n. Terebratula, Zeil- ler'ia ; Schmidt, 89. England, Fuller's Earth spp., Acaii- tli<)t}iyrl'<, RlnjiicJioneUa, Terehrntula spp. n. ; Richardson I'v: Walker, 85. S.W. England ; Buckman, 16. England (Gloucestershire'), occ. few Lower Lias spp. ; Richardson, 84. England (Somerset i ; Richardson, 81 ; f J. Phyllis" colln. Inferior Oolite spp. ^■from Doulting rev. ; Richardson, 82. France, lists spp. ; Kilian, 59. i^ S.E. France, faunas ; KiliaTi & Gueb- hard, 60. Italy (Tuscany), fauna of the Penta- er'nius tubercidatuis zone at Gerfalco ; Fucini, 42. Switzerland, occ. few spp. ; Niet- hammer, 73. Austria, Acanthicus beds fauna of (jiesshiibl; Terebratula sn. i\. ; Toula, 101. Montenegro, Dogger fauna ; RJiyn- nella, Terebratula spp. n. ; Martelli, 63. India (Nepal), Rhynehonella sp. from nr. Mooktinath; Reed, 77. Malaysia (Taliabu I.), fauna of Wai Galo ; Rhynehonella spp. n. ; Boehm, 7. Triassic. jfalaysia, fauna; Konlnckia sp. n. ; Wanner, 104. Heureka Sund ; Kittl, 62. Palaeozoic. General, " Spirifer glaber " etc. disc. ; Buckman, 15. Germany (Reuss), Produetua horridu-t nr. Gera, varr. n. ; Eisel, 37. Belgium, occ. few spp. ; Malaise, 67. E. Asia ; Lorenz, 66. United States, Chonetes ijraiiidlfer; Greene, 45. United States (New York) ; Hart- nagel, 49. Arctic (Prince Charles Foreland), small colln. descr. ; Lee, 64. Permian. England (Devon\ lists spp. from Tiverton district ; Martin, 69. Italy, fauna of the Bellerophnn-Kalk of Cadore; Spirifer ap. n; Caneva, 19; few spp. from Recoaro ; Airaghi, 1. United States (Texas), Guadalupian fauna ; Ambocoelia, Aidosteges, Cama- rophoria, Chonetes, Composita, Derbya, Dielasma, Dielasviina, Enteletes, Geyerella, Ifeterelaama (gen. n.), Huate- dia, Lcptodus, ^fartirna, Meekella, Noto- thyris, Orthotetes, Produetun, Pugnax, Rhynehonella, Spirifer, Spiriferina, Sqiiamularia, Streptorhynchus, Stropha- losia spp. and varr. n. ; Qirty, 43. Carboniferous. Russia (Samara), Upper Carboniferous fauna; Aulocothyris, Chonetes, Die- lasma, Enteletoidea (gen. n.), Ilemi- ptychina, Meekella, ProboscideUa, Pro- ductiis, Spirifer spp. n. ; Stuckenberg, 96. Belgium, lists faunas ; Mourlon, 71 ; occ. Lingula mytiloides ; Renier, 80. Belgium (prov. Namur), spp. n. Camarophoria, Chonetes. Waulsortian from Flavion ; Fraipont, 40, England (Midland area). Upper Avonian fauna ; Choivetes, Productus, sp. and var. n. ; Sibly, 92. England (Yorks.), few spp. from Brodsworth ; Cnlpin, 28 ; occ. few spp. nr. Doncaster ; Culpin, 29. Ireland (Tyrone), list Lower Coal- measures spp. from Dungannon ; Bolton, China (Tian-Schan), Lower Carboni- ferous fauna ; Marlinia var. n. ; Grober, 47. United States, comp. of Kansas and Red- Wall faunas ; Reagan, 76. United States (Kansas], sp. n. Teguli- fera ; Girty, 44. 10 Brack. United States (Idalio). ^P- "■ -P"!/""-^"' Girty, 44. United States (Illinois), sp. n. Tegu- lifcra; Girty, 44. United States (Indiana), fauna of the Salem Limestone; Fugnax (?) sp n. . Beede, 4 ; note on fauna, Salem Lime- stone, list spp. p. 1374; Cmnings \- Beede, 31. United States (lowaj, sp. n. Eartiina ; Girty, 44. United States (Ohio), sp. n. Camaro- fhorella ; Hyde, 54. Grant Land, spp. n. Arcitreta (gen. n.), Productus, Syy-ingotlujrls ; Wbitfleld, 106. VII. Brachiopoda. [1908] Devonian- Europe, Valmanella spp. ; Williams, 107. Germany, Lower Devonian spp. from Priim, Spir'ifer, Stropheodonta spp. n. ; Drevermann, 36. Belgium, occ. few spp.; Fourmarier & Lespineux, 39. England (N. Devon\ occ. Splrifer •primaevus etc. ; Hamling, 48. England (Cornwall), occ. of supposed Orthitsp. n. at Ladock disc. ; Shertoorn, 91. E. North America early Devonian fauna ; Clarke, 23. E. Canada, spp. n. ncusselaerut, Rhlpidomelln ; Clarke, 22. Canada (Quebec), spp. n. AtJqiriH, Beachia, Chonetes, Cryptonella, Liirtina, Dalmanella, Gai^peHia (gen. n ), Glos- siim, LeptoHtrnpUa, Lingula, Mcgalan- tcris Mer'islella, Orbiculoides, Ortho- Htroph'ia, Orthothetes, Seluzophor'ia,Stro- pheodonU,, Strophonella, TrcvuitoKpira ; Clarke, 22; spp. n. Athyrls Bmch'a CltoueteH, Cmnicna, Crijptondla, Dal- manella, (hiapeala (gen. n.), Glosama, LeptoHtrnphia, Lingula, MegaJanteris, Merislclhi, Orhu-idoiden, Orthostrophia, OrthotheteH, Jx'enssdaerla, Rhtpuh- mella, Splrifer, ScMzophoria {?), btro- pheodnntn, Slrophonclla spp. and varr. u. Clarke, 23. Now Brunswick, sp. n.Strupheodonla ; Clarke, 22. United States, fauna of the Jefferson Limestone in the northern Kocky mountain region ; Kindle, 61. United States (Maine), sp. n. Chonetes, Cin-tina, Dalmanella, Eipparionyx, Leptostrophia, OrthostopUa, Fensselae- ria, Wupldomella, Spin for, Ire- matospira ; Clarke, 22. United States (New York), sp. n. Thiemella (gen. n.) ; Williams, 107; rev. Chemung formation spp. Dal- manella, spp. n. ; Williams, 107. United States (Ohio), Sandusky formations ; Swart z, 98. United States (Maryland), Ithaca formation faunas ; Swartz. 91 ; I ortage and Chemung faunas ; Swartz, 99. United States (Missouri) sp. n. Cranoena ; Greger, 46. United States (Montana), spp. n Athyrls, Atrypa, Ilypothyn^ (.''), Sclmchertiella.Spirifev, Kindle, 61. United States (Utah), sp. u. Lclo- rhynchus ; Kindle, 61. Bolivia fauna ; L'nignla, Splrifer, Stropheodonta spp. n. ; Knod, 63. Silurian. Laissia (Baltic provinces), rev. Lcptacna, Plectamhonites, Strophomena ; Schmidt, 88. England (nr. Tortworth, (^loucest.), lists Tpp. ; Reed & Reynolds, 79. Wales (Pembroke), sp. n. Zygosp'n-a Llandoverian, Haverfordwest ; Reed, 78. Turkestan (L. Balkhash) ; Stepanov, 95. United States (Ohio), distr. Arnhelm and Waynesville Beds spp. ; Foerste, 38. Victoria (Dolodrook Valley, Mt. Wellington), occ.Platyi^trophin hijorata ; Chapman, 20. Acrolhclc Ordovician. Canada (Quebec), sp. n. Walcott, 102. United States (New York), sp Lhupda (V); Cleland, 24; var. n. L gul'ella ; Walcott, 102. 11 Brack. Subject Index. — Systematic. 2031 L'liited Suites (IndianaX fauna of Cincinnati series, l^'hiti/strophia, Rafimt^- ifithui varr. n. ; Cummings, 30. L'liitoil States (Utah\ spp. n. Obolus; Walcott, 102. Cambrian. lieneral ; Walcott, 102 ; WaJcott, 103 Xorwav, sp. n. AcrotlieJc ; Walcott, 102. Sweden, spp. n. Acrothele, Mirhnitzia ; Walcott, 102. France, sp. n. Aerotlielc ; Walcott, 102. Spain, sp. n. Botsfovdia (?) ; Walcott, 102. China, sp. n. Dicello))ins; Walcott, 102. China (Shantung), sp. n. Obolella; Lorenz. 66. Canada i.Vlberta), spp. n. Micromkra, ' olus ; Walcott, 102. British Columbia, spp. n. BiUhufftella, Mlcromitra, Nisusia, Obolus, W'lma- .ella (gen. n.) ; Walcott, 102. W. United States, sp. n. Mickidtzia ; Walcott, 102. United States (Alabama), spp. n. '. ur/idcUa, Micfomitra, Ohohis, Wima- Ua (gen. n.); Walcott, 102. United States (.Arizona), sp. u. Kiausia ; Walcott, 102. United States ^California), spp. n. Trcmatoholus, Wimanella (gen. n.) ; Walcott, 102. United States (^Florida), sp. n. Acro- thele ; Walcott, 102. United States (Idaho), spp. n. Xi!mbia spp. n. Cambrian Walcott Allison. Misc. Collect. 53. jBotsfordia (?) harrmidei sp. n. Cam- brian, Spain Walcott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53 p. 77. ^Camarophorella rev. ; C. mutahills sp. n. p. 56, Carboniferous (Waverley series), United States (Ohio) Hyde Proc. Boston Soc. 34. 'fCamarophorla destinezi sp. n. Car- boniferous (Waulsortian), Belgium ''Flavion prov. Xamurj Fraipont Ann. . Geol Belg. 35 p. M. 11 figs.— C'. i.sta sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian) 1- lilted Stiites riexas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 303. ' ''honetes biUhigai sp. n. ada (Quebec) Clarke / rk Mus. 9 p. 2U9.— C. ....^. nom. n. Sibly Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 64 p. 78 figs. — C.costata,grandis spp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samaraj Stxjckekberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 63, 130. — C. hillanus, suhliratus spp. n. Permian ((iuadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Devonian, Mem. N. c.ompresiia Prof. Pajir. 58 p. 228. — C. pawn sp. n. Carboniferous (Waulsortian), Belgium (Flavion prov. Namur) Fraipont Ann. Soc. geol. Belg. 35 p. M. 10 iigs.— C. spp. n. Devonian, United States (Maine) antl Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 253-207. "fCiiicta syn. etc. p. 338 ; C. pernum- mus nom. n. {Terehratula pernummus Davids, non Valenc.) p. 342 Buokmax Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 63. "fCistella arthonensis sp. n. Eocene, France (Loire inferieure.) Cossmann Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. ^Clarkella gen. n. type Folytoech'ia (?) montanens'is WALCorr Smithson. Misc Collect. 53 p. 110. "fComposita emarginata sp. n. p. 388 and var. n. affinis p. 389, mexicana var. n. guadalupensis p. 390 Permian (Guadahipian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. \CranieTla grandegrevens'is sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus 9 p. 212. \Cranoena morsii sp. n. Devonian, United States (Missouri) Greger Amer. Journ. Sci. 25 p. 314 fig. ■fCryptonella ellsi sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 234-237.— C. (?) ellsi sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 163. '\CyHina chalazia sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 253-267. ^Dalmanella rev. spp. Chemung formation etc. spp. n. Williams Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 pp. 35-64 figs.— D. penoiiili sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 }). 242. — D. spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 284- 289. ■\Dearbomia gen. n. of Siphonotretidae, type D. darki sp. n. Cambrian, United States (Montana) Walcott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53 p. 78. ■\Derhya emended p. 181, nasuta p. 182, cremdata p. 183 spp. n. Permian (Guada- lupian), United States (Texas) GiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. 14 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda. [1908] '\Dicellomus parvus p. 76 China, pro- Ufieio p. 77 United States (Utah) spp. n. Cambrian Walcott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53. fDielasma spatidatum p. 330, pro- longatum, cordatum p. 331, sideatum, seutidatum p. 332 spp. n. Permian (Guadakipian), United States (Texas) GiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. — Z). cnnbonense sp. n. ludo-Anstralische Archipel Boeh.m N. Jahrb. Min. Beilage- bd. 25 pp. 293-343.— D. globosa sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stdckenberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 33, 120. fDielasmina guadalupensis sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) GiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 333. Discinisea sect. n. vide Pclagodiscus. "tEyiteletes glohosus p. 294, dnmblei, angulatiis p. 295 spp. n. Permian (Gua- dalupian) United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. '\Entelctoides gen. n. pp. 59, 129 aff. Enteletes ; E. rossicus pp. 60, 129 sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stuckenberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23. ■fEoortliis gen. n. p. 102, aff. Orthis, type Orthis remnicha ; E. neicherrii'i thyone p. 105, zeno p. 106 spp. n. Cambrian, United States (Utah) Wauott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53. ■\Fordinia subgen. n. of Oholiis, type 0. perfertm Wai.cott Smithson. xMisc. Collect. 53 ]). ()4. ■\Gaspesia gen. n., tpve Ortliis aurelia Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pj). 277- 284; Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 198. "fGeyerella amer'iraiia sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) GiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 204. ■\Glos8lna acer sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 lip. 284-289 ; Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 ]). 214. ^HarUina ind'tanensis sp. n. Carlioni- ferous (St. Louis Group), United vStates (Pella la.) Girty Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 293 iigs. ^Ticmlptychina waageni sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stuoken- berg M^m. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 34, 121. Hemitliyris strehell sp. n. Mid Pacific Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 441. '\Heterelasma gen. n. p. 337 of Tere- bratulidae ; H. shumard'ianum p. 338, venustidum p. 339 spp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. '\H'tpparionyx minor sp. n. Devonian, United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 277-284. ■fEiienella gen. n. of Syntrophiidae, type Syntrophia texana, H. etheridgei p. 109, Soutb Australia, lesleyi p. 110, United States (Utah) spp. n. Cambrian Walcott Smithson Misc. Collect. 53. ^Tlustedia meclicina var. n. trigonali$ p. 396 hi partita sp. n. p. 398 Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. ^Hypotliyris (?) globularis sp. n. Devonian, United States (Montana) Kindle Bull. Amer. Pal. 20 p. 27. \Koninckina alfuriea sp. n. Trias, Malaysia Wanner N. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 185. Laqueus morsci sp. n. Japan Sea Dall Nautilus 22 p. 29. '\Leiorliynchus utahensis sp. n. DeA^o- nian. United States (Utah) Kindle Bull. Amer. Pal. 20 p. 27. "fLeptodus amcrieaiLiis }). 212, guadalupensis p. 213 spp. n. Pei'mian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) (;iRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. '\Leptostrophia tardifi sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec), magnifica var. n. parra Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 268- 275; Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 195. \Lingida cUipiica sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) ('larke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 284-289; Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 214. — L. nubovata, snbpundata, oroides spp. n. Boli- vien Knod N. Jahrb. Min. lieilagebd. 25 pp. 493-600.— L. (?) ovata sp. n. Ordo- vician, United States (New York) Cle- land Bull. Amer. Pal. 18 p. 19. ■\Lingulella biittm p. 70 (Alabama), texana p. 71 (Texas and Missouri) spp. n. Cambrian, United States, acuiiiinaia var. n. Kcqucns p. 72 Ordovician, United States (New York) Waloott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53. 1.'. Brack. Systematic. 2031 rLinnar.^soneUa moi.h'!. 89. ■fRensselaeria spp. and var. n. De- vonian, E. Canada and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 238-253. — li. ovoides var. n. gas- pensis Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 164. jRhipidomella logani, lehuquetiana spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke N. York Mus. 9 p. 202.— i?. spp. n. Devonian, E. Canada and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 277-284. '\Ehynchonella valuta, plateia spp. n. Jurassic (Fuller's Earth), England (nr. Dou'.ting Somerset) Rich.\I!DSOX & Walker Quart. Journ. Geol. Sue. 63 pp. 430-431 figs. — E. u-alkeri sp. n. Jurassic (Fuller's Earth), England (iir. Radstock) Richardson Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 63 p. 431 figs. — R. seutarina p. 302 figs., kra'jinensis p. 305 figs. spp. n. Jurassic, Montenegro Maetelli Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25. — R. galoi, taliabutic.a, sularum spp. n. Jurassic, Malaysia (Taliabu I.) Boehm Palaeonto- graphica Suppl. IV pp. 65-67 figs. — R. eiclncaldi p. 206, nova p. 209, tscher- nyschewl p. 208 spp. n. Lower Creta- ceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. St. Petersburg 32. — R. (?) longaeva sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 322. '\Rhynclwpora amhonensis sp. n. Indo- Australische Archipel Boehm N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 293-343. ■\Scliisophoria amii sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 284-289.— S. {?)amii sp.n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 202. '\Schuchertella extensus sp. n. DeA^o- nian, United States (Montana) Kindle Bull. Amer. Pal. 20 p. 26. "fSpirifer mexicanusyax. n. compactua, Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty' U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 361. — S. tscliernysclieici pp. 39, 121, volgensis pp. 40, 122, f^ama- rensis pp. 43, 1 23, vssensis pp. 44, 123, IMvloii pp. 45, 124, cinctiformis pp. 46, 124, trautsclioldi j)p. 47, 125, panderi pp. 48, 125, jiguleiisis pp. 49, 125, jiguVmoides pp. 49, 126, elegantulus pp. 51, 126, hustediaeformis pp. 51, 126 spp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stuckenberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23. — S. modestus nitidulus sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9, p. 182).— S. prumiensia sp. n. Lower Devonian, 17 Brack. Systematic. 2031 rmany (Priim) DnEVERM.ufN Ber. ^ nokenb. Ues. 1907 p. 125 fi^s.— 5. ■idciiUills sp. n. Devonian, United .•Mates (MouUina) Kindle Bull. Amor. Pal. 20 p. 30. — N. spp. n. Dovouiau, Fnited States (Maine) Ci_vkke Bull. X. York. Muj:. 107 pp. 253-267.— S. •rcctuii vaxr. n. acuficostata, ceres Reed, iiioconvextt.-t sp. n. Bolivieu Kkod X. .ihrb. ilin. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-600. — .S. (Mart'niia) (jiijantetis sp. n. Per- mian, Italy Caneva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 43t) iigs. fSplrifer'nia hiU'nigsi var. n. rctn.^a, • MX p. 370, sidcata, laxa p. 377, pymui'i- dis p. 378, hilli p. 379 and var. n. ■hjpjeunis, icelleri p. 380 spp. n. Per- iau (Guadalupian), United States Fexasi Gikty U. S. Cleol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. — S. andjoticnsis, moluhkana, malayana spp. n. Indo-Australischeu \rchipel BdEH.M X. Jahrb. Min. Beila- .ebd. 25 pp. 293-343. tSquaimdaria (luadalupensis varr. n. sithqitadrata, ovalis Permian (Guadalu- ian), United States (Texas) Girty ■. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 369. fStreptorhynchus gregar'ium p. 177, piiginaeum p. 178, peratteuuatum p. 180 spp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. \StrophaJos'ia hystncula sp. n. Per- mian (Guadalupian), United States Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof, i'apr. 58 p. 275. ^^troplieodonta steiningeri sp. n. Lower Devonian, Germany (Priim) Hrevermakx Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1907 p. 127 figs. — S. hatzeri sp. n. Bolivicn Knod X. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-600. — .S. roaieri sp. n. Devo- nian, Canada (Quebec) p. 110; S. Inmti sp. n. p. 185, patersoni preeedens mutt. n. 1S6, erebristriata simplex p. 187, irra avtta p. 188 Devonian, Quebec i.ARKE ilem. X. York ilus. 9. — S. spp. n. id varr. n. Devonian, Xew Brun.swick and Quebec Clarke Bull. X. York Mus. 107 pp. 268-275. jStrophonella eontinens sp. n. Devo- nian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. X. York Mus. 107 pp. 268-275 ; Clarke Mem. X. York 'Sins. 9 p. 195. fSijntrophia eamhria p. 106 (Utah), camphelli p. 107 (Tennessee;, nnxia p. 108 (Utah) spp. n. Cambrian, United (N- 10332 p) States Waloott Smithson. Misc. Collect 53. "fSyr'nigotliijris (ivclird sp. n. Carboni- ferous, Grant Land Wihthelo Bull. Anier. Nat. Hist. 24 p. 53. iTegidifera ariiiata sp. n. Carboni- ferous (Pennsvlvanian), United States (La Salle, 111.) p. 294 figs. ; T. hansa- sensisa'p. n. Carboniferous (Piqua Lime- stone ?), United States (nr. Crane, Kan.) p. 295 figs. Girty Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34. Terehratula (Liothyrina) ni-a G']iilert Exped. antarct. franc. Brachiopodes figs. — T. (Liotlit/riti) sahliaJivensis sp. n. Okhotsk Sea (S.E. of Sakhalin 1.) Dall Nautilus 22 p. 28. ^Terehratula (eoutd.). — X^omenclature etc. English Crag spp. disc. Buckmax Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. sor. 8 1 p. 444.-7'. undosa sp. n. Jurassic, Pommerania Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 41. — T. leiithayensis p. 432 figs. (Lenthay Dorset), doidtingensis p. 432 figs. (nr. Doultiug Somerset) spp. n. Jurassic (Fuller's Earth), England Richardson" & Walker Quart. Jon in. Geol. Soc. 63. — T. cernagorcnsis sp. n. Jurassic, Montenegro Martellt Boll. Soc. geol. ital. 25 p. 315 figs. — T. (Pygope) sithalpina sp. n. [sine descr.] Jurassic (Acantliiciis beds), Austi'ia (Giesshiibl) Toula Wien Verb. geol. RchsAnst. 1907 p. 304. Terehratulina valdiviae sp. n. Indian Ocean (nr. Nias I.) Bi.ociimaxk Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 90 p. 007. "fTerehratuUna (contd.). — T. minima sp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Kara- KAsru St. Petersburg Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 219. Yd'hiemella gen. n. ]>. 59 aff. Dalma- nella, for T. rilloiovia sp. n. Devonian, United States (Villenova, N.Y.) Williams Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 00. "fTrematobolus exceleis sp. n, Cam- brian, California Walcott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53 pp. 78-83. fTrrmatoepira perforata var. n, atlantica Devonian, Canada (Qnel)ec) Clarke Bidl. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 253- 267. "fTrigoneUina gen. n., type Terehratula. pectuncylus Buckman Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 63 1). 342, b 10 18 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda. [1908] Waldheimia raphaells [var. n.] alh'ida Japan Sea Dall Nautilus 22 p. 30. '\Wnnandla gen. n. p. 98 of Billingsel- lidae, type W. simplex sp. n. Cambrian, ilontana and British Columbia, p. 101 ; W. iuiioensis p. 99 (California), sliel- hijensis p. 100 (Alaliama) spp. n. Cam- brian, United States Walcott Smithson. Misc. Collect. 53. "fZeilleria favrei, btsellata p. 217, pentagonalis p. 218 spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. St. Petersburg 32. — Z. arcllnna sp. n. Jurassic, Pommerania Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 41. I 'J Bnj. CONTENT3. VII (b) BRYOZOA CONTENTS I. Titles . . II. Subject Index : — General = 2003 Structure = 2007 Pliysiology = 2011 . Development = 2015. Ethology = 2019 Variation and ^Etiology = 2023 Distribution = 2027 : — (a) Recent : — (a) Marine ifi) Non-Marine . . (b) Fossil . . PAGE .. .. 20 .. 23 .. 23 .. 23 .. 23 .. 23 .. 23 ' .. 23 . . .. 24 .. .. 24 III. Systematic Index = 2031 25 20 Brack.— Bry. VII. Bryozoa. [1908] Abbieeviations emijloved in Sections II and III :— anat. = anatomy. chars. = characters. colln . = collection. comp. descr. = characters comp. description, or described, dev. — development. diagn. disc. ^ diagnosis. discussion, or discussed. distr. = distribution. esp. expdn. formn. = especially, expedition, formation. incl. = includes, or included. occ. = occurrence. ref. = referred, or referable. reg. = regarded. rev. = revision, or revised. spec. = specimen. syn. synonym, or synonymy. 1. — TITLES. -Vmialcr, Biologie lacustre. Biblio- grapliie lininologiqiiP. Comptes-iendus, Analyses, Citations. Ann. Biol, lacnstre, J'.rux.'ll,>s, 2, 1908, (403-479). 1 Annandale, N. The Fauna of brackish jjonds at Port Canning, Lower Bengal. Pt. VII. Further observations on the I'olyzoa with the description of a new genus of Ento})i-octa. Rec. Ind. Mus , Calcutta, 2, pt. i, 1908, (11-19). 2 Annandale, N. Corrections as to the iilontitv of Indian Pliylactolaemata. llec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908, ,;no). 3 Annandale, N. Thre(; Indian Pliy- lactolaemata. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 2, 1908, (1G9-I74). 4 Arnold, Ralph. Ceology and oil re- sources of the Sunmierland district, iSuiita Barbara (»unty, California. [With notes and illustrations of MoUusca from the Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene and Bryozoa from the Pliocene.] Washing- ton, D.C., Dept. Int., Bull. U. S. Geol. Snrv., No. 321, 1917, (1-93), pi. 5 Beede, Joshua William vide Cumings, E. R. & Beede. Beutler, Karl. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der cyclostomen Bryozoen der alteren Tertiarschichten des siidlichen Bayern. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 54, 1908, (205-250), 2 Taf. 6 Braem, F. Die geschlechtliche Ent- wickelung von FredericcUa aidfana nebst Beobachtungen iiber die weitere Lebensgeschichte der Kolonien. Zoo- loo-ica, 'Stuttgart, 11. 52, 1908, (1-38), 7 Taf. 7 Braem, F. Die Spermatozoen der Siisswasser-Brvozoen. Zool. Anz., Leiji- zig, 32, 1908, (071-073). 8 Braem, F. Die S))ermatozocn von ValndiccUa und Tritieella. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (380-381). 9 Braem, F. Ueber die Umwamlhuig jjlasmatischer Granula zu halbmontl- lormifjen Korpern. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, I !')08, (300-304). 10 Buen, Od(')n de. [The new Marine Laboratory in the Balearic Is.] Paris, Bui. Soc. zool., 33, 1908, (40-51). 11 Canu, I'erdinaud. Bryozoa ires du terrains tertiaires des environs de Paris. Ann. Paleont., Paris. 2. pt. 2, 1907, (57- 88 =---1-32), pi. ix-xii = i-iv), pt. 4, 1907, (137-100 = 33-50), pis. xix-xxii = v-viii. 12 Canu, F. Les Bryozoaires fossiles dos terrains du sud-Ouest de la France. Paris, Bui. Soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, 1907, (510-518), pis. xii-xiii. 13 Chatwin, Charles P. & Withers, Thomas 11. The Zones of the Chalk in tlie Thames Valley between Goring autl Shi])lake. With an appendix by George I'l Bry. Titles. 2000 J. Hinde. Loiidou, Q. J. Lieol. 800., 64, VJOS, v3U0-4l'0). 14 Clarke, John M. Some new Iievonic Fossils. Alhanv, X.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull., No. 107, (geol. ser., No. 12), l!K)7, a^"'3-2i)l). 15 Clarke, John M. Early Devonic History of New York and Eastern North America. .Mbanv, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. .Mem.', 9, 1908, (1-3GG), maps, pi. 16 Condra, Heorge Evart. The Coal Measure Bryozoa of Nebraska. [Thesis, Ph.D., University of Nebraska.] Ne- braska Geological Sun-ev, Lincoln, Neb., 2, Pt. 1, 1903, (1-168), pi., map, tables. 17 Cossmann, M. [Rectifications de nomenclature.] Rev. crit. paleozool., Paris, 10, 190(3, (19G). 18 Ciunings, E. R. Description of the Bryozoa of the Salem Limestone of southern Indiana. [In Cumings, E. R. & Beede, No. 21.] Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res.. Indianapolis, 30, 1905, 1906, 1 127-4-1296), pis. xxvii-xl. 19 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. Indianapolis, 32 (1907), 1908, (605-1190), illustr., maps, charts. 20 Cumings, E. R. & Beede, J. W. Fauna of the Salem Limestone of Indiana. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis, 30 (1005), 190(i, (1187-1486), pis. vii-xlvii. 21 Czwiklitzer, Richard. Die Anatomic der Larve von PediceU'nui eeluiiata. Wieu, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1908, (157-186), 1 Taf. 22 Girty, George H. The Guadalupiau Fauna. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr., No. 58, 1908, (l-649j, pi. 23 Hopkinson, John. Dates of Publica- tion of the Separate Parts of Gmelin's Edition (13thj of the "Systema Natun^ " of Linnffius. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, [1908], (1035-1037). 24 Karakaacli, N. S. Le cretace inferieur de la Crimee et sa faune. (Russe) St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, geol. 32, 5, 1907, (1-442, 454-482, Res. fran?. 443-453), 28 Taf. 25 Kittl, Ernst. Die Triasfossilicn voiu lloureka Suud. Ivristiania, Report of the Sorond Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the " Eram " 1898-1902, No. 7, 1907, (1-44) 3 Taf. 26 Kluge, Hermann. Kritische Erorte- rungen zu den bryozoologischen Ai'beiteu von K. Chworostansky. Arch. Natg., Berlin, 73, Bd 1, 1907, (181-204). 27 Kluge, 11. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bryozoen des Weissen Meeres. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 12, 1907 [1908], (515-540). 28 Kltige, II. Zur Kenntnis der Bryo- zoen von West-Gronland. St. Peter- burg, Ann. Mus. zool., 12, 1907, [1908], (546-554). 29 Lee, G. W. Notes on Fossils from Prince Charles Foreland, brought home bv Dr. William S. Bruce in 1906 and 1907. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc, 17, 1908, (149-166). 30 Le Roux, Marc. Recherches biolo- gi([ues sur le lac d'Aunecy. Ann. Biol, lacnstre, Bru.xelles, 2, 1907, (220-387). 31 Levander, K. M. Zur Kenntnis der Verbreltung der Siisswasser-Bryozoen in F'inland. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (97-106). 32 Loppens, K. Contribution a I'etude du micro-plankton des eaux saumatres do la Belgique. Ann. Biol, lacustrc, Bnixellcs, 3, 1908, (16-53). 33 Maplestone, C. M. Further Descrip- tions of the Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria. Part X. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., ser. 2, 21, 1908, (233-239), pis. vii-viii. 34 Martin, Edgar C. The new Red (Permian) (iravel of the Tiverton Dis- trict. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (150-157). 35 Matzdorfif, Carl. Bryozoa fiir 1905. [Julnesbciicht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 3, 1903, [1908], XIII, (1- 18). 36 Mourlon, Michel. Le Calcaire Carbo- iiifiTe et les depots post-prlmaires qui le recouvrent dans la vallee de I'Escaut, entre 'I'ournai et Antolne. Bruxelles, Bui. Soc. geol., 22, 1908, Pr.-verb. (89- 105). 37 22 Brach.—Bry, VII. Bryozoa. [1908] Neviani, Antonio. Di un libro poco note siigli Zoofiti e Litofiti del Mediter- raneo dell'abate Francesco Maratti. Parte I. Briozoi. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 8, 1907, (102-118). 38 Neviani, Antonio. Briozoi viventi e fossili iUustrati da Ambrogio Soldani neir opera " Testaceograjjliia ac Zoophy- tograpliia parva et niicroscopica " (1789- 1798). Roma, Bol. Soc. geol. ital., 25 1906), pt. 3, 1907, (705-785;. 39 Nickles, John M. The Upper Ordo- vician rocks of Kentucky and their Bryozoa. Kentucky Geological Survey, Bulletin, Lexington, No. 5, 1905, (l-t;4) pi. 40 Oka, Asajiro. Tansui-Kokemushi no chi shin shu. [On a new species of fresh-water Polvzoa.] Dobuts. Z., Tokyo, 18, 190G, (^307-310). 41 Oka, Asajiro. Ober eine neue Gat- tung von Siisswasserbryozoen (Stepha- nella n. g.). Amiot. Zool. Jap., Tokvo, 6, 1908, (277-285), pi. "42 Prior, G. T. vide Rowe, A. W. Reed, F. R. Cowper & Reynolds, H. S. Silurian Fossils from certain localities in the Tortworth Inlier. Bristol, Rep. Nat. Soc, ser. 4, 2, 1908, (32-40). 43 Reynolds, H. S. vide Reed, F. R. C. & Reynolds. Richardson, L. On the Phyllis Col- lection oi liiferior-Oolite Fossils from Doulting. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (509-517). 44 Robertson, Alice. The incrusting Chilostoiiiatous Bryozoa of the west coast of North America. Berkeley, Univ. Calif. Publ., Zool., 4, 1908, (253- 314) pi. 45 Rowe, Arthur W. The Zones ol the White Cliaik of the Euglisli Coast. V. The Isle of Wight. The Maps and de- scriptive Appendix by C. Davies Sher- bom . . . and a note on certain Silicious Nodules by G. T. Prior. Lon- don, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908,(209- ■»52), ]>ls. viii-xxiii, maps. 46 ScMmkewitsch, W. Die Mctliorisis als embryologischcr Prinzip. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (.585-598). 47 Sherbom, C. Davies vide Rowe, A. W. Smith, .Joseph. The Polyzoa — their place in nature, with notes on some l^ecularities [sic] in structure. Man- chester, Rep. Microsc. Soc, 1907, [1908], (64-79), pis. ii-iii. 48 Sollas, Igerua B. J. A new Fresh- water Polyzoon from S. Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat.'Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (264-273). 49 Stiasny, G. Beobachtungen iiber die marine Fauna des Triester Golfes im Jahre 1907. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (748-752). 50 Stuckenberg, A. Die Fauna der obercarlionischen Suite des Wolgadurch- bruches bei Samai'a. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., ser. 2, 23, 1905 [? 1907], (xiv + 144 pp.), 13 pis. [Russ. mit deutsch. Res. (111-114)]. 51 Th^el, Hjalmar. Om utvecklingen af Sveriges zoologiska hafsstation Kristineberg och om djurlifvet i angran- sande haf och fjordar. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 5, 1908, (1-136), 5 pis., 3 maps. 52 Thiebaud, Maurice. Contribution a la 1)iologie du Lac de Saint-Blaise. Ann. Biol. lacustre, Bruxelles, 3, 1908, (54- 140), pis. i-iv. 53 Thompson, J. Zoophytes in the Huniber. Naturalist, London, 1908, (454). 54 Vadasz, M. Elemer. A ribicei felso- mediterran korszaki korallpad fauua- jan')ll. Ober die obermediterrane Ko- rallenbank von Ribice. Foldt. KozL, Budapest, 37, pt. 9-11, 1907, (Ungarisch 368-373; Deutsch 420-425). 55 Waters, A. W. A sub-fossil Polyzoon from Calcutta. Rec. Ind. Mus., Cal- cutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908, (109-110). 56 Weller, Stuart. A Report on the Cretaceous Paleontology of New Jersey. Based upon the Stratigraphic Studies of George N. Knapp. New Jersey, Rep. Geol.' Surv., Trenton, Pal. ser. 4, 1907, Text, (ix -t- 3-871 pp.), Plates (91 pis.) 57 Wesenberg-Lund, C. On the occur- rence ol /''redericclla sidtann Bluraenb. and I'alndicelld Elircnhcr(/u van Bened. in Greenland. Kcibenhavn, Mcdd.GriJnl., 34,1907,(63-75). 58 Wilcox, Alice W. Locomotiim in voung colonies of FcclhuttdlamcKjuijiva. Biol. Bull., Woods lloll, Mass., 11. 1906, (245-252), pi. 59 2.-? Bry Subject Index. 2027 Withers, Tlionias II. r'ule Chatwin, r. C). A- Withers. Toong, George William. The Chalk Area of WesttMU Surrey. London, Proc. Gool. Ass.. 20, 190S, i422-4r)5l. 60 Zykoff, W. Das Plam^ton des Flnsses Irtisch und seiner Xebenflusse Bukon n. Tabol. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 190S, (10;M1i'\ " 61 TL— SUBJECT IXDEX. (iKXERAL. 2003 Bibliography. Piihlifations during 1903; MatzdorflF, 36. Limnological works, bibliography and review ; 1. Dates of publication, Gmelin's edition of LinnrT?us' " Systema Naturae " ; Hopkinsoii, 24. Maretti's " De Plantis Zooph. Lithoph. Mari Medit. viv." (RomaD 1776) rev. ; Neviani, 38. A. Soldani's " Testae. Zoophyt. pai'va et ruicrosc." (1789-1798) rev. ; Neviani, 39. Museums. Collections and Expe- ditions. Balearic Is., marine laboratory ; Bnen, 11. Shepton-Mallet Museum, "J. Phyllis " coUn. Inferior Oolite spp. rev. ; Ricliardson, 44. " Fram " Norwegian iVi"ctic expdn. (1898-1902), colln. Triassic fossils descr. ; Kittl, 26. Technique. .Study of fossil specimens, preparing sections ; Cumings, 20 p. 736. STRUCTURE. 2007 Popular account ; Smith, 48. DEVELOPMENT. 2015 General, Fredericella etc. ; Braem, 7. Methorisis ; Schiinkewitscli, 47. Die Umwandlung plasmatischcr Granula zu hallinionilformigen Kiirpern, Phimatdhi ; Braem, 7. Spermatozoa ; Braem, 8 ; PnhidiccUa, TnticcUa ; Braem, 9. Statolilasts T.ophopn.t etc., germination etc. ; SoUas, 49. Larva, Memhran'uMra rillosa Robertson, 45; T'cdicoVma rch'niula Czwiklitzer, 22. ETHOLOCIY. 2019 Locomotion, young coloni<>s of Pec- t'ln'delld magnifica; Wilcox, 59. VARIATION AND AETTOT.OflY. 2023 muge, 28. DISTRIBUTION. (a) Recent. 2027 (a) Mar'tne. Arctic, Chworostansky's works reg. as worthless ; fauna disc. ; Kluge, 27. White Sea, fauna disc. ; list spp. ]). 195 ; Memhranipora sp. n. ; Eluge, 27 ; fauna ; Memhranipora, ScluzoporeUa spp. n. ; Kluge, 28. Murman coast, fauna disc. ; list spp. from Teriberka ; Kluge, 27. W. Greenland, faima ; Sehizoporella sp. n. ; Kluge, 29. E. England, occ. few spp. in Humber Est. ; Thompson, 54. S.W. Sweden (Kristineberg district), fauna; Th^el, 52 p. 71. Belgium, brackish water plankton ; Loppens, 33. Mediterranean ; Neviani, 38 ; sp. n. Lagenipora ; Neviani, 39. G. of Trieste, Cyplionautes ; Stiasny, 50. Lower Bengal (Pt. Canning), fauna of brackish ponds ; spp. n. Loxosoiuatoides (gen. n.j, Vietorella; Annandale, 2. W. North America ; incrusting Chilostomata ; Robertson, 45. Alaska, sp. n. Memhranipora ; Robertson, 45. 24 Brack.— Bry. VII. Bryozoa. [1908] W. United States, sp. n. Eetepora ; Robertson, 45. California, spp. and subsp. n. Mucro- nella, Retepora, Schlzoporella, Smittia', Robertson, 45. {0) Kon-Marine. Finland ; Levander, 32. France (Haute-Savoie), fauna L. Annecy ; Le Roux, 31. Switzerland (L. St. Blaize), fauna ; TMebaud, 53. Asiatic Russia (R. Irtisch etc.), occ. Plumatella repens ; Zykoff, 61. India, syn. Phylactolaemata ; Annan- dale, 3; Phylactoljemata, Pectinatello, Plumatella spp. n. ; Annandale, 4. Japan, sp. n. Pectinatella ; Oka, 41 ; sp. n. Stephanella (gen. n.) ; Oka, 42. Cape Colony (Valkenberg Vlei, nr. Cape Town) sp. n. Lophopus ; Sollas, 49. Greenland, occ. Fredericella sultann, Pahidicella ehrenhergii ; Wesenberg- Lund, 58. (b) Fossil. Port-Tertiary. India ^Calcutta), Lepralia neclusa Waters, 56. Victoria, spp. n. Berenicea, Diasto- pora, Entalophora, Filisparsn, Idmonca, Reticidipora, Sp'n-opora, Stomatopora, Tuhidipora ; Maplestone, 34. Cretaceous. Crimea, Lower Cretaceous fauna ; Earakascli, 25. Enoland (Surrey), list Chalk fauna ; Young, 60. England (Thames Valley), zonal faunas of the Chalk ; Chatwin & Withers, 14. I. of Wight, zonal faunas of the White Chalk ; Rowe, 46. United States (Xew Jersey), fauna ; Berenicea, Bisidmonea, Discocytis, Es- char'mella, Filisparsa, Membi'an'ipora, Micropora, Microporella, Stomatopora spp. n. ; Waller, 57. Jurassic. England fSomerset), J. Phyllis' coUn. Inferior Oolite spp. from Doulting rev. ; Riebardson, 44, Triassic. Arctic (Heureka Sund) ; Kittl, 26. Palaeozoic. Arctic (Prince Charles Foreland), small colln. descr. ; Stenopora spp. n. ; Lee, 30. Tertiary. S. Bavaria, Cyclostomata ; Defraucia, Ilornera, Idmonea, Spiropora spp. n. ; Beutler, 6. France (Paris area) fauna ; Adeomlla, Crihvilina, Diplod'idymia. Farcln'ia, Gnudryella, TJeterocella, Lnmdites, Mem- hrnnipora, Onyehocella , Poricella, Poris- toma, Tthagasoatoma. Sclosella, Sm'itt'i- pora, Tremopora, Vibraeella spp. n. ; Canu, 12. S. W. France, Aquitanian fauna ; Diaatopora, Ileterorella, Heteropora, Hippothoa, Memhrani]X)ra, Pyripora, Tubucellaria spp. n. ; Canu, 13. Hungary, list Upper Mediterranean spp. from Ribicc ; Vadasz, 55. California (Santa Bar])ara Co.) Plio- cene fauna ; Arnold, 5. Permian. England (Devon), few spp. Tiverton district ; Martin, 35. United States (Texas), Guadalupian fauna ; Aca-ntJiocladla, Actluotrypa. Domopora, Fenestella, Fi'^tidipora, (lonioclada, Leioclama, Stenopura, Tham- nlseuH spp. and varr. n. ; Girty, 23. Carboniferous. Russia (Samara), Upper Carboniferous fauna ; Polypora, Samaria (gen. n.), Volgia (gen. n.) spp. n. ; Stuckenberg, 51. Belgium, occ. Fenestella plebeia ; Mourlon, 37. United States (Indiana), fauna of the Salem Limestone ; Fenestella, Fistuli' 25 Bry. Systematic. 2031 pom, Ilcmllrtjixi, Pohjpora. I'luimhopora 8}ii>. iind van-, n. ; Cumings, 19 ; notes on f;iuiia Salem l,iii'ejocrypteUa nom. n. pro Cryptella Jullien CossMANN" Rev. crit. paleozool. 10 p. 196. '\Callopora frondosa sp. n. Ordovician (Cincinnati series) United States (In- diana) CcMiNGS Indiana Rept. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 32 p. 785. jdi-ihuUna suhpunctata sp. n. C.VSU Ann. paleont. 2 p. 42 fig. b 17 20 Brnch.—Bry. VII. Bryozoa. [1908] C'ryptcUa vide Bryocryptella. Cyphonaittes occidentalis sp. n. larva of ilemhranipora vdlosa RoBERTSox L'liiv. Calif. PuLl. Zool. 4 p. 274. fDeirancia atipido'ides sp. n. Tertiary, S. Bavaria Beutleu Palaeontograpliica 54 ]). 234. fD'iai. 513 fig. "flleleropora nquitanica sp. n. Aquitanian, S. W. France Casv Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 518 fig. flJeterotyypa focvstci sp. n. Uj)per Ordoviciau, United States (Kentucky) NiCKLEs Bull. Kentuckv Geol. Surv. 5 p. 48. ^IFippothoa aquitan'iea sp. n. Aqui- tanian, S. W. France (La Saubotte) Cam' Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 514 fig. "fllomotrypa constcllariforviis sp. n. Ordovician (Cincinnati Series), United States (Indiana) Cl'Mings Indiana Rept. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. 32 p. 839. '\1lomolrypeVla noruoodi Bj). n. C piwr Ordovician, United States (Kentucky NicKLEs Bull. Kentucky Geol. Surv. 5 p. 4.3. Bru. Systematic. 2031 '\Uorncrti c'trcumporosa sp.' u. Ter- tiary, S. Biivariii Beitlek Palaeonto- "rraphica 54 p. '1Z-. ildmonca cloiigata, deUcat'iier. 2 21. — 7. riourct'iculata, parrula spp. n. Tertiary, S. Bavaria Bel'TLEk I'alaeontographioa 54 p. 226. Lagcnipora soJdauii sp. n. Mediter- '■I'lean Neviani Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 774. '.cioclcma fthumardi sp. n. Permian uulalupian). United States (Texas) :.iv U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 , i;u. opliopus capensis sp. n. Cape Colony 'keubergVlei nr. Cape Town) Sollas .. Mag. Xat. Hist. ser. 8 2 pp. 264- " !igs. ! . j.vosomatoides gen. n. of Entoprocta . L. coJoniaJis sp. n. Lower Bengal .'•kish. pond at Port Canning) An- I'ALE Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 1 p. 14. Lunulit^s laevigata p. 28 figs., cnsh p. 29 fig. spp. n. Cxsu Ann. paieont. 2. Membranipora heterospinosa sp. n. White .Sea Kluge St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12 p. 522. — M. lata sp. n. AMiite Sea Kluge Arch. Xaturg. 73 Bd. 1 J). 193 fig. — M. occultata sp. n. Alaska Robertson Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 4 p. 262. "tMemhranipora (contd. ). — 31. spp. n. Ulrich & Bassler Cretaceous, United States fXew Jersey) Weller New Jersey CJeol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 335-336. — M. combesi sp. n. Spar- nacian, France (.Sarron, nr. Paris) p. 67 fig. ; M. harmeri sp. n. Lower Lutetian, France 'nr. Paris) p. 64 figs. ; M. meunien sp. n. Tertiary (Ypresian) France (Cuise nr. Paris) p. 61 fig. ; M. tuhuUna sp. n. Lower Lutetian, France (Parnes nr. Paris) p. 66 figs. C.vs'u Ann. Paleont. 2. — M. falloti sp. n. Aquitanian, S.W. France (La Saubotte) Canu Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 511 fig. fMicropora spp. n. Ulrich & Bassler Cretaceous, Uuited States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 339-363. 'IMii-roporclla Kpar-sipora Ulrich & Bassler sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersev) Welleu Ceol. Surv, Piileont. Ser." 4 pp. 339-363. Mitcro)iella cal'ifornica sp. n. Cali- fornia KoBEHTSON Univ. Calif. Publ Zool. 4 p. 308. "fOnychoccUa calvimontana p. 22 figs., concdtniata p. 23 fig., dhnorpJia p. 23 figs., hlrsiita p. 24 spp. n. Canu .\nn. paleont. 2. Pccttnatella burman'ica sp. n. India (Lake at Kawkareik, Amherst Dist. Tenasserim) Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 )it. 2 p. 174. — P. dcvenporti [ ? pre- viously descr.] Japan Oka Dobuts. Z. 18 p. .307. 'fPmnwpora milieri sp. n. Upper Ordovician, United States (Kentucky) NiCKLES Bull. Kentuckv Geol. Surv. 5 p. 43. Pliimaidla bomhaijoisif^ sp. n. India (Igatpuri, western Ghats, Bombay Presidency) Axxandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 J). 169. ]Polypora elegantisslma sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stucken- BERG Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 30, 119. — P. .striata, hiternodata spp. n. Carboniferous (Salem Limestone), United States (Bedford, Ind.) Cdmings Rept. Dept. Geol. Indiana 30 p. 1285 figs. Porella normani nom. n. pro Lepralia: beJla (Busk) Norm. Kluge St. Peterburg Ann. ifus. zool. 12 p. 528.— P. smitti nom. n. (P. proboscidea Nordgaard nee Hincks) Ki.dge Arch. Natg. 73 Bd 1 p. 185. ■fPoricdla elongata sp. n. Canu Ann. paleont. 2 p. 46 figs. fPoristoma incAsa sp. n. Canu Ann. paleont. 2 p. 53 figs. '\Pijr'ipora tuberosa sp. n. Aquitanian, S. W. France (La Saubotte) Canu Bull. Soc. GeoL France ser. 4 6 p. 512 fig. Retrpora pjaeifiea sp. n. p. 310 W. United States, subsp. n. cataUnenais p. 311 California (Santa Catalina Is.) RoBERTs:oN Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 4. ^Reticidipora airenniH sp. n. Tertiary (Aire Coastal beds), Victoria Maple- stone Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria ser. 2 21 p. 236 fig. 28 Brack.— Bry. VII, Bryozoa. [1908] '\Rhagasostoma prominen--i p. Si fig., piigeli p. 35 fig., rothpletzl p. 35 fig. spp. n. Canu Ami. paleont. 2. Ehaviphostomella lorenz'i nom. n. {Cellepora plicata Smitt p. p.) Kluge Arch. Naturg. 73 Bd 1 p. 188. ^Blionibopora bedforden> Structure = 2207 4(> Physiolog-y = 2211 48 Development = 2215 . . . . . . . . . . 49 Etholoo^y = 2219 :— General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oO Instinct and Psychology, Tropisms . . . . . . 50 Movements, Locomotion . . . . . . . . . . 50 Feeding Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Breeding Habits . . , . . . . . . , . . 50 Luminosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50' Habitat .. .. ,, ., .. .. ..50 Acclimatisation, etc, ,. .. .. .. ..51 Hibernation .. .. .. .. ., ..51 Parasitism, Commensalism, etc. .. .. .. ..51 Parasites, etc. ., .. .. .. .. ..51 Enemies, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Defence and Protection . . . . . . . . . . 51 Ornament and Colour . . . . . . . . . . 52 P^conomics . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 52^ Variation and ^Etiology = 2223 . . . . . . . . 52 (K-10332r) bl8 2 Distiibuticu =. 'I'lil : — (a) Recent: — (a) Maiiiie : — General Arctic Ocean . . North Atlantic Ocean, I'aribbean Gulf of Mexico PAGE Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Azov Soutli Atlantic Ocean. . Indian Ocean, Red Sea and Persian (Julf Malaysia Pacific Ocean . . {/3) Non-Marine : — General = 2227 Europe = 2227 d Scandinavia = 2227 da Russia = 2227 db Germany = 2227 dc . . British Islands = 2227 dr . . France and Corsica = 2227 df' Iberian J'eninsula = 2227 d{] Ital7, Sicily, Sardinia = 2227 dh Switzerland = 2227 di Austria-Hungary = 2227 dk. . Balkan Peninsula = 2227 dl. . China, etc. = 2227 eb. . Japan, Formosa = 2227 ec . . French Indo-China, Siani = 2227 ed British India, etc = 2227 ef . . Malaysia, Pliilippine Islands, etc. = 2227 Persia, etc. = 2227 eh Asiatic Turkey = 2227 ei . . Caspian and Aral Seas = 2227 ek Africa = 2227/ N. Africa = 2227 fa .. N.E. Africa = 2227 yi Sahara, etc. = 2227 fc \V. Africa, Congo = 2227 fd-c E. Africa, etc = 2227 / S. Africa = 2227 fg .. Madagascar and Comoro Islands = 2227 fh Sea an bea N. A uKMicu = 1 221 g. . . 62 OiiiKula = 2227 gb . . .. 63 L'nited .^tates = 2227 gf ■ ■ .. 63 N.E. United States = 2227 g, H. CjitAbi na.iKiji.nHOBiJX'i, n.iacTOBT> bt.- R);KHOii Poccin. [Spuren der Paludi- nenschichten in Siidriissland.] Kiev. Zap. OUc. jest. 20,3,1908,(385-420,:. deutsch. Res. 421-425), Taf. i. 10» Annales Biologic lacustre. Biblio- graphie limnologique. Comptes Ren- dus. Analyses, Citations. Ann. Biol lacustre, Bruxelles, 2, 1908, (403-479). 11 [Anon.] Carl Ludolf Gricsbach, CLE.. F.G.S. [Obituary Notice.] Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 4, 1907, (240). 12: [Anon.] Prof. Dr. Karl Moebins. CNekrolog.) Arch. Hydrohiol., vStuttgart,. 3, 1908, (43.3-434). ' 13: Anderson, Robert vide Arnold, R. & Autlersou. Anthony, R. Titude monographique- des Aetheriidae (.Anatomic, Morphogenies Svstcinatique). Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. zool. Belg., 41, 1907, (322-350). 14 Apstein, C. rule Pfeffer, G. Ariens Kappers, C. U. Die Bildung kiinslliclicr .\h)lluskenschalen. Ein Bei- Irag zu Harting's VersucOien iiber die kiinstlichc Herstellung von Skeletten Zs. allg. Physiol., Jena, 7, 1907, (166- 176). 15. Arndt, C. Die Molluskenfauna Biit- zows nebst Boitragen zur niecklenburgi- sclicn ilolluskenfauna. Hrsg. v. UlricL 5 iloii. TlTLXS. 2200 Steusloff. (.liistrow, Arcli. Ver. Natij.. «0. liKH"., ,40 (>(l). 16 Arnold, Ralph. CJeology and oil re- >oiiroeii of the Siuuiuerland district, N«nta Harbara county, California. Washington, D.C, IVpt. "int., Hull. U.S. r.eol. Surv., Xo. 321, 1907, (1-93), pi., maps. 17 Arnold, Ralph. Descriptions of new >v'rctuceoiis and Tertiary fossils from the ^ant.\ Cruz mountains, California. Washington. D.C., Smithsonian Inst., C. .S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908,(345- 2W\ 7 pis. 18 Arnold, Ralph it Anderson, Robert. Geology and Oil Resources of tiie Santa Maria oil district, Santa Barbara County, California. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int.. U. S. Geol. Siirv., Bull., 322, 1907, <1-1G1), 2 pis , 2 maps. 19 B., A. Lidt om Ostersen og de norske •(fciterepoller. [Ueber die .duster und die Austernzucht iu Norwegen.] Bergen. Naturen, 31, 1907, (^•2:»3-231j. 20 Bacci, Pietro & Bemardi, Ilio. I Mollusfhi (contiHiiazione). liiv. ital. sc. mat., Sieiia, 27, 1907, (14-17, 99-100). 21 Baker, Frank Collins. Notes on a -small collection of shells from Texas. iJcience, New York, N.Y., Ser. 2, 28, 1908, (53-4-535). 22 Baker, Frank Collins. Note on Lym- naea desld'iosa Say. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 19u8, (l'0-23), pi. 23 Baker, Frank Collins. A new Ameri- can Planoi-b'is. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22. 1908, (45). 24 Balcli, Francis N. Two interesting New England Nudibranch records. Nautilus, Boston. Mass., 22, 1908, (13- 16) ; Errata i.e. (60). 25 Baldwin, D. D. Descriptions of new species of Achatinellidae. from the Hawaiian Islands. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (67-69). 26 Bartscb, Paul. New marine mollusks from the west coast of America. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 33, 1907, (177- 183). 27 Bartsch, Paul. A new fresh-water jjivalve (L'orneocijdas) from the monn- ^ains of Ecuador. Washington, D.C., ■Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc., 33, 1908, (681-082). 28 Bartsch, Paul. Notes on the fresh- water Mollusk Picinorbis maynijicus and iloscriptions of two new forms of the same genus from the Southern States. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst.. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 33, 1908, (097- 700), pi. 29 Bartsch, Paul. A new shiiiworm from the United States. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (211- 212). 30 Bauer, Albert. Missbildungen an den Fiihlern von Wasserschnecken. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (773-775). 31 Bavay, A. MoUusques terrestres et thivialiles, Nova tJuinea, Resultals de I'expedition scientiOque ueerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1903, sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann, chef de I'e.xpedition. Leiden (E. J. Brill), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2, 1908, (209-292), 1 pi., 31 cm. 32 Bavay, A. Description d'une espece nouvelle appartenaut au genre Stenotic et d'une variete de Marginclla. J. Con- chyliol., Paris, 55, 1908, (342-344). 33 Bavay, A. Une nouvelle espece de Pijth'ui arouvee aux Liukiu (Loochoo). Kairui Zasshi [The Conchological Ma£;a- zine], Kyoto, 2, 1908, (1-2). '34 Beddome, R. H. Descriptions of Lahi/rinlhiis euclnusus and Neocydntiiti belli, n. spp., from Colombia. London. Proc Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (20-21). 35 Beede, J. W. Invertebrate Paleonto- logy of tiie Upper Permian Red beds of Oklahoma and the Panhandle of Texas. Lawrence. Kan., Univ. Sci. Bull., 14, (ser. 2, 4), 1907, (115-180), pis. v-viii. 36 Beede, .T. W. Pelecypoda [of the Salem liraestonej. [In Cumings, E. R. & Beede, No. 189J. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis, 30, (1905), 1900, (1323-1334), pis. x.xiii-xxiv. 37 Beeston, II. Sinistral JAmnnrd rjhil>rn. [With a note by ,1. W. Jackson. J J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 190S, (191-192). 38 Beeston, Harry. The land and P'reshwater Moilusca of Graiige-over- Sands. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908. (193-208), pi. ii. 39 Beitr. Kenntn. Mitteleurop. Naja . Beitrage zur Kenutnis der mittel- 0 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] europaischen Najadeen. Als Beilage zum Nachrichts-Blatt der Deutschen Malacozooloprischen Ge^ellschaft lier- ausgegeben von Dr. W. Kobelt. No. ]. Frankfurt a. M. (M. Diesterweg), 1908, (1-16). ^ 40 Bellevoye, [A.]. Lignites inferieurs de Mailly-Champagne. Paris, C. R. ass. iranq. avanc. sci., 36, ('Reims, 1907), pt. 1, 1907, (20CV 41 Bellevoye, A. Monstruosites et varietes de VHelix ponmtia. [With notes by C. C^pede and fimile Yung'.] Paris, C. R. ass. frang. avanc. sci., 36, (Reims, 1907), pt. 1, 1907, (2G1). 42 Bellini, RafTaello. Sul Pecten medius Lam. citato da Pliilippi e Scacchi tra i fossili della regione Flegrea. Roma, Boll. Soc. seol. ital., 26, pt. 2, 1906, (340-342;. " 43 Bellion, M. v'ide Coudreur, E. & Bellion. [Belousov, N.] Bt-ioycoBT,, H. Teuih- Tepi. ;t.ia Unwnidac. [Appareil a con- tention poiu- les Na jades ]. Charikov, Trav. Soc.nat., 41, 1906, [1907], (55-58), 1 Tab. 44 [Berg. L.] Ijepri,, J. Apa.7bCK0e. Mope. Onun. (})T!3hko iX'Orpa(J)nHecKOii MOHOrpa(})iH. [Der Aral-See. Versuch einer physisch-geograpbischen Mono- graphie.] 'I'aiskent, Izv. Turk. Otd. Russ. Geogr. ObSc., 5, 9, 1908, (i-xxiii -f 1-580), 2 Kart., 6 Taf. 45 Bergh, Rud. ^lalacologische Unter- suchungen. Tl G, Lfg 3 ; Tectibranchi- ata-Pectinibranchiata. (C. Semper, Reisen im Archipel der PhiHpjnnen. Wissenschaftl. Resultate. Bd 9, 'I'l 6, Lfg 3.) Wiesbaden (C. W. Kreidel), 1908, (119-178), 4 Taf., 33 cm., 24,80 M. 46 Bergh, Rudolf vide vScliepman, M. M. Bergroth, E. Additions and Correc- tions to the " Index Zoologicus " of C. 0. Waterhouse. (.Second Series.) Zoo- logist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (252- 255). 47 Bemardi, Tlio r'ldc Bacci, P. it Bcruaidi. Berry, S. S. Miirex carpcnlrr'i , form nihn. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908. (105-106J. 48 Berry, S. S. Molluscan fauna of llic San Bernardino Mountains, California. Nautilus, Boston. Mass, 21, 1908, (121 123). 49 Beny, S. S. Miscellaneous notes on Californian Mollusks. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (37-41). 50 Berry, S. S. Martyu's Universal Con- chology. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (72). 51 Bigot, A. Catalogue critique de la collection Defrance, conservee au Musee d'Histoire naturelle de Caen (suite), 4'" Partie. Ciasteropodes decrits et figures par Lamarck, d'apres des echantiilon-- de cette collection. Caen, Bui. soc. linn., ser. 5, 10, 1906, [1907], (81-135). 52 BioUey, P. Los Moluscos de la Tsli del Coco (Costa Rica). An. Mus. S. Salvador, 3, 190S, (327-333). 53 Birlev, Caroline. [Obituary Notice.] Loudon, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (65). 54r Birula, A. Recherches sur la biologie et zoogeographie, principalement des mers misses, viii. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. Ac. Sc, 11, (1906), 1907, ( 115-125) [Russian]. 55 Blackburn, E. P. Notes on the Mol- lusca taken from British Barrows in East Yorkshire. Naturalist, London, 1908, (417-419). 56 Blake, J. F. A Monogi-aph of the Fauna of the Combrash. (London, Monogr. Palieont. Soc), pt. 2, 1907. (101-106). 57 Blodgett, Mildred E. vide Shimer, H. W. ct Blodgett. [Bobrovskij, V.] BoopoBCKift, B. AiicpTiKaHCKin yjHTKH Ampullarut gigas n Marina rotula B7> aKBapiyjdli .iiodiiTe.iH. [Die amerikanischen Schnek- keu Ampidlarla gigas undil/firisa rotula im T>iebhaberac]uarium.] Zurn. OliSc. liub. konm. i-ast., St. Peterburg, 1907, (262-265). • 58 Boehm, (Jeoi-g. Beitriige zur Geologie von Xicderlandisch-Tndien. 1. Abteilung. Die Siidkiiston der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und M.-uigoli. 2. Absclmitt. Der Fund- puukt am obei-en Lagoi auf Taliabu. Palaeontograj)hica, Stuttgart, Suppl., 4, pt. 2, 1907, (45-58), pi. viii, 2 maps. 59 Boehm, Georg. B(>itrage zur (Jeologie von Niedcrlandisch-lndien. 1. Abtei- lung. Die Siidklisten der Sula-lnscli» MoU. Titles 2200 loliabu uinl Malleoli. ."5. Abschnitt. ' txfoid der Wai (ialo. ralaeontogia- ,.hica. Stuttgart, Suppl. 4, [it. '2, 1'AI7, 59-ll>0), pis. ix-xxxi. 60 Boehm, (1. Ziir Geologio des indo- .>astraliscben Avohipels. Nachtrage. 1 (,'entralbl. Min., Stuttgart. 1908, .=>03-504). 61 Boebm, lieorg. Geologiscbe Mit- teiliiiigen aus deui Lido-Australiscbeii Vrchipel. L'uter Mitwiikuug vou Facb- ^'enossen berausgegeben. \l a) \ or- iurassiscbe Bracbiopodea von AmLmi. \>) .Jungeres Paliiozoiouni von Timor, c; lura von Rotti, Timor, Babar und Bum. v. Jahrb. Miu.. Stuttgart, Beilagebd 25, liWS, v293-343.\ o Taf. 62 Boehm, Cl. Bescbreibung eines Am- moniteu von Siidwest-Neu-Guinea. Rouffaer, G. P., Postbumus Mt-yes, 11., Roc'bcmont, E. J. de. De Zuidwest- N'ieuw-Guinea Expeditie 1904,5 van het. Amsterdam Tijdscbr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen.. (409-410); Leiden (E. J. Brill , 1908, (xxvi + 070). Taf. u. Karte. l'.") era. 63 Bobm, Job. Leber llaenleinia no\ . ~ubcen. Berlin, Monatsber. D. geol. 'Je^':. 1907, (3171. 64 Boettger, Caesar IL Die Mollusken- (auna des ilains bei Frankfurt, einsi und jet/t. P'rankfurt a. M., NacbrBl. I». malakozool. Ges., 40, 1908, (17-24). 65 Bocttger, Caesar R. Zur Fauna von .\mboina (UoUukkeu). Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40. 1908, 1 180-185). 66 Boettger, 0. Liste der Fossilien aus dem Kalktuff von Witkop an der Grenze des siidlicben Gross-Nama- landes und der Kalabari. II. Mol- luska. [In : L. Schultze, Aus Nama- land . . .] Jena (G. Fiscber), 1907, 708j. 67 Boettger, 0. Die fossilen Molluskeii ler Hydrobienkalke von Budeaheini bei .Mainz. Frankfurt a. M., NacbrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, 1908, fl45-157j. 68 Boettger, O. Liste der Mollusken aus eineni Sande im Barranco von Tegina auf Tenerife (Canarenj. Berlin, Monatsber. D. geol. Ges., 1908, ^240- 249j. 69 Bogojavleuskii, N.'^V. vide Chm^lev- >kii. C. \'., Graciauov, Zograf, Ilindze, V'oronkov &. Bogojavlenskii. Bobn, Georges. La morphogenese il'apres les travaux de M. M. Antbony et Malard. Paris, Revue des Idees, 4, 1907, ^170-180). 71 Bolton, II. On a Section of the Lower t'oal-Measures at Emerald Pit, Dun- irannon. [Abstr.] Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (404). 72 Booth, Fred. Acaivthmula lamellala (.Jeff.) in Upper Airedale. J. Conch., Leeds, 12. 1908, (130). 73 [Borissjak, A.] EopiicHK'b, A. ayHa ,'l,uiH"HKOii idjiM. I. Cephalopoda. [Die Fauna des Doner-Jura. I. Ce})halopoda]. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog. N. Ser., 37, 1908, (1-GO, deutsch 01-94). 10 Taf. 74 Bom, E. Beitriige zur ieineren Anatoiuie der PliylUrlioe biicephala, (Vorl. Mitt.) Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1907, (94-117, 193, 350- 357). 75 Bosshard, 11. vide Lang, A. Bouchard-Cliantereaux. 01)servations sur quelques moUusques terrestres et d'eau douce du Boulonuais. Boulogne- sur-Mer, Bui. soc. Acad., 7. 1900, (510- 514). 76 Boule, Marcellin, Lemoine, Paul i\: Th^venin, Armaud. [Paleoutologie de Madagascar. III. Cephalopodes cre- taces des environs de Diego-Suarez (contd.)]. Ann. Paleont., Paris, 2, 1907, (1-50 = 21-70), pis. i-viii = viii-xv. 77 Bouly de Lesdain. Petricola phola- Jiformitt. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1900, il>();. 78 Botirgeat. Sur les fossiles de petite tuille. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. scient., 32, 1908, Mem., (l-O). 79 Bourne, (i. C. Contributions to the Morphology of the Group Neritacea of Aspidobranch Gastropods. — Parti. The Neritida? [Abstract]. London, Abstr. Proc. Zool. Soc, 62, 1908, (39 40). 80 Boussac, J. vide Municr-Chalmas. Bouvier, E. L. Quelques impressions d'un naturaliste au cours d'une cam- pagne scientifique de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco (1905). Monaco, Bull. Inst. Ocean., No. 93, [1907], (1-103). 81 8 SIoll. VIII, MoUusca. [190S] Bowell, E. W. On the Anatomy of Vitrea Scharlil. Loudou, Proc. Malac. !Soc., 8, 1908,"'(52-56). 82 BoweU, E. W. On the Radulae of Vitrea helvetica, Blum., and the allied species. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (57-60;. 83 Bowell, E. \V. Note on the Radula of Pomatias elegans (MiilL). London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (97-98). 84 BoweU, E. W. On the Radnla? of the British Heliclds. (Part 1). London. Proc. Malac. .Soc, 8, J 908, (I25-127J. 85 Bowell, E. W. Yitrina pyrenaicn in Ireland. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (44). 86 BoweU, E. W. On lAmnaa pvirtc- nuis, B. sp., and L. glabra, Miill. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (45-49), pi. ii. 87 BoweU, E. W. On the Anatomy of Vitrina pyrenaiea. Iri.sh Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (91-98). 88 BoweU, E. W. vide Tomlin, J. R. Le B. & Bowell. Boycott, A. E. vide Moss, W. & Boy- cott, Branca, W. t^ Fraas, E. Die La^te- run^sverhaltnisso Bunler Breccie an der Bahnlinii; Donauworth-Treuchtlinften iind ilire Bedeutun^ fiir (his Riespro- bleni. Nebst eiiieni Beitrage von W. SchUtze. Berlin, Abh. Ak. \Viss., 1907, Plij.sik. AbJi., 2, (1 5(ij, 1 pi. 89 Brandt, K. & Apstein, C. vide Pfeffer, Briot, A. vide Liven, C. & Briot. Broch, Hjalmar. Era de Sveiiske (4.-itersanl.r'fr. [G'ber die scliwcdische Ansterii/.ufht.J Berfjen, Norsk Fiskot., 27,1908,(129-131). 90 Brockmeier, Ileiiir. Auffalli^c \iv- SLliiMuun^cii in der Verbieitunj^ von i>iiid- uiid SiisswassermoUuskeu am Nii'derrhnin. Bonn, SitzMer. Gcs. Natk., 1907, 1908, E., (95-97). 91 BroUi, Ferdinand & Read, Alston. Die Fauna der PachycardiciitulTi" drr Stdser Alp. Scaplio])oden and Ciaslro- })oden. Pahieontofrnijiliica, Stutf^'art. 54, I!)07, (09- 1. "58), G Taf. 92 Bronn, 11. 0. vide Simroth, II. Bruntz, rhlc C'ucnot, Gonet iV Bruntz. Bryant, Owen. A note on the type locality of Paludestrina salsa, at Cohas- set, Mass. Nautil is, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (82). 93 Brydone, Reginald Marr. On the Subdivisions of the Chalk of Trimiughani (Norfolk). London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (401-412), pis. xlvii-xlviii. 94 Buckman, S. S. The genera of Stc- phanocerci!^ and allies [Abstract and review of E. Mascke]. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, Ser. 8, 1. 1908 (145-149). 95 Buen, Odon de. [The new Marine Laboratory in the Balearic Is.] Paris, Bui. Soc. zool, 33, 1908, (40-51). 96 BuUen, G. E. Plankton Studies in Relation to the Western Mackerel Fishery. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., ser. 2, 8, 1908, (269-302), pis. xviii- xxiii. 97 BuUen, R. Ashington. Kitchen- .\Iiddeus in North Cornwall. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (_140-141). 98 Bume, R. H. [Exhibition of pre- parations of Spirula.] London, Proc Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (122-123). 99 Bumet, A. Notes on the Upjier Chalk of Lincolnshire. Leeds, Trans. Geol. Ass., 14, 1908, (8-10). 100 Bumup, Henry C. vide Melvill, J. C. & Ponsonby. Button, Fred L. Note on Cijpraea s Molliisi^aes nouniarins. I'aris, (". K. Aoati. sci.. 144, 19U7. (1210). 108 Carpenter, G. D. U. List of Mollusca from one Chalk Pit in Surrev. J. Conch., Fx-eds, 12, VMS,, (^216-217)! 109 Carpenter, G. D. H. A Cooper, J. K. Pidudeiflrhia jeukiiisl in Middlesex. .) . Oonch.. Leeds, 12, 1908, (190). 110 Carpenter, George H. Injurious In- >,ects and other animals obser%'ed in Ireland during the vear 1905. Dublin, Kcou. Proc. K. Soc.; 1, 1906, (321-311), pis. xxvii-xxsi. Ill Carter, C. S. Helix nemeralis monst. slnls'.rornum in Lines. Naturalist, Lon- don, 1908, {2SS). 112 Cary, L. R. The cultivation of oysters in Louisiana. Cameron, La., Gulf Biol, hjta., Bull. So. 8, 1907,(1-56). [2219 22.'il]. 113 Cary, L. R. A preliminary study of the couditions for oyster culture in the waters of Terreborne paiish, Louisiana. <,'ameron, La., Gulf Biol. ."Sla., Bull. No. S, 1907, (1-62). 114 Caziot. Catalogue des MoUusques ferrestres et fiuviatiles du department «ip 1' Yonne. Auxerre, Bull. soc. sci. nat., 6D, 19117, [1901], (193-277). 115 Caziot. Diagnose d'une nouvelle esjjece de Palude-itrina de I'ile de Corse «t complement a la faune des MoUusques terrestres de cette ile. Paris, Bull. soc. iKool., 33, 1908, (33-35). 116 Caziot, E. Compte rendu d'une ex- ♦ ursion malacologique dans la partie superieure de la vallee de la Roya et ^aus le voisinage de la mer, sur la rive droite du Var, pres Nice. Paris, Mem. «oc. zool, 20. 1908, (435-469). 117 Caziot, E. Etude sur quelques especes de la region palearctique de I'Asie qui ont peuelre dans les sous-centres alpique «t hi>panique. P'euille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1907, (223-228). 118 Caziot, E. vide Fagot, E. Caziot & Fagot. Note sur lea especes f ran^aise du groupe de Vllelix maritima. Elljeuf, Bui. soc. sci. nat., 25, 1907, (112-116). 119 Caziot X- Fagot, fitude sur (luelques MoUusques du t.ous-ceutre alpique qui se sont rep.uuius dans le sous-centre his- j)anique. [.\bslract.] Paris, C. R. ass. f rang, avanc. sci., 36 (Reims, 1907), pt. 1, 1907, (256). 120 Caziot, E. &. Fagot. Etudes sur les Mol- luscjues terrestres du centre hispanique s'etendant dans le centre alpique. Lyon, Ann. soc. linn., 53, 1906,(183-201). 121 Csuiot & Fagot. Les migrations des MoUusques terrestres entre les sous- 'centres hispanique et alpique. Lyon, Ann. soc. linn., 54, 1907, (61-80). 122 Caziot. E. & Fagot. Etude sur c^uelques especes du sous-centre taurique repan- dues en Algerie IJelix. melanostoma. EeuiUe jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 190*, (207-209). 123 Caziot, E. & Fagot. Note sur Y Helix melanostroma. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1907, (230). 124 Caziot, E. & Maury, E. Molluscpies terrestres postpliocenes trouves dans une poclie du terrain jurassique, pres Monte- Carlo. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, 1906, (281-287), pi ix. 125 Caziot, E. & Maury, E. Nouveaux gisements pliocenes et post-pliocenes marins et complement des faunes deja puhliees des gites marins de ces etages sur la cote des Alpes-Mari times. Paris, Bui. soc. geol, ser. -1, 7, pt. 3-4, 1907, (72-7 9j. 125a Caziot, E. & Maury, E. Un gisemeut post-pliocene terrestre dans le vallee de la Tinee. Paris, Bui. soc. geol.. ser. 4, 7, 1907, (158-161). 126 Cep^de, C. vide Bellevoye, A. Cemy, Ad. Das Kriechen der Was- serschuecken an der OberEache. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (317-318). 127 Cerny', Ad. Regenerationserscheinun- gen bei Siisswasserschuecken. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1906, (389-392). 128 Cemy, .-Vdolf. Fleischfressende Siiss- wasserschnecken. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19. 1908, (543-544). 129 Chaillon, F. Etude sur quelcpies auijmalies concliyliologiques de VlleUx anpersa. Nantes, Bui. soc. sci. nat., 17, 1907,(1-14). 130 10 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Charles, P. Le fluor dans les coqullles cle mollusques. Schweiz. Woclienschr. Ohem., Zurich, 45, 1907, (233-231). 131 Chatelet, C. Note sur la variation de fornie de VHeiix candidissima Drap. dans les environs d' Avignon. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1907, (149- 152). 132 Chatwin, Charles P. & Withers, Thomas H. The Zones of the Chulk in the Thames Valley between Goring and Shiplake. With an Appendix by George J. Hinde. London, Q. J. Geol.'Soc, 64, 1908, '390-420). 133 Chemnitz vide Martini & Chemnitz. [ Chmelevskii, ( '. V., Gracianov, ^^ I., ZogxaflF Ju. X.,Hiiidze, B. K., Voronkov, X. V. & Bogojavlenskii, N. V.] XM^ieBCivifi, ^. B., rimniaiioBt, B. 11., 3orpa(f)'i., 10. H., rnii;tn,e, B. K., BopoHKOBt, H. B., n BoroaB.ieHCKiii, H. B. Plioo.iobctbo n pijdoBo;i,cTBO bt, Cisepo - 3ana,^noMT, Kpat. [Die Fischerei und die Fischzucht in Nord- west-Gebiete.] Trd. Otd. ichtiol. Ob§e. akkliraat, Moskva, 5, 1907, (8 + 315 + 4), C Taf., 15 Plan. 134 Chudeau, R. Excursion gpologique ail Sahara et an Soudan (Mars 1905- Decemhre 1906). Paris, Bui. soc. g^ol., ser. 4, 7, G, 1907, (319-346), pi. xi. 135 Chun, Carl. Ueber Cephalopoden der Deutschen Tiefsee - Expedition. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (86-89). 136 Clapp, Heo. H. Viti'ea Icirifiana n. sp. Nautihis, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (129-130). 137 Clapp, Geo. H. New land sludls from Arizona and New Mexico. Nautihis, Boston, JIass., 22, 1 908, (76-78), pi. 138 Clarke, John M. .Some new Devonic Fossils. Albany, N.Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull., No."l07, geol. ser.. No. 12, 1907, (153-291). 139 Clarke, John M. Early Devonic his- tory of New York and cistern Nortli America. Albany, N.Y., St.. Educ. Dept., Mua. Mem., 9, 1908, (1-366), maps, pi. 140 Cleland, II. F. Further notes on tlic CalciferoMs (Reekmantown) formation of the Mohawk valley, with descriptions of new species. Bidletins of American Paleontol()g\' ((.'urnell University), Ithaca, N.Y., 4, 1903, (29 50), pi.; also paged as Bulletin No. 18, (1 1. + 3-24), pi. 141 Cleland, H. F. Restorations of certaiu Devonian Cephalopoda, Avith descriptions of new species. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 15, 1907, (459-469). " 142 Clessin, S. Die Molluskenfauna des Auswurfs der Donau bei Regensburg. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malakozool. (xes., 40, 1908, (1-13). 143 Clessin, S. Die ilolluskenfauna de^ Rheinauswurfes bei Speyer. Frankfurt a. 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Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 19, 1905, (68-71). 151 Cockerell, T. D. A. Massachusetts slugs. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 19, 1905, (84). 152 CockereU, T. D. A. Mollusca of La Jolla, California. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (106407). 153 Cockerell, T. D. A. Milnx gaiiatc^ and V//)v'a cclhiria in Colorado. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (131- 132). 154 Cockerell, T. D. A. The Miocene species (if l.ymnnen. Nautilus, Boston, -Mass., 22, 1908, (69-70). 155 Cockerell, T. D. A. llci'ix nrhus- lonan var. rOHColahiata. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (72). 156 11 Moll. Titles. 2200 C ockerell], T. D. A. [Abstracts for Evolutionists.] Uiiionidac of the T^ara- mie Clavs. Science, New York. N.^ .. scr. 2, 26. 1907, i^(i73-G74). 157 Colgran, Xathauiel. Contributions • wanls a Revision of the genus Loma- uotus. Ann. Mas;. Nat. Hist., London, ser. S, 2, 190S, (205- 21S^. 158 Colgan, N. Contribution towards a Revision of the genus Lomanotun : a Postscript. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser 8, 2, 1008, \392). 159 Colgan, Nathaniel. The Ship-worm aud Wootl-Boring Crustaceans in Kings- town Harbour. Irish Nat , Dublin. 19, 1908, (9 W. 160 Colgan, Nathaniel. Dublin Marine Biological Committee. General Account of L>redging Operations, 1907. With Special Notes on the ilollusca. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, ^105 114). 161 Colling^, Walter E. Description of a New Species of Slug of the gen us Atopos from Java. J. Couch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (IIS 119). 162 CoUot, L. Sur le Reiiieekea amiustilu- hata Bras. sp. et le Pracconia dollfuss'i Tul. Rasp, du Callovien. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, ser. 4, 36, 1905, (25 28) 163 Colton, Harold Sellers. How Fulgur and Si/cotypiia eat oysters, mussels and clams. Philadelphia, Pa., Pron. Acad N.nt. Sci.. 60. 1908, (3-10;, pis. i-iv. 164 Combes, Paul jr. vvJr Ramond. (!. Dolloi 1% Combes. Cooke, A. H. The Habitat of certain species of Claii.silia from Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Bosnia. London, Proc. Malac. 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Paris, C.li. ass. frang. avanc. fci., 35, (Lyon, 1906), pt. 2, 1907, (273 284), pis. \-u. 172 Cossmann, M. Sur un gisenuuit de fossiies liathoniens pres de Courmes (A. ^I.). Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 2 (19021, 1905, (828 846), pis. xlvi-xlvii. 173 Cossmann, M. Nouvelles reclierches sur les fossiles bathoniens du gisement de Courmes (.'Vlpes-Maritimesj. Nice, Ann. soc. let. sci.. 20, 1906, (71-81). 174 Cossmann, M. Troisieme Note sur le Batliouieu de Saint-Gaultier (Indre.. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 7, 1907. (225-253), pis. vii-viii. 175 Cossmann, M. Le Barremien supe- rieur a facics urgonien de Brouzet-lez- Alais (ijard) Description des Gastro- iiades et Pelecvpodes. Paris, Mem. soc. geol., Mem. no^ 37, (t. 15), 1907, (6-42,, 2:1s. i-vi. 176 Cossmann, M. Gastropodes et Pele- cvpodes (18-36), [Note sur I'lnfralias de Provencheres - sur - M^use]. Chaumonl, ]9(»7, fP.i'r, 21 cm. 177 Cossmann, M. [Rectifications de no- menclature.] Rev. crit. paleozool., Parif^. 10, 1900, (196). 178 Cossmann, M. & Pissaro, (i. kono- graphie complete des coquilles fossiles de reo.:ene des environs de Paris. T. 1 . Pelecvpodes (4* et derniere livraisou). Paris," 190G, (45 pis. et une tablej. .•52.5 cm. 179 CouriaiUt, J. Note sur un gisement quatcrnaire de la Charentc-Inferieure. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1907, [1906J, (21). 180 Couvreur, E. i- Bellion, M. Sur le Sucre du sang des Mollusques gastero- 12 MoU. VIII. Mollusca. [1908] podes. Lyon, Ann. soc. limi., 54, 1907, a71-172,). 181 Couvreur, E. & Bellion, M. Sur jC Sucre du sang de I'escargot. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (339;. 182 Couvreur, E. & Bellion, M. Sur le •Sucre du sang de Tescargot. Nouvelle reponse a M. Seilliere. Paris, C. R. ■soc. biol., 64, 1908,(276-277, G42-C44i. 183 Grick, George Charles ride Xewtou, R. B. & Crick. Cuenot, Genet ^% Bnintz. Recherches ■chirniques sur ies coeurs branchiaux des Cephalopodes. Demonstration du role ■excreteur des cellules qui eliminent le carmin aminoniacal des injections physiologiques. Arch, zool., Paris, «er. 4, 9, Xotes, 190S, (xlix-liii). 184 Culpin, H. Marine Beds in the York- shire Coal-measures above the Barnsley Ooal. Geol. Mag , London, ser. 2, dec. o, 5, 1908, (148-149). 185 Culpin, H. Marine Beds in the Coal Measures near Doncaster, Naturalist. London, 1908, (39-40). 186 Cumings, E. R. Gasteropoda, Cepha- Sopxla and Tiilohita of the Salem lime- stone. [ In Cumings, E. R. & Beede, No. 189]. Indiana, Dept. Ge..l Nat. Res., Rep., Indianapolis, 30, 1905, VMC, {1335-1375), pi. 187 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Nat. Re8., Rep., Indianapolis, 32, (1907), 1908, (605-1 190 >, illusir. maps, charts. 188 Cumings, E. R. ct Beede, J. \V. Fauna of the Salem Limestone of lii- ■diana. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis, 30, (1905), 1906 (1187-1486), pis. vii-xlvii. 189 Cuvier, George vide Hamy, E. T. Da Costa, Solomon I. ride Melvill J. C. d'Ailly, Adolf. En for Sverige ny pnacka Helix (Uclicella) ohria Hartm. [Ilelir ohria new to Sweden.] Fauna Ofh Flora, Uppsala, 2, 1907. 170-173), pl. 190 Dainelli. Giotto. Molluschi Eocenici di Dalmazia. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. jU]., 25, (1906), pt. 3, 1907,(453 491. JjI- vii. 191 Dalgliesh, Gordon. Carnivorous pro- pensities of a slug. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 11, 1907, (277). 192 Dall, William Healey. The Mollusca and the Brachiopoda. (Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the (lulf of California, in charge of Alex- ander Agassiz, carried on by the U. S. fish commission steamer " Albatross," during 1891, Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U.S.N., commanding. 37. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the L'. S. fish commission steamer " Alba- tross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U.S.N., commanding. XIV.) Cam- bridge, .Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 43, 1908, (203-487 -)- 22 Z), 22 pis. 193 Dall, William Healey. Supplementary notes on Martyn's Universal concho- logist. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33, 1907. (185-192). 195 Dall, William Healey. Descriptions of new species of MoUusks froni the Pacific coast of the United States, with notes on other MoUusks from the same region. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (245-257). 196 Dall, William Healey. Descriptions and figures of some land and fresh-water shells from Mexico, believed to be new. Washington, D.C.. Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation Mus. Proc, 35, 1908, (177- 182). 197 Dall, W H. }\otes on Gonidea aiigidata Ivea, a fresh-water bivalve, with descripn tion of a new variety. Washington, DC, Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 50, 1908, (499-500). 198 Dall, W. H. A new species of Coro- lina, with notes on other Pteropods. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 50, 1908, (501-502). 199 Dall, W. H. Henry Vendrves. Nau- tilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908,' (107). 200 Dall, William H. Subdivisions of the Terciirida'. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (,124-125). 201 13 Moll. Titles. 220(r Dall, \y. U. Xote on TurhonUla (Vj.s- tancii ami Odostomia vioiitcn'iieu.-iix. Nautilus. Boskni, Alass., 21, IVI08,\l'^'''- 202 Dall, William Healey. Some new Califoniian shells. Nautilus, Boston. Mass.. 21, 1908. (130-137). 203 Dall, W. Healey. A revision of the So'i'iiomyacidar. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, I'.'OS, (I-'J). 204 Dall, \V. H. A new West Iniiian yitiifUa. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908,(31-32). 205 Dall, William Healey. A gi;j;antic Solcnuja aiul a new Vesicomya. Nauti- lus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (G1-C3). 206 Dall, W. II. Another larf^e Mioeeiie Sciihi. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22. 1908, iS0-81i. 207 Dall, William Healey. Notes on Pliuiorhis and its Subdivisions. Lon- don, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 19U8, (141). 208 Dall, W. H. Zur Terminolofjie der iIi;>llii>ken-Sknlj)tur. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. nialakozool. Ges., 40, IDOS, (158-159^ 209 Dall, W. H. [Malacological nomen- clature.] Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (827-828). 210 Dalton, Leonard V. Notes on the Geolog^- of Burma. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (604-644), pis. liv-lvii. 211 Danfortli, C. H. A new rtero]3od from New Enjjland. [With introduc- tory note by J. S. Kingsley.] Boston, Ma.ss., Proc." Soc. Nat. Hist., 34, 1907, (1-20-1-4/.). 212 Dautzenberg, Ph. Description de coquilles nouvelles de diverse prove- nances et de quelques cas teratologiqnes. J. Conchvliol., Paris, 55, 1907, (327- 341), i)ls."iv-vi. 213 Dautzenberg, Ph. Piecolte malacolo- ^,1 |n.- de -M. (.'h. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (1903-1904). J. Conchyliol., Paris, 56, 1908, (1-34), pis. i-ii. 214 Dautzenberg, Ph. Helix Chaivi Michauii emend.) nionstr. ainistrorauDL nov. J. Conchyliol., Paris, 56, 190S, (119). 215 Dautzenberg, Ph. & Fischer, H. Liste des MoUusques recoltes par M. Mausuy en Indo-Chine et description d'esjii'ces nouvelles. II. J. Conchy- liol., Paris, 56, 1908, (169-217), pis. 216» Dawson, Jean. Some Phj'sical Reac- tions of I'ltyxa. Amer. J. Physiol.,, Boston, Mass., 18, 1907, (Proc. Amer. Physiol. Soc, xiii-xiv). 217 Dean, J. Davy & Kendall, C. E. Y. l'('r/j(/o (ilpciftris (Alder) : Its Distribu- tion in North Lancashire and W(>st- morland, and its association with Vcr- tii/o I'ltslUa Miill. J. Conch., Leeds, 12,. 1908,(209-211). 218. Dedekind, Alexander. Elii Beitrag zur I'iir|inrkuiide. Bd III. (Biiefe . . . von Henri de Lacaze - Dutliiers nnd FortsetzuiiLi der Samnduni; internatio- naler Quellenwerke fiir Purpurkunde.) Berlin (Maver & Miiller), 1908 (viii-j 778), Taf. '24 cm. 15 M. 219' Degrange Touzin. Liste complemen- taire de I'ossiies recueillis dans les en- virons d'Orthez (Basses-Pyrenees). Bor- deaux, Actes soc. linn., ser. 7, 2, [62], 1908, (45-50). 220^ Delhaye, F. Note sur le tufeau' Maestrichtien du bord nord du bassiu' ci-etace du Hainaut. Liepce, Ann. Soc_ £;eol. Be]o;ique, 35, 1908, (B. 33-B. 35). 22« Deninger, Karl. Die mesozoischen Formationen auf Sardinien. N. Jahrb, Min., Stuttpart, Beilagebd. 23, 1907, (435-473), pi. xiii-xv. 222: Dep^ret, Charles. Les anciennes lignes de rivage de la cote francaise de- la Mediterranee. Paris, Bui. Soc. geol. ser. 4, 6, 1906, (207-230). 22$ Dewar, J. M. Notes on the Oyster- catcher {Ihematopus ostr'/ilegits), %vith' reference to its habit of feeding upon the Mussel (Mytilus eduUs). Zoologist,. London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (201-212). 22f Deydier, Marc. Sur ime nouvelle espece de Pecten de la Mollasse de Cu- curon {Pecten Deyd'ieri). Paris, C. R. ass. franc, avanc. sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906), pt. 1. 1907, (93). 225 Diener, C. Die Stammesgeschichte- der Aimnoniten im Li(;hte der .Abstam- niungsl(.hreSteinman's. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1908, (577-584). 22ff Distaso, Arcangelo. Studii sul- lemhrione di Seppia. Zool. Jahrb., Jena. Abt. f. Anat. 26, 1908, (565-650). 6 Taf. 22T U McU. Vlir. MoUusca. [1908] Distaso, A. Die Beziehung zwischen den Pit^meutbandern des Mantels und denen der Scliale bei Helix nemoralls L. und hortctisis Midler nebst Beraerkungeu uber die Kntstehuncr des Piginentes bei Mollusken. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (120-129). 228 Dixon, C. S. vide Gordon. T. E. & Dixoi). Doring, Walter. Ueber Ban und Entwicklung des weiblichen Geschlerlits- apparates bei mvopsiden Cephalojwden. Zs. w-iss. Zool., Leipzig, 91, 1908, :112- 189\ 229 Dollfas, G. Excursion a Verzenay — 3 Aout 1907. Paris, C. R. ass. franc, avanc. sci., 36 ( Reims, 19o7), pt. 1, 1907, (210-211). 230 DoUot, Aug. vide Raniond, G., [>oIlot vt^l'omljes. Douvill^, Henri. Etudes sur le> Lamellibranches. Vulsellides. Ann. Paleont., Paris, 2, 1907, (97-119 = 1- 22 -r \), pis. xv-xvi = i-ji. 231 Douville, Henri. Les LanieUi branches tavicoles ou Desmodontes. Paris, Bui. 30C. geol, ser. 4, 7, 1907, fgC-lH). 232 Drake, Henry Charles. Unrecorded C'ephalopods from the Yorkshire Oolites. Naturalist, London, 1908, r29G-297). 233 Drevermann, Fr. Palaozoische Noti- zen. Franklurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1907, (12.3 130;, 1 Taf. 234 Drew, Gilman Arthur. The life history of Nucula delphinodonla Mighel.s). [Reprint.] Orono, L'niv. Maine, .Stud., 2, 1901, (1-74). 235 Drew, Gilman Arthur. The habits, anatomy, and embryologj* of the giant scallop, iPecten temdcostalus, Mighels). Orono, Univ. Maine. Stud., 6, 190(5, 1-71;, pi. 236 Drew, Gilman A. The physiology of the nervous system of the razor-shell clam {Enaia directiis. Con.). J. Exp. Zoo!., Philadelphia. Pa., 5,1908,(311^ 326), I pi. 237 Dubois, E. I)as geologische Alter der Kendengoder Trinilfauna. Amster- dam, Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen. Ser. 2, 25, 1908, (12.^5-1270), I Taf. 238 ' Dubois, Raphael 1^ pintadine de Tunisie. Lyon, Ann S'k;., linn., 54, 1907. 'I- 17). 239 Dubois, Raphael. La radiographie appliquee a la recherche des perles fines. Paris, C. R. soe. biol., 62, 1907, (•54-55). 240 Dubois, Raphael. Action des micro- bioides sur la lumiere polarisee : fibriUes striees rausculoides et cristaux liquides birefringents extraits du Mtiirx bran- daris. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (24.3-244). 241 Dubois, Raphael. Siu' un Sporozoaire parasite de I'lmitre perliere. ilargariti- fera vulrjaris Jam. Son role dans la formation des perles fines. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (310-311). 242 Dubois, Raphael. Sur les micro- bioides de la glande a pourpre du Miirex hranduris ; leui-s transforjuations et la formation du pigment dans les vacuolides. Paris. C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (43.5- . 438). 243 Dubois, Raphael. Xouvelles re- cherches sur la pourpre du Muvex brandari!^. Action des lumieres color^es, teinture, purpurophotographies. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (718- 720). 244 Dubois, Raj^hael. Mecanisme intimc de la formation de la luciferine ; analo- gies et homologies des organes de Poll et de la glande hypobranchiale des MoUusques purpurigenes. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (850-8.52). 245 Duboscq, 0. Sur la motilite des fila- meiits axiles dans les spennatozo'ides geauts lie la Paludine. Nancy, C. R. ass. anat., 9-= .session, (Lillei, 1907, (1.30- 132). 246 Dudinszky, Emil. Nagj-kallo kornye- ken levu es volt mocsarak puhatestu allatai. [Die Weichtiere der in der Umgebung von Nngykallo befmdlichen und gewesenen Siimpfe.] M. orv. termv. nagygj-. evk., Budapest, 34, 1907, (235- 2371 ■ 247 Dumble, E. T. Tejtiary deposits of north-eastern Mexico. Science, New York, N.Y., Ser. 2. 27, 1908, (273). 248 Dybowski, \V. Beitrag zur Kenntni> der ISinnen - Mollusken Littauens. Familia Livinojjliy-iidae m. St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool. 13, 1908, '267-.302), Taf. ii-iii. 249 ir. M.ji. Titles. 2200 Edwards, Thos. Vnio tum'uIit.-< v. fHnidtroita Pascal in l.eicestersliire. .1. Coiioh., Leeds, 12, 1908, (ll'2-123V 250 Elgee, rrank. Huddlestouia shioii Bayle, from the Blea Wyke Beds, York- shire. Naturalist, London, 1908,(^43.')'. 251 Eliot, Charles. Rbports on the Marine Biology of the Sudanese Red Sea. — XL Notes on a collection of Nudibranchs from the Red Sea. London, J. Linn. 8oc. Zool., 31, 1908, (86-122). 252 Eliot, Charles. On the geuus Cumci' rio/H«. Plvinouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., ser. 2. 8, lijOS, (313-314). 253 Eliot, Charles and Evans, T. J. [)oridoeide>t gardineri : a Doridifonu (^ladohep.'»tic Nudibranch. Q. J. Mi- orosc. .Sci., London, ser. 2, 52, 1908, (279-299., pis. xv-xvi. 253a Elmbirst, Richard. Notes on Nudi- brauchiate Molluscs. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (227-230). 254 Emeljanov, P.] EiiejibaHOBi., IL lH'-TniiKOHorie (Chaetopoda) KaK'i, napasiiTbi MflrKorkiux'i. (.MoUuscai. £Chaetopoden als Parasiten von MoLlus- ken.] N'aturfreund, St. Peterlnirg, 2, 1907, (66-69). 255 Epstein, I.«opold. Puiloceras Ikiltzeri n. sp. aus den Angulaten-Kalken von Vaihingen a. F. bei Stuttgart. Stutt- gart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 64, 1908, (420-421). 256 Evans, T. J. vide Eliot, C. & Evans. Fagot. Note rectificative [se rappor- tant il celle de Caziot (No. 117j]. Eeuille jeunes natural., 38, 1907, (22). 257 Fagot vide Caziot, E. & Fagot. Fantham, H. B. Spirochceta (Try- fkinonomn) balbianii (Certes) and Spiro- chceta anodo)tt(B (Keysselitz) : their Move- ments, Structure, and Affinities. Q. J. Microsc. Sci., London, ser. 2,52, 190.S, 1.1-73), pis. i-iii. 258 Fantham, H. B. The movements of Spirochsetes as seen in iS. balbianii and •S. anodonUe. [Abstract.] London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 57, (Leicester, 1907), 1908, f.j54-. 555;. 259 Farkas, Laszlo. Adatok a Helix pomatia L. felborenek a szovettanahoz. [Beitrage zur Histologic der Epidermiy Ton Helixpomatia L.J Budapest, 1907, '20;, 2 Taf. 24 cm. 260 Favre, Francois. Die Aminoiiiten der untercii Kreide P.itagoniens. N. Jahrb. Mill., Stuttgart, Beilagcbd, 25, 1908 (601-647), 6 Taf. 261 Felix, J. Teber Hippuriteoliorizont« in den tiosauscliichten der nordostliclien Aipcn. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, (417-422). ^ 262 Ferriss, J. TT. ride Pil.sbrv, It. A & Fcrriss. Fischer, Henri vide Dautzenberg, P. it Fischer ; Perrier, R. & Fischer. Fischer, Hermann. Ueber ein Vor- kommen von Jugendformen des Cera- tites comprcsKu.s (.Sandb.) E. Phil, bei Wiirzburg. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Muu- chen, 19 (1906), 1908, (187-189). 263 Fischer, Konrad. Die Flussperl- muschel (Margaritaua mar(jarilifera) in den Biichen des Hoclnvaldes. Bonn, Verb, nathist. Ver., 64 (1907i, 1908, (135-144). 264 Flach, K. Ueber eine rechtsgewun- dene Rasse der ClausUia (Pcqnllifera) Icncost'fima Rossm. AschafTenbiirg, Mitt, iiatw. Ver. 6, 1907, (75-78). 265 Fleischmann, A. Morphologische Studien iiber Mollusken. [Introduction to No. 724] Morph. Jahrb., Ix-ipzin-, 38, 1908, (91-92). 266 Fraas, Eberhard vide Branca, W. A- Fraas. Fraipont, Charles. Notes sur quelques fossiles du Calcaire Carbonifere. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35, 1908, (M. 7-M. 12), pi. iv. 267 Freeh, Fritz. Die Hallstiitter Kalke bei Epidauros (Argolis) und ihre Cepha- lopoden. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Festband, 1907, [1908], (1-32), pis. i-vi. 268 Freeh, Fritz & Renz, Carl. Neue Triasfnnde auf Hydra und in der Argolis. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 25, 1908, (443-466). 269 Friele, Hcrm., B. S. 0sterskulturen i Norge. [Die Austernzucht in Norwe- gen]. Bergen, Norsk Fisket., 26, 1907. (542-551). 270 Frierson, L. S. Notes on some Aus- tralian Unionidaj. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (118-119). 271 Frierson, L. S. Description of a new Plcurobeina. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (27-28), pi. iii. 272 16 McU. VIU. Mollusca. [1908] Frierson, L. S. vide Pilshry, H. A. \- Friersoii. Frltel, r. H. Sur les variations uior- phologiiiuos d'Acantltocenitf milhtlanum d'Orb. Xaturaliste, Paris, 28, lilOti. (1M5-1M7 . 273 Fucini, A. Fauna della zona a JVo/a- crhitif tiihcrciualus: Mill, di Gerfalco in 'J'oscana. Konia, Boll. Soc. seed, ital., 25 iiyOO\ pt. 3. 1907. (.613-654), pi. xi. 274 Fulton, Hugh C. A list of Species of Siiells described by Dr. Gratelouj). with critical notes. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908. (43-441. 275 Fulton, Hugh C. Proposed new name for Ceyolis trizouaJif'. auct., non drat. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 190S. (-Ht^. 276 Fulton, Hugh C. l>esoriptions of Two New S}>ecies of Sytioptei'i^es Lon- don, Proc. Malac. Sec, 8, 1^08, (84-8.')). 277 Fulton, Hugh C. Description of a New Species of StrophochcUtt^. London, Proc ilalac Soc, 8, 1908, (.86-87). 278 Gabriel, J. Excursion to Stony Point, Western Port. Vict. Nat., Melbourne. 25.1908.(52-55;. 279 Galli Valerlo, B. Notes de Parasito- L^cie. Ceiiiralhl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 47. Origiiiale, 190S, (608-IU2). 280 Gatliff, J. H. Description of Voluta iAmor'u}'' iiof\, 1908. ,160-163). 288 Germain, Louis. Revision des especes- franvaises appartenant aux genres Viri- ;«)•(: ex Ihitlt'niia. Feuillejeunes natural.. Paris, 37," 1907, (57-61, 80-84, 105-] OS, 125-136'. 289 Germain, Louis. Une nouvelle station d'llelires meridionales, aux environ* d'.Anixers. Feuille jeuues natural., Paris. 38, 1907, ;i907J, ^21). 29D Germain, Louis. L'HeZJx rermicu- hita Mtiller aux environs de la Rochelle. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1907. (21-22\ 291 Geyer, D. Beitrage zur Vitrellenfaunu Wiirttembergs IV. Stuttg;irt, Jahres- hcfte Ver. Natk., 63, 1907, (385-417), 3 Taf. 292 Geyer, D. Beitrage zur Mollusken- fauna Sohwabens. Stuttgart, Jahres- helte Ver. Natk., 63, 1907, (418-434). 29a Geyer. D. Beitrage zur Mollusken- fauna Schwabens 11. Vallonien. Stutt- gart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 64. 1908. (305-330 •, 2 Taf. 294 Geyer, D. Die Lartetien (Vitrellen) des siiddeutschen Jura- imd Muschel- kalksebietes. Zool. Jahrb . Jena. Ab<. F. Svst., 26, 1908, (591-620), 2 Taf. 295 Geyer, D. Ueber Flussanspiilungen. Frankfurt a. M.. NachrBl. D. malakozooL Ges., 40, 1908, ^82-90). 296 Giard, A. Petricola pholadiformis L, Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1907, (51). 297 Gill, E. I^onard. The Hancock ilu- .seum and its History. Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. .Soc, ser. L', 3, Appendix, 1908, (i xxvii\ 2 pis. 298 17 Mo'K Titles. 2200 Oirty, George H. On some new and old sjieiMes of Carboniferous fossils. Wasliington, DC'., Smithsonian Inst., r. S. Nation. Mus., Troc, 34, U)08, (^l'Sl-303\ 8 pis. 299 Girty, George II. The Guadalii])iaa fauna. Washington, I>.C., Uept. Int., I'. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Tapr., No. 58, IOCS, l-tUO, pi. 300 Glangeaud, Ph. 1,'Allier miocene. Un gisenicnt de Vertebrcs niiocenes, pres do Moulins. Paris, C. II. Acad, sci.. 145, li»07, (1363-13G5). 301 Olaser, 0. C. Observations and ex- j^rimeiits on the growth of oysters. [Reprint.] Baltimore, Md., Johns Hop- kins L'uiv. Cir., Ser. 2, No. 3, 190;'), (34-48 . pi. 302 Glaser. 0. C. Pathological amitosis in the fc-iod-ova of Fasciularia. Biol. Bull. Woods Holl., Mass., 13, 1007, (1-4. 303 Glaser, 0. C. A statistical study of mitosis and amitosis in the entoderm of Fasciolaria tulipa var. distaiis. Biol. Bull., Woods HoU., .Mass., 14, 1008. (219-248). 304 Godwin- Austen, H. 11. On Peltatiis, gen. nov. Zon'it'ulanim : Type P. hiid- aoniame (Benson). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, (131-133), pi. viii. 305 Godwin-Austen, H. H. Notes on the anatomy of Afrudonta, M. & P. : Type A. hihimelhiris, M. & P. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, (135), ])1. viii. 306 Godwin-Austen, H. H. On the Ani- mals of Genera and Species of Mascarene Land-MoUusca belonging to the Family Zonitidae, collected by Monsieur E. Dupont. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (422- 43G), pis. ix-xi. 307 Godwin-Austen, H. H. The Dispersal of Land Shf-lls by the Agency of Man. London, Proc. Malac. Soc. ' 8, IOCS, (140-147. 308 Godwin Austen, H. H. vide Melvill, J. ('. it Ponsonby. Gonder, Richard. Spirochaten aus deni Darmtraktus von Pbina : Spiro- rhaele pinnae nov. spec, nnd Spirochnete Uartmanni nov. spec. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, 47, 1908, (491-405;, pi. 309 Gonet ride Cuenot, Gonet & Bruntz. (s-10332 r) Gordon, T. E. & Dixon, A. F. De- posits of Unbroken Marine Shells at High Level in the (^arraun Peninsula, County Mavo. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc, ser. 2,"ll, No. 29, 1908, i32u-327). 310 Gracianov, V. I. vide. ChmSlevs-kij, C. v., (iracianov, Zograf, Hindze, Voronkov & Bogojavlenskij. Gravely, F. H. Notes on the Spawn- ing of Eledone and on the occurrence of EledoTie -with the Su(;kers in Double Rows. Manchester, Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc, 53, No. 4. 1008, (1-1 4), 2 j)ls. 312 Gredler, A'inzenz. Ein letzer Grnss ! Fiaukfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. mal;iko/.ool. Ges.. 40, 1908, (40-41). 313 Gregorio, Antoine 19.6, (32). 320 Guignon, J. Escargots. Response partielle [a la Cjuestion de M, E. DelarueJ. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 37, 1907, (103). 321 b 19 18 Mo'l. VIII. MoUusca [I 908] Guppy, R. J. Lechinere. On some Fossil Shells from Gomparo Road, Ti-inidad. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (471-472). 322 Gyngell, W. Petricola -jjlioladiformis in Lincolnshire. 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Recently discovered Fossils from the Lower and Upper Devonian Beds of North Devon. Ply- mouth, Trans. Devon Ass., 40, 1908, (276-280). 330 Hamy, E. T. Notes intimes sur Georges Cuvier redigees en 1836 par J. Desjardins, de Maurice. Bui. Sci. France Belgique, Paris, ser. 6, 1, 1907, [? 1908], (458-481). 331 Hamy, E. T. La genealogie de I^amarck. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, 190S, (489-493). 332 Hannibal, Harold. Formation of Epiphragm by Lynuiaca 2^'^''"-''^'''-'' (Midler). Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (33). 333 Hannibal, Harold. Exotic Vivlpara in California. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (33-34). 334 Hansemann, D. von. Ein Fall von Symbiose. {^Diogenes varians u. Mu- scheln." Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1907, (27). 335 Harms, Wi;he'm. Zur Biologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Najaden. Diss. Marburg, 1908, (441. 22 cm. 336 Harms, W. Die postembryonale Ent^vicklung von Uvio pictornm und Lnio timiidus. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (693-703). 337 Harms, W. 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Svdnev, N.S.W., Proc. Linn. Soc, 33, 1903,' (456-489), ])ls. vii-x. 344 Hedley, C. & May, W. L. Moliusca from one hundred fathoms seven miles east of Cape Pillar, Tasmania. Svdnev, N.S.W., Rec. Austr. Mus., 7. 1908,' (108- 125), pis. xxii-xxv. 345 Heine, L. Leber das Sehen der Wir- l»'ltiere und Kopffiissler. Verh. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 79, (1907), Tl I, 19l>^, (204-210;. 346 Heine. Ueber das Seben der Wir- bi'ltiere und KopfTiissler. Miinchener med. Wochenschr., 55, 1908, (938-939). 347 1'.) M,J!. Titles 2200 Helland-Hansen, H. Die Aiistern- bassins in Xorwegen. Intern. Kev. Hvdroblol., lA>ip/.ig! 1, 1908, (553-r)73). 348 HempMll, Ilenrv. Note on the genus Ilalintis with a Description of a New Variety. San Diego, Cal. Trans. Soc. Xat. liist., 1. pt. '2, 1007, (5G-C0). 349 Henderson, J. B., juh. Some personal recollections of Henrr Vendrves. Nau- tilus, Boston, Mass.," 21, litOS, (107- 108). 350 Henderson, J B., jun. Cuban notes. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (3-1). 351 Henderson, J. B , jun. List of Mol- lusks from Aniarillo, Texas. Nautilus, Boston, Mas;;., 22, 1908, (9). 352 Henderson, Junius. New species of Cretaceous Invertebrates from Northern Colorado. Wasliiiigton, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U.S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, r."-. i'.^9-264), 7 pis. 353 Henderson, Junius. Scientific expe- dition to north-eastern Coloi-ado. 5. List of moUusks collected. Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud., 4, 1907, (158-159). 354 Henderson, Junius. The MoUusca of Coioralo. Houlder, Univ. Colo. Stud., 4, r.Mi;, 77-1(0, l(;7-185j, pi. 355 Henderson, Junius. The Red Beds of northern Colorado. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (491-492). 356 Henking, H. Ansternkulttir iind Auiternlischerei in Nord-Amerika. Er- gebnisse ciner Studienreise nach den Vereinigten Staaten. Berlin, Abh. 1). Seefischereiver., 10, 1007, (xvii-flSG', 10 Taf., 3 Kart. 357 Hesse, P. Kritische Fragmente. [IV-VJ. Zur Nomenklatur ii. Systema- tikv. Helix.] Frankfurt a. M., NachrBJ. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, 1908, (131-14 1 i. 358 Hesse, P. Die aystematische Stellung voa Helix leacliii Fer. und rjyroxfoma Fer. Zool. Jahrb.. Jena, Abt. f. Svst., 27. 1908, '313-320. "359 Hesse, Paul vide Lang, A. ; Rossmiiss- ler, E. A. Hidalgo, J. G. Obras malacologicas. Monogralia de las especies vivientes del genero Ci/prcea. .Madrid, Mem. Acad. Cs., 25, iyU7, [1908], fi-xv -f 1-588). 360 (N-10332 r) Hilbert, R. Weitere Beitriige zur Preussisclien MoUusken fauna. Kcinigs- berg, S,>lir. phvsik. Ges., 48, 1907, (155- lOf', pi. ■ 361 Hilbert, R. l>ie Molluskenfauna des Diluviums der Provinzen O.st- und Westpreussen. Kouigsberg, Schr. phvsik. Ges., 48,(1007), 1008,(371-378) 362 Hilbert, R. Die Molluskenfauna des Kreises Sensburg in Lebensgenossen- schaften. Frankfurt a. il., NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, 1008, (110-120). 363 Hill, il. D. Appearance of the Slug Tcstacella in a Flooded District. Nature, Loudon, 78, 1908, (8). 364 Hinch, J. de W. The Occurrence of High-level Shelly Drift in the Killakee Vallev, County Dublin. Irish Nat. Dublin, 19, 1908, (99-100). 365 Hinde, George J. vide Chatwin, C. P. & Withers. Hindze, B. K. vide Chm6levskii, 6. V., Cxraciauov, Zograf, Hindze, Voronkov & Bogojavlenskii. Hinkley, A. A. A new species of l^iirgulopsis. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 2i, 1008, (117-118). 367 Hinkley, A. A. MeseseJiiza grosvenorii , Lea. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1008, (5t5). 368 Hirase, Yoichiro ride Pilsbry, H. & Hirase. Hitzel, E. Sur les fossiles de I'etage albien, recueillis par M. A. Guebhai-d dans la region d'Escragnolles. Paris, Bul. soc. geol., ser. 4, 2, 1002, [10051 (874-880). 369 Hofmann, F. B. Histologische Unter- suchungen iiber die Innervation der glatten und der ihr verwandten Musku- latur der Wirbeltiere und MoUusken. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 70, 10U7, (301- 413), pi. xxi. 370 Honigmann, H. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis des .Vlbinismus bei Schnecken. III. Frankfurt a. M. NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, 1908, (38-39). 371 Hopkinson, John. Date of Publication of the .Separate Partsof Gmelins's Edition (13tli) of the ' Systema Naturae ' of Linn.-Bus. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907,1008,(1035-1037). 372 b 10—2 20 Mott. VIII, MoUusca. [19087 Horsley, J. W. The Colonization of Molluscs. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908. (122). 373 Horst, R. & Schepman, M. il. Cata- logue Bvstematique des Mollusques. Leide (E. J. Brill), 1908, (361-572), Museum d'histoire uaturelle. Tome Xllt, 3, 24 cm. 374 Horwood, A. R. On a hitherto un- noticed section of the Amallheus spina- tiis Zone and the Transition Bed in the Middle Lias at Billesdon Coplow, Leices- tershire. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 57, (Leicester, 1907), 1908, (516-517). 375 Howcliin, Walter. Cxlacial Beds of Cambrian Age in fiouth Australia. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc.,64, 1908, (237- 259), pis. xix-Kxvi. 376 Hoyle, William E. [Presidential Address to Section D (Zoology) of the British Association.] London, Rep. Brit. 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Reichmus., ser. 1, 8, pt. 34, 1907, (20i-252), pis. xiv-xviii. 382 Igel. Vorliiufige Mitteilung iibcr das Nervensysfcm und die I'riitpflege bei l'}uineolic(ijna mnr/ellanica Rousseau. Bonn, SitzBer. Ge'a. Natk., 1907, 1908, L>, (17-18). 383 Igel, Johann. Cber die Anatomre rora Phaseolicama magellanica Rousseau. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 26„ 1908, (1-4-4), pis. i-ii. 384t Ihering, Herman v. Die Entstehungs- geschichte der Fauna der neotropischeiv Region. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58,. 1908, (282-302). 385. Ihering', H. von. Die anatomische: Abteilung der Rossmassler'schen icono- graphie. [rev. of Hesse, No. 683]. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malako- zool. Ges., 39, 1907, (16-3-165). 386. Ihering', Hermann von. Some notes- on malacological nomenclature. Science^ New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (825-827). 38T Iredale, Tom. Notes on some New- Zealand marine mollusca. Wellington,, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40. 1908, (373- 387). 38a Iredale, Tom. List of marine molluscai collected in Otago. Wellington, Tians. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (387-403). 389> Iredale, Tom. A preliminary list of the marine mollusca of Banks Peninsula. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40,. 1908, (387-403). 390^ Iredale, Tom & BTestayer, M. K. List, of marine Mollusca from Lyall Iitiy,near Wellington, New Zealand. Welliniiton, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (410- 415). 391 Issel, A. Torriglia e il suo territorio.. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 25, pt. 1, 1906, (1-58). 392: Issel, Raffaele. Nuove specie di Mol- luschi etciropodi raccolti dalla R. Nave " Liguria" (1903-05). Nota preliminare. Mon. zool. ital., Firenze, 18, 1907, (74- 78). 39S Issel, Raffaele. Un nuovo genere de Mulluschi Eteropodi \_Aloysia phijllo- f. 400 Jackson, J. Wilfred. Bibliop;raphy of the Non-Marine Mollusca of Lancashire. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (124-12SV 401 Jackson. J. Wilfred. Bibliography of the Non- -Marine Mollusca of Lancashire (conUi.). J. Couch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (147-156). 402 Jackson, J. Wilfred. Bibliography of the .\on-Marine Mollusca of Lancashire (contd.y. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (218-219). 403 Jackson, J. W. vide Beeston, H. Jacob, Charles. Etudes jsaleonto- logiques et stratigraphiques snr la i^artie moyenne des terrains cretaces dans les Aipes fran(;aises et les regions voisines. Ann. Univ., Grenoble, 19, 1907, (221- 534; Thesj fac. sci., Paris, (viii 4- 316). 404 Jacob. Charles. Etude sur quelques Ammonites du Cretace moyen. Paris, Mem. S3C. geol., (Paieontologiej, Mem. Ko. 38, (t. 15j, 1907, (1-64). 405 Jeannet, A. Une Ajnmonite nouvelle f|)ayHa. [Le crctace inlerieur de la Criniee et sa fauue.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, geol., 32, 5, 1907, (1-442, 454-482 ; res. fran^. 443-453), 28 Taf. 423 Kendall, C. E. Y. IleUcella Itala (L.) in West Norfolk. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908,(192). 424 Kendall, C. E. Y. Limncea glabra (Miiller! in East Sussex. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (192). 425 Kendall, C. E. Y. vide Dean, J. D. & Kendall. Kendall, P. F. Erratic Blocks of the British Isles. [Report of Committee of British Association.] London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 57, (Leicester, 1907), 1908, (329-331). 426 Kennard, A. S. [Exhibition of various specimens.] London, Proc. Malac. Soc. 8,1908,(1). 427 Kennard, A. S. On the distribution of FeLricola plioJadiformis, Lam. London, Proc. Maltic. Soc., 8, 1908, (3- 4). 428 Kennard, A. S. Notes on Planorhis zorlicidus, Troschel, and PI. Icpvis, Alder ; also on some proposed subdivi- sion of the genus. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (46-49). 429 Kennard, A. S. On ]'it7rn ScJiaviU, n. sp. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (50-51). 430 Kennard, A. S. Notes on the Roman Remains discovered at the Girls' High School, (iloucester. (jloucester, Proc Cotteswold Nat. F. CI.. 16, 1908,(125- 12G). 431 Kennard, A. S. & Woodward, B. B. On the MoUusca of some Holocene depo--its of the Thames River System. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (90- 90). 432 Kessler, Paul. Leber einen uiit Wolin- kannner erhaltenen MacrocepJiaJilcs [macroceplialus]. Centralbl. Min., Stutt- gart, 1908, (40-4l'l. 433 Kiaer, Hans. Om kvartEertidens marine afleiringer ved Troms0. (With an English Summary.) [On the post- tertiary and recent marine deposits in the Tromsd region. MoUusca and Forami- nifera.] Tromsa Mus. Aarsh., 25, (1902), 1007-08, (17-44). 434 Kilian, W. Sur quelques fossiles remarquables de I'Hauterivien de la region d'Escragnolles. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 2, (1902), 1905, (864-867), pi. Ivii. 435 Kilian, W. Sur quelques gisements d' Ammonites dans le jurassique superieur et le cretace des chaines subal pines. Paris, C. R. Ass. frang. avanc sci., 35, ,Lyon, 1906), pt. 2, 1907, (293-300). 436 Kilian, W. & Gu^bhard, A. litude jialeontologique et stratigi-aphique du systeme jurassique dans les pr^alpes maritimes. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 2, (1902), pt. 6, 1905, (737-828), pis. xlviii-1. 437 Kilroe, J. R. The Shell-Bearing Drifts of Co. Dublin. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (115-118). 438 Kingsley, J. S. vide Danforth, C. H. Kittl, Ernst. Die Triasfossilien voui Henreka Sund. Kristiania, Report of the .Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902, No. 7, 1907, (1-44), 3 Taf. 439 Kleiner, Elisabeth vide Lang, A. Knapp, A. Leber die Entwicklung von Oxijnoticeras oxynotum Qu. Geol. u. palaont. Abh., Jena, (N.F.), 8, 1908, II. 4, (1-34), 4 Taf. ; Diss. Tubincen. 440 Knight, G. A. Frank. Notes on the Natural History, Geology, and Anti- quities of Duror, Argyllshire. Pertli, Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci.,' 4, 1908, (213- 228). 441 Knight, G. A. Frank. Obituary Notice Alexander Somerville, B.Sc, F.I-.S., late President of the Concho- -.'3 Mod. Titles. 2200 logical Society. J. Coneh., Leeds, 12, 1903,(116-118). 442 Knod, Reinhold. Devoiiisclie Fauiien Bolivieiis. ^Beitni.se zur Geoloiiie wml Palaontolormellrung nnd Le- ^bensdauer der Nacktschnecken. Verh. I), zool. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (Ifi.^- U)\). 468 Kiinkel, Karl. Vermehrung nnd Le- bensdaner der L'unnaca stafjnalis Lin. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malako- zool. Ces., 40, 1908, (70-77). 469 Ktister, 11. C. vide Martini & Chemnitz Lacaze-Dutlilers, Henri de vide Dede- kind, A. Laidlaw, Frank F. Shells at High Altituilesin Scotland. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (192). 470 Lamarck, J. P. B. de vide Hamy, E. T. Lams, Honore. La structure de I'ovo- cyte de VAriov empiricorum pendant la periode d'accroissement. Nancy, C!. R. ass. anat., 9*^ session, (Lille), 1907, (fiO- GO). 471 Lams, Honore. Note sur la biologic spxii('ll(! d'nn Gasteropoda pnlnione (Ariini empiricoriuii). Paris, C. R. soc. Ijiol., 62, 1907, (255-257). 472 Lams, Honore. Observations relatives ii la {(''condation de r.4?'Jo)i ritfiiM on I'lnpiriforum. Bulb biol., Jurjev, 1907, (91 -93 4- russisch 93-91). 473 Lamy, lidouard. Coquilles marines recueillies par M. le D'' Neveu-Lemaire pendant la mission de Crequi-Montfort et Senechal de la Grange dans I'Amc- rique du Sud (1903). Bui. Museum, Paris, 13, 1907, (530-539). 474 Lamy, Iidouard. Coquilles marines recueillies jDar M. le D'' Neveu-Lemaire pendant la mission de Crequi-Monfort et Senechal de la Grange dans I'Ameiiqne dn Sud (1903) [Suite]. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (41-53). 475 Lamy, Ed. Description d'un Lamelli- branche nouveau des iles Malouines. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (128-129). 476 Lang, Arnold. Ueber die Bastarde von Helix Iwrtensis Miiller und Helix 7)enwraHs L. Eine Untersnchung zur experimentellen Vererbungsiehre. Mit Beitragen vonH. Bosshard, Paul Hesse, Elisabeth Kleiner. Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (v + 120j, 4 Taf. 34 cm. 10 M. 477 Lassablifere. Etude experimentale sur I'ostreo-congestine, substance ex- traite des huitres. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (933-934). 478 Lebour, Marie V. Trematodes of the Northumberland Coast. No. II. New- castle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, ser. 2, 3, 1908, (28-45), pis. i-iii. 479 Lebour, Marie V. Limax tenellus Midi, at Corbridge. Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, ser. 2, 3, 1908, (222). 480 Lee, G. W. Notes on Fossils from Prince Charles Foreland, brought home by Dr. William S. Bruce in 1906 and 1907. Edinburgh, Proc R. Physic Soc, 17, 1908, (149-166), pi. viii. ' 481 Legendre, R. Recherches sur le nanisiuc ex])erimental. Influence des e.Kcrcta. Arch. Zool., Paris, ser. 4, 8, 1908, Notes, (Ixxvi-lxxxiv). 482 Legendre, R. Sur la nature du tro- pliospongium des cellules nerveuses d'Helix. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 58, 1905, (841-843). 483 Legendre, R. De quelques details do strurliirc iVHclix ponuititt. Bibliogi-. anat., Nancy, 15, 1906, (148-158). 484 Legendre. Snr la nevroglie des gang- lions iicvvcux d' Helix pomatia. Bibliogr. anat., Nancy, 16, 1907, (236-238). 485 Legendre, R. La nevroglie des gang- lions nci'vcux (VHelix pomalia. Nancy C. R. ass. anat., 9= session, (Lille), 1907 55 MiU. Titles. 2200 (.WOO); HiMiogr. aiiat.. Naucv, 16, 1907. (.l'36-238). 486 Leirendre, U. Nature pathologii|in> des oaiialioiiles de Holmgren des cellules nerveuses. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 141. 1905.(11^65-1267). 487 Legendre, R. Pe la nature patho- logique des canalicules de Holmgren des cellules nerveuses. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 59, 190.5, (.087 688). 488 Legendre, R. Granulations des cellu- les nerveuses d'Hclix, deoelables par I'aeide osuiique. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64. 1908, (105-107). 489 Leidenfrost. 1 1 y. Neuere Eeitriige zur Keuntniss der Fauna des Quaruero und der Adria. Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7. 1908, (145-172). 490 Lemoine, Paul. Etudes geologiques dans le nord de Madagascar. Contribu- tion a riiistoire geologique de I'Ocean Indien. [These Kac. Sci. Paris.] Paris (Hermann), 1906,(1-520;, i pis. 1 carte. 25 cm. 491 Lemoine, Paul vide Boule, M., Lemoine A Thevenin. Lermond, X. W. H'jgromin Itispula (Liiiuteus) in Maine. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (109). 492 Le Rouz, Marc. Recherclies biologi- iste des coquilles recueillies par MM. Bigot ct Leboucher dans les tourbieres littorales situees €ntre Luc-sur-Mer et Arromanches (Calvados). Caen, Bui. soc. linn., ser. 5, 10, 1906, [1907], (3-9). 494 Levander, K. M. Om ntbredningen af Anctjlua fluv'xntilia Miill. [Ober die Vcrljreitung von Aneylus fluviatilis Miill.] HelsinL'fors, Med. Soc. J'auna «t Fl. Fenn., 32, 1906, (6, deutsches Beferat 189-190;. 495 Levander, K. M. Nilviiiisia Kuh- mosta. [Gasteropoden aus Kuhmoniemi.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Tl. Fenn., 34, 1908, a7, deut.sches Referat 20.- . 496 Levander, K. M. Maanilviaiserume ja merivesi. [Qnsere Landmollusken und das Meerwasser.] Luonnon Ystava. Hclsingfors, 12. 1908, (HO-Ulj. 497 L^v^que. Note preliminaire sur quel- qucs t'lYets de ia leucine sur les Inverte- bres. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (89- 9r. 498 L^v6que, (Uiillaume. Sur un I'or'iH johustotii Aid. Hanc. Biil. Museum, Paris, 1908, (235-230). 499 Lindbolm, W. A. Materialien zur Molluskenlauna von Siidwest-Russland, Polen und der Krini. Odessa, Mera. soc. nat., 31, J 908, (198-232). 500 [Linko, A. K.] JIhiiko, A. K. Ilac.rl.- ,10BaHiH HaAl« COCTaBO.M'b n :KH3HbK) n.iaiiivToiia EapcHuoBa MopH. [Unter- suchungen iiber das Plankton des Barents-Meeres.] St. Peterburg (Comite zur Uiiterstiitzung der Kiistenbewohner des russisL'hen Nordeus), 1907, (2 -f- 24.") + I). 30 cm. 501 Livon, CU. & Briot, A. Sur le sue salivaire des Cephalopodes. J. plivsiol. path, gen., Paris, 8, 1906, (1-10). " 502 Lo Blanco, Salvatore. Azione della pioggia di cenere caduta durante I'eru- zione del \'esuvio dell'aprile 1906 sugli animali marini. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Xeapel, Berlin, 18, 1906, (73-104). 503 Lorenthey, June. Vannak-e juraido- szaki retegek Budapesten? Gibtes Jura- schichten in Budapest? Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 37, pt. 9-11,1907, (Hungarian 359-368; German 410-419). 504 Lbrenthey, Imre. A tihanyi Feher- part pannoniai retegeirol. [Ober die pannonisclien Schichten des Feherpart bei Tihanv.] F'oldt. Kozl., Budapest, 38, 1908, (679-080, 716-724). 505 Loppens, K. Contribution a I'etude du niicro-planktou des eaux saumatres de la Belgique. Ann. Biol, lacustre, Bruxelles, 3. 1908, (16-53). 506 Lorenz, Th. Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaeontologie von Ostasien unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Provinz Schantung in China. II. — Palaeonto- logischer-Teil. Berlin, Zs. I), geol. Ges , 58, 1906, (53-108), pis. iv-vi. 507 Lucas, B. R. The result of six hours collecting in Sligo, Easter, 1906. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (219). 508 Lucas, B. R. New localities for Vitrea hibernica. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (22). 509 Lucas, B. R. TestaceUa haliotidcu and other MoUusca in Co. Kerry. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (22). 510 26 Mdl. Vlil. MoUusca. [1908] Mcintosh, [William Carmickael]. On the perforations oi Marine Animals. Zooloi^ist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (41-60). 511 MaiUaxd, L. C. & Vies, F. Presence, dans le st)-let cristallin de Cardium edule, d'uue substance reduisant la liqueur de Fehlinsj. Paris, C. R. soc. bid, 62, 1907, (316-317). 512 Maillieux, Eugene. Les Cephalo- podes du Couvinien superieur [Cob. n, jii.j. Bruxelles, Bull. soc. beige geol., 22, 1908, Proc. verb. (174-176). 513 Maillieux, Eugene. Remarques a propos du " Cixloceras mucronatiun " d'Orb., du Toarcien de I'Aveyron. Bruxelles, Bull. soc. geol., 22, lUOS, Proc. verb., (176-177\ 514 Malaise, C. Excursion silurienne du 21 mai 1903. Bruxelles, Bui. Soc. geol., paleont., livdr , 22, 1908, Mem., (59-62). ■ 515 Marchand, Werner. Einige neuere Arbeiteu iiber die Chromatophoren der Cephalopoden. (Zusammenfassende Uebersiclit.) Zool. Centralbl., Leipzig, 14, 1907, (290-301). 516 Marcucci, Giuseppe. Su alcune varia- zioni biologichfj della Limnaea hiformi!^ (Kiis.). Contributo alio studio dell'in- fluenza deU'ambieute nello svilluppo degli aniniali. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 8, 1909, (29-48), 1 tav. 517 Martens, Eduard von. Beschreibung einiger im ostlichen Borneo von Dr. Martin Schmidt gesammelten Land- und Siisswasser-Conchylien. Hrsg. v. Job. Thiele. Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mas., 4, 1908, (249-292;, 2 Taf. 518 Martin, Edgar C. The New Red (Permian) Gravel of the Tiverton Dis- trict. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. H, 5, 1908, (150-157). 519 Martin, Friedrich. Ueber an der Was.seroberflache kriecheude Cyclas and die dabei erfolgende Schleimabson- derung. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (38-40). 520 Martin, K. Systematische Uebersicht. iiber die Gastropoden aus tertiaren und jijngeren Ablagerungen von Java. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, II, 1908, (151-162). 521 Martin, K. Das Alter der Schichten von Sonde und Trinil auf Java. Amster- dam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 17, [1908], (7-16). 522 Martin, Karl vide Icke, H. & Martin. Martini & Chemnitz. Systematisches Concliylien-Cabiuet . . . neu hrsg. u. vervoUstiindigt v. H. C. Kiister, nach dessen Tode fortgesetzt v. ^^^ Kobelt. Lfg 515-522 = Bd 1, H. 206-213, f489- 608, 129-184, 1-72), Taf. ; Nurnberg (Bauer & Raspe), 1907. 30 cm. Die Lfg 9 M. Auch in Sektionen zu 27 M. 523 Martini & Chemnitz. Systematisches ConchylieuCnbinet . . . neu hrsg. u. vervoUstiindigt v. H. C. Kiister, nach dessen Tode fortgesetzt v. W. Kobelt. Lfg 52.V524 = Bd 1, H. 214, (185-200, mit Taf.) ; Bd 6. H. 24 (105-172), Taf. ; Xtirnberg (Bauer & Raspe), 1907. 30cm. Die Lfg 9 M. Audi in Sektionen zu 27 M. 524 Martini ct Chemnitz. Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet . . . neu hrsg. und vervollstandigt v. H. C. Kiister, nach dessen Tode fortgesetzt v. W[ilh.] Kobelt. Lfg 525 = Bd 6, H. 216 (201- 240), Taf. ; Niirnberg (Bauer & Raspe), 1908. 30 cm. Die Lfg 9 M. Auch in Sektionen zu 27 M. 525 Martini & Chemnitz. Systematisches Gonchylien-Cabiiiet . . . nen hrsg. u. vervollstandigt v. H. C. Kiister, nach dessen Tode fortgesetzt v. W[ilh.] Kobelt, Lfg 526-534 = Bd 1, H. 216-224 (73-160, 609-711. 241-312), Taf.; Niirnberg (Bauer* Raspe), 1908. 30 cm. Die Lfg 9 M. Auch in Sektionen zu 27 ^1. 526 Mary, Albert & Mary, Alexandre. Un Rliipicliotentia de la craie noduleuse. Beauvais, Bui. soc. hist, sci., 2, 1906, (79-80). 527 Mary, Alexandre vide Mary, A. & ilary. Massy, Anne L. A note on Loligo media (L.) Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (336). 528 Maury, Carlotta Joaquina. A com- parison of the Oligocene of western Europe and the southern United States. [Thesis, Ph.D. Cornell University, 1902.] Bulletins of American Paleontology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 3, No. 15, [1902], (1-118), pi., maps, tables. 529 Maury, C. J. An interglacial fauna found in Cayuga valley and its relation ^fcJl. Titles. 2200 to the rieistoi'eiie of Toronto. .1. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (,505-507). 530 Matuy, E. vide Caziot, E. A: Maury. May. \V. L. v'ulc lledley, C. A- May. Mayer, A. A Rathery, F. Etiules sur le lorps fiiii^iforuie dii poiilpe {Octopus Vulgiiris). J. anat. phvsiol., Paris, 43, J 007, (,i'5-47,\ 1 pi. ■ 531 Mayfield, A. The Marine and Estuariue Molluscu of SutTolk. Ipswich, J. F. CI., 1. lOOS, v5-9;. 532 Mayfleld, Arthur. Fetvicola phoJarli- formis Lam. in Suffolk. J. Couch., ■Leeds, 12, 1908,(115). 533 Mayfleld, A. Aiiscmanld graijana Leach, ill S^utToIk. J. Couch., Leeds, 12, lOOS, . lyit . 534 ^Meissner, \'." Mciicucpi., B. Mn- KpocKOunqecKie npe;i,cTaBnTe.in boahoiI (})ayiihi Apa,ibCKaro Mopa n Bna;taio- uinxi, Bt Hero ptKb, bi. cbh3ii ci, bo- npocoMT. oOtj yc.ioBiaxi, iixb pocnpe;;^- JieHin. [Mikroskopische Wassertiere des Aralsees und der einmiindenden Fliisse, im Zusammeuhaug mit der Frage nach deren Verbreitungsbediugungeu.] Taskeiit, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geosr. • "■ ^r.. 4, 8, 1908, (1-102), Taf i-iv. 535 Meli, Romolo. MoUuschi Pliocenici rari,o non citati, delle colline suburbaue di Roma sulla riva destra del Tevere. Roma, Boll. Sec. geol. ital., 25, (1906), pt. 3, 1907, (543-582). 536 Melvill, James Cosmo. Obituary ticf. Soloman G. Da Costa. J. uch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (139-140). 537 Melvill, James Cosmo & Ponsonby, John Henry. A survey of the species and varieties of Pupa, Draparnaud iJaminea, Risso), occurring in South Africa [with descriptions of new species bv li. C. Burnupj. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (70-80;, pis. i-ii. 538 MelviU, James Cosmo &. Ponsonby, John Henry. Descriptions of nine terrestrial mollu.sca from South Africa. Including anatomical descriptions of two ropoied new genera (Afrodouta, M. & . ., and Peltatus, G.— A.) by H. H. Godwin-Austen. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lio 264 Ha p. Jynau ch '2S iioHa no 3 iw.iH 1907. [Molhisques collectiouues ]iendaiit I'excursion de S. A. Zernov a bord du torpilieur No. 265 an Danube dtf 28 jniu an 3 juillet 1907.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (Ser. 6], 1908, (991-996). 545 Miller, Konrad. Alttertiare Land- und Siisswasserschnecken der Ulmer Gegeiid. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 63, 1907, (435-457), 3 Taf. 546 Misuri. Alfredo. Sul genere Helix nella provincia dell' Umbria. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 8, 1907, (171-192, 274-306), 3 tav. 547 Moeljius, Karl. [Obituary] vide 13. Mollendorff. 0. F. von. Landmollus- ken. Ergiinzungen und Bericlitigungen zuni 3. Bde. Naeh des Verf. Tode fort- gefiihrt v. Wilhelm Kobelt u. Gertnid Winter. (C. .Semper, Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Wissenschaftl. Re- sultate. Hd 10. H. 3-4.) Wiesbaden (('. W. Krcidel), 1907, (63-104), 9 Taf. 33 cm. ' 548 28 3Iclt. VIII. Mollusca. [1908] Mbllendorff, 0. F. von. LandmoUus- lien. Ergitnzungen und BeiichtigmigerL zum .3. Bde. Nach des Verf. Tode fort- gefiihrt v. Wilhelin Kobelt u. CJertrud Winter. (C. Semper, Keisea iin Archi- pel (let Philippineii. Wis-enschaftl. Kesultate. Bd 10, H. 5.) Wieslwdeii (C. W. KreideD, 1008, (105-128j, 4 Taf. .33 cm. 25 M. ' 549 [Obituary notice.] Mojsisovics, Ed- mund V. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, Saint Denis d'Oleron. Bordeaux, Actes soc. linn., ser. 7, 1, 1906, Pr. verb., (xlix- liii). 601 Pfeflfer, G. Nordisehes I'lankton (edited l)v K. Brandt it C. Apstein), 4, (Lfg. 9).' Die Ceplialupoden. Kiel & Leipzig (Lipsius & Tisclier), 1908, (1- 116), 10 M. 602 PfefFer, G. Teuthologlsche Bemer- kungeu. Hamburg, .Tahrb. wiss. Anst., 25, (1907), Beili. L','1908, (289-295). 603 Phillips, R. A. Vertigo moulins'uma, l)upuy. An addition to the Irish Fauna. Irish 'Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (89-93), pi. iii. 604 Pi^ron, Henri. La localisation du sens de discrimination alimentaire chez les Limnees. Paris, ('. R. Acad, sci., 147. 1908, (279-280). 605 Pilsbry, Henry A. Manual of con- cliology ; structural and systematic. With illustrations of the species. Founded l)y George L. Tryon, jun. Second series : Pulmonata. Vol. 18, Achatinidae : Stenogyrinae and Coeli- axinae. [In four parts (09-72). Pt. 72.] Philadelphia (Conchological dept., Acad, nat. sci.), 1907, (273-357 + i-xii), pi. 24.5 cm. 606 Pilsbry. H. .V. ^Manual of couchology ; structural and systematic. With illus- trations of the species. (Second series : Pulmonata. > [Vol. 19, part 70: Fami- lies Olcacin'idac and Ferjissac'tdar.l Philadelphia (Conchological dept., Academy nat. sci.), [1908], (193-306), pis. 24.5 cm. 607 Pilsbry, Henry A. Manual of con- chology ; structural and systematic. With illustrations of the species. (Second series: Pulmonata.) [Vol. 20, part 77 : Family Fenissar'nlae.] Pliila-. delphia (Conchological dept., Academy nat. sci.i; [19081, (1-041, pi. 24.5 cm. 608 Pilsbry, Henry A. New ClausUihlae of tlie Japanese Empire — XL Phila- delpliia. Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 59, 1907, [1908], (499-513;, pis. xxxii- xxxiy. 609 Pilsbry, Henry .\. Notes on Succ'nica nrcilis Say and S. ohljqua Say. Phila- delphia, Pa., Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci., 60, 1908, (45-51), pi. vii. 610 P^ilsbry], H. A. Notes on Plate NT. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (1.33). 611 Pilsbry, Henry A. On Euc(niulu^ (ulvu.a and E. trneluiormts. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 19()S, (25-26). 612 Pilsbry, H. A. Land shells of Tan- Ljulandang (Tagolanda.). Nautilus, Boston, Jlass., 22, 1908, (40-471, pi. 613 Pilsbry, Henry A. Notes on the genus Strohilops. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (78-80). 614 Pilsbry, H. A. Vnlrata lumcraJin cdli fornica n. subsp. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 19(JS, (82). 615 Pilsbry, H. A. Type of Amp)dln Bolten. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (83). 616 Pilsbry, H. A. Note on the Clausl- liiun of a Chinese species of Clnuml'ia. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (119). 617 Pilsbry, 1 Icnry A . Note on the British species of Ar.ccn. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908,(137-138). 618 31 Moll. Titles. 2200 Pilflbry, H. A. & FerrisB, J. H. A new Micrar'umta from Arizona. Nautilus, Boston. Mass, 21. I'JOS, ( 134- I.St) \ i«l. 619 Pilsbry, 11. A. .1- Frieraon, L. S. IV- scription of a .\K>xio:in LampsUls. Nautilus, Huston. Mas^., 22, 1908, (81 82 >. 620 Pilsbry, II. A. A Hirase, Y. New land anil fresh-water MoUusca of the Japanese Empire. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc'. Acad. Nat. Sci., 60, 1;>U8, (,31-30). 621 Pilsbry, H. A. & Hirase, Y. New lam! nIu'IIs of the Chinese Empire — T. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci, 60, 1908, .37-43). 622 Pilsbry, H. A. & Hirase, Y. Land 'Is of the Oki Islands, Japan. •ihis, Boston, Mass., 22, 190S, (41- 623 Pilsbry, H[enry] A. & Hirase, Y[oi- chiro]. New laud snails from Corea. Kairui Zasshi [The Conchological Ma^^a- zin-]. Kyoto, 2, 1908, ; 15-18J. 624 Pilsbry, H. A. & Vanatta, E. G. De- scriptions of new Hawaiian marine shells. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908. .56 58). 625 PUsbry, 11. A. & Vanatta, E. G. A new Hawaiian KalicUa. Nautilus, Bos- ton, Mass., 22, 1908, (73). 626 Pissaro, G. vide Cossmami, M. & Pi>saro. Plate, L. Die Scaphopoden der Deutschen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- 1903. Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, Bd 10, H. i. Berlin (G. Eeimerj, 1908, (l-6j. 627 Plate, L. Expedition Antarctique Beige. Resultats du Voyage du S. Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899 sous le com- mandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery. Rapports Scientifiques . . . Zoologie. Scaphopoden. Anvers (Busch- mann), 1908, (1-4). 628 Plate, L. Apogonichlhys »tromhi n. sp., ein synibiotisch lebender Fisch von den Bahamas. Zool. Anz., I/eipzig, 33, 19U», (393-399j. 629 Plate, L. Die Variabilitat und die Artbildang nach dem Prinzip geo- giaphischer Fomieuketten bei den Cerioti - Landsolmecken der Bahania- Inseln. Arch. Uassenbiol., Miinciieii, 4, 1907, .; 433-470, 581 -(ill), 5 Taf. 630 Pollonera, Carlo. Spedizione al Ru- wenzuri di 8. A. R. Luigi di Savoia Duca degli Abruzzi. Nuove specie di MoUuschi terrestri (Diagnosi preventive). Torino, Boll. Musei. zool. anat., 21, N. r).3S, 1900, (1-4). 631 Pollonera, Carlo. Spedizione al Ru- wenzori di S. A. R. Luigi di Savoia Duca degli Abruzzi. Vaginulidae e Urocyclidae (Diagnosi preventive). Torino, Boll. Musei. zool. anat., 21, N. 543, 1900, (1-6). 632 Ponsonby, John Henry vide Melvill, J. C. & Ponsonby. Popoff, Methodi. Ueber das Vor- handensein von Tetradenchroniosomen in den Leberzelleii von Paludina rivi- jxira. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (555-567). 633 Praus FrancescMni, C. Elenco delle conciiiglie del Gojfo di Napoli e del Mediterranco esistenti uel Museo zoolo- gico di Napoli. Napoli, Annuario del Museo zoologioo della R. Universita, ser., 2, 2, N. 5, 1906, (1-68). 634 Preston, H. B. Description of a nev,' species of Clathurella, probably from Ceylon. Loudon, Proc. Malac. .Soc, 8, 1908, (6). 635 Preston, H. B. Descriptions of New Species of Land, Fresh-water, and Marine Shells from ^Vest Africa. Lou- don, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (7-8). 636 Preston, II. B. Description of a New Species of Ii'liagada from Western Aus- tralia. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (120). 637 Preston, H. B. Description of a New Species of BatiNsa from the Fiji Islands. Lond.ni, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (140).' 638 Preston, II. B. Descriptions of new- species of .'narine and freshwater shells in the Collection of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Rec Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908, (45-48). 639 Preston, H. B. Descriptions of new species of land, marine and freshwater shells from the Andaman Islands. Rec Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 2, 1908, (187- 210), 4 pis. 640. 32 MoU. VIII. Mollusca. [1908] Prever, P. L. Escursioni sui Colli di Torino fatte dalla Societa Geologica Italiana nel settembre 1907. Roma, Eoll. Soc. geol. ital., 26, 1907, (cxlv-clvi. 641 [Prigorovsky, il.] lIpiiropoBCKiii, M. HoBhia jauHua oo-h aMMOHnTax'h rpynnu Olcosteph-.uuis (CraspcdUes Pavl. et Lampl.) okensis ns-fc Hpoc.iaB- CKOit rySepHin. [Nouvelles donnees sur les amniouites du groupe Crasjiedites ohoifis du gouvernement de Yaroslavl. J St. Peterljure;. Vpili. i-uss. mineral. Ges., 44, 2, 1906,^(483-501, Res. Iran?. 502- 505), Taf. X. 642 Prior, G. T. v'ide Rowe, A. W. Quintaret, G. Note sur luie cercaire parasi'e du Barleein i-uhra (Adams). Paris, C. R. soc. l)iol., 58, 1905,(724- 725; ; Reunion biologique de Marseille, 1905, i38-39j. 643 Rajat, H. & Peju, G. Relations entre les variations de forme et de taille des mollusques aquatiques ot la temperature du milieu ami)iant. Paris, C. R. ass. franc, avanc. Sci., 35, (Lvon 190G), pt. 2, 1907, (5G2-5G4): .4?)sfraV/, op. cit.,pt. 1, 190(), (129). 644 Ramond, G.,Dollot, Aug. & Combes, Paid, jun. Etuiie gcologicjue sur le Cliemin defer du Xord. — Lignede Paris a Creil, par Cliantilly ;■ section de Saint Denis a la Foret d'Orsy. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, l'.i07, (561-575), pis. xiv-xvi [pp. 565-572 and cxj)laua- tidii of pis. replaced]. 645 Rathbun, Mary J. vide Stimpson, \V. Rathery, F. vide Mayer, A. & Rathery. Raymond, Percy E. The Gastropoda of tiie ('hazv formation. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 4. 1908, (168- 225), pi. 646 Read, Alston vide Broili, F. Sc Read. Reag'an, Albert B. Die Fossilien des Holiern Red-Wall-Kalksteins niit den- jenigpn der Kansas-Kolilenforniation verglichen. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, (60:i-Gll). 647 Reagan, Albert B. Some sea shells from La I'ush, \\'asli. Tojieka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 21, pt. 1, 1908, fl68 J 77). 648 Reed, F. R. Cowpcr. Sedgwick MuseuTii Notes. Notes on some fossils from Nepal. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (25G 2GI). 649 Reed, F. R. Cowper & Reynolds, TI. S. Silurian Fossils from ccrtnin localities in the Tortworth Inlier. Bristol, Rpp. Nat. Soc, ser. 4, 2, 1908, (32-40). 650 Reis, Otto M. Fine Fauna des Wet- tersteinkaikes. Tl 2. Nachtrag zu den Cephalopoden. Geogn. Jahreshelte, Miinchen, IS (1905)," 1907, (113-152), 4 Taf. 651 Renier, Armand. Echantlllons de profundeur de quelques roches types du Houiller inferieur (H la et II Ic)- Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgique, 35, 1908, (B. 58-B. GO). 652 Renz, Carl vide Freeh, F. & Renz. Repelin, Jules. Contributions a I'etude du Cretace Superieur a la limite du Var, des Basses-Alpes et des Alpes- Jlaritimes. Paris, Bul. Soc. geol., ser. 4, 2 (1902), 1905, (868-873), pi. Iviii. 653 Rspelin, J. Sur Page du terrains oligocenes des environs de Ste. Croix- du-Mont. Paris, Bul. Soc. geol., ser. 4. 7, 1907, (316 -31SJ. 654 Reynell, A. [Specimen of Astarle mutdbilis with Reversed Hinge-Denti- tion.] London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (2). 655 Reynell, A. On the Original Draw- ings for the Illustrations in the " Histoi-ia Naturalis Testaceormu Brit^innite " of E. M. Da Costa. 1778. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (4). 656 Reynell, A. On Astarte mutahilis, with Reversed Hinge- Dentition. London. Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (4-5). 657 Reynell, A. [Fxhibition of Shells from the Bav of Biscay.] London, Proc. Malac. Soc.,"8, 1908, (61). 658 Reynolds, H. S. vide Reed, F. R. C. & Reynolds. Rhodes, F. Helix (Cephecc) wemondis, v.ir. (iliviicfd (Risso) x monstrositv. Naturalist, London, 1908, (61). 659 Ribadeau i-ide Netter, A. & Ribadeau Rice, Edward L. Gill development in MytihiH. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 14, 1908, (C)!- 77). 66» Richardson, L. On the Phyllis Col- lection of Inferior-Oolite Fossils from Doulting. Gpol. Mag, Ijondon, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (509 517). 661 ;?3 M.^. Titles. 2200 Richardson, L. On u Section of tlie Siiporlioial IVp.isits and the l>isoovery of Roman Remains at the Girls" Higli ~- :uiol, Gloncester. Gloucester, Proc. . :teswoM Nat. F. 01., 16, 1908, (ll'3- 1:1. 662 Ricbardson, I.. The Geology of liiigton Hill, North CottcswoMs. ■ucesier. Proc. Gotteswold Nat. F. CI., 16, I'.ii'S. r:i1 134\ 663 Richardson, L. On tlie Section of ver Lias at Hock ClitY, Frelherne, [ Hicestershire. Gloui-ester, Proc. iteswold Nat. F. CI., 16, 1038, (13.')- ■ :■ . 664 Richirdson, L. On the Correlation liie • ro}>-Beds " of the Inferior Oolite \ means of their Echinoid Faima [-Ap- iidix to No. ]. Gloncester, I'roc. I .ttesrt-old Nat. F. CI., 16, I'JOS, (ISH hiO). 665 Richardson, Nelson M. Report on the First .\]ippa ranee of Birds, Insects, &c , d First !■ lowering of Plants in Dorset .ling \d'^7. Dorchester, Pioc. Dorset .\at. Hi-t. F. CI., 29, PJOS, (1^81-291 ). 666 Ricklefs. [Petricola pholadifuvmis in the North-Sea.] Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, 19t"»8, 1! 667 Ridewood, W. G. [Exhibition of de- hiscent dorsal cerata of Tetltys ovMeltbe and of dissections of Spirula ] London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (121-122). 668 Riemschneider, J. Livlandisclie Na- iadeii. Juriev. .Sitzb. Nalurf.-Ges., 16, 4, 1907, [1908], (9-44). 669 Roaf, Herbert E. & Nierenstein. Adrenaline et Purpurine (Replv to M. R. Dubois). Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (773-774). 670 Robert, A. Le mesoderm e du Troque. Paris, .Mem. soc. zool., 17. 1904, [19051, (42-53J, 2 pi. 671 Robert, A. Seconde note sur la pro- gression des Gasteropodes. Paris, Bui. Soc. zool., 33, 1908, (151-157). 672 Roebuck, W. Denison. Mollusca at Brafferton. Naturalist, London, 1908, 298-299j. 673 Roebuck, W. Denison. New Variety of A'^rtolimax lact'is from Orkney. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (13Cj. 674 (K-10332 r) Rdssler, Richard. Die Porlen und ilire Entstehung. (Beil. z. Jahresber. d. tivnmasiums zu Zwickan. Ostern 1907.) Zivickau (R. Ziickler), 1907, i28\ 1 'I'af. 27 cm. 675 Rogers, Julia Ellen. The Shell Book. Rochester, N.Y., ( ) 8 pis. §4.40. 676 Rolle, Gustav. Die Renopericardial- verbindung bei den einheimisclien N'nckt- schnecken und anderen Pnlmonaten. [Diss] Jen;i (G. Fischer), 1907, (i2). 22 cm. 677 Rolle, Giistav. Die I\enop?ricardial- verl>in(langl)ei den einheimisclien Nackl- schnecken und anderen Pulinonaten. Jenaische Zs. Natw., 42, 1907, (373 416), pis. xiv-xv. 678 Rolle, If. Zur Fauna von West- Sumatra. Frankfurt a. W., NachrBl. 1~>. malakozool. Ges., 40, 1908, (63-70). 679 ■ Rolle, H. Fin neuer OdontoHlnnms. Frankfurt a. JI., NachrBl. D. malako- zool. Ges., 40, 1908, (IGO-lGl). 680 [Rosen, 0. von.] Posen'i,, fhipoiiu. ]\I 0.1.1 IOC KIT, CO'lpaHHUa B'l. lImiCKO.\lh It ]\lo;!i.i))ciu)M'i. yt.;?Aax'i. MiincKOii ry- 6epiiiJi (llcrhche). [Die in den Bezir- ken Pinsk und ilazyr des Gonv. Minsk (Polessje) gesammelten MoUusken.] Moskva, Trd. Kruz. izsl. russ. prir., 3> 1907, (83-93). 681 Rossmaasler, E. A. Iconographie der Land- und Siisswasser-Mollusken mit vorziigliclier Beriicksichtigung der enro- paischen noch nicht abcebildeten Arten. Forties, v. AV[ilhelm] Kobelt. (N.F.) Bd 13, Lfg .3-4, 5-6. Wiesbaden (C. W. KreiJel), 1907, (17-40. 41-65, i-iv), pis. 341-350,351-360. 26 cm. Je 4,60 i\i. 682 Rossmassler, E. A. Iconographie der Land- mid Siisswasser-Mollusken mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der euro- paischen noch nicht abgebildeten Arten. Fortges. v. W[illiam] Kobelt. (N.F.) Bd 14 V. }'. Hesse, Lfg 1-4. Color, u. Bchwarze Ausg. Wiesbaden (C. W. Kreidel). 1907, (1-128, mit 20 Taf.). 26 cm. Sclnvarze Ausg. Je 9,30 M. 683 Rossmassler, E. A. Iconographie der Land- und Siisswasser- .MoUusken mit voiziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der curo- paischen noch nicht altreliildeten Arten. Fortges. v. W[ilhelm] Kobelt. (N.i'".) Bd 14 V. P. Hesse, Lfg 5-0. Wiesbaden b 20 U MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1 90S] fC. W. Kreidel), 1908, (129-172, i-vli), Taf. 26 cm. 684 Roth, Wilhelm. Kopulation und Ge- biirakt der Paludina. Bl. AquarieDkutide, Stuttgart, 19. 1908, (377-378). 685 Rous, Sloman. Can?ellar'ia ohiusa Desh. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (105j. 686 Rowe, Arthur W. The zones of the White Chalk of the English Coast. V. The Isle of Wight. The maps and descriptive appendix by C. Davies Slierbom, and a note on certain Silicious Nodules by G. T. Prior. London, Proc. ■Geol. Ass.,' 20, 1908, (209-352), pis. viii- xxiii, maps. 687 Rowe, Arthur W. Uiutacrhius in the Eingwould area, near Dover. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (74-78). 688 Rowe, Arthur W. Actinocamax vei-us in the Upper Part of the Micraster cor- anguinum zone at Walmer and St. Mar- garet at ClifTe. Geol. -Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (79). 689 Russell, E. S. Environmental studies on the Limpet. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, [1908], (850-870). 690 Rynberk, S. van. Sur le role fonc- tionnel du "Stylet crystallin " des Mollusques. Contribution a la Physio- logic comparee de la digestion. [Ab- stract]. Arch. ital. biol., Torino, 49, 1908, (435-444). 691 S., A. E. Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, 1860-1906. London, Proo. R. Soc, ser. B, 80, 1908, (^xxv-xli). 692 Sacco, Federico. Le facies faunistichc x'an. X. Jahrb. Mia., Stuttgart, 1907.2, (1-41), pi. i. 710 Sclimals. K. Pleurotomaria Wtrasci, Pilsbrv, eiiie ViwieuU xoa PleurotJinarla /»Vi/rii7(i, Hilgendorf. In : Novae sym- lx>lae Joacliimicae, Festsclirift des Joachimsthalscheu Gvmnasiiims . . . Halle a. S. (WaiseiiliausX litOT. (iMf)- 2I9!,3Taf. 711 Scbmalz, K. Neue Pleurotoinarien? Frankfurt a. M.,NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, UIOS, (li'7-13l), 3 Taf. 712 Schmidt, Axel. Oberkarljonisohe und permische Zwcischaler aiis dem Gebiet der Saar und Xahe. GeoGcn. Jahreshefte, Miiuchen, 19, tlOOC)), 1908, (119-1.3S), 1 Taf. 713 Schmidt, Axel. Eiu letztes Vrort an Uerrii Dr. W. Petra>gische .Stiidien iiber Mollusken von A. Fleischmann. I.) Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 38, 1908, (93-134), 3 Taf. 724 Scott, James. The Snail Plant. Nature Notes, London, 19, 1908, (26- 28) [repr. from the Agricultural Econo- mist]. 725 Seilli^re, Gaston. Sur la presence de la xylanase chez ditferents MoUusques (Justh-opodes. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 59, 1905, (20-22). 726 SeHli^re, Gaston. Sur la presence du Sucre dans le sang de I'escargot. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (490-491). 727 Semper, Carl, vide Bergh, R. ; MoMcn- durll, (). F. V. 728 Senoo, Ilidemi. Umi-hozuki rui no (»ya-gai. [On the mother snails of " Umi- hozuki " (gasteropod egg-cdpsules used bv women as playthings).] Dobuts. Z., Tokyo, 19, 1907, (298-301), pi. 729 Sevastos, R. L'ancien Danube a travers la Dobrogea. Ann. Univ., Jassv, 4,1907,(226-234). 730 Shaw, \V. A. Eiia montana in North- am])tonshire. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (106). 731 Sheppard, George. Shells from Hol- derness gravels. Naturalist, London, 1908, (158). 732 Sheppard, G. Belenmite in Black P'lint in East Yorkshire. Naturalist, London, 1908, (320). 733 b20— 2 3G MM. VIII. Mollusca. [1908 J Sheppard, T. Fish and other Remains from the Chalk of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Naturalist, London, 1908, (187-189), pi. xvi. 734 Sriieppard.], T. Hornsea ; its Mere and Coastline. Naturalist, London, 1908, (302-310;. 735 Sheppard, T. & Stather, J. "\V. Note on a New Section in the Glacial Gravels of Holderness. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 57, (Leicester, 1907), 1908, (515-516). 736 Sherbom, C. Davies. On two new Gasteropods (7i;pponj/x hlachmorei and //. dibley'i) from the White Chalk. Geol. ila^., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (436-437). 737 Sherbom, C. Davies. Ilippoiiy.e from the White Chalk. Geol. Mag., London. ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (575). 738 Sherbom, C. Davies vide Rowe, A. W. Sbiinek, B. Aftonian sands and pravel in western Iowa. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 28, 1908, (923). 739 SMmer, H. W. Peterburg, Verb. russ. mineral. Ges.,. Ser. 2, 45, 1907, (455-519), Taf. i-viii. 752 Slater, Ida L. A Monograph of British Conulariae. (London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc.\ 1907, (1-41), pis. i-v. 753 S[mith], E. A. [Obituary Notice, S. I. J)a Costa.] London, Proc.Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (2). 754 Smith, E. A. On Pyrula herigalina of Grateloup. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8,1908,(3). 75& Smith, Edgar A. On the Mollusca of liirkct el Qnrun, Egvpt. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (9-11). 756 Smith, Edgar A. Descriptions of New Species of Fresh-Water Shells from Central Africa. London, Proc. Malac Soc, 8, 1908, (12-15). 75T MoZ Titles. 2200 Smith, Edgar A. On tlie known Fieoent Species of llie genus Vanikoro, ajos. A Campylaea coeridavs .anatomiaja es rendszertani helye. [Anatomie ur.d systematische Stellung von Campylaea i^oeridans.] .-illatt. Koz- iem., Budapest, 7, 1908, {2i-2r>, 49 1. 763 Sods, Lajos. L'j csiga-nem a magyar faunaban. [Ein neues Schnecken Genus in der ungarischen Fauna.] Allatt. L'ozlem., Budapest, 7, 1908, (32- 3i, 49'. 764 Sods, Lajos. Magyarorszagi uj csiga- faj. lUu Gasteropode nouveau de Hongrie.] Ann. Hist.-Xat. Mus. Nar. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (298). 765 Sods, Lajos. ilagyarorszagi uj Clausi- !iak. [.Some new L'lausiliae from Hun- gry.] Ann. flist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (381-388). 766 Sods, Lajos. A;^ eloskodo csigakrol. £Cber die parasitisclien Schnecken.] Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 40, 1908, (3G1- -309;. 767 Sowerby, G. B. Description of a new iSpecies of the genus Conun. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 1, 1908, (405-46G). 768 Sowerby, G. B. Milra recurvlrostria : name substituted for .V. recur oa -Sowerby. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (4j. 769 Sowerby, G. B. Descriptions of eight New Species of Marine Mollusca. l/)ndon, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (16-19;, pi. i. 770 Stainler, X. Notes sur la Cretace dc la llesbave. Liege, Ann. Soc. geol. Belgiciue, 35, 1908, (M. 73). 771 Stantschinsky, Wladimir. Ueber den Ban der Kuckenaugen und die Ilihtulogie der l{uckenregi(in der Oncidien. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (137- 180), 3 Taf. 772 Stather, J. W. Investigation of tlie Fossiliferous Drift Deposits at Kirming- ton, Lincolnshire, and at various locali- ties in the East Biding of Yorkshire. [Report of Committee of the British Association.] London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 57, (Leicester, 1907), 1908, (325-328). 773 Stather, J. W. The Fossiliferous Deposit at Bielsl^eck, East Yorks. [Report of Committee of the British Association.] Naturalist, London, 1908, (42-45). 774 Stather, J. W. vide Sheppard, T. & Stather. Steams, Robert E. C. On the com- position and decomposition of fresh water nuissel bhells with notes and queries. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 20, 1907, (67-70). 775 Steams, Robert E. C. Smell the dominant sense in Diahrotica }2-pH7ictata iiud Limax viaximus. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (137-140). 776 Steams, Robert E. C. Clams and the Earthquake. N^autilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 19U8, (141-142). 777 Steinmann, G. & Wilckens, Otto. Kreide- und Tertiarfossilien aus den Magellanslaudern, gesammelt von der Schwedischen Expedition 1895-1897. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, 1908, No. 0, (1-118), 9 pis. 778 Steinmann, Paul. Die Tier welt der Gebii-gsbache.einefaunistischbiologische Studie. Ann. Biol, lacustre, Bruxelles, 2, 1908, (30-162). 779 Steinmann, Paul. Die Tierwelt der Gebirgsbache [e.x^tracted from No. 779]. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart, 3, 1908 (266-273). 780 Stelfoz, A. W. The colonization of Mollusca. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, (140j. 781 St3lfox, A. W. vide Welch, R. & Stelfox. 38 JIoll VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Stenta, Mario. La classificazioiie dei Lamellibranchi. Tiiest, Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Xat., 25, 1908, (1-151). 782 Stenta, ilario. Osservazioni sul gen. Pinna. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 67, Ser. 8, 10, 1907-08, parte 2% (495-518). 783 Stepanov, P. La faiiue silurienne superieure des environs du lac Balchas. St. Peterbursr, Bull. Ac. Sc, ser. G, 1, 1907, (470-472), [Russian]. 784 Sterki, V. A Preliminary Catalogue of the Land and Freshwater MoUusca of Ohio. Columbus, Proc. Ohio Acad. Sci., 4, pt. 8. (Special Pap., Xo. 12j, 1907, (1 1 + 367-402). 785 Sterki, V. Some notes on collecting mollusca in Ohio during 1900. Ohio Nat., Columbus, 7, 1907, (86-87). 786 Sterki, V. Some notes on the loco- motive disk of Stylommatophora. Nau- tilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (49-53). 787 Steusloff, Ulrich. Beitrage zur Fauna und Flora des Quartars in Mecklenburg. I. Giistrow, Ai-ch. Ver. Xatg., 61, xVbt. 1, 1907, (68-103), 1 Taf., 1 Karte. 788 SteuslofiF, Ulrich. Die deutschen, bisher als Helix inlcrsecta Poiret -- caperata Montagu zusammengefassten Heliceeu. Giisfrow, Arch. Ver. Xatg., 62, 1908, (143-152), 1 Taf. 789 Steusloff, Ulrich vide Arndt, C. Stiasny, G. Beobachtungeu iiber die marine Fauna des Triester Golfes im Jahre 1907. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (748-752). 790 Stimpson, William. Report on the Crustacea (Brachyura and Anomura) collected by the North Pacilic Exploring Lxpedition. 1853-1850 [with an iiitro- (luctmy note and edited by Mary J. Rathbun]. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 49, 1907, (1-240), pis. i xxvi. 791 Stolley, E. Ueber ein norddeutscher Aequivalent der Clansayes-Fauna Siid- fraukreichs und der Schweiz. Centrall)!. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, (260-270). 792 Strebel, Hermann. Beitrage zui- Keniiliiis der Jlolluskenfauua der Magalhaen - Proviiiz. No. 5. Ziml. Jahri)., Jena, Alit. f. Syst., 25, 1907, (79-196), pis. i-viii. 793 Strecker, John K., jun. The Mollusca of McLennan Countv, Texas. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (03-67). 794 Striibin, Karl. Geologische luid pa- laeontologisclie Mitteiluugen aus deni Basler Jura (Xo. 1). Basel, Verh. Xatf. Ges., 19, 1908, (109-121), pi. i. 795 Stuart-Menteatli, P. W. Appendix to the Geology of the Gavarnie District and Pj'renean Geology. Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (416- 420). 796 [Stuckenberg, A.] IIIxyKeHoeprTj, A. 'I'ayiia BepxHc-KaMeiiuoyro.iijiiou to.uhu CaMapcKOfi .lyKii. [Die Fauna der ober- (^rbonischen Suite des Wolgadurch- bruches.] St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., ser. 2,23, 1905 [1907?], (X1V+ 144), 13 pis. [Russian, with German summary (111-144).] 797 Sturany, R. Molluskeu aus Tripolis und Barka. Gesammelt von Dr. Bruno Klaptoez. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 27, 1908, (291-312), 2 Taf. 798 Sturany, Rudolf. Die zoologische Reiie des naturwissenschaftlichen Ver- eiues nach Dalmatien im April 1906. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesaminelten Materiales. 2. MoUusken. Wien, Mitt. Xatw. Ver. Univ., 6, 1908, (37-43). 799 Sudry, L. Sur un genre particulier de fond marin dans I'etang de Thau. Bui. Inst, ocean., Monaco, 130, 1908. 800 Surface, Fiauk M. The early develop- ment of a Polvclad, Planocera inqudina \Vh. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., 59, (1907), 1908, (514-559), pi. 801 Suter, Henry. Additions to the Marine ilolluscan Fauna of New Zealand, with De^^(•riptions of New Species. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (22-41) pis. ii -iii ; correction, t.c, (191). 802 Suter, Heni-y. Descriptions of New S})ecics of New Zealand Marine Shells. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (178 191), pi. vii. 803 Suter, Henry. A new I'lacostijins from New Zealand. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal Inst., 40, 1908, (340-343). 804 Suter, Henry. Results of dredging f(jr mollusca near Cuvier Island with dcs<'i iptions of new species. Wellington, 3'J Mol. Titled. 2200 Trans. N. Zeal. In^t., 40, lOOS, ySU~ 3:.;' . 805 Suter, IJenry. Descriptious of uew species of Xew Zealaml mollusca. A\ el- l;nj;ton. Trans. N. Zeal. Inst , 40, 190S, 300-o7.^i. 806 Swanton, E. W. The Mollasca of Wiit.shire. J. Couch., Leeds, 12, I'JOS. 129-133'. 807 Swanton, E. W. The Mollusca of Wiltshire (Ooutd.V J. Conch., Leeds, 12, I'jiis, 173-190). 808 Swanton, E. W. Colonel George -Moutagu. J. Conch., Leeds, 12, 1908, 161-1G6). 809 Swartz, Charles K. The Ithaca Fauna of Maryland. Baltimore, Md., lohns Hopkiiis L'uiv. Cir., No. 199, 1907, No. 7), 1907, (50-55). 810 Swartz, Charles K. The Relations of the Cohunbus and Sandusky Fonnatious of Ohio. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hop- kins L'niv. Cir., No. 199, (1907, No. 7), 19Ct7. (56-6.5). 811 Swartz, Charles K. The succession of faunas in the Portage and Chemung formations of Maryland. J. Geol., Chi- cago, 111.. 16, 190S, (328-316), map, diagr., tabs. 812 Szilady, Zoltan. A csigak taplaleka. Xahrimg der Schnecke.l Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 39, 1907, {Uf). 813 Szilady, Zoltan. lUatos csigak. Duftige Schnecke.] Termt. Kozl., Buda- pest, 39, rj07,(147). 814 Szilady, Zoltan. A csigak es labas- fejiiek rokonsaja. [Cber die Verwaiid- schaft der Gasteropoden imd Cephalo- pfxlen.1 Potf. Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 39, 1907, (120). 815 Szilady, Zoltan. Fonalereszto csigak. [Faden absondernde .Sclmecken.] Potf. Termt. KGzL, Budapest, 39, 1907, (160j. 816 Tanigucbi, Risaburo. Nippon san rikurei ni tsuite. [On the green oyster '■i Japan.] Tokyo, Suisan Koshyujo "liiken Hotoku, [Report of the I'ishe- :es Institute], 4, 1908, (25-56), pi. 817 Tanner, F. L. Report of Secti(m for laiiiie Zoologv. Guernsey, Rep. Soc. Nat. .Sci., 1907,' ri901), [1908]. 818 Tattersall, W. M. The Development of Littorina. [Abstract.] Irish Nat., Dublin. 17, 1908, (238 1 ; Nature, Lon- don, 78, 1908, (649). 819 Taylor, G. II. V'Urea luciJa Drap. at (.; range. Lanes. J. Conch., Lced.s, 12, 1908, (loin. 820 Tchemow, A. L'etage d'Artinsk, I. Anuuonoides des bassins de Jaiva, de Kosya et de Tchonosovaia. Livr I. Moskva, Bull. Soc. Nat,, ser. 2, 20, 1907, (270-401), pi. i. [Russian with French summary (393-399). 821 Tesch, J[ohan] J[acob]. The ptero- poda of the Leyden Museum. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jeritiuk, 29, [1908^ (181- 203), pi. 822 Tesch, J. J. Systematic monograph of the Atlantidae (Heteropoda) with enumeration of the species in the Leyden Museum. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30. 1908, (1-30), 5 pis. 823 Tesch, Mededeeling over de in de Zuiduestelijke Noordzee voorkomende Cephalopoden. [Mitteilung iiber die im siidwestliclien Teilder Nordsee vorkoin- menden Cephalopoden.] Helder, Tijd- schr. Ned. Dierk. Ver., Ser. 2, 10, 1907. (xxiii-xxiv). 824 Tli€el, Hjalmar. Ora utvecklingenaf Sveriges zoologiska hafsstation Kristi- neberg och om djurlifvet i angransande haf och fjordar. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 5, 1908, (l-136j, 5 pis., 3 maps. 825 Th^venln, A. Fossile d'age albien provenant du N.-O. de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 5, 190-^, (483-484;. " 825a Thevenin, Armand. Sur un genre d'Ammonites du Lias de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, 1906, (171-174!. 826 Th^venln, Armand vide Boule, M., Lenioine & Thevenin. TM^baud, Maurice. Contribution a la biologie du Lac de Saint-Blaise. Ann. Biol, lacustre, Bruxelles, 3, 1908, (54- 140), pis. i-iv. 827 TMele, J. Die antarktischen uud subantarktischeu Chitonen. Deutsche Sudpolar-E.xpedition 1901-1903, 10. Berlin (G. Reimer), 1908, (7-23), 1 Taf. 828 Tlilele, Johann. Ueber die Anatomic und systematische Stellung von I'athy- sciadium, Lepetella, und Addieonia. (Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer " Alba- 40 MoU. Vill. I.Ionu3ca. [190S tross," from October, 1904, to March, lOOn, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U.SX., commanding. 15.) Cambridge, ilass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 52, 1908, (79-89 4- 2l.\ 2 pis. 820 TUele, Johann rule Martens, E. v. TM^iy, P. Xote sur le Creniceroa reiKjqeri. Langi-es, Bui. soc. sci. nat , 2, 1905, (1-2). 830 Thwing, E. W. Reprint of the origi- nal descriptions of the genus Achathiella with additional notes. Honolulu, H.I., Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop ilus., 3, 1907, (i-xi + 13-]9C), pi. 831 Till, Alfred. Die fossilen Cephalopo- dengebisse. Wien. Jahrb. Geol. Rchs- Anst., 57, 1907, (535-683), 2 Taf. 832 Till, Alfred. Zur Ammonitenfauna von Villany (Siidungarn). Wien, Verb, geol. RchsAnst., 1907, (121-129). 833 Tomlin, J. R. Le B. The land shells of Lundv Island. J. Conch., I,eeds, 12, 1908,(120-122). 834 TomUn, J. R. Le B. la mer Rouge et du golfe d'Aden. i" Partie : les Tectibraiiches. Ann. fac. sci , Marseille, (ser. 5, 9), 16, 1908, (19-72). 850 Veneziaui, Arnoldo. Colorazione jiositiva (Idle iiliro nervose degenerate nel ncrvo tentacohire in Helix pomatia. MoU. Titles. 2200 U.bliogr. anat., Nancy, 15. lOOi'.. (2.V.1 I'O'i . ^^^ Viirier, P. Sur lo role des glamlos salivaires des Ceplialopodes. Paris, C H see. biol., 58, 190;"., (•429-430). 852 Vigier, P. vide Paean t, M. & Vigier. Vigrier, P. X- Pacaut, il. Sur la jiresi-iR-e de cellules a ferment dans les rlaudes salivaires d'lldix pomatia. ]'ari< C. R. soc. biul., 59. 1905, (-'7-1",)). 853 Vinassa de Regny. P. Fossil! Ketici di Caproua (M. Pisauo). Roma, Boll. Jjoc K'eol. ital., 25, (1906), pt. 3, 1907, (825-S45). 854 T^cent, fi. Description d'une espece de Ceplialopode Tetrabranchial uouvelle, du Landenien de Belgique (Atiiria linleenteiisis, £. Vine.) Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. zool. malac. belg., 42, 1908, (,;S21- •-j:V. 855 Vitilis, Istviin. A tihanyi Feherpart i iiozankoni retegsora es faunaja. [Die pliozane Schichtcnreibe des Feherjjart bei Tihanv und deren Fauna.] Fcjidt. KOzl., Budapest, 38. 1908, (665-678, 701-716). 856 Vl^s, Fred. Les notions de Martin Lister (1694) sur la locomotion des <;asteropodes. Paris, Bui. Soc. zool., 33, 1908, (168-170;. 857 Vies. Fred. Remarques diverses sur ... reptation des Mollusques. Paris, liul. Soc. zool., 33, 1908, (170-179'. 858 Vlfea. Fred. Notes sur la locomotion da Peetunculua glycimeris. Paris, Bui. - c. zool., 31. 1906 [1907], (114-117). 859 Vlis, Fred. Sur la birefringence niusculaire (note preliminaire). Arch, zuol., Paris, ser. 4, 8, Notes, 1908, (.xl- li). 860 Ylha, Fred vide ilaillard, C. & Vies. Vogl, Viktor. Tanulmanyok az eocen Nautiludok korebol. [Cber eozane Nautiliden.] Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 38, 1908, (568-.582, 635-649). 861 VoMand. Albert. Die Land- und ^ .sswassermoUusken des Triebisch- iiiss- und Bachgebietes mit Beriick- ^ichtigung der im Robschiitzer Kalktuff vorkommenden Fossilen. Leipzig, SitzBer. natL Ges., 33, (1906), 1907, ;o-77). 862 Vohland, .Mbert. Uiiciuaria tinujida Zglr.) Kossni. in Deutscliland. Frank- furt a. .\1., XachrBl. D. malako- zool. Lies., 40, 1908, (32-35). 863 Vohland. Albert. Streifziige ini ostliclien Erzgebirge. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBI. D. malakozool. Ges.. 40. 1908, (163-173). 864 Voltz, F. Beitrage zur j\Iolluskea- fauna der Ober - Elsass. Wie und wann ist Viripani fasciata Miill. in die .111 gekonimen? "Frankfurt a. M., Naclu-Bl. D. malakozool. Ges., 40, 1908, (80-82). 865 Volz, Emil. Die Verbreitung von Palilalias septemspiralis, Razou- movsky im Ober-Elsass. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBI. D. malakozool. (k-s,, 40. 1908, (14-16). 866 Volz, Emil. Beitrage zur MoUusken- fauiiu des Ober-Elsass. (Fossile Schnecken und Muscheln der Umgebung von Miilhausen.) Frankfurt a. M., NachrBI. 1). malakozool. Ges., 40. 10, 1908, (97-110). 867 Voronkov. N. V. vide Clun61evskij, r. v., Gracianov, Zograf, Hindze, X'oronkov & Bogojavlenskij. Walker, Bryant. Pomatiopsis rnhiiMa n. sp. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (97 j. 869 Walker, Bryant. On certain immature Anruhi.fac. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (110-117). 870 Walker. Bryant. New species of Ancylidae. Nautilus, Boston. Mass., 21, 1908, (126-129), pi. 871 Walker, Bryant. New species of Ancylidae. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (138-140), pi. 872 Walker, Bryant. New Jlichigan Lyuiuafas. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, lOoS, (4-9, 16-19), pi. i. 873 Walker, Bryant. The distribution of Pohjfjijra in Michigan. Lansing, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci., 7, 1905, (92-99). 874 Walker, Brj'ant. Lymnaea umhilicata ('. H. Adams'in Canada. Ottawa Nat., 22. 1908, (89-91). 875 Walker, R. D. & Coolidge, Wm. H., jiiii. Mollusca of Keene, New Hamp- shire. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908,(32). 876 42 Moll. YIII. Mollusca. [1908] Walther, Karl. Beitrage zur Geologie unci ralaoiitologie des alteren Piilao- zoicumsinOstthiiringeii. 1. DasMiUel- devonund iir.tereObeidevon. 2. Fossil- leste im tiefeii Silur (sogen. Cambriuin). N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Suppl. 24, pt. 2, 1907, (221-324), pis. xiil-xvii. 877 Walther, Karl. Xachtrag zu meiner Arteit : Beitrage zur Geologie und Paljiontologie des alteren Palaozoicums in Ostthiiringen," (Dies. Jahrb. Beil.- Bdxxiv, p. 221. 1907.) N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 25, 1908, (1^61). 878 Walton, C. L. Xudibranchiata col- lected iu the North Sea by the s.s. "Huxlev" during Julv and August, 1907. Plvmouth, J. ]\iar. Biol. As-s., ser. 2, 8, 1908, (227-240). 879 Wandolleck, Berno. Photograph if in (ler AVissenschaft, besonders in der Zoologie. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908,(28-32). 880 Wanner, J. Geologische llittei- lungen aus dem Indo-Australisfhen Archipel (hrsg. v. Georg Boelim) IV. Triaspetrefakten der Molukken und des Timorarchipels. N. Jahrl). Min., Stutt- gart, Beilagebd 24, 1907, (1(51-220), pis. vii-xii. 880a Weaver, F. W. Plwriis (Xenophora) eonlnjlwiihora. Born. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Conchological Club, Brooklyn, K.Y., 1, 1907, (7). 882 Weber, Franz Leo. Ueber Siunesor- gane des (ienus Card'nnn. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17. 1908, (187-220i. 2 Taf. 883 Webster, W. H. Additions to the New Zealand Molluscan fauna, Welling- ton, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908 (2;")! 259). 884 Wedekind, Rudolf. Die Cephalopo- denfaiiiia des hoheren Oberdevon am Fnkeberge. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagelxl 26, 1908, (565-G34), 7 Taf., 1 Tab. 885 Weeks, Wm. II., jun. A collecting trip at Northport, N. Y. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 21, 1908, (98-99). 886 Welch, IL }:>jl]iinia Lenchii, an addi- tion to the Irish Fauna, M'ith some notes on its Distribution and also on that of J'Janorhis (■orncu». Irish. Nat., l)iil)lin, 17. 1908, (1 5m)1. i. 887 Welch. R. llxotic Land Mollusca at Belfast. Irish Nat., Dnblin, 17, 1908, (23 1. 888 Welch, R. TestaceUa mauqe'i, Fer., at Cork. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (103). . 889 Welch, R. & Stelfox, A. W . Mollusca of Bushy Park, Dublin. Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (23). 890 Weldou, Walter Frank Raphael [Obituary] ride S. Weller, Stuart. The fauna of the Cliffwood clays. New Jersey, Rep. (4eol., Trenton, 1904, 1905, (133-144), pi. 891 Weller, Stuart. A report on the Cretaceous Paleontology of New Jersey. Based upon the stratigraphic studies of George N. Knapp. Geological Survey of New Jersey, Paleontology Series. Trenton, 4, 1907, Test, (i-ix + 3-871). Plates, (873-1106), csi pis. 892 Wheat, S. C. Abnormal shells. Bul- letin of the Brooklyn Conchological Club, Brooklyn, N. Y., i, 1907, (3-5). 893 Wheat, S. C. Shells in city gardens and ponds. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Conchological Club, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1, 1907 (6). 894 Wheat, S. C. List of Long Island shells. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Con- chological Club, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1, 1907," (7-101 895 Whiteaves, J. F. Notes on the Pelecypoda or Bivalve iloUusca of the Chazy Formation in Canada, with Descriptons of one new Genus and four new Species from the Chazy Sandstone at the Hog's Back, near Ottawa. Ottawa Nat., 22, 1908, (105-115), pi. iii. 896 Whiteaves, J. F. Notes on the a))ical end of the siphuncle in some Canadian Endoccratidae, with descriptions of two supposed new species of ISlanvo. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 35, 1905, (23-30), 2 pis. 897 Whitfield, R. P. Notes and observa- tions on Carboniferous fossils [Bra- chiopoda] and semifossil shells [Astartc borecdis and Sculcavn rvgosa], broiigiit. home by members of the Peary expedi- tion of 1905-1906. New York, N.V., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, 24, 19(i7, (51-58), pi. 898 \:\ JJoU. Titles. 2200 Wilckens, Otto, cide Steiumaun, G. i^ Wihkens. Williams, Henry Shaler. On the revision of the Alollusk genus Ptcrluca GolJfus<. Washington, D. C, Smith- sonian liist., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34. llK)v^. (83-90). 899 Williamson, E. B. A Collecting Tiip north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Ohio Nat., Columbus, Ohio, 7, 10(17, (129-148. 899a Williamson, il. E. Progress of Egg Develoj'inent in Limuea stagnalis. Natural i.st. London, 1908, (27-S). 901 Winkley, Henry \V. Paludcstriua «uf.«J, Pilsbrv. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 22, 1908, (^53-541. 902 Winkley, Henry W. A new Coecum. Nautilu!., ]5oston,"iIass., 22, 1908, (54). 903 Winter, Gertrud vide Mollendorff, O. F. V. Withers, Thomas H. vide Chatwin, C. P. A Withers. Wittenburg, Paul v. Beitriige zur Kenntuis der Werfener Schiehten Siid- tirds. Geol. u. paliiont. Abh., Jena, (N.F. . 8, 190S. (251-292;, 5 Taf. 904 Wittenburg, Paul v. Neue Beitrage lar Geologie uud Palaontologie der Werfener Schiehten Siidtirols, mit Be- riicksichtiguug der Schiehten von WJadi- wi:«tok. Centralbl. ilin., Stuttgart, 1908, (67-89. 905 Wobick, C. Molluskenfauna auf dem I'omfelsen in der Stromelbe zu ilagde- burtr. Magdeburg, Abh. Mus. Natk.. 1, 190»s 185-187). 906 Wohlberedt, Otto. Verzeichnis der auf den beiden Kalkinseln bei Ida- \\aldhaus(Greiz)vorkommendenSchnek- ken. Greiz, Abh. Ver. Naturfreunde, 4, 19<^>2, (3o-36j. 907 Wolfsobn, Julian Mast. The causation of maturation iu the eggs of limpets by chemical means. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907, (344-350), tables. 908 Wollebak, Alf. Norges sti5rste nnis- liug. [Die grosste .Miischel Norwegens "i Bergen, Naturen, 32, (1908), (379-381 . ' 909 Wollemann. A. Die Bivalven und Gastropoden des norddeutschen Gaults (Aptiens und Albiens). Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landosanst., 27, 190l'>, (259-300\ 5 Taf. 910 WolterstorflF, W. Leber eine auffiillige Abnormitiit iSkalarideuforni) von I'lan- orbis sp. Wuchenschr. .-Vquarienkunde, Braunschweig, 4, 1907, (17-18). 911 Woods, F. H. Helix aspersa var. exalhiJa — a correction. Natiualist. London, 1908, (380). 912 Woods, Henry. A monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibrauchia of England. (London, Monogr. Palacont. Soc), 2, pt. 4, 1907, (133-180), pis. xx-sxviii, pt. 5, 1908 (18 1-2 10 \ pis. xxviii-xxxiv. 913 Woodward, B. B. Malacology versus Palaeoconchology. London, Proc. ilalac. Soc, 8, 1908, (06-83), table. 914 Woodward, B. B. Note on the Occur- rence of Pisidium pcrsonatiim, Malm, in the British Islands. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 8, 1908, (124;. 915 Woodward, B. B. The laud and fresh water sliells of Great Britain. Provi- dence R. 1., Monogr. Roger Williams Park .Mus., No. 17, 1900,(7 unnumb. pp.), cover title. 916 Woodward, B. B. Notes on the Drift and IJiiderlyiug Deposits at Newquay, Cornwall, Geol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5, 1908, (10-18), pis. ii-iii. 917 Woodward, B. B. Notes on the Drift and Underlying Deposits at Newquay, Cornwall [contdj. (ieol. Mag., London, ser. 2, dec. 5, 5. 1908, (80-87). 918 Woodward, B. B. vide Kennard, A. S. 6 Woodward. Wiist, Ewald. Die Schnecken der Fundschicht des Rhinoceros Hundsheim- ensis Toula bei Hundsheim in Nieder- osterreieh. Wien, Verh. geol. Rchs- Anst., 1907, (83 87). 919 Wiist, Ewald. Ein fossilfiihrender plistozauer Mergel im Weidatale zwi- schen Stedten und Scliraplau. Zs. Natw., Stulttrart, 78 (1905/00), 1907, (376-379'. 920 Young, George William. The Chalk Area of Western Surrey. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 20, 1908, (422-45.5). 921 Yung, Emile vide Bellevoye, A. Z[acliarias], 0. Zur Erforschung der Najadenfauna des Rheingebietes. Arch. Hvdrobiol., Stuttgart, 3, 1908, (411-420). 922 44 iloU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Zelizko, J. V. Zur Frage iiber die Stellunor der Hyolithen in der Palaonto- iogie. Ceutraibl. Min., Stuttgart, 1908, <302-36oj. 923 ZeUzko, J. V. Untersilurische Fauna A-on Sirka bei Prag. Wieii, Verb. geol. RchsAnst, 1907, (216-220). 924 Zeller, Friedrich. Beitriige zur Kennt- nis der Letteukoble und des Keupers in Schwaben. X. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 25. 1908, (1-134), 3 Taf. 925 Zeller, Friedrich. Beitrjige zur Kennt- nis der Letteukoble und des Keujjers in Schwaben. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1907, (19-29, 42-51,^. 926 Ziegeler, [Gustav]. Selbstbefrnchtung bei Limnaea stagnalis. Wochenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, <189). 927 Ziegeler, M. Das Leben der Suss- "wasserschuecken. (Bibliothek fiir Aqua- rieu- uud Terrarienkunde. H. 14/15.) Braunschweig iG. Wenzel & S.\ 1908, (79). IS cm. 0,80 M. 928 Ziegeler, JIathilde. Mai-i-^a rolula. Wochenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braun- schweig, 4, 1907, (89-91). 929 Ziegeler, Mathilde. Schneckenkunde 1906. [Jahresbericht.] Wochenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braunschweig, 4, 1907, <444-445, 454-456, 470-472). 930 Ziegeler, Mathilde. Beobachtung an Bernsteiuschnecken. [Sehen iin Wasser.] Wochenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braun- schweig, 5, 1908, (96-97). 931 Ziegler, H. E. Die Erklarung der Mend<-]schen Recel. Zool. Anz., Lei|)- zig, 33, 1908, (177-182). 932 Zograf, J. N. vide Chmelewskij, ('. V., Gracianov, Zograf, Hindze, Voroukov & Bogojavlenskij. II. SCBJECT INDEX. GENERAL. 2203 Biography. Alder, J., portrait, Ar. ; Gill, 298, p. xi. Ancey, C. F. ; 9. Birley, Caroline ; Anon, 54. C'avier, Georges ; Hamy, 331. Da Costa, Solomon I. ; MelviU, 537 ; S., 692. Griesbach, Carl Ludolf ; 12. Hancock, A., portrait, etj. ; Oill, 298, p. xii. Lamarck, J. P. B. de ; Hamy, 332. Moebius, Karl ; Anon, 13. Mojsisovics, Edmund V. ; 550. Montagu, George; Swauton, 809. Somerville, Alexander; KnigM, 442. Vendryes, Henry ; Dall, 200 ; Hender- son, 350.' Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael ; S., 692. Bibliography. Additions aud corections to Water- house's " Index Zool." ; Bergroth, 47. Works relating to Cypraea ; Hidalgo, 360. Works on Pulmonata ; Simroth, 747, p. 16. Biljjiographv, Laraellibranchia ; Stenta, 782. Limnological works, bibliography and review ; 11. Non-marine fauna i>i Lancashire, Eugl.; Jackson, 401, 402, 403.— Fauna of U'iltshire, £iigl. ; Swanton, 808. Schneckenkunde, Jahres^bericht, 1906; Ziegeler, 930. Da Costa's " Hist. Nat. Test. Brit ," original drawings etc. of plates; Reynell, 656. Copy of Martyn's " Universal Concho- logy " ; Berry, 51 ; notes on .Martyn's " Universal Conchologiat " ; Dall, 195. Works on Opisthobranchia of H. Bergh, ■with lists of spp. descr. ; Bergh, 46, p. 165. Works of G. Montagu ; Swanton, 809. Retzius-Philipsson, " Diss. Hi^t. nat. nova Testae, (.ienera," reprint of part treating of Unio ; 40, p. 2. Dates of publication, Gmelin's edition of Linnaeus' " Systenia Naturae " ; Hopkinson, 372. New publication : Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der mitteieuropaischeu Najadeen ; 45 MoU. Subject Ixdex. 2203 eneral Treatises. T«x; litHik uf cuncliolo^y ; Bacci v^ emardi, 21. IVi ular text-book ; Rogrers, 676. Brnnn's ..Klassen u. Ordinmceii I't'S "ier-Reichs'", continued ; Simroth, 747. Koliolt's " Icono^ir. srhalentr. iMiron. leeresconi'h.,"' continued ; Kobelt, 445. Martini A Chemnitz's " Svst. CoiU'li. 'ah. ■■ continued ; Kobelt, 523,524, 525, >26. Rossmiissler's " Ici^nogr. T.:iiid. Sii-s- rass. Moll," ciuitinued ; Kobelt, 632; lease, 684. Trv 'ii'> "Man. Conch.," continued; >ilsbry, 606, 607. Museums, Collections, Expeditions. Balearic Is., marine laboratory ; }aen, 96. Caen, Muses d'Histoire naturelle, [)efrance coUn. spp. Gastropoda dcscr. jy I.jiuiarck, reviewed ; Bigot, 52. Calcutta. Indian Mns., descr. spp. n. ; Preston, 639; " lnvestigati>r " collns. leiir. (i ; Alcock, Annandale & Mac- illclirist, 6. L'-yden, ^fus. Hist. Nat. Pays Ba?, :-atal''gne colln. contd. ; Horst & Schep- nan, 374 ; colln. Pteropoda descr. ; resch, 822 ; colln. Atlantidae descr. ; reach, 823. Naples, Zool. ^Iii,«., list colln. Mcdi- erranean spp. ; Praus France scbini, >34. N'ewcastle, Hancock ^luseum ; Gill, !98. Shepton-^Iallet ^luseum, " J. Phyllis " •olln. Inferior Oolite spp. rev. ; Richard- ion, 661. Stockholm, Riksmuseum, colln. lorthern Opisthobranchia and Ptero- X)da descr. ; Odhner, 572. Sowerby colln., type specs. Inferior Dolite Ammonites figured ; 661. Abrazzi expdn. to Mt. Pnwenzori, liagncses spp. n. ; Pollonera, 631, 632. "Albatross" (1891, 1904-.5) expdns. o Eastern tropical Pacific, collns. descr. ; 3all, 193. Cli. .Mlunud expdn. to E. Africa- r.iO.'i 1'. rolhis non-marine spp. descr.;- Dautzenberg-, 214. "Belsjica" Anlarctii- cxpedn. (1897- 9), Scaphopoda ; Plate, 628. "Gauss" German Antarctic expdn. (l0Ol-3\ colln. Polyplacophora descr. r Thiele, 828 ; colln. Scaphopoda descr. ;: Plate, 627. "Huxley" North Sea (1007), collii. Nudilnauchia; Walton, 879. " Investigator " collns. figured ; Alcock, Annandale & MacGUchrist, 6. " Liguria " expdn. (1903-5), spp. n. Ileteropoda ; Issel, 393 ; descr. spp. n. Cranchiidae ; Issel, 395. Mansuy expdn. to Tonkin etc. (190C- 7), colln. non-marine spp. descr.;; Dautzenberg & Fischer, 216. "Princesse- Alice" (1902), list of stations; Monaco, 551. " Siboga" expdn. to Dutch E. Indies (1899-1900), collns. Rhipidoglossa and Docoglossa descr. ; Schepman, 704. " Valdivia " German deep-sea expdn., Cephalopoda, diagn. spp. n. ; Chun, 136. A. Wiclimann expdn. to New Guinea. (1908) colln. descr. ; Bavay, 32. Nomenclature. Dall, 210 ; Ihering, 387. Validity of Poll's generic names disc. ; Jukes-Browne, 419. Technique. Collecting apparatus; Johnstone, 414. Plankton methods disc. ; Johnstone, 414. Collecting shells from River drift; Geyer, 296. Haller zam Studium lebender Mus- chehi ; Belonsov, 44. Radulae (staining with carbol thionin) ; Bowell, 83. Crystalline style ; Fantham, 258. Measurement of spiral shells, new lielicometer ; Haberle, 328, p. 275. Photo-micrography of opaque objects ; WandoUeck, 880. Radiography in study of pearls; Dubois, 240. 46 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Terminology Terminolnev Gastropod shell ; Dall, 209 ; Haberle," 328, p. 275. Miscellanea. Pearls and pearl-fonnntion ; Rossler, 675. — Penrl-formation ; Dubois, 242. — Krebs, 466. — Number of pparls ])ro:lur-ed liy a single shell; NisMkawa, 568. Fossil pearl growths ; Newton, 565. Insect larva-cases, Phyllopoda, etc. resembling MoUuscan shells ; Jolmsoii, 410. — Seed-pods of a plant (Medicago -•sc'Hidium, Lepetella, Addisiniia ; Thicle, 829. — Xeritidae ; Bourne, 80. — }\dsrttciTin (gen. n., para- sitic on EcJiinu!^); Koehler .V Vaney, 460. Heteropoda : Atlantidae ; Tesch, 823. Tcctit)ranchia : Red Sea spp. ; Vays- 8i^re,850. — Philippine etc. spp. ; Bergb, 46. Nudibranchia : Red Sea spp. ; Eliot, 252. — DorhJoridcfi (gen. n.) gardnieri, etc ; Eliot c'<: Evans, 253a. — Plii/Uirlior hucepliala ; Born, 75. I'ternjioda : Pseudndume (gen. n.); Danforth, 212. Pidmonata ; Simroth, 747. — notes on various spp. ; Hesse, 358. — Ilelicinae, palai'M relic s|j|). ; Hesse, 682, 684 ; Ihering, 386. — Zonitidac, anat. Mascarciic 2207 Nervous System. Subjadular nervous system, Aplaco- Ijhora ; Heath, 343. Uel'ix pomat'ia ; Legendre, 484. Lamellibranchia, concentration of nervous system ; Pelseneer, 592. — PhaseoUcamn magellanica ; Igel, 383. Arms of Cephalopoda ; Gu^rin, 318. Innervation der glatten und der ihr verwandten ifuskulatur ; Hofmann, 370. Intracellulares Netzwerk der (iang- lienzellen von Teth>is Ifporiua ; Merton, 541. La nevroglie des ganglions iierveux iVHelix pomat'ia; Legendre, 485; Legendre, 486. — S.ir la nature du tro- j)lios|;ongiuin des cellules nerveuses (X'Uel'ix; Legendre, 483.— (iranulatioiis des cellules nerveusi's iVHcli.r, decelables ])ar I'acide osuiique; Legendre, 489. Holmgren's canaliculae of nerve-cells reg. as pathological ; Lejendre, 487 ; Legendre, 488. Colora/.ione ])os!tiva delle (il)re iier- vosp degenerat(> iiel ncrvo tentacolare, Jfclix pomaf'ia ; Veneziani, 851. Sense Organs, etc. ('ardiiu)i; Weber, 883. 47 MoU. Subject Index. 2207 Tleorsal eves,";t/i J(iriuilles dc Mol- lis luc-; Carles, 107; Cha,rles, 131; Carles, 108. Die Bildiing kiinstliclier Mollusken- schalen ; Ariens Kappers, 15. Alimentary System, Radula and Jaws. Salivary glands, lleVn- ; Paoaut & Vigier, 577 ; //. pomatia ; Vigier A Pa:;aut, 853. Vorliandenseiu Tetradenchromosomen in dea Leberzellen von Paludina vh-ipara ; Popoff, 633. Radula, Pomat'iaa elegans, etc. ; Bowell, 84. — British Helicidae etc.; Bowell, 85. — Hijalinia spp. ; Moss A Boycott, 554. — Vitrea spp. ; Bowell, 83. Ueber den feineren Bau des sogonanu- ten Zung.'^nknorpels der Gastropoden ; Schaffer, 699. Rhyncholithes ; Till, 832. Ink .sac, reduced in IlcteroteiUhis ; Meyer, 542. Respiratory Organs. Cephalopoda ; Schaefer, 697. Excretory Organs. Le corjis fnngiionne, Octopus vulgaris; Mayer A Rathery, 531. Reproductive Organs. Xudibranchia : Cumanotus ; EliOt, 253 Pulmonata : Vlli-ea spp. ; Bowell, 83. Female organs, Myopsida ; Doring, 229. Hectocotylus, Cephalopoda ; table of modifications ; Hoyle, 377. 48 Moll VIII. Mollusca. [190S] PHYSIOLOGY. 2211 General. General, Fiisus aiitiquus ; Jordan, 415. Adrenaline et Purpuiiiie ; Eoaf i\: Nierenstein, 670. L'ostreocongestine, substance extraite des liuitres ; Lassabliere, 478. Action des microbio.des surla Inmiere polarisee ; fibrilles striees musculoldes et cristaux liquides birefrin.scents extiaits du Murex hrandar'ia ; Dubois, 241. Action of lemine, Doris, Eulis, Planorbis ; L^veque, 493. Alimentary System. Alimentation (jf marine organisms; Johnstone, 414. Salivary glands, Ce])halopDda ; Vigier, 852. Salivary secretion, Cephalopoda ; Liven & Briot, 502. Salivary glands, Helix ; Facaut A- Vigier, 577 ; H. pomatia ; Vigier & Pacaut, 853. I'eux proprietes diastasiques de la ealive de VHelix pomatia ; Pacaut, 576. Presence of xylanase ; Seilliere, 726. Crystalline style ; Rynberk, 691 : chemistry etc. ; Fantham. 258. — Presence, dans le stylet cristalliii de Cardium edule, d'line substance rcdni- sant la liqueur de Fehling ; Maillard .t Vl^s, 512. Circulatory System. I.c Sucre du sang des gast^ropodes ; Couvreur it Bellion, 181 ; Ueliu- ; Couvreur A: BeUlon, 182 ; Seilliere, 727 . Couvreur a Bellion, 183. Excretory System. Branchial hearts of Cephalojx)da, df^monstration of excretory function ; Cuenot, Oonet it Bruntz, 184. Glandular Secretions, Pigments. Colo ired secretion. ApU/aia punctata ; Paladino, 578 ; Paladino, 579. Acid glands, /'ZcKrot/ranc/iacfl ; Scbulz, 723. Le corps fungi forme. Octopus vul- garis ; Mayer iV: Rathery, 531. Mecanisme intime de la formation de la luciferiue ; analogies et homologies dis orgaues de Poll et de la glande hypo- branchiale des Mollusqnes purpurigenes ; Dubois, 245. Purple gland, Murcx hrandarl^'; Dubois, 243. Purjile secretion, Murex hrandjr',.^; Dubois, 244. — Purpurkunde ; Dedekind, 219. Mucus secretiitn, Pulmoaata ; Szilady, 816 ; Cijclas ; Martin, 520. Pigments ; Distaso, 228. Le verdissement experimental de.-v huitres ; Sauvageau, 695. Nervous System. Laniellibraachia : Ensls dlrcciua I Drew, 237. Sense Organs. Cardium ; Weber, 883. Sight, ( 'ephalupod H ; Heine, 347 ; Heine, 340. — Sehen im ^Yasser, Sue- < inea ; Segeler, 931. Saiell, Limax maximwi etc. ; Steams, 776. La localisation du sens de discrimina- tion alimentaire chez les Limnees ; Pieron, 605. Muscular System. Le mecanisnie des rnouvements des tentacules, Helix ; Abric, 1. Muscle fibres, double refraction ; Vl^s» 860. Environmental Effects. Conditions of life in the sea; Jolm- Etone, 414. Freshwater forms ; Cbmelevskij , 134 ; Linko, 501. Liinnaea biformis ; Marcucci, 517. Mountain streams ; Steinmann, 779. Influence of surface of attachment, Patella ; Russell, 690. Influence of teinj-)erature on aquatic spp. ; Rajat & Peju, 644. Influence of calcium carbonate in water, Unionidae ; Stearns, 775. Influence of Oxygen and COj oa riiijsa ; Dawson, 217. 49 McH. Subject Index. 2215 Influence of excreta in indiioinijc nanism, Lijmmica, Plauoyhlx ; Legendre, 482. Sur la motilite dos filaments axiles dans les spemiato/.oules geants de la Pahtdhia ; Duboscq, 246. Duration of Life, Rate of Growth. Duration of Life, Linuuica stuiudl'is ; Kdnkel, 469 ; Arionidae, I.inuuidae ; Kiinkel, 468. Rate of growth, Llmiiaea ; Kiinkel, 469. DEVELOP.MEXT. 2215 General. General ; Carazzi, 105. Aply.-''ui ; Caxazzi, 105. L.iniellibranclua : Aetheriidae ; An- thony, 14. — Xuctdd dcI]>li'nii>-i<, f'liromosomes, llcUx nemoralis ; Ziegler, 932. (N--10332 rj Egg-Capsules. Kgg I'apsnles; Senoo, 729 : Lllior'ina; Tattersall, 819. Fertilisation. .1 )•;'()((; Lams, 473; A. empiric ovum'. Lams, 472. Selhstbi'frnclitunL;- bei T/niuiaca sfa(i- luilis; Ziegeler, 927. Artilicial yiartlienogenesis, Mdctra', Kostanecki, 463. Segmentation. Troclni.-^; Robert, 671. Mactra ; Kostanecki, 463. — Mitotische Kernteiliing ohne Zelltcilung in kiinst- lieh parthenogenetisch sich entwirkeln- den Eiern, Mactra; Kostanecki, 464. Organogeny. Mesoderm formation, Tfoc/n/.s ; Robert, 671. Braeliial musculature, Cephalopoda; Gu^rin, 318. ISraiichiae, Myttlus ; Rice, 660. Female organs, Myopsida; Doling", 229. Larval Forms. Gloc'hiilium, Unio plctoriim, luinulus ; Harms, 337. Post-Embryonic Ontogeny. Post-embrvonic development shell, FwsurcUa ; Strebel, 793. CJrowth stages, Anculosa ; Walker, 870. Rate of embryonic growth, T/nnnea atagnalia ; Williamson, 901. Teredinidae ; Sigerfoo3, 744. — Unio- nidae, etc., esp. Vyiiopicloruniimd tumi- dus ; Harms, 337. — Growth, Oatrca virgi- nica ; Glaser, 302. Pteryrjioteutluii ; Chun, 136. b l^i 50 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Ammonoidea, Characteristik der Jugendformen ; MichalsM, 543 ; Verau- derungen der Schalen proportionen und Form wahrend des Wachsthums ; Kaxakaseli, 423. — Ueber ein Vorkom- men A'on Jugendformen des Ceratitea cowpvessus ; Fischer, 263. — Oxynoticeras oxtjnotum ; Knapp, 440. Regeneration. Land- imd Siisswasserschnecken ; Korschelt, 462. Siisswasserschnecken ; Cemy, 128. ETHOLOGY. 2219 General. (Jiistropoda, review of recent work; Simrotli, 748a. Pteropoda ; DaU, 193, p. 231. Pulmonata : Helix ; Perez, 595. — Limnaea ; Kobelt, 456. Lamellibranchia : Teredinidae; Siger- foos, 744. — Aetlieriidae ; Anthony, 14. — ().«trea ; Perez, 594 ; Petersen, 599 ; Moore, 552. — Fecten tc'tinicod(.ttu.-<; Drew, 236.— Pinna; Stenta, 783. Landiiiollusken und das Meerwasser ; Levander, 497. Instinct and Psychology, Tropisms. La locnlisation du sens de discrimi- natinii aliinentaire chez les Limnees ; Pieron, 605. K'pactinn to chemical stimuL', I'lnjun; Dawson, 217. Homing habit, Patella ; Russell, 690. ^ligrations, Nudibrancliia ; Balch, 25. Movements, Locomotion. Pcilvplacophora ; Robert, 672 ; Vl^s, 858. Gastropoda; Robert, 672; Vies, 857, 858 ; Stylommalopliora ; Sterki, 787. Pectwiculua glycimeria ; Vl^s, 859. Das Kriechen der Wassersclniecken an der Oberliiiclie ; Cemy, 127.— Ueljer ail der Wasserolicrfliiclie kriechendt; Cyelas ; Martin, 520. I'"adi'n aljsfiudejnde Sclmecken ; Szi- lAdy, 816. Feeding Habits. Feeding, FuUjur, Sycotypus ; Colton, 164 ; Ario7i ater ; Hutton, 379. Food, Clausilia etc. ; Cooke, 165. — Nahrung der Schnecke ; Szilady, 814.-^ Fleischfressende Siisswasserschnecken ; I 6erny, 129 ; Limax ^llaviis feeding on dead vole ; Dalgliesh, 192. Breeding Habits. Pulmonata : Arionidae, Limacidae ; Kiinkel, 468 ; Ario7i empiricorum, rnfits; Lams, 473; A. eminricorum l Lams, 472. — Limnaea stagnalis ; Kiinkel, 469. Xudibrauchia : Cumaiwtus ; Eliot, 253. Kopulation imd Gebiirakt der Palii- diiia ; Roth, 685. OvipositioD, E^rosoliranchia : Litto- 1-ina ; Tattersall, 819 ; .4 mpidlaria gi'jas, ilarisa rutula; Bobrovskij, 58 ; Ampid- laria gigas ; Hartmann, 339 ; Schroder, 721. Oviposition, Cephalopoda : Elcdone cirrofis[>ersal of teriestrial spp. by man ; Godwin-Austen, 308. Marine spp. : Petricola pJioIadiformis in the North Sea ; Ricklefs, 667 ; in Suffolk, Engl.; Mayfield, 532. Fresh-water spp. : ilargaritana mar- garltifera in the Odenwald ; Haas, 327. — Viripara spp. in California ; Hanni- bal, 334; V. fasciata in the II. Jll, Upper Alsace ; Voltz, 865. Terrestrial spp. : in (I'heshire ; Old- luun, 573. — Opeas goodalll and aubulina octona in Ireland ; Welch, 888. — Vitrea edlaria, Milax gagateu etc. in Colorado, U.S.A. ; CJockerell, 154. — Introduction of Helix hortensls into America ; Nylan- der, 571. — Hygromia hispida in Elaine, Uis..\. ; Lermond, 492. — i'ncinaria turgida, etc. in Silesia ; VoMand, 863. Extermination of fresh-water shells, R. Main. ; Boettger, 65. Bibemation. Fresh -water spp. ; Samsonofif, 694. Parasitism, Commensalism, etc. Gastropoda ; So68, 767. Pelaeneeria ^gen. n. Prosobr.) on Eehinjis ; Eoehler & Vaney, 460. Plat'jceraa he-tpea ^sj). n.j on PJdpido- erinua ; Drevermann, 234. Unionidae; Harms, 336; Harms, (k- 10332 rj 338. — Glocliidium of Unto picluruin, tum'uhis ; Harms, 337. Parasites, etc. Of Unio; Harms, 337. Gregarina, notes on ; Schellack, 702. Sporozoon in Margarit'ifcra vidgari.'i; Dubois, 242. SpirnclKieta in Lamellibranchia; Fan- tham, 258 ; in Ostraea and Anodonta; Fantham, 259 ; Spirochaete piiuiae, luirtmunni (spp. n.) in Pinna ', Gonder^ 309. Turbellarian (Planoccra inquiliiia) in Syeotijpus ; Surface, 801, p. 517. Trematoda ; Lebour, 474. — Cercaria in Barleeia rubra ; Quintaret, 643 ; C. sp. in Limnaeu>i truncatuliit: ; Galli- Valerio, 280. Chaetopoda ; Emeljanov, 255. Brachyura : Diogenes variana, sym- biotic with Oslrea ; Hansemann, 335 ; Pinnotheres parvtdus in Meroc quad- rata ; Stimpson, 791, p. 142. Fish (Apogonichtliys strombi sp. n.), ci immensal in Strombus gigos ; Plate, 629. Enemies, etc. Larvae of Lampyridae, destroying Helix ; Guignon, 321. Aves : Haemalopus oatralegus feeding on Mytihii^ c^wZis, method of opening shell; Dewar, 224; I.anistes magnus, the main food of the Stork {Aiiastomus lamelligerus) ', Smith, 759. Destruction by materials erupted from Vesuvius ; Lo Bianco, 503. r)estruction bv earthquake ; Steams, 777. Defence and Protection. Toxicity, Conus; Schnee, 717. Dehiscent dorsal cerata, Tethys or Melihe ; Ridewood, 668. Formation of cpiphragm in Lymnaea ; Hannibal, 333. Hardiness against desiccation, Clau- silia, Helix; Cooke, 166. Duftige Schuecke ; Szilady, 814. b21— 2 52 MoU VIII. Mollusca. [1908] Ornament and Colour. Colour of the green oyster o£ Japan ; Taniguchi, 817. Economics. Fisheries ; Johnstone, 414. Fisheries, edible spp. : Calvados, France ; Guerin, 320 ; Finistere, France ; Joubin, 417 ; Morbihan, France ; Jouhin, 418. Osi i-ca fisheries: Limf jord ; Petersen, 599. Die Ansternbassins in Xorwegen ; HeUand-Hansen, 348.— Die Auster und die Austernzucht in Xorwegen ; B., 20. L'huitre de Portugal a I'embouchure •de la Gironde ; Pe'rez, 594. Green ovster of Japan; TanigucM, 817. Austernkultur und Austernflscherei in Xord-Amerika ; Henking, 357, Oi^trca culture in Norway ; Friele, 270; in Sweden; Broch, 90; Morbihan, France ; Joubin, 416 ; Cartes Dstreuoles des cotes de Vendee; Guerin. 319; Cultivation in Louisiana; Gary, 113; Gary, 114. Toxicity, MiitUu--^ ; Netter & Ribadeau. 562. Economic spp. destroyed by earth- quake in California ; Steams, 777. MnrgarUaun fisheries in the Oden- -wald ; Haas, 327 La pintadine de Tunisie ; Dubois, 239. Fisheries Marnnritana margaril ifcra, Ceylon ; Krebs, 466. Die IVrleu und ihre Entstehung; Rbssler, 675. Sliells of TiirhineUa used as orna- ments, talismans, trumpets, etc. ; JocMm, 408. Egf'-capsules of certain Gasteropods used by Japanese women as jjlaythings (" Umi-hozuki ") ; Senoo, 729. Ammonites used as charms (' Sala- grams ") in India ; Reed, 649. Aqriolhnax nqresliii, n\]nYy to crops; carpenter, 111,V. ••'-''■'— ''1^'^'"' "^"'^'^ asper^a; Bankes in Richardson, 666, p. 286. Damage by boring spp.; Mcintosh, 511.— Damage to piles by Teredo; Colgan, 160. VARIATION AND .ETIOLOGY. 2223 General. Aplacophora ; Nierstrasz, 567. Aethenidae ; Anthony, 14. Ammonoidea ; Schmidt. 716.— PhyUo- ceratidae; Vadasz, 8'i2.—Aca„thoeeras viiUetlannm; Fritel, 273. - Qnelques Anunonites du Cretace moyen ; Jacob, 405. Die Variabllitat und die Artbildung nach demPrinzip geographischer For- menketten bei den CerioH-Landschnec- ken der Bahama-Inseln ; Plate, 630. ' New ' var. Anodonta ; Kobelt, 454. Variation. Patella ruhjata ; RusseU, 690. Pohjcem quadrilineata ; Elmhirst, 254. Helix fomat'in ; BeUevoye, 42 ; }i. candid} ss una ; Ghatelet, 132. — Lim- naeus ; Ghmelevskii, 134.— /.nnnaea hiformi^] Marcucci, 517; Anadonta, Fnio; Ghmelevskii. 134. Nanism, induced by action of excreta (experiments on hijmnaea and Planor- hU) ; Legendre, 482.— Dwarfing, in fossil spp. ; Bourgeat, 79. Die grosste ^luschel Norwegens; WoUebcek, 909. Pcrloratlons in shell of IlaUot'is', HemphiU, 349. Slic'll, rulmoiuita; Sidorov, 742. Hhe\\,Anadonta,rnio; Riemschneider, 669 ; -I nccUa ; Sokolov, 762. Cephalopoda, Varileren derMiindungs- f(,rm ; Michalski, 543 ; Dr^moeeraa char- rirri. I li>l<-<>di>«-it^ i-aUhwdi, iierezi ', Karakasch, 423. l!adula lliiaUma; Moss & Boycott, 554. Biserial arrangem(>nt of arm-suckers in Elcdone ; Gravely, 312. Variation aquatic si)p. dcprndent on temperature ; Rajat k P^ju, 644. 53 J/t'tf. Subject Index. — Distribution — Recent. 2227 Albinistii, Aru>ii <>in^inci)riim, Lim)iiii< etagmilis. etc. ; Honigmann, 371. — Ureeil- ing uU)iiu> LiiKiiuK stti.jiudii', Cutiuirui ocatii ; Honigmann, 371. Ctcrmany ; WUst, 920. United States (X.nv York), list from Long Island ; Wheat, 895. ^pp. Teratology. Tentacles. Pnlnionata ; Bauer, 31. Helix iwnuitid ; Bellevoye, 42. Shells, various Gastropoda ; Dautzen- berg. 213.— Almorinal siiells ; Wheat, 893.— //.-//'a; asperfinoticernf< ; Knapp, 440, p. 32. -^ ^^ Relationships Conularia ; Slater, 753. p. 9. Hybridism. Hfhx hortensis and U. nemoralis Lang, 477. (a) Recext. (a) Marine. General. DISTRIBUTIOX. 2227 Neuere Arbeiten iiber die Verbreitung der Gastropoden ; Simroth, 749. (ieiieral; Birula, 55; Aplaropliora ; Nierstrasz, 567; HaHDiis; Hsmp- hm, 349; djpmefi; Hidalgo, 360; Rev. Vanilwro ; Smith, 758 ; mono- graph Atlantidae: Tesch, 823; Rev. Lomanotus ; Colgan, 158 ; Notes on Pteropoda; Dall, 199; Solcnomyacidae ; Dall, 204. Atlantic Ocean, sp. n. LigiiricUa (gen. n. C'eph.) ; Issel, 395. Rev. Northern Cephalopoda: Pfeflfer, 602. Europe, Prosobranchia fauna : Kobelt. 444. 445. Patagonia, fauna; Acmaea, Pntinella, etc. sjDp. and var. n. ; Strebel, 793. Australia, additions etc. to fauna ; Hedley, 344. -Antarctic and Subantarctic Polyplaco- phora ; Thiele, 828. Habitat unknown, sp. n. Mevetrix', Dautzenberg, 213. Arctic Ocean. Arctic, 0]5histhobranchia, Pteropoda ; Diaphana sp. n. ; Odhner, 572. Barents Sea, plankton ; Linko, 501. Norway (Finmarken), sp. n. Cinna- notus ; Odhner, 572. Spitzbergen, sp. n. Issa ; Odhner, 572. Kara Sea, var. n. Diaphana ; Odhner, 572. North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and G. of Mexico. North Atlantic Ocean, Ontrea; B., 20. E. North Atlantic, notes on fauna ; Bouvier, 81 ; occ. few deep-sea spp. ; Monaco, 551. 54 MoU. VIII. Mollusc a. [1908] Caribbean Sea, sp. n. Liocranchla ; Issel, 395. W. Indies, occ. few spp. ; Bavay, 33. Cuba, sp. n. NUidella ; Dall, 205. Martinique, spp. Marginella, var. n. ; Bavay, 33. Guadeloupe, sp. u. Stenotis ; Bavay, 33. Bahamas Is., Strombus gigas ; Plate, 629. United States (Texas), oyster bottoms ia Matagorda B. ; Moore, 652. E. America, spp. Phasinnella subg. EuUthidium ; Dall, 196, p. 255. S. E. United States, sp. n. Xylotrya ; Bartscli, 30. United States (New England), distr. Paludestrina salsa ; Winkley, 902. United States (New York) list spp. Northport ; Weeks, 886. United States (Massacbusetts), lists Nudibranchia from (Joliasset ; Balch, 25 ; sp. n. Coecuni ; Winkley, 903 ; type locality, Paludestrina salsa ; Bryant, 93. United States (Maine), list fauna North Haven; Jackson, 397; sp. n. Pdcdodlone (gen. n. Pterop.) ; Danforth, 212. Sargasso Sea, notes on fauna ; Bouvier, 81. Seine Bk., sp. n. Pelseneeria (gen. n. Pros.) ; Koenier & Vaney, 460. N. W. Europe, distr. Pctricola pliola- ■d'lformis ; Kennard, 428. British Is., Loligo media ; Massy, 528. W. Scotland (Argyllshire), list Proso- br. Lamellibr. from Duvor; Knight, 441. \V. Scotland (Firth of Clyde), notes on Nudibranchia ; Elmhirst, 254. Ireland (Co. Dublin), occ. and notes on spp ; Colgan, 161 ; I'eredo norccgica at Kingstown; Colgan, 160; occ. Loma- nolus marmuratiis Bullock llr., Dublin B. ; Colgan, 158. E. England, ore. Pelricola pholadi- formia ; Kennard, 428. Kngland (Suffolk), fauna ; Mayfleld, 532; occ. PetricoJa phola< etc.-; Mayfleld, 533. I'yUgland fLincolnshinO, occ. Pelricola jiJioladlJornua; Gyngell, 323. England (Yorks.), list colln. ; Shep- pard, 735 ; occ. StJienoteuthis pteropiis at Redcar ; Hoyle, 378. England (Northumberland), occ. few spp. ; Lebour, 479. Scandinavia, Opisthobranchia, Ptero- poda ; Odliner, 572. Norway ; Helland-Hansen, 348 ; his- tory of fauna of 'rrondhjems fiord ; Nord- gaard, 569 ; Ostrca fisheries ; B. 20 ; Friele, 270 ; vide eliam sub Arctic. Denmark, Limfiord, Ostrea fisheries etc ; Petersen, 599. Skagerrack, spp. n. Doridunculus, Gonioeolis ; Odliner, 572. S.W. Sweden, fauna Kristineberg dis- trict ; Theel, 825, p. 82 ; sp. and varr. n. Arcltidoi'is, Diaphana, IdaJia', Odhner, 572. North Sea, colln. Nudibranchia incl. Coryphella salmonacea ; Walton, 879 ; date of introduction of Petricola pliola- diformis ; Ricklefs, 667 ; spreading of P. l^liolndiforini.-^ ; Giard, 297. S.W. North Sea, Cephalopoda ; Tescli, 824. Holland, Petricola 2''"'^'^"^'/"''"^'s I lake, 381. Belgium, brackish water plankton ; Loppens, 506. Off S.W. England, distr. plankton; Bullen, 97. S.W. England (Cornwall), occ. Splrula and Kcrita tessellata at Sennen Cove ; Kennard, 427. (iuornscy, occ. Triopa clavigcr etc.; Tanner, 818. France (Nord), Petricola pholadifonnis at Dunkerque ; Bouly de Lesdain, 78. France (Calvados), economic spp. ; Gu^rin, 320. France (Finistcre), Doris jolinstoni var. atRoscoff; L^v^que, 499; fisheries edible spp. ; Joubin, 417. France (Morbihan), fisheries edible spp. ; Joubin, 418 ; Ostrea fisheries ; Joubin, 416. B. of Biscay, occ. few spp. Prosobran- chia ; ReyneU, 658. Azores, spp. n. Pelseneeria (gen. n. Pros.) ; Koehler & Vaney, 460. 55 MoU. Subject Index. — Distribcttion — Recent. 2227 Madeira, sp u. Doratopais ; Chun, 136. C;»pe Verd Is., sp. n. Doratopsifi; Chun, 136. W. Africa, Mediterranean fauna conip. ; PaUary, 583. Morocco, occ. few spp. new to fauna ; PaUary, 583. OlT .Sierra Leone, sp. n. Pitaria ; Sowerby, 770. Hold Coast, sp. u. Hippjuyx; Preston, 636. Guinea Current, sp. n. MastigoteutJiis ; Cbon, 136. Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Sea of Azov. Mediterranean, list. spp. ; spp. n. sine descr. ; Praus Franceschini, 634 ; iledi- terraiiean. comp. with W. African fauna ; PaUary, 583. W. Mediterranean, occ. few deep sea spp. ; Monaco, 551. France (Herault), notes on fauna of the Etang de Thau ; Sudry, 800. B. of Naples, eSects upon fauna of eruption of Vesuvius ; Lo Bianco, 503. Adriatic ; Lsidenfrost, 490. G. of Trieste, occ. FiroJoldes lesitcri etc. ; Stiasay, 790. Black Sea ; Mang'ilia sp. n. ; Mila- sevic, 545. II. l)anube Est.; Adama. Mieromelania spp. n. etc. ; Milasevic, 545. .Sea of Azov, notes on fauna ; Mila- sevic, 545. Sea of Azov (Tonka of Arabat), list of dead shells, absence of living specimens noted ; Adams, 3. Tripoli, fanna ; Gihbnla, Jujuhinus, Mitrella spp. n. ; PaUary, 584. Lapintadine de Tunisie ; Dubois, 239. South Atlantic Ocean. S. Atlantic, sp. n. Firoloida ; Issel, 393. Benguela Current, sp. n. Doratopais ; Chui^ 136. Tierra del Fuego, spp. n. 'Megatehennus, Tugalia ; Strebel, 793. Falkland Is., sp. n. PliUohrija ; Lamy, 476; sp. n. Mcgatcbcnnux; Strebel, 793. Indian Ocean, Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Indian Ocean, figures of sjip. collected by " Investigator " ; Alcock, Annandale, MacGilclirist, 6 ; s]). n. Atlanta ; Issel, 393. S. Indian Ocean, spp. n. Doratopsia ; Chun, 136. Natal, sp. n. Vantkoro ; Smith, 758. OlY E. Africa, sp. n. Maatigoteuthits; Chun, 136. Mauritius, sp. n. CIdaynyfs ; Sowerby, 770. Seychelles Is., occ. Doridoeidcs (gen. n. Xudibr.) gai'dlner'i; EUot & Evans, 253a. Red Sea, colhi. Nudibranchia descr. ; Artaehaea, Ken'rodor'ifi, Lovianotus, Nembrotha, Peronodoris, Plexiroleura, Treveiyana spp. ii. ; Eliot, 252 ; Tecti- branchia ; Vayssiere, 850 ; sj). n. Acle- s'la ; Bergh, 46. (r. of Aden, Tectibrauchia ; Vayssiere, 850. Oman, sp. n. Miralda ; Preston, 639. Ceylon, sp. n. Bittnun; Preston, 639; fisheries, Margaritana ; Krebs, 466. Ceylon (?), sp. n. Clathurella ; Preston, 635. B. of Bengal, sp. n. Aloysia (gen. n. Heterop.) ; Isssel, 394 ; sp. n., Limacina ; Tesch, 822. .\ndaman Is., spp. and varr. n. Acmaea, Alaba, Atys, Barbatia, Batissa, Cldamys, Clathurella, Columbella, Conus, Crassatella, Diplodonta, Donax, Drillia, EuUma, Gibbula, Gyrineum, Haminea, Hemicardiuin, Kcllia, Lep- tothyra, Lucapinella, Macroschisma, Mangdia, Margarita, Menestho, Milra, Modiola, Narica, Naasa, Novacidina, Pleurotoma, Psammobia, Risella, Risaoina, Scintilla, Solariella, Stomatella, Strigilla, Styloptyjma, Tapes, Tellina, Terebra, Tornatinn, Turbonilla, Ver- tagus; Preston, 640 ; sp. n. Odoatomia; Preston, 639. Nr. Nias I., sp. n. Clm-oteuthis ; Chun, 136. Xias Ch., sp. n. Maatigoteuthis ; Chun, 136. 56 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] N. W. Australia, spp. n. Liotia, Urosalinnx; Sowerby, 770. Antarctica, sjip. n. Caduhis, Denta- Viuiu, Siyihonodentalhun ; Plate, 627 ; sp. n. Callocluton; TMele, 828; vide etiam sub Pacific. Malaysia. Malaysia, Rhipidoglossa, Docoglossa ; Acmaea, Astralium, Basilissa, Callio- stoma, Cantharidus, Cocculina, Danllia, Emarg'imda. Etlialia, Eucheliis, Fisurella, Glyphis, GiUtula (gen. n), Liotia, Macroschisma,Marsenia, Minolia, Hiraconcha (gen. n.j, Monilea, Pec- tinodonda, Phenaeolepas, Priotroclius (?), Pseudococidina (gen. n.), Puncturella, Rimula, Scissnrella, Solariella, Solariel- lopsis fgen. n.), Stomatia, Suhemargitndn, Telnostotna spp. and varr. n. ; Schep- man, 704. Molo Str., sp. n. Cylichna ; Bergh, 46. E. Borneo, sp. n. Modlola ; Martens, 518. Sulu Sea, sp. n. Pterotrachea ; Issel, 393. f'liina Sea, occ. etc. Meroe quudrala; Slimpson, 791, p. 142. Philippine Is., Prosol)ranchia, Tecti- Ijrancliia; Bergh, 46; spp. n. Solemya, Vcsii-oiinjii ; Dall, 206; var. n. Turho; Smith, 761. New Lluinea, sp. n. Turho; Sowerby, 770. Pacific Ocean. Pacilic Ocean, spp. n. C'lispldavia, ] renoHi/rinx, Leucosijriiij- ; Dall. 193 ; sp. n. Zij^aenopsis ; Issel, 395. C'. Pacific, spp. n. Lyons'iclla, Pleiiro- tomella, Scaphander, Tindaria, Tro- schelia ; Dall, 193. E. Pacific s})]). n. Ali'jcna, Amusium, Area, Leptdopleuru^, S'ucida, Oocorya, Peclen, Sole III ya ; Dall, 193. S.lv Pacific, list deei)-\vater fauna; Dall, 193, p. 212. .lapiiri s|)p. Plcuroloinaria disc. ; Schmalz, 711. W. America, sp|). I'lumianella siibg. Kidilliidhnn; Dall, 196, p. 2r>.') ; K|)p. u. liillinin, CcrilJi'iiipn'iH, Melaj-'in, Nc/Zu ; Bartsch, 27 ; sj.p. n. Solemya ; Dall, 204. (Jncen Charlotto Is., Mullcltia (j'lhhui ; Arnold, 18, p. 305. W. Uniied States, Ilaliotis Hemphill, 349; sp. n. Caiu-cUaria; Dall, 193; var. n. Phasianclla ; Dall, 196. United States i Washington ', colln. from La Push ; Reagan, 648. California, notes on fauna ; Acanthina, Aiuichis, Boreotrophon, Clistaxis, Epi- toniicm, Eidima(?), Fissurella, Odoato- mia, Opalia, Tricliotropis, Tritoiwfiisus, Turris Yoldia spp. and varr. n. ; Dall, 196 ; notes on spp. from Monterey B. ; Berry, 50; spp. Nudibranchia from La Jolla, sp. n. Trioplia; Cockerell, 163; spp. n. Acteon, Borsoula, CanceUaria, DapJinella, LimopKis, Ptyc]iatractu», Solemya, Terehra; Dall, 193; sjip. n. r,ela, Jii-^soa; Dall, 203; var. n. Miircx; Berry, 48 ; var. n. Nnssa, San Pedro; Berry, 50 ; occ. Triton rjibhosus ; Smith, 760; occ. lanthina ex'igua, fjlohoHa at Oceanside, San Diego; Berry, 50. — De- struction of economic spp. by earth- (juake ; Stearns, 777. Lower California, spp. n. Epitonlum, TAotia, Manfjil'in, Strombina, Terehra ; Dall, 193; var. n. Ilaliotis; Hemphill, 349; sp. n. Risaoa, Todos Santos B. ; Dall, 203. (!. of California, spp. n. Glypliostoma, Turria ; Dall, 193. Mexico, spp. n. Cetoconclia, Leda, Limopais, Ma/let ia, Nucida, Turritella, Yoldia ; Dall, 193 ; spp. n. Opalia ; Dall, 196. Off Mexico, spp. and var. n. Acteon, CanceUaria, Gemniida, Mangilia, Pecten, Serinemia, 'Tindaria, Xylopluiga ; Dall, 193. C. & S. America, colln. descr. ; Lamy, 474. W. C. America (Fonseca B.), sp. n. Meleagroteiithis {gon. n. Ceph.) ; Pfeffer, 603. Costa Rica (I si a del Coco), notes on fauna ; BioUey, 53. Panama, CanceUaria ohlusa ; Rous, 686. G. of Panama, spp. n. Acteon, Cylich- iiella, Murex, Bidlaria, Terehra, Turris, Gemmida, CUnurn, Borsonia, Pleuro- tomella, Alcctrion, Manjilia, Clathurella, Glyplioiitoina, Daplinella, SolcnoHleira, Fit»inus, VolutopniuH, Ceritliioderma, Stilifcr, Bursa, Uocorys, Airliitcclonia, nijiponix, Nalica, I'oliuices, Coccidina, Leptutliyra, Clanculus, Solariella, Leda, 57 JIoU. Subject Index. — Distkibdtion — Recent. 2227 T.epidoplcitni.-i. Xnciila, Yoldia, MaVrt'ia, iiidara, /.('mo/w s. Area. I'ccten. Amu- -lUm, I'rotocani'ia, Vcxirnmi/a, Tcllhiii, Macoma, Corbula, Plioliuiidca, Liion.^in, Poromya, (^'tutpidaria, Mtjouera ; Dall, 193. Panama B.. list shore sbolls, p. 4.35 ; spp. n. CaUistocliiton, Cancella7''ia, Dril- lia, Isehnochitoit, I.eda, Lima, Kntica, Peclen. T'leitrotomcUa, Solcinya, Terebrci ; DaU, 193. Cocos I., list shore shells ; Dall, 193, . 436. Off Cocos I., spp. n. MaugHia, Peclen, Petaloconchtis ; Dall, 193. Galapagos Is., spp. n. Columhella , Epitoniuni, Gemmula, Pecten, Tellinn, TritonoharjM (gen. n. Pios.) ; Dall, 193 ; Trivia galapagensis ; Button, 103. Xr. Galapagos Is., spp. n. Alectrion (~'adidus, Lima, Plenrotomella, PoUnices, oIariella, Yoldin{ Ball, 193. Off Peru, spp. n. Bathu^ciadium, Cadii- Iwi, Clinurn, Dentalium, Leda, Malletia, yucula, Plenrotomella, PoUnices, Sca- phander, Tindaria ; Dall, 193. Peru (Pavta), sp. n. Canccllnria ; Dall, 193. Chili, sp. n. Leda ; DaJl, 193. Off Chili, spp. n. Capulus, Poliniees; Dall, 193. Off S. Chili, spp. n. Limopsis, Poromya, Yoldia ; Dall, 193. W. Patagonia, sp. n. Niicula, Pecten, Pluiseolus; Dall, 193. Magellan Str., spp. u. Allrjcna, Mal- letia, Kueula, Polinicrn. liochefortia, Sphenia, Yoldia ; Dall, 193. Antarctic, occ. Dentalium majorinum, etc. ; Plate, 628 ; vide etiam sub Indian Oc. Xew Zealand, notes on spp, ; Aemaea, Modiolarca, Photinula, Schismope spp. and subspp. n. ; Iredale, 388 ; Proso- branchia additions to fauna ; spp. and var. n. Anahatliron, Bittium, Cavtliari- dus, Ceriiliiopsis, Cirsoyiella, Coeculina, CyeloHtremxi, (Jyclostremella, Leptotliyra, Liotia, Mathilda, Monilea, Omalogyra, Paeudoliotia, Riaaoa, Riasoina, Scrohs, Scila, Triphora, Tiirritclla ; Suter, 802 ; spp. n. Alcira, Atdia, Bathytuinn, Bfla, I)aphncUa,DnUia, Fulgitiaria, Maucjiliuf MargiiicUa, Mitrella, Mitroworplia, Tro- plion ; Suter, 803 ; spj). n. Aclis, ('ti!tr. TIelixmelanoslroma, etc. ; Caziot & Fagot, 124. Palaearctic Ilelicinae ; Hesse in Ross- massler, 683, 684. Etude sur quelques especes de la region palearctique de I'Asie qui ont penetre dans les sous-centres alpique et hispa- nique ; Caziot, 118. Origin of neo-tropical fauna; Ihering, 385. River drift; Gayer, 296. " Meungyaw " sp. n. Viviparn ; Kobelt, 525. Sp. n. Papillifera ; Flach, 265 ; subsp. and varr. n. Cyclophorun, liivulnrin, Sluranya, Tlieobaldius ; Kobelt, 523 ; varr. n. Alcadia, CyclopJtoru8, Euiro- chnteUn. Crophoru». (leotrochatcHa, Vivi- ■jiani; Kobelt, 526; var. n. Vivipara; Kobelt, 524. Europe. 2227d Europe ; Caziot & Fagot, 120 ; distr. Vertirjo moidinsinna ; Tomlin ct Bowell, 835 ; dislr. Unainaria turf/ida ; Vohland, 863 ; distr. Unionidae, etc. ; Kobelt, 452. N.W. Europe, distr. Aasemania, rjra- yanci ; Mayfield, 534. W. Euroj)e, Vivipara spp. ; Kobelt, 451. C. Europe, faunas of mountain streams ; Steinmann, 779 ; species com- mon to United States fauna ; Gredler, 313. Etudes sur les Mollusques terrestres du centre hispanique s'etendant dans le centre alpique ; Caziot & Fagot, 121. R. Rhine, shells froui river-drift ; Crystallus sp. n. ; Clessin, 144. R. Danuhe, list spp. ; Sevastos, 730 ; shells frotn river-drift; Vallonia sp. n. ; Clessin, 143. Die Clausilien. von Elsass-Lothriugen tmd der angrenzenden Gebiete des oberen ilittelrheines sowie der oberon Mosel ; Gyaser, 324. Les migrations des Mollusques ter- restres entre les sous-centres hispanique et alpique ; Caziot & Fagot, 122. Scandinavia. 2227 da Sweden occ. Helix ohvia ; d'Ailly, 190. Denmark, fauna nr. Rungsted, A'ar. n. Arianta ; Schlesch, 707. Russia. 2227 db Finland, occ. few spp. ; Levander, 496 ; distr. Ancylus fluviatilis ; Levan- der, 495. Livonia, Unionidae; Riemachneider, 669. Lithuania, fauna ; Fossaria, Microlim- naea (gen. n.), PaliiMria (gen. n. , Tur- rilimnaea (gen. n.) spp. n. ; Dybowski, 249. Courland, list spp. nr. Libau ; Adams, 3. Poland, fauna ; Lindbolm 500. Gouv. Minsk., colln. descr. ; Planorbis var. n. ; Rosen 681. Gouv. Moskau, Pulraonata ; Sidorov, 742; fauna of L. Glubokaje; 380. S.W. Russia, fauna ; Amalia, Limnaea, Lithoglyphus, Neritina, XrropJula spp. and varr. n. ; Lindholm 500. f'rimea, fauna ; liulimiyiwi sp. n. ; Lindholm, 500 ; lew spp. from the Tonka ol Araljat ; Adams 3. Germany. 2227 dc Germany, Unionidae ; Anodonta, Mar- gnritana, Unio varr. n. ; Haas, 325 ; Unionidae; Kobelt, 453; Helix sp. n. ; ^f» Moll. Subject Index. — ^D^iTRiBUTiox — Recent. 2227 Steuslofl. 789 ; //. {TaeJwa) austriaca -Muhlf; Clessin, 145 ; VivipM-a fasciata ; Eobelt, 449 ; distr. Margaritaita mir- des siiddeutschea Jura- und Mtischelkalkgebietes ; Gayer, 295. Rhine river system, proposals for investigating Unionidae fauna ; Kobelt, 452 ; notes on fauna esp. Uniouidae ; Zacharias, 922. R. I'.lbe, few sj^p. from nr. Magdeburg ; Wobick, 906. R. Main (nr. Fi-ankfurt). recent changes in fauna ; Boettger, 65 ; changes in Unionidae fauna ; Anodonta var. n. ; Kobelt 454. Trieb R. distri(>t, fauna ; Daudehard'ia var. n. ; VoWand 862. Prussia, fauna ; Hilbert, 361 ; faunal associations Sensljurg district ; Hilbert. 363. Mecklenburg, fauna of Biitzow etc. ; Arndt, 16. Kurhessen ; Eobelt 457. T'pper Alsace, Po/naiia.s septemspiralis; Volz, 866 : occ. few spp. R. Jll, date of introduction of Vivipara fasciata; Voltz 865. Hanau, fauna ; Paulsticb, 587. Odenwald, acclimatisation Mai-garl- tana, var. n. ; Haas 327. Wiirttemberg, Vitrellidae ; Vitrella spp. and varr. n ; Geyer, 292. Swabia, fauna ; Geyer, 293 ; Vallonia fauna, spp. and var. n. ; Geyer, 294. Bavaria fnr. Regensburg), Uniouidae ; Clessin, 148. Fauna nr. Greiz ; Wohlberedt, 907. Saxony CE. Erzgebirge), notes on fauna ; Vohland, 864. Silesia occ. Uncinarla twgida ; Voh- land, 863. AuiTiillige Erscheiuungen in der Ver- breitung von Land- und siisswasser- moUusken am Niederrhein ; Brockmeier, 91. British Is. 2227 de British Is. Azeca ; Pilsbry, 618 ; spp. Ihjalln'ia ; Moss & Boycott, 554 ; spp. Vitrea; Bowell, 83; V'llrea notes on spp., sp. n. ; Kennard, 430 ; occ. and distr. Plsldium personal um ; Woodward 915. Gt. Britain; Woodward, 916. England, notes on Lhnnaca glabra ; Beeston, 38. England (X. Lanes, and Westmor- land), distr. Vertigo alpcstrls, pusilla; Dean Sc Kendall, 218 ; fauna of Grange- over-Sands district ; Beeston, 39. C. England, Unio tumidns var. pon- derosus, etc. ; Edwards, 250. England (Thames Valley), occ. few spp. ; Kennard & Woodward, 432 ; occ. Testacella ; Hill, 364. England (Berkshire), oc3. Vertigo moidinsiana etc. at Cothill ; Napier, 557. England (Clieshire), fauna ; Oldham, 573 ; notes on fauna ; Jackson, 398. England (Dorset), occ. Testacella mangel ; Richardson, 666, p. 286. England (Lancashire), Ijibliography of fauna (contd.) ; Jackson, 401, 402, 403 ; occ. Vitrea luaida at Grange ; Taylor, 820 ; occ. Vertigo antivertigo and other spp. in the Silverdale dis- trict ; Jackson, 400 ; liabitat of Helieella hnrhnra destroyed by building; Jackson, 399. England (Middlesex), occ. Paludes- trina jenkinsl ur. Uxbridge; Carpenter & Cooper, 110. England (W. Xorfolk), occ. Uelicella itala etc. ; Kendall, 424. England (Xorthamptonshire), record of Ena montana from Stan wick based on a drift spec. ; Shaw, 731. England (Northumberland), occ.Limax tenellus at Corbridge ; Lebonr, 480. England (Suffolk), occ. Faludestrina confusa, jenkinsi; Majrfleld, 532; occ. Assemania grayana ; Mayfield, 534. England (.Surrey), fauna of a chalk pit ; Carpenter, 109 ; comi^arison of recent and Holocene fauna nr. Reigate ; Adams, 2. England (Sussex), occ. Planorhia vor- ticulus at Pevensey ; Kennard, 429 ; occ. Limnaea glabra ; Kendall, 425. England (Wiltshire), faiuia ; Swanton, 807, 808. 60 3Ion. vill. Mollusca [1908] England (Yoiksliire), list, colln. from Hornsea Meie; Sheppard, 735; occ. iew spp. at Biuftertun ; Roebuck, 673 ; Helix asper.'^a var. exalbida at Hornsea ; Woods, 912 ; occ. Acantliinula lamel- lata etc., Upper Airedale; Bootli, 73. Lundy I., fauna ; Tomlin, 834 ; additions to fauna ; Oldham, 574. Scotland (Pertlishirc), occ. few spp. at high altitudes ; Laidlaw, 470. Orkney Is., var. n. Agriolimax laevis ; Roebuck, 674. Ireland, Bijtlnn'ia leaclii etc.; Welch, 887; Azgebirge; Vohland, 864. Bosnia, occ. etc. few si)p. ; Cooke, Valery Mayet, 847. 165. Dalmatia, fauna Meleda I.; Meledella 'gen. n.) sj). n. ; Sturany, 799; occ. etc. few s])j). ; Cooke, 165. CI Moll. Subject Index. — Di'Stkibction — Recent. 2227 Fiume, sp. n. Tcxtncclla ; Soos, 765 ; sp. 11. Textaccllu ; Sods, 764. Her/.ei;ovina, ooc. etc. few sjip. ; Cooke, 165. Moravia, liistr. Uiiciiiaria ttirg'ida ; VoMand, 863. Balkan Peninsula. 2227 dl N. .Albania, siil)si3. n. Aurittis ; Eobelt, 682. S. M.vit 'iie^ro, subsp. n. Aiintus ; Kobelt, 682. Greece, sp. n. Lci-antina ; Hesse, 684. China, etc. 2227 eb ('liiiia, spp. 11. Chlorhis, Diplomma- tina. Etdota, O'corissa, lii/pselostoma ; PilBbry it Hirase, 622. Hunan, sp. n. ViviiMra; Eobelt, 525. C'rn-i'a. spp. n.ClinsUia, Ena,Eiilota; Pilabry ^t Hirase, 624. Japan, Formosa. 2227 ec Japan, spp. and sub.spp. n. Cijdotus, Diplommathia, Ena, Eulota, Pisidium, Pijthia, Spiropoma ; Pilsbry & Hirase, 621 ; Clausiliidae ; Clausllin spp. n. ; PUsbry, 609. Japan tUki Is.), land fauna, sp. and subspp. n. Chloritis, D'lplomuiaf'nin, Ganeselle, Kalidla, TrlshopUta ; Pilsbry & Hirase, 623. Ixiochoo Is., sp. n. Pythia ; Bavay, 34, P'omiosa, spp. Cifclophorus, siibsp. n. ; Pilsbry & Hirase, 621. French Indo-China, Siam. 2227 ed-e French ludoChina, colln. descr. ; Buliminu8,Camaena,CI'loriti8,Claus'ilia, Cydopliorus, Eupuplna, Ganesclla, Melanin, Myxostoma, NeocepoUs, Opistho- portia, Palud'ina, Prosopeaa, Pseudopeas, 'SatsHin'i. Toiiaxis, Un'io sj»p. and varr. n. ; Dautzenberg & Fischer, 216. Annam, sp. n. V'lvipara ; Kobelt, 526. Yunnan, sp. n. Pachydrohia ; Dautzen- berg, 213. Siam, sp. and var. n. Viv'ipara; Kobelt, 525 ; sp. u. Vivipam : Kobelt, 626. British India, etc. 2227 ef India, sp. n. Viviixira; Kobelt, 526; v.irr. n. Covbictda, Nanina ; Schlesch, 708; aoi'liii'.atisatiou Achdtina sp. ; Godwin Austen, 308. Assam, sp. n. Corhiculn ; Preston, 639. N. Bengal, sp. n. Un'io ; Preston, 639. Burma, sp. n. IVtthynia ; Preston, 639 ; sp. n. Vic'ipara ; Kobelt, 523. Ceylon, spp. n. Glessida ; Pilsbry, 608. X. \V. Ilimalaj'as, accliniatisatiou of Agriolimax af]resLi>i ; Godwin-Austen, 308. Nepal, sp. n. Limiiactt ; Preston, 639. Malaysia, Philippine Is., etc. 2227 eg Perak, sp. n. Vivipara ; Kobelt, 525. Amboyna, fauna; Charopa, Plania- p'lra spp. n.; Boettger, 66. E. Borneo, colln. descr. ; Ahjcaeus, Corhiculn, Cydotus, Cyrene, Diplom- inatina, Lafjodiihis, Leptopomn, Melania, Opifis; Bartsch, ' ' 29 Ontario ; Williajnson, 899a. United States. 2227 gf United Stiites, Anculosa ; Walker, 870 ; Lymmiea desidiosa etc. ; Baker, 23; L'nioiiidae fauna conii^. with that ui the Laramie beds ; Cockerell, 157. N.E. United States. 2227 gg Maine, list fauna of North Haven ; Jackson, 397; list spj). Capens, Moose- head !,. ; Johnson, 411; occ. few spp. ; Nylander, 570 ; var. n. Planorbia ; Baker, 24; distr. Helix hortensis; Nylander, 571 ; occ. Hygromiu hispida ', Lermond, 492. Xiw Hampshire, list fauna of Keene ; Walker cV Coolidge, 876. New York, subspp. n. Succmea ; PUsbry. 610. Massachusetts slups ; Cockerell, 152 ; sp. n. Ancyhis ; Walker, 872. Ohio ; Sterki, 786 ; fauna ; Sterki, 785 ; spp. conmion to European fauna ; Gredler, 313. Michigan, spp. and varr. u. Lymiioea ; Walker, 873 ; distr. Polygyra ; Walker, 874. Illinois, sp. n. Ancijlus ; Walker, 872. Indiana, sp. n. Pyrgulopsi^ ; Hinkley, 367 ; Anrj'tirema armujera etc. in Wabash R. ; Hinkley, 368. S.E. United States. 2227 gh S E. United Stales, var. n. CocJdicopa ; Pilsbry, 607. Alabama and Mississippi, sp. n. Pleurobema ; Frierson, 272. Alabama spji. n. Seoplanorhis ; Walker, 871; sp. n. Ancyhts; Walker 872 ; sp. n. Vitrea ; Clapp, 137. N. Carolina, occ. Planorbia inngnif'cn.'i etc. ; Planorbia sp. n. ; Bartsch, 29 ; sp. n. Ancylua ; Walker, 872. Florida, list land spip. Lee Co. ; Vanatta, 848. Georgia, sp. n. Attcylxia ; Walker, 872. W. United States. 2227 gi Arizona, Oastropoda ; Cockerell, 151; sp. n. Micrarioiita ; Pilsbry iV Ferriss, 619; occ. few sj)p., subsp. n. liifidarla ; Clapp. 138. California, notes on spp. from Mon- terey ; Berry, 50 ; fauna San Bei-nardino ills. ; Berry, 49 ; Gonidea atiguUitci var. n. ; Dall, 198; subsp. n. Valvata; Pils- bry, 615; acclimatisation of \'iiipara spp. ; Hannibal, 334. Colorado, fauna ; Henderson, 355 ; list colln. ; Henderson, 354 ; occ. Milax gagatcfs, Vitvca cellar la etc. in a trreen- house ; Cockerell, 154. New Mexico, Gastropoda ; Cockerell, 151 ; sp. n. Ashmunella ; Clapp, 138. Texas, notes on fauna ; Baker, 22 ; fauna McLennan Co. ; Strecker, 794 ; list of spp. from Amarillo ; Henderson, 352. Wyoming, sp. u. Poniat.iopsis ; Walker, 869.' Mexico. 2227 gl Mexico, small colln. desci-. ; C'oelocen- trum, Euglandina, Lampsilis, Strepto- styla spp. n. ; Dall, 197 ; sp. n. Leptl- riaria ; Pilsbry, 606 ; sp. n. Lamp- aids ; Pilsbry it Frierson, 620 ; sp. n. Strejitostyla ; Dautzenberg, 213 ; var. n. Euglandina ; Pilsbry, 607. Mexico (Yucatan), sp. n. Leptinaria ; PUsbry, 606. C. America, S. America. West Indies. 2227 h C. America, sp. n. Euglandina ; PUs- bry, 607. llondnrns, sp. and var. n. T^eptinaria ; Pilsbry, 606. Nicaragua, sp. n. Leptinaria; Pilsbry, 606. Costa Rica (fsla del Coco), notes on fauna; Biolley, 53. Bahamas, Cerion fauna, spp. n. ; Plate, 630; sp. n. Alcadia; Kobelt, 523. 04 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Cuba, notes on fauna ; Henderson, 351; spp. and subsp. n. Cryp'elasmus (gen. n. Pulm.) Obelisctis ; Pilsbry, 606. Haiti, sp. and subsp. n. Opeas, Vari- cella • PUsbry, 607 ; var. n. Leptinaria ; Pilsbry, 606. Jamaica, sp. n. Levtinaria ; Pilsbry, 606. Venezuela, spp. n. Leptinaria ; Pils- Iny, 606 ; sp. n. Strophocheilus : Fulton, 278. Colombia, sp. u. Synapterpes; Fulton, 277 ; spp. n. /.ab>/rinthus. Xeoojclotus, nr. Zaiagoza ; Beddome, 35 ; sp. n. Lep- tinaria ; Pilsbry, 606. Ecuador, spp. n. Anodonta, Veroni- cella ; Germain, 286 ; sp. n. Synapterpes ; rulton, 277 ; sjj. n. Comeoeydas ; Sartscb, 28. Argentina (Salta), sp. n. Odontostomus ; HoUe, 680. ratag.jiiia, fauna ; Limnaea, Chilina, Patida ; Strebel, 793. Magellan Sirs., sp. n. Coinieocrjdas ; Dall, 193. Australasia. 2227 i Xew Guinea, colln. descr. ; Bithinia, Helicarion. Helix, Xanina, Omphalotro- pisf, Falu'lina, Trochonunina, Un o spp. n.; Bavay, 32; sp.n.Vivipara; Eobelt, 526. Australia, notes on Unionidae ; Frier- aon, 271. Western Australia, sp. n. Rliagada ; Preston, 637. New Zealand, sp. n. Placoatylus ; Suter, 804 ; sp. n. TUaumalodon ; Web- ster, 884. Atlantic. 2227 1 .Madf-ira, subspp. n. Fcrussacia ; Pils- bry, 607 ; var. n. Caecilioidcs ; Pilsbry, 608. St. Thomas I. [G. of Guinea], colln. desrr., sp. and var. ii. Thapsia, Veroni- cella ; Germain, 285. Indian Ocean. 2227 m .\i]ilanian Is., sp. n. yielania, Sitala ; Preston, 640. Nicobar Is., sp. n. Sulfurina ; Kobelt, 523. Mascarene Is., Zonltidae ; Erepta , Louisia fgen. u.\ Kaliella spp. n. ; God- win-Austen, 307. Mauritius, acclimatisation of Macro- chlamys indiea etc. ; Godwln-Austen, 308. Pacific. 2227 n Hawaiian Is., Achatinella ; Thwlng, 831 ; spp. n. Laminella, Partidina ; Baldwin, 26. Caroline Is., sp. n. Sturanya ; Kobelt, 523. Fiji Is., sp. n. Batissa ; Preston, 638. Tonga-Tabu I., sp. n. Sturanya ; Kobelt, 523. .Samoa, sp. n. Aphanoconia ; Kobelt, 526 ; sp. n. Sturanya ; Kobelt, 523. (b) Fossil."-' * The geographical arrangement is that of the " Geography " section (J) of the Internat. Catal. Sci. Lit. General. Range of groups disc. ; Woodward, 914. General, rev. Rhyncholithes ; genu, et spp. n. ; Till, 832 ; Vulsellidae ; spp. n. Heligmiua (gen. n.), Heligmopsis, Helig- mus, XaiadinayPseudolieligmns, Vidsella, Vulsellopsia sjjp. n. ; Douville, 231. Fossil pearl-growths ; Newton, 565. Russia ; Sinzov, 750. .S. Russia (Samara), Unio spp. and varr. n. ; Andrusov, 10. Die TufF.iblagerung im Tale der Schwarzen Laaber; Clessin, 147. Belgium, occ. few spp. ; Comet, 168 ; Cornet, 169. British Is., occ. few derived fossils in erratic blocks ; Kendall, 426. Italy (Torriplia district', luoceramits sp. n. ; Issel, 392. Malaysia ; Boehm, 61 ; Jurassic and Palaeozoic faunas ; Aegoceras, Agathi- ceras, Harpoccras, Perisph'mctra spp n. ; Boehm, 62. .lava, Gastropoda ; Martin, 522. X. Africa, occ. few sj)ji. ; Cbudeau, 135. G5 JIoU. Subject Index. — Distribution — Fossil. 2227 Liste der Fossilieii aus dem Kalktuff von Witkop an ilt»r (irenze des siid- lichen (iross-Xainalandes uud der Kala- liari ; Boettger, 67. Madagascar, llol'-oMcplianuii. Ostrea, spp. n. ; Lsmoine, 491. United States .Montana), Laramie lieds I'ninuiilae comp. with recent forms ; Cockerell, 157. United States (Colorado), Red Beds; Henderson, 356. United States (New irexico\ fjeologj- of the Cerillos hills ; Johnson, 413. Cainozoic. Germany (nr. Miilhausen), faunas, L'tmnaeus, MeJauop> (nr. Paris), Kocene fauna ; Cossmann it Pissaro, 179 ; lists fauna ; Ramond, DoUot Si Combes, 645. S|iaiii. I'lioccnc faunas; P>ylhinia sp. n. ; Schlosser, 710. Italy, Jfiocenc spp Pectenidae ; ('ld(uiii/s s|). n.; Ugolini, 841; I'ccten ; Bellini, 43; list Miocene fauna, Turin; Sacco, 693; occ. spp. nr. Turin ; Prever, 641 ; few spp. nr. Legliorn ; Nelli, 560 ; Plioceu'; spp. nr. Rome ; Meli, 536. 67 Ifdl. Subject Index. — Distribution — Fossil. 2227 San Marino. Miocene fauna of Mte. Titano ; Spomiylus sp. n. ; Nelli, 561. AuRtria-Hungar}-, Eocene Xautilidae ; XaiUilus sp. n. ; Vogl, 861; Pliocene fauna of Felierpont nr. Tiliaiiy ; Vitalis, 856 ; sp.n. Planorbis; Lorenttiey, 505. Austria, Gastropoda fauna of Eicli- kogel nr. ilodlintj ; Helix, Hyalhia, Pupa spp. n. ; ScMosser, 709 ; Pontiaii fauna of Leobersdorf ; ClausiUa, Cras- pedopoma. Helix, Mrlanatria, Pyrgitla spp. n. ; Troll, 838 ; occ. spp. nr. Korneuburg . Schafifer, 698. Austria (Styria , Miocene Gastropoda of Rein ; ScUosser, 709. Hungary, list Upper Mediterranean fauna of Ribice ; Vadasz, 844 ; occ. Levantinian spp., Petrovaradin ; Eocb, 458. Dalmatia, Eocene fauna; Cardium, Trochus spp. n. ; Dainelli, 191. Burma, Miocene and Eocene spp. ; Alectryonia, Area, Caasidea, Jouannetia, Oatrea, Voluta spp. n. ; Dalton, 211. Java, Gastropoda ; Martin, 521 ; sp. n. Cnio; Dubois, 238. Alaska, few Miocene spp., sp. n. Epi- toniiim; DaU, 207. S. United States, Oligocene fauna conip. with European ; Maury, 529. United States (Alabama), Actcon, Area, Corbida, Lepton, Verticordia spp. and rar. n.. Eocene ; Aldrich, 8 ; sp. n. Mitromorpha from Ulaiborne ; Aldricli, 7. United States (Florida), spp. n. Fasci- olaria, Pyraziainus, Oligocene; Maiiry, 529. United States (Mississippi), spp. n. Cancellaria, Kellia, Sigaretus, Eocene ; Aldrich, 8. United States (California), illustra- tions and notes on fauna ; Arnold, 17 ; faunas Santa Cruz Mts. ; Agasoma, Architeetonia, Cardium, Chloroatoma, Chryaodomua, Fiaaurella, Fusua, Gly- eimeria, Hipponyx, Leda, Lirofusus, Mactra, Malletia, Nueula, Oatrea, Pa- tella, Periploma, Pleurotoma, Semele, Strepaidura, Tellina, Thiia, Tritoninm, Turcicula, Venerirardia, Yoldia spp. and varr. n. ; Arnold, 18 ; sp. n. Man- gilia ; Dall, 193. United States (Colorado), sp. n. Lymnaea, Miocene beds Florissant : Cockerell, 155. (K -10332 r) United States (Louisiana), sp. n. Ano- doiita, Unio, Oligocene; Maury, 529. United States (Wasliitigton), spp. n. Cardium, Malletia ; Arnold, 18. N.E. ;Mexico ; Dumble, 248. Trinidad, fauna at Compare Road ; Guppy, 322. Patagonia, coUn. descr. ; Doainia, Fusus, Infundihnlum, Lucina, Mactra, Panopea, Stridhiolaria, Vermetiia spp. and varr. n. ; Ortmann, 575; colln. descr. ; Steinmann & Wilckens, 778. Tierra del Fuego, spp. and varr. n. AuodotUa (?), Cardita, Chorus (?), Cominella, Gihbula, Xassn, SiphonaVia, Turbonilla ; Steinmann & Wilckens, 778. Mesozoic. General, rev. Aucella, spp. n. ; Pavlow, 589. Russia (gouv. Jaroslav), Craspcdites okenaia group, spp. n. ; Prigorovsky, 642. Silesia, occ. few spp. ; Branca & Fraas, 89. W. England, occ. few spp. ; Richard- son, 665. England (Gloucestershire), occ. few spp. Ebrington Hill ; Richardson, 663. England (nr. Bristol), faiinal lists etc. ; Mytilua sp. n. ; Tutcher, 840. France, sp. n RhynchoteiUMs ; Mary & Mary, 527. Sardinia ; Deninger, 222. Switzerland, lists few spp. ; Jaccard, 396. Gastropoda and Scaphopoda of the " Pachycardientuffe " of the Seiser Alp; Angularia, Coelostylina, Colubrella, Dentalium, Keration (gen. n. Pros.), Loxoyiema, Patella, Promathilda, Spiro- ehrysalis, Trochua, Turbo spp. n. ; Broili & Read, 92. Malaysia (Taliabu I.), few spp. from Upper Lagoi ; spp. n. Belemnitea, Nu- eula', Boehm, 59 Tunis, Cephalopoda ; Acanthoceras, Aapidoceraa, BaeuUtea, Barroiaiceraa, Boatrychoceraa, Brancoceras, Deamo- ceraa, Eugonoeeraa, Fageaia (gen. n.), Flickia (gen. n.), Forheaiceras, Hamitea, Hemitisaotia, Hoplitea, Hoplitoidea, Ly- 1)22—2 68 Moll. vill. MoUusca. [1908] locci-as, ilammitcs, Morton'iceras, Neo- tohites, Keoptiichites, Pachydiacns, Phyl- loceraa, Tr'tunotroins, Pseudotissotia, Piizosia, Saynoecras, Scaphites, Scldo- cnbachia, Thomas'ites (gen. n.), Tunesites (gen. n.), Turril'ites, Vascoceras, Waarjc- nia spp. and varr. n. ; Pervinquifere, 598. California, Santa Maiia district; Arnold & Anderson, 19. Argentina ; Haupt, 342. Cliili (Aconcagua), occ. few spp. ; ScMUer, 706. ^ew Guinea, Amnionites sp.; Boehm, 63. Cretaceous. General, rev. Radiolltidae ; Ari7-ia, Praeradiolitea spp. n. ; Toucas, 836 ; Middle Cretaceous Cephalopoda ; Des- moceras, Jfoplites, Ltjtoceras, SUcaitcs spp. n.; Jacob, 405. Russia, rev. AuceUhia, ParauceUlna, spp. n. ; Pavlow, 589 ; Upper Xeoconiian spp. Ancyloceras, s]>p. Crioceras, Dou- rillciceras ; Sinzov, 751. Russia (Saratov), Douv'dleieerns heds fauna ; Douvdleiceras sp. n. ; Vasilievskij, 849. Crimea, Lower Cretaceous fauna ; Acanthoceras, Aporrhaia, Afttieria, Avicula, Costidiscua, Crioceras. Cyprina, Deamoceras, Dinrdia, lldinidina, Uaplo- ceraa, Ileteroceraa, llolcodiacua, Jloplitea, Lytoceraa, Macroscapltites, Monopleura, I^alica, Naiit'dua, Noitopsis, Panopaea, J'ecten, Phylloceraa, Pleuroiomaria, J'licnlula, I'tychoceraa, PidclieUia, Scalarin, Sileaitea, Solarium, Spliaera, Toxoceraa, Trochua, Turrilella, Tylos- toma spp. n. ; Karakasch, 423. Caucasus, Lower (!auU Aniinonoidea ; Acanlholinplitea, Paralioplitea spp. n. ; Sinzow, 752. N. Cerniany, occ. few spp.; StoUey, 792; (lault Laniellibrancliia, and (las- tropoda; Ceritluum.Cinulia, Marrjdrila, }\'arii-n, Oalrea, Pecten, Phohulomyd, I'lciiriitoiiinrifi, Troclius spp. n. ; Wolle- mann, 910. Ifanovcr (Algennisscn), ArrnilJinccras m'dlelianum varr. n. ; Frltel, 273. I'omerania, fauna ; Braclnjlrcma, Ccrilhiiim, Corhicella, Exogyra, Lacuna, Xerita, Sidcactaeon, Trigouia, Troclius, Venerupis spp. n. ; Sclimidt, 715. Belgium (nr. Liege), occ. few spp. ; Stainier, 771. iSr. IniLidour, occ. Belcmnitella mncro- vata ; Delhaye, 221. England, monograph of Lamelli- branchia fauna continiied ; Corhicella, Cyprina, Luciua, Protocardia, Uni- cardiiuyi spp. n. ; Woods, 913. iS. England, Veneridae classification ; Jukes-Browne, 420 ; s^ip. n. Hipponyx ; Sherbom, 737. England (Thames Vallev), zona, faunas of the Chalk ; Cbatwin & Withersl 133. England (Kent), occ. Actinocamax rents ; Rowe, 689; occ. Pinna decussata etc. in the Ringwould area ; Rowe, 688. England (Lincolnshire), list Upper Chalk fauna ; Burnet, 100 ; occ. Ilippouyxhlael-imorei at Boswell ; Sher- bom, 738 ; occ. Alectryonia ricordeaua, etc. ; Sheppard, 734. England (Norfolk), occ. few spp. ; Brydone, 94. England (Surrey), list Chalk fauna ; Young, 921. England (Yorks.), occ. P>elemnites sp. in rolled flint ; Sheppard, 733. I. of Wight, zonal faunas of the White Chalk ; Rowe, 687. France ; Acanthoceras sp. n. ; Jacob, 404. N. France, Veneridae, classification etc. ; Jukes Browne, 420. S. E. France, Valenginian Cephalo- poda ; Acanthodiacua, Leopoldia, Neo- comitea, Thitrmania spp. n. ; Sayn, 696; notes on Ui)ppr C'n'taccons spj). ; A2)orrhai8 spp. n. ; Repelin, 653. France (Alpes-Marit.\ lists Albiau Cephalopoda ; Hitzel, 369 ; few Haute- livian Clejihalopoda from nr. Escrag- noiles ; llolcontcphanus sp. n. ; Eilian, 435. France (Duuhs), sp. n. Jacohella (gen. n. Ccjili.i Middle Albian, Pontar- lier; Jeannet, 407. France (Gard.), Barremian fauna of Brouzet-lez-Alais ; Ataplirua, Calliom- phalua, Cardita, Cardium, Chenopua, Corhia, Cyclopclla, Cyprina, Diatino- f)9 Moll. SUBJKCT IXDEX. — DlSTRIBtJTIOX — FoSSIL. 2227 stoma, Lima. MicvoscJiha, .l/y/7i(.<, Neri)iea. Xcri'a, Xciutodoiiuix, Xcntopsis, Parallrlodou, Penia, PImitcroptyx'ia, Paeudoinclan'ui Pseudoncr'inea, Roth- plctzi'lla, l^rochouerita, I'lirho. Van't- Koropnis spp. n. ; Cossmann, 176 ; ocv. few L'pper Barreiuiau !^pp. ; Pellat, 591. Fiaiuo (r>ere), few spjD. nr. AiUrans ; Paquier, 586. France (Xord\ s]i. n. Mijopliolns (gen. u. Lam.) ; Douvill^, 232. S. Fiance (Basses Pyrenees), occ. few Cenomaiiiaii spp. at Eaux Chaudes ; Stuart-Menteatb, 795. Switzerland (nr. S^te. Croix, Vaud), Lytoceras sp. ; Jeannet, 406. N. E. Alps, Gosau Beds ; Felix, 262. Roumania, occ. few spp. ; Simionescu, 745. Greece, occ. few spp. ; Jlippurites sp. n. ; Ktenas, 467 ; occ. few spp. ; N^gris & Ktenas, 559. N. Siberia, Ncocoinian spp. Aucella, spp. n. ; Sokolow, 762. Tz-ans-Caspia (Maugisclilak Pen.), Gault Ammonoidea ; Acanthohoplites, Crioccras, Parahopl'ites, Sonneratia spp. n. ; Sinzow, 752 ; sp. n. Crioceras; Vasilievskij, 849. iladagascar, Albian sj^p. ; Thevenin, 825a ; Cephalopoda from nr. Diego Saurez ; Acanthoccras, Crioceras, Hamitea, Schloenhachia, Sphenodisnis^, Stoliczltaia, Turrilites spp. ii. Boule, Lemoine & Thevenin, 77. United States (New Jersey), fauna ; Anatina, Anemia, Axinea, Caiicellaria, Caprotina, Cardium, Corbula, Ciicullaea, Cuspidaria, Delphinula, Fusus, Gas- trochaena, Gri/pJuieu, Tlercorhynchns, laocardia, Leda, Leptosulen, Lima, hinearia, Liopistha, Litcina, Mactra, Modiola, Mytilus, Xiicula, Ostrea, Pecten, Plicalula, Protoeardium, Pyropnis, Ttapana, Trigonarca, Tricjonia, Triton, Turiinetla, Turnus, Turritclla, Volu- todei-ma, Yoldia spp. n. ; Weller, 892 ; fauna of the Cliffwood clays ; Isocardia sp. n. ; Weller, 891. United States (Colorado), spp. n. Acanllioceros, Anatina, CapuluH, Volu- toderma (Vj ; Henderson, 353. United .States (New Mexico) Inocera- mus, Turritella varr. n. ; SMmer & Blodgett, 740. United States (California) faunas Santa Cruz Mts. ; Mactra, Turritella spp. n. ; Arnold, 18. C. Peru, faunas ; Fusus, Pholadomya, Plicatnlopcctcn spjj. and var. n. ; Neu- mann, 564. Argentina, spji. n. Actaeoii, Lucina, Solcnomyn ; Haupt, 342. Patagonia ; Steinmann, & Wilckens, 778 ; Lower Cretaceous Ammonoidea etc. ; Belcvinites, lierriasclla, Crioceras, Ilatehericeras, llolcosteplianus, Leo- poldia, Neoaomitcs, Oppelia, Pinna spp. n. ; Favre, 261. Arctic iKateliivi I.), Neocomiau AuccJla ; Sokolowi 762. Jurassic. (ieiieral, Pleurotomaridae range ; Sieberer, 743, p. GL Russia, Donez-Bassin. Cephalopoda ; Aspidoeeras, Cardioceras, Cosmoceras, Parkinsonia, Quenstedticeras, WitcheUia spp. n. ; Borissjak, 74. Poland ((!onv. I'etrokow), sp. n. Pelto- ceras ; Michalski, 544. Wiirteml)erg, sp. u. Psiloccras nr. Stuttgart ; Epstein, 256. Swaljia, fauna of the Keuper and Lettenlcohl ; Pseudocorhida varr. n. ; Zeller, 924 ; Pleurotomariidae ; Cryplae- via, Plcurotomaria spp. n. ; Sieberer, 743. Belgium, Caeloceras mucronuium ; Maillieux, 514. England, Scaphopoda of the Corn- brash ; Blake, 57. England (Gloucestershire), occ. few Lower Lias spp. ; Ricbardson, 664. England (Leicestershire), occ. Amal- theus spinatus zone spp. at Biilesdon Coplow ; Horwood, 375. England (Somerset), ,L Pliyllis' colln. Inferior Oolite spp. from Doulting rev. ; Ricbardson, 661. England (Yorks), sp. n. Dentalium ; Blake, 57 ; occ. few spp. new to the Scarborough Limestone; Drake, 233; occ. lluddlcstonia aiiion in the Blea Wyke Beds ; Elgee, 251. Ireland (Co. Duljlin), Liassic fossils in Glacial Drift ; Kilroe, 438. France, lists spj). ; Kilian, 436 ; s))p. Lamellibranchia ; Cossmann, 172; Rei- 70 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] neckea angustilohata, Proeconia dollfusi etc., Callo?ian; Collot, 163. S.E. France, faunas; Eilian & Guel)- hard, 437. Fiance (Alpes Marit.), Bathonian fauna of Courmes ; Amherleya, Astarte, Cerithiella, Diatinoatoma (gen. n. Pros.), Exelissa, Guebhardia (gen. n. Lam.), Paracerithimn, Sulcoactaeon spp. n. ; Cossmann, 173 ; Bathonian spp. from Counnes ; Corbix, Corhula, Guebhardia spp. n. ; Cossmann, 174. France (Doubs), list few spp. from Gilley ; Clerc, 149. France (Inclre), Bathonian fauna of Saint-Gauhier ; Area, CJdnmys, ("ollonla, Lima, Planorbis, Troclivs, Valvala, Zygopleura {?) spp. n. ; Cossmann, 175. SwitzerLind, Ammonites meriani ; StrUbin, 795. Italy (Tuscany), fauna of the Penta- cririu^ tuberctdahis zone at G erf a loo ; Uyerifalcliia (gen. n. Ceph.), Leda, Lima, Modiola, Myophoria, Pecten, Stra- jwrollus sj)p. n. ; Fucini, 274. iSardinia, spp. n. Kerinea, Petersia ; Deninger, 222. Austria, Acanthicus beds fauna ur. Giesshiibl ; Aptyehiis, Aapidoceras, Pcrisphinctites, PJiylloccnis, Simoceras spp. and varr. n. ; Toula, 837. Hungary ; Lorenthey, 504 ; Pliyllo- ceratidae ; PliyUocei-as sp. n. ; Vadasz, 842 ; Ammonoidea fauna of Villany ; llnploceran. Ileeticoceran, Lytoceraa, J'criaphinclites, Phyllorrviia, li'eineckia, tioii-ei-byceroH hpp. n.; Till, 833; sp. n. Lyloceraa ; Vad&sz, 845. Hungarj' (Persanygebirge, K(nnit. Nagykukiillo), Lower Lias fauna of Alsorakos ; Acgoceraa, Arietites, I'lnjllo- ceras, h'hacopliyllitea spp. and van-, n. ; Vadasz, 846 ; Lower Lias fauna of Alsorakos ; AeijoccraH, Arietites, I'liylh)- ceriiH, UlidcophylUtea spp. and var. n.; Vadisz, 843. Die Oxfoidfauna von Cetechowitz ; Aypidoeeraa, Gardioceras, Pellorcras, Pcriaphinctea sj)j). n. ; Neumann, 563. Iioumania, occ. spi). ; Simionescu, 746. Malaysia (Taliabu L), fauna of Wai Galo; liclcmnitea, lnocerainua, Mucro- cpphalitea, Oppclin, Pcltoceraa, I'cri- sphinctes, Pliylloceras spp. n. ; Boehm' 60. India (Nepal), small colln. from nr. Mooktiuath ; Reed, 649. S.W. Arabia, Lamellibranchia and Gastropoda ; Troelius sp. n. ; Newton, 565 ; Cephalopoda ; Crick, 566. Madagascar, few Liassic Cephalo- poda ; Bouleiceras sp. n. ; Th^venin, 826. Argentina, spp. n. Aptychus, Aapido- ceras, Captdua, Neumayria, Peri- sphinctea ; Haupt, 342. Triassic. Germany (Hanover), Lower Keuper fauna ; Paeudobroeliidium (gen. u. Pros.), Paeudocorbula,Vermetus spp. n. ; Grupe, 316. Germany (nr. Wiirzburg), occ. young stages ('eridites cornpresaua, etc. ; Fischer, 263. Swabia, fauna ; Actaeoiiina, Anoplo- phoria, Gervillin, Myophoria sjjp. and varr. n. ; Zeller, 925. Bavaria, Wettersteiukalk spp. Cepha- lopoda ; Acrochordiceraa, Aspidites, Atractites, Celtites, Ceratites, Gymnites, llungaritea, Kautdus, Noritea, Ortho- ceraa, Ziigmonites spp. n. ; Reis, 651. Upper Silesia, fauna ; Ampullina, Coelocentrus, Goeloatylina, Deiitalium, Foaaariopais, Ilologyra, Loxonema, Ne ritaria Pleuromya, Trachyncrita, 'I'reto- spini, Wcrtheitia spp. and A'arr. n. ; Ahlburg, 4. France (Ilaute-Marne), Rhaetic Gas- tropoda and Lamellil)ranchia of Proven- ciuMos-sur-Meuse ; Coeloalyliiut, Eiicy- chis, Procerithium spp. n. ; Cossmann, 177. Italy, Rhaetic fauna of Caprona (M. I'isanoj ; Ccritliium (?) sp. u. ; Vinassa de Reg^ny, 854. S. Tyrol, Werfeiiian fauna; Edentida, Pcden, Paeudonionotia, J'scndumurchi- annid, Turbo spp. n. ; Wittenburg, 905; Weil'eii heiis sp]). ; M ysidioptvra, Pecten, J'acuddmonotia, Turbo spp. ii. ; Witten- burg, 904 ; Gastropoda, J'redazzo dis- trict; Aciiia, Amauropaia, lirocJudium, Cajndua, Ghilucyclus, Collonia, Colu- brelld, Eiicyrloacahi, Goaaelctina, Loxo- nevui, Naticella, OnqihaloptycJia, I'alaeo- 71 21 oil. Subject Index. — DiSTRiBCTioy — Fossil. 2227 trlfon, Pfotorcula, Trypatwatylua, Uiii- liojitiim, WortJienia spp. n. and vair. n. ; H&berle, 328. Greece, Ceplialopoila ; Joaniiites spp. D. ; Freeh A: Renz, 269. Greece (Argolis), Keuperian Cepha- lopoda ; spp. and varr. n. Gymn'ites, Joaun'itfs. Sireiiites, Syringoceras ; Freeh, 268. Vladivostofk, note on Werfenian fauna ; Wittenburg, 905. Timor Arch., fauna; Amonotia, Aatc- roeonites, Daonella, Dinarltes, Ilalohia, Vanikoro [?) spp. n. ; Wanner, 880a. Heureka Sund colln. descr. ; Avicula, Cardhiia (?), Cardita, Daonella, Leda, Lima, Palaeopliarus (gen. n. Lam.), Pecten, Protrachyeeraa spp. n. ; Kittl, Palaeozoic. General, Pulmonata ; Woodward, 914. Germany, Upper Carboniferous and Permian Lamellibranohia of Saar-Xahe district ; Carbonicola, Palaeanodoiita spp. n. ; Schmidt, 713; few spp. ; sp. n. Pholadella ; Drevermann, 234. E. Thuringia ; Walther, 878 ; Walther, 877. Belgium, occ. few spp. ; Malaise, 515 British Is., monograph Co7i(iia?'i«, spp. n. ; Slater, 753. E. Asia ; Lorenz, 507. Canada fOntarioj, spp. n. Nanno ; Whiteaves, 897. United .States (X. York) ; Hartnagel, 340. Arctic (Prince Charles P^orelandj, occ. few spp. ; Lee, 481. Permian. Ural, Artin8k-.Stufe Ammonoidea ; Daraelites, Medlicottia, Pai-apronorkea spp. n. ; Cernov, 821. England (Devonj, lists few spp., Tiverton district; Martin, 519. Italy, fauna of the Bellerophon Kalk of Cadore ; Coclunautilua, EucJirysalis, Hologyra, Loxonema, MaerorhiUna, Marmolatella, Ner'Uomopa'ia, Platyeeraa, Flatychilina, Plahjatoina, I'leuronau- tilus, Trachynerita, Trachyapira, 11 ortlioi'ia. W orlheniopaia spp. n ; Caneva, 104; fauna Recoaro ; Alloi-isma, Gcrcillia, Myophor'ia (?), Poaidionella, Poaidonomya, Strehlopteria, spp. n. ; Airaghi, 5. S. Tyrol, Bellerophon Kalk, sp. n. Allorisma ; Airaghi, 5. United States (Oklahama), spp. n. AUor'.ama (?), Aviculopecten, Ihdi- morpha (?), Capulua, Cyitodontarca, Edmondia, Murchi>foma, Orthonema, T'leuroplionia (?), Pleurolomaria, Schizo- du8, Stroplioatyluii, Trcpoapira, Wortlie- nopia (.'')spp. n. ; Beede, 36. United States (Texas), Guadalupian fauna ; Agatlioceras, AstarteUa, Avieuli- peeten, Bid'nnorpha, Camptonectes, CU'idophorus, Cymatocheton, Cypriear- dinia, Edmundia, Euaonospira, Eiwm- plialua, Foordoc.eras,Ga8trioceraH, l.ima- tulina, Loxonema, Macrochedina, Myoconcha, Orthoeeras, Paraeeltites, Parallelodon, Patella, Perltrodiia (gen. n. Ceph.), Pemipecten Plagioatoma, Pleurophorus, Plenrotomaria, Frotrete (gen. n. Lamell.), Pterin, Wangenoceraa, Wartltia spp. n. ; Girty, 300 ; spp. n. Allorismci (?), Aviculopecten, Capidun, Cyrtodontarca, Edmondia, Loxonema, Murchiaonia, Katicel'a, Orthonema, I'lcnrophorua (?), Plenrotomaria, Slro- phoatylus, Trepospira spp. n. ; Beede, 36 Carboniferous. Russia (Samara), Upper Carboniferous fauna ; Astarte, Avicidopecten, liaylea, Piellerophon, Bueania, Euomphnlna, Euphemus, Glycimeria, Macroclteilus, Maarodon, Mourlonia, Murchiaonia, Naticopais, Pleurolomaria, Paeudomono- tia, Pterinea, PtychompJialna, 1'rocJiua, Wortiieniopaia spp. n. ; Stuckenberg, 797. Belgium, lists faunas ; Mourlon, 555 ; occ. few spp. ; Benier, 652. England (Midland district), occ. few Upper Avonian spp. ; Sibly, 741. England (Yorks.), list spp. from Brodsworth ; Culpin, 185; occ. few spp. nr. Doncaster ; Culpin, 186. Ireland (Tyrone), list Lower Coal- measures spp. from Dungannon ; Bolton, 72. United States, comp. of Kansas and Red- Wall faunas ; Reagan, 647. iloU. VIII. Mollusca. [1 90S United States (Idaho), Omplialotroclnts spp. n. Montpelier Phosphate Beds ; Girty, 299. United States (Indiana), Oastropoda and Cephalopoda of the Salem Lime- stone; Anomphalus, MacrocJieilus, Pohj- tremaria, Solen'iscus, Subulites spp. n. ; Cumings, 187 ; Lamellibranchia of the Saleni Limestone ; Beede, 37 ; notes on fauna Salem Limestone, list spp. p. 1374 ; Cmnings i Beede, 189. United States (Pennsylvania), I. Lea's t vpes from Wilkesbarre disc, and figured ; Girty, 299. Devonian. Europe, Palaeanodonta spp. ; Schmidt, 714. Germany, spp. n. Gnniophora, Mya- linai?), Plahjceras; Drevennann, 234. Prussia, Upper Devonian Cephalopod fauna of the Eukeberge ; Centroceras, Clymenia, Cyrtoceras, Dimeroceras, Gephyroceras, Gyroceraa (?), Orthoeeras, Poterioceraa, Prolohites, bporadoccraK, Tomoceras spp. n. ; WedeMnd, 885. Thuringia, spp. n. Ooniopliora, Prac- cardiuin ; Walther, 877. Pf-lgium, Couvinian Cephalopoda; MaiUieux, 513. England (S. Devon), occ. few spp. ; HamUng, 330. E. North America, early Devonian fauna ; Clarke, 140. E. Canada, sp. n. Holopea ; Clarke, 139. Canada (Quebec), spp. n. Actinopteria, AvicuJopecten, Bellerophon, Coiiidaria, Cyrtocraa, DiaphoroHtoma, Eotomaria, EupJiemua (?), llolopea, llyol'ithus, Kionocercm, Limoptera, Luuulicardhim, Megavibonia. Modiflla, Platyceraa, Pleu- rotonuivKi, Probolctum {?), Trochonema ; Clarke, 140 ; spp. n. Aclinopier'ia, Avtca- lopecU'n, Ikllcroplion, Conularin, Cyrto- cerax, Eotomaria, Eiiplicmua, llyoIiiliUK, Kioiioreraa, Eimoj.tera, I.unulicard'imn , Megamhonia, Modiclla, Platyecraa, Pro- bolixum, Tc7itacidite8, Troclioncma 8j)p. u. ; Clarke, 139. Xew Hniiib\vick, spp. n. Caryd'ium, Coclidiuvi, Cotwcardium, Cypricardella, (joniophora, Macrodiia, Modiomorplm, Mytilarca, Nucidana, Palaeoncilo, Ptvri- nea, Pter'tnopecten, Ptcronitella, Splieno^ tus spp. n. ; Clarke, 139. United States (Maine), spp. n. Avicit- lopecten, L'ardiomorpha, Coelid'tum, Cyprieardella, Cyp'icardinia, Cyrtodon- ta, Eotomaria, Grammysia, Holope», Leptodomua, Modiomorpha, ilyallna, Orthoeeras, Palaeone'do, Phragmostoma, Platyceraa, ProsococJiis, Pterinea, Pteri- nopecten, Pteronltella, Tropidodiscus spp. and var. n. ; Clarke, 139. United States (Ohio), Sandusky forma- tions ; Swartz, 811. United States (Wisconsin), Cephalo- poda spp. ; Gomplioceras, Gyroceras spp. n. ; Cleland, 142. United States 'Maryland), Ithaca for- mation fauna ; Swartz, 810 ; succession of faunas in the Port.nge and Chemung formations ; Swartz, 812. Bolivia, fauna ; Actinopteria, Ammi- gcnia, Bellerophoit, Biicania. Bucaniella, ('tenodonta, Grammysia, Janeia {?), Loxonema, Macrodon, Orthotlteca, Platy- ceraa spp. n. ; Enod, 443. Silurian. England (nr. Tortworth, Gloucest.), lists spp. ; Reed & Reynolds, 650. Bohemia, Lower Silurian fauna of Sarka nr. Prague ; Conularia spp. n. ; Zelizko, 924. Turkestan (L. Balkhash) ; Stepanov, 784. China (Shantung', sp. n. Polydcsmia (gen. n.) ; Lorenz, 507. Ordovician. North America, Chazy formation Gas- tropoda ; Raymond, 646. Canada, Lamellibranchia of tlie Chazy formation; Clioitycltia, Orthodesma, Vajiuxemia sjjp. n. ; Whiteaves, 896. Canada (Ontario), sp. n. Ilclicotoma ; Raymond, 646. UnitLcl States (Vermont), spp. n. Clisosp'tru, Luphiispini, Trigyra (gen. n. Pros.j ; Raymond, 646. United States (New York), Calciferous formation of the Mohawk valley ; (.'yrto- ccraa, Edrnmidia, llulopea, Tryblidium spj). n. ; Cleland, 141 ; sp. n. I.ophoapira ; Raymond, 646. 73 AIoU. Systematic. 2231 United State-; nniliaiia\ fauna of Cin- cinnati Series ; Cmnings, 188. Cambrian. S. Australia, occ. few sjip. ; Howclilii, 376. TIL— S Y S T E M A T I L" INDEX. 2231 Geserai,. Australian spp. Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 pi.. 456-489 figs.— S. American spp. L.viiv Bull. ilus. Paris 1908 p. 44. — Catalogue Leyden Museum colln. contd. IIorst & Schepsian" Mus. hist. nut. Pays Bas 13 pp. 361-572.— Grateloiip's spp. rev. Eii.ton Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 43. ilarine spp. : Fauna of the W. Pacific, notes on syn. anat. etc. Dale Bull. Mus. Harvard 43 figs. — Species collected by " Investigator " in Indian Ocean figured Alcock, Asnan'dale & MacGilcdrist Illustr. Zool. Investigator Moll. pt. 4. Xon-niarine spp. : Kobelt Eossmiiss- ler's Icouogr. Land Siisswass. Moll. 13 pts. 3-4, 5-6 figs. — Fauna E. Africa Dactzenberg Journ. Conciiyl. 56 p. 1 figs. ; French Indo-(Jhina DArxzEXBERG & Fi.scHER Journ. Conchyl. 66 p. 168 figs. ; New Guinea Bav.\y Nova Guinea 5 pp. 269-292 figs. — Lake 'langauyika district spp. Germain Result, scient. Afrique 1908 pp. 612- 702. jPosttertiary fauna of Celebes Schep- MAX Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 pp. 145-152 figs. — Cainozoic spp. of Malaysia Icke & Martin Leiden S'-imml. Geol. Reichsmus. Ser. 1 8 pp. 204-252. — Tertiary spp. from Burma Dalton Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 64 pp. 622-641 figs. — Pontian spp. Troll Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. Wien 57 pp. 33-90 figs. — Tertiary non-marine spp. of Austria ScHLOSSEK Jahrb. geol. RchsAnst. Wien 57 pp. 753-792 figs. — Tertiary spp. of California Arnold & Anderson Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 322 figs.— Tertiary spp. of California Ap.sold Bull. U. S. Geo!. Surv. 321 figs. — Pliocene spp. from Italy (nr. Romej Mem Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 pp. 543-582 figs. — Miocene spp. from San Marino N elli Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 26 pp. 286-312 figs.— Eocene fauna of Dulmatia D.viNra.i.r Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 {)j). 453-494 figs.— Tertiary and Cretaceous spp. esp. of Patagonia Stein.mann & WiLCKESS Ark. Zool. 4 No. 6 figs. — Mesozoic spp. from Argentina Halpt N. Jahrb. Mineral, snppl. 23 pp. 187-236 figs. — Jurassic fauna of Pomerania Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. ser. 2 41 figs. — Jurassic and Palaeozoic spp. from Malaysia Boeum N. Jahrb. Min. Bcilagebd 25 pp. 29.3- 343 figs. — Keuper fauna of .Swabia Zeller Centralbl. Mineral. 1907 i)p. 19- 29, 42-51. — Lower Keuperian fauna S. Hanover Grupe Festschr. Koenen pp. 65-134 figs. — Bathoniau spp. from France (Saint-Gaultier, Indre) Coss- .masn Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 7 pp. 225-253 figs. — Bathonian fauna Courmes (A.-M.) France Cossnukn Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 2 pp. 829- 846 figs. — Fauna of the Pcntacrinus tuherculatus zone at Gerfalco Italy Fucini Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 26 pp. 613- 654 figs. — Jurassic fauna of Taliabu I. BoEUM Palaeontographica suppl. 4 pp. 59-120 figs.—Rhaetic spp. from Italy (Caprona) Vinassa t)E Regny Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 pp. 825-845 figs.— Lower Palaeozoic fauna of Tliuringia \V.\i.THEK N. Jahrb. Mineral. Suppl. 24 pp. 221- 324 figs. — Barremian spp. S. Fiance (Brouzet-Lez-Alais) Cossuann Mem. Soc. geol. France No. 37 pp. 6-42 figs. — Fauna of the Upper Permian Red beds of Oklahoma and the Panhandle of Texas Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull, ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171 figs.— Fauna of Cincinnati Series of Indiana Cu.ming)? Rept. Dept. geol. Indiana 32 pj). 694- 697, 948-1039 etc. figs.— Early Devonic history of New York and eastern North America Clarke Mem. Mus. N. York 9 PI). 1-366 figs.— Geology of the Cerillos hills, New Mexico John.son Lancaster Pa. 190i figs.— Brunnen der Branntwein-Monopol-Anstalten Sinzov St. Peterburg Verb. Russ. mineral. Ges. 44 pp. 1-155.— Types of 1. Lea's, spp. from Carboniferous of Wilkesbarre Penn. Girty' Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 281 figs. Relationships of Gasteropoda anJ Cephalo})oda Szilady Potf. Termt. Kozl. Budapest 39 p. 120. Amphigastropoda class n. for Bellero- phontidae Si.mruth S. B. naturf. Ges. Leipzig 32 p. 8. r4 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Additious and corrections to Water- house's " Index Zool." Bergeoth Zoologist ser. 4 12 pp. 252-5. Poli's generic names disc. Jukes- Browne Proc. Make. Soc. London 8 p. 99. Amphisei'ra. Aplacophora rev. Xierstrasz Die Amphineuren. Polyplacophora, Antarctic and sub- antarctic spp. Thiele Deutsch Siidpolar- Exped. 10 pp. 7-23 figs. Acanthochites (Lohoplax) mariae sp. n. New Zealand Webster Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 254-259. CaUiatochiton perleotiis sp. n. Panama B. (Perico I.) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool Har- vard 43 p. 355. Callochiton (Icoplax) gaussi sp. n. Antarktis Thiele D. Siidpoiar Exped. 10 p. 15 figs. '\CyTnatochito7i (?) texaiius sp. n. Per- mian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 451. Icoplax vide Callochiton. IseJmoehhon ophioderma sp. n. Panama B. (Perico I.) Uai.l Bull. Mus. Zool. Har- vard 43 p. 356. Lepidopleurus cohimnar'nis sp. n. Tas- mania (olf C. Pillar, 100 fnis.) Hedley & May Pec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 123 fig.— />. opacus p. 354 E. Pacific (between Gala- pagos Is. and Peruj, incomjruun p. 355 G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. Lohoplax vide Acanthoehkes. '\Probolaeum (?) canadensc sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 105; Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 192-195. Tonicia cuneata sp. n. New Zealand SuTER Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 360- 373. Gastropoda. Colin, marine spp. from C. and S. America descr. Lamy Bull. Mus. Paris 13 p. 530. Das Leben der Siisswasssrschnecken ZiEGELER Bibl. Aquarien Terrarienk. 14- 15 p. 79. fDefrance colln. spp. descr. by Lamarck reviewed Bigot Caen Bui. soc. linn. ser. 5 10 pp. 81-135. — Cainozoic fauna of Java Martin N. Jahrb. Min. 1907 II pp. 151-162.— Pliocene non-marine spp. from Spain ScHLOSSER N . Jahrb. Mineral. 1907 2 pp. 1-41 figs. — Lower Cretaceous fauna of the Crimea Karakascu Trav. Soc. nat. 32 5 figs. — Fauna of the " Pachycar- dientufFe" Broili & Read Palaeonto- graphica 54 pp 69-138 figs. — Fauna of the Salem Limestone of Indiana Cumings Pept. Dept. Geol. Indiana 30 pp. 1335- 1368 figs. Gastropoda (incert. sed.) gen. n. vide Polydesmla. fPolydesmia gen. n. for P. canalicidata sp. n. Lower Silurian, China Lorenz Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 58 p. 89 figs. Prosobranchia. Prosobranchia rev. classification etc. Co SMA.N'N Essais Paleoconch. comp. 7 figs. — European spp. Korelt Iconogr. schalentr. europ. Meeresconch. 4 figs. — Philippine etc . spp. Bergh Semper's Rei:jen Archip. Philipp. wiss. Result. 9 figs. Docoglossa Malaysian spp. Sciiepman Result. Explor. Sibaga 49 I a. Rh'pidoglossa famm. n. vide Addiso- niidae, Lepetellidae, Neritilidae. — ila- laysian spp. Scuepm.vn Result. Explor. Siboga 49 I a. Cocculinoidea famm. n. vide Addiso- niidae, Lepetellidae. Cyclostomacea monograph continued KoBELT Martini iV: Cliemnitz's Svst. Conch. Cab. Lfg. 515, 519, 521, 527, 529, 531, 532, pp. 489-711 figs. Ctritlnacea genn.n. vide Bathraspira, CimoHlhium. Ciraocerkhium, Gymnoee- rkhiitm, Metacer'ithium, Nerineopsia, Ii'IiymhocerUJiium, Rostrocerkhium, LcUaux'ta. — Rev. sections etc. Cossmaun Essais paleoconch. 7 })p. 1-216 figs. 75 Moa. Systematic. — Prosobranchia. 2231 Acniidae svnopsis Kouelt Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Xaturk. 61 pp. 15G-220. Addisoniidae fauL n. of Cocculinoidea iucl. Addiifonia TiiiELE Bull. Miis. Zool. Harvard 52 p. 89. Aporrbaiilae gen. ii. vide Ilcm'i- chenopus. Bellerophontidae ref. to Arapliigaslro- poda (q. V.) class n. fBracbytreiuidae fam. n. of Ceritliiacea, tyyie geuus Brachytvema CossM.vsx Essals paleocoucb. 7 p. 15. Cerithidae gen. n. vide Chondroceri- thium. Cyrtolitidae gen. n. vide Trigyva. Eulimidae gen. n. vide Pelseneeria. tEustomidae fam. n. of Cerithiacea, type genus Diatinoi9ci(id'ium jHicificum sp. n. olY \Tn Dall Hull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 13 p. 339. Balliijtoiini iirattosa sp. n. New Zea- and iPort Pegasus, Stewart I., IS fms.) JiTKR Proc. Malao. Soc. London 8 3. 18G fig. ^Baylea rohn'ns'is pp. 95, 139, s»/s- nniiea pp. 95, 140 spp. n. Upper Car- Ijoniferous, Russia (Samara) Stcckkn- BEBG Mem. Com. geolog. 23. Bela gr'tppi sp. n. California (off San Diego B.) Dall Nautilus 21 p. 137.— R. iteozelanlca sp. n. New Zealand ;Whaugarei Hds., 3-4 fms.) Suter Proc. Ualac. Soc. London 8 p. 185 fig. 'jBellerophon glohoaus sp. n. and Tar. n. acuta Bolivien Knod X. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-000.— /J. gottpensis sp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quel)ec) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 192-195 ; Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 154. — B. rossicus sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stlckexberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 98-141. I'j'ithinia beauforti sp. n. Xew Guinea Bavay Nova Guinea 5 p. 273. Bhhynia (vide etiam Blthinla, Bij- th'inia). — B. pygmoea sp. n. Burma (.Myet- mvo) Pre.stox Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. lp.'45. Bittiolum subgen. n. of Bittium, type Bittium jKxlugrinum Cossmasn EssjJIs paleoconch. 7. Bittium subgen. n. vide Bittiolum. — ]>. tumidum sp.n., (Stylidium) eschriclitt subspp. n. icelum, vwntereyensis, esu- riens,multifilosum,quadrifilatum,ingens, W. America Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 33. — B. liiloerise sp. n. Hawaii (Hilo) Pilsbry &. Vakatta Nauti- lus 22 p. 50 fig. — B. inaulsum sp. n. Ceylon (Galle) Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 1 p. 45. — B. retiferum, (nr. •Snares Is., 50 fms.), vitreum (Foveaux Str., 15 fms.) spp. n. New Zealand Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 34 figs. Boreotroplion hentleiji sp. n. Califor- nia Toff San Diego Hr., 20 fms.) Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 249. Borsouclhi subg. n. of Bovsoiiin, typo Borsonia dalli Dall Ihdl. Mus. Harvard 43 p. 258. Borsouia subg. n. vide BorsoncUa. — 7}. (BorsoneUa) agassizzii G. of Panama, diegensis p. 275 California (off San Diego), saecoi G. of Panama, coronadoi }v 277 California (off Los Coronados Is.) spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. '\Brachytrema lorioli sp. n. Jurassic, Pomerania SciixiinT Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 41 p. 184 figs. "fBrocliidium salomopi sp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) H.\berle Heidelberg Verh. nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-031. fBucania dorsoplann sp. n. Bolivien, Knod N. Jalirb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-000. — B. konineki sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stuck- ENBERG pp. 101-142. "fBucanidla Jnticarinata, rectaugu- laris, dereimsi spp. n. Bolivien Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-000. '\Buccino/usus vide Fusus. 'fBulimorpha chrysalin var. n. dcla- icarensis Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 487.— B. alva- oisis sp. n. United States (Oklahama), Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Ball. ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171. Bursa (hampadopsis) caleipicta sp. n. G. of Panama (nr. Cocos I.) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 320. Bythinia (vide etiam Bithinia, Bi- thynia). — B. {Gabhia) neumannl varr. n. elata, glohosa, martreti var. n. major C. Africa Germain Miss. Chari-Lac Tchad p. 522. ■f Bythinia (contd.). — B. dubia sp. n. Pliocene, Spain .Schlosser N. Jahrb. Miu. 1907 2 p. 22 figs. — B. eocaenica sp. n. Miller Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 4.50. "[Caecum noudavi sp. n. Loire in- ferieure Cossmann Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 189- 318. ^Calliomph'dus pcllati sp. n. CossMAN Mem. soc. geol. France 37 p. 25 figs. Calliostoma rufomaculatum, simplex, mvXtispinosum, quadricolor, virgo, ex- pansum, crassicostatum, monodon, 78 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908J sqiiamocarhuitum, nigromaculatum, can- cellatum spp. n. Malaysia Schepman Res. Expl. Siboga 49'a' pp. 03-69. —C. coluinnarium, retiarium spp. n. Tas- mania (off C. Pillar, 100 fras.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 115 figs. "fCampanile rarinodosum sp. n. Loire inferieiir Cossman Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 189- 318. Cancellaria (Narona) exopleura Pa- nama B. and Peru (Puyta) sp. n. ; C. (Merica) corbicula p. 294 fig. off Cali- fornia, (A/. ?) microsoma Me.xico (off Acapulco), C. (Admete) califoriuca p. 296 fig. west roast United States spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. — C.ohtusa diagn. etc. Rou.s Nautilus 21 p. 105. "fCancellaria (contd.). — C. menadensis sp. n. Post-Tertiary, Celebes Schepman Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 164. — C. prophylactica sp. n. Caino- zoic, Malaysia (Nias I.) Icke & Martin Leiden iSamml. Cleol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 230 figs. — C. smocki sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller, New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 756-794. — C. (?) sotoensis sp. n. Eocene, United States (De Soto, Miss.) Aldrich Nautilus 22 p. 74 fig. Cantharidus pl'ic'iferus sp. n. Malaysia SciiEP.MAN Res. Expl. Siboga 49'a p 43. • — C opalus var. n. biangidatus New Zealand (Cook Str.) Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 22 figs. Cantharus vide Tritonidea. CapiduH chilenms sp. n. off Chile Dai l Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 329.— C. nulalnH sp. n. New South Wales (nr. Sydney) Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 33 p. 467 fig. 1[Capulus (contd.). — C. argentinun sp. n. Jurassic, Argentina Haupt N. Jalirl). Min. Beilagebd. 23 p. 206 figs.— C. hauortJti (Texas), aellardsi (()kla- honia) spp. n. J'ermian, United States Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171. — (-'. »pingleri sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (C(ilorado) HeniiERSON Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 34 ]). 261 figs. — C. ll.-philippi sp. n. and var. n. rotunda Trias, 'i'yroi (I'rcdazzo) Hameri.e Heidellierg V'crli. nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-631. '\Cassidea aeanthina sp. n. Miocene, Burma (nr. Lanywa, Pakokku district) Dalton Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 64 p. 629 fig. ■\Catuhrinia subg. n. of Neritomopsis for N. solitaria (q. v.) sp. n. Caueva Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 25 p. 435. '\Cerithiella corrugata sp. n. Bath- onian, France (Courmes, A.-M.) Coss- MANN Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 2 p. 830 figs. Cerithioderma pacifica sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 324. Cerlthiopsis acies, canaliculata, marginata, styliformis, suhantarctiea spp. n. S. New Zealand Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 pp. 35-37 figs. — • C. pedroana, cosm'ia spp. n. W. America Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 33 pp. 177-183. '\Cer\thium claviformc, lioperbergi spp. n. Post-Tertiary, Celebes Schepman Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 187. — C. (s. str.) niasensis, hoettgeri, scJiroderi spp. n. Cainozoic, Malaysia (Nias I.) IcKE & Martin Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 240 figs. — C. sehravimcni, wunstorfi, frickei spp. n. Wollemann Berlin Jahrb. geol. Landesanst. 27. — C. anaroides, ireeckci (?), pommeranum spp. n. Jura, Pommern Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 41. — C. (?) rermcanum sp. n. Rhaetic, Italy fCaprona) Vinassa de Regny Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 25 p. 830 fig. CJiernnitz'ta vide Turhonilla. ■fCJienopns {Cyphomlen) tuhcrosns sp. n. CossMANN M^m. soc. geol. France 37 p. 15 figs. '\CliiIocyclus flcu/fs.simws sp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) Hauerle Heidelberg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-631. ]C]dorostoma stanloni var. n. lahon- dacnmti Upper Miocene (Lower Purisima formn.) California (San Mateo Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 388 fig. ■\Ch(>itdro('Cr'tthium (Monterosato in litt) gen. n. of C(>rithidae type Cerilhium calc.uloHum Bast. CosSMANN Essais paleo- conch 7. 79 Moll. Systematic. — PBOSOBRANcraA. 2231 fChoriis (?1 nordcushjold't sp. n. Ter.iarv, Tierra del Fue.c;o Steismann iV: WiLCKENS Ark. Zool. 4 Xo. 0 p. GO ■\Clit'ysodoinus statitoiii BTp. n. Pliocene, California (San Mateo Co.) Arnold Proc. V. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 3SG fig. ■\Cimolit Ilium gen. n. of Cerithiacea, type Cerithiuni belgicum d'Arcli. Coss- MASN Essais paleoconch 7. Cinchina vide Valvata. Cingida vide Rissoa. ^C'lnfocerithium. gen. n. of Cerithiacea. type Cerithium subspinosiim ; C. peroui sp. n. Coss.M.\NK Essais paleoconch. 7. Cirsochilus vide Collonia. Cirsonella densilirata sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares and Bounty Is., 50 fms.) SuTER Proc. Alalac. Soc. London 8 p. 2(3 fig. Clanculus subg. n. vide Panocochlea, — C. rubiJiis sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 3-46. Clathurella birtsi sp. n. Ceylon (?) Prestcs- Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 6 fig. — C. orariana, panamella p. 288 figs., flicatellu p. 269 G. of Panama spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43.— C. malleti vax. n. nivea pp. 192-193; C. aelli sp. n. Andaman Is. (7-10 fms.) p. 193 Prestok Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 Pt. 2. '\Clava ickei sp. n. Post-Tertiary, Celebes Schepmas Leiden Samml. Geol. Eeichsmus. 8 p. 189. Cleopatra liargeri sp. n. C. Africa (Kalingwisi R., L. Mweru) Smith Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 13 fig. Clinura monochorda p. 292 fig. G. of Panama, peruviana p. 293 fig. off Peru spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. \Cligospira baasleri sp. n. Ordovician (Chazy formation;, L'uiled States (Ver- mont) Ratsioxd Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 21.5. Cochlia vide Natica. Coceulina subquadrata, oblonga, eingulata, otata, alveolata, subcompressa, striata spp. n. Malaysia Sciiepman Res. Expl. Siboga 49'a pp. 17-22.— C. agasaizii p. 340, nansa, diomedae p. 311 figs. spp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. — C. clypidellae- formia sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares I.) ; C. compressa sp. n. New Zealand (Flat Pt., East Cape); C. craticuUita sp. n. New Zealand (Dusky Sd., 30 fms.) SuTER Proc. Malar. Soc. I.ondon 8 p. 27 figs. Coccum johnsoni sp. n. E. United States (Woods Hole, ilass.) Winklky Nautilus 22 p. 54. ^Coelidium spp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 186-192. ^Coelocenlriis silesiaciis sp. n. Trias, Oberschlesien Ahluurg Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 50. ^Coelostylme elegana, virgata spp. n. Broili Palaeontographica 52 p. 123. — C. thieryi sp. n. Coss.m.ann Infralias de Provencheres-sur-Meuse p. 20 figs. — C. sp. n. Trias, Oberschlesien Ahlberg Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 50. ■fCoelostylylina vide OmplialoptycJiia . "fCollonia cincta varr. n. tricavinata, sixcarinata Trias, Tyrol (Predazza) Haberle Heidelberg Ver. nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-631. — C. (Cirsochilus) praecuraor sp. n. Bathonian, France (.Saint Gaul tier, Indre) Cossmann Bull. Soc. geol. France ser 4 7 p. 234 figs. '\ColubreIla Tiokeni, hetttieri, viezzenae spp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) Haberle Heidelberg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247- 631. — C. koJicni sp. n. Broili Palaeonto- graphica 54 p. 108. Columbclla siuivis sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston* Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. p. 195. — C. (Anaeliis) fusidens sp. n. Galapagos Is. fofF Hood I.) Dall Bull. Mus. ZooL Harvard 43 p. 309 fig. 1[Columbella (contd.). — C. (s. str.) icoodwardi sp. n. Cainozoic, Malaysia (Nias I.) IcKE & Martin Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichmus. 8 p. 236 figs.- C. {Anaehis) arnoldl nom. n. pro (.4.) minima Arnold Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 250. ■\Cominella obesa var. n. juegina Tertiary, Tierra del Fuego Steinmann & WiLCKENS Ark. Zool. 4 No. 6 p. 60 figs. ■fConorhytis gen. n., type Patella raduloides CoRSM.ANN Bull. Soc. g^ol. France ser. 4 7 p. 237. Conu8 edwardi sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. p. 190. — C. excelaus sp. n. New Caledonia (?) 80 3IoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] SoAVERBY Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 465 figs. '\Conuii (contd.). — C. fennemai sp. n. Post-Tertiary, Celebes Schepm.^n Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 156. — C. •(s. str.) mnciboensis sp. n. Cainozoic, Malaysia (Nias I.) Icke & Martin Leiden Samnil. Gaol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 225 figs. I^Craspedopoma elerjans sp. n. Mii.LER Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 45L — C. handmnnni sp. n. Troll Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 57 pp. 33-90. Cr'isposeala vide Epitonium. '\Cryptnenia nodosa sp. n. (Lias 5) Swabia (Heuberg) Siebereu Palaeonto- graphica p. 26 fig. ^Cryptaulax subg. n. vide Crijplo- ■ptyxis. •fCryptoptyxlf su""gen. n. of Cryptau- lax, type Ceriihium trrighti CosssiANS Essais iDaleoconch. 7. Cycloplioropsis sect. n. of Cyclophonis for C. hildehrandtl Dautzen'BERG Journ. €oncliyl. 56 p. 22. Cycloplionis sect. n. vide CycJophoro- y.fis. — C. /orwosoc?isissubsp.n. interloriff Formosa (Sainmaipo) Pilsbry & Hirase Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 60 p. .31.— C. maJiHuyl sp. n. Indo-China (Quang- Huyen) Daitzexbf.ro & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56 j). 201 figs. — C. ne'Larum "var. n. morowiens'is, fruhatorfer'i var. n. lamjHonensis; C. dodrans subsp. n. fasciatus ; C. fulguratus subsp. n. ranqunenms Kobelt Martini & Chemnitz •Svst. Conch. Cab. Lfg. 526-534 Bd 1 H. 216-224. "fCyclostomun idwpn.vs sp. n. Mii.r.r.u "Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 440. Cycloalrema corulum chars, oco. etc. p. 24 ; ('. cumorpha sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares I., .10 fms.) p. 25 figs. ; C. liasum sp. n. Now Zealand (Lyttelton Hr. and Titahi B.) p. 25 figs. ; C. m'lcra chai-s. occ. etc. p. 24 Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8. Cyclostremdla neozelaniea sp. n. New ■Zealand (nr. Snares Is., 50 fms.) SuTER Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 25 fig. Cydolus (oicjUHtaius sp. n. Borneo Martens Berlin Mitt. Zool. Mus. 4 j). 273. — C. lanegaahnnanua sp. n. .Jajmn (Tanega-shiina, Osomi), Pilsbry & Hirase Philadelphia Proc. Acad Nat. Sci. 60 p. 31. '\Cyclotus (contd.). — C. scalaris sp. n. (ex MSS. Sandbergj Tertiarv, Silesia ScuiJTZE Berlin Abh. Ak. Wiss. 1907 p. 18 figs. — C. scalavis sp. n. Miller Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 439. Cymat'nun columnar aim sp. n. Tas- mania (ofF C. Pillar 100 fms.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 119 fig. "I Cyphoaolen vide Chcnopua. Cypraea monograph ; C. dautzenhergl nom. n. (C. fuscomaculata Pse. 1868 nee Pse. 1865) p. 586; C. hieueri nom. n. (C hirundo Kien. nee Linn.) p. 177 ; C. melvilli nom. n. {C. ursellns auctt. nee Gmel.) p. 180 ; C. rohertsi nom. n. (C. pnndidata Gray nee Gmel.) p. 178 Hidalgo Mem. Acad. Madrid 25. — C. gracilis Button Nautilus 22 p. 10. ]Cypraea (contd.). — subg. n. vide Palliocypraea. — C. martini sp. n. Post- Tertiary, Celebes Schepman Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 184. Danilia jceberi sp. n. Malaysia SuiiEi'SiAN Res. ExpL Siboga 49'a p. 73. Daphnella subg. n. vide Sarcidina. — 7). chariessa, psila spp. n. New Zealand SiTER Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344- 359. — D. totolirata, acicida, tenuiMriata, amphipsila, crassilirata spp. n. S. New Zealand Slter Proc. Malac. Soc. Lon- don 8 pp. 189-J91 figs.—/;. (Euhela) i)nparella, (Surcidina) hlnnda p. 291 figs. G. of Panama, cortezi }). 292 oiT Cortez Bk.and California (oFE San Diego) spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. 'fDclpliinula 7iavcsinkensis sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Welleii Now Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 669-705."^ Deniiscala vide Opalia. 'fDiaphorofitoma perceense sp. n. De- vonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 149. ^Diatinosloma nom. n. (Eustomn Piette non J-eidy) ; D. (juchhardi sp. n. ]?athonian, France (Courraes A. — M.) CossMANN Bull. Soc. Gcol. France ser. 4 2 p. 834 fig.— /;. (?) pellati sp. n. CossMANN M6m. soc. geol. Franco 37 ]). 16 figs. 81 MoU. Systematic. — Prosobranchia. 2231 Dipiommatln-j (jotoetutix sp. n. Jajxiii Goto. Hizen) Pilsbuy i^- Hiisask Pliila- delphia Proi-. Aiail. Nat. Soi. 60 p. 3l'. — IK luiiKjclMHYnsis sp. n. and subsp. n. ^jrattum China i Kan^rlunv, Olio Kiano prov.) PiLsnitv I't Hikaj^k PliilaK'lpliia Proc. Ai-ad. Nat. S.-i. 63 p. 37 %.—/>. okiensis sp. n. Japan (N'akamtini, Oki Is.) PiLSURY ^^c HiR.\SE Nautilus 22 p. 4.3. — D. srhmldti sp. n. Borneo Mauten.s Berlin Mitt. zuol. Mus. 4 p. 279. Drillia chordata sp. n. New Zealand off (itago Hds.) p. 181 Kg.; D. lievia subsp. n. parva p. 185 Si'ter Proc. .Malac. Soc. London 8. — D. d-caenna sp. n. Panama B. Dall Bull. .Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 2(55. — D. fraja, sikeai spp. n. Andauian Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2pt. 2 pp. 191-192. 'fDrUlia (contd.). — I), hoperbcrgi, m'lnaliassae, celebensis spp. n. Post- Tertiary, Celebes Schepmax Leiden Saminl. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 159. DupUcavia gan. n. of Terebridae, type Terebra duplicata Dall Nautilus 21 p. 124. Eatoniclla vide Rlssoina. Echinobathra subgen. n. o£ Pijrazus type Cerltltium aimomji Co.ssmasn Kssais paleoconch 7. Emarginula pau-ipunctata, multisjua- nw8:i, carcata, subtaevis, dubia, foveo- lata, sibojae spp. n. Malaysia Scjepmax Res. E.vpl. Ssiboga 49ia pp. 89-93. '\Encijeloscila roinbergl sp. n. Trias, Tyrol I'Predazzo) Haberle Heidelberg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-t)31. ^Eotomaria cartieri p. 106, (?) rotula spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 151. — E. spp. n. D.ivonian, Canada (Quebec) and Cnited Stales (.Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 180-192. Ep'i'.omum subg. n. vide Ferminoacala. — E. [CmspoHcala) airoatepkcuius sp. n. California ('Newport, etc.) p. 251 ; E. (C.) catalinae sp. n. California (off Catalina Is., 16 fras.) p. 252 Dall Proc U. S. Nat. Mus. 34. — E. (Fermlnsaala) brun- iieoplctiim p. 316 fig. off Lower Cali- fornia, turbinum p. 317 fig. (ialapagos Is. (off Hood [.) spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. ^Epitomum (contd.). — E. (Acrilla) attroodi sp. n. Miocene, Alaska Dall Nautilus 22 p. 80. (s-10332 /•; ElJtalia iithudhKi var. n. m/ralaerior Malavsia Sciiei'man Res. Kxpl. Sii)oga 49'a p. 75. Ethaliopaia subgen. n. of Solariella SciiEi'.viAN Res. Kxpl. Siboga Monogr. 49 a, p. 51. Eaalcadia vide Eiicnhidia. Eubela vide Daphnclla. Eucaladid [vielinehr Eiiileadia] subgen. n. zu AleadJa Kobelt Martini & Chemnitz Syst. Conch.-Cab. Euchelus lungeiis sp. n. Malaysia ScfiEPMAN Res. E.xpl. Siboga 49'a p. 71. '\EuchrysaIis mma sp. n. [sine descr.] Permian, Italv Caneva Boll. .Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 430'. fEuconoap'ira obnoleta sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas^ GiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 !>. 477. ■fEucyduii lamhcrli sp. n. CossMANM Infralias de Piovencheres-sur-Meuse p. 29 fig. Eullma balteata sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 199. — E. oxijacme sp. n. New Zealand Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344 359.— E. tupariaca sp. n. New South Wales (Sydney) and Victoria (Pt. Albert) Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 p. 470 fig. — E. titahica, tmncuta spp. n.. New Zealand Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Iii#t. 40 pp. .360-373.— B. (?) lomana sp. n. California (off St. Lonia, San Diego,. 650 fms.) Dall Proc. C. S^ Nation. Mus. 34 p. 253. '\Eulima (contd.) — E. crronen nom. n. (E. diHtorta Deshayes non Defrance),. (JossMANN Palaeont. Univ. Eid'.mella vide Pijramidella. EuUthidlum Ujpicum nom. n, (Ecnos- mia variegalum Carpenter) Dall Proc_ U. S. Nation. Alus. 34 p. 255. ■fEumargarita dumasl sp. n. Loire- int'erieure Cossmann Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189- 318. Eunatieina vide Slgarctus. \Euomphalu8 phdlipsi sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia i Samara) .Stucken- berg M6m. Com. geolog. 23 ])p. 104, b 23 82 Mpll. VIII. Mollusca. [1-908] 142. — E. sulcifer sp. n. p. 482 and var. n. cingidatus p. 483 Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Giuty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. '\EupJiemns quchecens'is sp. n. Devo- nian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N. YorkMus. 107 pp. 192-195.— E. (?) cjuebecensis sp. n. Devonian, Quebec Clarke Meiii. X. York I\Ius. p. 229. — E. nr'iijorm'is pp. 101, 142, minimus pp. 102, 142 spp. n. Upper Carbonifer- ous, Russia (.Samara) Stl'Ckenberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23. Enpnp'ina mansuyis'p.n. French Indo- China Dautzenbero & Ffscher Journ. Conc-liyl. 56 p. 207 figs. Euspira vide Polinices. Eiithria streheli nom. n. (Plsanhi antarctica Iiceve) Suter Trans. X. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp., 300-373. EutrocJiafella subgg. n. vide Artccal- losn, Jlatrouia. — E. eugoiiana subsp. n. u-einlandi, uright'i subsp. n. u^antJiacme, pyrantidaUs subsp. n. percarinala, rubella subsp. n. chr'ino calloi<^al(i ferminiaiia Dam. Bull. Miis. Zool. Har.-ard 43 , p. 315. ■ FerminacQila vide Epitoniuvi. Fissurella aibogae sp. n. Malaysia Sciiei'jian R^s. Expl. Siboga 4i9 la p. 84.^/'''. volcano var. n. crucifcra California (San Pedro, etc.) Dale Proc U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 250. "fFiasurella (contd.).^ — /''. peniiii sp. n. Lower Eocene, California (San Mateo Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 302 fig. Foasar'iojinia ]>lana sp. n, Trias, Obi'r- schlosien Aiii.iu.ko P.criin .\bh. geol. LandeHanst. 50. Fulguraria {Alcilhoej depressa sp. n. New Zealand (Spirits B., X.I.) Suteu Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 182 fig. Fus'imitra vide Tiirricida. Fits'inus i^i^namensis G. of Panama, fragUlissimus p. 301 fig., off Encador spp. n. Dale Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. ^Fv.sus liecox-i p. 371 fig., sanctae- crui'is p. 372 fig. spp. n. Oligocene, California (Santa Cruz Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Xation. Mus. 34.— F. suh- spiralis sp. n. Tertiary, Patagonia OrTiMann Hep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 4 pp. 202-226. — F. assailyi var. n. ellipt'iois Cretaceous, Peru Xeu- .MANN X. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 121 figs. — F. {Bwcinnfuiius) poi-tolaeyit!}s sp. n. Upper Miocene (Purissima formn.), California Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 385 fig. — F. (Priscofusus ?) stan- fordensis sp. n. Upper Miocene, Cali- fornia (Santa Clara Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p 383 fig.— F. spp. n. Cretaceoxis, United States (X'ew Jerseyj Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 756-794. Gahb'ia vide BytJi'ni'ia. Gemmula esuriens p. 265, (i. of Panama and (ndapagos Is., c. var. n. pernodata Mexico (off Teliuantepec), hevilda p. 206 G. of Panama, bentliima p. 207 fig., eldorana G. of Panama (ialapagos Is., vicella p. 208 figs, scrUla p. 209 fig. G. of Panama spp. n. Dale Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. Geophorus aggluthiaiis varr. n. min- doTenms, eos, lazitruts var. n. transilans, oa-ytropis var. n. oriental if, aciUus var. n. peracntus, acutiii.i:Y i\: .May Rec. Austral. Mua. 7 p. Hi (iii. — G.[<.iibbulastra) mocqiicziit:rEi.\M.\NN A: Wii.rKK.vs Ark. Zool. 4 No. 0 p. 77 lig. Gihbulaatra vide Gibbula. Glraudia minima sp. n. C. .\frica L. Tanganyika), Smith Proc. Malac. >oc. liOnibn 8 p. 12 fig. GlnheUa vide Mar'jineUn. Glyphis suhcahjeulata sp. n., reevil nom. n. ( — excelsa Reeve) Malaysia SciiEPM.^- Res. Expl. Siboga 49 la pp. 85-80. Glyphoaloma immacidata G. of Panama p. 289 fig., thalassoma p. 290 G. of California (off C. Lobos~; spp. n. Dai.i. Bull. Mas. Zool. Harvard 43. GoJiiocliilus vide Pyrgida. jGosseJetina riehtltofem sp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) Haberle Heidelberg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-631. Gottonia aiidamnuia sp. n. Andaman Is. Pbesto.v Rec. Ind. Mas. 2 pt. 1 p. 45. Gut tula gen. n. of Trocbidae near Basdissu; sibogae sp. n. Malay ArcLi- pelaeo SruEPM.\s Res. Expl." Siboga, 49Iap. 61. Gymnobela vide Pleurotomella. jGypinoeeiithium gen. n. of Cerithia- • •ea, type Cerithium coUegiale Co.ss.manx Essais paleoconch 7. Gtjnneum wilvieriatia sp. n. .Vndanian I-. PitEPTO.v Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 195. Haliotia craeherodi'i var. n. holznevi Hemphill San Diego Trans. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 59. fHeltcina trochiformis sp. n. Mm.i.er Stuttgart Jahresbefte Ver. N'atk 63 p. 452. ■fHelicotoma u-hiteareaiana sp. n. Ordovician (Aylmer limestone), Canada ^Ontario) Raymoxd Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 204. ]Hemichenopu8 gen. n. of Aporrbaidae for Cfienopus aram-auus Stein.man.v & VViLCKENS Ark. Zool. 4 Xo. 6 p. 79. (N-10332 r) \IIeri:or]iiiiu-]ius jcrsei/eiisis sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Wellf.I! New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 725-755. Hlina vide Alectrioii. HipiMiiix syn. etc. p. 330 ; //. dcUeata sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 331. nip2Mnii.x' salebrosiisi sp. n. Gold Coast Prestox Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 8 fig. '^Ilipponyx (contd. ).—//. hlachmorei sp. n. Upper Chalk, England (E. Harn- ham nr. Salisburj') ; //. dihieyi sp. n. Upper Chalk, England (Cuxton Kent) Sheuborx Geol. Mag. ser. 2 dec. 5 6 p. 43G figs. — 71. earpcnteri sp. n. Eower Eocene, California (Snn Mateo Go.) Ahxoi.d Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 361 figs. ■fllologyva alta sp. n. Trias, Ober- scblesien Ahlbuug Berlin Abb. geol. Landesanst. 50. — TI. spp. n. [sine descr.] Permian, Italv Caxeva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 420. ■fllolopca gaspesia p. 227, icaheluim'i p. 228 spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9. — IJ . spp. n. Devonian, E. Canada and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 186-192.-7/. (?), vohita p. 14, rayinondla p. 15 spp. n. Ordovician (Calciferous), United States (New York) Clelaxd Bull. Amer. Pal. 18. 9 JhjdroVia aponenais sp. n. p. 11 etc. Italy (Monte Urtone, from hot Springs) Gregorio Ann. geol. Paleont. 32. ^Ihjdrohia (contd.). — II venzi sp. n. Lower Miocene (Hydrobienkalk), Ger- many (Biidenbeim nr. Mainz) Boettger NaciirBl. Deutscb. Malak. Ges. 40 p. 155. '\Infandibulnm corrugatum var. n. elatum Teitiary, Patagonia Ort.maxx Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 4 pp. 145-200. Irania Douville renamed MorgnnM (q. v.). IrenosyrDix gen. n. of Turritinae, type Pleiirotoma I f.eucosyrinx) goodei ; I. (?) (■rehristviata sp. n. Pacific Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 272. Jjijubinvs (Monotrochufi) fulguratnn sp. n. PaLlary Lyon Ann. soc. linn. 53. Kahjdon vide Trophon. b -IZ—Z 84 Mdl. VIII. MoUusca. [IQOSj "fKeration gen. n. of Pleurotomariidae p. 83 for K. 7iaut'diforme sp. n. p. 84. Broili Palaeontographica 54. "^Lacuna laevluscula sp. n. and var. n. angidosa Jurassic, Poicerania Schmidt Berlin Abb. geol. Landesanst. 41 p. 185 figs. '\Laevibaculus nom. n. {Pachysfylus Gemm.), type Pachiistylus ci/lindi-icus CossMANN Essais paleoconch. 7. Lagochilus hrocelius sp. n. Borneo Martens Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 277. Lamjjodopsis vide Bursa. Lan'iatea magnus Smith Proc. Malac. See. London 8 p. 118. Latirus hutioni nom. n. (Taron diihius Hutton) SuTER Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 360-373. Leptopoma hicolor subsp. n. auasto- ■moticum Borneo Marteks Berlin Mitt, zool. Mus. 4 pp. '2VJ-292. — L. tagolnn- derise sp. n. Malaysia (Tangulandang [Tagolanda] I.) Pii.sbry Nautilus 22 ]). 46 fig. LeptoUnjrn syn. etc.; L. panamenKis sp. n. G. of Panama Dale Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 342 fig. — Z^. solida sp. n. Andaman Is. (of Port Blair, 7-10 fathoms) Preston Kec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. p. 200. — L. iluctnata var. n. imma- culata New Zealand (nr. Snares Is., .^)0 fms.) Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 27. Lcucosyriux crosvia p. 269 fig., L. (?) dionella G. of Panama and off Ecuador, I/. (?) pac'ifica p. 270 figs. Pacific spp. n. Dale Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. Liot'ia lamellosa sp. n. Malaysia ScHfp.MAN Res. Expl. Siboga 49 la p. 3.5. — L. petalifera sp. n. Tasmania (off C. Pillar, 100 fms.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. IIG figs. — L. rotida sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares I., 50 fms.), serrata, aolitaria spp. n. New Zealand (nr. Little Barrier I., 20 fms.) Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 23 figs. — L. ualkeri sp. n. N.W. Australia Sowerby Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 16 fig. — L. (Areiie) spp. n. caUfoniica p. 344, pae'm p. 345 (off La Paz H.) Lower Cali- fornia Dale Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. ILirofiiHUH anldcy'i sp. n. Oiigocene (San Lorenzo formn.), California (Santa Cruz Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mub. 34 p. 372 fig. Lithoglyplms natico'ides var. n. cJterso- nensis S.W. Russia (Cherson) Lindholm Odessa Mem. soc. nat. 31 p. 214. fLophospiva rectistriata p. 187 (New York), seelyi p. 190 (Vermont) spp. n_ Ordovician (Chazy formation), United States Raymond Ann. Carnegie Miv& 4. liLoxoncma granieizense sp. n. Trias^ Upper Silesia Aiii.bcrg Berlin Abh. geol. I^andesanst. 50. — L. permiana sp. n. Permian, United States (Texas) Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171. — L. comprensum sp. n. Broilb Palaeontographica 54 p. 113. — L. gre~ gar'ia sp. n. Bolivian Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493 GOO.— 2.. spp. n. [sine descr.] Permian, Italy Caneva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 26 pp. 429- 430. — L. iZygopleura) ]. London 8 pp. 187-188 fig. Dali. Pull. .Mus. Harvard 43. — M. i>ontica sp. n. Black Sea Mil.\5evic St. Petorburg Bull. Ac.sc. 1908 p. 994. ^'fMatigUia (contd.K — .V. cctolaca sp. 3L Lower Phiocene, California (Sau Pedro) and living Lower California ((Balleiias Lagoon) Dall Bull. Mus. llar\t\rd 43 p. 286. Margarita pousnnbii'i sp. n. Andaman Is. (off Port Blair, 7-10 fathoms) Pkeston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 201-202. ■\Margarita (contd.X — M. plicatilis ap. n. WoLi.EiUNK Berlin Jahrb. geol. Landesaast. 27. Mnr(]hiAla clandest'ina var. n. clan- . 22 fig. Monotrochua vide Jujubinux. I^Morgania nom. n. pro Irnn'ia Dou- ville CossMANN Rev. crit. paleozool. 10 p. 196. ■\MourJ(mia roaa'ica j)]i. 96, 140, rol- gniaia j)p. 97, 110, schirjacveitais pp. 97, 141 spp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stcckenberg. MucrormJia vide StUifer. '\Murchisonia colli ngsicortheusis (Texas), gouldii (Oklahoma and Texas) spp. n. Permian, United States Beede Kansas Univ. Sc-i. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150- 171. — -1/. fischer'i, ?ii/iiti«i spp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stcckenberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 90, 137. Mttrcx earpcnteri var. n. alha Cali- fornia (Newport Oi-ange Co.) Bekry Nautilus 21 p. 105. — /¥. {Tritonalia) diomedaeiis sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 313 fig. Myxostoma paradoxum sp. n. Indo- China (Quang-Huyen) D.^utzenberc. & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 202 figs. Xarica depressa sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 199. ■^Narica (contd.). — N'. vus sp. n. Woli.emaxn Berlin Jahrb. geol. Lan- desanst. 27. Nassa geratenhrandti, jucunda An- daman Is. (7-10 fathoms), tristis An- daman Is. spp. n. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p]x 194-195.— .V. per- p'ingiiin var. n. Lifasciata California (San Pedro) Behry Nautilus 22 p. 39.— N. tiidurcdls duidzeri nom. n. (A\ inter- media Dunker) Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 334-359. ■fNassa (contd.) — A'. jnidtiplicata, celebenais spp. n. Post-Tei'tiary, Celelies SciiEPMAN Leiden Geol. Reichsmus 8 p. 175. — A', (s. str.) fitcgina p. 65 figs., no)-denf. 24 figs. i[Neritomopslfi subg. n. vide Catu- brinia. — X. spp. n. p. 429, A". (C.) aoli- taria sp, n. Permian, Italy Caneva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 435 figs. ^ycritopa'ts rulliplc.t zl sp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakascii Trav. Soc. uat. 32 p. 105. — N. splraliereHuta sp. n. CossMAN.N Mem. soc. geol. France 37 p. 21 figs. Xiotlia vide Nassct. Kitidelln henderaon'i sp. n. (,'iiba Dai.i. Nautilus 22 p. 31. fOdo)dofr Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189, 6 pp. 189-318. Odostomia ignava sp. n. NewSoutli Wales. (Svdnev) Hedi.ey Proc. Liiux. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 p. 470 fig.— 0. pU'ifferi sp. n. .\iulanian Is. Preston Rec./.Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 1 p. 4G. — 0. (s. str.) aculaii- gidata, cryptodon, deyiselirata, dolicho- fttoma, inornata, pudica, tahapUnaensis, taumakieniiis spp. n. New Zealand ; 0. (s. s.) bernbh: ■p^.om n. (0. lactea .'\iigas) ; 0. (Evalea) '.'■^y.'incta, (Mencstlw) .sdbu- losa spp. n. -ve-w Zealand Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pj). 360 373.— 0" (.4 maura) can field'/ nom. nJtuoutereyennis- Dall& Bartscli) Dall Nautilus 21 p. J3I. — 0. (Evalea) atossa sp. n. Cali'forniu (San Pedro) Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 253. — 0. (s. str.) ineidata, (Evalea) chordata spp. n. New Zealand Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. '344- 359. '^ Omalogyra bic.arinata, fnsca spp. n. New Zealand Suter I?rOc. Mal^c. Soc. TiOndon 8 p. 33 figs. "] Omphaloptycha (Coeluatylyljna) .^emi- I'lne, platys'oma spp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) Haberi.e Heidell)erg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-031. '\0mphalotrocliu8 ferrieri p. 297, conoi- deua p. 299 spp. n. Carboniferous ("Phosphate Beds), United States (Mont- pel ier, I.j Girty Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34. Omplialotropis mapianus sp. n. New Guinea Bay ay Nova Guinea 5 p. 290. Onoba vide Eisaoa. Odeorys rev. p. 321 ; 0. rotunda 0. of Panama, ctevata E. Pacific (between Galapagos Is. and Peru) spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. Oonia vide Paeudovielariia, Opalia (Dentiscala) mnzatldn'ica sp. n Mexico (Mazatlan) p. 250; 0. (IJ.) me:ri- cana sp. n. Mexico (Acapulco) p. 251 Dall Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34. 88 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Oplslhoporus heddome'i p. 200 figs., Z»bricu« p. 201 tigs. spp. n. Indo-China (Quang-IIuj-cn) Ijautzenberg & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56. — 0. sclimidti p. 275, modentus p. 276 spp. n. Borneo Martens Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4, ^Orthoneina dozier-ens'is, (?) texanaspTp. n. Permian, United States (Texas and Olilaboma) Beede Kansas Uuiv. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171. Pachydrohia monbeirji sp. n. Yunnan (Wei-Si) Dautzenberg Journ. Conchyl. 55 p. 3.37 fig. '\Pacliypoma vide A>. n. New Zealand Siter Trans. N. Zeal. luht. 40 pyi/MiO-'MS.—PJSgrnola) lur'ida sp. n. New Zealand Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344-359. "fPijrazinimis harrisl sp. n. Oligocene, Florida Mavuy Bull. Anier. Paleont. 3 ■No. 15 p. GO. Pijrozuit siibg. 11. vide EcJiiriohathrii. ■ — F. Hlucr'i sp. n. Cossmann Essais Paleo- concli. 7. ' Pyrgiaaia vide Turhoiiilla. Pyrgula {Coni(jchiln») fo7-irw»a sp. n. Troll Wien Jahrl). Geol. RdisAnst. 57 pp. 33-90. Pyvrpdopsis icabaslicnsiif sp. n. Uniti.'d Rt.ites (Wabash R.Ind,)HiNKLEY Nautilus 21 p. 117. Pyropsis spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey, Alabama) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 725-755. Pyrula herigalana Grat. ref. to Plero- cera hryonia juv. Smith Proc. Malac. Soc. 8 p. 3. fRapana stantoni sp. n. Cristaceous, United States (New Jersey, Texas) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 725-755). ■fRhabdoeolpiis subgen. n. of Proee- rithiuvi, type Melania scalari for miff Desh. Cossmann Essais paleoconch. 7. ■fRhyneliocerithiiDn gen. n. of Ce- rithiacea, type Cerithium fiisiforme CossMANN Essais paleoconcli. 7. Rimida (vide etiam Rostellaria). — R. carinifera sp. n. Malaysia Schepm.\:s Res. Expl. Siboga 49la p. 88. Risella baUeata sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 197. Rissoa rufonpicata sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares Is., 50 fms.) p. 28 Hg. ; S. (Alvania) exserta sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares and Bounty Is., 50 fms.) p. 28 fig. ; R. {Cingida) lampra, roseocincta spp. n. New Zealand (Titahi B., Cook Str.) p. 29 fig.; R. (Onoba) foliata sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares Is., 50 fms.); E. ['' Rismina"] (Setia) lubrica p. 29 fig. ; R. {Setia) atomus p. 30 fig., infecta p. 31 fig., porcellana p. 30 fig., fiteicartiana p. 31 fig., vercelindu p. 30 fig. spp. n. New Zealand Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8. — R. coliimnaria sp. n. Tasmania (off C. Pillar, lOO fnis.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 117 fig. — R. praeda incompleta, pro- c/mda, imbrex spp. n. New South W^ales (Svdnev) Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 pp. 468-469 figs.— B. (Alvania) grippiann sp. n. Lower C:ili- fornia and California Dall Nautilus 21 p. 1.36. Riasoitui (vide etiam Rissoa). — R. lintea, faiista spp. n. Tasmania (off C. Pillar, 100 fms.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 117 figs.—/?. unguftta (Port Blair, 7-10 fatlionis), cylindrica, laeUi, piipiniforinis, sculpt u- rata, uarnefordiae (off Port Blair, 7-10 fathoms) spp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 197-199.— 1'. fnscozona p. 32 fig., rxifolactea p. 33 fig. spp. n. New Zealand ; 7?. olitaeca • l Moll. Systematic. — Prosobranchia. 2231 var. n. lulea New Zealnmi p. 33 ; 7i'. hanlei/i occ. syti. p. 32 SvTEi! Proc. Malac Soo. London 8. — /?. (EatonicUu) eurierinua New Zealand Siter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344-359.—??. eoidthardi sp. n. Xew Zealand Webstek Trans. X. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 2.")-i-250. liituhir'ui awiculata var. n. h'lcnri- tuita KoBELT ilartini & Chemnitz Svst. Conch. Cab. Lfg 520 p. 181 figs. \RosteUar'ui (TUmella) poUii sp. n. Cainozoic, Malaysia ^Nias I.) IcKE iV: Martin Leiden Saniml. Geol. Reichsnms. 8 p. 240 figs. ]Rostrocer'it]t'iumgeM.. n. of Cerithiacea , type Rostcllaria plicata Cossm.Ovn: Essais paJeocouch. 7. ]EothpletzeUa harrem'ica sp. n. Ccss- MANS Mem. sec. geol. Fiance 37 p. 2(5 ^calaria ciehicaldi sp. n. Lower L ;vtaceons, Crimea Karaka.scii Trav. ■See. uat. 32 p. 175. Schisomope hrcvis subsp. n. levigata . New Zealand Ibedale Trans. X. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 373-387. ScissurcUa maxima, exqius'ita spp. n. Malaysia Schepmax Res. Expl. Siboga 49la"p. 83. Scrobg hedleyi sp. n. Xew Zealand ScTER Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 31 fig- Seguenzia occidentalis (off Acapulco), stephariiea (off Mazatlan) spp. n. W. Mexico Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 325. Seila hulhosa, dissimilis spp. n. New : Zealand fnr. Snares Is., 50 fms.) ; S. chat}ujmen.'i, S. heryllnia var. n. lutuilana Kobelt Martini & Chemnitz's Syst. Conch. Cab. Lfg. 522. StijUdtum vide Biitium. Styloptygma andamancDsin sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. pp. 199-200. Suhemarriinula plana, duhin spp. n. Malavsia Schepman Res. Expl. Siboga 49'app. 93,94.— S. (Placi\orhytj>^) euryth- ma sp. n. New Caledonia (Lifu) Daut- ZENBERG Journ. Conchyl. 55 p. 332 fig. ■\Sabemar(jimda (contd.). — S. de- francei nom. n. (Emargirnda elegafi^ Oossman non Defrance) Cossmann Pa- laeont. univ. ^Subul'dea harrodsburgenssi^ sp. n. Carboniferous (Salem Limestone), United States (llarrodsburg and Bioomington, Ind.) CuMiNGS Rept. Dept. Geol. Indiana 30 p. 13G3 figs. Sidfur'nia Ixnisom sp. n. Nikobaren.— ,S. parva subsp. n. vlnta Kobei.T Martini and Chemnitz .Syst. Conch.-Cab. Lfg. 518 p. 26. Surcida vide Pleuvotoma, Twris. Surcidina subg. n. of Daphnclla, type 8. hlnnd'i Daix Bull. Mus. Harvard 43 p. 200.— vide Dnphnclla. Syrnola vide Pyramidella. Tc'moatoma sibogae sp. n. Malaysia .8C1IEPMAN Res. Expl. Siboga 49'a J). 30. Teliovlulua nom. n. (Tomochedus), type Tomochedus dedongchampai Cossmann Essais paleonch. 7. Terebra subg. n. vide Acuminia-, T. (s.a.) sectt. n. vide Perirhoe, Tri- plostcphanus. — Sections etc. p. 245 ; T. {Strioterebrum) pnnamensis p. 250 fig. G. of Panama, pedroana p. 25 L California (San Pedro), balaenorum, lucana Lower California p. 252, br'dgesi Panama, {Perirhoe ?) stylus p. 253 Panama B. spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Harvard 43. — T. carnicolor, rubro- brumica, iinieolor spp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 189-190. YFerebra (contd.). — T. dahanaensis sp. n. Cainozoic, Malaysia (Nias I.) Icke & Martin Leiden Saniml. Geol. Reichs- mus. 8 p. 224 figs. ■\TerebraUa subgen. n. vide Tere- braUopsis.—T. vignali sp. n. Cossmann Essais paleoconch. 7. ■\Terebraliopsis subgen. n. of Te?-e- bralia, type Cerlthium requienianum d'Orb. Cossmann Essais paleoconch. 7. Thais vesiotes sp. n. E. Pacific (Easter I.) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Plar- vard43p. 311. ■\Thais (contd.).— T. tray^cnsayia sp. n. Upper Pliocene (Merced formn.), Cali- fornia (Santa Clara Co.) Arn'OLD Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 3S8 fig. Thalassoplanes subg. n. of Troschelia, type T. morchii Dall Bull. Mus. Harvard 43 p. 303. Tlieobaldius annulatiis subsp. n. 7idgiriaiis Kobelt Martini & Chemnitz Syst. Conch. Cab. Lfg. 519 p. 557. Tomochedus re-named TcUochdus (q.v.). Tor'inia d'lscoidca subsp. n. sterhn Hawaiian Is. (Waikiki Beach, Honolulu) PiLsnnY& Vanatta Nautilus 22 p. 57 fig. YTrachynerita ambigua sp. n. Per- mian, Italy t'ANEVA Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 435 figs. — T. quadrata varr. n. sUeaiaca, cannliculata Trias, Ober- schlesien AiiLntiRO Berlin Abh. geol. Landosanst. 50. Yrrncliysp'ira nodosa sp. n. [sine de.scr.] Permian, Italy Caneva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 429. ■\Trppospira hau-orthi sp. n. Permian, I'uited States (Oklahoma and Texas) Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. s^r. 2 4 pp. 150-171. 93 MoU. S VSTEMATIC. — PrOSOBR ANCHIA. 2231 '\Trct09pira fttrsiform'ii< sp. n. Trias. Obersclilesien Aiii.RiRO Berlin Abh. geol. L;mdesaust. 50. Trichotropie (?) keltieyi sp. n. Cali- fornia (off San Diego fir., etc.) Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 254. ''rieolia vide Pluis'iauell^i. ."r/;/f/ra gen. n. of Cyrtolitidae, type un-ichi 8p. n. Ordovician (Chazy for- raationl, United States (Vermont) Ray- IIOSD Ann. Carnegie Mas. 4 p. 198. Tr'iphora lutea, fasceVnm spp. n. New Zealand (nr. Snares and Bounty Is., 50 fms.) ; T. liuttoiii nom. n. {Cerithium minimus Hutton) Suteu Broc. Malac. Sec. London 8 pp. 38-39 figs. Triplo9tephan)is sect. n. of Terebra (S.S.), tvpe T. triseriata Dall Nautilus 21 p. 124. Tritia vide Alectrion. ^Triton Jorillardensis sp. n. Creta- ceous, United States (New Jersey) Wellek New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 725-755. Tr tonalia vide Mvrex. Tritonidea (s. str.) colensoi, (CantJiarus) juncozonaUis spp. n. New Zealand SiTER Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 360-373. ^Trilonium neicsomi sp. n. Lower Eocene, California (San Mateo Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 360 fig. "Yrritonofiisus (Plicifuaus) kelaeyl •p. n. California (oS San Diego, 124- 359 fms.j, also Pleistocene, California (San Pedro) Dall Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 249. Tritonohai-pa gen. n. p. 319 of Septidae for T. vexiUata p. 320 fig. sp. n. Gala- pagos Is. (off Wood I.) D.4.LL Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. 7'rivia maiineriae Bdtton Nautilus 22 p. 10. '\7'rochonema lescarhoti sp. n. De- vonian, Canada (Queliecj ('lai!KE Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 152 ; 7'. I. sp, n. Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 192-195. Trochonerita subgen. n. type Nerita mammae J ormis Cossm.ann Mem. soc. geol. France 37 pp. 1-42. Trochus carmesimui sp. n. New Zea- land Webster Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 254-259. fTrochus (contd.) — T. mendioiiali!*, hiasgalcHKix spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Kakakascii Trav. vSoc. nat. 32: }>. 164. — 7'. vacianensifs sp. n. Eocene,. Dalmatia (Vaciane) Dainelli Boll. Soc- Geol. Ital. 25 p. 482 figs. — T. (juclfer- bijtanns sp. n. Woli.e.mann Berlin Jahrb.. geol. Landesanst. 27. — T. (iuat/c/u' sp. n. Broili Palaeontographica 54 p. 88. — T. coi'lotropis p. 179 fig., riadrinus p. 180 fig. Jurassic, Ponierania spp. n^ ScH.MiDT Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 41. — T. arabiensis sp. n. Jurassic, Arabia (nr. Dihala) Newton Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 8 figs. — T. car- bonieua sp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stuck EXitERG pp. 102,. 142. — 7'. (?) delaunayi sp. n. Bathonian, France fSaint-Gaultier, Indre) Coss- MANN Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 T p. 236 fig. Trophon colnmnarius, moborthus^ sarmentoffus spp. n. Tasmania (off C- Pillar, 100 fms.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 pp. 121-122 tigs. — 'J'. (Kahjdon) columyiaris sp. n. New Zealand (nr. Bounty and Snares Is., 50 fms.) p. 178 fig. ; T. (Trophonopsi»)y crispulatus sp. n. New Zealand p. 178- fig. Suter Proc. Malac. Soc. Loiidoi> 8. — Troplion {Poscida) citr'icus sp. n. E. Pacific (Easter I.) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 311. Troplionopsia vide TropJion. YPropidodiscus obex sp. n. Devonian^ United States (Maine^i Clarke Bull. N. Y'ork Mus. 107 pp. 192-195. Trosclielia subg. n. vide Thalasso- planes. — T. {Thallassopht7)cs) marehii sp. n. Mid Pacific (0°50'N. 137°54'W) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 4i p. 303. ]TrybHdiiim patnJum sp. n, Ordovi- cian (Calciferous), United States fNew York; Cleland Bull. Amer. Pal. 18- p. 15. ]Trypaiio8tylus l Mem. soc. g^l. France 37 p. 29 figs. Turhonilla foreolata sp. n. Andaman Is. Prestos Rcc. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 2<.'0. — T. (Chemnitsia) thaanumi sp. n. Hawaii Hilo) Pilsbrt & Vaxatta Nautilus 22 p. .~>S figs. — T. (Pyrgiscus) castanc^la nom. n. for T. eastanea Dall *.^ Bartsch preoc. Dall Xauti lis 21 p. 131. '\TurhonUla (contd,). — T. fvegina sp. n. Tertiary, Tierra del Fuego Steis- itisy i^ WiLCKENs Ark. Zool.4 Xo. 6 p. 76 fig. fTureieiila santacruzana sp. n. Oli- gocene (San Lorenzo formn.), California (Santa Cruz Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 373 fig. '\Turricula minaJuigsae, mariini spp. n. Port-Tertiary, Celebes Schepmax I^iden Samml. Geol. Eeichsmus. 8 p. 167. — T. (I'ldpecula) martini, {Ftisi- mttra) masenais spp. n. Cainozoic, Ma- laysia (Nias I.j IcKE A: ilARTix Leiden Samml. Geol. Eeichsmus 8 pp. 232-233 figs. Turrit sections etc. p. 255 ; T. (Sur- cula) fvsinella p. 261 fig. G. of Panama and G. of California, dolenta G. of Panama, armilda p. 262, notilla, dotella p. 263 G. of Califo)nia. reitina p. 204 G. of Panama spp. n, Dall Bull. Mns. Zool. Han-ard 43—2'. (Anti- jianes) dianJax sp. n. California (off Los Coronados Is., 34 fms.) p 247 ; T. (Surnda) hale ip mi a sp. n. California <^off Corocado Beach, San Diego, 10 fnjs.i p. 248 ; T. (S.) opJiioderma (Drillia inermis Binds^), rhnieif 'DriUia cancil- lata Cpr. I nomm. n. p. 247 Dall Proc. C. S. Xat. Mu,. 34. TurriteUa chordata i^off Otago Hds.\ di^cdis iur. Snares Is , oO fms.) spp. n. Xew Zealand Svter Proc. Malac. Soc. Loudon 8 pp. 39-40 tigs. — T. tiiariana sp. n. W. .Mexico (oS Tres Marias Is. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 327 fig. fTurritcUa (contd. . — T. magua sp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch Trar. Soc. uat. 32 p. 172. — T. pescadero- cnsig sp. n. Cretaceous (Chico formn.), California ; Santa Cruz quadrangle i Aesolp Proc U. S. Nation. J\Ius. 34" y. 35S tig. — T. tchitei var. n. staiitoui Cretaceous. L'uited States ^Xew Mexico: Shimer a Blodgett Amer. Journ. Sci. 25 p. 64. — 2'. spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 669-705. fTylostoma taurica sp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 171. fTympouotomus subg. n. vide Execho- eirsus. f Typhis vaqiiezi sp. n. Loire infe- rieure Cossmasx Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-1S9 : 6 pp. 1S9- 318. fUclmuxia gen. n. of Cerithiacea type CeritJiium pei-egvijwrsiim Cossmanx Essais paleoconch. 7. fUmboniiim hutschlii sp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) Haberle Heidelberg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-031. Urosalpiux iraU:eri sp. n. N. W. Aus- tralia SowEKBT Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 17 fig. Ustronia subgen. n. zu Eutrochatella Kobelt Martini A Chemnitz Svst. Conch. Cab. Lfg. 530 p. 116. Valvata humeralis stibsp. n. caliior- niea California (Bear L. i PiLSBiiV Nautilus 22 p. S2. fValrata ( contd. i. — V. (Civciiwo) dflaiinayi sp. n. Batlionian, France (Saint-Gaultier, Indre) Coe.sxuln"k Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 7 p. 232 fig. Vanihoro rev., T". nalaleuais sp. n. Natal p. 113 fig. .Smith Proc. Malac. Soc. Londou 8 pp. 104-117. ■fVanikoro (contd.). — V. (?) perang- enaia sp. n. Trias, Timor Arch. W.anneu X. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 210 figs. 05 J/p//. SrSTEMATIC. — PnoSOnRAXCUIA. v?231. fVanilioropsis cxertii sp. n. Cossm ann Meui. soc. g4o\. France 37 p. 20 tigs. tT'er/nf^/j! incoiug: sp. n. Tertiary, Patiigonia Ortjianx l{ep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagoaia 4 pp. l-tj-200.— T iy'uii var.) tJicobaldi sp. n. IJinna Kobei.t Martini & Chemnitz %.>t. Concli. Cab. Lfg. 517 p. 151. — r. hoettijcn var. n. luutica Kohei.t Miitliii A: Cheniuitz's t^vst. Conch. Lfg. 523 p. 194.— I'. noetUngl iQgyaw " p. :^04, lagunensis (? phi- i^tisis var.) Philippine Is. (Majay- II. 235. hl-aueri Siam p. 214, 7vr(/- Hunan p. 215, kelatitanenms iv (Kelniitan) p. 216 spp. n. — V. '•ti var. n. frulistorferi E. Siam -11 li,g>^. ; T'. costatii var. n. snma- ■f Malaysia (Saniar L) p. 231 figs. ; ■iduauensi-s subsp. n. holiolensls .1 I.) KoBELT Martini & Chemnitz Couch.-Cab. Lfg. 525 (Bd. 6 H. 2() -01-24UJ. — T'. baaicarinata Annam -70, snbcWiala Siam p. 260, h'llmen- ■■> Persia p. 289 spp. n. ; T'. varl- var. n. pgcudoheJic'nia ; 1'. annen- sp. n. and var. n. Iialophila I p. 29f3, V. conteda varx. n. eroat'ica, "steini, corcijrenais ; V.cotistanflna 'juinea p. 242, dcliensis Sumatra 11, spp. n. ; V. javanica subspp. n. ico, r'lclithofeni horneennis, auh- 'trana ; V. Iiorsulava sp. n. Java -'■'2 KoBELT Martini & Chemnitz's . Concb. Cab. Lfg. 533 iigs.— T. .. i. spp. n. descr. in Martini &. iinitz's "'Syst. Conch. Cab." Kobei.t rBl. Deutsch. Malakoz. Ges. 40 ■ ;5-38. 50-63, 101-162.— r.7fni;>j3- ns'iK sp. n. C. Africa (Kalingvvisi i.. Mweru; Smith Proc. ilalac. Soc. '»n 8 p. 12 fig. — V. javanica var. n. I'nsis Borneo Martens Berlin Zool. Mu.s. 4 pp. 249-292— F. iiitdal'ts var. n. sehinensis X. Italy i^eoj KoBELT Rossmiissler's Iconogr. I Siisswass. Moll. 13 ji. 24 figs. — j'isciata KoBELT VViisbaden Jahrb. Ver. Naik. 60 pp. 310-325. ^ Voluta {Amoria) spencerlana sp, n. N. Queenslanc} Gatliff Vict. Nat. 25 p. 84 figs." ^Valuta (contd.). — V. pcvnodosa (Mail Chonng), d'arehiacl (nr. Snbagyidah) , spp. n. Eocene, Burma (Minbn l>isti'ict).j 1>. 010 figs. — V. (?) hinmtnica sp, n. . Miocene, Burma (nr. Banijyin, Thayet- myo district) Dalton Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 64 p. 632 fig. ]Volutoderlna jamcshiirriciisis sp.i n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jerseyi) Wei.i.er New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. < Ser. 4 ])p. 756-794. — !'• (?) datworUiyi sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (Colora- do) Henderson Proc. U. S. Nat. .Mus. 34 p. 200 figs. ■',• Volutopsius (?) amahdis sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Har- vard 43 p. 305 fig. Vulpccnla (vide etiam Tuyrifiil'i). — V. inaryinata subsp. n. ungulata New Zealand Suter Trans. X. Zeal. Inst. 40 ])j). 344-359. \ "^W'nrtlna oinericana sp. n. Permian , ((iuadalupian), United States (Texas) GIRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. T'ajir. 58 p. 481. ^Wortlienia cycloisLoina, liruiooJ, m'u-haeli, silesiaca, globosa spp. n. . Trias, Oberschlesien Ahi.burg Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 50. — IV'. later- marensis, viezsenae spp. n. Trias, Tyrol (Predazzo) Haberle Heidelberg Verb, nathist. Ver. 9 pp. 247-031. — W. spp. ±. [^sine descr. J Permian, Italy Caneya Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 429' \\Vo7't}ieniopsis jalioivleici pp.93, 138, , panden p. 94, 139, pacliti pp. 94, 139, ' rolgenma pp. 94, 139, syszanicus pp. 95, 139 spp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Paissia (Samara) Stuckenberc; Mem. Com. geolog. 23.^-ir. atacltei sp. n. Per- mian, Italy Caneva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. ■ 25 p. 431.' Worthenopsis (?) depressa sp. n. Per- mian, United States (Oklahoma) Beeue Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150- i 171. Xenopliora vide etiam Phorus. — A'. neozelaitica sp. n. New Zealand Suter • Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344-359. ■\Xij8trella subgen. n. oiProcerithiam, : type CeriUiiam armatum Cos8M.WJJ(-' Essais paleoconch. 7. — Vide etiam ZVq- cer'Uliium. , . 96 MoU. VIII. Mollusca. [1903] t^i/(7opZeura (vide etiam Loxonema). — Z. (?) benoisti sp. n. Bathonian, France (Saiut-Gaultier, Indre) Cossmann Bull. Soc. Geol. France ser 4 7 p. 231 fig. Heteropoda. Atlantidae monograph Tesch Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30 pp. 1-30. — gen. n. vide Frotatlanta. Heteropoda gen. n. vide etiam Aloy»'ia, Aloysia gen. n. for A. phyllosoma sp. n. B. of Bengal Issel Mon. zool. ital. 18 p. 174 fig. Atlanta aloi/nil-sahaudl sp. n. Indian Ocean (10" 50' N., .58" 40' E.) Issel Mon. zool. ital. 18 p. 74 fig. Euryops vide Pterotrachaea. Firoloida Ugureae sp. n. S. Atlantic (28^= 38' S., 47= 31' 30" W.) Issel Mon. zool. ital. 18 p. 77. Protatlavta gen. n. of Atlantidae, type Atlanta lamonoiii Souleyel Tesch Leiden Notes Mus. .Jentink 30 pp. 3, 8. Pterotrachea (Eu7-yops) m.hun. 99. Artnchaea verrucosa sp. n. Red Sea Eliot Journ. Linn. Soc. 31 Zool. p. 116. AtijK convcxa, ncglecfa, pacc'i, vixnm- b'dicuta spp. n. .'Vndaman Islands (off Port Blair, 7-10 fms.) Prestos Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 188-189. BuUaria sect. n. vide Leucophysema. — Ij. [LciicopliyHemai morgana sp. n. (_i. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Harvard 4i p. 244 fig. BulUnclla vide CylicJinella. ^CinuUa cannablit sp. n. Wollemanx Berlin Jahrb. geol. Landesanst. 27. CUataxis {?) polystr'igma sp. n. off California (off San Diego Hr., 50 fms.) Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 240. Cuinanotus Ei.ioT Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc. Plymouth ser. 2 8 p. 313. — C. laticepH sp. n. Finmarken OuH.SEtt Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 41 No. 4 p. J 01. 97 Moii. Systematic. — Oi»isthobraxchia — Pteropoda. 2231 '.'i/richna ai^proxinunis sjt. n. Malaysia (Madura B. Molo Str.) Bekoii Semper's Reisen Arcliip. Philipp. wiss. Result. 9 p. 150. CyHehnella subg. n. vide Curwlniinm. — C. (IhiUinpUa) incti p. 1^42 figs., iCyl'irhnium) p'lzarro, atahnalpa p. 243 figs. spp. n. li. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. Cijliclmlum subgen. n. of Ciflchnella, tvpe Utricnlu-f domitns Dall Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 242. Diaphniia glacialis sp. n. .Vrctic Sea ; 1>. hiialina var. n. sp'trata W. Sweden and Kara Sea Oduner Stockholm Vet.- Ak. Handl. 41 No. 4 p. 97. Doriiioeides gen. n. of Doridoeidae (fam. n.) for Doridomorplia qard'inerl Eliot & Evans Quart. Jouru. Micr. Sei. ser. 2 52 pp. 279-299 figs. T>or\d omorpha fjard'inerl ref. to Dori- doeides (q.v.) gen. n. Dorldiineuhis pentahranchus sp. n, Skagerrack Odhner Stockholm Yet.Ak. Handl. 41 Xo. 4 p. 100. OoniccoUs lobata sp. n. Skagerrack Odh-ver Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 41 No. 4 p. 97. Haminea caUosa sp. n. Andaman Is. (Port Blair, 7-10 fnis.) Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 189. Idnlia pulchdla vax. n. fnsca W. Sweden Odhner Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 41 No. 4 p. 101. Issa villosa sp. n. Spitzbergen ' 'MINER Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 41 No. 4 p. 100. Ketitrodoris lah'ialis sp. n. Red Sea Eliot Journ. Linn. Soc. 31 Zool. p. 112. Leucoph'jsema sect. n. of Bullaria, type Bulla ahi/micola Dall Bull. Mus. Harvard 43 p. 244. — vide etiam Bullaria. Lnmanotus rev. Colg.\x Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. S 2 pp. 205-18, 392.— L. vermiformis sp. n. Red Sea (Engi- neer 1., Khor Dongola) Eliot Journ. Linn. Soc. London 31 Zool. p. 88. Microglyphis vide Acteon. XemhrotJui limaciformis sp. n. Red Sea Eliot Journ. Linn. Soc. London 31 Zool. p. 98. Peronodoris denticulata sp. n. Red Sea Eliot Journ. Linn. Soc. 31 Zool. p. 115. (n-10332 r) Philiiic eiiluiiDuiria sp. n. Tasmania (ofT C. I'illar, 100 fms.) Hei.i.ey & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 123 figs. Pleuroleum glabra sp. n. Red Sea (Khor Dongola) Eliot Journ. Linn. Soc. London 31 Zool. p. 88. Sahdt'iiui subgen. n. of Scaphander, type S. phviclicuH sp. n. Dall Bidl. Mus. Harvard 43 p. 210. Scaphauder subg. n. vide Sabat'nia. — .S. cylindrellus p. 239 fig. off Peru, decapitatus p. 240 Mid Pacific (9^ 57 N. 137° 47' W., 2,090 fms.) spp. n. ; .S'. (Sahatlna) platietiaus sp. n. Mid Pacifii- 0^ 50' N. 137° 54' W., 2,463 fms.) Dali. Bull. Mus. Harvard 43. '\Soridula vide Aetaeon. '\Sulcactaeon viadr'mus sp. n. Jurassic, Pomerania Schmidt Berlin Abb. geol. Landesanst. 41 p. 195. '\Sidcoactaeon elatior sp. n. Bathonian. France (Courmes A.-M.) Cossmann Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 2 p. 830 figs. Tornaiina e.onspicun sp. n. Andaman Is. (off Port Blair, 7-10 fms.) Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 187-188.— 7'. ornaenifis sp. n. New Zealand Webster Trans. N. Zsal. Inst. 40 pp. 254-259. Trevehjana striata sp. n. Red Sea Ei.ioT Journ. Linn. Soc. London 31 Zool. p. 100. Triopla aurantiaca sp. n. W. United States (.San Pedro, Cal.) Cockekell Nautilus 21 p. 107. Pteropoda. Pteropoda notes on spp. Dall Smith- son. Miscell. Collect. 50 pp. 501-502. — Leyden Mnseum colln. descr. Tescii Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 29 pp. 181- 203 figs. — Northern and arc:tic sjij), Odhner Stockholm Vet. Akad. Handl. 41 No. 4 figs. Hyolithidae prob. ref. to Cephalopoda Zelizko Centralbl. MineraL 1908 pp. 3G2-365. Pteropoda gen. n. vide Paedodione. Cavolina couthouyi sp. n. Fiji Is. and New South Wales Dall Smithson. Miscell. Collect. 50 p. 501. CUo antarctica nom. n. pro C. ajislralia Brug. Dall Smithson. Miscell. Collect.- 50 p. 501. b 24 98 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] ■\Conularia monograph BritisTi spp. ; C. coronata p. S2, C. plicata p. 31, vesi- cularis p. 36 spp. n. Ordovician, C. plani- septata p. 35, hispida p. 28 spp. n. Ordo- vician and. Silurian, C. punctata p. 20, breviconvenla p. 39, triangularis p. 28, cj-as.sn p. 32, microacopicn p. 24, hcistata p. 29 spp. n. Silurian, ('. complanata p. 35, elegans p. 39, tenuis p. 21, gZo- iosa p. 27 spp. n. Carboniferous Slater Monogr. Brit. Conulariae pp. 1-41 figs. - — C. ]7cnouili sp. n., desiderata var. n. tuzoi Devonian, C.inada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 179-185.— C. desiderata var. n. tuzoi, penouili sp. n. Devonian, Quebec Clarke Mem. X.York Mus. 9 p. 144. — C. dejecta, jaliui spp. n. [sine descr.] Lower^ Silurian, Bohemia (Sarka nr. Prague) ZelIzko Wien Verh. Geol. RchsAnst. 1907 p. 219. '\Tlyolithu8 richardi p. 142, oxys p. 143 spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clakke Mem. N. York Mus. 9. — 11. spp. n. Devonian, Quebec Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 179-185. Limacina cocJdostyJoides sp. n. B. of Bengal Tesch -Leiden Notes Mus. Jen- tink 29 p. 18.5'. I^OrtJiotheca stciinnanni sp. n. Rolivien Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-600. Paedoclionc gen. n. (near Clionidae), doliiformis sp. n. E. United States (Maine) Dankortii Boston Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. 34 pp. 1-20 figs. ]Tcntacidilcs spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clahkk I'.ull X. York Mus. 107 pp. 167-174. PULMONATA. Notes on classification, nomenclature, etc. IIe.sse NaclirBl. Deutsch. Malak. Ges. 40p. 131. Fauna of Tripoli and Barca Stuuany Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 pp. 291-312 figs.— Philippine Is. etc. spp. Kouelt & Winter Samper's I?eisen Archip. I'hilipj). Wiss. Result. 10 figs. Achatinidae monograph contiiiufd PiLsiiRY Tryon's Man. Condi. 18 ])|i. 273 357 figs. Endodontidaegenn. n. vide Afrodouta, Pell(iln8. Fenissacidae monograph Pilskky Man. Conch. 20 pp. 1 ()4 figs. Zonitidae subfam. n. ride Ereptinae ; genn. n. vide Louisia, Meledella, Pel- tatua. — Fauna Mascarene Is., anat. GoDwiM- Austen: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 pp. 422-436 figs. Coeliaxinae gen. n. vide Cvyptelasmus. Ereptinae subf. n. of Zonitidae GoDwix-AusTES Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 2 p. 432. Helicinae Pahiearctic spp. Hesse Rossmiissler's Iconogr. Land Siisswass Moll. 14 fig,^. Palmonata genn. n. vide etiam Micro- limnaea, Palustria, Titrrilimnaea. Aclialiua kilimae sp. n. German E. Africa (Kilimandjora, .nit. 1400-1500m.) Dautzenbeug Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 11 fig. — A. Weynsi var. n. duperthuisi C. Africa Germain Miss. Chari-Lac Tchad 1908 p. 489 fig. — A. icildemani sp. n. W. Africa (Manghay) Dauizenberg Journ. Conchyl. 55 p. 329 fig. Achatinella Reprint of the original descriptions with additional notes TnvvisG Occ. Pai:)rs. Bei-nice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 3 figs. Aegista vide EuJota. Afrodontu gen. n. of Endodontidae, type .1. hilamellaris p. 133 ; A. bilamel- lai-is, frilamcUaris spp. n. Natal (Dargle)p. 134 figs. Melvill & Ponsonby Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1. Agriolimax agrestis Carpenter Econ. Proc. Dublin Soc. 1 ]). 326 figs. — 4. laevis var. n. nigra Roebuck Journ. Conch. 12 p. 136. Ainalia rossica sp. n. Russia (Odessa) LiNDiiOLM Odessa Mem. soc. nat. 31 pp. 201, 231. Ampelita perampla sp. n. N. Mada- gascar (Analalava) Dautzenberg Journ. Concliyl. 55 p. 335 fig. Ampliidromus singalaiigensis sp. n. Sumatra (Singalang) IJollk NachrBl. Deutsch. malak. Ges. 40 j). 67. Amjmllii type selected (priamus Bolt.) l'iL.snRY Nautilus 22 p. 83. Ancijlua Irapezoideua sp. n. Naraa- land Boettoer Aus Namaland 2 Moll. ]). 708. — A. {Ferrissia) lunidersoni (L. Waccamaw, N.C.), novangliae p. 138 •.VJ MoU. Systematic. — Fii.mokata. 2231 ligs. (nr. Cambridge, Mass.), hinhleyi j). I3l) figs. (Illinois and Iventuckj-) spp. n. L'nited States ; A. [^La-vapcx) Item'isphaericits spp. n. Tiiited States |). 140 tig*. (i.'ieorgia and Alabama^ Walker Xiutilus 21. '^Arehaeozonitcs deplanatiis p. 412, atiyulosus p. 443, eocacnicui< p. 453, carlnatitif p. 454 spp. n. Miller Stutt- gart Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk. 63. : Ariatita arbtistornm var. n. roseo- labiata Denmark (nr. Rungsted) Sciilescii Nautilus 22 p. 55 ; previously descr. by Roberts Cockerell t.c. p. 72. Artcnionops'is subg. n. of Strepiax'is Germain BiUl. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 125. Ashmutiella kochii sp. n. United States (Black Mt. Donna Anna Co. New Mexico) Clapp Nautilus 22 p. 77 figs. Atopos list and distr. spp. ; A. outceiiai sp. n. Java Collinge Joum. Coneh. 12 1). 110. Atoxoji cavallii (Kijemula and Ma- dadu), ornatum (Entebbe) spp. n. Uganda Pollonera Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 543 p. 5. Azeca identity of British sp., etc. PiLSBRY Journ. Conch. 12 pp. 137-8. Baleariea Kobelt (nom. praeocc.) vide Jberellus. Bifidaria (Chaenaxis) tuha [subsp. n.j iiituscostata United States (Plumosa Range Yuma Co.) Clapp Nautilus 22 p. 7 b figs. Boysidia vide Uypselostoma. Buliminus hrauneri sp. n. Crimea LiKDHOLM Odessa Mem. soc. nat. 31 pp. 2.30-231. — B. tenuistriatus sp. n. Indo-China (Quang-Huyen) Dautzen- BERG & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 186 figs. — B. iConul'innH) nalturoensis sp. n. Brit. E. Africa (Nakuro) Daltzen- BERG Joum. Conchyl. 56 p. 9 figs. — B. \Petraeus) alogsii-sab/nidiae sp. n. Uganda (E. Mt. Ruwenzori, alt. 2000 ni.) Polloxera Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 538 p. 2. 'IBuUimis ai-neggena'is sp. n. .Miller Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 446. Caecilioides moellendorffi sp. n. Philippine Is. p. 50; C. nyetelia var. n. inaderensis p. 8 Madeira Pilsbry Man. Conch, ser. 2 20. (N-10332 7-) Caviaena gahncUae var. n. (ex MSS. MoUendorlT) platytaeiiia Indo-China (Quang-Huyen) Dautzenberg & FiscnEU Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 172 fig. Campylaea vide Helix. Cepoli>t defiiiita nom. n. {Helix trizo- nalis auctt. non. lirateloup) FuLTON Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 45. Cerion eltrysaloides p. 597, laeve p. 001, hedwigiac p. 603, exumcnse p. 601 spp. n. Bahamas ; C. glana subspp. n. irvegulare, scalarinoides, hcrniense Plate Arch. Rassenbiol. 4 pp. 433-470, 581-614 figs. Chaenaxis vide Bifidaria. Charopa (s. str.) hobelti sp. n. Am- boyua Boettger NaclirBl. Deutsch malak. Ges. 40 p. 181 figs. Chilina .montieola sp. n. Magalhaen- Strasse (Puuta Arenas) Strebel Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 25 p. 169 fig. Chlor.itis diestalmena sp. n. Tonkin Dautzenberg & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 175 figs. — C. impotens sp. n. China (Chifoo, Pe-cliili jirov.) Pilsbry ^- Hirase Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 p. 4 1 figs. — C. smitli i var. n. pand'jangensis Sumatra Roi.i.e NachrBl. Deutsch. Malak. Ges. 40 p. 66. — C. tosanus subsp. n. ohioisis Japan (Nakamura, Oki Is.) Pilsbry & Hirase Nautilus 22 p. 44. Cliondrula liedjiiiensis sp. n. Cilicia (Hedschine) Kobelt Piossmiissler Tcono- gr. Land. Siisswass. Moll. 13 ji. 34. '\Cionella exigua sp. n. Miller Stutt- gart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 440. ClauHilia sectt. n. vide Selenoplyx, Thaiimatoptyx. — C. emmae, liadrochila, liorvdthi, mehelyi spp. n. Hungary- Soos Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 6 pp. 384-388. — C martenai subsp. n. conerescenH, inclyta p. 499, honiynensia p., 500, diaaojityx p. 504,, oxypomatica p. 505, longiplicata p. 506, dolicIiopLyx p. .01)7 spp. n. Japan ; C. dolichoptyx subsp. n. micra \\. 507, exulans sp. n. p. 509, {Selenoptyx) vorihina p. 510, invcrsiluna p. 511 spp. n., {Thau- mat nptyx) biviiicta sp. n. p. 512, hedleyi subsp. n. hyperodunta p. 509 Jajjan PiLSBitY Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59. — C. Idaptoc.zi sp. n. Dernah Stlra-ny Zool. Jaiirb. Sysl. 27 j). 304.— C. manauyi ji. 188 figs., pacudauregani p. 190 figs. spp. n. Indo-China (Quan- b24-2 100 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908T Huyen) Daitzenberg & Fipcher Journ. (Jonchyl. 56. — C. fvsaninnasjp.n. Gorea PiLSBiiY & H1RA8E Kairiii Ziisshi 2 p. 16. — C. aubiril (aubintana Bourg.) p. 456, euzierei {euzeriana Bourg.) p. 453, macei {maceana Bourg.) p. 455, nomm. emend. Caziot Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. '\CIans'dia (contd.). — C. randeckiana sp. n. Upper Miocene, Germany (Ran- deck) KuANZ Centralbl. Mineral. 1908 p. 590 fig. — C. brevis p. 448, wetzJerl, ol'igocaenica, jihi/soides p. 449, antiquior p. 445 spp. n. Miller Stuttgart Jahres- hefte Ver. Natk. 63.— C. (Tr'iptychia) leobersdorfensis sp. n. Troll Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 57 pp. 33-00. Cochlieopa hibrica var. n. appalaclii- eola S. E. United States Pilsbry Tryon's Man. Conch. 19 p. 317. Coelocentrum. (Crossostephanus sect.n.) palmeri sp. n. Mexico (Tamaulipas) Dall&Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 35 p. 177 figs. '\Columna haijden'iana nova., n. (Bidl- mu8 tares Meek & Hiiyden) Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 1906 p. 459 [omitted in 1906]. Conuliniis vide Burnnlnus. tCorefus vide Planorbis. '\Coryna loeardl re-diagnosed PoL- LONERA iu Caziot Mem. Soc. zool. France 20 p. 467 fig. Croxsostephamis sect. n. of Coelocen- trum (((.v.), type C. palmeri sp. n. Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 35 p. 177. CrypfelasmuH gen. n. of Coeliaxinae, type halea cani erokina ; C. canteroiana subsp. n. c/ienfuecjonena'ts Cuba (nr. Cien- liiegos) PiLSiiRY Tryon's Man. Conch. 18 p. 331. ('rystallus rhenanus sp. n. from river <]rift, R. Rhine (nr. Speyer) Clessin NachrBl. Deutsch Malak. Ges. 40 p. 121. Curvella vitrea sp. n. Ivory Coast, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. ]2<",. Dandehardia propcm-ula [sp. n.] \). 13 fig. Italy (San Pietro Montana, from hot spring) Gregorio Ann. (!eol. I'alaeont. 32.-7). rnja form. n. milata Germany Voulanu Leipzig SitzHcr. natf. Ges. 33 p. 50. Dendrollmax lepi-onns sp. n. Uganda Kijemida and Madudu) Pollonera Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 543 p. 6. Dryptus vide Strophocheilus. Dupontia subgen. n. of Erepta, type- MacrocJdamys perlucida H. Ad. GoDWiN- Austen Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2; p. 428. Ena coreana sp. n. Corea Pilsbry ifcitzda p. 40 figs. spp. n. China (Hang- chow, Cho-kiang prov.) Pilsbry &. Hirase Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci^60. — E. {Aegi.'ita) tenuissima sp. n. Corea Pilsbry & Hirase Kairui Zasshi 2 p. 16. — E. (.4.) cehna sp. n. Japan (S. Nishigo, Uzen) ; E. [I'lectotropis) lepi- duphora subsp. n. .'Ges. 40 p. GO fig. GlaiuUna montagnens'ts p. 12 (San Pietro Montagna), monterjrotlenn'iti p. 10 €tc. figs. (.Moiitegrotto) [spp. n.J Italy ^froin hot springs) Gregorio Ann. Geol. Paleont. 32. iGlcuidina (contd.). — G. elomjata, ■orata p. 441, ovulina p. 453 spp. n. -MiLLEU Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk. £3. Glessnla de-aJberlisi sp. n. Uganda ((Bihunga Alt. Ruwenzori) Polt.oxer.v Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 538 p. 2. — a fragdis var. n. altennata p. 273, corviis Gml. eine distincte species ]). 275, cnria var. n. elatior, normality. ohlonga, minor p. 280 Littauen Dybow- SKI St. Peterlnirg Ann. Mus. zool. 13. LouJsJagen. n. of Zonitidae [genotypo not specified] for Microcystis hnrclayi. perlncidd etc. ]>. 433 ; L. duponti sp. n. ^lascarene Is. (Fourneaux 1.) p. 434 figs., L. insidaris sp. n. Mauritius p. 43."i figs. GoDWiN-AusTEN Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2. 103 Moli. Systematic. — Polmoxata. 2231 Lifmnaea (vide etiara L'imnaea). — /.. pllgbrijiiua p. 4, petosheyensis p. 0, tyelostoma p. 7, dariM p. 17, bakeri p. IS spp. n. I'luteil States ^Michigan) ; L. sfci(/ji. 103. Pelasga subg. n, of Helix (s. str.) for H. lielasgica etc. Hesse NachrBl. Deutsch malakozool. Ges. 40 p. 1.39. Pelatrin'ia subg. n. of Lept'inaria, typs Lept'inaria helenne (q. v.) sp. n. PiLSBRY Tryoa's Man. Couch. 18 p. 324. Peltatus gen. n. of Zonitidae for Jleli- carion hudioniae Benson, anat. Godwin- Austen Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 131 figs. Vetraeiis (vide etiam Bidiininus). — P. labrosuft var. n. cnrmelietisis Palestine (Mt. Carmel) Kobelt Rossmassler's Iconogr. Land Siisswass. Moll. 13 p. 24 % Phyaa alluaudi sp. n. Brit. K. Africa (Nairobi) Dautze.nberg Journ. Ccnchyl. 56 p. 17 figs. Placostijlus bollonsi sp. n. New Zea- land Suter Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 ])p. 310-343. PLaniffpira (Trachia) reinachae sp. n. Amboj'na, Boettgeii NachrBl. Deutsch malak. Ges. 40 p. 18- figs. Planorhis notes on sections and spp. Kennard Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 pp. 46-49; Dali, t.c. p. 141. — P. jucuu- dus p. 12 (San Pietro Montagna), vere- complanatus p. 7 fig. (Abano) [spp. n.] Italy (from hot springs) Grecorio Ann. Geo!. Paleont. 32. — /-. vairohicnsis sp. n. Brit. E. Africa (Nairobi) Dadtzenberg Journ. Concbyl. 56 p. IG figs. — P. eiicoa- miu8 sp. n. United States (Greenfield Pond nr. Wilmington N. Ca.) subsp. n. rauqliani (Burkes Place, l.o ) Baktsch Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 33 }>. 099 figs.— P. 8udanic.u3 vair. n. sub siidauicjin, cflobosa p. ri05, ado II enni a varr. n. majm-, problematien p. 508 Afrique ccntrale Germain Miss. Ciiari-Lac Tchad 1908. — P. resMnanianuH var. n. aidorowi Russia (Gouv. Minsk.) RosKN Moskva Trd. Kru/.. izsl. 3. — /'. hicarinat IIHV9X. n. portagensis United States (Portage L. Aristook Co. Me.) Baker Nautilus 22 p. 4.5. '\Planorbi8 (contd.). — /-". cuniHtmiiata sp. n. and var. n. cxi-.'ionlohelix Pliocene, Iluiigary Lorentiiev Foldt. Kozl. 38 pp. r)79-0S(!, 7I(» 721.--/'. npiniiHH sp. n. Batlionian, Prance (.Saint-Gaidlier, ludre) Co.ss.MANN Bull. Soc. gcol. 1' raiicc ser. 4 7 p. 220 figs. — P. (dortluH) Jinrhi sp. n. 'I'ertiarv. Silesia Sciiih/E Berlin Abh. Ak. Wiss. 1907 J). 22 figs. Plectopylis pseudophis ref. to P. leiophis; P. laminifera ref. to P. jugatoria Gl'DE Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 pp. 88-89. Plectotropis vide Eulota. Pohjgyra marten.nana diagn. emended PiLSBRY Nautilus 21 p. 133. Pomntias cazloti Pollonera sp. n. S. E. France (Maurion, Cairos Valley) " p. 459 fig. ; P. simrotlii Pollonera sp. n. S. E. France (Gorges de Saorge, Alpes- marit.) p. 400 fig. ; P. patidiis var. n. elongatns (" elongata ") Pollonera S. E. France (nr. Maurion, Cairos V^alley) p. 459 figs. ; P. (sect. Eltabotakra Gp. Africana) valeourti nom. emend, (val- couriiatuts Mace) p. 402; P. (sect. R. Gyi. Striolatiayia) aoitus Pollonera sp. n.' fl^etw. La Giandola and Fontan) p. 402 fig. Caziot Mem. Soc. zool. France 20. I'rnsopeas JaviUei sp. n. Indo-Chlna (Nam-Nhang) Daitzenberg & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 58 j). 191 figs. Pseudoglcssida efulenensia sp. n. Cameroons (Efulen) Preston Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 7 fig. — P. fise.lieri sp. n. Ivorv Coast Germain' Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 120. Pseudopeas douvVdei sp. n. Indo- China (Luc-Khu) Dait/eniserg & FiscuER Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 192 figs. PseudotrochuR belli sp. n. Congo Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 53 fig. Paeudoi'croniceVa gen. n. p. 59 for P. gravieri \). 55 fig. sp. n. St. Thomas 1. [G. of Guinea] (San Nicholas) Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1908. Pupa rev. S. African spj). Mei.vii.i. & PoNsoxuY Ann. Macr. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 J). 70 figs. ; P. perplcxa sp. n. S. Africa (Cradock, Cape Colony etc.) p. 80 figs. ; T'. dijuorata var. n. intradentata p. 73 figs. ; /•'. iota var. n. livingatonae p. 77 fig. BrwNi-i' I.e. — P. hattagliensis [sp. n.] Italy (Battagiia, from hot springs) p. 13 fig. ; ortonen.^is p. 11 fig. (Monte Ortone), P. miiscorum [var. n.] abancnaisf (Abano) p. 7 fig. Italy (in hot springs) Gregorio Ann. Geol. Paleont. 32. fPujia (contd.), — P. oviforiniti sp. n- Sciii.ossER Wien Jahrb. Geol. RcliAnst- 57 pp. 753-792. — P. byl.hiniformeaB'p.u Mii.i.ER Stuttgart Juhresiiefte Ver. Natk 63 ]). 155. 105 Moa. Systematic. — PrLMOSATA. 2231 Pupllla rinncci's mnt. n. mux'imd Pliocene (Hydrobieiikalk', (Ipiinany .Budenheiiu nr. Mainz) Boettgeu XaihiBl. Deutscli. uialak. Ges. 40 }). 150. Pi/t)iia tiaiM ap. n. Looolioo Bavav Kairui Zasshi Kyoto 2 p. 1. — /'. jxirliyodon, aegialitis spp. n. Japan (Okinawa, Looclioo and Osliinia, Ryukyu ]s.)PiLSBUY & HiR.^sE Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 p. 35. Rliagada radleijl sp. n. Western Australia Preston Proc. Mulac. Soc. Ix)ndon 8 p. 120. Rhyaota vide Kanhia. Satsuma (vide etiam Ganesella). — S. fulrcseens p. 179 figs. (Nam-Nhaug), leptopomopsis p. 180 figs. (LungPhoi nr. That-Khe), 2)rodiieta p. 182 figs. (Nani-Xhang) spp. n. Indo-China Dait- ZESBERG & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56. Selenoptijx sect. n. of Claus'dia. (q.v.) Pii.SBRY Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59 p. 510. Sltala deiiselirata sp. n. Andaman Is. Pre-;ton' Rec. Ind. Miis. 2 pt. 2 p. 187. Streptaxis subg. n. vide Artemonopsis. — 8. cavaUii sp. n. Uganda (E. of Mt. Ruwenzori, alt. 200Uai.) Poli.onera Roll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 538 p. 2. — y. (Artemonopsis) chevalieri sp. n. Ivorv Coast Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 125. Streptostyla hartnehii, p. 178, toyuea, jd'itlaiia p. 179 spp. n. Mexico Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 35 figs. — S. xumichrasti sp. n. (Crosse & Fischer MSS.) Mexico Dautzenbebg Journ. Conchyl. 55 p. 327 fig. Stvob'dops distr. syn. spp. Pilpbry Nautilus 22 p. 78. StrophocheUus (Dryptus) juhens sp. n. Venezuela (Capas) Fui.ton Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 86 fig. Subulijui roccatii sp. n. Uganda (E. Mt. Ruwenzori, alt. 2000ni.) Poi.i.o- nera Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 538 p- 2. — iS. krehedjecnaiif sp. n. Afrique centrale Germain Miss. Chari-Lac Tchad 1908 p. 490 fig. Succ'mea syn. N. America spp. p. 45; S. ocalis BUbspp. n. optima p. 48 fig., chiUeiiangoetiHis p. 49 figs. United States (New York etc.) Pilsbry Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60.— S. alliuatd'i sp. n. Brit. E. Africa (Nairobi) Daiiv.knberi; Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 15 figs. — 6'. pah-is [varr. n.] abancnsiB (Abano) j>. 0 fig., ortoncnsis (Mte Ortone) p. 12 fig. Italy (from hot spring) Gregorio Ann. geol. Paleont. 32. — S. Imngarica var. hoheltiana nom. n. LiND- HOI..M Odessa Mem. soc. nat. 31 p. 20G. Synapterpcs (ZonifcreUa) hicingidatns sp. n. Ecuador; S. {? Z.) jnlshryi sp. n. Colombia (El Congo, Quilachao, Cauca) Fui.TON Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 84 figs. Testacella hungarica sp. n. Austro- Hungary (Fiume) Soo.s Allatt. Kozlem. 7 pp. 32, 49 ; T. h. sp. n. Austro-Huiigary (Fiume) Soos Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 6 }). 298. Tliapsia nyihana var. n. .courtcti Afrique centrale Germain Miss. Chari- Lac Tchad 1908 p. 473. — T. thomensis var. n. carinata St. Tiiomas I. [G. of Guinea] Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 60. Thaumatodon iredalia, mira spp. n. New Zealand Webster Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 254-259. Thaumatoptyx sect. n. of Clausilia (q. V.) Pilsbry Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59 p. 511. Tlieha Hesse NachrBl. Deutsch. malak. Ges. 40 p. 135. Tortaxis papillosa sp. n. Indo-China (Nam-Nhang) Daltzenberg & Fischer Journ. Conchyl. 56 }). 193 figs. Trachia vide Planispira. Trachycystis ordinaria sp. n. Trans- vaal (Potcliefstroom) ; P. riitilans sp. n. Natal (Alexaudra Park, Maritzburg) Mei.vill & Ponsonby Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 135 figs. Triehotoxon roecatii sp. n. Uganda (Nakitava) Polloneija Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 543 p. 4. TriptycJia vide Clausilia. 'J'rishoplila cretacca subsp. n. per- granosa Japan (Kishinoshinia, Oki Is.) Pilsbry & Hirase Nautilus 22 p. 43. '\Trochomorplia arneggensis sp. n. Miller Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63 p. 443. Trochonaninn adulta sp. n. New- Guinea Bavay Nova Guinea 5 p. 280. Turrdimnaea gen. n. typiea sp. n. Littauen Dykowski St. Peterburg Ann. uius. zool. 13 p. 282. 106 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] TJroeyclus (MesoeycJus) zotiatiis p. 1', teyiuizonatns, suhfasciatiis p. 2, rari- punctattis p. 3 spp. n. Uganda (Toro nr. Fort Portal) Polloxera Boll. Miis. Zoo!. Torino 21 Xo. 543. Vacfinula roeeatii sp. n. Uganda (Toro nr. Fort Portal) Pollonera Boll. ilus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 543 p. 1. Vallonia. fauna of Swabia ; V. suev'ica p. 324, jurassica p. 327 spp. n. Ger- mauy (.S\vabia), ienu'dnbris var. n. alamannica pp. 305 - 330 Geyer Stuttgart Jalireshefte Ver. Natk. 64. — V. petricola sp. n. from river-drift, R. Danube at Regensburg Clessin XachrBl. Deutsdi. malak. Ges. 40 p. 3. Varicella doiticuiata subsp. n. sidu- ralis Haiti Pilsrry Trvon's Mau. Conch. 19 p. 211. Vancoglandlna sect. n. p. 204 of Euylaiiduui, type E. mon'difera Slexlco PiLSBRY Trvon's Man. Concli. 19. Veronicella rh:etl, aeqiuxtoriensia spp. n. Ecuador Germ.un Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 63. Vertijo mouUnxiana etc. Phillips Irish Nat. 17 p. 89 figs. — V. suhtrochi- fornnii [sp. n.] p. 8 fig. Italy (Abano, from hot springs) Gregorio Ann. Geol. Paleont. 32. '■'jVertijo (contd.). — ]'. antivertigo, hUjeboryi, nioidiitslami, teidr'icosa etc. comp. etc. ToMLiN & Bowell Journ. Conch. 12 pp. 212-215 figs. V'ltrea ccprdci sp. n. [Algeria] (cave at base of .Mt. Djunljura; Dautzenisero Joui n. Conchyl. 55 j). 331 . — T^. leinsiaiia sp. n. United States (.\hjnte Sano etc. Ala.j Ci.APi- Nautilus 21 p. 129 figs.— V. rogersi abnormal spec. Cooper Journ. Conch. 12 p. 138. — V. scharjli sp. n. N. Ireland (Cloughjordan, co. Tippeiary) etc. Ken.vard Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 50 figs. VitreUa lamperli p. 400, pholopJtila p. 408 spp. n. Wiirttpnibei-g ; T'. (ptcn- ittedti var. n. acuta, /iarigena var. n. danuhial'iH. lamperli varr. n. Ia.rini, Hnie/ehleri, Kiievica f. n. ;/ocu'?im/k Giver Stuttgart Jaliresh. \'cr. Naik. 63 pp. 385-417 figs. Vitriyia ahaiicnisiu [sp. n.] Italy (Abano, in hot spi-Jiig) (inv.tumio Ann. Geol. Paleont. 32 ji. 7 fig.— V. cagiiii sp. n. Uganda (.\It. Uuwenzori, alt. 4500 ni.J Poi.lunera Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 21 No. 5.38 p. 1. — V. lohcUaeeoh.f sp. n. German E. Africa (Kilimandjaro. alt. 3,200 m.) Dautzesberg Journ. Conchyl. 56 p. 6 Sga. — V. tripolitami sp. n. Tripoli Sturan'y Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 292. Xerolauta vide Xerophihi. Xerophila (vide etiam HcUx).--X. instahilis var. n. hakoirskiana S. W. Russia (Cherson) ; hrijnickii var. n. odcssana Odessa Ll.NmiOLil Odessa Mem. soc. uat. 31 pp. 204-205.— A. (Xerolauta) timet, grossa p. 62, feneda. accitsata p. 03 spp. n. (ex Mss. Monte - rosato) .Sicily ; X . {X.) peninsularisTpp. 57- 02 varr. n. cUtiimni, neptuvensis, inter- amnensis, virginea, alburni, lauriensis, Hyharitica, moranensis, messapiejisis, sa- prcnsis Italy ; X. (A.) variata var. n. turhinula Sicily p. 65 Kobelt Ross- niassler's Iconogr. Land Siisswass. Moll. 13 figs. Zoniferella vide Synapterpes. SOAPIIOPODA. Scaphopoda Antarctic spp. Plate Deutsche Siidpolar-Exped. 10 pp. 3-0 figs. fFauna of the "PachycardientuiTe." Broili & Read Palaeontographica 54 pp. 69-138 figs. (.■adnhis (Gadila) periivianus sp. n. Peru (off Pt. Aguja) and nr. Galapa- gos Is. Dall Bull Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 301. — C. tluelei sp. n. Autnrk- tis Plate Deutsch Siidpolar Exped. 10 p. 3. Dent(diiim jjermnanuiii sp. n. off I^oni etc. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 358. D. ma'jovinnm var. n. gaussia- num Pi ATE Deutsch .Siidpolar Exped. 10 jip. 1-0. ^Dentalium (contd.). — D. regularc sp. n. Trias, Oberscldesien Aiilbi;rg Berlin Al)h. geol. Landesanst 50. — T). glabel- luiii sp. n. Jurassic (Cornbrash), Eng- land (Scarborough) Blake Monogr. Fauna Cornhr. ]). 101 fig. — D. cyrto- ccroides, Himilc spp. n. Broili Palaeoii- tograjjliica 54 p. 7 L Siphoiiodciitalinm miiiiinuni sp. u. Antarktis Plate Deutsch SiUijwlar Exped. 10 p. 4. J 107 MoU. Systematic. — ScAPnoroDA — Lamelubranchia. 2231 Lamellibuanciu.v. Lauiellibranohia classifioation Stenta Boll. Soo. Aiiriat. Sci. Nat. 25 pp. Cil- 151. Der Stilplau der Bivalven. Vor- etudieii zu einem naturlichen Systeuie lier Muscbeln Scuwarz Morph. Jahrb. 38 pp. 93-134 3 Taf. I-Cretaceons fauna of Eiiglaiid Woods Mouogr. Cret. Lamellibr. Engl. 2 pp. 133-21U figs. — Jurassic spp. of France C'o>.'^M.\xs C. R. Assoc. Franc,-. avanc. sci. 35 pt. 2 pp. 273-281 figs. — Triasfossilien vom Heureka Sund Kitti, Rep. 2d ,,Frani"-Exp. 7 pp. 11-38. — Fauna of tbe Salem Limestone of In- diana Beede Rept. Dept. Geol. Indiana 30 pp. 1324-1334: Aetheriidae monograph Anthony Ann. Soc. zool. Belg. 41 p. 322 figs. Aviculidae genn. ii. vide Acl'nioptcreUa, Corndlites, FollmannelUi, Tolmaia. fPectenidae iliocene spp. from Italy Ugolini Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 pp. 786- 794 figs. fRadiolitidae TorcAS Mem. bot. geol. France 36 figs. Solenomyacidae rev. Uall Nautilus 22 p. 1. Teredinid;ie Sigerfoos Bull. U.S.A. Bur. Fisb. 27 pp. 191-231 figs. Unionidae of Livland Rie.mschseider Jurjev Sitzb. Naturf.-Ges. 16 4 pp. 9-44 ; Australian spp. disc. Friekson Nautilus 21 p. 118. fVeneridae Creticeous and Tertiary geneia disc. Jckes-Buowne Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 148 figs. fVulsellidae Douaillf. Ann. Paleont. 2 pp. 97-119 ( = 1-22) figs.— Genu. n. vide Heligmina, Vulsellopsis. Lamellibranchia (family uncertain) genn. n. vide Protrete, Soicteria. Lamellibranchia genn. n. vide etiani Cyclopellal.ia, Desertella, Castranopnin, Guebhardia, Myopholas, Falaeopliarus, Plicatidopecten. La pintadine de Tunisie DfBuis Lyon Ann. soc. linn. 54 pp. 1-17. Acesta vide Lima. Acharax BVLbgen. n. of Solemya, type S. johnsoni Dall Nautilus 22 p. 2. — vide etiam Solemya. t.4c//. 841 figs. — A. volgenmH sp. n. U]){)er (Jarboniferous, Russia (Samara) Si I'C KEN berg Mem. 0)m. geolog. 23 jjp. 87, 130. '\Astcirtella nasuta sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) GiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 445. "lAtopodonta namnetenss sp. n. Loire inferieure Cossm-^nn Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189- 318. +AuceUa rev. spp. n. Pavlow Nouv. Mem. Soc. nat. Moscou 17 pt. 1 figs. — Neocomian fauna of N. Siberia ; A. iroUossoiritscln p. 9 fig., toUi p. II fig., tolmatHclioici p. 13 fig. spp. n.keyserlingi varr. n. visiugensis, sibirica p. 14 figs., crassieoUis var. n. amer'icana p. 15 fig. SoKOLOw St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. sc. Ser. 8 21. '\AncelVina rev. Cretaceous spp. of Russia spp. n. Pavlow Nouv. Mem. Soc. nat. Moscou 17 pt. 1 pp. 85-89 figs. \Avicula alata sp. n. Lower Cre- taceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 193. — A. polariaf. n. Triassic, Hefireka Sund Kittl Rep. 2d ,,Fram"- Exped 7 pp. 12-13 fig. '\ Av'iculipccten gitadalupensis p. 436, dclairavensis p. 437, infelix p. 438, hiqtieatus p. 439, sublaqiieatus p. 440 spp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. '[Av'icidopectcn jianeaui p. 154, (?) inerasaatus p. 155 spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9. — A. oldahomaensis sp. n. Per- mian, United States (Oklahoma and Texas) Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. Ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171. — A. volge7ifiis pp. 77, 133, samai'eJisis pp. 77, 134 spp. n. Upper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stiickenberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23. — A. spp. n. Devonian, United States (Maine) and Canada (Quebec) Clarke Bull. N.Y(uk Mas. 107 pp. 195- 201. '\Axinea spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey tJeol. Surv. Palaeont. Ser. 4 pp. 371- 418. Barhal'ia (vide etiam Area). — B. canccUdlu sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston L'oc. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2}). 205. Batliyarea vide Area. Batisi^a capillata sp. n. Andaman Is. Pre.sto.v Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 207. — 109 MoU. SVSTEXLATIC. — LaMELUBRAN'CHIA. 2231 R fijicu»is sp. n. Fiji Is. Preston Proc. Malao. Soc. London 8 p. 140 lig. ] BerthcVniia elotigata sp. IL Loire inferieuie Cossmasn Nantes Biil. sof. sci. nat. ser. '2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 1S9-31S. Calllsta subpen. n. vide CaJpitarla ; sect. a. vide CaUistuia. ** ^CaUisthia sect. n. of CnUlsUi, type Cytherea plana Sin. JrKES-RROWNE Proc. iJalae. Soc. LoikIom 8 p. 15G. CaJpltar'ta subgen. n. of CalUsta, type C. aulcataria Jvkes-Drowne Proc. Malao. Soc. London 8 p. 155. '^Camptoneetes (?) paplUatus p. 433, aeulptUis, (is/x'w/a.s p. 434 spp. n. Peruiian (Ciuadalupian), United States (Texas) Girtt U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. ^Capyotina jerseyens'ts sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller Ne«- Jersey GeoL Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 516-572. "fCarbonicola saravajia p.\23,palat'tua p. 124 spp. n., carbonai-ia form. n. trapc- zoides p. 127Sc'HMlDT Geogn. Jahreshefte 19 pp. 119-138 figs. jCardbiia (?) ovida f. n. Triassic, Heureka Sand Kittl Rep. 2d " Fram "- E.xped. 7 pp. 32-33 fig. 'fCard'tomorpha simplex sp. n. Devonian, United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York M us. 107 pp. 227-233. Cardiomya vide Cusp'idar'ia. \Cardita capduri sp. n. Cossmanx Mem. soc. geol. France 37 p. 33 fig. — C. ir'dlei p. 34, C. (?) uraina p. 33 ff. n. Triassic, Heureka Sund Kittl Rept. 2d " Fram "-Exped. 7 figs. — C. elegantoides var. n. fuegina Tertiary, Tierra del Fuego Steismaxs & Wilckess Ark. zooL 4 No. 6 p. 39 figs. %'ardium cooperi var. n. lorenzanum Oligocene (San Lorenzo fonnn.), Cali- fornia and Washington Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 366 fig.— C. dumaa'i, colalinense, juarchand, gouetense, dnfouri, piasaroi. cornidum spp. n. Ix)iEE inferieure Cossmann Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. ] 35-189; 6 pp. 189-318. — C. spp. n. Cretaceous, United States Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 576-620.— C. (Lithocardium) gaaperinii sp. n. Eocene, Dalmatia (Vacianej Dainelli Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 473 f\gs.—C.(Ptcrocardia\ broitzetense p. 29 figs., microphhjctia p. 30 figs. spp. n. Cossmann Mem. soc. geol. France 37. — C. {Tracliycardium) vaquefo- xensit sp. n. Lower Miocene (Vaqueros formn.), California (San Mateo Co.') Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 378 fig. 'fCaryd'mm elongahim sp. n. Devonian,. New Brunswick Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 221-227. Cetoconcha sniithii sp. n. Mexico (off Acapuico) DallBuH. Mus. Zi ol. Harvard 43 p. 431 fig. Chalmys [err. pro Vhlarnys] vide- Pecten. 'fClunna dahanaensis, 7iia?ensis spp. n. Cainozoic, Malaysia (Nias I.) Icke t^: Martin Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus.. 8 p. 248 figs. Chelidonopsia rouhaudl sp. n. Congo (Stanlev Pool) Germain Bull. Mus. Paris- 1908 p." 161 figs. ('h'lone capricornea sp. n. Queensland (Masthead Reef) Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 p. 475 fig. Chlamys (vide etiam Pecten). — C\ anda7nanicns sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 204.— C. smith! sp. n. Mauritius Sowerby Proc. Malac. Soc. Loudon 8 p. 18 figs. f Chlamys (contd.) — C. celehensis sp. n. Post Tertiary, Celebes ScuEPM.iN Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. 8 p. 199. — C. grossouvrei p. 239 fig , ja)tiroides p. 240 figs. spp. n. Bathonian, France- (Saint-Gaultier, Indre) Cos.smann Bull. Soc. geol. P'rance ser. 4 7. — (,'. suhalpir.a sp. n. Miocene, Italy Ugolini Boll. Soc. geol. Itfd. 25 p. 786' fig. fCirce diimasi, crassatellaeformis spp. n. Loire inferieure Cossmann Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. fCleidophorvs pallasi var. n. delawar- en-sis Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 58. dementia subg. n. vide Flaventia. fClionyeliia ottaicaensiH p. 108 fig.,(?) gibbosa p. 109 figs. spp. n. Chazy "formation, Canada Whiteaves Ottawa Nat. 22. 110 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908J fConocardhiin incarceratum sp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick Clarke Bull. X. York Mus. 107 pp. 234-237. fCoraUiophaga verniicidus sp. n. Loire inferienre Cossu.inn' Nantes Bui. sec. sci. iiat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. ■fCorl'icella cJaxbiensift sp. n. Creta- ceous, England Wood.s Monogr. Cret. Lamellibr. Engl. 2 p. 157 figs. — C. tancredia sp. n. Jura, Pomnieru Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Lauclesanst. 41 ]i. 171 fig. Corhicidn hitruncata sp. n. Borneo M.\RTENS Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 290. — C. fluminalis var. n. holstiana India (nr. Peshawar) Sciilesch Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 108. — C. sijlhetica sp. n. Assam (Sylhet) Prestos Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 2 pt 1 pp. 47-48. ■fCorhieida (contd.). — C. hast.p.roliae- formis sp. n. Loire iuferieure Cossuann Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189. ■[Corbis aulacopliora sp. n. Cossmanx Nice Ann. soc. lit. sci. 20 p. 7G figs. — C capditri p. 30 figs., axinaeiformia p. 31 figs. spp. n. CossMANN Mem. «oe. geol. I'rance 37. (.'orbula (Cuneocorhula) ira sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 423. fCorbulii (contd.). — C. chirhenna sp. n. Eocene, United States (Woods Bluff Ala.) .Aldrich Nautilus 22 p. 74 figs. — C. helictorjoma sp. n. Cossmann Nice Ann. soc. let. sci. 20 p. 79 fig. — C. spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Wei, leu New .Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 02() 654. . Corbulomya maetitica nom. n. (Corbida .siiain80)n MiddendorfT nee Turton). MiLAsEVic St. Peterburg Bull. Ac. sc. 1908 J). 996. iCoi-neUitea gen. n. [of AviculidaeJ type I'terinea fasciculata Williams Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 89. Comeocyclas darlai sp. n. Ecuador (Chauchan R. valley, alt. 7,000 ft.) Bautscii Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 33 p. 681 fig. — C. mafjcUduicus sp. n. Magellan •Sir. (washed out to sea) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 411. Crassalella radlata Sow. var. n. Obsoleta Andaman Is. Prest(j.\ \iec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p.' 205. '\Cra!isatella (contd.). — C. infercrenata, \iinbonatn spp. n. Loire Inferieure Cossmann' Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. "fCtenodoiita (Palaeoneilo) musculosa, radiata, gJob'mtn spp. n. Bolivien Knod N. Jahrh. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493- 600. ■\Cveullaea troodburyensis sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Wei.ler New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 371-418. ('itcuUaria vide A^-ca. '^CidtfJhis rectimargo sp. n. Loire in- ferieure CossMAXX Nantes Bui. soc. scii nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. Cuna conipressa, hamata spp. n. Tasmania (off C. Pillar, 100 fms.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 124 figs. — C. p'lsum sp. n. New South Wales (Sydney) Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 p. 476 fig. Cuneocorbida yide Corbula. Cuspidaria Jaircliildl sp. n. New Zealand Scteu Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 360-373. — C. panamensis G. of Panama p. 432 fig. ; C. {Cardiomya) pscusitcs }). 432 G. of Panama, planet ica ]). 433 Pacific Ocean (various localities) spp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. ^Cttsp'idaria (contd.). — C. jer>^eye>isis sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey, Alabama) Weli.er New Jersey Geol.' Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 516-572.— (J. gouetensis sp. n. Loire inferieure Co.^s.MANX Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. Cyaminmactrn 7ut'ida sp. n. New South Wales (Wreck B.) Heuley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 p. 477 figs. CycVuia vide EocycUna. Cyclopectoi vide Pccten. ■fCycJopellatia gen. n. p. 32 ; C. acro- doiitn sp. n. ji. ;-;2 figs. Cossmann Mem. soc. geol. France 37. "fCypricavdelld Hall (~ Microdon Conrad pi'eoc.) Cookerell Amer. Geol. 36 ]). 3.30. — C. spp. n. Devonian, New^ Brunswick and United States (Maine) ( 'i.AUKE Bull. N. York. Mus. 107 pp. 227- "^Cypricardinia magna sp. n. Devonian, United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. Ill MoU. SySTEXUTIC. — Lamellibranchia. 2231 York Mus. 107 pp. 227-233.— C. (?) rontrada sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (^IVxas) tJiRrv U. S. Geol. Stirv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 446. fCypriua elaxbiensis p. 135, teal- .1181 a p. 136, aujlica p. 137, {Venili- ciirdia) protetisa p. 137 spp. n. Cretaceous, FLugland Woods Monogr. Cret. Lamellibr. Eagl. 2 figs.— ''. brouzetensis sp. n. Cos.suaxx Mem. see. geol. Fram^e 37 p. 28 figs. — C. riehicaldi sp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakascr Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 200. Cijrena protia sp. n. p. 289, exixinsa var. n. intlata pp. 249-292 Borneo .Martexs Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. jCyrtodonta muscida sp. n. Devonian, I'nited States 'Maine) Clarke Bull. X. York Mus. 107 pp. 211-221. iCyrtodjutarca midtidentata, {?)pqra- hUidciitata spp. n. Permian, United States (Oklahoma and Texas) Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150- 171. Dacrydium radiava sp. n. New Zea- land Slter Trans. X. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344-359. '\Daonella liliiitaua G. Boehm sp. n. Trias, Timor Arch. Wasxer X. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 194. — D. fraud f. n. Triassic, Heiireka Siind Kittl Rep. 2d ,,Fram"- Exped. 7 pp. 13-14 fig. Dermatomya vide I'oromya. ■\De8ertella gen. n. (Mun-Clialni. in (Joll.) ; D. foureaui uMun-Ch. in Coll.) Hacg Doc. sci. miss, sahar. 3 pp. 751- D'lplodonta insuJsa sp. n. Andaman l-i. Pkestox Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 207. ^Diplodonta (contd.). — D. difficilis sp. n. Loire inferieure Cossmaxn Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. Ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. jDitaricella namnetenaia sp. n. Loire inferieuie Cossmann Xantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. Donax nuxfagus, tieaenhauaeni, tri- 'jonalis spp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 207-208. ■\Donax (contd.). — D. dumasi, pis- »aroi spp. n. Loire inferieure Cosssunn Xantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. Doainia subgen. n. vide Shiodia. '\Do3inia magellatiica sp. n. Tertiary, Patagonia Ort.m.\nn Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. Patagonia 4 pp. 78 145. Ea-ftouia re-named, vide WiuqeaMon'ia. "fEdetitula caatelU sp. n. Trias (Wer- fenian), S. Tvrol WnTENRiRG Centralbl. Mineral. 1908 p. 78 figs. ^Edmondia rotunda, citininnifsi spp. u. Permian, United States (^Oklahoma and Texas) Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bidl. ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171.— E. (?) areuata sp. n. Ordovician (Calciferous), United States (Xew York) Ci.el.\xd Bull. Amer. Pal. 18 p. 18. — S. (?) belluhi sp. q. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 420. Empleconia sect. n. of Limopsis, type L. vaqinatua Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Har- vard 43 p. 393. Endocoatea {Idaenleinia) cymha nom. n. (Inoceramua cripai Goldf.) B'iiim MonatsB. Deutsch. geol. Ges. 1907 p. 317. ^Entolium rev. Fraipoxt Ann. Soc. geol. Belg. 35 p. M. 7 fig. Eocyclhia nom. n. (Cyclina Deshayes praeocc.) Dai.l Bull. Jlus. Harvard 43 p. 241. '\Eryeiiia armoricenais, leptonopaia spp. n. Loire inferieure Cossmaxx Xantes Bull. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. '\Exogyra gumprecht'i sp. n. Jura, Pommern Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. 41 p. ICl figs. '\Flaventia subg. n. of dementia, type Vejiiis oralis Sliy. Jckes-Browxe Proc. Malac. Soc. London 8 p. 167. ■fFollmannella gen. n. [of Aviculidae] type Pterinea mainenaia Williams Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 87. '^Gaatr anopsia gen. n. hureaui sp. n. Loire inferieure Co.'^smaxn' Xantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pj). 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. ^Gaatrochaena spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Weli.er New .Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 626-654. ■\Ciervillia elipaoidalis sp. n. Pennian, X. Italy (Recoaro) Airagiii Milan Atti Soc. Ital. sci. nat. 46 p. 47 figs. — G. sub- striata var. n. tenuicoatata Trias, Swabia 112 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] Zeller N. Jahrb. llin. Beilagebd. 25 jip. 1-134. Glabaris vide Anodonta. Glycymeris velut'ina sp. n. New Zea- land SuTER Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344-359. -\GlynjmerLS (contd. ).— G.hrannerl sp. n. Lower Miocene (Vaqueros formn.), California (San Mateo Co.) ARNoi.n Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 377 iig.— 6'. grandiH sp. n. Upper Carl)oni- ferous, Russia (Samara) Stuckencerg Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 88, 136. '\Gohraeu8 dumaai sp. n. Loire in- ferieure Cossmann Nantes Bui. soe. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 189- 318. Gonidea ancjulata var. n. liaroldiaua California Dall Smiths. Misc. Collect. 50 p. 500. Gon'iophora nlata sp. n. Up}ier Devonian, 'riiuringia Waltiier N. Jahrb. Min. 24 J). 294 figs. — G. curvata sp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick Clarke Bull. N. York. Mus. 107 pp. 221-227.— G. peracittn sp. n. Lower Devonian, Ger- many ! I'riiin) Drevermann Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1907 p. 128 figs. '\Grammysta mod'wmovphac sp. n. Devonian, United States (Maine) and New Brunswick Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 221-227. — G. ov'ijorm'i» sp. n. Bolivien Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-000. ^Gryphaea dlifshnihir'is sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey G eel. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 442-507. -\Guehhardia gen. n. for G. vcnerl- jormia sp. n. Bathonian, France (Cour- mes A.-M.J Cossmann Bull. Soc. geol. France .ser. 4 2 p. 841 figs.— G. luc'mac- form'iH sp. n. Cossmann Nice Ann. soc. let. sci. 60 p. 78 figs. ■\IIamleinia subg'en. n. of Endocostea (q.v.) BoiiM Berlin Monatsber. D. geol. Ges. 1907 p. 317. ^llalir't» vide Vert'icordta. fllalohia moliikkana p. 20C, talauana p. 207, verbeeki p. 208 spp. n. Trias, Timor Arch. Wan.ner N. Jahrb. Min. 24 figs. ■\UeUf]miiia gen. n. of Vulsellidae p. 109 i- l'.'>], type Oat rat uuclnata; II. guchhardi sp. n. p. 110 [= 14] figs, DouviLLE Ann. paleont. 2. ^HeVtgmopsis tridens (Arnaud M. S.) p. Ill [—15] fig., corbarica p. 112 [= 16] fig. spp. n. DouviLLE Ann. paleont. 2. ^Heligmu!^ rollaiuU sp. n. Callovian» France (Lifal-le-1'etit) DouviLLE Ann- p.ileont. 2 p. 105 [= 9] figs. Hemieardium hystrix. vax. n. brcvis- phiofia Andaman Is. Prestum Rec. Ind, Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 200. "fllindsiella bonrdotl sp. n. Loire inferieure Cos mann Nantes Bul. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 189-318. ■fllippurites atJteiiiens'is sp. n. Cre- taceous (Angoumian), Greece Ktenas C. R. Acad. Paris 144 p. 698 fig. ■\I}ioceramus g^do'i, taltahuticus^ Kidarum spp. n. Jurassic, Malaysiai (Taliabu I.) Boehm Palaeontographica Supjil. 4 pp. 09-70 figs. — 7". 7-eZic(r(s sp. n. Italy (Piani di Creto) Issel Boll. Soc. geol. ltal.25 p. 35 fig. — I. dimidivff var. n. labiatoides Cretaceous, United States (New Mexico) Siiimer & BLODGErr Anier. Jonrn. Sci. 25 ]). 61. ■\Isoeardia cliff^coodena'is sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Rep. Geol. Tren- ton 1904 p. 135. — I. tintonensis sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jerseji Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 576-620. Janeia (?) fallax sp. n. Bolivien- Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 493-600. ■f-Joitaiinctia protocum'nigi sp. n. Miocene, Burma (nr. Toungu, Thayetmyo district) Dalton Quart. Journ. (ieol. Soc. 64 p. 620 Iig. — J. gonetensis sp. n. Loire inferieure Cossmann Nantes Bid. soc. sci. nat. s6r. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 189- 318. Kntadeatn'ia subg. n. of Yold'ia for Y. (K.) vincida sp. n. Dall Bull. Mus.. Harvard 43 p. 379. — vide etiam Yold'ia. Kell'in hifurca sp. n. New Zealand Webster 'J'rans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pj>. 254-259 — K. mirahilin sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 205. 113 MM. Systematic. — Lamellibranchia. 2231 ]KclUa (oontd.V — K. intcrstrhita sp. n. Eocene, L'nited Slates (Eiiterjirise Miss.) Alokicii Nautilus 22 \\ 71 ti,oire inferieure CossMANN Nantes Bui. soc. sci.nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 pp. 18!»-318. — L. spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New • lersev) Weller New .Jersey Geol. Snrv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 371-418.— L. (Phacn- ■ idesmia) regia f. n. Triassic, Heiireka ^lind KiTTL Kept. 2d ,,Fram"-Exped. 7 ...31 fig. ]Leptodomus spp. n. Devonian, United "States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York. Mus. 107 pp. 221-227. 'ILej^ton vaiigliani sp. n. Eocene, L'nited .States (Wood Bluff Ala.) Ai.drich Nau- tilus 22 p. 76 fig. — fj. dumassi sp. n. Loire inferieure Cos.smann Nantes Bui. >oc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189; 6 j-p. 189-318. ^Leptosnleu spp. n. Cretaceons, I'nitpd States (New Jersey; Wei.i.eh New Jersey (ieol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 62fi-tj54. ^Leptoapotha vide Spntlia. Lima {Acenta) diomedae sp. n. Gala- pagos Is. p. 407 fig.; L. (Limatulu) Himilnris p. 4U8 Panama B., sulerl p. 410 New Zealand (Stewart 1.) spp. n. Uall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. "^Lima (contd.). — Ty. plieatismma sp. n. Jurai-sic, Italy (Gerfalco) FuciNi liull. Soc. geol. ItaL 26 p. ti25 fig.— L. spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New (.v-10332 r) Jersey) Weli.er New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 442-507. — L. c.f. ri(jtieule»i' B-jrlin Jahrb. geol. Landesanst. 27. — P. volscckhufeuais p. 72 fig., eura8ialicu>< p. 72 fig., tirolicuH p. 73 figs. spp. n. Trias (Werfenian), S. Tyrol WnTi:NBrRG Centralbl. Mineral. 1908. — /'. spp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 442-507. — P. spp. n. Jurassic, Italy ((.ierfalco) FuciNi Boll. Sec. geol. Ital. 26 pj). G17 624 figs.— Z^ li(jerianv8 nom. n. (P. solarium Lam. })ro parte) Doi.lfus & DAUTZESHERf; Palaeont. Univ. — P. (Chlamys) oacari f. n. Triassic, Heureka Sund KrnL Rep. 2d „Fram"-Expcd. 7 pp. 27-29 figs. Penitella vide Pholadidea. '\Periploma sanctacaitris sp. n. Miocene, California (Santa Clara Co.i Arxold Proc. U. S. Natfc«. Mbs. ZIz p. 382 fig. ^Periia allardi sp. n. CossMAXS Mem - soc. geol. France 37 p. 35 figs. 'fPernipecten (?) obliqinis sp. n. Per- mian (Ciuadalupian), United States- (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Pi-of.- Papr. No. 58 p. 441. Petrasma subgen. n. of Solemya (q.v.)» type S. horcalia Dai.l Nautilus 22 p. 2. '\Pliacoides coislinensis, varieulus,. crcnatulatus, dumasi spp. n. Loire in- ferieure Cossmaxk Nantes Bui. soc. sci_ nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189- 318. Phacnodesmin vide Leda. Phaseolus sections etc. p. 391 ; P.. {SiUcula) ixittigonicus sp. n. W. Pata- gonia Dall Bull. Mus. Zoo). Harvard 43i p. 382. Philobrya multistriata sp. n. Falkland) Is. Lamy BuU. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 128- figs. "fPlioladella dahmeri sp. n. Palaeozofcv Germanv Drevermann Ber. Senckenb_ Ges. 1907 p. 130 fig. Pholadidea (Penitella) minuscula sp. lU G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 425. Pholadomya quinuana sp. n. Cre- taceous, Peru Necmaks N. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 115 fig. — /'. roebbcrac sp. n„ AVoi.i.EiiANN Jahrb. geol. Landesanst. 27. Phyllodina vide Tcllina. \Piuiia patagoniertiiis sp. n. Pata- gonien F.wre N. Jahrb. Min. Bella gebd_ 25 pp. 601-647. Pinidium japonicum sp. n. Ja])aft lAkkeslii Kushiro, Yesso) Pii.SBRV it HiRA.sE Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat., Sci. 60 p. 35 figs. Pilar vide Meretrix. Pitaria data sp. n. off Sierra Leone- .SowERBY Proc. Malac. Soc. London S J). 18 figs. ■fPlagioHtoma (vide etiam Lima). — P. delta deum sp. n. Permian (Guada- lupiau), United States (Texas) (!ihit U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 442. Vlcurobcma tomhigbeanum sp. it. United States (Demopolis Ala. and Columbus Miss.) Frier,son Nautilus 22 p. 27. 117 JfoC SysTKMATic— Lamellibraxchia. 2231 '\Pleuromya riujosa sp. n. Trias, Obersolileslea Ahlbirg Berlin Abh. geol. B«iuiles;iust. 50. ■\FUmropkoriM dclaicarciifis sp. n. Permian ^Guadalupiaii>, United fc>tates t IVx.is' GiiiTY L'. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. r.nr. 58 ]\ 44(). — P. {?) alheqnus sp. n. i;i«l vax, n. loiiijiis Permian, United •Sutes (.Oklahoma and Texas) Bkepk Kansas Uuiv. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150- 171. ^PlUatula taurica sp. n. Lower ("reUceous, Crimea Kauak.vshi Trav. ■Sot. nat. 32 p. 1S5. — P. spp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) AVeli.er New .Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 442-507. "fPUceUulojiecten gen. n., type P. hijhmi ap. n. Cretaceous (Santonian), Peru (La . 40, suhpailletei p. 45, caderensis p. 49, ifarlodensis p. 46, riberacensis p 46 spp. n. Toucas Mem. Soc. geol. franca No. 36 figs. Propemusium vide Amusium. Proptera vide Lamps'd'is. '\Pro8ocoelus pea-anseris var. n. occ'i- detiialig Devonian, United States (Maine) CiJRKE Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 221- 227. Protocard'ia panamensia sp. n. G. of Panama Dall BulL Mus. Zool. Har\ard 43 p. 415. fig. '\Protocardia (contd.). — P. anglica sp. n. Cretaceous (Ix)wer Greensand), England (.Atherfield) Woods Monogr. C'ret. Lamellibr. Engl. 2 p. 194 figs. fProtocardlitm jerseyetiaia sp. n. Cre- taceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 576-620. ■f P rot ret c gen. n. incertaesedis, texaiia- sp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 448. Psammacoma vide Maeoma. Paammobia obluna sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston- Rec. lud. Mus. 2 pt 2 p. 208. P)>eiidaimisium vide Vecten. Paeudanodunta vide Aiiodoiita. Pseudocorbicula alluaudl sp. n, L. Victoria Nyanza (Kavirondo B.) Daut- ZESBEKQ Journ. Conchyl. 58 p. 32 figs. ] Pseudocorbula perlomja sp. n. Lower Keuper, S. Hanover Grupe Festschr. Koenen p. 117 figs. — P. heuperinu varr. n. Zelleu Centralbl. Mineral. 1907 p. 45. '\P8eudoheligmu8 biarritzenais, sinua- tus spp. n. Douville Ana. paleont. 2 p. 108 [12] fig. "^Paeudomonotis carboniciis sp. n. Ujiper Carboniferous, Russia (Samara) Stl'ckesberg Mem. Com. geolog. 23 pp. 81, 135. — P. rathensis sp. n. Trias (Werfen beds), S. Tyrol WiTTENnuRG Geol. u. palaont. Abh. 8 pp. 251-292 fig. — P. kokeni p. 75 fig., apinicosta,aner> p. 76 figs., leptopleura p. 77 fig. spp. n. Tiias (Werfenian*, S. Tyrol Wittesbvru Centralbl. Mineral. 1908. '\Pteria guadalupens'is p. 42G, squaml- jera, r'xchardaon'i p. 427 spp. n. Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas! GiRTV U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. \Pter\nea rev., diagn. p. 84 Williams Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 34 p. 83.— P. elegantiaaima sp. n. Upper Carboni- ferous, Russia (Samara) STfCKEXBEKG Mem. Com. geol. 23 pp. 80, 134.— P. spp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 201-211. fPterinopecten spp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York. Mus. 107 pp. 195-201. '\Pteroea7'dia vide Cardiuni. '\Pleronitella spp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick and United States (Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 211- 221. 118 MoU. VIII. Mollusca. [1908] Quadrula vide Unio. Eochefortia mahiUel p. 413, roclie- hrnnei p. 414 fig. spp, n. Magellan Str. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43.— R. reniformis sp. n. Kew Zealand Suter Trans. "X. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 344-359. "fSchizodus (?) oMaJwmaensis sp. n. Permian, United States (Oklahoma) Beede Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. ser. 2 4 pp. 150-171. Scintilla eitrina, clongata, -perplexa, trayislucicla spp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 205-206. ■\Si-i7itilla (contd.). — S. goiietensis sp. n. Loire inferieure Cossmaxn Nantes Bui. soc. iici. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. ■\Seniele gaiji sp. n. Eocene, California (San Mateo Co) Arnold Proc. U. S Nation. Mus. 34 p. 360 fig. Sinodia subgen. n. of Dosinia, type D. trigona (Rve.) Jukes-Browne Proc. Malac. See. London 8 p. 151 fig. Solemya subgg. n. vide Acliarax, Pe- trasina. — S. (Acharax) agassizii sp. n. [sine descr.] W. America (Oregon to Peru) ; S. (Petrasma) paiiamensis sp. n. W. America (California to Panama B.) D.VLL Nautilus 22 p. 2.-5. (Acharax) hartschii sp. n. Philippine Is. (between Ticao and Masbate) Dall Nautilus 22 p. 61. — S. rev. p. 361 ; -S. (Acliarax) agassizii sp. n. E. Pacific (G. of Cali- fornia to Peru) p. 365 fig. ; S. (Petrasma) ■panamensis sp. n. Panama B. and Cali fornia (off Santa Barbara) p. 366 Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. '\Solerto'niya neocomiensis sp. n. Neo- comian, Argentina N. Jahrb. Min. Beila- gebd. 23 p. 222 figs. 'fSotderia gen. n. for WJiitclla cana- densis WniTEAVES Ottawa Nat. 22 p. 112 figs. Spatlia (Leptospatha) stuldmanni var. n. comoensis Ivory ('oast Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 127. '\f>p}iaera glohula sp. n. Lower Cre taceous, Crimea Kahakascii Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 198. 'fSphaein7im porrectum sp. n. Ujiper Oligocene, Germany (iir. Miilliansen) Vol/. NachrBI. I>eutsch. malak. Ges. 40 p. 108. — «S'. risyoviense sp. n. Tertiary, Silesia SchI'tze Berlin Abh. Ak. Wiss. 1907 p. 17 figs. Sphcnia suheqKalis sp. n. Magellai> Str. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 422. 'fSphenia (contd.). — .S. haudradiatit- sp. n. Loire inferieure Cossmann Nantes Bull. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. '\Splie7iotiis ellsi sp. n. Devonian, New Brunswick Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 291-227. Spimda subgen. n. of Leda (q.v.). type 7>. (S.) caJciir sp. n. Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 377. ']Spondyhis maiizonii sp. n. Miocene, San Marino Nelli Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 26 p. 307 figs. "fSportella navmetevsis sp. n. Loire inferieure Cos.=i.\iann Nantes BtiII. soc.' sci. nat. s^r. 2 5 pp. 135-189 ; 6 pp. 189-318. '\Strehlopteria snbrotunda sp. n. Per- mian, N. Italy (Recoaro) Airaghi Milan Atti soc. Ital. sci. nat. 46 p. 45 figs. Strigilla densestriata sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 210. — S. euronia New South Wales (Byron B.), grossia^ia Queensland (Moreton I.) spp. n. Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 pp. 473-474 figs. I^Sunetta subg. n. vide Meroena. Tapes albomarghiata sp. n. Andaman Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 p. 207. TelUna canceUata, incisa, joiisseaumei. magnifica spp. n. Andainan Is. Preston Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 209-210.— T. (Pliyllodina) fnictigera p. 419 G. of Panama, (Moerella) chrysogotia p. 420 Galapagos Is. (off Hood I.) spp. n. Dam. Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43. f7'e/ZJna (contd.). — T. lorenzoen8i>f sp. n. Oligocene (San Lorenzo formn.), California (Santa Cruz Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 367 fig.— 7'. coisVniensis, ftubcorneola, exceptiuncida spp. n. Loire inferieure Coss.mann Nantes' Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 5 pp. 135-189 .• 6 pp. 189-318. '\Teredo pissaroi sp. n. Loire inferieure CossMANN Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ser. 2 Spp. 135-189; 6pp. 189-318. Tindaria compressa p. 387 fig., aalarin p. 387 Mid Pacific, panamensis, atossa p. 388 fig., sminia (i. of Panama, mexi- cana ]). 389 fig. off Mexico, thea p. 390 119 MoU. S YSTEMATIC. — LaMELUBRaNCHIA. 2231 Peru (off Agiija Pt.) spp. n. 1>all rmll. Mu8. Zool. Harvard 43. Tlvt'llna subg. u. vide Merclrlssa. ]Tolmala gen. n. [of Aviculidae], tv[>e Ptcriuea litu-ata Williams I'roc. C. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. SCi. YrraehycanUum vide Cardium. '\Trapezium hjcetti nom. n. {Cypri- i-ardUt uuculiforinia Morr. & Lye.) Coss- M.vxx Bull. Sec. geol. France ser. 4 7 ;.. IMC. '\Tri(jonarca cllfficoodensis sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey, North Carolina) Welleu New Jersey i^Teol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 37 1-4 IS. '\Trigonia kiimmeli sp. n. Cretaceous, I'nited States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 442-507. — T. hauchecomci sp. n. Jura, Pommem Schmidt Berlin Abh. geol. Landesaust. 41 p. 166 tigs. Ylurnus kiivimeJi sp. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Weller New Jersev Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 626-654. '\U)iicardhim claxhlense p. 102, vec- t'tiee p. 163 Cretaceous, England Woods Monogr. Cret. Lamellibr. Engl. 2 figs. Unio hatavus form. n. hasaiae Ger- many Haas NachrBl. Deutsch. malako- zool. Ges. 40 p. 175. — U. heauforti sp. n. New Guinea Bavay Nova Guinea 5 p. 291. — U. TOifcnte/isis sp. n. C. Africa L. Mweru) Smith Proc. Malac. Soc. Ix)udon 8 p. 13 tig. — U. sUigiiriensis sp. n. India (Siliguri, N. Bengal) Pre.ston Kec. liid. Mus. 2 pt. 1 p. 47. — U. mutelae- formis var. n. charlensis Afrique ceu- ;rale Germain' .Miss. Chari-Lac Tchad 1908 p. 541. — U. (Parrcyssia) alluaudi sp. n. L. Victoria Nyanza (Kavirondo B.) DAtTTZEKBERG Joum. CoDchyl. 56 p. 2i') 'igs. — n. (Quadrula) mannuyi sp. n. French Indo-China Dauizenberg & Fiscuer Joum. Conchyl. 56 p. 214 figs. fUnlo (contd., vide etiam Atiodonta). — V. kinkelini sp. n. Diluvial, Germany l>etween Mosbach and Biebrich) HjIAS NachrBl. Deutsch. malak. Ges. 40 p. 177. — U. lentlcidaria var. n. samarica pp. 409, 423, sudovskyi pp. 412, 423, neustnievi pp. 415, 424 spp. n., nicolaia- U8 var. n. orierUalis Russia (Samara) A.VDRUsov Kiev Zap. Ob5c. jest. 20. — C trindensis sp. n. Pliocene, Java DcBois Amsterdam Tijdschr. Ned. Aardr. Genootsch. Ser. 2 25 p. 1249.— f '. (?) trigon'iaformla )i. 78, U. creta- coUis p. 79 spp. n. Oligocene, United States (Louisiana) Macry Bull. Amer. Paleont. 3 No. 15. '\Vanuxemia jxirvula sp. n. Chazy formation, Canada Wiiiteaves Ottawa Nat. 22 p. Ill fig. Vencrica7'dia columnarla sp. n. Tas- mania (o£F C. PiHar, lUO fms.) Hedley & May Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 125 figs. ^Vencricard'in (^contd.) — V. monte- rryana sp. n. .Middle Miocene (Monterey Shale), California (Santa Cruz Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 380 fig. \Venerup't8 (?) camminensis sp. n. Jura, Pommern Scumidt Berlin Abh. geol. Laudesanst. 41 p. 173 fig. 'fVertieordia {Flaliris) grannloides sp. n. Eocene, United States (Woods Bluf! .-\la.) Aldrich Nautilus 22 p. 75 fig- Vesicomya sect. n. vide Arclnvealca. — r. doiiacia sp. n. G. of Panama Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 417 tig. — V. ticaonica sp. n. Philippine Is. (between Ticao and Masbate) Dall Nau- tilus 22 p. 61. ■\Vulsella amiaudi sp. n. Douville ' Ann. paleont. 2 p. 117 [— 21] figs. ^Vulsellopniii gen. n. of Vulsellidae p. 113 [= 17], type Vulsella caillaudi ; V. tiasoti sp. n. p. 113 [~ 17] Dodvill^ Ann. paleont. 2. Wingeastonia nom. n. pro Eastonia ScHEPMAN Leiden Samml. Geol. Eeichs- mus. 8 p. 203. Xylophaga mexieana sp. n. Mexico ;ofF Acapulco) Dall Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard 43 p. 425. Xylotrya gonldi sp. n. S. E. United .States Bartscii Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 211. Yoldia subg. n. vide Katadeamia. — Y. enaifera var. n. plena California (off San Diego Hr., 80 fms.) Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 256.— F. (Kata- deamia) vlncula sp. n. G. of Panama etc. p. 379 fig. ; Y . {OHhoyoldia) pana- meniiia sp. n. G. of Panama p. 380 ; Y. (Yoldiella) chilenica p. 380, indolena p. 381 spp. n. off S. Chili ; F. (F.) granula Magellan Str., dicella Mexico 120 iloU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] (off Acapulco), leonilda G. of Pauauia spp. n. p. 382; F. (F. ?) infreqiiens off S. Chili, mantana Ecuador (off ilanta) spp. n. p. 381 DallBuH. Mas. Harvard 43. '\Yoldia (contd.) — Y. cUffu-oodeiis'is ap. n. Cretaceous, United States (New Jersey) Wellek New Jersey Geol. Surv. Paleont. Ser. 4 pp. 371-418. — Y. sub- montercyensis sp. n. Ix)wer Miocene ( Vaqueros fornin.), California (San Mateo Co.) Arnold Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 34 p. 376 fildi var. n. subafigidl- foMattis Maiigyschlak p. 501 figs. .Sixzow St. I'eterburg Verb, riiss. luiueral. Cies. 45. \Aeroc)iordicerns nrthaben sp. n. Trias, Bavaria Kei.s Geogn. Jahreshefte 18 p. 140. "^Aejoeeras simplex sp. n. Lower Lias, Huiigan- ; A. adnetlticun var. n. in- ro'.uta V.vu.isz Foldt. Kozl. Budapest 37 ]ip. 3.55-359, 40(J-410. — A. simph-x sp. n. Lias, Hungary; A. adneUneiim Tar. n. Inrohda Vad.\sz P^oitlt. Kvk. 16 pp. 332-33G. — A. laudui sp. n. Indo-Australischen Archipel Bokiim X. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 293-343. \Aqat}i'iceras t'imoreny vide Se.ldotheimia. — A. sidcatuH vide Scldothcimia Hubroluiida. — .1. (ilortoni- ceras?) maehueti sp. n. Pervinqlmi-:!!!-: Etud. Pal. tunisieune 1 p. 247 figs. '\Ani80cera8 vide Hamites. t" Ajjfychus " crassiasimus sp. n. Jurassic, Argentina Haupt N. Jalirb. Min. Beilagebd. 23 p. 201 figs.— ".4." Bpp. n. [sine descr.] Jurassic, Austria TurLA Wien Verh. geol. RchsAnst. 1907 p. 303. Argonauta rev. Dall Bull. Mas. Harvard 43 p. 225. fArietites pseudospiraVis, ranconUi- toides, aubrejectus spp. n. Lower Lias, Hungaiy ; A. altesuleafus var. n. involuta, carenatua var. n. antiqua, ohtuaiia var. n. vulgaris, spiratissi- }ini.-< var. n. simplex Vadasz Fcildt. Ko/.l. Hudajiesi 37 pp. 355-359, 40(5- 410. — .4. psi'udospiralia, raricostatoides, aubirji'ctus spp. n. Lias, Hungary; A . altt'sidca' us vSiT. n. inroluta, cnrenatu.'i var. n. cuiligua, obtusus var. n. vulgaris, spiratissimus var. n. aimplcx, idtra- spiratumvsLr. n. costosa Lias, Hungary V.\D.(sz Fiildt. iLvk. 16 pp. 337-358. ^Aspiditcs dietieri sp. n. Trias. Bavaria Reis Geogn. Jahreshefte 18 p. 121. "tAsindoceras indo-rossicum pp. 29, 78, nikitiui pp.30, 78 spp. n. Jurassic, Russia (Dcnez) Borlssjak St. Peterl)urg Mem. Com. geolog. 37. — A. steitDnanni sp. n. Jurassic, Argentina Haupt N. Jahrb. Mineral. Beilagebd. 23 p. 189 figs.— A. ovale, vettersianum spp. n. Neumann Beitr. Pal. Geol. Oest.-Ung. 20 pp. 1-67. — .1. fagesi p. 31 Og., gourgucchoni p. 33 figs. spp. n. Pervinquiere Etudes Pal. tunisienne 1. — A. fontannesl nom. n. (^4. acmUhicum Oppel) Lemoink Etud. geol. Madagascar. — A. varr. n. lysine descr.] Jurassic, Austria Toula Wien Verh. geol. ReichsAnst. 1907 p. 303. "fAsteroconitea aavutieus sp. n. Trias, Timor Arch. Wanner N. Jahrb. Min. 24 p. 213. 'fAstieria (vide etiam Tlolcosteplianus). — .4. p. 122, sharpei p 123, elegans p. 126, taurica p. 127, cadoceroides p. 127, pavloici p. 128 spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakascu Trav. Soc. nat. 32. '\Atraetites hreviconus sp. n, Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogn. Jahreshefte 18 p. 148. '\Aturia (? Ilercoglossa) rmiceiitcnai s sp. n. Eocene (Landenian), Belgium Lincent) Vincent Ann. Soc. zool. malac. Belg. 42 p. 321 fig. '\Baculites paradoxus sp. n. Pervin- quiere Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 94. fBarroisicernsromieiixi sp. n. Pervin- quiere Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 383 '\BeJemnites aifuricua, lagoicus, galoi, taliabuticus, sularum, moluecanus spp. n. Mesozoic, Malaysia (Taliabu I.) Boeiim Palaeontograpliica Suppl. 4 pp. 53-58 figs. — //. gnlui, taliabuticus, sularum, moluecanus spp. n. Jurassic, Malaysia (Taliabu 1.) Boeiim Palaeontographica 122 HloU. VIII. MoUusca. [1908]- Suppl. 4 pp. 71-74 tigs. — B. pata- qoniennis sp. n. Patagonien Favue X. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 601- C47. — B. {CyJindroteutJus) gahhi nom. n. (B. imprcssua Gabb), rodoi sp. n. Lemoine Etud. geol. Madagascar. ^Berriasella (vide etiam Hoplites). — B. patagonienis'is sp. n. Patagonien Favre K. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 601- 647. "fBostrycJiocerax punicum sp. n. Per- visQciERE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 105 figs. "fBoideicerns gen. n., t_v]ie B. nifesfevs sp. n. Lias, Madagascar Thevemn Bull. .Soc. geol. France ser. 4 6 p. 171 figs. 'IBrancoceraa (vide etiam Scldoen- hachia). — B. zrissense sp. n. Pervin- QCiEBE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 225 figs. "^Cadomites ref. to Stephanoceratidae BucKMAX Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 149. Cardioceras dieneri, lambertoule spp. n. Neumann Beitr. Pal. Geol. Ost- I'ng. 20. — C tenu'i stria turn sp. n. Juras- sic, Russia (Donez) Borispjak St. Peter- burg Mem. Com. geolog. ser. 2 37 ])p. 10-60. ■fCartliag'tnitcs vide Tury'dites. "fCeltitea depresaus sp. n. Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogn. Jalireshefte 18 p. 118. Centroceras eiihehcrgcnifi' ,altiscllatum , angiistilobalum spp. n. Enkeberge Wedekind N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 26 pp. 565-634. 'fCeratltefi hilumesccnn p. 126, snlo- inoni p. 127, ifetterstemeriKts p. 1,30, circuloaerra p. 131, spictdifer p. 132 spp. n. Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogn. .hihreshefte 18 C. antecedoiH Schmidt Centralbl. Mineral. 1907 ])p. 528-533 figs. \Cheltonia gen. n. type Amrnonites (icL-ipitris BucKMAN Palaeont. univ. Cltirotevthia impcrator sp. n. Malaysia (nr. Nias I.) CiifN Zool. Anz. 33 p. 88. '\Choffat\cerafi vide Paeudotiasotia. Ch/men'ia enhehergenaia, coatata, pom- pccMi, pubdierrima, involuta, cycloptern, lotz'i, phiH'ipai, roemeri, ale'ivmaum, crnaiticoat'i, protactxi, frechi, angeVnn, giimlpli, diacoidalia, licragona, aandher- geri, luch't spp. n. Enkeberge Wede- KiND N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 26 pji. 565-634. '\Coelonmitiht.'^ spp. n. [sine desc] Permian, Italy Caneva Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 429. "fCoamoceraa viichaJskii sp. n. .Juras- sic, Russia (Donez) Borissjak St. Peter- burg Mem. Com. geolog. 37 pp. 36, 81. 'fCostidiaeus nodoaocoatatua sp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 53. '\Craspedites okenaia group ^ nekras- aovi pp. 489-504, jiigenaia pp. 492-504, Itrylovi pp. 494-505 Gouv. JaroslavlT spp. n. Prigorovsky Verb. russ. mineral. Ges. 44 pp. 483-505 figs. '^Creniceros renggevi Thiery Langres Bui. soc. sci. 2 pp. 1-2. ^Crioceraa joffrei sp. n. Cretaceous, Madagascar Boule Lemoine & Thevenin Ann. paleont. 2 p. 52 fig. — C. laJmseni sp. n. Upper Neocomian, Russia SiNzo\ St. Petc-burg Verb. Russ. mineral. (Jes. ser. 2 44 pp. 157-197 figs.— C. rccticoa- tatum p. 138, pietetiaefonne p. 138, sexangidatum p. 139 spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. 32. — C. tra7i8ca8picu8 sp. n. Mangyschlak p. 510 figs. SiNzow St. Peterburg Verh. russ. mineral. Ges. 45. — C. parlou-i sp. n. Cretaceous, Trans Caspia (Mangischlak Pen.) p. 46 Vasieievskij St. Peterburg Trd. geol. Muz. Ak. nauk 2. — C deeckei, aaraaini spp. n. Patagonien Favre N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. pp. 601-647. "fCylindroteuthi a vide Bclemnites. '\Cyrtoceras albani sp. n, Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Clarke Mem. N. York Mus. 9 p. 105; Ci.akke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 175-178. — C. Tniinaterl, tiibidare spp. n. Enkeberge \Vedekini> N. Jahrb. Min. B. ilagebd. 26 pp. 565 634. — C. graciiia sp. n. Ordoviciau (Calciferous), United States (New York) Cleland Bui. Ainer. Pal. 18 p. 13. ■\Danuditea elegana sp. n. Artinsk- Stufe, Ural Cernov Moskva Bull. Soc. nat. ser. 2 20 pp. 374-397 fig. '\T)eavioceraa subgenn. n. vide Lat'i- doraella. Uhligella. — D. revoili p. 131 figs., {Uldigdln)wdleti p. 1.36 fig. Per- viNQUiioRE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. — D. biaaa(dcnae p. 64, ^awnVinn. p. 65, craaai- doraalum }). 70, aubdtjjlcile p. 58 and vax. n. aimdia p. 59, poitticum p. 62 and 123 Moll. S vsTEMATic. — Cephalopoda. 2231 var. n. dUatata p. d.". spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Kauakasch Trav. S3t. '\Dinaritcs hirscltii Bji.n. Trias, Timor Arch. Wa.nner X. Jahrb. Min. 24 j. 211 %• Doratopsls «agitta Cape Verd Is. and S. Indian Ocean, exopthalm'iea ifadeira and S. Indian Ocean, lipptila Benguela- Ciirrent spp. n. Chus Zool. Anz. 33 p. 89. ^Doutilleieeraa Cretaceous spp. from Russia (Saratov) pp. 33-42, volgensls sp. n. p. 3G Vasii.Tevskij St. Pelerbur^' Trd. geol. Muz. Akad. nauk 2. — 1). aeminodosum, aiibnodosa - costatuw, tschemyacheic'i spp. n. Upper Neo- comian, Russia St. Peterburg Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges. ser. 2 44 pp 157- 197 figs. ^Duvalia crhnica sp. n. Lower Cre- taceous, Crimea KAR.\KAScn Trav. Sof. nat. 32 p 20. ^Eugotioceraa thomasi p. 202 fig. toussainti p. 205 fig. spp. n. Pervin- gfiERE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. '\Fagesia gen. n. p. 319, type Olco- stephanus supersten, tunisiensis p. 323 fig., spheroidal'ta p. .323 figs., peroni p. 329 figs., feurgi p. 330 fig. spp. n. Per- viNQUiERE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. '\Fliehia gen. n. p. 212, simplex sp. n. J). 214 figs. PERviNQi:ii;RE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. ^Fooi-doceras shumardianum sp. n. p. 407 and var. n. praecnraor p. 498 Permian (GuadalupianJ, United States ''Texasj Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58. fForbesieeraa flrki sp. n. Pervik- QUlERE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 112 figs. ^Gaatrioeeras (?) serratum sp. n. Per- mian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 500. 'IGaudryeeraa vide Lytoceras. Gephyroceras supersten sp. n. Eiike- Iwrgo Wedekino N. Jahrb. .Min. Beila- gebd. 26 pp. 505-034. ^Gompliocerua uiscoti8iiie7iKe p. 401, uhitfieldi p. 404, calvlni p. 405 spp. n. Devonian, United States (VViscousinj Cleland Journ. Geol. 15 figs. t" Gomitocheilus " gen. n. of " Rhynr eholithes " bninneri, expanaus, oxfordi- cnsis, planus spp. n. Till Wien Jahrb. Geol. Rch.Vnst. 57 pp. 53.5-083. '\Gymnites agamemnonis sp. n. Trias, Greece (Epidauros) Frech. N. Jahrb. Min. 1907 |). 0 figs. — G. pei-earinatu^ sp. n. Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogn. Jahreshefte 18 p. 139. "fGyroccras cryx sp. n. Devonian, United States (Wisconsin) Hall Journ. Geol. 15 p. 409 fig.— G. (?) halli sp. n. Enkeberge Wedekind N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 26 pp. 505-634. 1 " Hadrocheilus " gen. n. of " Rhyncho- lithes " ; eonvexiis, costatus, depressus, rxsc'catus, gibber, gibher'ifonnis, gib- beroidets, hamatus, hercynicus, kiUani, latus, lougohaata, oblongus, oosteri, procerlformis, procerus, spp. n ; 77.' quinquecarinatoides, quinqueearinatua nonim. n. ; IJ. robiiatics, nigoau.", schlosseri, squammatus, theodosiar, u-olangin'ie7isls spp. n. Till Wien .Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 57 pp. 535-083. fHamltes (Anisoeeras ?) auberti sp. n. Pervinquiere Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 85 fig. — H. (Anisoeeras) raynaudi sp. n. Cretaceous Madagascar Bolle Lemoike & TiiEVENiK Ann. paleont. 2 p. 50 figs. ■fllamulina uJdigi p. 148, taurica p. 148, crassicostata p. 150, acuficoatata jj. 151, depresaa p. 153 Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Kauakasch Trav. .Soc. nat. 32. \Baploceras graai sp. n. Lower Cre- taceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 54. — II. nudum sp, n. Jurassic, S. Hungary (Villany) Till Wien Verh. geol. RchsAnst. 1907 p. 123. '\Hecticoeeras paurifalcalum. regu- hire, ufdigi spp. n. Jurassic, S. Hungary (Villanvj Till Wien Verh. geol. Rchs- Anst. 1907 p. 124. ^Itarpoceras laudui sp, n. Indo- Australischen Archipel BoEHM N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 293-343. 324 Moll. VIII. MoUusca. [1908] '\Hati:hericcros sta)itouii'iiisc sp. n. Piitaf^onieu Favre N. Jahrb. Min. Bel- lagebd. 25 pp. 601-647. fllemitissotia gideppci sp. n. Pervin- •erticeraii subgen. n. of Lytoe.eras Jacob Ann. Univ. Grenoble 19 p. 65. \Joamutcs loxolielix, argivus spp. n. Triassic, Greece Frech N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 443-466.— J. diffusiis var. n. argoliea, joaiuiis tiistriac var. n. compressa Trias, Greece (Epidauros) Frech N. Jahrb. Min. 1907 pp. 1-32. 'IKUianeUa vide HopVitcs. '\Kio7ioceras rhysum, cliamplaini spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Qtxebec) Clarke Mem. N. YorkMus 9 p. 142.— 7v. spp. n. Devonian, Canada (Quebec) Ci-ARKE Bull. X. York Mus. 107 pp. 175- 178. '\Kossmatella subgen. n. of Lytocrras (q.v.) Jacob Ann. Univ. Grenoble 19 ]>. 65. '\LatidorseUa subgen. n. of Desomo- ceras J.\cob Ann. Univ. Grenoble 19 p. 75. — vide etiam Puzosia. '\Leopoldia hainnhcrgi, haiithnli, paynensis, belgrameiisis spp. n. Pata- gonien Favre N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pj). 601-647. — L. aenigmatica p. 54 fig., subceiiigmalica p. 55 fig., eyroUcnsis p. 55 fig., prori)tcialis p. 58 fig., depereti p. 59 fig. spp. n. France Sayx Mem. sue. geol. France 23. t" Leptoclicilus "' gen. n. of " Rhyncho- lithes"; L. excavatus, geyeri, temii- foririis, tenuis spp. n. TiLi. Wien Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst. 57 pp. 535-683. ■\LeymerieUa subgen. n. of Hoplites fq.v.) Jacob Ann. Univ. Grenoble 19 ]>. 91. LigiirieUa gen. n. of Cranchiidae, for L. podophthcdma sp. n. Ocfano atlantico IssEL Monitore zool. ital. 19 pp. 103-104. IJocranchia clongata sp. n. Mare caraibico Issel Monitore zool. ital. 19 pp. 102-103. Loligo media presence of teeth on suckers ; L. viarmorae prob. $ of L. media Masses' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 1 p. 336. '\Lytoceras suiigenn. n. vide Jauhcrti- ceras, KosHniateUa. — L. depressum sp. n. Jurassic, S. Hungary (Villany) Till Wien Verh.geol. RchsAnst. 1907'p. 12.H. — 7y. cioiiitiim sp. n. Lias, Hungary Vadasz Foldt. Ko/.l. 38 pp.32, 131.— L. snb»rcpte)is, cicJiiraldi p. 50, vogdtl p. 51 spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch St. Pet. Trd. Soc. nat. 32. — 1:?') MoU. Systematic. — Cephalopoda. 2231 L. (Gandryccras) ilii-Jii sp. n. Pervin- QitKRE Etud. Pal. tiiuisienne 1 p. 0"> tig. 16. — Ltjlocrra'< (Tft nKjouitca) kiliaui p. 1' li,i;>., \KossmiUrlla) reticulcrensis p. '2'2 fig^. spp. n. Jacob Mem. soc. geol. FraiR-e 38. fMaeroct'pJialites metroxijloni, batafo- indiciis, rntatuj'i, jxilmariim, cocnxi, nl I n- ricun, bamlmsac spp. n. Juiassic, Malay- sia (Taliabu I.) BoEUU Palaeoiitogruphica Suppl. 4 p. 85. ^Macroscaphites eichiraJdi sp.n. Lower Cretaceous. Crimea Karak.isch Trav. Soc. nat. 32 p. 1-15. '\Mammkes (vide etiam Acajithoceras. — M. lapparenti p. 312 figs., {Psfudan- piJoceras) anrnUus p. .317 figs. spp. n. Pervikqliere Etud. I'al. tunisienne 1. Mat^igoteuthis cordifomiis Malaysia (Nias Ch.), flnmmea Atlantic (Oniuea Stream"), glatikop-'iis of! E. Africa spp. n. Chun Zool. Anz. 33 p. 88. "fMedlicottia magnotuherculata sp. n. Ural Artinsk-Stufe Ceknov Moskva Bull. Soc. nat. ser. 2 20 pp. 366, 397 fig. MeleayroteiUhis gen. n. hoylei sp. n. W. C. America (Foiiseca-B.j Pfeffkr Hamlnirg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 25 Beih. 2 p. 292. "tMortoyiiceras I'vide etiam A mmonVes). — M. monchicourti sp. n. Pervinquf.RE Etud. Pal. tunis. 1 p. 240 fig. Nanno prlmaevus, kin^stonenaia spp. n. Tx)wer Palaeozoic, Canada (Ontario) White.\ves Amer. C.eol. 35 pp. 23-30 figs. ^Nautilus auriculatus sp. n. Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogii. Jahresliefte 18 p. 115. — X. crasKiconcha sp. n. Eocene, Hungary Vogl Foidt. Kozl. 38 pp. 568, 635. — iN'. eirhtraldi p. 2!), afereni p. 30, karpinskyi p. 31, picteti p. 32, ampichei p. 33 spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch St. Pet. Trav. Soc. nat. 32. '\y!eocom'ite8 americanus, u-Uchena't, patagonieiit'ta, ateinmcninl, ovalla spp. n. I'atagonien Favre N. Jahrb. Min. Biela- gebd. 25 pp. 601-647. — N. platycoatatua p. 33 fig., beiuimugnciia'ia p. 34 figs., (?) biformis p. 35 figs., eiwyrtua p. 36 figs. longi p. 37 figs., bedoti p. 38 fig. spp. n. ; A', veoromienaia varr. n. aubtenuia p. 30 fig., premoUea p. .30 figs., auhqiuidrata p. 31 fig. S.ws Mem. soc. geol. France 23. fNt'ohtbiti.'i fortrtaiii sp. n. Pkuvih- QVIKRE Etud. Pal. tunisionno 1 j). 20S> figs. fXcoptychhi's xctr'iform'is p. 308 figs.^ gounjerli >ni p. 400 figs. spp. n. Pervin- (JCIEre Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. ]Xeumayr'ia rev. p. 199 ; pseudo- onl tliicd sp.n. Jui'assic, Argentina p. 200^ figs. lL\ri'T N. Jahrb. Mm. Beilagebd.. 23. Xor'itca (Zi«<')(ji sp. n., pff'tlodiacu»- var. n. pUelfcr Trias, Bavaria Keis Gengn. Jahreshefte 18. '\ Nor man nit cs rev. ; N. nrhignyi nom. IL. {Aminon'dei^ bra'ikenridg'd d'Url). nec: Sowerby) Bdck.man Ann. Mag. Nat. Ilist. ser. 8 1 p. 140. fOlcostephanua superstca type of Fageaia (q.v.) gen. n. 'lOppelia galoi sp. n. Jurassic^ Mahiysia (Taliabu L) Boehm Palaeonto- grapliica Siippl. 4 p. 84 figs. — 0. jMitaijon'ieiin'nf sp. n. Patagonien Favrr X. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 pp. 001- 647. ^Orthoccras aciia sp. n. Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogn. .Jaiireslipfte 18 p. 114. — 0. nnrumhegae sp. n. Devoniaiv United States (.Maine) Clarke Bull. N. York Mus. 107 pp. 175-178.— 0. guadalupertse sp. n. Permian (Guada- lupian), United States (Texas) Girtit U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 5& p. 497. — 0. convexiim, magnum, poly- phemi, enkebergenae spp. n. Enkeberge- Wedekind N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 2& pp. 505-034. '\0xynotieera8 oxynotum Ksapp Geol. paliiont. Abhandl. ser. 2 8 pt. 4 jjp. 1-34 figs. fPacJiydlacua rollandi type of TItoma- aitea (q.v.) gen. n. — P.{ Parapaelnjdiaeiiay aelbienaia sp. n. Pervi.vql'Iere Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 177 figs. '\PaTafeltkes elegnna sp. n. Permian (Guadalnpian), United Stales (Texas) (iiRTY U. S. Geol. Surv. ProL Papr> 58 p. 499. 'fJ'arahopJltca fviile eti.'im lloplitea). — P. multlcoatutua sp. n. Ma ngysclilak p. 459, aub-ciimp'inclwi Mangysclilak p. 463 Kauka^^us, maximua p. 464- Mangj-schlak spp. n. Sinzow St. Peter- burg Verb. russ. mineral. Ges. 45 figs. ^Parapachydiacus vide Paehydiactta^ 12C, MoU. Mil. Mollusca. [1 90S] ^Parapronor'tes nrmensis pp. 340. ■Siyti, permicus pp. 344, 396, skvozzovi pp. 350, 396, tenniserratiis pp. 354, 396, biformis pp. 356, 397 spp. n. Ural Artinsk-Stufe Cernov Moskva Ball. Soc. nat. ser. 2 20 tigs. \Parkinson':a doneziana sp. n. Jurassic, Russia (Douer) Borissj.ak St. Peterburg Mem. Com. geolog. ser. 2 37 pp. 38, 82. fPeltoceras interruptum, tr'igeminum spp. n. Neumann Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng. 20. — P. poloniciim sp. n. Jurassic, Poland MicH.\LSKi St. Peterburg Mem. Com. geolog. 32 pp. 251, 256.— P. tjapalidui sp. n. Jurassic, Malaysia (Taliabu I.) Boehh Palaeoutographica Suppl. 4 p. 106 tigs. . '\Pcrisphinces [Perisplthictes] galoi, tal'tahuticus, moluccanus, ternatajius, iwlonesianuH spp. n. Jurassic, Malaysia (Taliabu I.) Boeiim Palaeontograpliica Suppl. 4 pp. 96-104 figs. \Perisphinctes argentniii.t sp. n. Jurassic (Lower Tithonian), Argentina Haui'T N." Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 23 p. 193 figs. — P. timorensi.t, huvnl spp. n. 'Indo-Australischen Arcliipel Boeiim N. Jahrb. Min. Beilage])d. 25 pp. 293-343.— P. cetechorius, ci/rUbj, gyrus, vielhodii, praelothariiis, uhl'igi, icnrLo'ideH spp. n., lieaU'i/i nom. n. (P. pUcatilis d'Orb.) Xecmann Beitr. Pal. geol. Oest-Ung. 20. '^PerispJiinclil.es spp. n. Jurassic, ii. Hungary (Villauy) Till Wien Verb, geol. RchsAnst. 1907 pp. 126 127.— /*. spp. n. [sine descr.] Jur.issic, Austria T(JL-LA Wien Verb. geol. itchsAust. 1907 pp. 302-303. fPeritroch'ia gen. n. p. 498 nff. P;v>- noritea, ercbnn sp. n. j). 499 Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas; (jlRTY U. S. Ceol. Surv'. Prof. Papr. 58. ]Phylloceras oiphylloidcH sp. n. Juras- sic, 8. Hungary fV'illanv) Till Wien Verb, geol Ucbs.Vnst. 1907 p. 122.- P. monsiini, galoi, malaijaniim, pafisali, 'irtsuUndue spp. n. Jurassic, Malaysia (Taliabu I.) Boeiim Palaeontograpbica Suppl. 4 pp. 75-83 figs. — P. taiiit p. 53 figy., lalc-umhd\c(dum p. 60 figs. spp. n. PEi!ViNQt;ii;Ri'; Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. — P. Jtuiigaricum, Infrn- lias'iasicum, lipoldi, pr'imit'iva, prinzi, .•izddeczkyl spp. n. Lias, Hungary Vad.vsz Foldt. lOvk. 16 })]). 304 321.— /'. hun-garicum, infralranicum, azddeczUy'i spp. n. Lower Lias, Hungary; P. oeno- tr'ium var. n. complanata, lipoldi var. n. primitiva Lower Lias, Hungary VadAsz Foldt. Kozl. Budapest 37 pp. 355-359, 406-410.— P. milaseheuitchi p. 38, sabliensis p. 33, prcndeli p. 142, stuekenhevgi spp. n. Lower Cre- taceous, Crimea Karakascii St. Pet. Trav. Soc. nat. 32. — P. sulcatum sp. n. Lias, Hungary Vadasz Foldt. Kozl. Budapest 37 pp. 349-355, 399-405.— P. spp. n. [sine descr.] Jurassic, Austria Toula Wien Verb. geol. RchsAnst. 1907 p. 302. '\Pleuronaidilu8 darni sp. n. Permian, Italv C.VNEVA Boll. Soc. geol. Ital. 25 p. 430. 'fPoterioccras compactum, angii.^him . aampylum, latum spp. n. Enkebergc Wedekind N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 26 pp. 565-634. 'fPrionotropis (vide etlam Acan- thoceras). — P. radenacl sp. n, Pervin- QCii'.RE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 ]). 251. fProlobites viirus sp. n., delp}ti)iiis var. n. elUptica Eukeberge Wedekino N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 26 pp. 565- 634. ] Protrach yceraa sverdrupi f. n. Trias- sic, Heureka Sund Kittl Rep. 2d. ,,Fram"-Exped. 7 pp. 38-39. "fPseudaspiduccras vide MammUes. 1[Pseudotissotia (Choffaticcras) pacil- lieri p. 353 figs., luciae p. 355 figs.. mas>< p. 152 figs., leonis p. 162 figs., thoa ]}. 164 fig. spp. n. PERviNQUii':RE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1. '\ijue,nal('dtic,craa nalivkiiii sp. n. Jurassic, Russia (Douer) Boiussjak St. Peterburg Mem. Com. geolog. 37 jjp. 7, 64. 127 Moll. SYSTBMATIC.~rErjt\LOPOD\. 2231 \Rfiiieclii(i spp. n. Jurassic, S. Hun- uarv fVillanv) TiLi, Wien Verh. (Jeol. IN-hsAnst. 1907 pp. 124-lin). fRIiacoiihyUilcs ;7';;riERE Etud. Pal. tuuisienne 1. \ScIdoenhachia grosseti sp. n. Peuvin- gCiERE Etud. Pal. tunisienue 1 p. 221 (ig. — S. gaudryi p. 3(3 fig., schtuiblii p. 37 tig., iUrancoceras) lafcrrerei p. . 45 fig. spp. n. Cretaceous, Madagascar ; S. indata var. n. anjoleusis p. 41 fig. BocLE Leucine & Thevenin Ann. paleont. 2. '\ScJdotheimia jugata, subrotiaidti spp. n. (Ammonitea sideatus J. Buckman pro parte I ; S. parca, subpoUta spp. n. {Aui- inonites lacunatus J . Buckman pro parle) BucKM.vN Palaeont. Univ. ]Sile8ites concretus p. 101, sidnia- /riatns p. 101, tenuis p. 102 spp. n. lyiwer Cretaceous, Crimea Karakascu Trav. Soc. Nat. 32. — S. lamberti p. 41 figs., e.'. 47 fig.; lucensis p. 50 figs., superba p. 51 tigs. spp. n. ; T. ronbaudi var. n, retro- costata p. 49 figs. Sayn Mem. Soc. geol. France 23. yVornoceras dorsatum, bilobatum, kochi, ifcissi spp. n. Enkeberge Wede- kind N. Jahrb. .\!in. Beilageixl. 26 pp. 565-634. fToxoeeras daltnowi p. 142, sinzoiri p. 144 spp. n. Lower Cretaceous, Crimea Karakasch Trav. Soc. nat. 32. Yrunesites gen. n. p. 255 ; 7'. solamw- bo ]i. 250 figs., chofati p. 257 figs. spp. n. PERviNQUiiiRE Etud. Pal. tunisieune 1. ■\TurriliteH colcanapi. sp, n. p. 59 fig., puzosianus var. n. gallienii p. GO tigs. Cretaceous, Madagascar Boui.E Lemoine A Thevenin Ann. ])aleont. 2. — T. {('artha- ginites) harimensts sp. n. Pervinquu-.re Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 101 figs. \Uhligclla subgen. n. of Desvioceras (q.v.) Jacob Ann. Univ. Grenoble 19 p. 73. 128 MoU. Vin. MoUusca. [1908] '\V ascoceras poli/morphum sp. n. Pei;- VTNQUIERE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 336 figs. ^Waarjeyiia aulerti sp.n.PERViNQUiERE Etud. Pal. tunisienne 1 p. 35 fig. ■fWaagenoceras cummmgiti var. n. guadalwpenae Permian (Guadalupian), United States (Texas) Girty U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. 58 p. 502. '\'\Yitehellia Isjiimira pp. 14, 69 J;a- mntka pp. 15, 70, rossiea pp. 12, 68 spp. n. Jurassic, Russia Borissjak St. Peterburg Hem. Com. geolog. 37. fZiignion'ttes gen. n. mojsisovicv'i sp. n. Trias, Bavaria Reis Geogn. Jahreshefte 18 p. 148. Zygaenops'ia pac'ifica sp. n. Oeeano pacilico IssEL Monitore zool. ital. 19 p. 103. IX. ARTHROPODA (GENERAL) ARRANGED BY D. SHARP CONTENTS PAGK I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II. Subject Index.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 r>,-- 10332 k) C 1 2 Arthr. IX. Arthropoda. [1908] I.— T I T L E S . Benoit-Bazille, H. Recolte et conser- vatiou des Insectes et des Acariens en vue de I'etude scientifique. Discussion : Trouessart et Anthony. Paris, Bui. soc. zooL, 33, 1908, (114-116). 1 Cockerell, T. D. A. Fossil insects from Florissant, Colorado. New York, N.Y., Bidl. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (59-69), pi. 2 Donitz. lasekten als Verbreiter von Krankheiten. Die Zecken. [In : Be- richt liber den xiv internat. Kongress fiir Hygiene. Bd 2.] Berlin (A. Hirsch- wald), 1908, (178-188). 3 Fabre, J. H. Bilder aus der Insekten- welt. Uebersetzung aus : ,, Souvenirs Entomologiques", Serie. 1. Stuttgart (Franckh.), [1908], (125), 1 Portr. 26 cm. 2,25 M. 4 Francois, Ph. Liste des Articules recueillis en Tripolitainie (190.3-1904) par M. H. Metier de Mathuisieulx. XoQv. arch. miss, sci., litt., Paris, 13, fasc. 2, 1905, (98-102). 5 Galli-Valerio, B. Le role des arthro- podes dans la dissemination des maladies. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 41, Referate, 1908, (353-360j. 6 Handlirsch, Anton. Ueber Phylo- genie der Arthrojioden. Wien, Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges., 56, 1900, (88-102). 7 Meisenheimer, Johannes. Ueber den Zusammenliang von Gesehlechtsdriisen und sekundaren Geschlechtsmerkmalen bei den Arthropoden. Verb. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (84-96). 8 Nuttall, George H. F. Insects as carriers of disease. Recent advances in onr knowledge of the part played by blood-sucking Arthropods (exclusive of Mosquitoes and Ticksj in the transmis- sion of infective diseases. [In : Bericht liber den xiv. internat. Kongress fiir Hvgiene. Bd 2.] Berlin (A. Hirsch- waldi, 1908, (195-200). 9 Sicherer, 0. v. Die Entwicklung des Arthropodenauges. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. Morph., 24, 1908, (23-42). 10 [§iriajev, X. N.] ninpaeBi., H. H. PyKOBo;icTBO K-B coOupaHiio n coxpa- HeHiio HacfeKOMUXt, cocTaB.ieHHoe no K. A*. Pen.Tii. 2-e nsj. [Anleitung zum Sammeln und Konservieren der In- sekten [ -f Arthropoda] nach C. V. Rilev.] 2-te Aufl. St. Peterburg [A. *F. Devrient], 1908, (viii -f 1 -f 154). 20 cm. 11 Verlioeff, C. Gliederfiissler : Arthro- poda. [Forts.] (H. G. Bronn'sElassen u. Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs, Bd 5, Abt 2, Lfg 80-82). Leipzig (C. F. Winter), 1908, (265-312), 2 Taf. 26 cm. Die Lfg 1,, 50 M. 12 IT.— SUBJECT INDEX. GEXERAL. 2403 Bilder aus der Ins(^kten\velt ; Autoris. Ubersetzung; Fabre, 4. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungeii iiii Gebiete der Entomologie wahreud des .Jahres 1902. Lfg. 3 von Benno Wandolleck, Robert Lucas, Th. Kuhlgatz. Berlin (Xicolai), 1908, (847- 1402. 24 cm. [ = Arch. Xatg., Berlin, 69, Bd 2, H. 2, Lfg 3 = D. ent. Zs., Ber- lin, 1903, H. 3, Lfg 3]. Gliederfiissler : Arthropoda. Forts ; Verhoefif, 12. Reciilte et conservation des Insectes et des Acariens en vue de I'etude scientifique. Discussion : Trouessart et Anthony ; Benoit-Bazille, 1. Anleitung zum Sammeln und Konser- vieren der Insekten {_+ Arthropoda] nach C. V. Rilev (Russ.) ; sinajev, 11. 3 Arthr. Subject Index. 2427 Insekten als Verbreiter von Krank- heiten. Die Zecken ; Donitz, 3. Le role des arthropodes dans la dis- semination des maladies ; GaJli-Valerio, 6. Insects as carriers of disease. Recent advances in our knowledge of the part played bv blood-sucking arthropods (ex- clusive of Mosquitoes and Ticks) in the transmission of infective diseases ; NuttaU, 9. Zusammenhang von Geschlechts- driisen und sekundaren Geschlechts- merkiiialen l>ei den .\rthropoden ; Heisenlieimer, 8. DEVELOPilKNT. 2415 Entwicklung des Arthropodeuaugcs ; Sicherer, 10. AETIOLOGY. 2423 rhylogenie der Arthropoden ; Hand- lirsch, 7. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. 2427 Liste des Articides recueillis en Tri- politainie (1903-1901) par M. H. M^hier de Mathuisieulx ; Francois, 5. tFossil insects from Florissant, Colorado ; Cockerell, 2. X. CRUSTACEA ARRANGED BY R. SIIELFORD, CONTENTS PAGE . TiTLEs=2600 3 '.. Subject-Index : — General, Economics =2603 . . . 22 Structure=2G07 . 22 Physiology=2611 .. .. . 23 Development=2615 . 24 EthoIogy=2619 . 24 Variation and Aetiolog-y = 26 23 . 2G Geographical = 2627 . 27 Living forms : — Europe and Mediterranean = cZ .. . 27 Asia and Malay ArcliipeIag-o=c. . . 28 Africa and Madagascar =/ . 29 North America =^ . 29 Central and South America, West lnd'\es=h . . 29 Australasia =it . 30 Arctic and Antarctic=^•, 0 . 30 Atlantic Ocean=:Z. . . 30 Indian Ocean = ?« . . . 31 Pacific Ocean = /t .. . 31 . 31 (n-10332 I) c2 III. Systematic Index = 2631 : — Decapoda Brachyura : — Oxyrhyiiclia Cyclometopa Catometopa Oxystomata Dromiacea Incertae sedis Anomura Galatlieide Paguridea Macrura. . Nephropsic Eryonidea Loricata Thalassinid Caridea Penaeidea Stenopidea Schizopoda . . Stomatopodu Cumacea Tanaidacea . . Isopoda Incertae sedi^ Asellota. . Plabellifera Valvifera Epicaridea Uiiiscoidea Amphipoda . . Phyllocarida . . Brancliiopoda ]'liyllopoda Cludocera Copepoda Brancliiiua . . Ostracoda Cirripedia 3 Crust. Titles. 2600 I.— TITLES. Agar, W. E. Note on the early development of a Cladoceran {IIolo- fx'dium qibherum). Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908(420- 427). 1 Alcock, A., Annandale, X., Mac- Gilchrist, A. C. Illustrations of tlie zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator under the com- mand'of Captain T. H. Heming, R.V. Crustacea (Malucostraca) — Pt. XH pis. Ixsvii-lxxix. Ci-ustacea (Entoino- 8»t eineu Beitrage von Dr. \V. SchUtze. Berlin Abh. Ali. Wiss 1907 IMnsik. Abh. 2 (,1-50) pi. 40 [Brashnikov, V] Bpa;KiinKOB-i,, B. MiiTt'pia.iu no (|iayiit PyecKnxb Bo- CTOHHhix-b Mopert, coOpanHhie IUxjhok) . CropoiK-i - B-b IsyO-iyO'J m [Beitrage zur Fauna der russichen ostlicheu Meere, gesaiumelt von dem Schoner ,,.Storosli" i. d. J. 1S9'J-1902]. St. Teterburg, Mem. Ac. So., ser. 8, 20 pt. 6, 1907 {2 + 185) 2 Taf., 1 Karte u. 26 Abb. i. T. 41 Braun, M. Die Fauna des Grund- wassers und der Brunnen. Kouigsberg, Sclir. phvsik. Gas. 49 1908 (302-30(3). 42 Braun, M. Die einheimischen Bran- chiopiden. Konigsberg, Sclir. phvsik. Ges. 49 190S [1909] (96-110). ' 43 Breemen, P. J. van. Bijdragea tot de Fauna der Zuidelijke Noordzee. II. Plankton-Copepoden eu -Cladoceren, verzameld met de „Wodan" op de Termijnvaarten November 1902 -Mei 1907. [Beitrage zur Fauna der siid- lichen Xordsee. II. Plankton-Cope- poden und -Cladoceren, mit dem „\Vodan" gesaramelt wahrend der Ter- min-Fahrten November 1902-Mai 1907.] Helder, Jaarb. Onderz. Zee 1906 (103- 110). 44 Breemen, P. J. van. Vrijlevende zoetwater-Copepoden van Nederland. [Freilebende Siisswasser-Copepoden der Niederlande.] Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver., Sar. 2 10 1907 (303-368) mit 2 Taf. 45 Breemen, P. J. van. De garnalenvis- scherij in Nederland. [Die Garnelen- Fischerei in den NieJerlauden.] Meded. Vissch. Helder 15 1908 (18-21). 46 Breemen, P. J. van. Copepoden, In : Nordisches Plankton, I^fg. 7. Kiel u. i..eipzig (Lipsius & Tischer) 1908 (1- 264;. 46a Brehm, V. Ein neuer Canthocamptus der (Jstalpen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (5j8-599j. 47 Brehm, V. Beitrage zur faunistischen Durchforschung der Seen Nordtirols. Innsbruck, Ber. Natw. Med. Ver. 31 1908 (97-120) 3 figs. 48 Brehm, V. Die geographische Ver- broituug der Copepoden und ihre Be- ziehung zur Eiszeit. (Nebst Nachtrag : Vorbreitung d. Copep. auf d. Balkan- halbinsel.) Intern. Rev. llvdrobiol., Leipzig 1 1908 (1-17-462, 676-678). 49 Brehm, V. Die zoologische Reise des uaturwissenschaftlichen Vereines nach Dahnatieu im April 1900. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesam- melten Materiales. 1. Mikrofauna der Binnengewiisser. Wien, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 1908 (28-31). 50 Brehm, V. Entomostrakeu aus Tripulis und Barka. Ergebuisse einer Reise nach Nord-Afrika von Dr. B. Klaptocz. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst. 26 1908 (439-445) 1 Taf. 50a Brian, Alessandro. La presenza del Caliyus rapax (copepode parassita) nel Mediterraneo. Boll. Naturalista, Siena 28 1908 (96-98). 51 Brian, A. Note i^reliminaire sur les Copepodes parasites des poissons prove- nant des campagnes scientifiqiies de S. A. S. le Prince Albert de Monaco ou deposes dans les collections du Musee oceanographique. Bull. JIus. ocean., Monaco 110 1908 (1-18), fig. 52 Briot, A. Cas de variation dans une patte locomotrice d'ecrevisse. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 64 1908 (777-778), fig. 53 Briot, A. Anoraalle d'une patte copu- latrice che^ une ecrevisse, Astacus jhc- riatitis. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 64 1908 (1182-1183). 54 Briiggen, Ernst von der. Zoologische Ergebnisse der russischen Expeditionen nach Spitzbergen. Aviphipoda. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 11 1906 [1907] (214-245). 55 Briiggen, Ernst von der. Zwei neue Amphipoiien-Arten aus Wladiwostok. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 12 1907 [1908] (478-483). 5Fig. i.T. 56 Bruntz. Sur I'existence de cellules phagocytaires chez les Phyllopodes branchlpodes. Reunion biol. Nancy (97-98). 57 Brimtz, L. La veritable nature des FronLaldrilsen des Caprellides. Nancy, Bui. HOC. sci., ser. 3 8 1907 (1-3). 58 Bruntz. Sur I'existence de forma- tions lymphoides globuligenes chez les 6 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] LTammarides. Xancv, Bui. soc. sci., ser. 3 8 1907 (4-5). ' 59 Bruntz. Sur I'existeiice d'organes globuligenes chez les Isopodes. Nancv, Bui. soc. sci., ser. 3 8 1907 (6-7). 60 Budde-Limd, G. Tsopoda von Mada- gaskar und Ostafrika mit Diagnosen verwandter Arten. In : Yoeltzkow, Reise in Ustafrika in den Jahi-en 1903- 190.5. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 2 Syst. Arb., Stuttgart 1908 (263-308) pis. xii-xviii. 61 Budde-Limd, G. Terrestrial Isopoda from Eg}-pt. Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Xile 1901 under the direction of L. A. Jagerskiold. No. 26a (1-12) pi. i. 62 Bullen, G. E. Plankton studies in relation to the western mackerel fishery. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 8 1908 (269-302) pis. xviii-xxiii. 63 Biitschli, 0. Untersuchungen iiber organische Kalkgebilde nebst Benier- kungen iiber organische Kieselgebilde, insbesondere iiber das spezitische Ge- wicht in Beziehung zu der Struktur, die chemische Zusammensetzung und An- deres. Gottingen, Abh. Ges. Wiss., X.F. 6 1908 (1-177) 4 pis. 3 tigs. 64 Caiman, W. T. Crustacea. I. Deca- poda. In: National Antarctic Expedition 1901-1904. Natural History 2 Zoology, London 1907 (1-7). 65 Caiman, W. T. Crustacea. II. Cuma- cea. In : National Antarct'e Expedition 1901-1904. Natural History 2 Zoology, London 1907 (1-6) 1 pi. 66 Caiman, W. T. Notes on a small col- lection of Plankton from New Zealand. I. CntMacea (excluding C'o/)epoda). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8 1 1908 (232-240). 67 Caiman, W. T. On a stridulating- organ in certain African river-crabs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, London, ser. 8 1 (469-473). 68 Caiman, W. T. On a parasitic Cope- pod from Cephalodiseua. Cape Town, Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 17 1908 (177-184) pis. xviii-xix. 69 Caiman, W. T. vide Sayce, 0. A. Gamerano, Lorenzo. Giuseppe Nobili. Cenni biografici. Torino, Boll. Mus. zool. anat. 23 No. 595 1908 (1-5) with pi. 70 tCanestrelli, G. Revisione della fauna oligocenica di Laverda nel Vicentino. Continuazione e fine. Genova, AttiSoc. Ligustica Sc. nat. geogr. 19 1908 (97- 152) 2 pis. 71 Carl, J. Beitrag zur Holdenfauna der Insubrischen Region. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve 14 1906 (601-615) pi. xx. 72 Carl, J. Monographie der Schwei- zerischen Isopoden. N. Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw., Ziirich 42 1908 (107-242) 6 pis. 8 figs. 73 Carl, J. fitude sur les Trichouiscides (Isopodes terrestres) de la collection de M. A. Dollfiis. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris 38 1908 (169-172, 193-197, 220- 223) 39 1908 (15-21). 74 Carpenter, George H. and Swain, Isaac. A new Devonian Isopod from Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad. 27 Sect. B 1908 (61-67) pi. iv. 75 Caullery, Maurice. Recherches sur les Liriopsidae, £picarides cryptonis- ciens parasites des Rhizocephalea. Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel, Berlin 18 1908 (583-643) 1 Taf. 76 fCliapman, F. On a Brachiopod and some Phyllocarids of Lower Ordovician Age from a Glacial Erratic at Wynj'ard, Tasmania. Rep. Austr. Ass. 11 1908 (281-283), 1 pi. 77 Chatanay, J. Sur une anomalie re- marquable du systems arteriel de I'ecre- visse. Paris, Bui. soc. ent. 1907 (319- 320), av. fig. 78 Chatton, Edouard. Caullerya mcandi n. g., n. sp. Haplosporidie parasite des Da})hnies. Paris, C.-R. soc. biol. 62 19U7 (529-531). 79 Chatton, Ed. Revue des parasites et des commensaux des Cladoceres. Ob- servations sur des formes nouvelles ou peu conimes. Paris, C. R. Ass. franc,', avanc. Sci. 36 1908 (797-811) 4 figs. 80 Chevreux, Ed. Amphipodes. In : Les lacs des hauts plateaux de I'Amerique du Sud. Mission Scienti- fique G. de Crequi Montfort et E. Sene- chal de la Grange 1907, par M. le Dr. M. Neveu-Lemaire. Paris. 1906 (147- 168). [Separata issued in 1907]. 81 Chevreux, Ed. Sur trois nouveaux Ampiiipodes nicditerraneens appar- tenant au genre Corophium Latreille. Crust. Titles. 2600 Paris, Bull. soc. zool. S3 1908 (69-75), fig. 82 Chevreux, Eil. Aniphipodes recueillis dans les possessions frani^aises de I'Oceanie par M. le D' Seurat, directeur liu laboratoire do recherches l)ioloij;iques de Rikitea (.iles CJauibier), 1002-1904. Paris, Mem. soc. zool. 20 1908 (170- 5271 83 Chevreux, Ed. Sur les conimensaux du Bernard rHermite. Bui. Museum, Paris 1908 i^U-lC). 84 Chevreux, Ed. Description de deux nouvelles especes d'Amphipodes des paraces de Monaco. Bnl. Mus. ocean., Monaco 113 1908 (1-8) fig. 85 Chevreux, Ed. Diagnoses d'Amphi- podes nouveaux provenant des cam- pagnes de la Princesse-Alice dans I'At- lantique nord (suite). Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco 117 1908 (1-13), 121 1908 (1- 15), 122 1908 (1-8), 129 1908 (1-12). 86 Chevreux, Ed. £tudes sur la fauna du Turkestan basees sar les materiaux recueillis par D. D. Pedaschenko (1904- 190C). ii. Crustaces Amphipodes. Sf. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat., Sect. zool. 37 2 1908 (91-100, russ. Uebers. 101- 1 10), Taf. v-vi. 87 Clievrexxx, Ed. Diagnose d'un Am- phipode nouveau (Orcheatia exeavata). In : Result ats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa, Paris (Impr. nat.) 1908 (570-571) fig. 88 Chidester, Floyd E. Note on the daily life and food of Cambania harton'ius bartoni. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass. 42 1908 (710-716). 89 CMttenden, F. H. Some insects in- jurious t.i truck crops. The water-cress sowbug. The water-cress leaf-beetle. Washington, D.C., Bull. U.S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. 66 pt. 2 1907 (11-20). 90 [Clunelevskij, V. V., Qracianov, V. T., Zograf, J. X., Hindze, B. K., Voronkov, N. v., Bogojavlensky, .V. V.] XMt- .leBCKiri, H. B., rpanianoBi>, B. II., Sorpaff)!,, K). H., FHH.tue, B. K, BopoHKOBt, H. B., BoroHB.ieHCKift, H. B. Puoo.ioBCTBO u pij6oBo;tcTBO B't CtBepo- SanajHOMT. Kpat. [Die Fischerei und die Fischzucht im Nordwest-Gebiete.] Moskva, Trd. Otd. ichtiol. Ob§c. akkli- mat. 5 1907 (1 + 315 -{- 2) mit 6 Taf., 15 Plan. 91 tClarke, Jolin ^L The Eurypterus shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New York. Albanv, X.Y., St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Bull. 107' 1908 (295- 310), 8 pis. 92 Clawson, A. B. Some results of ^ study of correlation in the ciay-fish. Lansing, Rep. Mich, i^.cad. Sci. 7 1905 (103-108) with text fig., tables. 93 Clawson, A. B. vide Pearl, Raymond. tCleland, H. F. Further notes on the Calciferous (Beekmantown) formation of the Mohawk valley, with descriptions of new species. Bulletins of American Paleontologv (Cornell University), Ithaca, N.Y. 4 1903 (29-50) pi.; also paged as Bulletin No. 18 (11. + 3-24) pi. 94 Cleve, P. T. Additional notes on the seasonal distribution of Atlantic Plank- ton organisms. Goteborg, V'et. Handl. 4 Pt. i (1-51). 95 Colgan, Nathaniel. The ship-worm and wood-boring Crustaceans in Kings- town Harbour. Irish Nat., Dublin 17 1908 (9-14). 96 fCouffon, 0. Sur quelques Crustaces des faluns de Touraine et d'Anjou, suivi d'un essai de prodrome des Crustaces podophthalmaires miocenes. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris 38 1908 (1-5, 35-40) pis. i-ii. 97 Couti^re, H. Les Crustaces marins comestibles. Paris, Bui. Soc. centr. aquicult. 17 1905 (87-99). 98 Coutiere, H. Sur les Synalphees americaines. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci. 146 1908 (710-712). 99 Coutiere, H. Sur le Synalpheion giardi n. g. n. sp., Entoniscien parasite d'une Synalphee. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci. 146 1908 (1333-1335). 100 Coutiere, H. Sur la formule bran- chiale de certains Decapodes. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 64 1908 (540-541). 101 Coutiere, H. Sur la presence de males en exces chez deux especes de Svnalphees. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 62 1907 (610-612). 102 Coutiere, H. Sur quelques nouvelles especes d'AIpheidae. Paris, Bui. soc. philom. 10 1908, Nos. 5-6 (191-216), 11 1908, No. 5 (1-26). 103 8 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Couti^re, H. Note sur les Palae- monidae africains. In : Resultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa. Paris (Impr. nationals) 1908 (572-578) fig. 104 Cowles, R. P. Habits, reactions, and associations in Ocypoda areriaria. Papers from the Tortngas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton. Washington, D.C. 2 (Publication No. 103) 1908 (1-41) 4 pis. 105 fCross, Whitman. The Triassic portion of the Shinarump group, Powell. J. Geol., Chicago, 111. 16 1908 (97- 123). 106 tCumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana, Dept. Geol Nat. Res. Rep. Indianapolis 32 (1907) 1908 (605-1 190) illus., maps, charts. 107 Cushman, Joseph A. Fresh-water Crustacea from Labrador and Newfound- land. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 1908 (705-713) pis. Iviii-lxii. 108 Daday, Jeno. A Caridina Wychii (Hicks) postembryonalis fejlodesmenete. [Der postembryonale Entwicklungspro- zess von Caridina Wyckii (Ilicks).] Math. Termt. firt., Budapest 25 1907 (109-103) mit 12 Fig. 109 Daday, J. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Mikrofauna von Deutsch-Ostafrika. Math. Termt. firt., Budapest 26 1908 (1-57, 200-220, 291-321, 374-421, 455- 474). 109a Daday, E. de. Ostracodes marins. Expedition antarctique fran^aise (1903- 1905) Paris, 1908 (1-16). 110 Daday, E. de. Diagnoses praeeursorire specierum aliquot novarum e familia Branchipodidae. Ann. soi. nat. (Zool.), Paris, ser. 9 7 1908 (137-150). Ill Daday de Dees, E. Entomostrnr.n et IJ>/drac]mi(l(ie e Tiljot. Rec. Ind. Mus , Calcutta 2 ]>t. 4, 1908 (323-311). 112 DaMn, W. J. Notes on the alimentary canal and food of the Copepoda. Intern. Rev. Hydrobioi., Leipzig 1 1908 (772- 782). 113 Darboux, (i. et Stephan, P. Capture de Palinuriens loiigicornes dans lo golfo do Marseille. Fcuille jeunes natural., Paris 38 1908 [1907] (16-17). 114 Dittricb, Julius. Ein interessanter Krebs in den Gewassera des Kreises Hohensalza : Apus productus. Aus d. Posener Lande, Lissa i. P. 3 1908 (157- 160). 114a Dodda, Gideon S. A list of the Ento- mo»traca of Colorado. Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud. 5 1908 (243-250) map. 115 Doflein, F. Ueber Leuchtorgane bei Meerestieren. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. Morph. 22 (1906) 1907 (133-136). 116 Dogiel, Valentin. Entobius loimiae n. g. n. sp., eine endoparasitische Cope- pode. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (561-567). 117 Dollfus, A. Sur les Isopodes terre- stres des iles Tremiti. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris 37 1900 (32-33) av. fig. 118 Douwe, Carl van. Zur Kenntniss der Siisswasser - Copepoden Deutschlands. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (581-585). 118a Drouln de Bouvllle, de. Observations sur la reproduction chez I'ecrevisse. Epoque et frequence des accouplements. Conditions d'aocouplement favorables. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 58 1905 (917-921); Reunion biologique de Nancv 1905 (66- 70). ' 119 Drouln de Bouville, de. Le repeuple- ment en ecrevisses. Paris, Bui. soc. centr. aquicult. 17 1905 (182-190, 209- 239, 248-293, 305-319). 120 Drzewina, Anna. Mouvements de ro- tation et retour a la marche normale apres section unilaterale du systeme nerveux. Paris, C. R. Soc. biol. 65 1908 (320-322). 121 Drzewina, Anna. De I'hydrotropisme chez les crabes. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 64 1908 (1009-1011). 122 Drzewina, Anna. I^s variations periodiques du signe du phototropisme chez les Pagures misanthropes. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci. 145 1907 (1208-1209). 123 Eberts. II Gambero : sua maniera di vivere, suoi nemici, sua introduzione nelle acque che la poste ha spoi)olato. Riassunfo. Acquicoltura lombarda, Milano 4 1902 (210-214). 124 fEgger, Joseph Geoi-g. Mikrofauna der Kreidescliichtcn des westlichen bayer. Waldes und des Gebictes um Regensburg. [Foraminiferen und Ostra- coden.] Passau, Ber. natw. Ver. 20 (1905- 1907) 1908 (1-75) 10 Taf. 125 9 Crust. Titles. 2600 Elxrenbaum, [E.] Kiinstliclie Zucht und Wachstum des Hummers. Berlin, Mitt. D. Seefischereiver. 23 1007 (17S- 198) mit 1 Taf. 126 Ellis, Max M. The influence of the amount of injury upon the rate and amount of regeneration in MancaseUus macrourus {Giivmnn). Biol. Bull., Woods HoU, Mass. 13 1907 (107-113). 127 Kmmel, Victor E. The e.xperimental control of asymmetry at different stages in the development of the lobster. J. Exp. Zool., Baltimore, Md. 5 1908 (-171- 484). 128 Esterly, Calvin Olin. The light recipient organ of the Copej^od Eiicalujius elongatiis. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52 1908 (1-55 + 6 Z.) 6 pis. 129 Farran, G. P., Kemp, Stanley W., and Tattersall, W. il. Crustacen. Brit. Ass. Handbook, Dublin (177-188) 1908. 130 Farran, G. P. Note on the Copepod genus Oithona. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8 2 1908 (498-503). 131 Farran, G. P. Second report on the Copepoda of the Irish Atlantic slope. Dublin, Fish. Ireland sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2 1908 (1-104) pis. i-xi. 132 [FauBsek, V. A.] ^ayceKt, B. A. Jla-ibntfiiuia ;^aHHua vrb BOnpocy o ;iBU;i:eHiHxi. yrpoau. J],Bii;KeHiH yrposu y lapaHTy.ia ii CKO.ioneH;ipu. JI,Bii:;:eHia yrpoau y aajHUx-b aciiBoxHux-B. [Bei- trage zur Frage der Drohbewegungen. Die Drohbewegungen der Tarantel und der Scolopender. Drohbewegungen bei Wassertieren.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat., Sect. zool. 37 2 1908(53-85, deutsch. Res. 86-87) Taf. iv. 133 Fiedler, Paul. Mitteilung iiber das Epithel der Kiemensackchen von Daphnia magna Straus. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (493-496). 134 Fiscliel, Alfred. Untersuchungen iiber vitale Farbung an Siisswassertieren, insbesondere bei Cladoceren. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig 1 1908 (73- 141). 134a Fischel, Alfred. Zur Anatomic des Nervensvstems der Entomostraken. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (698-701). 135 Foster, Nevin H. ArmadiUidmm pictum, Brandt. An addition to the Britannic fauna. Irish Nat., Dublin 17 1908 (135-136) pi. vi. 136 Fraas, E. vide Branca, W. Frisch, Karl von. Studien iiber die Pigmeiitverschiebung im Facettenauge. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig 28 1908 (602- 671, 098-7U4). 137 fFritel, P.-H. Les crabes fossiles de France. Naturaliste, Paris 27 1905 (225-228) fig. 138 Frohlicli, Friedrich W. Die Analyse der an der Krebsschere auftreteuden Hemmungen. Zs. allg. Physiol., Jena 7 1907 (393-443) mit 3 Taf. 139 Fulinski, Benedykt. Beitrage zur embryonalen Entwicklung des Fluss- krebses. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (20-28). 139a Gadd, Pehr. En ny Lernaeopodd (Parasit-Copepod) fran Lena inferior. [Eine neue Lenmeopoda (Copepoda parasita) A"on der unteren Lena.] Hel- singfors, Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 4, 1907-1908 (1-5) mit TaL 140 JGaldieri, Agostino. Sul Trias dei dintorni di Giffoni. Contribute alia conoscenza del terreno triassico uel Salernitano. Napoli, Atti Ace. Pon- taiiiaiia 38 1908 (1-123) 3 pis. 141 Gelderd, C!harles. Research on the digestive system of the Schizopoda. Anatomy, Histology and Physiology. Cellule," Louvain 25 1907 (G-70) pis. i-iv. 142 Gerber, C. La presure des Crustaces decapodes. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (708-710). 143 Geyer, Hans. Ueber A pus productus bei Regensburg. Wochenschr. Aquarien- kunde, Braunschweig 4 1907 (.304-305). 144 Giaja, J. et Gompel, M. Sur la digestion des glucosides et des hydrates de carbone chez I'ecrevisse. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 62 1907 (1197-1198). 145 Giard, A. Distribution geographique de Lysmata seticaudata Risso. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris 38 1908 (185). 146 Giard, A. Deux Amphipodes interes- sants du Pas-de-Calais (Colomastix pvsilla Grabe et Microdeutopua gryllo- Inlpa Costa). Feuille jeunes natural., Paris 38 1908(185). 147 Giard, A. Un amphipode mimetique des Hvdraires. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris 38 1908(214). 148 10 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] fGirty, George H. The Guadalupian fauna. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr. No. 58 1908 a -649) pi. 149 Gompel, ir. r. Giaja, J. Gonzaga do Nascimento, Luiz. Sub- sidio para o estudo da fauna carcino- logica de Portugal. Epochas de creacjao e reproducgao. Madrid, Bol. Soc. esp. hist. nat. 8 No. 8 1908 fSTl- 378). ~ 150 Gorgevid, Zhivojin. Prilozl za pozna- van'e Slatkovodne Faune Balkan. Poluostrva. IV. Srpske Dlaptomlde. [Appendix on the knowledge of the freshwater fauna of the Balkan Penin- sula., IV. Servian 7)iflp/o;nu.s.] Ghlas Srpska Ak., Beoghrad 73 1907 "(77-115) figs. 151 Gracianov, V. I. vide ChmSlevskij, C. V. Graham, W. M. A description of some Gold Coast Entomoiitraca. Ann. Trop. Mod., Liverpool 1 1907 (417-42^) pis. xxxiii-xxxvi (contains descriptions of new species hy Brady, G. S.) 152 Grater, Ed. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der schweizerischen Hohlenfauna III. Ein neuer Hiihlencopepode, C;/clopf> crin'this n. sp. Zool. Anz., Leijjzig 33 1908(15-19) 152a Grobben, Kail. Beitriigo zur Kennt- nis des Baues und der systematischen Stellung der Argullden. Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss. 1908 (7-8). 153 Grobben, K. Beitrage zur Konntnis des Baues und der systematischen Stellnng der Arguliden. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 Abt 1, 1908 (191-233) 3 Taf. 154 Grlinberg, K. ('rn»tacca fiir 1901. [Jalireslierielit.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69 Bd II, il. 3, 1903 [1908] IX (l-.lf)) ; Desgl. fiir 1902. t.c. (1-50) [nou« Ziihlnng]). 155 Gruvel, .\. ('ruHtacea. VI. Cirrhipedes. J n : National Antarctic Expedition 1901 -1904. Natural History 3 Zoology .*i- Botany, London 1907 (1-4) 1 pi. 156 Guieysse, A. I'^tudo des organes digi'siils cliez les (!i-iistac('s. Arch, anat. microsc, Paris 9 1907 (318 191) 3 pi. 157 Gundlach, A. Ih-cinrh'tinis bei Ncii- strelitz. Giistrow, Arcli. Ver. Natg. 62 1908(141-142). 158 Gurney, Robert. The Crustacea of the East Norfolk rivers. Norwich, Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 1907 (410-438). 159 Gvirney, R. A new species of Ciro- lana from a fresh-water spring in the Algerian Sahara. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (082-08.5). 160 Hadley, Philip B. The reaction of blinded lobsters to light. Amer. J. Physiol., Boston, Mass. 21 1908 (180- 199). 161 Haecker, Valentin. Bemerkungen zu den Demonstrationen von H. Matscheck und J. Schiller: Ueber die ,,Vierer- gruppen" der Copepoden unter natiir- lichen und kiinstlichen Bedingungen. Verb. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig 18 1908 (110-114). 162 Haempel, 0. Ueber die Fortpflanzung und kiinstliche Zucht des Flohkrebses {Gammartis jmlex L. und thtvintUis R.) Oest. FischereiZtg, Wien 5 1908 (451- 452) ; Allg. Fischereiztg, Miinchen 33 1908 (86-89, 110-114, 137-141). 163 Halbert, J. N. The occurrence of Paromula cnrieri in Irish waters. Irish Nat, Dublin 17 1908 (129-132) pi. v. 164 Hansemann, D. von. Ein Fall von Syml)iose. [Diogeijes t-arians a. Mu- scheln.] Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freuude 1907 (27). 165 Hansen, H. J. Sur quelques Cru- staces pelagi(|ues d'Ainboine. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve 16 1908 (157-159). 166 Hansen, II. J. Sehizopoda and Cnmacra. In : R^sultats du voyage du S. Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899 sous le commandement de A. de Gerlachc de Gomery. Zoologie. Anvers 1908 (1 20) pis. i-iii. 167 Hansen, II. J. ('ruKtacea Malaco- »h-aca. 1. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, Copenhagen, 3 Nr. 2, 1908 (1-120) with 5 pis., 4 ligs. in the text, 1 chart, and a list of ilio stations. 168 Harman, MaryT. Tiic relation of the degree of injury to the rate of regenera- tion and the moulting period in the GamnuiruK. Indianopolis, Ind. Proc. Acad. Sci. 1907 [ 1 908] (1)2 -75). 169 Hegner, li()])ert W. An intra-nuclear mitotic ligure in the ]U'imary oocyte of a ( '()pv[)od,Ca7illi(>i- Maa 1904 r. no Mart 1905 r., BT. CBH3II CI. nepio;iiiHeeKiiMii KcieoaHiflMii ero bt. TeqeHle iipe;;iiiecT- Byiornnx-b atrt. [Quantitative Bestim- niung des Planctons ini Pestowo-See vom Mai 1901 bis Mai 1905, in Verbin- dung mit den Schwankungen desselben wahrend der vorhergehenden Jahre.l Xikolsk Fischzucht., St. Peterburg li 1908 (.Sl-52, deutsch. Ptes. 52-53) Taf. liv-lx. 174 Hindle, Edward. Variation of the "green-gland" of Astacus Huviatilis. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (581-585). -175 Hindze, B. K. vide Chmglevskij, C. V. Hoek, P. P. C. Cirripedia. In : Re- sultats du Voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899 sous le cou.mandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery. Zoologie 1907 Anvers (1-9). 176 Hoek, P. P. C. Enkele algemeene resultaten verkregen bij de bewerking der Cirri pedien van de Siboga. [Some results of the investigation of the Cir- ripedes collected during the cruise of the Dutch man-of-war Siboga in tlie Malay Archipelago.] Amsterdam, Versl. Wi.s. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 17 [1908] (98-101) (Dutch); Amsterdam, Proc Soi. K. Akad. Wet. 11 [190S] (1 10-110 (English). IIG) 177 Holmes, Sanmel .1. The Amphipodd collecteil by the U. S. bureau of fisheries steamer "Albatross" olf the west coast of North America, in 1903 and 1904, with descriptions of a new family and several new genera and species. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 1908 (489-543\ 178 Holmes, S. J. Description of a new subterranean Amphipod from Wisconsin. I\Iadison, Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 16 1908 (77-80) pis. vi-vii. 179 tHorwood, A. R. The Fauna and Flora of the Trias (Keuper only) in Leicestershire, with some notes on that of the surrounding counties. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 [1908] (30D-312). 180 [Hydrobiologische Station am Glu- bokoje-Seel rii;ipoi')io,ior[i>{ecKaii CTanu,iH iia r.iyuoKOM-i, o;n'.pt. CiiiicoK'h pacTiiTejbnux'], ii ;i;iiBOTHiJX'i> opra- HIISMOB'blianAeilllblX'BB'bOKpeCTHOCTflX'i r.iyooKaro osepa. [Verzeichnis der in der Umgelnuig des Glnbokoje-Sees ge- fundenen pflanzlichen nud thierischen Organismen.] Moskva, Trd. Otd. icht. Obsc. akklim. 6 1907 (385-407). 181 niig, G. Ein weiterer Bericht tiber die Mvsideen der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition 1898-1899. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (550-551). 181a Illig', G. Thij-sanopoda ??ie_7aZop.s spec. nov. erbeutet auf der deutschen Tief see- Expedition 1898-99. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (54-55). 181b Illig, G. Ein weiterer Bericht iiber die Schizopoden der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition 1898-1899. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (112-115, 252-253). 182 niig, G. Berichtigung zu den Mittei- luiigen iiber die TliijHnnojMda-Arten der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898- 1899. (Zool. Anz. Bd. 32. Nr. 2/3 n. Bd. 33. Nr. 4.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (463). 183 Issak6wit8cli, Alexander. Es besteht eine zyklische Fortpflanzung bei den Cladoceren, aber niclit im Sinne Weis- mann's. Biol. Centralbl., Berlin 28 1908 (51-61). 184 12 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Issel, Ealfaele. Le metamorfosi dei Paguridi e la brattea protettrice del Paguristes maculatus Risso. Geneva, Atti Soc. ligustica sc. nat. geogr. 19 1908 (12-17). 185 Jeannel, R. et Racovitza, E. G. Enumeration des grottes visitees 1906- 1907 (seconds serie). Arch, zool., Paris ser. 4 8 1908 (327-414). 186 Juday, C. vide Birge, E. A. Kalischewsky, Mich. Une interes- saute trouvaille carcinologique dans la mer Noire. Odessa, Mem. 8oc. Nat. 30 1907 (131-133). 187 Eeilliack, Ludwig. Zur Cladoceren- fauna der Mark Brandenburg, Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mus. 3 19IJS (433-488). 188 Eeilhack, L. Zur Cladocerenfauna der Mark Brandenburg. Diss. Berlin. Burg b. M. (Druck v. A. Hoi:iler) 1908 (59). 189 Keilhack, L. Contribution a la con- naissance de la faune des eaux dans les Alpes du Dauphine. 1. Note sur les Cladoeeres des Alpes du Dauphine. Ann. Univ.. Grenol)le 19 1907 (121-129). 190 Kemp, Stanley W. vide Farran, G. R. Kiemik, E. Ueber einige bisher unbekannto leuchtende Tiere. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (376-380). 191 Eiser, H. Om dyrelivet i Balafjorden og denne fjords udliib til havet. Tromso Mas. Aarsb. 26 1905 (13-50). 1 chart. 192 • "fKiser, Johan. Das Obersiliir ini Kristianiagebiete. Eine stratigraphisch- faunistische Untersuchung. Mit 102 Abbild. iin Te.x:t, 3 Profiltaf. u. 6 geolog. Karten. Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk I 1906 Bd. II (1908) (xvi + 59G), Taf. i-iii u. Karte i-vi. 193 iKitchin, F. L. Tlie invertebrate fauna and paiaeontological relations of the Uitenhage series. Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 7 190S (21-2.50) 10 ]ils., I fig. 194 Klintz, .1. H. Versuclie iibcr das geringe Regeneratiorisvpimogen der Cyclopiden. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig 25 1907 (100). 195 Klintz, J. If. Fcla-r cine none Cijpria-Art aus deni Nil. Arcli. Ifvdro- bi'ol., Stuttgart 3 1908 (274-289) I'Taf. 196 Kofoid. C. A. The Plankton of the Illinois River, 1894-1899, with intro- ductory notes upon the hydrography of the Illinois River and its basin. Part ii. Constituent organisms and their seasonal distribution. Urbana, Bull. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. 8 1908 (1-361) figs, and charts. 197 KoUmann, — . Sur le role physio - logique des granulations leucocytaires. Paris, C. R. Acad. Sci. 147 No. 2 1908 (153-154). 198 [KoltZOfiF, N.J KcibUOBT,, H. Ilcit- j;oBaHia o cnepMiaxi. jtecHTimorHxt paKOBi. B'h CBJiaii CT) o6iii,iiMii cooopa- :KeHiaM[i oxHoctiTe.ibHO oprauii3aii,iH K.TbTKii. [Uutersuchungen liber die Spermien der Decapoden im Zusammen- haug mit allgemeinen Betrachtungen iiber die Organisation der Zelle.] Moskva, Zap. Univ. 21 4 1905 (1-200) mit 5 Taf. , 199 Kiilin, Alfred. Die Entwicklung der Keimzellen in den parthenogenetischen Generationen der Cladoceren Daphnia pulex De Geer und Polyphemus pedicidics De Geer. Arch. Zellforschg, Leipzig 1 1908 (538-586) 4 Taf. 200 Lagerberg, Torsten. Sveriges Deca- poder. [Swedish Decapoda.] Goteborg, Vet. Handl. 11 Pt. 2 1908 (i-x, 1-117), 5 pis. 201 Lambert, John J. Regeneration in the cravfish. Des Moines, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 11 1904 (165-1G9). 202 [Lebediev, N. N.] JleSeAeB-b, H. H. 0 irhKOTopuxT. paKOonpasHuxt hs-b jI,eJibTLi BoJirii. [Ueber einige Crustaceen- Arten aus der Wolga-Miindung.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C.r. seances 38 1 1907 (92-99; doutsch. Res. 99). 203 Leche, Wilhelm. Zoologie. Sven Hedin's Sci. Results. . . Central Asia 6 1904 Pt. 1, 69 pp. 5 pis., text-figs. 204 Lefebvre. Notice sur le Pcnaeiiii brasiliens'iH, crevette du Bas Dahomey, (Crevette du lac Atheme). Bui. Museum, Paris 1908 (267-270). 205 fLegendre, R. Traces fossiles d'autn- tomip. Paris, C.R. Soc. biol. 65 1908 (662-663). 206 L^ger, Louis. Argules et Salmonicul- ture. Paris, Bui. soc. centr. aquicult. 18 1906(41-47). 207 i;' Cnu^t. Titles. 2600 Lepeskin. V. D.] JleneiiiKUin., B. J. Ki. iio;ui;»niio oiiopMaToreiiesa y Moina ri\'tirQ! ' nist. Titles. 2600 couraiit coiitinu. \'ariations sous I'iu- fluence coinliiiiee 5l')." 248 MUller, G. W. Die Ostracoden der deutsclieu Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- UX)3. In Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-11)03, Bd 10, H. 2. Berlin (G. Reimer^ 190S (50-181) lOTaf. 249 Nobili, Giusepjie. Nuove osserva- zioni sulla ideutita di Braeh ycarpus neapoVitanus Cano e ralaemoii h'mn- guicithitits Lucas. Xapoli, Annuario Museo Zool. i^N. S.) 2 No. 21, 1907 (1-61 pi. xi. 250 Nobili, G. Ricerche sui Crostacei della I'olinesia. Decapodi, Stonmtopodi, Anisopodi e Isopodi. Toriuo, Meni. Ace. Sci , Ser. 2 57 1907 (351-430) 3 pis. 251 Nobili, Giuseppe vide Cainerauo, L. Nordgaard, 0. lagttagelser over Sildens Aate. Trondhjem, Kgl. A'id. Selsk. Skr. 1907 [1908] No. 2 (1-7). 252 Nonnan, A. M. Some species of Leijtuelicirns, a genus of Amph'ipo-Ia. Ann. Mag. Nat. llist., London, ser. S 1 1908 (307-311) pis. xii-xiii. 253 [Novikov, A. v.] HoBiiKOB'i, A. B. Cladocera MnncKott ry6epHiii. [Die Cladoceren des Gouv. Minsk.] Moskva, Trd. Kruz. izsl. russ. prir. 3 1907 (112- 132). 254 [Novikov, A.] HoBiiKOBt, A. Cla- docera r.iyCioKaro oaepa ii ero oKpecT- Hocxett. [Die Cladoceren des Glubo- koje-Sees und seiner Umgebung.] Moskva, Trd. Otd. ich. Ohkc. akklim. 6 1907 (127-143). 255 Novikov, A. vide Voronkov, N. Nowikoff, JI. Ueber den Bau des Medianauges der Ostracoden. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig 91 1908 (81-92) 1 Taf. 256 Ortmann, Arnold E. Schizopod cnis- taceans in the U. S. national museum : Schizopods from Alaska. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 1908 (1-10) pi. i. 257 Ortmann, A. E. Une ecrevisse nou- velle du ^lexique. Camharus (Cam- harus) bouvieri nov. sp. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.), Paris, ser. 9 7 1908 (159-100). 258 Ostwald, Wolfgang. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Adsorption und Giftigkeit von Salzlosuugen fiir Siiss- wassertiere {Gammaruis). Arch. ges. Physiol., Bonn 120 1907 (19-30). 259 Ouwens, P. A. Nog lets over 7c7t- thyoxonts jeUiiiyliausii (Herklots). [Noch etwas iiber Iclttliijoxenus jelling- huusii (Herklots).] Batavia, Nat. Tijd- sclir. 67 1908 i^29-35). 260 Pack-Beresford, Denis R. Elnma purpitr(i»ce>is. A woodlouse new to the British Isles. Irish Nat., Dublin 17 1908 (255-258) pi. X. 261 jParker, William A. Fossil Arthro- poda and Pisces from .Middle Coal Measures of Spartli, Rochdale. Roch- dale, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. 9 1908 (64- 76) 7 figs. 262 Patience, Alexander. Some notes concerning the male of Dexamine thea, Boeck. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London ser. 8 1 1908 (117-122) pi. v. 263 Patience, A. On a new British terres- trial Isopod {Ti'iehoiiiscutt linearis sp. n.). Ann. Mag. Nat. llisf., Loudon, ser. 8 1 1908 (280-282) pi. .^i. 264 Patience, A. On Triehoniscoides nJhidus (Budde-Lund) and 1\ sarsi. Patience (nom. nov.). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Loudon, ser. 8 2 1908 (84-88) pi. vi. 265 Patience, A. On the occurrence of Idotliea neglecta, G. 0. Sars, and Idothea viridis (Slabber), within the Clyde Sea area, and some notes on other Clyde species of Idothea. Glasgow, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 n. s. [1905-06] 1908 (42-46). 266 Patience, A. Some notes on the dis- tribution of the Clyde Cvango.iidae. Glasgow, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 n. s. [1905-06] 1908 (64-71). 267 Patience, A. On some terrestrial Isopods new to the Clyde faunal area, and some notes on the distribution of the rarer species. Glasgow, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 n s. [1905-06] 1908(80-86). 268 jPeach, B. N. I^Ionograph on the liigher Crustacea of the Carboniferous rocks of Scotland. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, Palaeontology, Glasgow 1908 (1-82) pis. i-xii. [Abstract in Edinburgh. Trans. Geol. Soc. 8 1908 (372-373).] 269 16 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Pearl, Raymoud and Clawson, A. B. Variation and correlation in the crayfish, with special reference to the influence o£ differentiation and homology of parts. Washington (Carnegie Institution), [Publication No. 64] 1907 (1 I + 70) with text fig., tables. 270 Pearse, Arthur S. Descriptions of four new species of amphipodous Crust- acea from the Gulf of ilexico. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 1908 (27-32). 271 Pearson, Joseph. Cancer (the edible crab). Liverpool, Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 22 1908 (291-499) 13 pis. Also published separately as L. M. B. C. Memoirs No. 16 1908. 272 P^rez, Ch. Sur quelques commensaux des Echinodermes. Bordeaux, Proc. verb. soc. sci. phys. nat. [1904-1905] 1905 (57-58). 273 P^rez, Ch. Sur VHersiliodes Pelse- neeri Canu. Reunion biologique de Bordeaux 1905 (21-22). 274 P^rez, Ch. Nouvelles observations sur le BlastuUdium jMedophthorum. Reunion biologique de Bordeaux 1905 (60-62). 275 P^rez, Ch. Sur la presence du Lemaeodiscus galatheae Smith dans le golfe de Gascogne. Bordeaux, Proc- verb. soc. sci. phys. nat. 1908 (27-28). 276 Persico, P. Appunti sui casi di auto- tomia nei Ganilieri. Acquicoltura lom- barda, Milano 4 1902 (21-23). 277 Pesta, Otto. Ein neuer Microniscus. Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss. 1908 (113-115). 278 Pesta, 0. I. Beitrage zur Kenntniss parasitischer Copepoden. II. Cope- poden-Tvpen. Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss. 1908 (327-329). 279 Pesta, 0. [Ergebnis der oster- reichischen Tiefsee-Expeditiouen ins ostliche Mittelmeer (1890). Copepoda (erste Artenliste).] Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss. 1908 (398). 280 Pesta, 0. Copepodentyj)en. (Be- trachtungen iiber Korperljau uud Le- bensweise.) Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 1908 (501-572) 2 Taf. 281 Pierce, W. Dwight. Notes on tlie economic importance of sowbugs. Washington, D.C., Bull. U. S. Dei)t. Agric. Div. ent. 64 pt. 2 1907 (15-22). 282 Pi6ron, H. Contribution a I'etude des rapports ethologiques des crabes et des Actinies. Bui. Inst. gen. psychol., Paris 6 1906 (98-104). Discussion : M. Giard. 283 Pilsbry, Henry A. On the classifica- tion of scalpelliform barnacles. Phila- delphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 1908 (104-111). 284 Police, Gesualdo. Sul sistema ner- voso viscerale dei Crostacei decapodi. Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel, Berlin 19 1908 (60-116) 2 Taf. 285 Porter, Carlos E. Materiales para la fauna carcinolojica de Chili. VI. Nueva especie de la fam. TlomoUdae. Revist. chilena 12 1908 (86-88) pi. viii. 286 Powell, Arthur. Palinurus or "the spiny lobster " of Bombay. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 1908 (360-389) pi. A. 287 Przibram, Hans. Equilibrium of animal form. J. Exp. Zool , Baltimore, Md. 5 1907 (259-264). 288 Przibram, H. Versuche an den Scheren der Winkerkrabbe [Gelasiimis). ZentrBl. Physiol., Wien 22 1908 No. 9 (1-2). 289 Racovitza, E. G. Biospeologica. IX. Isopodes terrestres (2' serie). Arch, zool., Paris (ser. 4) 9 1908 (239-415) l)ls. iv-xxiii. 290 Racovitza, E. G. Ischyromene laeazei n. g., n. sp. Isopode mediterraneen de la faniille des Spheromides (Note pre- liminaire). Arch. Zool., Paris (s^r. 4) 9 1908, notes et revues (Ix-lxiv) fig. 291 Racovitza, E. G. Anoplocopea lian- seni n. g. n. sp., Isopode marin de Corse et les affinit^s des Sphaeromiens cavernicolea. Arch, zool., Paris (s^r. 4) 8 1908, notes et revues (Ixxxiv-xc) fig. 292 Racovitza, E. G. vide Jeannel, R. tRathbun, Mary J. Descriptions of fossil crabs from California. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsoniiin Inst., IT. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 1908 (341-349) pis. xlv- xlix. 293 Reau de la Gaignonnl^re, L. du. Note sur Tapjiaritiiia frcqnente de Lepid- ttrus pvoductu!^ (Leach) aux environs d'Angers. Nantes, Bui. Soc. sci. Nat. 2" Ser. 8 1908 (187-191). 294 i: Crust. Titles. 2600 Redeke, II. C. Rapport over oiider- sot»kingen betrolTeiule de vissclierij in de Zuiderzee iiigesteld iu de jarea I'JOo eu lOOtJ. [Bericht iiber die in den Juhren 1905 und 1900 l)ezuglich der Fischerei in der Zuiderzee augestellten Unter- suchuiigen.] 's liravenhage (Van Cleef), 1907 (71, mit 5 Beilat^en, resp. 155, 51, 19, -22, 21) mit 38 Taf., 26 Textfig., 2 Karteu. 295 tReed, F. R. Cowper. Sedgwick Museum notes. A new species of Cyclua from the Carboniferous limestone of Ireland. Geol. Mag., London, Dec. 5 5 1908 (.IS 1-552). 296 Richardson, Harriet. On some Iso- jwds of the family Dajidac from the northwest Pacific ocean, Avith descrip- tions of a new genus and two new species. Washington, D.C., Smithson- ian InsL, U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 1908 (689-696). 297 Riduudson, Harriet. The parasitic Isopod Lcidya distorta (Leidy) found on a new host. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 1908(23-26). 298 Richardson, Harriet. Description of a new Isopod of the genus Eurycope from Martha's Vineyard. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 1908 (67-69). 299 Richardson, Harriet. Description of a new Isopod genus of the family Daj'idae. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 1908 (391-392). 300 Richardson, Harriet. Some new laopoda of the superfamily Aselloidea from the Atlanticcoastof North America. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., C. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 1908 (71- 86). 301 Richardson, Harriet. Some new Isopods of the family Gnatldidae from the Atlantic coast of North America. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 1908 (483- 488j. 302 Richardson, Harriet. Isopodes, deuxieme Memoire. Expedition antarc- tique franyaise (1903-1905; Paris, 1908 (l-8j. 303 fRichardBon, L. On a new species of Polllciiiea from the Inferior Oolite of the Cotteswold hills. Geol. Mag., London, Dec. 5 5 1908 (351-352). 304 (N-10332 I) Richters, Ford. Dio Fauna der Modsrasen des (Jaussbergs und einiger siidlicher Insehi. In : Deulsciio Siid- pohir-Expedition 1901-1903, hrsg. v. E. V. Drvgalski, Bd. 9. Berlin (G. Reinicr) 1907 (261-302) pis xvi-xx. 305 Richters, Ferd. Qeber das Vorkom- men des Aptis caiicriform'is und A. jwu- ductus h. Frankfurt a. M. Wochonschr. Aquarienkuiide, Braunschweig 4 liK)7 (116). 306 Robertson-Proschowski. Les ecre- visses eu climat semi-tropical. Paris, BuL soc. centr. aquicult. 17-1905 (240- 241). 307 Rogenhofer, Alois. Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlicheu Yereines iiach Dalmatian im April 1900. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesammelten Materiales. 9. Isopoda. Wien., Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 1908 (119-121). 308 Rogenhofer, A. Zur Kenntnis des Banes der Kieferdriise bei IsojDoden und des Grossenverhaltnisses der Antennen- imd Kieferdi-use bei Meeres- und Siiss- wasserkrustazeen. Wien, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. 17 1908 (139-156) 1 Taf. 309 [Samsonov, N. A.] CaMCOHOBi), H. A. K'b CB-feA'feHiaM'i 0 niia'iKTOH'ii 03. ninaHKay (JIh(|)s. ryo.). [Zur Kenntnis des Planktons des Spankausees (Gouv. Livl.).] Jurjev, Sitzb. Naturf. Ges. 17 1908 (1-92). 310 Sandman, J. Alb. Tvenne nykom- lingar till var krustacefauna. [Zwei fiir die Fauna Finlands neue Crustaceen.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 31 1906 (56-58 ; deutsches Ref. (216)). • 311 Bars, G. 0. An Account of the CVm.s- tacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Vol. 5. Copepoda Barpacticoida, pts. 21-22, LaophonLidae (continued), Bergen, 1908, (241-256), pis. clxi-clxxvi; pts. 23-24, Laophontidae (continued), Bergen, 1908, (257-276), pis. clxxvii-cxcii. 312 Sars, G. 0. On the occurrence of a genuine Harpacticid [Ilarpacticella hwpinata] in the lake Baikal. Arch. Math. Naturv., Kristiania 29 No. 4 1908 (1-13), pi. 313 Sars, G. 0. Fresh-water Copepoda from Victoria, Southern Australia. Arch. Math. Naturv., Kristiania 29 No. 7 1908 (1-24) pis. i-iv. 314 18 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Sars, Ct. 0. [Capci,, T. 0.] Mysldae. [Mysidae]. Arb. Kasp. Exp., St. Peter- burg 1 1907 (Russ. 243-278, Euslish 278-313) 12 Taf. "315 Sayce, 0. A. Description of a new remarkable Crustacean, with primitive Malacostracan characters. Vict. Nat., Melbourne 24 1907 (117-120); Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8 1 1908 (350-355). 316 Sayce, 0. A. On Koonunga cursor, a remarkable new type of Malacostracous Crustacean (with a supplementary note by W. T. Caiman). London, Trans. Linn. Soc. Zool., ser. 2 11 pt. 1 1908 (1-16) pis. i-ii. 317 Schaefema, Karel. 0 novem slepem ble§ivci, Typhlogainmarua n. g. [Deber einen neuen Typhlogammarus n. g.] Prag, SitzBer. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. 1906 Nr. 26 (1-25) mit 1 Taf. 318 ScMfema, K. Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines nach Dalmatien im April 1906. B. Specieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesam- melten Materiales. 12. Amphipoda. Wien, Mitt. Xatw. Ver. Univ. 6 1908 (126). 319 Schafema, K. Ueber Gammariden von Tri})olis uud Barka (Gesammelt von Dr. B. Klaptocz). Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst. 26 1908 (447-452) 1 Taf. 319a Schauss, Rudolf. Zur Entomostraken- fauna der Umgegend von Bonn. Bonn, SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1907 1908, E, (75- 80). 320 Schauss, R. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Copepoden und Cladoceren der Umgegend von Bonn. Bonn, Verb, nathist. Ver. 64 (1907) 1908 (163-218). 321 Scheffelt, Ernst. Die Copepoden und Cladoceren des siidlichenSchwarzwaldes. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart 4 1908 (91- 164) Taf. ii-iv. 322 Scheffelt, E. Die Crustaceenfauna des Nonnenmattweihers. Ein Beitrag zur Faunencharakteristik der Schwarz- waldgewasser. Freiburg i. B., Mitt. Landesver. Natk. Nr. 231 232 1908 (237-246). 323 Schmidt, Friedo. Ueber die Verbrei- tuiig des Flusskrebses sowie der sogcnann- ten Krebsegel in der Umgegend von Osnabriick. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber die einzelnen Krebsegelarten selbst. Osnabriick, Jahresber. natw. Ver. 16 (1903-1906) 1907 Anhang (1-37) mit 1 Karte. 324 Schneider, Guido, unter Mitwirkung von Iv. M. Levander und andern Mitarbeitern. Der Obersee bei Reval. Arch. f. Biontol. 2 1908 (1-192) 10 pis., 6 figs. 325 Schoenichen, Walther. Gnathia aldabrensis n. sp., ein neuer Isopode aus dem Indischen Ozean. In : Reise in Ostafrika v. A. Voeltzkow, Bd 2. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart) 1908 (193-198). 326 Schreitmiiller, Wilh. Einiges iiber Zucht und Fundstellen von Apus productus und Branchipus Gruhei Dyb. Wochenschr. 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Soc. 1908 (370-402) pis. xiv-xx. 331 Sharpe, Richard W. A further report oil the Ontracoda of the United States National Museum. Washington D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 1908 (399-430) pis. 1-lxv. 332 Simpson, Sutherland. The body- temperature of fishes and other marine 19 Croat. Titles. 2600 aiiitaals. Ediaburgh, Proc. R. Soc. 28 1908 (66-84). 333 Smith, GeoiYiey W. Prelimiuary accouut of the hal)its and structure of the Anai^pid'idae, with remarks oa some other fresh-water Crustacea from Tas- mania. Loadou, Proc. R. Soc. ser. B 80 1008 (405-473) pi. iii. 334 Smith, Cr. W. Sex in the Crustacea, with special reference to the origin and nature of herniapliroditism. Loudon, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 1908 (543-544). 335 Stappers, Louis. Les Sympodes re- cueillis a la porta de Kara durant la croisiere du due d'Orleans en 1907. Arch, zool., Paris (ser. 4) 8 1908 notes et revues (xcvii-civ) tig. 336 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. Zoological results of the third Tanganyika expedi- tion conducted by Dr. W. A. Cunnington 1904-1 905. — Report on the Isojjoda ter- restria. London, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 (554-560). 337 Stebbing, T. R. R. On two new species of northern Amphlpoda. London J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 1908 (191-197) pis. xxvii-x.Kviii. 338 Stabbing, T. R. R. The fauna of brackish ponds at Port Canning, Lower Bengal. Part IX. A new species of Amphlpoda. Rec. Ind. llus., Calcutta 2 pt. 2 1908 (119-123) pi. vi. 339 Stebbing, T. R. R. South African Crustacea. Part IV. Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 1908 (1-96) pis. xxvii-xl. 340 Stebbing, T. R. R. A new amphipod Crustacean, Orchestoidea biolleyi from Costa Rica. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation, ilus. Proc. 34 1908 (241-244) pi. xii. 341 Steinhaus, 0. Die zoologischen Merkmale der Krabben. Zs. Unters. Nahrgsmittel, Berlin 16 1908 (110-111) 1 Taf. 342 Steinmann, Paul. Die Tierwelt der Gebirgsliache. Ann. Biol. 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The Scliizopoda and Isopoda collected by the " Huxley " from the north sitle of the Bay of Biscay in August 1906. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 8 1908 (189-190). 349 Tattersall, W. M. The Fauna of bracki>,h ponds at Port Canning, Lower Bengal. Part XL Two new Mysidae from brackish water in the Ganges Delta. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta 2 pt. 3 1908 (233-239) pis. xxi-xxii. 350 Tattersall, W. M. vide Farran, G. P. Theal, Hjalmar. Om utvecklingen af Sveriges Zoologiska hafsstation Kristine- berg och om djurlifvet i angransande haf och fjordar. Ai'k. Zool., Stockholm 4 1908, No. 5 (1-130) pis. i-v, 1 map. 351 Thiebaud, Maurice. Contribution a la biologie du lac de Saint-Blaise. Ann. Biol. Lacustre, Bruxelles 3 1908 \54- 140) 5 pis. 352 Thiebaud, M. Les Entomostraces du Canton de Neuchatel. Ann. Biol. Lacustre, Bruxelles 3 1908 (184-247) pis. vi-vii. 353 Thiele, Joh. Crustacea. IV. Lepto- straca. In : National Antarctic Expedi- tion 1901-1904. 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Proc. 35 1908 (277-340) pis. xxxvii-xliv. 358 fVadasz, M. Eleraer. Die Fauna des untereu Lias von Alsorakos imlvomitate Xagj-kiillo. Foldt. Evk., Budapest 16 1908 (277-367) Taf. vi-xi. 358a VerhoeflF, K. W. Ueber Isopoden. Androniscus n. g. (13. Aufsatz.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (129-148). 359 VerhoefiF, K. W. Neue Isopoden- Gattungeu. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (520-525). 360 Verhoeff.K.W. Ueber IsoiDoden. (10. Aufsatz) Zur Kenntnis der Porcellio- nidea (Kcirnerasseln). Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. n£itf. Freunde 1907 (229-281). 361 Verhoeff, K. W. Ueber Isopoden. (12. Aufsatz) Neue Oniscoiden aus Mittel- und Siideurojja und zur Klarung einiger bekannter Formen. Arch. Natg., Berlin 74 Bd 1 1908 (163-198) 2 Taf. 362 VerhoefiF, K. W. Ueber Isopoden. (14. Aufsatzj ArmadilUdiiim - Arten, mit besonderer Beriicksichtiguiig der in Italien und Sizilieu einheimischen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (450-462, 484-492). 363 Verhoeff, K. W. Ueber Chilo])oden und Isopoden aus Tripolis und Barka, gesanmielt von Dr. Bruno Klaptocz. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Svst. 26 1908 (257-284) 1 Taf. ' 364 [VerhoefiF, Karl W.] Berichtigung zu VerhoeiT, Chilopoden und Isopoden. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst. 26 1908 r446). 364a Verrlll, A. E. Decapod Crustacea of Bermuda ; 1. —Brachyura and Anotmira. Their distribution, variations, and habits. New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 1908 (299-474) pi., text fig. 365 Verrlll, A. E. Notable case of a species of Grapsoid Crustacean appa- rently in actual process of evolution. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn. 25 1908(119-122). 366 Verrlll, A. E. Geographical distribu- tion ; origin of the Bermuda Decapod fauna. Araer. Nat., Boston, Mass. 42 1908 (289-296). 367 [Voronkov, N., Novlkov, A., Udalicov, A.] BopOHKOB-B, H., HOBIIKOBt, A., yAa.ibn,OB'b, A. OqepK'i npyjOBi> OKpeCTHOCTeii r.iyoOKaro ' Usepa. [Charakterisierung der Teiche in der Umgebung des Glubokoje-Sees]. Moskva, Trd. Otd. icht. 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The Baltic fresh-water plankton, its origin and variation. 1. Text. II. Appendix with 40 Tables. Danish Freshwater Biological Laboratory ; Op. 5 1908 Copenhagen (1-389 -f i-xii). 375 21 Crust. Titles. 2600 tWMtfleld, R. r. Notice of an American species of the genus Iloplo- Siria McCoy, from the Cretaceous of ontana. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 23 li)07 (459-41)2) pi. xxxvi. 376 Williamson, E. B. Notes on the craylish of Wells county, Indiana, with debcription of a new species. Indiana, Dept. Geol. Nat. Res. Rep. Indiana- poUs 31 (1900) 1907 (749-763) with illus. 377 jWills, L. J. Note on the fossils from the Lower Keuper of Bromsgrove. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 1908 (312-313). 378 Wilson, Charles Branch. North American parasitic Copepods : New genera and species of Cal'tg'inae. Washington D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 1908 (593- 627) pis. xlix-lvi. 379 Wilson, C. B. 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Ueber naturliche und kiinstliche Varietatenbildung bei Daphni- den. Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig 18 1908 (234-240). 386 Woltereck, R. Die naturliche Nah- rung pelagischer Cladoceren und die Rolle des „Zeutrifugpnplanktons" im Siisswasser. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig 1 1908 (871-874). 387 Wolterstorff, W^. Weitere Beitriige zur KeiHitnis der Brani^hiopoden. [11.] AVocheuschr. Aquarienkunde, Braun- schweig 4 1907 (352-353, 3G9-370, 380. 390-31)2, 402-405). 388 Wolterstorff, W. Beitrjige zur Kenntuis der Apusarten. IV. Auf der Suche nach Apus cancriformis. V. Noclnnals : Jlein A. caner'iformia. Wo- chenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braun- schweig 4 1907 (132-134, 143-144). 389 Wolterstorff, W. xide Meyer, Fritz. fWoodward, Henry. On a large Cirripede, belonging to the genus Lori- cida. from the middle Chalk (Turonian), Cuxtou, near Rochester, Kent. GeoL Mag., London, Dec. 5 5 1908 (491-499). 390 fWoodward, H. Some coal-measure Crustaceans with modern representatives. Geol. Mag., London, Dec. 5 5 1908 (385- 396). 391 Zeleny, Charles. Some internal factors concerned with the regeneration of the chelce of the gulf-weed crab {Por- tunus sayi). Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, D.C. 2 (Publication No. 103) 1908 (103-138) 2 text figs. 11 table fig. 392 [Zemov, S. A.] SepnoBi., C. A. PeniUa »chmackeri Richard {CJadoeera) BT, HepHOMT, MOp-fc, Bt KapKHHUTCKOMT. sa.iHB't. [Feriilia schmackeri Richard (Cladoeera) dans la Mer Noire. Note preliminaire.] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool. 13 1908 [1909] (500-502). 393 Zimmer, Carl. Die Cumaceen der ,,Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition". (Wis- senschaftl. Ergebnisse d. D. Tiefsee- Expedition. Bd 8, Lfg 3.) Jena (G. Fi scher) 1 908 ( 1 55-1 96) 1 1 Taf . 394 Zogxaf, J. N. vide Chmelevskij, (5. V. Zuelzer, Margarete. Ueber den Ein- fluss der Regeneration auf die Wachs- tumsgeschwindigkeit. (Vorl. Mitt.) Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 (283-284). 395 22 CruHt. X. Crustacea. [1908] Zulueta, Antonio de. Note prelimi- naiie sur la famille des Lamippidae, Copepodes parasites des Alcyoniiaires. Arch, zool., Paris (ser. 4) 9 1908 (1-30) fig. 396 SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL 2603 Biography. Xol)iIi, (i. ; Camerano, 70. General Treatises. Crustacea fiir 1901 ; Griinberg, 155. An account of the Crustacea of Nor- Tvay Vol. 5. Laoplioritidae (contd.) ; Sars, 312. Revision of Swedish Decapoda ; Lagerberg, 201. Monograph on Cancer pagurus ; Pearson; 272. Collections. Catalogue des Crustuce^i de la famille des Stenojjides des collections du Museum d'Histoire naturelle; Bouvier, 32. Economics. Prawn fisheiy in Dahomey ; Lefebvre, 205. Les ecrevisses en climat semi-tropical ; Robertson-Proscliowski, 307. Artificial breeding and rearing of Tlomarua ; Ehrenbaiun, 126. Introduction of crayfisli ; Eberts, 124. Le repeu])lement on ecrevisses ; Droiiin de Bouville, 120. Observations sur la reproduction chez I'ecrevisse ; Drouin de Bouville, 119. Disease of crayfish due to leech parasites ; Mazzarelli, 234. Argules et Salmonicullure ; L^ger, 207. Les Crustac^s marins comcstil)los ; Couti^re, 98. Ediljlo Criixlnrca of Portugal ; Gon- zaga do Nascimento, 150. Cani-er pa'jiiriiH, fishery matters ; earson, 272. Crustacea, especially Copepoda, as food of Herring ; Nordgaard, 252. Distribution of plankton in relation to food of fishes ; Bullen, 63. Crustacea as food of fishes ; Todd, 356. Crops damaged by Isopods ; Chitten- den, 90 : Pierce, 282. STRUCTURE. 2607 General. ilorphology (>f plankton Cladoe.era ; Wesenberg Lund, 375. Structure of Cancer pagurus ; Pearson, 272 : of PaUnurus ; "Powell, 287 : of Koonunga cursor ; Sayce, 317 : of Anasp'ides ; Smith, 334 : of Bathynovius gigiinteus ; Lloyd, 218 : of Poreellio ; Verhoefif, 361 : of male of Dexaviine thea ; Patience, 263: of Liriopsidae ; CauUery, 76 : of Argididae ; Grobben, 153, 154 : of Copepoda ; Pesta, 281. Cytology, Copepoda ; Haecker, 162. Nervous system and Sense organs. Zur Anatomic des Nervensystems der Entomostraken ; Fischel, 135. Sistema nervoso viscerale dei Cros- tacei decapodi ; Police, 285. Untersuch. iiber vitale Fiirbung bei Cladoceren ; Fischel, 134a. Studien iiber die Pigmentverschiebung im Facettenauge ; Friscli, 137. Die Augen von Apus product^is', Wenke, 373. Cljer den Bau des Modianauges der Ostracoden ; Nowikoff, 256. Circulatory and Respiratory Systems. Siir la lormide hranchiale de certains Dccapodes ; Couti^re, 101. Une anonualie du systcme arteriel de I'ecrevisse ; Chatanay, 78. Organos globuligencs chez les Iso- podes ; Bruntz, 60. Formations ly)npho'ides gk)l>uligenes clir/ les Gammarides ; Bruntz, 59. Phagocytes of Phyllopoda; Bruntz, 57. •23 Crust. SUBJECT Index. — SnacnuE. Physiology. 2611 Digestive System. Piscstive organs of Crustacea] Guleysse, 157 ; of Schizopoda ; Gelderd, 142. Epithel der Kieniensac-kclien von Daphnla magna ; Fiedler, 134. Structure of alimentary canal of Copc- poda ; Dakin, 113. Bau der Kiefenlriise bei Isopodeu und das Gnissenverlialtnis der Antemien- und Kieferdriise ; Rogenhofer, 309. Frontal s:\ain\s oi Ca preUhhie ; Bruntz, 58. Body spaces and excretory organs of Ibla quadrivalvis ; Bage, 11. "Green-gland" of Astacus flut'ia- tilis ; Hindle, 175. Reproductive organs. Of Macrura ; WoUebaek, 384. Anomalie d'une patte copulatrico chez une ecrevisse Astacus fluviatilis ; Briot, 54. Sperm-receptacle in Cambarus ; An- drews, 5, 6. Bau der Spermien bei Decapoden ; Koltzoflf, 199. Special organs. Ueber Leuchtorgane bei Meerestieron ; Doflein, 116. Light-recipient organ of Eucalaniis ; Esterly, 129. PHYSIOLOGY. 2611 Digestive systena, Schizopoda ; Gel- derd, 142. Digestive secretion of Crustacea ; Sellier, 327a. La presure des Crustaces d^capodes ; Gerber, 143. Sur la digestion des glucosides et des hydrates de carbone chez Tec-revisse ; Giaja et Gompel, 145. Function of leucocytes in Carebms maenas ; EoUmann, 198. Function der einzelnen Organe der Spermien bei der Befruchtung der Deca- poden ; Koltzoff, 199. Body temperature in relation to temp, of water in Decapoda ; Simpson, 333. Heliotropism of pelagic Crustacea ; Loeb, 219. De riiydrotropisme chez les crabes ; Drzewina, 122. Les variations periodiques du signe du phototropisine chez les Pagures mis- anthropes ; Drzewina, 123. L'apparition rythuiique et les stades de passage de Linversion experimentale du chlorotropisme des Pagures ; Min- kiewicz, 245. Sur le chlorotropisme normal des Pagures ; Minkiewicz, 244. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Ad- sorption und Giftigkeit von Salzlo- sung'-Mi flir Siisswassertiere (Gammarus) ', Ostwald, 259. Grcissenverhaltnis der Antennen- und Kieferdriise bei Meeres- und Siissvvasser- krustazeen ; Rogenhofer, 309. Ueber die reflektorische Regulierung der Schwimmbewegungen bei den My- siden mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der doppelsinnigea Reizbarkeit der Augen ; Bauer, 21, Einfluss des osmotischen Drucks auf die Gestalt der Spermien der Deca- poden ; Koltzoff, 199. Anpassung an die Bedingungen eines Gewiissers Gammarus pulex ; ClunS- levkij, etc., 91. Habits, reactions, and associations in Ocypoda arcnaria ; Cowles, 105. Electric stimulation of muscles in crab ; Moulinier, 248. Rotatory movements in Carcinus maenas after unilateral section of nervous system ; Drzewina, 121. The reaction of blinded lobsters to light ; Hadley, 161, Die Analyse der an der Krebsschere auftretenden Hemmungen ; Frbhlich, 139. Control of asymmetry in lobster claw by amputation ; Emmel, 128. Chemical and physical condition o calcium compounds in hard jiarts and blood of Crustacea ; BUtBcmi, 64. 24 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] DEVELOPMENT. 2615 General. Breeding habits of Anaspides ; Smith, 334. Breeding-season of Macrura ; WoUe- baek, 384. Epoque et frequence des accouple- ments chez I'ecrevisse ; Drouin de Bouville, 119. Development of Cancer pagurus ] Pearson, 272. Oogenesis, Spermatogenesis, Fertilization, &c. Entwickluiiii der Keimzellen in den parthenogenetischen Geueiatioueu der Cladoceren ; Eiilm, 200. Spermatogenese, Aloina ; Lepeskin, 208 : Pandarus sinuatus ; McClendon, 235. Ban der Spermien, Spermatogenese bei den Decapoden ; Koltzoff, 199. Die kopflosen Spermien der Cirri- pedien {Balayms) ; Ballowitz, 17. Befruchtungsvorgiinge bei den De- capoden ; Koltzoff, 199. Maturazione, ft>condazione, primi stadi dello sviluppo dell'uovo in Artemia aaliiia ; Artom, 9. An intra-miclear mitotic figure in the oocyte of a Copepod ; Hegner, 169a. Embryology. Holoped'tum gihberum ; Agar, 1. Aatacus fluviatUls ; Fulinski. 139a. Metamoiphoses, Larval Forms &c. Mi'taii)nrj)liosis of St'/v/c.s/c.s arctic)(fi ; Wasserloos, 372 : of AitijtJiipnda ; Briiggen, 55 : oi Liriopsidac; Caullery, 76. Le metaniorfosi dei Paguridi e la lirattea prottetrice del Paguriatea macu- latuK ; Issel, 185. Postembryoiiic develojiment of Cari- dina u-i/ckii; Daday. 109: of Cancer pagurus ; Pearson, 272 : of Crangon riilgnris ; Redeke, 295: of Pnlinurns; Powell, 287 : of Camhan(>< ; Andrews, 6a ; of AruKidUlhhum; Pierce, 282: of Cgi-lupx ; Birge vS: Juday, 22. Larva of Koonunga cursor; Sayce, 317. Larval forms of Eupliausla ; Hansen, 167: Tattersall, 348: of Funclialia-, Bouvler, 28 : Xauplius larvae; Apstein, 8a. Leber die Fortpflanznng und kiinst- liche Zucht des Flohkrebses {Gammarus index L. und Uuviatdis R.); Haempel, 163. Generation Cycles. Zyklische Fortpflanznng bei den Cladoceren ; Issakowitch, 184. Cyclic reproduction in Cladocera; Wesenberg-Lund, 375. Pohjphemush'iologie, Cladocereneier und Ivernplasmarelation ; Strohl, 346. Regeneration. In crayfish ; Lambert, 202 : in Gam- maru>< ; Harman, 169 : in Mancasellus; Ellis, 127 : of claws in Gelashnus ; Przibram, 289 : of appendages ; Przi- bram, 288: of eyes in GeJasimus; Megusar, 239: of the chelae in Portunus saiji ; Zeleny, 392. Versuclie liber das geringe Regenera- tionsvermogen der Cyclopiden ; Klintz, 195. tJber den Einfluss der Regeneration auf die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit ; Zuelzer, 395. Hermaphroditism. In Orehestia ; Boulenger, 26. Origin of hermaphroditism in Crus- tacea ; Smitli, 335. ETHOLOGY. 2619 General. Cancer }xiguru.-< ; Pearson, 272 : species of Srsarmn ; Verrill, 366 : Oet/poda arcimr'ia ; Cowles, 105: ('(iniliaritK Chidester, 89 : Aini^pid,'.-< ; Smith, 334 (ircliomoiopx'iH ro^si ; Walker, 370 pelagic IhjjH'rina ; Senna, 328 : Lcp't- (I urns prod net us; Reau de la Gaignon- ni^re, 294. Le crabe des cocotiers ; Seurat, 330. 25 Crujst. StJBJKCT IxDEx. — Ethology. 2619 BioloKie von Craogo?) viilgitris; Bree- men. 46 : Redeke, 295. Eiii BeitraLT iilier den krebsartigeu Kiemenfuss ; Wittmann, 381. Biolo.sy, seasonal poriodicity, &c., of (^lailorera, CopepoJa, Ostracoda ', Thi6- baud, 353. Biology of freshwater species of Clailocrra, Copepoda and Ostracoda ; Thiebaud, 352 : of Copepoda ; Pesta, 281 : Wesenberg Lund, 375. Oecology of Swiss Isnpoda ; Carl, 73. Phenology, &c. Zoit des Auftretens, Schizopoda ; T.inko, 215. Distribution and niiorrations of Cancer paguriis ; Pe£irson, 272. Vertical distribution in the Caspian, Mysidae ; Sars, 315. Periodic migrations of Copepoda to lower levels ; Loeb, 219. Sexual Dimorphism, &c. Eualus and Paralithodes ; Brashni- kov, 41 : Amphipoda ; Briiggen, 55. Secondary sexual characters of PaJi- daJns ; Woliebaek, 384. Proportion of sexes in Nephrops norteg'iciis ; M'lntosh, 247. Sur la presence de males en exces chez deux especes de Synalpliees ; Couti^re, 102. Habitats. Cavernicolous Crustacea ; Jeannet ct Racovitza, 186 : Racovltza, 290 : Carl, 72, 74 : SchaefTema, 318 : Grater, 152a. •ieneral notes on plankton C'?'MSifo/?(ost)-ac(i ; Schauss, 320, 321. Alark Brandenburg, Cladocera ; Keil- back, 188, 189. Frankfurt a. M., .-l/JHaspp. ; Richters, 306. Neustrelitz, Mechlenburg, record of Branchipus grub'ii; Gundlach, 158. Regensburg, Aptis productua ; Geyer, 144. Holland, freshwater Copepoda ; Bree- men, 45. Belgium, records of Cirripedia, Cope- poda, Cladocera, Ostracoda, in Ijrackish water; Loppens, 223. London, Kew Gardens, Trichoniseus sp. n. ; Patience, 264 : Ph'doscia sp. n. ; Bagnall, 12. Barnstaple, Armadillidlwn album ', Bagnall, 13. Gloucestershire, Cirripedia sp. n. ; Richardson, 304. Norfolk, Amphipoda 1 sp. n. ; Nor- man, 253. Norfolk rivers, Crustacea ; Gurney, 159. Scotland, Isopoda; Patience, 265: Clyde area, Isopoda and Crangonidae ; Patience, 266, 267, 268. Ireland, Isopoda ; Bagnall, 14 : Eluma purpuraseens; Pack-Beresford, 261: Armadillidium pietum ; Foster, 136. Irish waters, Paromola cuvieri ; Hal- bert, 164. Dublin district, marine, freshwater and terrestrial Cimstacea ; Farran, Kemp, & Tattersall, 130. France, Tsopoda spp. n. ; Carl, 74 : Racovitza, 290. Angers, Lepidurus, record ; Reau de la Gaigrnonoi^re, 294. Riviera, Isopoda spp. n. ; Verboeff, 363. 28 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Alpes du Dauphine, Cladoceva ; Keil- hack, 190. French coasts, Lijsmata seticaudata ; Giard, 146. Corsica, Isopoda g. & spp. n. ; Raco- vitza, 290, 292. Portugal, Decapoda ; Gonzaga do Nascimento, 150. Itals^ and Sicilv. Isopoda gg. and spp. n. ; Verhoeff, "359, 360, 363 : Iso- poda 1 g. and 2 spp. n. ; Carl, 72. Capture of crayfish in Milan ; Mazza- relli, 233. Lac d'Annecy, Savoy, records of Crustacea; Le Roux, 209. Messina straits, llijperoche sp. n. ; Senna, 328. Adriatic, Coryeaeidae ; Steuer, 345. Tremiti Is., terrestrial Isopoda ; DoUfus, 118. Switzerland, Isopoda, spp. n. and varr. n. ; Carl, 73: Copepoda spp. n. ; Grater, 152a. Lac de Saint-Blaise, Switzerland, Entomostraca ; TMebaud, 352. Neuchatel, Entomostraca spp. n. ; TMe'baud, 353. Aegerisee, Plankton ; Heuscher, 173. Alps, Branchipua sp. n.; Daday, 111: Canthocamptua sp. u. ; Brelim, 47. Austria and Hungary, Isopoda gg. & 6pp. n. ; Verhoeff, 360. Northern Tirol, Plankton CJadocera and Copepoda ; Brehm, 48. Dajmatia, (^'ladocera and Copepoda '< Brehm, 50 : Isopoda ; Rogenhofer, 308 : Amplupoda ; Schafema, 319. Montenegro, Amphipod ; Scliay)icar'tda fam. n., g. n., sp. n. ; Sayce, 316 : Copepoda spp. n. ; Sars, 314. S. Australia, Alpheidae spp. n. ; Coutifere, 103 : Decapoda spp. n. ; Baker, 15 : Spliaeromidae gg. & spf). n. ; Baker, 16. New Zealand, Plankton, 1 sp. n. ; Cai- man, 67. Auckland Islands, Amphipoda 1 g. n., spp. n. ; Walker, 369. Polar Regions. ; Arctic Seas, Malaeostraea ; Hansen, 168. Arctic Ocean, Amphipoda ; Briiggen, 65. Nordliches Eismeer mit seinen Unter- abtheilungen, Schizopoda ; Linko, 215. Kara Sea, Cumacea 2 spp. n. ; Stappers, 836. Barents Sea, Plankton ; Linko, 213. Spitzbergen, Decapoda ; Birula, 23 : Schizopoda; Linko, 215: Amph'ipuda 2 spp. n. ; Briiggen, 55. Antarctic, Decapoda ; Caiman, 65 : Cumacea 3 spp. n. ; Caiman, 66 : Leptostraca ; Tliiele, 354 : Scliizopoda 1 sp. n. ; Hansen, 168 : Schizopoda and Cumacea spp. n. ; Hansen, 167 : Schizopoda ; Tattersall, 348 : Amphi- poda, 1 g. n. ; Walker, 370 : Iso- poda 5 spp. n. ; Ricliardson, 303 : Copepoda gg. & spp. n. ; Wolfenden, 383 : Ostracoda 1 g & 7 spp. n. ; Brady, 39 : Ostracoda spp. n. ; Mviller, 249 : Osfj-acoda 3 spp. n. ; Daday, 110: C'lrri- ped'ia 1 sp. n. ; Hoek, 176 : Cirripedta ; Gruvel, 156. Subantarctic islands ; Copepoda 2 spp. n. ; Richters, 305. Atlantic. I Atlantic, deep-sea Penaeidea ; Bou- vier, 34 : Ilaliporus spp. ; Bouvier, 33 : Isopoda gg. & spp. n. ; Richardson, 299, 300, 301, 302 : Schizopoda sp. n. ; lUig, 182 : Copepoda gg. & spp. n. ; Farran, 131, 132 : Caliginae gg. & spp. n. ; Wilson, 379 : Ostracoda app. n. ; MUller, 249 : Ostracoda spp. n. ; Sharpe, 332 : plankton Macrura, Cladocera, Copepoda ; Cleve, 95. North Atlantic, Laophontopsis g. n. ; Sars, 312 : Macrura ; WoUebaek, 384 : Malaeostraea g. & spp. n. ; Hansen, 168: Amphipoda gg. & spp. n. ; Chevreux, 86 : Copepoda ; Brian, 52. Irish Sea, Schizopoda, Cumacea, Cope- poda ; Scott in Herdman, 171 ; ^jlank- tou Copepoda ; Herdman, 171 : quanti- tative records of plankton Crustacea ; Herdman & Scott, 172. Gulf of (iascony, Leruaeodiscus gala- theae; P^r^z, 276. Bay of Biscay, Schizopoda and Isopoda ; TattersaU, 349: Amplilpoda 1 sp. n.; Norman, 253. Capo Verdo, Alpheidae subsp. n. ; Coutiere, 103. Tenerife, Nyctiplianes norvegica ; Bouvier, 30. St. Helena, Copepoda 2 spj). n. ; Richters, 305 : Ostracoda sp. n. ; MUller, 249. South .Atlantic, Cumacea sp. n.; Zim- mer, 394 : Thysanopoda sp. n. ; Illig, 181b. 31 Crust. Subject Ixdex.— Geoormmiical. Regent. Fossil. 2627 Indian Ocean. m liuliau Ocean, Alphcidae spp. n. ; Coutiere, 103: StonuilopoJa spp. ii. ; Borradaile. 25: Mi/siJuc; lUig, 181a: Osiracnhi; MiUler, 249. Audaniau Is., Scsarma sp. n. ; Man, 227. Mauritius, Isopoda spp. n. ; Budde- Lund, 61. AKiabia Isi. Gnathia sp. n. ; Schoe- niclien, 326. Ma^careiie Ts., Isopoda g. & spp. ii. ; Budde-Lund, 61. S. Indian Ocean, Cumacea spp. n. ; Zimmer, 394. S. African seas, Crustacea ^. n., spp. u. ; Stebbing', 340. Pacific. n Pacific, Crustacea g. & spjj. n ; Braslinikov, 41 : Ainpliipoda spp. n. ; Chevreux, 83 : parasitic Copepoda p;g. \- spp. 11.; WUson, 380: Ostmcoda; Sharpe, 332. Xorth-west Pacific, Dajidae 1 g. & 3 spp. n. ; Richardson, 297 : Mijsidae 1 g. & 2 spp. n. ; Ortmann, 257. East Pacific, Amphipoda ; Bradley, 37. Polynesia, Mangareva Id., Decapada, Stomatopoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda ; Nobili, 251. Fossil. France, Cirripedia ; Alessandri, 3. Asterosoma radicifonne = Bau eiuer Sandkrabbe ; Morin, 247a. Ordovician. North America, Ostraeoda ; Ulrich & Bassler, 358. New York, Phyllopoda 1 sp. n. ; Cleland, 94. Indiana, Crustacea ; Cumings, 107. Easteru New York, Plnjlloearlda ; Clarke, 92. Devonian. Kilkenny, Isopoda g. & sp. n ; Car- penter iV: Swain, 75. Nortli .Vnicrica, Ostraeoda ; Ulrich & Bassler, 358. Carboniferous. Lancashire, Pijgocephalus; Parker, 262. Derbysliire, Anaspidacea 1 g. & sp. n. ; Woodward, 391. Scotland, SrJiizopoda gg. & spp. n. ; Peach, 269. Ireland, Cijclus sp. n. ; Reed, 296. North America, Ostraeoda ; Ulrich & Bassler, 358. Permian. Guadalnpiaii fauna, Texas ; Girty, 149. Trias. Leicestershire, Esther'ia minuta ; Hor- wood, 180. Worcestershire, Estlier'ia minida ; WiUs, 378. Bavaria, Cijpr'is sp. n. ; Branca &. Fraas, 40. Italy, Esther'ia ; Galdieri, 141. Colorado, Ostraeoda and Fhyllopoda ; Cross, 106. >!. Jurassic. .Swabia, Gltjphaea spp. u. ; Schutze. 327. Hungary, Balanus sp ; Vadasz, 358a. Cretaceous. Kent, C'lvrlpedia sp. n. ; Woodward, 390. Tasmania, Phylloearida ; Chapman, Saxony, Enoploclytia ; Wanderer, 371. 77 Silurian. Norway, Leperditia sp. n. ; Kioer, 193. North America, Ostraeoda ; Ulrich & Bassler, 358. Bavaria, Ostraeoda 1 sj). n ; Egger, 125. S. Africa, Nephropsidae, sp. n. ; Kitchin, 194. Jlontana, Hoploparia sp. n. ; Whit- field, 376. 32 Crust. X. Crustacea. tl908j California, Brachijura g. & sp. n. ; Rathbun, 293. Oligocene. Italy, Braehyum ; Canestrelli, 71. Eocene. Egypt, Decapoda ; Lorenthey, 221. Miocene. France, Cirripedia ; Alessandri, 4 : Brachyura ; Coufifon, 97. Sardinia, Decapoda 5 spp. n. ; Loren- they, 220. California, Brachyura g. & spp. n. ; Rathbun, 293. Pliocene. Hungary, Oatracoda spp. n. ; M^lies, 240. Ill— SYSTEMATIC. 2631 Grcnberg, Cruataeea fiir 1901. [Jahreshericht.] Arch. Natg., 69, Bd II, H. 3, 1903, [1908], IX. pp. 1-56 ; Desgl. fiir 1902. t.c. pp. 1-50. DECAPODA. Lorenthey redescribes Decapoda from the Eocene of Egypt, Math.-natw. Ber. Ungarn 25 pp. 106-152, 2 Taf. Decapoda, revision of Swedish species with descriptions and figures, Laoer- BEBG Goteborg, Vet. Handl. 11 Pt. 2 pp. i-x, 1-117, 5 pis.— Du Zambeze et des grands lacs, Bouvier, in : Result, seient. Afrique, 1908, pp. 569.— Of Lake Tchad, BocviER, hi : Mission Chari-Lac Tchad 1908 pp. 701-702.— Of Spitz- bergen, Birula St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 11 pp. 1-68.— Arctic and snl> Arctic spp., Hansen Danish Ingolf E.x- ped. 3No. 2 pp. 1-120 5 pis. Brachyura. Die zoologischen Merkmale der Krab- ben, Steiniiahs Zs. Unters. Nahrgs- mittelie i)p. 110-111, 1 Taf Les crabes fossiles de France, Fritel Naturaliste 27 pp. 225-22S, tig. OXYRHTSCHA. '\Branchiolamhruss.n.{Pa7-thenopidae) p. 344, altus sp. o. California, Miocene p. 345 pi. xlvii ff. 2-3, Rathbun Wash- ington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Cyrtomaia goodndgei figured, Alcock, Anxandale and MacGilchrist Illus. zool. " Investigator " Calcutta 1907 pi. Ixxviii f. 2. Eumedoniis granulosus figured, Al- cock, Annasdale and MacGilchrist. T.c. pi. kxvii f. 2, 2a. Hoplophrys ogilhyi sp. n. Queensland coast, McCcLLocH Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 51 pi. xii f. 2. Hyas coarctata var. latifrons Synony- mie, Beschriebung, Verbreitung, Brash- NiKov St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 20 pt. 6 p. 43. 'fLoxorhynchus grandis figured. Rath- bun Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 342 pi. xlv, xlvi, xlvii f. 1. ^Maia orb'ignyana description, CouF- FON Feuille jeunes natviral. ser. 4 39 No. 457 p. 2 pi. i ff. 1-4. — ]M. mioeae- nica sp. n. Miocene, Sardinia, Lorenthey Math.-natw. Ber. Ungarn 24 p. 237 pi. 1 ff. 1, 10. Maniaia queketti sp. n. S. Africa, Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 3 pi. xxvii. Tyloearcinua gracilis notes, Nobili Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 382. Cyclcmetopa. Aclielous spiyiimanus var. n. smithii, Bermuda, southern United States and Brazil, Vkrrill New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 387. Actaea consobrhia descrij)tioii, Nobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 390. ^Cancer deshayesii pi. 1 f. 11, 8(8- mondae pi. ii ff. 3 -4, Couffon Feuilles jeunes natural, ser. 4 39 No. 457. — tC fissus sp. n. California, Miocene, Rathbun Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 343 j)l. xlix f. i. — C. pagnrns, mono- graph, Pearson Liverpool, Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 22 pp. 291-499, 13 pi.— Obser- 33 Crust, SystSxiaTic. — Decapoda. 2631 vations on " Granny " crabs, Herdmax Liverpool, Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. 22 p. 55. Charybdls natator Herbst noticed and figured, Stebbixq, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 9 pi. xxviii-xxix. Clieiragonus cheiragonus Synonymie, Verbreituug, Brashnikov St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. So. 20 pt. 6 p. 51. Chlorodopsis pugil p. 395, arcolata, p. 39t3, pi. ii, f. 3, notes, NoBiLi Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2, 57. C ycloxantkus carinatus sp. n. S. Australian coast, B.\ker Trans. R. Soc. ^. Austral. 31 p. 173 pi. xxiii f. 1. Dacryopllumnns eremita figured, XoBiLi Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 pi. ii f. 4. Eupanopeus herbstii minax p. 3-18, bermudensis aciditus p. 357, varr. n. Bermuda, Verrili. New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13. Gahr'iplia g. n. for Cycloxanthiis has- vrelli Fulton & Grant and C. pimctatus Hasw., McCri.LOCH Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 54 pi. xii ff. 4-5. Liasocarcinus orbicidaris commen- salism, Bocvier Bui. Museum Paris 1907 pp. 503-504. fNeptunus gramdatus, Miocene, Sar- dinia, described. Lorexthey Math.-natw. Bex. L'ngarn. 24 p. 242 pi. ii. ff. 1-2.— 1[N. inonspeliensis figured, Couffon Feuille jeunes natural, ser. 4 37 No. 457 p. 3 pi. i f. 5. Parapleurophryco'ides roseus de- scription, NoBiLi Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 402 pi. ii f. 5. Pirimela deuticulata var. n. zernovi Schwar/.es Meer, K.\lischewsky Odessa Mem. Soc. Nat. 30 pp. 131-133. Platyoz'ius perpiis'dlus description, NoBiLi Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 401. Pilodius nitidus p. 393, acabrieulus p. 394, descriptions, Nobili, T.c. Pdumnua parvulua p. 398, mero- entatua p. 399, descriptions, Nobili 'T.C. Portunua sayi, internal factors con- cerned with the regeneration of the chelje, Zelexy Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory' of the Carnegie Institution of Washington 2 (Publication No. 103) pp. 103-138. (N-10332 I) Putainon, stridiilating organs of, Calman Ann. Jlag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 pp. 409-473. '\Scylla michelini figured, CouFFON Feuille jeunes natural, ser. 4 39 No. 457 pi. i ff. 6-10, ii ff. 1-2. Thalamita bouv'ievi p. 384 pi. ii f. 2, seurati p. 385 f. 1, minuscula p. 386 pi. i f. 15, descriptions, Nobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57. — T. pilnmnoides, var. gafavakenais, description, Nobili T.c. p. 384. ^Titanocarcinus pidchellns figured, CocFFON Feuille jeunes natural, ser. 4 39 No. 457 pi. ii ff. 5-7. Xantliodea cumatodes figured, Alcock, AxxAXDALE, and MacGilchrist, Illus. zool. "Investigator" Calcutta 1907 pi. Ixxix f. 1. jfXanthus lovisntoi sp. n. Miocene, Sar- dinia, Lorextiiey Math.-natw. Ber. Qn- garn 24 p. 245 pi. i f. 12. Catometopa. 1i Arehaeopns g. n. (Oeypodidae) p. 346, antenjiatns sp. n. California, Cretaceous, p. 347 pi. xlvii ff 4-7, pi. xlviii, pi. xlix ff. 2-4, Rathbun Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., (J. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Ceratoplax punctata sp. n. S. Austra- lian coast. Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. AustraL 31 p. 176 pi. xxiii f. 2. '\Coeloma vigil description, Caxes- trelli Genova Atti Soc. Ligustica sc. nat. geogr. 19 p. 149. Eucrate hamiltoni sp. n. Queensland Coast, McCuLLOCH Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 58 pi. xii f. 1. Maerophthalmus conaohrinua descrip- tion, Nobili Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 408. Ocypoda arenaria, habits, &c., CowLES Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2 (Publication No. 103) pp. 1-41, 4 pis. Pachygrapaus propinguua sp. n. Lower Bengal, ■Ma>' Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 216 pi. xviii f. 2. — P. tranaveraua, parasite of, Richardson Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 34 pp. 23- 26. 0 4 34 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Percnon affinis description, Nobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 406. P'ninotercs holotliuriensis p. 177 pi. xxiii f. 3, subglobosa p. 179, spp. n. S. Australian coast, Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 31. Sesarma rtcordi var. n. terrcstris Bermuda, Verrili, Araer. J. Sci. 25 p. 119 ; New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 328. — S. thelxinoe sp. n. Andaman Island, iLui Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. 181-185 pi. xi. Trigonoplaxunguiformis var. n. longi- rosij-is Victoria, McCuLLOCH Rec. Austral. Mus. 7 p. 59 pi. xii f. 3. Tympanomerus stapletoni sp. n. Dacca district, Mak Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 212 pi. xviii f. 1. OXTSTOMATA. Cydoes hairdii var. n. atlmitica Ber- muda and West Indies, Verrili. New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 423. Cymonoviua andamanicua figured, Alcock, Aknakdale and MacGilchrist lUuB. zool. " Investigator " Calcutta 1907 pi. Ixxix f. 2. — C. normanl figured, Hansen Danish Ingolf - Expedition 3 No. 2 pi. i f. 2. ^Ehalxa lamarmorai sp. n. Miocene, Sardinia, Lorenthey Math-natw. Ber. Ungarn24p. 232 pi. iff. 2-3. '\nepatinulu8 lotisatol sp, n. Miocene Sardinia, Lorenthey T.c. p. 230 pi. i f. 8. Ileteronucia vemista description, Nobili Torino Mem. Acc. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 379 pi. i f. 14. Nucia rosea description, Nobili T.c. p. 381. Nursia mimetica description, Nobili T.c. p. 380 pi. i f. 13. Dromiacea. Cryptodromia depresaa sp. n. S. Aus- tralian coast, Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 31 p. 180 pi. xxv. f. 1. Dromia octoderitata description. Baker T.c. p. 179pl. xxiii f. 4. Paromola cuvieri in Irisli waters, Halbert Irish Nat. 17 pj). 129-132 pi. V. — P. ratlibuni, sp. n. Chile, Porter, Revist. cbilena 12 p. Sfi pi. viii. Incertaf. sedis. Hapnlocarcinidea superfam. n. in- cluding Rapaloearchiidae, Verrill New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 426. TroglocarcDins g. n. near Tlapalo- carchius, coralUcola sp. n. Bennuda and Dominica Is., Verrill T.c. p. 427. Anomura. Heteromacrura nom. n. {= Anomura in part), \VLc\\id'n\^Galatlieidea,Tlippldea, Pagiiridea, Verrill New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 pji. 426- 433. Gal.\theidea. Galacantha key to species, Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus 6 p. 19. Galathea afima p. 375 pi. i f. 11, megalochira p. 376 f. 12, descriptions, Nobili Torino Mem. Acc. Sci. ser. 2 57. Munida heanii sp. n. Bermuda, Ver- rill New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 435. — M. hamffica pi. ii f. 3, tenuimana f. 4, iii f. 1, figured, Hansen Danish Ingolf-Exped. 3 No. 2. Mnn'idopsis rurvirostra pi. iii f. 2, antonii f. 3, simiUs f. 4, figured, Hansen T.c. Petrolisthes annatus var. n. pallidus Bermuda, Verrill New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 434. Paguridea. Anapagurua polynes'ienaia description, Nobili Torino Mem. Acc. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 372 pi. i f. 10. Calc'inus spp. notes, Nobili T.c. p. 368. Clihnnarius spp. notes, NoBiLi T.c. p. 367. — C. hebea sp. n. Bermuda, Verrill New Haven, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 13 p. 450. Coenobita sprp. notes, Nobili Torino Mem. Acc. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 373. Diogenea gardineri notes, Xobili T.c. p. 366. — D. varians symbiosis with mussels, Hansemann Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 p. 27. Eupagurua bemhardua commensals, CiiEVREUX Bui. Mus. Paris 1908 pp. 14- 16. — E. maoruH description, NoBlLI Torino Mem. Acc. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 371 pi. i f. 9. 35 Crusl. Systematic. — Decapoda. 2631 l8oehcle» irurdeinanni var. n. }xici liens Peruvian waters, Boivikr Paris C.K. Acad. sci. 144 p. 303. Pagurixtes maculaiug, raetaniorfosi e brattea protettrice, Issel Geiiova, Atti Soc. ligustica sc. nat..£(eogr. 19 pp. 12-17. Pagiints spp. notes Nobili Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 370. — tP. mediterraneus sp. n, Miocene, Sardinia, IxiREXTHET Math.-natw. Bar. L'ngarn 24 p. 226 pi. ii f. n. ParalithoJes synopsis of Russian spp. p. 61, phitypus destriptiou p. 58 pi. 1 f. 2, camtshatica description of young, sexual dimorphism p. 5.5 pi. i f. 1, pi. ii f. 3. Brashsikov St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 20 pt. 6. Paralomis spcctah'd'is p. 22 pi. i f. 3, ii f. 1, houvier'i p. 24 pi. ii f. 2, spp. n. Arctic Seas, Hansen Danish Ingolf-Ex- ped. 3 Xr. 2. Macrura. ^aci'ura branchial formula, Coutiere Paris, C.K. soc. biol. 64 pp. 540-541. Nephropsidea. Aatacus iiuviatil'ia distribution in Osnabriick district, Scftmidt Osnabriick, Jahresber. nat«-. Ver. 16 Anhang pp. 1- 37 ; habits, enemies, acclimatisation, Eberts Arquicolt. lombarda 4 pp. 210-214 ; autotomy in, Persico T.c. pp. 21-23; variation of the "green- gland," Hisdle Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 584- 585 ; in Finland, Helle Luonnon Yastva 8 pp. 168-170; leech parasites, Mazzarelli Acquicolt. lombarda 5 pp. 1-53-160 with 1 pi. ; anomalie d'une patte copulatrice, Briot Paris, C.R. Boc. biol. 64 pp. 1 182- 1 183 ; embryologj-, FCLLSSKI Zoo!. Anz. 33 pp. 20-28. Camharus harton'ins bartoni food and habits, Chidester Amer. Nat. 42 pp. (10-716. — C. spp. sperm-receptacle, AsDREAvs Washington, Proc. Acad. Sci. 10 pp. 167-185. — C. bouvieri sp. n. Mexico, Ortma.\k Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. ser. 9 7 pp. 159-166.— C. montezumae structure of annulus, Andrews Biol. Bull. 14 pp. 121-133 ; notes on, Andrews Zool. Anz. 32 pp. 66.5-669. -C'.o?-iman?ii Bp. n, Indiana, Williamson Indiana, Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Rep. 31 pp. 749- 763. (N-10332 I) Uomants Kiinstlicho Zucht und Wachstum, Ehrenb.\l'm Berlin, Mitt. I). Seefischereiver. 23 pp. 178-198 mit 1 Taf. 'fHoploixir'ia broicni sp, n. Montana, Cretaceous, Whitfield New York, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 23 pp. 459-462 pi. xxxvi. '\Meyeria seliicarz'i sp. n. L'itenhage beds, S. Africa, Kitchin Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 7 p. 212. Nephrops norvegicus, note on, Wolle- b.\EK Bergen, Norsk Fisket. 27 pp. 404-406 ; variation, M'Intosh Edin- burgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 17 pp. 129- 142. Eryonidea. Polycheles heaumoiiti p. 25, iianus p. 27, descriptions, Ste3BIng Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6. LORICATA. ■jGlyphaea rothi p. 341 pi. iii f. ], giissmanni p. 347 f. 3, dictleni p. 351 f. 5, spp. n., pustulosa gramdosa var. n p. 348 f. 4, Jurassic. Swabia, Schi'tze Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 63. Palinicnis, anatomy and development, Powell Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 pp. 360-389 pi. A. Pandiirus [err. pro Pamdirus] reg'ius in gulf of Marseilles, Darbou.x & Stephan Feuille jeunes natural. 38 pp. 16-17. PanuUriis penicillatus notes, Xobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 366. Scyllaridea elizabethae Ortm. noticed and figured, Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 30 pi. XXX. Thalassinidea. Callianassa aequimana sp. n. S. Australian coast. Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 31 p. 182 pi. xxiv ff. 1-8. — C. faujasi autotomy, Legendre Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 65 pp. 662-663.— tC. desmarestiana Miocene, Sardinia, described, Loren'they Math.-natw. Ber. Ungarn. 24 p. 213 pi. iv ff. 3-4. Calocarides subg. n. of Calocaria for Eueonaxiu8 eramrpes and eoronatus, characters, Wollebaek Bergens Mus. Aarb. 1908 No. 12 pp. 3-23 pi. i-vii. c 4—2 36 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Iconaxiopsis sphiigera figured, Alcock, ^VsNiXDALE and MacGilchrist, lUus. Zool. "Investigator" Calcutta 1907 pi. Ixxviii f. 1. Caridea. Acanthephyra batei figured, Hansen Danish Ingolf.-Exped» 3 No. 2 pi. iv f. 2a. Alplieopsls fissipes i). 193, idiocarpufi p. 194, spp. n. Indian Ocean, Coltrzre Paris Bui. soc. philom. 10 No. 5 ; op. cit. 11 pp. 3-4. Alpheus aetdeipes var. trijijhoptis p. 355, eiichiro'ides p. 356 pi. i f. 6, liop- lites p. 357, f. 7, descriptions, Xobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57. — A. ataphylinus Salomon Id., Chagos p. L*04, malhaensis Saya de Malha p. 205, amirantei Amirante E. p. 205, haculifer Iledii Coin, Chagos p. 206, atanleyi, Amirante p. 207, pi'ovidencei Provi- dence, Indian Oceaa p. 208, adamastor Salomon Id., Chagos p. 209, coet'ivens'ts Coetivy p. 210, dasycheles Seychelles p. 211, percyi Cargados Carajos &c., p. 211, perezl Persian Gulf p. 213, spp. n., CouTiERE Paris. Bui. Soc. philom, ser. 9, 10, — A. facetus p. 100, consohrinus p. 101, hicoatatus p. 102, praedator p. 103, tenulcarpus p. 104, rapacida p. 105, lepidus p. 106, s'/hogae p. 107, pidjescens p. 109, savuensis p. 110, proseudnrun p. Ill, spp. n., Imilstonci Cout. with varr. n. lactuhd'is p. 98, ass'nnulans p. 99, Malay Archipelago, 5Ian Leiden Notes Mus. Jentink 30. — A. staphylinus p. 14, malhaensis p. 15, amiraiUei p. 15, haculifer p. 16, slanleyi p. 17, pro- videncei p. 18, adamaator p. 19, coc- tivensis p. 20, dasycheles p. 21, percyi p. 21, perezi p. 22, redescribed, Cou- TiKRE Paris Bui. soc. philom. 11. Amphipalaemon aeurali description, NoBiLi Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 364 pi. i f. 3. Atliayias hasswelli, grand, spp. n. South Australian coast, CouTii;RE Paris Bull. Soc. pliilom. ser. 9 10 p. 192; op. cit. 11 p. 2. Automate salomoni, sp. n. Salomon Id., Chagos, CocTiicRE Paris, Bull. Soc. philom. ser 9, 10 p. 192 ; op. cit. 11 p. 2. Birulia aacJialinenaiB Neubeschrei- bung, Brashnikov St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. So. 20 pt, 6 p. 172. Bythocaris leiicopis von Spitzbergen, Beschreibung, Birui.a St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. lip. 44. Calmania g. n. (Palaemonidae) type hiunguiculata descr., Nobili Ann. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli 2 No. 21 6 pp. pi. xi. Caridina nilotica substantive varia- tion, natalensis Natal, hengalensis Bengal, brachydactyla = u-yc1tii de M. (nee Hicks.) Flores, Celeljes, varr. n., Man Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. 255-283 pi. xx. — C. propinqna sp. n. Calcutta, Max T.c. p. 227 pi. xi.\, f. 6. — C. icyckii, postem- bryonale Entwickluug, Dad.4.y Math. Termt. Ert. Budapest 25 pp. 109-163. Chorismus antarcticus described, Calman Decapoda, Nat. Antarct. Exped. 2 p. 1. Crangonidae, notes on Clyde spp., Patience Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 pp. 64-71. Crangon, synouymie u. Verbreitung der europ. u. ostasiat. Arten, Synopsis der Gattungen pp. 65-99, septemspinosa p. 83, var. propinqua p. 84, dalli p. 84, Neubeschreihung, Brashnikov St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 20 pt. 6. — C. antarct- icus described, Calman Decapoda, Nat. Antarct. Exped. 2 p. 3. — C. vulgaris Ethologie und Entwicklung, Redeke Rap))ort over ouderzoekingeii betrefFende de visscherij in de Zuiderzee ingesteld in de jaren 1905 en 1906 p. 50; Bio- logie, Breemes Med. Vissch. 15 pp. 18- 21. — 0. vulgaris, allmanni, characters, distribution, Wollebaek Bergeiis Mus. Aarb. 1908 No. 12 pp. 24-30 pi. viii. Eualus fahrieii Sexualdimorphismus p. 168, middendor^lH sp. n. Ochotskis- ches ileerchur p. 165, I^rashnikov St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 20 pt. 6. Gnalhophyllum tridens description, NoBiLi Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 365 pi. i £. 4. Iletairus polaris p. 148, grocnlandica p. 155, Neubeschreibung, hrandtip. 157, grandimana p. 152, schrencki p. 101, spp. n. Ostasialische Gewiisser, Brash- nikov St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sci. 20 pt. 6. Hippohjte Diagnose, Arten, Brashnikov T.c. pp. 119-135. — H. varians,Vetendue des clKuigemeuta possibles de couleur de, iliNKiEwicz Paris, 0. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 943-944. )7 Crust. Systematic. — Decavoda. 2631 Hymenodora glaeinlls von Spitzber- gen, Beschreibuug, Birila St. Petei- biirg Ann. ilus. zool. 11 p. 46. Ijcander czertiiavxhi/t sp. n. Ostasia- tische Gewiisser, Bkasunikov St. Peter- burg Mem. Ac. So. 20 pt. 0 p. 17G. — L. dtbilis notes. Nobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 363. Lijsmata setlcaitdata distribution geographique, Giard Feuille jeunes natural. 38 p. 185. Mar voter ocheir nom. n. for Macrobra- ehiitm, Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 39. yfetalpheus g. n. type Alphcus roslra- tipes, CouTiERE Paris, Bui. Soc. philom. -er. 9 10 p. 213. Nedoci'augon lar p. 92, crassa p. 94, descriptions, Brasiixikov St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. Sc. 20 pt. 6. Palaemon doUchodactylum described p. 573, foai sp. n. Upper Congo p. 574 ff 1-41, CoLTii-:RE Result, scient. Afrique. — P. fahricii in Finland, Leva-Vder Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 31 p. 67. — P. (Kiipalcvmon) lamarrei H. M. Edw. described, svnonvmv, Man Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. 222-226 pi. kix f.4.— P. (Parapalaemoti) aemulus descri])tion, XoBiLi Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 362 pi. i f. 5. — P. ornatus p. 363, loTUfipea p. 367, icollerstorfii p. 36S, characters, novae-hoUandiae pp. 369-370 sp. n. Sydney, Man Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist, ser. 8 1 pi. xvi. Pandalus borealis pp. 44-61 pi. xi, leptoceros var. oonnieri pp. 61-63 pi. xii f. 2, annulieorms pp. 63-67 i.\,propin- qmta pp. ()7-69 f. 3, brevirostris pp. 69- 7), distribution, habits, food, structure of generative organs, Wollebaek Bergens Mus. Aarlj. 1908 No. 12— P. gonhirus p. 103, Ivjps'inotus p. 114 pi. ii f. 9, lamellij Isopodes Exped. antarct. frant^. p. 1 f. 1. I'aiiais aeurati description, Nobili Torino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 413 pi. ii f. 16, iii f. 1. ISOPODA. Isopoda of Tremiti Is., Dollfus Feuille jeunes natural. 37 pp. 32-33; der Ostsee, Apstein Kiel, Schr. natw. A'er. 14 pp. 34-50 ; parasites of Ber- muda fishes, Linton Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 pp. 85-126; notes on terres- trial species in Clyde area. Patience Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 pp. 80-86. Incertae sedis. ■fOxyuropoda g. n. ligioides sp. n. Upper Devonian, Kilkenny, Carpenter and Swain Proc. R. Irish Acad. 27 Sect. B. pp. 63-67 pi. iv. Asellota. AseUiia spp., descriptions, Carl N. Denkschr. Schweiz, Ges, Naturw, 42 p. 120, 42 Crust. X. Crustacea. [190S] Austr'imumvi serrata p. 5 ff. 6-7, suhtriangulafa p. 7 f. 8, incisa p. 7 ff. 9- II, spp. n. Antarctic, Richardson Isopodes Exped. antarct. fran^. Bagatu!^ stylodactylus p. 418 pi. ii f. 11, plafylaclylus p. 418 iii f. 6, descriptions, Xobili Torino ilem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57. Caecimttnna prov. gen., type ^unna tninrata, Richardson VVasliinLrton, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation Mus. Proc. 35 p. 79. Euri/cope mngnispin'is sp. n. off Nan- tucket Shoals, RiCHARD.sox T.c. p. 84. — E. truneata sp. n. Massachusetts coast, Richardson op. cit. 34 p. 67. BaplomesiLS g. n. for Ischnoaoma quadrisp'inosnm Sars, Richardson op. cit. 35 p. 81. Haplomunna prov. gen., type Munna caeca, Richardson T.c. p. 79. Haploniseiis g. n. near Kannoniscus p. 75, excisvs off George's Bank p. 75, retro- spinis off Martha's Vineyard p. 77, spp.n., Richardson T.c. Hcteromesiis g. n. for Ischnosoma tliomsoni Bedd. 1. spinosiun Bedd. and I. greeni Tatt. p. 81, grannlatus p. 82, Kpineseens p. 83, spp. n. eastern coast, United States, Richardson T.c. lolella glabra sp. n. off Hatteras, Richardson T.c. p. 71. Isclinomesiis nom. n. for Tsclinosoma Sars, preocc, Rich.vrdson T.c. p. 81. JautreUa lobata sp. n. off Georges Bank, Richardson T.c. p. 78. Munna tmncata sp. n. off Martha's Vineyard and Halifax, Richardson T.c. p. 70. Rhahdomesiis g. n. for Ischnosoma hacillus Bedd. and /. bacilloides Bedd., Richardson T.c. p. 81. Jfhaeurn g. n. near lolclla p. 72, J ml dim sp. n. off Georges Bank p. 74, Richardson T.c. Stenetrium hanscyii p. 414 i)l. iii f. 3, euchiruvi (i. 415 f. 4, descriptions, proximum sp. n. Polynesia p. 416 f. 5, NoiiiM Torino Mein. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57. Fl.AIiEI.I.IFKRA. Alcirona papuana description, NoMi.i 'I'orino Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 42) jil. iii f. 13. Amplioroidea angiistata sp. n. S. Australian coast, Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 32 p. 147 pi. vi ff. 1-10. Amphoroidella subg. n. of Amplio- roidea, eWptica sp. n. S. Australian coast. Baker T.c. p. 148 pi. vi. ff. 11-18. Anniiia g. n. (Clrolamdae) lacufitris sp. n. Zanzibar, Budde-Lcnd in : Voeltz- kow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 304 pi. xviii ff. 1-22. AriopJocopea g. n. (!Sphaeromidae) hanseni sp. n. Corsica, Racovitza Arch, zool. notes et revue, ser. 4 8 pp. Ixsxviii- Ixsxix. Bathygnatliia eurrirostris sp. n. Atlantic, RiCHARDSOS Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 483. BaOiynomus giganteus internal ana- tomy, Lloyd Calcutta, Mem. Ind. Mus. 1 Na 2 pp. 81-102, 4 pis. JBrotherus g. n. {Aleironidae^ longi- cornis sp. n. Madagascar, Bcdde-Lund in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 306 pi. xviii ff. 32-42. Cerceis see Circeis. CiVieaea eurtispina described, Baker Trans. R. Soe. S. Austral. 32 p. 143 pi. iv ff. 12-17, pi. V ff. 1-8. Circeis [err. pro Cerceis] tridentata described p. 153 pi. viii ff. 8-16, trilohata p. 154 ff. 17-20, pi. ix ff. 1-7, obtusa p. 156 ff. 8-17, spp. n. S. Australian coast. Baker T.c. Cirolana fontis sp. n. Algerian Sahara, GrRNEY Zool. Anz. 32 p. 682. Conilorpheus scutifrons sp. n. S. African seas, Stebbino Ann. S. Afrie. Mus. 6 p. 46 pl.xxxi. Cyathura carinata new to Britain, figured, GrRNEY Norwich, Trans. Nat. Soc. 8 p. 432 pi. Cymodoee longicaudata p. 139 i>l iii ff. 1-11, hamata p. 141 pi. iv ff. 1-11, spp. n. S. Australian coast. Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 32. Dynamene ramuscida sp. n. S. Aus- tralian coast. Baker T.c. p. 145 pi. v ff. 9-20. Dynamenella codii p. 422 pi. ii f. 14, iii f. 10, platura p. 423 pi. ii f. 12, iii, f. 11, descriptions, Norui.i Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57. 43 Crust. Systematic. — Isopoda. 2631 Dynamcnopsis g. n. (Sphaeromidae) obtiisa sp. n. S. Australian coast, Bakku Trans. K. Soc. S. Austral. 32 p. 15l' pi. vii ft". 11-17, pi. viii ft". 1-7. Exospbaeroma antarctica sp. n. Ant- arctic, RiciiAHDSOx Isopodes Kxped. antarct. fram,". p. 3 ff. 2-3. Chiathia aJdabreuais sp. n. Insel Al- dabra, JSchoeskhes iu : \'oeltzkow Reise O.-afrika 2 pp. U)3-iyS.— (?. aureola de- scription, NoBiLi Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ber. 2 57 p. 418 pi. ii f. 7, iii f. 7.—G. tnull}spii)is p. 485, serrata p. 487, spp. n. Atlantic, Richardson Washing- ton, .'^inithsoniaa Inst., U. S. Nation. Mas. Proc. 35. Gurida g. n. (Alcironidae) cnelata sp. n. Aldabra Is., Bcdde-Lusd in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 pp. 305- 30t3 pi. xviii £f. 23-31. Hasicellia emarghiata described p. 157 pi. ix f. 18, pi. X fF. 1-11, e'dicoides sp. n. S. Australian coast p. 158 ft". 12- 23, Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 32. Icltthyoxeniis jelllnghansii Lebens- gewohnheiten, Ot;\vEN.s Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. 67 pp. 29-35. Tscliijromene g. n. {Sphaeromidae) lacazei sp. n. Banyuls-sur-nier, W. Meditenanean, Racovitza Arch. Zool. notes et revue 9 pp. Ix-lxiv. Lnnnoria lig)wrum, habits and de- structive effects, CoLGAN Irish Nat. 17 pp. 9-14. Moruloidea g, n. (Sphaeromidae) lacertosa sp. n. S. Australian coast. Baker Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 32 p. 150 pi. vii ff. 1-10. Neroeila litida sp. n. Zanzibar, BuDDE-LcKD in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 307 pi. xviii ff. 43-44. Varacassidinops 8 sculpta description, NoniM Torino, .\leni. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 424, pi. ii fig. 13, pi. iii fig. 12. Sphaeroma bigranulatum sp, n. Zanzi- bar, BuDDE-LuND in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 304 pi. xvii f. 55. Sphaeromidae affinities of caverni- colous species, Racovitza Arch. zool. notes et revue ser. 4 8 pp. Ixxxiv- Ixxxvii. Valvifera. Autaretiena kladophoros sp. n. S. Africa, Stebuino Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 53 pi. x.xxii. AstaciJlidae kev to genera, Steiibing T.c. p. 51. Idotea spp. in Clyde area. Patience Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 pp.42- 46. Synidotea paeifica description, Nobili Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci. ser. 2 57 p. 420 pi. iiif.8. Ei'ICARIDEA. Arthrophryxus g. n. (Dajidae) p. 694, beringunus sp. n. Bering Island p. 695, Richardson Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33, Bathygyge grandis Hans, noticed and figured, Stebiung Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 57 pi. xxxiii. Colophryxiis g.n. near Arthropliryxua, novangiiae sp. n. off Long Island, Richardson Washington, Smithsonian Inst, U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 391. Danalia gregaria sp. n. Neapel, Caul- LERY Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel 18 p. 589. Gigantione giardi description, Nobilt Torino, Mem. Ace. Sci, ser. 2 57 p. 426 pi. ii f. 15, iii f. 9. Gyge branchialis modification of loco- molory organs, Lo GiuDicE Zs. wiss. Zool. 91 pp. 22-80 1 pi. Holophryxus giardi Bering Island p. 690, calif orniensis Californian coast p. 692, spp. n., Richardson Washington, Smiilisoniiui Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33, Leidya dislorta described and figured, Bermudas, on Fachygrapaua transreraus, Richardson, op. cit. 34 pp. 23-26. Liriopaidae, anatomy, metamorphoses, parasitism, Caullery Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel 18 pp. 583-643 1 plate. Mieroniaeiia sp. n. on Calanua grac- llia, Mediterranean, Pesta Wien Anz. Ak. Wiss. 1908 p. 114. Synalpheion g. n, giardi sp. n, Yu- catan Channel, parasite of Synalpheua longiearpiia, CooTlEEE Paris C. R, Acad. sci. 146 p. 1333. 44 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Oniscoidea. Omscoidea of Switzerland, descriptions and records of all species, Carl N. Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 42 pp. 107-242. Agabiformhis subg. n. of Leptotr'i- chius, corcyracus sp. n. Corfu, Veriioeff Arch. Xatg. 74 pp. 182-183. Agnm-a subg. n. of PorcelUo, mada- gascariens'is description p. 286 pi. xiv ff. 48-54, frag'iVis sp. n. Ceylon, Budde- LuND in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2. Alloyi'iseus imUidulus pi. xv. ff. 15-22, p'lgmentaius if. 23-38, hrevis ff. 39-40, figured, BujjDE-LuND T.c. Alinoniscus subg. n. of Trichon'iscus, Racovitza Arch. Zool. 9 p. 370. Anchiphiloscia g. n. p. 555, karongae p. 556 pi. xxvii f. A, cunningtoni p. 557 f. B, spp. n. Lake Tanganyika, Stebbing London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Androniscus g. n. near Triclioyiiscus p. 132, cavefncirum, carynthincus, p. 136, dentiger p. 139, alpinus, calcivagus, p. l40, Italy, weheri Europe p. 140, spp. n. suhtcrranens spelaeorum subsp. n., VEiiiioEFF Zool. Anz. 33. Angai-a subg. n. of PorcelUo p. 5, ohtuna Egypt p. 8 \A. i ff. 17-18, viinuta Tunis p. 8 f. 1 9, spp. n., lenta p. 7 ff. 1-16, liirta p. 7, de^^criptions, BuDDE-LuND Res. Swed. Zool. Exp. No. 26a. Aphiloscia subg. n. for Philoscia annidicornis, Budde-Lund in : Voeltz- kow, Reise in O.-Afrika p. 291 pi. xvi ff. 15-31. Armadillid'ium album at Barnstaple, new to Britain, ]5.\gnall Zoologist 12 pp. 152-154. — A. calahricum p. 454, canaVi- ferum p. 462, Italy, pcllegrinense Sicily p. 456, qiiadrisertaLum j). 457 ,j)orto fin enne p. 459, Riviera, spp. n., hirtum ennaeum, nasiidum aorrerd'inum, hadiuni siculorum, subspp. n., vidjare var. n. aherrans, pp. 484-492, Veriioeff Zool. Anz. 33. — .4. hlaptoczi sp. n. Tripoli, Veriioeff Zool Jalirb. Syst. 26 p. 276. — A.pictum new to Britain, Foster Irish Nat. 17 pp. 135-136 j)l. vi. — A. stagnoensc, vidgare, Vorkommen auf Meiechi, Dal- malien, Rogeniiofer Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 119-121. Armadillo glomus description p. 272 pi. xiii ff. 1-28, luteua p. 273 ff. 29-34, earinatus p. 273 ff. 39-43, cnss'ida p. 274 ff. 35-36, horridus p. 275, spp. n. Madagascar, Budde-Lund in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2. Annaddloniseus nasatus sj>. n, Mada- gascar, BuDDE-LuND T.c. p. 303 pi. xvii ff. 47-52. Bathytropa tuhercidata sp. n. Algeria, Racovitza Arch. Zool. 9 p. 389 ff. 284- 307. Chaetopliiloscia g. n. near Philoscia, sicula sp. n. Sicily, Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 33 p. 525. Cycliaticus annidicornis p. 184, ti-ans- silvanieus p. 185, spp. n. Italy, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74. Diaeara elegans figured, Budde-Lund in : Voeltzkow, Reise in O.-Afrika 2 pi. xvii ff. 1-4. Didima subg. n. of Philoacia, humilis sp. n. Madagascar, Budde-Lund T.c. p. 292 pi. xvi ff. 35-42. Eluma piirpurascens new to Britain, characters, Pack-Beresford Irish Nat. 17 pp. 255-258 pi. x. Euleptotrichus subg. n. of Leptotri- ehus, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74 p. 181. EuporcelUo subg. n. of PorcelUo, Veriioeff Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 p. 246— vide etiam PorcelUo. llalophlloscia g. n. of Philoscia adriatica sp. n. Italy, Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 33 p. 521. Haplopthalmus description pp. 186- 189, key to species pp. 189-190, fiumaranus Fiume p. 190, portofinensis Portofino p. 192, apuanus Riviera p. 193, graccns Greece ]). 194, spp. n., fiumaranus dolinensis Divat'^a p. 192 pi. v ff. 45-46, danicus transsUvanicus Russia p. 194, subspp. n., mcngci figured pi. V ff. 47-48, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74. Lepidonisciis subg. n. of J'Jnloscia, ericariun sp. n. Austria, Veriioeff Zool. Anz. 33 p. 523. Lcucocyplioniscus dollfusi sp. n. France, in caves, Carl Feuille jeunes natural. Paris 38 p. 171. — 7>. gilibosus sp. n. Switzerland, Carl N. Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 42 j). 152. — L. cristalUnus sp, n. caves, Italy, Caui. Rev. Suisse Zool. 14 p. 607. 45 Crust. Systematic. — Isopoda. 2631 Megepimerio subg. n. of PorcelUo, Vkrhoekf Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freimdo 1907 p. 245. Mesoniscu^ g. n. cavicohis sp. n. caves, Italv, Carl Rev. Suisse Zool. 14 pp. 6U3-6LH5 pi. XX ff. 1-16. MesoporceUlo subg. n. of PorcelUo, Verhoefk Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 p. 247 — vide etiani PorcfUio. Mi'toponorthus pruinosus Vorkommen auf Meieda, Dalmatien, Rogen'hofer Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. 119- 121. Xagara subg. n. of PorcelUo, cristata description p. 284 pi. xiv ff. 27-39, iiana sp. n. Madagascar p. 285 ff. 40-47, Bldde-Lcnd in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2, Xasigerlo subg. n. of PorcelUo, Veu- hoeff Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 p. 246. Xesiotoniscus subg. n. of 'TrlcJionisciis p. 359, corsicus sp. n. Corsica, in caves, p. 360 ff. 226-257, Racovitza Arch. zool. 9. Or'tton'iscus subg. n. of Trichoniscus p. 330, paganiis Corsica p. 333 ff. 181- 211, cebenicus France p. 343, spp. n., in caves, Racovitza T.c. Oromacus g. n. near Oniacus dolom'it'i- cus Italy, calcivagus Hungary, spp. n., Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 33 p. 522. Pagana subg. n. of PorcelUo p. 287, dimorpha description p. 288 pi. xv ff. 1-10, maculosa p 288 ff. 11-14, fi><8i- frona p. 289, spp. n. Mauritius, Budde- LuxD in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.- Afrika 2. Paraphiloscia subg. n. of Phdoscia, appenninoruiu sp. n. Italy, Verhoeff Zool. Ajiz. 33 p. 524. Parastenoniacua g. n. adriaUcua sp. n, Croatia, Veehoeff Arch. Natg. 74 pp. 167-170 pi. iv ff. 1-15. Periacyplda characters p. 10, convexua, aZ6e8ceji« figured pi . iff. 20-28, Bldue- LoTD Res. Sued. Zool. Exp. No. 26a. — P. ruficauda p. 278 pi. xiii f. 49, 4- maeulatua p. 279 ff. 50-51, civiliap. 279 ff. 52-53, spp. JL British E. Africa, BcDDE-LuND in : V^oeltzkow Reise in O.- Afrika 2. — P. convexua described, Stebbing London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 559 pi. xxvii f. c. Pcriacyphopa pracconina sp. n. Madagascar, Budde-Lind in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 271. Pltiloacia patienccl sp. n. Kew Gardens, London, Bagnall Ann. Mag. Kat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 429 pi. xviii. — /'. pruinosa sp. n. Switzerland, Carl N. Deukschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 42 p. 101. Pliymatoniscua subg. n. of Trichonia- ciia, Racovitza Arch. Zool. 9 p. 346. Platyarthrua key to European species p. 178, coatidatua Riviera p. 179 pi. v ff. 42-44, dalmaticua Dalmatia p. iSO, spp. n., caudatua squamatua subsp. n. Riviera p. 180, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74. Pleiirocyphoniscus harawankianua sp. n. Karawanken, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74 pp. 173-176 pi. iv ff. 27-31, pi. V ff. 32-34. PorcelUdiiim subg. n. of PorcelUo, Verhoeff Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 p. 245 — vide etiani Poj'celUo. PorcelUo alhoUinhatus Barka p. 279, tripoUtanaa p. 280, klaptoczii p. 282 pi. XX f. 8, Tripoli, spp. n., Verhoeff Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26. — /'. (PorcelUdium) culUcolus S. Bosnia p. 247, triangulifer Austria p. 249, {EuporcelUo) narentanua Bosnia p. 251, jaicenais Bosnia p. 251, rihauti Algiers p. 254, aarajevenaia Bosnia p. 255, squamuUger Greece p. 257, aegneua Greece p. 258, baUicua Germany p. 258, toriger Austria p. 258, paeitdoratzeburgi Austria p. 259, magya- ricua Italy, Istria etc. p. 260, luaitamia Portugal p. 263, aabidifer Central and S. W. Europe p. 265, atticus p. 267, measenieua p. 269, cilicitis p. 2(i9, Greece, (Meaoporc^lUo) albanicua Scutari p. 274, corticolua Greece p. 273, spp. n., balticus burzenlandicua p. 258, rathhei foiitia- hercuUa, r.-icalachicua p. 259, arcuaiua styloruher p. 200, varr. n., VERifOEFF Berlin SitzB. Ges. natf. Freunde 1907 P. dlomedua sp. n. Tremiti Is, Dollfus Feuille jeunes natural. 37 p. 32 — P. laevia ohaoletna, Vorkommen auf Meieda, Dalmatien, Rogenhofer Wien .Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 119-121.-7^. rathkei var. n. transalpina Switzerland, Carl N. Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 42 p. 175. — P. veaUtua sp. n. Algeria in caves, Racovitza Arch. zool. 9 p. 377 ff. 258- 283. 46 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Tthyscotus ortotiedae Ecuador p. 299 pi xvii ff. 11-31, linearis Comoro Is. p. 300 ff. 32-33, eiibensis Cuba p. 300, nrisutus Nicaragua p. 301 ff. 37-40, globiceps Congo p. 301 ff. 41-45, alhide- macidatus Brazil p. 302 f. 46. spp. n., BuDDE-LuxD in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2. Scotoniscus subg. n. of Trichoniscus p. 350, speonomos noin. n. for Trichonis- coides eavernicola Rac. (nee Budde- Lund) p. 351. maeromelos sp. n. France, in caves, p. 353 ff. 212-225, Racovitza Arch. zool. 9. Setaplwra subg. n. for Philoscia suarezi, Bcdde-Lcnd in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 290 pi. xvi ff. 6- 14. Spelaeoniscus debrugei re-described, Racovitza Arch. zool. 9 p. 399 ff. 308-336. Spliaerobathytropa g. n. near Batliy- tropa, ribauti sp. n. P\Tenees, Veehoeff Arch. Xatg. 74 pp. 171-173 pi. iv ff. 16-26. Splierillo testiidinalis p. 269 pi. xii ff. 17-29, parvus p. 270 ff. 30-37, de- scriptions, BcDDE-LcN'D ill : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2. Spiloniscus subg. n. of Trichoniscus p. 247, provisorius p. 249 ff. 1-17, biformutus p. 261 ff. 18-42, France, in caves, jragilis p. 273 ff. 43-50, Algiers, in caves, spp. n., fr. rhaz-altdidi p. 285 ff. 51-91, fr. rliaz-el-bazi p. 289, /r. 7-haz- el-djemani p. 291, subspp. n. Algiers in caves, gaduiasini p. 291 ft. 92-124, de- scription, Racovitza Arch. Zool. 9. Stenoniaeidae fam. n., Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74 p. 167. Steno philoscia g. n. of Philoscia glarearum sp. n. Sicilv, Verhoeff Zool. Anz 33 p. 521. Sunniva myslica description p. 267 pi. xii ff. 1-12, minor sp. n. Mauritius p. 268 ff. 13-16, Bldi'E-Lusd in : Voeltzkort- Reise in O.-Afrika 2. Synarmadillo globus p. 276 pi. xiii fT. 37-44, alhinotatwf p. 277 f. 47, spp. n. Kamerun, Budde-Ll'nd T.c. Triclioniacidae divided into 4 sub- families, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74 \^. 196. Trichoniseoides sarsi nom n. for T. albidus Sai-s nee Budde-I.und, characters, Patience Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 pp. 84-88 pi. vi. — T. scoparuin sp. n. Pyrenees, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 74 pp. 176-178 pi. V ff. 35-41. Trichoniscus albidus gallicus subsp. n. p. 196, virei p. 220, propinquus p. 15, eremitus p. 18, medius p. 19, spp. n., France, Carl Feuille jeunes natural, ser 4. 38 & 39.— r. linearis sp. n. Kew Gardens, London, Patience Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1 p. 280 pi. xi.— T. {Tri- choniscoides) uiodestus sp. n. p. 306 ff. 125-152, m. davidi subsp.n.p. 318ff. 133- 157, mixtus sp. n. p. 321 ff. 158-180, France, in caves, Racovitza Arch. zool. 9. — T. pygmaeus new to Britain, Patience Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 p. 82. — T. roseus var. n. nanus p. 140 pi. i ff. 8-10, vividus var. n. inontaiius p. 141 figs, on pis. i, ii & vi, albidus var. n. helveticus p. 143 pi. ii ff. 43- 46, .Switzerland, Carl N. Penkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw. 42. — T. roseus var. n. subterraneus caves Italy, Carl Rev. Suisse Zool. 14 p. 606. Trichorhina albida sp. n. Madagascar, Bidde-Llnd in : Voeltzkow Reise in O.-Afrika 2 p. 294 pi. xvii ff. 5-8. Tiira subg. n. of Poi'cellio, testacea description, Bcdde-Lusd T.c. p. 282 pi. xiv ff. 1-14. Uramba subg. n. of Poreellio, miis description, Budde-Lusd T.c. p. 283 pi. xiv ff. 15-26. AMPHIPODA. Amphipoda of Spiizbergen, BrCggem St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 11 pp. 214-245. Acanthopleustes g. n. {Pleiistidae) p. 533 type ayinecten.'< sp. n. off Cali- fornia p. 534, Holmes Wasiungton, Smidisonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Amaryllis inacropthalmus re- described, Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 67. Amathillopsia atlantica sp. n. N. Atlantic, Cuevreu.n BuI. Mus. ocean. Monaco 122 p. 3. Ampeliaca cristata p. 507, plumosa p. 509, pncifica p. 511, californica p. 47 Cnisi. Systematic. — Amphitoda. 2631 olo, coeca p. 515, lolmta p. 517, spp. n. off California, Holmes Wasliinuion, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. .Mu>. Proc. 35. — .1. holmes'ii sp. n. liulf o£ Mexico, Pearse op. cit. 34 p. -~. Amph'ithoe eoa sp. n. Wladiovostok, Brcgoek St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12 p. 4S1. Anoiiyx 7iugax Phipps = A. lagena Kroyer, Brcgoen op. cit. 11 p. 216. Ar'ist'ias antarcticiis description, Walker Auiphipoda, Nat. Antai'ct. Exp. 3 p. 11 pi. iii f. 5. Aruga g. n. (Lysiamiss'idae) p. 504 type oculata sp. n. off California p. 505, Holmes Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation, ilus. Proc. 35. Atyloides aucklandicus sp. n. Auck- land Is., Waij^er Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 2 p. 33 pi. v. ff. 1-2. Aucklandia g. n. near Paramoera, enderhyi sp. n. Auckland Is., Walker T.c. p. 35 pi. V ff. 3-4. Byhlia anisuropua sp. n. S. Africa, Stebblvg Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 72 pi. xxivi. Caprellidae, frontal glands, Bru.ntz Nancy, Bui. soc. sci. 8 pp. 1-3. Clielura terebrans habits and destruc- tive effects, CoLGAN' Irish Nat. 17 pp. 9-14. Cleonardo neuvllei p. 1 ff. 1-2, longi- ro8tria p. 4 f. 3, spinicornis p. 7 ff. 4-5, biscayenals p. 10 f. G, spp. n. Atlantique nord, Chevreux Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 121. Colomastix puallla in Pas-de-Calais, GiAKD FeuiUe jeunes natural. 38 p. 185. I'orophium key to species pp. 229- 230, spinicorne pp. 230-235 pis. ix, x, xiii S. 30-37, aalmonia pp. 235-241 pis. xi, xii, xiii ff. 38-39, descriptions, Braulev Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 4 — C. aculeatum p. 70, annulntum p. 73, acuium p. 75, spp. n. Mediterranean, Chevreux Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33. Crangonyz pntealia sp. n. Wisconsin, Holmes Madison, Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 16 p. 77 pis. vi-vii. Dexamine then synonymy, characters of male, Patience Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 1 pp. 117-122 pi. v. Ecliinoganimarns klaptoczi sp. n. Trijioli, Sch.Kferna Zool. Jahrb., Syst. 26 p. 449. Elasinopo'ides g. n. {(jammaridac) p. 81, chcvri'iixi sp. n. S. African seas p. 82 pi. xxxix, Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6. Elasmopiis minimum, sp. n. Oceanie, Chevreux Paris Mem. soc. zool. 20 p. 483. Ep'imcrin inertnia p. 23 pi. viii f. 13, macrodonta p. 24 f. 14, descriptions, Walker Amphii)oda, Nat. Autarct. Exp.' Nat. Hist. 3. Ephner'iclla macromjx descrijition, Walker T.c. p. 26 pi. ix f. 15. Euhdopis lovcni described, Senna Firenze, Bull. Soc. Entoui. 38 p. 173 pi. i f. 3. Euonyx Viscayoits'in sp. n. Atlantique nord, Chevreux, Bui. Mus. Ocean. Monaco 117 p. 1 f. 1. Eitrystheus dentntiis sp. n. off Alaska, Holmes Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 541.— E. Jiolmesi sp. n. S. African seas p. 85 pi. xl a, atlanticus noticed & figured p. 86 jdI. xl B, Stebblng Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6. — E. longicornis description. Walker Ara- phipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 35 pi. sii f. 21. Eusirella g. n. elegans sp. n. Atlan- tique nord, Chevreux Bui. Mus. Ocean. Monaco 121 p. 12 ff. 7-8. Eusirus microps description. Walker Aniphipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 31 pi. xi f. 19. Gammarus exper. on regeneration, Harman Indianapolis, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1907 pp. 62-75. — O. fliiviatilis & pulex Fortpflanzung u. kiinstliclie Zucht, Haempel Oest. FischereiZtg 5 pp. 451-462; Allg. FischereiZtg 33 pj). 86-89, 110-114, 137 141.— 6'. loeunta Vorkomnien auf Meleda, Dalmatien, Scha- eerna Wien Mitt. Natvv. Ver. Univ. 6 p. 126. — (J. pulex, Variabilitat, Varietiit vom Issyk-Kul, Chevreux vSt. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 2 p. 95. Graeilipea g. n. {Calliopiidae) p. 526, natator p. 527, diatincta p. 529, oft' California, spp.n.. Holmes Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. 48 Crust, X. Crastacea. [1908] Grandidierella honnieri sp. n. Lower Bengal, Stedbing Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. 120-123 pi. vi. Haploops abyssorum sp. n. Atlantique nord, Chevredx Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 117 p. 6 f. 4. Harpinia oculata p. 521, nffinis p. 523. spp. n. off California, Holmes Washington, Sniitlisonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Haustoriua americanns sp. n. Gulf of Mexico, Peak.se, op. cit. 34 p. 28. Hemijaasa g. n. for Jassa goniamera Walk., Walker Aniphipoda, Nat. An- tarct. Exp. 3 p. 38. Hyale trigonoeJiir sp. n. Auckland Is., Walker Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 37 pi. V ff. 5-7. Hyalella neveu-lemairei p. 149, longl- palma p. 155, caprea p. 162, described, solida p. 152, montforti p. 158, robusta p. 164, spp. n. S. American lakes, Ciievreux Amphipodes ni : Lacs des hauts plateaux de I'Amerique du Sud. llyperia maeronyx description. Wal- ker Aniphipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 7 pi. i f. 1. Hyperiopsis australis characters, Walker T.c. p. 9 pi. iv f. 3. Hyperoche luetkenidea characters, Walker T.c. p. 8 pi. i f. 2. — U. mediter- ranexi sp. n. Messina p. 159, pi. i ff. 1-2, pictd described p 168, Senna Firenze Bull. Sec. entom. 38. Iphimedia echinata p. 28 pi. x f. li^, longipes p. 29 pi. ix f. 17, liodgsoni p. 30 pi. xi f. 18, descriptions. Walker Ani- phipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3. lanykogamrnarus g. n. near Gam- mams, hamatus sp. n, Turkestan, Oiievreux yt. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 p. 91. Joubhiella g. n. ciliata sp. n. Atlantique nord, Cuevreux Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 117 p. 8 ff. 5-6. Koroga g. n. (Lyaianaasidnc) p. 502, megalopa sp. n. off Alaska p. 503, HoL.MES Washington, Smithsonian lust., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc 35. hahota g. n. (Lyaianaaaidac) carinala sp. n. off California, Holmes, T.c. p. 498. Lepeehinella g. n. near Pavampliithoe p. 191, clirysoUieras sp. n. p. 192 pi. xxvii. North Sea, Stebbing Loudon J. Linu. Soc. Zool. 30. Leptocheirus aubsalaus Norfolk p. 307 pi. xii ff. 1-6, bisplnosus Bay of Biscay p. 308 ff. 7-9, pi. xiii ff. 1-3, spp. n., p'uiguis characters p. 309 ff. 4-8, Nor- man Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 1. Leucothoe roslrata sp. n. Atlantique nord, Chevreux Bui. Mus. ocean. Mo- naco 117 p. 11 f. 7. Macra prionoch'ira sp. n. Westkiiste von Spitzbergen, BrOggen St. Peter- burg, Ann. Mus. zool. 11 p. 230. — M. rathbunae sp. n. Gulf of Mexico, Pearse Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 29.— M. spinicauda sp. n. off California, Holmes op. cit. 35 p. 539. Mel'ita dentata Sexualdiinorijliisinus, Bruggen St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 11 p. 229. — M. grandimana sp. n. N. Atlantic, Chevreux Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 122 p. 6. Metopa paeifiea sp. n. off California, Holmes Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 524.— M. spitzbergensis sp. n. Sjjitzbergen, Brcggen St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 11 p. 223. Mierodeutopua gryUotalpa in Pas-de- Calais, GiARU Feuille jeunes natural. 38 p. 185. Neoplenatea oculatua sp. n. off Cali- fornia, Holmes Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 531. Niphargus vlrei Vorkommen in Hoh- len auf Meleda, Dalmatien, Sciiaferna Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 p. 126. Odiua kclleri sp. n. Wladiwostok, BrOggen St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 12 p. 478. Oediceroidea calmanl description. Walker Amphipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 22 pi. vi f. 12. Oediceropsia prox'ima sp. u. N. At- lantic, C'iii;vRECX Bui. Mus. ocean. Mo- naco 129 p. G. Orcheaiia ancklandiae described. Walker Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8 2 p. 36. — 0. deaJiayeaii hermaphroditism. 40 Crust. Systematic. — Amphipopa. 2631 Boci.ESGER London Fioc. Zool. Soc. 1908 pp. 42-47. — 0. excavnta re-de- scribed, Chevrei-x Result, scieut. Afrique pp. oTO-oTl fig. — 0. (jani- hierensls sp. n. Oceanie, Ohevkeux Paris, Mem. soc. zool. 20 p. 491. — 0. meditcrrauca Vorkonimen auf Meleda, Daluuitien, Scn.\FERx.v. Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Uiiiv. 6 p. 126. Orchestoidea bioJIeiji sp. n. Costa Rican coast, Stebbing Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 242 pi. xii. Orchomene goniops p. 12 pi. iii f. G, ehelipcs p. 13 pi. iv f. 7, descriptions, Walker Amphipoda, Xat. Antarct. Exp. 3. OrcJwmenella a-^n'i.'< sp. n. off Cali- fornia, Holmes Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 492. Orchometiopi^is rossi habits. Walker Amphi]X)da, Xat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 14. Pnynlicella g. n. (near Alicclla) tfjiiiiiws sp. n. Atlantique nord, CilEVRlXX Bui. i[us. ocean, ilonaco 117 p. ?> ff. 2-3. Paraphoxus robust us sp. n. off Cali- fornia, Holmes Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 518. Panirgissa g. XL (T'trou'tdac) nasuta sp. n. N. Atlantic, Chevreitx Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 129 p. 9. Phippsia similia G. 0. Sars fur Sterjo- cephalus similis G. 0. Sars, Abbildung, Brcggen St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 11 p. 221. Podocerus mangarevae sp. n. Oceanie, Ohevkeux Paris Mem. soc. zool. 20 p. 21. Podopr'ion'ides incerta description, Walker Amphipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 14. Potitliarpiniaatimpsoni sp. n. S. Africa, Stebbi>-g ^Vnn. S. Afric. ilus. 6 p. 75 pi. xxxvii. Pontogene'ia minuta sp. n. N. Atlantic, Chevreux Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 122 p.l. Proboliella typica description, Walker Amphipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 20 pi. vi. f. 10. (N-10332 I) Prnhnlnides aiUnretieus description, Walker T.c. p. 18 pi. v. f. 9. Protellopsis stcbbingii sp. n. Gulf of Jlexico, Pearse Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 30. Protomede'ia graudimana Neubeschi-ei- bung. Metamorphose, Bruggen vSt. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 11 pp. 233- 230. Ehacotropis i^h^orum sp. n. North Sea, Stebbisg London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 p. 194 pi. xxviii. Scopelocliehms coccus sp. n. off Cali-' fornia, Holjies Wasiiington, Smith- sonian Inst., LT. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 500. Sehidac fam. n. for Seba, antdrdica described. Walker Amphipoda, Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 p. 37 pi. xiii f. 32. Stenothoe eavimoiia p. 1 ff. 1-3, asahnilis p. 4 ff. 4-fi, spp. n. Mediter- ranean, CiiEVKErx Bui. Mus. ocean, ilonaco 113. — . Innomhiatus sp. n. Gold Coast, Brady Ann. Trop. Med. 1 p. 421 pi. xxxvi ff. 18-21.— D. serUcus p. 86, ff. 1-6, biseratus, p. 91, ff. 7-10, spp. n. Servia, Gorgevio Ghlas Srpska Ak. 73 p. 29. — D. tibetamis sp. n. Tibet p. 325, panlseni figured p. 327, Daday liec. Ind. Mus. 2. — D. aethiopicus, africaiius, kdi- mensis, spp. n. German E. Africa, Daday Math. Termt. firt. 26 pp. 45-55. Ectiiiosoinu edwardsi larva, Meissner Taskent, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Ob§c. 4 8 pp. 1-102. Entobiiis g. n. near ilytilicola, loimiae sp. n. Red Sea, in Polychaete worm, Dogiel Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 561-567. Eucalanus elongatus light-recipii'iit organ, Esterly Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 53 pp. 1-55 pis. i-vi. Euehaeia avtarclica described jj. 18 j)l. iv ff. 5-6, slmilis sp. n. Antai-ctic p. 19 S". 1-4, Wolfenden Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4. — E. barbata jil. iii ff. 13-14, bisinuata ff. 17-19 pi. iv f. 4, figured, sar'si p. 41 pi. iii If. 15-16, seotti p. 42 ff. 11-12, quadrata p. 43 if. 20-21, ruhicunda p. 44 ft'. 8-10, spp. n. Atlantic, Farran Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2. — E. marina var. n. longi- spina Japanese coast, Marukawa Tokyo, Suisan Koshynjo Shikeu Ilokoku 4 |). 9. — E. trunoulosa sp. n. MudiLei'raneaii, Pesta Wien Anz. Ak. Wiss. 1903 p. :','M. Euchlrella icolfendeni sp. n. Atlantic p. 38 pi. ii ft". 18-19, pi. iv f. 3, ubtusa figured pi. ii ff. 20-21, pi. iv f. 2, Farran Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2. Eaductylina wialnata sp. n. from Galeorhinus zyopterus, California, Wil- son Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 453 pi. 54 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Eurytemora rdox p. 313 pi. vi IT. 64- 35, pi. vii p. 32, affinis p. 31-4 pi. vi ff. 63, 66, pi. vii f. 31, descriptions, Breemex Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Vei. 10. FaroeJla g. n. antarctica sp. n. Ant- arctic, WoLFENDEK Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4 p. 39 pi. ii ff. 1-4. Ga'.tanvs antarcticus figured, Wol- FESDEN T.c. p. 30 1)1. iii f. 6. Gaidivs ralidus p. 32 pi. ii ff. 11-17, parvispinus p. 34 ff. 4-8, spp. n. Atl- antic, notacanthua figured pi. iii f. 7, Fai:i!ax Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 Xo. 2. IlaJ'icj/cIops prop'inquus Sars = H. ncqimrcus Fisch., Meissner Taskent, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 p. 35. Jlalopt'dus ocellatus described, WoL- fendex Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4 p. 42 pi. iii ff. 1-2.— H. tenuis p. 68 pi. vii ff. 10-22, fona p. 69 ff. 11-15, spp. n. Atlantic, Farran Fisheries Ire- land Sci. Invest 1906 No. 2. Ilarpacticella g. n. {llarpaeticidae) hiopinata sp. n. Lake Baikal, Sars Arch. Math. Naturv. 29 No. 4 pp. 1-13, pi. llarpaeticidae key to species in Hul- laiid, Breemen Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 10 pp. 349-354. Ifatsclu'hia pinguis sp. n. from Lijco- doiitis mordax, California, Wli.soK Washington, Smithsonian Inst.. U. S. Nation, ilus. Proc. 35 p. 455 pi. Ixxv. Ileradiodes pclseneeri parasitism, Vv.m-y. Rciiiiidn l)io]ogi(|iie do Bordeaux 1905 pp. 21 22. IIclcrorlialidiDi robii.^liiH sp. n. Atlan- tic, Farran Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2 p. 65 pl. vii If. 1-iO. ll'iojiliHuH flcxihilis Beschreibung, Meissner Taskent, Izv. Turk. otd. russ. ge'^gr. Obsc. 4 8 )). 39. I.aiuippc sel/irjeva, alhida, p. 10, ptisilla |i. ii, ajjlnis p. 12, acic.idifera ji. 14, purva p. 15, ehattoni p. 16, pallida p. 17, Mediterranean, olxoniii Norway p. 20, spp. n., T«fjra var. n. decolor p. 22, ruhi- (■iiuda ]). 13, dtithierai p. 18, characters, Zli.leta Arcli. zool. 9. Lamippidac characters, Zulueta T.c. l-p. 2 9. Laophoiitc elongata p. 241 pl. clxii, longicaudata p. 243 pl. clxiv, siryiilis p. 244 pl. clxv, horrida p. 246 pis. clxvi- clxvii, lioreni p. 248 pl. clxix, atrbmi p. 251 pis. clxxi-clxxii, curtii-auda p. 252 pl. clxxviii, in'muta p. 253 pl. clxxiv, littoralis p. 255 pl. clxxv, brevinistris p. 256 pl. clxxvi, perplexa p. 258, inopinata p. 263, denticornis p. 264, de- scriptions, tjjphlops p. 242 pl. clxiii, hrerispinosa p. 247 pl. clxviii, proxima p. 250 pl. clxx, cowienerayt. 251 ,inacera p. 259, nordgaardi p. 260, parvxda p. 261, nana p. 262, spp. n. Norwegian waters, Sars Crustacea of Norway 5. — L. moliamed. description, Breemex Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 10 p. 361 pl. vii ff. 26-28. Liaopliontodea chars, etc. p. 269, typi- eus pp. 270-271 figs., hicornis pp. 271- 272 figs., descriptions, exjMuaus sp. n. N. Norway p. 273 figs., Sars Crustacea of Norway 5. LaophontopHis g. n. (jMophontidae) p. 265, lameUifcra description p. 266 figs., Sars T.c. hepeoplitheiriis monacaiithus described ]). 600 pl. Ii, longispinosus sp. n. Atlantic p. 604 pl. Iii, W'li.sox Washing- ton, Smithsonian Inst. U. S Nation. Mus. Proc'. 33.— L. parvus from Pimclomctopon pidclicr p. 441 pl. Ixviii, coiistrictufi from Parahtbrax maculato-fasciattis p. 443 ])1. Ixi.x, insignia from Mula viola p. 443 pis. Ixx, Ixxi, spp. n. California, Wilsox op. cit. 35. Lernaeenicua eriataliformia sp. n. N. Atlantic, Brian Bnl. Mus. ncean. Monaco 110 ]). 13 f. 5. — L. viedusacna sp. n. from Kannohracliiitmleucopsarum, California, \\'i[.S0N Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 458 pl. Ixxvi ff. 99-100.—/.. .s«/-- dinac method of fixation, Baudouin Nantes Bui. Soc. Sci. nat., 2" ser. 7 l)p. 97-114 ; Paris, C. R. Ass. franc;-, avanc. sci. 36 ])p. 727-741 ; parasite sur Clupca aj)yatta, Baudooin Bui. Museum Paris 14 pp. 17 18. hernaeopod(i gibber from SalvcVnuis malma Alaska p. 4(59 pl. Ixxx, bcani from Oiicdrhyiirhiis tschaujitadia Cali- fornia )). 470 jil. ixxxi, bicanlicidata from Salveiinua malma Siberia p. 472 |)1. Ixxxi i, Jalcuhila from Ovco- rhynchna iierTi Ixxxiii, spp. D., Wii.si'N Wa.'-ljiiiL'lon, 55 Crtut. Systematic — '^opepopa. 2631 Smithsonian Inst. V. S. Nation. Mus. Proc 35. — L. s/)<»i(7cii sp. n. X. Atlantic, Biuax Bui. Mas. ocean. Monaco 110 \i. 17 f. 7. — L. tuhercithita sp. n. Lena, CIaup llel- singfors, Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. -1 Linareaia g. n. {Lalnippi(i^le) mnm'il- lifcra sp. n, Mediterranean, in Alcyo- narian, Zilueta Arch. zool. 9 pp '2S--3. Lithboek'ia hrevln sp. n. Atlantic, Fauran" Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 Xo. 2 p. 96 pi. xiff. 1-9. Luc'iculia lue'ida sp. n. Atlantic p. 62 pi. iii f. 22, pi. vi ff 16-20, longiservnta ti^ired f!. 21-22, Farran T.c. Mctridia pi'inceps described, Woi.fen- DES Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4 p. 15 pi. iii ff 3-0. M'tcroealanus imsiUus described, WouEN'DEX T.c. p. 41 pi. ii f. 5. Mimocalaniis g. n. (Calanidae) p. 22, eiiltri/er p. 23 pi. i ff. 5-9, nwius p. 24 IT. 1-4, spp. n. Atlantic, Fakuan Fishories Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2. Moraria mrdzehi T. Scott. Amn-darja- Miindung, Ji[FJSSN-ER Tashkent Izv. Turk, old. russ. geogr. ObSc. 4 8 p. 41. —.1/. icolfi p. 276 pi. xvii ff. 29 ?,\,qii,td- rl-. 500, pelaijica p. -■JOl, spp. n. Atlantic, W. coast of Ireland, Farijax Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8 2. Oncaea kev to species p. 95, exiqna p. 93 pi. x tf. 25-29, pi. xi ff. ]0'l2, obfiruva p. 94 pi. x £f. 14-23, spp. n. Atlantic, Farran" Fisheries Ireland .Sci. Invest. 1906 Xo. 2. Opim'ia g. n. {Lernae'ulae) cxil'is sp. n. from (Jaleorhhivs zyopterus, California, Wilson Washington, Smithsonian Inst., C. S. Nation. .Mus. Proc. 35 p. 459 pi. Ixzrvi ff. 102 1U4. Oxycalanns g. n. {Calanidae) spinifer sp. n. Atlantic, Farran Fisheries Ireland •Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2 p. 25 pi. i fF. 11-17. Paralahidocera g. n. near Labidoeera hodgnoni sp. n. Antarctic, Woi.fexdkn Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4 p. 26 pi. vi. ff. 1-13. I'arapot diif* ooridrnlii'iK sp. n. Atlantic, Wh.son Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation Mtis. Proc. 33 J). 607 ])1. liii. I'aroithona g. n. (MonnonilUdac) parvida sp. n. .Vtlantic, Farran Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2 p. 89 pi. X ff. 1-13. Plirixoccpfialns g n. (Lernae'idae) c'nu-'ninatus sp. n. from CUhaTiclitJiys sp., California, Wilson' Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., D. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 461 pi. Ixxvi f. 101. PliijUopiix hchjac p. 83 j)l. ix ff. 5-6, impar p. '!^\ If. 1-4, spp. n. Atlantic, Faurax Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 No. 2. Platyc.hel'ipus chars, etc. Uttoral'is description, Saus Crustacea of Norway 5 p. 274 figs. Pseudoc,hi»idvacantlinK g. n. {(JJwiidrn- eanfh'idae) d'lcpnius sp. n. From Spliac- Vd'ides niacidal7tf<, Massachusetts and California, Wilson Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., IT. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 4.36 pi. Ixvii. Pnendolicdiomohjnx g. n. {LicJiomol- gidac) prrtbiis sp. n. in J'rdi-ii (jlaher, Pesta Wien An/.. Ak. Wiss. 1908 p. 328. Sculeclthrix grac'il'ipes jj. 52 pi. vi. ff. 1-4, glohlceps p. 54 pi. v ff. 8-13, pi. vi f. 8, i-al'ida p. 55 ]il. v ff. 14-17, ])1. vi f. 7, spp. n. Atlantic, robusta iigureil f. 5, Faiuian Fisheries Ireland sin. Invest. 1906 Xo. 2. Spinonalanus sphtomis sp. n. Atlantic, Farran T.c. p. 27 pi. if. 10. Stephuslnngipes descrijjtion p. 23 jil. v. ff. 1-3, antaretieAini sii.n. Antarctic p. 24 ff. 4-8, Wolfenden Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4. Temoropia mayumhaensls described and figured, Fakuan Fisheries Ireland Sfi. Invest. 1906 Xo. 2 p. 59 pi. vi ff. 0-15. Trehlua tenia fiireatua description, W^iLSON Wasliington, Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 447 pi. ixxii. TuxopJtorns g. n. (CaUginae) caligodes sp. n. Atlantic, Wilson op. cit. 33 p. 617 pi. Iv, pi. Ivi ff. 93-99. Undinella hrevipes sp. n. Atlantic, Farran Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. .1906 No. 2 p. 50 pi. V ff. 1-4. 5G Crust. X. Crustacea. [1908] Valdiviella inslgnis sp. n. Atlantic, Farran T.c. p. 45 pi. Hi fP. 1-0, pi. iv f. 5. Xantlincalaniis tup'icus pi. ix ff. lu-17i pinguis f. 18 figiirecl, Farran T.c. — A'- antareticus sp. n. Antarctic p. 36 pi. vii ff. \Q-11, magnus described p. 37 fP. 1-9, WoLFExMDEN Copepoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 4. Zandopiis g. n, (AseidieoUdae) cepha- lodhci sp. n. S. Africa, in Cejuhalndisciis, Calman Trans. S. Afric. Pliil. Soc. 17 p. 178 jdI xviii. BRANCHIURA. Argulus foUaceus and viridis Ana- tomie, Grorben Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 Abt. 1 pp. 191-233. Argules ct Salmonicultnre, Lecer Paris, Bill. soc. centr. aquicult. 18 pp. 41-47. OSTRACODA. \AgIaia reticnlaUt pp. 442, 510, lunata pp. 443, 511, vdlioslens'is pp. 445, 513, Pliozan, Uugarn, spp. n., Mehes Foldt. Kozl. Budapest 37. Ancliistroclielefi iicidccitn sp. n. Aiit- arktis, MCller Deutsche Siidpolar- Exped. 10 H. 2 p. 101 pi. xiv ff. 7-14, XV ff. 1-5. Archieonc.hoecia cuucata sp. n. At- lantic, MiJLLER T.c. p. 63 pi. viii ff. 1-4. fBeyricJda emended pp. 284-300, granidr/era noni. n. for Bollla granulosa Krause p. 285, moodeyl West Virginia, Silurian p. 285 pi. xxxvii f. 8, valdro- nensis Indiana, Silurian p. 286, ff. 9-10, spp. n., Ulrk.'ii & Bassi.er Wasliing- toii, Sniitlisonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. IjBeyrichudae, revision of, ri.itini & lUssLER T.c. pp. 277-340 jdIs. xxxvii- xliv. Candona Jidirmanni sp. n. Neucliatel ]). 226 pi. vii IT. 1-5, marcltiea diai'acters ]). 103 pi. i ff. 1-6, TiiiEBAUi) Ann. Biol. Lac. 3. — fC. miilleri and var. nodosa ]). 462, aieberi p. 529 & var. nodosa ]). 531, sopron'iensis pp. 463, 532, mar- loniens'is pp. 464, 533, Irapc^n'idca \t\). 465, 534, elcgana pp. 466, 535, spp. n. Pliozan, Ungarn, Meiies Foldt. Kozl. Budapest 37.-0. paraUela described, Sharpe Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nat. llus. Proc. 35 p. 401 pi. li if. 1-5. CandoDopsis navlcula sp. n. German E. Africa, Daday Math. Termt. £rt. 26 p. 397. Conchoec'ia gaussi sp. n. Atlantic p. 71 pi. ix ff. 14-16, X ff. 9-12, plactolycos var. major descr. p. 75 pi. ix ff. 1-13, MiJLLER Deutsche Stidpolar-Exped. 10. — C. innominata sp. n. Antarctic, Brady Ostracoda Nat. Antarct. Exp. 3 jd. 1 pi. ii ff. 7-14. Cyclocypris dcnticidafa sp. n. German E. Africa, Daday ]\Iath. Termt. firt. 26 p. 392. — C. lacv'is described, Siiarpe Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nat. I\Ius. Proc. 35 p. 408 pi. 1 f. 5, liv If. ,5-7. Cyllndroleher'is ohlonga p. 423 pi. Ixii ff. 1-4, Jnllanci p. 424 pi. Ixiii fl". 1-5, Ixv ff. 3-7, descriptions, SiiAiii'E T.c. — P. oraViit sp. n. Antarktis, Muller Deutsclie Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 2 p. 93 pi. viii ff. 11-15, ix ft'. 17-18. Cypretta oxyiiris sp. n. German E. Africa, Daday Math. Termt. tvt. 26 p. 380. "fCyprla inacquidts, pap'ddata, rcni- furints, Beschreibung, Pliozan, Ungai'n, Meiies Foldt. Kozl. 37 jDp. 452-457, 521-526. — C. koenihei sp. n. German E. Africa, Daday Math. Termt. £rt. 26 ]). 394. Vypr'tcxrcMs epi'ispliaeva p. 155, macu- latus p. 157, Caplund spp. n., Muller Deutsche Siidpolar Exjied. 10 II. 2. CyprideUa derexa, foasidata, spp. n. German E. Africa, Daday Math. Termt. Ert. 26 pp. 377-380. (.'ypr'id'ina glac'talis sp. n. Antarctic) Brady Ostracoda Nat. Antarct. h'.xj). 3 p. 3.— C. va.nhdffeni p. 82 pl. v ff. 1-8, 13, dorsoscrrala p. 83 ])1. iv ff. 1-3, 5-10, (irhorra p. 86 )il. vi ff'. 1-8, vS. Atlantic, aniarcfica p. 84 ff. i, 11-13 pl. v ff. 9- \2, Antarctic spp. n., Muller Deutsche Sudi)olar Exped. 10 H. 2. Cypridopsis triqxictra p. 164, echinata p. 165, Capland spp. n., Mullek T.c. 57 Crust. SYSTESfATIC. — OsTItACOPA. 2631 Pyprinotus cai^'>i.<'i{i sp. n. Caplaml, Ml" LI.ER, T.c. p. U5:.'.— C. fiillebonii sp. n. lierman K. Africa, D.vday Math. Termt. £rt. 26 p. 30(i. • f^J/P'*'* fraasi sp. n. I'lias, T?avaria, Branca & Fraa.-' Berlin Abh. Ak. Wiss. Abh. 2. p. LT) pi. f. 21.— C. fus- oij.'d p. 403 pi. liii fF. 1-4, inrougiiiens p. 405 pi. liv ft". 1-3. descriptions, .Sharpe Washington, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nat. Jliis. Proc. 35. — fC hievoghj- pliu^i sp. n. Ungarn, Pliozan, M^,hk8 Foldt. Kozl. 37 pp. 440-442, 508-509. — C'. radiata p. 14ti, sijngramma p. 148 pi. XIX ff. 3, (>, tricJiota p. 152, capens'is p. 153 f. 2. spp. n. Caplanil, Mlli.er Peutsche Siidpnlar Exped. 10 H. 2. — C. sculptn sp. n. Nil, Klintz Arch. Hvdro- biol. 3 pp. 274 289. 1 Taf.— C. iiijlata sp. n. IJerman K. Africa, Dad.w Math. Ternit. (in. 26 p. 290. C'jprois marg'nmta described, Sharpe Washington, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 415 pi. Iviii ff. 1-5. Ci/there nviericcnui p. 420 pi. Ix ff. 1-G, papulosa p. 421 pi. Ixi ff. 1-4, spp. n. New York coast, Sharpe, T.c. — f^ • cgregia, naca, tenuipiniclata, spp. n. Pliocene, Hungary, ilEHES Foldt. Kozl. 38 pp. 537-568, 601-635, 4 Taf. Cythereis hourieri sp. n. Antarctic, Daday Ostracodes uiarins Exped. antarct. franQ. pi. 1 ff. I-IO.— C. pohjlyca p. 135 pi. XV ii ff. 1, 5, 6, devexa p. 137 ff. 4. 8, spp. n. Antarktis, kerguelensis figured pi. xviii f. 7, Mi'ller Deutsche Sudjwlar Exped. 10 H. 2. — fC. foveata, hungarica, miilleri, tenuistriata, spp. n. Pliocene, Hungary, Mf:HES Foldt. Kozl. 38 pp. 537-568. 601-635, 4 Taf. '\C ijtheridea ainpuUata, hanatiea, jian- non'ica, spp. n. Pliocene, Hungary, Mehes T.c. ^C ijllicr'ide'is Inng'ias'nna sp. n. Pliocene, Hungan-, Meues T.c. Cytheroia ovalis p. 117, minor p. 118, Antarktis spp. n.. Mlller Deutsche SudiKjlar Exped. 10 H. 2. Cytheroyteron fallax p. 107 pi. xviii ff. 5-6, 10, irregularis p. 109 ff. 2-3, 8, gaussi p 110 pi. xvi ff. 1, 5, stationis p. 112 ff. 4, 7, anomalum p. 114 ft". 3, 6, ■pp. XL Antarkti«, Mijller T.c. V'ytherura crctae sp. n. Kreide Baiern, Egger Passau Ber. natw. Ver. ^--10332 / ) 20 p. 01.— C. 7iotaliii sp. n. .Vntarktis, MiiLLER Deutsche Siidpolar Kxped. 10 II. 2 p. 106 pi. xviii f. 4. ■fDancimda dadayi sp. n. Pliocene, Huugarv, JIehes Foldt. Kozl. 38 ]ip. 537-568, 601-635. 1[Erpetocyp}-it< difficilis, replana, suhacqualis var. n. variabilis, strigata, Beschreibung, Plioziin, Ungarn, Mehes T.c. — E. smarngdea. p. 336, steicarti p. 333, spp. n. Tibet, Dad.\y Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — E. lestiidiimria sp. n. New- foundland, CusH.MAN Washington, Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 p. 706 pi. Iviii ff 1-10.— B. Menae sp. n. St. Helena, Mijller p. 169. Deutsche Siidpolar Exped. 10 H. 2. Eneonchoecia laeimosa sp. n. Ant- arktis, MiiLLER T.c. p. 80 pi. X ff. 1-8. Eiicypris miiiufa p. 332, tihelana p. 330, spp. n. Tibet, Daday Rec, Ind. ilus. 2. — E. devexa, l;Uime)i! formation of the Mohawk valley, with descriptions of new species. Bulletins of American Palaeontology (Cornell University) Ithaca, N.Y. 4 1903 (29-50) pi. ; also paged as Bulletin No. 18 (1 i -f 3-24) pi. 6 Cumings, E. R. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cincinnati series of Indiana. Indiana, Dopt. (!eol. Nat. Res. Rep. Indianapolis 32 (1907) 1908 (605-1 190) illustr., maps, charts. 7 Finch, (J. E. Notes on the position of the individuals in a group of Nileufi vigilana found at Elgin, Iowa. Des Moines, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 11 1904 (179-181) pi. xiv. 8 Fox, Howard [with note by Philip Lake]. Trilobite in the Veryan Quart- zite. Penzance, Trans. R. Geol. Soc. Cornwall 13 1908 Pt. 4 (233-236) Ifig. 9 Girty, Ceorge H. The Guadalupian fauna. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Papr. No. 58 190Sa-G49)pl. 10 Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach Quad- rangles. Albany, N.Y. St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Bull. 114 1908 (1-35) map. 11 Holuh, Karel. Pfispgvek ku poznani fauny pasma Dd, y. Prag, Rozpr. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos. 17 1908 No. 10 (1-19) 1 pi. 12 Riser, Johan. Das Obersilur im Kristianiageliiete. Eine stratigraphisch- fannistische Untersuchung. Mit 102 Alibild. im Text, 3 Pro61taf. u. 6 geolog. Karten. Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk. I 1906 Bd. 2 (190S) (xvi + 596) Taf. i-iii u. Karte i-vi. 13 Knod, Reinhold. Devonische Faunen Boliviens. (Beitriige zur Geologie und Palaontologie von Siidamerika, hrsg. von G[ustav] Steinmann. XIV.) N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 25 1908(493-600) 11 Taf. 14 Lake, Philip. A monograph of the British Cambrian Trilobites. London, Jlonocr. Pulaeontogr. Soc. Part 11 61 1907 (29-48) pis. iii-iv, Part III 62 19i)S (49-64) pis. V. & vi. 15 Lake, Philip vide Fox, Howard. Lee, G. \V. Notes on fossils from Prince Ciiarles Foreland, brought home bv Dr. William S. Bruce in 1906 and 1907. Edinliurgh, Proc. H. Phvsic. Soc. 17 No. 4 1908 (149-168) pi. vii'i. 16 Meek, W. J. vide Carlson, A. J. 5 Arachn. Subject Ixdex. — Giqantostraca. 2827 Narraway, J. E. vide Raymond, Pervy E. Parker, William A. Fossil Arthro- /ii./d aud Pisces from Middle Coal Measures of Sparth, Rochdale. Roch- dale, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. 9 190S (G4- 76J. 17 Raw, F. The Trilobite Fauna of the Shiueton Shales. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 1908(511-513). 18 Raw, F. The development of Olenus ."^aUeri. Call. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 190S (513j. 19 Rajmond, Percy E. and Narraway, J. E. Notes on Ordovician Trilobites : IlUvnidae fi-om the Black river limestone near Ottawa, Canada. Pitts1)urg, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 1908 (242-255) pis. Ix-kii. 20 Reed, F. R. Cowper. Sedgwick Museum notes : New fossils from the Haverfordwest district. VIII. Geol. Mag., London, Dec. 5 5 1908 (433-436) pl. xiv. 21 Rowley, R. R. The geology of Pike coimtA'. Missouri Bureau of Geology aud ilines, Jefferson City Ser. 2 8 [1908 ?] 'i-xiv + 1-122) pl. map. 22 Stromer von Reichentoacli, E. Moluk- kenkrebse. Berlin, Monatsber. D. geol. • n-s. 1907(187-189j. 23 Walcott, Charles D. Cambrian geo- logy and paleontolo.fjy. No. 2. Cambrian Trilobites. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 53 1908 (13-52) 6 pis. 24 Walcott, Charles D. Cambrian Geo- logy and Palaeontology. No. 5. Cam- brian Sections of the Cordilleran Area. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 53 1908 (1G7-230) 10 pla. 25 IT.— S U B J E C T INDEX. HISTORY = 2810. Early figure of Limulus; Caiman, 1. DEVELOPMENT = 2815. Development of Oleniis saJlcri ; Raw, 19. ETHOLOGY = 2819. Positions of specimens of Nileiis rigilans ; Finch, 8. DISTRIBUTION =r 2827. (Geological and Geographical.) Cambrian. Britain, TrUohila 1 sp. & 1 var. n. ; Lake, 15. Shropshire, Shineton Shales, Trilohita gg. subgg. and spp. n. ; Raw, 18. Western N. America. Trilohita gg. & spp. n. ; Walcott, 24, 25. Ordovician. Canad;), Ottawa, lUaenidne spp. n. ; Raymond & Narraway, 20. New York, Trilohita sp. n. ; Cleland, 6. Indiana, Trilohita ; Cumings, 7. Victoria, Trilohita ; Chapman, 4. Silurian. Norway, Kristiania district, Trilohita spp. n. ; Kioer, 13. Pembrokeshire, Trilohita sp. n. ; Reed, 21. CnrnwaU, Veryan Quartzite, Calymene sp. indet. ; Fox, 9. New York State, records of Trilohita and Eurypterida ; Hartnag'el, 11. Victoria, Trilohita ; Chapman, 3. Quebec, Trilohita spp. and varr. n.; Clarke, 5. Bolivia, Trilohita spp. n. ; Knod, 14. Argentine, Trilohita spp. n. ; Knod, 14. PHYSIOLOGY - 2811. On the mechanism of the embryonic heart rhythm in Limulus ; Carlson, 2. Carboniferous. Lancashire, Belinuru^ ; Parker, 17. Missouri, Trilohita sp. n. ; Rowley, 22. 6 Arachn. XI. Arachnida.— Gigantostraca. [1908] Permian. Spitzbergen, Phillipsia sp. ; Lee, 16. Texas, Trilohita g. & sp. ii. ; Girty, 10. III.— SYSTEMATIC = 2831. t TRILOBITA. Aeaste acutilohata p. 497 pi. xxi_ ff. 5-5b, xxxi f. 5. Bolivia, perpJana p. 570 pi. xxi f. 6, Argentina, spp. n. Devonian, Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd 25. Agnoatus incertus described, Lake Monogr. British Cambrian Trilobites p. 29 pi. iiiff. ]-3. Albertella g. n. (Paradoxidae) p. 18, helena p. 19, British Columbia and Montana, Cambrian, bosicorthi p. 22, British Columbia, Cambrian, spp. n., Walcott Washington, Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 53. Anisopyge g. n. near PJuHipt^ia p. 505, inchided species : perannulata Shumard p. 500, antiqua p. 509, sp. n. Texas, Permian, Girty Washington, Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Papr. No. 68. Bathycheilus g. n. type B. perplexus, HoLUB Prag, Rozpr. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos. 17 No. JOp. ]3. Batlnjiiriifciis ornatus sp. n. British Columbia, Cambrian, Walcott Washing- ton, Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 53 p. 39. Balhyurxis (?) lev'is sp. n. New York, Ordovician, Ci.eland Bui. Amer. Pal. No. 18 p. 10. Bumaatus hrevis, deprcsaus, p. 575, longicaudalus, praeruptus, perhrevis, p. 576, inflatiis p. 577, spp. n., aulcatiis var. n. convexus p. 577, Obersihir, Krifitianiagebiet, Kkkr Kristiania. Skr. Vid. selsk. I. 2.— B. biUingHi p. 250 pi. Ixi fl'. 1-2, hellevilleiiiiiit p. 253 IV. C.-7, Bpp. n., eastern Canada, Ordovician, milleri p. 249 ff. 9-10, pi. Ixii IT. 3-5, indeterTni7ialii8 p. 253 fF. 8-9, descrip- tions, Raymond & Nauraway I'iltsburg, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4. Burlingia g. n. p. M, BurlnK/tdae fam. n., heclori sp. n. p. 15 Britinh Columbia, Cambrian, Waixott Wash- ington, Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 53. Ceratocephala rohhiia described, Clarke Albany, St. Educ. De^Jt., Mus. Mem. 9 p. 140 pi. iiill. 9-lJ. Cordania gasep'iou described, Clarke T.c. p. 136 pi. ixff. 9-10. Dalmanites griffoni p. 103 pi. vii f. 4, pi. ix f. 4, coxius p. 103 pi. vii f. 1, dolbeli p. 121 pi. viii ff. 1-7, lowi p. 122 pi. ix ff. 6-8, reiti p. 124, icJiiteaveai p. 125 pi. viii ff. 11, 13, perceensis p. 126 pi. iv ff. 1-3, pi. V f. 2, gaverji p. 128 pi. viii ff. 8, 9, biardi p. 129 pi. vi ff. 1- 12, esnoufi p. 130 pi. ix f. 5, mieriirus p. 120 pi. ix ff. 1-3, phaeoptyx p. 123 pi. vii ft'. 5-10, emarginatus p 127 pi. vii ff. 2-3, descriptions, Clarke T.c. — D. biihini sp. n. Argentina, Devonian, Knod N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd. 25 p. 568 pi. xxi f . 1 . Desmus g. n. near Xiohe and Ogygia, cobboldi sp. n. Cambrian, Shropshire, Raw London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 512. Illaenus Int'iax'iatus sp. n. Ontario and New York, Ordovician p. 243 pi. li ff. 4-8, com-adi ff. 9-10, angustieuIUg p. 245 pi. Ixi ff. 1-5 described, Raymond and NaRRAWay Pittsburg, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 — I. rutwdu-^, scidptus, p. 572, postremiis, hrcggcri, longispi- nosus, p. 573, spp. n., Oljersilur, Kristianiagebiet, Kkt.r Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk. I 1906 2. Lcptoplastides subg. n. of Olenus for 0. salteri Call., Shineton Shales, Raw London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 512. Llchas hellamicus pi. iii ff. 5-7, forillonia pi. i ff. 1-2, pi. ii ff. 1-3, pi. iii ff. 1-4, descriptions, Clarke Albany, St. Educ. Dejjt., Mus. Mem. 9 p. 137. Microdisciis lohatua p. 32 pi. iii ff. 4- 6, Hpeciosua p. 33 f. 7, scidiJtns p. 35 ff. 9-10, jmndatus p. 36 ff. 11-17, de- scriptions. Lake Monogr. British Cambrian Trilobites. Neolenua inflatua p. 30, intermediua p. 34, 1, var. n. piigio p. 35, superbus pp. 36-39, spp. n. Utah, Cambrian, Walcott W^ashington, Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q. 53. Olemia key to subgenera p. 5\,trun- ccitua p. 52 pi. V ff. 1-7, gibbosus p. 54 ff. 8-10, micrurua p. 55 ff. 11-12, cata- ractea p. 56 ff. 13-17, pi. vi f. 1, longi- ap'inoaua p. 00 ff. 6-7, descriptions, viundua sp. n. Cambrian, W^ales p. 58 7 Arachn. SVSTEMATIC. — TrILOBITA, ETC. 2831 ff. 2-5, Lake Monogr. British Camlirian Trilobites. — 0. {Leptoiilastidea, q. v.) Mlteri development, Raw London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 513. Orometopus clatifroiis description, Raw T.c. p. 512. — 0. elatifrons p. 4(3 pi. iv ff. t>-10, praenimtius p. 48 f. 11, descriptions, Lake Monogr. British Cam- brian Trilobites. Orydocara g. n. {Ole)iidac) geikiei sp. n. Idaho, Cambrian, Walcott Washing- ton, Smithsonian lust., Misc. Collect. Q. 53 p. 23. ParaboUna apimdosa description, Lake Monogr. British Cambrian Trilo- bites p. 62 pi. vi S. 8-11. ParaboHnella wiUiamsoni description, Lake op. cit. p. 64 pi. vi f. 12. Phjcops loga ni var. gaspensis described, Clarke Albany St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Mem. 9 p. 119 pi. x ff. 5-6, 10-16. PhilUpsia stratton-portein sp. n. Mis- souri, Carboniferous, Rowley Missouri Bur. Geul. Mines 8 p. 94. PterocephaJus g. n. near Dicelloeepha- lits, hemlcycloura sp. n. Cambrian, Shropshire, Raw London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 512. Slmmnrdia pusilla p. 40 pi. iii ff. 18- 20, pi. iv ff. 1-4, with morvensis var. n. p. 43 pi. iv f. 5, Cambrian, Wales, Lake Monogr. British Cambrian Trilobites. SymphysHi'us m'lcrophthalimis sp. n. Cambrian, Shropshire, Raw London, Re]!. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 512. TJuileops ovata p. 247 pi. Ix ff. 11- 13, pl. Ixi ff. 6-7, ardura p. 248 pi. Ixi f. 8, characters, Raymo.nd & NAiiUAWAV Pittsburg, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4. Tr'mrthrus sliindonens'ts sp. n. Cam- brian, Shro])shire, Raw lioudon. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 512. TypJdo)iifs. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 40 Monogr. 40. Phoxichilus laevia = vulgaris = spino- sus Montagu, Schimkewitsch St. Peter- burg, Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. 430-432. — P. spinosus moult, defensive colour, Schimkewitsch T.c. pp. 435-436. — P. Notizen iiber indoaustralische Arteri p. 77, proceruH sp. n. Malayischer Archipel p. 79 pi. xi ff. 146-152, Loman Res. Expl. Siboga, Livr. 40, Monogr. 40. Pipetta u-eheri, Notizen, 'Lo^kS T.c. p. 27 pi. xiii ff. 190-192, pi. xiv ft'. 193- 199. Pyenogonum tumidosum p. 34 pi. xii ff. 165-167, mucronatnm p. 35 ff. 168 170, occa p. 35 ff. 171-174, daudum ^p. 36 pi. XV ft'. 200-203, spp. n. Malayischer Archipel, Loman T.c. Rhopalorhynchus kruyeri, Notizen, Loman T.c. p. 24 pi. xv ff. 213-220. Rijona subg. n. von Pallenopsia, Loman T.c. p. 67. Seipiolus g. n. plumosua sp. n. Malavischer Archipel, LomaN T.c. p. 58 pi. XV ff. 204-212. 10 Arachn, XI. Arachnida. [1908] ARACHNIDA (INCL. TARDIGRADA, PENTASTOMIDA) CONTENTS {see p. 2) I.— TITLES. ^ [Aleksejev, S.] AaeKcieBi,, C. K.ieiun, iiapaaiiTiipyiomie aa niimax-B. [Die auf Vogeln parasitierendenMilbeii.] Naturfreuiid, St. Peterburg 3 1908 (1)7- 103, 131-135, iei-lG9). 1 Andi6, Emile. Sur la piqure des Cheliferes. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (289-290). 2 Arldt, Tlieodor. Die Ausbreitung eiiiiger Arachnidenordnungen (Mygalo- morphen, Skorpione, Pedipalpen, ISoli- i'ugen, Palpigraden). Arch. Natg., Ber- lia 74 Bd. 1 1908 (389-458). 3 Banks, Nathan. Annual address of tbe President : Some phases of protective resemblance in our spiders. Washing- ton, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 (1907) 1908 (2-9). 4 Banks, N. Three new species of tropical I'halamjlda. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 (1907) 1908 (37- 39). 5 Banks, N Washington, 1908 (36). Banks, N. A revision of the Ix-odo'i- dea, or ticks, of the United States. Wasliington, D.C., Teclin. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. No. 15 J 908 (1- 61) pis. i-x. 7 Banks, N. The pseudoscorpions of Texas. Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 1908 (39-42). 8 A new Tetravyclnis. D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 6 Banks, X. List of the Phalangida, Pseudoscorp'innida, and j4ca?'i?(a. (Fauna of New Engliuid, 10.; Boston, Mass., Occ. Paprs. Soc. Nat. Hist. 7 1908 (I- 20). 9 Banks, N. Tick-borne diseases and their origin. J. Econ. Ent., Concord., N. H. 1 1908 (213-215). 9a [Belitzer, A. V.] B'fe.ini;epi>, A. B. Ilac.rlaoBaiiie nnpon.ia3M03a y .iouia,ieii btj 1907 roA}' BT. PflsancKofl ryuepHin. [Untersuchungen iiber die Piroplasmose der Pl'erde im Jahre 1907 im Gouv. Rjazan.] Arch, veterin. nauk, St Peter- burg 38 1908 (123-160, 235-263) mit 4 Taf. u. 1 Tab. 10 Bennett, W. H. xide Butterfield, W. Puskin. Benoit- Bazille, II. Recolte et con- servation des Insectes ct des Acariens en vue de I'etude seientifique. Dis- cussion: Trouessart et Anthony. Paris, Bul. soc. zool. 33 1908 (114-116). 11 Berlese, Antonio. Elenco di generi e sj)ecie nuove di Acari. Redia, I'ortici 5 lasc. 1 1908(1-15). 12 Bernard, Ch. Notes de pathologic vegetale. II. Sur quelques maladies de Citrus s^)., Castilioa elastica, TJiea ossamica, Oreodoxa rer/ia, etc. Buiten- zorg. Bull. Dep. Agric. Indes Neerl. 11 J 907 (1-55) av. 3 pis. 13 Bernard, Ch. Notes de pathologie vegetale. 111. Sur quelques maladies des ])lantes a caoutchouc. Buitenzorg, 11 Araehn. Titles. — Arachntda. 3000 RuU. Dop. A'zr'ic. Imlos Ncerl. 12 1907 (l-7;ii. ' 14 Birula, A. IV-inerkun^en iiber die Orduuug iler Solifiigen. VI. Besohrei- bung der weiblichen Oluciopsis n'ujro- e'lncta Bir. St. Peterburg, Ann. nius. zool. 13 190S (33-'-335). 15 Simla, A. A. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbsohaft Treitl uuternonnneu zoologischen Forschuiigs- reise Dr. F. Werner's nacli deni iigypti- schea Sudan und Nord- Uganda. XIV. Seoi-pionea und SoUfugac. Wieji, Anz. Ak. Wiss. lOOS (135-1*36). 16 Birula, A. A. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Treitl unternommeuen zoologischen For- schungsreise Dr. F. Werner's nach dem agyptischen Sudan und Nord-Uganda. • Xl'V. Scorplones und Solifunac. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 Heft 2 Abth. 1 1908 (121-152). 17 Bonnet, Amedee. Aper^u sur I'ana- tomie et la classification des Ixodes. Fauue fran^aise des Ixodides. Arch, parasit., Paris 12 1908 (224-267). 18 Bonnet, Andre. Eschatocephalus fla- ripes Koch. Nouvel Ixodide pour la faune frangaise. Arch, parasit., Paris 12 1908 (325-327). 19 Borrel, A. Acariens et cancer du svsteme pilaire. Paris, C. R. Soc. biol. 6i5 1908 (486-489). 20 Borrel, A. Demodex et infections cutanees. Paris, C. R. Soc. biol. 65 1908 (596-597). 21 Bouvier, E. L. Arachnides du Zain- beze et des grands lacs. In : Resultats scientifiques des voj-ages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa ; Paris, (Impr.nationale) 1908 (579-589 j [Solifuges par Krae- pelin, Araneides par Simon, Acariens par Neumann]. 22 Bouvier, [E. L.] Arachnides Myria- podes et Crustaces. In : Mission Chari- Lac Tchad (1902-1904). Appendice. Paris rChallamel) 1908 (701-702). 23 Brandes, [Gustav]. Die Erntemilbe und ihr Saugriissel. Zs. Natw., Leipzig 80 1908 (302-305). 24 Brumpt, E. Existence de la " Fievre des tiques" en Abyssinie. Quelques mots sur la biologic de VOrnilJiodorua moubata, Acarien qui determine cette spirochetose. Paris, Bui. soc. path. exot. 1 1908(432-437). Discussion: M. Schneider. 25 Bruyant, L. Sur des larves d'Hy- drachnidcs parasites des Culicides. Paris, C. R. Soc. biol. 65 1908 (70(i- 707). 26 Bruyant, L. Une invasion localis^e du I'etramjclnis tclarhts. Feuille jeuues natural., Paris, 39 1908 (50-51). 27 Bryant, Elizabeth B. List of the Arancida. (Fauna of New England. 9.) Boston, Mass., Occ. Paprs. Soc. Nat. Hist. 7 1908 (1-105). 28 Butterfield, W. Ruskin. A pre- liminary list of the false-scorpions {(Iiernc'tidca) of the Hastings district. Hastings Nat. 1 1908 (111-114) pis. viii ix. 29 Butterfield, W. Ruskin and Bennett, W. H. On some spiders collected in the district around Hastings. Trans. S. E. Union Sci. Soc. 1908 (40-44). 30 Carl, J. Beitrag zur Hohlenfauna der Insubrischen Region. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve 14 1900 (GOl-615) pi. xx. 31 Carpenter, George H. Injurious insects and other animals ol)served in Ireland during the year 1907. Dublin, Econ. Proc. R. Soc. 1 1908 (559-588) pis. xlix-liv. 32 Carpenter, G. H. and Halbert, J. N. .1 rdchmda. Brit. Ass. Handbook, Dublin 1908 (189-196). 33 Chadwick, George H. A catalogue of tlie " phvtoptid" galls of North America. Rep. Ent. No. 23 in : Albany, N.Y. St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Bull. No. 124 1908 (118-155). 34 Chamberlin, Ralph V. Revision of North American spiders of tlie family LycQHidae. I'liiladelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 1908 (158-318) pis. viii-xxiii. 35 Chownlng, William M. vide Wilson, Louis B. Cockerell, T. D. A. Supplementary note. Ent. News, Philadelphia 18 1907 (Ii«). 36 ■fCockerell, T. D. A. Fossil insects from Florissant, Colorado. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24 1908 f 59-69) pi. 36a Collinge, Walter E. On the eradica- tion of the black-currant gall-mite 12 "ArcKhn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] {Eriopliyes rtbisNalepa). In: Proc. 19th Ann. Meeting of Ass. Econ. •jEntomol. Washington, D.C., Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. 67 1907 (119-123). 37 Coolidge, Karl R. A list of the Xorth American Pseudoscorpionida. Psyche, Boston, Mass. 15 1908 (108-111). ' 37a Cooper, W. F. and Robinson, L. E. On six new species of Ixodidae, in- cluding a second species of the new genus Rhipicentor N. and W. Cam- bjidge, Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 1908 (157- 470). 38 Cooper, W. F. vide Nuttall, G. H. F. Daday, Jeno. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mikrofauna von Deutsch-Ostafrika. Math. Termt. Ert., Budapest 26 1908 (1-57, 200-220, 294-321, 374-421, 455- 474;. 39 Daday de Dees, E. von. Entomo- stfdca et Ihjdrdclin'ulae e Tibet. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta 2 pt. 4 1908 (323- 340). 40 Dahl, Friedrich. Die Lycosiden oder Wolfspinnen Deutschlands and ihre Stellung ini Haushalte der Natur. Nach statistischen Untersuchungen dargestellt. Halle, Nova Acta Leop. 88 1908 (175- 678) 1 Karte. 41 Dehaut, G. Sur I'instinet de repara- tion architecturale chez un Arachnide, la Ctcnisn sauvagei. Bui. Museum, Paris 1908 (2 14-21 5j. 42 Distant, W. L. Curious habit of a CLelifer. Zoologist, London ser. 4 12 (77-78j. 43 Doctors van Leeuwen, \V. vide li'tn-nvaan, Jenny. Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. A few notes on myrmecoi^liilous spiders. Zoolo- gist, London ser. 4 12 1908 (419-425). 44 DSnitz, [Wilhelm]. Insekten als Ver- breiter von Krankheiten. Die Zecken. In : Bcricht' iiber den XIV. internat. Koiigrcss fiir Hygiene. Bd 2. Berlin (A. Hirschwald; 1908 (178-188). 45 [Donitz, W.] Jlouxm, B. Kicinn n n\i, po.ii, HI, iiaro.ioriii Mc.ioBtKa ii :i:iiHOiiii.ixi.. JlcpcB. H. Hlycrpona. [Die wirthschaftlicli wichtigen Zecken. Uebers. v. N. Sustrov.] Moskva 1907 (131 + iv + i) (J I'af. 46 Ellingsen, Edv. Mateiiali per una Fauna deU'.Arcipelago toscano. Isola del Giglio. Notes on Pseudoscorpiona. Genova, Ann. Mas. Civ. st. nat. (Ser. 3) 3 1907-8 (068-670). 47 Ellingsen, E. Psoudoscorpionides (2' serie) (Biospeologica, VII). Arch, zool., Paris (ser. 4) 8 1908 (415-420). 48 Ellingsen, Edv. Two Canadian species of Pseudo-scorpions. Canad. Entom., Toronto 40 1908 (163). 49 Ellingsen, Edv. ride Strand, Embrik. Emerton, J. 11. Autumn fliglits of spidiTij. Psyche, Boston, Mass. 15 1908 (121). 49a Ewing, II. E. A new genus and species of Orihatidac. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa. 19 1908 (243-245) with pi. 50 Ewing, H. E. Two new species of the genus Phtliiracarus. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa. 19 1908 (449-151). 51 Ewing, H. E. New species of the genus Oribata. Psyche, Boston, Mass. 15 1908 (105-108) pi. 51a [Faussek, V. A.] •tayccKt, B. A. ^a.ibirbuiuia ;iaHHLia kij Bonpocy o .iBiniceHiaxTj yrposu. JlBn;KeHiH yrpo3u y TapaHxy.ia ii CKO.iorien;ipu. /iBiKKenia yrposu y BoaiiLixt jkiibot- huxtj. [Beitriige zur Frage der Droh- l)ewegungen. Die Drohbewegungen der Tarantel und der Scolopender. Droh- bewegungen bei Wassertieren.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat., Sect, zool 37 2 1908 (53-85, deutsch. Res. 80-87) Taf. iv 52 Picker, M. und Rosenblat, Stephanie. Arqas mininliis und lliihnerspirilloso. 1. Mitt. Hvg. Rdsch., Berlin 17 1907 (1114-1118) I Taf. 53 Fischer, Emil. Uebor Spinnenseide. Iloppe-Sevlers Zs. iiiivsiol. Cheni., Strassl)urg 53 1907 (126-139). 54 FUllebom. I'orocrphaliis (I'cntaslo- viiim) aus den Organen eiiies west- afrikanisclien Negers. Arch. Schifl'shvg., Leipzig 12 1 908 ( 1 69 -170). ' 55 Gadeau de Kerville, H. Sur I'homo- cliroinie des femelies du Mismnena ratia Clerc. Elbeuf, Bui. Soc. £tud. Sci. Nat. 26 1908 (33-31). 56 [Ggdzikiewicz, Witohl.] ron;i,3n- KeBii4i>, Ijmo.ii);!,'''- Ki> incrcioriii KpoHi'iiociioii cncTc.Mi.1 y Aracbnoidea. [Ein Beitrag zur ilistoiogie des Blutgo- fasssystCEQea der Arachnoidca.^ St. 13 Arachu. Titles. — Arachxida. 3000 Peterburcr. Mem. Ac. Sc. ser. S 22 7 1908 (31 -h 11 1 Taf. 57 Oalli-Valerlo, B. Spiiochetiase des poules determinee a Lausanne avec Argas ivrsicits Fischer de Tunisie. N(ite preliniinaire. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena. Abt. 1 47 Originale 1908 (49-4- 495). 58 Galli-Valerio, B. Notes de parasito- logie. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1 47 Originale 1903 (608-612). 59 OeoiSTBi C. F. Lincolnshire fresh- water mites. Naturalist, London 1908 (41). 60 George, C. F. Some Biitish earth- mites. {Trombidiidae.) Naturalist, London 1908 (333-336, 377, 452-454) pl. xlii. 61 Gmeiner, Friedrich. Demodex folU- ciilonim des Menschen und der Tiere. Arch. Dermat. Svph., Wien 92 1908 .25-9fi) 4 Taf. " 62 Godfrey, Robert. The false-scorpions of Scotland. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh 1908 (90-100, 155-161). 63 Gozo, Angela. Gli Aracnidi di caverue ijtaliaue. Firenze, Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 (1906) trimestri III-IV 1908 (109-139). 64 Green, E. E. Curious habits of Chelifers. Zoologist, London ser. 4 12 1908 (159-160). 65 GroB, H. Sur un acarien parasite des teignes des cer^ales et cause accidentelle d'eruptions cutanees chez I'homme. Paris, Bui. soc. path. exot. 1 1908 (249- 251). 66 Guieysse, A. £tude des organes digestifs chez le Scorpion. Arch. Anat. microsc, Paris 10 1908 (123-11^.9). 67 HaJbert, J. N. vide Carpenter, G. H. HeaJd, F. D. The bud-rot of carna- tions. Agric. Exp. Sta., Nebraska, Lin- coln, Bull. No. 103 (Volume 20, Article 4) 190S (l-17,t. 68 Heinis, F. Tardigraden der Schweiz. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (633-638). 69 Heinis, F. Zur Metamorphose einiger Erh'wiRcus-Arten. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 HiOS (69-71). 70 Herzog, H. Ueber die Erlrankung der Lidhaut dea Menschen bei Invasion von Demodexmilhen, nach Befunden an Augenlidem von Trachomkranken. Graefes Arch. Ophthalm., Leipzig 69 1908 (492-524) 2 Taf. 71 Hewitt, C. Gordon. On a new phyto- phagous mite, Lohmaniiia insigniH, Berl. var. diss'nniUs n. var., with notes on other species of economic importance, ilanchester, Mem. Lit. Phil. Sec. 52 pt. 1 No. 5 1908 (1-10) pl. 72 Hirst, A. S. On a new type of stridu- lating organ in Mygalomoipli s})iders, with the description of a new genus and species belonging to the sub-order. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8 2 1908 (401-405). 73 Hirst, A. S. On some Oriental Soli- fngae, with descrijitions of new forms. Re'c. Ind. Mus., Calcutta 2 pt. 3 1908 (241-247). 74 Hogg, H. R. Some Australasian s])iders. London, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 (335-344). 75 Hooker, W. A. Life-history, habits and methods of study of the Ixodo'ulea. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H. 1 1908 (34-51). 75a Hooker, W. A. A review of the present knowledge of the role of ticks in the transmission of disease. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H. 1 1908 (65-76) tab. 75b Howard, C. W. A list of the ticks of South Africa, with descriptions and keys to all the forms known. Ann. Trans- vaal Mus., Pretoria 1 1908 (73-170) 16 pis. 76 Howard, L. 0. Another C^halcidoid parasite of a tick. Canad. Entomol., Toronto 40 1908 (239-241). 77 Hull, J. E. Allendale spiders. New- castle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, N. Ser. 3 pt. 1 1908 (110-115) pl. v. 78 Hunter, W. D. A tentative law re- lating to the incubation of the eggs of Margaropus annulatus. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H. 1 1908 (51-5.5). 78a [Hydrobiologisclie Station am Glubokoje See.] rn;ipo6io:ioni»fecKaa cTaHijiH Jia r-iyooKOMT) osep'fe. Ciin- coKt pacTnTcjibULixi. n jkhbothuxi. 0praHH3M0BT>, IiafiAC'HHUXI. BTj OKpeCT- HOCTax'b r.iy6oKaro o.iepa. [Verzeich- nis der in der Umgebung des Glubokoje Sees gefundenen pflanzlichen und thierischen Organismen.] Moskva, Trd. Otd. icht. Ob§e. akklim. 6 1907 (385- 407). 79 14 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Iwakawa, Tomotara. On the specific identity of the scorpion-spider of the Loochoos and Formosa. Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo 6 1908 (l'87-291) pi. 80 Jackson, A. Randell. On some rare Arachnids captured during 1907. New- castle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, N. Ser. 3 pt. 1 1908 (49-78) pi. iv. 81 Jiirvi, T. H. Znr Morphologie der Vaginalorgane einiger Lycosoiden. Helsingfors, Festschrift fiir Palmen, No. 6 19U5-1907 (1-36) 5 Taf. 82 jarvl, T. H. Ueber die Vaginal- systeme der Lvcosiden Thor. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (754-758). 82a Jarvis, Tennyson D. Insect galls of Ontario. Toronto, 37th Ann. Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario 1906 [1907] (56- 72). 83 Jarvis, T. D. Additional insect galls of Ontario. Toronto, 38th Ann. Rep. Entom. Soc. Ontario 1907 [1908] (85- 94). 84 Joannel, R. et Racovitza, E. G. Enumeration des grottes visitees 1900- 1907 (seconde serie). Arch, zool., Paris ser. 4 8 1908 (327-414). 85 Jensen, Adolf Severin. En Mideplage i vore Boliger. [Glyciphagus domesticus and apinipes in our habitationn.] Kpbenhavn, Archiv Pharm. Chem. 1908 (1-45). 86 Kasparek, Theodor. Symplcdoptcs cysticola in den Luftwegen der Tauben und die hierdurch verursachte Epizocjtia. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig 79 (1907) II 2 1908 (578-580). 87 Eieffer, S. S. 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Eine neue T/i(/n.s-Speciea aus den Niederoster- reichisclien Alpen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (708-710). 93a Kraepelin, K. Die sekundiiren Ge- schlechtscharaktere der Skorpione, Pedipalpen und Solifugen. Hamliurg, Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 25 (1907) Beih. 2 1908 (181-225). 94 Kraepelin, K. Skorpione und Soli- fugen. 1)1 : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungs- reise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 1908 (247-282). 95 Kraepelin, K. Scorpiones. Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, Ijrsg. v. W Michaelsen u. R. Hartmeyer. Bd 2, Lfg 7. Jena (G. Fischer) 1908 (87-104) 1 Taf. 96 Kulczynski, Vl. Araneae musei iiatioiialis Hungarici in regionibus Indica et Australica a Ludovico Biro collectae. Budapest, Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 6 1908 (428-494) pi. ix. 97 Kulczynski, VI. Fraginenta Arachno- logica, VI-X. Araiicae nonuullae in Cypro insula et in Palaestina a Cel. Prof. l)re G. Cecconi lectae. Krakow, Bull. Intern. 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Centralbl., Dresden, Beihefte 23 Abt. 2 1908 a-14) 2 Taf. 152 Ribaga, Costantino. Diagnosi di alcune specie nuove di Hydraehnidac e di iin Ixodidae del Sud America. Portici, Ann. Scuola sup. agr., Ser. 2 5 1904 (1-28) con 2 tav. '^ 153 Richters, Ferd. Die Biirtierchen fTardigraden). Mikrokosmos, Stuttgart 1 1907-8 (53-57) 2 Taf. ^154 Richters. F. Marine Tardigraden. Zool. Anz.; Leipzig 33 1908(77-85). 155 Richters, F. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Moosfauna Australiens und der Inseln des Pazifischen Ozeans. (Ergeb- nisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific. Schauinsland 1896-97.) Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Svst. 26 1908 (196-213). 156 Richters, F. Moosfauna-Studien. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908 f 14-30) 2 Taf. 157 Richters, F. Rotatoria, Tardigrada und andere Moosljewohner. Die Fauna SiidwestAustraliens, hrsg. v. W. Michael- sen u. R. Hartmever Bd. 2 Lief. 5 1908 "^l-^ioj. ' 158 Richters, F. Moosbewohner. in : ^^ isaenschaftl. Ergebuisse der Schwed. 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L.] Sur uu Acarien du genre XotopIialliiH, produisant des degats sur les pois de primeur dans le departe- ment du Var. Paris, Bui. soc. zool. 33 1908 (30 37). 210 Trouessart, E. et Val^ry -Mayet. Sur un Acarien du genre Xotophallus, preju- diciable aux petits pois dans le departe- ment du Var. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 64 1908 (273-275). 211 TuUgren, Alb. Eine neue Olpium-Art aus .Java. Leiden, Notes Mus. Joutink 29 190S (148-1.50). 212 Tullgren, A. Ober einige e.xotischo Chelonethiden. Entomol. Tidskr., Stock- holm 29 1908 (57-64). 213 Tullgren, .\. Ober Clielifer pntnrjoni- CU8 Tullgr. Entomol. Tidskr., Stockiiolm 29 l'.l(J8'iJ10). 214 Tullgren, A. Contribution to the knowlcnlge of the spider Fauna of the Magellan territories. Svenska Expedi- tionen till Magellanslanderna 2 No. 10 (181-20.3) pis. xv-xix. 215 Tullgren, A. Pseudoscorpionina {Che- lonetld). In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 1908 (283-288). 216 Val^ry, Mayet vide Trouessart, E. Vanhbflfen, E. Die Tiere und Pflanzen von Possession-Eiland (Crozet-Gruppe). Deutsche Siidpolar-Exped. 2 Heft. 4 1908 (337-343). 217 Viets, K. Drei neue Hydrachniden- Formen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (50-53). 217a Viets, K. Eine neue Thyas-Specles. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (670^072). 218 Viets, K. Hydrachnologische Beitriige. Bremen, Abh. natw. Ver. 19 1908 (207- 27.5;. 219 Waldow. Porocephalun moniliformia Diesing 1830 bei einem Kamerunneger. Arch. SchifTshvg., Leipzig 12 1908 (321- 324). " 220 Wallstabe, P. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Aranei- nen. Die Entwicklung der iiusseren Form und Segmentierung. Zool. Jahrb. C 8—2 20 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Jena, Abt. f. Anat. 26 190S (683-712) 2 Taf. 220a Walter, C. Xeue Hydracarinen. Arch. HvdrobioL, Stuttgart 4 1908 (1- 16; 1 Tat. 220b Walter C. Einige allgemein-biolo- gische Bemerkungen iiber Hydracarinen. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig 1 1908 (351-358). 221 Warburton, C. On some new and obscure species of the genus Haemaphy- salis of the Txodldae. Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Sof. 14 1908 (508-519). 222 Warburton, C. vide Nuttall, G. H. F. Weinberg. Xodules a pentastomes dans la parol intestinale du chimpanze. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anat. (ser. 6 8; 81 1906 (534). 223 Werner, Franz. Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines nach Dalmatian im April 1908. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesam- melten Materiales. 10. Seorpionidae . Wien, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 1908 (121-12.3). 224 Widmann, Eugen. Ueber den feineren Ban der Augen einiger Spinnen. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig 90 1908 (258-212) 3 Taf. 225 • Williamson, Wm. Hydrachnids from the island of Tiree. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh 1908 (161-163). 226 Wilson, Louis B. and Chowning, William M. Studies in Pyroplasviosis hominis. (" Spotted fever " or " tick fever" of the Rockv mountains.) Lif. Diseases, Chicago, 111. 1 1904 (31-57) pi., partly col., map, chart. 227 With, C. J. An account of the South American C/ien/('?'i)me in the collections of the British and Copenhagen Museums. London, Trans. Zool. Soc. 18 pt. 3 1908 (217-328) pis. xxix-xxxi. 228 Wolcott, Robert H. A mite accom- panying the bud-rot of carnations. Agric. Exp. Sta., Nebraska, Lincoln, Bull. No. 103 (Volume 20, Article 4) 1908(25-31) pi. ^ 229 Zimmermann, Agoston. Macskok riihcssege. [I 'ber den kratzigen Zustand der Kratzen.] Termt. KozL, Budapest 40 1908(171-172). 229a zur Strassen, 0. Die Spinnen uiid (lie Ticrjjsycliologie. Eine J'^rwideriing an Fr. Dalil. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (547-560). 230 IL— SUBJECT-INDEX. HYPERZOOLOGY = 3003 History. Einige Beraerkungeu zur Deutung gewisser Spinnentiere, die in den Schrif- ten des Altertums vorkommen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Zoologie ; Taschenberg, 201. General. Arachnda ftir 1902; Lucas, 105. Ticks, a monogra}ili of the Ixodoldea. Parti. Ar(ja^iJae; Nuttall, Warburton, Cooper and Robinson, 133. Beitriige zur Literatur iiber die rote Waldmilbe von Neu-Guinea; Oudemans 135. Economics. Injurious Arachnida in Ireland ; Carpenter, 32. Wirtlischaftlier wichtigen Zecken ; Donitz, 46. Ixodoidea transmitting diseases ; Donitz, 45: NuttaU, 127, 128, 129: Lounsbury, 104 : Banks, 9a : Hooker, 75b. AcM'i and cancer ; Borrel, 20, 21. Ticks and spirociiaetosis in fowls ; Galli-Valerio, 58 ; SbeUack, 165. Spirillosis in fowls connnunicated by Argas miniatuts ; Ficker iV- Rosenblat, 53. Influence of cold on ticks and Piro- plasma parviirus; Theiler, 202. Dermacenlor and piroplasmosis ; Wilson & Chowning, 227. Weitere Versnche, das Ostkiistenfie- ber durch Zecken zu iil)crtr;igen ; Theiler, 203. Notes on the cattle tick and Texas fever ; Schroeder, 170. Ueber das Vorkommen von Avgan in Deiitschland ; Schnee, 166. Acariden als Uebertrager von lUut- jiarasiten des Pferdes ; Belitzer, 10. Uel)er die Erkrankung der Lidhaut des Mensclien bei Invasion von Demodex- niilben, nach Befunden :ui /Vugenlideni von Trachomkranken ; Herzog, 71. 21 ArachiK Subject Index. — Arachxida. 3007 riier iKni kriitzigeii Zuataiul der Kat- zeu ; Zimmermann, 229a. I'eber eiiie soimuerliclie Juckepi- (.if!ui.>, heJingt durch Leptim aidumiialis ; Notthafft, 134. Sur un acarien parasite des teignes des cereales et cause accideutelled'enip- tious cutauees cliez I'liotume ; Gros, 66. Die Rolle der Milbeii bei der l\ietijJo- piKskraukbeit der Hebeu ; Petri, 139b. Pea^ injured by XotopliaUn-'^ ; Mar- chal, 111 ; Trouessart, 210; Trouessart .V Vale'ry-Mayet, 211. Stra\vl>erries injured by Tarsonemua ; Morstatt, 119a. Erailicatiou of Eriophyes rihiii ; Collinge, 37. tialls ]iroduced bv Eriophyldac ; Jarvis. 83, 84. Injury of apples and pears by Eriophyfs piri ; Parrott, 139. Notes on maple mites ; Parrott, 139a. Galls of Eriophyes psilaspis on Taxus haciHjta ; Reynvaan and Docters van Leeuwen, 152. Deformationen der Bliiteustellungen undder Friichte bei Fraximus excelsior ; Renter, 151. Quelques deformations remarqnables dues a des Phytoptides; Ritzema Bos, 160. The bud-rot of carnations ; Heald, 68 ; Wolcott, 229. Acariens, parasites du the, etc. aux Indes Neerlandaisea ; Bernard, 13. Acariens nuisibles aux plantes a caoutchouc ; Bernard, 14. Die Millien der Wohuungen ; Ludwig, 108 ; Jensen, 86. Destruction of upholstery by Glycy- phagus ; Hewitt, 72. Ueber Beeinflussung der Ohrwiirmer imd Spinnen durch das Schwefeln der Weinberge ; Molz, 116. Methods of Research, Recolte et conversation des insectes et des Acariens en vue de I'etude scienti- tique ; Benoit-Bazille, 11. ^kleiliods of study of the Ixodoidea ', Hooker, 75a. STRUCTURE = 3007- General. Anatomy of PsciiJoiicorpioiict^ ; God- frey, 63. — of Ixodoidea ; Bonnet, 18. — of Ar(janidac ; Nuttall, Warbnrton, Cooper, and Robinson, 133. — of Ixodc.-i rcdui-ius; Suworow, 199 ; Nordenskiold, 126. — of lldcmaplnjsdlh jnnicldlti ; Nut- tall, Cooper and Robinson, 131. — of Deinodfx: .s/)/). Gmeiner, 62. — of Trovi- bidiidac ; George, 61. Special. Feinerer Bau des (Jefasswandungen und der (iefiissmuskulatur [Overstrufung des Mnskulatur] Scorp'wncs, Solifugac, Araneac, Phalancjkla ; Gadzikiewicz, 57. Rete nervosa periferica degli Idrac- nidi ; Maglio, 110a. Die Sinnesorgane der Skorpions- kannue ; Schroder, 169. Ueber den feineren Bau der Augen einiger Spinnen ; Widmann, 225. Ueber die Facberorgaue, sog. Malleoli oder Raqnettes coxales, des vierten Bein- paares der SoljDugiden ; Rtihlemann, 161, " Ilaller's organ" in Ixodo'idea ; Nuttall, Cooper and Robinson, 132. Bau der CJefassmuskulatur, AracJi- nida ; Gadzikiewicz, 57. Anatoniie des Gefasssystems, Arach- mda ; Gadzikiewicz, 57. Ban der Blutkorperchen, Arachnhla', Gadzikiewicz, 57. Bau und Schicksal des ,, phagocytes mesodermiques," Aranea cucurhitina; Tabunidikov, 200. Histology of digestive system in Buthus; Guieysse, 67. Phagocyliiren Organe von Scorpio indicu»; Sokoloff, 182. Morphologic der Vaginalorgane einiger Lycosoiden ; Jarvi, 82, 82a. Die sekundiiren Geschlechtscharaktere der Skorpione, Pedipalpen und Soli- fugen ; Kraepelin, 94. The suckerplate of the hypopi of Tyro- glyphidae ; Oudemans, 136. Spezlelle Bildungen zwischen den Fibrillenbiindeln und dem Sarcolemm 22 Arachn, XI. Arachnida. [1908] derGefassmuskulatur. ^?•a/;f'ic/nt';Gadzi- kiewicz, 57. PHYSIOLOGY = 3011. Digestive system in Bidlnis ; Guieysse, 67. Senses of tonch and sight in Araneae ; Montgomery, 118. Ueber Spinnenseide ; Fischer, 54. Duration of life in Araneae ; Mont- gomery, 118. DEVELOPMENT = 3015. Reprodnrtion of Pseudoscorp'wnes ; Godfrey, 63. Eggs of Chelifer ; Green, 65. Die Eiablage nnd die Larve der Zecke Rhipicephalics sanguineus ; Samson, 162. Incubation of eggs of Margaropiis ; Hunter, 78a. Mogliche Bildung der Herzendotliels ans Blutkorperchen ; Gadzikiewicz, 57. „Phagocytes mesodermiques" bei der Entwicklung von Aranea cuciirbitina ; Tabunscikov, 200. Entwickhmg der aussercn Form ii. Segnientierung der Araneinen ; Wall- stabe, 220a. Zur Metainorplioso einiger Ecli'niiscus- Arten ; Heinis, 70. Larval forms of Tyroglypli'idac ; Oude- mans, 136 ; of Syrhigohhi ; Oudemans, 136a. I'artlienogenosis of Acar'i ; Oudemans, 136. Iiepcnoration imd Autotomie be! S]iin- neii ; Oppenheim, 134a. KTIlOLOdY - 3019. General. Biology of BuUiu8 occ'ilinnin; Schnei- der, 167. — of Txodoidea ; Banks, 7 ; Bon- net, 18; Hooker, 75a. — cf Argnftiddc ; Nuttall, Warburton, Cooper and Robin- son, 133. — of Orn'ithodurnti muubdla; Brumpt, 25. Einige allgcmein-biologisclip Bcmor- kungen iiber Jlydracarinen ; Walter, 221. Biolog}', adaptations, periodicity, dis- tribution &c. of Bydraehmda and Tardi- grada ; Steinmann, 184. Habits. Habits of Lycosidae ; Dahl, 41. Ein raassenliaftes Auftreten von Gly- cyphagus ornatus; Renter, 150. Ober Hexenbesen ; Renter, 149. Variation of habits in spiders ; L^caUlon, 102. Glycyphagus domesticua and spinipes in houses ; Jensen, 86. Method of feeding of Pseudoscorpiones ; Godfrey, 63. Spinning organs and architecture of Evagrus ; Stevenson, 185. Webs of Epc'ira spp. ; Montgomery, 118. Cocooning habits of Araneae ; Mont- gomery, 117, 118. Habitats. On some ground-dwelling AracJmida ; Luck, 106. ( 'avernicolous Arachn'tda ; Carl, 31: Gozo, 64 : Jeannel & Racovitza, 85 : Peyerimhoff, 140. Parasitism and Symbiosis. Notes de jiarasitologie ; Galli-Valerio, 59. Les Argas ; Trouessart, 209. Bedcutung der Zecken fiir Menschen uud Tliiere ; Dbnitz, 46. Deinodex foUieuJoi-nrii dps Menschen unci der Tiere ; Gmeiner, 62. Poroccplialus aus den Organen eines westafrikanischen Negers ; FUUebom, 55 : Waldow, 220. Nodides a jioiitastomes dans la parol iiitcstinalo du chimpau/.e ; Weinberg, 223. Sympledoptcs cynlicoht in den Luft- wegen der Tauljen ; Kasparek, 87. Ueber eine durch Milben hervorgeru- fene Erkrankung von Katten ; Schtir- mann, 171. 23 Araehn. Acarine parasites of rats ; Shipley, 173. of binls ; Aleks^jev, 1. — of grouse ; Shipley, 174.— of liies ; Trojan, 207. Hiists of HaemaphiisciVis punctata > Nuttall, Cooper i.^ RoblnBon, 131. Die Erntemilbe uud ihr Saugriissel ; Brandes, 24. Acarine host of a haemogregarine ; Miller, 115. L'lialeidoid parasite of a tick ; Howard, 77. Uiie invasion localisee du Tetranychiia telarius; Bruyant, 27. Hydrachnid larvae parasites of mos- quitoes ; Bruyant, 26. Chelifer attached to wing of beetle ; Distant, 43 : Green, 65. Myrmecophilous spiders ; Bonis- thorpe, 44. Acari in ants' nests; Newell, 125. Miscellaneous. Drobbewegungen und farbxing, Tro- chosa aingoriensis ', Faussek, 52. Sur la piqure des Cheliferes ; Andr^, 2. Stellung in der Gefahr, Trochosa sin- gorienaia ; Faussek, 52. Protective resemblance in spiders ; Banks, 14. Protective colouration in Mlsumetw, tatia ; Gadeau de Kerville, 56. Mimicrj- in spiders ; Remus, 148. Cliange of colour in eyes of an Attid ; Pillai. 144. Enemies of Pseudoscorpiones ; God- frey, 63 : of Tetranijchus telarius ; Kieffer, 88. Spiders as prey of ants ; Lannoy, 101. Stridulating organs of Mygalomorphae ', Hirst, 73. Encvstment of Tardiqrada ; Murray, 120. ' Die Spinnen und die Tierpsychologie ; zur Strassen, 230. Sur I'instinct de reparation architect- urale chez un Arachnide ; Dehaut, 42. Autumn flights of spiders ; Emerton, 49a. Subject Index.— Arachnid.^. 3027 VARIATION 3023. Phylogenetisrhes Character des Baus des Herzens, Scorpio7iidae ; Gad- zikiewicz, 57. Sex ratio in T.atrodeclus mactann ; Montgomery, 117. GEOGRAPHY = 3027. General. Geographical and geological distribu- tion of Arachnida ; Alldt, 3. Rl-X'ENT. Europe, Mediterranean and Atlantic Islands. d, I. Central Europe, Hi/dracluiida and Tardi'jrada in mountain streams ; Stein- mann, 184. Norway, Orlhatidae spp. n. ; Berlese, 12. Reval, Obersee, II ydraclniida and Araneae; Schneider, 168. Glubokoje-See, UydracJinida ; 79. Germany, Lycosidae spp. n. ; Dahl,41: Ilydraehnida spp. n. ; Koenike, 90a, 92, 93 : Viets, 217a, 218, 219 : Xotaspia lacustris ; Ludwig, 107 : Orihatidae spp. n. ; Paoli, 137. Britain, Arnrhnida 1 g.n., 2 spp. n. ; Pickard-Cambridge, 143 : Araelnnda spp. n. ; Jackson, 81 : Araneae 1 g. n. ; Smith, 180 : Erigone spinosa ; Pickard- Cambridge, 142 : Orihatidae spp. n. ; PaoU, 137. England, Ilydraehnida 4 spp. n. ; Soar, 181 : Orihatidae var. n. ; Hewitt, 72. Kew, Trithyreua s-p. u. ; Jackson, 81. Sussex, Ara7ieae ; Butterfleld & Bennett, 30 : Pseudoacorpioyiea ; Butter- field, 29. Lincolnshire, Ilydraehnida ', George, 60. East Yorkshire, Arachnida ; Stain- forth, 183. Northumberland, Araneae 1 sp. n. ; Hull, 78. Guernsey, Araneae, Phalang'ida, and Paeudoncorpionea ; Marquand, 112. 24 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Scotland, Pseudoscorpiones ; Godfrey, 63 : Ixodes sp. n. ; Neumann, 122 : Uydrachnida ; Williamson, 226. Faroe Is., Tardigirula, Oribatidae ; Sellnick, 172. Ireland, Araehnida, injurious forms; Carpenter, 32. Dublin district, records of Araclmida ; Carpenter & Halbert, 33. France, Pseudosco)-pioiicf< ; Ellingsen, 48: Ixodoiden ; Bonnet, 18: Esrlmto- cephalus flavipes ; Bonnet, 19 : Oriha- tidae sp. n. ; Berlese, 12. Spain, Koencnia sp. n.; Peyerimliofif, 140. Italy, Ihjdraclinida 1 sp. n. ; Maglio, 109, liO : Monti, 119 : Panisus sp. n. ; Monti, 119 : At-ari gg. & spp. n. ; Berlese, 12 : Paoli, 137. Italian caves, Arachnida 1 spp. n. ; Carl, 31. Naples, Jlydrachnkla sp. n. ; Walter, 220b. Italy and Sardinia, Araclmida 2 spp. n ; Gozo, 64. Isola del Giglio, Pseudoscorpiones', Ellingsen, 47. .Switzerland, 71 i/draclinida sp. n. ; Koenike, 91 ; Walter, 220b : Tardifjrada ; Heinii, 69. Lac de vSaint-Blaise, Switzerland, Uydrachnida, Araneae, Tardigrada; TM^baud, 204. Austrian Alps, Thyas sp. n. ; Koenike & Soar, 93a. Prague, llolostaspis sp. n. ; Trojan, 207. Dalmatia, Scoi'pioncx ; Werner, 224. Corfu, Oribatidae sp. n. ; Berlese, 12. Caves in Mediterranean area, ]'.<-endo- scorpionea ; Ellingsen, 48. Palestine,. 'l?'a?i('ae spp. n. ; Kulczyriski, 98. Cyprus, Araneae spp. n.; Kulczyhski, 98. German Ocean, I'ardigrada sp]). n. ; Richters, 155. Teneriffe, Araneae spp. n. ; Strand, 186. AsfciiHioii, Tardifjvada 2 spp. n. ; Richters, 157. Canaries, Araneae spp. n. ; Pickard- Cambridge, 141. Asia and Malay Archipelago. e Nordsibirien, Araneae .32 spp. n., Oribatidae; Kulczynski, 100. Kamscliatka, Dcrmaceiitor subsp. n. ; Neumann, 121. ]\Ii)ngolia, Tlaentaphysalis sp. n. ; Warburton, 222. Tibet, Etdais sp. n. ; Daday, 40. Japan, Haemaphysalis sp. n. ; War- burton, 222. Tonkin, Araneae gg., spp. & subspp. u. ; Simon, 175. India, Galeodes spp. n. ; Hirst, 74 : Ixodoidca spp. n. ; Nuttall tV- Warburton, 130. Kasligar, Eusimo)iia sp. n. ; Hirst, 74. Lahore, Ornithodoros sp. n. ; Neu- mann, 122. Ceylon, Aj'aneae sp. n. ; Kulczyhski, 97 : I xodoidea spp. u. ; Neiimann, 121, 122. Singapore, Araneae spp. n. ; Kulczyhski, 97 : Amllyomma sp. n. ; Neimiann, 122. Dutcli Indies, Acari, injurious species ; Bernard, 13, 14. Sumatra, Araiieae spp. n.; Kulczyhski, 99. l!oriipo, Jlatimaphytfnlis sj). n. ; Nuttall cV Warburton, 130. Java, Olpium sp. n. ; Tullgren, 212 : Araneae spp. n. ; Kulczyhski, 99 : Apojiomma sp. n. ; Cooper iV- Robin- son, 38. Seistan, Galeodes 2 spp. n.; Hirst, 74. 186. .\rabia, Araneae g. & sj?. n. ; Strand, Africa and Madagascar. ./ Algeria, Pseudoscorpiones ; Ellingsen, 48 : Oribatidae sp. n. ; Paoli, 137. Tripoli, Araneae spp. n., Pseudo- scorpiones ; Simon, 176. Egypt, Scorpiones and SoUfitgae ', Birula, 16, 17 : Eresidae 3 spp. n. ; Simon, 177. 25 Arachn. Sd EJECT In DEX. Ar ACH N IDA. 3027 Egyptian Soiulaii, f^rorpioues and Soiifuij sundaica Java p. 579, spp. n., Kulczynski Krakow, Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 49. Lathyarcha g. n. near Chaerea, tetrica sp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon Fauna S. W. Austral. 1 p. 377. Phryganoporus g. n. for Ammiroh'nia gausapatua Sim. with subsp. n. occi- dentalia, tuhicola, p. 367, nigr'inus p. 368, spp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon T.c. Pseudauxlvma anuulatua sp. n. S. Africa, Purcell Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 217. Syror'iaa g. n. near Apliyctoacliaema p. 375, seriata sp. n. p. 376, S. W. Australia, Simou Fauna S. W. Austral. 1. Eresidae. Dorceus quadrispilotus sp. n. Egypt, Simon Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1908 p. 6. Dreaaerua iiamaquenaia p. 219, achult- zei p. 220, roatralua p. 220, S. Africa spp. n., PcRCELL Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. 30 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Eresus namaqncns'is p. 221, ech'matus p. 223, S. Africa spp. n., Pukcell T.c. — E. semicanus sp. n. Egypt p. Q,pharaonis description p. 7, Simon BuU. Soc. ent. figypte 1908. Stegodyphns deserticola sp. n. Kala- hari, PcKCELL Jena Denkschr. lued. Ges. 13 p. 217. — S.lineatus deserticola subsp. n. Tripoli, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 421. — S. viamcatus description p. 3, niloticus sp. n, Eg>-pt p. 4, Simon I5u11. soc. ent. figypte 1908. OONOPIDAE. Dihlemma g. n. near Opopoen, don'is- thorpii sp. n. Kew, Piokard-Cambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 pp. 166, 188 pi. A iT. 7-13. Gamasomorpha porcina sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 77. — G. servnla sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 379. Isclinothyreus velox sp. n. Northumber- land etc., Jackson Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 51 pi. iv ff. 9-13 ; figured, Pickard-C'ambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 165 pi. A IT. 1-6. Orcheslina striata sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 76. SiCARIIDAE. Loxosceles pilosa sp. n. S. Africa, PcRCELL Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 225. — L. rufescens cocooning, Mont- gomery Anier. Nat. 42 p. 708. Scytodes congoaniis sp. n. Congo, Strand Zool. Anz. 32 p. 772.— S. achultzei sp. n. S. Africa, Purceli. Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 220. — S. acmipullata j). 75, grammocepJiala p. 70, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. Sirariiis teslaeeus, albospinosns, S. Africa, spp. u., PoRCELL Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 j). 224. Dysderidae. Ariadna (syn. Macedoyiia Hogg), thyriantJiina sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 380. — A. holtentotta p. 228, insidaris p. 229, pulchripes, similis, p. 230, 8. Africa spp. n., PuncELL Jena Denkschr. med. CJes. 13. Dysdera tenerijfensis sp. n. Teneriffe, Strand Zool. Anz. 32 p. 772. Harpactes cecconii sp. n. Cyprus, KuLCZYNSKi Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 51 pi. ii if. 1-2. Segestria — Gippsicola Hogg, SiMON Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 380. Caponiidae. Caponia ahyssinica sp. n. Abyssinia, Strand Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 80. Drassidae. Aphantaidax scotopltaeus ajt. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 397. Asemesthes aureus p. 242, decoratus, pallidus, p. 2iS,flavipes, Uneatus, p. 244, alhovittatus p. 245, S. Africa spp. n., Purcell Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Callilepis frenata p. 241, lineatipes p. 242, S. Africa spp. n., Purcell T.c. Corimaethes g. n. (Hemidoeiiiae) eam- pestratua sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 385. Drassodes respersiis p. 387, petilus p. 388, nugatorius p. 389, micaceiis, mustcrulics, p. 390, S.W. Australia, sar- ritus Tasmania, dimotus Victoria, j). 391, spp. n., Simon T.c. — D. arapensis sp. n. Peru, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 227. — D. ynorosus description, KuLCZYNSKi Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 pi. ii f. 5. — D. sesquidentatus sp. n. S. Africa, Purcell Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 235. Drassus lapidosus synonymy , Piokard- Cambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 106. Gnuphosn annamita sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 ]>. 78. — G. havroisii description, Ki'mzynski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 53 pi. ii f. 8.-6'. aticta j)p. 1,7 pi. i f. 4, proxima pp. J , 9 f . 5, horca pp. 1, 9 f. 6, spp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18. Gnapliosoidesalhopunctatadescription, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 393. Ilcmiidoca. insidiosa p. 382, michael- Kcni, Kuliltiubata, p. 383, croeotila p. 384 Heniiplumosa j). 385, spp. n. S.W Australia, Simon T.c. 31 Arachn. Systematic. — Araneae. 3031 Homoeothele g. n. {Draitsodinac) micans Bp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon T.c. ji. 392. Ladissa tcnuiciiicta sp. n. Tonkin, Si-MOK Bui. Sci. France Belgicpie 42 p. 78. Lampona punct'igera p. 390, folufera, ohvuhUa p. 400, paupercula p. 402, 5- plog'iata p. 403, spp. n. S. W. Australia, cylhidrnta description p. 401, Simon Fauna S. \V. Austral. 1, Megawyrmaec'ion peuicUlatum p. 394, vestigotor p. 395, austriiium, echcmoph- thahnum, p. 396, perpusillum p. 397, spp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon T.c. yielanophora acideata p. 237, ilavitnr- sis, pidcln'ipeif, p. 238, jyrociirva p. 239, S. Africa spp. n., Pl'Kcell Jena Denk- schr. Med. lies. 13. —iV. rustica ovien- taVis subsp. n. Tonkin, SiMON Bui. Sci. Fi-auce Belgique 42 p. 77. Plafyoidcs h'ldenUfer nom. n. for P. bidciitatua Purcell, Strand Wiosbadeu Jalirb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 267. — P. sepa- rata p. 819 pi. 1. ff. 7-12, simonii p. 820 ff. 13-17, spp, n. Cape Colony, Pickard- Cambridge London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907. Poecilochroa pugnax description, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 423. Prosthesima manzae sp. n. Teneriffe, SiBAXD Zool. Anz. 32 p. 772. Rehilus castaneua sp. n. S. W. Aus- tralia, Simon Fauna S. W. Austral. 1 p. 382. Sergioliis australianus sp. n. S. W. Australia, SmoN T.c. p. 398. Setaphis hechuanica, anchoralis, spp. n. S. Africa, Pcrcell Jena Denkschr. iled. Ges. 13 p. 240.— S. bicolor sp. n. Tripoli, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Svst. 26 p. 424. Tlieuma pusilla p. 232, velox p. 233, schultzei p. 2.34, S. Africa spp. n., Pur- cell Jena Denksckr. iled. Ges. 13. Xerophaeus longispina p. 235, hotten- tottus p. 2.36, ahenua p. 237, S. Africa, spp- n., Pcrcell T.c. ZODARIIDAE. Laches hlackuallii description, KuL- CZYNSKi Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 ,,. ,S6 pi. ii. ff. 11-12^ Storoia ti'trica p. 403, torosa ]i. 104, eximia, tricolor, p. 405, spp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon Fauna S. W. Austral. 1. — S. tonpiata sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 79. Zodar'ion nit'uhim descrijition, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 425.— Z. thoni var. n. eypria p. 57 pi. ii IT. 3, 9, granu- latum p. 59 ff. 4, 10, reticulatmn p.Gl f. 16, spp. n. Cyprus, Kulczynski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908. IIersu.iidae. HersUia liauderni sp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 457. Tama hrachyura sp. n. S. W. Austra- lia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 406. PlIOLCIDAE. Altliepus Thor. synonym of Ocliyro- cera, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 81. lloplopholcus g. n. near Eolocnemua, cecconii sp. n. Palestine, Kulczynski Krakow Bull. Intern Acad. 1908 p. 63 pi. ii ff. 6-7. Pholcus, Anatomie und Histologic des Gefasssystems und seineu Muskulatur, Gadzikiewicz, St. Peterburg, M6111. Ac. Sc. 22 pp. 13-16. Spermophora limpida sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 81. TricJwcychis g. n. near Physocychis, mgropunc.tatus sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 407. TUERIDIIDAE. Aehaea septemguttata sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 91. Argyrodcs cyclos'i formic sp. n. Mada- gascar, Strand Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 460. — A. parcestellatus sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 83. — A. O-tnhercxdosus sp. n. Mada- gascar, Strand Zool. Anz. 32 p. 773. Asagcyia palagonica sp. n. Patagonia, TcLLGREN Sveuska Exped. Magellans- land. 2 No. 10 p. 194. Crustidina hicruciala sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon F^una S-W. Australia i p. 412. 32 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Dipoena aiisteni sp. n. S.W. Australia, SiiiON T.c. p. 411. — D. semicana Y>. 92, signifera p. 93, -peregregia, seminigra, p. 94, gJomerahilia p. 95, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belftique 42. — D. transrersisidcata sp. n. Madagascar, SxR.iXD Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 462. Drpoenura g. n. p. 95, fimhriata p. 95, quadrifida p. 96, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. Enoplognatha lidens sp. n. S.W. Aus- tralia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 414. Euryopis maga sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon T.c. p. 408. — E. praemitis sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Beluique 42 p. 85. Ja7tulus ocreatiis sp. n. Tonkin, Simon T.c. p. 84. Latrodectus mactmis cocooning habits, sex ratio, Montgomery J. Exp. Zool. 5 pp. 429-452. Lessertia g. n. for Tmet'icits simplex F. Pick.-Camb., Smith J. Quek. Microsc. Cl.lO p. 328. Lithyphantes nivco-signatus p. 413, 8-notatus p. 414, spp. n. S.W. Aus- tralia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1. — L. ochraceus sp. n. Tripoli, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 428.— L. aahidosiis sp. n. Argentina, Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellansliind. 2 No. 10 p. 193. Maro minutus male figured p. 60 pi. iv ff. 21-25, falconern sp. n. Clieshire p. 61 ft'. 16-18, J.vcKsoN Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3.— .V. minutus pi. A ft. 26-28, falconerii ft. 29-33, figured, PiCKARD-CAMiiRiiHiE Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29. Moneta or'ientaUs sp. n. Tonki:i Simon Bui. Sci. France Be]gi(|ue 42 p. 83! — M. longicauda sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 407. Physcoa Thor. synonym of Meotipn, Si.MoN Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 84. Porrhomma pedemontanum sp. n. Pie- monte, Gozo Firenze, Boll. Soc. Entoni. 38 p. 1)9. li'liomphaea laetifera sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 81. Taranucnua ghidinii sp. n. caves, Italy, Carl Rev. Suisse Zool. 14 p. 609. Tentana adumhrata sp. n. S.W. Aus- tralia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 413. — T. nob'dis described, Pickard- Cambridge London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 823 pi. 1. ff. 25-28.— T. raidogeri sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 97. Theridion retrocilum p. 85, hlaisei p. 86, rhodoiiotum, grammatophorus, p. 87, sertatum, phaeostoma, p. 88, plectile p. 90, pinguicidum p. 91, spp. n., melanoprorum orientale p. 89, subsp. n., Tonkin, Simon T.c. — T. mortuale p. 409, siibpirjgue, harimeyeii, p. 410, spp. n. S.W. Australia, SiMON Fauna S.W. Austral. 1. — 7'. spinaturr. p. 189, recur- t^atum p. 191, spp. n. Patagonia, &c., Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellans- land. 2 No. 10. Thiraitesia phoenlcolegna Thor. and spinicauda Thor. to Theridion, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 84. Tmeticiis fueg'ianus Tierra del Fuego p. 205, poUlcatus Patagonia, &c. p. 206, spp. n., Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellansliind. 2 No. ^ 10.— T. tolli'i sp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 7 pp. 2, 15 pi. i ft. 3, 7-8, 22-23. Argiopidae. Aranea cueurbitina, phagocytes meso- dermiques, Tabunscikov St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances 39 pp. 193- 194, Res. franc pp. 203-204.-^1. eucurbititia opiatliograplia new to Britain, Smith J. Quek. Microsc. CI. 10 p. 321. — A. destrictoides, Colombia \i. 2, voemeri, vespae, Brazil, p. 3, spp. n., crucifera varr. n. ladislmisl, albimacu- lata, pyrnmidella, p. 3, ochroleucella )). 4, Madeira, edax var. n. crniea (,'olombia j). 4, Strand Zool. Anz. 33. — A. 1-ufipalpis description p. 287 with varr. n. biiltnerana pp. 288, 293, iiigro- decorata j). 290, Togo, madagascarica pp. 291, 293, Madagascar, pnnctipcdclla ]). 292, fuHC.'tnolum, strigateUa, p. 294, E. Africa, spp. n., vStrand Wiesbaden Jahi-1). \'er. Xatk. 61.- .1. palagoniciis ]). 218, harhli \). 21'.), spp. n. Patagonia, Tullgren Svenska Exju'd. Magellans- liind. 2 No. 10. — .1. Jiierograpliini.'i p. 107, blaisei p. 108, tonhiims p. 109, vaulogcri p. 110, spp. n., thcisi earbona- r'la subsp. n. p. 1 10, Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. — A.Iiyper- burcHs ])p. 4, 45 pi. ii f. 58, sepLenlrio- 33 Arachii. Systematic. — Araneae — Argiopidae. 3031 rmlui pp. 4. 47 f. ."7, Sn)eria spp. n., KlLOZYNSKi St. Poterburg, Mem. Ac. So. 18. — .1. khiptocz'i sp. n. p. -130, ihthnat'i- cus minor p. 430, annida cancsL-ens p. 432, subspp. n., Tripoli, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26. — .4. sc)i'icau(Jatiis sp. n. p. \'2o. with subsp. n. s. simplex p. 4l'l), nipJioxis p. 420, omhJycypltus p. 427, spp. n. S.-\V. Australia, Simon Fauna ^. W. Austral. 1. — .1. siinjaeformisS'p.'D.. Kansas, Scheffer Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 p. 18S pi. xxix ff. 4-6. Arctjs nitidiceps sp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon Fauna S. W. Austral. 1 p. 429. Arrjiope bidlocliii sp. n. N. S. Wales, Raindow Kec. Austr. -\lus. 7 pp. 46-4.S Bathyphantes patagonicus p. 211, lier- mani p. 212, spp. n. Pataoronia, Tci.L- RF^' Svenska Exped. Magellansliind. 2 No. 10. BiUima g. n. (Argiopinoe) altrita sp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon Fauna S. W. Austral. 1 p. 430. Cel/rnia ealotoides sp. n. X. S. Wales, IJiiNBOW Rec. Austr. Mus. 7 pp. 48-50. Centromenis prohabilis sp. n. North- umberland, Pickard-Cambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 pp. 174, 190 pi. A ff. 20-23. Ceratinopsis lineata sp. n. Patagonia, TcLLGREN Svenska Exped. .Magellans- land. 2 Xo. 10 p. 201. — C. melanura sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. .\ustral. 1 p. 416. Chorizopes frontalis orientalis subsp. n. Tonkin, SiMOX Bui. Sci. France Bel- gique 42 p. 119. Cneplialocotes pusillus ( = TyphocJires- tus dorsuosus) characters, Jackson New- castle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 64 pi. iv ff. 28-29. Cyclosa baeilliformis sp. n. S.W. Aus- tralia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 423. C yphalonotus assuUformis sp. n. Ton- kin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 117. Cyrtarachne hem,inaria, guttigera, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon T.c. p. 114. Delorrhipis erylhrocephalus sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. .Austral. 1 p. 415. (N-10332 n) jyiploecphalus harhatns, Besolireibung, Kvi.czynski St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 2, 11, pi. iff. 14-17, 21. Dipliya birtncafa sp. n. Patagonia &c., TuLHiREN Svenska Exped. Magellans- liind. 2 No. 10 p. 216. Drcxclia cariierunica sp. n. Kanierun, Strand Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 269. Epeira sclopetaria and marmorca webs, sense of touch and sight, Montgomery Amer. Nat. 42 pp. 697-707. Erigonc orientalis p. 100, tonhiiia p. 101, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. — E. sihirica sp. n. Siberia, KuLCzyNSKi St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 2, 18 pi. i ff. 9-12.— E. spinosa new to Britain, characters Pickard-Cambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 175: Naturalist 1908 pp. 378-379. Euglyptila g. n. near Coelossia p. 115, neanthonota, p. 115, nigrithorax p. 116, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgiiiue 42. Frontella g. n. near Erigone, pallida sp. n. Siberia, Kclczynski St. Peterburg, Jlem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 3, 24 pi. i ff. 13, 20. Oaster aeairiha leucomelas male de- scribed, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 112. Gonatiuiu fuegianum sp. n. Patagonia, TuLLGREN Svenska Exped. Mageilans- land. 2 No. 10 p. 198.— 6'. (?) lividulum sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 416. Gongylidiellum paganum figured, Jackson Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 62 pi. iv ff. 14-15. Gongylidium septentrionale sp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 2 14, pi. i L 18. Hilaira qlaeialis pp. 3, 25 pi. ii ft'. 45, 48-49, incondita pp. 3, 29 ff'. 50-51, 61- 62, leviceps pp. 3, 30 ff. 43-47, 59, Beschreibung, hyperborea sp. n. pp. 3, 33 ff. 41-42 Siberia, Kulczynski T.c. — 77. pcrvicax sp. n. Northumberland, Hull Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 112 pi. V ff. 1-4 ; figured, Pick.\rd- Cambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 173 pi. A ff. 16-19.— F. (.?) plagiata sp. n. Patagonia. Tullgren c 9 34 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Svenska Exped. Magellansliind. 2 No. 10 p. 204. Hijpselistoidcs g. n. near Ilypseljstus, affinis sp. n. Tierra del Fuego, Tri.L- GHEN T.c. p. 202. — 11. lon'jipes sp.^ n. Pern, Strand Wiesbaden, Jalirb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 229. Laetesia g. n. {Lin>iphiinae) p. 418, molUta, egregia, p. 419, spp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1. Larinia eburnehentris sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon T.c. p. 424.— L. quad- rwotata p. 105, nigrolimbata p. 106, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. Lepldhyphaiites aJhulo'ides p. 67 pi. ii f. 19, congener p. 68 f. 17, descriptions, Kn.rzYNSKi Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908. — L. angulatus described, Hull Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 114 pi. V ff. 5-9 ; PlCKAUn-CAMRRIDGE Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 1 72 pi. A ff. 14-15.— L. australis sp. n. Patagonia, Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellansliind. 2 No. 10 p. 212.— L. sardosa sp. n. Sardegna, C.ozo Firenze, Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 p. 117. Leucange cauaai'n><'is p. 1, semiventr'is, lehmanveila, p. 2, spp. n. Coloniliin, Str.vnd Zool. Anz. 33. — L. lechei sp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Jalirl). Syst. 26 p. 465. — L. popnyanensis sp. n. Colombia, Strand Zool. Anz. 32 p. 773. — L. vngidala description. Strand Wies- baden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 267. Linyphia antarctica p. 214, meridinna- lis p. 215, spp. n. Patagonia, Tull- gren Svenska E.k]iih1. ^bigellansland. 2 No. 10. — L. cnpidhicii sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 417. Macrargus (?) indiatinctua sp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peterhurg, M^ra. Ac. So. 18 pp. 3, 34, pi. i f. 27. Mangora hisolens sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 104. Metopohactrus {?) pilipea sp.n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc- 18 pp. 2, 21 pi. i ff. 19, 24. Micrathena caucaimaia sp. n. Colomljia, jxitrueUs with varr. n. mediorittala, hdcoruacidala, Colombia, finn'mphia with var. n. nigricheUH Brazil, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 p. 4. Microneta (?) paJVida sp. n. Sil)eria, Kulczynski St. Peterlmrg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 3, 36 pi. i ff. 34-35. Micryphantes iimdai sp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski T.c. pp. 3, 37 pi. i ff. 28-29, 31, 36, 37, 39, 40. Kanometa g. n. {Tetragnathhiae) gen- tUi!^ sp. n. S. W. Australia, Simon Fauna S. W. Austral. 1 p. 421. Nepltila senegalensJs calaharensis subsp. n. Old Calabar, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 p. 2. Nericne espenivza p. 199, arcuata p. 200, spp. n. Patagonia, Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellansliind. 2 No. 10. NestkuK eremita described, Carl Rev. Suisse Zool. 14 p. 610. Pnrapleetcinoides cerula sp. n. S. W. Australia, SiMON Fauna S. W. Austral. 1 p. 428. Fnsdohus insignis sp. n. Old Calaliar, Pickard-Cambridge Ijondon, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 824pl. Iff. 29-31. Perllla cylindrogaster sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 110. PoecUoneta pallida sp. n. Siberia, KrLczYNSKi St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 3, 42 pi. ii ff. 54-55, 63. F'oJtys nngu'ifer sp. n. Tonkin, SrMON Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 117. Pronous laevisternis sp. n. iiigcv subsp. n.. Tonkin, SiMON T.c. p. 113. Sinlida hrusneid sp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peterburcr, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 3, 40 pi. i ff. 30-33, 38. Smermhla harhata p. 208, nigro- capitata p. 210, spp. n. Patagonia, Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellans- liind. 2 No. 10. SljiJodetoi-C?) simplex sp. n. Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 3, 22 pi. i f. 26. Tctragnatha hiteo-cincta p. 420, maeandrata p. 421, spp. n. S. W, Aus- tralia, Simon Fatma S. W. Austral. 1. — 7\ acydi s'p. n. California, Strand Wies- baden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 230.— T. tonhina sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 102. TrematocpplialitH eustylis, hiviUatMH, p. 98, ncaiilliocinis p. 99, spp. n. Ton- kin, Simon T.c. 35 Arachn. Systematic. -Auaneae — AuiiiorioAi:, etc. 3031 TriehurM g. n. noar Vrna y>. 118, quadrilobata sp. n. p. U'J, Tonkin, Sljcox T.c. Ti/phochrei^ua dKjittihis figured, Jack- son Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 pi. iv 5. 26-:27 ; Pickard-Cambripgk Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 177 pi. A f. 25. Uraa iJavo-rlttata sp. n. Tonkin, SiMOS Bill. Sci. France Belgicjue 42 p. 118. Walchenaera patagonica p. 100, bilo- hata p. 197, spp. n. Patagonia, Tl-llgrkn 5>venska Exped. Magellansland. 2 No. 10. Archaeidae. Menjsmauehenius nordenskjdldU sp. n. Patagonia, Tcli.grek Svenska Exped. Magellansland. 2 No. 10 p. 222. MiMETIDAE. Ero funincuhis sp. n. Tonkin, Simox Bill. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 1 19. Phohetinus inveatls sp. n. Tonkin, SiMOS T.c. p. 120. Thomisidae. Amyciaea orienialis sp. n. Tonkin, Smos Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 124. Angaeu8 coniatulus sp. n. Tonkin, SiMos T.c. p. 145. Boliscodes g. n, near Thomisopis, amaenulua sp. n. Tonkin, SiMos T.c. p. 129. Cyr'tofjonus fuaeitarsis sp. n. Mada- gascar, Strand Zool. Jalirb. Syst. 26 p. 472. Epidius rubropictua sp. n. Tonkin, Smo.v Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 144. Gephyra nigrolineata sp. n. Tonkin, SiJios T.c. p. 146. Haplotmarua g. n. near Tmarns, plumatUia sp. n. Tonkin, Simon T.c. p. 12P.. MecoBtrahus reticulatus sp. n. Tonkin, SiMOS T.c. p. 127. Misumena frenata sp. n. Tonkin, •SiMOX T.c. p. 141. — M. vatia protective colouration, Gadeau de Kerville ELlbeuf, Bui. Soc. £tud. Sci. nat. 26 pp. 33-34. (K-10332 n) Monacscs nigritus sp. n. Tonkin, S1.M0N Bui. Sci. France Belgiipic 42 p. 128. Oxylalia modesta sp. n, Kansas, SciiEFFER Topeka, Ti-ans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 p. 181 pi. xxix f. 1. — 0. nhjvita new to Brit^iin, figured, Pickard-Cam- RRiPGE Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 181 i^l. A. ft'. 35-36.— 0. ra?i(/a var. n. arctiea Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peter- l)urg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 4, 51.— 0. rigida description, Kl'LC7.ynski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 70 pi. ii f. 15. Petrieus sordidus p. 224, Tierra del Fuego, cinereus p. 225, zonatus p. 227, Patagonia, spp. n., Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellansland. 2 No. 10. Philodromoides g. n. prataria sp. n. Kansas, Sciieffer Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 20 p. 122 f. 10. Philodromus jvinctigerus sp. n. Canaries, Pickahd-Camrridge London, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p 826 pi. 1. ff. 35- 37. — P. var tans pp. 4, 57, hungei pp. 4, 62, spp. n., aureolus var. n. Btblriea pp. 4,61, Siberia, Kulczynski St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18, S'ldyma trapezia description p. 433, hoclii sp. n. S.W. Australia p. 434, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1. Stephanopsis paUiolata sp. n, S.W. Australia, Simon T.c. p. 432. Stiphropus cataphractiis sp. n. Ton- kin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 121. Sui'inua orientaUs, t.iheUiforjnin, spp. n. Tonkin, Simon T.c. p. 146. Synaema margaritaceum sp. n. Ton- kin, Simon T.c. p. 143. Talaus semicastaneus sp. n. Tonkin, Simon T.c. p. 128. Thanatus alhomaculatna pp. 4, 65, pi. ii f. 69, mediocris pp. 4, 66 f. 70, spp. n. Silicria, Kulczynski St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc 18. — T. gnaguiensls p. 233, mua p. 234, spp. n. Peru, taquarae description p. 23?), Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61. ThomiHus key to Tonkin species pp. 130-131, onustoides described p. 132, castaneiceps p. 133, aw.adelphus p. 134, p'icaceua p. 135. peniciUatus p. 137, retirugua p. 138, galeatua p. 139, melanostethua p. 140, spp. n. Tonkin, cU— 2 36 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1908] Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. — T . hilarulus described, Simon Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 432.— T. malevolus sp. n. Cape Colony, Pickard-Cambridge J.on- don, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 825 pi. 1. 11. 32-34. Tibellus asiatiens sp. n. Siberia pp. 4, 68, Verbreitung und Synonymie der Arten p. 69, Kulczynski St. Peterbnrg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18. Tmarus tonkums p. 124, seinJroi^cus p. 125, spp, n. Tonkiu, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 125. Xysticus aiisierus described p. 52 pi. ii f. 65, sibii'iciis sp. n. Siberia pp. 4, 54, ff. 6-67, Kulczynski St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18. — X. nehulo sp. n. Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42 p. 142. — X. ■periscelis sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 431. — X. trlstram'il descrip- tion, KuLrz\NSKi Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 73 pi. ii f. 14. Zametopina g. n. near Zametopias p. 122, e.alcenta sp. n. p. 123, Tonkin, Simon Bui. Sci. France Belgique 42. Clurionidae. Calodenus tenuitarsis nom. n. for gracilitarais Strand, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 277. ChiracantJi'mm bibimdicum sp. n. Kamenui, Strand T.c. p. 272. Cluhiona interjecta description KcL- ozi'NSKi St. Peterlmrg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 4, 70, pi. iii if. 81-83. Ctenus d'lrus p. 273, capulinus p. 276, descriptions, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. A^er. Natk. 61. — C. nigrifemur sp. n. Kamerun, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 p. 5. Damastes atrignnthus p. 475, mascii- I'lniis p. 477, spp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26. Eyioploctenus acopidifer sp. n. Brazil, Strand Zoo J.Anz. 33 p. 6. Eodelena n'lcjr'ijrons sp. n. S.W. Australia, SiMON Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 435. Eusparassua laterifu8cii» sp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 ]). 5. Verrier'ia g. n. (Lineran'imtr, near MicdrioHcnrui) crhinata sp. n. Patagonia, Tlm.cuen Svenska Ex])ed. Magelians- Ifiud. 2 No. 10 p. 247. Gayenna approximata p. 233, excepta p. 234, cruz'mna p. 235, strigosa p. 237, a fin is p. 241, dubia p. 243, Patagonia Ac, unldentata p. 238, trdineata p. 240, cinerea p. 244, Tierra del Fuego, spp. n., TULLGREN T.c. HRke dtd>iosissima sp. n. Peru, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 239. Ilonunlus g. n. near Molycria, qitadri- canda sp. n. S.W. Australia, Simon Fauna S.W. Austral. 1 p. 445. Isopoda xcoodwardi p. 437, vigrlgulnris p. 438, cerussata p. 439, cana p. 440, spp. n., lelshmmuil hoggi subsp. n. p. 439, S.W. Australia, Simon T.c. MesioteJua cypriua sp. n. Cyprus, Kulczynski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 76 pi. ii f. 13. Mulycria splendida, jlav'ipen, p. 144, alboplagiata p. 445, spp. n. S.W. Aus- tralia, Simon Fauna S.^^^ Austral. 1. Alyandra bicincta sp. n. S.W. Aus- tralia, Simon T.c. p. 442. Nonianus undateralis sp. n. Peru, Str.\nd Wiesbaden, Jalirl. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 237. Olios malagassus var. n. seplifer Madagascar, Strand Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 480. Plidjsca navavDicunis sp. n. Tierra del Fuego, Tullgren Svenska Exped. Magellausland. 2 No. 10 p. 228.— P. sica sp. n. Ashanti, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 p. 5. Sdeno2:)s mariensis sp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 474. Traeliclas cetiformis sp. n. Peru, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 241. Agelenidae. Agelena dubioen nom. n. for A. age- Icnoides Str. (nee Walck.), Strand Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 102.— 4. laby- rhitJiica enibrvology, Wallstare Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 26 pp."683-712, 2 Taf. CcdJcuH flavipes description, Kulczyn- ski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 77. Clcurina madrynnis'ifi sp. n. Pata- gonia, TLLL(iREN Svenska Exjiod. Magel- lansliind. 2 No. 10 p. 251. 37 Arachti. Systemati — c.Arankae. 3031 Ulcanodou g. n. (Agelenlnae) cinei'ca sp. n. Patagouia, Tullokex T.c. No. 10 p. L'53. Macrobunus g. n. [Cyhaciiiae) sp'niifcr sp. n. Tierra del Fuego, Tcli.gren T.c. p. 248. Tegetiaria, Anatomie iind Histologie des Gefasssystems und seiner Musku- latiir, G^DZiKiEwicz St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Se. 22 pp. 16-18.— r. dentifera sp. n. Cvprus, Kclczyxski Krakow Bull. Intern. Acad. 1908 p. 78 pi. ii f. 18. PiSAURIDAE. Etiprostlienops prospieiens sp. n. Maslionaland, Pickard-Cambridge Lou- don, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 827 pi. 1. IT. 33-40. Pisaura rothifonnis sp. n. Kamerun, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 278. Rothus siibcatemilatHs nom n. for R. catenidatus Str. (nee Sim.), Strand Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 108. LrCOSIDAE. Lycosidae Xortli African species re- described, figures of epigj'nes. Strand Arch. Xatg. 73 Bd. 1 pp. 294-342 ; morphology of vaginal organs, Jarvi Festschr. fiir Palmen Xo. 6 pp. 1-36, 5 pis. ; Zool. Auz. 32 pp. 754-758. Lycosidae of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy, Chamberlin Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 pp. 165-170. Acantholycosa g. n. for Lycosa sude- tica, Daql Halle Nova Acta Leop. 88 p. 197. Allocosa of America north of Mexico, definition, synonymy pp. 284-285, rugosa pp. 285-287, funerea sub Lycosa pp. 287-288, degesta pp. 288-289, parya sub Trochosa pp. 289-290, (?) cx- albida p. 292, descr., evagata sp. n. p. 290, California, Chamberlin Phila- delphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60. Arctosa lamperll sp. n. Germania, Dahl Halle Nova Acta Leop. 88 p. 325. Artovia palustris sp. n. Bismarck- Archipel, Daul T.c. p. 234. Dolomedes fimbriatua var. n. kulczyn- skii Deutschland, Dahl T.c. p. 251 Uogna kolbei p. 228, schuhi, forfniytlt'i, p. 229, danneiU, thicli, p. 230, spp. n, Bismarck-Archipel, Daiil T.c. Hygrolycosn g. n. for Lycosa rubro- fasciata, Dahl T.c. p. 197. Lycosa of America nortli of Mexico, definition and synonymy pp. 220-223, helltto pp. 226-229, grandis pp. 229- 231, Jloridana pp. 231-232, apicata pp. 232-233, peniutnda pp. 233-234, 7-iparia pjj. 234-236, aspcrsa pp. 236- 239, arcnicola pp. 239-241, fatifera pp. 241-243, lenta i)p. 243- 246, I. balti- mortana p. 246, carolineiisis pp. 246- 249, coloradensis pp. 249-251, evratica pp. 251-253, scutulata pp. 253-256, punctulata pp. 256-258, frondicola pp. 258-261, pi-atensis pp. 261-263, koch'd pp. 263-265, gulosa pp 265-268, modesta pp. 268-270, p'tct'dls pp. 270- 212,fumosa pp. 272-273, beanit pp. 273- 275, albohastata pp. 275-277, quinaria pp. 277-278, rubicunda pp. 278-279, avara pp. 279-281, cinerca pp. 281-283, floridiava jd. 283, descriptions, avara var. n. goshda Utah p. 281, Chamhehlin Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60. — L. cyrenaica sp. n. Tripoli, SiMOX Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 435. — L. josemkcnsix p. 256, seydi p. 258, California spp. n., Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61. — L. mtugensis sp. n. N. Africa, Str.^nd Zool. Anz. 33 p. 6. — L. ohlini p. 254, serranoa p. 256, spp. n. Patagonia, Tlli,- GREN Svenska Exped. Magellansland. 2 No. 10. — L. permiana sp. n. Kansas, ScHEFFER Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 20 Pt. 1 p. 126 fE. 5-6, Q.—L. ras- clieri p. 232, bleyi p. 233, Bismarck- Archipel, ludovici Deutschland p. 395, spp. n., riparna sphagnicola jd. 414, fluviatiUs borussica p. 435, arcnicola fucicola p. 435, subspp. n. Deutschland, Dahl Halle Nova Acta Leop. 88.— L. sibirica pp. 5, 89, algeiis pp. 5, 93, spp.n. Siberia, tesquorum Beschreibung p. 90, KuLCZYNSKi St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18. ^ Pardosa of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy pp. 170-172, Sdxatilis pp. 174-177, milvina pp. 177- 180, pauxilla pp. 180-182, banksi pp. 182-183, moesta pp. 183-185, ster- lud'is pp. 185-188, atra pp. 188-189, emertoni pp. 190-191, distineta p. 192, californica pp. 192-195, lapid'iclna pp. 195-198, xerampeUna pp. 198-200, groenlandica pp. 200-202, inodica |pp. 38 Arackn. XL Arachnida. [19081 202-205. lalradorens'is pp. 205-207, mackenziana pp. 207-209, longispinata pp. 209-210, descriptions and synonymy, Chamberlis Philadelphia, Prec. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60. Perenthes'is parMnsoni sp. n. Bis- marck-Archipel, Dahl Halle Xova Acta Leop. 88 p. 288. Pirata of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy pp. 299-301, minutiis pp. 301-303, aspirans pp. 303- 305, humicolvs pp. 305-306, montaniis pp. 306-307, mai-xi pp. 307-309, insu- laris pp. 309-311, febrjciilosa pp. 311- 313, prod'igiosa pp. 313-315, hilobata pp. 315-316, descriptions, piratica var. n. utahensis Utah p. 313, Cuajiberlix Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60. — P. piccolo sp. n. Germania, Dahi. Halle Nova Acta Leop. 88 p. 301.— P. u-aeon- dana sp. n. Kansas, ScnEFFER Topeka, Traus. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 p. 191 pi. xxis f. 7. Scliizocosa of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy pp. 210-212: oereala sub Lycosa pp. 212-215, salta- tr'ix sub Lycosa pp. 215-218, bilineata sub Pardosa pp. 218-220, descriptions and synonymy, Chamberlix Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60. Sosilaiis of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy p. 298, spin'iger Simon, original description quoted pp. 298-299, Chamberlin T.c. Sosippus of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy p. 292-293, foridamis pp. 293-295, described, Chamberlin T.c. Tarentula, Anatomic und Histologic derGefiisssystemsund seiner Muskulatur, (iADZiKiEWicz St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 22 pp. 19-23.— 2'. alhoatriata de- scription p. 71, Hotuaga Knlc. var. u. borea pp. 5, 73, hirtipea pp. 5, 74, aibirica pp. 5, 76, pr'imata pp. 5, 78, hb-ta pp. 4, 80, incompta pp. 5, 81, poecila pp. 5, 83, mutai'dis pp. 5, 85, Siheria, spp. n., Kuuzy^ski St. Peter- burg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18. — T. brev'iapina sp. n. Cypi-us p. 80 pi. ii f. 24, ftimou'n desfription p. 83 IT. 22, 25- 26, KL'LrzYN.SKi Krakow Pull. Intern. Acad. 1908. — T. mariuc nom. n. for 7'. dtrialipes Doleschal, Dahl Halle Nova Acta Leop. 88 p. 343.-7'. viidlcriann sp. n. Chili, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 p. 6. — T. yurae p. 242, arapena'is p. 245, yaidieusis p. 247, subaustralis p. 251, guaqidens'is p. 252, Peru, 7'i/^- mano\de» p. 249, Bolivia, p'lratimorpha p. 244, California, spp. n., itruguayensis p. 255, description, Strand Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61. Trabea of America north of Mexico, definition and synonymy pp. 295-296, aurantica pp. 290-298, description and synonvmy, Chamberlin Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60. Trocliosa singorioisis, Drohbewegun- gen, Drohfiirbung, Faussek St. Peter- burg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 pp. 53-86. Xcrolycosa g. n. for Lycosa nemoralis, Dahl Halle Nova Acta Leop. 88 p. 201. OXTOPIDAE. Peucetia purpureofasciata nom. n. for P. casseli Str. (nee. Simon), Strand Soc. entomol., Zurich 22 p. 14G. Salticidae. Bianor aenesceiis characters, new to Britain, Jackson Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 59 pi. iv ff. 1-3, 30d. Dendryphantcs gJaclaVisS'p. U. Kansas, ScHEFFER Topeka, Traus. Kan. Acad. Sci. 20 p. 124 ff. 3-4, 8. Epiblemiim affinitatuin figured, Jack- son Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 p. 63 pi. iv ff. 4-6 ; Pickard-Cambridge Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. 29 p. 183 pi. A ff. 37-39. Linus nigrolineatus sp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Jalirb. Sjst. 26 p. 482. Pharococerus ebenauensis sp. n. Madagascar, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 j). 7. Phiale lehmamit sp. n. Colombia, Strand T.c. p. 7. Phidippus feniigineus sp. n. Kansas, SciiEFFER Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 p. 186 pi. xxix ff. 2-3.— P. pins sp. n. Kansas, Scheffer op. cit. 20 p. 123 ff. 1-2, 7. ProsthecJnia perplexides sp. n. Jamaica, Strand Zool. Anz. 33 p. 7. Sitticus Jinschii description, Kulczvn- SKi St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 p. 95 pi. iii f. 12. 39 Arachn. Systematic— Solif0Qae etc. 3031 SOLlFl"liAE. Soliftigac geographical and geological distiilmtion, Aru>t Arch. Natg. 74 j>|i. 444-4.11 ; sei'oudary sexual charac- ters, Kraei'KI.is Hamburg, Jalirb. wiss. Aiist. 25 Beih. 2 pp. 181-225 ; sense organs, Riiilemakn Zs. wiss. Zool. 91 pj). o99-*i3y, 2 Taf. ; notes on spp., Birai,A Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 117 H. 2 pp. 121-152. Blossia dunigera p. 276, falcifera p. 277, obscura p. 278, S. Africa spp. n., Kraei'elix Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Daesia betschuanica p. 273, sclndtzei p. 274, S. Africa spp. n., Kraei'ELIN T.c. Eu^imouia cder'ipes sp. n. Kascligar Steppe, Hirst Rec. Ind. .Mus. 2 p. 247. Galeo'les aulicus p. 241, festirus p. 242, Seistan, diitralensis Chitral p. 243 with subsp. n. pallescejis Central Pro- vinces, India p. 244, fiHcheri Madras JL 244, antiandalei N.W. frontier of India p. 245, spp. n.. Hirst T.c. — G. araneoidcs, Auatoniie und Histologic des Gefiisssy stems und seiner Muskulatur, C^nziKiEwicz St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. .^c. 22 7 pp. 10-13. Gluciopsia nigrocincta, Beschreibung des Wiebchens, Bircla St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. 332-335. Hcmiblossia kalaharica sp. n. S.- Africa, Kraepeli.v Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 279. Pscudohlossia g. n. near Blossia, Kchidtzei sp. n. S.-Africa, Kraepelin T.c. pp. 280-281. Solpuga sdiultzei sp. n. S. Africa, Kraepeli.v T.c. p. 270. PSEUDOSCORPIOXES. PaeudoBcorpiones of Hastings district, Bltterfield Hastings Nat. 1 pp. 111- 114; of Scotland, Godfrey Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1908 pp. 90-100, 1.55-lGl ; of Isle of Giglio, Ellingsex Genova, Ann. Mus. Civ. St. nat. 3 pp. 6l'.8-670.— of N. America, Coolidge Psyche 15 pp. lOS-114. Chelanopa unicoJor p. 39, tiimimanus p. 40, aequalia, puldiellus, p. 41, spp. n. Te.xas. Banks Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc. 6. Chdifi'vinae South AmC'rican species figured and described, Wrrii London, Trans. Zool. Soc. 18 pp. 217-328 pis. xxix-xxxi. Chdiier imperator p. 221 })1. xxix f. 1, rex p. 225 f. 2, itis'ignis p. 247 f. 9, sit6- graeilis p. 257 pi. xxx f. 11, Brazil, itohilis p. 234 pi. xxix f. 4, eWnigsenii ]). 287 j)l. xxxi f. 25, Colombia, aatayias ji. 245 pi. xxix f. 8, meinertii p. 275 pi. xxx f. 18, plumosus p. 279 f. 20, Venezuela, suhovatus p. 294 pi. xxxi f. 26, Argentine and Venezuela, c/e/)?'e88i- vianus p. 319 f. 35, Uruguay, ant'dlarum p. 262 j)I. xxx f. 13, St. Vincent, cderri- mus p. 285 f. 23, pi. xxxi f. 23, Grenada, spp. n., With T.c. — C c.ancroidca piqure, Andre Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 289-290.— C. conradtl Kamerun p. 57, morcnens'ta Argentine p. 60, nordcuakjoldi Pata- gonia p. 63, spp. n., Tullgren Entomol. Tidskr. 29. — C. pntagonicus compared with C. nordenakjoldi, Tdllgren T.c. p. 116. — C. tumid iferiia p. 283, aegre- gatua p. 284, S. Africa spp. n., Tullgren Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. — C. voeltz- koiri sp. n. with var. n. dongata Mada- gascar, Ellingsen Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 487-488. Chtlion'iua tetradidatus var. n. anop- thcdinus in caves, .Algeria, Ellinosen Arch. zool. 8 p. 419. Obtaium longidigitatum sp. n. caves, Basses-Pyrenees, Ellingsen T.c. jj. 416. Olpium jacobaoni sp. n. Java, Tull- gren Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink 29 pp. 148-150. — 0. minutum sp. n. Texas, Banks Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 p. 42. — 0. adiultzei p. 286, n'ltens auhgrande p. 287, S. Africa spp. n., Tullgren Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13. OPILIONES. "fAyithracomartus from Middle Coal- ileasures, Sparth, Rochdale, Parker Rochdale Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. 9 pp. 64- 76 Liobtinum dugeai sp. n. Mexico, Banks Washington, Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 37. Op'dio, Anatomic und Histologic des Gefiisssystems und seiner Muskulatur, G.^DziKU:\vicz St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. 22 jip. 23-25. Scololc.mon flcir.'ipea p. 37, p'lctipes \). 38, spp. n. Cuba, Banks Washington, Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. 40 Arachi. Xt. Arachnida. [1908] ACARI. Acari, popular account, Jensen Kjo- benhavn, Archiv. Pliarm. Chem. 1908 pp. 1-42. Beschreibuug der auf Vogeln parasi- tirenden Milben, Aleksejev Naturfreund 3 pp. 97-103, 131-135, lGl-169. Die Milben der Wohnungea, Ludwig Mikrokosmos 2 pp. 1-6. Oribatidae. Oribatidae of the Faroes, Sellnick Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 208-212. Achipter'taacutaltaly,regalisTrentino, spp. n., Berlese Redia 5 p. 6. Amerobelba g. n. decedens, vastell'igera , Italy, spp. n., Berlese T.c. pp. 10, 11. Carabodes trldactylus sp. n. Tierra del Fuego, Tragardii Wiss. Ergeb. Schwed. Siidjjolar Exped. 5 Zool. No. 11 p. 29 pi. iii f. 5. Ceratojjp'ia g. n. for Nofaspis bipU'is Herm., hereulanea sp. n. Italy, Berlese Redia 5 p. 7. Ceratozetes g. n. for Oribates gy^aciUs Mich., mediocris, grandis, cisalpinus, maxhnuit, spp. n. Italy, Berlese T.c. p. 4. Conoppla g, n. for Opp'ia mieroptera Berl., grandis sp. n. Italy, Berlese T.c. p. 7. Cidlror'ibnld g. n. for Xotasp'is jiuicLa, confmis, magnificn, spp. n. N. America, Berlese T.c. p. 9. Cymbevemaeus corniger Italy, guei'hn'i France, spp. n., Berlese T.c. p. 11. Damaeolus g. n. p. 79, asperafiis p. 81 pi. V. ff. 34, 52, lacJniatus p. 82 ft'. 35, 51, descriptions, Paoli T.c. Damaeua curtipcs sp. n. Tierra del Fuego, Tragardh Wins. Ergeb. Schwed. Siidpolar Exped. 5 Zool. No. 11 p. 31 pi. iii ft. 3, 7. Dameosomn key to species pp. 3G-39, denticulatum p. 39 ])I. iii f. 1, pi. v f. 41, megaeephalum p. 41 pi. iii f. 3, diss'nn'dc p. 44 f. 5, clavipeetinatiun, p. 51 f. \\, pi. V f. 44, lo7igilamellatiim p. 58 ])1. iv f. 20, corrngntum p. (52 f. 20, qnndri- carinatum p. 70 f. 30, j)!. v. f. 49, de- scriptions, complicalum noni. n. for cor- rugatum B(;rl., description ji. 45 pi. iii f. 6, pi. V f. 43, capcnac Cajic of Good Hope p. 41 pi. iii f. 2, elongatum p. 43 f. 4, pi. V f. 42, fasciatum p. 46 pi. iii f. 7, insaiiptum p. 47 f. 8, fovcolatum p. 50 f. 13, bicar'vnatum p. 59 pi. iv f. 21, falcatum p. 61 f. 22, fallax p. 64 f. 24 with var. n. obsoletum p. 65 f. 25, confine p. 65 f. 26, hypogeum p. 67 f. 28, ex- pansum p. 67 f. 27, deeipiens p. 69 f. 29, pi. V f. 48, Italy, minus p. 48 pi. iii f. 11, unicarinatum Tp. 56 pi. iv f. 19, pi. v f. 46, Italy and N. America, splendens p. 52 pi. iii f. 15, pi. V f. 45, tricari- natum p. 54 pi. iv ft. 16-18, pi. y. f. 46_, with varr. n. gJobosum p. 55 pi. iv f. 17 and cornicnlatum p. 56 f. 18, Britain, Germany, Italy, N. America etc., graeile p. 49 pi. iii f. 12, Colombia, cocldearium p. 72 pi. iii ff. 9-10, S. America, spp. n., Paoli Redia 5. Eremobelba g. n. geographica, peeti- nigeva, Italy, gracilior N. America, spp. n., Berlese T.c. pp. 9-10. Ereimdus g. n. flageUifer Florence, viodestus Florence and N. America, spp. n., Berlese T.c. p. 10. Euzetes g. n. for Oribates globidns Nic, nigerrimus, paolii, spp. n. Florence, Berlese T.c. p. 3. llcrmannia 7naeronychus sp. n. Tierra del Fuego, Tragardii Wiss. Ergeb. Schwed. Siidpolar Exped. 5 Zool. No. 11 p. 28 ]il. iii f. 1. — H. phijllophora sp. n. New Zealand, Michael J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 p. 140 pi. XX ft. 17-23. llcrmaniella g. n. for Hennamiin granidata Nic, clavigera Colomliia p. 1 1, punctrdnta Sicily p. 12, spp. n., Berlese lied! a 5. Ilnploderma histrioinum sp. n. N. America, Berlese T.c. p. 12. jyuicanis columbianua Colombia, jlori- dviisis Florida, spp. n., Berlese T.c. p. 9. Licneremaens g. n. p. 83, pulcherrivivs p. 84 pi. V ff. 36, 53, undtd(itn» p. 86 ft. .38, 54, latijlabeUatits p. 87 ft. 39, 55, Italy, spp. n., licnoplioriis p. 85 f. 37, description, Paoli T.c. Tjolimnnnin inaiguifi Borl. din.nmilia var. n. England, Iliavrir Manchester Mem. Lit. I'liil. Soc. 52 ])(,. 1 No. 5 p. 1 pi. — L. flUptica sp. n. Italy, Berlese Redia 5 p. 1 2. Lncoppia g. n. for Zelcs lucoriitn Koch, Berlese T.c. p. 8. 41 Arachii. Systematic— AcARt. 3031 Malacouothni.. 25, spp. n., liKMirEiis Kiankl'iirta. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908. — M.lmfelandi var. n. simplex 47 Arachii. Systematic. -Taroiorapa. -I\lYKH>roiiA. 3400 S.W. Australia. RirnTERS Fauna S.W. Austral. 2 Lief, o p. Si'. — M. eggs figureil {>1. xvii, samoatiii.o sp. n. Samoa p. 200 f. 12, RuiiTF.RS Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26.— M. Ktenotttomus Kiel, api^clIocH Horgen, spp. n., KiciiTKRs Zool. Adz. 33 p. 84. — M. t,-tro))if-e sp. n. Deutsch-Ostafiika, I»Ai>AY Math. Tennt. Ert. 26 pp. 400- 407. PENTASTOMIDA. Peiitastomum in chimpanzee, Wein- RERG Paris Bui. Mem. soc. anat. 81 p. 534. Poroccphalus mon'd'i formic aus den Organen eines westafrikanischen Negers, FtLLEBORN Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 pp. 169-170; Waldow T.c. pp. 321-324. MYRIOPODA CONTENTS {see p. 3) I— TITLES. Ancel, P. et Bouin, P. Sur I'existence d'uiie double sperniatogenese chez Scut'igera coleoptrata L. Paris, C. R. Soc. biol. 65 1908 (287-289). 1 Attems, Carl Graf. Ein neuer BracJujdesmus aus Hohlen Istriens. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 33 1908 (492- 49.3. 2 Attems, C. Myriopoden von Elba. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst. 26 1008 (181-19.5) 1 Taf. 3 Attems, C. Die Myriopoden der deutschen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- 1903. Deutsche Sud]Dolar-Expedition 1901-1903 Bd 9 H. 6. Berlin (G. Rcimerj 1908 (415-433) Taf. xliv. 4 Berlese, Antonio. Osservazioni in- toruo agli Acerentomidi. Redia, Firenze 5 fasc. 1 1908(110-122;. 5 Bouin, P. vide Ancel, P. Bouvier, [E. L.] Arachnides ifyria- podes et Crustaces. In : Mission Chari- Uc Tchad (1902-1904). Appendice. Paris fChallamel) 1908 (701-702). 6 Bouvier, E. L. Myriapodes de I'Afrique centrale. In : Resultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa. Paris (Impr. nationale) 1908 (;587). 7 Brdlemann, H. W. Complement a la description du Spelneoglomerls ra- cotltzae Silvestri. Arch, zool., Paris. Notes et Revue, ser. 4 8 1908 (ex- cxii). 8 Brblemann, H. W. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espece nouvelle de ilyria]indes de France. Paris, Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (94-9Gj. 9 Brolemaji, H. W. Mastigonodesmiis honcii n. sp. Paris, Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (171-173). 10 Bruntz, L. Les reins labiaux des Jules. Zool. Anz., Leipzig 32 1908 (519-521). 11 Carl, J. Beitrag zur Hohlenfauna der Insubrischen Region. Rev. Suisse Zool., Geneve 14 lOOG (601-615) pi. xx. 12 Carpenter, G. H. Chilopoda, Syin- plnjla and Diplopoda. Brit. Ass. Hand- book, Dublin 1908 (176). 13 Chalande, J. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans I'Afrique orientale. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Myriapode du genre Polyxenus. Bui. Museum Paris 1908 (113-115). 14 Faur^-Fr^miet. Evolution de I'ap- pareil mitochondrial dans I'oeuf de JuZtis terrestria. Paris, C. R. soc. biol. 64 1908 (1057-1058). 15 [FauBsek, V. A.] p. 1057-1058. — T. [Lcptoiulus) hold- han!ii sp. n. Elba, AriKMS Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 }'. 191. — ■/. (Lcptohthis) ju- reiiUis sp. n. Frame, Rin.viT Toulouse Bui. soc. hist. iiat. 40 \\ 39 tig. 7-12. Lasiodesmu'^ g. n. neai" CyUndro- usmii^ p. 575, caraib'icus sp. n. p. 57(> Porto Rico, SiLVESTRi New York, Bull. Amer. Mus. Xat. Hist. 24. Leptoiidu.'? vide etiam Jidiis. — L. ■haracters pp. 425—427, synopsis of sjiecies pp. 435-ii6, trilineatuspJaacnsis Herzegovina etc. pp. 437-448 pi. xvi f. 13, alplvagus suevicus Wurteuiburg p. 442, aleinajinieits eanjiithiacus Carin- hia p. 444 pi. xv f. 2, a. glac'mVis f. 5 ^•.\itzerland, a. dolomiticus Dolomites, simplex Krain f. 4, pp. 445, 452, -ibspp. n., laurovum sp. n., Riviera : 1'. 439, 448 ff. 0-7, Verhoeff Arch. iNatg. 73Bd. 1. Leptophi/Jlum synopsis of species 450, karaicankiaimm ap. n. Bavaria ; 457 pi. xvi ff. 23-25, Verhoeff T.c. Macrostertiodesmus g.n. near Strongij- losomicun, palicola sp. n. France, Brole- MAXK Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 94. ilastijonodesmus boue'ii sp. n. Pau, BrOlemaxs T.c. p. 171 (fig. p. 172). Micropachyiuhis corylonun sp. n. Bavaria, Verhoeff Arch. Natg. 73 Bd. 1 p. 459 pi. xvi ff. 21-22. Microspirobolus inarmoratus p. 571, ■tiauUiris p. 572, spp. n. Porto Rico, -iLVESTRi New York, Bull. Amer. Mus. Xat. Hist. 24. Mi/rmecomei'is g. n. near Gervaiaia, ^onvolvens sp. n. Italv, Verhoeff Zool. Vnz. 33 p. 414. Xeobournellum subg. n.olBournellum . 420, h-ichopygum sp. n. Simonstown :- 424 pi. xliv ff. S-15, ATTE.MS D. ^lidpolar-Exped. 9 H. G. Odontopyge tercbrum Somaliland p. -509, voicnsiH British E. .\frica p. 511, spp. n., RiBAUT Paris, Ann. soc. ent. 76. Oph'thdus characters pp. 425-427, synopsis of species pp. 4.32-435, bar- batiw sp. n. Tuscany pp. 434, 446 pi. xv ff. 3, 8, 10, fallax minor subsj). v.. Austria v. 434, Verhoeff Arch. Xat;.(. 73 Bd 1.' Orodesmiis rothscliildi sp. n. Somali- land, RiBAUT Paris, Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 505. I'aclvfndufi characters, VeruokfI' Arch. Xatg. 73 Bd 1 p. 400.— P. varius spermatogenese, Okitixgeu Zoul. Anz. 33 pp. 104-109, 212-222. Pai-adactylophorosoma suljgeu. n. of Daclylophorosoma p. 192, insulamim sp. n. Elba p. 193 pi. xvi, Attems Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26. Polydesmiis carraramts sp. n. Carrara pi. xvi f. 31, edenlidiis spinnlensis subsp. n. Mt. Spinale ff. 27-28, Ver- hoeff Arch. Xatg. 73 Bd 1 p. 470.— P migiieVnuts ap. n. Azores, Attems D. Siidpolar-Exped. 9 H. 0 p. 428 pi. xliv f. 2. Pohjxenus aethiopicns sp. n. East Africa, Cualande Bui. Mus. Paris 1908 ]!. 113. Polyzonium germanleum subsp. n. illi/ricum Trieste, Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 32 p. 535. Rhinocrieus modcstior sp. n. Porto Rico, Silvestri New York, Bull. Amer. Mus. Xat. Hist. 24 p. 570. Spelaeoglomeris g. n. (Glomeridae) p. Ixv, doderoi p. Ixvii, racovitzae p. Ixx, spp. n. caves, Pj'renees, Silvestri Arch. Zool., Xotes et Revue, ser. 4 8 ; descrip- tion, BuoLEMANN T.C. pp. cx-cxii. Spirobolelliis key to Central- American species p. 86, riclmrdsoni Mexico p. 87 pi. vii f. 7, tylopus p. 87 f. 8, atrieulus p. 88 f. 9, Guatemala spp. n., Pocook Diplopoda, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Spirobolus key to Central American species pp. 74-76, platyops p. 70, god- ma7u p. 78 pi. vii f. 1, fossulifer p. 78 f. 2, amide7isis p. 79, monticola, tepane- CU8, p. 80, Me.iico, hoplomerxis p. 76 f. 5, aLolli p. 77 f. 3, Guatemala, spp. n., mystecus described p. 81, Pocock T.c. — l-S. austrnlis sp. n. California, Quatern- ary, Grinsell Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pul)., Bull. Dept. Geol. 5 p. 210. Tfudassisobates subg. n. of Isohales, ndriaticus sp. n. Adriatic coast, Ver- hoeff Zool. Anz. 32 p. 488. 2'ridesmus portorieensia sp. n. Porto Rico, Silvestri X'ew York, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24 p. 577. Typhloiulus strictus varr. n. inferus, infossiis, \'erhoeff Arch. X^atg. 73 Bd 1 pp. 400-467. VanhoejD'enia g. n. near Strong yloaoma, nodulosa sp. n. Simonstown, Attems D. Sudj)olar-Exped. 9 H. 6 p. -126 pi. xliv ff. 3-7. 52 Arachh XI. Prototracheata. [1908J PROTOTRACHEATA L— T I T L E S . Bouvier, E. L. Sur le Peripatns hrasiliensis Bouv. Paris, Bui. soc. philom., ser. 9 10 1908 (50-52). 1 Lucas, Robert. Prototracheata ( = Onychophora)iur 1902. [Jahresbericht.J Arch. Natg., Berlin 69 Bd II H. 2 1903 [1908] (1311-1318). 2 Purcell, W. F. Notes on South Alrican land and fresh-water inverte- brates exclusive of molluscs and insects. in : Science in South Africa, edited by Rev. W. Flint. Cape Town, Pretoria and Bulawayo, 8vo. 1905 (175-181). 3 Sedgwick, Adam. The distribution and classification of the Onycliopliora. Q. J. Microsc. Sci., London 52 1908 (379-400). 4 Sedgwick, A. Relation Ijetween the geographical distribution and the classification of the Onycliopliora. Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 1908 ^546). 5 Woodward, Bernard IT. Farther notes on Peripatua. J. West. Austral. Soc. 3 1906 (10). 6 S U B J E C T - 1 N D E X = 3203, 3227. GENERAL. Prololracheata (= Onyehopliorn) fiir 1902; Lucas, 2. Classification of Onycliopliora ; Sedg- wick, 4, 6. GEOGRAPHY. Geogra|jhical distribution of Ouy- chophora ; Sedgwick, 4, 5. S. Africa, general account of Onycho- phora ; Purcell, 3. ilerida, Venezuela, Peripatiis braai- lientiiy ; Bouvier, 1. West Australian localities for Peri- patiis; Woodward, 6. SYSTEMATIC = 3231. Prototracheata (= Onycliopliora) fiir 1902, Lucas Arch. Natg. 69 Bd II. H. 2, pp. 1311-1318. Onycliopliora distribution and classifi- cation, Sedgwick Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 52 pp. 379-406 ; Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc. 14 p. 546. Austro-Peripatus nom. n. lor Aus- tralasian species of Peripatus, Sedgwick Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 52 p. 383. Capo-Peripatus nom. n. for S. African species of Peripatus, Sedgwick I.e. Cliilio-Peripatus nom. n. for Chilian species of Peripatus, Sedgwick I.e. Congo-Peripatus nom. n. for tropical African species of Peripatus, Sedgwick, I.e. Eo-Peripatu8 for Malayan sjieoies of Peripatus, Sedgwick I.e. Melano-Perlpatus nom. n. for New Bi'itain species of Peripatus, Sedgwick I.e. Xeo-Peripatus nom. n. for neotropical species of Peripatus, Sedgwick I.e. Peripatus hrasiliensis characters, Bouvier Paris Bui. Soc. philom. s^r. 9 10 pj). 50-52. — P. Icuckartii in W. Australia, Woodward J. West Austral. Soc. 3 p. 10. XII. INSECTA AURAXGED BV D. SHARP CONTENTS I. Titles II. Subject Index : — (Jeneral = 3503-4803 Historical , . Biographical Bibliog-raphical . . Collections, Museums Technique, collecting Economic entomology : — General . . Reports. . Objects attacked Creatni-es attacking Insects and man, human disease Insects and other animals Useful parasites and predaceous Bee culture Silk Miscellaneous Products Structure : Morpiiology= 3507-4807 General Of outer parts Nervous system, sense organs . . Myology Alimentary canal . . ('irculatory organs, Respiratory organs Glands and cells . . Reproductive organs Structure of eggs (vacant) (X-10332JJ PAGE 141 141 141 142 148 143 143 144 145 145 148 149 149 149 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 152 152 c 11 Physiology = 35 11-48 11 :— General Parthenogenesis Sex Caste (vacant) Hermaphroditism Senses Particular functions Metabolic . . llespi ration Alimentary Pigment, colour Environmental Keg-eneration Chemical . . Development's 3515-4815 : — General Oogenesis . . Spermatogenesis . . Embryology Postembryology, Metamorphosi Ethology=3519-4819 :— General Ant-life Bee-life Wasp-life . . Termite-life Cavernicolous Aquatic Gregariousness Migration, flight . . Sound-production . . Food-habits Parasitic . . Nests, Habitat Sex-relations Oviposition and parental Hibernation Phenology Instinct and psychology Attitudes . . Luminosity Resemblance and utility Natural history, special cases Pupal habits, cocoons Insects and plants Gulls PAGE PAGE Aetiolog-y; Variation = 3523-482o : — General 166 Vuriaiiou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Teratology .. .. .. 167 llyLtriil.s and Crosses .. .. .. .. .. 167 ilertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Evolution, including- phylogeuy. . . . . . . . 167 Geographical or faunistic = o527-4827 ; — General . . . . .... . . . . . . 168 Arctic and antarctic . . . . . . . . . . IG-S Iiisnlar (including Xew Zealand) . , . . . . 168 Palacnirctic region: — Collective 169 Europe collectively . . . . . . . . . . 171 North Europe and Siberia .. .. .. ..171 British Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . 17o Central and East Europe .. .. .. ..177 France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 South Europe and Mediterraneau . . . . . . 183 Caucasus and West and Central Asia . . . . 186 Africa 187 Madagascar, etc. . , . . . . . . . . . 193 Asia (tropical and Eastern) . . . . . . . . 194 Asiatic Archipelago . . . . . . . . . . 198 Austialia and Tasmania , . . . . . . . . . 201 North America 202 Central America . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Antilles 209 South America . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 III. Systematic = 3631-4831 :— General 213 Coleoptera=4831 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Cicindelidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Carabidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Paussidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Haliplidae 218 Dytiscidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Gyrinidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Hydrophilidae 219 Stapliyliuidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Pselaphidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Scydmaenidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Silphidae 227 Platypsyllidae (vacant) Trichopterygidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Scaphidiidae , . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Histeridae . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 230 (S-103Z2J) gU"3 Phalacridae 2sitidulidae, Monotomidae Trog-ositidae Cohdiidae. . Discoiomidae Adimeridae Rhy.sodidae Cucujidae . . Crvptophag-idae . . Latbridiidae Mjcetopbag-idae . . Dermestidae. Thorictidae Byrrhidae . . Georyssidae Farnidae . . Heteroceridae Lucauidae . . Passalidae (vacant) Scarabaeidae Buprestidae Throscidae, Eucnemidae Elateridae Cebrionidae Khipidoceridae Dascillidae. . Malacodermidae . . Cleridae Lymexylonidae . . Ptinidae . . Bostrycliidae Cioidae Tenebiionidae (Jistelidae or Alleculidae Melandryidae Lagriidao . . /Vuthicidae, Pedilidae, llylopliili Mordellidae Rliipiphoridae Cantliaridae or Meloidea Strepsiptera {vide p. 278) Oedemeridae J^ythidae . . Pyroclnoidae Tricteuotonudae . . Curculionidae Scolytidae. . Brenthidat! Anthribidao Ceranibycidac IJiufliidae . . dae Clirysoint'lidao Erotylidae and Ilelotidac Endomychidae Coccinellidae Strepsitera . , Uymenoptera=4Gol : — General Apidae i")iploptera (Vespidae, Eunieuidae and Masaridae) Fussoria (Sphegidae, etc.) Pormicidae (Jhrysidae . . Ichnenniouidae J^iaconidae Evaniidae . . ]S[eo:alyiidae and Trigonalidae (vacant) Stephanidae Cliairididae Proctotrypidae (including- Mymaridae). (■ynipidae . . Uryssidae, Cephidae, Tenthredinidae, Xyelidae Lepidoptera=443I : — General Khopalocera : — General . . . . . . . . . . ' . • Papilionidae Pieridae. . Danaidae, Ithomiidae, Acraeidae, Ilelicoiiiii Nyniplialidae . . Morpliidae and allies . . Satyridae PJryeinidae, etc.. . Lycaeiiidae lle.^periidae lleterocera : — Castniidae and Sesiidae Spliingidae Komln'ces s.l,, etc. Noctuidae Geometridae, Epipleniidae, Uraniidae, etc. Pyralidae, Thyiididae . . Pterophoridae, Orneodidae . . Tortricidae Tiueidae s.L Trichoptera . , . . . . Neuroptera (including' Panor[ atae) l)iptera=4231 :— General Cec'domyiidae Mycetophilidae Chirouomidae Culicidae . . Psychodidae Simuliidae, Bibiouidae . . Blepliaroceridae, Orphnephilidae Tipulidae. Rliyphidae and Plycliopteridae, etc. Stiatiom^idae Tabanidae. . Leptidae, Rbagionidae . . Therevidae and Artbropidae AsiHdae Acroceridae (vacant) Bombybidae Neniestrinidae Empidae . . Dobebopidae Loncbopteridae (vacant) Phoridae, Tbaumatoxenidea Platypezidae PipuncuUdae Syrpliidae . . Conopidae Oestridae . . Muscidac Calyptratae Muscidae Acalyptx^atae . . Pupipara . . PACtK Apbaniptera=;36:U . . Hemiptera=4031 : — General ITetei'optera : — J'entatomidae . . Coreidac, Lygaeidae, I'yrrbocoiidae. . 'l'bi,!^-itidae Aradidae Berytidae (Pbj'^matidae vacant) (Jerridae Keduviidae, Nabidac . . (Jiniicidae Antbocoridae, Ceratocombidae, Henicocepb: Polycteuidae Capsidae, Miridae Saldidae Hvdrocorisae . . ibdat TAciK llomopteia : — Oiaididae . . 401 Fulg-oridae .. 401 Membiacidae . . . . 402 Cercopidae . . 403 Jassidae .. 404 PsN-llidae . . 407 Aphidae .. 408 Aleurodidae . . 409 Coccidae , . 409 Auoplura or Ellipoptera=o6:31 .. Ill Thysanoptera=3631 ..412 Psocidae or Psocoptera=3831 .. 413 Mallophaga or Lipopteia=3631 .. .. 414 Termitidae or Isoptera .. 415 Embiidae or Embioptera ..415 Perlidae or Plecoptera . . 415 Ephemeridae or Ephemeroptera=o831 .. 415 Odonata or Paraiieuroptera ..416 Palaeodictyoptera and Fossils of extiuct Ore lers. . .. 418 Ortlioptera = 3831 :— General ..418 Forficulidae .. 419 Hemimeridae (vacant) iJlattidae . . 420 Phasmidae . . 422 ]\]antidae . . . . 426 (rrjdlidae . . . . 427 Locustidae . . 427 Acridiidac . . . . 430 Thysauura s.l. = 3631 . . 433 Collembola s.l. = 3631 . . 435 S Inseda. xii. Insecta. [1908] I.— TITLES. ^ N.B. — Titles in round hraekets havr, appeared previously in the Zoological Record, but not in the Zoology Vol. of the Internat. Cat. Sci. Lit. Aagaard, Aage. Myretuen og dens Beboere. Fortrelling om,hvad eiiulserd Mand saa og gjoi-de i Skog og Mark. [Der Ameisenhaute imd seine Bewoli- ner.] Kristiania (Cammermevers Bog- handel), 1908, (11+47). 2U cm.' Kr. 0,50. 1 Abeille, Em. Observation siir Zy- gaena jausta aux environs de Marseille. Marseille, Ann. Soc. sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907, (bciii-lxv). [Lepidoptera.'] 2 Abeille de Perrin. [Sur la Mantis religiosa^ Marseille, Ann. Soc. Sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1U07, (v-vi). \Ortho- ptera.'] 3 Abeille de Perrin. [Sur les parasites de La.-iiocampa ]jiui.] Marseille, Ann. Soc. Sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907, (ix-x). [Lepidoptera.] 4 Abeille de Perrin. [Sur les parasites des insectes deiulrojjhages.] Marseille, Ann. Soc. Sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907, (xi-xiij. 5 Abeille de Perrin. [Snr des DaBytidcf nouveaux]. .Marseille, Ann. Soc. Sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907, (xxi-xxiii). [Coleoptera.] 6 Abeille de Perrin. Diagnoses de Buprestidcs ca])tures dans les environs d'Uboek par le JJr. Charles Henri Martin. Marseille, Ann. Soc. Sci. nat., Provence, 1, 1907, (xlvii-li). IColeo- ptera.] 7 Abeille de Perrin. [Sur Siettitia']. Marseille, Ann. Skc. Sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907, (Ixxvi-lxxvii). IColeoptera.] 8 Abeille de Perrin. Description de sept llallicidt's reputees uouvelles. Marseille, Ann. Sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907, (Ixxlx- Ixxxii). \Coleoptera.'] 9 Adams, C. F. Notes on Xorth Ameri- can species of Cras.^iseta V. Ros. New York, N.Y., J. Ent. Soc, 16, 1908, (151- 1.52). [Biptera?^ 10 Adams, C. F. Xew species of UJycc- tophila. In : Banta, A. M. The fauna of Mayfield's cave. Washington (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 67), 1907, (37). [Diplera.] 11 Adams, Lionel E. Swarms of insects, etc., in the Crimea. Zoologist, London, 190S, (9-12). 12 Adamson, C. H. E. Catalogue of butterflies collected in Burmah by Lt.- Col. C. H. E. Adamson, CLE., up to the end of 1895, and presented by him to the Museum of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Ncwcastle-upon-Tvne. Part ii. New- castle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, 3, 1908 (110-148;). [Lvpidoptcra.] 13 Adelungr, Nicolai von. Zur Ortho- pte ye nUiinna. von Chinesisch-Centralasien. St. Peter burg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908 [1909J, (Ivii-lix). 14 [Adelung, N. N., Grigorjev, Boris, Kusnezov, N. .Ja., Philiptsclienko, Jur. Tarnani, I. K., Zaitzev, Pii. A., Zavarzin, .\leksei.] A,i,e.i,yiir'L, H. H., i'piiro[)heHi,, Ijopiici,, KyaiienoB'i., H. il., ii,iitinciiKo, lOpiii, Tapiiaiiu, 1. K., 3aiincBi., . A., ;jaBap;iiiir]., A:i(>k- ctii. KpiiTUKO-ouo.iiotpa(|)iiHecKiii ot- ;;'fe.Tl.. [lievue critico-bibliographique.] Pev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 2-3, 1907 [190S], (129-173). 15 Adkin, Robert. Notes on Porthcsia chrymrrlioea, L. London, Proc. S. London Ent. Soc. 1907-08 (12-15). ILrpidoplcra.'] 16 Adkin, Robert. Life-history of Tor- Iri.c ]iro)iuhana. Entomologist London 41 1908 (49-51) pi. ii. [Lepidopient.\ 17 0 Insdcla. Titles. 3500 ArtiriTi, Robt'it. Kiuther notes on Toiirlx pronubnna, Hb., including it3 life-history in Britain. London Proc. S. Ix)ndon ent. Xat. Hist. Soc. 1907-OS (1*0-25) pis. i-iii. [Lcpidoptera.] 18 Adkin, Robert. Tortrlx proiiuhana Hb. ill Sussex. Hastings and E. Sussex Xat. 1 Xo. 3 1908 (121 & 122). [Lcpi- doptera] 19 Adler. Beitrag zur Biologie von Inostcmma (Platyqastcnboscii Jar. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (300- 307) ; Beraerkungen dazu v. Kieffer, t.c. IG.VitiO). [Hijmeuoptcra.] 20 [.\dvisory Committee.] Reports on plague investigations in India. 29. Observations on the bionomics of fleas with special reference to Pidex cheop\>>. 30. The mechanism by means of whicli tlie flea clears itself of plague bacelli. J. Hygiene Cambridge 8 1908 (23G-2l)5). 'Aplian'iplera.^ 21 Aignsr-Abafi, L. v. Epincphele jurttna T.. ah. .^emialba Bsd. Berliner ent. Zs., 52 (1907), 1908, (218-219). [Lepi- doijtera.} 22 Aigner-Abafi, L. von. Lepidopterolo- fjlsclit' Miszellen. Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25. 1908, (73-74). 23 Ainslie, C. X. Tetrastichus as a para- site on Pohjgnotus. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10. 1908, (U-IC). lymenoptera.] 24 Ainslie, C. X. X'ote on the occur- rence of Campylomyza scutellata Say. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (10-17). [Diptera.] 25 Ainslie, C. X. Tenacity of life in Erania urbana Bradlev. Washington, D.C, Proc. Ent. Soc.,' 10, 1908, (17). [Hymenoptera.'\ 26 AkasM, Hiroshi. Kyoso no kiseibachi ni tsuite. [A parasitic chalcid on the larva of Ugimyia sericarlae Rond.] Tokyo, Xip. Konch. Kw. Ho., 2, 1908, ai7-120j. 27 Akashi, Hiroshi. Sojuno gaichu no !ii shiiibhu. [On two species of Arctil- 'le, Diacrita bifaciata Butl. and D. ■ hliqua Walk., injurious to midberry trees.] Tokvo, Xip. Sanshi Kw. Ho., 188, 1908, (10-11). [Lepidop'cra.'] 27a Akashi, Hiroshi. Shayokiuyo shiken. [Experiments on leeding silkworms witli *Judran[a triloba.'] Sanji Hokoku [seri- onltural report], Tokvo, 34, 1900, (71- 100). [Lcpidoptera.] ' 28 Aldin, A. d'. Le dessin des ailes des LcDidoplcres. Ann. Ass. Nat. Levallois Paris, 13, 1907, (10-19). 29 Aldrlcb, J. M. Meigen's first paper OTi Diptera. Canad. Entomol., London, 40, 1908, (370-373 & 432). 30 Aldrich, J. M. and Darlington, P. S. The dipterous family llrlomyzlddc Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amev. Lnt. Soc, 34, 1908, (07-100), pi. 31 Alfken, J. D. Ueber einige vou Arnold beschriebene Bienen [llallctu-v, Xomada]. Zs. Hvmenopter., Teschen- dorf, 8, 1908, (ll-i4). [HipneuopteraJ, 32 Alisch. Aus meinem ,,entomologischen Jahrbuche 1 906 ". Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, 1908, (155-156). [Lepldopera.] 33 Allmeroth, Konrad. Die Zucht von Arctla testudlnavla ex ovo. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (43). [Lepldoptera^ o4 Alluaud, Ch. Les Coleoplere.a de la fa one alpine du Kilimandjaro avec notes sur la fauue du inont Meru. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 77, 1908, (21-32). 35 [Alpheraky, S.] Aa(|)epaKii, C. HciiiyeKpbui.ia oKpecTnocTett Taraii- pora!! 7l,o6aB.ienie III. [Lepldopteres des envirnns de Taganrog. Supplement iii.l St. Peterburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ., 38,^1907-1908,(558-518). 36 [Alpheraky, S.] A.KfiepaKii, C. Ki. (|iayiili iieiuyeKpHJMXT, CijBepnaio KaBKaaa. (IIciipaB.ienia h ;i,OBaB.ieiuH). [Co itribution a la faune des Lepldopteres du Caucase septentrional. (Supplements et corrections).] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7. 1907, [1908], (233-205). 37 [Alpheraky, S. X.] A.i(|)epaKii, C. H. Me.iKia nenHjonTepo-ioiimecKia aaMtTKH. [Petites notices lepldoptcrolo- cilqne.^.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 19U7, [1908], (266-207). 38 Andorff, I. Janpldea celsla ab. ui- vittata SchuUz. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21. 1908, (260). [Lepldoptera.] 39 Andr^, Ernest. Description de quelques nouveaux M.itillides dii Musee Xational de Uungrie. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mas. Xat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (375-383;. [Hymenoptera.] 40 Id Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Andre, E. Un serici/:;t.'ne peu connu. Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1906-1907, (83-85). [LepiJopfem.] 41 Andre, Ernest. Description de deux nouvelles especes de Mntillides du Transvaal. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908,' (468-470). 42 Andre, E. Une uouvelle espece de ^futillide de la Republique Argentine. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (230-231). IHymenoptera.] 43 Andre, Ernest. Especes nouvelles de Mutillides africains faisant partie des collections du musee zoologique de Berlin. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (6.5-80, 129-137). [Uymcno- 2}tcra.'\ 44 Andres, Ad. Etwas iiber das Vor- Ivommen von Daphis nerii in Aegvpteu. Ent.Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, "(262). [Lepidoptera.^ 45 Andres, A. Die Raupe von Orsoiioha aegyptiaca Rbl. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (90). [Lepidoptera.] 46 Annandale, N. Notes on Oriental Jjlptera. v. description of a new species of psychodid of the genus Pldehotomus. Rec. ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908. (101-104). 47 [Anon.] Furubarhvepsen {Lophyriis). Kristiania, Tidssk. Skogbr., 16, 1908, f206-20S, 297-298). [Ilymenoptera.] 48 Antram, Charles B. Some notes on p'intia ferrra Wlk., Cyclos'ia pap\lionari>s Drurj' and lietenis'ia magnifiea Butl. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 190S, (430-431), [Lepidoptcra.'] 49 Antram, Chas. B. Sexual attraction in Lcpidoptera. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, No. 4, 1908, (923-924). 50 Arnold, George. The nucleolus and 'microchromosomes in the spermato- genesis of Hydrophllns incciie. (Linn.) Arch. Zellforschg, Leipzig, 2, 1908, (181-190), 3 Taf. [Coleoplera.] 51 Arnold, Paul. Eine Ricsen-Ruder- ■\vanze (Beloatoma?) im .\quarium. Wochenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braun- sclnveig, 5, 1908, (.381-383). IHetero- jAcra.] _ 52 Arrow, Gilbert J. A contribution to the classification of the Colcoptcronx familv Dynastidaf. London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908 (321-3.58), 53 Arrow, Gilbert J. Notes on the Coleopterous genus Oiiiticellus and descriptions of some nevr species from India. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 (178-183). 54 Arrow, G. J. On some new species of the Coleopterous genus M'lmela. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (241-248). 55 Arrow, G. J. HideViden und Melolon- th'iden. [In : L. Schnltze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreisc in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges.. 13, 1908, (435- 438). [Coleoptera.'j 56 Ashworth, John H. Additions to the list of Yorkshire Diptera. Naturalist London 1908 (104-106). 57 Assmuth, L Einige Notizen iiber Vrenolepis loiigicomis Latr. Zs. wiss. InsektenbioL, Berlin, 3, 1908, (301-.3O9. 328-334, 357-368). [Hymcnoptera.] 58 Aubert et Guerin. Note sur la cajDture a Marseille d'un moustique du genre Stegomifia. Paris, C. R. Soc. biol., 64, 1908, (378-379). [Dipfera.] 59 Auel, H. EIniges iiber Messungen an Lepidopteren. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17. 1908, (119-121). 60 Auel, H. Die A^ariabilitat der Fliigel- farbe bei Psilura monacha L. in Potsdam 1907, nebst eiuem Beitrag zur Bekiimp- fung der Mimikrv-Theorie. Zs. "\viss. InsektenbioL, Berlin, 4, 1908, (10-16. 39-41). [Lep\doptcra.'\. 61 Anrivillius, Chr. Neue oder -wenig bekanute Coleopteva LongicornJa. 10. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 17, 1908, (8). 62 Anrivillius, Chr. Neue Coleoplera Longicornia aus einer vom Herrn Gouverneur von Bennigsen zusammen- gebrachten Sammlung. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (211-224) Taf. iii. 63 Aurivillius, Chr. Ceramhycidcii. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- iiisse e. Forschungereise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, 429-434). ICohoptera]. 64 Aurivillius, Ciir. Ccramhyeidae. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition, Uppsala, 7. 10, & 11,1908,(139-152). [Coleopteva.] 65 Austaut, Jules Leon. Notice sur qnelqucH formes nouvelles ou jieu 1 1 Insecla. Titles. 3500 'nnues du genre ik-ne'is. EuL Zs., -uutccart. 22. lUOS, {-io-M & oUV .(•/"(rfo^Vf ni.] 66 Austen, Ernest E. New African I'lilebotomic Diptcra in tlie British Museum (Natural History). Part. i. Tahanidac. Ann. ^Imx. Nat. Hist. Loudon ser. SI 190S (:200-227, Tart ii. 'I'.c. r401-4l'7). Part iii. op. cit. 2 (1)1- IIT)). Part iv. T.c. (274-3U0). Part v. T.c. (352-355). ' 67 Austen, E. E. Ou the synonyuiy and '•>teniatic position of some species of ^ahauidoc described by Tlumberc; & Lichtensteiu. Ann. Macr. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (344-340). I>iptcra.] 68 Axelson. Walter ^M. Zur Keniitnis rthoptera]. 70 Azam, J. Description d'un Orthoptere .^uveau. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, ■J -11'. 71 Babak, Edward luid Foustka, Ot. Untersuchuntren iiber den Auslosungs- reiz der Atembewegungen bei Libelluli- denlarven (und Arthropoden iiberhaupt). Arch. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 119, 1907, -'30-54.^}, 2 Taf. 72 [Baclunetjev, P.] BaxiieTbeBi., IT. 9t!oju n3ij oo.iacTii oHTOMOJorin. I. MaccoBuii nepe-ien. CaooqeKi,. [Studien aus dem Gebiete der Entomologie. T. Massenfliige von Schmetterlingen.] •Testestv. i geogr., Moskva, 13, 9, 1908, 1-5;. [Lepidoptera.] 73 Bachmetjew, P. Neuere bio-entomo- logi>ehe u. faunistische Arbeiten aus der m.-^sischen imd bulgarischen Literatur. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 190S, '103-108, 148-152, 191-196, 232-236). 74 Bachmetjew, P. Neuere russische und bulgarische Arbeiten iiber Insekten- Schadlinge. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (350-352, 383-386). 75 Bacot, A. The melanic variety of the peppered moth [letter]. Nature, London, 77, 1905, (294). [Lepidoptera.] 76 Baeckmann, .1. Noliz uber einigc Kal'er aus Siid-Karelien. llolsingfors, iledd. Soc. Fauna et El. Fcuii., 34, 1908, (18). [Coleoptera] ' 77 Baehr, W. B. von. Ueber die BikUing der Sexualzellen bei Aphididae. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (507-517). 78 Baer. G. A. Notice necrologique sur Ciiarles Eugene Potron. Paris, jVni). Soc. ent. 76,^1908, (.527 & 528). 79 Baer, S. A. Notes de voyage. Obser- vations biologiipies. Paris, Bui. soc eat., 1908, (105-108). 80 Baer, W. Eiablage und Frass vmi SmithropuH mudela llbst. Tharander forstl. Jahrb., 58, 1908, (220-230). {('oJcoplcra^ 81 Bagnall, Richard S. On some new and curious Thysanoptera (Jubulifera) I'rom Papua. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (355-3G3), pis. xiv Si, XV. 82 Bagnall, Richard S. Synooymical notes ; with description of a new genus of Thysanoptera. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 52. 1908 (348-352). 83 Bagnall, Richard S. Notes on some genera and species of Thysanoptera new to the British fauna. Ent. Mag. London, 44.1908,(3-7). 84 Bagnall, Richard S. On some new genera and species of Thysanoptera. Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, 3, 1908, (183-217), pis. vi & vii. 85 Bail, Th. Zur Fliedermottenfrage. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 23, 1908, (548-549). [Lepidoptera.] 86 Bail, Th. Abschluss der Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Fliedermotte. Natw. Wochenschr-., Jena, 23, 1908, ((;48-f;49). [Lepidoptera.] 87 Bailey. J. H. The Vice-president's address. The Coleoptera of the Isle of ;\[an. Rep. Proc. Lancashii-e & Cheshire Ent. Soc, 1908, (18-40). 88 Baker, C. F. Preliminary remarks ou American Corizinl. Oanad. Entomol. London, 40, 1908, (241-244). [Heterop- tcra.] 89 (Baker, C. F. On the Gnathodw^ species of the abdominalis group. In- vertebrata Pacifica, Claremont, Cal., 1, 1903, (1-2).) 89a 12 Itiseda, XII. Insecta. [1908] (Baker, C. F. A uew genus of the Typhlocybini. luvertebrata, Pacifica, Claremont, Cal., 1, 1903, (3).) 90 (Baker, C. F. The geuus Erijtheria in America. Invertebrata Pacifica, Claremont, Cal., 1, 1903, (3-5).) 90a (Baker, C. F. New Typblocyhini. Invertebrata Pacifica, Claremout, Cal., 1, 1903, (.5-9j.) 90b (Baker, C. F. Notes on Macropsis. Invertebrata Pacifica, Claremont, CJal., 1, 1903, (9-12).) 90c [Balabanov, M.] Ba.ia6anoBi., M. Heo6xo;;HMO-JiH pasBejteiiie nHe-ii. b'b ca^axt? [1st es nothwendii;- Bienen in Garten zu ziichten?] Progress, sadov. ogorod., St. Peterbiirg, 5, 1008, (411-412, 425-42(3). [Hymenoplera.] 91 Balfour - Browne, Frank. On the British species of the genus Pliihjdrus Sober. Ent. Rec. London, 20, 1908, (25-29), pi. iv. lColeoptera:\ 92 Ball, Carleton. The sorghum midge. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser. 4, 27, 1908, (114-115). [Dlptera.-] 93 Ball, Elsie F. vide Breed, Robert. Ballon. H. A. Malaria in the West Indies. [" Millions " enemies of mosqui- toes.] Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 28, 1908, (885). [Diptera?^ 94 Bancroft, T. L. List of the mosquitoes of Queensland. Ann. Queensland Mus., :Prisbane, 8, 1908, (1-62). [Diptera.l 95 Bankes, Eustace R. Yponomeuta roreUus lib. in Britain. Ent. Mag., London, 44, 1908. (250-252). [Lcp'ido- ptera.'] 96 Bankes, E. R. Fungoid growths on Lepidoptera. London, Proc. ent. Soc, 1908, (XXV & xxvi). 97 Banks, Charles S. Biologj' of Philip- pine Culicidae. Philii)pine J. Sci., Manila, (A. General Science), 3, 1908, (235-258), pi. [iJiptera.] 98 Banks, Nathan. A new genus and species of Neumptera. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (203-204). 99 Banks, Nathan. Sleeping habit of a bee. iMit. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (3 lOj. [Uiimcnoptera.] 100 Banks, Xatlian. Trigonabje and Jioproiiia in N'irginii. Ent. News, Philadeljihia, Pa., 19, 1908, (43(;). [Hi/meuoptcni.'} ICl Banks, Nathan. Neuropteroid insects — notes and descriptions. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amev. Ent. Soc, 34, 1908, (255-267) pi. 102 Banks, Nathan. Some Triclwptera, and allied insects, from Newfoundland. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (61-67) pi. 103 Banks, Nathan. New tropical Ame- rican Neuroptera. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (30-34). 104 Banks, Nathan. A list of neuropte- roid insects from North Carolina. Washington, D.C., Proc. Eut. Soc, 9, (1907;, 1908, (149-156). 105 Banks, Nathan. On the classification of the Corydalhuxe, with description of a new species. Washington, D.C., Proc Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (27-30). [xYeMcop- tera:\ 106 Barber, H. S. Note on Omomijla liirsuta Coqviillett. Washington, D.C., Proc Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (28- 29;. [Diptera.] 107 Barber, H. S. The glow-worm As- t raptor. Washington, D.C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (41-43) pi. i. [Coleoptera]. 108 [Barovskij, \'. V.] EapoBCKiit, B. B. HoBLie II lUiTepeCHue A'la C. Ile- Tep6yprcK0ii (|)aynbi Bujiu Coleoptera, coopaHHue 3a 1900 ii 1907 it. [Es- peces de Coleopteres nouvelles on inte- ressaates pour la faime de St. Peters- bourg recueillies en 1906 et 1907.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (54-60). 109 Barovskij, VI. Eine neue Aberration des Poduhrns alpiuua Payk. (1798), und Uebersicht der Aberrationen dieser Art. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (174-176). [Coleoptera]. 110 Bartels, C. 0. Die Entwic'kelung des SegeU'allers (PapiUo podaUr'ias L.) aus der Puppe, dargestellt in 8 ])hotograplii- schen Aufnahmen. Kiel, Sclir. natw. Ver., 14, 1908, (190-200) 1 Taf. [/.r/H'- doptcrd.] Ill [Bartenev, A. N.] BapTciiioin., A. H. Ko.i.tcKuiH CTpoKOin. ii:n. oKpccr- iiocTeri oiH'pa ^'BIl.lI>;^I.I EivaTepiim'iypr- CKaro yi';!;ia rieiJMCKOii ryocpiiiii. [Kine Samnilung von Odonalen aus der Umgebung des Uvilda-Sees (Con v. Perm).]. KazanT, Trd. ObSc. jest , 41, 1908, 1, (l-40j. 112 ]o Infccla. Titles. 3500 Bartholomew, C. E. A stiuly in wini^ venation. Des Moines, Proc. Iowa Acatl. ."H-i.. 15, 1908. (173-175). 113 Bastelberger. Neue Geometriden 'IS lueiuer .SaniniluiiEj. D. eut. Zs. Iris, Berlin. 20. iU107.\" 1908, (257-260). [Lcpidoptera.'] 114 Bastelberger, ^f. J. Besclireibung ticuer (.itMnietriilen aus nieiner Samni- iiing. 1). ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (101 lOlT). [Lepdopteral 115 Bastelberger. Neue Geometriden aus iieiuer .'^luniiliinc Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, I'.K^S, il'17-218). [Lepidoptcra.] 116 Bastelberger. Xeue [bezw. " weitere"] < ieonietriden aus ir.einer Samniluug. Kut. Zs., .Stuttgart, 22. 1908, (36-38, .'s-.-O. 01-03). \Lcp'idoptera.] 117 Bastelberger, [Max Jos.]. Gehort die 'lattung PliaeocMacna zu den Geome- triden? Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1008, i60-r»7'. [Lepidoptcra.] 118 Bastelberger. Beschreibung neuer ■xotiscber Geometriden aus meiner >amnilung. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (1.58-159'. [Lepidoptcra.] 119 Bastelberger. Xeue exotische Aci- daliden aus meiner Sanunlung. Intern, .•nt. Zs , Guben, 2, 1908, (33-34, 37- :'.S\ [Lepidoptcra.] 120 Bastelberger. Weitere neue Geome- triden au3 meiner Sammlung. Intern, ent. Zs.. Guben, 2, 1908, (98-99, 105- 106). [Lepidoptcra]. 121 Bastelberger. Besprechung und Be- sc-hreibung einiger neuer oder sonst iuteressanter Arten von exotischen Geo- metriden im Naturhistorischen Museum zu Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Xatk., 61, 1908, (72-77). [Lepidoptcra.] 122 Bastelberger. Weitere Xeubeschrei- bungen exotischer Geometriden in meiner Sammlung. Wiesbaden, Jahrl). Ver. Xatk., 61, 1908, (78-87). [Lepi- doptcra.] 123 Bateson, W. vide Punnett, Pi. C. Bath, W. [Ueber den Heerwurm, Sciara tliomae.^ Giistrow, Arch. Ver. Xatg., 61, 1907, [1908], (139-140). [Diplcra.] 124 Ban, Alexander. Bemerkungen zu „Vogel und Insekten" [von W. Schuster]. Entomol. Ztg., Wien, 27, 1908, (210). 125 Bau, Armiaius. Die Identitiit der Oestridengattungen Gyrostigwa und Spatliicera. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 48, Origiuale, 1908, (104-167). [Diptera.] 126 Bayer, E. Xotes sur les Galles de Ih-ijophaiita agama et disticlia de Ticonographie " Galles de Cynipides." Marcellia Avellino 7 1908 (3-9). [Hy- mciioptcrii.] 127 Bayford, F. G. Colcoptera in York- shire. Naturalist London 1908 (12- 14). 128 Beare, T. Hudson. Xotes on Coleo- ptera from St. Kilda. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 (30-33). 129 Beare. T. Hudson. Retrospect of a Goleopterist for 1907. Ent. Rec. London, 20, 1908 (1-11). 130 Beare, T. Hudson. Oloplirinn assitnile Pk., au addition to the British list. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (255). [Coleo- ptera.] 131 Becker, Th. Diptera. duo nova ex Hungaria. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (320). 132 Becker, Th. Dipteren der Kana- rischen Inseln. Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mus., 4, 1908, (1-80) 4 Taf. 133 Becker, Th. Dipteren der lusel Madeira. Berlin, Mitt. zool. J^lus., 4, 1908, (181-206). 134 Bedel. L. Obsei'vatious sur le Larinus leuzeae Fabre, ses earacteres, ses varietes et ses moeurs. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (260-201). [Coleoptera.] 135 Bedel, L. Sur divers Ontliopliagu>i du groupe de Vamyntaa 01. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (286-288). [Coleoptera.] 136 Bedel, L. Description d'un Graniger nouveau de la colonie du Cap. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (318-319). [Coleop- tera Carabidac] 137 [Belousov, N.] Bi.iojcoB-1., H. 0 iipitpo;ffe acienaro iiniMenTa T^^ocunii- dae. [Sur le pigment vert des Locus- tldac]. Charikov, Trav. Soc. nat. 41, 1906 [1907J, (26-38) 1 Taf. [Ortho- ptera.] 138 [Belousov, N.] EliJioycoBT., H. O niirMeiiTax'i. afjoii;!,!.. [Sur les pigments des Apkidae.] Charikov, Trav. Soc. nat., 41, 1906 [1907], (.59-141, 291-372) 1 Taf. 139 1 1 Inscda. XII. Insecta. [1908] [Belousov, N.] BiJoycoBt, H. 0 .. X.iopoc|)llXTfe " y Lytta resicatoriu L. [La pretendue cblorophylledes cautha- rides.] Chankov. Trav. Soc. uat., 41, 1906 [1907], (181-187). [Coleoptera.] 140 Bentivoglio, Tito. Contribuzione alio studio degli Pseodoneurotteri del Man- tovano. Modeua, Atti Soc. uat. mat., Ser. 4, 7, 190G, (14-70). [Odonata.] 141 Bentivoglio, Tito. Libellulidi di lleggio- Emilia. Modeua, Atti Soc. uat. mat., Ser. 4, 7, 1906 (80-83). [Odonata.] 142 Bentivoglio, Tito. Libellulidi della proviDcia di Lucca. Modena, Atti Soc. unt. mat., Ser. 4, 8, 1909 (84-90). [Odo- tiata.] 143 Bentivoglio, Tito. Distribuzioue geiigralica dei Libellulidi iu Italia. Modena, Atti Soc. uat. mat., Ser. 4 9, 1908 (22-47). [Odonata.] 144 Bentivoglio, Tito. BibliograCa e binonimia dei Libellulidi italiaui. Modena, Atti Soc. nat. mat., Ser. 4, 9, 1908, (48-122). [Odonata.} 145 Berenguier, Paul. Biologie de r Isophya pyvenea Serville, var. neinau- .se?i.sw. Nimes, Bui. soc. etud. sci. uat., 35. 1908. (1-13) fig. [Orthoptera.] 146 Berenguier Paul. Observations sur les muss de quelques Locastaires. Nimes, Bui. soc. etud. sci. uat., 35, 1908, (14-20). [Oi-thoptera.] 147 Berger, E. W. The citrus wliitefly of Florida consists ot' two species. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N. H., 1, 1908, (324). [Homoplera.'] 148 Bergevin, E. de. Sur le genre Aticyru- HOinn Aniyot et Serville et description d'uue espece nouveile d'Algerie. Paris Bui. Soc. ent. 1908 (277-279). [Helero- plrrn.] 149 Bergrotli. E. Enumcratio Pentalo- midarum post catalogimi bruxellenseui descriptari;m. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ont. Belgique 15 1908 (131-200). [Ilrtr- roptera [ 150 Bergrotli, E. Eine neue Art dor Coreiden-Ciattung TenoK'nm Stal. I), ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908. (500-502). 151 Bergroth. E. Zwei neue Reduviideu aus Angola. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908. (502-503). [Eetcroptern.] 152 Bergroth, E. Xeue indisclie Bemi- pteva. I), ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (589- 595). 153 Bergroth, E. Ueber eine osterreiclii- Kche Tipida-Avt. Eutomol. Ztg, Wieu, 27. 19U8, (218). [Dipteral ' 154 Bergroth. E. Qeber die vou A. A. H. Lichtenstein bescbriebeneu Beteroptercn. Entomol. Ztg, Wieu, 27, 1908, (248). 155 Bergroth, E. Xeue Bemiptera aus Siid-Abyssinieu. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 2-3, 1907, [1908], (100- 110). 156 Bergroth, E. vide Torre Bueuo. Berlese, Antonio. Gli Insetti. 1. fascc. 25-30, (713-896), Milano, 1908. 157 Berlese, -\utouio. Istruzioni praticlie per coloro che vogliono riunuovare le esperienze di lotta coutro la mosca delle olive (Dacus oleae) colmetodo dachicida. Redia, Firenze, 4, 1907. (19.3-197). [D'tptera']. 158 Berlese, Antonio. Apjjunti intoruo :dle note di Dietologia degli Imenotteri parassiti della Mosca della olive e sul metodo "razionale" di lotta proposto dal Prof. F. Silvestri. Redia, Firenze, 4, 1907, (289-328). [Biptera, Bymcno- ptcra.} 159 Berlese, Autouio. Xuovi Acerento- midi. Redia, Firenze, 5. fasc. 1, 1908), (lC-19), 1 tav. ['nnjsanura.] 160 Berlese, Antonio. Osservazioui in- torno agli Acerentomidi. Redia, Firenze, 5, 190.S, (LlO-122). [Thysanura.] 161 Bernard, Cli. Notes de pathologic vegetale. iii. Sur quelques maladies des plantes a caoutchouc. Buitenzors, Bull. Dep. Agric. Indes Neerl., 12, 1907, (1-79). 162 Bernau, Oiustav. Ueber den Bauplan d(M- Fliigeldeckenskulptur bei den Mor- phocaral)CU Geh. nnd bei den kaukasi- schen Tribax- und Plecte.-^- Avten. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, fl29-i;i(l, 132-133). [Coleoptera.] 163 Bernhard, Ch. De Zickten van do Theeplant. Tevsniannia, Batavia, 19. (611-020). [Bc'teroptera.] 164 Bernhauer. Max. Beitrag zur Sta- phyliuidenfauna von Siidamerika. Arch. Natg., Berlin, 74, Bd 1, 1908,(283-372). [Coleoptera.] 165 1,') Iiisccl^. Titles. 3500 Bemhauer, M. Beitnige zurKeuutiiis tier palaarkiisclieu Stai.-hvliniden-Fauna. Muiichener Kol. Zs. 3, lOOS, (3l'0-335i. [CohoiJeni.] 166 Bernbauer, if. Xeue Staphi/rniidcii der iialaarktischeii Fauna nebst tivnony- inischeii Bemerkuiijien. Miinchener Kol. "-.3. 1900-1008(123-128). [Cvleoptcm.] 167 Bemhauer, M. Octaviwi vitalei n. sp. - •. eiitomol. Berlin 23 190S (25). [CoJeo- ■r 168 Bemhauer, Max. 14. Folge neuer ^;aphylini^le^ der paliiarktischen Fauna, nebst Beuierkungen. AVien, Verb. Zool- Bot. Ges., 58, 1908, (32-41). [Cohontem]. 169 Bemhauer, Max. Xeue Slaphylinulae aus deux subtropisclien und tropischen Afrika. [In: L. Scbultze, zool. ii. an- throp. Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 1.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13. 1908, (101- 118). [Coleoptera.] 170 Bemhauer, Max. Staph ylinlduc. (Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, hrsg, v. W. Micbaelseu und R. Hartinever. Bd 2, Lfg 2.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (15-23), Colroptera.'l 171 Bethune, C. J. S. Bibliography of t. aiiadian entomology for the year 1906. Ottawa Proc. & Trans. R. Soc. Canad. ser. 3 1 1907 (131-141). 172 Bethune, C. J. S. Dr. James Fletcher. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (433-437) pi. xi. 173 Bethune, (". J. S. Dr. William H. .\-limead. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40, I'.HJS 437-438). 174 Bethune -Baker, G. T. Descriptions of iifw .\frican Hetevoeera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 2 1908, (25:j- 2^11'. 175 Bethune-Baker, G. T. Descriptions of new Rhupabiccra from the Upper Coug(j. .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist, London, ser. 8, 2, 1908/469-481). 176 Bethune-Baker, G . T. Descriptions of new species of butterflies of the division Rhopalocera [sic] from .Africa and from New Guinea. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (110-126), pis. viii-ix. {Lepido- ptera.] 177 Bethune-Baker, G. T. Xew Heterocera 'riiidiic. Canad. Ento. London (Can.), 40, 1908, (73-75). [Diptcra.'] 179 BeutenmUller, William. A new cynipid fioni Arizona. New York, N.Y., J. Ent. Soc, 16, 1908, (45). [Ilymevo- ptera.] 180 Beutenmiiller, William. Description of a new Catofcda. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (54-55). [_Lep;- doptcra.'] 181 Beutenmiiller, William. Notes ou Harris' tvpes of Cynlpidae. Psvche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (9-11). "[////- rne)wptera.] 182 Beyer, G. Notes on Oncideres quercns Skinner. New York, N.Y., J. Ent. Soc, 16. 1908, (.32). [Coleoptera^, 183 Bezzi, if. Noterelle Cecidologiche. :\rarcellia Avellino, 7, 1908, (10-13) [D'lptera.] 184 Bezzi, M. Rhaglon'idae et Emp'idldae palaearcticae novae ex Museo National i Hungarico. Ann. Hist. -Nat. Mns. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (389-396). [p\ptcva:\ 185 Bezzi, il. Secondo contrilnito alhi conoscenza del genere Azaveina. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6. 1908, (495-504). {Diplera.l 186 Bezzi, M. Diagnoses d'especes nou- velles de Dipteres d'Afrique. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 52, 1908, (374 - 388). 187 Bezzi, M. Nomeuklatorisches iiber Bipleren. III. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (74-84). 188 Bezzi, M. Nomenklatorisehes filler T)ipfrren. IV. Entomol. Ztg, Wien. 27, 19US, (291-295). 189 Bezzi, Mario. Ditteri eritrei raccolti dal Dott. Andreini e dal Prof. Tellini. II. Diptera Cyelorrhaphn. Firenze, Boll. Soc. Entom., 39, 1908, (3-199). 190 Bezzi. M. Eine neue brasilianische Art der Dipterengattung AUncjnosta 0. S. D. ent. Zs., Berlm, 1908, (471-475). 191 Bezzi, Mario. Simuludae, BomUjUi^ dae, Empididae, Ryrphldae, Tachinidae, Musc'tdae, Phrjcadromldae, Borhorldae, 16 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Trypetidae, Ephydndae, DroaopluUdae, Geomyzidae, Agromyzidae, Conopidae. {In : L. Schultze, Zool. ii. anthrop.- Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siid- afrika. Bd 1, Lfg 1.] Jena, Deiiksclir. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (179-201)- [l)\- ptera.'] 192 Bezzi, Mario. Ulteriori notizie sulla T>'ittevo-i-dm\Si delle caverne. Milaiio, Atti Soe. ital. sc. uat., 46, 1908, (177- ]87). 193 Bezzi, if. Die Cluonea der Alpen. Soc. entomoL, Berlin, 23, 1908, (97 & 98). [Drptera.} 194 Bezzi, Mario. Eine none Aplioehautns- Art aus dem palaearktischen Faunen- gebiete. Zs. Hj-menopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (20-36). [Diptera.] 195 Bezzi, M. Sind die Dasyllis-Arien ausschliesslich in Amerika zu Heimat? Zs. Hyraenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (108-110). [Diptera.] 196 Bickhardt, H. Beitriige zur Kenntuis der Histeriden. i. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4,1908,(11-48). [Coleoptera.] 197 Bickhardt, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Histeriden. ii. Ent. Bl., Schwabacli. 4, 1908, (185-188). [Cohoptem.] 198 Bickhardt, H. Kleinere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Coleoptereyiiauna von Kor- sika. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (201-202). 199 Bickhardt, H. Eiu monstroser Calo- .'ipln-a.] 217 1 7 Inject a. Titles. 3500 [Bloecker, II.] B.k'Kt'i)'b, 1'. K i. HOSFianiio (|)opMT> Txirentia Tr. rpyiiiibi trnncata Hufn. — immanata H\v. [Con- tribution a I'etude des formes de iMrent'ia Tr. du g€0\\\)etnmcata Ilul'n. — immanata Hw.] Re\'. riiss. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (44-i9) Taf. i. [Lepldopteva.'] 218 Bloecker H. Was ist Caradrina mfiictru'.->innesleben der Falter. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (15-16). [Lepido- plera.] 224 Booklet, Conrad. Ein gynandromor- phes Exemplar von Epiiiephcle tithonu>i L. Intern. ent.Zs.. Guben, 2, 1908,(123- 124, 131;. [Lepidoptera.] 225 Boden, W. Der Frass und die He- kampfung von Gdntropaclui jnni ini I.ehrrevier Freieiiwalde. Zs. Forstw., Berlin, 40, 1908, (35-42j. [Lepidoptera]. 226 Bodungen, A von. De Ilesperophanis specie nova transcancasir'a. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (179-180). [''ohoptera.] 227 Boehm, Rudolf. Verzeiehnis der in Egypten gefundenen Cocinelliden. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (190). [Coleoptera.] 228 (x-10332 j) Bomer, Carl. Eine moiiograpliische Studie iiber die Chermiden. Berlin, Arb. biol. Anst, 6, DOS, (I-V, 81-320), 3 Taf. [Aphidac] 229 Bbmer, Carl. Insecta. (Erste Serie.) A. Apterygota (1.) CoUemholen aus Siid- afrika nel)st einer Studie iiber die I. Maxille der Collembolen. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. i'^gebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1 Lfg. 1.] tfena, Denkschr. med. (les. 13, 1908, (51-08). 230 Bomer, Carl. Braida und Tliau- matoxeiia. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (.")37^549). 231 Bomer, Carl. Ueber das System der Chermiden. Zu Cholodkovskys Aufl'as- sung der Chermidensystematik. Zool. Anz. Leipzig, 33, 1908, (169-173). [Aphidac] ■ 232 Bomer, Carl. Ueber Chermesiden. i-iii. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (000-616, 647-003, 720). [Aphidac] 233 Bomer, Carl. Ueber C'hermesiden. iv. Zo<,l. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (737- 7.10). [Aphidae.] 234 Bomer, vide Moritz. Bbving, Adam vide Rye, B. G. Bogdanov, E. A. Ober die Abhangig- keit des Waclistums der Fliegenlarven von Bakterien und Fermenten und iiber die Variabilitat und Vererbung bei den Fleischfliegen. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Leipzig, Physiol. Abt., 1908, Suppl. Bd, (173-200) 2 Taf. 235 Bohatscliek, Leopold. Ein Zuchtver- sucli uiit nordanierikanisfhen Catocalen aus dem Ei. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 1, 1908, (33.') -336) ; Bemerkung dazu v. ilax Rothke. t.c. (371\ [Lepidoptera.] 236 Bolivar, Jgu. Acridiens d'Afrique du Musee royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16 1908 (83-120). [Ortho- ptera.] 237 Bolivar, Ignacio. Ueber die Gattung Ainorj/h'isceHsHia.]. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908,(51.3-517). 238 Bolivar, 1. Dos nuevas especies de Ilolohuiipra de Marruecos. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (91-93). [Orlhoptcra.] 239 Bolivar, I. Algunos ortopleros nuevos de Espaua, .Marruecu.s y Canarias. c 12 18 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (317-334). 240 Bolivax, I Aeridarachnea gen. nov. Nuevo genero proximo al Acrida (h.) Stal. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (418-420). [Orthoi^tera.] 241 Bolivar, I. Mantidos de la Guinea Espanola. Madrid Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 1, 1908(458-473) pi. xi & xii. [Oi-thoiJtem.] 242 Bolivar, I. Etude sur quelques Acridiens d'Afriqne. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (242-24Sj. [Orthoitera.] 243 Bolivar, I. Note sur les Ortliopterea recueillis par M. Henri (iadeau de Kerville en Khroumirie (Tunisie). (iadeau de Kerville Vovage en Khrou- mirie 1908 (117-128). ' 244 Bonflgli, Bianca. Ancora sul ciclo (lella I'll [iHoxera quercus. Rotua, Rend. Ace. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, 1908, 2" sem., (248-250). [Aphidac] 245 Borcliinanii, F. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans r Afrique orientale : CoJcoptercs. Noii- velles espec-es du genre TMgria. Bui. Museum, Raris, 1908, (151-15,3). 246 Borcbmann, F. Allecnlidae. (Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, lirsg. v. W. Michaelsen u. R. Hartmeyer. Bd 1, Lfg. 1 1 .) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (349- 358) 1 Taf. [Coleoptera.] 247 Bordas, L. Recherches sur les glandes defensives ou glandes odorantes des Bluttes. Ann. sci. uat. (Zool.), Paris, (ser. 9), 7, 1908, (1-25). [Ortho- plera.] 248 Bordas, L. Sur ([uelques jioints d'anatomie des glandes venimeuses. liipncnopthrea. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908,(1.30-140). 249 Bordas, L. Le csecum rectal de quelques IIemipt/-res aquatiques. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (27-30). 250 Bordas, L. Produit de secretion de la glaiich- odorante des IJiattcs. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (31-32). [Orthoplcrn.] 251 Bordas, L. Les glandes cutaneos de quelques Vespides. Paris, Bui. soc. zo.il., 33, 1908,(.')9-r.l). [Ilymni(>i'tc)-n.'\ 252 Bordas, L. ;\iiat()mie des organes ;H)l)endiculai)c;s di- I'appai-eil rcpro- diictenr femelle des Mattes (I'criphtiieln orlentalis L.). Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1415-1418). [OHlwpLcra.] 253 Bordas, L. Role physiologique des glandes arborescentes annexees a I'ap- pareil generateur des Blattes. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1495-1497). [Orthoptera.] 254 Bordas, L. Les glandes salivaires de la Mante reliuieuse Mantes reJ'igiosa L.). Paris, Mem. "soc. zool., 20, 1908, (91- 106). [Orthoptera.] 255 Bordier, H. Influence des rayons X sur revolution des vers a soie. Paris, C. R. ass. fran^. avanc. sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906, 2<= Partie), 1907, (506-508). [Lepidoptera] 256 Bordier, H. Action des rayons X sur des cocons norniaux. Paris, C. R. ass. frauQ. avanc. sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906, 2' Partie), 1907, (509-511). [Lepidoptera.] 257 Borelli, Alfredo. Nuovo genere, Pyra- gropsis, di Forficole di Costa Rica. Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, N. 594, (1-4) [Orthoptera.] 258 Borelli, Alfredo. Descrizione di una nunva forficola di Madeira. Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, N. 582, 1-3). [Orthoptera.] 259 Borggreve, B. Ein A2:)afii)'a-Bastard- Zwitter. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 61, 1908, (154-155;. [Lepidoptera.] 260 Borgmann. Erwiderung auf Dr. Knoclie' Schlus-sbemerkung (S.45 Jahrg. 1908 dieser Zeitschritt). Zs. Forstw., Berlin, 40, 1908, (133-134). [Coleo- 2)tcra.] 261 Bom, Paid. Carabologisches aus der Schweiz. Bern Mitt, scliweiz. ent. Ges., 11 1908 (275-279). [Coleoptera.] 262 Born, Paul. Zoogeographisch-carabo- logische Studieu. Eut. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (26-28, 31-32, 36-37, 42 48 52, 56, 61-62, 66, 70, 74, 82, 85- 86, 90, 94, 97-98, 101-102, 105-106, 109-110, 111, 116-118). [Coleoptera.] 263 Bom, P. Ein livbrider Carahn.'i. Soc. entomol. Berlin" 23 1908 (137). [Coleopitera.] 264 Boucomont, A. Note sur uu nuuvcau genre de Geotriipidae et une particu- larity remarquable des antennes d'uii Jiolboccrua. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (197-199). [Coleoptera.] 265 1:' In^cdd. Titles. 3500 Bouffard, C!. l>ii rolo ooinpiro ties ^lossines et des stoiiioxes duns letio- logie de la Souma. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1. 1908, (333-337). [I>>- ptcro.'] 266 Bouffard, G. Le Stegomyia faselata au (.'oiiiTo Frauvais. Paris, Bui. soc. path. e.\ot., 1, 190S, (454-459). [H/"- jitera.] 267 Boullet, Eug. ride Mabille, P. Bourgeois, Jules. Contribution a I'etucie des Coleopteres de la faniille des Dascillides. Le genre Gcncccmx Walk. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.), Paris, (ser. 9\ 6, 1908, (349-359). 268 Bourgeois, J. Lycides (collect ions recueillies })ar Jf. Ch. Alluaud dans I'Afrique orientale, 1903-1904). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (270-275) [CoJeo- ptera.] 269 Bourgeois, .1. Lycides (Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans I'Afrique orientale 1905-1900). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (276-2771 [Colcoptn-a.] 270 Bourgeois, J. Catalogue des C'olro- pthrs de la chaine des Vosges et des regions limitrophes. (Suite). Colmar, Mitt, nathist. Ges., (N. F.), 9, (1907 OS), 1908,(121-198). 271 Bourgeois, J. Diagnoses de Lijcldcs nouveaux ou pe»i connus. 9" partie. Paris, Ann. soc. ent. 77 1908 (501-501). [Coleoi^era.] 272 Bourgeois, J. Une espece nouvelle du genre Ci/distus. Paris, Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (210-212). [Coieoptera.] 273 Bourgeois, J. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Drilus. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 r241-242). [Coieoptera.] 273a Bourgeois, J. Malacodermata. In: Sjostedis Kilimandjaro-.Meru Expedition, Uppsala, 7, 10, 1908, (105-138), av. pl. iii. [Coieoptera]. ' 274 (Bouvier, E. L. Sur un Japyx gigantesque du Thibet. Paris, Bui. soc. ent, 1905, .30-32).) 275 BouwmaJi,B. E. Nieuws van il/e-ae.hys. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (21G-217). [Coieoptera.] 281 Bradley. J. Chester. A case of gregarious sleeping habits among aculeate J I ijmenoptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Columbus, Ohio, 1, 1908, (127- 130). 282 Bradley, J. Chester. The Evnviidae ensign-llies, an archaic family of ////- menoptera. Philadelphia, Pa., Tr.ms. Amer. Ent. Soc, 34, 1908, (101-194), II pis. 283 Brake, II. Aus dem Liebesleben der Schmetterlinge. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (1-3, ()-7, 10-11, 14-15). [Lepi- doptera.] 284 Brake, B. Zuchtergebnis von Lym[antria] hybr. (v. japonica S x dispar ? ). S '^ 1- Inzucht (gynan- Jromorph). Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, I90S, (113-111). [Lepidoptera.] 285 Brancsik, C. Additamenta ad enu- merationem Coleopterorum Comitatus trencsiniensis. Trencsen m. termt. tars, evk., 29-30, [190G-1907], 1908, (35-52). 286 Brants, A. Plus'ia moneta F. Sepp's Nederlandsche Insecten, vSer. 3, 's Gravenhage (Mart. Nijhoff), 1908, (49- 09), 2 Taf. [Lepidoptera.] 287 Braun, Annette F. New species of LitJtocolletis. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (99-107). [Lepidoptera.] 288 Braun, Annette F. Revision of the North American species of the genus Lithocollclis Hiibner. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Fnt. Soc, 34, 1908, (2C)9 - .'557 -f- 5L), pis. xx-xxiv. [fjepidoiicra.] 289 Breddin, fi. Beitriige zur Systematik der Pentatomiden Siidamerikas. Zweites Stiick. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (24-30). 290 c 12—2 20 Insccta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Breddin, G. 7?/(/y)K-/wi de las republicas del Plata. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires ser. 3 9 1908 (277- 305). 302 Brethes, J. VA gi'uero Urellia (Di- pt era) en el Plata. An. Mus. Nac. Buonos Aires ser. 3 9 1908 (367-374). 303 Brethes, J. Una nueva Urellht de Palagnnia. An. Mua. Nac. Buenos Aiics ser. 3 9 1908 (471). [Dlptcrci.] 304 Brethes, J. Sobre tres Exorisla (I)'iplera) parasilas de la Palitatra tciiui» Berg. An. Mus. Nac. Bueuos Aires ser. 3 9 1908 (473-476). 305 Brimley, C. S. Notes on the Or- thoptera of Raleigh, North Carolina. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (16-21). 306 Brimley, C. S. Male Polistcs annularis survive the winter. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (107). [Eiimeno- ptera.] 307 Brimley, C. S. Notes on some Neuro- ptero'ida from Raleigh, IN. C. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (13.3-131). 308 Brimley, C. S. North Carolina re- cords of Odonata for 1906 and 1907. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (134-135). 309 Brimley, C. S. and Sherman, F. jun. Additional records of Tahanidae (horse- flies) of North Carolina. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (168-173). [Diptera.] 310 Britton, W. E. Notes from Con- necticut. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H., 1, 1908, (313-315). 311 Britton, W. E. Report of the Con- necticut agricultural experiment station for the year 1907. Part V. Seventh report of the state entomologist. New Haven Conn. 1908, (266-338) pis. i-xvi. 312 Brocher, F. Quelques mots sur une larve de Gyrin. Bull. Soc. Zool. (leneve 1 1906-1907 (62-65). [Coleoptera.] 313 Brohmer, P. Entomologisches aus Deutsch - Ostafrika. (Sannnelreferat.) Natw. Wochenscair., Jena, 23, 190S, (65-69). 314 Brooks, Fred 10. The grapevine root- borer: Memytlius iMH.'ffiformis Harris. Agric. Exp. Sta., West Virginia, Morgan- town, Bull. 110, 1907, (17-30), ].l. [Lepidoplera.] 315 Broun, T. Descriptions or new species of New Zealand Coleoptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist , London, ser. 8 2 1908 (334 352 & 405-422). 316 Brown, II. Observations sur les uKiMirs de Lcmon'iii dum'i L. Paris Hul. soc. ent. 1908 (289-291). [T.cp]- doptera.] 317 Brown, H. Sur k's ])remiers etals (i'.l(/n)//'.s (■(Dix.tanl'i. I'aris, Bui. soc. out., 1908, 089-190). [Lrp}doptn-nr[ 318 •21 Insecta. TiTLKS. 3500 Brown, J. Stanford. Pink katydiils. Science, New York. N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 190S. (271-272). [Orthoptera.] 319 Bruch, C. Eine neue Carabideugat- tung aus Argentinien. Cicindi.-< lloriii. I>. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, il'J7-r)00». 320 Bruch, C. Eiu neuer ilegalopita aus Arsjentiuien. {Col. Chn-som.) D. ent. Zs.^, Berlin, 1908, (^710-717). 321 Brucb, C. Ptinus et Anohikles nou- veaux de la republique Argentine. Re- vist. Mas. La Plata Buenos Aires, 12 1905 (135 & 136). [CoZc'opfera.J 322 Bruch, C. Metamorfosis y biologia de Coleoptcros argentinos. ii. Revist. Mus. U Plata Buenos Aires, 12, 1906 (205- 218) 3 pis. 323 Bruch, C. Metamorfosis y biologia de Coleopteros argentinos. iii. Revist. Mus. La Plata Buenos Aires, 14 1907 (123- 142) pis. i-v. 324 Briicke, E. Th. v. Ober die ange- bliche Mastung von Sekmetterlingspup- pen mit Kohlensaure. Arch. Anat. Phvsiol., Leipzig, Plivsiol. Abt. 1908, p. 431. ■ 325 Brues, C. T. Three new Hymeno- pteroux parasites of the cabbage maggot. Rep. Ent. Minnesota 12 1908 (192- 196:. 326 Brues, Charles Thomas. On the in- terpretation of certain tropisms of insects. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (297-302). 327 Brues, Charles T. New phytophagous Ilyrnenoptera from the Tertiary of Floris- sant, Colorado. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 51, 1908, (257-276). 328 Brues, Charles T. The occurrence of the remarkable braconid genus Helori- morpha in America. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 190S, (363-364). [Hy- menoptera.] 329 Brues, Charles T. The correlation between habits and structural characters among parasitic Hrjmenoptera. J Econ. Ent., Concord, N. H., 1, 1908, (123- 128). 330 Brues, Cliarles T. Notes and descrip- tions of North American parasitic Hy- menoptera. 6. Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc., 6, 1908, (48-56;. 331 Brues, Charles T. Two fossil Plioi-nlac from the Miocene shales of Florissant, Colorado. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (273-27.')). [Dlptcra.] 332 Brues, Charles T. Is mut^ition a fa ;tor in the production of vestigial wings among insects? New York, N.Y., J. Ent. Soc, 16, 1908, (45-52). 333 Brues, Charles T. Some new North Aniericau Vhorldac. New York, N Y., J. Ent. Soc, 16, 1908, (199-201). [T)]- ptera^ 334 Bruner, L. it Shelford, H. Ortlwpi.mi. l?iol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2, (249-377). ])ls. iv-viii. 335 Brunetti, E. Notes on Oriental Syr- pJiidae with desciiptions of new species. Rec Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908, (49-96j. [The corresponding Plates are iDublished in op. cit. vol. I. (Pis. xi. xii. xiii.)J 336 Brtmetti, E. Correction to No. IV (L'nnnophora and A ?ii/'o /«;//'« of " Notts on Oriental Diptera " (Rec. Ind. Mus. 1, p. 381) Rec Ind. Mus. Calcutta, 2,pt. 1, 19U8, (107). 337 Brunetti, E. Indian Pxydtodidnc, Rec Ind. ilus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 4, 19(;S. (369-384), pi. xxiv. [Diptem.] 338 Brunner v. Wattenwyl, K. und Redten- Ijacher, Jos. Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. Lfg. 3 (Schluss : Phasmldae anareolatae (Phibalosomini, Acrophylinl, Necrosciini). Bearb. v. J. Redtenbacher. Leipzig (W. Engelmann), 1908, (340- 589), 12 Taf. 36 cm. 30 M. [Odho ptera.'l 339 Bruntz, L. Nouvelles recherclies sur I'excretion et la phagocytose chez les 'lliyaanoureH. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 8,1908,(471-488). 340 Bruntz, L. Lea reins labiaux et les ghuides cephaliques des ThysanoureH. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 9, 1908, (195- 228, av. fig.). 341 Bruntz, L. Sur la contingence de la bordure en brosseet la signification pro- bable des batonnets de la cellule renale. Nancy, Bui. soc. sci., ser. 3, 9, 1908, (500- 503). [Thysajiura.] 342 Bruntz, L. Sur I'existence desglandes cephaliques chez Machilis maritimu. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (491- 493). i'Lliymriura?^ 343 22 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Bruntz, L. Sur la structure et le reseau tracheen des canaiix excreteurs des reins du Maahil'is mar'itima Leach. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (871-873). [Thijmnura.] 344 Bruntz, L. Sur la cytologic du laby- rinthe renal des Tlujsanoures. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (1045-1047). 344a Brunts, L. Sur la contingence de la bordure en brosse et la signification pro- bable des batonnets de la cellule renale. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (83- 85). l^lltysanura.'] 345 Bruntz, L. Note sur I'anatomie et la physiologic des Thysanoures. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (231-233). 347 Bruyant, C. et Dufour, G. Additions a la faune halophile de I'Auvergne. Feuille jennes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (142), iColeoptera.'] 348 Bryant, Owen. Lights attracting in- sects. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 28, 1908, (797-798). 349 Buchner, Paul. Die ovogenetischen und spermatogenetischen Arbeitea aus deiu Jalire 190G. Zs. wiss. Insektenl)io]., Berlin, 4, 1908, (2G9-27G). 350 Buckle, A. S. Notes on a ('ollcetiou of Leii'idoiilern from Aden and from the Transvaal. Entouiologist, Loudon, 41, 1908, (7-10). 351 Bueno vide Torre Bueno. Bufifa, Pietro. Esame di una piccola raccolta di Tisanolteri esistentc nel Museo zoologico della K. Universita di Napoli. Napoli, Annuario iluseo ZooL. N. Ser., 2, No. 23, 1908, (1-6). 352 Bufifa, Pietro. Alcune notizie anato- miche sui 'risanotteri tubulii'eri. Reflia, iMicnzc, 4, fasc. 2, 1007, (309-381). 353 Bufifa, Pietro. Ksanio della raccolta di T'lsanoUevL italiani esistente nel Museo civico di Storia naturale di Geneva. Redia, Pirenze, 4, 1907, (382- 391). 354 Bufifa, Pietio. 'i'lHanottcvl nuovi. Redia, Firenze, 5, 1908, (123-125). 355 Bufifa, Pietro. Contribuzione alia conoscciiza dei I'lHanotterl italiani. Redia, Firenze, 5, 1908, (133-137). 356 Bugnion, E. Sur ies pieces buccales des Jlcmipth-eH. Arch. Sci. Phys., Gene\.', 25, I'.IOS, (.'■jOl -.")() 1). 357 Bugnion, E. & Popofif, N. La cire blanche de Chine (rectification). Lau- sanne, Bui. Soc. Sci. nat., 44, 1908, (273-282), pi. xxi. [Coccidae.] 358 Bugnion, E. [avec Popofif, N.]. Le sy- steme nerveux et Ies organes sensoriels dii Fulgore tachete des Indes et de Ceylan {Fulgora maculata). J. Psvchol., Leipzig, 13, 1908, f326-.354). (liomo- plem.J 359 Burdon, E. R. Some critical observa- tions on the European species of the genus Chermes. J. Econ. biol., London, 2, 1908, ('119-148\ pis. viii-ix. [Aphidae.] 360 Burdon, E. R. Note on the origin of the name Cliei'incs or Kermctf. London, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 30, 1907, (G-9). 361 Burgess, A. F. Uniform common uauies for insects. J. Econ. Ent., Con- cord, N.H., 1, 1908, (209-21.",). 362 Burke, H. E. A new bnprestid enemy of Pinwi edulis. [Melanopliila piul-edidls u. sp.) Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (117-118). [Coleoptera.] 363 Burkill, I. H. Notes on the pollina- tion of flowers in India. 5. Some autumn o!)servations in the Sikkim Himalaya. G. The spring flora in the Simla Hills. Calcutta, J. Proc. As. Soc, Bengal, 4, 1908, (;i79-231). 364 Burkill, L H. vide Willis, J. C. Burr, .Malcolm. Notes on the Forii- cidar'ut. x. A revision of the Ncsogas- tr'niae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (42-4G). [Ovthoptera.] 365 Burr, Malcolm. Notes on the Forfi- cnJnrla. xi. On new and little-known species and s3'nonymic notes. Ann. JIag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, (47-51). [Orthoptera.] 366 Burr, Malcolm. Notes on the Forji- ndaria. xii. Note on the genus Apaclnis Serv. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (51-54). [Ortltoptcra.] 367 Burr, .M. Notes on the Forjicidaria. xiii. A revision of the Brachijlahidae {[miluhidae). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, (240-255). [Ortho- ptera.] 368 Burr, M. Notes on the Forjicidaria. xiv. A revision of the I'l/fjidicraniuae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, (382-392). [Orthoptera.] 369 iM InsecJa. Titles. 3500 Burr, Malcolm. I'eber Dcrmnptevcn aus I>eutsch-Ost Afrika. Berliner ent. Zs., 52, (1907\ 1908, (201--_'07). 370 Burr, M. Note sur quelques Der- niapteres afritains du musee d'histoire naturelle de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique, 52, 1908, (3-4-30). [Orthoifiera] 371 Burr, Malcolm. Catalogue des Forfi- ciilides des collections du Museum (I' partie). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, (308-.513). [Oiihoptem.] 372 Borr, Malcolm. Two new Devmaptera in tiie collection of the Leydeu Museum. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (95-97,1. 373 Burr, Malcolm. Dermaptera. [In : Wiss. Ergebnisse der Exped. Filchner. Bd 10. Tl. 1.1 Berlin (E. S. Mittler & .S.), 1908, (57-uS), 1 Taf. ^ 374 Burr, Malcolm. Dermaptera. (Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, lirsg. v. W. Michaelsen ii. R. Hartmever. Bd 2. Lfg 5.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (67-80), ITaf. 27 cm. 375 Burrlll, A. C. A slave-making foray of the shining amazon (Pohjergus hieidus Mayr). New York, N.Y., J. Ent. Soc, 16. 1908, (144-1.51). [Eymenoptera.'] 376 Burrows, C. R. N. The British specie-s of Hydroec'ia — Uydroecia crinanensis sp. n. Ent. Rec. 20 1908 (184). [Lepi- doptera.] 377 BuBCk, A. Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. i pt. 5. [Review.] Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908. [Lepidoptera.] 378 Busck, A. Descriptions of some new Mlerolepidoptera from Pennsylvania. Canad. Ento. London 40 1908 (193- 190 i. 379 Busck, August. Descriptions of two new Geleehidae troia California. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (316- 3l7j. [Lepidoptera.'] 380 Busck, Augnst. Descriptions of North American Thieina. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9 (1907), 1908, (85-95). [Lepidoptera.] 381 Busck, August. Two new stenomid moths from the eastern L'uited States. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908,(111-112). [r.epidoptera.l 382 Btisck, August. Report on a trip for the purpose of studying the mosquito fauna of Panama. Washington, O.C, Smithsonian lust.. Misc. Collect., Q., 52, 1908, (^49-77). [Diptera] 383 Busck, August. A generic revision of Aniericau moths of the family Oeco- plioridae Avith descriptions of new species. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, No. 1644, 35, 1908, (187-207). [Lepi- doptera.] 384 Buttel-Reepen, II. V. Zur Fortpflun- zuugsgeschichte der Houinhiene. L . Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (280- 2881 [Ilymenoptera.] 385 Buysson, R.Du. DeuxIIymenopterea nouveaux de Java. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (123-126). 386 Buysson vide etiam Du Buysson. Caillol, Henri. Catalogue des Coleo- pjteres de Provence (l"" partie). Mar- seille, Aim. soc. sci. nat. Provence, 1, 1907-1908, (73-584) ; 2- partie, 2, 1908, (145-272). 387 Calmbach, Viktor. Zucht von Par- nassius apollo ex ovo. Eut. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (236). [Lepidoptera.] 388 Calmbach, Viktor. Zucht von Or- rhnd'id frai/ariae Esp. ex ovo. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (252). [Lepidoptera.] 389 Calmbach, Viktor. Bembecia hylaei- formis Lasp. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1!)08, (12-13). [Lepidoptera.] 390 Calmbach, Victor. Ex Ovo-Zucht von Metr-ocamjxi marrjnritata 1^. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (79 GO). [Lepi- doptera.] 391 Calmbach, Viktor. Zucht von Pachy- paaa otus Drury ex ovo. Ent. Zs,, Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (75-76). [Lepido- ptera?^ 392 Calvert, P. P. Neuroptera (Odonata). Biol. Centr.-Amer. Neuropt. (405-420 & i-xxx) Map i. 393 Calvert, P. P. List of Odonata taken by Dr. Henry Skinner, in Carr canyon, Huachuca mountains, Arizona. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19. 1908, (45). 394 Calvert, Philip P[owell]. The present state of our knowledge of the Odonata of Mexico and Central America. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 28, 1908, (692-695). 395 24 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Calvert, Philip P. The Odonala of ilexico. [Correction.] Science, New York, X.Y., N. Ser., 28, I'JOS, (885-88(i). 396 Calwer, C. C. Kaferlnich. Natur- .yeschiciite der Kafer Eurojias. G volli.u iimgearb. Aufl. hrsp,-. v. C'aniillo Schan- fuss. Lfg 2-9. Stuttoart (Sproesser ct Nagele), [1907/08], (.33-288), 14 Taf. 27cm. Die Lfg 1 M. [Coleoptera.] 397 Cameron, P. No. iv. Tlymcnoptera. [Percy Sladen Trust expedition.] Lon- don, 'Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2 12 11)07 (69-86). 397a Cameron, P. On the Scottish species of Oxi/ura {Froctolnjp'ulae). Part iii. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinbnroh 1908 (230-232). [Jlymcnoptera.-] ' 398 Cameron, P. A contribution to the aculeate 1 1 ijmenoptera of the Boiu1)ay Presidency. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (300-311). 399 Cameron, P. A contribution to the aculeate 1 1 ijmenoptera of the Bombay Presidency. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, ((;49-()59).' 400 Cameron, P. Descriptions of the new genera and species of reared ChaJcididac from Borneo. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (;')59-5ni). [Hiimeuoptcra.'] 401 Cameron, V. On some uudescribed Vespnhu'. from Borneo. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (JlGl-SCo). [Ilymawptrm:] 402 Cameron, P. Description of two uiidescrilied bees from liorneo. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (5G;j-5G()). [Ihpncuo- ptcm.] ' 403 Cameron, P[eter]. Description of a new species of parasitic Cijn'ip'uhic from Kucliing, Borneo. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (588). [Ilymenoptera.] 404 Cameron, P. Description of a new species of Microgasler {liraconidac) from th(! Paraguayan Chaco, South America. I). ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (G8G). [Hymejioptera.] 405 Cameron, P. Descriptions of new species of Bracoiiidnc from Borneo. 1). ent., Zs., Berlin, 1908, (G87-G9I). [Ilyvieiwplcra.] 406 Cameron, P. A new sijccies of I'rc.mcx (Sirifulac) from Bonieo. ICnto- niologist London 41 1908(33). \llymciio- plcra.j 407 Cameron, P. A new Paeudageiiln from Sikkim. Entomologist London 41 1908 (38). [llymowptcra.] 408 Cameron, P. Descriptions of two new species (if (lirynid'idae from Borneo. Entomologist London 41 1908 (Gl). [Uymcitapterd.] 409 Cameron, P. Descriptions of two new genera autl s])ecies of I clineuvwui- d(ie (Xorid'nii) from Borneo. Ento- mologist London 41 1908 (82-84). [II ymcuaptcra.'] 409a Cameron, P. Description of a new species of MegncliUr from India. Ento- mologist London 41 1908 (88). [Ilymc- Niipterd.] 410 Cameron, P. Description of a new species of sawfly (Selandria) from Borneo. Entomologist London 41 1908 (124). [Ilyinoioptcm.'] 411 Cameron, P. On two new genera of ('ludcidldae from Borneo. Entomologist London 41 1908 (151-15.3). [Hymeno- plera.] 412 Cameron, 1'. On some Bornean sjjccies of Trigoua {Ap'idae). Entomo- logist London 41^ J 908 (192-195). lllymeiioptern.'] 413 Cameron, P. Descriptions of two species of Evania from Borneo. Ento- mologist London 41 1908 (237 & 238). [II ipnciioptcra.] 414 Cameron, P. On three undescribed fossorial IJyinenuptcra {Crahro & Psen) from Borneo. Entomologist London 41 1908 (212 & 243). 415 Cameron, P. Descri])fi(in of a new species of Ccratimi from Borneo. Ento- mologist London 41 1908 (285). [Jlyme- )ii)pter(i.'\ 416 Cameron, !'. Descrijjtion df a new genus and species of Crypt'rnac {Icliiwu- vionidac) from Borneo. Entomologist London 41 1908 (290 & 291). [lliimcuo- pU'.ra.] 417 Cameron, P. Description of a new genus and species of Bracuuidac from ISorneo. Entomologist London 41 1908 (295). [Ilymenoptera.] 418 Cameron, P. Descriptions of a new genus and two n(>w species of parasitic Cipup'tddc from Borneo. Entomologist L;)nd()n 41 1 908 (299 & 300). [Hymeno- pfcm.] 419 '2'> Iruerta. Titles. 3500 Cameron, P. A contribution towards the knowledge of the Odyner'tdac of the south west of tlie United States. Phihi- delphia. Pa., Trans. Anier. Ent. !Soc , 34. lOOS, iI95-2l\><). [Ihpncuoiftcra.] 420 Cameron, P. On some undescribed Anierieau Ihimcnoptem chiefly from the south-west of the L'nited States. Phila- delphia, Pa. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 34, r.tOS. (:.'20-246). 421 Cameron, P. On some new genera and s{)ecies of lehnetimonidae from the Himalayas. [Forts.] Zs. Hyraenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1008,(37-44). [Hijmc- noiitera.] 422 Campbell, W. Howard. Sexual attraction in Lepidoptera. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (511). * 423 Carl, J. Couoce))halides du museum de Geneye. Rev. Suisse zool. Geneye 16 1908 ( 131-1.50) pi. iy. [Orthoptera.] 424 Carl, J. [and Fritze, Adolf]. Xeue Locustodeen yon Ceylon und Borneo. Bern Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 11 1908 '299-.305)pl. yii. [Orthoptera.] 425 Carpenter, George H. Insecta Ajitera. National Antarctic exp. 4 1908 (1-5). 1 pi. 426 Carpententer, G. H. Injurious insects and other animals obseryed in Ireland during the year 1907. Dublin Econ. proc. R. Soc. 1, 1908 (559-588), pis. xlix-liy. 427 Ctarpenter], G. H. C. British and Irish plume moths. [Pieyiew of J. W. Tutt.] Irish Nat. Dublin, 17, 1908 (15- 17'. [Lppidoptera.] 428 Carpenter, Geo. H. On two CoJlem- hola new to the Britannic fauna. Irish Nat. Dublin, 17, 1908 (174-179). 429 Carpenter, G. H., Halbert, J. N. and Kane, \V. F. de V. Insecta. Handbook City Dublin district, 1908 (151-176). 430 Carpenter, G. H. and Steen, J. W. The warble-dy. Experiments on cattle as to its treatment and life history. J. Dept. Agric. tech. inst. Ireland 8 (22 pp.) 1 pi. [Diptera.] 431 Carpentier, L. Obsenations sur trois Curculionides parasites des galles du Saule. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (262j. [f'olecifJern^ 432 Carter, \. E. J. Two no\y British Diptera : IWiomiiia esuricns Mg. and P. iiii'irittata v. llos. Ent. Mag. London 44 (12S). 433 Carter, 11. .1. Revision of the Australian sj)ecies of Adel'mm. Sydney, N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc, 33, 1908 (257-285). [Coleoptera.] 434 Carter, II. J. Revision of the genus Seirotra)ia, together with descrii)tionsof new species of other Australian Coleo- ptera. Sj'dney, N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 33, 1908, (392-422), tigs. 435 Casey, Thos. L. Remarks on some new J'selaph'tdae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (257-281). [Coleoptera.] 436 Casey, T. L. A new genus of llip-rliidac. Cauad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (281 & 282). [Coleoptera.] 437 Casey, T. L. Notes on the Coccinel- I'ldae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908(393-421). [Coleoptera.] 438 Casey, Thos. L. A reyision of the tenebrionld subfamily Coniontinae. Washington, D.C., Proc. Acad. Sci., 10, 1908, (51-160). [Coleoptera.] 439 Castek, Josef. Weitere Mitteilungen iiber die Lebensweise der Agrot'ia luc'ipeta-lhiw^en. Intern. Guben, 1, 1908, (367). [Lepidoptera.] 440 Caudell, A. N. A cockroach new to the United States. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (463). [Ortho- plera.] 441 Caudell, A. N. Grijllodes aig'dlatus Walker (= poeij'i Sauss.) in Washington, D.C. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (9(i). [drthoptcra.] 442 Caudell, A.N. A new Barytettix from Arizona. Washington, D.C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 9,(1907), 1908, (69-71). [Ortho- ptera.] 443 Caudell, Andrew^ Nelson. Notes on some western Orthoptera ; ^vith the description of one new species. Wash- ington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, No. 1599, 34, 1908, (71-81). 444 Caudell, A. N. Orthoptera fam. LocuHtidae, subfam. Decticiiiae. Wyts- man Gen. iusectonun fasc 72 1908 (1- 43) pis. i & ii. 445 20 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1908] Cazalbou, L. Soiuna et Baleri. Paris, Bui. soe. path, exot., 1, 1908, (390-3U3)! [Diptera.] 446 Champion, G. C. Coleoptera. Biol. Centr.-Ainer. Col. 4 pt. 5 (241-400) pis. xiv-xix. 447 Champion, G. C. Notes on various British Coleoptera. Eut. Mag. London 44 190S (1 & 2). 448 Champion, G. C. Paeliycoleus rufe>^- cens Sahib. (Fam. Ceratoeomhidae in Devonshire. Ent. Mag. Loudon 44 1 90S (8). [Heteropteva.] 449 Champion, G. C. Coleoptera and liemiptera-Heteroptera in Devonshire. Eut. Mag. London 44 1908 (32-35). 450 Champion, G. C. Cri/ptopluigus loven- dali Ganglb., in the New Forest. Ent. Mag. London 44 (123). [Coleoptera']. 451 Champion, G. C. Dromius aur/ustus Brulle at Woking. Ent. Mag. London 44 (124). [Coleoptera.] 452 Champion, G. C. Aleochara crasslus- cida Saliil)., a British insect. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (194). [Coleoptera.} 453 Champion, G. C. Calodera protensa Mann., a British insect. Eut. Mag. L.mdou 44 1908 (225). [Coleoptera.] ' 454 Chapman, T. A. On the egg and first stage larva of PaplUo homerns Fabr. Entomologist London 41 1908 (97-101) pis. iii V. [TjCpidoptera.] 455 Chapman, T. A. The eggs of Cydo- p'tden palaemon and C. si/lvuis and their thynieliciiie affinities. Ent. Rec. Lou- don 20 1908 (14-10 & 30-33) pis. i-iii. [Lejiidoptera.] 456 Chapman, T. A. Notes from tlie Pyrenees. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 {C>U 't'.'jj pis. vi-viii. [Lepidoptera.] 457 Chapman, T. A. Notes on Lepidoptera from the Pyrenees — Cleoqenepeletieraria. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (151-159) pis. xi-xvii. 458 Chapman, T. A. Notes from the Pyrenees — Odez'ta alratti and its varia- tion. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (222- 225 & 200-204) pis. xix & xx. [Lepido- ptera]. 459 Chapman, T. A. Two nrw genera (and anew speciesj of liulian Lvcaenids. London Proe. Zool. Soc. 1908 (070-078) pi. xx.xviii. [Lep'iilopfera.] 460 Chapman, T. A. Ereh'ia lefevbrei aud Lijcnena pyrcnaica. Loudon Tr. eut. Soc. 1908 (307-316) pis. viii-xiii. [Lepido- ptera.] 461 Chapman, T. A. On StenoptUia grandis (new species). London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 (317-320) pis. xiv-xvii. [Lepidoptera.] 462 Chapman, T. A. Are Ereres argiades and coretas distinct species ? Loudon Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 (371-374) pis. xix & XX. [Lepidoptera.] ; 463 Chapman, T. A. Sur deux Phalenes des Pyrenees. Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 1908 '(490-500) pis. x-xiii. [Lepido- ptci-a.] 464 Chappellier, A. A quelle hauteur volent les Insectes ? Feuillea jeunes natural., Paris, 39, 1908, (51). 465 Chem, A. Apparition du Papillou Rodocera rhamni a la Baumette, pres Angers de 1877 a 1909. Feuillea jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (215). [Lepi- doptera.] 466 Chinaglia, Leopoldo. Osservazioni intorno alia variabilita di colorazione deir Apodcrus corijli Linn. Riv. coleot- ter. ital., Camerino, 6, 1908, (23-33). [Coleoptera.] 467 Chinaglia, Leopoldo. Di alcnni Coleot- teri mostruosi. Riv. Goleotter. ital., Camerino, 6, 1908, (102-100) ; t.c. (161- 174) 1 tav. 468 Chittenden, F. H. New species of Balaniniis, with notes. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (19-20). [Coleoptera.] 469 Chittenden, F. H. An injurious North American s])ecies of Apion with notes on related forms. Washington, U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Eut. Bull. No. 64 \nn-t 4 1908 (29-32). [Coleoptera.] 470 Chittenden, F. H. Insects injurious to the loco weeds. Washington U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Bull. No. 64 part 5 1908 (33-42). 471 Chittenden, !■'. II. The strawljeny weevil. \\ asiiington Cir. 11. S. Dejit. Agric. Bur. Fnt. 21 revised edition 1908 (1-10). [Coleoptera]. 472 Chittenden, F. II. The squash-vine borer. Wasliington Cir. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. 38 second revise 1908 (1-0). 473 -7 In.i>tera.] 476 Chittenden, F. H. Tlie rose slugs. Washington Cir. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. 105 1908 (1-12). [Hymenoptera.] 477 Chitty, Arthur J. On the Procto- trypid genus Antaeoii, with descriptions of new species and a table of those occurring in Britain. Ent. Mag. Lou- don 44 1908 (141-146 & 209-214). [Hymeitoptera.] 478 Chobaut, A. Variete nouvelle d'Anthlcus fairma'irei Bris. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (162-163). [Coleoptem.] 479 Chobaut, A. Deux aberrations nouvelles de Coccinellides algeriens. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (327). [Culcoi^i-rn.] 480 Cholodkovsky, X. Zur Frage iil>er diebiologischenArten. Biol. Ceutialbl , Leipzig, 28, 1908, (769-782). 481 [Cholodkovsky, N. A.] Xoao;;KOB- CKiii, H. A. Kb oio.ioriii T.iefi motij.ii.- K0BUX7. paCTeHirt. [Contributiou a I'etude des Aphidides des Papilionac-ee>i.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 19()7, [1908], (87-95J. 482 [Cholodkovsky, N. A.] Xo.io;u/uJo]ogische Mitteilungen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, t;,^7-0G3j. 484 Cholodkovsky, X. Leber den weiblichen Geschlechtsapparat einiger vivipareu Fliegen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (367-376). [Dlplera.] 485 Cholodkovsky, X. l'ei)er(,'(/.s/c()/)/(;/((.s- Larven in der .Meiischenhaut. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908,(400-413). [D'lptem.] 486 Chretien, P. Fauue eutouiologique des lies Canaries (sejour de M. P. Lesne dans la Grande Cauarie 1902-1903). Microlep'uloptcres. Bui. Museum, Pai-is, 1908, (358-364). 487 Chretien, P. Mic.rolt'puloptercs nou- veaux pimr la I'auue fran(;'aise. Natura- liste, Paris, 30, 1908, (59-60, 126-128. 186-188). 488 Chretien, P. Fr'tglocera nigvlyranellcL Rey et la pitauoe du chameau. Naturaliste, Paris, 30, 1908, (162-164). [Lcpldoptcra.] 489 Chretien, P. Nouveau genre et nouvelle espece do Pyralide d'Algerie. Naturaliste, Paris, 30, 1908, (236-237). [Lepidoptera.] 490 Chretien, P. Description de deux fielecliides nouvelles d'Algerie. Paris, Bui. soc. eut., 1908, (56-58). [Lepido- ptera.] 491 Chretien, P. Description de deux Gelechides nouvelles d'Algerie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (91-93, 140-144). [Lepidoptcrd.] 492 Chretien, P. Description de Mlcro- lepidopteres nouveaux d'Algerie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (] 65-168). 494 Chretien, P. Description de nou- velles especes de M'tcvolepldoptereH d'Algerie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (201-203). 495 Chretien, P. Description d'un Micro- h'piduplci-c nouveau d'Algerie. Paris, ]5ul. soc. ent., 1908, (231-232). 496 Clark, James. The Ortlioptera of Falmouth. P'almouth, Rep. R. Cornwall Polyt. Soc, 75, 1907, (72-82). 497 Cobelli, Ruggero. 11 F'laus carlca L. nel Trentino. W^ien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (20-29) [.Ihjmenoptera.} 498 Cobelli, Ruggero. Le elitre del Mecjjiunna hrevipenne Yersin. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, r29-.30). [Orthoptera.] 499 Cobelli, Ruggero. L'na nuova specie di I'cznmaclms. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (31-32). [Hijinenoptera.] 500 Cockayne, E. A. Aiithrocera achilleae Esp., added to the British list. Ent. 28 Insecta. XII. Insecta. tl90S] Rec. London 20 1908 (73). [Lcp'ido- pteraS\ 501 Cockayne, E. A. Xotes from North Suthei-laud. London Trans. City Nat. Hist. Soc. 17 1908 (33-39) pi. [Lc-pido- pera.] 502 Cockerell, T. I). A. Descriptions of Tertiary insects. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 25, 1908, (51- 52, 227-232, 309-312). 503 Cockerell, T. D. A, Descriptions of Tertiary insects. Amer. J. Sci., New- Haven,' Conn., (Ser. 4), 26, 1908, ((59- 75). 504 Cockerell, T. 1). A. Descriptions and records of bees, xviii. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (259-267). [Hyinenoptcra.] 505 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees. xix. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (337-344). [Ilymenoptera.] 506 Cockerell, T. D. A. List of fossil Histcridne from the tertiary strata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 2 1908 (160-162). [Colcoptera.] 507 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees. xx. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 2 1908 (323-334). [Ilymenoptera ] 508 CockereU, T. D. A. A fossil leaf- cutting Ix-e. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908(31). [Ilymenoptera.] 509 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new gall on Aster. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (89). [Dlptera.-] 510 Cockerell, '1'. 1). A. Fossil Chryxo- p'tdae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (90). [Neuroptera.] 511 Cockerell, T. D. A. New and little known bees. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908(144-148). [Uymcnoptera.] 512 Cockerell, 'J'. D. A. Two fossil Diptera. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908(173- 175) pi. iv. 513 Cockerell, T. D. A. New and little known Ijucs. Canad Ento. London (C!an.) 40 1908 (234 & 235). [Ilymenoptera.] 514 Cockerell, T. D. A. New Scsiid niotliH. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908(329-331). [Lcpidoptera.] 515 Cockerell, T. D. A. Fossil OsmyVtdac (Neuroptera) in America. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (341 & 342) pi. 9. 516 Cockerell, T. D. A. The first xVmerican fossil Maiififi. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1909 (343 & 344). [Ortho- ptcra.] 517 Cockerell, T. D. A. A remarkable Cecldumii'i'id fly. Canad. Ento. London (('an.)46 1908'(421). [lyipiera.] 518 Cockerell, T. D. A. A fossil urtho- pterous insect with the media and cnliitns fnsing. Ent. News, Philadel- phia, Pa., 19,l90S, (126-128j. 519 Cockerell, T. D. A. Bees of the genns Noiiiada, belonging to the group of A', depressa Cresson. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (323-324). [Ilyiiicnoptcra.] 520 CockereU, T. D. A A dragon-fly puzzle antl its solution. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (455-459). [ddonnta.] 521 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new bee from Taliiti. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (4(H)). [Uymenoptera.] 522 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some hees col- lected by Dr. F. C. Wellman in West Africa. Entomologist London 41 (34- •''"')■ [Ilymenoptera.] 523 Cockerell, T. D. A. New xVmerican bees. vi. Entomologist London 41 1908 (59-61). [Ilymenoptera.] 524 Cockerell, T. D. A. New African liees. Entomologist London 41 DOS (84 86). [Ilymenoptera.] 525 Cockerell, T. D. A. New African bees. Entomologist London 41 (121 & 122). [Ilymenoptera.] 526 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new subgenus of .African bees. Entomologist London 41 1908 (146). [llymenoiiteva.] 527 Cockerell, T. D. A. A fossil fly of the family lilepliarocrr'idae. Entomo- ingist London 41 1908 (2C)2-264). [Dlptera.] 528 Cockerell, 1'. D. A. New American bees. vii. Entomologist London 41 1908(292-294). [Ilymenoptera.] 529 Cockerell, T. D. A. Fossil Cerco- p'ldae {Ilomoptera). Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc, 6, 1908, (35-38). 530 29 Insccta. Titles. 3500 Cockerell, r. 1'. A. Fossil Apliididae from Florissant, Colorvido. Nature London 78 190S (318 & 319). 532 Cockerell, T. D. A. Fossil insects from Plorissant, Colorado. New York, X.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Xat. Hist., 24, 1908, 1 59-69) pi. V. 533 Cockerell, T. D. A. The dipterous familv Xemcstrinidac. Philadelphia, Pa., trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 34, 1908, (247-253) pi. 534 Cockerell, T. 1). A. Another fossil nemestrinid flv. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 34, 1908, (254). [Diptera.] 535 Cockerell, T. D. A. Florissant ; a Miocene Pompeii. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 73, 1908, (112-126). 536 Cockerell, T. D. A. Notes on the bee- genus Exaerete. Psvche. Boston, Mass., 15, 190S. (41-42). (Hymenoptera.'] 537 Cockerell, T. D. A. The fossil sawfly Pei-ga coJoradensis. Science, New York N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (113-114). [Uymeyioptera.'] 538 Cockerell, T. D. A. The D'lpfem o£ Kansas and New Mexico. Topeka. Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (250- 251). 539 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some bees of the genus Halidus. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (119- 120;. 'llymenoptera.'] 540 Cockerell, T. D. A. Note on the genus Dalichopselephus, Ashmead, {pphionidae). Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (39). {Eyme- noptera.] 541 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some bees col- lected by Mr. F. C. Pratt in Texas. Washington, D.C, Proc Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (71-72). [Hymenoptem.] 542 CockereU, T. D. A. A deceptive bee. Washington, D.C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, v66-67j. [Hymenoptera.] 543 Cockerell, T. D. A. Three new bees of the genus Xomnda. Washington, D.C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908,(8.3-85). [Hymenoptera.] 544 CockereU, T. D. A. vide Rohwer, S. A. CockereU, T. D. A. and Hellems, !■ . B. Pi. A scientific comedy of errors. Pop. Sci. xMon. New York, N.Y., 71. 1907,(217-225). [Cocc'idac] 545 CockereU, T. D. A. and Rohwer, S. A. Two new Mutillidae from Colorado. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (4-5). [Hymenoptera.] 546 Cockle, J. Wm. Sanila ridira. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (340- 311). [Lepidoptera.] 547 Cockle, J. W. The mating of Boreus californicus. Cana,d. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (101). [Neuroptera.] 548 Colcord, M. List of publications of the Bureau of Entomology. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. AgricCir. Bur. Ent. 76 1908 (1-28). 549 Cole, W. Comparative mimliers of Lepidoptera in decreasing areas in Essex. Stratford Essex Nat. 15 1908 (180). 550 Coleman, George A. Coccidae of the Coniferae. Supplement No. 1. De- scription of two new species. New York, N.Y. J. Ent. Soc, 16, 1908, (197- 198) pis. iv & V. 551 CoUinge, W. E. Report on the in- jurious insects and other animals observed in the Midland counties during 1907. Fifth report. Birmingham 1908. 552 Collinge, Walter E. A note on the flight of the earwig, Forficula auricu- Inria, Linn. J. econ. biol. London 3 (46 & 47). [Orthoptera.'] 553 Collinge, W. E. Some insects in- jurious to barley and other grain when in store. J. Inst. Brewing 4 N. ser. 1907. 554 Collinge, W. E. Second annual report of the Honorary Consulting Zoologist. J. Land Agents Soc. 1908 (1-14). 555 Collinge, W. E. First annual report of the Honorary Consulting Zoologist. J. Land Agents Soc. 1908 (248-259). 556 CoUinge, W. E. The possibility and danger of the introduction of the San Jo.'^e scale into Creat Britain. Proc. Ass. Econ. Biol. 1 1908 (172-178). [Coccidae.] 557 Comber, E. The classification of the Lcpi'loplera. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908 (095-G96). 558 30 Insecta. XII. Insecta. U908] Condorelli Francaviglia, M. Caso raro di parassitismo dovuto a contempo- ranea dimora nell'intestino d'una gio- vinetta della Ilymenolepis dim'inuta (Rud.), deir.4 sca?'is liDnhricoidcx L. e di nnmerose larve di CalUplwra romitoria (L.) Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., (Ser. 2), 9, 1908, (t)3-7S). [D'ipteral 559 Connold, Edward T. British oak galls. London 1908 8vo. (xviii + 169) 68 pis. 560 Conradi, A. V. Tlije houej- and pollen- vielding plants of Texas. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H , 1, 1908, (191-203). 561 Cook, John H. Studies in the genus hiciadlia. v. hieisalia polios. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (37-43) pi. ii. \_Lepidoptcra.\ 562 Cook, J. H. and Watson, F. E. Ovi- position of Ep'idemia epixanthe. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (85-88). \_Lepidopteral] 563 Cooley, R. A. The Douglas sinnice cone moth. iCydia ptiis L. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 26, 1908, (45-182) 5 Taf. [Lcpi- doptera.] 630 D'Emmerez de Charmoy. On three new species of (Jiilr.v collected during the anti-malarial campaign in Mauritius in 1908. Aim. trop. Med. Liyerpool 2 1908 (257-204) pi. x. [Diplen,.] 631 Demaison, L. Sur ics cocons a clienilli's mult iplcs. Paris, Hul. soc. cut., 1908, 0 .". 00). 632 Demoll, R. Die Kcinigiu von Api>< iiif'll., ein Atavismus. Biol. Centralbl., L.'ip/ig, 28, 1908, (271-278). [Ihpurnn- pleni.] 633 Demoll, Kiinliaid. Die ISedeutung der I'rotei'andile ln'i Insekten. Zool. •lalirb., Jena, Abt. f. Svsl., 26, 19(IS, (021-028). ■ 634 33 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Demon, U. Die Mundteile der soli- tiireii Apiden. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzic;, 91. I90S, (1-51) 2 Taf. 635 Denso. Die Copula uud das Ei von Pacliysphinx niodesta hnperator Streckev. Ent. Zs.. Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (29). [Lepidoplera.] 636 Denso. Beitriige zur Keuntnis der Variabilitat von Celerio eupliorh'ine cuphorbiae L. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (104-106). [Lepidoptera) 637 Denso. Pcrgeaa liybr. luc'iani (hybr. 'lienor ^ x porcellua $ ). Ent. Zs., .■<[utt.qart, 22, 1908, (108-109). 638 Denso. Pergesa hybr. \rene = elpenor (J X hippophaes 2- Eut. Zs., Stutt- gart, 22, 1908, (109). 639 Denso. Die Zucht von Pacliysphinx modesta imperator Strecker. Ent. Zs. Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (152-154). [Lepldo- pfera.] 640 Denso, P. Die Erscbeinung der Anticipation in der ontogenetischen Ent- wicklung hybrider Schmetterlings- raupen. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4. 1908, (128-135, 170-176, 201-208). \Lep\dopteraJ] 641 D'Orbig^y, H. Descriptions d'especes nouvelles d'Onthophagides africains et notes svnon\'miques. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 77, 1908, (65-208). [Coleoptera.] 642 D'Orbiguy vide ctiain Orbiguy, H. d'. De Rhe'-PMUpe, G. \V. V. Further notes on the butterflies of the Konkau. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, S84-886). [Lepidoptera.] 643 De Rh^-Philipe, G. W. V. Descrip- tion of a new species of Charaxes from the Bhutan Frontier. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, 2, pt. 3, 1908, (285). [Lepido- ptera.] 644 De Stefani Perez, T. I primi Zooce- cidii della Somalia italiana. Marcellia AveUino, 7, 1908, (142-149;. 645 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Etudes sur les Curciilionides e.xotiques et descrip- tions d'especes inedites. Deuxieme memoire. ChoUdes. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 52, 1908, (242-251). [C'oleoptera.] 646 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Faunule des Coleopt'crcs de France et de la Corse. Curculionides de la tribu des Attela- (x-10332 j) l)ides et des Khinoniacerides. Lo Frelou, Chuteauroux, 16, 190S, (1-36). 647 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Faunule des Coleopteres de France et de la Corse. Curculionides de la tribu des Brachy- dcr'idae. Le Frelon, Chateauroux, 16, 1908, (pag. spec. 1-74). [Coleoptera.] 648 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Espece nouvelle de Curculionides appartenant a la tribu des Sihinidm (et I'aisant partie de sa collection). Le Frelon, Chateau- roux, 16, 1908, (37-59). [Coleoptera.] 649 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Notes sur le genre Amannirliiinis Frni. et descrip- tion d'une espece nouvelle de Franc(\ Le Frelon, Chateauroux, 16, 1908, (00- 02). [Coleoptera.] 650 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Descrip- tion de Curculionides nouveaux et d'un sous-genre nouveau de la faune d'Europe et circa. Le Frelon, Chateauroux, 16, 1908, (63-78). [Coleoptera.] 651 Desbrochers des Loges. J. Mono- graphie des Apionides d'Europe et circa. Le Frelon, Chateauroux, 16, 1908, (81-84). [Coleoptera.] 652 Desbrochers des Loges, J. Xotes critiques et synonymiques sur le Cata- logus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armenife Rossicte. 2^ edition, 1906, de MM. L.-V. Heyden, E. Reitter et J. Weise. Le Frelon, Chateauroux, 16, 1908, (85-104). 653 Desgtiin, E. La composition segmen- taire du thorax des insectes. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (113- 126) pis. i & ii. 654 Dickel, Ferd. Zur Frage nach der Geschlechtsbestimmung der Honigbiene. Zu E. Breslaus Bienenexperimenten. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (222-236). '^Jlymenoptera.] 655 Dickel, Ferd. Die Losung der Ge- schlechtsratsel im Bienenstaat, sowie cingestreute praktische Winke fiir den Bienenwirt und einige Betrachtungen liber das Sinnesleben der Bienen. DaiTn- stadt (Selbstverl.), [1908], (IV + 112). 22 f-m. 2 M. [llymenoptera.] 656 Dickerson, Edgar L. Some observa- tions on the natural checks of the cottony maple scale (Pulmnaria in- numerahilin Rathv.) Washington, D.f' , U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Bull. Xo. 67, 1907 (48-52). 656a c 13 31 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Diehl. Einiges iiber die Raclaen- bremsen. Bayr. Forstztg, Niirnberg, 15, 1908, Nr. 29, (1-4). IDiptora.] 657 Dieroff, Richard. Melanismus bei Schmetterlin^en. Gera, Jahresber. Ges. Natw., 49-50 (1906-07), 1908, (95-97). [Lepicloptera.] 658 Dieroff, Richard. Drei gynandro- niorphe Sclinietterlinge . . . Gera, Jahresber. Ges. Natw.^ 49-50 (1906-07), 1908, (98-99). [Lepicloptera.] 659 Dieroff, Richard. Zeichnuiigsaber- rationeii bei Lycaeniden. Gera, Jahres- ber. Ges. Nat^v., 49-50 (1906-07), 1908, (100-103). [Lcpidoptcm.] 660 Dietze, Karl. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eupithecien. [Schluss.] D. ent. Zs. Iris, Berlin, 21, 1908, (153-201), 2 Taf. [Lepicloptera -I 661 Disqu€, Heinrich. Versuch einer micro/epirfop CeMiipiqencKott oojaCTH. [Espece nouvelle de Xantltor- rlio'e Hb. {Larentia Tr. et aiict.) de la province de Semiretshje]. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (12-17 deutsch. Res. 14-15). \Lepidoptcra.'] 672 [Djakonov, A.] JlbHicoiiOB-i., A. Kt (JiayH't (j'eometridae CeMiipiiHbH ii CeMiina.iaTHHCKOfi oQjiacTiT. [Contribu- tions a la faune des Geometridae des provinces de Semiretshje et de Semi- palatinsk.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peter- burg, 8, 1908, (25-31). [Lepidoptera.] 673 Doane, R. W. Notes on fleas collected on rat A human hosts in San Francisco and elsewhere. Canad. Ento. London 40 1908 (303 & 304). [Aphaniptera.] 674 Doane, R. W. Notes on some Society Island mosquitoes. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (391 & 392). [Dipt era.] 675 Doane, R. W. Notes on the tipulid genus Dicranomyia. Ent. News, Phda- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (5-9). [Diptera.] 676 Doane, R. W. New North American Paehyrhina, witli a table for determining the species. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (173-179). [lYiptera] 677 Doane, R. W. New species of the tipulid genus Z?/ty2J''o?o/;/tHS, with a table for determining the Nordi American species. Ent. Nimvs, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (200-202). [Diptera.] 678 Doane, R.W. Variations in the wing venation in some TipuUclac. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (405-407), pi. xvii. [Diptera.] 679 Doane, R. W. Notes on Aftpidiotit^ (Ic.^l nictor (Sig.) and its chalcid parasite in Tahiti. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N. ir., 1, 190S, (.•Ml 312). [Coccidae.] 680 Doane, i;. W. A new species of Tijitda with vestigial wings. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (47-49). [T)ip- lera.\ 681 3-^ Insccla. Titles. 3500 Docters van Leeuwen, W. Heitiiige zur Kenntnis der iletamorphosen. Die mikroskopisolie Anatoniie des Darm- kanals nnd dessen Driisen von Isosowa gram'iuicoln Giraud. Holder, Tijdsclir. Xed. Dierk. Ver., 2' Ser.. 11, 190S, (1- 35), 2 Taf. [Hymenoptera.] 682 Docters van Leeuwen, W. Een luis op joiiL;e Xootnuiskaatplaiiten. Mede- deel. alg. Proefst. Salatifia, Ser. 2 Xo. 5 J 908 (4-7). [Coeeidac] 683 Dod, F. H. Wolley. Further notes on Alberta Lepidoptern. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (1-19-15G A 181 - 193). • 684 Dod, F. H. Wolley. Arjynnis astartr, Doubl.-Hew., and other high mountain- butterflies. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908,(108-114). [Lepidoptera.] 685 Dod, F. H. Wolley. Further notes on Alberta Lepidoptera. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (124-125). 686 Dodero, Agostino. Contribuzione alio studio del genere Leptotyphlns Fauvel. Genova, Ann. Museo Civ. st. nat.. (Ser. 3), 3. 1907-8, (631-640, 1 tav. [Coleoptera.] 687 Dodero, Agostino fu Giustino. Appunti coleotteroloi/ici. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino, 6, 1308, (93-102). 688 Dog^in, Paul. Heterooeres nouveaux de I'Amerique du Sud. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. P.elgique 52 1908 (17-33). [Lepidoptera.] 689 Dognin, P. Heteroceres nouveaux do I'Amerique du Sud. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (1.53-179). [Lepidoptera.] 690 Dognin, P. Heteroceres nouveaux de I'Amerique du .Sud. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (264-270). [[..epidopt^ra.] 691 Doncaster, L. On sex-inheritance in the moth Abraxas grossulariata and its var. lacticalor. London Rep. Evol. Comm, R. Soc. 4 1908 (53-57). [Lepido- ptera.] 692 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. Some new British nivrmecophilous Proctofrupidne. Ent. Rec! London 20 1908 (lOG). [II y- menoptera.] 693 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. Myrme- cophilous notes for 1908. Ent. Rpc. London 20 1908 (281-284). 694 (K-10332 j) Donisthorpe, 11. St. J. K. ('lamhu.f punetulum Beck, a British species. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908(293). [Colro- jjtcra.] 695 Donisthorpe, H. St. .T. Ants found in Great Britain. Leic^ester Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. 12 1908 (221-233). [Hymeno- ptera.] 696 Donisthorpe, H. vide Wasnumn, E. Dom, K. Notizen iiber Prionyclms (iter F. und melanarius Germ. Ent. Bl. Schwabach, 4, 1908, (49-50). [Coleo^ ptcra:] 697 Dom, K. Ueber die Larve von Slcatoderus fcrriigineu.^ Latr. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, 190S, (161--] (12). [Coleoptera.'] 698 Dom, K. Zur Lebensgeschichte einitjer TetratoDia-Arten. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 18, 1909 [1908], (165-168). [Coleoptera.] 699 Dom, Otto. Raupennahrung. Natur und Hans, Dresden, 16, 1907/08, (81- S2, 105-106, 119-123). [Lepidoptera.] 700 Doten, Samuel B. The European elm scale (Gossyparia spuria, Modecr). Agric. Exp. Sta., Nevada, Reno, Bull. No. 65, 1908, (1-34] pi. [Coeeidae.] 701 Dreckmann, F. A large cricket (Cal- limenellus opneus Walker) from Khan- dalla, Western Ghats. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (924-925)". [Ortho- ptera.] 702 Druce, Hamilton H. Descri])tions of some new Ilesperiidae from Central and South America. London Trans, ent. Soc;. 1908 (375-386) pi. xxi. [Lepidoptera.] 703 Druce, Herbert. Descriptions of some new species of Xoctuidae from Peru. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 8 1 1908 (289- 303). [Lepidoptera.] 704 Druce, Herbert. Description of a new species of Cliaraxes from the Cameroons, West Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Tendon ser. 8 2 1908 (449). {Lepido- ptera.] 705 Dubois, A. Les Oxypoda gallo-rhenans, traduits de I'AUemand et abreg^s des Oxypoda du Dr. Max Bernhauer. Avec additions concernant la faune gallo- i-henane. Echange, Moulins, 24 1908 (pag. spec. 1-32). [Coleoptera.] 706 c 13—2 36 Inscda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Du Buysson, H. Chasse au tamis en hiver. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (104-105). 707 Du Buysson, H. Une promenade au Mont-Dore. Rev. sci. bourbon., Moulins, 21, 1908, (69-78). 708 Du Buysson, R. llymcnoptcres nou- veaux d'Afrique. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908 (64 & 65). 709 Du Buysson, R. Voyage de M. Rene Chudeau au sud al;:;erien du Tchad, (1905-19061, Ihjmcnoptcres). Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (.131-135). 710 Du Buysson R. Sur quelques parasites des Ennienides. Rev. ent. Caen, 26, 1907, [1908], (100-109). [llijtneyioptera.] 711 Du Buysson, R. Orthopteres et Jlynienopteres. in .■ Resultats scientifiques des vovages en Afrique d'Ldouard Foa. Paris (Impr. nationale), 1908, (591-595). 712 Du Buysson, R. Tlijmenopteres, Ortho- pteres et Nerropteres, in : Mission Chari Lac Tchad (1902-1904), Appendice. Paris (Challamel), 1908, (706-709). 713 Du Buysson, R. vide etiarn Buysson R. Du. Ducke, Adolpho. Novas contribuicjoes para o conhecimento das vespas (Veapi- dae sociales) da regiao neotropical. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para 5 1908 (152-199) pis. i-iii. [Hymenojjlcra.] 714 Ducke, A. Beitrage zur Uymenoptere ii- kunde Anierikas. D. ent. Zs., Berlin 1908, (695-700). 715 Ducke, A. Contribution a la con- naissance des Scoliides de TAmerique du Sud. Rev. ent., Caen, 26, 1907, (5-9, 145-148). [Ilyinenoptera.] 716 Ducke, A. Contriljution a la con- naissancede la faune hymrnopteroiogique du nord-est du Bresil. Rev. ent., Caen, 26, 1907, (73-96). 717 Ducke, A. Zur Xenntuis der Schniarot- zerbienen P.rasiliens. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (44-47, 99-104). [Hymenopdera.'] 718 Dudgeon, (iorald C. Silk-producing insects of West Africa. Nature London 791908(160). 719 Duesberg, J. Sur I'e.xistence de mito- chondries dans I'ouuf et I'embryon d'Apiu meUifiea. (Connunnication preliminaire.) Anat". Auz.', Jena, 32, 1908, (261-265). 720 Duesberg, Jules vide Meves, Friedrich. Dufotir, G. vide Bruj-ant, C. Dupont, L. Sur une variete de colora- tion dn lliestor ballus F. Paris, Bui. soc. ent, 1908 (319-320). [Lepldoptera.] 721 Dupont, L. Les Zygaenides de la Normandie, etude coniplementaire. El- beuf, Rul. soc. etud. sci. nat., 26, 1908, (44-52). [Lcpidoptcra.'] 722 Durrant, E. P. Descrii)tions of new Midlophaga. 3. Ohio Nat, Columbus, 8, 1908. (355-358). 723 Dury, Charles. An interesting new Agrdus from Cincinnati, Ohio. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (368). [Coleoptera.'] 724 Dusmet y Alonso, J. ]\1. Los Apidos de Espana. iii. Anthidium. Madrid Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 5 1907 (15.3- 214). [Hymenoptera.] 725 Dyax, Harrison G. Descriptions of some new species of American Xoetuidao. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (77-80). [Lejjldoplera.] 726 Dyar, Harrison G. Notes on some species of Notodoiitidae in the collection of the United States national museum, with descriptions of new genera and species. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (45-69). [I.epl- doptera.] 727 Dyar, Harrison G. A jiyralid inhabiting the fur of the living sloth. {Cryptoses clioloepi n. gen. and sp.). Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (142-144). [Lepidoptera.] 728 Dyar, Harrison G. Notes on a few apparent cases of synonymy in Lepi- doptera. Washington, l3.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (30-35). 729 Dyar, Harrison G. Notes on the species of AcrohafJ- doj)tera.] 730 Dyar, Harrison G. Di^sciijitions of sonic now moths from southern Cali- fornia. Washington, D. C, Proc Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (52^60). [Lcpidoplera.] 731 o7 Inserta. TlTLBS. 3500 Dyar, Ilarrison G. Notes on some American CocMidi'ulne, with descriptions of new species. Washington, I). C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 190S, (18-52). [L<-p'nIoptera.] 732 Dyar, Harrison Ci. A further unte on the sloth moth. Washington, D. C, Proc. Ent. Soc. 10, 1908, "(81-82). [Lepi- iloptei-u.j 733 Dyar, Harrison G. A new saturniaii moth from the southwest. Wasliington, D. C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (82-83). [Leptdoptem.] 734 Dyar, Harrison G. A review of tlie Nortli American Chrysauginac . Wash- ington, D. C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, JIHIS, (92-90). [Lepidoptera.] 735 Dyar, Harrison G. A review of the Xorth American PyraHiiac. Wash- ington, D. C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, IDOS, (90-102). [Lepidoptera.] 736 Dyar, Harrison G. Descriptions of eleven new North American Fyralidae, with notes on a few others. Washing- ton, D. C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (112-118). [Lepidoptera.] 737 Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F. Notes on mosquito work. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (309-312). [Diptera.] 738 Dyar, Harrison G. and Knab, Frederick. Desci-iptions of some new mosquitoes from tropical America. Washington, D. C, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mas., Proc, No. 1G32, 35, 1908, 033-70). [Diptera.] 739 Dziqdzielewicz, Jozef i Klap^lek, Franciszek. Nowe gatunki owadow siatkoskrzydlych zebrane w ciijgu lata 1907, we wschodnich Karpatach. [Novae species Neuropteroideorum anno 1907 in Karpathiljus Orientalibus collectae.] Kosmos, Lwow, 33, 1908, (250-256). 740 Dziurzynski, Clemens. Die palae- arkti-chen Arten iler Gattung Zyjaena F. Verzeichnis und Synopsis samtlicher zur palaearktischen Fauna gehorigen Arten und Formen der Lepidopteren- Gattung Zyrjaena F. (Antlirocera Scop.). Berliner ent. Zs., 53, 1908, (1-00), Taf. i. and ii. [Lepidoptera.] 741 Eaton, A. E. vide Petersen, Esben. Ebner, Richard. Beitrage zur OrthoptereniA}ia& Bosniens und der Herzegowina. Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (329-339) pi. ii. 742 Eckard, B. \]ehci- Glos^ainamorsitnns. Arch. SchilYshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, (512-513). [Diptera.] 743 Eckstein, Karl. Ueber die ,, Genera- tion" der Insekten. Aus d. Natur, Stuttgart, 4, 1908, (193-199, 242-247). 744 Edelsten, K. N. Notes on the "wainscots." London Trans. City Nat. Hist. Soc. 17 1908 (39-41). [Lepido- ptera.] 745 Eder, 11. Seltsame Fiirbiuig der Raupe von DasycJiira pudibunda. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (224j. [Lepi- doptera.] 746 Edwardes, Tickner. The love of the honey-bee. London 1908 (x.vii -|- 277). Review, Irish. Nat. 17 (20G). [llymcno- ptera.] 747 Edwards, James. Un some british Ilonioptcra hitherto undescribed or unrecorded. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (55-59 & 80-87). 748 Edwards, J. Dryops {Parnus)luridnH Er., a species not hitherto recorded as british. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (102). [Cohoptera.] 749 Edwards, James. On the british species ef Helopliorus Fab. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (218-224). [Coleo- l^tei-a.] 750 Eggers. Zur Gangform und Lebens- weise von Xyleboriis pfeili Ratz. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (4-7) ; Be- merkung dazu v. Edm. Reitter t.c. (21). [Coleoptera.] 751 Eggers, H. Fiinf neue Borkenkiifer. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (214-217). [Coleoptera.] 752 Eggers, N. Ein neuer Borkenkafer aus Sibirien. Entoml. Ztg, W^ien, 27, 1908,(111). [Coleoptera.] 753 Eicbelbaum, F. Stapliylinidae. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meini Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 7, 8, 1908, (79-94). [Coleoptera.] 754 ElfVing, K. 0. Forstentomologiskt smaplock enligt anteckningar och sam- lingar af J. E. Furutijelm. [Forstento- mologische Notizen nach den Auf- zeichnungen und Sammlungen J. E. Furuhjelms.] F. i^or.stforen. Medd., Helsingfors, 20, 1904, (34-07). 755 38 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Elfving, K. 0. BIhang till forsteuto- mologiskt sruaplock. [Weitere forsteiito- mologische Xotizen.] ¥. Fostforen. Medd.. Helsingfors, 21, 1905, (38-46). 756 Elfving, K. 0. Sjukdomar och sjukdomsorsaker i skogskiilturer. [Krankheitea und deren Ursacheu in Waldpflanzungen.] F. Forstforen. iJedd., Helsingfors, 22, 1905, (82-134) 4 Fig. [3519J. 757 Elliott, Ernest A. The bracbyjiterous Cryptiuae. Ent. Rec. London "20 1908 (34 -3()). IHymenoptera.] 758 Ely, Chas. R. Notes on C. dejecta Strecker, and other species of Catocala fi'om East River, Conn. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (47-50) pi. V. [Lepidoptcra.^ 759 "Emeljanov, I. V.] EMe.ibaHOBi>, 11. B. 3.iaT0ry3Ka — Euproctis cliry- sorrlioea h. — en napaaniu n Mtpu fiopbfiuCB HCK). [Euproctis chrysorrhoea, seine Parasiten und dei ifaassregeln zu seiner Bekampfung.] Choziajstvo, Kiev, 2, 1907, (104(J-1045, 1081-1090) [Lepidoplera.'\ 760 Emery, C. Remarqnes sur les ob- servations de il. de Lannog touchant I'existence de Lciiihia mh'tiis dans les fourmilieres de Laf^ius fidlginosus. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiqne 52 1908 (182 & 183). IHymenoptera.] 761 Emery, C. Description d'un genre nouveau et de plusieurs formes nouvelles de fourmis du Congo. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (184-189). Iflymeiiajtera.] 762 Emery, Carlo. Osservazioni ed esperimenti suUa formica amazzone (Polyergiis rufescenst). Bologna, Rend. Ace. sc., N. Ser., 12 (1907-8), 1908, (49-02). [Ihjmenoptera.^ 763 Emery, C. Bpitnige zur ^fonographie der Forniiciden des paliiarktischen Faunengebietes. 1). ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (165-205, 305-338, 437-4(;5, 549-558, 663-686). [Uymenoptera:] 764 Emery, C. Myrmecocystus viat'icui* et formes voisines. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. nat. 44 1908 (213-218). [Uymeno- ptera.] 765 Enderlein, Giinther. Biologisch- faunistische Moor- und DiJnen-Studien. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntni-^ biosynocisch- ner Regionen in Westpreussen. Danzig, Ber. bot.-zool. Ver., 30, (54- 238) 1 Karte. 766 Enderlein, Giinther. EmViidae. Eine neue Embiide aus Siidafrika. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. 13, 190S, (347-348). 767 Enderlein, Giinther. Copeognatha. Ilex'icyrtoma, eine neue Copeognathen- gattuug von Kapland. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthi'op. Ergebnisse e. For- schungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (349-351). [Paocidae.] 768 Enderlein, Giinther. Ceratopogonhiae. Neue Ceratopogoninen aus Siidafrika. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ei-gebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siid- afrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. 13, 1908, (459-461) 1 Taf. {JViptero.'] 769 Enderlein, Giinther. Neue Arteu der Braconidengattuug Stautonia. Stettlner ent. Ztg. 69, 1908, (110-112). [Uymeno- ptera.] 770 Enderlein, Giinther. Ciditerebra ffchroederi, eine neue parasitare Fliege (Oestridae olim). Stettiner ent. Ztg, 70, 1909 [Octr. 1908], (202-203). [Diptera.] 771 Enderlein, Giinther. Cyaneoderes dornic}ieri, eine neue Xvlocopide. Stettiner, ent. Ztg, 70, 1909, [Octr. 1908], (203-205). [Hymeiicptera.] 772 Enderlein, Giinther. Die Copeo- (jnatficiilaima. dor Insel Formosa. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (759-779). 773 Enderlein, Gunther. Ueber die Variabilitiit des Fliigelgeaders der Vopeognathen. Zool. Anz., I«ipzig, 33, 1908, (779-782). 774 Enderlein, Giinther. Omacomy'ia doiiii. eine neue deutsche als Ameisengast lebende fliigellose Fliegengattung, aowie liber die systematise! le Stellung der Thaumatoxena. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Svst., 27, 1908, (145-156) 1 Taf. [iriptcra.] 775 Enderlein, Giinther. Neuroptera Fam. (.'onioijterygidae. Wytsman Genera insectorum fasc. 68 1908 (1-17) pis. i c\: ii. 776 Enderlein, Giinther. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der tera.] 786 Escherich, K. Neues vom Maikiifer. Natw. Zs. Landw., Stuttgart, 6, 1908, (300-372). 787 Eschericli, K. Kleinerc biologische Beobachtungeu aus Erythraea. Verb. (Jes. D. Natf., Leipzig, 79. (1907), II, 1, 1908,(247-248). [Termitidae.] 788 Escherich, K[arl]. I'it^ Tcrmitcn oder weissen Ameisen. Fine biologische Studio. Leipzig (\V. Klinkhardt), 1909, (1908), (XII 198), 1 Taf. 24 cm. 0 M. 789 Evans, William. Some further records oi^CollemboIa and Thysanura from the Forth area. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 17 1908 (195-200). 790 Everts, Ed. V'^ijfde lijst van soorten en varieteiteii nieuw voor de Nederlandsche fauna, sedert de uitgave der ,,Coleoptera Neerlandica " bekeud geworden. [Fifth list of species and varieties new for the Dutch fauna, found since the edition of the " Coleoptera Neerlandica." 's Gra- venhage, Tijdschr. Ent., 51, [1908], (1- 13). [iS27 dd 4831]. 791 Everts, Ed. Leistus rufoniarguiatus Duft. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (101). [Coleoptera.] 792 Ewart, Alfred J. A contrllnition to the physiology of the museum beetle, Antlwenus muaaeorum (Linn.). London J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 1907 (1-5). [Coleoptera:] 793 Eysell, Adolf. Bemerkungen zu den ,,Beobaclitungen iiber das Eierlegen der Culiciden von Galli-Valerio und Rochaz de Jongh". Centralbl. Bakt., Abt. 1, 46, Originale, 1908, (717-719). [Diptera.] 794 Fatore, J. Souvenirs entomologiques (10*^ serie). Etudes sur I'instlnct et les mueurs des insectes. Paris, Delagrave, (sans date), (355), fig. 20 cm. 795 Fabre, J. H. Bilder aus der Insek- tenwelt. Autoris. Uebersetzung aus: " Souvenirs Entomologiques," I-X Serie. 1. Reihe. Stuttgart (Franckh.), [1908], (125), 1 Portr. 26 cm. 2,25M. 796 Fall, IL C. New Scarahaeidae . Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (159- 104). [Coleoptera.] 797 Fauvel, A. Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans I'Afrique orientale : Staphvlinides. Rev. ent. Caen, 26, 1907, [1908], (10- 70). [Coleoptera.] 798 Fauvel, Albert. Anillohius solifiiga, Curcullonlde aveugle de JIadere. Rev. ent., Caen, 26, 1 907,(71-72), fig. [Coleo- ptera.] 799 Fauvel, Albert. Liste des Perigonci Lap. et description d'espcces uouvelles. I{€v. ent., Caen, 26, 1907, (97-104). [Coleoptera.] 800 40 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Fauvel, Albert. Octatius iiouvean d'ltalie. Rev. eut., Caen, 26, 1907, [1908], (105). \ColeoiAera.-\ 801 Federley, Harry. Ober den Albiiiis- mus bei den Lepidopteren. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 31, Xo. 4, 1908-1909, (1-27) 1 Taf. 802 Federley, Harry. Einige Libelluli- denwandenmgen iiber die Zoologische Station bei Tvanninne. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 31, Xo. 7, 1908-1909 (1-38) 1 Taf. mid 1 Karte. [Odonata.] 803 Federley, Hariy. Tap'inontola elymi Ft. ocb dess varietet satiiratior Stand. [Taplnosstola elymi Fr. xmd ihre Varietal saturatior Stand.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, ((i8, deutsches Ref. 210). 804 Felber, Jacques. Die Trichopteren von Basel und Umgebung mit Beriick- sichtigung der Trichopteren-Fauna der Schweiz. Arch. X'atg., Berlin, 74, Bd 1, 1908, (199-282) 1 Taf. 805 Felber, Jacques. Beitrage zur Meta- morphose der Trichopteren. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32. 1908, (473-478). 806 Felber, Jacques. Microptila ri.s! nov. sp. Eine neiie Hydroptilide aus der Umgebung von Basel. Zool. Anz., I^ipzig, 32, 1908, (720-722). [Tri- ehopte.ra.] 807 Felber, Jacq. Cieogi-aphisches und biologisches iiber die Kocherfliegen. (Trirhoptera.) Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (400-407). 808 FeUmann, Carl. Etwas iiljer die Zucht von Dixippus morosiis (Indische Stabheuschrecke). Aus meinem ento- mologischen Tagebuche. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 1, 1908, (360). [Orthoptera.] 809 Felsche, Carl. Ueber coprophage Scarabaeiden. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (271-274). [Coleoptera.] 810 Felscbe, Carl. Ateuchini und Co- priiii. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro- Meru Expedition, Uppsala, 7, 5, 1, 1908,(39-44). [Coleoplera.] 811 Felt, Ephraim Porter. White marked tussock motli and elm leaf beetle. Albany, X". Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull., Xo. 109, 1907, (5-31). 812 Felt, E. P. Some problems in nomen- clature. Ami. Ent. Soc. Amer. Colum- bus, Ohio, 1, 1908, (102-104). [Di- ptera.'} 813 Felt, E. P. Contarinia cjossypii n. sp. Ent. X'ews, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (;210-211). [Diptera.] 814 Felt,. E. P. Observations on the biology and food habits of the Ceci- domyiidae. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, X. H., 1, 1908, (18-21). [Diptera.] 815 Felt, E. P. Entomological notes for 1907. J. Econ. F:nt., Concord, X. H., 1, 1908, (148-150). 816 Felt, E. P. Observations of the genua Contarinia. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, X. H., 1, 1908, (225-227). [Diptera.] 817 [Felt, Ephraim Porter.] List of the William W. Hill collection of Lepi- doptera. Rep. Ent., Xo. 23 in: Albany, X. Y. St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull. No. 124, 1908, (61-117). 818 Felt, Ephraim Porter. Xew species of (^ecidomyiidae, 2. Rep. Ent., Xo. 23 in: Albanv, X. Y., St. Educ. Dept. Mus. Bull., Xo. "124, 1908, (286-304 * 307- 422). [Dii^tera.] 819 Felt, Ephraim Porter. Circumfili of the Cecidomyiidae. Rep. Ent., No. 23 in: Albanv, N. Y., St. Educ. Dept., Mus. Bull.,'Xo. 124, 1908, (305-307) pi. [Diptera:] 820 [Felt, Ephraim Porter.] 23rd Report of the State entomologist on injurious and other insects of the State of Xew York, 1907. [Including papers by E.P. Felt, G. H. Chadwick, J. (J^ Xeedham, 0. S. Thompson, 0. A. Johannsen.] Education Department Bulletin Xo. 433, Xew York State Museum, Museum Bul- letin 124, 1908, (541) pis. 821 Fenner. Der Frass der Kiefern- buschbornblattwespe {Lopli. pini) in den Waldungen des unteren Main- und Kin- zigtales der ehemaligen Grafschaft Hanau. In : Festschrift . . . der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesamte X'aturkunde. Hanau (Clauss u. Feddersen), 1908, (118-139). 822 Fenyes, .V. VeruCsserungen zu den Alcochariiiae des neuen Catalogue Coleopteronim Europae, Caucasi et Ar- meniae Rossicac. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (60). 823 41 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Fenyes, A. A ]ireliniinary systematic ■.laiiLremtMit of the Alcorliar'uiae (<^oleo- ltera.] 825 Fernald, C. H. A new species of the , ortric'idae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.") 40 I'.lOS (349). [Lepidoptera.] 826 Fernald, C. H. Notes on Ereh^is odo- ratua: L. Ent. News, Phihidelphia, Pa.. 19, 1908, f260-2(".n. [Lepidoptcni.] 827 Fernald, H. T. The future of Econo- mic Eutomologv. Pop. Sci. Mon. New York, N.Y. 72, 1008, (174-185). 828 Fe3rtaud, J. Sur le ventricule chyli- fique des Termites. Paris, C. R. soc. l.iol . 64, 1908, (474-470). 829 Fiebrig, Karl. Nachtrag zu Phyllos- cirtus macilentus Sauss. Zs. wiss. In- sektenhiol., Berlin, 3, 1908, (350-352). '''irthopitera.] 830 Fiebrig, Karl. Skizzen aus dem Lebeu einer Melipone aus Paraguav. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 3, 1908, (374-386). [Ilymenoiylera.l 831 Fiebrig, Karl. Eiue ScLaum Lildende Kaferlarve Paclvjsdtelus spec. (Bupr. .S;»p.). Die Ausscheidung von Kautschuk aus der Nahrung und dessen Verwertung zu Schutzzwecken(auch bei Rhynchoten). Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (333-339, 353-363). [Coleoptera.] 832 Fiebrig, Karl. Biologische Daten aus dem Schmarotzerleben einer Braconide aus Paraguay. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (453-457). [Hymeno- jjtera.] 833 Fiedler, C. Ueber einen neuentdeckten Laulapparat dei dem Carabidengenus Flatyderus Schaum. Ent. WochenbL, Leipzig, 25, 1908, (65). [Coleoptera.] 834 Field, W. L. W. Eurema lisa at Langdon, N. H. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (104). [Lepidoptera.] 835 [Filipcenko, Ju., Jacobson, G., John, 0., Kiricenko, A. X., Redikorcev, VI., Semenov-Tian-Shansky, A.] 'l>H.iHn- HeHKO, 10., HKOOCOin., r., lOHT,, O., KiipiiHeHKo, A. H., PejuKopAeB-i, B.i., CeMeHOB-b-THHt-IUancKift, A. Kpa- TiiKO-oiiri.iiot'patlMmeCKiii (n';vl'>."n>. [Rp- vne critii'o-bil)liograpliii|uc.] Rev. russ- cnt., St. IVtcrhurg, 8, 1908, (181-211). 836 Finot, .\. Acridien nouveau de Mada- gascar. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 77, 1908, (1-6) pi. i. [Orthoplera.] 837 Finot, A. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espcce nouvelle tVOrtho- pteres de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (27-29). 838 Fieri, Andrea. Ancora sui Mnltliodcs italiani. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino, 6, 1'„IU8, (1-12). [Coleoplera.'] 839 Fieri, Andrea. Rettifiche di alcnne specie di Coleotteri credute nuove. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino, 6, 1908, (237- 241). [Coleoptera.] 840 • Fischer, E. Wiedei-holt gelungene Paaruug und Weiterzncht von Argynnis lathonia L. in der Gefangenschaft. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (143-145, 149- 151). [Lepidoptera.] 841 Fischer, E. Das Urteil iiber die von Dr. Clir. Schroder gegebene Eiklaning der Schmetterlingsfarbungen. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (16-22, 41-47). [Lepidoptera.] 842 Fischer, Emil. Tasclienbuch fixr Sclimetterliugesammler. 6. Aufl. (Biljliothek niitzlicber Tasclienbiidier, lirsg. V. 0. Leiner und E. Fischer.) Leipzig (O. Leiner), (1908), XI + 253 + XXV) 14 Taf. 16 cm. geb. 2,75 M. [Lepidoptera.] 843 Fiske, W. F. Notes on insect enemies of wood-lioring Coleoptera. Washing- ton, D. C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (23-27). 844 (Fiske, William F. A study of tlie ])arasites of the American tent cater- pillar. Agric. Exp. Sta., New Hamp- shire, Durham, Tech. P.ul!., Ntfra.] 873 Forel, A. Formlciden. [In: ^Vi.•ia7iopjterous insects from Barbados and St. Vincent islands. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., F. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, No. 1590, 33, 190S, (715-730) pi. Ixv. 891 Fremlin, H. S. The effects of physical and chemical agencies on Lepidoptera. London Proc. S. London ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1908-09 (1-(T). 892 Frey, Richard. Mitteilungen ubcr finliindische Dipteren. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 31, No. 9, 1908-1909, (1-24). 893 Frey, Richard. Gampsoecm numerata Heeg. i Finland. [G'a/rep.soce?-a numerata Heeg. in Finland]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna etFl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (139- 142, deut.sches Ref. 211). [Diptera.] 894 Frey, Richard. Aumiirkningsviirda anthomyid-fynd fran Finland. [Bemer- kenswerte Anthomyiden-Fnndo aus Fin- land]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (117-122, deutsches Ref. 210j. [Diptera.] 895 Frey, Richard. Ober Ilelophilus consivuU.-i Malm und ihre Verwandten. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (11-14). [Diptera.] 896 44 Tnsecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Frey, Rifhard. Nemosovia elongaUnn Ti. Iran Finland. \jS emosoma elongatum L. aus Finlandl Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Flf Fenn. 33, 1907, (IJ). \('oleoi,tera.'] 897 Frey, W. For Finland nya Diplerer. [Fiir Finland neue Dipteren]. Helsing- fors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (120). 898 Frey, Richard. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dipteren-Fanna. Finlands. Helsing- fors, iledd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (G7-69). 899 Frey, Richard. Finlands Tachy- di-omia-avter. [Die Tachydrom'i a- Avten Finlands]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (2021, deutsches Referat 210). [Diptera.] 900 Frey, Richard. Ueber die in Finn- land gefundenen Arten des For me n- kreises der Gattuug Sepsis Fall. IX ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908. (577-588). [Diptera.] 901 Frey-Gessner, E. Saga ^errata Fabr. Bern Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 11 1908 (274). I'lrtlioptcra,] 902 Frey-Gessner, E. Osm'ta muc'ida Dours. Bern Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 11 1908 (280-283). [Hymenoptera.] 903 Frey-Gessner, E. Fauna insectorum Ileivetiae. Ap'idae. ii Band. [A.ppeu- dix to Bern Mitt, schwei/. ent. Ges.] (]-9(;). [Hymenoptera.'] 904 Friederichs, Karl. Ueber Phalacrus corruHcim als Feind der Brandpilze des Getreides und seine Entwicklung in brandigen Aehren. Berlin, Arb. biol. Aust., 5, 1908, (38-52), 1 Taf. [Colco- ptera.] 905 Friese, H. Neue Bienenarten aus Ostafrika. 1). ent. Zs., Berlin. 1908, (5G7-572). [mjmenoptera] 906 Friese, II. Beitrag zur Bienenfauna ilcr Kleinen Antillen und der Bermudas. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise der Ilerren Prof. W. Kiikenthal und Dr. ilartnieyer nach Westindien und des llerrn I'rof. R. Heymons nach den Heiiuudas. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Suj>pl., 11, 1!)08, (33-40). [Hijmcnoptera.] 907 Friese, H. Eine neue Bieriengallung Corbicuia aus Argentina. Zs. Hvnieno- pter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908 f 170-1 72). \Ilymeiioptera.] 908 Friese, H. Ueber die beiden grossten Arten der Kegelbiene (Coeltoxyx). Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 190S, (172- 174). [Hymenoptera.'] 909 Friese, H. Ueber die Bienen der rus- sischen Polarexpedition 1900-1903 und einiger anderen arktischen Ausbeuten. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, Ser. 8, 18, 13, 1908, (1-17), 1 Taf. [Hymenoptera.'] 910 Friese, H. Apidae. [In : Wiss. Er- gebnisse der Exped. Filchner. Bd 10, Tl L] Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S), 1908, (97-99). [Hymenoptera.] 911 Friese, H. Apidae. Nova Guinea. Resultats de I'expedition scientitique neerlaudaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wich- mann, chef de i'expedition. Leiden (E. J. Brill), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2, 190S, (353-359), pi. XV. [Hymenoptera.] 912 Friese, H. Die Apidae (Blumenwes- pen) von Argentina nach den Reisener- gebuissen der Herren A. C. Jensen- Haarup und P. J0rgensen in den Jahren 1904-1907. (tJerman.) Silkeborg, Diinemark. Verlag. Flora og Fauna, 1908, (107, Index 1-4). Preis 4 Mark. 14 X 22^). [Hymenoptera.] 913 Frings, C. Bericht iiber Temperatur- Experiniente in den Jahren 1905-1907. Soc. entoniol. Berlin, 23,1908 1, 2, 9-11, 19, 20, 26, 27, 33, 34, 44-4G). [Lepido- ptcra.] 914 Frings, C. DendroVunnH pint L. gynandr. Soc. eutomol. Ziiricli 22 1908 (1()2). [Lepidoptera:] 915 Frings, Karl. Aufhebung des sexuel- len ]*"arbungs-Dimor{)hismus durch Imu- wirkung abnormer Temperatur bei Lepidopteren. Bonn, SitzBer. Gos. Natk., 1907, 1908, E. (87-90). 916 Fritze, Adolf ride Carl, J. Frohawk. F. W. Life history of Lycaenn. aeia. Entomologist London 41 1908 (1G1-1G7). [Lepidoptera.] 917 Frost, C. A. Notes on Attelahnx rhiii-'< and jiarasite. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (2G- 32'. [Loleoplera.] 918 Fruhstorfer, II. Neue ostasiatische l!iio])aloceren. Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25, 1908, (37-38, 41). [Lepido- ptera.] 919 45 Inscrla. Titles. 3500 Fruhstorfer, II. Leptdop(eyo\og,isdieR Charivari. Ent. Woclieubl., Leipzig, 25, 190S. (80-82). 920 Fnilistorfer, H. Xeue paliiarktisclie Satvriiieu. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 19US, (il.y. [Lepidoptera.]. 921 Fruhstorfer, H. Neue PapUio- Rassen aus der Eurijp)fJus-CTru]i]ie. Ent. Zs., Stuttg-art, 21, 1908, (222). [LvpiJojitefa/ 922 Fnilistorfer, H. Eiae neue Letlte- Rasse aus Tonkin. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (7). [Lepidoptera.] 923 Frulistorfer, H. Neue Adelpha. Ent. Zs., ^tuttaart, 22, 1908, (8-9). {Lepido- ptera.'] ^ 924 Frulistorfer, H. Xeue Parnassin.t- Rassen. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (12). [Lepidoptera.] 925 Frulistorfer, H. Eiue neue Zen/uthia. Ent. Z<.. Stuttgart, 22, 1908,' (10). [Lepidoptera.] 926 Frulistorfer, H. Lepidoj^terologisi-hea Pele-Mele. [i-vi.] Ent. Zs.. Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (4G-47, 48-49, 59, 63-64, 72- 73, 102-103, 118-119). 927 Frulistorfer, H. Neue palaarktisclie Pieriden. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (50-51). [Lepidoptera.] 928 Frulistorfer, H. Eine neue Pnr- JOT88! !(s-Rasse. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 190s. i.";!!. [Lepidoptera.] 929 Frulistorfer, H. Ueber ein neues Organ der Rhopaloceren (" Jullieni- sches Organ"). Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (50, 56 ; 94-99) ; Bemerkungen dazu V. A. Dampf. t.c. (77-78). [Lepidoptera.] 930 Frulistorfer, H. Neues iiber die Genitalien der Rhopaloceren. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (74-75). [Lepido- ptera.] 931 Frulistorfer, H. Monographische Revision der Gattung Melanitis. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (80, 82-84, 85- 87j. [Lepidoptera:] 932 Frulistorfer, H. Neue europaische Satyridftn. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (93, 10.3). [Lepidoptera.] 933 Frulistorfer, H. Neue europaische Satyriden. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (121j. [Lepidoptera.'] 934 Frulistorfer, H. Neues iiber die Copulationsorgane der Satyriden. Ent. Zs, Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (121-123, 129). [LepidopU'v,i.] 935 Fruhstorfer, II. Neue ostasiatische Satvriden. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (127). [Lepidoptera.] 936 Fruhstorfer, H. Neue indischc Tng- falter-Fornieii. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908,(135). [Lepidoptera.] 937 Fruhstorfer, II. Eine \\e\xo\. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (388-390). [Coleoptera.] 977 Fukai, Takeslii. Gyorni no slioku- nidtsu to konclin to no kwankei. [Insects as the food of lishes.] Kcincli. Sok., Gifu, 12, 1908,(406-411). 978 Fukai, Takeshi. Sanzashiga. [On the metamorphosis of Yponomeuta 17 Insecta. Titles. 3500 }>oliis!ica Bull.] Tokyo, Xip. Koiich. K\v. Ho., 2, lyOS, ^05-109). [Lcp'tdo- ptcm.] 979 Fukano, Takeshi. Totreari ui tsuite. [On the characters and liabits of Polij- rliachis lameUideus SuiJ Ivonch. Sek., Gifu, 12, IOCS, (271-2t3). [Ilymeno- ptera] 980 Fuller, Claude. First i-eport of the Committee of control of the South African Central locust bureau. Pretoria, 1907 (111' pp.) 1 pi. 981 Fulmek, Leopold. Das Riickengefass (ler Mallophogen. Wieu, Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ., 17, 1907, (45-G4\ 2 Taf. 982 Fulmek, L^eopold]. Die Mallopluigen. Kin Sammelbericht mit eisjenen Bei- tragen. Wieu, Mitt. Xatw. Ver. Univ., 5, 1007, (1-50) 3 Taf. 983 FuscMiu, C. Contributo alio studio della Phylloxera querciis Boyer. Xota preliminare. Redia, Firenze, 4, 1907 ^360-368}. [Aphldae.] 984 [G., I.] r. 11. O napTeHoreHesHct iiHcTb. [Ueber die Parthenogenese bei den Bienen.l Stepnoje pcelov., Xovo- cerkask, 2, 1908, 0, (4-10). [Hymeno- ptem.] 985 [Gadd, G.] Fa;;:!!,, Y. Ht.cKO.ibKO iia6.iK);ieiiifi Ha,!*!. KpuMCKiiMii ii,nKa- ;iaMH [Quelques observations sur les cigales de la Crimee.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907 [1908], (248-254). IHomoptcra.] 986 [Gadd, G.] ra3;;i'i>, F. BaxiiTKa o ilHKa;iaxi. KpuMa. [Xotice sur les riqales de la Crimee.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (141-145). IHomoptera.] ' 987 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri and others. Voyage zoologi([ue en Khroumirie (Tunisie). Insectes (59-89). Paris 1908 8vo. (xviii + 316; 30 pis. 988 Gahan, C. J. Description of a new genus and species of Cleridac. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (95 & 96). [Coleoptera.] 989 Gahan, C. J. Notes on North- American Longicornia, with descriptions of some new species. Ann. Mag. N^at. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (140-145j. ■f'oleoptera.] ~ 990 Oalian, C. .J. Notes on the Coleo- {jicrom genera Iloria Fab. and Cissites Latr.,aud u list of the described species. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. London ser. 8 2 1908 (199-204). 991 Gahan, C. J. Lampyvldae from Ceylon. London Proc. eut. Soc. 1908 (xlviii). [Coleoptera.] 992 Gahan, C. J. On the larva of Tric- tenotoma child renl Gray, MeVitiomma inaulare Fairmaire, and Dascillus eerv'imis Linn. London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 (275-282) pi. vi. [Coleopter,t.] 993 Gallardo, Angel. Notable mimetismo de la oruga del esfingido Dilophonota lanfiatixi (Boisduval) Berg. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires ser. 3 9 1908(243- 24.S). [Lepidoptera.] 994 Galli-Valerio, Bruno. Les insectes conime joropagateurs de maladies. Le role des artliropodes dans la dissemina- tion des maladies. [In : Bericht iiber den xiv. internat. Kongress fiir Hygiene. Bd 2]. Berlin (A. Hirschwald), 1908, (189-194). 995 Oalli -Valerio, B. und Rochaz de Jongh, J[eanne]. Beobaehtuugen iiher Cidi- ciden. Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 46, Originale, 1908, (130-134). [I)i- ptera.] 996 Galli-Valerio, B. und Rochaz de Jongh, J. Zur Frage der Eier von Cidcx cantons. Antwort an A. Eysell. Cen- tralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 1, 48, Originale, 1908, (91-92). [Diptera.] 997 Galvagni, Egon. [Lepldopteren aus der Hohen Tatra.] Wien. Verb. ZooIBot. Ges., 58, 1908, ((24)-(28)). 998 Ganglbauer, C. L. Ein neuer "'rt'c/at.s- vom Schat'ljerg ini Salzkammergut. :\Iuuchener Kol. Zs. Miiuclien 3 1901)- 1908 (11-13). [Coleoptera.] 999 Ganglbauer, L. Laria odei- BntaJms? MuncluMier Kol. Zs. 3 1906-1908 (05- (58). [Coleoptera.] 1000 Ganglbauer, L. von. Revision der Bliudriisslergattungen Alaoeyba und Raymondionynius. Miinchener Kol. Zeits., Miinchen. 3, 1906-1908, (135- 170). [Coleoptera.] 1001 Ganglbauer, L. Abermals Geoffroy ! ^fiincliener Kol. Zs. Miinchen 3 1906- 1908 (317-320). [Coleoptera.] 1002 Ganglbauer, L. and others. Beitrage zur Koleoptcren-Geogynphie. Jliincheuer Kol. Zeitschr. 3 1906 -1908 (.^5-50). 1003 48 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Ganon, J. Cholera en vliegeu. [Cho- lera und P'liegen.] Batavia, Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind.,48, 1908,(227-233). [Dipt era.] 1004 Garcia, F. Injurious insects. Agric. Exp. Sta. New Mexico Las Cruces Bull. No. 68 1908 (1-63). 1005 Garman, H. The com root-worms ; Diabrotica 12-imnetata and D. longi- cornis. Agric. Exp. Sta., Kentucky, Lexington, Bull. No. 130, 1907, (42-46). [Coleoptera.] 1006 Gates, B. N. Bee diseases in Massa- chusetts. Washington D. C. U. S. Dept. Agi-ic. Bur. Ent. Bull. No. 75 pt. o 1908 (23-32) pi. iv. 1007 Gatnar, 0. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren- Fauna von Lemberg. (Fortsetzimg und Schluss.) Wien, JahrBer. Entom. Ver., 18. (1907), 1908, (37-42). 1008 Gauckler, H. Xylomyges conspicil- Zfnv'.s L., eine Monographie. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, 1908, (110-113). [Lepido- ptem.] 1009 Gauckler, H. Ein entomologischer Ausflug nacli der franzosischen Scbwelz. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (23- 24). 1010 Gauckler, H. Xula ftuheldamydida Stgr. in Baden. Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25, 1908, (193-194). 1011 Gauckler, II. PapiUo mucliaon L. ab. t^pliyrua Jlh. = ab. asiatica Men. Ent. Zs.," Stuttgart, 22, 190S, (88-89). [Lepl- doptcra.] 1012 Gaulle, J. de. Catalogue systematique et biologique des Hymenoptcres de France (suite). Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908,(64-66, 79-82, 102-104, 120-122, 140-141, 183-184, 209-210, 234-235, 252-257) ; 39, (46-49, 66-69). 1013 Gaulle, Jules de. Catalogue systema- tique et l)iologi(]ue des Ilijmenoplcrcs de France (Extr. de la Feuille des jennes Naturalistes). Paris (P. Klincksieck) 1908,(171). 22 cm. 5. 1014 Gebien, Hans. Notizen zu dem Tene- brionidenkatalog von Cemminger und Harold, Band VII und Champions Nach- trag zu deraselben. Entoiiil. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (155-161). [Coleoptera.] 1015 Gebien, Hans. Tenehi-iojildae. (Die Fatma Siidu'cst-Australiens. hrsg. v. W. Michaelsen u. H. Hartiueyer. Bd 1, Lfg 10.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (325- 348). 1 Taf. [Coleoptera.] 1016 Geest, Waldemar. Untersuchungen iiber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Pigment und Schuppenform und zwi- schen Zeichnung und anatoniischen Ver- haltnissen des Fliigels, dargestellt an der Tagfaltergattung Col'tas F. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (162-169, 208-214, 251-256, 317-322). [Lepido- ptera.] 1017 Gehre, Clemens. Ueber ein paar Ich- neumonidenarten. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (465-467). 1018 Gelirs, CI. Verzeichnis der in der naheren und weiteren Umgebung Han- novers von mir beobachteten Netzfliigler oder Keuroptera. Ein Beitrag zur Er- forschung des Hannoverlandes. Han- nover, Jahresber. nathist. Ges., 55-57, 1908. 1019 Geilenkeuser, F. W. Beitrag zur Kiiferfauna der Hildener Heide. Bonn, SitzBer. Ges. Natk., 1907, 1908, bot.- zool. Abt., (24-34). [Coleoptera.] 1020 Gelin, H. Surla rusticite du Cyrtaspis scutata Charp. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (293-294). [Orthoptera.] 1021 Gerhard. Zur Lebensweise von Pity- ophthorua lichteriateini Ratz. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (157-162). [Coleo- ptera.] 1022 Gerhardt, J. Aidhifus floralis L. und quisqinlius Thorns, sp. pr. Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk., (N.F.), H. 33, 1908, (1-3). [Coleoptera.] 1023 Gerhardt, J. Gymnetron beccahungae L. und Gymnetron veroiiicac Germ. sp. pr. Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk., (N.F.), II. 33, 1908, (4-6). [Coleoptera.] 1024 Gerhardt, J. Ntniheiten der schlesi- sciifu Kiiferfauna aus dem Jahre 1907. Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk., (N.F.), II. 33, 1908, (7-8). [Coleoptera.] 1025 Gerhardt, J. Neue Fundorte sel- tenorcr sciilesischer Kiifer aus dem Jalire I9()7, geordnet nach dem Catalogus colcopterorum Europae von 1906. Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk., (N. F.), H. 33, 1 90S, (9-12). [( 'uleoptrra.] 1026 Gerhardt, I. Ueber AntlucuH und Gymnetron. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (205-208). [Coleoptera.] 1027 49 Insccta. Titles. 3500 Crerhardt, I. Xeuheiien der scble- t08, (53-57). [Ihjmeno- ijcra.] 1073 Oirault, A. Arsene. Notes ou the feeding habits of Cimex lectularhis Linnaeus. Psvehe, Bostou, Mass., 15, 1908, ;85-S7).' [Heteroptera.] 1074 Girault, A. Arsene. A peculiar case of parasitism witli Hemerocamp'i leueo- ^!'njma Smith Jc Abbot, with description n[ a new yeuus and species of Pteroma- lidae. Psyche, Boston, ilass., 15, 1908, I80-9G). [Hymenoptera.] 1075 Girault, A. Arsene. Descriptions of three new North American Chalcidoidea of the subfamilies Mymarhiae and Aphelininae. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 191)8, (115-121). [Idymenoptera.] 1076 Girault, Alecandre Arsene. A biblio- graphy of the ijedbug, Cimex lectularius Linnaeus. Corrigenda. Zool. Ann., Wiirzburg, 2, 1908, (347). [Heteroptera.] 1077 Glaser, F. Varietatenbildung bei Arctia caia L. durch Inzucht. Berliner eiit. Zs., 53, 1908, (189-192), Taf. v. [Lrpidoptera.] 1078 Gluchov, M.] r.iyxoBi,, M. Kt HOBOMV iioHB-ieiiiio Henapnaro me.iKO- iipaaa Ha Vpa-Tt. [Oeneria dispar im L ral.j fcjelisk. chozTaiu, St. Peterburg, 23, 1908, iC35-G38). [Lepidotitera.] 1079 Gogorza, J. Dates biograficos del prnfesor D. Francisco de Paula Martinez y Saez. iladrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (208-215). 1080 Goltz, Frhr. von der. Sammeltagc ;in der Riviera. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (255-257). [Lepidoptera.] 1081 Goossens, Th. Iconographie des cht^uilles. Ann. ass. natural. Levallois- Perret, 13, 1907, (3-11). [Lepidoptera] 1082 [Gortjraakij, V. K.] ropxuHCKiii, B. K. Eopboa Bt n.io;iOBLixt ca;iax'ij <-••'> BpeAHLiMH HacliKOiiiJMH nocpejt- CTBOM'b 3.ieKTpHHecTBa. [Die Bekiimp- fung der schadlichen insekten in Obst- 'iarten vermittelst Elektricitat.] St. Pfterburg, Vestn. Ob§c. Sadov., 1908 ri3- ^•J' 1083 Goasard, H. A. The catalpa bud maggot. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H., 1, 1908, (181-182), pi. [Diptera.] 1084 (N-10332 j) Gossard, H. A. Notes of the season. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H., 1, 1908. (183-191). 1085 Gounelle, E. C^rambycides nouveaux ou pen connus de la region nootropicale, principalement de la sous-region bre- siiienne (2"= Memoire) : Revision des genres Coinpsosoma Serv. ot RJuipliiptera Serv. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 77, 1908, (7-20), pi. ii. [Coleoptera.] 1086 Gounelle, E. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Taurolema. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 77, 1908, (12-20). [Coleoptera.j 1087 Gounelle, E. Notes synonymiques. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (288-289). [Coleoptera.] 1088 Goury, G. et Guignon, J. Insectcs parasites des Capparidees. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908,(118- 119). 1089 Graeffe, Eduard. Beitrage zur Fauna der liraconiden oder Ichneumones adsciti des osterr[eichischen] Kiistenlandes und siidlichen Krains. Triest, Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat., 24, 1908, (137-ir)8). \Hymenoptera.'\ 1090 Graham, W. l^L Some new and undescribed insect pests affecting cocoa in West Africa. J. econ. biol. Loudon 3 1908 (113-117) pis. viii & ix. 1091 Gramann, Aiignst. Weiteres zur ilelanismus-Frage. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (5-6). [Lepidoptera.] 1092 Granata, Leopoldo vide Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. Grander!, Remo. Ulterior] ricerclie sulla PJiylloxera della vite. Roma, Rend. .A.cc. Lincei, ser. 5, 17, 1908, 2 sem., (396-403). [Aphidae.] 1093 Grandori, Remo vide Foa, Anna. Grandori, R. vide Grassi, B. Granit, A. W. Harjningar af Cidaria dihduta Borkh. [Verheerungen durch Cidaria dilutata Borkh.] Helsiugfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (57-58, deutsches Referat 177). [Lepido- ptera.] 1094 Grassi, Batista. Iiitorno ad un nuovo Flebotoino (Phlehotomus mascitlii). lioma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, Ser 5, 17, 1908, r sem., (681-682). [Diptem.] 1095 c 14—2 52 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [190S] Grassi, Batista eFoa, Anna. Ulterior! recerche siilla Phylloxera della vite (fiiio al 1" Ottobre 1908). [Varia.] Roiua, Rend. Ace. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, 1908, 2° sem., (349-359). [AiMdac] 1098 Grassi, Batista e Foa, Anna. Sulla classilicazione delle Fillossere. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, 1908, 2 sem., (683-690). [Aphidae.] 1097 Grassi, Batista e Foa, Anna. Ulteriori rjcerche suUa Phylloxera della vite : Produzione delle galle da parte delle radicieole ; differenza tra le fillossere radicicole nelle varie stagioni dell'anno. Roma, Rend. Ago. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, 19US, r sem., (753-760). [Aphidae.] 1098 Grassi, B. e Grandori, R. Ulteriori ricerclie sulla Phylloxera (forma galli- cola) della vite. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, 1908, 2' sem., (09- 106). [AjMdae.] 1099 Grassi, Batista e Grandori, 11. Ulteriori ricerclie sulle Fillossere galli- cole della vite. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, Ser. 5, 17, 1908, 1° sera., (760- 770). [Ajihidae.] 1100 Green, E. E. Notes on the Coecidae c'ollcctcrj by the Percy Sladen trust ex- pedition to the Indian ocean : supple- mented by a collection received from Mr. U. Dupont, Director of Agriculture, Seyclielles. London, Trans. Linn. Soc , ser. 2, 12, 1907 (197-207) pi. xxi. 1101 Green, E. E. Note on the genus Aniccerococcus. Ent. Mag. London 19 1908(11-42). [Coecidae.] 1102 Green, E. E. Remarks on Indian ■scale insects {Coecidae) Part 3. JMem. Dept. Agric. India London 2 1908 (15- 46) pis. ii-iv. 1103 Green, E. Ernest. Mimicry in insect life, ;is cxeniplided by Ceylon insects. iSjjulia Zeylan, Colombo, 5, pt IS, 1908, (87-94) 5 pis. 1104 Green, E. E. Re Mr. E. M Mack- Avood's note in " Spoiia Zeylanica " Novemlier 17, 1907 p. 67. Spoiia Zey- lan, Colombo, 18, 1908, (102). [Lcpid'o- XJtera] 1105 Green, E. E. Vitality of dragonfly larvae. Spoiia Zevlan, Cohmibo, 5, pt. 18, 1908, (104-105). [Odonala.] 1106 Green, E. E. j\Io3quitoes and eye- flies. Spoiia Zeylan, Colombo, 5, 18. 1908, (106). [Di'ptera.] 1107 Griedel. Les Apions des CIstinees. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (118-189). [Coleoptera.] 1108 Griep, Bruno. Le/jiJopferologische Wandlungen in lokaler Hinsicht. Intern. ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (147-148, 155- 1.36, 161-162, 169-170, 177-178, 181- 182, 195-196, 199-201, 230-231, 243- 244, 246-248). 1109 Griffini, Achille. Phasgonuridae africanae del R. Museo di Storia Na- turale de Bruxelles. i-v. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ent. BelgiquelS 1908(18-86), vi. Sc. (201-226). ^[Orthoptera] 1110 Grifflni, Achille. Intorno a due Gr'yl- Incrits di Birmania. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (205-209). [Ortho- ptcra.] 1111 Grifflni, Achille. SuUa Gryllacris getiualls Walker e sopra una nuova specie affine. Eutomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (229-232). [Orthoptera.] 1112 Griffini, Achille. Sopra alcuni Steno- palmatidi e sojjra alcuni Mecopodidi males! ed austromalesi. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 45, 1908, (271-288). [Orlhoptera] " 1113 Grifflni, Achille. Sopra alcuni Gril- hiciiil! del genere Eremus Brunner. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 47, fasc. 1-2, 1908, (1-9). [OHhoptcra.] 1114 Grifflni, Achille. Descrizione di un nuovo (irillacride (Gryllaci'i^ lor'iae sp. n.) di Timor. Moniiore zool. ital., Eirenze, 19,1908,(90-92). [Orthoi^tera.] 1115 Grifflni, A. Le Ciryllaeri» papuane ad ali liicolori. Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3 1909 (207-215). [Orthoptera.] 1116 Grifflni, A. Le specie africane del genere (!n/llaerix Serv. Studio vcuuo- gralico. Siena 1901 (1 56). 1117 Grifflni, Achille. Sopra alcune Gryl- laeriH males! ed austromalesi. Torino, Boll. Muse! zool. anat., 23, 190S,N. .581, (1-14). [Orthoptera.] 1118 Griffini, AchiUe. Note sopra alcuni Grillacriili. Torino, Boil. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, N. 587, (1-14). [Ortho- ptera.] 1119 53 Insecia. Titles. 3500 Grifflni, Achille. Desorizione ili un miovo liiillai'iiile deH'Afric-a occiileii- tale. Zool. Anz. Leipzig, 32, lOOS, (ooO-jOD. [Orthoptcra.'l 1120 Grifflni, Achille. Phyllopliorinap dA Mujieo ("ivico di Storia Natinale di tuMiova. Zool. Anz., I^eipzig, 32, lUOS, (641-Gli)\ [Orthoptcra.] " 1121 Grifi&oi, Achille. Iiitorno a quattio (Jrillacridi deirAmerica meridionale. Zoi.l. Anz., Leipzig, 33, LJOS, (60-G7 ). [i>vthop'n-a.] 1122 Grifflni, Achille. Sulle Agroecinac nialesi ed austro-malesi del Museo Civico di Storia Xaturale di Geneva. Zool. Jahrb., Jena. Abt. f. Svst., 26, 190S, (.')41-o6fi). [Orthoptera.] 1123 Griffith, A. The life history of hovist- flifs. Pidjlic Health 1908 (122-1L'7). 1124 Grigorjev, B. K. vide Adelung, X. W. Grimsliaw, Percy H. A coTitri])ution to the insect fauna of the isle of Mav. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 (88-90). 1125 Grinnell, Fordyce, jun. Ouatenuuy niyriopods and insects of California. Berkelev. Univ. Cal. Pub, Bull. Dept. eieoL, 5, 1908, (207-215) pi. 1126 Grinnell, Fordyce. SyncMoe lancco- hitn Boisduval, with a description of a related sjiecies from southern California. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (71-73). [Lepidoptera.] 1127 Grinnell, F. Notes on Pteroplwridae or plume-moths of Southern California, with descriptions of new species. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 (31.3- 31' 1). [Lcpidoptera.] 1128 Gronblom, Thorwald. Tntressanta insektfynd. [Interessante Funde von lu.sekten.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (19-20, deuisches Peferat 207, 208). 1129 Grenblom, Thorwald. Uusia tulok- kaita .Suomen perhosfaunalle. [Fiir die Schmetterlingsfauna Finlands neue Arten]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et H- Fenn., 34, 1908, (51 -.52, deutsches Ref. 210). [Lcpidoptera.] 1131 Grose Smith, H. Descriptions of two new lorni.s of PapUio in the collection of Mr. Grose-Smith. Ann. Mag. Nat. tiht. linden ser. 8 1 (116j. [Lepidoptcra.^ 1132 Grossbeck, John A. Plagodis scliuijl- hilhiisi!^ : a new geometrid. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (31.5- 3!n). [Lcpidoptera.] 1133 Grossbeck, John A. Additional notes on the lift.' liistorv of Culex perlurbans. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (473-476) pi. xxiii. [Diptera.] 1134 Grossbeck, John A. New moths of tlie family Geometridae. New York, X.Y.. J. Ent. Soc, 16, 1908, (19-31). [Lcpidoptera]. 1135 Grossbeck, J. A. Notes on the mos- quitoes of the season. lie]5. Ent. Dep. New Jersey Exp. Stat. 1907 (544-5()0) 4 pis. [Diptera.] 1136 Grossbeck, John A. Additions to the list of North American Ceometridnc, with notes on some described species. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (85-91). [Lepidoptera.] 1137 Grote, Hermann. Die Nonne (Liparis moJiacJtu) in Kopula. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (20). [Lepi- doptera.] 1138 Grouvelle, A. Quelques clavicornes nouveaux de la republique Argentine recueillis par M. Charles Bruch. Revist. llus. La Plata Buenos Aires 12 J 905 (121-133). [Coleoptera.] 1139 Grouvelle, A. Melifjctlies nouveaux de I'Abyssinie et du Choa. Geuova, Ann. Mils. Civ. St. Nat. 44 1908 (75- 78). [Coleoptera.] 1140 Grouvelle, Ant. Mission de M. V. Geay dans la Guyane. CoUopleroi : Ilelminthidae. BuU. Museum, Paris, 1908, (181-186). 1141 Grouvelle, A. Collections recueiilies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans I'Afrique orientale anglaise. Insectes Coleopteres clavicornes. Diagnoses des t'sprces nouvelles. Bui. Museum, Paris. 1908, (365-380). 1142 GrouveUe, A. Nltidulidae, iMlhri- dndae, Cryptophagidae und Parnidae. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthroj). Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siid- afrika. Bdl.Lfgl.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. 13,1908,(119-120). [Coleo- ptera]. 1143 Grouvelle, A. Description d'uno espece nouvelle du genre Litargns, {(Joleoptera : Mi/relopliagidae). Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30,' 1908, (55-56). 1144 5 1 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Grouvelle, A. Las'iodactylus nitidus Grouv. var. dii Las'iodactylus rnaculosiis OUiff (Coleoptera : Nitidulidae). Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (68). 1145 Grouvelle, A. Etudes sar les Colob'i- cHs vrais de I'Europe, de ]'Asie et de I'Australasie. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jen- tink, 30, 1908,(113+122). [Coleoptera.] 1146 Grouvelle, A. Coleopteres de la region ladienne. Rhysodidae, Trogos'itidae, Nitidulidae, Colydlidae, Cucujidae. Paris, Ann. soc. ent. 77 1908 (315-495) pis. vi-ix. 1147 Grouvelle, A. Sur les Amphlcrossiis de I'Afrique et description d'une espece nouvelle. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (;i08-110). IColeoptera.] 1148 Grouvelle, A. Sur le genre Itliy- phencs. Rev. ent., Caen, 26, 19U7, [1908], (109-112). [Goleoptera.'] 1149 Grouvelle, A. Description d'une nouvelle espece d^Oxylaemus. Sydney, N.S.W., Proc. Linn. Soc, 32, 1908, (835-83G). [Coleoptera.] 1150 Grouvelle, A. Clavicornes nouveaux recueiilis en Perse par Mr. Morgan. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907 (506-508). [Coleoptera.] 1151 Grouvelle, A., et Raflfray, A. Deux- i^me supplement a la liste des Coleo- pteres de la GnadelouiDe. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 77, 1908, (33-64). 1152 Gruardet, I. Note sur une aberration remarquable de Clytus arvicola Oliv. ?. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908 (110). [Coleoptera.] 1153 Grlinberg'. Diptera. [In : AN'iss. Ergebnisse der Exjoed. Filchner. Bd 10. Tl 1.] Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (lOfi). 1154 Grlinberg', Karl. Neue Lepidopteren ans Uganda. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Ereunde, 1908, (50-62) 3 Taf. 1155 Grlinberg, Karl. Einige neue Lepi- dojAcrr)! -Vorinen von den Sunda-lnseln. Ik-rliii. .SitzlJer. Ges. natf. Ereunde, 1908, (286-291) 1 Taf. 1156 Grlinberg, K. Zur systomalisclicn Stelliing der Epicopiiden. I'jp'u-op'ioptMH nov. gen. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908,(107- JIO). [Lepidoptera.] 1157 Grlitzner, H. Zur Biologie von L'nuenitia popull. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 18, 1909, [1908], (133-137). [Lepldo- ptera.] 1158 Grund, Franz. Ueber das Konser- vieren von Kiifer-Larven und -Puppen. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (232). [Coleoptera.] 1159 Grund, Arnost. Die Lycaeniden der Umgebung von Agram (Zagreb, Kroa- tien). Mit mehreren neuen Aberra- tionen. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (66-67, 70-71, 78-79, 87-88). [Lepi- doptera.] 1160 Guercio, Del, Criaconio. Osserva- zioni alle " Note dietologiche sulla Mosca delle Olive del Dott. G. Martelli." Redia, Firenze, 4, 1907, (261-275). [Diptera.] 1161 Guercio, Del, Giacomo. Note ed osservazioni alia " Generazione della Mosca delle Olive del Prof. Filijipo Silvestri." Redia, Firenze, 4, fasc. 2, 1907,(276-284). [Diptera.] 1162 Guercio, Del, G. II Ehynchites crihripennis nel Grossetano ed i suoi rapport' con i Microsporidi. Redia, Firenze, 4, fasc. 2, 1907, (334-352). [Coleoptei-a.] 1163 Guercio, Del, G. L' Ilysteropterum aplerum Fab. e 1' 7/. grylloides Fab. sono nocivi all' olivo e ad altre piante arboree. Redia, Firenze, 4, 1907, (353-359). [Ilomoptera.] 1164 Guercio, Del, Giacomo. Sulla appari- zione di una particolare forma larvale nella Phylloxera acarithochermes (Koll.). Redia, Firenze, 5, 1908, (92-97). [Aphidae.] 1165 Guercio, Del, Giacomo. Ancora sulle fornic autunnali della Phylloxera acan- thoahcrmes Koll. Redia, l*^irenze, 5, fasc. 1, 1908, (138-143). [Aphidae.] 1166 Guercio, Del, Giacomo. Le vicende della Phylloxera del Leccio nei torreni aridi ed in quelli irrigui. Redia, Firenze, 5, 1908, (144-155) 1 tav. 1167 Gu^rin, G. Hivernage des abeilles, d'apres le Guide Book de Cowan, auteur apicole anglais. Amiens, Bui. soc. apicult., Somme, 30, 1904, fasc. 8, (101- 10.3). 1168 Gu^rin ride Aubert. Guignon, J. vide Goury, G. Guilbeau, Braxton H. The origin and formation of tlio fnUli in spittle- 55 InSiCta. Titles. 3500 insects. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass.. 42. I'JOS. (783-7081. [flomoptera.j 1169 Quilliaume, .\. Notes sur les Dipteres de B('lii';qui\ Briixelles Ann. Soc. ent. !!,>lgi.iu<> 52 190S (207 & 298). 1170 Gundermann, E. Einip;e Beobach- iiiiiureu an Huiumelnestern. Ent. Woolieubl., Leipzif;. 25, 1908, (30-31. -"'.'•-31)'. I Hi/inc)toptera.] 1171 Habisch, — . Zuclit von Dieraniira l-184j. [Diijtera.'\ 1180 Hammar, A. G. On the ner\'ous -\ stem of the larva of Corydalia i-ormita I- Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer, Columbus, "hio, 1, 1908, (105-127) pi. [Keuro- '*'■'•«■] 1181 Hampson, Sir George F. On the _ii ti^s collected during the cruise of the ^ alhalla during the winter 1905-6, by Mr. E. B. G. Meade-Waldo. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., London, ser. 8 1 1908 (474- 192). [Lcpidoplera.] 1182 Hampson, Sir George. The moths of Indi.T.. Supplementary paper to the volumes in "The Fauna of Britisli India." Ser. iii, pt. x. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (257-271). [Lepi- doptera.] "" 1183 Hampson, Sir George. The moths of India. Siipplemeatary paper to the volumes in "The Fauna of British India." Ser. 3, Part xi. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (572-585). [Lepidoptera.] 1184 Hampson, G. F. Notes on Noctuidae collected \>y Mrs. M. D. Nicholl, in Alberta, British Columbia, and the Washington Forest reserve, in the years 1904-5-7. Canad. Ento. London (Chu.) 40 1908 (102-107). [Lepidoptera.] 1185 Hampson, Sir G. F. Catalogue of the Lcpidopleraphalaenac in the British Museum. Vol. 7, London, British .Mu- seum, 1907, (xv -1- 692), pis. cviii-cxxii. 1186 Handlirscli, A. [Einige vom tier- geographischen Standpunkt interessante fossile Insekten.] Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, ( (205)-(207) ). 1187 Handlirsch, Anton. Kleiner Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Grabwespengattung Stizus Latr. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908,(240-244). [H ymenoptera .\ 1188 Handlirsch, Anton. Die fossilen In- sekten and die Phylogenie der rezenten Formeu. Eiu Handbuch fiir Palaonto- logeu und Zoologen. Lfg 8-9 (Schluss). Leipzig (W. Engelmann), 1908, (1121- 14.30, vii-ii), 3 Taf. 28 cm. Die Lf. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (2S0-2S1). [Cohoptera.] 1214 Heller, K. M. ^'erwendung von Insekten zu ethnographischen Gegen- standen. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (595-599) 2Taf. 1215 Heller, K. M. Beraerkungen zu Wytsman, Gcneia Insectorum, Coleo- ])tera : Curculinnitla(> ])ar Bovie. D. ent. Zs., Berhn, 1908, (719-721). [Cohoptera.] 1216 57 Inseda. Titles. 350O Heller. K. M. Viertcr Beit rag zur Papnaiiisolion Kiifcrfauna. Dresden, AL)h. zool. Miis.. 12, 190S, ^'o. 1, (l-3;i) 1 Taf. [Colcoptcra.] 1217 Heller. K. JI. Xeue indonialavische Riissolkater, vorwiegead aus .Madras unci Borneo. Stettiner ent. Ztij, 69, i;XK. flL'J^Ul-t). IColeoptera.] 1218 Hemmerling, Herra. Joseph. Stiulien iiber die Hautfarbe bei Kalern und Schnietterlin<:en. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben. 2, 190S, (110-117, 121-122). 1219 Hemmerling, Ptiul. Einige Bcob- achtunticn an Catocala Schr. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (95). [Lepidoptera.] " 1223 Hendel, Friedrich. Acht neue Pvrirotinen. Entonii. Ztg, Wicn, 27, 1908.(14.1-1.53). [Diptera.] 1221 Hendel, Friedrich. J. G. Meigen : Xouvelle c'a~ssitication des mouches a deui ailes (Diptera L.) Wien, Vorh. ZooJBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (43-69). 1222 Hendel, Friedrich. Synopsis der bi.s- her bekannten Tj'mi'rt-Arten. Zs. Hymenopter. , Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (l-ll). [Diptera.] 1223 Hendel, Friedrich. Ueber die bisher bekannten Dorycera-Arten. Zs. Hy- menopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (104- 108). 1221 Hendel, Friedrich. Diptera Fam. Mu-iL'tridae subfam. Lauxaninas. Wvtsraan Gen. Ins. fasc. 68 Bruvelles 1908 (1-06) pis. i-iii. 1225 Henderson, Robert. The Diptera of Clvde. Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc 8 1008 (7-22). 1226 Hennings, Curt. Der achtz'ihnige Fichtenborkcnkafer oder Buchdrucker Ips typo'jraphus L. Ent. Bl., Schwa- bach, ^, 190:^, (67-73, 92-97). [_Coho. ptera.] 1227 Henain^s, Curt. Experimentellbio- logische Studien an Borkenkafem. iii. Kleinere Beitrage zur Genera- tionenfrage und Mitteilungen iiber die Borkenkafersaison 1907 in und bei Karlsruhe. Xatw. Zs. Landw., Stuttgart, 6, 1908, (209-229). [Coleo- pt^ra.] 1228 Hennings, Curt. Experimentell- biologische Studien an Borkenkafem. I\ • Generationsverhiiltnisse und Frassformen. Xatw. Zs. Landw., Stuttgart, 6, 1908, (4G9-48G). [Coleo- piera.] 1229- Hennings, [Curt]. Zur Biologic? der Ipiden. \'erh. I), zool. Ges., Leipziii, 18, 1908, (96-101). IColeo- ptera.] 1230 Henshaw, H. AV. A parasitic fly injurious to our native birds. .\uk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 190^, (87-88). [Diptera.] 1231 Herbst, Paul. Eine neue Sphecode'i- .\rt aus Chile. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (470). [4631]. 1232 Hermann, F. Beitrag zur Kcnntnis der -Vsiiiden (iv). Nachtriige zu meiner Mitteilung iiber die um das Genus Laphi/stia sich gruppierenden Asiliden- formeii. Berliner ent. Zs., 53, 1908. (152-170) Taf. iv. {Diptera.] 123S Hermann, Fr. Asilidac. [In: L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- iiisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg. 1.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (163-169). [Diptera.] 1234 Herrera, A. L. The orange worm. {Trypeta ludens). J. Econ. Ent., Con- cord, N.H., 1, 1908, (169-174). [Di- ptera.] 1235 Herrick, Glenn W. Notes on the hen flea (Xestopsylla gaUinacea). J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H., 1, 1908, (355- 358). [Aphaniptera.] 123& Herzog, J. J. Aus dem Leben der Lycaeniden. Tierbiologische Bcobach- tungen. Natur u. Kultur. Miinchen, 5, 1908, (633-636). [Lepidoptera.] 123T Hesse, Erich. Lucilia als Schinarot- zer. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig. 28, 1908, (753-758). [Diptera.] ' 1238- Hesse, W. Stauropus fa-ji. Ent. Zs.,. Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (32-33). [Lepi- doptera ] 1239' Hetschko, .41frcd. Ueber den In- sektenbesuch bei einigen r«cj«-j\rten. mit e.vtrafloralen Nektarien. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (299-305) 124t> Hewitt, C. G. The large laich saw- fly (Scmalus erichsoni). J.Board .Agric. London 15 No. 9 1908 (1-12). [Hy- meno ptera.] 1241 Hewitt, C. G. The biology of house- flies in relation to the public hcaltli. London J. Pv. Inst. Pub. Hlth. 1908 (l-loj. [Diptera.] 1242 58 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [19081 Hewitt, C. G. House flies. Man- chester. Rep. Trans. Microsc. Soc. 1907 (82-92), pi. iv. [Diftera.] 1243 Hewitt, C. Gordon. The structiire, •development, and bionomics of the Tiouse-fly, Musca dorrfstica Linn. Part 2. The breeding habits, development, and the anatomy of the larva. Q. J. Microse. Sci. London 52 1908 (495- 545) pis. xxx-xxxiii. [Diptera.] 1244 Hey, W. C. Humble bees at West Ayton, Yorks. Naturalist London 1908 <'j49-451). [Hymenoptem.] 1245 Heyden, von. Erganzungen zu E. Bergroths Bemerkungen zum Catal. Coleopt. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908. (fio- €6). 1246 Heyden, von. Ueber die Coleo- pteren-Gattungen Parablops. D. ent. 7s., Berlin, 1908, (132). [ColeopLra.] 1247 Heyden, L. von. Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen zum Catal. Coleopt. EuTop. [et] Cauc. et Arm. ross. 1906. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (43-48). 1248 Heyden, L. von. Bemerkungen iiber •die Bestimmungs-Tabelle 60 Curculioni- dae : Larimis, bearbeitet von Dr. K. Petri 1907. EntomolZtg, Wien, 27, 1908, (48-50). [Coleoptera.] 1249 Heyden, L. von. RichtigsteUungen ■zu den Bemerkungen zum Catal. Coleopt. Europ. 1906. Entoml. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (154). 1250 Heyden, L. von. Bemerkungen zu den Berichtigungen des Herm Zai- tzev in „Revue Russe'". Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (241-242). [Coleo- ^tera.] 1251 Heyden, Lucas von. A proposito di Calathus (jlahricollis var. distinguendiis Eracassi. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino, 6,1908,(22). {Coleoptera.^ 1252 Heyden, Lucas von. Contribute alia Fauna coleotterologica dell'Isola di Capri. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino. 6, 1908, (62-65). 1253 Heyden, L. von. Die Stahlblaufliige- lige Holzbiene (Xylocopa inolacea L.) gchon vor 110 Jahren bei Mainz. ZooL Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (345-347). [Hymenoptera.] 1254 ' ■ Heyden. Vorkommen von Parna-'^sius mnemosyne im Vogelsberg. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (348). [Lepidoptsra.] 1255 Heymons, Richard. Siisswasser- Hymenopteren aus der Umgebung Ber- lins. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (137- 150). 1256 Hesmioiis, R. Europaische Insekten- schadlinge in Nordamerika und ihre Bekampfung. Xatw. Zs. Landw., Stutt- gart, 6, 1908, (6-22). [Lepidoptera.l^ 1257 Hilbert, R. Zur Biologie von Te- tramorium caespitum L. Zs. wiss. In- sektenbiol., Beriin, 4, 1908, (308). 1258 Hillecke, C. Verzeichnis der Kafer des nordostlichen Harzrandes, soweit dieselben bisher von den Mitghedem des Entomologischen Vereins fiir Quedlin- burg und Umgegend aufgefunden wur- den. Hrsg. v. Entomologischen Verein fiir Quedlmburg und Umgegend. Qued- linburg (Selbstverl. d. Vereins), 1907, (40). 22 cm. 1 M. ICohoptera.'] 1259 Hiltner. Ueber das massenhafte Auftreten der Kohlweisslinge. Prakt- Bl. Pflanzenbau, Stuttgart, 6, 1908, (87-89). [Lepidoptera^ 1260 Hinds, W. E. and Bishopp. F. C. A key suggested for the classification of entomological records. J.'Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H., 1, 1908, (91-101). 1261 Hine, James S. Two new species of Af.{ Col., Cicind.). Ent. Wochcnbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (8J-85). 1297 Horn, Walter. 2 neue Cicindela- Rassen der Xcuen Welt. Ent. Wochcnbl., Leipzig, 25, 190S, (209). [Col.o- ftera.] 1298 Horn, Walther. Cicindclinnc. [In. L. Schultzc, Zool. u. athrop. Ergeb- nisse e. Forschungsrcisc in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 1.1 Jena. Denkschr. nied. < ies., 13,1908,(93-100). IColeoptcra.] 1299 Horn, Walther. Two new Cosmcnia- species (Cirindclidae : Coleoptrra) of the auropitnctata-'^TOup, from Angola. Leiden, Xotes Mus. Jentink, 30, 19(18. (31-32). 1300 Horn, Walther. Protlu/ma .'■rJiultrei, a new species of Philippine Cirindc- lidae. Philippine J. .Sci., .Manila (A. General Science), 3, 1908, (273-274). [Coleoplera.] 1301 Horn, Walther. Six new Cicinde- lime from the oriental Region. Rce. Ind. Mus.. Calcutta, 2, 1908, (409-412) [Coleoptera.] 1302 Horn, Walther. Cincindela prothy- moides n. sp. Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69, 1908, (120-122). [Coleoptera.] 1303 Horvath, Geza. Les relations entre les faunes hhni pie ro]Qgiq\ies de I'Eu- rope et de I'Amerique du Xord. Ann. Hist. -Xat. Mus. Xat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (1-14). ^ 1304 Horvath, Geza. Remarques sur quelques Hhniptcres de rAnicrique du Xord. Ann. Hist. -Xat. Mus. Xat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (555-570). 1305 Horvath, Geza. Colobathristinae et Heterogastrine novae in Museo Xatio- nali Hungarico. Ann. Hist. -Xat. Mus. Xat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (591- 595). [fieteroptera.] 1306 Horvath, G. Description d'un Aphidien nouveau de Portugal. ScJiizo- neura lu3itanica n. sp. Broteria, Lis- boa, ser. zool 7, 1908, (132-13*?). 1307 Horvath, G. Description d'urk Fulgoride nouveau de France. Paris, BuL .soc. ent., 1908, (165). [Homo- ptera.] 1308- Hossack, W. C. An experimental investigation as to the potency of various disinfectants against rat-fleas. Calcutta. Ind. Med. Gaz., 42, 1907 (8-9). [Aphaniptera.] 1309- Houard, C. Les Zoocccidies des- plantes d' Europe et du bassin de la Mediterranee. Description des Galles ; lllu.stration ; Bibliographic dctaillee ; Rejjartition gcographique ; Index, bibliographique ; t. I. Cryptogames, Gymnospemes, Monocotyledones, Dico- tyledones (1"' Partie). Pari-^ (Hermann), 1908, (569) fig. et 2 pis. 25 cm. 5. I Prix de I'Ouvrage coniplet, 40 fr.] i3ia Houghton, C. 0. Some Coleoptera affecting the honey locust. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (160-162). 1311 Houghton, C. 0. Notes on A'ecra- phoru.f orbicollis Say. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (120-121). [Coleoptera]. 1312 Houghton, C. O. The blackberry kaf-miner {Scolioneura capitalis Nor- CI Insccta. Titles. 3500 ton). [With description of adult by A. D. MacCiillivrav.l Ent. News, Phila- delphia. Pa.. 19, lOOS, (212-21G). [////• niffijpttni.] 1313 Houghton, V. 0. Coleopiera of St. Lawrence eo., N. Y. — 1. Ent. New.s, Philadelphia, Pa.. 19, 1908, (399-402). 1314 Hoogbton, C. O. Notes on Trojo- derma tarsalc Melsh. J. Econ. Ent. Concord, N. H., 1, 1908, (210-217), [ColcopUra.] 1315 Hoagh'on, C 0. Notes on the lesser clover-leaf beetle. (Phylonomus nigri- rostriii Fab.) J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N H.. 1, 1908, (297-300). [Coleoptera]. 1316 Howard, L. 0. A ke\' to the species of Prospaltdla, with table of hosts, and descriptions of four new species. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Columbus, Ohio, 1, 1908, (281-284). [HymenopUra.] 1317 Howard, L. 0. A suggestion regard- ing development retarded by parasi- tism. Canad. Ento. London (Can. ) 40 1908 (34 & 35). 1318 Howard, L. 0. Another chalcidoid parasite of a tick. Canad. Ento. Lon- don (Can.) 40 1908 (239-241). [Hymeno- pUra.] 1319 Howard, L. 0. Upon the aphis - feeding species of Aphelinus. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (365- 367). [HymenopUra]. 1320 Howard, L. O. The importation of Tetrajstkhus xanthomelaenae. (Rond.) J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N. H., 1, 1908, (281-2S9). [Hymenoptera.] 1321 Howard, L. O. Anopheles breeding in sea water. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (274-275). [Diptera.] 1322 Howard, L. 0. William Harris Ash- mead. 1855-1908. Washington, I). ('., Proc. Acad. Sci., 10, 1908, (187-187). 1323 Howard, L. O. On two new species of parasites of Ale.i/rodiJue. Washing- ton, D.C., Pro?. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (63-65). \liymcTwptera.\ 1324 Howard, L. O. A new genus and species of M ymaridae. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (08- 70). [Hymenoptera.] 1325 Howard, L. O. Report of the Ento- mologist for 1908. [From annual re- ports of the department of agritulture|. Washington, U. S. Dept. Agric. 1908 (1-47). 1326 Howard, L. 0. The carpet beetle, or '■ bultalo moth." Washington Circ. U. S. U.'pt. Agric. Bur. Ent. 5 revised edition 1908 (1-4). [Coleopiera.] 1327 Howard, L. O How insects affect health in rural districts. Washington D.C. V. S. Dept. Atiric. Farm. Bull- 155 1908 (1-19). 1328 Howard, L. O. and Chittenden, F. H. The bagworm. Wa-hington Circ. U. S. Dep;. Agric. Bur. Ent. 97 ].>08 (1-1't). [Lepidoplera.] 1329 Howell, Arthur H. The relation of birds to the cotton boll weevil. AVash ington, D.C, U. S. De])t. Agric, Biol. Surv., Bull. No. 29, 1907, (1-31). pi. [Coleoptera.] 1330 Howes, George. Further notes on Lcpidoptera. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (533-534). 1331 HuDcnthal, Wilhelra. Ergiinzungen zur Thiiringer Kaferfauna. III. IV. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (35-54 ; 263-270). [Coleoptera.] 1332 Hubenlhal, W. Ueber Verbreitung und Lebensweise einiger Coleopteren. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (106). 1333 Huber, Jacques. A origem das colonias de Sauba (Atta fezden^;). Bol. Mus. Coeldi Para 5 1908 (223-241). [Hymenoptera.] 1334 H..bert, Henry. La distribution geogra])hique des mouches tse-tse au Dahomey. Geographic, Paris, 15, 1907, (171-176) carte 1335 Hudson, G. V. Ob.servations on N. Zealand M acrolepidoptera including de- scriptions of n. spp. \\'elIington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (104-107). 1336 Hiieber, Theodor. Synopsis der deutschen Blindwanzcn (Hemiptera He- teroptera,Fa,m. CapMae). Till. Stutt- gart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 64, 1908, (104-186). 1337 Hu'?U3, -Albert vide Vuillet, A. HulshoS Pol, D. J. en Betz, W. A. Anophp.le-i, broedplaatsen op de ter- reinen van het Krankzinnigengesticht te 62 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Buitenzorg en de maatregelen daarte- g-^n. [Brutstellen xonAno'phelei auf dem Gelande des Irrenhauses zu Buitenzorg und Vertilgungsmassregeln gegen diesel- ben.] Batavia, Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind., 48, 1908, (124-150). {Diptera]. 1338 Hunter, W. D. ^Miat can be done in destroying the cotton boll weevil during the winter. Washington Circ. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. 107 1908 (1-4). {Coleoptera.] 1339 Hunter. W. D. Some recent studies of the Mexican cotton boU weevil. Washington, D.C., Yearbook U S. Dept. Agric., 1906. 1907, (313-324) pi. [Coleoptera.] 1340 Ikeda, Yeitaro. Sanjino shirikusare- byo ni tsuite. [On the so-called hip- putrifving disease of silkworms.] Tokyo, Nip. Sanshi Kw. Ho., 196, 1908, (11- 12). [Lejndoptera.] 1341 Ikeda, Yeitaro. Shiyu dotai no kasan ni tsuite. [On the hermaphro- ditism of silkworms.] Tokyo, Nip. Sanshi Kw. Ho., 197, 1908, (4-8). [Lepi- doptera.] 1342 Inims, A. D. On the larval and pupae stages of Anopheles maculipennis Meig. Part ii. The larva (continued). Parasi- tology Cambridge 1 1908 (103-133) pis. ix & X. [Diptera.] 1343 Isely, F. B. Notes on Kansas Ortho- ptera. Topeka, Trans. Kans. x\cad. Sci., 19, 1905, (238-249). 1344 Ishiwatari, Shigctane. Kaiko no taisetsu ni tsuite. [On the body seg- ments of silkworms.] Sangyo Shimpo [Sericultural magazine], Tokyo, 180, 1908, ( Kibipett H31) Pocciii. [Un nouveau genre des Asilidae de la Russie.] St. Peterburg. Ann. mus. zool., 73, 1908, (xx-xvi). [Diptera.] 1355 Jacobson, G. Neue Fundorte einiger Kafer in Chinesisch-Centralasien. St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908 [1909] (lix). [Coleoptera.] 1356 Jacobson, G. De tribus generibus novis Chrj'somclidarum fa .nae rossicae. St. Peterburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Rose, 38, 1907-1908, (619-627) Taf. vii. [Coleoptera.] 1357 [Jacobson, G. G.] JTkoGcoiii., W W VKyuii PoccJH II yaiiajiiioii ICBpoiiu. P,VKOBo;(cTBO K'h on])e;i,'b.ifiiiio /KyKOB'i.. [Die Kiifcr Ilu^i.slands und Wcsteuropas. Ein Handbuch zum Bestiniinci der Kafer.] Lief vi. St. Petersburg (A. F. Devrient), 1908, (401-480) mit H Tat. 29 cm. 2,00 Rub. [Coleoptera.] 1358 Jacobson, G. G. vide Filipcenko, J. G3 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Jacoby, Martin. Descriptions of two new genera and species of Aus- tralian Eumolpiui (Coleoplcra Phi/to- pfKiya). Entomologist London 41 19U8 (26-28). 1359 Jacoby, M. Especes nouvellcs de Ciirysomelides. Voyage de M. ilaurice de Rothschild en Ethiopie et dans I'Afrique orientale, 1904-1906. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 76, 1907, (515-525) [Cohopkra.] 1360 Jacoby, Martin. The fauna of British India including Ce}'lon and Burma. Coleoptera. Chrysomdidae. Vol. ii. London 1908 8vo. (xx + 534) pis. i & ii. 1361 Jacoby, Martin the late. Descriptions of new species of South-american beetles of the Cryptocephaline division of the family Chrysomelidae. London Proc. zool. Soc. 1907 1908 (829-855). 1362 [Jakovlev, B. E.] HKOB-ieBt, B. E. 3aM'bTKa o Stibaropus henkei Jak. [Notice sur le Stibaropus henkei Jak.] Kev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 2-3, 1907 [1908]. (96-98). [Heteroptera.] 1363 [Jakovlev, B. E.] flKOBaeBi,, B. E. He mi ptera- Heteroptera TaBpiiqecKOfi rvGepiiiii. Tpexbe, ;tono.i[ieHie. [Hemi- pteres-Heteropteres du gouvernement Taurique. Troisieme supplement.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907 [19081,(190-199). 1364 [Jakovlev, B. E.] HKOBaeBi,, B. E. HoBbie BH,iLi po,ia Sphenoptera Sol., na.ieapKTiiqecKOii (})aynu. [Especes nouvelles du genre Sphenoptera de la faune palearctique.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907, [1908], (211- 227). [Coleoptera.] 1365 [Jakovlev, B. E.] HKOBJieB-B, B. E. Bh;;u poja Centrocoris Kolenati EBpaain. [Sur les especes du genre Centrocoris Kolenati de I'Eurasie.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907 [1908J, (235-237). IHeleroptera.] 1366 [Jakovlev, B. E.] Odontotarsus imignis n. sp.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907 [1908], (245-247). [Heteroptera.] 1367 [Jakovlev, B. E.] HKOB.ieB-b, B. E. C'HHOHUMUHeCKifi saMtiKH {Bupresti- doe). [Notes synonymiques [Bnpresti- dae).] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907 [1908], (255-257). [Coleo- ptera.] 1368 [Jakovlev, B. E.] HKOB.ieBb, B. E. HoBiJc Bii;i,u Sphenoptera (Chryso- blemma) pyccKoii (|)ayiiu. [Especes. nouvelles du genre Sphenoptera (Ghryso- blemma) de la faune de la Russie.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (8-11). [Coleoptera.] 1369- [Jakovlev, B. E.] HKOB.ieBi,, B. E. ()ij;iO])i, iia,[eapi;TU'icuKiixi> buaob-b. Sphenoptera iio;tpo,ui Chilosletha B. Jak. [Etude sur les Sphenoptera palearetiques du sous-genre Chtlo- stetha B. Jak.] St. Peterburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross., 38, 1907-1908, (507- 524). [Coleoptera.] 1370 Jakovlev, N. vide Yakovlew, N. Janicki, C. v. Ergebnisse der neuea Forschungcn in Italien iiber die Biologie der Phyiloxeriden und insbesondere der Reblaus. [Sammelreferat.] Zool. Zentralbl., Leiprig, 15, 1908, (353-378). [Aphidae.] 1371 Jarvis, C. D. The apple leaf-miner^ a new pest of the apple. Agric. Exp. Sta., Connecticut, Storrs, Bull., No. 45,1900,(37-55). [Lepido ptera.] 1372 Jeannel, Rene. Coleopteres (Bio- speologica, V). Arch, zool., Paris,, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, (267-326) fig. 1373 Jeannel, R. Presentation de Coleo^ pteres cavernicoles vivants et quelque» remarques sur leur biologie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (87-89). 1374 Jeannel, R. A propos d'Aptera- phaenops longiceps Jeannel, Staphyli- nide cavernicole de I'Algerie. Paris^ Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (111-113). [Coleo- ptera.] 1375 Jeannel, R. Adelopsella nouveau genre ocule de la tribu des Bathy- sciidae. Paris, Bui. .soc. ent., 1908, (182-185). [Coleoptera.] 1376. Jenkinson, F. Notes on certaia M yceto phiUdae, including several species new to the British list. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (129-133 & 151-154). [Diptera.] 1377 Jenson, L. P. Nye danske Sommer- fugle. [Eupitheda in-signiata new to the Danish fauna]. Kobenhavn, Flora og Fauna, 1908, (44). [Lepidoptera.] 1378 a Insecia. XII. Insecta. [1908] Jensen-Haarup, A. C. En smuk Forogelseaf vor Fauna. (Aphelocheirus montandoni How. new to the danish fauna.) Kobenhavn. Flora og Fauna, 1907, (lOJ); 1908,(48,59). \_Heiero- j)tera.] 1379 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. Biological researches amongst the Argentine Bees with special reference to tlowers they visit. Silkeborg [Denmark]. [Supple- ment to H. Friese, Die Apidae von Argentine.] Flora og Fauna, Koben- havn, 190S, (95-107). IHymeyioptera.] 1380 Jenson-Haarup, A. C. Two new Argentine species of A pidae. Silkeborg, Denmark. [Supplement to H. Friese. Die Apidae von Argentina.] Flora og Fauna, Kobenhavn, 1908, (107-108). [Hymenoptern.] 1381 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. Hoffmann- seggia falcaria, Cav., and its visitors amongst Bees. Silkeborg [Denmark]. j^Supplement to H. Friese Die Apidae von Argentina.] Flora og Fauna, Kobenhavn, 1908,(103-111). \_Hymeno- ptcra.] 1382 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. Ueber die Ursache der Gro^'senverschiedenheit bei den Coleopteren. Aus dem Engli- schen iibersetzt v. Chr. Schroder. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, 1908,(100-102). 1383 Jensen-Haarup, A. ('. Biologische IMitteiiungen iiber einige siidameri- kanische Apiden. Uebersetzt v. Chr. Schroder. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (375-378). [Hymeno. ■ptera.] 1384 Joannis, J. de. Paralipsa gularis Zeller. Gallcride d'origine orientale observee recemment en France (Synony- mie). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (277- 282). {Lepidoptera.} 1385 Joannis, J. de. Description de rylolomia Hb. Paris, Bui. .soc. cut., 1908, (145-150). [Lepidoptcra.j 1388 Joannis, J. de. Une Phycide nou- veUe d'Algerie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (168-169). [Lepido ptera.] 1389 Joannis, J. de. Deux nouveUes especes de Cnephasia. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (190-193). [Lepido- ptera.] 1390 Joannis, J. de. Une zygene nouveUe d'Algerie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (203-204). [Lepido ptera.] 1391 Joannis, J. de. Une curieuse chenille de Geometride. Paris Bui soc. ent. 1908 (214-217). [Lepido ptera.] 1392 Joannis, J. de. Note complementaire sur Coenina dentataria Swinhoe. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (232-233). [Lepido- ptera.] 1393 Joannis, J. de. MicroUpidopteres nouveaux pour la faune fran9aise. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (233-236). 1394 Joannis, J. de. Une nouvelle espece de Scythris des environs de Vannes. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (24S-250). [Microlepidoptera.] 1395 Joannis, J. de. Rectification au sujet de Coenina dento.taria Swinh. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (2GC-267). [Lepido ptera.] 1396 Joannis, J. de. Observations sur Attacus Cynthia Drur. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908"(320-322). [Lepido ptera.] 1397 Joannis, J. de. L'histoire naturelle des Lepido ptere.s britanniques de M. J. AV. Tutt. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 39, 1908, (10-14). 1398 Johannsen, Oskar Augustus. New North American Chironomidae. Rep. Ent., No. 23, in : Albany X. Y. St. Educ. Dept.. Mu.s.. Bull., Xo. 124, 1908, (264-285). [Diptcra.] 1399 [John, 0.] loin,, (3. Ki, ())ayut, Heiiiyt'Kpbi.iiJXi. Maii.UKypiu. [Con- tributions a la faune lepido pi.' roXogiqxxQ de la Mantchourie.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg,8, 1908, (16-24, deutsch. Res. 24). 1400 John, Oscar. Beitrage zur Kenntniss dcr Gattung Pliisia Ochs. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (74-86). [Lepido ptera.] 1401 John, 0. vide Fihpccnko, J. Cj Insccta. Titles. 3500 Johnson, (."harlos W. " Notes on Kew Eiiglaml Boinbyliidac. witli a description of a new species of Anthrax. Psyche. Boston. .Mass., 15, 190S, (14- 15). [Dipkra.] 1402 Johnson, C. W. A note on the distribution of Bitfacomoipka jonesi. Psvche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (2.1). [Diptera.] 1403 Johnson, Charles W. A note on CaloUir-sa. and descriptions of two new species of CalUmyia. Psyche, Boston. Mass., 15, 1908, (58-00). [Diptera]. 1404 Johnson, Charles W. The Diptera of the Bahamas, with notes and tlescription of one new species. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (G9-80). ^1405 Johnson, C. W. Notes on geographic distributior. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 190S, (104). (Diptera.\ 1406 Johnson, F. Grape root-worm inyestigations in 1907. Washington U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Bull. No. 68 part 6 1908 (61-68). \Coleo- ^tera.] 1407 Johnson, S. A. and Rohwer, S. A. <^"olorado Bembicidae. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (373-380). [Hymenoptcra.] 1408 Jones, A. H. Notes on hungarian butterflies. London Proc. S. Lond. ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1908-09 (11-13). [Lepidoptera.] 1409 Jones, E. Dukinfield. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera-Hetero- cera from south-east Brazil. London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 (143-176). 1410 ^ Jones, Frank Morton. Pitcher- plant insects. — 3. Ent. News, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (150-156) 2 pis. + yiii & ix. [Lepidoptera.] 1411 Jones, Frank ilorton. Callosamia fin'julijtra Wlk., n. var. Carolina. Ent. News, Philatlelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (231). [Lepidoptera.] 1412 Jones, P. R. The grape-leaf skele- tonizer. Washington U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Bull. No. 68 part 8 1908 (77-90). [Lepidoptera.] 1413 '' Jordan, H. E. The accessory chro- mosome in Aplopus mayeri. Anat. Anz., .Jena, 32, 1908, (284-295). 1414 Jordan, H. E. The spermatogenesis of Aplopus mayeri. Papers from the (N -10332 i) Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washing- ton, D.C., 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), 1908, 13-36, 5 pis. [Orthoptera.] 1415 Jordan, Karl. Some new and some nntiaurod Lepidoptera. Nov. Zool., Trinir, 15, 1908 (253-258) pis. xi-yi. 1416 Jordan, K. A new Lycaenid from the Solomon islands. Nov. Zool. Tring 15 1908 (394). [Lepidoptera.] 1417 Jordan, K. Anthribidae. Nova Guinea, Resultats de I'expedition scien- tifique ncerlandaise a la Nouvelle (iuinee en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann, chef de I'expedi- tion. Leiden (E. J. Brill), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2, 1908, (351-352). [Cokoptera.] 1418 Jordan, K. vide Rothschild, W. Jordan, K. vide Seitz, Adalbert. Jordan, Karl and Rothschild, N. C. Revision of the non-combed eyed Sipkonap'era. Parasitology Cam- bridge 1 1908 (1-100) pis. i-vii, 1419 Joy, N. H. Notes on Coleoptera from St. Kilda mainly collected from birds' nests. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 (33-35). 1420 Joy, Norman H. Two new br'tish bettles. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (51 & 52). [Coleoptera.] 1421 Joy, Norman H. Two unrecognised british species of the genus Notiophilus. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (103). [Coleoptera.] 1422 Joy, N. H. Notes on the genus Epuraea. Ent. Mag. London 44 190S (106-109). [Coleoptera.] 1423 Joy, N. H. Anisotoma flavicornis Ch., an addition to the british list of Coleoptera. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908(174). 1424 Joy, N. H. A note on the Coleo- ptera of the SciUy islands. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (175-178). 1425 Joy, N. H. A further note on the Coleoptera inhabiting moles' nests. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (246-249). 1426 Joy, Norman H. Euplecttis hescidi- cus Reitt. : a new british beetle. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (56). [Coleo- ptera.] 1427 c 15 re Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Joy, X. H. Jlelanophthalnia trun- catella Maunh., a new british beetle. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (91). [Coleo- ptera.] 1428 Joy, N. H. and Tomlin, J. R. le B. Notes on the genus Corticaria. Ent. Mag. London 44 (125-128). \Coleo- ptera.] 1429 [Jurinsky, T. I.] lOpuHCKiu, T. I. ^laTepia.TU K-h ii.syqeHiio aenn^o- nTepo.iorHHecKOH (JiajHU OKpecTHOCTefi IIpKjTCKa. [Contribution a la faune lepidopterologique des environs d' Irkutsk.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peter- burg, 7, 1907 [1908], (270-276). 1430 Kabis, G. Paralipsa modesta Butl. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (161). [Lepidoptera.] 1431 Kahle, Walther. Die Paedogenesis der Cecidomviden. Zoologiea, Stutt- gart, H. 55,^1908, (1-80) 6 Taf. [Di- ptera.] 1432 Kammerer, Paul. 1. Symbiose zwischen Oedogonium undulatum und Wasserjungferlarven. Wiener-FestSchr. , Wien, 1908, (238-252). 1433 Kane, W. F. de V. vide Carpenter, G. H. Kamy, H. Ergebnisse einer ortko- p<€rologischen Exkursion an den Neu- siedler See. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (92-93). 1434 Kamy, H. Ueber die Verander- liehkeit systematLsch wichtiger ilerk- male, nebst Bemerkungen zu den Gattungen Thrips und Euthrips. En- tomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (273-280). [Thysanoptera.] 1435 Karny, H. Blattaeformia Oothecaria. [/n : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Sud- afrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (355-390) 3 Taf. [Orthoptem.] 1436 Karny, H. Ueber das Schnarren der Heuschrccken. Stettiner ent. Ztg, 69, 1908, (112-119). [Ortho- ptera.] 1437 Karny, H. Ueber die faunistische Bedcutung flugunfiihiger Orthopteren. Wien, xMitt. Natw. Ver. Univ., 5, 1907, (129-136). 1438 Karny, Heinrich. Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Ver- eines nach Dalmatian im April 1906. B. Speziellcr Teil. Bearbeitung des gesammelten Materiales. 6. Ortho- ptera und Blntlaejormia. Wien, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ., 6, 1908, (101-113). 1439- Karny, H. Ueber eine neue Blat- tidengattung, aufgefunden in Siid- westafrika. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32,. 1908, (685-686). [Orthoptera.] 1440 Karny, H. Dictyoptera, Tettigo- nioidea, Acridoidea. {In : Wiss. Ergeb- nisse der Exped. Filchner. Bd 10. Tl 1.) BerUn (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (1-56) 2 Taf. [Orthoptera.^ 1441 Kawashima, Katsujiro. Shiyu sanji no shoka oyobi shokaryo ni tsuite. [On the feeding and digestive power of male and female silkworms.] Tokyo, Nip. Sanshi Kw. Ho., 190, 190S, (8-10). [Lepidoptera.^ IHZ [Kazanskii, Sergei] KasancKifi^ Ceprtii. Ko.i.ieKTiipoBaHie ii .lOBaa oaooHeKb paHHefi BecHofi Ha npiiMaHKV. [Das Sammeln und Fangen von Schmet- terlingen mit Koder im Anfang de» Friihjahres.] Naturfreund, St. Peter^ burs, 3, 1908, (227-232). [Lepido- ptera.] 144$ Kearfott, W. D. New Xorth Ameri- can Tortricidae and Tineina. Xew York, N.Y., J. Ent. Soc., 16, 1908, (167-188) pi. iii. [Lepidoptera.] 1444- Kearfott, WiUiam Dunham. De- scrijjtions of new species of Xorth American crambid moths. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus.. Proc, Xo. 1649, 35, 1908, (367-393). [Lepidoptera.] 1445 Kellogg, Vernon L. The Mallo- phaga of the world : systematic sum- mary. Psyche, Boston, Mass.. 15, 1908- (11-13). 1446 Kellogg, Vernon L. Mallophaga. AVvtsman Genera insectorum fasc. 66"^ 1908 (1-87) pis. i-iii. 1447 Kellog, "\'emon L. Mallophaga. Sjostedts Kiliniandjaro-Mcru Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 15, 4, 1908, (43-56) with pi. vii. 1448 Kellogg, ^'crnon L. American insects. (American nature series.) 2(1 ed., rev. Xew York (Holt). 1908, (xiv -r 694) pis. 26 cm. 1449 KeUogg, V. L. and Smith, R. G. Inheritance in silkworms. Leland Stanford jun. univ. pub. California 1 1908 (1-89). 4 pis. [Lepidoptera.] 1450 67 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Kempers, K. J. W. Over kevervleu- geb. [On tlic «iiig veins of Coleo- ptera.] 's Graveuhano, Tijdschr. Ent.. 51, [190SJ. (ix-xvi)." 1451 Kempny, Peter. Beitrag zur Xeitro- ptenniaunn des Orients. Mit einer biographischon 8kizze des Verstoi- benen von A. Handlirsch. VVien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1008, (259-270). 1452 Kerremans, Ch. Buprestides nou- veaux du " Deutsches Entomologi- sches National-Museum."' D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (01-05). [Coleo- ptera.] 1453 Kerremans, Ch. Buprestidae. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- nisse e. Forschvuigreise in ISiidafrika. Bd. 1, Lfg 1.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (133-136). [Coleo- pUra.] 1454 Kerremans, Ch. Buprestidae. Nova Guinea, Resultats de I'expedition scien- tdfique ueerlandaise a la NouveUe Guinee en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann, chef de I'expedi- tion. Leiden (E. J. Brill), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2, 1908, (303). [Coleoptera.] 1455 Kerremans, Ch. Buprestidae. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedi- tion. Uppsala, 1, 3, 1908, (17-32) pL L [Coleoptera.] 1456 Kerremans, Ch. Monographie des Buprestides. Tome 3, fascc. 1-12 Bmxelles etc. 1908, (1-384). [Coleo- ptera.] 1457 Kershaw, J. C. and Kirkaldy, G. W. Biological notes on Oriental Hemi- ptera. No. 1. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (596-598) 1 pi. 1458 Kershaw, J. C. W. and Kirkaldy, G. W. On the metamorphoses of two Hemiptera-Heteroptera from southern China. London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 (59-62) pis. iv. & V. 1459 Kert^sz, Coloman. Catalogus Di- pterorum hucusque descriptorum. Vol. 3. Budapest, 1908, (367). 23 1 cm. 1460 Kertesz, Kalman. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Notacanthen. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (321-374) Taf. v-viii). [Diptera.] 1461 (K-10332 ;) Kertesz, K. Zwei neue FucelUa- Arten. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (71-72). [Diptera.] 1462 Kesaniemi, Ludv. Vahiin tietoja Kori)ilahden ja sen lahimmiin ym- piiriston odonateista. [Notizen iiber Odonata aus dem Kirchspiel Korin- lahti in Finland.] Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 12, 1908, (18-20). 1463 Keynes, J. «fc N. & Keynes, G. L. Butterflies in the Pyrenees in 1907. Ent. Roc. London 20 1908 (176-180). [Lepidoptera.] 1464 Kiefer, H. Macrolepidopteren- Fauna des steirischen Ennstales. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (138, 142, 153-154, 158, 162, 165-166, 169- 170, 172-173). 1465 Kieffer, J. J. Chironomidae. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- nisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 1.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (155-162). [Diptera.] 1466 Kieffer, J. J. Description de deux nouveaux Chironomides. Bruxelles Bui. Acad. roy. 1908 (705-707). [Di- ptera.] 1467 Kiefier, J. J. Nouveaux Procto- trypides et Cynipides d'Amerique recueillis par M. Baker. BruxeUesj Ann. Soc. scient. 32 1908 Mem. (7-64). 1468 Kiefier, J. J. Description de deux nouveaux Cynipides d'Europe. Bru- xelles Ann. Soc. scient. 32 1908 Mem. (65 & 66). 1469 Kieffer, J. J. Revision des Scelio- nidae (Hymenoptcres). Bruxelles ann. Soc. scient. 32 1908 Mem. (111-250) pi. i. 1470 Kieffer, J. J. Zwei neue Serphiden aus Java. {Hymenoptera). Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (92-94). 1471 Kieffer, J. J. Description d'une espece nouveUe de Chironomides d'Egypte. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (576-577). [Diptera.] 1472 Kieffer, J. J. Description de quel- ques Galles et d'Insectes galiicoles de Colombie. Marcellia Avellino 7 1908 (140-142). [Hymenoptera, Lepido- ptera.] 1473 c 15—2 68 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Kieffer, J. J- Description de galles et d'Insectes gallicoles d'.-^sie. Mar- cellia Avellino 7 1908 (149-167) pis. iii & iv. 1474 [Kieffer, J. J. Description de quel- civie^ Hymenoftircs exotiques. Metz, Bull Soc. Hist. Nat. 24 1905 (85- 114).] 1475 [Kieffer, J. J. Description de quel- ques Cynipides exotiques dont I'un forme un genre nouveau. Metz Bull. Soc. hist. nat. 23 1904 (59-06). [Hyrncnoplera.] ] 1476 [Kieffer, J. J- Description de nouvelles Cecidomyies gallicoles d' Eu- rope. Metz, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. 23 1904(67-79). [Diptera.]] 1477 [Kieffer, J. J. Description de Stephanides et d'Evaniides nouveaux. Metz, BuU. Soc. Hist. Nat. 23 1904 (1-30). [Hymenoptera.] ] 1478 [Kieffer, J. J. Nouveaux Procto- trypides myrmecophiles. Metz Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. 23 1904 (31-58). IHymenoptera.] ] 1479 Kieffer, J. J. Description de deux Diapriides nouveaux. Firenze, Boll. Soc. Entom., 38, (1906), 1908, (107- 108). IHymenoptera.] 1480 Kieffer, J. J. Zwei neue Cecidonyiden .aus Russland. Rev. russ. ent., St. Petcrburg, 7, 1907 [1908], (200-202). lDiptera.\ 1481 Kieffer, J. J- Description dc qucl- ques nouveaux Serphidcs. Metz, Bull. ..soc. hist, nat., H. 25, 1908, (1-7). \IIy)nc)ioptcra.] 1482 Kieffer, J. J. v. Adler. Kieffer, J. J. und Thienemann, A. Neue and l;ekannte Chironuniidcii und ihrc Metamorphose. I. Neue und bekanntc Chironomidcn, von Kieffer. II. Chironomidemetamorphosen, von A. Thienemann. Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (1-10, 33-39, 78-84, 124-128, 184-190, 214-219, 256-259, 277-28()). [Diptera.] 1483 Kinghorn, Allan vide Montgomery, Kinghorn, Allan & Montgomery, R. Eustace. Reports of the slcoping- sicknoss expedition to the Zambesi for the years 1907-1908. Ann. Irop. Med. Liverpool 2 1908 (53-96). | />/- ptera.] 1484 Kinkelin, F. vide Engelhardt, H. Kirby, W. F. Description of a new cavernicolous phasgonurid from Lower Siam. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, 2, 190S, (43). [Orlhoplera.] 1485 Kirby, W. F. On the longevity of British entomologist. Zoologist Lon- don 1908 (216-221). 1485a [KiriCenko, A. N., Kusnezov, N. Ja., Philiptschenko, Ju.. Tarnani, I. K., Zaitzev, Ph.] KupiiMeHKO, A. H., Ky3iu'.u;oBi,, H. H., 'I'luiiinHeHKO, lO., TapnaHii, I. K., 3aiii],eB'b, . KpnxHKO- 6n6.iiorpaf|)imecKiii orxh^i-h. [Revue criticobibliographique.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Petcrburg, 7, 1907 [1908], (277-301). I486 [KiriCenko, A. N.] KHpH^ienKO, A. H. reorpa(})i«ecKoe pacnpocxpa- Henie Argynnis eugenia Ev. no HOBi;fi- lUHMT. aaHHUMt. [Distribution geo- graphique de V Argynnis eugenia Ev. d'apres des dates nouvelles. 1 Rev. russ. ent., St. Petcrburg, 8, lOOP, (151- 159). [Lepidoptera.] 1487 Kiridenko, A. N. vide Filipcenko, J. Kiritshenko, A. N. vide Kiricenko, A. N. Kirkaldy, G. W. Goeze's specific names in Hemiptera. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (6-8). 1488 Kirkaldy, G. W. Notes on some Sinhalese Hemiptera. BruxeUes Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (9-14). 1489 Kirkaldy, G. W. Notes on Corixidae. No. 1. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (117-120). {Heteroptera.] 1490 Kirkaldy, G. W. A synonymic note on certain Belostomidae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (164). [Hetero- ptera.] 1491 Kirkaldy, G. W. A note on the species of Micronecta occurring in India & Ceylon. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (209). [Heteroptera.] 1492 Kirkaldy, G. W. Some remarks on the phylogeny of the Hemiptera-Hetero- •jdcra. ('anad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (357-364). 1493 Kirkaldy, G. W. Two new genera of oriental Hemiptera. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (452 & 453). 1491 00 Insccla. Titles. 3500 Kirkaldy, (J. A\ . Bibliographical ami nomcnclatorial notes on the Jh niiptcra. Xo. 7. Entomologist London 41 1908 (12-15). 1495 Kirkaldy, G. W. On the interesting nature of hcteroptcrous metamorphosis. Entomologist London 41 1908 (58). 1496 Kirkaldy, 0. W. Bibliographical «!t nomenclatorial notes on the Jhmi- ptera. >.'o. 8. Entomologist London 41 1908(123 & 124). 1497 Kirkaldy, G. W. Bibliographical and nomenclatorial notes on the Ilemi- pkra. No. 9. Entomologist London 41 1908 (188 & 189). 1498 Kirkaldy, G. W. A note on the immigration of Uemiptera into oceanic islands. Honolulu. Proc. Hawaiian Ent. iSoc., 1, 1908, (172). 1499 Kirkaldy, G. W. A bibliographical note on the hemipteroiis family Aleij- rodidae. Honolulu. Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc., 1, 1908, (185-186). 1500 Kirkaldy, G. W. A list of the de- scribed Heuiiptera [excluding Aleyro- didae and Coccidae) of the Hawaiian islands. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaiia Ent. Soc., 1, 1908, (186-208) pi. iv. 1501 Kirkaldy, G. W. A brief note on three " [two new]," Califomian fulgoroid Uemiptera. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. .Soc, 2, 1908, (22-23). 1502 Kirkaldy, G. W. Gerridae, Corixidea and Sotonectidae. In : Sjostedts Kilimaudjaro-Meru Expedition, Upp- sala, 12, 3, 1908, (21-24). [Hetero- ptera.] 1503 Kirkaldy, G. W. Memoir on a few heteropterous Hemiptera from Eastern Australia. Sydney, N.S.W., Proe. Linn. Soc., 32, 1908, (768-788) PI. xliii. 1504 Kirkaldy, G. W. A catalogue of the IhinipUra of Fiji. Sydney, N.S.W., Proc. Linn. Soc, 33, 1908, (345-391, *Jth PL). 1504a Kirkaldy, G. W. A heteropterous Hemipteron of New Zealand. Welling- ton Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40, 1908 (109). 1505 Kirkaldy, G. W. Memoir on a few heteropterous Uemiptera from Ea.stern Austraha. Zool. Anz., Leipzi", 32. 19M8, (.568). °1506 Kirkaldy, G. W. vide Kershaw, J. C. Kirmayer, Robert. Ban und Ent- wiekelung der Mundtcilc bei Vcspa vuhjaris. Diss. Erlangen. Bamberg (Druck V. W. Gartner), 1908, (44). 22 cm. [Hymenoptera.] 1507 Klap^lek, Fi'. Pteronnrrys sachalina sp. n., die zweite asiatische Art der Gattung. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, (62-63). [Pcrlidae.] 1508 Klapaiek, Fr. Plecoptera. (In : AViss. Ergcbn. d. Exped. Filchner. Bd 10. Tl 1.) Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (59-64) 1 Taf. 1509 Klapaiek, Franciszek vide Dzitjd- zielcwicz, Jozef. Klatt, Bcithold. Die Trichterwar zen der Lipariden-Larven. Zool. Jahrh. , Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 27, 1908, (135-170) 3 Taf. [Lepidoptera.] 1510 Klatt, Bert hold. Die Trichterwarzen der LiiJaridenlarven. (Kapitcl ii. bis v.) Diss. Berlin (Druck v. C. Arnold), 1908, (31). 22 cm. [Lepidoptera.] 1511 Kleine, R. Die Entwicklung von Diptereii in den Brutgiingen von Myelophilus piniperda L. Berliner ent. Zs., 52, (1907), 1908, (109-113). 1512 Kleine, R. Mijelophilus pimperda L. und sein Parasit Plectiacus spilotus Forster. Berliner ent. Zs., 52, (1907), 1908, (150-156). 1513 Kleine, R. Die europaischen Bor- kenkafer und ihre Nahrungspfianzen in statisti.sch - biologischer Beleuchtung. Berliner ent. Zs. 53 1908 (171-188). [Coleoptera.] 1514 Kleine, Richard. Biologische Be- obachtungen an Crypturgus cinereus Herbst. Ent. Bh, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (98-101). [Coleoptera.] 1515 Kleine, R. Die europaischen Bor- kenkafer und ihre Feinde aus den Ord- nungen der Coleopteren und Hymeno- pteren. [Forts. Folgt.] Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (205-208, 225-227). 1516 Kleine, R. Biologische Beobach- tungen an Taxonus (jlabratus Fll. (arjtlis) Klg. Soc. entomol. Berlin 23 1908(66-68). [Hymenoptera.] 1517 Kleine, Richard. Pissodes noiatus F. und sein Parasit llahrobracon sordidator liatzeb. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Ber- lin, 4, 1908, (414-417). 1518 70 Insecta. xir. Insecta. [1908] r*Klemensiewicz, S. 0 nowych i malo znaaych gatuukach motyli fauny gali- cyjskiej. Przyczynek pi^ity. [Quelques especes nouvelles ou peu connues des papillons trouvcs en Galicie. Cinqiiieme contribution.] Krakow, Spraw. Kom. fizyogr., 40 1907, (ii 3—32). [Lepido- ptem.] 1519 Klocker, A. Sommerfugle 1. Dag- sommerfugle. (Danish lihopalocera.) Kobeuhavn (Gads Foiiag), 1908, (96). Price 2 Kr. 60 Ore. [Lepidoptera.] 1520 Klos, Rudolf. Ein Vergleich der Schmetterlingsfauna Steiermarks und Kamstens. Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (271-276). [Lepidoptera.] 1521 Enab, Frederick. Color varieties of Locustidae. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (595-597). [Ortho- ptera.] 1522 Knab, Frederick. Tower's " Evolu- tion in Leptinotarsa." Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (223- 227). {Goleoptera.] 1523 Knab, Frederick. Swarming of a reduviid. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (7-8). [Hetero- ptera.] 1524 Knab, Frederick. The early stages of Sayoniyia punctipennis Say. Washing- ton, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908, (36-40). [Diptera.] 1525 Knab, Frederick. Observations on the mosquitoes of Saskatchewan. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., Q., 50, 1908, (540-547). [Diptera.] 1526 Kaab, Frederick v. Dyar, H. G. Knauer, Fried rich. Die Symbiose der Anibro.siakiifer rait Pilzen. ZentrBl. Forstwes., Wien, 34, 1908, (498-501). [Coleoptera.] 1527 Knaus, W. Notes on Coleoptera. Cauad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (91 & 92). 1528 Knaus, Warren. Additions to the list of Kansas Coleoptera, 1903-04. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (218-220). 1529 Knaus, Warren. Additions to list of Kansas Coleoplera,V.H)5. Toj)eka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Pt. 1, 1906, (106- 107). 1530 Knaus, W. Additions to the list of Kansas Coleoptera for 1906. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (233-234). 1531 Knaus, W. Additions to the list of Kansas Coleoptera for 1907. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 21, Pt. 1, 1908, (150-151). 1532 Knaus, W. Coleoptera of New Mexico. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 21, Pt. 1, 1908, (152-154). 1533 Knoche, E. Ueber Borkenkaferbio- logie und Borkenkafervertilgung. Forstwiss. Centralbl., Berlin, 30, 1908, (141-153, 200-209 245-254). [Coleo- ptera.] 1534 Knoche, E. Ueber Insektenovarien unter natiirlichen und kiinstlichen Bedingungen. Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (224-230). 1535 Knoche, E. Ueber Borkenkafer. Zs. Forstw., Berlhi, 40, 1908, (43-46). [Coleoptera.] 1536 Knuth, P. Handbook of flower pol- lination. Translated by J. R. Ains- worth Davis. Vol. 2. Oxford 1908 (viii + 703) portrait. 1537 Koch, A. Sammlungs-Verzeichnis, Raupen- und Schmetterlingskalender fiir Europaische Gross- Schmetterlinge. Allen Freunden der Schmetterlings- kunde gewidmet. 2. Autl. Berlin (E. Bottcher), 1908, (iii + 100). 29 cm. 4 M. [Lepidoptera.] 1538 Koch, Franz Otto. Die Ameisen als Baukiinstler. Stein d. Weis., Wien, 21, 1908, (253-260). [Hymenoptera.] 1539 Kohler, A. Ueber die Bildung des Chorions bei Asopus hidens. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (478-486). [Hetero- ptera.] 1540 Kohl, F. F. Ueber eine neue Dasy- proctun- Art aus Java. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (52-54). 1541 Kohl, Fr. Fr. vii. Uymenoptercn [in Rechinger, Karl. Botaniseho und zoo- logische Ergebnisse einer wissenschaft- lichen Forschungsreiso nach den Samoa- Inseln, deni Ncuguinca-Archipel und Salomons-lnscln.] Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 81, 1908, (306-317) 1 Taf. 1542 Kohl, Franz Friedrich. Dr. Gustav Mayrf. Ein Lebcnsbild. Wien, Verh. 71 Insccta. Titles. 3500 ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 190S, (512-528) mit Portr. 1543 Kohl. Franz Friedrich. August Schlettererf. Ein Xachruf. VVien, Verb. ZoolBot Ges., 58, 1908, (529- 531). 1544 Kohl, F. B. vide iMayr, G. [Kokujev, Xikita.] KoKyeBt, Hii- KUTa. HoBbiH II 5ia.ioii3BhcTHUH iiepc- noH'taTOKpu.iiJH EBpoiieiicKoii Pocciii ii KaBKaaa. [Uyininoptcres nouveaux et peu connus de la Russie d'Europe et du Oaucase.] Rev. russ. ent.. St. Peteibuii:, 7, 1907, [1908], (228-231). 1545 Kolbe, H. Dtjnastidae, Cetoniidae und Scarabaeidae. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthroj). Ergebnisse e. For- schungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg l.j Jena. Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (121-132). [Coleoptcra.] 1546 Kolbe, H. Mein System der Coleo- piertn. Zs. wiss. lusektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908. (llG-123, 153-162, 219-226, 246-251, 286-294, 389-400). 1547 Kolbe, H. I., Obst, P. und Weise, I. CoUoptera. [In : A\'iss. Ergebnisse der Exped. Filchner. Bd 10. Tl 1.] Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (82- 96) 1 Taf. 1548 Kolbe, W. Beitrage zur schlesischen Kaferfauna. Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk., (X.F.), H. 33, 1908, (13- 21). [Coleoptcra.] 1549 Kolisko, Alfred. Ueber Inzucht- versuche mit Dilina tiliae L. Wien, \"erh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (244- 258). [Lepidoptera.] 1550 Koningsberger, J. C. Short notes on economic entomology. Buitenzorg, Bull. Dep. Agric. Indes Neerl., 20, 1908, (1-9). 1551 Koningsberger, J. C. Tweede over- zicht der schadeHjke en nuttige insecten van Java. Medcd. Dep. Landbouvv No. 6 Batavia 1908 (1-113). 1552 Koningsberger, J. C. De Wespen- familie der Dryinidae. Teysmannia Batavia, 19 (1-7). [Hymenoptem.] 1553 Koningsberger, J. C. Xieuwe en minder bekende schadelijke insecten, gedurende 1907 ontvangen of waar- genomen. [Neue oder wenig bekannte, im Jahre 1907 erhaltene oder beobach- tfcte schadliche Insekten.] Teysmannia Batavia, 19, 1908 (181-192). 1554 Koningsberger, J. C. De zwarte bla 1- luis van de thee en hare vijandcn. [Die schwarzc Blattlauso dcs Theestrauchos und ihre Feinde.] Teysmannia, Bata- via, 19, 1908, (331-333). \ApMdae.] 1555 Konow, Fr. W. Ueber die Ausbeute der Expeditionen der Kaiserlich Russi- schen Geographischen Gesellschaft an Blattwespen aus Tibet 1893-1895 und 1899-1901. St. Pcterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, (9-25). iHyniemptera.\ 1556 Konow, Fr. W. Neue Tenthrediniden aus Sikkim. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschen- dorf, 8, 1908, (19-26). [Uymenoptera.] 1557 Konow, Fr. W. Systematische Zu- sammeusteLlung der bisher bekannt ge- wordenen C'haiastogastra. [Forts. ] Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (49-64, 113-128, 177-232). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1558 Konow, Fr. W. De Chalastogastris miscellanea. Zs. Hymenopter. , Teschen- dorf, 8, 1908, (81-93). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1559 Konow, Fr. W. Neue mittel- und siidamerikanische Tenthrediniden. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (144-163). [Hytneno ptera.] 1560 Konow, Fr. W. Ueber die bisher bekannten Athalia-Arten Afrikas. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (164-169). [Hymenoptera.] 1561 Konow, Fr. W. Tenthrediniden. (In : Wiss. Ergebnisse der Exped. Filclmer. Bd 10. Til.) Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (104). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1562 Koped, Stefan. Badania doswiad- czalnc nad rozwojem cech plciowych u motyli. (Doniesienie tymczasowe). (Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber die EntwJcklung der Gcschlechtscharaktere bei Schmetterlingen.) (Vorlauhge Mit- teilung). Krakow, Bull. Intern. Acad., 1908, (893-918). [Lepidoptera.] 1563 Kostial, J. Philosamia cynthia in Wien. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 190S, (212). 1564 Kotinsky, Jacob. Some Coccidae from Singapore collected by F. Muir. Hono- lulu, Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc, 1, 1908, (167-171). 1565 72 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Kotinsky, Jacob. History and present status of Orthezia insignis in Hawaii. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc., 2, 1908, (11-12). [Coccidae.] 1566 Kotinsky, Jacob. Biograjjliical sketch of Alexander Craw. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaiian Ent. fc^oc, 2, 1908, (24- 26) with portr. 1567 Kramer, H. Sarcophaga- Arien der Oberlausitz. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (152-153). {Diptera.] 1568 Kramer, H. Vom Auftreten der Konne in der Oberlausitz 1908. Ent. Wochenbl., Leijizig, 25, 1908, (185-186). [Lepidoptera.] 1569 Kramer, H. Sarcophaga^affinis Fll. und Verwandte. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (200-201). [Di- ptera.] 1570 [Krasilisdik, I. M.] Kpacii:ib- iniiKt, IJ. M. BpeAHTejH oaiiMbix'i BcxoaoBT> BT) Beccapaolii n dopboa ci. HHMii. [Die Schiidlinge der Wintersaat in Bcssarabien und ihre Bekiimpfung.] Kisinev, Bessarab. .selisk. choz., 1908, (52-59). [Lepidoptera.] 1571 [KrasilisCik, I. M.] Kpacn.ib- luiiK'L, II. M. BpeAHTe.iii osiiMuxt BcxoAOB'j. Bi, Beccapaoiii ii Sopboa ci. HnMii. [Lie Schadlinge der W'intersaat in Bessarabicn und ihre Bekanipfung. Forts.] Kisinev, Bessarab. selisk. choz., 1908,(140-153). [Liptera.] 1572 [Krasilisdik, I. M.] KpaciiJib- iiUiK'i,, 11. M. Bpe^iiiTciii oiiiiMbix'h Kcxo;i,OB'b Bt BeccapaOiii it ijopboa a, iiiiMii. III. [Die .Schiidlinge der Winter- saaten in Bessarabicn und ihre Bekiimp- fung. 111.] Kisinev, Bessarab. selisk. choz., 1908, (173-177). [Diptera.] 1573 [Krasilisdik, I. M.] Kpacn.ibiunxi., II. M. JlOHbie CIIOpOBIIKH, BLI- .'ibiBaioinie CiQxkiun ii c.MepTiiocTb y iiacf.ico.MbiX'i.. [Uebcr ncue kiank- heitserregende Sporozoen bei Inscktcn.] Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Cil. Upr. Zcnil., 7, 5, 1908, (1-113, dcutsch. R6s. 114-12S) 6 Taf. 1574 Krassilstschik vide Krasiliscik. Kraus, E. J. New bicolored Cioidar. Washington, D.C., Proc. Ent. See, 10, 1908, (74-81) pi. iij. [Cokoptera.] 1575 Krausse, A. H. I Carabi sardi ed i loro jmrenti. Riv. eoleotter. ital.,Came- rino, 6, 1908, (175-179). [Coleoptera.\ 157& Krausse, A. H. Einc neue Hummel- form aus Lappland. Bomhus lapponi- rus pulchrior m. Ent. AVochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (76). [Hymenoptera.} 1577 Krausse, A. H. Zwei neue Hummel- formen von Sardinien : Bomhus ter- restris linharae m. und Bombus ter- restris gallurae m. Ent. Wochenbl.,. Leipzig, 25, 1908, (78). [Ili/meno- ptera.] 1578 Krausse, A. H. Eine ncue Hummel- form von Sardinien : Bombus horto- rum wolffi m. Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25, 1908, (94). [Hymenoptera.] 1579 Krausse, Anton H. Bomhus horto- rum ichnusae m., eine neue sardische Hummelform. Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25, 1908, (174). [Hymenoptcra.l 158a Krausse, Anton H. Eine neue sar- dische Hummelform : Bombus hortorum haeckeli m. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (174). IHymenoptera.] 1581 Krausse, A. H. Zur Melanismusf rage. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (124- 125). [Lepidoptera.] 1582 Krausse, A. H. Bombus ierrestris- dettoi m. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (132). [Hymenoptera.] 1583- Krausse, Anton H. Zwei neue Hum- melformen aus Schweden : Bomhus pra- torum aureus m. und Bomhus sorocnsi» quattricolor m. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 190S, (133). [Hymenoptera.] 1584 Krausse, A. H. Eine neue Hummel- form von Sardinien : Bomhus hortorum arborensis m. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (139-140). [Hymenoptera.] 158S Krausse, A. H. Die Formen von Bom- hus ierrestris L. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 19(iS, (163). [Hymenoptera.] 1586. Kribs, H. G. Note on the relative: variability of the sexes in Carahus fiitrdtiis L. Biometrika Cambridge 6 19()S (103-105). [Coleoptera.] 158T Krieger, IJ. Wie Poemenia zu un- glciclilangcn Obcrkiefcrn kam. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, J 90S, (174-175). [Hymenoptera.] 1588 73 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Krone, W. Zwoi neuc Microkpido- pttrtii. \\ ion. JaliiBer. Entom. \'tr.. 18, (1907). 1!U»S. (119-121). 1589 [Krulikovsky, L.] Kpy.iiiKOBCKiii, .'I. iiavil.rKa o cGopt HeiuyeKpiJ.iuvi. .itTOM'b liK)7 ro,ia Bt >'p;KyMOKOM'i. yt.3,lt. BaTCKOit ry6. [Notice sur la chai^se aux Lrpidopthrs durant I'etc 11H»7 tlaiis le dsitrict crOurjoum. Gouv. de Viatka.] Rev. russ. ent., 8t. Peter- burg, 7, 2-3, 1907 [1908], (102-10.-)). 1590 Kruli'towsky, L. Einige neue Varie- tiiteii imd Aberrationeii derLepidopteren des (ijt lichen Russlands. Soc. entomol. Berlin 23 1908 (2, 3, 11, 12). 1591 Kralikowsky, L. Eine neue Varietat von Poccilocampa populi L. Soc. entomol. Berlin 23 1908 (49). [Lepido- ptera.] 1592 Kiihne, Ernst. Ergebnisse von Teniperaturexperimenten an Lepido- pieren. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (G7-68, 69-70) ; Bemerkungen dazu v. W. Cono, t.c. (87-88) ; v. Hollmann, (107). 1593 Kuhne, Ernest. Selenia tetralunaria ab. kilhtifAah. nov. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (70). [Lepido ptera.] 1594. Kurchhoff, D. Das Vorkommen der Tsetse-Fliege und ihre Gewohnheiten in den verschiedenen Gegenden. Arch. SchifFshvg., Leipzic;, 12, 1908, (41-60, 78-104)' [Dipteral] 1595 Kiister, H. C. und Kraatz, G. Die Kiifer Europas. Nach der Xatur be- schrieben. Fortgesetzt v. J. Schilsky. H. 45. Niirnberg (Bauer & Raspe), 1908, (ohne Pas., etwa 400 S.) 15 cm. 3 M. '^ 1596 Kuhlgatz, Th. Rhynchota fur 1902. [•Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd 11, H. 2, 1903, [19(J8], (1319- 14(32]. 1597 Kuhlgatz, Th. Rhynchota [/n : Wiss. Ergebnisse der Exped. Filchncr. Bd 10. Tl'i.] Berlin (E. 8. Miler & S.). 1908, (65-81). 1598 Kohnt, P. Synopsis der Gattungen Erotijlu-i, Cypherolylus, Micrerotylus. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (67-100, 22.5- 238). [Coleo ptera.] 1599 Kahnt, P. Neue Erotyliden. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (626-633). [Coleo- tera.] 1600 Kuhnt, P. Die Wasserkafcr. Ent. .Tahrb., Leipzig, 17, 1908, (133-14.)). [Colco ptera.] 1601 Kuhnt, P. Die Aas-Insekten. Ent., Jahrb.. Leipzig, 18, 1909, [1908] (111-113). leoa Kuhnt, P. Begiinstigen die Gross- stiidto den Melanismus der Lepido- pteren ? Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 190S, (21-22) 160S Kuhnt, P. Wie schiitzen wir unsere Sammlungengegenlnsektenfrass ? Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (141-142, 144-14.5). 1604. [Kulagin, K M.] Ky.ianiin., H. yi. OHTOMO.ioriH. Bpe;iHiJH HachKOMUsi H M'hpu OopbObi CT> iniMTi. [Entomolo- gie. Die schadlichen Insekten und ihre Bekampfung.] Moskva, 1907, (400), 27 em. 1605 Kulwied, Kazimicrz. Chrzs^zcze polskie, klucz do okreslania owadow tijgopokrywych dla uzytku mlodziezy, amatorow i ogrodnikow. [Les Coleo- pt'cres polonais, tables analytiques \)o\iy determiner les insectes coleoptlres • a I'usage de lajeunesse, des amateurs et des jardiniers.] Warszawa (E. Wende i Sp.), 1907, (229). 8° kop. 60. 1606 Kuroiwa, H. List of the Hymeno- ptera collected in Loochoo determined by Dr. S. Matsumura. Published bv Kunchan Nogakko, Ryukyu. 1908, (1-7). ^ 1607 [Kusnczov, N. Ja.] Ky3HeE;oBi>, H. H. HoBUii na.ieapKTimecKiii poAt Noctuidae. [Nouveau genre polearc- tique de Noctuidae.] St. Peterburg, Ann. Mu.s. zool., 13, 1908, (05-68). [Lepido ptera.] 1608 [Kusnezov, N. Ja.] Ky.-JueuoB-b, H. fl. CiiiicoKT, eaGoqeK-B, coupaiiiiuxi. JI. C. EeproM-i na ctBcpHOMT, iioi5epe;Ki>t, Apa.TucKaro Mopn bi, 1906 ro;iy. [List of Lepidoptera collected by L. S. Berg on the northern shores of the Aral Sea, in the year 1906.] Taskent Izv. Turk, otd. russ. geogr. Obsc., 4, 8, 1908, (103- 121) Taf. iv. 1609 Kusnezov, N. Ja. vide Adelung, N. N. Kusnezov, N. vide Kiriccnko, N. Kuwayama, Shigeru. Die P.sylliden Japans. Sapporo, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc., 2, 1908, (149-189)_pl. [IIo7no- ptera.] .. 1610 74 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] ( Kwiat, Alex. One day's collecting, with a description of a new noctuid. Ent. Xews, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (420-424). [Lepidoptera.] 1611 La Baume, W. Zur Kenntnis der Libelleufauna Westpreussens. Danzig, Schr. natf. Ges., (N.F.), 12, H. 2. 4908, (75-83). [Odonata.] 1612 La Baume. Die Literatur iiber die Insekten-Physiologie des Jahres 1905. Zs. wiss. InsektenBioL, Berlin, 3, 1908, <254-260, 288-292) ; Nachtrag dazu von €hr. Schroder, t.c. (354-356). 1613 La Baume, W. Beobachtungen an lebe:iden Phasmiden in der Gefangen- £chaft. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin. 4, 1908, (52-57). [Orthoptera.] 1614 Laidlaw, F. F. No. v. The Odonata fin Percy Sladen Trust expedition]. Xiondon Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, 12. 1907 (87-97). 1615 Lambertie, Maurice. Captures d'i/o- rnioptrres nouveaux pour le departe- ment de la Gironde. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (90). 1616 Lameere, Aug. La paleontologie et les metamorphoses des insectes. Brux- ■elles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 <127-147). 1617 Lams, Honore. Les divisions des spermatocytes chez la fourmi (Cam- ponotus herculeanus L.) Arch. Zell- forschg, Leipzig, 1, 1908, (28-37) 1 Taf. [Ilyntenoptera.] 1618 Lams, Hcjnore. Les divisions des spermatocytes chez la fourmi {Cam- jjonotus herculeanus L.). Bull. biol. , Jurjev, 2, 1908, (35-30). IHymeno- ptera.] 1619 Lamy, Pierre. Cardbus auratus mit Kettenstrcifen. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4," 1908, (27). [Coleoptera.] 1620 Lamy, Pierre. Varietat von Potosia -aeruginosa 1 Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (.53). [Coleoptera.] 1621 Landwehr, Friedrich. Beitrag zur Fauna der Gros.sschmetterUngc Wcst- falens. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, <70-71). [Lepidoptera.] 1622 Lannoy, F. de. Notes sur le Lasius niger et le Lasius juliginosus. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (47- ■63). [Ilymenoptera.] 1623 Lannoy, F. de. Observations sur les fourmis. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52 1908 (313-319). ptera.] [Hymeno- 1624 Lantz, D. E. Notes on collecting Cicindelidae. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (252-260). [Co- leoptera.] 1625 Lapouge, G. V. de. Tableaux de de- termination des formes du genre Cara- bus. Suite. Echange, Moulins, 24 1908 (18-21, 29-31, 37 & 38, 52 & 53, 83-85). [Coleoptera.] 1626 Lauffer, Jorge. La Cassida vittata Villers y otrasplagas de los cultivos de reniolacha. Zaragosa Bol. Soc. Arag. 7 1908 (57-63). 1627 Laurent, Philip. Notes on the early stages of some Pamphila. Ent. News Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (408-417). [Lepidoptera.] 1628 Laveran, A. Contribution a Tetude des mouches piquantes de TAfrique intertropicale. Paris, Bui. soc. pf.th. exot., 1, 1908, (252-255). [Diptera.] 1629 [Lavrov, S.] JlaBpoBt, C. Pesy.ib- Taru n3c.Tfej,0Baiiifi (|)ayHLi qepBefi ptKH Bojuii II noeMHLix-h oaepi, y CapaiOBa. [Resultate der Untersuchungen der WiJrmer-Fauna des Wolga-Flusses und der Wiesenseen bei Saratov.] Saratov, Trd. Obsc. jest., 5, 2, 1908, (1-86) Taf. I-II. [Coleoptera.] 1630 Lea, Arthur M. Notes on Australian Curculionidae in the belgian museum, with desci-iptions of new species. Part i. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16 1908 (127-186). [Coleoptera.] 1631 Leboeuf vide Martin, Gustavo. L^caillon, A. Insectes et autres in- vertebrcs nuisibles aux plantes cul- tivees et aux animaux domestiques. Paris (Impr. nationale), 1903, (182). fig. 20 cm. 1632 Le Cerf, F. Note sur Paranthrene tineijormis. Ann. ass. natural. Levallois Perret., 13, 1907, (12-15) pi. i. [Le- pidoptera.] 1633 Le Cerf, F. Description d'une varietc nouvelle de Thais ccri.syi God. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (21-22). [Lepido- ptera. 1634 Le Cerf, F. Sur Saturnia pyri Schiff. et sur tiaturnia atlantira Luc. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (169-170). [Le- pidoptera.] 1635 i'3 In^ccta, Titles. 3500 Lefevre, G. & McGill, C. Tlu- chrouiosoiues of Aiiasu (li^tis and Ana.r Junius. Amor. J. Auat., Baltimore. Iml. 7, (469-487]. 1636 Lesendre, J. Etiule comparee des Culiciih-! de Tehcntou (Chine). Paris, BulJ. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (227-229). [Diptera.] 1637 Leigh, H. S. Observations on the life-histories and bionomics of some Tachinidae. Entomologist London 1908 (113-110). IDiytera.] 1638 Leng, Charles W. Notes on Coccin- ellidae.—S. New York, N. Y., J. Eut. Soc.. 16, 190S, (33-44) pi. i. [Coleo- ptcra.] 1639 Lenz, Fr. Epicnaptera hybr. tre- mulifolia Hbn. S x ili<^>folia L. ? . Berliner ent. Zs., 52, (1907), 1908, (107-lOS). 1640 Lenz, Fr. Beschreibung eines Zucht- versuchs von Oracllsia isabellae. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (216-217). ILepidoptera.] 1641 Leoni, Giuseppe. I Calathus itali- ani. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino. 6, 1908, (33-61, 69-86). [Coleoptera.] 1642 Leoni, Giuseppe. Appunti sui Coleot- teri Italiani. Riv. coleotter. ital., Ca- merino, 6, 1908, (122-140). 1643 Lepri, Giuseppe. Contribute alia conoscenza degli Imenotteri Tentredinei del Lazio. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital. Ser. 2, 9, 1908, (151-158). 1644 Leriche, Maurice. Note sur Archy- mylacris desaillyi n. sp., le premier insecte trouve dans le bassin houiller du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais. Lille, Ann. soc. geol., 36, 1907, (104-167) fig. 1645 le Roi, Otto. Beitrage zur Libellen- Fauna der Rhcinprovinz. Bonn, Sitz- Ber. Ges. Natk., 1907, 1908, E, (80-87). [pdonata^,. 1646 Lesne, H. CoUopteres, in : Resul- tats scientifiqucs des voyages en Afrique centrale d'Edouard Foa. Paris (Imj^r. nat.), 19(j8, (588-590). 1647 Lesne, P. Notes sur les CoUopteres Terediles. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (179-181)% 1648 Lesne, P. Notes sur les CoUoptl-res terediles, un nouveau Lycide apparente au Lyctus hrunneus Smith. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (356-358). 1649 Lesne, P. liosirychidac do TAfriquo allemantle du Sutl-Oucst. \_In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse s. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, L'g 2.] Jena, Denkschr. nied. Ges., 13, 1908, (425-428). [Coleoptera.'^ 1650 Lesne, P. Sur la nomenclature ile divers insectes de I'olivier. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (29-31). 1651 Lesne, P. Sur un Lepidoptere hete- rocere (Zeuzera pyrina) nuisible au chene-liege en Algerie. Paris, C. K. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (493-490). 1652 Lesne, Pierre. CoUopteres, in : Mission Chari-Lac Tchad (1902-1904), Appendice. Paris (Challamol), 1908, (703-705). 1653 Lesne, Pierre. Bostrychidae, in : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expe- dition. Uppsala, 7, 4, 1908, (33-37). [Cokoptera.] 1654 Levander, K. M. Smarre zooligiska notiser. 4c AnopheUsclaviger. [Kleinere zoologische Notizen. 4. AnopheUs clcviger.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 32, 1906 (75, deutsches Referat 191). 1655 [Levandovskij, I.] JleBaHflOBCKifi, 11. OiibiTU II Ha(lTio;i,enifl na Moeii Hac'feK'b (flinepHHU, Lacerta viridis L. H agilis L., BpaHH me:ri>). [Ver- suche und Beobachtungen auf meinem Bienenstand {Lacerta viridis L. und agilis L. als Bienenfeinde).] Pvuss. pcelovod. listok., St. Peter burg, 23, 2, 1908, (49-51). [Hymenoptera.] 1656 [Levandovskij, G.] JIeBaH;i,OB(;Kift, r. IlHe.ii.i-TpyTOBKii, nx'b npoiicxoHC- Ttenie ii cnocoou yHHMTo:KeniH. [Drohnenbriitige Bienen, ihre Entste- hung und Vernichtung.] Stepnoje j)celov., Novocerkask, 1, 1907, 3, (6- 15). [Hymenoptera.] 1657 L6veille, A. Notice necrologique sur Leon I'airmaire. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 76, 1907, [1908], (529-558). 1658 L6veill6, A. Description de deux formes nouvelles de Temnochilides et note rectificative. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908 (212-213). [Coleoptera.] 1659 Lewis, G. On new species of His- teridae and notices of others. [xxxiv.J Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ].,ondon ser. 8 2 1908 (137-160). [Coleoptera.] 1860 76 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [190S] Lewis, G. Hislaidae. In : Sjcstedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition. Ujip- sala, 7, 2, 1908, (13-16). [Coleoptem] 1661 Lewis, G. Histeridae. Nova Guinea- Resultats de I'exiDedition scientifique neerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinee en 1903, sous les auspices de Arthur Wieh- mann, chef de I'expedition. Leiden (E. J. Brill), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2. 1908 (301). [Coleopfera.] 1662 Lgocki, H. Chrz^szcze (Cokoptera) zebrane w o'^olicy Cz(jstochowy w Krolestwie Polskiem w latach 1899 — 1903. [Coleopteres coUectionnes aux environs de Czestochowa, Royaume de Pologne, en 1899—1903.] Krakow, Spraw. kom. fizyogr., 41, 1908, (18-151). 1663 Lichtwardt, B. Rhyncliomyia well- mani n. sp., cine myrmekophile Diptere aus Angola. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (338). 1664 Lichtwardt, B. DoUchopodidae. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siid- afrika. Bdl,Lfgl.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (170). [Diptaa]. 1665 Lindberg, Harald. Pterostichus vermiculosus Men. fran Dryasaflagring pa Karelska naset. [Pterostichus ver- miculosus Men. aus l)ryas-Ablagerung auf dem Isthmus Karelicus]. Helsing- fors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908. (40-47, deut.sches Referat 205-206). [Coleoptera.] 1666 Linden, Griifin von. Ueber die Gewichtszunahnie von Schmetter- lingspupj)en in kohlensaurereicher At- mosphiire. Bonn, >SitzBer. Ges. Natk.. 1907, 1908, natw. Sektion, (Ml). [Lepidoptera.l 1667 Linder, Ch. Observations sur les fourmilieres-boussoles. Lausanne Bui. Soc. .Sci. nat. 44 1908 (303-31(»). [Hymenoptera.] 1668 Lindinger, Lconhard. Die geogra- phische A'erbrcitung derSchildlai.se im Uienste der Pflanzengeograiihie. Eine zoologische Bitte an die Botaniker. Allg. bot. Zs., Karl.«ruhc, 14, 1908, (37- 40). [C'occidae]. 1669 Lindinger, L. Xomenklaturhef rach- tungeii. Berliner ent. Zs. 52 (1907) 1908 (83-95). 1670 Lindinger, Leonhard. Cocciden- studien. Berlmer ent. Zs. 52, (1907), 1908, (96-106). 1671 Lindinger, L. Eine Berichtigung zu meiner Zusammenstellung .,Frankischer Cocciden". Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (181). 1672 Lindinger, Lconhard. Ein neuer Orchideen - Schadling, Leucodiaspis cockerelli (de Charm.) Green. Ham- burg, Jahrb. wiss. Anst., 25, (1907), Bcih. 3, 1908, (121-124) 1 Taf. [Cocci- dae.] 1673 Lindinger, Leonhard. Zwei Lor- beerschadlinge aus der Familie der Schildlause. Zs. Pflanzenkrankh., Stuttgart, 18, (1908), 1909, (321-336) 1 Taf. [Coccidae.'] 1674 Lindinger, Leonhard. Die Cocciden- Ijiteratur des Jahres 1907. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (432- 431, 470-476). 1675 Lindner, Adolf. Schwarze Mehlwiir- mer. (In : Omitholog. Beobachtun- gen.) Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (92-93). [Coleoptera.] 1676 Lindner, Erwin. Eigenartige Be- schaftigung einer Raupe. [Raumt ihren Kot fort.] Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (73). [Lepidoptera.\ 1677 Link, Eugen. L'eber die Stimaugen der Orthopteren. Verb. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (161-167). 167& Link, Eugen. Ueber die Stimaugen einiger Lepidopteren unci Neuropteren. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (445-450). 1679 [Linnaeus.] In memory of Carolus Linnajus, 1707-1778. New York, N.V., Ann. Acad. Sci.. 18, 1908, (Sd- .S4). 1680 Linnaniemi (Axelson), Walter M. Die Apteryfjotcniauna, Fiulands. 1. AUgemeiner Teil. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn., 34, No. 7, 1907, (1-134 + xii Karte. 1681 Linstow, [0.] v. Zur Systematik der Macrolepidoptera. Berliner cut. Zs., 52, (1907), 1908, (191-200). 1682 Listen, W. G. The pr(^sent epidemic of malaria in the Port of Bombay : a description of the nK)S((uilo which is carrying this disease, with some remarks (in preventive measures. Bombay, J. Instcta. Titles. 3500 Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 190S, (S72-S81) 4 pis. \^Diptaa\. 1683 Loghem, J. J. van en Loghem-Pouw, J. V. \V. van. Het voorkomen van ile gcle-koortsmug (Stejomi/ia cnlopus) in Kcderlandsch-Imlic. [Da.s ^'orkommen der Miicke des gclben Fiebens (Strgo- tnyia calopiii) in Niedcilandisch Ost- Indien.] Batavia. Cieneesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind.. 48, 1908, (577-584) 1 Taf. ; ^ledan, Medodeelingen Pathologisch Laburatorium, 1, 1908, (3-11) 1 Taf. [Diplcra.] 1684. Loghem, J. J. van. Pulex cheopis op ratten in Deli. [Pulex cheopis auf Katten in Deli.] Batavia, Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind., 48, 1908, (586- 588). [Aphaniptera.] 1685 Loghem-Pouw, J. C. W. van vide Loghem. .J. J. van. Loiselle, A. Note sur la biologic du Janu-i lutdpes. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (211). [Hymeiwptera.] 1686 Loiselle, A. Sur I'eclosion tardive dc certains parasites. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (213-214). [Hymenopiera.] 1687 Lomax, B. Forty years of bee- keepins. [Lecture.] Brighton Rep. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1908 (47 & 48). 1688 ■Lomnicki, A. M. Chrzgszcze nowe dla fauny galicyjskiej. [Sur des Coleo- pteres nouveaux pour la faune de la Galicie.] Kosmos, Lwow, 23, 1908, (84-84). 1689 LongstaS, G. B. A fortnight's winter collecting in Venezuela. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (68-76 & 117-123). iLepidoptera.] 1690 LongstaS, G. B. Notes on some butterflies taken in Jamaica. London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 (37-51). [Lepido- ptera.] 1691 LongstaS, G. B. On some of the butterflies of Tobago. London Trans. ent. Soc. 1908 (53-57). [Lepidoptera.] 1692 Lonitz, Heine. Smerinthus Latr. iiliae L. ab. ? Gera, Jahresber. Ges. Natw., 49-50 (1906-07), 1908, (110- 111). [Lepidoptera.] 1693 Loquay, R. Die Zucht von Platy- samia cer.ropia. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 1, 1908, (343). [Lepidoptera.] 1694 Loquay, R. Die Zucht von Arctia ra.s/a Fsp. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben. 2, 1908. (52). [Lepidoptera.] 1695 Lovell, John H. The Ilnlictidae of southern Elaine. Psyche, Boston, Mass.. 15, 1908, (32-40). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1696 Loziriski,Paul. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologic der Mundwerkzcuge der Myrmeleonidenlarven. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (473-484). [Neuro- ptera.\ 1697 Lucas, D. Lepidopteres nouveaux de Tunisie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (66-G7). 1698 Lucas, D. Description d'une Polia nouvelle de Tunisie. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (93-94). [Lepidoptera.] 1699 Lucas, Karl. Sekundare Geschlechts- merkmale der Kafer oder Coleopteren. Meissen, Mitt. Isis, 1907-08, (38-48) 2 Taf. 1700 Lucas, Robert. Trichoptera, Pan- orpatae, Neuroptera - Planipennia, Corrodentia, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, Agnatha, Euplecoptera fvir 1902. [Jahresberichte.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II. H. 2, 1903, [1908], (891-908, 922-1053). 1701 Lucas, Robert. Mallophaga (Para- sitica) fiir 1902. [Jahresbcricht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 2, 1903, [1908], (909-913). 1702 Lucas, Robert. Thysanoptera fiir 1902. [Jahresbcricht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 2, 1903, [1908], (914-921). 1703 Lucas, Robert. Apterygogenea fiir 1902. [Jahresbereht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 2, 1903, [1908], (1054-1072). 1704 Lucas, Robert. Hymervopiera fiir 1903. I Jahresbcricht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70, Bd 2, H. 2, 1904, [1908], Auchin : D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1904, H. 3, Lfg 2, (357-654). 1705 Lucas, Robert. Lepidoptera fiir 1903. [Jahresbcricht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70, Bd 2. H. 2, 1904 [1908], (655-922) ; D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1904, H. 3, Lfg 2. 1706 Lucas, W. J. Notes on the British dragonflies of the Bale collection. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (198-203). [Odonata.] \ 1707 78 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1908] Lucas, W. J. Dragonflies for the cabinet. Entomologist London 41 1 908 (142-144). [Odonuta.] 1708 Lucas, W. J. Orthoptera in 1907. Entomologist London 41 1908 (186-188) pi. vi. 1709 Ludlow, C. S. Mosquito notes. No. 6. Canad. Ento. London 40 1908 (32-34 & 50-52 & 331). [Diptera.] 1710 Ludlow, Clara Southmayd. The mos- quitos of the Philippine islands : The distribution of certain species, and their occurrence in relation to the inci- dence of certain diseases. [Thesis, Ph.D., George Washington University.] Washington, 1908, ((io). 23.5 cm. [Diptera.] 1711 Ludwig, F. Zur Biologic des Sfeno- psocus stigmatkus, des blattlausahn- lichen Spiuniiiiglers. Stettiner ent. Ztg, 69, 1908, (195-198). iPsocidae.] 1712 Ludwig, F. Xoch einige nachtrag- liche Bemerkungen iiber die Helle- ?/on(s-Parasiten. Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (102-103). IDiptera.] 1713 Liibben, Heinrich. Thrypticus sma- ragdinus Gerst. und seine Lebens- geschichte. Ein Beitrag zur Dolicho- pidenmetamorphose. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 26, 1908, (319-332) 1 Taf. [Diptera.] 1714 Lithe, May. Schimmelfressende Kafer aus ciner feuchten Konigsberger Wohnung. [Lathridius bergrotki Reitt.] Konigsberg, Schr. j)hysik. Ge?., 48 (1907), 1908, (385-388). [Coleoptera.] 1715 Liistner, Gustav. Ein Beitrag zur Para.sitenfrage des Heu- und Sauer- wurmes. Geisenheim, Ber. Lehranst. Obstbau, 1907, 1908, (277-281). [Le- pidoptera]. 1716 Liistner, Gustav. Ein Beitrag zur Parasitenkunde des Heu- und Sauer- wurmes. Mitt. D. Wcinbauvcr., Mainz, 3, 1908, (47-51). [Ilymem- ptera]. 1717 Luff, W. A. The non- British insects of the Samiaii islands. G uernsey Trans. ■Soc. Nat. Sci. 1907 1908 (349-354). 1718 Lundbeck, William. Diptera danica, genera and species of flies hitherto found in Denmark, Part 2, Asilidae, Bovibyliidae, Therevidae, Scenopijiidae. Copenhagen (G. E. C. Gads Forlag) and London (William Wesley and Son), 1908. (163, with 48 figs.). Price 4 kr. 1719 Lundstrom, Carl. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Dipteren Finlands. i. Myce- tophilidae. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 29, No. 1, 1906-1908, (1-50) 4 Taf., 1 Karte. 1720 Lundstrom, Carl. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Dipteren Finlands. ii. Tipu- lidae {Tipulidae longipalpi Ost.-Sack.). Helsinwfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn.,' 29, No. 2, 1906-1908, (1-27) 3 Taf. 1721 Lundstrom, Carl. Beitrage zurKennt- nis der Dipteren Finlands. iii. Cylin- drotomidae und Limnohiidae. Hel- singfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 29, No. 8, 1906-1908, (1-32) 2 Taf. 1722 Lundstrom, Carl. Dcsmometopa- karpiislajit hamahakkien ja petohyon- teisteu ruokavieraina. [Die Schmarotze- rei Agt Desmometopa-Avten bei Spinnen und Raubinsekten.] Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 10, 1906, (41-45). [Di- ptera.] 1723 Lutz, Frank E. Notes on the inheri- tance of variations in the color pattern of Crioceris asparagi. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (50-52). [Coleoptera.\ 1724 Lutz, Frank E. Combinations of alternative and blending inheritance. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 28, 1908, (317-318). [Diptera.] 1725 Lutz, Frank E. The variation and correlations of certain taxononjic char- acters of Gryllus. Washington (Car- negie Institution), Publication No. 101, 1908, (1-63). Dissertation. . . . Chicago, 1908, (63). 24 cm. [OrtJw- ptera.] 1726 Lutzau, C. V. Eine neue Aberration von Argynnis paphia L. und zwei neue Aberrationen von Calymnia traperina L. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (24()). [Lepidoptera.] 1727 Lutzau, K. von. Beitrag zur balti- schen Lepidopteren-F&una,. Riga, Korr.-blt. Naturf. Ver., 51, 1908, (17- 36). 1728 Luze, G. Einc neue Art der Staphy- liniiicngattung Bryoporus Kraatz. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (42). [Coleoptera.] 1729 79 InsecUu Titles. 3500 Lyle, 0. T. Ova of Raphidla noiata (Xettroptern). Entomologist London 41 1908 (233) pi. vii. 1730 Lyman, Henry H. The entomological society of America and its work. Ann. Ent. Soe. Amer.. Columbus, Ohio, 1, 1908, (152-154). 1731 Lyman, H. H. Tj-pe and typical. Canad. Ento. London 40 1908 (Ul- U4). 1732 Lyman, H. H. Recent work among the borers. Canad. Ento. London (Cm.) •10 190S (249-255). [Lepidoptera.] 1733 Mabille, P. Description de Lepido- ptires luuisiens nouveaux. Paris, Bid. soc. ent., 1908, (67-69). 1734 Mabille, P. et Boullet, Eug. Essai de revision de la famille des Hesperides. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.), Paris, ser. 6, 7 1908, (167-207). [Lepidoptera.] 1735 McAtee, W. L. Xotes on an ortho- pterous leaf roller. Ent. Xews. Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (488-491) pi. XXV. 1736 McAtee, W. L. Birds that eat scale insects. [Reprint from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1906.] Washington 1907 (189-198). 1737 McAtee, W. L. Food habits of the grosbeaks. Washington D.G. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Biol. Surv. Bull. 32 1908 (1-92), 4 pis. 1738 McClintock, C. T., Houghton, E. M. and Hamilton, H. C. A contribution to our knowledge of Insecticides. Lan- sing, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. 10, 1908, (197-208). 1739 McClung, C. E. Dr. Francis Hunting- ton Snow. Ent. Xews, Philadelphia. Pa., 19, 1908, (447-449). 1740 McClung, C. E. The spermatogenesis of Xiphidium fasciatum. Lawrence, Kan. Univ. ScL Bull., 4, 1908, (253- 262) pi. [Orthoptera.] VIM M'Cracken, Isabel. The egg-laying apparatus in the silkworm {Bombyx mori) as a reflex apparatus. J. Comp. Xeur. Psych., Granville, Ohio, 17, 1907, 202-285). [Lepidoptera.} 1742 MacDougall, R. S. Injects of the year 1907- Edinburgh, Trans. Highl. •See. Scot. (5) XX, pp. 305-308 (1908). 1743 Gill, G. vide Lefevre, G. Macjjillavry, D. Riolus muhantii Kiiw. in Nederland teruggevondcn, Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 1908 (261-262). \Coleoptera.] 1744^ Macgillivray, Alex. D. New species of Dohri)iae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (125-130). [Htjmmo. ptera.] 1745 Macgillivray, A. D. New species of Acordulecerinae. Canad. Ento. Lon- don (Can.) 40 1908 (168-170). [Hymeno- ptera.] ' 1746 Macgillivray, A. D. Blennocampinae. Descriptions of new genera and species- — svnonvniical notes. Canad. Ento. LoAdon(Can.)40 1908 (289-297). [Hy- menoptera.] 1747 Macgillivray, A. D. Emphytinae new genera and species and synonymical notes. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (365-369). [Hymeno ptera.] 174& Macgillivray, A. D. A new genus and species of Blennocampinae. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (454). [Hymeno ptera.] 1749' Mackenzie, M. and Maxwell-Lefroy, H. The sugarcane borers of Behar. Agri. Jour. Ind., Calcutta, S, pt 2^ 1908, (104-124) 3 pis. 1750 Maclure, R. Mosquitoes and eye- flies. Spolia Zeylan, Colombo, 5, 18, 1908, (105-106). [Diptera.] 1751 Maerky, C. Notes de chasse sur quelques Orthopteres suisses. Bui. Soc. Zool. Geneve 1 1906-1907 (49-50). 1752 Magretti, P. Collections recueillies par il. le Baron M. de Rothschild dans I'Afrique orientale. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (187-190). [Hymeno ptera.] 1755 Magretti, Paul. Un JlutiUide nou- veau d'Afrique. Zs. Hymenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (175-176). [Hy- menoptera.] 1754 Main, Hugh. Some notes on Pieris napi. London Proc. S. Lond. ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1907-08 (16-19). [Lepidoptera.] 1755 Main, H. [Cliaraxes jasius.] London Proc. S. London ent. Soc. 1907-08 (70) pis. iv & v. [Lepidoptera.] 1756 Maindron, Maurice. Remarques sur les Colpodes de Nouvelles-Guinee. Paris, 80 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (I85-18G). [Colco- ptera.] 1757 Maindron, M. Carabidae. Nova Guinea, Resultats de I'expedition scien- tifique neeiiandaise a la Nouvelle GuJnee en 1903, sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann, chef de rexpedition. Leiden (E. J. BrUl), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2, 1908, (295-299). [Coleoptera.] 1758 [Mallcev, A.] ]\Ia,^b^eB■I,, A. Fo- apbiiiimma (Aporia cmtacjil,.) [Der Baumweisslung (Aporia crataegi L.) Plodovodstvo, St. Peterburg, 1908, (757-769). [Lepidoptera.] 1759 Malloch, J. R. Phoridae in Dum- bartonshire ; with description of a new species. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (11-13). [_Diptera.'\ 1760 Malloch, J. B. Eccoptomcra mircops Mg. and Agromyza hicornis Kalt., two Diptera new to the British list. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (180). 1761 Malloch, J. R. Notes on Phoridae in Dumbartonshire, with description of a new species. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (203-205). [Diptera.] 1762 " Malloch, J. R- Hyadina nitida Mcq., a species of Diptera new to the British list. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (205). . KH 1763 [Maloletenkow, N.] Ma.io.TtTen- KOB-b, H. Ha6.iioaenia jkhshh Kopo- "hAOBT. po^^a Tomicini [sic !] na Aa'i't MocKOBCKaro Ce.ii.CKO-xosHiiCTBeuHaro HuCTTiTyTa. [Sur la vie du genre des Tomicini [sic !].] Moskva, Ann. Inst, agron., 14, 1908, (99-113). \Coleoptera. \ 1764 [MalySev, S.] Ma.ihiiueB'b, C. To- aiorpa({)nMecKa}i cnocounocTb Hact,KO- TUbiX'b. [Uebcr die topographische Bc- fahigung der Insekten.] Jestestv. i geogr., Moskva, 13, 8, 1908, (1-21). {Hyrnenopitra.\ 1765 ""Manders, N. Mimicry in Bourbon butterllics. London Proc. ent. soc. 1908 (xlii-xliv). [Lepidopiera.] 1766 I^Manee, Abram Herbert. .Some observations at Southern Pines, N. ('arolina. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (286-289). [Coleoptpra.] 1767 Manee, Abram Herbert. Some oIj- servations at Southern Pines, N. Carolina : Three mound builders. Ent. News, Pliiladelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (•459-462) pis. XX & xxi. [Coleoptera.] 1768 Mangan, Joseph. The life-history of Syagrius intrudens Waterh. A de- structive fern-eating weevil. J. econ. Biol. London 3 1908 (84-91) pis. vi & vii. [Coleoptera.] 1769 Mangan, J. On the mouth-parts of some Blattidae. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad. 27 1908 (1-10) pis. i-iii. [Ortho- ptera.] 1770 Manon, J. Sur des cocons a chrysa- lides multiples. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (22-23). [Lepidoptera.] 1771 Marbitz. Uber in der Menschenhaut wandernde Hypoderma tow/s-Larven. Nach einer brieflichen Mitteilung au Prof. Fiilleborn. Arch. Schiffshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, Beih. 6, (25-26). [Diptera.] 1772 Marchal, P. Notes sur les Coche- niUes de 1' Europe et du nord de 1' Afrique. Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 1908 (223-309). pi. iii. [Coccidae.] 1773 Marchal, P. Sur une nouveUe espece de Thrips nuisible aux Ficus en Algerie. Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 (251-253). [Thysanoptera.] 1774 Marchal, Paul. The utilization of auxiliary entomophagous insects in the struggle against insects injurious to agriculture. [Translated from " The annals of the National agronomical institute " (Superior school of agri- culture), Second series. Vol. G, Part 2, Paris, 1907, (281-354).] Pop. Sci. Mon. New York, N.Y., 72, 1908. 1775 Mariani, G. Nuovo contribute alia Cccidologia italica. Marccllia Avellino 7 1908 (110-115). 1776 Marlatt, G L. Aspidiotus ancylus Putnam vs. circularis Pitch. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (309- 311). [Coccidae.] 1777 Marlatt, f '. L. A successful seventeen- year breeding record for the periodical cicada. Washington, D.G, Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (16-19). 1778 Marlatt, C L. Remarks on a recent tri|) to the citrus regions of California and I'Morida. [Abstract.] Washington, D.C, Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (121-125). 1779 i^l Insecla. TlTLfiS, 3500 Marlatt. V. L. Tlio siemis P.. etud. sci., 19, 1908, (97-153). 1816 Mayr, , A. CiiiicKii KO.i.ieKniii oe;tii03BOHOHHi>iX'h iioo.ioriiHccKaro Mysea ToMCKaro Viin- BepciiTiixa. IX. CnncoK'h Ko.i.ieKniii MeiiiyeKpu.ihiX'b iiaii Ce.Miipi.iii.H. [Ver- zeichnisse der Evertebratensamlungen des Zoologischen Museums der K. Universitiit Tomsk. ii. A'erzeichnis cincr LepidopterensLUshcuto aus dem Scmiretschje-Gebiet.J Tomsk, 1908, (1-39). 27 cm. 1825 [Meinhard, A.] Mt!iniiap;i,'b, A. CuiicKii KO.[,i('[:n,iii ()c.;!i[o:iBoiiOHHUX'i. IJoo.ioiiPiecKaro Myiicn 1 1 mil ToMcicaro yiinBepciiTera. X. ('iiiicoKbKO."i.icKu,in 'lemyeKpu.iux']. ToMCKOii lyCepHia. Oeometridae. [Vcrzeichnisse der Everte- bratensammlungcn dcs Zoologischen Museums der K. Universitiit Tomsk. X. Verzeichnis der Lepidopteren- sammlung dor (!ou\-. Tomsk. Geome- iridar.] Tomsk, 1908, (40-48J. 1826 I Meinhard, A.] Mciiiirapji't, A. Ciiiicoic/. KOJi;ieKn;iii MeiiiycKpbUbix'i. ToMCKOii I'yoepiiiii. Geometridae. [Ver- /n.<)fctfl. TtTt.fiS. 3500 zeichnis cles Lt pi'ioplcrvniiimmlmvj^ aus (lorn Gouv. Tomsk. Gcomclridac] Tomsk. Izv. riiiv., 30, 1008, (41-4S i 1). 1827 Meisenheimer, Johannes. Ueber den Zusam men hang vou Geschlechts- driiscn und sekundiireu Geschlecht.s- merkmalen hci den Aithopoden. Veih. D. zool. Ge.s., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (84- 96). 1828 Meisenheimer, Johannes. Ueber Fliigelrogeneration bei Schmetterlingen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, ((i89- 098) 1 Taf. ILepidoptcm.] 1829 Meissner, Otto. Bemerkenswerte entomologische Ereignisse des Jahres 1907 in Potsdam. Berliner ent. Zs., 52 (1907), 1908, (157-159). 1830 Meissner, Otto. Leptura testacea L. in der Gefangenschaft. Ent. BL, Sehwabach, 4, "1908, (52-53). iColeo- ptera.] 1831 Meissner, Otto. Ein neuer Fall von Kanuibalismus bei Carahus glahratus Payk. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (181). [Coleoptera.] 1832 Meissner, Otto. W'ie hnden sieh die Geschlechter bei den Insekten zusammen ? Ent. Jahrb., Leipzitr, 17, 1908, (73-83). 1833 Meissner, Otto. Einige Bemerkun- gen iiber Pyrrhocoris apteru-s. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, 1908, (175-177). [Heteroptera.] 1834 Meissner, Otto. Myrmeleon formi- carius L. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 18, 1909, [1908], (177-187). iSeuroptem.} 1835 Meissner, Otto. Kleine Notizen liber die S kuro pte.ren der Umgegend von Potsdam. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 19(J8, (99-100). 1836 Meissner, Otto. Wie verzehren die In.sekten die Blatter ? Ent. Wochenbl. Leipzig, 25, 1908, (10). 1837 Meissner, Otto. Zur Frage nach der Entstehung der Melanose der Lepi- dopteren in der Xahe von Grossstadten. Ent. 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A. Some beetle haunts })y an amateur botanist. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (441- 449). [Coleoptera.] 1946 Morris, F. 0. [the late]. A history of british butterflies. 10th edition London 1908 8vo (viii + 234) 79 pis. 1947 Morse, A. P. Tettigidean notes and a new species. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (25). [Orthoptera.] 1948 Morstatt, H. Untersuchungen an der roten austemformigen Schildlaus Diaspi-s fallax nov. nom. Horvath. Ccntralbl. Bakt., Jena. Abt. 2, 21, 1908, (349-365, 408-424, mit 1 Taf.) (Tcisenheim, Ber. Lehranst. Obstbau, 1907,1908,(300-304). [Coccid(le.^ 1949 Moser, J. Bcitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden. iv. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (85-96). \Coleoptera.\ 1950 Moser, J. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden. v. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (252-261). [Coleoptera.] 1951 Moser, J. Verzeichnis der von H. Kruhstorfer in Tonkin gesam- melten Mekjlonthiden. Bruxelles Ann. Sue. ent. Belgi(iue 52 1908 (325-343). [('okoplera.] 1952 Moser, J. 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Ueber die europai- schen Ilister-Aiten der vi Schmidt- schen Gruppe. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4,1908,(114-121). [Coleoptera.] 1958 Miiller, Josef. Bathyscia kheven- hnlleri Mill, und freyeri Mill., ihre systematische Stellung und ihre Ras- sen. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (37-40). [Coleoptera.] 1959 Miiller, Josef. Ein neuer Brychius aus dem osterr. Kiistenlande. Entomol. Ztg. Wien, 27, 1908, (219). [Coleo- ptera.] 1960 Miiller, Josef. Ein neuer blinder Trechus {Duvalius Del., Ganglb.) aus Zentraldalmatien. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (233-234). [Coleo- ptera.] 1961 Miiller, Jo.'jef. Co/copterologische Notiz(!n. viii. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (235-239). 1962 Miiller, Josef. Ueber die Bedeutung cines Kiiferfundes in der Lindner- Grotte bei Trebic im Triester Karst. (Jlobus, Braunschweig, 94, 1908, (56- 57). [Coleoptera.] 1963 Miiller, J. Bcschreibungen neuer dalmatinischcr Koleopteren. Miin- chener Kol. Zs. Miinchen 3 1906-1908 (314-316). [Coleoptera.] 1964 S'.) /;i. 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On a new species of Ldcrobin.s Er., with a table of the British species of the genus. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (30 & 31). [Coleo- ptera.] 1994 Newbery, E. A. Uflophoni.s por- culus Bedel, an addition to the British list of Coleoptera. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (88). 1995 Newbery, E. A. Micramhe villosa Hecr, pilo-'ct of [Madagascar, and other Coccids atlectiug the Citrus and Tobacco in that island. Quart. J. Liverpool 3 No. 6 1908 (3-13). 2005 Newstead, R. On the scale insects and mealy bugs of Egypt : some cor- rections. Quart J. Liverpool 3 No. 6 1908 (14). \Coccidae.] 2006 Newstead, Robert. Insects as car- riers of disease. Liverpool Proc. Nat. V. CI. 1907 1908 (28-34). 2007 Newstead, Robert. On the structural characlcrs of three species of Coecidae alTcctiiig Cocoa, Rubber and other ])laiits in Western Africa. J. econ. Biol. London 2 1908 (149-157). 2008 Nicholson, < '. The colours of blue butterflies. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 pp. 114-117. [Lepido ptera.] 2009 Nickerl, 1^'ranz u. Nickerl, Ottokar. Die Wickk-r Boliinciis {Tortricidae). Beitriige zur Insekteii-Ka\ina Boh- m: in America. Ent. Xcws, Philadephia. Pa., 19, 1908. (131-132). [Aphidac] 2052 [Ogievskij, V. D.] OrieBCKift, B. J. 0 .leTHUx'h ro;tax'i> xpyma. (Ka- Kyro 3aK0HH0Mt>pH0CTb npe,icTaB.iaeT'h Hepe;ioBaHie .leTHUxi) ro;;oB'h xpyma n Mt>M'i, OHa oSiiacHaeTca ?) [Ueber die Flugjahre des Maikafers. (Wclche Gesetzmassigkeit zeigt die Aufeinander- folge der Flugjahre des Maikafers und wodurch wird sie hervorgerufen ?)] Trd. lesn. opvtn. del. Ross.. St. Peterburg, 10, (1908. (65) 4 Taf. [Coleoptera.] 2053 Ohaus, Fr. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (197-204). [Co- leoptera^] 2054 Ohaus, Fr. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der anierikanischen Ruteliden. Bru.xclles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (299- 308). [Coleoptera.] 2055 Ohaus, Fr. Die Ruteliden meiner Sammelreisen in Siidamerika. D. ent. Zs.. Berlin. 1908, (239-202, 383-408). [Coleoptera.] 2056 Ohaus, Fr Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908. ((J34_(i44). [Coleoptera.] 2057 Ohaus, Fr. Bericht iibereineentomo- logische Studienreise in Siidamerika. Stettiner ent. Ztg, 70, 1909 [Octr. 1!'08|. (1-139). [Coleoptera.] 2058 Okajima, Ginkichi. Contributions to the study of Japanese Aphididae — 1. Oil tlio structure of the Antennae of Aphididae. Tokyo, Bull. Coll. Agric. 8, 19(»S, (13-18) 2 pis. 2059 Okajima, Ginkichi. Contribution to the study of Japanese Aphididae.— 2. Three new s])ecies of Triclioaiphum in Japan. Tokyo, Bull. Coll. Agric, 8, 1908, (19-26,) 2 pis. 2060 9:^ Inserfa. ttft.fiS. 3500 Okajima, (oiikiolii. Kusunmshi no Kaibo. [On tht- anatomy "f the larva of Cali'juhi jafwuica.] Tt)kyo, Nip. Kouch. K\v. Ho.. 2, 10(tS. (!>0-!)4). \Lc- pidopkra. \ 2060a Okamoto, Hanjiro. Die P.'^ociden .lapan.-i. Saj)poio. J. Tohoku Imperial University, 2, 1908. (113-147) pi. 2061 [OksenoT, Boris.] OKceiiOBii, B. 3nTOMO.ioriiMecKia Hao.iKUenia. Buii. iiepBhiii. K-b Boiipocy ooi. uiicTiiHKTt HaetKOMbixb. Bio.iornHecKaH saBntn- MocTh Bacii.ibKOB'b on. lUMt'.iefi. [En- tomologi.sche Beobachtungen. Erste Lieferung. Zur Frage iiber den Instinkt der Insekten. Die biologische Abhan- gigkeit der Kornblumen von den Hum- mein.J St. Peterburg. 1907,(28)8 Fig. i. J. 19 cm. [Hytnenoptera.] 2062 Olivier, E. Lampyrides africains du Musee de Bruxelles. BruxoUe.s Ann. See. ent. Belgique 52. [Coleoptera.] 2063 Olivier, Ernest. Lampyrides nou- veaux du Musee de Geneve. Bruxelles Ann. See. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (202 & 2(J3). [Cokoptera.] 2064 Olivier, E. Lampyrides faisant par- tie des collections du Musee du Congo. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (324). [Cokoptera.] 2065 Olivier, E. Description d'un nouveau genre de Lampyrides. Paris. Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (17-18). [Cokoptera.] 2066 Olivier, L. Le genre Ototreta E. Oliv. et descriptions d'especes nouvelJes. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (113-110). [Cokoptera.] 2067 Olivier, E. Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espece de Lam- pyrides. Paris, Bui. soc. ent.. 1908, (186-187). [Cokoptera.] 2068 Olivier, Ernest. Neue Larnpyriden des Deutschen Entomol. National- museums. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (491^95). 2069 Olivier, Ernest. Luriohi kncura. Rev. sci. Bourbon., Moulins, 19, 1900, (100). [Cokoptera.] 2070 Olivier, Ernest. Notes entomologi- ques. Rev. sci. Bourbon, Moulins. 20, 1907, (33-34). 2071 Oppenheim, S. Segmentregencration bei Ephemeriden-hdkTvan. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (72-77). 2072 Orbigny, Henri d'. Ontliophayidue. (In: iSjostodts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition.) Uppsala, 7, .1. 2, 1908. (44- r)2). [Cokoptera.] 2073 Orbigny, H. d' vide etiam D'Orbignj', 642. Orbigny, H. d' vide tiillet J. J. E. Osborn, Herbert. The habits of insects as a factor in classification. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Columbus, Ohio. 1, 1908, (70-84) diagr. 2074 Osborn, Herbert. Notes on some insects of the season. J. Econ. Ent., Concord. N.H., 1, 1908, (145). 2075 Osborn, Herbert. Occurrence of Tifphlopsi/Ua octartenus in Ohio. Ohio Nat. Columbus, 8, 1908, (289-290). [,\phaniptera.] 2076 Osburn, Raymond C. British Colum- bia S yr phidae, new species and addi- tions to the list. Canad. Ento. London 40 1908 (1-14). [Diptera.] 2077 Oshanin, B. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Hemipteren. i. Neue CTattungen und Arten von Horno- pteren aus Russisch-Asien. St. Peter- burg, Ann. Mus. zool. Ac. Sc, 12, 1907 [1908], (404-477). 2078 Oshanin, B. Verzeichnis der palae- arktischen Hemipteren mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Verteilung im Rus.si.schen Reiche. Band 2, Homo- ptera pt. 3. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus- zooL. 13. 1908, (385-492 4- i-xvi). 2079 Oudemans, A. C. Aanteekeningen over Suctoria. vii-viii. [Bemer- kungen iiber Suctoria. vii-viii. ] 's Gravenhage, Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver., 2, 11908], (224-227, 238-240). [Aphani- ptera.] 2080 Oudemans, J. T. Onzc Nederland- .sche Mutilliclae. [Die niederliindischen Mutilliden.J 's Gravenhage, Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver., 2, [1908], (243-249). [////- menoptera.] 2081 Oudemans, A. C. Aanteekeningen over Suctoria. x. [Bemerkungen iiber Suctoria.] 's Gravenhage, Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver., 2, [1908], (250-253). [Apha- iiiptera.] 2082 Oudemans, A. C. Ignotus aeni;j)ii(i- ticus A. T. Slos.son. Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 1908 (257-258). [Cokoptera.] 2083 Oudemans, J. T. [Mededeeling ovci' Amblyteks varierjatorius.] [Habits of 94 TnSeda. xil. Insecta. [lOOS] Amblyteles variegatorius.] 's Graveu- hage, Tijdschr. Ent., 51, [1908], (lix- Ixi). [il ji mtno ptera.] 2084 Oudemans, A. C Aaiiteekeningen over iSuctoria. ix. [Bemerkungen iiber Suctoria.] 's Gravenhage, Tijd- schr. Ent., 51, [1908], (89-104). {Aphanipttra.\ 2085 Overman, Chauncey. Xotes on some mosquitoes ot Douglas county. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Pt. 1, 190(3, (133-135). [Dipiera.] 2086 [PaCoskij, I.] IlaKOCKin, II. Me- TO,T,Li sauuiTU pacTeniii on, Bpe.'iHbiX'i, HacliKOMbiXb. [Methoden der \er- theidigung der Pflanzen gegen schad- liche Insekten.] Odessa, 1908, (29). 24 cm. 2087 Paetz, Jos. Geschlechtswitterung bei Lasiocampa quercus. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (220). \_Lepidoptera.\ 2088 Pagenstecher, Arnold. Xotiz iiber Parnassius apollo vinningensis Stich. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (114-115). [Lepidoptera.] 2089 Pagenstecher, Arnold. Ueber Par- nas-siu-i phoebus F. [delius Esp. ) var. fityriacus Fruhst. Ent. Zs., Stutt- gart, 22, 1908, (137-138). {Upi- doptera.] 2090 Paiva, C. A. Notes on some chryso- melid beetles in the collection of the Indian Museum. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, (401-408). [Coleo- ptem.\ 2091 Pantel, P. Caloptenus ilalicus L. V. watlenwylliana Pant, n'est pas synonyme de Caloptenus idericus Scrv. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8 1908 (348-350). [Orthoptera.^ 2092 Pantel, J. et Sinety, R. de. Siu I'ap- jjarition de males et d'hermaphrodites dans les pontes i^arthenogenotiques des Pha.«mes. Paris, C. \i. Acad, sci., 147, 1908,(1358-1300). [Orthoptera.] 2093 Paoli, Guido. Interno all'organo del Graber nelle larve di Dilttri T&h&mdi. Redia,Firenze, 4, 1907 (247-258). 2094 Paoli, G. Osservazioni [sopraj deter- minazi'jiii di jjarassiti [del JJacu.f oleae, fatte dal Prof. F. Silvestri]. Rcdia, Fircnze, 4, 1907, (285-288). 2095 Paoli, Guido. Intorno a galle causatc daila pnntura del Ducua oleae (Rossi) Meigen sulla oliva. Redia, Firenze, 5, fasc. 1, 1908, (27-30) 1 fig. [Diptera.^ 2096 Patch, Edith M. Crocigrapha norniani idoplcr'i.\ 2110 Pearsall. Hkhanl F. Eiipilhccia misaiiluta Ciiote. Fiit. News. iMiihi- cklphia. Pa.. 19. 190S, (312-:}!:J). [Lf pidopleni.] 2111 Pearsall, Richanl F. Eastern and central Eupithecias. New York, N.\., .1. Ent. Soc., 16, 1908, (98-103). [Lepidoptera.] 2112 Peets, W. Die Grosschmetterlingc der rmgetiend der Stiidte Hannover und Linden. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschuiig der heimischen Tierwclt. Hannover. Jahresber. nathist. Ges., 55-57, 19(»S. (183-28H). [Lepidoptera.] 2113 Peltz, W. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie des augeblich seltenen Wiistenkiifers Folyurthron komnrovi Dohni. Z». wiss. In.^ektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (135- 140). [Coleoptera.] 2114 P6rez, Ch. Spheres de granules et tissus iniaj/inaux chez les Muscidcs. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (43-44). [Diptera.] 2115 Perez, Charles. Reseau de soutien du coeur chez les Muscides. Paris, ('. R. soc. bid., 64, 1908, (477-478). [Di- ptera.] 2116 Perez, Charles. Renovation epitlie- liale de rintestin moyen chez les Mus- cides. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 190S, (694-G95). [Diptera.] 2117 Perez, Charles. Histogenese des mus- cles alaires chez les Muscides. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, ( 706-708); Reunion biologique, Bordeaux, 1907, (116-118). [Diptera.] 2118 Perez, Charles. Metamorphose de I'intestin anterieur chez les Muscides. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (835- 836). 2119 Peringuey, L. Seventh Contribution to the South African coleoplerousFaunsi. Cape Town Ann. S. afric. Mus., 5, 1908. (271-346) pl.s. v-vi. 2120 Peringuey, L. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa {Lucanidae, Passalidae, Scarabaeidae). Additions and corrections. Description" of new Onthophagides by A. d'Orbigny. Cajjc Town, Tran.s. S. Afric. Phil. Soc, 13, 1908, (547-752) pi. .xlviii. 2121 Peringuey, Ij. Tcnehrionidae und Curculionidae. |In: L. Schultze, Zool. \i. anthro]). Ergebnis.se c. Forschungs- reise in Siidafrika. lid I, Lfsr 2.] .lena, Denksclir. med. Cos., 13, i908, (393- 424). [Coleoptera.] 2122 Perkins, R. ('. L. Callithymsus kotbelei sp. n. Honolulu, Proc. Hawai- ian Ent. Soc., 1, 1908, (210). [Coleo- ptera.] 2123 Perkins, R. C. L. Synonomy of Hawaiian Cijnipidae. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (10). [IIi/>ncnoptcnt.\ 2124 Perkins, R. C. L. Some remarkable Australian II i/inenoptera. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (27-35). 2125 Peter, Adolf. Etwas vom Spauuen. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (223- 224). [Lepidoptera ] 2126 Peter, Adolf. Noch einmal „Rote Citronenfalter ! ?" Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (227-228). [Lepidoptera.] 2127 Petersen, Wilh. Die Artberechtigung von Miana latruncalae Hb. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907, [1908], (200-210). [Lepidoptera.] 2128 Petersen, Esben. Bidrag til en For- tegnelse over arktisk Norges Neuro- p, 49-52, 57-58, 73-75, 81-83, 89-91). [Cohoptera.] 2167 Pic, Maurice. Ichneumoniens recueillis dans les Vosges en 1906. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (3-4). [Hymeno ptera.] 2168 Pic, M. A propos de divers Trachij- phloeus. fichange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (5-7,28-29). [Coleoptera.] 2169 Pic, M. Observations, renseigne- ments divers et diagnoses sur le genre Cryptocephalus. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (12-lfi, 17-18). [Coleoptera.] 2171 Pic, M. Contribution a I'etude des Osphia palearctiques. Echange, Mou- lins, 24, 1908, (21-24, 31-32, 36-37). [Coleoptera.] 2172 Pic, M. Coleopteres nouveaux de I'Afrique orientale allemande et an- glaise. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (25-28). 2173 Pic, M. Complement a mon etude sur le genre Eutypodera Gerst. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (28). [Coleoptera.] 2174 (s- 10332 j) Pic, Th. Deux nouvelles varietes de Hosalia alpina L. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (33). [Coleoptera.] 2175 Pic, M. Etude synoptique sur divers Acniopini. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (38-40, 47-48, 56, 62-62). [Coleoptera. \ 2176 Pic, Maurice. Sur divers Coleopteres fran^ais rares ou nouveaux. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (46-47). 2177 Pic, M. Contribution a I'etude du genre Pseudolichas Fairm. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (53-55). [Coleo- ptera.] 2178 Pic, M. ColJopteres exotiques nou- veaux ou peu connus. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (59-61,85-86). 2179 Pic, M. Quelques Ichneumoniens des Alpes fran9aises. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (66-68). [Hymeno ptera.] 2180 Pic, M. Captures interessantes. Mceurs et nouvelle variete de Coleo- pteres fran9ais. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (71-72, 78-79). 2181 Pic, M. Contribution a I'etude du genre Velleiopsis Fairm. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (77-78). [Coleoptera. \ 2182 Pic, M. Sur le genre Cryptocephalus Geoff r. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (91-94). [Coleoptera.] 2183 Pic, M. Sur C ydisties zurcheri Bourg. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (88). [Coleoptera.] 2184 Pic, M. Diagnoses ou descriptions abregees de divers Malacodermes exotiques. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (94-96). [Coleoptera.] 2185 Picard, Francois. Les Laboulbenia- cees et leur parasitisme chez les Insectes. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, 39, 1908, (29-34). 2186 Picard, F. Description de deux nou- veaux atomoxys du Bengale. Paris, Bul. soc. ent., 1908, (20-21). [Di- ptera.] 2187 Picard, F. vide Surcouf, Jacques. Pierantoni, Umberto. Osservazioni sul parassitismo esercitato da un Imenotlero {Aphidius aurantii n. sp.) su di un Afide degli Agrumi ( Toxoptera auranti Fonscol.). Napoli, Annuario Museo zool., N. Sen, 2, N. 19, 1907, (1-5) 1 tav. 2188 c 17 98 Inscrta. XII. Insecta. [1908 J Pierce, W. Dwight. Factors control- ling parasitism with special reference to the cotton boll weevil. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, X. H., 1, 1008, (315-323). 2189 Pierce, W. Dwight. A list of para- sites known to attack American Ehyn- chophora. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, X. H., 1, 1908, (380-396). {Coleoptem, Hymenoptera.} 2190 Pierce, W. D. The economic bearing of recent studies of the parasites of the cotton boll weevil. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H., 1, 1908 (117-122). 2191 Pierce, W. Dwight. A preliminary review of the classification of the order Strepsiptera. Washington, D. C. Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (1907), 1908, (75-85). 2192 Pierce, A\'. Dwight. Descriptions of new curculionid beetles of the tribe AntTionomini. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, Xo. 1604, 34, 1908, (173-181). [Coleoptera.'] 2193 Pierce, W. Dwight. Studies of para- sites of the cotton boU weevil. Wash- ington, D. C, U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent., Bull., No. 73, 1908, (1-63) 3 pis. [Hymenoptera.] 2194 Pieron, Henri. Autotomie et '• auto- spasie". Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 107, (425-427). 2195 Pieszczek, A. Eine interessante Aberration der Deilephila cuphorhiar L. Wien, JahrBer. Entoni. Xcv., 18, (1907), 1908, (101-103). ILcpidoptau.] 2196 Pieszczek, .\dolf. Agrotis orhona Hfn. subsj). nigra. Wien, JahrBer. Entom. Ver., 18,(1907), 1908,(113-335). [Lepidoptera.] 2197 Pinney, Edith. Organisation of the chromosomes in Phrynotettix inagyiu-s. Lawrence, Kan. Univ., Sci. Bull., 4, 1908, (309-316). pi. [Orthoptaa.] 2198 Pionneau, Paul. Sur la diminution des Lipidoptlres diurnes. Feuilk-s jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908,(214- 216). 2199 Pionneau, Paul. Notice sur un Lipidoptire nouveau pour la faunc dc la faune de la Loire- Infcricure ct liste de quelques especes interessante^. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (10-12). 2199a Pionneau. Liste d' especes et varictes de Lcpidopfcres recueillis en Sicile et Sardaigne. Echange, Moulins, 24, 1908, (55, 62-64, 68-69, 75-76. 86-88, 96); 25, 1909, (110-111, 118-120. 124 125). 2200 Pirling, E. Hyntornis phegea L. Intern, ent. Zs.. Guben, 2, 1908, (27- 28). [Lepidoptera.] 2201 Planet, Louis. De la larve et de la nymphe du ver luisant commun Lam- pyris noctiluca Linn. Naturaliste, Paris, 30, 1908, (211-213) fig. iColeo- ptera.] 2202 Plitt, Charles C. Webera sessilis and ants. Bryologist, Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, 1907, (54-55). {Hymenoptera.] 2203 Potischke, A. und Rentor, 0. Der erste Fang von Lemon ia dumi bei Kas- sel. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (242-243). [Lepidoptera.] 2204 [Pomeranzev, Dmitri.] lIoxiepaH- n,eBT>, J],MUTpin. CniicoK'b iKyKOBi. OKpecTuocTeti ropo;ta Be.ihCKa ii jipy- rnxTi iitcTi, Bo."ioro;icKon ryCepHin. [Liste des Colcoptcres des envii'ons de la ville de Velsk et d'autres eudroits du gouvernement de Vologda.] St. Pctcrburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ., 38, 1007-1908, (421-506). 2205 Popoff, N. vide Bugnion, E. Popovici-Baznosanu, A. Variations dans la nidification de quelques Apides solitaires. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1126-1127). [Hymenoptera.] 2206 Poppius, Alfred. Tverme lepido- ^ie/ologiska notiser. [Zwei lepidoptero- logische Notizen.] Helsingfors, 5ledd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907. (54. deutsches Referat 176-177). 2207 Poppius, B. Weitere Beitriige zur Kuuntnis der Co/co/^ OomecTBt JIoompeHin 3eM.ie,it.iia ii Ce.ibCKOii npoMUiii.ieiiHocTii. [Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der Entomologischen Station der Siidrussischen GeseUschaft zur Forderung des Ackerbaus und der Landwirthschaft.] Chozlaj.stvo, Kiev, 3, 1908, (113-121). 2238 [Pospelov, V. P.] lIociit.ioB-b, B. 11. (J paaiiiiTin oanMOii cobkii [Agro- tis segetum Sehiff) Bb KieBCKOfi ry6. H 0 Mtpa.x-b OopbCbi ctj Heio. [Ueber die Entwicklung von Agrotis segetum Sehiff. im (-ouv. Kiev und die Mass- nahmen zu deren Bekampfung. ] Cho- ziajstvo, Kiev, 3, 1908, (501-500, 547- 552). [Lepidoptera.] 2239 [Pospelov, \'.] IIocn-LiOBi., B. JI,iaiiay3iJ ii hxtj SHanenie B'b ikiishii HachKOMblXTj. [Die Diapausen und ihre Bedeuteung im Leben der Insek- ten.] Naturfreund, St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (1-17). 2240 Poujade, J. Lepidopteres. hi : Resultals .scientiiiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Fop. Paris (Impr. nationale), 1908, (598-599). 2241 Poulton, E. B. On the species of Xeptis in the islands to the E. and the X.W. of Madagascar. London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908 (xxxiii-xliii). [Lepidoptera.] 2242 Poulton, E. B. ]\Iimicry in the butter- flies of Mauritius and Bourbon. Lon- don Trans, ent. Soc. 1908 Proc. (iv-vii). [Lepidoptera.] 2243 Poulton, E. B. Secondary mimetic resemblance of ItJiomiinae to the Dan- aine genus //u7i«. London Trans, ent. .soc. Proc. 1908 (vii-xi). [Lepidoptera.! 2244 Poulton, E. B. Essavs on evolution 1889-1907. Oxford 1908 8vo (xlviii + ■179). 2245 Poulton, E. B. The Hope reports Vol. vi. 1906-1908. [A collection of sejjarate copies of previously published papers.] Oxford 8vo. 1908. 2246 Pratt, F. C. Notes on " punkies " (Cerutopogon spp.) Washington, D. C, U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Ent.. Bull., No. 64, Pt. 3, 1907, (i-ii + 23-28). [Di- ptera.] 2247 Pratt, H. C. Notes on Termes ges- troi and other species of Termites found on Rubber Estates in the Fede- rated Malaj' States. Agric. Bull. S. S. & F. M. S. Singapore 7 1908 (1-13). [Termitidae.] 2248 Pratt, H. Federated Malay States. Report on the Institute for Medical research for the year 1907 pp. 7-12. 2249 Preissecker, Fritz. [Eine neue hei- mische Tortricide]. Wien, Verb. Zool- Bot. Ge,s., 58, 1908, ((70)-(72)). [Le- pidoptera.] 2250 Prell, Heinrich. Rhagium hi fascia - tum Fab. ab. rufa (nov. ab. ) Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (136-137). [Coleo- ptera.] , 2251 Pricer, John Los.sen. Thi- life history of the carpenter ant. Biol. Bull., WoodsHoll.,Mass.,14, 1908, (177-218). [Hymenopiera.] 2252 [Pritulenko-Tavrideskij, P. R-^ 1 IpnTy.ieiiKO TaBpHHccKiii, II. P. Paa- iiOBn.iiiocTH KaBKa3CKiixi> iiMe.'n>. [Die Abarten der kaukasischcn Bienen.] Pcelov. zizni, Moskva, 1908, (40X-413. 450-456). [Ilymenoptera.] 2253 1 0 1 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Prochnow, O. BiMncrkimgon zu Otto Meissiiers .. Dipterologischou Bo- racrkuageu" iibcr das iSummou der Dipteren. Intern, cnt. Zs., Gubcn. 2, 190S. ((>) : Weiteres dazu v. Otto Meissner. t.c. (20-21, 29). 2254 Prohaska, Karl. Bcitrag zur M ikrolepidopteren-F&una. von Steicr- niark und Karnten. JahrBer. k.k. crsten Staats-Gvninasium in (Jraz, 1905, (3-29). ' 2255 Proat, L. B. Supplemental notes on Eupithecia. Entomologi.st London 41 1908(o2-54). [Lepidoptcm.] 2256 Prout, Loui.s B. Gcometrid notes. Entomologist London 41 1908 (70-80). [Lepidoptera.] 2257 Prout, Louis B. The generic name Botys Latr. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (141). [Lepidoptera.] 2258 Prout, Louis B. The variation of Entepkria caesiata. London Trans. Cit}' Xat. Hist. Soc. 17 1908 (21-32). [Lepidoptera.] 2259 Prtimers, Rodgero. Die Insekten als Papierfeindc. Archiv. Zs., Miinchen, (N. F.), 14, 1907, (22-38). 2260 Przibram, Hans und Werber, Ernst Isaak. Regenerationsversuche allgem. Bedeutung bei Borstenschwanzen (Le- pismatidae). Arch. EntwMech. Leip- zig, xxiii.. p. 015. 2261 Pvingeler, Rudolf. Neue palaearc- tische M acrole pido pteren. 1). Ent. Zs. Iris, Berlin, 21, (1908), 1909, (280-3(»3). 2262 Punnett, R. C. and Bateson, W. The heredity of .sex. Science, New York, N.Y. , X. Sen, 27, 1908, (785-787). 2263 Putzeys, J. Note sur les premiers etats de Melanoius castanipes Payk. Bru.xelles Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique'52 1908 (294-296). [Coleoptera.] 2263a [Pylinov, E.] TIij.ibnoB'i,, E. Kb ii03naniK) (j)ayHu iipHMOKpij.iLix'i. B.ia- .IHMipcKoii ryoepHiii. [Zur Kenntnis der Orthopteroia.Mna. der Gouv. Wladimir.j Vladimir. Trd. Obsc. lii b. jest., 2, 2, 1908, (4.-)-48). 2264 Quaintance, A. L. The lesser apple worm. Washington L". S. L)ej)t. Agrie. Bur. Ent. Bull No. 68 part 'i 1908 (49- tJO). [Lepidoptera.] 2265 Quaintance, A. L. The apple-tree tent caterpillar. Washington L>. C. Cir. V. S. Dept. Agrie. Bur. Ent. 98 1908 (1-8). lLepidoptera.\ 2266 Quaintance, \. L. The apple maggot or raihoatl wcnm. Washington JL).C. Cir. U. S. Dept. Agrie. Bur.Ent. 101 1908 (1-12). [Diptera.] 2267 Quaintance, A. L. The codling moth or ajjjih' worm. Washington, D.C, Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agrie. 1907, 1908, (435-450) pi. [Lepidoptcr„.\ 2268 Quajat, E. Influenza dclle alte tem- perature sul seme dei bachi. Padova, Annuario Staz. bacol., 35, 1908. (38-80). 2269 Quayle, H. J. A new root pest of the vine in California. J. Econ. Ent., Con- cord. N.H.. 1, 1908, (175-17(5). [Coleo- ptera.] 2270 Quayle, H. J. The California life history of the grape leaf-hopper, Ti/ph- loci/ba comes Say. J. Econ. Ent., Con- cord, N.H., 1, 1908, (182-183). [Ho- moptera.] 2271 Quayle, H. J. A statistical study of brown scale parasitism. Science, New Yok, N. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (788-789). [Coccidae.] 2272 Rabaud. Sur la variation periodique du nombre des Insectes. Feuilles jeunes natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (257-258). 2273 Rabe, Friedr. von vide Bickhardt, H. Ratzer, Augu.st. Lichtfang-Verzeich- nis mit spatherb-stlicher Koderfang- Nachhiilfe von der Pfarrhaus-Veranda in Biiren a A. Bern Mitt, schweiz. ent. Ges. 11 1908 (289-297). [Lepidoptera.] 2274 RafEray, A. Pselaphides recoltcs dans les montagnes des Nilghiris (Presidence de Madras) et dans le district deBelgaum (Presidence de Bombay). Indeanglaise, par MM. H. Leslie Andrewes et H. S. Andrewes. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1908 (205-212). [Coleo- ptera.] 2275 Raffray, A. Pselaphides nouveaux du Congo des collections du Musce Royal d'histoire naturelle de Bi-uxelles. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15 1908 (6-17). [ColeojAera.] 2276 Raffray, A. Neue Pselaphiden des Deutsehen Entomol. National-Museums D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (405-411). [Cokoptera.] 2277 102 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Raff ray, A. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Pselaphide d'ltalie centrale. Paris Bill. soc. ent. 1908 (265-266). [Coleoptera.] 2278 RafEray, A. Coleoptera fam. Psela- phidae. Wytsmaii Genera insectorum fasc. 64 1908 (1-484) pis. i-ix. 2279 Raffray, A. vide GrouA^elle, A. Randolph, Harriet. On the sperma- togenesis of the earwig Anisolahis mari- tima. Biol. Bull., Woods HoU, Mass., 15, 1908, (111-118) pi. [Ortlioptera.] 2280 [Rathlef, Emil.] Bilder aus der Bie- nenwelt mit Bezug auf Maeterlincks : .. Das Leben der Biene". Pernau, 190S. (103). 20 cm. [Hymenoptera.] 2281 Rebel, H. Vergleichende Unter- suchung der mannlichen Genitalap- parate von Boarmia repandata L. und Boarmia maculata Stgr. var. bastel- hergeri Hirschke. Wien, JahrBer. Entom. Ver., 18, (1907), 1908, (109-111) 1 Taf. 2282 Rebel, H. Lepidopteren aus dem Gebiete des Triglav und der Cma Prst in Krain. ii. Nachtrag. Wien, JahrBer. Entom. Ver., 18, (1907), 1908,(123-144). 2283 Rebel, H. Eine neue Aberration von Euclidia mi CI. Wien, Mitt. Polyxena. 3, 1908, (29-30). {Lepidoptera.] 2284 Rebel, H. Deilephila euphorbiae L. ab. cuspidata (nov. ab.) Wien, Mitt. Polyxena, 3, 1908, (30). [Lepido- ptera.] 2285 (Rebel, Hans. Ergebnisse einer zoologischcn Forschungsreise von Dr. Franz Werner nach Aegypten und dem agyptischen Sudan 111. Auchmopfiila Kordofensis, eine neue Psycchidcngat- tung und Art, nebst ^'ei-zeichnis der iibrigcn gesammelten Lepidopteren. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wi.ss., 115, Ai>t. ]., 1900, (493-502) 1 Taf.) 2286 Rebel, [Hans.] [Aberrationen und Genitalapparat von Lycarna]. AVien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges." 58 1908, ((32) (34)). [Lrpidopteni.] 2287 Rebel, {L( pidupteren aus dem Pon- tu.s. I Wien, Verii. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (82)-(85). 2288 Rebel, [Hanw|. [Zwei neue ostafrika- nisehe Lycaeiiideii J. Wien, \'er)i. Zool- Bot. Ges., 58, 19(»8. ((159)). [Li-pido- ftcra.] 2289 Rebel, H. Lepidopteren aus Tripolis und Barka. Gesammelt von Dr. Bruno Klaptocz. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 27, 1908, (273-290). 2290 Rebel, Hans. Lepidoptera. In : Vladimir Vclitchkovsky. Faune du district de Walouyki du gouvernement de Woronege (Russie). Fasc. 4. Stocke- rau (Joh. Koch) 1908. (44). 25 cm. 2291 [Redikorcev, VI.] Pe,T,nKopn.eBT>, B. MaTepia.iti kt, OHTOMOf()ajHt, ypa.:ia. [Beitrage zur Entomofauna des Urals.] Ekaterinburg, Bull. Soc. Oural. nat., 27, 1908, (95-120, deutsch. Res. 120-122). 2292 Redikorzew, \\ . Das Augc von Emhia taurica Kusn. Rev. russ. cut., St. Peter- burg, 7, 1907 [1908], (83-86). [Embii- dae]. 2293 Redikorcev, VI. vide Filipcenko, J. Redikorcev, V. vide Redikorzew, W. Redtenbacher, Josef. Die Gliederung der OrihoptereniebVLna, Nieder-Oester- reichs. JahrBer. k.k. Elisabeth-Gym- nasium in Wien, 20, (1904-1905). 1905, (3-24). 2294 Redtenbacher, Jos. v. Brunner v. Wattenwyl, K. ' R6gimbart, M. Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae et Hydrophilidae. (Die Fauna Siid- west-Australiens, hrsg. v. W. Micbaelsen u. R. Hartmever. Bd 1, Lfa; 8.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (309-316). 2295 Regimbart, M. Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae. hi: Sjostedts Kili- mandjaro-Meru Expedition. Uppsala, 7,1,1908,(1-12). [Coleoptera.] 2296 Reh, L. Ungewohnlicher Massen- frass von Gesj^instmotten. Zs. wiss. Insektcnbiol.. Berlin. 4, 1908, (259- 262). [Lepidoptera. \ 2297 Rehn, James A. G. Acrididae (Ortho- piera) from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with descriptions of one new genus and three new sjjecie.s. Philadelphia. Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.. 60, 1908, (12-23). 2298 Rehn, .lames A. H. Notes and de- scrijjtions of Orthoptera from the wes- tern United States, in the entomological collection of the Univeisily of Kansas Topeka. Tians. Kan. .\ead. Sci.. 19, 1905, (221-231). 2299 10." hisectn. Titles. 3500 Rehn, James A. G. Two now species of Xeot topical Orthoptera of the family Acrididaf. Washington. D.C.. Smith, sonian. Inst.. V. S. Nation. Mus.. Viae. No. ItJoO. 35, U\^S. (39.3-398). 2300 Rehn, -James A. G. and Hebard, Mor- gan. An or/Ao/)/e/ological reconnois- sance of the southwe.stern United States. Part 1 : Ai-izona. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. 8ci.. 60, 1008, (365- 402). 2301 Reichenbach, Heinrich. Dcr Amei- senstaat und die Abstammungslehre. Vortras. . . . Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Scnckenb. O.cs.. 1908, (126-147). [Hy- menoptera.] 2302 Reichert, Alex. Melanistisohe untl andere auffiillige Formen von Coccinclii- den. Ent. .Jahrb.\ Leipzig, 17, 190S, (157-160) 1 Taf. [Coleoptem.] 2303 Reichert, Alex. Chrysopa-Xoio- ckry.sa ? Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, 1908, (168-169). [Xeuroptera.] ^ 2304 Reichert, Alc-x. Auffallende Insekten- puppen. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 18, 1909 [1908], (104-110) 1 Taf. 2305 Reineck, Georg. Eine neue pala- arktische Coptocephala- Art. J), cat. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (368). [Coleoptrm.] 2306 Reineck, Georg. Beitrag ziir ilon- stro.sitatenbUdung bei C'oleopteren. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (487-489) I Taf. 2307 Reis, Wiktor. Fliegenlarven in einer durch Karzinom exulzerierten Augen- hohle. Klin. Monatsbl. Aucjenheilk., Stuttgart, (46), N.F. 6, 1908,^(66-71). [Diptera.] 2308 Reitter, Edmund. Bestimmungs- Tabelle der Staphyliniden-Gruppen der Othimi und XanthoUnini aus Euroixi und den antrrenzcnden Liindern. Briiiin, Verb. Natf.'Ver.. 46, (1907). 1908. (100- 124). 1 Taf. [Coleoptera.i 2309 Reitter, Edmund. Bestimmungs- Tabelle des Carabiciden-Tribus : Pogo- nini aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landem. Briinn, \'erh. Natf. Ver., 46, (1907), 1908, (125-135). [Coleo- plera]. 2310 Reitter, Edm. Analytische Uebei- sicht der Arten der C'oleopterengattun^ Metophthalmu-s AVoll. aus der pal.i- arktischen Fauna. 1). ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (133-136). 2311 Reitter, I'aIui. Die Arten der Gattung Lneiia Latr. {Tenebrionidar) aus dcm wostlichen Himalaya, gesammclt auf seinen Reisen von Herrn Karl Rost. J), ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, ^275-280). [('oleoptrr(t.\ 2312 Reitter, lOdni. Uebersicht der Arten der Silphiden-(jattung LeonJiarde.lhc Reitt. Ent. Bl., Schwabach. 4, 1908, (7-8). [Coleoptem.] 2313 Reitter, Edm. Uebersicht der mir bekannten Arten der Curculioniden- Untergattung Chaerodrys Duv. Ent. BL, Schwabach. 4, 1908, (32-34). [Cohoptera.] 2314 Reitter, Edm. Neue palaearktischc Laufkiifer. Ent. Bl., Schwabach. 4, 1908, (50-51). [Cohoptera.] 2315 Reitter, Edm. Neue paliiarktische Riisf-elkafer. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908. (65-67). [Coleoptera.] 2316 Reitter, Edm. Neue palaarktische Kiifer. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (129). [Coleoptera.] 2317 Reitter, Edmund. Siebzehn Coleo- y;/e/i?>(-Neuheiten aus der palaeark- tischen Fauna. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (17-24). 2318 Reitter, Edmund. Uebersicht der Entomorjonus-Xvien aus der Verwandt- schaft des E. harthelemyi Sol. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (.30). [Coleoptera.] 2319 Reitter, Edmund. Verzeichnis der von Dr. F. p]ichelbaum im Jahre 1903 in Deutsch-Ostafrika gesammelten Sca- jihidiiden. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (31-35). [Coleoptera.] 2320 Reitter, Edmund. CoZeop^e^ologische Notizen. [689-691.] Entomol.' Ztg. Wien, 27, 1908, (36). 2321 Reitter, Edmund. Omoj)]ilus suh- rostatus ( '^ ) n. s)j. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (56). [Coleoptera.] 2322 Reitter, Edmund. Verzeichnis der von Dr. F. Eichelbaum im Jahre 1903 in Deutsch-Ostafrika gesammelten ( 'ory- lophiden. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (59-63). [Coleoptera.] 2323 Reitter, Edmun96-701). Entomol. Ztg, Wien. 27, 1908, (198). 2328 Reitter, Edmund. Sieben neue Coleo- pteren aus Europa und den angrenzen- den Landern. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (213-216). 2329 Reitter, Edmund. Ueber.sicht iiber die Arten der Gattung Boromorphus Woll. mit Ausschluss der Spezies von Madeira. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (217), [Coleoptera.] 2330 Reitter, Edmund. Acht neue Colco- ptereyi aus Europa, Kleinasien und Tur- kestan. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (243-247). 2331 Reitter, Edmund. Coleopterologische Notizen (701-707). Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (251). 2332 Reitter, Edmund. Eine auffiillige Zonabris-Xvt aus der Herzegowina. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (272). [Coleoptera.] 2333 Reitter, Edmund. Coleopterologische Notizen (7(»S-710) Entomol. Ztg., Wien, 27, 1908,(296). 2334 Reitter, Edmund. Fauna Cermanica. Die Kiifer des Deutschen Reiehes. Nach der analytischen Methode bearb. Bd 1. (Schriften des Deutschen Lehrer- vereins fiir Naturkunde. Bd 22.) Stuttgart (K. (i. Lutz), 1908, (viii 4 248), 40 Taf. 23 cm. [Coleoptera.] 2335 Reitter, Edm. \nde Eggers. Remisch, Fr. Hopfenschadlinge. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (331-333, 303-368). 2336 Ren^el, < '. Ucbei- Myrmeleon for- vu'cariu-f L. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (140-149) 1 Taf. 2337 Rentor, O. vide Piitschkc, A. Reuter, Enzio. Forstentomologisches. Hel.°ingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (44 & 45). 2338 Reuter, Enzio. En egendomlig plats for boet af Odynerus parietuni (L.) Latr. [Ein eigentiimlicher Nistplatz von Odynerus parietum (L.) Latr.]. Hel- singfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (61, deutsohes Referat 174). [Hymenoptera.] 2339 Reuter, E. Tvenne for finska faunan nya skoldloss. [Zwei fiir die Fauna Finlands neue Schildliiuse]. Helsing- fors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (78-79, deutsches Referat 178). [Coccidae.] 2340 Reuter, E. Nagra Hymenoptero- cecidier. [Einige Hymenopterocecidien.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn.," 34, 1908, (64-66, deutsches Ref. 209). 2341 Reuter, 0. M. Bemerkungen iiber J Nabiden, nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 15 1908 (87-130), [Heteroptera.] 2342 Reuter, O. M. Eccritotarsii3 geneti- vus Dist. eine Cyllecoararie. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (53-55). [Hetero- ptera.] 2343 Reuter, 0. M. Die hcmipterologischon Arbeiten W. L. Distant' s und speziell die Valleriola-Fribge. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (85-90). 2344 Reuter, 0. M. Noch eine Velocipeda- Art. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (90-9i). [Heteroptera.] 2345 Reuter, 0. M. Hemisphaerodella mirahilis n. gen. et sp., eine merk- wiirdige (Japsidengattung aus den An- tillen.' Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908 (297-298). [Heteroptera.] 2346 Reuter, 0. M. On the nomenclature ois,om{i{^v\i\ii\\)Hemiptera- Heteroptera. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (22-29). 2347 Reuter, O. M. H evri pterologhche Spckulationen. i. Die Klassifikation der Capsiden. Festchrift fiir Palmcn. No. i. Helsingfors, 1905 (1-56) 1 pi. 2348 Reuter, O. M. Hemipterologische Spckulationen. ii. Die Gesetzmiissig- keit ini Abiindern der Zeichnung bei Hemipteren (besonders Capsiden) und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Systcmatik, 105 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Festschrift fiir Palnion. No. ii. Hel- yingfors 1905 (1-30) pi. ii. 2349 Renter, O. M. Monographia generis Heteropterontiti Phiniodera Ueiin. Hel- singfors. Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn., 33, No. 8. 1908. (1-51) 2 tab. 2350 Beater, 0. M. Charakteristik unci Entwiekelung.'^geschichte der Hemi- p/erf/i-Fauna der palaoarktischen C'oni- fcren. Helsingfor.s, Acta 8oc. 8c. Fenn.. 36, No. 1. 1908,(1-129). 2351 Router, 0. M. Chrysochraon poppi- usi Miram. en for finska omradet ny orthopter. [Chrt/sochraon poppiu.fi Miram. ein fiir Finland neuer Ortho- ptere. J Helsingfors. Medd. Soc • Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 33, 1907, (21, Deutsches Referat 179). 2352 Reuter, O. M. Tvenne sallsynta skal- baggar. aterfunna i Abo. [Zwei seltene, bei Abo wiedergefundene Kafer.] Hel- singfors. Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (21-22, deutsches Referat 173). [Coleoptera.] 2353 Renter, 0. M. Oceller, felslagna hos en lygaeid (Aphanu-s phoeniceu-s Rossi). [Cber Fehlschlagen von Ocellen bei cinera Lygaeiden (Aphanus pkoeniceus Rossi). Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (22-23, deut- sches Referat 177-178). [Heteroptera.] 2354 Reuter, 0. M. " Solare " bland bina. [" Schornsteinfeger " unter den Bienen] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. '33, 1907, (23-24, deutsches Referat 173-174). [Hymenoptera.] 2355 Reuter, 0. M. Nya anteckningar om finska Seuroptera. [Neue Nctizen iiber finlandische yeuroptera.] Helsingfors. Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (24-31). [Deutsches Referat: 178j. 2356 Reuter, 0. M. Om f6rekom.sten af Leptophye-f punctatissima Bosc. i. Finland. [Ueber das Vorkommen von Leptophyes punctatissima Bosc. in Finland]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn.' 34, 1908, (84-85, deutsches Ref. 211). [Orthoptera.] 2357 Reuter, 0. M. Capsidae novae in insula Jamaica. Helsingfors, (^fvers. F. \et. Soc. 49, No. 5, 1907, (1-27). IHeteroptera.] 2358 Reuter, O. M. Ad cogniitononi ("apsi- darum aethiopicarum. iv. Helsingfors ( )fvcrs. F. Vet. Soc. 49, No. 7. 1907. (1- 27). [Heteroptera. \ 2359 Reuter, O. M. Sur Ischnocoris hemi- ptents Schill. et /. atufiwtulus Boh. Paris. Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (128-131). [Heteroptera.] 2360 Reuter, C). M. Capsidae novae palae- arcticae. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 12, 1907 [1908], (484-499). [He- teroptera.] 2361 Reuter, 0. M. Einige von A. Becker und A. Kouschakewitsch lienannte Hnni ptera-Heieroptera. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 12, 1907 [1908], (541- 545). 2362 Reuter, O. M. Species nova generis Reduviidarum Lisarda Stal. St. Peter- burg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, (20-27). [Heteroptera.] 2363 Rey, Eugene. Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel „Der zunehmende Melanismus der Lepidopteren in der Nahe der Grossstadte, von Otto Meiss- ner, Potsdam.'" Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25, 1908, (22-23). [Lepidoptera.] 2364 Ribaga, Co.stantino. Di una pccu- liare alterazione delle foglie di Gelso dovuta ad un Omottero [Histeropterum grylloides]. Redia Firenze 4 1907. (329-333) 1 tav. 2365 Ribaga, Constantino. Un nuovo Copeognato [Eosilla jacohsoni n. g., n. sp.) deir Isola di Giava. Redia, Firenze, 5, 1908, (20-26) 1 tav. [Psocidae.] 2366 Ribaga, Costantino. Copeognati es- traeuropei del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Genova. Redia, Firenze, 5, 1908, (98-109) I tav. [Psocidae.] 2367 Ribbe, C. Bemerkungen iiber die Ver- puppung von Ornitkoptera urviUiana Guer. D. ent. Zs., Iris, Berlin, 21, 1908, (148-152) I Taf. [Lepidoptera.] 2368 Ribbe, G. Was ist Omochroa (Rbr.) spurca Rbr ? Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (189). [Lepidoptera.] 2369 Ricardo, Gertrude. Description of some new species of Tabanidae, with notes on some Haematopota. Ann. Mag. ^ Nat. Hist. London Ser. 8 1 1908 (54-59). [Diptera.\ 2370 lOR Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1908] Ricardo, Gertrude. DescrijDtions of thirty new specie? of Tabani from Africa and Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London sen 8 1 1908 (268-278 & 311- 333). [Dijdera.] 2371 Richter, Max. [Monstrositiit v. Gonepteryx rhamni.] Ent. Zs., Stutt- gart, 21, 1908, (218). ■ iLepidoptera.] 2372 Richter, Otto. Beobachtungen aus dem Liebosleben der Spinner. Intern, ent. Zi?., Guben, 2, 1908, (219-220). [Lepidoptem.] 2373 Riedel, M. P. Beitrag zur Biologie der Musciden. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (133-134, 137). [Diptera.] 2374 RifEarth, H. Ueber Neu.stetters ,,Xeue Ilelicoin'u.'i-Yormen". D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (110-114). [Lepidoptera.] 2375 Riley, William A. Muscle attachment in insects. Ann. Ent. Soc. Anier., Columbus, Ohio, 1,1908, (265-2G9), p). 2376 Riley, W. A. The abnormal appear- ance of external wing-buds in larvae of holometabolous insects. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (1.30-139). IColeoptera.] 2377 Ris, F. Beitrag zur Odonatenfauna von Argentina. D. ent. Z«.. Beilin, 1908, (518-.'331). 2378 Ris, F. Odonata. Nach dem Samm- lungen L. Schultze's und Katalog der Odonaten \o\\ Siidafrika. [In: L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Frgcbnisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd I, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denksclir. med. (!cs., 13, 1908, (303-340). 2379 Ritsema, C. A new longicoin beetle from Borneo. Lciih^n. Notes Mus. Jcntink, 29, 190S, (2(il -202). [Co- leopfera.] 2380 Robertson, W. R. B. Thechiomosome complex of >Si/rbuln admirabilix. Law- rence. Kan. IJniv., Sci. Bull., 4, 1908, (273-3(».'5) |,1. \(>rlhoptcra.\ 2381 Rochaz de Jongh, Jeanne vide, Galli- Valerio, B. Rodda, T. T. Have bees a colour .sense; V J)umfri('S Trans. Nut. Hi.-:1. Soc. 19 1908 (33-:',r>). \JI}/inniopl()a:\ 2382 IRode. K. P.] Po,T', K.ll. H.iaro- i.yijKU, <■!! o;i,]ia;ii. ;i;ii;iiiii ii Ml.pi.i Oo|)i/ii,i cii neio. {Porthesia rhrymrrlioea L.) (Der Cfoldafter, seine Lebensweise und die Mittel zu seiner Bekampfung). Chutor. St. Peterbur2, 3, 1908, (801- 80.-i) 8 Textf. [Lepidoptera.] 2383 [Rode, K. P.] Po;ui, K. II. Bo- HpbllUHima 11 MtpLI npoTiiBt HeH [Apo- rid cratacyi L. ) [Der Baumweissling und die Mittel zu seiner Bekampfung.] Chutor. St. Peterburo, 3, 1908, (807- 871). [Lepidoptera.] 2384 [Rodzianko, W. N.] Poashhko, B. H. HtKOToptiH AaiiHbifl KT, nosnaiuio Torymidae. [Ad cognitionen Tory- midarum symbolae.] Poltava, 1908, (23). 25 cm. [Hymevopfcra.] 2385 Roben, Ernst vide Wiepken, C. F. Roepke, Walter. Ergebnisse ana- toniiseher Untersuchunfren an Stand- fiissschen LepidopterenhHstaiden.. 1. Folge : Smerinthus hybr. hyhridus Westw. und hybr. operofin .Stdfs. .Je- naische Zs. Natw., 44, 1908, (1-122) 3 Taf . 2386 Roepke, W. A'oorloopig overzicht der Insecten Aan de Kina. Mededeel. alg. Proefst. .scr. 2 No. 12 (3-26). 2387 Roesckhe, [Hans.] Copioluhrus divHx lioeschke nov. sp. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908. (14-ln). [Cohoptera.] 2388 Roettgen, C. Drifter Beitrag zur Kafcrfauna der Rheinprovinz. Bonn, \'erh. nathist. Ver.. 64, (1907), 1908, (219 225). [Coleoptera.] 2389 Rohwer, S. A. Some new Ncmatid sawflies from Colorado. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (45-50). [Ihnnaioptera.] 2390 Rohwer, S. A. Notes on Tenthre- dinoidea, with descri])tions of new species. Paper i (species from Colorado). Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (175-180). [IJymenopte.ra.\ 2391 Rohwer, S. A. New Pliilanthid wasps. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) '10 1908 (322-327). [Hymenoptera.\ 2392 Rohwer, S. A. Terias inexicana Bdv. in northern Colorado. Ent. News, l'hiladeli)hia, Pa., 19, 1908, (43). [Le- pidaptera.] 2393 Rohwer, S. A. Some larrid wasjjs from Colorado. Ent. News, Philadel- phia, Pa., 19, 1908, (220-224). [Hy- iiu'tioptera.] 2394 107 Insccta. Titles. 3500 Rohwer, S. A. Some Cnihionidae from (.\>li)rado and New Mexico. Ent. News, riuladelphia. Pa.. 19. 1908, (245- '259}. [Hymcnoptera.] 2395 Rohwer, S. A. Four new Hymeno- ptrra. Eiit. News. Philadcphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (417-420). 2396 Rohwer, .^. A. A fossil larrid wasp. [With " supplementary note " by T. D. A. CockereU.] New York. N.Y'. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.. 24, 1908, (519-520). [Hymenoptera.] 2397 Rohwer, S. A. On the Tenthredi- iioiddi of the Florissant shales. Now York, N.Y.. Bui. Amer. Mu.s. Nat. Hist.. 24, 1908, (521-530). [Hymeno- ptrrn.] 2398 Rohwer, S. A. The Tertiary Ten- thredinoidea of the expedition of 1908 to Florissant, Colo. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (591-595). [Hymenoptera.] 2399 Rohwer, S. A. A fossil mellinid wasp. New York. N.Y.. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (597). [Hymenoptera.] 2400 Rohwer, S. A. New western Te7i- thredinidae. New York, N.Y., J. Ent. 8oc., 16, 1908, (103-114). [Hymerw- ptera.] 2401 Rohwer, S. A. The Aphid genus Forda. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (67-68). 2402 Rohwer, S. A. vide Cockerel!, T. D. A. Rohwer, S. A. vide Johnson, S. A. Rohwer, S. A. and Cockerell, T. D. A. Some oxybeline wasps from New Mexico. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (179-180). [Hymenoptera.] 2403 Rollier, L. vide Vuillet, A. Rosa, A. F. A few notes on Spanish butterflies. Entomologist London 41 1908 (4-7). [Lepidoptera.] 2404 Rosenfeld, Arthur H. ride Newell, Wilmon. Rossum, A. J. \an. Mededeelingen over bladwespen. iii. [Mitteilungen iiber Blattwespen.] 's Graveiihage, Ber. Ned. Ent.\x-r., 2, [1908], (228-232). [Hymenoptera.] 2405 Rossum, A. J. van. Vitale kleuring. Bei-- Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 1908 (258-261). 2406 Rossum, A. J. van. Mededeelingen over blndwespen. [Mitteilungen iiber Blattwespen.] 's Gravenhage. Tijdschr. Ent.. 51, [1908], (xxix-xli). [Hymnw- ptera.] ' 2407 Rost, Karl. Ein neuer Carabus aus Japan. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (32-33). [Coleoptera.] 2408 Rostagno, Fortunato. Su alcunc im- ])ortanti catture di Lepidotteri. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser 2, 9, 1908, (79- 80). 2409 Rostagno, F. e Zapelloni, L. Lepido- ptera Faunae romanae. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Scr. 2, 9, 1908, (289- 305, continua). 2410 Rothe, K. G. Die tutamentalen An- passungen und die Deszendenztheorien. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. Berlin 4 1908 (262-266). 2411 Rothke, Max. Ueber das Auftreten der Tibicen {Cicada) septendecim L. im nordostlichen Pennsylvanien in den Jahren 1906 ii. 1907. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (164-165, 168-169). [Homoptera.] 2412 Rothschild, N. Charles. Siphonn- ptera. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro- Meru Plxpedition. Uppsala, 11, 1. 1908, (1-5) pi. i. 2413 Rothschild, Hon. N. C. Notes on a collection of Siphonaptera from the Ruwenzori, Uganda. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (76-79) pi. i. .. . , ^ 2414 Rothschild, N. C. A new british fiea. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (231-233) pi. ii. [Aphani ptera.] 2415 Rothschild, N. C. A new species of bat-flea from Great Britain. Entomo- logist London 41 1908 (281) pi. viii. [Aphani ptera.] 2416 Rothschild, Hon. N. C. New Siphona- piera. London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908 (617-626) lA. xxviii-xxxi. 2417 Rothschild, N. C. Siphonaptera col- lected by Mr. M. P. Anderson in Ja[)a?i in 1904. London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908 (627-629) pis. XXX & xxxi. 2418 Rothschild, N. C. vide Jordan, K. Rothschild, W. A new Pupilio from Africa. Ent. Mag. London 44 190S (249). [Lepidoptera.] 2419 108 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Rothschild, Hon. Vs. New oriental Papilionidae. Entomologist London 41 1908 (1-4). lLepidoptera.'\ 2420 Rothschild, W. Description of a new form of Zygaena from Algeria. Entomo- logist London 41 1908 (185). [Lepido- ptera.] 2421 Rothschild, Hon. W. New forms of oriental Papilio. Nov. ZooL, Tring. 15, 1908 (165-174). \_Lepidoptera.] ^2422 Rothschild, W. New subspecies of Parna-sfiu-^ a polio. Nov. Zool. Tring 15 1908 (390). ILcpidoptera.] 2423 Rothschild, W. & Jordan, K. Some new Sphinqidae. Nov. Zool. Trinu 15 1908 (259, 260). [Lepido ptera.} 2424 Roubal, J. Coleopterologische No- tizen i. [Betr. Eccoptogaster laevis.'\ Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (12-13). [Coleopiera.] 2425 Roubaud, E. Re.sultats actuels des recherchcs biologique.s eflectuees au laboratoire de la mission d'ctude de la maladie du sommeil a Brazzaville et leur application a la prophylaxie. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (2l6-214j. \Di- ptera.] 2426 Roubaud, E. Contribution a la bio- loeie de Glossina pnlpalii. Pari.s, Bui. 60C. path, cxot., 1, 1908, (255-2.58.. [Di ptera.] 2427 Roubaud, E. Sur la reproduction ct les Aariations du developpement dans la Glosnna palpalis Desv. Paris, C. R. Acad, .sci., 146, 1908, (362-3^5). [Diptcrn.] 4228 Roubaud, E. Fixation, mult-plica- tion, culture d'attente des Trypano- somcs pathogertts dans la trompe des mouches t.se-tse. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (423-425). 2429 Roubaud, E. Gradation et pcrfection- ncmciit de I'instinct chez les guepes solitaires d'Afrique du genre Hynagrix. Paris, ('. R. Acad, sci., 147. 1908, (695- 697). [Hymenoptera.] 2430 Roubaud vide Martin, Gustavc. Roubaud, E. vide Surcouf, Jacques. Rousseau, E. (.'ontributions a la con- nai.ssance des metamorphoses de.s Odo- natfjt ffEurope. Bruxelles Ann. Hoc. ent. HclL'ique 52 19(»S (272-291). 2431 Rowland-Brown, H. The Ba.sse.s- Alpea in August. Entomologist Lon- don 41 1908 (257-2C2 & 296-299). [Lepido ptera.] 2432 Rowley, F. R. Recent additions to the local collections. Exeter Proc. Rov. Albert coll. no date (28 & 29). 2433 Rowley, R. R. Notes on Catocala. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa.. 19, 1908, (115-120;. [Lepidoptera.] 2434 Royer, Maurice. Sur la capture du Trcrhus micros. Paris, Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (42-43). [Coleoptcra.] 2435 Rudow. iSchmarotzer verschiedener Insekten. Ent. .Jahrb., Leipzijr, 17, 1908, (101-106). 2436 Rudow, F. Die Schmarotzer bei Ktifern. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908. (12.)-126, 128-129). [Coleoptera.] 2437 Rudow. Einige Ergebnisse des letzten Soramers. InteiT. ent. Zs., Guben, 1, 1908, (381-382, 397-399). 2438 Rudow, — . Einige Beobachtungen, das Leben der Blattwespengattung Lyda betreffend. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (72-73, 80-81, 92-93. 101). [Hymenoptera.] 2439 Rubsaamen, Ew. H. Sciaiidcn und Zoocccidien. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungs- reise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] .Jena, Denkschr. med. Ge.s.. 13, 1908, (449-458) 2 Taf. [Di ptera.] 2440 Riibsaamen, E. H. Beitrage zur Keuntnis aussereuropaischer Zooce- fidien. iii. Gallen aus Brasilien und Peru. Marcellia Avellino 7 1908 (15- 79). [Diptera Sz Psyllidae.] 2441 Russ, E. L. Sur le developpement postembryonnaire de Pintestin moyen chez les Trichopteres (Ktenophylax Stella tu-s. Curt.). Ann. Cniv. Jas.sv. 5, 1908, (150-154) 2442 Russ, Ernest Alex L. Die postem- bryonale Entwicklung des Darmkanals bei den Trichopteren (Anabolia laevis Zctt.). Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 25, 1908, (675-770) 4 Taf. 2443 Russell, H. M. and Hooker, C. W. A new cecidoniyiid on oak. Ent. News, Philadelphia,' Pa., 19, 1908, (349-352) pi. xiv. [Diptera.] 2444 IRuzskij, M.j Py;{cKiii, M. Mypa- Bi.u ;l,i;yiii apcKaro A.iaray. [l^iv For- micidcu des dshungarischen Alatau.j 100 Insecia. Titles. 3500 Tomsk. lav. riiiv.. 30, lOOS. (!-(>). llJi/iiunopteni.] 2445 Rye. Bertram G. Billor I. Lobebillcr. (The tlauish Cicindflidae ami Carabidac witli a general introduction about Coleoptera .by A. Boving and a de- scription of the larvae by .1. C". Nielsen.) Kiibenhavn (Gads Forlag;, 1908, (17S). Price 2 Kr. 50 Ore. 2446 Sack, P. Die afrikanischen Fornuti der Gattung Dwus (Meiiien). Frank- furt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1908, (1-13). [Diptera.] 2447 Sack, P. Beitrage zur Kenntuis der Fauna der Umgesend von Frankfurt a. M. Die Dipteren^ Tl iii. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1908, (li»Smithsoiiiaii Inst., I . y. Nation. Mus., Proc, No. L5i)7. 34. 1908, (G5-66). [Lepido ptera.] 2493 Schawerda, Karl. Lepidoptcro- logische Sammedcrgebnisse aus dem Piestingtale und von seiiien Hohen. Wien, JahrBer. Entom. \ei:. 18,(1907). 1908. (43-99). 2494 Schawerda, Karl. [Neue Aberration vou Parasemia plantaginis]. Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58, 1908, ((29)). [4431]. 2495 Schawerda, Kail. [Zur Lcpidopk-rcn- fauna Bo.sniens und der HerzegowinaJ. Wieu, \'erh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, ((250)-(256)). 2496 Scheidter, Fr. Trockcnpraeparation \on Larven und Puppen. Ent. Bl., -a.} 2504 Schenkhng, Sigm. Cleridae, Eroty- lidae und ICndoniychidae. In: Sjo- stcdts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition, Uppsala, 7, 7, 1908, (69-78) Taf. [Coleo- ptera.] 2505 Schepp, Oskar. Haturnia pyri in LutJuingen. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (55). [Lepido ptera.] 2506 Scherdhn, Paul. Die in der Um- gebung Strassburgs beobachteten Cara- bidae. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent Belgique 52 1908 (221-240). [Colco- ptera.] 2507 Schille, F. Fauna lejndopterologiczna 'lt)li;\y Popradu i jego doplywow. (.'z(^sc ix. [La faune lepido ptere de la vallee du Poprad et de ses affluants. ix Partie.] Krakow, Spraw. Kom. Hzyogr., 40, 1907, (ii. 32-42). 2508 Schille, F. Przyczynek do fauny motyli okolic Krakowa. [Contribu- tion a la faune Upidoptere des en- virons de Cracovie.] Krakow. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr., 40, 1907, (42-43). 2509 Schille, F. Materyaly do fauny owadow siatk(jskrzydlych i szarai'icza- kow doliuy Popradu. Cz(;se iv. [La faune des Neuropti-res et des Ortho- ptc-res dans la vallee de Poprad. j Kra- kow, Spraw. Kom. fizyogr., 40, 1907. (II. 43-40). 2510 Schille, F. Przyczynek do fauny Szezeeiogonek (Apteryijogenea) Galicyi (z tablica). [Contribution a la faune des Aptcres.] Krakow, Spraw. kom. fizyogr., 41, 1908, (3-17). 2511 Schilsky, J. Neue markischc Kiifer und Varietaten aus der Gegend von Luckenwalde. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (599-004). [Coleoptera.] 2512 Schilsky, J. xii. Beitrag zur deutschen Kiiferfauna. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (004-608). [Coleoptera.] 2513 112 Insecia. XII, Insecta. tl908] Schilsky, J, Ueber Fabiicius'sche Typcn der Gattung Phi/Uobiiis Schonli. und Germar'sche Typen der Gattung Sihinia Germ. T>. ent. Zs., Berlin. 1908, (718-719). [Coleoptera.] 2514 Schilsky, J. Laria oder Bruchus ? D. en. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (495-490). 2515 Schilsky, J. Mordellidae. [l/i : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- nisse e. Forschurgsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 1.] Jena, Denkschr. nied. Ges., 13, 1908, (137-138). [Coho- ptera.] 2516 Schilsky, J. Kiister & Kraatz, die Kafer Europas. H. 45. Niirnberg 1908. [Coleoptera.] 2516a Schindler, Karl. Apatnra-Zwittcv. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (125). [Lepido ptera.] 2517 rSchlechtendahl,D. v. und Wiinsche.D.] IlI.iexTeHja.ib, Jl. h Btoiime, Jl. Onpe- atiHTerib Hac-tKOMbiX'b, BBeAenie bt. Hxt iisyMenie. llepeB. Ch Htii. F. flpueBa noA'i pe,i. npotfi. K. JlHH^ieMana. Ilsjl. 3-e. [Die Insekten. Uebers. a. d. Deutsch. V. G. Jarcev unt. d. Red. v. Prof. K. Lindeniann. 3-te Aufl.]. Moskva [Sotrudnik Skol], 1908, (vii -t 774). loTaf. 23 cm. 2.50 Rub. 2518 Schleip, Waldemar. Die Richtungs- ki")!|jcrbil(!ung im Ei von Formica .lavrjuined. Zool. Jahrb., .lena, Abt. f. Anat., 26, 1!)08, (051(82). 2 Taf. [Hyrneno ptera.] 2519 Schmidt, Adolf. Neue Aphodiicleu vom Kongo im Katurhistorischcn Mu- .seum zu Briissel. Bruxelles An!i. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 1 908 (37-4 1 ). [ Coleo- ptera.] ' 2520 Schmidt, A. Zusammenstellung der l)is l!tO(J beschriebenen Aj)lioiliinen. Bogen 3 (S. 33-141). D. ent. Zs., Berlin. 1908, Beilage. [Coleoptera.] 2521 Schmidt, Ad. Amnwecivs dentattis n. sp. \). ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (504). 2522 Schmidt, Adolf. Ein Beitrag zur indischen Ajihodiincn- i'auna. Ent. Wochenbl., Lei|)ziir, 25, lOOS, (4G-48). 2523 Schmidt, Adolf. Cenu.s Aphodius. hi : Sjostedts Kiliniandjaro-Meru E.\- pedition. Uj.j.sala. 7 5, 3, 1008, (53-50). [Coleoptera.] 2524 Schmidt, A. Neue exotische Apho- rliinen des Deutschen entomologischen National-Museums in Berlin. Soc. entomol. Berlin 23 1908 (41, 52-54 & 57). [Coleoptera.] 2525 Schmidt, A. Die Gattung Lordito- maeus Peringuey. Stettiner ent. Ztg, 69,1908,(231-240). [Coleoptera.] 2526 Schmidt, Edmund. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eurybrachinen Afrikas. (Herniptera-Homoptera.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (508-515). 2527 Schmidt, Edmund. Drei neue Acanaloniinen-Arten von Ecuador (Siidamerika.) [Hemiptera - Homo- ptera.) Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (515-518). 2528 Schmidt, Edmund. Die Arten des Eurybrachinen-Genus Ancyra White, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eulgo- riden {Hetniptera-Homoptera). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (764-769). 2529 Schmidt, Edmund. Fulgora sap- phirina, eine neue Fulgora-Art von Sumatra. Stettiner ent. Ztg, 69, 1908, (93-95). [Homoptera.] 2530 Schmidt, Edmund. Neue und be- kannte Gattungen und Arten der Subfamilie Cercopinae Stal des indo- australischen Faunengebietes, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cercopiden. (Hemiptera-Homoptera.) Stettiner ent. Ztg., 70, 1909, [Octr. 1908], (146-187). 2531 Schmidt, Edmund. Zvvei neue Ful- goriden aus dem Stettiner Museum. Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70, 1909. [Octr. 1908], (187-192). [Homoptera.] 2532 Schmidt, Edmund. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eurybrachinen {Hemi- ptera-Homoptera). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (241-247). 2533 Schmidt, Hugo. Zur Verbreitung der (Jallwespen in der niederschle- sischen Ebene. Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol., Berlin. 3, 1908, (344-350). 2534 Schmiedeknecht, 0. Hymenoptera fani. Jchn(iimo)iidaf, .subfam. Crypti- nae. W'ytsman Genera insectorum fasc. 75 1908 (1-165) pis. i-iv. 2535 Schmitz, H. [Mededeeling over PAo/«-soorteu.] [Zucht von Phora- Arten aus Helix.] '■ Gravenhage, Tijdschr. Ent., 51, [ICOSJ, (Ivii). [Di- ptera.] 2536 « 113 Insecicu Titles. 3500 Schmitz, H. Claii'jer lomjicoruis Miill, tidn \'erhiillnis zu La^-iu.s itm- bratu-s uml seme internal ionaleu Bezie- hungen zu andcren Ameisoiiarten. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol.. Berlin, 4, 19(»S, {S4-S7, 109-llG, lSU-184). [Coho- piera.] 2537 Schneider. Gustav. Ueber einc L'rwakl-Biene (Apis dor.wta F.). Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin. 4, 1908, ^447-4.13). [Hymenopiera.] 2538 Schbnfeldt, H. von. Coleoptera fani. Brenthidiie. Wytsnian Genera in- ^ectorum fasc. 65 190S (1-88) })ls. i & ii. 2539 Scholz, Ed. J. R. Die schlesisclien Odonaten. (Zugleich ein Verzeich- nis der schlesischen Arten. ) Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (417- 420. 457-4G2). 2540 Scholz, R. Carahns auf Baumen, Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908. (110). [Coleoptera.] 2541 Scholz, Richard. Biologische Be- ziehungen der Ameisen zu den iibrigen Insekten, insbesondere den Kafern. Natur. u. Hans, Dresden, 16, 1908, (173-174, 186-187, 205-20(), 222- 223, 230-238, 264-267). [Hymeno- ptera.] 2542 Schopfer, Eduard. Beitrag zur 2Iicroli pidopteren-Fauna, der Dres- dener Gctrend. D. ent. Zs. Iris, Berlin. 20, (1907), 1908, (267-295). 2543 Schoateden, H. Description de deux Aphides cecidogenes nouveaux. Broteria, Lisboa, 4, 1905, (103-165). 2544 Schouteden, H. Diagnoses y^yC'- liminaires de Pentatomides nouveaux du Congo beige. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Beljrique 52 1908 (308-373). [Htteroptera.] 2Mb Schouteden, H. A new Coleotichus from Samoa. Leiden, Notes Mus. ■Jentink, 29, [1908], (207-208). [Ilctero- ptera.] 2546 Schouteden, H. Notes on the Pentdtomidae {Hemi ptera- Iletero ptera) iH iiaciKOMLia. [Niitzliche Garteninsekten.] Forts, Naturfreund, St. Peterbursr, 3, 3, 1908, (268-287;. 2554 [Schreiner, Ja. Th.] IIIpeiiiiep'B, 51. Kphi;i;oBiiiiKOBUe nii.iH.ibiiuiKn {Nema- ius) II uopboa ct HUMH. [Die Stachel- beerblattwespen (Gait. Aematus) ur.d deren Bekampfunsj.] Plodovoclstvo, St. Peterburg, 1907, (394-404). [Hy- menoptera.] 2555 [Schreiner, Ja. Th.] Illpciiiiep'j., H. O iiOBuii Bpa4b caiiBbi. [. . eia neuer Schiidling der Pflaumenbaume.] Plodovodstvo, St. Peterburg, 1908, 4, (295) 2556 [Schreiner, Ja. Th.] IITpeiinep'b, H. 0. rpyiiicBaa h Hilionnaa .Tii;i,HHiiu,bi (.iHCTOO.ioiUKH) (Psylla) H uopboa Cb HHMii. 2-e Aon. ii3;i. \ Psylla pyricola Forst. et Psylla mali For-'t.. 2-te verm. Aufl.] Trd. B. entom. Ucen. Koni. Gl. Upr. Zeml., St. Peterburg. 5, 5, 1907, (34 +1). 2557 Schreiner, J. Eurytoma sp., ein neuer Feinrl der schwarzen Zwetsche und der Reineclaude. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (26-28). [Hymeno- ptera.] 2558 c 18 114 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Schroder, Christoph. Literatur-, experimentelle unci kritische Studien iiber den Nigrismus und Melanismus insbesondere der Lepidopteren, mit zeichnungsphylogenetischen und se- lektionstheoretisehen Darlegungen ; gleichzeitig eine Entgegnung an Herrn Dr. E. Fischer (Zurich). Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (57-65). 2559 Schroder, C'hr. vide la Baume. Schrottky, C. Die bisher aus Para- guay bekannten Arteo der Bienen- gattungen Epicharis und Hemisia. Zs. Hvmenopter., Teschendorf, 8, 1908, (93- 99, 138-143). [Hymenoptera.] 2560 Schrottky, V. Blumen und Insekten in Paraguay. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (22-26, 43-52, 73-78). 2561 Schtscherbakow, Th. S. Zur Frago vora viergliederigen Tarsus der Blutti- dae und der Regeneration der Fiisse derselben. Biometrika Cambridge 6 1908(311-326). [Orthoptcra.] 2562 Schtscherbakow, Th. Neue Daten zur geographischen Verbreitung von Forficula tomis Kol. und Lubidura riparia pallipes Fabr. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (97-101). [OrtJio- ptera.] 2563 Schubert, Franz. Die Coleopteren- Fauna von Proszuitz und Unigebung. JahrBer. d. deutschen Landes-Ober- realschule zu Prosznitz, 30, 1904-1905. 2564 Schubert, K. Beitrag zur Staphy- linident'auna Ostindiens (West- Hima- laya). D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (609- 625). [Coleoptera] 2565 Schtitze, K. T. Zur Lepidoptcrm- fauna von Kohlfurt. Ent. Zs., Stutt- gart, 21, 1908, (21(i). 2566 [Schugurov, A. M.] IIIyrypoB'i., A. M. l\i. :u-Ain;\,on'T(i]io-ilvdyi\i, Xi;pcon- CKoii iydcpiiin. l.Zur Lcpido pteren- Fauna des Chersoncr Gouvernement.".] Shorn, stufl. biolog. Kruz., Odessa, 1, 1906,(1-48). 2567 [Schugurov, A. M.J lllyrypoiri., A. M. Jloiio.iiiciiic K'l. ciiiiCKy OarjoqcKi, XcpcoiKiKOii rydopiiiii. [Ncuo Bei- triige zur Lepidoplprp.niauna dcs Cher- soncr Gouvernements.] Shorn, stiul. biolog. Kruz., Odessa, 1, 1906, (98- 139, (Icuti-ch. Res. 110 141). 2568 Schugurow, A. M. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren-¥auna, Bess- arabiens. Stettiner ent. Zts;, 70, 1909 [Octr. 1908], (140-145). ^ 2569 Schulthess, A. v. Vespidae. ( In : Wiss. Ergebnisse der Exped. P'ilchner. Bd 10. 't1 1.) Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908. (102- 103). [Hymtnoptem.l 2570 Schulthess-Rechberg, — . Neue Eumeniden aus Japan. Bern Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 11 190S (284-288). [Hymenoptera.} 2571 Schultz, H. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der ('icindfla campestris L. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (139-140). [Coleo- ptera.] 2572 Schultz, Oskar. Zwei neue Formen von Thecia spini Schift. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (222-223). [Lepi- doptera.] 257^ Schultz, Oskar. Zur Biologic von Sphinx lirjustri L. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (232-233). [Lepidopiera.] 2574- Schultz, Oskai-. Abart von Em- melia trabealis Sc. Ent. Zi., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (237). [Lepidoptera.] 2575 Schultz, Oskar. Ueber zwei neue Agrotis-Vovmen. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (246-247). [Lepidoptera.] 2576 Schultz, Oskar. Ueber einige aus Oesterreich stammcnde gynandro- morphe Lepidopteren-FovmGn. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (247-248). 2577 Schultz, Oskar. Neue Formen der Gattung Zerynthia 0. ' {Thais F.> Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (266- 268). [Lepidoptera.} 2578 Schultz, Oskar. Zur Variabilitiit cinigcr Aiten aus den Gattungon J'arari/e Hb. — Aphavtopus Wallgr. — Epinephelc Hb. Ent. Zs., Stutt- gart, 21, 1908, (278-279). [Lepido- ptern.] 257^ Schultz, Oskar. Droi Fiille von Gynandroinorphisnius bei Gonepterix rhamni. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (3-4). [Lepidoptera.] 2580 Schultz, Oskar. Ueber einige scl- tene /iVe^m- Formen. Ent. Zs., Stutt- gart, 22, 1908, (4-5). [Lepidoptera.] 2581 Schultz, Oskar. Ueber die Varia- bilittit von Argynnis daphne Schiif., 115 Jmecta. Titles. 3500 sowic das Auftrotcn von 8trahloiizcich- iiung bi'i aberrativen Erschoininiijen iu ilor Gat tuns Anji/nnis F. Ent. Zs.. Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (38-39 & 30-40). ILepidoptera.] 2582 Schultz. Oskar. Gynandromorphis- nius bi'i oiner Cfiaraxe^-Art. Ent. Zs. , Stuttgart. 22, 1908. (79). [Lepiclo- p/era.] 2583 Schultz, Oskar. Ueber eine ncue Lokalrasse sowie Abart von Zenjnthia (Thais) poli/.roin Schiff. Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 190S. (79-SO). [Lepido- ptcra]] 2584 Schultz, Oskar. Ueber einige Far- bungs- und Zeichnungsanomalien aus flem Genus Melitaea F. Ent. Zs. , Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (90-92). [Lepido- ptera.] 2585 Schultz, Oskar. Xordamerikani- schc P«;;i7('o-Formen. Ent. Zs., Stutt- gart. 22, 1908, (92, 119). [Lepido- ptera.] 2586 Schultz, Oskar. Papilio machaon L. V. fenestrella Cuno (1908) identisch mit /•". m. L. ab. dissoluta Schultz (1900). Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 190S, rU7). [Lepidoptera.^ 2587 Schultz, Oskar. Aglia tau L. ab. i hauderi Schidtz (nova aberratio). Ent. Zs., Stuttgart, 22, 1908, (160-l(il). [Lepidoptera.] 2588 Schultz, 0. Ueber einige Verdun- kelte Le pidopieren-Formen. Soc. en- tomol. Zarich22 1908 (185 &186). 2589 Schultze, A. von. Zur Kenntuis der bi>' jetzt beschriebenen Ceuthorrhyn- chidius- Xvien des palaarktischen Ge- biets. Miinchener Kol. Zs. Miinchen 3 1906-1908(1-10). {Cohoptcra.} 2590 Schultze, Arnold. Drei neue Tag- falter ans Kamerun. Soc. entomol. BerLn 23 1908 (130 & 131). [Lepido- pUra.] 2591 Schultze, W. New and little-known Lipidoptera of the PhLlijjpine islands. Philippine J. Sci., Manila (A. General Science), 3, 1908, (27-39) pi. 2592 Schultze, W. Life histories of some Philippine Cassididae. Philippine J. Sci., Manila (A. General Science), 3, 1908, (261-271) pis. [Cokoptera.] 2593 Schultze, W. Notes on the appear- ance of Sirex juvencv^ Linn in Manila, (N-10332 j) P. I. Philippine J. Sci., Manila (.'\. General Science), 3, 1908, (299). [////- meuoptcra.] 2594 Schultze, \V. Notes on the abun0 M. [Lepidoptfra.] ~ 2629 Seljuzko, L. A. vide Sheljuzhko. L. A. SeloHS, Kdniund. Some obscrvation.s on hutteillics ami hornets (made in France). Zoologist London 19()S (333-341). [Lepidoptem.] 2630 Selous, Frederick Courteney. Note., on the tsetse tiy. [in] African nature notes, chapt. ix pp. 149-177. [Diptera. ] 2631 Selwyn, Percy H. The life history of the hi>iu'V bee (Apis nielli fica). Ot- tawa Nat". 21 190S (205-212). [Hymeno- pUra.] 2632 Semenov - Tian - Shansky, Andreas. Analecta co.Vo/j^ rolotrica. xiv. Rev. russ. ent., tSt. Peterburir, 7, 1907, [1908], (25->-2(;5). ^ 2633 Semenov - Tian - Shansky, Andreas. Cohoptcra nova faunae dzhungaro- tianshanicae. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (115-125). 2634 Semenov - Tian - Shansky, Andreas. Dfnnntoptera nova aut minus cognita. iii. Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburir, 8, 1908, (159-173). 2635 Semenov - Tian - Shansky, A. fTichon S. Tschitscherin.) (11-23 seiitembre 1809- 1 22 ^lars-4 avr. 1904.) Sa vie et son ceuvre (avec por- trait). St. Peterburg, Hon Soc. Ent. Ros.<=. 38 1908 (1-45). 2636 Semichon, L. Note biologique sur le Sphrcophaga vesparum Curtis. Paris. Bui. soc. ent., 1908, (79-81). [Hymcno- ptera.] ' 2637 Sergent, Edm. et Fohy, F. H. Ficvre recunente du Sud-Oranais et Pediculus vestimenti. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (174-176). [Ano- plum.] 2638 Severin, Harry C. a,nd Severin, Henry H. ]'. Anatomical and histological studies of the female reproducti\e organs of the American saw-fly, Cimbex amtricann. Leach. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Columbu."?, Ohio, 1, 190f>, (87- 100) 3 pb. [Uymenophra.] 2639 Severin, Henry H. P. and Sevenn, Harry (,'. M. The internal organs of reproduction of the male saw-fly, Cimbex americana Leach. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Columbus, Ohio, 1, 1908, (190-204) 1 pi. [Hymeno ptera.] 2640 Severin, Harry C. M. v. Severin, Henry H. 1'. Severin, Henry H. P. vide Severin, Harry C. Sharp, David. Insecta. Zool. Rec. London (190«), 1908, 43 (1-455) also Int. Cat. Sci. Lit. 6. 2641 Sharp, David & Scott, Hugh. Colco- ptera iii. Fauna Hawaiiensis 3 part 5, Cambridge 1908 (:}()7-579) pis. xiii- xvi. 2642 Sharp, W. E. The British list. Eat. Rec. London 20 1908 (87-89). [Cohoptcra.] 2643 Sharp, W. E. The Coleoptera of Lancashire and Cheshire. Liverpnol, Rep. Lane. Ent. Soc. 1908 (1-75). 2644 Sheldon, W. G. Notes on some -Vnclalusian butterflies. Entomologist London 41 1908 (212-218 & 239-242). [Lepido ptera.] 2645 Shelford, R. Some new genera and species of Blattidae, with notes on the form of the pronotum in the sub- fa milv Peris phaeriinae. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (157-- 177) pis. ix & X. [Orthoptera.] 2646 Shelford, R. Some new species of Blattidae in the Brussels Museum. Bruxelles Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15 190S (227-236). [Orthoptera.] '2647 Shelford, R. New species of Blatti- dae in the collection of the Deutsche Entomologische National - Museum. D. ent. Zs., Berlin, 1908, (115-131), Tdf. i. [Orthoptera.] 2648 Shelford, R. Aenigmatistes afri- canu-s, a new genus and species of Diptera. London J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 1908 (150-155). pi. xxii. 2649 Shelford, R. On a small collection of Blattidae in the Naturhistorischen Museum zu Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 61, 1908, (27-38), 1 Taf. [Orthoptera.] 2650 Shelford, R. Orthoptera Fam. Blattidae subfam. Phyllodromiinae. Wyt.sman Genera insectorum fasc. 73 1908 (1-29) pis. i & ii. 2651 Shelford, R. Orthoptera Fam. Blattidae, subfam. Nyctihorinae. Wyts- man Genera insectorum fasc. 74 1908 (1-5) 1 pi. 2652 Shelford, R. vide Bruncr, L. 118 Insecta. xn. Insecta. [1908] [Sheljuzhko, L. A.] IIIe.7io;KKO, JI. A. HicKO.lbKO HOBUXT. (J)OpM'b Heiuje- KpujibiXTj. [Quelques formes nou- veUes de Lepidopteres.] Rev. russ, ent., St. Peterburg, 7, 1907, [1908], (232-234). 2653 Sherman, Franklin, jiin. The San Jose scale : A brief popular account of a notorious insect pest, with a state- ment of its present recorded status in North Carolina. Chapel HUl, N.C., J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc, 24, 1908, (52-59). [Coccidae.] 2654 Sherman, Franklin, jun. The Panorpidae (Scorpion-flies) of North Carolina, with notes on the species. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (50-54). [yeuroptera.] 2655 Sherman, Franklin, jun. Notes on tiger- beetles and elevations. Ent. News, Philahelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (360-362). [Coleoptern.] 2656 Sherman, F., jun. vide Brimley, C. S. Shipley, A. E. Rats and their animal parasites. J. econ. Biol. London 3 1908 (61-83). 2657 Shiraki, Tokuichi vide Matsumura, Shonen. Sicard, A. Revision des Coccinel- iides de la faune malgache. Paris, Ann. soc. ent., 76. 1907. [1908], (425- 482). [Coleoptera.] 2658 Sicard, Henri. Sur un nouveau para- site de la Pyrale de la Vigne. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (941-943), [Lepidoptera.] 2659 Sich, Alfred. Notes on the life- history of Nepticula acetosae Stt. Ent. Rec. London 20 1908 (248-252). [Lepidoptera.] 2660 Sich, Alfred. Rhopalocera in the Taunus hills. London Proc. S. Lond. p:nt. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1907-08 (8-11). [Lepidoptera.] 2661 Sich, Alfred. House moths. London Proc. S. Lond. ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1908-09 (7-10). [Lepidoptera.] 2662 Sicherer, — . Die Entwicklung des Arthropodenaucrcs. Miinchen, SitzRer. 4jes. Morph., 24, 1908, (23-i2), 6 Taf. 2663 Siegel, A. Die Zucht von Taenia- cam pa opima Hb. Intern, ent. Zs., Cluben, 2, 1908, (45). [Lepidoptera.] 2664 Siegel, A. Eine Eizucht von Co- macla senex Hb. Intern, ent. Zs. Guben, 2, 1908, (50-51). [Lepidoptera.^ 2665 Siegel, A. Eizucht von Agrotis ypsilon Hufn. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (236). [Lepidoptera.] 2666 [Silantjev, A. A.] OH.iaHTbeBi,, A. A. Stromatium unicolor 01., 0J|,H0- niBliTHuii luii ])Li;KBaTbiH ycait, Bpe;iH- rejib ;i,epeBHHHbix'b ii3A'b.iiH bt, 3aKaB- KasbH. [Stromatium unicolor 01., longicorne nuisible aux meubles et ustensiles en bois en Transcaucasie.] St. Peterburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ., 38, 1907-1908, (184-282). [Coleoptera.'] 2667 Silfvenius, A. J. Zur Kenntnis der Tricho pterenisbuna. von Tvarminne. Festschrift fiir Palmen. No. 14, Hel- singfors 1905 (1-31). 2668 (Silfvenius, A. J. Ein Fall von Schadlichkeit der Trichopterevl&Tven. F. Forstforen. Medd., Helsingfors, 20, 1904, (136-139) Fig. ; Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 29, 1904, (54-57).) 2669 Silfvenius, A. J. Vesihyonteisten munienlaskemisesta. [Uber die Ei- ablage der Wasserinsekten.] Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 10, 1906, (65-73). 2670 Siltala, A. J. Zur Trichopteren- fauua von Savolax. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn., 29, No. 4, 1906-1908, (1-14). 2672 Siltala, A. J. tjber die Nahrung der Trichopteren. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 29, No. 5, 1906- 1908, (1-34). 2673 Siltala, A. J. Zur Trichopteren- fauna der nordlichen Fenno-Skandia. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 31, No. 2, 1908-1909, (1-19), 2 Taf. 2674 Siltala, A. J. Beitrage zur Meta- morphose der Trichopteren ii. Hel- singfors, Acta Soc. Fauna ct Fl. Fenn., 31, No. 3, 1908-1909, (1-26). 2675 Silvestri, F. Quelques formes nou- vclles do la faniille des Machilides. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.), Paris, (s6r. 9), 6,1908,(360-370). [Thijsanura.] 2676 119 Inseda. Titles. 3500 Silvestri. F. Liste des Japygidae *\o la collection tlu Museum d'Histoire iiaturelle avec description de deux especes nouvelles et il'une espece peu connue. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool. ), Paris, (ser. 9). 7, 1908, (lol-157). [Thysa- nuru.] 2677 Silvestri, F. Thysanoures. (Col- lections reoueilles p ir M.Maurice do Kothscliild dans le Afri(|ue orientale.) Bui. Museum, Paris. 1907, (513-517). 2678 Silvestri, F. Descrizione di una nuova specie de Mnrgarodes avente la prima forma larvale bipeda. Fi- renze. Boll. Soc. Entom., 38, (190G), 1908, (140-152). ICoccidae.] 2679 Silvestri, F. Tisanuri raccolti da L. Fea alle Isole del Capo Verde, alia (.tuinea Portoghese e alle Isole S. Thome. Principe e Fernando Po. Ge- nova Ann. Museo. Civ. st. nat. 44 1908 (134-187). 2680 Silvestri, F. Archiptera. i. Termi- iidae. [In: L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergebnisse e. Forschungs- reise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg i.] Jena. Denkschr. nied. Ges., 13, 1908, <69-82). 3 Taf. 2681 Silvestri, F. Thysanura. [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. anthrop. Ergeb- nisse e. Forschungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Oes., 13, 1908, (291-300,) 7 Taf. 2682 Silvestri, F. Generazioni deUa mosca delle olive (Dacus oleae). Portici, BoU. Lab. Zool. 2, 1908, (13-17). [Diptera.] 2683 Silvestri, F. La tignola deU'olivo ^ Prays olellus Fabr.). Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (83-184). [Lepido- jttera & Hymenoptera.] 2684 Silvestri, F. Descrizione e prime notizie biologiche dell'Ecofiilembio dell'Olivo (Oecophyllembius neglectus), nuovo genere di Lepidotteri minatore alio stato di larva delle foglie del- I'olivo. Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (194-216). 2685 Silvestri, Filippo. Materiali per lo i'^ud'iodiii Tisanuri. viii. Nuove specie 'li Lepisma dell' Africa settentrionale. Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (359- 365). 2686 Silvestri, Filippo. Materiali j)er lo studio dei Tisanuri. ix. Nuovi generi e specie di Lepismidae mirmecotile e termitofile. Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (366-381). 2687 Silvestri, Filippo. Materiali per lo studio dei Tisanuri. x. Su alcuni Tisanuri di Corfu. Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (381-393), 6 lig. 2688 Silvestri, Filippo. Materiali per lo studio (U'i Tisanuri. xi. Elcnco delle specie di Japygidae fino ad ora trovate in Italia con descrizione di una specie ed una varieta nuove. Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (393-396). 2689 Silvestri, F. Descrizione e cenni biologici di una nuova specie di Asphon- dylia dannosa al lupino. Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3 1908 (1-11). [Di- ptera.] 2690 Silvestri, F. Appunti suUa Pro- spalta herlesei How. e specialmente sui prinii stati del suo svilujjpo. Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3 1908 (22-28). [//?/- menopteru.] 2691 Silvestri, F. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza biologica degli ImenoUeri parassiti ii-iv. Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3 1908 (29-86) 2 pis. 2692 Silvestri, Filippo. Coleotteri esotici [Cocci nellidae] introdotti in Italia. Riv. coleotter. ital., Camerino, 6, 1908, (242-243). 2693 Silvestri, Filippo. Emhiidoe. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 15, 3, 1908, (41-42) with pi. vi). 2694 Silvestri, Filippo. Thysanura. in : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 18, 2, 1908, (11-14) pis. ii-iii. 2695 Silvestri, F. Thysanura. (Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, hrsg. v. W. Michaelsen und R. Hartmeyer. Bd 2, Lfg. 4.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (47-68) 10 Taf. 2697 Silvestri, F. e Martelli, G. La cocciniglia del iico {Crroplastes ruaci L.). Portici, Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (297-358). [Coccidae.] 2698 Silvestri, F., Martelli, G., Masi, L. Sugli I menolteri parassiti ectofagi della mosca delle olive (Dacus oleae) fino ad ora osservati nell'Italia meri- dionale e suUa loro importanza nel 120 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] combattere la mosca stessa. Portici. Boll. Lab. Zool., 2, 1908, (18-82). 2699 Simpson, C. B. Entomological notes from the Transvaal. Washington Proe. ent. Soc. 9 (1907) 1908 (20-22). 2700 [Sinesrab, S.] CiiHeryf)-!., C. Ea- fioiKH Poccin. Bun. I. ^HesHbia oa- 6o»iKii, cjMepeHHiinH n 5pa;KHiiKii. [Die Schmetterlinge Europa's. Lief. 1. Hhopaloccra, Hesperidae unci Sphin- gidaeJ Moskva, 1908, (139 +3-^1) 4 Taf. IS cm. 0,40 Rub. 2701 Sinety, R. de vide Pantel, J. [Siriajev, X. X.] ZHnpacBi.. H. H. PyKOBo;icTBO kt, cooiipaHiio n co- xpaneHlK) HactKOMbixt, cocraB.ieHiioe no K. B. Penan. '2-e nsj. [Anleitung zum Sammeln unci Konsen-ieren der Insekten. nach C. V. Riley.] 2-te Aufl. St. Peterburg [A. F. Devrieutl, 1908, (viii ~ 1 -f 154). 20 cm. 2702 Sjortedt, Yngve. Oestridne. In : Sjostedts Kilimandiaro-Meru Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 10, 2. 1908, (11-27) pis. i-ii. \Diptern.] 2703 Sjostedt, Yngve. Akaziengallen unci Ameisen auf den Ostafrikanischen Steppen. Biologische Studien. In : Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-ileru Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 8, 4, 1908, (97-118) ])ls. vi-viii. 2704 Skala, H. Wieder einiges iiber Mclitaea didi/ma O. Ent. Zs., .Stutt- gart. 21, 1908, (237-238. 208); Be- richtigung dazu v. M. GiUmer. i.e. (244).^ [Lepidoptera.] 2705 Skala, H. Colia-i chn/.'^otheme Esp. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, -'l, 1908, (344). [Lepidoptera.] 2706 Skinner, Henry. A new variety of Pnpilio philenor. Ent. Xews, Phila- delphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (149). [Lepido- ptera.] 2707 [Skorikov, A. S.] C'KOpnKOBT.. A. (". HoBiJsi i|)opMiJ \m\e.-Hin i Bombidfie). [Xeue Hummelformen (Bomhidne].] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg. 7, 2-3. 1907 [1908]. (111-113). [Hymrvn. ptera.] 2708 Skrozki. Fliegenlarven in der mcnsehlichcn Haut. Arch. SchifTshvg.. Leip.'.ig. 12, 1908, (441). [Diptern.\ 2709 Slevogt, B. X'och einmal : A poria rrritari/i h. P^nt. Wcjchcnbl., Leipzig. 25, 1908, ((iO-01). [Lepidoptera.] 2710 Slevogt, B. Eine bnltischc X^euheit. {Larentia fluviata Hb.) Ent. Wochenbl.. Leipzig, 25, 1908, ((35). [Lepidoptera.} 2711 Slingerland, M. V. Insect pests and plant-diseases. Agric. Exp. Sta. Gomcll Univ. Bull. Ithaca Xo. 252 1908 (334-3(33). 2712 Slingerland, ^I. ^'. Must the calyx cup be liUed ? J. Econ. Ent.. Con- cord. X. H.. 1, 1908, (352-354) pi. [Lepidoptera.] 2713 SlossDn, Annie Trumbull. A bit of contemporary histor^^ Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (213-219) pis. vi & vii : correction (255). [Cohoptera.] 2714 Slos33n, Annie Trumbull. A hunt for S ildoida Osborn. Ent. X'ews, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (424-428). 2715 [Smirnov, D. A.] CMnpnoBTb, ^. A. Oo3om> pasHOBUjnocTeii Xecrophorus vespilloides Herbst. [Revue des varictes de Xecrophorus vespilloides Herbst.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peter- burg, 8, 1908, (42-43, deutsch. Res. 43).^ [Cohoptera.] 2716 [Smirnov, E. I.] CMnpnoBT,, E. II. Oii.io.ioTBopeide Mo.ioji.ixt MaroKi,. [Ueber die Befruchtung junger Bieuen- koniginnen.] Russ. pcelovod. listok, St. Peterburg. 23, 1908, (32G--329). [Hymeno ptera.] 2717 Smith, Harry S. A new MeUinus. Ent. Xews. Philadelphia, Pa.. 19, 19(tS, (299-300). [Hymeno ptera.] 2718 Smith, Harry Scott. The Sphegoidca of Xebraska. Lincoln, Xebr., Univ. Stud., 8, 1908, (323-410), 1 pi. [Hy- 7nf no ptera.] 2719 Smith, J. B. Report of the entomo- logical department of the Xew Jersey agricultural college ex])eriment station Xew Brunswick X. J. for the year 1907. Trenton N. J. 1908 (i-iv + 560 pp.). 2720 Smith, J. B. The house mosriuito, a city, town and village problem. Agric. Ex]). Sta. Xew Jersey Xew Brunswick Bull. 216. [Diptera.] 2721 Smith, John B. Notes on the species of /{/lynclur/rotis Sm., with descrip- tions of new species. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (221-228 & 280-288). [Lepidoptera.] 2722 ll'l Insecla. Titles. 3500 Smith, John B. Notes on the larval habits of Ciiler pcrturbans. Eiit. News. Philadelphia. Pa.. 19, 190S, (22- 2."i). pis. iii & iv. [Diptera.] 2723 Smith, John B. Notes on some Cecropia cocoons & parasites. J. Econ. Ent., Concord. N. H., 1, 190S, (293- 297). [Ili/mcnoptera.] 2724 Smith, John B. New spccijs of Xoctuiddc for 1908. 1. With notes on Charadra, Raphia and Pseuda- narta. New York, N.Y., J. Ent- Soc, 16, 1908, (79-98). [Lepido- ptera.] 2725 Smith, John B. New species and genera of the hpidopterous famih^ Soctitidae for 1907. Part 2. New York. N.Y., Ann. Acad. Sci., 18, 1908. (91-127). 2726 Smith, J. B. Notes on the species of Phaeoci/»ui found in Canada. Ot- tawa Nat., 22 1908 (133-135). Additional notes to the above paper by Arthur Gibson, t.c. (135 & 136). [Lepido ptera.] 2727 Smith, John B. A revision of some species of Xoctuidae heretofore referred to the genus Homoptera Boisduval. AVashington. D.C., Smith.sonan Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, No. 1645, 35, 19(»8, (209-275), pis. xxxi-xxxv. [Lepido ptera.] 2728 Smith, Ruby Green vide Kellogg, X. Smreczynski, S. Zbior pluskwiakow Dra .Staiiislawa Zarijcznego. [La collection d'' Hemiptcres de M. le dr. Stanislas Zar^cznv.] Krakow. Spraw. Kom. tizvogr., 40] 1907, (II. 46-72). 2729 Smreczynski, S. Wykaz pluskwia- kow nowych dla fauny galicyjskicj. [Les Hemipt'i-res nouveaux de la faune de la (ialicie.] Krakow. Spraw. Kom. fizj'OLT., 40, 1907, (11. 72-79). 2730 Smyth, Ellison A., jun. Two freaks: — Papilio ajax and Eudatnu-s tityrus. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (191-192) pi. [Lepidoptera.]. 2731 Smyth, Eugene G. Notes on col- lecting Cicindelidae. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (452-432). [Coleo ptera.] 2732 Smyth, Eugene G. Notes on col- lecting Cicindelidae.— 2. Topeka, Trans. Kan.s. Acad. Sci., 21, Pt. 1, 190«, (180-188). [Coleoptera.] 2733 Smyth, Lumina C. Riddle. Occur- rence of Podagrion mantis in the eggs of the common mantis. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 21, Pt. 1, 190H (178-179). [Hymeno ptera.] 2734^ Snellen, P. C. T. Aanteekeningen over Neilerlandsche Lepidoptera. f Be- merkungen iibcr niederlandi.sche Lepi- doptera.] 's (iravenhage, Tijdschr. Ent.. 51, [1908], (14-24). 2735 Snellen, P. C. T. Batrachedra myrmecophila Snell. nov. spec. (Hol- liindisch) 's Gravenhage, Tijdschr, Ent., 51, [1908], (181-184), 1 Taf. [Lepidoptera.] 2736 Snodgrass, R. E. A comparative study of the thorax in Orthuptrra, Euplexoptera and Coleoptera. Wash- iu'jcton, U.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 9, (19(17), 1908, (95-108), pis. ii-v. 273T Snow, F. H. Some results of the University of Kansas entomological expeditions to Galveston and Browns- ville, Tex., in 1904 and 1905. Tojjeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Pt. 1, 1908, (136-154 & 155-181). 2738 Snow, F. H. Results of the entomo- logical collecting expedition of the University of Kansas to Pima county, Arizona, in June and July. 1906. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (140-164). 2739 Snow, F. H. List of species of Hymenoptera collected in Arizona by the University of Kan.sas entomological expeditions of 1902, 1903. 1904, 1905,. and 1906. Topeka. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (127-139). 2740 Snow, F. H. List of Coleoptera collected in New Mexico by the ento- mological expeditions of the Univer- sity of Kansas. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (165-189). 2741 Snyder, Howard Austen. Color and environment. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (147-149). [Hymeno- ptera. ] 2742 Sofer, L. L^eber die Uebcrtragung von Krankheiten durch insekten. Ther. Monatshefte, Berlin, 22, J 908, (192-197). 2743 Sokolar, Fr. Die Farbung der Ober- seite unserer C'arabini. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (22-27). [Coleo- ptera.] 2744- ]22 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Sokolar, Fr. Cardbus ullricJii Germ. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (172- 176, 194-200). iColeoptera.] 2745 Sokoldr, Fr. Das Reinigen der Kafer und manches, was damit zu- sammenhangt. Ent. Wochenbl., Leip- zig, 25, 1908, (3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 16, 19-20). [Cokoptera.] 2746 Sokolar, Fr. Unsere Cicindelen. Ent. Wochenbl.. Leipzig, 25, 1908, /121-122, 125). \Coleoptera.] 2747 Solowiow, Paul. Kleine lepidoptero- logische Beraerkungen. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin. 4, 1908, (267- 268, 309-310). 2748 Solowiow, Paul. Experimente niit den Puppen Vanessa to L. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (345- 346). [Lepidoptera.] 2749 Solowiow, Paul. Zur experimenteUen Pathologic der Lepidopteren. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, (469- 470). 2750 [Sopociko, Ar.] ConoubKO, Ap. SO.iOHHHH itB'bT0t3,i, (Anthonomus pomorum) ii Mipbi oopbou ct HiiMt. [Der Apfelbliithenstecher {Anthono- mus pomorum).] Choziaistvo, Kiev, 3, 1908, (868-872). [Coleoptera.] 2751 Soul, F. Cas de myase intestinale simulant une ficvre typhoide. Paris, Bui. soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (374- 377). [Dipiera.] 2752 South, Richard. The moths of the British isles. 2. London, 1908, 12mo. (vi + 370) 159 pis. [Lepidoptera.] 2753 Speiser, P. Dipteren aus Deutsch- lands afrikanischen Kolonien. Ber- liner ent. Zs.,52, (1907), 1908,(127-149). 2754 Speiser, P[aul]. Notizen iiber Ily- ^menopteren. Danzig, Schr. natf. Ges., K.F.), 12, H. 2, 1908, (31-57). 2755 Speiser, P[aul]. Die Diptereng&t- tung Volucp.lla in Deutschland. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, 1908, (103-167). 2756 Speiser, P. Fine seltenc Fliego vom Brockttn. Ent. Wochenbl., Lcij)zig, 25, 1908, (175-176). [Diptera.] 2757 Speiser, P. Fine neue blutsaugende riiege aus Annam. Zool. Anz., Leip- zig, 33, 1908, (666-668). [Diptera.] 2758 Speiser, P. Neuere Arbeiten iiber blutsaugende und Krankheiten iiber- tragende Insekten. Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol., Berlin, 3, 1908, (388-395). 2759 Speiser, P. Die geographische Ver- breitung der Diptera pupipara und ihre Phvlogenie. Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol., Berlin. 4, 1908, (241-246, 301-305, 420-427, 437-447). 2760 Speiser, P. Die Diptera pupipara der madagassisch-maskarenischen Re- gion. [In : Reise in Ostafrika v. A. ^'oeltzkow, Bd 2.] Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1908, (199-205). 2761 Speiser, P[aul]. Diptera pupipara (Hippohoscidae). [In : L. Schultze, Zool. u. athrop. Ergebnisse e. For- schungsreise in Siidafrika. Bd 1, Ffg 1.] Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 13, 1908, (175-178). 2762 Spengel, J. W. Die Variation der Fliigelzeichnung bei Papilio machaon und den damit niichstverwandten Arten. Kurzer Bericht. Bonn, Verb, nathist. Ver., 65, (1908), 1909, (105- 107). [Lepidoptera.] 2763 Splendore, Alfonso. Contribuzione alio studio deUe miasi ; nuove specie di mosca antropofaga e caso di miasi intestinale verificati in Sao Paulo (Brasile). Arch, parasit., Paris, 12, 1908, (287-299). 2764 Spormann, Karl. Die im nordwest- lichen Neuvorpommern bisher beob- achteten Grossschmetterlinge mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der naheren Umgegend Stralsunds. Ein Beitrag zur Makrolepidopterenia.una Pommerns. Tl. 1 : Die Rhopalocercn und Heteroceren ausser den Geome- triden. (Jahresber d. Gymnasiums zu Stralsund. Ostern 1907.) Stralsund (Druckd. Kgl. Regierungs-Buchdruck.), 1907, (1-56). 25 cm. ^ 2765 Spuler, Arnold. Die Schmetterlinge Europas. 3 Aufl. von E. Hofmanns gleichnamigeni Werke. Lfg 38 '. Stutt- gart (E. Schweizerbart), [1906-1908], 329-385, A-D, xvii-cxxviii). 30 cm. [Lepidoptera.] 2766 Srdinko, J. Ein Beitrag zur Natur- geschichte von Selenephera lunigera Esp. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 190.S, (18-20). [Lepidoptera.] 2767 Srdinko, J. Ein Beitrag zur Bioloiiie von Agrotis margaritacea ViUiers. In- l?;i Inlieation No. 103), 1908, (43-59) 3 p!s. [OrtJioptera.] 2812 Stock], August. Motyle (Lepido- pt( ra) rzadszc i nowc, zebra nc w latach 1903 do 1907 w okolicach Lwowa, 12') Insecla, Titles. 3500 .lauow.a, Zolkwi. Mikuliczyua. Zako- panego. [Ltpidoptirts rires ou uou- veau.v, rcciieillis en 1W3-1907 ai.x environs tie Leojxil, Janow, Zolkicw, Mikiiliczvn et de Zakopane.] Kosnio.s, Lwow. 33. 1908, .2S7-3C2). 2813 Storm, \'. Lidt om fluenc, tleros bvgning og levevis. [Ucbcr die 1 liegen, ihre Anatomic und Biolouie.[ Bergen, Natiiren. 32, (1908), (353-362). 2814 Strau«, I. Ueber das Aorkomnien einiger Kohleydratfermente bei Lej.ido- phnn und Ih'pteren in vereehiedenen Entwicklunirsstadien. Zs. Biol., ^liin- chen, 52, 19<.)8, (95-10(3). 2815 [Strelicov, I. I.] Cxpij-ibnoBi., II. II. llyaaTLitt ;io.iroHOCHK'i. (Otio- rhynchys liijuslici L. ) [Der Xaschcr (Otiorhynchus Ugustici L.)]. Choziaj- stvo, Kiev. 2, 1907, (1267-12G9). [Cokoptera.] 2816 Strohl, .Johannes. Die Copulation.s- anhange der solitaren Apiden und die Artentstehung durch ..physiologische Isolierung". Zool. Jahrb., Sena, Abt. f. Syst., 26, 1908, (333-384) 3 Taf. \_Hym(noptera.] 2817 Strohmayer. Stauropus fagi an Li- guster. Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig, 17, HiOS. (145) [Lepidoptera.] ^ 2818 Strohmeyer. Mditaea maturna. Ent Jahrb.. L-ipzig, 17, 1908, (118). [Le- pidoptera.] " 2819 Strohmeyer. Xeue Borkenkafer (Ipidat) aus dem westliehen Himalaya, Japan und Sumatra. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 27, 1908, (69-70, 72-73). IColeoptera.] 2820 Strohmeyer. Beschreibung zweier neuer Borkenkafer (Ipidae) aus dem we.stilchen Himalaya unrl des Scoly- toplatypus Jiaja Blandford. Ent. Wochenbl., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (Hil). [Cokoptera.] " 2821 Sossmath, Paul. Xoch einmal merk- wiirdige Raupen von Sphinx ligustri. Ent. Z^.. Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (271-272). [Lepidohtern.] ' 2822 LSugurov, A. M.] IIIyiTiJOBi,, A. M. llpejBapiiTe.ii.H[jii ooaopt EBpasi- aicKHX'b 811,108^ po;ia Gampsockis Fieb. [Synopsis praecur.soria speeierum Eurasiaticarum generis Gampsockis Fieb.] Ode.s.sa, Mem. soc. nat., 31. 19(»8, (183-195) [Russ. & lat. i [Ortho- pttra.\ ' 2823 Sale, Karel, Toward-s the better knowledge of the genus Lecanium. Ent. Mag. London 44 1908 (36). [Cocci- d(u.] 2824 Sumakow, G. G. Ein neuer Corigetus von Turkestan. Entomol. Ztg, W'ien, 27, IflOS, (162). [Cokoptera.] 2825 [Sumakow, G. G.] CyjiaKOBT., T. Y. Mari'pia.iiJ ,vi3 (l^ayiiu BO.tnux'b iicy- KOBi. osL'p-h Jliii|).iHii;ici:oii ryuepiiiii. [ Be itriige zur Fauna der Wa.s.scrkiifer der Livliindischen Seen.] Jurjev, Sitzb. Xatuif. Cies., 16, 3, 1907, [19(I8J. (1-7, ru.-s. & deutsch). [Cokoptera.] 2826 (Sumakov, G. G.] CystaKOBb, V. V. HoBbiii BiU'b po;ia Steropes Stev. | L'ne espece nouvelle du genre ^Steropes Stev.] Pvcv. Russ. ent.. St. Peterburg. 8, 1908, 033-134, deutsch 134). [Cokoptera.] 2827 Sundvik, Ernst Edv. Biologiska iakttagelser i afseende a humlorna. [Biologische Beobachtungen an Hum- meln]. Helsingfors. Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (131-137, deutsches Ref. 207-208). [Hymrno- ptera.] 2828 Sundvik, Ernst Edw. Ueber das Wachs der Hummeln. 2. Mitt. P.sylla- alkohol, ein Bestandteil des Hummel- wachses. Hoppe-Se3ders Zs. phypiol. Chem., Strassburg, 53, 1907, (365-369). [Hymenoptera.] 2829 Sundvik, Ernst Edw. Ueber das Psyllawachs. 4. Mitt. Die Psyllasaure und einige ihrer Salze. Hoppe-Seylers Zs. physiol. Chem., Strassburg, 54 1908, f255-257). [Homoptera.] 2830 Surcouf, Jacques. ^'' note sur les Tabariides du Mu.see royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (122-124). [Divtera.] 2831 Surcouf, Jacques. Description de Dipt'-res jjiqueurs africairs. Taba- nides du genre Ilaematopota. Bui. Museum, Paris 1908, (153-160). [Di- ptera.] 2832 Surcouf, Jacque?. Description d'un Tabanide (Haemaiopoia) d'Abyssinie. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (224-225). [Diptera.] 2833 Surcouf, Jacques. Note sur les Ta- banides [Pangonia) de la collection du Museum. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908) (225-227). [Diptera.] 2834 1 20 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Surcouf, Jacques. Catalogue des Dipteres Tabanides du Musee de Madriil. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (227-228). [Diptera.] 2835 Surcouf, J. Sur une nouvelle division des Tabanides du genre Pangonia. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (282-285). \Di- ptera.] 2836 Surcouf. Dipteres. In : Mission Chari Lac Tchad. (1902-1904). Appendice. Paris (Challamel), 1908, (710-711). 2837 Surcouf, Jacques et Picard, F. Note sur les Dipteres du genre Stomoxys en Abvssinie. Paris, Bull. Soc. path, exot., 1, 1908, (195-198). 2838 Surcouf, Jacques et Roubaud, E. Ta- banides recueillis au Congo franyais par la Mission d' etude de la maladie du sommeil. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (221-224). \Diptcra.] 2839 Surcouf vide Martin, Joanny. Susuki, Mumetaro. Sakusan tensan kurimushi no kwagakuteki sosei ni tsuite. [On the chemical analysis of the filaments obtained ivovaSaturnia pernyi, pamamai and CaHgula japonica.] Tok- 3'o, Nip. Sanshi Kw. Ho., 195^, 1908. (2-7). [Lepidoptera.] 2840 Swenk, Myron Harmon. Specific characters in the bee genus Colletes. Lincoln, Nebr., L'niv. Stud., 8, 1908, (43-00) pi. [Hymenoptera.] 2841 Swett, L. W. Geometrid notes, with descriptions of new species. Canad. Ento. London (Can.) 40 1908 (245-247). [Lepidoptera.] 2842 Swett, L. W. Packard's Eui:)ithccias. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (196-197). [Lepidoptera.] 2843 Swezey, Otto H. Some experiments in breeding Spodoptera mauritia Boisd. for color variation. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc, 1, 1908, (lU()-l(i7). [Lepidoptera.] 2844 Swezey, Otto H. Life history of Caradriria reclusa Walker. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (3-5). [Lepidoptera.] 2845 Swezey, Otto H. Observations on the life-history of C haeto'jaedia monticola. Bigot. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii. ]']tit. Soc, 2, 1908, (7-9). [Diptera.] 2846 Swezey, Otto H. Nymph of Dictyo- phorodelphux rnirahilis Swezey. Hono- lulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 19(»8, (2). [Homoptera.] 2847 Swezey, Otto H. The younger stages of Sesodryas freycinetiae Kirkaldy. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (13-14). [Homoptera.] 284S Swezey, Otto H. Life history notes on two variable tortricids. Honolulu. Proc Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (14- 16). [Lepidoptera.] 2849 Swezey, Otto H. Further notes on Melittobia hnwaiiensis Perkins. Hono- lulu, Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (17-18). [Hymenoptera.] 2850 Swezey, Otto H. On peculiar devia- tions from uniformity of habit among chalcids and proctotrupids. Honolulu, Proc Hawaii. Ent. Soc, 2, 1908, (18- 22). [Hymenoptera.] 2851 Swinhoe, C. New Eastern Lepido- ptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1 1908 (60-68). 2852 Swinhoe, C. On the species of Hes- peridae from the indo-Malayan and African regions, described by Herr Plotz, with descriptions of some new species. London Trans, ent. Soc 1908 (1-36) pis. i-iii. [Lepidoptera.} 2853 Swinton, A. H The family tree of moths and butterflies traced in their organs of sense. Soc entomol. Berlin 23 1908 (99-101, 114-110, 124-126, 131, 132 & 140). [Lepidoptera.] 2854 Swinton, A. H. The vocal and instru- mental music of insects. Zoologist London 1908 (376-389). 2855 Sz6pligeti, V. Braconiden aus der Samnilung des ungarischen National- Museums, ii. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 6, 1908, (397- 427). [Hymenoptera.] 2856 Sz-ipligeti, (iy. E. Jacobson'sche Hymenopteren aus Semarang (Java), Evaniidcn, Braconiden und Ichneu- moniden. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jcntink. 29, 11908], (209-2(,0). 2857 Sz6pligeti, (jly. liraeonidae und Ichneumonidae. In : Sjostedts Kili- mandjaro-Meru Expedition, Uppsala, 8, 3, 1908, (25-95) pis. iii-v. [Hytnenc pte.ra. ] 2858 Sz^pligeti, Cy. Braconidae und Jch- neuinonidue. (Die Fauna Siidwest- Australiens, hrsg. v. W. Michaeisen u. ll'T Iiijsecta. Titles. 3500 R. Hart mover. Bel 1, Lfi: 9.) Joun (G. Fischer), 190S, (317-324) 1 Taf. [Hi/iiienoptera.] 2859 Szulczewski, A. Verzeichuis tier bei Janowitz iui Kreise Zniu gefaugeueu Waiizeu. Posen. Zs. L). Ges., W'iss., iiatw. Abt., 15, 1908, (35-3^^). [Hetero- picru.l 2860 Takahashi, Isejiro. Kaiko uo chosa. [Researches ou the varieties of silk- worms.] fcsanji Hokoku [Sericultural report], Tokyo, 34, 190X, (i 70). [Lc- pidoptera.] 2861 Takahashi, Isejiro. Sanshi nokeiikyn- [On the dtvelopmeiU of the wings of Bombi/x tnori.\ Sanji Hokoku [Seri- cultur.kl report), Tokyo, 34, 1908, (107- 122) .") pis. [Lepidoptera.] 2862 Tandy, M. The carpenter mud wasp {llonobia quadridens). Ent. New.s, PhUadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, (231-232). [Uymenopttra.] 2863 [Tarnani, I. K.] Tapnami, I. K. Ils'b ;kii31iii OLiHaiharo OBO,'ta [Hypo- derma bo vis De G. ) [Aus dem Leben der Rinderbiesfliege {Hypodenna hovis De G.).J Jestestv. i geogr., Moskva, 13, 10, 190!^. (50-60) IDiptera.] 2864 [Tarnani, I. K.] Tapiiaiiii, I. K. Kt. BOupocy 0 CB-tqeHiu Chironomus Meig. [Contribution a la question sur la photo- genese chez les Chironomus Meig.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (87- 88). [Diptera.] 2865 Tarnani, I. K. vide Adelung, N. N. Tarnani, I. K. vide Kiriccnko, N. (Tavares, Joaquim da Silva. As Zoocecidias Portuguegas. [Les Zooceci- dies Portugaises.] Addenda. Broteria, Lisboa, 1, 1902, (3-48).) 2866 (Tavares, J. S. Zoocecidias dos Suburbios de Vienna d'Auistria. [Zoo- cecidies des environs de Vienne en Autriche]. Broteria, Lisboa, 1, 1902, (77-93).) 2867 (Tavares, J. S. Zoocecidias no- vas para a fauna portugueza. [Zoo- cecidies nouvelles pour la faune por- tugai.^ej. Broteria, Lisboa, 2, 1903, (160-179).) 2868 (Tavares, J. S. Primeira contri- bui^iio para o estudo das Zoocecidias da ilha da Madeira. [Premiere Contri- bution a I'etude des zoocecidies de i'ile de Mailero.] Broteria, Lisboa, 2, 1903. (I79-1SU).) 2869 Tavares, J. S. Contributio prima ad eognitionem cecidologiae regionis Zambeziae. Broteria, Lisboa, 7, 190P, (ser. zool.) (133-173) Tab. 2870 Taylor, E. P. Life history notes and control of the green peacli aphis, Myzus persicae. J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N. H., 1,1908,(83-91). lAphidae.] 2871 Taylor, E. P. vide Gillette, C. P. Taylor, (!. W. Notes on the Lejndo- ptcra of Kaslo B.C., with descriptions of seven new sjiecies. Canad. Ento. Lon- don (Can ) 40 1908 (54-00 & 98-100). 2872 Teich, C. A. Le pido pterologi^chc Notizen. Riga, Korr.-blt. Natuif. Ver., 51, 1908, (37-40). 2873 Tepper, J. G. Otto. The ])reserva- tion of sj^ecimens in Australian Museums, London J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 30 190-3 (155- 150). 2874 Terry, F. W. Note? on the life-bistory of an endemic hemerobiid {Nesomicro- mus vayus Perk.) Honolulu, Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc, 1, 1908, (174-175). [Xeuroptera.] 2875' Theobald, Fred. V. Notes on some Transvaal mosquitoes. Entomologist London 41 1908 (106-109). [Diptera.]. 287& Theobald, Fred. V. First report on the collection of Culicidae and Core- thridae in the Indian Museum, Calcutta,, with descriptions of new genera and species. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2,. pt 3, 1908, (287-302). [Diptera.] 2877 Theobald, Fred. V. Report on econo- mic zoology for the year ending April Lst, 1908. .J. S. Eastern Agric. Coll. Wye 17 1908 (G5-183) 24 pis. 287& Th^ry, Andre. Etude sur les Jiupre- stide-s. Bruxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52 1908 (1:8-81). [Coleo ptera.} ^ ^ 2879. Thv- ciden. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1!)()8, nc2-It:c). [Coleoptera.] 2910 Trappen, A. von der. Ein Beitrag zur Cohopteren-YaiVm& von Palastina. Soc. entomol. Berlin 23 1908 (13, 25, 34- 36). 2911 Traatmann, Amo. Malaria und Anopheles in Leipzig. Arch. Hyg., Munchen, 67, 1908, (163-176). [Di- ptfra.] 2912 Trautmann, W. Fumea fiulflareUa Mill. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 1, lOdS. ^307). [Lepidoptera.] 2913 Trautmann, W. Psychiden Hybriden ■und deren Aufzucht. InteiTi. ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (3-4). [Lepido- jjtera.] 2914 Trautmann, W. Der Kalk tragt zur Variabilitiit der Schupfjcnflii trier viel bei. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, lOOS. < 162-1 ()3). [Lepidoptera.] 2915 Trautmann, W. Kopula zwischen vcr- schiedenen Zygaenenarten. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben, 2, 1908, (164) ; Bemerkung galle di Dryopiianta folii ed il loro supporto. Marcellio Avellino 7 1908 (167-174). [Hymenoptera.] 2924 Trotter, A. Bibliografia e recensioni. Notizie nccrologiche. Indici del- I'annata 1908. MarceUia Avellino 7 1908 (i-xxxv). 2925 Trumble, R. E. vide Melander, A. S. Trybom, Filip. Physapoda. (In: Sjostedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 16, 1908,(20). [ Thijsano- pfera.] 2926 c I'J ISO Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Tshetverikov, S. S. Noch einmiil iiber Dendrolimw? pini'L., D. segregafus Bidl. uiid D. sibiricus Tshtvr. nom. nov. (laricis Tshtvr.). Rev. russ. Ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (1-7). {Lepido- ptera.] 2927 [Tschitscherin, Tichon vide Semenov- Tiau-Shaiisky, A.] Tuccimei, Giuseppe. Saggio di un catalogo dei Ditteri della provincia di Roma. Parte seconda. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital.. Ser. 2, 9. 1908, (244-261 ; 320-327, continua). 2928 Tucker, E. S. Incidental studies of new species of Oscinis. Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19. 1908, (272-274). [Diptera.] 2929 Tucker, E. S. Wasp storing katydids in a well. J. Econ. Ent., Concord. N.H., 1, 1908, (340-341). [Hymeno- ptera.] 2930 Tucker, E. S. Incidental captures of neuropterous insects at Piano, Texas. Psyche, Boston, Mass., 15, 1908, (97- 100). 2931 Tucker, Elbert S. Determinations of some Texas Coleoptera, with records. Topcka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 20, Pt. 1, 1906, (85-89). 2932 Tucker, Elbert S. Collecting insects at i\i. [Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze, h^mi- ptere-heteroptere nuisible a la luzerne.] Trd. b. entom. ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml., St. Peterburg, 7, 4, 1908, (18). [Heieroptera.] 2972 [Vasiliev, Evg. M.] Bacii.ibeB'b, Ebf. M. IIpHM-feHenie KaTKOB-b bt> Copbll't C'b H-kKOTOpUMII Bpf;,';nbTMH iiacfeKOMbiMii. [Die Anwendung von Walzen im Kampfe mit einigen schad- lichen Insekten.] Vest. sacharn. proraysl., Kiev, 9, 1908, (41-45). 2973 [Vasiljev, Evg. M.] Bacn.ii.em,, Ebt. M. 4to c.Tfe;yeT'b np(;;uip"naTi> Ha ii.iafiTartiHX'b, cii.ibHo iioBpcHueii- HbiX'b lyceHHi^aMii Kaaycrriort cobkh {Mamestra brassicae) ? [Was muss auf Pflanzungen geschehen, welche von den Raupen der Kohleule. (Mamestra bras- sica) stark beschadigt worden sind ?] Vest; sacharn. promysl., Kiev, 9, c 19-2 132 Insecia. XII. Insecta. [1908] 1908, (337-339, 368-370). [Lepido- ptera.] 2974 Vassiliew, J. Ueber neue FaUe von Parthenogenese in der Familie der C'halcidida. Zs. wis.=. lasektenbioL, Berlin, 3, 1908, (386-387). [Hymeno- ptera.] 2975 Velitchkovsky.^ladimir vide Rebel, H. Verjbitski, D. T. The part played by insects in the epidemiology of plague. J. Hygiene Cambridge 8 1908 (162-208). 2976 Verson, Enrico. Ancora degli ele- menti ghiandolari che il FilugeUo al- berga nelle sue lacune interviscerali. Padova, Annuario Staz. bacol., 35. 1908, (23-37). 2977 Verson, Enrico. Una piccola riven- dicazione di priorita [Bomhyx mori]. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 67, (Ser 8, 10), 1907-08, (parte 2a, 173-176). \_Lfpido- ptera]. 2978 Verson, Enrico. Sul vaso pulsante della Sericaria mori. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 67, Ser 8, 10, 1907-08, (parte 2\ 1291-1321) 2 tav. \_Lepido ptera.] 2979 Vickery, R. A. A comparative study of the external anatomy of plant lice. Rep. Ent. Minnesota 12 1908 pp. 178- 191. [Aphidae]. 2980 Viehmeyer, H. Zur Koloniegriindung der parasitischen Ameisen. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (18-32). [HyroAno ptera.] 2981 Viereck, H. L. Preoccupied names of Pan-American Andrena {Hymenoptera). Ent. News, Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 1908, <42). 2982 Viereck, H. L. Notes and descrip- tions of //y»i€«op/era from the western United State.?, in the collection of the University of Kansas. Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (26-1-326). 2983 Vigier, P. Sur I'existence reeUe et le role des appendices piriformcs des neurones. Le neurone pcrioptique des Dipt'cres. Paris, C. R. soc. bid., 64, HXiS, fO.00-961) fig. 2984 Villeneuve, J. Vieux-neuf iJipt^ro- logique. EntomoL Ztg Wien 27 )H Inscda, Titles. 3500 Vosseler, J. Aus dcr cntomo- logischen Praxis. Ptlauzcr, Tauua. 3, 1907. (C.o-TT). ^3000 Vosseler, J. Die Gattung JI;/rmc- cophana Brimner. Eiae hypcrtelischc iiml Ameisen-Nachahiuung. Zool. Jahrb.. Jena. Abt. f. Svst., 27, 1908. (157-210) 1 Taf. [Orthopkra.] 3001 Vaillet, A. et Hugues, Albeit. Sur la diminution des papillons diurncs. Feuilles jeunes natural.. Paris, 38, 190S. (23S). [Lepidopkra.] 3002 Vuillet, A. et Rollier, L. Invasions du PicriiS bra^sicae. Feuilles jeunes natural, Paris, 39, 190S, (51-52) [Lepidopkra.] 3003 Wachtl, Fritz A. Die Nonue, Lumantria (Psilura) monacha L. Xa- turgeschichte und forstliches Verhalten des Insekts, Vorbeugungs- und \'er- tUgungs-ilittel. Herausgegeben vom k. k. Ackerbauministerium. 3. Aufl. Wien (k. k. Hof- und Stadtsdruckerei), 1907, (IV -f 42). 2 Taf. [Lepido- ptera.] 3004 Wagner, Arno. Parnassiu.s a polio in Sudtirol. Ent. Zs.. Stuttgart, 21, 1908, (2G9-270). [Lepidopkra.] 3005 Wagner, Arno. Deil[ephila] ves- pertilio in Siidtirol. Ent. Z«.. .Stutt- gart, 22, 1908, (33-34). [Lepidopkra.] 3006 Wagner, Hans. Die siidafrikani- schen Apioniden des British Museum, vorzugsweise von Herrn G. A. K. Marshall im Mashonalande imd in Natal gesammelt. BruxeUes Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16 1908 (1-62) pis. i-viii. [Coleopkra.] 3007 Wagner, Hans. Zur niiheren Kennt- nis der palaearktischen Apioniden- fauna. Ent. BL, Schwabach, 4, 1908, (102-106). [Coleoptera.] 3008 Wagner, Hans. Ueber Trocken- praparation mannlicher Kafergcnita- lien. Ent. Bl., Schwabach, 4, 1908, (153-157). [Coleopkra.] 3009 Wagner, Hans. Apioninae. In : Sjostedts Kihmandjaro. Mem. Expedi- tion, Uppsala, 7, 9, 1908, (95-104). [Coleopkra.] 3010 Wagner, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Apion Herb.st. Miin- chener Kol. Zs. Munchcn 3 1906- 19. A. HoBuii uiixij po;ui Ilydropliilm (Deg.) Leach w.n, io;i;iioii Hacni Ki)i.iMa. [Une esi^ece nouvclie du genre llydropldlus (Deg.) Leach de la partie meridionale de la Crimee.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (148-150). [Coleo- ptera.] 3175 [Zaicev, F. A.] HaiiucBX., :i;yKOB'i, iipuMa H TaMaiui. 1. [Contributions a la faune des Coleopteres aquatiques de la Crimee et de Taman. I.] St. Peter- burg, Ann. Mus. zooL, 13, 1908, (1 8). 3184- Zaitzev, P. Beitrag zur Ivcnntnis der AVasserkiifcr von Chine.'-isch-Cen- tralasicn. St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. Zool. Ac. Sc. 13 1908 (418 426). [Coleoptera.] 3185 Zaitzev, Ph. Catalogue des Coleo- ptcres aquatiques des families des JJryopidac, Georyssidae, Cyathoccridae, Jleteroceridae et Hydro philidae. St, Peterburg, Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ., 38, 1907, lOijH, (283 420). 3186 Zaitzev, Ph. A. vide Adelung, N. N. Zaitzev, I'h. vide Kiriccnko, N. 141 Insecta. Subject Index. — Bkv.uai'Hical. Zaitzev, Ph. A. vide Zaiccv, F. A. Zapelloni, I . vide Rostagno, F. Zavattari, Edoardo. Di una nuova o di alcune coat ro verse sjiecie del iieii. Podium Fabr. Torino, Boll. Musci zool. anat.. 23, 1908, N. 593, (1-0). [Hi/menopkra.] 3187 Zavarzin, Alcksei vide Adelung, N. N. Zhuravsky, A. V. i'/«fe2uravskij, A. V. Zimmer, C. Nest von Lasius fitli- tjiuosus Ltr. Z.-\ wiss. Inscktonbiol , Berlin, 4, 1908, (229-230, 200-207). [Ht/mcnopfcra.] 3188 Zimmermann, A. Ueber Ambrosia- kiifcr und ihre Beziehungen zur Gum- mibildung bei Acacia dccurrens. Ceti- tralbl. Bakt., Jena, Abt. 2, 20, 1908, 1908,(716-724). [Coleoptera.] 3189 Zimmermann, L. Beitrage zur Kenntuis der mitteleuropaisohen Dryopider. Miinchener Kol. Zs. MiinchenS 1906-1908(341-345). [Coleo. ptera.] 3190 Zupitza. Ueber Lebensgewohn- heiten der Glossina palpalis. (Vorl. Mitt.) Arch. Schiffshyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, (163-104). [Diptera.] ^3191 Zupitza, Maximilian. Ueber die Schlafkrankheitsfliege bei Duala. Arch. Schifishyg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, Beih. 2, (27) 1 Taf. \Diptera.] 3192 [Zuravskij, A. V.] JKypaBCKiii, A. B. Ctrcyonops caraganae Gebl. btj BcibiueaeMcibcKOii TyH^p-k [Cercyo- nops caraganae Gebl. dans la toundra de Bolshaja Zemlja.] Rev. russ. ent., St. Peterburg, 8, 1908, (135-140]. [Coleoptera.] 3193 Zykoff, W. Zur Thysanopteren- fauna Centralrusslands. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (53). 3194 n. -SUBJECT INDEX. J^.B. — The ftdl reference may he oh- tnined from " titles " hy mea7is of the xiulhor's name ami the number. GENERAL. Treatises, General Works. Gli insetti, structure, development ; Berlese, 157. Die Insekten (Russ.) ; v. Schlecli- tendahl u. WUnsche, 2518. I iitrodui'torv popular work; Westell, 3114. J'opular fallacies regarding insects ; and soni(> insects that are poisonous ; Walton. 3030. Sur la variation i)erio(]i(|ue du nombre des Insectes ; Rabaud, 2273. The entomological society of America and its work; Lyman, 1731. Historical. Linnaeus, C. ; In memorv of Carolus Linnaeus, 1707-1778. [VVith list of insects described by Linnaeus which are known to occur in North America.] -Vges at death of .309 British entomo- logists ; Kirby, 1485a. Biographical. Ashmead Dr. William Harris ; Bethune, 174.— Howard, 1323.— Ent. News 19 pp. 397-3'J8 port. Balkwill, John A. ; Bethune p. 438 Canad. Ento. 40. Bingham, Charles Thomas ; W. F. K. p. 405 Zoologist 1908. Biolley, Paul ; Ent. News 19 p. 394, portrait. Carrington, John Thomas ; C A. B. Entomologist 41 p. 73 and Ent. Rec. 20 p. 123. Chittv, Arthur John ; E. S. Ent. Mag. 44 pp. 43-45.— Ent. Rec. 20 pp. 45-i7. Craw, Alexander, Bioli •gisch-biologischer Samnilun- gen ; Miiiu, 1956. Practical hints for the field Lepido- pterist ; Tutt. 2953. Sammeln und Fangen von Schmetter- lingen im Fnihjahr (Kuss.) ; Kazanskii, 1443. Chasse au tamis en hiver ; Du Buysson, 707. Hut der Luftdruck Einfluss auf den Anflug von Schmetterlingen beim Kodern ? ; Hoflfmann, 1272. Oxford Museum, Report and reprints ; Poulton, 2246. Insect guide, British Museum ; Water- hoose, 3068. Anthrenua etc. in Australia ; Tepper, 2874. Nomenclature. Nomenclature ; Lindinger, 1670. The international rules ; Geoffroy ; Seidlitz, 2624. The displacement of long accepted names ; Aldrich, 30. Priority, jirotest as to changing- establisliod names ; Maxwell-Lefroy, 1813. Type & typical ; Lyman, 1732. Chermes & Kenucs, historical; Burden,, 361. Uniform common names for insects ; Burgess, 362. Technique. Anleitung zum Sammeln und Kon- servieren der Insekten nach C. V. Riley (Russ.); Siriajev, 2702. Mounting for tlie microscope ; Torre Bueno, 2903. Vitale kleuring ; Rossum, 2406. Mounting Coleoptera ; Fryer, 969. Nornialpriiparation von Kalern, mit Bemerkungen von M. Curti ; Tr^dl^ 2919. Heinigen der Kiifer ; Sokolar, 2748. Trocken])raparation niannlicher Kafer- genitalien ; Wagner, 3009. Konservieren von Kiifer-Larven und -Pupen ; Grund, 1159. Praparate des Fliigelgeaders der Schmetterlinge ; Gillmer, 1059. Preserving Odonafa ; Lucas, 1708. Messungen an Lepidopteren ; Auel 61. Trockenprae]3aration von Larven mid Puppen; Saheidter, 2497. Etwas vom Spannen ; Peter, 2126. Economic Entomology. General. Die Schiidlichen Insekten mi<] ihre Bekampfung (Russ.) ; Kulagin, 1605. Insectes et autres invertebres nuiaibles aux plantes cultivees et aux animaux domestiques ; Lecaillon, 1632. Vertheidigung der Pflanzen gegen Bchadliche Tnsekten (Russ.) ; PacoskiJ^ 2087. Insect pests ; Slingerland, 2712. The futn)-e of economic entomology ; Fernald, 828. In.sect life in India and how to study it ; Stebhing, 2773. Hi Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Die schadlicheii Insekten nnd die «rprobten Mittel zu ihrer Bekiimpfung (Russ.) ; Steinberg, 2780. Die natiirlichen Feindeder Schmetter- linge und ilire Bedeutims; im Haushalt der Natur; Stephan, 2781. Iclineumon'uJae &. birds as destiwers of insects ; Schuster, 2603. Birds as insect destroyers ; McAtee, 1738. Bemerkungen zu „Vogel nnrl In- sekten" von W. Schuster; Bau, 125. The theorj' of the parasitic control of insect pests ; Woodwortli, 3161. The utilization of auxiliary entomo- phagous insects in the struggle against insects injurious to agriculture ; Marclial, 1775. The value of insect ]iarasitism to tlie American farmer ; Webster, 3075. The value of parasites in cereal and foreign crop production ; Webster, 3073. Notes • on insect enemies of wood Tjoring Coleoptera ; Fiske, 844. Forest entomology ; Gillanders, 1021. Manual of forest zoology for India ; Stebbing, 2772. Forstentomologisches ; Reuter, 2338. Foi-est insects, notable depredations ; Bopkins, 1294. Krankheiten und deren Ursachen in Waldjjflanzungen (Schwedisch); Elfving, 757. A parasitic fly injurious to owr native birds, I'rotocalliphora chrijsorrhaea ; Hensbaw, 1231. Xeuere russische und bulgarische Arbeiten iiber Insekten - Schiidiinge ; Bacbmetjew, 75. Die im taurischen Gouv. wiihrend d. J. 1007 beobachtcten Scliadlichen Insekten und IMIanzenkrankheiten ■(Russ.) ; Mokrzeckij , 1916. Schaden durcli Insekten in Siidruss- land (Russ.) ; Posp^lov, 2235 A 2238. Anwendung von Walzen ; Vasiliev, 2973. Habits of Angolan insects of economic or pathologic importance ; Wellman, 3100. Short notes on economic entomology of Java ; Koningsberger, 1551. Economic insects in Java ; Konings- berger, 1552 & 1554. Europalsche Insektenschiidbnge in Nor(kamerika und ihre Bekiimpfung; Heymons, 1257. Notes from Connecticut ; Britton, 311. Entomological notes for 1907 ; Felt, 816. Entomolotrical notes from Marvland ; Welden, 3096. A brief summary of the more impor- tant injurious insects of Louisiana ; Newell and Rosenfeld, 2000. Notes on some insects of the season ; Osborn, 2075. Insects as food of fishes ; Needbam, 1986. — Insects as the food of iishes. (Japanese) ; Fukai, 978.— Aquatic insects of Walnut lake, with especial reference to fish food ; Needbam, 1984. Insecticides ; McClintock & others, 1739. Mittel gegen schadliche Insekten und Pilze (Norw.) ; Sch0yen, 2550, Vertilger von Blatthiusen und Milben, Aphidoletcs and Arthrocnodax (Cecldo- mijidae) ; Kiefifer, 1481. Bekam]:>fung schiidliclier Insekten mittelst Elektrizitiit (Russ.); Gortynskij, 1083. Beeinflussung der Ohrwiirmer und Spinnen durch das Scliwefehi der Wein- berge ; Molz, 1924. Kulturpflanzen, Schiidiinge dcrselben, Bekiimpfung (Russ.) ; Mokrzecki, 1917. Niit/.liclie (larteninsekten (IJuss.) ; Scbreiner, 2553 & 2554. Verwendung von Insekten zu etlino- graphischen Gegenstiiiiden ; Heller, 2511. Ticports. Norwav, 190G-1907 (Norw.) ; Scb;^yen, 2549. I'ligland ; CoUinge, 555 i^- 556. — Theobald, 2878.— Warburton, 3039.— Midland Counties; Collinge, 552. Scotland, 1907; MacDougall, 1743, Ireland, 1907 ; Carpenter, 427. 11.1 In.^ccia. Subject Index.— Economic EntomoLoov. Federated Malay States ; Pratt. 2249. X. America ; Howard, 1326. New Jei-sey, 1907 ; Smith, 2720. Miuaesota, 1907 & 1908; Washburn, 3052. :?;)i-d Report, State of Xew York ; Felt, 821. Illinois; Forbes, 868. New Mexico ; Garcia, 1005. Objects attaclicd. Barley, stored ; Collinge, 554. Beet; Lauffer, 1627. — r>eet in Spain, enemies of ; Mercet, 1866. Caoutchouc, lusectes nuisibles au ; Bernard, 162. Cinchona, insects injurious to ; Roepke, 2387. Citrus in California ; Marlatt, 1779. Cocoa in West Africa ; Graham. 1091. Coffee, Xylehorus ; Wurth, 3168. Cranberry insects of Wisconsin ; Hardenberg, 1190. Fc-un, new Thrips injurious to ; Mar- chal, 1774. Hopfenschadlinge ; Remisch, 2336. Livres, destruction par le fonnol des Insectes qui attaquent les ; Becques, 2618. Locoweeds, Astragalus ; Chittenden, 471. l.orljeerschadlinge Schildliiuse ; Lind- inger, 1674. Mangel wurzel ; Maxwell-Lefroy, 1809. Mulljerry and Hijsteropteriun 'jrijl- lo'idei, alterasione delle foglie ; Ribaga, 2365. — Mulberry trees, two species of D'larr'iHa injurious to (Japanese) ; Akashi, 27a. Oak forests in Texas, by Heterocnmpa manteo ; Hooker, 1292. Olive and H ysteropterum ; Guercia, 1164. — Olive, new enemv, Le]jidopt ; BUveatri, 2685. 'Jrchideen-Schiidling, Leucodiaspis cockerelli ; Lindinger, 1673. Papierfeinde ; Pr timers, 2260. Pflaumenbaunie, Eurytoina sji. Gouv. Astrachan (Russ.); Schreiner, 2556. (\-10332 j) Potatoes damaged by Ep'idapux srabici ; Collin London Tr. ent. Soc. Proc. p. ii. I'runus & I] ijpoiiomcicta ; Reh, 2297. Prnniis; Eurytuma sj)., ein neuer Feind der schwarzen Zwetsclic und der Reineclaude ; Schreiner, 2558. Sal, Shorea rohu»ta ; Stebbing, 2774. Stachelbeerstraiichern, Nt'iiiafu.^, liuss- land (Russ.) ; Schreiner, 2555. Sugar cane borers, T5eliar ; Mackenzie and Maxwell Lefroy, 1750. Tea enemies, JfcloprUix, etc. ; Bern- hard, 164. Feinde der scliwarzen Blattlanse des Tlieestrauches (HoUandisch) ; Konings- berger, 1555. Tobacco in Florida ; Hooker, 1294a. Wilden Wein [Atnpelopsis quhique- folia) hervorgerufene Beschadigung, durcli Spilosoma luhricipeda ; Molz, 1922a & 1923. Creatures atfacJc'nig. yo) Coleoptera. Adoxu^ vitis in California ; Quayle, 2270. A'lelastica ahii im Jahre lUDIi ; Sed- laczek, 2621. Antho)i()mn-'^ grand'is, some recent studies; Hunter, 1340. — A. (jrundis, enemies of; Howell, 1330. — predaceous enemy of ; Newell and Treherne, 2001. Antlwnomua pomornm Ohstbaiinie, Schaden durch (Russ.) ; Sopociko, 2751. Aiithonomus sigtiatus ; Chittenden, 472. Anthreuiis scrophulavKie ; Howard, 1327. Ap'ion, injurious species ; Chittenden, 470. Balamnus ; Chittenden, 474. Crioeeris ; Chittenden, 475. Diahrotica vittata, experiments for its control ; Headlee, 1200. Diahrotica l2-pnnciata and loncfi- cornis; Garman, 1006. Fidia vitieida ; Johnson, 1407. ClaJcrnc.ella lideola ; Marlatt, 1784. — Felt, 812. — a. lideola &. 'I'etrastichus xiiutliomelae-iiae ; Howard, 1321. c 20 14fi Jnserin. xir. Insecta. [100S| Laehr)oster)ia life history, habits, and economic relations ; Forbes, 867. Mcloloiitlia tiesetzuuissigkeit in der Auleinanderlolge der Fhigjahre (Russ.) ; Ogievskij, 2053. Otiorhynchus Ihjusi'icl Schadeu an Kleefeldern (Russ.) ; StreUcov, 2816. Phalacrus corruscus als Feind der Brandpilze des Getreides ; Friederichs, 905. Phloeofrihns oleae in Portugal ; Seabra, 2616. T'liytonomas >i}grlrostr'/s ; Houghton, 1316. VsijUnhoru 20-viac.ulal(i ; Davis, 620. Scolytidae ; Geuerationeulrage, nnd Mitteilungen iiber die Borkeniiafersaison 1907 in und hei Karlsruhe ; Hennings, 1228. — Scolytidae of eeononiic impor- tance from the Indian Region ; Stebbing, 2775. — Die europaischen Borkenkiifer nnd ilire Feinde aus den Ordnungen der C'oleopteren und Hynienopteren ; Kleine, 1516. — Scolytidae food-plants of; Kleine, 1514. — Borkenkiifern ; Genera- tionsverhiiltnisse und Frassformen ; Hennings, 1229. — l*'eber Borkenkiifer- biologie nnd Borkrnkatervertilginig ; Knocbe, 1534. — ToiiiJc.itii typographnx ; Knoche, 1536. — Erwidei-ung aid' Dr. Knoche' Sehliissbemerkung ; Borgmann, 261. — I'lugzeitcn der Borkeukai'er; Tr^dl, 2920. — Versnche mit verschie- dencn Arten von FangbiinnuMi zur Bekiimpfang der Borkenkiifer ; Sedlac- zek, 2620. ScytJtropus vinatcla Eiablagc nnd Frass ; Baer, 81. Stromatiiim nnu-olor Besc-liadigungen von Hausrath (.\1o1jc1 etc.) in Trans- kaukasen (Russ.) ; SUantjev, 2667. Sijnyr'ms 'intnulenx c'i ferns; Mangan, 1769. Trnrioderma larsalr ; Houghton, 1315. (/)) Ilymciiojilfrfi. Ilophii-diiijia hrcciH, Obstl)aumc (Russ) ; Mokrzecki, 1918. laosovia tritici ; Webster, 3074. Loph. phd in den Wa](hnig(Mi des untercn Main- und Kinzigtaies ; Fenner, 822. Lopln/rKa - Kalamitaton ; Schuster. 2602. Xciiuitus erielisoui ; Hewitt, 1241. PainpldVius pcrs'icinii attacking the peacli ; Walden, 3018-3020. Syntoiiiaspis drupaniin infesting apple seeds ; Crosby, 591. Tentliredhildae of the rose ; Chitten- den, 477. Taxomis mgrisoma larvae in apples ; Webster, 3076. (cj Lcp'idoptrya. House moths ; Sich, 2662. Acp'otis segetuin & Wintersaaten in Bessarabien (Russ.) ; Krasiliscik, 1571. Ayrotis segctniii und Carpocapsa pomonclla, Koder und Ijicht (Russ.); Pospelov, 2239. Apor'ui crataeg't Schadlinge der Obst- l)aume (Russ.) ; Malicev, 1759 ; Rode, 2384. • C'ldarid diliitata (Sob wed i sell) ; Granit, 1094. Cydia poDionella ; Quaintance, 2268. — Life histoi-v, sjiraying experiments ; Sanderson. 2466.— Slingerland, 2713.— Melander & Trumble, 1860. Cydla pseudotsugaiKi ; Cooley, 564. Enarmuiiia prun'ivuva ; Quaintance, 2265. KpU>lciiia ledella (Schwedisch) ; Reuter, llelsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 34 p. ()7. Eiiproctl'^ clirysorrlioea Schaden und Bekiimpfung in Siidrussland (Russ.) ; Emeljanov, 760. Der Frass und die Bekiimpfung von Gaiitropacha p'ni'i ini Lehrreviei- Freien- walde ; Boden, 226. T]i(! tobacco stem horer (liioriDiOKchmia hrViopa ; Maxwell-Lefroy, 1808. I larris/niii aiiicncmut ; Jones, 1413. Ilcl'nijilidci ini'ipiniclti, Nortli ( 'ai-oliiia ; Metcalf, 1869. 1 1 emerocam.pn Icucoxrigiiia ; Felt, 812. ffrmcroca)iipa irliixlii; Volck, 2993. 1,'ipar'i!^ in der ( )berlaiisitz ; Kramer, 1569. Lyiuant ria mouacham I'ohnien, 1907 ; Senlaczek, 2619. — Natuigeschichte nnd 1 17 In Brooks, 315. Oecophora temperatella & wheat in f'vprus ; Anon., Bull. Imperial Inst. 6 I'JOS p. 423. PortJiesia chrijsorrhaea Schaden an ' »bstbaumen (Ku'ss.) ; Rode, 2383. Prays oleellus, parasites etc. ; Silves- tri. 2684. Pyrale de la Vigue, nouveau parasite le ;"sicard, 2659. Le Teigne de la farine (Polonais) ; Bier. 202. >^pilo!fOnia hibrir/pcdn attacking Am- ■Inpms; Molz, 1923. Tlii/riilop^erijx cplwmrmcforinis ; Howard & Chittenden, 1329. 1 laclicrla malijoUella ; Jarvis, 1372. Zeiizera pyrina nuisible an cliene- liege en Algerie ; Lesne, 1652. Merodon equestris Schiidliug ini Warmhause ; Stichel, 2803. Oscin'is frit in IVsisaiabien (Russ.) ; KrassUisaik, 1573. Rliwjoletis pomonclla ; Quaintance, 2267. Tri/peta Indcns the orange worm ; Herrera, 1235. (/) JJeferoptcra. Adelpliocor'i!^ Inirohifuti, Klepfcldor (Russ.) ; Vasiljev, 2972. IlelopelfiH, food plants ; Wurth, 3167. Murgantia li'istrloiiK'a ; Chittenden, 476. (ipLosia'%orghicola ; Ball, 93. (x-10.332 ;•) (li) Aphidac. Aphidae of orchards ; Gillette & Taylor, 1049 & 1050.— Orchard Aphi- dac ; Gillette, 1048. Apliis qossypii Glov.. and its allies; GiUette, 1047. Chermea, Schadlichkeit ; Bomer, 229. Myztis pcrsicae, life history and con- trol ; Taylor, 2871. TliijHoxfrd vaHtatrij- ; Grassi & Grandosi, 1099 & 1100 ; Grassi & Foa, 1096, 1097 A 1098 ; Grandosi, 1093.— Ruckwandcnnig der Reljlaus ; Gescher, 1031. — 1'. rastafrix und deren Bekamp- fung ; Moritz, 1937. Sehizoneura lanigera ; Marlatt, 1783. Siplionophora p'si Bekiimpfung von (Russ.) ; Cholodkovsky, 482. Toxoptera graminum ; Webster, 3017. — T. graminum and other gi'niii aphids in Minnesota iu 1907 ; Washburn, 3054. c I'O— 1' 14s hiRceta. XTI. Insecta. [IflOS] (i) Coccidae. Coectdae Citrus & tobacco, ^ladagas- car ; Newstead, 2006. Coci'idae injurious in Java iS:, W. Africa ; Newstead, 2003. Coccidae. ])ird enemies of ; McAtee, 1737. Coccidae of the olive i^- their para- sites ; Martelli, 1792. Aspidiotus desfrnctof and its ehaloid parasite in Tahiti ; Doane, 680. San Jose scale; Collinge, 557. — The San Jose scale : A brief popular account of a notorious insect pest ; Sherman, 2654. Ccroplastcs rusc'i & lig ; Silvestri i^ MarteUi, 2698. Untersuchungen an der roten austern- formigen Schiidlaus Dia^pis fallax Horvath ; Morstatt, 1949. Knlccaiiium, jiarasitisni ; Quayle. 2272. The European elm scale Gosfiypar'ia .s/Juc/Vi ; Doten, 701. Isehjiaspis fdij'onii'in in .lava ; Docters van Leeuwen, 683. Ortl/ezia lusiqn'in iu Hawaii ; Kotinsky, 1566. I'ldniinria innnmevah'dis, natural checks of ; Dickerson, 656a. (h) 'revinil'iddc. Termes flavipcs ; Marlatt, 1785. — T. gestrui ; Pratt, 2248. (l) Ortlioptera. Forficnhi auricidavia, Scliadeu und Nutzen ; Schwartz, 2609. Acridiodea, ScliudJiche in Russland und Sibirien (Russ.) ; Petrow, 2132. Locusts in Africa; Fuller, 981. — Locusts, Transvaal ; Simpson, 2700. Die Heuschreckenplage auf deni Ifortobagy im 1907 und die Vugcj- welt fUngarisch und deutsch) ; Schenk, 2498. Tnaecis and disease ; MAN. Howard, 1328. Contribution a I'etude des mouclies piquantes de I'Afrique intertropicale ; Laveran, 1629. Insects conveying disease ; Newstead, 2007. Ueber die Uebertragung von Krank- heiten durch Insekten ; Sofer, 2743. Neuere Arbeiten iUjer blutsaugende imd Krankheiten iibertragende Insekten ; Speiser. Les insectes comme propagateurs de maladies ; Galli-Valerio, 995. Trypanosomes of D'lplera, their develojoment ; Minchin, 1897. Musca doDicfif'ii'a haliits etc. ; New- stead, 2002.— House-flies ; Griffith, 1124. —Hewitt, 1242 & 1243. Fliegen als Ueliertriiger vou Ciiolera (Hollandisch) ; Ganon, 1004. Souma et Ealeri ; Cazalbou, 446. Fievre recurrente du Sud-Orunais et I'edieidus vestimenti ; Sergent et Foley, 2638. Untersuchungen iiber den Sandfloh, Beobachtungen iiber Cordylohin gru)i- hcrg'i, Ueber Hautmaulwurf (Creeping disease) ; FuUebom, 973. Tsetse fly ; Selous, 2631. Tsetse fly and disease ; Kinghom Sc Montgomery, 1484 ; Montgomery & Kinghorn, 1930. Du role compare des glossines et des stumoxes dans I'etiologie de la vSouma ; Boufifard, 266. Fixation, multiplication, culture d'at- tente des Trypanosomes jDathogenes dans la trompe des mouches tse-tse ; Roubaud, 2429. Laboratoire de la maladie du sonimeil a Brazzaville ; Roubaud, 2426. Die Schhifkranklieitsflie>ge bei Duala; Zupitza, 3192. Malaria moskitos in Surabaia, Java (Hollandisch) ; Tresling, 2921. AiKipJiclcs und IVhdaria in Lcljizig; Trautmann, 2912. AiiiipJiides, Brutstsllen in der Niihe vuu Buitenzorg (Hollandisch) ; Hulsholf Pol und Betz, 1338. Calex jnpicns in houses ; Smith, 2721. Mosquitoes and eye flies; Maclure, 1751 ; Green, 1107. 1"lie mosrpiilos of the; rhinp])ine islands: their occurrence in relation to 140 Iiisccta. Subject Index. — Ecuxo.mic Entomology. the inciileiice of certain diseases ; Lud- low, 1711. Epidemic of malaria, Bombay ; Listen, 1683. Le Slecioiinjiii fascidta au Congo Fran^ais ; Bouffard, 267. Malaria in the West Indies : " Mil- lions" enemies of mosquitoes; Ballon, 94. Experiences de transmission du Xapraiia par les Stomoxes et les Mous- tiques du LTfure Mniisoitia ; Martin, Leboeuf et Roubaud, 1794. Destruction des moustiques par le precede des trous-pieges ; Blin, 217. Anophelines dans I'eau salee ; Foley et Yvemault, 864. Insects and plague; Verjbitski, 2976. Fleas «ic plague ; Advisory Committee, 21. Fleas and plague ; Sale, 2461. Insect transmission of bubonic })lag'ue : a stuilv of the San Francisco epidemic ; Mitzmain, 1904. Fleas on man and rats ; Doane, 674. La peste dans le departement de Con- stantine en 1907, Recherches particu- lieres sur les rats, leurs ectoparasites et leurs rapports avec I'epidemie ; Billet, 205. The flea-kiUing ))inver of various chemicals ; Saigol, 2456. An experimental investigation as to the potency of various disinfectants against rat-fleas ; Hossack, 1309. Notes on intestinal myiasis; Deade- rick, 626. Cas de myase intestiiialr- simulant unc fievre typhoide ; Soul, 2752. Nuove specie di mosca autropofaga e caso di miasi intestinale veriiicati iu Sao Paulo ; Splendore, 2764. Myiasis, LacH'm; Harrison, 1194. Uymenolep'is diminnta, Ascaria luinbrl- eoides, Calliphora vomitorla larvale, con- temporaneamente parassiti nell'intestino di una giovinetta ; Condorelli-Franca- vlglia, 559. Fliegenlarven in einer durch Karziiioin exulzerierten Augenhohle ; Reis, 2308. Fliegenlarven in der mensclilicLen Haut; Skrozki, 2709. (ItiKt ropliU iia-^jAvveu in der Mensclu'n- haut ; Cholodkovsky, 486. II lipodcriiiahwv.i in Man (Danish) ; MelcMorsen, 1861. Ueber in der ilensclundiaut wandernde Ihipodenna - hovits - Larven ; Marbitz, 1772. Sonnenstich l)ei Aineisen in den Tropen ; Steudel, 2796. Animals, atlachti on. lien flea Xestopsijlla [lallhiacea ; Herrick, 1236. II lipodenna bov'is & I'mcata ; Carpen- ter it Steen, 431. II ijjAxJcrma hov'is in Polen (Russ.) ; Taruani, 2864. I'arns'ilcs etc. (economic). Untergaiiu durcli Sporozoen, I.cpido- plcra ; KrassilstscMk, 1574. Studies of parasites of tlie cotton boll weevil ; Pierce, 2194. Aidhnnoinus qnnid'itf, j)arasites ; Pierce, 2191 & 2194. Haltica of the vine, J'teroniaJiis as parasite of ; Seabra, 2617. Tetrastichus as a parasite on Pohj- giiotiis ; Ainslie, 24. Jjce culture. Nutzen durch Kreuzbefruchtiiug der Olwtbaunie, Apis nielli f era. (Russ.) ; Balabanov, 91. Bee-keeping, historical ; Edwardes, 747. Bee diseases ; Gates, 1007 ; White, 3133. Ilivernage de.s abeilles, d'apres le (luide Book de Cowan, auteur apicole anglais ; Gu^rin, 1168. Produktivitiit der vei-schicdenen Ble- nenrassen (Russ.) ; Ivanov, 1348. Eidechsen als Riiuber in Bioneu- stocken (Russ) ; Levandovskij, 1656. Bee-keeping ; Lomax, 1688. llornissen als Raubn- von Bienen (Russ) ; Mirosnicenko, 1901. Piee-keeping in Havvai ; Phillips, 2146. Eigenschaften der Abarten der Kau- kasischen Bienen (Russ.) ; Pritulenko- TavriCeskij, 2253. 150 Insecta. xii. Insecta. [1908] Zahl der aiif ein Weihchen zu halten- deu Maiiiichen, wiederhalte Befruch- tung (Russ.) ; Smimov, 2717. Silk. Experiments on feeding silkworms with Citdrania trilohax (Japanese) ; Akashi, 28. A parasitic chalcid on the larva of Ugimyia serieariae (Japanese) ; Akaslii, 27. Ser'icaria mori, Bibliogralia 1906- 1907 ; BissoN, 212. Silk-producing Anaplic, W. Africa; Dudg'eon, 719. On the so-called hip-putriiVJng disease of silkworms (JajDanesej ; Ikeda, 1341. On the feeding and digestive jDovver of nial(> and female silkworm^5 (Japanese) ; Kawashima, 1442. Culture of Satiiniici iieinuj'i. in China, (Japanese) ; Sasaki, 2470 A- 2474. Saturnia j)yretorum. Breeding, Utility (Japanese) ; Sasaki, 2475. Seiden raiipenzuclit in der Tiirkei (Russ.) ; §avrov, 2483. Aufrucht der Seidenspinnerraupen (Russ.) ; Savrov, 2484. Chemical analysis of the filaments ol)tained from Saturnia pernyi, S. yamamai and Caliyula japoniea (Japanese) ; Susuki, 2840. AIiscellcuu'ouH producls. White wax, China; Bugnion & PopoflF, 358. Ueber das Psyllawachs ; Sundwik, 2830. Lac insect Tacliardia lacca ; Stebbing, 2776. STRUCTURE. General. Anatomii^ und WuAofric van Ac.enlrupiiH niveiiis ; Nigmann, 2024. Anatomy of tiie !ai-va of ''(tliiiidn japoniea (Japanese) ; Okajima, 2060a. Ueher die Anatomic und die l'>i(il()gic der Fliegen (Norw.) ; Storm, 2814. Anatomv of dragon Hies (Japaiii'sei ; UcWda, 2954. Anatomv of larva, Miisca domesticu ; Hewitt, 1244. Anatomv of larva, Anopheles; Imms, 1343. Note sur I'anatomie et la ]ihysiologie des Thysanoures ; Bruntz, 347. TisanottfM'i tuhuliferi notisie anato- miche ; Buffa, 353. Chenilles de Gallcria meUonelhi, in- ternal anatomy ; Metalnikov, 1867. — Perikardialzellen, Blut, Tracheen- system, Darmkanal, Raupe von Galleria (Russ.) ; Metalnikov, 1868. Bemerkungen uljcr Suctoria (Holliiu- disch) ; Oudemans, 2085. Sternite, Mundteile, Sinnesorgane, Penis der Suctoria (HoUandisch) ; Oude- mans, 2082. Morphologie und Funktion der Kau- werkzeuge und iiber das Kopfnerven- system von Tomocerus pltimbeus ; HoflF- mann, 1279. Zur Biologie und Morphologie einer in der Koalweisslingsraupe parasitisch lebeuden ^^'('S]lenlarve Apanteles (jlo- meratus ; Weissenberg, 3095. Of Outer Parts. Ext. structure Aphidae ; Vickery, 2980. Various points of external structure ; Wesche, 3111. Neues Organ, lihopaloc(>ren, Jullicni- sches Organ ; Fruhstorfer, 930. Mundtheile, Ovipositor Bau, Bedeu- tung fiir die Systematik, Acridiodea (Russ.) ; Petrow, 2132. On the body segments of silkworms (Japanese) ; Ishiwatari, 1345. Morpholog)^ of the thorax, niunber of segments ; Desguin, 654. Ein Beiti'ag zur iloniologic derThora- kal-Sk](M-itc der lusekten ; Crampton, 580. A comj)aralive study of the thorax in Orthoptera, lOuplexoptera and Coleo- ptera ; Snodgrass, 2737. Proboscis .if Miti^ridar; Wesch^, 3112. Trojihi, Krii)fV(niiii ; Williams, 3145. .Moulli ])arls TlKiKiiudn.i-ciui ; TrSgardh, 2908. l.")l Iit^ccfa. Subject Index. — Structure. Hau uiul ]-"nt\vicki'liing iler Muiulteile Vi'i>ixi rulgaria ; Kirmayer, 1507. ^fouth-parts, Blalti'ltw; Mangan, 1770. Mundtlipile. I'^rifocoetc!* (iiitogniplius (Russ.) ; Maloleteiikow, 1764. Anatoniie und Histologie ^lundwei-k- 7.euse, Mvrnieleouidenlaiven ; Loziriski, 1697. Mouth-parts of Ilemiptera ; Bugnion, 357. Die Mtindteile der solitaron Apideu ; Demon, 635. Maxille der Colleinboleii ; Bomer, 230. Die Insektenfliigel ; Meissner, 1846. Wing-nerviiration, sjieciallv Tipu- lidae ; Needham, 1986. Wing venation ; Bartholomew, 113. Bauplan der Fliigeldeckenskulptur irorphocaraben und Trihax- und Plectes- Arten ; Bemau, 163. The interlocking mechanisms whicli are found in connection with the elytra of Coleoptera ; Breed and Ball, 294. The wing v(>ins of Coleoptera (Dutch) ; Eempers, 1451. Le dessin des ailes des Lepidopteres ; Aldln, 29. Structure of the Antennae of Apli'i- didae ; Okajima, 2059. Circumfili of the Ceeidomyiidae', Felt, 820. Hairs, proboscis of CalUphora ; Nelson, 1992. Die Trichterwarzen der Lipariden- larren ; Klatt, 1510 & 1511. Studien iiber dieHauffarbebei Kiifern und Schmetterlingen ; Hemmerling, 1219. Tonerzeugenden Apparat, SriharojjiiK henkei (Russ.) ; Jakovlev, 1363. The leg tendons ; Woodworth, 3159. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Le systeme nerveuse et les organcs sensoriels Fulqora macidata : Bugnion, 359. Nervous system of the larva of Cory- doliB', Hg,moiar, 1181. Hau, facettiertcs Augon. Knil/ia', Re- dikorzew, 2293. Stirnaugen der Ortliopteren ; Link, 1678. Stirnaugen Lep'idopteven und Neuro- l^eren ; Link, 1679. Sur I'exijitence reelle ot le role des appendices pirifornies des neurones ; le iienrnne ])erioptifpie des Dipteres ; Vigier, 2984. Organo di'l Graber nelle larve di Talianidi ; Paoli, 2094. Myology. Studien iiber den Zusammenhang granuliirer, interstitieiler Zellen niit den Muskelfasern ; Thulin, 2887. Muscle attachment ; Riley, 2376. Alimentary Canal. Mikroskopische Anatomic des Darm- kanals von Isosoma granihucola vtAh- rend der Metamorphose ; Docters van Leeuwen, 682. Alimentar}- system Myrmcleon form'i- carius ; Rengel, 2337. Die postembiyonale Entwicklung des Darmkanals, Trichopteren ; Russ, 2442 & 2443. Ventricule chvUfique des Termites; Feytaud, 829. Le ca'ciim rectal, hemipteres aqua- t iques ; Bordas, 250. Sur la contingence de la bordure en brosse et la signification probable des l)atonnets de la celluh^ reiiale ; Bruntz, 342 cV 345. Sur la cytologie du labyriiithe renal des Thysanoures ; Bruntz, 344a. Structure et reseau tracheen des canaux excreteurs des reins du Machilis marithna ; Bruntz, 344. Renovation epitheliale do I'intestin moyen, Muscides; P^rez, 2117. Respiratory & Circulatory Systems. Riickengefass, Mallophagen; Fulmek, 982. lo2 Insecta. Xll. Insecta. [1908] Reseau de soutieu du coeur ; Perez, 2116. Vaso pulsaute di Sericar'ta mon ; Verson, 2979. The auatomy of the acrididaean heart and its histological structure ; Walling, 3025. Glands and Cells. Glands of larvae of Pierldae ; Harri- son, 1195. Sur quelques points d'anatomie des glandes venimeuses des Hymenopteres ; Bordas, 249. Glandes salivaires, Mantis religiosa ; Bordas, 255. liCS glandes defensives ou glandes odorantes des Blattes ; Bordas, 251. Les glandes cutanees de quelques Vespides ; Bordas, 252. Les reins labiaux et les glandes cephaliques des Thvsanoures; Bruntz, 341. Sur I'existence des glandes cepha- liques chez Machilis maritima ; Bruntz, 343. Formation of the froth in spittle- insects ; Guilbeau, 1169. Ko])fdnisen d(>r Thysanuren ; Phi- liptschenko, 2144. Element! ghiandolari uelle lacunc inten'iscerali ; Sericai'ia niori ; Verson, 2977. Character und Histologie des Fettkiir- pers, Oenocytes, von Stylopifja orienlaTiH (Russ. deutsch. Res.) ; PhiiiptBChenko, 2143. The development of the nuclei of the spinning-gland cells of Plafyplnjlax designatus ; Vorhies, 2999. Reproductive Organs. Die Copulationsanhange der solitaren Apiden ; Strom. 2817. Organs of rcpioduction male C'lmhrx amerieana ; Severin A Severin, 2640. Anatomischcr Untersucliungeu an Lepidopterenbastarden Hmer'inlhus liybr. hyhriduB Westw. und hybr. opcroaa atdh ; Roepke, 2386. Copulationsorgans, Plusia ; John, 14pl. Geuitalien der Rhopaloceren ; Fruh- storfer, 931. Copulationsorgane der Satyrlden ; Fruhstorfer, 935. Bau der Genitalorgane, M'lana ; Peter- sen, 2128. Appendages of the second abdominal segment of male Odotvata ; Thompson, 2886. Genitalapparat der Panorpaten ; Stitz, 2811. Male genitalia, Periplaneta; Wesclie, 3108. Anatomical and histological studies of the female reproductive organs of Cimhex amer'icaua ; Severin and Severin, 2639. Ueber Insekteuovarien unter natiir- lichen und kiinstlicheu Bedingungen ; Enoche, 1535. Anatomie des organes appendiculaires de I'appareil reproducteur femelle Peri- planeta orientalis ; Bordas, 253. Weiblicher Geschlechtrapjiarat, viri- pare Dipteren (Russ.) ; Cholodkovsky, 483 & 485. Recherches sur la structure histoio- gique et revolution de I'ovaire des insectes fPolonais) ; WielowieysM, 3137-3140. PHYSIOLOGY. General. Xotei sur I'anatomie et la physiologie des Thysanoures ; Bruntz, 347. Produit de secretion de la glande odorante des Blattes ; Bordas, 251. Role physiologique des glandes ar- borescentes annexees a I'appareil genera- teur des Blattes ; Bordas, 254. Tenacity of life ; Evania ; Ainslie, 26. Vitality of OdonnUt ; Green, 1106. Renovation epitheliale de I'intestin moyeu Muscides ; P^rez, 2117. t)1)er das Vorkonimen einiger Kohle- hydratfermente bei Lepidopteren mid Dipteren in verschiedenen Entwick- lungsstadieii ; Straus, 2815. 15o Inscclii, Subject Index. — Stkucture — Physiology. The egg-layinr; apparatus in the silk- worm {Bombi/x movi'^ as a reflex appara- tus; M'Cracken, 1742. Auiitosis Malpi2;hian tubules D'laphe- yomera ; MarsliaU, 1790. Eigenwiirme tier Ra\ipen, Galleria (Russ.) ; M^talnikov, 1868. Chenilles de Galleria meUonclla. nu- trition, digestion, etc. ; M^talniVov, 1867. Die Meclianik des Sprungapparates der Elateriden; HeUer, 1214.' Die Spinnfaden von Schmetterlingrf- raupen ; PfUhl, 2142. Experimentell-biologisehe Studien an Borkenkaferm. iv. Generationsverhtilt- uisse iind Frassformen ; Hennings, 1229. Studien iiber den Tonus, I-ibellen ; UexldiU, 2955. Peinpltijus tessellata : Alternate host, migrants aod true sexes ; Patch, 2098. Parthenogenesis. Parthenogenesis Lyaiphlehus, sex of progeny ; Phillips, 2145. Parthenogenese bei Ap'is mellifera [contra Kukuk] (Russ.); G., 985. ■ Parthenogenese von Blattwespen (Hollandisch) ; Rossum, 2405 & 2407. Parthenogenese Clmlcldidae ; Vassi- liew, 2975. Sur I'apparition de naales et d'herma- phrodites dans les pontes parthenogene- tiques des Phasmes ; Pantel et Sin^ty, 2093. Pac'dogenesis der Cecidonividen ; Kahle, 1432. Sex. Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung der Geschlechtscliaraktere bei Schmetterlingen ; Kopec, 1563. Chromosomes in Diahrotica and sex letermiuation ; Stevens, 2798. Die Lcisung der Geschlechtsriitsel im Bienenstaat, sowie eingesti-eute prak- tische Winke fiir den Bienenwii-t und einige Betrachtungen iiber das Sinnes- leben der Bienen ; Dickel, 656. Die Dickelschen Bienenexperimente ; Studien uber den Geschlcohtsupparat und die FortpHanzung der Bienen ; Bresslau, 298. Zur Fortpflanzungsgoschiolito der Honigljiene ; Buttel-Reepen, 385. Gesolileclitsbestinunung dor lloiiig- h'umo ; Dickel, 655. Die Dickelschen Bienenexpci-itnente, Studien iiber den Geschleclitsapparat und die Fortpflanzung der Bienen ; Bresslau, 299. Uelier den Zusammenliang von Ciescli- lechtsdriisen und sekundiiren Geschlech- tsmerkmalen bei den Arthropoden ; Meisenheimer, 1828. Pseudandry in ants ; Forel, 875. Hermaphroditism. On the lieniiaphroditism of silkworms (Japanese) ; Ikeda, 1342. l~)rei gvnandromorplie Schmetterlingo ; Dierofif, 659. Gynandromorphe Lepidopteren-For- nien'; Schultz, 2577. .l/)a/u?'n-Bastard-Z\vitter ; Borggreve, 260 ; Schindler, 2517. ( lyuandiomorphismns Charuxes ; Schultz, 2584. Zwitterbiklung I'lrris dapUd'ice und Sat. pavonia ; Sterzl, 2794. Drei Fiille von Gynandnnnoi-phisnius bei Gonepteryx rhamni ; Schultz, 2580. Troides helipliron gynandromorph. ; Jordan p. xi London Tr. ent. Proc. Soc. 1908. Gynandroniorphes Eplnephele titho- nu8 ; Bocklet, 225. Gynandi-omorph Smeri)ithus popidi; Newman, London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908 p. xxiii. Gynandromorphic Salitrnla pai-on'ia, Russell p. 67 Ent. Rec. 20. Dendrolimus pbii g\'nandr. ; Flings, 915. Gynandrous .lyroi/'.s p}ila ; Cardew, p. 229 Entomologist 41. Gynandrous liupulus piiiiaria ; Williams \). LS2 Entomologist 41. Ein ueuei- Hymenoptei-en-Zwitter ; Ulbricht, 2960. 154 Insecia. XI T. Insecta. [1908] Senses. The reactions of Ranatra to light ; Holmes, 1286. Smell the dominant sense in D'lahro- tica 12-punctata ; Steams, 2771. Ou the interpretation of certain tro- pisms of insects ; Brues, 327. Metabolism, Excretion. Hungerstoffwechsel, Stylopijga orien- talis; PMliptschenko, 2143. Oxidation and hj^dration, Anthrenu>s larva ; Ewaxt, 793. Excretion et phagocytose, Thysa- noures ; Bruntz, 340. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit des Wach- stums der Fliegenlarven vou Bakterien Tind Fermenten und iiber die Variabilitat nnd Vererbung bei den Fleischfliegen ; Bogdanow, 235. Mastung mit Kohlensaures ; Briicke, 325. Ueber die Gewichtszunahme von Schmett«rliugspuppen in kohlensaure- reicher Atmosphare ; Linden, 1667. Physiologie der Verdammg von Waclis, Galleria (Russ.) ; Metalnikov, 1868. Fixation du carbone atmosplieriqne ; Mirande, 1900. Hont'vdew and cornicles, Aplddac ; GiUette', 1045. Tebcr das Wachs der Hiimineln ; Sundwik, 2829. Respiration. Auslosungsreiz der Atembewegungen bei Libellulidenlarven (and Arthropoden iiberhaupt) ; Babik und Foustka, 72. Coloration, Pigment. Studien iiljer die Hautlarbe bei Kafern und .Schmetterlingen ; Hemmer- ling, 1219. Das Urteil iiber die von Dr. ('In-. Schr()der gege1)ene I'lrkliirung der Sciimetlerlingsfarbiuigf'ii ; Fischer, 842. Wecliselbezieliunge)) zwisclien Pig- ment und 8chu))penform, und zwischen Zeichnung tmd anatomischen Vcr- hjiltni.sseu des Fliigels, Col'uts ; Geest, 1017. Zur Farbenbildung der Raupe der Saturnia em-pini ; Forel, 870. Entstehung, Bedeutung der Pigment bei den Aphiden (Russ.) ; Belousov, 139. Ueber kiinstliche Melanine xind das natiirliche, im Organismus des Maikafers, vorkommende Melanin ; IsMzaka, 1347. Aufhebung des sexuellen FarbuBgs- Dimorphismus durch Einwirkung ab- normer Teniperatur bei Lepidopteren; Frings, 916. Albiuose und ilelauose Lep'idoptera ; Stephan, 2783. Bemerkungeu zu dem Artikel ,.Der zimehmende Melanisraus der Lepido- pteren in der Xiihe der Grossstadte, vou Otto Meissner, Potsdam" ; Rey, 2364. Literatur-, experimentelle und kri- tische Studien tiber den Nigrismus und ilelanisnuis insbesondere der Lepido- pteren, mit zeichnungsphylogenetischen und selektionstheoretischen Darlegun- gen ; gleichzeitig eine Eutgegnung an Herru Dr. E. Fischer ; Scliroder, 2559. Chlorophyll in Locustct vlridissima (Russ.) ; Beiousov, 138. Festen von Cldorophyll, Lytta vea'ica- tor'ia (Russ) ; Belousov, 140. Fensterbildung (Rarefizierung des Pigments) ; Flach, 847. Envii'onmental. Ex])eriuientellen Pathologic der Lepi- dopteren ; Solowlow, 2750. Beinflussung der Entwickhuig durch holie oder niedere Tenijieralnr, didler'ia melonelJn (Russ.) ; Metalnikov, 1868. Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf die Entwickelung der Schmetterlinge ; Hasebroek, 1196, 1197. ]>i'r Kalk triigt zui- Variabilitat der Schuppenfliiger viel bei ; Trautmann, 2915. Influenza della condizioni esterne di allevamento suUe proprieta fisiche del b(issoh), iii'lla razza corsa, Sericaria iiiuri ; Bisson, 211. Wii-knng ter,'n ; KUlme, 1593. Bt'piiiistigeii ilie Cirosssfadte ~ den >[(>lanismus der Lepidopteren ? ; Kuhnt, 1603. Zu Beobachtungen an Inst-kteii in Industriebezirken ; Tunkl, 2936. Influenza delle alte temperature siille uova ; Quajat, 2269. Einfluss der meteorologischen Ver- hahnisseauf die Entwickluug; Pospelov, 2240. Kxperiniente mit den Pupi)en Vanessa io ; Solowiow, 2749. Tnld. experiments witli on larvae; Solowiow, 2748. Regeneration. Regeneration Ijei lusekten ; Meissner, 1842. Regeneration, Lcpismatidae ; Przi- bram & Werber, 2261. Segnientregeneration Ijei Epliemeri- den-Larven ; Oppenheim, 2072. Regeneration Lepisma saecharinum ; Meissner, 1848. Fliigelregenei-atioii bei Selimetter- lingen ; Meisenbeimer, 1829. Regeneration of tarsus, Blattidae ; Scbtscberbakow, 2562. Ueber den Zusamraenhang von Ge- schlechtsdriisen und sekundaren Ge- scblechtsmerkmalen bei den Arthropo- den ; Meisenbeimer, 1828. DEVELOPMENT. General. Development of Ilijmenopfera, Ageni- aspis fiiscicolUa, Encijrtm^ djili'idh-orus, & Oophtliora nemblidiis ; Silvestri, 2692. Anticipation in der ontogenetischen Entwicklnng hybrider Schmetterlings- raupen ; Denso, 641. Zur Biologic und ilorphologie einer in der Koblweisslingsraupe parasitisch lebenden Wespenlarve Apantelea gJo- meratns ; Weissenberg, 3095. j Anatomie und Riologie \on Aecn- tropus nivewi Oliv. ; Nigmann, 2024, Sur rexistt'uce de niitocliondries dans I'oeuf et reiul)ryon d'.-\/)/.s meUifica ; Duesberg, 720. Removing the gerni-eell determinants, eggs ClirysomeUdae ; Hegner, 1204. Experimentaluntersuehungen iiber die Entwicklung der Gescblechtscharaktcre bei Schmetterlingen ; Kopec, 1563. Ueber die Bildung dei- Sexualzellen bei Apliididae ; Baebr, 78. Chromosomes in Diahrotira, hetero- ohromosomes and sex determination ; Stevens, 2798. Germ cells of Diptera, heteroehromo- somes and synapsis ; Stevens, 2797. ri)er die , .Generation" der Insekten ; Eckstein, 744. Cycles of generations Phylloxera quercus ; Bonfigli, 245 ; /*. spinulosa ; Foa, 857. Die Mignitionen der Pflanzenlause. Ursachen der Migrationen, Ernahrungs- bedingungen der Pflanzenlause ; Mord- wilko, 1932. Zur Biolngie der Gattung Chermesl Nusslin, 2034-2036. — Chermesiden Bomer, 229 & 233. Beobachtungen und Versuehe iiber die Biologie der Reblaus ; Moritz und Bomer, 1938. Zahl der Generationen in Abhiingig- keit von den meteorologischen Bedin- gungen, Agrotls segetum (Russ.) ; Pos- pelov, 2239. Zahl der Generationen in Russland, Ceeidomyia destructor (Russ.) ; Krasi- liscik, 1572. Lepthiofarsa decemluwata, genera- tions and length of the period of oviposition ; Girault, 1065. Ontogenie, Metamorphose, Acridiodea (Russ.); Petrow, 2132. , g; Sexual differences of the chromosome groups, Galgulus ; Payne, 2106. Die ovogenetischen und spemiato- genetischen Ai-beiten aus dem Jahre 1906; Bucbner, 350. Sur la reproduction et les variations du developpement dans la Glossina ■pal- palls ; Roubaud, 2428. 156 Inseda. XII. Insecta, [1908] Oogenesis. Entwicklung and Erualirung Jer Eier bei viviparen Dipteren (Russ.) ; Cholod- kovsky, 483. Richtungskurperbildung-, Ei von For- mica sangicinea ; Schleip, 2519. Spermatogenesis. Spei-Qiatooenesis of II ijdrupliilus [Hceus ; Arnold, 51. Spevmatncjenesis Camponotus Itercu- leanns; Lams, 1618 & 1619. Spermatooenesis Xiphidium ; Mc- Clung, 1741. The chromosome complex of Melanu- plus bivittatua ; Nowlin, 2033. SperniatQo-enesis, Aplopiis maijeri ; Jordan, 1415. Tlie accessory chromosome, Aplopua mayfyi; Jordan, 1414. Cellule seminali di Pamphayus : mito- condri ; Giglio-Vos e Granata, 1040. Orgauization o£ the chromosDines in PhrijtioteUi X magnus ; Pinney, 2198. SperniMtogenesis of Auinulabls; Ran- dolph, 2280. S|jerin:itnzyttniteilnngeii, Yespa crabo Meves und Duesberg, 1887. Chromosome complex, Sijrbula adiiu- rabilis ', Robertson, 2381. Fertilisation. Zur Fortjiflanzungsgescliiclite der Honigbiene ; Buttel-Reepen, 385. Embryology. Instars. lii'itiiigi' /.ur (■mljryDnaleii Entwitrk- hmg der Coleoptereu (I'olnisch) ; Hirschler, 1267. Observations sui- le developpement (les (Mnbryons des jjajiillons (Polonais) ; Hirschler, 1266. Hildiiiig di's ('liorions liei A»()pii» bidem ; Kohler, 1540. Numljer III' ( 'hroiMiisonics, Aiiuh/i. ,V Aiinx ; Lefevre A- McGill, 1636. 15exiehungeli zwisdicii l);irm- iiiid Bliit/.ellenhildiuig, I'jiiilvdni'in rcrn'icol>phecophaga vcsparuiii niotamor- pliosi^ ; Semichon, 2637. Metainorpliose voii ('ompsilura con- r'nuuita, Parasit von Euprnctiti clivij- sorrhoea (Russ.); Emeljanov, 760. Biolon:\' of rhilippiue Cidic'uhv ; Banks, 98. Die Eutwickluiig des Darnikaiials der lusecteii wiihrend der Metamorphose. Tl. '2. MaJacosoma castrensls ; Dee- gener, 630. Die Entwickelung des Segelfalters (FapiUo podalirius L.) aus der Puppe, dargestelU in 8 photographischen Auf- nalunen; Bartels, 111. Dauer der Entwicklung, Melolouiha (Russ.) ; Ogievskij. 2053. Die Metamor pilose der C'hironomiden ; Tmenemann, 2882. Xeue und bekannte Chironomiden nnd ihre Metamorphose, i. Neue und he- kannte Chironomiden, von Kieffer. ii. Chironomidenmetamorphosen, von A. Thieaemami ; Kieffer uiid Thienemaim, 1483. Histogenese des muscles alaires chez les Muscides Perez, 2118. Spheres de granules et tissus imagi- naux chez les .Muscides ; Perez, 2115. Ueber das Verhalten der Vasa ^lal- pighii und die excretorische Funktion der Fettzellen wahrend der Metamor- phose von Heterogenea lima codes ; Samson, 2463. Hi-itologA- of alimentaiy canal during iiietaiuorphosis, Isosoma ; Docters van Leuwen, 682. Metamorphose de I'intestin anterieur, Muscides ; P^rez, 2119. Die postembryonale Entwicklung des Darmkanals hei den Trichopteren ; Russ, 2442 & 2443. Bau und Entwickelung der Mundteile, Vespn vulgaris; Kirmayer, 1507. Entwicklung des Artliropodenatigi's ', Sicherer, 2663. ^ijl- ranicus, nests ; Davis, 624. Life history of the carpenter ant ; Pricer, 2252. Akaziengallen und Ameisen auf den (Jstafrikanischen Stepjien ; Sj6stedt, 2704. Konflikt zwischen zwei Raubameisen- arten ; Forel, 869. Krieg nnd Frieden ini Ameisenstaat ; Sajo, 2460. Biologisclie Beziehungen der Ameisen zu den iibrigen Insekten, insbesondere d^n Kiifern ; Scholz, 2542. Myrmecophils Insekten, Bolivia und Peru ; Holmgren, 1287. Myrmecopliilous D'iplcron ; Licht- wardt, 1664. Studies 'on mvrmecophilcs CrciiKitito- cJulua; Wheeler, 3130.— //c/ot-rais; Wheeler, Mil.— Mir radon ; Wheeler, 3132. Myrmecopliilous Ca! . and //////(. in Britain ; Donisthorpe, 694. ('aterpillars as ants' pets 216. and Lycaenid Blatter, arvae ; Tutt, Ant 2950. Puccadia, Lrp., and atits; Thomann, 2885. Rauj)e einer Tineide {Buiracliedra myrmecophilu) in Ameisennestcu lebend (H(illandisch); SneUen, 2736. Sididnjlinidtie gen. n. ; Wasmann, 3058. 1*»0 Intfdn. St^n.TErT txnKv;. — KTiii^tdfiV. ('lavigi'i' lougiconii-'^, seiii Verhaltnis zu I.axiits innbratii.-< unci seine iutei- natlunaleii Bezieliiniijeii zu auilcnii Ainoisenarlen ; Schmitz, 2537. W'cJnni scssil,.-: ami auti ; Plitt, 2203. M\ iiutvopliilnus Proctotrypidac ; Kieffer, 1479. I't'riitoixhjoii with Formica riifa', Kieffer, 1483. > hiincomi/ia donii, eiue neue deutsrlie als Anieisencast lebemle fliigellose Flie- genjiattung ; Enderlein, 775. Bee-life. Bilder aus der Bieneenwelt mit Bezug auf Maeterlincks : „ Das Leben der Bieneu" ; Rathlef, 2281. Apis meUincn. )>0)iular account ; Selwyn, 2632 and netcher, 853. I'rohnenljriitiskeit, I'l-sache, Bekamp- fung (Russ.) ; Levandovskij , 1657. Zur Sclnvirrliewcgung der i5ienen im Stocke ; Forster, 862. Variations dans la nidification. A]iides solitaires ; Popovici-Baznosanu, 2206. Homing of tlie Ijurrowing-hees Atitlio- phorida ; Turner, 2939. The sun-dance of Melissodea ; Turner, 2942. IJasijpoda Itirtipea, nest-forniing ; Saunders p. 235 Ent. Mag. 44. Biologische Beobachtungen an Huiu- meln (Schwedischi ; Sundvik, 2828. Einige Beobaclitungen an Huniiuel- nestern ; Gundermann, 1171. Hummel-Fauna der Halbinscl Kanin ; Poppius, 2217. Lebeusweiss der Huaimeln in arktischen Gebieten ; Friese, 910. Skizzen aus dem Leben einei- MeVi- jyme ; Fiebrig, 831. Wasp-life Social and Solitary). Gradation et perfectionnement de I'instinct chez les guepes solifaiies d'Afrique, dugenreSj/Jifc/r/s ; Roubaud, 2430. Nests of social Vcspidae ; Ducke, 714' Bemhexrostrata; Schuster, 2604. Wasp storing katvdids in a well ; Tucker, 2930. The liominu of ."^ndiphi-oii ; Tumei*, 2938. Termite-life. Die Termiten oder weissen Ameisen, Eine biologische Studie ; Escherich, 789. Kastenbilduug und Systematik der Termiten ; Wasmann, 3059. Neues terniitopliilcs Stapliylinidcn- genus, Bemerkuugeu iilxT die (laste von Ilodotermcs ; Wasmann, 3063. Thanmatoxcna ; Tragardh, 2908. Cavernicolous, Subterranean. ^faaslriclitfr Ivreidetuffluihlcn ; Schmitz, Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 127-428. Dij)tera cavernicola fortuita ; Bezzi, 193. Trechus sp. n. ; MUller, 1961. Silphidae 2 spp. n. ; Reitter, 2325. Speonomus sp. n. ; Peyerimhoff, 2137. Lindner-(Trutte bei Trel)ic imTriester Karst; MuUer, 1963. Coleopteres especes cavernieoles (Biotfpeologica, v.) ; Jeannel, 1373. Presentation de Coleopteres caver- nieoles vivants et quelques remarqnes sur leur biologie ; Jeannel, 1374. T>iaf^tica ; Hewitt, 1244. Sexueller Diniorpliismus bei Loxo- neura decora ; Meijere, 1821. Copulation of (,'eroptito roh/nicus (Russ.) ; Nasonov, 1974. Mating habits' liorens ; Cockle, 548. Parental, Oviposition. (Jneldere.s quercuH habits of girdling ; Beyer, 183. Anlegung und G est alt der Gauge Tomkln't (Russ.) ; Maloletenkow, 1764. Oviposition Chilocorus hlvulnerns; Girault, 1071. Eiablage und Frass von Scijthropns muatela ; Baer, 81. Ergebnisse des letzten Souuners ; Rudow, 2438. Eiablage der Wasserinsekten (Fin- nisch) ; SilfveniuB, 2670. Oviposition Bibio albipeun'i8 ; Girault, 1068. Bemerkungen zu den " Beobachtungen iiber das Eierlegen der Culiciden von Gnlli-Valerio und Rochaz de .Jongh " ; Eysell, 794. l!eprodurtive habits : host-oviposition, leaf-oviposition, supracutaneous host- larviposition, subcutaneous host-larvi- positioii and leaf-larviposition, Tach't- n'ldne ; Townsend, 2907. Ovijjosition ( liaetogaedia moutieola; Swezey, 2846. Nuinlier of eggs Cidex I'estuans ; Girault, 1067. — Count of the combined eggs from twenty (20) depositions Psetidoeoccus '■itrl (Risso) ; Davis, 619. Oviposition and habits of Anihlyteles rnr'iegatorius (Dutch); Oudemans, 2084. I'^iablage, llnplncampa Lrciris (Russ.) ; Mokrzecki, 1918. Die Dickelscheu Bieueuexperimente, Studien liber den Geschleehtsapparat und die FortpHanzung der Bieuen ; Bresslau, 298. Eial)lnge, Habitat, C/(aZci(Zidae(Russ.) ; Rodzianko, 2385. Inosteinma hosci'i, habits, oviposition ; Adler, 20. Oviposition of hyperparasite (Chalcid) ; Lyle, p. 249 Entomologist 41. Eiablage Libellen, (Finnisch) ; Vaii- kangas, 2968. Bericlitigung zu " Brutpflege bei Libellen '' ; Scholz, Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol. 3 p. 39G. Ovi])osition of Locust'idae; Peyerim- hoflf, 2135. Egg laying, Eiiipuctfsca mcd'i ; Wash- bum, 3056. Hibernation. The relation of tem))erature to lilber- nation ; Sanderson, 2465. Phenology. I-ntomoIogisches Tagebuch fiir 1907 ; Hoffmann, 1273. Forstentomologische Notizennach den Aufzeichnungen und Saimidungen J. E. Furuhjelms (Scliwedisch) ; Elfving, 755. Weitere forstentomologische Notizen (Schwedisch) ; Elfving, 756. iir. /; SuBTFrT TvDEK. — Etitolooy, Instinct. Psychology. J'lie sriises and instinct of insects ; Forel, 878. histinkt dcilnsekten (Russ.l ; Okaenov, 2062. Vestigial instincts in insects ami ■ther animals; Wheeler, 3120. Errors of instinct, Diptera ; Meisaner, 1852. Organs of sense & classificatien, Lep. ; Swinton, 2854. P>ychologie der Dermatopteren ; Meissner, 1843. I'efaiiigung von Hymenopteren ihr Xi'st aufzutinden (Russ.) ; Malysev, 1765. Psychology experiments I'omhus (Russ.) ; Erikaon, 783. Entwicklungsaufenthalt und Schlaf- zustand bei ungeiustigen meteorologi- schen Bedingungen (Rnss.) ; Pospelov, 2240. Hearing in Ants ; Waamann, 3066. Empfindlichkeit des (xeruehs- oder Witterungsverniogens, Lepidopteren ; Bischoff, 210. Bedentung des Gesichtssinnes fiir die Auffindung der Artgenossen, Rlioimlo- lereii ; Meiaaner, 1854. (ieruckssinn, Raubwespen, fiir die Auffindung ihrer BT-utrohre ; Waamann, 3065. Sinnealeben der Falter ; Blumenthal, 224. Lights attracting insects ; Bryant, 349. Attitudes. Attitude, liomoeopraxv ; Joannia, 1392 & 1393. Luminosity. The glow-worm Aslraplor : Barber, 108. Das Leuchten tropisclier Lampyriden ; Steclie, 2777. Leuchten Chironomtis am Azov 'schen Meere (Russ ) ; Tamaui, 2865. Resemblance, Protection, Utility. Republication of essays, with an original one " the place of mimiciy in a (x-10332 j) scheme of defensive coloration " ; Poul ton, 2245. Secondary niiniicry, Ithomiliuic iV. Itioia ; Poulton. -Miniicrv, iliillerian limited ; Mar- shall, 1789. Mimicry in ISi.urlxin iV Mauritius Nhopaloccni ; Poulton, 2243. Mimicry, Ceylon insects ; Green, 1104. Mimicry, PapUio & Eirploca, in Bour- bon ; Mandera, 1766. Die Varialiilitat der FliigeH'arbc bei P^ilura moiiacha L. in I'otsilam 1907, nebst einem Beitrag zur Bekiimpfung der Mimikry-Theorie ; Auel, 61. Variabilitat der Flii^elfarljc, J'siliirn monaclui, iiel)sl einem Beitrag I'iir die Mimikry-Theorie ; Gerwien, 1030. Association of Pierine & Nymjihaline Tiliopnlocera ; Kaye, London Proc. eut. .Soc. 1908 p. xxii. PJnjUomorphn ulg/ricd ; Thdry et Le Cerf, 2880. Mynnrciiphaiia, eine iiyiiertclisclie und Ameiseu-Nachahmung ; Voaseler, 3001. Resemblance l)etween Oestrid & Salius ; Poulton p. xxix London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908. Protective mimicry, theory of; Rothe, 2411. Butterflies as food of birds ; Wellman, 3098. Capture of a butterfly by a hunting spider; Weat,3113. Autotomie et " autospasie " ; Pieron, 2195. Eating protected insects ; Poulton & Andrewes London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908 pp. xxxi & xxxii. Rhopalocera not afraid of Vespa ; Seloua, 2630. Wirkung des Stinkdriisenexcretes auf andere lusekten ; Stiharopns henTie'i (Russ.) ; Jakovlev, 1363. Verhalten der Raupe bei drohen der Gefahr etc., Oallcria ; Acliraea (Russ.) ; Metalnikov, 1868. Raupe von Orsonoha aegyptiaca ; Andrea, 46. Raupe riiumt ihren Kot fort ; Lindner, 1677. c 21—2 1C4 Insccta XII. Insecta. [1908] The origin and formation ol' the froth in spittle-insects ; Guilbeau, 1169. Eine Schaum bildende larve Pachij- schelus spec. Die Aiisscheidmig von Kautschuk aus der Nahriing and dessen Vervrertung zu Si-huttzzweeken (auch bei Rhynchoteu) ; Fiebrig, 832. Protective resemblance, D'dophonota lassaiixi larva ; Gallardo, 994. Color and environment ; Snyder, 2742. Zur Farbenbildung der Raujie der Satumla carpini ; Forel, 870. The colours of blue butterflies ; Nichol- son, 2009. Protective colour of O'jeodes ; Meunier, 1880. Schutzfiirbung durch verschiedene Pigmente (Russ.) ; Belousov, 139. Utility of the jumping bean ; Lloyd, p. 353 Zoologist 1908. Natural history (special cases). Nature biographies, Lep'idoptera ; Ward, 3040. Biologie der Ruhus-Bewohner ; Die Konkurrenz um die Nestpliitze ; Hoppner, 1269. Habits of CoJ. Lamellicornia ; Ohaus, 2058. StratacgiiH, larval halnts ; Manee, 1767. Tricliodes iimheHatantm moears ; Cros, 589. Desert Ceramhyc'id., natural historv ; Peltz, 2114. Sdperda R-pnnrliilit, natural history; Fleischer, 849. Life histories Cassulidac ; Schultze, 2593. Biologie du Jiums hite'ipe» ; Loiselle, 1686. Lebensweise von Raujie und Falter, Apor'ia crataegl (Russ.) ; Malicev, 1759. ('t(dlcr'i(i mellonella, Ijiology, larva; Metalnikov, 1867. Anatoniie und Biologie von Acoitropus niveua Oliv. ; Nigmann, 2024. Dipterologische Bemerkungen ; Meis- Bner, 1845. 'J'he })eliavior of the phantom larvae of Corethra pluniicorniH; Harper, 1192. Coupling of Enip'ts, S feeding ? ; Hamm, 1180. Life-history notes, Megavh'inus septeii- trionalls ; Morgan and Cotton, 1934. Biology of Philippine Cidtcldce ; Banks, 98. Larval habits, Culex perturhans; Smith, 2723. Beobachtungen iiber Culiciden ; Galli- Valerio und Rochaz de Jongh, 996. Psycliodid of the genus PhJehotomus ; Annandale, 47. Notes on " punkies " {Cevatopocjon spp.) ; Pratt, 2247. Contribution a la biologie de Glossina palpalia ; Boubaud, 2427. Das Vorko.nmen der Tsetse-Fliege imd ihre Gewohnheiten in den verschie- denen Gegenden ; Kiirchhoflf, 1595. Lebensgeuohnheiten der Glossina palpalis ; Zupitza, 3191. Osservazioni alle " Note dietologiche del Martelli" ; Guercio, 1161. Lebensweise, Adclpliocoiis liurolatus (Russ.) ; VasUjev, 2972. Biological Notes on Oriental Ilenii- ptera No. 1 ; Kershaw and Kirkaldy, 1485. The periodical cicada ; Marlatt, 1782. Habits of Crimean C'lcadklac ; Gadd, 986. Life history of Cl/ailoplionifi ncijun- d'nus ; Davis, 615. Habits, reactions, and mating instincts of the " walking stick," Aplopns mayer'i ; Stockard, 2812. Heobaclitungen an leijcuden Phas- iiiid(ni iuder Gefangenschai't ; La Baume, 1614. Habits of Mantis', Blatter, 215. ManUa rellg'iosa ; Aheille de Perrin, 3. Aettchna cymiea, Syndjiose niit Ocdo- (jonium undulatum ; Kammerer, 1433. Naturgeschichte scliadliclie Acri- diodea (Russ.) ; Petrow, 2132. Biologie de I'lKopln/n pi/rcnea var. vematiHenais ; B^renguier, 146. Biocoenose d(>r Angola-Meloiden ; Wellman D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 017. 165 liiscctii. Subject Ixukx. — Kthoi.oi;y. Svinliio^e PhijUo.- pung von Faltern ; Englisch, 782. Abweichungen in Gestalt und Far- bung bei baltischen Lepidopteren ; Lutzau, 1728. Neigimg zuni Dunkelwerden bei Schmetterlingen der baltischen Pro- vinzen ; Teich, 2873. Der Kalk tragt zur Variabilitiit der Schuppenfliigler viel bei ; Trautmann, 2915. Albinism Ephtcphcle ; Aigner-Abafi p. 218 Berliner Ent. Zs. 52. Variabilitiit von Lycacua datnon ; Vorbrodt, 2998. Variation of pattern Lycaenidae ; Dieroff, 660. Variation of ])attern I'apUio machaon ; Spengel, 2763. Variation of I'teris nap'i ; Main, 1755. Mflitaca varr. colour & pattern ; Scbultz, 2585. Researches on the varieties of silk- worms (Japanese) ; Takahashi, 2861. Varietiitenbihlung liei ArctJa caia durch Inzucht ; Glaser, 1078. On two anomalies of wing marking in J'tcrudccta fcldcvl Bremer ; Miyake, 1907. ]07 Insecla. SuBJKCT Index. — Aetiology. ."^ 1^)0 d opt era inaitritia color varial ion ; Swezey, 2844. Die Variabilitiit iler Fliigelfailie bei P>ation in der ontogenetisehen Kntwicklung iiyltrider Schmotterlings- raupen ; Denso, 641. Pcrycsa liyl)r. hivhiu'i (liybr. elpenor S X porcellus ? ; Denso, 638. Pcrgexa hybr. ireuc liybr. elpenor (J + 'hippophae.H $ ; Denso," 639. Deilepliila eupJiorb'iae S x livornica'^ hybr. n. fi'dlmer'i ; Rebel, Wien Verli. Zool. Bot.'Ges. 58 p. 155. Anatomisclier Untersuchuugeu an Lepidopterenbastarden, Smerlnthns hybr. hyridus Westw. und hybr. operoisa Stdfs. ; Roepke, 2386. Zuchtergebuis von Lnuanlriu^ hylir. (v. japonica $ x dispar V )■ c? 'f' In- zucht (gynandromorph) ; Brake, 285. Epicnaptera hybr. treniidifolia HIjn. (? X ilieifolia L. ? ; Lenz, 1640. Psychiden IIyl)rideii und deren Aui'- zucht ; Trautniann, 2914. Ephiephele tltlionus & hyperantliua pairing; Harrison p. 2-19 Entomologist 41. Hvbrid, Carahus x Procrudes ; Bom, 264.' Heredity. 'Die heredity of sex; Punnett and Bateson, 2263. ' Combinations of aiternativ-e and blending inheritance ; Lutz, 1725. Heredity in silkworms ; Kellogg & Smith, 1450. Crossing A. grossidar'iatu & var. hte- Licolor, sex-inheritance ; Doncaster, 692. Crossing Abraxas grossulariata & var. varleyata; Porritt, p. 275 Ent. Mag. 44. Inzuchtversuche, DUlna Itl'uie ; Kolisko, 1550. Pairing of Phdosavda cyntlda and Calloitamia promethea ; Harrison, p. 120 l':nt. Rec. 20. Evolution. I'liylogiiiiy & metamorphosis ; Lameere, 1617." Phylogeny & classification of Ilem'tp- lera ; Reuter, 2348. 108 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1908] Cliaraktcristik unci Entwickelungs- geschiclite der Hemipteren-Fauiia der palaearktischen C'oniferen ; Reuter, 2351. Monographia generis Heteropterorum Phimodera Germ. ; Reuter, 2350. Phylogeny & classification of Iletcro- ptera ; Kirkaldy, 1493. Die Copula tionsanhiinge der solitaren Apiden und die Artentstehnng durch ,,physiologiscbe Isolierung" ; Strohl, 2817. Flugellosigkeit Insektenweibchen In- stanz fur das Lamarcksche Prinzip ; Meissner, 1851. Zur Frage iiber die biologischen Arten ; Cliolodkovsky, 481. Experimenud investigations of the production and preservation of new cliaracter races and sjiecies in insects ; Tower, 2905. Tower's " Evolution in Lrplinottirsa " ; Knab, 1523. Der Ameisenstaat mid die Abstani- mungslehre ; Reichenbacli, 2302. Das Urteil iiber die von Dr. Chr. Schroder gegebene Erkliirung der Schnietterlingsfarbungen ; Fischer, 842. Die Konigin von Apis mcU., ein Atavismus ; Demoll, 633. Verbindungsbriicken zwischen Kiifern und Tmnien ; Sajo, 2459. GE(JGRAPIIY, FAUNISTIC. General. General Catalogue of Coleoptera of the families II tidrophilidae, Dryopidae, UetcroccrnJiii', Cijathoceridae & Georyn- a'ldae ; Zaitzev, 3186. Catalogue nf Ajilindihi'i of the \vorld ; Sclunidt, 2521. Catalogus Diptcronuu hu(us(|U(' dc- scriptoruni, Vol. 3 ; Kert^sz, 1460. Die geographische Verbreitiuig der Diptera pup'ipnra und ihre Phylogenie ; Speiser, 2760. Supplement to the Brussels calaloguf of Fentatomidae ; BergTOth, 150. Die geographische Verlireitung der Scliildliiuse im Dicnste der Pfiarizcngeo- grapliio. I'liiio zoologische Kiltc an ilie lioUmiken ; Lindinger, 1669. Cliango of li.'ihilat. A clinMir ; Meiss- ner, 1853, The influence of minimum tempera- tures in limiting the northern distribu- tion of insects ; Sanderson. 2467. Die faunistische Bedeutung flugun- fahiger Orthopteren ; Kamy, 1438. Localities not known. — Hylastinus in Scolytidae. — Tropidoderus sp. n., Oto- eran'ia gen. n., Paracyphocrania gen. n., vide Phasmidae. In the next following cases localities have been omitted by the bureaus and I have not been able to supply them : — Lep. Hesperiidae, Mabille & Boullet. Col. Genecerus, Bourgeois. Thysaniira, MachUi.-i, Silvestri. Col. Dasytides, Abeille. Col. Haltieidae, Abeille. Col. Malac, Olivier Luclola leiiciirn. Col. Stlphidae, Portevin Bui. Mus. 19. Col. Llclienophanes, Lesne Bui. Mus. 179. Dipt. Pangonia, Surcouf. Bui. Mus. 284. Col. Cryphalnides donlstliorpei, vide Scolytidae. Hem. Cnnphalodes affiii'is, Aphldae. Arctic & Antarctic. Friese, 910 ; Arctisches Eurasien, l>omhii>i. Horvath, 1305 ; Greenland Psylln sp. n. Petersen, 2129 ; Arctic Norway, Ephr- merrlla sp. n. (Xorw.). Carpenter, 426; Antarctic Podur'idae gen. n. Insular. Azores. Hymrnoptera Fovmic'idae ', Wheeler, 3126. Madeira. Coleoptera, Fauvel. 799 ; Anillohlus xolifuga, Curcuiionide aveugle. — Lep'idoptera. Walsingham, 3027; Microlep'idoplevd 2 spp. n., .lyoHo- plcvyx, Gdcchia. — Diptera. Becker, 134; l(j spj). n. — (/oocH'cidics de Madere (Port.) ; Tavares, 2869.)— Neuroptera. Navds, 1977; SiiiiiplicrohiuH sp. n. — Apliidae. Schouteden, 2544 ; A])}ii.'< sp. II. — Orlliopleni. BoreUi, 259 ; I'seiida- fhrlidnra sp. n, IGO Insccla. Subject Index. — iKoaRAPHY. (':inai-y Islands. Colcof)tcra. Wagrner, 3008 ; Apioti sji. n. — Hiiitiotoi^fra. Szepligeti, 2856 ; KiefiFer, 1476 ; Baco- ijiiatha u. s]i. : Ci/nipidae 6 spp. n. : Santschi, 2469 ; Formieidae List. — Lcpi- doj-iera. Chretien, 487 ; 5 spp. n., Scop- ana, Lit a. lu'curvana, XcpUcula & Tinea : Walsingham, 3027 ; Microlcpi- Joi)tcra, many sp]i. n. — Neurojitera. Navas, 1977; il'uT0)nn.'<, Sipuphci-ohiiis, spp. u. — Diptera. Becker, 133; 1")8 spp. 11., penn. n. — Thiisanoptera. Bag- nail, 85 ; iiov. geu. — Coecidae. Lindin- ger, 1671 ; Chrii»omphahts sp. n. — Pso- cidac. Navis, 1977 ; gen. n.. Pcripsijcus sp. n. — Ortliopteia. Bolivar, 240; gen. n. aff. Thalpomenae. Cape Verde islands. Hymenoptera. Turner, 2944. Hawaiian islands. l)isecta. Giffard, 1039 ; Insects of Lanai. — Coleoptera. Sbarp & Scott, 2642 ; many spp. n. : Perkins, 2123; CaUitlimijaiis sp. n. — Ihpnenoptera. Howard, 1317 ; Prospal- teila sp. n. — Heteroptera. Kirkaldy, 1499 ; PiezodorU'< ritbvofasciatu>! on introduced plants at Honolulu. — llomo- ptera. Kirkaldy, 1501 ; List of Hemi- ptera, many spp. n. Society Islands. Hymenoptera. Wheeler, 3125 ; Plag'wlepis sp. n. : Cockerel!, 522 ; Merjachile sp. n. — Di- l^cni. Doane, 675 ; CiJicidac, remarks. Queen Charlotte islands. Tliysano- ptera. Bagnall, 85 ; nov. gen. Ailniiralty islands. Coleoptera. Auri- villius, 63 ; Heteroclytomorpha sp. n. Marian islands, Carolines & Yap. Coleoptera. Aurivillius, 63; 4 spp. n. Monochamus & Prosoplus. — Orlhnptera. Brunner & Redtenbacher, 339 ; Phas- midae general work, spp. n. Xeu Pommern. Coleoptera. Auri- villius, 63 ; CeramhyeiJae 3 spp. n. : HeUer, 1217 ; 4 spp. n., BehrensieUus, Eupholua, gen. n. Bracliyderinae, Pseu- docholuH : Moaer, 1951 ; Lomaptera 2 spp. n. : Sternberg, 2791 ; Scapnyie^ sp. n. — T^pidoplera. Bastelberger, 117 ; Ary- catuia sp. n. — [Jiptera. Bezzi, 186 ; Aaarcina sp. n. : Kert^sz, 1461 ; Saldu- ha sp. II. Samoa. Coleoptera. Aurivillius, 63 ; gen. n. near TrypanidluH : Pic, 2153 ; Anih'tcun sp. n. — Hymenoptera. Kolb, 1542; 8 spp. n., Haliclua, Pmou, Oph'iou & paniacua. — Heteroptera. Schouteden, 2546 ; Colcot'icJi.us sp. n. — Orthnplcra. Carl, 424 ; Salomona sp. n. Fiji Islands. Coleoptera. Heller, 1217; lihinoxnipha sp. n. — Urteropleya. Kirkaldy, 1504 ; Teleonemia sp. n. : Kirkaldy, 1504a; Catalogue of Fijian Ileniijitera many new genera and species. — Odonata. Martin, 1797 ; Procordidia gen. n. — Fiji ^^ Friendly islands. Ovtlio- ]>fera. Brunner i^ Redtenbacher, 339; J^lia.^inidac general work, s[-i|). n. Louisiade Arch, and Sulomon islils. Lepidoptera. Rothscbild, 2422 ; Pajnlio subsjip. n. Solomon Islands. Coleoptera. Auri- villius, 63; Cerambycldae 4 spp. n. : Heller, 1217 ; Tragopna sp. n., gen. n. Trypetidae: Heller, 1218; Nauphacns sp. n. — Hymenoptera. Kobl, 1542; 3 spp. n., Nomada, PoUstcs & Leueaapa'ia. — Lepidoptera. Jordan, 1417 ; Hijpoehrysops sp. n. : Seitz, 2629 ; Aphantocephala sp. n. : Warren, 3050 ; Iza sp. u. — Orthoptera. Brunner iV Redtenbacher, 339 ; Phnamidac general work, spji. n. New Caledonia. Hymenoptera. Vachal, 2969; 2Q&\ip.T\.— Orthoptera. Brunner & Redtenbacher, 339 ; Plnn^mldae general work, sjip. n. Lifu iV Clioiseul islds. Lepidoptera. Warren, 3058 ; H ypolamprua sp. n. New Zealand. Coleoptera. Broun, 316; Carahidae 38 spp. n. : Portevin, 2233; Eucinetus sp. n.— Weise, 3091; 1,'hizohius sp. n. — Lepidoptera. Howes, 1331 ; 2 spp. n., Melanchra & Leucania-. Hudson, 1336; 3 spp. n. Lylhria, Di- c.Iiromodes, Portna. — Orthoptera, Forfi- cididae. Burr, 368 ; Brachylahinae gen. n. Kergiielen isld. Hymenoptera. Forel, 875 ; Camponolus sp. n. Palaearctic Region. (a) Collectively. Inaeeta, collectively. Was ist ,,palaearktisch" ; Seitz, 2628. Coleoptera. X. (Jhina ('ir'indcla sp. vide Asi^ Horn, 1295. 170 Insecta. XII. Insecla. [1908] Bemhauer, 166 ; Staphylinidae 16 spp. n. Bemhauer, 167 ; Staphylinidae G spp. n. Bemhauer, 169 ; Staphylinidae 10 spp. 11. Daniel & Daniel, 614 ; 10 spp. n. Trechus, Ptcrosticltus, Hister, Rhagiuin, Phytoecia, Laria, Urodon, Polydrosus, Orihochaetes & Acalles. Desbrochers, 649 ; Tycliius & Sibinia, 30 spp. n. Desbrochers, 651 ; Curculiouides 7 spp. n. Desbrochers, 652 ; Monographie des Apionides d' Europe et circa 7 spp. n. Desbrochers des Loges. 653 ; Notes critiques et synoiiymiques sur le Cata- logus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Possica;, 2^ edition, 1906, de MM. L.-V. Heyden, E. Reitter, et J. Weise. Formanek, 880 ; S. Eur. & Asia minor 4 spp. n. Ai-goptochus, Barypithes, Omiai^, & Trachyphloeus. Ganglbauer & others, 1003; Addi- tional localities. Jakovlev, 1365 ; Asia minor, Caucasus, W. Asia, Spliowptera 16 spp. n. Jakovlev, 1370 ; Sphenoptera 8 spp. n. Pic, 2167 ; Descriptions ou diagnoses et notes diverses, 60 spp. n. Pic, 2183 ; Anuir A Turkestan, Crypto- cephaJns 2 spp. n. Popplus, 2221 ; Caucasus & Trans- caspiaii,.") spji. n.Carahidae,Ptevo8tic]ins, Amara, Leh't ^I'P- "■ Oshanin, 2079 ; \'erzeiclinis 2, Homo- ptera, Lief. 3. 171 lii^ecla. Subject Index. -Geography. Reuter, 2361 ; Trausoausia, Aiuuila, Maiidschur'ui, Corea, Capsidae 12 spp. ii. Orthoptera. Sugrurov, 2823; Imperium rossicuui Gampaocleis spp. un. (b) Europe, collectively. Coleopteni. Bickhardt, 197; Hispauia i^ Croatia Uititer 1' spp. n. Calwer, 397; Kaferbucli, 0 vollig mngearb. Autl. Daniel, 611 ; Alps & Bosnia Liosonia 3 sj.p n. Desbrochers, 648 ; France et Corse, Bracliijdcridac, Ap'ion 3 spp. n. Formanek, 879 ; Scohjtidae gen. n. Formanek, 881; 4 spp. n., Argoplo- chuts, Omias, Dorytomus, Edmetaspidas gen. n. aff. Ptoclii. Hubenthal, 1333 ; a few localities Amara & Artlhonomu.t. Jacobson, 1358. ScMlsky in Kiister Tind Kraatz, 2516a ; 8 spp. n., Aiiaspis, Plnjllobhis, Peritelns & Bagous. Hymenoptera. Eieffer, 1479 ; m}Tmecophilous Proc- totrypidae 28 spp. n., genn. n. Silvestri, 2684 ; Chelonus 2 spp. n. Lepidoptera. Chapman, 462 ; France & Spain Stenoptilia sp. n. SpxUer, 2766 ; Die Schmetterlinge Europas. Triehoptera. Ulmer, 2965 ; Hungary & Monteuegio, >ftodes sp. n. Dipteru. Bezzi, 185 ; (J sj)p. n., Ehaglo, Empis, PJiamphomyia. KiefFer, 1477 ; Cecldomyiidae 7 spp. n. Stein, 2778 ; .Sdnveden & Deutschland CJiiroi'ia 2 spp. n. Townsend, 2906; Zygolothria sp. n., Tachina sp. n., Lucilia spp. n. Villeneuve, 2987 ; l\u:hinidac 5 spp. u., Stratiomyidae gen. n. Ilemiplfra. Horvath, 1304 ; Les relations entre les I'aunes heraipterologiques de 1' Europe et de I'Amerique du Nord. Orthoptera. Azam, 70 ; Acvntyles d'Enrope. Burr, Eat. Rec. 20 p. 58 etc. ; synopsis of Western Europe Orthopt. continued. (c) North Europe & Siberia. Insccta, collectively. Gronblom, 1129 ; Interessante Funde von Insekten (Schwedisch). Nielsen, 2014 ; The insecta-fanua of the Faeroes. Coleoptem. Baeckmann, 77 ; Siid-Karelien. Eggers, 753 ; Amur, Eccoptogaster sp. u. Forsius, 883 ; Finland novelties. Frey, 897 ; Nemosoma elongata F'lu- land. Poppius, 2208 ; des nordostlichen europaischen Russlands, 3 spp. n., Atlieta & Stenus. PoppiUB, 2209 ; Halbinsel Kanin, 5 spp. n., Agahus, Ochthehius, Allicia, Bledius. Poppius, 2210; Trlholium cunfuauin in Finland (Schwedisch). Poppius, 2211 ; Petschora Philonth.us sp. n. Poppius, 2212 ; I""inlandischen Not'io- pJtdus. Poppius, 2213 ; Finland Bracliyptn-ua glaber & llyleainus fraxini. Poppius, 2215 ; Enare Lappland Stenus 2 spp. n. Poppius, 2219 ; Lena-Thai 5 spp. n., Octheh'ius & IlelophoruH. Poppius, 2220; Sil)eiiu & Mongolia ('arab'tduc 7 spp. n., Oplionun, Ilarpalun Jji-adyccllutf, Amavd, Pteroaticliua. Poppius, 2223 ; 1'.. Siberia Cryobiits sp. u. 172 Insecta. XTI. Insecta. [1908] The Coli'optera of Kola & Eiiare 'I'l-'ifhuptcra. Lappmark; Poppius. 2225. Silfvenius. 2668; Tvurminne Tvlcho- Reitter, 2324 ; Irkutsk SijueaJypta lifera-iHwoa. ■ Silfvenius, Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. Reuter, 2353; Finland rarities. 32 p. 3 ; Finland Oxyethira falcata & Sahlberg-, 2451 ; Finland novelties, ' simplex novelties. Trichopteryjidae & Elateridae. Wegelius, Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 34 p. Ill ; Xemadiis colonoides Finland. Zaitzev, 3181 ; E. Siberia 2 spp. n., Coelamhus & llydroporns. Zuravskij, 3193 ; Verbreitung von Cercyonopa caraganae in der Tundra BolsLaja Zemlja (Russ.). Hymenoptera. Forsius, 884 ; Finland Chalastogastra novelties. Konow, 1559 ; Siljeria 2 spp. n. Arge & Tcnthredo. Nordstrom, Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et. Fl. Fenn. 34 p. 16 ; Pein- phredon rugifer Dahlb. in Finland gefunden (Schwedisch). Poppius, 2217 ; Halbinsel Kanin BomhuK. Wellenius, 3097 ; lletcrogyna, Finland (Finniscli). Lep'idoptem. Blocker, 221 ; Irkutsk Heteroceren Benierkungcn (Kusa.). Fabritius, Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 34 p. 138; Finland Cueullia lucifuga, Diloha eocndeo- cephala. Grbnblom, 1131 ; Finland novelties. Jurinsky, 1430 ; Irkutsk lihopaloccnt. Matsumura, 1806 ; Sadialin Argyn7iis sp. n. Meinliard, 1826 A 1827; 'i'onisk, Geometridae (Russ. J. NordstrSm, Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 34 p. 138 ; Oecophora tr'tpuiicta Finland. Poppius, 2207 ; Finland AciddlKi tr'tgemniutu it liolijn arn'ril ix. Stichel, 2800 ; l.iilc-l-aj.iiniark. Wahlgren, 3016; Fnlomo-gcograpliy of tlic ii|i)iiT Klaiiilf valley (.Swedish). Wegelius, 3081 ; T'lnland, < »ktiil)cr. Siltala, 2672 ; Trichopteren Savolax. Siltala, 2674 ; nordlichen Fenno- Skandia, 2 s]i}). n., Lcpidostoma & Stac- tohia. Neuroptcva. Reuter, 2356 ; Finland, novelties. D'rptent. Frey, 893; Finland 10 spp. n. Frey, 894 ; Gampsocera numcrata Fin- land (Schwedisch). Frey, 895 ; Anthomyiden, Finland (Schwedisch). Frey, 898; Finland neue Dipteren. Frey, 899 ; Finland 2 spp. n., BUara iV Mcromyza. Frey, 900; Tacliydromla-Avten Fin- lands. (Schwedisch). Frey, 901 ; Finnland Sepsis sp. n. Frey, Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna (^t Fl. Fenn. 34 p. 16 ; Leptis tringaria, Finland. Frey, Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 34 p. 33 ; Doros conopscua Finland. Levander, 1655 ; A uoplieles claviger (Schwedisch). Lundstrom, 1720 ; Beltriige zur Kennt- nisder Dipteren V mVdnd Mycetophilidne, 13 s])]i. n. Lundstrom, 1721 ; I'inland (i spp. n., TipuJn ("t Ctcnui'liiini. Lundstrom, 1722 ; Finland, Cyllndro- tomidae und I .iiininibiidae, 3 spp. n. Ileniijitera. Reuter, 2362 ; Aniuria Palomena sp. n. Reuter, 2340 ; Finland, 2 novelties. MiiUuphngn. Reuter, Medd. Soc. Fatuia Fl. Fcim. 34 p]). 121, 211 ; IVdicididcM uml Mallophagen der Rindcr (Sclnvcdisch). 17."^ Insecta. Sitbject Index. — X. Eiroi-e, Etc. — British Islands. PcrUdac. Klapalek, 1508; Inscl Sai-haliu /'/.•- n'tva .•.]! n. Odonata. KesSniemi, 1463 ; Kirclisjnel Kor- pilaht ; Finland (Finnisch). Ovthoptera. Luther, Med. Soc. Eauna Fenn. 34 ji. \'lo ; Platijcleis (jrisea f. macroptcni Kolka, Sud-Finland (Schwedisch). Miram, 1899 ; Siberia 5 spji. n., Chry»ochraoti, Stcuohotlirufi, Clompho- cerus. Reuter, 2352 ; Clinjsochraon popp'nitsi Finland (^Schwediseh). Reuter, 2357 ; Leptophyes puneta- ttssima Finland (Schwedischj. Thysanura & Collembola. Axelson, 69 ; Tsaiminne Apterj'gota- fauna. LinnaTiiemi, 1681 ; Apterygotenfauna Finlanils. i British Islands, The Fauna as a Whole. Planting colonies ; Mera, 1865. Coleoptera. Kotlophilus pusillus and liijpocrlta novelties ; Joy, 1422. hrom'tus angustus novelty; Cham- pion, 452. The British Laccohius, sp. n. ; New- bery, 1994. llt:lop)ioni8 porcidus noveltv ; New- bery, 1995. Aleochara crasshisoda noveltv; Champion, pp. 194 and 1^70 Ent. Mag. 44. L'alodera protenaa novelty ; Cham- pion, 454. Phdoniliua conc'uuius and Oxypoda perplexa novelties ; Joy, 1421. Sumu8Jyones8iu» sp. n. Cryptophaijiis ^jJtuZiw novelty ; Joy, 1425. Olophrum amimde novelty ; Beare, 131. ^ Euplectiis hetsc'idicus noveltv: Jov. 1427. An'isotouui llaciconiis noveltv; Joy, p. 171, t't Champion p. L'Oti, Ent. .Ma-'. 44. ' 'I'yptopluKjusloiciKiart novelty ; Cham- pion, 451. Micramhc vdlosa novelty; Newbery, Ent. Mag. 44 p. 105 and p. 235. Corticarin, the British spp., novelties ; Joy iV Tomlin, 1429. Melanophtlialma truncatella novelty; Joy, 1428. Litargiis colaratu--< and Louijltuntna nigernmus, novelties ; Tomlin A- Joy, 2896. Dryop.'< novelty; Edwards, 749. Malthodes minimus maryhucoUis noveltv ; Donisthorpe, p. 82 Ent. Rec. 20. L'entJiovrJtyiieliHs parvuhis novelty; Newbery, 1998. I'hyllolrcta diademata noveltv; New- bery, 1997. The british list; W. E. Sharp, 2643. Retrospect for 1907 ; Beare, 130. Notes, svnonvmical etc. ; Champion, 448. The British Ph'dydrus; Balfour- Browne, 92. The British Uelophornn; Edwards, 750. Ciambus punctidnm restored ; Donis- thorpe, 695. Colon, the British species ; Joy, j). 38 Ent. Mag. 44. Meligetlies viduatus var. aestimnbills ; Newbery p. 89 Ent. Mag. 44. Araeocei'us fasc'icidatus in Britain; Day p. 365 Ent. Mag. 44. I'radms affinis as British ; Donis- thorpe, p. 40 Ent. Mag. 44. ('ryptocephalns, localities lor ; Donis- thorpe pp. 208 and 209 Ent. Rec. 20. llymenoptera. Coelioxys afra novelty ; Morice, 1936. IJalictua longidiiH invalid ; Saimders, 2478. P'lmpluiae of Britain, 8 spp. n. ; Money, 1939. Procotrupidae novelties; Donisthorpe, 693. 174 Insecta. XTT. Insecta. [190S] Antaeon. novelties, 9 spp. ii. ; Chitty, 478. KiefiFer, 1469 ; England Klcidoloma sp. n. Kieffer, 1470 ; SccHonirJur numerous spp. n. Oxijura novelties ; Cameron, 398. Introductory work nti Ihjiii. (tcnlcatd ; Saunders, 2481. Ants of Gre.1t Britain ; Donistliorpe, 696. Ants in Kew Gardens, introduced species ; Donisthorpe London Tr. ent. See. Proc. p. ii. British oak galls ; Connold, 560. Tenthrcdinoldea localities and field notes ; Morley, 1942. Meteunis, the British ; Morley, 1940. The l)ritish Euphoridac ; Morley, 1941. Lepidopiera. Anthroci'iri acliiUene novelty; Coc- kayne, 501. Arithrocera acldlleac ; Sheldon, \\. 185 Renter, 2347. Ent. Reo. 20. Phora, the british, part 2, 11 spp. n. ; Wood, 3157. LnrUia sp. n. ; Townsend, 2906. PeynnnjKi csuriciiN & unirittala novel- ties ; Carter, 433. Eccoptovicra »ticrop-s & Agromyzd Ji/coDiis novelties ; Mallocli, 1761. Hyadina n'lt'ida novelty ; Mallocli, 1763. Aphamptera. RothscMld, 2415 ; n. gen. Scilly. Rothschild, 2416 ; t\ ijcter'idopsylla sp. n. llem'ipLera. Pacliijcoleua rafescens novelty ; Cham- pion, 449. Ni)[ocluhifi luiinulatus novelty ; Saim- ders, 2479. Selilnis luctuosufi novelty; Saunders, p. 113 Ent. ilag. 44. Edwards, 748 ; novelties 6 spp. n., Eiiipoasca, Acocepltalus, Typldoci/ba. The synonymy of British Hetevoptera ; Nonagria ufurlca novelty ; E. P. Sharp 1878. ie-htman n 270 Entomologist 41. Kirkaldy, 1495 ; a forgotten list of TO & Wightman, p. 270 Entomologist 41 II ijdroec'Ki c.r'inanenHis sp. n. ; Bur- rows, 377. Yponomeutci ro;'cZia« novelty ; Bankes, 96. The motlis of tlie British isles, pt. 2 ; South, 2753. Porthealii chrysurrhoea, historical, etc. ; Adkin, 16. Nonagrla edelstoii ; Tutt, 2951. Piiraincis virginiensis, Isle of Wight ; Walker i). 91 Ent. Mag. 44, mil ijvun'ru » Enp'itlier'ia tamariw.'inta iis l)i-ifish ; Zooloc'ist 1908 Tutt, pp. 102-104 Ent. Re.'. 20 o ^ ■ Thysanoptera. Novelties, gen. & sp. n. ; Bagnall, 84. Odonata. Odonata in 1907 ; Lucas, pp. 167 &. 1G8 Entomologist 41. l)al(^ collection annotations; Lucas, 1707. Orlhoptera. Orlhoptcrn in 1907 ; Lucas, 1709. Introduced Orthopterd ; Kirby ji. litJ Diptera. ('ollciiihnln. " ■ Carpenter, 429 ; two novelties, Novelties 5 spp.; MaJloch & Collin, J>i„tumn, Aanmla. pp. 1.37 & 138 Ent. Mag. 44. Mycetophilidac numerous novelties i<- - - - . >«-.« LocAi, Lists. Insecta, collectively. Sarnian islands ; Luff, 1718. Brachypeza sp. n. ; Jenkinson, 1377 Pipidiciilas viclnno.ftoluH novelty Scott, 2612. Phorii sp. n. ; Malloch, 1762. Phord sp. n. ; Malloch, 1760. Devon Cnrnhiix (lurrilus etc ; Rowley, 2433. 17"i /n.s, \; Bloomfleld, 223. Biv.k ins.vns Suffolk \- Norfolk; Morley, 1944. Sliropshiro ; Shrewslmiy Rec-. Caratloc F. I'l. 18 pp. 25-27. Yorkshire & North of England, numer- ous short reeords ; Naturalist 1908 passim. Perthshire Rliopaloccra & Neiu-optern ; Morton, pp. U9-151 Ent. Mag. 44. Isle of May ; Grimshaw, 1125. Dublin district; Carpenter, Halbert Si Kane. 430. Colcoptcra. Scilly islands, long list ; Joy, Kut. Mag. p. 175 and Champion T.c. p. 20(!. Devonshire, Qiierihis nigrocoei'uleuff etc. ; Keys p. 181 Ent. Mag. 44. South Devon ; de la Garde Ent. Mag. 44 pp. 13-15. S. Devon Meligethes suhnujotiiix ; de la Garde p. CO Ent. :Mag. 44. S. Devon Hydroponis mani'nuiliiH ; de la Garde p. 234 Ent Mag. 44. Brauuton Apion laerigatitm ; de la Garde p. 234 Ent. Mag. 44. I.unily island additions & correctioii.s ; Joy <& fomlin p. lofi Ent. Mag. 44. Isle of Wight list ; Donisthorpe Ent. Rec. 20 pp. 229-231. I-^le of Wight llarpalus ciiprcus ; Donisthorpe p. 285 Ent. Rec. 20. Isle (if Wight Anisvtoma hrunnea ; Donisthorpe p. 60 Ent. ilag. 44. Isle of Wight Trogoliuus am/Hemma etc. ; Donisthorpe p. 255 Ent. Mag. 44. New Forest Anaspls '/arnejj.'ii ; Cham- pion p. 233 Ent. Mag. 44. Hastings 1 1 ydroporus hilineatus etc. ; BedweU p. GO Ent. Mag. 44. Ditfhling Apioii ; Dollman Eut. lioc. 20 p. 252. Surrev ; Champion i). 131 Ent. ilag. 44. Godalming, Dasijtea plumhcus ; New- bery p. 224 Ent. Mag. 44. \\ oking, rarities ; Champion p. 90 F.nt. Mag. 44. Wokiiin ; Champion p. 254 Ent. Mag. 44. S\iouk\(^ rUptopluKjusscliuuflti ; Walker |i. ii'i iMit. .I'/ag. 44,' l>ai('iith J\lii/ii(loti^tigma ; Rollason p. 273 Entomologist 41. Devon Trichoptilus pallidum ; Sharpin p. 91 Ent. Mag. 44. Devonshire Ehodometra aacraria ; Edelsten p. 250 Entomologist 41. East Devon Trichoptilus paludum ; Sharpin p. 89 Entomologist 41. Bournemouth Hyloicus p'niantri ; Rey- nolds p. 203 Entomologist 41 : Deile- ph'ila eupliorbiae ; Hooker T.c. p. 204. Sandown HcUint. 310 KIltonullll■;i^t 41. Wifkcn excursion ; James Knt. Iut. 20 pp. l'94-300. Suffolk novelties ; Bloomfield, 222. Norfolk Steganoptycha suhscquatia & < 'ata}:>lccta fanrni ; Atmore p. 157 Ent. -Mag. 44. Norfolk Broads, exmirsion ; Raven pp. 218-220 EutoQiologist 41. North Staffordshire, Eiipitliccia vulc- rianata & Afjrotis obellsca ; Bostock Stafford Rep. N. Staff. F. CI. 42 p. 83. Chester etc. ; Arkle pp. 6.3-6G, 91-93 1.^ 131 Entomologist 41. Chester at electric light ; Newstead p. 19 Entomologist 41. Burnlev; Clutten ])p. 17 A IS Ent. Rec. 20. ' Hartlepool Vanessa io; Gardner p. 256 Ent. Mag. 44. Moray firth Xoctita ditrapezlum ; Meldola p. 273 Entomologist 41. Forres, Blston lilrtaria ; Harrison p. 120 Ent. Rec. 20. Ross-shii'e Ambhjpt'ilus punclidactij' his ; Dorothv Jackson p. 54 Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 1908. East Ross and North Scotland ; Dorotliv Jackson Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 1908 i'. oii. Sutherland ; Cockayne, 502. East Sutherland; Rollason j). 131 Entomologist 41. Fermanagh Co. captures ; Allen jip. 29 & 30 Ent. Rec. 20. Triclioptera & Seuroptera. Pocklington, Yorkshire ; Porritt p. 91 Ent. Mag. 44. Upper Wharfedale, Ilemerohius ; Porritt p. 17 Ent. Mag. 44, Sheffield Stenophylax alpestris <^ Ilemerohius qitadrifasciatus ; Porritt p. 185 Ent. Mag. 44. D'tptera. Lvndhurst liephrocerus Havieomis ; Adams p. 208 & p. 237 Ent. Mag. 44. North Kent Pegomyia univ'dtata & setaria ; Andrews p. 187 Ent. Mag. 44. (K-10332 j) llcrtfordsliire, Catalogue ; Gibbs & Barraud, 1037. Northamptonshire Mallota cimhici- formis; Rothscluld p. 187 Ent. Mag. 44. Yorkshire ; Ashworth, 57. S. Wales CaUicera acnca ; Yerbury p. 237 Ent. Mag. 44. Scotland in mole's nests ; Evans p. 277 Ent. Mag. 44. Clyde ; Henderson, 1226. Dunbar r'/«()(o mannus; Evans p. 207 Ent. Mag. 44. Apluiuiptera. Stromnoss, fleas of the Vole ; Dunlop Naturalist 1908 p. 20. llemiptcra. New Forest Metatropis rufescens ', Walker p. 186 Ent. Mag. 44. Cambridgeshire ; Tottenham p. 275 Ent. Mag. 44, Suffolk ; Morley, 1943, Odona'.a. Pulborough Aeschna mixta ; Campion p. 312 Entomologist 41. Huntingdonshire, short list ; Campion p. 252 Entomologist 41. Norfolk Broads ; Edelsten p. 311 Entomologist 41, Orthoplera. Falmouth Orthoptera ; Clark, 497, East Kent, list ; Burr p, 275 Ent. Rec. 20. Kew Leucopltaea surbiamensis ; Lucas p. 39 Entomologist 41. Thysanura & Collemhola. Edinburgh ; Evans, 790. (e) Central and Eastern Europe. Insceta, collectively. Schmitz, Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., 4, p. 427-428 ; Maastrichter Kreidetuff- holilen. Meissner, 1830 ; Potsdam, Bemerkens- werte eatomoiogische Ereigaisse. Enderlein, 766 ; Prussia 3 spp. n., Platyiwa, Micrudus, Pteronus. c22 178 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Gauckler, 1010 ; Ein entomologisclier Ausflug nach der frauzosischen Sclr.veiz. Neeracher, 1987 ; Beitrage zur Kennt- uis der Insekteiifaima des Rheins bei Basel. Sclillle, 2510 ; Neuropteres des Or- tliopteres dans la vallee de Poprad (Polouais). Meyer, 1889 ; explanation of Slav local names. (Zoocecidies des environs de Vienne (Port.) ; Tavares, 2867.) Zaicev, 3176; (Jouverneraent Ljublin, Orthoptera & Coleoptera (Russ.) Coleoptera. Rye, 2446 ; The danish Cicindelidae and Carabidae with a general introduc- tion about Coleo]>tera by Boving, A., and a descrijDtion ot the larvae by Nielsen. Everts, 791 ; Fifth list of species and varieties new for the Dutch fauna, found since the edition of the "Coleoptera Neerlandica." (Dutch.) MacGillavry, 1744 ; liiolus muhayiti. Fologne, p. .321 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 ; Belgium Clytus masiliensia. Guilleaume, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 p. 340 ; Belgium Aphanisticus elon- gatua novelty. Stunakow, 2826 ; Livland, Ealiplidac, Dytiacidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae. Reitter, 2335 ; Fauna Gerraanica, Die Kafer dfs Dcutschen Reiches. "tEngelliardt cV Kinkelin, 781 ; Ger- many, Fpper Pliorcnt.', Cyplionoina sp. n. Geillenkeuser, 1020 ; Beitrag zur Kii- ferfauna dor llildcncr Ileide. Gerhardt, 1025 ; Neuheiten . . . sclilcsisclicii. Gerhardt, 1026 ; Xeue Fundorte schle- sischcr Kiifrr. Gerhardt, 1028 ; Xeuheiten der schle- siechen lanna. Hillecke, 1259; WrzeichnisderKiifer des nordiistliclien llarzrandes. Hubenthal, 1332 ; Ergiinzungen zur Tliiiringcr I'aiina. Kolbe, 1549 ; P.cil riige zur schlesisclicn Fauna. Roettgen, 2389; IJheinprovinz. Scherdlin, 2507 ; Strassburg Carabi- dae catalogue. Schilsky, 2512 ; Lnckenwalde, Neue Kafer unci Varietaten. ScMlsky, 2513 ; Beitrag zur deutschen Kaferfauna. Sclireiber, 2552 ; Odenwalde bei Neu- salz. Schubert, 2564 ; Prosznitz und Umge- bung Verzeichniss. Schultze, 2590 ; Ceuthorhyncliidius sp. n. Vorbringer, 2994 ; Sammelbericht Ostjjreussen. Wiepken, 3141 ; Nachtrag zum Ver- zeichnis Oldenburg. Kulwiec, 1606 ; Les coleopteres polo- nais, tables analytiques. Lgocki, 1663 ; Coleopteres coUection- nes aux environs de Cz^stochowa, Roy- aume de Pologne, en 1899-1903 (Polo- nais). Somnicki, 1689 ; Nouveaux pour la faune de la Galicie (Polnisch). Ganglbauer, 999; Trechus sp. n. Schatzmayr, 2491 ; Julian Alps Ncii- raphes sp. n. Schatzmayr, 2492 ; Villacheralpe ( Dobratsch) Stapliylimdae &Pselaplndae, Mycetoporiis sp. n. Zimmermaiui, 3190 ; li'iolus sp. n. Csiki, 592 ; Ungarns Kaferfauna. Petri, 2130; liu-ngaryCephennium sp. n- Holdhaus, 1281 ; Transylvanischen Alpeu ein neues Ccpliennium. Brancsik, 286 ; Additamenta,Comitatus trencsiniensis. Redikorcev, 2292 ; Ural. Barovsky, 109; Gouv. St. Petersburg novelties, (1 nov.aberr. Coccinellidarum. (Russ.) Pomeranzev, 2205; Gouv. Wologda catalogue. Jacentovskij, 1349; Gouv. Cherson. Cole(ij)tera. (Puss.) Zaicev, 3175 ; Krini Ilydrophllus ap. n. Zaitzev, 3184 ; Krim, Ilaliplidae, Dytiscidae, Cynnidae, Hydrophilidae. (Russ.) 179 Insecta. Subject Index. — Central and East Europe. Eymenopicra. Forel, 875; He de Gotland et Suisse Forinicidac. Ussing, 2966 ; Environs of Randers Agriotypns. arnuitus (Danisb). Oudemans, 2081 ; Die niederlandi- scheu MidiUidi'ii (^Holliindisch). Heyden, 1254 ; Xtilocopn violacca schon vol- 110 Jaliren bei Mainz. Heymons, 1256 ; Berlin Gyrocampa sp. n. jRohwer, 2397 ; Prussia P'lson sp. n. Schmidt, 2534 ; Verbreitung der Gall- wespeu m Jerniederschlesischen Ebene. Schuster, 2605 ; Untermaintal Xylo- copa violacea. Frey-Gessner, 903 ; Switzerland Osmia mucida novelty. Frey-Gessner, 904 ; Faun. ins. Hel- vetiae Apldae 2. Jacob, 1352 ; Switzerland Schizocera cyluulricum novelty. Dalla Torre, 598 ; Die Ameisen von Tirol und Vorarlberg. Lepidopti'.ra. HoflFmeyer, 1280 ; Butterflies new to the danish fauna Polyommatus doril'is Hufn. SpUosoma rustica & Tryphaena sp. (Danish.) Jensen, 1378 ; Eupitheeia insigniata new to the dauish fauna. E15cker, 1520 ; Danish Rhopalocera (Danish). Worm-Hansen, 3162 ; Butterflies in the streets of Copenhagen 79 sp. 'Danish.) Lutzau, 1728; Baltischen Provinzen, viele fiir das Gebiet neue Formen. Slevogt, Soc. entomol. 23 p. 51 ; Baltic provinces rarities. Teich, 2873 ; Aenderungen im Bestand der baltischen Lepidopterenfauna. Snellen, 2735 ; Bemerkungen iiber niederlandische Lepidopleren (IIol- landisch). Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, Bel- gium T'lneinne 3 novelties. Alisch, 33 ; Hameln, aus meinem Jahrbuche. (n-10332 j) Gillmer, 1055 ; Liibeck, kleiue Mit- teilung. Oillmer, 1056 ; Umgegend von Halle. Griep, 1109 ; lokaler Wandlungen. Heyden, 1255 ; Vogelsberg Farnasshis mnc>nos>ine. Landwehr, 1622 ; Westfalens Coscinia' crd)i-iim . Metschl, 1870 ; Entomologische Noli- zen, Kegensburg. Munk, 1970 ; Augsburg Nachtriige. Oehme, 2050 ; Sachsen Larentien. Oehme ; Sachsen Larentln ajjindala. Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol., Berlin, 4, 1908, p. 191. Peets, 2113 ; Der Stadte Hannover und Linden. Pfitzner, 2139 & 2140; Macrolepido- ptereii der Sprottauer Gegend, Schluss. Pfitzner, 2141 ; Sprottauer Gegend Microlepidopteren. Potschke und Renter, 2204; Lemonia duini bei Kassel. Schepp, 2506 ; Lothringen Saturnia pijrl Schopfer, 2543 ; Microlepidopteren- Fauna der Dresdener Gegend. Schumann, 2598 ; Provinz Posen. Schiitze, 2566 ; Kohlfurt. Sich, 2661 ; Taunus hills, excursion. Slevogt, 2711 ; Baltische Neuheit (Larentia fluviata Hb.). Spormann, 2765 ; Beitrag zur Makro- lepidopterenfauna Pommerns. Tietzmann, 2888 ; Wandsbek Sammel- bericht. Uffeln, 2957 ; Die Grossschmetter- linge Westfalens mit besonderer Be- riicksifhtigung der Gegenden von War- burg, Rietburg und Hagen. Wamecke, 3044 ; Nieder Elbe. Wamecke, 3043 & 3048 ; Sohleswig- Holstein. Wendel, 3103; Schwabach und Um- gebung. Weymer, 3115; kurze Notizen iiber die Lepidopterenfauna der Hildcner Heide. Gatnar, 1008; Beitrng zur Fauna von Lemberg. c22— 2 ]80 Inseda. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Klemensiewicz, 1519 ; Galicie quelqiies especes nouvelles ou peu coiinues (Polonais). SchUle, 2508; Vallee du Poprad et ses affluauts (Polonais). Scliille, 2509 ; Cracovie, environs de (Polonais). Stbckl, 2813 ; Lepidopteres rares ou nouveaux, lecueillis en 1903-1907 aux environs de Leopol. Janow, Zolkiew, Mikuliczyn et de Zakopane (Polonais). Bethune -Baker Ent. Mag. 44 pp. 238- 245 ; Ujjper Engadine excursion. MuUer-Rutz, 1968 ; Pyralidac, Ftevo- plioridae & Tortr'icidae list. Prideaux, Entomologist 41 pp. 55-58 & 130 ; Berisal, excursion. Ratzer, 2274 ; Biiren, list. Vorbrodt, 2996 ; Switzerland, winter list. Pax, 2104 ; Karpatlien, einige fossile Insekten aus den. Galvagni, 998 ; Aus der Hohen Tatra. Gillmer, 1054 ; Zur Ijohmischen Schmetterlings-Fauna. Grund, 1160 ; Umgebung von Agram Lycaenidcn. Hoffmann, 1275 ; Styrian Alps, excur- sion. Hormuzaki, 1294a ; Bukowina, neue. Kiefer, 1465 ; .Macrolepidoptcren stei- rischen J'Jnnstales. Klos, 1521 ; Ein Vergleich der Fauna Steierniarks und Karntens. Kolisko, Wien ZoolBot. (!es. 58 ]i. 29 ; Fiir Kiirnten neue. Kostial, 1564 ; PJiiloaamia cijntlua in Wien. Krone, 1589 ; Nieder-Oesterrcich novelties, CoJcoyhora sp. n. Nickerl coies in Karpatkibus Orieutalibus col- leetae i^Polish). Dipt era. Lundbeck, 1719 ; Diptora dan ion. Part l', Asil'idac, Botnbjjliiduc, Thcrc- v'ldac, Sccnopln'idae. Guilliaume, 1170 ; Belgium additions to the Catalogue. Kieflfer, 1467 ; Belgium, 2 spp. n. Ch'tronomas & Pscctrocladtus. Metmier, 1880 ; Belgium, Ogcodes Mennier, 1884 ; Belgium list, novel- ties. jMeimier, 1871 ; Amber Dipiei-a Cata- logue, Kmpidae mauy spp. n. •^Meunier, 1877 ; Amber Asilid. TMeunier, 1883; ambre de la Bal- tique, 7 s])p. n., fam. n. Euderlein, 775 ; Oniscomy'ia dorn'i, pine neue deutsche Ameisengast lebende lliigellose Fliegengattung. KieflTer, 1483 ; Germany, Chirono- vi'idae 28 spp. n.,genn. n. Kramer, 1570; Germany Pseudosar- coplid^a gen. n. Kramer, 1568 ; Sarcophaga 3 spp. n. Sack, 2448 ; Umgegend von Frank- furt a. M. Speiser, 2757 ; Brocken Xoi-ellia ner- rosa . Eergroth, 154 ; Steiermark Tipidn -[:. II. Seitner, 2626 ; Krain Cecidomijiidae gen. n. Backer, 132; Hungaria 2 spp. n., Leiicophctiga & Madiza. Kiefler, 1481 ; Siidrussland. Ceci- om>iidac 2 spp n. Bezzi, 194 ; Italian Alps Chionca -, ^ n. Aphan'ipfera. Dampf, 605 & 606 ; Die ost- und west- preussisclie Flohfauna. Tlcmiptern. Jensen-Haarup. 1379 ; Denmark, Aphelocheirua moatandoni. Bbrner, 234 ; Germany Drcyfus'ia sp. n. Dampf, 604 ; Ueber ostpreussische C/icrnu'S-Arton. Lindinger, 1672 ; Berichtigung zu " Frank ischer Cocciden." Szulczewski, 2860 ; lanowitz im Xreiso Znin. Smreczynski, 2729 S; 2730 ; Les heinipteres nouveaux dc la iaiine de la (ialicie (Polonais). Oshanin, 2079 ; Verzeiclniis der ])alae- arotischen Hemipteren, Verbreitung im Ilussisehen Reiclie, Band 2, Homoptera. Cholodkovsky, 484 ; Crimea gen. n. Gadd, 987 ; Krini, Cicaden (Russ.) Jakovlev, 1364 ; Krim Fundorte vou ^^'anzeu (Russ.). Marchal, 1773; S. Russia Phcnaeoecus s]i. n. Nassonow, 1975 ; Volliynia gen. u. Tliysanoptera. Zykoflf, 3194 ; Thysanopterenfauna Centralrusslands. Odonala. Schwaighofer, 2606 & 2607 ; Die mitteli'uropaischen Libellen. Scliolz, 3540 ; Ein Verzeicbniss der sclilesisclien. Speyer, Entomologist 41 pp. 116-121 (t 1()8-172 ; Germany, Marburg, anno- tated list. La Baume, 1612 ; Libellenfauna Westpreussens. le Roi, 1646 ; Libellen-Fauna der Rheinprovinz. Bartenev, 112 ; Gouv. Perm, Kreis Ekaterinburg, Aeachnidae 1 n. sp. Ortlioptera. Torka, 2898 ; Geradflugler, nordost- lichen Posen. Frey-Gessner, 902 ; Switzerland Saga scrrata. Maerky, 1752 ; Notes dc cbasse. Dalla-Torre, 599 ; Polare Grenzen der Orthoptereu in Tirol. Kamy, 1434 ; Orthopterologischen Excursion an den Neusiedler See. 182 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Redtenbacher, 2294 ; Niedei-Oester- reichs, die Gliedenmg der Orthopteren- fauna. PyUnov, 2264; Gouv. Wladimir. Schugurow, 2569 ; Bessarabien list. Thysanura & Collemhola. Lameere, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 p. 346 ; Namur Japyx soUfugus. ScMlle, 2511 ; Contribution ^la faune des Apteres (Polonais). (f) France. Insecta, collectively. Du Buysson, 708 ; Une promenade au Mont- Do re. fMeunier, 1872; Un Odonatoptere du Rlietien (Lias inferieur) de Fort-Mou- chard, pres des Argures (Jura). ■|"Meunier, 1874 ; Nouveaux Paleo- dictyopteres du stephanien de Com- mercy [et 2^ note]. fMeunier, 1875 ; Nouveaux Megase- copterides et nouveau Paleodictyoptere de Coram entry. ■j-Meunier, 1876 ; Stephanien de Com- mentry 5 spp. n. fMeiinier, 1879 ; 2 gen. n. rhetien of France, Odonata & Blattidae. fMeunier, 1881 ; Stephanien Com- mentry & houillier de I'AIlier, 7 spp. n., genn. n. jMeunier, 1882 ; liouillier de Com- mentry 4 spp. n. Xambeu, 3170 ; Faune entomologiquo des Pyrenees orientales. Colcoptera. Bourgeois, 271 ; Catalogue des col^o- pteres de la chaine des Vosges et des regions liniitrophes. BruyantptDufour,348 ; Staphylinidae, huiuc halopliilc <]<• i'Auv^rgne. Caillol, 387 ; Catalogue des Coleo- pt(T('s de Pruvence. Desbrochers des Loges, 647 ; Franco i-t Corse, ;\ttel:il)ides et Rhinomac^rides. Desbrochers, 650 ; Ammirorhinua Sp. 11. Dubois, 706 ; Oxypoda gaUo-rh^nans. Mayet, 1816 ; I'Herault. Normaud, 2032; Ariege Euconnus sp. n. PeyerimboflF, 2137 ; Basses Pyrenees Speonomus sp. n. Pic, 2277 ; Coleopteres frangais rares ou nouveaux. Pic, 2181 ; Captures interessantes. Reitter, 2325 ; Alpes maritimes Troglophyes sp. n. Hymenoptera. Gaulle, 1013 & 1014; Catalogue systematique et biologique des Hym^no- pteres de France (suite). Giard, 1035 ; Apantelcs nouveau pour la faune. Pic, 2168 ; Vosges Platylahus sp. n. Pic, 2180 ; Alpes fran^aises 2 spp. n. Ichneumon & Ainblyteles. hep'uloptera. Cbapmau, 464 ; Acldalia sqiuilidaria novelty. Cbem, 466; Angers, Rliodocera rhamnl 1877-1909. Chretien, 488 ; Microlepidopteres nouveaux pour la faune fran^aise 7 spp 11. Depressaria, Gelechia & Coleo- phora. Dupont, 722 ; Les Zygaenides de la Xormandie. Joannis, 1385 ; ParaVipsa gularis. Joannis, 1390 ; Cnephasia sp. n. Joannis, 1394 ; Microlep. novelties, long list. Joannis, 1395 ; Vannes Srytliria sp. n. Keynes Sc Keynes, 1464 ; Pyrenees, excursion, captures Rhopalocera. Fionneau, 2199 ; Sur la diminution des Lepidopteres diurnes. Pionneau, fichange 24 p. 10 ; Loire- Inferieure Catephin alcltemiata, etc. Rowland-Brown, 2432 ; Basses-Alpos h'Jwpalocrra. Sbeldon Entomologist 41 p. 29-1 ; Guuthary Hhopalocera short list. Vuillet et Hugues, 3002; Sur la diminution des pajniions diurnes. Walsingham, 3026 ; Phdon'ia sp. n. 1S3 Insecta. Subject Index — France — South Europe. Keuroptt'fa. Lucas Entomologist 41 p. 202 ; S. France short list. Dipt era. Aubert A Gu^rin, 59 ; Marseille Stegomijia. Villeneuve, 2986 ; 3 spp. n., D'loctria, Chortophila A: Ac>ii}Iof>sa. Villeneuve, 2988; Contribution au Catalogue, 3 sp]i. n. Villeneuve, 2989 ; 21 novelties. Hemipfera. Horvath, 1308; Mctropis sp. n. Lajnbertie, 1616 ; Gironde, novelties. Orthoptcra . Azam, 71 ; Hautes Alpes StenohotJu-us sp. n. jLericlie, 1645 ; Houiller Pas-de- Calais Arch'nnijldcris sp. n. fMeunier, 1873; Un nouveau Pro- toblattine du Stephanien de Conimeutry. CoUemhola. Willem, 3144 ; Pas-de-Calais, gen. n. (g) South Europe and Mediter- ranean Basin. Insecta, collectively. (Zooc^cidies nnnvelles du Portugal (Port.) ; Tavares, 2868.) (Zoocecidies Malthodes sp. n. Holdhaus, 1283 ; Koleopterengeo- grajjliische Studies in Italien. Holdhaus, 1284 ; Tuscany Troglor- rhynchua sp. n. Leoni, 1642 ; ( alnthua italiani. Porta, 2227; .Italy Cephalocriua sy- riacua. Porta, 2229 ; X(jte di Corologia. Porta, 2230; Stafilinidi italiani Aleochara rcvisione. Raffray, 2278; Rome Aphiliopa sp. n. Silyestri, 2693; Coecinellidae, 11 spp. introdotti in Italia. Vitale, 2990 ; .Sicilia, nuovi o rari. Montandon, 1928 ; Iloumania. lone list. ^ MUlIer, 1960 ; Osterreichischen Kus- tenlande Bnji-liina ap. n. 184 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Muller, 1961 ; Dalmatia, Treclms (DuvaVius) sp. n. Muller, 1963 ; Pterostichus fasc'iato- ]mnetatus in der Lindner-Grotte bei Treble im Triester Karst. Muller, 1964; Dalmatia Euconnus sp. n. MiiUer, 1966 ; Dalmatia list. Reitter, 2333 ; Herzegowina Zonahris n. sp. Wanka, 3038 ; Reise in die Herze- gowina. Boehm, 228 ; Egypten CoccinclUdcn. d'Orbigny, 642 ; Marocco, Ontlio- liliagus sp. n. Escalera, 786 ; Marocco, Onj/choJips. Petri, 2131 ; Ein neuer Algerien Lixus s}). 11. Peyerimhoff, 2136 ; Djurdjura S spp. 11., TrecJiopsis, Oreocys gen. n. Zabriis, Geostiha, Oxypoda, Pselajjhus, I'lmurcha, Bmchyrrhinus. Pic, 2161 ; Ilaplocnemiis 2 spp. ii. Pic, 2164; Algeria Peritelua sp. ii. Pic, 2169 ; Algeria, Tracliyphlociis sp. n. Reitter, 2330 ; Kairo, BoromorpJiiis S}). 11. Bourgeois, 273; Xdaun Cydi si us sp n. Bourgeois, 273a ; Syria Dr'dus sp. n. IJymenoptera. Dusmet, 725 ; Anthidium of Spain. Kieffer, 1478 ; Jladrid Evania sp. u. Cobelli, 500 ; Rovereto Pezomachus sp. 11. KieflFar, 1469 ; Italy Aidaxysta sp. u. Kiefifer, 1480 ; Brindisi 2 spp. n., Luxotropa & Galesus. Masi, 1802 ; Italy Chahididae G S]ip. 11. Lepri, 1644 ; Lazio Tcnklired'in'idae . Pierantoni, 2188; Napoli, Aplddlus S]). n. Silvestri & Masi, 2699 ; Italy Dlnav- mitf! s\). 11. Cobelli, 498 ; Blastophaga grossorum in Trentino. Graeffe, 1090 ; Bracoiiiden oder Ichnen- niones adsciti des osterreicliischen Kiis- ten'andes und sudlichen Krains. Mayr & Kohl, 1818 ; Dalmatia list. Du Buysson, 710 ; Sahara Lahus sp. n. Du Buysson, 711 ; Tunis Clirysis sp. n. Handlirscb, 1188 ; Algier Stlzus sp. n. Kieffer, 1475 ; Tangier Evania sp. n., Cairo Eoxotropa sp. u., Algeria Cyni- Daniel, 613 ; Asia :\Iinor & Syria P'*"' S*""- "• .V;m//o//.s 2 sj)]). n. Kieffer, 1478; Tangier 2 spp. n. Fleischer, 850 ; Taurus Chjtanthns Evania & Pntitaidacus, Algeria Gaste- sp. n. '■ Luze, 1729 ; Jerusalem Bryoporna sp. n. Pic, 2171 ; Asia Minor, Cryptoccplialns sp. n. Reineck, 2306; Asia Minor Coptoce- pliida s]). n. Reitter, 2318 ; Syria 8 spp. ii., CAZ^e- oilus, Mcdoii, Tr'imium, Cejihennhun, StcnichnuK, Nlcohlum, IlcUotaurits, lIcl'ionKijilduH. Reitter, 2319 ; Kleinasien I'hitomo- (joniin s}). n. Reitter, 2322 ; Kleinasien, Omo]>h!us sj). n. Reitter, 2327; Adana & Schiras, 4 spp. n., Cydistus, Zurcher'ia gen. ii. Tenebrion., I'occilomorpha. Trappen, 2911 ; Palestine list. ruptlon sp. n. Mayr, 1817 ; Ameisen aus Tripolis und Barlva. Santschi, 2469 ; Cairo it Tunis Formi- C'idae list, 1 sjip. n. Saunders, 2480 ; Algeria, Apklac, long list, 41; sjip. n. Lepidoptcra. Walsinghara, 3026; Fiance, Spain & N. Africa, (i sjip. n., Zenodoch'nnn, Pc- r'lltia, Pliuloii'id, ]'liyUjx sp. n. Pax, 2103 ; Roumania long list. Andres, 45 ; DapJni'is ner'ii in Aegyp- teu. Chre'tien, 490; Pyralide d'Algerie gen. n. Chretien, 491 ; Algeria Gelecluidae 2 Bpp. n., gen. n. Chretien, 492 ; Algeria Gelechiides •4 spp. n., 2 genn. n. Chretien, 494 ; Algeria Anacampsis 2 spp. 11., gen. n. aff. Sophroniae. Chretien, 495 ; 5 spp. n., Elachlsta, Proactica & gen. ii. ail. Stathmopodae. Chretien, 496 ; Algeria Lita sp. n. Blachier, 213 ; Marocco novelties. Joannis, 1387 ; Sahara Liste. Joannis, 1389 ; Algeria DiorycLrla sp. n. Joannis, 1391 ; Algeria Zygaena sp n. Le Cerf, 1635 ; Algeria Saturnia pyri. Lucas, 1698; Tunisia 3 spp. n., Epischnia, Fionea & Hedemannla. Laca3, 1699 ; Tunisie Polia sp. n. Mabille, 1734; Tunisie 3 spp. n., Acteiiia, Jletcrograplti.s & RliodopJiaea. Oberthtir, 2040 ; Algeria Somahrach ys 2 spp. n. Rebel, 2290; Trijiolis und Barka, 3 spp. 11., Aucylolom'ui, Tineola & gen. n. alT. Pe)iestoijIos> spp. n. Turner, 2944; Burma, Tenasserim and China 4 spp. n., Myzine and Pleaia. c23— 2 196 Insecla. Xll. Insecta. [1908] Turner, 2945 ; Selangor Tiphla sp. ii. Vogt, 2992 ; China Bomhus sp. n. Lepidoptera. Adamson, 13; Burma, Ehopal.,Papil., Lijcaen., Uesp., Annotated list. Bastelberger, 120 ; Perak Emm'dtls Bji. n. Bastelberger, 123 ; Perak Chryso- craspeda sp. n. Chapman, 460 ; India Lyeaenldae gen. n. de Rh^-Pbilipe, 643 ; Kon Kau butter- flies. de Rh^-Philipe, 644 ; Bhutan Frontier Charaxcs sp. u. Frulistorfer, 919; Formosa Letlie sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 936 ; Formosa 2 spp. n., Mycalesis and Blanalda. Fruhstorfer, 938 ; China Calinaga sp. n. Hampson, 1183 ; India Pyralidae 38 spp. n. Hampson, 1184 ; India, part xi Pyra- lidae, 19 spp. n. Hampson, 1186 ; 30 spp. n. Aeronycti- nae general work. Jordan, 1416 ; Hainan, Mimeusemia sp. n. Matsumura, 1805 ; Japans Papilion- iden 4 sj)p. n. Matsumura, 1806 ; Formosa Nept'is S]). n. Meyrick, 1891; India & Ceylon (Jclechiidae 50 spp. n. Meyrick, 1892 ; India & Ceylon Toi- tricidae 32 spp. n. & Xyloryctidac 32 spp. n., genn. n. Mejoick, 1893; India & Ceylon I'jlacJiiHi'idac ct Gracllarlklac 05 spp. n. Meyrick, 1894 ; India Anarsia sp. n. Meyrick, 1896 ; India & Bunna M'lcro- Icpidoptcra 1 1 spp. n. OherthUr, 2037 ; W. China .t Tibet 0 K|>p. n. Nejitia, Lycaena, Thecla & ( 'artcroccpladns. OberthUr, . 2047 ; Formosa Calinaga sp. u. Prout, 2257 ; Japan Operophthera sp. u., Tientsin Semioth'isa sp. n. & Stegania sp. n. Rothschild, 2422 ; Kashmir, Anda- man islds., Malay penins., China, Loo Choo islds., Formosa, etc., Papilio 1 sp. 11., & subspp. 11. Sasaki, 2472 ; Japan Phassus sp. n. Seitz, 2629 ; Zygaenidae 22 spp. n., genu. u. Swinhoe, 2852 ; Quetta gen. n. Satyri- dae, Khasia hills gen. n. Sphmgidae Sy7ito7nis sp. n., Xyatipao sp. n., Burma Dysphania sp. ii., Formosa Deilemera sp. n. Warren, 3050 ; India & Burma, Malay penins., Thyridklae 11 spp. n. Trlclioptcra. Ulmer, 2961 ; Japanisclie, 7 spp. n. Ulmer, 2962 ; 3 spp. n., Tonkin & Moupin Ilydrornanicus, Japan llydro- psyclic. "Ncuroptera. Miyake, 1908; list of Panorpklae of Japan 10 spp. n. Navas, 1977 ; Trop. Asia incl. Japan & Tibet, 13 spp. n., Chrysopa, Notlio- clirysa, Mieromus, Panorpa. Weele, 3078; India, Slam, Kashmir, Ascalapliidae G spp. n. Diptera. Annandale & Brunetti, 47; Calcutta PJdebotovius sp. n. Bezzi, 185 ; Japan Rhagio sp. n. Bezzi, 186 ; Malacca Asarcina sp. n. Brunetti, 336 ; India & Burma Syr- phidae 38 spp. n. Brunetti, 338 ; Indian Psychodidce 14 spp. n. GrUnberg, 1154 ; China. Hendel, 1221 ; Tonkin gen. n. Pyrgo- tinae. Kert^sz, 1462 ; China Fucellia 2 spp. n. Legendre, 1637 ; fitude comparee des Culicides de Tchentou (Chine). Meijere, 1823 ; India and Ceylon Syrpliidac 2 spp n., gen. n. I 197 Insecta. Subject Index.— Asia, Tropical and East. Picard, 2187 ; Bengal Stomoxys 2 spp. n. Ricardo, 2370; Aniiam Ilaematopota sp. n. Scott, 2613 ; Formosa yyctcrihiidac 2 spp. 11. Speiser, 2758 ; iVnnain Stomoxijs sp. n. TTieobald, 2877; India Cidicidae 9 spp. n. Aplianiptcra. Rothschild, 2417 ; Ceylon Vyglopsijlla sp. 11. Rothschild, 2418 ; Japan Cerato- plnjllus '2 spp. u. Ilemiptera, collectively. Distant, 668; India Burma & Ceylon, Jass'inac &: lleteroptera supplement : many spp. n. Kirkaldy, 1489 ; Ceylon 5 spp. n., Orthoca, Lethaeiis, Cysteochila, Colo- besthcs, Phaconeura. Heteroptera. Bergroth, 153; India 5 spp. n., Syeaiius, Splicdanolcstes, Edocla, Myodo- chidae gen. n. Horvath, 1306 ; Formosa Pliaena- cantha sp. n. Kirkaldy, 1492 ; India Mlcronecta list, sp. n. Kirkaldy, 1494 ; Yunnan Urolahidae gen. n., India (lerrldae sp. n. Kuhlgatz, 1598 ; China. Montandon, 1925; India 3 spp. n., Diaphorocoris & Uelcocoris. Ilomoptera. Distant, 668; Malay penins. Cercopi- dac & Jasii'tdae G spp. n. Kuwayama, 1610 ; Japan 36 spp. n., 5 genn. n. Sasaki, 2473 ; Japan Trioza sp. n. Schmidt, 2529 ; Annam & Malacca Aiicyra 2 spp. n. Cocc'idae, Green, 1103 ; India Catalogue of Corc'idae, 18 spp. n. Kotinsky, 1565 ; Singapore 2 spp. n., Coccus & Chrysompliaius. Marlatt, 1787; Cliina & India Dia- spitiac G sp]i. n. Maxwell-Lefroy, 1812; Notes on Indian ( 'dccuUc. Okajima, 2060; Japan Trichosiphum 3 spp. n. Tliysanoptera. Baguall, 85 ; Siam & Japan 2 spp. n., Idolotliripa & gen. n. Niwa, 2028 ; Japan Belothrips sp. n. Psocidae. Enderlein, 773; Formosa, Copeog- natlienfauiia 11 spp. n. Okamoto, 2061 ; Japan 15 spp. n. Ribaga, 2367 ; Burma Amplugerontia sp. n. Perlidae. Klapalek, 1509 ; China 2 spp. n. Odonata. Foerster, 861 ; Malacca Caliaesehna sp. n. Martin, 1797 ; Tonkin Macromla 2 spp. n. Martin, 1798 ; Japan & India Aeselina 2 spp. n., Tonkin gen. n. AeschnirMe. Orthoptera. Adelung, 14 ; Tibet, Chinese Turkestan. Brunner & Redtenbacher, 339 ; Phas- vi'idae general work, spp. n. Burr, 367 ; Ceylon ApacJiys sp. n. Burr, 368 ; Burma Braehylabls sp. n. Burr, 374 ; China Odontopsalis sp. n. Carl & Fritze, 425; Ceylon gen. n. Mecopod'idae. Dreckmann, 702 ; Callimenellus opacHS Kiiandalla. Grifflni, 1111 ; Birma Gryllacris sp. n. Kamy, 1441 ; Dictyoptera, Tettigo- noidea, Acridoidea 11 spp. n. gen. n. Ktrby, 1485 ; Siam Diastrammena sp. n. Matsumura & Shiraki, 1807 ; Japan. Loruslidac 23 spp. n., 3 genu. n. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, 2635 ; Forfi- cuUdae 4 spp. n., 2 genn. n. 198 Insec'a. Shelford, 2646 ; Ceylon, Blattidae 3 spp. n. Shelford, 2650 ; Ceylon Pelmatosilplia sp. n. Thysanura & Collemhola. Bomer, 230; Japan Collemhola gen. n. Asiatic Archipelago. Java to New Guinea, inch Philippines. Coleoptera. Aurivillius, 62 ; New Guinea Longi- cornia 4 spp. n. Aurivillius, 63 ; New Guinea, Ceramby- cidac 7 spp. n., gen. n. Eggers, 752 ; Java 3 spp. n. Stephano- deres & Coccotrypes. Fauvel, 800 ; Perigona 2 spp. n. Gestro, 1032; Java Dactylispa 2 sp. n., Sumatra GonopKora sp. n. Grouvelle, 1144 ; Java Litargus sp. n. Grouvelle, 1146 ; Sumatra & Moluccas Colobicus 4 spp. n. Grouvelle, 1149 ; Sumatra Ithyphenes sp. n. Hagedom, 1176 ; Sumatra Scolytidac 6 spp. n., 2 gen. n. Curculionidae 28 Sumatra 1217; HeUer, spp. n. Heller, 1218; Borneo & Curculionidae 20 spp. n. Horn, 1301 ; Philippines Prothyma sp. n. Jordan, 1418 ; New Guinea Litocerus sp. n. Kerremans, 1455 ; New Guinea Btipreatidae sliort list. Kerremans, 1457 ; Celebes Callopislua sp. n. Lewis, 1660 ; Sumatra & Manila Trihnlua 2 spp. n. Lewis, 1662 ; New Guinea, short list. Maindron, 1758 ; Nouvelle Guinea Carahidae G 8j)p. u., gen. n. Moser, 1950 ; Borneo, Nias, New Guinea, G spj). n. Lomaptera, lachio- xn. Insecta. [1908] Tonkin, psopha, n. gen. aff. Glycyphanae, Glycyphana. Moser, 1951 ; Borneo & Java Ceto niidae 5 spp. n., Anthracophora, Dasy- valgus, Euryvalgus gen. n. Moser, 1953; Borneo, Sumatra & Moa isld. 7 spp. n., Leucopholis Asaetopholis, Poecilopharis, Daayval- gus. Ohaus, 2057 ; Mimela 5 spp. n. Olivier, 2067; Sumatra & Nias Ototreta 4 spp. n. Olivier, 2069 ; Sumatra Litciola sp. n. Pic, 2152 ; Java MaJieovtinus sp. n. Pic, 2153 ; Luzon Fomiicomiis sp. n. Pic, 2176 ; Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Ciatelomorplia 5 spp. n., Cteniopus sp. n. Raffray, 2277 ; Sumatra Batraxis sp. n. Ritsema, 2380 ; Borneo Phemone sp. n. Schenkling, 2501 ; Borneo Cladiscus sp. n., Mindoro Tillus sp. n. SchenMing, 2503 ; Borneo Tenerus sp. n. Schultze, 2595 ; Philippines Gihiium scotias. Sternberg, 2791 ; Fergusson isld. Seapanes sp. n. Strohmeyer, 2820 ; Sumatra Acantho- tomicus sp. n. Weise, 3067 ; Philippine Islands Cassididae 2 spp. n. Weise, 3091 ; Borneo Solanophila sp. n., Sumatra Sticholotis sp. n. Weise, 3093 ; Coccinellidae Java 3 spp. n., New Guinea list. Th^ry, 2879 ; Araboina, Celebes, New Guinea, Roma isld., Halmalwira spp. n., Iridotaenia & Cypliogastra. Weise, 3094 ; Catalogue of the New Guinea Chrysomelidae, 18 spp. n. Wurth, 3168 ; Java Xylehorua sp. n. Strepn'iptera. Meijere, 1822; Java Strepsipteren 2 spp. n. Tlymetioplcra. Bradley, 283; Java Evania sp. n., Zeuxevania sp. n. 109 Insecta. Subject Index.— Asiatic AkchipelaG( Cameron, 401 ; Borneo Chalcididae 2 genn. n. Cameron, 402 ; Borueo, 5 spp. n., Odyufrus & I carta. Cameron, 403; Borneo 2 spp. n., Prosopis S: Ceratina. Cameron, 404 ; Borneo Pailoaema sp. n. Cameron, 406 ; Borneo Braconidae 11 spp. 11. Cameron, 407 ; Borneo Tremex sp. n. Cameron, 409 ; Borneo Chryaidtdae 2 spp. 11. Cameron, 409a; Borneo 2 genn. n. Xor'idnii. Cameron, 411 ; Borneo Selandr'ia sp. n. Cameron, 412; Borneo Clialcid'idae 2 genn. n. Cameron, 413 ; Borneo Trigona 5 spp. n. Cameron, 414 spp. n. Borneo Evan'ia 2 Borneo 3 spp. n., Borneo Braconidae para- Cameron, 415 ; Crahro k Psen. Cameron, 416 ; Borneo Ceratina sp. n. Cameron, 417; Borneo Cryplinae gen. n. Cameron, 418 ; gen. n. Cameron, 419 ; Borneo gen. n sitic Cynipidae. Dn Buysson, 386 ; Java 2 spp. n., Icaria & Chrysis. Enderlein, 770 ; Sumatra Stantonia sp. n. Friese, 912 ; New Guinea 3 spp. n., Megachile & Trigona, Borneo Trigorui sp. n. Kieffer, 1471 ; Java 2 spp. n., Spilo- mii-rus & Dicroteleia. Kieffer, 1475 ; New Guinea B.emilexi8 sp. n. & Loxotropa sp. n. Kieffer, 1478 ; New Guinea, Allo- bcthylns sp. n. Kohl, 1541 ; Java Crahro {Dasyproc- tus) sp. n. Kohl, 1542 ; New Guinea. Konow, 1560 ; Philippines & Borneo Stromhoceroa 2 spp. n. Schultze, 2594 ; I'liilippinea Siirx JHVi'ncus. Sz^pligeti, 2856; Celebes Chelonus sp. n. Sz^pligeti, 2857 ; Java, Evania 7 spp. n., Braconidae 25 spp. n., Ichneii- monidae 38 spp. n. Turner, 2946; I'liilippines Thynmts sp. n. Le pill opt era. Bastelberger, 114 ; Java Oplitlialmo- pliora sp. n. Bastelberger, 117 ; Borneo Patruiaaa sp. n., Celebes Viiiitara sp. n., New Guinea Aryaanda >;. n. Bastelberger, 120 ; Ferguson isld. Perixera sp. n. Betliime Baker, 177 ; New Guinea Lycaenidae 21 sjip- >'■ Bethune-Baker, 178 ; Brit. New Guinea, 227 spp. n., Bomhycea (incl. Clialcoaiidae) & 'So'uidae. Fruhstorfer, 957; Obi & Fergusson isld. Pseudonolis 2 - ij). n. Fruhstorfer, 967 ; Palawan Bim- hisara sj). ii. Fruhstorfer, 968 ; Neue indo-australi- sche Mycalesis v.r.t Verbreitungsta- belleu. Grose-Smith, 1132; New Guinea PapiUo nov., Paima.-^.t iia nov. Hampson, 1186; iO spp. n. Acrony- ctinae general work Jordan, 1416; N' v Guinea Eurhodia sp. n. Martin, 1792 ; Fauna v. Sumatra. Meyrick, 1896 ; Borneo Atteva sp. n. Rothschild, 2422 . Pajnlio many sub- spp. n. Schultze, 2592; 'liilippine Islands spp. n., Ehjniniaa, Jdixoa, Ceryx, Arhe- lidae gen. n., Deilemera, Kemigia, gen. n. aff. Crithote, Mnionia, Seirpophaga, Viteaaa, Pyrausta, l^ecadia. Seitz, 2629; Zygu-mdae 30 spp. n., genn. n. Snellen, 2736 ; (iva Batraehedra sp. n. Swinhoe, 2852; 7 -pp. n., Cyreatia, laharta, Pompdon, Daaychira, Thalaa- aode.i, J)yaphania & i'areumelea. Warren, 3050; Thyrididael^ spp. n. 200 Insecta. XIL Insecta, [1908] Triclioptera. Ulmer, 2962 ; Java Ilydropsucliodes sp. n., Borneo Dipseudopsis 2 spp. u., Fergusson isld. Anisocentropua sp. n. Keuroptera. Weele, 3078 ; Ascalaphidae 4 spp. n., genn. n. Dipt era. Bezzi, 186; X. Guinea Asareina sp. u. Hendel, 1221 ; Bum & Xew Guinea, 2 spp. n., Eupijrgota & Campylocera. Kert^sz, 1461 ; New Guinea 5 spp. n., Acraspidea & Salduha. Loghem iind Loghem-Pouw, 1684 ; Stegomy'ia caJopus in Xiederlaudisch Ost-Indien (Elollandisch). Ludlow, 1710; Philippines Cvlieidae 4 spp. n., Cellia, Chagasia, Psendo- ekusea, Fseudouranotaenia. Ludlow, 1711 ; The mosquitos of the Philippine islands. Meijere, 1821 ; Java, Sumatra & New Guinea Muscidae acalyptr. 31 spp. n. Meijere, 1823 ; Syrphidae 43 spp. n. Apjhan'tptera. Jordan cV Rothscluld, 1419; Christ- mas isld. Java Laetnopsylla sp. n. Loghem, 1685; Pulex cheopls, Deli (Hollandischj. Rotliscliild. 2417 ; Xew Guinea Pygiopsylla 2 spp. n. Ilcmiptera, collective! j'. Distant, 668 ; Elasmognathus sp. n., Sadoletus sp. n., Dinomachua sp. n., Ccreop-idae & Jassidae numerous spp. n. Heteroptera. Breddin, 293 ; Sumatra Dicitches sp. n. Horvath, 1306; New Guinea llyghms 2 spp. 11. Reuter, 2342; Xew Guinea, Rcdii- violua sp. n. Reuter, 2345 ; Sumatra Velocipcda sp. n. Ilomoptera. Biennan, 203 ; Java 7 spp. n., Ollarius, Catidlici, (JrchvHina, Lihurnia, Idioccrita & Thamnotettix. Schmidt, 2530 ; Sumatra Fidgora sp. n. Schmidt, 2531 ; Cercopidac 7 spp. n., gen. n. Schmidt, 2532 ; Borneo Flatosovia sp. n. Schmidt, 2533 ; Sumatra Messena sjj. n. Cocc'idae. Marlatt, 1780 ; Java, Fseudaonldia sp. n. Newstead, 2003 ; Java 4 spp. n., Aidacaspis, Fiorinia & Dactylopius. lliysanoptcra. Bagnall, 82 ; Papua, 4 spp. n. Bagnall, 85 ; Sumatra, Xew Guinea, 5 spp. n., genn. n. Psocidae. Ribaga, 2366 ; Java n. gen. Psocidae. Ribaga, 2367 ; New Guinea Myo^ jysocus sp. n. Odonata. Foerster, 861 ; New Guinea Aeschni- Jae gen. n. Martin, 1797 ; Celebes ProcorduUa gen. n. Martin, 1798 ; Xew Guinea Anaciae- schiia sp. n. Ortlioiitera. Brunner & Redtenbacher, 339 ; Phas- viidae general work, spp. u. Burr, 365 ; Celebes Kesogaster sp. n. Burr, 366 ; Java Forcipida sp. n. Burr, 373 ; Java 2 sj^p. n., Pygidi- cvana & l.alia. Carl, 424 ; Java Pliisis sp. n., Lom- bock Xestopltrys sp. n. Carl & Fritsche, 425 ; Borneo Locuati- dae 4 spp. n. Psyra & Gryllacria, Cono- cephalidae gen. u. Griffini, 1112 ; Sumatra Gryllacria s]i. n. Grifani, 1113 ; Mentawei Ehaphido- phora s]). ii., Ternate Phrictaetyphus sji. n., Xew Guinea Mossida sp. n. Griffini, 1114 ; Philippines Eremus sp. n. Griffini, 1115; Timor CryZacris sp. n. 201 Insecta. Subject Index. — Aslvtic Archipelago — Australu. Orifllni, 1116 ; X. Guinea Gri/Uacris '2 spji. 11. GrifBni, 1118; ilentawei. Engano, N. Guinea, Ayraeciinac 4 spp. n., genn. n. Griffini, 1121 ; Key isld. Sasima sp. n. Grifflni, 1123 ; Meniawci, Eugano, Agrocciinac, 3 genu. ii. Shelford, 2646 ; Borneo gen. u. Blat- thicic. Shelford, 2647 ; New Guinea Blattidae 2 spp. n., Mcthaua & Salganea. Shelford, 2650 ; Sumatra Polyphaga Australia. Inseda, collectively. Simmonds, Entomologist 41 pp. 28- 31 ; North (Queensland collecting trip. CoJeoptera. Arrow, 53 ; Dynastidae 2 genn. n., Euixitorus sp. n. Bemhauer, 171 ; Staplujlinidae 11 spj). n. Borchmann, 247 ; Alleeididae Siid- wesl-Australiens 5 spp. n. Carter, 434 ; Adelium 7 spp. n. Carter, 435 ; Buprestidae 5 spp. n., Tenchrionidae 16 spp. n. Gebien, 1016 ; Tenehrionldae Fauna Sud\ve-st-Au5traliens 18 spp. n. Grouvelle, 1150; Oxylaemus sp. n. Hagedom, 1176 ; Xyleborus sp. n. Hintz, 1264 ; Pldogistus 9 spp. n. Jacoby, 1359 ; Swan river & Tasmania Eumolpini 2 genn. n. Kerremans, 1453 ; Stigmod^ra 2 spp. II. Lea, 1631 ; CureuUonidae 38 spp. n. Moser, 1953 ; 2 spp. n. Chariochilus & Clithna. Rggimbart, 2295 ; 7 spp. n., Macro- poruH, ParoHter, Tihantua, liydrohius, Ilelocharen, Phihjdrus. Schenkling, 2503; Pelonium sp. n. Thery, 2879 ; Cyphogastra sp. n. Weise, 3092 ; Chrysomelidae 8 spp. n., Coccinellidae 1 sp. n. Ihjmenoptera. Bradley, 283 ; gen. n. Evanidae. Friese, 912 ; Cairns Megacltne sp. n. Kieflfer, 1475 ; spp. n. ; Evania, Gas- tcruplion, Scclio, gen. n. Diapriidac. Kieffer, 1478; W. Australia Gas- tcritption sp. ii. Perkins, 2125; Apidae 2 genn. n., Eumcnidae 2 genn. n., Dryinldae gen. u. Konow, 1559 ; Pteryophorus sp, n. Schulz, 2597 ; Fossores Siidwest- Australiens 6 spp. n. Sz^pligeti, 2856; Bmeonidae gen. n. Szepligeti, 2859 ; Braconldae und Tcluicumonidac Siidwest - Australiens 9 spp. n. Turner, 2946; Lake Eyre Thynniis sp. n., Adelaide river Eirone sp. n.^ Sydney Airtlioboaca sp. n. Turner, 2947 ; Queens]and, Paragla sp. u., Eumcnidae gen. n. Turner, 2948; Tliynnldae 76 spp. n. Lepldoptera. Bastelberger, 119 ; Queensland Abraxas sp. u. Bastelberger, 120 ; Cape York Proh- lepsis sp. n. Bastelberger, 123 ; EpirrJioe sp. n. Fruhstorfer, 968 ; Xeue indo-austra- lisclie Mycalesi><. Hampson, 1184 ; Cramhus sp. n. Hampson, 1186 ; ^c7'onyctinae general work, 2 spp. n. Turner, 2937 ; Gcometridae new and notes on other species. Warren, 3050 ; Brixla sp. n. Trichoptera. Ulmer, 2964 ; Trichopteridae 4 spp. n. Xcuroptera. Weele, 3078 ; Ascalaphidae gen. n. Diptera. Bancroft, 95 ; Queensland Culieidae descriptive list. Hendel, 1221 ; Toxura 2 spp. n. Meijere, 1823 ; Eristalls, Grapto- inyza. 202 Insecta. XI!. Insecta. [1908J Aphauiptera. Rothschild, 2417; 4 spp. n., Pygio- "psylla & Stephaiiocircus. Hemiptera. Distant, 666; Jassidae 12 spp. n., Idiocerus, Bythoscapus, Eurymela, Eury- tneloides, Penthimia. ■ Kirkaldy, 1504 ; East Australia 25 spp. n. Kirkaldy, 1506; ilemoir on a few Eeteroptera from Eastern Australia. Marlatt, 1787 ; Aspidiotus 2 spp. n. Schmidt, 2533 ; Queensland 2 spp. n. Dardue & Yarrana. Thysanoptcra. Bagnall, 85 ; Queensland, Euryno- thr'ipa gen. n. 2 spp. n. Ephemeridae. Ulmer, 2964 ; Baetis sp. n. Odonata. F8rBter, 860 ; X. Queensland Aesehni- dae 2 spp. ii. Tillyard, 2889; South-western Aus- tralia 6 spp. n. Tillyard, 2890 A 2894 ; Central Aus- tralia new species. - Foerster, 863 ; Queensland Eusyn- thcm'is 2 spp. n. Martin, 1797 ; 2 sj)]). n., HemicorduUa & Macronila. Tillyard, 2891 ; Auslrogynacantha gen. n. Tillyard, 2892 ; Nannodythemis 2 8pp. n. Tillyard, 2893 ; Uhellulhwc 5 spp. n. Orthoptera. BniTiTier & Redtenbacher, 339 ; Phas- midae general wurk, »}>]}. u. Burr, 375 ; Gonolabia 2 spp. n. Carl, 424 ; Cape York Conocep/lialidcs gen. n. Shelford, 2646 ; sp. n. Archiblatta. ThyHamira & CoHemhoIa. Sllvestri, 2697 ; Tliysanura 12 spp. n. gen. n. North America. Insecta, collectively. Tucker, 2933 ; Collecting insects at night. Linnaeus, list of insects described by, which are known to occur in North America ; New York Entomological Society, 1680. Kellogg, 1449 ; American insects. Ottawa district, novelties ; Ottawa Natural 22 pp. .39-45. Paxson, 2105 ; Numerical distribution of some insects. Pettit, 2133 ; llichigan, insects new or unusual in. Needham, 1986 ; Old Forge 4 spp. n. Ephemeridae, ,'i spp. n. Tipvl'idae. Hardenberg, 1190 ; Wisconsin, cran- berry insects. Gossard, 1085 ; Notes of the season, Ohio. Needham, 1984 ; Aquatic insects cf AYalnut lake. Davis, 622 ; Noteworthy Staten island insects, with additions to the local list. Staten isld. winter list; Bueno p. 132 Canad. Ento. 40. Banks, 105 ; North Carolina, a list of neuropteroid insects from. Snow, 2738 & 2739; Expeditions to Galveston and Brownsville, Tex. Tucker, 2934 ; Contributions towards a catalogue of the insects of Kansas. fCockerell, 503 ; Descriptions of Ter- tiary insects, 9 spp. n. ■fCockerell, 504 ; Descriptions of Ter- tiary insects, .3 spj). n. fCockerell, 536 ; Florissant, a Miocene Pompeii. fCockerell, 533 ; Florissant, Colorado. fGrinnell, ^im., 1126; Quaternary myriopods and insects of California ; Eleodes spp. n. Coleoptera. Burke, 363; Mclanophila n. sp. Casey, 436 ; PaelapJiidae 32 spp. n. Casey, 437 ; Brit. Columbia Byrrhidae gen. n. Casey, 438 ; (.'occinellidae 31 spp. n. 203 Inserta. Subject Index. — North America. Casey, 439 ; revision Coniontinae. Champion, 447 ; Barides, localities, sp. n. Chittenden, 469 ; United States, Bala- niitus '> spp. n. Durv, 724 ; Ohio Agrilua sp. n. Fall, 797 ; 4 spp. n., Thyce, Polyphijlla & La^'hnostcrna. Oahan, 990 ; '2 spp. n., Cyllenc & Obrium. Hayward, 1199 ; U. S., Hudson's bay etc., Amara 6 spp. n. Houghton, 1311 ; Delaware, on Gledit- achid triijcanthos. Houghton, 1314 ; St. Lawrence co., N.Y. list. Kerremans, 1457 ; Texas Halecia sp. n. Knaus, 1528 ; Kansas and other localities, list of rarities. Knaus, 1529-1532 ; Kansas additions to the list. Knaus, 1533 ; New Mexico. Kraus, 1575 ; United States Cioidae 5 spp. n. Lantz, 1625; Notes on collecting Ciclndelidae. Leng, 1639; 2 spp. n., Chilocorus & Briimua. Lewis, 1660 ; Jilsteridae 2 spp. n. Einter & Phelister. HoiTls, 1946 ; Ontario, account of collecting. Pierce, 2193 ; Anthonomini 10 spp. n., germ. n. Foppius, 2224 ; St. Lawrence Bai Cryobius sp. n. Schaeffer, 2485 ; Brownsville and Huachuca mts. Ceramhycidae. Schaeffer, 2486 ; United States 3 spp. n., Jlister, Listrochelus & Pyrota. Schaeffer, 2487 ; Arizona & Texas Copelatus. Schaeffer, 2488 ; Arizona Malacoder- midne 12 ^pp. n. Schaeffer, 2489; Arizona and Texas Coccinellidae 3 spp. n., Cleridae 12 spp. n. Schaeffer, 2490 ; Cureulionidae & Scolytidae, 18 spp. n. Sherman, 2656 ; Xorih Carolina, Cicindclidac and elevations. Smyth, 2732 ; Kansas, Notes on collecting Cicntdelidae. Snow, 2741 ; New Mexico, list. Tucker, 2932 ; Texas records. Webb, 3069 ; North Carolina Leptura sp. n. fWickham, 3135 ; Florissant fossil Elateridiic. Wolcott, 3155 ; United States Ilydiio- cera 5 spp. n. Wolcott, 3156 ; Chariessa sp. n. Strepsiptera. Pierce, 2192 ; fi spp. n. Jiymenoptera. Banks, 101 ; Virginia, Trigonalys & Roprouia. Beutenmuller, 180; Arizona Aidax sp. n. Bradley, 283 ; Evaniidae 17 spp. n. Brues, 326; 3 spp. n. Loxotropa, Mesocrina & Aphoereta. fBrues, 328 ; New phytophagous Hymenoptera Tertiary of Florissant, Colorado. Brues, 329 ; Massachusetts, Helori- viorpha sp. n. Brues, 331 ; 8 spp. n., Bethylidae, Proctotrypidae, Iclmeumonidae, Bra- conidae. Cameron, 420 ; Southwest United States (Jdyneruii 35 spp. n. Cameron, 421 ; United States Ancls- trocerua sp. n., Fossorla 10 spp. n., Ichneumonidae 7 spp. n. Cockerell, 505 ; Colorado Apidae 6 spp. n. Cockerell, 505 ; United States Mega- chile 11 .spp. n. Cockerell, 506 ; Colorado Chelynia sp. n. Cockerell, 514 ; United States, Andrena sp. u., Melianodes sp. n. Cockerell, 520 ; Nomada . 2 spp. n. United States. Cockerell, 524 ; Colorado Apidae 3 spp. n., Oamia, Epeolus & Sphecodea. 204 Insccta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Cockerell, 529 ; Colorado & New Mexico 4 spp. n., Megachile, CoUetes & Panurginus. Cockerell, 540 ; Ealictus sp. n. Cockerell, 542 ; Texas, short list. Cockerell, 543 ; Virginia, Nomada sp. n. Cockerell, 544 ; Colorado & New York, Nomada 3 spp. u. Cockerell and Rohwer, 546 ; Colorado two new Mutillidae. fCockerell, 506 ; Florissant Ap:dae 2 genu. II. tCockerell, 508 ; Colorado Miocene Apidae 2 spp. n. fCockerell, 509; Colorado Megachile sp. n. Crawford, 582; Chalcididae G spp. n., Ccramlycobiiis, Eutrichosoma, Fteroma- lini gen. u., Catolaccus. Crosby, 591 ; Canada Syntomaspis sp. n. Girault, 1066 ; AJaptua 3 spp. n. Girault, 1073 ; Encarsia versicolor sp. n. parasite of Aleyrodes. Girault, 1075 ; Illinois gen. n. Ptero- rnalidae. Girault, 1076 ; Mymarinae & Aphelininae 3 spj). n. Harrington, 1193; Ottawa Tes/wicZea. Howard, 1317 ; Prospaltella four new species. Howard, 1320 ; Aplielinus 2 spp. n. Howard, 1319 ; n. g. Clialcididae attacking tick on Mexican dog. Howard, 1324 ; Florida 2 spp. n., Encnraia & J'Jretmoccrus. Howard, 1325 ; Florida Myrnaridac gen. n. JolinBon & Rohwer, 1408 ; Colorado Bembicidae 2 sj)[). n. Kieffer, 1468; Proctotrypidae & Cyni- pidac, '.'- a|)p. n. Kiefifer, 1475 ; California Zelotypa S]). 11. Konow, 1559 ; Alaska etc., C spp. n. TcnIlircilniiildC. Lovell, 1696 ; Soutliern Maine Ilalictns sp. n. Macgillivray, 1745 ; New York & Minnesota Dolerus 20 spp. n. Macg^illivray, 1746 ; United States Acordideccra 10 spp. n. Macgillivray, 1747 ; Blennocampinae 36 spp. n., genu. n. Macgillivray, 1748 ; United States Emphytinae 6 spp. n. Macgillivray, 1749 ; Texas Blennocam- pinae geii. n. Rohwer, 2390 ; Colorado Nematinae 7 spp. n. Rohwer, 2391 ; Colorado Tenthre- dinoidea 7 spp. n. Rohwer, 2392 ; United States G spp. n. Cerccris & Eucerceris. Rohwer, 2394 ; Colorado Tachysphex 3 spp. n. Rohwer, 2395; Colorado & New Mexico, Phopalum & Crahro 10 spp. n. Rohwer, 2396 ; Colorado & Nebraska, 4 spp. n., Bcloniicrus, Crahro & Iclineu- tidea. Rohwer, 2401 ; United States Tenthrc- dinidae IG spp. u. Rohwer, Ent. News 19 p. 78 ; Colorado Pterocliilns 5-fasciatus. Rohwer & Cockerell, 2403 ; New Mexico Oxrjbelus 2 spp. n. JRohwer, 2397 ; Colorado larrid wasp. fRohwer, 2398 ; Florissant sliales Tenthredinoidea 4 spp. n. jRohwer, 2399 ; Florissant, Colo. Tertiary Tenthredinoidea 5 spp. n. fRohwer, 2400 ; Colorado, Florissant shales Mcllinua sp. n., a fossil niellinid wasp. Smith, 2718; Indiana MelUnus sp. n. Smith, 2719 ; The Sphegoidea of Ne- braska 15 sj)j). n. Snow, 2740 ; Arizona list. Swenk, 2841 ; ColletcM 4 spp. n. Viereck, 2983 ; United States Bra- conidac iV Jclnieuinonidae Dl spp. n. Wheeler, 3121 ; Myrviira levinodia introduced into Massachusetts. Wheeler, 3127 ; Revision of the Ameri- can Myriuecocysus. 205 Insecla. Subject Index. — North America. Wheeler, 3128 ; Texas, New Mexico i^ Arizona, Form'ie'idae 22 sj^p. n. Wheeler, 3129 ; Casco bay, Maine, FonniciJat:. T^pidoptera. Bastelberger, 123 ; Texas 2 spp. n., TcpJirina \' rcphrinopsis. Beutenmiiller, 181 ; Manitoba, Cato- cala sp. II. Biederman, 201 ; Arizona, new Ani- sota. Bird, 207 ; Papaimcma 4 spp. n. Braun, 288 ; Llthocollet'is 9 spp. n. Braun, 289 ; revision of North Ameri- can Llthocollet'is 9 spp. n. Bosck, 379 ; PennsYlvanla. Microlep. 7 spp. u., Gnorimoscliema, Gelechia, Borkhauaenla, Epermenia, Batrachedra, Elachista. Busck, 380 ; California liecwvaria &. GdecJiia 2 spp. u. Busck, 381 ; North American Tineina 17 spp. n. Busck, 382; Eastern United States Brachyloma 2 spp. n. Busck, 384 ; Occophoridae revision, 5 spp. n. Cockerell, 515 ; Colorado Ses'ia sp. n. Coolidge, 566 ; Rhopaloeera Wright's west coast species annotated. Coolidge, 568 ; Santa Clara Co. Tihopalocera annotated list. Coolidge, 569 ; North American species of the genus Ereh'ia. Coolidge, 570 ; Western Lep. Coolidge, Ent. News 19 p. 135 ; northern Colorado Terias mexicana. Cosens, 577 ; Stagmatophora sp. n. Davis, 621 ; New Jersey Pamphila arogo.-s. Dod, 684 ; Alberta annotated list, novelties. Dod, 685 ; Laggan, A rgynnia astarte and other high mountain butterflies. Dod, 686 ; Alberta notes. Dyar, 726 ; GoHyna 6 spp. n. Dyar, 730 ; Acrohasis 7 spp. n. Dyar, 731 ; S. California 15 spp. n., Phoboloaia, Animomyia, Euxoa, Glau- ciua, Stcuaspilatcs, J)etrni'ta, Selidosema, Atmplodes, Xaiitippe, Glapluiria, Am- hesa, Salebria, Sarata, Valdlvia. Dyar, 732 ; North Carolina Paekardia sp. n. Dyar, 734 ; Arizona Agapema sp. n. Dyar, 735; Chrysaug'Diae 2 spp. n. Dyar, 736 ; review of Pyralince 5 sjip. n. Dyar, 737; Pi/ralidae 11 spp. n. Ely, 759 ; East River, Conn. Catoeala. Ely, Ent. News 19 p. 79 ; Calpodes etldiHs. Engel, 780 ; Tittsburgh list. Femald, 826 ; United States Argyro- plocc sp. n. Grinnell, 1127 ; California Syneldoe sp. n. Grinnell, 1128 ; S. California Ptero- pltoridae 14 spp. u. Grossbeck, 1133; Pennsylvania Pla- godis sp. u. Grossbeck, 1135 ; Geornetridae 17 spp. n. Grossbeck, 1137 ; Geometrldae 7 spp. n. Haimbacb, 1178; PyraZirfac, 4 spp. n., Symphysa, Ulepliaromaslix Sc Crambus. Hampson, 1185 ; W. N. America, Koctuidac list, 3 spp. n., Protagrotls, M'lselia, Plusia. Hampson, 1186 ; Acronyctlnae general work, 2 spp. n. Heath, 1202 ; Manitoba, novelties. Kearfott, 1444 ; North American Tortricidac and Tineina, 24 spp. n., Eucosma, Cydia, Epinotia, Enarmonia, Tortrix, Phalonia, Commophila, Choreu- ti8, Argyresthia, Chrysopora, Gelechia, Coleophora, Nepticula, Incurvaria. Kearfott, 1445 ; Crambldae 19 spp. n. Kwiat, 1611 ; Indiana Ilelioloncha sp. n. Lyman, 1734 ; Manitoba Gortyna sp. n. Moore, 1931 ; New Brunswick, list. Pearsall, 2107 ; Arizona Chloro- chlamys sp. n. Pearsall, 2109 ; New York Eupithecia 2 spp. n. 206 Insecta. xii. Insecta. [1908] Pearsall, 2110 ; Catskill mts. Eiipi- thecia 3 spp. n. Peaxsall, 2112 ; L'nited States Eupi- thecia 5 spp. u. Plitt, Ent. Xews 19 pp. 402-404; Baltimore short list. Porter, 2231 ; Iowa list. Rohwer, 2393 ; Colorado, Terias mexicana. Rowley, 2434 ; Louisiana Notes on Catocala. ■ Smith, 2722 ; Rhynchagrotis 3 spp. n. Smitli, 2725 ; Xoetiddae 18 spp. n. Smith, 2726 ; Xoctuidae 45 spp. n. Smith, 2727 ; Canada Phaeocpna list. Smith, 2728 ; Phaeoojma 10 spp. n. Swett, 2842 ; United States Eupi- thecia 2 spp. n. Taylor, 2872 ; British Columbia novelties, 7 spp. n., Eupithecia, Xantho- rhoe, Aplodes, Sciagraphia. Was, Ent. News 19 p. 83 ; Wisconsin Erebus odora. Williams, 3145 ; Eriocrania sp. n. rem the Pacific coast. Winn p. 16 Canad. Ento. 40; Mon- treal, Plusia precat'wnis. Wright and Coolidge, 3163 ; Placer count}-, Calif., list. Wright, 3166 ; San Diego county, California, annotated list. Trichoptera. Banks, 102 ; United States 12 epp. n. Banks, 103 ; Newfoundland 7 spp. n. Neuroptera. Banks, 99 ; California gen. n. Eemero- biidae. Banks, 102 ; Plampennia & Biltacus 7 spp. n. Brimley, 308 ; Raleigh, N. C. neuro- pteroids. ^Cockerell, 511 ; fossil Chnjsopidae. ■j-Cockerell, 516; Florissant shales .Osmyliia sp. n. Navds, 1977 ; Clinjsopa sp. n. Sherman, 2655 ; North Carolina Panorpiddc. Tucker, 2929 ; Piano, Texas. Weele, 3078 ; Ululodca sp. n. Dipt era. Adams, 10 ; Wisconsin Crassiseta sp. n. Adams, 11 ; Mycetophila 2 spp. n. Ainslie, 25 ; Ohio Campylomyza scu- tellata. Aldrich and Darlington, 31 ; Uelo- myzidae, 9 spp. n. Beutenmuller, 179; Cecidomyia 6, spp. n. Bezzi, 196 ; Sind die DasyUis-A.vtea ausschliesslich in Amerika zu Heimat ? Brimley and Sherman, 310 ; Tabanidae of North Carolina. fBrues, 332 ; Miocene Florissant, Colorado fossil Phoridae. Brues, 334 ; Phoridae 3 spp. n. Cockerell, 510 ; Boulder Cecidomyia sp. n. Cockerell, 518 ; Colorado Hormoinyia sp. n. jCockerell, 528 ; Colorado Eocene BlepJiaroceridae gen. n. Cockerell, 534 ; Nemestrinidae 2 spp.n. Cockerell, 539 ; The Diptera of Kansas and New Mexico. jCockerell, 513 ; iliocene Florissant 2 spp. n. Asilidae & Leptidae. "[Cockerell, 535 ; Colorado Hirmoneura sp. n. Coqnillett, 575 ; United States, spp. n., Dicranomyia, Tanypus, Cliironomus, Leptidae gen. n., Seatophaga, Rhagoletis, Geomyzidae gen. n. & Pseudiastata. Couden, 578 ; Missouri Agromyza sp. n, CresBon, 584 ; New Mexico Diptero- logical notes. Doane, 676; United States Dicra- nomyia 4 spp. n. Doane, 677 ; Pachyrlnna New North American ; determining the species. Doane, 678 ; Ehyplioloplms 5 spp. n. Doane, 681 ; California TipuJa sp. n. Dyar k Knab, 739 ; Culicidae 3 s])}). n. Felt, 819 ; Cccidomyiidae about 400 sp]). n. Haseman, 1198 ; Missouri Pnyclwda sp. u. 201 Iii^tcta. Subject Index. — North America. Hine, 1262; Hiit. Columbia Aa'didac 2 spp. II., gen. n. Johannsen, 1399 ; Oiironomidae 12 spp. n. Johnsoii, 1402 ; New England Bomby- liidae. Anthrax sp. n. Johnson, 1403; distribution of Bltta- ^morpha joncsi. Johnson, 1404 ; note on Calotarsa & 2 new species of CaU'nnyia. Enab, 1526 ; Saskatchewan mosquitoes of. MitcheU, 1902; United States Chiro- nomus 0 spp. n. Osbum, 2077; Brit. Columbia Syr- pliidac additions, 6 spp. n. Overman, 2086 ; Kansas, mosquitoes of E)ouglas county. Russell and Hooker, 2444 ; Xew ceci- domyiid on oak. Townsend, 2906 ; muscoidean flies, including genera and 33 spp. n. Tucker, 2929; Texas & Colorado Oscinis i spp. n. Williston, 3150 ; Manual. Aphaniptera. Fox, 888 ; Ceratophyllus sp. n. Fox, 889 ; San Francisco gen. n. Mitzmain, 1905 ; Synopsis and biblio- graphy of California Siphonaptera. Osbom, 2076; Ohio Typhlopsylta octactenua. Hemiptera, collectively. Crevecoeur, 585 & 586 ; Kansas Additions to the list. Horvatb, 1304 ; Les relations entre lesfuuneshemipterologiques de I'Europe et de I'Amerique du Nord. Horvath, 1305 ; Remarques, 5 spp. n. Van Duzee, 2970 ; Quinze lake, anno- tated list, Neoborus sp. n., Ceresa sp. n. Ileteroptera. Hambleton, 1179 ; Corizus 2 spp. n. Heidemann, 1206 ; laometopua 3 spp. n. Heidemann, 1207; Tingidae2 spp. n,^ Aeysta and Leptohyraa. Kirkaldy, 1490; Carolina Arct cur'isa 3 spp. n. ■ Reuter, 2342 ; Nabidae 2 spp. n.. Catharsis & Rcduviolus. Reuter, 2350 ; Mouographia generis Heteropterorum IViimodera Germ. Torre Bueno, 2899 ; Hemiptera Ilete- roptera, Westchester county. Ilomoptera. ■fCockerell, 530 ; Fossil CercopiJae. Kirkaldy, 1502; California Dune- pteryx 2 spp. n. Van Duzee, 2969 ; Membracidae 27 spp. n. Aphidae. jCockerell, 532 ; Fosail aphidae. Davis, 618 ; Aphis sp. n. Aphis fol- somii sp. n. Gillette, 1044a ; Colorado 6 spp. u. GUlette, 1046 ; Colorado Schizoneura sp. n. Jackson, 1351 ; Aphis aquaticus u.sp. Oestlund, 2052 ; Cliaitophorus testudi- natua. Rohwer, 2402; Colorado Forda 2 spp. n. Wilson, 3152; Colorado Aphia sp. u. Coccidae. Coleman, 551 ; California 2 spp. n. Pseudococcua & Xyloeoccus. Marlatt, 1787 ; United States Dias- pinae 3 spp. n. Thysanoptera. Hood, 1289 ; Illinois Idolothrips 2 app. n. Hood, 1290 ; United States Phloeo- thripidae 3 spp. n. Hood, 1291; Illinois 15 spp. n., genn. n. Paocidae. Banks, 102 ; United States 3 spp. n* Mallophaga. Dxirrant, 723 ; Menopon sp. n. Perlidae. Banks, 102 ; Perla 4 spp. n. 208 Instcta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Banks, 103 ; Xewfoundland Isoperla sp. n. Ephemeridae. Banks, 102 ; Kansas Potamaiithus sp. n. Odonata. Banks; Ent. Xews, 19, p. 384, Tachopteryx in Virginia. Biimley, 309 ; Xorth Carolina Odonata. Calvert, 394 ; Odonata in Carr canyon, Huachuca mountains, Arizona. Martin, 1797 ; Somatochlora sp. n. Muttkowski, 1971 ; Wisconsin Odonata. Walker, 3021 ; Aeshna 8 spp. n. Walker, 3022 ; Ottawa annotated catalogue. Williamson, 3148 ; Oklahoma Cordu- libiae. Orthoptera. Brimley, 306 ; Notes on the Ortho- ptera of Raleigh, Xorth Carolina. Caudell, 441 ; Arizona Steleopyga rhomhi folia. Caudell, 443; Arizona. Barytettixs-p.n. Caudell, 444 ; California Marsa sp. n. "[Cockerell, 517 ; Florissant shales Matdidac gen. n. fCockerell, 519 ; Colorado Miocene gen. n. Locustidae. Davis, 625 ; Staten Island and Xeu- Jersev, new OrchcUnnim. Hebard, 1203 ; California Decticinae gen. n. Isely, 1344 ; Kansas Awhlycoryplia sp. n. tMitchell, 1903; new protoblattid family. Lower Cretaceous. Morse, 1948; New York and Xew Jersey, Tettigidae sp. n. Relin, 2299 ; Western United States, 5 sjip. n., Trivierotropis, Plagiostira, Ceuthophilus, Plirixocncmis, Udeopsylla. Rehn & Hebard, 2301 ; Arizona Acri- diidae 5 spp. n. Tliyaaiiura (vacant), Collemhola. Folsom, 866 ; Brit. Columbia Aphorura sp. n. Central America. Coleoplera. Bovie, 277 ; Costa Rica Polyd'ms sp. n. Bovie, 278 ; Costa Rica Polydius sp. n. Casey, 438 ; Mexico CoccinelVidae 4 spp. n., Hyperaspis, Exoeliomus, Olla, Coccinella. Casey, 439 ; Mexico and Lower Cali- fornia Conionilnae revision, spp. n. Champion, 447 ; Bai'ldes many genn. n. and spp. n. Gahan, 990 ; Mexico Cyllene sp. n. Jacoby, 1362 ; Mexico 4 spp. n., llonacJais & Cryptoeephalus. Kuhnt, 1600 ; Mexico Aegithns sp. n. Kuhnt, 1601 ; Honduras Erotylus sp. n. Ohaus, 2055 ; Mexico Anomala sp. n., Costa Rica Strigodenna sp. u. Olivier, 2064 ; Yucatan Aspisoma sp. u. Schenkling, 2501 ; Mexico CymatO' dera sp. n. Schenkling, 2503 ; Bydnocera sp. n. Sternberg, 2791 ; Mexico Xyloryctes sp. n. Hymenoilera. Bradley, 283; Mexico Foe jh/s sp. n. Cameron, 421 ; Belize & Xicaragua 4 spp. n., Ancistrocerus, Plesia, Pr'isto- mcridia. Ducke, 715 ; Yesp'idae sociales Amerikas. Forel, 876 ; Costa Rica Formlcidae 9 spp. n. Kiefifer, 1468 ; Prodolrypidae & Cyni- pidae 33 spp. n. Kieffer, 1470 ; Scelionides sp. n. Kieffer, 1475 ; Xicaragua Peiitapr'ia sp. n. Konow, 1560 ; -1 spp. n., Stromho- ccro.-i & Brauii.-oula. Schmiedeknecht, 2535 ; Lohocryptus sp. n. Lcp'idoptera. Baatelberger, 144; '^eydco, Sparganla sp. n. Bastelberger, 115 ; Mexico 2 spp. n., Peodopaia dc Steiialcidia. 209 Imsccia. SuBJEcr I.VDEX. — Nonxit America — Antilles. Bastelberger, 116; Mexico, Coloto'is Sp. 11. Bastelberger, 117 ; Mexico 2 spp. n., }'ri>chocroilc.-< & l\iherudes. Bastelberger, 120 ; Mexico Ptyehopoda :f spp. u. Bastelberger, 123 ; Mexico M'lcro- iiii >p. 11. Dognin, 690 ; S.in Salvador & Costa Rica 4 spp; n., Elyiniotis, liippia, ^ichizura, Biera. Dognin, 691 ; Mexico Certlma sp. n. Druce, 703 ; Costa Rica llesperiidae 2 spp. n., Aides & Thymele. Dyar, 726 ; Mexico Cliabuata sp. n. Dyar, 727; Notodontldae 8 spp. n.. Mulocaiuixj, Hcmlceras, Chadisra & Peilacroit. Dyar, 728 ; Panama, a pyralid in- habiting the fur of the living sloth. Dyar, 732 ; Costa Rica & Panama 3 spp. n. Mctraga, Epiperola & Tana- dema. Dyar, 734 ; Mexico Agapcma sp. n. Hampson, 1186; Acronyctinac gene- ral work, 2 spp. 11. Schaus, 2493 ; Costa Rica Ormiscodes sp. n. Warren, 3051 ; Geomctridae 5 spp. n. Keuroii^era. Banks, 104 ; Lower California Bra- chyiiemnru.'i sp. n. Weele, 3078 ; Coloboptenis sp. n. & Cerdulecerus sp. n. D'lpAera. Adams, 10 ; Costa Rica Crasaiseta 6p. II. Busck, 383 ; mosquito fauna of Panama. Dyaur & Knab, 739 ; CuUcidae 17 spp. u. Hendel, 1225 ; Mexico Laiixaniirme gen. n. Kert^sz, 1461 ; Mexico Euryneura sp. n. Townsend, 2906 ; Muscoidean flies, new genera and 13 spp. u. llem'ijAera, incl. Coccidae etc. (Baker, 90 ; Tvphlocybini gen. n.) (s-10332;)' Distant, 663a; Costa Rica, gen. n. Jansidac & Dicstostemma sp. n., Mexico Oiicometopla sp. n. Marlatt, 1787; Mexico 2 spp. n., Aspidiottts & Mytilaspis. Torre Bueno, 2900 ; Guatemala aqua- tic and semi-aquatic 2 spp. n. Thysaiioptera. Bagnall, 85; 6 spp. n., gen. n. Odonata. Calvert, 393 ; 2 spp. n. Brechmorhoga & Ep'i Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Lehla almger'i sp. n. Transcaspien, Poppius Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 49 No. 18 p. 7. — L. promontor'il p. 273, seliakuayia, tejiella, p. 274, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. Lciatua rufomarghuitua Duft., Everts Ent. Bl. 4 p. 101. Maaorena ireUcrliaU var. delahonl Luckenwalde, Sciiilsky D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. COO. Mecodema aeuduct\nn\t. 335, cognatum p. 33G, lewisi p. 337, acriatiun p. 338, attcnuatum p. 339, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. M'lcroeya gen. n. gen. Bevihidiu affine, rdiputa)ai8 sp. n. Judca, S.milberg Hel- singfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 11. Mlcrolealea vittipcini'ia sp. n. Cairo, Saiii.berg T. c. p. IG. Melnnodea inceatus sp. n. S. Africar Peringueit Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 289. Molopf< rdurua, Verbrcitung unJ Rasseiibdduiig, tranaocnacdnua var. n., (1ani;i,h\uer Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p]). 1 19-124. — M. clatiiH subsp. llhur- MicuH subs[). n. Velebit, Mi'ller Ento- mol. Ztg. 27 p. 236. I 217 Insecia^ Systematic. — Cauabidae. Xotiophllus; Arten Aus Finland, Por- rirs Helsingfors -Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 pp. 47-51. — .V. aqiiaticiis var. Mrigifrons, CuA«rios p. l'71 Ent. Mag. 44. Omostropus egenus, simplex, spp. n., S. Africa, Perixgley Ann. S. afric. Mus. 5 p. 281. Oodes deccptor sp. n. S. Africa, Perix- lUEY p. 287 T.c. Ooptcnis uiijrituJus p. 341, fro)itaIis }). 312, scnlpluratiis p. 343, spp. n., \e\v Zealand, Buol-x Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Ophotius suhlaeiHs sp. n. X.W. Mon- gnlei, Popi'R-s Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. 8oe. 49, No. 17, p. 8. Oreoojs gen. n. voisin de Bemhidion, type bedcli sp. n. Djurdjura, Peverim- HOFF Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 117. Orhiodromus cicrslaechcri subsp. n. allitaudae & glacialiti, Kilimandjaro, Alia-ald Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 24. Pelophila horealis = {marghvata & elon- gata Mannh.), & geblcri Mannh. is a var., Poppius Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 p. 83. Pengoiia ; Catalogue ; procela Java p. 103, annam'Ua Ceylon etc., angustata Sumatra, p. 104, spp. n., Fauvel Rev. ent. 26. Platijderus : neuentdeckten Lautap- parat, Fiedler Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. (35. Poecilu8 lepidus subsp. n. sulcatis- Bimus, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 p. 50. — P. cxpanxus Reitt. ialitt. = Platysma balos- soglo'i Tschitsch., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 259. Pogonops'ini trib. nov. ; Sesienov-Tiax- Shaxsky, Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 187. Pogonus auhmarginatuH Transcaspian, punctifrons Syria, spp. n., Reitter Verb. Ver. Bninn. 46 p. 131. Polyaulacus pnllldus sp. n. S. Africa, Peri.vgcey Ann. S. afric. Mas. 5 p. 275. Pohjlnrma dohrni neumanni spp. n., N.O.- Africa, Sternberg Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 p. 96. — P. boza p. 484, virgxdifcr p. 486, bouvieri p. 488, vassei p. 490, spp. n., Africa, Sterxberg Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76. — P. rothschildl p. 492, Itaroliana p. 494, spp. n., bUiamata subsp. n. Zesnei p. 496, Sternberg Paris Ann. soc. ent 76. — P. hafiiena p. 276, sambeaina p. 275, spp. n., S. Africa, Perixgcey Ann. S. afric. Mus. 5. Pohjatichus conncriift nifcxcena var. n. France, Pic Echange Moulins 24 p. 46. Pterostichns dilutipex var. n. clmhergi X.W. Mongolei, PoiTiua Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 49 No. 17 p. 22.— 7'. (Puccilua) ii>tcrinediu)i p. 1, {Pseiido- dcnis) schnmsiena'is p. 3, Russivch Tur- kestan, spp. n., P. (s. str.) chydaeux var. n. oaxeticit--< Kaukasus p. 5, Poprius T.c. No. 18. — /'. dUigcns var. = (bni-eclus Sahib.), mout'tcohi CJebl. = {imgner'i Tschitsch.), Poppu:s }) 84 Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33. — /'. rermiculumix, glacial remains, LiNDUERG Medd. Soc, Fauna Fenn. 34 p. 46. — P. {cryobivs) beringens'n^ sp. n. St Lawrence Bai, Poppids Helsingfors. Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 6 p. 4.— P. {Steropua) eatalonicus sp. n. Spain, Daniel p. 172 Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. — P. metallicus var. n. giuidcrvunuii Tiiiir- ingen, Hubenthal D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 36. — P. fasciatopunctatus in der Liniliier- (xrotte Triester Karst ; Ml'LLER (Jlobns 94 pp. 56-57. — P. turgidicepa p. 409, odoiitdlua p. 410, antennal'is p. 412, oneroaensis, Jlectlpea, p. 413, ndoxiis p. 414, oxymelus p. 415, ainuiventr'i^ p. 416, vexatu^t p. 417, perbomis, plnlpott'i, p. 418, lepidulna p. 419, chalmcri p. 420, spp. n., New Zealand, Brol'n Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Scotod'ipnus {Mlcrotyplilns) gnnglbancrl sp. n. Barcelona, Breit Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 pp. 66-67. Snofru gen. n. near Dighjinnia p. 340, aemulator sp. n. New Zealand j). 341, BuouN Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Stcno'ophua involrxdnasp. n. S. Africa, Peringl'EY Ann. S. Afiic. Mus. 5 j). 282. Systoloeranius diacrepana sp. n. S-. Africa, Perixguey T.c. p. 288. Tcichya jiireceJii sp. n. Adana, Reittek Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 50-51. — T. arrorjans, deh'dia, p. 295, 'jucundidua p. 291, n'ujru- UmbatiiH p. 2i)3, aecutorhia p. 292, veacus: p. 294, vieariua p. 293, spp. n., S. Africa, Perixgley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. — 7'. corlaceiia sp. n. New Zealand, Bkoun p. 421 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Taphoxenua gigas sidjsp. n. alalavicus Semiretsciije, gigas subsp. n. acutan- galus p. 118 Turkestan sept., transmon- tanua p. 119, tlanaJuxnicua p. 120 Mont. Tian-Slian., spp. n., Semenov - TiAX - SiiANSKY Rev. russ. ent. 8. 218 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Tarastethus soutlHandieus p. 350, carhonarius p. 3ol, spp. n., Xew Zealand, Beoux Ann. Xat. Hist. 2. Teflns neumanni sp. n. X.-O -Afrika, Sternberg Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 p. 97. — T. discedens Kilimandjaro p. 192, rotundicollix Ukerewe p. 194, alluaudi Kilimandjaro p. 197, gracilis 0. -Afrika p. 109, spp. n., Stkrxberg Stettiner eat. Zts; 70. — T. kafiiemis sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 284. Trechopsis gen. n. lap'iei sp. n. Djitr- djura, Peyerimhoff Paris Bui. soc. ent. li908 p. 119. Trechus icagneri sp. n. Salzkammer- pjut, Gaxglb.\uer p. 11 Miinchener Kol. Zeits. 3.-7'. iitsolitus sp. n. Karpathian Alps, Daniel p. 170 iliinchen. Kol. Zs. 3,earpat]iicufi var. n. hreviuseidus p. 172. — T. (Duval'ms) netolitzkyi sp. n. Mos- sorofebirge in Zentraldalinatien, MOller Entomol. Ztg 27 pp. 233-234.— T. an- gustns sp. n. Lesbos, Saiilberg Helsing- fors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 13. — T. parilis, nolutilii^, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey Ann S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 291. — T. micros in catacombs. Rover Paris Bui. soc. ent. p. 42 1908. Tribax und P/ccft's-Arten Flugel- deckenskidptur; Bernau Ent. Wocbenbl. 25 pp. 129-133. Trichdsternun coelocephalus p. 405, hanmcrensw p. 406, ordinarius p. 407, spp, n., New Zealand, Brol'n Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Zabrus jurjurae sp. n. Djurdjura, Peyerimhoff Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 120. ZargochduH gen. n. {Licinini) p. 25, hcdel'i sp. n. p. 20 Kilimandjaro, Alluaud Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Zeopoecilus optandus sp. n. New Zea- land, Brocn p. 408 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Znphium tureomanieum sp. n. Trans- kaspien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 213. Paussidae. Panasua tor/oerisis sp. n. Togo, Was- MANN D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 570. IlALirUDAE. Synonymic, Zusatze und Verbesse- rungcn . zu den neuesten Katalogen, Zaitzev Rev, niss. ent. 7 pp. 114-124. Brijchius intermedins sp. n. Oester- reicbisches Kiistenland, Muller Entomol. Ztg 27 p 219. Haliplns pelopis Peloponesus p. 20, figuratus Cairo p. 22, spp. n., Sahi.berg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7. — TJ. regimharti nom. n. fiir hrevis Wehncke ; H. flavicollis subsp. expal- lidus nom. n. fiir flavicollis subsp. pallidus Sem., Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 122. Dytiscidae. Quantitative und qualitative Zusaui- ensetzung der Wasserkaferfauna eines Tumpels zu verschiedenen Jahi-eszeiten i. Gouv. Novgorod, Z.aitzev Rev. i-uss. ent. 8 pp. 66-73. Synonymie, Zusatze und Verbesser- ungen zu den neuesten Katalogen, Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 114-12^4. Agahus [Gaurodytes) zaitzeiri sp. n. Kanin, Poppius Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 8 p. 12. — .4. sjostedii Meru p. 5, dytiseoides Kilimandjaro p. 6, spp. n., Recjimbart Kilimandjaro-ileru Exp. 7 1. — A. (Gaurodytes) oin-vmui p. 424, tihetanus p. 425, Tibet, spp. n., Zaitzev Ann. Mus. Zool. St. Petersb. 13.— .4. olivieri nom. n. fiir higtittatns Oliv., Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 114-124. — A. tristis piceoliis nom. n. fiir tristis piceus Zaitz.; A. nebidosus ragusai nom. n. fiir mhulosus Forst. ab. ahdo- minalis Reg., Zaitzev T.c. p. 123. — .4. arcticus, variation of c? claws, Poppius Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 34 p. 52, cuts. — A. clypealis, Gouv. Orel., slovtzovi J. Sahib. Prov. Uralsk, Merkmale, Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 61-65. Bidessus minutinsimus Germ. varr. n. circumflexns & ititerruptefasciatus, Mal- lorka. IBreit Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 52. Coelamlms corpulentus & saginatus, Unterschiede.Verbreitung, p. 2 ; lautits = 7iigrolineatusp. 3, Zaitzev St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. Zool.' 13. — C. rcittcri sp. n. Irkutsk, Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 268. — Cdelamhua caspius Wehncke, Coelamhus (latitus Schaum.) ^= nigro- liveatus Steven, Habitat, Verbreitung, Zaitzev op. cit. 8 pp. 61-65. Coltpnhctca minimua sp. n. Tibet, Zauzev p. 420 Ann. Mus. Zool. St. Peterab. 13. . . :?1S) hisecta. Systematic. — Dvtiscidak, Etc. Copelatiis chciTolatil var. n. australis p. 17 western United States, cubaensis sp. n. p. 18 Cuba, Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Cybistfr hedini sp. n. Tibet, ZaitzEv p. 419 Ann. Mus. Zool. 13. — C. japonicus .Saohalin, Unterschiede von marghialis Deg., Zaitzev Rev. niss. ent. 8 p. Go. Herophydrus sjostedti sp. n. Usam- bara, Regimbart Kiliiuinia'ndjaro-ileru Exp., 7 1 p. 3. — H. iriterruptiis distincta species, Unterschiede von musicus Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 61. Ilydroporus (Graptodytcs) Imclitae sp. n. Mallorka, Breit Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 59. — fl. amoenus sp. n. Ivesbos, Sahlberg Helsintrfors Ofvers F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 22.— H. {Deronectes) formaster sp. n. Sibirien, Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 269. — //. abyssiniciis var. n. atratus Meru, 1'egimbart Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 1 p. 2. — n. wickhami nom. n. fiir eon- cinnus Lee, Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 118. Hydi-ovatus mueronatus sp. n. Kili- mandjaro, Regimbart Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 1 p. 4. Macroporus dilatatiis sp. n. S.W. Australia, Regimbart Fauna Siidwest- Australiens 1 Lfg. 8 p. .311. Paroster m'lcliaelaenl sp. n, S.W. Australia, Regimbart Fauna Siidwest Australiens Bd. 1 Lfg. 8 p. 312. Pelocatua nom. n. fiir Liopterua Aube, Zeitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 114-124. Rhantua ; Synoptiscbe Tabelle der Arten.ScMAKCwJurjevSitzb.Naturg.Ges. 16 3 pp. 1-7. — R. simulans sp. n. S.W. Australia, Regimbart Fauna Sudwest Australiens Bd. 1 Lfg. 8 p. 313.— E. punctatiis varr. n. ruficolUs & flavi- ventris, Luckenwalde, Schij.skt D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 600.— i?. luteicollis Gebl. = consputus Sturm., luteicollis Motsch., Sahib. = exolettis Forst. ; nigropmictatus •Motsch. eine Varietiit von bistriatus Bergstr. ; Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 64. Stettitia ; Abeille db Peeeis Mar- seille Ann. soc. Provence 1 pp. Ixxvi- - kivii. Gyrinidae. Synonymic Zusatze und Verbesserun- gen zu den neuest^h Katalogen, Zaitzev Rev, russ. ent. 7 pp. 114-124. Gyriiiidua subgen. n. vido dyrinus. Gyrinua ; larva, habits ; Brpcker Bui. Soc. zool. Geneve 1 pp. 62-6.5. — Gyriniis ; synopsis of palaearctic ; Gyrinuliis subg. n. lor G. minHtus p. 238, mithrae Persia p. 243, pullntus E. Siberia p. 244, spp. n., (sicidiia Appelb.) = lihaniis Aube p. 240, natator var. eorptdeiitus Schatzni = niarimia Gyllh., Zaitzev Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 213. — G. thomsoni nom. n. fiir mari)ius Gyllh. var. aeneus Thorns., Zaitzev T.c. pp. 114-124. G'. pullatus Zaits. Gouv. Jakutsk, opaeus R. Sahib, tiouy. Irkutzk, ZaitzI'.v op. cit. 8 p. 65. Hydropiiilidae. Catalogue of Hydropiiilidae, 1336 species ; Zaitzev Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 38 pp. 324-418. Cyclonotum extraneum sp. n, Oahu, Sharp p. 579 Fauna Hawai. 3. Enoplurus fairmairei nom. n. pro aeutispina Fairm. 1888 (non Fairm. 1869 !) p. 355, aharpi nom. nov. pro diapar Sharp, p. 357, Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38. Heloehares teiiuistriatus sp. n. S.W. Australia, Regimbart Fauna Siidwest Australiens Bd. 1 Lfg. 8 p. 315. Helophorua {Triclielophorua) obaeurel- lus Shigansk p. 3, (Ehopallielophorus) laevicoUis Lena p. 5, jacutua Obere Lena p. 7, nigrieana Mittlere Lena p. 9, spp. n., PoppiDS Helsiugfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 49 No. 2. — hi. {Lihelophorus subg. n.) lamieola p. 421, ser p. 422, (Mechelophorua) hozlovi p. 423, Tibet, spp. n., Zaitzev Ann: Mus. Zool. St. Petersb. 13. — E. kozlovi sp. n. Tibet, Zaitzev St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 73 pp. 423-424. — The British species tabulated, Edwards pp. 219-224 Ent. Mag. 44. Hemiapliaera miltiadis sp. n. Lesbos, Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 23. llydraena vodozi sp. n. Corse, Sainte- Claire Deville Rev. ent. 26 Cat. Corse p. 190. — //. filum. p. 28, levantina p. '30, amyrnenaia p. 31, spp. n., Smyrna, Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7. — //. regiinharti nom. n. pro niargijiicollia Regimb., Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Ent. Rose. 38 p. 349. 220 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908J Hydroh'nis hartmeijeri sp. n. S.W. Australia, Eegimbart Fauna Sudwest Australiens Bd. 1 Lfg. 8 jj. 314. — B.. nesitieus sp. n. Oahu, Sharp p. 578 Fauna Hawai. 3. Iltjdropkilus semenovi sp. n. Siidufer der Kriin., Zaicev Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 148-150. — H. ■p'tcens spermatofjenesis, Arnold Arch. Zellforsch., 2 pp. 181-190, 3 Taf. Hydrous reglmharti nom. n. pro oval'is Lap.-Cast., Zaitzev Hor. iSoc Ent. Ross. 38 p. 36fi. — H. aterrinns infiziert mit Oxyiiria fspirothecae, Lavrov Saratov Trd. Obsc. jest. 5 2 p. 81. Laccobhis purpurascens sp. n. England, Newbery p. 30 Ent. Mag. 44. — L. nigriceps var., Day p. 90 Ent. Mag. 44. — L. mulsantl nom. u. pro paUidits Muls., Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 393. — L. simiatu8 — {ohlo)igns Gorh.), Beare p. 1 Ent. Rec. 20. Lilielopliorus subgen. n. vide Ilelo- ■phorxis. Tjuvietua nom. n. pro snbg. Plulydrus s. str., Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Eut. Ross. 38 p. 385. Ochtliehius fimyrnensis sp. n. Sinyrna, Saiilberg Helsiugfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 26. — 0. lenensis sp. n. Obere Lena, Poprius Helsingfors ()fvers. F. Vet. Soc. 49 No. 2 p. 10.— 0. (Asiobafes) kaninensis sp. n. Kanin, PopPios Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 8 ]). 29. — 0. sahlhergl noui. n. pro rugu- losus J. Snhlb., Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ. 38 p. 344. — 0. mncxdatus var. n. immaculatuH, Breit Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 01. — 0. viridiH subspp. fallaciosus & mucller'i, Mi'ller p. 238 Wien ent. Ztg. 27. I'hUydruH ; British species, claws, etc. Balfoi'r-Buowne pp. 25-29 pi. iv Ent. Rec". 20. — /'. lahlatus — coarclatim, Zaitzev St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 p. 7. — P. tempovtd'is p. 315, per- Hiiniii» p. 31G, spp. n., S. \V. Australia, Regi.mbart Fauna Sudwest Australiens Bd. 1 Lfg. 8. Jicgi)iihnrl in nom. n. pro VoIvuIuh Bnillo, Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ. 38 p. 2(J2. Staphylinidae. Vorbesserungen zu den Aleocharinae des neuen Catalogus Coleo|)tcroruni Knropiie, Caucasi et Armeniae liossicae, Fenyes D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. CO. Aleocharinae of the United States, catalogue and Canada, Fenyes Ent. News 19 pp. 5(5-05. Les premiers etats des Staphylinides, X.\mbeu Naturaliste 30 pp. 70-71, 80- 82. Acalophaena laevipennis sp. n. Ai- gentinia, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 1 p. 311. Acanthoglossa pennata p. 27, unifor- in'is p. 28, spp. n., Afrique, Fadvel Rev. ent. 26. Aclienium ruficolle sp. n. Galilea, vSahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 33. Actvh'ius nukurens'is, tenulcornitt, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 37. Aetochar'ina gen. n. for Atheta Jepto- typldoides, Bernhauer p. 333 Miinchea Kol. Zs. 3. Actophylla subg. n. vide Atheta. Acylophorus orientaUs sp. n. Afrique, Fadvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 48. — A. kraatzi sp. n. Paraguav, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 330. Aleochara suhloevipeniiis sp. n. Afrique, Faitel Rev. ent. 26 p. 70. — A. avgentina Argentiuia p. 371, lacu»- tr'is Peru p. 372, spp. n., Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 1. — A. hisignata var. un'u'olor Luckenwalde, Schilsky D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 600. Anancosor'niis gen. n. near Oaorius, Idimsclii sp. n. Brasilia, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 292. Ayiisormua humeralis, aethiopicu!<, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 47. Atithohium hiunmlcri Calabria p. .320,. caitcomciun Batouni p. 321, spp. n., Bernhauer Muncheu. Kol. Zs.3. Aplieloglossa luddericaldti sp. n. Brasilia, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. I p. 343. Apoc(dlus opariis, argentinus, Argen- tiuia, lotigipennin p. 287, parvipennis Paraguay, p. 288, spp. n., Bernhauer T.c. Apteraphaenop» lo7ig'iccps Jeanneb Jeannel Paris Bui. soc. eut. 1908 pp- 111-113. 2:? I Insecta. Systematic. — Staph ylimdak. Arpedium achat z ma ip-'i sp. n. Karii- then, Berkuaier p. 1:?3 Miinoheiier Kol. Zeits. 3. — .1. nchatzmaiiri Bernli., Ideu- titiit mit Ddiphnan ahjiduni Er., Beun- HAiER Wieu. Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 21'. .4jift'»iu.< (juttipeuuis, prodiictor, fime- tarhis, p. 25, elevator, uotatellus, p. 2(5, spp. n., Afrique, Fawei. Rev. ent, 26 — ■ -■1. aH-ftrallctts 8p. n. Australia. Behn- IIAUEU Fauna Siidwjst-Australiens 2 Lfg. 2 p. 17. — -I. bratiiliamis sp. n. Brasilia, Bershauer Arch, ^'atg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 308. Astilbus gaiigJhaucn sp. n. Turkestan, Bersh.vcer p. 127 Miincliener Kol. Zeits. 3. Atheta (AetophijUa subg. n.) varcti- dorjJi sp. n. Gernoany, Behnhauer p. 333 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3. — A. {Hydrosmec- t'lna) delicatissima Calabria p. 324, .4. {Phihjgra) icankal Herzegowina p. 325, spp. n. Bernuaver T.c. — A. {Metaxya} h'uirinica p. 15, A. (D'imctrota) dninetise p. 17, Xordost-Russland.spp. n., Poppius Acta See. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 0. — A. {Metaxya) septentrionale p. 22, A. (Oreoidiba) samojeda p. 24, spp. n , Kanin, Poppiis Op. cit. No. 8. — A. {Plataraea) fiorVi Oberitalien p. 40, fussi nom. n. fiir nitens Fuss. p. 40, peizl Oesterreich p. 39. spp. n., Berniialer Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. 32- 41. — .4. (Enalodroma) hepatica Er. = A. {Plychavdva fuckola 'Ih), Bernhauer p. 335 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3. — .4. analii — (aeors'icornis Hochh.y, aequata = (dimidiala Hochb.), Bershauer p. 335 T.c. — .4. (Lioghita) micrommata sp. n. Meru, EiCHELBALM Kiiimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 8 p. 90. — .4. acuticollis p. 52, ferriigatn, viatica, p. 53, lacrymalin, riftetisis, invicta, detiaivcntris, p. 54, imleUis, iuducta, hasipennis, p. 55, praticola, semiopaca, p. 56, opaca, nairo- biensis, p. 57, bidentata, p. 58, spp. n., Afrique, Facvel Rev. ent. 26. — -4. vic- toriensis p. 20, latiprniiis p. 21, Aus- tralia, spp. n., Bersh.\lek Fauna Siid- west-Australiens 2 Lfg. 2. — A. calida p. 355. longieepa p. 356, barbielUm, parallela p. 357, braniliaiui, quadricollia, p. 358, tianctae-catharinae, iralteri, p. 359, liidericaldli p. 360, theringi p. 361, biarnuxta p. 361, bicarinulatn p. 362, paxdoennis, unigrannun, Brasilia, p. 363, flatonigra, aspericollis, Paraguay, j). 364, convexicollis Brasilia p. 365, spp. n., Beexhauee Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1.— .4. olaae sp. n. Hawaii, Sharp p 576 Fauna Hawai. 3. BrloniicliiDs tiigrnrufitu sp. n. Africpie, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 38. — H. cocleslinua St. Vincent, pulcJiripennis Peru, spp. n., Berniiauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 330. Bledius u-iidiJeri Bernb. Form des uuicornis, Mi'LLER p. 236 Wien ent. Ztg. 27. — B. (Blcdiodes) bernhaneri sp. n. Kanin, Poppiusi Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 8 p. 17.— /i. pUicolliH S. Afrika, gntiglbnueri O.-Afrika, p. 103, pctzi 0.- .Alrika, subopaciix S.-Alrika, p. 104, spp.n.. Beunhauer Jena Denkscbr. med. Ges. 13. Blephai-liy menus adnexiis sp. n. Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. (iO. BoUlohius pidcher sp. n. Turkestan. Bershauer Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 21. 35. BoUtochara laeviuscula Hochb. = Leptusn rufescens Epp., Behnhauer p. 335 Munc'ben Kol. Zs. 3.-7?. fichiateri Tunis p. 35, laufe'ri Syrien p. 36, spp. n.. Bernhauer Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58. Bryoporus sahlbergi sp. n. Palastina, Luze T.c. p. 42. Calocerua obseurieollis, n'dens, Brasilia, nitidus Paraguay, ]). 284, Idimschl Brasilia p. 285' spp. n., Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1. Calodera ganglbaueri sp. n. p. 366, valdiviana p. 367, Chile, spp. n., Bern- hauer T.c. CalonthoUnus subgen. n. XanthoUnus, REiTfER Briinn Verh. Natg. Ver. 46 p. 114. Cephisus lorufipennis sp. n. Cairo, Sahi.berg Helsi'ngfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 32. Cilea vnriipes, apieicornis, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 50. Cotiosomd pustidatiun, awjuKtiforme, Brasilia, spp. n., Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 14 Bd 1 p. 337. Conurua deeoratus sp. n. Afrique> Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 5 1 . Coprophdus, table and list of palae- arctic, pp. 327-330, C. aolskyl sp. n. Dobrutja, p. 330, Bernhauer Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. Crataraea atduralia = (Oxypoda gotschi Hochb.), Bernhauer p. 335 T.c. 222 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Craspediis gen. n. near Bolotrochtis, iheringi sp. n. Biasilia, Bernhauer Arc-h. Xatg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 296. Creophiliis maxillosus subsp. n. canariensis, Bernhacee p. 334 T.c Cryptobium cephalicum p. 31, mixtum, ohseuratiim, p. 32, spp. n., Afrique, Fai7\-el Rev. ent. 26.— C. ertU sp. n. O. Afrika, Bershacer Jena Deukschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 106.— C rosti sp. n. Himalaya, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 622.— C. mijiimum, riifescens, Argentina, flavo- giMatum Paraguay, -p- 314, obsoletum Brasilia, ealviventre Bolivia, p. 315, sphiivetilre, hastiventre, Argentina, p. 316, tTochatiterinum Paraguay p. 317, spinipes, nigrofestaceum, Brasilia, p. 318, atriatipenne, klimai, Brasilia, p. 319, tropicum Brasilia p. 320, iridcscens Argentina, pseudoprolixum Brasilia, p. 321, margindlum St. Vincent, queden- feldti Columbia, p. 322, sparfsum Bolivia, sharpi Brasilia, p. 323, cmjahanum Bra- silia, princeps Paraguay, p. 324, spp, n., Berxhauer Arch. Xatg. 74 Bd. 1. Ctenomastax pliaraonum sp. n. Cairo, Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 32. Cyl'mdropsis balearica sp. n. Mallorka, Breit Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 60. DeroVtgofa subg. n. of Oligota for 0. prnlixa Shp., Sh.\RI' p. 5.55 Fauna Hawai 3. l>ihelonetcs late marglnatus, monachuH, Brasilia, spp. n., Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 \x 308. Diestota pauloensis p. 342, angnsti- coU'is p. 343, spp. n., Brasilia, Bern- hauer T.c. — D. af.lietiformis, currax, p. 566, angustijroria, inolokaiensis, p. 567, 8e\dpturata p. 568 pi. xvi f. 17, rohusta, occidentaUs, p. 569, auhplaguita, fronta- lis. HO'-dida, p. 570, kniiaietisis, ahcrrmts, p. 571, lur'tda, latiuscula, p. 572, lanai- enaia, mauiensia, p. 573, rraaaicorn'ia p. 574, clavicomia, trogopldeoidea, p. 575, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. l)imcrua belongs to StaplnjUnidae, Bernhauer Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3 p. 326. Dinarda dentata evolution of races (translation by Donisthori-e from 1906), Wasma.vn Zoologist 1908 pp. 68-71. Dinopaia drakei sp. n. Paraguay, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 10 p. 338. Dinuaella gen. n. near iJlnuaa p. 351, hraailimuL sp. n. Brasilia p. 355, Bern- ii.vi;er T.c. Drepanopora gen. n. near Borboropora p. 345, borhoroporoides sp. n. Brasilia p. ■ 346, Bernhauer T.c. Echiaster myrmecophilua sp. n. Bo- livia, Holmgren Zool. Anz. 33 p. 344. Eudieatota gen. n. near Dieatota, ' grandis sp. n. Kauai pi. xvi f. 15, Sharp p. 365 Fauna Hawai. 3. Eidissus hummleri sp. n. Queensland, Bernhauer Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 2 p. 18. Eus'ipal'ia gen. n. near Diestota, braehyptera sp. n. Maui, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Falagria auleatula — (atra Hochhj, obscnra = {crasslnaeula Hochh.), Bern-. HAUER p. 335 Miinchen K.0I. Zs. 3. — F. liaiisevi Turkestan, nigerrima Cen- tralasien, spp. n., Bernhauer Wien Verli. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 38. — F. alluandi, arachiipea, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 61. Gauropterua methneri sp. n. 0.- Afrika, Bernhacer .Jena Deukschr. med. ges. 13 p. 107. Geoat'iba praesea sp. n. Djurdjura, Peyerimhoff Paris Bull. soc. ent. 1908 p. 121. Gnatholigota subg. n. vide Oligota. Gnypeta angulicoUia, pulericornia spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 58. Gyrophaena liocldiutlu sp. n. ilargelan, Bernhauer p. 324 .Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3.— G. Orph)iebwidea subg. n., roat'i sp. n. Himalaya, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 611. — G. iheringi p. 339, hidenraUUi, bicarinata, p. 340, j^'^dooiais, gramdi- pennia, p. 341, spp. n., Brasilia, Bern- hauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1. Ileaperits depreasua sp. n. Kameruii Bernhauer Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 109. HolocorynuH gen. n. for Pacliycorynua diacedena Shp. p. 550, sidydepresaua sp. n. Kauai p. 551, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Ilolotrochua latieoUia sp. n. Brasilia. Bernil\uer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 295. Ilomalium algiduvi, ajrieanum, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 12. Ilomalotn braailiana sp. n. Brasilia, Bernhauer .\rch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 342. I •2'23 Iruecta. Systematic. — STAPHYLiNinAE. lli'iplanth'ia aleocharoldes, schusteri Brasilia, p. 351, miimta Bolivia, dcnti- pennis Paraguay, p. 352, shalitzhyi Bolivia p. 353, analis Brasilia ]i. 354, spp. n., Bershauer T.c. Lathririuicum gauglbauer't, validity, Berjjhaier p. 123 Munchen Kol. Zs. 3. Lathroblum in'ichaelseni sp. n. Aus- tralia, Berniial'er Fauna Siidwest-Aus- tralieus 2 Lfg. 2 p. 17. — L. pinheri Geschlechtsauszeichnung, Bershauer Wien Verh. Zool-Bot. Ges. 58 p. 33. — L. (iratid'tceps Brasilia p. 312, anjen- tin'u'um, jenseni, Argeutiua, p. 313, spp. n., Berxhacer Arch. Xatg. 74 Bd. 1. Leptaclnus pennatus, eneeplialus, spp. n,, Afrique, Faivel Rev. eut. 26 p. 33. Leptan'illoplulus gen. n. near ilim- citon, simiUs sp. n. I'eru, Holmgren Zoo). Anz. 33 p. 338. Leptoglossa huhenthali p. 346, ptinc- ticentria p. 347, spp. n., Chiles, Bern- HADEB Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1. Leptolinus usagarne sp. p. O.-Afrika, Bernhauer Jena Deukschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 107. — L. nothus var. n. suhangulatus Andalusien, Reitier Briinn Verb. Xatg. Ver. 46p. 111. Leptotyphlu8 tyrrhenius Toscana, omessae Corsica, foveiceps Liguria, spp. n., DoDERo Geneva Ann. Mus. 3 pp. 631-640, 1 tav. — L. camioUcus Savetal, cribrieepa Corsica, spp. n., Bernhauer p. 331 Munchen Kol. Zs. 3. — L. carnioll- cus, larvack, Moczarski p. 313 Miin- chener Kol. Zs. 3. Leptusa leonhardi sp. n. Corsica, Berxhacer Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 37. Leiicocraspediim Jiigerrimum sp. n. Xeuholland, Berxhacer Fauna Sudwest- Australiens 2 Lfg 2 p. 20. Leuroeorynus gen. n. Xantholinini p. 548, cephalotea sp. n. Hawaiia p. 549 pi. xvi f. 22, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Liophaena cenlralia p. 564, oahuenais p. 565, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp T.c. Liapinodea paUidus, oxytcUnua, molo- kaienaia, p. .540, kauaiensis, obacurua, haicaiienaia, vuiuienaia, p. 541, crasaua, germanua, p. 542, spp. n., Hawaiia Sharp T.c. L'lsp'nitis nitid'irculri'i sp. n. 0.-.\.frika, Berxhacer Jena Penkschr. nicd. Ges. 13 p. 101. Mcdon augur sp. n. Corse, Fadvel in Sainte-Claire Deville. Rev. ent. 26 Cab- Corse ]). 89. — M. rosaicwi sp. n. Cau- casus, Beuxhaueu p. 322 iliinchen Kol. Zs. 3. — .1/. ruber sp. n. (ialilea, Saiil- BERO Helsingfors Ol'vers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 33.' — M. clav'iceps sp. n. Turkestan, Reitter Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 17.— M. ocuUfer, 8!Jci/?'o?i.s, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 28. — M. nigerrhuua sp. n. Brasilia, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 1 p. 311. Megaprotiopus subgen. n. I'latyproso- pus, iiEiTTER Briinn Verh. Natg. Ver. 46 p. 104. MetacTjdinus subgen. n. XanlhoUnus, Reitter T.c. p. 115. Microglosaa bernhaueri nom. n. pro .V. longicornis Bernhauer, Sainte-Claike Deville Rev. ent. 26 Cat. Corse p. 136. MdichiUnus subgen. n. Xantliolinna, Reitter Briinn Verh. Natf. Ver. 46 p. 117. Moeocerus Vineiventr'is sp. n. Afri([ue, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 48. Muaicoderus convex2(s sp. n. Peru, Bernhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 331. Mycetoporus sayitieensis sp. n. Dobratsch, Schatzmayr Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 445. Myllaena apicicornis sp. n. Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 51. — M. riifeacens, lialeahalae, p. 552, cognala, oxypodina, apetina, p. 553, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Myrineckuan gen. n. Aleocharinarum. p. 38, M. mirabilis sp. n. Abyssinia p. 39, Wasmann Ann. Mus. Genova 44. Myrmedoma brunni sp. n. Kilimand- jaro, EiCHELBAUM Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 8 p. 92-93. Neobianiua ilammactdatua Brasilia, Scutellaria Paraguav, spp. n., Berniiauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd.l p. .336. Neaoligota subg. n. vide Oligota. Nesomedon gen, n. near Medon, brun- neacena pi. xvi f. 23, p. 546, oaJmenaia, quadralua, p. 547, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. . Oealea tuber cuUventris sp. n. Neu- hoUand, Bernhauer Fauna Siidwest- - 221 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Australiens 2 Lfg. 2 p. 23. — 0. chilensis sp. n. Chile, BERSHArER Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 365. Octavlus italns sp. n. Italie, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26 p. 105. — 0. vitalel sp. n. Messiua, Bernhaueu p. 25 Soe. eiitomol. 23. Oedichirus re'itter'i nom. n. for dlvii- diatite Reitt., Berxiiauer jj. 33 Wien Verh-Z.-b. Ges. 1008. — 0. oncUi, sp. n. S. Africa, Perisgoey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 297. Oligota {Gnatlioligota subg. n.) lati- frons, hrevleolUs, anomalocera, p. 556, parca, extranea, p. 557, 0. (Nesoligota bubg. n. p. 557), latipennis p. 55S, currax p. 559, bicolor, 0. scripta with var. laetior, p. 560, frontalis, adpropin- quans, insolita, gymnusa, p. 561, oa/atPH- sis, haleakalae, p. 562, tenuicoivi'ts, aethiops, pernigra, p. 563, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Ontliolestes orientalis sp. n. Whidi- wostock, Berxrauer p. 125 Miincheu. Kol. Zs. 3. Ophiomedon suhtiUa sp. n. Kauai, Sharp p. 545 Fauna Hawai. 3. Oph'ionthus gen. n. near Belonuchus p. 328, serpentinus sp. n. p. 329 Peru, I3ERXHAUER Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 1. Orphneb'to'idea subgf. n. vide Gijro- phaena. Orphneh'ius tubercidatns sp. n. Bra- silia, Berxhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 350. Oaorhis peruvianiia, p. 293, latlmargo, Peru, laevicolUa, dentatus, Bolivia, p, 294. neolropicns Brasilia p. 295, spp. n., Bernhauer T.c. Oxypoda ; les gallo-rhenans, Duuois Echange 24, 32 pp. — 0. moczarskii sp. n. Corfu, Berxhauer p. 127 Miinchener Kol. Zs. 3.— 0. {Baptopoda) trmis- {jreaaa sp. n. Djurdjura, Peyerimhoff Paris Bui. Soc. ent. 1908 p. 122.— 0. ancilla, Poppius Medd. JSoc. Fauna Fenn. 44 p. 113. Oxyponis Jlavicorn'm sp. n. Himalaya, iScHuiiERT D. ent. Zs. 1908 j). 623. Oxytelodes gen. n. near Oxijtelita, lioldkaua'i sp. n. Brasilia, Berxhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 290. Oxytebia fevrwjineua Kr. = {Uedioide8 Black b.J, Sharp p. 543 Fauna Hawai. 3. — 0. tibialis sp. n. Himalaya, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 624.— 0. antipodum sp. n. Australia, Berxhauer Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 2 p. 15. — 0. subnitidus, qiiinquesidcatxs, baTbiel- linii, Brasilia, spp. n., Berxhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 291. Paederomimus flavoguttatus, densiaeps, Brasilia p. 322, interjectus St. Vincent, insidaria St. Thomas, p. 333, spp. n., Berxhauer T.c. Pacderua alticola p. 20, nielanogaater p. 21, basicepa, macellua, piceua, acabri- l)ennis, p. 22, amplipeunis p. 23, iiaku- zensia, 7-iftensis, p. 24, spp. n., Afrique, F'auvel Rev. ent. 26. — P. uaagarae 0.- Afrika, opaciis, opacipcjinis, S.-Afrika, spp. n., Berxhauer Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 105. — P. ei-iehsoni sp. n. Australia, Berxhauer Fauna Siidwest- Australiens 2 Lfg. 2 p. 16. — P. angitinus Columbia, j^aidoenala, p. 309, aclmateri, ■punc.tirentria, Brasilia, j). 310, spp. n., Berxhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1. Palaminus barbielUnii sp. n. Brasilia, Berxhauer T.c. p. 303. Paramidobia subgen. n. zu Atheta, Berxhauer T.c. p. 356. ParaaiJnaa gen. n. near Silusa p. 338, tlieringi sp. n. p. 339 Brasilia, Berxhauer T.c. Phileciton iraamaiini sp. n. Brasilia, Berxhauer p. 334 T.c. Plidonthus arcliangelicna sp. n. Nord- Russland, Poppius Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 p. 46. — P. oca- leoides sp. n. Tarsus, Sahlrerg Helsing- fors Ofvers. F. Vet Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 35. — P. lo7igicoUia sp. n. Sibirien p. 33, longicoruis var. n. Vtuhel Leipzig p. 34, lUniXHAiKR Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58. — /'. riftcusia p. 38, Icbkanua p. 39, vittiger, parvicornia, p. 40, nairobienaia, rudipennia, p. ii\ , altivigana,opaciventris, p. 42, uatua p. 43, spp. n., uatua Fauvel var. n. uatipcnnis p. 43, imitator sp. n., imitator Fauvel A'ar. n. bigultidua, com- buatua, p.4i,onaHa, aanguineus, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26. — P. biguttulHs p. 109, doiaipoiiiia, kraatzi, Kamerun, acrraticornia S. Afrika, p. 110, luc.anieornia p. Ill, Gabun, spp. n., Berxhauer Jena Denkschr. mod. Ges. 13. — P. ruficollia p. 615, proximatua, frontalis, p. 616, kuluenaia p. 617, alicjuatenua, signlfrona, p. 618, pnncta- tiaaimua p. (519, tricoloris p. 620, basi- lydoaua p. 621, glcnoidca p. 622, Hima- 225 Ins:cla. SVSTEM.VTIC. — SlArilVLINIDAE. lav:^, spp. n. S<.nnnF.RT D. cut. Zs. 1908. — /'. /ormicarhis Brasilia p. 334, pidcJirr. Peru, monar]iU!i Paraguay, }i. 335, spp. n., Bkushauei! Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1. Phloconomus riifotestaceuf>, nit'uhis. S. Afrika, spp. n., Berxh.U'er Jena Denk- schr. meii. Ges. 13 p. 102. PhoVidua ganrjlbaueri sp. n. Brasilia, Berxii.vieu Arch. Natg. 74 13d. 1 }). 2St3. P}tijimtu}\i JiraslUana, horbtclUnii, spp. n , Brasilia, Bersiiaceu T.c. Pinophllus sjostcdtl sp. n. Meru, EicuELBACJi Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 S p. Si.— P. kraatz'i Paraguaj' p. 303, klimschi, wa6cf, Brasilia, p. 30i, drnkci Paraguay, monacinis p. 303, klimai, rufon'igcr, p. 306, sharp} Brasilia p. 307, spp. n.., Bebxiuuer Arch. Xatg. 74 Bd. 1. Platijprosopus kraatzi sp. n. Paraguay, Berxh-^uer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 32r>. P., Mrgaprosopus subgen. n., Reitter Briiau Verb. Natf. Ver. 46 p. 104. Plat ystltet us eoniutus var. n. jMll'idt- peiiJiis, Berxhauer p. 124 Miiachen, Xol. Zs. 3. Pohjlob'tnus gen. n. near Oxypoda p. 370, hras'tliensis sp. n. Brasilia p. 371, Berxhauer Arch. Natg. 74 Bd. 1. Pohjlohus netolitzkyl sp. n. Chile, Berxhauer T.c. p. 3G7. Quediusliolland'icus sp. n. Neuholland, Berxhauer Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 2 p. 19. — Q . aspromontanus sp. n. Kalabrien, Berxhauer Wien Verh. Zool.Bot. Ges. 58 p. 34. — Q. balcanicus sp. n. Herzegowina, Berxhauer p. 324 Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. — Q. fidiginosus var. n. curtipcnnis, Berxhauer p. 335 Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. Scimbalium longicollis p. lOG, latliro- hio'ides, p. 107, 0. -Afrika, spp. n., Berx- hauer Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Seopaeus suspectus p. 29, peregrlnits p. 30, spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26. Seeur'tpalpus gen. n. near Astrapaeiis, rudepunctatua sp. n .Himalava, Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. G13. Sipalia alpicola subsp. n. varendorffi Corse, Saixte-Claire Devili.e Rev. ent. 26 cat. Corse p. 128. — S. leonliardl sp. n. Gargano, Berxhauer Miinchen Kol. Zs. (K-10332 -J) 3 p. 325. — S. tnherivcu'ris Eppelsh. (as Gcostiba) = [Ali'uoi>ota mirabdis I'jpp.), Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 198. Somoleptus laevis sp. n. Brasilia, Berxhauer Arch. Katg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 325. SteiiaesOietiis kraatz'i sp. n. Paraguay, Berxhauer T.c. p. 300. StapJiijJinu'^ (Ocypus) caspiiis Kashgar p. 125, .S'. [Gofirius) reimoscri p. 126 Bosnia, spp. n., sHauer p. 334 Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. Thoracophorus nitidus sp. n. Bi-asilia, Beenhauek T.c. p. 285. Tricolpoch'da gen. n., near Oxypoda, kraatzi Paraguay, p. 368, Jiavipomis, aiTnata, p. 369, peruviana Peru p. 370, Bernhauer T.c. Trigonopliorus viridicollis sp. n. Bra- silia, Bernhauer T.c. p. 326. Trogolinv.s miglicanus in the Isle of Wight, DosiSTHORPE p. 255 Ent. Mag. 44. '1 rogophloeutf tibialis, singnlaris, i'eyeluH, p. 13, transmnriuus, rufitarsis, p. 14, spp. n., Afriqiie, Fauvel Eev. ent. 26. — T. jxiulocnsis Brasilia p. 288, hovi- nus, argentinus, Ar>;piitina, siibdevticu- latus Paraguay, p. 2S9. spp. n., Bern- HArER Arch. Xatg. 74 Bd. 1. Tropidera gen. n. near Aatilhisj). 349, jenseni sp. n. Argentina p. 350, Bern- HACER T.c. Typhloli)ius subgen. n. vide Xantho- limis. WeJleiopais, Pic Echange 24 p. 77. Xavthocorymia gen. n. near Lepta- cinus p. 549. deceptor sp. n. Kauai p. 550 pi. xvi f. 21, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Xaiitholinua meridionalia var. n. pas- kovienstiii Mahren, tricolor var. n. laeti- cepa Europa, p. 120, X. (TyphloUnua Kubg. n.) azvgnmia Rumiinien, ^u?)- garicua Europa, maritimua Alpes mari- timeR, p. 122, spp. n., Reuter Briinn Verh. Natf. Ver. 46.— A. (Typhlodea) holdltausi Elba, gai-ganieus Uargano, spp. n., Bernhauer Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3 p. 323. — X. alluattdi, iiairobiensis, p. 34, viicrops p. 3-"), spp. n., Afrique, Fauvel Rev. eut. 26. Xestola subgen. n. zu Atheta, Berx- HACER Arch. ^"atg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 361. Zyras hamifer, p. 62, nairobiensis, p. 63, alliiaitdi, longipennis, biapinosus, p. 64, alpieola p. 65, eldorocicus, microdoH. j).66, subZceuis, achilles, p. 67, biliamatus p 68, spp. n., Afrique, Facvel Rev. ent. 26. — Zyras antilope, p. Ill, O.-Afrika, deiitispijwsus, schultzei, p. 112, semini- tens, p. 113, micropldhalmus, lucena, p. 114, S. -Afrika, oxyteloides, p. 115, mcthneri, latkrimaeoides, 0. Afrika, p. 116. spp. n., Berxhauer Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 — Z. kraatzi p. 609, exaaperatua p. 610, spp. n., Schubert D. ent. Zs. 1908. — Z. para- doxus sp. n. Neuholland, Bernhauer Fauna Siidwest-Australiens Bd 2 Lfg. 2. — Z. penivianus Peru p. 347, drakei p. 348, ixrversus Paraguay p. 349, spp. n., Bernhauer Arch. Xatg. 74 Bd. 1. PSELAPHIDAE. Actium bicolor p. 269, retractum p. 270, blanditm p. 271, spp. n., X. America, Casey Canad. Ento. 40. Amaurops nobilis Corfu p. 23, 2nnk- leri Cephallenia p. 24, spp. n., Holdhaus D. ent. Zs. 1908. Anabaxis gen. n. for pt. of Rybaxis, electrica etc., Rafkray p. 252 Gen. Ins. 64. Aphanethrix gen. n. near Tmcsiphorus p. 209, atidrewesi sp. n. Xilghiri hills p. 210, Raffray Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Apharina africana sp. n. Congo, Raffray p. 12 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Aphilinps crassipea sp. n. Rome, Raffk.u" p. 265 Bui. soc. eut. France 1908. Apobythus gen. n. for part of Bryaxis (Bythinus), R.vffray p. 285 Gen. Ins. 64. Arthmius concolor sp. n. Paraguav, Raffray D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 408. Batraxia tumidipes sp. n. Sumatra, Raffray D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 410. Batrisoceniis biapina sp. n. Congo, Raffr.\y p. 9 Mem. soc. cut. Belgique 15. — B. cavidorsum sp. n. Kamenm, 227 7»w?c/o. Systematic. — Pselaphidak. Rakkuay p. em. Zs 1908 p. 100.— B. protcrnis sp. n. Xilghiri hills, ri.\FKR.\Y p. 2(M? Ann. soc. ent. Belgique 52. BatrlsoKles htstratis, fuJareaniis, p. 261, dedivls, apfxilachuDius, p. 262, tridcna p. 263, spp. n., N. America, C^SEY Cauad. Ent,.. 40. BatnsopllsHS gen. n. for autennahis Weise 1S77, R.^ffkay p. 180 Gen. Ins. 64. Brachygluta moczarskii sp. n. Cephalle.iia, Holdh.vus D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 25. — B. jacohiua sp. n. Califi)ruia, C.\:^EY p. 259 Canad. Euto. 40. Bythinopliysis gen. n., punctipennis sp. n. Ca venue, Raff ray p. 266 Gen. Ins. 64. Bythinopsig gen. n. for part oi Bryaxis {Bythinus , Raffray p. 283 T.c. Byth'inus icoerzi sp. n. Corfu, Hold- HACs Ii. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 26. Centrophthalmina gen. n. for Ceiitro- plUhalinu.-i laevis Raffr., Raffray p. 365 Gen. lus. 64. Centroplitluilmosis longula sp. n. Congo, Raffray p. 17 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Centrophtlmlmus pectoralis sp. n. Congo, Raffrav p. 16 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — C. clavatus p. 211 spicu- latua p. 212, spp. n., Nilgliiri hills, Raffray Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Claviger longicornis, Verhaltnis zu Laaius umbratus und Beziehungen zu anderen Ameisen., Schmitz Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 84-87, 109-112, 180-184. DacnotilliLs gen. n. for part of Tmesi- phorun incl. T. pilosus etc., Raffray p. 375 Gen. Ins. 64. Dalmodes humilia sp. n. Guadeloupe, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77, p. 39. Dalmomima gen. n., for eaviceps Raffr., Raffray p. 270 Gen. Ins. 64. Deearthron aaucium sp. n. Paraguay, Raffray D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 411. DtTneriis; GAS-OLBii;KR p. (21) Wien Verb. Z.-b. Ges. 1908 Eupinella gen. n. for dentiventris Raffr., Raffray p. 212, Gen. Ins. 64. Euplectus luigionii sp. n. Italia, DoDERo Riv. coleotter. ital. 6 pp. 93- 102. — E. sanguineus var. n. fraudulentus (K-10332 ;J Thiiringen, Uubenthai, D. ent. Zs. 1908 ji. ."jO. — E. acomnnus p. 265, druryi p. 266, spp. n.. United States, Casey Canad. Ento. 40. — E. insularis sp. n. Guade- loupe, Raffr.w Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 35. Faronus insularis sp. n. Corse, Sainte- Claire Devili.e Rev. ent. 26 Cat. Corse p. 140. — F. jjlanipennis sp. n. Libanus, SAHi.nERG Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 37 Fustiger knausii, Knaus ji. 92 Canad. Ento. 40. GhjpJiohythus Ubanicola sp. n. Libanus, SAnLREUG Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 p. 40. Gnorosus gen. n. for pt. of Sognorus ohertliuri & croissandeaui, Raffray p. 336 Gen. Ins. 64. Hybocephalodes nom. n. for Hybo- cephalus Reitt., Raffray p. 322 T.c. Jubus insularis sp. n. Guadeloupe,- Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 33. Leptopleetus gen. n. near Euplectus p. 2Q7, fill formis, insolens p. ,258, exilis- sitnus p. 269, spp. n., N. America, Casey Canad. Ento. 40. Lophobythus gen. n. near Linderia for crtstatus & bonvonloiri Saulcv, Raffray p. 287 Gen. Ins. 64. Macrobythus gen. n. for pt. of Maehae- rites, Raffray p. 280 T.c. Mechanicus sculpluratus sp. n. Nilghiri hills, Raffray p. 205 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Melba crassipes p 34, frontalis p. .35, spp. n. Guadeloupe, Raffray Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Metopiellus gen. n. for hirtus and aglenus Reitter, Raffray p. 188 Gen. Ins. 64. Metopiosoma gen. n. for pacificum Westw., Raffray p. 188 T.c. Octomicrus waelbroecki sp. n. Congo, Raffray p. 6 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Odontalgus interruptus p. 14, fusci- cornis, dubius, p. 15, spp. n., Congo, Raffray T.c. Ogrnoeerua raffrayi sp. n. Liberia, Casey p. 258 Canad. Ento. 40. Oropus testaceus p. 274, keeni, brevi- pennis, p. 275, curtivennis, catanesua, c 2.5—2 228 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] hasalis, p. 270, dehil'is p. 277, spp. n., N. America, Casey T.c. Pselapliocompsus gen. n. near Ilamo- tus p. 402, punctatus sp. n. Brazil p. 403, Raffray Geu. Ins. 64. Pselaphoxj/s elegans sp. n. Congo, Raffray p. iS Mem. Soc. Ent. Belgique 15. Psclaphus raffrayi sp. n. Djurdjura, Peyerimhoff Paris Bui. Soc. ent. 1908 p. 122. — P. bifossulus sp. n. Conp;o, Raffray p. 12 ilem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Pseudadium gen. n., caroliuae, p. 271, ^nellbnim p. 272, cephal'icum p. 273, ■spp. n., United States, Casey Canad. Ento. 40. Pyenopleetus floridae, longlpeniih, p. 264, impressiceps p. 265, spp. n., N. America, Casey T.c. Ramecia impresaa sp. n. Guadeloupe, Raffray Paris Ann. Soc. ent. 77 p. 36 et fig. Raxtjhis gen. n. for nodoi^a and fron- talis RafEr., Raffray p. 222 Gen. Ins. '64. Reiclieiihachia congolcnsls p. 9, homen- sis p. 10, riiyos'ipenn'is p. 11, spp. n., Congo, Raffray Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — R. indica sp. n. Bombay, Raffr.\y p. 207 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — R. (luadalupensls sp. n. Guadeloupe, Raffray Paris Ann. Soc. ent. 77 p. 38. Rhexinla versicolor Bj). n. Guadeloupe, Haffkay T.c. p. 37. Rhcxius Jiirsutus, ruber, p. 279, ferrii- ^ineus p. 280, virfjinicus, transversu^, p. 281, spp. n., K. America, Casey €anad. Ento. 40. Rybaxis ocelluici sp. n. Nilgliiri liills, Raffray p. 208 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique S2. SanlcycUa schmidti Beschreibung, Petri Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 572. Sognorus interruptua sp. n. Aegyptus superior, Sahlberg Helsingfors Givers F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 44. Stectenia gen. n. for Sognorus aimoni Reitt., Raffray p. 339 Gen. Ins. 64. Thcaium Casey = (Apothinua Sharp), Casey p. 257 Canad. Ento. 40. TmeHipliorna hrevipcnnia sp. n. Nil- gjiiri hills, Raffray p. 209 Ann. Soc. eiil. Belgique 52. Trimium argostolianum Cei^halonia p. 17, amplipenne Corsica jj. 18, coecuhim Cephalonia p. 19, spp. n., Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27. — T. insulare sp. n. Cephallenia, HoLDHAUS D. eat. Zs. 1908 p. 22.— T. libani Libanus p. 38, dianac Ephesus p. 39, spp. n., Sahlberg Helsingfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7. Tyclius jonieus sp. n. Corfu, Hold- HAUS D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 26.-2'. brevi- peniiis, p. 42, appcndiculatus Judea & Libanus spp. n., Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 43. Tyrodes gen. n. for Tyrus liistrio & davatus, Raffray p. 379 Gen. Ins. 64. Zethinus gen. n. near Zethopsus p. 7, severini sp. n. Congo p. 8, Raffray Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Zethopsus earivcntris sp. n. Congo, Raffray p. 7 T.c. Scydmaenidae. Cephennium jonicum sp. n. Corfu etc., HoLDHAUS D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 28.— C. {Clielonoides) gronvellei sp. n. Cycladen, Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 19. — C. {Megaloderus) regale sp. n. Ungarn., HoLDHAUS Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 578- 580. Eueonnus fnxeensis sp. n. Foix, NoRMAND p. 226 Bui. Soc. ent. France 1908. — E. (Tetramelus) biolwrensis Bp.n. Dalmatia, Mi'ller p. 314 Miinchener Kol. Zeits. 3. — E. moczarshii sp. n. Corfu, HoLDHAUS D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 29. Mastigus natalcnsis pi. vi iig. 4, procerus, p. 299, proynontorii p. 298, tabula; p. 297, spp. n., S. Africa, Perin- GUEY Ann. S. Afrlc Mus. 5. Microthei'ium gen. n. zwischen Ce- pheiinium uud Euthia, tenuc sp. n. Ungarn, Petri Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 570. Tsleuraphea doderoi sp. n. Alpi Giulie, SoHATZMAYR Riv- coleotter. ital. 6 p. 22. Stcniclmus pellicrus sp. n. Corfu, HoLDiiAUs I), ent. Zs. 1908 p. 31.— S. leonhardi sp. n. Ceplialonia, Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 20. SlLPHIDAE, ClAMBIDAE. Dichotomisclie Uebersicht der blinden Silphiden-Gattungen, Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 pp. 103-118. 229 Insecla. Systematic. — Silphidak — ScArHionoAE. AdcIop^cUa gen. n. type hosiilca Reitter IS8o, Jkvnsel Paris Bui. Soc. em. 1908 p. 182 ligs. 1-3. Ayathiiiitin {SaccoeeUe) liummlcri, A. [Xeoct'ble) ixigauettii. spp. n., Kala- brien, Keittek Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 2-13. — .4.. temporale sp. n. Bulgliar Dagh, Sahlberg Helsiugfors Givers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 50. — A. (Cyphoceble) bleolor f. 1, subhcvigatiim f. 2, A. (Neoceble) diibium f. 3, p. 23, i-ufitliun, crasslcorne f. 5, p. 21, longicorne f. 4, cUiatum. p. 25 f. ti, spp. n., PoRVEViN Bui. Museum Paris 1908. An'isotoma gallolsi, japonica, spp. n., PORTEVIX T.C. p. 21. Antroherpoti cylindricolle thoracicum Apfelbl., Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 20. Aphaobiiis klievenhiilleri, Formen, Mi'LLER, pp. 37-40 T.C. — A.matzenaucri Apfelb., Mlller, p. 237 T.c. Ardeclieus gen. n. for Dtaprys'nis seruUazi, Reitter Eutomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 115. Batliyscia freyeri Mill, subsp. n. netoUtzkyi osterr. Savetal , Mlller Eutomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 39. Bathyscina subgen. n. of Bathyscla, Reitter T.c. p. 117. Catops vioczarskii sp. n. Corfu, Breit ^liinchener Kol. Zs. 3. Catoplr'icluis sericeus sp. n., Portevin Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 20. Choleva batliseba sp. n. Hierosolyma, Sahlberg Helsingfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 Xo. 7 p. 46. Colon aetiger Algeria, barcelonicum Spain, spp. n., Pic Echange 24 p. 73. — C. zebei Kl. var. n. rectidens Miihren, denticulatum Variabilitat, Fleischer Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 212. Eucinetus vide Dascillidae. UypoUodes gen. n. voisin de Liodes, rothaehildi sp. n., Portevix Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 27. Leonliardclla anguUeollis var. n. aetnikana, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 p. 7. Liodes bickhardti sp. n. Corsica, Fleischer Briinn Verli. Natf. Ver. 46 p. 39. Liodini, Bestimmungstabellen, Flei- scher T.c. pp. 3-63. Loricogastcr glaher sp. n., Portkvin Bui. Museum Paris 1908 jx 20. yargns tabovcnuis Galilea p. '17, lo)igicorni>s Judea p. 48, unionis Smyrna p. 49, spp. n., Saiilreug Hel- singfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7. ■fXecrodefi primaevus sp. n., Beuten- MiLLER & CocKERELL Nevv York Bull. Araer. Mus. 24 p. 07. Necrophorus orbicolUs habits, Hough- ton Ent. News 19 pp. 120-121.— .Y. ■vespdloides Varietiiten, var. n. ste'infeldl St. Petersburg, Smirnov Rev, russ. ent. 8 p. 42. ^Speodiaetus gen. n. voisin de Trog- lodromuH, Jeannel Arch. zool. 8 p. 290. Spaonomiis gen. n. type Bathysc'ia alexinae, Jeaxnel T.c. p. 299. — S. {Phacomorphus) bordel sp. n. Basses Pyrenees, Peyerimhoff p. 302 Bui. soc. ent. Frauce 1908. Troglocharinus subg. n. vide Tro- glopliyes. Troglopliyes oblonjuJus Alpes mari- times, T. {Troglocharinus subg. n.) ferreri Spanish Pyrenees, spp. n., Reit- ter Wien. ent. Ztg. 1908 p. 116. Victorella subg. n. of Leonhnrdella Reitter p. Ill T.c. Triciiopterygidae. Ptiliodcs insignis p. 536, pulehellus p. 537, spp. n., Hawaiia, Scott Fauna Hawai. 3. Ptiliolum croaticum, Saiilberg Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 34 pp. 171-173. Scaphidiidae. Baeocera iisainbarenniH sp. n.^ Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien. 27 p. 33. Baeoceridiiim depresaipes, Synonymie, Reitter T.c. p. 35. Scaphisoma apicefasciahim, medio- fcmciatum, subferrugineiun, p. 32, brevieorne, eichelbmimi, p. 33, spp. n.> Deutsch Ostafrika, Reitter T.c. — S. perkinsi sp. n, (3ahu, Scott p. 534 Fauna Hawai. 3. Toxidium praeuatum p. 33, evane- acenn, integrum, p. 34, spp. n., Deutsch- Ostafrika, Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien. 27. 230 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Trichoscapliella gen. n., suturisulcata sp. n. Deutsch-Ostafrika, Reitter T.c. p. 34. Vituratella gen. n., eiehelhainni sp. n. Deutsch-Ostafrika, Reitter T.c. p. 35. HlSTERID.\E. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Histeriden, EicKHARDT Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 185-188. fList of fossil Histeridae, CoCKERELL pp. 160-162 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Acritus minor, ornatus, pi. xv f. 3, j). 516, kauaiensis, molokaiae, p. 518, mauiae, kukuiae, p. 519, punctatus, sculptus, p. 520, makaweliae p. 521, germaiius, p. 523, eutretus, p. 524 f. IS, lanaiensis with vai-. scalptUis p. 525, nepos p. 526, aimilis p. 527, pulchellus, angusti sternum, p. 528, perkinsi p. 529, laeins, subalatus, p. 530, angustus p. 531, solitarius, inaolitus. p. 532, par- mdus, subrotundus, p. 533, spp. n., Hawaiia, Scott Fauna Hawai. 3. Atholus maclenyi sp. n... Malacca, Lewis p. 150 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Iletaerius spp., habits, H. hrunnel- pennis, Wheeler New York J. Ent. Sec. 16 pp. 135-143. Bister ; Arten, MCller Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 114-121. — B. cepJiallenicus sp. n., Cephalouia, Dakiel p. 174 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3.— H. gotzelmnnni Croatia p. 41, clermonti Hispania p. 42, spp. n., BioKHARUT Ent. Bl. 4.—//. vadatus sp. n. Meru, Lewis Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 2 p. 14. — II. maroceanus a distinct species, thoracicus Payk. = (amplicolUs Er.), vadatua, p. 145, arcatus, lineistemus, p. 146, auleimnrgo p. 147, honcstus, Africa, 6rt/nc?j.s/'.s Bahia, p. 148, planifronn Vancouver isld. p. 149, spp. n., Lewis Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — TI. .lepulchralis & allies, IIi'l- LER pp. 336-339 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3.— n. davisi sp. n. New Jersey, Sciiaeikkr ^ut. News p. 318. llololepta cnodipij'ja sp. n. Peru, Lewis p. 139 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Macroliater debellalua sp. n. Mombasa, Lewis p. 144 op. cit. 2. Mcndcliinf gen. n. lypt; EbVima tenuipes Lew , lincipenni» sp. n. Nilgiri hills, Lewis p. 141 T.c. Omalodes obliquistrius Bogota p. 142, simplex Trinidad, chapadae Brazil, p. 143, spp. n., Lewis T.c. Paehyeraerus montanus Kilimaudjaro, sp. n., Lewis Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 2 p. 15. — P. atratus sp. n. ErytJiraea, Lewis p. 154 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. PheVister rectisternus p. 155, testiido^ fractistrius, p. 156, pygidialis p. 157i eolombiae, S. America, rubricatus N. America, p. 1.j8, carbiistrlus p. 159 Brazil, spp. n., Lewis T.c. Phoxonotus suturalls sp. n. Obidos, Lewis p. 160 T.c. Platysoma frontale var. n. rufum Luckenwalde, Schilsky D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 601. — P. vagans, Lewis p. 141 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2.— P. frontale = {Hister carifrons Leoui), Mi'iller p. 238 Wien. ent. Ztg. 27. Plegaderus saueius merldionalis subsp. n., Mi'LLER p. 339 Miiuchener Kol. Zs. 3. SantnJus ; derivation of name, Lewis p. 138 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Sitnl'ia ; derivatitui of name, Lewis p. l.'^ST.c. Teretrius africits Togoland p. 139, enjtfiraeus Ghinda p. 140, spp. n., Lewis T.c. Trlbalus cavernicola Usambara sp. n., Lewis Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 2 p. 15. — T. cavernicola Usambara p. 150, pnncticeps Nilgiri hills, stitiiralis Suma- tra, p. 151, laevidorsis Manihi, b'lcarina- tns Simla, p. 152, unistriiis Anani p. 153, spp. n., Lewis Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Phalacuidae. PJialacrus corruscus, food, habits, larva, Friedericiis, Berlin Arl). Itiol. Anst. 6 pp. 38-52, 1 Taf. NlTIDULIDAE, MoNOTOMIDAE. Aethinopsis gen. n., antennata sp. n. India pi. vii f. 7, (iRouvEiJ.E p. 379 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. AmphicTossus insularis sp. n. Afriquo occ, Grouvei.i.e Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 108. — A. muticus p. 381, pilosua p. 382, India, densatus Ceylon p. 383, spp. n., Grouvelle Ann. soc. eut. France 77. 231 Insecla. Systematic— HiSTERiDAE — Xitidulidae. Aix-tiiii'imus gen. n. Sharp, involitccv sp. n. Kauai Scott pi. xiii f. I'o, Fauna Hawai. 3 p. 4r)8. Apet'nui'i gen. n. p. 458, macrotliorax Molokai p. 45S» pi. xiii f. 27. mediu.'^ p. 45'.), SroTT. pumllio p. 460 Sharp, spp. n. Hawaiia, T.c. Bactridium exiguum sp. n. Guade- loupe, Grouvelle Paris Aim. soc. eiit. 77 p. 58. Brachijpeplus dubreulli sp. n. ludia, Groivei-LE Ann. soc. ent. France 77 p. o27. Brachijpterus nigropiceus sp. n., Buenos Avres, Grouvelle Revist. Mas. La Plata 12 p. 121. Camptodes bruchi sp. n. Tucumaii, Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 124. Carpophilus undulatiis Java etc. p. 331, sl'juntua p. 333 pi. vi f. 3, liebetatus £. 1 p. 334, India, spp. d., (iROCVELle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — C. dnfauiaj). n. (iuade- loupe, (iRoi VELLE Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 41. Cillaeopepliis gen. n. p. 505 for Brachypeplus infimuii Sharp pi. xiv f. 5, perkinxi, diibius, spp. n., Ha^vaiia, p. 506, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Cillaeus latus sp. n. India, Grou\'ELLE p. 329 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Colaistus bruchi sp. n. Brazil, Grou- velle Revist. ilus. La Plata 12 p. 122. Cryptarclia aethiopica sp. n. East Africa, Grouvelle Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 372. — C. fraterna p. 395, andreicesi p. 396, spp. n., India, Grou- velle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Cychramus bruchi sp. n. Argentina, Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 124. Cyboeephalus splendens p. 392, punc- ticeps p. 393, binotatus p. 394, spp. n., India, Grouvelle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Cyllodes angustipes p. 385, margina- tns p. .386, andamanensis p. 387, iuftu- 1(1 ria p. 388, quadrimacidatus p. 388, sezpunctatus p. 389, spp. n., India, Grouvelle T.c. Cyrtoxtolus gen. n. p. 457, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3, suhalatun sp. n. Maui p. 457 PP xiii f. 4, Scott T.c. Dissia acucsveiis Aegyptus superior p. 52, niyripes L'airo p. 53, ainpla Aegj'ptus superior p. 54, salome Hiericlio p. 55, spp. n., Sahli!i:i!g Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 Ecnoinaeus tratcrhousei sp. n. India pi. vi f. 2, (Jrouvei.i.e p. 312 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Epiiraea ; table of British, Joy pp. 106- 109 Ent. Mag. 44. — E. fossicoLlis p. 347, iratcrhousei p. 348, omissa p. 349, andreicesi p. 350, nrcnata p. 350, E: {Mierurula) affinis p 352, lusolita p. ,353, convexa p. 354, spp. n., India, Grou- velle Ann. soc. eat. Franco 77. — E. muhli sp. n. Talra, IIeitter Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 245. Eiuiitidtda gen, n. p. 451, sublaevis sp. n. Maui p. 452 pl. xiii f. 20, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Eupetinus gen. n. Sharp p. 461, ^nnig- nis p. 461,o6scu?"u.s p. 462, iuhaper^. 463, fsidcatics, curtus, p. 466, tardus, p. 470, marjinatu8,lanaiciis)s with var. mauien- ais, p. 471, dubiuH, brevicornis, p. 472, latiinargo, laevigatuH, p. 473, with var. nwlokaiensis p. 474, spp. n. ScoTT, deraaus p. 462, liaicaiiensia p. 464, j)riscus p. 'iGD,sculptus p. iQl , brevicollis p. 469, spp. n., Sharp, Hawaiia, T.c. Europs foveicollis sp. n. Guadeloupe, Grouvelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Gonioryctus hauaiensis, mauiensis, p. 410, koae, moloJiaiensis, acuininal us, p. 44 1 , suavis p. 442 pl. xiii fig. 19, Italea- kalae, elegans, calvus, p. 443, oahuennis p. 44, disaimilis, lanaiensis, p. 416, bifariua, viciiius. arduus, p. 447, aidi- catns p. 448, pusilhis, extraneu.t, p. 449, opposituH p. 450, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Goniothorax gen. n. near Brachypeplus, comelcolli» pl.xiii f. 18, p. 436, cuneatns, elongatus, plehi'ius, p. 437, perkinsi, inaequalis, p. 438, erem'itus, fovealus, p. 439, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp T.c. IJaptojieus epuraeoides sp. n. Ceylon, Grouvelle p. 341 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. lachaena indica sp. n. India pl. vi f. 5, Grouvelle p. 357 T.c. llhyphenes bouchardi sp. n. Sumatra, Grouvelle Rev. ent. 26 p. 110. hasiodaetylns maculosus var. n n'lti- dus, (Jrouvelle, Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 68. — L. pubeseens p. 362, reitteri p. 232 Insccta. Xll. Insecta. [1908] 303, spp. n., India, Grouvelle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Loh'iopa marrjinata sp. n. Buenos Avres, (jeolvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 124. Meligethes siibcaerulescens sp. n. East Africa p. 365, aethiopicits p. 3G6, siih- cxilis p. 367, matirkii p. 368, qiiadr'i- dentatus p. 369, insolens p. 370, siibpceti- natus p. 371, spp. n., E. Africa, (jitou- VELLE Bui. Mus. Paris 1908. — M. ahstractus p. 75, sjmssus p. 76, livens p. 77, spp. n., Aln-ssinie & Choa, Groiveli.e Ann. Mus.' Civ. Genova 4. — M. cribrosus, mixtus, p. 368, crassus p. 369, foedus, andrewesi, p. 370, melleus p. 371, u-atei-housei p. 372,.!/. {Aeanthogethes) curv'ipes, arroic't, p. 373, spp. n., India, Guouvelle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Monotomopsis andreivesi sp. n. India pi. vii f. 4, Grouvelle p. 404 T.c. Xesapteriis gen. n. for Gonioryctus monticola Sharp, p. 450 pi. xiv f. 4, exiJis sp. n. Laiiai p. 451, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Nesopeplus gen. n. Sharp p. 474, col- larw, anticatus, p. 476, Hegnis p. 477, vagcpictus, molokaiensis, p. 478, rortdns, fallax, p. 479, pictus p. 480, abnormalis, solitarius, p. 481, insolilnn p. 482,8pp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp ; curtithorax p. 476, nerratus p. 482, lambianus, testaceipes, p. 484,o6sc»rii8 p. 486, nigricans, cognn- lus, p. 487, lutiuscidus p. 488, similis p., 489, confertiis, punc.ticoUis, p. 490 ainuatua, ater, p. 491, spp. n., Ilawaiia, Scott; Fauna Hawai. 3. Nesopetinus gen. n. Sharp p. 492 ; goniorycloides p. 493, omissus ]>. 495, jmsillus p. 496, crcmiliis p. 497, scot- tianiia p. 499, pallidns, concolor. ]). 500, filipes p. 501, i-udis p. 502, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sil\rp ; perhinsi p. 502, inter- medins p. 503, blackbnrninmis p. 504, spp. n., Ilawaiia, Scott ; Fauna Ilawai. 3. Xotopcplus gen. n. for Tirncluipeplus reitteri Sliarp jj. xiv f. 2, Sharp p. 505 T.c. Orthostolus gen. n. type Bracliypephis robustus Siiarj) \). 452 pi. xiii f. 21, robustua var. n. latiaienais, nepoa, j). 453, germnnua, proatemalia, ji. 454, spp. n., tjHARP Faunallawai. 3, (itv(iliis,haiifiien- sia, {). 456, Scott, T.c, spp. n., Ilawaiia. Parametopia tripnndala sp. n. with trinotata var. n., India, Grouvelle p. 360 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Pria Intipes p. 366 sp. n. India pi. vi f. 7, Grouvelle T.c. Procadites insidm-is sp. n. Andamans, Grouvelle p. 380 T.c. Prometopia gracilis sp. n. India pi. vi f. 1 1, Grouvelle p. 358 T.c. Stelidota ^neridionalisj). 122, trimacis- lata p. 123, spp. n., Argentina, Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. Tetrisus curvipes sp. n. India, Grou- velle p. 338 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Xenostrongyivs dorsalis sp. n. India, Grouvelle p. 378 T.c. Trogositidae. Mdambia cardoni sp. n. Bengal, Lkveille p. 212 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Temnoehila caeridea var. n. asialica Leveille p. 213 T.c. COLVDIIDAE. Aprostoma linearc sp. n. Ceylort, Grouvelle p. 413 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. AsosyJus gen. n, Dcretaphrini p. 430, filiformis sp. n. India i^l. ix f 2, Grou- VELIE p. 431 T.c. Botlirideres dufaul sp. n. Guadeloupe, Grouvelle T.c. p. 51. Cnutomiis andreuesi sp. n. India pi. ix f. 3, Grouvelle p. 450 T.c. — C. infimus sp. n. Guadeloupe, Grouvelle T.c. p. 52. Cerylon carlnalxnn, elungatum pi. ix f. 9, p. 447, castanescens f. 1 p. 448, spp. n., India, Grouvelle T.c. — C. Intcrale sp. n. Buenos Ayres, Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 125. Oioritcs cni-tua sp. n. India pi. vii f. 10, Groi:velle p. 427 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Colobiciis amplux, ornatus, /ah<.9, Sumatra, dccoralus Molucpies, f/'(7«s Birmaiiie, spp. n., Grouvelle Leiden Notes Mus. 30 pp. 114 419. Dastaixus coJistrictits jil. vii f. 8 p. 435, faseicidalua p. 436, spp. n., India, Grouvelle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. 233 Insccia. Systematic. — Xitidulidae — Cucujidak. Dcrolathnts gen. n. j>. 430. atomiis sp. n. Oahu p. 431 \A. xvi f. 8, Siuup Faiiua Hawai. 3. Ditoma iiitidlcoUis sp. n. Perse, GfiorvELLE Bull. Museum Paris 1907 p. 507. — D. lotigior sp. n. Guadeloupe, Gbouveli.e Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 149. Endestes ancf)rwv.s; sp. n. India pi. i.x; f. 5, Grocvelle p. 414 T.c. Ithris diiricilis p. 404 sp. n. India, Gkocvelle T.c. Labromimtts sharpi sp. n. India pi. vii f. 12, Gruuvelle p. 424 T.c. Langeland'ia anophthalma var. n. aglena Herzegowina, Reitter Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 20. Lascoiwtus atomus sp. n. Guadeloupe, GuorvELLE Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 49. Leploglyphus ioreifrons sp. n. India, Grouvelle p. 443 T.c. Microprhis hituherosus p. 400, d'ls- tinctus p. 401, dificUis p. 402, spp. n., India, Grouvelle T.c. Mlcrovonus terrenus sp. n. India jjI. ■viii f. 12, Grolvelle \>. 425 T.c. Samunar'ia indica sp. n. India pi. viii f. 10, Grou\telle p. 407 T.c. OcJwlissa iiigricollis pi. vii f. o p. 409, laticeps, harmandi, p. 410, spp. n., India, Grodvelle T.c. Oxylaemus leae sp. n. Tasmania, Grocvelle Svdney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 835. PseudohotJiTideres gen, n., vegleclus, p. 438, nilidus p. 439, pascoei j). 440, velatus pi. ix f. 6 p. 441, spp. n., India, Grocvelle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Pneudotarphius minimus pi. viii f. II p. 416, indieus p. 417, spp. n., India, Grocvelle T.c Sijsolus gen. n. Deretaphrini, anten- nalwt sp. n. India pi. ix f. II, Grocvelle p. 429 T.c. Taphrideres chevrolati sp. n. Guade- loupe, Grocvelle T.c. p. 50 Tarphiosoma andretceai sp. n. India pi. viii f. 5, Grocvelle p. 418 T.c. Teredolaemus unieolor, himacidatus, spp. n. India, Grocvelle p. 432 T.c. TraclnjphoUs ncfofxi \). 420, craitsa p. 421, lata p. 422, spp. n. India, Grou- velle T.c. DiSCOI.OMIDAE. Tiie family Pseudocorulopltidae not distinct from Discolomidoe, Scott p. 431 Fauna Hawai. 3. FaUia elongata sp. n. Hawaiia, Scorr p. 433 Faun. Hawai. 3. AdLMEI!ID.4E. JUoiioedus horni p. 42, zonatus p. 43, ohftcurns p. 45, spp. n., Guadeloupe, Grocvelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Rhysodidae. lilit/sodes arroin p. 318, lineatus p. 319, spp. n., India, Grouvelle Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Cucdjidae. Airaphilns andreicesi sp. n. India pi. viii f. I, Grouvelle p. 493 Ann. soc, ent. France 77. A7icistria hostryclioidcs sp. n. India, Grouvelle p. 454 T.c. Brontnlaemus currax with vai-r. lanaiensis & mauiensis p. 424, nudi- coiniis, agilis, p. 425, spp. n., Hawaiia, SnAUi' Fauna Hawai. 3. Cryptamorpha infans sp. n. India pi. viii f. 2, Grouvelle p. 474 Ami. soc. ent. France 77. Dasymerus sulcicollis sp. n. Guade- loujje, Grouvelle T.c. p. 56. Txiemopldoens calognatlius pi. viii f. 7 p. 464, indieus p. 465, proximu9 p. 466, belli p. 467, pieipennis p. 468, ditomoides p. 469, falcidens pi. ix f. S p. 470, spp. n., India, Grouvelle T.c. — L. cexquisitus sp. n. Guadeloupe, Grouvelle T.c. ]). 54. Monamis Sharp = {Emporius Ganglb.), SiLVRP p. 429 Fauna Hawai. 3. Nartliccius hicolor sp. n. India, Grou- velle p. 456 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Parandrita lionae, perkinsi, p. 426, gracilis, molohaiae, liturata, p. 427, spp. n., Hawaiia, P. aenea Sharp (as Laemophloeus) ]>]. xiii f. 17, SnARl* Fauna Hawai. 3. Pediaeiis ruftpes sp. n. India pi. ix f. 7, Grocvelle p. 461 Ann. Soc. ent. Fi-ance 77. 234 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Vaammoeciis andrewesi pi. ix f. 12 p. -470, delicatus p. 477, vitidus p. 479, impressicollis f. ]0, gentUh, p. 480, elegans p. 481, le-pidus p. 483, gratiosus p. 484, 6eZZ((s p. 485, spp. n., India, Groitvelle T.c. Sdvanus surhiamensis, hicomis d- mercator, Porta Riv. coleotter. ital. 6 p. 141. — S. sjirtnnmensis. Porta nee L., Ideiititat mit S. mercutor L., Reitter Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 64. Telephanus pnriulus sp. n, Guade- loupe, Grocyelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 53. — T. hi-uchi sp. n. Buenos Avres, Grocvelle Revist. llus. La Plata 12 p. 125. Crtpiophagidae. Cryjtophagus (Mnionomus) ludovici sp. n. Mallorka, Breit Wien Verb. Zool- Bot. Ges. 58 p. 62. — C. tenuicornis sp. n. Kapland, Grouvelle Jena Denkschr. nied. Ges. 13 p. 120. — C. gennaini sp. n. Chile, Grouvelle Revist. ilus. La Plata 12 p. 129. Hapalips angidosiis p. 58, delauneyi p. 59, sharpi p. 60, guadaliipensis p. 61, dufau'i p. 62, spp. n., Guadeloupe, Grouvelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. — H. hre.ris p. 128, p'lceua p. 129, spp. n., Ar£;entina, Grouvelle Revist. ilus. La Pkta 12. Micramhe siihvUlosa p. 374, inau- ritii p. 376, spp. n., Africa, Grouvelle Bui. Museum Paris 1908. Lathridiidae. Adistemia uataoni, food habits, Webster Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 pp. 3-4. Cnrticaria; table of British, Joy & Tomlin pp. 125-128 Ent. Mag. 44. Eueh'tonellu-i subgen. n. of MetuphtJial- 771M.S, alhofasc'tatuH, Reitter D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 133. IIoIoparamecitH punctidatus sp. n. Apulien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 244. Lathridiua hergrolhi Reitt., LCiie Konigsherg Schr. physik. (Jes. 48 (pp. 385-388), Wasacu Berliner ent. Zs. 63 p. 129. ^feliniophUudma rothschildi sp. n. Afrique equatoriale, I'lo Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 187. — .1/. plalenais sp. n. Argentina, r.nd early stages, Bruch Revist Mus. La Plata 14 p. L27 pi. ii. Alerophysia seherae sp. n. Nord- italien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 244. — .y. bis'nmata sp. n. Kleinasien, Reitter T.c. p. 213. Metophthahnus hispan'iciis Hispania p. 134, heiligi Graecia p. 135, proxlmus Hispania, creticus Creta, p. 136, spp. n., Reitter D. ent. Zs. 1908. ifYCETOPHAGIDAE. Atritomus vir'nws sp. n. East Africa, Grouvelle BuI. Museum Paris 1908 p. 378. Diplocoeliis villosits Paraguay p. 126, turbhiatus Tucuman, consobi-imis Buenos Ayres, p. 127, spp. n., Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. — D. manritii sp. n. East Africa, Grouvelle Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 373. Litargus rugosulus sp. n. Java, Groi-\"elle Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 55. — L. Litargellus) giiadalupensis sp. n. Guadeloupe, Grouvelle Paris Ami. soc. ent. 77 p. 63. — L. halteatus & vest'itus, Scott p. 419 Fauna Hawai. 3. Mycetopliagus neth'wfncus sp. n. East Africa, Grouvelle Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 377. — -V. fratcr sp. n. La Plata. Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 130. Propalticus ; characters p. 420, P. ocidatus pi. xvi f. 12, ScoTT Fauna Hawai. 3. Deruestidae, Thorictidae. Antlwenus rotuudatiia tolerandavar. n., Pic Echange 24 p. 41. — .4. mnsaeorum, larval physiology, Ewart J. Linn. Soc. 30 pp. 1-5 ; larval habits, Tepper T.c. p. 155. Argocerus gen. n. near Labroceriis, s'lmiluris, p. 411, sitbgiittatiis p. 412, spp. n., Hawai ia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3. Byturus meridionalis sp. n. Argentina, Grouvelle Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 121. Eoceiiia gen. n. near Labroceriis, depressus sp. n. Kauai, Sharp p. 412 Fauna Hawai. 3. Gloh'icorma quadr'inneva sp. n. Uralsk, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 213. — G. ^-guttata sub/asciata n. subsp., PiC 255 Itusecia. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Scarabafipae, Etc. Eolmnge 24 p. 41. — (-'. (Hadrotoma) hinpijnira sp. n. Madrid, Tic T.c. p. 81. Hadrotoma ar(]cntiua sp. n. Tucuman, Pic Revist. Mus.'La Plata 12 p. 233. Ignotus aeuiiimaticus, sexes & lar\-a, Slosson" l^ Blaxchard pp. 213- 210 pis. vi * vii Oanad. Eiito. 40; summarv of Slosson's note, Oi:dem.\ks Ent. Ber. 2 p. 257. I.abioeeriis nwerens p. 406 pi. xiii f. 14, gravidas, simplex, curticoniis, p. 407. laticortiis p. 408, ohsoletus, dasy- toides, vestitus, p. 409, flavicornis, setosus, pallipes, afinis, p. 410, quadi-i- signatus, sulf'usiis, p. 411, spp. n., Hawaiia, Sharp Fauna Hawai. 3, Thorietns majusculus sp. n. S. Africa. Peringuey Ann. S. afric. Mus. 5 p. 300 pi. V. fig 10. Trogoderma nobile jMidonotata n. 8ubsp., Pic Echange 24 p. 1. — T. tar- sale, HocGUTON' J. Econ. Ent. 1 p. 216. BVRRHIDAE. Exomxi gen. n., ■pleuralis sp. n. Brit. Columbia, Casey p. 282 Canad. Euto. 40. Pedilophorus auratus ab. n. obscurus Siidbosnien, Fleischer Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 212. Georyssidae. Georyssidae & Cyatlioceridae, cata- logue, Zaitzev Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 38 pp. 313 & 314. Parxidae. Catalogue of the family Dryopidae ; Zaitzev Hor. Soc. ent. Ross. 38 pp. 286- 312. Ancyronyx perfectns sp. n. Guyane, Grocvelle Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 185. Dryops angidiceps sp. n. East Africa, Grouvelle T.c. p. 379. — D. ffoUkyi nom. n. pro asiaticus Solsky (praeocc). Zaitzev. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 417. — D. lutulentus eomplanalus subsp. n. MCller p. 316 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3. Grouvelleus nom. n. pro Microdes Motsch., Zaitzev Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 311. Helmis maugei bosnica nom. n. pro longicolUsKuw., Zaitzev p. .303 T.c. — H. aenea and allies, genitalia etc., Zimmer- MAXN pp. 341-345 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3. — Tl. limoKd sp. n. (!uyane, Grouvem-E Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 184. Famuli prolifericornis Fabr var. n. arqcntipilosus Olekminsk, Poppius Helsingfors Ofvers F. Vet. Soc. 49 No. 2 p. 12. Riohis ic'chman)ii sp. n. .\ustria, ZiMMERMANN p. 311 -MuiK'iumer Kol. Zs. 3. Steiielmis geay'i sp. n. Guyane, Grou- velle Bui. Jluseum Paris 1908 p. 181. Stenhelmo'ides gen. n., guija)iur)ii. /(/;/rti2-'"'ew/K Kilimandjaro sp. n., Felsche Kiliniandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 51 p. 43. — Ji. lazariiH, lialjits, Manee p. 400 pi. x.\i Ent. News 19. J>olbol.rij])CH validity, Boucomont Bull. Soc. eut. France 1908 p. 197. J'radycineLua fcrrugineua lialjits, JIanee p. 459 pi. X Ent. Is^ews 19. Caccobiiis pseitdolaevis p. 05, penta- gonua p. 00, Lake Tchad., cavatus p. 07, C. (Diaghjptus) midtifidns p. 08, qiiadri- dcus p. 70, S. Africa, spp. n., d'Ukbigny Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — C. litigiosus merged in nigritidus Kl., C. masfrucatua S of obtusna, C. picipennis & pudens merged in convexifrons, caxatus, C. [Diaglyptiis) midtifidus, spp. n., S. Africa, d'Orbigny (in Peringuey) Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 507. Catharsius puaio sp. n. Kalahari, Kolbe Jena Deukschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 129. (.'haefocanth.us suspectus sp. n. S.W. Afrika, Kolbe p. J24 T.c. — C. bechuanns sp. n. S. Africa, Peringdey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 049. Copris persimilia sp. n. Afrika, Felsche D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 273.— C. col- manti p. 56, phylax p. 59, spp. n., Africa, truncatus sexes, integer = {pronu:^ Uerst.) p. 59, Gillet Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. —'J. bovinuai). 08, p'lui'idcna'p. lOJiuiudis p. 71, Mcpos p. 70, rugosiis -p. n,u>^am- baricus p. 80, spp. n., Trop. Africa ; harriai Waterh. = (interioris Kolbe), orion varr. n. caffer & centralis, p. 70, megaceratoidea sexes p. 72, bootea — {exeavatus Kl.) p. 73, typhoeua Gerst. p. 75, confusua var. n. monliragns p. 80, GiLLET Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. — C. neptia Reich., troglodytarum Koth, maecr Per. = C. orphaniia Guer. ; puncticoUis Boh., gracilis Wat. = evanidua King. ; integer Per. me Reich. = laticornis var. mi)ior Wat., Pekinguey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 6,30. Dendropemon Party = {Eurypodea Klages), Felsche p. 274 P. ent. Zs. 1908. DiaateUopalpua orbignyi figured, Pe- ringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 pi. xlviii figs. 1-2. Didaetylia cicatricoan p. 39, varin p. 40, spp. n., Kongo, Schmidt Ann. Soc. ent. Belgicpie 52. Elaaaocanthon gen. n. near Canllton, brcvipes sp. n. S. Afrika, Kolbe Jena Deukschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 130. Enparia rauc.a sp. n. Madagascar, Schmidt p. 57 Soc. entoniol. 23. deolrypea amoenua Jac. = (stereorarius var. lioltzei Rttr.) = 8tercoiririusamoemia, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 7 ]>. 204. Hcliocopria nnadcmatnn sp. n. Africa or., Gillet p. 15 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 237 Instcla. SrSTESIATIC. — SCARABAEIDAE. 52. — //. dianic Hope p. G4, atropas var. = [hiimprcssits Koll^e) p. 00, H- mhios p. 07. GiLLET Mem. Soc. eut. Beltjique 16.—//. antotor Per. nee. Oliv. ^^ if. colossus Bat. p. 028 ; H. japctiis Kl. = var. of antenor Oliv. p. 0:.^9, Pkrixouey Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc. 13. IletcrocVitopus Per. merged into Pina- cotarsus Har., PEiiiNGrEY p. 028 T.c. lIoIoccpJialus'Hope —{Atrich'tus Gill.), Felsciie p. 274 D. eat. Zs. 1908. Lorditomaeits setulosus p. 232, ni- venustus p. 233, fornicatiis p. 234, /"»- fuscati's p. 234, hifidus p. 230, aequns p. 237, /t'Hins p. 239. Afrika, spp. n., Schmidt Stettiner eut. Ztg. 69. Marroderes miit'dattis sp. n. S. Afrika, KoLBE Jena Denkselir. mecl. Ges. 13 p- 130. Maeroretnis gen. n. Apliodiinac p. 032, sinjidarls sp. n. S. Afric. p. 033, Perin- GCEY Trans. S. Afric. Pliil. Soc. 13. M'dichus, validity, p. 71, M. rliode- slaniis var. n. tr'niotatusp. 72, d'Orbigxy Ann. Soc. ent. France 77. OtiiticeUus nitidicoUis: Europe p. 179, indicus ilalabar p. 180, aifinis Burma p. 181, modextus India p. 182, spp. IL, 0. vertagus Pabr. = (plctisternum & tonkineum Fairm.) p. 180, Arrow Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Ontlwpiuigiis liannan sp. n. Hieroso- Ivnia. Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 02. — 0. kcdaharicua sp. n. Kalahari, Kolbe Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 120. — 0. trirugatuH est reuni a tricariniger, fossihas'is Usam- bara, meruanus p. 47 Meru, co^tilatuif p. 49 Kilimandjaro, xanthopygwi p. 50 Usambara, spp. n., Orbigsy Kilimand- jaro-ilera Exp. 7, 5, 2. — 0. fossulntus p. 72, atricapillus p. 74, stuhlmanni p. 75, fiubsuleatus p. 70, nodierl p. 78, icaterloti p. 79, miscellaneus p. 80, kas- ■saiciis p. 81, suhdivisus p. 83, ampli- cornis p. 84, clitellarius p. 80, 7iigri- pennis p. 87, punctulatus p. 88, juncalus p. 89, rugipennis, nudus, p. 91, angular'in p. 92, viinittissimus p. 94, ruhcllus p. 95, ornatulus p. 90, maraliall'i p. 97, umhilieatuH p. 98, birugifer p. 99, /afe- ■fstriatus p. 100, decorsei p. 102, tigrinus p. 103, adspersus p. 105, cyJindroides p. 107, miriceps p. 108, furcimargo p. 110, laticeps p. IH, hrerifromt p. 112, earinidorais p. 113, picturatus p. 115, naevuliger p. 110, fungicola p. 117 , poriti>tKimus }1. 110, rax'ipoDiis p. 120, produci'woIUs p. 122, mediofuscatus p. 124, qitadricuspis p. 125, nmoenus p. 128, albicomus p. 129, maculosua p. 131, parccplctiis p. 132, horrciis p. 134, Iiorr'idus p. 135, psendoaciieits p. 130, scmiiiifh/iis p. 137, itigrop}d)eus yi. 138, sangniiiolentiis p. 140, a<)'or/7,«/it8 p. 141, binodosn>^ p. 142, plicafifrons p. 144, iIexifro)i!< p. 145, dejlexus p. 140, jntri- frons p. 147, asperici'ps p. 148, co^reorus p. 140, pro.viinuH p. 150, gravoti p, 152, vassi'i p. 153, snhtdifcr ]). 150, hienni- coUis p. 157. granicep>i p. 158, bureliclll p. 159, herieius p. 100, juneticornis p. 102, riridiaereus p. 103, atroaerciis p. 104, numidicus p. 105, nngidicomis p. 107, tesseratus p. 169, aeutus p. 170, pallem p. 172, (Fhalops) tricuspis p. 173, jjrinceps p. 175, pyroides p. 177, dense- granosus p. 179, {Fvoagnderui^) multl- coniis p. 182, tricornifrjiis p. 181, quadrituber p. 180, quadrlfpinosiis p. 188. eolmantl p. 191, subcostatus p. 194, quadricristatiis p. 195, spee.u- latus p. 198, taymaywi p. 200, blarmatus p. 201, (Diastellopalpus) g'dleti p. 203, spp. n., Africa, d'URUiGNY Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — 0. fuacahcs, tigrinus, p. 02, 0. (Prong.) mult'icornis p. 04, quadr'isp'niosus, colmanti, p. 05, spp. n., Africa, mlxticeps sexes p. 63, d'OHBiGXY Ann. Soc. ent. I'elgique 52. — 0. (Proa- godcrus) deyrollei Ruffs, optivus Per. = c/ife-s Har. p. 022 ; tricolor orb. = c/em- matus Per. p. 022 ; porrectiis Fahr. nee Reiche = reetefurcatus Fairm. pi. x p. 619 pi. xlviii figs. 19, 20; ?-a)7(.s Ki. Per. -- gibb'iramus orb. p. 018 ; suspeetus Per. = unidens Qued. p. 022 Peringuey L. Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13.— 0. fcrericojviis Fahr. = pullus Roth. (589) ; breviculus orb. sem'iilavus orb. nee. Bohem. = jlavolimbatua Kl. p. 587 ; chalcostomus Fahr, tcnuicornis Kl. = aeruqhtosus Roth p. 57.3 ; columella Fiihr. = binod'is Thunb. p. 570 ; coniiculatus Per. nee Reich = verticalis Fahr. p. 590 ; cretus Per. (J = setosus Fahr. P p. 584 ; criniger Orb., crhi'dua Orb. = axdlarus Boh. p. 594 ; decipiens Per. = nanus Har. p. 589 ; foss'tcollis Qued. -~ hnpresslcollis Boh. p. 005 ; glaber Boh. = carbotiarius Kl. p. 580 ; gmllemei Ovh. = insignis Pf^r. p. 603 ; laceratus Per. nee. Har. = (/?- p*e8«u8 Har. p. 611 leucopygus P^r. nee. Har. I -^ albipodex Orb. p. 003 ; lobigena Orb. = bovinus Per. p. 579 ; laevlsuturala Orb. -= dispar p. 590 ; ? lugens Fahr. p'lceus Fahr. = fimetarlus Roth. p. 001 ; 238 Ina&cta. xn. Insecta. [1908] natalieus Orh. = ehenus Per. p. 60fi ; nigrescens Orb. = dedecor Wall. p. 573 ; ocellatus Oi-b. = versutus Per. p. fill ; oiiimus Per. = leucopygiis Har. p. 603; patrlc'ius Per. = cinctipennis Quecl. p. 576 ; pellax Per. = pilosiis P'iihr. ]). 594 ; pusio Per. nee. Fahr. = confertus n. sp. p. 586 ; vitulus Har. nee. Fahr. = immnndus Boh. p. 611 Peringuey T.c. — 0. cxiguus Per., name preoccupied changed into ruhens Orb. p. 60S ; incertus Per., dubius Orb. changed into asperrl- mus Orb. p. 596 ; senicidus Per. changed into senescens Per., Perisguey T.c. — 0. (Proagoderus) quadritidier sp. n. S. Africa p. 623, 0. aeubus p. 617, amoenus p. 615, amplicornis p. 611, nspericeps p. 616, hasipennis p. 614, hinodosus p. 615, hundielli, convexus p. 616, fiingicola p. 612, inermicolUs p. 617, marsdiilli p. 612, naevuliger p. 613, iiJgropubens p. 615, nudus p. 612, politissimiis p. 613, producticoUis p. 614, ra8ipe>»(i8 j). 614, spp. n.,S. Africa, D'Orbigny Cape Town Trans. S. Afric. Pliil. Soc. 13.— 0. c/itbosHs p. 287, amynlas p. 28S, Synonymy, Bedel Ann. Soc. ent. France 1908. — 0. fuseopunc- tatus Fabr., Arrow p. 183 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Orplmus kafuenns parentalis p. 651, mashunenais p. 652, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13. Oxyomus cameratus, simillimus, spp. n., India, Schmidt Ent. Woclienbl. 25 pp. 46-48. — 0. pusio sp. n. Kala- liari, KoLBE Jena Deniischr. med. Ges. 13 p. 125. Phalopa conge nit U8 Ver. = drpgei liar. ]). ()25, dregei Per. nee Har. hoschinianus Pev. = w]iittei Har., rufomgnatus Lansb. = euphjnes Bat. dcnsegranosus p. 625, pip-oidea p. 626 spp. n.,S. Africa Orbigxy Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13. Pkaeoeroidea gen. n. Hyboaorinae, dumarinus sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey p. ()47 T.c. Sapi'oaitea oavua sp. n. Kongo, Schmidt j). 11 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — S. falcatua sp. n. Jladagascar, Schmidt p. 57 Soc. entomol. 23. Scarabaeua intricatua Falj. distinct from S. hohemani Har. p. 552, roatratna Per. = S. prohoHcideiia (iiier. p. 554, inquiaitua, pcilmlalor spp, n. S. Africa, ]). 553, 1V;ringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13. — iS. guri'jeticus and allies varia- tion and synonoaiy, sacer = (speyice Mad.'! j:). 63, sennai'iensis — {fratcrciilus Kolbe) p. 64, Gillet Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Sceliages augias Bjt. n. Angola, Gillet p. 64 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Sebnsteos procles sp. n. S.-Afrika, Kolbe Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 131. Sisyphus tran'ivaalensis sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. S. .^iric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 557. Tiniocellus Per. merged in Oniticellus, Arrow p. 183 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Trox nama sp. n. S. Afrika, Kolbe Jena Penkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 125. — T. pitsillns sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 634.— T.mdicoJa,perrisi Fairm., Identitat mit Itaroldi Flach, Heyden Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 154. Melolonthini. Anisonyx sesuto sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 663. Apogonia apicalis sp. n. Tonkin, Moser p. 331 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Aaactopliolis bitubercidata sp. n. Ton- kin. MosER p. 334 T.c. — A. pcctoralis p. 354, laticepa p. 355, spp. n., Borneo, MosER T.c. Autoserica ruhcscens sp. n. Tonkin, Moser p. 325 T.c. Brahmina tonkinensis sp. n. 'i'onkin, Moser p. 342 T.c. — B. bhuherculata sp. n. Laos, Moser p. 359 T.c. Cephaloserica parva sp. n. Tonkin, Moser p. 326 T.c. Clmriochilus costipennis STp. n. Queens- land, Moser p. 358 T.c. C ijphocliihis ochraceoaquamosiia, podi- caiiH, spp. n., Tonkin, Moser p. 335 T.c. — '.'. signatua p. 356, yiinnanus p. 357, spp. n., Yuiman, Moser T.c. Damara gen. n. Mclolotithini ; villo- aula sp. n. S. Africa, Pi^ringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 678. Dejeania lincata sp. n. Shan states, Arrow Ann. Nat. Hist. 7 19 p. 357 omitted last year]. Dicrnnocncmiia arduua p. 672, spini- cepa p. 67 1 , spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey 'J.'rans. S. Afric. I'hil. Soc. 13. 239 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Scarabaeidae. E'aphoccra bedeani var. n. mollcri, Flach Bull. Soc. Portugaise 2 p. 121. llemictenius lebcdevi sp. n. Zentrala- sien, Reittek Eutomol. Ztg 27 p. 216. Heterochelus cristaticcps p. 69, defec- tor p. 64, gritseus p. 69, jueundidus p. 66, Jtanooanus, moleslii.oiil Nonfr.), Arrow T.c. Haploacapaiws gen. n. for Si-arabaeus harharoKsa V. (Oryctes auctt.), AltRow p. 343 T.c. Jleteronyclius beiratiua p. 053, pi. xlviii fi^. 35 & 36, iuops p. 653 ligs. 33 i<: 34, mosamhicus p. 65:J fifjs. 30-32, spp. n., S. Africa, Pekinc,ui:y Trails. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13.— H. sae- eliari sp. n. Bengal, AuRtnv ]i. 329 Loudon Tr. ent. See. 1908. Loncliohis piinctatisslmus, poUtus, spp. n. Madagascar, Arrow p. 337 T.c. Lyeomedes oliaus'i sp. n. Ecuador, Arrow p. 354 T.c. Microryctes gen. n. for Hetcronychus mo'wdon Fairm., kanareiisis India, p. 324, apicalis Burma p. 324, spp. n., Arrow T.c. Keorycti's nom. n. for Pseiuloryctes Linell, Arrow p. 342 T.c. Oryctes matthieaseni Reitt. angeblich aus Buchara, soil aus Zentralpersien stammen, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 251. — 0. grypu-s, pupa, Se.\i)Ra Bull. Soc. Portugaise 1 p. 163. OxyUgyrus gen. n. for pai't of Dy- acinetus type Chalepns rostratiis Burni., Arrow p. 341 London Tr. eut. Soc. 1908. Pachylus & Peltotiotu8 transferred to Ridelidae, Arrow p. 355 T.c. Packyoryctes gen. n., soUduH sp. n. Burma, Arrow p. .349 T.c. Phileurus sublaevis Fairm. re- described as Hetpvonyehns, Arrow p. 328 T.c. Ph'deiiriis hurvie'isteri sp. n, Rio Janeiro ( = P. vervex $ Burm.), Arrow p. 335 T.c. PhyllognatliHs strietlceps Fairm. to Pycnonehemu, Arrow p. 340 T.c. Podalgxiit; synonymical note, Arrow p. 341 T.c. Pseudhomonyx gen. n. p. 326, hor- neeiiHiH sp. n. Sarawak p. 327, and Heteronychus morator etc., Arrow T.c. Pycnoachema vtiislca p. 338, palpalis p. 339, spp. n., Trop. Africa, Arrow T.c. Ruteloryctes gen. n. Cydocephalinae p. 335, tr'istia sp. n. W. Africa p. 336, Arrow T.c. (x-10332 j) Scapdnes gfOKsrpiiiicliilux sp. n. Neu- Pommern p. 6, hrericornis Fergusson- Insel p. 12, spp. n., Sternberg Stettiner ent. Ztg 69. — S. mistralia synonymy, grossfepunetatus var. n. dilalicorn'ia. Arrow p. 344 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Strategiis antacni^ habits, Manee Eut. News 19 pp. 286-289, fig. Stypotfupe.'f ajax = (Dichodovtus renkeni Nonf.), Arrow p. .330 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Temvorhynchiis antiochus Fairm. = (saiisibaricua Kolbe = f annus Per.= clypeatu-s ? Kl.), Arrow p. 336 T.c. Trichogomphiis mongol China p. 347, acuticoUia Tenasserim p. 348, spp. n.. Arrow T.c. Vcnedua paradoxus Boh. merged in Xenodorus janus Peringdey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 654. Xenodorus janus F. = (Venedus para- doxus. Boh., Per.), Arrow p. 336 Lon- don Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Xyloryctea laevipennia Mexico p. 14, perpendicidaris Venezuela p. 19, spp. n., thestalus subsp. n. inlermediuH p. 22, Sternberg Stettiner eut. Ztg 69. Cctoniini. Allorh'ina tridentata sp. n. Goyaz, SIoser p. 86 Aim. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Anthracophora gigantea sp. n. Borneo, MosER p. 256 T.c. Atrichelapliinia glycypluutoides sp. n. Togo, Mo.ser p. 92 T.c. Cetonia jilchnerae sp. n. China, Kolbe Exped. Filchner Bd. 10 Tl. 1 p. 86.-0. prototrlcha = {nadari Cham p. j. Heller p. 58 D. ent. Zs. 1908. CUthria flavofasc'iata sp. n. Queens- land, Mo.ser p. 3G1 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. Comythovalgua plumatus Fahr. = 5" of faarAculatus Gyll., Peringuey Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 pp. 547-752. Cosm'iophaena pilosula Kr., Moser p. 91 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Cotlnis carmelita Burm. to AUorlihui, Moser p. 87 T.c. Crcmaatochilus spp., habits, rela- tions with ants, Wiiekler New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 pp. 68-79.— C. castaneae, larva and pui)a, Wheeler c26 242 Inserfn. XTT. Insecta. [100(^1 New York Bull. Ainer. Mas. 24 pp. 625- 027. Dasijvalgu^ cruciafim sp. n. Malacca, MosER p. 95 Aun. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — D. quadripv-'ruiit iskls., Moser p. 88 T.c. Leur.oeeli» cincticoUi.'< E. Africa p. 93, 2)uncticolli8 Erythrea p. 91, spp. n., Moser T.c. Lomapterd }i yaiiita BTp.n. New (Juinea p. 87, d.iehropuH viridlpes subsp. n. p. 88, Moser T.c— L. heUeri ]>. 252, mutahili» p. 253, spp. n., New I'munieni, Moser T.c. PaeJinoda Havomarglnala sp. n. Congo, Moser p. 91 T.c. — P. praecdleiiK sp. n. Cainei-oons, Moser p. 254 T.c. Poecilnpharit riinana sp. n. Moa iskl., 'Moheu p. 360 T.(;. Porpliyronota sei'erhv p. 254, nynas'iea p. 255, spp. n., Tru]). .\frica, Moser T.c. Potoifia acriignw>^a. var., Lamy Ent. Bl. 4 p. 53. Spilovalgui< pod'icari'< Bl. = (propygi- diuJi'^ Mos.), Moser p. 259 Ann. Soe.ent. Belgique 52. Sternoplidhi.^ gen. n. near Glyryplimui, nlhogiittdtn.'i sp. n. Borneo, Moser p. 89 T.c.' Stripaiplier jansoiii sp. n. S. Africa, Peringl'Ey Ti-ans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 13 p. 682. 'I'cplinu'd nctifcra p. 302, sterualis p. .')53, spp. n., Trop. Africa, Moser .\nn. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Tmesorrh'nia mcaosterntd'is ~~- (/r/r/oj.s Duv.), Moser p. 252 T.c. Trichocelis nom. n. for I'ricliotJiyrca Sclioch, Moser p. 93 T.c. T )•!(■] 10 plus aegyptuii p. 123, (tg'is j). 124, S. -Africa, spp. n., Ivoi.be Jena Denksclir. nied. Cies. 13. Trichostctha tibialis & signata dis- tiugiuslied, Moser p. 3(")7 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Vidyns jiivanicu-^ Burni. to Aai)ilho- vcdguK, MdsEi! p. 259 T.c. Bl rRESTU).\E. iicbensgewoluiheilen, Nahrpflanze, Elugzeit, Ort. Trappen Ent. Bl. 4 ))p. 162-100. Acmaeodcra .^ubditit.'i sp. n., Adeilee PE Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. 1. — -4. octodecini- gidtata var. n. insoUfn, Tiiery p. 68 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — A . glazunovl Sein. fransverfiofa.'^eiata Rttr. in litt. Verbreitung, Se.menov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 259. AgeJia hcniiigseni p. 221, iciecJicUl p. 284 pi. xviii f. 0, spp. n., E. Africa, Kerremans ilon. Bui)r. 3. Agrilus coruchiformia Kilimandjaro sp. n. Kerremans Kilimandjaro-Meru l''..\p. 7 3 p. 27. — .1. dccnnilun p. 312, Jraudulc.nliix p. 313, glorioaidux, niashnniLH, ji. ."'> I I , spp. n., S. Africa, i'EKiNiiUEV Ann. S. .A Trie. Mus. 5. — A. Iicrmincjin, ozygoiiiis, spp. n., Abeii-EE DE Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. I'rovence 1 1907 p. li. — .1. ferrini sp. n. l^in hl^rcfa f^YSTKM.vtTr". — t?nrRKsfTnAft. Ohio, DiURY Ent. News 19 jk 308. — .1. faJUix food-habits, HoioiiTOS p. 160 CanaJ. Ento. 40. Amorpliosoina ori(jiiiariu)n, sonotum, p. ."503, tenebricosum p. 302, spp. n., S. Africji, Perisgley Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. AitaJora natallca sp. n. S. Africa, Pekixgiey T.c. p. 308 pi. vi lig. 5. AiUliax'ui margin} f era, encaustlvenlris, viagnifroiia, spp. n., p. xlix, ig7upenni» var. n. jhimrncohi p. 1, Abejlle dk Peurin Marseille Ann. see. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907. — .4. iJiillefolii var. n. hudu'i Korsika, Bigkhardt Ent. Bl. 4 p. 20. — .1. mo)itaiia p. 21, sjostedti p. 22, Kilimandjaro, spp. n., Kerremaxs Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 3. Aplianisticus hv'icolUs sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 314. Callopistiis carteri sp. n. Celebes pi. xviii f. 5, Keruemans p. 189 Men. Biipr. 3. dtalcogenia mart'nii sp. n. Abeille DE Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. xlviii. — C. femorata Usanibara sp. n., Kerreman.s Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 3 p. 21. Chalcophora insularis sp. n. Liou- Kiou islds., TuERY p. 78 Ann. ent. Belgique 52. Chryaesthes tr'ipiinctata var. n. Im- punctata, Thery p. 70 T.c. Chysohothris marhia sp. n., Abeille DE Perris Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. xlviii. Chryaochroa brevicoUis sp. n. Ceylon, Kerremaxs Mon. Bupr. 3 p. 88. — C. edwardai var. = (saundersi), Thery p. (i9 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Coraebus acintillana sp. n. S. Africa, Perisgcey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. .301. Cryptodactylua africanua Kilimand- jaro sp. n., Kerremaxs Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 3 p. 26. Cyphogaatra canaliculata, nigro- lineata. New Guinea, p. 79, vulnerata Australia, rollei Isld. Roma p. 80, carbonaria Halmaheira p. 81, spp. n., Thery Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — C. bruyni var. nigra var. n., Kerrem.\.x.s p. 303 Nova Guinea 5. (x-10332 J) \( 'ypliosoma uiihciuiayi [Tevd. sp. n. ObiM-ptiociin, Deiitscliland, ENGEi-iiAiiUT uud KiNKEi.iN Al)li. Seuckenb. Ges. 29 ]). 275. Cyria c'lnda sp. n. Kuranda, Carter Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 41(5. Deniochroa gratioaa variation, TllERY p. ()8 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Demostis jactuOKula p. 305 pi. vi fig. 10, plicipenniii p. 305 pi. vi fig. 9, spp. n., S. Africa, I'ERrxGDEY Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. Eride,^ falrmalrei sp. n., Cochin China, Kerheaiaxs p. 294 Mon. Bupr. 3, GalbcUa atr'icohr sp. n., Abeille de Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. 1. llalecia texatia Texas p. 348, pictl- froiifi Brazil p. 307, moneta Colombia p. 375, cieafc/rosa Brazil p. 378, spp. n., Kerremaxs Mon. Bupr. 3. — li. mayeti Peru p. 71, piirpuriventria Rio de -Janeiro p. 72, cyanea Bolivia, oUvacea Ecuador, p. 73, granulosa Guiana p. 74, spp. n., Thery Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Ir'idotoenia vic'ina Amboina p. 75, snperba New Guinea p. 76, auromaaidata Celebes p. 77, spp. n., Thery T.c. Kamosla tubercidlfrona sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 313. Kcrronaiisla gen. n. ]>. 309 for arcnatd, sp. n., paradoxa ]). 310 pi. vi fig. 3, S. Africa, Peringuey T.c. Megaloxnntlia subg. n. ? of Chryso- chroa for C. bicolor etc., Kerremaxs p. 21 Mon. Bupr. 3. — M. bicolor var. n. nigra, daleni var. n. iminacidata, TiiERY J). 69 Ann. iSoc. ent. Belgicjue 52. Mrhmnphila pini-cdnlin sp. n. western United States, Burke Washington Proc. p]nt. Soc. 9 p. 117. Melibaeua costatxia p. 23, montanua p. 24, Kilimandjaro, spp. n., Keretemans Kilimandjaro-Mpru Exp. 7 3. — M. punctatuH sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 302 pi. vi fig. 7. Paehyachelus spec, eine Schaum bildende Larve, Fiebrig Zs. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 4 pp. 333-339 & .35.3-363. Paradora umtalina sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 304 pi. vi fig. 4. c26— 2 244 Inspcfn. XTT. insecta. [lOOS] Philoctennus liavmanJi sp. n. Bangkok, Kebremans 13. 195 Mon. Bupr. 3. Phlocte'is ditissima p. 306 pi. vi fig. G, dives p. 308 pi. \i fig. 2, clegans p. 307 pi. vi fig. 8, spp. n., S. Africa, Perixguey Ann. S. Afrie. Ihis. 5. Poee'donota solieri metamorphosis, EscALERA p. 269 Bol. Soc. Espan. 8. Pseudacir'dus sjosfedti Kilimandjaro sp. n., Kerremans Kilimanjaro-J\Ieru Exp. 7 3 p. 25. Psdoptera monstruosa p. til, "chrnk- I'nigl p. 62, weUmayii p. 63. spp. n., Beii- guella, Kerremaxs D. ent. Zs. 1908. Sambus ;«o»ta?i»s Kilimandjaro sp. n., Kerremaxs Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 3 p. 26. Splienopfcra monstrotia sp. n., Abeille DE Perkin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. xlix. — -S. arcaiia Nord-Persien p. 211, nacicida Trans- kaspien p. 212, siivoi-ori Turkestan p. 213, porrecta p. 214, furra p. 215, toie- hricosa p. 215, morosa p. 216, Kaukasus, exoleta p. 217 Nord-Persien, intam'nmta p. 218 Kaukasus, halcanica p. 219 Bal- kan, herr't p. 220 Turkestan, Dbiinhda p. 221 Kleinasien, ex'igua p. 2'22 lss}kki.i, idonen p. 22.3 Kleinasien, amit'nia p. 224 Kaukasus, fit}itima p. 225 Persien, spp. n., Jakovi.ev Rev. russ. ent. 7. — S. som- chetlca Kol. = Farbenvarietat von . 153 pi. xviii f. 3, echuUzel p. 164, spp. n., W. Africa, Kerreuans Mon. Bupr. 3. — S. hang-haasi E. Africa p. ()9, infii)<- catus Dahomey p. 70, spp. n., Tiiery Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiqtie 52. Stigmodera caudata, tniimacidata, Cairns, flavopurpurea, dhii'tdiata, Blue Mountains, spp. n., Carter Sydnev Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 pp. 418-422.— S. roUel p. 63, honi't p. 64, spp. n., Queensland, Kerremaxs D. eut. Zs. 1908. Tracltijs sjostedti p. 28, iim>ifCHVVARZ p. 101 Soc. entomol. 23. fCoryinbltes grauidleoUis p. 76, pri- mitivus p. 77, spp. n., Florissaut, WicKHAM Amer. J. Sci. 26. Dacnkits gen. n. near Itodaenus p. 384, currax sp. n. Kauai p. 385 pi. xiii f. 8, Sharp Fauna Hawaii. 3. Eopcnthes caeruleus p. 370, auvatua, longicoUis, p. 371, kauaieiutis, geii?ianus, palUpes. polltus, p. 373, deceptor, per- khisi, divisua, p. 374, eogiiatus p. 375, celatus, gracdia, mauienais, p. .376, un'icolor, fwiebris, plebeius, p. 377, arduus, antennatua, oahuen-His, p. 378, variana, tinctus, p. 379, miit'icua pi. xiii f. (■) p. 380, parvidu.s, marginatum, tar- aalix, p. 381, spp. n., Hawaiian islands, Sharp T.c. Itodacnua viajor p. 382, haua'tenais, hlackburniauua, sordidu-f, p. 383, cJdoro- ticua, eollaria, p. 384, spp. n., Hawaiian islands, Sharp T.c. Hypnoidus bicar'uiatua sp. n. Tonkin, Fleutiacx Paris Bui. soc. eat. 1908 p. 164. Lacon sjoatedti sp. n. Usambara, SCHWARZ Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 6, p. 57. — L. quadrinotatus, aulcieollia, p. 73, aubcarinulatua, b'tpunctatus, p. 82, carinieollia p. 83, aubcylindricus, b'lmar- ginatus, p. 93, spp. n., .Madagascar, ScHWARz Soc. emtomol. 23. iMelanactea cockereUi sp. n. Florissant, WicKHAM Amer. J. Sci 26 p. 77. MeUinotua caatanipe^f larval habits, PcTZEYs pp. 294-296 Aun. Soc. ent. Belgique 52, Oloplioeutt minutus j). 1 10, bruuiiipeini'is p. 113, spp. n., Cameroons, Schwarz Soc. entomol. 23. Psephua prosternalia, adcloceroidca, p. 114, deiiticulalus p. 121, jimbr^latus, vribratus, p. 122, cribricoUia, elonga- tulua, p. 123, spp. n., Africa trop., ScnwARZ T.c. — P. insignitus, rubri- penn'ia, brunneiveiitrls, latiuaculua, minuacidns, maaulatus, spp. n., Kili- mandjaro-ileru, Sciiwarz Kiliuuindjaro- Meru Exp. 7 6 pp. 58-62. Steatoderus ferrugineus Larve, Dokn Ent. Jahrb. 17 p. 161. Cebkionidae. ('ebrlo gigas, Noi-x Xatiiralistc 30 pp. 36-37. RmPICEUIOAE. Sandalu.f n'lger sexes & var., Manee p. 288 Ent. News 19. Dascillidae, Cyphonidae. Daseillua cervinus aemiobsaura nov. var., elongatns, obscuriroUls & rujicollia varr. n., Pic Echange 24 p. 41. — D. cer- vinus larva pi. vi f. 3 p. 280, Gaiian" London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Eueinetu.t rufus, vngosus, Japan, ater New Zealand, spp. n., reitteri nom. n. for Htrigo>tus Reitt., Portevis Bui. soc. ent. France 1908 p. 264. GeiieceruH bozasi p. 352, marmoratua p. 353, lineellus p. 354, uniformis p. 356, fidvulun p. 357, spp. n., Bourgeois Ann. sci. nat. Zool. 6. Prionocyplion aerncornla natural histor}', DosisTHORPE p. 109 pi. ix Ent. Rec. 20. Faeudolicluis uniformi.'i sp. n. Yiuiiian, HiUurellua obliterata var. n., Pic Echange 24 p. 54. MaLACODER-MIDAE. Notes entomologiques Lampyridse, Olivier Rev. sci. Bourbon 20 1907 pp. 33-34. Leuchten tropischer Lampyriden, Steche Zool. Anz. 32 pp. 710-712. Mceurs et metamorphoses des Mala- cbides, Xambec Naturaliste 30 pp. 189- 192 & 199-202. 246 Innecta. XII. Insecta. [1908J Aheillea gen. n. iuter B upehaeum et Pelochi'oum, I'lihrifroua n. sp. Hiericho, Sahlbeeg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 73. Adoeeta hirsutula, mitis, spp. n., Mern, BouRfiEOis Kiliniandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 10 p. 119. Aethra mculta sp. n. Brasilia, Olivier D. ent. Zs. J908 p. 49 J. Amanicollop.'^ gen. n. voisin de Collops, ohscurus sp. n. East Africa, Pic Echange 24 p. 25. Amydete^ dlseissus sp. n. Paraguay, Olivier D. eut. Zs. 1908 p. 493. Aapiaoma yucatanum sp. n. Yucatan, Olivier p. 262 Ami. Soc. ent. Belgicpie 52. Astraptor (Phengodini) near Mastino- ceruH, illuminator Murray Guatemala, Barber Wasliington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 pp. 41-43 pi. i. Antylns (udic.u» (l^ej.), viicliuelWi, spp. n., Brazil, tuamnanenais var. n. Huhdhjuncta, ]i. 329, Pic Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Attains gcnlilia, sp. n. Meru, Bour- geois Kilim.-Meru Exp. 7 10 p. ]29. — A. eiehelhaumi, amanius, spp. n., East Africa, Pic Echange 24 ]). 20. — A. donceel) sp. n. India, Pir p. 22S Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Boin-geoiaki gen. n. ty])e I aic'ioI(( aiiti- podum Bourgeois 1884, Olivier Paris Bui. soc. eut. 1908 p. 17. CaiithariH nevadeim'iti sp. n. Sjxiin, Pk; Echange 24 p. 89. — ('. hipet;tnruli»«p.u. Taurus, Pic T.c. p. 73. — C. piihernld sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Bourceois Kiliui- andjaro-Meru Exp. 7 10 p. 124.— r'. niqi'icanH var. n. p'ic'tpps Luckenwalde, SciiiLSKY D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. (iOO.— f. {Teleplioriiii) nigricans marl'ial'iH var. n., versicolor hnmmeler'i var. n.. Pic Echange 24 p. 49. Carphurus ? opacns sp. n. lUienos Aires, Pic Revist. Mus. La. Plata 12 )>. 234. CaidireHliilimanuavur.coUaluH var. n. East Africa, Bourgeois Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 274. — '''. iisamharn'. p. 114 Usainiiara. /.v////u///«H p. 1 l.l Kilimand- jaro, spp. n., I'ncRcEois Kiliniaiidjaro- iloru i;.\-|). 7 10. Cendl'iscuH rnhr'icoUis sp. n., Aiu;ii.i,i: 1>E Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. uat. Provence 1 1907 p. xxii. (JeruJhis. np'icai'is hiisdVia var. u., Viv, Echange 24 p. 42. Cladophonis coarcticoU'ts j). Ill, dalmani p. 112, spp. n., Kilimandjaro, Bourgeois Kilimandjaro-Mera Exp. 7 10. — C. notahdis var. nairohiauus var. n. East Africa, Bourgeois BuI. Museum Paris 1908 p. 274. Colotcs c'hac'ij'oriuls obscur'iccpsvdv. n., Pic Echange 24 p. 41. Cydistiis rc'iiter'i , Beschreibung, Reitter Eutomol. Ztg 27 p. 133. — C. zurcherl sp. n. Adana, Bourgeois p. 211 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908 ; C zurcheri, Pio Echange 24 p. 88. Dasytes rohert'i sp. n., suhaeneus var. n. ■provincialis p. xx, Jlavipes var. n. pidlns p. xxi, Abeille de Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. Provence 1. — D. plnmheus & flavi- pes, synonymy, Newbery p. 156 Ent. Mag. 44. — D. n'lger = (paluatris Fi.), FioRi Riv. Col. ital. p. 37-41.— D. montanus opacilhorax var. n., pilieornis var. n., France, Pic Echange 24 p. 46. Dcmosis compactus sp, n. East Africa, Bourgeois Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 276. D'uiphanes inernaitus, sjostcdt'i, spp. n., Meru, Kilimandjaro, Bourgeois Kili- mandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 10 ]). 121- 122. — ]). fossicolUs sp. n. Congo, Olivier p. 324 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — 7). simiatus India and Tibet, laprohanus Ceylon, spp. n., Olivier p. 263 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Dioptoma ; 9 ,(iAiian p. xlviii Lomlou I'roc. ent. Soc. 1908. llaplocnemus (Diplamhc) thessalicus (Ireece, imperfornlus,]:). 49,//. tun'iscua, N. Africa, adanens'is Asia Minor, hrevis- simiis, lal'ior, Greece, j). 50, rnjjniy't Italy J). 51, spp. n., Pic Echange 24. Discodoii h'ipiiticldlniii ]). (it, ilavo- iiiargiiKifniii \). 65, spp. n., Arizona, SciiAEKKER New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Drllus rcUterl sp. n. Syria, Bourgeois |i. 211 Bull. soc. ent. France 1908. libaeus ruhetorum Peyr. nov. var. riridiperinis, Pio Echange 24 |). 9. — E. snttelhir'is sp. n. Turcmonia, Pic T.c. p. 41. — I'J. iiankinrusis sp. n. ('liin;i, Pic T.c. p. 96. JIapalocltrous goossenai sp. n. C'ougo, Pic ]). 311 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — //. roguiUnH viaryhuvenlris var. n. :?17 Ins-:cta. Sl'STEMATIC. — COLEOPTERA — JIaI.ACODERMIDAE. l>ast Africa, Pic Echange 24 p. 27. — //. liefonnipes, p. 131, sjostedti, p. 133, nit»rft\s/((,s, kolbei, p. 134. rugat'irepii p. 13"), deiisatus p. ISO, spp. n., Kili- maiuljaroMeru, Bui'RiiEois Kilimand- jaro-Exp. 7 10. Iliiplocnemiis ctiinlUcontiti p. xxi, laftipes p. xxii, spp. n,, Abeille de Pehris Mai-seille Ann. soc. scl. nat. Provence 1 1907. — //. riigulosiis suh- caeif^ileus var. n., ncvadcnsis, e^'alerdi, spp. n., Spain, Pic Echange 24 p. 90. — //. {Diplambe) curtipeuyils, H. haborensis spp. n., Algerie, Pic Paris Bui. soc. eiit. 1908 p. i^OO. — //. flavicornls areachana var. n.. Pic Echange, 24 p. 81. lleterophothnis po7Tectu.-i sp. n. Argen- tina, Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1908. llypebaeus subfractus, albo-faclaUs, Hiericho, p. 71, umbiUcatus Jndea p. 72, spp. n., Sahlberc; Helsingfors Of vers. F. Yet. Soc. 50. Ichthyunis mai<]iu)ius sp. n. S. Africa, Perixgcey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 314. Idgia testaeeipea sp. n. Yunnan, PiC Echange 24 p. 96. — I. major sp. n. Yunnan, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 128. — I.toiikinea sp. n.,PicNaturaliste Paris 30 p. 150. Incisosilis gen. n. voisin de I'acluj- viesla p. 94, lat'ipenn'ia sp. n. Brazil p. 95, Pic Echange 24, Laiiis annainku8, luteo fascial us, rohustior, spp. n., Asia trop., Pic Echange 24 p. 96. Lamprigera ; sexes, Gaiian j). xlviii London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908. Lampyris noctiluea, larve et nymphe. Planet Xaturaliste 30 pp. 211-213. Ledocas dctectns sp. n. Brazil, Olivier p. 262 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Lucidola fraudata Brasilia, aavpta Peru, spp. n., Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 491. Luclola leiicuva sp. n., Olivier Rev. sci. Bourbon 19 1900. — L. oliileri sp. n. Usambara, Bourgeois Kilimand- jaro-Mem exp. 7 10 p. 122. — L. imbelUs Kamerun p. 493, var'ia Sunnatra p. 494, spp. n., Olivier D. ent. Zs. 1908.— L. dilecta sp. n. Africa, Olivier p. 323 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Lycostomus ndjescens sp. n. Arizona, ScHAEFFf e Xew Y'ork J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 63. hycu» (Merolycus) rostral ell ids sp. n. Africa, Bourgeois p. 501 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — L. {Aeantholyeus) con- str'iclits var. nyanzae var. n. p. 271, L. (Lopholycus) pracstab'di^ p. 271, mffrayi var. n. interpoifttus p. 272, {llaploiycus) imbeUis p. 573, spp. n., East Africa, Bourgeois Bui. Museum Paris 1908. — L. rajl'rayi subsp. n. melanogafiter p. 107, tlammalus p. 108, hamidifcr, gibbidifer. p. 110, spp. n., Kilimandjaro-Mern, Bourgeois ivilini- andjaro-Meru Exp. 7 10. Lyropac'us (lurantiacuti sp. n. India, BouitGEOis p. 503 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Malnchinus persiiiiplc.v sp. n. Maiit- schuria, Reitter Ent. B1.4p. 129. Malacliiolemplius gen. n. voisin de Lemplius, rufipes sp. n. ]']ast Africa, Pic Echange 24 p. 20. MalachluH procerus, ]). 67, stylifer j). 68, Anatolia, triangular is Tarsus jd. 69, spp. n., Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50. — .1/. riridanus Muls. var. n. disrnictijie.'i, Vic Echange 2ip. 9. Maltliinns lugronotatus sp. n. Taurus, glabeUus angustipcnnis var. n., Pic T.c. ]). 65. ^il/. balteatus sinuatipes var. u. France, Pic T.c. p. 46. — M. subcostntus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 67. Maltliodes {Fromaltliodes) sammticus sp. n. Italia, FioRi Riv. coleotter. ital. 6 pp. 1-12. — M. algirica var. u. diversi- stylits. Pic Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1908 p. 328. — M. ruralis = (baud'ii Fi.), Fiori Riv. Col. ital. 6 pp. 37-41.— i¥. angorensis sp. n. Anatolia, Pic Echange 24 p. 42. — M. amnuius sp. n. East Africa, Pic T.c. p. 25. Mastilius immaeulalus sp. n., Pic Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 364. Keatelestus hrevipennis dalmatinus subsp. n., Ml'LLER p. 315 Miinchener Kol. Zs. 3. Olutrela hipusLulata Japan, fastosa Tonkin j). 114, debilis, subt'dis, occulta, }). 115, Sumatra, spp. n., suhtilis var. n. TtUlger p. 115, spectahilis p. 110 sp. n. Sumatra, Olivier Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908. Pacliymesia testaeeicorn'ts sp. n. Brazil, Pic Echange 24 p. 94. 248 Insccta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Peloclirous rubvifrous sp. n. Hiericlio, Sahlberc, Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 73. Petalacmis gen. n. p. 186, voisiu de Photwus, praeclarus sp. n. p. 187 Bolivia, Olivier Paris Bui. soc. eiit. 1908. Photinus taeniatus sp. n. Brasilia, Olivier D. cut. Zs. 1908 p. 492. Photuris suhelegans sp. n. Brasilia, Olivier T.c. p. 494. Planeteros nigr'icauda var. ablutuf^ var. n., alluaudl sp. n. East Africa, Bourgeois Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 275. — P. nigricaiida sp. n. Meru, Bourgeois Kiliiuandjo-Meru Exp. 7 10 p. 118. Plateros n'igcrr'imus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 63. Pleetonotum excisiiin sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer p. 67 T.c. Podahrus alpinus, synopt. Tabelle und Synonymie der Abb., iljlni ab. uov. Gouv. St. Petersburg, Barovsky Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 174-176. Polcmius niger, arizonens'iH, Arizona, spp. n., Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. Go. Pseudocolotes apicalia sp. n. East Africa, Pic Echange 24 p. 25. Ps'ilothrix {Dolidiophroii) semisericeus sp. n., Aheili.e de Perrin Marseille Aun. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. xxi. — I', jemoralia = {rufimanus Fi.), FiORI Riv. Col. ital. 6 p. 37-41. — P. cyanus violaceipennia var. n. France, Pic Echango 24 j). 47. Ehagonijclia llaJica sp. n. Italy, Pic T.c. p. 2. — R. grcmatenHis, viartini, spp. n,, Spain, hcHperica, Utieatipennis n. var., variana diversipea n. var., guerceti pardalens'ia n. var.. Pic T.c. p. 89. — Ji. long'tcepx, sutural'm, spp. n., Yunnan, PiC T.c. j). 95. — //. fnlra var. n. delalioni Luckenwalde, Scuilsky D. cut. Zs. 1908 p. 602. Silidiua njo»Ledti, denticidatus, p. 125, meruanus, govhami, p. 126, ocularia, pygidialia, p. 127, porreclus p. 128, Kilimandjaro-Meru, spp. n., Bourgeois Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 10. Sil'ia atricornis, goyaaenaia, pallid'ipes, harticana, spp. n., S. America, Pic Echange 24 p. 95. — .S. lugerrima, uhdoinin(d'm, Arizona, app. n., Sciiakkfeh New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. (iO, Stadenua ruficeps, sjostcdti, spp. n., Usambara, Bourgeois Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 10 pp. 117-118.— S. xan- thopterus sp. n. East Africa, Bourgeois Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 274. Stenothemus n'lgyospavftu)^ sp. n. India, Pic p. 22S Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Telepliorus destroying Aphids, Monti- ZAMBERT p. 36 Canad. Ento. 40. Xylobanus nigricollis var. inapiealia var. n. East Africa, Bourgeois Bui. lilu- seum Paris 1908 p. 274. — X. semifla- bellatus subsp. n. n'ignpes, nigricoU'is sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Bourgeois Kili- mandjaro-Meru Esp. 7 10 pp. 105-108. — A. roeltzkouu Comores, goudoti, p. 502, pluto p. 503, Madagascar, spp. n., Bourgeois Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Zyg'ia lema'irei sp. n. Tanganyika, Pic p. 311 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Cleridae. Moeurs et metamorphosesdes Clerides. Xambeu. Naturaliste 30 pp. 130-132, 140-142, 151-153, 165-166. Alloehotes yunnensis sp. n. Yunnan, Schenkling D. ent. Zs. 1908 }>. 702. Apterocleriis (?) hmvis sp. n. Kili- mandjaro, Schenkling Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 7 p. 71. Blaes'wphtJialmua acuiiictiis var. n. -french'i, Schenkling D. ent. Zs. 1908 ■p. 479. CaUimerua erlbratns, pidclicr, spp. n., India, Schenkling Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 387. Caridopna gen. n. nalic Apteruclerus, nionat.ruoaua, afjinla, spp. n., Kilimand- jaro, Schenkling Kilimandjaro- I\Ieru Exp. 7 7 pp. 71-73. Charieaaa spp. North America, Lcxanu sp. n. Texas p. 72, Wolcott Ent. News 19. Cladiacua roati, fdac'iatna, Himalaya, p. 362, magnificua Borneo p. 363, spp. n., Schenkling D. ent. Zs. 1908. ('ory)ictca analia var. n. inanlaris Cape Verde ins., Sciienklin(; D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 701-707. Cymatodera mitennata, pallida, p. 128, flavoa'ignata p. 129, laevicoUia, undulata var. n. arizonlca, Arizona, cepltalica Mexico, ]). 130, spp. n., SciL\EFFi;i{ Now York J. Ent. Soc. 16, — '2 id Insccta. SySTEMATlC. — I'LERIUAE PtIMDAE. C. kolbel Mexico p. 365, aiuln'tccxi, in'nuttus, Xilgiri Hills, ]\ 36t'i, spp. n., ScHEKKLiso D. eut. Zs. 1908. Da8yceroclei'U!iqiiai)ndo8us sp. n. S.-W.-Afrika Pic Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 ]). 139. — P. uitti sp. n. Ecuador. Pic Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 25 Beih. 2 p. 177. Xyletimis bragiHe7i>. 124, spp. n., Deutscli-Gslafrika, liKiTTEii Ento- mol. Ztg 27. — C. HitprrhiiK p. 75 Cuha, bimacidahiH p. 76 southern United States, spp. n.,KRAUs Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Eimeartliron I rdiim-rrsiituiii sdutlicrn United States, palUdum p. 79 Florida, anmdatum p. 80 Cuba, spp. n., Khaus T.c. Ortliocls huesanunYi. 77, pulclier p. 78, spp. n., Florida, Kraus T.c. Xijlographus c'ichelbaiimi sp. n. Deutsch-Ostafrika, Reitteu Wien En- tomol. Ztg 27 p. 119. Tenebrionidae. Additions to and corrections in the Catalogue of Tenebrionidae ; Gebien pp. 155-161 Wien ent. Ztg. 27. Adelium barhntum, hacher'i, eana- I'leidatum, jxstifei'uni, bicolor, subde- pressum, rotundum, spp. n., Australia, Carter Sydnej' Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 pp. 276-284. — A. tralaticium p. 341, forticorne p. 343, spp. n., iirgJigens nom. n. fur simplex Blackb. ]). 343, brev'i usculum sp. n. p. 344 Australia, Gebiex Fauna Siidwest Australiens 1 Lfg. 10. Adelodemiiii excisicoUis sp. n. Gipps- land. Carter Sydnev Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 403. Adesmiit ludentzi sp. n, S.-Afrika, Peringuey Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 401. Afrinus minor sp. n. S.-Afrika, Peringuey T.c. ]). 415. Aglypta gen. n. near Nyctozoilus }). 329, oetoeoslatn sp, n. Australia p. 331, Gebien Fauna Siidwest Austra- liens 1 Lfg. 10. AncdoUen muKlacea sp. n. China, KoLiiE Exped. Filchner 10 Tl i p. 88. Atiemla submetallica sp. n. S.-Afrika, Pkiuxoi'ey Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 J). 115. I'ddpti injldiipciniis sp. n. Libauus, Saiii.ijerg lielsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 75. lUenosia calaharitut sp. n. S.-Afrika, PlCRiNGUEY Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 414. Boro))iovjiliuxucgypt'if sp. n. Kos- ciusko, Carter T.c. p. 412. Cabinis elougatus Saiianiein p. 79, carimaniis Libaims p. SI, cilic'icitK Tarsus ]). S2, thoraciciis Antilibanus p. S3, spp. n., Sahluekg Helsingfors Ofvers F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7. Card'iothorax rotundicolUs sp. n. Atherton, Carter Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 413.— (C' hatesi. Carter) = acricollis Pasc, Carter p. 285 T.c. Ceropr'ia h'lfasc'iata sp. n. Cairns, Carter p. 404 T.c. L'e»tnniis piiellus p. 325. costatus p. 326. spp. n., Australia, Gebien Fauna Siidwest Australians 1 Lfg. 10. Clinlcopteriis vtieJiaelseni p. 334, pai'aUelocollis p. 335, hartmeyeri p. 336, i)iierro(jafion'is p. 337, blcolor p. 338, hlackbunii p. 339, tenuicornis p. 340, spp. n., Australia, (iEBiEX T.c. ChaHopteryx, impenaJis sp. n. Queens- land, Carter Svdnev. Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 407. Coeloinorpha pallotfi sp. n. Mexico, Casey Washington Proc. Acad. 10 p. 160. Coelolaxis densa, frontalis, spp. n., Guadalupe Is., Casey p. 149 T.c. Coelus solidus p. 153, saginahis, ?o«- fjulua, p. 154, dehil'is p. 155, steriialis, obacitruH p. 150, scolopax, ampUcoUis, p. 157, spp. n., California, Casey T.c. ConiontelluH hystr'ix ]). 142, lorigl- pennis p. 143, ampUatns p. 144, Nevada, argutus California, viicanH Colorado, p. 145, spp. n., Casey 10 T.c. Coniont'ides gen. n. p. 78 type Coniontis lotus, finit'imus p. 79, cleinentinns p. 80, San Clemente Is. Cal., spp. n., Casey T.c. Coniontis triatin, stremia p. 84, gravi-'i, rugoaa, p. 85, tenebrosa, pectoralis, p. 86, uiteger, levettei, p. 87, degener p. 93, rerna p. 94, laaaenica, nevadenais, earaonica, p. 95, rotundicoWm p. 97, blaiadelli p. 98, innocAia ]). 90, spp. n., elongata subsjt. n. limalida p. 99, obsi- diana cyVindrica p. 100, opaeieolVm, longicollis, p. 101, t'lmida, conicieoUis, p. 102, Iticidula p. 103, protenaa, thoraclca, p. 101, California, proba p. 105 Oregon, ezigua, paupercula, p. 106, microaticta, plcipea, inflexula, p. 107, '(uconapicua 'p. 108, atronitena, aparaa, p. 1 10, cuneata p. Ill, c. 71, Kansas, spp. n., Casey T.c. Eutyalms foveatipomix ]). 105, par- vuiua p. 406, S.-Afrika, spp. n., Perin- uuEY Jena Deukschr. Med. Ges. 13. 252 Inseda. ^11. Insecta. [1908] Helops vwahiticus sp. n. Hiericlio, Sahlberg Helsiugfors Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 88. Ileterocheira nitlda sp. n. Cairns, Carter Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 33 p. 405. Hymaea laticoUis sp. n. Sea Lake Vict., Carter p. 410 T.c. Hyoris hicolor sp. n. Botany Bay. Carter p. 402 T.c. Laena jalaorana, luilnana, p. 278, (/c?i/ipe>!)ii.s, Himalaya, cH6reiZr(,?-u6?-ipe8, \). 279, coralUpes p. 280, Kaschmir, spp. n. Reitter D. ent. Zs. 1908. — L. glabrhiaeula sp. n. Libanus, Sahlberg Helsinofors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 No. 7 p. 84. Megasattus gen. n. type Eusattus erosus, Casey Washington Proc. Acad. 10 p. 62. Melapa gen. n. Apocryphiuae, ciste- loides sp. n. Kosciusko, Carter Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 409. Mesosfenopa aveniae sp. n. Damascus, Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 76. Moliir'is paeudonitida sp. n. S.-Afrika, PERiN'orEY Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 406. Xeoaddium gen. n. for Adelium n'lgro- aeneum etc.. Carter Sydney Proc. Liuii. Soc. 33 p. 259. Nesostes gen. n. p. 58 type Eusattm^ robustus, with subsp. n. postremus p. 59 San Cleinente Is., Casey Washington Proc. Acad. 10. Nyctelioma gen. n. type explanata sp. n. Argentina, Casey T.c. p. 163. Ogrnhies longip'd'is sp. n. S.-Afrika, Peringuey Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 412. Omolipiia clialnbeus p. 332, itJKnin, submetallicus, p. 333, spp. n., Australia, Gebien Fauna Siidwest Australiens 1 Lfg. 10. Opatruin wriUensc var. n. subdilatum Italien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 23. Pachychila aubliniata var. n. upaea Mallorka, Breit Wien Verb. Zool-Bot. Ges. 58 p. 63. Fed'inuH dllaticollia sp. n. Saiianiein, Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. V. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 78. Phaeohihon australls sp. n. S.-Afrika, Pf:RiXGUEY Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 404. Pliylan semleostatiis var. n. eurtulus, Breit Wien Verb. Zool-Bot. Ges. 58 p. 63. Planostlbes naviaqua sp. n. S.-Afrika, Peringuey Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 414. Ptatydema moerens, biology of larvai Weele 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Eut. 51 p. Ixxiii. — /'. abJominale sp. n. Aus- tralia, Gebien Fauna Siidwest Austra- liens 1 ]Jg. 10 p. 327. — P. metalUeum sp. n. Sydney, Carter Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 404. Platysum zacheus ap. n. Hiericho, Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 84. Praogena nobWitata n. sp. S.-Afrika p. 416, Rectification p. 504. Peringuey Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Psammodes gibberosulus p. 407, kubiih, miles, sclndtzei, j). 408, kamagasus, herero, p. 409, spp. n., S. Africa, Perin- guey T.c. Pseudoblaps Fairm. Ideutitiit mit GonocephaliDn, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 251. Pseudocoelus subgen. n. < 'oelus, Casey Washington Proc. At'iid. 10 p. 152. Pseudoparablops gen. n. fiir Parablops sardinieusin Allard, Heydex D. Ent. Zs. Zs. 1908 p. 132. Pterocoma {ilicnsia Sem.) — suvorovi Rttr., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 264. — P. lepechhii p. 121, grigorievi p. 122, atdumnalia p. 123, kaiitslie)ikoi, sub- metalliea, p. 124, spp. n., Dzbungaria cliiiieusis, Semknov-Ti.\n-Shansky op. eit. 8. PlerokeUu'uti 7iUlduloidesB'p. n. N.S.W., Carter Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 406. Sr'irotrana vertcbi-aUs, vici)ia, N.S.W., doificoUis VV'.A., u)iiforinix Zuirindi, spp. n., Carter pp. 398-401 T.c. Sphacrloiitis gen. n. p. 75 type Ensnttuif mur'icctta, aeomana sp. n. p. 76 New Mexico, Casey Washington Proc. Acad. 10. Stenocara nanuKjiui sp. n. S.-Afrika, Peringuey Jena Denkselir. med. (ies. 13 p. 402. i?;'.") In^eetn. SY<5tfiMATic. — TEN'EnrtioyinAK — AxTHKtnAE, V,rr. Slcnonuix fiDuhilor sp. n. KIiMiiasitMi, Reitter P^.utomol. Zt-^. 27 p. '.'1."). Stcni)^i.< (7t(j». 351, spp. n., Australia, Borchmann Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, 1, Lfg. 11. Mycetochara ilnripenvis sp. n. Italia, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 p. 129.— ■!/. hiHa sp. n. Bulghar Dagh, Saiilberg Helsing- fors Ofvei's. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7 p. 89. — -1/. zolotareffi. aus dem Kaukasus, uiclit aus Kleinasien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 296. Omopldiis siibcostutuH sp. n. Kleina- sien, Reitter p. 56 T.c. Oocigtela gen. n. j). 356, convexa p. 357 Australia sp. n., Borchmann Fauna Siidwest Aiistraliens Bd 1 Lfg. 11. Vriomjclms alemnA melanarius, DoRN Ent. Bl.'4 pp. 49-50. Mel.indryidae. Biophida minor sp. n. Natal, Pic Echange 24 p. 60. Osphia ; the palaearctic spp. and vai-r., varr. n.. Pic pp. 21 etc. T.c. Tetrato7na-Arlen ; Lebensgeschielite, DoRN Ent. Jahrb. 18 pp. 165-168. Lagriidae. Eutypodera praecox, Pic p. 28 Echange 24. Lagria eoriaeea p. 151, cyanicollia, rothschildi, p. 152, spp. n., Afrique orientale, Borchmann Bui. Museum Paris 1908. Anthicidae, Pedilidae, Xylophilipae. Anthicus uaavJ/arcnuin sp. n. East Africa, Pic Echange 24 ]). 2. — -1. latede- coratua ];ar!*ant iaiui var. n., Pic p. 43 T.c. — A. rohiixtior, tixieri, Turkestan, p. 57, spp. n., haaai infaaciata var. n. p. 58, Pic T.c. — A. tauricua inobaeura var. n. Pic p. 66 T.c. — A. bimacvlifer, immaculifer var. n. curtipennia, Bi-azil, p. 85, /?aTOnofaiM.s Tonkin p. 86, spp. n., Pio p. 85 T.c. — .4. gracilis rufescens f?n4 Inspcta. XTT. Insecta. [190S] subsp. n., MuLLER p. olG iriinclien Kol. Zs. 3. — .1. fainnairci var. n. deeolorn- tipes, Chobaut Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 162. — .1. floralis & quisqitilius dis- tiuguished, Gerhardt D. eut. Zs. 1908 p. 205, also Breslau Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk. 33 p. 1. — A. samoaimn sp, n. Samoa, Pic Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 25 Beih. 2 p. 178. — A. pallidicolor sp. n. Buenos Aires p. 2.34, pontt^ignatus var. n. 'nDtotatipenni.'^ p. 235, Pic Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. ^•^ Eurygeyiiu.'i ii'igrieolor sp. n. Afrique nrientale, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 188. Formicomus roxelrri sp. n. Luzon, Pic Hamburg Jahrli. wiss. Anst. 25 Beih. 2 p. 178. Ilylophilus te!. .305 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. MORDELLIDAK. Moeurs et metamorphoses des Mordel- lides, Xambeu Naturaliste 30 pp. 238- 240. Ananpis excellens sp. n. Hungaria, ScHiLSKV K lister u. Kraatz Kafer Euro- pas H. 45 Nr. 100. Moi'della madecasaa uoni. n. i)ro ornata Fairm praeocc, falrmairri pro telraspilota praeocc, Pic Echange 24 p. 59. MordeUistena (jracUi-i sp. n. S. Ai'rika, ScHiLSKY Jena Denkschr. nied. (ies. 13 pp. 137-138. RuiPlPHORlIiAi:. MacroHiwjon donceel'i sp. n. Yunnan, Pic Echange 24 p. 00. STREI'SIPTEWA. Vide. p. 278. Canthauidae, or Mei.oidae. Biocoenose der Angola-Meloiden ; Weu.man I), ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 047-648. Actciwdia luilmaculala sp. n. Afrique occ, Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 127. — A. lichultze't, sp. n. Kalahari, Pic Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13 p. 141. — A.'rufonu/ra aiiccyi var. n., sehnildti rcdncta var. no v., Pic Echange 24 p. 60. Coryna nalwashami rohusta spp. n., Afrique trop.,Pic Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 120. — C. ocellariftnndtijunctn var. nov. Pic Echange 24 p. 34. Iloria and Ci.s.s;ic.s ; application of the names, list of species, synonvmy ; CtAHAn pp. 199-204 Ann. Nat. Hist.' 2. Lytta Inteov'ittata var. atrococrulea Identitiit mit var. tri.^tls Escherich 1894, var. cinct'icoUis Identitiit mit var. gruml Semenow 1893, Heydex Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 296. — L. liUeorittata abb. n. afro- coerulea and clnct'tcolU^ Samarkand, Fleischer Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 212. — L. rcs'icatoria optische Griinde der griinen Fjirbung, BicLOUSov CharTkov Trav. Soc. nat. 41'pp. 181-187. Meloe ovaUcollis sp. n. Ostturkestan, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 24(). Pyrota obliqiiefascia sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Ent. News 19 p. 320. Sitarida = (Geotymes Pasc), list of species, Wei.lman pp. 422-424 Canad. En to. 40. Zonahr/tf zuufali sp. n. Herzegowina, Reitter Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 272.— Z. undulata Turkestania p. 90, p'llosella Lacus Issykkul p. 92, spp. n., Sahlberg Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 50 No. 7. — Z. mcdiofasccllnta varr. n. helu- aneusis & mas^nraiens'n^, Z. [Cercotis) lhcre»ac sp. n. Arabia, Pic Echange 24 ]). 33. — Z. caffrar'iuH nom. n. pro myops Fahr. praeocc, liypolachna cherenewfis nov. var., hijhrida cjliehchenti'is nov. var. diibrosa erythraea nov. var., dilloni ruheri'i nov. var., Pic p. 59 T.c. — Z. (jein'inala auhohl'Uerata var. nov., Pic p. 72 T.c. — Z. caeruleomaculata subhumer- (d'm var. n., jlexuosa pyrenaca var. n., Pic p. 74 T.c — Z. virideacenfi sp. n. Afrique orientale, Pic Paris Bui. soc. cut. 1908 p. 188.— 2. designala \iivr., Pic )). 8i) T.c. — Z. (Ceroctia) b'mbdunu- IntuH sp. n. Afrique occ, Pic j). 127 T.c. — Z. {l)c^(tl():n(i) bolhn'i, linnild spp. n., Pic Naturaliste Paris 30 ji. 150. Uedemerimae. Anancoma meaopotamiai sp. n., Reitter ICntomol. Ztg 27 p. 2 Hi. i?.".") Inxrcta. ."^YSTEMATir. — foLEOrtfiRA. Oedenwra pitlcJirijys sp. n. Lesbos, Saiiiukrc Helsingfors Ofvns. F. Vi i. Sk'. 50 No. 7 p. 'Jo. Oncomcra gcnictthild sp. n. India, Pu ji. 2l'0 Bnl. soc. cut. Fniiioe 1908. Pytiupak. Li.-*s<>dt'mn maxima sp. n. F.n^t Africa, Pie Echange24 p. 27. Psi'udorahoccrus subg. n. of Salpingu-^, Pic p. 140 Echange 19, J 903. •"^al pi itfjiis Irficvi vide Psnidorahoceriit< . Pyrochijoidak. Pyroehroa hrevlUiorax sp. n. India, Pic p. 229 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908.— Pyroehroa costatipeim'is, dnnckieri. spp. n., Chine, Pic p. 75 T.c. TrICTEN'OTOM I DAE. Tr'idcnotoma cliildren'i larva, p. 275 jil. vi f. 1, taxonomy of family p. 277, Uah.vn London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. CcncULIOXIDAE. The genera of Eidiminae, of Crypfo- derminne and of Alcidinne treated bv BoviE in Gen. Ins. fascc. 69, 70 & 71. Bemerkiingen zu Wytsman, Genera Insectoi-um Coleoptera, f'urculimiidae par Bovie, Hei.i.er D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 719-721. Minor corrections to tlie 190G Cat. Col. pal. ; Von Heydex pp. 43-48 Ento- niol. Ztg. Wien 27. List of parasites of American Kliyn- cJiophora, Pierce J. econ. Ent. 1 pp. 380- 390. Accdles ; Spekulationen iiber die Bil- dung der palaarktischen Art., Meyer Entomol. Ztg 27 pp. J 67-1 97.— A. (TracJtodeH) vicai-his sp. n. Dalmatia, Daxiel p. 185 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3. Acaiitliobari.'< gen. n. p. 251, castanei- ■pennif pi. xiv f. 8 p. 252 sp. n. Centr. America, Cha.mpius Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. AcantJiomMdarns gen. n,, dirus sp. n. Panama pi. xix f. 16, Champion p. 3.S4 T.c. Achopera xavthorrlweae sp. n. W. Australia, Lea p. 180 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Affnen'iol'm p'doi^ida var n. compomtd, Lea"p. 151 T.c. AUioccphcdd gen. n. lor Rdymondin delarouzei, tiANGi.HAi'KU p. 141 Miin- chener Kol. Zeits. 3. Alc'ides lu'xamitoxus Borneo p. 155, 'iacniatun p. 156, diadeimi Madras p. 15S,c/e»«i?H<.s- p. 159, impressus Pondi- cherry, vincalosux p. 160, mol'itor p. 161, ' )ioct'».s- p. 162, (iiida Madras, p. 164, lactate p. 165, tapirtis p. 167, creimtidens p. 168, snbvircns Borneo, p. 169, moria Madras, p. 171, spp. n., Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg 69.— A.aoceyt n. n. for hutiiero'^iis Anc, olii-ierl n. n. for aidcalidwi 01., paitcoei n. n. for gattulatus Pasc, Bovie p. 13 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. AUetinu,-! subgen. n. gen, Aulctohlus, Desbrocher.s Frelon 16 p. 11. Amnurovldnuis clcr»io)iti sp. n. France, Desbrociiers p. 62 T.c. Amercedcs = (Zygoharoidcs Pierce) p. 329, ovthovrlunuH sp. n. Guatemala p. 330 III. xvii figs. 12 & 13, Ch.\mpion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Ampeloglypter sulcifrona p. 388, hinodosus, jdicatipenniH pi. xix. f 23, p. 389, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion T.c. AiiuOircsa gen. n. Tanyrrhynchinae p. 25, for Myorrkinus part, calva sp. n. Transvaal p. 2l'i, MaR'^hall Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. AiicJiithyrus mnticii>i sp. n. Australia, Lea p. 174 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Anillobim gen. n. ]>. 71 voisin de Lichoiopliagus, sollfuga sp. n. j). 72 Madere, Fauvel Rev. ent. 26. Aniaorrhamphus gen. n., squnmiven- tri.f sp. n. Centr. America pi. xx f. 5, Champion p. 400 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 i)t. 5. AnUionotuKs grandis, parasites of. Pierce Washington U. S. Dept. Agi-ic. Bur. Ent. Bull. No. 73 pp 1-63 pi — A. hicoriae p. 175, callirrlioae p. 176, lieterotheeae, aphanoHleph'i , p. 177, Texas, baccliaridis p. 178 Arizona, spp. n.. Pierce Washington U. S. Nation. .Miis. Proc. 34. — .1. poiiwrian, Lebens- weise, Schaden, (tORSKY CbozTaistvo 3 pp. 868-872. Antliarrh'nius pcglerae sp. n. S Africa, Perisguey Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. ilus. 5 p. 325. 2ofi Insecia. XtT. Insecta. [1908] Apion ; notes on palaearctic, frumen- tarium c\: cruenlatum one species, pp. 187-202, also 300-306, mediterraneum nom. n. for ohUtnm Desb. p. 311, Wagser Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. — A-pion des Cistinees, Griedel Feuille jeunes natural. 38 pp. 188-189. — A. eiirripi- Josiim Tenerife p. 102, spbwcoxale Persia p. 103, spp. n., Wagner Ent. Bl. Schwabach 4. — A. (Aspidapion) foveato- scutellatum S.E. Europe p. 19, A. (Cera- tapion) liamatum p. 22 Araxes Vallej', spp. Xi.,ca)tticnmm nom. n. for brevicorne Schilsky, sehUi<]{i/i nom. n. for gibbosum Faust, p. 33, Wagner iliiuchener Kol. Zeits. 3. — A. curvisalis, squam'idor- sum, tenukubus, p. 53, maroccaninn p. 54, spp. n., France & Corsica, Des- liROCHER.s Frelon 16 Brachyderidae. — .4. lyropinquum, concolor'ipea p. 81, siibvio- laceum p. f^2, spp. n., Palaearctic, Des- brochers Frelon 16 Apionides. — A. aspericolle p. 30G, plirygiuin p. 307, Asia minor, spp. n., Wagner Miincliener Kol. Zs. 3.— .4. hausert p. 203, A. [Ceratapiou) egregiuvi p. 204, excellens p. 205, spp. n., \V. Asia, A. {Exapion) fitseirostre Jlnchi subsp. n. p. 204, Wagner T.c. — .4. densesquamattim sp. n. Egj-pt, Pic Echange 24 p. 58. — -4. sjoHtedt'i, trtiprzieoUe, pandlelocoUc , atratum, atramentar'ium, fornlcatinn, dinjimctum, punctjcepa, spp. n., Kili- mandjaro, Wagner Kilimandjaro lleru Exp. 7 9 pp. 90-104. — A. gunglbanevl p. 61, fuHcum p. 63, conicolle p. 64, 0.- Afrika, spad'ieeum Kapland p. 66, »an- gii'niipes p. 68, Holarii p. 69, nubelon- gatnm p. 71, begnml p. 72, jort'irostre p. 74, Kubaitgxdirostre p. 75, Afrika, foveirostrc Togo p. 77, oxyrhijnchum 0. -Afrika p. 78, gracilipennc Abys- sinia p. 80, impel Natal p. 84, fuscitarsc 0. -Afrika ]). 82, mihnitidnm Abyssinia p. 84, vit'idipenne O.-Afrika p. 85, liem'i- npJiaericum Capland p. 87, flexipcnne Coromma p. 88, abi/iimiiintin Abyssinia p. 90, indubiam S.-W.-Afrika j). 91, spp. n., Wagner Steftiner ent. Ztg. 69. — .1. porrectum p. 7, forderatum j). 8, fortipiincbnn p. 9, cijliiidriforvw j). 10, arvoin p. 11, montivagiim j). 12, bracJiy- stegiaa p. 13, sariepilomim p. 14, rho- deHiaciim p. 15, innigerum p. 17, mar- nhalli p. 18, rerulaweiiHC p. 19, HriaticepH ]). 20, dixparlroHlre p. 21, nrmipea p. 22, geminiuu p. 2li, 8toudingeri,aethiopieum, ]). 25, hrcfihirlmu p. 26, ,4. (Catapion) griHeopdoHum ]>. 27, albomil urnle p. 28, rcclanguhnn p. 30, iiigritidnni \). .'51,. 4. (Pcrapion) ledoux'i p. 32, solcatum p. 33, -4. erinaceum p. 34, junodi p. 36, tenui- cornc p. 37, A. yPiezotrachelus) varium p. 38, schouteden'i p. 40, fuJigiiiosum p. 42, tenebrosum p. 43, tenuicoUe, magni- roxtre, p. 44, consobr'tnum p. 45, caelebs, microcephalum, p. 46, gJobosurn p. 47, brericcps p. 48, macroeepltaluiu p. 49, helleri p. 50, adm'irabile p. 51, cylindri- rostre p. 52, arduum p. 53, diversistri- atum p. 54, fronto p. 55, spp. n., Africa S. & Trop. ; angu8tithoraj- n. n. for angusticolle Gerst., usambarensc n. n. for foreicolle Hartm., amerieanian n. n. for conicicoUc .Slip, variiim n. n. for coloin(s Faust 1899, gibbipoinls Fahr. == (nigcrrimum Wagn.), p. 5, pidlus Boh. = (gcrstaerJxcriFst.) p. 6; Wagnek Mem. Soc. ent. Belgicjue 16. Apocyrt'idiioi gen. n. near AiMcyrtea p. 128, cldoroplianiis sp. n. Borneo p. 1 29, Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69. Apoderns indicus p. 146, neUigriinus Madras p. 148, nigroaeneiis p. 149, /e?u's- tratus p. \riQ,rufobasalis Boi'neo p. 152, spp. n., Heller T.c. — A. coryli, varia- bilita di colorazione, Chinaglia Riv. coleotter. ital. 6 pp. 23-33. Araclmopua ti'istis, subcostatus p. 28, rugositf^,forti8,fcrus, p. 29, tevu'iaignatus, p. 30, Neu Guinea, spp. n., phalcratus subsj). n. frater, pcvKoua subsp. n. per- spnuiHs, gazeUa var. n. rittieoUis, ])p. 1-33, Heller Dresden Abli. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1. Argoptoclius rc'ittcri S'p.n. Araxesthal, FoRMANEK Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 137. — A. f'nidobonciifii-f sp. n. Wien, Form.anek ]i. 223 T.c. Ast yeop)]iobui* ain-nvittatus p. 125, ociddlns )). 126, Madras, spp. n., Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69. Altclnbus obliqiiUK p. 153, luiiformis p. 154, Borneo, spp. n., 41eller T.c. — .4. rlicis habits, jiarasitized by Omphalc rloiigulns, Frost Psyche 15 }). 26. J'xigoiin fvcnlel sp. n. Spain, Pic Echange 24 p. 81. — li. leonhardi Sarepta Nr. 70, Hyrincus Syria Nr. 71, spp. n., SciiiLSKY Kiister u. Kraatz Kiifer Europas 45. I'aJaiunvH bacid'i sp. n. ji. 2t), vai-. n. curtuti p. 21, q. grl»eae p. 22, parvidena, pard(d'is, pp. 24-26, ovl.horliynchus, spp. n., rascy'i p. 20 nom. n. for hrev'i- roHtrix Casey, Ciiittenhen Washington Pioc. i':nt. Soc. 10. 2'>7 Insecta. Systematic. — CtrRcOLioxiDAfi. Harilepion famelicum pi. xvii i. '20 p. 33H, Champiox Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Harts cretHitoati-iatna p. i'23, civdin p. 4l*4, S. Afrika, spp. n., Perisguey Jena Denkschr. med. Lies. 13. Barypithei^ hispanua ap. u. p. 138, graeciis Stierl. p. 141. maiirulug p. 143, Beschreibung, Form.ajnek Entomol. Ztg. 27. Behrensielliis suh^rlatus sp. n. Neii rommern p. 12, glnbratus subsp. n. moluccanus. Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mas. 12 Xo. 1. Belua aulaniuralis p. 151, inconatatia p. 152, ruficoiTiia p. 153, 2"<'^i''osf)v-s p. 154, piinctirostris p. 155, spp. n., Aus- tralia, Lea Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Bicodea gen. n. Tanyrrhgnclnnae p. 16, ri«a sp. n. Panama, Champion p. 250 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Chalcocybebua leai sp. n. New Guinea, Heller Dresden Abb. /ool. Mus. 12 No. 1 p. 16. c27 2oS Insecta. XI [. Insecta. [1908] CUoebliLH lioshevn'lhovl sp. n. Mandschurei, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 65-67. Cholus funcbris p. 243, siibelUpticug, laeviceps, p. 2-14, opcicirostris, similli- mus, p. 245, spp. n., S. America, Desbrochers Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiqiie 52. — C. haematoatictus = {22-'i7iaeHlatus Desbr.), Heller p. 59 D. ent. Zs. 1908. Chri/asus gen. n., cavernosus pi. xvii f. 22, "p. 337, plagiatua p. 338 f. 21, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Cimbus gratus sp. n. S. Africa, Perisguey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 319. Cleonus schnitzel sp. n. S. Africa, Perixguey Jena Denksclir. med. Ges. 13 p. 422. Cnagius gen. n., eavipectu-t sp. n. Mexico pi. xvii f. 17, Ch.^mpiox jj. 334 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Cneorhiniis funiseiis sp. n., Des- brochers Le Frelon 16 p. 07. (Joelonei-tus nigrlrostris pi. xvii f. 19 p. 336, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Coluthua gen. n. p. 334, cr'ihrarius sp. n. Centr. America p. 335 pi. xvii f. 18, Champion T.c. Compsus vuirshaVi sp. n. Colombia, BoviE p. 44 Brnxelles Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Conomalthua gen.n. ('ruplorhynchidac p. 20, balanojiliorn^ sp. n. Xeu Guinea p. 21, Hei.ler Dresden Abli. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1. Coptorhijnchus pei'ornatuK p. 13, KtJcuK, carbimcuhis, p. 14, Neu Guinea, spp. n., Heller T.c. Coingetus (Myllocerinus) fiaclierianus sp. n. Turkestan, Sumakow Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 162. Costaterophamn gen. n. for rapirola ]). 323 pi. V. figs. 4-5, raffrayi p. 324, spp. n. S. Africa, PERiNf:uEY Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. CotaateridiiH gen. n. for r.apensis sp. n. S. Africa, Peris(;ltey p. 324 T.c. Ci-yptorrhi/nahua lapathi, Toiih'A Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 9-iO & 28-29. Cydoporoptcriis gen. n. p. 169, mynt'i- r.u8 sp. n. W. Australia p. 170, Lea Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. C ylindrocerhms gen. n., tubiier sp. n. Mexico pi. xiv f. 14, Champion p. 257 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Cylindrocerus longipciuiis pi. xiii f. 28, rissonotu>s f. 29, p. 241, glabraius f. 30, p. 242, spp. n., Central .Vmerica, Champion T.c Cyphicerna ohUquesignatus sp. n. Mandschurei, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 6.j- 67. Cypliomydica gen. n. near Parr- viydiea p. 174, megacalles sp. n. Madras ]i. 175, Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69. Dcipiirus gen. n., hirsutidufs sp. n. Panama pi. xvii f. 23, Champion p. 338 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Derosasius subgen. n. of Raymondio- nymus for R. damryi, Ganglbaceu p. lai Miinchener Kol. Zs. 3. Desin'idophovus saravacantis sp. n. Borneo, Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 p. 172. D'torymerellus gen. n. near Centr'i- iiopsis, obliteratus St. Vincent, p. 252, laeripennis pi. xiv f. 9, octostriatua, de- cemstrtntns, p. 253, 12-8friatus, casta- neieolor f. 10, p. 254, rubripennis, histe- roides f. 11, p. 255, Centr. America, spp. n., Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Diovymcropfi'is gen. n. near Zygobarls, disjnnctus pi. xiv f. 5, p'lceicolUa, p. 248, carlmanus, ^meatus, p. 249, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion T.c. Dlplogrammns quadr'imttatus, early stages, Bruch Revist. Mus. La Plata 14 p. 139 pi. v. Durytomus heussi sp. n. rngarn und Siebenlmrgen, Foru.4nek Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 227. Dycerus andreicesi Madras p. 139, sparsus ]). 141, lateralis, Borneo p. 142, cerr'tmis, sparsittwi, Sumatra p. 144, spp. n., Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69. Ectatocyba glhbosa sp. n. Neu Guinea, Heller Dresden Abb. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1 p. 17. Ectatorhimis 7ia>ius sp. n. Borneo, Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 p. 176. Ertmctaspidna gen. n. aff. Ptochi, d(iii]ie.'. 160, raripcs |). Ifil, castcluan't p. Uili, spp. n., Aus- tralia, Lea T.c. Elliptobari.-i gen. n. p. :.'oO, scttdosus pi. xiv f. 7, iiinrliciiHis, spp. n., Panama, p. :25]. CiiAMrui.v Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Endahis robustus sp. n, Texas, SciiAEFFER Xew Yoik J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 217. Ephimerostylus elegans sp.n. Mashona- land, Marshall p. 32 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Episomus marshalli Tonkin p. 130, uiljiriiiun Madias p. 131, spp. n., Heller Stettiuer ent. Ztg 69. Eremnodes gen. n. for Tanyrhynchus pusdlus Faust, ilARSHALL p. 31 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Eremuofchema gen. n. near Eremnus, ditissima sp. n. Kalahari, Peringuey Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 418. Erethisthea hovlei, rufitarsis, spp. n., S. America, Desbrochers p. 242 Ann. Soc. ent. Belqique 52. Eiidyasmus planidorsis sp. n. Neu Guinea, Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1 p. 19. Eugeraeits gen. n., ^tiilftisciatus pi. xiv f. 16, d'i8cifer f. 17, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion' Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Eugnamptus paUidus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 213. Euleehriops pietus sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer p. 219 T.c. Euonyx gen. n. Tayiyrrhyncldnae, aidcirostris sp. n. Transvaal, 5Iarshall p. 19 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. EupJwlus humeralis Nen Guinea, hennigsenl Neu Pommern, p. 9, modest us Neu Guinea p. 10, spp. n., Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1 . Eurh'mopsis gen. n. p. 397, aeruyinn- sus pi. XX f. 1, vlridirolor f. 2, p. 398, spp. n.. Cent. America, Ch-VJIPIon Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Eurhinus chevrolati S. America p. 393, viridipea p. 395 p. xix f. .32, yucateca p. 397 f. 36, Centr. America, spp. n., Champiox T.c. Eurhynchus hispinosus. Lea p. 1.57 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. (-V-10332 i) Euryporoiytevn'< gen. n. near Palcticux' funcrens, p. 17 1, aiigularis p. 172, spp. n.' Australia, Lea T.c. Eidoxus forcdtug p. 3G0 [il. xviii ligs. 15 & Hi, Idcordairei figs. 17 & 18, plicatUi.-< f. 19, p. 3G1, fraternus p. 362 f. 20, spp. n., Centr. America, Champicn" Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Geraeopxif gen. n., duplocinclus sp. n. Mexico i)l.xvii f. 9, Champion p. 327 T.c. Geraeux tircuatirostri/i \)\. xiv f. 19, p'dosiis i. 20 p. 262, acrrat'ispiyils f. 21, sinuatispinis i. 22, ]). 263, bipustulatus f. 23, podariroKiiH f. 24, p. 21)4, rectifipinis f. 26 p. '2i)5, triiiotalua f. 27, teniuspinls L 28, p. 266, trllineatus L 30 p. 267, balan'moldes 1'. 31, biplagiatus, p. 268, iindntiis, scabrosus f. 32, p. 269, inor- natus f. 33 p. 270, trivittatiis pi. xv f. 2, tetra^t'igma f. 3, p. 271, taeniatus f. 4, flagelVijer f. 5, p. 272, enieifer f. 6, octomacuhd us f. 7, p. 273, Idrtipes f. 9, spintger f. 10, p. 274, triplnris, sinuatipes f. 11, p. 275, gracilis, spinipectus, p. 276, canvexiitscidus, bitubercidatus, p. 277, managuensis p. 278, simulator p. 279, metoeeus, amplicollis pi. xv f. 13, p. 280, coarctatus f. 14, duplaris, p. 281, albo- lineatus figs. 15 & 16, x-notatum f. 17, p. 282, tumidirostris f. 18, scahripennis, p. 283, gentUia f. 19, seulpticoUis f. 20, p. 284, curvispinis f. 21, tenehricosus f. 22, p. 285, basinotatus f. 24 p. 286, aubmacidatua f. 25, fareifer f. 26, p. 287, unieornia f. 28, tubercidifer f. 29, p. 288, scutatua f. 31 p. 289, aspersua f. 32, longielava i. 33, p. 290, tennielava f. 34, albiventris, p. 291, tectus pi. xvi f. 1, viridicana f. 2, p. 292, scitua f. 3, ori- chalceua, p. 293, aubaeratus, bifurcatv.s f. 4, p. 294, decendineatua L 5, omiltemae f. 6, p. 295, eiliatipes L 7, dugesi i. 8, bicruciatus f. 9, p. 296, lineatidua f. 10, inej's i. 11, ]i. 297, gaumeri f. 13 p. 298, puellus, candidusi. 14, p. 299, incolatua p. 300, rubritarsia, variua f. 17, p. 301, alboaetosus, inclioatua, p. 302, corru- gatua, capillosus, p. 303, longiusculus, varipes, pallidieornia, p. 304, tenueaeena, hucomelaa f. 18, p. 305, nubifer i. 19, teapanns, p. 306, farinoaus f. 20, duponti, p. 307, diapoaitus, mendax, pauxillua, p. 308, breviculua f. 21, nudipennis f. 22, p. 309, spp. n.. Central America, Champion T.c. Gymnetron ; German spp., Schenkling Ent. Wochenbl. 25 pp. 205-206, 207-208. — G heccabuiigae & reronicae ■ dis- c 27—2 2C0 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] tiugiiished, Gerhaudt D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 207, also Breslau Jahresh. Ver. Insektenk. 33 p. 4. — G. dcpressum Rotteiib., Identitiit niit vestitum, Reittek Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 251. Haptovieriis mashnuKs ilashouakmd p. 24, natalis Natal p. 25, spp. n., Marshall Aun. Xat. Hist. 1. Heilipiis circuUferus= {distinetlrostre Bov.), Champion p. 112 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiqiie 52. — TI. wiedemanni, early stages, Bruch Revist. Mus. La Plata 14 p. 131 pi. iii. lloplopterid'iiis subgen. ii. vide Minyops. ] I ijdronomiis herolinens'is sp. n. Gei"- iiiania, Sc iulsky Kiister u. Kraatz Kafer Europas, H. 45 Kr. 09. Ilypera petr'ii sp. n. Europe, Desbrochers Le Frelon 16 p. 68. liijpurua hiskrensis, fueyiiei, Europe, spp. n., Desbrochers p. 64 T.c. Imcaiitlia serrata sp. n. Queensland, Lea p. 149 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Jsomerus fansti sp. n. Persien, Petri Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 574-575. Lamproharis gen. n., ciu-uJIatns pi. xxiv f. 3, rufonotatiis f. 4, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion ]>. 206 Biol. Centr- Amer. Col. 4 pt, 5. Lamprohypern gen. n. Ilypcrinae cohaltinn sp. n. Neu I.auenburg, Heli.ek Dresden Abh. nool. Mas. 12 No. 1 p. 15. Lar'inus; Korrekturen der Petri-schen Bestimmungstabelle, Hevden Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 pp. 48-50. — L. leuzenr. var. n. istaelieliniae, Bedel p. 261 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908. Lrpynis paliisti'ls Scop. ab. n. Jlavi- r/i(/((.s Transkaukasien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 }). 23. Li mnoharls latid('iif< j). 344 i>l. xvii i. 31, cidandriformis f. 32 p. 345. qnadri- collis p. 346 f. 33, emnei*ecns, cdutarea, p. 347, angiistnfa, dentifer f. 35, p. 348, nniforinits f. 31, laiKjiuda f. 36, p. 349, hicincta pi. xviii f. 2, hifasc'iata f. 3, p. 3.50, demdiom i. 4, d'tscreta f. 5,^p. 351, truqtiii f. 6, Iciicoat'iqma, p. 352, manduealor, aeneoln, p. 353, aeraria, pTjgmaea, rufula, f. 7, p. 354, cylindri- clavn f. 8, p. 354, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion Biol. Ccntr.-Amer. Col. 4 j»t. 5. Liiunohafoidcf^ gen. n. p. 355, exposita pi. xviii f. 9, plana, p. 356, flavoUmbata p. 357 f. 11, spp. n., Ceutr. America, Champion T.c. Liosoma bedcl'i p. 128, suhcoriaceum p. 130, Alps, hosjiicum p. 132, spp. n., ohlongidum var. n. subaeneum p. 134, Daniel Miiuchener Kol. Zeits. 3. Lipothyrca to Tanyrrhynchinae, Mar- shall p. 17 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Lixus suhcyUndricus sp. n. Algerien, Petri Entomol. Ztg Wien. 27 p. 72-73. Lohndcres sulph]L7riventris p. 385 pi. xix f. 19, glabrivoitria p. 386 f. 20, spp. n., Nicaragua, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Macrorhoptus aphaeralc'iae. sp. n. Texas, Pierce Washington U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 173. Madarellus Inaequalis p. 378 pi. xix I. 12, ernp'us, dihiius, p. 379, striatulus, piiniceicolUs i. 13, p. 381, rufomacidatus p. 382 f. 14, quadriguttatiis, laevicoUiN f. 15, jalajmmis, p. 383, spp. n., Centr.- America, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Madarwi hetrrostenius pi. xviii f. 27, cli'niquensis L 29, p. 367, clavipcs f. 30, m'lrandiUae f. 31, p. 368, entoxoides f. .32, tumefactu» f. 33, p. 369, 'dlustr'is f. 31, scaphijormis i. 35, p. 370, vitiosus f. 36, trevndu.H f. 37, astutus f. 38, p. 371, btsigjiatus pi. xix f. 4 p. 373, brevilinea f. 5, macrogrammus f. 6, p. 374, bilineatus f. 7, excavatus f. 8, p. 375, fusiformis f. 9, bisulcatiis f. 10, p. 376, ochreogultatiis f. 11 p. 377, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion T.c. Malosomus abyffninicus Abyssinia, cimbicHH Yemen, spp. n., Marshall p. 29 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Marmaropus tentaeeitars'i" sp. n. Ak- bes, Pig Echange 24 p. 34. Meropus l-ulini Key Ins. caplllalns Batjan Ins., spp. n.,'HELLER Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1 p. 22. Mecynopyga gen. n. Anthonomlnt, texana sp. n. Texas, Pierce Washington U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 179. Me'ira fagn'iezi sp. n. Europe, Des- brochers Le Frelon, 16 p. 63. Meniomorpha gen. n. near Chaetecle- Idvus p. 177, incoK.s/flH.'isp. n. Cape York ji. 178, Lea Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. :''il Insccla. SVSTEMATK'. — CnRCULIONIOAE. Mcnitomorplni-^ gen. n. for rctitiix pi. v. figs. 19-1'0 sp. n. 8. Africa, Peiun'guey p. 328 Anu. S. Afric. Mus. 5. }JetaUites fiiseiclava sp. n. Europe, De.'5BRocheks Le Frelon 16 p. 66. Miarit» marseull rujipes var. n., Pio Echange 24 p. 4."). \liuiiopf< ; iiiouogi-aph pp. 346-371, M. frontaliit Asia ilinor p. 364, M. (Hop- loiiteridluii subg. n.) an(]idatus Syria p. 370, spp. n., Uaxiei, Miinchener Kol. Zs. 3. Mlcrorliianu-'^ gen. n., liamitu.f pi. xiv f. ir>, ptilliditarsin, spp. n., Panama, Champion p. 2oS Biol. Ceatr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. .'). Mitraisfethus australiae sp. n. Queens- laud, Lea p. 177 Mem. See. ent. Bel- gique 16. Melaiitcrhin seiniporusu'' ap. n. Queens- land, Lea p. 165 T.o. Monotiycliiis imUidicoriiis sp. n. Tan- gier, Pic Echange 24 p. 34. Mijorrhinu8 vide Anathresa. Xanophijes zurclieri (Reitt.) sp. n. Adana, Pic Echange 24 p. 51. — A^. belli sp. n. Madras, Helleii Stettiner ent. Ztg69 p. 145. Naatomtna gen. n. type Sciobius Hquamidosiis Boh., Marsii.4LL p. 33 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. }^aup]uieut nebulonan Salome Insein, I'lneav'iH Borneo p. 179, spp. n., Hellek Stettiner ent. Ztg 69. Nemonii.'i subgen. n. Anletoblus, Des- BEOCHERS Le Frelon 16 \). 13. Nenlotes capicol? p. 322 pi. v fig. 3, promontorii p. 322 pi. v figs 1-2, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. Nicentriis forrerl, placidun, p. 313, teataeeipes pi. xvi f. 26, eandididus f. 27, decemnotatuH f. 28, p. 314, fulvipes, pue- rilis, p. 315, femoralis f. 29, lobatm I. 30, macileidnH, p. 316, spp. n., Centr. America, N. I'uieicollin Boh. (an Cen- trinws) = I'lngenuus Caseyj p. 312 and f- 25, Ch.\mi'IO\ Biol. Centr.- Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Odrnitocoi-ymis latiseapus p. 318 pi. xvi f. S2, sutura-ilava p. 319 f. 33, spp. n., Mexico, creperns Boh. p. 317 f. 31, larvatiis Boh. p. 319 f. 34, Ch.\m- Piox T.c. OdoxijUix nuijor sp. n. Neu (jaiuea, Hei.i.er Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1 p. 21. Omias leonliavdl sp. n. Erzerum, p. 139, pip-orhhnis p. 143 Beschreibung, Formanek Entoraol. Ztg. 27. 0. gangl- bauer'i sp. n. Thessalion, Form.Vnek p. 225 T.c. Ommatolampns Iwicitci Borneo p. 185, haeniorvho'idalia subsp. n. horneensia p. 186, Heller Stettiner ent. Ztg 69. Oinotemnus iianus sp. n. Borneo, Heller T.c. p. 183. OnychoUps blfurcatiiH in Marot'co, E.'if'ALKRA p. 424 cuts Bol. Soc. Espan. 8. Orchesles subfuneiutus = (qnercieola Fi.), FiORi Riv. Col. ital. 6 pp. 37-41. Orpltanyasinun gen. n. ('rypiorhyii- cJildae p. 19, led us sp. n. Neu Guinea p. 20, Hellek Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 N^). 1. OrtJiocJtaetes baeticus sp. n, Spain, Dakiel p. 181 Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3. OrtliomerinuH gen. n., pitt'ieri sp. n, Costa Rica pi. xviii f. 13, Champion p. 358 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Otiorrhynchiis schwieyeri sp. n. Sl.a- vonia, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 65-67. — 0. aalicicola nom. n. fiir salic'is Stierl. Heyden Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 46. — 0. rancus = (beftini Fi.), FlORi Riv. Col. ital. ital. 6 pp. 37-41. — 0. tikjosus Gouv. St. Peterburg, Habitat, Futterpflanze (Russ) Barov.sky Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 60. — 0. liguatiei, Lebensweise, Verwand- lung, Schaden im Gouv. Ekaterinoslav, Strelicov Choziajstvo 2 pp. 1267-1269. — 0. melancliolicua Boisd. to Perperua with de.scription, Lea p. 137 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Othst'ira atlracrum'ui sp. n. Neu Guinea, Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1 p. 12. Oxyopa acopavia p. 139, aimplex p. 140, spp. n. Australia, Lea Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Pandeletejua cavirostria p. 214, ovi- pennia p. 215, Texas, robiiatua p. 215 Arizona, HubmetalUcua p. 216 Utah, spp. n., Sciiaefker New York .1. Ent. Soc. 16. Panacopua alteriial ua'. sp. n. Xuith Carolina, Schaeffer p. 211 '\\r. 26- Insecla. ^11- Insecta. [1908] Paiitoreites hvcv'n-ostr'is p. 143, Jongl- rostris p. ]44, spp. n. Australia, Lea Mem. Soc. eiit. Belgique 16. Paraleitcocliromus gen. n. near Leueo- chromus, julenrocleonides sp. n. China, KoLBE Exped. Filclmer 10 Tl. i p. 94. Pare.vophthalnms gen. n. Brachy- (Jerinae, semiotus sp. n. Neupommern, Heller Dresden Abli. zool. ilus. 12 No. 1 p. 2. Pentarthroiihasiti gen. n., raffvaiji pi. V. figs. 6-8 sp. n. S. Africa, Perisgley p. 328 Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5, Pentarthrum capense pi. v. figs. 11 & 12, indicator pi. v. fig. 13, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey p. 327 Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. Peritelus saur'i sp. n. Asia Minor, Schilsky Kiister und Kraatz Kiifer Europas H. 45 Nr. 67. — P. {Meira) raffrayl Rome, testaceicoi'nis, minor, dircrsipemiis, tkeriji, p. 44, longior p. 45, N. Africa, spp. n., mutatus nom. n. for reitteri Schilsky, logcsi nom. n. for sicidiis Desbr., p. 44, Pic Echange 24. — P. inviridia sp. n. lUilearic islds.. Pic p. 82T.C. — P. {llomorhythmus) roseomicnns sp. n. Algeria, Pic p. 263 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Phyllohiiis ; Fabrician types ; Schilsky p. 718 D. ent. Zs. 1908.— P. mnVnor Arabia Nr. 1, honlmrdi Herzegovina Nr. 56, frontalis Regie maris Caspii Nr. 58, spp. n., Schilsky Kafer Europas H 45. Phytonoinus nigrirostris, biology, Houghton J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 297-300. Piffsodes votatun, Parasit Ilahro- hracon sordidator, Kleine Zs. wiss. In- sektenhiol. 4 pp. 414-417. Platybaris gen. n., lameUifer sp. n. Me.\-ico pi. xiv f. 4, CiiAMi'ioNp. 247 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Plalyotiyx ornatiis Boh. pi. xvii f. 1 1 p. 329, Chami'ion T.c. J'lalyfioropleni^ aalehrdHtia sp. n. N. S. Wales, Lea }). 175 Mem. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 16. Plncanuis clavinel/tH pi. xvii f. 27 p. 342. Ityntrix f. 29 j). 313, spp. n., Centr. America, /'. echidna f.ec. (& Casey as Euny.Hxobia) f. 26, liinpidnluH f. 28, CnA.Mi'ioN 15if)l. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. PoIydiuH donceli Costa Rica pi. i f. 6, puHcoei New Grenada f. 7, spp. n., Bf)ViE ]). 4 den. Ins. 69. Pohjdrosu)< hirsjitipemiis sp. n. Cara- mania, Pic Echange 24 p. 51. — P. trans- alpinus sp. n. Alps, Daniel p. 182 iliinchen Kol. Zs. 3. Polytelidins gen. n. for Polydius gnerini, BoviE p. 43 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. Polyphrades hrevirostris sp. n. W. Australia, Lea p. 133 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Poterioplioriis stellatus sp. n. Borneo, Heller Stettiner eat. Ztg. 69 p. 188. Prionoharis gen. n., asper pi. xiv f. 18 sp. n. Mexico, Champion p. 260 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Pseudambates = (Sphaleroeholus Hell. = Pseudocholus Desb.), Champion p. 112 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Pseudantlionomus liamamelidix p. ISO Virginia, krameriae p. 181 Texas, spp. n., Pierce Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. Pseudapries gen. n. near Apries p. 182, corticalis sp. n. Australia p. 184, Lea Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Psejideutoxiis gen. n. p. 362, iilirostris sp. n. Costa Rica p. 363 pi. xviii figs. 21 & 22, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Pseiidoeentrmus gen. n. j). 325, hybvida pi. xvii f. 8, deceptu.H, spp. n., ilexico, p. 326, Champion T.c. Pseudocholus combinatus Neu Ponunern ]). 31, longimanus Neu (luiiiea, glaber Halmahera, p. 32, spp. n., Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1. Psendogcraeus gen. n. p. 319, macro- pterus sp. n. Mexico p. 320 pi. xvi f. 35, Cii.\.MPioN Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. PaeudorliianuH gen. n. near h'Jiianus J). 244, iniprcsaus pl.xiii f. 33, romjjrexsi- rostris pi. xiv f . 1, spp. n., Centr. America, p. 245, Champion T.c. PseudorthomvrinnH gen. n., con»an- giiineus sp. n. .Mexico pi. xviii f. 14, Champion p. 359 'J'.c. Paeudorthoris gen. n. p. 357, di'.vcxns sp. n. Mexico pi. xviii f. 12 ji. 358, Champion T.c. Padnmus atratua pi. xix 1. 21 = {AinpcIo(iJi/pter nitiditu Solari), Champion }.. 387 T.c. }'aymo)i(rio)irUu.-i subg. n. \idu I'ay- )ii())idioiiyinns. :?lio Insecla. Systematic. — CtrRCULioNiDAE. Raifmoutiionifinus {RaymondioueUun siibg. n.) solarii p. l&J. dodcroi p. 105, R. (L'bijchia suhg.n.) reittcr'iY). 169 Corfu spp. n. Gasoi.baier Miinchener Kol. Zs. 3. — Raifmondioiiymus subgeun. n., vide Derosasius & 7\irattostic]ii(>t. Rhabdociiem'is stillata sp. n. Borneo, Heller Stettiner cut. Ztg 69 \\ 19o. RJt'iaiiiiius gen. n. near Rliianus p. '2i3, itlccifcutuni pi. xiii f. 32, car'ini- rotitris, spp. n., Centr. America, p. 244, Champion* Biol. Centr. -Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Rhianus and R. mexieanu-i jil. xiii f. 31. Ch.\mpiox T.c. p. 243. Rh'niarla pidicosa sp. n. S. Australia, Lea p. 146 Mem. soc. Belgique 16. Rltinoscaplta cianglhaueri p. 3, hum- holdtiaiui Neu Guinea p. 4, obUta Viti Ins. p. 5, spp. n., Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mus. 12 No. 1. Rhyncltites betideti, Farbendimorphis- mus, iloLZ Geisenheim Ber. Lehranst. Obstbau 1907 pp. 295-297. — 7.'. asiaticus sp. n. Em-ope, Desbrochers Le Frelon 16 p. 65. — R. macrophthalmiis sp. n. Texas, Schaefker New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 214. Rhyaomatus marginatum, early stages, Brich Revist. Mus. La Plata 14 p. 136 pi. iv. Sciobius vide Xastomma. Scythropus nmstela, Eiablage uiid Frass, B.4ER Tharander forstl. Jahrb. 58 pp. 226-230. Sibinia ; Gemiar's types ; Schilsky p. 719 D. ent. Zs. 1908.— 5. cretaeeo- cincta, castaneipenn'is, p. 56, subcoitglo- bata, submeticolUs, p. 57, aibolateralis, 8quaviaiis, p. 58, (jemvuma, p. 59, spp, n., Palaearctic, Uesbrociiehs Frelon 16. Slderodactylus iMrterdosiis ^.n, S. W.- Afrika, Peringuey Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 417. Sitona adanensis sp. n. Adana, Reitter Ent. Bl. 4 pp. fi5-(;7. Smicraidax gen. n. p. 173 Anthonu- mini, tubereulatns sp. n. p. 174 Texas, Pierce Washington U. S. Nation. ;Mus. Proc. 34. Solaria gen. n. p. 390, acutidena p. 391 pi. xix figs. 24 & 25, curvata, gibba I 27, p. 392, compres8icolli8 p. 393 f. 28, spp. n., Ceutr. America, Cil\.mi'10N Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. Solnriola nom. n. I'iir SoUirieUa, OtiorrJiyucliiin, Flu'ii, Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 j). aCi. Solenopus G-m(tcidatu>i ~ (poUticoUis Bov.), Heller p. 59 D. ent. Zs. 1908. Somatodes Iravsvaalensia S. Africa, Pkrinouev Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 321 pi. V. iig. 15. Spluderocholits nom. n. fiir Pseudo- idiolim Desb. 1906, Heller D. ent. Zs., 1908, p. 59. SpIie)ioniurp]ii sp. n. Madras, Heller Stettiuer ent. Ztg 69 p. 133. Tracliypldoeus argcntatus sp. n. Algeria, Pic Echange 24 p. 29. — T. caenopaifonnis S'p.n. Smyraa, Formanek p. 140, 'juadamiinu^ Seidl. Besclirei- bung p. 143, FoRM.\NEK Entoniol. Ztg. 27. Trarjopus anaballo'idea sp. n. Salon lo Ins., Helleu Dresden Al)li. zool. ^Ins. 12 No. 1 p. 17. Tricltoxymns gen. n. Cryptorh ynehidae p. 18, turpis sp. n. Neu Guinea p. 19, Heller T.c. Troglorvltynchuii (Solar'icllu) (jvHlru'i var. n. dcnnonti, Normanij p. 227 Bnl. see. ent. France 1908. — 7'. atolzi sp. n. Tuscany, Holdhals p. 311 Miinchener Kol. Zeits. 3. Tychiux faUemt, russicus, p. 37, hdrcelonicus p. 38, argenteo-nquamoaiis, halearicuH, p. .39, contempt uh, .fimillimus, p. 40, acductor, moliicomua, p. 41, apiniger, meaopotamlcus, p. 42, oclivocras, adaperulus, convrxiuacnhta, p. 43, tni- pezithorax, glducua, \). 44, liuiiicrali>t, adaperaua, p. 45, mihixdcatus, indutiia, p. 46, ohloiigiuaculua, cJiohautl, p. 47, parnllclo-grammus p. 48, cylindritiibvH, tennitnraia, rect'inamia, p. 49, hnhricatl- pennis, subliiieatua, p. 52, aiibellipticua, liipiMncnaia, p. 53, algirlrua, crasaior, p. 54, pellitua, olceaimiiia, p. 5.5, spp. n., Palaearctic, Desisrocuers Fn'lnn 16. T. parallalua Bone, belon'i Mossoul, spp. n., vauloger'i diveraepubom n. var., I'lC Echange 24 ]). 74. — T. griarna p. 217 New York, antimd'ia Arizona, pullidns, 'IV'xas, p. 218, nViidun p. 219 California, spp. n., StiiAEi ri;i! 16. Tychreua coryssomerus p. 181, dilali- collis p. 182, spp. n., Queensland, Lea Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Tyrpetes gen. n. Tyrpetidae p. 30, ottonis sp. n. Salomo Ins. p. 31, Heller Dresden Abh. zool. Mas. 12 No. 1. Ubyehla subgen. n. vide Eaymon- d'wnymu^. Umzila gen. n. 'Tanyrrhynchlnac p. 27, airynnertoni sp. n. Gazaland p. 28, .Marshall Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Zaglyptua coatatun pi. xvii f. 24, cviapns i. 25, carinifer, p. 240, minutia- fyhmis p. 341, spp. n., Centr. America, Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 lit 5. Zygobarix tristicula sp. n. Centr. America pi. xvii f. 14, Champion p. 3.30 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. 4 pt. 5. SCOLVTIDAE. Zur Biologie der Ipiden, Hennings Verh. D. zool. Ges. 18 pp. 96-101. Ueber Borkenkiifer Biologie und Bor- kenkiifer Vertilgung ; Knoche Forstwiss. Centralbl. 30 pp. 141-153, 200-209, 245-254. Beithige zur Generationenfrage und Mitteilungen iiber die Borkenkafer- saison 190Z in und bei Karlsruhe. Hennings Natw. Zs. Landw. 6 pp. 209.- 229. Geuerationsverh-iiltnisse und Frass- formen ; Hennings Natw. Zs. Landw., 6 pp. 469-486, 1 Taf. Food-plants of european Scolytidae ; Kleine Berliner ent. Zs. 53 pp. 171- 188. Die Pilzkulturen der Nutzholzborken- kiifer; Neger Centrall)!. Bakt. Abt 2 20 pp. 279-282. Die pilzziichtenden Bostrychideu ; Nf:GER Natw. Zs. Landw. 6 pp. 274- 280. Scolytidae in Vologda, Phenology etc. (Russian), PoMERANZEV Hor. 8oc. ent. ross. 38 pp. 491-495. Borkenkiifer-Sammelausflug, Heine- MANN Ent. Jahrb. 17 ])p. 146 154. AcantholomicuH truncatua sp. n. Assam, Stebbing Calcutta For. Bull. 1907 No. 2 p. 40. — .4. .vimntnivns sp. n. 265 Iiiscclii. Systematic. — Cuiai lioniu.ve. Sumatra, Strohmeyer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 60. Chntmesun usiieratus p. 2-0, detitatus, subopacus, p. 221, spp. n., Arizona, ScHAEFFER New York J. Knt. Soc. 16. CoccotrypcK hagcdor)i'i sp. n. Java, Eggers Eut. Bl. 4 p. 217. Cryphaloides gen. n. near Cnjphalus, donistliorpci sp. n., For.m.vsek Eut. Bl. 4 p. 91. Cryphaliis horvldus sp. n. W. Africa, Graham p. 113 pi. viii f. 3 J. ecou. Biol. 3. — C. cryptomeriae p. 91, fidvus p. 92, spp. n. Japan, ezigiius Blandf. Beschrei- bung und Lebensweise p. 90, Niisima, Wieu ZoolBot. Ges. 58. — C nitennedius, Lebensweise, Tredl Eut. BI. 4 pp. 30- 31. Crypturgiis c'uiereiis, Klf.ixe Ent. Bl. pp. 98-101. DactyliiKilpus similis p. 370, cameru- )/(w p. 371, Kanienin. spp. n., Hagedorn D. ent. Zs. 1908. Dryocoetes autographus. Habitat, Gange, Phenologisches, Dauer der Ent- wicklung, Bau der Mandibel, Malole- TESKOW, Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 p. 110. — D. quadrisuhatuK sp. n. Kasch- mir, Strohmeter Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 72. — D. himalaycnsis sp. n. Kasc-h- mir, Strohmeter Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 1'51. — D. heicctti p. 11, beugalennis p. 12, spp. n., India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1. Eccoptugaater (Scolytiis) amureiisis sp. n. Amur, Eggers Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 144. — E. peregrhucs sp. n., Eggers, Ent. Bl. 4 p. 215. — E. laevis, Roubal, Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 12-13. Hylastinus fiorii sp. n. Italia, Eggers Ent. Bl. 4 p. 215. Hylesinus orni sp. n. Karawanken, FccHS p. 51 Munchener Kol. Zeits. 3. — H. oleiperda is Byrrhus taranin Dan- thoine, Lesxe p. 30 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908. Hyorhynchns ; Xiuima Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 18. Hypasplster gen. n. Hexacolidae, c.amerumis sp. n. Kamerun, Hagedors D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 374. Ips typographus, Hensings Ent. Bl. 4 pp. t)7-73, 92-97. — 7. stebbingi sp. n. Himalaya, Strohmeyer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 09. Myelopliihis piniperda, Cienerations- frage & Parasit, Kleine Berliner ent. Zs. 52 pp. 150-156. Ozopemon gen. n. near Xyleborus, regiui* sp. n. Sumatra, Hagedorn D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 382. I'ldoenHinits •major ))p. 36 37, minor p. 37, spp. n. -Assam, Sterbixc; Calcutta For. Bull. 1907 No. 2. Phloeotr'ibus texamis sp. n. Texas, SciiAEFFER New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 222. Pityophtliorus lichtinistchii Lebens- weise, Heinemaxn Ent. Jahrb. 18 pp. 156-164 ; Lebensweise, Gerhard Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 157-162. Platyddctyhis sexsphiosuii var. n. midtispinogufi, Hagedorn D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 377. PlatypuK, falcatus sp. n. Himalaya, Strohmeyer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 73. Polyjraphus aterrimus sp. n. Himalaya, Strohmeyer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 69. — /-*. major, li'unaJayeiisis, minor, trcncld, longifolia, p. 10, spp. n., India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1. Premnobius cavipennis vnrv.n.spinosus & nodidosus, Hagedorn D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 370. Scolytoplatypiis ; Arten, NiisiMA Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 3 pp. 313-317. — S. kunala sp. n. Kaschmir, Strohmeyer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 101. Scolytiis trispinosus sp. , n. f Japan, Strohmeyer p. 69 T.c. — S. pruni var. n. strigilatus, Reitteb Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 23. Sphacrotrypes siicalikensis, coimba- torenais, asaaviensis, querci, p. 5, spp. n., India, Stebbing Ind. For. Mem. 1. — S. aHaameusis sp. n. Assam, Stebbing Calcutta For. Bull. 1907 No. 2 pp. 23- 28. Spongolarsiif! gen. n. Crypt nrgidac p. 372, quadrioeulatus sp. n. Sumatra p. 373, Ha(;edorn D. ent. Zs. 1908. Stephanoderen jaranus, fungicola, Java spp. n., E(;nERS Ent. Bl. 4 p. 216. Tomicus sltorcae sp. n. Assam, Steb- bing Calcutta For. Bull. 1907 No. 2 p. 39. — 7'. typographuft, Borgmann Zs. Forstw. 40 pp. 133-134; Knoche Zs. Forstw. 40 pp. 43-46. — 7'. elialco- graphiiH, sexdcntatus, larici», Habitat, 206 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Gauge, Plienologisclier, Dauer der Entwicklung, Maloleteskow Moskva Ann. Inst agronom. 14 pp. 99-113. Trypodendrmn Jineatum, Habitat, Gange, Dauer des Entwicklung, ILvi.o- TETENKOW Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 p. 112. Xylehorus ; ilire Beziehungen zur Gummibildung bei Acacia deeurrcns, ZiMMEHMANN Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 2 20 pp. 716-724. — X. pfe'di Gangform und Lebensweise, Eggers Ent. BI. 4 pp. 4-7. — A', dinpar Lebensweise, Knauer ZentrBI. Forstwes. 34 pp. 498-501.— X. coffeae sp. n. Java, Wurth Mededeel. Proefst. Salatiga ser. 2 No. 3 1908 cf. Zeitschr. wiss. liisbiol. 5 p. 199. — X. erisfatus Himalaya p. 377, cam- pliorae p. 378, viascaremts Mauritius, congomis Congo, eelsoides Australia, amphicranoides Sumatra, p. 379, fisclieri p. 380, sumatranua, iirsinu.H, Sumatra, crucifer Kamerun, p. 381, spp. n., Hagedorn D. ent. Zs. 1908. Xylocleptes congonus sp. n. Congo, Hagedoen p. 375 T.c. Xyloterus ; Lebensweise, Knauee ZentrBl. Forstwes. 34 pp. 498-501. Brenthidae. The genera of lirenthidac and lists ol' th>- sj)ecies, Schoxfei.dt Gen. Ins. fasc. 65. [In this work the genera and species described in Biologia Centr.-Amer. have escaped the author's notice.] Anthriuikae. Litocerus rhomhlcns ap. n. N. Guinea, Jordan Nova Guinea 5 p. 351. Parahlops ; synonymy, von Heyhen p. 132 D. ent. Zs. 1908. " PhaeiiotlierionpuJiihyi 'nnnilahi var. n., Pio Echange 24 p. 43. Urodon carpefcnnis sp. n. Spain, Daniel p. 181 Miinchen. K(j1. Zs. 3. Cera.muvciuak. Classification of Ceranihycidae, Gaiian P)). 143 and 144 Ann. Nat.Hist. 1. Ijebensgewoiinliciten, Nalirpllanzeetc, Trai'I'EN I'Int. IM. Sfliwaliiicli 4 pp. 162 166. Ahryna hanaUs sp. n. SalDinnu Tnsehi, AuRiviu.ius 1). ent. Zs. 1908 ji. 221. Acmaeops japoiiica sp. n. Sado, Pic Long. Cah. 6 pt. 2 p. 20 (omitted last yearj. — A. pinieola sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer Brookh'n Mus. Bull. 1 p. 341. Actheeerinns nom. n., Fall & Cockerell Trans. Amer. ent. Soc. 1907 p. 154. Avihlestliidus JatevaVts sp. n. S.-W.- Afrika, Aurivilltus Jena Denkschr. mad. Ges. 13 ]). 433. Ampliisfylus Vtnearls sp. n. Meru, AuRiviLLius Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 151. Auaglyptua myst'icus ruficuDi'isxax.Xi., I'lo Echange 24 p. 35. Anauxes'i>< slugidaris sp. n. Meru, AuRiviLLirs Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 lip. 148. As'iates subgen. n. gen. Parpurleoius, pro alta'tens'ts Loxm. & saitguinipennis Bless., Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 263. Ataxia tlhial'is sp. n. Texas, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 348. Axiotliea (?) pulchra sp. n. Deutscli Neu Guinea, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. G. Blcpisanis orientis sp. n. Kilimand- jaro, Aurivillius Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 II p. 151. — B. coendea sp. n. Uganda, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 8. — B. bicolor sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 330. Calcliaenesthes Kraatz = subgen. Purpiirieenus, Semenov Rev. russ. ent., 7 p. 262. Callimalion apieale sp. n. Deutsch Ostiifrika, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 1. ('(dlillnnysufi Itocheh'i sp. n. Oahu, Pfrkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1 p. 210, fig. CatapauHti gen. n. near Mulcibcr, bispiuoxa sp. n. Neu Guinea, Aurivillius D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 220. Culocnir gen. n. Cerambycinae, teHHcllata sp. n. S.-W.-Afrika, Aurivillius .Jena Denkschr. ined. Ges. 13 j). 430. ('I'pludocriiiK xyviacnn in Italia, Porta Itiv. coleotter. ital., 6, pp. 117-118. ClKirlextlic.'^ nlgrogultala sp. n. Kill- niandjaro, Ai'RiVli.HUS Kilimandjaro- Meru Kxp. 7 11 p. 117. I'(i7 Inscrta. Systematic. — Cerambycidae. Chat'inotes y'ltchcri = (Gonyacautlut rnhroniqra Thorns.), GoCNELLE p. 289 Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1908. Chion c'lnctus v:ir. ii. souorensis Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. I p. 332. Chloridolnm superbiim sp. n. Saloniou- Inselu, AI-R1VILI.U-.S D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 212. Cldugaln gen. n. near Cerasphorus, (jrisea sp. n. Dentsch Ost-Afrika, AuRiviLLics Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 1. Closteroinerus dlncretua, sencciis, dilaticoniii, spp. n. Kilimandjaro-Meni, AuRiviLLlcs Kilimandjaro-.Meru Ex]). 7 II p. 143. Clytatitlius mixto)')iafus sp. n. Taurus, C. niveoplctus ab. n. spllcliali Taurus, Fleischer Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 211. — ('. dodai sp. n. S. Africa, Pekinguey Ann. S. Atrlc. Mus. 5 p. 329.— C. tri- fasciatus balearica var. n.,PlC Ecliange Aloulins 24 p. 91. Clytua veiitripennissp. n. Yunuan, Pic p. 61 T.c. — C. arvicola, aberration re- niarquable, GRCARitEX Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 110.— C. (Caloelytus) salo- moiium Salomon-Ins. p. 213, fulvicolUs Neu Pomraern, spp. n., Aurivilltus D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 214. Compsosoma (Gauriteree subg. n.) geayi p. 8 pi. ii fig. 7, nubilum p. 9 fig. 4, spp. n., S. America, nubilum var. n. simplex p. 10 fig. 5, Gounelle Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Cyllene caryae sp. n. North America and Mexico, Gahan p. 141 Ann. Nat. . Hist. 1. Desmiplioropsia subg. n. of Compso- soma, GouxELLE p. 12 Ann. Soc. ent. France 77. Dietamnia 9 biapicidata sp. n. Neu- Pommem, AuRivii.Lirs D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 211. Dinoceplialns ocellatus sp. n. Usara- bara, Acrivillius Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 147. Distenia (japonica Bates) = gracilis Bless., Semexov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 2G0. DocoJiammtts gen. n. near Monoelta- mus, bennigseni sp. n. 0. Afrika, AuRi- vii.Lics D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 217. Dorcadion auripenne p. 334, incal- losum, pidvipenne, lacunosum, p. 335, paradoxum, umbripenne, p. 336, iiudi- pcn)ic, gra)iidipeu)H', p. 337, spp. n., Spain, Bolivar Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8. — /). hisbicostatiim sp. n. Karagai-Tau, Pic Ecliange 24 p. 52. — D. robustis- simum. sp. n. Centr. Asia, Pic p. 35 'i'.c. — D. ■j-maculatiim nov. var. inno- /atuni. Pic p. 2. T.c. — D. i)idittum pul- chrtim var. n., mosqueruelense var. n. prolougata, tclonense \a.r. u.7uidliplicata. Pic T.c. p. 58. — D. fuliginator var. n. jnnneri Thiiringen, Hubenthal D. cut. Zs. 1908 p. 43. fDryobius viioce)iieus sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Beutenmijller & Cockerei.l New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 68. Dyenmomis (?) confiisus sp. n. Kili- niandjaro, Aurivillius Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 152. Eeyriis dasyeerus texanus sp. n. Texas, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 347. Elapltidinii hvevidcns p. 333, simile p. 334, spp. n., Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull 1. Evnidia guttulata sp. n. East Africa, ArEiviLLius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 8. Frea eastaneomaeidata sp. n. Deutscli Ostafrika, Aurivillics p. 6 T.c. Gauriteres subg. n. of Covipaosoina, Gounelle p. 1 1 Ann. Soc. ent. France 77. Hammaticliaerus consobnnus ami lasioeerus distinguished, Gounelle p. 289 Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1908. Becyrida eostata sp. n, S.-W. Afrika, Aurivillius Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 433. Heliolus nom. n. p. 70 pro Helins Fauvel 1906, Falvel Rev. ent. 26 1907 p. 70. TIelymnens vittieollis sp. n. Deutscli Ost-Afrika, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 2. Hepomidion granulatum sp. n. Kili- mandjaro, Aurivillius Kilimandjam- Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 146. Ileappvoplumes pilosus Transkaukasieii sp. n., Bodunuen Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 179. lleteroclylomorplia normeoides Neu- Pommern p. 219, iiuieqiialis Admirali- tiits Ins. p. 220, spp. n., Aurivillius D. ent. Zs, 1908, 268 lusecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Hypatium sidiirale sp. n. W. Afrika, AXTRIVILLIUS p. 211 T.c. Hypoeschrus acuescens sp. n. Meru, AuRiviLLius Kiliinaudjaro-Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 140. Idoemea lex-ana sp, n. Texas, ScHAEFFER Brooklyn Miis. Bull. 1 p. 351. Leptura testaeea in der Gefangen- schaft ; Meissxer Ent. Bl. 4 pp. 52-53. — L. stmussl sp. n. North Carolina, Webb Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 41. — L. iijnita 341, flnviventris p. 342, spp. n., Arizona, Schaeffer Brooklyn M«s. Bull. 1. Malobidion gen. n. p. 336, hnmneum sp. n. p. 337 Arizona, Schaeffer T.c. Megacoelus gustavi sp. n. Cape Colony, Distant p. 279 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Methia coimtricticoUis p. 351 Texas, arizonica p. 352 Arizona, spp. n., Schaeffer Brooklyn Mas. Bull. 1. Monochamus marianamm Mariaiien Ins., bennigseni Karolinen Ins., spp. n., AuRiviLLius D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 210.— M. notatua Drury (as Ceramhyx) = {con- fusor Kirby), Gaiian p. 145 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Necydalis xaiitha Sem. distincta species, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 264. Nemopliaa bennigseni sp. n. Neu- Guinea, AuRiviLEius D. eut. Zs. 1908 p. 215. Neoceranihyx vaddel Bless. & Solsky = Mallambyx japonic an Bates, Semexov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 260. NenchjluH abbrcviatns sp. n. Texas, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 ]). 340. Niplioparmemt albopiloaa Kiliniand- jaro, mrrnana, Meru, spp. n., AcRivii.Liis Kilimandjaro-Meni Exp. 7 11 p. 145. Nitocris fulvotarsata sp. n, Deutsch Ostafrika, AuRivii.i.ius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 8. Oberea idmleola, natural history, Forbes Rep. Ent. Illinois 24 pp. IIS- 134 2 pis. Obrium rujulum sp. n. N. America, Gauan p. 142 Ann. Nat. Hist. ±.—0. conatricficollc sp. n. Arizona, pen'mauhirc nom. n. for 0. hriuinenm Schaeffer, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. .')38. Ogviodcra gen. n. near Ramidarius and Stoiocoplna, unlrala sp. n, Kiliinand- jaro, AuRiviLi.ius Kiliniandjaro - Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 149. Oncideres quercus, habits, Beyer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 32. Pachyta cerambycifoTmis Schrauk var. n. mlbaehi Engadin, Reitter Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 215. Paramecyna gen. n. near Apomecyna, X signata sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Aurivil- uus Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 149. Pammoron gen. n. Niphonidae, singii- lare sp. n. Deutsch Neu Guinea, AuRl- viLEius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 7. Parandroeme gen. n. near Ocmine, brunnea sp. n. ^leru, Ai.rivii.lius Kili- mandjaro-Meiii Exp. 7 lip. 141. Paratrypanius gen. n. near Trypani- dius, Havovittatus Samoa sp. n., AURIVIL- Lios D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 223. Pannenonta wiekhami sp. n. Texas, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 350. Pai-menosoma gen. n. p. 343, griseuiii sp. n. p. 344 Texas, Schaeffer T.c. Pathocerus icagneri = (Enmysteria jlabeliifera Bruch), Gouneli.e Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908. Pelargoderus assi^nilis sp. n. Xeu Pomnieru, Aurivillius D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 215. Periaptodes gramdutns sp. n. Deutsch Neu Guinea, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 4. Phemone trianguUfev sp. n. Borneo, Ritsema Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 261. ■fPhymatodes volan-< sp. n. Miocene' Colorado, Beutenmuller & Cockerell .New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 68. PJiymntogyrus Inerinls sp. n. Kili- mandjaro, AuRivii-Lius Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 146. I'hytoccia, revision of subg. P'lhiu'ia, Daniel Miinchen Kol. Zs. 3 pji. 55(14. — P. glapJiyi-a sp. n. Mediterranean, Daniel p. 177 T.c. PlagionoLus scalnrla var. n. andrevi, Fuente Bol. Soc. Aragon 7 p. 21. Plocavderns granidatun sp. n. S.W. Afrika, Alrivu.lius Jena Denkschr. mcd. Ges. 13 p. 429. PogonoclienLH anzon'icnn p. 316 Ari- zona, californ'icuH p. 347 California. spp. n., Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1, •jriO Insecta. System ATrc. — OuLEorTKUA — CERAMRvriDAK. Polyaftliron homarovi Biologie, Pelt/. Zs. wiss. Iiisektenbiol. 4 pp. 135-140. Priottns ttirko^tauicus iiem.= bvacJnj- /rfiTits Gebl. subsp tttrkcslaiiicus, hcroi- cus noin. n. in-olicros Fall., Semenov Rev. niss. eut. 7 p. 259. Prosoplus marianarum Mariaueii Ins. p. 222, ijapensts Insel Jap. p. 22,'], spp. n., AuRiviLLics D. ent. Zs. 1908. ProtUema gen. n. Dorcadioninae, 'jhjas sp. n. Deutsoli Xeu Guinea, AiRiviLLics Ark. Zool.4 No. 17 p. 3. Psathyriaaa gen. n. near PsatJiijru.s, bruiinea sp. n. Kiliinandjaro, AuRlviu.iis KilimandjaroMeru Exp. 711 p. 141. Pterolophia basalis sp. n. Salomons Ins., AcRiviLLiis D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 222. Purpurlcetms Uteratiis Neubeschrei- bung, var. n. koinarovi Corea, zarudn'iani erganz. Beschreibung p. 2G0, luiuask- nedit'i Gahan nee. Witte = indus sp. n. ]i. 201, hafflimirens'is Pic = monUuiua White p. 2t)I, /■'. aanguinipennis Bless. Xeubeschreibung, p. 263, yEMENOV Rev. russ. ent. 7. Pygmaeopsis gen. n. p. 347 near Zaploiis, viticola sp. n. p. 348 Texas, ScHAEFFER Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1. Ramularius gen. n. near Zorilispe, pygmaeiis sp. n. S.-W.-Afrika, Alri- viLLius Jena Denkschr. meJ. Ges. 13 p. 434. Hhag'ium (Hargium) pltryg'iitm sp. n. Asia minor, Daxiel p. 176 Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3. — R. bifasc'iatum ab. n. ruin, Prell Ent. BI. 4 p. 136. Rliaphiptera annul'icorn'is p. 14 pi. ii fig. 8, gaJuini, pnllenn fig. 1, p. 1.0, c.nndlcans fig. 3, oculata fig. 2, p. 16, spp. n., S. America, Gouneli.e Paris Aim. soc. ent. 77. Rosalia alp'ina var. n latcmneulntn & V-notata, Pic Echange 24 p. 33. Rosenhergia hennigaeni sp. n. Neu Guinea, Aurivii-LIL's D. Ent. Zs. 1908 p. 217. Saperda S-punclatci, natural history, ab. n. sexpnnctata, Flei.^CHER Entoniol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 16. — ^S. (?) submersa sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 26 p. 75. Saplianits pieeus rufipes var. nov., Pic Echange 24 p. 72. Sopliroiuca griscu, obscuriccps, spp. n., Kilimandjaro, Aurivillius Kilimandjaro- ]\Ieru Exp. 7 11 p. 150. Spilolragiis crucifcr sp. n. English East Africa, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 4 No. 17 p. 5. Stciiochonis meyidianiis b'dnicnta var. n., Pio Echange 24 p. 58. SternopTistcs Gaer. = snbgen. Par- purleemm, Semenov Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 263. Stixh laevieoUis sp. n. Kilimandjaro, At'Rivn.i.Hs Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 145. Stranyalia a^itcnnata sp. n. Arizona, Sciiaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bui. 1 p. 342. Sti-omatium luiicolor 0\. Entwickhmg, Lebens\veise,Schaden in Transkaukasien, SiLANTJEV Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 pp. 184-282. Sijnnup.-^ryha meruana sp. n. Meru, Aurivillius Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 7 11 p. 151. Taurolema oUvacea sp. n. Brazil, GouNELLE Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77 p. 19 pi. ii figs. 6, 6a. Tlepolemus namagua sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 329. Tmeaiaternus excellena, nigrofaaciatns, quadrlmaculatus, spp. n., Neu Guinea, Aurivillius D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 214. Tragidion annulatum var. n. pen'in- Hidare Mexico, Schaeffer Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 339. Tragiscoseheinn iiifnii'is sp. n. Meru, Aurivillius Kilimandjaro Mem Exp. 7 11 p. 147. Trigonoptera marinorala, oltvaeea, spp. n., Neu-Guinea, Aurivillius D. ent. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 221. TucnlcH subgen. n. type Compaosnma frnnciacum Thoms., GouNELi.E Ann. soc. ent. France 77 p. 13. Typocerua zebra 01. = {Leptura zcbratua Fabr.), Gaiiax p. 143 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Yamainadia subgen. n. type Compao- soma viniazecJii Thorns., GouNELLE Ann. soc. ent. France 77 p. 12. Xylotrechua lengii sp. n. Oregon, SniiAEFFER Brooklyn Mus. Bull. 1 p. 340. 270 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Bruchidae. Laria oder Bimchus ? Gaxglbauer Miinchen. Kol. Zs. 3 pp. 65-68 ; Schilskv, D. ent. Zs., 1908, pp. 495-496). Laria eealcarata sp. n. Alps, D^VNiiiL p. 180 Miinclieii. Kol. Zs. 3.—L. (Bruchua) erytliraea sp. n. Africa, PiC Echange 24 p. 85. Chrysomelidae. The ChrysomeUdae (Eupodes, Cyelica, (Jamptosomes) of India Burma and Ceylon ; Jacoby Faun. Brit. India ('liryHom. 534 pp. Life histories Philippine Casmdidie., RcHfLTZE Philippine J. Sci. 3 pp. 261- 271, pis. Kaferlarve als Pfeilgift ; Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 pp. 207-209. Ahirus igneicollis Burma p. 485 f. 157, ceylonieus Ceylon p. 459, spp. n., Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Aemnentus gen. n. near Colaspoldea, fulvitarhiis sp. n. Assam f. 171, Jacoby p. 511 T.n. Aetheomorplia nicjromarghintn p. 125, inornata p. 126, crihellata f. .35 p. 127, rirgula p. 128, tmifawiata p. 129, suh- ritgoxn p. 130, tripunclata, an^amensiH, p. 131, parvida p. 132 iig. 37, vtadii- raensis p. 133 f. .38, spp. n., India, Jacoby T.c. Agaslcles vittata, early stages, TiRucii p. 207 pi. i Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. AgcniioHa gen. n. near CJinjxomela p. 146, frontalis sp. n. S.W. Afrika ji. 147, Weise Jena Denksclir. med. Ges. 13. A'jclinella gen. n. Eumolpiin p. 26, minuta sp. n. Swan river ]). 27, Jacoby Entomologist 41. Agonia meijerci sp. n. N. Guinea. Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 332. AmpJipalpa negligeus, early stages, Brucii p. 215 pi. iii Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. Aniaodcra maciletita sp. n. Travan- f^ore, Gestro Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 pp. 176-193. Aphttiona dee.ens sp. n. Kapland, Weise Jena Denksclir. med. Ges. 13 p. 150. Aspidoloplia apicalis ]i. 135, chi- vareaui p. 136, nit.idicoUix j). 143 f. 46, spp. n., India, .Jacoby Fami. Brit. India. Chrysom. Axdacophora aculcata sp. n. N. Guinea, W^eise Nova Guinea 5 p. 318. Aidexis iiigripennis sp. n. Tenas- serim, Jacocy p. 411 Faun. Brit. India. Chrysom. Autolampra nom. n. for Nephus Jac, Jacoby p. 300 T.c. Batophila aerata var. n. thryius, Abeille de Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. Ixxx. Bruchia gen. n. near Physocoryna, spar.':^a sp. n. Buenos Ayres, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 227. Buphonella metallica sp. n. Abyssiuia, Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 523. CaUigrapTia ; breeding habits, Heoner Psyche 15 pp. 21-24. Calliaina hrunnea p. 362, prominuln p. 363, assamensis p. 364, spp. n., India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. Ind. Callispa errans p. 334, gestroi, sehakue, umtalina, p. 335, spp. n., S. Africa, Perixguey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. — C. 7-maculata sp. n. 0-Indien, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 p. 213. Casaena ; characters, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 327. Cassida aridella sp. n. S.W. Afrika, Weise Jena Denksclir. med. Ges. 13 ]). 151. — C. picifrona sp. n. Philijipines, Weise Philippines J. Sci. 3 p. 259. — ('. {Chelyaida) papdlntn olceaei n. var., Pic Echange 24 p. 46. — C. inquinala taiigeriaiia var. n.. Pic p. 58 T.c. — C. stigmatica ersten Stande, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 )). 205. — C. iiehulom, Noi-x Naturaliste 30 pp. 9-11. CepJudodonta juncta sp. n. Brazil, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 222. Ceratobaais ceylonenaia sp. n. India etc. p. 173 f. 69, Jacoby Faun. Brit. Ind. Chrysom. Ccrcyonop.t caraganae, Verbreitung in Abhiingeskeit von der Flora in Nordost- Russland, Zi'Ravskij Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 13.5-140. Chaetocnema abyasinia sp. n., Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 519. Chalcolampra nana sp. n. Australia, Weise Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg 1 p. 10. :?71 Insectn. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Chrysomeudae. Cluilcomela v'lnd'tpcnn'ix sp. n. X. liuinea, Weisk Xova Giiiiua 5 i>. olo. L'halepnt laetiticiix sp. n. Argentina, Weise Revist. Mlis. I.a Plata 12 p. 221. Clicc.chi)iitila gen. n. fiir ('liyi/^ioinchi ^j/(i/i/.sce'/((/(?ia Jacobs. Neubesclireibuiig, Japobson Hor. Soc. Eiit. Ross. 38 p. 024. C]ihimys eoronMiideliaua p. 271, hite- fjncoirix p. 273, tetu'brosa, sein'iln'iuuiea, p. 274, nllgirlenxix. jlavitcir.-<'ixi p. 276, spp. n., India, J.^coBY Faun. Brit. India Chrysoni. Chyijxochux sikhima p. 507, nilginen>ili< ]). 50S. spp. n., India, Jacoby T.c. Chvi/sohnnpra subaenca p. 285, huv- nuinica pi. i f. 13, Hiaiii/JMren.si.s, p. 289, virldicoUi-^, hicolomta, p. 290, ntdica p. 291, spp. n., India & Burma, J.vcohy T.C-. Chrysonojxi gen. n. near Nodoatoma p. 353, rnvV/i.s p. 354, brunnea p. 355, spp. n., India, J.^cobv T.c. Cleoporus uiornatnK sp. n. Bombav, Jacoby p. 480 T.c. Cleor'ina yngrovlrulis, mode»ta, p. 483, indica p. 485, assameitsis, maiiijMvens'is, p. 486. andamanensis, ohlonf/a,dohertyi, p. 487, lougicornis, bicolor, p. 488, fidva p. 489, spp. n., India or Bui-ma, Jacoby T.c. elytra duv'tvierl p. 155, viarr/iu'icoU'is p. 1.58, spp. n., India, Jacoby T.c. ('lytra.-!. ii f. 14, melanocephala, p. 515, glabricollia p. 517, cupre'icoll'ix p. 518, dohertyi, fulvi- mana, p. 519, India or Burma, spp. n., Jacoby T.c. — C. picipea p. 5, geminata p. 6, Australia, spp. n., Weise Fauna Siidwest- Austral iens 2 Lfg. 1. Colaapoaoma aemieoatatum p. 443, clavareaui, coromandelmna, p. 444, aubopaciim p. 446, bicoloratum p. 449, spp. n., India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India C'hr\'som. Coptoecphala inlenticdui sp. n. Asia Minor, Reineck D. ent. Zs. 1908 }>. 368. — (,'. gcblcr'i eine Lokalforni der uuj- fasciaid, iiitcnncd'ia Reineck Identitat niit <:/("8//'»oi Fa irm., Wei.sk I'litomol. Ztg 27 p. 218. — C. in'Diidti sp. n. Bengal, Jacoby j). 175 laun. Brit. India Chrysoni. ('orynodca ceyloyienal'^ Ceylon p. 496, cavifrona p. 498, impreaKicoUis p. 499, India, obesns Burma p. 502, traranco- rensia \). 503, trideiitritna p. 505, India, modesta yi. 504 Burma, spp. n., Jacoby T.c. (.'rcp'idodera tranaveraa var. n. n'vira Luckenwalde, Schilsky D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 603. Crioeeria aemih'irsida p. 75, aemifoveo- lata p. 76, aeniicoatata p. 77, dohertyi p. 79, liampaoni p. 81, cardoni p. 82, spp. n., India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. Ind. Chrysoni. — C macilenta var. n. jordai ^lallorca )). 121, the varieties tabulated ])p. 388-390, FuEXTE Bol. Soc. Esp. 8 ; snbredacta var. n., Pic Echange 24 p. 91. — C. aaparagi, inheritance, LuTZ Psyche 15 pp. 50-52, text fig. CroHita fdchnerae sp. n. China, KoLBE Ex])ed. Filchner 10 Tl. 1 p. 92. Cryptocephalus ; observations, ren- seignements divers et diagnoses sur le genre CrypAocephalua, numerous abb. n., Pic Echange 24 pp. 12-16, 17-18.— C. angurenaia sp. n., Pic T.c. p. 14. — C. notes & varieties, eonvexiaaimua Amur, ferghanenaia Turkestan, spp. n., Pic p. 93 T.c. — ('. terolensla sp. n. Spain, p. 82, altered to teruelenaia p. 91, gamma var. n. ingainma, luaitanieua varr. n., p. 83, Pic T.c. — C. aimatua fignenais var. n., PlO p. 66 T.c. — C. bipunctatua agnani var. n., Pic p. 58 T.c. — C. rothachildi sp. n. Lake Rudolph, Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 45 pi. — C. metalVieua, aubmetallicua, p. 192, assame/isis p. 195, aimidana, p. 197, monaclioidca, p. 200, rufofemoratua, aemiflavua, p. 201, dilaticornia p. 202, aikhimenaia p.-203, elegana, aufffiani,\). 204, inedituap.2QQ, aignatellua p. 207, puaaenaia p. 211, ohacuromaeulatua p. 212, paliulipennia p. 214, liampaoni p. 215, cribricollis p. 216, uniformia, inaignatua, p. 217, madraaae p. 221, brahminua p. 223, manipurenaia p. 225, poidtoni p. 230, nigroauturalia p. 233, recto faseiatua p. 234, aberrauH p. 235, loigipca p. 236, aemidiviaita ji. 238, oppoaitna p. 249, 272 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1908] stiginatipennis p. 250, hoicringl p. 251, subgeminatus p. 253, doliertifi p. 254, rajah p. 256, ducalis p. 257, kash- mirensis p. 261, zonalis p. 262, darjilingcnsis p. 263, covros'icollis p. 264, spp. n., India Burma & Ceylon, Jacoby Fa^m. Brit. India Chrysom. — C periianns p. 834 Peru, olivaceua, foveicolUs, p. 835, emarghiatus, bahiaeufsis, p. 836, Brazil, tueumanensia p. 837, acumhintun, bivitticoUis, p. 838, Argentina, apic'ipef< Brazil, llohr'i, p. 839, semiopnciis p. 840, Mexico, gniatiaensis Brit. Guiana, gund- laelii, p. 841, eubaeijsifi, Cuba, semi- fasaiatus Mexico, p. 842, 8id)ae)iescenx, Argentina, hnitieiisis Port-au-Prince, }). 843, argcnthtufi Buenos Aires p. 844, spp. n., Jacory London P. Z. 8. 1907. CyrtonuHmajoncensis sp. n. Mallorka, Breit Wien Verli. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 84. Dactylispia pretlosula p. 337, vere- cunda p. 336, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. — D. vethi Java, crassicuspis, vuhiificct Yunnan, ftem'in'igra Java, maculithorax Yunnan, liirstda Africa orient., spp. n., Gestro Firenze Boll. 8oc. Entoni. 38 pj). 176-193. Demotina mlnula sp. n. Assam, Jacoby p. 428 Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. DemotincUa gen. n. Leprotiul pectorali.". sp. n. Tenasserini, Jacoby p. 414 T.c. Dermorlnjl'ix liandyem^ls p. 369, allitnHoni p. 370, vii-idhiitoiK, imitan.'', J). 371, biangulata, rugosa, p. 373, v'lolacea p. 374, cantata p. 377, spp. n., India etc., Jacoby T.c. Dinbrotica vittata, Life history, Headi.ee J. Econ. Ent. 1 p]i. 203 209." D'lapvomoriiha ()b»cnromac.ulata p. 163, bnrmaiilca p. 164, Burma, capitata Bengal p. 169, spp. n., Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. h'lhoVta inarg'micoUi-s sp. n., Abeille 1)E Pkruin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. Ixxx. Diclad'iapa approximaii» p. 340, dorsaliH p. 339, c.canperana p. 338, fratema p. 337, hidubia p. 340, inal- vernia, Hebaltueiia, p. 339, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringcev Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5. DlovyctuK madure7mn p. 177, glubri- eolViH p. M^, anal'iH p. '\'!^.),vminpuvc)i- s)s, semibrunneu>^, p. 180, abdom'nialis p. 181, bifasciatus p. 182 f. 71, spp. n., India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Distolaca amoena sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 336. Dilropidus stramimpenms p. 1, epistomaJ'is p. 2, michaelseni p. 3, Australia, spp. n., Weise Fauna Siid- west-Australiens 2 Lfg. 1. Donacia testaeelpesB'p. n. Adana, Pio Echange 24 p. 52. Dorcatispa extrema Pering. not s}Tionymous with D. bellieosa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p, 341. ByKiodea gen. n. Atysites p. 323, heaiiforti sp. n. p. 324 N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 323. Ediatua caerideus ^ sp. n. Manipur, Jacody p. 366 Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Epimela dilutipea sp. n. Madura, Jacoby p. 147 T.c. Eitbrachis rufot'ibialis p. 433 N. India, aiidainanensis p. 431, spp. n., Jacoby T.c. Euryope laev'iuscida sp. n. Quango, Weise p. 201 Stettin, ent. Ztg. 69. Eutheca parvidn sp. n. S. W. Afrika, Weise Jena Denksclir. med. Ges. 13 p. 150. Exosoma itgandenals sp. n., Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 ]». 522. Gastroidea cyanea, life liistoiy, GiRAUi.T Psyche 15 j)]!. 6-9. Gouophora hengaleuHis sp. n. 0- Indjen, Weise Stettiner cut. Ztg. 69 p. ^214. — G. dathrata sp. n. Sumatra, Gestro Firenze Boll. Soc. Entoni. 88 pp. 176-193. Grihurius boHviamtn Bolivia p. 844, ornattts ParaL'uay p. 815, aureovilloaus Amazons, liirtlfrona, p. 846, nigr'itaraia, fcmoratua, p. 847, Brazil, spp. n., J.^coby London P.Z.S. 19U7. Gynundmphtliahna deacrtoruiit sp. n. Kalahari, Welsh Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 141.— 6'. fmntalla p. 104, apicipeymia p. 105, doheiiyi, Jiulicntani, p. 107, mungjihnenaia p. ]()[), aaaamcnaia p. Ill, nagaenaia p. ] 1 2, plauifrons, ceyloiiica, p. 113, iniiaila, cilrinella, p. 115, nigrolihtal'tK, icaUardicnaia, p. 116, iiigyoauturalia, vntcipcini'ia, p. 118, I'To Insecla. Systematic. — Curvsomelidae. jJavobaaaJla p. 121, laevipennis p. 122, spp. n., ludia etc., J.vcoby Faun. Brit. India Clirysom. Haltica abyssiti'ica p. 515, pinicta- t'lsslma p. 516, rothschildi p. 517, spp. n., Africa or., J.\C(iby Paris Ann. soc. cnt. 76. Haplolca nigricoUi-< sp. n. Aliyssinia. Jacoby T.c. p. 524. Ileter'ispa orieiiialis ap. n. Baliia, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 22(). Iloplionota irellmani sp. n. Angola, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 p. 203. Hyperaxis quadraticoUie Andaman islds. p. 418, foveolatua p. 419, fene p. 421, penicillata, mandarenais, p. 422, malaharlca, dubia, p. 423, grisea p. 424, India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Labidostomis eummiiigi sp. n. Ba- luchistan, Jacoby p. 97 T.c. — L. trideiitata ]arY?L, Donisthorpe p. 108 pl.ix Ent. Rec. 20. iMchnaea damariiui sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 332. Laetana schultzei sp. n. Kalahari, Weise Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 148. Lamprosoina assameDsis p. 281 f. 110, niligiriensis, anguatata, India, cey- loiietisis Ceylon, p. 282, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Lefevrea awjolensis sp. n. Angola, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 p. 203. Lema obliterata p. 16, nemiregularis, malabar'tca, p. 18, hopei p. 19, balyana p. 20. rotundicollis, epipleuralis, p. 21, intacta p. 22, andamaneyinis, amethy- atimi, p. 24, flavimana p. 27, atkinsoni, rufobrunnen , peguensis, p. 2^, subtuber- cidata p. 29, yerburyi p. 30, greeni p. 31, aingularis p. 32, carinata, almillima, wallardienMis, p. 33, castanea, cerea, p. 37, longcfemorata, rub'ujinea, ihara- icaddyensiH, malieensia, p. 39, clypeuta p. 41, decoJorata p. 42, juvenilis, viridi- auturata, p. 43, trifasciata, lycaon, p. 44, oniatipennia, conatricto- fuKciata, p. 47, rufotibialia p. 48, mediolineala p. 49, spoliata, onuiticollis, p. 50, obacurifrouH p. 51, ocripitaiia p 52, hurmaensia p. 54, maindroni p. 56, admirabdia p. 59, arrogana, momeitenals, p. CO, binghami p. 61, rufofronlaVis )i. 62, pedeatris p. 65, creln-epunciata p. 66, 'litidiaaima p. 67, purpurea, nigrovlo- (x-10332 il lacca, p. 68, funerea p. 69, belgaumeuiii s p. 70, spp. n,, India Burma & Ceylon, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Leptinotaraa decemlineata, biological notes, GiRAULT Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 pp. 155-178. Leptispa iyicuJla sp. n. Africa orient., Gestro Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 pp. 176-193. — L. sebakuena, aobrina, spp. n., S. Africa, Peringuey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 333. Longitai'sua livinophdus sp. n., Abeille DE Perrix ^larseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. Ixxxi. — L. melan- choUcua sp. n., Africa or., Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 520. LuperiiK epipleuralis sp. n. Lake Rudolph, Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 522. — L. capensif; sp. n. Tafelberg, Weise Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 148. Lypesthes indica sp. n. Burma, Jacoby p. 412 Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Manipuria gen. n, near Lema, dohertyi sp. n. Manipur f. 14, Jacoby p. 84 T.c. Megalopus jacobiji sp. n. .Argentina, Bbuch D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 716. Melasoma aenea var. n. hieolor Luckenwald, Schilsky D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 603. Melinohius gen. n. near Crypto- cephaluH p. 269, longipea sp. n. Tenas- serim p. 270, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Melitonoma angoleiisis sp. n. Angola, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 p. 200. Melixantliua aasamenais p. 267, liumeralia, malabarensis, p. 268, spp. n., India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Meaocolaapis gen. n. type nigrita sp. n. Nilgiri hills, Apolepia indica Jac. p. 437, Jacody T.c. Metallaotua bolivianua p. 848, flavo- frontalia, affinia, p. 849, Brazil, argenti- nenaia Cordoba p. 850, capitatua, aemi- purpureua, Brazil, p. 851, peruanue, Peru p. 852, diviaua Argentina, unieolor, p. 853, donekieri, partitua, p. 854, Brazil^ nigrovittia Argentina p. 855, spp. n., Jacoby London P.Z.S. 1907. Mioprialia bimaculata sp. n. India, Jacoby f. 21 p. 100 Faun. Brit. Ind. Chrysor^. 274 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1908] Monachus pinipes Colombia, mex'icayms Yantepec, peruanus, nig^-itarsis, Peru, omatipennis Argentina, p. 831, ter- minatus Pern, meridaensis Venezuela, p. 832, divisus Brazil p. 833, spp. n., Jacoby London P.Z.S. 1907. Monolepta tahida sp. n. Kalahari, Weise Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 149. — M. deiista, proba, spp. n., N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 pp. 325- 326. Moidiot'ina rugifrons sp. n. Nilgiri hiUs, Jacoby p. 49J Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Neeulla ohscurata sp. n. Manipur, Jacoby p. 414 T.c. Neodrana tricolor sp. n. N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 321. Nisotra ortiata, nigriventris, spp. n., Africa or., Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 518. Nodina crassipes, rufipes, nigr'dabvum, p. 293, eeylonensis p. 294, suhcoatata p. 295, belgaumensis p. 296, hirta p. 298, spp. n., India etc., Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Nodostella gen. n. for Nododoma elongata Jac. f. 114, Jacoby p. 299 T.c. Nodostoma pretiosum p. 304, chalceum p. 305, eonvexieolle p. 306, grac'dipef^ p. 307, duhlosum p. 308, un'ipunctatum p. 309, maculipenne p. 311, durivicri, histrigaium, p. 313, quadrifasciatum p. 314, nigrocinctum p 3l5, dhar- warense p. 316, icallardiense p. 317, nigrobimarginatum, hampsoiii, late- fasclutum, p. 319, midamancnse p. 320, aylhetenae p. 321, inconspicmim, subdepreasum, p. 322, aemilaevum, oh- longopunctatuvi, p. 323, separatum, fid- votibiale, intactum, p. 324, thoraricum p. 325 f. 118, binghami, scmislriatum, p. 326, montanum, p. 328, congregatum, aggregalum, p. 329, maheense, oricntnh, p. 330, haroldi p. 331, femoralum p. 333, waterhoimei, occAphalc, p. 335, semigla- bralum, glabricolle, p. 3.36, abdominalia, sublaevipenne, p. 337, obscuruin, p. 338, picirrume, im'Uans p. 339, Jlavolimbatinn, termmatum, p. 341, hirsutum, cribri- cnUc , antiquum, p. 343, macnliccps,insta- bile, p. 344, dimidiatipen, fxdvofasclattim, momeitense, p. 345, n'lg roll neat um p. 347 f. 121, obacuromacidalnm , onnitxni, p. 318, tavorjense p. 349, spp. n., India Burma and Ceylon, Jacoby T.c. O'ides funebris sp. n. Africa or. Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 520. — 0. sexsignata Boisd., Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 317. Oxyc.epliala speciosa ab. boisduvaVi N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 331. Pachybrachys dalmatimiis Dalmatia, paulonotatus Turkestan, spp. n., scripti- collis var. n. arisi, Pio Echange 24 p. 45. — P. hicroglyphus disconotata var. n. France, Pic p. 47 T.c. — P. spp., BowDiTcn Ent. News 19 pp. 216-217. Pagria eeylonensis p. 357, lacvifrons p. 359, biirmanica p. 360, aenescens, conglomerata, p. 361, spp. n., India etc., Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Pantocometis subfasciata sp. n. India p. 148 f. 49, Jacoby T.c. Paradownesia diatincta sp. n. Travan- core, Gestro Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 pp. 176-193. Paropaides coccinella p. 314, margi- nata p. 315, spp. n. N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5. Pedrillia flavipea sp. n. Nilgiri hills, Jacoby p. 14 Faun. Brit. Ind. Chrysom. Plateumaria discolor var. a. nigrita Luckenwalde, Schilsky D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 603. Platycolnspis gen. n. Eumolpini p. 27, auatralis sp. n. Tasmania p. 28, Jacoby Entomologist 41. Plectonycha eorrervbina, early stages, Brucii p. 211 pi. ii Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. Plectroscelis punctifrons, polita, spp. n., Abeille de Perrin Marseille Ana. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. Ixxix. Pleronexiii gen. n. near Galerucdla p. 321, bcaxiforli sp. n. p. 322 N. (Juinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5. Poecilomorplia quadrimaculata sp. n. Cilicien, Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 135. — P. quadriviactdata and Clythraxcloma nigropunctata, Pic Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 240, vide Temnaapia. — P. gcntilia sp. n. S. Africa, Peringuey Ann.S. afric. Mus. 5 p. 331. Praayptcra bcnnigacni sp. n. N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 319. Prioptcra achidlzei sp. n. Philippines, Weise Pliilippine J. Sci. 3 p. 259. Pvobaota infirmior, faaciata. spp. n., S. America, Weise Revist. Mus. L;i Plata 12 p. 225. 275 Insecta. S YSTKMATIC. — ChRYSOMEUDAE, ErOTYUDAE. Prosniidia suturalis sp. n. Africa or., Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. eut. 76 p. 521. Psciidaoi'ia gea. n. Leprotini, bur- manlca, p. 399, cacnilea p. 400, spp. n. Burma, J.vcoby Fauu. Brit, ludia Chrysom. Pseudiapella eonsobr'nia sp. n. S. Africa, Pebinguey Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 5 p. 341. Pseudoelytra gen. n. type T'ltiiboea andrewes], and including C. plagiata Duv., Jacoby p. 101 f. 23 Faun. Brit. Ind. Chn-som. Pacudocrania basalis sp. n. Abyssinia, Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 525. Pseudopiomera ceijlonens'is Ceylon, andreicesi Nilgiri hills, Jacoby p. 404 Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Paeudostonopa easta)iea,picea, S'p'p. n., India, Jacoby p. 352 T.c. PsylUodes, castanea, bicolorata, spp.n., Abeille be Perrin Marseille Ann. soc. sci. nat. Provence 1 1907 p. Ixxxi. — P. luteola Lebensweise, Heikertinger Wien Verb. Zool.Bot. Ges. 58 p. 118. Pijrgo suturalis var. n. dara, Weise Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 1 pp. 1-13. Rembasticltus gen. n. near Bhembastus, variabilis sp. n. Australia, Weise p. 4 T.c. Rhomea gen. n. for Galeruea pidelira Boisd., Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 324. Rhijparida bengalensis p. 378, hn- maculata p. 379, assaviensis p. 381, spp. iL, India. Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. — R. tibialis, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 311. Rudolphia marginotn sp. n. Abyssinia, Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p.'523. Sastra meijerei sp. n. N. Guinea, Weise Xova Guinea 5 p. 320. Scelodonta alternata p. 383, nilgirl- enais p. 385, subeostata Andamans p. 380, immaculata, lovgicollia, p. 387, spp. n., India etc., Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Sebaethe aetltiopica sp. n. Ethiopia, Jacoby Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 p. 517. — .S. aeneipennis sp. n. N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 329. Sominella gen. n. fur Donacia macro- cnemia Fisch., Neubeschreibung, Jacoc- so.\ Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 623. (N-10332 j) Stcgnoccphala iiigritaraia p. 833, baaalis p. 834, spp. n., Brazil, Jacoby London P. Z. S. 1907. Stethiapa bruelii sp. n. Argentina, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 224. Sidrea punctipennis N. Guinea, pul- chra Key islds., spp. n., Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 329. Temnaspi^ nigrop\mclat(i Pir = Poeci- lomorpha quadrimacidata Reitt., Reitter Entomol. Ztg 27 j). 251. — -2'. clavareaui p. 90, assamensix p. 91, spp. n., India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. Ind. Chrysom. Timarcha pereaa sp. n. Djurdjura, Peyerimhoff Paris Bui. Soc. ent. 1908 p. 124. Tinoais gen. n. near Chalcomela, fasciata sp. n. Aru ins., Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. .313. Trachymela hartineyeri sp. n. Austra- lia, Weise Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 1 p. 7. Tricliochrysea chamoensis, rufofc- moralis, p. 388, antennata p. 389, spp. n., Burma, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Trichotheca fused sp. n. Himalaya, Jacoby p. 402 T.c. Tyieliona glabricoUis p. 471, incon- apicua p. 472, nigra p. 477, marginata, snhdepreasa, p. 478, India, ceylonenais \>. 476, longicornia p. 479, Ceylon, spp. n., Jacoby T.c. Tachitacherinula gen. n. subtrib. Lyperiiia p. 519, paradoxoeara sp. n. p. 621 Transcaspia, Jacobson Hor. Soc. Ent. Russ. 38. Uroplata lom/iijes sp. n. Amazons, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 226. Xanthophorua gen. n. for part of Xantlumia p. 404, laevicoUis, fuscipennia, p. 407, cariiuituH, nigricollix, p. 408, iiiontanus p. 409, spp. n. India, Jacoby Faun. Brit. India Chrysom. Xenidia xijria sp. n. N. Guinea, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 328. EUOTYLIDAE. Acgithus meaoaternalia Columbia, rubrive')itri8 Brasilia, trilinealna Mexico, palUdus Cameta, ]). 626, Juridus Co- lumbia, coUariH Coi'dilleron, circnm- fuaus Peru, p. 627, spp. n., nva varr. n. abdomlnalla & brunneua, lineatna var. n. thoraeicua, Kuhnt D. ent. Zs. 1908. c28— 2 27G Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] AmhlysceUs longula, gvandis, spp. n., Kilimandjaro, Schenkling Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 7 7 pp. 76-77. Brachysphaeniis erotyloides var. n. interi-uptus, flavofaseiatus var. n. api- calis, KuHNT D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 632. Cypherotylus annulatus var. n. ne- glectus, annnl'ipes var. u. nigricollis, Peru, p. 220 ; hitercedens Veragua p. 228, so-iatus Bolivia, irrorat as Peru, p. 229, spp. n., KuiiNT T.c. Encaustes flavofasciata sp. n. Tonkin, KuiMT p. 630 T.c. Bidoreus niinntus, Scott p. -115 Fauna Hawai. 3. Episcapha suhcostata sp. n. Kilimand- jaro, Schenkling Kilimaudjaro-Meru Exp. 7 7 p. 76. Erotylun permutdtus p. 70, clegans p. 71, elarosignatus, inirahilis, p. 72, Brasilia, parvus Peru id. 74, Unvotae- niatua, sanguiniceps, p. 75, luteotae- niatus p. 76, Brasilia, prop'mqaus Bra- silia ?, variomaculatiis Bolivia, p. 77, flavopunclatus Peru p. 78, selienldingi Amazonas p. 84, crucifer Brasilia p. 85, contractus Bolivia p. 86, nigrocinctua Peru p. 87, sanguineus Amazonas, fnlvofasciatuslirnziha, p. 88, tripartitvs Cameta p. 90, invohitus Hontluras p. 91, glaher Ecuador p. 93, fuvealus Ecuador? p. 95, microguttatus Brazilia p. 96, sculellatus ColuniT)ia p. 97, termmalis Brazilia p. 99, spp. n., Kuiint D. eut. Zs. 1908. — E. niarg'nicoguttatus var. n. integer, pretiosus var. n. impunctatus, hieroglypliicus var. n. columbianiis, helo- poides var. n. conjungcna, jaspideus varr. n. minor & hrazilianus, dccipieus var. n. peruvianus, Kl'Hnt T.c. pp. 67- 100, 225-238. l\Iegnlnd(ic}te laiJIiri p. f)29, anuidala ]). 631, Kanicrun, spp. n., Kiiint D. t'ui. Zs. 1908. Mierencaustes alropus sp. n. Tonkin p. 628, liturala vai-. n. nigripi'iin'is p. 6.30, Kuiint T.c MirrerotyluH Irieohir sp. n. 1\tii p. 237, duhitahilis var. n. 5 pioicldt ns, Kl.'lINT T.C. NcHitis il/le)IHfllil Vai'. II. :. 43. Tritoma atripennis p. 631, hella, hasi- maculata, p. Pi32, Tonkin, spp. n., Kuhnt D. ent. Zs. 1908. Endojiychidae. Rhymbus bruchi sp. n. Buenos Aires, Weise Rsvist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 231. COCCINELLIDAE. Melanistisclie uud andere auffallige Formen, Reichert Ent. Jahrb. 17 pp. 157-160 1 Taf. Berichtigung von neueren Beobacli- tnngen iiber die Nahrung, Weise Ento- mol. Ztg. Wien 27 pp. 10 1-102. Die Aufenthaltsorte der Coccinelliden, IVIeissner Intern. en(. Zs. pp. 367-368. Adalia bipunctata als Vertilger von Psylla, ScHREiNER Trd. b. entom. Ween. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 5 5 1907 pp. 34- 41. — A. eoloradensis sp. n. Boulder, Casey p. 401 Canad. Euto. 40. A7ieapo7'ia gen. n. type plagiodcrina Gorh., Casey p. 407 T.c. Aiiisocalvia'cnidrewesiB^p. n. 0-Indien, Weise Stettiner eut. Ztg. 69 p. 220. Anovia gen. n. type Scymnus virgina- H» Wickl)., Ca.sey p. 408 Canad. Ento. 40. Arcucdiiii subgen. n. Clidocoyus, type Exochomus ni'izonicus Casey, Leng New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 38. Aspidimerus puJcherB'p. n. Java, Weise Nova Guinea 5 ]). 300. Bracliyacantha arizoniea sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 1). 125.— /i. uteella p. 412, witli suljsp. Konorana, metator p. 4l3, spp. n., Unit(xl States, Casey Canad. Ento. 40. I'rumiis orbicrdatus p. 41 Arizona sp. n., seplentrionis varr. n. neradenais Nevada iNi: darisi p. 42, United States, l.i:\(; New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. I'ddaea. licliatschom ab. n. ]5-punctata Algeria, Ciioraut p. 327 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Ccdria {ll(dyzia) li-giittata cuiiculur I'enecke = li-guttala v. nigripcnnis Fleiscli., Fi.KiscnKi! Fjutoniol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 52. (liiliicorns tuiiiiilus sp. n. Virginia, Len(. New York .1. Enl. Soc. 16 p. 37.- ('. bicuhienis, oviposition, Giuault J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 300-302. I Innecta. Systematic. — Coooinellida e. Ch'ilomiiii:-< d-macuhila var. n. australis. Weise Fauna Siidwest- Australiens 2 Lfg. 1 pp. 1-13. Clanls dorsalis sp. n. 0-Iiidieu, Weisk Stettiuer eut. Ztg. 69 p. 227. Clfothera ferruginiccps sp. n. Tucu- luan, Weise Revist. ilus. La Plata 12 p. 229. Cocclnelhi nciytempiinctata ab. n. Jiaeliovskyl St. Peterburg, Russ., Barovsky Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 55. — C. spp. Vertilger von PsrjUa pyricola u. mall., ScHUElNER Trd. b. entom. Ucen Koni. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 5, 5 1907 pp. 34 + 1. — C. sonorica Mexico p. 402, johnsonl, oregona, p. 403, United States, spp. n., Casey Canad. Ento. 40. Cydoiieda pumlla sp. n. Entre Rios, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 229. Diomus lahiatus sp. n. Australia, Weise Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 1 p. 12. — D. tucumayms sp. n. Tucuman, Weise Revist. llus. La Plata 12 p. 230. Ep'ilachna horana p. 480, renati p. 481, spp. n., iladagascar, Sicard Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76 1907. — E. cireellaris sp. n. O.-lndien, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 p. 216. — E. signatipennis ab. n. baaalis, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 305. Exochomus dejlectens p. 410, mor- monicus, parvicoUis, United States, toicnsendi Mexico, p. 411, spp. n., Casey Canad. Ento. 40. Gymnoscymniia iMuesta nom. n. fiir 4-jruieulata Weise 1902, Weise Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 1 p. 13. Hipjpodamia ; list of American p. 400, coccinea subsp. n. p. 395, abducena subsp. n. p. 396, uteana, liliputana, spp. n., United States, p. 397, expurgata subsp. n. p. 400, Casey Canad. Ento. 40. Hyperaspidlus pallescens p. 420, ohlongua p. 421, spp. n., United States, C.^EY T.c. Hyperaspis aemulator p. 413, fastidioaa, conspirans, p. 414, oeuUfera p. 415, aignificans, coneurrena, aterrirrux, p. 416, coloradana, aerena, nunenmacheri, pro- tensa, p. 417, fidelia, henaonica, p. 418, octavia, filiola, revoeana, p. 419, tetra- neura p. 420. United States, imperialia Mexico p. 415, spp. n., Casey T.c— fi. weiaei sp. n. Texas, Schaeffer New York .J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 126. Megilla cithoiaia sp. n. Havana, Casey p. 394 Canad. Entn. 40. Micraapia phalerata ab. n. exclama- tionia Algeria, Chobaut p. 327 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Neaporia ; type metallica Gorli., Casey p. 407 Canad. Ento. 40. Olid gorfiami Mexico p. 105, minuta Texas p. 406, spp. n., Casey T.c. Plutrus aignifer sp. n. Java, Wkise Nova (Juinea 5 p. .')07. Pseudocleia gen. n. type Harmon la p'icta, Casey p. 406 Canad. Ento. 40. Payllobora plagiata sp. n. Arizona, Schaeffer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 125. — P. 20-maculata, Davis J. Econ. Ent. 1 p. 160. Pidlua argenthiicua sp. n. Tucuman, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12 p. 230. Rhizobiua nubilus sp. n. Neu-Zeeland, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 p. 229. liodoUa podagrica sp. n. Java, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 307. Scymnua apetz'i, riibidus, distribution, MiJLLEB p. 239 Wein ent. Ztg. 27.— S. indicus sp. n. O.-India, Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 p. 228. Solanophila nilgir'ica Ost-Indien, fallax Borneo, spp. n., Weise p. 219 T.c. — S. graplih sp. n. Bolivia, Weise Revist. Mus. La Plata 12. --S. borell p. 429, boiivieri p. 431, coquereli p. 432, tricolor p. 433, leanei p. 434, doncMeri p. 437, berthae p. 439, ambrejia'ta p. 440, tenuepicta p. 443, alliuiudi p. 446, tripupellata p. 447, obacuritarala p. 449, jid'ti, perlala, p. 451, ahnulutrix p. 452, grandidieri p. 453, nantui p. 454, hum- bloti p. 455, rubricollia, luteocincta p. 456, diveraipea p. 457, tanalcnaia p. 458, picta p. 459, alnuata p. 460, spp. n., vermicidata p. 462, lasloidea ]i. 463, anthraeina p. 464, soavezica ]). 465, pictteollia p. 468, denaeveatita p. 469, inexpectata p. 471, spp. n., Madagascar, Sicard Paris Ann. soc. ent. 76.— S aruenaia, Weise Nova Guinea 5 p. 305. Spiloneda gen. n. for C. gUlardini etc., Casey p. 405 Canad. Ento. 40. Stlcholotia obacurella p. 222, decora p. 223, nilgiriensia, O.-Indien, teatacea Sumatra, \'i-mncnlala p. 224, andreu-eai p. 225, gibbnla p. 226, O.-Indien, spp. n., Weise Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69. 278 Inseeta. xn. Inseeta. [1908] CORTLOPHIDAE. Arthrolips centrimaculatus, fulvellus, Bpp. n., Deutsch-Ostafrika, Reitteu Entomol. Ztg. Wiea 27 p. 61. CoryJophus usamharanu.s sp. n. Africa, Reitter T.c. p. 62. Homogrypinus gen. n. aff. Sericoderi p. 62, oblongulus sp. n. Deiitsch-Ostafrika p. 63, Reitter T.c. Ortlioperus eichelbaumi sp. n. Deutsch- Ostafrika, Reitter p. 63 T.c. — 0. aequalis, Scott p. 417 Fauna Hawai 3. Peltinua alutaeens & velatus, Reitter Wien ent. Ztg. 27 p. 198. Sacium ellipticum p. 59, flavotomen- tosum, generosum, p. 60, obliquev'ittatum p. 59, iLsamharense p. 60, Deutsch-Ost- afrika, spp. lu, Reitter T.c. — .S. angusticolle sp. n. Oahu, Scott p. 416 Fauna Hawai. 3. SericodeiiLS chohauti var. des vevel- lieri, Reitter p. 198 Wien ent. Ztg. 27. STREPSIPTERA. Acroscliismus gen. n. p. 79, Xeninae including type hubhardi sp. n. p. 84 Florida parasitic on Polistes crimtits, nigreseens (Bnies), pallidus (Brues), wheeleri nom. n. p. 80 for Xe7ios peekii Brues, Pierce Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. Agalliaphagiis gtn. n. type lialicto- phagux americauus Perkins, Pierce p. 83 T.c. Anthericomma gen. n. p. 81 type har- ber'i sp. n. p. 84 New Mexico. Pierce T.c. Apractelylra gen. n. p. 79 Xen'tnae type schirarzi sp. n. j). 83 District of Columbia, Pierce T.c. Craicfordia gen. n. Craicfordinae type Xenon pidvinipes, Pierce p. 80 T.c. Craicfordinae subfam. n. Xenidae including Craicfordia, Pierce p. 78 T.c. Dioxocera gen. n. type insnlaruvi sp. n. West Indies, parasitic on AV7'o- pliloea c'lridia, PlERCE p. 81 T.c. Dioxocendae fam. n. including Dioxo- cera, Pierce p. 70 T.c. Elenchoidea superfam. n. including Elenchidae, Pierce p. 76 T.c. Elenchidae fam. n. including Deine- lenchus, Elenchus and Mecynocera, Pierce p. 77 T.c. Eupathocera gen. n. p. 79 Xeninae including (type) lugubris sp. n. p. 83 Ohio parasitic on Sphex e.rtremitatus, sphecidarum Dufour and ? sieboldii Saimders, Pierce T.c. Halictophagoidea superfam. n. includ- ing Halictophagidae and Dioxoeeridiie, Pierce p. 76 T.c. Halictophagidae fam. n., including Pentacludocera, Halictophagus, Pentoxo- cera, and Anthericomma, Pierce p. 76 T.c. Halictophagus jacohsoni sp. n. Java, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 186. HaJictoxeninae subfam. n. Xenidae, including Halictoxenos, Pierce Wash- ington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 82. Halictoxenos gen. n. p. 82 Halic- toxeninae, type jonesi sp. n. p. 84 Louisi- ana parasitic on HaJictus sparsus, Pierce T.c. Homilopinae subfam. n. Xenidae, in- cluding HomiJops, Pierce p. 78 T.c. Uomilopi< gen. n. Homilopinae type Xenos icestwoodi Templeton, Pierce p. 80 T.c. Hylechtliridae fam. n. including Ily- leclithnis. Pierce p. 76 T.c. Mecynocern gen. n. type hoebelei sp. n. Ohio parasitic on Liburnia spp., Pierce p. 81 T.c. Mengeoidea siiperfam. n., including Mengeidae, Pierce p. 76 T.c. ]Mengeidae fam. n. including "fMengea, Pierce p. 76 T.c. Myrmecolacidae fam. n. including Myrmecolax, Pierce p. 76 T.c. Oplilhalmocldu.'i gen. n. p. 79 Xeninae, type duryi sp. n. j). 83 Ohio parasitic on Priononyx atrala. Pierce T.c. Parastylops gen. n. p. 188, ilagellatus sp. n. Java p. 189, Meijere 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51. Pentacladocera gen. n. type Halicto- phagus scliwarzi Perkins, Pierce Wash- ington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 80. Pentoxocera nom. n. for Bniesia Per- king, Pierce p. 80 T.c. 279 Insecla. Systematic. — Stuepsiptera — Hymenoptera. Schistosiphon gen. n. Xen'nuie type Xenos peckii Kirby, Pierce p. 80 T.c. Stylopidae 'redefined, including S^f/Zops, Pierce p. 7G T.c. Xenoidea superfam. n., including Myr- niecolacidae, Stylopidae, Hylcchthridae and Xenidae, Pierce p. 76 T.c. Xenidae redefined, including Xeyiinae, HomUopinae, Craicfordhiae, Halictoxe- ninae. Pierce p. 76 T.c. Xeninae subfaui. n. Xenidae, in- cluding Xenos, Pseudoxeyios, Paraxenos, Apractelytra, Eupathocera, Ophthalmoch- lus, Acrosehismus and Schistosiphon, Pierce p. 78 T.c. HYMENOPTERA. Gaclle Catalogue systematique et bio- logique des Hymenopteres de France, (Extr. de la Feuille des jeunes Natu- ralistes) 1908 pp.171. Erganzungen zu Schmiedekneclits „Hymenopteren Mitteleuropas" bezw. „Opuscula Iclmeumonologica," Ulbricht D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 356-358. Apidae. Die Mundteile der solitiiren Apiden, Demoll Zs. wiss. Zool. 91 pp. 1-51 2Taf. Die Copulationsanhiinge der solitiiren Apiden und die Artentstehung durch ,,physiologische Isolierung", Strohl Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 pp. 333-384 3 Taf. Anthophila of Algeria, with 46 new species ; S.vunders pp. 177-274 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Faun. ins. Helvetiae, Apidae 2 pp. 1- 96, Frey-Ges.sner, 904. ilitteilungen iiber Siidamerikanisclie Apiden ; Jensen-Haarcp Zs. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 4 pp. 375-378. Variations dans la nidification de quelques Apides solitaires, Popovici- Bazxosaxu Paris C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 1126-1127. The homing of the burrowing-beea {Antliophoridae) ; Turner Biol. Bull. 15 pp. 247-258. Agapostemon melliventria, torpid con- dition, Hooker Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 9. Ammobates sp. n. Algeria, Saunders p. 236 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Aneyloscelia viinuta sp. n. Argentina, Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 52. Andrena nigra p. 195, testaceipea p. 196, albociiierea p. 197, albohirta p. 198, stricta p, 199, nigrocAjanea p. 203, forcipata p. 204, merimna p. 205, niveozonata p. 206, rubrosignata p. 207, nigriveiitria p. 208, spp. n. ; and the following $ forms of A. viinu- tula some or all of which may be spp. n., alpha p. 211, beta, gamyna, p. 212, deltap. 213, epsilon, zeta, p. 2^14, eta, theta, p. 215, iota, kappa, lambda, p. 216, mu p. 217, nii, omicron, p. 218 ; Algeria ; Saunders London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — .4. kervillei sp. n. Tunis, Perez in Gadeau de Kervalle Voyage en Khrou- mirie p. 73. — A. bombayensis, levilabris, p. 308, punjabensis p. 309, Bom- bay, spp. n., Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. — A.ziziaeformia sp. n. Vir- ginia, Cockerell p. 234 Canad. Ento. 40. — A. pyrrhacita var. n. mosina, Cockerell p. 330 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — A. andrenoides clarigastra nom. n. for bieolor Rob., bisalicia nom. n. for aalicis Rob., didelta nom. n. for delta Vier., perivdotata nom. n. for indotata Vier., ViERECK Ent. News 19 p. 42. — fA. hypolitha sp. n. Miocene of Colorado, Cockerell p. 328 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Anthidium ; the Spanish described, Dusmet Mem. Soc. Espan. 5 pp. 153- 214. — A. armaticeps sp. n. O.-Afrika, Friese D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 571.— A. rubripes, flavoinaculatum, p. 70, vigin- tipunctatum, bidentatum, aaltense, p. 71, argentinum, inerme, p. 72, joergenseni p. 73, saiiguineum p. 74, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina. — A. sexdifrojia, arenarium p. 80, codoense p. 81, spp. n., Bresil, Ducke Rev. ent. 26. Anthophora albocinerea sp. n. Algeria, Saunders p. 268 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — A. domicola, ekuivenaia, spp. n., W. Africa, Cockerell p. 121 Entomologist 41. — A. filchnerae sp. n. China, Friese Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. 1 p. 98.- A. fedoriea ? , Cockerell Washington Proc. 280 In^ecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Ent. Soc. 9 p. 71. — t-^. melfordi sp. n. Miocene of Colorado, Cockerell p. 323 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Anthrena hrunneipennis p. 362, biu'kelli p. 363, formm. n. India, Bing- ham Rec. Ind. Miis. 2. Apis dorsata ; ScHXEiDER Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 447-453. — A. mel- liiera; Rathlef Bilder Bienenwelt 1908 p. 103 ; Abarten und deren Eip;enschaf ten im Kaukasus, Pritclexko-Tavriceskij Pcelo. zirni 1908 pp. 408-413 & 450- 456 ; Produktivitat der verschiedenen Rassen, Ivanov Pcelo v. zirni 1907 pp. 200-205 ; Drohnenbristigkeit, Levax- DOVSKiJ Stepnoje pcelov. 1 pp. 6-15 ; Parthenogenese, G. T. Stepnoje pcelov. 2 0 pp. 4-10 ; Wiederhalte Befruch- tung, Smirnov Russ. pcelovod. listok 23 pp. 326-329; Stndien iiber den Ge- schlechtsapparats und die Fortpflanzung der Bienen, Bresslau Zool. Anz. 32 pp. 722-741 ; Losung der Geschlechts- ratsel im Bienenstaat, sowie eingestreute praktische Winke fiir den Bienenwirt und einige Betrachtungen iiber das Sin- nesleben der Bienen, Dickel Darmstadt [1908] (iv + 112); Konigin Atavismus, Demoll Biol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 271-278 ; Geschlechtsbestimmung, Dickel Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 222-236; Geschlechts- bestimmung, Bresslac Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 727-737 ; Fortpflanzungsgeschichte, Blttel-Reepex Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 280- 288; embryolog)% Diesberg Anat. Anz. 32 pp. 261-265 ; discoloration, Reuter Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 p. 23. Aahmead'tella hucconis & denticidata, Cockerell p. 61 Entomologist 41. Augochlora argerdina sp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 26. Auatrandrena subg. n. of I'mtandrpna, Cockerell p. 37 Psyche 1906 [overlooked in 1906]. B'lcolletvx gen. n., neotroptea, p. 11, fratdii, aaltensis, p. 12 spp. n., I'kiese Apidae von Argentina. Bomhua ; Beobachtungen aus deren Leben [Gegen Maeterlinck], Rathlef Bilder Bieaenwelt 1908 p. 103; Psyche oder automatisches Apparat ? Erikson Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 32-41 ; Xestern Gundermann Ent. Wochcnbl. 25 pp. 30, 35-36 ; als Befruchter voii Korn- bluraen, Oksenov Entomologische Beob- achtungen 1907 p. 28; notes on euro- pean, Krausze pp. 138-140 Soc. entomol. 23; Uebersicht des arktisclien Arten- Lebensweise, Bestimmungstabelle der Grundformen der eiiropaischen Arten, Friese St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. Sc. 18 pp. 1-17 1 Taf. — B. hortorum arborensis Sardinien, Krausse Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 139 ; B. hortorum haeckeU Krausse Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 174 ; B. hortorum ichnusae Kracsse Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 174; B. hortorum var. n. icoljH Sar- dinien, Krausse Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 94. — B. iiratorum aureus und B. so- roens'ts quattr'tcolor aus Schweden Krausse Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 133. — Bomhua terrc^tria, Formen Krausse Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 163 ; B. terrestr'is dettoi, Krausse Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 132 ; Bombus terrestr'is Umbarae & gallurae varr. n. von Sardinien, Krausse Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 78 ; B. lapponieua pul- chr'ior aus Lappland, Krausse Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 76. — B. ephippiatus viontezumae n.n. for laboriosus Sm., Cockerell p. 344 Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. — B. liirbyellus var. n. friesei Ostsibirien, fragrans var. n. sulfureus Xord- Kaukasus, p. Ill, hypnorum subsp. n. v'mctor Gouv. Moskau und Perm p. 112, ailvarum subsp. n. convergens Nord- Kaukasus p. 112, variabilia var. n. equesfriformis Xord-Kaukasus und var. n. cariosus Gouv. Woronesh p. 112, confuaus var. n. taryimiii Gouv. Lublin, hortorum var. n. vinogradovi Trans- kaukasien & Sevastopol p. 113, Skorikov Rev. russ. ent. 7. — B. filclinerae sp. n. China, Jucorum var. n. tschouensia, \'ogt Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. 1 p. 100. Calliopaia coloradeusis $ , Cockerell p. 147 Canad. Ento. 40. — C. turnerae sp. n. Bresil, Ducke Rev. ent. 26 p. 76. '\CaJyptap'ts florisaantensis description and po.-,ition, Cockerell p. 324 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Camptopoeumhrasilienae ap. n. Bresil, Ducke Rev. ent. 26 p. 77. — C. oehraceum sp. n. Friese, Apidae von Argentina p. 29. Canephora apiformis sp. n. I'liiKSE T.c. p. 59. ('aupolicana am'ithiana sp. n. Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 21. Centria lyngbyc'i sp. n. Argentina, Jensek-Haauup Flora og Fauna 1908 pp. 107-108. — C. caxie7is'ia sp. n. Bresil, Ducke Rev. ent. 26 p 85. 281 Inaeeia. Systematic. — Hymbnoptera — Apidae. Ceratina geigeriae sp. n. \V. Africa, CocKERFLL p. 35 Entoiuologist 41. —C. hiughatn't sp. n. Calcutta, Cockereli. p. 340 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — C. xpUasph sp. n. Dees;i, C.vmeron Bombay J. Xat. Hist. See. 78 p. (357. — ('. hhaicani form n. .Simla, HiNGiLVM Rec. Iiid. Mas. 2 p. 366.— Ccosmiocepltala sp. n. Borneo, Cameron p. 285 Entomologist 41. — C. pahnerii sp. n. Borneo, C.^merox D. ent. Zs. 1908 ]). ."jOf). — C. minima sp. n. Trinidad, Friese Zool. Jakrb. Suppl. 11 p. 30. Chehjnia pavonina sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 339 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. CoeHoxijs coturnix . 366. Ualictus, of Arnold, Alfken Zs. Hymenopter 8 pp. 11-14. — 77. malachu- rua = {longidus Sm.), Saunders p. 229 Ent. Mag. 44. — 77. femoralia p. 185, cincticornis p. 187, yakourenaia p. 190, spp. n., Algeria, Saunders London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — 77. geigeriae sp. n. W. Africa, Cockerell p. 35 Entomolo- gist 41. — 77. jucundua henguellenaia subsp. n. p. 121, creigJitonl sp. n. \V. Africa, Cockerell T.c. — 77. malienaia sp. n. Seychelles, Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 70. — 77. polyctor p. 360, deiphobua, paria, pp. 361-362, formm. n., Bingham Kec. Ind. Mus. 2. — 77. deeaanua p. 309, latiaignatua, abnenaia, p. 310, emer- gendua p. 311, spp. n., Bombay, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. — 77. era- terua sp. n. p. 35, piloaiia var. n. leucocomua p. 37, arcuatiia var. n. 282 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] parisus p. 36, Maine, Lovell Psyche 15. — H. manitouellus sp. n. Colorado, Cocke- RELL, Washingtoa Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 119. — H. semivlridis sp. n. Ber- mudas, sanct'ivineenti var. n. trinidaden- sis,FRiESE Zool. Jahrb. Supj)!. 11 p. 37. — H.jenseni, jorgenaeni, paTaniorio, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 25. — H. extraord'inarius, perpessicius, spp. n. Samoa, Kohl Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 81 pp. 306-317. Hemlsia aniaitzi sp. n. Paraguay p. 141, burgdorfi form. n. ocellata, pectoraUs form. n. flava & ohjpeata, ScHRoriKY Zs. Hymenopter. 8 pp. 93- 99 & 138-143. Heriadea ekuiveiia'is, wellmani, spp. n., W. Africa, Cookerei.l p. 338 Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. Leiopodut trochanterieus sp. n. Bresil, Dl'CKE Rev. ent. 26 p. 87. — L. gigaa sp. n. Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 91. — L. depresaiventris p. 102, leeolntei p. 103, Brasilia, spp. n., Ducke Zs. Hymenopter. 8. Leatremelitta limao ; FiebrigZs. wiss. Insektenljiol. 3 p. 374-386. Lithurgna alhofimhriatua Ergiinzung zur Beschreibung, Koiil Wien Denkschr. Ak.^ Wiss. 81 pp. 306-317.— L. huheri p. 78, frieaei p. 79, spp. n., Bresil, DuoKE Rev. ent. 26. — L. rujiventria, albicepa p. 61, ylanifrona,pi]ginaea, p. 62, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina. Megacliile (CreigJitonella subg. n.) mitimia sp. n. W. Africa, Cockekell p. 146 Entomologist 41. — M. cimicularia, filieorn'is, p. 570, flaviventns p. 571, O.-Afrika, spp. n., Fkjese D. ent. Zs. 1908. — M. aeycliellenais sp. n. vSeychelles, Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 71. — .V. gatJiela, hoinhaijenaia, p. P50, liaaupoda, catliena, p. 651, cratodonta, aiihfuacna, p. 652, indoatana, rugicauda, p. 653, lerma, leptodonta, p. 654, erythroatovia, auavida, p. 055, M. ? atiunynia p. 650, spp. n. Bombay, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Snc. 18 .1/. v'i<-cnllci sp. n. India, Cameron p. 88 EntDiungist 41. — M. (imiaeap. n. mitvar. n. cnstaneipea N. (Juinea, Australien, Friese Nova (liiinea 15 p. 356. — M. quod'i sp. n. Nouvelle-Cal6donie, Vaciiai, Rev. ent. 26 p. nS.—M.hdlanthi p. 259, terreatris p. 260, anograe p. 261, chryaothnmni, newelli, p. 262, murinella p. 203, hdl- afroeintae, verheainae, j). 201, vmc.oroaa p. 265, onobrycMdia p. 266, acluamatura p. 267, spp. n. United States, pojndi = {ppuntiarum Ckll.) p. 265, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — M. auhexilis Colo- rado, semiexilis New Mexico, spp. n., Cockerell p. 292 Entomologist 41. — .1/. geophila n. n. for teri-eatria Ckll. (above), Cockerell p. 460 Canad. Ento. 40. — .1/. doanei sp. n. Tahiti, Cockerell Ent. News 19 p. 466. — M. trichieta, joergenseni, bigibbosa, p. 66, leucografa, tetrazona, p. 67, rhlnoceroa, burmeisteri, p. 68, annigera. luteipea, p. 09, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina. — M. nigroc'incta to Gronoeeraa, Cockerell p. 35 Entomologist 41. — fiV. praedicta sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 31 Canad. Ento. 40. Melisaodea ; sun-dance. Turner Psyche 15 pp. 122-124. — M. aaponellua sp. n. Washington State, Cockerell p. 234 Canad. Ento. 40. — M. martini hitei subsp. n., CocKERELL p. 331 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Mesotrichia chiyaTiensis sp. n. W^. Africa, Cockerell p. 34 Entomologist 41. — M. orthosiplionia sp. n. W. Africa, Cockerell p. 86 T.c. Nomada ; spp. of Arnold, Alfken Zs- Hymenopter. 8 pp. 11-14. — A', borealia, Ulbricht D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 490. — A", scittellata p. 228, j^^^i'iiseuta p. 229, hrefia, praeatana, p. 230, midtiapiywsa p. 231, panurginoide'a p. 232, hippoueiiaia p. 234, spp. n., Algeria, Saunders Lon- don Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — N. viiiinda sp. n. Virginia, Cockerell Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 00.— N. mera p. 83, xanthura, covnelUtnia, p. 84, spp. n.. United States, Cockerell T.c. — iV. de- preasicauda Virginia, akinneri Pennsyl- vania, spp. n., Cockerell Ent. News 19 p. 323. — A^. pailocera sp. n. Salomo- Insel, Kohl Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 81 pp. 300-317. Nomia avuibilin sp. n. W. Africa, Cockerell p. 85 Entomologist 41. — A^. ekuiveiiaia p. 144, tceluitacJii ]). 145, u-elJmani p. 1 10, spp. n., N. bakeri 2 |). 147, W. Afiica, Cockerell Canad. Ento. 40. — A^. jirodudiL Sm. vide TJirin- voatomu. — A^ aoinalica trorhunterica, O.-Afrika, spp. n., Friese 1). ent. Zs. 1908 p. 507. — A^. abuenaia, collina. Mount Abu, spp. n., Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 658. — ISj.joergen- acni sp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 20. — N. univeraiiidia, incaillenBia, 283 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenoptera — Apidak. spp. n., Colorado, Cockerell p. 33-1 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Xomioidt's squam'iger p. '222, deecptor, excellens, p. 223, spp. n., Algeria, Sac.vdehs London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. OedisceUs inermis p. 7, sti/Vtventris p. 9, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argen- tina. Oamia mucidu var. u. steeki, Frey- Gessner p. 283 Mitt, schweiz. ent. Ges. 11. — 0. tarfensis p. 246, tricolor p. 2-19, spp. n., Algeria, Saunders London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — 0. bruneri S Colorado, Cockerell p. 330 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — 0. copelandiea sp. n. Colorado, Cocke- rell p. 59 Entomologist 41. Pachyprofiopls gen. n. Prosopidae p. 29, mirab'dis sp. n. Queensland p. 30, Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 2. PaJaeorhiza gen. n, Palaeorhizidae ( ? Meroglossidaej fam. n. type Prosopis perciridis Cock., Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 29. Panurginua didirupa sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 293 Entomologist 41. — P. saltetisis p. 26, aeneiventris p. 27 spp. n., Frie.se Apidae von Argentina. — P. illinoensis sleeping, Ban'KS p. 340 Ent. News 19. Paiiui'fjus fernanensin sp. n. Tunis, Perez in Gadeau de Kerville voyage en Khroumirie p. 73. Parapsaenythia gen. n., argent'ina sp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina p. 42. Podal'ir'ais grlsescena p. 83, ipomoeae p. 84, spp. n., Bresil, Ducke Rev. ent. 26. Prosopis heu'dtl sp. n. Borneo, Cameron D. ent. Zs. 1908 ]). 56.5.— P. rufula, saltenniH, spp. n., Fiuese Apidae von Argentina p. 5. '\Protomelecta gen. n., irevipennis sp. n. Pliocene oi Colorado, Cockerell p. 341 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Paaenythia nuperha p. 32, quadrl- faaeiata, p. 35, nigrirentria, gerfttaeckeri, p. 36, flatomaculata p. 37, interrupta, herbsti, p. 38, rubripes, pictipenniy, p. 40, laticeps, bizonata, hifaseiata, p. 41, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argen- tina. Ptiloglosaa thoracica. pallipes, ahsur- dipes, p. 24, obscura p. 25, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina. Pt'dotrix riparia sp. n. Bresil, Duoke Rev. ent. 26 p. 82. Samba gen. n. Pamirgidae p. 568, calcarata sp. n. O.-Afrika ]). 569, Friese D. ent. Zs. 1908. Spliecodes afrieanus sp. n. Usanibara Friese p. 567 T.c. — S. lautlpeiDuii sp. n. Coloi-ado, Cockerell p. (iO Entomologist 41. — S. nigripennis sp. n., Fkhcse Apidae von Argentina p. 4. — S. fricsel sp. n. Chile, Herbst D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 470. Stel'is casslopaea sp. n. Algeria, Saunders p. 257 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — S. seneciophila sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 329 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Tetralonia fulvitarsis, aragalli is $ of, Cockerell p. 234 Canad. Ento. 40. — 2\ ovatula, glabricornis, p. 649, spp. n., Bombay, Ca.meron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 13. — T. chrysohotrijae sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 332 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — T. zebra p. 44, bipunctata p. 45, corvina, rujiveiitris, p. 46, semirujh, palliventris, luteipes, duckei, p. 47, Jlaviventria, jenseni, p. 49, niveata, tetrazona p. 50, spp. n., Friese Apidae von Argentina. Thaumatosoma teataeeicorne sp. n. Matheran, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 657. Thrincostoma orcliidarum, orthonnae, spp. n. Benguella, Cockerell p. 343 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — T. u-ellmaiii sp. n, W. Africa, Cockerell p. 84 Entomo- logist 41. — T. nomiaefonnia n. n. for Nomia prodiicta Sm., Cockerell p. 145 Canad. Ento. 40. Trigona erythroatoma j). 193, fulvo- p'dosella, fuacobalteata, p. 194, teata- ceinerva, pallidiatigma, p. 195, spp. n., Borneo, Cameron Entomologist 41. — T. genalia, flaviventria, N. Guinea, lutei- ventrla Malaka & Palawan, veraicolor Malaka & Borneo, anamitica Annam, spp. n., laevlcepa var. n. clypearia N. Guinea, Friese Nova Guinea 5 pp. 357 & 358. Xyloeopa violacea, Schuster Fest- schrift . . . der Wetterauischen Ges. Hanau 1908 pp. 75-77 ; X. violacea im Untermaintal, Schubert p. 89 Soc. entomol. 23. — A'. eximiaB]p. n. O.-Afrika, 284 tnsecta. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Friese D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 569.— A'. hatesi nom. n. for dimidiata Sm., CocKERELL Bull. Amer. Mns. 1907 p. 228. Dii'Loi'TERA. Vespidae, Enmenidae, Masaridae. Tables of the genera & species of social Vespidae of S. America, Ducke pp. 152-199 Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5. Synonj'mical & varietal notes, American Vespidae sociales, Ducke D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 695-700. Nests of neotropical Vespidae ; Ducke p. 154 pis. i-iii Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5. I^es glandes cutanees de quelques Vespides ; Borpas Paris Bui. soc. zool. pp. 59-64. Aneiatroeerus nigro-hirstdus p. 203 Colorado, fulvitarsis p. 205, California, pelias p. 208, veiitones p. 209, antlieus p. 210, satyrus, tityrus, p. 211, leeiisis rivularis, p. 215, durangoensis p. 216, triincatus p. 217, ormabyensis, leeoiiiei, p. 218, lindernanni p. 219, cockerelli, bakerianus, p. 220, saiji p. 221, fulvi- carpus, simulator, p. 222, A.(Xortonia?) phoenixcnsis p. 225 Arizona, belieensis Belize, p. 230, spp. n., Cameron Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 230. Belonogaster facialis Bp. n. Afrique, Du BuYSSON Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 65. Diaeoeliua lignicola ap. n. Paraguay, Brethes p. 5 An. Mus. Buenos Aires 9. Euanciatrocerus japoniciis sp. n. Japan, Schulthess-Rechbero p. 285 Mitt, achweiz. ent. Ges. 11. Euclialcomenes gen. n. Eumenidac,gil- berti ap. n. Queensland, also I'acJiymeiics viridis & elegans. Turner p. 90 London Trans. Ent. Soc. 1908. Eumenea samuray ap. n. Japan, Schultiiess-Rechberu p. 284 Mitt, achweiz. ent. Ges. 11. Tcaria jacobaoiil ap. n. Java, nu Buvs- SON Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 123. — T. eryOirospUa j). 56.'3, onutt ipcs, curvi- lineatu, p. .564, Borneo app. n., Cameron D. ent. Zs. 1908. Isrhnoroelia gen. n. I'^umenidae, xanlhochrovia ap. n. Queensland, Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 32. Labi-us chiideaui ap. n. Sud Algerien du Tchad, DU Buysson Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 132. Lionotus tomentosus var. n. niponieus, Schulthess - Rechberg p. 287 Mitt, achweiz. ent. Ges. 11. Macrocahjmma gen. n. Enmenidae, sinitliiamim ap. n. Queensland, Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 31. Monobia qnadridens, nest and pupae, Tandy Ent. News pp. 231-232. Montezum.ia aitstralensis sp. n. Queens- land, Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 33. Nortonia ? basimaeula sp. n. Texas, Cameron Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 224. Odynerus heiTichit = (basalis Sm.), Saunders p. 236 Ent. Mag. 44. — 0. caenocejiltalus p. 72, chagosensis p. 73, farquharensis p. 74 Farquhar Atoll, spp. n., Cameeon Tr. Linn. Soc. 12. — 0. levisc.utia, henricus, 0. (Ancistrocerus) xniitlwzonns, p. 307, app. n. Bombay, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. — 0. brooksii p. 561, saixtabongensis p. 562, Borneo, app. n., Cameron D. ent. Zs. 1908. — 0. oraans, scndderi, p. 196, crotchii p. 197, cresaoni, p. 198, oslar- ensis, longipilosiis, p. 199. fedorensis p. 200, hetei'ospilus p. 201, chelono- gastinis p. 202, edwardsii p. 207, Cali- fornia, 0. (Aneiatroeerus) arizonaensis p. 208 Arizona, philetaa p. 214, acanth- opus p. 223, Texas, 0. {Ancistroecrua) minnesotaensis ap. n. Minnesota p. 231. — 0. qnodi sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vachal Rev. ent. 26 p. 115. Paragia magdalena ap. n. Queensland, Turner )). 89 London Trans. Ent. Soc. 1908. Poliatea ellenbergi ap. n, Afrique, DU Buysson Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 64. — P. perkinsii Siid-China p. 313, pracnu- tatus Saloiuo-Insel pp. 306-317, Koiii. Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 81.— 2^ aynocc.oides sp. n. Amazons, Ducke p. 196 Bol. Mus. (ioeldi 5. — /'. annularia hibernation, Brimi.ey Ent. News 19 p. 107. Pohjbia ineerta p. 179, velutina p. 180, app. n., S. America, Ducke Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5. Protopolybia pundnlata, ruguloaa, spp. n., S. America, Ducke p. 167 T.c. 2S5 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenofteea — DirLOfTEP.A — Fossoria. Pteroehihis maculifrons p. 22G Colo- rado, pruinosus p. 227 Arizona, spp. n., Cameron Traus. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Rhynchium aurantiacutn sp. n. Deesa, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 307. Stenaticistrocerits sliinto sp. n. Japan, ScHCLTHESS - Recuberg p. 28() Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 11. Siinagrls d'Airique, gradation et per- fectioonement de I'instinct, Rodbaid Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 695-697. Vespa crahro spermatogenesis, Meves & Dcesbero Arch. mikr. Anat. 71 pp. 571-587 2 pis; Raubeu Bieuenwesen des Honiiss, MiROSNiCENKO Turkest. Selsk. choz. 1 1906 8 pp. 26-28.— r. vulgaris, Ban und Entwickelung der Mundteile, KiRMAVER Diss. Bamberg p. 44. — V. Carolina, workers coloration, Turner Psyche 15 p. 1 pi. Zethus viedius sp. n.Paragnay, Brethes p. 6 An. Mus. Buenos Aires 9. Fossoria. Aeluroides Tullg. vide Apenesia in Proctotrypidae. ^Agen'ia saxigemi sp. n. Colorado, CocKERELL Amer. J. Sci. 25 p. 229. Anodontyra tricolor = {Tliynnus albo- fascialua Sm.), Turner p. 79 Loudon Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Anthobosca natalica Natal p. 85, lagardei Sydney p. 86, spp. n., antenrmta Sm. = (Cosila Uieringi Sauss.) p. 84, Turner T.c. Auntrotlphia gen. n. ScoUidae, kirbyl sp. n. Australia, Cockerell Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. 190& p. 49 [omitted in 1906]. — A. anthraclna Sm. (as Antho- bosca) = kirbyi Cock., Turner p. 87 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. liarymutilla parallela 0. u. W. Afrika p. 70, aiironuiculala Somali p. 71 , spp. n., .\n['RK Zs. Hymenopter. 8. — B. ovo'ideu sp. n. Erytliree, Andre Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 375-376. Belomicrus lariinerensi-^ sp. n. Colo- rado, RonwER Ent. News 19 j). 417. Betnbex rostrata Biologic, Schuster Entomol. Ztg 27 pp. 124-128.—/.'. primaaeatate sp. n. Colorado, Johnson and RoHWEE Ent. News 19 p. 378. Bembidula mclilotl sp. n. New Mexico, Johnson and Rohweb p. 376 T.c. BracJiygaMer m'niutus var. n. aethio- picus Afrique orientale, Magretti Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 190. Brachystegua metathoracici(!< sp. n. Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 16. Cerceris caluehortl p, 322, nolidaginiH p. 323, argyrotricha p. 324, rhoxs, eleo- mae, p. 325, spp. n., United States, RoHWER Canad. Ento. 40. — C. ihiro- faseiata p. 42, plcnralis p. 44, 7U'hrll^^- amjiifi p. 4(), spp. n., Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8. Copliothymms nova., n. for Aelurun Kl., synonymy of s})ecies, Turner pp. 79 & 80 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Crahro ; Aufiindung ihrer Brutrohre, Wasmann Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 p. 190. — C. annandali foi'm n. Hima- layas, Bingham Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 358. — C. {Dasyproctux) jaeohHovt sp. n. Java, Kohl Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 52. — C. hewittii p. 242, dentipleuris p. 243, spp. n., Borneo, Cameron Entomologist 41. — C. operus p. 247, opicana p. 248, megavepliahm p. 249, ferrug'meipcs p. 250, nolwmis p. 251, hrachycarpae p. 252, heradei p. 253, drymocallidia p. 255, eockerelli p. 255, eriogoyii p. 256, spp. n., Colorado or New Mexico, RoHWER Ent. News 19. — C. vierecki sp. n. Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 79. — C. g'dlettel p. 418, bes- seyae p. 419, Colorado, spp. n., RoH\yER Ent. News 19. Cryptoclillus malecullocandwi sp. n. Australia, Schulz Famia Siidwest. Australiens 1 Lfg 13 p. 474. Dasylahris signaticeps sp. n. 0.- Afrika, Andre Zs. Hymenopter. 8 p. 136. DasTjlahroides rubra sp. n. Lapland, Andre T.c. p. 65. DasyproetuH teHtacelpalpi-f sp. n. Deesa, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 305. DlmorpJtomutilla? belizenis'is sp. n. Belize, Cameron Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 240. iJ'iacolia ingrubiinaculala sp. n. Deesa, C-vmeron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 300. 286 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Doliehomutilla la7igenhurgensis sp. n. O.-Afrika, Andre Zs. Hymenopter. 8 p. 68. Eirojie mutabilis sp. n. Australia, TfRNER p. 80 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Elaphroptera avida Tucumau p. 73, arcuata Lago Xanco p. 76, inea Bolivia p. 77, spp. n., herbstii ? p. 75, Turner T.c. Enteles icagner'i. p. 452, sauguinei- ventris-p. 455, app. n., Australia, Schulz Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, Bd 1, Lfg 13. Ephiita sparsifonnis sp. n. Colorado, CocKERELL and RoinVER Psyche 15 p. 4. Eucerczris phnarum sp. n. Colorado, RoHWERp. 326 Canad. Ento. 40. Glaphyrothijunnn subgen n. type Jelcboria xantliorrJicc'i, Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 108. Gorytes icariiformls form n. India, Bingham Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 356. Iloplisus elegaiduluH sp. n. Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nelji-. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 24. Huberia gen. n. p. 5 Scoliides, glabr'i- collis p. G, pilicolli!< p. 7, clavicornis p. 8, spp. n., S. ximerique, Ducke Rev. ent. 26 1907. laicara & Komarov'ui, Turner p. 81 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Larra maura var. n. rechingeri Neu- pominern. Kohl Wien Denkschr. Ak. AViss. 81 pp. 306-317. Lyroda micliaclseni sp. n. Australia, ScHULZ Fauna Siidwcst Australiens 1 Lfg 13 p. 479. MacrolhynnuH Bubgen. n. of TItynnus type aimiUimuH Sni., Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 194. Mellinus woleuUi sp. n. Indiana, Smiiii lint. News 19 j). 299. — M. ha)uUirnchi ap. n. Florissant shales, Roiiwkr New York Bull. Anier. Mus. 24 ]>. 597. Methoca ichneumo)iide», larva parasite of larva of Cicindela, Bouw.man Lcvcndo Natuur 13 pp. 110-112. Microbcmbex munodonlu suhspp. u. occidentalis, iicomexieana & dellaeimitf, Johnson and Rohweb Ent. News. 19 \i. 375. Miinesa conica p. 67, ncbrasceneis p. 68, mandibularis p. 70, spp. n., Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8. Monedula denverensis sp. n. Colorado, Cameron Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 235. Mutilla ilgiformis sp. n. Senegal, Magretti Zs. Hymenopter. 8 p. 175. — M. spicidata p. 72, togocnsis p. 74, W. Afrika, dentidorsia p. 75, fulvodecovata p. 76, O.-Afrika, analfera S. Africa p. 78, laevhiotata W. Africa p. 79, polychroma Capland p. 129, ciliaticornis S. Afrika p. 130, tegularis O.-Afrika p. 132, adnata Zanzibar p. 133, spp. n., Andre Zs. Hymenopter 8. — .1/. mult'icarinata sp. n. Transvaal, Andre D. Ent. Zs. 1908 p. 469. — M. asmarensis Erythree, caviaulifera Formose, spp. n., Andre Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 376-378.— M. spectra p. 350, indiga p. 351, formm. n., India, Bingh.vm Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 4. Myzine diffin'is Cape Verde islds, p. 498, M. (Pseudoriieria) perornata Transvaal p. 499, M. (Hcmimeria) eub- levis Delagoa Bay p. 500, M. b'mghami Tenasserim p. .501, spp. n., Turner Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — M. lecointei p. 146, bi- punctata p. 147, spp. n., S. Amerique, Ducke Rev. ent. 26 1907. Nitela australiensis sp. n. Australia, Schulz Fauna Siidwest Australiens 1 Lfg 13 p. 483. Notogonia seychellenniH j). 77, rufo- jcmorata, mahensis, p. 78, spp. n., Sey- chelles, Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12. NysHon angular'is sp. n. Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 18. Odontomidilla coiiqitd sp. n. Trans- vaal, Andre 1). ent. Zs. 1908 j). 468.— 0. c(dida p. 66, hivcr^a p. 67, S. -Afrika spp. n., Andre Zs. Hynieiioj>ter. 8. Oxyhclus ncuvilh'i sp. n. Af'riquc orientale, Magretti Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 188. — 0. laliUncatu8,pirtlsc7itis, p. 302, fidvicandix ]). 303, fortlcari- nahtftp. 304, spp. n., IJombay, Cameron, Bombay J. Nal. Hist. Soc. 18. — 0. alboai- giKtlna p. 85, apical im p. 87, glciiensiH p. 88, spp. n., NebriiBkii, Smith Lincoln Nel)r. Univ. Stud. 8.— O. /o.s.so/- p. 179, lowriHcndl p. 180, spp. n., New Mexico, Rohwer and Cockerell Ent. News, 19. 1'87 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenoptera — Fossoria. Palarus rothsehihii sp. n. Afrique orientale, Magretti Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 189. Pemplu'cdon tincti[)cnnts sp. n. Arizona, Camerox Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 234. Philanthus tnanjiihun var. n. himacu- lattim, ugaudiciia sp. n. Afrique orien- Uile, Magretti Bui. iluseum Paris 1908, p. 188. — P. {l^raclnjpiis^ nepalcnsix form n. Nepal, BiXGii.ui Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 356. — P. tarsatus sp. n. Neliraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Uuiv. Stud. 8 p. 34. Photopsis anaspasin sp. n. Colorado, CocKERELL and Rohwer Psyche 15 p. 5. — P. lenia sp. n. with var. n. vuhropar- tita, Bresil, Andre Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 382-383. Phymatothijnnus subgen. n. type Thynnxis monilicornis Sm., Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 93. Pison hechingeri, glahrum, spp. n., Samoa, Kohl Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 81 pp. 306-317.— P. stridifrons sp. n. Xouvelle Caledonie, Nachal Rev. ent. 26 p. 114. — ^P. cockerellae Miocene Colorado, Rohwer p. 519, oUgocenum Cockerell p. 520 Oligocene Prussia, spp. n., New York BuU. Amer. Mus. 24. Plesia (Mesa) disjiineta p. 502, adelo- gamia p. 503, S. Africa, hova Madagas- car p. 504, erijthropoda Lake Ngami p. 505, Innotata Rhodesia p. 506, pur- pureipennis China p. 508, oparifrona p. 509, ustulata p. 510, Tenasserim, ex- tensa p. oil, Bunua, P. univittata Rio Grande do Sul p. 512, andina Argentina p. 513, spp. n.. Turner Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. — P. n'lgropilonella p. 237 Xew Mexico, granadaensis p. 238 Granada & Nicara- gua, fulvinervis p. 239 Colorado, spilonota p. 240 New Mexico, spp. n., Cameron Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Podium (Ti'igonopsis) '■ alcune con- troverse specie, P. (Parapodium) liohlil sp. n. Alto Amazzoni & Ecuador, Zavat- tari Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 23 N. 533 pp. 1-6. Poecilotiphia ; composition. Turner p. 131 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Pomptlus henedictus p. 300, ithonus p. 301, spp. n,, Deesa, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. — P. inquireudus sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vacii.\l Rev. ent. 26 p. 117. Priocnemis quodi, conjnodes spp. n., Nouvelle Caledonie, Vachal T.c, Psanimotlienna cijaiiocliroti sp. n. Capland, Andre Zs. Hymenopter 8 p. 134. Psen vinrginicoUls sp. n. Borneo, C.\MERux p. 243 Entomologist 41. — P. coloradoettsis p. 232 Colorado, hUer- stitialis p. 233 New Mexico, spp. n., Cameron Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Psciidagenia hidena sp. n. Sikkim, Cameron p. 38 Entomologist 41. — P. curiciformis, invidiosn, p. .353, mimica p. 354, formm. n., India, Bingham Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — P. jini'ceslgnata sp. n. Australia, Schulz Fauna Siidwest Australiens 1 Lfg. 13 p. 469. Pseudelaphroptera rolle'i sp. n. Argen- tina, Turner p. 72 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Pseudoplisus varipunctus sp. n. Nebraska, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 26. Pteromirus = {Engycystis Fox), Turner p. 82 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Tihopalum modcstinn sp. n. C'olorado, Rohwer Ent. News p. 257. Rhoptvomutilla c'lngul'tgern sp. n. Asuncion, Andre Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 378-379. T'hytidogaater d\scTepani<, pyxidatus, spp. n. Freemantle, Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 254. Sceliphron quodi sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vachal Rev. ent. 26 p. 114. Homing of Sceliphron, Turner Biol. Bull. 15 pp. 215-225 diagr. Scolaena turhulenta sp. n. Caracas, Turner p. 71 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. SoIierclJa antcnnala p. 91, minarum p. 93, spp. n., Bresil, Ducke Rev. ent. 26. Sphex cresaonl nom. n. for Ammophila coUaris Cresson, Smith Lincoln Nebr. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 7. Sphinetomutilla usta sp. n. Argentina, Akdre Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 380-381. Htenonmidilla suhsesadis sp. n, Siid- Afrika, Andre Zs. Hymenopter. 8 ]}. 136. Stizus vertoni sp. n. Algier j). 242, discolor Richtigstellung der Beschrei- bung p. 244, Handlirscii Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58, 288 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Tachynomtjia imhelUs n. sp. Perth, TcRXER Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 254. Tachysphex sti'iolatus sp. n. Deesa, Cameron Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 305. — T. puncticeps nom. n. for punc- tidatus Smith, Smith Lincoln Xebr. Univ. Stud. 8 p. 59. — T. iugresce-iv>. p. 220, Intel p. 221, fox'ii p. 222, spp. n., fox'ii var. n. alpestria p. 223, Colorado RoHWER Ent. News 19. Tachytes pectinlpes prey, Gardner p. 186 Ent. Mag. 44. Telephoromyia peruviana p. 66, excisa p. 69, Peru, hituherculata Argentina p. 70, spp. n., Turner London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Thynnldae ; notes on genera. Turner pp. 63 & 64 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Thynmts luzonlciis Philippines p. 65, siccus Lake Eyre p. 66, spp. n., Turner T.c. — T. aratus, proxliniis, nitldulus, ada, agnatus, politus, femoratiis, leucostictus, longicornls, contlguus, sitiens, pulchevrl- mus, tenuis, pygmaeus, rubromaculatus, imwcuus, generosus, beatrlx, planl- ventris, sodalls, mackayensls, polybloides, jardlnel, bemhecidus, prodiictus, coloratus, conjungens, dlspersus, ro»tratuK, areul- colus, excelsus, opaciventris, bipartltun, cygnorum, sannae, doddli, dementi, eyc- 7'eniils, ablatuH, sawjulnolentus, armlger, gilbertl, saundersi, clngulatus, adelaldae, mamillatUH, ambiguiis, lubricus, ex- coriatus, froggatti, klrbtjl, crlnltus, immodestus, pouUonl, darwiniensis, elgnerl, sabulostis, vernalls, anchorites, pictlcoUls, exeavutus, frenchl, aii- dreanus, mocchus, pseu^es, walken, atrox, erudella, mclanotus, blnghaml, icafcrhousel, ultlmus, ollvaceus, spp. n.. Australia, Turner, Svdnev Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 pp. 94-251. Tiphia and allies, classification, sy- nonymy, perslca S.W. Persia p. 120, tibetana Gyangtse p. 122, annandalei Selangor p. 123, fulvlcornis Damara- land J). 155,7nonomatapa p. 126, abru/rfo ]). 127, ilashonaland," 7veridio)i(dix Argentina p. 128, elongala Bra/il p. 129, jonesll Parana p. 130, spp. n., Turner Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Trachypus annuldarsis sp. n. N. America, Ca.meron Trans. .Vmer. Ent. Sqc. 34 p. 232. TraumatomutiUa bruchl sp. n. Argen- tina, Andre p. 230 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. — r. luscoides sp. n. Bresil, Andre Ann. ilus. Hung. 6 pp. 381-382. Trypoxylon ; habits, Hoppner Zs. wiss. [usektenbiol. 4 pp. 176-180. — T. gardlnerl sp. n. Seychelles, Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 76. FORMICIDAE. Contributions to a monograph of palaearctic Formicidae ; Emery D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 165 etc., etc. Die Ameisen von Tirol und Vorarl- berg ; Dalla Torre Ent. Jahrb. 17 pp. 170-171. Ants from the Azores, Wheeler Bull. Amer. Mas. 24 pp. 169-170. Ameisen aus Tripolis und Barka, Mayr Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 pp. 415- 418. Formiciden ; Forel Wiss Ergebuisse der Exped. Filchner Bd. 10. Tl. i. Berlin p. 105. Beitrage zum sozialen Parasitismus und der Sklaverei ; Wjsmann Biol. Cen- tralbl. 28 pjx 257 etc. etc. — Nachtrag, Wasmann T.c. pp. 726-731. Nids des fourmis migrautes ; Wasmann Atti Pont. Ace. Nuovi Lincei 60 6 pp. Kolouiegriindvmg der parasitischcn Ameisen ; Viehmeyer, Biol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 18-32. Translation to Portuguese of his 1905 l^aper on the founding of colonies by Atta sexdcns, Huber Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5 pp. 223-241. Krieg und Frieden im Ameisenstaat, Sajo Stuttgai-t pp. 106. Der Ameisenstaat und die Abstam- uiungslelire ; Reicuenb.\.ou Ber. Senc- kenb. Ges. 1908 pp. 126-147. Quelques observations nouvelles et remarques sur la variabilite de I'iustinet de nidiiication cliez les fourmis ; Santschi J. Psychol. 13 pp. 1.36-149. Comparative ctiiology of the European and Nortli American ants; Wheeler J. Psychol. 13 pp. 404-435, 2 Taf. Der Ameisenhaufe und seine Bewoh- iior. (Norw.) ; Aaoaard, Kristiania 1908, ])p. ii + 47. Bioiogische Beziehiingeu der Ameisen 2.U den iibrigen lusekten, insbesonder^ 280 Insecta. SVSTEMATIC. — HyME.VOPTERA — FoRMtCinAE. deu Kafern ; ScHOLZ Nutur u. Haus, 16. pp 173-174, lSti-lS7, 205-206, 222- 223, 230-238, 264-207. Wandtafelii zur allgenieiuen Biologic, Serie A, Nr. 2, Polymorphismus der Ameiseu ; Haecker Leipzig 1906. Aeanthostiehus lat'icornis 8p. n. Para- puav, FoREi, Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 345. Anodietus emarginatus var. n. micans, FoREL Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44 p. 36. — A. rot]iS('hildi sp. n. Ethiopia, FoREL Rev. eut. 26 p. 12!). Aphaeiioyaster testaceo-jnlosa iberlca n. p. 321, praedo sp. n., pnllida Cypriotes n. p. 329, crocen aicida n. p. 331, gibboaa syriaca n. p. 335, Emeri D. ent. Zs. 1908. Attn rohimhien Guerin = (f^exdens For. 1906) p. 348, A. nexdetis varr. n. bisphaerica & riibropilosa p. 348, -4. (Acromyrmex) hotdii var n. i-isii Buenos- Aires, A. laticeps var. n. dubia, p. 350, -4. me^onotalis ^'a^iabilitat p. 351, A. {Tracliymyrmex) oetkeri p. 352, spp, n. Brasilien A. [Acromyrmex) nigrosetosa Brasilieu p. 350, -1. goeldi'i, Beschrei- bung p. 353, FoRFL Wien Verb. Zool- Bot. Ges. 38. —A. moclleri var. n. auguatata subsp. n. rectispina, Forel Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44 p. 41. Azteca alfari var. n. mixta p. 386, subsp. eeeropiae Beschreibung p. 387, sehimperi Beschreibung u. Nest, muelleri varr. n. nigridens, p. 392, wacketi p. 391, longiceps subsp. n. patruelis, olei var. n. gibhifera p. 392, aesopus sp. n. Sao Paolo p. 392, lanuginosa Beschreibung u. Xest p. 389, Forel Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58. — A. relax var. n. rectinota p. 61, paraensia var. n. aurubrensis p. 62, Forel Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44. Brachymrymex fiebrigi sp. n. Para- guay, longicomis var. n. immunis, p. 400, cordemoyi Em. = patagonicus Mayr subsp. levia Em. Beschriebung p. 399. Forel, Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58. Camponotua cilicicua sp. n. Taurus Gebirge p. 186, maculatua varr. n. laconica, baeticua & sicula, subsp. n. cec- conii, var. n. rnaroccana, p. 165, Emert D. ent. Zs. 1908. — C aimua sp. n. Congo, Emery p. 188 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 55. — C. uedda Ceylon p. 6, icerthi Ker- guelen isld. p. 18', spp. n., Forel Bull. (N-10332 J) Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44. — C. viaculatus subsp. n. negiia p. 342, foraminoaus subsp. n. lalinotus p. 144, Forel Rev. ent. 26 — C. punctulatus subsp. n. lilii p. 402, faatigatna subspp. n. vagulua & verae p. 403, maculatua subspp. n. spenglcri &. achefflcri, p. 407, bellua nom. n. fiir oniatua For. 1907, p. 404, trapezicepa Siid-Brasilien p. 405, aantoai Kuba p. 408, spp. n., abdominalis F(jr. subspp. n. fuchaae & cupiena, scipio Paraguay p. 410, iheringi Brasi- lien p. 412, spp. n. ; emeryodieatua Hubsp. n. dcceaaor p. 413, & var. n. opitrix p. 414, paradoxua subsp. n. janitor p. 415, fabricii var. n. acoma p. 418 ; Forel Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58. — C. capperi corticalia var. n. sidxle- pilis Jamaica, Wheeler New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 163.— C. spp., life his- tory, PfiicER Biol. Bull. 14 p. 177-218.— C. herculeanua pennsylvanicua, nests, Davis New Brighton Proc. Staten Is. Ass. 2 pp. 10-12 ; Spermatogenese, Lams Bull. biol. 2 pp. 35-30 ; spermatogenesis, Arch. Zellforschg, 1, pp. 528-537, 1 Taf.. — C. foraminoaua grandidleri dis- tribution, Forel Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 94. — C. hrevis var. n.prtHZip. 71, Forel Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44. — C. aicheli var. n. guancha, Santschi p. 534 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Cardiocondyla venuatula sp. n. West Indies, Wheeler, New York Bidl. Amer. Mus. p. 128 pi. xi f. 5. Crematogaater ferruginea var. n. aquila p. 139, gambietiaia var. n. longi- ruga, neuvillei sp. n. Ethiopia p. 140, chiarinii var. n. affabtlia p. 142, FoREr, Rev. ent. 26. — ('. virgula, Forel Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44 p. 48. — C. vieina var. n. wighti Jamaica, Wheeler New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 161. — C. lineolata opaca var. n. depilia p. 478, western United States and Mexico, arizonensia sp. n. p. 482 Arizona, Wheeler New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. — C. iheringi p. 366, Vuujo p. 368, spp. n.,Sao Paolo Brasilien, brcviapAnoaa tumulifera var. n. fautrix,diatan8 suhsp. n. parvieeps, lutzi var. n. florida, p. .369, Forel Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58. Cryptocerua liamulua subsp. n. atein- hcili Antillen, Forel p. 355 T.c. Dicroaapia gen. n. near Calyptomyr- mex p. 184, cryptocera sp. n. Congo p. 185j Ejiery Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. c29 290 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Dolichoderus bioUeyi sp. n. Costa Rica, FuREL Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44 p. 61. Dorymyrmex, soldii subsp. n. fumi- gatus, pyramicus var. n.brunnea, Forel Wien. Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 385. Eciton arizonense p. 414 western United States, oslari p. 415 Arizona, spp. n., Wheeler Xew York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. — E. ilieringia'p. n. Brasi- lien, Forel Wien Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 347. Ectatomma (Holcoponera) satzgeri sp. n. Costa Rica, simplex subsp. n. spmrium, Forel p. 39 Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44. — E. {Holcoponera) strlatu- lum varr. n. angustiloha simpUcoides p. 341 & anguslipleura p. 342, curtidum var. n. paulina, opaciventre var. n. permagna, Forel Wien Zool. Bot. Ges. 58. Epixeniifs gen. n. near Monomoriitm p. 556, andrei Palastina p. 557, creticus Creta p. 558, spp. n., Emery D. ent. Zs. 1908. Formica fusca gagates xaT.n.filchner'i, Forel Exped. Filch'ner 10 Tl. 1 p. 105.— F. fusca var. n. glaciaUs p. 624 Maine, sangidnea varr. habits pp. 627-633, Wheeler New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. Iridomyrmex melleus sp. n. p. 151 pi. xii figs. 15 & 16, var. n. fuscescens p. 153, Porto Rico, Wheeler New York BuU. Amer. Mus. 24. — Iridomyrviex humilh California, Woodwortii Agric. Exp. Sta. California Circ. No. 38 pp. 1- 11 ; introduction into New Orleans, Foster J. Econ. Ent. pp. 289-293; habits, Newell Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 21-34. — I. dispertitus subsp. n. m'lcans p. 394, humilis, hiiquiis & dispertitus Beschrei- bung der S P- 395, mac coold var. n. brasiliennis Siid-Brnsilien, melleua sub- sp. n. succinens, p. 396, FoREL Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58. Laaius fidiginoaus & mixtus, mixed colonies, Forel p. 180, Emery p. 182, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 ; Nest, ZiMMER Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 p. 229 ; L. fuUginosus & niger, habits, Lan.n'oy pp. 47-53 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52 ; niger habits, Lannoy p. 313-319 T.c. Leptanilla exigita sp. n. Kairouan, Sa>'tschi Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — L. nordenekioldii sp. n, Peru, Holmgrek 2oq1. Anz. 33 p. 347, Leptogenys (Lohopelta) buyssoni sp. n. Ethiopia, Forel Rev. ent. 26 p. 131. Leptothorax canescens p. 526, arenariiis p. 527, Kairouan, spp. n., Saxtschi Ann. Soc. ent. France 77. Macromischa isabellae p. 138, pi. xi figs. ] & 2, albispina p. 139 figs. 3 & 4, spp. n., West Indies, Wheeler New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. Melissotarsus eiueryi sp. n. Ethiopia, Forel Rev. ent. 26 p. 133. Messor vaucheri p. 441, antennatus Marokko, spp. n., barbarus varr. n. co7i- color p. 448, & maroccana jj. 451, beduina p. 453, lobicornis var. n. subviutica p. 459, Emery D. ent. Zs. 1908. Monomorium salomonis varr. n. sommieri & phoenicia, Emery T.c. pp. 165 etc. — Monomorium minutum subsp. n. brasiliense Rio de Janeiro, Forel Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 361. Myrmecina graminicola subsp. n. tcxana Texas, Wheeleu New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 422. Myrmecocyshts cursor caspius Alatau described, Ruzskij Tomsk. Izv. Univ. 30 p. 5-6. — M. viaticus and allies, Emery Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44 pp. 213-218, and Forel p. 218.— M. mclliger var. n. placodops, Forel BuU. Soc. Vaud. Lausanne 44 p. 70. — M. melliger subspp. n. orbiceps p. 349, mendax p. 351, melliger mendax var. n. comatus p. 352, melliger subsp. n. mimi- cus p. 353, melliger mimicus var. n. jesuila p. 354, mexicanua subspp. n. navajo Scmojave p. 360, western United States, Wheeler New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. Myrmelachiata ambigiia subsp. n. ramulorum, West Indies, Wheeler T.c. p. 155. — il/. paderewskii sp. n. Sao Paulo, arthuri var. n. brunneiceps, p. 397, hoffinanm, chilensis, bettinac, (;huiede- KNECHT Gen. Ins. 75. Table of brachypterous Cryptinae, Elliott pp. 34-36 Ent. Rec. 20. 29;l Insecta. Systematic. — Iciixedmonidae. The parasites of Euproct'is chri/sorr- hoea, EuELJANdV Choziajstvo 2 pp. J 040 etc. Agathoba nchus bradleyi nom. ii., ViEKECK Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 li)05 pp. 303-310. A(jrypon signatum Kilimandjaro sp. n., SzEPi-icETi Kilimandjaro-Meni Exp. 8 3 p. 43. AUocami^us iiigr'nicrvis Usambara, Hacinems Kilimaudjaro, spp. n., SzE- TLIGETI p. 47 T.c. — .1. bituherculatus sp. n. Australia, Szepligeti Fauna Slid west Austral lens 1 Lfg. 9 p. 320. AUoslomits gen. n. Xuvidini p. 83, macidiscntis sp. n. Borneo p. 84, Cameron Entomologist 41. Ambhjteles oci^'i.sornis eurtiventris var. nov., obriesensis sp. n. French Alps, Pic Echange 24 p. 67. — A. vadatoriiis Parasit der Ranp von Agrotis segetum, Vasiliev V^stn. sacharu. proniysl. 9 pp. 41—45. — A. variegatorius, habits, Ocdemans 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. lix. — .4. n'lger p. 07, riifiventris, Kilimandjaro, annuUconiis p. (58 Meru, spp. n,, Szepligeti Kilimaudjaro-Meni Exp. 8 3. Amorphota relativn, pen'ivalis, noc- tunia, paenexareolata, Kansas, spp. n., Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 303-310. Aniisopygus javaiiua sp. n. Ja\'a, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 237. Anomalon paeiieferruglneum sp. n., fulvescena var. n. liemimelas, Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 310-315. — -4. quodi sp. n. Xouvelle Oaledonie, Vachal Rev. ent. 26 p. 120. Arenetra leueotaenia sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Xans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 315-322. Aaphragin concolor p. 85, riifa, blcolor, punctata p. 86, striata, Kili- mandjaro-Meru, spp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3. Atrometus angitioides sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 310-315. Bathxjmetis testaceicomis sp. n. Nevada, Camerox Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 245. Boethua senigmatieua sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 310-315. Vampoplcv ntiran. spp. n., Java, SzEPLiGETl Leiden Notes .Mus. 29. Zootrepties simills sp. n. Nexv Mexico, Brce? llihvaukee Bull. Wis. Soc. 6 p. 51'. Braconidae. Beitrage zur Fauna der Braconiden oder Ichneumones adsciti des oster- reichisclien KiistenJaudes und sikl- lichen Krains ; Graeffe, Triest Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat. 24 pp. 137-158. Biologische Daten aus dem Schmarot- zerleben einer Braconide aus Paraguay, FiEBRiG Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. -153-457. In his descriptions of new Braconidae, Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 397—127, Szep- LiGETi includes tables of A'arious Euro- pean genera. Agathis unic.olor p. 692, latlsulcata, pallidlpes, p. 693, Borneo, spp. n., Cameron D. ent. Zs. 1908. — A. wyoming- ensls sp. n. Wyoming, Viereck Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci.' 19 1905 pp. 282-288. Apanteles glomeratu-s Reinh. Biologic und Morphologic, Wiessesberg Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 pp. 1-18. Asphaereta suhtrlearinata, delosa, spp. n., Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 282-288.— A. pegomyiae sp. n. X. America, Brues p. 195 Rep. Ent. Minnesota 12. Aphidius aurantii sp. n. Napoli, Pieraxtosi Napoli Annuario Museo zool., 2, X. 19 pp. 1-5. 1 tav. Ascogaster ahdominalis, antt'iinalis, spp. n., Australia, Szepligeti Fauna Siidwest Australiens 1 Lfg. 9 p. 319. — A. mimetlciis sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 272-278. Aspiluta Columbiana sp. n. Kansas, ViERF.cK pp. 282-288 T.c. Alanycolus striatus p. 26 Usambara, pulehripenni^ p. 27 Kilimandjaro, spp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3. Atoreuteiis afvlcanus Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti p. 36 T.c. — A. ptcro- Htlqmalli? sp. n. Bolivien, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 400. BaeognatJui cajiarieusls sp. n. Cana- rische Inseln. Szepligeti p. 411 T.c. Balhyaidax rujiis Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Sjostedt^i Kilim.-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 29. Blnarea hrullcl sp. n. Brasilien, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 399. Blosteres carinatus Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3. — B. mdotatus sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp 272-278. Birola areolaris Surinam, intermedia Bolivien, surijiamensis, troplcola, Suri- nam, spp. n., Szepligeti Ann. .Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 415-417. Blacus gracilis sp. n. Minnesota, Brces Milwaukee Bull. Wis. Soc. 6 p. 55. Bracldstes nocturnus sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 278-282. Bracon atratus Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 34. — B. trlgonalls p. 218, angnlarls, javanleus, p. 219, spp. n., Java, Szepli- geti Leiden Notes Mus. 29. — B. liart- meyeri sp. n. Australia, Szepligeti Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 1 Lfg-9 p. 317. — B. plceiccps, kaiisensis, spp. n. Kansas, Viereck Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 266-272.— B. fjuodi sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vaciial Rev. ent. 26 p. 121. Braunsla enderlelni, sjostedti, Kili- mandjaro und Usambara, spp. n., Szepli- geti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 39. — B. melanoptera sp. n. Seychelles, Camerox Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 83. Caenopachyella gen. n., verwandt mit Caenopachys, lutea sp. n. N.S. Wales, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 399. Camptocentrus annvllpes sp. n. Sey- chelles, Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 83. Campyloneurus rotundatus p. 215, melanosoma, fulvipennia, p. 216, erythro- thorax, minutus, p. 217, spp. n., Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29. 298 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] CardiocliUes enderleim sp. n. Deutsch- Ost-Afrika, Szepligkti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 423. — C. nigrodypeus sp. n. Kansas, ViERECK Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 p. 272-278. Chelonella gen. n., verwandt mit Cheloniis, Ubersicht der palaearktisclien Arten, Szepligeti Ann. ilus. Hung. 6 pp. 403-405. ChelonuselaeaiJiUuSjOrientarts, spp. n. Europe, Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. 154-157. — C. bituherculatus sp. n. Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 226.— C. eiinjspilus p. 687, str'iatigenas p. 688, Borneo, spp. n., Caiierox D. ent. Zs. 1908.— C. pusillus Ungarn, celebesiensis Celebes, spp. n., Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 405- 409. — C. egregicolor, altitudinis, Kan- sas, pp. 278-282, nucleolus, texaiioides, exogyrua, Arizona, pp. 282-288 spp. n. ViERECK Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905. Chremylus striatus sp. n. Java, Szepli- geti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 224. Coenocelius liolit'ijrons sp. n. Kansas, ViERECK Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 278-282. Craftsomicrodus n'tgricaudus sp. n. Colorado, Viereck pp. 288-292 T.c. Cratospila fuscipennis parasite of Paeudopyrellia cornicina, GiRAULT New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 pp. 15-16. Cremnopft elegantissima Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 38. — C. persimilin sp. n. Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 228. Curriera pulchripennis Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Kiliniandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 28. Dendroaoter protnhcrans, Parasit von Stromatiuiu unicolor, Silantjev Ilor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 pp. 184-282. Dlachcisma appnlachicola, seeunda, spp. n., Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 272-278. Dicheloaus dubioaua, aimilia, Surinam, variegatuH Bolivicn, spp. n., Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 417-418. I)iHoplirya concolor sp. n. Java, Sze- pligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 229. — D. albopUosclhiH sp. n. Borneo, Cameron D. ent. Z.s. 1908 ]). (VJl— />». imperfecta, nigricepa, Bolivien, upldludinica Bra- silien, pulcliricorius Surinam, var'icgalu Bolivien, spp. n., Szepligeti Ann. Mas. Hung. 6 pp. 413-415. Euagathis semiflavus sp. n. Java^ Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 228. Eumorplia gen. n. nahe Phanomerls Forst., nigrlpennis sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 35. Euphorldae : table of British, Morley pp. 286-290 Entomologist 41. Euphorus = (Harl-eria Ciivn.), MoRLEY p. 287 T.c. Glyptomorpha maculata p. 25 Kili- mandjaro & Meru, dubia p. 26 Usambara, spp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3. Gyrocampa atagnalis sp. n. Deutscli- land, Heymons D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 145. Habrobraconsordidator, habits, Kleine Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 414-417. Ilelorimorpha melanderi sp. n. Massa- chusetts, Brues Ent. News 19 p. 363. Hormiopterns pnsUlus sp. n. Paraguay, Szepligeti Ann. Jlus. Hung. 6 pp. 397- 398. Ichneutidea seeunda sp. n. Nebraska, Roito'er Ent. News 19 p. 419. — I. ? pro- teroptoides sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 272-278. Idlasta postscutellar'is Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 42. Iphtaulax sjostedtl p. 32, calopterus p. 33, cephalotus, t'lgrinux, fuscitarsis, p. 34, Kilimandjaro, spp. n., Szepligeti T.c. — /. iJetcheri sp. n. Port Sudan, Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 81. — Z. milUaris, vielanogaster, spp. n., Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 266-272. — I. perepicus, prophiquus, cln- nabar'nuis, spp. n., Arizona, Viereck pj). 282-288 T.c. — I. huergol sp. n. Corrientes, Briotiies p. 12 An. Mus. Buenos Aires 9. Jpobraeon coriaceua p. 29, Meru, hn- prcaaua, tricolor, p. 30, Kilimandjaro, hemixanlhua \). 31 Usambara, spp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exj). 8 3. Lysiphlebus siiccineus sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 278-282.— Z>. tritici, habits, Webster Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 pp. 110-114 pi. vi ; parthenogenesis. 299 Insecta. SVSTEMATIC.— HyMENOPTERA BrACONIDAE. Philups Washingtou Proc. Eiit. Soc. 10 pp. 11-13. — L. sp., habits, Witiiingtos Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 21 pp. 138-1-10. Lytopyhis azygos sp. n. Kansas, ViERECK Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 266-272. Macroagathis gen. n. verwandt niit Dichelosus, Icv'm sp. n. Deiitsch-Ost- Afrika, Szei'LIGETi Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. -118-419. Macroceyitrus jacohsoni p. 230, minor p. 231, spp. n., Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Megagathis testacea sp. n. Seychelles, Camerox Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 82. ile80cri7ia pegomy'tae sip. n. N. America, Brces p. 193 Rep. Knt. Minnesota 12. Meteorus ; annotated table of British, MoRLEY pp. 125-129 & 148-150 Ento- mologist 41. — M. rubens, Parasit von Agrotis Hegetum, PosPELOV Chozi'ajstvo 3 pp. 501 etc. — M. relativus, noctivagus, cavipestris, spp. n., Kansas, Yieeeck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 278- 282. — M. ophio7iinus ? sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vachal Rev. ent. 26 p. 122. Microclielonus gen. n., hungarieiis sp. n. Ungarn, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 403. Microdua annae sp. n. Germany p. 217, Utigiiarius var. n. minor, ExDERLEls Danzig Ber. bot.-zool. Ver. 30. — M. erythrothorax sp. n. Borneo, Ca-MERon- D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 694.— .1/. nigrotrochantericus, xdchitaensis, cas- taneicinctiis, pimploides, agathoides, spp. n., Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 272-278. Microgaster tuckeri sp. n. Kansas, Viereck pp. 272-278 T.c. — M. cJiacoensia sp. n. Paraguav, Camerom D. ent. Zs. 1908 ].. 6SG. Microtypus algiricus sp. n. Algier, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 426. Neocardiochiles gen. n., fasciipennis sp. n. Surinam, Szepligeti p. 423 T.c. Neomierodiis gen. n. zwischen Aero- philus und Mierodus, boliviensis sp. n. Bolivien, Szepligeti p. 421 T.c. Neophanerotoma gen. n. for Phaner- otoma orierdaVis Sz., Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 227. Odontogaster hieolor Kilimandjaro 8p. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Mem. Exp. 8 3 p 28. Opiopterus gen. n.Exotheci}iae,pai'vus sp. n. Australia, Szepligeti Fauna Siid- west Australiens 1 Lfg 9 p. 318. Opius cephalotus Kilimandjaro sp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Mem Exp. 8 3 p. 42. — 0. javaints sp. n. Java, Szepli- geti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 231. — 0. basiiiiger, aberrans, luteiceps, nigro- castaneus, spp. n., Kansas, A^iereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 266-272. Pachybracon gen. n. near Braeon, fortipes sp. n. Borneo, Camerox p. 295 Entomologist 41. Pseudospathius jacobsoiii sp. n. Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 222. Rhadinogaster gen. n. near Crato- hracon p. 223, testacea, concolor, spp. n., Java, p. 224, Szepligeti T.c. Uliogas airicanus, nigrinerms, Kili- mandjaro, spp. n., Szepligeti Kilimand- jaro-Mem Exp. 8 3 p. 37. — E. javanus sp. n. Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 226. — B. eockerelli, melano- thorax, spp. n. Western United States & Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 266-272. Rutheia gen. n., superba sp. n. Para- guay, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 398-399. Sigalphus schrottkyi sp. n. Paraguay, Szepligeti pp. 401-402 T.c. — S. (?) iclnieutipterus sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vach.al Rev. ent. 26 p. 122. Spathius javanieus p. 220, radinlis, minutisaimus, p. 221, spp. n., Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29. — S. leptoeeras p. 689, Jeptothecus p. 690, Borneo, spp. n., Camebox D. ent. Zs. 1908. Stantonia testacea Kilimandjaro, sp. n., Szepligeti Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 8 3 p. 40. — S. sumatrana Sumatra, hammer steini Madagascar, p. 110, minuta Peru p. Ill, spp. n., Enderlein Stet- tiner ent. Ztg 69. Stenobracon trifaseiatus sp. n. Java, Szepligeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 214. Tolbia gen. n. Alys8ii7me p. 84, seae- volae sp. n. Chagos Salomon Atoll p. 85, Camerox Tr. Linn. Soc. 12. Vipio borneanus sp. n. Borneo, Camerox D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 687.— V. piceipectus sp. n. Kansas, Viereck Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 300 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] 266-272. — V. erijthrus sp. n. Arizona, ViERECK pp. 282-288 T.c. Xenarclia tricolor sp. n. Australia, SzEPLiGETi Fauna Siidwest Australiens 1 Lfg 9 p. 318. Zele craasicalcaratiis sp, n. Kansas, ViERECK Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 278-282. EVAXIIDAE. Acanthinevanla gen. n. p. 172, type Evania iw'meeps Westwood, A. ^zepligeti sp. n. New South Wales p. 176, Bradley Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Alacinus gauUei sp. n. Goyaz, KiEFFER Bull." Soc. Metz 23 p. 6. Evania coxalis Madrid p. 19, flahellata Tangier p. 20, parvida, rufonotata, p. 22, tomentelln }:>. 24, pauperi-ima p. 25, Tucuman, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. — E. carinigera Tangier p. 85, bicarinatn p. 86, canalicnlnta p. 88, Australia, spp. n., Kieffer op. cit. 24. — E. nigro- calcarata p. 209, albocalcarata, ender- leini, p. 210, excavata, dub'ia, p. 211, tricolor p. 212, erythrothorax p. 213, spp. n., Java, Szepi.igeti Leiden Notes Mus. 29. — E. szepligeiii nom. n. for parva Sz., enderleini sp. n. Java, Bradley Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 167. — E. ImcJiingcHfiis p. 237, hewittii p. 238, spp. n., Borneo, Cameron Entomologist 41. — E. urhava sp. n. eastern United States, Bradley Trans. Amer. Ent.. Soc. 34 p. 140. Evanielld semaeoda sp. n. eastern United States, Bradley p. 144 T.c. — E. cameroni sp. n. I5ritish G;iiana, Bradley p. 178 T.c. Foenits, fraffdin, western United States, floridanus p. 112 Florida aud Cuba, cressoni p. 113 Canada and Massachusetts, nevddae p. 114 western United States, torridun j). 118 Mexico, spp. n., Bradley T.c. (JaHleruplion hiapinosuni ]>. 17, loiigi- cauda, (Joyaz, hrcvicolle Algeria, ]). 18, longicepa Australia p. 29, spp. n., szcpli- getii n. n. iorcoriaceum Sz. p. 29, Kieffer IJulI. Soc. Metz 23. — (!. suhfdiforiiic sp. n. Australia, Kieffer j). 89 PjuH. Soc. Metz 24. Ilyptia hurpyoidea p. 151, viylaeri- domanea p. 153, nyctoidea p. 159, pro- xetelJietrn, hypliogaalria, p. 160, texana J). 161.8pp. n., United States, Bradley Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. — H. baTicri sp. n, Brazil, Bradley p. 189 T.c. Ilyptiogaster szeplige.tii sp. n. Tucu- man, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 14. Interaulacus gen. n. Aidacinae, hieferi sp. n. Brazil, Br.\DLEY Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 \\ 123. Ncaidacus subgen. n. Pristaidacus, type Aidaeus oceidenlalis Cresson, Bradley p. 126 T.c. PammegiscMa ashmeadi Quebec, minncsotae ilinnesota, spp. n., Bradley p. 122 T.c. Pristaidacus scxdcntatus p. 11, dis- jiuictus yi. 12, Tucuman, arcuatus Mexico [but error for Brazil p. 29], immacidatus Tangier, p. 13, spp. n., fei'rugineus n. n. for raelleus Schl. p. 29, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23. — P. deniatua p. 126 Nevada, hophinali p. 127 Texas, spp. n., Br.vdley Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. ."^cniaeodogaster nom. n. for Brachy- gastcr Stephens, Bradley p. 185 T.c. Semaeomyia gen. n. p. 180, kieffcrl p. 183 British Guiana, harticen-na, taachenbergi, p. 184, spp. n., British Guiana, Bradley T.c. Semenoviua nom. n. for Sriucnovia Kieffer, Br.U)ley p. 123 T.c. Stenophasmus testaceitarsis sp. n. Borneo, Cameron D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 690. SzepUgetella gen. n. type Evania acricea Cameron, Huadley Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 j.. 172. Tropaidacua gen. n. Aidacivae, torridua sp. n. Texas, Bradley p. 125 T.c. Zcnxevania acJdeltereri sp. n. Java, BliADLKY p. 179 T.c. Stephanidae. Neoatephanna gen. n. p. 1, aUiiaudi sp. n. Madagascar j). 3, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23. Stephanas villoans sp. Kieffer p. 4 T.c. (iovaz. Chal(;idii)AE. Studio, con particolare riguardo alia Fauna italiana, Masi Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 9 pp. 353-374. Parthenogoni'se ; Vassiliew Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 3 p. 386. 301 Inaecta. Systematic. — Chalcididae, Etc. ApheUnua scmillaviis Colorado, nigritus South Carolina, spp. n., Howakd Ent. News 19 p. 307. Aphictis pltilippiar sp. n. Calabria, Masi p. 100 Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3. Aspidiotiphayvs c'ttrlims, DoAKE J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 341-342. Blastophaga grossorum, in Siidtirol, CoBELLi Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. '20-29. Catolaccus JtiDitcrl sp. n. Texas, Ckawford Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 160. Cerambycohius hnichivorus, hrev'i- caiida, cushmani, spp. n., Texas, Ckaw- FORD p. 158 T.c. Chalcis modesta sp. n. Italv, Masi 1). 106 Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3.— ('. falsosa sp. n. Nouvelle Caledonie, Vachal Rev. ent. 26 p. 123. Dinavmus dac'iclda sp. n. Italy, Masi Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp." 20-29 10 fig. Elemha gen. n. near Episfcnia, levicoUis sp. n. Borneo, Cameron p. 101 Entomologist 41. Encarsia var'iegata sp. n. Florida, Howard Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 6-1. — E. versicolor sp. n. northeastern United States, Girault Psyche 15 p. 53. Encyrtus mayri Italy sp. n., Masi p. 98 Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3. Entodon epigonus, Parasit von Cecidomyia destructor, Beschreibung, PosPELov Choziajstvo 2 1907 p. 152. Epiatenia cupreo-v'iridia sp. n. Asuncion, Beetues p. 11 An. Mus. Buenos Aires 9. Eretmocerus haldemnni sp. n. Florida and Mississippi, Howard Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 65. Eurytoma sp., Schaden au Pflauinen- baumen im Gouv. Astrakhan, Meta- morphose ^Russ.j, Schreiser Plodo- vodstvo 1908 4 p. 295. — E. sehreinerl sp. n. Astrachan, Feind der schwarzen Zwetsche and der Reineclaude ; ScHBEiNER Zs. wiss. Inscktenbiol. 4 pp. 26-28. Eutriehosoma albipen sp. n. Texas, Crawford Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 158. Hahrocytus diatinguendus sp. n. Bevagna, Masi p. 114 Portici Boll. Lab, Zool. 3. Ilochcria trstaccitari^is sp. n. Car- gados isld., Cameron Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 80. Ihinterdliis gen. n. Ixodipliagbil tribe n. ]). 240, hookcri sp. n. attacking tick on ilexican dog p. 241, Howard Canad. Ento. 40. Tsofsoina ealamagrost idi s, gramhiicola, galls, Reuter Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 34 p. 05. — I. graininicola, mikrosko- pische Anatoniie des Darnikanals uud dessen Driisen ; Dorters van Leeuwen Helder Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 11 pp. 1-35.— T. macalusol sp. n. Somali- land, De Stefani Perez Marcellia 7 p. 148. Leucaapis n'lgerr'ima sp. n. Salomo- Insel, Kohl Wien Denkschr Ak. Wiss. 81 p. 310. Megaatigiuus brcvieaudls Ratz., Neu- beschreibung, Lebensweise Rodziankc), Ad cognitionem Torymidaruni 1908 p. 23. Melittoh'ia liauaiiens'ia, habits, Swezey Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 17. Merisus destructor, Parasit von Ceci- domyia destructor, Beschreibung, Pos- PELOV Choziajstvo 2 p. 151. Metapelma spectabilis, Crosbv p. 459 Canad. Ento. 40. Paraphelinua xiphidii, habits, Swezey Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 pp. 21-22. PentacJialeiti gen. n.,near Pseudochal- cis, erythronota sp. n. Borneo, Cameron p. 152 Entomologist 41. PJdlolejna gen. n., carinigena sp. n. Borneo, Cameron D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 500. PJiilopison gen. n. Pireninac, clavi- coriiis sp. n. Borneo, Cameron p. 559 T.c. Podagrion incuUis, parasitism, SmytH Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 21 p. 178. Prospalta herlesei, emljryologj', SlL- vestri Portici Boll. Lab. 3 pp. 22-28. — P. couiugata p. 140, similis p. 148, spp. n., Italy, Masi Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3. Prospcdtella (juercicola, geJatinosus, California, hoehelei, longispina, Hawaii, eitrella, coronatus, Florida, pp. 282-283, brunnea Porto Rico p. 283, spp. n.. 302 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Howard Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1. — P. fasclativerdrls p. 117, fuscipemiis p. 120, spp. n.., Illinois, Giraclt Psvche 15. Pseudocatolaceiis gen. n. p. 138 Pteromalinae, aspliondyliae sp. n. p. 139 Italy, ilASi Portici BoU. Lab. Zool. 3. Stibula insidaris sp. n. Chagos, Caueeos Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 85. Syiitomaspis druparum, infesting apple seeds, Crosby Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 p. 38 ; S. druparum aucupariae sp. n., Metamorphose, Lebensweise, RoDZiANKO Ad cognitionem Torynii- darum. — S. thalassimis sp. n. Canada, Crosby p. 43 Canad. Ento. 40. TetrasticJiiis xanthomelaenae habits, Howard J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 281-289— 7'., parasite on Polygnotus, Aixslie Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 pp. 14-16 text fig, Tritneptis gen. n. near Vriella, hemerocampae sp. n. Illinois, Girault Psyche 15 p. 92. Zalophothrix gen. n. Eupelminae, mirum sp. n. West Indies, Crawford Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 156. Zatrop'is gen. n. Fteroinalhu, catalpae sp. n. Ohio, Crawford T.c. p. 159. Peoctotrvpidae & Mymaridae. Revision of SceUonidue ; Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. pp. 111-250. Aclista myrmeeophila sp. n. Germany, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 51. Aeolus setnifiatus p. 182, semicas- taneiis p. 183, rufescens, ochraceus, jlavoclavatus, p. 184, Jiigroclavatus, flavicoruie, piceiventris, p. 185, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. Alaptus iceryae described p. 186, r/lobosicornia p. 188 Florida, caecilii p. 189 United States, enocccci p. 191 Cali- fornia, spp. n., Girault Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1. Allohethylus rrndticolor sp. n. Nova Guinea, Kieffer Metz Bull. soc. hist, nat. 25 p. i. Amblyaspis scutellaris sp. n. Hollande, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 40. Anagru8 auhfuscus, Hey.mons D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 141-145. Aiiectata coloradensis sp. n. Colorado, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 42. Aneurhynchus unifoveatus sp. n. Pennsylvania, Kieffer p. 41 T.c. AnisepyTns rugosicoU'is sp. n. Texas, Brces Milwaukee BuU. Wis. Soc. 6 p. 48. — -1. melallictis p. 95, hiteipes p. 97, spp. n., Trinidad, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24. — A. virldis p. 13, rufitarsis p. 14, Cuba, rufosignatus p. 14, fusci- cornts, coriaceus, p. 15, Centr. Arc erica, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Antaeo7i : table of British pp. 209- 214 ; .4. harbatus p. .142, Jtiefferi, rufulocollis, ellimani, p. 143, breviven- tralis, suiTolciensis, morleyi, p. 144, beaumo)iti, lufnesseiusis, p. 145, spp. n., Britain, Chitty Ent. Mag. 44. — A. bifasciatum sp. n. Belize, Kieffer p. 8 Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Anteris bicolor p. 138, simulans p. 139, spp. n., Aix-la-Chapelle, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. Apegus leptocerus p. 151, herte-szii p. 152, with varr. slriatus & rugosidun, foveatus, p. 153, szepllgetii p. 155, lo7ig'i- cornis p. 156, breviconns, reticulatus, p. 157, rugofiidcatifrons sp. n. Frank- reich, Kieffer Metz Bull. soc. hist. nut. 25 p. 1. Ccratobaeus pedeatrls sp. n. Trieste, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 186. Chromoteleia rufitliorax sp. n. Belize, Kieffer p. 25 Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Conostigmus trapezoidus p. 29, bakerl p. 30. spp. n., X. America, Kieffer T.c. Cosmocomoiden gen. n. Mymaridae p. 68, morriUi sp. n. p. 69 Florida, Howard Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Diapria flavicorvis p. 55, inquilina p. 56, spp. n., Europe, Kieffeb Bull. Soc. Metz 23. Dichacantha gen. n. for Triviorus luteiin Cam., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 147. Dicroteleia rugosa sp. n. Java, Kieffer Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 92. D'lphoropr'ia gen. n. B'lapriidae, ruHpes, sp. n. .\ustralia, Kieffer p. 103 Bull. Soc. Metz 24. DissompJialus clauaus sp. n. Belize, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 18. Epyris montattus p. 90, iyuUcus p. 91, conjunctu8 p. 92, spp. n., India, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24. Exallonyx gen. n. Proctotrypinae p. 34, formiear'ius p. 35, waamanni, myrmecophiliis, p. 36, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Op. cit. 23. Galesus angidatns sp. n. Brindisi, Kieffer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 pp. 107-108. Hadronotua laticeps Aix-la-Chapelle p. 144, H. ? montanus India p. 145, app. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. — H. moiitanus sp. n. India orientalis, Kif.ffer Metz Bull. soc. hist. nat. 25 p. 5. — H. minimus sp. n. Cuba, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 35. HarpagocryiituK gen. n. Dryinidae (?), nnstraliae sp. n. Queensland, Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 34. Hemilexis llavitarsix sp. n. New Guinea, Kieffer BuU. Soc. Metz 24 p. 105. Holcpyris gracilis sp. n. Cuba, Kieffer p. 17 Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Uololeleia subg. n. vide Baryconus. IJoplogryon biaidcatiis, abbreviatus, p. 217, baciitiger p. 218, aectigena, plenralis, p. 219, rufonotatus, cursor, cari)iif7-ons, p 220, cursitans, micro- pterus, p. 221, quinquesplnosus p. 222, gestroi, brevipennis, p. 223, pedes, pedi- seques, p. 224, tardus, punctatifronsy p. 225, eJongatus, unispinosus, p. 226, nigerrimus,pallidimann,s, p. 227, angusti- pennis, rufimanns, fiiscimanus, p. 228, incompletiis, vcrnaUs, fidvimanus, p. 229, agilis p. 230, striatigena, levigena, p. 231. tuber cidatus, fimhriatus, subsid- catus, p. 232, levieeps p. 233, with var. italicus p. 234, basalis p. 234, eari- rmtiis, cameroni, p. 235, rostratus p. 236, antennalis p. 237, microlomus p. 238, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Biuxelles 32 Mem. — 77. tripartitum Jeannette p. 33, insularis Cuba p. 34, spp.n., Keiffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Hoplopria faseiatipennis var. u. trini- dadensis p. 102, macxdipennis var. n. carinata p. 103, Kieffer Bull. Soc. iletz 24. Hoploteleia europaea Italy p. 176, graeffei Trieste p. 177, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 .Mem. — H. Jioveboraeensis sp. n. New York, Brues Milwaukee Bull. Wis. Soc. 6 p. 49.-2/. bakeri sp. n. Belize, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 21. Idris flavicornis Forst. sp. n. Aix-la- Chapelle" Kieffer p. 124 T.c. Leptoteleia nom. n. for Baryconus Ashm., nee Forst., Kieffer p. 163 T.c. Loxotropa apteryga sp. n. Luxem- bourg, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 57. — L. crassiclava sp. n. Brindisi, Kieffer Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 38 pp. 107-108. — L. brevipennis New- Guinea p. 107, steueri Cairo p. 108, spp. n., Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24. — L. pegomyiae ap. n. N. America, Brues p. 1 92 Rep. Ent. Minnesota 12. 304 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Macroteleia grneffei p. 174, bicolora p. 175, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Briixelles 32 ilem. — .V. erythro- thorax Jeannette p. 22, testaceipes p. 23, punctativentris p. 24, Belize, spp. n., Keiffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Brux(3lles 32. Megaspilus cursor p. 37, trasmanni p. 38, cTassinervis p. 39, miteniialis p. 40, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer Bull, Soc. Metz 23. Mesitius indicus sp. n. Bombay, Kieffer p. 90 op. cit. 24. Alijnopy'ia gen. n. near Phaenopr'ia, ecitophila sp. n. Peru, Holmgren Zool. Anz. 33 p. 346. Mymai-idae ; Aral-See, Meissner Ta§- kent Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Ob§c. 4 8 p. 60. Neuropria gen. n. near Diapria, sociahilis sp. n. Hollande p. 53, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23. Omaluspilosus sp. n. Hollaud, Kieffer p. 33 T.c. Oxylahis Idagesi sp. n. Pemasylvania, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 42. Oxypria gen. n. near Xyalopria, tho- raeiea, sp. n. Nicaragua, Kieffer p. 37 T.c. Fanlolyla lanioruin sp. n. Austria, Kieffer Bull, Soc. Metz 23 p. 48. Paragryon nom. n. for Gryon Asbm. nee \{a\.,pedestr\i^ sp. n. Europe, Kieff'ER Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 199. Parasierola lute'tpes Cuba p. 20, fuxci- comis Belize p. 21, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. — P. hogo- tenais sp. n. Colomliia, Kieifeu p. 140 Marcellia 7. Paratr'imorux gen. n., perplcxus sp. n. Amiens, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Brux- elles 32 Mem. p. 146. Paridris nom. n. for Idris Asliin. nee Forst., Kieffer p. 122 T.c. Pentaeantlia Jldvipes p. 243, ru/o- aignala p. 244, brevipetniis p. 245, rugona, riifipes, p. 246, subaulcala p. 247, levifronn, rufimanua, p. 2*18, nigriluraia, slviald, \). 249, spp. n., Europe, Kieffer T.c. Pentapria conjungeii» sp. n. Nica- ragua, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24 p. 105. Phaenopr'ia antennalis sp. n. Belize, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 39. Plastogryon gen. n., forsterl, p. 141, sagax p. 142, with var. hrev'ipeiinia, investis, p. 143, spp. n., Aix-la-Chapelle, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. Platygaater formlcai ins sp. n. Hol- land Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 45. — Inostemma (Platygaater) boscii Bio- logic, Abler Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 306-307, Kieffer T.c. p. 465. Polygnotus minutus, Parasit von Ceci- domyia deatructor, Beschreibung, Pos- I'ELov Choziajstvo 2 p. 153. Preatwichia aquat'ica, Heymoss D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 138-141. Pristocera gaidlei sp. n. Dabomey, Kieffer Metz Bull. soc. hist. nat. 25 p. 2. Probaryeouua subg. n. vide Barycoyms. Progon'iozus graiidicepft sp. n. Cuba, Kieffer p. 19 Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Propiatocera interrupta Ceylon p. 98, pcrcurrena p. 99, ler'icoU'ia p. 100, India, spp. n., Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24. Prosanteria nom. n. lor Ant er in .4shin. nee Forst., foveatifroyis sp. n. Belize, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 136. Proaapegua nom. n. for Apegua Asbm. nee Forst., Kieffer p. 147 T.c. Protc'lenomus gen. n. near Telcnomua ]). (■), Jiavicornia sp. n. Birraania p. 7, Kieffer Metz Bull. soc. hist. nat. 25. Protimorua nom. n. for Timorua Asbm. nee Forst., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 146. lUiabdepyria gen. n. Bethylinae, myrmecophila p. 32, pallidinerv'ia p. 33, spp. n., Europe, KiePfer Bull. Soc. Metz. 23. — R. metaUicna sp. n. Nica- ragua, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 16. Scelio rubripca Tangier p. 132, aua- traJienaia N. S. Wales, integer Carintbia, ]). 133, rnlgarla S. Europe p. 154, luteipea, li>i]g'iv.eitlr\ti, Austria, clongatua Italy, p. J35, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. — .S. auatnd'iena'ia sp. n. N. S. Wales, Kieffer p. 100 Bull. Soc. Metz 24, — S. mclleipea Colorado, 305 Inseda. Systematic. —l^BoctoTRYrtD.vE — CvNiriDAE. triseclu9, levifrona, p. 30, haheri, Centr. America, erythrogaster Cuba, p. 31, sectigeiui Belize, coriarcivinttris Cuba, p. 3:?, gtriativeiitris Canada, p. 33, spp. n., KiEFKER, Ann. Soc. Scl. Biuxelles 32. Sparasion femorale p. 20, humile, baheri, p. 27, spp. n., N. America, KlEFFER T.c. Sp.lomicnis cribratits sp. n. Java, KlEFFER Leiden Notes .Mus. 30 p. 93. — ■"^. bifoveatus p. 40, unifoveatus p. 41, spp. n., Pemisylvania, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxeiles 32. Stichothrix bifasciatipennis sp. n. Columbia, Giraclt Psyche 15 p. 115. Sijnopeas inqiidiniis sp. n. Austria, KlEFFER Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 44. Teleits sibiricus Siberia p. 193, tri- pinosiis p. 194, recticulatus, I'ugosus, p. 195, coriaceus p. 190, tenukarsis, '^^■ltt('Jhn•is, p. 197, nigricus p. 198, Europe, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. Trichacis remtdus, Parasit von Ccci- domyia destructor, Beschreibung, Po.spE- i-ov Chosiajstvo 2 p. 152. Trichopria indica sp. n. Matheran, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24 p. 100. Trissolcus evanesceiui sp. n. Austria, Kieffer op. cit. 23 p. 47. Tropidopria cdipes sp. n. Holstein, Kieffer p. 52 T.c. — T. foveata sp. n. Jeannette, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 38. Xetiotoma caatanea sp. n. Pennsyl- vania, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 44. Xyalopria nigra sp. n. Belize, Kieffer p. 30 T.c. Zelotypa ashmeadi sp. n. Califoiiiia, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24 p. 109. CVSII'IDAE. Oak sails of Britain ; Connoi-u 109 pp. with 08 pis. Synonymy of Hawaiian Cynipidae, Perkins Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 10. Notes on Harris's types of Cynipidae, Beutesmcller Psyche' 15 pp. 9-11. Verbreitung der Galhvespen in der niederschlesischen Eljene, Schmidt Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 3 jip. 344-350. (N-10332 j) Aegilipa reticulata, netadensis, spp. il. N. America, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 63. AUotria cabrerai, afra, spp. n., Tenc- rife, Kieffer p. 63 Bull. Soc. Metz 23. {Atidricus fidelentsia p. 12, boeagei p. 13, girardi p. 14 spp. u. Portugal, Tavares Broteria 1 1902). Aporeucoela gen. n., fuscipcs sp. n., Colorado, Kieffer Ann. Soc. .S'ci. Brux- elles 32 p. 49. AuJax cliryaothavini sp. n. Arizona, Beutenmuller New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 45. Aulaxyata ailvestril sp. n. Italy, KlEFFER Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 66. Cothonaspia tenerifae sp. n. Tenerife, Kieffer p. 04 Bull. Soc. Metz 23. — ('. fuscostriata p. 55, bakeriana, California, guatewalenais Champerico, p. 50, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Cynips calycis, ScHUSTER Ent. Jahrb. 17 pp. 172-174. Dryoplianta agama & ditsticlia, galls, Bayer Marcellia 7 pp. 3-9.— L*. folii, phvsiology of galls. Trotter Marcel] ia 7 pp. 167-174. Eucoela petiolata, E. [Tihoptvomcris) afra, spp. n., Tenerife, Kieffer j). 65 Bull. Soc. Metz 23. — E. {Psichacra) laticej:)8 Nevada, E. (Hexameroeera) bakeriana, p. 57, E. {Rhopitromeris) nicaraguenais, Nicaragua, apertn CaJi- fornia, p. 58, E. transversa, sancti-viarci, Nicaragua, p. 59, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. Eucoilidea crenidafa Colorado p. 47, iiigricornia ji. 48 Nicaragua, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. Figitea acutellaris var. n. nigripca Tenerife, Kieffer ]>. (iO Bull. Soc Metz 23. CuDiaspia subjiuda sp. n. Tenerife, Kieffer p. 04 T.c— G'. redusa Cali- fornia p. 51, striatifrona, rufa, p. 52, multicolor, albotorquata, p. 53, Nicar- agua, duhioaa Cuatemala, levifrons Nicaragira, p. 54, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32. KLeidotonui myrmecophila sp. n. England, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 65. — K. foaaa y. 00, K. {Tetrarhoptra} trialia, luge)t,s, A'. (Ilexacola) cali/oniica, p. 01, spp. n,, c 30 306 Insedn xii. Insecta. [lOOS] California, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Soi. Bruxelles 32. Miteucoela sn)??i?s sp. n. Nicaragua, KlEFFER p. 50 T.C. Neuroterus liaaul sp. n. Bengal, KiEFFER Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 01. Paramhlynotns gen. n. near Amblij- notus p. 299, punctulatus, ruficeps, spp. n., Borneo, p. 300, Cameron Ento- mologist 41. Paraulax gen. n. p. 59, perpJexux sp. n. Chile p. 60, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23. Peras vuficcpis sp. n. Brazil, KieifeI! Op. cit. 24 p. 110. (Plagioh-oehnx hinniai/i pp. Ki 17, amenti pp. 17-lS, spp. n., Portugal, Tavaees Broteria 1 190l\) Psilosema vafipcs sp. n. Borneo, Cameron D. ent.Zs. 1908 p. 588. Phahdeutioda llnvotincta sp. n. (ju- atemala, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Brux- elles 32 p. 46. Phod'ttes radoazkoiraki'i sp. n. Centr. Asia, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 63. SaphoJijtus excis^is sp. n. Bengal, Kieffer p. 62 T.c. {Sapholyt)i8 lusJUiniciis sj). n. Portuoal, Tavares Broteria 1 1902 p. S.) Steleucocla gen. n., j^iri/ornii'^ sp. n. Nicaragua, Kiefieu Ann. Soc. Sci. Brux- elles 32 p. 48. {Tr'igoiia»pis hruiieicorniiiii[h n. Portu- gal, TAVARE.S Broteria 1 1902 pp. 15-16.) Trisaeueoela clavicornls, vuiipes, spp. n., Nicaragua, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 15. TyloHPina gen. n. ]). 1 12, Tijlo.-^cm'nutc sublam. n. p. 113, niyerrinium sp. n. Algeria p. 113, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 24. A ijalophoru levlvodrin sp. n. Colorado, Kieffer Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 32 p. 64. Zaeucoila nexdoildla sp. n. Xicnagua, Kieffer p. 46 T.c. Hymexoi'Tera iMivrnpiiAiiA, Siin(rr)\i:, Teniiikkdinidae etc. Systeniatisclie ZusamnienstcUung der bislier bekannt gewordenen Cluilasto- gastra ; Konow Zs. Hvmonopter. 8 pp. 19-61, 113 128, 177 232. Notes, syuonymical & other, on British Tenthredlnidae ; Morice Ent. Mag. 44 pp. 95-102 etc. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Chalasto- gastra Finlauds, FoRSius Med. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 pp. 92-100. Parthenogenesis ; Pteronus lioiiensis Htg. , polyspilus Forst., Pnst'iphora crassiconils Htg., fulvipes Fall., Rossu.M 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. xxix-xxsvii. Acordulecera media, minima, maxima, vianva, p. 168, mellina, mixta, munda, miiinta, maculata, p. 169, marinaip. 170, spp. n., United States, M.^cgillivray Canad. Ento. 40. Allantns ; synopsis der nrcuatus (Iriippe p. 15, iiieinctua p. 23, sp. n., Tibet, KoNOW St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13. — A. kerviliei sp. n. Tunisia, Koxow Gadeau de Kerville Voyage en Khrouniirie p. 67. — .4. ingmnalis p. 20, rupico p. 21, spp. n., Sikkim, Konow Zs. Hynienopter. 8. Aphanisuft gen. n., lobatus p. 295, miiricntiis, odorattix, lugritus, p. 296, spp. n., United States, Macgillivray Canad. Ento. 40. Arge siispieax sp. n. Siliiria, KoNOW Zs. Hymenojiter. 8 p. S2. Athaliu ; Synopsis der palaearctischen und orientalischen Arten, przeicalskii $ Til)et, KoNow St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 p. 20. — A. nigriceps O.-Afrika p. 165, pull'icoma p. 166, dissona, Kongo, ]i. 107, concoi's, ineompta, S. Africa, p. 168, spp. n., KoNow Zs. Hymenopter. 8. Baciroceros pugnax sp. n. Colorado, PiOHWER New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 103. liJennocainpa ahnorma, antennata, p. 296, aperla, angulata, adusta, acuminata, p. 297, spp. n.. United States, Macgil- livray Canad. Ento. 40. lirniui^iol/i Icpidida Costa ll[cA,JtaIlex Brasilia, spp. n., Konow Zs. Hvmenopter. 8 p. 141. ('amponi8cn!< kiii'/IIii, idlxi.'^l igiiinn, spp. n., Colorado, Ivomwei; New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 105. I 'rplialc'iii jinncliila sp. n. ('oloradoi I'oiiWKR p. 177 Ciinad. Enlo. 40. Cerafidun gen. n. FtU'iinoeampinae, speetahilin sp. n. Texas, Macoii.i.ivray Canad. Ento. 40. .107 tnseeta. STSTEMVTir. — TEXTTTREnlNtDAT:. Ciiiibcx ainericana, female reproiliic- tive organs, Severix and Sevehix Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 pp. 87-100 3 pis. ; internal organs male, Severin & Severix T.e. pp. i'.>6-in)-t 1 pi. — C. hctidac, Wan.sch Ent.Zs.21 p. 223. — C.femovata Entwicklungsdauer, Meissner lutein, ent. Zs. 2 p. 132. I'hjdostnniux gen. n., merccti p. 19, crstatu.-i p. 20, spp. n., Sikkim, KoNow, Zs. Hymenopter. 8. Cockerellonis gen. n. Empltytinac, occidentali-i sp. n. New Mexico, Macgil- LivR.u- p. 305 Canad. Ento. 40. DimorpJioptei-yxpinguis = (Sciapteryx punctum Prow), Macgillivray p. 368 T.c. fDineura lam'tnarum sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Bkues Cambridge Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 2(il.— +D. cockerelll sp. n. Colorado shales, Roiiwek New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 530.— jD. fnst'ii)ennis sp. n. Colorado shales, Roii- WER p. 593 T.c. Doleviis jmraaericeus, neosericeus polijaericeiis, coloseficeii», p. 125, monoiserieeus, ajyt-iloidcs, neoaprll'iti, m'tnuscidus, p. 126, luctatus, neocollaris, ii-lerus, refugits, p. 127, nispectus, coliaesus, conjugatiis, dysporus, p. 128, plesiva, agcistus, atiignus, p. 129, acritiis p. 1.30, spp. n., N. America, Macgillivray Canad. Ento. 40. Emphytiia gillettei sp. n. Colorado p. 178, coloradensis Weld. p. 179, RoHWER Canad. Ento. 40. — E. leucostoma sp. n. Colorado, Kohwer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 110. — E. chictipes characters, M.ugillivray p. 367 Canad. Ento. 40. Euludecta humiUs sp. n. Alaska, Koxow Zs. Hymenopter 8 p. 84. Ep'daxoniis gen. n. type T. albido- pietuH Nort., Macgillivray p. 3()(i Canad. Ento. 40. Eriocampa ; the american components, E. obetsa (Say as ALlantus) = {rotunda Nort.j, Macgillivray p. 368 T.c. — tf. Hcudder'i sp. n. Colorado Miocene, jBrces Cambridge Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 264. — 17?. hrueni sp. n. Colorado shales, Rouwer New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 592. Euura brachyearpae, parva, spp. n., Colorado, Rouwer p. 176 Canad. Ento. 40. ''x-l 0.332 llaplocainpa brcvis, Schaden, Ent- wicklung, Eiablage in Siidrussland, MoKKZECKi St. Pelerburg Vestn. Obsc. Sadov. pp. 660-665. — H. biocidata sp. n. Colorado, Rohweu p. 179, Canad. Ento. 40. IlypargyricKS gen. n. lUcnnocaiupinae, lufuncatiin sp. n. New York, and in- cUidiug SehnidrKt fitmiprini'is Nort., Macgillivray p. 290 Canad. Ento. 40. I sckyroceraea arctica Kiaer — Emsc'ia aretlca Thorns., Koxow St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 p. 14. Tslodyrfium atratum sp. n. Iowa, Macgillivray ]). 290 Canad. Ento. 40. ^ Lisconeura gen, n. Sehizocer'mae (?) type Scolioiienra vexabilis Bmes, Colorado, Florissant shales, Roiiwer New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 529 Loplnjnis p'lm, Fiass, Fexxer Fest- schrift . . . der Wetterauischen Ces. Hanau 1908 pp. 118-139. L. VII f lis, Ausrottungdurch Parnsiten ; Anox, Kristiania Tidssk. Skogbr. 16 pp. 206-208 & 297-298.— L. hypomelat^, gidcttej MacG. p. 113, spp. n., Colorado, Roiiwer New Y'ork J. Ent. Soc. 16. Lycasta fusea sp. n. Colorado, RonwER J). 180 Canad. Ento. 40. — L. bruneri sp. n. Colorado, Rohwer New Y'ork J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 104. Lyda ; RuDow Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 72, etc. Macrempliytn^i gen. n. type Harpi- pilioriis varknms, Maccullivray p. 368 Canad. Ento. 40. '\Macropliyn peri-elustu sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Bkues Cambridge Bull. Mus. Haivard Coll. 51 p. 267. "fMegaxyela peti'efacta sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Brdes p. ^^71 T.c. Monophadyio'idcH, eonsp'tcuus, conspi- cidata, J). 293, eonaohr'iniiH. cordutua, concensua, craasus, conapersus, p. 294, coatalis, coracinus, collar'ts, p. 295, spp. n., United States, Macgillivr.vy Canad. Ento. 40. Monophndniia diathictua, miuutua, p. 291, blpunctatua, aequalls, plicatu^, tranaveraua, p. 292, spp. n., United States, Macgillivray T.c. Monostegia martini sp. n, Massachu- setts, Macgillivray ji. 366 T.c. Monsoma gen. n. type Poeciloatoma inferentia, Macgillivray p. 368 T.c. c .30-^2 ?m Insedn. xn. Insecta. [1(108] Kcmatus appendiculatns, vcnlricosus, Schaden, Bekampfimg und Verbreitiing in Russland, Schreiner Plodovodstvo pp. 394-404. — N. erichsoni biology, Hewitt J. Board Agric. 15 No. 9. Keocliai-actus gen. n., haker'i sp. n. California, ilACGiLLivRAY p. 293 Canad. Ento. 40. Neopareophora gen. n., muHini, sceleata, spp. n., N. America, including also Phymatocera nigra Hart., ^Iacoii.li- VRAT p. 289 T.c. Neotomostethus gen. n. Blenno- eampiiiae, hyallnu-^ sp. n. New York, JIacgillivray p. 290 T.c. '\Keurotoma coclierelli sp. n. Colorado shales, Rohwer New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 523. ^NortoneUa gen. n. p. 592 near Macrophya, typ'icu sp. n. p. 593 Colo- rado shales, Rohwer T.c. Pacliynematiia fialdbcnji sp. n. Alaska, KoNow Zs. Hymeuopter. 8 p. 83. — P. rohustrformls sp. n. Colorado, Rohwer New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 108. "fPalaeotaxonus gen. n., typ'icux sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Brif.s Caml)iidge Bull. Mus. Hai-vard Coll. 51 p. 2G6.— "fP. trivittatus sp. n. Colorado shales, Rohwer New York Bui. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 524. Pamiiii'illus pers'icam natural history, Walden pp. 285-300 pis. i-vi Rejp. Connecticut Exp. Stat. 1907 ; geogra- phical distribution, Waldex J. Econ. Ent. p. IGO ; Walden Washington U.S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 67' pp. 85- 87, pi. Pariicliaractnis gen. n. p. 292, ohncii- ratim sp. n. Xfw York p. 293, and in- cluding Sc'laiidria rudis Xort., Mac<;ii.i.i- VRAV Canad. Ento. 40. ParataxonuH gen. n. type T. vudl'i- color Nort., Maccii.i.ivray p. 367 T.c. ^ParemphytiiH gen. n. p. 264, ostcnhm sp. n. p. 205 Cnloiado ,\liocenp, Brues Cambridge Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. 51. Per'udtata confusa sp. n. New York, Maogiluvray p. 291 Canad. Ento. 40. '\Phenacoperga gen. n. type P('vfa p. 269, misera p. 270, spp. n., Colorado Miocene, Bri'es Cam- bridge Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. 51. — YF. saxonnn sp. n. Colorado shales, RoHWER New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 594. Tomostethus uorlonil sp. n. Iowa, Macgillivray p. 291 Canad. Ento. 40. Tremex vlridiceps sp. n. Borneo, Camerox p. 33 Entomologist 41. YFrichiosomites gen. n. p. 259 near Zarea, ohliinosus sp. n. p. 260 Colorado Pliocene, Brues Can)bri(lge Bull. Mus. Com p. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51. Waldhelm'ia separ Costa Rica p. 146, uagneri p. 147, duchei, fitsicurnis, Brasilia, p. 148, spp. n., Konow Zs. Hymenopter 8. LEPIDOPTERA. Seitz, Adalljert, [mit K. Jukdan u. A.] Die Gross'schmetterlinge der Erde, Vol. 1, Lfg. 19-40; Vol.2, Lfg. 1-21. Stuttgart i:i908], (Vol. 1: 93-268; Vol. 2: 1-72, 1-52, 1-24, 1-40) mit Taf. Ein Beitrag zur nordischen Schmet- terlingsfauna und ankniipfende Bemer- kungen, Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 53 pp. 61-124, Taf. iii. Bemerkungen iiber niederlandische Lepidopteren, Sxellen 's Gravenhage Titjdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 14-21. Lepidopterologische Miszellen, Aigxer- Abafi, Ent. Wochenbl. 25 pp. 73-74. For 50 varr. n. of Macrolep. from East Russia, vide Kuulikowsky Soc, entomol, 23 p. 2 etc. 310 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Systeraatik der Macrolep'idoptcra ; LiNSTOW Berliner ent. Zs. 52 pp. 191- 200. The classification of Lepklopteni, Comber Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 pp. 695-696. Classification of Lcpidoptera, Ma.wvell- Lefroy Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 pp. 925-927. Organs of sense & classification ; iSwiNTON iSoc. ent. 23 pp. 99 etc., etc. Rhopalocera. li'l/opaJocera ol Russian Empire, SiNEGUR Moskva 1908 pp. 139 + 3 + 1 4 Taf. li'hopalocc ra dn Gouv. Irkntsk, Flug- zeit, Niihrpflanzen der Raupen, JuRiN- SKY Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 270-276. Notes on Wright's Rhopalocera of the West Coast ; Coolidge Canad. Ent. 40 pp. 237-239. Annotated list of the diurnal Lcpi- doptera of San Diego county, California, Weight New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 pp. 153-167. Corrigenda und Aldenda zu jiingeren Benennnngen siidamerikanischer Rho- paloc-ereu, Stichel Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 237-238, 241-243. Notes on Jamaica Uhopcdoecvu, Long- staff pp. 37-51 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. PaI'II-IONIDAE. (Jalina(jit forviosavnn sp. n. Formosa, OiiERTldiR p. 330 Bull. Soc. cut. France 1908. — C. lactor'ta sp. n. China, Fmiii- STORFER Ent. Zs. 22 p. 147.— C. hudda subsp. n. forviosava, Fhumstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc. Oniltliopiera urv'iUhinn \'crpuppnng, RiBBE D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 \^\). 148-152, 1 Taf. PapiUo Itoaniuuiia, hoppo, (joton'is, asakurac, Japan, spp. n., Matsumuka Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 53-55.— 7-". ;/ra«cc; sp. n. Uganda, GRfxnEiKi Berlin SitzBer. (!cs. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 59.— P. leucotaciija sp. n. K. Africa, Rotiiscmii.d p. 249 Ent. M;ig. 44.— /'. jrniuxi sp. n. Formosa |). 168, /'. many subsiip. n. from Asia, Malay Arch, and neighbouring islds., RoTiiHciiiiji jip. 165 174 Nov. Zool. xv. — /'. paradoxm nov. sp. 'i New Guinea, (.ilioSE-SMiT'" u. 116 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — P. podaUr'ius var., Grund p. 81 Soc. entomol. 23 ; Entwickelung aus der Puppe, Bartels Kiel. Schr. natw. Ver. 14 pp. 199-200 1 Taf.— P. macJiaon ab. spJiyrus Hb. = ab. asiatica Men., Gauckler Ent. Zs. 22 p. 88 ; abb. n. fenestrella, convexifasciatus & eoneavi- fasciatus, CuNO Ent. Zs. 22 p. 139; V. fenestyella Cuno 1908 identisch mit ab. dissoJuta Schidtz 1900, Schultz Ent. Zs. 22 p. 147 ; var. n. mauvi- tan'iea Bla(;iiier p. 209 Ann. soc. ent. France 77 ; Variation der Fliigelzeich- nung, Spengel Bonn Verb, nathist. Ver. 65 pp. 105-107 ; ab. n. spuleri, P. zoli- caon abb. n. impunctata,melanotaema & fonnosa, p. 129,P.liospito7iab. n. Solaris p. 1.30, Fischer Soc. entomol. 23 ; Zahl d. Eier, Hokf.mann Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol. 4 p. 310. — P. criton formm. n. melas & dura p 19, plato formm. n. clutoiila & lujchoii'ia p. 20, Helena formm. n. diana, ainaura p. 21, eapnodia, argidia, p. 22, hjgaea, luclnda, sciara, vyinpha, penetia, p. 23, aplotla, phyeia, rhyparia, aphnea, eumagos, azel'ia & cj ypsothelia , p. 24, Seitz Gross-schuietterl. Fauna exot. Lief. 20. — P. aristoloch'iae ab. n. atavus, subsp. n. antissa, aiinae ab. n. erythrns, p. 39, amphrysHS form. n. actinot'ia J). 28, nox form. n. glenia p. 30, Seitz Lief. 22 T.c. — P. ajax var., S.\iytii p. 191 j)l. X f. 2 Ent. News 19. — P. bachua bdsazar subsp. n. p. 208, xyjiias xiiiuthras subsp. n. p. 209, useolius zalales 9 P- 210, trapeza 9 - harmoniufi xcniadea jarhatt f. n., p. 212, NiEi'ELT Ber- liner ent. Zs. 52. — P. agesilaus var. p. 198 f. 1, glaucolaus monstr. j). 199 r. 2, Sticiiel Berliner ent. Zs. 52.— P. phUenor var. n. liirsuta California, Skinner Ent. News 19 p. 149. — P. rhetenor subspp. n. amiaeus & plateniua, heleiiufi subspp. n. fortunius, semnus, oroniiia & aulus, chaon subsp. n. durius, jaaon subsp. n. per'dlun, polyics subsp. n. pasikratt'.H, Fruhstorfer Ent. Wochcnbl. 25 pp. .37 38,41. — P. ph'doxenus subspp. n. letincivH & Jiostil'ius, lama f. derufata n., f. pluloxenidea n., arisfo/oc/t/ae subspp. n. mam'dhis, balinus, demoUon subspp. n. energetea & measiua, chaon subspp. n. ducenarhia, duketius & dispenaator, rJiaon f. Icucdcantha n., oloanlhiitt suhsp. n. hnge, aJrhiona sid)spp. n. hradanua & fchauHH, ph'd.o;v('na» subsj). n. /('('//(c'.s.s».s, piir'iK subsp. n. ncoparia, /wo/ein^r suljsp)). n. cnprolenor \. enanlhea, d'nnetr'iiia sub- sp. 11. Mil(dkea, aarpedon subsp. n. morlua, xanthua sul)s|)p. ii, koxhiga Si iieoxuthua, 311 Insecta. SVSTEMATIC. LEPinOPTEKA PlERIDAE. KiHiisTonFEii Kilt. Zs. 22 p. id etc. — P. ixyhfphoiiites suhspp. n. aipytos, liiigonu^ & sejanus, poljidonift sxibspp. ii. uaisaus, albositjuatus, livis subspp. ii. ijaetus & navigator, damarlcits & vel'iji- ratua, er\ton'ide» ? iorm. 'a.cinna,]xira- d'lseus ? form. n. calignoaa, Fruhstorfer Inteni. ent. Zs. 2 p. 40. — P. ctn-ypijlus subspp. 11. jnba & daloti, evcjiion subsp. u. evetUus, batlujilea subspp. n. tercus & manliiis, FRriiSTdUKKR Ent. Zs. 21 p. 222. — P. caiDUis subspp. n. mesadea & tijphreatus, Kri'HSTorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 319. — P. demoleiia subsp. n. libaniua. d'loJia subsp. n. andronicua, P. ageator subsp. a. mataumnrae, Frvu- STORFEK Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc.— P. maearcua subsp. n. alb'niovanua Insel Bali, Fruhstorfer Intern. Zs. 2 p. 328. — P. tiirnns abb. n. dclu)iar'i8& pervalva, euryuiedon ab. n. anbn'igrata, cresplionfea ab. n. lur'ida, ajax ab. n. torkhorrt't, SoHULTZ Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 92, 119.— P. mackitinoni benguellae subsp. n., Jordan p. 253 Nov. Zool. 15. — P. e2iroiia var. for- vioaanua, OberthCr p. 330 Bull. Sec. ent. France 1908. — P. negeua citriiius nov. ab. Deutsch Neu-rJuinea, Rebel Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 80.— P. nomion, Mandsoliurei, var., Zahs Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 17. — P. xijniaa $ , Xiepelt p. 12 Soc. entomol. 23. — P. homerus epg t% young larva, Chapman p|). 97-101 pis. iii-v Entomologist 41. Paniaaaiiia ; Beiiicksichtigung der historischen, morphologischen und biolo- gischen Verhaltnisse, Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 52 (1907j 1908 pp. (15j-(25). P. nivalia sp. n. Turkestan, Grose- Smith p. IIG Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — P. apollo var. n. haalitalienkol p. 232 Kaukasus, brevieri var. n. albidus p. 233 Ostsibirien, Sheljuzhko Rev. russ. ent. 7 ; subspp. n. jinmarchicua and levanlinua, Rotii.schild p. 390 Nov. Zool. 15 ; P. apollo v inning enai a, Pagen- stecher Ent. Zs. 22 p. 114; ab. novarae Obtli., HoFFM.\NN Intern, ent. Zs. pp. 387- 388, 394-395; Zueht, Cauib.\ch Ent. Zs. 21 p. 236. — P. apolloniua subsp. n. narynus, Fbchstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 51. — P. mnemoayae, Hoff.\i.\nn Ent. Jahrb. 18 pp. 1.50-155; subspp. dini- cimta, aileaiacjia, mcaoleucua, nomm. n. vemetanua, turati, liaHmanni form. n. umbratilia, P'klhstorfeb Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 17-18 ; subspp. n. cuneifer, parmenidea, demaeulatua & tubvlua, f.RUHSTORFER Ent. Zs. 22 p. 12. — /'. iilwi'bua vnv. .-n SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 1900 p. 498. Pontia caaLoria life history, Cooi.iDGK and Newco-mer Ent. News 19 pp. 314- 315. Ps^eudopotitia parudoxa mimicry, DixEY p. xiii London Proc. ent. Soc. 1 !)08. Rhodocera formnaana subsp. n., Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. Syncldoe aualralia sp. n. California, Gbinnell j). 72 Canad. Ento. 40. 313 Insecia. Systematic — Xymphalioae, Etc. Tatochila pyrrhomma sp. n. Peru, stigmadice f. immaculata n., Seitz 5 p. .IG. Teracolus daira var. nowia, bishrensiit var. n., Blaphier p. 212 Anu. soc. ent. France, 77.— r. heiir,rin} Feld., Beschreibung sudanesischer Exemphire, Rebel Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 1906 p. 498. Terias lorquini formm. n. maro8ia7ia 6 djampeana, zama form. n. zamida, tnndana form. n. battaim, Frchstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. -iC etc. — T. mericana, Colorado, Coolidge Ent. News 19 p. 135. Zegris eupheiw ab. n. modesta Ta- ganrog, Alpheraky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross, p. 563. Daxaidae, IieoMiiDAi:, Acraeidae, Helicosiidae. Acraea bent sp. IL Angola, Betho-'E- Baker p. 110 London Proc. znol. Soc. 190S. — A. lumiri sp. n. Congo, Bethcse- Baker p. 471 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — A. acrita subsp. n. bellona, Weymer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 728. Amaiiris eclieria var. u. prominens, Grcsberg Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 pp. 50-62. Danais mclaneus subsp. n. paculua, FRrHSTORFER Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46. Euploea cranieri subsp. n. singaradha Insel Bali, Frchstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 238. — E. adyte subsp. n. hoxinga, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. — E. juv'ia subsp. n., Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127, etc. Heliconius ; new forms from Co- lombia and Ecuador ; Neustetter Wien Verb. 3-6 Ges. 58 pp. 263-269.— II. melpomene aglaope formm. n. laolda, ruhripida, adonidea & gisela, erato eetretla formm. n. lUa & feyeri, Xiepelt D. eat. Zs. 1908 pp. ' 505-506.— ff. bates} formm. n. corona and diadema NiEPELT p. 213, Stichei. p. 214, Berliner ent. Zs. 52. — H. al'ithea form. n. niustet- teri, RiFF.vRTH D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 110- 114. Macroploea corns subsp. n. defigu- ratuH Insel Bali, Frchstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 2.38. Planema plagiosela p. 471, macro- uticha p. 472. spp. n., Congo, Bethuke- Bakeb Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Salatura panda subsp. u. haVinn Insel Bali, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 328. NY-MPHALIDAE. \Vas ist unter Papilio vivularis Scop, zu verstehen? ' Hafner Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 148-149. Abrota yawga subsp. n. formosana, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127, etc. Acca venilia subspp. et Eormae n. godeleira, pscudevanescens, coittunda, leucolon, holargyrea. tademu, grimberta, glyeeria glaucia, i^enitra, Fruhstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 pp. 240-412. Adelpha isis subsp. n. paeiidagrias, tifona subsp. n. tifonidea, aalmoneus subsp. n. emilia, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 8. Amnosia decora subspp. n. perahana & petronia, Fruhstorfer p. 135 T.c. Apatura ilia, Ei, Ger.stxer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 17. — A. iria subsp. n. amuvensis, f. n. recidlia, ilia subsp. ii. htaitanica, ff. nn. sobrina, gertraudia, Seitz Grosschmet- terlinge 1 Lfg. 27 pp. 161-163. — A., Zwitter, Schixdler Ent. Zs. 22 p. 25. — A. chryaolora subsp. n., Fruhst(jrfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. Araaehtiia levana ab. n. intermedia, Seitz Grosschmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 33 p. 209. Argywiia ; Ueberwinterungs-Stadium, (iiLLMER Intern, ent. Zs. l" (350-351, 366-367, 379-380. 388-389, 39o-397).— A. adippe var. xa'itthodippe & A. nerippe varr., John' Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 19. — .1. aglaja subsp. n. me'.hana, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 161. — A.amathuaia subsp. n. biviria, n. form blandina, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 310. — A. maja subspp. n. aeitzi & paaargades, adippe subsp. n. aurexiana, paphia subsp. n. thalaaaafa, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 69. — A. hecate subspp. n. aigina & tribumiana, amatJmaia subspp. n. Loana, dinara, serenu, pralognana & Jialean, Fruhstorfer T.c. pp. 194-195, 214-215. — A. daphne, seltene Aberration, Mayer Ent. Zs. 21 p. 272 ; ab. n. radioaa, Mayer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 47 ; ab. n. daph- noidea, aelene ab. n. gerda, dia ab. n. nigroatriata, pales ab. n. eonducta, niobe ab. n. thyra, ScHULTZ Ent. Zs. 22 p. 38- 40. — A. eiiphroayne i. n. umhra, palea f. n. banghaaai. amathuaia f. n. altaica, niobe fF. n. kuhlmanni & philiaf/ra, Seitz 314 Insect a. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Grosschnietterlinge 1 Lfg. 35-37 pp. 226-272. — -4. dia ab. n. lugens, Grund p. 82 Soc. entomol. 23. — A.paphia ab. ii. argyrorrhytes Caucasus, Alpheraky Eev. TNSs. ent. 7 p. 204 ; var. n. dives. Ober- THiJR Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 26 ; ab. n., LuTZAU Ent. Zs. 21 p. 246 ; Zwitter, Thiele Berliner ent. Zs. 52, (1907), 190S p. 2; Eizucht, PFETf>cn Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 107. — A. eugen'ia Gruppe, Verbreitung der Arten ; eugenia aus d. Xordosteu de europ. Russ- lands, Verbreitung, Phenologie, Kiri- CEKKO Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 151-154 — .4. n'lohe ab. -pelopia J , Gillmer Breslau Jahresbr Ver. Insektenk. 33 p. 24 1 Taf. — A. eiiphrosyne form. n. niveola p. 81 pi. iii f. 4, pales subsp. n. aqmlonar'is f. 5, inducta f. 6, fngga ahti f. 7 & tapio f. 8, Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 53. — A. lathonia, Fischer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 143-145, 149-151. — A. sachalinensis sp. n. Sachalin Japan, agJa'ia L. var. n. iasalis, Matsumcr.v Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 157- 158. Athyma ningpoana ab. n. erehina, Oberthur Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 150. Brenthis amathusla oviposition & hibernation, Tutt Ent. Rec. 20 p. 226 ; larval habits, Gillmer p. 138 T.c. Bimhisara sankara subsp. n. yamari, ambina form, n., anatita sitis form. u. areus, anjana subsp. n. decerna, elcgantia form. n. miaJi sarochoa, piita subsp. )i. semperi, iUigera subspp. n. alabataiui calayaiia. p'la, nirvana subsp. n. sangira, fidiginoaa subspp. n. seraptca, arnoldi, ebitsa subspp. n. laetitia, eu- phemia, pp. 240-412 D. ent. Zs. 1908.— B. calliplocama sp. n. Palawan p. 401, Fruhstorker Stettiner ent. Ztg 69. Cethosla bihlis sul)sp. n. Jiainumi, Frlhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 135. CJiaraxes 'V!-hninnea sp. n. Congo, Bethcse-Baker p. 478 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — C. acraeoides sp. n. Cameroons, Drcce p. 449 Aim. Nat. Hist. 2.~C. rdidhaha sp. n., Bhutan Frontier, de Riie-Phii.ipe Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 285. — C. jasius, life- histoiy, Main Proc S. London Ent. Soc. 1907 (1908) p. 76 pis. iv iV v.— C. ditrn- fordi connectcna, Weibchen, Frciistorfeu Intern, ent. Zs. pj). 365-366. — Charaxes, Gynandromorphismus, Sciiultz Ent. Zs. p. 79. Cymothu''' ]tcniodiiia sp. n. Cameroons, ScHCLTZE p. 130 Soc. cutoniol. 23.— C hiitler'i, cycladina, Uganda spp. n... Grl'n- BERG Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 55. Cyrestis subobscurus sp. n. Xias, SwixHOE p. 61 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Cystineura apicalis subsp. n. burchelli, ilouLTOK p. 181 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Dicliorragia nesimachics subspp. u. iormosanus, niasicus, FRrnsTORFEK Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc. Diestogyna tinopunctala, iiatvamba, p. 476, liiteostriata p. 477, spp. n,, Congo, Bethcne-Baker Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — D. obsoleta sp. n. Uganda, GRi'xBERG Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Natf. Freunde 1908 p. 53. Ectima liria subspp. n. uijinna, exi- lita, astricta, Fruhstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 pp. 41-44. Er'iboea navcaeus subsp. n. meghadiUa, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc. Eunlca irma sp. n. Peru p. 44, eurota subspp. n. myrlliis, theophnnia, tatUa subspp. n. bellaria, tatiluia, ariba sp. n. Brasilia p. 48, Fruhstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg 69. Euphaedra sympliona sp. n. Congo, Bethune-B.\.ker p. 472 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — E. preussi var. n. olivacea, Grunberc; Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 pp. 50 -62 Euryphene leptotypa, mahaJa, p. 473, hiteola, chloeropia, p. 474, cottoni p. 475, spp. n., Congo, Bethuse-Bakeh Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Euthalia formosana subsp. n., Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc.— S. sahadeva subsp. n. hosempona, hebe sliinnin sp. n. [sic], Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 46 etc. KalUma incertn sp. n. Uganda, Grun- berg Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Natf. Freunde 1908 p. 52. Limenitis Camilla synonymy, Briggs pp. 282-285 Entomologist 41. — L. populi sul)spp. D. enapiits, eumenius & goliath. FRunsTr)RFER Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. .30 ; Biologic, Grltzner Ent. Jahrb. 18 pp. 133-137; ab. n. defasciata, Scuii.TZ p. 188 Soc. entomol. Zurich 22. — L. rivulari.'t ab. ii. Iricolonita, Grund p. 81 Soc. entomol. 23; subsp. n. herculenna, popidi subsp. n. rilocola, Seitz Grosschmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 30 p]i. 182-183, 184-185.— /L. mp'dla subsp. n. oir> Insccta. Systematic. — LEPinopTERA — Xympkalidae. 'rleula, dudu subsp. n. jinam'itrci. FiiiH- STORFER Ent. Wochenbl. 25 pp. 37-38, 41. Mclitaca athalia forms iV: allies, Wheeler pp. 137-142 etc. etc. Ento- mologist 41 .V. didyma ab. n. hotf- manni, nhjrita nom. n., Skala Ent. Zs. 21 pp. 23<'-23S, 2t)S ; M. maturna ab. u. fuhjida, sibina var. n. neglecta & ab. n. di'lnnata, didyinn abb. n. nigeiTiwa di: speeiosa, ScHCLTZ Eut. Zs. 22 pp. 90-92. — .V. pJioebe subspp. n. lohrls & koios, Frih.storfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 ])p. 194- 195, 214-215; ab. n. co)iftisa Vannes, Jo.vs.vis Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 45 ; var. occltauiea, TcTT p. 105 Ent. Rec. 20; Wheeler p. 169 T.c, Titt T.c. p. 171 ; jsubspp. n. teiona & ogygia, Fri'ii- storfer Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 310. — M. aiiriii'ia variation, Xewman p. xii London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908. — M. aurinia f. n. hanghaasi, c'lnxia f. n. tschujaea, phoehe f. n. alternans, didyma ab. n. bicolor, f. n. maJidachiirica, pekinens'is, agar ab. n. obtecta, aurelia f. n. sem'nilgra, Seitz Grossschmetter-linge 1, Lfg. 33- 35 pp. 212-225. yielitaea maturna ; Strohmeyer Ent. Jahrb. 17 p. 118. — M. dejonae var bevitioU, FouLQCiEE Feuille jeunes natu- ral. 39 p. 25. Neptis ; indo-australian, nmnerous subspp. n., Frc-hstorfer Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 pp. 240-412.— X., spp. in the islands near Madagascar, PorLTON' pp. xxxiii-xliii London Proc. ent. soc. 1908. — y. horisJiaiia sp. n. Formosa, M.4.T- SCMIRA Ent. Zs. 22 p. 157. — N. diviaa pi. v. f. 6, gennlfa f. 7 p. 310, spp. n., Tsekou, Oberthlr Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — X. ananta var. n.moltTechti, OBERTHii; p. 3.30 Bull. soc. ent. Fr. 1908. — X. hylas ab. n. pu?'a, Grlnberg Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Natf. Freunde 1908 pp. 286-291 ; aaleyra subsp. n. Insel Saleyer, Feliistorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 239; Stichel Intern. Zs. 1, pp. 311, 325-327 ; Sticfiel, Intern, ent. Zs., 2, P- 97. — X. thisbe f. n. deliquata, Seitz • irosschmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 29 p. 178; -V. ananta subsp. n. ta'nrana, mahendra subsp. n. reducta, pryeri subsp. n. jucundita, Frchstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc. ^y- yinpJuiHte.i scudderi sp. n. Miocene Colorado, BeutenmCller iV: Cockerell New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 67. Panloporia «.s«ra subsji. n. badia, Frihstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc. — P. .'~]>. n. formu- saiia, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. 316 Insccta, XII. Insecta. [19081 Vcuiessa ant'iopa, Asj-mmetrie der Flugel, Krulikovsky Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. ]03. — -V. eanace subsp. n. charonides, Seitz Grosschmetterlincre 1 Lfg. 33 pp. 205-206; subsp. n. drilon, FnunsTORFER Ent. Wochenbl. 25 pp. 37-38, 41.— 7. cardui, ilassenwandenmg in Siidruss- land, MoKRZKCKi Choztajstvo 2 pp. 1345- 1348. — V. urtieae, Kalteforra infolge starker Hitze, Jachoxtov Rev. riiss. ent. 7 pp. 125-127. Brassolidae, Morphidae. Brazilian Morphhiae collected by Burchell 1825-1830, Sanders pp. 33-42 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Betr. die Neubenennungen v. H. Fruhstorfer, Stichel Intern, ent. Zs. 1 pp. 341-343. Caligo idomciieu>^ euphorhus p. 161 ; '■'. teucer var. synonymy p. 161, C. idomeneus praecami n. p. 176, Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 52. Catoblepla amphirJioe form. n. placita, Stichel p. 178 T.c. — C. berecrjiithia midas subsp. n., Stichel p. 83 Soc. entomol. 23. Dyiiastor macrostj'is pharnaccr ^abs]). n., Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 174. Opoptera aorsa subsp. n. fuseata, Stichel p. 175 T.c. Opaiphanea pp. 163-172, zelotcs subsp. n. zelun p. 174, Stichel T.c. Stichophtlddmn lioivqua subs]i. n. /ormosfDja, Fruhstorfer Ent. Woclienbl. 25 pp. 37-38, 41. Satyridae. Aphaittopiis hyprrantux ab. n. jwlleiis, Schiltz Ent. Zs. 21 p. 278.— yl. Iiyper- aiitns f. n. tircticn & reidrlfera, Seitz Grosschmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 24 p. 137. Blanaida laeticolora sp. n. Formosa, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 141. Cocnonympha typJton Subsp. n. fe.r- viaiia, pamphllitf subsp. n. oranlia, hero subsp. n. ncoperseits, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 9- 10. Epbiephelc jnniroides i. n. (dihrciiuta, ida f. n. lapi(lipela,^E\T/. Cirosschmetter- linge 1 Efg. 24 p. 138. — K. jurtina ab. semialba, Aig.ner-Ahafi Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 218 ; Epmephele jurtina L. ab. n. obruenccns, lycaon Rott. abb. n. luaca & Ktibalbida, t'ltlKniw* L. ab. n. ubururior, SdiULTZ Knt. Zs. 21 pp. 278- 279 ; mit einem auffallend gefarbten Fliigel ; Meuth Ent. Zs. 21 p. 228.— E. hjeaon, Varietaten, Ai.pheraky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 pp. 558-618 ; var. n. maroccana, Blachier p. 216 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — E. titJionus, gynandromorphes, Booklet Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 123-124, 131. Ercb'ia disa form. n. restr'ieta, Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 87. — E. lefehvrei & meJaa distinguished, Chapman pp. 307-313 pis. viii-x London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — E. tyiidarus varr. n. arver- nens'is & rondoiti, OBERTHi'R p. 267 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. — Ercb'ia pronoe, KoLiSKii Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. 259-263. — E. epiphron var. n. trana- sylvaniea, Rebel p. 77 T.c. — E. ceto ab. n. leto. medusa abb. n. plierusa & ast'igmatica , cvias ab. n. depupillata, pronoe ab. n. depuncta & subsp. n. pithon'ides, goante ab. n. jolanthe, ligea ab. n. subcaeca, Schultz Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 4-5. — E. spp. North America ; Coolidge Ent. News 19 pp. 73-75. — E. spp.. immature stages, Coolidge l)p. .341-342 T.c. Eumenis fagi subsp. n. serrula, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 121 ; subspp. n. v'tspania, getiava, orpltnia, eigurdr'ifa odilo & v'lvdo, Fruhstorfer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 pji. 80-82.— £". semele subsp. n. hlacliicri, arethuaa subsp. u. vdeta, Fruhstorfer Eut. Zs. 22 pp. 93 & 103. — E. stat'dimis subspp. n. pisiatratus, vettius, onosandrns & mitsaeus, fidia subspp. n.velleia, paleia, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 127 etc. — E. arethusa subsp. n. alphe'ioa, Fruhstorfer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 95. — E. semele subspp. n. eadmus, teres & senthes, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 9-10. llenoteft'ia nlgrescens sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 470 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — H. irellmanni sp. n. B(>nguela, Weymer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 507. Lethe mataja sp. n. Formosa. christoplii subsp. n. lianako, chandica sTibspji. n. ratnaer'i & suvarna, Fruh- storfer Ent. Wochenbl. pp. 37-38, 41. — L. sijrc'is subsp. n. duhiaga Tonkin, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 7. — L. insana subsj). n. formoaana, Fruh- storfer T.c. p. 46 etc. — L. verma subsp. n. atenopa, Fruhstorfer p. 127 T.c. — L. dryta subsp. n. daemonica, europa subsp. n. pavida, Fruhstorfer pp. 127 etc. T.c. .".17 In-^rria. Systematic. — LEPinotTERA — S.\TyKinAE, T-Itc. Lijcia gen. n., nuicmaJiou't sp.n. Quetta, iiid including Ercbia tniiops Slaved., SwiNMiOE p. 60 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Melaiianjia galatlwa abb. n. addeuda tH punctata, Grund p. 82 Soc. entomol. 23. — M. suiiaroL'ius Herbst, distinct species, Alpheraky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 375. — MeJanaiyia larlsfsa var. Itfi-ta abb. ddhnhata, seliairerdae, Dal- niatien, XErsxETTER Wien Verb. Zool- Bot. Ges. 58 p. -JCui. — M. syUius, FouL- giiER Feuille jeunes natural. 38 p. 211. — M. larissa f. n. adriatica, htjlata f. n. iranica, Seitz Ltrossclmietterliuge 1 Lief 20 pp. 114-116. Melanitis amabilis subspp. n. kajelana & raleiitina, ziteiiiua subspp. n. aidetes aiimatranus, niasicits, nijiims & zenoti, boisduvalia subsp. n. palaicanica hyle- eoetus subsp. n. oino'c, leda subspp. n. desperata, moluccarum, dcstitann, offalta, hirncinae, duminans, salomonis, palliata, levana & africami, pheduna subsjop. n. poUahana, miiskata, gaiipati, mwiati & imja,velut'ina subsjD. n. gigantea, atrax subspp. n. hicillus, bazilana, conataiUia subspp. n. diclairix, obiatia, batjana, minuscula, yeluna, kapaura, rneforica, jobina, despoliata, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 80, 82-84, 85-87. Minois ; varr. n., Fruhstorfer pp. 75 & 76 Soc. entomol. 23. — M. actaea subsp. n. monocidus Indian, Fruu- .storfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 10. Mycalesis arrangement, with new Indo-australian fonns ; Fri;hstorfer pp. 130 and 140-216, Wien Verb. Z.-b. Ges. 1908. — M. liyperanthus p. 469, xm'iformis p. 470, spp. n., Upper Congo, Bethuxe-Baker Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — M. periscells sp. n. Formosa, Fruh- storfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 141. — M. frau- ciaca subsp. n. formoaana, gulana subsp. n. na)ida, auaveolena subsp. n. kagina, janardana subsp. n. mara, P'ruhstorfee T.c. p. 46, etc. Oeneia germana sp. n. Tianchan p. 44, urda var. n. laeta ab. n. bangliaaai, AcsTANT Ent. Zs. 22. Ornotriaena medut F. subsp. n. Uciuin p. 215, ppaa subsp. n. pjaupcrcula Sula- Ins., Feuhstobfer Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 215. Fararge maera subsp. n. leucoeinia, Fbchsto'kfee Ent. Zs. 22 p. 121.— P. hiera subsp. n. praegrandis, aegeria subspp. n. egeataa & eamoena, Frch- storfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 9- 10; subspp. u. falcidia, scatia & calidia, P'ruhstorfer Ent. Wochenbl. 25 }). 95. — P. xiphia F. ab. n. dihdior, megacra L. ab. n. furialia, hicra F. ab. n. hieroides, maern L. abb. n. cxt'meta & occalcata, aclinic Sc. ab. n. miiiuta, Schultz Ent. Zs. 21 p. 278. I'latyptliima homochrou \)\. xi. f. ("> p. 253, Jordan Nov. Zool. 15. Ptycliandra achadenbergl form. n. liehetatr'ix Mindanao p. 222, eacridanii form. n. Luzon p. 223, Fruhstorfer Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58. Satyiiia nctaea subspp. n. m'dada & pcnkctia, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 351. — S. dryas subspp. n. dryincia agdu, kairara, okiimi & taas'do, Fruh- storfer Intern, ent. Zs. 1 pp. 358-359. — S. clrce f. n. asiat'ica, tniilazechu f. n. clar'issima, Seitz Giosschmetterlinge 1 Lief. 20 pp. 114-116. — S. anthelea subsp. u. sehaicerdae, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 121. — 8. briseus Synonymie der Varietaten, Alpheraky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 576 ; subsp. n. demhiula, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 194- 195, 214-215. — S. kevmione et (dcyone, Oberthtr Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 151 ; Artberechtigung Dampf Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 128-131. Yptkima methora subsp. u. formosana, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 &c. — Y. tonkln'iana subsp. n. isli'igakinn, Fruh- .stoefer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 127. ElYMNIIIUE, EeYCINIDAE, LlIiVTHF.IIUE. Abiaara poatalha S ]>]- xi. t'. 7, $ f . 8, p. 253 Nov. Zool. 15. Elymnias iigandac sp. n. Uganda, GRUNnERG Berlin. SitzBer. (les. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 51. — E. palnujuita sp. n. Philippines, Schuutze Philipj)ine J. Sci. 3 p. 27. Lemoniaa chaleedou al). n. gnnideVi, CooLiDGE p. 428 Canad. Ento. 40. L'tbytltea celtia subsp. n. funnoaana, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 140 etc. Lycaenidae. Aus dem Lel)en der Lycaeniden, Tler- biologisohe Beobachtungen ; Herzog Natur u. Kultur 5 pp. 633-636. Axioceraea hay-pax subsp. n. atyx Zanzibar, Rebel Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 58 p. 159. 318 Insccta. xn. Insecta. [1908] Amblypodla cnmoJplms variation, Adamson p. 131 Trails. Northumberl. Durham Soc. 3. Bothr'ia gen. n. for Cijanivis chen- nellii de Nicev., Chapm.^x p. (577 London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. ('aUietita gen. n. p. 118, cym-a sp. n. New Guinea p. 119 pi. viii. f. 1, Bethune-Baker London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Canclalides mar'ia p. 120, (jrand'isslma pi. viii f. 15, glorlosa f. 3, p. 121, aroa f. 7, pratti f. 13, dinawa £. 2, cyana f. 8, p. 122, wi'qMnctata f. 1-1, angabiinga pi. ix. f. 5, p. 123, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune-Bakeh T.c Chattenden'ia nom. n. for Edirardsia Tutt, TuTT p. U3 Ent. Rec. 20.— C. u-alhum life-history, Cochrane pp. 159- 162 Ent. Rec. 20. Chrysophanus ; life-history, Warnecke Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 2 ; C. aleipliron var. n. Jieradeana, phlaeas al). n. ober- thurl, Blachier p. 217 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — C. dorU'ts ab. n. fusca, Gill- MER Ent. Wochenlil.25 pp. 14-15, 20,23, 51-52, 55-56 ; C. gorgon life-history, Coolidge p. 346 Canad. Ento. 40.— C. virgaureae var. miegi u. zermatten- sis, Caucasus, Alpheraky Rev. ent. rnsa. 7 p. 204 ; eiibspp. n. alluinagUd Sc juvara, formm. n. onka & g<«/« r/'.ssnbspj). 11. catnutinn, golona, jopii, iniloa'in'ica, haiceana, renata, bulia subsj). u. fortuna- tua, acuta subspp. n. japonlca & tansli- imana, aanatana subsp. n. tagalina, formm. n. malayica & hoiieata, aantaua formm. n. minil'nnbata cV- latipicla, Eruhstorfer Stcttiner ent. ZtL(. 69 iip. 49-50. Cyaniria uwgurra p. 116 pi. viii f. 17, biagi f. 11 p. 117, spp. n. New Guinea, drvcc'i jii. \\\\ r. Id, accxiiiii f. 10, Betiiune-Baker London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. — C. argioliis ab. n. aquilina Agram, Grund Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 66 etc. Deiidoryw vudzida p. Ill pi. ix f. 4, ituri f. 7, elealode>t f. G, p. 112, spp. n., Congo, Bethuxe-Baker London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. — D. arata ab. n. lun'tger, Seitz (irosschmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 39 l^. 259. — D. epirus, subspp. n., Frdh- sToEFER p. 38 Soc. entomol. 23. Epidem'ta ep'ixanthe, oviposition. Cook & Watson p. 85 Canad. Ento. 40. Ecerca arg'iades, dipora & parrhaahia, Tutt pp. 30J-305 pi. xxii Ent. Rec. 20. — E. argladcs, eorctas, aZce^as, Betiune- Baker p. 78, Tutt p. 79 Ent. Rec. 20. — E. alcetas and argiadea distinctions, Tutt pp. 231-237 Ent. Rec. 20.— S. argiadea & coretaa distinguished p. 371 pi. xix, parrliaaiua & amyntida $ geni- talia pi. XX, Chapman London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908, Jleodcs; application of name,BF.THUNE- Baker p. 181 Ent. Rec. 20. Ilypochryaopa taeiiiata sp. n. Solomon islds , Jordan p. 394 Nov. Zool. 15. Ifypociata aroa sp. n. New Guinea ))1. ix f. 3, Bethune-Baker ]i. 115 London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Ilerda epiclea subspp. n. matsu»inrae, hidicua, ch'inenais & aiimatrenais, Fruh- STORFER Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. Inciaalia pol'ioa, characters, synonymy, egg, Cook pj). 37-43 ]il. ii Canad. iMito. 40. TuIaiiH cottoni pi ix f. 14, hdhicata, spp. n., Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 113 London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. I.ampidea boelicus life-history, Lowk PI'. J 39-141 Ent. Rec. 20. Lcptomyrhia maltnJa sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker ]>. 115 i.oiidon Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. I.'iptcna llbysaa var. n. confluena, (iRiJNiiERo Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Ereunde 1908 pp. 50-62. Lycaena ; Zeichnungsaberrationen, DiKKoFF Gera Jahresher. Ges. Natw. 49-50 (1906-07) 1908 pp. 100-103.— L. argua abb. ii. obacura & caeca, iearua ab. 11. nana, ar'ion ab. n. purictifera, Agram, Grund Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pj). 66 etc.— /y. acla life-history, Frohawk pp. l(il 167 I'jitomologist 41. — /.. (dcon. 310 tnserta. Systematic. — LErinorTi.R.v — TA'CAENinAt;. UeberwinUruiig tier Raupe. Gillmer lutern. eut. Zs. 2 p. 23U. L. aiminda nhdclaziz var. n., Blachier p. 218 Ann. SCH-. ent. Franco 77; ab. n. piinrtifcra Hosnien, 8cii\\verda Wien Verh. ' ZoolBnt. (ies. 58 p. 157.— L. luitiacis etc., early stages, Williams Ent. News 19 pp. 476—183. — L. arg'iades, Aberrationen eoretas,decolorata, Genita- tien. Rebel Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. 32-34 ; varr. alcetas, dcpiinda, t;iLL.\iEK p. 17 Soc. entomol. 23. — L. nrgui* ab. n. caendcocnuenta, EnERT p. 169 Siv. Entomol. Zurich 22. — Lycaena bellargus var. n. coelcstes. Oberthir Paris Bui. soc. eut. 1908 p. 2-") ; Hodusox Tr. City London Soc. 17 jjp. 42-47.— L. coeli sp. n. Tibet pi. v. figs. 1 & 2, UBERinCR p. 311 Ann. soc. ent. 77. — /.. coridon ab. n. hafneri Krain, Preis- SECKER W^ien Verb.' ZoolBot. C!es. 58 pp. 68-69. — L. damon, Variabilitiit, VoR- BRODT Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 375. — L. icarns ab. n. ametliyst'nta, (iILL.mer. Ent Wochenbl. 25 p. 14 etc. ; mit roten Raud- fleckeu = ab. $ anicthijstina, GiLLMER Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 1-2, 10-11.— 7v. pia8u.^ larva & pnpa, Coolidge p. 347 Canad. Ento. 40. — L. pyrenaJea & orhi- tidus distinguished, Chapman' pp. 314- 316 pis. xi-xiii London Tr. ent. Soc. I'JOS. MaJiathala nineria subspp. n. /ormo.«ia, z'istra, ariadeva & javana, FRrHSTORFER Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. Mambara gen. n. p. 119, niyropitnctata sp. n. New Guinea p. 120 pi. viii f. 5, Bethlne-Baker London Proc. zool. .-Joe. 1908. Miletus pretiosus subsp. n. (iriatobid, siren subsp. n. eugippiux, doleschall sulisp. n. inedocus, eucletiis subspp. n. menandrus, eratoatlienes & sabirius apeJl»>t subsp. n. praeelariis, polycletus subspp. n. menyllns, oineuK, kaystrus. litias & hylaithus, pylhias subsj). n. wemeri, Fruhstorfer Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 85 etc. Mimacraea luteoniaculata sp. n. Uganda, GRi;NBER<; Berlin SitzBer. fJes. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 57. Sotarthrinus gen. n. p. 677, bingJuimi sp. n. Assam p. 678. Chapman London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Pentila midtiplagata sp. n. (!ongo, Bethcxe-Baker p. Ill London Proc. zool. Sfj<-. 1908. — P. parapetreia sp. n. Zanzibar, Repei. Wien Verb. ZoolBot. ties. 58 p. lod. Plchcjni< a nj yvoiinomon Bergsii.'^ar. n. hcrgi Northern shores- of the Aral Sea, KisxEZov Taskent Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 j). 107. Poicellina gen. n., cottoni sp. n. Congo pi. ix f. 13, Bethune-Bakeu p. 114 London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Pseudonotis melilia Fergusson, obiana Obi, spp. n., F^ruhstorker Intern, ent. Zs. 2 1). 114. Rapala tiisxa abl). u. macidata, repercuxsa ik mcbaiifer, Seitz Gros- schmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 39 pp. 258-259. Raytcnvdia nom. n. for Langia Tutt, TuTT p. 143 Ent. Rec. 20. Spindasis paradoxii sp. n. Canieroons, ScutJLTZE p. 130 Soc. entomol. 23. Strymonidia nom. n. for Leechia Tutt, Tutt p. 143 Ent. Rec. 20. Taxda btinii subsp. n. etymauder, Fruhstorfer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 46 etc. Jliaumaina gen. n., nranothawna sp. n. New Guinea pi. ix figs. 8 & 9, Betfu'xe-B.\ker p. no London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Tlieda beon — (politus Dr.) & isobeon distinguished p. 11, T. echion synonymy p. 12, Kaye Entomologist 41. — 7'. (Zephyrus) courroimeri y>\. v. f. 3, sid- geri f. 4, spp. n., W. China, Oberthir p. 312 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — 7'. ilieis ab. n. aurondens, Seitz Gros- schmetterlinge 1 Lfg. 40 p. 266. — T. loki, hidiitat, Wright Ent. News 19 p. 43. — 7'. spini abb. n. spinoiiles & modesta, Schultz Ent. Zs. 21 p. 222. Thestor ballus, var., Dupont Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908 p. 319. Thysoriotis rosselana Rossel iskl. p. 123, ekeikei pi. ix f. 1, alboatrigata f. 11, p. 124, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune-Baker London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Cpolampes gen. n., ali-'mta sp. n. New (iuinea pi. ix f. 15, Bethune-Baker p. 1 18 T.c. Waigeum dinawa pi. ix f. 2, reaplen- dciiH f. 12, spp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 125 T.c. — TV. mira- cidum formui. n. ruacia & depicta, Fuuhstorfer lutern. ent. Zs. 2 p. 113. Zeritis aurivilUi sp. n. Sudan, SfTiui.TZE p. 131 Soc. entomol. 23. 320 Insecia. Xtl. Insecta. tl90Kl Hesperiidae. Review of indo-malayan and afi-ican Hespenidae described by Plotz, Swinhoe London Trans, ent. See. 1908 pp. 1-36 pis. i.-iii. Corrections to Mabille's Genera of Hesperiidae, Druce pp. 375-377 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Abaratha siamica pi. i f. 9, Swinhoe p. 10 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Aeromachiis sli'jmata pi. i f. 17, Swinhoe p. 12 T.c. Aide/i incantator sp. n. Costa Rica, Druce p. 381 pi. xxi f. 7 London Tr. ent. Soc. ] 90S. Ainenis ambifjua p. 183, proxima p. 184, spp. n., ilABiLLE et Boullet Ann. sci. nat. Zool. 7. Androyiymua fenestrella sp. n. Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 481 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Avnetta binghavii pi. i f. 18, Swinhoe p. 13 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Astietopterus jama pi. ii f. 2, Swinhoe ]i. 28 T.c. Baoris heraka pi. iii f. J, Sahara \A. ii f. 10, Swinhoe p. 22 T.c. Biuara radiosa pi. iii figs. 5 & 6, Swinhoe p. 33 T.c. Caltoris nincana pi. ii, f. 20, laraca f. 21, jolanda pi. iii f. 23, Swinhoe T.c. Carterocephalua flavoistigma sp. n. W. China pi. v f. 5, Oberthlr p. 313 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. Casijapa liallima pi. if.], Swinhoe p. 3 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. CelaenorrhinuH niyropunctata p. 478, benl p. 479, spp. n., Congo, Bethune- Baker Ann. Nat. Hist. 2.— C. chhiensis j)l. i f. 0, ed'itua f. 7, Swinhoe p. 9 Lon- ilon Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. — C. stnnitra subsp. n. ratna, FRUii.sntRFER Ent. Zs. 22 p. 40 etc. ('eratrtehia liolluitdi, paucipuiiclata, spp. n., Congo, Bethune-Baker p. 481 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. ('liannion qucda pi. i f. 8, Savinhoe p. 9 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Corone chrtjHOzona pi. 2 f. 11, dobbo'c f. 12, Swinhoe p. 20 T.c. Croniades aururla sp. n. Bolivin, Druce p. 380 London Tr. ent. Soc. 19l)K. Cyclopid^s palacmon young lar\-a. Wood p. 65 Ent. Rec. 20 ; C. palaemon & Sylvius eggs. Chapman pp. 14 etc. pis. i-iii Ent. Rec. 20. Dion gemmatus ? p. 382 pi. xxi f. 8, rubriimta sp. n. Peru p. 383, f. 9, Druce London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Eudamus tityrus var., Smyth p. 191 pi. X f. 2 Ent News 19. Ilasora certliia pi. iii figs. 7 & 8, ■mimosa f. 2, cliabrona pi. ii f. 3, icovtha i. f), habroa i. 4, meala f. 6, Uzetta pi. iii f. 12, Swinhoe pp. 33-35 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Ilesperia colotes pi. i f. 15, Swinhoe T.c. p. 10. — H. paniscus life-history, RoLLASON pp. 102-106 Entomologist 41; Frohawk T.c. p. 154. Ismene lusca pi. iii f. 4, Swinhoe p. 33 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Jemadia scomber sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 379 pi. xxi f. 4 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — -/. umbrata sp. n., ozeta Hew. var. n. melanina nov. var. p. 193, suzetta p. 194, lisetta, learfi, p. 195, spp. n., Mabille et Boullet Ann. sci. nut. Zool. 1. Kedestes paola pi. i f. 23, brunneo- striga f. 24, Swinhoe p. 16 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Mimoniades punctlger, minthe G. et S. var. egena, spp. n., Mabille et Boullet Ann. sci. nat. Zool. 7 p. 203. Mysoria decolor, cayennae, spp. n. , Mabille et Boullet p. 185 T.c. Notocrypta waigensis pi. iii f. 10, inanlata f. 9, aluensis f. 11, leucographu pi. ii f. 1, Swinhoe p. 27 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Oeybadistes marnaa pi. ii. f. 13, jlavo- gtttlata f. 14, tanus f. 15, Swinhoe p. 21 T.c. Gsmodes cottoni sp. n. Congo, Bethune- Baker p. 479 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Padraona tropica pi. ii f. 7, uamba f. 8, stniias pi. i f. 22, SwiNUOE pj). 18 & 19 London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Pamphila spp., N. America, early stages, Laurent Ent. News 19 jjp. 408- 417. — P. manitobioidcs & sdHsaciia one species, Skinner p. 220 Canad. Ento. 40. Paridaleodea mukala sp. n. Congo, Hethune-Baker p. 480 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. 3in In^ecla. Systematic. — Hesteriidae — Hetkrockra. I'anutrn . enphovbiac x Ihornico hybr. u. glUmo-/ Posen, Rf.bf.l Wien Verli. Zool.Bot. Ges. 58 p. 155. — D. cpilohn, Harmuth Ent. Jalub. 17 pp. 116-118. Dilinat'iUae, Inzuchtversuclie, Kolisko Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. 244- 258. Dilophonofa lassauxi early stages, protected larva, Gallardo pp. 243-24'.t An. Mus. Bnenos Aires 9. Eemaris croatlca Esp. = Coclirania croatim Esp., Alpheraky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 585. Neo(jc7ic eurkiba sp. n. Parana, JoXE.'; p. 167 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Pachyspliinx inodesta imperator, (Jo- pula und das Ei, Denso Ent. Zs. 22 p. 29 ; Zucht, Den-so T.c pp. 152-154. Pcntateucha gen. n. Hami-sox p. 61, I'uriona sp. n. Kliasia hills, R\\ inhok p. 62, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Pergcsa elpenor lorm. n. daubi, NiE- pelt Intern, eut. Zs. 2 p. 209. — P. hybr. luciani, hvbr. elpenor $ x porcellux V , Denso Ent. Zs. 22 p. 108.— P. hybr. irene = hybr. elpenor i x Itippopha'es $ , Denso T.c. p. 109. Polypi ijcJius baxteri E. Air'ica, retusun W. Africa, spp. n., Rothschild & Jordax p. 259 Nov. Zool. 15. Smerintlius ; Anatoniisclier I'liter- suchungen an Lepidopterenbastarden ; ]. Smerinthushyhr.hiibriduH Westw. und Hybr. operosa Stdls., Roepke Jenaische Zs. Natw. 44 pp. 1-122, 3 Taf.— .S. tUiae ab. ?, LoNiTZ Gera Jahresber. Ges. Natw. 49-50 (1906-07) 1908 pp. 110- 111. Sphinx liguHtri Biologie, Sciriltz Ent. Zs. 21 pp. 232-2.33; Ranpen, Tinkl intern, ent. Zs. 2 \>. 236 ; Merl^wiirdige Ranpen, Slssmutii Ent. Zs. 21 p. 271 ; merkwiirdige Raupen, Wohnkj Ent. Zs. 21 p. 233 ; abnorrae Eiirbung einer Raupe, Weiuelt Ent. Zs. 21 p. 233 ; position of proboscis in pupa, Ru.MBi:- \.o\v p. 435 Zoologist 190s. Tcmuora u-ollnstoni Congo, curtuhi Uganda, spp. n., Rothschild & .Johd.\n p. 260 Nov. Zool. 15. I'li.MBVCES, S.I., incl. COSSIDAE IIepialidae, etc. ilitteilung iiber die Variabilitiit einiger \'ertreter der Familie Psychidae und Beschreibung zweier nener siid-euro- jjaischer Formen, Trautmank Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 234-235. Psychiden Hybriden und deren Auf- zucht ; Thautm.^nn Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 3-4. Ti'ichterwarzen der Lipariden Larven ; Klatt, Zool. Jarhb. Anat. 27 pp. 135- 170, 3 Taff.. also Die Tricliterwarzen der Liparidenlarven. Diss. Berlin, 1908, p. 31. On the markings of silkworms, IsnnvA- tari Tokvo Nip. Sanshi Kev. Ho. 192 pp. 2-4. • Adelocephala flavidorsata sp. n. Tncu- mau, DoGNiN' p. 178 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — A. hypoxanfha pi. x f. 6, {iMni>^ f. 4, liemirhodia f. 2, sabulosa f. 11, homoea f. 5. Jordan p. 258 Nov. Zool. 15. Aemil'ia suffnsa sp. n. Parana, Joxes p. 149 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Agalope cjlaciaVifi snbsp. n. partlienle, Seitz (trosschmetterlinge 2 Lief 8 p. 26. Agapema homogena sp. n. ilexico and Arizona, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 82. Aglia tan ab. ire'ismann'i n. ab., St.-vnd- Kuss Ent. Zs. 22 p. 42 ; ? ab. n. liauderi, ScHULTz Ent. Zs. 22 p. 160; ab. n. dealbata Oesterreich, Gcnxer Wien Verli. Zool.Bot. Ges. 58 p. 81. Anaphe; silk etc., DuDOEOx p. 160 Nature 79. Anarbudas g. n. near Arbitdas, iuKKj' nia Hainan, aequalis ]\hdakka, spp. n.> Seitz Grossschinetterl. x p. 14. Aniitiomyia gen. n. morta sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dyar Washington Proc. ICnt. Soc. 10 p. 53. An'isota nk'inneri sp. n. Arizona, BiEi)ER.M.\N Ent. News 19 p. 77. — .4. oslari \A. x f. 13, Jordas' p. 258 Nov. Zool. 15. Anldrcl'm n'd'tda, rcversa, pectinalis g'lganteti, spp. n., Parana, Jones p. 150 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. r,?.'> Insecla. Systematic. — LF.pcnorTKRA — Rombyces. Aiithela cliaron sp. n. New Guinea, Betiivse-Baker p. 19U Nov. Zool. 15. AiUhrocera achillcac and pnrpiiraiis pairing, Powell p. 93 Ent. Rec. 20. AixUelodes quadrala p. 171, Ulacinn. i-. E. Brazil, JosES London Tr. ent. 8oc. 190S. Aphaiitocephala soJitaria sp. n. Neii eorgien, centralis subsp. n. suffuaa, .-sEiTZ Grossschmetterl. 10 p. 42. Araeocera compta sp. n. Sud-FIores, ^KITZ p. 4S T.c. Arachotia cwjlcnia Assam, acnea Luzon, spp. n., Seitz p. 30 T.c. Arbudas funerea sp. n. Hainan, Hatimacula subsp. n. leucas, Seitz p. 13 T.c. Arctia caia cUlieii Seltene Aberra- tionen, Niepei.t Berliner ent. Zs. 53 pp. 193-194, pi. V. ; form. n. glaseri Stichel & Glaser Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 191 ; Ab., MrLLER Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 205 pi. V. L 12. —.1. casta Zucht, LoQUAY Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 52. — A. tes- hidiuaria ex ovo, Allmeroth Ent. Zs. 22 p. 43. Avtona hypomela.s Mandi p. 43, chorista p. 44, liiqtihris, microstiyma, Assam, celebensis Celebes, p. 45, spp. n., tcalkeri subsp. n. baliensis, zebraica, khasiana, Seitz Grossschmetterl 10. Attacua cynthia, larva & cocoon, •Jr)A>,-s-is Bull, Soc. ent. P'rance 1908 p. 320. — A. jorulla, Zucht, Laisiepen Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 216. (Atichmophila gen. n. kordofeimls sp. n., Rekel Wien SitzBer. Ak. W'iss. 115 Abt. 1 19()G p. 494. Aiitomeris aurora sp. n. Tucuman, DouxiN" p. 178 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — .1. heisleri, (jrammicora, spp. n., Parana, JoNES p. 174 London Tr. Ent. Soc. 1908. — A. arrjyrea sp. n. Brasilia, coresit* subsp. n. ecicadora, Weymer Ent. Zs. 22 p. 73. Automolis neritosla sp. n. Parana, Joxes p. 140 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — A. atenotia ap. n. Guiana, Dogxin p. 154 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Azaxia gen. n. type Jletcrocampa luteilinea Druce, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 46. {x-10332 J) Azitra lutea, o>r(iaria, spp. n., New (Juinea, Bethune-Bakeh p. 1'J6 Nov. Zool. 15. Az'iqopJdcps albovittata sp. n. Nigeria, BethI'ne-Bakek p. 263 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. liardaxima terminalba sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 168 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. B'lera eostaricenais sp. n., Costa Rica, DoGNix p. 172 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Blera beJla sp. n., Parana, Jones p. 170 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Bombyx mori, Verschiedene Rassen in der Tiirkei, Lebens- und Entwicklungs- dauer, Cocon, Savrov TiHis 1907 p. 312 11 Taf. ; rivendicazione di priorita sopra una glandula, Verson Venezia Atti. 1st. ven. 6i)p. 173-176. Brccoiitia gen. n. Notodontidae, plagi- pennis sp. n. Peru, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 49. Bunaea arabella jackson'i subsp. n., Jordan p. 255 Nov. Zool. 15. — 1'. christyi, ^Vndre Bui. Soc. zool. Geneve 1 pp. 83-85. Caligula japonica, Hiiutungsstadien, Sageder Ent. Zs. 22 p. 92. Callizyyaena amahiliH sp. n. Kalidupa bei Celebes, Seitz Grossschmetterl. lO P- 9. CaUosamia angulifera var. n. Carolina South Carolina, Jones Ent. News 19 p. 231. Caprima thauma.tta sp. n. Schouten- Ins., Seitz Grossschmetterl. 10 p. 41. CaHhara dolorosa sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 171 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Catarbdann gen. n. Arbelidae p. 263, batsaa sp. n. Nigeria p. 264, Bethu.ve- Baker Ann. Nat Hist. 2. Caviria owgarra sp. n. New Guinea, Bethcne-Baker p. 184 Nov. Zool. 15. Ceeropia ; and parasites, Smith J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 293-297. Celama grisescena sp. n. New Guinea, Bethcne-Baker p. 191 Nov. Zool. 15. Centra aplendena sp. n. Parana, JoNES p. 169 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Ceryx macgregori sp. n. Philippines, ScHCLTZE Philippine J. Sci. p. 29. Chadiara cacobide Panama, C. {Blera) hymen British (r\iiana, p. 65, infanta, c 31—2 324 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] maloeampo'ides. Pern, p. 06, spp. n., Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. Chalcocelis rubra sp. n. New Guinea, Bethcne-Baker p. 182 Nov. Zool. 15. Chalcophaedra g. n, near Chalcosia, Seitz (Trossschmetterl. 10 p. 39. Chalcosia jIavicoUis sp. n. Siid-Flores, adaVifa f. n. nkida, prefiosa subsp. n. eximia, auxo, eampa, pludaenaria, bir- manica, annamitiea, obtusa & cnganica, suffiisa aeinula subeincta tha'ivnnn & hainana Seitz p. 38 T.c. Chionaema biagi sp. n. New Guinea, Bethlne-Baker p. 195 Nov. Zool. 15. Vldanidopliora cidleni sp. n. Argen- tina, Brf.thes p. 45 An. Mus. Buenos Aires 9. Citheronia fenestrata jil. x f. 9, collaris pi. xi f. 12, armata ])I. x f. 7, JoBD.\N p. 257 Nov. Zool. 15. CJaniaden gen. n. Psycli'idne, ekeikei sp. n. New (iuinea, Bktiiine-Baker p. 182 Nov. Zool. 15. Clelea simplex sp. n. Assam, variala separata, fumoaa, atnboinensis, & giitti- gera subspp. n., Seitz (irossschmettprl. 10 p. 45. Clemenaia acropera sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 140 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Comada senex, Eizur-ht, Siegel Intern. ent. Zs. p. 50. Congruia gen. n., Notodontidae, con- grua sp. n. Brazil, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 pp. 45-48. Cossua C0SSU8 suhsp. n. stygiaynis, STicnEL Berliner ent. Zs, 53 p. 122 pi. iii f. 20. Creatonotns npillcri sp. n. Natal, Bethlne-Baker p. 262 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Cyclosia papiUoiinrie, Antram Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 430.— ('. jncridoidea subspp. n. vielanina & virgo, papilionariH, adnata, ajmrgcns, lideago, mucidaria, purpurea & i.f\. i.x i. 7, .Jordan p. 256 Nov. Zool. 15. Daleera variegata sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 170 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Damata varians sp. n. New Guinea, Betiiune-Baker p. 170 Nov. Zool. 15. Dasi/chira pudibunda seltsame Far- bung der Kaupe, Eder Ent. Zs. 21 p. 224; Seltsame Farbung der Raupen, ilEiXHEiT Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 128, and WixcKLER T.c. p. 127. — D. albiplaga sp. n. Java, Swinhoe p. 03 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Dasijlophia robusta sp. n. Parana, JoN-ES "p. 168 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Datana robusta, life-history, Wright, New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 pp. 1-6. Deilemera seychellensis sp. n. Mahe, Hampson p. 485 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — D. browni sp. n. Philippines, Schlltze Philippine J. Sci. 3 p. 31. — D. formosana sp. n. Formosa, Swinhoe p. 03 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Delphjjre sid}apicalis sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 145 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Dendrolimus segregatus, piyii, lai-icis (= sibiric.us) drei distincte Spicies, Copu- lationsapparat, sibii-icus nom. n. fiir larieis Jshtvr., Jshetverikov, Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 1-7. r)iacrisin biagi p. 190, o(rr/arra p. 191, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethuxe-Baker Nov. Zool. 15. — D. sanio $ ab. nov. immarginata , NiEPEi.T Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 181. Dicentria medulla sp. n. Guiana, DoGNiN p. 100 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- giquc 52. Dicranura erminea Zucht, aus dein Ei, Habisch Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 130. Dinara ackoli sp. n. Patigo. BETHrxE- B.\KER p. 250 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Dirplda araucariae sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 175 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Docleopsis g. n. near TrypanopJiora, aulaenais sp. n. Sula-lns., Skitz Gross- schmetterl. 10 p. 16. Dognina achatea sp. n. Peru, Dognin p. 108 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Drepana ; life-history Warnecke Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 2. Dyadacmonia platydeamia castanea pi. xi f. 10, Jordan p. 257 Nov. Zool. 15. Kadea calloi)teri8 pi. xi f. 4, JoRPAN p. 257 Nov. Zool. 15. Ehjmiotie cretoaa Ecuador, E. ? baai- tincta San Salvador, spp. n., DoGNiN p. 160 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. 325 Insecla. Systematic. — LiiriDoi-rKiiA — Bombyces. Eniinaria gen. n. Avctiiddc, ulgro- puuctata sp. n. riiiigo. Bktiune-Bakeu p. I'O:? Ami. Xat. Hist. 2. Endromis rersicolor, embryology, ScHw.vNGART Miincheu SitzBer. Ges. Morph. 22 pp. 9n-113. EfJiemcroldea cytitied sp. n. Assam, Seitz Grossschmetterl. 10 p. 50. Epicnaptcra hybr. trcmurifoUa Hbu. cj X ilicifolia L. $ . Z?. fen's n. hybr., Lenz Berliuer ent. Zs. 52 p. 107. — K. arborca sp. n. Gouv. St. Petersburg, Blocker Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 126. Epieopiopsis gen. n. near Epicopeia, Gki.nberg 0. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 109. Ep'icyda.^ gen. n. Eupterotidac, ovata sp. n. New Guinea, Bethcne-B.vkek p. 175 Nov. Zool. 15. Ep'ipcrola vaferella Costa Rica, mono- chroma Panama, spp. n., Dyar Washing- ton Proc. Eut. Soc. 10 }). 51. Epiphora recti fa)S, lemoulti Maroni p. 169, spp. n., Docjnin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — //. puseycie sp. n. Peru, Dvaii Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 46. — //. mariteo, food habits. Hooker Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 pp. 8-9. Heteropan animm, cyaiicwt, spp. n. subsp. n. diifonn'm truncata subsp. n. chitonea, Xeu-(juinea sp. 12, encridois Talaut, analis Shan-Stnaten, spp. n., Seitz Grossschmetterl. 10 p. 13. Himaiilopterna doherlyl subsp. ii. eliceai, zaida subsp. flavencena, Seitz Grosschmetterlinge 2 lAei. 7 p. 6. Ilippia n'igr'iaipul San Salvador j). 16.*}, p'nirliltiitii,, cilui, ji. 164, pro)if, hahooni, majala, spp. n.. New Guinea, Bethu.ne-Baker p. 183 Nov. Zool. 15. Mctraga emilia sp. n. Panama, LhAn Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 50. MUlochrista hiagi sp. n. New Guinea, Hethune-Baker p. 196 Nov. Zool. 15. Mimcuscm'ia haiiiaua sp. n. Hainan j)l. ix f. 10, JoRD.^N p. 254 Nov. zool. 15. Xacaduha eostimacida sp. n. New- Guinea, Bethl'ne-Baker p. 194 Nov. Zethune-Baker p. 258 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Tarema fiiscosa sp. n. Parana, Jones ]>. 173 London Tr. ent. Soc lilOS. Tcraeotona vhodopae \-d\v. n. (jiKidri- jiunctata, oJiscorias, Al'rika, W'ickcraI' JOnt. Zs. 22 pp. 106-107. Tliauviastophlt'pK g. n. /. iii;iiiine- Uaker p. 257 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. 'rin/diif triiiiaciddta sp. n. Paran;!, .lusi.s p. I It; Liiiidon Tr. cut. Sue. 19(),S. Tlii/rdtiHKt pliil ipp'uKt Manila, fcnlcl- hiriH Lctti, spp. n., Seitz Grosssch- iiK-fti'H. 10 p. 51. Tnjpanopliora (ittstralis Siid-Indien, clliptica Alor, deligata Philippinen, spp. n., 8ambau-ana subsp. n. sumbano, Seitz p. 15 T.c. Tiierta Zjycaon Drnce (as Euthisaiwt'ia) pi. xi f. 1, T.platensis hol'irar subsp. n., .Jordan p. 254 Nov. Zool. 15. Tuerta (trhnen'i Feld. v.) hulaiis Karsch, Beschreibung eines sudanesl- schen Exemplares, Rebel Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 1906 p. 500. TJvaga trifida sp. n. Peru, Does in p. 153 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Vrgedra gen. n. type lleterocampa Mriata Driice, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 64. Utetheisa pulchella sidjsj). n, coiirpli'ta Weymer I), ent. Zs. 1908 p. 731. Xanthospilopterijx egregin sp. n, Kamerum, Wichgraf Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 106-107. Xylinodes fcra sp. n. Peru, Dogni.n" p. 167 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Zeuzera pyv'ina, nuisible au chene- liege en Algerie, Lesne Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 146 pp. 493-496. Zygaena ; revision of palaearctic, pp. 1-60 pis. i & ii, numerous varr. n., coiifluenii, chigidata, obeiihiiri, rubra, nexiiiucida, sexinacidata, Dziurzynski Berliner ent. Zs. 53 ; Formen van Mod- ling, DzH RZYNSKi Wien Verb. ZoolBot. ties. 58 pp. 73-74. — Les Zygaenides de la Norniandie, etude coniplenientaire, DupoNT Elbeuf Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. 26 pp. 44-52. — Zygaena, Kopula zwi- schen verschiedenen Zygaenenarten, TifAiTMANN Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 164, Bemerkung dazu Wittk'II t.c. p. 185. — Z. Jausta, AuEiLLE Marseille Ann. Soc. sci. nat. 1 p]i. Ixiii-lxv. — Z. faron'ia var. n. opaai, Bi.ACiiiER p. 220 Ann. Soc. ent. 77 1"' ranee. — Z. frnxiiii ab. n. cimjidatu Transkaukasien, SuEUUZHKO Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 234. — Z. Jatandulae uifsscni subsp. n., Rothschild p. 185 Entomo- logist 41, — Z. tlieryi sp. n. Algerie, JoANNis Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 203. NoCTUIIlAE. t'ataloguc of Lcpidoplcrii. Acrtiiiyc- I iliac part 1, descriptions and iignres, Hami'SON Cat. Lep. phal. vii. Synonymy .ind taxonomy ol' this N'ol. not given hi'jow, 331 hisfcla. Systematic. — Leimudi'teka— Xoctuidae. Aeanthodi'Ua gen. n. Catocalinae, distrir/a sp. n. Oupu^ Colony, Hampson p. 487 Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. Acantholipes hiag'i. irrorata, spp. n., New Guinea, BETiirsE-BAKEit p. _(•! Nov. Zool. 15. Acronycta megacephaJa var. n. warpa- choicKkyi, Krvlikowsky p. 1:23 See. euto- mol. 23. — -4. cnspis var. n. coVujinosa, ScHULTz p. 185 Soc. entoniol. Zurich 22. — .4. eupltorblae, eine dunkle Form, Warn'ecke Ent. Zs. 22 p. 132. — A.olhdla California, lepetita Texas, spp. n., Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 91 — A. tonitni sp. n. Missouri, Smith New- York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. S3. Acroriodes d'iplolopha sp. n. Peru, Dri-ce p. 303 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Agroper'ina gen. n. type Phalaena lateritia Hiifn. p. 398, A. fervida pi. cxviii f. 12 p. 402 sp. n. Tibet; duhilans f. 10 p. 398, cogitata f. 11 p. 399, iltustra pi. cxxiv. f. 1 p. 401, conrad'i pi. cxviii f. 13 p. 402, liUosa f. 14, helva f. 15 p. 403, Infieita f. 16 p. 404, inorna f. 17 p. 405, Hampsox Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Agrotis haja, var., John Rev. i-uss. ent. 8 p. 21. — .4. comes ab. n. demaryi- nata, pronuba ab. n. denigrata, ScHDLTZ Ent. Zs. 21 p. 240. — A. constanti early stages, Browx Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908 p. 189. — A. c-nigrum ab. n. umbrata, ScHULTZ p. 185 Soc. entomol. Zurich 22. — -4. fimbria ex ovo Winterzucht, Mlhl Ent. Zs. 22 p. 31. — ..4. luclpeta, Raupen, Castek Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 367. — A. margaritacea Biologie, Irdixko Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 106. — A. orbona subsp. u. vigra Nieder Oesterreich, Pieszczek Wien JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18 p. 113. — -4. segetum, Entwicklung, Generationen, Feinde, Bekampfung, PospELOv Choztajstvo 3 pp. 501-506, 547-552 ; Fangmethoden, Zahl der Generationen, Metamorphose, Posi'elov Choztajstvo pp. 772-779; Schaden an Wintersaaten, Biologie, Kr.\siiiscik Kisinev Bessarab. selisk. choz. 1908 pp. 52-59. — .4. ypsilon, Eizucht, SlEGEL Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 236. — A. remit a sp. n. Kuku-Moor, PCngeler D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 287.— .4. Itebea ]). 196, owgai-ra p. 197, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethuse-Baker Nov. Zool. 15. Agrotln'ia gen. n., subhyallna sp. n. S. America, Hampson p. 692 Cat. Lep. phal. 7, Amphipyra pyravridoidei* p. 29 p cviii f. 11, ciipreipennis p. 30 f. 12, atvoiiltcvs p. 31 f. 13, schrenci p. 36 f. 14, subrigiia f. 15, micans p. 37 pi. cix f. 1, molybdca p. 38 f. 2, alplieruci f. 3, ghtbella p. 39 f. 4, sergli p. 40 f. 5, Hampson T.c. Anarta hampa New Hampshire flaiida Newfoundland, p. Ill, sqtiani p. 112 Greenland, spp. n., Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Aiicara cebea pi. cxiv f. 21, grlseola f. 22, p. 250 ; cuiacmtca i. 23 p. 253 sp. n. Ceylon, H.impson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Aiicrioi)'iii gen. n., aJampcta p. 208, ulhipuiicta, ndclpha trdmeata, p. 209, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune-Baker Nov. Zool. 15. Annaplula m'lona p. 121, variegatd p. 122, California, spp. n., Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Apleetoides abhca sp. n. British Columbia, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 85. Araea gen. n., attcmuiUi sp. n. Kash- mir, Hampson p. 688 Cat. Lep. plial. 7. Arboricoiii'is chrysopepla sp. n. Uganda, Hampson p. 359 T.c. ArgUlana gen. n., alhintiigata sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker i>. 237 Nov. Zool. 15. Arqip-ostrotis dit'is^sima pi. cxx [.17 p. 518; hellinita f. 18 p. 520, meres f. 19 p. 521, phraoiies f. 21 p. 522, scioyie f. 22 p. 523, nuri f lindens f. 23 p. 524, eubotes f. 24, deeumana f. 25, p. 525 ; vau-aurea f. 20 p. 522 Trinidad sp. n., Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Ars'donche albovcnosa var. n. tuna'ica p. 588, obeUfica ab. n. avtJiracitica p. 590, Taganrog, Ai.I'IIERAky Ilor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38. Asinduma korbi sp. n. Amur, PuN- geler D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 302. Atreplies gen. n. nibilima sp. n. Brazil, Hampson p. 284 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. — A. phoeea sp, n. Parana, Jones jj. 164 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Aiiclia tripliacno'tdcx pi. cxxiii f. 7 ji. 663, vesla f. 8, nectens pi. cxxiv f. 9, p. 664, vUliana pi. cxxiii f. 10 p. 666; A. minor sp. n. Bomliay 1. 1 1 p. 666, HaMP- .S(jn Cat. Lep. phal. 7, 332 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1908] Ax'irostrum gen. n., pratti, ochraceum, p. 227, palleiis p. 22^, spp. n., New Guinea, Betiiuse-Baker Nov. ZooI. 15. Badiza alhopunctata sp. n. New Guinea, Bethl"ne-Baker p. 207 T.c. Bityla 9 pallida pi. cix f. 6, Hampsox p. 42 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Bleptina bifuscata, serratida, p. 207, alhonotata p. 208, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune-Baker Nov. Zool. 15. Borhotana ceheae pi. cxxi f. 19, Hampson p. 585 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. BritJiodes gen. n. p. 237, quadriHtwata sp. n. New Guinea p. 238, Bethuke- Baker Nov. Zool. 15. Bryoleuca gen. n. type Miana frilinci Beth.-Baker, Hampson p. 680 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Bryopliila uilgiria pi. cxxii f. 10 p. 021, sarepta f. 13, fascia f. 15 p. 627, literata f. 16 p. 028, miltophaea f. 17 p. 629, modeata f. 18, phimbeola f. 19, p. 630, lucta f. 20 p. 031, viUa f. 22 p. 632, virescens f. 23 p 633, stietiea f. 24 p. 634, labec.ula f. 25 p. 637, paulina f. 26 p. 641, tliamanaea f. 28 p. 642, aemifascia f. 29 p. 643, dolopin f. 30, contristaiis f. 31, p. 645, granitali!< f. 32 p. 647 ; B. alhklava f. 11. polio- pliaea f. 12, p. 022, Kashmir, lettco- melaena E. Africa f. 14 ]>. 627, ocliro- phaen Kashmir f. 21 p. 631, mUtophaea (Piing.) Turkestan p. 0)29 pi. cxxii f. 17, ochrota Kashmir f. 27 p. 641, end a (Piing.) Persia j). 631 ])1. cxxii f. 20, vil'ix (Piing.) Turkestan p. 632 f. 22, thamanaea (Piing.) Persia p. 642 f. 28, dolopia (Piing. j Turkestan ]). 645 & f. ,30, spp. n., IIampson' Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Callar. 515 T.c. Callofjon'tu gen. n. type AbroHlola rinjo Treit., hAMPsox }). 58i) T.c. CallopiHlria hen'inellne sp. n. Ben- gnela, Weymer i). ent. Zs. 1908 p. 511. Cahjninia trapezina, zwei neue Aber- rationen, Lutzau Ent. Zs. 21 p. 240. Calymniudea obco)uca, rhodujna, p. 300, ^!(rcifa, alhiorhi», )). 301, spp. n., Peru, Dkuce Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Camptocliilua cnDiainomeua p. 221, rujuH p. 225, spp. n., New (Juinea, Betiiune-Bakeu Nov. Zool. 15. Capiiodea rjrine'iplaga sp. n. Kew (luineii, 1'>i;tiii nk-Bakek ii. 202 T.c. Capotcna hampson'i sp. n. New Guinea, Bethlne-Baker p. 199 T.c. Caradrina menefriesi Krtschner = petraea Tngstr. = grisea Ev. ; C. mene- triesi Auriv. = cinerascens Tngstr., Br.oECKER Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 50-53. — C. alb'ina Ev. species distincta, Alpher.\ky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 594. — C. exigua life-history, Rawlixgs p. 80 Entomologist 41. — C. reclusa, life-history, Swezey Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 3. — C. oicgarra sp. n. New Guinea, Betkune-Baker p. 197 Nov. Zool. 15. — C. costiplaga sp. n. Arizona, S.mith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 92. Catada ocellata, alboapicalis, varie- gata, sungidnea, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 220 Nov. Zool. 15. Catadoides gen. n. p. 218, punctata sp. n. New Guinea p. 219, Bethdne- Baker T.c. Catephiodes gen. n. near Catephia p. 200, mecki sp. n. New Guinea p. 201, Bethune-Baker T.c. Catocala, Hemmerling, Ent. Wo- chenbl. 25, p. 95 ; Zucht, Boh.^tschek Intern, ent. Zs., 1, pp. 335-330 ; Be- merkung dazu v. Max Rothke t.c. ]). 371 ; life history notes, Rowley Ent. News 19 pp. 115-120. — C. pacta Ei GiLLMER Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 27-29. — C. aancta, Mandschurei, John Rev. russ. ent. 8 }). 22. — C. spp., Connecticut ; dejecta, description of female ; Ely Ent. News 19 pp. 47-50, pi. — C. manitoba sp. n. Manitoba, Beutenmuller Ent. News 19 p. 54. Ce'dodiastrophon gen. n., hnttinciiin sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker ]). 213 Nov. Zool. 15. Cellacrlnata gen, n., gr'ixea sp. n. New tiuinea, Betiiuxe-Baker ji. 217 T.c. Coitropodia nom. n. f(ir ('culriipn^ Christ., Hampson p. 452 Cat. i-ep. ])hal. 7, Cerigo cyllierca & o»ia. 266, aleiica Costa Rica f. 32 p. 267, spp. n. ; viridimicans f. 30 p. 265, pAiomera pi. cxv f. 1 p. 268, Hampso-S" Cat. Lep. phal. 7. — C. poliomera sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 157 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. — C. viridimicans sp. n. Ecuador, Drvce p. 296 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. I'nisiscla gen. n. near Crithotc, basi- piuicta sp. n. riiilipjiines, Sciiultze Phili2:)pine J. Sci. 3 p. 33. CuculUa tescorum sp. n. Altyn-Tagh, PiJNGELER T). ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 290.— C. phila sp. n. eastern United States, Smith New York Ann. Acad Sci. 18 p. 117. — C. pevhu-ida sp. n. Parana, London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Cijllaralopha gen. n. p. 223, loxo- graplia sp. n. New Guinea p. 224, BETHrsE-BAKER Nov. Zool. 15. Dahlia melanica, ochreana, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethise-Baker p. 202 T.c. Daseuplexia Uchenifera sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 296 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Data pratti pi. cxx f. 26 p. 527, aroa f. 27, caleopistrioides f. 28, p. 528, Hampsox Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Delta albiclava sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 302 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. IJichonia aprilina var. riromelaa, Slevogt p. 74 Soc. entomol. 23. Dipterygia babooni p. 65 pi. cix f. 12, caliginosn p. 67 f. 13, japonica f. 14, indica i. 15, vagivittai. 16, p. 69, paiina p. 71 f. 17, pallida p. 72 f. 18, ligjiaris f. 19, assueta f. 20, p. 74, nicea p. 75 f. 21, Hampsox Cat. I^p. phal. 7. Doryodes monosticta, disticta, p. 164, aanguifusa, leucorhabda, p. 165, spp. n., Parana, JoXES London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Earias chloruna var. n. ilavlmargo Vannes, Joaxxis Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 46. Eebolemia gen. n. type Margelana misella Piing., Hamp.son p. 448 Cat. Lep. ].hal. 7. P)?)i Inscrla. XII. Insecta. [1908] Eclunia meeJu, d'luaica. oirgarra, p. 215, n'i<_fra, kebea, p. 216, spp. n., Xew Guinea, Bf.tnixe-Baker 'Nov. Zool. 15. Eckandla gen. n., purpurea sp. n. New Guinea, BethvneB.vker p. 216 T.c. Einmelia trahealis Abart, Schlltz Eiit. Zs. 21 p. 237. Empusada lamp-a sp. n. Turkestan, PusGELER D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 291. EpisUia glaucochroa sp. n. Peru, DoGNix p. 156 Aim. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — E. d'Ktfjrdvinui sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 152 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Epizeux'is (Helia) calvaria, Oertel Intern, ent. Zs. 1 p. 327. — E. intensalis western United States, part'italis Arizona, spp. n., S.MiTH Xew York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 126. Erastria nigeJlus, Strecker (as Ep'i- zeuxis) = (immuna Smith), Dyar p. 31 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. — E. puncticosta p. 122, humerata p. 123, immuna ]). 124, spp. n., Pennsylvania, Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Erehufi odora distribution and early stages, Coolidge Ent. News 19 pp. 341- 342. — E. odoratuH nomenclature and distribution, Fernai.D Ent. News 19 pp. 260-261. Eremoh'iti lemma glaue'tzona sp. n. Cape Colony, Hampsox p. 489 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Eudidia glyphiea ab. n. trlstlcula, ScHLi.TZ p. 186 Soc. entomol. Zurich 22. — E. vu ab. n. explanata Bohmen, Rebel Wiea Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 271; ab. n. explanata Bohmen, Rebel Wien Mitt. Polyxena 3 p. 29. Eucropia gen. n. type Hadena palli- rena, Ha.mpsox p. 286 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Euplexia catephtodcs Transvaal p. 219, rlwda pi. cxiv f. 2 p. 233, diali/hsa f. 3 p. 235, E. Africa, polwdiroa Madras f. 5 p 237, mdanocyda f. 7 p. 239, azygai.8 p. 242, E. Africa, ntdaniatis Madras f. 9 ]). 243, crylhrlris Assam f. 15 p. 246, spp. n. ; phuubeomarghiata pi. cxiii f. 28 p. 224, iiluatrata f. 29 p. 225, decorata f. 30 p. 228, novaeguineae f. 31 p. 229, picturata f. 32 p. 231, striatorirens pi. cxiT f. 1 p. 233, plnmheola f. 4 p. 235, debU'ia f. 6 p. 238, aureopuucta f. 10 p. 243, magnidavia f. 11, proUfera f. 12, p. 244, metallica f. 13, liarfordi f. 14, p. 245, adamantina i. 16, signata f. 17, p. 247, polycmeta f. 18, cnlUahia f. 19, p. 248, lencoxLigma f. 20 p. 249, Ha.mpsox T.c. Euxoa latipennia n. sp. Tienschan, corlieea var. n. eoraa, Pungeler D. ent. Zs. iris 21 p. 28(!. — E. microtica sp. n. Assumption isld., Hampson p. 482 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — E. fiddii sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 54. — E. coddei British Colunil)ia, cr'nldle'i Manitoba, quinta British Col- umbia, p. 97, capota p. 98 Arizona, spp. n., Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Fagltann datanidia pi. cxxi f. 20, Hampson p. 593 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Falcimala aurea, hrunnelatrlga , spp. n. New Guinea, Bethune Baker p. 213 Nov. Zool. 15. r.o.") Inserta. Systematic. — XoPTurnAE. Fiirani gen. n., pnlchrd sp. n. Now 'niinea, Bhtiunk-Baker p. 1*03 T.c. Faroiita gen. n. p. 106, nleada ap. n. p. 107 Texas, Smith Now York Ann. Aoad. Soi. 18. FovcaiLs gen. n., f/rooi.s/.s sp. n. New (iiiinoa. HEriUNK-I^VKKit p. l'3'J Nov. Zool. 15. Galmla viargarita sp. n. New (luinen, Bethcne-Baker p. 198 T.c. Gadirtha aroa sp. n. New Clninen, Betuune-Baker p. 199 T.c. Goiuocraxpeditm aroa ap. n. New Guiuea, Bethune-Baker p. 239 T.c. Gonodf-f albifissa sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 1*98 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — G. dia»'iphed, chrijso- ehlora, ignepectus, p. 290, albitela, erythiirus, p. 291, vielanoleuca p. 292, spp. n., Peru, Droce Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. M anodes hemipolla, leucoatigma, aevib'ufa, chionopis, spp. n., Peru, Druck Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. — .1/. miochroa, hemUeuca, p. 160, polysticta, chloro- zona, p. 161, phaenplaga, ditrigona, p. 162, spp. n., S. E. Brazil, Jones London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Morioptyn gen. n. type Euplexia leucobasia, Hampson p. 432 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. MoacJui modesta sp. n. Xew (Juinea, Bethlne-Bakek p. 241 Nov. Zool. 15. Xarauga diplogramma sp. n. Comoro islds., Hampson p. 476 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Neocfdymnia obconica sp. n. Peru, Drdce p. 302 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Neophaen'm gen. n. type Polyphlaoilii respondena p. 681, meter ijthra Antilles pi. cxxiii f. 16 p. 683 sp. n. ; paittacea f- 1 7 p. 684, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. 'Seop'wtria gen. il for Ferciana viridinotata, Hajipson p. 530 T.c. (N-10332 2) Ncphelodea Gn. = (monoHtola Alph.), Alpukraky Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 267. Xodua bairdil sp. n. Allierta, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 84.— A", larga sp. n. Arizona, Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 95. ytodaria dinaira, pratl\,heheae, spp.n., New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 219 Nov. Zool. 15. Nonagria ; notes on British, Edelsten Tr. City London Soc. 17 pp. 39— 11. — iV. edehteni sp. n. Europe (= iieurica auctt. nee Hubn.), Tutt p. 161 Ent. Rec. 20. — N. edehteni, Edelsten T.c. p. 167, & Tutt T.c. p. 168, also Tutt T.c. pp. 286-293 pi. xxi. — N. uniformis, biology, Mackenzie and Maxwell-Leeroy Agric. Journ. Ind. 3 pp. 115-117. — N. oblonga, life history, Walton Ent. Xews 19 pp. 295-299 pi. xii. Ngctipao auperba sp. n. Khasia hills, SwiNHOE p. 66 Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. — A'. aroa sp. n. New Guinea, Betuune-Baker p. 200 Nov. Zool. 15. Ocdrremia gen. n. p. 405, litlioplasta. Piing. ined., medialiH Quetta pi. cxxiv f. 8 p. 407, diadela Piing. ined. pl.cxviii f. 18 p. ■10(), Turkestan, spp. n., Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Oediplexia gen. n., mesophaea sp. n. E. Africa, Hampson p. 218 T.c. Oligia hypothermes, melanodonta, W. Africa, p. 362, ptyophora p. 363, albiri- vula pi. cxvii f. 21 p. 375, India, spp. n. ; paupera f. 17 p. 368, glaucoatigma f. 18 p. 371, vulgaris f. 19 p. 372, cliasiana L 20 p. 373, violacea i. 22 p. 375, hridg- hami f. 23 p. 376, egens f. 24 p. 377, tapeta f. 25 p. 378, fraetilinea f. 27 p. 380, hiatructa i. 28 p. 382, ambigua f. 29 p. 383, exhauata f. 30 p. ZM, minii- scida f. 31, miaera f. 32, p. 385, dii^erai- colora pi. cxviii f. 1 p. 388, leueonephra f. 2 p. 389, semicnna. f. 3 p. 390, sub- jiuicta f. 4 p. 391, tonaa f. 5, laevigata f. 6, p. 392, obtnsa f. 7, indudena i. 8, p. 396, nyctichroa f. 9 p. 397, Hampson T.c. — 0. nyctichroa sp, n. Parana, Jones p. 159 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Olulia rosacea sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 221 Nov. Zool. 15. OlidodfH gen. n., pulchra sp. n. Xew Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 222 T.c. Oncocnemis lacticoUia sp. n. Utah, Smith Xew York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 94. Q 32 338 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Onycliestra bergi sp. n, Aral Sea desert, KussEzov TaSkeut Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 p. 110. Ophiodesliinaris egg, SiCH p. 212 Ent. Rec. 20. Ophiusa coreana, Maudschurei, Jons' Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 22. Oroplexia gen. n. type Mamestra decorata Jloore p. 510 ; retrahens pi. cxx f. 12 p. 512, luteifrons f. 13, separata f. 14, p. 513, tripartita f. 15, alhijiexura f. 16, Hasjpson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Orrhodia fragariae Zucht, Cai.MBACH Ent. Zs. 21 p. 252. Orthodes keela sp. n. Arizona, Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. lOG. Orthogonica nom. n. for Orthogonia Feld. p. 46, plana p. 46 pi. cviii f. 16, griseapA9 f, 18, 0. plumhinotata China p. 46 pi. cviii f. 17 sp. n., Hampsox Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Oithosia diisea sp. n. western Canada, Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 117. Oalaria rhodoxantlia sp. n. Paraguay, DoGXiN p. 159 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiqiic 52. Paiiolis piniperda, Ficus Xatw. Zs. Landw. 6 p. 274. Papaiinema duplicutits p. 25, seiata p. 28, iiiipei-apicua p. 2fl, limata p. 30, spp. n., N. America, Bird Canad. Euto. 40 — P. pteriaii Bird = (Gortyna trior- thia Dyar), Dyar p. 32 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Paralopha gen. n., rubiginea sp. n. New Guinea, Bethuxe-Baker p. 201 Nov. Zool. 15. Paranoratha gen. n., fusca sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 241 T.c. Paraatichtia nigricostata Sierra Leone p. 79 pi. cix f. 22, peratriata China p. 89 pi. ex f. 1, hoopla China p. 102 f. 12, spp. n. ; cuculliformia p. 79 pi. cix f. 23, verbaaeoidea p. 80 f. 24, nic/rior p. 81 f. 25, carioaa f. 26, relicnia f. 27, p. 82, criatata p. 85 f. 28, vidgaria p. 86 f. 29, auranlicolora p. 87 f. 30, lignicolora f. 31, antennata f. 32, p. 88, dionea\^. 91 pi. ex f. 2, atrigidiaca f. 3, aubmarginata f. 4, p. 92, flaviafigma p. 93 f. 5, genialia f. 6, chincnaia f. 7, p. 94, vultuoaa p. 98 f. 8, apamiformia p. 99 f. 9, multicolora f. 10, plidonia f. 11, p. 100, occidena f. 13, olbina f. 14, p. 103, caatanea p. 104 f. 15, leucostigma f. 16, purpurina f. 17, p. 106, veterina p. 107 f. 18, rorulenta f. 19, suffusca f. 20, p. 108, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Paratracliea gen. n. p. 216 type Valeria lacJtea, cliahjbeata pi. cxiii f. 25 Hampson p. 217 T.c. Parhtjpena gen. n.,alhoptnicIata sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 237 Nov. Zool. 15. Pariamhia gen. n., P. aprepcs sp. n. Ceylon, IIampson Cat. Lep. Phal. 7. Parilijrgis gen. n. p. 204, concolor sp. n. New Guinea p. 205, Bethune- Baker Nov. Zool. 15. Parora snoici sp. n. Texas, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 96. Parvapenna punctilinea, arciiata, spp. n., S.E. Brazil, Jones p. 165 London Tr. ent Soc. 1908. Perigea roxaea, Druce (as Hamesfva) = {hicetta Sin.), Dyar p. 32 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10, — P. latens sp. n. western United States, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 92. — P. pijroatieta, rubrifuaa, purpurea, spp. n., Peru Druce p. 297 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1.— P. leu- coptija pi. cxv f. 15 p. 292, sid^aurea f. 16 p. 294, leproaa f. 18 p. 307, quadri- macula f. 20 p. 308, glaucoptera f. 21 p. 309, grandirena f. 23 p. 310, calma {. 24, discincta f. 25, p. 312, siderea f. 26 p. 313, atellata f. 27, contigua f. 28, p. 314, leucospila f. 30 p. 315, albo- viacidata f. 31 p. 316, aubornata pi. cxvi f. 2 p. 317, atelligei-a f. 3 p. 318, africana f. i, purpurea f. 5, p. 319, parva f. 6 p. S20,albolabes f. 7 p. 321, ulbigeroidea f. 8 p. 322, galaxia f. 9 p. 324, dinava i. 10 p. 325, punctirena f. 1 1, dentistri- gala f. 12, p. 326, circincta f. 13 p. 327, ulbigera f. 14 p. 328, carcovia f. 15, aujjii'iena f. 16, p. 329. conciaa f. 17 p. 330, confundena f. 18, ardor f. 19, p. 331,capen8(8 f. 20 p. 332, cenola f. 21, telcra f. 22, p. 335, griaeata f. 23, fuli- ginoaa f. 24, p. 336, aelenoaa f. 25 p. 337, 'muslia f. 20 p. 339, agalln f. 27 p. 340, punctifera f. 29 p. 341, accorva 1. 30 p. 342, rubrifuaa L 31 p. 343, xylopha- aioidea pi. cxvii f. 2 p. 345, xanlhioidca f. 3, abatemia f. 4, p. 346, perparvida. f. 5 p. Sn, pi/rosticta f. 11 p. Z5],naoU7ia f. 12, ignitineta f. 13, ■p.352,multipuncfata f. 14 p. 353 ; P. mimica p. 297, simu- lalrix ]). 298, griseirena pi. cxv f. 17 339 IiK'^ecia. Systematic. — Xoctltdae. p. 306, iioliopasta f. 10 p. 308, Icuco- strota i. 22 p. 310, S. America, cycJica Japan f. 29 p. S\5, atriciiprea Tibet f. 32 p. 316, coniluens pi. cxvi f. 1 p. 317, hahamlca i. 28 p. 340, Bahamas, para- Michtoides f. 32, leucanioides pi. csvii f. 1, p. 344, S. America, ethiopiea Uganda f. 6 p. 347, pijrost'igma f. 8, octophora f. 9, p. 350, Iciicopis f. 10 p. 351, S. America, spp. n. ; P. metarhoda nom. n. for Barjadn dinaira, Beth. -Baker pi. cxvii f. 7 p. 349, Hami'.son Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Periijeodes gen. n., type Ortliusia rec- tiv'dta, P. poliomera pi. cxv f. 11 sp. n, China, p. 287 ; tricyda £. 12, 7uagna f. 13, p. 289, malaijica i. 14 p. 290, Hampson T.c Peripyra* gen. n. ty^ie Ampliipyni sangit'niipuncta, Hampson p. 25 T.c. Phaeocyma insuda p. 234, norda p. 236, metuta p. 248, curema p. 250, helata p. 252, laryera p. 257, bethunei p. 260, Colorado p. 263, rubiata p. 265, yavapai p. 267, spp. n., N. America, Smith Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Pliaeopyra gen. n. type Protagrot'ta novagmnensis, P. ehloerops^'is pi. cviii f. 9, Hamp.sos p. 19 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Plirodita fasciata sp. n. Parana, JosES p. 166 London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. Phuphena diagona sp. n. Br. Guiana pi. cxxi f. 21 p. 595 ; transversa f. 22 p. 596, petroorm f. 23, u-alba i. 24 p. 597, jxiralella f. 25, p'. 598, ohViqua f. 26 p. 599, HAiiPSON Cat. Lep. phaL 7. Plagiomimicus dolli'i sp. n. Arizona, SmTH New York, Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 118. Plintliopa gen. n., rubra sp. n. New Guinea, Bethcse-Baker p. 225 Nov. Zool. 15. Plumipalpia trlpunctata sp. n. New ' iuinea, Bethcxe-Baker p. 229 T.c. Pliisia moneta, Biologic, Brant.'< Sepp's Xederlandsche Insecten pp. 49- 69. — P. festucae, pidnami, contexla, venusta, Neubeschreibung, Copulations- apparat. Synonymic, Varietiiten, Lit- teratur, .Jons Piev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 74-86. — P. orophila sp. n. Alberta, Hamp.^on J). 105 Canad. Ento. 40. Polia grisea sp. n. Tunisie, LucA.s Paris Bui. soc. ent. J908 ). 93. (n-10332 }) PoVtobrya gen. n. type Bryophila pattda Piing., Hampson p. 617 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Polydesma opala ? described p. 31, (? p. 32, ScnuLTZE Philippine J. Sci. 3. Polyphaenis einereseens pi. cxxiii f. 12 p. 675, postflava f. 13 p. 677, ind'ica f. 14 j). 678, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Porosagrotis delorata sp. n. Alberta, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 87. Prodenia synstktis, larva, Fletcher Spolia zeylan. 5 p. 95. Protagrotls nichollac sp. n. Alberta, Ha-MPSON p. 102 Canad. Ento. 40. Pseiidaconl'ia eanna p. 119 Kansas, louim p. 120 Louisiana, spp. n., Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Pseudanarta dupla p. 89, actura p. 91, spp. n. western United States Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Pseudcrnsti-ia gen. n. type Amyiia lareidiea, Hampson p. 014 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Pseudoglossa norogu'ineana sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 207 Nov. Zool. 15. Ptieudo'jyrtona gen. n., fidvana, aroa, spp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 218 T.c. Pseudoliadena sfrgia pi. cxix f. 5 p. 456, idumaea f. 6, achlumbergeri f. 7, p. 457, commcda f. 8 p. 459, minuta f. 9 p. 460, crassipuncta f. 10 p. 461, im- immis f. 11 p. 462, pexa f. 12 p. 463, eolideae f. 13 p. 464, coiitiimax f. 14 p. 465, jordana f. 15 p. 466, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7.— P. ininida Pung. vide Gryphadena. Baviada>sa pratti sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baxer p. 198 Nov. Zool. 15. Raphia elbea sp. n. New Mexico, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 83. Remigia intextilia sp. n. Philippines, Schcltze Pliilippine J. Sci. 3 p. .32. Rhizoli/pc confluens sp. n. Peru, Druce p. 296 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Rhyncliagrotis ; composition, anno- tated list, pp. 221-228 & 286-288, ^• inegascia p. 227, duanca p. 228, sambo p. 287, spp. n., N. America, Smith Canad. Ento. 40. c 32—2 340 Inseda. XII. Insecta. [1908] Rhynclihia aroa, meeki, p. 228, idea p. 229, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune- Baxer Nov. Zool. 15. Ehynchoplexia gen. n. type Ancara rubra p. 4.33 ; griscimarginata pi. cxiii f. 26 p. 434, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Rivula h'lagi sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 198 Nov. Zool. 15. Sehinia espea sp. n. Florida, Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 119. Sidem'iu depravata pi. cxviii f. 29 p. 437, effusoides f. 30 p. 439, suboriiafa f. 31, longula f. 32, p. 443, judaiea pi. cxix f. 1 p. 444, devastatrix f. 2 p. 446, stand fussi f. 3 p. 447, spodopterodea sp. n. Transvaal p. 437. Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7, SimpiUc'ia niedioavgidata. aroa, tri- lineata, trilinea, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 205 Nov. Zool. 15. Singara ochreoplagata, ochreoslrigata, spp. n., New Guinea, Bethlke-Bakek p. 222 T.c. Speocrop'ia gen. n. p. 255 type Iladena scriptura, S. leucostida pi. cxiv f. 25 p. 258, chromntiea i. 21 p. 259, cugraplia i. 28 p. 260, spp. n., S. America; Irichroma i". 24 p. 256, nnidd f. 26 p. 258, Hami'son Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Spodoptera mauritia, colour variation. SwEZEY Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1 p. 166. SquamipaJp'is gen. n.,iiniUiicat(i sp. n. New Guinea, Betiiune-Baker p. 206 Nov. Zool. 15. Stenopteryg'ia gen. n. type lltideiia suhcurva, S. loiebro-ta pi. cix i'. 11 sp. n. Madras p. 61 ; eebeae pi. cxiii L 27, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Sfir.toptera aichihoei sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 199 Nov. Zool. 15. Stygloatola gen. n. type Noctiia xuii- hratiea, f. 9, Hampson p. 44 Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Stylopoda nnxia sp. n. New Mexico, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 96. Syntoniopus albicilUa pi. cviii f. 1(1, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7 p. 22. Sijrruxia gen. n. type Pcnidlix ndUdiil'iK Bnti., Hampson p. 508 T.c. Sy»latieo>spora gen. n., ovphn'mnvp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 210 Km. Zool. 15. Taeniocampa opima, Zucht, SiEGEL Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 45. — T. meerona sp. n. British Columbia, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 95. — T. macona p. 102, fringata p. 104, boslura p. 103, British Columbia, spp. n., Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Tapinostola elymi var. saturatior, Federley Medd. Soc. Faiina Fenn. 34 p. 68. Tarache rachiastis sp. n. Aldabra, Hampson p. 483 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Tcmnoptera gen. n., meehi sp. n. New Guinea, Bethune-Baker p. 223 Nov. Zool. 15. Thalpochares fracf'diiica sp. n. Peini- sylvania. Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 125. Timora : vide Botis toral'is in Pyra- I'ldae. Trachea atr'ipl'icls variation, Slevogt p. 74 Soc. entomol. 23. — TAllocata pi. ex f. 22, eyanelinea f. 23, p. 115, bella f. 24 p. 117, fasc'iculata f. 27 p. 118, hastata f. 25, repetita f. 26, p. 119, distorta f. 28 p. 121, melanoleuea f. 29 p. 122, melanobasis f. 31 p. 123, brevius- cuJa pi. cxi f. 1 p. 129, mnichlora f. 3 ]i. 138, Irichroma f. 5, bryncJdora f. 6, ]). 139, aurantiaca f. 8, auroriridis f. 9, p. 142, albinota f. 11, olivaeea f. 12, }). 144, vcnosa L 13, Uterata i. 14, p. 145, clialcocldora f. 15 p. 146, atrovirens f. 16, dinara f. 17, p. 147, aurijera L 18 p. 148, melanoapila f. 20 p. 149, delicata f. 22 p. 153, angidiplaga f. 23, malczieuxi 1'. 24, p. 154, tociensis f. 25, chloro- grammata f. 26, p. 156, prattr f. 27 J). 157, sinaragdina f. 28, viridimuaca r. 29, p. 159, cugraplia f. 30 p. 160, marina f. 31 p. 162, miselioidea f. 32 p. 163, macerata pi. cxii 1. 1, aemilunata f. 2, p. 164, inordinatai. 3 p. 165, cijie' facta f. 4 p. 166, centralis f. 5 p. 167, u)iila i. 6 p. 168, sora f. 7, barneai f. 8, )). 169, lona f. 9 p. 170, turhulcnla f. 10 ]). 171, allecto L 11 p. 173, macfataLl'Z ]>. 174, fercna f. 13, aeparana f. 14, p. 175, perpenoa I. 15 p. 176, cominrxta 1. 16 p. 178, indocilis f. 17 p. 179, tusa I. 18, direata f. 19, p. 181, ccWraj^a L 20 p. 182, finilima f. 21 p. 183, fumoaa r. 22 p. 185, binotata L 24 p. 186, adnixa f. 25 p. ]S7, pariae f. 26, indirecta f. 27, p. 188, catalina f. 28 p. 189, characta f. 29, jocaata L 30, p. 190, erica f. 31 p. 191, pauaia i, 32, luteoeinerea lA. cuiil 341 Insecla. Systematic. — GEOJraTBiDAB. f. 1, p. 102, dilara f. 2, gcnctrix f. 3, p. 193, modica f. 4 p. 194, modiola i. 5, miisti'llna f. 6, p. 195, intermedia i. 7, cuiteatn f. 8, p. 196, iitterniixta i. !• p. 197, ethnica f. 10, parcata f. 11, p. 198, commoda f. 12, enigra f. 13, p. 199, espumosa f. 14 p. 200, sidcrifeva f. 15 p. 202, fasciata f. 17 p. 204, gemini- tmieula f. 18 p. 209, impulsa L 19, hninea L 20, p. 210, chcdcirena f. 21 p. 212, lacrunia f. 23 p. 215 ; T. ntritonia Colombia p. 124, nigribarhata E. Africa p. 129, leucopo-a Borneo pi. cxi f. 4 p. 138, albifusa Java f. 7 p. 140, chryso- chlora Punjab f. 10 p. 143, microspila China f. 19 p. 149, leucodonta Peru f. 21 p. 152, fumeola California pi. cxii f. 23 p. 146, polychroa Chile pi. cxiii f. 22 p. 214, spp. n. ; T. melanodonta nom. n. for Bryophda melanoleuca Hamps. p. 122 pi. ex f. 30, smaragdistis noni. n. for Euplexi^ smaragdina Beth. -Baker pi. cxi f. 2 p. 137, dinavanu nom. n. for Eurois diriaua Beth-Baker pi. cxiii f. 16 p. 203 ; H.iMPSuN- Cat. Lep. phal. 7. — T. eiigrapha sp. n. Parana, Jones p. 158 London Tr. eut. Soc. 1908. Trichoplexia gen. n. type Hadena contradicta Smith p. 482 ; exomata pi. cxiii f. 24 p. 483, Hampson Cat. Lep. phal. 7. Trigonophora iris pi. cxx f. 1 p. 488, fiiscomarninata f. 2 p. 489, Hamp.«on T.c. Viridemas g'en. n. p. 91, galena sp. n. p. 92 Arizona, Smith New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18. Ufeus eJectra Oregon, hulstii Wyo- ming, spp. n., Smith p. 99 T.c. Xanthia ocellaris life-historv. Mills pp. 267-269 Ent. Mag. 44. XyVnia zinckenii Biologie, S.vcber Ent. Zs. 22 p. 126. Xylomyges conapicillaris Monographie, Gaccklek Ent. Jahrb. 17 pp. 110-113. Xylophasia rurea variation, Cluttex p. 41 Ent. Rec. 20.— A', illustra Alberta, miniota Manitoba, spp. n., S.MITH New York Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 p. 114. 1 ria8 pardalis sp. n. xVrizona, Smith New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 97. Zetkea pralti sp. n. New Guinea, Bethcxe-Bakee p. 202 Nov. Zool. 15. Zophoehroa aneliopa sp. n. New Guinea, BETHrs'E-BAKER p. 199 T.c. (!eometrii)ae. (Incl. Uraniidac, Epiplemidac & Cymatopho7-idae.) Billberg's Geometrid genera, syno- nymy, Prout p. 204 Ent. Rec. 20. Eggs of Geometridac, Trrr p. 201 Ent. Rec. 20. Abraxas grossulariata var. p. 249 pi. vii f. 1, idmata var. p. 250 f. 2, South Entomologist 41 and Meriufield T.c. p. 271 ; ^4. grossulariata lacticolor, breeding, sexes ; Doxcaster R. .Soc. Rep. Evol. Comm. 4 idji. 53-57. — A. sylvata ab. pantarioides, Spitz Wien Verh. Zool.Bot. Ges. 58 p. 262.— .4. sibilloides sp. n. Queensland, Bastel- BERGER Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 158-159. Acidalia agraria neu fiir Oesterreich- Ungarn, Rebel Wien Verb. Zool.Bot. Ges. 58 p. 164. — Acidalia deversaria fonn. n. habichi Herzegowina, Schwerda T.c. p. 252. — A.osseata larva eats moss. Pope p. 62 Entomologist 41. — A. cap- naria Syria p. 292, albitorquata Graecia p. 293, furcata Alexandergebirge p. 294, axiata Amur p. 291), spp. n., Pr'NCE- LER D. ent. Zs. Iris 21. Acrotomodes oUvaeen sp. n. Pei-u Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 62. Aids addendaria sp. n. Utah, Gross- beck New York J. Ent. Son. 16 p. 28. Amphidasis betularia, Notx Natura- lists Paris 30 p. 73 ; melanism, Leigh p. 41 pi. V. Ent. Rec. 20; A. betularia doubledayaria, in Germany, Mas'TEUffel & Doss Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 127 ; Tomsk, Varietat, Meiniiard Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 1908 pp. 41-48 ; var. n. oehrearia, Max.sbridge p. 112 Entomo- logist 41. Anapalta ineisa sp. n. Brazil, Warrex Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 93. Anaploden deJicataria sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 57. Angerona prunaria var. n. nigro- limbata Vannes, Joaxxis Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 45 ; Tomsk, Variabilitat, Meinhard Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 p. 46. Anisodes leptopasta Cairns, seiota Kuranda, spp. n., Turxer Sydney Proc Linn. Soc. 32 p. 691. 342 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Ajne'ia persperaata sp. n. Paraguay, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 158-159. — A. obtusa Chile, Zaef?pe?mis Tucnman, spp. n., DoG\iN p. 25 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Aplodes nnUinearia sp. n. Brit. Columbia, Taylor p. 60 Canad. Ento. 40. Arycanda nngusf'ipeiin'ts Nen Guinea, coelestis Neu Pommern, spp. n., Bastel- berger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 63. Asor'm gen. n. pro Boarmia maeot'i- caria Alpli., Alpheraky Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 604. Autanepsia gen. n., near Jihodostro- phia, poliodentia sp. n. Brisbane, Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 673. Ballant'iophora glandijcva sp. n. Guiana, DoGNix p. 267 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Biston stratarla Eiablage, Gatxar Wien JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18, pp. 37- 42. Bleehroma parcipuncta sp. n. Guiana, DoGNis p. 264 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Boarmia luridata ab. n. coiiielsenl, Hoffmann Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 38 ; B. macidata var. n. hastelbergeri Steier- mark, IIirschke Wein JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18 p. 105. — B. appositaria, robo- raria, Mandschurei, John Rev. russ ent. 8 p. 23. — B. repandata & maenlata, Genitalapparat, Rebel Wien JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18 pp. 109-111. BraeJiycola (/lycydora, cyclopliora, spp. n., Kuranda, Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 32 pp. 084-685. liraehyprotn Inngicaudn sp. n. Bolivia, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 58. Caberodes nubilata sp. n. ]\Iexico, Bastelberger p. 61 T.c. Call'ipla coslinotatn sp. n. Pern, Warren Washington U. 8. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 105. CalJipae,u8te8 var'iegata sp. n. Peru, Bastelberger, Ent. Zs. 22 p. 62. Calocalpe ? cupreipennis sp. n. Peru. DoGXiK p. 18 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52- Calvert'ia gen. n. p. ]0& Selidoseminae, fumipenu'K sp. n. p. 107 Chile, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. Calyptoeome latlfaseiata sp. n. Colom- ])ia, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 158- 159. Cavipovietra cinctipalpis Sm. = {mascara Schaus), Dyar p. 33 Washing- ton Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Cambogia roseocincta sp. n. Dutch Guiana, Warren Washington U. 8. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 104. Campylona costidentata sp. n. Guiana, DoGNiN p. 264 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. (Jupnophylla seviihrunnca sp. n. Guiana, Dognin p. 270 T.c. Certima cleodora sp. n. Ecuador & Mexico, DoGNiN p. 269 T.c. Cheimatobia boreata natural history, Meissner p. 74 Soc. entomol. 23. Chloi'ochlamys vertaria sp. n. Arizona, Pearsall p. 197 Canad. Ento. 40. Chloroclystia elaeopa, athaumasta, per'iasa, spp. n., Kuranda, Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 631. — C. elaia- cliroma sp. n. Bolivia, Bastelberger Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 83. Llirysocraspeda erypsaurea sp. n- Perak, Bastelberger p. 78 T.c. Cleogene lutearia, Seiler Berliner ent. Zs. p. 180. — C. peleticrarla life-history etc., CHArM.\N pp. 151-159 pis. xi-xvii Ent. Rec. 20. (Joen'ma dentaria, larva, Joannis p. 214 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908; position in repose. Id. t.c. p. 232. — C. dentaria = {Orsonoba acgyptlaca Reb.), Id. t.c. p. 266. Coenipeta bibitrix— (Eubol'ma mealiei Edw.), Dy'AR p. 33 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Coenocalpe deUeata sp. n. Utah, Guossbeck New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 25.— C. albipuncta sp. n. Mexico, Wauren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 ]). 9S. Coloto'is robuata sp. n. Mexiko, Bastel- berger Ent. Zs. 21 pp. 217-218. Cojiolophia macidata sp. n. Usambara, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 98. Cophocerot'ia j'allax sp. n. Peru, Bas- telberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 58. Coremia centroatr'iyaria = (Flemyria fmrancuaia Schaus), PROUTp. 77 Entomo- ogist 41. 343 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Geometridae. C'rocaUia elinguaria ab. n. fasciata, GiLLMER Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. il2. Cyllopiida jatropharia, osir'is = {lati- inargo Warr.l, syuonymy, Prout p. 78 Entomologist 41. — C. ve7-sicolor sp. n. Ecuador, DoGXis p. 17 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Cymatophora or ab. n. albingeiis'is Hamburg-Altona, Warxecke Ent. Zs. 22 p. 7 ; ab. alblngensis m., Warnecke Ent. Zs. 22 p. 126. DasybeUa gen. n. near Pylarge, type achroa, Turner Svduev Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 667. Dasystole p'ninata sp. n. Peru, Bastel- BERGER Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Nath. 61 p. SI. DeiVuiia indiirata sp. n. California and Washington, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 56. Destidia gen. n. near Sabulodes, novata sp. n. Arizona, Grossbeck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 91. Dichromodes simidans sp. n. New Zealand, Hcdson Wellington Trans. X. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 104-107. Diploctena pantoca sp. n. Lome Vict., Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 635. Dyaphania fannitta Nias, Jessica Burma etc., Swinhoe p. 67 Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. — D. numana formm. n. arcuata, alhipunctulata & leucophorata, Bastel- BERGER D. ent. Zs. Iris 20 pp. 257-266. Dyspteris tenuivitta sp. n. Guiana, DoGsrsi p. 266 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Dystroma coneinnata Steph. a valid species, Prout p. 143 Ent. Rec. 20. Eilicrinia subcordaria, Variieren der Zeichnung, JoHX Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 16-24. Emmiltis subtaen'iata Madagaskar, pLanidisca Perak, spp. n., Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. o4. Emplocia plumosa sp. n. Brasilia, Bas- telberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 62. Ennomos magnarius eggs, Fletcher p. 170 Canad. Ento. 40. — E. subaignai'ius, swarms of, Beo.^dwell p. 327 Canad. Ento 40. Entepkr'ia caesiata, variation, abb. n., Prout Tr. City London Soc. 17 pp. 21- 32. — E. caeruleata and allies, genitalia, Chapm.\n pp. 496-500 pis. x-xiii Ann. Soc. ent. France 77. Ertypia griseata sp. n. New Mexico, Grossbeck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 87. Eo')s liparota, Kuranda, cretomopus Brisbane, elaphrodes Kuranda, doUchop- sis Bundaberg, eletima, Tovvnsville, probleta, Lome Vict., nephelota Gia- borne, spp. n., Turner Sydney. Proc. Linn. .-^oc. 32 pp. 647-652. Ephyra pendidar'ia nigrostr'iata Beschreibung, Lutzau Riga Korr- blt. Naturf. Ver. 51 p. 30. — E. punctar'ia ab. n. radiomarginat a 'Vanned, JoANNis Paris Bui soc. ent. 1908 p. 45. — E. j^ndularia ab. n. depulsa, Bastel- berger D. ent. Zs. Iris 20 pp. 257-266. Epione parallelaria Eiablage, Maschke Ent. Zs. 22 p. 113. Epirrhoe inangulata sp. n. Melbourne, Bastelberger Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Xatk. 61 p. 82. Erateina rosina ab. n. reginalda p. 103, satellites ab. n. praeacida p. 104, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. 1908. — E. t'lbicina var. n. albicans, appendiculata, p. 19, disjecta, trisectistriga, p. 20, spp. n., S. America, Dogxix Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — E. trialbata, melano- cera, Columbia, p. 37, zoraidina Peru p. 38, spp. n., Bastelberger. Ent. Zs. 22. — E. cnittpodaria p. 98, anormata p. 105, spp. n., Bolivia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2. — E. leucolina sp. n. Peru, artahates ab. n. Hexuosa, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 20 p. 262. Erilophodes marmorinata sp. n. Peru, Bastelberger Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 79. Eiicharidema trichroa pi. ix f. 6, Jordan p. 258 Xov. Zool. 15. Eucosmia certata ab. n. griseata, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 98 etc. Euemera angularta sp. n. Arizona, Grossbeck New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 27. Euphenolia pallimedia sp. n. Arizona, Grossbeck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc, p. 86. Eupithecia ; brief notes Prout, pp. 52- 54 Entomologist 41. — E. mvtata p. 98, intimata p. 100, ajjinata p. 101, cimici- fugata p. 102, cocoata p. 103, spp. n. 3ii Insecfa. XII. Insecta. [1908] eastern United States, Pearsali., New York J. Ent. Soc. 16.— E. placidata p. 56, agnesata p. 57, term'inata p. 58, aloeanata p. 59, spp. n., Brit. Columbia, Taylor Canad. Ento. 40. — E. russeliata, hraxineata, spp. n., United States, p. 245, interrupt ofasciata Pack. p. 246, SwETT Canad. Ento. 40.— i?. harteli Uralsk p. 162, gracUiata Kuschk p. 163, tenellala Tunis p. 165, elimata Oran p. 166, mitigata Lob-neor p. 168, liilariata p. 180, homogrammata p. 191, liorhi Amur p. 19.3, spp. n., Dietze D. ent. Zs. Iris 2i.—E. viiserulata Grote — {nebu- losa Hulst), Peaesall Ent. News 19 p. 312. — E. palpata distinct from Ivdeata, Swett Ent. News 19 p. 196. — E. catsliillata -p. 192. erpata-p. 193, meritata p. 195, spp. n., United States, Pearsall Ent. News 19. — E. conformata p. 128, filmata p. 129, spp. n., New York, Pear- sall Ent. News 19. — E. hiiaclmca p. 22, pretansata, Arizona, pnrpiirissata , p. 23, emmedonia p. 24, California, spp. n., Grossbeck New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Eitrymcne dolabrarm L. ab. n. atrox Wien, Zernt Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 270. Euschema recessa var. n. luteomacu- lata, Grunberg Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 pp. 286-291. Gelanma wasonaria, Schaus (as Nemoria) = (Chloroclilam.ya volantaria Peara.), Dyar p. 34 Wasliingtou Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Glnucma epipliysaria sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 55. Gnophoa dihieidaria, egg, Gillmer |). 113 Soc. entomol. 23. — G. pallata ab. mthilata Livland, Teich Riga Korr- blt. Naturf. Ver. 57 p. 31. Gonodont'ia ectrnpelaria sp. n. Utali, Grossbeck New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 31. — G. auhcinevaria sp. n. Arizona, (-Jrossbeck Wasliington Proc Ent. Soc. 10 p. 88. GrapludipuH fum'd'inea sp. n. C'olonibia, Warren Wasliington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 94. Gymnocelis mellisa discoidalis p. 1 !), artestata p. 20, Arizona spp. n., Gross- beck New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Uaemalea hnmunda, reducta, spp. n., Guiana, iJoGNiN p. 266 Ann. Soc. cut. Belgique 52. Hdinmaptern ohnuhUata p. 95, vUaria, spatiosat.a, p. 96, Ecuador, siibnotata p. 97, thetydaria p. 98, Peru, spp. n., Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. Heterephyra alhipunetulata sp. n. Peru, DoGNiN p. 17 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Heterusia magnifica, Antram Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc' 18 p. 430.— H. re- pagulata sp. n. Ecuador, Bastei.BERGER Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 105. — H. occidtata sp. n. Huancabaraba, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 21 p. 217. — Ti. cphnena sp. n, Peru, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 37.— H. pi'aeangulnta p. 259, eruptlva p. 260, Huancabamba, albocelJata Bolivia p. 261, spp. n., v-aJbinn ab. n. separata, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 20. Hydr'wmena latinupta Walk. = (PJcmyria paranensis Schaus), Dyar p. 34 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. — Ilydriomcna epicteta, sp. n. Victoria, Turner Sydney Proc. Linn Soc. 32 p. 633. — H. iinea'ta sp. n. Mexico, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 99. lodis steroparia sp. n. Amur, PiJN- GELER D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 292. Jschnopteris specuVifera sp. n. Peru, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 62. LareiitJa vorydtdar'ia ab. n. eury- taen'ia Bosnien, Rebel Wien Verb. ZojlBot. Ges. 58 p. 30.— L. latcfa- Hciata Stgr. Beschreibung, infuscala Tengstr. bonae spp., Blaecker Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 44-49 pi. i. — L. mitiunnal'is, Aberration, Gatnau Wien JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18 pp. 37-42.— L. labiddta, promidgata, Kuku-Noor, ]x 299, ncogamata,'T\oT\Hc\vAn,promplata Kuku-Noor, renodain Aschabiid, p. 300, fafflignla Kuldja p. .301, spp. n., "PiiNGELER D. ent. Zs. Iris 21. hcptomcr'ix h-ehrioloma Kuranda, nlcnvUeK Gcraldton, prosoecn, coenona, Townsville, Ihysaiiojms Cardwell, spp. n., 'I'uiiNER Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 pp. 658-663. Lenculopais vagula sp. n. Peiii, Doa- NIN p. 24 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Lobophora neurograrnmata p. 296, gcrmhiata p. 297, Jvuku-Noor, spp. n., PiJNOELER D. ent. Zs. Iris 21. •Uo Inserta. Systematic. — Gkomktridab. Lygns imimniata & iliictuata, Saisonviiriatateu, Svnonvuiie, Dampf Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. 38 p. 5U.—L. persplcuata p. 1'97, albiciurtata p. 298, Kuku-Noor spp. n., Plngeler D. ent. Zs. Iris 21. Lijthria argcnteofasc'iala sp. n. Benguela, Wey.mer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 512. — L. mr'is ap. n. New Zealand, llrnsoN Wellington Trnns. N. Zeal. Inst. 40 pp. 104-107. Marmopteryx chidois sp. n. Peru, Waurek Washington U. S. Nation. Mns. Proo. 34 p. 105. Melanippe soclata ab., PiiiLLirs p. 217 Ent. Rec. 20. Mesocoela sicinhoci sp. n. Usambara, B.4STELBERGER D. ent. Zs. Iris 20 p. 266. Metrocampa margarUata, ex ovo, Ziiclit, Calmbach Ent. Zs. 22 p. 59. Microgonla flaridula Peru p. 80, xatitliochroma Mexico p. 81, spp. n., Bastelbergf.r Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61. Milioma pretiosa sp. n. Philippines, ScHULTZE Philij^pine J. Sci. 3 p. 34. — M. ovata pi. xi f. 3, Jordan p. 258 Nov. Zool. 15. Mimocharis rosgala ab. n. restricta, Bastelbergek D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 103.— M. thierryi sp. n. Bolivia, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 20 p. 264. 2\acophora quernar'ia early stages, Esgel p. 122 Canad. Ento. 40. — N. minima Hulst to Gabriola, Taylor p. 93 T.c. Xasusiiia gen. n. for part of Gymno- celis, type inferior Hulst, Pearpai.l p. 345 Canad. Ento. 40. Kemoria viridata, with abb. n., Burrows pp. 128-135 pi. x Ent. Rec. 20. Xepliodia veninotata sp. n. Pebas, DoGJJis p. 268 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — >7. cassariodes sp. n. Ecuador, casaaria var. n. alhidior, DOGNIN p. 22 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — N. marcida sp. n. Bolivia, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 106. Nepytia pelhicidaria = {CJeora fiimo- xfiria Str.), Pe.\rsall p. 456 Canad. Ento. 40. Nereis gen. n. near Gonogala, opalina sp. n. Cuba, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 110. Niptcria suhplagiala, ambigua, spp. n. Peru, DoGNiN p. 23 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52.^ — N. sibylla abb. n. gorgoniata and intermedia, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 98 etc. Nothloba gen. n., Tlydriomeninae, schmtsi sp. n. Chile, Warren Washing- ton U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 103. Odezin airata life-history and varia- tion, Chapman pp. 222 etc. pis. xix-xx Ent. Rec. 20. Odontoptila siculodaria Sch. = [Pigia aJbiserpentata Pears.), Dyar p. 33 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Oenoptila separata sp. n. Mexico, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 107. Oenothalia rufaria sp. n. Brazil, Warren p. 95 T.c. — 0. inornata sp. n. Brazil, Warren p. 108 T.c. Operophthera relegnta ap. n. Japan, Prout p. 76 Entomologist 41. OphthalmopJiora integra sp. n. Java, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. Iris 20 p. 265. Opisthoxia fulvistrota sp. n. Guiana, Dognin p. 267 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Orsonoba aegyptiaca Raujie, Andres Ent. Zs. 22 p. 90. — Orsonoba vide Coe- 7iina. Orthonama albescens sp. n. Colom- bia, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 94. Ourapteryx sarnhncaria eggs, TuTT p. 200 Ent. Rec. 20. Pamphlebia rubroUmburia ab. n. interrupta, Ba.stelberger Ent. Zs. 21 pp. 217-218. Pareumelea rostrata sp. n. Celebes, SwiNiioE p. 68 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. PatruiHsa subrufa sp. n. Borneo? Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 61. Perenoptila flumata ■■= (Plemyria mortuaria Schaus), Dyar p. 34 Wash- ington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Pericallia diluta sp. n. Benguela, Weymer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 508. Perigramma albivena var. n. pura, DoGNiN p. 268 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. 346 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Pei-ixera lophosceles Townsville, odontota Kiiranda, spp. n., Turner Sydney Prcc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 688. — P. praetermissa sp. n. Ferguson, Bastel- BERGER Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 38. Perizoma coeruleopicta sp. n. Peru, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 99. — P. sordescens sp. n. Peru, DOGXIN p. 18 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Pero ramulata sp. n. Peru, Bastel- BERGER Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 87. Petrophora idiiata Guen. = {Xantho- rho'e planata Tayl.), Dyar p. 33 Washing- ton Proc. ent. soc. 10. Phaeoeklaena ; ? not Geometrldac ; Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 66. PhelJbiodes incgalophysn sp. n. French Guiana, Warrex Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 95. Phenfjommataea spoliata sp. n. Cali- fornia, Grcssbeck New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 27. Phihalapteryx parcata sp. n. Kuku- Noor, Puxgeler D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 301. Phorodesma niveociliaria, H.S. (as Eucrostis) = {E. scdtusaria Hulst), Dyar p. 35 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Photoscotosia nuncupata sp. n. Kuku- Noor, PiJNGELER D. ent. Zs. Iris 21 p. 298. Phyllodonta inexcisa sp. n. Peru, DoGNiN p. 269 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Phyaoloha gen. n. llydriomcninae, griseofaaeiata sp. n. Brazil, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 104. Plagodis schuylkilley^sls sp. n. Penn- sylvania, Grcssbeck Ent. News 19 p. 315. Pohjsemia divecta p. 91, ilUneata p. 92, spp. n., French Guiana, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. Prohlepsis tr'ioccllata sp. n. Cap York, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 33. Prochoerodes gibhoaa sp. n. Mexiko, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 59. Psaliodes oUvaria sp. n. Brazil, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 100. Pseiidasellodes Cassiopeia sp. n. Argentina, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 59. Psilocera ' vie!rocamparia sp. n. Kamerun, Bastelberger Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 72. PsodopsLS dognini sp. n. Mexiko, Bastelberger D." ent. Zs. 1908 p. 104. Pterocypha paularia sp. n. Brazil, Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 101. Ptochophyle cyphosticlia sp. n. Cairns, Turner Sydnev Proc. Linn. N.S. Wales 32 p. 680. Ptychopoda llnibata, perversata, Mexiko, spp. n., Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 37. — P. perpusilla sp. n. Colombia, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 158-159. Racheolopha conversa sp. n. Guiana, DooNiN p. 2()4 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Racheospila ; list of N. American, Dyar p. 171 Canad. Ento. 40. — R. ocellata StoU = {xysteraria Ilulst) p. 34, eentri- fugaria H.S. = protraciaria H.S. — Eucrostis hollandarln ct jaspidearia Unlst = Synchloya vii'idipurpurea Hulst) R. sitellaria Guen. = {Geometra con- gruata Walk. = lodis indeclararia Walk. = Synchlora Joiiisa var. hidstiana Dyar), p. 35, Dyar Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Rheumaptera medeifascia sp. n. Arizona, Grossbeck New Y^ork J. Ent. Soc. 16 pp. 24-25. Rhodochlora erina ab. n. hipunctata, DoGNiN p. 17 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Rhodosirophia calabraria var. n. muscosa, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 21 pp. 217-218. Rhopalodes vexiUnta sp. n. Peru, Bastelherqer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 101. — R. mgri fascia sp. n. Columbia, Bastel- berger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 36. Sahidodes, Itgata p. 89, dyari p. 90, Arizona, spp. n., Grossbeck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Sangalopsis fugax sp. n. Peru, DoG- NIN p. 22 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — S. incaiidata, orhitula, Bolivia, eximia S. 347 Insecta. Systematic. — Geombtridae. Aiuerika, dlminuti.i Bolivia, spp. n., Bas- TELBERCER Ellt. Zs. 22 pp. 158-159. Sciagraphia porceUata sp. n. Bril" Columbia, Taylor p. 98 Caiiad. Knt. 40- — S. conarata, ^)fl)va/a, spp. n., Arizona, Grossbeck New York J. Eut. Soc. p. 2(). Selenepliera htniyera, Xatiirgeschichte, Srdinko Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 18-20. Seletiia tetralunar'in ab. n. kuhnc'i, KiHNE Ent. Zs. 22 p. 70. Selidosema jacumharia p. 50, aethalo- daria p. 57, spp. n. California, Dyak Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. — N. aiiastomosaria sp. n. Arizona, GiU).-- lOl, vwlaleucata y>. 102, spp. n., Peru, Bastelberger D. ent. Zs. 1908. — 7'. eonigcra Bolivia p. 83, filiola, iiundidifera, p. 84, hispida p. 85, cijniue- )iata, paryphata, Columbia, p. 86, spp. n,, Bastelrerger Wiesbaden Jahrb. V'er. Natk. 61. — T. abhrexiat a iih n. liirschkei, imiotata ab. n. rotundata, Bastelberger Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 89 etc. Thalassodes viridifascia sp. n. Borneo, Swinhoe p. 66 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Thalera flmbrialis abweichende Fliigelfiirbung, Krulikovsky Rev. luss. ent. 7 p. 104. Thamnonoma luinula sp. n. Brasilia, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 30. Therina hyalinaria sp. n. Arizona, Grossbeck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 88. Thyatii-a batis form. n. confluens, Marschner Berliner ent. Zs. 53 p. 205, and Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 p. 382. — T. dinau-a to Rissoba, Bethlne-Baker p. 180 Nov. Zool. 15. Thysanopyga fractimacula Mexico, palliata French Guiana, p. 108, pruni- color p. 109 Brazil, spp. n., Warren Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34. — T. brunnescens sp. n. Ciuiana, DoGXiN p. 268 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Toriios scolopacinaria & cinctarius distinguished, Pearsall p. 123 Canad. Ento. 40, Trieentra fulvifera, angulisigna, spp. n. Guiana, DotJNiN p. 365 Ann. Soc. eut. Belgique 52. — T. subplumbca sp. n. Bolivia, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 58. Trygodes catacissa sp, n. Kuranda, Turner Svdney Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 32 p. 677. VeniUa mac.idaria var. n. meridion- ali» Hofner (i.l.) Gorz, Galvagni Wien Verh. Zool.Bot. Ges. 52 p. 158. Visitara iindilinea sp. n. Celebes, Bastelberger Ent. Zs. 22 p. 61. XaiUhorrhoe icterica sp. n. Semiret- schje-Gebiet, Djakonov Piev. russ. eut. 8 p. 12. — X. plaiuda sp. n. N. America, 348 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Taylor p. 59 Canad. Ento. 40. — A". veraria sp. n. Mexico, Warren Washing- ton U. S. Nation, ilus. Proc. 34 p. 102. XeiioeeiUris dasypiifs Kuranda, rhopa- lopits Townsville, catacoma Kuranda, pilosata Cooktown, epipasta Kuranda, spp. n., Turner Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 pp. 640-643. Zanclopteryx conspersa sp. n. Brazil, Warrex Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 93. Pvr.vliuae, Thyrididae. Die zentraleuropaischen Pyraliden ; Meixxer Ent. Jahrb. 17 pp. 6-9. Die zentraleuropaischen Pyraliraor- phen (zlinslerartigen Falter). Tl 2. Pyralidae (Nachtrag), Thyrididae, Ptero- phoridae und Oimeodidae, Meixner Ent. Jahrb. 18 pp. 9-11 etc., etc. Acentropus niveus, Anatomic und Biologie, Nicwaxx Zool. Jahrb. Svst. 26 pp. 489-560, 2 Taf. Acrohasis eliella, stigmella, p. 43, evanesoentella p. 44, latifaseiella p. 45, normella p. 46, eoryliella, malipenella, p. 47, spp. n., United States, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Actenia grandalis sp. n. Tunisia, Mabille Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 67. Addaea castaneata sp. n. New Guinea, Warren p. 325 Nov. Zool. 15. Agathodes chrysalis sp. n. Mauritius, Hampson p. 489 Aim. Nat. Hist. 1. Aglossa acallalis sp. n. Arizona, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 97. Amhexa viirahella sp. n. Calfornia, Dyar p. 59 T.c. Ambia'heptopalis sp. n. Brazil, Ha.mp- SON p. 490 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Aticylolomia ; valeur de certaines especes, Joannis Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 pp. 145-150.— .4. tripoUtella sp. n. Tripolis, Rebel Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 283. Anerastia dbUdella, biology, Mac- kenzie and Maxwell-Lefroy Agric. Journ. Ind. pp. 117-118. — .1. stictella sp. n. Punjab, Hampson Bornbav J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 258. Ardiernia fiavidalis sp. n. Natal, Hampson p. 491 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Aiiopi^is gen. n. Chrysauginae, horre- galis sp. n. Texas, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 95. Asoehis cirrhigeralis sp. n. Peru, DoGN'LN p. 28 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Bandera mrginell-a sp. n. Washington, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 116. Baiiisia funesta New Guinea p. 325, lepida Penang & Sumatra etc., illtts- trata Malay penins., p. 326, ocellipennis Burma, taeniata Sikkim, p. 327, spp. n., angiistifaseia & inidtifenestrata dis- tinguished p. 325, rami f era ab. n. co7i- ionnis p. 327 , tetragonata and ordinaria p. 328, Warren Nov. Zool. 15.— B. dolie.rtyi vide Ohelura gen. n. Beguma radiata sp. n. Kassai river, Warren p. 328 T.c. Belonoptera arachnidia sp. n. Peru, Warren p. 329 T.c. Blepharomastix occidentalis Arizona, iiymphnlalis Ohio, spp. n., Haimbach Ent. News 19 p. 263. Botys; the type is angiistaJis SchiH., Prolt p. 141 "Ent. Rec.20.— B. toralis Grote to Timora in Xoctiiidae, Dyar p. 31 Washington Proc. ent. Soc. 10. Brixia australiae Yeppoon, compara- Us Khasia hills, spp. n., Wabren p. 329 Nov. Zool. 15. Calamochrous sarcalia, purpiiralis spp. n., Ceylon, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 584. Catastia mnrginea form, orcusella Herzegowina, Schawerda Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 256. ChiJo simplex and C. auricillia, bio- logy, Mackenzie and ^Iaxwell-Lefroy Agric. Journ. Ind. 3 pp. 112-115. — C. multipunetcllus, jniriteUus, spp. n., Arizona, Kearfott Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 393. Corcyra cephalonica und deren Zucht, Xagf.i, Hre-ae. p. 3S0 Ontario, poVnu]! p. 382 Arizona, intermedins Arizona and Texas, rfoc.^J- punctdhtft, p. 383, Manitoba and Nevada, ueradellus Nevada, simpJii-icllus United States, p. 384, spp. n., Xeaufott Wash- ington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. — C. o^ilarcUus sp. n. Colorado, Haimuacii Ent. News 19 p. lHM. Critonia holorhoda sp. n. Ceylon, IlAifrsoN Bombav J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 259. Crocidopora phaealis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson T.c. p. 260. Cryiitoses gen. n., choloepi sp. n. Panama, from Choloepiis hojfinanni, Dtar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 142. — C. choloepi, described, Costa Rica and Panama, Dyau op. cit. 10 p. 81. CuUadia niphosdla sp. n. Trinidad, Hampsos p. 474 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Cyholomia cercinalis sp. n. Punjab, Hampsox Bombav J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 584. Diatraea parallela sp. n. New Mexico, Kearfott Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 391. Dichocrocis atrisedali.-^ sp. n. Anda- mans, HAMPSOy Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 580. Dicymolomia opuntiaVts sp. n. Cali- fornia, DrAR Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 113. Dioryctria peltieri sp. n. Algerie, JoANSls Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 168. Dohertya auhmicana sp. n. New Guinea, Warren- p. 330 Nov. Zool. 15. Draconia accipitrina Colombia p. 330, albiap'icata Peru, dismiitata Amazons, stenoptila Trinidad, p. 331, timidci Amazons p. 332, spp. n., Warren T.c. Dysodia constellata Zomba, confusata Ecuador, p. 332, deriifata Parana p. 333, innwiiiia Bolivia, spiss/cojvn'g Rio Janeiro, p. 334, fsubsignata Durban p. 335, spp. n., crasaa ab. n. flavidula p. 333, thyridina characters p. 334, Warren T.c. Elophila daemoimlis sp. n. Texas, Dtar Washington, Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 112. Ephest'odes mignonella sp. n. Texas, Dtar p. 113 T.c. Episelinia tozeurella sp. n. 'i'unisie, LccAS Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. Ifi. — E. irraralia sp. n. Kashmir, Hampson Bombay J. Nat, Hist. Soc. 18 p. 266. Eitgrotca (?) yampai sp. n. Arizona and New Mexico, KEARi-orr Wasliiugton U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 377. Euzoplwra ectophoea Cej-lon, cocci- pliaga Sikliim, spp. n., Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 pi. E f. 12 p. 262. — E. placidclla sp. n. Arizona, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 1 15. Eiizophcrodrs alhixtrigclla Ceylon, proIeucaVii^ Punjal), p. 261, hcmiphaea Ceylon, p. 262, spp. n., H\mi'.<:on Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Evergestis .tquamalis sp. n. Peru, Dognin p. 28 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Filodes hilinealis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc 18 yi. 577. Galleria mellonella recherches experi- raentales sur les chenilles, Metalnikov Arch. zool. 8 jip. 489-588, pis. xvii-xxi ; Larva, Ban, Entwicklung, Ernahrung, Excretion, Objekt zur Bereitung einen Antituberkulose serums, Metalnikov Recherches expei'imeutales 1007 p. 118. Glaphyria perieulosnJis sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dyau Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 58. Glyphodes picticdudalis Comoro islds. & E. Africa, mayotlalia Comoro islds., sp. n., Hamp.son p. 479 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — G. atomosalia sp. n. Peru, Dognin p. 27 Ann. Soc ent. Belgique 52. Hammoeallos gen. n. voisin de Tego- stoma, hmhanti sp. n. Algeria, Chretien Naturaliste Paris 30 p. 236. Hedeinannia venoselUi sp. n. Tunisie, Lucas Paris Bui. soc. ent 1908 p. 66. Hereulia phoezalis California, infim- Irialis Colorado, spp. n., Dyar Washing- ton Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 100. Herdonia viiranda sp. n. Amazons, Warren p. 335 Nov. Zool. 15. Heterographis rnhronervella j). 67, thalerella p. 68, spp. n., Tunisie, Mabim.E Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908.—//. fahalis sp. n. Madras, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 261. Homoesomd glnucochrna sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson p. 260 T.c. Uyalohatlira argentifilaVis sp. n. Comoro islds., Hampson jk 480 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Byalo!S(pc. 18. — A'. variOHpilaUs sp. n. Peru, Dognin p. 27 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Xeasarta gen. n. p. 262, nyctichroalis sp. n. p. 263 Cevlon, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Nephopteryx hemiarygralis Assam, N. (Salebria) atribasalis Quetta, spp. n., Hampson pp. 263-264 T.c. Nonia taprobalis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson p. 259 T.c. Nymplnda stratiotata L.ab. n. fasciata Livland, Teich Riga Korr.-blt. Naturf. Yer. 51 p. 31. Obelura gen. n. for Banisia doliertyi AVarren, Warren p. 342 Nov. Zool. 15. Ollia lioloponerella sp. n. Arizona, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 117. Oxychirota ceyloniea sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson Bombav J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 268. Paractenia deseriaUs sp. n. Beloo- chistan, Hampson p. 270 pi. E. f. 31 T.c. Paradaria gen. n. near Daria p. 118, tshetverikori sp. n. p. 119 Northern shores of the Aral Sea, Kusnezov Ta§- kent Izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4,8. Pavalipsa gularis Zeller en France, Svnonvmie, Joannis Bui. Museum Paris 1908 pp. 277-282 av. fig.— P. modesta Butl., Kabis Ent. Zs. 22 p. 261. Pntissa vagiUnealls sp. n. Madagas- car, Hampson p. 489 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — P. intersticnlis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson BoHibay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 258. Pcatinigcra pamponerella sp. n. Colo- rado, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 117. Pharambara aciUalis Walk, (as Py- ralifi) = (Microsca iiitens Butl.) p. 342, cellulata Java, fractifasclu Niger Riv., p. 342, fidcipicta Khasia hills, obliqui- fnsc'ia Angola, p. 343, phtmbca,rui)iosa, N. India, subliicens New Guinea, p. 344, spp. n., moorei n. n. for reticulata Moore p. 343, Warren Nov. Zool. 15. Phlyctaenodea rhabdalis a distinct species, Kusnezov Taskent Izv. Turk, otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 p. 114. — P. lei icon ew'al'is sp. n. Afghanistan, Hamp- son Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 583. Phryganodes chrysalift Ceylon, cradi- calis Adamans Si Singapore, p. 579. spp. n., Hampson T.c. 351 Insecla. Systematic. — Pybalidae. Phyclta deodaralis Kashmir, endomc- laetia p. 1'64, e'.'.^onalis, dclimdis pi. E. f. 21, p. 265, Ceylon, spp. n., Hampson, T.c. PUocrocis xa)ithostictaUs sp. n. iladag;iscar, Hampson p. 490 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Pionea thcdalis sp. n. Tunisie, Lucas Paris Bnl. soc. eut. 1908 p. 66.— P. holoxuthalis sp. n. Comoro islds., Havip- sox p. 484 Ann. Xat. Hist. 1. — P. scopi- calis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. oS4. Plagiosdla ochraeea sp. n. New Gninea, Warren p. 354 Nov. Zool. 15. Platijtes argyrotriclia Assam, acro- pcralis pi. E. f. 11 Ceylon, Maskeliya spp. n., Hampson p. 258 Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Plesiodcsma gen. n. I'Jiyndidac p. 345, infans sp. n. New Guinea p. 346, Warren Nov. Zool. 15. Polygrammodcs hyaloinaculata, tr'i- foUalis, p. 29, citneatalis p. 31, spp. n., Peru, ponderalis ab. n. hyalodiscaVis p. 30, DooNiN Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. PolyocJia saceharella, biology, Mac- kenzie and .Maxwell-Lefroy Agric. Joum. Ind. 3 pp. 118-120. Prionapteryx serpentella sp. H. Loui- siana and Florida, Kearfott Washing- ton U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 376. Pristocera nujr'igranella Rey et la pitance du chameau, Chretien Natura- liste Paris 30 pp 162-164. Proterozeuxis hriinnea Transvaal, teasellata Kvassa, spp. n., Warren p. 346 Nov. Zool. 15. Pseudomacalla gen. n. near Macalla, noctuipalpis sp. n. Tucuman, Dognin p. 26 .Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Pyral'is disciferalia sp. n. United States, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 98. — P. n'niniusalis vide Letehenodes gen. n. — P. aeutalis vide Pkarambara. Pyrausta aerealis hibernation. Chapman p. 256 Ent. Mag. 44.— P. phragmatidalis sp. n. Sikhim, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 585.— P. vastatrix p. .35, matuta p. .36, Philip- pines, spp. n., ScHULTZE Philippine .1. Sci. 3 P. inaequalis var. n. plagalls Arizona, Haimbacii Ent. News 19 p.263. — P. JinemaiMatalis, flav'ibrunncalis, spp. n., Brazil, Hamp.son p. 192 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — P. tripunctalis sp. n. Peru, DoGNiN p. 32 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Rehimena stictalin p. 576, hypostictalis p. 577, Ceylon spp. n., Hamp80n J. Bombay Soc. 18. Rhodoncura erubresceyis Shan States, separata New Guinea, spp. n., pudicula ab. n. ohsolescens, Warren p. 347 Nov. Zool. 15. Rhodopliaca semistr'igella sp. n. Tunisie, Mabille Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 68.— i?. albirc7iaUs sp. n. Cevlon, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 pp. 265-266 pi. E. L 22. Salebria aralcnftis sp. n. Northern shores of the Aral Sea, Kusnezov Tash- kent izv. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Ob§c'. 4 8 p. 115. — S. ochrijyuncteUa sp. n. (.'alifornia, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 59. — S. robustella, adem- ptaiidella, p. 114, reetistrigella p. 115, spp. n. Texas, Dyar AVashington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Sarata umbrella sp. n. California, Di'AR p. 59 T.c. Satole gen. n. Chrysaugiiiae, ligni- perdalh sp. n. Arizona, Dyar p. 95 T.c. Scirpophaga auriflua & mono stigma biology, Mackenzie and Maxwell- Lefroy Agri. Jouru. Ind. Calcutta 3 pp. 104-112.— S. Virginia sp. n. Philippines, Schcltze Philippine J. Sci. 3 p. 34. Szoparia dubitalls food - habits, Thl-rnall p. 186 Ent. Mag. 44.— S. tafirella sp. n. Canary Islands, Chretien Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 358. Siculodes intermedia, roseobrnnnea, Peru, nigralbata New Guinea, p. 348, stigmatophora p. 349, subolivescena, Peru, viriditineta Ecuador, p. 350, spp. n., Warren Nov. Zool. 15. Spatulipalpia haemaplioralis sp. n. Ceylon, Hamp.son Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 266 pi. E. f. 20. Stericta contortdinealis sp. n. Peru, Dognin p. 26 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Striglina jucunda sp. n. Amazons, Warren p. 350 Nov. Zool. 15. Sufetida nilidalis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson Bombay J, Nat, Hist. Soc. 18 p. 576, 352 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Surattha (?) santella p. 371 Arizona, S. idevtella p. 372 Texas, spp. n., Kear- FOTT Washington U. S. Nation. Mus- Proc. 35. Sylepfa trifidalis sp. n. E. Africa & Aden, Hampson p. 491 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — S. melanopaVis sp. n. Comoro islds., Hampson p. 478 T.c. Sijmphysa ochraUs sp. n. Colorado, Halmbach Ent. News 19 p. 263. Tegostoma trophotalis sp. n. Beloo- chistan, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 585. Thaumatopsis eoloradella p. 386 Colorado and California, gibsoncUa p. 387 Ontario, atomosella p. 388, crenii- Jafella p. 389, Arizona, spp. n., Keau- FOTT Washington U. S. Nation, Mus. Proc. 35. Thialleln endochralis sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 266. Tinesfra gen. n., micralits sp. n. Ceylon, Hampson p. 259 T.c. Tr'iphassa niacrarthrali s sp. n. Cevlon, Hampson p. 269 pi. E. f. 32 T.c. Uscodys gen. n. p. 101 PyraVinae type Aneraatia cestalis Hidst, U. atalis sp. n. p. 102 western United States, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Valdivia mirabilicornelhi sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dyar p. 60 T.c. Varnia Hagrata to Dysodia, charac- ters, Warren p. 333 Nov. Zool. 15. Vitessa aplend'tda sp. n. Philippines, ScHULTZE Philippine J. Sci. 3 p. 35. Xantippe descansnlix sp. n. California, Dyar p. 58. T.c Xanlippides gen. n. (.'hrytiaiighutr type Xantippe descunsalis Dyar Wash- ington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 94. Zopliodia h'ldenldhi sp. n. Texas, Dyak p. 114 T.c. Pti:i(upiiorii»ae, Ai.lcitidae Orneodidai:. Notes on the family Pleruplioridae and on various species, C'RO.MnnucKiiiE pp. .389-398 Ann. Soc, ent. Bclgiquo 52. Keviewof Tutt's british Alncitidcs Vol. i ; Carpenter Irish Nat. 17 pp. 15-17. Adkinia graphodactyla var. pneumo- nantlies larval habits, TuTT p. 174 Ent. Rec. 20. Agdistis saholae sp. n. Tenerife p. 922, satanas larva p. 924, Walsingiiam London P.Z.S. 1907.— A. adaetyla Hiibner, California, Dyar Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 60. Aludta hystropogoins p. 915 pi. li f. 2, particiliata p. 916 f. 3, hesperidella p. 917, spp. n., Tenerife, Walsingham P.Z.S. 1907. Gypsochnres olbiadactyla Mill. = Qiedemanni Rbl.), Walsingh.ui p. 918 T.c. Marasmurcha tutlodadyla characters, male appendages and allies. Chapman pp. 50-53 pis. vi-viii Ent. Rec. 20. OxyptUus be7-nardinus sp. n. S. Cali- fornia, Grinnell p. 314 Canad. Ento. 40. Platyptil'ta idlUams'd p. 315, monti- eola, hesperis, p. 316, pasadenensis p. 317, spp. n., S. California, Grinnell T.c. Fteruphorus [Lioptllus) wehntosck'isma sp. n. Tenerife pi. li f. 1, Walsingham p. 920 London P.Z.S. 1907.~P. baccha- vides p. 317, gorguniensis p. 318, behrii, eatalinae, p. 319, Jidda, pictipennis, p. 320, spp. n., subochraccus australis subsp. n. p. 318, S. California, Grinnell Canad. Ento. 40. Stangeia gen. n. type deellota, TuTT p. 53 Ent. Rec. 20. SlenoptU'ia (Adl;'m'ia) p)icumoua)ithc>i Entwickelung tier beiden Generationen, GiLLMER Intern, ent. Zs. 2 pp. 217-218, 222-223, 229.— S grandis sp. n. Larche & Pajares, Chapman p. 317 pis. xiv-xvii London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908.— 8. cali- furitica, gorgoniensis, spp. n., S. Cali- fornia, Grinnell p. 321 Canad. Ento. 40, Trichoptilus jcrigMii sp. n. San Diego, CiKINNELL p. 314 T.C. TORTRICIDAE. The genera of the Tortricidae and their types; Fernald Amherst 1908 68 pp. Analj'tische Tabelle zur Hestimmung der Tortriciden-Raiipen, Meyer Ent. •lalnl). 18 pp. l;:!8-149. l)i(^ Wicklcr Hohmens {Toiiricidae) ; NicKERL u. Nr'kerl Prag, ties. f. Phy- siokratie 1906 pp. 1-62- 353 //)«r/< p. 459, Ceylon & India, spp. n., Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. (N-10332 j) Biileii'ia n. gen. p. 57, fasciella sp. n. p. 58 .Vlgeria, Chretien Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908. Batracliedra myrmecopli'da sp. n. Java, Snellen 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 181. — B. plucendiella yi. 195, tricheUa p. 176, spp. n., Pennsjdvania, Bl'Sck Canad. Ento. 40. Bedellia 8omnide)itclla = (daphneella Wlsm.), Walsingham p. 984 London P. Z. S. 1907. BhiHtohasis velidhm sp. n. Tenerife pi. lii f. 4, Walsingham p. 952 T.c. Jiorkluiuaenia paeudospretella egg, SiCH p. 92 Ent. Rec. 20.— B. galactaea sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick p. 732 London P. Z. S. 1908.— B. aacriptella sp. n. Pennsylvania, BrscK p. 194 Canad. Ento. 40. Brnclim'ia lunsicopa, sterietis, serailis, spp. n., Transvaal, Meyrick p. 727 London P. Z. S. 1908. Braehyloma decorosella p. Ill, querck'lta p. 112, spp. n., eastern United States, Busck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10. Bucculatr'i.K canaricnsis p. 1012 pi. liii f. 10, phagnalella p. 1013 f. 9, spp. n., Tenerife, Walsingham London P. Z. S. 1907. — B. porthwis sp. n. Trans- vaal, Meyrick p. 737 London P. Z. S. 1908. Catapsilothrix gen. n. near Penesto- glossa, klaptoczi sp. n. Tripolis, Rebel Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 287. Cerace mesoclaata sp. n. Kurseong, Meyrick Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 395. Ccraeidae ; new family allied to Tovtricidae, Meyrick I.e. Ceromit'ia spilodesma, stathmodes, p. 754, I'lhropia, palyntls, amphichroa, p. 755, glaii/Juliins, sporaea, tyrochlora, p. 756, spp. n., Transvaal, Mryrick London P. Z. S. 1908. Cheraogenea gen. n. near Symmoca, victimella sp. n. Tenerife pi. li f. 17, Walsingham London P.Z.S. 1907. Choreutia tacubayella sp. n. Mexico, Kearfott New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 181. Chryaopora boaeae sp. n. Tenerife pi. li f. 7, Walsingham p. 931 London P.Z.S. 1907. — C. veraicolorella sp. n. California, Kearfott New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 183. Q 33—2 356 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Coesyra halantias sp. n. Natal, Mey- RiCK p. 731 Loudon P.Z.S. 1908. CoJeophora nicaella sp. n. France, Chretien Naturaliste Paris 30 p. 127. — C. medelichens'is sp. n. Nieder-Oester- reich. Krone Wien JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18 p. 119. — C. m'lcromcriae p. 961, teidensis p. 9()2, spp. n., Tenerife, Wal- SINGHAM Loudon P.Z.S. 1907. — C. elaeag- nisella sp. n. Ontario, Kearkott Xew York J. Ent. 8oc. 16 p. 186. Cosmopteryx covyphaea sp. n. Spain & Canary islds. p. 964 pi. lii f. 10, attenua- tella (= flavofasciata Woll. = lespe- dezae Wlsm.) p, 965, Walsingham London P.Z.S. 1907. — C. hactroplwva , tahellarla, spp. n., Trausvaal, Meyrick p 733 P.Z.S. 1908. Cremastohomhycin subgen. n. j^. 349 of Lithocollctis, key to species 350 ; grindeliella Walsingham p. 350, soUda- giiiis Frey and Boll p. 351, amhrosiella Chambers p. 352, ignota Frey and Boll p. 353, verbeslnella Busck p. 354, Brain Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Crypsithyris speloea sp. n. Burma, Meyrick Rec. Ind. Mas. 2 p. 399. Cryptolechia querclcella larva, Gibson p. 84 Canad. Eiito. 40. — C. canariella, hiiachucdla p. 195, cUieLla p. 196, spp. n., Arizona, Busck Washington U. S. Nation. Mas. Proc. 35. CypJionticha acrolithn sp. n. Cejdon, Meyuiok Bombay J. Nat. 41ist. Soc. 18 p. 825. Decantlui gen. n. tyye horkhausenil Zeller, Busck Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 202. Deprcssaria huloph'ilclla p. 60, llgiis- licclla p. 126, gnllinila p. 127, tortuoscUa p. 186, millefulicUa p. 187, spp. n., France, Chretien Naturaliste Paris 30. — D. tenerifcie sp. n. Canaries pi. lii f. 9, Walsingham p. 958 London P.Z.S. 1907.— Z). nigr'nwtella p. 88 Ohio & Illinois, avuaseUa Floi'ida, pergandecUa Nebraska, p. 89, gdldella Manitoba, maculatella Pennsylvania, p. 90, juliella p. 91 New Mexico, spp. n., Busck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. D)-agmalmhn gen. n. near Thmjra, proaida sp. n. Transvaal, Meyuick p. 726 London P.Z.S. 1908. Durrani ia gen. n. GelrrJindae type piperatcUa Zeller, BiscK Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 197.— />>. oh'iterella nom. n. for Ethmia cliamher- scUa Dyar (not Dyar), Busck p. 207 T.c. Elachista ksnreJla, zahella, p. 202, totalbella p. 203, spp. n., Algerie, Chretien Paris Bui. Soc. ent. 1908. — E. crocogastra sp. n. Transvaal, Mey- rick p. 733 London P.Z.S. 1808.— £■. orestella sp. n. Pennsylvania, Busck p. 196 Canad. Ento. 40. Epanastasls gen. n. near Sijmmoca tvpe Holcopogon sophroniellus Rbl., VV.VLSiNGHAM p. 948 Londou P.Z.S. 1907. Epermenia alhapunctella sp. n. Pennsylvania, Busck p. 195 Canad. Ento. 40. Ephysteris gen. n. Gelcchiidae p. 724, cliersaea sp. n. Trausvaal p. 725, Mey- rick Londou P.Z.S. 1908. Epicephala pyrrhogastra sp. n. Trans- vaal, Meyrick p. 734 T.c. — Epicephala clialyhacma, exetastis, p. 811, frenata, llagellata, p. 812, stauropa, calasiria, p, 813, spp. n. India & Ceylon, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Epimactis metazona sp. n. Sierra Leone, Meyrick p. 730 Loudon Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. — E. talantias sp. n. Ceylon, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 631. Epipliractis gen. n. iwar Cryptolechia, plioen'icifi sp. n. Angola, Meyrick p. 732 London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Epithectis nitranella sp. n. Algeria, Chretien Paris Bull soc. ent. 1908 p. 56. Eporyclii gen. n. XyJuryctidac p. 728, tarhalc'a sp. n. Transvaal j). 729, Mey- rick London P.Z.S. 1908. Ereunetis undosa. sp. n. 'I'enerife, Walsingham p. 1013 Londou P.Z.S. 1907. ICriucranin nciiiipiirpurella Abwei- ciiende Fliigellarbting, Krumkovsky Rev. russ. ent. 7 p. 105. — E. cyaiiospar- 8(7/(7 sp. n. Calilornia, Williams Ent. News 19 p. 14 pi. ii. Ethmia halliatis sp. n. E. Africa, Meyrick p. 732 London P.Z.S. 1908.— J'J. lanscncUa sp. n. Arizona, Busck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 92. Fahioln gen. n. type shalleriella Chambers, BusCK Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 202. (lelecJila tcxiorella sp. n. France, Chretien Naturaliste Paris 30 p. 59. — • 3." Insedn. Systematic. — Tineidae. a. hmanella p. 939 pi li f. 13 Tenerife, sciiirt'lla Madeira i^t Canaries £. 14 p. 941, spp. n., domestlca var. n. salmonis p. 937, 6'. s cversi & sieicersielhis p. 938, 'Walsinguasi J.oudou P.Z.S. 1907.— G. arotrias Natal, trisignis Transvaal. spp. n., Meyrick London P.Z.S. 1908. — G. moreneUa sp. n. California, BrscK Ent. News 19 p. 317.— 0. bmuella Maryland, psciidofoudeUa Pennsylvania, spp. n., BfscK Washiugtou Proc. Ent. Smc. 9 p. 87. — G. fhtvialclla sp. n. Pennsylvania, Busok p. 194 Canad. Euto. 40. — G. invariahilis Utah, termin'ima- cidella Manitoba, p. 184, alteniatella p. 185 Manitoba and Colorado, spp. n., Kearfott New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Gerdnna gen. n. Oecophoridae, cari- tella sp. n. United States, BcscK Washinsrton U. S. Nation. Mas. Proc. 35 p. 193. ^ Glyphidocera speratella sp. n. Penn- sylvania, BcPCK Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 88. Glyphipterijx fortunateUa sp. n. Tenerife pi. lii f. 18, Walsisgham p. 989 London P.Z.S. 1907. Gnor'imoscliema heUopa, biology, Maxwell-Lefroy Agri. Journ. Ind. 3 pp. 65-68 1 pi. — G. alaricella sp. n. Pennsylvania, BcscK p. 193 Canad. Euto. 40. — G. rjraplucella sp. n. Cali- fornia, BiscK Washington Proc. Ent. .Soc. 9 p. 86. Gracilaria syrinrjella Entwicklungs- geschichte, Bail Natw. Woclienschr. 23 p. 648 & 548. — Gracilaria schinella sp. n. Tenerife p. 982 pi. liii f. 13, auraiUiaca \V. f. 12, staintoni WoU. f.l4, Walsing- HAU London P.Z.S. 1907. — G. parasticta, argalea, p. 828, isochryaa, euryptera, p. 829, mcgaloti8,Kha.si Hills, acrotherma Colombo, dor/matica, p. 830, oxydelta, metadoxa, p. 831, spp. n., India & Ceylon, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Hapsifera pardalea, ochroptila, p. 749, meliceriSy S. Africa, septica Nyassaland, p. 750, glebata Transvaal p. 751, spp. n., Metrick London P.Z.S. 1908. Harpella eselicnsis sp. n. Pontus, Rebel Wien Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 pp. 82-85. Heimogenea leucorma p. 627, stelota, tympaniaa, p. 628, melanocoma, harathriaa, dicremna, p. 629, antigama, cryphoea p. 630, spp. n. India & Ceylon, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Hyponomfiita padi larval habits ; Reh pp. 259-262 Zs. wiss. lusoktenbiol. 4. — H. gigas larval habits, Walsisgham p. 975 Loudon P.Z.S. 1907. Hypoamocoma ncphdodes nom. n. for //. ncbuUfera Wlsin. Faun. Hawai. No. 293, Wai.sin\;iiam p. 109 Ent. Mag. 44. Hyoprora gen. n. near Scardia p. 753, crymodes sp. n. Transvaal, p. 754, Meyrick London P.Z.S. 1908. Ineurvaria ? dietziella sp. n. New Jersey, Kearfott New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 187. Inx/a gen. n. near Agonopteryx, type Cryptolechia sparsicUiella Clemens, BuscK Washington Nation. Mas. Proc. 35 p. 200. Iriotliyrsa gen. n. PluteU'idae, mela- nogma sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick London P.Z.S. 1908. Limnoecia ichnographa sp. n. Trans- vaal, Meyrick p. 734 T.c. Linodoatis gen. n. Xyloryctidae, gonatias sp. n. Khasis, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 626. Lita jaspidella sp. n. Algeria, Chre- tien p. 231 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. — L. rubidcUa sp. n. Canary Islands, Chretien Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 361. Lithocolletis tr'iarelia sp. n. Bengal, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 811. — L. emended p. 271, subgemi. & spp. n., North America. — L. batavlella p. 278 Ohio, arbiUusella p. 285 Cali- fornia, oUvaeformis p. 289 bred from Carya oUvaeformis, martiella p. 290 British Columbia, propinquindla p. 302, apicinigrella p. 307 California and Washington, lentdla p. 326 eastern United States, mediodorsella p. 335 California, fleldierella p. 338 Ottawa, Canada, spp. n., Braun Philadelphia Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. — L. trinotella p. 99, kearfottella p. 100 malimalifoLiella, salicicorella p. 101, New Jersey, tremuloidiella British Columbia p. 102, sacdiarella p. 104 New Jersey, agrifoliella p. 105 Cali- fornia, platanoidiella p. 106 Ohio, areuella p. 107 Virginia, spp. n., Braun Ent. News 19. Luffia rebeli sp. n. (= lapidella Rbl. nee Goeze) Tenerife pi. liii f. 18, Wal- singham London P. Z. S. 1907. 358 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Maearostola onychota sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick p. 735 London P. Z. S. 1908.— M. leucochorda, eapnias, pradisia, p. 826, callischema, tegulata, p. 827, spp. n., India & Cevlon, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. See. 18. Malaeyiit'is gen. n. near Tineola, stiharodes sp. n. Sierra Leone, Meyrick p. 738 London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Melas'nia apracta sp. n. Mandalay, Meyrick Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 400.— M. halieutis, stelitis, p. 748, acdificu, paraphrict'is, S. Africa, morb'ula, p. 744, stabularia, E. Africa, satiropa Nyassa- land, p. 745, cycJafma Transvaal, isospila Angola, immanis Nigeria, p. 746, d'lsso- liita Nyassaland, Inimiea Angola, systo- laea, p. 747, lioehra, mylica, S. Africa, arnica Nyassaland, p. 748, abacodes Transvaal p. 749, spp. n., Meyrick London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Mendesia gen. n. voisiu de Anyb'ia et de Mompha, echiella sp. n. Portugal, JoAXXis in ilESDES Broteria 3 1904 pp. 249-251. — M. Hymphytella sp. n. Tenerife p. 970 pi. lii f. 14, Walsixgham London P. Z. S. 1907. Metatlirinca gen. n. Xyloryctidae, opliiura sp. n. Cevlon, Meyrick Bombay J. Xat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 626. Melzneria insignificans, infelix, p. 926, dichroa pi. li f. 4, monochroa f. 5, p. 927, spp. n , Tenerife, Wal- siNGiiAM London P. Z. S. 1907. Micropteryx pistacielln sp. n. Siid- Dalmatien, Krone Wien JahrBer. Entom. Ver. 18 pp. 119-121. Monopis ineijalodelta sp. n. Nigeria, Meyrick p. 737 London P. Z. S. 1908. Nephaiitis xi/stopala sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick p. 729 T.c. Nepticida acetoaae life-history, Sicii pp. 248-252 Ent. llec. 20.— A', niekerli Rebel sp. n. Hohinen, Xukeui, Prag. Ges. J. Physiokratie 1908 pp. 1-160.— N. nicherli = thnrinyiaca Petry, Rebel Wien. Verh. ZoolBot. Ges. 58' p. 269. — N. rariicapitella sp. n. Canary Islands, CuRETiEN Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 363. — N. sl'irKjerUindella sp. n. New York, KEARFf)TT New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 187. Oehmastis gen. n. Gelechiidae, clilo- nacma sp. n. Lower Burma, Meyrick Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 396. Ochsenheimeria vaculella egg, SiCH p. 92 Ent. Rec. 20. Odites citrantha Natal, procellosa Nigeria, spp. n., Meyrick p. 729 London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. — 0. practorla p. 631, glaphyra, asjmsta, agraida, p. 632, er'topa, gomphias, p. 633, encars'ta, ortho- metra, sphendonistis, mistharna, p. 634, spp. n. India & Cevlon, IIeyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Oecophyllemh'tua gen. n. Lyonetiidae, neglectus sp. n. Italv, Sii.vestri Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp". 194-216, 23 fig. OenophUa nesiotes sp. n. Tenerife pi. liii f. 11, Walsingham p. 1014 London P.Z.S. 1907. Opogona phaeoehalca Reunion, chloro- plianes Transvaal, spp. n., Meyrick p. 737 London P.Z.S. 1908. Opostega chaleopepla sp. n. France & Spain, Walsinghasi p. 228 Ent. Mag. 44. Paltodora psaeasta sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick p. 723 London P.Z.S. 1908. Peritta calpella sp. n. Gibraltar, Wal- siNGHAM p. 54 Ent. Mag. 44. — P. cedro- nellae p. 970 pi. lii f. 12, Javandulae p. 971, spp. n., Tenerife, Walsixgham Lon- don P.Z.S. 1907. Phalena oleae Bernard 1788, Lesne p. 30 Bull. Soc. ent. France 190S. Pldoeoeaeis gen. n. p. 91 voisin de Gelechia, cherregeUa sp. n. p. 92 Algerie, Chretien Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908. Phrixosceles gen. n.,Uteraria, cavipsi- grapha, p. 814, Ceylon, troehasticha, hydrocoHina, Khasi Hills, p. 815, spp. n., Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist Soc. 18. Phyllonorycternevadenftia sp. n. Spain, Walsingham p. 228 Ent. Mug. 44. — P. juncei p. 977, foUolosi p. 978 pi. liii f. 8, spp. n., Tenerife, Walsingham London P.Z.S. 1907. P'ttharca gen. n. near llapsifera, eha- linaea sp. n. 'i'rop. Africa, Meyrick p. 751 London P.Z.S. 1908. Phragmatodes gen. n. Gelechiidae p. 928, fndieosclla sp. n. Tenerife p. 929 pi. li f. 10, Walsixgiiam Loudon P.Z.S. 1907. Polyhymno tropaea sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick p. 728 London P.Z.S. 1908. Polymelia gen. n. near Aphelosetia, carlinella sp. n. pi. lii f. 13 Tenerife, Walsixgham }). 969 London P.Z.S. 1907. 359 Inserta. Systematic. — Tineidae. Polypaeustig gen. n., cuprea sp. n. Valdivia, DooNiK p. 33 Anu. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Porphyrosela subgen. n. of Lithocol- let'is, deamodieUa Clemens. Brain Trans. Amer. Eat. Soc. 34 p. 348. Prays oleeUus parasites etc., Sii.vESTRi Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. 83-184, 68 fig. Proaciiea echiocJiilonella sp. n. AUerie, Chreties Paris Bill. Soc. ent. 1908 p. 201. Procometia oxypora p. 730, acluwma, Natal, terretia Nyassaland, p. 731, spp. n., Meyrick London, P. Z. S. 1908. — /*. trochala sp. n. Bengal, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 p. 635. Promalaetis gen. n., c-allimetalla, p. 806, thiasitis, syndina, parazeucta, p. 807, halicijlsta, crempa, amplucopa, p. S08, holozoiia, cl'inometra, isidora, p. 809, cpixtada, sp'mtherith, p. 810, spp. n., India & Ceylon, Meyrick Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Promalaetis nehrias sp. n. Lower Burma, Meyrick Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 397. Prostlieais gen. n. near Blastohasis, exdusa sp. n. Tenerife pi. lii f. 5, Walsixguam p. 953 London P. Z. S. 1907. Psecadia ; spp., relations with ants, Thomakn pp. 105-109 Soc. entomol. 23 : Hoffmann T.c. p. 121. — P.pusiella Roem. var. n. candidella Taganrog, Alpheraky Hor. Soc. ent. Ross. 38 p. 616.— P. delicata sp. n. Piiilippines, Schdltze Philippine J. Sci. 3 p. 36. Pseudurgis gen. n. near Melaaina, teetoniea sp. n. Transvaal, Meyrick p. 741 London P. Z. S. 1908. Reeurvaria cinerella sp. n. Canary Islands, Chretien Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 361.— B. invectilla sp. n. Cali- fornia, Bcsck Ent. News 19 p. 316. Scardia paracoama sp. n., Transvaal, Meyrick p. 753 London P. Z. S. 1908. — S. caryophyllela p. 92 California, fiakeella p. 93 North Carolina, pravatella Pennsylvania, crrandella Washington, p. 94, spp. n., Bcsck Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. Sderocecia gen. n. Gelechiidae, pulver- aeUa sp. n, Algerie, Chretien Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 142 fig. 1-4. Scythria herniariae sp. n. Vamies, Joanms p. 248 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. — S. aradmodea pi. ii f. 16, petrella f. 17, spp. n., Tenerife, p. 072, faacia- tella Rgt. f. 15, Walsinch.vm London P.Z.S. 1907. Setomorpha inaedella, numerous sj^no- nyms, Walsingham p. 1016 T.c. S'lcera gen. n. Gelediiidae, albidella sp. n. .Vliierie, Chretien Paris Bui. soc. eat. 1908 p. 144. Stagmatophora eeanothiella sp. n. N. America, Cosens p. 107 Canad. Ento. 40. Statkmopoda xanthoplitls sp. n. Trans- vaal, Meyrick p. 733 London P.Z.S. 1908. — S. placida Rangoon p. 390, calyptraea p. 397 Lower Burma, spp. n., Meyrick Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. StathmopoUtis gen. n. near Dysmaaia p. 1010, Iragocoprella sp. n. Tenerife p. 1020 pi. liii f. 16, Walsingham Lon- don P.Z.S. 1907. Stigmella Scliranck = {Nepticula Hdn.), p. 1008 ; rubiciirrens, staticis p. 1009, sanctae cruets, mieromeriae, p. 1010, juhae pi. liii f. 7, nigrifasciata, ridicidosa, p. 1011, spp. n., Tenerife, Walsingham T.c. Strutliiaea omichlodes, areata, Trans- vaal, hormotria Nyassaland, spp. n., .Meyrick p. 742 London P.Z.S. 1908. Symmoca aegrella sp. n. Tenerife pi. lii f. 2, eaiiariensis Rbl. f. 1, W^\LSINa- HAM p. 949 London P.Z.S. 1007. Telphuaa sdiizogynae pi. li. f. 12, canariensis f. 15, spp. n., Tenerife, Walsingham p. 936 London P.Z.S. 1907. Thiotridia gleniaa, eentrhis, didiaa, p. 439, epidista, acrantha, charaeiaa, p. 440, galadoea lioplomadta, pylartia, p. 441, grammltis, acotaea, rhodopa, p. 442, ehryaantlta, pteropls, galenoea, p. 443, spp. n., Ceylon & India, Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Thranitiea gen. n. near Melaaina, hemkopa sp. n. Natal, Meyrick p. 743 London P.Z.S. 1908. Timyra inodira, phoreia, paalaa, p. 444, autardui, atadiyophora p. 445, holocona, dlpaalea, p. 446, ataaiotica, aulonitia, p. 447, xantkaula, sdioenota, p. 448, toxaatia N. Coorg (3,500 ft.), toreutia, p. 449, aelmatiaa, aphaeriatia, p. 450, 360 In.secla. XII. Insecta. [1908] hippastis p. -151, India & Ceylon, spp. n., Meyeick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18. Tinea pellioneUa, reared from pupa of Phlegathonthis sexta, Pettit Rep. ilirh. Acad. 10 p. 161.— r. toeehophila p. J 022 pi. liii f. 17, thecopliora p. 1021. spp. n., Tenerife, Walsingham London P.Z.S. 1907. — T. palmella sp. n. Canary Islands, Chretien Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 363. — T. oenopis, paraxena, p. 740, homestia, tanystis, p. 711, spp. n., Transvaal, Meyrick London P.Z.S. 1908. Tineola tripoUtella sp. n. Tripolis, Rebel Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 289.— T. ieiieastis, xaniliastis, p. 738, ochro- psamma, holopsamma, vieretrix, S. Africa, marcescens, melanostoma, Mom- basa, p. 739, pliocina, T? chloriatis, S. Africa, p. 740, spp. n., Metrick London P.Z.S. 1908. Tischeria tantaleUa sp. n. Tenerife, Walsingha.m p. 984 London F. Z. S. 1907. — T. ptarmica sp. n. Orissa, Met- rick Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 399. Tortilia geiL n. p. 201, voisin de Stathmopoda, jlavella sp. n. p. 202 Algerie, Chretien Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908. Triholoneura gen. n. type Elaehista sepulehreUa, Walsikgham p. 54 Ent. Mag. 44. Triclwtaplie convolindi sp. n. Tenerife pi. 11 f. 16, Walsikgiiam p. 944 London P. Z. S. 1907. Tingentera ecliptica Ceylon p. 451, thoraciaa, phUodoxa, p. 452, conotoma, basaniatia, p. 453, epliestr'is, molybdan- tha, p. 454, Ceylon, meryjitis Nilgiri Hills p. 455, spp. n., Meyrick Bombay J. Nat. Hist. S(^. 18. Ypononieida polyMlca Butl. meta- morphosis (Japanese), Fukai Tokyo Nip. Konc. Kiv. 2 pp. 16.5-169.-7. glaphyi-opls sp. n. Natal, Meyrick p. 736 London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Zenodocliium gen. n. near Blcifftohasi)* p. 52, monopetali, xylophagum, spp. n., S. Spain, p. 53, Wai.singham Ent. Mag. 44. — Z. polyphagma sp. n. Tenerife pi. lii f. 6, Walsingiiam p. 954 London P. Z. S. 1907. Zizyphia gen. n. p. 166 voisin de Sophronia, cleodorella sp. n. Algeria p. 167, Chretien Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908. TRICHOPTERA, Beitrage zur Metamorphose der Trichopteren, Felber Zool. Anz. 32 pp. 473-478. Zur Metamorphose der Trichopteren ii. SiLTALA Acta. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 3 pp. 1-26 3 Fig. Geographisches und biologisches, larvae, Felber Zs. wiss. Insektenliiol. pp. 400-407. Nalirung der Trichopteren ; Siltala Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 29 No. 5. Die postembryonale Entwicklung des Darmkanals bei den Trichopteren (At?^- holia laevis Zett.) ; Rrss Zool. .Jahrb. Anat. 25 pp. 675-770, 4 TaL Die Trichopteren von Basel luid Umgebung mit Beriicksichtigung der Trichopteren-Fauna der Schweiz ; Felber Arch. Natg. 74 Bd 1 pp. 199- 282, 1 Taf. Adicella syr'iaca sp. n. Bfvrut, Ulmer p. 52 Leiden notes Mus. 29. Alepomyia gen. n. p. 64 near Brachy- eentrus, hryanti sp. n. p. 65 Newfound- land, Banks Psyche 15. AimboUa i-votata sp. n. Newfound- land, Banks p. 62 T.c. — A. assimilis Arizona, nigricnla Colorado, spp. n., B.\nks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 262. Anlsocentropus usamhnrensis sp. n. Usambara, Ulmer Kilimandjaro-Mern Exp. 13 1 p. 5. — -4. tr'iangulatua sp. n. Fergusson isld., Ulmer p. 20 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Arctopsyche apieal'm sp. n. north eastern United States, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 266. Ch'tvmrrha minima sp. n. W. Africa, Ulmer p. 43 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Crunoeciella sjoestedti sp. H. Kili- mandjaro-Meru, Ulmer KilimaTidjaro- Meru Exp. 13 1 pp. 2-5. Cyrnua risi sp. n. Buenos Aires, Ulmer p. 40 I.ieiden Notes Mus. 29. Diplectrona modesta sp. n. Massa- chusetts, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 266. Dipaeudopa'is maculata p. 7, digitata p. 39, spp. n. Borneo, Ulmer Leiden Notes Mus. 29. .'(U Insecla. Systematic. — Trichoptera. Dolop}tdux m'lchaelseni ap. n. Aus- tralia. UtMF.n Fauna Sudwest-Austraiieiis Bd. 2 Lfg. 3. p. 36. Drusus concolor sp. n. Kleinasien. Kemps V Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 268. — D. caucasicns sp. n. Passa- naur, Ulmer p. 50 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Halestis as'uit'u-us sp. n. Turkestan, L'lmer p. IS T.c. — H. sparsus sp. n. Newfouiidlaud, B.^nks Psyche 15 p. Go. — H. [Mirtcri sp. n. Valparaiso, Nava.s Hevist. chilena 12 p. 64. IloJoceritropus flams sp. n. Newfound- land, Bank.s Psyche 15 p. 66. Hydromanicus hunn'nuji Tonkin p. 25, tencbricosus Moupin p. 29, spp. n., Ulmer Leiden Notes Mus. 29. HydropsyeJte propinqua CauHnoous p. 21, buyssoni Japan p. 22, spp. n., Ul-MER T.c. — H. pettiti sp. n. iliehigan, B.\XKS Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 265. Hydropsychodes luc'ida sp. n. Java, Ulmer p. 29 Leiden Notes JIus. 29. Lepidostoma lappon'tcum sp. n. Fin- nisch Lappland, Sii.tai.a Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 2 p. IL Leptoeella flavofasciata sp. n. Santa Catharina, Ulmer p. 18 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. T^ptocerus zapateri sp. n. La Corufia, Navas Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. — Ij. madagassl- cus sp. n. Madagascar, Ulmer p. 13 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. — L. recurvatus sp. n. New York, Ban"KS Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 265. Limnephilus rolncerl p. 262 Colorado, viaegillivrayi New Yoik, bifldus Wash- ington, abbrevlatus Colorado, p. 263, canadensis Maine and Canada, occiden- tal'is British Columbia and Washington, p. 204, spp. n.. Banks T.c. — L. vwestus p. 62, pulcliellus p. 63, Newfoundland, spp. n., Basks Psyche 15. Micropt'da risi sp. n. Basel, Felber Zool. Anz. 32 p. 720. Molanna falcata sp. n. .Japan, Ulmer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 347. ilortoniella albolineata sp. n. Brazil, Ulmer p. 44 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Is eoseverinia nom. n. fiir Severinia Ulmer 1907, Ulmer, D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 343. Oecells vinjata sp. n. Usanibara. Ul.\ier Kilimandjaro-Meru. Exp. 13 1 )). 8. — 0. nicp'opundata sp. n. Japan, Ulmer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 315.— 0. exciaa sp. n. Argentina, Ulmer p. 15 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Phllopotamus hidificatus, Die Fang- netze der Larven, Tihenem.vnn Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 378-380. Pol ycentropiis macidatus sp. n. New- foundland, Banks Psyche 15 jx 65. Polyplectropus jvoten.'ius sp. n. Japan, Ulmer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 350. Paychomyiella gen. n. p. 353, aciiti- pennis Japan sp. n. p. 354, Ulmer T.c. Setodes hungarica sp. n. Hungaria, Ulmer Zool. Anz. 32 p. 745. Smicridea austral'is sp. n. Australia, Ulmer Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 3 p. 35. — S. albosignata sp. n. Brazil, Ulmer p. 31 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. Slactobia ulmerl sp. n. Osterbotten, Siltala Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 2 p. 14. Tinodes saideri sp. n. Jajjan, Ulmer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 352. Triaenodes afrleana sp. n. Niger, Ulmer p. 14 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. — T. ele-jantida p. 6 Usambara, hastata p. 7 Kiliraandjaro spp. n., Ulmer. Kili- mandjaro-ileru Exj). 13 1. — T. pellecta sp. n. Japan, Ulmer D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 344. 'J'riplectides delicatida ]). 27, fluva p. 29, Australia, spp. n., Ulmer Fauna Siid-west-Australieus 2 Lfg. 3. Wormaldia togoana sp. n. W. Africa, Ulmer p. 42 Leiden Notes Mus. 29. — IV. ri(fiventris sp. n. Meru, Ulmer Kili- mandjaro-Meru Ex2J. 13 1 p. 9. NEUROPTERA (inch Panorpatae). Monograph of Ascalaphidae, van der Weele collect. Selys Longchamps faac. 8 326 pp. 2 pis. 362 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] The genera of Conioptenjgidae, with lists of the species ; Enderlein Gen. Ins. fasc. 67 17 pp. 2 pis. Genitalapparat der Panorpaten ; Stitz Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 26 pp. 537-504, 2 Taf. Beitrage zu einem Verzeichnisse der Neuropterenfauna des arktischen Nor- wegens (Norw.), Petersen Tromso ihis. Aarsh. 25 pp. 119-153. Notizen iiber finlandische Neuro- pteren, Reuter Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 pp. 24-31. The Panorpidae of North Carolina, Sherman Ent. News 19 pp. 50-54. Planipennes recueillis par M. Rene Chiideau dans le sud algerien et au Lac Tchad, Wan der Weele Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 154. (Nevropteres d'Espagne et de Portu- gal, Navas Broteria 7 pp. 5-131, av. pi.) (Navas, Nevropteres prosostomiens de la Peninsula iherique, Broteria 2 1903 pp. 107-113 av. pi.) Acantliaclitiis ; notes on Gerstaecker's typ's, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 60. — A. vstuldta sp. n. Dahomey, Navas Jlem. Ac. Barcelona 6 p. 422. — A. assiiniUs sp. n. Ix'uador, ]5anks Washington Proc. Ent. fSoc. 9 p. 32. Acmonotns paradoxus sp. n. Paragua}', Weele Coll. Selys fasc. 8 p. 208. Acir'ionosoma gen. n. Affcalapliidae, sirinlioei p. 169, dohrni p. 171, spp. n., N. India Weele T.c. Allocorinodes junodi j). 73, Icjehvrei p. 74, liolhei p. 75, spp. n., Africa, Weele T.c. Amaeridops grandid'io-i sp. n. Mada- gascar, Weele p. 88 T.c. Aacalaphus ; the species, pp. 288-315 & 1)1. ii, s'lbiricus cliinensia p. 295 sii])s]). ri., macar'onius varr. n. tr'imaculatus & t urccstanieus p. 309, Weele T.c. Balanoptevijx navaal sp. n. Madagas- car & Nossi lie, Weele T.c. B'lltacua tcxanva sp. n. Texas, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Snc. 34 !>. 261.— Zi. ffiruilis sp. n. Peru, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 6 p. 413. Boreua caUforn'icnH, copula, CocKLE p. 101 Canad. Ento. 40. Boriomy'ia pretiosa sp. n. Colorado, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 260. Brachynemurus campoai Ecuador, eiseni California, spp. n., Banks Wash- ngton Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 33. Buhopsis tancrei sp. n. Central Asia, Weele Coll. Selys fasc. 8 p. 273. Chrysopa, Notocln-yaa ? Reichert Ent. Jahrb. 17 p. 168. —C. vulgaris als Ver- tilger von Psylla mail (Russ.), Schrelner Trd. B. entom. Ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 5 5 1907 pp. 34.— C. n;'ere?n?)ei\7i Spain ]). 401, simplex N. America, illota China, p. 402, spp. n., Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 6. — C. placita sp. n. Colorado, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 259. Colohopterus ululoides Brazil p. 121, mexicanua Honduras etc. p. 122, jxru- viaiuis Bolivia p. 132, aelysi Venezuela p. 134, niuellcri Espirito Santo p. 136, spp. n., Weele Coll. Selys fasc. 8. Cordideeerua elegans S. America p. 146, dohrni Ecuador p. 149, mexicanus Vera Cruz p. 150, spp. n., Weele T.c. Corinodophleh'ia gen. n. Ascalaphidae p. 79, pnlchra sp. n. Madagascar p. 80, Weele T.c. Corydalinae included genera, Neo- liermcs, Hermes, Protoliermes, Corydalis, Nenroviua, N'lgroiiia, Clundiodea, Banks Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 28. Corydalia coniuta, nervous system of the larva, Hammar Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 pp. 105-127. Creagria liitcraiua sp. n. Madagascar, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 6 p. 421. Cymotlialcs ; notes on Gerstaecker's t.y})es, Weele Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 61. Dicolpua 23rimitivMa p. 260, orientalis p. 266, spp. n., E. Africa, Weele Coll. Selys I'asc. 8. I)'nnaycs hellidus p. 30, vcnuatua, fornio.'iiiacJ7W(? p. 298 District of Columbia, spp. n., Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. — .1. auripila, siccae, hdiantltiflorac, jlorida, inlegrifoliae, p. 376, baroni,. artemisiae, vernoniae, ceanothi, sambuci, johnsoni, opuntiae, p. 377, spp. n., U.S., Felt T.c. (A. adenocarpi sp. n. Portugal, T.v\ arks Broteria 1 1902 p. 31.) Asynapla flavida, salieiperda, eaudala, canadensis p. 421, spp. n., N. America, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Baldratia socialis, petiolicola, Jlavo- scuta, pustnlata p. 328, squarrosae, paniculata, ilavomaeulata, fuscoanu- lata, llavoanidata, eonvoluta, p. 329, divari'cata p. 330, spp. n., U. S., Felt T.c. Brachynewa americana sp. n. New York, Felt p. 286 T.c. — B. eupatorii, litis, p. 317, spp. n., U. S., Felt T.c. Bremia earieis sp. n. N. America, Felt p. 395 T.c. Bryocryvta pectinata sp. n. New York, Felt p. 304 T.c. Calodiplosisgen. n. CVniodiplosi a&ne, parinarii sp. n. Mozambique, Tavares Broteria p. 165 Tab. viii figs. 2-8. Camptoneuromyia gen. n. Lasioplcra- riae, fulva, rubifolia, p. 334, spp. n. U. S. Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124. Campylomyza scutellata, Ohio, Ainslie Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 p. 16. — • C. bryanti, hina, p. 313, gilletti, versi- color, p 314, defectiva, silvana, simula- tor, kasloensis, boulderi, latipennis, longi- pennis, p. 314, articulosa, pini- cortieis, hirsuta, currei, producta, hcs- peria, p. 315, barlowi, texana, tuckeri, p. 310, spp. n. U. S., Felt N. Y.St. Mus. Bull. 124. Catocha americana, slossonae p. 309 spp. n., U. S., Felt T.c. Cecidomyia destructor, Generationen, Auitreten, Schaden in Bessarabi^en, KrasilTscik KriSinev Bessar. selisk. choz. 1908 pp. 146 - 153 ; In- fection mit Parasiten, Bekampfung, Pospelov Clioriajstvo 2 pp. 1226-1227 ; Diapansen, Pospelov Naturfreund 3 p. 3 ; Lebensgeschichte, Metamorphose, Schaden, Parasiten, Gouv. Kiev, Pos- pelov Choziajstvo 2 1907 pp. 101-106, 149-156, 5 text fig. — C. catalpae, C!os- SARD .J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 181-182, pi.— C. cerasifoUa New Jersey, floricola New York, macrofda New Mexico, p. 302, piperitae, scrophidariae, setariae, p. 303, spiraea florae p. 304, New York, 366 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908J spp. n., Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124.— C. lufinna, paucifiU, americana, ruri- cola, apicalis, agraria, terrestris, san- giiinia, explicatn, p. 413, apoc!/?ii, nixoni, tolhurstae, urtifol'ia, antennnta, p. 414, spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c.^C. col- IniHonlae p. ~t2>,collinsoni folia, triadenii, angclicae, hoehmeriae, p. 74, fulva p. 75, 8pp. n., N. America, Beuten.muller Canad. Eiito. 40. — C. rraasidina sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell p. 89 Canad. Euto. 40. — C. (?) foliora sp. n. Massachusetts, Russell aud Hooker Ent. News 19 p. 350. tC. (?) potitaniiformis sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 66. CJioristoneura, clematiclis p. 287, helena, hclianthi, p. 288, spp. n.. New York, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Cincticornia gen. n. p. 379 type AsphondyVia transversa Felt, americana, aerrata, canadensis, caryae, qiwreifolia, p. 38U, americana, connecta, p. 381, spp. n., U.S., Felt T.c. Cliuodiplosis (?) nodifex p. 155, arte- misiarum, C. ceUularis, p. 156, spp. n., India, Kieefer Marcellia 7. — C. florida, triamjularis, \i. 411, montana, cattleyde, rubisoUta, extensa, pratensis, p. 412, spp. n., N. America, I'elt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Clinorhyneha karnercnsis sp. n., Ieit p. 333 T.c. Colpodia temerital'is, aanguinia, icr- rena, alta, pratensis, macnlata, longi- mana, p. 416, spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Contarinia melanocera sp. n. Eui'ope, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 76. — Contarinia spp , Felt J. Econ. Eut. 1 pp. 225-227. — G. arp-imonvAe sp. n. New York, Felt N. Y.' St. Mus. Bull. 124 p. 302. — C. perfoliata, erratiea, querci- folia, p. 391, flarolinea, divaricata, viridiflava, ]). 392, hudsonici, ti iincata, clematidis, viatica, maculosa, p. 393, negnndi folia, canadensis, p. 394, spp. n.. N. America, Felt T.c. — C. goasypii sp. n. West Indies, Felt Ent. Ncwm 19 p. 210. {C.pimpinellae p 32, /»/eoZrt pp. 34-36, spp. u. Portugal, Tav.mies Broteria 1 1902.) Coquillettomyia gen. n. neai- Myco- diplosia, texana, dent at a p. .''98 spp. n., N. America, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull- 124. Dasijuenra ; gall on Cucnhalus, Bezzi p. 12 Marcellia 7. — D. cyanococci p. 292 Massachusetts, ndhesa p. 291, anemone, coryli, p. 292, fraxinifolia, salicifolia, p. 293, spp. n.,"New York, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. — D. maculoaa, vernalis, vitis, karnerensis, spiraeina, p. 341, graminia p. 342, piperitae, glandis, aurihirta, p. 342, brevi- eauda, yuccae, ampelophila, rubi- florae, p. 343, multianidata, florida, aberrata, ciraioni, scutata, abohirta, similis, p. 346, antennata, piidorosa, simulator, flavescens, cleniatid a, p. 344, flavicornia, modesta, apic.atus, p. 345, lepidii, tumidoaae, caUfornica, p. 347, auguata, gaVii, folliculi, p. 348, fulva, idmea, rufipedalia, purpurea, p. 349, flavoabdominalia, attenuata, pedalis, p. 350, spp. n., U.S., Felt T.c. (D. roamarini sp. n. Portugal Tavares Broteria 1 1902 p. 27.) DeJodipIosis gen. n. CVniodiplosi affine, copaibae sp. n. Mozambique, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 158 pi. vii. Denti fibula gen. n. p. 389 Diplo- aariae, type Ceeidomyia viburni Felt, cocci sp. n. p. 389 N. America, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. DiartJironomyia gen. n., artcniiaiac sp. n. Colorado, Felt p. 339 T.c Dichrodiplosis multifila Pcrto Rico, quercina Georgia, p. 300, spp. n.. Felt T.c. — D. populi, androgynes p. 394 spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Diplosia aorghirola. Ball Science 27 pp. 114-115. Dirliiza photophila, canadenaia, mon- tana, midtiartie.ulata, p. 420, spp. n., N. America, Felt N. Y. St. Mus Bull. 124. Epidiploais gen. n. Diploaariae, sayi sp. n. New York, Felt p. 406 T.c. Giardomyia gen. n. Diploaariae, type Ceeidomyia pliolophila Felt, menthae, noveboracensia, emarginata, p. 405, Inid- aonica, montana, \i. 401), spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Ilolnnrurua dongatus, mnltinodus, p. 42U, spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Ilormoniyia coloradenaia sp. n. Boulder. Cockerell p. 421 Canad. Ento. 40. — //. johvsani Massachusetts, 367 Iiisccta. Systematic. — Diptera. consohr'nui. p. 299, pahistris p. 300 Now York, spp. iL, Felt X. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. — //. atlaui'wa, consohr'nm, p. 387, catiadetisls, cUirhei, thompsoni, arcuhria, p. 3SS, spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Hyperdiploais gen. n. Diplosaridc. tvpe Cecidomyia lohata Felt, Felt p. 405 T.c. Jauet'iella iallax sp. n. Germany, Kieffer Bull'. Soc. Metz 23 p. fiO.— J. saugu'inca, americaiia. brcvicauda, brcviaria, p. 37l'. spp. n., U.S., Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Joatiissia ilavoscuta, HavopedaUs, p. 313, spp. n.", U.S., Felt T.c. Johnaonomi/ia gen. n. near Colpod'ia, rubra, humilis, fiisca, p. 417, spp. n., X. America, Felt T.c. Karshomyla gen. n. near Lobodiplosis, tvpe Mijcodiplosis viburni Felt, Felt p. 389 T.c. Lasioptera lycopi larva & gall, Beuten- MULLER p. 7-5 Canad. Ento. 40. — L. longis- path/j, trdobata spp. n. India, Kieffer p. 1.57 Marcellia 7. — L. anonae p. 141 tervnnaViae -p. 153, spp. n. Mozambique, T.WARES Broteria 7. — L. eupalori florae , excavata, p. 207, spp. n., New York, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124.— L. argentisquamae, basiflata, rudbeckiae, rertwn'i florae, querciperda, nassauensls, p. 324. ar'izonensis, flavipes, quereiflorae, apinulae, mitchellae, dorslmaculata p. 325, hecate, panic'i, u-eldi, lupinl, t-rotina, p. S26,ziziae,neofiisca,iuvena- lis, fraxinifolia, flavescens, p. 327, spp. n„ U. S., Felt T.c. Lestodiplosls ? rhopalothrix sp. n. Bitche, Kieffer Bull. Soc. iletz 23 p. 77. — L. cerasi, p. 407, cratuegifolia, cincta, populif oUa , fraxinifolia, basaUs,verbeni- folia, yiiccae, p. 408, solidaginis, apocyni- florae, globosa, asclepiae, clemati florae, florida p. 409, platanifolia, rumicis, spiraeafolia, asclepiae, p. 410, spp. n., N. America, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull . 124. Lestremia elongata, barberi, p. 310 kansenms, setosa, franconiae, dyari, ver- nulis,p. 31] , spp. n. U.S., Felt T.c. Lobodiplosis gen n. Diplosariae type Mycodiplosis acerina Felt, Felt T.c. Lohopteromyia gen. n. p. 389 Di- plosariae type C. filicis Felt, apiealis, foetedi, syrnplocarpi, carieis, abdomi- nalis, p. 390, spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Lopesia gen.' n. intermediinn inter Diplosarias et Epidosaritis, parinnrii sp. n. Mozambiijue, Tavauks Broteria 7 J). Ki.'i jil. viii. tig. 9-15. — L.branilieniiis sp. n. Brazil, Rlbsaa.mkn p. 30 Marcellia 7. Lopcziella gen. n. comhreti sp. n. Mozambique, Tavakes Broteria 7 pp. 145-149 av. Fig. Mucrodiplosis volveins sp. n. Fuiope, KiKFFEB Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 79. Mayetiola virginiuna, balsainifcra, electra, aoeialis, p. 369, latipes, caidi- cola, tumidosae, ealifornica, americ.ana, ji. 370, u-aUhii, celtiphyllia, p. 371, spp. n., U.S., Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Metadiplosis gen. n. Diplosariae, spinosa sp. n. New York, Felt p. 406 T.c. Miasior americaiia sp. n. New York, Felt p. 286 T.c. Microcerata gen. n. p. 309 type Micromyia corni Felt ; johnsoni, eockereili, perplexa, p. 310, spp. n. U.S., Felt T.c. Mierodiplosis gen. n. Lestodiplosi affine, zambezensis sp. n. Mozambique, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 155 Tab. vii-viii. Mikiola orie^italie sp. n. Asia Minor, Kieffer Marcellia 7 p. 158. Mycodiplosis gymnosporangii sp. n. Alpes maritimes, Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 73.— .1/. corylifoUa sp. n. New York, Felt N.Y. St. Bull. Mus. 124 p. 301. — M. reducta, populifolia, p. 100, impatientis, rotundata, holotricha, tenui- tas, robusta, fibulata, p. 401, aestiva, obscura, variabilis, modesta, perplexa, aurata, silvana, p. 402, spp. n., N. America, F'elt T.c. Neolaaioptera gen. n. eelastri, p. 330, agrostis, tenuitas, p. 331, hirsuta, sex- maculata, tripunctata, Uriodendri, p. 331 , asclepiae, flavomaeulata, tiliaginea, albolineata, mimuli, p. 332, squamosa, flavoventris, p. 333, spp. n., U.S., Felt T.c. Obolodiplosis gen. n. Diplosariae type Cecidomyia orbiculata Felt, Felt T.c. p. 410. 368 htsecta. xn. Insecta. [1908] Odontodiplosis gen. n. type C. har- iierensis Felt, amencana, montana, app. n., N. America, Felt T.c. p. 404. Oligarces novehoracensis sp. n. New York,' Felt p. 286 T.c. OJigotroplius lemcci sp. n. Europe, KiEFFER Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 71.— 0. mangiferae, tenuispatha, p. 150, quadrilohatus p. 151, indiauuff p. 152, spp. n., Bengal, Kieffer Marcellia 7. — 0. vemaJis, inqiiilinus, spp. n., U.S., Felt N.Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124 p. 368. Paradiplosis gen. n. Diplosar'iae type Ceeidomyia ohessa Felt, Felt p. 410 T.c. Perrisla geisenheyneri sp. n. Germany* Kieffer Bull. Soc. Metz 23 p. 67. (P. sampaina pp. 24-25, asparagi p. 25-26, sp. n. Portugal Tavares Broteria 1 1902. — P. tencrii sp. n. Tavares Broteria 2 1903 p. 128). Plemeliella gen. n., ahictbut sp. n. Idria, Seitner ZentrBl. Forstwes. 34 pp. 185-190. Polystcpha terminal'iae sp. n. Mozam- bique, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 152 Tab. vii f. 5. Porricondyla lucheri, caudata, cana- densis, dilatala, barheri, p. 418, multi- noda p. 419, spp. n., N. America, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Prodiplosis gen. n. Diplosar'iae tyi)e Ceeidomyia floricola Felt, Felt p. 403 T.c. Ehabdophnga salici folia sp. n. New York, Felt p. 293 T.c— /v'. sodnlitatis, persimdis, ramuscuJa, p. 351, plicala, racemi, marginala, p. 352, lal\penn'i», californica, occidmitalis, pratcnsis, p. 353, rosacea, globosa, gemmae, nor- maniana, p. 354, cephalanthi, podagrae, p. 355, spp. n. U.S., Felt T.c. Rhop(domyia clarkei p. 299 New Hampshire, asterlilorae. p. 298, audi- bertiae p. 299, New York, Carolina, capitate, p. 363, inquisitor, racemieoln, apicata, alhipennis, capitata, lateriflori, calif ornwa, baccharis, \>. ?A'A, ahuormin, truncata, juniperina, bidbula, pediecl- lata, pulustris, p. 365, lobata. bigelo- vioides, pdona, cruziana, p. 36G, lancco- lata p. 367, spp. n., U.S., Felt T.c. (R. santolinae sp. n. Portugal, TA- VARES Broteria 1 1902 pp. 28-29). Saekenomyia gen. n. type Oligolroplms acerifolius Felt, Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull.'l24 p. 361. Schizomyia ? indlca sp. n. Kurseong, Kieffer p. 154 Marcellia 7. — S. vibiirni, caryaecola, p. 378, rivinae, petioUcola, p. 379, spp. n., U.S., Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. StepliodiplosiH gen. n. inter Diplo- iiarias locandum, lanncae sp. n. Mozam- bique, Tavares Broteria 7 p. 140. Trotteria karnerensis, subfuscata, caudata, squamosa, argenti, tarsata, metalliea, soUdaginis, p. 335, spp. n., U.S., Felt N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Walshomyia gen. n. p. 359 Oligo- trophiai'iae, juniperina sp. n. California p. 360, Felt T.c. Winnertzia pinicorticis sp. n. Vir- ginia, Felt p. 304 T.c. — W. arizo)uensis p. 421, karnerensis, hudsunici p. 422, spp. n., N. America, Felt T.c. Youngoniyia gen. n. p. 398 type Dicro- diplosis podopliyllac Felt, rubida sp. n. p. 399 N. America, Felt T.c. Zalepidota gen. n. near Asphondylia, pi peris sp. n. Rio de Janeiro, Rubs.vamen p. 38 Marcellia 7. Mycetopiiilidae. Apoliphthisa subincana, fencstella, Jenkinson p. 154 Ent. Mag. 44. Boletina sahlbergi Lapponia fennica p. 14, reuteri Fennia meridionalis p. 16, spp. n., Lundstrom Acta Soc. Fauiia et Fl. Fenn. 29 No. 1. Brachypeza radiata sp. n. England, Jenkinson p. 132 Ent. Mag. 44. Ceroplatus pictus sp. n. O.-Afrika, Spel'^er Berliner cut. Zs. 52 p. 128. Epicypta punctum varr., Jenkinson p. 131 Eut. Mag. 44. Iladroneura gen. n., palmrn'i sp. n. Fennia media, Lundstrom Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. ¥em\. 29 No. 1 p. 10. TL'lladcpirhoria gen. n. near Gnoriste, lenuqwn sp. n. t'anaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. Zool. Mus. 4 p. 04. Macrocera nigro-picea sp. n. Eiipponia rossica, Lt'npstrom Acta Soc. Fauna (!t Fl. Fenn. 29 No. 1 p. 3. — M. inconipleta sp. n. (Janaren, Beoker Berlin Mitt. zool.. Mus. 4 p. 66. 3G9 Inscclii. Systematic. — Dipteba — Mycetopiulidak — Cuironomidab. MegoplUhalmld'ia crassicoriiis, Jen'KIN'- SON p. 152 Ent. Mag. 44. Myeetophila zctterstcdtii p. 42, flavo- iicuteUata p. -13, Fonnia, lapponica Lap- pouia p. io, spp. n., Lcsdstrom Acta Soc. Fauna Fenii. 29 Xo. 1. — M. niter- nipta p. 01, fciiest)\itula. 1hictata,Y>- 02, c:intinens, fiisco-uUens, p. 63, Canareii spp. n., Becker Berliu Mitt. zool. Mas. 4. — y. anaVts, bicertn, spp. n. Indiana, Adams: Washington Carnegie Inst. Pub. Xo. 67 p. 37. Neoglaphyroptera hic'nla sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. ihis. 4 p. 05. Pai-atuiia ; Jexkixson' p. 153 Ent. Mag. 44. Phronia dz'iedx'ieki't sp. n. Fennia meridionalis, Lcs'DSTRoii Acta Soc. Fauna €t Fl. Fenu. 29 Xo. 1 p. 32. Platytira id'tglnosa sp. n. Germania, Enderleik Danzig Ber. Bot.-zool. Ver. 30 p. 128. Wnjmos'm mediastinalis sp. n. Fennia media, Li-sditroit Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 21 Xo. 1 p. 19. — 7/. scopulosa sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 68. Sclara thomae, Bath Giistrow Arch. Ver. Xatg. 61 1907 p. 139.— .S. analis, biology, Kleixe Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 111. — S. schuUzei sp. n. S. Afrika, Ri;BSAAiiES Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 450. Telmapliihis gen. IL near Coelosia p. 00, hiarcnatus,nbbreviatus,Tp. 67, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Trichonta spinosa p. 24, nigvicauda p. 27, bfpvicauda p. 29, spp. n., Fennia, LcNDSTROM Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 29 Xo. 1. Zygomijla fascipennis sp. n. Fennia meridionalis, LlndstrOu Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 29 Xo. 1 p. 35. — Z. p'ani- taraaia sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. p. 65. Chieonomidae. Die Metamorphose der Chironomiden ; Thiese.mann Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 95-99. The metamorphosis of numerous Chironomidae described ; Thiexem.\N"N" pp. 124-128 etc. etc. Zs. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 4, (N-10332 ;•) Lber die Bestimniung der Larven und Gruppen, TiiiESEM.OfN Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 753-756. Ahlabcsmyia nrbtdosa, KlEFFER p. 2 Zs. -wiss. Insektenbiol. 4. Camptocladius viteU'inns p. 37, tibialis, brevistyhis, p. 38, Jongistylus p. 78, Rugen, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. Ceratopogon spp. ; Pr.vtt Washington U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 643 p[.. i ii + 23-28. — ('. formicarhts sp. n. Deutschl., Kieffer Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol. 4 p. 2. — C. flavoscu(ellatus sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 74. — C. scliultzei p. 459, Itercro p. 400, S.-W. Afrika spp. n., Enderlein' Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. — G.cquctf, perc ]rinns, p. 200, spp. n. New York, Joii.\n'n.sen X. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124.— (,\ ba]iameiis'i8 sp. n. Bahamas, JoiiNSOX Psyche 15 p. 71. Chironomuii ; Aralsee, Syr-dai-ja, Meissxer Taskent Trd. Turk. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc. 4 8 p. 00 ; Leuchten am .Azov'chen Meere (Russ.), Tarnaxi Rev. russ. ent. 8 pp. 87-88. — C spar- (janii sp. n. Belgium, Kieffer p. 705 Bui. Ac. Belgique 1908; larva in leaf, Wii.lem T.c. p. 097. — C. liirtlmrniuft p. 82, connecfens p. 83, Deutschl. spp. n., Kieffer Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4. — C Jenis p. 70, scptemmaculat as p. 77, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt, zool. Mus. 4. — C. calipterwi p. 158, forinosipennis p. 159, longicornis, tr'i- punctatus, p. 100, sehultzei p. 101, afri- camis,apicalis, apriciis, p. 102, S.-Afrika spp. n., Kieffer Jena Denkschr. med. (ies. 13. — C compes Maryland, /a.8C(2J(?s Xew Jersey, spp. n., Coquillett Washing- ton Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 145. — C. neplio- pterits p. 7, ealopterus p. 8, hirtipes ]). 9, poeeilopterns p. 10, exquiaitus p. 11, zonoplcrus p. 12, pirpulelter p. 13, labecidosus, naevus, p. 14, spp. n., L'nitcd States, Mitchell New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. — C. needhamil p. 278, maturus p. 279, styUfera p. 281, spp. n., X'ew York, ithacanensis nom. n. p. 279 ior ealiglnosiis Johan. preocc, JoH.VNNSEN N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124. Dactylocladius pectinatua Riigen p. 34, nulipennis Deutschl. p. 35, aetiger, liaes'dana, p. 30, fuaeimaniis, Riigen p. 37, spp. n., Kieffer Zs. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 4. Diamesa insignipea sp. e. Riigen, Kieffer p. 3 T.c. C34 370 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Diplodadhis gen. n. near Orthocladius, caltriger sp. n. Kugen, Kieffer p. 6 T.c. Johannseiiiella flaviceps, manto. 40. Pseudouranotaema triangidata sp. n. Philippines, Ludlow p. 331 T.c. Radioculex gen. n., clavipalpis sp. n. Calcutta, Theobald Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 295. Sabelhes tarsopus p. 62 Panama and Mexico, schausi p. 63 British Guiana, spp. n., Dyar and Knab Washington U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Sayomyia punctipennis, early stages, Knab Washington Pjoc. Ent. Soc. 10 pp. 36-40 text fig. Stegomyia ; capture a Marseille, AuBERT et GuERiN Paris C. R. soc. biol. 64 p. 378. — S. calopua, in Nieder- landisch Ost-Indien, Loghem und Loghem-Pouw Batavia Geneesk. Tijd- schr. Ned. Ind. 48 pp. 577-584.— S. fasciafa variation, Luui.ow p. 32 Canad. Ento. 40 ; au Congo Fran(;ais, Bouffard Paris Bu!. soc. path. exot. 1 pp. 454-459. — S. albolateralis p. 289, assamenaia p. 290, tripunctata p. 288, spp. n., India, Theobald Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. Wycomyia abaacanta p. 65 Trinidad, gynaeropua Costa Rica, ahlcehra Salva- dore, ablabes Mexico, p. 66, abebela Mexico, abia Dominica, p. 67, andropua, elaaoleuca, dymodora, p. 68, Panama c 34—2 372 Iiisecta. XII. lusecta. [1908] har'ia, mejalodora, p. 69, ma'.aea, Salva- dor, argyrura Cuba, p. 70, spp. n., Dyar and K-VAB Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. rSYCHODIDAE. Pericoma sptniccryiis, p. 378, appen- dieulata p. 379, annandalei p. 380, mar- yinino'ala p. 381, spp. n. India, margini- notata, varr. lacteitarsis & gilvipca p. 382, bella, sp. n. Darjding p. 383, Bru- KETTr Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. PltJehotomns mascktii sp. n. Roma. Grassi Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 2° sem. pp. 681-682 — P. argentipes sp. n. Calcutta, Anxaxdale & Bklxetti Rec. Ind Mus. 2 pt. 1 pp. 101-104. Psyclioda hcngalensis p. 371, distincta p. 372, alhonotcta p. 373, albonigra p. 374, squnviipevnis, argenteopuiictata, p. 375, atrisquam'ift, nigripennis, p. 376, viltata p. 377, spp. n. India, BRUXErn Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — P. domestica sp. n. Alissouri p. 285, P. norturida & domes- tica larvae figs. pp. 270-283, Hasemax Ent. News 19, SlMCLIIDAE, BiBIOXIDAE. Bih'io alhipeimis, oviposition, GiRAri.T Ent. News 19 p. 76. Dilophiis lorigiccps Loe«'. ideutisch mit Diloplnis pusllus Wied., Bezzi Wien. ent. Ztg. p. 293. — D. hiemalis p. 59, ininor p. 60, Canaren, spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Petroroas'ia gen. n. fiir B'lh'to 1ie»perus Rossi 1790, Bezzi Zs. Hvmenopter. 8 p. 32. Simiiliiim anuid'ipcs p. 72, grumari p. 73, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. BLErnAROCERIDAE & ORPIINErilll.IDAE. Blephnrocent tenu'ipe» eastern Uniteil States, JoHKSOK Psyche 15 p. 101. Orphnephlla sulxifricana sp. n. Ca- naren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 70. Tiril.IDAE. Tlie wing-ncrvures of Tipid')dae,]>iF.r.D- HAM N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124 pp. 217 238, pis. xi-xxxi. Key to the genera of N. American Tipulidac, Neediiam T.c. pp. 244-248. ^ ariatious in the wing venation, DoAXE Ent. News 19 pp. 405-407, pi. xvii. Bittaeomorplia jonesi north-easteru United States, JoHXSox Psyche 15 p. 25. Chionea littescens sp. n. Fennia meri- dionalis, Li"Xdstro.\i Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 29 No. 8 p. 18. — C. aJpiiia sp. n. Valtelliiia, Bezzi p. 98 Soc. entomol. 23. Ctenophora nigr'ieocxa sp. n. Fennia orientalis, LuxdstrGm Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 29 No. 2 p. 5. Dieranomyia patens sp. n. Fennia meridioualis, Luxdstrom T.c. No 8 p. 7. — D. canariensis, flavicollis, p. 82, ha- mata, copidata, p. 83, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4.— D. (?) ichartoni sp. n. Lake Michicjan, Need- ham N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124 p. 211.— D. virid'ieans Califcrnia, j^articeps Washington, p. 7, adjecta, cervina, California, p. 8, spp. n., Doas'E Ent. News 19. — D. curvivena sp. n. Mary- land, CoQiiLLETT Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 144. |D. rhodoVitha sp. n. Wyoming Green River shale, Cockerej.l Amer. J. Sci. 25 p. 228. D'tcvanoptycha tvocliantera'a sp. n. 0-Afrika, Speiser Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 134. Dolichopeza amerieaiia sp. n. New York, Needham N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124 p. 211. Eplphragma fase'ipennis]i\rva. & pupa, Needham pi. xxxii T.c. Ucranomy'ia hlr'ittata sp. n. Afadeira, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 187. Idiophlehia crnssicosta sp. n. Karaerun, Si'EiSEU Berliner ent. Zs. 52 J). 132. T/unnophUa allosonui sp. n. 0-Afrika, Speiser p. 136 T.c. Moiigoma ciirt'ipenn'is sp. n. Kaiuerun, Speiser p. 135 T.c. Oropeza gen. n. tvpe Tipidn annidata Sav p. 211, Neediiam N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124. ParJiyrhina cotypii sp. n. O-Afrika, Speiser Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 138. — P. cali/orn'ica California, snoiril Wyoming, p. 176, occidentcdis p. 177 western United States, hrcviorcomis p. 373 Insccla. SVSTEMATIC. DiPTERA. 17S Mirhigaii, spp. n., Doane Ent. News 19. Pedic'ui aUuvilta larva, Nekkiiam X. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 124 p. 201 f. 8. RliaphidoJabis tenuipcs larva, Need- ham p. 212 T.c. Rijpliolophus hrcrinerv'ts sp. n. Lap- jtonia, Li'NDSTRoM Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 29 No. 8 p. 12. — R. arcuatus, dlrexus, longlcornus, p. 201, jarallclus, cornutus, p. 202. spp. n., United Stiites, Do.we Eut. News 19. Styrlugomyia coriiigcra sp. n. Karuerun, Si'EiSER Berliner eut. Zs. 52 p. 130. Tipula ahdominalis larva, Neediiam p. 199 N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. 214.— 7'. olcracea great swarm, P.\ttekson p. 434 Zoologist 1908.— T. bislUata p. 13, siihecxcisa p. 14, cinei-eo-clncta p. 15, tri-spinoisa p. 20, tumidecornis p. 23, spp. n., Lapland & Finland, Llnd.strom Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 29 No. 2. — 7'. strobli sp. n. Steiemiark, Bergkoth Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 218.—'/. midti- pieta sp. n. Canareu, Becker Berlin ilitt. zool. ilus. 4 p. 81. — T. vestigi- penvis sp. n. California, Doase p. 47 Psyche 15. |r. madurei Scudd., Cockerell p. 66 pi. V f. 8 Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. (7'. nlgdeensls sp. n, Kleinasien, BiscuoF Wieu .A.nn. Nat. Hist. Hofmus. 20 1905 p. 172.) I'oxoiJiina cisatlantic a sp. n. Kamerun, Si'EisER Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 129. Triogma trisuleata, larva, Ml'LLER p. 15 Ann. biol. lacustre 3. Str-vtiomyidae. Catalogus Dipterorum hucuscjue des- criptorum. Vol. Ill, Strat'iomijiidae to Coenomtjiidae, Kertesz Budapest 1908 267 pp. Acraspidea cyrlaspia sp. n. Insel Key, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 344. Al'lophleps gen. n. near Pachyaaster, elliptica sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 9. Allognoata harVielUmi sp. n. Brasilia, Bezzi D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 472. DinpJiorostylus gen. n. verwandt niit Euryneura, flavipes, aignatipes, spp. n., Peru, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 jp. 321-374. Dipli'pliipp'uiin gen. n. near PliyUophoi\i p. 142, amplticridrium sp. n. O.-Afrika p. 143, Si'EiSEU Berliner eut. Zs. 52. Eitryncara mcxicaua, peruana, ro- hiiKta. spp. n. Central-u. Siid-An^erika, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hun"r. 6 iip. 322- 333. Ilcrmet'ia penn'ieornis sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 374 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. ■fllcrmrticlla gen. n. p. 263, hifureala sp. n. baltic amber p. 264, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 Mem. Tloplodonta par, circumscripta, S'p'p.n., Trop. Africa, Bezzi p. 374 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — U. compar sp. n. O.- Afrika, Si'EIseu Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 140. Mcringostyhis gen. n. verwandt mil Euryneura ; scJiincri sp. n. Brasilien, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. pp. 334-335. Nemotelus insularis sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 8. Panaeris maxima Brasilien, micro- donta, pictipennis, pi-oxima, Peru, spp. n., Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 361- 370. Ptecticus polyxanthus sp. n. O-.Afrika,. Speiser Berliner eut. Zs. 52 p. 140. Ptilocera quadrilineata F. var. n. meleda, Speiser p. 142 T.c. Salduha austeni Neu-Pomtneru, con- fusa, elcgans, inermis, maxima, Neu- Guinea spp. n., Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 lip. 318-364. Vanoyia gen. n. near Oxyeera p. 287, scutellata sp. n. France p. 288, Vii.i.e- NECVE Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. Xyloymia cahrerai sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berliner Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 11. Tabaxidae. Synonymy and genera of Tabanidae described by Thunl;erg and by L'cbten- stein, Austen- pp. 344-346 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Tabanidae ot North Carolina, Bri.mley and Sherman Ent. News 19 pp. 168- 173. Catalogue des Tabanides du ilus^e de JIadrid, SuRCOt.K Bui. Museum Paris 1908 pp. 297-228. Talanidae in Federated Malay states ; Pratt Rep. 1907 pp. 7-10. 374 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] ■ Cadicera qu'inquemaculata sp. n. S. Africa p. 209, C. rubramarginata Macq. ={Pnngo7iia bielniisa hw.) p. 212, AusTES Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Chrysozona (Haematopota) oehraeea sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 375 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Corizoneura distincta E. Africa p. 55, obscura Centr. Africa p. 56, spp. n., RiCARDO Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Goniops chrysocotna, egg and larva, Walton Ent. News 19 pp. 464—465 pi. xxii. Haematopota alluaudi p. 153, xicina p. 154, piela p. 155, ahys>>huca p. 156, lathami p. 157, mordax p. 158, nireipes p. 159, spp. n., Afrique, Surcouf Bui. Museum Paris 1908. — H. sidamensis sp. n. Abyssinie, Slrcouf p. 224 T.c. — H. singidaris sp. n. Annam p. 58, c'dipes Big. p. 57, pacliycera Big. p. 59, RiCARDO Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — E. fuLva ]). 218, denshamii p. 220, semiclara p. 221, spp. n., Africa, Austen Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — //. paUidipennls p. 402, in- ilaticorn'is p. 404, brevieoiniis p. 406, bidlafifrons p. 407, torqiiens p. 409, vexans p. 412, brucei p. 413, crueiita p. 416, sanguinaria p. 417, fusca p. 419, laeesscns p. 421, pert'inens p. 423, spp. n., Trop. Africa, Austen T.c. — ff. copemanii p. 94, masiseyi p. 97, divis- apex p. 98, coronata p. 100, inornata p. 103, malefiea p. 105, mactans p. 106, stimidans p. 108, insidiatrix p. 110, noxialis p. 112, furtiva p. 113, nociva, nocens, p. 115, spp. n. Trop. Africa, Aubten Op. cit. 2. — H. puniens p. 274, gracilis p. 277, tenuis p. 279, i7isatia- bilis p. 282, taciturna p. 284, hirsiiti- tarsiuf p. 286, pallid imarginat a p. 289, desidiosa p. 291, molesta p. 293, virgati- pennis p. 295, nostilis p. 297, tenuicrus p. 299, spp. n., Trop. Africa, Austen T.c. H'tppocentrnm gen. n. p. 352, versicolor sp. n. Trop. Africa p. 354, and including Haematopota strigipcnnis & trimacxdata, Austen T.c. Pangonia compacta p. 212, with sub.sp. centralis p. 214, fodiens, oldii, p. 215, spp. n., Africa, P. brcvis Lw. to Cadicera p. 212, augulata Fabr. = (alboatra Walk.) p. 218, Austen Op. cit. 1. — P. elongata sp. n. Kilimanjaro, RiCARDO p. 54 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — P. mcxemhrionides p. 226. v-album p. 227, spp. n., Africa, ISurcouf Bui. Museum Paris 1908. — P. (Subpangonia subg. n.) groroti sp. n., Surcouf p. 284 T.c. '\Philorites gen. n., joliannseni sp. n. Eocene of Colorado, Cockerell p. 264 Ent'imologist 41. Subpangonia subgen. n. vide Pan- gonia. Tabanus brauerei nom. n. for borealis pt. & montana pt., Villeneuve p. 276 Bui. soc. eut. France 1908. — T.lemairei sp. n. Africa, Surcouf Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 123. — T. chevalieri sp. n., Surcouf Miss. Chari-Lac Tchad 1 908 p. 710. — T. deyishamii p. 222, icellmanii p. 225, sharpei p. 226, spp. n., Africa, Austen Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — T. brucei, septempiinefatus p. 268. subvittatus, quadriguitatus, p. 270, grandissimtis p. 271, obsciirissimiis p 272, fuscomar- ginatus p. 273, obscurehirtiis p. 274, obsciiripes p. 275, obsenrior, claritibi- alis, p. 276, morsitans p. 277, taeniatus p. 311, unitaeniatus p 312, eonspicuus p. 313, subangustits p. 314, albostriatus p. 315, obseurestriatus p. 316, iiigrostri- atiis p. 317, kiiigsleyi p. 318, qiiadri- signatus p. 320, coniformis p. 321, brunnescens p. 322, claripes p. 323, disjimctn.^ p. 325, distinctus p. 326, congoiensis p. 328, diversus p. 3.30, fuscipes, rmcenzorii , p. 332, Africa, i^ilvaniis Madagascar p. 329, spp. n., RiCARDO Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — 2'. «?7- liamsii sp. n. Nigeria, Austen p. 426 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Leptidae, Rhagionidae. ]Leptidae of amber ; Meunier Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 147 p. 1362. ^Dialysis revelata sp. n. Florissant shales, Cockerell p. 174 pi. iv. Canad. Ento. 40. Misgomyia gen. n. T^eptidae p. 145 near Arthroeeras, obscura sp. n. p. 146 Maryland, Coquillett Washington Proc. Ent." Soc. 9. Phagio idaeus Creta, porciloptcrus Japonia, rondayiii Italia, spp. n., Bezzi Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 389-391. ^Xylophagus eridanus sp. n. baltic amber, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 259. Tiierevidae and Arthropidae. ^Arthropidae fam. n. ior Arlhropeas Lw. etc., Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 261. 375 Iri'fjcta. Systematic. — Diptera. fArthrop'idia gen. n., eoceuia sp. n. I)altic amber, Melnieu .\iui. Soo. nruxelles 32 Mem. p. 262. Psilocephala n(ytlis sp. n. baltic amber, Mfunier Ann. Soc. IJruxelles 32 Mem. ]). 200. Tlwrcva froutata p. 23, occulta p. 25, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt, y.ool. Mus. 4. jr. maguiconiis sp. n. Baltic amber, Mevnier Ann. Soc. Brnxelles 32 'Mem. p. 2(30. A^;iLIDAE. LuNDBECK, Diptera daiiica, genera and species of flies hitherto found in Denmark, Part 2, Asilidae, BomhijUidae, Therevidoe. Sceiiopinidae. Copenhagen and London 1908 pp. 163 48 figs. Aucylorvhynchiis crux sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 377 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 32. Antjpodetus gen. n. Laplir'unae, fas- riatus sp. n. Kalahari, Hehmakn Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 107. Asicyia ; validity, Hermann p. 154 Berliner ent. Zs. 53. Asilus caJceatu.^ Meig. p. 199, niicans Meig. p. 200, Villeneuve Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. 1-4. klehs'i sp. n. Ambre de la Bal- tique, MErsiER Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 19 fig. 1-3. Cophura alho^etosa sp. n. Brit. Columbia, Hlne p. 202 Canad. Ento. 40. Dasyllts ; Sind die Arten ausschliess- lich in Amerika zu Heimat ? Bezzi Zs. Hymenopter. 8 pp. 108-110. Dioctria elaripennia sp. n. Digne, Vii.LEXEUVE p. 202 Ent. Ztg. Wien, 27.— D. flavipes var. n. annulifemur, Ender- LEiN" Danzig Ber. bot.-zool. Ver. 30 pp. 54-238. EeUpsis gen. n. near Mierostylum, viacuUveiUriti sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 375 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Epiblepharis gen. n. near Mierosty- lum, pedunculata sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 376 T.c. E^itrijAu^ mixtus p. 36, antennalus p. 37, schistaceus p. 38, Canaren spp. n, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Habropogen (sic) pertiisus sp. n. Canaren Becker p. 26 T.c. Iliipllxlomcrd cribndd pi. iii f. 7 p. 170, Hermann Berliner ent. Zs. 53. Uypcrcch'in focco'^a sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 377 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Lagodias inermti^ sp. n. Kalahari, Hermann Jena Denkschr. med. Lies. 13 p. 164. Laphria serpentina, superbiens, spp. n., Congo, Bezzi p. 378 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — L. diaxantlia sp. n. S.-W.- Africa, Hermann Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 108. Lapliystia scalaris p. 157, schnusei p. 15'J, rohuHfn p. 101, Peru, spp. n., Hermann Berliner ent. Zs. 53. Laxeneecra rufitarsis sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 377 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Mierostylum sessile p. 376, lenca- eanthum p. 377, spp. n. Congo, Bezzi T.c. f.l/. u-hederi sp. n. Florissant shales, CocKERELLp. 173 Canad. Ento. 40. NigrasiJus gen. n. AsiUiiae p. 203, nitidifacies sp. n. Brit. Columbia p. 204, HiNE Canad. Ento. 40. Ommatius macquarti sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 379 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Pernsis violacea pi. iii f. 4 p. 170, Hermann Berliner ent. Zs. 53. Philomachus hypoleueoehaetus sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 379 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Promaelnis vexator sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 31. — P. xantJiotrichus, binucleatus. spp. n., Trop. Africa, Bezzi p. 378 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Psilocurus nudiusculus pi. iii f. 3 p. 170, Hermann Berliner ent. Zs. 53. Satanas gen. n. fiir Protacanthus gigas Eversm., Jacorson St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 13 p. xxxvi. Senoxericera & Andrenosoma, Synony- miefragen, Bezzi Wien ent. Ztg. 27. Sporadothrix gen. n. p. 165, gracilis sp. n. Kalahari p. 166, Hermann Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Stiehopogon eanariensis p. 27, septem- einetus p. 28 Canaren, spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Slrobilothrix albipila pi. iii f. 5, Her- mann Berliner ent. Zs. 53. 376 Ins'xta. XII. Insecta. [1903] TricJiardis picta pi. iii f. 6 p. 170, IIer\lsn.\ T.c. bombyliidae. Anthrax veim^tus Mei^. = (tin-bldus Loew), ViLLESEUvE p. 283 Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. — A. iiidigenus sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Miis. 4 p. 12. — -4. sJiaicii sp. n. New England, Johnson Psyche 15 p. 14. Aphoehantus esclieri sp. n. Algeria, Bezzi Zs. Hymeuopter. 8 p. 28. Argyromoeba trimaeulafa sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt, zool. Mus. 4 p. 18. Bombylius semlfusciis = (nlgripes Strobl. — c'lnc'ninatiis Beck. = itcnUis Jaenn.), Villeneuve p. 283 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 27. — B. oeeanus sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mns. 4 p. I'J. Empidideicus hecheri sp. n. S.-W.- Afrika, Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 180. Glahelhda mellea sp. n. S.-W.-Africa Bezzi p. 180 T.c. Phtlur'ia simonyi sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 22. Sparnopolitis fuleiis natural history, Forbes p. IGl i^l. xi f. 1 Rep. Ent. Illinois 24. ToxQpliora trivittala sp. n. Benin, Bezzi p. 375 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Kemestrinidae. Tlirmoneura texana sp. n. Texa>;, CofKERELL Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 253. |/Z. melanderl, rulcanica, spp. n. Colorado Florissant Miocene, Cockeuei.i. Amer. J. Sci. 25 p. 311. — H. occultalor sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerei.l Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 254. (Nemestrina Idndcrmanni Schin., E.xemplare vom lUany-Dagh, BisciioF, Wien Aon. Nat Hist. Hofmus 20 1905 p. 172.) TiJnjncocephalus aiibnUens sp. n. western United States, Cockerei.l Trims. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 250. Empidae. ^BracliyMonia gracUia sp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meu.mer Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7 p. 113 [.!. i.x f. 2-4. Chersodromid grat'iosa sp. n. Canareji, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 41. '\Drapeliclla gen. n., definituin sp. n, Ambre de la Baltique, Meuxier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7 p. 97. Drapet'is {Ctenodrapetifi) plag'iata sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 380 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. — |D. hrevis, decolorata, p. 95, decoratum, v'ttiosum, p. 96, mortaum, p. 97, spp. n., Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7. Empis gymnopoda ^ $ in Europa centrali ; melaena $ $ Hungaria ; scu'ellariae S ? Italia, spp. n., Bezzc Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 6 pp. 393-396. — E. IJr'ida copulatory habits, Hamm pp. 181-181 Ent. Mag;. 44. — E. hasilaris- p. 44, similis p. 45, Canaren, spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt, zool. Mus. 4. '\E. exUis, insc'ita, p. 121, malefiea, personata, p. 122, mala, mordax, p. 123, trist'is, p. 124, morosa, p. 125, spp. n., Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 1. "fEidliyiieiirlcUa long'irofitris sp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Mecnier p. 113 T.c. ■fllemcrodromia detestata sp. n, Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier p. 103 T.c. //. nid>ecida sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 42. — //. ponatopiis sp. n. O.-Afrika, Speiser Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 145. Hilara harhipes sp. n. Finland, Frey Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 33 p. 67. — //. laureae sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 42. — |//. Jitigiosa p. 120 pi. xi lig. 1 pi. x ligs. 14-19, tarda p. 120 pl.'x fig. 16, maeolenta ]>. 121 pi. xi ligs. 2-3, spp. n., Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7. ■fllyhos teintis, cx'tHs, spp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier p. 109 T.c. Koirarzia liacmorrho'uhdis sp. n. i\Iadeira, Becker Berlin Mitt. Zool. Mus. 4 p. 189. — 7v. amaratilha sp. n. Canaren, Becker p. 43 T.c. 'fLepidomyia vnga sp. n. Ambre de la ]?aiti(]no, Meunier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7 J). 106. '\Lcptopaza conc'inna sp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier p. 110 T.c. 377 Insccta. Systematic — Du'tera — Empidae, Etc. "^MeghijperieUa /HJi'/i/fj/ropsoiJf.s sp. n. Ambre de la Baltiquo, Mevnieu p. 11"-' T.c. fMicrophoriis putidiis sp. n. Amliro de la Baltique, Meinieu p. 12(i pi. xii iigs. 10-11 T.c. ■fOedalea rohustn sp. n. Aiubre dc la Baltique, Mecsier p. IIU T.c. ■fPalacoleplopeza gracilis Bj).n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meinier p. Ill T.c. "fPavathalassldla problemalica sp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier p. 100 T.c. PliiloJulra lagunac sp. n. Canareii, Becker Berliu Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 43. "^Phoneustica corenica p. 97, suapiciosa p. 98, spp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meuxier Ami. sci. nat. zool. 7. '\Phyllodromia doloaa p. 104, ru-'^tica, deVicata, p. 109, spp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Mednier T.c. ■fPlatijpalpus concitatus p. 100, pre- datorits p. 101, inteviectoris, eversor'is, p. 102, spp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, ilEOIER T.c. '\Rages fjenerosa sp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Melnieu p. 1:.'9 pi. xii figs. 7-9 T c. Hhamphomijia llttoralts sp. n. Aland, Frey Acta See. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 9 p. 15. — P. hiroi sp. n. (J ? Creta, Bezzi Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 6 p. 392. ^P. corrupta, ahlata, p. 114, hivoluta p. 119 pi. X fig. 1, errabunda pi. ix fig. 2-5, porrecia pi. x fig. 5-6, oeda- lo'ides p. 117 pi. X figs. 7-8, ohtusa pi. x figs. 9-10, hisoUta p. 118 pi. X fig. 11, angusta pi. X fig. 12, media p. 129 pi. X fig. 13 pi. ix fig. 17, spp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7. Rh'jnchomyia uellmani sp. n. Angola, Lichtwaedt D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 338. Syncches elevatas sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 380 Soc. ent. Bei^^ique 52. Tacliiata vitripennis Kapland p. 181, dichron S.-W.-Afrika p. 182, spp. n., Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Tachydromia sahlbergi Enontekis p. 7, cryptoifpina Kurislojo p. 8, spp. n., Frey Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. II. — T. taricolor, excisa, p. 39, argenteomi- cans p. 40, tciicriffotsifi p. 41, Canareii spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. t^'. cgclata p. 98, voracis p, 99, spp. n., Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Ann. sci. nat. zool. 7. "fPrichope-.a longicornis sp. n. Ambre de la Baltique, Meunier 1 p. 108 T.c. DoLicuoriDAE. Aphrosylus jucundus p. 51, oecidlua p. 53, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Chrysotimus varicolorlti sp. n. CanaiTii, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 47. Chrysotus barreloi sp. n. Madeira, Becker p. 190 T.c. Lianeahis qlaucus sp. n. Madeira, Becker p. 190 T.c. Machaerium sordiduni sp. n. Canaren, Becker p. 50 T.c. Medtterus incrassatus p. 13, excellcns p. 14, spp. n., Finland, Frey Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 9. — M. obaeunifs, natural history, Kleine Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 109. Oligoehak'tiis sylvestTi^ sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 50. Phagoneiirus metaUicus sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 380 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Sciapus viontium sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 55. — S. mesotrichus sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 380 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. SympycnuH Itispidns sp. n. Madeira, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 191. — S. piigiopcs p. 45, niinplicipea p. 4o, Canaren spp. n,, Becker T.c. Tachytreelius planitarsis sp. n. Canaren, Becker p. 48 T.c. TcnerijTa gen. n. near ApJiros^ylua, spicata sp. n. Canaren, Becker p. 54 T.c. Tcucliophonis bipiloaiiM sp. n. Canaren, Becker p. 47 T.c. Thrypticus swaragdinus nnd seine LebensgescLicbte, Lubren Zool Jalirb. Syst. 26 pp. 319-332 1 Taf. Xipl.andrium peciinatum sp. n- Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 49. 378 Infrcta. XII. Insecta. [1908] PhORIDAE, TlIAUilATOXENIDAE. Phoridae; details of structure in con- nection with the affinities of the family ; Wesciie pp. 283- 29G pi. vii London Tr. ent. Soc. 1908. ^Phoridae et Leptidae de I'ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 1362-13r.3. Aeniijmatisteis gen. n. p. 150, ajri- canus sp. n. p. 151 pi. xxii Centr. Africa ; Shelford J. Linn. Soc. zool. 30. Aphinehaeta xanthina sp. n. Kamenin, ■Speiser Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 148. Omscotnij'ia gen. n. near Plafypliora, ■donii sp. n. Deutschland, Enderlein Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 pp. 145-156. Pfwra-iVvten, aus Helix geziichtet (Holliindisch) ; Schmitz 's Gravenhage Tijdsclir. Ent. 51 p. Ivii.— P. ; the 'British species part 2 ; sexsp'mosa p. 10!), ricfa p. 170, duhi/alis p. 171, emarginata, albicans, rata, p. 172, re- troversa, fuscinervis, p. 173, palndosa, spinigera, campentris, p. 174, flavicauda p. 253, spp. n.. Britain, Wood Ent. Mag. 44. — P. iniheneoDiiH sp. n. Scotland, ■Mallocii p. 12 Ent. Mag. 44. — P. inter- media sp. n. Scotland, Mallocii p. 204 T.c. — P. fissa sp. n. Madeira, Becker Berlin M'itt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 193.— P. conjimeta sp. n. Canaren, Becker p. 93 T.c. — P. coi-hlearipalpis STp.n. O.-Afrika, Speiser Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 140. — P. variabilis p. 199, oeaidentalis p. 200, spp. n., western United States, Brues New York J. Ent. Soc. 16. — tP. eoekerelli p. 274, laminarum p. 275, spp. n., Colorado Miocene, Brues New York BulI.Amer. Mus. 24. ■ ' Plastophora jidi sp. n. Wisconsin, Brues New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 20-1. Termitodeipnns gen. n. fiir Thnuma- •toxena andreinii Silv., Enderlein Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 148. Thaumatoxena ; Zululand in the nest olTermes natalensis ; descri])tion of the mouth parts; is certainly a Dipteron ; andfvi'n/j Silv. is the male of icasmaiini o Bredd. & Born. ; Traoaiidii Ark. zool. 4 No. 10. Pi.atypezidae. I'lalypcza sophia Lepel wahrschcin- lich identisch niit picta Meigen, Bezzi p. 292 Wien. ent. Ztg. 27.— P. (Calo- tarsa^ pallipcs Loew, bibliography and synonymy, Johnson Psyche 15 ]ip. -.58-60. PiPUNCULIDAE. Pipunculus mclaiiostolus puparium, Scott p. 9 Ent. Mag. 44. — P. setosiis ■ p. 91, ornaiipeit p. 92, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4.— P. elephas Weibchen, Czizek Entoraol. Ztg 27 p. 306. SyRI'HIDAE. Das Summen der Syrphinen ; Meissner Ent. Wochenbl. 25 p. 134. Acroeliovdonodes dentipcs fiir SijrpJnis dentipes Fahr. = Scnoiaster caeridesccns Macqu. = S. comstoi-ki Williston, Bezzi Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 294. Arctophila haweyi sp. n. Brit. Colom- bia, OsBUKS p. 9 Canad. Ento. 40. Asareina biroi N.Guinea, euriitaen'ia- ta Malacca, ribbei N. Pomerania, spp. n., A. ericetonun Fabr. varr. n. africoia, formosae, kelantanensis, orientalis, pnpuana, typiea & usambarensis, Bezzi Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 49.5-504. Azpeytia bi fascia sp. n. Assam, Brunetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 81, figs. 1 9 & 1 pi. xiii. Baccha euryptera sp. n. Congo, Bez/i p. 381 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — 7i. robusta, nigricosta, tinctipeunis, spp. n., India and Lower Burma, Brunetti Hec. Ind. Mas. 2 pt. 1 pp. 50-51 & 1 pi. xi, figs. 3- 6. — B. cireumciiicta Java, pallida, loriae, New Guinea, austcni Java, spp. n., Memere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 320-326. (?) Bracliypalpus dives sp. n. Assam, Brunetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 86. Ceria obscura, compacta, apieala, spp. n., India, Brunetti T.c. 91-95 & 1 ligs. 12-13 pi. xiii. Cerioides eonqolensis sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 382 Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique b2. — '-(^,. ^Ilaripennifi Celeiies, fruhstnrfcri, li'inudayrnxis, Sikkini, spp. n., Mei.iere 's (iravenhage Tijdsclir. I'liit. 51 [ip. 195 -199. : ChrysorjaHter (Oiilioiicura) poeeiloph- thahiia sp. n. l"'ritrea, Bezzi KirenzeBoll. Soi;. Entom. 39 y>. 21. — 0. reftinervi^ Australia sp. n., Met.iere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 285. 370 hisecht. Systematic. — Dh'teka — Syiumud ve. . Chrysotoxiim sexfasclatiim Bijuor District p. S9 A 1 fig. 0 pi. xiii, citro- nellitm Ceylou p. 90, spp. n., BRrNETTi Rec. lud. Mus. 2. (?) Crlorhina di^ulata sp. n. Simla, BBCNEm T.c. p. 87. De'inechcs s'lmioi'ies sp. n. Orient, Brcsetti T.c. p. 83. Di'h'oides gen. n., ovata sp. n. Sikkiiu, Brcnetti T.c. p. 54 figs. p. 55. DoUchomerus griseifacles sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 381 Ann. See. ent. Belgique 52. Eriozona I'ufieauda sp. n. Sikkim, Bkcsetti Rec. Ind. ilus. 2 p. 5G & 1 fig. 2 pi. xi. Erittalis ohscuritarsis, kobiisi, maeu- lipennis, heterotlirix, mala3'ischer Archi- pel, kochi, follaris, cupreiis, lunatus, fenestratus, Neu Guinea, maeulatus Aus- tralia, spp. n., Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Eut. 51 pp. 250-271. Eumerus argyropsis sp. n. Kl-Nama- land, Bezzi Jena Denksclir. nied. Ges. 13 |). 185. — E. neixdensis sp. n. Nepal, Bruxetti Rec. Ind. ilus. 2 p. 76. — E. fiavicinctus, parallelus, jiii'eJpes, malayi- scher Archipel, peltatus Neu-Guinea, spp. n., Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Kut. 51 pp. 215-223. • Flexlneura Bellardi identisch mit Salpbigogaster Schiner, Bezzi p. 294 Wien. ent. ztg. 27. Graptomyza pentaspila, melanura, spp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 381 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — G. longiroslris Wied. var. n. l2-notata, sexnotata Sikkim sp. n., Brcnetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 63. — G. maculipennia Australien, punctata, loncji- cornis, trilineata, Xeu Guinea, spp. n., .Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Eut. 51 pp. 279- 282. Helophilua consimd'is Malm, Frey Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn. 33 pp. 11-14. — //. aenus Nepal p. 66 & 1 fig. 15 pi. xii, tubereulatus Calcutta p. 67 fig. 16, 17, pi. xii & 1 spp. n., Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — U. niveiceps Java, fijlvws, seiUatus, Neu Guinea, spp. n., Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 236-239.-77. porcus, Osburx p. 10 Canad. Ento. 40. Lycastris ilavohirta sp. n. Darjeeling, Brcxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 85 & 1 figs. 16-17 pi. xi. Mega^^pis ; Notizen liber siidostasia- tische .Vrten, Meijeke 's Gravenliage Tijdsclir. Kut. 51 pp.2 10-242.— .W. trans- vcrsus sp. n. Inilia, Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 73. Melaiiostoma ; Notizen iiber indo- australische Arten, Meijere 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 312-315. — .1/. ivcompletnm sp. n. Cauaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 86. Mcrodon equestris als Schiidling im Wanuhause, Stichel Berliner ent. Zs. 53 pp. 202-204. Microdon spp., WiiEELER New York J. Ent. Soc. 18 pp. 202-213.— il/. erythros sp. n. Trop. Africa, Bezzi p. 382 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — .¥. eaerulens, annandalei, llavipes, rujicaudus, auri- cinelus. spp. n., India Burma and Cej'loii, Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. 91-94, & 1 figs. 10-11, pi. xiii.— -U. fulvipes, fusetis, Sumatra, simpUcicornis Java, novaegnineae, grageii, limbinervis, Neu- Guinea, tric'inctus, vesplform's, Java, odyncroides Neu Guinea, spp. n., Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 20-3- 213. }J'desia; Notizen iiber siidostasiatische Arten, Meijere pp. 228-229 T.c— M. variegata Sikkim p. 80 fig. p. 81, h'lma- layensis Assam and North India, p. 82 spp. n., Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. Pamgus ; Notizen iiber indo-austra- lische Arten, Meijebe 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 283-285.-7^. hdeus sp. n. Persia, Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 52 & 1 fig. 1, pi. xi. Pipizelln adpropiiiquans sp. n. Caua- ren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 ]). 89. — P. indica p. 52, rufocinctra p. 53, spp. n., Himalaya, Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. Platychh'us scidalus var n. pygmaeue Finland, Fret Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33 p. 69. Polydonta orwntalh sp. n. Orient., Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 74. Ehingia pulcherrhua sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 30. R. august I cincta, latirincta, hinotata, spp. n. Himalaya, pp. 58-59 & 1 pi. xi, figs. 7-8, laticincta var. fasciala p. 58, Bruxetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. lihinohacclta gen. n. p. 315, graed'is sp. n. p. 316 Ceylon, Meijere 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51. 380 Insecta. XI Insecta. [1908] Sericomy'ia liJmalaycnsis sp. n. Sik- kim, Brunetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 89 & 1 figs. G 7 & 8 pi. xiii. Spltaerophor'ia ; Notizen iiber indoaus- tralische Arten, Meijere 's Graveuhage Tijdschr. Em. 51 pp. 287-291. Sphecvinyia occideiitaVis p. 12, nasica p. 13, spp. n., Bnt. Columbia, Osuurn Canad. Euto. 40. Spheginobaccha gen. n. near Spltegiiia for Sphegina wacropoda, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 327. Syrltta luteinervis sp. n. Neu Guinea, Meijere p. 226 T.c. Syrphiis schidtzlanus S'p. n. Kl.-Xama- land, Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 183. — S. liiteifrons, trlangidifrons, circumdatus, longirostris, morokacnsis, elongatus, Neu Guinea, spp. n., Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 304-309.— S. seleniticus als Vertilger von Psylla mall (Russ.), Schreiner Trd. b. entoni. Ucen, Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 5 5 1907 pp. 34. — S. hisolitus p. 5, con- jundus p. 7, spp. n., Brit. Columbia, OsBURN Cauad. Euto. 40. Volucella ; in Deutschland, Speiser Ent. Jahrb. 17 pp. 163-167 ; Notizen liber siidostasiatische Arten, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 276. — V. discolor, liridlrentris, riifieauda, baaalis spp. n., Sikkim and Assam, Brunetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pp. 61-62 6 1 figs. 11-13, pi. xi. Xantltogramma notogramma sp. n. Colonia Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 28. — X. tenuis sp. n. Brit. Columbia, OsBURN p. 8 Canad. Ento. 40. Xylota aitroniterts j). 78, assamcnsis p. 79 Assam, spp. n., Brlnetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — X. (icncimaeuluta sp. n. New Guinea, MeijerF'; 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 227. Oestrii)\e. Uber dicliachcnbremsen ; DiEiiLBayr. Forstztg 15 Xr. 29 jtp. 1-4. Cutitcrehra schroederi sp. n. Peru, Enderlein Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70 ])p. 202-203. Dermatoriflrnx rrihHsnnl sp. n. Cen- Iral-Afrika, Pnii'irs liclsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc.49Xo. 19 p. 1-3. Gastrophilus -harven in derMenschen- haut, Cholodkovskv Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 409-413. — Gastrophiliis-harven aus Eguus holimi mit Beschreibung von 2 neuen, SJOSTEDxKilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 2 p. 21. Gyrostigma & Spathiccra, Identitat, Bal- Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 1 48 Grig, pp. 164-167. Hypodcrma bovls and lineata ; Car- texter & Steen J. Dep. Agric. Ire- land 8 22 pp. 1 pi. ; //. boris- Larven in der Menschenhaut, Maebitz Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 Beih. 6 pp. 25-26 ; //. bovis and man ; Mei.chiorsen Kjoeb. Ugeskrift for Laeger 70 p. 88 ; Wan- dern des Larven im Wirt, Haiifigkeit, Tarnaxi Jestestv. i. geogr. 13 10 pp. 50-60. '\Palocstnis oligocoenus Scudd. to Glossina, Cockerell p. 65 Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. Spatlilcera mcruensis sp. n. ist Imago von Gyrostigma rhinocero7itis biconiis Brauer (bisher nur als I.avve l)ekamt), Kiliuiandjaro-Meru, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 10 2 p. 12. — S. sp., PouETON & NEiVE London Proc. ent. Soc. 1908 pp. xxix and xxx. CoxoriDAE. Myiopa seludtzei sp. n. Kl. Namaland, Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 200. Zodion caesium sp. n. Cauaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 90. MUSCIDAE CALYI'TRATAE. Ueber die Anatomic und die Biologie der Fliegen, Storm Bergen Naturen 32 pp. 353-362. Beitrag zur Biologie der Musciden ; RiEDEL Eut. Wochenbl. 25 pp. 133- 1.37. Ueber die Abhiingigkeit des Wach- stnms der Fliegenlarven von ]3akterien und Fermenten und iiber die A'aria- bilitiit und \'ererl)ung bei den FJeisch- fiigcn, BoGDANOW Arch. Anat. Physiol. Phv.siol Abt. 1908 Supp. Bd pp. 173- 200, 2 Taf. Contribution a Tctudc des monciies l)i(iuantes de I'Afriijue iiitertropicnle, Laveran Paris Bui. soc. 2)ath. exot. 1 pp. 252-255. 381 Itisecia, SysTEiiATia — Mdscidab. Taehinidae ; Reproductive haljits : host-oviposition, leaf-oviposition, supra- cutaneous ho>t-larviposition, subcu- taneous host-larviposition and leaf-larvi- position. TowxsEND Washintrton Tecli. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Eat. No. 12 pp. i-iii -I- 95-118, text fig. Brief biological notes, Lf.ic.h, pp. 113- 110 F.ntomologist 41. Tabulation of males of Anlhomij'i'idac with broad forehead ; Steix Entomol. Ztg. Wien27pp. 1-15. Histogeaese des muscles alaires ; Perez Paris C. R. soc. biol. 63 1907 pp. 706-708. Spheres de granules et tissus imn^i- naux, Perez Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 pp. 43—44. Renovation epitheliale de I'intestin moyen, iFuscides ; Perez Paris C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. C94-C95. Reseau de soutien du coeur chez les Muscides ; Perez Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 pp. 477-478. Metamorphose de I'intestin anterieur ; Perez Paris C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 835- 836. Acaiilona trhunntepeca sp. n. Tehuan tepee, TowssEND Washington Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 130. Acronaritsta gen. n. p. 85 near Scliizo- tachina, viirabilis sp. n. p. 86 Florida, TOWSSESD T.c. Act'ia heterochaeta sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 59. Acyglossa polUnosa sp. n. Europe, ViLLESEcvE p. 203 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 27. AUophora aeih'iop'iea sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 88. — A. (Ihjalomijia) 7wsali.'< sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 384 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Angiometopa monospUa sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 70. ? Anthomy'ia, hisetosa, description cor- lected, Brixetti Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 1 p. 107. Apachemy'ia gen. n. type Demoticiis paUidiis, TowNSEXD Washington Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 75. Aphr'ia lull fro as sp. n. France, Ville- necve Feuille'jeunes natural 38 p. 96. — .1. occidentale western United States, ijeorg'iana Georgia, spp. n., Townsend Wasliington Smitlisonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 68. Argnrophi/lax pipcri nom. n. for Sturmin schizurae Coquillott, To\vN.'5Exn T.c. — A. protopareh (?) parasite of Phlegethontius sexta, Girault Ent. News 19 pp. 235-236. Atherigona pcrpiJc/u-a sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 384 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Bessc7-la fassidatti sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 383 T.c. Binon'whacta legeri sp. n. llautes- Alpes, ViLLENEUVE p. 285 Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. Biomyla lempeatalum sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 101. Blepliar'idea iin' color sp. n. France, ViLLENEUVE FeuiUe jeunes natural. 38 p. 118. Brauerimyia nom. n. for Widp'ia Brauer & Berg., To\vy.sE\D Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 05. Ihtcentes vielaii'ta sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 58. Calliophrys nitlditliorax p. 102, h'lpunc- tata p. 103, hecheri p. 104, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. Zool. Mus. 4. Calliphora ; phvlogenv, Wesciie J. Quekett Club 2 10 pp. 28.3-204 pis. xii & xxiii. — (.'. texens'is Texas, rubrifrons British Columbia, p. 116, popoffana p. 117 Alaska, irazuann p. 118 Costa Rica, spp. n., TowxsENO Washington Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51. Campylochaeta mettallica sp. n. Eri- trea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 57. Car'icea histriata sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 105. Catemophrys gen. n. type Vanderuul- p'la sequens, Townsesd Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 65. Catalieria gen. n. voisin de Mas'icera, r.eniharh'is sp. n. France, Villeneive Feuille jeunes natural. 38 p. 110 fig. 4. Ceromasia sp., Walton p. 298 pi. xii f. D. Ent. News 19. — C. aur'ifrons New Hampshire, auricaudata Idaho and 382 Insecta. xir. Insecta. [1908]- Washington, spp. n., Townsexd Wash- ington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 102. Chaetogaedia monticola, oviposition etc., SwEZEY Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Sec. 2 pp. 7-9. Chaetoria gen. n. Tachimdae p. 113, stylata sp. n. Canaren p. 114, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Chirosia fractlseta Schweden p. 8, crassiseta Norddeutschland p. 10, spp. n., Stein Entomol. Ztg Wien 27. Choristomma poliornyi Steia Synony- mic, Stein T.c. p. 13. Choriophila fallax Lw. Beschreilmng, Stein p. 9 T.c. — C. pareepilosa sp. n. Pyrenees, Yilleneuve p. 202 Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. — C. v'dt'ithonix sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 108. Chrysomyia tellini sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 82. Cistogaster aurantiaca Meig., Ville- neuve p. 283 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 27. Coenosia bhittata sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 109. — C. calopoda sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Eutom. 39 p. 119. . Comatacta nautlana sp. n. Veracruz, TowNSEND Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 101. Compsilura conclnnata, Parasit der Raupen von Euproctls chrysorrhoea , Beschreibung, Lebenweise (Russ.), Emeljanov Choziajstov 2 p. 1040 etc. Conicera pueriUs sp. n. Madeira, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 194. Copecrypta gen. n. type Schineria ruficauda Williston, Townsend Wash- ington Smithsonian Inst Misc. CoUect. Q. 51 p. 109. Cordylohia grunbergi, Fulleborn Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 Beih. G pp. 1-24. Craspedotrix amplicomia sp. n. Ger- many, ViLLENEmE p. 285 Ent. Ztg. Wieii 27. Ctenopltorocera polleniina sp. n. Eri- trea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 50. Deopalptis gen. n. near Hpxinipaljrus, hirsvtus sp. n. Chihuahua, Townsend Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 110. Dcxiopsis flav'ipes sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 108. — D. minutalis Zett., Beschreibung, Stein Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 p. 14. Diaphoropeza gen. n. type Atro- phopoda braueri, Townsend Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 64. DoUehocodia gen. n. near Myiocera, type M. bhittata Coq., Townsend p. 59 T.c. D repanoglossa amydviae sp. n. Mexico, Townsend p. 76 T.c. Echinomyia tesselata, Parasit der Eaupe von Agrotis segelum, Vasiliev Vest, sacham. promysl. 9 pp. 41-45. Erynnia setibarba sp. n. Eritrea , Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 55. Euacaulona gen. n. Triehopodini, sumichrasti sp. n. Tehuantepec, Town- send Washington Smithsonian Inst.' Misc. CoUect. Q. 51 p. 131. Euealliphora gen. n. typeC. Jatifrons Hough, Townsend p. 118 T.c. Eucalodexia gen. n. type Ilomodexia flavipes, Townsend p. 64 T.c. Eiiehaetogyne gen. n. type Hystri- chodexia roederi Will., Townsend p. 59 T.c. Eudylia gen. n. type Clytia flava, Townsend p. 60 T.c. Eucoronimyia nom. n. for Isoglossa Coquillelt, Townsend p. 84 T.c. Eudemoticus nom. nl for Plagiopsis Brauer & Berg., Townsend p. 75 T.c. Eudexodes gen. n. type Dexodes eggeri Brauer & Berg., Townsend p. 103 T.c. Euepalpiis gen. n. Hystrieiinae, flavicaudn sp. n. Brazil, TownsejvD ■p. 115 T.c. Eufdbricia gen. n. p. Ill, near Fabricin, ilavicans sp. n. p. 112 Brazil, Townsend T.c. Eujur'inia gen. n. type Uyatnc'ia pollinosa van der Wulp. Townsend p. 113 T.c. EuiitC'jaixiria gen. n. Eiimegapariini near Megapar'ia, type .1/. ilaveola Coq. Townsend p. 58 T.c. 3S3 Instcla. Systematic. — Diptera — Muscidae — Calyptbatae. Eitmescmbrina gen. n. type Mc»cii>- brina latreiUci Robineau-Desvoidy, alaseetiaix sp. n. Alaska, Towxsend p. 124 T.c. EuomoLjcii'ui gen. n. Trichoijodim, laeteata sp. n. Tabasco, Towssend p. 131' T.c. Eupcleleria gen. n. type Ecliinoviyla fera Linue, Towxsesd p. Ill T.c. Euphasia nom. n. for Neophasia Brauer ct Berg., Towxsexd p. 70 T.c. Euphorocera sloasonae sp. n. New Hampshire, Towssend p. 108 T.c. Euphyto gen. n. type Leucostoma suhopaca, TowssESD p. 63 T.c. Eiiryomma perejrinum, hispaniense, Svnonymie, Steis Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 13. Ensisyropa gen. n. type Exorista blonda Usten-Sacken, Townsend Wash- ington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 97. Eidr'ichopoda gen. n. Trichopodini, nigra sp. n. Tehuantepec, Townsend p. 134 T.c. Exogaster ocypteroides sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze BoU. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 67. Exorista bicolor sp. n. Germany, Villenecve p. 283 Ent. Ztg. Wieu 27. — E. echmaspis sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 53. — E. palustrae p. 473, bergi p. 474, aurato- frontalis p. 475, spp. n., Buenos Aires, Beethes An. Mus. Buenos Aires 9. Fannia puheacens sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 98. — F. perpidchra sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 110. Frauenfeldia caucasiea sp. n. Cau- casus, ViLLESEtJVE p. 287 Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. Fucellia setulosa sp. n. Itschabo- Insel, Stein Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 172. — F. chinensis, apicalis, Swatovv, spp. n., Keetesz Wien Entomol. Ztg. 27 pp. 71-72. Galactomyia gen. n. type Trichopoda radiata l^cew, Townsexd Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 135. Gesveria ; characters and importance ; ViLLENEUVE p. 281 Ent. Ztg. Wien 27. Clos. 96 .Mexico, Town- sran Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51. Triachora gen. n. type Latreillia uni- faaeiata Robineau-Desvoidy, Townsend p. 105 T.c. Trichneta gen. n. Tryptoceratidae, nnbiUnerviK sp. n. Canaren, Becker Ber- lin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 11.8. Tricyclea semicinerea sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Eirenze Boll. Soc. Entom.39p. 77. — T. bicoJor sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 383 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Tryptoeera exoleta Meig. nee ]\lik, Villeneuve p. 283 Ent. Ztg. Wien. 27. Viv'tania laehnostcrnae sp. n. Illinois, Townsend Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 105. Wbitliemia cldonaspis sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 382 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Xaiithozona gan. n. type Tacldna melanopyga Wiedemann, Town.send Washington Smithsonian lust. Misc. CoUect. Q. 51 p. 116. Xanthomelanodes ealiforn'ica sp. n, western United States, To\vnsend p. 129 T.c. Zonochroa flaveola sp. n. Congo, Bezzj p. 383 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Zygobothria nidicola sp. n. Europe, TowN.SEND Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 p. 99. Mcscidae acauttratae. Aeanthiophilus gen. n. fiir Tetanoccra icalkeri WoUast., Becker Berlin Mitt, zool. Mus. 4 p. 136. Aeidia separata sp. n. Cauaren, Becker p. 137 T.c. AcAdin cyclopiea p. 152, tephroiiota p. 154, nigricoKta p. 156, spp. n., Eri- trea, Bezzi Eirenze Boll. JSoc. Entom. 39. — A. vielania sp. n. S.-W. Afiika, Bezzi .Tena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 193. {A. pulchella sp. n. Portugal, Tavakes Broteria 1 1902 pp. 37-38). Aciura caeca sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 150. ig Agromyza carbonaria, Ohservations on (Danish) Kobeuhavn Tids Sk. 20 I pp. 93-100, Nielsen. — .4. tiliae sp. n. , Missouri, Couden Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 35. — A. pecloralis p. 167, , hiemalis p. 168, halterata p. 169, britnn't- cosa, liiHeUa, promiiiens, p. 170, Cana- ren, spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. i Mus. 4. ' Amphicyphiis gen. n. Sapromyzinae for Ensina reiicidata, Meijere 's Gra- _.. venhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 147. Bl 387 Insectn. Systematic. — Acalypthatae. Anoroiitonia gr.itidis p. 75, maeulatit p. 76, spp. n., California, Daklixgtox Trans. Amer. Eiit. Soc. 34. Apsinota picticeiitr'is, Meijere 's tlra- veahage Tijdschr. Eut. 51 p. 111). Assuania saleifrons sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 180. Aste'ia dccepta sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin i[itt. zool. .Mas. 4 p. 159. Asijntoiiaparadoxasip. n. Xeu-Guinea, Meuere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Eut. 51 p. 124. Borbonis mnrinoratiis p. 133, wii- color p. J 31, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. "^Calobata tertiaria sp. n. baltic amber, Mecsier Ann. Soc. Bruxeiless 32 ifem. p. 265. Camarota angustifrons sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. So3. Entom. 39 p. 179. Camilla afrieana sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 388 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Campylocera brericoTmis sp. n. Xeu- guinea, Hekdel Entotnol. Ztg. 27 p. 152. ('elyphus diehrous sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 384 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Ceratitis pe inipes sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 387 T.c— C'. anonae sp. n. W. Africa, GRAHAii p. 114 pi. ix J. econ. Biol. 3. Ceroxys ethiopia sp. n. Zanzibar copal, Meusier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 254. Cestrotus tib'alis sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entoni. 39 p. 126. Cliaetapsis aenia, Walton p. 298 pi. xii f. F Ent. News 19. Chiromyia quadrinotata sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 164.' Chloropiaca Loew 1866 Zugehorig- keit zu Tliaumatomyia Zenker, Bezzi Wien. ent. Ztg. 27 p. 293. — C. aidcifrons sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 147.— 0. luteolimbata sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 181. — C. lucens sp. n. .Java, Meijeke 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 169. Cldorops distinguenda sp. n. Aland, Frey Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 Xo. 9 P- 11. — 0. albipiloaa sp. n. Canaren, (k- 10332 ;■) Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 147. Coelopa fZa-f///W(/a sp. n. S.-.Vfrika, Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 191. Crassiseta attenuata Costa Rica, pen'tta Wisconsin, spp. n., Adams p. 152 Xew York J. Ent. Soc. 16. Daciis ; Xotizen iiber indoaustralische Arten, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 126.— D. oZeae, Prof. Silvestri suUa generuzione di questa raosca, Guekcio b'cdia 4 pp. 276-284 ; genera- zioni, SiLVE.sTRi Porlici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. l.H-17; Imenotteri jjarassiti esto- fagi, Silvestri Martelli et Masi Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2, pp. 18-82, 36 fig. ; parassiti, Masi Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. 185-194; Appunti intorno alle note di Dietologia degli Imenotteri parassiti di questa mosca e al metodo razionale di lotta proposto dal Prof. Silvestri, Berlese Redia 4 1907 pp. 289- 328 ; determinasioue di parassiti fatte dal Silvestri, Paoli Rediu 4 pp. 285- 288. — D. mesomelas, viodestus, spp. D., Congo, Bezzi p. ,386 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — D. vertebratus p. 147, hrevistylus p. 149, spp. n., Eritrea, BEZzr Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39. — D. cucumarms sp. n. 0-Afrika, Sack Fi-ankfurt a. il Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908 p. 10. — D. bistngidatus sp. n. Kl-Nauialand, Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. (ies 13 p. 193. Desmometopa ; habits, Lundstrom Luonnon Ystava 10 pp. 41-45. Diasteneura gen. n. Pyrgotinae, lati- ceps sp. n. Bothaville, Hexdel Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 150. Diops'iH leucochira, sulcifrons, spp. n., Congo, Bezzi p. 387 yVnn. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — D. breviseta sp, n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 167. — D. dalmanni, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 115. Discomyza maculipenn'is, syn. lioma- lura maeulipennifi and Di scomyza ama- bilis, Meijere T.c. p. 166 T.c. Domomyza alhipila p. 166, fronlosn p. 167, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Dorycera tubercidosa sp. n. Corfu, Hendel Zs. Hymenopter. 8 p. 107. Drosophila ; Notizen iiber javanische Arten, Meijere 'a Gravenhage Tijdschr. c 35—2 388 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1908] Ent. 51 p. 150. — D. ruhrostriata p. 155, xarioplcta, p'dosida, p. 156, late-strlata p. 157 Canarea spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. — D. meg- ospis sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Sic. Entom. 39 p. 191. — D. plagiata sp. n. Kapland, Bezzi Jena. Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 197. — D. 'juttiventris nom. n. for maeiiUvcnlris de Meij., Meijere 's Gravenbage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 331. — D. nigra, pumilio, quadripiuLctata, macidicentris, cdhi- cincta, I'nnbipeiinis, ustidata, spp. n., Java, Meijere pp. 150-157 T.c. Eccoptomera americana sp. n. Idaho, Darlington Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 74. Engistoneura guttata, concolor, hicolov, cdboUneata, spp. n., Congo, Bezzi p. 385 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Ensina mylopitoides sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 158. Ephydra alandiea sp. u, Aland, Frey Acta Soc. Fauna Fenu. 31 No. 9 p. 12. Epicausta andrein'il sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 136. Eupyrgota scioida sp. n. Buru, Uendel Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 119. Gampsocera niunerata, Fret & Palmen Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenu. 34 pp. 139-142. Geloemy'ia gen. n. Vyrgothiae, stylata sp. n. Tongking, Hendel Entomol Ztg 27 p. 151. Geomyza nigr'ifemorata, punctifera, Ivl-Namaland spp. n., Bezzi Jena Deuk- bchr. med. Ges. 13 p. 199. Bclomyza oeeana sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Jlitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 132. — //. innotata sp. n. iladeira, Becker p. 199 T.c. — //. barhcri sp. n. western United States, Darlington Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 93. H'lppelatca plan'iacutellatiis sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 149. — //. minor sp. n, Java, Meijere 's Gravcnhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 108. llydromyza conjlueiis, gall, Neediiam l)iol. surv. Walnut lake pp. 270-27J, tt'Xt fig. Hypotyplda loeirl sp. n. Kapland, Hendel Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 145. Ilytliea nehidosa sp. n. Madeira, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 202. KeiieszieUa gen. n. for Pachycerina flaviceps, Hendel p. 18 Gen. Ins. 68. Lagaroeeras gracile sp. n. Java, Meijere 'sGravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 170. Laglaisia Tioclti sp. n. Xeu-Guinea, Meijere p. 120 T.c. Lauxavia flavipes sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 128. — L. (Sapromyza) trypetoptera Hendel, syn. Saj^romyza /n'sh-io de Meij. ; orieiitis Hendel, syn. Sapromyza herteszi de Meij. ; Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijd- schr. Ent. 51 p. 331. Lauxaniinae ; the genera and lists of species ; Hendel Gen. Ins. 68 3 pis. 06 pp. Lecogaster Scheffer ; Bezzi p. 293 Wien. ent. Ztg. 27. Lcria glauca sp. n. Washington, Ai.d- RiCH Philadelphia Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 87. Leriella gen. n. TIelomyzinac, erassi- femorata sp. n. Zanibar copal, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 Mem. p. 255. Leiicophenga leucostoma sp. n. Hnn- garia, Becker Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 320. Limosina eximia sp. n. Madeira. Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 198. — L. melanaspis sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 384 Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique 52.— L. ornata sp. n. Java, Meijere 's (iraven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 177. Loncliaca vaginalis, Kleixe Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 113. — L. cuprea sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 131. I.oxQcera dispar sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 173. Loxoncura decora, Meijere 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. US. Madiza pacliymcra sp. n. llimgaria, Becker Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 p. 320. Meromyza decora sp. n. Finland, Frey Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 33 p. 08. Meroscinis gen. n. near Oscinis, scii- tellala sp. n. Java, Meijere 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 172. 3S9 Insecla. Systematic. — D:ptera — Acalyptratae. Micropeza titrcaua var. ii. amhhjua New Mexico, Cbessox Traus. Aiuer. Eat. Soc. 34 p. 3. Micropezidae ; Ciies.'=;on" T.c. pp. 1-1-, MUichia viix!a p. 160, n'ltcns p. IGl, siihescens p. Iti2, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. Mil'idiicUa himaciiJata sp. n. Can- aren, Beckek p. 103 T.c. Midiloitera gen. n. Geoniyzidae p. 147, apicalis sp. n. p. 148 North Dakota, Coquillett Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. Xotiphlla simills, impimctata, spp. n., Java, ilEiJEUE 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 162-163. Oclithera brevilibiulis sp. n, Java, Meijehe p. 167 T.c. Oedaspis quinquiefasciala sp. n. Canaren, Bixker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 13y. Qmomy'ta hirsuta, sexual dimorphism, Barber Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 pp. 28-29. Oscinia frit, Schaden aii den Winter- saaten in Bessarabien, Zahl der Genera- tionen ; KrasiliScik Kisinev Bessar. selisk. choz. 1908 pp. 173-177.— 0. lamlniformis p.lid, la'jimae, nitidigenis, p. 150, Canaren, spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. — 0. marginata, oma- tifrons, spp. n., Java, Meijere 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 pp. 173-174. — 0. nigra, flaveseens, p. 272, Colorado, frontalis p. 273, dissidens p. 274 Texas, spp. n., Tucker Ent. News 19. Oxyna martii sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 144. — iJ. margaritifera sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Bol. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 160. Pachijcerina javana, Meijere 's Gra- venhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 140. Paehylophus telUiiii sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 177. '\Palaeotiinia gen. n. Oiialinae, lioesti sp. n. baltic amber, Melnier Ann. Soc. Bruxelies 32 ifem. p. 206. Paralauxania subg. n. of Laiixania for Sapromyza albicepis, Hendel p. 29 Gen. Ins. 68. Procrita gen. n. Lauxaniinae p. 59, pectinata sp. n. Mexico p. 60, Hendel 'i.e. Parnlimna ftdripcK sp. n. Congo, Bezzi p. 387 Ann. Spc. cut. Belgique 52. — P. dnsyeera sp. n. Eritrea, BEZZt Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 188. — P. piiijctata, lineata, spp. n., Java, Me[Jere 's Graveuhage Tijdsclir. Ent. 51 pp. 164 & 105. Perenomatia judaea sp. n. Jerusalem, Hesdel Zs. Hymeao])tera 8 p. 108. Pln/taJmodes gen. n. near Phytalmia p. 385, africnua sp. n. Congo p. 386, Bezzi Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Phytomyza hellehori, Ll DWIg Zs. wiss. Insektenl)ioI. 4 p. 102. PiopliUa riijicornis, Neiibeschreibung, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 113. Poerilostenia gen. n. Ephydridae, decemguttata sp. n. Kalahari, Bezzi Jena Denksehr. med. Ges. 13 p. 195. Porsemis gen. n. Helomyzidae p. 09, johnsoni sp. n. p. 70 Massachusetts, Aldricii and Dariington Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Psairoptera hiseta sp. n. Tammerfors, FuEY Acta Soc. Fauna Fenn. 31 No. 9 p. 15. Pseudiaslala gen. n. near Diastala, nebidosa sp. n. Maryland, Coquillett Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 148. Pyrgota longipes sp. n. Rio Grande do Sul, Hexdel Eutomol. Ztg. 27 p. 145. — P. iindata natural historj^, Forbr, p. 102 pi. xi f. 2 Rep. Ent. Illinois 24. Eliagoletis grindeViae sp. n. Texas, Coquillett Washington Proc. Eat. Soc. 9 p. 146. Rhicno'essa inarmorala p. 104, grofi- sipes, latigenis, p. 105, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. — R. mimitissima sp. n. Kl. Namaland, Bezzi Jena Denksehr. med. Cies. 13 p. 200. RivelUa dimiJiatn sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 122. Sapromyza insularis p. 129, irana- formata, canarievsis, infitmata, p. 130, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt, zool. Mus. 4. — S. ijidigena sp. n. Madeira, Becker p. 199 T.c. — S. guadrata sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 129. — S. ; Notizen iiber javanische Arten, ilEUERE 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 133. — S.histrio, pulchripennis, cxigua, punctipennia, quinquepunctata, 390 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] spp. n., kcrteszi nom. u. (= oricntalis Kertesz), Java, Meijere pp. 137-146 T.c. Scaptomijza tetrasticha sp. n. Canareu, Blcker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 158. -^S. himac.ulata sp. n. Java, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 160. Scatella major sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 152. Scatophaga cerea sp. n. Neve Jersey, CoQUiLLETT Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 146. Seatophila modesta sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. Zool. Mus. 4 p. 153. Scliolastes zebra sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 134. Saiomyza ai-jyrotarsis sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 128. Selidacantha gen. n. near Diastata p. 197, micropJithalma sp. n. S.-W.- Afrika p. 198, Bezzi Jena Denksclir. med. Ges. 13. Scpcdon ; Notizen iiber iudoauistra- lische Arten, p. 105, chalyhtifruns sp. n. Java & Sumatra, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 106. Sepsidomorpha gen. n. fiir Sepsis loeui Hend., l-ULV 1). ent. Zs. 1908 p. 584. Sepsis & allies tabulated ; S. ortlio' cnemis sp. n. Finnland, Fkey D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 583.— .S., Notizen iiber malaiische Arten, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 j). 110.— S. harhata sp. n. Canaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mas. 4 J). 145. — S. eph'qypnum sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firen/e Boll. Soc. Entoni. 39 p. 170. Siligo gen. n. Ihiomi/zidae p. 98, onr/oiKi p. U'J Oregon, litorea p. 100 California, spp. n., Aldricu Trans. Anier. Ent. Soc. 34. Siphonella piinio sp. n. Eritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Sdc. I'.ntoni. 39 p. 183. — S. miniiiui sp. n. .I;i va, MEr.iKiiE 's Graven- hage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 176. Sphaeiiiacus gen. n. Trypetidae , hre- vicnuda sp. n. Canaren, Becker ]5erlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 138. SpJuierocera orieiitaVis sp. n. Java, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 J). 178. Sphenella caudula sp. n. C^uiaren, Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 j). 1 10. — S. melanost'igma sp. n. Kl. Namalaud, Bezzi Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 194. Teleops'is ruhicunda, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 117. Tephristis absynthi var. n. guttistigma, Enderlein Danzig Ber. bot.-zool. Ver. 30 pp. 54-238. — T. reticulata, oceulata, duplex, Canaren spp. n., I5ecker Berlin Mitt. Zool. Mus. 4, p. 143. — T. oricntalis sp. n. Java, Meijere 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 1 30. TephrocMamys flavitarsis sp. n. New Hampshire, Darlington Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 71. Timia htrtipes p. 4, jakowle^ci p. 6, iiigriceps p. 7, parva p. 8, reitteri p. 9, Transkaspia, Mugi Mongolei, carbonaria Kaukasus, p. 10, spp. n., Hendel Zs. Hymenopter. 8. To-xura longipalpis p. 147, variegata p. 148, spp. n., .\ustralia, Henpel Ento- mol. Ztg. 27. Trypeta ludens. Herrer.'^ J Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 169-174. Urellia perfecta p. 140, insidaruin, guimari, p. 141, sepia p. 142, Canaren spp. n., Becker Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4. — 1\ argentina p. 368, honariensis p. 309, patagonica p. 372, platensis p. 373, ame- ghinoi p. 471, spp. n., S. Anierica.BRETiiES An. ]\Ius. Buenos Aires 9. — U. auguralis sp. n. ]<>ritrea, Bezzi Firenze Boll. Soc. Entom. 39 p. 163. Xantltacrona tuherosa sp. n. Dutch Guiana, Cresson Ent. News 19 p. 97. Zeugma gen. n. p. 95 near llemixantlin, palposa sp. n. Dutch Guiana p. 96, Cresson T.c. PurirARA. Die geograj)liisclie Verbreitung der Diptera pupipara und ihre Phylogenie ; Speiser Z. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 241-246, 301-305, 420 425, 437-447. Aseodipteron lahulatum sp. n. Mada- gaskar, Si'Eiser IJeise Ostafrika 2 p. 202. Kclieslypus gen. n. near Lipoptcna, biiiocidus sp. n. Kalahari, Si'Eiser Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 1908 p. 176. JUppobosca ; Erntihrung der Larve duich Milciidriisen, Ciiolodkovsky St. Petcrburg Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances 39 1 pp. 112-119 deutsch Res. 163-164. 391 Insccta. Systematic. — Ai'manh'Tkua. Nycteribia stylidiopsis sp. n. Mada- gaskar, Speisei: Keise Ostafrika 2 p. 200. — -V. (Liiftro^wdin) iusioUta p. 301 pi. xviii tiijs. 9-13, sauteri p. 366 figs. 14- IS, spp. n., Formosa, Scott London Tr. out. Sof. lOOS. Penicillidia jenyiisi characters, larva, Scott pp. 36(V304 pi. xviii figs. 1-S T.c. — P. leptotlirinax sp. n. Jladagaskar, Speiser Heise Ostafrika 2 p. 199. APHANIPTERA or SIPHONAPTERA. Nomenelatorische Beiuerkungeu iiber Suctoria, Ocdeu.^ns 's Graveuhage Ber. Xed. Ent. Ver. 2 pp. 224-227, 238-240. Synopsis and bibliography of Cali- fornia Slphonaptcra, Mitzmain Ent News. 19 pp. 380-382. Weitere Mitteilungen iiber Flohe ; Dampf Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 pp. 291-299. Die ost- und west-preussische Floh- fauna, Dampf Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 48 (1907) 1908 pp. 388-399. Fleas on rats and man, Doa^'e pp.303 & 304 Caiiad. Ento. 40. The Aphaniptera of Mus rattus &. decumanus, Shipley J. econ. Biol. 3 pp. 68-73. Fleas & plague, Verjbitski J. Hygiene 8 pp. 162-208. Transmission of plague, the San Francisco epidemic ; Mitzmaix Ent. News 19 pp. 3.53-359. ArchaeopsyUa gen. n. near Spilo' psyUtis, Dampf Konigsterg Schr. physik. Gea. 49 p. 18. BrevitJiorac'ea superfamilia n. = Sar- copayllidae, Ocdemaxs 's Gravenhage Ber. ned. Ent. Ver. 2 p. 252. Ceratophylliia acutits, feeding habits, MiTZMAiM Ent. News 19 pp. 462-463.— C. troglodyfex sp. n. Deutscliland, Kampf Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 49 p. 22. — G. infest us sp. n. Kibonoto, KoTii- scuiLD Kiliniandjaro-Aleru Exp. 11 I p. 4. — C. .-itygius sp. n. Uganda, Roth- schild p. 77 pi. i r.-3 Ent. Mag. 44.— C. argus p. 627 pi. xx.x f. 15, andersoni p. 628 pi. xxxi f. 19, spp. n., Japan, RoTiiscHiLi) London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. — C. niger sp. n. from Man and Mus decunimius, Vox Ent. News 19 p. 434. Chiroptei'opsylhi gen. n. near to 7s- chuopsylliis and Nycteridopsylla, OuDE- MANS 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Eut. 51 p. 102. Coptopsylla gen. n. tyi)e Pulex lamellifcr, Jordan & Rotusciiild p. 91 Parasitology 1. Corypsylla geii, n. ornatus sp. n. California from Scapanus caUfornicu-'^, Fox Ent. News 19 p. 452. Ctenocephahis wollastoni sp. n. Uganda, Rothschild p. 76 pi. i figs. 1 & 2 Ent. Hag. 44. Ctenoplithalmus rettigi sp. n. Rovi- mania, Rothschild p. 624 pi. sxviii figs. 3 & 4 London Proc. /.ool. Soc. 1908. Cte7iopsyllus h'lrsul^is sp. n. Uganda p. 78 pi. i f. 4, aethiop'teus $ p. 79, Rothschild Ent. Mag. 44. — C. aethio- p'u-us sp. n. Kibonoto, Rothschild Sjost. Kilim.-.Meru Exp. 11 1 p. 5. — C allo- pliyhis sp. n. Chile, Rothschild p. 625 pi. xxviii figs. 1 & 2 London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Dermatophiliis perielrans, in Oviedo's Arbeiteu nicht eiwahnt, Oudemahs 's Gi-avenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 2 p. 226. Bistrlehopsylla talpae = (narieli G.-V.), Jordan p. 91 Ent. Mag. 44. Ischnopsyllus unipectlnatus Tascli. syn. Ceratopsyllus monocteniis Kol., OuDEMAXS 's Gravenhage Tijdschr. Ent. 51 p. 103. Loemopsylla gen. n. p. 15 for Pulex clieop'is etv'., somalicuH Somaliland p. 37, nesioles Christmas i.sland p. 47, ndotieiis Dongola p. 50, tortus S. E. Africa p. 53, divergens Cape Colony p. 57, spp, n., Jordan & Rothschild Parasitology 1. Moeopsylla gen. n., sjocstedtl sp. n. Massia- and Kiljonoto-steepe, Roth- schild Kiliniaudjaro-Meru Exp. 11 1 pp. 2-4. Kycteridopsylla longiceps sp. n. England, Rothschild p. 281 pi. viii Entomologist 41. 392 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Ornithopsylla gen. n., lactitlae sp. n. Scilly ia nest of Fratercida ; Roth- schild p. 231 pi. ii Ent. Mag. 44, Pariodontis gen. n. for Pulex riggen- hachi, Jordan- & Rothschild p. 14 Parasitology 1, Pulex cheop'is, natuial histoiy, Advisory Committee J. Hygiene 8 pp. 236-265 ; Workommen in Deli Sumatra, LoGHEM Batavia Geneesk. Tijdschr. Xed. lud. 48 pp. 5S6-5S8. Pygiopsylla tortus sp. n. Uganda, Rothschild pp. 77 Ent. Mag. 44.— P. afer Angola p. 618 pi. sxix figs. 7 I't 8, raiiihoici p. 619 pi. xxviii f. 5 & pi. xxx f. 12, yvav'is pi. xxx f. 14, Australia, lacinwsus pi xxviii f. 6 p. G20, mordcur p. 621 pi. xxviii f. 6 & xxix f. 9, Xew Guinea, fcrinus Ceylon p. C22 pi. xxi.'c f. 11, spp. n., Rothschild London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Rhopalopsyllus cac'iciis Peru p. 73, luguhris Bolivia p. 74,' hen^hardi Para- guay p. 77, platensis La Plata p. 78, litus liab. ? p. 80, spp. n., Jorda\ & Rothschlld Parasitology 1. SarcopsyUa penetrans Fulleborn Arch. ScLiffsbyg., 12 Beih. 6 pp. 1-24. Solitothoracica superfamilia n. =Pidi- e'ldae; Oldemass 's Gravenhage Ber. Xed. Ent. Ver. 2 p. 252. StepJianocireiis jarvisl sp. n. Austra- lia, Rothschild p. 623 pi. xxix f. 12 London Proc. zool. Soc. 1908. Xestopsylla gaUinacea, biology, Heu- rick J. Econ. Ent. pp. 355-358. HEMIPTERA. The names Jlemiptera & Rhyncltota, Kirkcaldy p. 188 Entomologist 41. Notes on the Hemiptera of Goeze's I'nt. Beytrage, Kirkcaldy pp. 6-8 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. The trophi of Hemiptera ; BufiXioN Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 25 pp. 501- 504. Les relations entre les faunes hemij)- tcrologiqucs de I'Europe et de I'Ame- riquc cbi Xord, HonvATii Ann. Mas. Hung. 6 jip. 1-14. Heteroptera. The classification of Heteroptera ; Reuier pp. 87-90 Mem. Soc. eut. Bel- gique 15. Die von A. A. H. Lichtensteiii beschriebenen Heteropteren, Bergeotu Wieu ent. Zeit. 27 p. 248. Phylogeny & classification of Heterop- tera ; Kirkcaldy pp. 357-364 Canad. Ento. 40. Development of pattern in Heterop- tera ; Reuter Festschrift fiir Palmcn Xo. 2. For remarks on various X. American Heteroptera vide HoRV.VTH Ann. Mus. Hung. 5 pp. 555-570. Brief notes, early stages, Kirkaldy p. as Entomologist 41. Pextatomidae. Supplement to the Brussels Catalogue of Pe)itatoj)iid(ie; Bergroth Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15 pp. 131-200. Xotes on Snellen van Yollenhoven's types of Pt'(i/a/o?ni(ZY p. 124 Entomologist 41. Airemba gszi. n. near dirhula p. 438, typica, fu.tca. spp. n., Riuvenzori, p. 439, Distant Ann. Nut. Hist. 2. Boer'ui nom. n. for Pdnda Dist., KiRKAi.DY p. 124 Entomologist 41 ; Tripanda lierg = [Boeria Kirk.), Dis- tant p. 148 T.c. Burrits gen. n. Gniphosovintinae, spl- citu8 sp. n. Bombay f. 257, Distant p. 425 Faun. Brit. India Rliynchota 4. CatitJweoiia orimtula Darjeelin^ p. 451, humendis Tenasserini p. 452, spp. n., Di3T.\xt T.c. Cantliarodes macidatus var. n. fiine- hris, SJcHOiTEDEX p. 309 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Carhtda distautiaiia n. n. for Asixivia carbida Dist., Bergroth p. 131 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — C. h'lcoloi- sp. n. Ruwenzori, Distant p. 437 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — C. asparia sp. n. Kumaon, Distant p. 440 Faun. Brit. India Rliyn- chota 4. Carpocorls ohtiisa Kousch. = Palo- mena prasina L., Recter St. Peterburg Ann. Mas zool. 12 pp. 541-545. Carrahas gen. n. I'lataspid'inae p. 421, mauriis sp. n. Madras p. 422 f. 256, Distant Faun. Brit. India Rhyuchota 4. Caternaultiella ru{]osa sp. n. Congo, ScnocTEDEN p. 370 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. Caura pulcherrima sp. n. Congo (but in note said to be probably Ifjgei Dist.), hipartita var. n. distlncta, ScuouTEDEN p. 372 T.c. — C. leggei sp. n. Semliki Forest, Distant p. 437 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Ceyalocoris eolmanti p. 368, homi p. 369, spp. n., Congo, Schouteuen Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Chlorochroa pcraimiUs sp. n. Amerique du Nord, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 555-556. Chryaocoria atolUi early stages, Ker- shaw & KiRKAiDY p. 59 pi. iv London Trans, ent. Soc. 1908. Cimex amurenais K.ousch. = Palomena amurena'ia sp. n., Reuter St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12 pp. 541-545. Coleotichtis huloici sp. n. Samoa, Schocteden Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 207. Cojitosoma var'icolor sp. n, Congo, SciioiTEDEN p. 370 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. — V. meiyu'icns'in sp. n. Mergui, Distant p. 421 Faun. Brit. India Rliyn- chota 4. Cydnus mnmhn p. 426, fanna p. 427, spp. n., Bombay, Distant T.c. Dalpada annandalei p. 433, vielania p. 431, spp. n., India, Distant T.c. ErthcHina roherts'i sp. n. p. 434 f. 262, niST.\NT T.c. Euptycliodem nom. n. for Ptychodera Reut., Bergruth p. 131 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Geotomus opacus sp. n. Burma, Dis- tant p. 427 Faun. Brit. India Rhyu- chota 4. Glaucias nom. n. for Zang'is Stal, Kirkaldy p. 124 Entomologist 41. Hcmallia nom. n. for All'ia Schout., Bergkotii p. 131 Mem. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 15. Iiie'itatus gen. n. near Mavthna, primus sp. n, India f. 268, Distant p. 453 Faun. Brit. India Rhyncliota 4. Lerida incerta sp. n. Congo, Scnor- TEDEN p. 373 Ann, Soc. ent. Belgique 52. L'lnrus armiger Bolivia p. 26, lobu- I'lger Brasilia p. 27, styliger, spathuliger Peru, ]). 31, suhuUger p. 33, InmelUger p. 34, Columbia, cultriger BrasWia p. 35, spp. n., Breddin Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908. Lyramorpha ; notes, Schouteden Lei- den Notes Mus. 30 pp. 47-51. Macroscytus electus sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 427 Faun. Brit. India Rhyu- chota 4. Menida pundahwyne sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 444 T.c. Moffartsia gen. n. Graphosomatinae, delhdlzei sp. n. Congo, Schouteden p. 371 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Montrouzierelliis nom. n. for Acanlho- mera Montr., Kirkaldy p. 124 Entomolo- gist 41. Mormidea V-luleum Licht. f iir eroeipes H. Sch., Bergrotu Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 248. Xezara conaperaa Congo, Idiuji Mozambique, spp. n., Schouteden p. 373 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — 'N. men- dax, aubrotunda, spp. n., Erythraea, Breddin p. 68 Soc. ent. 23. 394 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Odontotarsus insignis sp. n. Caucasus, Jakoylev Rev. russ. eot. 7 p. 245. — 0. Jwrvathinus sp. n. Zambesi, Schouteden I^. 371 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Palomena amurensis sp. n. Amuria, Reuter St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. Zool. 12 pp. 541-545. Paranev'isanus gen. n. Pentatominae, suhgener'ieus sp. n. Kumaou f. '^63, DiSTAKT p. 436 Fauu. Brit. India Rliyn- chota 4. Parastrachia nagaensis sp. n. Assam, Distant p. 443 i. 26(5 Distant T.c. Peromatus notaius Burm., Synonymic, Breddin Entomol. Ztg 27 p. 67. Phimodera torrlda sp. n. America bor., Reuter Helsingfors Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. 33 No. 8 p. 17. Phloeophana gen. n. type Phloca longiro.-itris Sjjin., Kirkaldy p. 123 Entomologist 41. Plataspis congolensis, lallemandi, spp. n. Congo, Scholteden p. 369 Ann. .Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Podisus ; the type, Kirkaldy p. 124 Eutomologist 41. — P. hergl sp. n. Para- guay, Breddin Entomol. Ztg. 27 p. 68. Podops scohinae sp. n. Assam, Distant p. 424 I*"aun. Brit. India Rliyn- chota 4. Rioma preciosa Kousch — Dinor- rhynchus dybouskii Jak., Reuter St. Peterburg Mem. Mus. zool. 12 pp. 541- 545. Schizops nepalensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 462 Faun. Brit. India Rhyn- chota 4. SoIenosteUniim superhum sp. n. Congo, ScHofTEDKN p. 370 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. SlaUmus gen. n. (' ydmime p. 430, mevihramicvux sp. n. Ceylon p. 431 f. 260, Distant Faun. Brit. India Rliyn- chota 4. Slachijomia tJuimada sp. n. Buriiui p. 441 f. 265, Distant T.c. Stegd Op. cit. 8 pp. 141-145.— C. septen- dccim, breeding record. Marlatt Wash- ington Proc. Ent Soc. 9 pp. IG 19 ; im nordostlichen Pennsylvanien in den Jahren 1906 u. 1907, RoinKE Ent. Wochenbl. 28 pp. 164-165, 108-169; Staten Is. in 1907, Davis New Brighton Proc. Staten Is. Ass. 2 pp. 1-2 ; Marlatt Washington U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Bull. 71 pp. 1-181, pi., maps ; Marlatt Washington Giro. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 89 pp. 1-4. Cicadetta fiehirl nom. n. fiir parvida Fieb. nee Say, OsnAS'ix St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 Beilage p. 398. — C'. montana, adiista, tibialis, Lebensweise in der Krim, Gadd Rev. rus.s. ent. 8 pp. 141-145. Cieadatra hyalina, Jjebensweise, Varietaten (Russj, Gadd Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 248-254. — C. quenda, hyalina, atra, I.«bensweise in der Krim, Gadd Mp. cit. 8 pp. 141-145. (v-10332 j) TIcrrcra marginella synonymy, Dis- tant p. 15 Entomologist 41. Platylomia ; the type, Distant p. 36 T.c. '\Platypedia primigenia sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 25 p. 52. Psalmocharis nom. n. for Sena Dist., Kirkaldy p. 124 Entomologist 41. Tettigonia orni, Lebensweise, Gesang, Gadd Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 218-254; Lebensweise, Metamorphose in der Krim, Gadd op. cit. 8 pp. 141-1 15. FuLGORIDAE. Acanalojiia oliausi p. 516, coacta p. 517. eeuadoriensis p. 518, spp. n., Ecuador, Schmidt Zool. Anz. 32. Ancyra annamensis Annam p. 767, nigrifrons Malakka p. 769, spp. n., Schmidt T.c. Aspidonitys zenlx-eri sp. n. Kamon-un, Schmidt p. 512 T.c. Bylhopsyrna dohrni var. n. hornccnsis, Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70 p. 1!)1. Catullia javana sp. n. Java, Bier- .MAN Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 155 pi. iii f. 4. Colobesthes taprobana sp. n. Ceylon, Kirkaldy p. 13 Ann. Soc. ent. 'Bel- gique 52. Danepteryx barbarae, artemisiae spp. n., California, Kirkaldy Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 2 p. 23. Dnrdus ivinlielmamii sp. n. Queens- land, Schmidt Zool. Anz. 33 p. 246. Derbinae ; synonymy of i-ecent genera, Distant pp. 110 & 1*11 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Dictyop]iorodelphax ■mirabiUs. nymph, Swezev Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 pi. 2. Dorysarthrus sumahoin sp. n. Trans- kaspien, Osiianin p. 471 St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Egropa jaeohsonii, Beschreibung, Bierm^vn Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 158 pi. iii f. 6. Enchophora eminata sp. n. Brasilia, Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70 p. 187. Flatosnma diastola sp. n. Borneo Schmidt 70 p 189 T.a c 36 402 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [1908] FulgoramaciiJata, systeme ncrveux et organes sensoriels, Bugnion J. Psychol. 13 pp. 326-354. — F. sappMrina sp. n. Sumatra, Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg. 69 p. 93. Gelastissiis ^avanensls, Beschreibung, BiERMAX Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 157 pi. iii f. 5. Haiimavarga gen. n. fiir Orgerius fedtschenhoi Osh., Oshanin p. 476 St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Hilda malayensis sp, n. Slam, Dis- tant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 129. Libumia furca sp. n. Java, Bier- man Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 164 pi. iv. f. 10. Llmois emeljanovi sp. n. Vladivostok, OsiiANiN p. 468 St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Mesonitys gen. n. Eurybrachinae, fullehoDii sp. n. Nyassa-See, Schmidt Zool. Anz. 32p. 513. Messena sumatrana sp. n. Sumatra, Schmidt Zool. Anz. 33 p. 244. Metropia forficida sp. n. France, HoRVATH Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 165. Neaodryas gen. n. allied to Megamelus, frcychietiac, elaeoearpi, giffardi, eugenlae, spp. n., Hawaiian islds., KiR- KALDY Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1 p. 203. — A^. freyc'ineliae, younger stages, SwEZEY Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 13. Nesorestias gen. n., fdic'icola sp. n. Hawaiian Islands, Kirkaldy Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1 p. 205. Nesosydne pipturi, halia, paliistris, chambersi, p. 202, raillardiae, nrgy- roxiplni, nephrolcpidis, p. 203, spp. n., Hawaiian Islands, Kirkaldy Soc.'l T.c. Nesothoe gen. n. p. 203, fleliis, Jnda, ■fr'igidida, bobcae,perkins\, lalta,pi'ilani, Irrrii'i, pluvial'is, silvestris, p. 204, spp. n., Hawaiian Islands, Kirkaldy T.C. Oliariis incisuH sp. n. Java, Bierman Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 152 pi. iii f. 2. — 0. franciscavun, descriptive note, Kirkaldy Honolulu Proc. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. 2 p. 22. Orchesma viridula p. 16] ])1. iv f. 8, apeciosa p. 162 f. 9, spp. n., Java Bierman Leiden Notes Mus. 29, Orgerlarla div. n. Dictyoplior'norum, Oshanin p. 472 St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Phaconeiira fletcheri sp. n. Ceylon, Kirkaldy p. 13 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Pleroma ilavipes, Besclireibung, Bierman Leiden Notes Mus. 59 p. 154 pi. iii f. 3. Ehinortha marleyi sp. n. Natal, Dis- tant p. 206 Ins. transvaal. 1. Sardia = {Hadeodelphax Kirk.), Kirkaldy p. 14 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Tigralmuda gen. n. Orgerlarla p. 473, tiarata sp. n. Russ.-Turkestan p. 475, Oshanin St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Udugama fletcheri sp, n. Ceylon, Kirkaldy p. 14 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — U. flavocarinata, Besclireibung, Bierman Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 151 pi. iii f. 1. Uysanus gen, n. near Atracis, fluc- titans pi. xix f. 16, subfasciatua f. 17, spp, n,, S. Africa, p. 205, Distant Ins. transvaal 1, Yarrana glaueops sp, n. Queensland, Schmidt Zool. Anz. 33 p. 245. Membracidae. Centrotus hantuantits sp, n, S. Africa, Distant p. 215 Ins. transvaal. 1, Ceresa palmeri sp, n, Canada, Van DuzEE p. 114 Canad. Ento. 40,— C. albescena p. 35 New York and Kansas, hrevitylua p. 36 New Jersey, spp, n,, Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9. Congcdhina gen. n. Ilypsmtcheniaria, Icighi sp. n. Natal, Distant p. 213 Ins. transvaal. 1. Cyrtolobus ovatus p. 82 New York and New Jersey, grand'ta p. 84 Arizona, ci7}ctu8 p. 86 New York, limua p. 87 Colorado, acutua p. 88 western United States, griseus p. 90 Kansas, fiiaei- pennis p. 91 New York and New Jersey, aimplex p. 93 Arizona, lateralis p. 96 New York, inflatua Colorado, nilidua New York and New Jersey p. 97, Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9, * Enehenopa permtitala sp. n, Utali & Arizona, Van Duzee j). 112 T.c. 40S Insecta. Systematic. — ^Membracidae — Cercopidah. Gargara mahalaJiac sp. n. Rhodesia, Distant p. 217 Ins. transvaal 1. Kovibazaiia g0n.n. Gnrgararia p. 217, fidelis sp. n. Transvaal p. 218, Dis- tant T.c. Leioseyta fen'uginipe7inis var. n. testacea Utah and Arizona, Van Dczee BufFalo Bui. Soc. 9 p. 11 P.. Ophiderma pallida p. 100 Arizona, nigroeincta p. lOl Colorado, spp. n., Van Dlzee T.c. Oxyrhacis iarainhift pi. xxi f. 11, natural history, Dist.\nt p. 209 Ins. tmnsvaal 1. — 0. fitrcicornis, concolor & tuberculatus to Xiph'tstes p. 210, Dis- tant T.c. Pedalion delalandei = (fasciatum & ptinctipcnne Buckt.), Distant p. 212 T.c. Publilia reticulata sp. n. United States, Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9 p. 106. Stictocephaln pacifica California, wickhami California and Washington, p. 44. festina var. n. angulata p. 46 Arizona and Texas, coUina p. 47 Colo- rado, diminuta p. 49 Florida, spp. n.. Van Dczee T.c. Tainbiisa gen. n. type Centrotus j^bi- penyiis Fairm., Distant p. 216 Ins. trans- vaal 1. Telamona decUvata p. 04 eastern United States, barbata p. 05 New York and New Mexico, cucullafn p. 70, macu- lata p. 72, New York, spp. n., Van Dczee BufFalo Bull. Soc. 9. Tahaha gen. n. Leptocentraria, natii- raJis sp. n. Transvaal, Dist.vnt p. 214 Ins. transvaal. 1. Tyloceiiti'us gen. n. p. 118 near Spltaerocetitrua, reticulatus sp. n. p. ] 1 9 Utah and Arizona, Van Dczee Buffalo Bull. Soc. 9. Tylopelta breria sp. n. Florida, Van Dczee p. 115 T.c. Xantholobus subgen n. of Cyrtolobus, Van Dczee p. 95 T.c. Xipliiates longicomis sp. n. Rhodesia p. 212, exigua = [Otii^otus Buckt.), S!(Z- cicomia = (Daunua pallidus Buckt.J, p. 211, Di-stant Ins. transvaal. 1. XipJiopoeua — (Kleidos Buckt.), Dis- tant p. 214 T.c. ^N-10332 j) Cercopidae, fFossil Cercopidae (Homoptera), Cockerell Milwaukee Bull. Wis. Soc. 6 pp. 35-38. Abbalomha gen. n., typica sp. n. Rhodesia, Distant p. 225 Ins. trans- vaal. 1. Amberana gen. n. near TAterna, elon- gata sp. n. Madagascar, Dist.\nt p. 313 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Aphroplwra matsmnurai nom. n. fiir quadriguttata Mats. (nee; Melichar), OsHANiN St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 Beilage p. 408. Aufidus; Anfidellus& AufiternnK\vk. are not distinct Distant p. 97 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. — A. spceta- bills Haliuaheira, papumiuf^, p. 133, erebus p. 134, New (luiuea, spp. n. Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. Averntis mcridionalis sp. n. Peru, Jacobi Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 201. Cephisiis sanguitugit sp. n. Peru, Jaccbi p. 201 T.c. Clastoptera ochrospihi sp. n. Peru, Jacobi p. 202 T.c. Clovia centralis sp. n. Transvaal, Distant p. 223 Ins. transvaal. 1. Colsa matanga sp. n. Borneo, Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 134. Dalia kuchingensis sp. n. Borneo, Distant p. 131 T.c. Bauphina gen. n. near Literna, lemtiria sp. n. Madagascar, Distant p. 314 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Dinda gen. n. for Aphrophora maura Walk., Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 130. Egretius gen. n. near Aphroplwra, pro- cerus sp. n. Peru, J.\cobi Berlin SitzI3er. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 202. Euclovia convexa sp. n. Borneo, Dis- tant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 130. Euryaulax Kirk, merged in Eoscarta, Distant p. 97 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Gynopygoplax gen. n. Corcopinae p. 147, grelahi Sumba p. 153, meyeri Philippinen p. 1.56, luzonensis p. 160, proscrpinella j>. 161, Luzon, unifasciata Key Tual p. 165, spp. n., submacmlata varr. n. flava & siimatrensis, Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70. c36— 2 404 Insecta. xri. Insecta. [1908] Heiniapteviis fasciatus, variegatus, spp. n., W. Africa, Distant p. 312 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Tlyhoscarta gen. n. near Tomaspis, rnhrica, teres, Bolivia spp. n., Jacobi Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 208. Ischnorh'ina prnelata, consul, Peru, 2J/'aefo7' Bolivia, p. 203, invalida Columbia p. 204, spp. n., JACom T.c. Lepyronia aethiops sp. n. Ruwenzori, Distant p. 443 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Locrls aitripenms, Ttatanqevsis, p. 317, spcctabilis, anthioru, p. 318, apicalis, rhodesiana, p. 320, kindei, neavei, kamho- vensis, p. 321, chersonesm, aenea, p. 322, suhmarrjinata p. 323, spp. n. Africa, Distant T.c. Lora gen. n. for Aphropliora indyta Walk., Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 131. Notoscarta zehrina sp. n. Mysol, Dis- tant p. 135 T.c. 'Nijanja gen. n., muiri sp. n. Natal, Distant p. 224 Ins. transvaal. 1. PoopMlus tiiraniciis sp. n. Russisch- Centraiasien, Oshanin p. 4^4 St. Peter- burg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Plyelus comhinatrc!^, escalerai, spp. n. , Cameroons, Distant p. 310 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. — P. niveus sp. n. Ruwenzori, Distant p. 443 T.c. — P. ebcninus sp. n. Ecuador. Jacori Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p 201. Sejndlia umz'ita sp. n. Rliodesia, Dis- tant p. 224 Ins. transvaal 1. Serapita gen. n. Cercopinae p. 182, zavviseiU sp. n. patria ? p. 185, Schmidt Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70. Simorltlna gen. n. near Tomaspia sciodes sp. n. Peru, Jacori Berlin Sitz- Ber. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 209. Surac.aHa gen. n. Cercopinae p. 16G, aatanan Borneo sp. n. p. 169, tricolor faseiatn n. subsp., evancscens n. var., picrahatui n. var., niaaeyisis n. var.. riibro- plagiata n. subsp., qnarlripunctata n. var., tenaaaerlmcnHis n. var., tripimctain n. var., hipunctuta n. var., unipunctata n. var., baaiplagiaLa n suhsp., horneensis n. subsp., nujrifrons n. var., Sch.midt Stettiner ent. Ztg. 70. Tomaapis centiiriu p. 204, nnch(diti Peru, raripila Ecuador, hohiacln Colum- bia, p. 205, entelld Peru, smaragdina Bolivia, p. 20fi, rarida Peru, pica, caligata, Bolivia, p. 207, m'inuscida, gloriosa, Bolivia, p. 209, quadrifera Ecuador, gaJbana, vetcranus, emeritus, Peru, p. 210, livida, aequinoctialis, parambae, Ecuador, p. 211, phnlerata, claviformis, Peru, boliviatia Bolivia, jD. 212, clarivenosa Ecuador, trifissa Peru, inflata Bolivia, p. 213, lucifcr Peru, liuldgatzi Columbia,' morosa, p. 214, oliausi, andigena, Ecuador, p. 215, spp. n., Jacobi Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908. Triecpliora variabilis sp. n. Rhodesia, Distant p. 226 Ins. transvaal 1. — T. picturata, daltoni, p. 315, harschi, Africa, johannae Comoro islands, p. 316, spp. n., Distant iVnn. Nat. Hist. 2. Jassidae. Abann gen. n. type Anlacizcs dives Walk. p. 72, tissa, drusilla, spp. n., Ecuador, p. 73, Dist.vnt Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Acocephalus acstuari7ius, limicola, spp. n.., England, Edwards p. 57 Ent. Mag. 44. Adehingia ilel., Neubeschreibung p. 465, calligoni sp. n. Transkaspien & Turkestan p. 467, Oshanin St. Peter- burg Ann. Mus. zool. 12. Aliturus gen. n., gardineri sp. n. Laccadive islands f. 247, Distant p. 398 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4, Ambljidisca ezba p. 69, cirta, amida, p. 70, P^cuador, ofeJla Bolivia p. 71, spp. n.. Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Apidia gen. n. type Tettigonia quadri- mncula Walk., excelsa p. 525, hyala, flora, p. 526, amalda, N.W. South America, clcora Costa Rica, p. 527, spp. n., Dist.vnt op. cit. 1. Arija gen. n., rubrolineata sp. n. Calcutta f. 215, Distant p. 3.38 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Athysanua indicus p. 344, atkinsoni, nanus, p. 345, spp. n., India, Distant T.c. Ajdacizes phalaesia p. 71, clcasa, aemilia p. 75, alalia, spp. n., N.W. South America, macidata Walk. = {afllnis Sign. & Fowler), p. 76, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. BalbUlus gen. n. p. 287, gramdosus sp. n. Ceylon p. 288 f. 183, Distant Faun. Brit. India Rliynchota 4. 403 Insecta. Systematic. — Homoptera — Jassidae. Baiius gen. n., obhttus sp. n. L'eylou f. 2i'4, Distant p. 353 T.c. Bati-acho>norp]ius, Macroims and On- eopsis ; application of these names, Edwards p. 06 Ent. Mag. 44. BJuJiidara saraicakensis Borneo, pictu- rata Perak, p. 143, spp. n., Distant Rec. Ind. Mas. 2. Bhatla gen. n. for Eutcttix, olivaeea Mel. f. 227, Distant p. 357 Faun. Brit. India, Rhyncliota 4. Bordiiria gen. n. for BytJtoscopus Impresaus Walk., Distant Rec. ind. Mus. 2 p. 147. Bidorla gen. n., gyponiuoidcs sp. n. Calcutta f. 174, Distaxt p. 271 Eaun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Bythoscopus viridipes sp. n. Queens- land, Dist.\nt p. 99 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52, Camptelasmus & Petalocepliala, Dis- tant p. 98 T.c. Cenedaeua gen. n., liormtlti sp. n. Bombay f. 188, Distant p. 296 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. C est I us gen. n. p. 309, versicolor sp. n. Bengal p. 310 f. 198, Distant T.c. ''hudan'ia gen. n. Jassinae, delecta sp. n. India f. 172, Distant p. 2G8 T.c. Chunra gigantea sp. n. Borneo, Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 136. Ciecxia latreilla n. n. for adspersa Latr. nee. Fabr., Dist.vnt p. 81 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Deltocephalus pidviscidus p. 381, moutanus p. 384, erehus, thoracicus, p. 385, hrunnescens p. 388, India, scriptuH Ceylon p. 386, spp. n., Distant Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Dharmina gen. n. p. 323, projecta sp. n. Tenasserim p. 324 f. 207, Distant T.c. Diedi'ocepliala cleora, eatella, p. 59, zea, mitra, p. 60, spp. n., Ecuador, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Diebtoatemma bioUeyi Costa Rica p. 81, ptolyca Brazil p. 82, stesilea Bolivia p. 83, spp. n.. Distant T.c. Dims gen. n. for Eutettix bipunctatus Mel. f. 232, Distant p. 365 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Doda gen. n. Gypoiiinae ? p. 144, laudata sp. n. Siani & Borneo, p. 145 Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. Drabescus conspicuus Ceylon f. 195, stramineus Nilgiri hills f. 19G, spp. n., Distant p. 306 Faun. Brit. India Rhyn- chota 4. Draeculaceplia ; synonymy. Distant p. 61 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Dussana gen. n,, quaerenda sp. n. Ceylon f. 2o6, Distant p. 322 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Empoasca mali natural history, Washburn Rep. Ent. Minnesota 12 pp. 1-30 Ipl.; eggs, Webster J. Econ. Ent. 1 p. 326 ; oviposition, Washburn T.c. pp. 142-145.— £•. popuU p. 81, butleri p. 82, spp. n., England, Edwards Ent. Mag. 44. — E. melicltarl sp. n. Ceylon f. 249, Distant p. 403 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Eurymela & Eurymeloides, synonymy of species pp. 100-106; Eurymela sub- nigricans p. 105, pascoei, bunda, tas- mani, p. 106, spp. n., Australia & Tasmania; Distant Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Eurymeloides testaeeus p. \Q\,ualkeri p. 102, atromacidatus, insignis, p. 103, zonatus p. 104, spp. n., Australia, Dis- tant T.c. Eutettix phy cites p. 3(53 f. 231, sm,arag- dinus p. 364, spp. n., India, Distant Faun. Brit. India Tihynchota 4. Gessius gen. n. p. 301, vertiealis sp. n. Burma p. 302 f. 192, Distant T.c. Goniagnatlins sp. n. Bombay, Distant p. 312 T.c. Guliga gen. n., erehus sp. n. Assam f. 209,'DisrAivTp. 326 T.c. Hecalus umballaensis p. 274, lefroyi p. 275, spp. n., India, Distant T.c. HelocJuira communis Fitch. = (L. similis Walk.), Distant p. 62 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Homa gen. n., insignia sp. n. Ceylon f. 248, Distant p. 400 Faun. Brit. liidia Rhynchota 4. Homalodisca triquetra = {Proconia exeludens Walk.), Distant p. 80 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. IdioceruB haupti sp. n. Deutsch-Ost- afrika, Melichar Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 65. — I. minor sp. n. Java, Bierman 406 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 165 pi. iv f. 11. — I. geoffroyi sp. n. Queensland, Distant p. 99 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. Ipo pellucida = {amhlta Kirk.), Dis- tant p. 100 T.c. Jassiis maldivensis Maldive islds. p. 328, elegans, pectitus, p. 329, tenas- serimensis, cretatus, p. 330, atkhisoni, silvestris, p. 331, nocturnus p. 332 f. 211, roratua p. 334, fsulphureus, rutatus f. 213, p. 335, opulentus p. 336 f. 214, percultus, harenensis, p. 337, praetextus p. 338, India etc., spp. n., Distant Faun. Brit. India Rynchota 4. Kana gen. n. near Nii-vana, thorac'ica . 181, p. 285 ramificata f. 182 p. 286, ord'inala, Cejdon, lllahorata Tenasserim, p. 287, spp. n.. Distant T.c. Kartua gen. n., muatelina sp. n. Calcutta f. 245, Distant p. 394 T.c. Kolla itlira sp. n. Peru, K. lierhida Walk, (as TeU'igonia) = {Helocliara com- munis Van. Duz.), Distant p. 530 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Kr'isna shemilll sp. n. Sylhet, Dis- tant p. 299 Faun. Brit. India Rliyn- chota 4. Kimasia gen. n., nivosa sp, n. Tenas- serim f. 216, Distant p. 339 T.c. Kutara gen. n., hrunnescens sp. n. f. 197, Distant p. 308 T.c. Mareba gen. n., eresia sp. n. Ecuador, and Aidacizea insignior Fowl., Distant p. 77 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Mcguhijzus gen. n. p. 294, signandus sp. n. Ceylon p. 295 f. 187, Distant Faun. Brit. India Khyncliota 4. Mohunla gen. n. splendens sp. n. Tenasserim f. 175, Distant p. 272 T.c. Monobazua gen. n. p. 351, himala- yenais p. 352 f. 223 sp. n. Kurseong, Distant T.c. Mukariana gen. n. p. 269, pentld- jiiioides Ceylon, splendida Bengal, spp. n., p. 270, Distant T.c. Mukwana gen. n., introdueta sp. n. Ceylon f. 202, Distant T.c. MylUana gen. n., doherty'i sp. n. Tenasserim f. 217, Distant p. 341 T.c. Nirvana litical'is p. 282 f. 180, longi- ladiiial'iH, India, grccni Ceylon, p. 283, spp. n., Distant T.c. Norsiana nom. n. for Norsia Walk., Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 148. Oncometopia hatesi p. 62, ijisig^iis, hamleti, p. 63, Brazil, venosula Ecuador p. 64, vlrescens Peru, hrasil'teiisis, p. 65, capita p. 66, Brazil, tomentosa Ecuador, foiclcri Mexico, peruviensis Peru, p. 67 spp. n., Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Onega gen. n., avella, stella, spp. n., Ecuador, Distant p. 528 op. cit. 1. Paralimnus alhomacidatus sp. n. Ceylon, Dist^vnt p. 397 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Paramesus VmcaficoUis sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 294 T.c. Penthimia reticulata sp. n. Queens- land, Distant p. 108 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Phlcps'tus plumbeus sp. n. Ceylon, Dist^vnt p. 347 Faun. Bnt. India Rhyn- chota 4. Placidus gen. n. p. 341, liornei sp. n. N.W. India p. 342 f. 218, Distant T.c. Proeonia = {Zyzza Kirk.), Distant p. 83 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Propetes ; description. Distant p. 58 T.c. Pugla gen. n. p. 318, sigillaria sp. n. Tenasserim p. 319 f. 203, Distant Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Sabima gen. n. p. 324, prima Assam f. 208, stelUfera Tenasserim, spp. n., p. 325, Distant T.c. Se.aplioideus indieus p. 374, consan- guineics p. 375, polymitus p. 376, russus, ■notatus, fletclieri, p. 377, spp. n., India & Ceylon, Dist/VNT T.c. — S. UteratuK sp. n. Borneo, DistjVNt Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 151. Selenoceplialus griseus Schiitzende Fiirbung und Korperhalttmg, Gadd Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 248-254. — S. viresccufi sp. n. Bengal, Distant p. 291 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Serpa gen. n. type Tettigonia pliunbea Walk., Distant p. 529 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. SoorLana gen. n. siin'data sp. n. Ceylon f. 204, Distant p. 319 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Stictosearta marcia sp. n. Amazons p. 68, S. lineariH Walk, (as Aulaclzes) — T. atomaria Sign, part, p. 69, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. 407 Imccta. SYSTEMATia — JaSSIDAE — PSYLLIDAK. Tartessus fulvus Walk = (syrtidis Kirk.) p. 109, rividaris Walk. = {ianassa Kirk.) p. 110, Distant Auu. Soc. eiit. Belgique 52. Teletusa gen. n., near Anlacizes,para- guayensis Sau Bernardino, p. 78, pcru- vieiisis, neotropicalis, Peru, p. 79, app. n. DiSTAXT Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Tett'igouieUa erichsoni]i. 137,ramana, Sumatra, eumatilis Borneo, p. 138, tarn- boreusis, t'nnorensis, iccttcrciisls, p. 139, Malay archipelago, inltrata New Guinea, aniiandalei, p. 1-10, perakensis, Perak, baluensis Borneo, horsfieldi Java, p. 141, whitcheadi Philippines p. 142, mouhoti Siam, icallacei Jlysol, p. 143, spp. n., Distant Rec. Ind. Mus. 2. — 2\ t^Amblyscarta) picta, cacliabeii^is, inca, p. 517, rosenbergi, hidda, p. 518, T. spectabills, jemima, p. 519, lenea, hydra, thea, p. 520, comelia, tolosa, p. 521, daeta, vallonia, ulla, p. 522, azeha, apidia, p. 523, espriella, p. 524, spp. n., N.W. South America, Distant, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Tluigria signata p. 315 f. 201, pedes- tris p. 316, spp. n., Ceylon, Distant Fdun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Thamnotettix sexquadratiis sp. n. Java, BiERMAN Leiden Notes Mus. 29 p. 166 pi. iv. f. 12. Thomsoniella viridis, albomaculata f. 179, spp. n., India, Distant p. 280 Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Trichogonia boliviana sp. n. Bolivia, Distant p. 515 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Trocnada dorsigera = (Abelterus in- caniatus Stalj, DiSTAN'T p. 100 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Typhlocyba cornea, California life history, Quayle J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 182- 183. — T. frustrator, fratercula, spp. n. England p. 84, lethierryi = {hippoeaf-.- tani Edw.) p. 83, Edwards Ent. Mag. 44. — T. erota Ceylon p. 410, sudra p. 412, jaiiia p. 413, indra p. 415, Calcutta, spp. n., Distant Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. {TypMocybella gen. n., minima sp. n. Nicaragua, Baker Invert. Pac. 1, 1903, p. 3.) VaHa gen. n. p. 320, rubrofaaciata sp. n. Bengal p. 321 f. 205, Distant Faun. Brit. India Rhynchota 4. Xeatocephalus pardalinus sp. n. Ceylon, Distant p. 350 f. 222 T.c. Zyzzogcton mazaria sp. n. Colombia, Distant p. 84 iVnn. Nat. Hist. 1. PSYLLIDAE. Aphalara flava, midti punctata, fas- data, spp. n., Japan, Kuwayama Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 pp. 149-189. Bactericera idei sp. n. Brazil, Rt'B- s.\AMEN p. 20 Marcellia 7. Calophya nigridorsalis, viridiscu- tellata, viridis, nigra, spp. n., Japan, Kuwayama Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 pp. 149-189. Cecidotrioza baccarum sp. n. India, KiEFFER p. 160 Marcellia 7. Diaphorhia citri sp. n. Japan, Kuwayama Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 pp. 149-189. Epipsylla gen. n., albolineata, rubro- fasciata, spp. n., Japan, Kuwayama Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. -Soc. 2 pp. 149- 189. Hevaheva monticola p. 205, silvesti'is p. 206, spp. n., Hawaiia, Kirkaldy Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1. Homotoma radiatum sp. n. Japan, Kuwayama Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 pp. 149-189. Livia jesoensis sp. n. Japan, Kuway- ama pp. 149-189 T.c. Macrohomotoma gen. n. gladiatum sp. n. Japan, Kuwayama pp. 149-189. T.c. Mesohomotoma gen. n., campJiorae sp. n. Japan, Kuwayama pp. 149-189 T.c. Metapsylla gen. n. nigra, marginata, spp. n., Japan, Kuwayama pp. 149-189 T.c. PhacoseTTia recorded erroneously under Jassidae in 1906 should have been placed in PylUdae. Psylla pxjricola, mali, Beschreibung, Lebensweise, Entwicklung, Schaden, Bekiimpfiing in Russland (Russ.), ScHHEiNER Trd. C. entom. Ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml. 5, 5 1907 pp. 34.— P. borealis sp. n. Greenland, UoRVATU Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Hung. 6 pp. 568- 569. — P. elaeagni, albopontis, spadica, sapporensis, jamatonica, nigriantennata, arisana, magnifera, coccinea, toroenensis, ziozankeana, kiushuensis, tripunctata, abieti, moiwasana, hakonenais, albo- 408 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [190S] venosa, satsumens'is, fidguraJis, spp. n., Japan, Kuwayama Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 pp. 149-189. Tenaphalara gen. n., acutipcnnis sp. n. Japan, Kuwaiama 2 pp. 149-189 T.c. Trioza kamiihorae sp. n. Japan, Sasaki Tokyo Kip. Konch. Kw. Ho. 2 pp. 131-144. Aphidae. Studies on Aplddidae. 1. Davis Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 pp. 251-261, pi. Bestimmungstabellen fiir die Grnppen und Gattungen ; JIoedwilko, St. Peter burg Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. 353-384. External structure ; Vickery Rep. Ent. Minnesota 12 pp. 178-191. Cber das System der Chermiden, zu Cholodkovskys Auffassung der Cher- midensystematik, Burner, Zool. Auz. 33 pp. 169-173. Sensoria on hind tibiae, Davis p. 284 pi. viii and p. 348 Canad. Ento. 40. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen- lause, Aphidldae Passerini ; Die zyklische Eortpflanzung der Pflaiizen- lause. ii. Die Migrationen der Pflan- zenlause. 2. Ursachen der Migrationen ; Erniihrungsbedingungen der Pflanzen- liiuse ; Mordwilko Biol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 631-639, 649-662. Production of winged forms ; WooD- woRTU Ent. News 19 pp. 122-123. Bildung der Sexualzellen ; Baeur Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 507-517. Extrusion of honeydew ; Gillette p. 235 fig. 13 Canad. Ento. 40. Notes on food-plants etc. of British Aphidae, Morley pp. 209-212 & 233- 237 Entomologist 41. fNotes on fossil Aphidae, Cockerell pp. 218 & 219 Nature 78. Aphidus ; Pigmente, Belousov Chari- kov Trav. Soc. nat. 41 pp. 59-141, 291- 372 1 Taf. Aphis ; sp. des Theestrauches, Feinde, KoNiNGSBERGEK Teysiuannia Batavia 19 pp. .331-333.— ^. caj-rfw;, gall, Nies.sen p. 14 Marcellia 7. — A. fjosstjpii, Beute von CecidoTuyiden larven, Kieffer Rev. rass. ont. 7 p. 201. — Aphis (jossypii and allies, Gillette J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 170-181. — A. pomi etc., biology', Gii.i.i:tte J. econ. ent. 1 pp. 302-310 pi. V. — .4. pyri & sovhi synonymj', Gillette & Taylor Colorado exp. Stat. Bull. 133 p. 31. — A. amtigdalissus pp. 163-164, eriohotryae p-p. 164-165, spp .n. Portugal el Madeira, Schouteden Broteria 4 1905. — A. tavares'ii sp. n. Mozambique, Tavakes Broteria 7 p. 143 pi. xvi fig. 42. — A. aqiiaticus sp. n. Ohio, Jackson Ohio Nat. 8 p. 243. — A. foJsoynii sp. n. Illinois, Davis Ent. News 19 p. 145 pi. vii. — .4. rufomaculata sp. n. Colorado, Wilson, p. 261. Braehyeolus bnUii sp. n. Colorado, Gillette p. 67 Canad. Ento. 40. Chaitopliorus negundinis, life history, Davis Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 pp. 130- 132. — C. testiidinatus, Oestlund Ent. News 10 pp. 131-132. Cliermes & Kennes, application of the names, Burdon J. Linn. Soc. 30 pp. 6-9 ; critical observations ; Burdon J. econ. Biol. 2 pp. 119-148 pis. viii & ix ; (Phytophthires) Cliertnes ; Biologie NCssLis Eiol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 333-343 & i^p. 710-725, 737-753 ; die biolo- gischen Arten, pp. 769-782 ; Chermcs ; Dampf Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 48 pp. 351-360. — C. piceae Bio- logie, NussLiN Verh. D. zool. Ges. 18 pp. 205-224; C. piceae hoiivieri Gallen, MoLz Natw. Zs. Landw. pp. 151-154 and Geisenheim Ber. Lehraust Obstbau 1907 1908 (pp. 297-298). Chermiden ; monographische Studle ; BoRNER Berlin Arb. biol. Anst. 6 pp. 81- 320, 3 pis. CnapJialodes atliiiis sp. n., Borner pp. i-v, 81-320 T.c. Dreyfmia subgen. n., Burner pp. 81-320 T.c. — D. niissritii sp. n. Deutsch- land. Burner. Zool. Anz. 33 p. 751. Forda flavula, oUvacea, spp. n., Colorado, Rohwer Psyche 15 p. 68. llystricliieUa subgen. n. zu VhyUoxera, Burner Zool. Anz. 33 p. 609. Moritziella gen. n. near Phylloxera, Burner p. 608 T.c. Macrosiphum sanhorni sp. n. Colo- rado, Gillette p. 65 Canad. Ento. 40. Microeiphitm gen. n., ptarviicae sp. n. Krim, Cholodkovsky Zool. Anz. 32 p. 087. MyzuH persicae,\\[e history, Taylor J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 83-91. — M. hraggi'i p. 17 pi. i. figs. 1-3, v'incac p. 19 figs. 4 & 5, 409 Insecta. S ySTEMATIC. COCCID AE. spp. n., Colorailo, Gillktte Canatl. Ento. 40. Xcsiopc gen. n. type ornata sp. n. Fiji, KiuK.vLDY Sydney Proc. Lion. Soc. 33 pp. 389-300. PcmfJiigtts hidicits sp. n. Kurseon.Q:, KiEFFEU Marcellia 7 p. 161. — P. tessellata, sexual forms on maple, pro- duced by winged viviparous migrants from alder, probably identical with (u-crifoUi, Patch Eut. Xews 19 pp. 481- 188 pi. xxiv. Perqandea subgen. n. zu Phylloxera, BunNEu Zool. Anz. 33 p. 610. Phyllopltoi'us, Chelymorplui & Rh'tz- aphis, bibliographical note, Kirkaldy p. 80 Canad. Ento. 40. Phylloxera ; classificasione, Guassi e FoA Roma Rend. Ace. Liucei 17 2" sem. pp. 683-690. — P. acaiithochennes particolare forma larvale, Guercio Redia 5 pp. 92-97, 6 fig. ; forme autum- nali, GcERCio pp. 138-143, 8 fig. T.c. — P. quercus, ciclo, Bosfigli Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 2^ sem. pp. 248-256 ; FrscHixi Redia 4 1907 pp. 360-368; GcERcio Redia 5 pp. 144-1.55, 1 tav. — P. ispniulosa ciclo evolutive, Foa Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 2° sem. pp. 391- 395. — P. vastalrix radicicole produceuti galle ; ditlereuze di stazione nelle radicicole ; Gr^vssi e Fo.\ Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 1° sem. pp. 753- 760 ; ricerche suUe gallicole, Grassi e Grandori pp. 760-770 T.c. ; forma gallicola, Grassi e Grandori T.c. 2" sem. pp. 99-106; differenze tra gallicola e radicicola, FoA. e Grandori T.c. 1" sem. pp. 276-281 ; varia, Grassi Foa, T.c. 2° sem. pp. 349-359 ; ricerche, Gr.vs'Dori T.c. 2" sem. pp. 396-403 ; in Italien, Jaxicki Zool. Zentralbl. 15 pp. 353-378 ; Moritz, Berlin Arlj. biol. Anst. 6 pp. 499-571. Biologic, MoEiTZ und BoRSER Berlin Mitt. biol. Anst. H. 6 pp. 31-36 ; Riickwanderung, Gescher Zs. wiss. lusektenbiol. 3 pp. 317-320. lihopaloaiphum poae p. Gl, nervatum p. 63, spp. n., Colorado, Gillette Canad. Ento. 40. ^ Sehizoneiira lusitanSca sp. n. Portu- gal, HoRV.ATii Broteria 7 pp. 132-133. — S. populi sp. n. Colorado, Gillette Ent. News 19 p. 1 pi. i. Siphonapliora idmarine, pisi, cara- ijaiiae ; unterscheidende Merkmale, Cuolodovsky Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 87-95. Toxoptera gram'mum, the so-called "green bug"; Washbcrn, Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 108 pp. 257-280 ; sexes, Washburn p. 53 Canad. Ento. 40 ; life histoiy notes, Phillips Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 10 pp. 11-13. Trichosiphum, 3 spp. n., Japan, Okajima Tokyo Bull. Coll. Agric. 8 pp. 19-26, with 2 colored pis. Aleurodidae. Entwicklung der Aleurodiden ; Tra- Gardh Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. pp. 294- 301. A bibliographical note on the Aleyro- dldae ; Kirkaldy Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Eut. Soc. 1 pp. 185-186. Aleyrodes c'ltri & sp.,BERGER J. Econ. Ent. 1 p. 324. — A. citri in California & Florida, Marlatt Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 pp. 121-125.— .4. ra2Jom- riorum parasitized by Enearsia versi- color, Girault Psyche 15 pp. 53-57. — A. voeltzkoivi sp. n. Madagascar, New- stead p. 12 Quart. J. Liverpool 3 No. 6. COCCIDAE. An important' series of descriptive notes on Coccldae of Europe & N. Africa ; Marchal Ann. Soc. eut. France 77 pp. 223-309 pi. iii. Corrections to Draper's paper of last year on Egyptian insect pests. New- stead p. 14 Quart. J. Liverpool 3 No. 6. Coccidae dell' Olivio e loro parassiti in Italia, Martelli Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. 217-296, 22 fig. Notes on Indian Coccidae, Maxwei.l- Lefroy Calcutta Mem. Dept. Agri. Ind. Ent. Ser. 2 7 pp. 111-137 3 pis. The national collection of Coccidae, Marlait Washington Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. No. 16 pp. i-iii + 1-10. Birds that eat scale insects, McAtee Washington I). C. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1906 1907 pp. 189-198, text fig. Die Cocciden-Literatur des Jahres 1907, LiNDi.NGER Zs. wiss. Insekten- bioL 4 pp. 432-434, 470-476. Classification of Diaspini ; LindingeR pp. 96-106 Berliner ent. Zs. 52. 410 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Antecerococcus and allies, Green p. 41 Ent. Mag. 44. Antonina indica sp. n. Bengal, Green p. 21 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Aonidia juniperi sp. n. Utah, M.^rlatt Washington Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 16 p. 24. Aspidiotus britannicus u. Aonidia lauri, LiNDiNGER Zs. Pflanzenkrankh. 18 pp. 321-336, 1 Taf.— -4. a?!cj/Zws, validity established ; circularis, identity doubt- ful; Ent. News 19 pp. 309 311.— A. destructor and its chalcid parasite in Tahiti ; Doane J. Econ. Ent. 1 pp. 341- 342. — A. pemieiosus, Sherman Chapel HiU J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 24 pp. 52-59. — A. (Chrysoinphalus) trigla7idulosiis sp. n. Bombaj^ Green p. 33 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. — A. comperei p. 12 West Australia, meyeri p. 13 China, cocotipJuiguH p. 14 Cuba, africanus^. 15 South Africa, coursetiae p. 20 Mexico, traiiseaspiensis Transcaspian Russia, epigaeae eastern United States, p. 21, mitchelli p. 22 South Africa, popularum western United States, ehenopodii New South Wales, p. 24, spp. n., Marlatt Washington Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 16. Asterolccanlunnniliaris var. n. rohusta Bengal, Green p. 19 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Aulaeaspis cinnaniomi p. 34 pi. iii figs. 1-3, javaneyiais ]). 35 figs. 4-6, spp. n., Java, Newstead ,1. econ. biol. 3. Cerococcua hihisci sp. n. India, Green Mem. Dep. Agric. India 2 p. 19. Ceroplastes riisci, SiLVESTRi e Martelli Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. 297-358, 37 fig. — C. theohromae sp. n. C'ameroons, Newsteab p. 38 J. econ. Biol. 3.— C. tenuitecLua sp. n. Aldabra, Green Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 204 pi. xxi figs. 4-8. Ceroputo vohjnicuH sp. n. prov. Voly- nensis f. 1-5, Nasonov St. Peterhurg Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. 471-484 fl. 1-19 pi. iv. ChionaspiH sparliiiae described, Sasscer Washington I'roc. Ent. Soc. 9 pp. 141-142. — ('. (ispidislvae var. n. gossypii, New.stkad j). 37 ./. econ. Biol. 3. — C. micropori sp. n. China, Mari.att Washington 'I'ech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 16 p. 25. ChryaompluduH b(irbu»nni> sp. n. Teneriffa, Linuinoeu Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 101. — C. viinutus sp. n. Singapore, KoTiNSKY Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1 p. 170. Coccus cacti, Cockerell and Hellems Pop. Sci. Mon. 71 pp. 217-225.— C. ■indicus sp. n. India & Ceylon, Green p. 28 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. — C. tuberculatus sp. n. Singapore, Kotinsky Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 1 p. 168. Dactylopius virgutus var. n. viada- gascariensis, Newstead p. 9 Quart. J. LiverjDool 3 No. 6. — D. coccineus sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Newstead Kilimandjaro- Mein. Exp. 12 1 pp. 8-9. — D. sacchari- folii sp. n. Bengal, Green p. 23 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. — D. cofeae sp. n. Java, Newstead p. 37 pi iii figs. 14-16 J. econ. Biol. 3. Diaspis fallax nom. n., Morstatt Centralbl. Bakt. Abt. 2 21 pp. 349-365 & 408-424, 1 Taf. ; Geisenheim, Ber. Lehranst. Obstbau, 1907, 1908, pp. 300- 304. — D. harheri sp. n. Tanjore, Green p. 35 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Er'icerus ceriferus & white wax> BuoNioN & PopoFF Bull. Soc. Vaud- Lausanne 44 pp. 273-282, 1 pi. Eidecanium aremniaeum, Quayle, Science 27 p. 788. Fiorinia diaspiformis sp. n. Java, Newstead p. 35 pi. iii figs. 7-10 J. econ. Biol. 3. Gascardia madagascariensis, New- stead pp. 6-8 Quart. J. Liverpool 3 No. 6. Gossyparia spuria, Doten Agric. Exp. Sta. Nevada Bull. 65 pp. 1-34 pi. Ilemichionaspis fici p. 37, minima p. 38, Bengal, spp. n., Green Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Ilemilccaniiim gen. n., tlteobromae sp. n. Cameroons, Newstead p. 39 pi. iv J. econ. Biol. 3. Icerya aeycJiellarum var. n. criatata, Newstead ji. 11 Quart. J. Liverpool 3 No. 6. — /. minor sp. n. Bengal, Green p. 17 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Kermea variegatiis subsp. n. corticalia prov. Kievensia (Russ.), Nasonov St. i'eterburg Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. 490- 493 IT. 28-30. Tjeachia featira sp. n. Bengal, Kieffer Marcellia 7 p. 163. 411 Insecta. Systbmatio. — CocciDAB — Anopluea. Lecanium tcaseUatum Sign., Gbeeu Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. '205 pi. xxi figs. 9- 13. — L. hcsperiduin var. n. javancnais, Newstead p. 3S pi. iii figs. 11-13 J. econ. Biol. 3. — L. nicotiatuic sp. n. Madagascar, Newstead p. 8 Qiuirt. J. Liverpool 3 No. 6. — L. gymnospori p. 29, motUanum p. 30, spp. n., ludia, Green Mem. Dept. xVgric. India 2. Lefroyia gen. n. near Eriocoecu)^, eastaneae sp. n. Assam, Green p. 21 T.c. Leueaspis indica sp. n. India, Mar- LATT Washington Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 16 p. 26. Margarodea viediterraneus, sp. n. Corfu ; Silvestri Firenze BoU. Soc. Entom. 38 pp. 140-152 10 fig. Monophlchus sjostedti, pallidus, spp. n., Kilimandjaro, Newstead Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 12 1 pp. 2-4. — M. tamarin- dus sp. n. p. 17, stebbingi var. octocau- data var. n. p. 16, India, Green Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Mytilaspis auricuLata p. 205 pi. xxi figs. 14-16 ; ocellata p. 206, spp. n., Seychelles, Green Tr. Linn. Soc. 12. — M. piperis sp. n. Madras, Green p. 34 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. — M .chilopsidis sp. n. Mexico, Marlatt Washington Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 16 p. 27. Palaeococcus theobromae sp. n. W. Africa, Newstead p. 154 J. econ. Biol. 2. Palaeolecanium gen. n. type L. hitu- berculatum, ScLC p. 36 Ent. Mag. 44. Parlatoria mangiferae p. 28, pyri p. 29, chinensia p. 30, spp. n., China, Marlatt Washington Tech. Ser. U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. 16. Parthenolecanlum gen. n. type L. coryli, Sllc p. 36 Ent. Mag. 44. Phenacoccua cholodhovskyi sp. n. Russia mer, Marchal p. 245 Ann. soc. ent. France 77. — P. hii'aiUus p. 25, iceryoidea, iyiaoUtiia, p. 26, spp. n., India, Green Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. — P. goaaypii unJacob'niia coecinea Cuba, Cockerell Ent. News 19 p. 211. Paeudaonidia redefined; lounsburyl p. 139 South Africa, greeiii p. 140 Java, spp. n., Marlatt Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9. Paeudococcus citri, number of eggs, D.AVis p. 383 Ent. News 19 ; var. n. coleo- rum March AL p. 236 Ann. soc. ent. Fr. 77. — P. vovae sp. n. prov. Varsoviensis, Nasonov St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool 13 pp. 484-489 ff. 20-27.— P. cupreaai sp. n. California, Coleman New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 197. Pulvinaria orlciiLaVis sp. n. prov. Syr-Darjensis (Russ.), Nasonov St. Peter- burg Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. 493-498 ff. 31-37 pi. iv f. 7. — P. antigoni sp. n. Seychelles, Green Tr. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 204 pi. xxi figs. 1-3. — P. ^ncksoni sp. n. Calabar, Newstead p. 155 J. econ. biol. 2. — P. burkilU sp. n. Calcutta, Green p. 31 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Ripersia anomala sp. n. Kilimand- jaro, Newstead Kilimaudjaro-Meru Exp. 12 1 p. 9. Sphaerolecaniiim gen. n. type L. priuiastri, SuLC p. 36 Ent. Mag. 44. Steingelia gen. n., gorodelskia sp. n. Gouv. Wolhynien, Nassonow St. Peter- burg Ann. mus. zool 13 p. 345. Stictococeus & S. sjostedti, Newstead pp. 150-154 cuts J. econ. Biol. 2. Stictococeus multispiyiosus sp. n. Kili- maudjaro, Newstead Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 12 1 p. 6-7. Tachardia lacca iife history, propa- gation and collection, Stebbing Ind. For Rec. 1 pp. 1-84 2 pis. Walkeria7ia africana sp. n. Kilimand- jaro, Newstead Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 12 1 pp. 4-6. — W. cinerea Surat, Greek p. 18 Mem. Dept. Agric. India 2. Xyloeoccus macrocarpae sp. n. Cali- fornia, CoLEM.UJ New York J. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 198. ANOPLURA or ELLIPOPTERA. Pediculua capitia & other lice on rats, Shipley p. 71 J. econ. Biol. 3. Fievre recurrente du Sud-Oranais et Pediculua vestiinenti, Sergent et Foley Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 1 pp. 174- 176. 412 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] THYSANOPTERA. Tisaaotteri italiani, Bcffa Eedia 5 pp. 133-137. Acanthinothrips gen. n. type Idolo- thrips spectrum Hal., Bagsall p. 207 Trans. Xorthiimberland Soc. 3. Acanthothrips sanguineus sp. n. Doiey, Bagnall p. 362 pi. xv. f. 15 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — A. albivittatus sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 374 Bull. Hlinois Lab. Xat. Hist. 8. Achaetothrips gen. n., loboptera sp. n. Insel Meleda, Kaeny Wien Mitt. Xatw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 101-113. Allothnps gen. n. p. 372 Phloeothri- p'ldae, meyacephalus sp. n. Illinois p. 373, Hood Bull. Illinois Lab. Xat. Hist. 8. Aiiihothrips kilimandjarica sp. n. Kilimandjaro, Trybou Kilimandjaro- ileru Exp. 16 p. 14. — A. gowdeyi sp. n. West Indies, Franklin Washington U. S. Xation. Mus. Proc. 33 p. 724. Apterothrips gen. n. near Pachijthrips, subreticidata sp. n. Queen Charlotte islds. pi. vi fi<,fs. 1-3, Bagnall p. 185 Trans. Xorthumberl. Soc. 3. Bacillotlirips gen. n., UneaTis sp. n. Isole del Giglio Sardegna, Buffa Redia 4 pp. 382-391. Belothrips mori sp. n. Japan, XiwA Tokyo Nip. Konch. Kw. Ho. 2 pp. 180- 181. Cecidothr'ips gen. n., hureamm sp. n. India, KiEFFER p. 1G5 Marcellia 7. CompsotJirips Reut. = {Macrothrtps Buffa = Leurothrlps Bagn.), Bagnall p. 349 Ann. Soc. eut. Belgique 52. Cryptolhr'ipa rectarvjularis sp. n. United States, Hood p. 307 Canad. Ento. 40. — C. carboiuxrluis sp. n. Illinois, Hood ].. 37G Bull. Illinois Lab. Xat. Hist. 8.— C. fasciapeniuH sp. n. West Indies, Franklin Washington U.S. Nation. Mus., Proc. 33 p. 727. Diceratotltrlps gen. n. p. 193, hiconiis sp. n. Santareni p. 194 pi. vi figs. Btt 9, Bagnall Trans. Xorthumberl. Soc. 3. Dlnothrlps gen. n. Pldoeotliripidae p. 190, sumdtrenais sp. n. Sumatra p. 191 pi. vi f. 7, B.vgnali. 'I'.c. DoceaeiasophotUnpn gen. n. p. 201, ampiicepH sp. n. Orizaba p. 202 pi. vi figs. 16 & 17, B.VGNALL T.c. Ecacanthothr'tps gen. n. for A. sanguineus Bagn., Bagnall p. 348 Ann. Soc. ent Belgique 52. Eupathitlivips gen. n. p. 203, dentipes sp. n. Guatemala p. 204 pi. vii figs. 1-4, Bagnall Trans. Xorthumberlaud Soc. 3. Eurynothrips gen. n., magnicoUis pi. vi figs. 13 & 14 p. 199, denticoUis p. 201 pi. vi f. 15, spp. n., Australia, Bagnall T.c. Eutkrips alplna, trybomi & alphia [? spp. n.], Karny Entomol. Ztg 27 pp. 273-280. — E. annulata sp. n. insel Meleda, Karny Wien Mitt. Xatw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 101-113. — E. insularis sp. n. WestLidies, Franklin Washington U. S. Xation. Mus. Proc 33 p. 715. lleterothrips gen n., silvestrii sp. n. Rep. Argentina, Buffa Redia 5 pp. 123- 125. Ueterothrips gen. n., Tliripidae p. 361, arisaemae sp. n. Illinois p. 362, Hood Bull. Illinois Lab. Nat. Hist. 8. IdolotJirips afrieana sp. n. Kili- mandjaro, Trybom Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 16 p. 14. — I. quadrituberculata Japan p. 210 pi. viii f. 9, longieeps Orizaba p. 211 L 10, assimilis f. II, affinis, Nicaragua, p. 213, foveicoUis Guatemala p. 214 f. 12, spp. n., Bagnall Trans. Xorthumberlaud Soc. 3. — /. Havipcs sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 377 Bull. Illinois Lab. Xat. Hist. 8.—/. armafus p. 285, tuberculatus p. 287, Illinois, spp. n.. Hood Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1. Leurothrips pen. n. p. 196, albomacu- lala sp. n. p. 197 pi. vi figs. 11 & 12 but p. 217 said to be alhosigiiata Renter, linearis sp. n. Canary islds. p. 198, Bagnall Trans. Xorthumberl. Soc. 3. Cf. Compsothripa. Linothrips cerealium Hal. = (acenae Hinds), Bagnall p. 351 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Liolhrips (?) ocellatus sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 375 Bull. Illinois Lab. Nat. Hist. 8. Liasothrips gen. n. PJdueothripidac, muacorum sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 365 T.c. MachatotJtrips gen. n. Pldoeotliripidae, biuncinata sp. n. New Guinea pi. vi figs. 5 & G, Bagnall p. 189 Trans. Northumberl. Soc. 3. 413 Insccta. Systematic. — Thysanoptera. — Psocidab Mdcrothrlps gen. n. da Phloeothnps albosiynatns Reutcr, Bl'FFA Napoli Aimuario Museo zool. 2 N. 23 pp. 1-C, 5 figs. Macrothrips gen. n. Phloeothripidae, papuensis pi. xv figsi. 9-11, p. 359, diibhis figs. 12-14 p. 301, spp. n., Papua, Bagxai.l Anu. Nat. Hist. i. — M. inter- media sp. n. Xew Guinea, M. papuensis pi. vi f. 4, Bagkall p. 188 Trans. Northumberl. Soc. 3. Mccipwthvips gen. n. p. 3.j0 of fam. n. Idolothripidae, wallacei sp. n. Papua p. 357 pi. xiv, Bagnall Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Megalothrips 9 spinosus sp. n. Penn- sylvania, Hood p. 306 Canad. Ento. 40. Mcgathrips & Megalothrip.'^ dis- tinguished, Bagxall p. 349 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Neothrips gen. n. p. 371 near Allo- tlirips, cortieis sp. n. p. 372 Illinois, Hood Bull. Illinois Lab. Xat. Hist. 8. Pamiroflu-ips gen. n., gracilis sp. n. Bangkok pi. vii figs. 7 & 8, Bagnall p. 208 Trans. Northumberland Soc. 3. Phloeothrips fieorum sp. n. Algeria, Marchal p. 252 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. — P. spinipes sp. n. New Guinea pi. vi f. 10, Bagnall p. 195 Trans. Northumberl. Soc. 3. Phyllothrips gen. n., piloaus sp. n. Paraguay, Bcffa Redia 5 pp. 123-125 2 fig. ' Phyllothnps gen. n. Phloeothripidae, citricoi'uis sp. n. United States, Hood p. 305 Canad. Ento. 40. Phijsopus sjostedti p. 4 Kilimandjaro, meruensis p. 6,fumosa p. 7, Meru, spp. n. Trybom Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 16. — P. brevistylis nom. n. invThrips pallida, Karn-v Entomol. Ztg. 27 pp. 273-280. Pleetrothrips gen. n. near Triehothrips, antennatus sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 370 Bull. Illinois Lab. Nat. Hist. 8. Serieothrips pulehellus sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 363 T.c. Siplwnothrips gen. n., dejann sp. n. Isola Asinara, Bcffa Redia 4 pp. 382- 301. Thrips meledensis sp. n. Dalmatien, Karnt Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 101-113. Triehothrips niger sp. n. West Indies, Franklin Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 p. 725. — T. americanus p. 366, angusticeps p. 307, longitnhiis p. 368, hufae p. 369, Illinois, spp. n. Hood BuIl."lllinois Lab. Nat. Hist. 8. UzcUella gen. n., luhbochi sp. n. Northumberland, B.\gn.\ll p. 5 Ent. M-ag. 44. Zygothrips longiceps sp. n. Illinois, Hood p. 364 Bull. Hlinois Lab. Nat. Hist. 8. PSOCIDyE or PSOCOPTERA. tJber die Variabilitiit des Fliigel- geaders ; Enderleix ZooI. Auz. pp. 779- 782. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Copeo- gnathen. Die von Voeltzkow in Ostafrika und auf Madagaskar gesammelten Copeognathen. Ueber die systematislie Stellung von Thylax Hag. und zur Klassifikation eer Lepidopsocinen. Enderlein Reise Ostafrika 2 1908 pp. 2-15-257, 1 Taf. Amphigerontia feai, incerta, spp. n., Birmania, Ribaga Redia 5 facs. 1 pp. 98- 109. — -1. ficivorella, jezoensis, Japan, spp. n., Okamgto Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 2 pp. 113-147. — A. voeltzhoici, sp. n. Insel Fundu, Enderlein Reise Ostafrika Bd. 2. p. 248. Cabarer gen. n. near Mesopsocus, fasciatus sp. n. Canaries, NavAs Mem. Ac. Barcelona 6 p. 12. Caecilius interruptus sp. n. Comoren, Enderlein Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 250. — C. podaeromelns sp. n. Formosa, Enderlein ZooI. Anz. 33 p. 768. — C. clarus sp. n. California, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 258. — C. boggianii sp. n. Bolivia, Rib.4GA Redia 5 fasc. 1 pp. 98-109. Cerastipsocus singularis, haliodatensis, spp. n. Japan, Okamoto Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 2 pp. 113-147. Copostigma hyalinum, subcostalis, spp. n., Japan, Okamoto pp. 113-147 T.c. Ectopsocus ferrtigineiceps sp. n. Comoren, Enderlein Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 251. 414 Insecta. ■XII. Insecta. [1908] Eosilla gen. n., jacohsoni sp. n. Giava, RiBAGA Redia 5 pp. 20-26 1 tav. Fulleborniella comorensis sp. n. Comoren, Enderleix Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 249. Hemicaecilius limhatus sp. n. For- mosa, En1)Erlein Zool. Anz. 33 p. 770. llexacyrtoma gen. n. near Mesopsoais p. 349, capensis sp. n. S. Africa p. 350, EsDERLEiN Jena Denkschr. Med. Ges. 13. Kodamaius bremcomis, pilosus, Japan spp. n., Okamoto Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 2 pp. 113-147. Lophopterygella bursuUpennis sp. n. Pemba, Esderlein Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 251. Myops^ocus loriai sp. n. Nuovo Guinea, Ribaga Redia 5 fasc. 1 pp. 98- 109. — .17. inaculosics sp. n. California, Ban'KS Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 258. Ophiodopehna gen. n., ornatipenne sp. n. Formosa, Exderlein Zool. Anz. 33 p. 767. Parempheria metamicroptera sp. n. Formosa, Ekderleix p. 775 T.c. Peripaocus opulentus sp. n. Canaries, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 6 p. 411. — P. pembanus sp. n. Insel Fundu, Esderlein Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 250. Polypsocus faseiatus sp. n. Cuba, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 258. Paacadium gen. n., bUhnbatum sp. n. Formosa, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 33 p. 777. Psociis cap'ilatus, mitsuliaslnanns, fjrandia, pellucidiia, mali, foi-pjosanits, takeokanuH, Japan, spp. n., Okamoto Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 2 pp. 113-147. — P. Haideri p. 761, tncaoensis, obsitus, p. 703 Formosa, spp. n., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 33. — P. mhmtinshnus sp. n. Ins. Fundu, Enderlein Reise Ostafrika 2 p. 248. — P. pcraimilis Texas, ciibamiti Cuba, spp. n., Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 257. — P. sivorii sp. n. Montevideo, Ribaga Redia 5 fasc. 1 pp. 98-109. Sigmatoncnra gen. n. fur Ccrantipso- eu8 »ubco8tali8¥,uduTl. 1903, Enderlein, Zool. Anz. 33 p. 761. Stenopaocus atigmatlcna, Biologie des blattlausahnJichen Spinnfliiglers, Ludwig Stettiner ent. Ztg 60 pp. 195-198.— S. vigriceJlus sp. n. Japan, Okamoto Sap- poro J. Tohoku Univ. 2 pp. 113-147. Taphiella gen. n. p. 772, formosana sp. n. Formosa p. 774, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 33. Troctes faseiatus sp. n. Formosa, Enderlein p. 778 T.c. MALLOPHAGA or LIPOPTERA. The genera of Mallophaga, with lists of species & hosts, Kellogg Gen. Ins. fasc. 66 S7 pp. 3 pis. The Mallophaga of the world : systematic summary ; Kellogg Psyche 15 pp. 11-13. Bestimmungsschliissel der Gattungen ; Litteratur-verzeichnis ; Fulmek Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 5 pp. 1-50. Dorsal vessel of Mallophaga, Fclmek Wien Arb. zool. Inst. 17 pp. 45-64. Colpocepltalum sjoestedti p. 50, oreas p. 51, veratrum p. 52, xenicum, m'lan- di'ium, p. 53, Kilimandjaro-Meru spp. n. Kellogg Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 15 4. Docopliorus cpiscopi Kilimandjaro- Meru sp. n., Kellogg Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 15 4 p. 44. Docopliorus syrn'ii, Ddrrant Ohio Nat 8 p. 357. Eureum cimicoldes from Cliactura pclagica, DuRUANT p. 356 T.c. Lcemobolhrinm afrieanum Kilimand- jaro-Meru sp. n., Kellogg Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 15 4 p. 49. L'lpcnrus afer Kilimandjaro-Meru sp. n., Kellogo p. 47 T.c. Menopon culasius, bucerotis, Kilimand- jaro-Meru spp. n., Id. p. 54 T.c. — M. coJaptis sp. n. Ohio from Colaptes aiiratus, Durrani Ohio Nat 8 p. 355. Nirmus kil'inmndjarcnaiti, opiatholo- 7>iu.s,Kilimandjaro-Meruspp.n., Kellogg Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 15 4 p. 46. — N. aelliger from Sterna hirundo, DcRRANT Ohio Nat p. 357. 415 Jiisecta. Systematic. — Tsoptera, Etc. Physoatomum invadens, Dirran't p. 357 T.c. Trichodectes colohi Kilimand>aro sp. n., Kellogo Kilimandjaro-Meiu Exp. 15 4 p. 41. ISOPTERA or TERMITIDAE. Die Termiteii oder weisseu Auieisen, Eine biologisclie Studie ; Escherich, 789. Zur Kastenbildung und Systematik der Termiten ; Wasmakk Biol. Centralbl. 28 pp. 68-73. Sur le veatrlcule chylifique des Ter- mites, Fettaud Paris C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 474—476. Eutermes seminotns p. SO, 'paucl- nervius p. 81, S-Afrika spp. n., Silvestri Jena Deakschr. med. Ges. 13. Hamitermes runcomfer sp. n. S.- Afrika, Silvestri p. 77 T.c. Mirotermes frontalis, rotiindifrons, spp. n. S.-Afrika, Silvestri, p. 78 T.c. Psammotermes allocerus sp. n. S.- Afrika, Silvestri p. 73 T.c. Termes natalensis, Escherich Verb. Ges. D. Natf. 79 II, 1, pp. 247- 248.— T. gestroi ; Pratt Agric. Bull. Singapore 7 No. 5. — T. sclndczei sp. n. S.-Afrika, Silvestri Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 75. EMBIOPTERA or EMBIIDAE. Emhia tauriea, Beschreibung des Auges, Redikorzew Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 83-80. — E. dujjlex, cephalotes, p. 50, ailvaywi p. 51, spp. n. Espagne et Portu- gal, Xav.Jls Broteria 7. — E. sjostedfi Meru sp. n., Silvestri Kilimandjaro- Meru Exp. 15 3 p. 40 pi. |E. florissantensis sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 25 p. 231. Ohjntha sahulosa sp. n. S. -Africa Ekdeuleix Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 pp. 347-348. PLECOPTERA or PERLIDAE.1 ChloroperJa Jyitlnjniea sp. n. Brussa, Kemp.vy Wieu Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 266. Dictyopteryx imhofi, Larve, Neeracher Zool. Anz. 33 p. (568.— D. tau sp. n. China, Klap.alek Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. i p. 59. Filclmcr'ia gen. n. fiir mongoUca Kla- palek 1901, Klapalek p. 61 T.c. Isoperla ventralis sp. n. Newfound- land, Banks Psyche 15 p. 66. Nemura securigera sp. n. China, Klap.\lek Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. i p. 63. Perla vemieri sp. n. Kleinasien, Kempky Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 264. — P. coneolor California, modesta Colorado, p. 255, ilbistris Canada, exea- vata Virginia, p. 256, spp. n., Baxks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34. Pteronarcys sachalina Sachalin sp. n., Klapalek St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 p. 02. EPHEMEROPTERA or EPHE- MERIDAE. Stray notes on ' Ephemeridae, Dal- GLEiSH pp. 456-400 Zoologist 1908. Segmentregeneration bei Epheme- riden-Larven ; Oppesiieim Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 72-77. Baetis soror sp. n. Australia, Ulmer Fauna Siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 3 p. 44. Choroterpes bctlini sp. n. New York, Needh-am N. Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124 p. 194. '\ Ephemera hoicarthi sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 25 p. 232. Ephemerella aronii sp. n. W. and N. Norway, Finland, Eaton Tromsd Mus. Aarsh. 25 pp. 149-151. — E. dorothea sp. n. New York, Need- ham N.Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124 p. 190. Tdahrophlehia vihrans sp. n. New York, Needh.am p. 192 T.c. 416 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Potamanthus med'ms sp. n. Kansas, Banks Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34 p. 259. — P. diaplianus sp. n. New York, Keepham N.Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124 p. 193. ODONATA or PARANEUROP- TERA. Appenda^'es of the second abdominal segment of male ; Thompson N.Y. St. Mus. Bull. No. 124 pp. 219-263, ^text figs. Berlchtigung zu " Brutpflege bei Libellen " ; Scholz Zs. wiss. Insekten- biol. 3 p. 396. Classification of tlie Corduliinae ; Needham Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1 jDp. 273-280 text fig. Zur Kenntnis der Libellenfauna Westpreussens ; La Baume Danzig Schr. natf. Ges. 12 H. 2 pp. 75-83. Libellen-Fauna der Rheinprovinz, LE Roi Bonn. SitzBer. Ges. Natk. 1907 1908 E pp. 80-87. Die schlesischen Odonaten ; Scnoi.z Zs. wiss. Insektenbiol. 4 pp. 417-420 & 457-462. Libellnlidi itnllani ; Bibliografia e si- nonimia ; BENTivociLio Modena Atti Soc. nat. mat. 9 pp. 18-122. TuMPEL, Die Geradfliigler Mittel- europas. Lief. 20 Schluss des Werkes. Gotha, 1908 pp. 305-324, 1 Taf. On a collection of dragon-flies from Central Australia with descriptions of new species ; Tili.yard, Zool. Auz. 32 p. 567. Annotated and descriptive list of Ottowa Odonata, 54 spp.. Walker Ottawa Natural. 22 pp. 16-23 and 19- 64, 2 pis. Review of the dragon-dies of Wiscon- sin ; Mlttkowski Milwaukee Bull. Wis. Soc. 6 pp. 57-123 pi., map and text Catalogue of the described nymphs of European Odonata and descriptions of eleven additional ; Rousseau pp. 272- 291 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Respiration of larvae ; Bae.\k and FousTKA Arch. ges. Physiol 119 pp. 530-548, 2 pis. Studien iiber den Tonus, v. Die Libellen ; Uexkull Zs. Biol. 50 pp. 168- 202. Aciagr'ion africanum, variavs, p. 660, spp. n., Guinee port., Martin Genova Aim. Mus. 43. Aeschna eynnea, Symbiose mit Cedo- gonhun undulntum, Kammerer Wiesner- FestSchr. pp. 238-252. — A. gigas sp. n. Ural, Bartexev Kazam Jrd. obsc. jest 41 pp. 15-21. — A. nigroilava Japan p. 38, punctata Mexico and Brazil p. 54, unicoJor Bolivia p. 55, eolorata Brazil p. 58, intrieata Mexico to Chile p. 59, petalura Darjeeling p. 78, spp. n., Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 18.— J. ; the N. American tabulated, uvibrosa p. 380, interrupta, interna, p. 381, lineata, nevadensis, p. 382, cana- densis p. 384, tuher cull f era, subaretlca, p. 385, spp. n., N. America, Walker Canad. Ento. 40. — A. multicolor, miitata, p. 264, jalapensis sp. n. Mexico p. 307 ; Williamson Ent. News 19. — A. spp., A. jalapensis sp. n. Mexico Williamson, p. 307 T.c. — A. liaarupi sp. n. Argentina, Ris D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 523. ^Aeschna sol'nla relationships, CoC- kerell Ent. News 19 pp. 455-459. Aethiothemis gen. n. p. 662, solitari sp. n. Guinee Port. p. 663, AIartin Genova Ann. Mus. 43. ■\Agrion telluris Scudd., Cockerell p. 60 pi. V f. 10 Bull. Amer. Mus. 24. Agrionoptera allogenes Cairns, p. 641, regalis Cooktown p. 643 pi. xiv f. 3, spp. n., Tillyard Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33. Anaeiaeschna megalopis sp. n. New Guinea, Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 18 p. 31. Argiolcstcs minimus sp. n. W. A., TiLLYAHD Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 735 figs. Annlroaescluia annr.aidlia sp. n. Mar- garet River, Tillyard T.c. p. 732 pi. xxxv f. 7-10 & xxxvi i. 4. AufftrogomphuH occidentalitt sp. n. Margaret River, Tillyard T.c. p. 729 pi. xxxv f. 5-6 & xxxvi f. 3. 417 1)1 sec ta. Systematic. — Odonata. Austrogynncatitha gen. n. Aeschninae, hfterogena sp. n. Rockluunpton, Till- TAun Dp. eit. 38 pji. 42.3—131 nnd Zool. Anz. 33 p. 404. Austrogdcta gen. n. near Isosfleta, lichU sp. n. Teniiants Creek, Tilltard Sydney Pror. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 32 pp. 764-705 figs. Brechmorhoga tepeara sp. n. Mexico, Calvekt p. 40f) pi. X tigs. 55 & 56 Biol. Centr.-Anier. Xeuropt. Caliaeschna la'uUaici sp. n. Malacca, FoEnsTEB p. 213 Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 52. Canmc'inla othelln sp. n. Cooktown, TiLLYARD Svdney Proc. I.inn. Soc. 33 p. 638 pi. xiV f. 1. Chlorocriemi.'i gcstioi sp. n. W. Africa, Martin Geneva Ann. Mus. 33 p. 654. Cordidiinac, revision, Williamson Ent. News 19 p. 429 pi. sviii. Dasythemis mincki subsp. n. clara, Ris D. ent. Zs. 1908 pp. 518-531. Dromaesehna gen. n., aemrini, p. 191, \rei8kei p. 192, spp. n. Queensland, & Planaesclina part, Forster Ann. Soc. ent. Belgiqne 52. fDrjsagriottinac subfam. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell Xew York Bull. .\mer. Mus. 24 p. 60. Enallagma schultzei sp. n. Kalahari, Ris Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 314. "fE. floriasantella sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell Amer, J. Sci. 26 p. 70. Epigomphiis verticicoimis sp. n. Costa Rica, Cala'ert Biol. Centr. - Amer. Xeuropt. p. 410. Eyfti/nlhemis paradoxa ptUorhia, Queensland spp. n., Foerster Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27 p. 20. ^Gtlgonia gen. n. Protodonata, t'ttana sp. n. Stephanien Connnentry, Mecnier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 243. G'jnaeantha convergcns sp. n. Para- guay, Foerster p. 215 Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique 52. TIemicordidia continentalis sp. n. Australia and Marianne islds., Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 17 p. 13. flemistlgma unilineatus sp. n. W. Africa, Martin Genova Ann. Mus. 43 p. 0.56. (X-10332J) Ischnura ultima sp. n. Argentina, Ris D. Ent. Zs. 1908 p. 518. Lestes aridns sp. n. Tennants Creek, TiLLYARD Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 702 figs. LibeUidosomn gen. n. near Aesclmo- soma, viinuta sp. n. Madagascar, M\:;tiv Coll. Selys fasc. 17 p. 60. Macromia pijramidalts p. 09, //vnw/j/a p. 71, Tonkin, tillyardi Queensland p. 72, oncratn p. 74, fimicidaria p. 75, W. Africa, spp. n., Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 17. Macromidla gen. n. CorduUinae, rapida sp. n. Tonkin, Martin p. 79 T.c. ■fMelajiagr'ion gen. n. for umbratica Scudd., Cockerell Bull. Amer. Mus. 23 p. 138 (omitted last year). — M. niger- rhniim sp. n. Colorado, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 26 p. 69. Nannodytheinis dalei, occldentalis, spp. n., Australia, Tilltard Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 pp. 449-450. Nannophleh'ui elndens sp. n. Cairns, TiLLYARD T.c. p. 045 pi. xiv f. 4. Notogomphus ag'di.s sp. n. W. Africa, Martin Genova Ann. Mus. 43 p. 057. Oxijagrion petersanl sp. n. Argentina, Ris D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 519. Paracordidia gen. n. type iS. serieea Selys, Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 17 p. 33. ■\Phenaeolestes gen. n. Bysagrioninae p. 01, mirandus Miocene Colorado pi. v f. 13 p. 02, Ccckerell New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 01. PliyJloinacromia aecjuatorialis, hijJat-a, spp. n,, W. Africa, Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 17 p. 77. ■\Piroidetia gen. n., Hasina sp. n. Lias inferieur de Fort Mouchard f.Jura), Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1907 p. 523 fig. 1 p. 522, and Pirontelia gen. n. Ha- sina sp. n. rhetian France pi. ii, Meunier p. 91 Ann Soc. Sci. Belgique 32. Plattycantha nom. n. for Karschia F., characters, Foerster p. 215 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Platycnemis congolenais sp. n. (juinee Port., ilARTiN Genova Ann. .Mus. 43 p. 004. Platycordulia gen. n. p. 431 near Nenrocordidia, xantbo^oma sp. n. p. 432 Oklahoma, Willia-Ms-on Ent. News 19. c 37 418 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Procordulia gen. n., irregularis sp. n. Celebes & Fiji, Maetin Coll. Selys fasc. 17 p. 16. Pi'ogomplius joevgenscnl sp. n. Argen- tina, Ris D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. oil . Protoaesclina gen. n. p. 21(5, pseiido- chii'i sp. n. New Guinea p. 217, Foerster Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52, Pseudagrion eocvideum sp. n. Perth, TiLLYARD Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 739 figs. Pyrrltosoma tenellum & nymphida varieties, Morton p. 38 Entomologist 41. Soinatocldora ensigera sp. n. Montana, Martin Coll. Selys fasc. 17 p. 29. Sympetruni ■pedemontayium, scoticum, iJdveolnm, vidgatum, Varietaten vom Ural, Bartenev Kazani Trd. ObSc. jest. 41 1 pp. 10-13. Synthemis cyanitineta, martini, spp. n., Margaret River, Tillyard Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 32 p. 725-726 figs. Tetrathemis dndophila sp. n. Cook- town, Tillyard op. cit. 33 p. G17 pi. xiv f. 5. Zyxomma flavicans sp. n. Guinee port., Martin Genova Ann. Mas. 43 p. 657. tPALAEODICTYOPTERA. and fossil insects of uncertain Orders. ■\Archacmegaptilus gen. n., hicfferi sp. n. Stepbanien Commentory, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 155, and kiefferi n. sp. Connnentry, MeunierBuI. Museum Paris 1908 p. 174. 1^ Ai-chaeoptilus Scudd. - (I'nra- megaptilus Handl.), Meunier p. 154 Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32.— A. boulei sp. n. Stephanien Commentry, Meunier p. 153 T.c. and A. hoidei sp. n. Steplianien de Coramercy, Mednier Bui. Museum Paris 14 p. 34 fig. 1, p. 35. ■\Coc'kerellia gen. n., pcroviaptcroidea sp. n. Stephanian Commentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 j). 154 and CocherelUa gen. n. prromapteroide» sji. n. Steplianien de Commcrcy, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 14 p. 35 fig. 2 p. 36, "fCycloscelia elegantiasima sp. n. Steplianien de Commentry, Meunier p. 249 T.c. '\Diaphanoptera siiperha sp. n. Com- mentry, Meunier p. 173 T.c. and D. supcrha sp. n. Stephanien de Com- mentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 ■p. 155. '\Foriria gen. n. near CydosceUs, mactdata sp. n. Stephanien de Com- mentry Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 155 and F. macidata sp. n. Com- mentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 172. Klebsiella gen. n. exstincta sp, n. Stephanien de Commentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 245, and Klebsiella gen. n., exstincta sp. n. houillier Commentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 242. Microdirtyn Jdebsi fig. 2, (igtiita fig. 3, p. 30, spp. n. Stephanien de Commercy, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 14 p. 38 and M. Mebsi p. 154, ognita p. 155, spp. n., houillier du Commentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32. — M. villeneii.vei sp. n. Stephanien de Com- mentiy, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 245 and M. villeneuvei sp. n. houillier Commentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 242. Sphecoptera brongniarti sp. n, Stephanien de Commentry, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 248 and S. dislincta houillier Commentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 242. Stenodictyathevenini sp, n, Stephanien de Connncrcv, Meunier Bui. >\Iuseum Paris 14 p. 37 fig. 1 p. 37, and N. thc- venini sp. n. houillier de rAUier, Meunier Ann. Soc. Bruxelles 32 p. 151. I^Strobbsia gen. n. near Lithomaniis p. 1347, n-Qodwardinna sp. n. Carbon p. 1318, Handlirsoii Fossilen Insekten. ORTHOPTERA, Comparative anatomy of the thorax; Snodorass ])p. 9.'')-108 pis. ii-v Washing- ton Proc. out. Soc. 9, 419 Insecta. Systematic. — Orthoptera. Ueber die Stirnaugen der Orthopteren ; I.iXK Verb. D. zool. Ges. 18 pp. 1(31- 107. Polare Grenzen der Orthopteren in Tirol; eine zoogeographische Skizze; Dalla-Torre Ent. Jahrb. 18 pp. 172- 176. Gouv. Vladimir, Orthoptera, PYLtNOV Vladimir Trd. ObSc. 2 2. pp. -15-18. Notes on the Orthoptera of Raleigh North Carolina, Brimley Ent. News 19 pp. 16-21. Spermatogenesis; An'isolnhis mav'itimn, R.ocDOLPH Biol. Bull. 15 pp. 111-118, pi. ; Melanoplus bivittatiis, chromosome complex, NowLiM Lawrence Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. 4 pp. 263-271 ; Xipltidium fasciatum, McClung Lawrence Kan. Unir. Sci. Bull. 4 pp. 252-262 pi. ; Syrhida admirah'dis, chromosome com- plex, RoBERTSOM Lawrence Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. 4 pp. 273-305 pi. ; Phrynotettix viagnus chromosomes, PiNNEY Lawrence Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull. 4 pp 307-316 pi. ; accessory chromosome, Aplopus mayeri, Jordan Anat. Anz. 32, pp. 284-295. FORFXCULIDAE. Catalogue des Forficules des collec- tions du Museum (1"* partie) ; BcRii Bull. Museum Paris 1907 pp. 508-513. Zur Psychologie der Dermatopteren ; Meiss.ver Ent. Zs. 22 pp. 65-66. Anechura asiatica Synonymic, Ver- breitung p. 169, fedtahenfiai Sauss. morpha palidipennis nov. p. 170, japonica Borm. Synonymic & Verbrei- tung p 171, Semenov-Tian-Shaxsky Rev. russ. ent. 8. Aniaolahia tripolitana sp. n. Tripolis, Werner Zool. Anz. 32 p. 713 and Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 85. — A. vosaeleri sp. n. 0-Afrika, Burr Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 203. Apachys co7'ticinu8 sp, n, Ceylon p. 51, A. murrayi = (rcichardi Karsch) p. 52, characters & list of Apachys spp. pp. 53 & 54, Bcrr Ann. Nat. Hist. 1, Apteryglda japonica Borm. = A. athymia Rehn = {Anechura eoa Sem. = japonica Borm), Semen'ov-Tian-Shansky Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 171. Auchenomus tsehitscherini Madagascar sp. n., Semexov-Tiajj-Shaxsky p. 172 T.c. (H-10332 j) BorreUola subgen. n. pro Burriola cux'ina Sem., Se.menov-Tian-Shansky p. 160 T.c. Brachylahhme revised, Burr pp. 246- 255 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Brachylabis voellzlioin Nossi-Bc p. 249, caudelli Burma p. 251, spp. n., BuiiR T.c. Burriola gen. n. Chelidurinorum p. 159, prrewalskii Tibet sept. -orient. }). 100, redux Gan-su })p. 160, 102, spp. n., Semenov-Ti.vn-Shansky Rev. russ. ent. 8. Chaetospa)ua horneensls Borm. (as Spli'nigolabis) = (confusa Burr — stella Burr) p. 50, C. homfiana Borg (as Sparaltn') = (c8ca7e?-ae Burr) p. 51, Bcuu Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Cranopygia gen. n. tyjje I'yg'idicrana eumingi Dohrn, Burr p. 389 Op. cit. 2. Dicrana gen. n. type Pygldicrana frontalis Kirby, separata sp. n. E. Africa, Burr p. 387 T.c. Diplatys vosselerl sp. n. O.-Afrika, Burr Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 20i Forcipida jac.ohsoni sp. n. Java, Burr p. 47 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Forficida auricidaria, Schaden und Nutzen, Schwartz Berlin Arh. biol. Anst. 6 pp. 487-492; flight, Collinge p. 46 J. econ. Biol. 3. — F. lomis Kol. imd Lahidura riparia pnllipes Fabr. Neue Daten zui- geographischen Ver- breitung von, Schtscherbakow Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 97-101. — F. robusta sp. n. = {F. tomis aneit. partim) Asia orientalis p. 100, aetolica Br. Beschreibung & Verbreitung p. 167, haznakovi nom. n. pro caucasica Sem. p. 108, vicaria Sem. p. 169, Sexienov-Tian-Shansky Rev. russ. ent. 8. — F. imprevisla sp. n. O.-Afrika, BuiiR Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 206. Gonolabis michaelscni p. 73, icood- ivardi p. 76, Australia spp. n., Burr Fauna Siidwest Australiens 2 Lfg. 5. Karschiella camerunensis = (Bor- mansia lictor Burr), BcRR p. 35 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 52. Labia nigroflavida $, BuRR j). 48 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1, — Jj. myrineca sp. n. Java, Burr Leiden Notes Mus. 30 p. 96. Labidura riparia subsp. n. hcrculeaiui Deseita Kirgisonira, Semenov-Tian- Shan'sky Rev. russ. ent. 8 p. 171. c37— 2 420 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [1908] Mesas'iohia gen. n, Chelldurinorum p. 163, hemixantliocara Semiretsche sp. n. p. 165, Semen'ov-Tian-Shansky T.c. Nesogaster = ' (Nesogastrella), N. amoenus $ = (Nesogastrella ruficeps Verb.), p. 46, N. wallaaei sp. n. Celebes p. 45, Burr Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Odontopsalis filehnerl sp. n. China, Burr Exped. Filchner 10 Tl 1 p. 58. P'leran'ia gen. n. type Pygidlcrania Uturata Stal, Burr p. 390 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Psalis dorlae Bortn. (as Forficidn) = (guttata Bonn.), Burr p. 50 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. — P. dehilis sp. n. O.-Afrika, Burr Berliner ent. Zs. 52 p. 202. Pseudisolabis gen. n. P>racJiylahinae p. 254, walkerl sp. n. New Zealand p. 255, BiTRB Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Pseiidocliel'tdura madelrens'is sp. n. ^Madeira, Borelli Torino Boll. Mnsei zool. anat. 23 N. 582 1 fig. Pyge gen. n. type Pygidierana mo- desta Bonn., Burr p. 390 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2, Pygidierana fiehi'igi sp. n. Paraguay, Burr p. 386 T.c. — P. inepersl sp. n. Java, Burr Leiden Notes Mas. 30 p. 95. Pygidiej-anlnae, revision of, Burr pp. 382-392 Ann. Nat. Hist. 2. Pyragropsis gen. n., ti-'tstaiii. sp. n- Costa Rica, Borelli Torino Boll, ilusei zool. anat. 23 N. 594 fig. Spongiphora asshuensis = (ochracea Jiorg = robur Burr), Burr p. 51 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Strongylopsalls coruata sp. n. Mexico, clielidiiroides Borm. = {inca Burr), Burr ]). 50 T.c. Verlioeflin gen. n. for Braehylahis ajoeatedli, Burr ]>. 248 op. cit. 2. Blattidae. The genera of Phyllodromiinae and lists of the species, Siielford Gen. Ins. fasc. 73. The genera of Nyolihor'niae and lists of the species, Siielford Gen. Ins. 74. The abnormal 4-jointe(l tarsus ; SooTsciiERBAKOw pp. 311-320 Biometriiia Evolution of the pronotum in Perl- splmeriinae, Shelford pp. 162-164 pi. ix. f. 10 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. The month-parts of Blattidae ; Man- GAN P. Irish Ac. 27 B pp. 1-10 pis. i-iii. Les glandes defensives ou glandes odorantes des Blattes, Bordas Ann. sci. nat. Zool. 7 pp. 1-25, fig. Role physiologiqne des glandes ar- borescentes annexees a I'appareil gene- rateur des Blattes ; Bordas Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 1495-1497. AnaUacta gen. n. p. 18, metlianoides sp. n. Madagascar p. 19 pi. ii f. 8, Shelford Gen. Ins. 73. Anaplecta conradti sp. n. Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 115.— A. erythronota sp. n. Ceylon, Shelford p. 157 pi. ix f. 9 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Archihlatta ? parta sp. n. W. .Aus- tralia, Shelford p. 160 T.c. '\Archimiilaeris, Gerahlatt'ina & Eto- hlattina, Handlirsch Wien Verh. Zool- Bot. Ges. 58 pp. 205-207.— .4. desaillyi sp. n. bassin houiller du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais, Leriche Lille Ann. soc. geol. 36 1907 pp. 164-167, fig. Bantiia gen. n. p. 165 type Perlspliacria dispar, fero.v sp. n. p. 166 Nyasaland, Shelford Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. '\Blattinopsiella gen. n. pygmaea sp. n. Commentrv, Meunier Bui. Museum Paris 1907 p. 524 fig. 1 p. 524 and Blattino- psiella gen. n., p]igmaea sp. n. Stepha- nien Commentry, Meunier Ann. Soc. Sci Belgique32 p. 92 pi. i. Calolampra morio sp. n. S.W. Afrika, Karny Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 378. Cardax gen. n. Corydiinac p. 160, toilleyl sp. n. Ceylon p. 161, Shelford Ann .'Nat. Hist. 1. Chorisoneura pallida sp. n. KanuM-mi, Shelford 1). ent. Zs. 1908 p. 130. Cyrtotria = (Stenopllemn Sauss. and Thysanohlalla Kirby) p. 167, the species revised, (!. mari^IinUi Rhodesia, nyasae- Nyasaland p. 173, spp. n., Shelford Ann. Nat. Hist. 1.— 0. vnbusUi sp. n. S.W. Afrika. Shelford Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 37. Dci'ocnJymma liancocki p. 386, aenca, hraussi, p. 387, pardalina, p. 388, S. Afrika app. n., Karny Jena Denkschi-. med. Ges. 13. 421 Inscrta. SYSTEsiATia — Blattidae. Eciobla kervillci sp. n. ranis, BoLiVAK Gadeau de Kerville Voyage eu Khrou- niirie p. lliS. Etinyctibora gen. n. Xyctiborinae for nissiconiis Buna., etc., Shelfokd p. 2 Lieu. Ins. 74. ■^FaijolieUa gen. n., clotujata sp. n. Steplianieu de Oonimeiitrv, Meunikk Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. LMT. GritUiiiella gen. n. near Oxijhaloa p. 3Sr^, lietero jaiiiia sp. n. S. Afrika, Xaksv p. 38.3 Jena Deuksclir. med. Ges. 13. Gipia, jocoaa sp. n. Congo, Siielford p. 234 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — G. Miudidaiis sp, n. S. Afrika, Kausy Jena Deuksehr. med. Ges. 13 p. 382. Ilololampra abdelazizi Cabo Espartel p. 91, liafidi Marraquesh, p. 92, spp. n., Bolivar Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 8. Honudosilphn cruralis sp. n. Brit. Uganda, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908 p.' 121. Hyposphaeria burri sp. n. S. Afrika, Karsy Jena Denkscbr. med. Ges. 13 p. 389. Ischnoptera sordlda, rolidei, p. 228, cruraliif, p. 220, spp. n., Cameroous, SuELFORD ilem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — I. longataffi. sp, n. Zambesi, Shelford p. 157 pi. ix f. 8 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1.— 1. uniramosa sp. n. S. Afrika, Karny Jena Deukschi-. med. Ges. 13 p. 376. Liosilpha hriimiea sp. n, Cameroons, Shelford p. 233 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — L. hh-olors^. n, Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 120. Lohoiitera bevjeri sp, n, S.W. Afrika, Silelfoud Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 28. '\LyijoViHs gen. n, Lygobidae fam. u. p. 85 Protoblattoidea, knoidtoiu sp. n. p. 86 Cretaceous ilontana, Mitchell Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 52. Metltana papua sp, n. New Guinea, Shelford p, 234 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Nauphoeta sordlda sp, n. Cameroons, Shelford p. 235 T.c. — N. epllainpro'idea p. 12.3, eler/ans, wimita, p. 124, bicolor p. 125, Kamerun, pulchra O^owe, lurida Tanganyika, p. 120, spp. n., Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908, OxyhaJoa pcrspicua sp, n. Kauiorun, Shelford p. 128 T.c. Pnncldora vosseleri sp. n. 0. -Afrika, Shelford Wiesbaden Jabrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 38. Puralatlndia ohscura sp, n. Peru, Shelford p. 35 T.c. ParaJoboptera weilerl sp. n, Kamerun, Shelford p. 28 T.c. Paraplecta conradli sp, n. Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 1 29. Pelmatosilpha sinJialeyisia sp. n. Cey- lon, Shelford Wiesljaden Jabrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 33. Periplancta; S genitalia, Wesche J. Quek. Club 10 pp. 235-242, pis. xix & XX. — P. ovleiitalis anatoniie des organes appendiculaires de I'appareil reproduc- teur femelle, Bord.\s Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 1415-1418. — P. vosseleri sp, n. O.-Afrika, Shelford Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 38.— P. funebria, bicoLo>\ spp. n., Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908 p. 122.— P. afrieana, adelungl, S.-Afrika spp. n., KaRNY Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 380.— P. indica, ceyloniaa, japonica, filchnerae, p. 18, mcdau-a, furcata, emarginatn, emssa, spp. n. China, Karxy Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. i p. 19. Perhplmeria vide Bantua and Pluty- silplia. Phyllodromia ; variousof Gerstaecker's spp. referred to Ischnoplera ; basalis S characters; Shelford p. 115 D. ent. Zs. 1908.— P. mirabiUs p. M6, ennradti Y). in,neutra p. 118, translucida, ery- fhronotata, p. 119, spp. n., Kamerun, Shelford D. ent. Zs. 1908.— P. severim p. 231, camerunensis p. 232, stolidn p. 233, spp. n., Cameroons, Shelford Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Pdema mombasac sp. n. Africa, Shel- ford p. 166 Ann. Nat. Hist. 1. Platys'dpha gen. n. type Perispliacria murina Walk., Shelfokd p. 170 T.c. PolypJiaga hariuji sp. n. Tripolis, Werner Z'ool. Anz. 32 p. 714 and Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. 89.-7^. sumatrensis sp, n. Sumatra, Shelford Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 33. Prolagoniiita gen. n. Blattinae, higa- brls Tonkin pi. ix f. 1 p. 158, bornecns'is Sarawak f. 2 p. 159, spp. n., Shelford Ann, Nat. Hist. 1. 422 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Pseuderopeltis prorsa sp. n. Congo, Shelford p. 234 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Pseudoglomer'is oniscina $ Shelforb p. 130 D. ent. Zs. 1908. Pseudogyiiopeltis gen. n. near Gynopeltis p. GSo, schencki sp. n. S.W. Afrika p. 686, Karnt Zool. Anz. 32. — P. termes, blattella, p. 384, stigmatlca, soror, ohscura, lata, sclndthessi, p. 385 spp. n. Karny Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 S. Afiika. Salganea papua sp. n. Xew Guinea, Shelford p. 236 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Steleopyga rhomhifol'ia, Arizona, Cadbell Ent. News p. 463. StilpiiohJatta minutissima sp. n. Congo, Shelford p. 235 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Stylopyga fureifera, assimWis, n'lger- rima, spp. n., Cameruu, Shelford Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 31. — S. orientalis, Fettkorper, Hungerstoff- wechsel, Philiptschenko Rev. russ. ent. 7 pp. 181-188. Temnopteryx unicolor sp. n. Capland, Karsv Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 377. Tlteganopteryx congoensis, hayianae, spp. n., Congo, Shelford p. 227 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Tivia morosa sp. n. S.-W. Afrika, Shelford Wiesbaden Jalirb. Ver. Xatk. 61 p. 34. Trihonoidea gen. n. near Epilampra p. 29, seyd'i sp. n. Peru p. 30, Shelford T.c. Phasmidae. Brunser v. Watteswyl und Redtek- bachee, Die Insektenfarailie, der Pbas- miden Lfg 3 (Schluss) : Phasmidae anareolatae {Phihalosonuni, Acro- phyllini, Necrosciini) : Bearb. v. J. Redtenbacher, Leipzig, 1908, pp. 340- 589, 12 Taf. The Phasmidae of Central America ; Shelford pis. v-viii pp. 343-377 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Sur I'apparition de males et d'her- maphrodi es dans les pontes parthe- nogeneiiques des Phasnies ; Pantel et SiK^TY Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 1358-1360. Achriopfera, intermediap. ygmaea, p. 440, impennis Madagaskar p. 441, spp. n., Redtenbacher Phasmiden. Aerophylla marmorata Neu Guinea, aliena Australia, p. 456, scatigera Melbourne, phyllocerca oxyacantha, Australia, p. 457, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Anarcliodes gen. n. hjratus sp. n. Borneo ,REDTESBAcnER T.c. p. 493. Anasceles gen. n., divergens sp. n. Ins. Buru. Redtesbacher T.c. p. 487. Anchiale modesta, si)nplex,^eu. Guinea, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. p. 461. Aplopus mayeri habits, reactions, and mating instincts, Stockard Carnegie In- stitution Washington 2 Publication No. 103 pp. 43-59, 3' pis. Arrhidaeus nigroplagiatus Luzon, aemidus Neu Guinea, p. 376, nigro- taeniatus Valle de Bulasan p. 377, hrmmi Palapa, apterus, p. 378, hi- fasciatiis p. 379, Neu Guinea, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Aruanoidea ascepasmoidea Borneo, excisa, p. 519, microptera Malakka, agriovoides Borneo, conspicua Philip- pinen, analis Java, refractaria Luzon, p. 520, pJanicercata Sumatra, longieollia, midiocris, Java, spinipennis, extra- ordinaria, falcata. Borneo, derise-granu- losa, p. 521, inconspicua Celebes, picteli, seriata, Borneo, flabellata Mentawei Ins., lanceolata, ingemia, Sumatra, truncata Mindanao, p. 522, sii'emps Sumatra, clavigera, iurohite-cercata , Borneo, fracta Perak, macra Celebes, multicolor Tonkin, p. 523, hipunctata Neu Britannien,/?«fO- guttidata Neu Guinea, pallida, simplex, Borneo, p. 524, fasciata Java, eo7inexa Perak, nigrofasciata, munda, Philip- pinen, confusa Singapore, p. 525, robus- tior Tonkin, inflata Malakka, p. 526, rubeola, schocnbergi, Borneo, Uturata, p. 527, fragilis, adspersa, Perak, tcnera, bistriolata, Sumatra, stali Manila, p. 528, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Aseeles gen. n. p. 493, cormi-cervi, acute gibbosHs, margaritatus, Borneo, horni Malakka, biapinus Tonkin, p. 496, civdiK. ixinteH,he)'os,peiiicillatus,lioTneo, ceiius, undulalipes, Sumatra, modestior Molukken, rulanda Luzon, p. 497, brevi- collis Sumatra, validiis Perak, breripennia 'J'onkiii, inijitinatus Borneo, p. 498, ubaolctusi'h[l\pp\nen,perplexu8,diadema. Tonkin, mecheli Sumatra, adapirans, 41^3 Insecta. Systematic. — Phasmiuae. rustlcus, Jara, p. 190, opacus Ceylon, clongatits Iiidien, longipes ileutawei Ins., Uneattta Java, p. 500, dorsalls, vlUosus, Borneo p. 50], spp. n, Redtesbacueu T.c. Aspremis gracillpi's Xeu Caledonien, erassipes Neue Hebriden, spp. n., Red- TEXBACIIER T.C.p. 349. Aaystata gen. n. p. 532, hrevipcs sp. n. Borneo p. 533, Redtenbacheu T.c. A list rocloni stria gen. n., serndata sp. n. Australia, Redtesbacher p. 438. Bacteria davigera Brasilia, viontana Amazonas, pachyccrca (?), palUde-notata Brasilia, p. 415, subcolans Panama, ritfopecttis Cayenne, nodulosa S. America, obtiisa Venezuela, rubidata Valparaiso, p.HQ,teneUa Venezuela, nova,foHolata, Mexiko, p. 417, simplex (?), modesta St. Thomas, divergens Cayenne, p. 418, imitans Surinam, 4-spiywsa Mexiko, schidtliessi Ecuador, laesa Chile, ro-sse- leri Guatemala, aequatorialis Ecuador, chaperi Venezuela, horni Mexiko, p. 419, maxicelli, hellangeri Martinique, virgu- lata, innocens, Peru, segmentaria Columbia, satyr Brasilia, pan Guyana, p. 420, zehtitneri Guatemala, frustrans •Mexiko, iiiiegra Trinidad, peruana Peru, freygessneri Guatemala, bradypus An- tillen, p. 421, significans Bogota p. 422, spp. n., Redtexbacher T.c. Bactridium maximum Bahia, paucispi- nositm, p. 401, dentipes Brasilia p. 402, spp. n., Redtesbaciier T.c. Bactrododema fuscipennis sp. n. W.- Afrika, Redtenbacher p. 392 T.c. Bostra lobata Panama, arcuafa, imperi- alie Brasilia, vacca (?), p. 408, reducte- dentata Brasilia, submutica Venezuela, amplesaens, obtuse- cornuta, Costarica, p. 409, seabrinota Peru, tabida Brasilia, viagistralis, championi, mirata, Guate- mala, nuptialis Guyana, mag7iifica Brasilia, p. 410, loyigeoperculata Guate- mala, godmxini Nicaragua, saussurei MeiiKo, pruinosa Brasilia, deplanata Cuba, procoppi, trideiiticulata, p. 411, aimilis, margaritata, bifida, Venezuela, p. 412, spp. n., Redtenbachek T.c. Caliisia flavoguttata Kina-Balu, fasco- alata Sikkim, p. 567, conapcrsa Borneo, elarissiina Perak, punctulata, commutata, Malakka, p. 568, ferruginea, albosignata, lineata, Borneo, rujescens Singapore, omisaa Borneo, groase-granosa Sumatra, aodalis Borneo, fcssa Mentawei Ins., p. 569, coeruJeacens Perak, spurcata Java, octo-lineata ' Celebes, tricolor Sumatra, palUdifrons Perak, semihilaria Borneo, aeruginosa Java, tess^ellata, eoni- ceps. Sumatra, timida Mentawei Ins., ]),571, medorina Borneo p. 572, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Canachus harpyia p. 346, circc, alli- gator p. 347, Neu Caledonien, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Candaidcs ??iuficus Mindanao, transiens Java, caesiua Tonkin, p. 539, pedestris Java p. 540, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Centema gen. n. p. 489, perfeetum Sumatra, ijartes spinidosus, honestus. Ton- king, spp. n., Redtexbacher T.c. p. 475. Pacliijscia gen. n. p. 530, plagiata, 'I punctata, Tonkin p. 531, spp. n., Redtexbacher To. Palophus brogniarti Taganyika p. 325, peetinicornia O.-Afrika, bremcornis, transtaalensiit, p. 396, holubl, .S.-Afrika, p. 397, spp. n., Redtexbacher T.c. Parabactridtum gen. n., viirum sp. n. iladagaskar, Redtexbacher T.c. p. 403. Paracentema gen. n., steplmnus sp. n. Tonkin, Redtexbacher T.c. p. 477. Parne.ypliocrania gen. n., lativentris sp. n. Patria ?, p. 466, Redtexbacher Tx. Paradiacanlha gen. n., fusea Borneo, aeneieolUs Perak, spp. n., Redtexbacher T.c. p. 506. Parameiu'xenus gen. n. p. 475, iiwleatua Ceylon, carinulatus, operculatus, Tonkin, suhdictius, incoiispicuus, Ceylon, rt-f/jcr Tonkin, p. 476^ spp. n., Redten- BACHER T.c. Paramiironides gen. n. p. 477, pera- hcnsis Perak, tonhiiicnsiii Tonkin, jictus Sikkim, p. 478, spp. n., Redtenmucher T.c. Paranecrosia gen. n., longicoUis Ins. Engano, p. 556, operculata Borneo p. 557, spp. n., Redtexb.vcuer T.c. Pnrasipyloidea gen. n., zehntiierl Ceylon, montana Darjeeling, cercata Sydney, p. 479, acuiiiinata Java, strumosa Australia, miiiula Cejdon, subfilis Malakka, aenea Java, novae- guineae New Guinea, p. 480, spp. n. Redtexbacher T.c. Parasosibia gen. n. p. 4S1, ceylonica, ineerta, Ceylon, inferior, maeidata, vil- losa, descendeiis India, parca Trichino- poly, australica Lord Howes Island, p. 482, spp. n., Redtexba(;uer T.c. Parastheneboea gen. n., insignia sp. n. Borneo, Redtexbacher, T.c. p. 474. Paronchestus gen. n., aharon sp. n. Australia, Redtexbacher T.c. p. 463. Pcriccntrus gen. n. p. 351, viomisi Sikkim, pinnatus Bhoutan, midtilobatus Peru, tripinnatus Celebes, p. 352, spinoso-lobatus Panama, appendleidatus Java, restrietns Portorico, nudipes Borneo, p. 353, spp. n., Redtexbacher T.c. Perisceles gen. n., p. 480, ^noJet^lus Perak, integer India, p. 481, spp. n., Redtexbacher T.c. Pliantasis lobaia sp. n. Panama, Redtexbacher T.c. p. 355. Phamaeia biaeps Tonkiug, enganensis Sumatra, anyadata, p. 451, nigricornis Borneo, pinnipas Malakka, p. 4.52, semi- lunariH, heros, Java, rigida Sumatra, spectabilis Ceylon, ingens Malabar, p. 453, sagilta ]}. 454, pilicornis Borneo, p. 455, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Phibalosma michaelis sp. n. Baliia, Redtexbacher T.c. p. 427. Platysosihia gen. n., aoluta NewGuinea, refractaria Molukken, spp. n., Redtex- bacher T. c. 13. 552. Pomposa gen. n., mocsta sp .n. liorneo, Redtexbacher T.c. p. 503. Pseudodiacantha gen.n., obncnra sp. n. Java, Redtenbacher T.c. p. 552. 426 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Pterinoxylus spinidosiis sp. n. Pauauia, Redtenbacher T.c. p. i2S. PulchriphijlUum cvnrifollum, life- history, St. Qcixtin- Naturalist 1908 pp. 235-238 pis. XXV & xxvi. Rhaph'ulerus h'llobatus Manila, hedoli Tonking, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. p. 388. RhijncJmcris gen. n., ornatu sp. n. Costarica, Redtenbacher T.c. p. 354. Sipyloidea hiplagiata Tonkin, linearis Borneo, inorio Philippinen, roseo-notata Molukken. p. 544, faeniata Tonkin, inscia Himalaja, brevialata Calcutta, superva- eanea Key Ins., morieula Borneo, p. 545, rufeacens Celebes, distinctissima Cochin- china, felderi Amboina, pseiidosipylus New (iuinea, stigmata Mercara, p. 540, histriolata Ceylon, dolorosa Java, nor- malis Celebes etc., suhtilis Perak, foe- nosa New Guinea, corticina Perak, doleschali Amboina, p. 547, biseriata Perak, ahnormis Neu Guinea, fiUformis Australia, tristis Ins. Balabe, p. 548, magna Perak, biroi Singapore, lutea, albogenicidata, .Java, debilitata Australia, p. 549, falcata, rostrata, Sula-Mangoli, longithorax, brevipeunis, Philippinen, p. 550, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Sosibia biaculeata Ceylon, viecheli Sumatra, qnadrispinosa Ceylon, p 535, solida Malakka, maccra Borneo, parae- salus Sumatra, pilatijcerca Tonkin, fal.ci- fei'a Perak, p. 53t;, bisulca, nigricans, retracta, Borneo, dubia, p. 537, dubiosa Sumatra etc. p. 53S, spp. n., Redten- bacher T.c. Stephanacris gen. n., globiceps, brev- ipea, New Guinea, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. p. 441. Syringodes gen. n. p. 491, jmllidus sp. n. Amboina p. 4!)2, Redtenbacher T.c. 'Tagesoidea gen. n. p. 564, vigrofaf<- ciata, fasciata, p. 565, Borneo, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. TrarhytJtorax gen. n., unicolor Java, p. .507, inccrlus Tonkin, expallesccns Ceylon, planiccpsSikkim, p. 508, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Trapezaspis gen. n., kaiman, lorieatus, New Guinea, spp. n. Redtenbacher T.c. Tropidoderua exiguns sp. n. Patria ?, Redtenbacher T.c. j). 384. Vaailiaaa tedicoUia sp. n. Pliilijjjjinen, Redtenbacueu T.c. p. 383. Vetilia ligula, icidfingi, Australia, maitidroni, p. 464, caesarea New Guinea p. 465, spp. n., Redtenbacher T.c. Xenophasma gen. n., fimbriafum Birma, simile Tonking, spp. n., Redten- bacher T.c. p. 442. Xei'oderus breripennis sp. n. Salomons Ins., Redtenbacher T.c. p. 359. Mantidae. Agriouopsis gen. n. p. 41, modesta sp. n. O.-Afrika p. 42, Werner Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908. AmorpJioscelis liorni, ascalaphoidcs, p. 514, grisea, pulehra, p. 515, micacea, opaca, p. 516, carinata p. 517, spp. n. Kamerun, Bolivar, D. ent. Zs., 1908. Aiichmomantis gen. n. p. 45, rhodii sp. n. Afrika p. 47, Werner Senckenb. Ges. 1908. Chloroharpax gen. n. ]). 43, ocelUfer sp. n.Ogowe p. 44, Werner T.c. Compsothespis Sauss., Stellung. Werner St. Peterburg Ann. Mus, zool. 13 p. 111. Dystacta braueri sp. n. S.W. Africa, Karny Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 371. Empusa ; Gruppierung der Arten, Werner p. 126. St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13. Entella rhombochir sp. n. Afrika, Werner Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 1908 p. 48. Entella gracilis, pertinens, p. 309, fortis, aberrans, p. 370, S. Afrikit, spp. n. Karny .Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13. Gonypeta laticoUis, femina, p. 367, hotteiitotta, viinutissima, p. 368, S. Africa, spp. n. Karny T.c. Idiowtiis brevipes = (Platycleis Hetclicri), Caidell p. ,332 Canad. Ento. 40. Iris kuhlgatzi sp. n. S.W. Afrika, Karny Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 374. IscJinomantia spinigera, Farbenmer- kmale, Werner St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 p. 118. ^Lilliophotmn gen. n. p. 343, floecoaa sp. n. Florissant shales p. 344 pi. ix, CocKERELL Canad. Ento. 40. Mantis religioaa, Abeille de Perrin ilarseillo Ann. Soc. Sci. nat. Provence 1 427 [ns(cta. Systematic. — Orthoptera — Locustidae, pp. v-vi ; glandes salivaiies, Bokdas Paris Mem. soc. zool. 20 pp. 91-106, tig. Mierotltespis gen. n. p. 119, dmitriewi sp. n. p. li'O Abessyiiien, Werner St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13. Oxythespis maroccaua sp. n. Mogador, Bolivar p. 317 Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. Fopa spurca, Unterschiede von undata, Werner St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 p. 124. ProhierodiJa gen. n. for Polyspilota picta Gerst., Bolivar p. 4G1 Mem. Soc. Esp. 1. Pseudoharpax francoisi sp. n. W. Africa, Bolivar p. 470 T.c. Sibylla elegans sp. n. Cameroons, Bolivar p. 464 pi. xii f. 1 T.c. Slgerpes heydeni sp. n. Afrika, Werner Bar. Senckenb. Ges. 1908 p. 54. Stagmatoptera vitripenii'is sp. n. Cameroons, Bolivar p. 471 Mem. Soc. Espan. 1. Taracliina achultzei sp. n. S. Afrika, Karny Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 305. Taracliodes liarsch'ii p. 112 Be- schreibung, mer'idional'is p. 113, Werner St. Peterburg Aim. Mus. zool. 13. — T. aignata sp. n. S.W. Afrika, Karny Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 364. Theopompa nehidosa sp. n. Cameroons, Bolivar p. 458 Mem. Soc. Esp. 1. Gryllidae. Acheta cyreiiaiea Barka p. 714, tripunctata Tripolis p. 715, spp. n., Werner Zool. Anz. 32 and Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. KJo. Cophogryllufs kuMgafzi sp. n. China, Karnv Exped. Filchner 10 Tl i p. 26. Gryllodea sigillatus (= poeyi Sauss.), Caudei.l Psyche 15 p. 96. Gryllus ; Variation and correlations of certain taxonomic characters, Lutz Washington Carnegie Institution Pub- lication No. 101 1908 pp. 1-63. '\LuhogryllJtes gen. n., liitzii sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockekell New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 64 pi. v f. 12. Nemobius filchnerae sp. n. China, Kaknt Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. 1 p. 23. Phylloscirtus macileutus, Fiebrig Zs. wiss. Insekteabiol. 3 pp. 350-352. LOCUSTIDAE. Color varieties of Loeustidae, Knab Science 26 pp. 595-597. Pink katydids, Brown Science 27 p. 271. Les mues de quelques Locustaires, Berenguier Nimes Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. 35 pp. 14-20. Ainbhjcorypha iselyl Caud. sp. n. Kansas, Isely Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 238-249. iAnabrus caudelU sp. n. Miocene Colorado, Cockerell New York Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 63 pi. v. f. 9. Barhitistes v'u-gincm sp. n. Pyrenees, Navas Bol. soc. Aragou 7 p. 104. Camptonotus caroVinensis, habits, MgAtee Ent. News 19 pp. 488-491 pi. XXV. Ceittophihia jmucispinosa sp. n. Ari- zona, Rehn Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 223-231. Conocephalus platynotum, formosanusi, spp. n., Japan, Matsuml'Ua and Shiraki Sapparo J. Tohoku Univ. 3 pp. 1-8. Cymatomera lameerel sp. n. Congo, Griffini p. 44 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgiquo 15. Cyrtaspis scutata, winter habits, Gelin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1908 jj. 293. CyrtophylUciis gen. n. p. 156 near Zacycloptern, chlorinn sp. n. p. 158 Cali- fornia, Hebard Ent. News 19, Dibelona braailiensis subsp. n. hog- gianii, GnifTiNi Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 60- 67. Diestrammena annandalel sp.n. Lower Siam, KiRBY Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 p. 43. Ducelia loosi sp. n. Africa, Griffini p. 204 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Ephippigera andalusica var. levantina, martorelli var. angidata, varr.n., Bolivar p. 332 Boll. Soc. Esp. 8. — E. conjuaus, oviposition etc., Peyf.rimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 77 pp. 505-516. Epiaattus marinoratua Brongn., Cari p. 137 Rev. Suisse Zool. 16. 428 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Eremus testaceus sp. n. Japau, Matsu- JiURA aud Shikaki Sapporo J. Tohoku Cniv. 3 pp. 1-8. — E. phUippinus sp. n. Is. Filippiiie, Griffixi ililano Atti vSoc. ital. 47 pp. 1-9. Eriolus macroceplialus sp. n. Costa Rica p. 132, E. longipennis $ p. 133, Carl Rev. suisse Zool. 16. Euconchopkora spinigera = (infuscata Brcngii.), Carl p. 140 T.c. Eurycopyplui = iJyrmecophaiia, Vos- SELER Zooi. Jahrb. Svst. 27 pp. 157- 210 1 Taf. Gampsocleis ; Sraopsis unci Verbrei- tuDg der eurasiatischen Species, podolica Podolien, annae Ciscaucasia, spp. n., SuGUROF Odessa Mem. soc. nat. 31 p. ISi. Gestro gen. n. Agroeciinae p. 5-48, modigUanii sp. n. p. 549 Mentawei Ins., Grikfixi Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26. Grillaeridi : notizie, Griffisi Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 23 X. 587, pp. 1-14. Gryllacrls ; malesi e austromalesi, notizie ; Griffisi N. 581 pp. 1-14 Op. cit. — G. genualis Walker, Beschreibung, Variabilitat, p. 229, becearii sp. n. Sumatra p. 230, Griffini Entomol. Ztg 27. — G. brevixipha subsp. u. dlfferens p. 206, comotli sp. n. Birma ]). 201 , Griffini Entomol. Ztg. Wien 27. — G. buttncri p. 10, kuhlgatzi p. 14, sclieffleri p. 19, indeeisa p. 37, 'nifelix p. 49, fidleborni p. 52, Africa, spp. n. ; laetitia subspp. kilwae p. 25 & munda- mensis p. 28, lyrata subsp. lademanni p. 31, conspersa subspp. vosseleri p. 40 & brauni p. 43, sigtwretl p. 44, subspp. n. ; africana var. perspicillata var. n. p. 51, (Jriffixi Grsdlacris Siena. G. brlghella sp, n. W. Africa, Griffini p. 22 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. — G. japonica, subrectis, spp. n. Japan, ilAT- scmura and Shir.\.ki Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 3 ])p. 1-8.— G. sordida p. 303, elongata p. 304 j^l. viii f. 3, malayana p. 305, spp. n., Borneo, P'ritze Mitt, schweiz. ent. Ges. 11. — G. loriae sp. n. Timor, Griffini ilonitore zool. ital. 19 pp. 90-92. — G.h'irby'i p. 20i>,gii'dianetlH. p. 209, spp. n., pnnctipenn'iii deinpu-oljji suljsp. n. p. 213, Nova Guinea, Griffini Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 3. — G . michaclseni sp. n. Brasilia, Griffini Zool. Anz. 33 p. elgique 15. Mortonia gen. n. near chanicia p. 300, quadritHbej'i-i(hita sp. n. Ceylon p. 301 pi. vii fifTs. 4-7, Fritze Mitt, sclnveiz. ent. Ges. 11. Mossida lor'iac sp. n. Nova Guinea, Griffixi Milano Atti Soc. itiil. sc. nat. 46 ]-ip. 271-2SS. Xcanias ma'juns sp. n. Japan, ^LvTsr- Mi'iiA and SiiiRAKi Sapporo J. Tohokn University 3 pp. 1-S. — -V. feamis sp. n. W. Africa, Griffini Zool. Anz. 32 p. 559. Odontocomis gen. n. near Aerodoyitn p. 301, gpiiiiixa sp. n. Borneo p. 302 pi. vii figs. 1 &2, Fritze Mitt, schweiz. ent. Ges^ 11. Odontolahls armata = (bicolor Brongn.), Carl p. 1-42 Rev. Suisse zool. 16. Odoiitura spinulicanda maroccana sp. n, (sic) Marraquesh, Bolivar p. 332 Bol. .Soc. Esp. 8. Orclielimum cruaculiim sp. n. Xew York and New Jersey, Davis New York •I. Ent. Soc. 16 p. 223. Oxystethus hrevipennis S characters, Carl p. 138 Rev. Suisse zool. 3. '\Falaeorehn\a gen. n., macidata sp. n. Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Ent. News 19 p. 126. Paragroecla javaniea $ charactez's, Carl p. 137 pi. iv figs. 15 & IG Rev. Suisse zool. 16. Paralistroscelis gen. n. ConoeepJialides p. 146, insularis sp. n. Madagascar p. 147 pi. iv figs. 2, 5, 10 & 11, Carl T.c. Pardalota haaai p. 76, cloetensi p. 77, spp. n., Africa, Griffini Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Plujmeroptera nakanoeiis'is, tempanaUs, grandif, spp. n., .Japan, M.\tsumura and Shiraki Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 3 pp. 1-8. Plmuloidia gen. n. .Japan, Matsumcra and SiiiRAKi Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 3 pp. 1-8, pi. ; P. diatoensis, gracilis, spp. n,, Japan, I.e. PJiisia acidipennis sp. n. .Java, Carl p. 144 Bev. Suisse zool. 16. Plwl'idoptcra harui/i sp. n. Bosnicn, EnNER Wien Verh. Z'oolBot. Ges. 58 ]>. 334 pi. ii figs. 9-11. • Plirictaetypus briuinl sp. n. Ternato, Griffini Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 46 pp. 271-288. Phrixocnemis francincanus Arizona, soeorrennis New Mexico, spp. n., Reiin Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 223-231. Plagiostira graciln sp. n. Arizona, Reiin I.e. Plangiopsi!^ schoutedeni sp. n. Cameroons, Griffini p. 218 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Poeeilomerus saga, Carl p. 150 pi. iv f. 3 Rev. Suisse Zool. 16. PoUchne meekonja sp. n. Cameroons, Griffini p. 206 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Polijglochiu. rnhdel p. 47, r'lcJiardl p. 50, spp. n., W. Africa, Griffini T.c. Porenoviena dupunli Cameroons p. 84, iinlterthi Umaugi p. So, spp. n., Griffini T.c. Psijra marginata sp. n. Borneo. Fritze p. 299 Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 11, Pterolepis ininHf^cnlus Marruecos sp. n., Bolivar p. 334 Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. Pyrgocoryplia formosana sp. n. .Japan, Mat.si'mura and Shiraki Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 3 pp. 1-8. Rhaphidophora heccaril sp. n. ilen- tawei, Griffini Milano, Atti Soi;. ital. sc. nat. 46 pp. 271-288. Saga scvrala ; iliNOAUn Feuille jeunes natui-al. 38 p. 82; in Switzerland, Frev- Gessner p. 274 Mitt, schweiz. ent. Ges. 11. Salomona uncinata sp. n. Samoa, Carl p. 143 Rev. suisse zool. 16. Sasima beccarii sp. n. lusulae Key, Griffini Zool. Anz. 32 p. 644. Scytocera loriae sp. n, Neu Guinea, Griffini Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 26 p. 543. Sphyrometopa gen. n. near Eurymetopa p. 134, femorala sp. n. Costa Rica p. 135 pi. iv figs. 6 & 7, Carl Rev. Suisse zool. 16. Stizoseepa severini sp. n. Cameroons, Griffini p. 32 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15, 430 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Subria mieroccphala characters of sexes, Carl p. 138 pi. iv f. 8 Rev. suisse zool. 16. Temtida suztthii sp. n. Japan, Mat- SUMURA and Shiraki Sapporo Tohoku Univ. 3 pp. 1-8. Togona gen. n. Japan, Matsdjiura and Shiraki Sapporo J. Tohoku Univ. 3 23p. 1-8 ; T. unicolor sp. n. Japan, I.e. Tympanocomjnis erectistylus sp, n. W. Africa, Gkiffini p. 62 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Udeopsylla serrata sp. n. Arizona, Rehn Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 223-231. Uromenus rhomhifer sp. n. Marruecos, Bolivar p. .S30 Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. Yorli'iella gen. n. ConoeephaVidea p. 148, p'(vta sp. n. Caj^e York p. 149 pi. iv f. 4, Carl Rev. suisse zool. 16. Xestophrys loniboehens'ts sp. n. Loni- bock, Carl p. 136 T.c. Xiphidiopais hintheViana sp. n. Africa, Grii riNi p. 68 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 15. Xiphidium dimidiatiun, formosamnn gigantium, divergenliim, spp. n., Japan Matsumura and Shiraki Sapporo J Tohoku Univ. 3, pp. 1-8. ACRIDIIDAE. Ueber das Schnarren dcr Heuschrecken; Karny Stettiner ent. Ztg 69 pp. 112-119. Abila ? collaris sp. n. Mexico, Bruner p. 27.5 pi. iii f. 11 Biol. Centr.- Amer. 2. Acr'uiaracJinea gen. n. near Acrida p. 418, o])}dli(dniic.a sp. n. Senegal p. 419, Bdi.ivAU Ann. Soc. Espau. 8. Acridinvi sigillatttm sp. n. Congo p. Ill, cyannim var. n. tcret'ieoUe p. 110, Bolivar Jleni. Soc. ont. I'elgique 16. — Aerydium {TeUix) deprcssuvi varr. n. circumscripta, conapersa, contigua, dimidiata, A. aiih^dalum var. n. oculnta, Dalniatien, Karnv Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 101-113. Acridoderca amctltyai'inua sp. n. Congo, Bolivar p. 114 Mem. Soc. ont. Belgique 16. Acrotyiesd'Eur()])0, A/a\i, Diagiiignan Bui. 800. etud. sci. archcol. 25 1907, pp. 51-58. Acrotylus longipes var. n. rosea, BoLiVAR p. 325 Bol. Soc. Esp. 8.— .4. apicalis Usambara p. 103, hyalinus Congo p. 104, spp. n., Bolivar Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Agroeeotettix gen. n. MelanopU p. 311, modestus sp. n. Mexico p. 312 pi. iv. f. 13, BRUXERBiol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Amphicremnatsehoffeni p. 95,taeniata p. 96, spp. n., W. Africa, Bolivar Mem. Soc; ent. Belgique 16. Amphitornus nanus sp. n. Arizona, Rehn and Hebard Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 60 p. 376. Anniceris virididus p. 269 pi. iii figs. 16 & 17, meridional'is, apicalia, p. 271, spp. n., Centr. America, Bruner Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Antita gen. n. near Ptemohlax, uJca sp. n. W. Africa, Bolivar p. 116 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. — .4. acJmlzi sp. n. Africa or., Bolivar p. 248 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Aptoceras gen. n. near VUerna, mar- gar'datus sp. n. Demerara, Bruner p. 286 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Arcyptera mar'iae sp. n. Pyrenees, Navas Bol. Soc. Aragon 7 p. 99. Ariai'ia depressicornis sp. n. Costa Rica, Bruner p. 277 Biol. Cent.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Arnilia marschalli p. 256, propinqua p. 257, fissicauda, c.olombiae, p. 258, spp. n., Cent. America, Bkuner T.c. Bacfrophora dominnns Westw., h.ab. Costa Rica, = (Scolocephahis mirabilia Br.), Bruner p. 250 T.c. Barytettix borealis" B'p. n. Arizona, Caudell Washington Proc. Ent. Soc. 9 p. 70. Bryodema tubcrculata, Mtmdtheile, Ovipositor, Eiablage, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114 218 -f i-iii Taf. I i-xii.— B. luctuoaum varying in Tibet p. Iv-lviii ; Adelung St. Peterburg Ann. nuis. zool. 13. ('(dderonln gen. n. p. 246 near IVibractia, b'lphuj'tnid sp. n. p. 247 -Madagascar, ISolivar Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. CiiIoptenii.s italicua var. tvattemcy- llana distinguished, Pantel p. 348 431 Insecla. Systematic. — Acridiidak. Bol. Soc. Espan. 8. — C. italicus, Muiid- theile, Ovipositor, Eiablage, Schadeii. Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 1U-21S + i-iii Taf. i-xiii. Calotettix gen. n. Mclaiiopli, hicolori- pcs, p. 300, iiavopictus p. 310, ohscuriis p. 311, spp. n., Mexico, Briner Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Catautops areolatus p. 119, srlioutc- deni p. 120, impcratur p. 121, captiosus p. 122, bipundatus p. 123, spp. n., W. Africa, Bolivar Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Celes variahilis, Mundtlieile. Oviposi- tor, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst. agronom. 14 pp. 114-218 -r i-iii Taf. i-xiii. Cln-ysochraon dispar, Mundtlieile, Ovipositor, Schaden, Petkow T.c. — C. poppiusi sp. n. Sibiria, Miram Helsing- fors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 49 Xo. 6 p. 3. Chrysopsacris gen. n. type Gryllus hiicephahis Marscii. p. 282, alrocephala sp. n. Demerara p. 2S3, Bruner Biol. Centr.-Ajuer. Orthopt. 2. Coptotettix discolor sp. n. W. Africa, Bolivar p. 88 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Cornopa insularis sp. n. Trinidad, Brl-xer p. 262 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Or- thopt. 2. Coac'nieida olivaeea sp. n. Nicaragua, Brcijjer p. 274 pi. iii f. 13 T.c. Cyelocercus gracilis sp. n. Mexico, Brcner p. 307 T.c. Cyphoeerastis clnvareaui sp. n. Congo, Bolivar p. 115 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. T)nctylotum flavopictum, picturatum, spp. n., Mexico, Brlser p. 336 Biol. Centr.-Anjer. Orthopt. 2. Dasyeirtus gen. n. near Faradichro- plu8, olivaceus sp. n., Mexico, Bruner p. 303 T.c. Dibastica major, viridis, spp. n., Africa, Bolivar p. 106 Mem. Soc. Ent. Belgique 16. Dichroplus notatus sp. n. Costa Rica, Brcser p. 301 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Or- thopt. 2. Duroniella gen. n. for Duronia fracta Fieb., Bolivar p. 100 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Elaeochlora arcuata sp. n. Brazil* Reiin Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 60 p. 13. Eremobia murieatn, Mundtlieile, Ovi- positor, Eiablago, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114- 218 + i-iii Taf. i-xiii. Encopioccra gen. n. near Copiocera p. 264, ruhripes sp. n. Mexico p. 265 pi. iii f. 26, Bruner Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. FilchncrelJa n. gen. near Tmethis p. ,30, patnphagoides p. lO sp. n. China, Karny Exped. Filchner 10 Tl. i. Fortunata gen. n. p. 323 near Tlial- pomena, pachecoi Mogadnr ]i. 324, sublaevis Canaries p. 325, spp. n., BoLiVAR Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. Galideus gen. n. p. 1 voisin de Cur- sida, mocquerysi sp. n. p. 3 pi. 1 fig. 1-7 Madagascar, Finot Paris Ann. soc. ent. 77. Goviphocerus sihiricus, Mundtlieile, Ovipositor, Eiablage, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-238 + i-iii Taf. i-xiii.— G. Tcideri sp. n. Jenisseisk, Miram Hel- singfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 49 No. 6 p. 6. Eedotettix tsehoffeni sp. n. W. Africa, Bolivar p. 87 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Homalosnpnriis gen. n. Xiphiolae, canonicus sp. n. Brazil, Reiin Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. 60 p. 17. Iloresidotes papagensis sp. n. Ari- zona, Rehn and Heuard Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 60 p. 379. Iniisia nana, blcolor, inornatipe--^, spp. n., Centr. America, Bruner p. 2n() Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. — I. antillarum sp. n. West Indies, Reiin Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 395. Kassongia gen. n. near Coptacra p. ] 13, flavovittala sp. n. Congo p. 114, Bolivar Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Leptomerinthophora smaragdipes p. 287, flavovittala, modcsta, p. 288, spp. n., Costa Rica, Bruner Biol. Centr. Amer. Orthopt. 2. Lioscapheus gen. n., graeiUcornis, p. 267, variegatns pi. iii f. 15, annuli- cornis, p. 268, spp. n., Centr. America, Bruner T.c. 432 Insecta. XIL Insecta. [1908] Mazaea granulosa vav. n. cingulata, Bolivar p. 105 Mem. Soc. eat. Belgique 16. Mceostelhus grossns, Mundtheile, Ovi- positor, Schadeii, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst agron. 14 pp. 114-238 i-iii Taf. & i-xii. Melanopluft ptc.turatus sp. n. Mexico p. 318, M. sumiclirasti (Sauss. as Pezo- tettix) p. 326 pi. iv f. 6, thomasi Sciidd. fig. 7, Brcseu Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Mesopsera gen. n. for Mcsopsis filiivi Bol., B0LIV.A.R p. 246 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Mesopsis cai'inulatus sp. n. Africa. Bolivar p. 107 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgicpie 16. Mierotylopteryx fusiformis Rehn, pi. iv. f. 27, Bruxer Biol. Centr.-Amer. Ortliopt. 2. Morphopus ajjhi'iH sp. n. Cameroons, Bolivar p. 85 Mem. Soc. ent Belgique 16. Oehrilidia hltaeniata sp. n. Africa, Bolivar p. 97 T.c. Odontomelns mini sp. n. Congo, Bolivar p. 95 T.c. Oedipoda coeridescens, Mundtlieile, Ovipositor, Eisblage, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-218 + i-iii Taf. i-xiii. Oedomcrus gen. n., coralUpcs pi. iv figs. 10 & 14, ]x 293, nigropieiirus p. 294, spp. n.. Lower California, Bruner Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Omnlotetlix conspersipennis Brazil, meridionalis Guiana, p. 281, chapa- denaia Brazil \). 2^2, spp. n., Bruner T.c. Ommotolampla annuUcornis sp. n. Costa Rica, Bruner p. 290 T.c. Omoeeattis femoralis Santiago dc la Espada p. 317, vavasi Sierra de Cuara p. 310, spp. n., BoLiVAR Bol. Soc. Es)). 8. OrhllluH roacor'ir'id'is,elegantulua, spp. n., W. .Africa, Bolivar p. 118 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. OrtJiocIha mavl'nn ]). 242, prinuncrra, (ilea, spp. n., AfricM, nclndllicaai nom. n. [or aiilcniinlii p. 213, Bolivar Bui. soc. cut. France 1908. — 0. grosaa sp. n. W. Africa, BoLivAii p. 08 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Pachytylus in'igvatorlu?:, am Neu- siedler See verachwunden, Ivarsy Entomol. Ztg Wien 27 pp. 92-98; P. migratorius, n'igrofasc'iatuft, Mund- theile, Ovipositor, Eiablage, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-218 + i-iii. Taf. i.-xiii^ Pampliagus deeeptorliis var. n. segu- rensis, Bolivar p. 325 Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. — P. orientalis sp. n. Barka, Werner Zool. Anz. 32 p. 716 and Zool. Jahrb. Svst. 27 p. 122. Parac'inema ierin'inale sp, n. W. Africa, Bolivar p. 100 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgiqne 16. Paratett'ix angustivertex p. 85, u-'d- vcrthi p. 86, spp. n., W. Africa, Boli- var T.c. Paropomala acria p. 371, perpaUJda p. 373, spp. n., Arizona, Rehn and Hebard Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. 60. Phaeopar'ta imviacidata sp. n. Brit. Guiana, Bruner p. 270 Biol. Ceutr.- Amer. Orthopt. 2. Platephippiaa Nav. 1909 = [Syne- ■pliipplu^ Bol. 1905), Navas Bol. Soc. Aragon 7 p. 102. Platyptevna martin'i, acuta, ]i. 244, ciirvifrons p. 245, spp. n., .\frica, Bolivar Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. Platypternodea gen. n. p. 245 for Oclirilidia part, Bolivar p. 245 T.c. Podiama pedeatria, ^lundtheile, Ovipositor, Eiablage, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-218 = i-iii Taf. i-xiii. Proctolahna gracUia, hracliypteriis pi. iii figs. 14 and 19, spp. n., Mexico, 15RUNER p. 266 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. — P. hidlatua sp. n. Peru, Reiin Washington U.S. Nation Mus. I '10c. 35 p. 396. Protagaula gen. n. Pyrgamorphae 11. 01, roacn sp. n. Congo p. 92, Bolivar Mom. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. PaUotett'ix gen. n., oheaua sp. n. ^lexico, Bruner p. 276 pi. iv f. 12 lliol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Paophva atr'idulna, Mundtheile, Ovi- positor, Schaden, Petrow .Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-218 + i-iii. Taf. i-xiii. Ptrmohhix inaid'iosiia sp. n. Biafra, I'lu.ivAit p. 246 Bui. soc. ent. France 1908. l3o Insect a. Systematic. — Thysanura.. rirrofH'i-a /)(<7i/ic.s sp. n. Congo, BoLi- VAK ]). 117 Mem. bioc. ent. Belgique 16. Pti'rotiltits iinmcntits var. n. ii'njro- autcuiiata, BoLiVAR p. 106 T.o. Pyrijoitwrplia nutriixina p. 326, can- (/jJiJid p. 327, ilogador, procera Maza- gan, acutc(ic)iicuhita Marruecos, p. 328, spp. n., Boi-ivAi! Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. — P. albotaeniata sp. n. Tripoliis, Werner Zool. Anz. 32 p. 716 and Zool. Jahilj. Syst. 27 p. 121. I'hachicreayra paUipea, aenif/uioso, iji-acUiK, spp. n., Costa Rica, Bruxer p. 340 Biol. Ccntr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Rh'n-iiodcrimi glabra Costa Rica, pugnaje Mexico, spp. n., Bruner p. 2-19 T.c. Kodiiiiia gen. n. for Opomala hasaU.H Walk., Bolivar p. 99 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Schistocerca gratisslma sp. n. Brazil, Rehn Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 60 p. 20. — S. vittafrons sp. n. Costa Rica, Bkcner p. 298 Biol. Centr.-.Vuier. Orthopt. 2. Sitalceft ovatipcnnis sp. n. Demerara, Brlner p. 292 T.c. Sphlngouotus dernenm Barka, ncro- tijloides Tripolis, spp. n., Werner Zool. Aiiz. 32 p. 715 and Zool. Jahrh. Syst. 27 pp. 115-110. Sphodromerun coeridan>f sp. n. Tri- polis, Werner Zool. Ajiz. 32 p. 716 and Zool. .Jahrb. Syst. 27 p. ]27. StanrodeiiLS cMorotlcus Santiago dc la Espada p. 320, ariasi Sierra de Gredos, p. 322, spp. n., Bolivar Bol. S5oc. Esp. 8. Staiironotuis viaroccaniis, hrevicollia, ^lundtheile. Ovipositor, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-218-fi-iii Taf. i-xiii. Strnohothrits mor'io, biguttulus, Mundtheile, Ovijiositor, Eiablage, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-238+ i iii Taf. i-xiii.— S. hammaretroemi, ehibergi spp. n.,Ten- nisseisk, Miram Helsingf'ors Ofvers. F. ^ et. Soc. 49 Xo. 6 p. 5. — ^S. vioiitivagus sp. n. Halites Alpes, Az.\M Paris Bui. soc. ent. 1908 p. 9. Stenocrobtjlus cijaneus, antennatue, spp. n., Congo, Boi.ivar p. 124 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. (k-10332 j) Stethophyma jlaiieosla, fusca Mund- theile, Ovipositor, Eiablage, Ei, Schaden, Petrow Moskva Ann. Inst, agron. 14 pp. 114-218 -f i-iii Taf. i-xiii. Teinophaus gen. n., saussiirci sp. n. Mexico pi. iv. f. 3, Bruner p. 332 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orthopt. 2. Tettt'igidea darisi sp. n. New York and New Jersey, Morse Psyche 15 p. 25. Tetrix krauasi Saulcv, Variabilitat, IIaij Entomol.Ztg. 27 pp. 163-1G5. Tettix u-aelbroechi sp. n. W. Africa, Bolivar p. 87 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Thaleius gen. n. p. 27 voisin do Thal- pomena, lemngneri sp. n. p. 29 Afrique occ, FiNOT Paris Bui soc. ent. 1908. Thericles alticcps, depvpssifrons, spp. n. Africa, Bolivar p. 83 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Tmethis maroccanus sp. n. with in- cristatavar. n., Marocco, BoLiVAR p. 326 Bol. Soc. Esp. 8. Traehytettix alatus, Tieros, spp. n., Congo, Bolivar p. 84 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. Trimerotropis snoivi sp. n. Arizona, Reik Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 19 1905 pp. 223-231. Tylotropidius haasi sp. n. (Jongo. Bolivar p. 126 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 16. WilvcrUiid gen. n. near Macliaeridlum \). 96, acuminata sp. n. Congo p. 97, Bolivar Mem. soc. ent. Belgique 16. Yersinia sophronica sp. n. Arizona. Rehn and Hebard Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 60 p. 369. Zoftperamerus gen. n. near Bucepha- lac.ris, zovatipc^i sp. n. Nicaragua, Bruner p. 274 })1. iii f. 18 Biol. Centr.- Amer. Orthopt. 2. THYSANURA. Note sur Panatomie et la physiologie des Thysanoures ; Bruntz Paris C. R. soc. biol. 64 pp. 231-233. c 38 434 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1908] Regeneration ia Leplsmatidae ; Przibram & Weuber Arch. Entwick- mech. 28 p. 615. Uber die Kopfdriisen der Thysanuren ; Phiupt.-^ciiexko Zs. wiss. Zool. pp. OS- Ill, 2 Taf. Les reins labiaiix et les glandes cejjhaliques des Thysanoures ; Brcxtz Arch. zool. Paris, pp. 95-228, av. fig. Nouvelles reclierches sur rexcretiou et la pliagocytose chez les Thysanoures ; Bruxtz Arch. zool. 8 pp. 471-488, fig. Acerentomidi : osservasioni, Berlf.se Redia 5 pp. 110-122. Aceventomon confine, mlnnniun, cephalotets, spp. n. Firenze, Berlese, \)\). 16-18 T.c. — A. inalu.i sp. n. Trentino, Berlese p. 121 T.c. Aceveutulus gen. n. Acerentomidi. tiarncns Treutino, yrac'dis Monti di Pisa, spp. n., Berlese p. 122 T.c. Acrotelsa devr'ies'iana sp. n. Australia, Silvestri Fauna Siid-west Australiens 2 IJg. 4 p. 53. Atclura seticejm p. 162, m'nndclLa p. 161, rohusta p. 166, modesta p. 169, spp. n., W. Africa, Silvestri Ann. Mus. Geneva 44. — ^1. .siniJteap. o'i,difiju)ictimaniti sp. n. Congo, Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 2 pp. 366-381. (.'tenolcp'isma rothnehildl sp. n. E. Africa, Silvestri Bui. Museum Paris 1907 p. 514. — C. lai-fjonimm Usambara sp. n., Sii.vestiu Kiliuiaiidjaro-Mem Exp. 182 ]). 11. — ('. Huhiiiwjna jj. 145, fcac p. 147, uniHl'da j). LjI, diversisrjiiamia ]>. 153, spp. n., W. Africa, ('I. ciUala var. divets p. 144, fcae var. refjalis p. L5(t, varr. n., Silvestri Ann. Mus. Genova44. — (\ terchratifs p. 2!)1, parcespinalit ]i. 292, eorvlna p. 293, nchidtzei ]>. 29 L S. .\frica, spp. n.,Sir.vEsTi!i Jena Ik'nksdir. Med. Ces. 13. J)iiiiilclitrii gen. n. near AsannilliKt j). 207, nfra p 208, pr'imiljva p. 299, S. .Africa, spp. n., Silvestim 'i'.c. EoscntoiuoH gen. n. Acerentomidi, fi-ansilorhun sp. n. Firenze, Berlese Redia 5 pp. 18-10. Graphitarnus gen. n. Machilidae p- 367, maindronu sp. n. p. 368, Silvestri Ann. sci. nat. zool. 6. — G. dor'iae sp. n. Fernando Po, Silvestri p. 137 Ann. J\Ius. (lenova 44. ■Japyx africanus ; Silvestri p. 185 lig. 24 Ann. Mus. Clenova 44. — J. jonicus sp. n. Corfu, Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 2 iDp. 381-393.— J. apidiis sp. n. Italia, Silvestri T.c. p. 393. — J. vumn- tan'icuti p. 181 fig. l-'\,hiprodiu-tuii p. 155 fig. 12-17, spp. n., Silvestri Ann. sci. nat. zool pp. 151-157. — J. boiivierl sp. n. E. Africa, Silvestri Bui. Museum Paris 1907 ]). 517. — /. lo7igiseta sp. n. Aus- tralia, Silvestri Fauna Siidwest Austra- liens 2 Lfg. 4 p. 63. [Japyx dux var. n. ? soidie't, BouviEU J). 30 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1905.) Ue.terolepidella gen. n. type G'ra.s.s-u'iiw termitohia Silv., Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. 366-381. H eterolepisma stdivaricDis p. 47, miehaelseni p. 49, hrarpcVni'i p. 50, lidvlmeyeri j). 51, spp. n., Australia Silvestri Fauna Siidwest Australiens 2 Lfg. 4. Lepidospora escliertclui sp. n Corfii, Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. Zool 2 |)p. 381-393. — L. afra Kilimandjaro sp. n., Silvestri Kilimandjaro-^leru Exp. 18 2 p. 12. Leplfiina ^laccltdrina, ^Iekssneu Intern, ent. Zs. 2 p. 47 ; Meissner Intern. Zs. 2 p. 12.— h. dcmissa Algeria, liaiitschii Tunisia, so7'ensc7ii Mauritania, spp. n., Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. Zool. 2 pp. .■S59-365, 3 fig. — L. paiipcrada sp. n. ]•!. Africa, Silvestri Bui. Museum Paris 1907 p. 513. — L. magnicmida p. J 55, hiniid't.f ]). 157, myrmccob'ui p. 160, spp. n., W. Africa, Sii.vesiri Ann. Mus. (ionova 44. M/icli'dis mav'it'nna, structure etreseaii traclioen des canauxexcreteursdes reins, Brintz Paris C. R. Acad. sci. pp. 871- .S73 ; glandes cephaliqucs, Bruntz Paris C. K. Acad. sci. 146 pp. 491-493.— .U. ilolirliop.t'is ji. 134, nrandijmlpus p. L')5. spp. n., W. Africa, Silvestri Ann. Mus. tienova 44. — M. nipponica :;no. pen'icri p. ."ifU, spp. n., SiLVESTiti .\ini. SCI. nat. zool. 6. ■i'ACt Insecta. Systematic. — Thysanura — Collembola. MnchHiiiiig ijct-tri sp. n. S. Tliome, SiLVKSTKi p. 1 40 Ann. Mus. Genova 44. Melnei-tellus feae sp. n. S. Thome, SlLVESTRI p. 142 T.c. Mfftoinjclioyraphis gen. n., myrmcco- phila sp. n. Congo, Silvestri Portici Boll. Lai), zool. 2 pp. 360-381. Moiiachthiella gen. n. near Lepidos- pora, doriae, p. 176, gestri p. 179, spp. n., W. Africa, Silvestri Ann. Mas. t'renova 44. Monacli'iua gen. n, near Lepismina slUifern ]>. 295, schultzci p. 296, S. -Vfriia, spp. n., Silvestri Jena Denksclir. Med. Ges. 13. Olarthrocera gen. n. near Atelura ]>. 172, brevicauda. p. 173 sp. n. Fer- nando Po, Silvestri Ann. Mus. Genova 44. Petaloiiychia gen. n. type Atelura holdi Escherich, Silvestri Portici Boll. Lab. zool. 2 pp. 366-381. PraemachiUa orientalis sp. n. Corfu, Silvestri pp. 381-393 T.c. Pscudatelura gen. n., trlchopliila sp. n. Africa australe, Silvestri pp. 366-381 T.c. Subn'tcoletia gen. n. near Xieoletia p. 181, feae p. 182 sp. n. St. Thome, Silvestri Ann. Mus. Genova 44. Thennobia infelix sp. n. E. Africa, Silvestri Bui. Museum Paris 1907 p. 516. Trinemuva gen. n. Lepismatidae p. 61 , novae-lwllandiae sp. n. Australia p. 62, Silvestri Fauna siidwest-Australiens 2 Lfg. 4. COLLEMBOLA. Agreuia bldenticidata var. n. elongata. (Jarpester pp. 176-179 figs. 1-4 Irish Xat. 17. AinindrUa gen. n. near Ai'inrida, marbni sp. n. I'as-de-Calais, Willkm p. 247 pi. i Mem. ent. Belgique 12. Aphorura coehlei B'p. n. Brit. Columbin, Folsom p. 200 I)], v. Canad. Euto. 40. ArrhoiKilltes kilimcuidjaricus Kili- mandjaro sp. n., Waiilc;ren Kilimand- jaro-Meru. ]{)xp. 18 1 p. 9. Bonrlet'icUa schidtzei sp. n. S.-A£rika, Burner Jena Denkschr. med. Gcs. 13 p. 01. Cyphoderus coluru.-i sp. n. S.-.Vfrika, BoRNEU p. 57 T.c. Dicranocentrtts mcrtienais Meru sp. n., Waui.guex Kilimandiaro-Mem. K.\p. 18 1 p. 3. Gomphioi'cpltalns gen. n. I'odnr'idne p. 2, hod'jsoiii sp. n. .\ntiirtic p. 3, Carpenter Nat. Antartic e.xp. 4. Isotomn teiiclla pp. 171 176 figs. 1-4, Carpenter Irish Nat. 17. l^ep'idocyrhift JuHcatns p. -1 Kiliniand- jaro, cxtenxus p. 5 Meru, spp. n., Waiii.(;i!EN Kilimandjaro Mem Exp. 18 J . LopJiognathelln gen. n. near Ony- cliiurus, ritoreutes sp. n. Japan, Burner Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 67. Mesirn armillala Kilimandjaro-Meru sp. n., Wahi.cjren Kilimandjaro-Meru E.xp. 18 1 p. 6. }'ogoiwci)HitliHH gen. n. fur Tomocerus plumbeits, Bouner Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 60. Proisofoma sjostedt'i Kilimandjaro sp. n., Waiilgres Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 18 1 p. 2. Pseudosira laeta sp. n. S.-Afrika, nyaaaiea var. n. palleus. Burner Jena Denkschr. med. Ges. 13 p. 55. Sviinthurides serroseta sp. n. S.-Afrika, Burner p. 58 T.c. TomoeerUH plumbeus, Morphologic, und Funktion der Kaiiwerkzeuge und Kopfnervensystem, Hoffmann Zs. wiss. Zool. 89 pp. 598-689, 5 Taf. XIII. PROCHORDATA incl. ENTEROPNEUSTA ARRANGED BY I. B. J. SOLLAS CONTENTS PAGE 1. Titles 2 J I. Slbject-Tndex . • . • 4 General 4 Structure . . . 4 Physiology . . . •') Development . T) Etholog'v . . 0 Di:stiibutiun, g'eog raphical and g-eolog-'ical 5 III. Systematic Ixdex . G Tnnicata . . G Cephalochordata . . . 7 Enteropneusta .s (N-10332 c) c 3i) 2 Proeh. XITI Prochordata. iinoRi I. TITLES. Assheton, Richard. A new species of Dolichoglossus. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (517-520). 1 Awerinzew, S. Einige Beitrage zur Verbreitung der Bodeiifauna ini Xola- Fjorde. St. Petersburg Trav. Soc. uat. C. R. 39 1908 Russian (178-192, Geraian summaiy 195-203). 2 Bjerkan, Paul. Die Ascidien des nordlichen Norwegens. Troiiis0 Mus. Aarsh. 25, (1902), 1907-08, (49-118), 1 pL 3 Bjerkan, Paul. Ascidien. Kristiania. Report of the Second Norwegian Ai-ctic Expedition in the "fram" 1898-1902, No. 14, 1908, (12), 1 pi. i Boeke. J. Das "Geldrollenstadium" der Vertebraten-Chorda und des Skelettes der Mundcirren von BrancJiiostoma lanceolatum, und seine cytomechanische Bedeutung. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (541-556, 574-580); Berichtigung. t.c. 34, 1909, (32). 5 Boeke, J. Over den bouw van de gangliencellen in hetcentrale zenuwstel- sel van Branchiositoma lanceolatiim (2de mededeeling). [On the structure of the ganglion cells in the central nervous system of Branchiostoma lanceolatiim. (2nd communication).] Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 17, [1908], (32-38), 1 pi. (Dutch) ; Amster- dam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 11, [1908], (53-59), 1 pi. (English). 6 Boeke, J. Das Infundibularorgan im Gehirne des Aviphioxus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (473-488). 7 Boeke, J. Die Innervierung der Mus- kelsc'gmente des Aviphioxus (Branchio- stoma lanceolatum), uebst einigen Be- merkungen iiber din Endigimgsweise der motorischen Nerven bei den Verte- braten. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (273-290). 8 Brooks, William Keith. Salpa ilori- dana (Apstein). (The pelagic Tunicata of the Gulf stream. Part 2.) Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C, 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102), 1908, (75-80), 2 pis. 9 Brooks, William Keith. The sub- genus Cyclosalpa. (The pelagic Timi- cata of the Gulf stream. Part 3.) Papers from the Tortugas Laboratoiy of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C, 1, (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 102); 1908, (81-88), text fig. 10 Brooks, William Keith and Kellner, Carl. On Oihopleura tortugensis, a new appendicularian from the Tortugas, Florida, with notes on its embryology. [With note on a new species of Gromia {G. appcndiculariae).'] (The pelagic Tunicata of the Gulf stream, Part 4.). Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C, 1, (Carnegie Inst. Put). No. 102 , 1908, (89-94), 5 pis. 11 Buchanam-Wollaston, H. J. Tuni- cata, Dublin district. Brit. Ass. Hand- book Dublin 1908 (139). 12 Caullery, Maurice. Sur una forme de Tuniciers provenant de I'expedition de TAstrolabe (1829) et le genre Chondro- stachys Macdonald. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (229-232). 13 Daumezon, G. Note sur les en- veloppes de quelques Svnascidies. Paris, C R. soc. biol. 64, 1908, (1170-1171), fig. 14 Daumezon, G. Note sur la muscu- lature de quelques Synascidies. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908,(774-775). 15 Daumezon, G. Note sur revolution annuelle dune espece de Synascidie, Diatoma Iridentatum (Heiden). Paris, C R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (980-982). 16 3 ProeJi. Titles 5000 Daumezon, G. Xote sur I'embiyo- loijie d'uue espece d'Ascidie composee (Pistoina tridental inn Heideii). I'aiis, t". R. -^oc. biol., 64, 190S, (770-777). 17 Daumezon, G. Xote pbylogenetiqiie sur luie nouvelle espeoe d'Ascidie com- posee D'uiemnoidcs innssdieiise n. sp. Paris C. K. soc. biol. 65 1908 (179-180). 18 Daumezon, G. Xote phylogenetique sur luie espece nouvelle d'Ascidies coiu- posees, Ditstoma po-fidoniarum u. sp. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 65 1908 (535-537). 19 'Davidofif, K. X.] JaBU^tOBi., I\. H. Hao.iK),u"iiia HaAij npon.eccoM'b pere- iiepan;iii y Enteropueusta. [litudes sur la regeneration des Enteroimeusta.] St. Pefferburc, Mem. Ac. so. (Ser. 8), 22, 10, 1908, (120), 70 Textf. 20 Davis, B. M. The early life-history of DoUclioglossus pusillus Ritter. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub., ZooL, 4, 19U8, (187-226), pi., partly col. 21 Fol, Alice. Xote sur la regeneration de la tunique chez les Tuniciers. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (79-81). 22 Fowler, Henry W. Notes on lancelets and lamprevs. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., 59, (1907), 1908, (461- 466). 23 Gilchrist. J. D. F. New forms of the Hemicliordata from South Africa. Cape Town Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. 17 1908 (151-176) pis. xvi & xvii. 25 Goldschmidt, R. Das Bindegewebe des Amphioxus. Miincheu, Sitz. Ber. Ges. Morph. 24, 1908 (53-78). 26 Hartmeyer, Robert. Zur Termino- logie der Faniilien uud Gattungen der Ascidien. Zool. Ann., Wiirzburg, 3, 1908 (1-13). 27 Haswell, W. A. Note on the Cepha- lochorda in the Australian Museum. Sydney, N.S.W., Rec. Austr. Mus. 7, 1908 (33-35). 28 Dile, J. E. W. Oiliopleura mer/a- fstoma A Ida identisch mit Megalocercus hnxlejji (Ritter). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, I'JOS, (775-776). 29 IMe, J. E. W. Die Appendicularien der Sil)oga-Expedition, nebst Beitragen zur Kenntniss der Anatonue dieser Gruppe. [Jitkomsten op zool., botan., ocean., geol. gebied. verzameld in Ned. Indie, 1899-1900 aan boord 11. M. Siboga, onder commamlo van Lt. t/z io kl. (.1. E Tydenian, uitgegeveii door Max Weber [Resultats des explorations zool., botan., ocean., geol., entreprises aux hides Neerl., or., 1899-1900, a bord du Sii)oga, sous le comuiandement de G. E. Tyde- nian, ])ublies par Max Weber.] Livr. 41, Monogr. 56 c, licide (E. J. Brill), 1908, (1-123) avec 4 pis. 33 cm. 30 Ikeda, Iwaji. On the swinmiiug habit of a Japanese Enterojineuste, Glandiceps hacksii Marion. Annot. Zool. Jap.. Tokvo, 6, 1901, (255-257). 31 Joseph, H. Die epidermoidalen Sinueszelleu des AmpJiiuxas. Anat., Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (448-455). 32 Kellner, Carl vide Brooks, William Keith. Kerb, Heinz. Biologische Beitriige zur Erage der Ueberwinterung der -Viscidien. Arch, inikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (386-414) 1 Taf. 33 Leidenfrost, Gy. Neuere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Eauna des Quarnero und der Adria. AUatt. Kozleni., Buda- pest, 7, 1098, (14.'')-172). 34 Masterman, A. T. On the Diplo- corda. Part V. Certain points in the structure of Toniaria. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 52 1908 (481-493) pi. xxix. 35 Matzdorff, Carl. Tunicata fiir 1905. [Jaliresljericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd II, H. 3, 1903, [1908], X, (l-24i. 36 Michaelsen, W. Die Moguliden des Naturhisloiischen Museums zu Ham- burg, llaniliui'g, Jahrb. wiss. Anst., 25, (1907), Beih. 2, 1908, (117-152) 3 Tal. 37 Michaelsen, W. Die Pyuriden (Halo- cyuthiiden) des X'aturhistorischen Mu- seums zu Hamburg. Hamburg, Jalirb. wiss. Anat., 25, (1907), Beih. '2, 1908, (227-287), 2 Taf. 38 Neumann, Giinther. Mitteilung iiber eine neuo Pyrosomen-Art der Deutschen Tiei'see-Expedition. Zool. Anz., Leip- zig, 33, 1908, (709-71 Ij. 39 Nicolai, G. F. Beitrage zur Ana- tomic und Physiologic des Salpen- herzens. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Leipzig, Physiol. Abt., 1908, Suppl Bd, (87-118), 2 Taf. 40 4 Proch. XIII. Prochordata. [1908] Parker, G. H. TLe sensory reaclioiis ol auiphioxus. Boston, Mass., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. Sci., 43, 1908, (1 I + 410-455). 41 Pizon, Antoine. Les plieuoniuues de phagocytose et d'autodigestioa au cours de la regression des ascidiozoides chez les Diplosoinides (Ascidies composees). Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (640- 642). 42 Redikorcev, W. Die Ascidien des Sibirischen Eismeeres. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. sc. Ser. 8, 18, No. 11, 1908, (59) 2 Taf. ; Resiiltats scientifiqnes de I'Expedition polaire Russe etc. Sect. E: Zoologie. Vol. I, livr. II. 43 Redikorzew, W. Eine neue Eh'ixo- ■molcjula-Kvt. St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zooL, 13, 1908, (327-331). ' 44 [Redikorzew, W.j PeAiiKopueBt, B. Acu,ii;i,iii MypMaiiCKaro noocpeiKba. [Die Asc-idien der Murmankiiste.] St. Peterburg, 4"rav. Soc. iiat. C. r. seances, 39, 1, 1908, (19-36, deutscli. Res. 42-43). 45 Redikorzew, W. vide Redikorcev, W. Ronle, Louis. Sur la lotmation de la notocorde chez les larves urodeles des Tuniciers. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (357-359). 46 Schepotieflf, Alexander. Aberrante Wiirmer (Euteropneusta, Phoronis, Orlhonectidae, Dieyciiidae, Trichoplax, ])/nop]iilus, /listriohdcUidde, Rhodoijc) fiir 1895-1905. [Jaliresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70, I5d 2, 1904 [190S i, XIV f, (1-22). 47 Schultz, E. Beobachtungen iiber umkelirbarc Ent\vickelungs])rocesse. St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. naL 38 190S (1-136) 3 pis. 48 Streifif, R. Ueber die Muskulatur dor Salpen und ihre systematischc liedcutung. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 27, 1908, (1-82) 4 Taf. 49 Tli€el, Hjalinai'. Oni utvccklingen at' Svcriges Zoologiska hafstation Kristine- burg och oni djurlivet i angransandi,' haf och fjordar. Ark. Zool. Stockhohn 4, 1908 No. 5 (1-136). 50 Valle, Antonio Delia. Osservazioni su alcune Ascidie del golfo di Napoli. Napoli, Atti Ace, Ser. 2, 13, 190S, Mem No. 11, (I-.S91 5 tav. 51 Valle, A. Delia. Osservazioni su alcune A sci; I i ■ del Golfo di Napoli. Suuto di una Memoria. Napoli, Rend. Ace. Sc, Ser. 3, 13, 1909, (148). 52 Wunde.er, Hans. Ueber Terminal- korperch-.ni der Anamuien. Arch, niikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1908, (504-569) 2 Tal. 53 SUBJEGT-INDEX. General. Vac.vkt STRUG TQRE. Anatomic der Appendicularien, Seg- mentiei'ung der Tuaicaten ; Ihle, 30. Ueber die Muskulatur der Sal2:)en und ihre systematischc Bedeutung; Streiff, 49. Angaben iiber die iunere und aiissere Organisation, Aseidia', Redikorcev, 43. Beitriige zur Anatomie des Salpen- herzens ; Nicolai, 40. Note sur les enveloppes de cpielques Synascidies ; Daum^zon, 14 & 15. Salpa lloridana (Apstein). The pe- lagic Tunirala of llie Gulf Stream, No. 2 ; Brooks, 9. The subgenus (' ijclomilpa, Part 3; Brooks, 10. Die epidermoidalen Sinues/.cllen des A inphioxas ; Joseph, 32. Das BIndcgcwebc des Aiii/}liioxHf< Goldsclimidt, 26. Die Innervierung der Muskelsegmente des Ampluoxus [BranchiosLoina lanceo- lalam), nebst einigen Beinerkungen iiber die Endigungsweise der motoriachen Nerven bei den Vertebraten ; Boeke, 8. Das Infundibularorgan iniGehirne des Auiphioxus; Boeke, 7. Structure of ganglion cells in the cen- tral nervous system of Unnicliiufsluinii UniceoUdum ; Boeke, 6. Ueber Terminalkiii-pcrchen der Aiuuu- nien ; Wunderer, 53. ,"• Pwcli. OliOUUAl'UV. 5031 Ku>selkaiialo, duroiilor Kraiiviiuorv, rhorihi, Eiiteropueusta (Uuss.) ; Davidoflf, 20. Riisselcoelom, Pericardium ; uiorplio- logischc Bedeutuug \iiul gegenseitige Beziebuugen bei den Euteropiieusta (Uuss.i ; Davidoff, 20. [Structure, Toniaria ; Masterinau, 35. PHYSIOLOtlY. Les plieuomenes de phagoeytose et dautodigestion au cours de la regression des ascidiozo'ides chez les Diplosomides (.\scidies composeesj ; Fizon, 42. Retrogressive changes, ClavelUna h'lxidiformis; Schulz, 48. Beitriige zur Physiologic des Salpen- hcrzens ; Nicolai, 40. Kegeneratiou Diazona sx). ; Delia Valle, 51. The sensory reactions oi Ampliioxun ; Parker, 41. Ciliary bands, Toruaria, function of ; Mastenuan, 35. ETIIOLOCIY. Biologisclic Beitriige zur Frage der Ueberwiuterung der Ascidien ; Kerb, 33. Appendicularien im Plankton des malayischen Archipels ; Ihle, 30. Biological notes on habitat &c. northern Norwegian ascidians ; Bjerkan, 3. Note sur revolution annuelle d'une espece de Synascidie, Dlstoimi triden- talum (Heiden) ; Daum^zon, 16. Swinnning habit of Glmidiceps hachsii Marion ; Ikeda, 31. Earlj' life-history, ]) pyKOBOACTB. B. H. PyiKliiiKiiiia. (Die Elemente der Entwicklungslehre des Menscheu und der Wirbelthiere. Uebers. u, d, 3-ten deutsch. Aufl. unt. d. Red. v. V. Ja. Ruba§kin.] St. Peterburg, 1908, (viii -: 502), 25 cm., 4, 40 Rub. " 55 Hesse, R. Die Beziehungen zwischen Herzgrosse und Arbeitsleistung bei Wirlx'ltieren. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk., 64, 1908, (Ixxviii-lsxxii). 56 Hirschfeld Kassmann, Hanna. Bei- trag /ur vcrgleiciienden Mor})hologie der weisseu Blatkorpercheu. Diss. Berlin (Druck v. E. Ebering), 1908, (32). 22 cm. 57 Titles. 5200 Hdber, Josephine. Xeuere I'liter- Micbungeu iiber deii Farbensiiin von Tieren." Heferat uber Hess, AbelsdorfY ti. A. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, lt)US, (758-705). 58 Holland, W. J. A preliminary aci-ouut of the Pleistocene fauna dis- covered in a cave opened at Frankstown, Pennsylvania, in April and May 10O7. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie ilus., 4, 1908, (2i'S-233). 59 Hubrecht, A. A. W. Early ontogenetic phenomena in Mammals and their bear- ing on our interpretation of the phylo- geny of the Vertebrates. Q. J. Mierose. Sci., London, 53, 1U08, (l-lSl), pis. A-Z & AA-KK. 60 Johnston, J. B. Methods of functional neurology. [Reply to Professor Parker's review of Nervous system of verte- brates.] Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md.. 7, IOCS, (210-212). [Cf. Parker, 92] 61 Kallius, E. Sehapparat. Anat. Helte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 2, 16, (1906), 1907, (74r. 79oi. 61a Kappers, C. U. Ariens. Weitere Mitteilungen iiber tlie Phylogenese des Corpus striatum und des Thalamus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (321-336). 62 Kappers, C. U. A. vide etlam Ariens- Kapjier-. [Kocetov, X. A.] KoqcTOBt, H. A. ILie.iiaoBanie iiiirMeiiTHaro yniiTc.iia ctmaTKii btj CBflaii cb BonpocoMi o ia-fcieHiH K.itTKn. [Untersuchungen iiber das Pigmentepithel des Retina im Zusaminenhange mit der Erage der Tlieilung der Zellen.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. R. seances, 39, 1, 190S, fI34-145, deutsch. Res. 100- 107), 1 Taf. 63 Kotschetow, X. A. ride Kocetov, X. A. Krause, Rudolf vide Szvmonowicz, Ladi.lau-. Euschel, J. Die Architektur des Auges, ein Ilegulierungsmechanismus fiir die intraokularen Druck- und Strom- >fh\vankungen. Zs. Augenheilk., Berlin, 18,]'.<*u. 116-133,316-335). 64 Lapicque, Louis. La grandeur relative de I'o-il et I'appreciation du poids ence- phalifjue. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, f 209-21 2). 65 Lapicque, L. La relation entre le jioids du cerveau et le poids du corps. Revue du mois, Paris", 5, 1908, (445- 458). 66 Lapicque, Louis. Dlfl'erence sexuelle dans le poids de I'encejjhale chez les animaux. Rat et moinean. Paris, C. R. so:>. biol., 63, 1907, (746-748). 67 Lapicque, Louis. Limite superieure de la projiortion d'encephale par rapport au i)oids du coeur chez les Oiseaux. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1421- 1423). 68 Lapisque, L. et Laugier, H. Relation enti-e la grandeur des yeux et le poids de I'encephale chez les Vertebres in- ferieurs. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908,(1108-1110). 69 [Laudenbach, Ju.P.] JlayAciiuaxb, lO. n. () ,it.iicTBiii :3MtiiHaro Hj\a, h an- Tii3Mt.niioii cuBopoTKii iia cepAUe h KpoBHUOc ;taB.ieiiie. [Ueber die Wir- kung des Schlangengiftes und dessen Antito.N.ins auf das Herz und den Blut- druck.] Kiev, Izv. Univ., 48, 1908, 2, (75-95). 70 Laugier, H. vide Lapicque, L. Lesbre. Consideration sur I'herma- phrodisme teratologique. Lyon, Ann. soc. agricult., 1907, (100-106). 71 Levi, Giuseppe. I Gangli cerebro- spinali : studi d'istologia comparata e di istogenesi. Archivio ital. Anat. Em- briol., Firenze. Suppleniento al Vol. 7, 1908, (1-392). 60 tav. 72 [Lisickij, Jevgenij.] JlHCimixifi, EBreiiiii. O MUiiin.ax'b jitHTe.ibHhi.yi, II Ma.iOAtJiTe.ibHbiX'i. [Ueber thiitige und wenig thatige Mnskeln.] Charikov, C.-R. Inst, veterin., 8, 4, 1907, (70-92); 5, 1907, (1-141), Taf. i-xiii. 73 Lons, Hei-mann . Ein biirgerungen von Wirheltieren. Hannover, Jahresber. nathist. Ges., 55 57, 1908,(128-133). 74 Lubosch, W. Die stammesgeschicht- liche Kntwicklung der Synovialliaut und der Selinen niit llinweisen auf die Ent- ivicklung des Kiefergolenks der Siiuge- tiere. (Vorl. Mitt.) Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (678-697). 75 Lubosch, W. Ueber Wirbeltierge- lenke. Anat. .Anz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (192-208). 76 6 Vert. XIV. Vertebrata. [1908] Lucas, F. A. Is Alahamornls a bird ? Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (311). 77 Lydekker, R. The year's V^ertebrate palaeontology. Sci. Progress, 2, 1908, (501-524). 78 Marinesco, G., Parhon et Goldstein. Sur la nature du ganglion ciliaire. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64,^1908, (8S-89j. 79 Mencl, Em. Neue Tatsachen zur Selbstdifierenzierung der Angenlinse. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (431-450), 2 Taf. 80 Micballow, Sergius. Zur Frage von der feineren Struktur der peripheren sympathischeu Ganglien. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (129-134). 81 [Miljutin, Wl.] MnjioTHHt, Bx HacTfeaoBanie kocthoh TKaHH Bt nOjiapusoBanHOMTi CB-fex-fe. [Untersu- chung des Knochengewebes im polari- sierten Liclite.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zooL, 37, 2, 1908, (113- 130, deutsch. Res. 131-136), Taf. vii. 82 Moodie, Roy L. The dawn of quad- rupeds in North America. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 72, 1908, (558- 566). 83 Nerlich, Robert August. Qnter- suchungen ilher Pan und Funktion der Langerhansschen luseln. Diss. Breslau (Druck V. A. Stenzel), 1906, (26). 22 cm. 84 [Nesterow, P.] H('CTei)OB'b, II. IIpeA- BapHT»_'.ii,Hoe cooomeiiiii o nofeAK-fe btj MHHycHHCKiH yt3A'i>i ^'cHiicKifi Borpa- HHiHLiii OKpyrt n ypanxaiiCKyio 3eMJK). [Voriaufig Mittheilungeu iiber sine Reise in den Minussinskischen Bezirk und in das Urjanchui'sche Gebiet.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. s<5ances, 38, 1, (283-290, deutsch. R^s. 290-291). 85 Nowlkoff, M. Beobaclitungen iiber chc Vcrmcijnmg der Knorpelzellen, iiebst eiiiigen Bemerkungen iiber die Strucktiir der ,, hyalinen " Knorpel- grundsubstanz. Zs. wiss. ZooL, Leip- zig, 90, 1908, (205-257). 86 Obersteiner, H[einrich]. Nerven- systein. A. Ciehirii und Riickenmark. II. Mikroskopisciic Anatomie. Jahres- ber. Anat., Jena, (N. F.), 12, Tl. 3 1908 (659-087). 87 Ogneflf, J. F. Ueber die Verande- rungen in den Chroinatophoren bei Axolotlen undGoIdfischenbei dauernder Lichtentbehrung und Hungern. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (591-607). 88 Osbum, Raymond C. Observations on the origin of the paired limbs of vertebrates. Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md., 7. 1907, (171-194), 5 pis. 89 Otto, Hugo. Beobachtungen an Was- sertieren bei starker Eisdecke. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (148- 149). 90 Parbon vide Marinesco, G. Parker, G. 11. The origin of the lateral of vertebrates eyes. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (601-609). 91 Parker, G. H. [Review of] The nervous system of vertebrates [Bj^ J. B. Johnston.] Amer. Nat , Boston, Mass., 41, 1907, (722-72.3). [Cf. Jobnston, 61.] 92 Pes, Orlando. Ricerche embriologiche ed istologiche suUa fina anatomia della sclerotica. Biologica, Torino, 2, N. 9, 1908, (1-34), 13 tav. 93 Peter, K. und Spee, Graf F. v. AUge- meine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wir- beltiere. Jahresber. Anat., Jena, (N. F.), 13, (1907;, Tl 2, 1908, (196-256). 94 [Poliakov, P. A.] IIo.iflKOBi), 11. A. OcHOBbi rHCToaorin ch o.ieMeHTaMU 9M6pio.ioriii He.iOB'iiKa h nosBOiioHHUXTj acHBOTiibix-b. HacTb l-aa. Oomaa rii- CTO.ioriii ii ooiuaa OMupioaoria. [Grund- lagen der Histologic und Elemente der Embryologie des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Erster Theil. Aligemeine Histologic und allgemeine Embryologie.] Jurjev, 1908, (608), 24 cm. 5 Rub. 95 Portier. Temperature de Vertebres maiins, en particulier des poissons du groupe ties Thons. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (400-402). 96 Poso, (Jfelia. Contributo alio sviluppo della Milza nei Vei'telirati. Napoli, Atti Ace. Sc, Ser. 2, 13, 1908, Mem. N. 4, (1-19), 2 tav. 97 Preble, Edward A. A biological in- vestigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region. Washington, D.C., U. S. liept. Agric, N. Amer. Fauna, No. 27, 191)8, (1-574), ])]. ,^ map. 98 Puccioni, Nello. Di alcune omologie fra Ic ossa dello scheletro cefalico e Vert. Titles. 5200 visrerale deH'iioino e dei Cranioti in- feriori. Firenzo. Arduvio Soc. ital.. Aiitn.p, Etiiol , 38, 190S, (37-85). 99 Puhlmann, Erust. Die Wirbeltiere von KrefeKl mul Uiu<:egend. [In : Natiirwiss. Verein zu KrelVlil. Fest- schrift . . .] Krefeld (M. riaesrl.ke\ 1908, (125-134). 100 Regfaud, CI. Variations des forma- tions initocliondrialcs dans les tnhes a cnticule striee du rein. Paris, C. R. see. bid., 64, 1908, (lli5-lU7). 101 Retterer, Ed. Strurtnre coinpareedn tissu osseux. Paris, C. R. see. biol., 64, 1908. 48.-)- 188). 102 Retterer, Ed. De rosteojienese et du developpeuient variable des elements de la substance osseuse. Paris, C. R. see. liinl.. 64, 1908, (535-538). 103 Retterer, Ed. De Possification intra- cartilagineuse ou enchondrale. Paris, C. R. see. bid., 64, 1908, (571-57-4). 104 Ribbing-, L. Die Innervation der Kxtcnsoren im distalen Teile der Extre- mitaten der Tetrapoden. Anat. Anz., Jena. 33, 1908, (449-456). 105 Rosenfeld, M. Nervensystem. A. Gehirn und Riickenmark. 1. Makrosko- pische Anatomic, einscliliesslich der verf^leichenden Anatomic und der spe- ziellen Entwicklungsgesdiicbte. Jah- resber. Anat., Jena, (N. F.), 12, Tl. 3, 190S, ((;2 1-658). 106 Salensky, W. Uebor den Ban und die Entwicklung der Scldundtaschen der ^piniiidi'ii. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. sc, -. 1 . i-. 1908, (086-708). 107 Salmon, J. Le systeme musculaire dans les rudiments de membres des Ectromeliens. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1007, (504-500). 108 Salmon, -J. Les processus ectrome- liens et le tvpe ectromelien. Paris, C. R. soc, l)ioi., 64, 1908, (546-548). 109 Salmon, -J. Des adaptations nmscu- laires correlatives des variations sque- lettiques che/ les Ectromeliens. Paris, C. R. soc. bid., 62, 1907, (679-681). 110 Salmon, J. Sur les rudiments de membres neotypiques des Ectromeliens. J^aris, C. R. soc. bid., 63. 1907, (776- 778). Ill Schmincke, .\lcxander. Die Ri'ge- neration der (luergoslreiften Muskel- fasern boi den Wirlicllieren. Eine ver- gleichende pathologiscli -anatomische Studio. 1. Ichtliyopsiden. Wiirzburg, Verb, phvsik. Ges., N. F., 39, 1907,(15- 130), 2 faf. 112 Schwarz, Hugo. Ueber die Morpho- genie (Km- Wirbelsiinle der Tetrapoden. Berlin, SitzBer. Gcs. natf. Freunde, 1908, (315-329). 113 Severcov, A. N. Studien iiber die Fniwicklung der Muskeln, Ner\fen und des Skeletts' der Extremitiiten der nie- deren 'I'etrapoda. Beitrage zu eiuer Theorie der pentadactylen Extremitiit der Wirl)eUipre. .Moskva, Bull. Soc. nat., N. Ser., 21, 1907, 1-3, [1908], (l-430-f2), Taf.i-vi. 114 Snyder, J. 0. The fauna of Russian river, California, and its relation to that of the Sacramento. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (2G9-271). 115 Sokolowsky, Alexander. Alvklimati- sations-l'hfolge im Hagenbeckschen Tierpark. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leip- zig, 79, (1907), ii. 1, 1908, (248-252). 116 Sordelli, Ferdinando. Vertebrati deir.Vrgeiitlna e del Benadir donati al Museo civico di Milano dal Sig. S. Bon- dimaj. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 47, fasc. 1-2, 1908, (10-22). 117 Soulie, .V. et Bonne, C. Sur I'exi- stence de cinq arcs brancliiaux et de six arcs aortiques chez I'eiiibivnn de taupe. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (38- 40). 118 Spalteholz, W. Zur vergleicheudon .-\natoniie der Aa. coronariae cordis. Anat. An/., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908,(169- 180^, 1 Taf. 119 Spee, Oraf F. v. vide Peter, K. Spemann, H. Neue Versuche zur Entwickliing des Wirbeltierauges. Verb. D. zod. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (101-110). 120 Sterling, Stefan. Sind die Ossa suprasternalia beim Menschen auf das Episternum der niederen Wirbeltiere zuriickznfiihren ? Anat. Anz. Jena, 32, 1908, r.333 -.334). 121 Sternberg, Charles II. Some animals discovered in the fossil beds of Kansas. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (122-124). 122 S Ve7-t. XIV. Vertebrata. [1908] Sterzi, Giuseppe. Tl sistema nervoso -centraJe dei Vertebrati. Vol. I : Ciclo- stomi. Padova fA. Draghi edit.\ 1907, (VIII+731). 123 Szily, Aiirel von. UeLer das Ent- stehen eines fibrillaren Stiitzgewebes iin Embryo und dessen Verhaltnis ziir Glaskorperfrage. Anat. Hefte, Wies- badeu, Abt. 1, 35, 1908, (649-757). 12 Taf. 124 Sz3mionowicz, Ladislaus. Lebrbucb der Histologie und der mikroskopischen Anatomie niit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des menschlichen Korpers, ein- schliesslich der mikroskopiscben Tech- nik. 2. Anfl., vollst. nragearb. n. erg. v. Rudolf Krause. Wurzburg (C. Ka- bitzscb), 1909, [1908], (Xll-f536). 60 Taf. 24 cm. 3 M. 125 Terras, M. Note sur quelques points de la morphologie du rachis lombaire dans ses rapports avec :les conditions biologiques. Paris. C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, f 979-980). 126 Thulin, Ivar. Muskelfasern niit spiralig angeordneten Saulcben (Vorl. Mitt.).' Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (241-252). 127 [Tonkov, V. X.l Tohkobt., B. H. Kt. ]Mop(|io.ioriii apiepiii n.ieqa n npe,i- ilichIh. [Zur ^lorpbologie der Arterien des Ober- und Unteranns.] Kazani, 1907, (59 + 1), 1 Taf., 24 cm. " 128 Tomier, Gustav. Ueber experi- nientelles Hervornifen und Xaturent- stehn von Mopskopfen, Cjclopen und anderen voi-geburtlichen Kopfverljildun- gen bei Wirbeltieren. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (298-315). 129 Triepel, Hermann. Einfiihrung in die piiysikalische Anatomie. Tl 3: Die trajektoriellen Strukturen. Wies- baden (J. E. Bergmann), 1908, (xi + 193), 3 Taf. 26 cm. 6 M. 130 Trinci, Giulio. Sulle questioni concementi le differenze morfologicbe dei cromosonii d'uno stesso nucleo. Osservazioni nei Vertebrati. ilonitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (224- 239). 131 Ussoff, D. D. Urdai-m EctocliorJa. (Vergl. - embryologiscbe Studien des axialen Skelettes.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (265-270). 132 Vialleton, E. Un pro1)leme de revolution. La theorie de la recapitu- lation des formes ancestrales au cours du developpement embryonnaire. Mont- pellier (CoubH) ; Paris' (Masson), 1908, (244). 22 cm. 5. 133 Vitali, Giovanni. Anatomia e sviluppo delle mandibole e della articolazione mandibolare. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze. 7, fasc. 1. 1908, (96- 120); fasc. 2, 1908. (307-360); fasc. 3, (1908), 1909, (458-500), e 4 tav. 134 [Vorobjev, V. P.] BopodbeBi., B. IT. IlHHepBaii,ia CYxoiKn.iifi y He.iOB'tKa. [Die Innervierung der Sehnen bei dem Menschen.] Charikov [Peratnoje Delo", 1908, (58 + 9), 9 Taf. 135 Weidenreich, Franz. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der granulierten Leucocyten. V. Eortsetzung der ,, Studien iiber das Blut und die blutbildenden und -zerstorenden Organe". Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (209-325), 5 Taf. 136 Wemstedt, Wilh. Beitrage zum Stndium des Sauglings-Pylorospasmus mit besonderer Beiiicksichtioung der Frage von seiner .'\ngeborenheit. [Ana- tomie verschiedener Wirbeltiermagen.] Jahrb. Kinderheilk., Berlin, 65, 1907, (674-719). 137 Wertheimer, E. et Dubois, Ch. Uu argument contre la regeneration autogene des nerfs. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1098-1100). 138 Wessely. Demonstration zur verglei- chenden Physiologic des intraokularen Fliissigkeitswechsels (nach gemeinsamen Untersuchungen niit AbelsdorfF). Ber. ophthahn. Ges., Wiesbaden, 34 (1907. 1908. (257-260). 139 Wolfrum, M. Beitrage zur Anatomie und tlistologie der Aderhaut beim Menschen und bei hoheren Wirbeltieien. Graefes Arch. Ophthalm., Leipzig, 67, 1908, (307-359), 2 Taf. 140 Wolfrum. Zur Entwickluug und normalen Struktnr des Glaskorpers. Graefes Arch. Ophthalm., Leipzitr, 65, 1907, (220-266), 2 Taf. " 141 Wunderer, Hans. Ueber Terniinal- kiirptrclieii der Anamnien. Arch, mikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1908, (504-569), 2 Taf. 142 Zander, R. Nervensystem. B. Cere- brosj)iiiaiiiervcn. C. Symj)atlii(us. Jahresber. Anat., Jena, (X. F.), 12, Tl 3, 1908, (688-706;. 143 ii V SlB.IECT ISDKX. 5207 Ziegler, Heiiuioli Ernst. Die pliylo- genetische Entsteliunii des Kopfes der WirbeltitMe. N'ortrac . . . Jeiiaische Z>. Xatw., 43. l!K)S,\C)o3-6S4). 1 Taf. 144 Zuckerkandl, E. Sinnesorgane. C. Cieluiroriian. Jahresbor. Aiiat., Jena ^ (X. F. . 12. Tl 3, 190S, 1791-798). 145 II.— .SUBJECT INDEX. S.B. — For full Reference go to Titles. COMPREHENSIVE and GEN EH. \ I.. 5203 Gnmdlagen der Histologic und Ele- mente der Embryologie des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere, Erster Tlieil, All- geineine Histologie nnd allgenieine Em- l)ryologie (Russ.i; Poliakov, 95. Consequences de la variation de la direction des axes de la tete et du corps chez les Vertebres ; Chaine, 27. Modern methods of excavating, pre- paring and mounting fossil skeletons ; Hermann, 54. Report on zoology, Research in China ; Blackwelder, 14. STRUCTURE. 5207 General. Handbuch der vergleichenden Anato- niie der Haustiere ; Ellenberger & Baum, 33. Handbuch der Anatomic der 'i'iere fur Kunstler ; Ellenberger, Baum & Dittrich, 32. I'.infuhruug in die physikalischo Anitomie, trajektoriellen Strukturen ; Triepel. 130. La relation entre le poids du cerveau et le poids du corps ; Lapicque, 66. Relation entre la grandeur des yeux et le poids de I'encephale chez les Ver- tebres inferieurs ; Lapicque & Laugier, 69. La grandeur relative de I'opil et I'ap- preciation du poids encephalique ; La- picque, 65. Liniite superieure de la proportion d'encephale par rapport au poids du ccEur chez les oiseaux ; Lapicque, 68. Difference sexuolle dans lo poids de Tenccphale chez les animaux. Rat et moineau ; Lapicque, 67. Note sur quelqnes points de la moi'- phologie du racliis lombaire dans ses rap]iorts avec les conditions biologiques ; Terras, 126. Die Anpassungsformen der Wirbel- tiere an das Meereslel)en ; Abel, 2. f AngrifTswaffen und Verteidigungs- mittel fossiler Wirbeltiere ; Abel, 1. f Is Alahamornis a bird ? Lucas, 77. Histology. [Vide etiam Nervous system, etc.) Lehrbuch der Histologie nnd der miki'osknpischen Anatomie mit beson- derer Beriicksiclitigung des mensch- lichen Korpers, einschliesslicli dor nii- kroskoplschen Technik ; Szymonowicz, 125. Histo-topographie des elements con- tractiles ct conjonctifs des parois ar- terielles chez les mollusques et les vertebres ; Argaud, 6. Variations des formations mitochon- driales dans les tubes a cuticule striee du rein ; Regaud, 101. Die Vermehrung der Knorpelzellen, und die Struktur der ,,hyalinen" Knor- pelgrundsubstauz ; NowikofiF, 86. Haben die Leberzellen Mcmbranen und Binnennetze ? Arnold, 8. Differenze morfologicliedei cromosomi d'uno stesso nucleo ; Trinci, 131. Chromatoplioren bei Axolotlen und Goldfischen ; Ogneflf, 88. Skeleton. Ueber die Bildung des Knochenge- webes ; Disse, 29. Sti-ucture comparee du tissu osseux ; Retterer, 102. Ueber die Morphogenie der Wirbel- saule der Tctrapoden ; Schwarz, 113. Die stammcsgeschiclitliciic Entwick- lung der Synovialhaut und der Schnen mit Ilinweisen auf die Entwicklung des Kiefergelenks der Saugetiere ; Lubosch, 75. Wirbeltiergelenke ; Lubosch, 76. 10 Vcri. XIV. Vertebrata. [1908] Omologie fra ossa cefaliclie e visceral! (lell'iioino e dei Craiiioti inferiori ; Puccioni, 99. Mandibola e articolazione niandibo- lare, anatomia e sviluppo ; Vitali, 134. Sind die Ossa suprasternalia beim jf Menschen aiif das Episternum der iiiederen Wirljeltiere zuriickzufiihreu ? Sterling, 121. Parafiluilanei Rettili e nei Mammiferi ; Banchi, 10. Nervous System and Sense-organs. Review of tlie nervous system of vertebrates, l)v J. B. Jolmstoii"; Parker, 92. Methods of functional neurology. Reply to Professor Parker's review' of nervous s3-stem of vertebrates ; Johnston, 61. Struktur des normalen und jjatho- logisclien Nervensystems ; Neue Metho- den ilcr inikroskopischen Untersuchuug ; Fichera, 36. Bail der nervcisen Zentralorgane, vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirns ; Edinger, 31. (icliirn und Riickenmark, Makros- iopische Anatomie, einschliesslich der vergleichenden Anatomie und der spe- ziellen Eiitwicklungsgescliichte ; Rosen- feld, 106. ^ Entwicklung und Ban des autononieu Nervensystems ; Froriep, 41a. L'liypophyse et la glande infundi- Ijulaire ; Gentes, 44a. Gangli cerebrospinali nei Vertebrati ; istologia comparata e istogenesi ; Levi, 72. Die _ phyletisclie Entfaltung der Grossliirnrinde ; Haller, 49. BegrilT der Wirbeltierganglienzclle ; Held, 52. Feinere Struktur der pcriplieren sympathiscbenGanglien ; Michailow, 81. Sistema iiervnso centrale. i, Ciclo- stomi ; Sterzi, 123. (Jehirn und Ruckenmaik. .Mikros- kopisehe Aiuitoinie ; Obersteiner, 87. ('(•icl)rospinalHcrveii. Sympatliicus ; Zander, 143. Phylogenetisclie Veiiagerungen der motorischen Oblongatakerne, ilire Ur- sacheund Bedeutung; Ariens-Kappers,7. Terminalkorperchern der Anamnien ; Wunderer, 142. Nerven des Sehneu (Russ.); Vorobjev, 135. Die Innervation der Extensoreu im distalen Telle der Extreniitaten der Tetrapoden ; Ribbing, 105. Die Innervieruiig der Muskelsegmente des Ampltioxns (Branchiostoina lanceo- latum), nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Endigungsweise der mritorisclien Nerven bei den Vertebraten ; Boeke, 17, Phylogenese des Corpus striatinu und des Thalamus ; Kappers, 62. Nervi nella milza. distribuzione ; Agosti, 4. Sur la nature du ganglion ciliaire ; Marinesco, Parhon et Goldstein, 79. Sehapparat; Kallius, 61a. Die -Arehitektur des Auges, eiu Regulierungsmechanismus fiir die in- traokulareu Druck- und Stromschwan- kungen ; Kuscbel, 64. Beitriige zur Anatomie und Histologie der Aderhaut beim Menschen und bei hoheren Wirbeltieren ; Wolfrum, 140. Sclerotica, ricerche eudjrinl. ed istol. ; Pes, 93. Pigmontepithel des Retina, Histo- logie (Russ.) ; KoSetov, 63. Neue Tatsaclien zur Sell>stdilTeren- zierung der Aiigeulinse ; Mencl, 80. Gehoi-oi-gan ; Zuckerkandl, 145. Labyrinth ; Gray, 45a. Uebersicht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebictder vergleichenden Anatomie des Mittelohrs; Beyer, 13. Schalllcitungsaj)parat l)i'i den W'ir- Ix^ltieren und Betrachtungen iiber dii> l''unktion des Schneckenfensters ; Beyer, 12. Myology. Thiitige mid wenig thatige Muskelii (Russ.) ; Lisickij, 73.' Die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskell'aseni l)ei liens et le type ectromelien ; Salmon, 109. Le systeme musculaire dans les rudi- ments de membres des Ectromeliens ; Salmon, 108. GEOGRAPHY. 5227 Europe. d Norwegen, Wirbeltierfatma in iilteren Zeiten (Norw.) ; Grieg, 47. l)ie Wirbcltierc von Krefeld iukI Umgegend ; Puhlmannj 100. tDiluviale Fauna, llundsheim in Xiederosteri-6ich ; Freudenberg, 40. Caucase ; Buturlin, 22a. Kreis Minusinsk, Gebiet Urjancliai. Aves and Mammalia (Russ ) ; Nesterow, 85. America (North 'and South), g&h A biological investigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region ; Preble, 98. The fauna of Russian river, California, and its relation to that of the Sacra- mento ; Snyder, 115. jVertebrate ffjssils from the Fort L'nion beds ; Douglass, 30. tPlt'istocene fauna, cave, Fraiikstown ; Holland, 59. fThe vertebrates from the Permian bone bed of Vermilion county, Illinois ; Case, 25. |The Conard lissure, a Pleistocene Ijonc deposit in northern Arkansas ; Brown, 21. tSome animals discovered in the fossil beds of Kansas ; Sternberg, 122. fThe localities and horizons of Per- mian vertebrate fossils in Texas ; Cummins, 28. Vertebiati deH'Argentina ; Sordelli, 117. XV. PISCES ARRANT, ED BY €. L. BOULEXGER CONTENTS PAGl \ Titles o . Slbject Index .. 27 General Work, Economics Etc. :=.') 4 03 .. 27 Structure=:5407 .. 28 Physiology =; 54 11 .. .. SI DeveIopment=5415 .. 31 Etholog-y=o419 .. 33 Variation and Aetiology =.j423 .. , . 35 Distribution = 5427 . . .. 35 Recent . . 35 Fossil .. 38 '. SYS'rEMATIC = 5431 .. 38 Teleostei .. 39 Plectognathi . . 39 Pediculati . . . 39 Acanthopteryg-ii . . .. 39 Allotriognathi .. 44 Anacanthini .. 44 Percesoces . . 45 Apodes . . 45 Catosteomi .. 4'i Haplomi . . . . 40 Ostariophysi . . 4u Malacopterygii , . .. 48 (11-10332 b d2 Ganoidei Holostei . . Choudrostei Arihrodira . . Dipneusti Crossopteryg-ii Choudropterygii flolocephali Plagiostomi Acaiithodei Pleuropterys: i lucertae sedis Cyclostomi . . PACK 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 Pisces. Titles. 5400 L— TITLES. Abonyl, Sandov. A lialak eziistos csillogasanok biologiai jelentusege. [Cber die biologische BeJeutung des silberuen Schimmers der Fische.] Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 40, lOOS, (530- 5321 1 Adams, L. A. Description of the skull and separate cranial bones of the wolf-eel (Anarrhichthys ocellatns). Lawrence, Kan. L'niv., Sci. Bull., 4, 1908, (329-355) pi. 2 Agar. W. E. On the appearance of vascular filaments on the pectoral fin of Lepidosiren paradoxa. Anat. Aiiz., Jena, 33. 1908, (27-30). 3 AlliB, Edward Phelps, jun. The pseudobrancliial and carotid arteries in Pohjpterus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (217-227). 4 Allis, E. P., jun. The pseudo- hranchial and carotid arteries in Ame'iurua. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (250-270). 5 Allis, E. P., jun. The pseudo- branchial and carotid arteries in the gnathostome fishes. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 27, 1908, (103-134) 6 Annandale, X. A new sting ray of the genus Trygon from the Bay of Bengal. Rec. Ind. ilus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 4, 1908, (393-394). 7 Anthony, R. La piscifacture du turbot au laboratoire maritime du Museum (Saint-Vaast-la-Hougiie). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, (557-559). 8 Anthony, R. Le laboratoire maritime du Museum d'Histoire naturelle (Saint- Vaast-la-Houguej pendant I'annee 1907. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.), Paris, (ser. 9), 7, 1908, (27-79). 9 Anthony, Raoul. La piscifacture du turbot. Paris, Bui. see. centr. aquicult., 19, 1907, (257-259). 10 (K-10332 h) Arcangeli, Alerte. Contribute alia conoscenza della struttura minuta dello stomaco del Box salpa L. secondo lo stato funzionale. Archivio zool.jNapdi 3, fasc. 3, 1908, (261-346) 2 tav. 11 [Arnold, D. I.] ApHo^ba-b, JJ. H. Kb 6io.iorin KacniiicKOil cejibjiu nysaii.'ca Clupea caspia Eichw. [Zur Biologie dcr Kaspischen Finte, Clupea caspia Eichw.] Arb. Kasp. Exp., St. Peterburg, 1, 1907^ (222-239, deutsch. Res. 240-242) 2 Taf. iZ Arnold, Paul. Westafrikanisdie Fnnduias-Arten. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (469-470, 489-491. 517-520, 536-540) 1 Taf. 13 Arnold, P. Der Schlamnispringer {Periophthalmus Jtoelreuteri (Pall.) Bl. und seine Haltung iin Aquarium. Wochenschr. Aquarienknnde, Braun- schweig, 5, 1908, (1-3, 13-15, 25-271. 14 [ArscDjev, V.] ApceHbCB-b, B. 11 .\- 6.iK);;eHia naxh .lOCOceBUMu 3ayccypiii- CKaro Kpaa. [Observations sur les Sal- monoides du pays transus^urien.] vSt. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 190.S [1909], (Lx-lxiii). 15 Atkinson, G. T. Notes on a fishing voyage to the Barents Sea in August, 1907. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., 8. 1908, (71-98), pL iv. 1& Audig^, J. L'excretion chez les poissons. Bulletin de la station de pis- cicnlture. Toidouse-Paris, 2, 1905,(13- 17). 17 Audig^, J. Quelques particularit^K de la structure du rein chez les poissons. Bulletin de la station de ] isciculture, Toulouse-Paris, 2, 1905, (18-19). 18 Audig^, J. v'Jc Roule, L. Ayers, Howard. The ATntriculai- fibres of the brain of ilyxinoids. Anat. Anz., Jena., 32, 1908, (445-448). 19 d2— 2 4 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] Babak, Edward und Dedek, B. Untersuchungen iiber den Auslosungs- reiz der Atembewegungen bei Siiss- wasserfipchen. Arch. (ies. Physiol., Bonn, 119, 1007, (483-529). 20 Baglioni, S. Aenssere Lebensbedin- n^ungen und Organe hei Fischen. Uni- schau, Frankfurt a. M., 12, 1908, (GOG- COO). 21 Baglioni, S. Zur Physiologie der Sc-hwimmblase der Fische. Zs. allg. Physiol., Jena, 8, 1908, (1-80). 22 Baglioni, S. II nesso tra le con- dizioni esterne e la forma e la funzione ■di alcuni organi nei pesci. Nota 1*. Meccanica respiratoria. Monitore zool. ital, Firenze, 19, 1908, (180-191). 23 Baglioni, S. II nesso tra le condizioni esterne e la forma e la funzione di ;alcuni organi nei pesci. Nota 2». Vescica natatoria. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (200-207). 24 Ballon, H. A. Malaria in the West Indies. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (885). 25 Barbieri, Ciro. Le esperienze di W. Hein sulla resistenza delle uova di Trota a svariate azioni meccaniche. Rassegna. Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1008, (21- 23). 26 Barbieri, C. La alimentazione naturale degli Agoiii [A/o.sa finta]. Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1008, (237-242). 27 Barbotir, Thomas. Notes on Rhino- mnraena. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (39-41). 28 Baudoin, Marcel. Un nouveau para- site du spratt {Chipen spraltn). Consta- tation d'lin Lcniaeenicua aardinae nobis sur un sj)rate presentant en outre trois Tjemaeemc\iH sprnltae. Bui. Museum, Paris, 14, 1908, (17-18). 29 Baudouin, M. Mode d'attaquo du spratt {Cliipca fi]rraUMf<) par le Ler- yuieenievs H]y)-attae, Copepode parasite (le I'ceil dii poisson. Paris, C. R. ass. fran<;. avanc. sci.. 36, (Reims, 1007, 1" Partie), 1907, (259). 30 Bean, Parton A. On Cteyiohic'iuK Gill, a iicglfMted genua of characin fishes, with notes on the typical sjjecries. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U. 8. Nation. Miis. Proc, 33, 1008, (701-703). 31 Bellini, Arthur. Experiences sur I'elevage de I'anguille en stabulation a Comacchio. Paris, Bui, soc. centr. aquicult., 19, 1007, (81-93, 141-146, 186-196, 215-224) av. tableaux. 32 Bellini, A. Riproduzione e meta- morfosi deirAnguilla nell'Oceano atlantico. Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1908, (5-17). 33 [Belousov, N.] Bt-ioycoBt, H. Fa-Tib- Tep'b ;t.iH pbiOT.. [Appareil pour contenir Ies poissons.] Charikov, Trav. Soc. nat., 41, 1906, [1907], (47-50) 1 Taf. 34 Berg, L. S. Vorlaufige Bemerkuugea iiber die europaischasiatischen Sal- moninen, insbesondere die Gattung Thymallus. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 12, 1907, [1908], (500-514). 35 [Berg, L. S.] Bepri., JI. C. CniicoK-b pbiot Ko.ibiMU. [Liste des poi!^sons de la Kolyma.] St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, (69-107). 36 [Berg, L. S.] Beprt, JI. C. CniicoK'b pmrb oacceftna Oou. [Liste des poissons de rOb.] St. Peterbui'g, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908, (221-228). 37 [Berg, L. S.] Bepr-b, JI. 0. O 'lepHO- MOpcKOMTj .lococb {Salmo solar lahrax Pall.). [Sur le saumon de la mer Noire (Salmo saJar lahrax Pall.).] St. Peter- burg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908, (255- 266). 38 [Berg, L. S.] Beprt, JI. C. 0 Jiococfe Apa.iibCKaro Mopa [Salmo tridta ara- lensis subsp. nov.). [Sur le saumon de la mer d'Aral (Snlmo trutta aralensis subsp. n.).] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1008, (315-323). 39 [Berg, L. S.] Bepn,, JI. Odij '.iKseM- li.lHjj'fe Salmo trutta R. CTpaHiioti 0- KpacKH. [Sur un exemplaire de la truite (Salmo trutta L.) d'une coloration iHrange.] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1008, (xxxv-xxxvi). 40 [Berg, L. S.] Bepn., JI. HacraB- :ivAihi ;[:\n coriii])aiiiH soojiornHccKHX'b KCiJieKniii. 111. lIiicTi)yivH,iH jijih co- f1iil)aiii)i H ii('p('ci.i.iKH j)bi6'bi aM(|iiiOiii H ])(!iiTii.iiii. [.\nweisungen zum Sammeln zoologischer Objokte. ill. Anleitung zum Sanuncln und Versenden von P'ischen, Am])hibicn und Reptilien.] St. Peterburg [Zoolog. Mus. Kais. Akad. d. Wiss.], 1008, (10 X 2). 25 cm. 40a 5 Pisces. Titles. 5400 Besana, d. La questioae (.lella jicsoa degli iigoui [.-l/osd tiiita] con la canua nel lago di Oonio. Riv. mens. Pesca, .Milauu, 10, VMS, (loL'-lSS). ' 4i Blaizot, L. L'eiiitheliuin ut^rin clicz Acaiitiiias riihjavis Risso avant la premiere gestatiou. Paris, C. R. soc. bio!.. 64. 190S, 33'J-341, 453-455). 42 Blaizot. Observations snr la gestation cliez AciDithias vuhjaris R. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (57-59). 43 Bodahl, E. A. Om fiskeopdrat i Pauiuark. [Fischzncht in Daiiemark.] Krisiiania, Tidssk. uorsk. Landb., 15, 1908. (297-301'). 44 [Boga5ev, V. V.] BorancBi., B. B. O iipl-iiioBOAiiuxb ii.iiom'iioBux'b puoax'b CiiGiipii. [L'eber die pliociiueu Suss- wassertisclie Sibiiiens.] Vorl. Mitth. Jurjev, Siizb. Xaturf.-Oes., 17, 1, 1908, (xi-xiv). 45 Bogoljubsky, S. Zur Kenntnis der Dorsaldosse bei „MoteUa trlclrrata" . Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, (327- 333; 1 TaL 46 Bolk, L. Ueber die segmentale Anorduung der Melauoblasten bei jungen Teleostiern. Anat. Auz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (135-139). 47 Bolk, L. Mededeeling over Melano- blasteu bij Teleostiers. [Mitteilung iiber das Auftreten von Melanoblasteu bei jungen Teleostiei'n .] Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver., Ser. 2, 11, 1908, (vii). 48 Boulenger, Charles L. On the breeding-habits of a Cichlid fish (TiZapia nUotica). London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 405-407J. 49 Boulenger, G. A. A revision of the African iSilurid fishes of the subfamily Clariiiiae. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, 1908, (1062-1097). 50 Boulenger, G. A. Exliibition of, and remarks upon, a remarkably malformed Plaice (Pleiironectes platessa). London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (161-164). 51 Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of two new Cyprinodontid fishes from West Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2. 1908, (29-30). 52 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new Silurid fish of the genus SipiodoiUiff from South Cameroon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (30-31). 53 Boulenger, G. A. Diagnoses of ni'w fishes discovered by Capt. E. L. Rhoades in Lake Nvassa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2," 1908, (238-213). 54 Boulenger, ix. A. Diagnoses of new fishes from the Upper Zambesi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (492- 495). 55 Boulenger, G. A. Note on Clar'ias capensis C. V. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1, pt. 3, 1908, (237-239). 56 Boulenger, G. A. On a collection of fresh-water fishes, batrachiaus and rep- tiles from Natal and Zululand, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., 1, pt. 3, 1908, (219- 355). 57 Branner, John Casper vide Jordan, Davitl Starr. Branson, E. B. Cladodns comp-eHsuSy a correction. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (311-312). 58 Branson, E. B. Dinichthy.'f \nler- medtua Newberry, from the Huron shale. Science, New York, N. Y., (N. Ser.), 28. 1908, (94). 59 Branson, E. B. Notes on Diniehthys terreUi Newberry, with a restoration. Ohio Nat., Columbus, 8, 1908, (363- 369). 60 Brauer, August. Die Tiefsee-Fische. 2. Anatomischer Tl. (Wissensch. Ergeb- nisse d. D. Tiefsee-Expedition, Bd 15, Lfg. 2.) Jena (G. Fischer), 1908, (266), 26 Taf. 35 cm. 61 Braun, J. Oscar. Aus dem Liebes- leben des Kampffisches. Bl. Aquarien- kunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (7-8, 14-16). 62. Breemen, P. J. vide Redeke, H. C. [BreitfusB, L. T.,., Soldatov, V. K., Gobel, J. u.a.] ljpeHT(f)yccr.i JI. JI., Goji- jiaTOBi., B. K., reocjii., F. ^KCIIeJ^II^ia ;t.iH nayHHO-iipoMbic;iOBiJX'i> H3CJi1;jto- Banift y OeperoB'h Mypsiaiia. Orierb o jjaooTaxt B'l. 1904 r. [VVissenschaft- lich-praktische Murman-Expedition. Be- richt uber die Tiitigkeit pro 1904.] St. Peterburg [Comite zur Unterstiitzung der Kiistenbewohner des Russischen Nordens], 1908, (Ixxi + 342 + 231) 3 Kart. u. 8 Tab. 29 cm. 63 Briau, Alexandre. Note preliminaire sur les Copepodes parasites des poissons provenant des campagnes scientifiques 6 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [l'J08] de S. A. S. le Prince Mbert de Monaco ou deposes dans les collections du ^lusee oceanographique. Bui. Mus. ocean., Monaco, 110, 1908, (1-18). 64 Broch, Hjalinar. Sind die Herings- stanime erbllche Rassen ? Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (G8-C9). 65 Broch, H. Norwegische Heringsun- tersuchuugen wahrend der Jahre 1904- inOf). Unsere Heringsstamme und ihre Wandenmgen. Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1908. No. 1, (70), Karte i-iii, Taf. i-x. 66 Brohmer, P. Die Sinneskanale und die I.orenzinischen Ampulleu bei Sphmx- Etubryonen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 19U8. (25-40). 67 Brohmer, P. Das Exkretions'?ystem eiies Embryos von Chlaviydoselachus anguineus Garm. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 19US, (621-627). 68 Browne, F. Balfour. The North Sea fisheries investigations. Nature, Lon- don, 77, 1908 (.52'3-524). 69 Briining, Christian. MalopteTurus eledricus Lac. Bl. Aquarieakuude, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (607-671). 70 Buen, Odon de et Page, Louis. Un nouveau Gobiide niediterraueen du genre Apliya (Aphya ferreri n. sp.). Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 8, 1908, (notes et revues, cv-cx). 71 Bullen, G. E. Plankton studies in reh^tion to the Western Mackerel fishery. Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., 8. 1908, (2(19-302), pis. xviii-xxiii. 72 Bume, K. H. Exhibition of, and re- marks upon, preparations of the olfactory organs of a Sea-Lamjjrey (Petromyzon ■mar'tnntt), Sea-Bream {Pacjcllu^ cenlro- dovtus), and an Albatross {D'lomedca exnlanH). f.onilon, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, n.j-nn). 73 Buschkiel, Alfred L. Wissenschaft- liche Ergebnis?e der Aquarienkunde. (II. Bericht: Parasitare Fischkrank- heiten.) Intern. Rev. Hvdrobiol., Leip- zig, 1, 1908, (833-839). " 74 Buschkiel, A. Zur Biologie der <;ro[ipc {('otUis goh'io L.). Bl. Aquarien- kunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (342-348). 75 Byrne, L. W. vide Holt, E. W. L. Carruccio, Antonio. Sovra un Ehiiio- balus kalavi Riipp. teste avuto dal Museo zoologico della \i. Univ. di Roma, preso forse per la prima volta nel Mare toscano. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 9, 1908, (97-105). 76 Caustier, E. Appareil pour I'eclosion et I'elevage des Salmonides. Paris, Bui. soc. ceutr. aquicult., 19, 1907, (137-140), fig- _ 77 Cep^de. Contribution a I'etude de la nourriture de la sardine. Paris, C. R. ass. franco, avanc. sci., 36, (Reims, 1907, f" Partie), 1907, (263-267). 77a Cerruti, Attilio. SuU'evoluzione dell'uovo ovarico nei Selaci. Napoli, Atti Ace. Sci.. Ser. 2, 13, 1908, Mem. N. 3, (1-90), 7 tav. 78 Chamberlain, F. M. Some observa- tions ou salmon and trout in Alaska. Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 627 in: Washington, D. C, Rep. U. S. Com. Fish., 1906, 1907, (1-112) with pi., diagr., text fig., tables, fold map. 79 Chappellier, A. Note sur un essai d'elevage AWmeiuriia nehulosus dans le Loiret. Paris, Bui. soc. centr. aquicult., 19. 1907, (254-256). 80 Chaudhuri, B. L. Description of a new species of Danio from Lower Burma. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 2, 1908, (125-126). 81 Chaudhuri, B. L. Description of a n(;w series of saw-fish captured off the Burma coast by the Government of Bengal's Steam Trawler " Golden Crown." Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 4, 1908, (391-392). 82 Clark, H. Walton vide Evermann, Barton W. Clark, H. W. vide Goldsborough, Edmund Lee. Cockerell, T. D. A. The fishes of the Rocky Mountain region. Boulder, L'niv. Colo. Stud., 5, 1908, (159-178). 83 Cole, Leon J. The occurrence of lleros in Yucatan. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (637-638). 84 Collin, Alb. En sterlett {Acipenser ruLhenus L.) tagen i Pytliis viken. [Aci- penser riitheniis L. in der Bucht von Pythis gefangen.] Tidskr. Jjig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1904, (15). 85 Comoro, Joseph. De I'utilit^ des algues dans I'elevage et I'alimentation des poissons, a propos de la florule de I'etang de la Pujade. Bulletin de la Pisces. TlTI-KS 5400 station de pisciculturt\ Toulouse-l^iris. 2. 1905, (46-50). 86 Comisli, G. A. Notes on the fishes of C^^'anso. Ottawa, Rep. Fish. Dep. Mar. dm.. 39, 1902-1905, [1907J, (81-90). 87 Crawahay, L. R. On an experiment 111 the keeping of Salmon (Salmo salar) ;it the Plvmouth Laboratory. F'lvmouth, .1. -Mar. Biol. Ass., 8, 1908, (30.3-312). j'l. xxiv. 88 Crevecoeur, F. F. A new species of (^cimposlovia ? Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 21, pt. 1, 1908, (155-157). 89 Cronlielin, W. Die Bedeutung der Mineralstoffe fiir das Wachstum des Karpfens. Allg. Fischereiztg, Miinchen, 33,1908,(114-120). 90 DaM, Kuut. Vjegttab hos notstaaet Vaarsild. [Gewichtsverlust in Netzen stehender Friihjahrsheringe.] Bergen, Norsk Fisket, 27, 1908, (127-129). 91 Dahl, K. Fiskeforsk i Skagerak 19C6- 1907. [Fisclierei-Versuche an der nor- wegischen Kiiste von Skagerak] Aarsb. Xorges Fiskerier, Bercen, 1907, (75- I0t',\ " 92 DaUgnren, Ulric. The oral opening ( f the nasal cavitv in Astroscopus. Science, Xew York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (993- ^94). 93 Dean, Bashford. Studies on fossil fislies during the year 1907. [A portion of the address of the retiring president of the society of vertebrate paleontolo- ^sts, New Haven, December 27, 1907.] Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (201-205). 94 Dedek, B. ride Babak, Edward. Deganello, Umberto. Die peripheri- :schen, nervosen Apparate des Atmungs- rhythmns bei Knochenfischen. Eine anatomische und experinientelle Unter- fiuchung. Arch. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 123, ] 908, (40-94). ' 95 Deichsel, Gerhard. Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Knochenfi.schauges niit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage nach der Accomodation. Diss. Breslau (Druck V. H. Fleischmann), 1908,(03). •22 cm. 96 Del P^r^ de Cardaillac de Saint Paul, O. La regleraentutirin de la peche de I'auguille. Bulletin de la station de piscicultnre, Toulouse-Paris, 2, 19"5, (40-431. 97 Derjugin, K. Die Eutwicklung der Brusttlossen und des Schultergiirtels l)ei Exocoetus volitans. Zs. wis:^. ZooL, Leipzig. 91, 1908, (559-598). 4 'l",if. 98 Diamare, V. e Montuori, A. Ricerca del glucosio nel sailgue dei Selaci. Na- poli. Rend. Ace. Sc, Sev. 3, 13, 1907. (348-355). 99 Dickerson, Mary Cynthia lude Jordan, David Starr. Dietz, P. A. Over de grootte der ansjoviseieren in de Zuiderzee. [Ueljer die Grosse der Anchovis-Eier in der Zuiderzee.J Meded. Vissch., Helder, 15, 1908, (66-73). 100 Dollo, L. Nololepis coatai, poisson pelagique nouveau recueilli par I'E:- pedition Antarctiqiie Nationaie Ecossaisr. Note preliminaire. Edinburgh, Proc. R.Soc, 28, 1908, (58-05). 101 Droscher, \V. Der Schaalsee und seine fischereiwirtschaftliche Nutzuug. Ein fischereiwirtschaftliches Gutachten. Zs. Fischerei, Berlin, 13, 1908, (173- 283) 2 Taf. 102 Dronin de Bouville, R. de. L'omble a collerette. I'aiis, C. R. soc. hiol.. 64, 1908, (229-231) : Reunion biologique, Nancy, 1908, (1-3). 103 Drzewina, Anna. Influence de la dessalure sur les leucocytes granuleux des Selaciens. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 64, 1908, (1039-1041). 104 Dunoker, Georg. Syngnathiden- Studien. I. Variation und Modiiikation bei Siplionastoma typlde L. Hamburg, Jahrb. wiss. Anst., 25, (1907), Beih. 2. 1908, (1-115) 3 Taf. 105 Dybowski, B. 0 nowych badaniach nad faun^ Bajkalu. [Recherches iicu- velles sur la faune du )ac Baikal]. Kos- mos, Lw6w, 33, 1908, (536-574). 106 Eastman, Charles R. Devonian fishes of Iowa. [With special description of the auditory organ and other soft parts of Tihadiniclithys deani Eastman sp. n. by G. H. Parker.] Iowa Geol. Surv. Rep., Des Moines, 18, (1907), 1908, (29- 360) map. 107 Eastman, C. R. Notice of a new coelacanth fish from the Iowa Kinder- hook. J. Geol., Chioaco, 111., 16, 1908. (357-362). " 108 8 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [19083 Eckstein, Karl. Pisces fiir 1897. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg.. Berlin, 69. Bd 2, H. 1, 1903, [1908], [V] (1-58). 109 Eckstein, K. Die Fischerei-Verhalt- nisse der Provinz Brandenburg zu An- fang des 20. Jahrhunderts nebst Fische- reikarte in 8 Blattern im Auftr. d. Fischerei-Vereins bearb. Tl II. Die Gewasser der Provinz Brandenburg in alphabetischer Reilie und deren fische- reilichen Verbaitnisse. Berlin Fischerei- Vereinl, 190iS, Cvii + 275). 27 cm. 110 Ehrenbaum, E. Versuche mit ge- zeichneten Fhindern oder Elbbutt {Pleuronectes Heaus). Wiss. Meeres- unters., Kiel,' (N.F.), 8, Abt. Helgo- land, 1908, (191-199J. Ill ElLrenbaum, E. Ueber Eier und Jugendforinen der Seezunge und anderer im Friihjalir laichender Fisehe der Xordsee. Wiss. Meeresunters., Kiel, (X.F.), 8, Abt. Helgoland, 1908, (201- 270;. 112 [Emeljanenko, P.] EsieabaHenKO, II. Eo;!^}!!! pLK'ri, 11 CnOCOOLI .It'Meiifl. [Die Krankheiten dtr Fitcbe und ibre Heilung.] ^urn. ObSc. Imb. konm. rast., St. Peterburg, 14, 1907, (22-3G, 103-117). 113 [Emeljanenko, P.] EMe.ibHHenKO, II. ^ c.ioBiH HepL'Cia puoi, bt, aKBapiyMt ii yxo^fc 3a puobeii MO.io;ibK). [Die Bedin- gungen des Laicbens der Fiscbe im Aquarium und die Pflege der Fisch brut.] '/.wm. ObSc. Hub. komn. rast. u. akvar., St. Peterburg, 15, 1908, (172-181). 114 _ [Emeljanenko, P.] EMeabHiienKO, II. iKiiBoiKi.unniH jiuGkh, \\\i, co;u'i);i;aiii(} II pa3uiio;Keiiie Bt aKBapiyMt. [Die lebendiggebarenden Fisrhe, ihre Pflege und Fortpfianzung im Aquarium.] Naturfreund, St. Peterburg, 3, lUlvS, (73-80). 115 _ [Emeljanenko, P.] EMcibHueiiKO, II. iKiiBopo,iHiuiH puOKii, HX1. co,iep:i:anie II pa3.Miio:i:eiiit; kj. aKBapivMh. IIpo,t. [Die lebendiggelarenden Fiscbe, ibre Pflege und Fortpfianzung im Aquarium. Forts.] Naturfreund, St. Peterbuig, 3, 1908, '. •514-350). 116 Ericsson, Bernb. Berattelse ofver Evois Fiskerifdrsoksstation och fiskeri- skolas verksamlict ar 1903. [Bericbt liber die Tatigkeit der Fiscliereiver- suclissiation unu der 1 iscberciscbule zu Evois im Jahre 1903]. Fisk. Tidskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 13, 1904, (105-116). 117 Ericsson, B. Berattelse ofver Evoi& fiskeriforsoksstations ocb fiskeriskolas verksambet ar 190-1. [Bericbt liber die Tatigkeit der Fischereiversuchsstation und der Fischereiscbule zu Evois im Jahre 1901]. Fisk. Tidskr. Finl.. Helsingfors, 14, 1905, (54-67). 118 Ericsson, B. Berattelse ofver Evois Fiskeriforsoksstations och fiskeriskolas verksambet under ar 1905. [Bericbt iiber die Tatigkeit der Fischereiver- suchsstation und der Fischerschule zu Evois im Jahre 1905]. Fisk. Tidskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 15, 1906, (77-93). 119 Ericsson, B. Berattelse ofver Evois. fiskeriforsoksstations och fiskeriskolas verksambet ar 1906. [Bericbt iiber die- Tatigkeit der Fischereiversuchsstation und der Fischereiscbule zu Evois im, Jahre 1906]. Fisk. Tidskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 16, 1907, (162-178). 120 E[ricsson], E[ernh.]. Sikens och giisens tillvaxt. [Der Zuwachs des Corccjonus lavarctiis und der Luc'wperca aaudra.] Fisk. Tidskr. linl., Helsing- fors, 14, 1905, (103). 121 Evans, W. The oar-fish, or king of the berjings, Bec^dlecus glesne (Ascan.i = 7?. baiihsii (Cuv. and Val.), on the coast of East Lothian. Ann. Scott. Kat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908 (150-154). 122r Evermann, Barton Warren. Descrip- tions of a new species of trout {Salmo neJsoni) and a new cyprinodout {Fun- dulua meehVj with notes on other fishes from Lower California. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 19U8, (19-30) pi. 123 Evermann, B. W. and Clark, H. Walton- Lake C'icott, Indiana, and notes on its flora and launa. Washington, I).C, Proc. Biol. See, 21, 1908, (213-218) map. 124 Evermann, B. W. and Kendall, William C Xotes on a pipefish from the mid-north Atlantic. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (207- 209), i>l. 125 Eycleshymer, Albert C. and Wilson, James ilerediih. The adhesive organs of Am'ia. [Willi bibliography.] Biol. Bull., Woods Holl. Mass., 14, 1908, (134- 148), pi. 126 9 Pisces. Tag'e, Louis, vlJe Bricn, Odon de. Faussek, V. A] 'tayoeK-b, B. A. ^a.ibntiiiiiiH aaiMiiaH m. Boiipooy o ;iBii:KeHiaxb yrpoaia. ^Bii;Ki'ui>i y- ri)03U y xapauxy.ia n CKO.ioiK'iiApu. ^Bir.KeHifl yrpoau y bo;uiijxi. ;i;iibot- HbiXb. [Beitnige zur I'la.ye der l»roli- bewegungen. I>ie Drohhewegiiiigen der Tarantel uud der Srolopeiuler. Droli- lieweguugen bei Wassertieren.] St. i'eterburLc, Trav. Soo. uat. Sect. zool.. 37, 1'. 190S, (53-85 + deutsch. lies. 8G-9S). Taf. iv. 127 Favaro, Guiseppe. Pisces (Fisclie). (H. G. Bronn's Klassen u. Ordnuiigen des Tier-Reichs, Bd 6. Abt. 1. lig i'3-28.) Leipzig (C. F. Winter), 1908, (337-438). Taf. 20 cm. 128 Federley, Harry, llonstriisa torskar. [iloiistrose Dorsche]. llelsiugfors. Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (08- 7-1). Deutsches Ref. : 205. 129 Fibich, Staiiislaw. Choroby ryb. Cigg dalszv. [Les maladies des poissons. Suite]. Okol. rvb., Krakow, 1907, (IGG- 18i). " 130 Fibich, S. Choroby ryb. [Les mala- dies des poissons]. Okol. ryb., Krakow, 1908, (9S-104, 274-285). 131 Fiebiger, Josef. Ein Karpfen mit fehlender Schwanzflosse. Oest. Fischerei- Ztg, Wien, 5, 1907, (83-85;. 132 Fiebiger, J. Jahresbericht iiber die Tatigkeit der Untersuchiingsstelle fiir Fisclikrankheiten an der Wiener tieriirzt- lichen Hochschule. Oest. FiscbereiZtg, Wien, 5, 1908, (151-153). 133 Forbes, Stephen Alfred and Richard- Bon, Robert Earl. The fishes of Illinois. [With a chapter on the topography and hydrography of Illinois by C. W. Rolfe.] [L'rbana, 111.] (State laboratory of natural historyj, [1908], (cxxxi + 357), pi. 27 cm. 134 Forbes, S. A. and Richardson, R. E. Maps showing distribution of Illinois fishes, to accompany a report on the fishes of Illinois. [Urbana, 111.] (State laboratory of natural history), 1908, (4, with maps). 26 cm. 135 Fowler, Henry W. A collection of fishes froni Victoria, Australia. Piiila- delphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 59, (1907j, 1908, (433-444J. 136 Fowler, H. W. Notes on lancelets and lampreys. Philadelpliia, Pa., Proc. Titles. 5400 Acad. Nat. Sti., 59, (1907), 1908, (461- 40(i). 13T Fowler, 11. W. Notes on sharks. Phihiilelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 60, 1908, (52-70). 13& Fowler, H. W. Gambusia in New Jersey. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (639). 139 Franz, V. Neuere Ergebnisse iiber Fischwanderungen in der Nord- uiid Ost.see. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leip- zig, 1. 1908, (243-256). 140 Franz, V. Unsere gegenwartigen Keniitnisse vom Lebenslauf des Aalea {Awjuilla vul'jaris Fleni.) und ihre okononiische Beileiitung. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (488-498). 141 Franz, V. und Stechow, E. Symbio^e zwischen einem Fisch und einem Hvdroidpolvpen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (752-754). 1*2 Fuchs, Fanny. Ueber die Entwick- lung des Vorde'rhirns bei niedern Verte- brateu. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 25, 1908, (547-610), 8 Taf. 14S Fusari, Romeo. Contributo alio studio- dei nervi cutanei e delle terminazioni nervose nella cute e nella nniccosa orale- deW Ammoaoetes branchialis. Torino, Atti Ace. sc, 42, (1906-7), 1907, (192- 200), 1 tav. 14*^ Fusari, R. Sulla terminazione dei nervi ueH'apparecchio branchiale e nel velo boccale deWAmmocoetes branchia- lis. Torino. Atti Ace. sc, 42, (1906-7). 1907, (493-503), 1 tav. 14& Garman, Samuel. New Plagiostomia and t'liismopnea. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. -Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 51, 1908, (249-256). 146- Gensoul, Joseph. Monographie des poissons de Saone-et-Loire. Autun, Bui. soc. sci. nat, 20, 1907, (153-247) 147 Gent^s, L. Developpement compare de la glande infundibulaire et des plexus choroid'js dorsaux chez la torpille. Paris, C. R. HOC. bioL, 64, 1908, (687- 639). 14& Gent^s, L. Sur le developpement des lobes inferieurs chez les Selaciens. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 64, 1908, (836- 838). 149 10 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] Gentes, L. Les lobes lateraux de rhypoph_vse de Torpedo marmorata Risso ; ileveloppement du sac infeiieur •de cette hvpopbvse. Paris, C. R. soc. Ijiol., 64, lyuS, (1072-1075). 150 (rentes, L. Developpement et evolu- tion de I'hypencephale et de Thypophyse de Torpedo marmorata Risso. Arca- chon, Trav. soc. sci. stat. zooL, 11, 1908, (1-64). 151 Giacomini, Ercole. Sulla gonogenesi uelle Aiiguille. Intorno aU'epoca del ■differenzianiento sessuale in qiiesti Mn- lenoidi. Sunto. Bologna, Rend. Ace. .sc, N. Ser., 12, fl907-8), 1908, (25-36). 152 Giacomini, E. Altre osservazioni intorno all'epoca del differeiiziamento sessuale nelle Anguille. Siiuto. Ho- logna. Rend. Ace. sc, N. Ser., 12, (1907-8), 1908, (170-171). 153 Giacomini, E. Sulla disposizione del sistenia interrenale e del sistema feo- cromo nelle Anguille adulte, nelle Cieche e nei Leptocefali. Sunto. Bo- logna, Rend. Ace. sc, Is. Ser., 12, (1007-8), 1908, (172-175). 154 Giacomini, E. II sistema interrenale e il sistema ciouiafFme (sistema feo- oromo) nelle Anguille adulte, nelle Cieche e nei Leptocefali. Bologna, Mem. Ace. sc, Ser. 6, 5, (1907-8), 1908, (407- 441), 2 tav. 155 Giacomini, E. Intorno alia gono- genesi delle Anguille e all'epoca del diilerenziamento sessuale in questi Murenoidi. Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 190,s, ^^9-67). 156 Gilchrist, J. D. F. & Thompson, W. Wardlaw. The Blenniidae of South Africa. Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric. -Mus., 5. 1908, (97-143). 157 Gilchrist, J. D. F. &. Thompson, W. W. Descriptions of fishes from the coast of Natal. Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric Mus., 5, 1908, (I45-20G). 158 Gill, Theodore N. Choerodon in placi; of Clioerops for a Inbroid genus of fishes. Washington. D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 35, 1!)()S, (155-150). 159 Gill, T. N. The story of the devil- fish. Washington, 1).C, Smitiisonian Inst., Misc. Collect., Q., 52, 1908, (155 180). 160 Gill, T. N. Recent discoveries in the historv of the common eel. Science, New York. X.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (845-846). 161 Goebel, G. vide Breitfuss, L. L. Goldsborough, Edmund Lee and Clark, H. Walton. Fishers of West Virginia. Washington, D.C., Dept. Comm. Lab., Bull. 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Culture of the Montana grayling. Washington, D.C., Dept. Comm. Lab., Bur. Fisli. Doc, No. 628, 1907, (1-7). 195 Hesse, Edniond. Sur le minimum d'eau necessaire pour iiu petit elevage de Salmonides a une temperature con- stante de 12^. Ann. Univ., Grenoble, 20, 1908, (325-330). 196 [Hintze, Alex.] Spanakariugen (Ido- thea eulomon) och torsken. [Idothca entomon und Gadus morrhua.] Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (44- 47). 197 [Hippius, K.] riiiiiii.vcT., K. Anapa aByuHTiiiicTaa h rciyOoiiflTHiiCTaH. lAcara bimaculata L. u. A. coeruUo punctata Steind ] Akvariuni, Moskva, 1908,(100-110). 198 Hoek, P. P. C. Aallarven, glasaaltjes en .Montees. [Aallarven in verschiedeneii Stadien und Montee.J Med. Yissch Helder, 15, 1908, (77-82). 199 Hoek, P. P. C. Het internationaal onderzoek der zee en de vangst van schol in de Noordzee. [Die inlernatiouale Meeresuntersuchung und der SclioUen- iang in der Nordsee.] Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1908, (168-175). 200 Hofer, Bruno. 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C. On a collection of fishes from Fiji, witli notes on certain Hawaiian fishes. Wasii- ington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (603 617). 230 Jordan, D. S. and Grinnell, Joseph. Description of a new species of trout {Sahno evermanni) from the upper Santa Ana river. Mount San Gorgonio, southern California. Washington, D.C, Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (31-32), pi. 231 Jordan, D. S. and Richardson, Pivjbert Earl. A review of the flat-heads, gur- nards, and other mail-cheeked fishes of the waters of Japan. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 33, 1908, (629-670). 232 Jordan, D. S. and Richardson, R. E. Fishes from islands of the Philippine archipelago. Washington, D.C, U Bt-ioM-h Mopt. [Le scombre macquereaudans la mer Blanche.] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908, (xlv). 267 Lafite-Dtipont. Recherches sur I'audi- tion des poissons. Paris, C. 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Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. No. XXX. 2. On an al)uormal Plaice with a precaudal fin-frill on the left side. 3. Ou Oi'tluiyoriseu'f mola Bl. Ann. iLiu. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (525- rj2f<\ 309 Meek, Seth Eugene. The zoology of lakes Amatitlan and Atitlan, Guate- mala, with special reference to ichthyo- logy. Chicago, 111., Field Columb. .Mus., Pub., Zool. Ser., 7, 1908, (1/ - l.jO = 206), pi. 310 ^Meissner, V.] Meiicnept, B. Cu- cTeMaTiiqubiii KaTa.iort noaBoiiOMHUxij iKUBOTiiuxT. 3oo.ioriiHL'CKaro Myaea IlMnepaTopcKaro KaaaHCKaro YHUBep- ciiTeia. MacTb I\'. Pisces. [Syste- matischer Katilog der Wirbelthiere des Zoologischen Museums der Kais. L'niversitat Kazani. Theil IV. Pisces.] Kazani, 1907, (59). 25 cm. 311 [Meissner, Valerian.] MefiCHep'i., Ba.iejiiaHi,. MaTepia,iu Kt cpasHii- TeabHoiiaiiaTOMiii xpameBuxt raiiouxi': 1. Il.ieieBoii noact Acipenserid''i>. l^Materialien zur vergleichendeu Anato- mie der Knorpelganoiden : 1. 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JJAvihhjopsis spelaeus de Kay, poisson aveugle des cavernes des Etats-Unis. Naturalists, Paris, 30, 1908, (91-93). 317 Montuori, A. vide Diamare, V. Naudin, Alfred. Acclimatation da barbeau dans le Sig (Oued Mekerba . Paris, Bui. soc. centr. aquicult., 19, 1907, (17G-182). 318 NemilofiF, Anton. Beobachtungen iiber die Nervenelemente bei Ganoiden und Knochenfischen. Teil I : Der Bau der Nerven/.ellen. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (1-46), 2 Taf. 319 Nemiloff, A. Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Bau des Nerveugewebes bei Ganoiden und Knocheufischen. Tl. II : Der Bau der Nervenfasern. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (575-606), 3 Taf. 320 Neumayer, L. Zur vergleichenden Auatomie des Geliirns und des Cavum cranii der Siluroiden. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, Ergb., 1908, (273-277). 321 Newman, H. H. A significant case of hermaphroditism in fish. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (207- 214j. 322 Newman, H. 11. The process of heredity as exhibited by the development of Fundidus hvbrids. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia, PV., 5, 1908, (503-562 . •with 5 pis. 323 Nichols, John Tread well. A small collection of Alaska fishes. Washington, D.C., Proc. BioL .Soc, 21, 1808, (171- 173). 324 Nichols, J. T. A note on the silver- side. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 190S, (731). 325 d3 18 Pi XV. Pisces. [1908] Nordgaaxd, 0. Trjek af fiskeriets utvikling i Xorge. I. iled. fig. i teksten. [Ziir Geschichte der Entwickelung der Fischerei inXorwegen. I.] Trondhjem, kgl. Vid. selsk. Skr., No. 1, 1908, (117). 326 Nordqvist, Harald. Zur Kenntnis der Kolbenzelleii der Scldeie (Tinea vul- garis Cuv.). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (525-528). 327 Nordqvist, H. Ueber die Kolben- zellen der ScHeie (Tinea vulgaris). NachtraEc. Zool. Auz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (783). 328 Nordqvist, Osc Laxens uppstigande i Finlaiids och norra Sveriges elfvar. [Das Aufsteigen der Laclise in die Flusse Fiiilands und Xord-Schwedens.] Fennia, Helsiiigfors, 22, No. 2, 1 y HjOBiiTLiX'i. puuh. Zur Anatomie der Epidermis uml ihrer Driiscn bei giftigen Fischen.] St. I'eterburg, 'I'rav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances, 38, I. 1907 []<)08J, (265- 280, deutsch. IJes. 280-282), 1 Taf. 348 Pellegrin, Jacques. Poissons rccneillis par M. le Dr. Wiirtz en Guinea fran- •jaise. Description de quatre especes 19 Pisces. TiTi.ns. 5400 n->uvelles. Bui. :Miisouni. Tari-. 1908, :i'Ol-:'o;i. 349 PellegTin, J. Mission permanente fian^aise en Indo-Chino. Poissons dii Tonkin. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, ^ tOil-oOol. 350 Pelleg^rin, J. Conseils pour la reoolte et la conservation des poissons en vue de I'etude scientitique. Paris, Bui. soc. zool.. 33, 1908, (16-21). 351 PellegTin, J. [Sur une race mon- struense de perches.] Paris, Bui. soc. zoo!.. 33, 1908, (;25-27-. 352 PellegTin, J. Description de denx poissons nouveaux de I'Amerique du 5Jud, de la famille des Loricariides. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (125- 127). 353 PellegTin, J. Mission du Bourg de Bozas. Poissons. Paris, Mem. soc. zool., 20, 1908, (419-434). 354 PellegTin, J. Instructions aux vova- geurs naturalistes pour la recolte et la conservation des poissons. Paris, Bui. soc. centr. aquicult., 19, 1907, (22o- 2301. 355 PellegTin, J. Poissons, in : Mission Chan- Lac Tchad, (1902-1004). Appen- dice. Paris (Challamel), 1908, (433- 455). 356 Petersen, Hans. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Baues und der Entwickelung des Selachierdarmes. Jenaische Zs. Natw., 43, 1908, (619-652), 3 Taf. 357 Petersen, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Baues und der Entwickelung des Selachierdarmes. Tl II. Jenaische Zs. Xatw., 44, 1908, (123-148), 3 Taf. 358 PMUppi, Erich. Fortpflanzungsge- schichte der viviparen Teleosteer Glari- dichthys janiiarius und CV. decem-maeu- latus in ihrem Einfluss auf Lebensweise, makroskopische und mikroskopische Anatomic. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat, 27, 1908, (1-94), 7 Taf. 359 PMIippi, E. Fortpflanzungsgeschichte zweier viviparer Cyprinodontiden. (Ein- leitung, Kapitel II und Zusammenfas- sung.) Di.>rs. Berlin (Druck v. M. Driesner), 1908, (49). 22 cm. 360 Picaglia, L. Note ittiologiche [sul- I'ittiofauna del ModeneseJ. Modena, Atti Soc. nat. mat., (Ser. IV), 8, (Anno 39, 1906;, 1907, (55-58). 361 (N-10332 h) Pietruvalle, Nicohi. rontribuzione alio studio dcllo specie ?uro]iee del gen. Squnlins Bonap. Koiun, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 9, 1908, (22.3-243, 328 334). 362 Pietschmann, Victor. Zur Unte.r- scheidiuig der beiden euvopiiischen Mu- stchisArten. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (159-164). 363 Pietschmann, V. Jnpanische Plagio- stonien. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 117, 1908,(637-710). 2 Taf. 364 Pietsclimann, V. Der gegenwartige Stand unserer Keuntnisse in der Aal- frage. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 57, 1907, (261-264). 365 Pighini, Glacomo. Sur la structure des cellules nerveuses ilu lobe electrique et des terminaisons nerveuses dans I'or- gane electrique du 'I'orpedo ocellata. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1UU8, (489-498). 366 Pintner, Theodor. Die Aalfragc. Wien, Sclir. Ver. Veibr. Natw. Kenntn., 48, (1907-1908), 1908, (117-143). 367 Pixell, Helen L. II. On the morpho- logy and physiology of the appendix digitiformis in Elasuiobj-anchs. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (174-187). 368 Plate, L. Afocjon'uldliijs stromhi r. sp., ein synibiotisoh lebender Fisch von den Bahamas. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (393-399). 36» Pope, Thomas E. B. Devils lake, North Dakota : A study of physical and biological conditions, with a view to the acclimatization of fish. Washington, D.C., Dept. Comm. Lab., Bur. Fish. Doc, No. 634, 1908, (1-2-2), pi., map. 370- Popta, C. M. L. Zur systematischen Stellung von Tetrafjo^ioytcms lonfjipinnis Popta. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (763-764). 371 Portier. Temperature de Vertebres marins, en particulier des poissons du groupe des Thons. Paris, C. R. soc. hiol., 64, 1908, (400-402). 372 [Pozniakov, A.] no3HaKOBT>, A. y.ioB'b cKyMojiiii y (JeperoBt 0;ieccbi B-b 3aBHCHM0CTH OT'I. (|lH3HK0-XHMH- HeCKHX'b ycJiOBiH Mopa. [Leber die Ausbeute an gemeinen .\Iakrelen an den Kiisten bei Odessa in Abhiingigkeit von den chemisch-physikaliricLen Bedingun- gen des Meeres.l Vest. rybopromySl., St. Peterburg, 23," 1008, (4-9). 373 d3-2 20 Pisce^t. XV. Pisces. [1908] Priem, F. Sur les otolithes des pois- sous eocenes du bassin parisien. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, 190G, [19071, (265-280). 374 Priem, F. Sur les poissons fossiles du Stampien du bassin parisien. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 6, 1907, (195- 205). ' 375 Priem, F. Sur des vertebres de rfiocene d'Egypte et de Tunisia. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 7, 1907, [190,=;], (413-419). 376 Priem, F. Ltude sur le genre Lepi- dotus. Ann. naleont., Paris, 3, 190S, (1-19). " 377 Priem, M. F. Sur des vertebres de I'Eoceue d'Epr\-pte. Cairo, Bull. Inst. Egypt., 2, 1908, (1-3). 378 Prince, E. E. The eggs and early life-history of the Herring, Gaspereau, Shad and other Clupeoids. Ottawa, Rep. Fish. Dep. Mar. Can., 39, 1902- 1905, 1907, (95-110), pis. viii-x. 379 PycMau, Waldemar. Untersuchuugen an den Brustflossen einiger Teleostier. Jenaische Zs. Natw., 43, 1908, (692- 728), 3 Taf. 380 Redeke, H. C. Een nieuwe visch voor de Zuiderzee-fauna. [Ein neuer J'isch i'iir die Fauna der Zuiderzee.] Meded. Vissch., Helder, 15, 1908, (57- 59). 381 Redeke, H. C. und Breemen, P. J. van. Die Verbreitung der plaiiktoni- schen Eier und Larven einiger Nutz- fische in der siidlichen Nordsee rait einem Anhang iiber die Jungfische der Gadiden. Ilekler, Verb. Onderz. Zee, 2, 2, 1908, (1-38 + XV, 4 Taf.) 382 Regan, C. T. Report on the marine fishes collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner in the Indian Ocean. London, Trans. Linn. Soc, 12, 1908, (217-255), pis. xxiii-xxxii). 383 Regan, C. T. I)escri])tions of new Loricariid li.^hea from Soutli America. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, 1908, (795-800), pis. xlvii-xlix. 384 Regan, C. T. The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia. — viii. A collection of freshwater fishes from Corea. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (59-63), pis. ii-iii. 385 Regan, C. T. Exhil)ition of, and remarks upon, an Australian Cat-fish {C)iidoglanis megaf^toma). London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (345-346). 386 Regan, C. T. A revision of the sharks of the family Orectolohidae. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (347- 364), pis. xi-xiii. 387 Regan, C. T. Descriptions of three new freshwater fishes from China. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908. (109-111;, pi. iv. 388 Regan, C. T. Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from China and Japan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (149-153). 389 Regan, C. T. Descriptions of four new freshwater fisbes from British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (153-156). 390 Regan, C. T. Description of a new Cichlid fish of the genus Heterogramma from Demerara. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Loudon, 1, 1908, (370-371). 391 Regan, C. T. Description of a new fish of the genus Galaxias from Chile. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (372). - 392 Regan, C. T. A synopsis of the sbarks of the family Scijliorhinidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (453-4fi5j. 393 Regan, C. T. A synopsis of the sharks of the family Ccslnicioutiddc. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (493-497). 394 Regan, C. T. A synopsis of the sharks of the family Squnlidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (39- 57). 395 Regan, C. T. The hybrid between the Bream and the Rudd (Ahramis brama x Ijp.uaiscus erijl liroptlialniuii). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (162-165), pis. vii-viii. 396 Regan, C. T. Description of a new fish of the genus Cichlosoma from Tampico, with notes on some other fishes from Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, inOS, (222-223). 397 Regan, C T. A preliminary revision of tiic Irish Char. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908. (225-234). 398 Regan, C. T. Descriptions of three new Cyprinoid fishes from Yunnan col- I'l Pisces. Tni.Ks 5100 leoted by Mr. John Grnliani. Ann. ifag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (."'.0-357). 399 Regan, C. T. Description of a new I.oricariid fish of the genus PIccofnto-San Joafjuin basin with a study of theii- distribution and variation. Wasiiington, D.C., Dept. (Jonnn. Lab., Bull. l'.ur. Fish., 27, (1907), 1908, (103- 152), map. 431 Rsmberk, G. van. Di unadispnsizione partic'.hire nello scheliHro cutaneo di alcuni Sclaci. Roma, Rend. Ace. Liucei, Ser. 5, 17, 1908, 1' sem., (I37-14G). 432 Rynberk, G. van. Di una disposizione part ici Lin' nello sclieletro cutaueo di alcuui Seluci fRaspa caudale]. Ri\' mens, pesca, ililauo, 10, 1908, (50-58). '33 Rynberk, G. van. Sur une disposition particuliere dans le squelette cutane de quelques selacieus. Arch. Italiennes Biol., 49, 2, 1908, (1-12). 434 Saemundsson, Bjarni. Fiskirannvak- nir 1907. [Ichthvological researches 1907.1 Revkja\ ik, 'Aiidvari, 33, 1908, (116-150).' 435 Saemundsson, B. Zoologiske Med- delelser fra Island. X 5 Fiske nye for Island og Bemterkninger om andre tid- ligere kendte. [Fishes new to the Fauna of Iceland.] Kobenhavn, Nath. Medd., 1907, 1908, (19-39). 1 pl. 436 Salomon, Karl. Zur Altersbestim- muug des lluchens. Oest. FischereiZtg. Wien, 5, 1908, (2G5-2G6). 437 Sandman, J. Alb. Yarlekande sik. [Ini Frtihling laichender Coregonus lava- retus]. J'isk. Tidskr. Finl. Helsingfors, 13, 1904, (150). 438 Sandman, J. A. Fangst af sallsyn- tare iiskarter. [Belone vulgaris und Alosd finta in Finland gef a ngen]. Fisk. Tidskr. Finl. Helsingfors, 14, 1905, (38). 439 Sandman, J. A. Nya resultat af fisk- odiingsiorsokeu vid Evois fiskeriforsoks- station. [Neue Ergebnisse der Fisch- kulturversuche an der Fischersiversuchs- station Evois]. I'isk. Tidskr. Finl. Hel- singfors, 14, 1905, ((57-71). 440 Sandman, J. A. Fangst af sallsyntare fiskart. [Olios cimbrius L. ini Finni- schen Jleerbusen]. Fisk. Tidskr. FiuL, Helsingfors, 14, 1905, (160). 441 Sandman, J. A. Rom och mjolkehos en oc'li sanuua lisk. [Hermaphrodites Exemplar von Clupca harengns L. var. memhras L.] Fisk. Tid'^kr. Finl., Hel- singfors, 15, 1906, (126-127). 442 Sandman, .1. A. MakriU i finska vatten. iScomher scombriis L. in lin- Itindischen Gewassern]. Fisk. 'i'idskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 15, 1900, (127). 443 Sandman, J. A. 1 Danraark miirkt las. infangad i Finland. [In Diinemark mit Marke versehener Lachs in Finland gefangen.] Fisk. Tidskr. Finl., Helsing- fors, 15, 1906, (200-208). 444 Sandman, J. A. Storar fangad 1 I'iiiska viken. [Acipeiiscr sturio L. ini I'innischen Mcerbusen gc^fangen]. Fisk. '{"idskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 15, 1906, (231-235). 445 !?3 Pigce^. Titles. 5400 Sandman, J. A. 1 FinUmd luiirUt lax ator fiiiiLcad vid tyska Ostersjokusten. [In Finland niarkierter Laclis an der deutscheu Oslseekiitste \viedoi>jefaugen]. Fisk. Tidskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 16, I'JOT, l.'.S-l.V.Vi. 446 Sandman, J. A. Ihirulaxeu tillviixer. [Gber den Zuwaohs iles l.achscs]. Fisk. Tidskr. Fiul , Helsin^fors, 16, 1907, (248). ^ 447 Sandman, J. A. [Makrill fangad i FiulaudJ. [Scomber scomhrus in Fin- land gefangen]. Fisk. 'J'idskr. Fiid., Helsingfors, 17, 1908, (182). 448 Sandman, J . A. Forskens storlek i finska vatten. [Die Orosse des Dorsohes in finlandischen liewiissern]. Tidskr. Jag. Fisk. Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (119). 449 [Sandman, J. A.] Lohenvaelluksia. [Die Wanderungen der Laciise]. Luon- non Ystiivii, Helsingfors, 11, 1907, (13-U). 450 Scliatz, G. Poissons de la Ilorne aux environs de Bitche, observes de 1855 a 1888. Metz, Bull. soc. hist, nat., II. 25, 190S, ; 79-81). 451 Schmidt, Johs. On the post-larval stages of the John Dory (Zeus Jaher L.)' and some other Acanthopterygian fishes [Vapros aper, Lacep., AgonuH decagoiius, Bloch, Schneider., Agonus cataphractna, L.]. (English) Kobenhavn, Medd. Havunders., (Ssrie Fiskeri), 2, Xr. 9, 1908, (12), 1 PL 34x27. 452 Schmincke, Alexander. Die Rege- neration der qaergestreiften Muskel fasern Ijei den Wirbellieren. Eine vergleichende pathologist-h-anatomische Studie. I. Ichthvopsiden. Wiirzburg, Verh. phvsik. Ges., N.F., 39, 1907, (15- 130). 2 Taf. 453 [Schnee, S.] Illiiee, C. Bio.ioni- HecKOe 3iiaHeiiie fJ.iecKa puobefi nemyH. [Die biologist-lie Bedeutung des Glanzes der Fischschnppcn.] ^^atiirfreund, St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (:<08-313). 454 Schnee. Vorlaufige Mitteilungen iiber eine beobachtete \'ergiftung durch den F'euerfisch (Pterois). Arch. Schiffsiiyg., Leipzig, 12. 1908, (166-lG7j. [543l]. 455 Schneider, Guido. Der Obersee bei Reval. Geogr. Fciren. Tidskr., Helsing- fors, 17, 1905, (193-200), Karte ; Medd. Geogr. Foren. Finl., Helsingfors, 7, 1906, (l-8j, Karte. 456 Schneider, G. Zur Beleuchtung der Laclisfrage. Bait. Wochenschr., Jurjev, 1908, (21)5-20(5). 457 Schneider, G. Farbenvariationeu des Flnssbarsches {Perca tlnvlatilis). Riga, Korr.-blt. Naturf. Ver., 51, 1908, (11- 40). 458 Schreiner, A. uiul Schreiner, K. l]. Zur Spennienliildung der Myxiuoiden (Ueber die Entwiiklung der miinn- licheu Geschleclitszellen vna Myxine qlidinosa L. III). Arch. Zellforschs, Leipzig, 1, 1908, (152-231, 6 Taf.). 459 Schreiner, K. E. vide Schreiner, A. Scale, Alvin. Report of a mission to Guam. [Part 2. — Fishes.] Honolulu, H. I., Occ. Paprs., Bernice Pauahi Bisliop Mus., 1, No. 3, 1901, (17-128). 460 Scale, A. New Hawaiian fishes. Honolulu, H. I., Occ. Paprs., Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus., 1, No. 4, 1901, fl- 15). 461 Seligo, A. Hydrobiologische Unter- suchungen. IV. Das Wachstum der kleineu Marene [!]. Danzig, Mitt. Fischereiver., 20, 1908, (20-51, luit 2 Taf.). 462 [Seliuzko.] IlIe;ibio;KKO. CoMOBbia pfjou H iix'i co;tep;KaiiieB'b aKBapiyM-fe. [Die Weise und ilir Verhalten im Aquarium.] Zuru. Ob§c. Itub. komu. rast., St. Peterburg, 15, 1908, (69 78, 104-119, 162-171). '^ 463 Semon, Richard. Beobaclitungen iiber den australischen LungenGsch im Freilebeii und in der Gefaiigenschaft. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (245-250). 464 Simpson, Sutherland. 'Phe body- temperature of fishes and other marine animals. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Soc, 28, 1908, (f;G-84). 465 Smallwood, W. M. Notes on the atropliy of the eye of li'aja er'macea. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (930-931). 466 [Smirnov, N.] Cmhuiiob'],, H. Ot- Herb 0 A-isHTeabHOcTH Maiinmi.iaKCKOH CTaFiniu Kaciiiiicicoii aKCiiejtHniH. [Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit der Mangy- schlak-Station der Kaspischen Expedi- tion.] Arb. Kasp. Exp., St. Peterburg, J, 1907, (200-214). 467 Smith, Bertram G. The spawning habits of Chrusomus cnjthrogaster 24 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] Rafinesque. Biol. Pull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15, 1908, (9-18). 468 Smith, Grafton Elliot. The cerebral cortex in Lepidoairen, with comparative notes on the interpretation of certain features of the forebrain in other verte- brates. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (513-540). 469 Snyder, John Otterbein. Description of Pmitosteus aanta-anae, a new species of fish from the Santa Ana river, Cali- fornia. Washinf^ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, (33-34). 470 Snyder, J. 0. Descriptions of eighteen new species and two new genera of fishes from Japan and the Eiu Kiu islands. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst, U. S. Nation, itfus., Proc, 35, 1908, (93-111). 471 Snyder, J. 0. Notes on two rare California fishes, Uimicola eigenmanni and Pla. 491 Strodtmann, S. Eier nnd Larven der im Winter laichenden Fische der Nordsee. I. Einleitung nnd Ueber- sicht iiber die Fahrten nebst Fan.i;;- tabellen. Wiss. Meeresnnters., Kiel, (N. F.), 8, Abt. Helgoland, 1908, (177- 189111 Tab. 492 Sumner, Francis B. Further studies of the physical and chemical relations between fishes and their surrounding medium. Amer. J. Phvsiol., Boston, Mass., 19, 1907, (61-96). ' 493 Suomalainen, E. W. [Punainen ahven Espoosta]. [liote Form von Pcrca iluriatilis aus Esleo]. Helsingfors, Aledd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (33 ; deutsches Refrate 205). 494 Suomalainen, E. W. Alcn i norra Savolaks vattendrag. [Der Aal in den Gewassem von Nord-Savolaks]. Hel- singfors, Fisk. Tidskr. Finl., 17, 1908, (31-33); Luonnen Ystava, Helsingfors, 12, 1908, (17-18). 495 Suplno, Felice. Morfologia del cranio e note sistematiche e biologiche sulle famiglie TracJiinidae e Pediculati. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 47, fasc. 1-2, 1908, (100-116). 496 Supino, F. Tiosi detti Pesci antl- malarici. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 47, fasc. 1-2, 1908, (117-120). 497 Supino, F. Osservazioni sul numero dei nervi occipitospinali dei Teleostei. Roma, Ric. Lab. anat. norm., 13, fasc. 16 2,1907,(61-64). 498 Supino, F. Note biologiche sugli agoni (Alosa finta var. laciistris). Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1908, (218- 221). 499 'Suvorov, E. K.] CyBopoB-b, E. K. • 'TK),iLi no HsyMeniio KacniflcKHx-b ce-ibjeii. i. PacLi, pa3noBn;inocTH h Bnj^ ce.ib;iefi. [Studien zur Erforschung der Kaspiharinge. i. Rassen, Abarten und Arten.] Arli. Kasp. Exp. St. Poter- l)urg, 1, 1907, (139-196, deutsch. IN's. 197 199). 500 Szilady, Zoltan. . A hahik betegsegei. [Pie ivrankhelten der Fische.] Termt. KO/l., Budapest, 40, 1908, (21-36, 99- 108). 501 Tanaka, Sliigeho. Notes on some Japanese fishes, with descriptions of fourteen new species. Tokj'o, J. Coll. Sci., 23, Art. 7, 1908, (1-54) 4 pis. 502 Tanaka, S. Notes on some rare fishes of Japan, with descriptions of two new genera and six new species. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 23, Art. 13, 1908, (1-24,) 2 pis. 503 Tanaka, S. Notes on a collection of fislies made by Prof. Ijima in the soutliern parts of Sakhalin. Annot. Zool. Ja])., Tokyo, 6, 1908, (235-254) pi. 504 Tanaka, S. Ijima PTakuslii saishu Nanl)u Karafuto no gyorui ni tsuite. [On a collection of fishes made by Prof. Ijima in the southern parts of Sakhalin.] Dobuts. Z., Tokyo, 20, li)08, (33-47) p\. [Abstract in Japanese of S. Tanaka, " Notes on a collection of fishes made bvProf. Ijima in the southern parts of Sakhalin " in Annot. Zool. Jap., 6, 1908, (235-254) pi. 505 Temi, C. Esoftalmia epizootica in avannotti di Salmo favio L. Ri\'. mens. Pesca, Milano 10, 1908, (1-3). 506 Temi, C. Studio batteriologico sugli inquinamenti industrial! delle acque publ)liche nei raj^porti coU' acquicultnra e coU'igiene rurale. Riv. mens. Pesca, Milano, 10, 1908, (76-87, 93-105). 507 Thilo, Otto. Die Entwicklung der Schwimmblase l)ei den Karjifcn. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (589-597). 508 Thilo, 0. Die Bedeutung der Weber- schen Knochelchen. Zool. Anz., Leip- zig, 32, 1908, (777-789). 509 Thilo, 0. Die Augen der Schollen. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 28, 1908, (602-608). 510 Thilo, 0. Luftdnickmesser an den Schwiramblasen der Fische. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (791- 820). 7 Taf. 511 Thompson, \V. \V. ride Gilchrist, J. D. Tito de Caraffa. Essai sur les poissons des cotes de la Corse. Nomenclature descriptive des poissons observes sur la 26 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] cote orieutale de Corse, precedee d'une preface de M. Louis Roule. Bastia, Bui. soc. sci. hist, uat., 22, 1902, (i-vii, 1-225) pi. 512 Tokuhisa, Miivusa. Tamagawa san ayu icliibi no shokakikwan yori etaru keiso no ichibu. [Exaiiiinatiou of some diatoms found in the digestive organ of a smelt (Plecoglossus altindis) from the Tama River.] Tokyo, Suisan Koshyujo Sliiken Hokoku [Report of the Fisheries Institute], 4, 1908, (Jap., 57-77 ; Enc]., 13-30 ;) 2 pis. 513 Tornier, Gustav. Vorliiufiges iiber das Entstehen der Goldtischrasseu. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freuade, 1908, (40-45). 514 Tornier, G. Ueber experimentelles Hervorrufen und Natureiitstehu voa Mopskopfen, Cyclopen und anderen vorgebiirtlichen Kopfverbildungen bei Wirbeltieren. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freuiide, 1908, (298-315). 515 Tower, II. W. The production of sound in the drumfishes, the sea-robin, and the toadiish. [With bibliugraphv.] New York, N.Y., Ann. Acad. iSci., iS, 1908, (149-180,) pi. 516 Tower, Walter Sheldon. The passing of the sturgeon : A case of the un- paralleled extermination of a R]jecies. Top. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 73, 1908, (361-371). 517 Treschow, Alfred von. Mikrosko- pische Untersuchungen und Lujdanken iiber Natur und Entstehung des Schaum- iiestes der Osphromeniden. Bl. Acpia- rienkuiide, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (645- €47,666-667). ' 518 TretjakoflF, D. Die Entstehung der iiussereti Ampulle. Anat. An/.., Jena, 32,1908,(165-174). 5415. 519 Tretjakoff, I). Die peripherische und y.eulralc I'ludigung des Gehornerven liei Ammucueics und PcLromyzon Jluviatilia. Folia neuro-biol., Leipzig, 1, 1907, (14- 29) 1 Taf. 520 Trois, Enrico Filippo. Sopra un esemjjlare di AuguUla coa spiccato inetac^rotnatismo. Veiiezia, Atti 1st. ven.. 67, (Ser. 8, 10), 1907-08, (05-66). 521 Trois, E. F. Nota sopra una forma di metacromatismo osservata in un esemp^are di PleuroncctcH iUdlcns Giiulh. preso nella laguua di Vcuczia. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 67, (Ser. 8, 10), 1907-08, (221-222). 522 Trois, E. F. Ricerche sui Trachini ehe frequentano la spiaggia del Lido di Venezia e specialmente sul Trachinus vl'pera. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 67, (Ser. 8, 10), (1907-08, 1349-1357). 523 Vaillant, Leon. Sur un individu monstrueux uycteridoide du Raja clavatn Liniie. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908,(112-113). 524 Vaillant, L. Tchtyologie de I'Afrique centrale, ni : Resultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa. Paris (Impr. nationale), 1908, (559- 568). 525 Vayssiere, A. Note sur uu Traehy- ■ptevus iris trouve nioit a I'entree du port de Carry-le-llonet (Bouches-du- Rhoue). Paris, 0. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (780). 526 Vosseler, J. Fische als Moskito- Vertllo-er. Pflanzer, Tanga, 4, 1908. (118-127). ■■ 527 Wallenger, W. A. Curious behaviour of mahseer [Barrus tor). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, No. 3. 1908, (690). 528 Weber, M. Siisswasserfische von Neu-Guiaea, eia Beitrag zur Frage nach deal friiheren Zusamuienhaag von Neu- Guinea und Australien. Nova Guinea. Resultats de I'expedition scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle Guinea en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann, chef de I'expedition. Leiden (E. J. Brill), 5, Zoologie, Livr. 2, 1908. (201-267) 3 Taf. 31 cm. 529 Werner, i'"i;uiz. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Treitl unternouimenen zoologischen For- schuagsreise Dr. F. Werner's nach dem agyj)tischen Sudan und Nord-Uganda. V. Beilriige zur Keaatais der Fisch- fauaa des Nils. Wiea, SilzBer. Ak. Wiss., 115, Abt. L, 1900, (1097-1158) 4 Taf. 530 Werner, F. Ein Jngendstadium des Schlaaanbeissers {IJiMiurnun fosiiiH»). Wiea, iMitt. Natw. Ver." Univ., 6, 1908, (32). 531 Werner, F. [Hie zoologische Reise des Naturwisseaschaftlichen Vereines nach Dalaiiitien iui April 1906. B. Spezicller Tcil Bearbeitaug des gcsaanaellea .Maleriales.] 3. Fische. 27 Pisces. Gener.vl. 5403 Wieu, Mitt. Natw. I'luv., 6, VMS, (43- •14). 532 Widakowich, Viotur. Wie gelaiigt das Ki iltM- riagiostomen in den Eileiler? Eiii Beiirag zur Kenntnis des Veiien- svstems von Seijllium canicnla. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 91, 190S, (C-iO- f.oS^ 1 Taf. 533 Wigg, T. J. Notes on the Herring fislierv of 1907. Norwich, Traus. Nat. i^oc, 8, 1908, (599-003). 534 Wilder, Burt (1. The braiu of Ehinocliiniaera. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 47, 1908, (37-38). 535 Wilson, James Meredith v. Ejcles- hvoier, Albert C. Wintrebert, P. Sur la premiere circulation veineuse dii C'yprin dore (Carassius aiiratua L.). Paris, C. H. Acad, sci., 147. 1908, (85-87). 536 Wollebsek, Alf. Omplantning a£ Rodspietter. [Verpflanzung von Clold- butten."i Bergen, Norsk Fisket. 27, 1908, (2o4-i'5G). 537 Woodland, W. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, preparations of a new gland in certain Teieostean fishes. Loudon, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (431- 433). 538 Woodward, A. S. On some fossil fishes discovered by Prof. Ennes de Souza in the Cretaceous formation of Ilheos (State of Bahia) Brazil. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (358-3G2). 539 Wright, R. Ramsay. The plankton of Eastern Nova Scotia waters. An account of floating organisms upon which young food-fishes maiulv subsist. Ottawa, Rep. Fish. Dep. Mar.' Can., 39, 1902-1905, 1907, a-20). 540 Wimderer, Hans. Leber Terminal- korperchen der Anamnien. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1808, (504-569) 2 Taf. 541 Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst. Die pliylo- genetische Entstehung des Kopfes der Wirbeltiere. Vortrag . . . Jenaische Zs. Natw., 43, 1908, (653-684) 1 Taf. 542 Ziegler, H. E. Ein Embryo von Chlamydoselaehus anqutneun (iarm. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (561-574). 543 Ziegler, H. E. Die sog. Hornfiiden der Selachier und die Flossenstrahleu diM- ICnochenfische. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33. 1908, (721-727). 544 ! Zolotnickij , N.] l3o.ioTinin,Kifi, H. ^U'TM[>i'\:!yi'>yiJ [Tetrodoi) u iiaaiio- Aciiiji iia;i,i. iixb ;Kn3iiaio bi, aivuapiyMt.. [Die Fahaka [Tetrodon) nnd ihr LcIkmi im Aquarium.] Akvarium, Moskva, 1908, 2. (59 (",7, 99-106). 545 Zur Miihlen, Max von. Der Pei])us luul die Peipusmariine. AUg. Fisclie- reiztg, Mtinchen, 33, 1908, (41-44). 546 Zur Miihlen, M. von. Die Fisclierei im S])aukan"schen See. Bait. Wochen- schr., Juijev, 1908, (219-221). 547 Zur MUhlen, M. von. Die Bewirt- schaftung unserer Binnengewasser. Bait. Wochenschr., Jurjev, 1908, (251- 256). 548 n._SUBJECT INDEX. 5403 to 5427 GEN'ERAL WORKS, ECONOMICS Etc. 5403 Pisces fiir 1897 ; Eckstein, 109. Pisces fur 180S, 1899. Jahres- berichte ; Strand, 491. Pisces fiir 1900, 1901. Jahres- berichte ; Eckstein, Pisces (H. (-T. Broun's Klassen u. Onlimugeu des Tier-Reichs) ; Favaro, 128. Katalog der Sammelungen der Uui- versitiit Kazon. Pisces, (Russ.) ; Meiss- ner, 311. Conseils pour la recolte et la conserva- tion des poissons en vue de I'etude scientlGque ; Pellegrin, 351. Instructions aux voyageurs naturalistes pour la recolte et la conservation des poissons ; Pellegrin, 355. Anleituug zutn Sainmeln und ^ er- senden von Fischen. (liuss.j ; Berg, 40. Halter zuni StU'lium lebender Fische. (Russ.) ; Belousov, 34. Bericht iiber die statistischen Arbeiten und sonstigen Untersiichungen des Deutschea Seelischerei-Vereius nach internationalen Vereinbarungen; Hen- king, 193. 28 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] Bericht iiber die Untersuchimgen der biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland zur ]Saturgeschichte der Nutzfische ; Heincke, 188. North Sea fisheries inA'estigations ; Browne, 69. Ueber SchoUen und SchoUenfischerei in der siidostlichen Nordsee. Nach deutschen Untersuchungen ; Heincke, und HenMng, 189. Fishing voyage to the Barents Sea ; Atkinson, 16. Herring Fishery of 1907 ; Wigg, 534. Fangmethoden und Gerathe. Buciit von Odessa. (Russ.) ; Kiselevic, 246. Die Fischerei-Verhaltnisse der Pro- vinz Brandenburg zu Anfang des 20. Jalirhunderts nebst Fischereikarte in 8 Blattern ira Auftr. d. Fischerei-Vereins bearb. Tl II. Die Gewasser der Provinz. Brandenburg in alphabetischer Keihe und deren fischereilichen Ver- hiiltuisse ; Eckstein, 110. Der Schaalsee und seine fischerei- ■wirtschaftliche Nutzung ; Droscher, 102. Zur Geschichte der Entwickelung der Fischerei in Norwegen. I. (Norw.) ; Nordgaard, 326. Fischerei-Verhaltnisse im Fcdefionl (Norwegen). (Norw.) ; Larsson-Fede, 271. Fischerei-Versuche an der norwegi- sfhon Kiiste von Skagerak (Norw.) ; DaM, 92. Fischerei-Versuche an der Kiiste des nordlichen Norwegens (Norw.) ; Iversen, 213. Fisclizuclit in Danemark. (Norw.) ; Bodahl, 44. Aalfischereiversuche und Aalunter- suchungen in Siid-Finlaud. (Schwe- disch) ; Nordqvist, 331. Eel fry, reports on ; Holt, 203. La rt'glementation di- hi prclic do ranguille; Del P^r^ de Cardaillac de Saint Paul, 97. Le regime biologique et la peche de I'Esturgoon (Aciperificr Kfurin \,.), dans le midi de la France ; Roule, 426. Les pecheries des cotes du Senegal ; Gruvel, 175. Experiment in the keeping of Salmon at the Plvmouth Laboratory ; Crawshay,. 88. La Stazione zoologica di Napoli e gli studi sul pesce novello ; Mazzarelli, 303. Bericht tiber die Tatigkeit der Fische- reiversuchsstation und der Fischerei- schule zu Evois im Jahre 190& (Schwedisch) ; Ericsson, 121. La piscifacture du turbot an labora- toire maritime du Museum (Saint-Vaast- la-Hougue) ; Anthony, 10. Le laboratoire martime du Museum d'Histoire naturelle (Saiut-Vaast-la- Hougue) pendant I'annee 1907 ; Anthony, 9. Description des bassins d'alevinage intensif employes a la station de piscicul- ture et d'hydrobiologie de I'Universite de Toulouse ; Roule et Audige, 428. Jahresbericht iiber die Tatigkeit der Untersuchungsstelle fiir Fischkrank- heiten an der Wiener tierarztlichen Hochschule ; Fiebiger, 133. Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit der Mangyschlak-Station der Kaspischen Ex- pedition. (Russ.); Smirnov, 467. Les maladies des poissous ; Fibich, (Polonais), 130. Krankheiten der Fische in der Gefan- genschaft. (Russ.); Emeljanenko, 113. Uelier Siiurebildung in Gewiissern inid deren Beziehung zum Auftreten von Fischkrankheiten ; Knauthe, 251. STRUCTURE. 5407 General Anatomy. Tiefsee-Fische. 2. Anatomischer Tl. ; Brauer, 61. Ichthyotomical contributions. T. The structure of the .genera AjiiphisiJe and Centriscus ; Jimgersen, 237. Guide for the dissection of the dog- fish (Aca7if7i(as); Kingsley, 245. Tegumentary system. Histologic der Ejiidermis und der epidennalen Giftdriiseii, 'I'nirliimis. Scorpaciia, Ti'ijgon ; Pawlowsky, 348. Scales of fisli, living and extinct; Goodrich, 164. I'O Pisces. Stuucture. 5407 Dispt^sizione particolare nello sclieleti-o cutaiieo ili ali'uai Selixci [^vaspa caiidale); Rynberk, 432. Le squelette cutane et la rape oaudale de qiielques ifelaciens ; Rynberk, 434. Raspa caiidale cutanea di alcuui Selaci ; Rynberk, 433. Ueber die Kollienzellen diM- Schlele (Tinea vtdgaris) ; Nordqvist, 328. Cber die biologische Bedeutiing des silberueu Scliimmers der Fi:>che. (Uu- garisch) ; Abonjfl, 1. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Xervenelemente bei Ganoiden und Knochenfischen. Teil I : Her Baa der Nerveuzellea ; Nemilofif, 319. Einige Beobachtuugeii iiber den Ban des Nervengewebes bei Ganoiden imd Knochenfischen. Tl. II: Der Ban der Nervenfasern ; Nemilofif, 320. Sistema nervoso ceiitrale dei Verte- brati. Vol. I : Ciclostomi ; Stenzi, 485. Zur vergleicheuden Anatomie des Gehirns und di^-; Cavnm cranii der ?5iIuroideu ; Neumayer, 321. The brain of niiinoclilmacra ; Wilder, 535. T.es lobes lateraux de I'hypopliyse de Torpedo marmorata Risso ; Gentes, 150. The cerebral cortex in Lepidosiren ; Smith, 469. Sur la structure des cellules du lobe electrique, et des terminaisons nerveuses dans i'organe electrique du Torpedo ocellata ; PigMni, 366. Intifni rapporti tra nevroglio e cellule e fibre nervose in lobi elettrici di 2'or- Ijcdo; Paladino, 341. The ventricular fibres of the brain of Myxinoids ; Ayres, 19. Osservazioni sul numero dei nervi occipitospinali dei Teleostei ; Supine, 498. Nervi e terniinazioni nervose nella cute e nella muccosa orale deW Ammo- coetea ; Fuaari, 144. Ueber Terminalkorperchen der Anamnien ; Wunderer, 541. Studien iiber dif Ilautsinnesorgane der Fische; Hofer, 201. Sense organs of deep-sea fishes ; Brauer, 61. Beltrage zur Kenntnis des Knochen- fischauges niit besonderer Beriieksichti- gung der Frage nach der Accomodation; Deichsel, 96. Die Augeu der SchoUen; Thilo, 510. Olfactory organs of the Sea-Lamprey and the Sea-Bream ; Burne, 73. The oral opening of the nasal cavity in Astroscojnii^ ; Dahlgxen, 93. Description of the auditdry organ and other soft parts of li'liiidhin-litliijs deani Fastman sp. n. ; Eastman, 107. Die peripherische und zentrale Endi- gung des Gehornerven bei Am.vwcorfo^ und Petroniyzon fluviatiVis ; Tretjakofif, 520. Die innere Struktur der Schollen- Otolithen ; Immermann, 211. Die Entsteluing der ausseren Am- pulle ; TretjakofiT, 519. Die Sinneskanale und die Lorenzini- schen AmpuUen bei yifTerenziamento sessuale in Anguilla ; Giacomini, 153. Abnormal gonad of a Conger ; HefiFord, 184. L'epithelium nterin chez Acanthlas vidgaris Risso avant la premiere gesta- tion ; Blaizot, 42. rber die Embryotrophe, speziell bei Zoarces vivtparus Cuv. ; Kolster, 258. Cojiulationsorgane der Selachier ; KraU, 260. Die Copulationsglieder von Laeriraja oxyrhynchus ; Huber, 208. Other Organs. Zur Kenntnis der Teleostierthymus ; Hammar, 182. Leuclitorgane von Maurol'icus pen- nnuli. (HoUiindisch) ; Groot, 174. New L'laiid in certain Teleosteans ; Woodland, 538. 31 Phcfs. riiYsioi.or.Y, DevKI.OI'MIA' I. 5415 Repartition ties chromolilasfes dans le I'frit.Miio de quelques Cyprinid^s ; Roques, 423. niYSIOT.tX'lY. 5411 General, Function of special organs. Aeussere Lebensbodiniiinicen xniil Orgai:e bei Fischeii ; Bsig'liom, 21. Brilv-tcniperature of marine fishes ; Simpson, 465. Temperature de vertclires marins, en particulier des jioissons du groups des Thons ; Portier, 372. Untersurhungen u})er die Herztatig- keit bei Teleostiern ; Kolff, 257. Glucosio nel sangue del Selaci ; Diamare e Montuori, 99. Untersucliuiigeu iiber den Auslo- sungsreiz der Atemheuoguugen bei Siisswasserfischen ; Babak, 20. Ursprung der AtmiiiiLT-bewegunguen der Fische ; Lombroso, 299. ^lovinieiiti respiratori dei pesci ; Lom- broso, 300. ileccanica respiratoria nei pesci tele- ostei ; Bag^lioni, 23. Die peripberiselien, nervosen Apparate des Atmungsrhythinus bei Knocben- fischen. Eine anatomische und experi- mentelle Untersnc-hung; Deganello, 95. Physiology of the appendi.x digitifor- mis in Elasmobranchs ; Pixell, 368. Zur Physiologie der Schwimmblaso der Fisehe ; Baglioni, 22. Vescica natatoria : sua funzione ; Baglioni, 24. Die physiologische Rolleder Schwimm- blase der Fische. (Ungarisch; ; Gorka, 166. Luftdruckmesser an den Sohwimm- blasen der Fische ; Thilo, 511. L'excretion chez les poissons ; Audige, 17. Recherches sur randition des poissons ; Laflte-Dupont, 268. BeJeutnng lier Weberschen Knochel- chen ; Thilo, 509. Bildung des Secrets der GiftdriJsen. Seorpaetia, Trach'nius, Trygon; Pawlow- 8ky, 348. Experimental. Further studies of the physical and chemical relations between fishes and their surrounding medium ; Sumner, 493. Untersuchungen iiber die cliemische Zusammensetzung des Fischkorpers unter dem Einfluss seines Wachstums und des Wassers ; Reuss, 415. Ueber die Wirkimgen des Steinkoh- lenteers auf Fische und einige Wir- bellose ; Hein, 187. Influence de la dessalure sur les leucocytes granuleux des Selaciens ; Drzewina, 104. Ueber experlmentelles TIervorrufen imd Xaturentstehn von Mopskopfen, Cyclopen und anderen vorgeburtlichen Ko]ifverbildungen bei Wirbeltieren ; Tomier, 515. Kiinstliche Befruchtung, Acipenser riifheu lis (Rus^.) ; Meissner, 313. Regeneration. Die regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Wirbeltieren. Eine vergleichende pathologisch-anato- niische Studie. I. Ichthyopsiden ; Schminke, 453. Regenerated c.iudal region in a Plaice ; Boulenger, 51. Linsenregeiieratioii bei den Knochen- fischen ; Grochmalicki, 172. Etude sur la regeuf'iationdelalentille chez les poissons (Polonais) ; Groch.- malicki, 173. DEVELOPMENT. 5415 General Embryology. Zur k'litwicklungsgeschichte des Ster- lets (AriiH'uscr ruthenus). V. VI. ; Ost- roumofF, 340. Eggs and early life-history of the Herring, Gaspereau, Shad, and other Glupeoids ; Prince, 379. Uova e larve di 'J'rarltypterus taenia Bl.;Lo Bianco, 293. Ueber Eier und Jugendformen der Seezunge und anderer ini Friihjahr laichender Fische der Nordsee; Ehren- baum, 112. Traclnjpterus : uovo e larva ; Jacino, 214. 32 Pisce4. XV. Pisces. [1908] Gonogenesi e diiTereuzianieuto sessuale in Aiiguilia ; Giacomini, 152. Zur Spermienbildung der Myxinoiden (Ueber die Entwickluug der maniilichea Geschlechtszellen vou Mij.cine glutino-va L. Ill); Scliremer, A. und Schreiner, K. E., 459. Suir evoluzloae dell' uovo ovarico nei Selaci ; Cerruti, 78. Wie gelangt das Ei der Plagiostomen iu den Eileiter ? Eiii Beitrag zur Kennt- nis des Venensy stems von ScijUiiun canicida ; Widakowicli, 533. Griisse der Eier von EyigranVis en- crasieholus. (Hollandisch) ; Dietz, 100. Widerstandsfahigkeit der Forelleneier gegen mechanisclie lusulte ; Steuert, 488. Kiinstlielie Befruchtung und Auf/.uclit \oii A cipensev rittheniiif {Russ.) ; Meiss- ner, 313. Kiinstlielie Befruchtung der Eier, Clupea caspki. (Russ.) ; Golynec, 163. Einige Versuebe iiber den Einfluss luechanischer Storungen auf die Ent- wickluDg der BachforeUeneier ; Hein, 185. Observations sur la gestation chez Acaidktu cnlgart.-: B. ; Blaiziot, 43. • Entwicklung der Jungeii, Gamhusia, PoecUia ; Emeljanenko, 115. Embryo von ( 'lilamtido^elai-has an- gulneus Garm. ; Ziegler, 543. The process o£ heredity as exliiblted bv the ilcvclopment of Fnmlidus hybrids ; ITewman, 323. Organogeny. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kopfes und des Bhitgefiisssystemes von Cera- todus Jomlevl. 'I'l. 1 : Gesaintentwicke- lung bis zuin Begiim der Bhitzirkula- tion ; Greil, 168. Eutstflimig dis Kopfes der Wirbel- tiere ; Ziegler, 542. Entwii-kehiiigsgeschichte und nior- ])hologische Benrteihiiig der Occipitiil- region des Schiidels und der Weber- schen KuocheU'hen bei den Ktiochdii- fiscben {Cyjir'nius carp'io L.) ; Nusbaum, 336. Zur Entwickbingsgi'.-cliiclile (h-r Oeci- ])italregiun des .Schiidels mid fier Weber- schen Knochelchen bei den Cyprinoiden (Polnisch) ; Nusbaum, 337. Siir le developpemeiit de la uotocorde chez les poissons osseux ; Roule, 424. Histogenese de la corde dorsale ; Henneguy, 194. Die Entwicklung der Brustflossen und des .Schultergiirtels bei Exocoetiis voUtans ; Derjugin, 98. Die sog. Hornfaden der Selachier und die Flossenstrahlen der Kuochenfische ; Ziegler, 544. Ueber die Entwicklung des Vorder- hirns bei niedern Vertebraten ; Fuchs, 143. Developpeiuent et evolution de I'hy- pencephale et de I'hypophyse de Tor- pedo marmorata Risso ; Gentes, 151. Developement du sac iuferieur de I'hypophyse de Torpedo marmorata ; Gentes, 150. Sur le developpemeiit des lobes infe- rieurs chez les Selaciens ; Gentes, 149. Developpemeut compare de la glande iufundibulaire et des plexus choroides dorsuux chez la torpllle . Gentes, 148. The embryonic history of the lens in Bdellostoma stouti in relation to recent experiments ; Stockard, 489. Die Eiitstehung der iiusseren Am- pulle; TretjakofiF, 519. Sinneskaniile bei ^'/ji/^a.r-Embryonen ; Brohmer 67. Studien iiber die llautsinuesorgaue der Fische ; Hofer, 201. Origine dei l);irbigli tattili nel genere MuUus ; Lo Bianco, 295. Fntwickelung des Selachierdarmes ; Petersen, 357. Die Entwicklung der Sc-hwinnnbkise bei den Karjjfeu ; TMlo, 508. Ueber die erste Anlage der Gefiisse utid des Bkites bei Holo-'und Meroblas- tiern (sjieziell bei Ceratodus forsteri); GreU, 169. Sur la premiere circulation veineuse (hi Cyprin dore (Carassius auratus L.) ; Wintrebert, 536. ICxkretionssystem eines Embryos von CJdamiidoHrlachiia anyuineu8 Garm. ; Brohmer, 68. 33 Pieces. DEVELOrXlENT, ETHOLOGY. 5419 Zur Phylogenese ilos Xiereorganes (HdloiK'phros) (Jer Knocheufische ; HaUer. 181. Sur la persistaui'o du pronephros chez les Teleosteens ; Guitel, 176. Beltrage zur Kenntnis der Nebenniere tier Knocheufische : Uelier die erste Anlage der Sianniussclien Kcirpercheu der Lophobranchier ; Srdinko, 476. Post-embiyological. Ueber die segmentale Anordnung der Melanoblastea bei jungen Teleostiern ; Bolk, 4a Larve von Megalops cyprinoides ; Kampen, 240. Die Larven der Gattung Coregonus, ihre Beziehungeu zur Biologie, und ihre systematische Bedeutuag ; NUsslin, 333. Auffindung der Larveustadien des Aales im nordbchen Atlantischeu Ocean. (Hollandisch) ; Hoek, 199. Sviluppo larvale, metamorfosi e bio- logia della ,,TrigHa di fango" [Mullus harbatus Liu.) ; Lo Bianco, 296. Miillus barbatiis : svibippo larvale, metamorfosi e biologia ; Lo Bianco, 294. Ein Jugendstadium der Schlamm- beissers {Misgurnus iosslUs) ; Werner, 531. Jugendstadien : Clupea caspia (Russ.) ; Arnold, 12. Post-larval stages of the John Dory (Zeus faber L.) and some other Acau- thopterygian fishes ; Schmidt, 452. Das Wachstum der kleinen Marane ; SeUgo, 462. Beitriige zur Altersbestimmting der Fische. II. Die iunere Struktur der SchoUen-Otolithen ; Immermann, 211. Aenderung der Zahl der Kiemen- bogendorne. Erreichung der Gesch- lichtsreife. Clupea ; Suworow, 500. Die Aalfrage ; Pintner, 367. Der gegenwartige Stand unserer Kenntnisse in der Aalfrage ; Pietsch- mann, 365. Recent discoveries in the history of the common eel ; Gill, 161. (s-10332 b) ETHOLOGY. 5419 General. Chipeids, natural history of; food, reproduction, growth, &c. ; Kishinouye, 248. Biologie von Clupea easp'ia ; Arnold, 12. Naturgeschichte der adriatischen Sardine ; Steuer, 487. Einige Beobaclitungen iiber Gadua morrJiua. (Schwedisch) ; Renter, 418. Biologischcs iiber die Scholle. (Hol- landisch) ; Hoek, 200. The story of the devil-fish ; Gill, 150. Verhalten, Ernahrung. Leliensweise in der Gefangenschaft. Tetrodon ciil- cutia, T. fluviatiUs var. ? (Russ.) ; Zolot- nickij, 545. The fishes of the Connecticut lakes and neighboring waters, Avith notes on the plankton evironmont; Kendall, and Goldsborough, 244. Devils lake, North Dakota. A study of physical and biological conditions, with a view to the acclimatization of fish ; Pope, 370. Haltung, Bewegimg bei Gefahr. 'I'ri- gla corax. (Russ.) ; Fauasek, 127. Drohbewegungen, Drohfarljung. Tri- gla corax. (Russ.) ; Faussek, 127. Nutzen des Farbung der .Schiippeu fiir die Fische. (Russ.) ; Schnee, 454. SjTnbiose zwischen einem Fisch und einem Hydroidpolypen ; Franz und Stechow, 142. Apogonichthys strombi n. sp., ein sym- biotisch lebender Fisch von den Bahamas ; Plate, 369. Effect of sawdust on fish-life ; Knight, 253. Effects of dvnaiiiite explosions upon fish-life ; Knight, 252. The production of sound in the drum fishes, the sea-robin and the toad fish ; Tower, 516. Beobachtung bez. des Urinierens bei Fischen ; Haas, 179. Malaria in the West Indies. [" ]\Iil- lions" enemies of mosquitoes.]; Ballon, 25. d i 3i Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] The photograph}- of aquatic animals in their natural environment; Reighaxd, 412. The passing of the sturgeon. A case of the unparalleled extermination of a species ; Tower, 517. Food. Die natiirliche Nahrung der Fische ; Reuss, 416. Plankton food of young food-fishes in Nova Scotia waters ; Wright. 540. Plankton in relation to the mackerel fishery ; BuUen, 72. Contribution a I'etude de la nourriture de la sardine ; Cepede, 77a. Nahrung der Haringe, Kaspisches Meer. (Russ.) ; Smirnov, 467. Qiiantitiit und Bestand der Nahrung an PlanktODorganismen, Coregonns alhula. (Russ.) ; Lebedincev, 276. Food (diatoms) of I'lecoghsaus alti- relia. (Japanese and English); Toku- liisa, 513. Nahrung von IiJnnodontypieus ; Kam- pen, 239. '^ Migration. Botrachtungen iiber die Wanderungen der Fische. (Russ ) ; Gracianov, 167. Neuere Ergebnisse iiher Fischwande- ningen in der Nord und Ostsee ; Franz, 140 Versuche mit gezeichneten Flnndern Oder Elbbutt {Pleuroncctes ilesiis); Ehrenbaum, 111. Djr Wanderungen der Lachse. (Fin- nisch) ; Sandman, 450. Das Aufstriyen der Lachse in die Fliisse Fiiilands und \ord-Sch\vedens, (Schwediachj ; Nordgvlst, 329. In Danemark niit llarke versehener Lachs in Finland gefangen. (Schwe- disch) ; Sandman, 444. In Finland niarkierter Lachs an der deutschen O.stsei'kiisle wiedergefangen. (Schwedisch); Sandman, 446. Cber die Wanderungen der fmland- ischen Aale. (Finnisch); Palm^n, 344. Mit Marke verschener Aal eingefan- gen. (Schwedisch) ; Nordqviat, 332. Breeding, Oviposition, Parental Care. Fortpflanzungsgeschiehte zweier vivi- parer Cyprinodontiden ; Philippi, 360. Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der vivi- paren Ularidichtltys januarius und G. decem-tnacidatus in ihrem Einfiuss auf Lebensweise, makroskopische und mik- roskopische Anatomic ; Philippi, 359. Breeding-hibits of Tilnpia nUotica ; Boulenger, 49. The spawning habits of Chrosmns erythrogaster Ratinesque ; Smith, 468. Ober die Laichplatze des Aales nach den neuesten Forschungen. (Finnisch) ; Levander, 288. Untersuchungen iiber das Schaumnest und den Schaunmestbau der Osphro- nieniden ; Kohler, 256. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen und Gedanken iiber Natur und Entstehung des Schaumnestes der Osphromeniden ; Treschow, 518. Habitat. Die Tiefsee-Fische. 2. Anatomischer Tl. ; Brauer, 61. Deep-sea fishes of the Irish Atlantic Slope ; Holt and Byrne, 205. W^arning coloration in coral-reef fishes ; Reighard, 411. JJAmhlyopslH spelaeus de Kay, poisson aveugle des cavernes des Etats-Unis ; MocQuard, 317. Parasites. Parasitiire Flschkrankheiten ; Busch- kiel, 74. Die Krankheiten dor Fische. (Un- garisch) ; Szilidy, 501. Alga growing on Ilapluchilit^ Intipea ; Minakata, 315. Copepodes parasites des poissons ; Brian, 64. Un nonveau parasite du spratt(f 7?f2)''a spratta) ; Baudoin, 29. Mode d'attaque du spratt {Clupea sprattus) par le Lernaeenicua aprattac, coprpode ])aVasile de I'dM] du poisson ; Baudouin, 30. Parasitische Wiirnier der Wolga- Fische (Russ.) ; Lavrov, 272. 3"> Pisces. Variation". — Pistriritmn. 5427 T;ematodes of Canadian marine fishes; Stafford, 477. I'ara-^itisch Myx.ibolideii in Siiss- wassertischen ; Reuss, 414. Tumour in a Plaice ; Mclntosb, 308. Cher cysten in der Leber von Lota riu-jaris (Scbwedisch) ; Lsvander, 286. VARIATION AXD .ETIOLOCV. 5423 Vaiiation, Teratology, Hybrids. Variation and Modifikation bei Siphonostoma typMe L. ; Duncker, 105. Metacromatismo, Angu'dla, Phxiro- nectea ; Trois, 521, 522. Rote Form von Perea flumatUis aus Esleo (Finnisch); Suomalainen, 494. Einseitige Qiierstreifunir bei einer erwaclisenen S:tlmo trutta L. (Russ) ; Berg, 40. A siiTnifieaiit case of hermaphroditism in iish ; Newman, 322. Hermaphrodites Exemplar von Clupea hnrengus L. var. membras L. (Schwe- disch) ; Sandman, 442. Hermaphrodite Cod ; Hefford, 183. Sur une race monstruense de perches ; PeUegrrin, 352. Mon-tro^e Dorsche (Schwedisch) ; Federley, 129. Malformed Plaice ; Boulenger, 51. Abnormal Plaice with a precaudal fin-frill on the left side.; Mcintosh, 309. An ambicoloured Tarbot with eyes approximately normal in position ; Ritchie, 420.' Un individu monstrueiix nycterido'ide du Raja clavata Linne ; Vailiant, 524. Description de I'extremite posterieure du corps anormale chez deux Motella fusca Risso ; Jacquet, 216. Ein Karpfen [C'ypr'inu't carpio] mit fehlender Schwanzflosse ; Fiebiger, 132. A hump-backed trout ; Ritchie, 421. The question of cyclopia — one-eyed monsters ; Stockard, 490. Notes on the atrophy of the eye of Paja erinaeea; Smallwood, 466. {N-10.332 b) Hvbrid between tlio Bre.;un and the Rudll ; Regan, 396. Kreu/.unpen /.w i-^soheu .4<";i).'ii. ; Ssemundsson, 436. Norwegen, Ein^van'.er;!'...; der Siiss- wasserfische, (Norw.) ; HeUand, 190, 191. Nordliches Norwegen, Untersu- clumgen xmd FiscLerei - Versuche. (Norw.) ; Iversen, 213. Fedefjord (Xorwegeu), Fischerei- Verhaltnisse. (.Vorw.); Larsson-Fede, 271. Norwegische Kiistc von Skagerak, Fischerei - Versuche. (Norw.) ; Dahl, 92. British and Irish species of Co/v^ouji.s, 2 sub spp. n. ; Regan, 406. Scotland, occurrciue of an Oar-fish, (Regalecui: (/leiiitf') on the coast of East Lothian ; Evans, 122. Irish Char, revision of specie^ ; Regan, 398. Ireland, new deep-sea fi-lies from th*' south-west coast ; Holt and Byrne, 204. Irish Atlantic .Slope, report on the fishes ; Holt and Byrne, 205. France, monographic les poissons (I<» Saone-et-Loire; Gensoul, 147. Pyrenees franijaises, faune ichthyolo- gique ; Roule, 425. Mediterranee, ncuveau Gobiide du genre Aphya ; Buen et Fage, 71. Essai sur les po;s-'"n^ des cotes de la Cor.se ; Tito de Caraffa, 512, d 4-2 36 Finces. XV. Pisces. [1908] Hungary, fauna of the Quarnero and the Adria ; Leidenfrost, 277. Black Sea, Species of Salmo. (Russ.) ; Berg, 38. Asia. Kaspiches ileer, Clupea ; Suworow, 500. Aralsee, Salmonidac subsp. u. (Russ.) ; Berg, 39. Lac Baikal, recherches nouvelles sur la fauue, (Polouais) ; Dybowski, 106. Saghalin, hbhes of ; Tanaka, 504. Japanische Piagiostouien ; Pietsch- mann, 364. •Japan, new species of squaloid shark ; IsMkawa, 212. Japan, two new genera and six species of fishes ; Tanaka, 503. Japan, a review of the flat-heads, gurnards, and other niail-oheeked fishes ; Jordan and Richardson, 232. Japan, notes on fishes, 14 spp. nn. ; Tanaka, 502. Japan, distribution of the Clupeidae in tlie Japanese waters ; Kishinouye, 249. Japan, new species of Ilcmiramplius from Nagasaki; Jordan and Dickerson, 229. Japan and the Riu Kiu islands, descriptions of eighteen new species and two new genera of fishes ; Snyder, 471. Corea, new freshwater fishes ; Regan, 385. China and Japan, new freshwater fishes ; Regan, 389. rihina. three new freshwater fishes ; Regan, 388. ( liiiia, I'in Beitrag zur Kenntnis der l'"i>clie del- Janglzc iind soiner /ufliisse ; Kreyenberg und Pappenheim, 261. Yiiniiaii, tliree new Cvprinoid fishes; Regan, 399. Formosa, new fishes from Lake Can- didius ; Regan, 401. Formosa, tliree new species of caran- goid fishes ; Jordan and Snyder, 235. Indo-Cliine, poissons du Tonkin; Pellegrin, 350. Burma coast, new species of saw-fish; Chaudhuri, 82. Lower Burma, Dan'to sp. n. ; Chaudhuri, 81. Bay of Bengal, new sting-ray {Try- gon) ; Annandale, 7. Tibet, report on a collection of fish ; Lloyd, 292. Indian coast, two new species of Eagle-rays ; Lloyd, 290. Indian Ocean, new genera and species of fishes ; Regan, 383. Indian Ocean, notes on sharks ; Fowler, 138. l)utch East Indies, Ehinomio-aeiia sp. n. ; Barbour, 28. Philippine archipelago, fishes ; Jordan and Richardson, 233. Africa. African Silurid fishes of the sub- famil)' Clari'mae ; Boulenger, 50. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fischfauna des Nils; Werner, 530. Afrique centrale, ichtyologie ; Vaillant, 525. Nyassa-Gebiet, Barhus mid Syno- dontis spp. n. ; Eeilhack, 241. Lake Nyassa, new genus and twelve new species of fishes ; Boulenger, 54. L' pper Zambesi, new fishes ; Boulenger, 55. Natal coast, new fishes ; Regan, 407. Natal, 26 spp. n. ; Gilchrist and Thompson, 158. Natal, new fishes; Boulenger, 57. South -Vfrica, new species of Bleu- niidae ; Gilchrist and Thompson, 157. West .Africa, two new Cyprinodontids ; Boulenger, 52. Westafricanische Fundulus-Arten ; Arnold, 13. Soulli Cameroon, new Sihirid fish ; Boulenger, 53. (iuinc'e fran<;'aise, quatro espcces nou- velles ; Pellegrin, 349. Lac Tchad, poissons ; Pellegrin, 356. Senegal, pecheries des cotes ; Gruvel, 175. Pisces. DliSTRIBlTIOS. 5427 N. America. Alaska, collection of fishes; Nichols, 234. Alaska, some observations on salmon ami trout in ; Chamberlain, 79. Nova Scotia, notes on the fishes ot Canso ; Cornish, 87. Orep;on, relationships of the fisli fauna of the south eastern lakes ; Snyder, 473. Oregon, the fishes of the coa^tul streams ; Snyder, 474. California, the fishes of the Sacra- mento-San Joaquin basin, with a study "f their distribution and variation ; Rutter, 431. California. Trachypteriis selcnirls, a new si)eciesof ribbon-fish from Monterey bar ; Snyder, 475. California, description of Patttosteus snuta-anae, a new species of fish from the Santa Ana river ; Snyder, 470. Lower California, descriptions of a new species of trout (Salmo nelsoni) and a new cyprinodont {Fundulus meeki) with notes on other fishes ; Evermann, 123. .S. California, Salmo evermannl sp. n. from the upper Santa Ana River; Jordan and Grlnnell, 231. l^ockv mountain region, fishes ; CockereU, 83. Devils lake, Xorth Dakota : A study of physical and biological conditions, with a view to the acclimatization of fish ; Pope, 370. Kansas, new species of Campostoma ? ; CrevecDeur, 89. Illinois, fish-fauna ; Forbes and Richardson, 134. Illinois, maps showing distribution of fishes ; Forbes and Richardson, 135. Indiana, fauna of Lake Cicott ; Ever- mann and Clark, 124. ^^ est A irglnia, I'Ji'mir.hlhijs sp. n ; Goldsborough and Clark, 162. Xorth Carolina, occurrence of two West Indian fishes at Beaufort ; McGlone, 307. Connecticut lakes and neighbouring waters, fishes, with notes un the plank- ton environment ; Kendall and Golds- borough, 244. M'Xico, C. and S. America and W. Indies. Gulf of Me.\ico, a collection of fishes from Vera Cruz and Tampico ; Jordan and Dickerson, 228. Me.xit'o, new species of Cichlosovia ; Regan, 397. (iuatemala, the zoology of lakes Ama- titlan and .Atitlan, with special reference to ichthyology ; Meek, 310. Costa Rica, new gt'iiera and species of freshwater fishes ; Regan, 405. South America, new Loricariid fishes ; Regan, 384. Amerique du Sud, deux poissons nouveau.x ; Pellegrin, 353. Demerara, new Cichiid fish ; Regan, 391. Brazil, Iporanga River, fishes from, 1 sp. n. ; Ribelro, 419. Chile, new species of Galaxias ; Regan, 392. Argentina, new Loricariid fish ; Regan, 400. Bahamas, ApogonichtJujs sp. n. ; Plate, 369. Australia, New Guinea. Australia, revision of various fishes; Mcculloch, 306. Queensland, revision of the Batra- choididae ; Ogllby, 339. Queensland, new or little known fishes ; Ogilby, 338. New South Wales, new fishes ; Stead, 482. New South Wales, edible fishes of; Stead, 483. -Australia, a collec'tion of fishes from Victoria; Fowler, 136. Xeu-Guinea, siisswasserfische ; Weber, 529. Briti.sh New Guinea, four new fresh- water fishes ; Regan, 390. Pacific. Fiji, collection of fishes ; Jordan & Dickerson, 230. Samoainseln, fischfauna ; Steiudach- ner, 489. 3b Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1908] Hawaiian Islnii'ls, notes on certain fishes ; Jordan & Dickerson, 230. Hawaiian Island^, new lishes ; Seale, 461. Antarctic. Antarctic, new pelamc fisli ; Dollo, 101. ' " General. Studies oil L -^il lisLie^ during the year 1907 ; Dean, 94. Catalogue ol types and figured speci- mens of fossil vertebrates in the American maseum of natural history; Hussakof, 210. Contribution a I'etude des poissons fo>siles du nord de la France et des regions voisines ; Leriche, 282. Subfossil fishes of the Litorina-clay iu Xorrkoping; Lonnberg, 298. Revision de la faune ichthyologique des terrains ne:>g^nes du bassin du Rhone ; Leriche, 279. Note preliuiinaire sur les poissons des Faluns neogt-nes de la Bretagne, de TAnjou et de la 'I'onraine. Lille, Ann. soc-.. gc(.l., 35, r.i'iO, [1907], (pp. 290- 232 j ;' Leriche, 281. Pliocene clAiners, Cftorhinus ', Leriche, 278. Eocene, Egvijt, fish-remains: Priem, 376. Eocene du bas^sin parisien, otolithes de Poissons ; Priem, 374. Stampien du b.issjji parisien, poissons fossiles ; Priem, 275. Cretaceous, Kansas, ichthyological notes ; McClung, 305. Cretaceous cf Kansas, fossil fishes; Sternberg, 486. ( ri'tacHous, new fossil fishes from Brazil ; Woodward, 539. Cretaceous t>)i.?s of Cearii, Brazil; Jordan & Branner, 227. 'I'rias, fi^Le.- i.f tlie Keuper in I^icestersliire :ii(l the surrounding counties; Horwood, 206. CarboniferC'Us fi-h-icniains in Xorth Derbyshire ; Jackson, 215. Carboniferous, Iowa, new Coelacanth fisli ; Eastman, 108. Devonian fishes of Iowa ; Eastman, 107. Devonian of Ohio, Dinichthys hiter- viedius ; Branson, 59. 111.- YSTEMATIC. 5131 GENERAL WORKS. Die Tiefsee-Fische Tl 2. Brauer. Jena 1908. Deep-sea fishes of the Irish Atlantic Slope, Holt and Byrne Fisheries, Ire- land Sci. Invest. 1906 5 pp. 1 63. A collection of fishes from Sakhalim, Taxaka Annot. Zool. Jap. 6 pj). 235- 25i. Notes on Japanese fishes, Tanaka Tokvo J. Coll. Sci. 23. Art 7 pp. 1-54 and Art. 13 pp. 1-24. Freshwater fishes from China and Japan, Reg.ax Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 pp. 109-111, 149-153. Freshwater fishes from Corea, Reuax Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 pp. 59-63. Fishes from the Philippine archi- pelago, Jordan and Richardson Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 pp. 233- 287, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fischfauna des Nils, Werner, Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 1906 pp. 1097-1158. A collection of freshwater fishes from Natal, BouLENGER Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1 pt. 3 pp. 219-355. Collection of fishes from the coasts of Natal, Zululand and Cape Colony ; Regan Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1 pt. 3 pp. 241- 255. Fauna of Now England, list of the Pisces, Kendall Boston Occ. Paprs. Soc. Nat. Hist. 7 pp. 1-152. The fishes of the coastal streams of Oregon and northern California, Snyder Dept. Conmi. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 pp. 153-189. The fishes of Illinois, Forbes and Richardson Urbana 111. 1908 pp. cxxxi + 357. Collection of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico at Vera Cruz and Tam])ico, .JoRD.^N and Dickerson U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 34 pii. 1 1 2-2. GO Piacea. Teleostei. 5431 Freshwater tislies from Costa Kiea, REiiAX Ann. Ma^. Nat. Hist. 2 455- 404. New or little-known fishes in tlie Queenshinil Museum, Och.by Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 1908 pp. 1-41. Sur h» faune iehthyolo.ijique de TAiluitanien niarin des environs de -Montijeilier, Lerioiie, Paris, C. R. ass. fran(,\ avanc. sci., 35, 1007, pp. 35:?- 356, av. fig. Revision de la faune iclithyologique -les terrains neogenes du bassin du Rhone, Leriche, Paris, C. R. ass. frani;. avanc. sci., 35, 1907, pp. 335- 352, av. fig. The edible fishes of New South Wales, Ste.\d Sydney 1908 pp. 1-119, 81 pis. Susswasserfische von Xeu-Guinea, Weber, Nova Guinea. Leiden, 5, Zoo- logie, Livr. 2, pp. (201-267). Report of a mission to Guam. [Part 2. — Fishes.] Seai.e, Honolulu, <)cc. Paprs., Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus., 1. No. 3, 1901, pp. 17-128, illustr., text fiff. TELEOSTEI. PLECTOGNATHI. Ballstes fuscollncatus sp. n. Hawaiian Islands, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs., Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 4 1901, p. 9. Pachynathits nlgromarginatiis sp. n. Japan, Tan'aka Tokvo J. Coll. Sci. 23 Art. 7 pp. 30-42. MonacanUius alhopuncfatus sp. n. Hawaiian Islands, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 4 p. 13. — M. melanistiuH sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regax Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 252. Tetraodon alhoreliculatua sp. n. Japan, Ta-vaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 23 Art. 7 pp. 42-45. SpJun-oides sp'inosisslmus sp. n. Indian Ocean, IIegax Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 253. PEDICULATI. Sladenia gen. n. near Lophius, r/ardi- n. rt sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regak Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 250. Paraccnjtlds subgen n. of Ccratias, mitsuhiin'i, sp. n. Japan, Takaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 23 Art. 13 p. 18. One'tvodea mcijaccros sp. n. South- west coast of Ireland, Holt and BviiSE Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 93. Antemiarius Utlilnostomus sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and Ricmakdsox Washington, Dept. Connn. Lab., Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 28f). Ilalicutea hancockl sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Si-c 12 p 251. ACANTHOPTERYGIL Tuachypteridae. Traclujpterus m'lsakiens'is sp. n. Japan, Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 13 Art. 7 p. 52. — T. seleuiris sp. n. Cali- fornia, Snyder Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 p. 310.— 7'. taenia Bl. Uova e larvc, Lo Bianco Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel 19 pp. 1-17, 1 Taf. Atelaxia subord. n. (p. 18), based on Styleplior'tdae, ^tylephoTiis cordatits, osteology, pp. 19-21. Starks Cam- bridge Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52. CoNtiROliADIUAE. Congrogadus hierichthys ajt. n. Philip- pines, Jordan and Richardson Washing- ton Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 285. Zoarcldae. Euclii'lyopus s. Zoarces vivipariis, Beschreibung, Verbreitung, Maassta- bellen, Existenzbedingungen, Knipo- wiTSCH St. Peterburg Mem. Ac. So. 22 4 p. 40. Gymnclis vir'idis. Beschreibung, Ver- bi'eitung, Synonymie, Maasstabellen, Abbildung. Knipowitsch T.c. p. 40. Batraciiidae. Revision of the Batrachidae of Queens- land, Ogilby Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 1008 pp. 43-57. Ilalobatrachus gen. n. for BatrucJiua didachjlus, Ogilby T.c. p. 40. Batraehonui'MH gen. n. hroadbenti sp. n. Queensland, Ogilby T.c. p. 49. CoryzieJithtjs gen. n. for Balrachus diemensis, Ogilby T.c. jj. 51. 40 Pisces. XV. Pisces — ACANTHOPTERYGII. [1908 J Blexxiidae. Clinus hrevicristatus p. 118, iiporosus p. 137, fucorum p. 121, graminis p. 136, laurentii p. 120, mus p. 119, ornatus p. 116, paro p. 123, rohustus p. 128, fttriatiis p. 134, taiirus p. 126, venustris p. 130 spp. n., var. n. arhorescens p. 115 S. Africa. Gilchrist and Thompson Cape Town Ann. S Afric. Mus. 6. Blennhis ocellnris, Drohbewegnngen, Drohfarbung, Fa'tssek St. Peterbnrg Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 pp. 79, 87. — B. ocellatus, scuUyi spp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thompsox Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 103. — B. pune- tifer sp. n. S. Africa, Regan Ann. K'atal (iovt. Mus. 1 pi. 3 p. 254 pi. xlii. — B. victor'iac sp. n. Victoria, Fowler Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. 59 1908 p. 442. Petroscirtes hoclii sp. n. Xeu-Guinea, Weber Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 p. 263. Ayiarrhiehthys ocellatus, skull, Adams Lawrence Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull. 4 pp. 329-355 pi. Altieus margaritarius p. 106, norem- maerdosus p. 107 spp. n. Japan, Snyder Washington Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. Salarins harbatiis sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 108. — S. hosi- ensis sp. n. S. Africa, Reg.\n Ann. Nat. Govt. Mus. 1 pi. 3 p. 254 pi. xlii. — S. nifjripcii sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Paualii Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3. — S. muscarus, ainuogiis spp. n. Japan, Snyder Wash- ington Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 1U9. — S. rcch'inrjeri sp. n. Samoainseln, Steindachsek Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 p. 1411. EncJiehfurus hcpburni sp. n. Japan, Snyder Washington Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 110. Tripteriigiiim eapense sp. n. S. Africa, GiLCiiRLST and Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 140. Aspidontus woodi sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 105. Godiesocidae. Crcp'vlogcistcr aamoeiiHis sp. n. ? Steindachner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 p. 1408. Callionymidae. CalUonymus cooperi, maldivensis p. 247 ; a finis, gardinevi p. 248 ; spiniceps p. 249 ; spp. n. Indian Ocean. Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 — C. limiceps sp. n. Queensland, OciLBYAnn. Queens- land Mus. 9 p. 35. Trichonotidae. Lesucurlna gen. n. near Z?e'meroeaeies-,. platycephaln sp. n. Victoria, Fowler Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59> p. 440. Kraemerla samoensls sp. n. Samoa, Steindachner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 p. 1409. Psammichthys gen. n. iriiJiis sp. n. Seychelles, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 246. Synchiropiiis sechellensis, altireli!^ spp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan T.c- p. 219. D.4.CTYL0PTERIDAE. Dactylopterus vol) tans, Dmhbewe- gungen, Drohfarbung, FaL'ssck St. Peterburg Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 pp 68,87. Ebis'inuK gen. n. type Daftylopterii(~~ chiroplithnlm s Bleeker, East Indies- and Philippines. Jord.\n and Rich.ard- soN, Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 p. 664. Dactyloptena gen. n. type Dactylopte- rus ovientalis (,\iv. & Val., .Japan, Hawaii & East Indies. Jordan and Richardson T.c. p. 665. Daicocus gen. n. type Dactylopterua petersen'i Nystroni, Jajian. Jordan and Richardson T.c. p. 667. Triglidae. lYigla corax, Drohfarbung, Drohbe- wegung. Facssek St. Peterlmrg Trav. Soc. nat. Sect. zool. 37 pp. 64, 87. Txpidotrigla alroeki sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. }>inn. Soc. 12 p. 2i0. Agonidae. Pcrc'is crpltalopitnrlalus sp. n. Ma- rianas. Seale Iloiiohdu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1. 41 Pisces. ACANTHOVTERYG 1 1 . 431 HorLlCHTIlYlPAE. Bopllchthiji^ (lUbcrti sp. n. Japan, Jordan and KicHAnosos Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Pioc. 33 p. 047. — II. acauthoplcurus sp. n. Indian Ocean, Reuan Trans. Linn. Sue. 12 p. -229. Bamhradon gen. n. type Bemhrns Joevls Nystrom, Japan. Jordan and Richardson Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proe. 33 p. 043. Platyceph-alidae. PlatijcepilHiJus cooperi , oligolcpis, pecli- macuJa, p. 238 ; grandisquamis p. 23!) ; spp. n. Indian Ocean. Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12. — P. marmoratus sp. n. Port Stephens, Stead New Fishes from New South Wales. No. 1 p. 9 Pi. iii-v. Fogadius gen. n. type PlatijccphalKS aaper Cuvier & Valenciennes, seas of China and Japan. Jordan and Richard- son Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proe. 33 p. 630. Cottidae. Cottus asperrima p. 144, macrops p. 146 spp. n , California ; Rutter Wash- ington Dept. ("omm. Lab. Bull. Bar. Fish. 27. Procottus u'lgrescens pp. 37-39, iyimai pp. 39-42 spp. n. Saghalin, Tanaka Dobuts. Z. 20. — P. nigreseens, ijimai, spp. n. Saghalin, Tasaka Anuot. Zool. Jap., 6, pp. 2.35-254. SCORPAENIDAE. Considerations sur les Scorpenides de la mer de Nice. Jaquet, Bui. Mus. ocean. Monaco 109, 1907, pp. 1-48. ScotiKiena dactijloptera, p. 9, pi. i, criotidata p. 20, pi. ii, scrofa p. 26, figured ; Holt and Byrne Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906, 5. — S. hakcri sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. li^O. Apistus faurei sp. n. S. Africa, Gil- christ & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 176. Mlnoua loiighnanus sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 236. — M. nupercUioHus sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 177. Synanceia thersitc!^ sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs., Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. 121. Pogonoiscorp'ius gen. n. allied to Senr- pocKopsf.s, 8ec]udh'n8i)f sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 236. GOBIIDAK. Elcotris fiinhvlatus, }ieterodo)i, ncso- lepis spp. n. Neu-Guinea, Werer, Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 pp. 254-256.-2?. mliuatus sp. n. Marianas, Skale Hono- lulu Occ. Piiprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. 12').— E. moncktonh sp. n. British New Guinea, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 156. Pogoneleotris mlcrop-'i sp. n. Neu- (Juinea, Weber Nova Guinea, 5 Livr. 2 p. 258. Heterelcotris arenarius sp. n. Japan, Sxyder Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation.- Mus. Proe. 35 p. 100. Asterropteryx monacantli.uif sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 240. Boi,taneiopu8 Hchmidl'i sp. n. lci'l;inil, S/EMUNDSSon Koljenliavu Natii. .\Ietld. 1907 pp. 19-39. SCOMBRIDAE. Rastrelliger Jordan and Starksgen. n. type Scomber braehysomus Bleeker, Jordan and Dickerson Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 607. Carangidae. Caranx longipea sp. n. Samoa, Stein- DACHNER Wien. SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 p. 1404. — C. rast7-osus p. 37, Formosa and Philippine Islands, for- mosaiius p. 38, Formosa. Jordan and Snyder Pittsburgh Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4. Ulua gen. n. tyi3e richardsoni sp. n. Formosa and Philippine Islands, Jordan and Snyder Pittsburgh Mem. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 39. Lciognathus obsciira sp. n. Marianas, Seai.e Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1, No. 3 p. 74 SCARIDAE. CaUyodon Junida sp. n, Japan, Snyder Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 99. Scarus cypho sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu, Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. 95. Pseudoscai'us platodoni sp. n. Marian- as, Seale T.c. p. 9G. Laiuudae. 'TJiaJassoma hcrcndti sp. n. Hawaiian Islands, Seai.e Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mas. 1 No. 4 p. 15. Lcpida2}lo'is Joxosouiis p. 95, mirahUis p. 9(), spp. n. Japan, Snyder Smith- sonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35. — L. ricli(trdso)il sp. n. Victoria, Fowler Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59 p. 4;53. (.'Iioerupfs jorddii'i sp. n. Jiipan, Snyder Smithsonian lust. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 90. (lieiUnus faHciatas sp. n. Marianas, Skale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. .SCi. lUd'icJmeres n'lgropuncUttua sp. n. .Marianas, Seale T.c. p. 89. Aii(n>ip»c>t ihcdai p. 32, luignyoi }). 34 spp, n. .lapan ; Tanaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 23, Art. 7. 43 Pisces. ACANTHOPTERY'OI I. 5431 Jiilis punctaitis sp. n. Marianas. Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Beniice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. 91. Stethojulis fulrorentris sp. n. ^lariau- as, Seale T.c. p. 93. GompJiosus pacilicus sp. n. Marianas, Seale T.c. p. 94. Coris dorsomacula sp. n. Victoria, FowLEH Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59 p. 430. Xovacidichttiys tattoo sp. n. Hawaiian Islands, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 4 p. 5. Pomacektripae. Amphiprion nigripes sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 230. Daacyllua nigripinnis sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan t.c. p. 228. Pomaeerttrus pohjlcph sp. n. Indian Ocean, Reoas T.c. p. 229. Ahudefduf cornerfi sp. n. Fiji Islands, JoRD.AN and DiCKicusoN Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 613. — .4. mpph'ivus sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and RicHARnsoN Washington Dept. Comni. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 264. CiCHLIDAE. Paratilapia chrysonota, rhoadesii p. 239, conipressiceps, ccerulea, esox p. 240, spp. n. Lake Nyassa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2. — P. kafuensis, cod- ringtonii spp. n. Upper Zamljesi, Boclenger T.c. p. 494. Haplochromis venustus sp. n. Lake Nyassa, Boulenger T.c. p. 241. Chilotilapia gen. n. rhoadesii sp. n. I^ke Nyassa, Boulenger T.c. p. 243. Tilapia nilotica, breeding habits. Boulenger, C. Proc Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 40o.--7'. auromarginata p. 241, inomata, maeroptJmlma p. 242, hrevis p. 243 spp. n. Lake Nyassa, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2. Clchlosoma laurae sp. n. Moxico, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 223. — C aepteinfasciatum p. 401, lethrinua p. 462 spp. n. Costa Rica, Regan T.c. Hero8, Mexico, Cole Science, pp. G37- 6.38. Tomoeiclda gen. n. near Hericldhys, underiroodi sp. n. Costa Rica, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 463. IfMcrograinma steindachneri sp. n. Demerara, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 370, tig. Teuthididae. Zabrasoma a^ana sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu Ucc. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3, p. 110. Monoceros garreiti sp. n. Polynesia, Marianas, Seale T.c. p. 112. Chaetodontidae. Ilolacanthus somervillii sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 228. — //. 7riarianas p. 104, hishopi. p. 106 spp. n. ]Marianas, Seale Hono- lulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3. — [1. rhomboides sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thoupson Ann. S. Africa Mus. 6 p. 101. Scorpididae. Scorpis Ut]iophihi» sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Tho.mpson Ann. S. Africa Mus. 6 p. 162. MULLIDAE. Mullus harbatus Lin., larvale, meta- morfosi e biologia. Lo Bianco Mitt, zool. Stat. Neapel 19 pp. 18-50 2 Taf.— Riv. mens. Pesca, pp. 145-151 ; 168- 170 1 tav. UpeneuH guehetti, sp. n. S. Africa. Gilchrist and Thompson Cape Town, Ann. S. Africa Mus. 6 p. 163.-0'. safordi sp. n. Guam, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. 72. Sparidae. Dentex natalensis sp. n. S. Africa. Gilchrist and Thompson Ann. S. Africa Mns. 6 p. 156. — D. undulosus sp. n, S. Africa, Regan Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1 pt. 3 p. 252 pi. xl. Sargtis nigrofaaciatus sp. n. S. Africa, Re(;an, Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1 pi. 3 p. 253 pi. xli. Cantharus aeneus p. 166 natalenma p. 107 spp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6. Lethrinns scoparius sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thomp.son Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 168. ; 44 Pisces. XV. Pisces — AcANTHOrXERYGII. [1908] Chrysophrija awjlieus p. 172, dentatiis p. 173, estiiarius p. llOjjnditcens p. 173, robinsoni p. 170 spp. n. 8. Africa, Gilchrist and Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6. ■fChrysophriis gervaisi sp. n. Bassin du Rhone. Leriche C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci. 35 p. 347 fig. 2. 'fTrigonodon serratus var. n. aegyp- ■ t'lacii p. 414 pi. XV fig. 8-10, laevis sp. n. p. 415 pi. XV fig 11-14. Priem Paris Bui. soc. geol. 7. ^Ancintrodon armatus P. Gervais var. n.n. te'dhardi, fourtanl, Priem Paris Bui. soc. geol. 7 p. 416 pi. xv fig. 26. Pristitomatidae. Pristipoma striatum sp. n. S. Africa. GiLCHRLST and Thompson Ann. S. Afric, Mus. 6 p. 153. Diagramvia durhavense sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist and Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 155. SniAENIDAE. Sciciena parva sp. n. S. Africa, Gil- christ and Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 183. Z^mhrina striata p. 181 , r-ohinsoni p. 182 spp. n. S. Africa; Gilchrist and Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 181. Bairdiella verae-crueis sp. n. Mexico, Jordan and Dickerson Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. IG. SlI.LAGINIDAE. Sillaro rohusld sp. n. Port Jackson, Steau. New Pishes from New South Wales No. 1 p. 7 pi. ii. Psecdochromididae. Pseudoclirornis wildii sp. n. Queens- land, Ogilhy Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 34. Damp'ier'ia loiigipiimia sp. n. (,)u<'cns- land, U(;iLBY T.c. p. 34. Gnalhypops dendr'il'ica sp. n. Philip- pines, Jordan and Richardson Washing- ton Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Pish. 27 p. 261. Serranidae. Epinephelns gurrnim sp. n. Hawaiian Islands, Seale, Honolulu Occ. Pajjrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1, No. 4, p. 3. Serraniis hr'igham'i sp. n. Hawaiiarc Islands, Seale, T.c. p. 7. AntJiias cooperi, Regan, figured. Regak Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 222 pi. 24. Xenanthlns gen. n. allied to Dactylan- tliias, gardineri sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 p. 223. Amhas'is natalensis sp. n. S. Africa,. Gilchrist and Thompson, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 148. Apogon punctatu», quinqucstriatu><^ f.jciiiophorus, macul'ipinn'is, gardineri, spp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 pp. 225-227.— .4. natalensis sp. n. S. Africa, (iiLCHRiST & Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 6 p. 149. — .4. warreni sp. n. S. Africa, Regan Ann. Natal liovt. Mus. 1 pt. 3 p. 251 pi. xlii. — A. henuforti, sandei, nichmanni spp. n. Neu-Guinea Weber Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 pp. 246-248. Apogon'u-h'.hys stromhl sp. n. Bahamas,. Plate "Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 3U3-399. Berycidae. Holnccntnis fuscostriatus sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 4 No. 3- p. 69. — II. august if rous sp. n. New Britain, Ogildy Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 32. Adioryx gsn. n. type Ilolocentrus-- suborhitalis Gill, Starks Science 2& p. 614. Os'ichthys spiiiiceps sp. n. South Sea Islands. Ogilby Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 31. ALLOTRlOGNATIil. Allotriognathi, emended diagnosis of the suborder. Regan Ann. Mag. Natl. Hist. 2 ]). 447. Slylopliorus caiidafus, systematic- position, RECiAN Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 447. — Osteology, Starrs Bull. Mus. Gonip. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52 pp. 19-21. ANACANTHINl. Gadidae. Lirinoiicnia lalifrons sp. n. south- west coast of Ireland, Hor.r and Byrne Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 87 fig. 45 Pisci^. AroDES. 5431 M.VCRUKIDAE. }[iicrurus microstomits sp. n. Indian Ocean, Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 1). 221. rERCESOCES. ClIIASMODOXTlDAE. Pseudoscopclus scriptus subsp. n. sagainianus Japan, Taxaka Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 23 Art. 13 pp. 1-2-i. Champsodon seclicllensia p. 212, micropthahnus p. 243, Indian Ocean ; giientheri Pliilippine Is., capens'ia Cape Colony, p. 244 ; arafiirensis Arafura Sea, omanensis Sea of Oman, p. 245 ; spp. n. Regan Trans. Linn. Soc. 12. SCO-MBRESOCIDAE. Hemiramplms niioprorus sp. n. .Japan, Jordan' and Dickehson Sniitlitsoiiiau Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 111. — //. caudovittatus sp. n. Xcu-Cluinea, Weber, Nova Guinea, 5 Livr. 2 p. 229. ThjporhamphuH samoensls sp. n. Steindaciiner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 p. 1418. Ci/pffilurus ogilhtji Jordan & Snyder sp. n. Fiji Islands, Jordan and Dicker- son Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation Mus. Proc. 34 p. 604. Tijloi^nrus coeruleofaHciatiis sp. n. Stead. Port Stephens. New fishes from New South Wales No. 1 p. 1 pi. 1. Sphtraenidae. Sphyraena icaitii sp. n. New South Wales, Ogilby Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 29. MCGILIDAE. Mugil rechincjeri sp. n., Samoaiuseln, Steindachner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 p. 1417.— .1/. stevensi p. 19, nortoni p. 22, tadopsis p. 27, spp, n. Queensland ; Ogilbv Ann. Queensland Mus. 9. Squalomugil gen. n. type Mwjil nasutus de Vis. Ogilby T.c. p. 28. Xenorhynehichthys gen. n. for Joturus stipes Jord. & Gilb., Reg.\n Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2, p. 461. Atherinidae. Ather'ina panatela sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and Richard.son Washington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 243. Pseudomugil novae-guineae sp. n. Neu- Guinea, Weber. Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 p. lihomhatractua affinls, sentaniensis, lorentzii, kochii spp. n. Neu-Guinea ; Weber Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 pp. 234-237 — 7?. u-eheri sp. n. British New Guinea, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 155. Mclanotaenia macidata, dumasi spp. n. Neu-Guinea. Weber Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 pp. 239-240. GloBsolep'ts gen. n. jriri-sHs sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Weber T.c. p. 241. APODES. Leptnceplialus jlavit-ostris sp. n. Japan, Snyder Smithsonian Inst. (J. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 93. Anguilla : gonogenesi e difPerenzia- mento sessuale, Giacomini Riv. mens. Pesia 10 pp. 59-64. — A. vidgaris Flem, Entwicklung, Pintxer Wien Schr. Ver. Verb. Natw. Kenntn. 48 pp. 117-143. — A. vulgaris, Larven in verschiedenen Stadien, aufgefunden im nordlichen Atlantischen Ocean, HoEKMeded. Vissch. 15 pp. 77-82. Gymnosimenchelys gen. n. near Simen- chelys, leptosomus sp. n. Japan ; Tanaka Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 23, Art. 13, p. 2, pi. ii. Leiiiranus Ulhiniis sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and Richardson Washington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 238. Ophichthys unicolor sp. n. S. Africa, Reg.\n Ann. Natal Gov. Mus. 1 pt. 3 p. 250 text fig. 1. Coeeula inindora sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and Richardson Washington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 239. Pisoodonophis macgregori sp. n. Philippines Jordan and Richard.son T.c. p. 238! Muraenichthys tliompsoni sp. n. Philippines. Jordan and Richardson T.c. p. 237. Gymnothorax walianourcp p. 24, gilberti p. 25 spp. n. Tanaila, Tokyo, J. CjU. 46 Pisces. XV. Pisces — AroDES. [1908] Sci,, 23, Art. 7. — G. odiosus, chlamydatus spp. n. Japan, Snyder Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 94. Rhinomiiraena amhoncnsls sp. n Dutch East Indies, Barbolr Washington Proc. Biol. See. 21 p. 40. Rhinechidna gen. n., type lihino- muraena eritima Jordan & Scale. Barbour, T.c. p. 41. Echidna umform'is sp. n. Guam, Seale, Honolulu Occ. Paprs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3 p. 02. CATOSTEOMI. Syngnathidae. Siphonostoma typhle L. Variation und Modification, Dukcker Hamburg Jalirb. wiss. Anst. 25 Beitr. 2, pp. 1-115. 3 Taf. iJoryicltthys caudocari natus sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Weber Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 229. Corythoichtht/s spinlcauddtus sp. n. Queensland, Ogii.by Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 16. Hippocampus daldi sp. n. Queens- land, Ogii-by Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 17. — 77. harhouri sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and Richardron Washington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish, 27 p. 247. DoryrJiamphus macgregori sp. n. Philippines, Jordan and Kkuarupon. T.c. p. 240. HAPLOMI. CYPniNODONTIDAE. Jlaplocltilua liherienais sp. n. Liberia, ]k)ULENGER Aim. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 30. — //. myapoaae sp. n. S. Africa, BoLiENGER Ann. Natal (jov. Mus. 1 pt. 3 p. 232 text fig. 2. Finulidiiti arnoUVu sp. n. -Vigcr, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 29. — F. meeki sp. n. Mexico, Evermanx Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 25. (uimhimia in Now Jersey, FowLER Science 26 p. 039. — (I. rhahdophora sp. n. Costa Rica, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 457. Petnlnsoma gen. n. near (Icunhuaia, cidtratiun sp. n. Costa Rica, Regan 'J'.c. p. 45S. Poecdia retropinna p. 458, spilonota p. 460 spp. n. Costa Rica, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2. Girardinu^ cnndimacidatiis, decem- macnlatus, reticidatns, denticulatiis. Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung ; Emel- janenko Naturfreund, 3 pp. 73-80 3 Text figs. SCOPELIDAE. Notoh'pls gen. n. coatsi sp. n. Ant- arctic, DoLLO Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 28 p. 58. HAPI.OCniTONIDAE. Jenynsella gen. n. near Haplochiton weatlierilU sp. n. Queensland, Ogilby Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 15. Galaxiidae. Galaxias hulloeki sp. n. Chile, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 372. OSTARIOPHYSI. LORICAUIIDAE. Arges lieterodon p. 799, retrophma p. 800, spp. n. South America ; Regan Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907. Plecostomus ilicringii p. 795, viargari- t'lfcr, strigat'icej^s p. 796, aJhopunctatiut p. 797, goyazenais p. 798 spp. n. Brazil ; b'EGAN Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907.— P. taoriatus sp. n. Argentina, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 358. Otocinclus paulimis sp. n. Brazil Regan Proc. Zool. Soc 1907 p. 799. Loricaria cigcnmanni sp. n. Amerique du Sud. Pellegrin. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 23 p. 125. Onyloricaria foivleri sp. n. Amerique du Sud, Pellegrin T.c. p. 120. SiLURIDAE. Clariinae, revision of the African members of the subfamily, Boulengeu Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 1002. Clarias jMcnxis sp. n. Fernando Po, BouLENGER Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 ]). 1078. — C. aauleri sp. n. Formosa, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 151. CopidogTanis novae-guineac sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Weber, Nova Guinea, 5 Livr. 2 p. 226. 47 Pisces. OsTARiorinsi. 5431 Slhtns hedfonli sp. n. Corea, Regan rroc. Zool. So'c. 1908 p. (U. Xeoeiilurna hartotv sp. n. British New Cniinea, Hegax Ann. Mag. Nut. Hist. 1 p. 153. Ani/peris'eus gen. n. near Eumeda, mediobarb'is sp. n. Queensland. Ogii.hy Ann. Queensland ilus. 9 p. 11. .4n'!<.s danielsi Bp. n. British New Guinea, Regas Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 154. Xemapteryx geu. n. type Arias st'ir- linqi. Ogilbv Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 10. TachysuTnts broadbenti sp. n Queens- land Ogilby Ann. Queensland Mus. 9 p. 8. Pseu'lobagrus brevianaVts sp. n. Formosa, Reg.cj Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 1.5 i. Liobagrus, synopsis of species, anler- soni sp. n. Corea, Reg.^n Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 61. — L. sugubii sp. n. Japan, 8tya7ii sp. n. China, Reg.ax .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 152. — L. formosanus sp. n. Formosa, Regan' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 360. Typhlohagriis kronei sp. n., Iporanga River, Brezil, Ribeiro, Ark. Zool. 4 No. 19 pp. 1-4, pi. Hem'ipimelodus velittinu>^ sp. n. Neu- Guinea, Weber Nova Guinea 5 Livr. 2 p. 225. Synodontis pardalis sp. n. South Cameroon, Boclesger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 30. — iS. njaaaae sp. n. Njassa- See, Keilhack Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 16S. Glyp'.osternum ainense, sp. n. China, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. IIU pi. iv. Ctprinidae. Catostomwi tcamerensis sp. n. Oregon, Sntder Washington Dept. Coram . Lab., Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 81. — C. micropa sp. n. California, Rctter T.c. p. 120. — C. humholdtianue sp. n. California, SsTDER Washington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. P^i.sh. 27 p. 103. Pantoateua santa-anae sp. n. Cali- fornia, SsTDER Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc. 34 p. 33. Labeo ohaeurittf sp. n. Gninee Fran- <;aise, Peli.egri.v Bui. Museum Paris 1908 p. 205. PMirbus rlioadeaii sp. n. Lake Nyassa. BouLEXGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.' 2 p. 238. — B. rietoriae, codringtonii p. 492; faiibaimii, altidorsalis p. 493; cltUotes p. 494 ; spp. n. Upper Zambesi, Bou- i.ENGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2.—B. litamba p. 164 vjnssae p. 1(55 spp. n. Njassa-Gebiet intermedhia Riipp. varr. n. euryatomus, latirostria, brevicauda ; tri- spilopleitra Blgr. var. n. arcialongae pp. pp. 161-169. Keilhack Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908.— />'. icurtz'i. p. 20G, saleasei p. 207 spp. n. Guinee fran<.-aise Pelleguin BuI. Museum Paris 1908. Barbodea hemictenus sp. n. Philip- pines Jordan and Richardson, Wash- ington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur Fish. 27 p. 241. Gobio wolterstorM sp. n. China, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 1 10 pi. iv. Leucogob'io strigatua sp. n. Corea. Regan Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 59. Acanthogobio longirosiris sp. n. Corea, Regan Proc. Zool. «oc. 1908 p. 60. Oreinua baileyi sp. n. Tibet, Lloyi> Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 4 p. 344. Scliizopygopaia ateicart'i'i s.p. n. Tibet, Llotd Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 4 pp. 342-- 343). Schizothorax o'eonnor'i sp. n. Tibet, Lloyd Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 4 pp. 343- 344. Campoatoma sp. n. Kansas, Creve- COECR Topeka Trans Kan. Acad. Sci. 21 Pt. 1 pp. 155-157. Phinichthija bowerai sp. n. West Vir- ginia (.toldsborough and Clark Wash- ington, Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 36. — R. evemianni sp. n. Oregon, Snyder T.c. p. 178. Pararaabora gen. n. near Raabora, moltrecliti sp. n. Fomiosa, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 360. Hybopaia crameri sp. n. Oref^on. S.n'yder Washington, Dept. Comm. Lab., Bull. Bur. Fish., 27, (1907), p. 181. Rutilua oregonenaia p. 87, colurn- b'lanua p. 92, spp. n. Oregon; Snyder Washington Dept. Comm. Lab., Bull Bur. Fish. 27. 48 Pisces. XV. Pisces OSTAKIOPIIYSI. [1908] Ptychoeheilua umpquae sp. n. Oregon, Snyder Washington Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 27 p. 170. Fhox'iniis czekanoiLshil subsp. n. ■sedelnikotfi Saissannor, Berg St. Peter- burg Ann. mus. zool. 13 p. 2iC. AcMlognalhus smith'i'i sp. n. Japan, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 150. Acanthorhodeus elongatus sp. n. Yunnan, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 356. — A. grac'iUs sp. n. Corea, Regan Proc. ZooJ. Soc. 1908 p. GO. Danio annandalei sp. n. Lower Burma, Chaudhuri Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 125-12G. Ahramlshrama x Leuciseus erythrop- thalmus, hybrid, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 162 pis. GymnostomnsTieyenherg'n sp. n. China, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 109 iig. — O. forrnosanus sp. n. Formosa, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 149 — t. 2 p. 455! Seijliorliinidae, synopsis of the family, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 453. Seyliorliiniiit rudis sp. n. Japan, Piets(IIM\nn Wien SitzBer. .\k. Wiss. 117 p. 099. 51 Pisces. Plagiostomi. — Cyclositomi. 5431 Eulamia odmitaspis sp. n., Iiuliaii Ocean (?) Fowi.kk I'liiladelphia Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. 60 p. 03. Mustehis - Arten, Unterscheidung, PiETSCUMAKX Zool. Anz., 33 pp. 15'J- 1G4. Miislehis (jfixcits sp. n, Jajian, PiET- SCHMASX Wieii SitzUer. xVk. Wiss. 117 p. 694. "fCctorhinns, appareil fanonculaiie trouve a I'etat fossile dans le Pliocene d'Anvers. LEPicnE Paris C. K. Acad, sci. 146 j-ip. 875-878. Sclaclie maxima nei marl italianl Paroxa Riv. mens, pesca, 10 pp. 263- 2fi0. — S. maxima pescata a Pozzallo fSiracnsa) ; M\zz\I!ell[ Riv. mens. Pesca 10 pp. I(i5-1G"J 1 lig. Rhinodon tupicus, mouth of R. Hooghly, Bay o£ Bengal, measuienieuts. Lloyd Rec. Ind. .Mus. 2 pt. o p. 30G. Ceutrophorus steindacJiucri sp. n. Japan, Pii:tsciimaxs Wien SitzPier. Ak. Wiss. 117 p. 0G7. Prist is annandalei sp. n., Burma coast, r'UA.«a)iiCRi Rec. ud. Mus. 2 pt. 4 pp. 3'.Jl-392. JiliuwhatuH linlavi Rup[). preso nel Mare toscauo. Carrlecio Boll. Soc. zool. ital. pp. 97-] (J5. Tihinohatis rnsus, Gulf of Guinea, aciifiis p. 2.j3, Ceylon, l:incaidii p. 254, Wasliinqtoa spp. n. Gakmax Bull. Mus. Conip. Zool. Harvard (JoU. 51. lia'jn hathypliUa sp, n. Irish Atlantic slope. Holt and I'.yune Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest. 1906 5 p. 51. Tetronareine tokionis sp. n. Japan, Taxaka Tokyo J. Coll. S(u. 23 Art. 7 pp. 2-G. Trijrjon microps sp. n. Bay of Bengal, AsKANDALE Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 4 pp. 393-394. Aelomijlnens gen. n. near Myliobatis, type yiijliobatia maculahis. CrARMAX Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard ColL 51 p. 252. Cernloptera orissa sp. n. Puri, Lloyd Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2. pp. 176-179. Dicerohalis tlmrstoni sp. n. Madras Coast?, Lloyd Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 pt. 2 pp. 179-180. ACANTHODEI. '\Gyvacauthtis pri7nner>(s sp. n. New York, Devonian, Eastman Iowa Geol. Surv. Rep. 18 p. 114. PLEUROPTERYGII. ]Cladodiis urhs-ludoviel sp. n. Ken- tucky Devonian, Eastman Iowa Geol. Surv. Rep. 18 p. 110. fCJddodns comprct^sus nom. n. for C. stridtn^ Branson, preoc. Branson Science, 27 pp. 311-212. INCERTAE SEDIS. "[Edcslus harpinsliii sp. n. Karbou von Koionuia, .Mis.sl'na Moskva Bull. Soc. nat. 21 pp. 529-535. CYCLOSTOMI. Ciclostomi, sistcma nervoso centrale, Sterzi Padova, 1907. Notes on lancelets and lampreys ; FowLEU Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59 pp. 4G1-4G6 text lig. Ammocoetes, Gehornerven, Tretia- KOFF Folia neuro-liiol. 1 1907 pp. 14- 29, 1 Taf. Petromyzon marlnus, Vorkommen in der Zuiderzee. Redeke Meded. Vissch. 15 pp. 57-59. — P. marinus, olfactory organs ; Burxe Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. G5 — P. iJuviatilis, (iehornerven, Tretjakoff Folia neuro-biol. 1 1907 pp. 14-29. Oceanomyzon gen. n. p. 4G1, near Petromyzon, wilsoni sp. n. p. 462 At- lantic Ocean. Prowler Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 59. The ventricular fibres of the brain of Mvxinnids; Ayers, Anat. Anz., 32 pp. 445-448. Myxine glvtinosa, Geschlecht szellen ; Scurelxer, a. und Sciirelner, K. E. Arch. Zellforschg 1 pp. 152-231, 6 Taf. Bdellostoma atouti, embryonic history of lens ; Stock ard Ainer J. Anat. 6 1907 pp. 511-515, 3 text figs. XVI. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA ARRANGED BY C. L. BOULENGER CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles 2 II. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and Miscellaneou8=5603. . .. 17 Anatomy =5607 .. 17 Physiology =5611 .. .. 20 Development =561 5 .. 20 Ethology = 56l9 .. 22 Variation, Teratology, Heredity, Evolution=562 3 ..23 Fauuae=5627 ,. 23 Actual .. 23 Fossil .. 25 III. SySTEMATIC = 5631 : — General .. 26 Reptilia » • • • .. 26 Lacertilia . . .. 26 Pythonomorpha . . .. 27 Ophidia .. 27 Pterosauria .. 29 Ichthyosauria .. 29 Plesiosauria .. 29 Crocodilia . . .. 29 Dinosauria .. 29 Chelonia . . .. 30 Theromorpha .. 32 Incertae sedis .. 32 Batrachia .. 32 Ecaudata . . .. 32 Caudata . . .. 33 Apoda .. 34 Stegocephala .. 34 (N-10332 d) d6 2 Kept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [11)08] I.— TITLES. Abel, 0. Ein neuer Reptilientypus aus der Triasformation Uiigarns. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ues., 57, 1907, (24C- 248). 1 Albrand, Max. Die Anlage der Zwi- schenniere bei den Urodelen. Arch, mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (353-385) 2 Taf. 2 Allard, H. A. Fowler's toad (Bufo fowleri, Putnam). Science, New York, N.y , N. Ser., 26, 1907, (383-384). 3 Allaxd, H. A. Bw/o fowleri (Putnam) in Northern Georgia. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (655- 656J. 4 Allen, A. A. vide Wright, A. H. Amerling, Karel. Ueber die Wider- staiidsfiihigkeit gegen Sauerstoffmangel und gegen Wiirmelahmung wahrend der Ontogenie des Frosches. Arch. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 121, 1908. (363-369). 5 AndersBon, Lars GabrieL A remark- able neAv Gecko from South-Africa and a new Sfenocercus-species from South- America in the Natural Museum in Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 61, 1908, (299-306), 1 Taf. 6 AndersBon, L. G. Two new lizards [fJurydactylus and Lygosoma) from New Caledonia. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 14, 1908, (5; pi. 7 Annandale, N. Description of a new species of lizard of the genus Salca from Assam. l?ec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 1, 1908,(37-38). 8 Annandale, N. Notes on some Ba- trachia recently added to the collection of the Indian Museum. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, pt. 3, 1908, (304-305). 9 Annandale, N. Breeding habits of Tylututriton verrucosus. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, (305-306). 10 Annandale, N. Description of the tadpole of Rana pleskii with notes on allied forms. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908,(315-346). 11 Anton, Wilh. Beitrag zur Morpho- logic des Jacobsonschen Organs und der Nasenhiihle der Cryptol)ranchiaten. Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 37, 1908, (448- 470j 2 Taf. 12 Arcangeli, Alceste. Per una migliore conoscenza della struttura e della dis- tribuzione delle glandole nello stomaco di Lacerta miwalts. Pisa, Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Memorie, 24, 1908, (205- 217). 13 Arldt, Th. Theromorphe Reptilien. Natw. Rdsch., Braunschweig, 23, 1908, 569-571, 585-587). 14 Aurich, Alfred. Der Giftajjparat der Schlangen. JahrBer. d. k.k. Staats- realschule in Marburg a.d. Drau, 38, 1907-1908, (1-16) 1 Taf. 1& Banchi, A. Nuove osservazioni sullo sviluppo dei nervi periferici indi- pendenteraente dai centri nervosi. Moni- tore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (143- 152) 1 tav. 16 Bannerman, W. B. Note on the breed- ing of snakes in captivity. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (208-209). 17 Barbour, Thomas. Some new Am- pin I lia Salientia. Washington, D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (189-190). 18 Barbour, T. Some new reptiles and amphibians. Canii)ridge, Mass., Bull. Mus, Conip. Zool., Harvard Coll., 51, 191 )S, 1 31. ".-325) text fig. 19 Bataillon, E. Les croisements des Ainpliibiens au point de vue cytologique. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (642- 641). 20 Bataillon, E. Le substratum cliro- mati4ue hercditaire et les combinaisons 3 Rept. Titles. 5600 nuole.iires dans les croisements chez les Ampliibiens. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, I'.iitS, >()92-(J'J4). 21 Bamneister, Ludwig. Beitrage zur Auatoiuie uud riiysiologie der Khiuo- phiden. Integument, Diiiseii der Miind- holile, Augeu und Skelettsvstem. Zool. Jahrb. Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 26, 1908. (4-'3-52G) 4 Taf. 22 Beasley, H. C. Report on footprints from the Trias. Part V. Rep. Brit. Ass., London, 1907, 1908, (300-304). 23 Beddard, F. E. Contributions to the knowleiige of the anatomy of tlie Ba- trachian family Pelobatidae. London, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1907, 1908, (871-911). 24 Beddard, F. E. Ou the musculature and other points in the anatomy of the Engystomaiid frog, Brevicepa verru- eo8U8. Loudon, Proc. Zool. Hoc, 1908, (11-41). 25 Beddard, F. E. A comparison of the neotropical species of Corallns, C. coohii, with '-'. mailagaseariensiit ; and on some points in the anatomy of Corallns cani- nii8. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (135-158). 26 Beddard, F. E. A contribution to the kuowledge of thebatrachian Rhinoderma darwiiii. London, Proc. Zool. Soc , 1908, (678-694). 27 Begbie, Arundel. Flving snakes. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (919). ' 28 Behr, Otto. Ein seltsamer Rflter. Gera, Jahresber. Ges. Nat\v., 49 50 (1906-1907J, 1908, (93-95). 29 [Berg, L.] Beprt, JI. HacTaBaeHia ^n coOiipanifl aociorHiecKHXi, Ko.i.ieK- uift. 111. IlHCTpyKuiu j:m coOnpaHia H nepecu.iKii puO'h, aM(|)n6iri ii pen- Tll.iitt. [Anweisungen zum Sammeln zoologischer Objekte. 111. Anleitung zum Sammeln und Versemien von Fischen, Amphibien und Replilien.] St. Peterburg, [Zool. Mus. Kais. Akad. d. Wiss.], 1908, flO+2). 25 cm. 30 Bialaszewlcz, K. Z badan nad wzro- stem zarodkow plazow. (Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wachstumsvorprange bei Amphibienembryonen). Krakow, Bull. Intern. Acad., 1908, '783-835). 31 (s-10332 d) Bialaszewicz, K. Z l)udau nad w/.ra- stcm zarodk.nv yilazow. [Beitrage zur Kcnntniss der \Vachstum>.vorgauge bei .-Vmjihibieuembrvoneii]. Krakow, Rozpr. Akad., 8 B, 1908, (419-438). 32 Blackwelder, Eliot. Report on zoo- logy. [Research in China]. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 54, Vol. 1. Pt. 2, 1907, (481-507), pi. 33 Bolkay, St. v. Ueber die Artberecli- tigiing des Flussfrosches {Rana r'ldi- bunda Pall.). Wochensohr. x\quarien- kuude, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, Beilage Lacerta, (49-51); Beuierkungen dazn v. W. Wolterstorff, t.c, (55-56). 34 Bougon. Recherche et capture des serpents. Xaturaliste, Paris, 30, 1908, (19-21). 35 Boulenger, G. A. A revision of tlie Oriental Pelobatid batrachiaiis (genus Megnlophrys). London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (407-430), pis. xxii-.xxv. 36 Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of new South-American Reptiles. xVnn. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (111-115). 37 Boulenger, G. A. Note on the Ophi- dian genus EmijdocepJtalus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, p. 231. 38 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new Elapine snake of the genus Apis- thne.alamua, Blgr., from New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (248-249). 39 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new Elapine snake from Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1, 190S, f333-334). 40 Boulenger, G. A. On a new genus of snakes from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (31-32). 41 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new Newt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don, 2, 1908, (32-33), pi. iv. 42; Boulenger, G . A . Desc r i pt i ons of th ree new snakes from Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (93-94). 43 Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of a new frog and anew snake from Formosa. Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (221-222). 44 Boulenger, G. A. Descrijition of a new snake from Yunnan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (244). 45 d6-2 4 Repi. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of new Batrachians and Reptiles discovered by M. and M. G. Palmer in South-western Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don, 2, 1908, (515-522). 46 Boulenger, G. A. On a collection of fresh-water fishes, batrachians and reptiles from Natal and Zululand, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Natal Hon. Mus., London, l,pt. 3, 1908,(219- 355). 47 Branca, W. Naclitrag zur Embryo- nenfrage bei Ichthyosaurus. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (392-396). 48 Branson, E. B. Structure and rela- tionships of American Laiyrinthodonti- dne. J. Geol., Chicago, III, 13, 1905, (568-610), illus. 49 BrauB, H. Pfropfimg bei Tieren. Heidelberg, Verb, nathist. Ver., N.F., 8, 1908, (525-539), ITaf. 50 Brimley, C. S. Artificial key to the species of snakes and lizards which are found in North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. C, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc, 23. 1908, (141-149). 51 Brimley, C. S. The salamanders of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. C, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc, 23, 1908, (150- 156). 52 Brimley, C. S. A key to the species frogs and toads liable to occur in North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. C, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc, 23, 1908, (157-160). 53 Broili, F. Ein montiertes Skelett von TMhidoaaurus haviatus Cope, einem Cotylosaurier aus deni Perm von Texas. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 60, 1908, (63- ()7) 1 Taf. 54 Broili, F. Ichthyosaurierreste aus der Kreide. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, l^eilagebd 25, 1908, (422-442). 55 Broom, R. On the origin of the Mammal-like reptiles. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1907, 1908 (1047-1061). 56 Broom, li. Some recent advances in South African paleontology. Science, N.-W York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (796-797). 57 Broom, 11. On tlio Pareiasaurian genus Propajypua (Pareiasauria) Ca{)e Town, Ann. S. Afric. Mua., 4, 190.S, (351-359) pi. xlv. 58 Broom, R. On some new Theroce- phalian reptiles (Anomodoiitia theroce- phaJia) Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 4, 1908, (361-367). 59 Broom, R. On the interrelationships of the known Therocephalian genera Anomodontia. Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 4, 1908, (369-372) 60 Broom, R. On a new Labyrinthodont (Rliinesuchus whaitsi) from the permian beds of South Africa (Labyrinthodontia) Cape Town, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 4, 1908, (373-376) pi. xlvi. 61 Broom, R. Note on the species of Meso.'iaiirus {?Pterosauria) Cape Town, Aim. S. Afric. Mus. 4, 1908, 62 Brown, Arthur Erwin. Generic types of Nearctic Reptilia and Amphibia. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 60, 1908, (112-127). 63 Brown, Barnum. The Ankylosauridae, a new family of armored dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous. New York, N. Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (187-201). 64 Brown, B. The Conard fissure, a Pleistocene bone deposit in northern Arkansas : with descriptions of two new genera and twenty new species of mam- mals. New York, N.Y., Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 9, 1908, (155-208) pis. xiv-xxv. 65 Bruner, K. Die Cettische Ringel- natter, Tropidonotua natrix subsp. cettn (Gene). Bl. Aquarienkuude, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (3-7). 66 Biilow, W. von. Natiirgeschichtliche Nolizen und Beobachtungen aus Samoa. [Snhildkroten.] Globus, Braunschweig, 93, 1908, (277-280). 67 Bum, P. E. Notes on the common Indian crocodile (Crocodilua paluatria) Boml)ay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (689). 68 Case, E. C. Notes on the skull of Lysorophus tricarlnattis Cope New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nut. Hist., 24, 1!)08, (531 533). 69 Case, E. C. The osteology of the Dladcctidae and their relations to the Clielydosauria. J. (ieol., Chicago, 111., 13, 1905, (126-159) iUustr. 70 Case, E. C. On the value of the evidence furnished by vertebrate fossils of age of certain so-called Permian beds 5 Repf. Titles. 5600 in America. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908. (572-580). 71 Case, E. C. Description of verte- brate fo;isils from the vicinity of Pitts- burgh, Penusvh-ania. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 4, I'JOS, (234-241) pi. 72 CeiTuti, A. Contribuzioni per lo studio dell'organo di Bidder nei Bu- fonidi. III. Sulla struttura e sui vari stadi di evoluzione degli ovuli. Napoli, Rend. Ace. Sc, Ser.'S, 14, 1908, (20- 28). 73 Chambers, Robert. Einfluss der Eigrosse und der Temperatur auf das Wachstum und die Grosse des Frosches und dessen Zellen. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn., 72, 1908. (607-661). 74 Champy, Christian. Note sur les cellules iuterstiiielles du testicule chez les batraciens auoures. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64. 1908, (895-896). 75 Chapman, H. G. The behaviour of TJyIa aurea to strychnine. Sydney, N.S.W., Proc. Linn. .Soc, 33, 1908, (292- 303). 76 Cheeseman, T. F. Notes on the occur- rence of certain marine reptilia in N. Zealand waters. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (267-269). 77 Cholmondeley, E. C. Kraits in Indore. Bomoav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (921-923). 78 Chubb, E. C. List of Batracliia and Reptilia collected in Northern Matabele- land. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (218-223). 79 Clark. Hubert Lyman. The garter snakes of North America. Science, New York, N.Y. (N. Ser.),28, 1908, (682). 80 Clayden, A. W. On the occurrence of footprints in the Lower Sandstones of the Exeter district. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (496-500). 81 Cohn, Ludwig. Ein Alligator sinensis im Stadtischen Museum. Bremen, Jahrb. Samral., Jg 1, lllljbd 2, 1908, (1-7) 1 Taf. 82 Conwentz, Hugo. [Zur Schlangen- fauna Westpreussens.] Danzig, Ber. nathist. Samml., 28 (1907), 1908, (17 bis 18). 83 Cross, Whitman. The Triassic por- tion of the Shinarump group, Powell. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (97-123). 84 Cutore, Gaetano. Modificazioni stmt- turali delle cellule motrici del midollo spinale durante il letargo [in Testudo graeca]. Archivio ital. Ajiat. EmbrioL, Firenze, 7, fasc. 1, 1908, (120-144) 1 tav. 85 D'Amico, Agatina. Contribute alia conoscenza niorfologica ed istologica della cloaca e del receptaculum seminis di Euproetus ruseonii (Gene). Biologica, Torino, 2, N. S, 1908, (1-12) 1 tav. 86 Diller, J. S. A salamander-snake fight. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26,1907,(907-908). 87 Ditmars, Raymond L. Growth of the alligator. New York, N.Y., Rep. Zool. Soc, 11. (1906), 1907, (142-154). 88 DoUo, Louis. Les allures des Igu- aiiodons d'apres les empreintes des pieds et de la queue. Bui. sci. P^rance-Bel- gique, Paris, 40, 1907, (1-12). 89 Douglass, Earl. Some 01igocen& lizards. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 4, 1908, (278-285). 90- Doyon. M. Les parathyroides de la tortue. J. Physiol. Path, gen., Paris, 9, 1907, (457-459). 91 Dreckmann, F. Breeding habits of some snakes, and lizards. Bomljay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (434-436). 92. Dubois, E. Das geologische Alter der Kendengoder Trinilfauna. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Cien., Ser. 2, 25, 1908, (1235-1270) 1 TaL 93 Eberhardt, I. L] 36eprapATTi, IL H. O K.ThTOIIIUXTj ^)OpMaX'l. KpOBH II coeAUHiiTe.uLnoft TKanH y nepeuaxH s'b HopMa.ibHOMT> coctohhIh h npH Bocna- Jienin. JI,ncc. [Ueber die Zellformen des Blutes und des Bindegewebes der Schildkrote im normalen Zustande und bei Entzijndungen. Diss. St Peter- burg, 1907, (76 + 3) 1 Taf. 23 cm. 94 Ellis, Max Mapes. Some notes on the factors controlling the rate of regenera- tion in tadpoles of Rana clamata- Dau- din. Biol. Bull., Woods HoU. Mass., 14, 1908, (281-28.3). 95 [Elpatjevskij, V.] EjinaTi.eBCKiii, B. SeMiioBoaiiuJi H npecMUKaioiuiHca 3a- 6aftKa.ib«. [Les auiphibiens et les rep- 6 Rept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] tiles de Transba'ikalie.] Trav. sect. Troick-Kiacht. Soc. russ. geogr., St. Peterburg, 9, ], 1906, [190S], (42-61) 1 Tub. 96 Elpatiewsky, W. vide Eljiatjevskij, V. Eternod, A. C. F. et Robert, A. Eug. Les Chromatocytes. Auatomie, Physio- logie. (Note provisoire.) Anat. Aiiz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (121-131). 97 Fahr, Aenuy. Nachtrag zu „Ver- suche iibei" Neotenie bei Salamandra maculosa''. Wocliensehr. Aquarieu- kunde, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, Beilage Lacerta, (52). 98 Faust, Ed win S. Ueber das Opliio- toxin aus dem Gifte der ostindischen Bi-illeuscldange, Cohra di Capello. (Naja tr'ipudians.) Arch, exper. Path.. Leipzig, 56. 1907, (236-259). 99 Ferguson, Harold S. A new tortoise li'oni Travancore. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (186j. ' 100 Fischer, C. E. C. Aberration in scales of regrown tail of Agama tuberculatn, Grey. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (208). 101 Fleissig, Julius. Die Entwickelung des (ieckohibyrintlies. (Ein Beitragzur Entwickelung des Reptilienlabyrintlies.) Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. I, 37, 19u8. (1-llGj 7 Taf. 102 Foa, Edouard. Ma>urs des animaux de I'Africjue centrale, hi: R^sultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Eoa. Paris (Imjor. nat.), 1908, (323-507J. 103 Forbin, V. Une fernie a crocodiles. Nature, Paris, 36, (P sem.), 1908, (113- 115). 104 Fortin, E. P. Sur quelques particu- larites de la vision du cam^leon. Paris, C. R. soc. bio)., 64, 1908,(346-347). 105 Fraas, E. Oslafrikanische Dinosaurier. Palaeontogra]jiiica, Stuttgart, 55, 1908, (105-144) 5 'J'af. 106 Franca, C. Sur un hematozoaire nouvpuu de Lacn-ta ocellata. Paris, Bui. soc. patl). .-.N(,t., 1, 1908, (301-303) 107 Francois - Franck, Ch. A. Etudes critiques ct cxi ( rinientales sur la ni^ca- nique rcs])iiat(jirc comjjaree des Reptiles. I. (Jheloniens (Tortue grecque). Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 9, 1908, (31-187). 108 Fuchs, Fanny. Ueber die Entwick- lung des Vorderhirns bei niedern Verte- braten. Zool. Jalirb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 25, 1908, (547-610). 8 Taf. 109 FuchB, Hugo. Ueber das Vorkommen selbstandiger knocherner Epiphysen bei Sauropsiden. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (352-360). 110 Fuchs, Hugo. Untersuchungen iiber Outogenie und Phylogenie der Gaumen- bildungen bei den Wirbeltieren. 2. ilitt. : Ueber das Munddach der Rhynchoce- l^halen, Saurier, Schlangen, KrokodiJe und Sanger und den Zusammenliang zwischen Mund- und Nasenhohle bei diesen Tieren. Zs. Morph., Stuttgart, 11, 1908, (153-248) 3 Taf. Ill Gal, Jules. I.e chant de la rainette- Nimes, Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat., 35, 1908, (59-64). 112 Gandolfi, Herzog. Die Zunge der Agamidae und Iguanidae. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908,' (569-580;. 113 Qargano, Claudio. Ricerche sulla struttura del tubo digerente della Lacerta nniralis. Napoli, Atti. Ace. Sci., Ser. 2, 13, 1908, Mem. N. 6, (1-37). 3tav. 114 Qarman, Samuel. The reptiles of Easter island. (Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. iish commission steamer "Albatross," from Octol)er, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., conunanding. ] 2.) Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mas. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 52, 1908, (1-14). 1 pi. 115 Gasparro, Emerita. Osservazioni sul- I'origiue delle cellule sessuali nel flonrjijlus occllnhis. Monitore zool. ital., Eirenze,19, 1908, (105-116). 3 tav. 116 Geyer, Hans. Ungeloste Fragen hinsichtlich der Fortpflanzungsge- schichte von Lacerta agdis. \\'ochen- schr. .'\fiuarienkunde, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, Beilage Lacerta, (47-48, 51-52). 117 Giglio Tos, Ermanno. Ancora del diafranmia degli Anfibi anuri. Biologica, Torino, 1, 1907, (463-469). 118 Gill, Theo. N. Dieinictijlus or Kotoph- Uudmiis as names of a salamander. Science, New York, N. Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907,(256). 119 Rtpt. Tin. 5600 Goldflng^er6wiia, li. O rozwoju workow iiinfafycznyoli \v tyliivoh oduoiaoh zaby. [Cber die ICiitwickelung der Lymph- sacke iu den hiiiteren Extreuiitaten des Frosches]. Krakow, Rozpr. Akad., 7 B, 1907, ;251-L'e4), mit 1 Taf. 120 Ooodall, Strickland. Two cases of hermaphroditism. J. Anat. I'hvsiol., London, 42, 1908, (337-342). " 121 Ooiigh, Lewis Henry. Description of two new species of Psammoph'is from South Africa. Zool. Auz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (101-103). 122 Oough, L. H. Catalogue of the South African snakes in the collections of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, and the State Museum, Bloemfontein. (Ophidia). Ann. Transvaal Mus., Pretoria; 1, 1908, (17- 45). 123 Gough, L. II. Note on a specimen of Prosynina sutidevaili Sm. Ann. Trans- vaal Mus., Pretoria, 1, 1908, (64). 124 Ormnell, Joseph. The biota of the San Bernardino mountains. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub., Zoo!., 5, 1908, (1-170) pi., map. 125 Oilnther, A. Agamidaeand Iguanidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Loudon, 2, 1908, (523-524.. 126 [Gurwitach, A. G.] rypBiiTB, A. F. O aB.ieniax'b pery.iartin bt. iipoTO- naasMt [I'eber Regulationserschei- nungen im Protoplasma.1 St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. Sect, zool., 37, 2, 1908, {139-180, deutsch. Res. 187-190). 127 Haecker, Valentin. Leber Axolotl- kreuzuiigen. II. Mitt. (Zur Kenntnis 3.r 130 Hartman, F. A. Food habits of Kansas lizards and batrachians. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, {2-25--22d). 131 Hatcher, John B. Tlie Ceratupsia. Based on preliminary studies by Othniei ('. Marsh. Edited and completed by Richard S. Lull. [With introduction and biographical sketch by Henry Fair- field Osborn.J Washington, D.U. Dept. Int., U.S. Geol. Surv. Monogr., 49, 1907, (i-xxx + 1-300, with text fig., ]^1., maps). 132 Hay, Oliver Perry. The fossil turtles of North America. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Inst. Pub. 75, 1908, (iv + 5f)8) pi. 29 cm. 133 Hay, 0. P. On three existing species of sea-turtles, one of them (C'aretta re- mivaga) new. Wasliington, D.C. Smith- sonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (183-198) pi. 134 Hay, 0. P. Descriptions of five species of North American fossil turtles, four of which are new. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 35, 1908, (161-169) pi. 135 Hay, 0. P. On certain genera and species of carnivorous dinosaurs, with special reference to Ceratosaurus nasi- coniia Marsh. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc, 35, 1908, (351-366). 136 Hay, 0. P. On the habits and the pose of the sauropodous dinosaurs, especially of Diplodocus. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (672-681). 137 Hay, 0. P. Dr. W. J. Holland on the skull of Diplodocus. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (517-519). 138 Hempelmann, Friedricli. Der Froscli. Zugleich eine Einfiihruug in das prak- tische Studium des Wirbeltier-Korpers. (Monographien einheimischer Tiere. Hrsg. V. H. E. Ziegler u. R. Woltereck. Bd. 1.) Leipzig (VV. Klinkhardt), 1908, (v -f 201) ITaf. 24 cm. 139 Hildebrandt, Hugo. Beitrag zur Reptilien- und Amphibien-Fauna des Herzogtums Sachsen-Altenbnrg. Alten- burg, Mitt. Osterland, (N. F.), 13, DOS, (109-117). 140 Hirsch-Tabor, 0. Ueber das Gehirn von Proteus angu'meus. Arch. mikr. Anat , Bonn, 72, 1908, (719-730;. 141 Hochatetter, F. Beitrage zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der europaischen Sumpfschildkrote {Emys lutar'ia Mar- sigli) 1. Ueber die Art und Weise, 8 Rept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] wie die Embryonen der Sumpfschild- krote ihre Hiilleu abstreifen und wie die Jungen dieses Tieres das Ei ver- lassen. Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 81, 1908, (1-20) 2 Taf. 142 Hochstetter, F. Ueber die Art und Weise,-nie die europaische Sumpfschild- krote iki-e Eier ablegt und wie die Jungen dieses Tieres das Ei verlassen. Innsbruck, Ber. Natw. Med. Ver., 30, (1905-1907), 1907, (117-153). 143 Holland, W. J. An undetermined element in the osteologj"- of the iloso- aauridae. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Car- negie Mus., 4, 1908, (162-167). 144 Holland, \V. J. Baptanodon not a "toothless" ichthyosaur. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (191- 192). 145 Holland, W. J. Dr. 0. P. Hay on the skull of Diplodocits. Science, Xew York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (641- 645). 146 Horwood, A. R. The flora and fauna of the Trias (Keuper only) in Leicester- shire, with some notes on that of the surrounding counties. Rep. Brit. Ass. London, 1907, 1908, (306-311). 147 Hoyer, II. Badania nad ukladem limfatycznym kijanek. Cz^Sc II. [Untei- suchungen iilier das Lymphgefasssystem der Froschlarven, II Teil]. Ivrak6w, Bull. Intern. Acad., 1908, (451-465). 148 Huene, F. B. On Phytosaurian re- mains from the Magnesian Conglomerate of Bristol (Eileya platijodoii). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London," 1, 1908, (228- 230). 149 Huene, F. B. On the age of the reptile faunas contained in the Mag- nesian Conglomerate at Bristol and in the Elgin vSandstone. Geol. Mag., Lon- don, 5, 1908, (99-100). 150 Huene, Friedrich von. Die Dino- saui ier der europiiischen Triasformatiou mit Ijerijcksiciitigung der ausser-euro- paischen V'oikoinmnisse. Lfgl-3. Geol. u. palaeont. Abli., Jena, SupplBd 1, 1907/08, (xii -f 4 1 9;. Ill Taf. 151 Huene, F. V. Ein Beitrag zur Beur- teilmig der Sacralrippeii. Auat. Aiiz., Jena, 33, 1908, (.•<78-.381). 152 Huene, V. v. Beitriige zur Losnng der Praepubisfrage bei l»inosauiiern und anderen Reptilien. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (401-405). 15S Huene, F. v. Zur Beurteilung der Sauropoden. Berlin, Monatsber. D. geol. Ges., 1908, (294-297). 154 Huene, F. v. and Lull, R. S. On the Triassic reptile Hallopus victor Marsh. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 25, 1908, (113-118), text fig. 155. Jarvis, May M. The segregation of the germ-cells of Phrynosoma cornutum : Preliminary note. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 15. 1908, (119-126), text fig. 156 Jeukinson, J. W. Experiments on the developnient of the frog. Rep. Brit. Ass., London, 1907, 1908, (347-348). 157 Kallius, E. * Ueber die Entfernuug der Gallerthiille des Aniphibienlaiches. xVnat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (31). 15& Kammerer, Paul. Die Fortpflanzung des Grottenolmes (Proteus angiune7(» Laurenti). Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges., 57, 1907, (277-292). 159 Kammerer, P. Experimentell erzielte Uebereinstimmungen zwischen Tier und Bodenfarbe. Wien, Verb, ZoolBot. Ges., 58,1908,(126-130). 160 Kellicott, W. E. A note on the pro- portiuu of injured individuals in a natural group of Bufo. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser.,' 27, 1908. (855- 857). 161 Kingsley, J. S. The Frog : An anurous amphibian. [With bibliography.] (Guides for vertebrate dissection.) New York (Holt), 1907, (v 4- 28). 22 cm. 162 Kingsley, J. S. Necturus, an urodele amj)hibian. [With bibliography.] (Guides for vertebrate dissection.) New York (Holt), 1907, (v -I- 28). 22 cm. 16$ Klunzinger, C. B. Ueber neue P'und& von sclnvarzen C^rasfrcischen. Verh. D. Zool. Ges., Leipzig, 18, 1908, (230-234). 164: Knauer, Friedrich. Giftechsen. Natw. Woclienschr., Jena, 23, 1908, (393-396). 16S Knauer, F. Die Ursinische Viper (Vipcrd ucsnn'i Bonaparte). Natur u. llaus, Stuttgart, 16, 1908, (338-341). 166 Knauer, F. Europas Schlangenland. Promellieus, Berlin, 19, 1908, (215-218, 233-238,250-251). 16T 9 Rept. Title?. 560O Krause, Max. Die Chcmio des Schlan- gengifles imd Ilerstellung von Schlangeii- giftsohutzserum. [In : Bericlit iibor den xiv internal. Kougress fiir Hygiene. Hd 4.] Berlin (;A. Hirschvvald\ 1008, (701- 70')'. 168 Kra\ise, M. D.'e Cliemie des Schlau- gengiftes luid Herstellung von S("hlangen- giftschutzserum. Vortrag . . . Arch. Schiffshvg., Leipzig, 12, 1908, (12-16). 169 Kraiiss, Friedrioh. Ueber die Genese des Chordaknorpels der Urodelen und die Xatur des Chordagewebes. Arch, mikr. Anat., Bonn, 73,^1908, (69-lin). 3 Taf. 170 KrefTt, Paul. Das Terrarium. Ein Handbuchder hauslichen Reptilien- uud Amphibieupflege . . . nebst einer An- leitung zura Bestiinmen der Terrarieu- tiere von Franz Werner. Berlin (Pfen- niugstorEf), [lOuSj, (xii + (!31, mil G3 Taf. u. 3 Kart.j. ^i cm. [Auch in Lfgen.] 171 KtUin, Alfred vide Trendelenburg, W. Kuachakewitsch, Sergius. Ueber den Ursprung der Lrgeschlechtszellen bei Rana eacideiita. (Vorl. Mitt.) Miinchen, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., math.-pbys. Kb, 38, 1908, (89-102). 172 [Laister, Alexander.] JIaficTepi>, A.ieKcaHjtp-i. K-b (IjayH-t 3piiBancK0ft rytjepHiii. SaM-feiKa o Haxo;KjienlH CTenHOii rii,lK)Kii [Vipera renardl Chris- toph.) B"b 3aKaBKa3BH. [Zur Fauna des Gouv. Erivan. Ueber das Vorkomnien von Vipera renardi Cbristnph. in Trans- kaukasien.] Erivan, Pam. Knizka Eri- vansk. gub. 1908, (223-226). 173 [Laudenbach, J. P.] JIaj-;ieH6axT., K). n. (J ;;'feikTBin .3Mt.iiHaro a,ia h aiiiii- SMtHHofi cuBopoTKii Ha cep;tne h npo- BHHoe aaB.ieHie. [Ueber die Wirkung des Schlangengiftes und dessen Anti- toxins auf das Herz und den Blutdrufk.] Kiev, Izv. Univ., 48, 1908, 2, (75- 95). 174 Laveran, A. Sur une hemogregarine de la couleuvre Argus. Paris, C. \l. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (103-106J. 175 [Lavrov, .S.] JaBpoBT., C. AiiOMa.iia no.iOBiJXT> opraiioBi, se.ieHofl .larj iiikh. [Abnormal reproductive organs in liana esculenta .] Kazani, Prot. ObSc. jest., 38, 1908, Beil, (1-4;. 176 [LavroT, ?.] JIanpoBT., C. Pesy.ib- Tatu H3C.it..-;oBaiii>i (Jiayiiu qepBctt ptiui Bo-ii^ii It iioeMHUx-h oaep'b y CaparoBa. [Resuitate der Untersu- cluuigen der Wiirnier-Fauna des VVolga- Flusses und der Wiesenseen bei Saratov.} Saratov, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 5, 2, 1908. (1-86), Taf. i-ii. 177 Le Cerf, F. Reptiles et Batraciens observes a la Maison-Caree (Algcrei). Ann. Assoc. Natural. Lavallors-Perret, 13, 1907, (22-26). 17» Leeds, E. T. On Metr'iorhyncJnis hrachi/rhynchiis (Dcsloiig) from the Ox- ford C'lay near Peterborough. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 64, 1908, (343-357) pis. xlv-xli. 179^ Leriche, Maurice. Sur I'attribution de Ldccrta (?) cocenn Owen de I'Eocene inferieur do Suffolk a un poisson du genre Amia. Lille, Ann. soc. geol., 36, 1907,(167-169). 180- [Levandovskij, L] JleBaiiAOBCKirt, H. OiitiTbi 11 iian;iio,ieHiH na Moert HactKt (aiHepiin,U Lacerta viridis L. H agilis: L., BpaiH ime.Tb). [Versuche und Be- obachtungen auf meinem Bieuenstande.. (Lai'ertn viridis L. und ayilis h. als Bienenfeinde).] Russ. pcelovod. listok, St. Peterburg, 23, 2, 1908, (49-51). 181 Lons, Hermann. Der Biss der Kreuz- otter. Miinster, Jahresher. ProvVer. Wiss., 36,(1907-08), 1908,(92-95). 182 Lomas, J. On a footprint slab in th& Museum of Zoology, University of T;iver- pool. Rep. Brit. Ass., London, 1907,, 1908, (304-306). 183 Loomis, F. B. Origin of the Wasatch deposits. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., Ser. 4, 23, 1907, (356-364), 5627 gi. 184 Lull, Richard S. Phylogeny, taxo- nomy, disti-ibution, habits, and environ- ment of the Ceratopsia. In : Hatcher, J. B. The Ceratopsia. Washington, D. C., Dept. Int., iMonogr. U. S. Geol. Surv., 49, 1907, (159-195). 185- Lull, R. S. The cranial musculature and the origin of the frill in the cera- topsian dinosaurs. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Coun., (Ser. 4), 25, 1908, (387- 399), 3 pis. 18& Lull, R. S. vide Huene, F. R. von. Luther, A. [Forteckning ofver finska museets samlingar af reptilier och am- 10 Rej>t. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] iibie]-]. [Verzeichnis der Sammluiigen von Reptilien uiid Atnphihien des fin- iiischen Museums]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (164- 165). 187 Mara, Enrico. Sulla cloaca e ghian- ■dole annesse del maschio di Eiiprodiis rusconli (Genej. Biologica, Torino, 2, N. F., 1908, (1-17), 1 tav. 188 Marcucci, Ennete. SuU' incrocio dei anuscoli nel cinto pelvico dei Sauri. Napoli, Atti Ace. Si, Ser. 2), 13, 1908, Mem. N. R., (1-10), 1 tav. ; Mem. N. 14, nd- glied des iclitliyosaurierstammes aus der Kreideformation. Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, ((38)-(44)). 245 RutLven, Alexander G. Variations and genetic relationships of the garter- snakes. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst, U. S. Nation. Mus., Bull. No. 61, 1908, I'i-xii + 1-201) pi., maps. 246 Soberer, Jos. Wiisten-Reptilien. Kos- mos, Stuttgart. 5, 1908, (274-278). 247 Scbmalbausen, J. J. Die Entwicke- lung des Skelettes der hinteren Extre- mitat der anuren Amphibien. (Vorl. Mitt.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (.337-344V 248 Schmidt, Wilhelra J. Ueber ein Ne- benparietalauge bei Lacerta agilis. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (137-140). 249 Schmincke, Alexander. Die Regene- ration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den .Sauropsiden. Beitr. path. Anat., Jena, 43, 1908, (519-551) 1 TaL 250 Schmincke, A. Die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Wirbeltieren. Eine vergleichende patho- logisch-anatomische Studie. I. Ich- thvopsiden. Wiirzburg, Verh. phveik. Ges., (X.F.), 39, 1907, (15-130) 2 TaL 251 Schmitt-Marcel, William. Ueber Pseudo-Hermaphroditismus bei Rana temp. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (516-539). 252 Schreitmuller, Wilhelm. Eine eigen- artige Todesursache bei Salamandra maculosa Laur. (Feuersalamander.) [Froschharn.] Wochenschr. Aqua- rienkunde, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, Bei- lage Lacerta, (55). 255 Schuberg, August. Beitrage zur vergk-ichenden Anatomie und zur Ent- ■wickhingsgeschichte der Lederhaut der Ampliihien. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 90, 1908, 1.1-72) 1 TaL 254 Schweizerbarth, Elise von. Ueber das \ orkouinien der .Mauereidechse an dem Kriegsberg in Stuttgart. BL Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (520-521). 255 Seeger, Else. Reptilien und Am- phil)ien aus Mallorca. Wochenschr. Aquarienkunde, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, Beilago Lacerta, (33-34). 256 Seeley, H. G. The armour of the extinct reptiles of the genus Pare'ia- snurus. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (605-610). 257 13 Rept. Titles. 5600 Seeley, H. G. AdJitional evidence as to the dentition and sfruoture of tlie skull in the South African fossil reptile frenus P'uidemodon. Loudon, Pioc. Zool. Soc, 1908. (011-G17). 258 Seeley, H. G. On the extremity of the tail in Ichthyosauria. Auu. Mag. Xat. Hist., London, 1, 1908, (436-441). 259 Seeley, H. G. On the interlocking of the neural arches in Ichthyosauria. Ann. .Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 'l, 1908, (441-4441. 260 Seeley, H. G. On the dentition of the diastema in some fossil reptiles referred to the Gompbodontia, from the Upper Karroo Rocks of Cape Colony. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 2, 1908, (370- 3S-2). 261 Seeley, H. G. A large Labyrintho- dont tooth from the Upper Karroo beds of Wonderboom, near Burghersdorp. Geol. Mag., London, 5, 1908, (214-243) pi. s. 262 Seeley, H. G. The Kraai River ver- tebra referred to EusJteleaaurua. Geol. Mag., London, 5, 1908, (332-333). 263 Seeley, H. G. On the dentition of tlie palate in the South African fossil reptile genus Cynognathus. Geol. Mag., Lon- don, 5, 1908, (486-491) pi. iiiv. 264 SevercoT, A. N. Studien iiber die Entwicklung der Muskeln, Nerven und des Skeletts der Extremitaten der nie- deren Tetrapoda. Beitrage zu einer Theorie der pentadactylen Extremitat der Wirbeltiere. Moskva, Bull. Soc. nat., N. Ser., 1907, 1-3, [1908], (1-430 -f- 2 1 Taf. i-vi. 265 Siebenrock, FriedricL. Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise von Dr. Franz Werner nach Aep^ypten und im agyptischen Sudan. Wien, Sitzber. Ak. Wiss., 115, Abt. I, 1906, (817- 839). IV. Krokodile und Schildkroten. 266 Siebenrock, F. Beschreibung und Abbildung von Pseudemydura umbrina Siebenr. und iiber ihre systematische Stellung in der Familie Chelydidae. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 116, 1907, Abt. I, ri20.5-1211j 2 Taf. 267 Siebenrock, F. Ueber einige zum Teil seltene Schildkroten aus Siidchina. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 116, 1907, Abt. I, (1741-177GJ 1 Taf. 268 Siedlecki, MichaL 0 Imdowie, spo- sobie iycia i rozwoju jawanskiej i:\hy latajvjcej. {RJiacophorus reimmrd'.il Boie). Douiesienie tymczasowe. (Gber Ban, Lebensweise und Entwicklung des javanischen Flugfrosches [Ehacophorua re'nucardtii Boie). Vorlaufigo Mittei- lung.) Krakow, Bull. Iiiteru. Acad,, 1908, (682-689). 269 Sieglbauer, Felix. Muskeln und Nerven der Schildkrotenextremitiit. Anat. Auz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (283- 288). 270 Smallwood, W. M. The kidney cells of the frog in a phagocytic role. Anat. Auz., Jena, 32, 1908, (201-205). 271 Smallwood, Will. Martin. The sacrum of Nectwus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (237-239). 272 Soffel, Karl. Zoologisches aus Siid- tirol. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (249-250). 273 Sollaud, E. Role du syst^me nerveux dans les changemcnts de coloration chez la grenouille. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (536-538). 274 Sordelli, Ferdinando. Vertebrati del- I'Argeutina e del Benadir donati al Museo civico di Milano dal Sig. T. Bondimaj. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. Nat., 47, fasc. 1-2, 1908, (10-22). 275 Staderini, Rutilio. La hypophysis cerebri degli ^Vnfibi : note anatomo- embriologiche. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze, 7, 1908, (165-191) 6 tav. 276 Steclie, 0. Eine Abnormitat im Arterienverlauf bei Eana esculeiita. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908, (563- 566). 277 Stack, Leo. Der Stimmapparat des Hemidactylus garnoti Dum. et Bibr. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic der Geckoti- den. (Reise von Dr. Walter Volz.) Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Anat., 25, 1908, (611-636) 1 Taf. 278 Steindacliner, Franz. Bemerkungen zu Liparophia Bedoti Peracca und Lachesls monticola (Gthr.) Wien, Sitz- Ber. Ak. Wiss., 115, Abt. I, 1906, (905- 909j 1 Taf. 279 Steinheil, Fritz. Beobachtungen iiber Nahrungsauinahmen von Keptilien. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (261-264, 281-284J. 280 14 Sept. XVI. Reptilia and Batracliia. [1908] Stejneger, Leonhard. Two new species of toads from the Philippines. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 33, 190S, (573-576 >. 281 Stejneger, L. A new species of flying lizard from the Philippine islands. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., U.S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 33, 1908, (677-679). 282 Stejneger, L. Three new species of lizards from the Philippine islands. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc, 34, 1908, n99- 204). 283 Stejneger, L. The status of the Japanese soft-shelled turtle. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (746-748). 284 Sternberg, Charles H. Protostega gigas and other Cretaceous reptiles and fishes from the Kansas chalk. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (123- 128) pi. 285 Stemfeld, Richard. Die Schlangen- fauna von Kamerun Mit einer Bestim- niungstabelle. Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mus , 8, 1908, (397-432). 286 Stemfeld, R. Die Schlangenfauna Togos. Mit einer Bestimmungstabelle. Bearb. uach dem Material des Berliner Zoologischen Museums. Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mus., 4, 1908, (207-236). 287 Stemfeld, R. Zur Schlangenfauna Osfafrikas. Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mus., 4, 1908, (237-247). 288 Stemfeld, R. Mimicry bei afrikani- schen Schlangen. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freuude, 1908, (89-91). 289 Stemfeld, R. Neue und ungeniigend hekannte afrikanischo Schlangen. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (92- 95). 290 Strecker, Jolui K., jun. The reptiles and batrachians of ^'ictoria and Refugio counties, Texas. Washington, D.C , Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (47-52). 291 Strecker, J. K., jun. A preliminarj' annotated list of the Batrachia of Texas. Washington, D.C, Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 190S, i.')3 61). 292 Strecker, J. K., jun. Tiic reptiles and batrachians of McLennan county, Tex:i8. Washington, D.C, Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (69-83). 293 Strecker, J. K., jun. Notes on the habits of two Arkansas salamanders and a list of batrachians and reptiles col- lected at Hot Springs. Washington, D.C, Proc Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (85-89). 294 Strecker, J. K., jun. Notes on the breeding habits o[ Plirynosoma cornutum and other Texas lizards. Washington, D.C, Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (165- 169). 295 Strecker, J. K., jun. Notes en the life history of Scaphiopus eouch'ti Baivd. Washington, D.C, Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (199-206). 296 Stuart, G. A. D. Abnormal tail in a lizard, Heinidactylii.-^ qleadovii. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18," 1908, (688-689).* 297 Svensson, Elis. Zur Morphologie der Arteria subclavia und axillaris bei Lacerta. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. I, 37, 1908, (603-058) 10 [5] Taf. 298 Temi, Tullio. Contributo alia cono- scenza del testicolo del Geotriton fusnts, Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (299-303). 299 Thompson, Joseph C ride Van Den- burgh, J. Tomier, Gustav. Vorlaufiges fiber experimentell erzielten Hautalbinismus bei Axolotl-Larven. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (66-67). 300 Tomier, G. Ueber Eidechseneier, die von einer Pflanze durehwachsen sind. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908,(191-194). 301 Tomier, G. Ueber eine albinotische Ringelnatter und ihr Entstehn. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (196- 200). 302 Tomier, G. Ueber experimentelles Hervorrufen und Naturentstehn von Mopskopfen, Cj'clopcn und anderen vor- geburtlichen Kopfverbildungeu bei Wirbeltieren. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (298-315). , 303 Tomier, G. Reptilia et Amphibia. [In : Wiss. Ergebnisse der Exped. Filchner. Bd 10. Til.] Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.), 1908, (125). 304 Trendelenburg, Wilhelni und Ktihn, Alfn'(l. W'rgh'irhende Untersnchuiigeu zur Pliysioiogie des Oinlabyrinthes der Reptilien. Arcli. .Anat. Plij-siol., Leipzig, PJiysiol. Abt., 1908, (160-188). 305 1") Re pi. TiTI.KS. 5600 Trinci, (Jiulio. L'evoluzione del- relemeiito cromatico nelloofiteuesi del Sauri durante il primo periocio i)ostgo- uiale. Bologna, Mem. Ace. sc., ser. (>. 5. (1^07-8), 1908,(107-199) 1 tav. 306 Trinci, G. L'evoluzione protogonista prediacinetica deU'elemento cronmtico nell'oogenesi dei Sauri. Sunto. Bologna, Rend. Ace. sc, N. Ser., 12 (1907-8). 190S. (17(>\ 307 Vaillant, Leon. La reproduction des \enopus laevh Daudin a la menagerie du Museum d'Histoire natuielle. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (203-204). 308 Vaillant, L. La disposition du revete- nient ecailleux chez le Mesosaurus tenuideus Paul Gervais. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (s6t. 4), 7, 1907, (68-71). 309 Valenti, Giulio. Sopra I'origine delle coste nella ontogenesi del Gongylus ocellatua. Bologna, Rend. Ace. sc, N. Ser., 12 (1907-8), 1908, (115-117). 310 Van Denburgh, John and Thompson, Joseph C. Description of a new species of sea snake from the Philippine islands, with a note on the palatine teeth in the Proteroglvpha. San P'ranci.sco, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. Zool., Ser. 4, 3, 1908, (41-48) pi. 311 [Vasiljev, I.] Bacii.ibeB-b, II. Cien- HOfi yjaBt (Eryx jaculns L.) no Ha- o.iiojeHiaM-b bi. npiipo;i'fe ii Bt HeBO.Tfc. [Die Sandschlange {Eryx jaculus L.) nach Beobachtungen derselben im Freien uud in der Gefangenschaft.] Xaturfreund, St Peterburg, 3, 1908, (54-58j. 312 VoBfleler, J. Die Puffotter Usambaras (Bitis gahonica (D. B.)). Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (167-172) 1 Taf, 313 Waite, Edgar R. Note on the breeding haljits of the red bellied newt (Molge pyrrhogaatra Boie). Svdnev, X.S.W., Proc. Linn. Soc, 33, 1908, (60). 314 Wall, Frank. Remarks on Simoles splend'tdus. Rec Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, ('105-106;. 315 Wall, F. A popular treatise on the common Indian snakes. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (1-17) "with 1 pi. 316 Wall, F. Notes on snakes collected in Fvzabad. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, riOl-129; 2 pis. [5003]. 317 Wall, 1"". Ovoviviparous habit of the ])ainted tree snake {Deiutroi^iis pictus). Bombav. J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (189-190). 318 Wall, F. Extension of the habitat of the sand snake {Psammophis Jeithii). Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (203). ■ 319 Wall, F. Viviparous habit of the false Himalayan viper [Paammodynastes pelverulentuH). Bombaj'^, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (204). 320 Wall, F. Remarks on the embryology of a snake. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18,1907,(205-200). 321 Wall, F. Peculiar progression of a cobra {Naia tripudians). Bombay, J. Nat. Hi|t. Soc, 18, 1907, (209-210). 322 Wall, F. A popular treatise on the common Indian snakes. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (227-243) 3 pis. 325 Wall, F. Two new snakes from Assam. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (272-274) 1 pi. 324 Wall, F. Notes on a collection of snakes from the Khasi Hills, Assam. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (312-.337). 325 Wall, F. Remarks upon the snake Contia avgusticeps. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18. 1908, (501-503). 326 Wall, F. Notes on the incubation, and brood of the Indo-Burmese snake- lizard or slow worm. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (503-505j. 327 Wall, F. Vivaparous habit of the common Indian skink (Lygoaoma indicay Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (505). 328 Wall, F. Remarks on the agamoid lizard (Ptyctolaemua gularia). Bomljav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (505). 329 Wall, F. Remarks on the i'gamoid lizard {Calotes jerdonii). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (505-500;. 330 Wall, F. A popular treatise on the common Indian snakes. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (525-554) with 1 pi. and 3 maps and 2 diagrams. 331 Wall, F. Extension of the habitat of the snake Zamenia fioridcvtuH. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (089-090). 332 16 Sept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] Wall, F. A popular treatise on the •common Indian snakes. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. See, 18, 1908, (711-735/1 pi. and 1 diagram. 333 Wall, F. Remarks on some recently acquired snakes. Bombav^ J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (778-781). 334 Wall, F. A new pit viper of the genus Ancistrodo7i. Bombay. J. Nat. HiBt. Soc, 18, 1908, (792-793). [5631]. 335 Wall, F. Notes on a collection of snakes from Persia. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (795-805}. 336 Wall, F. A new colour variety of the common green whip-snake {DryojjMs mycterizaiis). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (919). » 337 Wall, F. Notes on a gravid female of Siebold's watersnake (Hypsirlima sieholdii). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (920). 338 Wanderer, Karl. RampJiorhynchus cemminyi H. v. Meyer. Ein Exemplar mit teihveise erhaltener Flughaut a. d. Kgl. Mineralog. -Geol. Museum zu Dresden. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 55. 1908, (195-216; 1 Taf. 339 Weiss, (3tto. Ueber die Entwickelung der Giftdrlisen in der Anurenhaut. (Vorl. Mitt.) Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (124-125). 340 Werner, Franz. Reptilia und Am- phibia fiir 1900. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, Bd 2. H. 1, 1903, [1908], [IV], (l-GO). 341 Werner, F. Reptilia und Amphibia fiir 1901. [Jahresbericht,] Arch. Natg.. Berlin, 70, Bd 2, H. I, 1904, [1908], 111, (1-72). 342 Werner, F. Reptilia und Amphil)ia fiir 1902. [Jahresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 71, Bd 2, H. 1, 1!)05. [1909], HI, (l-58j. 343 Werner, F. Das Tierreich. iii. Rep- tilien und Amphibien. Sammlung Gcischen. 383. Leipzig (G. J. Goschen), 1908, (184). 16 cm. 344 Werner, F. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Treitl unternoiiimenen zoologischen For- schungsreise Dr. Franz Werner's nacli dom iigyptischen Sudan und Nord- •Uganda. xii. Die Reptilien und Am- phibien. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 116, 1907, Abt. I, (1823-1926) 4 Taf. 345 Werner, F. Ueber Jugendstadien stidosteuropaischer Nattern. Wien, Festschr. Naturw. Ver. Univers., 1907, (Selbstverlag), (41-50) 1 Taf. 24 cm. 346 Werner, F. [Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines nach Dalmatien im April 1906. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesam- melten Materiales.] 4. Reptilien und Batrachier. Wien, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ., 6, 1908, (44-53) 1 Taf. 347 Werner, F. vide Krefft, P. Wetzel, G. Der Wassergehalt des fertigen Froscheies midder Mechanismus der Bildung seiner Hulle im Eileiter. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (651-661). 348 Wichand, Bernh. Zur Verbreitung von Vlpera herns (L.) in der Umgebung von Leipzig . . . Bl. Aquarienkuiide, Stuttgart, 19, 1908, (30-32, 40-43). 349 Williston, S. W. The Cotylnsauria. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16,1908,(139- 148). 350 WUliston, S. W. " The oldest known reptile " — Isodectes pimetulatiis Cope. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 16, 1908, (395- 400j. 351 Williston, S. W. North American jDlesiosaius — Trinacromerum. J. Geol., Chicago, lU., 16, 1908, (715-736J. 352 Williston, S. W. Lysorophus, a I'ei- mian urodele. Biol. Bull., Woods llojl, :Mass., 15, 1908, (229-240). 353 Williston, S. W^. A new group of Permian amphibians [for Lysoruplnis tricar'inatus]. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 28, 1908, (316-317).' 354 Wintrebert, P. Sur le determinisme de la metamorphose chez les Batraciens anoures. VII. T^a marche anorniale des phenonienes chez les tetards mis hors (le I'eau et les larves en inanition. VIII. Formation des " Spiracula coniplemen- taires." Paris, C. R. soc bioL, 63,191)7, (403-405, 439-441). 355 Wintrebert, P. Sur le determinisme de la mi'tamor))hose chez les Batraciens. IX. L'a(hiptation au milieu. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (521-523). 356 17 Rept. Titles. — Subject Index. 5607 Wintrebert. [Siir la presence du Dis- coi eiiro- paea ; Eberhardt, 94. Eine Abnormitiit im Avteiienverlanf bei liana escidenta ; Steche, 277. Zur Moi-phologie der Arteria sub- clavia und axillaris bei Lacerta ; Svens- son, 298. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gymno- phionen. II. Ueber intersegmentale Lymphherzen nebst Bemcrkungen iiber das Lymphsystem ; Marcus, 190. Untersuchungen iiber das Lyniph- gefasssvstem der Froschlarven ; Hoyer, 148. Etudes critiques et expeiimentalessur la uiecanique respiratoire conipar^e des Reptiles. I. Cheloniens (Tortue grec- que) ; Fran^ois-Franck, 108. d 7—2 20 Sept. Urinogenital System. Die Anlage der Zwischenniere bei den [Jrodeleu ; Albrand, 2. The kidney cells of the frog in a phagocytic role ; Smallwood, 271. Variations des formations mitochon- driales dans les tubes a cuticule striee du rein ; Regaud, 239. Materialien zur Histologic des Bidder- schen Organs der Kroten ; Ognew, 225. Organo di Bidder nei Bufonidi : struttura dei suoi ovuli ; Cerruti, 73. Testicolo del Geotriton fuseus ; Temi, 299. Note ?ur les cellules iuterstitielles du testicule chez les batraciens anoures ; Champy, 75. Cloaca e receptaculum seminis di Euprodus rnsoonii : morfologia, istolo- gia ; D'Amico, 86, Cloaca e ghiandole annesse del nias- chio di Euproctus ritsconii ; Mara, 188. The clasping organs of extinct and recent Amphibia ; Moodie, 203. Hermaphroditism us, Rana exulcuta; Lavrov, 176. Hermaphroditism, two cases in liana temporaria ; Goodall, 121. Ueber Pseudn-llermaphroditismus bei Rana temporaria; Schmltt - Marcel, 252. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] PHYSIOLOGY. 5611 Ueber die Widerstaudsfaliigkeit gegen Sauerstoffmangel inid gegen Warme- lahmung wahieiid der Outogenie des Frosches ; Amerling, 5. Role du systeme nerveux dans les chanpements de coloration chez la gre- nouille ; SoUaud, 274. Sur quelques ])articulariles de la vision du cameleon ; Fortin, 105. The sense of hearing in frogs ; Yerkes, 370. Rcfherches experimentales sur les corps adipeux des Aniphibiens ; Robin- son, 244. Les parathyroides de la tortue; Doyon, 91. Etudes critiques et experimentales sur la mecanique re.«piratoire comparee des Reptiles. I. Cheloniens (Tortue grecque); Frangois-Franck, 108. Il'Ja aurea, behaviour to strychnine; Chapman, 76. Die Chemie des Schlangengiftes und Herstelliiiig von Schlangeugiftschutz- serum ; Krause, 168, 169. Wirkung des Cobra- Giftes und dessen Antitoxins aui Herz und Blutdruck der Wirbelthiere ; Laudenbach, 174. Ueber das Ophiotoxin aus dem Gifte der ostindischen Brillenschlange, Cohra di Capello [Xaja trlpudians) ; Faust, 99. Einfluss der Eigrosse und der Tem- peratur auf das Wachstum und die Grosse des Frosches und dessen ZeUen ; Chambers, 74. Experimentell erzielte Uebereinstim- mungen zwischen Tier mid Bodenfarbe ; Kammerer, 160. DEVELOPMENT. 5615 General. Lacerta agHis, Fortpflanzungsge- schichte ; Geyer, 117. Remarks on the embryology of a snake ; WaU, 321. The development of the American alligator (A. mississippiensis); Reese, 238. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der europaischen Sumpfscbildkrote (Emys lutaria Marsigli); Hochstetter, 142. Die Fortpflanzung des Grottenolmes (Proteus anguine2is Laur.) ; Kammerer, 159. La reproduction des Xenopus laevis Daudin k la menagerie du Museum d'Histoire naturelle ; Vaillant, 308. Entwicklung des javanischen Flug- frosches ( I'lmcophorus reinwardtii Boiej ; Siedlecki, 269. Ovum and Oogenesis; Spermato- genesis. Cellule sessiiali nel Congylus ocellatuH : origine ; Gasparro, 116. Ueber den Urspningder Urgoschloclits- zellen bei Rana escideiUa ; Kuschake- witsch, 172. •Jl Rept. SiDJECT Index.— l^EVELorxiENT. 5615 The segregiition of the fjorm-cells of rhrynosoriM cornutum ; Jaxvls, 156. L'evohizione protogonista prtnliacine- tica deirelemeato cromatieo iiell'oogenesi dei Sauri ; Trinci, 307. Oogenesi nei Sauri : evoluzione del- relemento cromatieo ; Trinci, 306. Der Wassergehalt des fertigen Fro- scheiesuudder ilechanismus der Bildimg seiner Hiille im Eileiter ; Wetzel, 348. Beinerkung iiber die Entfernungs- methode der Gallerthiille dea Amphi- bienlaiches ; Oguahi, 227. Ueberdie Entfernung der Gallerthiille des Amphibienlaiches ; Kallius, 158. Zur Herstellung von Demonstrations- priiparaten des Amphibieneies ; OgusM, 228. Embryology and Organogeny. Ueber Mesodermbildung im Gymno- phionenkopf ; Marcus, 192. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gvmno- phioneu. I. Ueber das Schlundspalten- gebiet ; Marcus, 191. Entwicklung der Extremitaten ; Severcov, 265. Ueber die Eutwicklung des Vorder- hims bei niedern Vertebraten ; Fuclis, 109. Sviluppo dei nervi periferici indipen- dentemente dai centri nervosi ; BancM, 16. Die Entwickelung dea Geckolabyrin- thes ; neissig, 102. Ueber die Genese des Chordaknorpels der Urodelen und die Natur des Chorda- gewebes ; Krauss, 170. Die Entwickelung dea Skelettes der hinteren Extremitat der auuren Amphi- bien ; Schmalliauseii, 248. Origine deUe coste nella ontogenesi del Gongylus ocellatus ; Valenti, 310. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Rippen- systems der urodelen Aniphibien ; Mayerhofer, 194. Untersuchungen iiber Ontogenie der Gaumenbildungen bei den Wirbeltieren ; Fuclis, 111. Zur Blutentwicklung bei Triton cris- tatus; Nakazawa, 211. Ul)er die Eutwickelung der I.yuij)h- sacke in den liinteren Extroinltiileu des Frosches; Goldflngerdwna, 120. Die Anlage der Zwiachenniere bei den Urodelen ; Albrand, 2. Urspmng imd Entwicklung der Giftdriisen von Salamandra maculosa; Nirenstein, 220. Ueber die Eutwickelung der Gift- driisen in der Anurenhaut ; Weiss, 340. Metamorphosis and Postembiyonic. Sur le determinisme de la metamor- phose chez lea Batraciens anoures. VII. La marche aiioruiale des phenomenes chez lea Tetards mis hors de I'eau et lea. larves en inanition. VIII. Formation des "Spiracula complementaires " ; Win-- trebert, 355. Sur le determinisme de la metamor- phose chez les Batraciens. IX. L'a- daptation au milieu ; Wintrebert, 356. Die Riickbildungserscheinungen am Anurendarm wahrend der iletamorphose und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Zellfor- schung; Reichenow, 241. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wachtums- vorgan<.'e liei Amphibienembryonen ; BiaJaszewicz, 31. Ueber Jugendstadien siidosteuropai- scher Nattern ; Werner, 346. Growth of the alligator ; Ditmars, 88. Experimental and Regeneration. The relation iDetween the symmetry of the egg and the symmetry of the embryo in the frog ; Jenkinson, 157. Einfluss der Eigrosse und der Tem- peratur auf das Wachstum und die- Grusse des Frosches und dessen Zellen ; Chambers, 74. Eegulationserscheinungen und Ent- wickhmg nach Zentrifugieren der Eies. Rana, Triton ; Gurwitacli, 127. Vorlaufiges iiber experimentell erziel- ten Ilautalbinismus bei Axolott-Larven ; Tomier, 300. Durch Aether erzeugte atypische Entwicklung des Gehirns der Sala- manderlarve ; Reinke, 243. 22 Rspt. xvr. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] Die quantitative und qualitative Wirkung der Aetherlyruphe auf das Wachstum d?s Gehirns des Salamander- larA'e ; Reinke, 242. Ueber experinientelles Hervorrufen nnd Naturentstelin von Mopskopfen, Cyclopen mid anderen vorgeburtlichen Kopfverhilfhmgen bei Wirbeltieren ; Tornier, 303. Nachtrag zu „Versuclie liber Neo- tenie bei Salnmandra maculosa" ; Fahr, 98. Some notes on the factors controlling the rate of regeneration in tadpoles of Rana clamata — Daudin ; Ellis, 95. Aberration in scales of regrown tail of Agama tuharculata ; Fischer, 101. Abnormal tail in a Lizard, Ilemi- dactyJzis glcadovii ; Stuart, 294. Die Regeneration der quergesti'eiften Muskelfasern bei den Sauropsiden ; Schmiucke, 250. Die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Wirbeltieren. Eine vergleichende pathologisch-anato- mische Studie. I. Ichthyopsiden ; Schmincke, 251. PIropfung bei Tieren ; Braus, 50. ETHOLOGY. 5619 McEurs des animaux de I'Afrique cen- trale ; Foa, 103. Wiisten-Reptilien ; Sclierer, 247. Notes on the habits of two Arkansas salamanders ; Strecker, 294. Lebensweise, Heniehmen, Nahrungs- aufnahme, Enjx jaculua ; Vasiljev, 312. Bemehmen, Gewohnheiten, Nahrnngs- aufnahme, Bufo marinua ; Noak, 221. Le chant de la rainette; Gal, 112. Feeding of snakes in captivity ; Mitchell and Pocock, 199. P.i-uljaciitungi'n uljer Nidirungsauf- ualmieu von Heptilien ; Steinheil, 280. Food habits of Kansas lizards and batrachians ; Hartman, 131. Der Biss der Kreuzotter ; Lbns, 182. Mimicry bei afrikanisclien Scidangen ; Sternfeld, 289. Role du systeme nerveux dans les changements de coloration chez la gre- nouille ; Sollaud, 274. Experiraentell erzielte Uebereinstim- mungen zwischen Tier und Bodenfarbe ; Kammerer, 160. Flying snakes ; Beghie, 28. Peculiar progression of a cobra (Naia trlpudians) ; Wall, 322. On the habits and the pose of the saiiropodous dinosaurs, especially of Diplodocus ; Hay, 137. Les allures des Iguanodons d'apres les empreintes des pieds et de la queue ; Dollo, 89. Footprints in Lower Sandstones of Exeter district ; Clayden, 81. Notes on the breeding habits of AmUystoma inincfatnm; Wright, 367. Breeding habits of Tijlototriton rcv- rucotius ; Annandale, 10. Aus dem Liebesleben des Triton vtttatus Gray ; Wolterstorff, 362. Oviposition of Molge ■pyrrhogastra ; Waite, 314. Notes on the breeding habits of the swamp cricket frog, Chorophilus tr'ise- riatus Wied ; Wright and Allen, 368. Notes on the life history of Scaphiopus eouehii Baird ; Strecker, 296. Notes on the breeding habits of Phrynosoma coniutuin and other Texas lizards ; Strecker, 295. Note on the breeding of snakes in captivity ; Bannerman, 17. Viviparous habit of the false Hima- layan viper (l^xanimodynaetcs pelveru- Icnitus) ; Wall, 320. Ovoviviparous habit of the painted tree snake (Doidrapltis pictun) ; Wall, 318. Breeding habits of some snakes and lizards ; Dreckmann, 92. Notes nn the ini'uhalioii and brood of the Indo-P)urincse snake-lizard or slow worm ; Wall, 327. Viviparous habit of the common Indian skink [Lygosoma ind'iea); Wall, 328. Parasitische Wiirmcr des Amphiliia und Reptilia; Lavrov, 177. e3 Rept. Sl'BJECT ISPEX. 5627 Dermoeiixtis pusuhi, orpjanisme iKMivcau parasite de lapeau des Tritons ; Pirez, 23a Une espece nouvelle de microfilaire cliez un gecko ; Noc, 222. Sur un hematozoaire nouveau de r.acerta oeellata ; Franca, 107. VARIATION, TERATOLOCtY, HKREDITY. EVOLUTION. 5623 Variations and genetic relatioiisliips of the garter-snakes ; Ruthven, 246. Abnormal scales in the snakes Zamenis nincosus and Dipsadomorphus trigoa- ius; Mullan. 210. A note on the proportion of injured individuals in a natural group of Bufo ; Kellicott, 161. Ueber eine albinotische Ringelnatter und ihi- Entstehn ; Tornier, 302. Ueber neue Funde von schwarzen Orasfroschen ; Elunzlnger, 164. A note on the coloration of Plethodon almatien, Reptilien und Batmchier ; Werner, 347. Russia, Gouv. Orel, Reptilia, Am- phibia. (Russ.; ; Ognev, 226. Asia and Malay Archipelago. New Asiatic reptiles and amphibians; Barbour, 19. Transkaukasien, Vorkommen von Vipera renardi. (Russ.) ; Laister, 173. Trausbaikalieu, Amphil)ia, Reptilia. (Russ.) ; Elpatjevskij, 96. Russischer Turkestan, Reptilia, Am- phibia, (fMcei-tiUa sp. n.). (Russ.) ; Nikoliskij, 218, Riukiu Islands, new species of Rana; Barbour, 18. Siidcliiiia, einige zuni Teil selteue Schildkroten ; Siebenrock, 268. Yunnan, neu- snake ; Boulenger, 45. Formosa, new frog and snake ; Boulenger, 44. Formosa, poisonous snakes ; Namiye, 212, 213. Indo-Cliine, reptiles aquatiques ; Mocquard, 201. India, a popular treatise on the common snakes ; Wall, 316, 323, 331, 333. Assam, description of a new species of lizard of the genus i'alea ; Annan- dale, 8. Asaam, two new snakes ; Wall, 324. Assam, collection of snakes from the Khasi Hills ; WaU, 325. 24 Bepi. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908} Travancore, new tortoise ; Ferguson, 100. East Indies, new reptiles and amphi- bians ; Barbour ; 19. .Java snakes in the Buitenzorg Zoological Museum ; Ouwens, 231. Java, Txahts pallidipes sp. n. ; Bar- botir, 18. Philippine Islands, three new species of lizards ; Stejneger, 283. Philippines, new species of flying lizard ; Stejneger, 282. Philippine Islands, two new species of toads ; Stejneger, 281. Philippine Islands, a new species of sea snake ; Van Denbiirgh and Thomp- son, 311. Africa. Africa, three new snakes; Boulenger, 43. Africa, new snakes ; Stemfeld, 286. Algerie, Reptiles et Batraciens observes k la Maison-Carree ; Le Cerf, 178. Krokodile und Schildkroten von Oberag}-ptPn nnd dem agyptischen Sudan ; Sienbenrock, 266. Forscliungsreise iiach dem agypti- schen Sudan und Xord-lganda, Reptilien und Am].liiljien ; Werner, 345. Zambeze et les Grands-Lacs, Reptiles ; Mocquard, 200. Ziir S lilangenfauna Ostafrikas ; Stamfeld, 288. Benadir, Rpftili donati al Museo civico di Milano ; Sordelli, 275. JIatabf-ioland. rollection of batrachia and reptilia; Chubb, 79. Natal und Zululand, Reptilien und BatrachiiT ges. von I. Tragardh ; Odhner, 224. Xatal and Zululand, new reptiles ; Boulenger, 47. South A f ilea, catalogue of snakes; Ctough, 123. S. Africa, new genus of Geckonidae ; Anderssen, 6. West Africa, new frogs ; Nieden, 216. Kamernn. die Amphibionfaima mit einer Be8tiinn)ung-.tabelle ; Nieden, 216. Kameran, die Schlangenfauna mit einer Bestimmungstabelle ; Stemfeld, 286. North America. North Carolina, artificial key to the species of snakes and lizards ; Brimley^ 51. North Carolina, key to the species of frogs and toads ; Brimley, 53. North Carolina, the salamanders of ; Brimley, 52. Bufo foidcrl (Putnam) in northern Georgia ; AUard, 4. Arkansas, notes on the habits of two Arkansas salamanders and a list of batrachians and reptiles collected at Hot Springs ; Strecker, 294. Texas, preliminary annotated list of the Batrachia ; Strecker, 292. Texas, the reptiles and batrachians of Victoria and Refugio counties ; Strecker, 291. Texas, the reptiles and batrachians of McLennan county ; Strecker, 293. Central and South America and West Indies. Mexico, new species of sea-turtle ; Hay, 134. South America, seven new reptiles ; Boulenger, 37. South America, new Ecaiidata ; Bar- bour, 18. Brazil, new genus of snakes ; Boulenger, 41. Colombia, new batrachians and reptiles ; Boulenger, 46. Australasia, New Guinea, etc. A new geiuiH, Nntafor, ci Australian Cheloniidne ; McCiUlOch, 195. South Australia, new Elapine snake ; Boulenger, 40. Now Caledonia, two new lizards; AndersBon, 7. New Zealand, occurrence of certain marine Reptilia ; Cheeseman, 77. J New Guinea, new Ela])ine snake ; ' Boulenger, 39. The reptiles of Easter Island ; Gar- man, 115. i •2r, ii,pt. SrBJECT Iki>ex. — Geoi^rapiiy. 5627 B. Fossil. General. The fossil turtles of North America ; Hay. 133. Descriptions of five species of North American fossil turtles, four of whicli are new ; Hay, 135. Cainozoic. Pliocene, Java, einige Reptilien der Kendeng- oder Trinilfaunii ; Dubois, 93. Some Oligocene lizards; Douglass, 90. Eocene, Wyoming, sp. n. ; Loomis, 184. Glyptosaurus Trias, footprints ; Beasley, 23, Lomas, 183. Maguesian conglomerate at Bristol and the Elgin sandstone, reptile faunas ; Huene, 150. Ein neuer Reptilientypus [Plnco- chelys] aus der Triasformation Ungarns ; Abel, 1. Triassic Iclithyosauria, with special reference to the American forms ; Merriam, 197. Trias, structure and relationships of American LabyrhitJiodontidae ; Branson, 49. Triassic reptile from Brazil ; Wood- ward, 365. Mesozoic. Kreide, Icthyosaurus sp. n. ; Broili, 55. Kreideformation, ueber ein Endglied des Ichthvosaurierstammes ; Rogenbofer, 245. Cretaceous, North American plesio- saurs ; Williston, 352. Protostega gigaa and other Cretaceous reptiles from the Kansas chalk ; Stem- berg, 285. Upper Cretaceous, the Arikylosauridae , a new family of armored dinosaurs ; Brown, 64. Lower Greensand of Kent, note on Dinodoius mackesoni ; Woodward, 364. Oxford clay, Metriorhynchua hrachy- rhynchua ; Leeds, 179. Lower Lias, Megalosaurian tibia from Warwickshire ; Woodward, 363. Trias, mandible of hahyrinthodon leptognath.ua ; Woodward, 366. Trias, amphibia and reptiles of the Keuper in Leicestershire and the surrounding counties ; Horwood, 147. Triassic, HaZZopus victor; Huene and LuU, 155. Trias, European Dinosauria ; Huene, 151. Trias, Phytosaurian remains from the magnesian conglomerate of Bristol ; Huene, 149. Palaeozoic. Upper Karroo of Cape Colony, den- tition of the Gomphodontia ; Seeley> 261. Lower Karoo of South Africa, den- tition of the palate of Cynognathua ', Seeley, 264. Permian of S. Africa, Rhinesuchus sp. n. ; Broom, 61. Permian, footprints in the lower sand- stones of the Exeter district ; Clayden,. 81. PeiTnian urodele, Lyaorophua ; Wll- UBton, 353. Pemiian, a new group of Amphibians ; Williston, 354. Permian of Texas, a four-hornedi pelycosaurian ; Mattbew, 193. On the value of the evidence furnished by vertebrate fossils of age of certain so-called Permian beds in America r Case, 71. Carboniferous bones and fragments of Amphibia and Reptilia from the Pennsylvanian formation ; Case, 72. In the Pennsylvanian near Pittsburg^ discovery of reptilian remains ; Ray mond, 236. Carboniferous, the oldest known rep- tile— Isodectes punctulcUua Cope ; Wil- iston, 351. 26 Rept. XVT. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] ni.-SYSTEMATIC, 5631 Generic types of Nearctic Reptilia ;ind Amphibia, Brown Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 60 pp. 112-127. Verzeichnis der Sammlungen von Reptilien und Amphibien des finnischen iluseums ; Luther Helsingfors Medd. 5ioc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 34 pp. 164-165. Die zoologische Raise des natur- wissenschaftlichen Vereines nach Dal- matien, Reptilien und Batrachier, Werner Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 pp. 44-53. Reptiles et Batraciens observes a la ilaison-Carree (Algerie). Le Cerf Ann. Ass. nat. Levallois-Perret 13 pp. 22-26. A collection of batrachians and reptiles from Natal and Zululand, EorLEXGER Ann. Natal Govt. ilus. 1 pt. 3 pp. 219-355. Balracliia and Reptilia from ilata- beleland, Ciilbb Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 218. Description of new Batrachians and reptiles from South-western Colombia, BouLENGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 pp. 515-522. Description of vertebrate fossils from the vicinity of Pittsburg, Penns\-lvauia. fBones and fragments of Amphibia and Reptilia from the Pennsylvanian forma- tion (Carl)oniferous).] CiSE Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 pp. 234—241 pi., text fig- REPTILIA. Reptiles du Zan;l)eze et des Grands- Lacs, MoCQiARD Result, scient. Afrique 1908 pp. 557-558. Reptilien aus Natal und Zululand, Odhner Ark. Zool. 4 No. 18 pp. I-O. New South American reptiles, BocLENGEK Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 pp. 111-115. Reptiles of Easter Island, Garman Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52 pp. 1-14, 1 pi. The relationship of the turtles and plesiosaurs, Moodie Lawrence Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull. pp. 317-327. Artificial key to the species of snakes jind lizards which are found in North Carolina, Brim ley Chapel Hill J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 23 pp. 141-149. LACERTILIA. Die Zunge der Agamidae und Iguani- dae, Gandolfi Zool. Anz. 32 pp. 569- 580. SCINXIDAE. Mabula depressa, neu. fiir Siid-Afrika. Odhner Ark. Zool. 4 No. 18 p. 3. — M. icingatti p. 1848, mongalleuais p. 1850, spp. n. Sudan, Werner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 116 1907 xVbt. 1. Lygosoma rohssii sp. n. New Cale- donia, Anderssox Ark. Zool. 4 No. 14 pp. 4 5. Ablepharus tenuis sp. n. Russ. Turkestan, Nikolsky St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 13 p. 340. Trop'idophorus misaminhis sp. n. Piiilippines, Stejneger Smithsonian lust. []. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 202. Gerrhosauridae. Gerrhosaurus gra ndis sp. n. S. Africa , Bot'LENGER Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 1 pt. 3 p. 233 pi. xxxvi. Lacertidae. Lacerta fiumana var. n. imitaiis, serpa var. n. galvagnii Dalmatien, Werner Wien Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ. 6 p. 49. Lacerta (?) eocena Owen de I'Eocene inferieur de Suffolk attribute a un poisson du genre Aviia. Lericur Lille Ann. soc. geol. 36 1907 pp. 107-169. Teiidae. Priono'Iactyluis palincri ap. n. Co- lombia, Boulexger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 518. Euspondyhts sfenolepis sp. n. Co- lombia, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 519. Oreosaiiriia Icevls sp. n. Colouibia, Boulexger Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 521. Placosauridae. '\Glyptoaay7-iiii ohtusidens sp. n. Wyoming, Eocene. Looms Amer. .). Sci. 23 p. 363. ■fdlypfosaurua ? montanus sp. n. Mon- tana, Oligocene. Douglass Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 278. I :.'7 Rf^-t. Systematic. — Reptilia. 5631 Zoncrihae. Zonurua icarreni sp. d. S. Africa. BoiLEJJOER Ann. Natal Govt. Mu3. 1 pt. 3 p. 232 pi. XXIV. Igc-vnipae. AnoUa paJvieri p. 112, scdpularis p. 113, app. n. South America, Bor- LEsr.ER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1. — .1. euloemus p. 510, antonii p. 517, spp. n. Colombia ; Boclexger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2. FoJychrua lioyaster sp. n. Bolivia, BouLEXGER Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 113. Stenocercus setjdi sp. n. Peru, AxDERS- sos Wiesbaden Jalub. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 301. Agamidae. Draco mimJaneusis sp. n. Philippines, Stejxeger Smithsonian Inst. U'. S. Nation Mus. Proc. 33 p. 677. Ptyctolaemns gidatris ShiHong, Khasi Hills, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist Soc. 18 No. 2 p. 505. Salea aiisteniaiia sp. n. Assam Ansaxdale Rec. Ind.Mus. 2 pt. 1 pp. 37- 38. Calotes jerdonii Shillong, Khasi Hills, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 2 pp. 505-506. Geckonidae. Hemidaetylus garnoti Siimmapparat Steck Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 25 pp. 611-630 1 Taf. Hemidadylua fJou-eri sp. n. Sudan, Werner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss 116 Abt. 1 p. 1830. Eurydactylus Hymmetricus sp. n. New Caledonia, Akderssom Ark. Zool. 4 No. 14 pp. 1-1 fi^'s. Palmatogecko gen. n. rangei sp. n. S.W. Africa, .-Vkuersson Wiesbaden Jahrb. Ver. Natk. 61 p. 299. Goniurosaurus gen. n., Geckonidae, Jiainanenais sp. n., Hainan. Barbol'R Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 310. PYTHONOMORPHA. An undetermined element in the osteology of the Mosaaauridae, Holi.an'd Pittsburii Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4, pp. 102-167 text iig. OPHIDIA. .\ popular trentise on the common Indian snak'^s. Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 1 pp. 1-17' I pi. and No. 3 pp. 525-554. List of Java snakes in the Buitenzorg zoological museum. Ouwens Buitenzorg Btdl. Dep. Agric. Indes Need. 20 pp. 16- 19. Tyimilopidae. Helminthophis ullderi, Garman, typo figured, Ha.mmar Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 335. Typhlops tephroanma sp. n. Mail Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Sot;. 18 No. 2 pp. 312 315.— T". irilsoni, sp. n. Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 4 p. 796. — 7\ zenkeri sp. n. Kamerun, Sternfeld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 92. Glauconiidae. Glaiiconla lahiaUs sp. n. S.W. Africa, Sternfeld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 92. — G. earUoni sp. v. India. Baubour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll 51 p. 316. BoIDAE. Corallua cookil, comparison with madagascariensi'^ p. 135 ; caiiinus, anatomy p. 154 ; Beddard Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. Uropeltidae. Rhinoplua, Anatomic und Physio- logic, Baumeister Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 26 pp. 423-520, 4 Taf. Chilorh'inophis gen. n. hutlcri. sp. n. Sudan, Werner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 116 1907 Abt. 1 p. 1881. CoLUBRlDAE. Thamnophia spp., variations, relation- ships, habits and distribution. Ruthvem Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. xMus. Bull. 61 pp. i-xii + 1-201, pi., maps, text fig. Tropidoiiotua jolmnnis sp. n. Yunnan, BooLENGEB Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 244. 28 Kept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] Natrix aequifasciata sp. n. Hainan, Barbour Bull. Mas. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 317. Pseudorenodon stejnegeri sp. n. For- mosa, Barbour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 317. Achalinusformoaanus sp. n. Formosa, BoDLENGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, p. 222. Boodon erlangeri sp. n. Somali, Stern- FELD Berlin SitzBer. Gea. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 92. Simocephalus hnumanni sp. n. Togo, Sternfeld Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 214. — S. baumanni sp. n. Togo, Sternfeld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 93. Dendrelaphis hiloreatus sp. n. Assam, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 2 pp. 273-274. Thraaops hatesii sp. n. S. Cameroon, Bodlenoer Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 93. Liophys opiethotcenia sp. n. Venezuela, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 114. Coronella acheffleri sp. n. O.-Afrika, Sternfeld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 93. Jlolarchus nesiotia sp. n. Hainan, Barbour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 318. Contia angusticepe Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 2 pp. 501-503. Atractus melas sp. n. Colombia, BoOLENGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 114. Geophis nigro-albus sp. n. Colombia, Boulenoer Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 522. Calamaria aondaiea J a.vii, alio punc- tata Eiist Indies spp. n., Barbour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 319. Tarbophia tcssellatua sp. n. Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 4 pp. 802-803. D'lpnadomorphus qmncunciatus sp. n, Tinsukia, Assam, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 2 pp. 272-274.— D. vir'idia, hreviro^tria Kamerun spp. n., Sternfeld Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 3 p. 411. lihacludelus gen. n. near Oxyrhopus^ brazilt sp. n. Brazil, Bodlenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 31. Amplorlunua taeniatus sp. n. O.- Afrika, Sternfeld Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 244. Psammophis regularis sp. n. Kame- run, Sternfeld Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. S p. 412. — P. transvaaliejisia, thomaai spp. n. S.-Afrika, Gough Zool. Anz. 33 pp. 101-103.— P. thomasi sp, n. S. Africa, Gough Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 p. 30 fig. — P. transvaaliensia sp. n. S. Africa, Gough T.c. p. 31 figs. Dryophis myeferizans var. n. rhodo- gaster Upper Burma, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 4 p. 919. Chrysopelea ornata. Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 2 pp. 227-24a 3 pis. Calamelaps varreni sp. n. S. Africa, Boulenger Ann. Natal Geol. Mus. 1 pt. 3 p. 234 text-fig. 3. Rhinoealamus meleagris sp. n. O.- Afrika, Sternfeld Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 4 p. 244. MicreJapa hicolorafrts sp. n. O.-Afrika, Sternfeld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 93. Miodon graucri sp. n. Uganda, Stern- feld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 94. Ilypoptopliis gen. n. (Opisthoglypha) u-'ilsonW sp. n. Congo, BouLENQER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 93. Diateira clncinnatii sp. n. Philip- pines, Van Denburgh and Thompson San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. Zool. 3 p. 42. Emydocephalua, note on tlie genus, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 231. Paeudelapa miieUeri subsp. n. inaulae Dutch Papua, Barbour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 320. Diemenia ingrami sp. n. South Aus- tralia, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 334. Apiathocalarrms hvnnhergi sp. n. New Guinea, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 248. Dendr-aapia mamha sp. n. S. Africa, GouoH Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 p. 37 figs. 29 Sept. Systematic. — Kki'itlia. 5631 AMBLTCErnALlDAE. Leptognathns schunkii sp. n. Peru, BouLESGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 115. ViPERIDAE. Bltis gabouica D. B. VossELEB Zool. Beob. 49 pp. 167-172 1 Taf. Atractaapis eaudaVis Guineakiiste, conradsti O.-Afrika spp. n. Steknfeld Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde 1908 p. 9-1. — A. icatso7in sp. n. Upper Niger, Boulesger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 94. — A. trilfoui sp. n. Persia, Wall Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 4 p. 804. A^ikiatrodon aciiim* (Giinther) figured, Namiye Dobutd. Z. 20 pp. 192- 194 pi. Ancistrolon millardi sp. n. Western Ghats, Wall Bombav J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 No. 4 pp. 792-793. Lachesis vjoiiticola Gthr. Beschrei- bung. Steindachner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 115 Abt. 1 1906 pp. 908- 909. Trimeresuriis mucrosquamatus Can- tor figured, Namiye Dobuts. Z. 20 pp. 463-464 pi. PTEROSAURIA. '\Ramphorhynchus gemviinni H. v. Meyer. Kin Exemplar mit teilweise erhaltener Flughaut, Wanderer Palae- ontographica 55 pp. 195-216, 1 Taf. ICHTHYOSAUPtlA. Extremity of the tail in Ichthyosauria, Seeley Ann. Mag Nat. Hist 1 p. 436. Interlocking of neural arches in Ichthyosauria, Seeley T.c. p. 441. ^Baptanodon not a " toothless " ichthvosaur, Holland Science 27 pp. 191- 192.' ^Ichthyosaurus, Embryoenfrage, Branca Berlin SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 1908 pp. 392-396.— jZ. platydaetylus Broili, Besprechung, Rogenhofer Wien Verh. ZoolBot. <;es. 58 pp. 38-44. — I. cari- natui<,(?jrheti(usi). ]G?>,(?)hecto7'ip. 154, Merrum Berkeley Mem. Univ. Cal. 1 No. 1 1908 (148-155j.— 7. kokeni sp. n. Broili N. Jahrb. Min. Beilagebd 25 pp. 422-442. t.Via;o8aun<8 (?) atavua (Quenstedt) group, described and figured pp. 90-94. — M. cornaliaiiuti (Bassani) described and figured pp. 95-103. Meekiam Berkeley Mem. Univ. Cal. 1 No. 1. ■\Cymbospondylus pctrhius pp 104- 123, piscosus pp. 123-124, nevadanus ap. n. pp. 124-127, Nevada, Triassic, {?) nordenskidldii (Hulke) pp. 148-149, (?) polaris (Hulke) pp. 149-150. (?) natans sp. n. pp. 150-152, Nevada Triassic. Merriam Berkeley Mem. Univ. Cal. 1 No. 1. ■\Toretocnemiis califomicus Mekriam T.c. pp. 128-129. iMerriamia zitteli (Merriam) Mer- riam T.c. pp. 129-130. -\Delphinosaurus perrini described and figured. Merriam T.c. pp. 131-136. ■\Slia8tasaurus osmoiitl pp. 138-142, alexandrae pp. 142-143, paeificua pp. 143-144, altispinua pp. 144-145, careyi pp. 145-147, described and figured. Merriam T.c. PLESIOSAURIA. ^Trinacromcrum bentonianum pp. 716- 729, anonymum pp. 729-732, latimanus pp. 732-734, sp. n. Wyoming, Cre- taceous, Williston J. Geol. 16 j^p. 716- 734. CROCODILIA. Alligator viississippierisis, develop- ment. Reese Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 51 pp. 1-66 pi. ■\Crocodilu8 ossifragus sp. n. Java, Pliocene. DcBOis Amsterdam Tijdschr. K. Ned Aardr. Gen. 25 p. 1269. '\Gaviali8 benhauanicus sp. n. .Tava, Pliocene. Donois Amsterdam Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen. 25 p. 1269. ^MetriorhyncJius brachyrhynchus, Deslong, skull figured, Leeds Q.J. Geol. Soc. 64 p. 345. '\Nectoaaurus, osteology MerriaM Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Gool. 5 pp. 217-223, pi. DINOSAURIA. Phylogeny, taxonomy, distribution, habits, and environment of the Cera- tojjsia. Lull In : Hatcher. The Cera- topsia. Dept. Int. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv. 49 pp. 159-195 text fig. 30 Rejtt. XVI. Reptilia and Batracbia. [1908] The crauial musculature and the origin of the frill in the ceratopsiau dinosaurs. Lci.l Amer. J. !Sci. 25 pp. 387-399 3 col. pis. text fig. Zur Beurteilung der Sauropoden, HuEXE Berlin Monatsber. D. geol. Ges. 1908 pp. pp. 294-297. Habits and pose of the sauropodous dinosaurs, especially of Diplodocus. Hay Amer. Nat. Boston 42 pp. 672-681. '\Dinodocus machesoni, note on, Wood- Ward Geol. Mag. 5 p. 204. "fDiplodocus, Hay Science 28 pp. 517- 519. '] Diplodocus, skull, Holland Science 28 pp. 644-645. '\TanystropTiaeus antiquus p. 223, posOiumuH p. 230 spp. n. Europais. Trias. Heune Geol. u. pahieont. Abh. SupplBd. 1. '\Mcgalo8auria7i tibia from tlie lower Lias of Warwickshire, Woodward Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1 p. 257 fig. fMoyiospondylus genus of Theropoda not of Ceratopsia, Hatcher Dept. int., Monogr U. S. Geol. Surv. 49 pi3. 113- 114. '\CeratosauTii8 nasieornis, skull. Hay Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 359. 'fPlateosciurns reinigeri p. 8, cpien- stcdti p. 29, erlenhergieiiHis p. 42 spp. n. I'^uropaischen Trias formation. Huene Geol. u. palaeont. Abh. SupplBd. 1. '\„J'lnteosaurus ortKitus" sp. n. Europiiischen Trias. Huene T.c. p. 2-17. '\Cre88lyosaimi8 plieningeri p. 117, rohmtus p. 127 spp. n. Europiiischen Triasfonnation. Huene T.c. ^Pnchymurui^ gen. n., ajax p. 138 vuKptns p. 146 spp. n. Europaischen Triasformation. Huene T.c. 'fTerato8aurns troasingensiH p. 171, tnlnor p. 174 spp. n. Europaischen Triasformation Huene T.c. 'fSrlloaauriis gen. n., gracilis p. 178, frufiHi p. 183 spp. n. Europaischen Trias. liUENE T.c. '\Thecodoyil 08aurua hermnnuravus p. 216, ]jriinu8 p. 216, latcapinatua J). 228 spp. n. Europaischen Tiias. lilENE T.c. '\ ,,Thccodontosaurus subcylindrodon"' sp. n. EurojDiiischen Trias. Huene T.c. p. 241. ^Ilalticosmirus gen. n. longotaraus sp. n. Europaischen Trias. Huene T.c. p. 321. "fGigaiitosaui-us gen. n. afrieanus p. 120, robiistus p. 131 spp. n. Ostafrica, Eraas Palaeontographica 55. '\HaUopu8 victor, description and relationships. Huene and Lull Amer. J. Sci. 25 pp. 113-118, text fig. fAiikylosatirus gen. n. Avliylosmiri- dae, fam. n. type niagniicntris sp. n., Montana, Cretaceous. Brown Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24 p. 188. 'flHceratops Lull nom. n. D. hatclieri Lull nom. n. Hatcher Dept. Int. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv. 49 p. 149. '\Tetraceratops gen. n., type inaignis sp. n., Texas, I'ermiau. Matthew Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24 p. 183. CHELONIA. Ueber eiuige zum Teil seltene Schild- kroten aus Siidchiua. Siebenrock Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 166 pp. 1741-1776. ■\Toxoclielys elkader sp. n., Kansas, Cretaceous. Hay Washington Carnegie lust. 75 p. 174. '\Protofifega, Kansas, Cretaceous : patens p. 198, cuh-eiia p. 199, spp. n. Hay T.c. '\Macrorlidys floridana sp. n., Florida, Pliocene. Hay T.c. p. 222. ^Adocus lacer sp. n., New Jersey, Cretaceous. Hay T.c. p. 241. "fAlamoseviys gen. n., auhstricta sp. n., New Mexico, Eocene. Hay T.c. ]). 260. ■flloplocJu'hjs gen. n. p. 263, type Clielydra craasa Cope, New Mexico, Eocene : //. saliens p. 265, paludosa J). 2()6, spp. n. New Mexico, Eocene. H.vy T.c. ]KaUiijsis p. 342. Utah. sp. n. Hay T.c. jC/jryscmj/.s timida sp. n., Nebraska, Pleistocene. H.ay T.c. p. 345. ^DctrocheJys fioridana sp. n., Florida, Pliocene. Hay T.c p. 340. '\Trachemys acidpta, jannani spp. n. Florida, Pliocene. Hay T.c. p. 351. — |r. trulla sp. n., Texas, Pleistocene. Hay T.c. p. 355. "fPaeudemys caelata sp. n., Florida, Pleistocene (?), Hay T.c. p. 350.— jP. eithicta sp. n., Florida, Pliocene. Hay T.c. p. 356. iTerrapene longinsulae sp.n., Kansas, Upper Tertiary. Hay Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation Mus. Proc. 35 p. 166. 'IHadi'laniis tumidus sp. n., Utah, Eocene. Hay Washington Carnegie Inst. Pub. 75 p. 380. 'fAchileinys gen. n., type Hadriamis allabiatus Cope, Wyoming, Eocene. Hay T.c. p. 383. ]Stylemys capax p. 392, conspeeta p. 393, spp. n., Oregon, Miocene. Hay T.c. '\Testudo thomsoni sp. n., South Pakoia, Oligocene. Hay T.c. p. 400. — 'J', vaga Wyoming p. 414, fnrri Mon- tana p. 4 IS, emUiae South Dakota p. 419, panaa Colorado p. 420, im- penna, Montana. Miocene : p. 431, spp. n. Hat T.c. — T. campeater sp. n., Texas, Pliocene. Hay T.c. ^Plaatomenua viaendua p. 476, tan- tilluK p. 478, spp. n. Wyoming, Eocene. Hay T.c Niitator gen. n. near Chelonia, teaael- latua sp. n. Port l)arwin. Mr(.'ui,i.ocii Sydney Kec Austr. Mus. 7 pp. 126-128, PI xxvi-vii. Colpodielya Ttempi. osteolog}-. Hay Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 183. Caretta caretta, osteology ; remivaga sp. n. Mexico. Hay T.c p. 194. •fProcoJpochi'hja gen. n. type Chelonia (jrandaeca, Leiily, New Jersey, Miocene. Hay Carnegie Inst. Pub. 75 p. 215. Osteopygia robustus sp. n. New Jersey, Cretaceous. Hay T.c p. 134. |L)/'o/o»na XL'ielayidi sp. n. New Jersey, Cretaceous. Hay T.c. p. 157. ■\ErqueJiiinea'ia molaria sp. n. New Jersey, Cretaceous. Hay T.C p. 160. fRhetechelys gen. n. type Euclasten platijops Cope, New Jersey, Cretaceous. Hay T.c. p. 161. jHaena, Eocene, escavada New Mexico p. 65, aima p. 71, clara p. 74, r'lpar'ia Wyoming p. 76, emiliae Utalx p. 80 spp. n. Hay T.c ■\Euhacna gen. n. p. 82 type Bnemt cephal'ica Hay, E. latifrons sp. n. p. 83, Wyoming, Cretaceous. Hay T.c. -\Thescelus gen. n. p. 94, Cretaceous, type imiliens Wyoming p. 95, rapiem? spp. n. p. 97, New Mexico. Hay T.c. •\Charitemya gen. n. type C. captana sp. n. Montana, Cretaceous. Hay T.c. p. 98. ■fXaomichelys gen. n. p. 99, type A'. spec.iosa sp. n. p. 101, .Montana, Creta- ceous. Hay T.c. jTaphroaphya darea sp.n. Ceorgiaf?), Cretaceous. Hay T.c. p. 120. ■fNamdoch'Aya gen. n. (Bothremydidae; type A', ingi-avata sp. n. New Mexico, Cretaceous. Hay T.c. p. 125. ■fAmblypeza gen. n. (Bothremydidae^ type A. entcUua sp. n. New Jersey, Crataceous. Hay T.c p. 122. ■\Glyptopa Cretaceous : cap/af«8 Mary- land p. 52. pervicnx Montana p. 54, depre»aiis Colorado p. 55 spp. n. Hay T.c. — G. plicatidua (Cope), described and figured. Hay Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 pp. 161-162. ■fJIdopanopUa gen. n. (Trionj'chidae) type 71. diatincta sp. n. Wyoming Cre- taceous. Hay Washington Carnegie Inst. Pub. 75 p. 485. ■fAapideretea Cretaceous: aplendidu^ Montana, p. 490, fontanus p. 494, austerua y. 495, vorax New Mexico p. 496 spp. n. Hay T.c. — A. aagatim New Mexico p. 497, naaaaii Montana 32 Etpt. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1908] p. 498, puercensis p. 499, singuJaris New Mexico p. 501, ellipticus Utah p. 505; grangeri Wyoming Eocene, p. 507 spp. n. Hay T.c. — A. granijer sp. n. Montana, Cretaceous. Hay Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 1(38. Amyda japonica, status, Stejneger Science 27 pp. 746-748. "l Amyda aequa p. 517, franciscae p. 523, salebrosa p. 524, cxquiaita p. 525, mifa p. 527, egregia p. 531 Wyoming. — A. crassa p. 532, Utah, Eocene, spp. n. Hay Washington Carnegie Inst. Pub. 75. ■\Temnotrionyx gen. n. (Trionychidae) type T. manducans sp. n. Wyoming Eocene. Hat T.c. p. 534. ^Platypeltis postera, extensa, spp. n. Wyoming, Eocene. Hay T.c. p. 545. '\Scaplionyx gen. n. near Euskele- saurus, fischeri sp. n. Trias. Brazil. Woodward Geol. Mag. 5 p. 251. \Euskele8aiirus, systematic position, Seeley Geol. Mag. 5 p. 332. INCERTAE SEDIS. ^Stegoceras validus described and figured. Hatcher Washington Dept. Int Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv. 49 1907 pp. 98-99. ^Sauravus costei Thevenin, relation- ships. France, Carboniferous. Williston J. Geol. 16 p. 399. '\Isodcctes copei nom. n. for I. punctu- latus Cope (not Tuditanus punctulatus Cope), Ohio, Carboniferous. Williston J. Geol. 16, pp. 399. THEROMORPHA. Theromorphe Reptilien, Arldt Natw. Rdsch. 23, pp. 569-571, 585-587. On the interrelationships of the known Therocephalian genera. (Anomo- dontia.) Broom Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 4 pp. 369-372. Tiie ("otylosauria, Williston J. Geol. 16 pp. 139-148 illustr. text fig. ■\Pareiasaurus, armour, Seeley Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 605. ■\Propappus, Biioou T.c. pp. 351-359 pi. xlv. '\Cynognathus crateronot.us, dentition ■of the palate. Seeley Geol. Mag. 5 p. 486. "fDiadeinodon, skull figured, Seeley Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 611. ■fDiadectidae, osteology and relations to tlie Clielydosauria, Case, J. Geol. 13 pp. 126-159. "fAlopecodon gen. n. rugosus sp. n. S. Africa. Broom T.c. p. 363. '\IIyaenesuchus gen. n. p. 361, R'/taiisi «p. n. S. Africa p. 361. Broom T.c. YJ rocliasur-lius gen. n. acutua sp. n. S. Africa. liRuoM T.c. p. 366. ■\Pardo8ucJius gen. n. ichnilsl sp. n. S. Africa. Buoom T.c. p. 367. '\ Placoclielys Jaekel, Besprechung, Ahel Wien Vcrii. ZoolBot. Ges. 57 pp. 246-248. BATRACHIA. Recherches experimentales sur les corps adipeux des Ampiiibiens, Robinson C. R. Acad. sci. 147 pp. 277-279. Batrachier aus Natal und Zululand, Odiiner Ark. Zool. 4 No. 18 pp. 6-7. A preliminary annotated list of the Batrachia of Texas, Strecker Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 pp. 53-61. ECAUDATA. A key to the species of frogs and toads liable to occur in North Carolina, Brimley Chapel Hill J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 23 pp. 157-160. Ranidae. Raiia pleekii, Giiuther, tadpole from Tibet ; P. v'lcina tadpole from Kumaon and Siuda Hills, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 ])t. 3 pp. 345-346. — R. schillu- kurum Sudan p. 1890, gondokorensis Nurd-Uganda p. 1891, vcnusta Sudan p. 1892 spp. n. Werner Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 116 Abt. 1. — R. .subaspera sp. n. Riu Kiu Islands, Barbour Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 189.— Zi'. zenkeri sp. n. Kamerun, NiedeN Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 3 p. 497. Conrana gen. n., rolntsla sp. n. Kamerun, Nikdkn Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 3 p. 497. .H3 SepL Systematic. — Batraciiia. 5631 midcbratidtia gen. n. near Rami p. 6r)4, KJiyo/fjiitis sp. n. Angola p. (ioT. NiEDEK Zool. Auz. 32. Rhacophorua moUrecIUi sp. n. roi- uiiis:i, BoL'LENGER Ami. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 1.. 1^21. Ixalua pallidipes sp. n. Java, Baubour W;vshington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 190. Coniufer corrugatus subsp. n. ruhris- triatua Dutch New Giiiuea, Bahhocb Washington Proc. Biol. See. 21 p. I'.'O. Phrynopala veiitrimaculata sp. n. Kamerim, Nieden Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 3 p. 499. Rappia papyri Sudan, pachyderma p. 1903, balfouri Nord. Uganda p. 1904, spp. n. Werser Wien SitzBer. Ak. ^Viss. 116 1907 Abt. 1. Proatherapia equatorialis sp. n. Ecuador, Barbolr Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 32U. Engystouatidae. Rhinoderma daricini, anatomy, Bed- DAHD Proc. Zool. See. 1908 p. 678. Kalophrynus stellatua sp. n. Philip- pine Islands, Stejn'egeu Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 33 p. 575. Microhyla hainensia sp. n. Hainan, Barbour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 322. Cacopoidea gen. n. near Caeopua, horealia sp. n. Manchuria, Barbouk Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 321. Brevicepa vei~nico8ua, anatomy, Bed- DABD Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 1 1 . " Cystignathidae. Hylodea calcaratus sp. n. Colombia, Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 510. Ceratophrya intermedia sp. n. Brazil, Barbocr Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 323. Leptodactylua mantipus sp. n. Co- lombia, BouLESGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 515. Hylidae. Chorophilua trianriatiis, breeding habits, Wright and Alle.v Amer. Nat. 42 pp. 39-42. iN-10332d) liyla pahneri sp. n. Colombia, Bou- LENGER Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 315. — //. knmpeni p. 324, ouueiisii p. 325 spp. n. East Indies. Barbouk Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Havard Coll. 51. BUFONIDAE. Biifo fouieri in Georgia, Allard Science 28 pp. 655-650. — B. bmikorenaia sp. n. Formosa, Barbour Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 51 p. 323. Pelobatidae. Pelobatidne, anatomy, Beddaud Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907 p. 871. Seaphiopus couchii, life history, Strec'KER Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 pp. 199-206. Mi'galophrya, revision of species, the geiuis to include Xenophrya and Lepto- brachium, Boulenger Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 p. 407. Aglossa. Xenopua laevia Daudin, reproduction h, la menagerie du Museum d'llistoire naturelle. Vaillant Bui. Museum 1908 pp. 203-204. CAUDATA. Tlie ancestry of the caudate Am- phibia. MooDiE Amer. Nat. 42 ])p. 301- 373, text fig. Tlie salamanders of North Carolina, Brimley Chapel Hill J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 23 pp. 150-156. Salamaxdridae. Diemictylua or N otophthalmus as names of a salamander. Gill Science 26 p. 256. Molge macroaoma sp. n. loc. incert., Boulenger Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 p. 32 pi. iv. Triton vulgaria subsp. typica Wolt., meridiorialia Blgr., graeca Wolt. Kreu- zungsverwuche. Wolterstorff Wochcn- schr. Aquarienkunde Braunschweig 5 pp. 17-18. — T. vulgaria subsp. graeca tomaainii form. n. eorcyrenaia Dalma- tien, Wolterstorff T.c. p. 23. Amblyatoma punctatum, breeding habits. Wright Biol. Bull. 14 pp. 284- 289. d 8 34 Sept. ds Batr. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia [1908] Onychodactylus japonieus, Osteologie. Okajima Zs. wiaa. Zool. 91 pp. 351- 381. Plethodon cinereua coloration. Reed Amer. Nat. 42 pp. 460-464, pi. Geotriton fusaus : testicolo. Terni Mouitore zool. ital. 19 pp. 299-303. Proteidie. Proteus anguineus Laur. Fortpflan- zung, Kaiimeree Wieii Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 57 1907 pp. 277-292. Lysorophidae. ^Lysorophidae fam. n. for the Per- miaa urodele Lysorophus triearmatus. WiLLiSTON Biol. Bull. 15 pp. 229-240. APODA. Beitrage zur Kenntnia der Gymno- phioneii. I. Ueber das Schlundspalten gebiet. Marcus Arch. mikr. Aiiat. 71 pp. 695-774, 4 Taf. II. Ueber inter- segmentale Lymphherzen nebst Beraer- kungen iiber das Lymphsystem. Marcus Morph. Jahrb. 38 pp. 590-607, 1 Taf. Gymnophiona, mesodermbilduug. Marcus SitzBer. Ges. Morph. 24 pp. 79-89. Boidtnigerula, Anatomie. Peter Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 26 pp. 527-536 1 Taf. STEGOCEPHALA. '\Labyrinthodon leptogyiatlius, Owen, mandible figured. Woodward Rep. Brit. Ass. 1907 p. 298. ]Rhinesuchu8 whaitsi, sp. n. Permian, S. Africa. Broom Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 4 p. 373 pi. slvi fig. 3. '\Syphonodon gen. n., thecomaatodon sp. n., Upper Karroo, Cape Colony. Seeley Geol. Mag. 5 p. 241. '\Anachisma gen. n., hroimi, hrachy- gnatka app. n., Wyoming, Triassic. Branson J. Geol Chicago 13 pp. 570- 589. XVII. AVES ARRANGED BY R. BOVVDLER SHARPE, LL.l). CONTENTS I. Titles II. StBjECT Index : — Conipreheusive and General = 5803 Histxjry aud l^iography . . Treatises, Bibliography, etc. Institutions, Collections, Teehni([ue Economics. . Bird-protection, Aviculture, Acclimatisation Nomenclature Structure — 5807 : — General External characters Nervous system and Sense organs Myology Osteology . . Alimentary, Circulatory, and Respiratory Blood Reproductive organs Physiology = 5811 Developments 5815 Ethology = 5810 .. General Food habits Migration . . Flight, Phenology Parental relations Sexual relations . . Nidification Oology Voice (N-10332 g) Systems, PAGE 4 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 80 80 83 84 87 87 87 88 90 90 a u PAGE Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Colour aud Moulting .. .. .. .. ..91 Parasites . . . . . . . . . . . . ..91 Variation and Aetiology = 5823 . . . . . . . . 91 Variation . . , . . . . . . . . . ..91 Teratology . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Hybrids 92 Heredity 93 Evolution , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Extinct birds . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Geography = 5827 93 Palaearctic Region , . . . . . . . . . 93 Ethiopian Region .. .. .. .. ..102 Indian Region .. .. .. .. .. ..102 Australian Region .. .. .. .. ..103 Neotropical Region . . . . . . , . . . 104 JSearctic Region . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 ni. Systematic : — Rheiformes .. .. .. .. .. .. ..109 Struthioiiiformes . . . . . . . . ..110 Oasuariifonnes . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Tinamiformes .. .... .. .. ..110 Galliformes .. .. .. .. .. .110 Turniciformes .. .. .. .. .. ..112 Pteroclidiformes .. .. .. .. .. .,112 Columbiformes .. .. .. .. ..112 Rallifornies .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 Podicipedif onnes . . . . . . . . , . ..114 Colymbiformes .. ,. .. .. .. ..114 Sphenisciformes .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 Procel lariif onnes . . .. .. .. .. ..114 Alciformes . .. .. .. .. .. ..115 Lariformes .. .. .. .. .. ..115 (Jharadriifurnies . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 (3 Gruif ormes . . . . . . . . . . ..118 Ardeiformes .. .. .. .. ..118 Phoenicopteri formes .. .. .. .. ..119 Anserif ormes .. .. .. .. .. ..119 Pelecaui formes . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Cathartiformes .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 Accipitrif ormes .. .. .. .. ,. ..121 Strigif ormes . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Psittaci formes .. .. .. .. ..123 Coraciif ormes .. .. .. ., .. ..124 Trogones ,. .. ., .. .. .. 126 Coccyges . . . , . . . . . . . 12t3 Scansores . , .. .. .. .. ,. ..127 Piciformes .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 Pa sseri formes FoniU(.'ariidi\3 Deudrocdiaptidte Tyraiiiiul;v l^ipridiB Cotingid;e Pittidie . . Hirniidiniili\? Muscicapida' C'anipi)pha, C. Kiemii, napasHTHpyiouiie na niHuaxt. [Die auf Vogeln parasitierenden Milben.] Naturfreund, St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (97-103, 131-135, 161-169). 9 Alexander, Boyd. On a new species of Cuckoo. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (78). 10 Alexander, Boyd. New species of African Birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 (88-91). 11 Alexander, Boyd. Remarks on species of Indicator. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 1 91-92). 12 Alexander, Boyd. On a new species of Flycatcher from Lake Chad. London Bull.'Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 (104, 105). 13 Alexander, Boyd. Description of new African species of Birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (15-16). 14 Alexander, Boyd. On rare and interesting species obtained during his expedition across Africa. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 (16). 15 Alexander, Boyd. New species of African Birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 (33). 16 Alexander, Boyd. A new species of Amydrus. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 (41, 42). 17 Alexander, C. J. Migration of Hooded Crows. British Birds, 1, 1908, (385). 18 Alexander, C. J. and H. G. Some observations on the song-period of birds. British Birds, 1 (367-372). 19 Alexander, H. (L Pallas's Sand- grouse in Kent. British Birds, 2 (134). 20 Alexander, H. G. Autumn and winter singing of Buntings. British Birds, 2 (237). ■ 21 Alexander, H. G. Note on the Great Spotted Woodpecker {Dendrocopus major). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (228). 22 Allen, Francis H. Summer birds of the Green mountain region of southern Vermont. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (56-64;. 23 Allen, Francis H. Larus Jiiimlieni and other northern Gulls in the neigh- bourhood of Boston. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (296-300). 24 5 Ares. Titles. 5800 Allen, Francis H. A Raven's nt^st. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 11)08, (l5)o-l!t7). 25 Allen, Francis 1[. An ornithological reconnoissance of Monhegan Island. J. Maine Ornitli. Soc, Tortland, 10, 1!)08, (! 14-99). 26 Allen, Glover ^[. Rare New England birds. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, (1*33-235). 27 Allen, J. A. The generic names Mlli-teriit and 2'atitalus of Linnieus, 1758. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25. 1908, (37-38). 28 Allen, J. A. The case of Hortidanits Vieillot. Auk, Cambridge, ilass., N. ."^er.. 25, 1908, (223-224). 29 Allen, J. A. The case of Striz vs. AJuco. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser.. 25, 1908, (288-291). 30 Allen, J. A. Cohtmbbm vs. Chavice- pelia. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (301-30G). 31 Allen, J. A. A list of the genera and subgenera of North American birds, with their types, according to Article 30 of the International code of zoological nomenclature. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (1-50). 32 Allen, J. A. Pennant's "Indian Zoologv." New York, NY., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (111-116). 33 Allen, Mary Pierson. Humming-bird eccentricities. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (198-200;. 34 Allen, P. Roscoe. Notes on the Yellow-throated Bulbul iPycnonotus xantholaemus). Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (905-907). 35 Allison, Andrew vide Beyer, G. E. AlopaeuB, J. Allan. (FuUguln (jla- cialifij hiickar stundom i Ladoga. [FuVignJa glacialis heckt bisweilen im Ladoga-See.] Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., llel- singfors, 11, 1903, (0). 36 [Alph^raky, S. et BiancM, V.] A.i- (t)epaKn, C. H KiaHKii, B. lIpe^BapH- Te.ibHUH saM-fcTKH 0 (jjopMaxTi po^a Phas'ianus* s. str. [Notice preliminaire sur les formes du genre Phasianua s. str.] St. Peterbnrg, Ann. Mus. zoo)., 12, 1907 [1908], (425-462). 37 Alston, ('. II. Pintails in Argyll- shire. Ami. vSfott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh, 1908, (119). 38 Amans, P. Sur le planement des oiseaux. Paris, C. R. Acad. Sci., 146, 1908, (1290). 39 Ammann, Josef. Zirbelkiefer niul Tannenluiiier. Natur u. OlTenb., ili'ai- ster, 54, li)US, (179-183). 40 Anderson, P. Bird notes from Tirec. Ann. Sfott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (117-118). 41 Anderson, P. , Notes from Tiree. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (252). 42 Anderson, P. Probable nesting of the White Wagtail in N. W. Highlands. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (253). 43 Anderson, P. Arctic Skua cliokcil by a Gurnard. Aim. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (255). 44 Anderson, P. Increase of Shovelers in Tiree. British Birds, 2, (245). 45 Anderson, Rudolph IM. An addition to the birds of Iowa. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (215). 46 Anderson, Rudolph M. Nesting of the Pine Siskin at Great Slave Lake. Condor, IloUvwood, Cal., 10, 1908, (234- 235). ' 47 Anderton, T. Abnormal nesting of the Wood-Pigeon {C.olumha palumhus). Naturalist, London, 623, 1908, (457). 48 [Anon.] In raemoriam : Howard Saunders. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh, 1908, (1-2) with portrait. 49 Anthony, R. A propos des oiseaux (embryons, poussins et jeunes) rap- portes par la Mission antarctique franc^aise. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (196-197). 50 Aplin, 0. V. American Wood Duck {jSxHponsa) in Oxfordshire. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (33j. 51 Aplin, O. V. Hoopoe (Upupa epops) in Northamptonshire in May. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908(312). 52 Aplin, 0. V. Notes on the ornithology of Oxfordshire, 1907. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (32G-332). 53 Aplin, O. V. Early flocks of Starlings. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (.350-351). 54 6 Aves. XVII Aves. [1908] Aplin, 0. V. September movement of Shearwaters (PutftfUis anglorum). Zoologist, Loudon, 12, 1908 (396-397)^^ ApUn, 0. V. Late breeding o£^ and retention of summer dress by the Great Crested Grebe {PocVicipes cnstatus). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (40 < -4081^ Arctander, H. Nogle lagttagelser over Fuolelivet i de franske OstpyreuKer. [Observations on the bird-life in the eastern French Pyrenees]. Ko^euhavn Ornith. Tids., 2, 1908, (177-182). 57 Armstrong, W. J. T. A visit to the Furneaux group, Bass Strait, Lmu Mell)ourue, 7 (181-184). »» Arnold. E. C. Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus aquaticua) near Last- bourne. Zoologist, London, 12, 190b (467). ^^ Arnold K C. Notes on Eastljourue, ],S'JU-1906. Hastings Nat. 1. 1908 (129-^ 130). ^° Arnold, E. C. Barred Warbler in Norfolk. British Birds, 2 (200). 61 Arnold E C. Aquatic Warbler in Sussex. British Birds, 2 (236). 62 Arnold, E. C. Sylvia nlsor]a 'm Norfolk. Zoologist, London, 12, 1J08 (393). ' ^3 Arnold. F. A. An early flock of Starlings {St urnus vulgaris). Zoologist London, 12. 1908 (312). 64 Arnold, F. A. Sandwich Tern (Sterna caulkica) on Breyd.ni, ^ Jfmoutli_ Zoologist, London, 12. 1908 (351). 65 Arnold. F. A. Sabine's Gull {Xema aablnei). Zoologist, London, 12. 1908 (352). ^^ Arnold, F. A. Bird notes from Yarnun.th. Zoologist, London, 11, iy08 (352). °' Amow, Isaac F. American Wof.dcock breeding at Saint Mary's, tia^ Ayk. Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25. \W^ (220). ^^ Amow. Isaac V. American Avocet (Hecurviruxlra amcricana) m Camden Co , (ieorgia. Auk, Cambridge, Mass N. Ser., 25. 1 90S, (473). 69 Arrigoni degU Oddi, FLttore. Note ornitologiche sulhi .ollezione del Monte, a,,,,artenentr alia Signora I'aobuvi. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven , 67, (Ser. 8, 10) 1907-08, (parte 2% 659-677). 70 Aschan. C. A. Lunuefagel tagen vid Idensalmi. [Mormon aretieiis aus Iden- salmi]. Tidskr. Jiig. Fisk., Helsmgfors 11, 1903, (34). ^^ Astley, H. D. The Crested Wood Partridge (Rolhdus roulronl). Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2,6. 1908 (201-203). Astley, H. D. Some beautiful in sectivoro'us birds from the Himalayas. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6. 1908 (2. /- 281). ^'^ Astley, H. D. Nesting of the White- crested Turaco {Turacus corythaix) Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6. 1908 (29/- 298) pi. ^** Astley, H. D. A collection of rare liirds from New Guinea. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (330-337). 74 Attlee, H. G. Ornithological notes^ Zoologist, London. 12. 1908 (313). 75 Atlee, H. G. Notes on the oruitho- h,oT of Richmond Park, Surrey, Zoologist, London, 12. 1908(432-433) 76 Austin E A. The Cape Barren Goose. Emu, Melbourne, 8. 1908, (106)_ Austin, T. P. A visit to the Great Barrier Heef. Emu, :\Ielbourne, 7, 19lJ_^, (176-178). ^^ Baer, G. A. ude Hellmayr, C. E. Baer. W. l>er grosse Buntspecht im Rohrwald. Ornith. Monatschr., Magde- burg, 33. 1908, (285-292) 2 Taf. 79 Bahr P H On the development of a voun.^ Cuckoo. British Birds, 1, 190b, (361-^366). ^^ Bahr P 11 Woniuled Peregrine fed byitsm'ate'. Lntish liinls, 1, 1908, (392)^. Bahr. P. IL On the nesting of the Scaup-1 luck in Scotland. Ib-itisli Binl>, 2(209-217). ^2 Bahr. P. 11. Some bird notes from the Outer Hei)ri(les during a month spent there May June 19()7. Ann. Scott. Nat. liist ' Edinlnirgli, 1908. (22-30) pi. u 83 Bahr, 1'. 11. '''/t' 'i'nrncr^ una E. Bailey. Guv A. The Chinmey Swift. I'.inl Lor.., iianisburg, Pa., 7. 190.^ (130 1321. "* A I'M. Titles. 5800 Bailey, H. H. Swuinsou's Warbler ami Chuck-will's-widow l)reeding north ol James river, Virginia. Auk, Cambridge, INIass., N. Ser., 25, 190S, ^478-479). 85 Baird, — . Rose-coloured Starliim in Ar.TvUshire. British Birds, 1, 1908, (-'97). 86 Baker, E. C. Stuart. Additional Ciukoo Notes. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. S.x\, 18. 1908, (275-279). 87 Baker, E. C. Stuart. Important additions to the Indian Avifauna. (The Chinese Crimson-horned Pheasant and Bewick's Swan). Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (753-75.^1' 88 Baker, E. C. Stuait. An addition to the Indian a\-ifauna. The Malayan Hawk-Cuckoo (Hierocoecyx fu'ia.r). Bombav. J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, "1908, 01.5 . " 89 Baker, E. C. Stuart. The oology of parasitic Cuckoos. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18. 1908, (915-916). 90 Banfleld, E. J . The spangled Drongo- Shrike. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (178- 181i. 91 Bangrs, Outram. A new name for the Texan Barred Owl. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (31 6j. 92 Bangs. Outram. Notes on birds from Western Colombia. Washington, D.C., Proc Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (157-H51). 93 Bangs. Outram. A new Tyrant-birtl from the Santa Marta region of Colombia. Washington, D.C., Proc Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, atJ3). 94 Bangs. Outram. The name of the Panama Green Honev-Creeper. Wash- ington, D.C., Proc Biol. Soc, 18, 1905, 180 J. 95 Bangs. Outram. On certain Costa liican birds. Cambridge, Mass., Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI., 4, 1908, (23-35). 96 Bangs, Outram and Peck, Morton E. On Si line rare and new birds from British Honduras. Washington, 1 ).('., Pro<;. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (43 46). 97 Bangs, Outram vide Thayer, John E. Banks. R. C. Grey Phalarope in Co. We.xfor.l. British Birds, 2, 1908, (240. 241). 98 Barber, A. H. The Blue Jay's food. Binl Lure, Harrisburg, Pa., 9, 1907, : 128). 99 Harbo/.a da Bocage. Obituary, vide Sclater, P. L. Barfurth, [Dietrich]. Versuche iiber Vererbung der Hyperdactylie bei Iliihnern. Rostock, SitzBer. natf. Ges., 1908, 'iii X, xv-xx). 100 Barfurth, Dietrich Experiinentelle Untersuchung iiber die Vererbung der Hyperdactylie bei Hiilmern. Mitt. 1 : Der Einfluss der Mutter. Arch. Entw- Mech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (631-G50) 2 Taf. 101 Barnard, C. A. Owls and their prev. Emu, iIell)ourne, 7, 1908, (187j. 102 Barnard, E. D. Record clutch of Struthidea's Eggs. Emu, Melbourne, 7. 1908,(188). 103 Barrett, C. From Range to Sea ; a Bird lover's ways. Melbourne, 1907, 8vo. (1^02). ' 104 Barring^on, R. M. On the occurrence of the Little limiting in Ireland. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23, 1908, (18). 105 Barrington, R. M. On the occurrence of Pallas's Clrasshopper Warbler in Ireland. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23, 1908, (18). 106 Barrington, R. M. Pallas'e Grass- hopper Warbler (Locustella certhiola) in Ireland. British Birds, 2. 1908, (230, 231). 107 Barrington, R. M. Little Bmiting in Ireland, i'.iitish Birds, 2, 1908, (238). 108 Bartels, Max. Xenorhynehus aaiatieua (Lath.) aui Java nachgewiesen. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (165). 109 Bartels, Max. Zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt der Tausendinseln. J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (471-480). 110 Bartbos, Gyula. Nehany szo a madarak alkalmazkoddsarol. [Einiges iiber die Anpassuug der Vogel.J Erd. kis., Selmeczbanva, 10, 1908, (63-04). Ill Barthos, Gyula. Az ors'osgalanib mint makkevo. [Die Ringeltaube als Eichelesser.] Erd. kis., Selmeczbanya, 10, HiOS, (65). 112 Bartbos, Gyula. A madar es a so. [Der Vogel und das Salz.] Erd. kis., Selmeczbdnya, 10, 1908, (6-4-65). 113 Bartbos, Gyula. idojos faczanok. [Kasane als Wetterprophete.] Erd. kis., Selmeczbanya, 10. 1908, (129). 114 8 Aves. XVII. Aves. [190S] Barthos, Gyula. A kakuk a madar- tarsadalomban. [Der Kuckuck iu der Vogelgesellschaft.] Erd. kis., Selmecz- banya, 10, 1908, (129-130). 115 Barthos, Gyula. Tadorna tadorna (L.) Hunyad megj'eben. [Tadoryia tadorna (L.) im Komitate Huuvad.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (33G). ' 116 Bates, G. L. Observations regarding the breeding-seasons of the Birds in Southern Kamerun. Ibis, London, 1908, (558-570), pi. xi. 117 Bates, G. L. vide Sharpe, R. Bowdler. Bates, J. M. Additional observations on the birds of northwestern Nebraska. Annual Report, Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, Lincoln, Neb., 1900,1901, (2G5-267). 118 BatscM, G. Die Ankunft der Vogel in Bralia in Rumanien im Friilijahre 1908. Aqaila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (328). 119 Bau, Alexander. Ueber die Abande- rung der Eizeichnung in den Gelegen und ihre L'rsachen, sowie iiber die Entstehung der Zeichnimg der Kukuks- eier. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 190S, (13-17, 25-29, 46-47). 120 Bau, Alexander. Bemerkungeii zu ,, Vogel und Insekten " [von W. Schuster]. Entomol. Ztg, Wien, 27, 1908, (210). 121 Baudoin, Marcel. Nouvelle capture d'un Vanelluts L. cri^tatus M. et W. atteint d'albinisme, en Vendee. Nantes, Bui. soc. sci. nat., 18, 1908, (37-39). 122 Baxter, L. J. R. & E. V. Bird notes from the Isle of May. 9th September- 8th October, 1907. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (11-22). 123 Beal, F. E. L. Birds of California in relation to the fi-uit industry. Part 1. Wasliington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric, Biol. Siirv., Bui., No. 30, 1907, (1-100) pi. 124 Beaufort, l>. K. de. Eene kleine opuKJi-king over oudersoorten in de oriiitliologie. [Eine kurze Benierkung iiber Subspecies iu der Ornitliologie.] Amsterdam, Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver., 5, 1908, (6-8). 125 Beaufort, L. F. de. Pyrotrogon ridun Grant aus Smnatra. Ornith. Monatshci-., Berlin, 16, 1908, (190). 126 Beaux, Oscar de. Die zweite in Italien erbeutete russbraune Seeschwalbe, Onijelwprion fuUginosum (Gm.). Or- nith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (33- 35). 127 Beaux, Oscar de. Eine Stununel- lerclie {CalandreJla minor) in Italien. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (35-37). 128 Beaux, Oscar de. Die zweite in Italien erbeutete Fr'mgilla spodlogemjs Bp. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (114-140). 129 Beaux, Oscar de. Eine interessante Ente. Kleiner Beitrag zur Wiirdigung von Enten-Formen und -Fiirbungen. Natur u. Hans, Stuttgart, 16, 1908, (353 -356). 130 Beaux, Oscar de. Eine Calliope, ham- tschatkensis (Gmel.) in Italien. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (431- 434, 1 Taf.). 131 Beccari, Nello. Contributo alia Avifauna della Colonia Eritrea. Genova, Ann. Museo Civ. st. nat., (Ser. 3), 3, 1907-8, (113-167). 132 Bedford, Dncheffs of. Introduction to lliesemann, "How to attract birds." 8vo. 1908, pp. 133 Bedford, Dncheas of. Notes on birds observed in the Scottish Islands during the spring and autumn of 1907. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (2- 11). ' 134 Bedford, Dwhess of. Great Grey Sinikc and Eider Duck in Kircudbright- shire. British Birds, 1, 1908, (263). 135 Bedford, Duchess of. Solitary Sand- })iper and other Waders iu Kent. British Birds, 2, (136-137). 136 Bedford, Duchess of. American Wood Duck (.Kx spoiisa) in Oxfordshire. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (73). 137 Bedford, Ducliess of. Cranes, etc., at Wol)uru. Avicull, Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (30.1 -30(i). ' ^ 138 Beebe, ('. William. Preliminary re- ))ort on an investigation of the seasonal changes of colour iu birds. Ainer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (31-38 39.5(1). 139 Beebe, C. William. Some notes on tlio psvchology of birds. Bird-Lore, HarrisLiurg, I'a., 5, 1903,(127-130). 140 II Aves. Titles. 5800 Beebe, C. William. The Motmots of our ilexican camp. Bird Lore, Harris- burg. Pa., 7. 1905, (157-lGl). 141 Beebe, C. William. Owls of tlie Xe:u\tio region. New York, N.Y., Rep. Zool. Soc. 11, (1906), 1907, (loC-lOi'). 142 Beebe, C. William. Geographic variation in birds Avitli especial refer- ence to the effects of luimidity. Zoolo- gies : Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society, New York. N.Y., 1, 1907, (1-41, pi.).' 143 Begbie, Arundel. Note on the habits of the Bengal Red-whiskered Bulbul (Otocompsa emeria). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (680). " 144 Bell, E. Chough in Lancashire Field, 1908, (590) : British Birds, 2 (208). 145 [B§logolovyi, Ju. A.]. Bi.TOro.iOBufi, K). A. Kb pasBHTiio ro.iOBHUX7. iiep- bobTj y iiTimt. [Beitriige zurKenntnis yon der Entwicklung der Kopfnerven bei den Vogeln.] Moskva, Trd. sravnit.- anatom. Inst. Univ., 6, 1908, (1-277). 8 Taf. 146 Benson, C. W. The Great Black Woodpecker (Picus martius). Zooloaist, London, 12, 1908 (190-191). ^147 Bent, A. C. Summer birds of south- western Saskatchewan. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908,(25-35). 148 Bent, A. C. A North Dakota slough. Bird-Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 5, 1903, (146-151). 149 Bent, A. C. The sea birds' fortress. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (237-244). 150 Bentham, C. H. Prolific breeding of the Dahfhick (Pod'icipes fluviatilis) and late nesting of the Great Crested Grebe (Podicipea cristatua). Zoologist, Lon- don, 12, 1908, (351-352). 151 Bentbam, C. H. and Monritz, L. B. The breeding of the Hen-Hairier and Hobby i.i Surrey in 1907. British Birds, 1, 1908, (237-242). 152 Bentham, T. A new species of Sun- bird (JUthopyga) obtained near Dai-jiling, Britiish Sikhira. Rec. Ind. Mus., Cal- cutta, 2, 1908, (167-168). 153 Beresford-Webb, G. M. An escaped Nutcracker. British Birds, 2, 1908, (28-29). 154 Berg, B. Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Totanns fusciis (L.) uud T. littorens (L.). Grnith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (156-159). ■ 155 Berge, Robert. Ornithologisclie Vor- kommnisse aus dem Avestlichen Saclisen. Zwickau, Jahresber. Ver. Natk., 41, (1902), 1908 (105-112). 156 Berger, A. CoUua passer macroura co}u\uhl n. snbsp. W. und S.W. Afrika ; Ostafrika. J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (487). 157 Berger, Karl. Das Abeiidkonzert der Budapester Spatzen. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 16, 1908, (140-143). 158 Berlepseh, Graf H. von. On tbe Birds of Cayenne. Part 1. Nov. Zool., Tring, 15 (103-164). 159 Berlepseh, Graf H. von. On the Birds of Cayenne, Part II. Nov. Zool. Tring, 15, 1908, (261-324). 160 Bertoni, W. Segunda contribucion a la Ornitologia Paraguaya. Nuevas especies Paruguayas. Rev. Inst. Parag., Asuncion, 1907, ( " ). 161 Bertram, Karl. Weitere-Mitteilun- gen liber Apiia apus (L.). Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (276- 282). 162 Betham, R. M. The Quetta Rose Finch (Erythrospiza uhsoleta) (a cor- rection, not Coccothraiiates hiim'i't, p. 520). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, ^908). ■ 163 Betham, R. M. The Cuckoo (Cueidus caiwrus). Bombaj^ J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (913). 164 Beyer, Geo. E., Allison, Andrew and Kopman, H. H. List of tlie birds of Louisiana. Part 4. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (173-180). 165 Beyer, G. E., Allison, Andrew and Kopman, fl. H. List of the birds of Louisiana. Part 5. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (439-448). 166 [Bianchi, V.] BiaHKH, B. 'l>opMiJ po;tomj Monti fringilla Brehm, Pyrg'i- lauda Verr. H Onyeliospiza Przew., CCM. F>ingi]lidae. [Revision des formes des genres Monti fringilla Brehm, Pyrgilauda Verr. et Onychoapiza Przew., de la famllle des Fringillidae.] St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 12. 1907 [1908], (555-597). 167 10 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] [BiancM, V[alentin Livovic].] BiaHKH, B. CiincoKt niim-b, coopaHHUx-B r. A. Mo-ibTpexTOMt bij oaccenut prbKii AnaAbipa. [Liste des oiseaux re- ceuillis par Mr. A. iloltrecht dans le bassin da fleuve Anadyr, Siberie orientale.] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908, (xxxiii-xxxv). 168 [Bianchi, V[alentin Livovic].] BiaHKH, B. IlepBoe ^lono.iHenie Kt cniiCKy nTimt C. -IIeTep6y])rcK0H ly- oepiiiii 1907 r. ii hobuh jiaHHua o ptAKTixij Bii,i,ax'i>. Premier supplement h la liste des oiseaux du gouv. de St. Petersbourget dates nouvellesconcernant quelques especes rares.] St. Peterburg, Ann. nius. zool., 13, 1908, [xxxvi-xlv]. 169 [Bianchi, V.] BiaiiKH, B. opMbi po;tOBi, Leueostiete Swains. H Fringil- lauda Hodgs., ceM. FringiUidae. [Re- vision des formes de Leiieostidc Swains, et Frhigillauda Hodgs. de la fam. des FrhigUi'idae.] St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool., 13, 1908, (28-61). 170 [BiancM, V[alentin Livovic]]. BiaHKH, B. PeBHsia f{)opMTb pojja P?/?r/a, C. A, IIiirepecHua naxoAKii. [Interessante Funde.] Nasa ochota, St. Peterburg. 1908, 10, (25-33). 308 [Buturlin, S. A.] ByTyp-iiiii-b, C. A. IlHTepecHbia iiaxciKil. [Interessante Funde.] Nasa ochota, St. Peterburg, 1908, 11, (29-32). 309 [Buturlin, S. A.] ByTyp.-iiiH-t. C. ^biiiyeHOiifi (})a3aH'b. {CijanopJtasis gen. n.) [Der schuppenfiissige Fasan. {Cyanophasis gen. n.).] NaSa ochota, St. Peterburg, 1908, 12, (33-3G). 310 [Buturlin, S. A.] ByTyp.iHHt, 0. IlHTepecHtifl HaxojKH. [Interessante Funde.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (60). 311 [Buturlin, S. A.] ByTyp.iHHt, C. IInTepecHua uaxo;;KH. [Interessante Funde.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (108-110). 312 [Buturlin, S. A.] ByTjp.iHH-b, C. TlHTepecHua Haxo;iKH. [Interessante Funde.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (250). 313 [Buturlin, S. A.] ByTypviUHi>, C. 0 StaoMt leiepeBt. [Ueber den iveis- sen Birkhahn] Psov. i ruzejn. ocbjta, Moskva, 13. 1907, (162-164). 314 [Buturlin, S. A.] Byiyp.iHH'h, C. llHTepecuua naxoAKH. [Interessante l'"uude.] Psov. 1 ruzejn. ocliotn, .Moskv.i, 13, 1907, (2()3--J66). ' 315 Buturlin, S. A. Bean-(Jeese of Asia. Bouibav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (555-501). 316 Buturlin, S. A. Colnmba nipestris lurhcstanica nom. emend. Ornith. Monatsbor., Berlin, 16, 1908, (45-16). 317 Buturlin, S. A. Perdlx daurica occi- dciitnlis nor. subsp. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (46). 318 Buturlin, S. A. Bemerkungen iiber die geograpiiische V'erbreitung der Vogel im nordosllichen Sibirien. (Uebersetzung der englisch verfassten Handsclirift von 0. Hasse.) J. Ornith., Leipzig, 5(5, 1908, (282-294); Anmer- kuug dazu von Herman Schalow. tx. (294). 319 Buturlin, S. A. Red- spotted bluethroat of Alaska. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Sen, 25, 1908, (35-37). 320 Buturlin, S. A. Additional notes on the true Pheasants. Ibis, Loudon, 1908 (570-592). 321 Buturlin, S. A. vide Loudon, Harald Baron. Buturlin, S. A. v. Schalow, Herman. Cameron, E. S. The birds of Custer and Dawson counties, Montana. Avik, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (39-50). 322 Cameron, E. S. Observations on the Golden Eagle in Montana. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, r251- 268) pi. ^ 323 Cameron, E. S. Changes of plumage in Bwteo aicainsoni. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (468-471). 324 Campbell, A. G. Among Bristle- Birds. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (101- 103). 325 Campbell, A. G. Queer nesting places. Emu, Melbourne. 7, 1908, (157). 326 Campbell, A. J. The mound-building birds of Australia. Bird-Lore, Harris- burg, Pa., 5, 1903, (3-8) pi. 327 Campbell, A. J. Description of a new Emu-Wren. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (34, .35). 327a Campbell, A. J. Vice-Presidential address to the Australasian Ornitholo- 16 Av&s. XVII. Aves. [1908] gists' Uiiiou. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (126-1 3G). 328 Campbell, A. J. Mutton Birds at sea, 720 miles S.W. of Cape Leeuwin. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (187). 329 Campbell, A. J. Forgotten Feathers, [on Watling's Drawings]. Emu, Mel- bourne, 7, 1908, (193-196). 330 Campbell, P. M. Land-rail at Edin- Imrgh in winter. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (120). 331 Cannarella, Pietro. Variazioni indi- viduali e sessuali del Turdus musicus ex N. Schranck. Biologica, Torino, 1, N. 18, 1907, (479-493). 332 Carew, Richard, vide Mullens, W. H. Caxruccio, Antonio. Ancora del Syrrhaptes paradoxus : individuo ucciso presso Trinitapoli. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., «er. 2, 9, 1908, (206-207). 333 Carrlger, H. W., and Pemberton, J. R. Some notes on the Great Blue Heron. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, ^78- 81). 334 Carriker, M. A., ^un. Brief descrip- tions of some new species of birds from Costa Rica and a record of some species not hitherto reported from that country. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 4, 1908,(301-302). 335 Carriker, M. A., jun. Notes on Costa Riciui Formlcariidae. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie :\[us., 5, 1908, (8-101 336 Carroll, C. J. On some rare visitants to Britain. London Bull. Brit. Ornitii. CI. 23, 1908, (25). 337 Carroll, C. J. On some varieties of plumage in British Birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908,(25). 338 Carroll, C. J. On the occurrence of Rulwer's Petrel near Hastings. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (32). 339 Carruthers, Douglas. Itinerary of his journey from Uganda to the mouth of the Congo. Ibis, London, 1908 (265- 267) pi. V. 340 Carter, T. Nest and eggs of Cala- mauthus montanellus. Emu, Melbourne, 8.1908,(97,98). 341 Carter, T. Notes on Aviytornis var'ia. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (103-105). 342 Carter, T. On Synceciis anstraUs in New Zealand. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (166). 343 Carter, T. Description of a supposed new Grass Wren. Vict. Nat. Melbourne, 25, 1908 (86-87). 344 Caster, Gustav. [Geschlechtsab- zeichen bei Schnepfen.] Sanct Hubertus, Cothen, 26, 1908, (154). 345 Caton, R. B. Arrival of migratory birds at Great Fakenham, Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 8, 1908 (535). 346 Cavazza, Filippo. Nota su una cattura di CaJandrella minor Cab. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. it., Ser. 2, 9, 1908, (87-93). 347 [Cerepova, V.] HepenoBa, B. JIpo(|)bi btj HeBOJit, hxtj upHpyqeHie u cojiep- acaeie. [Die Trappen in der Gefangen- schaft, ihi'e Zahmungund Pflege.] NaSa pticev. zizn;, Kiginev, 1, 1907, (84-87, 105-106). 348 [Cerepova, V.] MepeiioBa, B. Pa3- Miio;KeHie ;tpocJ)'i> bi> ncBO.Tfe. [Ueber die Fortptlanzung der Trappen in der Gefangenschaft.] Na§a pticev. zizni, KiSinev, 1, 1907, (130-131). 349 [fierepova, V.] MepeiiOBa, B. Boc- iiiiTaiiio clipbix'b KyporiaTOKT) Bt iieBOJit.. [Ueber die Aufzucht des Rebhuhns in der (Gefangenschaft.] Na§a jiticev. ziznT, Kisinev, 2, 1908, (339- 341). ^ 350 [fierepova, V.] HepeiioBa, B. llopo;ibi (|)a3aiioB'b II aKKJiiiMaTii3au,iH nx'b Bb Pocciii (B-b KypcKoii ry5epniii JlyxiiBabCKOM-b yt,3At, cejibifh ijIeoHTb- eBCKOM'b). [Die verschiedenen Arten von Fasanen and deren Akklimatisation in Russland. (Gouv. Kurok.)] NaJa pticev. /izni, KiSinev, 3, 1908, (69-71). 351 Cerva, Frigyes. Nidclogiai esoologiai megtigyelesek. [Nidologische vmd oolo- gische Beobachtungen.] Aquila, Buda- pest, 14, 1907, (211-215). 352 Champernowne, A. W. White Wag- tail intorl)reeding with Pied Wagtail in Devonshire. British Birds, 2, 1908, (202). 353 Champernowne, A. W. Grey Phala- ro])r in suniiiier in Devonshire. British Birds, 2, 1908, (204, 205). 354 Chapin, James. An ornithological It-view of the winter of 1906-07. New 17 Aics. Titles. 5800 Hrisrhtoii, N.Y., Proc. Stateu Is. Ass. Arts Sci., 1, 1907, (.10l'-104). 355 Chapin, James. Nests of tlie Barred Owl, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Barn Owl on Staten Island in 1907. New Brighton, X.Y., Proc. Staten Is. Ass. Arts Sci., 2, 1908, (3-8). 356 Chapin, James. Lawrence's and Hrowster's Warblers. New Brif^liton, N.Y., Proc. Stateu Is. Ass. Arts Sci., 2, 1908, (21-22). 357 Chapman, Frank M. A report on exijeditions made in 1907 under tlio '■ North American ornitholopv fund." Amer. Mas. J., New York. N.Y.. 7, l!>l)7, (121-1321 358 Chapman, Frank M. A contribuiion to the life-histories of the Booby (Sulci Icucogastra) and Man-o'-war bird [Frc- gatt aqu'ila). Papers from the Tur- tugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 2 (Publication No. 103), 190S, (139-151) 6 pis. 359 Chapman, Frank M. The bird-life of Cobb's island. Bird-Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 5, 1003, (109-114). 360 Chapman, Frank M. An island Eden. Bird-Lore, Hai'risburg, Pa., 5, 1903, (175-182) pi. 361 Chapman, Frank M. The Pine Cros- beak at Englewood, N.J. Bird-Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 5, 1903, (199). 362 Chapman, Frank M. Note on the migration of Warblers from the Bahamas to Florida. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1905, (U9). 363 Chapman, Frank M. A season's field work. Bird Lore, Harrisbui-g, Pa., 9, 1907, (2.J6-263). 364 Chapman, Frank M. A bird friend. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, a4). 365 Chapman, Frank M. The humedii'e of the American Egret. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (59-68). 366 Chapman, Frank M. The Fish- Hawks of Liardiner's island. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (153-159). 367 Chapman, Frank M. The use of a blind in the study of bird-life. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (250- 252). 368 (N-10332 3) Chappellier, .V. Remarquable pas- sago de Li rues. Feuille je\mes natural., Paris, 39, 1908, (50). 369 Cheeseman, T. F. Notice of the occurrence of the lesser frigate-bird (Frftjata ariel) in the north Auckland district. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (2fi5-266). 370 Chernel, Istvau. Adatok Magyaror- szag madar-fauuaj;iho/.. [Daren zur Vogelfauna Ungarus.] Aquila, Buda- pest, 14, 1907, (179-187). 371 Cherrie, George K. On a second small collection of birds from the island of Trinidad. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mus. Inst. Arts Sci., Bull., 1, 1908, (353- 370). 372 Cheux, A. Ob.servatIons sur I'arrivee de plusieurs Oiseaux faites a la Bau- mette, pres Angers, de 1874 a 1908. Feuille jeuues natural., Paris, 38, 1908, (259). 373 Chigi, Francesco. Appunti di siste- matica ornitologica. Saggio di uno studio sulle fasi evolutive del piumaggio. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital, ser. 2, 9, 1908,(106-136). 374 Chigi, Francesco. Notizie ornitolo- giclin per la provincia di Roma. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 9, 1908, (197-199). 375 Chigi, Francesco. Prime notizie sulla incursiono del SyrvhaptcH paradoxuti (Pall.) nella Russia europca durante la primavera dell' anno 1908. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool, ital., ser. 2,9, 1908,(200-205). 376 Childs, John Lewis. A tri]) through the Maine woods. The Warbler, Floral Park, N.Y., 2, 1904, (69-70). 377 Childs, John Lewis. Krider's Hawk and the English Sparrow nesting together. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (474). 378 Chisholm, A. H. The White-eye (ZostcTOpa carulescens) : its relation to the Orchadist. Emu, Melbourne, 8, (35-36). 379 Chisholm, A. II. The values of Bab- l)lers as Insect destroyers. Emu, Mel- briurne, 8. 1908, (36). 380 Chisholm, A. H. Migration and habits of Acanthochcera carunculata. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (37). 381 d 10 IS Airs. XVII. Aves. [1908] Chisliolni, A. H. The Spotted Hower- Bird. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 11108, (37- 38). 382 Chisholm, A. H. Nesting of Zooterops c(Fridescrns. Emu, ilelbourne, 8. 1908, (38). 383 CMsholm, A. H. Xotes on Cro«-s, etc., in Victoria. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (100, 101). 383a [CMebnikov, v.] X-TfeoHiiKOBi,, B. 0 naxo;f:jeHii[ KyKyuiKH, o.iHSKott kt. Ciicidus intermedius Vahl. B'b Ka3an- CKOMt J. Ka3. ry6. [Ueber das AufEn- den eines Cucidns intermedins A'ahl. nahesteheuden Kukuks im Gouv. Kazan.] Kazan!, Prot. ObSc., jest., 38, 1908, Beil., (1-2). 384 Christy, C On tlie occurrence of Pitta reiehenowi in the Chagwe Forest, N. W. of the Victoria Xyanza. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, (49). 385 Christy, C. Eui-ysfomus (jularis in Uganda. London, Bull. Brit. Oruitli. CI. 23, (49). 386 Chubb, Charles. On a new species of Devdromus from Camaroons. London, BuU. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (92). 387 Chubb, E. C. On a new species of PoUoapiza. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (62). 388 Chubb, E. C. A new species of Pinarornis hom Rhodesia. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, I'.IOS, (110). 389 Chubb, E. C. On the nesting of Podica petersi in Southern Rhodesia. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, 1908, (107- 108), pi. V. 390 Chubb, E. C. On birds collected and observed at the Khami River, Matabele- land. Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4,1908,(108-111). 391 Chubb, E. C. On l)irds collected in Northern Matabeleland. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union., 4, 1908, (112- 121). 392 Chubb, I". C. List of Rhodesian birds in the colliction. Ann. Rept. Rhodesia Mus. 1908, (11-18). 393 Chubb, E. C. Birds of Bulawavo. lUiodesia So. Assoc. 8, 1908 (5-19). 394 Chubb, E. C. vide Mennell, F. P. Claxk, Austin Hobart. The Macaw of Dominica. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (309-311). 395 Claxk, J. .\. Peregrine Falcon iZ<"a/co pcreririnus) in Norfolk. Zoologist, Loudon, 12, 1908, (191). 396 Clark, J. A. Ortolan Bunting at Plaistow. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (269i. 397 Clarke, W. Eagle. Rare birds at Fair Isle. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (49). 398 Clarke, W. Eagle. Red-breasted Flycatcher {Muscicapa parva) at the Bell Rock Lighthouse. Ann. Scott. Xat. Hist. Edinburgh, 1908, (49-50). 399 Clarke, W. Eagle. The birds of Fair Isle. — iii. Report on observations made during the vear 1907. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (72-85). 400 Clarke, W. Eagle. Greenland Falcon at the Flannan Islands. Ann. Scott. Xat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (183). 401 Clarke, W. Eagle. Pratincole at the Flannan Islands. Ann. Scott Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (256). 402 Clarke, \V. Easle. Tufted Ducks in Scotland. British Birds, 2, 1908, ,'132). 403 Clarke, W. Eagle. Pratincole at the Flannan Isles. British Birds, 2, 11)08, (245). 404 Clarke, W. Eagle. Little Bunting in Kent, and on Fair Isle. British Birds, 1, 1908, (291). 405 Clarke, \V. Eagle. On the chicks of the Sanderling. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (88). 406 Cleave, H. P. 0. Peregrine Falcons and Bn/.zards in Cornwall. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (270-271). 407 Cleaves, Howard H. A visit to a colonv of Bank Swallows. J. Maine Ornith. See, Portland, 10, 1908, (8-lh pi. 408 Cleaves, Howard H. Our mosi familiar siiore bird. (Being a tribute to the Spotted Sandpiper.) J. Maine Ornitii. Soc, Portland, 10, 1908, (68- 72). 409 Cleland, J. B. Antics of the Southern Stone-Plover (Biirliivus (jraUarins, and the " waltzing instinct " of Ostriches. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (188-189). 410 Clodius, (i. 4. Ornithologischer Be- richt liber Meckleidnirg (und Lubeck) fiir (las .Jahr 1906. Gii.strow, Arch. la Aves. Titles. 5800 Ver. Natg.. 61. 1907, [1908J. (Ulll'l') 1^ Tal). ; Dessil. 5. Bericht. fiir 1007. t.o. 62. (19,)8), (118-138) 2 Tab. 411 Cocks, A. H. Ptxinnigaii reported near Trondlijem, Xnr\vav. Zoologist, Loiulon, 12. 1008, (113-114). 412 Cole, C. F. Observations on the Cormorants along the coast and in the inland waters of Victoria. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (70-79). 412a Cole, C. F. Observations on the Finches [Weaver-Finches] as l'"oster- parents to the Cuckoo. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (23-25). 413 Cole, C. F. Can Gulls dive? Emu, Melliourne, 8, 1908, (99-100). 414 Cole, C. F. Some Birds of llawlhorii District. Vict. Xat, 24, (89-90J [Cf. Emu, Melbourne, 7, (159)]. 415 Coles, G. H. Supposed Woodchat in Cornwall. Field, London, 1908, (831). British Birds, 2, 1908, (66). 416 Collett, R. Sueugle og musvaag. [Sc'hneeeule und Mausebussard.] Kri- stiauia, Norsk Jaegerf. Tidssk, 37, 1908, (197-198). 417 Collin, ^Vlb. Jagdfalkeneier. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (45). 418 Comber, E. The birds of Chitral. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1007, (186). 419 Compton, M. W. Want of down in Mallard"s nests. British Birds, 2, 1008, (62). 420 Connor, F. Powell. Notes on the Manipur Bush-quail (Microperdix mani- purenxis) in captivity. Bombaj', J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908," (496-498)" 421 Cooke, Wells W. Bird migration in the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (107- 118;. 422 Cooke, Wells W. The Horned Lark in (Georgia. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser, 25, 1908, (318). 423 Cooke, Wells W. The Acadian Shari> tailed .Sparrow in Georgia and Florida. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (319). 424 Cooke, Wells W. The Nelson Sparrow in Georgia and Florida. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (318-319). 425 (N-10332 g) Cooke, Wells W". The Kentucky Warbler in Vermont. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (320). 426 Cooke, Wells W. Averaging migra- tion dates. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25. 1008, (485-486). 427 Cooke, Wells W. The Migration of Warblers. Bird-Lore, Harrisburg, Ph., 5, 1903, (188-103) pi. ' 428 Cooke, Wells W. The Migration of Warlilers. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1005, (32-35, 135-136, 169-170, 203- 206, 237-239, 275-278) pi. 429 Cooke, Wells W. The Migration of Thruslies. Bird Lore, Hurrisimrg. Pa., 9, 1007, (121-125, l()(i, 205). ' 430 Cooke, Wells W. The migration of Flycatchers. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 9," 1007, 1007 (254-255); 10, 1008, (114-117, 258-250, 166-170, 210-212). 431 Corbin, G. B. Rongh-legged Bu/.zanl {Buteo lagopus) in Hants. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (155-156). 432 Corbin, G. B. Notes from South- western Hants. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908,(156-159). ' 433 Cornwall, E. M. Notes on birds found breeding near Fort Mackay, North Queensland. Part I. Emu, Melbourne, 7 171-175). 434 Court, Edward J. Treganza Blue Heron. [With field notes by A. 0. Treganza.] Auk, (Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1008, (291 -296) 2 pis. 435 Coward, T. A. Kentish Plover in Cheshire. British P.irds, 2, 1908, (32 & 33). 436 Coward, T. A. Black Tern in ( 'heshiie. British Birds, 2, 1908, (33 & 34). 437 Coward, T. A. Pallas's Sand- Grouse in Cheshire. British Birds, 2, 1008, (167). 438 Crawford, J. C, jnn. Results of a collecting trij) to Sioux county. Annual Report, Nebraska State Board of Agri- culture, Lincoln, Neb., 1900, 1901,(268- 271). 439 Criddle, Norman. Some bird habits. Ottawa Xat. 22, 1908, (153-156). 440 Criddle, Norman. Nesting-sites of the American Long - eared (Jwl in Manitoba. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 9,1007,(128-129). 441 d 10—2 20 Aves. XYII. A.ves. [1908] Croucli, L. W. C'irl Bunting in ilerionetlishire. British Birds, 1 (325). 442 Crouch, L. W. Large clutch of eggs of the Great Crested Grebe. British Birds, 1, ISJOS, (327). 443 Crossley, J. C. Exhibition of lantern- slides of British Birds. London Bull. Brit. Omith. CI. 21, 1908, (82). 444 CsiM, Erno. Biztosadatok luadaraink taplalkozasarol. [Positive Daten iiber die Nahrung unserer Vogel.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (188-202). 445 Csild, E. Positive Daten iiber die Xabrung unserer Yogel. Aqiiila, Buda- pest, 15, 1908 (183-206). 446 Csorgey, Titus. Gyakorlati luadar- vedehniink aUami eszkozei es intez- menyei. [Staatliche Mittel und Insti- tutionen fiir den praktischen Vogel- schutz in Ungam.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (291-316). 447 Csorgey, Titus. Die heurige Tatigkeit der U. 0. C. auf dem Gebiete des praktischen A'ogelschutzes. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908 (302-305). 448 Cummings, B. F. Bird roosts and routes, liritish Birds, 2, (119-124). 449 Cummings, B. F. Captures and field report for North Devon. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (birds, 99-103). 450 Cummings, B. F. Speculations on the origin aud developuieut of the jjareutal instinct in birds. Zoologist, London, 12. 1908 (241-251). 451 Cummings, Carlos E. A recent occur- rence of tlie Pileated Woodpecker near Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci., 9, 1908, (17-22) pi. 452 Cummings, S. G. Notes on the habits and distribution of the Cirl Buutiiig in North Wales. British Birds, 1, 1908, (275-279;i. 453 Cummings, S. G. Bean-Geese (Amfcr segctum) on the Dee Marshes. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (72). 454 Curtain, C. Emus in the Grampians. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (94). 455 Daggett, Frank S. Capture of the American Goshawk and Harris's Sparrow near Chicago, 111. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25. 1908, (82). 456 Dalgliesh, G. The White-eyed Duck {Nijrorti iii-iiuf'tnea). Avicult. iiag. BrJghtou,'2, 6, 1908 (80-88). 457 Dalgleisli, G. Some victims of fashion. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (176- 182). 458 Dalmady, Z. Die Fal^el vom „Waisen- storch" und das Gerede vom Selbstmord der Tiere. Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 40, 1908, (66-68). 459 Dantschakoff, Wera. I'ntei-suchuugen iiber die Eiitwicklung von Blut imd Bindegewebe liei Vogeln. Das lockere Bindegewebe des Hiihnchens im fetalen Leben. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 73. 1908, (117-181) 2 Taf. 460 Dantscliakoff, Wera. Ueber das erste Auftreten der Blutelemeute im Hiihner- embryo. (Vorl. Mitt.) Folia Haemato- logica, Leipzig, 4, 1907, Suppl., (159- 166). 461 Dantschakoff, Wera. Ueber die Blut- bildung im Dottersack des Hiihnchens. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (72- 81). 462 Dantschakoflf, Wera. Untersuchungen iiber die Eutwickelung des Blutes und Bindegewebes tei den Vijgeln. 1. Die erste Entstehimg der Blutzelleu beim Hiihnerembryo und der Dottersack als blutbildendes Organ. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 37, 1908 (471-589) 4 [2] Taf. 463 Davenport, C. B. Elimination of self coloured birds. Nature, London, No. 2014, ions, (101). 464 Davenport, Charles B. Inheritance in Canaries. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Inst. Pub., No. 95, 1908, (20) pi. 25-7 cm. 465 Davenport, ['Sirs.'] Elizabeth B. Birds of Windham and Bennington counties. Vermont Bird Club, Bulletin, Burling- ton, No. 2, 1907, (5-14). 466 Davidson, J. On the nesting habits of the small Indian Spotted Eagle {A lished reoords from Washington. Auk, Cambridf^e, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 190S, (48i- 48:>). 471 Dawson, William Leon. The new reserves on the Washington coast. Con- dor, Hollywood, Cal.. 10, 1908, (45-49). 472 Day, Enuna S. Albino Sparrow. J. Maine Ornitli. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, i^52). 473 Deane, Ruthveu. An luipublished letter of John James Audubon to his family. Auk, Cambridge, ilass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (166-169). 474 Deane, Ruthven. Unpublished letters of introduction carried by Jolm James Audubon on his Missouri river expedi- tion. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (170-173). 475 Deane, Ruthven. The Passenger Pigeon [Ectopistes migratorius) in con- finement. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, (181-183). 476 Deane, Ruthven. The coiDper-plates of the folio edition of Audubon's " Birds of America," with a brief sketch of the engravers. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, (401-413). 477 De la Riboisi^re, Jean. Sur une cer- taine fonction de suppleance hepatique exercee par la plimie chez les oiseaux. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (1221- 1?24). 478 Detmers, Erwin. Sperber. Zs. Oolo- gie, Berlin, 17, 1908, (185-186) ; 18, 1908, (18-21). 479 Detmers, Erwin. Etwas iiber Cheli- flonaria urhica (Rchw.). Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (132-133). 480 Detmers, Erwin. Wie fischt Ardea c'nierea ( L.) ? Urnith. Monatschr., Mag- deburg, 33, 1908, (211-216). 481 Detmers, Erwin. „Storchgericht". Ornith. Monatsber., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (305-309). 482 D'Evelyn, Frederick W. The locust- destroving birds of the Transvaal. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (10-14J. ■ 483 D'Evelyn, F. W. Notes on the waltzing instinct in Ostriches. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (119-120). 484 Dewar, D. Local bird-migration in India. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (343-356). 485 Dewar, D. The injury-feigning habit of parent birds. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (91G-918).' 486 Dewar, J. M. Notes on the Oyster- catcher (Haematopits ostraleyus), with reference to its habit of feeding upon the Mussel (Mytilus edulis). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (201-212). 487 Dewar, J. M. The flanges and mouth- spots of nestlings. British Birds, 1, 1908. (258, 259). 488 Dietrich, Fr. Die Seevogel an den deutschen Kiisten und die Bestrebun- gen des Vereins ,,Jordsand". Vortrag . Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1 908, (105-118) 2 Taf. 489 Dietricli, [Fr.]. Die Vogelwelt der deutschen Kiisten und die Bestre- bungen des Vereins Jordsand zur Schatfung von Vogelfreistiitten. I. II. Heimat, Kiel, 18, 1908, (10-22, 38-43). 490 Dirksen. Brutort seltener Vcigel. [ilark Brandenburg.] D. Jagerztg, Neudamm, 50, 1908, (721-722). 491 Dixon, Joseph. Field notes from Alaska. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (139-143). 492 Dixon, J. S. Wood and Clarden Warblers at Loch Awe. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (254). 493 Dixon, J. S. Extension of the nesting of the Woodcock in the Clyde area. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (255-256). 494 [Dmitriev, N.] JlMHTpieB-B, H. IIpo- jiiiT-h ca,T^JKH (KonuTKH) bt, Kosjiob- CKOMT. yfcsA'h BecHOK) 1908 r. [Der Dnrchzug des Steppenliahns ini Bezirk Kozlov, Gouv. Worouesh, im Friihling 1908.] Ochotn. gaz., Moskva, 36, 1908, (322- 323). 495 Dobbie, J. B. Turnstone in Scotland in June. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh, 1908. (182). 496 Dobbrick, L. Znm Abzuge der Segler und Schwalben 1907. Ornith. Monat- schr., Magdel>uj-g, 38, 1908, (247-248). 497 Dobbrick, L. Beoliaclitungen iiber den F'riihlingszug der ^^■)gel in der Tucheler lleide in Jahre 1907. Ornith. 22 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1008] Moiuitschr., Magdebui-L;, 33, 1908, (.IIT- 5:.'8). ' 498 Dobbrick, L. Zur Avifauna der Tu- cheler Heide. Danzig, Jalirb. Leli- rerver., 2-3, (1906-07), [1909], (21-30). 499 Dombrowski, Ernst R. von. Ziuu Vorkommen dei" Uralhabichtseule {Sip-niiim iimlense Pall.). D. Jiigerztg, Neudamm, 50, 1908, (814-815). 500 Domeier, H. Ueber deutsche I'-ier von Sterna Idrimdo wnA Sterna macruru. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (113-115). 501 Donald, (". H. Keenness of sight in birds and animals. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (508-510). 502 Donald, C. II. Variety or species. Bomloay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 190S, (()87-C88). 503 Donald, C. H. The Bearded Vulture or " Liimmergeyer " (Gypaetufs barhatua). Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (913-914). 504 Donald, C. H. ]\raternal solicitude. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (914- 9i5). 505 Donaldson, R. P. Black Tern on the Tweed. .\nn. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh, 1908, (185). 506 Donner, Eugen. Aus dem Leben des Alpentainienhahers {Nucifraga cai'yoeataetes relicta Reichenow). Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeljurg, 33, 1908, (30- 38). 507 "Dorogostajskij, V.] ^HopoiocTaii- CKiii, B. i loh;s;iKa Kb C'feBepo3aiia;uiyK) Momoaiw. [Eine Eahrt naoh der nord- westlichen i\longolei.] St. Pelerburg, Izv. russ. geogr. Oi^sc., 44, 5, 1908, (2;33-246). 508 Dove, H. Stuart. Launceston (Tas- mania) notes. Emu, Melbourne, 7, (158, 159). 509 Dove, 11. Stuart. Petroclid'idous nigri- cans and (.'JuKtura caudaeuta in Tasmania. Emu, Melbourne, 8,1908, (38, 39). 510 Dove, 11. Stuart. Birds at Essendon. Enni, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (06-71). 511 Draper, E. H. U. A. note concerning some properties of the colouring-matter of the remiges of Turaeua corythai.v. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, 1908,(129,130). 512 Dresser, II. E. Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the species in- habiting the Western Paltearctic area. Parts 11 & 12, ,(361-428). 513 Dresser, H. E. On the Russian Aictic Expedition of 1900-1903. Partii. Ibis, London, 1908, (593-599). 514 Dresser, H. E. On the eggs of Phyllo- scopus I'iridanns and Lampronetta ji- scJieri London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 23, 1908, (39). 515 Dresser, H. E. Eggs of Paluearctic Birds. Loudon, Bull. Brit. Ornitli. CI., 21, 1908, (52, 53, 98, 99). 516 Dresser, H. E. An old record of the Little Bunting in Essex. British Birds, 1, 190S, ^385). 517 Drummond, .Tames. The Little Barrier Bird-sanctuarv. Wellington. Trans. X. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (.500-506). 518 Drummond, J. Feathered Lnmigrants. (Xdtes on destruction of native birds.) 15ull. New Zeal. Dept. Agric, Welling- ton, No. 16, (1-49). 519 D[uerden], J. E. Egyptian Vulture [in Cape Colonj^]. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. L'nion, 4, 1908, (40, 41). 520 Durham, F. M. and Marryat, D. C. E. Note on the inheiitance in Canaries. Rep. Evolution Comm. Roy. Soc, London, 4, 1908, (57-60). ' 520a Dutton, F. 0. Ca]ilivity versus free- dom. Avicult. Mag., Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (293-294). 521 Dwight, Jonathan., jiin. A sketch of the Thrushes of North America. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 9, 1907, (103-109) maps iV pi. 522 Dybowski, B. l'ai\^ fukt.iw z dziod- ziny ekologii ornitdlngicznej. [Quelques fails appartenant au domaine de I'oecolo- gie oruithnloLjiipu']. Wszechswiat. Warszawa, 26, 1907, (691 (i95). 523 Dycbe, L. L. Some observations un the food habits dl' the Blue Jay {('yano- cttta crixliilti). To])eka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sri., 21, I't. 1, 190,-i, (130 137). 524 Dycbe, L. L. The Red Phalarope (('rymujih'ilus furiairhis Linn.). A new bird for the Kansas list. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, Pt. 1, 1900, (131- 132). 525 '.?. Avef. Titles. 5800 Dyche, L. L. The lioUleii Kugle. yAqitila cliriisai'tii.f.) Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (179-181). 526 Dye, B. Little Auk (Merguhts alle) cujitnreil alive near Yarmouth. Zoologist, I^ndou, 12, 190S(114). 527 Dye, B. Spotted Crake (Porzana maruetta) at Great Yarmouth. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (-H'O). 528 Dye, B. Honey-Buzzard (Peniis aplronitt) m Suffolk and Norfolk. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (468-169). 529 Eckaxdt, Wilh. R. Ueber die Herkunft der holarktisuheu Vogelfauna auf den Philippinen imd den Sunda- Inseln. Giohu.s, Braunschweig. 94, 1908, (225-226). 530 Eckardt, Wilh. U. Die Fiirbung der Sperlingseier. Ornith. Monatsber. , Berlin.le, 1908, (118-119). 531 Edson, J. M. Birds of the Bellingliam Bav region. Auk, Cam])ridge, Mass., N.'Ser., 25, 1908, (425-439J. 532 Ehrlich, Hans. Vide Olt, Adam. Ei&lg, Cr. A long-drawn-out migra- tion : its causes and consequences. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (1-9). 533 Eifrig, G. Winter birds of the Cobalt region. Ottawa Nat. 22, 1908 (65-66). 534 Eifrig, G. Dates of departure in the fall migration of the more common birds of Ottawa. Ottawa Nat. 21, 1908 (185- 187). 535 Elliot, E. A. S. Melanotic variety of the Houev Buzzard in Devon. Plymouth, Rep. Devon Ass. 1907, (78). 536 Elliot, E. A. S. Swifts returning to different colonies at different times. Plvmouth, Rep. Devon Ass. 1907, (79;. 537 Ellison, A. On a Cuckoo's egg in an unfinished nest of tlie Hedge-Sparrow. London Bull. Brit, ornith. cl. 21, 1908, (101). 538 Embody, ('•. ('. The accidental occurrence of the Green-tailed Towhee (Oreoapiza chlorura) in Virginia. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (224). 539 Emrys-Roberts, E. A further note on the nutrition of the early embryo : with special reference to the chick. London, Proc. R. Soc. B. 80, 1908 (332-338). 540 Ephralm, Owen. How a Cuckoo deposited her eggs. British Birds, 2, 1908,(131,132). ' 541 Ertl, Gusztav. Garndus ghnidarius (L.) mint feszekrabhJ. [O'arridus glan- dar'ius (L.) als Nestriiuber.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (319-320). 542 Ertl, Gusztav. Czinegek kartetelei a miikban. [Scliaden der Meisen im Molni.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (322). 543 Ertl, Gusztav. Parns coeruleus L. veszelyes feszkelohelye. [Gefiihrlicher Nistplatz von Parus coeruleus L.J Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (323j. 544 Ertl, Gusztav. Totanus liypoleueus L. feszkek a vasuti toltesen. [Nester \on Totanus liijiMleueus auf dem Eisen- liahndamme.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (323-324). 545 Evans, W. Sabine's Gull (A'e7ua sabinti) in the Firth of Forth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (53). 546 Evans, \V. Bittern in East Lothian. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (119-120). 547 Evans, W. The Scops-Owl in Forth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (181-182). 548 Evans, W. Little Auk in the Firth of Forth in March. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., E(lin1)urgh, 1908, (185). 549 Evans, W. On the origin of the jjreseut colony of Scottish Greater Spotted Woodpeckers. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (216-218). 550 Evans, W. Gadwall in Scotland in tiie breeding season. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (254). 551 Evans, W. Black Tern in Tweed and Forth Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh, 1908, (254). 552 Evans, W. The Black-headed Gull as a persecutor of the Lapwing. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (255). 553 Evans, W. The " drumming " of the Snipe. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (271 A 272j 554 Evans, W. The Continental Cross- bill in .Scotland. British Birds, 1, 1908, (290 & 291). 555 24 Avu. XVII. Aves. [1908] Evans, W. Stark's record of the breediug of the Scaup Duck at Loch Leven. British Birds, 2, 1908, (132, 133). 556 Evans, W. Scops Owl iu Fifeshire. British Birds, 2. 1908, (140). 557 Evans, W. Gold-crests from East Coast Lighthouses. British Birds, 2, 1908, (232, 233). 558 Evans, W. Probable nesting of the Gadwall in Scotland. British Birds, 2, 1908,(245). , 559 Fagerlund, L. W. Fasanen pa Aland. [Phasianus eolchicns auf Aland.] Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (210- 212); 14. 1906,(122). 560 Falconieri di Carpegna, Guide. Nuova cattura presso Roma di un Carpodaeus erythrinus (Pall.). Eoma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 9, 1908, (38- 39). 561 Falconieri di Carpegna, Guido. Ac- climatazione in Italia del Xanda {Bliea amerieana). Roma, BoU. Soc. zool. ital., Ser. 2, 9, 1903, (40-41). 562 Farmborough, P. W. The British Rails. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (244-247, 393-305). 563 Farquhar, J. H. J. Nesting of Macro- dipteryx longipennis in Southern Nigeria. Ibis, London, 1908, (385). 564 Farren, W. Exhibition of Lantern- slides of British Birds. Lonf^on, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 21. 1908,(84, 85). 565 Farren. W. The crouching habit of the Stone-Curlew. British Birds, 1908, (301-308). 566 Fatio, V. i^ Studer, Th. Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. IV. Livraison : Accentoriens, Troglodytides, Cinclides, Pariens, elaboree iiar G. de Burg. Geneva, 8vo., 1907, (4G1-4G2) 2 cartes. 566a Fazer, Karl. Fasanen i Fhiland. [l^liuskinui< colchieiif^ in Finland]. 'I'idskr. Jiig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905,(212-213). 567 Feilden, H. W. On the breeding- range of the Knot. Ibis, London, 1908, (541-511 >. 568 Feilden, II. W. Climbing movements of the (ireen Woodpecker. British Bird.s, 2, 1908, (93). 569 Fenwick, N. P. Glossy Ibis (Plegadis fi/i.s Sclirank 1798. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schwunzfarbung des Buchlluken. Miin- chen, Verh. ornitli. Ges., 8,(1907), 1908, (171-174). 625 Gengler, J. iJer (iesang der deutschen Fhylloe4 651 Glascock, L. C. Occurrence of the Crested Teal (Eunetta faleata) in Jullun- dur nistrict, Punjab. Bombav, J. Nat. Ili^t. Soc, 18, 1908, (G83-G84J. 652 Glogner, M. Ueber das Gewicht des Europiiers und des Sperlings in den Tropen. Arch. Schiffshyg., Leipzig, 12, l'.tij.s, 7.j1 757). 653 Godelmann, Erwin. (Jologische Hestimmungstabelle europiiischer Vo- geleier. Zs. (Jologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (30-34) ; Bemerkung dazu v. H. v. Box- berger t.c. (85 j. 654 Godman, F. Du Cane. A monograpli : lli>; Petrels (Order Tubinairesi. I'aits 1!. Ill, London, 1908, (69-232). 655 Goebel. II. Mis/ellen. Zs. U.^louie, lieriiu. 18, 1908, (41-4fi). 656 Goebel, H. Zum Brutgeschiift von EriitJtrosterna pain-n, Kleiner Fliegen- fiinger. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 190S, (121-123). 657 Goebel, H. Tind Ottosson, <). Beslini- inungstalielle fiir die Eier der Sijechte, Kaken, Eisvijgel, Bienenfresser. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18. 1908, (57-60, 70 80, 92-97). 658 Goldman, E. A. The Green-winged Teal (Xcttion carol niensift) breeding in California. Condor, Hollvwood, Cal.. 10.1908,(129). ' 659 Goldman. E. A. The Virginia Rail {h'aUwf rini'mimms) breeding in Mexico. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 190S, (181). 660 Goldman, E. A. Summer birds of the Tulaie lake region. Condor, Hollv- wo.kI, t^al., 10, 1908, (200-205). 661 Goodfellow, W. Notes on the habits of Birds of Paradise in British New Guinea. London Bull. Brit. Ornith., CI., 23. 1908, (35-39). 662 Goodfellow, W. On the protection of Birds of Paradise. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 23, 19(J8,(39). 663 Gorka. Sandor. A madarszem fe- siijenek elettani szerepe. [Die })hysio- logische Rolle des Vogelaugenkainmes.] Potf. Termt. KozL, Budapest, 40, 190S, (153-155). 664 Gorka, Sandoi-. A madarak szlner- zese. [Farbenempfindung der Vopel.] Termt. KozL. Budapest, 40, 1908, (324- 325). 665 Gram, C. Fuglelivet i K0benhavn og Omegu for halvhundrede Aar siden. [The bird life in Copenhagen fifty years ago.] Kobenhavn, Ornith. Tids., 3, 1908, i27-36). 665a Granit, .V. W. Nagra fagelarters ut- bredning i Enare lappmark. [Die Ver- breitung einiger Vogel in Enare-Lapp- mark]. Tidskr. .liig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 15, 1907,(4-5). 666 Grant, Claude H. B. On species new to the South African Avifauna. London, Bull. Brit. Ornitli. Club, 21, 1908,(66). 667 Grant. Claude H. B. On the change of plumage \n Merofjanalali'nsis London, Bull. Brit. Ornith., CI. 21, 1908, (67). 668 28 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908J Grant, Claude H. B. Description of new epecies of African Birds. London, Bull. Brit. Oruith. CI., 21, 1908, (,92, 93). 669 Grant, Claude H. B. On species new to South Africa. Bui. Brit. Ornith. CL, 21, 1908, (93). 669a Grant, Claude H. B. A new genus of Lark from E. Transvaal. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 21, 1908, (111). 670 Grant, Claude H. B. Mirafra zomba- from the Beira district. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 21, 1908, (111). 670a Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Report on the immigrations of Summer Residents in the spring of 1907 : also notes on the migratory movements during the autumn of 1906. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 22 (202 pp.). Review. Witherbv, British Birds, 2, 1908, (247, 248). " 671 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. On a collection of Birds made by Mr. Douglas Carruthers durnig his journey from Uganda to the mouth of the Congo. Ibis, London, 1908 (264-317, pis. v, vi). 672 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Additional notes on the Birds of Formosa. Ibis, London, 1908 (600-608, pis. xii, xiii). 673 Grant, \^^ R. Ogilvie. Report on the Birds, with Fiehl-notes by H. C. Robin- son. J. Feder. Malay Mus. Kuala Lum- pur, 3, 1908, (15-57), pi. ii, iii. 674 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. On Turdinus hivuensls, Neumann. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 21, 1908, (60, 61). 675 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Description of two new species of Cist'icola. I,ondon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 21, 1908, (71-72). 676 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. On a new species of Crake from Somali Land. London Bull. Brit. Ornitli. CL 21,1908, (93, 94). 677 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. On a new species of Chat, from the Sudan. London, Bull. Brit. Ornitli. CL 21, 1908, (94). 678 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Ou two new species of Sun-bird. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 23, 1908, fI9). 680 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Death of C!olonel C. T. Bingham. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 23, 1908, (27 Si 28). 681 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Ou a new species of Pucras Pheasant from Icliang. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 23, 1908, (32). 682 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. The occurrence of Parus horeaVia in England. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 23, 1908, {Z^, 35). 683 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. On two supposed hybrids between Red-Grouse and Ptar- niigan. British Birds, 1, 1908, (209- 274) 2 pis. 684 Grant, W. R. Ogilvie. Notes on tbe plumage of a Great Northern Diver and a \\ hite-billed Northern Diver. British Birds, 1, 1908, (294 & 295). 685 Graves, A. R. Notes on birds from western Nebraska. Annual Report, Nebraska State Boai'd of Agriculture, Lincoln, Neb., 1900, 1901, (276-277). 686 Gray, A. A. An investigation on the anatomical structure and i-elationships of the labyrinth in the reptile, the bird, and the mammal. London, Proc. R. Soc. B. 80, 1908 (507-528), pis. xix & xx. 687 Gray, L. Lesser Redpoll nesting in Essex. British Birds, 2, 1908, (203). 688 Green, J. F. Three Cuckoo's Eggs iu a Robin's nest. British Birds, 1 1908, (325, 320). 689 Greschik, Jen(5. Archibitteo lagopua (Briinn.) mint nyuljjusztito. \Arclii- buleo lagoptis (Briinn.) als Hasenfeind.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (318-319). 690 Greschik, Jeno. Colacus mo)iedula (L.) haszuossaga. [Niitzlichkeit von Colaeufs moncdida (L.).] Aquila, Buda- pest, 14, 1907, (320). 691 Greschik, Jeno. 'J^trdna inlaris (L.) nyari cli'Ilordulasa. [Vorkommen von 'Jiirdusjidaris L. im Sommer.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (338). 692 Grev^, C. Ornithologisches aus den russischen Ostsee]irovinzen. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (51- 54) ; Bemerkung dazu vim (J. v. Burg, t.c. (147). 693 Grinnell, Joseph. The name of the California Least Vireo. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (85 S(i). 694 Grinnell, -loseph. The southern Cali- Inniia Chickadee. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, IiM)8, (29-30). 695 :*n Aves. Titles. 5800 Grinnell, J. CaUilina Quail. Cuiulor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, {9A). 696 Grinnell, J. Some birds of Aua Ca]xi inland. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 190S, a30\ ' 697 Grinnell, J. Birds of a Aoyage on Salton sea. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 190S, (185-191). ' 697a Grinnell, J. Subspecific names in tlic 1,'enus Passerella. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 190S, (237-238). 698 Grinnell, J. The California record of the Cape Robin open to question. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (238- 239). 699 Grinnell, J[oseph]. The biota of the San Bernardino mountains. Berkeley, Uniy. Cal. Pub., Zool., 5, 1908, (1-170) pi. it map. 700 Grobbels, Franz. Noch etwas iiber die Gesangeskunst der Vogel. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (31-32). 701 Grobbels, Franz. Kennt der Vogel die Zahl oder P'orm seiner Eier ? Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (53-54). 702 Grobbels, Franz. Neue Untersuchun- gen iiber die Frage ,,Wann singt der Vogel?" Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49,^ 1908, (241-249). 703 Grossman, E. Astuvbrevlpes Scv. der Sommerhabicht (kurzzehiger Sperber), Brutvogel in der Bocche di Cattaro. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (48- 54j. 704 Grossman, E. Ueber das Nisten der Bartgrasmiicke und ihre Spielnester. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (140- 142). 704a Grossmann, E. Zwei fiir die Bocche di Cattaro neue Vogelarten. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (225-226). 705 Grossmann, E. Zur fraglichcn Art- Identitat von Saxicola alblcollls und melanoleuca. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein, 19, 1908, (227-228). 706 Grossman, E. Es gibt nur eine Art weisslicher Steinschmatzer ! ( Fort.set- zung des Artikels „lTeber die fragliche Art-Identitat der schwarz-weissen Steinschmatzer" vom Marz 1. J.) Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (229-232). 707 Grote, (Jeorg August. Uiicldiehr eines Storchenpaares. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (134). 708 Grote, G. A. vide Kreckeler. Grote, Hermann. Zur Kenntnis von P(irus caci'idcus langiddtis Crrote. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (143-144). 709 Grote, Hermann. Aus dem Gefangen- leben zweier Eulen. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (114-116). 710 Grote, Hermann. Abnorm gefiirbler (ioldammer. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt n. M., 49, 1908,(180) 1 Taf. 711 Gimning, J. W. B. On a new species of Cos.f(/p/uifrom West Pondoland. Ann. Transvaal Mus., Pretoria, 1. 1908. 712 Gunning, J. W. B. and Haagner, A. On the South African species of Centro- pus. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, (36-37). 713 Gurney, J. II. Marsh Titmouse in Aberdeenshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (49). 714 Gumey, J. H. Ornithological report for Norfolk (1907). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (121-136) pi. i. 715 Gnmey, J. H. Grey-headed Wagtail in Sussex. British Birds 2, 1908, (90). 716 Giirney, J. H. Sabine's Gull in Norfolk. British Birds, 2, 1908, (208). 717 Gumey, G. H. Notes on the breeding, of the Ypecaha Rail {Aramides yper.aha) Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (345- 346). 718 Guthrie, C. C. Results of remoyal and transplantation of ovaries in chickens. Proc. .Vmer. Physiol. Soc. hi Amer. J. Physiol., Boston, Mass., 19, 1907, (xvi-xvii). 719 Guthrie, C. C. Further results of transplantation of ovaries in chickens. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia, Pa., 5, 1908, (563-576). 720 Gyngell, W. Fecundity of the Chaffinch (Frinqllla poelebs). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (467). 721 Haag, F. Betrachtungen iiber Veran- derungen der Vogelwelt in der niiheren Umgebung von Frankfurt a. M. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (82-84, 97- 98). 722 30 Ave,i. XVII Aves. [1908] Haag, F. Ueber die Elienheiiinuivc, Pagophila ebuniea (Phijjps). Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (137-139). 723 Haagner, Ahvin. Notiz iiber Tele- ph onus- A.rteii. Ornith. Jroiiatsher., Berlin, 16, 1908, (32-33). 724 Haagner, .-Vlwiu. Furtlier notes on C'mnyris oUvaceus dav'iest. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Oniitli. Uuion, 4, 1908, (45, 4(;) pi. iv. 725 Haagner, Ahviu. Some i-emarks on the protective resemblance of Sovith African Birds. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornitb. Uiiicin, 4, 1908, (1-lB) p]s..i & ii. 726 Haagner, Alwin r'ule Gunnins;, J. W. B. Haagner, Alwin and Ivy, H. R. Skeiches of South African Bird-Life. London, 1908, 8vo. (xxiv& 181). 727 Haecker, Valentin. Ueber das Vor- riicken des Berglaubvogels. {Plnjllo- scopus bonellii). Stuttgart, -Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk., 64, 1908, (334-345). 728 Hanninen, Kaarlo. Havaintoja Kuu- samon veisilinuustosta. [Beobachtungen liber die Wasservogel im Kirchspiel Kuusanio.] Luonnon Ystavii, Helsiuo-- lors, 12, 1908, (90-99). 729 Hagen, Werner. Zur „Gesangeskunst derXfigftl". Eine Entgegnuug. [Gegen K. Griiser.] Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (57-60). 730 Hagen, Werner. Der Zug des weissen Storches (Ciconia ciconia) in der (j'mge- bung von Liibeck. Ornith. ;Monatsber , Berlin, 16. 1908, (1G9-172). 731 Hagen, Werner. Pnrus salicarim in der lingebung von Liibeck. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeliurg, 33, 1908, (248 249). 732 Hagerup, A. Fngletraek ved Kolding 1 OktolxM- 1900. [Passage of birds at Kolding in Jutland October 1906]. K(i'i>-2:?3.). 754 Harlow, Richard C. Recent notes on birds of eastern Pennsylvania. Auk, Cambridge, ifass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, 1 276-281' 1. 755 Harington, H. H. Some notes on birds nesting in Burma. Bombay, J. Xat. Hist. Soc , 18, 1908, (680-687). " 756 Harrison, T. Change of nesting sites throuLjli human influence. British Birds. 2. 1908, (99-100). 757 Hartert, Ernst. A new subspecies of Sand-Grouse from the Transvaal. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1008, (53-54;. 758 Hartert, Ernst. Ou souie new species "f Birds from the Solomon Islands. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1008, (105). 759 Hartert, Ernst. On the Bullfinch of < i reat Britain London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1008. ,107 1. 759a Hartert, Ernst. On a new subspecies of the genus Jloreites. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (107, 108). 760 Hartert, Ernst Description of new spwjies of birds from Africa, India, and South America. Loudon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (7-11). 761 Hartert, Ernst. Description of a new sj^ei-ies of Swift from Argentina. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1008. (43. 761a Hartert, Ernst. On a new form of Blue Rock-Thrush from Transcaspia. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (43). 762 Hartert, Ernst. Zur Xomenclalur iler Pahlsegler. Ornith. Monatsbpr , Berlin, 16, 1908, (9 11). 763 Hartert, Ernst. Ein fast allgemein vergessener Artikel. Zool. Ann. Wurzl)urg, 3, 1908, (64-68). 764 Hartert, Ernst. On the British Bull- linch. British Birds, 2, 1008,(130-131). 765 Hartert, Ernst. Miscellanea Ornitho- logica. Critical, nomenclatorial, and other notes, mostly on PaUearctic Birds and tlieir allies. Part V. Nov. Zool. 15, 1908, (395-306). 766 Hartert, Ernst. Xew subspecies ot Blanford's Bush-warbler {Hore'dea pal- IidipcK). Bombav, .J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18, 1008,(892). ' 767 Hartert, E. vide Rothschild, Hon. W. Harting, J. E. Eagles about Tiptree Heath. Stratford, Essex Nat. 15, 1008 (178). 768 Harvie-Brown, J. X. Capercaillie in Dee. .\ini. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh, 1908,(121). 769 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Distriimtion of the Woodcock in the central districts of the Forth Area in the spring of 1908. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908 (142-146). 770 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Increase of Goldfinches in Central Scotland Scot- land (Forth) and Siskins' nesting. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908 il80 181). 771 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Occurrence of the wild Canary in the Forth Area. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (181 i. 772 Harvie-Brown, J. A. An invasion of Cuckoos. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burgh, 1908, (181-182). 773 Harvie Brown, J. A. Snowy Owl in South list. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Ediiilmrgli, 1908 (182). 774 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Pintails increase in .Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh, 1908, (184). 775 Harvie-Brown, J. A. The Great Spotted Wijodjtec^ker's resuscitation in Scotland since 1841 or 1851. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (210- 216} map. 776 32 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Haxvie-Brown, J. A. Morning ilight of Gulls across Central Scotland. Irish Xat., Dublin, 17, 1908, (80-81). 777 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Distribution of the Common Scoter in Scotland. British Birds, 2, 1908, (134). 778 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Canary Siskin in Scodaud. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (181); British Birds, 2 (139). 779 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Snowy owl in the Outer Hebrides. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1908, (182): British Birds, 2, 1908, (140j. 780 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Tufted Ducks nesting in the Outer Hebrides. British Birds, 2, 1908, (165-166). 781 Harvie-Brown, J. A. Martin's nest built on a window-pane. British Birds, 1, 1908, (355-356). 782 Head, C. D. Honey-Buzzard (Periiis ajnvorus) in North Wales. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (156). 783 Headley, F. W. The soaring of small birds. British Birds, 1 (261). 783a Headley, F. W. The down-stroke of the wing. British Birds, 1 (262, 263, 288, 289). 784 Heatherley, F. A visit to the Ternery at \\ ells-by-thc-sea. Zoologist, Loudon, 12, 1908 (361-369) pis. ii & iii. 785 Hegyfoky, Kabos. Az 190(). evi tavaszi iiiadiirvonulas es az ido jdrasa. [r)er Vogclzug und die Witterung ini Friihling des Jahros 1906.] Aipiila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (120-136). 786 Hegyfoky, Kabos. A madarvonulas es az ido. [Vogelzug uud Wetter.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (137-170). 787 Hegyfoky, Kabos. Der Vogelzug und die Wiiicnmg im Friihling des Jahrcs 1907. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908 (112- 152). 787a Hegyfoky, Kabos. Die tagliohen An- kiiiiHsdatc'M und die gleichzeitigen nie- teorologischen Eleniente. Aquila, Buda- pest, 15, 1908, (1.5.3-176). 787b Hegyfoky, Kabos. A fiisti fecske voiiiiiasiiiid. [Ober den zug der Kauch- schwalijo.J Potf. Termt. KiizL, Buda- pest, 40, 1908, (46-.5.3). 788 Heindl, Emmeram. Zur Naliruug flos Zi'isigs. [Frisst Milbcn.] ricfioil. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (126). 789 Heindl, Emmeram. Ornithologische Beobachtungen zu Audechs in den Jahren 1906 and 1907. Natur u. Offenb., Munster, 54, 1908, (678-693, 742-763). 790 ^ Heinroth, M. Pflege und Zucht der Xachtschwalbe in Gefangenschaft. Ge- fied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (225- 226, 233-234, 241-243). 790a Heinroth, M. Pflege und Zucht der Nachtschwalbe in Gefangenschaft. Zweiter Tagebuchbericht. Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (257-258, 265- 266, 283-287). 791 Heinroth, 0. Eine Katzendrossel Galcoscopfes carolinensis L. bei Auklam beobaclitet. Oi-nith. .Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (143-144). [5827 dc 5831]. 792 Heinrotli, 0. Triichtigkeits- und Brutdauern. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908,(14-25). 793 Heinroth, 0. Nightjars breeding in captivity. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7, 1908 (51). 794 Heinroth, 0. Nightjars breeding in captivity. British Birds, 2, 1908, (244). 795 Heller, F. Lestris catarrhactes. Oinith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (219) ; Entgegnung darauf v. Bernhard Hantzsch. t.c, (283-284). 796 Heller, F. [Megalestrls skua in Sachsen.] Ornith. Monatschr., Mag- deburg, 33, 1908, (312). 797 Heller, F. Wie fischt der graue li'eiher ? Ornith. Monatschr., Macdo- burg, 33, 1908, (412-414). '798 Hellmayr, C. E. Uebersicht der For- nien der (<-dUi\ngPercnostola. Miinchen, Verb, ornith. Ges., 8,(1907), 1908,(140- 14.3). 799 Hellmayr, C. E. Uebersicht der stidanicrikanischen Arten der (iattung Cliactura. (s. str.) Miinchen, Verh. ornith. Ges., 8, (1907), 1908, (144-l(n). 800 Hellmayr, (!. E. Aves fiir 1904. [.lahrcslKTicJit.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 70. 15(1 2, II. 1, 1901, [1908], ii, (1-132). 801 Hellmayr, C. E. An account of the binls collected by Mons. G. A. Baer in the State of Goyaz, Brazil. Nov. Zool., 15,1908,(13-102). 802 Hellmayr, C. E. vklc Simon, E. o3 Airs. Titles. 5800 Helm, F. Xouere Untersiu'hungeii iiber den Herh^t/Uii des Stars. J. Ornith., Leiivis?, 56,l90S, (154-104). 803 Helm, F. Ornithologische Beobacli- tunn;en auf oinigeti Friesischen Inseln. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1008, (23l-i'41, 261-275). 804 Henderson, Junius. The American Dipper in Colorado. [With notes from a manuscript of Denis Gale.] Bird Lore, Harrishurg. Fa., 10, I'JOS. (1-7). 805 Henderson, Jnnins. The Mountain Bluebird in northern Arizona. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (94). 806 Henderson, .T. T. Note on a young Gannet iSuhi hussava). Ann. Scott. Xat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (51). 807 Henneman, AV. Oraithologisches von Fohr. Ornith. ilonatschr., MagdeburEc. 33, 1908, ^230-2.39). 808 Hennemann, W. Ornithologische Beobachtungeu ini Sauerlande im Jahre 190G. (Aus: Ornitli. Jahrb., Wien, 1908.) Miinster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss., 35, (1907,08), 1908, (85-92). 809 Hennemann, W. Ornithologische Beobachtuucen im Sauerlande im Jahre 1906. Ornith. Jahrl)., Hallein, 19, 1908, (55-65). 810 Hennicke, Carl R. Die Fange der Raubvogel. xxxix. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (76-78), 1 Taf. 811 Henninger, W. F. Bird notes from middle western Ohio. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (208-210). 812 Henninger, W. F. Nesting of the Prairie Warbler in Ohio. Wilson Bidl., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, I'.HJS, (213). 813 Henninger, W. F. and Kuenning, G. A. All day -with the birds. New Bremen, Ohio, May 14, 1908. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (96-98). 814 Henshaw, H. W. A parasitic fly injurious to our native birds. [Pi'o- localUphora chvysorrliaca]. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser.,25, 1908,(87-88). 815 Henshaw, H. W. Does it pay the farmer to protect birds ? Washington, D.C., Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric, 1907, 1908, (165-178), pi. 816 Hepburn, T. The birds of North Kent. Autumn passengers. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (106-112). 817 (K-10332 3) Herbert, F. A. Have Starlings in- creased beyond the capacity of nesting- sites ? British Birds, 2, 1908, (92). 817a Herman, Otto. Megeg\-szer a tarvar- jurol. [Noclieinmal filler den Kohlraben.] Aquila, Budajjost, 14, 1907, (xxxiii-xliv). 818 Herman, 0. Zum Flugproblem. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908 (1-10). 819 Herman, 0. Ringed birds. Zoolo- gist, London, 12, 1908, (352-353). 820 Herman, O. The International Con- vention for the protection of Birds con- cluded in 1902 ami Hungary. Buda- pest, 8vo. 1907 (i-viii & 1-242). 821 Hermann, Rudolf. Der Baumlaufer {Certliia familiaris). — Der Kleiber (Sitta caeaia). Ornith. Monatschr., :\lag(]eburg, 33, 1908, (19-25), 1 Taf. 822 Herrick, Francis H. The relation of instinct to intelligence in birds. Science, New York, N,Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (847- 850). 823 Herrick, Newbold L. Black Brant and Marbled Godwit on Long Island, N.Y. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (473). 824 Hess, C. Licht- uud Farbensinn der Vogel. Umschau, Frankfurt a. M., 12, 1908, (249-252), 1 Taf. 825 Hess, C. Untersuchungen iiber das Sehen und iiber die Pupilleureaction von Tag- nnd Nachtvogeln. Arch. Augenheilk., Wiesbaden, 59, 1908, (143- 107), 1 TaL 826 Hesse, E. Beol)achtnngen uud Auf- zeichnuugen in der Uiiigegeiid von Leipzig wahrend des Jalires 1906. J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (25-60). 827 Hesse, E. P^in Beitrag zur Ornis der niiheren Umgegend von Leipzig. J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (260-282), 828 Heyder, Richard. Notizen iiber einige seltenere Arten in Westsachsen. [Numenius, Tr'inqa, Aquila.^ Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (98-99). 829 Heyder, Richard. Zweite Starenbruten. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (116-117). 830 Hiesemann, M. How to attract and protect Wild Birds. London, 8vo. 831 d U 3i Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Hilgert, Carl. Katalog der Collection vou Erlanger in Nieder-In^ellieim a. Rh. Berlin (R. Friedlander &"S.), 1908, (vii + 527), 1 Taf. 832 Hilgert, Carl. Hypolais pallida reiseri subsp. nov. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (3-4 j. 833 Hilgert, C. Zur Frage, ob Raub- vogel fremde untergelegte Eier iinter- scheiden konnen. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 17, 1908, (184-185). 834 Hill, Thomas R. A southern Starling record. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (130). 835 Hine, James S. Note on the American Barn Owl. Ohio Nat., Columbus. 8, 1908, (290). 836 [Hintze, Alex.] iliirkt kraka. [Mit Marke versehene Krahe.] Tidskr. Jtig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1904. (114, 165). 837 [Hintze, Alex.] ilarkt kiaka. [Mit Marke versehene Krahe.] Tidskr. Jiig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (120). 838 [Hintze, Alex.] I Piikkis skjuten flamingo. [In Piikkis in Finland erlegtes Flamingo. Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsing- fors, 12, 1904, (165-166). 839 [Hintze, Alex.] Talrika fjalliigglor p3, fiird sodei-ut. [Zalilreiche Schnee- eulen auf der Wandeining siidwarts]. Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1904, (14). 840 Hintze, Harry. Sothonan {Fidicn atra) skjuten norr om Brahestad. \_Fulica atra nordlich von Brahestad erlegt.J Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (180). 841 Hix, George E. Red Crossbills in New Jersey, in July. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 5, 1903, (166). 842 Hocke, H. Ueber den Flug unserer Adler. Weidmann, Berlin, 39, 1908, (520-523). 843 Hocke, U. Der Zeisig und sein Nest. Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (337). 844 Hocke, II. Uelier die Wanderungen unserer Finkeuvugel. (Jefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (236-238). 845 Hocke, H. vide Salzmann, Otto. Hofflnann, Bernh. Kunet und Vogel- gesiiiig in ihrcn wechselseitigen Bezie- hungen vom naturwissenschaftlich-musi- kalischen Standpunkte beleuchtet- Leipzig (Quelle & Meyer), 1908, !IX + 230). 22 cm. 3,80 M. ' 846 Holder, C. S. Bird names. Nature Notes, London, 19, 1908, (48-49). 847 Hollister, N. Birds of the region about Needles, California. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (455- 462) pi. 848 Hope, L. E. Vide Thorpe, D. L. Hopkinson, Dr. The White-beUietl Amethyst Starling (Pholidaufjes leuca- gastcr). Avicalt. Mag., Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (269-277) pi. 849 Hopwood, J. Cyril. A further list of birds from the Chindwin, Upper Burma. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. See, 18, 1908, (432-433> 850 Hopwood, J. Cyril. Notes on nidifi- catiou of various birds in the Uppei- Chindwin and at Maymyo, Upper Burma. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist." Soc, 18, 1908, (494-495). 851 Hopwood, J. Cyril. A note on the dis- tribution of the Burmese Grey Duck or Spot-bill {Polionetta haringtotii, Gates). Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (498-499). 852 Horsbrugh, B. R. The Kurrichane Button Quail [Turnix lepurnna). Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (307- 309). 853 Horsfall, Bruce. Migration of Hawks- Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25. 1908, (474-475). 854 Horwood, A. R. The coloration of birds eggs. Nature, London, No. 2'U."), 1908, (126-127). 855 Horwood, A. R. The form of bird's egi2;s. Nature, London, No. 2020, 1908, (246). 856 Howard, H. E. British Warblers, a historv with jjroblems of their lives. Pt. ii,"rJ08. 857 Howe, Reginald Heber, jun. Massa- chusetts records. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (323). 858 Howe, Reginald Heber, jun. Ardea egrctta in New Jersey. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (473). 859 Howell, Arthur II. Notes on the winter birds of northern Louisiana. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (119-124). 860 35 Aves, Titles. 5800 Howell, Arthur H. The relation of birds to the Cottou boll Weevil. Wash- ington, D.C.. U. S., Dept. Agric. Biol. Surv., BuU. No. 29, 1907, (1-31) pi. 861 HUbner, Ernst. Avifauna von Vor- pommem und Ru£;en. Leipzig (Th. 0. Weigel), 1008, (xix + 156). 24 cm. 10 M. 862 Hiibner, M. ride Kreckeler. Hughes-Onslow, A. Pastor roseus near Renv, in Caitliness, in July. Field. London, 1908,(91); British Birds, 2, 1908, (139). ~ 863 Hull, A. F. Basset. The Montague Island Gullerj'. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (80-85). 864 Hunt, Chreswell J. A Pansauken (liarv. Cassinia, Philadelphia, Pa., No. 11 ("1907), 1908, (44-53) pi. 865 Hunt, ChreswellJ. Ealbisvirg'niianus a Delaware vallev breeder. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N."Ser., 25, 1908, (81). 866 Hunter, J. S. A collecting trip in Cherry count}'. Annual Report, Ne- braska State of Agriculture, Lincoln, Neb., 1900, 1901, (271-276). 867 Hunter, J. S. A key to the higher groups of North American birds. An- nual Report, Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, Lincohi, Neb., 1900, 1901, (289). 868 Hunter, R. H. Breeding of the Crossbill in County Dublin. British Birds, 2, 1908, (203, 204). 869 Hutchlns, John. A recent visit of the Evening Grosbeak. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1905, (173-174). 870 Huxley, J. S. Mimicking song of ChifE-chafE (Phylloseopus rufua). Zoo- logist, London, 12, 1908 (268-269). 871 Hyn6n, 0. Kevainen tintuelama Viipurinlahdella. [Das Vogelleben im Friihling in der Bucht von Viborg.] Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 8, 1904, (81-84j. 872 Hynen, 0. Kerttujeimne laulusta. [Uber den Gesang der finlandischen Sylviiden.] Luonnon Y&tava, Helsing- fors, 9, 1905, (257-263). 873 IbartlL Verzeichnis der auf dem Danziger Stadtgraben und in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft vor- (N-10332 g) konimenden bezw. briitenden Vogi-1. Danzig, Ber. bot.-zool. Ver., 30, 1908, (257-261). 874 Inglls, Chas. M. The Oology of Indian parasitic Cuckoos, Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (681-682). 875 Inglls, Chas. M. The Flamingo (Plioe7iicoptenis 7'osehs) in the Darb- hauga District, Tirhoot, Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (683). 876 Inglis, Chas. M. Indian Ducks and their allies. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (916). 877 Ingram, C. Description of two new species from North Queensland. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (99, 100). 878 Ingram, C. Ornithological notes from Japan. Ibis, London, 1908,(129- 169), pi. iv. 879 Ingrajn, C. On the nesting of White's Thnish in Japan. Ibis, London, 1908 (386-387). 880 Ingram, C. On the birds of Inker- manu Station, North Queensland. Ibis, Loudon, 1908 (458-481). 881 Ingram, C. Variety of the Great Titmouse {Varus major). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (113). 882 Ingram, C. Some rare Kentish birds. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (272). 883 Ingram, C. Montagu's Harrier (Circus cmeraeeus) in Surrey. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (308-311). 884 Ingram, C. Oriental Aviculture. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (110- 113). 885 Ing^ram, C. The incubation period of the Cuckoo. British Birds, 1, (291,292). 886 Ingram, C. Nesting of The Marsh Wariiler in Kent. Field, London, 1908, British Birds, 1, 1908, (387). 887 Ingram, Sir William. Prince Ru- dolph's Bird of Paradise {Paradieoryiis rudolphi). Avicvdt. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7, 1908 (60-64). 888 Iredale, T. Syno'cus australis in New Zealand (Records of its introduc- tion) Emu, Melbourne, 7, (165). 889 Ivy, R. W. vide Haagner, A. Jackson, A. C. On the mouth-colora- tion of some nestling birds. British Birds, 2, 1908, (195-196). 890 d 11—2 36 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Jackson, S. W. A Trip to the Ui3per Hunter River District, New Soutli Wales. Emu, Melbourne, 8, (11-18) pis. i & ii. 891 Jackson, Thomas H. The Turkej- Vulture and ils voung. Bird-Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 5, 1903, (18i-187). 892 Jacob! von Wangelin. Jagdschutz, Fischereischutz und Vogelschiitz. Or- nith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (101-105). 893 Jacob! von Wangelin. Der Yogelscluit z gegeniiber deiu Jagd- und Fischerei- schutz. Jahrb. Yogelschutz, Berlin, 4, (1907), 1908, (60-63). 894 [Jegorov, G. A.] EropoBt, T. A. npcieTt cajtHiH (Srjrrhaptes j^a^'CfJoxus Pall) btj Bep;iaHCKOM'i. yfe;;^ Bt 1908 rosy. [Durchzug des Steppenhahns (Sijrrhaptes paradoxus Pall) durch den Bezirk Berdjansk.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (551). 895 Jennings, Allan H. Mosquitoes destroved by the Xight-hawk. Washing- ton, D.C., Proc. Ent. Soc, 10, 1908,(61- 62). 896 Jewell, H. W. Song Sparrow with an undeveloped song. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 10, 1908, (56). 897 Jewell, H. W. Martin with crossed bill. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 10, liJOS, (56j. 898 Jewell, H. W. Albino Robin. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 10, 1908, <58). 899 [Johansen, G. E.] loransen'i, T. '■). MaTcpia.iu ;t.iH opHiiTO(|)ayHU cierieu ToMCKaro Kpaa. [Beitriige zur Ornitho- fauna der Steppeu des Toaiskcr Gebietes.] Tomsk, Izv. Univ., 30, 1907 [1908], (1-239 + ]). 900 Johansen, Herm. Phoemcopteruti rofteiis (Pall.) auf eineni Irrfluge durcli Sibirien. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (-'15-225). 901 Jobnson, M. Susan. Notes on Missouri birds. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (324). 902 Johnstone, Mrs. E. J. On the birds in Juv aviary. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6,'l9().s fi]5-ll«). 903 Johnstone, Mrs. K. J. The King Bird of Paradise {C'ic'ni7iurus rerjius). Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7, 1908 (21- 23) pi. 904 Jones, R. H. On the modification of Halcyon pilcatus and Turnix hlanfordi in Hong-Kong. Ibis, London, 1908 (455-457). 905 Jones, Lj-nds. June with the birds of the Washington coast. Wilson. Bulb, Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (19-26, 57-62, 189-199). 906 Jones, Lynds. An addition to the birds Lif Ohio. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (50). 907 Jones, Lynds. Tlie birds of Ohio : Correction and note. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (51). 908 Jones, Lj-nds. The spring migration at 01)erlin, Ohio, 1908. Wilson Bull.. Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (158-159). 909 Jones, I>ynds. Ohio records. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (210- 211). 910 Jourdain, F. C. R. The eggs of EuroDcan birds. 8vo. Part 3, London, 1908 '(161-240). 911 Jourdain, F. C. R. On some rare eggs from Corsica. Ii Ky- cyuiKll [Cuculus catwrus L.) no Espo- neiiCKott Poccin. [Versuch einer Unter- suchung des l"'ruhlingszuge-i des Kiick- kucks (Cuculus canonis L.) im Eurojiai- schen Russlaud.] St. Peterburg, Tiav. Soc. nat. C. r. seauces, 38, 1. (291-293 + 297-311 deutsch. Res. 290) 1 Taf. 918a [Kaigorodov, Pm.] KaiiropcioHh, ,"I,m- HaiMH;inoe nsoopaiKeHie ncibau n Bpe;ia npiiHOCiiMuxt HamnMii nTnuaMii. [Anschauliche Darstelluug des Xutzeus iind Sehadens uuserer Vogel.] Viert. Aufl. St. Peterburg, 1908, (1 Tab.), 02 cm. 0.30 Rub. 919 Kalmbach, Edwiu R. Notes on three Michigan birds. Auk, Cambridue, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (230). 920 Kaxrig, 0. Vom Wandern und Aufeuthalt der gefiederten Welt. Ornith. Mouatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (267-274). 921 Eatz, D. und Rev^sz, G. Experi- ruentell-psychologische Untersuchuugen mit Hiihnern. I. Versuche iiber das Gedachtuis der Hiihner. II. Versuche iiber den Farben- und Lichtsinn der Hiihner. Zs. Psvchol., Leij)zig, Abt. 1, 50. 1908, (92-110). 922 Kauf mann - Wolf , Marie. Enibryo- logische und anatomische Beitrage zur Hyperdactvlie (Houdanhuhn). Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 38, 1908, (471-531) 3 Taf. 923 EaygorodofT, Demeter. ^Madarvonu- lasi adatok Szentpetervarrol. [Vogel- zugsdaten aus Sankt Petersburg.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (171-174). 924 Eayser. Ornithologische Beobach- tungen aus der I'mgegend von Beuthen <'.-S. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33. 1908, (25-30, 118-126). 925 Kayser, C. Ornithologische Beobach- tungeu aus der Umgegend von Beuthen O. .S. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908. (475-476). 926 Keartland, G. A. Xotes on the plumage of Australian Parrots. Vict. Nat. ilelljounie, 24, 1908, (156-158). 927 Kearton, C. Exhibition of cinemato- graph pictures of British Bird-life London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 1908, SO, 81). 928 Keeler, Charles. Bird notes afield : essays on the birds of the Pacific coast with a field check-list ; with repro ductions of photographs. [2d ed.] San Francisco and New York (Paul Elder and co.), [1907], (ix -f 226) 929 Keeler, Charles. In the haunts of New Zealand birds. Bird-Lore, Harris- burg, Pa., 5, 1903, (114-121). 930 Kelsall, J. E. ]\limicking song of ChilTciialT. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908. (227). 931 Kemp, Robin. A new species of Titrdhiiis from Southern Nigeria. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (111,112). 932 Kempe, Martin. Vide Abderhalden, Einil. Kendall, W. C. Observations on the nesting and feeding habits of the Loon. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, (85-80) pi. 933 Kerr, G. W. The birds of the district of Staines. Zoologist, London, 12, I'.IOS (137-143). 934 Kielland, Jens Zetlitz. Hvordan viben spiser. [VViederKiebitz frisst.] Bergen, Naturen, 32, (1908), (231-234). 935 Klllermann, S. Zugvcigel auf hoher See. Alte und eigene Beobachtungen. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 23, 1908, (193-198). 936 Kirby, W. F. [Obituary. Charles Thomas Bingham.] Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (465). 937 Kirkman, F. B. Variation in the iicsls of the Arctic and Common Terns. British Birds, 2, 1908, (78-82, 161-168) pi. iii. 938 Kirkwood, F. C. Chestnut-collared Longsjjur (Calcarius ornatus) in Mary- land. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25.1908,(84). 939 Kittenberger, Kalman. Madarvonulas a Danakil-foldon. [Vogelzugim Danakil- Land.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (175-178). 940 Kleinsclunidt. 0. Eritharns domesti- CU8. Berajah, Leipzig, 1907-08, I, (1- 12) 8 Taf. 941 Kleinschmidt, 0. Ei-Uhacns diplo- olor,i.~<. Jicrajah, Leipzig, 1907-08, II, (1-4; 1 Taf. 942 38 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Kleinschmidt, 0. Erithacus arhoreus. Berajah, Leipzig, 1908, (1-12) 2 Taf. 943 Kleinschmidt, 0. Die fremden Formenkreise des Subgenus Phoenicurus. Berajah, Leipzig, 1908, (2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2) 4 Taf. 944 Kl'einsclunidt], 0. Faleo peregrlnus. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (1) 1 Taf. 945 Kl[einsclimidt], 0. Eia int<^rressantes Kleid von Lavius eollurio L. Falco, Leipzig, 4, DOS, (4). 946 Kl[einscliinidt], 0. Xaclitrag zu Jg 1905, p. 70. ErltJiacus auroreus orhis. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (8). 947 Kl[eiiischmidt], 0. Xeues und Altes iiber Falco hierofalco. Fa!c:i, Leipzig, 4, 1908, ^13-18), 1 Taf. 948 Kireinschmldt], 0. Erganzungen zum neuen I'.auaiami. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (22-23). 949 Kl[ein3Climidtl, 0. Farbentod. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (37-39), 1 Taf. 950 Kl[ein8Cliinidt], 0. Der Waldrapp, Comatibis eremita (L.), in Europa. Fa'.co, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (42-44). 951 Kl[eirisclimidt], 0. Gyps fulvus und Gyps riippcUi. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (44-45). 952 Kl[ein8Chmidt], 0. Zu vorsteliender Riclitig.stellung [betreffs Uotkopfwiirger- Invasi in vou L. Schuster.] Ornith. Jahrb. Ha'.lein, 19, 1908, (68). 953 Kl^einschmidt], 0. Gibt es zwei Arien \\eissliciier Steinschniiitzer ? Ornith. Jalul)., llallein, 19, 1908, (145). 954 Kletwlg, C. Friiher Abzug von Vogeln i. J. 1908. Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (271). 955 Enauer, Friedrich. Zur Lcisung des Vogelzugproblems. ZentrBl. Forstwes., Wien, 34, 1908, (9-14). 956 Knight, Ora Willis. The birds of .Maine. Witli key to and description of the various species known to o.cur or to have occurre.l in the state, an account of their distriiintion and migration, showing their relative abundance in the various counties of the state as well as other regions, and contributions to th'^r life-histories. Bangor, Maine, 1908, (xvii + 003), ]il. a.'id niaj>. 957 Knotek. Aus dem Leben des Weiss- kopfgeiers [Gyp^ falvns). Wild n. Hund, Berlin, 14, 1908, (552-554). 958 [Kobylin, A. M.f] KoSllihrt,, A. M.f Maiepia.iu a-is opHnTOf|)ayHu KaBKaa- CKaro KpaH. KyxaiiccKaa ryoepHia. [Beitrage zur Ornithofauna Kauka-iens. Gouv. Kutais.] Tiflis, Mittli. Kauk. Mus., 3, 1908, (285-335). 959 Kohn, Peter C. Vom Vogelzug. Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (12'^8). 960 Kohn, Peter C. Auf Helgoland iiber- winternde Vogel. Gefied. Welt, Magde- burg, 37, 1908, (103). 961 Kohn, Peter C. Der Vogelzug auf Hel- goland itn Friilijahre 1907. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 18, 1907, (221-222). 962 Koenen, Otio. Was ist unter ,,Bauzeit" zu verstehen? Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (98-100). 963 Koenen, Otto. Einiges vom Neste des Pirols. Miinster. Jahresber. Prov- Ver. Wiss., 36, (1907-1908), 1908, (102-104). 964 Koenen, 0. ride Werner, P. Koeaig, A. Reiseskizzen und Vogel- bilder aus dem hohen Norden. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (124-140). 965 Koenig, A. Einige Yeranderungen in der Vogelwelt in der Umgebung von Bonn. Bonn, SltzBer. Ges. Natk., 1907, 1908, E, (97-99). 966 Koenig, A. [Locusfclla luseinioides geyr'i n. subsp.] J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (122-123). 967 Koenig, A. [Arktische Reisen im Sommer 1905 u. 1907.] J. Ornith.. Leipzig, 56, 1908, (123-139;. 968 Kollibay, Paul. Die richtigen -wissen- schaf! lichen Namen des dalniatinischen Felsenkleibers und des knnarischen Wiistengimpels. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (11-12). 969 Koningsberger, J. C. Aanteekenin- gen over maaginhouden van vogels. [Notizen iiber den Inhalt des Magens von Vogeln.] Teysmannia, Batavia, 19, 1908, (83-94). 970 Koningsberger, J. C. Aanteekeuingen over uiaaginlidudt'n van vogels. II. [Notizen liber den Mageninhalt javani- ol) Avts. Titles. 5800 scherVogel. II.] Teysmanuia, Batavia, 19, 190S, ^7i'0-7l'7). 971 Kopman, H. H. ride Beyer, G. E. [Kopylov, P.] KoiTu.iOB-b, 11. 3a.ieT- uue rocTii. ('I>.iaMUHro btj EHiicertcKOtt H ToMOKOii ry6.) [Flamingos in den Gour. Jenisseisk nnd Tomsk.] Semja ochotii., Moskva, 1908, (205-20G\ 972 Kordoss, Guszuiv. A galamb em- bryoaalis pehelytoUoinak fejlodese es morpbologiaja. [Die Entwicklung und Morphologie der Embryonaldunen der Taube.] Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7, I90S, ^62^3). 973 Eoske, F. Ornithologischer Jahres- bericht iiber Pommern fiir 1907. Zs- Ornith., Stettin, 32. 1908, (97-104, 121- 128, lGl-176, 193-204). 974 [Kozlov, L. E.] K03.10BT., J. E. Oo-b OKpacKt Hapy;KHux'b iiokpobob'b iiTiim). [L'eber die Farbung der aus- seren Korperhiilleu der ^'ogeI.] Tuapse, Trd. naucn.-prom. muz., 1, 1904-1906 £1907], (39-61). 975 Krachf, W. Friihjahrszug 190S in Madrid. Gefied. AVelt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (239). 97& Krause, Georg. Oologia universalis palaearctica. Vollstandig in ca 150 Lfgn. Lfg 35-49. Stuttgart (F. lichmann), 1908, (je 2 Taf. mit deutsch. u. engl. Text). 977 Kreckeler. Wis ein Storcb aus seinem Neste fremde Eier wirft. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (17-18); Bemerkungen dazu V. A. Xehrkorn. t.c. (34), v. M. Hiibner, (52-53;, v. Georg August Grote, (66-68). ^ 978 Krolin, H. Bericlitlgung betreffend Musc'icapa parva Bechst. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (12-13). 979 Krohn, H. Berichtigungen. [Betr. Fauna v. Hamburg u. weiterer Um- gebung.] Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1008, (122-132). 980 Erolin, H. Berichtigungen betreffend Clienalopex aegyptiaeua (L.), Tetrao honasia L , Falco eleonorae Gene, Syryiium uralenae (Pal.), Perisoreus iti- iaustiLs (L.), Tetrao xirogallus L. Or- nith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1008, (71-72j. 981 Kuenning, G. A. vide Henniger, W. F. Kulczycki, Wladimir. Zur Entwicke- 1 imgsgeschichte des Schliisselbeines und der Halshaiitmuskulatur bei den Vogeln und im besonderen beiin Kanarienvoc;el. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (125-129). 982 Kunstler, J. Vitality de la Cheveche. Paris, C. II. soc. bioL, 63, 1907,(719- 720). 983 Kunstler, J. Note sur le Rille des genets. Episode de la lutte pour la propagation de I'espece. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 64, 1908, (105). 984 Laidlaw, T. G. Food of the Black- headed Gull (Larus ridlhundu.'^). Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (1.''.0- 141). 985 Lakowitz. Niieifraga carijocatactes macrorhrjnclms L. C. Brehm im Herbst 1907 in Westpreussen. Ornith-Monats. ber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (64). 986 Lampe, Ed[uardJ. Ueberzweiseltene Giiste [Somateria mollisslma (L.) und Reeurvirostra avocetta (L.)). Wies- baden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 61, 1908, (221- 222). 987 Landman, Otto. An open cleft in the embryonic eye of a chick of eight days. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (45(5-459). 988 Lane, A. L. Bird notes from east Winthrop, Me. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, (42-45). 989 Lantz, D. E. Notes on the Kansas bird-list. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (211-213). 990 Lapicque, L. Le poids encephalique en fonction du poids corporal entre individus d'une meme espece. Paris. Bui. mem. soc. anthr., (ser. 5), 8, 1907, (313-345). 991 Lapicque, Louis. Difference sexuelle dans le poids de I'encephale chez las animau-K. Rat et moineau. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 63, 1907, (746-748). 992 Lapicque, Louis. Limite snperieure de la proportion d'encephale par rapport au poids de coeur chez lez oiseaux Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1421- 1423j. 993 Larson, Adrian. October birds of Wall lake. South Dakota. Wilson Bull.. Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (186-188). 994 La Touche, J. D. On a new species of Sand-Martin from China. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 23, (17j. 995 40 Avcs. XVII. Aves. [1908] Lauer, H. Albinismus bei Sperlinc;en. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, J90 noaBOHOMHbixi) ;i;iiBOTHiJX-B 3oo.ioriiHecKaro Mysea IlMnepaTopcKaro KasancKaro jHiiBep- CHTCia. HacTb II. Iliimu (Aves) (OKOHqanie). [Systematischer Katalog der Wirbelthiere des Zoologiscben Museums der Kais. Universitiit Kazan. II. Theil. Aves. Scbluss.] Kazani, Zap. Univ., 75, 1, 1908, (97-374, i-vi). 998 [Lavrov, S ] JlaspoBt, C. Pesy.ib- Taiu n3c.it>;;oBaiiia (jiaynH nepBen ptKii Bo.irii H iioeMnuxt osept y CapaioBa. [Resultate der Untersuchungen der Wiirmer-Fauna des Wolga-Flusses und der Wiesenseen bei Saratov.] Saratov, Trd. ObSc. jest., 5, 2, 1908, (1-80) Taf. i-ii. 999 L^caillon, A. Sur les modifications qui jieuvent se produire dans la struc- ture de la cicatricule de I'oeuf non fcconde des oiseaux. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (647-649). 1000 L^caillon, A. Sur les cbangements qui sc ])roduisent, apres la ponte, dans Taspeet exterieur de la cicatricule de Tceuf non feconde de la Poule. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1034-1036). 1001 Legg-e, W. Y. Some notes on the location of Birds in the vicinity of Home- steads, Break-o'-day District, Tasmania. Emu, Mclhourne, 7, (142-152). 1002 LelmSchi01er, E. Lidt cm Ederfug- len, Somateria vwlUssima L., og nogle af dens Racer. [01)servations on Soma- teria moll'issima L. and scjme of its races.] K0benhavn, Ornitli. Tids., 2, 1908, (109-149), 5 j>l. 1003 Leibelsperger, W. H. Some rare summer residents of Berks county, Pennsylvania. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (232-233). 1004 Leigh, A. G. Redshank breeding in Warwickshire. British Birds, 2, I'.lOS, (33). 1005 Leigh, A. ('<. Ifobin's nest in old nest of P.hickljird. Britisii Birds, 2, 1908, (91 )J. 1006 Leigh, A. G. Late nests of the Greaft Crested and Little Grebes. Britisii Birds, 2, 1908, (171). 1007 Leigh. A. G. Little Owl in Warwick- shire. British Birds, 2, 1908, (240). 1008 Leist, E. Zur Lebensweise des Kukuks. Natw. Zs. Landw., Stutteart, 6, 1908, (549-550). 1009 Lengerke, Justus von. Migration of Hawks. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (315-316). 1010 le Roi, [Otto]. Ornithologisches aus. der Rheinprovinz und Westfalen. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (105-109). 1011 le Roi, Otto. Ueber P'lsorliina scoj]^ (L ) und Emheriza rutila Pall, in Holland. Oi-nith. ilonatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (109-110). 1012 le Roi, Otto. Anser crylliropns (L.) in Hannover. Ornith. Monatsber... Berlin, 16,1908, (110). lOlS le Roi, Otto. Zur Kenntnis der Eier von Milvits aeg'ipfius (Gmel.) Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (1-13). 1014 Lesmiiller, A. Eine starke Schnabel- anomalie bei Plcu>< rir'idis L. Mtiuchen, Verb, ornith. Ges., 8,(1907), 1908,(169). 2 Taf. 1015 Le Souef, D. Nest and egg of Tarcr d'lsea raq'j'iana. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 1908, (100). 1016 Le Souef, I). Melbourne Zoo Notes. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (187). 1017 Le Souef, D. List of Australasian Birds in the Zoological Gardens, Ib-eslau, Dec. 31, 1907. Emu, Mel- bourne, 7, 1908, (190, 191). 1018 Le Souef, D. Nest of Favadisea ragginnn. Enui, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (37). 1019 Le Souef, D. Descriptions of new or rare Australian Bird's eggs. l'',nni, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (61-63). 1020 Lie-Pettersen, O. J. Brevduernes flugh. [Der Plug der Brieftauben.], Bergen, Naturcn, 32, fl908), (129-140). 1021 Lie-Pettersen, O. J. Stcndulpcn (!> Loos, Curt. Tannenhiiher in Nord- Bohmen. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (146). 1046 Lorenz, Th. Das Sandflughuhn Syr- rhaptes paradoxus (Pall.) im euro- paischen Russland 1908. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (100-101) ;. Weiteres dariiber v. F. E. Stoll a. a., t.c, (132). 104T Lorenz v. Libumau, Ludwig. Die in historischcr Zeit ausgestorbenen Viigel. Wien, Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges., 58, 1908, (217-232). 1048 Lortet et Gaillard, C. La faune momifiee de I'ancienne Egypte (2" serie). Arch. Museum hist, nat., Lyon, 9, 1907, (xiv + 122 p.), 2" Memoirs. 1049 Loudon, Harold Baron, und Buturlin, S. A. Kine ornithologische Faint aiL die Matzal Wiek. J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (61-72j. 105O Loudon, H. Baron, ride Sarudny, N. Lowe, I'ercy R. On two new species, of birds from the West Indies and the Testigos Islands. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (108-110). 1051 Lowe, P. R. On the Ground-Dove of Porto Rico, with notes on the other species of Chamaepcl'ia. Ibis, London,. 1908 107-115). 1052 42 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Lowe, P. R. Note oa species of Chamaepelia. Ibis, London, 1908, (.')4.")). 1053 Lucanus, Fiiediicli von. Das Liebes- spiel des Blaukehlcheus — Eritltacus cyanecuJus. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (100). 1054 Lucanus, Friedricli von. Die Grau- kopi'(]rossel (Merula castanea) in der Gefangenschaft. Gefied. Welt, Magde- burg, 37, 1908, (28-29). 1055 Lucas, F. A. Is Alabamovnls a bird ? Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 27, 1908, (311). 1056 Ltihe, M. Ilistorisches iiber Markie- rungsversuche an Zugvogeln. Oruilh. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (96-98). 1057 Liihe, Max. Eine weibliclie Zwerg- trappe, Otis tetrax L. Kcinigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 48 (1907)," 19U8, (3Go-3Glj). 1058 Ltihe, M. Ornithologische Jlitteilun- gen. (a) Erlegung eines norddeutscben Storches in Siidafrika. Mit allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber den Vogelzug. (b) Ein von Menschenhand verlegtes Baum- nest des Storches in Creuzburg. (c) Eintreft'en der ersten ZugTogel. Konigs- berg, Schr. physik. Ges., 49, 1908 (1909), (83-88). 1059 Luhe, M. Ueber die diesjiihrigen Vogolzugsbeobachtungen. Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 49, 1908 (1909), (90-92). 1060 Liihe, M. Unsere Schvvalbenarten. Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 49, 1908 (1909), (93-90). 1061 Liihe, M. Verbreitung einiger Vogel- arten in Ostpreussen. K6nigsl)org, Schr. physik. Ges., 49, 1908 (1909), (274-276). 1062 Lydekker, R. The sportsman's British Bird-book. London, 1908, 800 (.xviii & 620). 1063 Lydekker, R. Artificial modifications in the <-(.l()ining of birds. Sci. I'rogr. London 10, 1908 (205 -272j. 1064 Lynes, II. An incident in the south- ward migration of the Swallow. Brilisli Birds, 1, 1908, (285-287). 1065 Lynes, If. Pebble nest of a Ringed riovir. British Birds, 2, 1908, (136j. 1066 McAtee, \Y. L. Birds that eat scale insects. Washington, D.C., Yearbook U. S. Depart. Agric, 1906, 1907, (189 - 198). 1067 McAtee, W. L. Lead poisoning in Ducks. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (472). " 1068 McAtee, W. L. Records from Bloom- ington, Indiana. Auk, Cambridge, -Alass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (482). 1069 McAtee, W. L. Food habits of tlie Grosbeaks. Washington, D.C, U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Biol. Surv,, Bull., No. 32, 1908, (1-92) pi. 1070 McClymont, J. R. The Penguins and the Seals of the Angra de Sam Bras. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (213-215). 1071 McClymont, J. R. Characteristic traits of the Tasmauian Magpie. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (189-190). 1072 McClymont, J. R. Forgotten Feathers. Emu, Melbourne, 8, (39-40). 1073 M'ConacMe, W. Hawfinch in Ber- wickshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (252-253). 1074 McCreary, Otto and Hall, F. H- All day with the birds. Geneva, N.Y., and vicinity. May 17, 1908- W^ilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (98-100). 1075 Macdonald, K. C. Notes on birds in tlie Amherst district. Lower Burma. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (912-913). 1076 McGregor, Richard C. Notes on a collection of birds from Siqui jor, Philip- pine islands. Philippine J. Sci., Manila, A. General Science, 3, 1908, (275-281). 1077 McGregor, Richard C. Some neces- sary changes in the names of Philippine birds. Phillpine J. Science, Manila, A. General Science, 3, 1 908, (283). 1078 McGregor, Ricliard C. Philippine ornithological literature, 1. Philippine J. Sci., Manila, A. General Science, 3, 1908, (285-292). 1079 Mackeith, T. T. Courting iierform- aiice of the Cuckoo. British Birds, 2, 1 908, (23<)-240). 1080 Mackeith, T. T. Distinct lyiies in eggs. Zoologist, London, 12, 19()S, (74-75). 1081 4" Av£s. Titles. 5800 Mackeith, T. T. Notes on the binls of West Reufrcwshire (Caldwell Dis- tii<-t\ 1907. Zooloirist, Lomloii, 12, 190S, i'a()-233\ ' 1082 Maclaine, J. D. Clarke Island (Ba>s Straits) Notes. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908,(101-193). 1083 Maclaine, J. D. On the Cape Barren Goose. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (48- 50). 1084 Mc'Lennan, C. H. The ivays of the Emu. Emu, Melbourne, 8, (42—45). 1085 Macnamara, H. V^. Ru£E in Co. Clare, Field, 1908, (514). British Birds, 2, 1908. (208). 1086 Macplierson, A. Holte. Wood-Piqeon swimming. British Birds, 1, 1908, (292- 293). 1087 Macphherson, A. H. Notes on London hirds in 1907. Nature Notes, London. 19, lOOS, f 142-143). 1088 Magaud d'Aubusson. Sur les moenrs de la Guipnette vulgaire (Actitis hypn- leucos Bon). Naturalists, Paris, 30, 1908, (67-69). 1089 Magrath, H. A. F. Occurrence of the Dusky Ouzel (Meriila fuscata) at Bannu. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (187). ' 1090 Magrath, H. A. F. Occurrence of the Siberian Blue Chat (Larvivora eyanea) in the Hazara District. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (197). 1091 Magrath, H. A. F. Notes on the birds of Thandiani. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (284-299). 1092 Magnrath, H. A. F. Notes on birds found at Bannu, N.W.F.P. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18. 1908, (684-685). 1093 Magrath, H. A. F. Notes on the Common Cuckoo in India. Britisli Birds, 2, (197-198). 1093a Mailliard, Joseph. San Geroniino notes. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (94). 1094 Mailliard, Joseph. A migration wave of Varied Tlirushes. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 190S, (118-119). 1095 Mailliard, Joseph. Sierra forms on the coast of Sonoma county, California. Condor, HoUywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (133-135). 1096 Mailliard, Jose]>h. The southern limit of the Chestnut-backed Chickadee {Farus rufescens) on the California coast. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (181-182). ' 1097 MallocH, W. & T. Fulmar Petrel (Fill mams glaciaUs) in the Firth of Forth. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (396). ^ 1098 Mapleton, H. W. On the song of the Wood Warl)ler. British Birds, 2, 190S. 1226-227 . 1098a Maroy, L. Zur Kenntnis der Vogel- psyche. Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (378-379, 386, 394-396, 402-404, 410 112). 1099 Marriner, George R. Additional notes on the Kea. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1908, (534-537). 1100 Marshall, J. M. L. Breeding of the Tree-pipit in the Glenshee district. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (181), 1101 Martin, Martin. Vide Mullens, W. H. Martorelli, Giacinto. Elenco dei Pappagalli del Museo zoologico nniver- sitario di Napoli, con note ed illustra- zioni. Napoli, Annuario Museo zool., N. Ser., 2, N. 24, 1908, (1-9), 1 tay. 1103 Martorelli, Giacinto. II Tannins homcijeri Cabanis, in Italia. Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat.., 46, fasc. 4, 1908, (257-270), con 1 tav. 1104 Martorelli, Giacinto. Sopra una pre- ziosa razza di Colombi domestici del- I'antica Campania. Milano, Rend. 1st. lomb., Ser. 2, 41, 1908, (717-726). 1105 Mathews, G. M. Handlist of the Birds of Australasia. Emu, 7, 190S, (SuppL), (1-123). 1106 Mathews, G. M. A new Malurus from N Australia. London, Bull. Brit. Or- nith. CL, 21, 1908, (100, 101). 1107 Mathews, G. M. On Ptisleserythrop- terus and P. coec'meopterua. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 1908, (110). 1108 Mathews, G. M. On ^ghitha minor. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 23, 1908, (24-25). 1109 Mathews, G. M. A note on Oreoseo- pns fpitturaVia (De Vis). Emu, Mel- bourne, 8, (34), pi. ii. 1110 41 Avcs. XVIL Aves. [1008] Matthews, S. A. Vkle Riddle, Oscar Mattingley, A. H. E. More about Herons. Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (152- 155), pi. xi. 1111 Mattingley, A. H. E. Cormorants in relation to Fishes. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (18-23). 1112 Mattingley, A. H. E. Thermometer- bird or Mallee-Fowl (Lipoa oe.eUatn). Part I. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908, (53- Gl), pis. V & vi. 1113 Mattingley, A H. E. A night with the l>irds of Lawrence rocks. Vict. Nat., Melbourne, 25, 1908, (12-24), pis. u& iii. 1114 Mattingley, A . H. E. Wild life of the ^lurrny Swamps. Vict. Nat., Melbourne, 25, 1908, (G0-G8). 1115 Maxwell, 11. Male Reed -Bunting incubating. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (49). 1116 Maxwell, H. Nesting of the Quail (Cotnrnix communis) in Scotland. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (51- 59). " 1117 Maxwell, H. Woodcocks and Black- game in Dumfries-shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (52). 1118 May, W. N. Nesting of the Grey AVagtail in Berkshire. British Birds, 2. (90, 91). 1119 Maynard, Charles J. Directory to till! 1)1 ids of eastern North America. Illustrated with many wood-cuts and twenty plates drawn 'and engraved by the author. West Newton, Mass., 1907, (3Z. -r 317-MZ.), pi. 1120 Meade-Waldo, E. G. B. Abbott's Rail (Rallu.-i alholti). Avicult. Mag., Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (219-221), pi. 1121 Meade-Waldo, E . ( i . B. Tied Wa gtuil rearing three broods. British Bird's, 2. 1908,(130). 1122 _ Meade-Waldo, E. G. B. Old English N.'stiiig i'.ottles. British Birds, 2, 1908, (IGJ, lG5j. 1123 Meams, Edgar A. Descri])tions of a new genus and eleven new species of I'hilippine birds. Washington, D.C., I'roc. J5iol. Soc, 18. 1905, (1-8). 1124 Meams, ICdgar A. Note on a speci- men of I'llhecophdrja jeffertji Ogilvie- Grant. Washington, D.C., I'roc. IJiol. Soc, 18, 1905, (7G-77). 1125 Meams, Edgar A. Descriptions of eight new Philippine birds, with notes on other species new to the islands. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 18, 1905, (83-90). 1126 Meams, Edgar A. Two specimens of Cltaetiirci cclehensis (Sclater). Washing- ton, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 18, 1905, (185). 1127 Mears, A. and Gates, Eugene W. On the birds of the Chindwin, Upper Burma. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18„ 1907, (78-87). " 1128 Medreczky, Istvan. Corvits comix L. kartetelei. [Schaden von Corviis comix L.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (321). 1129 Medreczky, Istvan. Hirundo riistica L. albino. [Albino von Hirundo rustica L.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (327). 1130 [Medvedev, A.] Meji,B'fej[eB'i., A. I();Kiio-yccy])iiicKie 6eKacbi. [Die Siid- Ussuri-Schnepfen.] Ochotn.gaz., Moskva, 36, 1908, (331). 1131 Meissner, Otto. Erkennen sich die Vogel im Spiegel ? Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (282-283). 1132 Meitzner, Max. Zur Kenntnis der Morj^hologie und Histologie des hiiutigen l.abyrinthes von GaJlus domcsticiis. Diss. Marburg. 1908, (vi + 119) Taf. 1133 Mela, A.J. Nokkavarpunen. [Coeco- thraustes vulgaris.] Luonnon Ystavii, Helsingfors, 8, 1904, (20-23). 1134 Mellor, J. W. Birds identified in New- South Wales during the 7th Session of the A.O.U. Emu, Melbourne, 7, (18G). 1135 Menegaux. Oiseaux de la Guyane fran^'aise donnes au Museum par M. Rey, Gouverneur des Colonies. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1907, (493-499) ; 1908. (8-13). 1136 Menegaux, A. Sur les embryons, les poussins et les jeunes des oiseaux des ]-egiotis australes. Bui. Museum. Paris, 1908, (104-107). 1137 Menegaux, A. Oiseaux de I'llquateur (liMiiies au Museum par M. Gonnessiat, ancien directeur de rObservaloiic; de C^iito. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (107- 112). 1138 Menegaux, A. Description de deux formes n(niv(41es d'Oiseau.x raj)portes 45 Aves. Titles. 5800 • le la Bolivie par la mission de Crequi- Moutfoit. Bill. Museum, Taris, 1908, (,340-341'). 1139 Menegaux, A. Etiule d'une collec- tion (I'OistMux de I'Equateur dounee an Museum d'Histoire iiatnrelle. Paris, Bui. soc. philom., (ser. 9), 10, 1908, (S4 100). 1140 MenneU, F. P. and Chubb, E. C. Some of the aspects of the Matopos. Bulawavo, Proc. Rhod. JSci. Ass., 8, 190S, ioO-G4\ 1141 Merrett, Christopher. See Mullens, W. 11. Meniam, C. Hart. Meaning of the Spanish word Gavilan. Science, New- York, N.y., ^X. Ser), 28, 1908, (147). 1143 Merriam, C. Hart. The King cameos of Auduliou. Ank, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25. 1908, (448-450). 1144 Mettam, A. E. Malignant tumours in birds, with observations on the changes in the blood. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 27 B., Xos. 3-5, (68-75) pis. V & vi. 1145 Metz, Chas. W. The nesting of the Rockv Mountain Screech Owl in Wyom- ing. ■ Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, < 143-145). 1146 Meyer, Paul Ernst. Studien iiber die Oberhautgebilde des Vogelfusses. Diss. Berlin, 1908, (31). 1147 Meyrick, E. Ornithological list. ^larlborough. Rep. CoU. Nat. Hist. Soc, 56, 1908, (76-81). 1148 Meyrick, H. Mimicking song of Chiffchaff iPhylloscopiis rufus). Zoolo- gist, London, 12, 1908, (190). 1149 Meyrick, H. Lesser Redpoll {Linota rnfescens) nesting in Middlesex. Zoolo- gist, London, 12, 1908, (227). 1150 Meyrick, H. Lesser Redpoll nesting in Middlesex. British Birds, 2, 1908, (100;. 1151 Milla, Karl. Wis Eiegt der Vogel? ^lunatshefte natw. Unterr., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (299-312). 1152 Millar, A. D. On the nidification of the Striped Kingfisher (Halcyon che- licuti). Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, 1908, (37-39). 1153 Millar, A. D. Glareola pi-atincola nesting in Natal. Ibis, London, 1908, (385-386). 1154 Millard, \V. S. Proposed alteration to the Eorost rides in roferenco to tlie close time for Quail and Bustard in the Bombay Presidency. Bombay, J. Nat. Illst. Soc, 18, 1908, (6G5-G00). 1155 Miller, Loye Holmes. Louisiana Water-thrush in Califcu-nia. Condor, Hull V wood, Cal., 10, 1908, (236-237). 1156 Miller, Richard F. The Black Tern at Camden, N.J., and Philadelphia, Pa. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (215-216). 1157 Miller, Richard F. Nesting of tlie King Rail in Philadelphia county. Pa. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908,(218). 1158 Miller, Iiichard F. Nesting of the Coot in Philadelphia county, Pa. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (219-220). 1159 Miller, Richard F. Nesting of the Virginia Rail in Philadelphia county, Pa. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (219). 1160 Miller, Richard F. The Lesser Yellow- leg in Philadelphia county. Pa. Auk, Cambridcre, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (220). ~ 1161 Miller, Richard F. Nesting of the Short-billed Marsh W>enin Philadelphia, Pa. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (320-322). 1162 Miller, W. De Witt. A note on the food of the Bronzed Grackle. Bitd Lore;, Ilarrisburg, Pa., 7, 1905, (144). 1163 Miller, W. De Witt. A review of the ilanakins of the genus Chiroxiphia. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (331-343), map & pi. 1164 Mituch, Auguste v. vide Tangl, Franz. [Molcanov, L. A.] Mo;ntanoB-i,, JI. A. OpniiTo.iorMMecKiH iiaojuo/teiiiji .rbTOM'i, 1907 I'. BT. ApxaHre-ibCKoii ry6epniii (na MaiopiiKt ii HoBOfi ScMJili). [Re- cherches ornithologiques faites en ete 1907 au gouvernement d'Arkangel, sur terre lirme et a Novaja Zemlja.] St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool., 13, 1908, (.303-314). 1165 Montagu, Uon. E. U. Exhibition of a female PlumianuH colchlciis assuming male plumage. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 1908, (61-62). 1166 46 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Montagu, Hon. E. G. On the Ireed- ing of Or'tolus galbida in the supposed immature plumage. London, Bull. Brit. Omith. CI., 21, 1908, (62). 1167 Montell, Justus. [Nagra for Lapp- marken uya hackiaglar.] [Einige fiir Lapjjland ueue Nistvogel.] Helsingfors. Medd. See. fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (39-42 ; deutsp-hes Ref. 203-204). 1168 Montell, Justus. [Upupa epops i Lappland.] [Upupa epops in Lapj^land.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (49; deutsches Ref. 204). 1169 Montell, Justus. [Podiceps minor hiickande i Lappmarken.] [Podiceps minor in Lappland nisteud.] Helsing- fors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (83 ; deutsches Ref. 204). 1170 Montell, Justus. [Sallsynta masar Iran Lappland.] [Seltene Mowen aus Lappland.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (139; deutsches Ref. 204). 1171 Moore, W. H. Blue birds of the Maritime Provinces. Ottawa Nat., 22, 1908, (174-179). 1172 Morris, R. Nesting of the Lesser Redpoll {Linota rufescens) in Sussex. Zoologist, London, 12,1908,(350). 1173 Morris, R. Lesser Redpoll nesting in Sussex. British Birds, 2, 1908, (208). 1174 Mortensen, H. Chr. C. Optegnelser af jydske Medlemmer af D.O.F. om en Bogfinkerede. [Observations on Frin- ifilla coelchs.'] Kpbenhavn, Omith. Tids., 2,1908,(202-210). 1175 [Mosolov, N.] MocojIOB'b, H. IJ^'b ;kh3iih hthutj MocKOBCKOfl rydepniii. ii. JI,aT.ibl. [Aus dem Leben der Vogel des Gouv. Moskau. Die Spechte.] Jestestv, i geogr., Moskva, 13, 1908, 1, (24-32). 1176 Mouritz, L. B. vide Bentham, C. R. Mowbray, Louis. The Cahow : Dis- coveiy in Bermuda of fossil bones and feathers supposed to belong to the ex- tinct bird called " Cahow " by the early settlers. Amer. J. .Sci., New Haven, Conn., Ser. 4, 25, 1908, (361-362). 1177 MUller, Adolf. Die Musiker der Natur. Eine vogelkundlich-iislhetische Untersuchung u. Hetraclitung. Gefiod. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 190.S, (l(;r)~ KIC, J72-174, 180-182, 187-188). 1178 Miiller, B. The air-sacs of the Pigeon. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 50, (305-414) pis. xlv- xHx. 1179 MUller, Erik. Beitrage zur Morpho- logie des Gefasssystems. III. Zur Kenntnis der Fliigelarterien der Pin- g-uine. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 35, 1908, (553-648), 1 Taf. 1180 Miiller, Robert. Ueber den Tanuen- bei'g'schen Korper. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Lymphbildung. Arch. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 122, 1908, (455- 483), 1 Taf. 1181 Muirhead, G. Glossy Ibis {Ihis fal- cinellus) at Spevmouth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (50). 1182 Mullens, W. H. A list of books re- lating to British Birds from his library. Occasional Publications Hastings & St. Leonards Nat. Hist. Soc, No. 3, 1908, (1-34). 1183 Mullens, W. H. Some early British Ornithologists and their works. William Turner (c. 1500-1568). British Birds, 2,1908,(5-13). 1184 Mullens, W. H. Some early British Ornithologists and their works. Richard Carew (1555-1620). British Birds, 2, 1908, (42-50). 1185 Mullens, W. H. Some early British Ornithologists and their works. Cliris- topher Merrett (1614-1095). British Birds, 2, 1908. (109-118). 1186 Mullens, W. H. Some early British Ornithologists and their works. 111. ('hristopher Merrett. (Continued.) British Birds, 2, 1908, (151-163). 1187 Mullens, W. H. Some early British Ornithologists and their works. H'. ilartin Martin. British Birds, 2, 1908, (173-182). 1188 Mullens, W. H. Some early Britisli Ornithologists and their works. V. Robert Plot (1641-1696) and some early County Natural Histories. British Birds, 2, 1908, (218-225) pi. v. 1189 Munroe, Kirk. A large migration of hawks. [With introductory note by Robt. Barliour.] Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (82-84). 1190 Murdocb, G. W. Late nest of the Kingfisher. British Birds, 2, 1908, (204j. Av^s. Titles. 800 Murphy, Robert C. A winter flight of \ es^jier Sparrows. Bird Lore, Ilarris- burg, Pa., 9, 1907, (173). 1192 Murray, W. H. E. Hoopoe in Ross- sbire. Field, 1908, (547) : British Birds, 2, 190S, ,208). 1193 Mushacke. Eiuige Fragen iiber das Blaukehichen. Gefied. Welt, Magde- burg, 37, 190S, (2-4, 10-12); Bemer- kiing dazu vou Georg Ziegler. t.c. (1 18- 119). 1194 Myers, Harriet Williams. Observa- tions on the nesting habits of the Pliaino- pepla. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (72-75). ' 1195 Nagy, Jeno. L'jabb adatok a Falco percgtinus Tunst. taplalkozasarol. [Neuere Daten iiber die Nahrung von Falco peregrinus Tunst.] Aquila, Buda- pest, 14, 1907, (317-318). 1196 Nagy, Jeno. Micropus apus (L.) feszkelese harkalvodvakban. [Briiten von Micropus apus (L.) in Spechthohlen.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (324). 1197 Nagy, Jeno. Vadludjaras a Hor- tobag}-on. [Zug der Wildganse im Hortobagv.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1 007, (332-334]'. 1198 Nagy, Jeno. Cyanecula stiecica (L.) telelose. [Oberwinterung von Cyanecula euec'ica (L.).] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (340). 1199 [Nation, W. Obituary of]. ll)is, London, 1908, (174-175). 1200 Natorp, Otto. Ornithologisches aus der Umgegend von Myslowitz. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (485- 492), 1 Taf. 1201 Nehrkom, A. vide Kreckeler. Nelson, T. H. Pallas's Sand-grouse {Syrrliaptes paradoxus) in Yorkshire. Zoologist, London, 12,1908, (312). 1202 Nelson, T. H. Pallas's Sand-Grouse in Yorkshire in June, 1908. British Birds, 2, (134). 1203 Nesnera, Odon. Falco peregrhms Tunst. gj-omortartalma. [Mageninhalt eines Falco pere'/rinua Tunst.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (318). 1204 [Nesterow, P.] HeciepoBi., IT. Ilpep Bapme.ibHoe cooSmeHie o not3;iK'fc Bt MHHvcHfiCKifl y't3;i;'i>, YcHHCKiii llorpa- HHMHUii OKpyiTj H ypHHXaflCKJK) 3esUK). [Voriaufige Mitttheilungen iiber eine Reise in den Minussiuskischen Bezirk und in das Urjanchai'sche Gebiet.] St. Peterbiirg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances, 38, 1, (283-290, deutsch. Res. 290-291). 1205 Neumann, Oscar. A revision of the genus CaZamocu'7(ia,Sharpe. Nov. Zool., Tring, 15, 1908, (244-252). 1205a Neumann, Oscar. Xotes on African birds ill tiie Tring Museum. Nov. Zool. Tri.ig. 15, 1908, (366-390). 1206 Neumann, Oscar. New species of Birds from the Upper Congo. London, Bull. Bi it. Ornith. CI., 21, (42, 43). 1207 Neumann, Oscar. On some new sub- species of Birds from Senegambia. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, (43, 44). 120S Neumann, Oscar. New subspecies of African Birds iu the Tring JIuseuui. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI , 21, (44- 46:«. 1208a Neumann, Oscar. Description of new species oljtained by Mr. Rudolf Grauer on the Upper Kagera River and on the Avestern chain of the Kivu Volcanoes. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith, CI. 21, ^51^ 57). 1209 Neumann, Oscar. Description of new species of African Birds. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, (57, 58). 1209a Neumann, Oscar. New species of African Birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 (68-71). 1210 Neumann, Oscar. New subspecies of African Birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 21. 1908, (76-78). 1211 Neumann, Oscar. New species of African Birds in the Tring Museum. Loudon BuU. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 (94-97). 1212 Neumann, Oscar. On new subspecies of Indicator. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, (97-98). 1213 Neumann, Oscar. A new species of Ahhotoriiis from Madagascar. London Bull. Brit. Omidi. CL 23, 1908, (11). 1214 Neumann, Oscar. Description of new species from Equatorial Africa. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (11-13). 1215 Neumann, Oscar. On some new species of African birds. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (13-14). 1216 48 Avc8. XVII. Aves. [1908] Neumann, Oscar. Descriptions of nevr species of Caphonidae. London Hull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, (29-31). 1217 Neumann, Oscar. On species of Guttera. London BuU. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, (31, 32) cf. Ogilvie-Grant, I.e. <31). 1218 Neumann, Oscar. Description of new species of African Birds. London, BuU. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 (43-47). 1219 Neumann, Oscar. On species of T'yro- onelana. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. ( "1. 23, (47). 1219a Neumann, Oscar. Die Pitta der Gazelle-Halbinsel. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (26-27). 1220 Neumann, Oscar. Xeue Africanische Arten. Oinith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, I'JO.S, <27-28). 1221 Neumann, Oscar. Neue Forme;i •des Genus ,,Lamprocol'nis" . Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (C4-(j5). 1222 Newman, T. H. The Madagascar Turtle-Dove {Turtur picturatus). Avi- cult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (79-84) pi. 1223 Newman, T. H. The Kagn. Avicult. Mag. Biiuhton, 2, 6, 1908 (119-120). 1224 Newman, T. H. Nesting of the Partridge Bronzewing Pigeon. Avicult. JMag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 ^337-343). 1225 Newman, T. H. On Geotrygon chrysia. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7, 1908, "(39). 1226 Newman, T. H. Nesting of the Bron/.ewing Pigeon (GeopJiaps seripta). Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7, 1908 (40- 4.")). 1226a Newstead, II. and Coward, T. A. On the occurrence of Sclilegel's Petrel ■(Giatrcldtd neglecla) in Cheshire. British Birds, 2, 1908,(11-17). 1227 Newstead, Alfred. Common Crane in Anglcscv. ]5ritish Birds, 2, ((32-ti4). 1228 Newstead, Alfred. Ornithological records from Chester and North Wales. :^oologiHt, London, 12, 1908, (73). 1229 Nichols, J. B. Two-barred Crossbill in Sussex. British Birds, 2, 1908, (165). 1230 Nichols, J. B. Black-headed Wagtail in Kent. British Birds, 2, 1908, (105). 1231 Nichols, J. B. Melanocoriiplia sibirica in Sussex. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (51, 52). 1232 Nichols, J. B. Aedon famUiaris iu Kent. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21. 1908, (63). 1233 Nichols, J. B. White-winged Lark in Sussex. British Birds, 1, 1908, (357). 1234 Nichols, J. B. The Grey-backed W^arbler {Aedon famUiaris) iu Kent — a new British bird. British Birds, 1, 1908, (257). 1235 Nichols, Jolm Treadwell. Lawrence's and Brewster's Warblers and Mendelian inheritance. Auk, Cambridge, Llass.. N. Ser., 25, 1908, (86). 1236 Nicoll, M. J. Three Voyages of a Naturalist : being an account of many little-known islands in the three oceans visited by the " Valhalla," R.Y.S. With an introduction by the Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford, K.T., F.R.S. London, 1908, Svo. (xxvi, 240). 1237 Nicoll, M. J. Contributions to the Ornithology of Egypt. Ibis, London. 1908 (490-510). 1238 Nicoll, M. J. On Saxicola melanvra in Egpvt. Ibis, London, 1908 (544). 1239 Nicoll, M. J. A new subspecies of Grass- Warbler from Egvpt. Loudon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 2lVl908, (98). 1240 NicoU, M. J. Large billed Reed Bunting in Kent. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, 1908, (104). 1241 Nicoll, M. J. Large-billed Bunting (Emheriza pijrrhidoidca p(dustris) iu Kent. A new British Bird. British Birds, 2, (88-89). 1242 Nicoll, M. J. A Sussex Rufous Warbler. British Birds, 2,1908, (,201, 202). 1243 Nicoll, ^I. J. Pectoral Sandpiper and Bartram's Sandjiijier in Kent. British Birds, 2 (205, 206). 1244 Nicoll, M. J. vide Flower, Stanley, S. Noble, Ileatley. On the identificatiou of Duck's Eggs. British Birds, 2, (37- 41), pi. ii. 1245 VJ Actis. Titles. 5800 Noble, Ileatlev. Supposed WiKl :S\vans on Coll. British Birds, 2 (Gl). 1246 Noble, Heatley. Common Terns on the Holvhead Skerries. British Birds. 2 (04). ' 1247 Noble, Heatlev. Pintail in Berkshire. British Birds, l". 1008, (292). 1248 Noble, Ileatlev. The incubation period iu the Cuckoo. British Birds, 1, (325). 1249 Noble, Heatlev. Duck's eggs and ■down. British Birds, 2 (91). 1250 Noorduyn, ('. L. W. Die Erblichkeit •dex Far ben l)ei Kanarienvogelu. Arch. Rassenbiol., Muncheu, 5, 190S, ■ 101-177, "021-622!. 1251 Nordling, Elis. Lintujen pesiiraken- teesta. [Cber den Xestbau der Vcigel.] Luonnon Ystiiva, Helsingfors, 9, 1911.'), (177-180). 1252 Nordling, Elis. Hieman lintujen varimuunnoksista. [Ober Farben- variatiouen bei Vogelii.] Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 8, 191)4, (320-321). 1253 North, Alfred J. On an unusual nest- ing site of Sauloprocta mclaleuca. .Sydney, N.S.W., Hec. Austr. Mus., 7, 1908, (20-23). 1254 North, A. J. On three ai^parcntly undescribed birds from Henderson or Elizabeth Is. Paumotu (Jroup. Sydney, X.S.W., Rec. Austr. Mus., 7, 1908, (29- 32;. 1255 Norton, Arthur II. Recent capture of a Jerfalcon at Portland, Me., and review of local records of the group. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, (18-20). 1256 Norton, Arthur II. and others. Mi- gration reports, 1900. J. Maine Ornith. Sue, Portland, 9, 19u7, (30-40). 1257 Norton, Arthur H. The occurrence of Woodcock in Maine at abnormal seasons. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Port- land, 10, 1908, (22). 1258 Norton, Arthur 11. The Florida (Jalli- nule, Stilt and Bull-breasted sandpipers Bear Portland, Me., in 1907. Auk, €ambridge, Mass.. N. Ser., 25, 1908, <81-S2;. 1259 [Nosilov, K.] HOCU.IOBT., K. OTBtT-l> 1. HyTyp.iHHy. [Antwort an Herrn Butiulin.J Nasa ochota, St. Peterlmrg, 1908, 8, (44-48J. 1260 (x-10332 rj) Nozdroviczky, Lajos. TaihIhh c.vculn- tor L. mint czinege puszlitt). [^Lun'iUH I'xcuhitor L. als Meisenfeind.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (319). 1261 Oates, Eugene W. v'uh Hears, A. Oberbeck, H. Das Gelege von Passer montauus. Zs. Oologio, Berlin, 17, 1908, (163-1C5). 1262 Oberbeck, H. Zuni Variieren der Eizeirhnung ini Gelege. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, "1908, (73-75). 1263 Oberholser, H. C. A synopsis of tho Genera and species of Cygniuae. Emu, Melbourne, 8, (1-11). 1264 Oehmen. Brutnotizen von der hoi- landischen Grenze aus dem Jahre 1908. Zs. Oologie. Berlin, 18, 1908, (89-91. 105-109, 123-129). 1265 Ogawa, Minori. A hand-list of the birds of Japan. Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo. 6, 1908, (337-413). 1266 [Ognev, S. I.] OracBT., 0. II. Ilepe- .leit HTHi^t. [Der Vogelzug.] Ochotn. vestn., Moskva, 1908, Beil. Ochotnicia Encikiopedija, 1, (1-30) 3 Taf. 1267 [Ognev, S. I.] OrHCB-h, C. II. Maxepia-ibi ;i,:n, (J)ayiiu 3Btpeii, iiTim,T> H ro;toB'B roro-BOCTOHHoii nacTH Op.iOBCKOii ryoepiiin. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Saiigethiere, Vogel, Reptilien und Amphibien des siidostlichen Theiles des Gouv. Orel.] Moskva, Dnevn. zool. otd. ObSc. liub. jest., 3, 9, 1908, (10-63). 1268 Oldham, C. Field-notes on the birds of till' l!avenglass GuUery. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (161-173). 1269 Oldham, C. Lesser Whitethroat in Cumberland. British Birds, 1, 1908, (324). 1270 Oldham, C. On the occurrence of QJstrclala neglecta in Cheshire. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, and London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21, (101). 1271 Oldham, C. Lesser Redpolls nesting in Surrey. British Birds, 2, 1908. (91", 92). 1272 Oldham, C. Cirl Buntings singing in October. British Birds, 2, (204). 1273 [Olt, Adam und Ehrlich, Hans.] Die Balztaubheit des Auerhahnes. Sanct Hubertus, Cothen, 26, 19U8, (171-173). 1274 d 12 50 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Olt, J. Zur ,,Aiierhahntanblieit". Sanct Hubertus, Cothen, 26, 1908, (430- 431). 1275 Oort, E. D. van. On Macruroiisar marjvus brevuauda nov. suLspec. from the Island of Mefoor. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (69-72). 1276 Oort, E. D. van. On a new species of Chalco'psilta from N.W. New Guinea. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, lOOS, (127-128). 1276a Oort, E. D. van. On New-Chiinea birds. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 29, [1908], (170-180) 2 pis. 1277 Oort, E. D. van. Contribution to our knowledge of the avifauna of the Nether- lands, being a list of all the species of birds hitherto observed, with special references to specimens in the Leyden Museum. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 30, 1908, (129-214) with 2 pis. 1278 Oort, E. D. van. On an apparently new form of Casitnrius from the north coast of New-Guinea. Leiden, Notes Mus. Jentink, 29, [1908], (204-200) 1 pi. 1279 Osbom, W. Note on the Bearded A''nlture (Gypaetus barbatus) or " Lani- mergeyer." Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (500-501). 1280 Osgood, Wilfred H. The game re- sources of Alaska. Washington, D.G., Yearbook, U. S. Dept. Agric, 1907, 1908, (409-482) pi. & maps. 1281 Osmaston, B. B. A visit to Barren island in the Andamans. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, J 908, (357-359)'. 1282 Otto, Hugo. Beobachtnngen an Krahcn. Aus d. Natnr, Stuttgart, 4, 1908, (286-288). 1283 Otto, Hugo. Ornithologische Betrach- tungen vom Niederrhein. D. Jiigerztg, Neudamm, 51, 1908, (828-831, 842- 844). 1284 Otto, Hugo. Beitrage zur Vogelfauna des Niederrheins. Zool. Deob., Frank- furt, 49, 1908, (136-144). 1285 Ottosson, O. Some rare Birds eggs. Ark. Zo(j1., Stockiiolm, 4, No. 9, 1908, (4) 1)1. 1286 Ottosson, 0. vide tiocbel, l(. Oustalet, E. Oiseaux des grands lacs, (hi Zanibcze et du Chir^. In : Resultats scientific ues des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa. Paris (Impr. nationale), 1908, (543-556). 1287 Facbon, V. Sur la resistance com- paree du Canard et du Pigeon a I'asphvxie dans Pair coniprime. Paris, C. K. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (1120-1123). 1288 Paessler. Sammelergebnis an der Westkiiste Amerikas vom Juli 1907 bis Januar 1908. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (47-52). 1289 Palmdn, J. A. Plan for undersokning af logelfaunan ur topografisk synpunkt. [Plan fiir die Untersuchung der Vogel- fauna in topographischer Beziehung.] Helsingfors, 1908, (1-24). 22 cm. 1290 Palm^n, J. A. Vara flyktfaglar. [Die Zugvogel Finlands.] Helsingfors, 1908, (1-31). 1291 Paris, Paul. La Canepetiere {Tetrao Ictra.x) en Bourgogne. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (05-66). 1292 Parker, T. C. Notes from Lakeland. Cumberland and Westmoreland, 1905, Zoologist, London, 12, 11,08, (144-150). 1293 Parker, T. C. Notes from Lakeland, Cumberland and Westmoreland, 1905, Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (185-188). 1294 Parkin, T. The Sardinian Warbler (Sijlvia meJanocepJuda) in East Sussex : an addition to che British List of Birds. Hastings Nat., 1, 1908, (115-116) pi. x. 1295 Parkin, T. On the lieronry at Wind- mill Hill Place, Wartling, Sussex. Hastings Nat., 1, 1908, (117-120) pi. xi. 1296 Parkin, P. W. Scops Owl near Arn]atli\vaitP. Cumberland. British Birds, 2, 1908, (100). 1297 Parolas, Gy. Pariis major L. kiilonos feszkelo helye. [Sonderbarer Brutplatz. vcni Parus major L.] Aquila, Budapest, 14,1907,(323). 1298 Parrot, C. [Paras coeridcus cala- menms n. subsj) ) Miinchen, Verb, ornith. Ges., 8 (1907), 1908, (28). 1299 Parrot, C. Ueber eine Vogelsannu- bnig aus Siam und Borneo. Munchcn. Verb, ornith. Ges., 8 (1907), 1908, (97- 139). 1300 Parrot, C. Beitrage zur Ornithologi' Suniatras und der Insel Banka mii besonderer Zugrundelegung dor vou 1>| . 51 Aves. Titles. 5800 Hageu auf Banka gesamiuelten Viigol. Miinohon, Abh. Ak. Wiss., math.-plivs. Kl., 24, H)07, (149-1'SO). 1301 Parrot, C. Filchuer Expedition China-Tibet. Berlin, 190S, 8vo., (xii, 288), Avea (126-133). 1302 Pascal, Teodoro. Anatre ed Oche da prodotto. Torino (Societa tipo- gi-afifoeditrice nazionale), 1908„(l-238). 1303 Pascsenko, S. Vogelzugsdaten aus Russland. Aquila, Budapest, 15, IHOS, (177-182). 1304 Paterson, J. Report on Scottish ornithology for 1907. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (129-139, 193- 208). 1305 Paton, E. R. Scops Owl ofiE Aber- deenshire. British Birds, 2, (204). 1306 Patterson, A. H. Incursion of Gotl- wits (Limosa lapponlca) at Yarmouth. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (395-396). 1307 Patterson, J. Thos. Amitosis in tlie Pigeon's egg. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (117-125). 1308 Patterson, J. Thos. The order of appearance of the ;mterior somites in the chick. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907,(121-133). 1309 Patterson, J. Thos. On gastrulation and the origin of the primitive streak in the pigeon's egg. — Preliminary notice. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 13, 1907, (251-271). 1310 Pajm, W. A. Oological notes. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, (44, 45). 1311 Payne, G. The shore birds of our local rivers. Rochester Nat., 3, 1908, (489-496;. 1312 Payne, J. B. A contribution to the subject of bird surgery. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 9, 1907, (268). 1313 Peacock, Max. The birds of North-west Liudsey. Naturalist, London, No. 618 1908, (272-277). 1314 Peacock, Max. The birds of North- west Lindsey. Naturalist, London, No. 622,1908(399-402;. 1315 Pearson, E. E. Teal and Pheasants laying in the same nest. British Birds, 2, (98). 1316 (N-10332 g) Pearson, Leonard S. The Blue-gray Onatcatcher in south-eastern Pennsyl- vania. .\uk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (481). 1318 Pearson, T. Gilbert. Cabot's Tern {Sterna sdndvlccnsls acuflav'ida) breed- ing in North Carolina. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (312). 1317 Pearson, T. Gilbert. Ornithological Avork in North Carolina. [Presidential address before the North Carolina Academy of Science, May 1, 1908.] Chapel "Hill, N.C., J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. .Soc, 24, 1908, (33-43). 1319 Pearson, T. Gilbert. The Cormorants of Cxreat Lake. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1905, (121-126). 1320 Peck, Morton E. Protective adapta- tions in the nesting habits of some Central American birds. Des Moines, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 15, 1908, (177- 182). 1321 Peck, Morton E. vide Bangs, Outram. Peet, Max Minor. An ecological study of the birds of the Ypsilauti bayou. Lansing, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci., 10, 1908, (162-196). 1322 Peiter, .Wenzel. Geselligkeitstrieb der Vogel. Gefied. Welt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (309-310). 1323 Pelt Lechner, A. A. van. Over aber- ratieve eieren van de meerkat [Fal'iea ntra L.). [Ueber aberrative Eier von Fulica atra.'\ Amsterdam, Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver., 5, 1908, (62-63). 1324 Pemberton, J. R. Northern range of the Phalnopepla. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (238). 13.5 Pemberton, J. R. Notes on the Western Giiatcatcher. Condor, Holly- wood, Cal., 10, 1908, (239). 1326 Pemberton, J. R. vide Carriger, H. W. Penard, F. P. nnd Penard, A. P. De vogels van Guyana (Suriruuue, Cayenne en Demerara). [Die Vogel von Guyana (Surinam, Cayenne imd Demerara).] Paramaribo (Wed. F. P. Penard), [1908], (587). 1327 Pennock, C. J. Rallua virginianun breeding in the Delaware valley. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (219). 1328 d 12-2 52 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Pennock, C. J. Birds cf Delaware — Additional notes. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser , 25. 1908, (282-288). 1329 Pennock, C. J. White-crowned Sparrows unusually abundant in eastern Pennsykania. Auk, Cambridrre, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, c319). ^ 1330 Pennock, C. J. Bird life of the Indian River country of Delaware. Cassinia, Philadelphia', Pa., Xo. 11, (1907), 1908, (28-43). 1331 Penrose, F. G. Yellow-l)reasted or Willow Bunting (Emberiza aureola) in Norfolk. British Birds, 1, (263). 1332 Penrose, F. G. Barred Warbler in Norfolk. British Birds, 2 (200). 1333 Percival, A. B. Notes on Waders observed on the coast of British East Africa. Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, (131). 1334 Perry, Geo. P. Xest of Wood Thrush into which a Cowbird had deposited five eggs. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (12G-127). 1335 Petersen, Johan. Ornithologiske lagttagelser fra Anginagsalik i Aarene 1902-1908. (Bearbejdede og saramen- stillede af 0. Helms.) [Ornithological observations from Angmagsalik [Green- land] during the years 1902-1908]. K0benhavn, Ornith. Tids., 3, 1908, (1-- 26). 1336 Pfennig-storff, Fritz. Uuser Haus- gefliigel. Tl 1. Das Grossgeflugel. 2. Autl. Bearb. v. B. Blancke. Bd 1-2. Lfg 1-30 (Schluss). lierlin, 1908, (VIII -f 450, VIII + 452), 43 Taf. 1337 PhilUpps, R. The Olive Finch (Phonipara lepida) with side gLinces at PJionipara generally. Avicult. Mag., Brighton, 2, 6, (1G3-17G) pi. 1338 Phillipps, R. The Black-cheeked Lovebird (Arjapornis nirjrigenh). Avi- cult. Mag., Brighton, 2, 6, 1908,(206- -^10). 1339 Phillipps, R. Breeding of the Black- cheeked Lovebird (Aqapormn nu/ricjenis). Avicidt. Mag., Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (318- 329). 1340 Phillipps, i;. Breeding of the Black- cheeked Lovebird (Aijapani'ia ni'jricjenia). Avicult. Mag., Brighton, 2, 7, 1908, (31- 36). 1341 Picaglia, L. Note ornitologiche [fauna ornitica del Modenese]. Modena, Atti Soc. nat. mat., Ser. 4, 8, (Anno 39, 1906), 1907, (51-54). 1342 Pigott, Sir Digby. Luminous Owls, i (289). Remarks by the Editors. Tom. cit. (289) British Birds 1, (289). 1343 Pigott, Sir DIgbv. The Chaugelino-. 8vo. London, 1908. 1344 Pitcaim, William 0. A report on the nesting birds in the vicinity of River- view park, Alleghany, Pa., for 1906. Bird Lore, Harrisbui'ff, Pa., 9, 1907, (155). " 1345 Placzek, B. „ Der Vogelsang nach seiner Tendenz imd Entwicklung" in weiterer Ausfiihrunc:. Gefied. Welt, MagdeburcT, 37, 1908, (195-197, 203- 204, 211-213, 219-221, 228-229, 235- 236, 244-246, 254-255, 260-261, 267- 268, 276-278, 284-285, 292-294, 300- 301, 308-309, 317-318, 332-334, 348- 349, 366-367, 373-374). 1346 Plathe, P. X'otizen zur lokalen Ver- breitung und zur Biologie der Sperber- grasmiicke. Ornith. Mouatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (89-95). 1347 [Plotnikov, V. X'.] ILiothukobt,, B. H. O (f.iaMiiHro. [Leber den Flamingo.] Ochotn. gaz., Moskva, 36, 1908, (363- 364). 1348 Pocock, R. I. On the breeding habits of Heck's Curassow [Crax heeki). Avicult. Mag., Brighton, 2, 7, 1908, (23- 30). 1348a Poensgen, A. vide Schloms, E. Polatzek, Johann. Die Vogel der Caiiaren. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (81-119, 161-197). 1349 [Poliakov, G. 1.] TIciaKOBT., Y. II. K'l. opniiTO.ioniHccKoii (tiayiil; Mockob-, CKoii ryuepHiu. ViKa ctpaH. Clinide- lasmus streperus Linn. [Zur Ornitho- fauna des Gouv. Moskau. CliaidehiH- mu8 atrcpcnts Linn.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (3-6). 1350 [Poliakov, G. I.] no-iaKOB-b, F. II. Ciiiibia, Melanitta n'ujra [bt. Mockob- CKOii ryo.]. [Die Trauerente, Mclnnitta nirprt 1 Ini Gouv. Moskau].] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (32-33). 1351 [Poliakov, G. 1] TTo.ihkobi., V. II. K'l. oi)iiiiTO.ioiiiHecKOii (|iayiil; Mockob- CKoii ryil. IIiiTepcciiuii ocKaci.. [Zur (Jrnithofamiu des Gouv. Moskau. Eiue 53 -4f€A Titles. 5800 interessnnte Bekassine.j Semja oclMtii. .Moskva. 1908, 133-134). 1352 [Poliakov, ir. I.] IIo.iaKOBi., 1". 11. Kh opiiHTO.ioriiMecKOft (t)ayHii Mockob- I'KOi'i ryu. KoniJTKa. (Siirrhaiites ixira- doxus Pall.) [Zur Ornithofauua des Goiiv. Moskau. Das Steppeniiuiui. (Si/rrhaptes paradoxus Pall.).] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908. (231-232). 1353 [Poliakov, G. I.] ITo.iHKOB-h, T. II. Kb opuiiTo.iornHecKOfi (tiaynli Mockob- cKoii ryO. Hepno3o6aa ii.iii iiciocaiaH rarapa. (CoJijmbics arctieus Linn.) [Zur OrnithofauQa des Gouv. Moskau. Der Polarseetaucher. (Colymhus arctieus Linn.).] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (271-274). 1354 [Poliakov, G. I.] no.iaKOBT,, F. II. Kt> opmiTcioniHecKOii t|)ayH't Mockob- cKofi ryo. KpaHKa MapTuuiKa. {Sterna tluviatUis Xaum.). [Zur Ornithofauna des Gouv. Moskau. Sterna ilitviatilis Xaum.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (422-433). 1355 [Poljakov, G. L] IIo.iaKOBi., T. II. Kt. opHiiTo.ioriiHecKOH (jiayH't Mockob- CKOfiryGepnin. noMliCb mchvIJ KpaKBOil II lUu.iosBOCTLH). [Alias boschas L. ■< Dafila acuta L. [Zur Ornithofauna des Gouv. Moskau. Eia Bastard von Stockente und Spiessente (Anas hoschas X Dajila acuta L.).] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (483-48C). 1356 ^ [Poliakov, G. I.] rio-iaKOBi., T. II. Kt opHiiTo.TOrHHecKofl (|)ayHt Mockob- CKofl ryl IIoMopHnK-b j.mHfioxBOCTUii. (Stercorarius ■parasiticus Lin.) [Zur Ornithofauna des Gouv. Moskau. Die Schmarotzer-Raubmove {Stercorarius parasiticus Lin.).] NaSa ochotn., St. Peterburg, 1908, 10, (I03-10G). 1357 Poll, Heinrich. Mischlingstudien III : System und Kreuzimg. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (127-13'J), 1 Taf. 1358 Ponebsek, Janko. Ueber das Vor- kommen von Erithacus domestieus in Krain. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (20- 22). 1359 Porta, Antonio. I rauscoli caudali e anali nei generi Pavo e Meleagris. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (116-120). 1360 Porter, Louis H. Nesting habits of birds at Stamford, Ccnnecticut, as affected by the cold spring of 1907. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, I'JDS, (1(;-21). 1361 Pousar, Volter. [Eritltacus arhoreus phoenicurus.] Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (19-20). 1362 Powers, Wm. L. Some notes from Gardiner. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Port- land, 9, 1907, (52-51). 1363 Primrose, A. M. The occurrence of the Avocet (Becurvirostra avocetta) u\ Assam. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 190S, (083). 1364 Proctor, F. W. The Lesser Redpoll as a breeding species in Berkshire. British Birds, 1, 1908, (312-313). 1365 Proger, T. W. and Paterson, D. R. ( )riiithological notes. Cardiff, Trans. Nat. S,c.,"40, 1907, (43-45) pi. 1366 Pvm&iir, J. vide Herman, 0. Purdy, R. J. W. The occasional luminosity of the White Owl (Strix ilammea). Norwich, Trans. Nat. Soc, '8, 1908, (547-552). 1367 Pycraft, W. P. On the position of the ear in the Woodcock (Scolopax rusticula). Ibis, London, 1908, (551- 558). 1368 Pycraft, W. P. Position of the ear in the Woodcock. British Birds, 2, 1908, (245, 240). 1369 Pycraft, W. P. Powder-down in Pigeons. London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL, 21, 1908, (63). 1370 Pycraft, W. P. Egg of Cuckoo in nest of Pied Wagtail in a greenliouse. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 190S, (84). 1370a Pycraft, W. P. Sabine's Snipe in Co. Cork. British Birds, 1, 1908, (328). 1371 Pycraft, W. P. On a fossil Pipit. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 23, 1908, (33-34). 1372 Pycraft, W. P. The "powder-down" of the Heron. British Birds, 1, 1908, (.34.:i-.34G). 137a Pycraft, W. P. The nest and nest- lings of the Bearded Tit. British Birds, 2, 1908, (58, 59). 1374 Pycraft, W. P. ChifTchaff in London. British Birds, 1, 1908, (354). 1375 Pycraft, W. P. The nest of the Ringed Plover, and the bearing thereof on the evolution of Bird's Nests in 54 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] general. British Birds, 1, 1908, (373- 380). 1376 Pycraft, W. P. Marsh-Harriers in Korfolk. British Birds, 2, 1908, (93, 94). 1377 Pycraft, W. P. A remarkable A-ariety of the Red-legged Partridge in Essex. British Birds, 2. 1908, (240). 1378 Pycraft, W. P. vide Witherby, H. F. Pycraft, W. P. vide Thorpe, D. L. Rabaud, Eiienne. Recherches cx- perimentales siir Pactiou de la comi^res- sion tnecauique intervenant au cours de i'ontogenese des oiseaux. (Faits speciaux a I'omphaloceiDhalie et consi- derations generales.) Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 26, 1908, (429-447). 1379 Rabaud, Etienne. Les phenomenes respir.itoires et les correlations physio- logiques chez I'embryon d'oiseaux. Paris, Bui. soc. philom., (ser. 9), 10, 1908,(136-143). 1380 Rabaud, Etienne. La position et I'orientation de Tembryon de poule sur le jaune. Arch, zool., Paris, (ser. 4), 9, 1908, (notes et revne, i--vi). [5815]. 1381 Rabl, Hans. Ueber die Entwicklung der Vorniere bei den Viigeln, nach Untersuchungen am Kiebitz. {Vanelliis crisfatiis.) Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72. 1908, (731-815), 5 Taf. 1382 [Rabotkin, M.] PaCoTKiiHt, M. Op- iinTOJioriiHL'CKaa sajrliTKa. [Ornitho- logische Notiz.] Ochotu. vestn., Moskva, 8,1908,(333). 1383 Racz, Bela. Lanius excuhitor L. mint niadarpusztito. [jMnius excuhitor L. als Vogelrauber.] Aqnila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (319). 1384 R&cz, Bela. C'iconia ciconia (L.) kiirt^telei a baromfiudvarban. [Schaden von Ciconia ciconia (L.) imGefliigelliof.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (321). 1385 Racz, Bela. Perdix perdix (L.) ktlr- tetelei a tengeriben. [Schaden von Perdix perdix (L.) im Mais.] Aqniln, Budapest, 14, 1907, (321-322). 1386 R&cz, Bela. Fan (^neklo Alauda criatain L. [Auf deni Baum singcnde Alavda cristata L.] Aquila, Buda])est, 14, 1907, (327). 1387 Ralfe, P. G. Manx omitliologicnl iiutes, J 907. Naturalist, London, 616, 1908, (1G8-1G9). 1388 Ramsay, L. N. G. Probable breeding of the Blue-headed Wagtail near Aberdeen. Ann. Sc"tt. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (253-254). 1389 Ramsay, N. G. and Thomson, A. L. Gadwall in Aberdeenshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (184). 1390 Ramsay, L. M. G. Probable nesting of Blue-headed Wagtail near Aberdeen. British Birds, 2, 1908, (243). 1391 Ramsbotham, R. H. Irregxilar ap- pearance of I'lackbird {Turdits mernla). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (312). 1392 Raspail, Xavier. Sur I'etablissement judicieux d'un nid de Rouge-gorge. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (122- 124). 1393 Rattray, R. H. Lapwing's nest with five eggs. British Birds, 2, (136). 1394 Ray, Milton S. From Big creek to Big basin. Condor, Plollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (219-222j. 1395 Reagan, Albert B. The birds of the Rosebud Indian reservation, South Dakota. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (462-467). 1396 Reeker, E. [Wie Haushiihner ihre Eier verschleppen.] Miinster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss., 36, (1907-08), 1908, (22). 1397 Reese, A. M. The prolificness of the English Sparrow. Science, New York, N.Y., N. Ser., 26, 1907, (759). 1398 Regelsperger, Gustavo. La protec- tion des aigrettes en Afrique. Nature, Paris, 36, (1" sem.), 1908, (275-277). 1399 Reichenow, Ant. Vogel von deu Inseln Ostafrikas. [In : R,eise in Ost- afrika v. A. Yoeltzkow, Bd 2.] Stutt- gart, 1908, (179-192), 1 Taf. 1400 Reichenow, Ant. Vogel des Welt- meeres. Die Meeresvogel der ostlichen iM-dhiilfte. (Deutsche Siid polar-Expedi- tion 1901-1903, Bd 9, U. G.) Berlin, 1908, (435-535), 6 Taf. 1401 Reichenow, Ant. Uehorsicht der Vogelarten des Siidpolargebietes und dereu Verbreitung. (Deutsche Siid- polar-Expedition 1901-1903, Bd. 9, H. 6.) Berlin, 1908,(538-567), 1 Kartp. 1402 Reichenow, Ant. Neue Arten. Oniith. M,.natslH>r., Berlin, 16, 1908, (13-14). 1403 55 Af€s. Titles. 5800 Reichenow, Ant. Mimns licrrmannl i\. sp. von Holivieii. Oniith. Monats- l)er., Berlin. 16, lOOS, (37-38). 1404 Reiclienow, Ant. Xene afrikanisohe Arten. Ornitli. Monatsber.. Berlin, 16, 190S, (46-48, 66). 1405 Reiclienow. Ant. Nachtrag unci Be- ric-htiszniii:. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, f.i' ^ 1406 Reichenow, Ant. Von der Reise species of birds from tropical America. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., ilisc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (112-113). 1446 Riehl, H. A. Uber den Bau des Augenlides beim Vogel. Intern. Monat- schr. Anat., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (181- 262), 2 Taf. " 1447 Ries, A. Zugbeobachtungen tiber verschiedene Vogelarten im Gebiete von Bamberg. Miinchen, Verh. ornitli. Ges.. 8, (1907), 1908, (47-96). 144S Ries, A. Cber eine lokale Verbrei- tung des Steinschmiitzers, Sax'icola nenanthe (L.), durch die menschliche Kultur. Miinchen, Verh. ornith. Ges.„ 8, (1907), 1908, (169-170). 144» Riley, .J. H. Xotes on the Broad- winged Hawks of the West Indies, with a description of a new form. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, (268-276). 1451 Riley, J. H. A new name for Lewis' Woodpecker. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 18, 1905, (224-225). 1452 Ritzema Bos, J. Xog eens : de beteekenis der insektenetende vogels voor de bodemkidtuur. [Noch einmal die Bedeutung der insektenfressenden Vogel ftir die Bodenkultur.] Tijds. plantenziekten, Wageningen, 14, l90R. (47-591 1453 Riviere, B. B. Stock-Dove nestlns: on buildings. British Birds, 2, 1908. (31). 1454 Roberts, M. B. The enemies of snakes. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (197). 1455 Robertson, J. Glossy Ibis in Ayr- shire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edin- burg, 1908, (119). 1456- Robertson, .J. Nesting dates of some of tiie Waders (CZ/oiYtf/r/u/ac). Glasgow, Trans. Xat. Hist. Soc, 8, 1908, (62-64). 145T Robinson, II. C. A handdist of the birds of the JIalay Peninsula, South of the Isthmus of Kra. J. Fed. ilalav Mus., Kuala Lumpur, 2, 1908, (66-8.-,l' 1458 Robinson, H. C. v'ide Grant, W. R. Ogilvir. Robinson, \l. W. Great Grev Shrike ill Scotland. British Birds, 2, 1908. (165). 1459 57 Afes. Titles. 580O Robinson, II. W. Distribufion of the Comiuoii Scoter in Scotland. British Birds, 2, lUOS, (160, 107). 1460 Robinson, II. W. Flock of tlic Glossy Ibis {Ibh falr'nicUtis) in Orknev. Ann. Scott. Xat.' Hist., Ediuburgh, 1908, (50). 1461 Robinson, II. W. Early nesting of the Shag [IViaJacrocorax (jraculus^. .Ann. Scott. Xat. Hist., Ediuburgh, 1908, (51). 1462 Robinson, II. W. White Wagtail in Orknev. Ann. Scott. Xat. Hist., Edin- burgh; 1908, (181^. 1463 Robinson, H. W. Large assemblage of Great Xortheru Divers and a moult- ing bird. .\un. Scott. Xat. Hist., Edin- burgh. 1908, (185). 1464 Robinson, H. W. Great Xortheru Diver (Colymbus glacialis) and Eared Grebe (Podiopes nigricoUis). Zoolo- gist, Loudon, 12, 1908, (228-229). 1465 Robinson, H. W. Wrynecks (Iijnx tovquilla) in Xorth Lancashire. Zoolo- gist, London, 12, 1908, (428). 1466 Rockwell, Robert B. Nesting of the Western Horned Owl in Colorado. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1903. (14- 17). 1467 Rockwell, Robert B. The Red-winged Blackbirds of Colorado. Condor, Holly- wood, Cal., 10, 1908, (93). 1468 Rockwell, Robert B. An annotated list of the birds of Mesa countv, Colorado. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10,'l908, (152- 180) 2 maps." 1469 Rockwell, Robert B. A striking ex- ample of protective coloration. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (207). 1470 Rotner, Antoni. Drozd kwiczol. (Tiirdv.s pilaris), -towiec Pols., War- szawa, 1908, (309-310). 1471 Rdrig, G. Zur Frage iiber die wirt- schaftliche Bedeutung der Bussarde. Magenuntersuchungen von 1897-1907. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (493). 1472 Rossler, E. Pastor' roseus (Linn.) in Slavonien. Omith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, rr,5-66). 1472a Rossler, E. Das Riedmuseuni von Bidye. Mit einem Vorworte von Josef Pfennigberger. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (207-221). 1473 RdtMg, Paul. Eine Vorrichtung zum lebenswarmen Fixieren und leichten Trausportieren der Eileitereier der Vcigel. Zs. wiss. Mikrosk., Leipzig, 25^ 1908, (08-09). 1474 Rogers, J. P. vide Hall, R. Rolfe, Percival B. Fish Hawks forty vears ago. J. Maine Ornith. Soc... Portland, 10, 1908, (40-47). 1475' Ross, G. H. A list of birds observeiL in Rutland county, chielly between the years 1888 and 190(1. Vermont Bird Club, Bulletin. Burlington, No. 1, 1900, (8-13). 1476 Rothe, fl. 11. Die Waldschnepfe in Deutschland. D. Jagerztg. Neudamm, 50, 1908, (741-744, 757-701, 773-770). 147T Rothschild, Hon. Walter. Note on Ca^iiar'tiifi casnarius hish'iatus. Nov. Zoo!., Tiing, 15, 1908, (.392). 1478 Rothschild, I/on. Walter. On collec- tions from Southern Algeria. London,. Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 23, 1908, (0). 1479 Rothschild, lion. W. On a new species of Lioptdus from Equatorial Africa. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI.,. 23, 1908, (0, 7). 1480- Rothschild, lion. W. On Drepanornis- nibcrtisi (jeideri. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Ci., 23, 1908, (7). 1481 Rothschild, lion. W. On a new species of Sylvictta from Lake Tan- ganyika. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith.. Cl.,"23, 1908, (42). 1482 Rothschild, Hon. W. On Parotia- berlcpKchi. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 23, 1908, (42). 148^ Rothschild, Hon. W. and Haxtert, E.. The birds of V'ella Lavella, Solomon Islands. Nov. Zool., Tring, 15, 1908, (351-305) pi. xiii. 1484 Rouse, John E. Respiration and emotion in pigeons. J. Comp. Neur. Psych., Granville, Ohio, 15, 1905, (494- 513). 1485 Roznowski, Kazimierz. Z biologli kaczkowatych (Anseriformes) na dalekim l)61noco-wschodzie Azyi. [Etude&- biologiques sur les Anseriformes dans I'extreme nord-est de I'Asie.] Wszech- Swiat, Warszawa, 26, 1907, (045-649, 060-009). I486; Ruhenstroth, H. L. Hohes Alter einer Laclitaube. [73 Jahre.] D. Jagerztg, Neudamm, 50, 1908, (506). 1481- 58 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Ruskin-Butterfield, W. On sub- species iu ornitholocrj' and their nomen- clature. Aqiiila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (216-221). 1488 Saeftel, A. Die Aasgeier Brasiliens. Prometheus, Berlin, 19, 1908, (425-420). 1489 Saemundsson, B. Optegnelser vedro- rende Fuglelivet paa Havet omkring Islau;! om Souimeren. [Notes on the Lird life on the sea round Iceland in the summer.] Kobenhavn, Nath. Medd., 1907, 1008, (28-39). 1490 St. Quintin, W. H. Pallas's Sand- Grouse in Yorkshire. Nat., 1908, (420). British Birds 2, 1908, (245). 1491 Salvadori, Couvt T. On the genera Tfenicoruis and Ch'ilia. Ibis, London, 1908, 451-454). 1492 Salvadori, T. Description of a new species of Petrel from Tristan d'Acunha. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 1908, (78-80). 1493 Salvadori, T. Uccelli dell'Eritrea raccolti dal Sig. Ilario Capomazza. Genovn, Ann. Museo Civ. st. nat., Ser. 3, 3, 1907-8. (608-630). 1494 Salvadori, T. Gyps erlangeri n. sp. Torino, Boll. Musei zool. anat., 23, 1908, N. 570, (1-6). 1495 Salzmann, E. Lanins senator collurio. Ornith Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (78-79). 1496 Salzmann, E. Der Abendfalke, ein Brutviigi'l Thiiringens. Ornitli. Monat- schr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (411-412j. 1497 Salzmann, Otto. Von der Schleiereule. 7s. Oologie, Berlin, 17, 1908, (161- 163) ; Bemerkung dazu von II. Hocke. t.c. (10.3). 1498 Sargent, J. Black-throated Diver in Piichinond Park. London, Bull. Brit. Ornitii. CI., 21, 1908, (42). 1499 Sarudny, N. Beitrag zur Kenntnis ■der Lasurmciaen (Cyavistea). Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (4-6). 1500 Sarudny, N. Tetraognllus caspius ncmcnou-liavsrJianakii subsp. n. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (28-29). 1501 Sarudny, N. Eino kurze vorliiidigo I?ciii< rkiing liber eine<5 neuen Specht. (DcndrocopiiH major tranacaHpius, subsp. nov.) Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin. 16, 1908, (66-67). 1502 Sarudny, N. Bemerkungen iiber die Rohrmeise, (Antlioseopus rut Hans Sewertz.). Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (162-1G3). 1503 Sarudny, N. vide Zarudnyi. Sarudny, N und Loudon, R. Baron. Noch eine neue Form des Zaunkonigs. Troglodytes imrvulus zagrossiensis (subsp. nov.). Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (29-30). 1504 Sarudny, N. und Loudon, H. Baron. MontifriugUla alpicola groum-grzimaili (Sar-et-Ldu.) und M. alpicola gaddi Sar-et-Ldn. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (164-165). 1505 Sass, Herbert R. An interest- ing Audubon specimen. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (228- 229). 1506 Sass, Herbert R. The Snowy Heron in South Carolina. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (313-314). 1507 Sass, Herbert R. The return of ,the snowy heron. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., iO, 1908, (160-162). 1508 Sassi, Moriz. Einige Bemerkungen zur Oriiis der canarisehen Inseln. Or- nith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (30-.36). 1509 Saunders, Aretas A. Some birds of central Alabama. A list of the birds observed from March 7 to June 9, in portions of Coosa, Clay and Talledega counties, Alabama. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (413-424). 1510 Saimders, A. A. The growth of voung black-billed cuckoos. Bird Lore, "Harrisburg, Pa,, 10, 1908, (205-206). 1511 [Saunders, Howard. Obituary.] Ibis, London, 1908 (169-172). [Vide etiam Anon. 49,] 1512 Saunders, W. E. The worm-eating warl)li'r in Ontario. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (319). 1513 Saunders, W. E. Nesting of Henslow S})arrow in Ontario. Ottawa Nat., 22, 1908,(115-117). 1514 Sauvage, II. E. Oiseaux du Boulon- nais attt'iutsd'albinisrae total ou partiel- 59 A vs. Titles. 5800 Boulocrne sur-Mer., Biil. soc. acad., 7, 10O('.,V.15-51S). 1515 Savage, James. The whistling swan ou Kia-zara river. Buffalo, N.Y., Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci., 9, 1008, (23-28). 1516 Sawyer, Edinmid J. The drumming of the ruffed grouse. Bird Lore, Harris- Imrg, Pa., 10, 1908, (24(3-2-19;. 1517 Schacher, Raimund. Ausgewachsener Kuckuck von e. Wiesenpieper gefiit- tert.] Ornith. Mouatschr., ilagdebnrg, 33, 1008, (80). 1518 Schacht, H. Turmschwalbe {A pus nptt)< . Urnith. Monatschr., MagdeburLr, 33, 1908, (415-416;. 1519 Sch&ff, Ernst. Perdix fusea Frisch, eine seltene Farbenspielart unseres Eebhuhnes. Aus d. Heimat, Leipzig, (N.F.), H. 1, 1908, (5-7, mit 1 Taf.). 1520 Schaff, Ernst. Ueber Geschleclits- uuterscliiede bei der Waldschnepfe. D. Jagerztg, Neudamm, 51, 1908, (61-631 1521 Schalow, Herman. Beitriige zur Vogelfauna Centralasiens. IL [Samm- limg V. G. Merzbacher.] J. Ornith.,. Leipzig, 56, 1908, (72-121, 202-260); Berichtigung dazu von S. A. Buturlin. t.c. (290). 1522 [Schalow. H. Ludwig Holtzj.] J. Ornitli., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (300-301). 1523 Schalow, Herman t^iffe Buturlin, S. A. Scharff, R. F. The determination of sex in the Woodcock (Seolopcix rust'i- cula). Irish Nat., Dublin, 17, (72-73). 1524 Schein, Ed. Briitet der rotriickige Wiirger im Jahre auch zweimal ? Gera, Jahresber. Ges. Natw., 49-50, (1906- 07), 1908, (112-113). 1525 Schenk, Jakab. A madarvonulas Magyarorszagon az 1906. ev tavaszdii. [Der Vogelzug in Ungarn im Friih jahre 1906.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (1-119). 1526 Schenk, Jakab. Die Heuschreckenplage auf dem Hortobagy im J. 1907 und die Vogelwelt. Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (223-275). 1527 Schenk, Jakab. Az urali bagoly toraeges megjelen^se Magj^arorszagon 1906-07 telen. [Das massenhafte Er- scheinen der Uraleule in Ungarn im Winter 1906-07.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (276-290). 1528 Schenk, Jakab. Calamodua melano- pojon (Temm.) mint utanzo. [Cala- mndus melanopo'jon ( Temm.) als Spotter.] .Aipiila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (326-327). 1529 Schenk, Jakab. Phaenologiai Irodalmi ertesit^sek. [Phaenologische Litera- turberichte.] Aquila, 13udapest, 14, 1007, (311-352). 1530 Schenk, Jakab. Der Vogelzug in Ungarn im Friihjahre 1907. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (1-41). 1531 Schenk, Jakab. Die Reiherkolonie der Obedszka-Bara in der Gegenwart. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (245-258). 1532 Schenk, Jakab. Beitriige zur Lebens- weise des weissen Storches. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (259-267). 1533 Schenk, Jakab. Ornithologische Skiz- zen von der unteren Donau in Ungarn. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (274-293), pis. ix & X. 1534 Schenk, Jakab. Bericht iiber die Vogel- markierungen im Jahre 1908. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (294-301). 1535 Schiebel, G. Beitriige zur Ornitho- L igie der siiddalmatinischen Insel Lesina (nebst anderen Reisenotizen). Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 18, 1907, (161-198),- 19, 1908, (1-30). 1536 Schiebel, G. Ansiedlungsversuche mit Staren und anderen Vogeln in Laibach (Kraiu). Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (16-18). 1537 Schloms, E. u. Poensgen, A. Zum Iloclinisteu der Ente. D. Jiigerztg, Neudamm, 51, 1908, (298). 1538 Schluter, Willy. Eine neue Bunt- speclitform aus Spanien. Falco, Leipzig, 4, 1908, (11). 1539 Schmidt, C. C. List of birds that have been observed in the state of North Dakota. (Department of Public Instruction), (1904, (Hi). 21cm. 1540 Schmidt, Heinrich. Kleiner Beitrag zur westiiilisohen Vogelfauna. Miinster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss., 36, (1907/08), 1908, (74-76). 1541 Schmidt, Wilhelm. Deutsche Sing- vogel als Spotter. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (437-445). 1542 CO Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Schmidt, Wilhelm. GesauE; udcI Riife des Wasserpiepers. Ornith. ilonatsclir., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (243-246). 1543 Schmincke, Alexander. Die Eegenera- tion der quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Sauropsiden. Beitr. path. Anat., Jena, 43. 1908, (519-551), 1 Taf. 1544 Schmitz, Ernesto. Die Vogel der Madeira-lnselffnippe. Ornith. Monats- ber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (1-4, 56). 1545 Schmitz, Ernesto. Tagebuch-Xotizen ans iladeira. Ornith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (36-48). 1546 Scholz, Lothar. Der X'^estbau der Vogel. Gefied. Welt, ilacrdeburg. 37, 1908, (161-162, 169-170, 177-178, 185-186). 1547 Schou, H. Macronyx capensis colletti snbsp. nov. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (119). 1548 Schulz, GeorgE. F. Xatur-Urkunden. Biologisch erlauterte photographische Aufnahmen frei lebender Tiere und Pflanzen. H. 1 : Vogel. 1. Reihe. Berlin (P. Parev), 1908, (20), 20 Taf. 1549 Schulz, Giistav. Voni Waldkaxiz. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, 1908, (37). 1550 Schulze, Franz Eilhard. Die Lungen des afrikanisc-hen Strausses. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (416-431), 1 Taf. 1551 Schuster, Ludwig. Der Vogelzug im Vogelsberg iui Herbst 1907. Zs. Ornith., Stettin, 32, 1908, (34-36). 1552 Schuster, Ludwig. Richtigstellung lietretT^ Kutkopfwiirger-Invasion. Or- nith. Jahrb., Hallein, 19, 1908, (60). 1553 Schuster, Ludwig. Uelier den Xah- rungserwerb des Stares inn Flug. Miin- ster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss., 36, (1907-081, 1908, (72-73). 1554 Schuster. Wilhelm. Die Vogelwelt und die Tertiiirzeit. Ornithologisclie Anzeichen einer wiederkehrenden „Ter- tiarzeit". Xalur u. Haus, Dresden, 16, 1908, (147-149). 1555 Schuster, Wilhelm. Waiiim ninimt der Schwarzwaldsijecht in den Wiildern rund urn die Wetterau und iiberhaupt in Gesanit-Hessen in den beinH'b, K. Du- lilicitas te^ticulorumy rpa»ia. [Duplici- tas testiculorum bei der Saatkriihe.] G3 Avcs. Titles. 5800 ■\[ess. iiied. veteriii. soo., St. Peterlmrij, 20,, 1908,1,478-479). 1622 ^Skriabin, K.] CKpaOuii-h, K. Ho- Bbitt ciyKurt npasaio Hi'iueBo,-ia y Kvpiinhi. [Eiu neuer Fall eines recliteii Eileiters beitu Huhn.] Mess. med. veteiin. soc, St. Peterburg, 20, 1008, (528-029). 1623 [Skriabin, K.] CkphShh-b, K. Bo.immi nacTb y VTeHKa. [Kin Fall von Wolf s- rachen bei eiuem Entchen.] Mess. med. veterin. soc, St. Peterburg, 20, lUns, (740-743). 1624 [Skriabin, K] CKpa6iiHi>, K. llo- .lOBOe naBpamenie y ntnn,-b. [Ge- schleclitliclie Verirrung bei Vogeln.] Veterin. vrac, St. Peterburg, 3, 19^8, (742-744). 1625 Smith, Austin Paiil. Some data and records from the Whetstone mountains, Arizona. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (75-78). 1626 Smith, Austin Paul. Brain parasite in white-necked raven. Condor, Holly- wood, Cal., 10, 1908, (92). 1627 Smith, .\ustin Paul. Albinism of scaled partridge. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (93). 1628 Smith, C. B. Notes on birds in Ice- land. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (221-224). 1629 Smith, C. B. The Sarus Crane (Grits aiitigone). Avicult, Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, I'JuS, (243-244) pi. 1630 Smith, C. B. The breeding of the Partridge Tinamou {Xothoproeta jierdi- earia). Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908 (.300-302). 1631 Smith, C. B. Notes on breeding the Common Black Francolin {Francolinus vulgari»). Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 190S (343-34.5;. 1632 Smith, C. B. Xotes on Rock Ptar- migan, Harlequin Duck, etc. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7 (55-60). 1633 Smith, Frank. A migration flight of purple martins in Michigan in the summer of 1905. Wilson Bull., Ober- lin. Ohio, 20, 1908, (41-43). 1634 Smith, F. S. The Cape Barren Goose. Emu, Melbourne. 8, 1908, (48). 1635 Smith, Horace G. Random notes on the distribution of some Colorado birds, with additions to the State Avifauna. Auk, Canduidge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, li)(tS. ; 184-191). 1636 Smith, K. S. Eiders off South Divi.n in April. British Birds, 2, (31). 1637 Smith, S. H. Great Giey Shrike (Tmu'ius e:rcubitor) near York. Zoologist, Loudon, 12, 1908, (32). 1638 Smith, Wilbur F. The Carolina wren at south Norwalk, Connecticut. Bird- Lore, Harrisbnrg, Pa., 5, 1903. (]f)3- 1G4). 1639 Smyth, Ellison A., )un. Nelson's lincli in the mountains of Virginia. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (475-476). 1640 Snethlage, E. Eine Vogelsamndung voni l\io Puriis, Brasilien. J. Ornith., Leip/.ig, 56, 1908, (7-24). 1641 Snethlage, E. Ornithologisches vom Tapajoz and Tocantins. J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (493-539). 1642 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Zwei Neuheiten fiir Holland. Oriiith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (65-61;). 1643 Snouckaert van Schauburg', Baron R. Ornithologische Notizen aus Holland fur den Zeitraum 1. Mai 1906-30. April 1907. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (110-113). 1644 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Oruithologie van Nederland. Waarne- mingen van 1 Mei 1907 tot en met 30 April 1908. [Ornithologie in den Nie- derlanden. Beobachtungen vou 1. Mai 1907 bis zum 30. April 1908.] Amster- dam, Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver., 5. 1908, (1.3-26). 1645 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Een uieuwe vogelsoort voor Java. [Eine fiir Java neue Vogelart.] Amster- dam, Versl. Med. Ned! Ornith. Ver., 6, 1908, (58), 1646 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Barun R. De juiste namen der noordelijke roof- meeuwen. [Die richtigen Namen der nordiichen Raubmowen.] Amsterdam^ Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver., 5, 1908, (59-60). 1647 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron U. Ornithologie van Nederland, waarnemin- gen van 1 Mei 1906 tot en met 30 April 1907. [Ornithologie der Niederlanden, Beobachtungen vom 1. Mai 1900 bis 30. April 1907.] Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. €4 Arcs. XV 11. Aves. [1908] Dierk. Yer., Ser. 2, 10, [1908", (3G9- ■383). 1648 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Ornithologie vanXederland ; waarnemin- ^eu van 1 ilei 1907 tot en met 30 April 1908. [OrnithologA- of the Xetherlands. ■Observations from ilay 1, 1907, till -April 30, 1908.] Helder, Tijdscbr. Xed. Dierk. Ver., 2e Ser., 11, 1908, (35-51). 1649 Snow, F. H. Xotes for 1903 on the liirds of Kansas. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (261-262). 1650 Snow, F. H. Xotes of 190-1 on the birds of Kansas. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (263). 1651 Snow, F. H. Additions to the list of Kansas birds. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, Part 2, 1907, (209-210). 1652 Soderling, J. Fjallugglan i ytter.sta hafsskaren. ISunila nyctea in den iiussersten Skarenl Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1904, 71-72). 1653 SSderllng, J. Fran och a Soderskar i Borga skargard varen 1905 iakttagna ilyhtfuglar. [Bei Soderskar in den Skaren von Borga im Fruhliiig 1905 beobachtete Zugviigel.] Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13. 1905, (146-148). 1654 Sbderling, J. Om fagellifvet a de ■Soderskar^ fyr i Borga socken omgif- vande skaren. [Cber das Vogelleten auf den Skaren in der Uuigebung des Leuchttunnes Soderskar bei Borga]. Tidskr. Jiig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (178). 1655 Sokolowsky, Alexander. Pinguine in ■der Gefangeuschaft. Umschau, Frank- furt a. M., 12, 1908, (586-589). 1656 Soli, Ugo. Sulla struttura delle fibre muscolari liscie dello stomaco degli ticcelli. Bibliogi-. auat., Xancy, 17, 1907-1908, (25-52). 1657 [Solucha, X. P.] Co-iyxa, H. n. 0 K-ltTOqilUXI. (Jl0pMaX7. COlVimillTLMMlOII TKailll IITMin> K'h IIO])Ma,ll.llOM'I. COC-TO- Jiiiiii H iipii Bociia.ieiiiii. ^iicc. [Ueber die Zellformen des Bindege- webes bei den Vogeln im normalen 2ustaude und bei der Kntziindung. iJiss.) St. Peterburg, 1908, (86) niit 1 Taf. 1658 Sonnenbrodt. Die Wachstumsperiode der Oocyte des Huhnes. Arch, raikr. Anat., Bonn. 72, 1908, (415-480) 4 Taf. 1659 SouthweU, T. The Black Wood- pecker in England. British Birds, 2, 1908, (29). 1660 Southwell, T. Inland nestings of the Sbeld-duck. British Birds, 2, 1908, (61. 62 i. 1661 Sparrow, E. Pochard nesting in South-west Kent. British Birds, 2, 1908, (96, 97). 1662 Sparrow, R. Black-tailed Godwit and Spotted Redshank in Kent. British Birds, 2, 1908, (99). 1663 Speedy, T. British birds of prev. Edinburgh, Trans. Xat. Soc. 6, 19()8 (20-30:. 1664 Spennemann, Aug. jiin. Ornitho- logiscbe ilitteilmigen aus Semarans. Gelied. Welt. Magdeburg. 37, 1908, (346-348, 354-356, 364-365, 381-382, 414-415). 1665 Spillman, W. J. Spurious allelo- morphism : Results of some recent iuvestiijations. Amer. Xat., Boston, Mass., 42, 1908, (610-615). 1666 Sprenger, Albert. Vogelheim und Meuschenwohnung. Ornithologischethno- graphische Parallelen. Ornith. Monat- schr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (6-16). 1667 Sprenger, Albert. Geier und Rabe als Leichenbestatter. Ethnographische Beitriige zur Ernahruugsgeschichte der aasfressenden Vogel. Ornith. Monat- schr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (357-373, 389-404, 425-431). 1668 S'tahlberg], B. Koppelo ja naaras- teeri koiraiksi puettuina. [Die Weib- chen von Tetrao urngallus und T. tetrix in miinnlicher Tracht]. Luonnon Ystavii, Helsingfors, 8, 1904, (209-211). 1670 StanseU, Sidney S. S. Some Edmon- ton, Allierta, birds. Bird Lore, Harris- burg, Pa., 9, 1907, (118-120). 1671 Stead, E. A. The Black Cormorant in New Zealand. Emu Melbourne, 8, 1908,(71-76). 1672 Stead, E. F. The Red Parrot of New- Zealand. Some notes on trapping. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (281- 286). 1673 Co Arcs. Titles. 5800 Stebbing, Joel. A method of deter- luiniii!:: the heights of migratiiis; birds. Pop. Astr., Xor"thtield, Mian., 14, lOOli, (65-71 •>. 1674 Steele-Elliott, J. Xestiuc of the AVrvneok (Iiinx torqu'iUa). Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (393-394). 1675 Steele-Elliott, J. Nesting of Alcrdo ispiihi. Zoologist, liOndon, 12, 1908 (,394). 1676 Steward, E. S. The Common Bittern in Yorkshire. British Birds, 1, (326). 1677 Stewart, George W. The condor in the !San Joaquin vallev. Condor, Hollv- wood, Cal., 10, 1908, (130). 1678 Stewart, Menzies W. The food of the Black-headed Gull. British Birds, 1, 1908, (293). 1679 StoU, F. E. vide Lorenz, Th. Stone, Witmer. Methods of recording and utilizing bird-migration data. Philadelphia Pa., Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., 60. 1908, (128-156). 1680 Stone, Witmer. Glaucidlmn vs. yoctua — A correction. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, (221). 1681 Stone, Witmer. European starlings (Stur.'ius vulgaris) in Pennsylvania, New Jersev, and Delaware. Auk, Cambridge, Mass.^ X. .Ser., 25, 1908, (221-2221. 1682 Stone, Witmer. The types of the Xorth American genera of birds. Science, X.Y., X. Ser., 26, 1907, (-114-446). 1683 Stone, Witmer. Some early American ornithologists. 1. Mark Catesbv. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 190o, (126- 129). 1684 Stone, Witmer. Some early American ornithologists. 2. Wjlliam Bartram. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1005, (162-164). 1685 Stone, Witmer. Some early American ornithologists. 3. Benjamin Smith • Barton. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 7, 1905, (193-194). 1686 Stone, Witmer. Some early American ornithologists. 4. Ale.xander Wilson. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, l^a., 7, 1905, ! (265-268). 1687 [ Stone, Witmer. Adolphus L. Heer- I mann, M.D. Cassinia, Philadelphia, Pa., : Xo. 11, (1907), 1908, (1-6). 1688 (K-10332 3) Stone, Witnior. Report ou the spring migration of 1907. Cassinia, Phila- delphia, Pa., Xo. 11 (1907), 1908, (54- 79). 1689 Stone, Witmer. Correction. Wilson Bull, Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (154 155). 1690 Stonham, C. The birds of the British Islands. With illustrations by Ij. M. Medland. Parts 9-12. London, 1908. 4to. (327-514). 1691 Stubbs, F. Bird notes from the Oldliam district. Xaturalist, London, 623, 1908, (456-457). 1692 Stvesemann, E. Abnoi-me Zug- erscheinungcn auf Helgoland. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16,1908, (185-190). 1693 Sundvilc, Ernst Ed v. Ete af satten for ekens spridning i vart land. [Eine der Verbreitungsarten der Eiche in Finland]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (61-63). 1694 Suomalainen, E. W. Tietoja meri- metson, I'ludaerocorax carho, levia- misesta. [Mitteilungen iiber die Ver- breitung von Phalaerocorax carho'\. Helsingfors, Mcdd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. " 32, 1900, (67-68, deutsches Referat 189). 1695 Suomalainen, E. W. Plialaropus fuVicarius L. ja Coracias rjaiTula L. [PJudaropus fidicarius L. imd Coracias qarrnla L.]. Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna el Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (3). 1695a Suomalainen, E. W. Kalnlokkija (LaruHcanus L.) talvella Helsingin sata- massa. [Lai-us eanus L. im Hafen von Helsingfors wahrend des Winters.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. 33, 1907, (77-78, deutsches Referat 170). 1696 Suomalainen, E. W. [Xauru-, kala- ja selkiilokkeja* Helsingin satamassa]. '[Lariis ridibtindus, L. canus und L. fuscus im Hafen von Helsingfors]. Hel- singfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et. Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (145-146; deutsches Ref. 203). 1697 Suomalainen, E. W. Kallaveden seuilun linnusto. [Die Vogelfauna der Umgebungen des Kallavesi-Sees im nord- lichen Savo (Savolaks), Finland]. Hel- singfors, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., d 13 66 Aves. XVil. Aves. [190S] 31, Xo. 5, 1908-1909, (1-140 Karte ; deutsches Referat 141-150). 1698 Suomalainen, E. W. Pari lappa- laista vierasta Etela- ja Keski-Suomessa. [Zwei lapplandische Gaste in Siid- und Mittel-Finland]. Luounon Ystavii, 12, 1908, (196-199). 1699 Suomalainen, E. W. Punakottarainen {Pastor roseus L.). [Pastor roseus L. in Finland]. Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 12, 1908, (211-212). 1700 SixscTilrin, P. P. vide Suskin. [Suskin, P. P.] CyuiKHHt, 11. H. IItuuu CpejHcn KHpiiiscKott cxenu (TypraiicKafl oo.iacTb ii BOCTOHHan MacTb YpaabCKOu). [Die Vogel der mittleren Kirgisen-Steppe, (Turgai- Gebiet und ostliches Ural-Gebiet.) ] Mater faun. flor. Ross., iloskva, 8, 1908, (803 + vi + 1). 8 Taf. 1701 [Suvorov, P.] CyBopoBt, II. ^po3;iu (TurdusJ. [Die Drosseln {Ttirdus).'] Naturfreund, St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (321-327). 1702 Swain, J. Merton. Proceedings of the twelfth annual meeting of the Maine ornithological society. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 10. 1*908, (1-7). 1703 Swain, J. Merton. History of the Maine ornithological societv. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, (29-32). 1704 Swales, B. H. Winter notes from Detroit, Michigan, and vicinity. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (152- 154;. 1705 Swales, B. H. vide Taverner, P. A. Swarth, Harry S. Some fall migra- tion notes from Arizona. Condor, Hollv- wood, Cal., 10, 1908, (107-116). 1706 Sweet, Dana W. Inland Water Birds. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, (67-09). 1707 Sweet, Dana W. and others. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 9, 1907, (70-71). 1708 Sweet, Dana W. and others. Migration reports, 1907. Dates of departure. J. Maine Ornith. Soc, Portland, 10, 1908, (78-79). 1709 Swindells, A. W. More about Cor- morants V. Fishes. Emu, Melbourne, 8, J 908, (90-97). 1710 Sword, J. The vertebrate fauna of the King's Park. Sterling, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1907-8 Aves (130-148). 1711 Swynnerton, C. F. M. Further notes on the Birds of Gaza-land. Ibis, London, 1908, (1-107 & 392-443) pis. i, ii &viii. 1712 Szemere, L. Beobachtungen iiber den Rotfussfalken. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908, (312-313). 1713 Szlavy, K. Die Vogehvelt des grossen Riedes in Ujvidek. Aquila, Budapest, 15, 1908. (232-244) pis. i-vi. 1714 Tangl, Franz. Untersuchungen iiber die Beteilung der Eischale am Stoffwechsel des Eiinhaltes wah- rend der Bebriitnng. Unter Mit- wirkung v. Dr. G. Hammerschlag. Arch, ges. PhvsioL, Bonn, 121, 1908, (423- 436). ■ 1715 Tangl, Franz und Mituch, Anguste v. Beitrage zur Energetik der Ontogenese. 5. Mitt. : Weitere L'ntersuchungen iiber die Entwicklungsarbeit und den Stoif- umsatz im bebriiteten Hiihnerei. Arch, ges. Physiol., Bonn., 121, 1908, (437- 458). 1716 Taxjan, Tibor. Parus major L. mint cserebogarpusztito. [Parus major L. als Maikiifervertilger.] Aquila, Buda- pest, 14, 1907, (322-323). 1717 Taijan, Tibor. Lanhis coUurio L. feszekepiteserol. [Nestbau von Lanhis colliirio L.] Aquila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (325-326). 1718 Taverner, P. A. Four rare birds in southeastern Michigan. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., X. Ser., 25, 1908, (327-328). 1719 Taverner, P. A. Two Ontario recoi-ds. Auk, Cambridge, Mass.. N. .Ser. 25, 1908, (328). 1720 Taverner, P. A. Wilson's phalarope and White-runiped sandpijoers in Wa3-ne CO., Mich. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (328). 1721 Taverner, P. A. The year 1908 in south-eastern Michigan. Wilson ]5ull., Ohio., 20, (199-208). 1721a Taverner, P. A. and Swales, B. H. The birds of Point Pelee. Wilson Bull., 01)erlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (79-96, 107- 129). 1722 Taylor, C. B. Depredatoiy Habits of the Vulture (Gyps Kolbi). Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4, 1908, (128- 129). 1728 I 67 Aves. Titles. 5800 Tegengren, Jacob. Ornitologiska meildelaiulen. [Ornitologisclie Mit- teilungen]. Helsingfois, Medd. Soc. Faimaet Fl. Ferni. 32, 1906, (71-73). 1724 Teidoff, E. Zur Biologie des G impels. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a M., 49, lUOS, (119-120). 1725 Temperley, G. W. The Northumber- land coast in September : an ornitho- logical ramble. Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2, 3, 190S, (170-182). 1726 Temple, G. N. Great Tits usurping nest of Blue Tits. British Birds, 1, 1908, (290). 1727 Temple, W. R. A novice's aviaries- Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 7, 1908, (69- 73) pis. i .^ ii. 1728 Teschemaker, W. E. The Common Accentor {Accentor modularis). Aviciilt. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (92-96). 1729 Teschemaker, W. E. The nesting of the Dwarf Ground Dove {Cham MtlUKOBI. .I0iiia,in. [Der histologiscbe Ban der Luftsiicke des Pferdes]. Jurjev, Zs. Veterin. med., 2, 1908, Beil., (75 + 1 ; deutsch. Res. 8) 1 Taf. 1784 Tschusi zu Sdunidboffen, Viktor Bitter V. Vorlaiiliges iiber den heu- rigen SteppenhuJiuerzug. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (373- 376). 1785 Tschusi zu Sclimidlioffen, Viktor Bitter v. Ankunfts- und Abzugsdaten l)ei Hallein (1907). IV. Ornith.^AIonat- schr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (431-1371 1786 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, A'iktor Bitter von. Von meinem Mauersegler- paar {Apus apus (L.)). Ornith. Monat- schr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (528-529). 1787 Tschusi zu SchmidhoflFen, Viktor Bitter v. (.Jrnithologische Literatur Oesterreicb-Uugarns und des Occupa- tiousgebietes 190S. Wien, Verb. 2ool- Bot. Ues., 58, 1908, r93-12.5). 1788 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Bitter V. (Jrnithologische Literatur Oesterreicb-Ungarns und des Occupa- tionsgebietes 1907. [Mit Nachtriigen und Ergiinzungen zu den friiberen Berichten.] Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (458-490;. 1789 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Bitter von. Die Typen mciiier Samm- lung. Originalbeschreibiingeu der jetzt im k. k. naturhistorischen Hofinuseum in Wieu befindlicben Typen. Wien, Ann. NatHist. Hofmus., 21, 190G, Frecte 1908], (179-194J. ^1790 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Bitter von. Die Farbenaberrationen meiner Sammlung, jetzt im Besitze des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien. Wien, Ann. NatHist. Hofmus., 21, 1906 [1908], (195-203). 1791 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, [Viktor R. V.J Steppenhiiliner auf der Wande- rung. Ornith. Jalub., IbilbMU, 19, 1908, (14C.). 1792 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor Bitter von. Ornithologisciie KoUek- taneen aus Oesterreicli-Ungarn und deui Okkupationsgebiete. (Aus Jagdzeitun- gen und Tagesbliittern.) XVJ. (1907.) Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (275-281, 303-317). 1793 Tuck, J. G. Domestication of tlie Jackdaw. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (72). 1794 Tuck, J. G. Effect of recent late snow on bird-life. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, ,192). ' 1795 Tuck, J. G. Notes on nest-boxes. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (313-314). 1796 Tuck, J. G. The Red-footed Falcon (Faleo vespertinus) in Norfolk. Zoolo- gist, London, 12, 1908, (394). 1797 Tuck, J. G. Red-footed Falcon in Norfolk. British Birds, 2, 1908, (244). 1798 Tufts, XL F. Bird notes from South- western Nova Scotia. Ottawa Nat. 21, 1908 (236-239). 1799 [Tugarinov, A.] TyrapimoB-b, A. B'B,T,o,niirii Eiincea. OxoTiiimiii opuHTO- .lonmecKiu onepK'L. [Im Tliale des- Jenissei. Eiue ornithologische Jagd- skizze.] Prir. i ochota, Moskva, 36, 3, 1908, (1-8). 1800 [Tugarinov, A.] TyrapniioBb, A. Opinrro.ionmecKiii OHepK'i, jtcmHu p- Eniicea. IIpo;to.'i;K. [Im Tale des Jenissei. Eine ornithologische Skizze. Forts.] Prir. i ochota, Moskva, 36, 7, 1908, (1-12;. 1801 [Tugarinov, A.] TjTapiiiiom., A. Btj ,';o.iHH'b Ehhcbh. OpHHTO.iorHHecKlii o^ei)KTj. II. [Im Tale des Jenissei. Eine ornithologische Skizze. II.] Prir. i ochota, Moskva, 36, 5-6, 1908, (1-13). 1802: [Tugarinov, A.] TyrapHiiOB-B, A. 3iiMiiaji opnnTO(})ayHa OKpecTHOCTett KpacHoapcKa. [Die VVinterornithofauna von Krasnojarsk.] Naturfreund, St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (29-37). 1803 [Tugarinov, A. Ja.] TyrapiiiiOBi., A. H. B'b iiH30BhHX'i> Einiceji. [In den Niederungen des Jenissei.] Krasno- jarsk, Izv. Xrasn. otd. russ. geogr. ObSc., 2, 3-4, 1908, (97-133). 1804 70 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] TuMainen, V. Tiillda lapp- och fjallugglor 1904-1 905. [Getotete Exem- plare von Syrnium lapponicum und Sumia nyctea in den Jahren 1904 uud 1905]. Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (120-121). 1805 Til kiai Tien, W. Tillvaratagna rarare faglar. [Seltenere VogeL] Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 13, 1905, (145j. 1806 Tulloch, J. S. Chiffchaffs in Shetland. British Birds, 1, 1908, (289, 290). 1807 Tullsen, H. A note on the spring migration, 1901, at Leland, Uncom- pahgre Ute Indian reservation, Utah. WUson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (100). 1808 Tut, Jan. Studya nad teratogenic ptakow. [Etudes sur la teratogenie des oiseaux]. Kosmos, Lwow, 33, 1902, (1- 49). 1809 Tur, Jan. Nona serya doswiadczen nad wplywem teratogenetycznym pro- mieai radu na zarodki kurcz^cia. [Nou- velle serie d'experiences sur Faction teratogene des rayons du radium sur les «mbryons de la poule]. Warszawa, Spraw. Tow. Nauk., 1, 1908, (105-116). 1810 Tut, Jan. Nouvelle forme singuliere de blastoderme sans embryon. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (615- 631). 1 Taf. 1811 Turner, Emma L. Exhibition of lantern-slides at the British Ornitho- logists Club. London, Bull. Brit. Omith. €lub, 21, 1908, (82, 83). 1812 Turner, Emma L. Green Wood- pecker versus Starling. Britisli Birds, 2, 1908, (141-145) pi. iv. 1813 Turner, Emma L., and Bahr, 1'. X. The home-life of some Marsh-Birds. 8vo. 1814 Turner, William vide Mullens, W. H. 1815 [Usakov, V. E.] yiiiaKOBTj, B. Oo.io- rH4eCKiH apaOecKH. [Oologische Arabe- sken.] Semja Ochotn., Aloskva, 1908, (58-59). 1816 [Uiakov, V. E.] yiiiaKOB'j., BaJieHTHH-b. JtaypcKJii ()eKacoBii;tHiJii yjIHTt. Pseudoscolopax taczanovskii Verr. (= Erenneles taczanoveldl Verr.) [PseudoacolojMX taczanovakii Verr. [im Gouv. ToljolskJ.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (UOO). 1817 [Usakov, V. E.] ymaKOBt, B. E. Ytkh OKpecTHOCTeii r. Tapbi, Tooo.ib- CKofi ryoepniH. [Die Enten der Um- gebung der Stadt Tara, Gouv. Tobolsk.] Na§a ochota, St. Peterburg, 2, 1908, 5, (17-26). 1818 ^ [Usakov, V. E.] yiuaKOB'B, B. E. Ktj Bonpocy o xexepeBHHbix'i lOKax-B. [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Birkhahn- balz.] Russ. Ochota, St. Peterburg, 1908, 3 (21-23). 1819 [Usakov, V. E.] yuiaKOBt, B. E. JtaypcKin CeKaccoBHaHLiii j.™!!, hjih BepeTeHHiiKij. Pseudoscoloixix tacza- norshii Verr. (Ereimetea taczanovskii Verr.). [Der daurische bekassinenar- tige Wasserlaufer. Pseudoscolopax taczanovskii Verr. {Ereunetes taeza- tiovshii Verr.)] Na§a ochota, St. Peter- burg, 1908, 12, (116-119). 1820 Ussher, R. J. A List of Irish Bii-ds. Dublin, 1908. 8vo. [Review. Witherby, British Birds, 2, (248). 1821 Ussher, R. J. Supposed Black Grouse and Ptarmigan from Irish Caves. British Birds, 2, (167-168). 1822 Vallon, G. Avifauna Friulana. (Cont. e fine). Triest, BoU. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat., 23. 1907, [1908], (93-232). 1823 Van Hempen, Ch. Mammiferes et oiseaux d'Europe et exotiques presentant des anomalies. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (83-87). 1824 Van Hempen, Ch. ]\Iammif^res et oiseaux i^resentant des varietes de colora- tion obtenus depuis 1899. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (88-103). 1825 Vernon, E. W. Successful bird- keeping in cages. Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (204-206). 1826 Vickers, Earnest W. Notes on the Henslow's sparrows {Ammodramus hen- slow'ii in Mahoning countv, Ohio. Wilson Bull., Oberlin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (150-152). 1827 Visentini, Arrigo. Alcune osservazioni suiranatouiia del pancreas degli uccelli. Monitore zool. ital., Eirenze, 19, 1908, (17-27). 1 tav. 1828 Voge, R. Vorkommen des I'olar- falkeu in Schleswig-Holstein. Hciniat, Kiel, 18, 1908, (118). 1829 VSlker, Otomar. Ueber eine proximal von der Epiphyse am Zwischenliirndach 71 .-Ire?. Titles. 5800 auttretende Aussfiilpung bei den Em- brv'oaen von Larua r'ldibuudiis. Anat. An/... Jena. 33. 190S, (170-177). 1830 Voig^, Alwin. Deutsolies Vogelleben. (Aus Xatur u. tJeisteswelt. Bd 221.) Leipzig (B. G. Teubner). 1908, (iv + 156). IS cm. Geb. 1,25 M. 1831 Voigt, W. Altes nnd Neues voni Harz. Ornith. Monatschr., Magdeburg, 33, lOOS, (^38-39). 1832 Vogel, Gotthold. [Grosse Raubmove bei Greiz.] Ornith., Monatschr., Magde- burg, 33, 1908, (251); Entgegnung daniuf V. Bernhard Hantzsch. t.c, (283-284). 1833 Wade, E. W. A Yorkshire Peregrine (Falco peregrinus). Naturalist, London, No. 621, 1908(300), pi. xl. 1834 Wade, E. W. The breeding habits of the common Bittern. British Birds, 1, 1903, (329-334). 1835 Walcher, H. Ueber die Physiologic des Flugs der Tiere. Stuttgart, Jahres- hefte Ver. Natk., 64, 1908, (lii-lxvii). 1836 Wall, F. Vernacular names of some Indian ducks. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18, 1907, (210) ■ 1837 Walton, J. S. S. The Smew {Mergus albellui) in Northumberland. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (73). 1838 Walton, J. S. T. Increase of the Starling in Northumberland. British Birds, 1.1908. (358). 1838a Walton, J. .Smew inland in North- umberland. British Birds, 1, 1908, (3."j8j. 1839 Walton, J. S. T. Crossbill nesting in Northumljerland. British Birds, 1, 1908, (385). 1840 Walton, W. H. The Nightingale in Derbyshire. British Birds, 2, 1908. (60;. 1841 Ward, A. E. Further notes on birds of the Provinces of Kashmir and .Jammu and adjacent Districts. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. .Soc, 18, 1908, (461-464). 1842 Ward, Henrj- B. Internal parasites of Nebraska birds. Annual Report, Ne- braska State Board of Agriculture, Lincoln, Neb., 1900, 1901, (2a5-262j. 1843 Ward, Henry L. Clarke's Nut- cracker from Wisconsin. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (318). 1844 Ward, Henry L. A rapid melanistic and subsequent partial albinistic change in a caged robin. Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc, 6, 1908, (43-47). 1845 Ward, Henry L. An addition to the avifauna of Wisconsin. Milwaukee. Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc, 6, 1908. (124). 1846 Ward, Henry L. Occurrence of a Dovekie at Port Washington, Wis. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (215). 1847 Ward, Henry L. A Black Robin and its albinistic tendencies. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (226- 228). 1848 Warren, Edward R. Northwestern Colorado bird notes. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908, (18-26), map. 1849 Warren, R. Some ornithological notes from Mavo and Sligo. Zoologist London, 12 1908," (75 -76, 229-230). 1850 Warren, R. Muacicapa atricapilla in Ireland. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908,(269). 1851 Warren, R. Unusual site for a Great Black-backed Gull's nest. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (396). 1852 Warren, R. Migration of small birds in Co. iSligo. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (431-432). 1853 Watson, John B. The behavior of Noddy and Sooty Terns. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 2, (Publication No. 103), 1908, (1 87-2.55 j 11 pis. 1854 Watt, H. B. A list of Scottish Heronries, past and present. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908 (211-223). 1855 Watt, H. Boyd. Scottish Heronries. British Birds 2."l908. (244). 1856 WajTie, Arthur T. Three erroneous Georgia records. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. .Ser., 25, 1908, (229-230;. 1857 Wajme, Arthur T. The breeding season of the American Barn Owl (StTix pratincola) in South Carolina. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (21-25). 1858 12. Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Webb, Eoscoe J. Nest - building habits of the chickadee. Bird-Lore, Harrisburg, Pa./S, 1903, (63-64). 1859 Weckman, W. Kanalintujemme vaelluksista. [Ttie Wanderungen der finlandischen Tetraoniden]. Luonnon Ystiiva, Helsiugfors, 8, 190-1, (5-]0). 1860 Weckman, W. Lintutietoja Kuola- j;irvelta. [Xotizen iiber Vogel aus ivuolajarvi.] Luoimon Ystavii, Helsiug- fors, 8, 1907, (28). 1861 Wehr, N. [Verhungerte Schwalben.] Ornitli. ilonatschr., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (80-81). 1862 WeibuU, V. Om sort R0dstjert {{ButlcUla t'ltijs) i Danmark. (Euticilla titijs) in Denmark.] K^beuhavn, Dansk ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 2, 1908, (101-107). 1863 Werner, P. und Koemen, 0. Einiges vom Neste des Pirols, Oriohts orwlus (L.). Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 17, 190S, (152-156). 1864 Werner, P. Das Gelege von Passer viontaniis (L.) Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 18, (68-69, (80-82). ' 1865 Werner, P. Einiges von nnseren Bekassinen. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (313-315). 1866 Wendt, Georg. Beobachtungen an tropischen Vogeln im nordischen Ivlima. llelsingfors. Festschrift fiir Pahnen, No. 17, 1905, (1-9). 1867 Wenzel, Karl. Zur Naturgeschiehte des Kuckucks und seiner Brutpfleger. Ornith. Moiiatsciir., Magdeburg, 33, 1908, (462-175, 494-501). 1868 W[esenbergJ-Lrund], C. [Zur Lebcns- weise v. Ilirimdo riparia u. CincJus aqiiatieus. Intern. Rev. Hydroljiol., Leipzig, 1, 1908, (510-512). 1869 Wetmore, Alex. Notes on some northern Arizona birds. Lawrence, Kan. Univ., Sci. Bull., 4, 1908, (375- 388). 1870 Weygandt, Cornelius. Some birds of Brown's Mills, N.J. Cassinia, Phila- delphia, Pa., No. 11, (1907), 1908, (7-16). 1871 Whistler, H. Pongli notes in ICnst Sussex. Zoologist, London, 12, I DOS, (345-349). 1872 Whitaker, J. Short-eared Owls (Asio- accipitrinus) nesting at Rainworth. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 (467-468). 1873 Whitaker, J. Interesting Ducks in Notts. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908 1^469). ' 1874 Whitaker, J. Supposed Black Wood- pecker in Nottinghamshire. British Birds, 1, 1908, (386). 1875 Whitaker, J. Blue-headed Wagtail in Nottinghamshire. British Birds, 2, 1908, (28). 1876 Whitaker, J. Short-eared Owl breed- ing in Nottinghamshire. British Birds, 2, 1908. (30, 31). 1877 White, H. L. Scone (N.S.W.) Notes., Emu, Melbourne, 7, 1908, (157, 158). 1878 White, S. A. Fulbam (South Aus- tralia) Notes. Emu, Melbourne, 8, 1908,, (97). 187» White, S. J. Swallow's nest built on a glass gas-shade. British Birds, 1, 1908,. (354, 355). 1880 Whitehead, C. II. T. On a new species of Bulbul from Bannu, N.W. frontier of India. London, Brit. Ornith. CI., 21, 1908, (48). 1881 Whitehead, C. H. T. Some additions to the birds of India. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (190-191). 1882 Whitehead, C. H. T. Nesting notes from the N.W. Frontier. Bomtav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (191-193j." 1883 Whymper, S. L. Curious behaviour of Aqiiild hastata the Lesser Spotted Eagle. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soi-., 18,. 1907, (187-188). 1884 Whymper, S. L. Nesting of the Indian (ireatReed Warbler (Acrocep/m/i/.s slciitorctis) in India. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (495). 1884a. Whymper, S. L. Breeding of Hodg- son's -Mai-tin {Clididon ncpalensis) and tile Red-billed Chough(G'cac((h(8c?'c»?//((). Bondjay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, No. 4, 1908, (9U9). 1885 Wigger, B. Ein Elsternest miter dem Ziegeldach. Miinster, Jahresber. Prov- Ver. Wiss., 36, (1907-08), 1908, (22). 1886 Will, Emil. Haben wir in unserer Huimat Sprosser oder Nachtigallen ? 73 Ai^cs. Titles. 5800 Alls d. Posener Lande, Lissa i. P., 3, VMS, (l'5S-2G0). 1887 Willard, F. C. An Arizonsi iiest census. Condor, Hollvwood. Cal., 10, 190S, ^44-45). ■ 1888 Willard, F. C. Huachuca nines. Condor, Hollvwood, Cal., 10, lOOS, (I'OO- 207). ' 1889 Willard, F. C. Three Vireos : Nest- ing notes from the Huachuca mountains. Condor. Hollvwood, Cal., 10, I'.'OS, (230-234). ' 1890 Willett, G. Summer birds of the Upper Salinas vallev and adjacent foot- hills. Condor, Hollywood, Cal., 10, 1908. (137-139). 1891 Williams, Mrs. Nesting of brown- throated 'Conures. AA-icult. Mag. Brighton, 2, 6, 1908, (302-303). 1892 Williams, L. Some old friends. Avicult. ilag. Brighton, 2, 6, I'JOS, (22S-2.30'. ' 1893 wmiams, W. J. Short-eared Owls in L-elaud. British Birds, 1, 1908,(358). 1894 Williams, W. J. Richard's Pii)it (Aiitlius jv'c//fnY/() in Ireland. Zoologist^ London, 12, 1908, (32-33). 1895 Williams, \V. J. Night-Heron (A'ye- ticorax gi-iseus) in Ireland. Zoologist, Ix)ndon, 12, 1908, (33). 1896 Williams, W. J. Ospreys {Pandiou lialiaitus^ in Co. Sligo. Zoologist, London, 12, 1908, (33). 1897 Wilson, Burtis H. Summer birds at Lake ( jeneva. Wis. Wilson Bull., Ober- lin, Ohio, 20, 1908, (47-49). 1898 Winge, Herluf. Fuglene ved de danske Fyr i 1906 ; 24de Aarsberetning om danske Fugle. [The birds at the Danish lighthouses in 1900. 24th annual report] fDanish) Kobenhavn, Nath. Medd., 1907, 1908, (41-108j. 1 map. 1899 Winkler, Hans. Schlagt der Wan- derfalke Ziesel ? Falco, Leipzig. 4, 1908, (8-9j. 1900 Witherby, H. F. The Little Bunting in Norfolk. London, Bull. Brit. Oniith. CI. 23, 1908, (28;. 1901 Witherby, H. F. On a new species of Bullliiich from the south coast of the Caspian Sea. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, 1908, (48> 1901a Witherby, H. F. On the occurrence of riiiihiis TjelJioudnus in Yorkshire. London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23, ISIOS. (48). 1902 Witherby, H. F. Wood-Pigeon Dijjh- theria. Zoologist, Loudon," 12, VMS. (70 771 190a Witherby, H. F. Black Kedsi.ut near Dublin. British Birds, 1, 19U8, (324). 1904 Witherby, H. F. Sale of a Great Auk's egg. British Birds, 1, 1908, (328. 358-359). 190& Witherby, 11. F. lien-Harriers nest- ing in Sussex^- Montagu's Harriers. British Birds, 1, 1908, (351-354). 1906 Witherby, H. F. Tlie Birds of Fair Isle. Britisli l]irds, 1, 1908, (381-384), 1907 Witherby, If. F. A plan for marking birds. BritishBirds, 2, 1908, (35). 1908- Witherby, H. F. Cuckoo and nest of Iledge-Sparrow. British Birds, 2, 1908, (66). 1909 Witherby, H. F. Incubation periods- in Sea-birds. BritishBirds, 2, 1908,(64- 06). 19 la Witherby, H. F. Pallas's Sand- Grouse in England. British Birds, 2,, 1908, (98). 1911 Witherby, II. F. Great Grey Shrikes in Srotland. British Birds, 2, 1908, (1.38, 139). 1912 Witherby, H. F. Domed nests of Jackdaws. British Birds, 2, 1908, (139- 140). 19ia Witherby, H. F. Wood-pigeon "Dipli- theria." liritish Birds, 2, 1908, (190). 1914 Witherby, H. F. The Levantine .Shearwater in British waters. Britisli Birds, 2, 1908, (206-208). 1915 Witherby, H. F. Pallas's Sand- fi rouse in Esse.x. British Birds, 2>. 1908, (208). 1916 Witherby, H. F. Glossy Ibises iit Northuiiilierland and Cornwall. British Birds, 2, 19U8, (244). 191T Witherby, H. F. Little Bunting iu Norfolk. I'.ritish Birds, 2, 1908, (2.38). 1918; Witherby, H. F. The Great Spotted Wood])ecker as a breeding bird in Scotland. Britisli Birds, 2, 1908, (238, 239;. 19ia 74 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Witherby, H. F. Report on the im- migrations of summer residents in the spring of 1907, etc. [Revievr]. Witherbv, British Birds, 2, 190S, ('247, 248;. 1920 Witherby, H. F. Review of Ussher's List of Irish Birds. Britisli Birds, 2, 1908, (248). 1921 Witherby, H. F. and Pycraft, W. P. British Birds — Editorial Note. British Birds, 2, 1905, (1-4). 1922 Witberby, H. F. and Ticehurst, N. F. On the more important additions to our knowledge of British Birds since 1899. British Birds, 1. (246 2.36, 280-284, ,314-322, 347-350) and 2, (24-27, 51-57, 33-87, 125-129, 146-150, 228-229). 1923 Witberby, H. F. and Ticehurst, N. F. The spread of the Little Owl from the chief centres of its introduction. British Birds, 1, 1908, (335-342). 1925 Wodzlnska, Jadwiga. Homologia odno^y przyustnych u owadow. [La Lomologie des extremites pr^maxillaires chez les insectes]. Wszechswiat, War- szawa, 27, 1908, (151-152). 1926 Wolcott, R. H. On migration records and on our Nebraska records. Annual Report. Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. Lincoln, Neb., 1900,1901, (278-285). 1927 Wood, J. Claire. The Savanna Sparrow breeding in Detroit and Hamtramck village, Michigan. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Sen, 25, 1908, (223). 1928 Wood, J. Claire. Corrections to "A list of the land birds of southeastern Michigan." Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (230-232). 1929 Wood, J. Claire. Bird notes from southeastern Michigan. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, J 008, (324- 327). 1930 Wood, Norman A. Notes on the spring migration (1907) at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (10-15). 1931 Wood, Norman A. Some records of the fall migration of 1900. Lansing, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci„ 9, 1907, (166- 171). 1932 Wood, W. M. Late nests of the Great Crested and Little Orebes. British Birds, 2, 1908, (242, 243). 1933 Woodruff, E. Seymour. A prelimin- ary list of the birds of Shannon and Carter coimties, Missouri. Auk, Cam- bridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, (191- 214). 1934 Woodruff, E. Seymour. Nesting habits of the Henslow's Sparrow. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, (111- 11.3). 1935 Wright, Jane Atherton. The Logger- head Shrike in Massachusetts. Bird- Lore Harrisburg, Pa., 5, 1903, (122- 124). 1936 Wright, M. A. Bird protection around Cardiff : some existing anomalies. Car- diff, Trans. Nat. Soc. 40, 1908 (37-42) 1937 Yates, .J. Waxwing {Am'pel'is garrulus) iu Banffshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinburgh, 1908, (118). 1938 Yates, J. M. St. John. Woodchat in Cheshire. British Birds, 2, 1908, (60). 1939 Young, M. Pied Flycatcher nesting in Avreshire. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh, 1907 (247), and British Birds, 2, 1908, (139). 1940 Zaitscbek, A. Ueber die Verteilung des Lebendgewichtes anf die Organe beim Hnlin. Landw. Jahrb., Berlin, 37, 1908, (150-171). 1941 [Zarudnyi, N.] SapyaHBift, H. nOMtCb MCiKJty KpaKBOfi II KpaCHOHO- CblMT. HLipKOMi). Anas boscJias L. x Ketta rujiiia Pall. [Ein Bastard von Stockente uud Kolbeneute, Anas bosehas L. X Netta rufina Pall.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (176-184). 1942 Zarudnyi, N. vide Sarudny. Zedlitz, Otto Graf. Ein ueuer Sperling aus Siid-Tunesien. Ornith. Monats- ber., Berlin, 16, 1908, (41-44). 1943 Zedlitz, Otto Graf. Kurze Notizen zur Ornis von Nordost-.\frika. Ornith. Monatsber., Berlin, 16, 11)08, (172-181). 1944 Zedlitz, Otto. Graf. Hat die im Winter niedergegangene Regemnenge einen Einfluss aiif das Brutgeschaft einzolner Vogel im Chott-Gebieto sudii(;]i des Atlas? J. Ornith., Leipzig, 56, 1908, (480-487). 1945 Zeyk, Karoly. .A. fecskek elorelatasa. [Umsicht der Schwalben.] .Acjuila, Budapest, 14, 1907, (324-325). 1946 Ziegler, Georg, vide Mushacke. 75 Ave3. Sdbjbot Indbx. — Biography, Etc. 5803 Ziegler, Valentin. Ein Beitiao; zur FortptlanziuiiJCS^eschiohte des giiinfiis- sipen Teiohlmhus. Ornitli. Monatsi'lir., Magdflnu-.t:. 33, 190S, ^.530-531). 1947 Zietzschmann, Otto. Ueber eine eigenartiiie Lirenzzone in der Schleim- haut zwisclien Muskelmagen iind Duodenum beim Vogel. Auat. Anz., Jena, 33, lOOS, (45G-4G0). 1947a Zimmermaiin, Rud. Der Vogelzug auf Hela ini Fuiilijahr und Herbst 1907 uuJ anderes von dort. Dauzig, Ber. bot-zool. Ver., 30, 1908, (262-274). 1948 Zimmennann, Rud. Brutuotizen zur Rochlitzer Ornis 1907. Zs. Oologie, Berlin, 17, 1908, (180-184). 1949 11.— SUBJECT INDEX. X.B. — For full Reference vide Titles. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL 5803 History and Biography. Some early Britisli ornithologists and their works; Mullens, 1184. Some early American ornithologists. 1. Mark Catesby ; Stone, 1684: 2. William Bartrani ; Stone, 1685 : 3. Benjamin Smith Barton ; Stone, 1686 ; 4. Alexander Wilson ; Stone, 1687. Correction. In reference to "the mystery of the Small-headed Flycatcher " in paper on Alexander Wilson by F. L. Burns ; Stone, 1690. An unpublished letter of Audubon to his family ; Deane, 474. Unpublished letters of introduction carried by John James Audubon on his Missouri river expedition ; Deane, 475. The King cameos of Audubon ; Mer- riam, 1144. The copper plates of the folio edition of Audubon's " Birds of America," with a brief sketch of the engravers ; Deane, 477. Pennant's "Indian Zoologv " ; Allen, 33. [Blasius, Dr. Rudolph, Obituary vide Finach, O.] ' 578a Ludwig Holtz ; Schalow, 1523. Adolphus L. Ileermann, M.D. ; Stone, 1688. Alexander Wilson, witli bibliography ; Burns, 281. History of the Maine Ornithological society ; Swain, 1704. Troceedings of the Twelfth Annual greeting of the Maine ornithological society ; Swain, 1703. American Ornithologists' Union. Twenty-fifth stated meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, re- ported by Jno. H. Sage, secretary. Auk, Cambridge, Mass., N. Ser., 25, 1908, pp. 74-80. .\ustralasian Ornithologists' Union, Seventh (.Sydney) Session ; Emu Mel- bourne 7 pp. 122-137. Ornithological work in North Carolina. Presidential address ; Pearson, 1319. liCs faucons du roi Henrv IV ; Hamy, 747. The bird-life in Copenhagen fifty years ago (Danish) ; Gram, 665a. Balaeniceps rex. History ; Flower, 593. Reply to "Con-ection" by Witmer Stone ; Bums, 282. Life history of the California condor. Part 2. Historical data and range of the condor ; Finley, 576. Treatises, Bibliography, Etc. Catalogue of a collection oi^ books on ornithology in the library of Frederic Gallatin, jun. New York, 1908, (178). Ergiinzaugcn fnen neuen Naumann ; Kl[einsctmiidt], 949. A list of books relating to British Birds ; Mullens, 1183. Ornithologische Literatur Oesterreich- Ungams und des Okkupatioiisgebietes 1906 ; Tscbusi zu Sclimidhoffen, 1788. ilit Nachtragen zu dfjn friiheren Be- richten ; Tschusi zu Scljmidhoflen, 1789. Institutions, Collections, Technique. Die Wagnersche Vogelsammlung ; BodnAr, 197. List of the birds in the Rhodesia Museum ; Chubb, 393. 76 Aves, XVIL Aves. [1908] Die Glieinannsche Vogelsammlung ; Geyr von Schweppenburg, 630. Katalog der Collection von Erlaneer in Nieder-Ingelheim a. Rh. ; Hilgert, 832. Systematischer Katalog der Wirbel- thiere des Zoologischen Museums der Kais. Uuiversitat Kazan. (Russ.; ; Lavrov, 998. Eine Vorrichtiing znm ]el>eiiswannen Fixieren und leichten Transportieren der Eileitereier der Vogel ; Rbthig-, 1474. The iise of a blind in the study of bird-life ; Chapmaja, 368. Economics. Birds in their relation to agriculture ; Bruner, 261. Birds of California in relation to the fruit industr}- ; Beal, 124. Xutzen und Schaden von Yogeln. (Russ.) ; Kaigorodov, 919. Vogel Oder Insekten, Pro Echneumo- niden kontra Aves oder umgekehrt ? ; Schuster, 1557. The relation of birds to the cotton boll weevil ; Howell, 861. The prolificness of the English spar- row; Reese, 1398. Schaden von Cieonia ciconia (L.) im Gefliigelhof. (Ungarish und deutsch) ; Racz, 1385. Schaden von Perdix pei-dix im Mais. (Ungarisch und deutsch] ; Racz, 1386. Nutzen und den Schaden von Coi-vus eornix. Finnish; Renvall, 1422.— Scha- den von Corvus comix (Ungarisch und deutsch); Medreczky, 1129. Schaden der ileisen im Mohn (Un- garisch und deutsch) ; Ertl, 543. Richfigstcllung betrefVs Rotkopfwiir- ger-luvasion ; Schuster, 1553. Nutzlichkeit von Culacus moncdula (L.) (Ungarisch itod deutsch) ; Greschik, 691. Parua major L. als Maikofervertilgcr. (Ungariscli und deutsch) ; Tarjan, 1717. 0/;.s /,()•(/'( in der Gefangenschaft ; 6erepova, 348. Unser Hausgefliigel ; Pfennigstorff, 1337. Zur frage iiber die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Bussarde, ilagenunter- suchungen von 1897-1907 ; Rorig, 1472. A parasitic fly injurious to our native birds, Protoealliphora clirysorrhaea ; Henshaw, 815. Die Aasgeier Brasilieus ; Saeftel, 1489. (ieier und Rabe als Leichenbestatter- Ethnographische Beitrage zur Einali- rungs geschichte der aasfressenden Vogel ; Sprenger, 1668. Uber die Schiidlichkeit unserer fischenden Vogel ; Schuster, 1562. Wood Pigeon Diphtheria ; Ticehurst, 1749. Wood-Pigeon diphtheria ; Witherby, 1903. Malignant tumours in birds, with observations on the changes in the blood ; Mittam, 1145. Bii'd-Protection, Aviculture and Acclimatisation. Staatliche Mittel und Institutionen fur den praktischen Vogelschutz in Ungarn ; Csorgey, 447. Einiges iiber das neue Vogelschutz- gesetz ; Boxberger, 225. Die hemige Tatigkeit der U.O.C. auf dem Gebiete des praktischen Vogel- schutzes ; Csorgey, 448. Does it pay the farmer to protect birds ? ; Henshaw, 816. International convention for the pro- tection of birds ; Herman, 821. How to attract ;ind protect wild birds ; Hiesemann, 831. Der Vogelschutz gegeniiber dem Jagd- und Fischereischutz ; Jacob! von Wan- gelin, 894. Jagdschutz, Fischereischutz luid Vouelschutz ; Jacob! von Wangelin, 893. Bird protection around Cardiff r Wright, 1937. Successful bird-keeping in cages ; Vernon, 1826. Akklimatisation von Fasanen in Russ- land (Russ.j ; Cerepova, 351. Von meinen Vogeln ; Braun, 238. 77 Aves. Subject Index. — GRiTEiiAL — Structure. 5807 Notes on my birds ; Alderson, 8. A novice's aviaries ; Temple, 1728. Pathologische Erselu>iiuuiireii bei jrefaugenea N'ogeln ; Braun, 238. Wood-swallows breeding in captivity ; Brook, 263. Aufnicht von Pcrd'ix cincrca in der Gefangenschaft (Russ.) ; Cerepova, 350. Rollidiis roulroul ; Astley, 72. Nesting of the "White-crested Touraco ; AsUey, 73a. Ectopi.'ryon de poule sur le jaune; Rabaud, 1381. Les phenomenes respiratoires et les V'orrelations physiologiques chez I'em- biyon ; Rabaud,* 1380. Sur les changements qui se produisent, apres la ponte, dans I'aspect exterieur •de la cicatricule de I'oeuf non feconde de la ijoule ; Lecaillon, 1001. Sur les modifications qui peuvent se produire dans la structure de la cicatri- cule de I'ceuf non feconde des oiseaux; XecaiUon, 1000. An open cleft in the pmliryonic eye of a cliick of eight days ; Landman, 988. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Schliisselbeines und der Halshautmusku- latur bei den Vogeln und iin liesonderen iieim Kanarienvogel ; KulczycM, 982. Die EntwicklungundMorphologie der Embryonaldunen der Taube. (Unga- Tisch) ; Kordoss, 973. Le diamant dupnulet; devcloppenient xnorphologique ; Branca, 231. Amitosis in the pigeon's egg; Pat- terson, 1308. Pancreas. Contribute alio studio del suo sviluppo ; Giannelli, 639. Eiitwicklung der Kopfnerven (Russ.) ; Belogolovgi, 146. Die regeneration der quergestreiften ]Muskelfasern bei den Sauropsiden ; :Scliinincke, 1544. l'"-xpcriinentelle Studien iiber die Ent- stehung des Blutes und der ersteu Ge- fiisse beini Hiihnchen ; Habn, 734. Ueber die Blutl/ililniig ini Doltorsack < hypoleucos Bon ; Magaud d'AubuBBon, 1089. Larus camis im Hafen von Helsingfors wjihrend des Winters (Finnisch) ; Suomalainen, 1696. lAiru>< ridibunJits, canus und fusciis im Hafen von Helsingfors (Finnisch); Suomalainen, 1697. ' )l)servations on a tame Loon ; Town- send, 1777. The Ijehaviour of Anous stolidus and Stenm ftdiginosa ; Watson, 1854. Nestor notah'dis notes on ; Marriner, 1100. Lebensweise von Scolopax japonica solitana im Siid-Ussuri-Gebiet (Russ.j ; Medv§dev, 1131. Observations on Fringilla eoelehu (Danish) ; Mortensen, 1175. Lanius excubitor als Meisenfeind (Ungarisch and deutschj ; Nozdroviczky, 1261. I^bensgewahnheiten. Melanitta nigra (Russ.) ; PoUakov, 1351. Lebensweise, Guwohnlieiten, Ereich- rung. Sterna fluviatilis (Russ.) ; Pcliakov, 1355. Schadlichkeit des Garrulus glau- darius (Ungarisch und deutsch); Tilscli, 1765. Ways of the Emu ; McLeannan, 1085. (n-10332^) Characteristic traits of the Tasnianian ^lagpie ; M'Clymont, 1072. Crouching habit of Stone Curlew ; Farren, 566. Climbing movements of the Green Woodpecker; Feilden, 569. Wood Pigeon swiunuiiig; Macpherson, 1087. Food-habits. Dor grosse Buutspecht im Rohrwald ; Baer, 79. The blue jay'a food ; Barber, 99. Bemerkuugen zu ,,Vdgel und Insek- ten" [von W. Schuster] ; Bau, 121. Positive Daten liber die Nahrimg un- serer Vogel (Ungarisch und deutsch); Csiki, 445. Die Heuschreckenplage auf dem Hortobagy im J. 1907 und die Vogel- welt (Ungarisch u. deutsch) ; Schenk, 1527. Mageninhalt javanischer \'ogel (Hol- landisch) ; Koningsberger, 970. Zur Frage iiber die wirtscliaftliche Bedeutung der Bussarde. Magenunter- suchuugen von 1897-1907 ; Rorig, 1472. Mageninhalt eiues Falco pcrcgrinua (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Nesnera, 1204. Neuere Daten iiber die Nahrung von Falco ])eregrinus (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Nagy, 1196. Mageninhalt einiger Vogel ; Rey, 1432. Lead j)oisoning in ducks caused by eating shot ; McAtee, 1068 : Bowles, 221. Food habits of the Grosbeaks ; McAtee, 1070. Birds tliat eat scale insects ; McAtee, 1067. Fischverzehrende Vogel als Insekten- fresser; Torka, 1772. The feeding of Lories ; Brook, 252. The Worm-eating Warbler ; Bums, 284. Wie fi-cht Ardea cinerea (L.)?; Detmers, 481. Tlie Starling eats pears ; Davis, 468. (Jyster-Catcher's method of feeding on the edible mussel ; Dewar, 487. d 14—3 84 Ave 8. XVII. Aves. [1908] Food habits of Cyancitta cristata ; Dyche, 524. The food of the Ci-ow Blackbird ; Garmau, 620. White-browed Babl^Iers as pillagers ; Gibson, 642. Mosquitoes destroyed liy the Night- hawk ; Jennings, 896. Wie der Kiebitz frisst (Norw.j ; Kielland, 935. Depredatoiy habits of Vultures ; Taylor, 1723.' Fund of the Bhu-k-headed Gull; Laidlaw, 985. Food of the Bronzed Grackle ; Miller, 1163. Fooil-haliits of Dendwopus major: Selous, 1583. Food of the Black-headed Gull ; Stewart-Menzies, 1679. Food of tlie Black-headed Gull; Thorpe & Hope, 1747. Nahrung von Tetrao tetrix au Jenissei (Russ.) ; Tug-arinov, 1801. Migration. lligratiou of Hooded Crows ; Alex- ander, 18. September movements of Shearwaters ; Aplin, 55. The chimney swift ; Bailey, 84. Die Ankunft der Vogel in Bralia in Humanien im Friihjahre 1908 ; BatscM, 119. Mexican Motmots ; Beebe, 141. September movements of Shearwaters ; Booth, 208. Observations made on Sable Island, Nova .Scotia, 1907 ; Bouteiller, 217. Besuch des Syrrlmptcs paradoxus in Europa ; Brandt, 233. Migration reports, 1907 ; Brownson, 256. Migration notes during the spring of 1908 at Cape Elizabeth, Maine; Brown- son, 255. Two thousand Common Terns in Bluff island colony ; Brownson, 259. Visit to a colony of Laughing Gulls ; Brownson, 258. Arrival of migratory birds at Great Fakenham, Suffolk ; Caton, 346. Note on the migration of warblers from the Bahamas to Florida ; Chapman, 363. Gardiner's island ; Chapman, 361. The bird-life of Cobb's island ; Chap- man, 360. The Fish Hawks of Gardiner's island ; Chapman, 367. Reniarquable passage de Grues ; Chappellier, 369. Dateu zur Vogelfauna Uugarns ; Chemel, 371. Observations sur Farrivee de plusieurs Oiseaux, faites a la Baumette, pres Angers, de 1874 a 1908 ; Cheux, 373. A visit to a colony of Bank Swallows ; Cleaves, 408. Averaging migration dates ; Cooke, 427. The migration of Flj'-catchers ; Cooke, 431. The migration of Thrushes ; Cooke, 430. Bird migration in the District of Columbia ; Cooke, 422. The migration of Warblers ; Cooke, 429. Bird i-oosts and routes ; Cummings, 449. Distribution of the Cirl Bunting in North Wales ; Cummings, 453. Local liird-migratiou in India ; Dewar, 485. Charakter des Durchzugs von Syr- rhaptes paradoxw< im Gouv. Woronesh, 1908 (Russ.); Dmitriev, 495. Zum Abzutic der Sf>g]er und Schwal- ben 1 907 ; Dobbrick, 497. A long-drawn-out migrat ion, its causes and consequences ; Eifrig, 533. Dates of departure in tlie fall migra- tion at Ottawa ; Eifrig, 535. Swifts returning to different colonies at different times ; Elliot, 537. The spring migration of 1907 in the vicinity of Chicago ; Ferry, 573. Wild birds visiting Giza Gardens; Flower ^ NicoU, 594. 85 Aves. Subject Index. — Ethology. 5819 Kii'hligstolluii^' liotrcftV Rolkniil- wiirfjer-lnvasion ; Gtengler, 622. Report on the iiiiniigratioiis of simimer residents in the sjjriiii: of 1907 and the miiseaux iles Phosphorites du Quercy ; GaiUard, 618. GEOGRAPHY. 5827 PALAE ARCTIC REGION. General. Plan fur die Untersuclmng der Vogcl- fauna in topographischer Beziehnng. (Schwedisch) ; Palmen, 1290. Vogel des ^^'eltrneereK. Die Meeres- vogel der ostlichen Erdhalfte ; Reichenow, 1401. (^omnt'ihis r.remita in Europa; Klein- sclunidt, 951. Ein neuer Besuch des Faust- oder Steppenhuhns (Syrrhaptea paradoxus) in Europa ; Brandt, 233. Bean Geese of Asia; Buturlin, 316. I'^ggs of Birds of Europe ; Dresser, 513 : Jourdain, 911. Miscellanea Ornithologica, Ci'itical, Nomenchxtorial and other notes, mostly iiM Pahearctic birds and their allies; Hartert, 766. Atlantic. I>ie Viigel der Canaren ; Folatzek, 1349. Einige Benierkungen zur Ornis der amarisciien Inseln ; Sassi, 1509. Calandrella minor subsp. n. diatincia nnd Oedicnemus ocdicnemua subsp. n. nisidanun von den Canaren ; Sassi, 1509. Tagoliuch-Notizen aus Madeira ; Schmitz, 1546. Die \'c)gel der Madeira-Inse'grnppe ; Schmitz, 1545. I'.iu Sanimelussflug nach La Plata, liicrro nnd Fuerteventura ; Thanner, 1732. Beitrag zur Lebensweise von Pyr- rhula pyrrhtda murina ; Thanner, 1731. Arctica. Ober das Studium der arktischen Vogel ; Hantzch, 748. Arktischc Reisen im Sommer 1905 u. 1907 ; Koenig, 968. Reiseskiz/pii und Vogelbilder aus dem lioheu Norden ; Koenig, 965. Novajii Senilja, Lujopn.-^ miitus (Rnss.) ; Buturlin, 306. Xuvaja Semlja, Avea (Rnss.); Molcanov, 1165. Nowaja Semlja, Lagopus mulus (Russ) ; Nosilov, 1260. Norway. I'.irds of the Graak Mountain ; Serle, 1585. Sweden and Finland. Die Verbreitung einiger A^ogel in Enare-Lappmark (Schwedisch) ; Granit, 666. Idensalini Mormon arcticus ; Aschan, 71. 94 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Ideusalmi Mormon arcticus aus by S., E W (Finnisch) ; Luonnon Ystavii, Helsingfors, 7, 1903. (29). In Piikkis in Finland erlegtes Fla- mingo (Sc}l^^•edisch) ; Hintze, 839. FuJica atra nordlich von Brahestad erlegt ^SchwediscW ; Hintze, 841. Kahlaajia Eantasalmella ja Kuopiossa by S., E. W. [Grallatores aus Ranta- sabni und Kuopio] ; Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 7, 1903, (28-29). Uria troile, var. hrunnicUi tagen i landets im-e dela. [Ur'ia troile, var. hrimnichii, in den inneren Teilen des Landes erbeutet]. SiUffrisslan. .Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 11, 1903, (1-6). Omithologische Notizen (Finnisch); Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 12, 1908, (104-105). Coccothraustes vulgaris (Finnisch) ; Mela, 1134. Seltene ilowen aus Lappland (Schwe- disch) ; Montell, 1171. Podiceps minor in Lappland nistend (Schwedisch) ; Montell, 1170. Upnpa epops in Lappland (Schwe- disch) ; Montell, 1169. Einige fiir Lappland neue Nistvogel (Schwedisch) ; Montell, 1168. Ornitologische Mitteiluugen (Schwe- disch) ; Renvall, 1424, Verbreitung von Phalacrocorax carlo (Finnisch) ; Suomalainen, 1695. Plialaropux inlicnriiis und Coracias garrula (Fii^isch) ; Suomalainen, 1695a. Pastor roseus Finland (Finnisch) ; Suomalainen, 1700. Die Vogelfauna der Umgebungen des Kallavesi-Sees in nordlichen Savo (Savo- lak8^, Finland (Finnisch) ; Suomalainen, 1698. Ornitologische Mitteilungen (Schwe- disch) ; Tegengren, 1724. Una troile, var. briinnichii, in den inneren des Landes (Schwedisch); Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 11, 1903, (1-6). Sfltcnerr Vogel (Schwedisch); Tu- kiainen, 1806. Getotete Exeinplare von Syrnium lapponicum und Simiia nyctea (bchwe- dischj ; Tukiainen, 1805. Notizen iiber Vogel aus Kuolajarvi (Finnisch) ; Weckman, 1861. Iceland. Sea round Iceland (Danish); Sa- mundsson, 1490. Notes in Iceland ; Smith, 1629. Notes on Rock Ptarmigan, Harlequin Duck ; Smith, 1633. Denmark. Passage of birds at Kolding in Jut- land October 1906 ; Hagerup, 732. The birds at the Danish lighthouses in 1906 ; 24th annual report (Danish) ; Winge, 1899. PiUiclUa titjs in Denmark (Danish) ; WeibuU, 1863. Russia. Kaukasus und Asien, Phasianus ,Ru8s.) ; Alpheraky et BiancM, 37. Verbreitmig in Europa u. Asien, MontifringiUa, PijrgWauda und Onyrho- spiza (Russ.) ; Bianchi, 167. Verbreitung der Formen von Pyr- rliula (Russ.) ; Bianchi, 171. Geogi-aphical distribution of the forms of Picidae ; Buturlin, 302. Verbreitunti von Budytca citreola (Russ.) ; Buturlin, 304. Ornithologisches aus den nissischeu Ostseeprovinzen ; Grev^, 693. Das Sandflughuhn Syrrhaptcs para- doxus (PaU.) ini europaischen Russland 1908 ; Lorenz, 1047. Vogelzugstrassen des europaischen Russlands (Russ.); Ognev, 1267. Vogelzugsdaten aus Russland ; Pascsenko, 1304. Gouv. St. Petersburg, Aves (Russ.); Bianchi, 169. Vogelzugsdaten aus Sankt Petersburg (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Kaygorodoff, 924. Eine omithologische Fahrt an die Matzal Wiek; Loudon & Buturlin, 1050. Der Vogelzug i- /■ l^OS. Koselsk, Gouv. Kaluga, Russland ; Gefied. ^^ elt, Magdeburg, 37, 1908, (239). 95 Alts Subject Index. Geooraphv — rALAEARonc. 5827 Gouv. Simbirsk, NucifriKjii ruri/n- ■•atartcs maci'orhynchya (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 311. Estlaud Avifauna (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 315. ^ oyelziigdaten aus Saokt Petersburg; Kaygorodorfl, 924. (iouv. Archangelsk, Aves (Russ.); Moiaanov, 1165. Ciouv. Moskau, Lebeusweise, Aves Russ.); MoBOlov, 1176. Gouv. Orel, Aves (Russ.) ; Ognev, 1268. Gouv. Moskau, Sterna iluviatilis (Russ.) ; PoUakov, 1355. Gouv. Moskau, Sijrrhaptes paradoxu)< (Russ.) ; PoUakov, 1353. Gouv. iloskau, Melanitta nigra (Russ.) ; PoUakov, 1351. Gouv. ^^oska^, Chaidelasmna strcpcnis (Russ.) ; PoUakov, 1350. Gouv. yh^sksiU, Stercori roaeus (Russ.j; Severus, 1599. \Vinterfauna in Krasuojarsk. (Russ.) ; Tugarinov, 1803. 'jouv. .Jenissei. Aves (Russ.j ; Tu- garinov, 1800. Gentralsibirien und Gouv. Jakutsk Bemerkenswerthe Vogelfunde (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 307. Phoenlcopterun roscna auf einem Irr- tliige durch Sibirien ; Jobansen, 901. Gouv. Tobolsk. Benicrkenswerthe Vogelfunde (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 309. Gouv. Tobolsk, Pseudosc.olopax tacza- novskii (Russ.) ; Usakov, 1817. ( !ouv. Tobolsk, Enten. (Russ.) ; Usakov, 1818. Gouv. Tomsk, Plioenicopterus ruber (Russ.) ; Kopylov, 972. (jebiet 'I'onisk, Avifauna (Russ.); Johansen, 900. Manchuria, Japan, Korea. Xord-westliche Mongolei, Aves (Russ.); Dorogostajskij, 508. Birds of Saghalin ; Lonnberg, 1043. A hand-list of the birds of Japan; Ogawa, 1266. Mediterraneo-Persic Province. Turgai-Gebiet, ostliches Uralgebiet, Avifauna (Russ.) ; Suskln, 1701. (jebiet Semipalatinsk, Benierkens- Averthe Vogelfunde (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 308. Turkestan, Deudroco^ws major (Kuss.); Buturlln, 311. Xord-ost Turkestan, Beitrage zur Avifauna (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 313. Flamingos im Gebiet Semipalatinsk (Russ.) ; Plotnlkov, 1348. Beitrage zur Vogelfauna Centralasions. II. [Sammlung v. G. MerzbacherJ; Schalow, 1522. Siidwest-Transkaukasien, Bemerkens- werthe Vogelfunde (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 307. Nord Kaukasien, Bemerkenswerthe Vogelfunde (Russ.) ; Buturlln, 308. Kreis Berdjansk, Durchzug des Step- penhuhns (Russ.) ; Jegorov, 895. Vogel des Guuv. Kutais (Russ.) ; Kobylin, 959. European Province. Germany. Ornithologische Beobachtungen aus der Umgegend von Beuthen O.-S. ; Kayser, 925 & 926. 96 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Berichtigimgeii. Betr. Fauna v. Ham- burg u. weiterer Umgebung ; Erolm, 980. Verzeichuis der auf dem Danziger Stadtgraben und in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft vorkommenden bezw. briitenden Vogel ; Ibarth, 874. Avifaima von Vorpouamem und Rii- gen ; Hiibner, 862. Westsacbsen, Numenius, Tringa, Aquila ; Heyder, 829. Beobachtungen und Aufzeiclmtingeu in der Cmgegend von Leipzig wahrend des Jahres 1906 ; Hesse, 827.' Ornithologisches von Fohr. ; Henne- mann, 808. Megalestris skua in Sachsen ; Heller, 797. LetjUoseoptis honelln ; Haecker, 728. Seltenlieiten der Avifauna von Gera i. J. 1907 ; Feustel, 574. Zur Avifauna der Tucbeler Heide ; Dobbrick, 499. Beobachtungen iiber den Friihlingszug der Vogel in der Tucheler Heide im Jahre 1907 ; Dobbrick, 498. Brutort seltene r Vogel, Mark Branden- burg; Dirksen, 491. Die Seevogel 'an den deutschen Kiis- ten und die Bestrebungen des Vereins ,,Jordsand" ; Dietrich, 489. Die Vogelwelt der deutschen Kiisten und die Bestrebungen des Vereins Jordsand zur Schaffung von Vogelfrei- statten ; Dietrich, 490. Ornithologischer Bericht iiber Mecklenburg fund Liibeck) fiir das Jahr 1906; Cloecht in den Wald(>ru rimd um die Wetterau and uberhau)>t in Gesamt-Hessen ; Schuster, 1556. Welche Vogelarten siud iu Deutscli- land durch die ,,Meusclienk.ultur" ausge- storljen ? ; Schuster, 1561. Die Oruis des Mainzer Beckens nud der angrenzenden Gebiete ; Schuster, 1563. Der Vogelzug im Votjelsberg iui Herbst 1907 ; Schuster, 1552. luvasion des rotkopfigeu Wiirgers am hfssischeu Rhein, Steinsperlinge ? ; Schuster, 1560. Die .Storchnester in Hessen-Nassau ; Schuster, 1564. Ornithologische Ankunftsdaten West- phalen ; Simons, 1610. Jakresbericht (1907) der Vogelwarte Rossitten der Deutschen Ornithologi- schen Gesellschaft ; Thienemann, 1741. Die Eimvanderungen des Steppen- huhnes {Syrrhaptes paradoxus) in Deutschland ; Thienemann, 1738. Vogelwarte Rossitten ; Thienemann, 1739. Loeustella fluviatilis ; Tischler, 1768. Grosse Raubmove bei Greiz; Vogel, 1833. Deutscbes Vogelleben ; Voi^, 1831. Altes und Neues vom Ilarz ; Voigt, 1832. Haben wir in unserer Heimat Sprosser Oder Nacbtigallen ? ; Will, 1887. (N-10332 g) Brutuotizen zur Rocblitzer Oruis 1907 ; Zimmermann, 1949. Der \'ogelzug auf Ilela im Friibjabr uud Ilerbst 1907 und anderes von dort; Zimmermann, 1948. France. Observations on the bird-life in the eastern French Pyrenees (Danish) ; Arctander, 57. Notes at Avignon ; Fowler, 611. Les oiseaux des phosphorites du Quercy ; Gaillard, 618. Tetrax tetrax en Bourgogne ; Paris, 1292. Spain. Friibjahrszug Krachi, 976. 1908 in Madrid ; Italy. Avifauna Friulana; VaUon, 1823. Notizie ornitologiche per la provincia di Roma ; Chigi, 375. CoUezione omitologica dolla villa del Monti presso Certaldo ; Arrigoni degli Oddi, 70. Die zweite iu Italien erbeutete russ- braune Seescliwalbe, Onychoprion fuligi- nosiuu ; Beaux, 127. Calandrella minor iu Italien ; Beaux, 128. Faima ornitologica del ifodeuese ; Picaglia, 1342. Avifauiui della provincia di Macerata ; Ricci, 1433. Switzerland. Die Raucbschwalbe und ihr Zug iu der Schweiz ; Fischer-Sigwart, 581. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur ostwestlicheu Finwanderung der Fauna in die Schweiz ; Burg, 281. Austria-Hungary. Tadorna tadorna (L.j ira Komitate Hunyad (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Barthos, 116. Xidiologische und oologische Beob- achtungen ; Cerva, 352. Daten zur Vogelfauna Ungams (Un- garisch und deutscb; ; Chemel, 371. d 15 98 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Staatliche Mittel und Iiistitutionen fiir praktisclien Vogelscliutz in Ungarn ; Csorgey, 447. Vorkommen von Turdiis pilaris im Sommer fUngarisch und deutsch) ; GrescMk, 692. Locust eUa lanceolata und Forzana pusilla intermedia neu fiir Siid-Dalma- tien ; Grossmann, 705. Astur hrevipes Brutvogel in Siid- Dalmatien ; Grossmann, 704. Der Vogelzug und die Witteruug im Friihling des Jahres 1906 (Uugarisch und deutsch) ; Hegyfoky, 786. Die tagliclien A.nkunftsdaten und die gleichzeitigen meteorologischen Ele- ments ; Hegyfoky, 787b. Ornithologische Beohachtungen im Sauerlande im Jahre 1906 ; Hennemann, 810. Nocheinmal iiber den Kahlraben (Ungarisch imd deutsch) ; Herman, 818. Ornithologisches von meiner Ui-- laubsreise 1907 Ungarn. ; Lindner, 1025. Beitrage zum Nisten der Wald- schnepfe in Ungarn. (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Lintia, 1027. Unsere Geierarten in Siidungarn (Un- garisch und deutsch) ; Lintia, 1026. Pelecanus ci-i^pus (Hungarian and English) ; Lodge, 1041. Experiences witli Eagles and Vultures in the Carpathians ; Lodge, 1040. Tannenhiiher Ktwifratja canjocalactes in Nord-Bohmen ; Loos, 1046. Die in historischer Zeit ausgestor- benen Vogel ; Lorenz v. Libumau, 1048. Oberwinterung von Cyanccula suec.ica (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Nagy, 1199. Erithacus domesticus in Krain ; Ponebsek, 1359. Sijrrhaples paradoxus ini Ufini'schen Gouvernement ; Remann, 1420. Pastor roseus (Linn.) in iSlavonien ; Rossler, 1472a. Das Riedmuseum von Bellye ; Rossler, 1473. Der Vogelzug in Ungarn im Friih jahrp 1 906 (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Sciienk, 1526. Das masseuhafte Erscheinen der Uraleule in Ungarn im Winter 1906-07 (Ungarisch und deutsch) ; Scbenk, 1528. Beitrage zur Lebensweise des Weissen Storches ; Scbenk, 1533. Ornithologische Skizzen von der unteren Donau in Ungarn ; Sclienk, 1534. Die Reiherkolonie der Obedszka-Bara in der Gegenwart ; Scbenk, 1532. Die Heusehreckenplage auf dem Hortobagv ini .J. 1907 und die Vogel- welt ; Schenk, 1527. Der Vogelzug in Ungarn im f riihjahre 1907 ; Scbenk, 1531. Ansiedlungsversuche mit Staren und anderen Vogeln in Laibach (Krain) ; ScMebel, 1537. (Jruitliologie der siiddalmatinischen Insel Lesina ; ScMebel, 1536. Avifauna Mahr.-Weissirchens Nach- trag ; Schweder, 1570. Die Vogehvelt des grossen Reides in Ujvidek ; Szlavy, 1714. Syrrhaptcs paradoxus auf der Wan- derung ; Tschusi zu SchmidhofiFen, 1792. Ornithologische Literatur Oesterreich- Ungarns und des Okkupationsgebietes ; Tschusi zu Schmidhoflfen, 1788. Ornithologische KoUektaneen aus Oesterreich-Ungarn und dem Okkupa- tionsgebiete ; Tschusi zu Schmidlioflfen, 1793! Ankunfts- und Abzugsdaten bei Hallein 1907 ; Tschusi zu SchmidhoflFen, 1786. Asia Minor. Unsere Kenntuis der Ornis der Kleinasiatischen Westkiiste ; Braun, 235. Vom wintei'lichen Vogelleben der kleinasiatischen AVestkuste ; Braun, 237. Holland. Brutnotizen von der hollandischen Cirenze aus dem Jahre 1908; Oelunen, 1265. List of all the species of birds liitlieito observed in the Netherlands; Oort, 1278. 99 Aves. Subject Index. Geography. 5827 Ornithologische Reobachtuugeii in den Xiederlanilen. i PloUandisi-li^ ; Snouckaert van Scbauburg, 1645. Oniithologie der Xiederlanden, Beoh- aohtnngen vom 1 Mai I'JOfi Ins 30 April 1007. illoUiindiscli^ ; Snouckaert van Schauburg, 1648. New observations on liirds in tlie Netherlands (Dutch) ; Snouckaert van Scbauburg, 1649. I )rnithnlogische Notizen aus Holland fur den ZeitVaum I. ^Mai U10ll-30. April ] 907 ; Snouckaert van Scbauburg, 1644. Zwei Xenheiten liir Holland. [S((.i-/'- cola, Botiasia]; Snouckaert van Scbau- burg, 1643. Uelier Pinoi'hina scops (Ti.) nnd Emberiza nit'ila Pall, in Holland ; le Roi, 1012. Britain. Additions to our knowledge of Bi-iiish birds since 1899 ; Witberby & Ticeburst, 1923. Xorthern race of the Willow Wren in Great Britain ; Ticeburst, 1759. Levantine Shearwater in British waters ; Witberby, 1915. England. Pallass Sand Grouse in Kent ; Alexander, 20. Notes on the ornithology of Oxford- shire ; Aplin, 53. Aquatic Warbler in Sussex ; Arnold, 62. Barred Warbler in Norfolk ; Arnold, 61. SolitarA- Sandpiper and other Waders in Kent ; Bedford, 136. Chough in I.ancashire ; Bell, 145. Hen-Harrier and Hobby liri-eding in Surrey ; Bentbam & Mouritz, 152. Notes on birds observed in Hertford- shire in the year 190G ; Bickerton, 172. Green-backed Gallinule in Norfolk ; Bird. 176. Pochard, Shoveller and Teal breeding 'f in Lincolnshire ; Blatbwayt, 191. Wildfowl in Somerset ; Blatbwayt, 184. (s-10332 g) 436 Inland nesting of the Shcld Duck ; Blatbwayt, 191. Kaiiiltlcs among wild Ijlrds. (No. V.) The chalk clitTs' of Yorkshire; Blatb- wayt, 190. Annual notes on the local Fauna, Flora, etc., Hastings; Bloomfleld, 192. Whitt^ Wagtail nesting in Sussex; Bond, 202. East Eui-opcan ClilirclialV in the Isle of Wight ; Bonhote, 207. Soot v Shearwater in Sussex and Kent ; Butterfleld, 301. (irey Phalaroj^e in Devonshire in summer ; Cbampemowne, 353. Peregrine Falcons and Buzzards in Cornwall ; Cleave, 407. Supposed Woodchat Shrike in Corn- wall ; Coles, 416, Notes from South-western Hants ; Corbin, 433. Kentish Plover in Cheshire; Coward, 6. Black Tern in Cheshire; Coward, 437. Pallas's Sand-Grouse in Chesliire ; Coward, 438. Devonshire, captures and field report ; Cummings, 450. Little Bunting in Essex ; Dresser, 517. ( iolden Oriole in Shropshire; Forrest, 601. Honey Buzzard in ShrojJshirc ; Forrest,' 609. Grey-headed Wagtail in Sussex ; Gumey, 716. Ornithological report for Norfolk ; Gumey, 715. Sabine's Gull in Norfolk; Gumey, 717. I'jarred Warbler in Uncoln.shire ; Haigb, 736. Bull-breasted Sandpiper in Lincoln- shire; Haigb, 738. Sabine's OuU in Lincolnshire; Haigb, 739. Yellow-browed Warbler in Lincoln- shire ; Haigb, 737. A visit to the Terneiy at Wells-by-the- Sea ; Heatberley, 785. " Birds of North Kent ; Hepburn, 817. d 15—2 100 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Nesting of the Marsh Warbler in Kent ; Ingram, 887. Some rare Kentish birds ; Ingram, 883. Montagu's Harrier in Surrey; Ingram, 884. Middlesex, birds of the district of Staines ; Kerr, 934. Little Owl ill Warwickshire ; Leigh, 1008. Nesting of the Crrey Wagtail in Berk- shire ; May, 1119. Lesser Redpoll nesting in Middlesex; Meyrick, 1150. Pallas's Sand (> rouse in Yorkshire in June ; Nelson, 1203. Scldegel's Petrel in Cheshire ; New- stead i^ Coward, 1227. Black-headed Wagtail in Kent ; Nicliols, 1231. Grey - backed Warbler in Kent; Nichols, 1235. T\vo-l)arred Crossbill in Sussex ; Nichols, 1230. Wliitc-winged Lark in Sussex ; Nichols, 1232. Large-billed Reed Bunting in Kent ; NicoU, 1241 c^- 1242. Pectoral aud Bartram's Sandpipers in Kent ; NicoU, 1244. Rufous Warl)ler in Sussex ; NicoU, 1243. Pintail in Berkshire ; Noble, 1248. Field-netes on the Ravenglass Gullery ; Cumberland ; Oldham, 1269. Lesser Whitethroat in Cumberland ; Oldham, 1270. Notes from Lakeland, Cumberland, and Westmorland ; Parker, 1294. The Sardinian Warljler in East Sus- sex ; Parkin, 1295. Barred Warbler in Norfolk ; Penrose, 1333. Yellow-breasted or Willow, Hunting in Norfolk ; Penrose, 1332. Lesser Redpoll Ijreeding in Berkshire ; Proctor, 1365. Chiffchatf in London ; Pycraft, 1375. Marsh Harriers iu Noifolk Pycraft, 1377. Blue-headed Wagtail in Norfolk ; Richards, 1434. Yellow-browed W^arbler in Norfolk ; Richards, 1433b. Report on the first appearance of birds during 1907 ; Richardson, 1439. Richard's Pipit in Norfolk ; Richard- son, 1437. Nutcracker iu Kent ; Richardson, 1438. Eiders off South Devon in April ; Smith, 1637. Black-taded Godwit and Spotted Red- shank in Kent ; Sparrow, 1663. Pochard nesting in South-west Kent ; Sparrow, 1662. Common Bittern in Yorkshire ; Steward, 1677. White Wagtail in Cornwall; Tice- hurst, 1752. Solitary Sandpiper aud Kill-deer Plover in Kent ; Ticehurst, 1763, 1764. Sootv Shearwater in Kent ; Ticehurst, 1760. ' Unrecorded specimen of Levantine Shearwater in Kent ; Ticehurst, 1762. Harrier nesting in Sussex ; Ticehurst, Spotted Crake in Sussex; Ticehurst, 1754. Nightingale in Derbyshire ; Walton, 1841^ Crossbill Ijreediug in Northumber- land ; Walton, 1840.' Increase of the Starling in Northum- berland ; Walton, 1838a. Smew inland in Northuniberland ; Walton, 1839. Rough notes in East Sussex in 1908 ; Whistler, 1872. Blue-headed Wagtail in Nottingham- shire ; Whitaker, 1876. Short-eared Uw\ breeding in Notting- hamshire ; Whitaker, 1877. Glossv Ibises in Cornwall; Witherby, 1917. Pallas's Sand -Grouse in Essex; Witherby, 1916. Little Bunting in Norfolk ; Witherby, 1918. Glossy Iljises iu Northumberland; Witherby, 1917. 101 Aves. Subject Index. GEoaRArnv. 5827 Woodchat Shrike in Cheshife ; Gates, 1939. Wales. Cirl Bunting in Merionethshire ; Crouch, 442. l'>lack Redstarts in Merioneth ; Forrest, 608. Xutliatohos breeding at Lhindndno ; Forrest, 602. Short-earod Owl in Pembrokeshire ; Forrest, 604. \'ertebrate Fauna of Xorth Wales ; Forrest, 600. Ornithological records from Chester and North Wales ; Newstead, 1229. Scotland. The bird life of an Outer Island ; Adam, 4. Pintails in Argyllshire ; Alston, 38. Bird notes from Tiree ; Anderson, 42. Some bird notes from the Outer Hebrides ; Bahr, 83. Nesting of the Scaup-Duck in Scot- land ; BaUr, 82. Rose-coloured Starling in Arg)dlshire ; Baird, 86. Bird notes from the Isle of May 9th September - 8th October, 1007*^; Baxter, 123. Notes on birds observed in the Scottish Islands during the spring and autumn of 1907 ; Bedford, 134. Great Grey Shrike and Eider Duck in Kircudbrightshire ; Bedford, 135. Land Rail at Edinljurgh in winter ; CampbeU, 331. Birds of Fair Isle ; Clarke, 400. Tufted Duck in Scotland ; Clarke, 403. Bittern in East Lothian ; Evans, 547. On the origin of tlie present colony of Scottish Greater Spotted Woodpeckers ; Evans, 550. Continental Crossbill in Scotland ; Svans, 555. Scaup Duck at Loch Leven ; Evans, i56. tTadwall in the West of Scotland ; Gladstone, 650. Smew in Dumfriesshire ; Gladstone, 649. Tengmalm's Owl in Shethuitl ; Hamilton, 744. Great Spotted Woodpecker's resusci- tation in Scotland since 1841 or IH.'jl ; Harvie-Brown, 776. Distribution of the Woodcock in the Forth Area ; Harvie-Brown, 770. Distribution of tlio C'onnuon Scoter in Scotland ; Harvie-Brown, 778. Tufted Ducks nesting in the Outer Hebrides ; Harvie-Brown, 781. Rose-coloured Starling in Caithness ; Hughes-Onslow, 863. Notes on the ])irds of West Renfrew- shire ; Mackeith, 1082. Heopoe in Ross-shire ; Murray, 1193. Report on Seottisli ornithology for 1 907 ; Paterson, 1305. Scops Owl off Aberdeenshire ; Paton, 1306. Glossy Ibis in Ayrshire ; Robertson, 1456. Distribution of the Conunon Scoter in Scotland ; Robinson, 1460. Great Grey Sliriko in Scotland; Robinson, 1459. Tlio Waders of Solway ; Service, 1592. Red-necked I'linlarope in the Solway Area ; Service, 1590. The Eider Duck in Solway Waters ; Service, 1589. The Bar-tailed Godwit as a Solway bird ; Service, 1587. Pied Flycatcher nesting in Kirkud- brightshire ; Service, 1588. Leach's Petrel in Aberdeenshire ; Thomson, 1745. rhiirelialVs In Shetland; TuUoch, 1807. A list of Scottish Heronries, jjast and present ; Watt, 1855. Great Spotted Woodpecker as a breed- ing bird in Scotland ; Witherby, 1919. Waxwing in Banffshire ; Yates, 1938- 102 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Ireland. Grey Phalaiope iu Co. Wexford ; Banks', 98. Little Bunting in Ireland ; Barrington, 108. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler in Ireland ; Barrington, 106. Breedin.ff of the Crossbill in County Dublin; Hunter, 869. Ruff in Co. Clare ; Macnamara, 1086. Sabine's Snipe in Co. Cork ; Pycraft, 1371. List of Irish birds ; Ussher, 1821. Supposed Black (rrouse and Ptanulgan from Irish caves ; Ussher, 1822. Some ornitliological notes from ilayo and Sligo ; Warren, 1850. Sliort-eared 0 nls in Ireland ; Williams, 1894. Piichard's Pipit in Ireland ; Williams, 1895. Black Redstart near Dublin ; Witherby, 1904. Channel Islands. Purple .Sandpiper in the Channel Islands ; Ticehurst, 1755. Wild birds visiting (liza Gardens Flower and Nicoll, 594. La fauna momifiee de I'ancienne Egypte ; Lortet et Gaillard, 1049. "West African Sub-Region. The White-bellied Amethyst Starling ; Hopkinson, 849. Abyssinian Sub-Region. Vogelzug im Danakil-Laml. (Un- crarisch imd deutsch) ; Kittenberger, 940. East African Sub-Region. ilwnrs des anlmaux de I'Afrique cen- trale ; Foa, 595. Oiseaux des grands lacs, dn Zambezi- et du Chire ; Oustalet, 1287. Uccelli deir Eritrea ; Salvadori, 1494. Avifauna deUa Eritrea ; Bsccari, 132. Waders observed on the coast ol British East Africa ; Percival, 1334. Vogel von den Inseln Ostafrikas ; Reichenow, 1400. Kilimantljaru-ileru District ; Sjostedt, 1613. ETHIOPIAN REGION. General. La jirotection des aigrettes en Afrique ; Regelsperger, 1399. Notes on African birds iu the Tring Museum ; Neiunann, 1206. Saharan Sub -Region. Ilat die im Winter niedergegangene Regenmenge einen Einfluss anf das Brutgeschaft einzelner ViJgel im Chott- Gcbiote siidlieh des Atlas V; Zedlitz, 1945. Sudanese Sub-Region. Eg%]itian Plover. Distribution; Flower, 592. TheShoebill, Balaenieepa 7-ex; Flower, 593 South African Sub-Region. Birds of Bulawayo; Chubb, 394. The locust-destroying birds of the Transvaal ; D'Eveljoi, 483. Game birds of South Africa ; Gilfillan, 643. Cossijplia sp. n. ; Gunning, 712. On the Soutli .\friian sjjecies of Ccntropitu ; Gunning c^c Haagner, 713. Sketclies of South African bird-life; Haagner cV: Ivy, 727. INDIAN REGION. Indian Peninsular Sub-Region. .\ddltlons to the bir Aves. SuBJKCT Indkx. Geography. 5827 On a second small collection of birds from the island of Trinidad ; Chenie, 372. The macaw of Dominica ; Claxk, 395. A month's liird-collectinsf in Vene- znela ; Ferry, 572. RalJiix viryhi'nuius breeding in ilexico ; Goldman, 660. An account of the birds collected by ifons. G. A. Baer in the State of Goyaz, Brazil ; Hellmayr, 802. Etnde d'une collection d'Oiseanx de TEquatenr donnee an Museum d'Histoire naturelle ; Menegaux, 1140. Oiseanx de l'£quateur ; Menegaux, 1138. Oiseanx dt^ la tniyane Francaise ; Menegaux, 1136. Manakins of the genus Chiroxiphia ; MiUer. 1164. Bermuda fossil bones and feathers supposed to belong to the extinct Cahow ; Mowbray, 1177. Die Vogel von Cluyana (Suriname, Cayenne und Deraerara) (HoUandisrh) ; Penard, F. P. und Penard, A. P., 1327. Xew forms of Neotropical birds ; Ridgway, 1444. L)iagnoses of some new forms of Neotropical birds ; Ridgway, 1444. Seven new species and sub-species, tropical America ; Ridgway, 1446. The broad-winged hawks of the West Indies, with a description of a new form ; RUey, 1451. Tapajoz tmd Tocantins ; Snethlage, 1642. Piio Piirus, Brasilien ; Snethlage, 1641. I Ornis of Guadaloupe island ; Thayer & Bangs, 1734. NEARCTIC REGION. Bird- Lore's fifth Christmas liird census. Bird Lore, Harrisbnrg, Pa., 7, 190.5, (22-31). The eighth Christmas bird census. Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa., 10, 1908, ^22-.39j map. Director}' to the birds of eastern North (Vmerica; Maynard, 1120. European birds in America ; Abbott* 1. Owls of the Nearctic region ; Beebe, 142. A report on expeditions made in 1907 tmder the " North .Vmerican Ornitholog}' fund " ; Chapman, 358. A long-drawn-out migration : Us causes and consequences ; Eifrig, 533. TIh^ ecological succession of l)irds; Adams, 5. Alaska. Cyanecula sueeiea robustn, Red- spotted Bluethroat ; Buturlin, 320. Field notes ; Dixon, 492. The game resources of Alaska ; Osgood, 1281. Greenland. Ornitological observations from Ang- magsalik (Danish) ; Petersen, 1336. Canada. .Summer birds of south-western Sas- katchewan ; Bent, 148. List of birds seen on Sable Island, Nova Scotia ; Bouteiller, 218. A visit to Grand Alanau Island ; Brownson, 260. Winter l)irds of the Cobalt Region ; Eifrig, 534. Ontario bird notes ; Fleming, 585. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt des nordostlichsten Labradors ; Hantzsch, four papers, 750. Blue-birds of the Maritime provinces; Moore, 1172. Ilelmllheros rerm'worus in Ontario; Saunders, 1513. Records from Great Slave Lake re- gion ; Seton, 1597. Records for ^Manitoba ; Seton, 1598. Edmonton, Alberta ; Stansell, 1671. Ontario. HelminlJioijhila pinus and Cathartes aura ; Tavemer, 1720. Point Pelec ; Tavemer & Swales, 1721a. Bird notes from soutli-western Nova Scotia ; Tufts, 1799. 100 Aves. XYll. Aves. [1908] United States. The sea birds' fortress. [Bird Rock, Gulf of St. Lawrence] ; Bent, 150. Canadian fauna in the vicinity of Portland, Me. ; J. Maine Ornith. Soc. 9 pp. 45-46. An ornithological reconnaissance of Monliegan island ; Allen, 26. Comes corax principalis, ]\[aine ; AUen, 25. G nils in the neighbourhood of Boston ; AUen, 24. Summer birds of the Green mountain region of southern Vermont ; Allen, 23. Rare New England birds ; Allen, 27. Sfurnns ndgaris in Pennsylvania ; Bishop, 178. Anunodmmiis nelsoni, New York ; Braislin, 229. A list of the birds of Long Island, New York ; Braislin, 230. The birds of tlie Cambridge region of Massachusetts ; Brewster, 245. Portland bird notes ; Brownson, 257. Visit to a colony of Laughing Gulls ; Brownson, 258. Two thousand Common Terns in Bluff island colony ; Brownson, 259. Migration notes during the spring of I'.IOS at Cape Elizabeth, Maine; Brown- son, 255. Migration reports, 1 907 ; Brownson, 256. An ornithological review of the winter of 1906-07 ; ciiapin, 355. Nests of Syrnium variiim, I'uteo lineatus, Strix pratincola ; Chapin, 356. H elminllwpliila lawrencei, Staten Is., N.Y., II. leucobroncJiialis, Passaic co., X.J. ; Chaptn, 357. Pinicola cimrleator Jeiiriirn, New Jersey ; Chapman, 362. Gardiner's island; Chapman, 361. A trip through Maine woods; Childs, 377. Oporoniis fonnosci, Vermont ; Cooke, 426. ('coj)]ilo('i(H jiileatuH, New York ; Cummings, 452. Cliicago, Acaipilcr (ilricupiUus, Zuuo- Irichia ijiurithi ; Daggett, 456. Birds of Windham and Bennington counties ; Davenport, 466. The spring migration of 1907 in the vicinity of Chicago ; Ferry, 513. Birds of the Pennsylvania Alleghauies ; Foerster, 596. The mid-summer Inrd-life of Illinois : A statistical study ; Forbes, 597. Gavia imher, Pennsylvania ; Harlow, 756. Recent notes on birds of eastern Pennsylvania ; Harlow, 755. Dolicltonyx oryzivonis, Pennsylvania ; Harlow, 75*4. New Jersey. linllus ririjiuianu-^ and Gcotldypis formosa ; Harlow, 753. Nesting of the Prairie Warbler in Ohio ; Henninger, 813. Bird notes from middle western Ohio ; Henninger, 812. All day with the birds, New Bremen, Ohio ; Henninger and Kuenning, 814. Long Island, N.Y. Branta nigricans, Limosa fedoa ; Herrick, 824. Sttnmus vulyaris, Pennsylvania ; Hill, 835. Red Crossbills iu New Jersey; Hix, 842. Massachusetts records ; Howe, 858. Ardea egretta. New Jersev ; Howe, 859. A Pansauken diary ; Hunt, 865. ]'(dh(s rirgiuidiius, New .Tersey ; Hunt, 866. [Connecticut.] A recent visit of tlie Evening Grosbeak ; Hutchins, 870. The birds of Ohio. Correction and note, Ernpidonax traillii alnorum and TelvKdodiitcx pahistris Hidcim; Jones, 908. The s]n'ing migration at OlxTJin, Ohio, 1908 ; Jones, 909. Ohio, Ardetta neoxeiuL ; Jones, 907. Oidemia perspicillata , Jones, 910. Three Michigan birds. Protonolaria citrea, Geothlypis pliihidelphia and Cotuimicnlus hensloni ; Kalmbach, 920. The birds of Maine ; Knight, 957. Bird notes from east Winthrop, Me. ; Lane, 989. 107 Are.^ SrBJECT Index. — OEoonArirv — United States. 5827 Some rare snimner residents of Berks louiitv, Pennsvlvauia ; Leibelsperger, 1004. New York ; McCreary ami Hall, 1075. Reoonls from BKiomingtou, Indiana ; McAtee, 1069. Maine Omitliological Society. Clirist- mas hird census. Reports of winter birds by members of the Maine ornitho- logical society during the period from Dec. 22 to 31, inclusive. J. Maine Ornitli. See, Porthuid, 10, 1908, (15- 21). RalJus firghi'ianus, Pennsylvania; MiUer, 1160. Rallus fZe^nfis, Pennsvlvania ; Miller, 1158. Fidii'u amcricana, Pennsylvania ; MiUer, 1159. 1 1 ijdroclielidon nicjra sui'niainensh, New Jersey and Pennsvlvauia ; the Black Tern at Camden, X.J., and Phihi- delphia, Pa. ; Miller, 1157. Totanus flavii)e>i, Pennsylvania; Miller, 1161. Chtothorus stellaris, Pennsylvania; Miller, 1162. Migration reports, 190(1, Elaine; Norton, 1257. Portland, Me., Galiinula gnlenta, Mieropalama himantopus, TryngUea subruficoUis ; Norton, 1259. The occurrence of Woodcock in Maine at abnormal seasons ; Norton, 1258. Jerfalcon at Portland, Me., and review of local records of the group; Norton, 1256. PoVioptlla caeriilea, Pennsylvania; Pearson, 1318. An ecological study of the birds of the Ypsilanti bayou ; Peet, 1322. T'allus mrginiayius, Pennsylvania ; Pennock, 1328. A report on the nesting birds in the vicinity of Kiverview park, Allegheny, Pa. ; Pitcaim, 1345. Nesting habits of birds at .Stamford, Connecticut, as affected by the cold spring of 1907 ; Porter, 1361. Some notes from Gardiner ; Powers, 1363. Ardea herodias, New York ; Reinecke, 1418. A list of birds observed in Rutland county ; Ross, 1476. Olor columbiamis,'^e\\ York ; Savage, 1516. A migration flight of Purple Martins in Michigan ; Smith, 1634. 77uv/o//(o/v(-s Judoviclniiits, Counecti- ciit ; Smith, 1639. SturmiH vulgaris, Peiuisylvania, Xi \v Jersey and Delaware ; Stone, 1682. Winter notes from Detroit, Michigan, and vicinity ; Swales, 1705. Migration reports, 190f) ; Sweet and others: 1907, Sweet, 1708 c^ 1709. Inland water birds ; Sweet, 1707. Southeastern Michigan. Porzana iiove- horacensis, Stemn ca^tpia, Bartraviin longlcauda, Pidecunus crythrorliynchos, Spinuspinus; Tavemer, 1719. Southeastern ]\Iichigan ; Tavemer, 1722. Wayne co., Mich. Steganopus tricolor, Aetodromas fiiscicollis ; Tavemer, 1721. Pxieolophns hicolor, Michigan ; Tinker, 1766. Essex county, ilassachusetts Anaer albifrons ganibeVi and Steganopus trico- lor ; Townsend, 1774. Type birds of eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey ; Trotter, 1783. Ammodramua henslowli in Mahoning county, Ohio ; Vickers, 1827. Wisconsin. AUe ullc ; Ward, 1846, 1847. Nucifraga columbiana , Wisconsin ; Ward, 1844. Brown's Mills, N.J. ; Weygandt, 1871. Sunuiier birds at Lake Geneva, Wis. » Wilson, 1898. Bird notes from southeastern Michi- gan ; Wood, 1930. Corrections to " A list of the land birds of southeastern Michigan " ; Wood, 1929. Notes on the spring migration at Ann Arbor, Michigan ; Wood, 1981. Fall migration ; Wood, 1932. Passerculus snndirichenais savanna Michigan ; Wood, 1928. 108 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Becurvirostra amerieana, Georgia ; Arnow, 69. Pli'dohela minor, Georgia ; Arnow, 68. James river, Virginia. Helinaia S2cain- sonii and Aiitrostovms caroVnicvsis ; Bailey, 85. Notes from West, Virginia; Brooks, 254. The bird-life of Cobb's island ; Chap- man, 360. Bird migration in the District of Columbia ; Cooke, 422. Otoeoris al2KStris aJpestrls. 0. a. praticola, Georgia ; Cooke, 423. Ammodramus nelso)u snhvirgatus, Georgia and Florida ; Cooke, 424. Oreospiza chlornra, Virginia ; Embody, 539. Calcar'ms ornalus ; Kirkwood, 939. Ornithological work in Nortli Caro- lina; Pearson, 1319. The cormorants of Great Laiie ; Pear- son, 1320. Stcnia scnidvicensls aniflavida, North Carolina ; Pearson, 1317. Bird life of the Indian River country of Delaware; Pennock, 1331. Birds of Delaware — -Additional notes ; Pennock, 1329. White-crowned Sparrows unusually abundant in eastern Pennsylvania ; Pennock, 1330. Egreltd caiididiftf^lvia, South Carolina ; Sass, 1507, 1508. A list of tlic birds in portions of Coosa, Clay and Talledega coimtics, Alabama ; Saunders, 1510. Aw.modramuH neJsoni, Virginia ; Smyth, 1640. Three erroneous Georgia rocord.s, Molothrus filer, Riixtr'ia riptir'in, ("iti, Copulationsorgan. Gerhardt Zool. Anz. 32 pp. 649-651. Crax heclii, breeding in the Zoological Gardens, Pocock Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 (23-30) figs. Crax sclateri, Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 94-96. Habits, A. Baer t.c. pp. 95-96. Penelope granti, sp. n. Britisli Guiana, Berlepscu Nov. Zool. 15 p. 297. Plpile cumariensiis and allies, Hell- mayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 96-98. Lofjopus Arten, L. albus Varietiiten, abweichende Gewohnheiten der Bil)iri- schen Varietat, Buterlin Izov.i ruz. gn. ochota. 13 1907 pp. 162-164.— L. scoti- eu8, Remains in Irish caves ; UssH R, British birds 2 pp. 167, 168. — L. lagopiin lagopn^ Ei p. 151, L. major, Farben- varietiit j). 153, Joiianse.n' Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 1907 [1908].— L. mutua, Vor- kommen auf Nowaja Sembja [Polemic gegen Buturlin], Nosilov Na§a ochota 1908 8 pp. 44-48, 49-64.— L. rapcslns, notes on, Smith Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 p. 55. Lijriirus tetr'ix supposed occurrences in Irish caves, Ussher British Birds 2 p. 167. Tetrao tetrlx Nahrung im Jenissei- Tal, JuGARiNOV Prir. i ochota 36 7 p. 4 ; Verhaltesa der Hahue uud Paarung wahrend der Balz., Usakov Russ. ochota 1908 pp. 21-23.-2'. fetrix tetrlx, Far- benaberrationen, TscHUSi Ann. Hofm. Wien, 21 p. 202 ; T. tetr'ix ; T. urogallus in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 182. — T. urogallus, in Dee, Harvie- Browx Ann. Scott Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 120; T. urogallus, Olt, Sanct Hubertus, 26, pp. 430-431 ; Olt und Ehrlich, Sanct Hubertus, 26, pp. 171- 173. Tympanuchus cup'ido. Field Bird Lore 9 pp. 249-255 text fig. ■ Bonasa honasia in Holland Nov. 15, 1888, Snouckaert von Sghauburg, Ornith. Monatsb. Berlin 16 p. 66 ; in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 182. — B. umbellus. Sawyer Bird Lore, 10 pp. 246-249 text fig. Tetrastes honasia, Monstruvsitat (Flii- gelfeder auf dem Kopfe), Rabotkin Ochota. vestn. 8 p. 33. Tetraogallus caspius semeuon-tian- scluiiiskii siibsp. n. Sagrosch Mts Persia, Sauudny Orn. Monatsber. 16 pp. 28, 29. (Jaccahis rufa, variety, Pycraft, British Birds, 2 p. 240. — C. petrosa petrosa Farbenaberration, Tschusi Ann. Hofm. Wien, 21 p. 202. Francolinus ; Habits of South African species, Gilfallan Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 pp. 19-32. — F. vulgaris breeding in captivity, Setii-Smitii Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 343-345.— P. J:irki from Beira, S.E. Africa, Claude Grant, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 66. — F. levaillanti benguellensis, subsp. n. Benguela, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 44.— F. jugularis palUdior, subsp. n. Cunene River, S.W. Africa, Id. T.c. p. 45.— F. n-hytei sp. n. Nyika Plateau W. Nyasa Land, Id. t.c. p. 76. — F. nohilis sp. n. Wirunga Volcano, Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin, 16 p. 81.— F. adolji-friederiei subsp. n. Ill AtC3. Systematic. — Galuformes. 5831 X.E. Ruanda, Equatorial Africa, Id. t.c. p. 48. — F. mulcmae, Grant, Neumanx, T.c. p. 66. Pteniisteif ; Notes on South African sjiecies, Gii.fill.vn Pretoria, J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 pp. 32-34. Perdix perdix, Schaden, R.vcz Aquila 14 1907 pp. 321-322.— P. perdix perd'ix Karbeuaberrationeu, TscHcsi Ann. Hof- mus, Wien, 21 p. 202. P. c'lnerea, Aufzucht in der Gefangenschaft, Cerepova Xa§a pticev. zirni 2 pp. 339-341. — P. daiir'ica occidentalis subsp. n. Turkestan, Buturlin Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 46. — P. fusca, Frisch, eine seltene Farbenspielart, Schafk Aus d. Heimat, H. 1 pp. 5-7 1 Taf. '\Paraortifx gen. n. France, p. 104, braneoi 1908, 107 fig. 31 et pi. vi fig. 9- 16, lorteti 105 fig. 30 et pi. vi figs. '5-8, spp. n., France, Gaillaud Ann. Univ. Lyon 1908. RoUuliiti roulroid. Observations on the species in captivity, Astley Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 (201-203) figs. \Palaeocryptonyx depereti sp. n. France, Gaillard Ann. Univ. Lvon, 1908, (96 fig. 26 et pi. v figs. 9-12). ' Cotumix cotnrnix orieiUalis. Ei JoHANSEK Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 1907 [1908] p. 156. Synaeeus australis in New Zealand, Records of introduction, Iredale Emu 7 p. 105 ; Carter t.c. p. 166. Ptilopachus f uncus brehmi, subsp. n. Kordofan, Neumakx Loudon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 68 ; P. fuscus major, subsp. n. N. Abyssinia, id. T.c. (p. 68). Traqopan temmincki, Panseng Pass 9000 ft.. Baker Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18 pp. 753-755. Cyanopltasis gen. n. fiir Callophash mikado Grant, Bdtl'RLIX Na§a ochota 1908 12 (pp. 33-36). Calophasiis mikado, ^ $ figured. Grant Ibis, 1908 pi. xiii. Croasoptilum auritum near Lussar, Parrot Exped. Filchner p. 132. Gennaeus awinlwii, caso di mutazione, Ghigi Bologna Rend. Ace. sc. 12 pp. 79-91. Pucrasia atyani sp. n. Ichang, Central China, Grast London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 32. Phasiauus ; als Wetterprophet* Barthos Erd. kis. 10 p. 129; Ueber- sicht, Synopsis, Beschreibung, Verbrei- tung der Formen, Buturlin Na§a ochota 1908 7 pp. 3-38 ; Additional notes pp. 570 592, Key to species pp. 585-592, distribution pp. 584 & 585, Buturlin Ibis 1908. — P. tscliardjuensis sp. n. Tschardjni in Bochara, Buturlin T.c. p. 571. — P. zarudnyi Alpheraky & Bianchi, nee Buturlin, from Bokhara, is probably an undescribed species. Id. St. Petersburg, Ann. Mus. Zool. 12, p. 573. — P. strauchi soliokJiotensis subsji. n. S. Alaschan desert, Buturlin Ibis 1908 p. 576 ; range of the species and P. strauchi. Id. T.c. p. 576-578. — P. nlaschanicus sp. n. S.E. Alaschan, Alpueraky & Bl\nchi, Ann. Mus. Acad. St. Petersburg 12 pp. 434, 452 ; P. gmelini pewzowi subsp. n. N.E. China. Id. T.c. p. 456 = P. g. kiangsu^nsis, Buturlin Ibis p. 581 ; P. holdereri Schalow = P. strauchi, Alpheraky & Bianchi Ann. Mus. St. Petersb. 12 p. 447 & Buturlin Ibis 1908 p. 575 ; P. decol- latus berezoashii, P. alascJianicus, P. gmelini kiangsuensis and P. Icarpowi huturlini, notes on. Id. T.c. pp. 579- 584 ; P. huturlini Clai-k, Remarks on. Id. t.c. p. 583 ; P. holdereri in the Tsin- ling Mts., Parrot Exped. Filchner p. 132 ; — P. scemmeringi scintillans, Eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 168. Tliaumalea picta, Akklimatisation in Rnssland, Cerepova Nasa pticev. fizus 8 pp. 69-71. Gallua domesticus, Morphologie und Histologie des hautigen Labyrinthes. Meitzner, Diss., Marljurg., 1908 pp. vi + 119, Taf. ; Entwicklung der Kopfuerven, Belogolovgi Moskva, Trd. sravnit. anat. Inst. Univ. 6 pp. 1- 27, 8 Taf. ; Gekreuztes Schnabel, Skriabin Mess. med. veterin. soc. 19 1907 pp. 761-762 ; Neiderseitige Ent- wicklung der weibliehen Geschlechhts- organe, Skriabin Mess. med. veterin. soc, 19, 1907 pp. 762-763; Rudiment des rechten Eileiters, SkrUbin op. cit. 20 pp. 114-118 ; Ein Fall von Syncephalie, Id. t.c. pp. 300-301 ; Abnormes Ei. Id. t.c. pp. 445-446 ; Rechter Eileiter. Id. t.c. pp. 528-529 ; Geschlechtliche Veriss- ung, Skriabin Veterin. vrac 3 pp. 742- 744 ; Erinnerungskraft, Revesz Termt. Kozl. 40 pp. .581-583; Eie. Reeker Miinster .Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss. 36 p. 22 ; Experimentell - psychologische 112 Ave«. XVir. Aves. [1908] UntersuclLungea, KiTz und Revesz, Zs. Psychol. Abt. 1 50 pp. 93-116.— G. ferrugineus, metis et son utilisation an Laos pour la chasse au coq sauvage ; BocTAiJ Paris Bui. soc. zool. 33 pp. 138- 141. Numida, eoronata, habits, Gilfillan Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 pp. 34-36. Giittera cr'istata seth-smithi subsp. n. Mau to the Semliki River, Nedmann Loudon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 13 Cf. Grant, T.c. p. 14 ; G. g. suaJielica, subsp. u. German E. Afi'ica, Id. t.c. ; G. cristata and allies, Neumann, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 23 pp. 31-32, & Grant, p. 31. Meleagris gallojMvo, Doppelmisbild- ung des Embryos, Skrubin Mess. med. veterin. soc. St. Peterburg 19 1907, pp. 866-867. Lophortyx catalinensis, note on, GiiiN- NELL Condor 10, p. 94. Ortyx graysoni panucensis subaj). n. R. Panuco Mexico, Lowe London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 18. ORDER TURNICIFORMES. Turnix horshrughi sp. n. Yule Isl. New Guinea, Ingram Bull. B. 0. C. 23 p. 65 ; T. suli(ensis sp. n. Philippines, Mearns Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 ]905Jp. 83; 2\ lepurana, breeding habits, Horsbrugh, Avicult. Mag. Brighton, 26 py). 307-309 ; T. hlanfordl nesting near Hong-Kong, JoNES Ibis 1908 p. 457. ORDER PTEROCLIDIFORMES. Syrrhaptes paradoxus in England in 1908, WiTiiERBY British Birds 2 p. 98 ; Seen in Cheshire in June, Coward t.c. p. 107; ill Yorkshire, St. Quintin Nat. 1908 p. 420 & British Birds 2 p. 2 15 ; in Yorkshire, Nelson Zoologist 1908 p. 312 & British Birds 2 p. 134, also Alexander t.c. ; in Essex, Witherby British Birds 2 p. 208; in Austrian Poland in May 1908, Holzmann Field, June 13 1908 p. 082 ; in Russia in 1908, Lorenz Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 180 ; Gouv. Moskau, Poliakov Semja ochota. 1908 pp. 231-232 ; nella Russia europea, CiiiGi Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 9 pp. 200-205 ; Gouv. Kursk, Tomilin Ochotu. gaz. 36 pp. 395-396 ; Durchzug durch den Kreis Berdjansk, Yegorov Semja ochotn. 1908 p. 551 ; Art des Durch- zuges 1908 im Gouv. Woronesh, Dini- triev Ochotn. gaz. 36 pp. 322-323 ; Lebensweise u. Vorkommen im Ufim 'schen Gouvernement, Ornith. Jahrb. 19 jop. 232-234 ; Einwanderungen in Deut- schland, Thienemaxn Konigsberg Schr. physik Ges. 49 jjp. 306-308; in Ger- many, April-May 1908, Ornith. Monats- ber. Berlin 16 p. 132, also Thienemann t.c. p. 121 ; in Ungarn, Q. 0. C. Aquila Budapest 1908 pp. 317-320; individuo uccito presso Trinitapoli, Carrdocio Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 9 pp. 206- 207 ; auf der Wanderung, TscHUSi zu Schmidhoffen Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. 146. Pterocles hicinctus multicolor, subsp. n. Transvaal, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 53 & Cf. Grant, t.c. p. 54. ORDER COLUMBIFORMES. Ticehurst, C. B. The Wood-Pigeon Diphtheria ; the results of the " British Birds" enquiry, British Birds 2 pp. 69- 77. Crocopus annamensls sp. n. Annam, Grant London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 67. Muacadivora Innghorncl sp. u, Philip- pines, Meaens Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 84. Trcron nipalensis subsp. n. harlcrtj, Sumatra, Nias Isl., Parrot Munchen Abh. Ak. Wiss math, pliys. Kl. 24 1907 pp. 149-286. Osmotreron olax subsp. n. hageni, Sumatra (Deli), Parrot T.c p 266. Ptllopus insidaris sp. n. Henderson Is., North Sydney Rec. Austr. Mus. 7 p. 30. Cohunba, Bau des Gohororgans, Breler Wien Sitzber. Ak. Wiss. 116 Abt. Ill 1907 pp. 249-292; Entwick- lung und Morphologie der Embryonol- dunen, Kordoss Allatt. Kozlem 7 pp. 62-83. — Piccioni domestici, proposta di nuova classificazione, Ghigi Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei 17 V" sem. pp. 216-224 ; poligenenesi, id. T.c. pp. 271-276 4 fig. — C rupeatris tiirkestanica subsp. n. Altai Mts., Buturi.in Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 45, 46, 163 ; C. livia, razza domes- tica dell'antica Campania, Martorei.li MilanoRend. 1st. Lomb. 41pp. 717-726. — C. uenaa, nesting in walls of cathe- drals at Lincoln and Winchester, 113 Aves. Systematic. — Con mbifobmes — Kau iformes. 5S31 Riviere Britisli Birds 2 (i. ol ; C. octias suhsp. n. yarliandensis Yarkand, BiTl'Rs LIN St. Peterburpc Anu. mus. zool. 13 p 325. — C. itigricaus. sp. n. Chingan, BtTiRLiN' t.c. p. 324. — C. pahimhus, unusual nesting site, Axperton Natu- ralist London Xo. 623 p. 457 ; Eicliel- esser, Barthos Erd. kis. 10 p. (35 ; Nature of the powder-down, Pycr.\I'T London Bnll. Brit. Oniitli. CI. 21 p. 63 ; Eigeutiimliches Gebaren, Sehlbach Or- nith. Monatsrhr., 33, pp. 79-80.— C. phimbca subsp. n. paUesccns, Hab. Sneth- LJic.E J. Ornith. 56 pp. 7-24. — C. rufina sylveHtriti from Goyaz, Heli.mayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 91. — C. phimhea baeri, subsp. u. Goyaz, Id. t.c. p. 91. Turliiroeua indUorqiies rothschildi subsp. n. Ituri Forest, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 42. Ectopistes migratorius in confinement, De.\ne Auk 25 pp. 181-183. Melopdia Jeucoptera, Washington, Bowles Auk 25 p. 82. Zena'ida aiiriculata jessie, Bidgway, distinct, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15, p. 92. Scardafella sqnamata rldgiraij}, dis- tinct, id. T.c. pp. 92, 93. Leptoptila ochroptera and L. cliloro- auchenia Hellmayr t.c. pp. 93, 94. 'I'avtur picturatus breeding in confine- ment, Newman Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 79-84 pi. ; nestling described Id. I.e. ; incubation, twelve days. Id. T.c. p 218. — T.shellei/i Lake Chad, T. roseo- griseus Bornu, Alex.\nder London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 16.— T. tiyrbius subsp. n. minor Sumatra, Parrot, Miinchen Abh. .\k. Wiss. ilath. phys. Kl. 24 1907 p. 275. Geopelia shortridgci sp. n. [? hybrid between G. tranquilla and G. cuneata'\, Carnarvon, W. Australia, (5 rant London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 73. Columhina vs. CJiamapelia, Allen Auk 25 pp. 301-306. CliamcBpelia ; review of West Indian species, Lowe Ibis 1908 pp. 108-115; C. portoricensis sp. n. Porto Rico, Id. T.c. p. 108. — C. axantha nom. emend. pro ('. a/?aridrt Palmer & Riley, Id. T.c. pp. 114, 115. — C. portoricetisis and not C. jamaicensh is the species of S. Thomas' Island, Lowe Iljis 1908 p. 'Ad.—C. antillarum sp. n. Antilles, Lowe London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 j). 109.— C. UN--I0332 g) gnticola breeding in captivity, Tesche- MAKER Avicnlt. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 257-260. Clialcopelici chah'ospilos, metallic spots on wings of young, Blaauw Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 p. 36. ( ieophaps scripta breeding In captivity, Newm.\s Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 337-343 ; Id. op. cit. 7 pp. 40-45. Geotriigun chrysia in captivity, New- M.VN Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 p. 39. ORDER RALLIFORMES. British Rails; in confinement, Fahn- BoROiHJU Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 244-247, 303-305. h'nllus clegans, Pennsylvania, Miller Auk. 25 p. 218. — R. virginianuH, New Jersey, Hunt Auk 25 p. 81 ; & Miller Auk 25 t.c. also Pinnock I.e. ; A'. tlrginianus, Mexico, Goldman Condor 10 p. 181. — R. aqualicus, Brutschaft, Cerva Aquila 14 1907 p. 214.-7?. abbotti notes on, Meade- Waldo Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 219-221 pi. Limnopardalus maculatus subsp. n. insolitus British Honduras, Bangs and Peck Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 43. ('rt'.c crex near Edinburgh in winter, Camprell Ann. Scott. N;it. Hist. Edin- burgh 1908 )). 120. Porzana imirueUa at Great Yarmouth, Dye Zoologist Loudon 1908 p. 429 ; at the Royal Sovereign Ijightship, Sussex, Tu'EiiURST Britisli Birds 2 p. 32.— Z^. pusllla intermedia neu fiir Dalmatien, Grossmann Ornith. Jahrl). 19 pp. 225- 226. — P. atra sp. n. Henderson Is., North Sydney Rec. Austr. Mus. 7 ji. 31 . Ortygometra porzana pusllla, Oolo- gische Beobachtungen, Cerva Aquila 14 1907 p. 214. SaroLhrura pidchra cenlndli^ subsp. n. Lake Regions of Central Africa, Neu- mann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 45 ; S. pulehra zenkerl South Camu- roons. Id. I.e. — S. hury'i sp. n. Wagga Mts. Somali Land, (J rant London Bull. "Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 93. Neocrex uniformis Hartert = colom- bianus Bangs, Bangs P. Biol. Soc. Washington 21 p. 158. d K) 114 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Gallinula cMoropiis note on, Glad- stoke Ami. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 52 ; Fortpflauzungstieschiclite, ZiEGLER Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 530. Porphyria smaragdonotus in Norfolk, Bird British Birds 2 p. 13-1. Fuliea atra, aberrative Eier, Pelt Lechner Amsterdam Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 5 pp. 62-63 ; Ei, Johaxsex Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 159-160.— F. americana, Pennsylvania, Miller Auk 25 p. 219. Podiea petersi, Nest and eggs in Southem Rhodesia, E. C. Chubb Pre- toria J. S. Afi-ic. Ornith. Union. 4 p. 107 pi. V. ORDER PODICIPEDIFORMES. Podicipes fluviatllis prolific breeding, Bentham Zoologist 1908 p. 351 ; late breeding, Wood British Birds 2 p. 242 & WiTHERBV, I.e. p. 242. — P. nigrieoUis, note, RoBiKSOS Zoologist 1908 p. 228.— P. cristatus in Shetland, Patersojj, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1908 p. 207 & British Birds 2 p 246 ; late nesting, Bestiiam Zoologist 1908 p. 351 ; late breeding and retention of summer dress, Aplin T.c. pp. 407-408. — P. criatatiis, P. nigri- eoUis, Ei, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 202-216. — P. cristatus and P. minor, late nesting in Surrey, Leigh British Birds 2 p. 171. ORDER COLYMBIFORMES. Colymbus ardicus, Nisten im Gouv. Moskau, PoLtAKov Semja ochotn. 1908 pp. 271-274. — C. glaciolis large num- ber in Hov Sound, Orkney, Robinson Ann. Sott.'Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 185 ; at Staines Reservoirs ; Kerk Zoologist 1908 p. 142 ; note, Rouixsox tc. p. 228. Gavin imher, To'vv'Xsend Bird Lore 10 p. 171 ; Kendall J. Maine Ornith. Soc. 9 1907 p. 85 pi. ; Pennsylvania, Harlow Auk 25 p. 471. ORDER SPHENISCIFORMES. Beitrage zur Morphologic des Gefiiss- systems ; Zur Kenntnis der Fliigelarte- rien der Pinguine ; ^Ivller Anat. Ilefte Abt. ] 35 pp. 553-648, 1 Taf. Pinguine in der Gefangenschaf t ; SoKOLowsKY Umschau 12 pp. 586-589. Penguin ; The derivation of the word, McClymont Emu 8 p. 39. ORDER PROCELLARIIFORMES. The Cahow : Discovery in Bermuda of fossil bones and feathers supposed to belong to the extinct bird called "Cahow"by the early settlers; Mow- bray Ainer. J. Sci. 25 p. 361. GoDMAX, F. Du Cane. A MonograjA of the Petrels (Order Tubinares, Parts 2, 3.) London 1908 ; the following species are figured, viz. : — Cymodroma moestissinia, Puffinus lencomelas, ciinra- tiis, hidleri, cldororhynclius, gravi>>, kuldi, creatopus, anglorum, yelkouan 1 1 !< , opisthomelas, auricidaris, gavia, pcr-<'i- cua, obscurus, assimilis, elegans, cur- neipes, griseus, tenuirostris, nattvitatis, Priofinus emereus, Thalassoeca aiitarc- tica, Priocella glacialoidcs, Majaqurus cpquinoctialis, parhinsoni, Q^strclata macroptera, aterrima, lessoni, hcvsitafa,' jamaiceiisis, rostrata, parviroi'f ■'- incerta, mollis, magentce, phfTopij brevipes, liypoleuca, nigripennis, brcvi r tris, solanderi, externa, cervical is. neglecta, arjninjoniana, trinitatis. Procellaria pelagica, the yoiiuf plumage, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist Edinburgh 1908 p. So. Oceanodroma leiicorrhoa, in Aberdeen shire, Thomson Ann. Scott. Nat. His( Edinburgh 1908 p. 120. Fregetta Bp. vice Cymodroma Ridgw Salvadori London Bull. Brit. Ornith. C 21 })p. 78-80. — F. melanoleuca, sp. I Tristan da Cunha, Id. T.c. p. 79, R< marks, SiiARrE T.c. p. 86. Puflnns anglornm, in Oxfordshiri Aplix Zoologist 1908 p. 396 ; Sejitembt migi'ation, Booth T.c. ]>. 429; Jung ScHMiTZ Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. 42. — 1 7jelkouanns from Wingham Kent, N. ] TiCEiiURST British Birds 2 p. 137 ; off tl Yorkshire Coast, Witherby Londc Bull. Brit. Ornitli. CI. 23 p. 48 ; Occu rences in Britain, Witheuby British Bin 2 pj). 206-208. — P. griseus in Sussi and Kent, Butterkield British Birds p. 243; in Yorkshire, Witherby T.c. 243. — P. tenuirostris, protection Lord Emu Melbourne 8 p. 91. llo Ai'es. Systematic. — Pkocixlakiformes — Lariformep. 5831 (Etitrelata ncglecta in Cheshire, Oloham London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 101 : NEWSTE.tn & Coward Britisli Birds 2 pp. 14-17 fig. Fiilmanis fjlacialis in the Firtti of Forth, Mallo<.'II Zoologist 1908 p. o'JIi ; once seen on crossing the Xonkniskiild Sea : Dresseu on the Kussian Arctic Ex- pedition of 1900-1903, Ibis 1908 p. 513. Daption capfHsJ-s, decrease in numbers, Campbell Emu 8 p. 37. ORDER ALCIFORMES. PlaiUus impennls, Egg belonging to M. Hardv of Dieppe, BiinvEi.L London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 103; at Mount Desert island, Towxsend J. Maine Ornith. Soc. 9 1907 p. 82. Alle alle, Wisconsin. Ward Auk p. 21o and Milwaukee Bull. Wis. Soc. 6 p. 124. Menjiilus alle in the Firth of Forth iu March, Evass Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 185 ; captured alive near Yarmouth, Dye Zoologist 1908 p. 114. Uria hnienntchi at the Fame islands iu June, Booth Naturalist London No. 618 p. 289. Fnitercula artica near Emmerich on the Rhine, Le Roi Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 105. ORDER LARIFORMES. H ijdrochelidon nigra in Cheshire in April, Coward British Birds 2 p. 33 ; on the Tweed, Donaldson' Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 185 ; on the Tweed and Forth, Evans t.c. p. 254. — H.fissipes and II. nigra Eier Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30, pp. 196-198 —//. nigra tturinamensis, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Miller Auk 25 p. 215. Sterna fluviatilis breeding on the Holyhead Skerries, Heatley Noble British Birds 2 p. 64; Beschreilmng, Nistbau, Juuge, im Gouv. Moskau, PoLiAKov Semja ochotn. 1908 pp. 422- 433. — S. iluviatilis and S. arctiea, Xest on Walney Island, described and figured, KiRKiiAN British Birds 2 pp. 78-82, 161-168. — S. fluciatilia und .S. macrura, Eier, Goebel Zs. Oologie Berlin 18 (N-103323) pp. 139-144. — S. hiriiudo, notes, Heatiierley Zoologist 1908 pp. 361- 369 pi. ii ; Ei, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 1907 [1908] p. 200.— 8. Iiirundo und S. niacrnrci, deutscho Eier, D<1.ME1ER Zs. Oologie 18 pp. 113-115.— S. canliaca at Breydon, Yarmouth, Arnold Zoologist 1908 p. 351. — S. nii)nitn, Variation in nests, KiKKMAN British Birds 2 pp. 161- 168 pi. iii. — -S'. saundersj, neu fiir die Fauna Russlands, Slskin Mater, faun, flor. Ross. 8 pp. 128-129.— S. snnd- vicensis aeuflavida. North Carolina, Pearson Auk' 25 p. 312. Onijehoprion fidiginosum near Via- reggis Tuscany, de Beaux Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 33-35. A710US stolidus, Sterna fuliginosa, Watson Washington Puhlication No. 103, pp. 187-255, 11 pis. 2 text figs. — A. stolidus, Thompson Bird-Loie 5 1903 (77-84, with illustr. text fig., pi. Micranous marcusi sp. n., Marcus Island, Bryan, Honolulu, Oco. Papers, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus., 2 1903 pp. 77-139 text fig. map. Xema sabiyiei, at Breydon Yarmouth, Arnold Zoologist 1908 p. 352, and GuRNEY Britisli Birds 2 p. 208 ; in Lincolnshire, Hakmi British Birds 2 p. 241 ; in the Firtli of Forth, Evans Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 53 ; in the Inner Hebrides, Paterson Ann. Scot. N.it. Hist. 1908 p. 205 & British Birds 2 p. 246. Larits spp., Massachusetts, Allen Auk 25 pp. 296-300.— 7>. minntus on the Rhine, Le Roi Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 105. — h. minntus, L. ridi- hundus Ei, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 202-204.— L. ridibundus, habits, Evans Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 255 ; food, Laidlaw T.c. pp. 139-141 ; abnormal eggs from Ire- land, Trevelyan British Birds 2 p. 64 ; Changing its breeding quarters in con- sequence of persecution, Harrison t.c. p. 99 ; Marked specimen from Rossiteu shot in Tunis, Tiiienemann Ornith. Monatsb. Berlin 16 p. 63 ; Ueber eino proximal von der Epiphyse am Zwi- schenhirnd ich auftretende Ausstiilpung bei den Kmbryonen, Volker Anat. Anz. Jena 33, pp. 170-177. — L. novae liollan- diae. Nesting on Montague Island, E. Aus- tralia, Hull Emu Melbourne 8 pp. 80- 85 ; variation of eggs from Montague d 16-2 116 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Is., Hull Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 286. — L. caehinnnns, aljinis Remli. Gouv. St. Petersburg, Bi.^kchi St. Peter- burg Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. xsxyi- xlv.— L. nmrinus, unusual nesting site, Warren Zoologist 1908 p. 396; neue Art der ungariscben Ornis, U.O.C. Aquila Budapest 1908 p. 317. — L. glaucus at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 84.— L. ebnrnea on the River Eden, Parker Zoologist 1908 p. 145. PagopMla ebnrnea, Haag Zs. Oologie 18 pp. 137-139. Lestrls catarrhactes in Sachsen, Heller Ornith. Monatschr. 33 1908 p. 219. Meqalestris skua, in Sacbsen, Heller Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 312.— M. skua, Lestrls pomar'mus, crepldatus, para- siticus, Synonymie, Snouckaert von ScHAUBURG"Ainsterdani Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. 5 pp. 59-61. Stercorarius skua, 8. megalestris, VoGEL Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 251.— S. crepidatus cholied by a Gurnard, Anderson Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1908 p. 255. — S. parasiticus Gouv. Moskau, Verbreitung, Zugstrasser, PoLiAKOV Na§a ochota 1908 10 pp. 103- 106.— S. longicaudus, Iowa, Anderson Auk 25 p. 215. ■\Aegialornis leehnardti s-p. n. France, Gatllard Ann. Univ. Lyon 1908 GO figs. 11 & 12 et pi. iii figs. 1-6. ORDER CHARADRIIFORMES. The Waders of Solway ; Service Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 pp. 4G- 60. Nesting dates of some of the Waders, Rorertson Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 pp. 62-64. Chionis marionensls sp. n. ilaiinn Island, Reichenow Deutsche Si'ul})()lar Expedition i p. 566. Tloemalopus ostralegus, feeding habits, Dewar Zoologist 1908 pp. 201-212 & British Birds 2 p. 168. VanelluH vulgaris. Five eggs, Rattuav British Birds '2 p. 1.36.— T^ eriftatus Entwicklung, Rabi, Arch. mikr. Anat. 72 pp. 731-815, 5 Taf.— V. vaneJlus, food -habits, Kiellasd Bergen Naturen 32 pp. 231-234.— F. cristatus, albinismc, Baudoin Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. 11 pp 37-39. — V. vanellus, Nisten, Cer\ Aquila 14 1907 pp. 213-214. Stephanibyx melnnopterus minor sul sp. n. S. & E. Africa, Zedlitz Ornitl Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 180. Charadrius donunicus fulvus i Friesland, Nov. 8 1906, Snouckaert va ScHAUBURG Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 1 p. 112. .Egialitis hlatieola, notes, Heatheule Zoologist 1908 p. 365 pi. iii ; abnorma eggs, Trevelyan British Birds 2 p. 134 JouRDAiN t.c. p. 135 ; I'ebble nest, Lyne tc p. 136; unusual eggs, Bdny.vh London Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 24.— J cantiana in Cheshire, Coward Britis Birds 2 p. 32.— -E. tricoUaris, eggs an bird photographed in situ, Haagne Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union pi. ii fig. 2. — M. nigrifrons, cur ion nesting-place, Campbell Emu Melbouni 7 p_ 157. — JE.tocifera in Romneyllars Kent, Carroll Loudon Bull. Brit. 0 nith. CL 23 p. 25, also Ticehurst Bntis Birds 2 p. 109.— -.-J!;. plaeida, egg figurei Dresser Ibis 1908 pi. x fig. 5. Charadrius alexandrinus, Ei, Ckr\ Aquila 14 1907 p. 214. Eimantopnr kimantopus, in Ungar: Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 181. Eecurvi rostra avocetta in Ung.ir Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 181. i americana, Georgia, Arnow Auk 25 473. Numenius arquatus, Brutvogel ^ Fuente Ventura, Thanner Ornith. Jain 19 pp. 198-215; in Ungarn, Citekn Aquila 14 1907 p. 181; in Westc wSa.Kony, Heyden Oinith. Monatsbti Berlin 16 p. 98. Limosa lapponiea, incursion at Ya mouth, Patterson Zoologist 1908 395 ; probablv nesting on the Taini; Tundras, Dresser Ibis 1908 p. 594.- L. helqica in Komney Marsh, Ker Si'ARRow British Birds 2 p. 99 ; regul; visitant to the Solwav. Service An Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p 85-87 ; in Fife, Baxter t.c. p. 53. Pseudoscolopax tav.zanowskii Nistei im Gonv. Tobolsk, Buturlin Nasaocho 1908 11 pp. 29-.32; im Gouv. Tobol p:i, Usakov, Semja ochotn., 1908 p. 60< Be'schreibung der Eier, id. NaSa ochc 1908 12 pp. 116-119. Id. 117 Aves. Systematic. — Ciiaradriiformes. 5831 Totanim tuliiinis, Eiablage, Cerva Aqiiila 14 lUUT p. L'14. — T. fuscus umi Ultoriitis, Beuo Oriiitli. Moiiatsber, 16 pp. 156-159. — 7'. fuscus ; in Roimiey Marsh, Kent, Sparrow British Birds 2 p. 99 ; breeding in Lappmark, Berg Drnith. Monatsbt-r. Berlin 16 p. loO. — Totanus littorcus in Lappmark, Habits, BeR(7 Omith. ilonatsber. Berlin 16 p. 158. — 7'. calldris breeding in War- wickshire, Leigii British Birds 2 p. So ; Changing its breeding-quarters as the result of persecution, Harrison t.c. p. J9. — T. soUtariuH in Kent, Dnclu'.ss )f Bedford British Birds 2 p. 137 & L'-VRROLL London Bull. Brit. Urnith. CI. 23 ]i. 25.-7'. staijnatUis in Ungarn, L'hersel Aquila 14 1907 p. 181.— T. tlavipes. Pennsylvania, Miller Auk 25 p. 220. — 7'. Jiypoleneos note, Robert- ?nN Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 pp. 77-79; Xester, Ertl Acpiila 14 J 907 pp. 323-324. fTotanus edwardsi sp. n. France, Gaillard Ann. Univ. Lvon, 1908 p. 128 fig. 37. Actitis hypdlencos, inceurs, Magaud d'Acbusson- Naturaliste 30 pp. 07-09). Paconcella pitgnax Ei, Cerva Aquila 14 1907 p. 214. — Madietes ptignox in Ireland in September, Mac.vamara Field 1908 p. 514 and British Birds 2 p. 208. Baiiramin longicaiida in Romuey Marsh, Kent, Carroll London Bull. Brit. Urnith. CI. 23 p. 25, and Xicoll British Birds 2 p. 200. Triiigites rufeseens in Lincolnshire, Haigh British Birds 2 p. 241. Calidris arenar'ia, nestlings from Spitsbergen, Clarke London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 88; in North Siberia, Dre.sser Ibis 1908 ]). 594. Tr'inga in'mula at Balgray Reservoir, RouERTsoN Glasgow Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 p. 76. — r. ruficoll'is, eggs from the Delta of the I-ena, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 21 p. 53 ; eggs figured. Id. Ibis 1908 pi. x figs. 7-9.— r. temmincki and mimila in Western Saxony, Heyder Ornith. Monatsbr. 16 P- 98. — T. maculata in Kent, Nicoll British Birds 2 p. 205; in Norfolk, Arxold t.c. p. 206. — T. striata at the Hanois Light Channel Islands, TiCE- HCRST British Birds 2 p. 33. T. eaniUus at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 84 ; breeding in N. Silioria, Dri;ssi:k Ibis 1908 i>. 593. — T. alpina plumage in Egypt in January, Nicoll Ibis 1908 p. 507. — 7'. sclinizi Ostseeprovinzen Distincte form. Gefieder, Eier, Nest, Stimme, Buturlin Psov. i ruz. oohota Moskva 13 pp. 263-206. GnUinago gallhiago, marked speci- mens occurring in France and Spain, Thiene.maxx Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 80; nesting in Kent, Ticeiiurst British Birds 2 p. 205 ; G. gaUhiago viajor, PoLiAKOV Semja ochotn. Moskva l^p. 133-134. — G. anstraJ'ia egg figuied, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 105 pi. iv fig. 4. Scolopax ; Characteristik der Arten des Slid - Ussuri - Gebietes, Medvedev Ochotn. gaz. 36 p. 331. — S.inisticida, posi- tion of ear, Pycraft Ibis 1908 pj). 551-558 & British Birds 2 p. 245 ; marked Wood- cock, Hamilton British Birds 2 p. 240 ; distribution in the I'orth area, Harvie- Brown Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 142-140; extension of nesting in the Clyde area, Dixon t.c. p. 255 ; protection in S.W. Scotland, Gladstone t.c. p. 184; determination of sex, ScHARFF Dublin Irish Nat. 17 p. 72 ; in Deutsch- land, RdTHE D. Jiigerztg 50 pp. 741- 744, 757-761, 773-776; Geschlechts- nnterschiede Schaff, D. Jiigerztg 51 pp. 61-03; Wanderung, Bi'iow, Jagd- freund 8 pp. 657-661 ; Nisten in Un- garn, Lintia Aquila 14 1907 p. 336. Pliilohela minor, Georgia, Arnow, Auk 25 p. 220. (.'rymophilus fuUcarius, Dyche, Kan- sas, Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. 20 1906 pp. 131-132 ; in co. Wexford, Banks British Birds 2 p. 241 ; in Devonshire in May, Chami'ERNowne t.c. p. 204. riudaropus hyjwrhoreus in the Solway area. Service Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 12U.— 7'. hhntiis in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 181 ; Ufer des Schwarzen Meeres, Kobylin Tiflis Mitth. Kauk. Mus. 3 p. 303. Phirianus cegyptiua, habits and dis- tiihution, Flower Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 139 144 pi. Glareola antcenia sp. n. Ituri River, Reichenow Ornith Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 191. — G. pi'utincola Flannau islands, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgli 1908 p. 250 & British Birds 2 p. 245 ; nesting in Natal. Millar Ibis 1908 p. 385 also Sclater London Bull. Brit. lis Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Ornith. CI. 21 p. 49.— G. fusca m Ger- many, Krohn Oruith. Monatsber. Beiiiii 16 pp. 128-132.— G'. melanoptera subsp. n. pallidigulavis Gouv. Tomsk., Johan- SEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 1-239 ; = G. melanoptera, Bvimus NaSa ochota 1908 10 p. 31. Galactochrysea cmini, Tete, Claude Grant London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 93. Oedienemus oedicnemus in Ungarn, CiiERNEL Aquila 14, 1907 p. 181.-0. nediciiemus bisidariim subsp. n. Canary Islands, Sassi Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 19 p. 32-34. Otis tarc?a,Domestication, Lebensweise_, CERErovA Nasa pticevodn. zizut 1 1907 pp. 84-87, 105-106; Fortpaanzung m der Gefangenachait. Id. t.c. pp. 130- 131. _0. tetrax in Ungarn, Ciiernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 181 ; in Ostpreuasen Li'iHE Konigsberg Schr. physik. Ges. 48 p 365.— 0. mac.queeni in N. Germany, remarks, Krohn Oruith. Monatsber. Berlin, 16 p. 125. ORDER GRUIFORMES. Grus communis in Anglesey, New- stead British Birds 2 p. 02.— G. grus Uliordl Eier, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ 30 p. IGO.— G. leucogeranus lireeding in Northern Siberia, Dresser Ibis 1908 p. 595.— G. antigone m cnptivitv, Seth-Smitii Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 p. 243. Anthfoiioides leucauclien breeding in confinement, Bi.aauw Ilns 1908 p. 481. ORDER ARDEIFORMES. GerotUkus eremita, Vorkommen, Merk male, Herman Aquila 14 pp. xxxiii-xliv. Comatihis eremita in Europa, Klein- sciiMiuT Faleo 4 pp. 42-44. riegadh fah'/mellus North Devon, Fenw'uk Zoologist 1908 p. •■'''J-''j ;"" Nortiiumiwrland Coast, Gii.i, t.c. p. ./.)4 ; Aijerdeenshire, Inokam t.c. p. 1 ^> ; Ayrshire, Hoiir.insoN .\im. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgli 1908 i>. 119 ; Cornwall, WiTiiKRiiy British I'.irds 2 p. 244 ; Un- oarn, Chehnei, Aipiihi 14 p. 1^\.—Ibis Jalchiellns m Orkney, Robinson Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 ]). 50 ; at .Sppymouth, Mniriica'jretta. New Jersey, Howe Auk 25 p. 473. Eyretta cand'idieimma, Sass Bird Lore 10 pp. 160-162; Sonth Carolina, Sass Auk 25 p. 313. Xycticorax grlseuif in Ireland, Williams Zoologist 1908 p. 33. — N. leuconottis near Port Elizabeth, FiTZ- SIMONS Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 40. Ardelta bryaiii sp. n. Marianas, Seale Honolulu Occ. Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 1 No. 3, 1901. p. 27. — A. minuta, in Hungary, Greschik Aquila 1908 p. 327. — .4. ueo.vena, Ohio, Joses Wilson Bull. 20 p. 50. Botaunis stellaris, in East Lothian, BoxAK Ann. Scott. Xat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 183 and British Birds 2 p. 140 ; also Evans Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist Edin- burgh 1908 p. 119; near Singapore, H.\XITSCH Rep. Raffles Library and Museum p. . — B. »tellar'is orientalis, Ostasien, Butcrlin NaSa ochota 1908 9 p. 9. Diipetor flavicoll'is and allies. Roth- schild and Hartert Nov. Zool. 15 ])p. 353, 354. ORDER PHOENICOPTERIFORMES. Phoen'icopterus ruber, Gouv. Tomsk, Jenisseisk, Koptlov Semja ochotn. 1908 pp. 205-206. — P. roseus, occurrences in Siberia, JofLOiSEX Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 19 pp. 215-225 ; Gebiet Semipalatinsk. Plotxikov Ochotn. gaz. Moskva 36 p. 363 ; im Gouv. Jenisseisk, Severus Ochotn. vestn. 8 p. 69. ORDER ANSERIFORMES. Cygn'inae, Review of genera and species of Swans; Oberkolser Emu 8 jjp. 1-11 ; Palceocygiius 1 sp., Olor '< spp., Clangocygnus subsp. n. type C. '"iccinator, Cygnus 2 spp., Chenopis • spp., ArchueoeygnuH 1 sp. Zug der Wildgiinse im Hortobagv, Nagy Aquila 14 p. 1907 & pp. 332-337". On the identification of Ducks' Eggs, Noble British Birds 2 pp. 18-23, pi. i. Cygnus olor, island of Coll, Noble British Birds 2 p. 61.— C. beicicki, Jaco- babad, Sind, Baker J. Bombay Soc, 18, p|.i. 7i)3-755. — Olorcoluiubianus Fleming Auk. 25, pp. 306-309; New York, Savage Buffalo Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci. 9, pp. 23-28, text fig. Pteronetta hartlaub'i albifrons subsp. n. Upper Congo, Neumann" London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 42. JEx sponsa, in Oxfordshire, Aplin Zoologist 1908 p. 33 and Bedford t.c. p. 73. Cereopsls novcp hoUandine decrease on the islands of Bass's Strait, Armstronc; Emu 7 p. 182, Cf. Smith t.c. p. 48 & Maclaine, t.c. pp. 48-50 ; in Victoria, Austin Emu 8 p. 106; in Tasmania, Littler t.c. p. 107 & Hurst I.e. Cheyi lujperborens nesting in N, Siberia, Dresser Ibis 1908 pp. 589, 599. Anser an.^ier, Ei, Johassen" Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 p. 219.— il. albifrois fabalis, A.fabalis neglectus, in Ungarn, Cher.vel Aquila 14 1907 pp. 180-181 ; — A. albifrons gambell Hartl. = ^1. albifrons Sco]^., SusKiN Mater, faun, tlor. Ross. 8 i)p. 350-351. — A. erythropus in Hannover, le Roi Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 110. Tjranta leucopsis, Durchzug durch Estland, Buturlin Psov. i ruz. ochota 13 1907, pp. 203-266.— B. berniela and B. nigrimyiH breeding in N. Siberia, Dresser lh\s 1908 p. 597 .—Bemiclj. nigricans, notes, GuRNET Zoologist 1908 p. 123 pi. i. Tadorna tadorna, in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila 14 pp. 179-187; Barthos t.c. p. 330 ; in Germany, LoNS Or- nith. Monatsber. 16, p. 99. — Tadorna comuta. Eclipse plumage in the female, Boniiote London Bull. Brit.-Ornith. Club 23 pp. 21-23 ; Inland nesting, Southwell British Birds 2 p. 01. Anas domestica, Exencephalie, Skri.\hin Mess. med. veterin. soc. 20 pp. ■ 740-743. — .4. boscan, absence of down in nest, Comi'Ton British Birds 2 62 ; Ei, JoHANSEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 p.223; Hochnisten, Schloms u. Poensgen D. Tagerztg. 51 p. 298 ; A. bosclius x Dafila acuta, Moskau, Poljakov Semja ochotn. Moskva pp. 483-486 ; A. boschas x Netta rufina, Sarudnyi Semja ochotn. 1908 pp. 176-184. — A. atrepera in Scotland Evans Ann. Scott. 20 Aves. XVII. Aves. [lOOS] Nat. Hist. Ediuburgh 1908 p. l'5-l ; in West Scotland, Gladstone t.c. p. 110 ; in Aberdeenshire, Ramsay & Thomson t.c. p. 181 ; Lliaulclasmus stepenis Ei, JoHANSEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 223- 224; Nisten in Gouv. Moskau, Feder- kleid, PoLiAKOv Semja ochotn. 1908 pp. 3-6. ilareca penelopc. Changes of plumage, BoNHOTE London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CL 23 p. 23. Nettion caroKne?i84.s, Califoi-nia, Gold- man Condor 10 p. 129. — A^. creeca laying in the same nest as Phasiamts colchkus, Pearson British Birds 2 p. 98 ; Ei, JoHANSEN Tomsk Izv. Uni\\ 30 pp. 224-225. — iV. capense, Nesting- habits, LiTTLEDALE Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 pp. 16-19, pi. iii. Dafla acuta increase in Scotland, Harvie-Brown Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 184 ; in Argyllshire, Alston t.c. p. 119; breeding in Shet- lands, Harvie-Brown t.c. p. 184 & British Birds 2 p. 140. Querquedula querquedida, Ei, Johan- sen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 p. 225. Spatula dypeata, breeding in Tiree, Andersok Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1908 p. 252 & British Birds 2 p. 245 ; nesting in Lincolnshire, Blathwatt British Birds 2 p. 95 ; in Staffordshire, Bladen I.e. ; Ei, JoHANSEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 p. 226-227 ; Farbenvarietat vom Jenissei, Tuoarinov Prir. i. ochota 36 7 p. 8. Nyi'oca ferruglnea, nestling de- scribed, Dalgliesh Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 p. 87. Aythya ferina Ei, Johansen Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 p. 228. Fidigula ferina, in Windsor Park, Kerr Zoologist 1908 p. 139 : in Romnev Marsh, Kent, Sparrow British Birds 2 p. 90.— F. rufina in E.g%-pt, NicoLL 11)13 1908 p. 505.— F. fidigula in Hungary during summer, U.o.c. Aquila 1908 p. 327 ; neu fiir Madeii-a, Schmitz Ornith. Jahri). 19 p. 15 ; Ei, .JoHANSEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 229- 230. — F. crlntata, in the outer Hebrides : notes on the species as a Scottish bird, Harvie-Brown British Birds 2 pp. 132, 165. 106 ; in Ireland, nesting sites, Tre- VELYAN British Birds 2 p. 97 ; Brutge- schiift, Reuter Zs. Oologie 17 pp. 177- 179. F. Injemalis, in Ungarn, Cuernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 180. Clangula glaucion, breeding in cap- tivity, Blaauw Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 p. 37 ; in Somersetshire, Dalgleish Zoologist 1908 p. 409; at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 84. Melanitta nigra, Gouv. Moskau, Guno- huhnten, Poliakov Semja ochotn. 1908 p. 32. Oedemia nigra, Brutvogel in Spitz- bergan, Koenig Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. 127. — ffi. fiisca Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 84 ; in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 179. — 0. perspicillata, Ohio, JoNES Wil- son Bull. 20 p. 210. Lamproneita (Aretonetta) fischeri, eggs from Indigirka, N.E. Siberia, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 (39). Somateria fischeri and S. etelleri breeding in Northern Siberia, Dresser Ibis 1908 p. 59n.— S. jnollissima off South Devon, Smith British Birds 2 p. 31 ; in Solway waters. Service Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 119; breeding in Holland, Snouckaert van Schaubcrg Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 112 ; observations on and some of its races (Danish), Lehn Schioler Kpben- havn. Ornith. Tids. 2 pp. 109-149, 5 pis. — S. spectahilis, S. jisvheri and S. f^tellcri, breeding in Northern Siberia, Dresser Ibis 1908 pp. 595-597. Erismatura leucocephala, in Ungarn, Chernel Budapest 14 1907 p. ISO. Mergus alhellus, in Northumberland, Walton Zoologist 1908 p. 73 ; in Dum- friesshire, Gladstone Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 119.— M. serra- tor, in Ungarn. Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 179. ORDER PELECANIFORMES. Fhalaeroeorax, notes on species of coast and inland waters of Victoria, Cole Emu 8 pp. 70-78 ; Habits in N.W. Vic- toria, Ross t.c. p. 94. — P. earho, habits in New Zealand, Head Emu 8 pp. 71- 76. — P. graculus early nesting in Orknev, Robinson Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 51.— P. dilo- pJms iioridanus, Pearson Bird Lore 7 1905 pp. 121-120, illustr. & text Cg. 121 .4t'e.^. Systematic. — Pelecaniformes— Accipitbiformes. 5831 Plolim ruhiSy nest and eggs, Oitosson Ark. Zool. 4 No. 9 pp. 2-4. Sula leiteoijastra & Fregttlu aquUa life-histories, Chapm.'in Carnegie Institu- tion, Washington 2 Publioation No. 103 pp. 130-151, 0 pis. — S'. hasi^ana, note on the young, IIkshehsos Ann. S?ott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 51. Fregata aquila, Townsend Hird Lore 10 p. i23. Pelecanus onocrotalus, Floericke Kosmos 5 pp. 326-330. — P. erispus notes. Lodge Aquila 1907 pp. 203- 216. ORDER CATHARTIFORMES. Cathartes aura, Jackson Bird Lore 5 1903 pp. 184-187, text fig. Gymuogyps californianus, San Joaquin Valler, Stewart Condor 10 p. 130 ; historical data and range. Finlev Condor 10 pp. 5-10, pi. lit text fig. ; home life Id. t.c. pp. 59- G5, text fig. & pi. ACCIPITRIFORMES. British birds of prev, Speedy Edin- burgh Trans. Nat. Soc.6 pp. 20-30. Zur Frage iiber die wii-tschaftlielie Bedeutung der Bussarde, Mageuunter- suchungen von 1897-1907, RoRiG Ornith.ilonatschr. 33 p. 493. Vidtur monachus in Ungarn, Ciiernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 182. Gyps fidi-ii8, in Ungarn, Chernel t.c. p. 182 ; breeding in Ilungarv, LiSTiA Aquila 1908 p. 325.— (/'. fulvus nnd ruppelU, Klkin.-^chmidt Falco 4 p. 14. — G. erlangeri, sp. n. lu-vthrtpa to Somali Land, Salvadori Bol. Mus. Torino 23 No. 570. — G. Kolhii, Habits, Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 128. iStrigogyps gen. n. duhiun sp. n. France, Gaillard Ann. Univ. Lyon 1908 39 fig. 5 et pi. ii figs. 1-4. fPlesiocathartes gen. n. europaeus sp. n. France, Gaillard Ann. Univ. Lyon 1908 41 fig. Get pi. ii figs. 13-16. ■\Amphi8erpentarius gen. n. p. 44 ; schlossen sp. n. France, 45 fig. 7 et pi. ii figs. 5-8, Gaillard Ann. Univ. Lvon 1908 Xeupftron pcrcnoptcrtitt Lebensweiae, Polat/ek rcf. ji. 97 ; in E. Cape Colony, DiEifDicN Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith Union 4 p. 40. Circus pygarjus Farbenaberration, Tsoiiusi ref. p. 201. Circiiit c'lneraceutf, breeding in Surrev, Ingram Zoologist 1908 pp. 308-311.-^- <'. pijgnrgus in Snrrev, Incra.m Zoologist 1908 'pp^ 308-311 & British Birds 2 p. 140. — C. aeruginosus, Nest, Cerva Aquila 14 1907 p. 214. Aatur riggenbacki sp. n. Senegal. Nei'maxn London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21, p. 69. — A. hrpvipes, breeding in South Dalniatia, Grosssiann Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 19 pp. 48-54.— .4. cine- re us in Melboui-ne Zool. Gardens, Le SouiiF Emu 7 p. 187. Accipiter nisus Detmers Zs. Oologie 17 pp. 185-186; 18, pp. 18-21. Vor- kommen auf den Canaren Poi.atzick ref. 101. Plioaetus De Vis nom. n. for Asturae- tus De Vis, RiCHMONn Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35, p. 592. Buteo meiietriesi in Ungarn, Ciiernel, Aqailal4]907 p. 103— 7,'. huieo huteo Farbenaberratloneu, Tsciifsi ref. p. 202 — B. vulgaris, food, Coi.i.ett Kris- tiania Norsk Ja?gerf. Tidssk. 37 p. 197 ; Varietiiten, Flsciier Gera Jahresber. Ges. Nativ. 49-50 pp. 81-83.— «. buteo lanzaroteae subsp. n. Canary Islands, Poi.atzek Ornith, Jahrb. Hallein 19 pp. 112-118. — B. buteo subsp. ? Beschrei- bung u. Lebensweise, Poi.atzek ref. p. 111. — B. zimmermamiae Ehuieke = vul- pinus Licht., Kritik der Formen, Ognev iloskva Duevn. zool. otd. Obsc. liub. jest. 3 9 p. 38. — B. zimmermaruiae in Deutschland, Boxberger, Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp. 309-312.— B. swain- soni, Cameron Auk 25, pp. 468-471. — B. horealis ealurus from Guadaloupe Isl., Thayer i\: Bangs Condor 10, p. 104. — B. plalypterus subsp. n. insulicola West Indies, Riley, Auk 25 p. 273. — B. lagopus in Hants, CoRBiN Zoologist 1908 p. 155; in Lincolnshire Blathwayt t.c. p. 469 ; — Archibuteo lagopus, als Hasenfeind, Greeschik Aquila, 14 1907 p. 318. Urubitlnga anthracina Thomas Condor 10 pp. 116-118, text fig. 122 Aves. XVlJ. Aves. [190J^] Aquila ; Synonymie der Steppenadler, SusKiN Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 8 pp. 419- 423. — A. chrysaetos, Merrlvm Science 28 p. 147 ; food habits, Dyche Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. 19 1905 pp. 179- J 81 ; in Montana, CAiiERON Auk 25 pp. 251- 868 pi. — A. chrysa'etiLs fidva in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 163.— A. pennata in Germany, ToEPEL Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 pp. 116-118. EutolmaetKS spilogaster, Egg de- scribed, BccKSiLL Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4 p. 97. Spisaetus helaarti L. Java, Finsch Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 44 & Skouckaert VAN ScHAUBURG Amsterdam Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. p. 5 58. Cireaetus gallieus in Germany, Geyr VON ScHWEPPENBURG Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin, 16 p. 138. Pithecophaga jefferyi, descriptive note, Mearns Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 76. Milvus milints, Lebensweise, Polatzek ref. p. 118. — M. aegyptius, Eier, le Roi Zs. Oology 18 pp. 1-13. — M. korschun in Germany, Gevr von ScnwEPPENBURG Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 139 ; on the Rhine, Id. t.c. p. 106. Fernis apivorus in Suffolk and Norfolk, Dye Zoologist 1908 p. 468 ; in Lincoln- shire, Blathwayt t.c. p. 428 ; in Shrop- shire, Forrest British Birds 2 p. 204 ; in North Wales, Head Zoologist 1908 p. 156. Ictinia rnissiasippiens'is, nest and eggs, SiiUFELDT Wilson Bull. 20 p. 163. Pollohierax sem'itorquatus. Egg. BucK- NILL Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 96. Vorkommen des Polarfalken in Schleswig-Holstein, Voce Heimat 18 p. 118. Faleo peregrinua, feeding a wounded mate, B.uiR. British Birds 1 p. 392 ; in Norfolk, Ci.AiiK Zoologist 1908 p. 191 ; breeding in "^'orkshire. Wade Naturalist Loudon, No. 621 p. 360 pi. xl ; Nalirung, Naoy Aquila 14 p. 317; Mageninhalt, Nes- NERA t.c. p. 318 ; Collin Falco 4 p. 45 ; Winkler t.c. p. 8. — F. havharus, Lebens- weise, Polatzek ref. p. 102. — F. tanyp- terus in Heligoland, Krdhn Ornith. Mo- natsber Berlin 16 ]). 127. — F. siibhuteo thniunciihiH, venperlhius, uh»cwuii Ei, JoiiANSEN Tomsk. Izv. Univ. 30 pp. 141- 146. — F. eleonorae Lebensweise, Polat- zek ref. p. 104. — F. candicans, Flaiman Islands, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 183. — Faleo liiero- falco, Kleinschmidt Falco 4 pp. 13-18, ITaf. Lithofalco aesalon pallidus, SusKiN Mater, faun. flor. Rose. 8 pp. 385-389. Hierofalco milvipes from Shan-si, Silarpe London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 25. T'lnnunndiia tlnnunc^dus subsp. ? Beschreibungu. Lebensweise. Polatzek ref. p. 107 ; T. tinnuncidus canariensis eine Form auf den Canaren, Sassi Ormth. Jahrb. 19 pp. 30-36 ; Beschrei- bung u. Lebensweise, Polatzek ref. p. 106. Cerchneis cenchroides, wounded bird mimicking a root, Bhrrell Emu 8 p. 957. — C. naumann'i, in Germany, Gey'r von Schweppenbcrg Ornith. Mo- natsber. Berlin 16 p. 139. — C sparreria phaloena, Guadaloupe Jsld., Thayer & Bangs Condor 10 p. 104. — C. vespeHiniis near Hanover, Geyr vox Schweppenburg, Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 139 ; ein Brutvogel Thuringens, Salzmann Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 411 ; in Un- garn, Chernel Aquila 14 1907 p. 184. — Folco vespertinus in Norfolk, Tuck Zoologist 1908 p. 394 and British Birds 2 p. 344. Pandion hallaetus, in Co. Sligo, Williams Zoologist 1908 p. 33; Vor- kommen auf den Canaren, Polatzek ref. p. 100; in Germany, Geyr von Schwep- penburg Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 138 ; P. haliaetus caroJmensis, Chapman Bird Lore, 10, pp. 153-159 fig. ORDER STRIGIFORMES. Owls of the Nearctic region ; Beebe New York Rep. Zool. Soc. 11 (1906), 1907, (pp. 156-192, illustr.) Strix vs. Aluco, Allen Auk 25 pp. 288-291. Asia otus, at Fair Islo, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 83 ; Erwiderung Nahrnng, Geyr von Schwep- penburg J. Ornith. 56 p. 294: A. otus canariensis Beschreiljung u. Leben- sweise, Polatzek ref. p. lt)2. — Otus asio ynaxirrUiae, Mktz Cnndor 10 pp. 143- 145, text fig. 12.3 Aves. SVSTF.MATIC. — StRKUFORMKS — PsiTTAOIFORMES. 5831 Asio accipitritius, nestiug at Raiii- worth. Whitaker Zoologist 1908 p. KiT, and British Birds, 2, p. oO ; lireedlni:; in Pembrokeshire, Forisest British Birds 2 p. 60; nesting iu the winter, Brauner Ornith. Jahrb. Hullein, 19 p. 55 ; A. accipitr'inus paU'nliis Ei, JoH.VNSEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30; .4.. accip'itrhius sandiviceusis nestiug habits, Bryan Honolnlu Ooc. Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 2 1905, pp. 241. — .4. mv/soh- uTHiis, nesting habits, Criddle Bird Lore 9 1907, p. 126. Scotopelia pelt, from Togo Laud, Zei>litz Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin, 16 p. 11)9-172, 6'. pell fiscliei-i, subsp. n. Kau, E. Africa. S. peli sahrago ra Avcs. Systematic. — Coraciiformes. 5831 Sub-Order Momoti. Moinotui< »irj-jfn»)((s, Beere Bird l.die 7 1005 pp. 157-101, te.\t iig. Sub-Order Capiimulgi. Macrodipteryx lomiiitcmiis, nesting in Southern Nigeria, Farqlhar Ibis 1908 p. 3S5. Stcnopsis tohageuxh sp. n. Tobago, RiDGWAY Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 195. Antrostomits bad'nis sp. n. British Honduras, Bangs and Peck Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 44. Caprimulgus euroixicns Pflege iind Zucht. Heikroth Gefied. Welt. 37 jiji. 2i'o-226, 23.3-234, 241-243, & 257- 258, 265-266, 283 + 287 ; Field 1908 p. 717 & British Birds, 2 p. 244 ; Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 p. 51 ; eggs, Bdxyard London Bull. Brit. Umith. CI. 23 p. 24. — C. chndeuais sp. n. Lake Chad, Alexander op. cit. 21 p, !(0 ; notes on C. accrce and C. fulviroitna. Id. I.e. ; C. gaboncnsis sp. n. Gaboon, Id. I.e. ; C. natalens'is and allies, Range, Id., I.e. — C. fervidus, breeding on the Kurumadzi River, Swynnerton Ibis 1908 p. 393. — C. pectoralis. Photograph of a bird on its eggs, Haagxeu Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 pi. i ; Young- figured, Id. T.c. pi. ii, fig. 1. — C. ruwen- zorii sp. n. E. Ruwenzori ills., Grant, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 94.— C. palmquisti sp. n. Kilimand jaro S.iostedt Kilimandjaro-Meiu Exp., 3 p. 101. — C. afUnis subsp. n. m'tndonen!<'is Mindanao Philippines, Mearns Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 85. y.annochorde\le!s piit^iUuis acptcn- ti-'ioimliH, subsp. n. Orinoco River, Hell- MAYR Xov. Zooi. 15 pp. 78, 79. Sub-Order Cypseli, Chaeturn cnudacuta breeding in Japan, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. Ifil ; in Tasmania, Dore Emu 8 p. .39 & Littler t.c. p. 04. — C.anehietne from Tetp, Claude Gr.vnt, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. OO. — C.sabhi\e]i ogoicenms subsp. n. Ogowe River, Neu.m.ann London Bull. Bri(. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 69. — C. tisuhcri. ben- rjiiellensis subsp. n. Benguella, Id. t.c. p. 57 ; C. ussheri sJiarpci subsp. n. S. Caniaroons, Id. I.e. — C. pclagica, Bailey Bird Lore 7 1905 pp. 130-132, text fig. — C. celebeiisis, descriptive note, Meadns Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905, p. ISo.—Chaetin-a (s. str.) Sndanierik.T Hellmayr Miinchen Verh. ornith. Gcs., Ges. 8 pp. 144-161. Clipsclus ; Abzuge 1907, DonnnicK Ornith. Monatschr. pp. 247-24S.— ('. pallidiis Shelley = C viurinii>< Brehui, Hartert, Ornith. Monatslier. 16 p. 10 (s. n. Apus murhms inunnu>^) ; notes on the latter form and .4. m. ilhjncus, Id. t.c. pp. 10 & 11.— C pacijicus in Japan and at Vladivostock, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 161. — C. aeqnatori- alis in Gaza Land, Swynnerton, t.c. p. 393 ; A. aequatoriaUs rei- chcnoici sp. n. Mts. of Masailand, Xeu.mann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p 57. — (,'. melba, supposed occur- Yi'uce in N. Devon, Briggs Zoologist 1908 p. 209 & British Birds 2 p. 140 ; Apus melba on the Rhine, Le Roi t)rnith. Monatsber. 16 p. 107.— .4. srlinbotzl sp. n. Ruwenzori, Reichknow Ornith. Monatsber. 16, p. 161. — Apii.^ undecolus dinelli't subsp. n. Argen- tina, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 43.— .4/j»s apus, Schacht, Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp. 41.5-416; Tschusi zu Schniidhoffen Ornith. Monat- scJir. 33 pp. 528-529. — A. apus knlaharieus subsp. n. Kalahari, Rei- I'HESow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 81.— Apus 8treubeU,Cypseliiscaffer orientalis vel gularis Nest und Eier, Boxberger Zs. Oologie 18 p. 101. — Apus apus brehmorum., Lebensweise, Polat- zek ref. p. 163. — A^nis nvtr'nius, Hartert Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pj). 9-11. — C. apus at Fair Isle in autumn, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgli 1908 p. 83 ; ist ohne Uebuiig ein Icrtiger Flieger. Rey Ornith. Monat- schr. 33 pp. 126-127; weitereMitteihm- gen, Bertram Ornith. Monatsclir. 33 pp. 276-282. — Mieropus apus, Briiten, Nagy Aquila 14 p. 324. fC'ijpselavus gen. n., C. gallieus sp. n. France, Gaillard Ann. Univ. Lyon 1908 63 fig. 13 et pi. iii figs. 12- lo. 126 Avcs. XVII. Aves. [1908] Sub- Order Trochili. Basilinna leucotls pygmeea, subsp. n. Nicaragua, Simon et Hartert Nov. Zool. 15 (12). Euccphala Injpocyunea, Gould, aud E. suhcarulea, Elliot, referred to CMo- restes, Simon et Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 (10, 11). — E. pyropy(jia, Salvin & God- man is a Ilylocltarls. iid. Tom. cit. (10, 11). Thaluran'ia (sect. Aiuiasma), kej^ to the species, Simon et Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 6-8 ; Agyrtria tenehrosa, HkUTERir ^-Thaltnxinia lerchi (Muls. & Verr.). iid. Tom. cit. p. 9. — T. chloro- phaiia, Simou may be ? of T. amarag- dinea, Gould, iid. Tom. cit. p. 8. Thalurania eripliile erip}iilc and allies. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 75-77. Thaluninia (section A Hc/aswa). Notes on, key to the species, Simon & Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 5-10 ; agyrtria tene- hrosa, Hartert ~ Thalurania lerclii. iid. T.c. p. 7. Agyrtria versicolor (VieilL). Notes on, Simon & Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 1. Its range, iid. t.c. p. 2. — A. affinis, Gould = A. versicolor (VieiU.). iid. T.c. p. 1 — A. ticglecta is an artefact (A. versicolar -f- ?fyJoc]taris) cyanus. id. T.c. p. \.—A.v. hrcvirostris (Lies.) is dis- tinct from A. versicolor, iid. T.c. p. 1. Chrysolampis gigliolii = C. moschitus, Florisuga mellivorn, Amazilia ceneo- hrunnea = Chlorostilbon gibsoid x C. mosquitus, SiMON & Hellmeyr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 2. iid. Tom. cit. p. 2. Chlorestes = Leueocliloris Simon et Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 2, 3.— C. malvina, Reichenb, is a Leueocliloris allied to jO. albicoUis (VieilL). iid. Tom. cit. p. 2, 3. Oreotrochilus hoUvianus, Boucard, distinct from 0. siolzniauni, Slmon it Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 i)p. 1, 5. Alcidius, Boucard = OreoLrocJiilus, Gould, iid. t.c. p. 5. Oreotrochilus hoUvianus, Boucard, not allied to 0. stolzmanni Salvin, but rather to 0. rstellre. Simon et Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 ]>p. 4, 5. HcUangelus rothschildi, Boucard, Note on and description of type. Simon & Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 5. Aeronympha prosantis, Oberholser = Heliangelus rothschildi, Boucard. iid. T.c. pp. 5, 6. — H. henrici, Boucard = II. ■ftrophianus Gould. iid. Tom. cit. p. 6.. Delattria henrica subspjj. nn., Kalrin'i Guatemala, & brcvirostris Mexico, RiDGWAY Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 195. Sub-Order Colli. CoUus kiwuensis sp. n. Lake Kivvu,, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin! 16 p. 191. ORDER TROGONES. Pyrotrogon vidua in Sumatra, Beau- fort Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 190. Trogon. undcru-oodl sp. n. Costa Rica, Bangs Cambridge Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI. 4 p. 24. Trogon varicgaius variegafu!^ and 7'. v.helmi. Notes on. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 88. — T. surrucura and T. aurantius, Notes on. id. Tom. cit. p. 88. "[Areliacotrogon caylnxcnsis, 67 fig. 15-16 et pi. iii figs. 26 & 27, pi. iv iigs. 1-4.— A. zittell 70 fig. 17 et pi. iii figs. 24-25, spp. n. France, Gaillaru Ann. Univ. Lyon 1908. ORDER COCCYGES. Sub-Order Musophagl. Neumann, 0. Notes on African Birds in the Tring Museum. List of the Uluso- phagidai. Turncns mcriani, Riipp. nee i\uc\. "~ T. per sa. T. meriaiiJ, auct. = 7'. macrorhynchiis ren'eauxi. id. Tom. cit. pp. 373, 374. — T. livingstonei loitanus, subsp. n. Loita Mts., N.W. Massai-land. id. Tom. cit. p. 378. Turaeus corytliaix breeding in confinement, Astley Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 p. 297 pi. ; colour- ing-matter of the quills, Draper Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 129. — 2\ reiehenowi Beira, Clauue \-' Afcs. Systematic— CoRACHFORMES — Coccyqes. 5831 Grant, Lomloii Hull. Brit. Oniitli. CI. 21 p. 66. Rmrenzorn'it< johnxtoiii kiniciisis sub- sp. 11., XEr.MAXN London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 54. — R. rhalcophtlial- mus sp. n. Lugege Forest Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Moiiatsber. 16 p. 48. Gipnnoschizorhis personata eciif >•«?<» siib.sp. n. Lake Victoria to Lake Kivu and Lake Albert Echvartl, Xeim.vxn London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 94. Sub-Order Cuculi. Coccyiitcs gland'uirius ueu fiir Madeira, ScH-MiTZ Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. 46. Cueulits canorus, invasion in Scotland, Harvie-Brown Aim. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 181 ; in Japan, Ingram Ibis 1908 )). 159 ; in N.W. Lidia, Magratii British Birds 2 p. 197 ; Egg in Hedge-sparrow's nest, Witherby British Birds 2 p. 60 ; method of depositing its egg in nest of Anthiis pi^atensis, Ephraim British Birds 2 p. 131 ; court- ing performance, Thornton British Btrds 2 p. 239 ; in der Vogelgesellschaft, Barthos Erd. kis. 10 p. 129 ; im Neste der Rohrdrossel, Sim.\k Aquila 14 p. 325 ; Vorriicken im Eriihling im Europai- schen Russland, Kaigorodoi'k St. Peter- liurg Trav. Soc. nat. 38 pp. 291-295 & 297-311 ; Lebensweise, Leist Natw. Zs. Landvr. 6 p. 549 ; Wenzei, Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp. 462-475, 494-501 ; ScHACHER Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 80 ; Thienem4N-x Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp. 239-243; Rey Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 410 ; Abandemng der Eizeichnung in den Gelegen und ihre Ursachen, sowie liber die Entstehung der Zeichnimg der eier, Bau Zs. Oologie 18 pp. 13-17, 25- 29 & 46-47. — C. canorus Intermeditis, Gouv. Kazan Kazani Prot. ObSc. jest. 38 Bui. p. 1. — C. satuvalus and poliocepha- luH in Japan, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 160. — C. ixiUidus, Weaver-finches (.'Egintlia temporalis) as foster-parents, Cole Emu 8 p. 23. Coccyzus erjjthrophthalnius, nocturnal flight, Thayer Bird-Lore 5 1903 pp. 143-145. Centropua ; notes on South African species, Gcn'ning and Haagner Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 36.— C. tlvcki from Mashona Land, Swynnekton Ibis 1908 p. 410. — C. ueinnainii sp. n. Upper Congo, Alexanper London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 ]i. 78. — C. monnchus aiigoleiisis subsp. n. N. Angola, Neumann t.c. p. 77. — C. in. occidcntnlis subsp. n. W. Africa. Id. t.c. Fiai/a caijana subsp. ii. ohscnra, Snetiilage J. Ornith. 56 pp. 7-24. Iiliamphoeoccyx cnrc'irostris subsp. n. singidans, Parrot Miinchen Abh. Ak. Wiss. Math.-phys. Kl. 24 pp. 149-286. ORDER SC.XNSORES. Sub-Order Indicatores. Indicator minor aenegalens'is subsp. n. Senegambia, Neum.vnn London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 43.-7. theresae sp. n. Equatorial Africa, Alexander t.c. p. 90, /. major = I. indicator Id. t.c. p. 91. — /. variegatus juhaensls subsp. n. South Somali Land, Neumann t.c. p. 97. — I. archipeJagicus hiornatus subsp. n. Malacca, Id. I.e. Sub-Order Capitones. Lyhius bidentatiis ccthiops subsp. n. N. E. Africa, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 29 ; L. imdalm sena- fcnsis subsp. 11. N. Tigre, 7'. undatus nquamatus Heugl. Lake Tsana Id. t.c. /y. zombae alhigidaris subsp. n. N.E. of Lake Nyasa, L. leucocepl talus usulimnae subsp. u. S. and S.E. Victoria Nyanza, p. 46, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 ; L. leraillanti intercedens subap. n. Mariyanga, Id. Ornitli. Mo- uatsber. 16 p. 27. Tricholcema liirsntum liyhridiim subsp. n. S. Nigeria, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 46, T. h. angoleuHC, subsp. n. N. Angola Id. t.c-. p. 47 ; T. lacrymosum rualisie subsp. n. Southern German East Africa, Id. t.c. p. 47. Gymnobucco adolfi-friedcrici sp. n. N. of Bern Upper Congo, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 160. Barbatula chrysocoma zedlitzi subsp. n. Seuaar, Neumann Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 30. — B. poensis sp. n. Fernando Po, Alexander t.c. p. 15. Buccanodon ancldetce rex subsp. n., Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 47. 128 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1908] Cijanops henricii hrachyrhyncha subsp. n. Borneo, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 30; C. •phaiostricta saigonensis, subsp. n. Saigon, Id. t.c. p. 31. Megalaema haemacephala subsp. n. delica, duvauceli subsp. n. borneonensis. Parrot Miinchen Abb. Ak. Wiss. math.- phys. Kl. 24 1907 pp. 149-286. Trachyphonus vtargaritaceus, from Lake Chad, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 23 p. 16.— T. dar- naudi usamb'iro subsp. n. S. &. vS.W. of Victoria Nyanza, Neumann t.c. p. 30. Suh-Order Riiamphastides. Aidacorliamphiis pelax sp. n. Western Colombia, Bangs Washington P. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 158. Pteroglossus casfnnotis australis and P. c. castanotis. Notes on. Hellmayu Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 84, 85. Sub-Order Buccones. Piucco maculatus parvlrostris, subsp. n. (jJoyaz. Range of B. m. striatipectus and B. m. maeulalus, id. Nov. Zool. 15 p. 86. Chelidoptera tenebrosa tenebrosa and C. t. bras'iliensis. Ranges, id. t.c. pp. 86, 87. Sub-Order Galhul.e. Bracliygalba vielano sterna. Its range. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 87. ORDER PICIFORMES. Sub-Order Pici. Pici. Lebensweise im (Jouv. IMoskan, MosoLOV Zestestv. i. (legl. Moi^kva 13 pp. 24-32. Plnus vir'idis eine starke Sclmabel- anomalie. Lesaiuller Miinchen Verb, ornith. Ges. 8 p. 169 2 Taf. Geeinus vir'idis, climbing habits, Feilden British Birds 2 p. 93 ; nesting site attacked by Starlings, Turner t.c. pp. 141-145 pi. iv. — G. robinsoiri figured, Grant J. Fed. Malay States 3 pi. vii. Dendrovius benncUi uniamivcsieus std)8p. n. Uniamwesi, Neumann Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 21.-1). l/crhcrli sp. n. Equatorial Africa, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 89.— Z). efn- lenetisis sp. n. Cameroons. Charles Chubb t.c. p. 92. — D. abingorii annectens subsp. n. Benguela to Lake Nyanza, D. chrysurus and allies, geographical distribution, Neumann t.c. pp. 95 & 96. (Jampothera fidleborni, from Beira, Claude -Grant London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 66 ; in Gaza Land, Swynnerton Ibis 1908 p. 410. Clirysoptilus natterer-i and allies. Notes on. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 80. Asyiidesimis leicisi nom. n. (= Pieus torquatus Wilson), Riley Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 224. Dendrocopns major, habits, Selous Zoologist 1908 pp. 81-91 ; feeding habits, Alexander t.c. p. 228 ; distribu- tion in Scotland, Harvie-Brown Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 pp. 210-216 with map; a breeding species in S.E. Scotland, Evans t.c. p. 216 ; Tur- kestan, BuTURLiN Seraja ochotn. Moskva 1908 p. 60 ; im Rohrwald, Baer Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp 285-292, 2 Taf. ; D. ■major anglicus breeding in Scotland, Witherby British Birds 2 p. 238 ; D. major transcaspicus subsp. n. Trans- caspia, Sarudny Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 66; Picus major form. n. hispanus, ScHLiJTER Falco 4 p. 11. D. leptorhynchus, Irucoptenis, albi- pennis, Unterscheide, Verbreitung, Bu- turlin Semja ochotn. 1908 pp. 108-110. Deudromus, Synoptical Table p. 235, D. lejiconotus coreensis Clark = leuco- notus ussuriensis Buturl., Buturlin St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 13 p. 233 ; D. leuconotus xissuriarms Clark = D. leuconotus clarki nom. emend., Buturlin t.c. p. 231. — D. insidaris subsp. n. fohkiensis, Foh-Kien, Buturlin t.c. p. 235. Xylocopns; Synoptical table, p. 252t minor subsp. n. muiigolieu.'f. Dzungaria N. Mongolia, p. 242, minor subsp. n. amurensis Amur-Land, Sakhalien p. 243, minor suljsp. n. miniitilliDi Sidcmi p. 246, minor sutosp. n. colcliii'us Caucasus, Buturlin St. Peterburg, Ann. mus. zool. 13. Picus Idiaviensis Buturlin t.c. p. 229. sp. Tibet, 129 Avea. Systematic. — Piciformes — Passerifokmes. 5831 Dendropicus zaiisihari in Gaza Land, SwYXNERTON Ibis 1908 p. -IIO. lyngipicus Tiisithi aud seehohmi habits, L.GRAM Ibis 1908 p. 159. Celeus jhivescens iulercedens, subsp. n. Goyaz. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 82. Ceophloeus pileatua, New York. CuMMiNGS Buffalo Bull. See. Nat. Sci. 9 pp. 17-22, pi. Piciis maiiiu8, in England, Southwell British Birds 2 p. 29 ; its note, Benson Zoologist 1908 p. 190; Schcster In Festschrift der Wetterauischen Gesell- sohaft fiir die gesamte Naturkunde. Hanau 1908 pp. 69-70. — D. martins Farbenaberration, Tschust ? ref. p. 201. Picumnii.'^ ochracetta harterti subsp. n. X.W. Ecuador Hellmayr London Bull. B.O. CI. 23 p. 67.— P. giittifer. Its range. Hell.m.ur Nov, Zool. 15 pp. 83, 84. — P. aagittatjis, var. t^liarpci Uiering, aud P. eaipira, Ihering = P. gnttifer id. t.c. pp. 83, 81. lynx torquilla, nesting of, Steele- Elliott Zoologist 1908 p. 393 ; in North Lancashire, Robinson, t.c. p. 428 ; I. tov- (ju'iUa maiiretanica subsp. n. N. Algeria, Rothschild Bull. B.O.C. 23 p. 103." ORDER PASSERIFORMES. FORMICARIIDAE. Notes on Costa Rican Forin'icanidae ; Carriker Pittsburg, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 5, pp. 8-10. Thamnophilua doliatus subspp. nn., pacificua Nicaragua and yucatanen'is Yucatan, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 193.— r. ambiguus stieturjis and T. a. ambiguus, ranges, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 67. T. doliatusdi-fieilia, notes. Id. t.c. p. 68. Thamniatea anabatinua subsp. n. aaturatus Costa Rica, Ridgw.ay Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 193. Dyaithamnus m^ntalis subspp. n. aeptentrionalia Guatemala and oheri Tobago, Id. I.e. — D. aMnia aMnia Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 69. Myrmelaatea goeldii sp. n. Brasil, SxETHLAGE J. Ornith. 56 p. 17. — M. caaaini sp. n. Coloml)ia, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 194. M. luctuoaus araguayae subsp. n. Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 68. (K-10332 g) Hcrpsilochmua pileatua atricapillua and allies, pp. 69-71, longiroatris and pectoralia. Notes, p. 71, Id. t.c. Formicivora melanogastra and griaea, notes, Hellmayr t.c. p. 72. — F. conao- brina inicToaticta subsp. n. Cayenne, Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 157. Gymnoeiehla nudiceps subsp. n. aanctcp- martae Colombia, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 194. Percnoatola rufifrons subsp. n. aub- criatata, Hellmayr Miinchen Verh. Ornith. Ges. 8 pp. 140-143. Drymophila griaea subsp. n. margari- fenaia Venezuela, Ridgway Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 194. Myrmeciza boucardi subsp. n. pana- menaia Panama, Ridgway t.c. Formicarius castaneiceps sp. n. Costa Rica, Carriker Pittsburgh Ann. Carnegie Mus. 4 p. 301. Forinicarivs moniliger subspp. n., intermcdius British Honduras p. 194, & panamensis Panama, p. 195, RuxiWAY Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21. Dendeocoi-aptidae. Chilia gen. n. type Henicomia melanura (Gray), Salvador! Ibis 1908 pp. 451-454. Furnariua figulus pileatua. Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 57 ; F. leu- (iopus asaimilia and F. I. leueopua. Ranges. Id. t.c. Henicornis, synonymy of the three species, Salvadori Ibis 1908 pp. 451- 453. Synallaxis simoni fully described, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 59, S. acutata aeutala and S. a. ichitei, notes, Id. T.c. pp. 60, 61. Atdomolua infuacatua cervicalia Scl., Cayenne, Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 145. Xenopa rutilua rutilua and allies, Hellm.ayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 62. Premnoplex, remarks on, Baugs P. Biol. Soc. Washington 21 pp. 158, 159. Dendroeincla turdina enalicia, Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 66. Sittaaomua aylviellua aylviellua and allies, Hellmayr t.c. pp. 63 & 64. dl7 130 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1908] Xiphocolaptes promeropirhipichns siibsp. n. herlepsehi, Snethlage J. Ornith. 56 pp. 7-24. TyRASKID-E. The migration of Flycatchers, CooKB Bird Lore 9 1907 pp. 264-265, also 10 pp. 114-117, 258-259, 166-170, & 210- 212. Agriomis andeeola paznce subsp. n. Pazna Boliria, Menegaux Bull. Mus. Paris 1908 p. 341. Knipolegus aterrimus ockendeni subsp. n. Carabaya Peru. Harteet London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 11. Copurus colonus eolonua and C. c. fuacicapillus. Ranges. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 41. Rhynchocydus sidphureac.ens exojiivus subsp. n. Santa Marta, Bangs P. Biol. Soc. Washington 21 p. 163 ; R. sidphure- scens probable subsp. n. Cayenne, Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 130. — R. flaviveyitris flaviventrie and allies, JBellmayr, t.c. p. 49. Todirostrum c'mererim coloreiim Ridgw. Goyaz, Id. t.c. p. 41. Serphophaga albogr'isea Scl. & Salv. = Elaenia cinerea Pelz, Id. t.c. p. 47. Ornithion dhaoletum and allies. Id. t.c. pp. 43-45. Elaenia elegans Velz. = E. gaimardii gaimardii (D'Orb.) p. 45, taczanoivskii Berlepsch = canicepa Swains, p. 45, ranges of canieeps cinerea pp. 46-47 Id. t.c. Suiriri affinis afinis Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 47-48. Suhlegatus virescerts Allen, is a Phyllomyias, p. 42, notes on P. breviroatris vireacena and allies, pp. 42 & 43, Id. t.c. Myiozetetea cayanenaiacayanenaia and allies. Id. t.c. pp. 48 & 49. Pitangua aulphnratua maximiliani distinct from P. s. bolivianua, Id. t.c. p. 50. Coryphotriccua nlbovittatua subsp. n. diatinctua Costa Rica, Ridgway Washing- ton, Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 191. Sirystea aibilator aibilator and allies, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 49. Myiobius xanthopygus subsp. n. avreatus Central America, Bangs Cam- bridge, Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI. 4 p. 27. — M. mirantiacus subsp. n. acceptua Panama, Bisos t.c. p. 30. — M. barhatus maatacalis Coyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 51, M. fasciatua aitriceps (Jould = M. f. faaeiatus (P. L. S. Miill.), Id. t.c. p. 52. Empidochanea fuacatus fumosus subsp. n. Cayenne, Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 129 ; E. fuscatus fiiacatua and allies, notes, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 52. Myiochanes brachytarsus andinus (Tacz.) Cayenne, Notes on allied species Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 128. — Myiarchus tyrannulus bahiae Goyaz, notes on allies, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 53. PiPKIDAE Pipra faaciicauda fa.^ciicauda and P. f. purusiana, ranges. Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 54. Cltiroxiphia napenaiff sp, n. Ecuador, Miller New York, Bull. Amer. Mus. 24 p. 338. Cotingidae. Pachyrhamphus veraicolor subsp. n . costaricensis Costa Rica, Bangs Cam- bridge, Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI. 4 p. 26. PiTTIDAE. Pitta inaekloti gazellae su.h^\).n. Ralum Island, Neumann Orn. Monatsber. 16 p. 26. — P. atricapilla subsp. n. roth>fchildi , Marinduque, Philippines, Parrot Mun- chen Abh. Ak. Wiss. math. phvs. Kl. 24 1907 pp. 149-286.— P. reichenovi, Uganda, Christy London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 49. — P. longipeimia, Gaza Land, Swynnerton Ibis 1908 p. 107. Hirundinidae. Chelidonaria urbica, Detmers, Zs. Oologie 18 p. 132 ; at Fair Isle in autumn, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 83. (Tiric.ola riparia subsp. n. ijimor, Saghalin, Lonnberg Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 23 Art. 14, pp. 1-69. lol AV€«. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 Cotile fohkieuetis'is sp. n. Fohkieii, T.A ToiCHE London Bull. Brit. Urnitli. C'l. 23 p. 17 i*i: (iu.xNTt.c. — (.'. sudajteiisix sp. n. Lake (.'hail, Ai.f.x.woer London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. SS. Riparia runeMris and allies, notes, Zeplitz Oinitn. Monatsber 16 pp. 17()- 178; R. r. puxiUa subsp. n. Highlands of Erythnva ; R. r. reichetiowl subsp. n. N. Arabia, Id. t.c. p. 177. — R. duc'm sp. n. Equatorial Africa (W. Ruanda), Reichenow i.e. 16 p. 81. Hirwido ruft'ica, return of young birds to the nesting plate in the following year, Thiesemans Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 155; nesting on a cliS, Xagy Aquila 1908 p. 311 ; Zug, Hegy- KuKY Potf. Termt. Kozl. 40 pp, 46-53 ; Albino, ilEDREizKY Aquila 14 1907 p. .S27; im Juli 1907, Wehr Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 80 ; Zug in der Schweiz, FiscHER-SiGWART Wien Mitt. Oest. RchsBd. Vogelk. 8 pp. 2-119 ; Farbena- berrationen, Tschusi p. 201. — H. gnttu- ralis, Migration, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 158. — II. smithi und H. puella nest und Eier, Boxberuer Zs. Oologie 18 pp. 64-65 & 84-85.— 7f. rufuJa at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 83. — H. cahiriea Gemian records doubtful, Krohax Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 125. Petrochelidon uigrican>s, Tasmania, Dove Emu 8 p. 38. PKolidoprocne hainiugui sp. n. Upper Shari River, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 88. MCSCICAPIDAE. Aliseonax UuriensiaB'p. n. Upper Congo, Reichenow, Ornith. Momitsber 16 p. 191. A. aubadiusta, Gaza Land, Swynnert(j^ Ibis 1908 p. 89. ' Stizorhina fraseri and S. vulpina. Notes, Grant ibis 1908 p. 305. Muscicapci atvicapilla nesting in Kir- kudbrightshire, Service Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 118 ; breeding in .Avrshire, Yocng Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1907 p. 24 & British Birds 2 p. 139 ; in Ireland, Warren Zoologist 1908 p. 269 ; notes, Bctterfield l.c. pp. 222-225.— -V. collar 18 in Sclileswig-Holstein, re- marks. Krohn Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 123. — -V. }xirta at the Bell Rock (x-10332 g) Lighthouse, Cl.\rke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 pp. 49-50 I't 82 ; in N. Geruiany and Heligoland, remarks, Krohn Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 12, 13, 122, 123; male in lull plumage in September at Clev, Norfolk, Richards London Bull. Brit" Ornith. CI. 23 p. 28 A British Birds 2 p. 200; in Ungarn, Chernel Aquila p. (185). Erijthrostevna parva, Brutgeschaft, Goebel Zs. Oologie, 18 pp. 121-123. Digenea malayana distinct from D. moniUger, Grant J. Fed. Malay States 3 p. 37. Miiscicapida montigena sp. n. Philip- pines, Mearns Washington Proc. Biol. See. 18 1905 p. 8. Gerijgone rhizoplwrae sp. n. Philip- pines, Mearns t.c. p. 7. Xantliopyg'ia narcisnina, Egg figured, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 140 pi. iv f. 5. Cyanopt'ila hella, in Japan, eggs de- scribed, Ingram t.c. p. 139. Tamiger ewydesmiis sp. n. Lugege Forest, Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 48 ; =T. riiwen- zoru Neumann t.c. p. 66. Ijioptilus rufocinctus sp. n. S.E. of Lake Kivu, Rothschild London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 7. PoUopt'ila caerulea obsciira California, Pemberton Condor 10 p. 239; in Penn- sylvania, Pearson Auk 25 p. 481. Chloropeta schnbotzi sp. n. Lugege Forest Equatorial. Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 119. Batin molitor subsp. n. moxtana Kilimandjaro, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro- ;Meru Exp. 3 p. 109. — B. erythrophtludma, habits, nest and eggs, Swynseuton Ibis 1908 pp. 93-95 ; eggs figured. Id. t.c. viii figs. 10 & 11.— ZJ. ehade)i8i)i sp. n. Lake Chad, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 105. — B. savor, Portu- guese East Africa, Claide Grant Lon- don Bull. Brit. Oraith. CI. 21 p. 93. Diuphoropliy'ia grauer'i sp. n. Forett W. uf Lake Albert Edward, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 7. Smithornis capensia, habits, Swynner- ton Ibis 1908 pp. 90-93 ; egg figured, t.c. pL viii f. 14. Trochoccrcua niegalolophus figured, Swynnerton Ibis 1908 pi. ii. — T. alhono- d 17—2 132 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] tatus sicijnnertoni subsp. n. Gaza Land, Necma^'N London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 46. Terpsiphoiie priyiceps, eggs described, Ingr.\.m Ibis 1908 p. 140. — T. plumbei- ceps, egg figured, Swyxnerton, t.c. pi. viii f. 13. Tchltrea camhurni sp. n. Ituri Forest Upper Congo, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 43. Myiagra cervinicaiida ferrocyanea 5 fig. 1, M. e. cervinhauda $ fig. 2, M. c. feminina ? fig. 3, Rothschild & Har- TERT Nov. Zool. 15 pi. xiii. Monareha hrodiei nigrotectus subsp. n. Central Solomon Is., Hartert Lon- don Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 107.— iV. castaneiventris megarhynclms subsp. n., Rothschild & Hartert Nov. Zool. 15 p. 363. CaMPOI'HAGID.E. Coracina grauer'i sp. n. Forest W. of Lake Albert Edward, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 11. Per'icrocotus cinereus, nest and eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 150 ; P. crocciin is a colour variety of P. moiitanus, Grant J. Feder. Malay States 3 p. 34. Pycnonotidj::. Pyrrhurus orlentalia, Welle River Upper Congo, Alexander London Bull. Brit Ornith. CI. 23 p. 16. Xenocichla albigultiris and X. leuco- laema, notes. Grant Ibi.s 1908 pp. 302 & 303. Andropadus kagerenals sp. n. Buddu Forest Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 47 ; — A. gra- c'iHh, juv. Gk.-vnt Ibis 1908 p. 303.— A. modestua sp. n. Semliki River, Reiche- now Ornith. -Monatsber. 16 ]). 160. Chlorociclda occldentalin, nest, Swyn- nerton Ibis 1908 p. 67 ; egg figured, t.c. pi. viii f. 19. Phyllastrephwi miianjcnsiis, egg figured, id. t.c. pi. viii f. 17 : P. capensis, egg figured, Id. t.c. f. 20 : P. flavoatriatus, egg figured, Id. t.c. f. 21, habits pp. 69-71. — P. schubotz'i, P. olivaceogriseus, app. n., Lugege Forest, Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 47. — P. graueri sp. n. Country W. of Lake Albert Edward, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 23 p. 13.— P. kilijuandjaricus sp. n. Kilimand- jaro, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp is p. 140. Ixonotiis guttatits Kassongo on the Upper Congo, Grant Ibis 1908 p. 302. Molpastes magrathi sp. n. Bannu N.W. frontier of India, Whitehead London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 48. Pycnoyiohis aurignster subsp. n. mar- tini, Sumatra, Parrot Miincheu Abh. Ak. Wiss. Math. phys. Kl. 24 1907 pp. 149-286. — P. laijardi, habits, SwraNER- TON Ibis 1908 pp. 64-66. TiMELIID.t. Cindosoma castanothorax, eggs de- scribed, Le SoiJEF Emu 8 p. 63. Trochalopteron phmniceum haken sub- sp. n. N. Cachar, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 10. Pinaromis rhodestrr sp. n. Matopo Hills, E. C. Chubb London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 110. Pomatorhinus temporalis, an insect- destroyer, Chisholm Emu 8 p. 36. — P. superciliosus pillaging nest of Acantldza apicalis, Gibson t.c. p. 94. Crateropus grisescens sp. n. Ngawa- tura Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Or- nith. Monatsber. 16 p. 47. — C. tangan- I'lcae and C. carrnthersi, notes on. Grant Ibis 1908 pp. 301 & 302.— C. kivki nest, Swynnerton t.c. p. 64. Calammxtluis montanellus, nest and eggs, Carter Emu 8 p. 97. Sphenoeacus traiiBvaalenais sp. n. N.E. Transvaal, Claude Grant, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 92. Pseudotharrhalens griseipcetun sp. n. Philippines, Mearns Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 2. Maerotiplienus leoninus sp. n Sierra Leone, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 46. Camaroptera concolor Hartl. is a Macrouphenus. Id. I.e. Graueria gen. n., vit-fata sp. n. Forest S.E. of Lake Kivu, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 819. TurdinuB pyrrhopterus kiviienais, sun- sp n. Western Kivu Volcanoes, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 55; ']'. pyrrhopterus and T. kivuensis, notes, U?. Aves. Systematic. — Passkri formes. 5831 Grant London Bull. Brit. Ornitli. C\. 21 pp. 1)0 & tJl.—T. phabel sp. ii. .\guleri Lower Nigeria, Ke.mp Loudon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 111. Bathmedonia fuscipenii'is Sharpe is the vouns of B. riifa Ueii^henow, Sharpe Ibis' 1908 p. 12-2. ' Pti/rl'u'ua turdlmis, River Kibali, Alexanper London Bull. Brit. Ornitli. CI. 23 p. 10. Actiiiodiira mornsoniaua figured, GR-A.ST Ibis 1908 pi. xii f. 2. Bracltypteryx mlndaueiixis sp. n. Mindanao, Mearns Washington Proe. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 3. T^onard'ia gen. n. p. 1, Type L. icood'i sp. n. p. 2, Philippines, Mearns i.e. Macronua mindanenala subsp. n. moiitaiius Philippines, Me.vrns t.c. p. 4. Calamoph'dw< biarmicus, nest and nestlings, Ptcraft British Birds 2 p. 58. Sidhora morrisoniana figured, Grant Ibis 1908 pi. xii f. 1. Troglodytidae. Thryophilua alhipeetun rufiveidrh Goyaz, T. a. mhior \V. ilattogrosso and E. Bolivia, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 10. Thyothorus fjemharhia intevcedena subsp. n. Goyaz p. 17, T. g. genibarbi.-i and T. g. jiiruanu>* notes p. 18, Id. t.c. — T. liuloviciamis Connecticut, Smith Bird-Lore 5 1903 p. 103. CiatothoruK stellaris Pennsylvania, Miller Auk 25 pp. 320-322. Troglodytes parvidim zagrossieiisia subsp. n. Zagrosch Mts. Persia, Sarudnv & Loudon Ornith. ilonatsber. 16 p. 29 ; notes on allied species, Id. t.c. p. 30. — — T. irrequiea sp. n. British Honduras, Bangs & Peck Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 45. — T. ochraceiia sul)sp. n. ligea Panama, Bangs Cambridge Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI. 4 p. 29.— r. w:edi Berl. = T. muscidiiH giiarixa Pucher., Hell- maye Nov. Zool. 15 p. 18. Salpitietes obaoletiis San Clemente Is. Cal., S. 0. jmlverhis San Nicholas Is. Cal., LintOn Condor 10 p. 129. Xunnue fumigatua daurlciix, Saghalin Island, LoNNBERG J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 23 Art 14 p. 37. Olbiorchilufi fumigatus subsp. n., idiioi Ridnnond, China, Bi.ack\veli>er Washington Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 54 Vol. 1 Pt. 2 1907 p. 498. Tlu-yorchilu.'i haftultoi sp. n. Costa Rica, RiDGWAY' Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 191. Ilenicorhina leucopliryt^ guttata Iiar>l. is from Western Colombia, remarks on allied species, E.^ngs P. Biol. Soc Washington 21 p. 159. ClNCLinAE. ('indiifi mex'icanus iinicolor, Hender- son Bird Lore 10 pp. 1-7 text fig. ilniiD.\E. Mimus heervianni sp. n. S.E. Bolivia, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 37. — .17. gUvu-'<, Cayenne, notes on allied species, Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 105 ; M. g'dvus subspp. n., guatemale)i»i.'i p. 113 Central America, and toUmenxiK p. 113 Colombia, Ridgway Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 47 1907. Guleo.^coptes carolinensiH in Germany, Heinroth Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 143. ('iiiclocrrthia ruficaiida subspp. n., te)iebrosa p. 112, and pav'ida p. 113, West Indies, Ridgway Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 47 1904. TCRDIDAE. A sketch of the Thrushes of North America, Dwight Bird Lore 9 1907 pp. 103-109 maps and pi. The migration of Thrushes, Cooke Bird Lore 9 1907 pp. 121-125, 100, 205. Mijadeslen genibarb'm subsp. n. clter- r'lei Haiti, Ridgway Washington Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q. 47 1904 p. 112. Clcldherminia coryi sp. n. Marti- nique (?) Ridgway t.c. p. 112. Ixoreus naerius, Mailmard Condor 10 pj). 118-119. Turdua ; SuvoROV Naturfreund 3 pp. 321-327.— T. albipeetua sp. n. Mboga Upper Congo, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber 16 p. 191.^ — T. aylvestrin sp. n. Bugoye Forest Cential Africa Id. 134 Aves. XVll. Aves. [1908] t.c. p. 191. — T. graueri sp. n. Kagera River to Lake Kivu, Xelmanx London BuU.Brit. Urnith.Cl.21p.56; :/'.o/it;aceMs hambusicola sp. n. Western Ki\'n Vol- canoes Id. t.c. — T. fumigatus, Cayenne, BERLErscH Nov. Zool. 15 p. 105. Merida kellerl sp. n. Philippines, Mearxs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 6. — .1/. eastanea in der Gefangen- schaft, LvcANUS Gefied.Welt 37 p. 28.— M. migratoria prop'inqua (not M. eoufinis) California, Grinnell Condor 10 p. 238. C'lchloiisis leucogenys Cab. may l)e from Cayenne, Beri.epsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 104. ' Geocichla varla, Japan, eggs figured, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 132 pi. iv figs. 2 & 3 ; further notes on nesting in Japan, Id. t.c. p. 386. — G. hates'} figured, Sharpe Ibis 1908 pi. iii. — G. sibiriea, eggs de- scribed, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 134. Cichlo>iely» {Oreocincla) sibiriea dari- SOUL breeding in Saghalin, Loxnberg J. Sci. Coll. Tokyo 23 Art. 14 p. 28. Turdus merula note, Ramsbotiiam Zoologist 1908 p. 312 ; T. merida merula P'arbenaberrationen, Tschcsi ? p. 195. — T. viscivorus at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 82.— T. pilaris, Farbenabberration, Tschusi, p. 195; Ungarn ini Sommer, Greschik Aquila 14 p. 338. — T. torquatiis tor- gnatus FarbenaberrationT.-'CHUSi ?p. 196. — T. torquatiis alp^stris, Farbenaber- rationeii, Id. t.c. p. 196. — 7'. iliaciis im- migrations in the West Riding, Booth Naturalist London No. 612 p. 17. — T. musicus, Farbenaberration, Tschusi p. 195. — T. naumanni, eggs from the Lena River, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Ci. 21 p. 52. — T. jomji Stejneger = T.clirysolaus Temm, Loxnberg J. Sci. Coll. Tokyo 23 Art. 14 p}). 30-32.— T. carditi and 7'. clii-ii»olaus in Jajjan, eggs, lxGR.\M Ibis 1908'pp. 13.5-137. Movtieola cyanus transenspic.ns subsp. n. Persia, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 43.— .¥. angoleusis, resident in Gaza Land, Swynnekton Ilns 1908 p. 82. Accentor modularis, breeding in con- finement, Teschemaker Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pj). 92-96 ; unfinished nest with egg of Cucuhis canurns, Fi.l.isoN London P.idl. Brit. Ornith. ('1,21 p. 101. Phoenicurus, fremden Formenkreise, KxEiNSCHMiDT, Berajah 1908 pp. 2-1-4 + 2-{-l-f2 + 24 Taf. Ruticilla plwenicurus. Ret Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp. 274-276 ; B. phoeni- eura mesoleuca, in Ungarn, Chernei. Aquila 14 p. 187. Erithae.us phoenicurus in Ostpreussen, Tischler Falco 4 p. 18. — Erithacns arhoreus j^ltoenicnrus, PoI'sar Falco 4 p. 19. RiUicilla titys, Merioneth, Forrest British Birds 2 p. 165 ; Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 pp. 49 & 82; Farbenaberration, Tschusi p. 195. E. auroreus filchneri subsj). n. Kin- tschou N. China, Parrot Exped. Filchner p. 130. — E. diplootocus, Kleixschmidt Berajah 1907-08 II pp. 1-4 1 Taf. Cyanecula siiecica, Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 pp. 49 & 82 ; Cberwinterung in Ungarn, Nagy Aquila 14 p. 340 ; C. sueciea typica and C. s. leucocyanus, in Egj^pt, NicoLL Ibis 1908 i3p. 491- 493 ; C. sueciea rohusta Alaska, BuTURLiN Auk. 25 pp. 35-37. Enthacus cyaneculus, Love-song, LucAXUS Ornith. Monatsber. 16 ]). 106. — E. cyaneculus, suecicus, wolfi, Mcs- hacke Gefied. Welt 37 pp. 2-4, 10-12, Bemerkung dazu von Georg Ziegler. t.c. pp. 118-119. — E. rubecida nesting sites, Leigh British Birds 2 p. 90 ; E. Iusci7iia Farbenaberration, Tschusi p. 195. Ltisciyiia vera u. maior. Will Aus d. Posener Lande 3 pp. 258-260.— Erithacus domesticus in Krain, PonebSek Falco 4 pp. 20 22. — Kleinschmidt, Berajah 1907-08 1 pp. 1-12 8 Taf.— E. ruheculii >^uperbus Lebensweise Polatzek p. 183. — E. arboreus Klein- schmidt Berajah 1908 pp. I 12, 2 Taf.— E. auroreus orbis, n. Kleinschmidt Falco 4 p 8. — E. sicynnertoni, eggs figured, SwYNNERTON Ibis 1908 pi. viii, figs. 32 33 ; Habits. Id. t.c. p. 88. Larvivora cyane, nesting in Japan, Ingram Ibis 1908 j.. 137 pi. iv f.6. Calliope hamtHcIiatkoiais in Italien, Beau.x Ornith. Monatschr., 33 pp. 431- 434 1 Taf. Cossyplia liaagneri S. Africa, GuNNiNO Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1 (no paging). — ir,n Aves. Systematic. — TcRDinAF. — SylviidaE. 5831 C. tiatalensis and C. JieiuiUnt eggs figured, SwrNXERTON Ibis 1908 pi. viii, tigs. 15, 16 & IS. — C. heiiglini habits, Id. t.c. p. 8-t. — (.'. humeralis, Gaza Land, Id. t.c. p. 86. — C. robt'»'f( rufescenlior subsp. n. Forest west of Lake Albert Edward, Hartert Loiulou Bull. Brit. Oni. 01. 23 p. 9. Neocoit)iiip]ius pracpt'ctoralis, Kas- songo Upper Congo, Gr.vnt Ibis 1908 p. 300. — X. grant} sp. n. River Welle Upper Congo, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 15. — X. ru/u.-i gahuneu- sis subsp. n. S. Camaroons to Ogowe River Neumax.s London Bull. Brit. OrnitU. CI. 21 p. 77. Alettie alexandri probably the adult of --1. hifiioleuca Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 127. Thamnolaea clnuamomeiventi-is, nests and eggs, Jourdain Pretoria J. S. Afric. Urnith. Union, 4 p. 403. — T. claudi = coronata 2, Ai.ex.^nder London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 16. Pratincola ruhetra observations at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 82.— P. i-uhicola subsp. n. ate'juegeri, Parrot, Mtinchgn Verh. ornith. Ges. 8 pp. 97-139.— P. dacotiae, Lebensweise, Polatzek p. 185. — P. maura, nesting near Tomsk, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 99. Myrmecocichla nigra and M. arnolt'i notes. Grant Ibis 1908 p. 298. Saxieola oenanthe, lokale Verbreitung RiES Miinchen Verh. ornith. Ges. 8 p. 169; Ethology, Lie-Petter.sen Bergen Xaturen32 pp. 185-191 figs.; S. oenan- the leucorrhoa, Belgian-Limburg fi'on- tiers Oct. 27 1907, .Snouckaert van ScHACBCRG Ornith. ilonatsber. 16 p. 65. — S. melanura, Giza Egypt, Nicoi.L Ibis 1908 p. 544.— ,S. hairhnri sp. n. Berl)er .Sudan, (iRant London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 94.— S. alhlcoWs & S. melanoleiif-a, eggs, Reiser Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 19 p. 228 ; notes, Gross- MANN t.c. p. 227. — S. aurifa wahrscheinl. identisch mit S. stapnzina, Kleissciimidt Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. 145 ; Grossmann t.c. pp. 229-232. — -S'. sta-pazina u. S. aiirifa, Beschreibung u. Variation, .Schiebel Ornith. .Jahrb. 18 161-198 & 19 1 30. — S. JeucorrJioa notes on at Fair Isle, Cl-ARKE Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 81. — S. montleola, plumages, Bitler Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 252-256.— S. occ'iden- laJ'is at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 81. Cntharus ftiscater subsp. n. sanetae- martae Colombia, Ridgway Washington Smithsonian lust. Misc. Collect. Q. 47 1904 p. 112. SiaVia arcttca, Arizona, Hen'dersok Condor 10 p. 94. Sylviidae. Aedon familiaris in Sussex, notes on Mr. W. Borrer's specimen, Nicoi.L British Birds 2 p. 202 ; A. familiaris deserlicola, subsp. n. Transkaspieu, Buturlin NaSa ochota 1908 9 p. 8. Sylvia oliviae sp. n. Lake Chad, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 15. Locustella tiaevia at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 80 ; L. naevia irnd L. iluviatilis in Posens Umgebung, HAiiULiNO Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 77 - 79. — L. fluvintilis, in Ungarn, Chersel Aquila 14 p. 186 ; Nisten, Cerva t.c. pp. 211-213; TiscHLER Zs. Oologie 18 p. 35. — L. htacinioides subsp. n. geyri, KoNiG J. Ornith. 56 p. 122.— L. certhiola, at RockabiU Lighthouse co. Dublin, Barrington British Birds 2 p. 230. — L. lanceolata, ueu fiir Siid-Dalmatien, Grossmann Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. 225. Acrocephalus aquaticus, near East- bourne, Arnold Zoologist 1908 p. 467 ; at the Eddystone Lighthouse, Ticehurst British Birds 2 p. 28; in Sussex, Arnold t.c. p. 236. — A. bistrigicepfi, Song, Ingram Ibis, 1908 p. 144.— .4c/-o- cepJuilus arundinaceriif, Ei, JoHANSEN Tomsk Trv. Univ. 30 p. 55; Gouv. St. Petersburg, Biangui St. Peterburg Ann. mus. zool. 13 pp. xxxvi-xlv ; Magenin- holt, Nahrung, CsiKi Aquila 14 p. 196. — A. ine3-j)cetaLu!< Berez. & Bianchi = A. arandinaeeuii orienlaia, Hartert Nov. Zool. 15 p. 395. — A. cinnamomeuH sp. n. Lake Albert Edward, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 161.— A. paln8tri>f, Nesting habits in England, Blnyard British Birds 2 p. 183 ; Gilroy t.c. p. 2.35. Calamodus schoenoboenus, Nisten, Cerva Aquila 14 p. 215. — C. melanopogon als Spotter, Schenk t.c. p. 326. 136 Avei. XVII. Aves. [1908] Orthotomua erythropterus, Gorongaza Portuguese East Africa, Claude Grant, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 93 ; Heliolais ei-ythroptera in Gaza Land, SWYNNEETON Ibis 1908 p. 80. Cisticola helU sp. n. S.E. Ruwenzori, Grant London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 71 ; C. ifoosnami sp. n. S.E. Ruwenzori, Id. t.c. p. 72, remarks on the two species, Woosmam t.c. p. 72. — C. pietipennis iladarasz, from the Infumbiro Volcanoes Grant Ibis 1908 p. 295.— C. simplicissivia sp. n. Benguella, Neumann London BnU. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 47. — C. ugandae sp. n. Kwa Iflema, Reichenow Orn. Monatsber. 16 p. 13. Megalujnis tweeddalei nom. u. for ruficeps Tu-eeddale nee Sykes, McGregor Philippine J. Sci., 3, p. 283. BradyplcTUS mildbreadi sp. n. Rons- soro, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 161. — B. brachypterus ce7itrali.s subsp. n. Kikuya Lake Kivu, Xeum.\nn London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 55 ; B. graueri sp. n. Western Kivu Volcanoes, Id. t.c. p. 56. Rhopophilus albisuper-ciliaj-is, egg figured, DRE.SSER Ibis, 1908 pi. s f . 3 ; Supposed eggs, Jourdain London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 33. Calamoeiclda ; review of the species, Nexjmann Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 244-252 ; C. ansorgei nilotica subsp. n. Wadehni, Id. t.c. p. 246. — C. zuluensis sp. n. Zulu- land to S. Mozambique, XEUii.vs'N London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 96.— C. neglecta sp. n. Lake Chad, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 33. — C. poensis, Alexander = C. plebeia, Reichenow, Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 318. Hemiellisia gen. n. Type Calamo- herpe neidoni Hartl., Neumann Nov. Zool. 15 p. 245. llypolais icterlna and //. caligata nesting on the Irtish River, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 98. — //. pcdlida subsp. n. reiseri, Hilgert, Falco 4 p. 3. — H hypolais Magenin- halt, Nalmmg. CsiKi Aquila 14 pp. 196- 199. Sylvia viaoria in Norfolk, Arnold Zoologist 1908 p. 393 ; in Lincolnshire in 1905, Haigh British Birds 2 p. 232 ; in Norfolk, Arnold t.c. p. 200 ; distri- bution in (lerniany, Plathe Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 89-95 ; Notizen zur lokalen Verbreitung und zur Biologic. Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 89-95. — S. mso)-ia subsp. n. sibiriea Gouv. Toujsk. JoiLANSEN Tomsk Izv. Univ. 30 pp 44-45. — Sylvia sylvia kolonienweise briitend, Rey Ornith. Monatschr. 33 p. 127. —S. hortenis, spring migrant at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1908 p. 79 ; Loch Awe, Dixon t.c. p. 254. — S. cinerea, not S. curruea, nesting in Forfar, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 1908 p. 254 ; British Birds 2 p. 243 — S. curruea haUmodendri Beschreibung SusKiN Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 8 pp. 685-691. — S. conap'ic'dlata bella, Be- schreibung U. Nest, POLATZEK p. 177. — S. atricapilla Vorkommen auf La Palma, Itts-NER Ornith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 198 -215 ; S. atricapilla obscura Beschreibung PoLATZEK t.c. p. 179 ; Farbenaberration, TscHUSi, p. 196 ; S. atricapilla obscura ab. heinheni Beschreibung, Polatzek p. 180. — >S. atricapilla and S. curruea, Nahrung, Mageninhalt, CsiKi Aquila 14 pp. 192-197. — S. nana deserti Biskra, Rothschild, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 6 ; Nordkaukasien, Buturlin Na§a ochota 1908 10 p. 26.— S. sub- alpina, Nisten, Grossmann Ornith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 140-142.— .S. melano- cepliala in East Sussex, Parkin Hastings Nat. 1 p. 115 pi. x; 5. melanocepJiala leueogaatra, Beschreibung, Polatzek p. 182 ; tvpische Form auf den Canaren, Sassi Ornith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 30-36.— S. sarda, nest, Jourdain Loudon Bull. Brit . Ornith. CI. 23 p. 17. Pliylloscopus ; Gesang der Arten, Gengler, Zool. Beob. 49 pp. 206-213.— Phylloacopus aibilatrix. Loch Awe, Dixon Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 254; Fair Isle, Clarke t.c. p. 79. — P. sibilator, acredula, trochihis, Mageninhalt, Nahrung, Csiki Aquila 14 pp. 199 202. — P. trochilus eversmanni in England, Ticehurst London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 20 & British Birds 2 p. 243. — P. bo)iellii, Vorriicken, Haecker Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natlk. 64 pp. 334-345.— 2^ collybita ahietiiia in the Isle of Wight, BoNHOTE London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 23 p. 21 & British Birds 2 p. 233.— P. collybita eanariensia, Beschreibung u. Nest, Po- latzek p. 175; P. collybita exul Lebens- weise, Polatzek t.c. p. 176. — P. rufus song, Kelsall Zoologist 1908 p. 227 ; Meyrick t.c. p. 190, Huxley t.c. p. 268 ; spring migrant at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 l."7 Aves. Systematic. — Syi.vitdae, Viukoxidae. 5831 p. SO ; P. ntftiti & P. s'ibihitrix, song, Fowler Zoologist 1908 p. -'l'6 ; P. ruftis ■tylvestris, GENtiLEii (iotied. Welt 37 p. 148. — P. tristig at Fair Isle Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 80. — P. I'iridanus, eggs from the Irtiseh Valley, Dresser London Bull, Brit. Oniitii. CI. 23 p. 39.— P. coroiiatiis, eggs described, Inora.m Ibis 1908 p. 142" pi. iv f. I.— P. siiper- cU'iosn.-i at Fair Isle, Ciarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgli 1908 p. 49 & p. 10 ; in Norfolk, Richards British Birds 2 p. 200; in Yorkshire, Gale t.c. p. 201 WiTUERBY t.c. ; in Lincolnshire, Haigh British Birds 2 p. 233. Oreoscopug guttiiralis figured, Mathews Emu 8 p. 34 pi. iii. Apalis rmldi sp. n. Lihambane Portu- guese East Africa, Clacde Gr.oct Lon- don Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 93.— A. goslnigi sp. n. Welle Region Equa- torial Africa, Alexander Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 89. — .-1. rufii-eps sp. n. German East Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 119. *-l. adolfi-jriederici sp. n. Lugege Forest between the Victoria Nyanzaand Lake Kivu, Reichenow Ornith. Monats- ber 16 p. 46 ; [ = A. personata Neum. t.c. p. 66] ; A. catiodes sp. n. Lugege Forest Id. t.c. pp. 46, 66 [^=/l . ruwenzoi-i Jackson, Necmanx t.c. p. 66.] Euprinodes leucogaster Sharps — sehistaeeus (Cass.), Siiarpe Ibis 1908 p. 320. Sylvietta neuinarnu sp. n. Forests W. of Lake Tanganyika, Rothschild London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI 23 p. \2.—Syl- viella oliviae sp. n. River Bamingui, Alexander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 16. — S. batesi sp. n. River Ja Cameroons, Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 319. Eremomela conjensis Reichenow - E. mentali-'t Juv., Grant Ibis 1908 p. 293. Camaroptera granti Alexander = C. ehlororwta Reichenow, Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 322. Parmoptila icood]iou»ei, young with wattles on the gape, Lobornis alexandri is probably the young of P. uoodhousei, SH.vitPE Ibis 1908 p. .323. Pholidoimia bedfordi Grant probably — P. ruahiae (Cass.), P. u»f<)ieri Hartert is distinct, Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 324. Ilylia pra.ihin Plumages described, Gr.\nt Ibis 1908 p. 292; young de- scribed, Sharpe t.c. p. 325. Scotocerca inquieta ijaiest subsp. n. Wadi Hof near Cairo, Nicoll London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 98. Scotocercn ; notes on the genus, Har- tert Nov. Zool. 15 p. 395, i p. 200; L. excubitor konigl Lebeusweisi' u. Eier, Poiatzek p. 170 ; L. excubitur algerieiisis Farbenaberration, TscHisi p. 201 ; L. excubitor bianchii, Saghalii Island, Lonnberg J. Sci. Coll. Tokyo 23 Art. 11 p. 22. — L. hoiiieyeri, Italy, Martorei.li, Milano Atti Soc. Ital. so. nat. 46 pp. 257-270 1 tav. — L. meri- dionalis, Germany, Harz Mountains, Bank Ornith. Monatschr. 1908 p. 418 ; Heligoland, Krohn, t.c. p. 120. — L. ludo vicianus, Wright, Bird-Lore, 5 1903 pp. 122-124 text fig. — L.l. atithonyi = L. 1. viearnsi, Linton Condor 10 p. 182. — L. pomeranus, supposed occurrence in Cornwall, Coles British Birds 2 p. 66 ; Cheshire, Yates t.c. p. 60. — L. hnmeralia, habits, SwYNNERTON Ibis 1908 pp. 40-48 — L. supercHiosns, nesting in Japan, IN' GRAM Ibis 1908 p. 150. — L. collurio, Egn BuNYARD Zoologist 1908 p. 30 ; autumi migrant at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 79 Nestbau, Tarj.an Aquila 14 p. 325 Schein Gera Jahresber. Ges. Natw. 49- 50 p. 112 ; Kleinschmidt Falco 4 p. 4 Rey, Zs. Oologie 18 p. 01 ; L. coUuii eolhirio, Farbenaberration, T.^cnusi 200. — L. senator, Richtigstellui Schuster Ornith. Jahrb. 19 p. Klein.schmidt, t.c. p. 68 ; Riehtigstelli Gengler t.c. p. 67 ; haufig auf Lesinsj ScHiEBEL, l.)rnith. Jahrb. 18 pp. 161 198 .i 19 pp. 1-30; am Rhei^ Schuster Zs. Ornith. 32 pp. 152-154.- L. senator collurio, Salzmann Ornit Monatsohr. 33 p. 78. — L. phoenicuroic 7-omanovi Bagd. = jjhoenicuroidc^ Palff p. 591, phoeiticuroides elaeagni Suschk. Beschreibuug pp. 593-601, ])rzeindskii Bogd. = excubitor Itomeyeri Cab. ]i. 6u7, Suskin Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 8. — L. zarivdnyi nom. n. pro Otomela mria Zar., Buturlin Nasa ochota 1908 00 p. 32. Ceplialophoneus suhiensis sp. n. Philippines, Mearns Washington i'roc. Biol. .Soc. 18 1905 p. 86. Laniarius poliocephaliia and allies, Grant Ibis, 1908 pp. 287-289.— L.«;a»*(, liabits, nest, Swynnerton t.c. p. 60 ; 139 Avfs Systematic. — Passeriformes, 5831 egg figured, Id. t.c. pi. viii f. 12. — L. iiiaiinliKji and L. hertratid'i in Gaza Land, Id. t.c. pp. o7-5it. — L. qiiadr'icolov, nesting in Gaza L;ind. Id. t.c. p. 56 ; egg figured, Id. t.c. pi. viii, f. 9. — L. dohtrti/l Mfumbiro Volcanoes Equatorial Africa", Gr.vxt Ibis, 1908 p. 290.— P. iiielaa Bp. n. Lugege Forest Equatorial Africa, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 47 = L. holomeJai* Jackson, Neu- mann' t.c. p. 06. — L. rubiginosus ritdolfi, snbsp. n. Forest W. of L;ike Albert Edward, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 23 p. 10.— L. grauevi sp. n. Forest W. of Lake All)ert Edward, Hartert I.e. Chlorophoneus bates'i sp. n. River Ja Caineroons, Sharpe Iljis 1908 p. 330. Malaronotus adolfi-friederici subsp. n. Beni, Equatorial Africa, Reiciiexow Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 191. Chauuonottis vielanoleucus (Verr.). Camaroons to the Congo, distinct from C. sabinei. Sierra Leone to the Gold Coast, Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 333. Dryoseopua jachtioni Sharpe probably = D. bocagei Reichenow, Id, t.c. p. 331. — D. guUatus, Gaza Land, nesting- habits, Swyxsekton Ibis, 1908 pp. 53- 50, eggs figured, pi. viii figs. C-8. — D. adolfi-friederici sp. n. Ruwerzori, Reichenow Ornith. ilonatsber. 16 p. 160. — D. hamatw<, Lake Tangauvika, Gr.vnt Ibis 1908 p. 291. Pomatorhynehus ; review of the species, Sharpe Ibis 1908 pp. 335-337. Telephonus-XTten, Haagner Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 32. — T. tachagra and allies, notes, Haagner Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 32. — T. australia eggs, Joirdaix Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union, 4 p. 42. — T. reichenowi (Neumann) = T. anchietae Bocage, Grant Ibis, 1908 p. 291 ; T. anchietae, Gaza Land, Swra- SERTON Ibis 1908 p. 51 ; 7'. senegalits, habits, Id. t.c. p. 49. Nicator gularis habits, Id. t.c. p. 01. Pachycepliala melanonota sp. n. Vella Lavella Isl. Solomon Islands, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Omith. CI. 21 p. lOG figured, Roth-schii-d A Hartert Nov. Zool. 15 pi. xiii f. 4. Ilyloterpe apoensis sp. n. Philippines, Mearss Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 86. Paridae. ParuB ; Ban des Gehororcanes, Breceb Wien. Sitzber. Ak. Wiss^ 116 Abt. Ill 1907 pp. 249-292 ; Schaden im Mohn, Ertl Aquila 14 p. 322. — P. paluatrin, Aberdeenshire, Gvrney Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 49.— P. ■'. 1S8. Salpornis ernini, Shari River, Alex- ander London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 16. Tiehodroma muraria, in captivity, Silver Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 224-228. Climactens seandeiis, nesting in a room, A. G. Campbell, Emu 7 p. 157. ZoSTEROriDAE. Zosterops cairidescens, habits, Cms- HOLM Emu 8 p. 35 ; nesting, Id. T.c. p. 38. — Z. poUogaster erlangeri subsp. n. S. Ethiojiia, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 60.— Z. ahyssinica socotraiia subsp. n. Sokotra, Id. T.e,. p. 59 & Grant I.e. — Z. japonica, eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 141.— Z. sehuhotzi sp. n. Ruwenzori Mts., Reichenow Or- nith. Monatsber. 16 p. 100.— i^. vellala- vclla sp. n. Central group of Solomon Islands, Hartert London Bull. Ornitli. CI. p. 106. — Z. boholensta nom. n. lor zlaeta McGregor nee De Vis, McGregor Philippine J. Sci. 3 p. 283. Nectariniidae. Nectarinia adolfi friederlcl sp. n. Lake Kiow, Reichenow Ornith. Monatsb. Berlin 16 p. 81. — N. arturl, Gaza Land, habits, SwYNNERTON Ibis 1908 pp. 32- 36; egg figured. Id. 7'.c. pi. viii, f. 1. Aethopyga holtoul sp. n. Philippines, Mearns Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 4. — Ae. gv'iseicepa sp. n. Dai'- jiling, Bentham Rec. Ind. Mus. 2 }). 167. Cinnyris microrhynclius, Inhambane, Cl.uide Grant London Bull. Brit. ( )niith. CI. 21 p. 93. — ('. neergard'i sp. n. Inham- bane, Portuguese East Africa, Id. Ic.— ('. iijra gmiier't subsp. n. Western Kivu Volcanoes, Neum.vnn London Bull. Brit, tirnilh. CI. 21 p. 55.— C. sehuhotzi sp. n. Lugege Forest Equatorial Africa, Keichenow Ornith. Monstsber. 16 p. 47. — C. seimundi Fernando Po, C. hatesi Camaroons, spp. n., Grant London iUdl. Brit. Ornith. V\. 23 pp. 19 A: 20.—''. oUrciceus Gaza Land, Swynnkupon Ibis 1908 ]ip. 41-44.— 0. hivki, Notes,^ Id. L.c. p. 40; C. venustus niassne, Oa/.a Land, Id. t.c. p. 37.— C. olivaciiut, eggs figured. Id. t.e. pi. viii figs. 2 & 3.— C. oUvacetiB daviesi, figured, HaagnER Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 jil. iv. 141 Ava. Systematic. — Passerifobimes. 5831 Cyrtostomua dtnagatcnais sp. n. Dinagat lal., Mearss Washington Pror. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 5. AniJiothreptes carruthersi,LiK\'SV Bull. B. 0. C. 19 p. 100, Ibis 1908 p. L'85 pi. V. — A. zambesiaiia, Nigeria, Gold Coast and Sierra Leone, Gr.vxt Ibis 1908 p. 286. — A. lonquemarii, Bahr-el- Ghazal, Butler Ibis 190S p. 211 ; Anthrej^es cagai/anensi-'* sp. n. Philip- pines, Mearss Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. G. DiCiEIDAE. Dicaeum davao sp. n. Philippines, Mearxs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 87. Oporomis formosa, Vermont, Cooke Auk 25 p. 320. Sehiinis viotacilla, California, Miller Condor 10 p. 230. Geothlypis cequinoctialis cucuUata (Lath.), note, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 18. Basileuterua inelanotis subsp. n. dae- dalus, Colombia, Bamgs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 160. — B. meso- leucus, Cayenne, Berlepsch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 108. Muscicapa hivltlata Lofr. & D'Orb. $ -- Baaileuterus flaveoliis (Bairdj, Hell- mayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 19. Meliphagidae. Meliphagidae : abundance of, A. J. Campbell Emu 8 p. 41. Myzomela eicho'iii atrata, subsp. n. Central Solomon Isls., Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 105. Xotiomyatis nom. n. for Pogoiiornia Graypreocc, Richmond Washington U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 35 p. 634. Drepamdae. Chlorodrepania virens nest and eggs described, Bryan Honolulu Occ. Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 2 1905 p. 243 text fig. Heterorhynchua vrilaoni, nest and eggs, Bryan, t.c. pp. 253-254, text fig. Mniotiltidae. The migration of Warblers, Cooke Bird-Lore 5 1903 pp. 188-193, pi. ; and op.cit. 7 1905 pp. 32-35, 135-1 3G, 169- 170, 203-206, 237-239, 275-278, col. pi. text fig. — Migration of Warblers from the Bahamas to Florida, Chapman Bird" Lore 7 1905 p. 140 text fig. Helmitheroa vennlvorua, Ontario Saunders Auk. 25 p. 319 ; Burns Bird- Lore 7 1905 pp. 137-139. Helminthophila laicrencei, Staten Is N.Y., leucobronehialia, Passaic co. N.J., Chapin New Brighton Proc. Staten Is. Ass. 2 p. 21 ; The statu.s of H. leucobronehialia', Townsesd Auk 25 pp. 65-68. Motacillidae. Motacilla higubria, three broods in a season. Meade-Waldo British Birds 2 p. 130 ; spring migrant at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgli 1908 p. 78. — M. alba at the Eddystono Lighthouse in October, TiCEHURStBritisli Birds 2 p. 28 ; in Orkney, Robinson Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 181 ; probable nesting in the N.W. Highlands, Anderson t.c. p. 253 ; M. alba alba Farbeuaberration, TscHUSi p. 197 ; M. alba x M. lugubria, Champer- downe British Birds 2 p. 202 ; .¥. alba grandia nesting in Japan, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 152. — M. ocularis, nesting on the Lena River, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 2 p. 99.— .V. dara [nom. emend, pro Motacilla longiaauda Riipp. nee Gm.] Sharpe Ibis 1908 p. 341 .- il/. boarida boarula, Beschreibung, Polatzek p. 185. — M. flava, probable breeding near Aberdeen, Ra.msay Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 253 ; near Nottingham in September 1907, Whitakek British Birds 2 p. 28; M. flava flava in Norfolk, Richards British Birds 2 p. 237 ; also Withkrby London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 29 ; probably nesting near Aberdeen, Ramsay British Birds 2 p. 243 ; M. flava pygmoea, notea, Nicoll Ibis 1908' p. 495; M. flava melanocephala, at Lydd Kent, Nichols British Birds 2 p. 165. — M. borealia, Sussex GuRNEY British Birds 2 p. 90 ; spring and autumn migrant at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1908 p. 78. — M.melanupe, nesting in Berkshire, Mav British Birds 2 p. 9Q 142 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Budijtes citreola, Verbreituug, CJefieder, Grosse, Butdrlin Na§a ochota 1908, pp. 1-8. Anthus trivialis breediiig in the Glen- shee districf, Marshail Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 181 ; simag and autumn migrant at Fair Isle, Clarke t.c. p. 78; -4. trivialis trivialis, Farben- aberration TsoHUSi p. 197. — A. macu- latus, eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 153. Agrodrowa campcstris, Gouv. St. Petersburg, Biaischi St. Peterburg Ann. Mus. zool. 13 pp. xxxvi-xlv pi. c. Anthus berthelotii berthelotii, Besch- reibuiig u. Lebensweise, Polatzek p. 189 ; .4. bertlielotii lanzarotce. subsp. n. Canary Islands, Tschusi and Polatz, Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 19 p. 191.— A. spipoletta, Gesang und Rufe Schmidt Ornith. Monatschr. 33 pp. 243-246. 'fAvthun sp., Lower Pliocene of Gabbro near Leghorn, Pycraft London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 33. Macronyx rapeiisis colletti subsp. n. S. Africa, ScHOU Ornith. Monatsber 16 p. 119. ALAUDID.E. Alaemon alaudipes alaudipes Farben- aberration, Tschusi p. 197. Otocorys alpeatris, migration at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1908 p. 78. — 0. alpestris nlpestris, 0. a. praticoln, Georgia, Cooke Auk 25 p. 318. — 0. ehcesi, eggs figui'ed. Dresser Ibis 1908 pi. x figs. 1 & 2. Melanocorypha sihiricci, Sussex, J. B. Nichols London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 51. Alauda arvensis, eggs, Bunyard London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 23 pp. 24 & 49. — .1. arvensis arretisis, Farbe- naberration, Tschusi p. 196. — A.guUpda inconspic.ua, Nordkaukasien, Buturlin NaSa ochota 1908 10 p. 25. Calandrclla hrachydad yla, at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edin- burgh 1908 ]). 77.— C. minor, Italy, Cavazza Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 9 pp. 87-93) ; C. minor, near Paganico, DE Beaux Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 35 ; C. minor subsp. n. distincta Gran Canaria, Sassi Ornith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 30-36 ; C. minor polatzecln, Beschrei- bungu. Leijonsweise, Polatzek p. 193. Mirafra meriienais sp. n. Meru, Sjostedt Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp. 3 p. 137.-^3/. milligani nom. emend, pro M. pallida Hall nee Sharjje, Mathews Handl. B. Austral, p. 101. — M. chadensis sp. n. Lake Chad, Alexander, I;ondon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 89.— .1/. africana harterti subsp. n. S. Ukamba, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. 01. 23 p. 45. Heteronyx gen. n., ruddi sp. n. E Transvaal, Claude Grant London BuU, Brit. Ornith CI. 21 p. 111. Alauda cristata, auf deni Bau singend, Racz Aquila 14 p. 327. Galerita cristata alexanderi subsp ii. Lake Chad to the Benue River, Neumann Loudon Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 45. — G. mceritica, Fayoum Eo-\-pt, Kicoi.L & Bonhote Bull. B. 0. C. 23 p. 101. Alauda arhorea at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hisi. Edinburgh 1908 p. 49. — Lullula arhorea arhorea, Far- benaberration, Tsciiusi p. 197. Fringillidae. Albinismus bei Sperlingen, Laueb Zool. Beob., 49 p. 119. Die Wanderungen unserer Finken- viigel, Hocke Gefied. Welt. 37 pp. 236-1 238. Food habits of the Grosbeaks, McAteeI Washington U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur.f Biol. Surv. Bull. 32 pp. 1-92, pi. and] text fig. Hcsperiphoiia vcspertina, ConnecticutJ Hutciiins Bird Lore 7 1905 p. 173. (,'ocaothraiistes coecothraust.es Ber{ wickshire, M'CoNAcniE Ann. Scott. NatJ Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 25^ Galloway, Service t.c. p. 253 ; damage to peas, eggs, Bunyard London Bull.| Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 24. C. vulgaris, Scotland, Service, Britislii Birds 2 p. 243. Zamelodia hidoviciaiui, Bo\vt)isH| Bird Lore 9 1907 pp. 110-113, text fig. — Z. inelanocephala, an interesting! Audubon specimen, ruelanocephalal labeled " Loxia ma c ulata Gmelin," Sass, ( Auk, 25 p. 228. Oryzohoriis (uigolensis hrevirostrisl subsp. n. Cayenne, Berlepsoh Nov.] zool. 15 p. 119. — O. crassirosfris maxi- mlliani Goyaz, IIei.lmayk, t.c. ji. 32. E. 1 113 Ai'salitf sp. n. Costa Kica, C\RRIKER Pittsburgh .\nn. Cainiegie Mus. 4 p. 301. Phouipdi-a lepida, in coufinenieiit, Phillipps Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 163-170 pi. Friiigilln : Bau des Gehororganes. Breuer Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 116 Abt. Ill 1907 pp. 249-292.- F. eoeleb.H, fecundity, Butterfield Zoologist 1908 p. 428 A GvxGELLt.c. p. 467. — F. canaria Erblichkeit der Farben, Noorduyn Arch. Rassenbiol. 5 pp. 161-177 & 621-622; F. serinwi canarius, Xachahmungsver- naogen, Lauer Zool. Beob. 49 pp. 144- 146 ; F. canariensis palmae, La Palma, TH.\>-yER Ornith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 198-215. F. spodiogenys, Beal'x Ornith. Monats- ber , 16 pp. 144-146 ; a second record for Italy, De Beaux Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 144. — F. mont'tfringilla, Farbeuaberrationen, TscHusi p. 198. — F. spinus, HocKE Gefied. Welt 37 p. 337. Carduelis carduelis, increase in Central Scotland, Harvie-Brown, Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 180. Cliryaomitria spinns, nesting in the Forth Area, Harvie-B row's', t.c. p. 181 ; inUngarn, Cherxel Aquila 14 p. 185. — C. citr'mella, Schleswig - Holstein, remarks Krohn Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 126. Acatithis spinus, Farben aberration, TscHUSi, Ann. Hofmus. Wien p. 198. Spinus pinus Great Slave LakeAxDEU- sox, Condor 10 p. 234. — S. ictericua alleni, Goyaz, Hellmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 33. Carmabina, Unterscheidung der euro- paischen und asiatischen Arten, Butur- Lix Na§a ochota 1908 10 p. 29. AeanUuH cannabina at Fair Isle, Cl.\rke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 76. Linota Unar'ia, N.-O. Turkestan, Bu- TURLix Semja ochota 1908 p. 250. — L. fringilliroahns, nee. L. cammbina, in N.W. India, Whitehead London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 101.— L. rufescens, breeding in Sussex, Morris Zoologist 1908 p. 350 ; nesting on Hampstead Heath, British Birds 2 p. 100; nesting on Wimbledon Common, Oldham British Birds 3 p. 91 ; nesting in Sussex, Morris British Birds 2 p. 208 ; breeding in Essex, Gray British Birds 2 p. 203; nesting in Middlesex, Meyrick Zoologist 1908 p. 227. Pyrgilauda Verr. ; Characteristik und Verbreitung der Foruien, Bianchi St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. 12 p. 592. Onychospiza taczanoicskii Przew. ; Characteristik, Verbreitung, Bianchi t.c. p. 590. Moyitifringdla Brehm ; Gruppierung, Characteristik und Verbreitung der For- men, A/, alpicola ktreiduiieiifiiti subsp. n. Kuen-lun, Pamir, Bianchi t.c. p. 583. — il. alpicola groum-grzimaili und alpicola gaddi, ranges, differential characters, Sarudny & LocDON Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 pp. 164-165. Fringilla nobilis Schrank 1798, Gen- gler Mtinchen Verb, ornith. Ges., 8 pp. 171-174. Leucosticte Swains. ; Characteristik, Unterschiede von Fringillauda Einthei- lung in Gruppen, Synopsis, Synonymie, Verbreitung der Arten, Federkleid. L. haematopyg'ia pallidior noi'dl. Tibet, Nan-Schan, subsp. n. Bianchi St. Peter- burg Ann. Mus. zool. 13, pp. 28-61. Fringillauda Hodgs. ; Unterschiede von Leucosticte. Synopsis und Verbrei- tung Arten, Bi.vnchi t.c. p. 30. Eryf.hrospiza obsoleta not Coccothrau- stes humii, Betham, Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18, p. 908. — E. githaginea ainantum, Note [? lege amantium], Kollibay Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 11. — E. mougolica, N.-O. Turkestan, Buturlin Semja ochotn., 1908 p. 250. Gymnorliis pyrgita pallida subsp. n. Khartum and Senegal, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 70 ; G. p. massaica subsp. N. E. Africa, Id. I.e. Passer montanus Gelege, Wemer Zs. Oologie 18 pp. 68-69, 80-82, & Oberbeck t.c. pp. 163-165 ; Thiele- M.VNN, t.c. p. 36 ; Das helle Ei im Sper- lingsgelege, Boxberger t.c. p. 116. — P. domestic as, colour of eggs, Eckardt Omith. Monatsber. 16 p. 118; Abend- konzert Berger Natur u. Haus 16 pp. 140-143; Gewicht Glogner Arch. Schiffshyg. 12 pp. 751-757 ; P. domesti- cuH domesticus, Farbenaberrationen, TscHUSi p. 199 ; prolificness, Reese 144 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Science 26 1907, p. 759. — P. italiae italiae Farbenaberration, Tschusi p. 199 ; P. italiae subsp. n. hergeri Sud- Tunesien, Zedlitz Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 41-44. — P. Jiispaniolensis hispanio- lenais Farbenaberration, Tschusi p. 199. — P. niloticua, Mile Valley Nicoll & BoNHOTE Bull. B.O.C. 23 101.— P. griseiia neumanni subsp. n. coasts of Eryttusea Zedlitz Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin 16 p. 180. PoUospiza mennelli, sp. n. Rhodesia, E. C. Chubb London Bull. Brit, Ornith. 01.21 p. 62. Serlnus sharped, egg figured, Swyn- NERTON Ibis 1908, pi. viii f. 4. — S. flavi- ventris, in captivity for 18 years, Fitz- SiMOXS, Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 128. — S. leucopygius riggen- bachi subsp. n. Senegambia and Western Sudan, Neumann London, Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 44. — Fringilla serinus, Nahrung, Heindl Gefied. Welt 37 p. 126 — Serinus canarius, in the Forth Area, Harvie-Brown Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinliurgh 1908 p. 181 ; Jiear Stirling in November 1907, Id. British Birds 2 p. 139. — S. pnsillus, in Europe, Krodn Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 122 ; in Heli- goland. Id. I.e. Sycalis arvensis (Kittl.), allies, Hell- MAYR Nov. Zool. 15 p. 34. Carpodacus erythr'mus presso Roraa, Falconikki di Carpeona Roma Boll. Soc. zool. ital. 9 p. 38 ; C. erythrinus grch- nitskii, nesting on the Lena River, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 99. Loxia curmrostra , nesting in Co. Dublin, Hunter British Birds 2 p. 203; in Uugarn, Chernel Aquila 14 p. ISfi. — L. bifaaciata, Sussex, NicHni s British Birds 2 p. 165. Loxia pyrrhula. Biologic, Teidoff Zool. Beob.'49p. 119. Protopyrrhula, subgen. n. fiir die Pyrrhula der Indo-malagisohen Grupps Bi.anchi St. Peterburg Bull. Ac. so. 25 p. 162. Pyrrlivla ; Revision u. Beschreibung der Formen, Phylogenie, Verbrcitung, Bianchi St. Peterburg Bull. Ac. sc. 25 pp. 159-198. — P. pyrrhula mnriria, LehenHweise, Thanner Ornith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 120-124.— P. pileata, Great Britain distinct from Pyrrhula enropcea of continental Europe, Hartert London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 107 & British Birds 2 p. 130 ; P. europo'a, unusual eggs, Bunyard London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 24.— P. pyrrhula caspica subsp. n. South coast of Caspian Sea, Witherby London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 48. — P. ginseiventris, Sag- halin, Lonnberg J. Coll. Sci. Tokvo 23 Art. 14 p. 10. Pinicola enucleator leucura, New Jersey, Chapman Bird-Lore 5 1903 p. 199. Eniberiza pyrrhuloides Beschreibung und Synonymis der Varietaten, SuSkin Mater, faun. flor. Ross. 8 pp. 539-547 ; E. pyrrhuloides palustris, Kent, Nicoll London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 164 & British Birds 2 p. 88 fig.— E. sdioeniclus $ incubating, Maxwell Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 49. — E. yessoensis, eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908, p. 155 pi. iv, figs. 8 & 9 ; E. yessoensis, eggs, Ottosson Ark. Zool. 4 No. 9 p. 2. — E. pusilla, Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 pp. &. 76 ; Clev Norfolk, Witherby LondonJ Bull. Brit.''Oriiith.Cl. 23 p. 28 & British! Birds 2 p. 238 ; Rockabill Lighthouses] C!o. Dublin, Barrington London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 23 p. 18. — E. melano- cephala. Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott.J Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 76.— Ed rutila, Prov. Limburg in April 1! Le Roi Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 109.- E. citrinella, at Fair Isle, Clarke AnnJ Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 77; abnorm gefarbter, Grote Zool, BeobI 49 p. 180, 1 Taf. ; E. eitrinella citrinelld^ Farbenabeirationen, Tschusi 197. — E. sulphnrata and personata nests and eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 156^ — E. eirliis. singing in October, Oldhaji British Birds 2 p. 204 ; singing through-j out the autumn and winter, Alexandeb i.e. p. 237 ; Somerset, Meyrick I.e., Evans, T.o. p. 2SS.—E. hortulana} Plaistow, Clark Zoologist 1908 p. 269.'_ — E. ciopsis, eggs, Ingram Ibis 1908 p. 154. — E. leucocephala, nesting near Tomsk, Dresser London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 21 p. 99.— B. miliaria at Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 77. Calearius lapponicus at Fair Isle, Clarke I.e. — C. ornatus Maryland, KiRKwoon Auk 25 p. 84. llorliilinnt» { - Zonotrichia), type FriiKjilla albicollia, Allkn Auk. 25 \\ 223.' 145 Aves. Systematic, — Passeriformbs. 5831 Poocceti's (jram'nu'Hs. migration, MruPHY Bird Lore 9 p. 173. Pa.fscrculwf aandicichens'is savanna, Michigan. Wood Auk. 25 p. 223. Coturulenliis savannantm subsp. n. craceu.-< Britisli Hoiitiuras, B.\NOs and Pfxk Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 45. Ammodrnmn.'i licn.'^Ioirii, llahouing county Ohio, Vickers Wilson Bull. 20 pp. 150-152 ; nesting habits. Wooiua ik Bird Lore 10 pp. 111-113, text fig. ; .1. nelsoni, Virginia. Smyth Auk. 25 p. 475 ; Georgia and Florida, CooKE t.c. p. 31S; Long Island N.Y., Br.uslin t.c. 25 p. 84; A. nelsoni subv'trgatua, Georgia and Florida, Cooke t.c. p. 319. Brachyspiza capensi.-< pulacayensix subsp. n. Bolivia, Men'egaux Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908 p. 340. Passerella iliaca mentlo'idi's, validity, Grin-nell Condor 10 p. 237. Oreospiza chlorura, Virginia, Embody Auk. 25 p. 224. Plpilo maculatns megalonijx, Santa Cruz Is. Cal., LiXTOX Condor 10 jd. 20S. Emherizoides sphenura subsp. n., lucar'is Costa Rica. Baxgs Cambridge Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI. 4 p. 34. Atlaiietes crassiis sp. n. Colombia, B.VSG.S Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 161. Saltator s'lmillx pall'id'ircntr'iH, Berlepsch^S. simUis La£r. et D'Orb., Hei.lmayr Nov. Zool. 15 p. 31. Pavoaria haeri, notes, Hellmayr t.c. p. 30. C.F.IiEBIDAE. Ccercha laurcte sp. n. Testigos Islds. Venezuela, Lowe London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 108 ; C. saccharhia and C. uelhi, notes. Id. t.c. p. 109 ; C. chloropyga, sub-species from Cayenne, Berlepscii Nov. Zool. 15 p. 112. Dacnis venusla subsp. n. fullgbiata, Colombia, B.\xgs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 160. — D. angelica Bp. should probably be called 1). lineata (Gm.j, Berlep.sch Nov. Zool. 15 p. 111. Chlorophanex spiza exaul, and ('. p. gnatemalenxis, Rauge, Bangs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 186. (s-10332 g) Tanagridae. Calospiza gyroloidcs suljsp. n. dele- ticia, Colombia, Bangs Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 21 p. 160. — C. flava and allies, notes, IIkllmayr Nov. Zool. 15 pp. 25- 28. CaU'n^tc fastiiosa, in confinement, Bi-ri.KK Avii'ult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 107-110 pi. I'hlogothraupis sangninolenta subsj). n. (iprica, Costa Rica, Bangs Cambridge Proc. N. Engl. Zool. CI. 4 p. 31. Pl.OCIEDAE. Vidua priiicipalis, parasitic ? Butler Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 p. 121. Stcganura paradisea aiicupum subsp. n. Upper eiuinea, Neum.\nn Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 ]). 43. D'lalropura progne antforge'i subsp. n. Benguella, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 45. Coliuspasser macrotira subsp. n. con- radsi, Berger, J. Ornith. 56 p. 487. Pyromelana ansorgei. Synonyms are Penthetr'ia hartlaubi Cab. nee Bocage, and Colhispsser diib'iosus Neimi., Neu- mann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 ]). 47. Cryptospiza ocularis Sharpe distinct from C. reichcnowi Salvad., (iRANT Ibis 1908 ]). 270. Xigrita luclenl = A', lacteifrons $ , Shari'E Ibis 1908 p. 346. Pyrenestes qranti sp. n. Beira. Sharpe London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 67. Logonosticta vara forhesl subsp. n. R. Niger, NEUMiVNx London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 58 ; L. rhodopareia ansorgei subsp. n. Angola, Id. I.e. ; L. ritodoparia and allied species, notes, Grant, Il)is 1908 pp. 272-274— L. rhodo- pareia and L. niveo-guttata, Gaza Land, SwvxNERTON Ibis 1908 pp. 17-19. Amadlna faaciala alexanderi subsp. n. N.E. and E. Africa, Neumann London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 43. Pytelia afra, Gorongoza, S.E. Africa, Claude Gr^vnt London Bull. Brit. Ornith. (]1. 21 p. 68. — P. belli, Lake 'J'anganvika, Grant Ibis 1908 p. 274.- P. niti'dula, Gaza Land, Swynnerton Ibis 1908 p. 17. Neiatia minima Grant = N. nyanzae Neum. Grant Ibis 1908 p. 274. d 18 146 At 63. XVII. Aves, [1908] Hypocliera nenniann'i sp. n. Lake (!hiid, Alexandf.R London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 33. — //. uigcriae sp. n. R. Gongola, Id. t.c. with remarks on species p. 15. /Egintha minor, Cape York, distinct from .-E. temporalis, Mathews London Bull. Brit. Crnith. CI. 23 p. 2i.—.T^. temporalis and Cuckoos, Tregallas Emu 7 p. 187. Chloehia qouhlae und ('. mtrahili.^ Blume, Gefied. Welt 37 pp. 210 etc. etc. Estrilda liiHmeui Enni 7 ])p. 178-181. Sturnidae. sStiirniis vulgaris. HaT)its, T British Birds 2 p. 92 ; congr June, Arnold Zoologist, 1908 Aplin t.c. p. 350 ; Nahrungserwt Flug, Schuster Miinstei- Jahres. jv. ProvVer. Wiss. 36 ]^p. 72 73 ; Bruten, HeyderZs. Oologiel8p. llli; Herbstzug, Helm J. Ornith. 56 pp. 151-164; Brut- zeit, TiscHLER Ornith. Monatslier. 16 pj). 21-26 and 56 ; food habits, Davls Bird Lore 9 p. 267 ; Pennsvlvania, iJisiiOP Bird Lore 10 p. SI and 130; Peunsyl- 147 Aves. Systematic. — Passerifokmes. 5831 vania. New Jeisev and IVlawaie. Sto\k Auk 25 p. ■2-21. PuKtor voscus. in Caitluiess, Hi'iUiEs- OssL.tw FieM London Julv 11 1908 p. lilL> and British Birds 2 p. 139; in Argyllshire, Bairp Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Ediuburoh 1908 p. 49; in Sla- vonia. Kussi-EK Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 19 p. 05; Farbenaberratiou TscHUSi p. 199. Stuiiiia violacca, Sakhalin Island, LoXNBERo J. Coll. Sci. Tokvo23 Art. 14 p. S. ElLABETIPAE. PlioViddii'jcs leitcogastcr, notes, IIop- Kixsox Avicult. Mag. Brighton '2 6 pp. ^69-:272 and pi. ; Butler t.c. pp. 27 o- ~ 1 1 . Lamprocorax todcujcnsis sp. n. Philip- pines. Mearss Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 18 1905 p. 88. Macruropsar viagnH>^ subsp. n. hrevi- eatida Schouten-Island Odkt Leiden Notes Mus. 30 pp. G9-72. Amijdrus rueppeU't, Nigeria, = ^4. ueu- mayiiii Alex., Alexanper London Bull. Brit. Ornith CI. 23 p. 10; A. neumanni sp. n. Patti N. Nigeria, Id. t.c. p. 41. IximprocoUus ehahjhaeus liartlarthl subsp. n. Senegal, Neumann Ornith. llonatsb. Berlin 16 p. 04, Moropterua Si-Jirader'i subsp. n. Abyssinia, Shoa. Id. t.c. p. 05. Ptiloxorhyxciiid.t:. Pnrotla herlepaehi and P. onyolce, notes, Rothschild London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 p. 42.— P. Imroi'i, British New Guinea. Goopfellow London Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 pp. 35, 37. Lophorhina minor, Loria inariac Amhlijorin.s suhalarin and A. inornata, i-itibh New Guinea, Id. I.e. ■Jatnijdodera maeulata, Western -island, habits, Chisholm Emu 8, Paradiseidae. Notes on; Astlet Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 6 pp. 331-332. Ptdorhis uitercedens, British New Guinea, Goodfellow London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 23 pp. 35, .38. WjY/xj)(or»ii.s- ccrc'inicditda British New Guinea, Id. t.c. p. 3t) ; I), alhert'isi gelsleri, notes, Rotuschilp I.ondon Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 ]i. 7. Paradlsca raggia)ta, British New Guinea, Goodfellow t.c. (pp. 35, 37) ; nest and egg, D. Le SouI-f Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. t.c 21 (p. lOOj Emu 8 p. 37. Lohorhnmphns ptilorliis sp. n. Dutch New (iuinea, Siiahpe London Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 07. Diphyllodes Imnsteini, British New (iuinea, (Joopfellow, London Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23, pp. 35, 37. Paradisornis rudolp]ii, u living example, Ingram Avicult. .Mag. Brighton 2 7 (pp. 00-04) ; P. rudolfi, Ep'imacJms merjcri and AMrarcJiia .^tephnn'tae, British New Guinea, Goodfellow Lon- don Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 23 p. 35. Clcinvurus regiiis, in captivity, John- stone Avicult. Mag. Brighton 2 7 p, 21 pi. Corvip.t:. Corvns. Beobachtungen, Otto Aus d. Natur, 4 p]x 280-288 ; C frug'degus, Duplicitas testiculorum, Skriabin Mess, ^led. veterin soc. 20 p. 478. — C. eapen- •s-i.s, eggs, BucKNiLL Pretoria J. S. Afric. Ornith. Union 4 p. 72 ; Corvun corax subsp. n. kraii-'ici Nordost A frica, Zeplitz Ornith. Monatsber. 16 pp. 172-181 ; C. corax canar'ieyisls auf den Canaren, Sassi Ornith. Jahrl). 19 pp. 30-30 ; Lebensweise u. Eier, Polatzek 108. — C corax principalis, ilaine, Allen Bird Lore 10 pp. 195-197. — C. Kntusei sp. n. Sinai Zeplitz Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 178. — C. comix, Scliaden, Me- preczky Aquila 14 p. 321 ; Farben- aberration, Tschusi p. 200 — C. corona. Fair Isle, Clarke Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1908 p. 75; Farbenaberra- tion, TscHusi p. 200. Colocus mone.dula, domed nests WiTiiERBY British Birds 2 p. 139 ; habits. Tuck Zoologist 1908 ]). 72; Nutzlichkeit, Greschik Afpiila 14 p. 320; Farbenaberration, Tscnusi p. 200. yiicifraya ; Ziige, SiMROTJl Ornith. Monatschr., 33 pp. 01-71. — A", caryo- catactex macrorhynchiis im Herbst 1907 in Westpreussen, L.4Kowitz Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 04 ; Am.mann Natur u. Oflenb. 54 pp. 179-183; Nord-Bohmen, X48 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1908] Loos Ornith. Jalirb. 19 p. 140 ; Ungarn, Cherxel Aqiiila 14 p. 185 ; N. caryo- catacten relicta, Donner Ornith. Monat- sclir. 33 pp. 30-38 ; X. c. maerorhyn- elins. West Prussia, Lakewitz Ornith. Monatsb. 16 p. 64; Kent, Witherbv British Birds 2 p. 92 ; probably an escaped bird, BeresforivWebb t.c. p. 28 ; Gouv. Simbirsk, BrnRLTN Semja ochotu. 1908 p. 60. — A", columhiana, Wisconsin, Ward Auk 25 p. 318. Pica caudutu, Elsternest, Wigger Miinster Jahresber. ProvVen. Wiss., 36 p. 22. Cissa rohhisotti, figured, Grant J. Feder. Llalay States 3 pi. iii f. 1. Garrulus r/lamiarius Schadlichkeit, TiLscii Aquil'a 14 p. 320; als Nest- rauber, Ertl t.c. p. 319 ; G. glandar'ms taczanoirsih'ii subsp. n. Saghalin, Lonn- BERG J. Coli. Sci. Tokyo 23 Art. 14 p. 7. — G. japonicHS, nest and eggs, Ingraji Ibis 1908 p. 149.— G. lidthi, eggs, Ottossox Ark. Zool. 4 No. 9 p. 1. Cyaiwc'itta cristata, food habits, Dyche Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. 21 pp. 130-137 ; Barber Bird Lore 9 1907 p. 128. Gymnorli'inaliyperlenca habits, M'Cly- MONT Emu 7 p. 189. Strutlndca cincrea, 12 eggs in a nest probably laid by 3 or 4 females, Bar- nard Emu 7 p. 188. Pyrrlioeorax gracidus, Lancashire, Bell Field 1908 p. 590 & British Birds 2 p. 208 ; P. graculus and P. ■pyrrlio- eorax, N. Germany and Heligoland, : Krohn Ornith. Monatsber. 16 p. 127 ; | P. gracidus, La Palma, Thanner Or- \ nith. Jahrb. 19 pp. 198-215. Podoceti pJeshii, eggs, Di;esser, Lon- don Bull. Brit. Ornith. CI. 21 p. 53 & Ibis 1908 pi. X figs. 4, 6. XVIII. MAMMALIA ARRANGED I?Y R. LYDEKKER CONTENTS I. TiTLKS PAGE 5 II. Subject Index Comprehensive and General = 6003 : — Treatises, Text-books , , , , . 48 Institutions, Collections . . .... . . . . 48 Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Structure = 6007 :— General and Comparative . 49 Histology . . . 49 Tegument . . . 49 Nervous system and sense-organs . 50 Myology . 51 Tendons, cartilage, etc. . . . 51 Osteolog}', dentition . 51 Alimentary system . 58 Circulatory and respiratory system . 54 Blood, lymph, etc. . 54 Placenta . . . 54 Excretory organs. Special glands . 54 Organs of reproduction . . . 54 (s-10332 /) dl9 Physiologv = noil : — General and miscellaneous Functions and (Uiemistiy Regeneration Dev^elopment = C015 : — Ovum, oogenesis . . Spermatozoon, spermatogenesis Embryology Post-embryonal . . Ethology — G019:— General Habits (of species) Habirs (special) . . Sexual Psychology Coloration . . Variation and Aetiology = 0023 Variation . . Teratology Heredity . . Crosses, Breeds, and Hybrids Evolution . Geography = G027 : — General Europe = d and da to dk Europe and Mediterranean islands d Scandinavia, etc. da . . llussia europea db (jcrnian empire dc Belgium, etc. dd British Islands de Prance df Spain dr/ Italy d'/i Switzerland di . . Austria Hungary dk . . Balkan Peninsula dl . . Mediterranean islands dm Asia =z e . . Asiatic Russia ea China, etc. eb . . Japan, etc. ec . . Cochin Chir\a, etc. ed . . ]iritisli India ef.. Malay, etc. e^ . . Persia, eh Arabia, Asiatic Turkey ei Africa and iNTadagascar =/ North vVmcrica ^ y Central and South America, Antilles = h Australasia and Southern Ocean =■ i . . III. Systematic = 6031 :— PAGE Primates . . . . . . 04 Ilominidiie 64 Simiidae . . 64 Cercopithecidae . . 65 Cebidae 65 Leniuroidea Gi) Chiroptera . . 65 Pten>i>odidae GO Kliinolopliidae 66 VespiM-tilionidao . . 66 Eniballonuridae .. 67 Natalidae . . . . ., 67 Phyllostomatidae, . 67 Dermoptera , . . . . . ... 67 Insectivora . . 67 Tupaiidae . . 67 Talpidae . . 67 Soricidae , . 67 Erinaceidae 68 Chrysochloridae . . 68 Carnivora 68 A. Caniassideutia . . .68 Felidae 68 Yiverridae 69 Hyaenidae 69 Oauidae 69 Ursidae 70 Mustelidae 70 Procyonidae . . 70 B. Piunipedia 71 c. Creodoiitia 71 Rodentia 71 Sciuridae . . 71 Gliridae . . . . . . . . 72 Castoridae, Jaculidae 73 Eomyidae . . 73 Muridae . . 73 Spalacidae . . . 75 Bathyerg-idae, G eomyidae 75 Heteromyidae, Ilystricidae . . 75 Dasyproctidae, Dinomyidae . . 75 Octodoiitidae . . 75 Caviidae . . 76 Leporidae, Cchotonidae . . 76 10332 /) dl9-2 PAGE Ungulata .. 76 A. Artiodactyla ..76 Bovidae .. 76 Antilocapridae, Giraffidae . . Cer\ idae . . 78 . . 78 Camelidae . . 79 Tragulidae Anthracotberiidae . . 70 ,.79 Hippopotamidae Suidae . . . . 79 . . 80 Dicotylidae . . 80 B. Perissodactyla . . Equidae Hyracotheriidae Ehinocerotidae . , SO . . 80 . . 80 ..81 Tapiiidae Titaiiotheriidae ..81 .. 81 Clialicotheriidae . . 81 c. Toxodoutia ..81 D. Proboscidea ..81 Sirenia . . 82 Cetacea . . 82 Edentata . . 83 Marsupialia . . . . 84 Moaocrcmata . . 84 Ptolemaiidae .. 8i Mum. Titles. 6000 I.— TITLES. ■[Abbott, W. J. Lewis. The Pleistocene Vertebrates of south-east England. London, S.-East. Xat., 1908, (96-113). 1 Abel, 0. Die Anfiinge des Saugetier- stammes. Wien, Yerh. ZoolBot. Ges., 57, 1907, (249, 250). 2 lAbel, 0. Neuere Studien iiber die Svsteniatik und Stammesgeschichte der Halbaffeu und iiber den Fund eines an- geblichen Vorfahren des Menschen in Siidamerika, Tetrap-otJiomo argentinus Anieghino. Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, l'908, (35-38). 3 Abel, 0. Unsere gegenwartige Keuntuis iiber den Bau und die Lebens- weise von Diprotodon australis Owen. Wien, Verh. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, (4i-47). 4 Abel, 0. Die Morphologie der Hiift- beinrudimente der Cetaceen. Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 81, 1908, (139- 195). 5 Abel, 0. The genealogical history of the .Marine Mammalia. Kep. Sinithson. Inst., Washington, D.G., 1907, 1908, (472-496;. 6 Adams, Lionel E. Notes on the Hairy Armadillo (Dasypus villosiis). Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (342- 344,. 7 Adloff, P. Das Gebiss der Menschen imd der Anthropomorphen : zugleich ein Beitrag zur menschlichen Stamm- gescliichte. Berlin, 1908, (1-165). 8 Adloff, P. vide Gorjanovic-Kram- berger. A. E. Litet om flodillem eller man- ken. [Einiges iiber Foetorius lutrcola.'\ Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 11, 1903, (6-7). 9 A. H. Ekornet. [Pas Eichliornchen.] Kri.stiania, Tidssk. "Skogbr., 16, 1908, (345-347). 10 Aitken, E. H. Do Bats eat birds ? Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1907, (190). 10a Alagna, Gaspare. Ueber einige eigenartige Zellen in der Gaumeuton- sille eines Hundes und iiber ihre wahi'- scheinliche Bedeutung. Arch. path. Anat , Berlin, 194, 1908, (46-51), Taf. 11 [Aleksandrov, L.] A.ieKcaHapoBt, JI. 0 sannaxt. [Ueber Hasen.] Ochotn. vgst., Moskva, 8, 1908, (53). 12 [Aleksandrov, L.] AjieKcaHjipoBTb, H Soo.ioriiqecKiji Me.iOHii. [Zoologische Miscellen.] Ochotn. v6stn., Moskva, 8, 1908, (348). 13 Allen, Glover M. Notes on Chiroptera Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., Cambridge, Mass., 42, 1908, (25-62), pi. 14 Allen, J. A. The North Atlantic Right Whale and its near allies. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.Uist., 24, 1908, (277- 329), pis. xix-xxiv. 15 Allen, J. A. The Peary Caribou (Rangifer pearyi, Allen). New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (487-504). 16 Allen, J. A. Notes on Solenodon paradoxus. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (505- 517), pis. xxviii, ^•txxiii. 17 Allen, J. A. Mammalogical notes — i-vi. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (579-589). 18 Allen, J. A. Mammals from Nicara- gua. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (647-670). 19 C Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Ameghino, Florentino. El arco escapular de los Edentarlos y Mono- Iremos y el origen reptilioide de estos dos griipos de Mamil'eros. [The scapular arch of the Edentates and Monotremes ajid the reptilian origin of these two .groups of Mammals.] An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 17, 1908, (1-91). 20 "[Ameghino, F. Encore quelques mots sur les Tatous fossiles de France et d'Allemagne. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 17, 1908, (93-110). 21 Andersen, Knud. A monograph of the Chiropteran genera Uroderma, Enchis- iliines, and Artibcus. London, Proc. Zooh Soc, 1908, (i'Oi-319). 22 Andersen, K. On four little-known names of Chiropteran genera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1903, (431-435). 23 Andersen, K. Twenty new forms of Ptrroinis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 2, 1908, (361-370). 24 Andersen, K. Preliminary descrip- tions of two new species of Myonycterifi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (450, 451). 25 Anderson, R. J. The thickness of the skull in Maiiniials. London, Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1907, ('AG, 547), 1908. 26 Anderson, R. J. The maxilla and palate of the Mammalia. London, liep. Brit. Assoc, 1908, (744, 745), 1909. 27 tAndrews, C. W. On the skull, man- diljle, and milk-dentition of Palaeo- viastodon, with some remarks on the tooth-change in the Proboseidea in general. Phil. Trans. R. Soc, London, ser. B, 199, 1908, (393-407), pis. xxxi, xxxii. 28 fAndrews, C. W. Note on a model of the skull and mandible of Prozeii- fjlodon atrox, Andrews. Geol. Mag., London, decade 5, 5, 1908, (209-212), J)!, ix, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 203. 29 Andrews, C. W. vide British Museum. Andrews, Roy C. Notes upon the external and internal anatomy of i?a7a')ia (llaeialiH, Bonn. New York, N. Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (17 J - 182). 30 Andrews, R. C. Description of a new species of Mcxoplodon from Canterbury Province, New Zealand. New York, N.Y., Bidl. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (203-215), pi. xii. 31 Anikiew, Ar. Ueber den Bau des Eiprotoplasmas mid iiber die exzen- trische Lagerung der Kernfiguren in einigen Tubeneiern der Hausmaus (Mus musaidus, varietas alba). Auat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (320-330). 32 Annandale, N. An unknown Lemur from the Lushai Hills, Assam. Lon- don, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908 (888, 889), 1909. 33 [Anon.] Handbook of Nvasaland. Zomba, 1908, (vii + 292). ' 34 [Anon.] The Museum's Whales. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 7, 1907, (53-56). 35 [Anon.] Exhibit illustrating the evolution of the Horse. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 8, 1907, (117-122), pi. 36 [Anon.] A new national Buffalo-herd. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 26, 1907, (563-564). 37 [Anon.] Walruses in coptivitv. Field, London, 1908, 112, (431). " 38 [Anon.] Modern Whaling. Field. London, 1908, 111, (87). 39 [Anon.] Schomburgh's Deer. Field, Loudon, 1908, 111, (501, 501). 40 Anthony, R. Note sur un foetus de Propitheque et ses membranes. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., Paris, 7, 1908,(243-248), 2^1. xvii. 41 Anthony, R. Le laboratoire maritime du Museum d'Histoire naturelle (Saint- Vaast-la-Iiougue) pendant I'annee 1907 Ann. sci. nat. Zool., Paris, ser. 9, 7, 1908, (27-79). 42 Anthony, R. et Rivet, P. Contribu- tion a I'etude descriptive et morpho genique de la courlnire lemorale chez I'homme et les Anthropoides. Ann. sci nat. Zool., Paris, ser. 9, 6, 1907, (221- 261). 43 Anthony, 1*. A ]iropos des caracteres anatomiques du. Bradijpus lorqiudus. 111 Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (873- 875). 44 Aplin, 0. V. Notes on the Tuco-tuco and the Hairy Armadillo. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (392, 39.3). 45 Arcangeli, A. Osservazione sulla chciratoialiua. Pisa, Alti Soc. tosc. so. nat. (I'roc. Verb.), 18, 1908, (17-21). 46 Mnm. Titles. 6000 Arenander, E. O. 1st plotzliche Horiilosigkeit Mutation oder Riick- schlau:? Jahrb. wiss. Tierzuclit, Hau- Kovor.3, 10i»8. (Ui-lliv). 47 Arenander, E. 0. Eine Mutation bei der Fjellrasse (KuUarasse) : eia wich- tiges Argument fiir die Koiitrollvereine. Jalirb. wiss. Tieizucht, Hannover, 3, ]908, (bcxxvii-lli. 48 Arldt, T. Die Ileimat der Elefanten. Gaea, Leipzig, 44, lOOS, (9^-lOi), Taf. 49 t Arldt, T. . Die altterfiare Siiuge- tierwelt Afrikas. Natw. Rdsch., Braun- schweig 23, 1S08, (285-287, 301-303, 316-318). 50 +Arldt, Th. Ueber die jiingeren Forniationen Argentiniens und Siid- amerikas als Entwickelungszeiitrura der Saugetiere. Xatw. Rdsoli., Braun- schweig, 23, 1908, (453-45G). 51 Ambach-CIiristie-Linde, Augusta. A collection of Bats from Formosa. Ann. Mag. Xat. llist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (235-238). 52 Asai, K. Die Blutgefasse im hiiutigen Labvrinthe des Hundes. Anat. Heite, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, (309-403) 4 Taf. 53 Asai, K. Die Blutgefasse des hautigen Labyrinthes der Ratte. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie des inneren Ohres. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, (71 1-728) 3 Taf. 54 Ash, F. H. The evolution of the Cetacean tail-fin. Rep. N. Stafford Field Club, 43, 1908-9, (78-82); separatelv issued 1908. 55 tBach, Franz. Listriodon splendenn, H. V. M., aus Steiermark. Wien, Verb. Geol. Rchs. Anst, 1908, (117, 118); Graz, Mitt.Natw.Ver. Steierm., 44, 1908, (57, 58). 56 jBach, F. Uber Paeudocnon smi- sanieiisia. Wien, Verb. Geolog. Rchs. Aust., 1908 (299-304.) 56a B&rtliold. Xeuere systematische Saugetieiforschungen, nel)st Bemer- kungen von F. Dahl. Natw. Wochen- schr., Jena, 23, 1908, (824, 825). 57 Baetjer, Walter A. On the origin of tli3 mesenteric sac and thoracic duct in the embiTO Pig. Amer. J. Anat., Philadelphia," Pa., 8, 1908, (303-317). 58 Ballowitz, K. Zur Konntuis der Spermieu dm- Pinuipedier. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (253-25G). 59 Bangs, Outram. Notes on the Mam- mals of Block Island, Rhode Island. Boston, Mass., Proc. New England Zool. Club, 4, 1908, (19-21), pi. i. 60 tBarbour, Erwin Hinckley. Notice of a new fossil Rhinoceros from Sioux countv, Neln-aska. Nebraska Cieological Survey, Lincoln, 2, 1900, (311-318). 60a Bardeleben, Karl von. C.Luulula sub- maxillaris oder subniandibularis oder mandibularis ? Anat. Anz., Jena, 31, 1907, (320). 61 Bardon, L. vide Bonyssonie, A. & J. Bartels, M. Zur Lebeusweise von Eonyctcris spelaea. Buitenzorg, Bull. Dep. Agric. Indes NeerL, 20, 1908, (13). 62 Bartels, M. Zum Vorkommen der Tdpfelkatze (Fells viverrina, Benn.) auf Java. Buitenzorg, Bull. Dep. Agric. Indes NeerL, 20, 1908, (14, 15). 63 Barthos, Gyula. Adatok a deneverek eletniodjahoz. [Beitrage zur Lebens- gewohnheiten der Fledermause.] Erd. kis., Selmeczl)anya, 10, 1908, (61, 62). 64 Basile, Carlo. Influenza della lecitina suUa determinazione del sesso e sui caratteri mendeliani. Roma, Rend, Ace. Lincei, ser. 5, 17, 1908, 1° sem., (643-652). 65 Baum, H. Die Benennung der Hand- uud Fiissarterien des Menschen und der Haussaugetiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 31, 1907, (428-448). 66 Baum, H. vide EUenberger, W. Baum, H. und Hille, R. Die Keim- zentren in den Lymphknoten von Rind, Schwein, Pferd und Ilund und ihre Abhangigkeit vom Leljensalter der Tiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (561-584). 67 Beaux, O. do. Ueber die schwarze Varietiit der Tamandua lougicuudata, Grav, var. nigra n. Zool. Ajiz., Leip- zig," 33, 1908,"(417, 418). 68 Becht, F. C. vide Carlson, J. A. Becker, J. Ueber Zungenpapillen. Eiii lieitrag zur phylogenetischen Ent- wickelung der Geschmacksorgane. S Main. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] •Jenaische Zs. Xatw., 43, 1908, (537- 618), 1 Taf. 70 Becker, Martin. Einiges iiber den Schakal Dalmatiens. Waidmannsheil, Klagenfurt., 28, 1908, (391-395). 71 Beddard, F. E. On the colon of tlip Badger. London, Proc. Zool. See, 1908, (11^8-130). 72 Beddard, F. E. On the anatomy of Antech'momys and some other Mar- supials, with special reference to the intestinal tract and mesenteries of these and other iFammals. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (5G1-605). 73 Beddard, F. E. Some notes iipon the anatomy of Chiromys madagaseariensi-'<, with reference to otlier Lemurs. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (094-702). 74 fBelar, — . Ein Rennegeweih aus Oberlaibach in Krain. [A Reindeer- antler from Carniola.] Carnioin, Laibach, 1, 1908 (62-64). 74a Bell, E. T. On the histogenesis of the adipose tissue and the occurrence of fat in the foetal tisisues of the Ox. Amer. J. Anat., Pliiladelphia, Pa., 8, 1908. 75 Bemmelen, J. F. van. Vergelijkend onderzoek der schedels van haas en konijn. [Vergleicliende Untersnclmng der SchJidel des Hasiu iind des Kanin- chens.] Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver., ser. 2, 10, 1908, (xxxiii-xxxvi). 76 Bentham, T. An illustrated catalogue of the Asiatic horns and antlers in the collection of the Indian Museimi. Cal- cutta, 1908, (1-96) pis. 77 Bentham, T. Description of a new species of Mouse from the Madura district. Madras, Rec. Indian Mus., 2, 1908,(385,386). 78 Bentham, T. The difference between the Takin (Budorcas) from the Mishmi Hills and that from Tibet, with notes on variation displayed by the former. Rec. Indian .Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, (249- 254), pi. xxiii. 79 Berezowski, Andrzej. Studya nad . niozgowiem liydla rogatego. [Etudes sur le cerveau du P.ctail.] Roczn. roln., Krak.iw, 2, 1900, (57-74:. 80 Bergenia, J. ct Tribondeau, L. Xolc relative a I'influence des rayons X sur la f('coiidite des Lapines. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (478-480). 81 Berry, R. J. A. The anatomical variations presented by a case of Tliora- copagous Lamb Monster, together with an account of the developmental explana- tion of the same. Adelaide, Rep. Austral. Ass. 11, 1908 (508-515). 81a Berti, A. Trasmissione della ecci- tazione attraverso i gangli spinali anemizzati nei Mammiferi. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 67, 1908, (979-993). 82 Bertkau, F. Zur Histologic und Physiologic der Milchdriise. Arch. Anat. Physiol.," Leipzig, Physiol. Abt., 1907. (368-372). 83 Betham, W. G. Do wild animals ever die a natural death? Bombay, J- Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (493, 494)." 84 Biach, Paul. Das Riickenraark der Ungidaten {Artiodactijla,Perissodactyla). Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien, Leipzig, 16, 1907, ('487-521). 85 Bielscliowsky, I\Iaxund Briihl, Gustav. Ueber die nervosen Endorgaue im hjiutigen Labyrinth der Saugetiere. Arch, niikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1907, (22- 57 2 Taf. 86 Bijvoet, W. F. Zur vergleichcnden Morphologie des Musculus digastricus mandiljulae bei den Saugetieren. Zs. Morph., Stuttgart, 11, 1908, (249-316). 87 Billet, A. La peste dans le departe- mentde Constantineen 1907. Recherches parti culieres sur les Rats, leurs ecto- jiarasites et leurs rapports avec I'epidpmie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 22,1908,(0.58-681). 88 Bjorkenheim, Bengt. En ovanlip iakttagelse betraffande harens foda [Eine auffallende Beobachtung in bezug auf die Nahrung des Hasen]. Tidskr. •Tag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1904, 11-12, 73 74>. 89 Blackman, J. ride Erlanger, J. Blackwelder, Eliot. Report^ on zoology. [Research in China.] Wash- ington, D.C., Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 54, 1, pt. 2, 1907, (481-507) pi. 89a fBlanckenhom, Max. Zur Altersfrage der norddculschen Eolithenfunde. Berlin. MonatsLcr. deutsch. geol. Ges., 1907,(82 89). 90 Boas, J. E. V. Muldvarpen {Talp( cnropara). [Moles, Talpa europcra.'\ Kpl,enhavn, Haven, 8, 1908, (239-241). 91 Boas, J. E. V. Beina->rkninger ved Foreheggelsen af f0rste Del af Boas og Panlli "The Elephant's Head." (Remarks on the memoir on "The « y Alaiii, Titles. 6U00 Elephant's head " by Boas and Paiilli.) Kjobenhavu, Vid. Selsk. Overs. 1908, vly7-:.Uli, pis. i, ii. 92 Boas, J. E. V. iind Paulli, Simon. I eber den allgemeineu Plan der Gesichtsnniskulatur der Saugetiere. Anat. Amz., Jena, 33, 190S, (497-512). 93 Boas, J. E. V. and PauUi, S. The Elephant's Head ; studies in the com- parative anatomy of tlie organs of tlie head of the Indian Elephant and otiier Alammals : Pt. I. The facial muscles and proboscis. Jena, 1908, (vii + 80', 17 pis. 94 Boecker, Eduard. Einige Benier- kuugeu zu dem Aufsatz ,,(jeber die Wirki.ii.j der ilusculi intercoslales" des Herrn Emil Flnsser. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, ( 552-554 j. 95 Boeke, J. and Groot, G. J. de. Phy- siological regeneration of neurofibrillar end nets (tactile di^os) in the organ of Eimer in the Mole. Amsterdam, Proo. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 1908 (452-459). 96 [Bolsche, Wdhelm] Boatme, Bn.ib- reabMfc. ITponcxoiivieHib qeaoBiiKa, [Die Abstammung des lilenschen.] Uebers. n.d. 25-ten deutsch. Aufl. von V. P. Osipov. Moskva, 1903, (1-131). 97 Bondy, Ciustav. Ueber die Entwicke- lung des Tympanicum und der Shrap- nellschen Membran des yehweines. Anat. Hefte, "Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 37, 1908,(591-001;. 3Taf. 98 Bonliote, J. L. Report on the (lunong Tahan expedition ; Mammals. J. Fed. Malav States Mus., Kuala Lumpur, 3, 1908; (\-Z), pi. i. 99 Bonis (De), Vittorio. Sui fenomeui di secrezionenelle cellule ghiandolari delle vescicole seminali e delle ghiandole di Cowper. Archivio ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze,7, 1908, (294-306) 1 tav. 100 Bonne, C. vide Soulie, A. Bonnet, A. L'Oryx dans I'aneienne Eg%-pte. Lvon, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. 10,' 1 908, ( 1 59-173), pi. 100a Bonnot, Edmond. The interscapular gbnd. J. Anat. Physiol., London, 43, 1908, (43-58). 101 jBonyssonie, A., Bonysonnie, J. et Bardon, L. Decouverte d'un squelette humaiii iiiousterien a La Chapelle-aux- Saints (Correze). Paris, C. 1!. Acad. sci., 147, 1908, (1414-1415). 102 Botezat, Eugen. Die Xerven der Epidermis. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, ((;5-75). 103 Boule, Marcelin. Lemuriens et Loauuie. Geographie, Paris, 13, li06, (19-23). 104 Bovero, Alfonso. Annotazioni sul- I'anatomia del palato duro. Torino, Mom. Ace. sc, ser. 2, 58, 1908, (59-140), pi. Iviii. 105 Bradley, 0. Charnock. A contribu- tion to the morphology and development of the maumialian liver. J. Anat. Pliysiol., Loudon, 43, 1908, (1-42). 106 jBranca, H. M. Fossile Flugtiere und Erwerb des Flugvermogens. Berlin, Abh. Ak. Wiss,, 1908, (1-49). 107 Brandt, Kavl. Strittig? Puukte iu der Gehornbildung. D. Jagerztg, Xeu- damm, 51, 1908, (561, etc.). 108 Brasil, L. Sur I'existence d'une depression pre-orbitale sur un crane de Zebre de Burchell {Equus burchelU typicus). Paris, C. R. Soc. biol., 65, 1908, (432-433). 108a Brass, Arnold. Das AfTen-Problem. Professor E. Haeckel's Darstellungs- und Kampfesweise sachlich dargestellt nebst Bemerkungen liber Atmungs- orgaue und Korperform der Wirljel- tier-Embryonen. Leipzig, 1908, (1-42), 4 Taf. ' 109 Bratin, il. Ueber das Blasen der Wale. Kdnigsberg, Schr. phvsik. Ges., 48, ,1907), 1908, (348-349). ' 110 Braun, M. tJber das Brustiossen- skelet der Cetaceen. Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 48, 1908, 400-4 LO). ' 111 Breuil, Able H. L'evolution de Part parietal des cavemes de Page du Renne. 13th Congr. Intemat. Anthrop. Archaeol., Monaco. 1, 19C8, (367-451). 112 Breuil, H. et alii. Les dernieres peintures decouvertes dans la grotte du Portel (Ariege). Paris, C. R.Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (1166-1168). 113 Breuil, H. vide Cartailhac, E. Brimley, C. S. A descriptive cata- logue of tiie ilammals of Xortli Carolina, exclusive of the Cetacea. Chapel Hill, 10 Ma7n. xviir. Mammalia. [1908] X.C, J. Elislia ilitcheU Sci. Soc, 21, 190.J, (1-32). 114 Brinkmaim, August. Die Riicken- driise von Dicotyles. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, (281-307). 2 Taf. 115 [British Museum.] A Guide to the Domesticated Animals (other than Horses) exhibited in the British Museum {Natural Historv). London, 1908, (v 4- 54). [R. Lydekker]. 116 [British Museum.] A Guide to the Elephants (recent and fossil) exhibited in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum [del Daino e del Cinghiale]. Xapoli, Reud. Ace. Sc, ser. 3, 13, 1907, (180-191), 2 tav. 140 Capparelli, Andrea. SuU'esistenza nel sistema uervoso centrale degli Animali Superiori di alcuni corpi a con- tenuto mielinico e sui rapporti di questi corpi con i prolungamenti delle cellule nervose. Catania, Atti. Ace. Gioenia, ser. 4, 20, 1907, Mem. 7", (1-8), 2 tav. 141 Capparelli, A. Sulla struttura delle cellule dei centri nervosi spinali degli Animali Superiori. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioenia, ser. 5, 1903, Meraoria, (1-5), 1 tav. 142 Capparelli, A. Leber die Struktur amiapaT'l; nopBiibix-b K.rlvroK'b ii ero uaMtneaiax-i npii otmcHCTBt. 9kc- iiepHMCHTaabHoe uac.ThaoBaiiie. [Zur Frage iiber den neurotibrillaren Ajiparat der Nervenzelien iind dessen Vcriinde- rungen bei der Tolhvut. Eine e.xperi- meutelle Untersuchung.] St. Peterljurg, 1907, (1-87), 2 Taf. 182 Darwin, Charles. Die Abslannnung des Menschen. Leipzig, 1908, (vi +, J 54;. 183 13 Mam. Titles. 6000 Davis, II. B. The Raccoon : a study iu aniuial intelligeucc. Amer. J. Psvcli., Worcester, Mass., 18, 1907, (417-489), pl. 184 Debeyre, A. ct Riche, 0. Surrenale accessoire dans I'ovaire. Paris, C. R. soc. bid., 63, 1907, (733-734). 185 jDeere, E. 0. A fossil tusk found in McPherson Co. Toi>eka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20. (214). 186 [Deineka, D.^ JertneKa, J. Kb bo- iipocy 0 perciicpauiii iioijuhuxtj bo.io- KOIITj BT. CBH3II CL llOBOll TBOpioil ^ iieiiponionoB'b " Ramon y Cajal'H. [Zur Frage der Regeneration der Ner- venfasern im Znsammeuhange mit der neuen Theorie der „Xeurobionen" von Ramon y Cajal.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances, 39, 1, 1908, (61- 83\ 187 De Pas, ]-uis van. Un pnso hacia adelante en el camino de la evolucion del Caballo. [A step iu the direction of the evolution of the Horse.] Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac. ser. 3, 10, 1908, (149-1 Ci^^. 188 Dependorf, T. Zur Frage der soge- nannten Konkreszenztheorie. Eine Entgegnung auf Dr. Adloffs Aufsatz : ,,Zur Frage der Konkreszenztlieorie". Jenaische Zs. Natw., 43, 1908, (802- SOS;. 189 Dependorf, T. Der Diphyodontismus der Siiuger nnd die Stellung der Milch- zahnreihe in diesem Svstem. CorrBl. Zahnarzte, Berlin, 36, 1907, (97-110). 190 "[Dep^ret, Charles. The evolution of the Tertiary ilammals and the import- ance of their migrations. Amer. Nat., Lancaster, Pa., 42, 1908, (109-114, 168- 170, 3O3-307j. 191 fDeperet, C. Sur I'age des couches a Palaeomastodon du Favoum (2" note). Paris, Bui. Soc. Geol. ser. 4, 7, 1907, (455,456), 1908. 192 •fDeperet, C. L'histoire g^ologique et la phvlogenie des Anthracotherides. Paris, C.'R. Acad, sci., 140, 1908, (158- 162). 193 tDe Stefano, G. Sopra alcuni avanzi di Vertebrati fossili. Roma, Boll. Soc. 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Sur les productions exoplastiques des cellules I'olliculeuses de I'ovaire chez la Lapine. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (152- 150). 215 Dubreuil, G. et Regaud, CI. Paral- lelismc des variations macroscopiqucs et microscopiques de la glande interstitielle dans I'ovaire de la Lapine. Paris, C. R. £oc. biol., 64, 1908, (901-903). 216 Dubreuil, G. vide Regaud, C. Duckworth, W. L. H. Description of a inicro(e])lialous ne\v-i)orn Pig. Cam- bridge, Proc. Phil. Soc, 14, 1908, (447- 456)," pis. XV, xvi. 217 Duckworth, W. I,. II. Descriptive Catalogue of specimens in the Museum of Human Anatomy : Pt. ii, The Com- pai'ative Osteology of ^lan and the Higher Apes. Cambridge, 1908, (1-40). 218 Duckworth, W. L. H. The brains of Aboriginal Natives in the Anatomy School, Cambridge University. Pt. 2. J. Anat. Physiol., London, "l2, 1908, (176-197). 219 Duesberg, J. Les divisions des sper- matocytes chez le Rat {ilus ciccuvianiis, Pall., variete albinos). Arch. 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F'rei- hcrr. U(;ljer die Krfor-chung der ein- heimischen Siiugetiertauna. Bonn, Sitz- Ber. Ges. Xatk., 1907, (99-103), 1908. 287 (1,-10332 f) Giannelli, Luigi. Xuovo coiitril)uto alio studio dello svihippo del pancreas uei Maiuniiferi. Monitore zool. ital., Firenzo, 19, 1908, (44-54). 288 Giannelli, L. Alcune osservazioni alia memoria " Ricerche sopra la stnittura e la istogenesi della sostanza midollare dell'ovaia " del Dr. Mario Zalla. Moni- tore zool. ital., Fireuze, 19, 1908, (123- 125). 289 JGidley, James Williams. Descrip- tions of two new species of the genera Ocibos and Bootherium, with notes on the latter genus. Washington, D.C., Sniithson. Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc, 34, 1908, (681-684), pis. Ivii-lix. 290 tGidley, J. W. Notes on a collection of fossil Mammals from Virgin valley, Nevada. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub., Bull. Dept. Geol., 5, 1908, (235-242). 291 Gierlich, Xicolaus vide Brodmann, K. JGHmore, Charles W. Smithsonian E.xploration in Alaska in 1907 in search of Pleistocene fossil Vertebrates. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 51, 1908, (1-38), pis. i-sv. 292 Glaesmar, Erna. Untersuchung iiber die Flexorengruppe am Unterschenkel und P'uss der Saugetiere. Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 37, 1908 (36-90), pis. V, vi. 293 Glur, Arnold. Ueber rudimontaro Lungenabschnitte beim Rindc Arch, patlh Anat., Berlin, 194, 1908, (52-63). 294 Godin, P. Deux cas de fecondation retardeo chez le Cobaye. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (150-151). 295 jGodon, J. Decouverte d'une faune quaternaire a Cambrai. Lille, Ann. Soc. Gcol.,35, 1907, (189-190). 296 Gbppert, E. Variabilitiit im eni- bryonaien Artei-Iensystem. Anat. Aiiz., Jena, 32, ErglL, 1908, (92-103). 297 Golodetz, L. vide Unna, P. G. Gordon, C. E. The Otter in Massa- chusetts. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 28, 1908, (772-775). 298 "l"Gorjanovi6-Kramberger, D. Contri- buzione alia Fauna dei Vertebrati della Dalmazia-Taubruch und Krapina. Glas- nik, Zagrel), 19, ]!)()7, (268-272). 299 Gorjanovic-Kraniberger, D. Bemer- kuugen zu : Adloiy, ,,l)ie Ziihne des JIoiiio priiu/'jcnins von Krapina" (Anat. d 20 IS Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Anz., 31, p. 273). Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (145-15G), I Taf. Sclilussbe- merkung dazu v. P. Adloff. t.c. (301, 302). 300 [Gorskij, P.] FopcKifi, 11. KaKt jHiiHTOiKiiTb KpoTOBt. [Wie die Maul- ■\\-urfe zu vernicbten sind.] Progress. sadov. ogorod., St. Peterburu, 5, 1908, (339-310, 355-356, 363). " 301 Gough, liswis Heury. On a new species of Rhinolophus from Pondoland. Pretoria, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 1, 1908, (71,72). 302 Gourdon, .Maurice. Note sur un serie de cranes de llammiferes des Pyrenees. Nantes, Bui. Soc. sci. nat., ser. 2,'8, 1908, (1-34). 303 Grandidier, Guilliaume. T,iste alpha- betique des noms Malgaches d'Animaux. Revue Madagascar, Paris, 1908, (1-81). 304 Grandidier, G. et Neveu Lemaire, 11. Observations relatives a quelques Tatous rares ou inconnus habitant la " Puna " Argentine et Bolivienne. Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 1908, (4-7), pis. i, ii. 305 fGranger, Walter. A revision of the American Eocene Horses. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (221-264), pis. xv-xviii. 306 Granit, A. W. Tallbarken som djur- foda. [Kieferrinde als tierische Nah- rung.] Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1901, (90-91). 307 Granit, A. W. Tryffelliknande svam- par sasom foda at graflingen. [TriiiTel- artige Pilze als Nahnnig des Meles taxiis.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (.112). 308 Orana, J. G. Maralinhoito Etehi- Siperiassa. [Die Zucht von Cervun maral in Siid-Sibirien.] Luonnon Ystiivii, Helsingfors, 10, 1906, (9-13). 309 Gray, Albert A. The Labyrinth of Animals, vol. 2. London, 1908, (xiii + 252). 310 Gray, A. A. An investigation on the anatomical structure and relationships of the labyrintli in the Reptile, the Bird and the M.iMirnal. London, Proc. l!.Soc. ser. B. 80, 1908, (507 528), pis. xix, xx., 311 Gray, ('has. Note on llic Jlalabar Spinv Mouse {I'latacarilhoinyH laHiurua). Bonrbay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (679J. 312 Greer, J. R. ride Carlson, J. A. fGregorio, M. A. de. Resti di Elephas ant'/qiais var. melitae presso Palermo. Naturalista sicil., Palermo, 20, 1908, (82). 313 Gregory, W. K. Linna?us as an inter- mediary between ancient and modern zoology ; his views on the class Mam- malia. New York, N.Y''., Ann. Acad., Sci., 18, 1908, (21-32), pi. 314 Greve, C. Irrgiiste in den Ostsee provinzen. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M.j 49, 1908, (225-231). Grev€, C. Zur Verbreitung einigd kleiner Nager in deu Ostseeproviczen Riga, Korr.-l)lt. Naturf. Ver., 51, 190| (164-170). 3li JGrieg, James A. Bidrag til kund'l skalien om Norges hvirveldyr fauna a?ldre tider : i. Hjorten. [A contributiojj to our knowledge of the Vertebrate faui of Norway in past times : i. Deer.] Bei gens Mus. 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Zool. Jahrh., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 27, 1908, (225-236), 1 Tal. 324 19 Mam. Titles. 6000 Gudematscli, J. F. Zur Anatoniio und Histolof?ie des Verdaiiungstraktes von Ihdii'otv diuiinK/ V.r\\. Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, "37," IflOS, (58G-G);i), pi. xiv. 325 Guillebeau, A. vide Rorik, H. H. Guldberg, Gustav A. Eine Missbil- dung bei den Cetaceen. Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk. I, 11. 190S, (1-7), pi. i. 326 Gimdlach, A. Die Verbreitung des Hamsters in Mecklenburg und den Xach- bargebieten. Giistrow, Arch. Ver. Xatg , 62. 1908, (157-162). 327 Guntlier. G. vide Ellenberger, W. [Gurevi6, M. I.] r)ri)eBiiH'i., ^I. I. 0 ueBpoitiHf5pn.r.iHXT> h hxi. ii3Mtnenifi npu H'feKOTopux'B naToaoruHecKiix-i. ycaoBiaxT.. JIhcc. [L'eber die Neuro- fibrillen und ihre Veranderungeu bei gewissen pathologischen Bedingungen.] Moskva, l'.10S, (1 + 125 + 1 ). 328 [Gurevic, M. I.] rypeBU^ii., M. I. Kt Mopit)0.ioriti (|mupu.i.iHpHaro annapaia HepBHUXT, K-ltTOKT. BTj HOpMaJbHOMT, II aaTO-foru^eCKOM-b cocraauiii. [Zur Mor- phologie des fibrillaren Apparats der Xervenzellen im normalen und im patho- logischen Zustande.] Rev. psychiatr. neurol. psvchol. exp., St. Peterburg, 1908, i'27-239), 1 Taf. 329 Haberer, Hans v. vide Stoerk, 0. Hagedoom, Arend. L. Origin of two new retrogressive varieties })y one muta- tion in Mice. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub., Physiol., 3, 190S, (87-90). 330 rHagemann. Oskar.] FareMaHt, Oc- Kaph. ;i:iiBOTiihix'b ,vih BjiaHcii ii CTv.ieiiTOB'b. llepeBOXi- l-i. 3-ro iitMi'U- Karo ii;5,iaHiii iiojh pe;iaKU. B. H. Vy- oaniKiiHa. [Die Eleraente der Entwick- lungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Uebers. n. d. 3-ten deutsch. Aufl. imt. d. Redact, v. V. J. Rubaskin.] St. Peterburg, 1908, (viii -f 502). 355 Herzog, Franz. Ueber das Vorkom- nifii VI in Blutkorperchenschattcn im I51llt^lrom und iiber den Ban der roten Blulkorporchen. Arch, niikr. Anat.. Bomi, 71, 1908, (492-503), Taf. 356 fHesclieler, K. Reste von (IiiIhha mnsrlml !!.•<, Zimm., aus! der (legend des Bodeiisees. Zurich, \'ierteljahrsch. Natf. (lea., 52, 1008, (283-288), pi. xii. 357 Hess, Otto. Die Ansfidirungsgangp des Hundepankrcas. Vorl. Mitt. Arch, ges. PhvsioL, Bona, 118, 1907, (536 538). ■ 358 Heuer, George. The development of the l\Tijphatics in the small intestine of the Pig. Anat. Rec, Philadelphia, Pa.. 2, 1908 (57, 58). 359 Heyde, M. vide Sauerbruch, F. Hill, J. P. The early development of Dasijurus. Rep. Brit. Assoc, London, 1908, (739); Nature, London, 78, 1908, (649). 360 Hllle, Reinhold. Untersnchungen iiber das Vorkommen der Keimzentren in den Lymphknotea von Rind, Sehwein, Pferd nnd Himd und iiber den Einfluss des Lebensalters auf die Keimzentren. Leipzig, Dresden, 1908, (1-66), 2 Taf. 361 Hille, R. vide Baum, H. Hilton, William A. Peculiar abnor- mal teeth in a Jack-Rabbit. Amer. Xat., Lancaster, Pa., 42, 1908, (799). 362 Hilzlieimer, Max. Einige Zahnano- malieu wilder Tiere. Anat. 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Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 35. 1908, (759-859). 392 Immisch, K. B. Uuteisuchungeu iiber die niechanisch wirkendeu Papilleu der Muudhohle der Haussaugetiere. Wiesbaden, 1908, (1-107). 393 Ingersoll, Ernest. Rearing the Silver Fox. Field, London, 112, 1908, (384). 394 Izier, Jacques d'. Le Solenodon de Saint-Domingiie. Nature, Paris, 36, 1908, (400). 395 Jackson, Hartley H. T. The Mammals of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc, 6, 1908, (13- 34). 396 J., H. C. Remarkable head of Sambhur. Field, London, 112, 1908, {121). 397 Jacobfeuerbom, 11. Die intrauterine Ausbildungder iiusserenKorperforui des Igels {Erinaceus europaeiis, L.), mit Beriicksichtigung der Entwicklung der wichtigeren inneren Organe. Zs. Wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 91, 1908, (328-420), pis. xiv-xx'i. 398 Jacobi, A. Die Tierwelt von Dresden. In : Wissenschaftlicher Fiihrer durcli Dresden, lu'sg. v. Fr. Schiifer. Dresden, 1907, (5, C). 399 Japha, A. Die in der Ostsee beob- achteten Wale. 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[The origin of our Atlantic flora.] Naturen, Bergen, 32, 1908, il'l- 29). 407 Johnston, J. R. A new method of brain-dissection. Anat. Rec, Philadel- phia, Pa., 8, 1908, (344-358). 408 Joleaud, L. vjde Roman, F. tKadic, 0. Mesocctus liungar'n-u^, Kadic, eine neue Bala^nopteridenart aus dem Miozan von Borbolya in Ungani. Mt. Ungarn. Geol. Anstalt Wien, 16, 1907, (23-92), pis. i-iii. [A translation of the paper in Czech qiioted in Record for 1907.] Kapherr, E. Fre'iherr von. Elcb wild . Be rlin-Schoneberg Jagd, 1908, (1-95;. Katzenstein, J. Leber die Laut bungsstelle in der Hirnrinde d Hundes. Arch. Laryng., Berlin, 2l 1908, (.')00-524). 411 jKaudem, Walter. En fossilfOrande jiittegryta pa Madagascar. [A fossili- ierous basin in Madagascar.] Stock- holm, Geol. For. Forh., 30, 1908, (18 194). 411 [Kaznakov, A. N.] KaanaKOBt, A HtcKo.ibKo Hao.iwAeHLa naAt oiipaaoM' ;kh3I11I Spalax mici-op1uhalmuii (.iiild Prometheomys schaposchnihou-i Sal [Einige Beobachtungeu iiber die Lebeni weise von SpaJax microiithalmua Giil imd Prometlieoimjs schaposchnilcou-i Sat, Tiflis, Mitt. Kauk. Mus., 4, 1908, (HP 149). * Keibel, Franz. ^lodelle zu der Eni wickelung des Uiogenital-Apparates vi Echidna aculeata var. tyjitca (Tack rjlosKHs aciileatii.f), hergestellt von Herr Friedrich Ziegler in Freiburg. Ana An/.., Jena, 32, 1908, (243-248). 41 Keibel, Franz und Elze, Curt. No: niuutafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichi des llenschen. Mit Beitriigen vol Broman, Hanimar und Tandler. (Noi mentafeln zur Entwickelungsgeschichi der Wirbeltiere.) Jena, 19(18, (viii 314), G Taf. HUH m ." Mam. Titt.es. 6000 Keller, V. Die grossen \Vanderstras- ^.■a uiiserer Haiistiere. Aii8 d. Natur, Stuttgart, 4. 11)08, (353-303). 416 Keller, C. Ein Haustierrelikt aiif deu Balearen. Aus d. Xatur, Stuttgart, 4, 1008, ^."^LM-531). 417 Kerkulies, M. Voui deutscben Elch. Sanct Hubeitus, Cotheii, 26, 1908, (4(56- 468). 418 Kerr. J. v'nh Paton, D. II. Kerville, 11. Gadeau de. Voyage Zoologique en Khronmirie (Tunisie). Paris, 1908, (xviii + 310), pis. 419 Kettner, II. Ein Beitrag zur norma- leu Teu)j)eratur des Riudes. Zs. Vete- riuark., Berlin, 19. 1007,(328-331). 420 Kiesel, K. Ueber die Vererbung von Farben und A-bzeichen beim Pferd. Arch. Tierheilk., Berlin, 34, 1008, (185- 217). ' 421 [Kilenskij, Nikolai. J KiiiiieiiCKiu, HuKO.iafi. lIoxopoHbi y ;KiiBOTHbix'b. [Beerdigungen bei Thi(M-en.] Ocliotn. vfst. Moskva, 8, 1908, (12-13). 422 Kivirikko, K. E. Hilleri. [Foetorius putoHus in Finland.] Luonnon Ystiiva, Helsingfors, 11. 1907, (217-219). 423 Klaatsch, H. Das Gesichtsskelett der Xeaudertalrasse und der Australier. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, ErgH, 1908, (22.3- 273). 424 Elaptocz, Bruno. Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Siiuger von Tripolis und Barka. Zool. Jahrb. Svst., Jena, 27, 1908, (237- 272). " 425 Klaptocz, B. [Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftliclien Vereines nach Dalmatien im April 190o. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesam- melteu Materiales.] 5. Saugetiere. Wien, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Univ., 6, 1908, (51-57). 426 Elecki, W. Study a nad bydlem riad- buianskiem, cz^se druga. [£tude sur le Betail des environs de Bug. Deuxieme partie.] Krakow, Spraw. kom. fizyogr., 1908, ^3-78). 427 Klinge, E. Die inneren Irisscliichten der llaussaugetiere. Anat. Hefte, Wies- baden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, (601-710;. 428 Kloss, C. Boden. New Mammals from the Malay Peninsula i-egioii. Kuala Lumpur, J. Fed. Malav States Mus., 2, 1908, (14.3-147). " 429 Kloss, C. B. A provisional list of the Mammals ol' the Peninsular region. Kuala Lumpur, J. Fed. Malay States Mus., 2, 1908, (147-150). 430 Kloss, C. B. A list of the Bats occurring in tlie Peninsular region, with a key to the genera. Kuala Lum- pui, J. Fed. Malay States Mus., 2, 1908, Uol-lOl). 431 Kloss, C. B. The White-handed Gibbon. Jour. Straits Br., R. Asiat. Soc, Singapore, 50, 1908, (79-80). 432 Klvmzinger, C. B. Ueber unsere Ratten und Mause, deren Schaden imd Bekampfung. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 64, 1908, (xxxi-xxxviii). 433 Knauer, Friedrich. Die Suche nach der Herkunft unserer Hunde. Hund, Wicn, 11, 1907-1908, (521-527). 434 Knottnerus-Meyer, T. Mammalia fiir 1901. [.laliresbericht.] Arch. Natg., Berlin, 69, 2, H. 1, 1903, [1908], [ilj, (1-90); Desgl. fiir 1902. t.e. [ill], (1-122). 435 Knottnerus - Meyer, T. Uber den Eisbaren und seine geographischen Formen. SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, Berlin, 1908, (170-187), pis. x-xi. 436 Koczi^n, Lajos. A foemlosok szem- iiregenek szerkezetertil. [Qber den Ban der Augenhohle der Primaten.] Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7, 1908, (180-214, 236), Taf. I-II. 437 Konigstein, Hans. Die Veranderun- gen der Genitaltchleimhaut wahrend der Graviditiit und Brunst bei einigen Nagern. Arch. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 119, 1907, (553-570). ' 438 Kobn, F. G. Ueber eine Besonder- heit derPferdezeiehnung. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. f. Syst., 27, 1908, (211-224). 439 Kolmer, Walter. Ueber das hiiutige Labvrinth des Delphins. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (295-300). 440 Kolster, Rud. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Embryotrophe. iii. Ueber den Uterus gravidus von Rangifer tarandusi H. SM. Anat. Hefte, Wies- baden, 38, 1908, (101-192), 8 Taf. 441 24 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Kon, Jutaka. Das Gitterfasergeriist (ler Leber unter normalen und patholo- gisclien Verhaltnisseu. Arch. Eutw- Mech., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (492-522), 1 Taf. 442 EorfT, K. von. Weitere Beobach- tungen iiber das sogenannte Erstlings- gehorii des Kitzbockes. Monatshefte Jagdschutzver., Berlin, 13, 1908, (75- 84). 443 Eormann, Bodo. Vergleichende ma- kroskopische Untersuchungen iiber das Xasenloch und den Nasenvorhof der Haussiiugetiere. Arcli. Tierheilk, Ber- lin, 34, 1908, (390-410). 444 [Kov, v.] KoBT., B. HepHun 3aai;'i. [Ein schwarzer Hase.] Ochotn. vestn., Moskva, 1908, (380). 445 Kowarzik, R. Der Moschusochs and seine Rassen. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (616-618). 446 Krasin, P. M. Ueber die Regenera- tion der peripheren Nerven nach Ver- letzung. Intern. Monatschr. Anat., Leipzig, 25, 1908, (149-179), Taf. 447 [Krasin, P. M.] KpacHHt, IT. M. Kt jHeniio 0 pereHepan,iii nepii(|jepiiqec- Kiix'i iiepBOBTj noc.it. noBpe;iaeHia list. [Zur Lehre iiber die Regeneration der peripheren Nerven nach deren Ver- lofzung.] Kazani, 1907, (142 -f 2), 3 Taf. 448 Krumacher, 0. Die Losungswarme des Fleiscli- und Eiweissharns des Huudes. Zs. Biol., Miinclien u. Ber- lin, 51, 1908, (317-334). 449 [Krzyskovskij , K.] Kp;Ki>iiuKOBCKifl, K. HoiiiJc MaTepia.ibi no cJiuaic'ioriH ;Ke.iyAOHHFJX'i> lucitsij co6aKH. Jlacc. [Xeue Bcitriige zur Physiologic der Magendriisen beim Ilunde.] Odessa, 1906, (183 + 1 -i- XV). 450 [Ksesinskij.J KiiiecHiiCKiii. 0 iia- crliACTBeiiiioii i[epc;iaini KopoTKOXBOCT- iiOCTii y couaK'b. [Ueber die erbliche Ueljeitragung der Kurzschwanzigkeit bei Huiiden.] Ochotn. gaz., Moskva, 36, 1908, (395). 451 Ktlkenthal, W. Die Wale und ihre wirtsclKifliiclu^ Bedeiitung. Vortrag Natw. Woclienschr., Jena, 23, 1908, (241 21 8j. 452 KUkenthal, W. Ziilme. Jahresber. Anat., Jena, X.F., 12, (1906), 1907, Tl 3, (.".85 396;. 453 Kukenthal, W. Ueber das Vorkom- men verkalkter und durchgebrochener oberer Eckzaliue bei einem juntjen Schaf . Anat. Anz., Jena. 32, 1908, (498-499;. 454 Kukentlial, W. Ueber die Ursache der Asymetrie des Walschiidels. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (609-618). 455 Kunstler, J. Encore les Lie v res et les Lapius. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (701). 456 Kunstler, J. Sur la castration des Lievres par les Lapins. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (105-106). 457 [Kulicickij, X. K.] KyabqnitKm, H. K. OCHOBBI rHCTO.lOrill IKIIBOTHUX'^b H HejOBtKa. [Gruudziige der Histologie der Thiere imd des Menschen.] 3-te Auflage. Charikov, 1908, (vii + 525). 458 Kyrle, J. Ueber die Regeuerations- vorgange im tierischen Pankreas. (Eine experimentell - pathologische Studie.) Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (141- 160), 1 Taf. 459 Lahille, Fernando. Nota sobre un Delfin [Tursiops gephyreus, Lah.). [Note on a Dolphin.] Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac, ser. 3, 9, 1908, (347-365), pis. iii, iv. 460 Lahille, F. Notas sobre un Ballenato de 2-10 metros de largo (Balcvnoptera acutorostrata, Lac). [Notes on a Whale of 2-10 metres in length.] Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac, ser. 3, 9, 1908, (375- 401), pi. V. 461 fLalane, G. Glouton grave sur bois de Renne. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. lin., 62, 1908, (381-383), pi. xvi. 462 jLambe, Lawrence M. The Verte- brata of the Oligocene of the Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan. Ottawa, Geol. Surv. Can. Contrib. Can. Pal., 3, pt. 4, (1-65), pis. i-viii. 463 [Lams, rionore.] JIaMCi., 1'. O C03p'hBaiiiii II on.io,tOTBopciiiii hiiui. Jl.lUKOimraioiuiiX'i.. [Sur la niaturafion et la leciiiidatiou de IVruf des .Maniuii- feres.] Bull. l)iol., Jurjev, 1, 1907,(184- 192). 464 Landau, E. Beitrag zur Kenutnis des Kat/.oihirns (llirnfurchen). Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 38, 1908, (1-3.5), pis. i-iv. 465 25 Mam. TiTLKS. 6000 Landau, E. Zur ^[orphologie iler Nebeimiere. iv (Blutgefiisse). Intern. Monatschr. Auat., Leipzig, 24, I'.UKS. (431-446), 1 Taf. 466 [Landau, E. G.] Jaiijay, 0. T. Ma- Tepia.ibi ,iiH MUKpocKoniiHecKoii ana- TOMiii, (|)ii3io.ioriu ii naxo.ioriii iia;i- noHemiiiKOBTj. SKcnepuMeiiTa.ihiioe nac.iiaoBaiiie. [Beithige zur mikio- skopischeu Anatoiuie, Physiologie unci Pathologie der Nebennieren. Eine ex- perimentelle Untersuclunig.] Jurjev, 1907, (vii + l + 208 + 1), STaf. 467 Lankester, Sir E. Ray. On certain points in the structure of the cervical vertebriB of the Giraffe and Okapi. Lon- don, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (^320-334). 468 Lantz, D. E. A list of Kansas Mam- mals. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19, 1905, (171-178). 469 Lantz, D. E. Additions and correc- tions to the list of Kansas Mammals. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, 1907, (214-217). 470 Lantz, D. E. An economic study of , Field-mice (genus MicTotus). Washing- ington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric, Biol. Surv., BuU., No. 31, 1907, (1-64), pi. 471 Lantz, D. E. The Rabbit as a farm and orchard pest. Washington, D.C., Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric, 1907, 1908, (329-342), pi. 472 Lantz, D. E. Deer- farming in the United States. Washington, D. C, U. S. Dep. Agric. Farmers' BuU., No. 330, (1-20). 473 Lapicque, L. Le poids encephalique en fonction du poids corporel entre individus d'une meme espece. Paris, Bui. mem. boc. anthr., ser. 5, 8, 1907, (313-345). 474 ■fLatmay, L. de. La fourrure d'un ficureuil tertiaire. Nature, Paris, 36, 1908, (393-39 jj. 476 f Laiirent, Arm. Quelques observations nouvelles sur les terrains sedimentaires du Velay. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., ser. 4, 7, 1907, (386-391), 1908. 477 Leboucq, Georges. Contribution a I'etude de I'histogenese de la retine chez les Mammiferes. Arch. anat. microsc, Paris, 10, 1908, (555-006). 478 Legendre, R. Disposition des neuro- fibrilles dans les cellules nerveuses a noyau octopiqup. Paris, C. R. soc. bidl., 62, 1907, (1055-1057). 479 Lehmann-Nitsche, I!. El habitat austral del Tigre en la Repiiblica Argentina. [The southern range of the Jaguar in Argentina.] Revist. Chileua, Santiago de Chile, 12, 1908, (31-40). 480 Leisewitz, W. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der bilateralen Asymetrie des Saugetierschadels. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. MorijJi., 22, (1900), 1907, (137- 151). 481 jLeroy, J. Sur un ossement de Hhino- ceroft t'icho7'h'mus et d'autres ossements fossiles provenant des alluvions quater- naires de Saint-Germain-Village (Eure). Paris, C. R. ass. fran?. avanc. sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906, 2- partie), 1907, (737- 739). 482 Lesbre, F. X. et Maignon, F. Sur I'innervation des muscles sterno-mastoi- dien, cleido-mastoidieu et trapeze. Paris, C. R. Acad. sci.. 146, 1908, (84-85). 483 [Leshaft, P.] ZEecra^x-b, II. Oomaa anaTOMifi cocy;i,HCToii CHCieMU. [AUge- meine Anatomic des Gefasssystems.] St. Peterburg, Bull, labor, biol.' 10, 1, 1908, (29-71). 484 Levi, Giuseppe. Sullo sviluppo della cresta apicale degli arti in embrioni di Mammiferi. Alonitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (93-102) 1 tav. 485 [Lindemann, V. K.] JIiiHaeMani., B. K. MexaiiH3Mi. MoqeoT;i,'fe.ieHia. [Der Me- chauismus der Harnausscheidung.] Kiev, 1908, (1-16). 486 jLinstow, 0. von. Die Verbreitung des Bibers im Quartar. Abh. u. Ber. Mus. Nat. u. Heimatkunde, Magdeburg, 1, 1908, (213-375). 487 Litty, Albert. Beitriige zur Kcniutnis der normalen und pathologischen Anatomie der Glandula thyreoidea und parathyreoidea des Pferdes. Diss. Leipzig, 1907, (v + 75) 5 Taf. 488 Livini, F. 11 Proencefalo in un ilarsupiale (Hypsiprymnus rufescens). Archiv. ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze, 6, 1907, (549-584), 3 tav. 489 Lobley, J. Logan. The American fauna and its origin. London, Trans. Victoria Inst., 40, 1908, (190-194, etc.) 490 26 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Lochhead, J. and Cramer, W. The glycogenic changes in the jjlacenta of the pregnant Rabbit ; a contribution to tlie chemistrj' of growth. Loudon, Proc. R. Soc., ser. B, 80, 1908, (263- 284). 491 Loeb, Leo. Beitriige zur Analyse des (lewebewachstums. I. Ueber Trans- plantation regenerierenden Epithels und iiber Serientransplantation von Epitliel. Arch. EntwMech., Leipzig, 24, 1907, (638-655). ""^ 492 Loeb, L. Note on the occurrence of mitosis in the corpus luteum of the Ciuinea-pig. Anat. Rec, Phiiadelpliia, Pa., 2, 1908. 493 Lbnnberg, Einar. Mammals. In Sjostedts wissenschaftliche Ergelmisse der schwedischen zoologischen Expedi- tion nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den uragebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Uppsala, 1908, (1- 58), pis. i-vii. 494 Lonu'berg', E. Remarks on some Wart-hog skulls in the British Museum. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 1909, (936-940). 495 Lonnberg, E. The protection of Sea- Elephants. Eield, London, 111, 1908, (541). 496 Lonnberg, E. On the Clawless Otter of ('piitral Africa (Lutra cajxnsis hindei , Thomas) and biological adaptations of Clawless Otters. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 12, (1-11), 1908, 1 pi. 497 Lonnberg, E. On a new Guereza {(Joiobus angolensis sandherg'i) and remarks on other black and white Guerezas. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 15, 1908, (1-12). 498 Lonnberg, E. Notes on some Mam- mals I'ollfctcd in the Congo Free State by the Swedish missionary K. E, Laman. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 16, 1908, (1-14). 499 tLonnberg, V,. Om nagra lynd i Litoriiia-lera i Norrkoping 1907. [On some linds in Litorina-clay in Norr- koping 1907.] Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 22, 1908, (1 27), pi. ; Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 3, 1908, (164-188), pi. 500 'fLomnicki, .'\. M. Wykrycie niainuta (Elcplidii 2>'''"'".'/''""'**> Bliuub.) i noso- f'ozea dnluviabiego {WiiiHH-cros anti- ijuilatia, Blum.). [Ueber den Maiumuths- und Rhinocerosfund in Starunia. Kosnios. Livow, 33 (63-72). 500a Loewentbal, N. Driiseustudien. iii. Die Unterkieferdriise des Igels und der weissen Ratte. Arch.mikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1908, (588-666), 2 Taf. 501 Loewit, M. Ueber die Membran und die lunenkorper der Saugetiererythrocy- ten. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung und zum Untergange der roten Blutkorper- chen. Beitr. path. Anat., Jena, 42, 1907, (559-605), Taf. 502 tLoomis, Frederic B. Rhinocerotidae of the Lower Miocene. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Coim., ser. 4, 26, 1908, (51- 64). 503 fLoomis, F. B. A new Horse from the L. Miocene. Anier. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., ser. 4, 26, 19u8, (16.3- 165). 504 Lord, J. E. On the occurrence of wool-like hairs iu the Cow. Manchester, Trans. Microsc.Soc, 1907, (61-63), 1908. 505 fLorentbey, J. Ueber die pannoni- schen iind levantischen Schisten A^on Buda])est und deren Fauna. Matt. Nat Ber. Ungarn, Budapest, 24, 1907, (2()0- 308). 506 fLorenz v. Liburnau, Ludwig. Vor- lage des rekonstruierten Skelettes eines fossilen Riesenhalbaffen aus Madagaskar. Wien, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges., 58, 1908, ((34)-(.35)). ^ _ ^507 Loret, V. Le nom egvptien tie I't )rvx. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., Lyon, 10, 1908, (175-178). 508 Lortet et Guillard, C. La faune mumiliee do I'aiieienne Egy])te et recherches anthrojiologiques. .\i-cli. Mas. Hist. Nat., Lyon. ser. 4, 10, 1908, Mamniileres, (179-198). 509 Loth, Edward. Die Aponeurosis plantaris in der Primatenreihe : mit speziellei- Berik-ksichtigung des Men- sclicn. Morph. Jahrlj., LeiiJzig, 38, 19U8, (194-322). 510 Loth, E. Die Plantaraponeurose beim Menschen und den iibrigen Pri- maten. KorrBl. D. Ges. 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The evolution of tlie Elephant. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., ser. 4, 25, 1908, (167-212). 520 Luschan, F. vou. Ponies und andere kleine Pferde. Aus d. Natur, Stutt- gart. 4, 1908, (554-556). 521 Luther. A. vide Poppius, B. Lydekker, R. The Game Animals of Africa. London, 1908, (xix + 484). 522 Lydekker, R. A Trip to Pilawin : the Deer-Park of Count Joseph Potocki in Volhynia, Russia. London, 190S, (xiv-Mi.5). 523 Lydekker, R. "Bible Mammals," iu ilurrav's Illustrated Bible Dictionary. London, 1908. 524 Lydekker, R. On an abnormally marked Leopard skin from the Deccan. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (1-3). 525 Lydekker, R. On a Wild Cat from Sze-chiten. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 433-434). 526 Lydekker, R. The Sze-chucn and Bhutan Takins. London, Proc. Zool. S.H-., 1908, (795-802), pi. .\liii, I'.H)!). 527 Lydekker, R. On an Indian Dolphin aiul l\)r|)(>ise. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (802-808), pis. xliv, xlv, 1909. 528 Lydekker, R. On two Chinese Serow skulls. London, Proc. ZooL Soc, 1908, 1909, (910-944). 529 Lydekker, R. The Californian Sea- elephant. Knowledge and Scient. News. London, ser. 2, 5, 1908, (49-50). 630 Lydekker, R. The Pigmy Hippopo- tamus of West Africa. Country Life, London, 24, 1908, (473-475). 531 Lydekker, R. The races of tlie African Buffalo. Field, Loudon, 111, 1908,(36). 532 Lydekker, R. The Deer of Central Asia. Field, London, 111, 1908, (70). 533 Lydekker, li. The Sudan Addax. Field, London, 111, 1908, (107, 108). 534 Lydekker, R. The big game of the Thian Shan. Field, London, 111, 1908, (151). 535 Lydekker, R. Sea-elephants for the British iluseum. Field, London, 111, 1908, (276). 536 Lydekker, R. The White Rhinoceros. Field, Loudon, 111, 1908, (319). 537 fLydekker, R. Wild Elephants in Mesopotamia. Field, London, 111, 1908, (366). 538 Lydekker, R. The glands of Ante- lopes. Field, London, 111, 1908, (456). 539 Lydekker, R. Major Kennion's tiazelle. Field, London, 111, 1908, (499). 540 Lydekker, R. A Siamese Hog-deer. Field, Loudon, 111, 1908, (583). 541 Lydekker, R. Bears of the Thian Shan. Field, London, 111, 1908, (626). 542 Lydekker, R. A grey Takin. Field, Loudon, 111, 1908, (790). 543 Lydekker, R. The Chamois of Asia Minor. Field, London, 112, 1908, (104). 544 Lydekker, R. The Sheep and Cattle of Ancient Egvpt. field, London, 112, 1908, (430). ' S45 28 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Lydekker, R. Ranoe of the Lesser Rorqual. Field, London, 112, 1908, (632). 546 Lydekker, R. Chinese Serows. Field, London, 112, 1908, (632). 547 Lydekker, R. A noteworthy Elephant. Field, Loudon, 112, 1908", (721) 548 Lydekker, R. The Hairy Anoa. Field, London, 112, 1908, (888). 549 Lydekker, R. Sze-chuen as a Big (Janie country. Field, London, 112, 1908,(993). 550 Lydekker, R. Variation in Schom- burgh's Deer. Field, London, 112, 1908, (1068). 551 Lydekker, R. "Grisly" or "Grizzly" Bear. Field, London, 112, 1908, (1069). 552 Lydekker, R. The Rhodesian GirafTe. 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The fossil Bison of Kansas. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 19. 1905, (157-159), pi. 560 McClure, Charles F. W. Tlic dcveloj)- ment of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts in tiic Domestic Cat {Fel'iH domcH- tic.a). Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (533- 543). 561 McKendrick, J. C. Mendelian charac- ters among Shorthorns. Nature, London, 77, (582). 562 Mader, E. Zur Anatomie der Glans penis der Ilaustiere. Arch. Tierheilk., Berlin, 33, 1907, (137-188, 281-311), 2 Taf. 563 fMaget, Lucien. Etude des Mammi- feres Miocenes des Sables de I'Orleannais et des Faluns de la Touraine. Ami. Univ. Lyon., Sci. Med., 24, 1908, (1-316), 12 pis. 564 Maignon, F. rule Lesbre, F. Main, R. C. ride Carpenter, F. W. Major, C. I. Forsyth. Jaw of Cana- dian Beaver with five lower cheek-teeth. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (030). 565 Major, C. I. F. On species of Castor, fossil and recent. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (631-634). 566 fMajor, C. I. F. A sub-fossil Rat from Madagascar {Myoryctes rapeto). Geol. Mag., London, decade 5, 5, 1908, (97, 98). 567 Manners-Smith, T. A study of the cuboid and os peroneum in the Primate foot. J. Anat. Physiol., London, 42, 1908,(397-414). 568 Marburg, Otto. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Cirosshirnrinde der AfPen. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien, Leipzig, 16, 1907, (581-602). 569 [Markgraf, O. V.] MapKrpaBi., (). B. O iic,ooxo;titMOCTn ycoBepincncTBOBaiiiii xo3HilcTBa iiyiinii.iM'i. 3Bt,i)cMi, iiaiiicro cf.Bcpa. [Ueber die Nothwendigkeit die Ausniitzung der Pelzthiere unseres Nordens zu vervollstiindigcn.J Severn, choz., St. Peterburg, 6, 1907, (2-4). 570 [Markov, I. P.] MapKOBi., U. 11. Uu'i. ycBOcriin :icnpa bcchjihumh. [Uebei- di{! AssimiJierung des Fettes durch die Onmivoren.] Arch, veterin. nauk, St. P(^terl)urg, 38, 1908, (1-57, 269-343). 571 tMartelli, \. Su due Mustelidi e un l''cli(lr del Pliocene Toscano. Roma, BoH. Soc. g(>ol. ital., 25, 1906 (595-612), 1)1. viii. 572 Martenson, A. Die Lenuninge in Russhiiid. Zdol. Bcol)., Frankfurt a. M., 49, L.IOS, (85-92). 573 J 2'.) JJam. Titles. 6000 Martin, FoiHliiiaml Paul. Verglei- clu'iiil - liistologisi-he Untersm-hungcii iiher den Ban dor Darmwand iler llaus- Sfiugetiere. ii. J[itt. Uelx-r die Strata subglandularia iind die Muscularis mucosae. Arch. Tierheilk., Berlin, 33, 1007, (120-1315). 574 tMartin, K. Das Alter von Scliichten vou Sonde nnd Trinil auf Java. Amster- dam, Ver. k. Ak. Wetens., 1908, (7-16). 575 Maxtinoff, V. Zur Frage der .so- genannten Liefasssegmente des grossen Xetzes bei neugeborenen Saiigetieren. Intern. Monatsclir. Anat., Leipzig, 24, 1907, (281-291), Taf. 576 Martinoli, Cavetano. Algunas obser- vaciones sobre las anomalias dentarias del Perro. [Observations on dental abnormalities in the Dog.] Bnenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac., ser. 3, 9, 1908, (459-409), pi. \iii. 577 Masefield, J. R. B. Staffordshire Bats. Stafford, Rep. N. Staff. F. CI., 42, 1908, (08-73), 578 Mason, George E. On the Fruit- Bats of the genus Pteropus inhabiting the Andaman and Xicobar Archipelagos, with the description of a new species. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 2, 1908, (159 - 166). 579 Masur, Arthur. Beitrage zur Histo- logie und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schmelzpulpa. Anat. Hefte, Wies- baden, Abt. 1, 35, (1907), (263-292), 6 Taf. 580 Matschie, P. Chinesische Saugetiere. In Expedition Filchner nach China und Tibet Zool.-Bot. Ergebnisse, (134- 242), pis. vi-xxiv, Berlin, 1908. 581 Matschie, P. Die vierzehnte Deutsche Geweihausstelhmg zu Berlin 1908. Weidwerk in Wort und Bild, Berlin, 17, 1908, (181-270). 582 Matschie, P. Die Ergebnisse der Wildmarkenforschung auf der Deut- sclien fJeweihausstellung 1908. Wild u. Hund, Berlin, 14, 1908, (181-185). 583 [Matthew, W. I). .MuniUKilian migrations between Europe and Xoitli America. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn , ser. 4, 25, 1908, (68-70). 584 tMatthew, W. D. Osteology and phylogeny of the American ('ervidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y., 24, 1908, (535-562). 585 Mawas, .1. Sur la structure do la retine cdiaire. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1334-1335). 586 Maxlmow, Alexander. Ueber die Eutwickluiig der Blut- und Binde- gewebszellen heim Siingetierombryo. (Vorl. Mitt.). Folia haematologica, Leipzig, 4, 1907, (611-620). 587 Maximow, A. Ueber embryonale Entwickelung der Blut- und Binde- gewebszellen bei den Saugetiercn. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, ErgTl., 1908, (05- 72). 588 Maximow, A. Ueber Aniitose in den embryonalen Ceweben bei Saugetieren. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (89-98). 589 Meams, Edgar A. A new Pocket- mouse from Southern California. Wash- ington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 14, 1901, (135, 130). 590 M^hely, Lajos. Ket uj poczokfaj a magyar faunaban. [Zwei fiir Ungarn neue' Wiihlmause.] AUatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 7, 1908, (3-14, 47-48). 591 M^hely, L. A Prospalax. pr'iscus (Nhrg.) a mal spalaxok pliocaenkori ose. [ProKpalax priscus (Nhi-g.), der pliozane Vorfahr der rezenten Spalaxe.] Math. Termt. Kozlem., Budapest, 30, 1908, (243-258), 2 Taf. 592 tM^hely, L. Prof'palax priscus (Nhrg.), die pliocane Stammform der heutigen Spalax-kr ten. Budapest, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungar., 6, 1908 (305- 310), pis. ii, iii. 593 Meissner, M. E. Mammalia fiir 1900. Ai'ch. Natg., Berlin, 69, 2, 1, 1903 [1908], (1-150). 594 Mela, A. J. Plirvi pyrkii Ahvenan- maalle piiim [Cerviia alces wandert nach den Alands-Inseln]. Luonnon Ystjivii, Helsingfors, 7, 1903, (20-27). 595 M^n^gaux, A. Sur le squelette du menibre anterieur de Bradypus tor- qiialus. 111. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, J 908, (037-640). 596 M^n^gaux, A. Les genres actuels de la laniille des Brndypodidae. Paris, C. Ii. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (701-703). 597 M^negaux, A. Sur la biologie des liradvpodides. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147, 1908, (1079-1082). 598 30 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Men^gaux, A. La niarclie et la fat^on de grimper des Paresseux, d'apres les observations recentes et notamment celles de M. et Mme Geav. Bui. SIus., Paris, 1908, (.334-3.37). ' 599 Merriam, C. Hart. Three new Rodents from Colorado. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. See, 21, 1908, (lis, 141). 600 Merriam, C. H. Fonr new rodents from California. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (145-147). 601 ■fMerriam, John C. The occurrence of Middle Tertiary Mammal-beds in North-western Nevada. Science, ser. 2, 26, 1908, (380-382). 602 [M— ic, M.] M— iiy'L, M. 0 B.iiHiiiii no.ia H nojiOBofi hchshii iia oQpasoBaiiie poroBTj J Kpynnaro poraiaro CKOTa. [Ueberden Einlluss des Geschlechtsund des geschlechtlichen Lebens auf die Bildung der Horner bei dem Hornvieh.] SelTsk. choziain, St. Peterburg, 23, 190,S, (192). 603 [Michailow, Sergei.] MiixaiuoB'b, Ceprtii. Heiipo(J)Hf)pHJ.Tiu ciiMnaTH- HecKiix'b raitrjiiosHbixi. K-TfeTOKt MJie- KOnHTaiomiiX'b. [Die Xeurofibrillen der sympathischen ^Ganglienzelleu bei den Saugetieren.l Zurn. nejrop. psichiatr. iraeni Korsakova, Moskva, 8, 1908,(425- 450). 604 Michailow, S. Ueber die sensiblen Nerveuendigungeu in der Harnblase der Siiugetiere. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1907, (254-283), 2 Taf. 605 Michailow, S. Die feinere Struktur dor sympathischen Ganglien der Harn- blase bei den Saugetieren. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (554-574), 2 Taf. 606 MichaUow, S. Mikroskopische Struk- tur der tianglien des Plexus Solaris und anderei- Ganglien des Grenzstranges des N. sympathicus. (Kurze Mitt.) Anat. Anz., .Irna, 33, 1908, (.581-590). 607 [MicliaUow, S.] Miixaii;[OB'b, Ce.]jr t.ii. niiii(i])Bauin sio'fcBaro nyaupji mjccko- iiirraioimix'i,. [Die Innervierung der Harnblase beiden Siiugethieren.]. Arch, veterin. nank, St. Peterburg, 38, 1908, (160 209). 608 [Michailow, S.] Mnxaii.70B-j., ('. Hej)B(,i| :iii;ioicai);i,i}i. [Die Nerven des Eudocardiunis.] Arch, veterin. uauk, St. Peterburg, 38, 1908, (819-833). 609 Mieg', Mathien. Dessins representatifs sur OS de la station neolithique du Canton Wallis aux environs de Kleiu- kems (Bade). Nancy, Bui. soc. sci., ser. 3, 8, 1907, (193-196), pi. 610 Mietens, H. Zur Keuntnis des Thyniiusreticulum und seiner Beziehun- gen zu dem der Lymphdriisen, nel:)st einigen Bemerkungen tiber die Winter- schlafdriise. Jenaische Zs. Natw., 44, 1908, (149-192), 2 Taf. 611 Miller, Gerrit S. Two new Mammals from Asia Minor. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (68-70). 612 Miller, G. S. The recent Voles of the Micvotns nivaVis group. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (97-103). 613 Miller, G. S. Altum's squirrel names. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (12>, 128). 614 Miller, G. S. Eighteen new European Voles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Loudon, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (194-20G). 615 Mingaud, Galien. La protection du Castor du Rh6ne. Nimes, Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat., 35, 1908, (45-49). 616 Mitchell, P. Chalmers. Mammary glands of tlie Covpu. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (127). 617 Mitchell, P. C. On a young Kordofan Giraffe, iiondon, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (130-134). 618 Mobilio, Camillo. Intoruoalle valvole del goli'o giugularc e dei tronchi brachiocefalici negli animali domestici. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (62-90). 619 Mola, Pasquale. Considerazioni sopra uu problematico incrocio di Felidi. Roma, lk)ll. Soc. zool. ital., ser. 2, 9, 1908, (42-45). 620a Mola, P. Ancora della Liuce delhi Sardegna. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital., ser. 2, 9, 1908, (46-48). 620b Monti, liiiia. Nuovo cunlrihiito alio studio dell'assorbimeuto intestinale. Milano, Rend. 1st. loml)., ser. 2, 40, 1907, (550-565), 2 tav. 620 Moore, .1. E. Salvin and Tozer, .l//.s.s F. On the maturation of llie ovum of the (iuinea-i)ig. London, Proc. R. Soc, ser. B, 80, 1908, (285-287), pis. v-vii. 621 Main. Titles. 6000 Moskov, V. A.] ^loiiiKOB-h, B. A. HoBUH Ti'opiii upom'xo;i;,U'iiiH mivio- Bt.Ka u ero Biai)o;iai'iii}i, (.•ocTaB.it-'iinaii no AaiiiiUMh TOO.ioriii, ri'O.iorin, apxeo- .lorin, aHTpoiio.iorin, eTiiorpailuii, n- CTopiii II CTarucTiiKU. ToM-b 1. llpoiic- xo;K;ie iiie ne.iOBiuo. [Eiue neue Theorie (ler Abstammung des MenscLen unci seiner Degenei'ation, zusammengestellt naoh den Daten der Zoologie, Cenlogie, Arcliaeologie, Anthvopologie, Ethno- graphie, Geschiclite und Statistik. 1-ter Band. Abstammung des Menschen.] Var^ava, 1907, (v + 1 + 239). 622 Mott, F. W. and Halliburton, \V. D. Localisation of function in the Lemur's brain. London, Proc. R. Soc, ser. B., 80, 190S, (130-147), pis. ii-iv. 623 Mottaz, Charles. A propos de I'exi- stenoe du Sorex, ou Crossopus, ignotus, Fatio. Bull. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (37, 38). 624 Mottaz, C. Musaraignenouvelle pour ritalie. Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (39, 40J. 625 Mottaz, C. Description de deux Mu- saraignes nouvelles de France occiden- tal. Bid. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (118-120). 626 Mottaz, C. Revision des especes et sous-especes de Mammiferes suisses de- crites par Fatio de 18(32 a 1905. Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (148-171). 627 Mottaz, C. Deux fausses sous- especes de Mammiferes suisses, le Rhinolophiis euryale helvetica, Brets. et le Lepus mediiis breviaiwitus, Hilz. Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (172- 174). 628 Mottaz, C. Quelques interessantes captures de petits ilammiferes. Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (178-180), 1909. 629 Mottaz, C. Remarques sur la i^seudo- decouverte du Spermo2:)hilus eitellus en Suisse. Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, 1908, (209-212). 630 Mottaz, C. Preliminaires a nos " £tudes de Micromaramalogie." Description de yeotm/s inilleri n. sj). Paris, Mem. soc. zooL, 20, 1908, (20- 32;. 631 Mudge, George P. On some features in the hereditary transmission of the self-black and the "Irish" coat- chiiractors in Rats. i. London, Proc. K. Soc., scr. B, 80, 1908, (97-121). 632 Mudge, G, 1'. On some features in tiie hereditary transmission of the aliiino character and the black piebald coat in Rats. Pa]ier ii. London, Proc. R. Soc, scr. B, 80, 1908, (388-393). 633 Muller, Ludwig von. Beitrage zur Lehre vom Zahnalter des Pferdes. Leipzig, 1908, (1-67), 2 Taf. 634 MUUer, Robert. Das Probleu; der sekundiiren Geschlechtsmerkmale und die Tierzucht : Eine wissenschaftliche Uutersuchung. Stuttgart, 1908, (vii -|- 89). 635 Mulon, P. A propos de la fonction des corps jaunes chez le Cobaye. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (2G5-2G7). 636 •j-LNasonov, N. V.] HacoiioBb, H. B. () iroca;iaeiim bi, lioo.'iorHifecKiH Myseit IImii. AKajteMiii HayKi> ocxaT- KOBT. Tpyiia MaMOHxa, iiai'iAeniiwx'b na p. CaHia-iopaxTj. [Sur les restes du cadavre d'un Mammouth trouves aux bords de la riviere Sangajurjach et deposes au Musee Zoologi(pie de r Academic Imp. des Sciences.] St. Peter- burg, Bull. Ac. Sc, ser. C, 1908, (i;)ir)- 1322). 637 Neveu-Lemaire, M. Sur uu nouveau cas d'a|)oilyiiiie chez le Chat. Paris, C 11. ass. fran^. avanc. sci., 35, (Lv"n, 1900, 2- partie), 1907, (481-182). '638 Neveu-Lemaire, M. vide Giamlidicr, G. Nichols, John Treadwell. Notes on two Porpoises captured on a voyage into the Pacific Ocean. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24. 1908, (217-219). 639 Niedieck, Paul. With Rifle in Five Conf incuts [Translated from German]. London, 1908, (xiv + 420). 640 Noack, Thomas. Ober Caiiits hadra- manticus. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 32, 1908.(609-616). 641 Noack, T. Cber die Abstammung nordrussicher llaushunde. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (254-204). 642 Noack, T. Die Giraffe des Sambesi- Gebiets. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (354-356). 643 32 3Iam. XVIII. Mammalia. [I'jOS] Noack, T. Der mesopotamisclie Lowe. Zool. Auz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (-103-406). 644 Noack, T. Ueber den Schadel eines Bastards von Tiger $ uud Lowe S ■ Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1008, (677- 685). 645 JNordenskiold, Erland. Ein neuer Fundort fiir Saugetierfossilien in Peru. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 4, No. 11, 1908, (1-22), pis. i & ii. 646 Ochs, Ai'thur. Die intrauterine Ent- wicklung des Hamsters bis zum Beginn der Herzbilduiig. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 89, 1908, (193-229). 647 Osterlund, Albert. Beluga leucas observerad i Tvarminne. [Beltiga leucas in Tvarminne beobachtet.] Helsingfors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Feun., 34, 1908, (48). 664 Oettingen, Burchard von. Die Zucht des edlen Pferdes in Theorie und Praxis. (181-282). Berlin, 1908, (viii -f 630), 1 Taf. 648 [Ognev, S. I.] OrHeBt, C. II. Maie- piaau j.ia (fiavHu SBtpefl, nTHrtt ii i'a;iOB'i K)ro3ana;iHofl qacTii op.iOBCKofi ryoepniH. [Beitrage zur Fauna der Siiugethiere, Vogel, Reptilien und Am- phibian des siidostlichen Tbeiles des Gouv. Orel.] iloskva, Dnevn. zool. otd. ob§c. liub. jest., 3, 9, 1908, (10-63). 649 Oldham, Charles. Barbastelle (Bar- hastella barbastellus) in Hertfordshire. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (391, 392). 650 Olt, Adam. Untersuchiingen iibcr die Farbe der Geweihe. Sanct Huber- tus, Cothen, 26, 1908, (227-229). 651 Olt, A. Untersuchungen iiber den feiueren Bau der Moorgeweibe und die Ursache ilirer duuklen P'arl^e. Sanct Uubertus, Cothen, 26, 1908, (36.5-367). 652 Olt, A. Zur Steitfrage iil^er die Entwickebuig des Kitzbockgeliorns. Monatslieftc Jagdscluitzver., Berlin, 13, 1908,(156-162). 653 Oppel, Albert. Kausal - morpholo- gische Zellenstiidlen. I. Mitt. Uel)er totale Regeneration des Leberzelleii- netzes nacli l'iios])liorvcrgiftnng mul iil)er daljei statttindende Aiipassungs- nnd Auslesevorgiinge. Med.-uatw. Arch., Berlin, 2, 1908, (61-«0). 656 jOsbom, Henry Fairfield. The four inseparable factors of evolution. Theory of their distinct and combined action in the transformation of the Titanotheres, an extinct family of Hoofed Animals in the order Perissodactyla. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 27, 1908, (148-150). 657 tOsbom, H. F. New fossil Mammals from the Fayum Oligocene, Egypt. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (265-272). 658 TOsbom, H. F. New or little-known Titanotheres from the Eocene and Oli- gocene. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, 1908, (599-617). 659 Osbom, Herbert. Economic Zoology : an Introductory Text-Book in Zoology, with special reference to Agriculture, Commerce, and Medicine. New York, 1908, (XV -f 490). 660 Osgood, Wilfi-id H. A new White- footed Mouse from Alaska. Washing- ton, D.C., P. Biol. Soc, 21, 1908, (141, 142). 661 Osgood, W. H. Silver Fox Farming. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dep. Agric. Farm. Bull., No. 328, 1908, (1-22). 662 Osgood, W. H. The game i-esources of Alaska. Washington, D.C., Year- book Dep. Agric, 1907, (469-482). 663 Otto, R. Beobachtung aus dem Leben des Igels. D. Jagerztg, Neudamni, 52, 1908, (329). 664a Palm^n, J. A. Syksyinen delfinivieras Suomenlahdessa. [Delpliiinis tursio im Finnischen Meerbusen.] Luonnon Ystavii, Helsingfors, 10, 1906, (.30-33). 665 Fanella, A. Azione del iDrinc-ipio attivo surrenale sul cuore isolato di Manimifero. Pisa, Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat., 16, 1907, Proc Verb., (61-65). 666 tPapp, Karl. Die geologischen Ver- h:iltnisse der I'mgebung von Miskolcz. iMit. geol. Anstalt, Ungarn, Wieii, 16, 1907, (05-141). 667 Farona, Corrado. Catture recent! di giandi Cetacei nei mari italiani. Genova, .Vtti Sue. ligiistica sc. nat. geogr., 19, 1908, (173-205). 668 Paton, D. H., Watson, B. P. and Kerr, J. On the source of the amniotic 1 '63 Mam. Titles. 6000 and allantoic tluicls iu Mammals. Edinburgh, Trans. K. Soc, 46, IDOS, (71-102). 669 Patterson, Arthur H. The Badger in Norfolk. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 190S, (426, 427). 670 Paulin, George. Xo struggle for existence : No natural selection. Edinburgh, 1908, (xxi + 261). 671 Paulli, Simon vide Boas, J. E. V. [fPavlow, Mine. M.] ITaB.ioBa, M. riocitTpt'Tmnija amsmnua EKaie- piiHCyprcKaro Mvaea. [Les Rimiiuants Post-tertiaires du ilusee d'Ekatheriue- bourg.] Ekatherinebourg, Bull. Soc. Oural. 27, 1908, (91-98). 672 tPavlow, M. Quelques Carnivores fossiles du gouvernement de Kherson et de Bessarabie. Odessa, Mem. Soc. Nat. Nouv. Russ., 32, 1908, (1-22), pis. i, ii. 673 Pearl, Raymond. A case of triplet Calves with peculiar colour-inheritance. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 26, 1907, (760). 674 Pearl, R. An abnormality of the venous system of the Cat with some considerations regarding adaptation in teratological development. Arch. Entw- Meck, Leipzig, 25. 1908, (648-654). 675 Pearson, Karl. Mendelian characters among Shorthorns. Nature, London. 77, 1908, (509;. 676 Pensa, Antonio. Studio sulla morfo^ logia e sulla topografia dell a cisterna chili e del ductus thoracicus nell'Uomo ed in altri Mammiferi. Roma, Ric. Lab. anat. norm., 14, 1908, (109-114), 3 tav. 677 Pepere, A. Sur un systeme para- thj-reoidien accessoire (thymique) con- stant chez quelques Mammiferes. Arch, ital. biol., Torino, 49, 1908, (336-342). 678 jPerkins, G. H. Fossil Cetacea of the Pleistocene of the United States and Canada, with special reference to Delphinaptenis vermoiUanus, Thompson. Vermont, Rep. Geol., Burlington, 6, 1908, (70-112), pi. 679 Perlmann, S. M. Is the Okapi iden- tical with the " Thahash " of the Jews? Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908,(256- ^60). 680 (n-10332 /) Perroncito, Aldo. La rigenerazione dei nervi dal punto di vista anatomico. Milano, Rend. 1st. lomb., ser. 2,40, 1909, (701-705). 681 fPeterson, 0. A. Description of the tyj>e specimen of Stenomijlus gracilis, Peterson. Pittsburg, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 4, 1908, (286-300). 682 [Petrov, D. F.] TTeTpoBi Jl. , HliCKCibKO CTjMaeB'h ypoACTBi. y ^'tOMaiUHHXij HciiBOTHbis'b. [Einige Falle von Misbiidungen bei Haustieren.] Miss, med. veterin. soc, St. Peter])urg, 20, 1908, (995-998). 683 Pettit, Auguste. Sur una adaptation a la I'onction adipojjexique du rhom- boide. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (209- 210). 684 Pettit, A. Sur le rein de I'filephant d'Asie (Elephas indicus, Guv. 9). Paris, C. R. soc. biol.. 64, 1908, (326-327); Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, (102-103). 685 jPfizenmayer, E. Das Mammut, Eleplias jyrimigeniu.s, Blum. Leipzig, 1908, (1-24). 686 ■f-Phleps, Otto. Ueber das Skelett eines weiblichen Bison priacus, Boj., sowie andere Bison- und Bosreste aua dem Diluvium Siebenbergs. Verb. Siebenb. Ver., Hermanstadt, 56, 1907, (1-44), pis. 687 fPilgrim, Guy E. The Tertiary and Post-Tertiary freshwater deposits of Baluchistan and Sind, with notices of new Vertebrates. Calcutta, Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 27, 1908, (139-166), pis. ii-iv. 688 Pittaluga, Rosetta. Studi osteologici sulle Scimmie antropomorfe. Roma, Atti Soc. romana antrop., 13, 1907, (155-185). 688a fPoche, Franz. Einige notwendige Aenderungen in der mammalogischen Nomenclatur. Zool. Ann., Wiirzburg 2, 1908, (269-272). 689 Poche, F. Ueber die Anatomie und systematische Stellung von Bvadypns torquatus. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, C567-580J. 690 Pochon. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Langerhansschen Inselu des Pankreas. Arch. Tierheilk., Berlin, 34, 1908, (581- 022), 1 Taf. 691 a 21 3t il/am. XVIII. Mammalia. [1 90S] Pocock, R. I. Description of a new species of Monkey of the genus Cercopi- theeiis. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (158-160), pi. X. 692 Pocock, R. I. Notes upon some species and geographical i-aces of Serows (Cap7'ieornis)and G orals (A'cc/ho ?•- hedue), based upon specimens exhiljited in the Society's Gardens. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (173-202). 693 Pocock, R. I. A hybrid Lion and Leopard. Field, London, 111, 190S, (666-701). 694 Pocock, R. I. On the Sumatran Tieer. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 1900, (890-893). 695 Pocock, R. I. Warning coloration in the Musteline Carnivora. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 1909, (9i4-959). 696 Pocock, R. I. On the generic names of tlie Rupicaprine Ruminants known as Serows and Gorals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908," (183- 188). 697 Pocock, R. I. A case of abnormal dentition in a Dhole or Indian Red Dog (Cuon dukhunensis). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (19(>- 198). 698 [PogorJeliskij, V. A.] norop;!:e.ii.- CKifi, B. A. Haiiiii ptjKOCTii. Jliicnna a.lbf)HHOC'b. [Unsere Selteniieiten. Der Fuchs-Alljino.] Moskva, Vestn. Zool. Sada, 1, 1908, (36-37). 699 PoM, L. Zur Naturgeschichte des kleinen Wiesels (Ictis nivalis, L.). Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 33, 1908, (264-267). 700 fPohliff, II. Ein abnormer Mammut- zahn auB Nensibirien. Berlin, Monats- ber. D. geol. Ges., 1907, (222). 701 Pohlman, A. G. The course of the blood through the foetal Mammalinn heart. Anat. Rec, Philadelphia, Pa., 2, 1908, (148, 149). 702 Folak, Clara. Die Anatoraie des Genus ColobuH. Amsterdam, Verh. Ak. Wetensch., 14, pt. 2, 1908, (x + 247). 703 [Polumordvlnov, D.J lIo.iyMOi);iBH- HOBT., ,'L r.ia;iKi!I .MIJIIIIUJ H KpOBO- ofipaiuciiie. [Die glatten Muskeln und dcr Blutuinlauf.] Kazant, Zap. Univ., 75, 6-7, 1908, (l-45j. 704 tPontier, G. Sur une espece nouvplle de Paleoniastodon (P. barroiai). Lille, Ann. ROC. geol., 36, 1907, 1,150-154). 7Q5 Poppius, B. Det finska museets daggdjursamliug. [Die Siiugetiersamm- lung des finnischen Museums.] Helsing- fors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn., 34, 1908, (59-63). 706 Porter, C. E. v'idc Wolffsohn, J. A. Portier. Temperature de Ver- teln-es Marins. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 10(18, (400-404). 707 tPortis, A. Di alcuni avanzi fossili di Grandi Ruminanti, principalmente della Provincia di Roma. Pal. Rabaud, Ltienne. Sur la signification des monstres doubles " parasitaires." Paris, C. R. ass. frang. avanc. sci., 35, (Lyon, 1906, 2"^ partie), 1907, (573-676). 715 [Rachmanov, A. V.] raxManoin., A. B. HcBpnilKiopii.i.iH It xpoMaTiniO(|)ii,:ibiioe BCIUCCTBO Bl> IlepBIIMX']. K.ltlKaX'b. [Die Neurolibrillen und die chromato- 35 Alam. Titles. 6000 phile Suhstanz in ilen Nervenzellen.] Rev. psychiatr. neurol. psvcbol. exp., St. Peterburg, 1907, (158-177), Taf. i, ii. 716 Radiauer, Curt. Beitrage zur An- tliropologie des Kreiizbeiiies. .Mnrph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 38, 1908, (32:]-447), ligg- 717 Rarvitz, Bernliard. Das Zentrnlnci- vensysteiu der C'etaceen. ii. Die Me- dulla oblongata von Fhocacna rommuiii.% (Cnv.) Less, und Balaenoptern rostrata, Fabr. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur ver- gleichenden Morphologie der Oblongata der Sanger. Arch, niikr. Auat., Bonn, 73, 1008, (182-200.1, 2 Taf. 718 [Rasewlg, V. A.] Pa.3eBiin>, B. A. Ma.ioii3BtcTnue SBt.pii Pocciii. I. Pbicb A.lTaiicKaH, Lyvx isahellina Blyth. [Wenig bekannte Siiugethiere Russlands. i. Der Altai-Luchs, Lynx isabelliiia Blyth.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (lOn-108). 719 [Rasewig, ^'. Ar] PaseBiin., B. A. Ma.ioii3BtcTHbie 3Bt.pn Pocciii. IL PbiCB TvpKecTaHCKaa, Lynx spec. [Wenig bekannte Saugethiere Russlands. ii. Der turkestanische I^uchs, Lynx spec] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908. (134-135). 720 [Rasewig, V. A.] PaaeBiii-h, B. A. 3Ia.ioii:5Bl;cTiiLie h pt^iKie 3Btpii Pocciii. IlL KaBKa3CKiii 6apc-b. Felts tulUana A al. [Wenig bekannte und seltene Saugethiere Russlands. iii. Der kaukasische Panther, Felia tullinna Val] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (160-ini). 721 [Rasewig, V. A.] PascBiir-b, B. A. Ma.io[i3BtcTHbie h p'k;iKie sB-fepii Poccin. I\". BapcTj >iaHHH;ypcKifj, Felis fon- tnnicri .Milne Edw., ii iipiaMypcKiii, Felis orientalis Schleg. [Wenig be- kannte und seltene Saugethiere Russ- lands. iv. Der mandshurische Pan- ther (Fdis fontanieri, Milne Edw.) und der Amur - Panther (Fel'iK orlentaUs, Schleg.).] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (203-205). 722 [Rasewig, V". A.] PaseBHib, B. A. ^Ia.ioH3BtcTiibie H pt^Kie 3BfepH Pocciii. V. IIpiiHC-b. [Wenig bekannte und >eltene Saugethiere Russlands. v. Der Irbis. Felis irbis, Ehrijg. — 7'^. nncia, Schreb.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (248-249\ 723 (s-10332 /) [Rasewig, V. A.] Pa3eBiin., B. A. Ma.ioii3BtcTHbie n pt;iKie aBtpii Pocciii. A 'I. Tlirp'i.. [Wenig bekannte luid seltene Saugethiere Russlands. vi. Der Tiger.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (300- 302). 724 [Rasewig, \'. A.] PascBim., B. A. Ma.ioiUBt.cTiibie ii ])taKic 3bI;i)ii Pocciii. \'1L Byi)bU' Mc;tnt.;ui JlpiiMopcKaro KpaJl. [Wenig bekannte und seltene Siiugetieie Russlands. vii. Die braunen Biiren des Kiistengebietes.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, f 120-422). 725 [Rasewig, V. A.] PaaeBiin., B. A. Ma.!0ii3BtcTiii,ie ii p-fe^Kie 3B'1;i)ii Poccin. \ 'in. U.ieiib Ta.ibiiiiCKiii, ( 'e?'r»s spec. ? [Wenig bekannte und seltene Saugetiere Russlands. viii. Der Hirsch vom Talvsch {CeiTus sp. ?).] Semja ochotn., Mos'kva, 1908, (598-600). 726 [Rasewig, ^^ A] Pa3eBHr'i., B. A. Ma:ioii3C,it;tOBaiiiii,ic 3Bt,pH PoccIh. IX. Kasy.ia asiaxcKaa, Capreolns pyrjor- 'jns, Pall., II en pa3iiOBH,T,iiocTii. [Wenig bekannte Saugetiere Russlands. ix. Das asiatische Reh, Capreohts pygargus, Pall, und seine Varietiiten.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (509-511). 727 [Rasewig, V. A.] PaseBHri., B. A. Ma,ioi!3c.itaoBaHiibic 3B'i;pH PoccIh. X. Ka3y.n1 KaBKa3CKiH. [Wenig be- kannte Saugetiere Russlands. x. Die kaukasischen Rehe.] Semja ochotn., Moskva, 1908, (539-541). 728 fRausenberger, J. Neuero Fundc, aus dem Diluvium voii Ilanau. Festschi-ift. Ges. Naturk., Ilanau a. M., 1908, (140- 148). 729 Read, A. Efiie. A contribution to the knowledge of the olfactory apjiaratus in Dog, Cat, and Man. Amer. J. Anat., Philadelphia, Pa., 8, 1908, (1 7-48), 1 7 pis. 730 Backer, H. Aufruf zur niiheren Er- forschung der Wirljcltierfauna West- falens. Miinster, Jahresber. Prof. Wiss. 35, 1907, (152-L57). 730a Regaud, CI. et Dubreuil, G. Existe- t-il des relations entre les phenomenes du rut et la presence des corps jaunes ovariens chez la Lapine ? Paris, C. R. soc. bid., 64, 1908, (170-178). 731 Regaud, C. et Dubreuil, (i. Glande interstitielle de I'ovaire et rut chez la Lapine. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (217-219). 732 d21— 2 30 Mam. XVIII Mammalia. [1908] Regaud, C. etDubreuil, G. Gravidite et glande interstitielle de I'ovaire chez la La]:)iiie. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 64, 1908, (396-398). 733 Regaud, C. et Dubreuil, G. Apropos des corps jaunes de la Lapine : ils n'ont avec le rut aucnne relation. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (442-444). 734 Regaud, C. et Dubreuil, G. L'o\ illa- tion de la Lapine n'est pas spontanea. Paris, C, R. suc. biol., 64, 1908, (552- 554). 735 Regaud, C. et Dubreuil, G. Oljserva- tions nouvelles relatives a I'independanee des corps jaunes et du rut chez la Iia])ine. Paris, C. R. soc. l)iol., 64, 1908, (602- 603). 736 Regaud, C. et Dubreuil, G. Varia- tions macroscopiques de la glande inter- stitielle de I'ovaire chez le Lapin. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63. 1907, (780-782). 737 Regaud C. et Dubreuil, G. Varia- tions de la glande interstitielle de I'ovaire chez la Lapine. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, ErgH., 1908, (146-151). 738 Regaud, C. vide Dubreuil, G. Reh, L. Scheermaus-Plage auf der Insel Neuwerk. Zs. Pflanzenkrankli., Stuttgart, 18, 1908, (18-26). 739 Reinhart, Richard. Ueber Pleiodak- tylie beini Pferde. Anat. Hefte, Wies- baden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, (1-68). 740 Renault et Dubreuil, G. La chon- drolyse axiale des travees directrices de I'ossification dans les os longs des Mam- miferes et rossiiicatioii primaire a leur surface. Paris, 0. R. soc. biol., 64, 1 908, (928-931). 741 Renshaw,Graliain. Animal Romances. 1 (ion, 1908, (vi-1- 206). 742 Renshaw, G. The prices of Animals. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (370- 375). 743 Retterer, Ed. vStructure de la sub- stance fondamentale du cartilage hyaiin. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (32- 34). 744 Retterer, E. Des ganglions lympha- tii|iies de ieunes Cliiens. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 60, 1906, (532-535). 745 Retterer, I'i. ICvolulion et slrnctme du sabot enibrvonnaire du Cheval. Paris, C. R. soc. bioi., 63, 1907, (548-551). 749 Retterer, E. Structure de I'epiderme de la vulve du Cobave normal. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, (590-593). 747 Retterer, E. Forme et dimensions des hematies de quelques Manimiferes domestiques. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 65, 1908, f594-596). 748 Retterer, E. Structure de la corne. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1006- 1009). 749 Retterer, E. Structure du poil. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (1078- 1080). 750 Retzer, E. Some results of recent investigations on the Mammalian heart. Anat. Rec, Philadelphia, Pa., 2, 1908, (149-155). 751 Reuter, Einar. Porot ja niiden vaikutus metsiinnuorennokseen. [Die Renntiere und ihr Einfluss auf die Ver- jiingung des Waldes.] F. Forstforen. Medd., Helsingfors, 24, 1907, (166-193). 752 tRiabinin, A. Les restes des Dau- phins du Pliocene de Pile Celeken dans la mer Caspienne. St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. GeoL, 27, 1908, (517-521). 753 Ricci, Omero. Contribute alio studio del timo. Riv. ital. sc. nat., Siena, 27, 1907, (3-7, 33-35, 94-99), 1 tav. 754 Riche, O. vide Debeyre, A. Ridgeway, William. Tiie ap})lication of zoological laws to Man. Pop. Sci. Month., New York, N.Y., 73, 1908, (500- 522). 755 Ridley, H. N. Bats in a lianiboo. Singa])ore, J. Straits Brancii U. Asiaf. Soc, 1908, (103, 104). 756 Riegner, II. Be.'trage zur Physiologic der Kicferbewegungen. Tl 2 : Die Kiefermuskeln und ihre Wirkungsweiso beim AfFen {Mncacim rhcftiis). CorrBl. Zahniirzto, Berlin, 36, 1907, (132-140). 757 Riggio, G. Arenamento di una Balenottera nel Porto di Palermo (Balaenoptera musculus). Boll. Natu- ralista, Siena, 28, 1908, (1-3). 758 Rivet, P. v'ldr .Anthony, R. Robert, A. ()u(^lques observations Kur les Celaccs de la Mtkliterranee. Paris, Bui. soc. zooL, 33, 1908, (22-24). 759 Mam. Titles. 6000 Rorig, Adolf, lunisres iilier Gewpili- Doppelbildiino:. I^. JiiQ;er, .Miiuohon, 30, 19(>, (283, 1VS4). " 760 Rorig, A. Das Warhstmii (l«s (.iewoilii's \on Co pieolii.'^ nihjnris. Arrli. EutwMeeli., Lei]./.!;^, 25, "I'JOS, (ll'.S- 430), 1 Taf. ■ 761 RSrig, (>. Eiu neiier Fuiulort der nordisdieu Wiililratte {Arvicola ratticeps Kevs. et Bias.) in Deutschland. Berlin, Mitt. biol. Anst., 6, 1908, (39-40). 762 Rorik, fl. H. und Guillebeau, A. Die Oberlliic-he der Semiplact'iira inaterna lieim Riud. Anat. Anz., .Iciia, 32, 1908, (277-284). 763 tRoman, F. et Joleaud, L. Le CadiircotJiei'ium de risle-sur-Sorgiies (Vaucluse), et revision dn f^onre Cadur- cotherium. Lvon, Arch. Mas. Hist. Nat., 1908, art. 1. (1-48), 3 pis. 764 Romero, B. D. Estudio sobre la crianza de la Alpaca en el pais. [Notes on Alpaca-breeding in tiie country.] La Paz, Ministerio de Colonizacion y Agricultura, 1906, (36 + xxxviii). 765 [Rossikov, K. N.] Pocchkob'}., K. H. Muiiiii n MLimeBHAHue rpti3yHbi Haii- OO.Tte BailCHbie B1> XOSHiiCTBtiUHOMI, OTHOiiieHiii. KpaiKoe ooiicaiiie, npaBU, 00pa3-b HxH3HIl, npHHnH}ie,Mi,iii iimh BpcATj H HX-b sparH. [Les Sonris et les Rats et leur description.] Trd. C. entom. ucen. Kom. Gl. Upr. Zeml., St. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (1-140). 766 RossmiUler, Emil. Ueber den histo- logiscben Bau der Arterien in der Bru,st- und Bauchhohle des Rindes. Diss. Giessen. Bamberg, 190G, (1-110), 4 Taf. 767 Rothe, [J. H. Wolf und Fuclis. Wild u. Ilund, Berlin, 14, 1908, fr,20- r>-J3j. 768 Rothfeld, I. Ueber das Verlialten der elastischen Eleniente in den kavernosen Korpern der Sexualorgane. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (248-250), Taf. 769 Rothschild, Hon. W. Note on (^lorilla fjor'dla dielili, Matschie. Nov. Zool., Tr'ing, 15, 1908, ("391,392], pl.xii. 770 Rothschild, W. Note on Dendrodor- copsis uoodicardi. Nov. Zool., Tring, 10,1901,(543). 771 Rousseau, Mederic. Surquelr|nes cas teratologiques observes chez les Ongules. Paris, C. R. ass. frant,'. ava^c. sci., 36 (Reims, 1!)07, I'" partie), 1907, (270- 271). 772 Rubaschkm, W. Zur Frage von der Eutstciiiiiig tier Keituzellen bei Siiuge- tiei'enibrvoiieii. ^V'orl. Mitt.) Anat. Auz., Jena, 32, 1908, (222-224). 773 Rubner, Max. Das Wachstums- liroblein und die Lebensdauer des Meu- schen und einiger Siiugetiere vom ener- getisclien Standpuidcte aus betrachtet. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (32-17). 774 Ruge, (ieoi-g. Die ausseren Forniver- luiltnisse der Leber bei den Primaten, No. G. Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 37, 1908, (G14-GG0). 774a Russo, Acliille. Per la costituzione della zona pellucida e la I'orniazione del liquido follicolare dell'uovo dei Maninii- feri. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (4G4- 4G8). 775 Russo, A. SnU'origine dei mitocondri e sulla iormazione del dertoplasma nel- I'oocite di alcuni Manuniferi. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, ser. 5, 2, 1907, (292- 296). 776 Russo, A. Metodi adoperati per aumentare artificialmente la pioduzione del sesso femminile nei Conigli e per fissare nella prima generazioue degli incroci le varieta recenti. Roma, Rend. .Vcc. Lincei, ser. 5, 16, 1907, (3G2-3G3). 777 Russo, A. Sulla origine e sulla fun- zioue dell'apparato mitocondriale nelle cellule sessuali dei Mammiferi. Catania, Boll. Ace. Gioenia, ser. 4, fasc. 12, 2, (16-25). 778 Rutland, Joshua. Right-sidedness. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 40, 1907, (339, 340), pi. xxiv. 779 Rynberk, G. van. Saggiodi anatomia segmentale : la metameria soinatica, nervosa, cutanea e muscolare dei Verte- brati. Roma, Mem. Ac. Lincei, ser. 5, 7, 1908, (1-318). 780 tRzehak, A. Nagertierreste aus dem Briinner Loss. Wien, Verb. Geolog. Rchs. Anst., 1908 (336, 337). 780a Sabatini, Peter. Untersuchungen iiber die Tragezeit bei unseren wichtig- sten Haustieren, beeinflusst dni'ch Friih- reife, Erstgeburt, sowie Zahl und Ge- scblecht der Foeten. Jena, 1908, (1-111). 781 38 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Sabatini, P. Untersuchungen iibei- die Dauer der Tragezeit bei iiusereu wichtigsten Haustieren, beeiuiiiisst durch Friilireife, Erstgeburt, sowie Zahl und Gesehlecht der Foeteii. Jalirb. wiss. Tierzvicht, Hamiover, 3, 1908, (1-lxxix). 782 Sabin, Miss F. On the origin of the lymphatic system from veins and the development of the lymph-heart and tlie ihoracic duct in the Pitr. Amer. J. iViiat. Baltimore, Md., 1, 1902, (307. ef seq.) 783 Saccbetti, (nistavo. SuU'origine e lo sviluppo dell'organo di Rosenmiiller nella Cnrin cohaya. Napoli, Atti Acp. Sc, ser. 2, 13, 19U8, mem. Xo. 5, (l-2i'), 2 tav. 784 Sainmont, CJ. ride Winiwarter, H. v. Saint-Blancard, E. C. Les Chats sans qneue en 'I'nuraine. Bui. iluseura, Paris. 1907, M't, 57G). 785 Sallac, \V. Die Geweihbildung der jetzt lebenden Hirscharten der alten und neuen Welt. \'fi-.Sc]ir. ForstJagd. Xatkde, Prag, 1908 09, (395-435), 4 Taf. 786 Salmon, J. Des adaptations muscu- laires correlatives des variations squelet- tiques chez les Ectromelieus. Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 62, 1907, (679 681). 787 Salmon, J. Snr les rudiments de membres neotypiques des Iv-iromeliens. Pans, C. P. soe. biol., 63, 1907, (776- 778). 788 Sandberg, A. The fauna of the Barofse Valley. Proc. Rhodesia Sci. Assoc, Bulawayo, 7, 1908, (31-42). 789 Sassi, Moriz. Ueber einige Sauge- tiere voin Weissen Nile. Zool. An/.., Leii.zig, 33, 1908, (149-159). 790 [Satimin, K. A.] CaTymiin., K. A. BaMtxKa 0 ;;;Kei"il)an'i;. [Bemerkungen liber (lazella aubiinlturoxa Giild.j Ochotn. vest., Moskva, 8, J9(j8, (10-1 1). 791 [Satunin, K. A.] CaiyniiH-b, K. A. Turpi, y iio.iHi)nai 0 Kjjyra. [Der Tiger am Polarkreis.] Udiotn. \'fstn., Moskva, 8, 1908, (358). 792 [Satunin, K. .\.] ('aTymiiii,, K. A. Ohi'Iii;'!. I i'Oi jtaijumeeKai 0 ])aciipocTpa- rieiiia M.iuKOiiiiTaKiiuiixb PoceiiicKort IlMiiepin. [Lebersicht der geographi- sclieii Verbreitung der Siiugetiere des Russischen Reiches.] Ochotn. vestn., Moskva, 1908, Beil. : Ochotnicia Enci- klopedija, 1, (97- 142j, 2 Taf. 793 [Satunin, K. A.] CaTyHiiHT., K. A. (J Kporax'b I cniiCKy M.ieKonirraiomHX'B KaB- KascKaro Kpaa. [Erste Ergiinzung zu dem Verzeichnis der Saugethiere des Kaukasusgebietes.] Tiflis, Zap. Kavk. Otd. russ. geoer. ObSc., 26, 4, 1908, Tl- 30). "^ 796 Sauerbrucb, F. und Heyde, il. Uelxn- Parabiose kiinstlich vei-einigter Warm- Sliiter. Miinchener nied. Wochenschr., b5, 19(J8, (153-156;. 797 [Savenkov, Ivan.] CaBciiKOBt, llBan'b. Omicaiiie nepena cooaKH ,ipeBHe-a6a- KaHCKOU nopoAU. [Beschreibung des Schiidels eines Hundesder Alt-Abakaner Rasse.] Irkutsk, Izv. Vost.-Sib. otd. russ. geogr. OI)s('., 36, 1905, [1908], (48- 76). 797a Scbaflfer, J. Zur Histologie der rnterkiel'erspeicheldriisen bei Insecti- voren. Zs. wiss. Zool., Leipzig, 89, 1908, (1-27), 2 Taf. 798 Scheffer, Theo. H. The Pocket- Ciopher. Agric. Exp. Sta., Kansas. Manhattan, Bull., 152, 1908, (109-145). 799 Scheibe, A. Die Zusammensetzung dir W'allischmilch. Munchener nied. Wochenschr., 55, 1908, (795-796). 800 Scberren, Henry. On certain errors with refeience to George the Fourth's Giraffe. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (403 -405 j. 801 Scbeunert. Arthur. Beitiiige zur verglciclHMHicn Pliysiologie der V'er- dauuug. J. Mitt. Die Verdauung von (^r'lrctnsi fnuiieniariiif. Arch. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 121, 1908, (169-210). 802 311 Mam. TlTI.E^=. 6000 Schimkewitsch, l.iKliiiilLi. Ein Fall von lleteitu'liroiiie des Instiiiktes. Zool. BenI)., Fninkfmt ;i. M., 49, lUOS;, (IM'J, :\::\ . 803 Schiott, J. Gebuit eiiies EKfuuteu ill! ZooloL^ischen (iarteu zii Kopeubagen. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. il., 49, 1908, (^133-loC.. 804 tScMosser, Max. Beitrag ziir Osteo- logie uiui systematise-hen Stellung der Ciattung Xccrolemur, sowie zur Staui- inesgescliiehte der Primalen iiberliaupt. X. .labrlt. Mil)., Stuttgart, Festband, I'JOT, ( 107-i'iY.1. pi. X. 805 Schmalhausen, J. J. Zur Morphologie des ^augetiert'usses. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33. 1908, (.373-378). 806 [Sclimeil, 0.] inMeti.ib, 0. Kypcb Soo.ioriii. ITepeB. Cb iit.M. iio;n> l>t';t. B. B. BiiTnepa. 1-aa nacxb. M.ieKO- iiiiTawiuiH. [Kursns der Zoologie. Uebers. n. d. 17-ten deutsch. Auflage. 1-ter Theil. Saugethiere.] St. Peterburg, 1908, (1-lGOj. ' 807 Scliinidt, P. Leber Jugeiidstadien der roteii Blutkorperchen. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (497-515), 1 Taf. 808 Schmitz, H. Einige traditionelle Iirtiimer iu zoologischen Lehi-biicbern. [Lebensweise d. Fledermiiuse ; Schutz- fiirbung d. Tigers ; Haus- u. Wander- ratte ; Schnaljelbasis d. Saatkrahe ; Ver- breitung d. Sumpfschildkrote ; System d. Kiifer ; Larve v. Cetonia ; Muscidae.] Xatur u. Oflenb., Miinster, 54, 1908, (40- 48, 91-101). 809 Scbcenbeck, Richard. Das Pferd uiid seine l)ai~tellung in der bildenden Kunst vom hippologischen Staudpunkt aus. Leipzig, 1908,"(x + 203), 45 Taf. 810 Schbppler, Plermann. Ueber die feinere Siruktur der Hiniarterien einiger Siiugetieie. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. I, 34, 1907, (505-520), 1 Taf. 811 tSchoetensack, Otto. Der Unter- kiefer des Homo lieidelbenjensis ans dem .Sanden vcu Mauer bei Heidelberg. Leipzig, 1908, (1-67), 13 pis. 812 Schorr, Georg. Zur Entwickelungs- geschichte des sekundiiren Gaumens bei einigen Siiugetieren and beim Menschen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, fR9-10rj), Taf. 813 Schreiber, L. Ueber markhaltige Xervenfasern der Himdepai^ille. Ber. ophthalm. Gos., Wiesbaden, 34, (1907), 1908, (."07-312), I Taf. 814 Schulman, II. Tampereen scudun hiirielainict. [Die Muriden in der (legend von Tannnerfors.] Luonnon Ystava, Helsingfors, 11, 1907, (120-127). 815 Schulman, IT. Cber die ventrale Facialismuskulatur einiger Saugetiero, besonders der Mouotremen. Helsingfors, Festschrift fur Palmen, Xo. 18, 1906, (1-70), 8 Taf. 816 Schulte, H. von W. A further com- munication on the venous system of Marsupials. Anat. Rec, Philadelphia, Pa., 2, 1908, (196-203). 817 Schulze, Franz Eilhard. Zur Ana- tomic der Cetaceenlunge. Berlin, Sitz- Ber. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (586-592), 1 Taf. 818 Schumacher, Siegmund v. Ueber das Glomus coccygeum des Menschen und die Glomeruli caudales der Siiugetiere. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 71, 1907, (58- 115), 3 Taf. 819 Schuster, Wilhelm. Wie gelit die Verfarbung beim Eichhorn (Sciurus vulgaris, L.) vor sich? Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (252). 820 I Schwalbe, G. Ueber fossile Prima- teii und ihre Bedeutnng fur die Vorge- schichte des Menschen. Mitt, philomath. Ges., Strasslmrg, IV, 1908, (45-61). 821 Schweppenburg, II. Frelherr Geyr von. Cber die Erforschung der ein- heimischen Saugetier-Fauna. SitzBer. X"at. Ver. preuss. Rheinl.und Westfalena, Bonn, 1907, zweite Halfte, E., (99-103). 822 Sclater, W. L. Land Vertebrates of South Africa, in Flint and Gilchrist's '■ Science in South Africa." Cape Town, 1905 (122-152). 823 Seabra, A. F. de. Sur I'existence de la O'eiieUa afra, Fr. Guv., en Portugal. Lisl)oa, Bull. Soc. Portu. Sci. Xat., 2, 1908, (1, 2). 824 Seabra, A. F. de. Mammiferes et Oiseau.x captures par le Dr. Pereira do Xascimento dans I'Afrique Occidentale. Lisboa, Bull. Soc. Portu. Sci. Xat., 2, 1908, r4 1-44). 825 Seabra, A. F. de. Xotes Mammalo- giques, v. Cereocebua, etc. Lisboa, Bull. Soc. Portu. Sci. Nat., 2, 1908, (125- 138). 826 40 Mam-. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Seeger, E. Die Siiugetiere anf Malloroa. Natur n. Haus, Stuttgart, 17, 1908, (5-7). 827 Seilli^re, Gastou. Sur la digestion de la xylane chez quelques Maminiferes herbivores. Paris, C. R. soc. bioL, 64, 1908, (941-943). 828 Selous, F. C. African Nature Notes and Reminiscences. London, 1908, (xxx + 356). 829 Selous, F. C. The races of the African Buffalo. Field, London, 111, 1908, (71). 830 Sergi, Quirino. Contributo alio studio delle omologie dei solchi cerebrali nei Felidi e nei Canidi. Osservazioni su due cervelli di Ghepardo asiatico {Cyna'ilurus jubatus). Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 19, 1908, (270-281). 831 Service, Robert. Mole variation. Edin- burgh, Trans. Field Nat. and Micros. Soc, 6, 1908, (64, 05). 832 [Sevkimenko, V. N.] IIIeBKyHeiiKO, B. H. O HeHopMaabiiOMt OTxoiKAeHiii CTBO.IOBI) OTt AyrH aOpTU, BT> HaCTHOCTH npaBOfl subclaviae. [Ueber anormalen Ursprung der grossen Gefasse aus dem Aortenbogen, speciell der subclavia.] St. Peterburg, Izv. voen.-med. Akad., 16, 1908, (137-153). 833 tSheppard, T. Bones of Reindeer at Hessle. Naturalist, London, 1908, (424). 834 SMkinami, J. Beitriige zur luikro- skopischen Anatomic der Gallenljlase. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 36, 1908, (551-599), 4 Taf. 835 Shiill, Charles A. Abnormal incisors of Marmotta vionax. Amer. Nat., Lan- caster, Pa., 42, 1908, (457-459). 836 Siegel, Rudolf. Anatomische Unter- suchungen iiber die iiussere Haut des Hundes. Dresden, 1907, (1-84), 4 Taf. 837 Simon, L. (J. vide Garnier, M. ISimonelli, Vittorio. Manmiiferi quatemariideir IsoladiCandia. Bologna, Mem. Ace. sci., ser. 6, 4, 1907, (251- 2f;7), pi. 839 Simroth, Ji. Demonstration of skin varieties of Crlcetua fruvientar-iua of '^i'lmriiigia. London, Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1907, r.r.O;, 1908. 840 I Sinclair, William J. The Santa CJruz Typiitlicria. i'liiladrlpliia. Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 47, 1908, (G4- 78). 841 Skoda, Carl. Eine beim Pferde vor- kommeude scheinbare Homologie des Muscuhis abductor cruris posterior der Carnivoren. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, 1908, (216-221). 842 Skoda, C. Ein konstantes Ligamentum metacarpo (tarso) — intersesamoideum des Pferdes. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (12-19). 843 [Skriabin, K.] CKpadiiHi), K. Cjiyqaft ypoACTBa y leaeHKa. [Ein Fall von Misbildung bei dem Kalbe.] Mess. med. veterin. soc, St. Peterburg, 20, 1908, (254-255). 844 Smalian, K. Leitfaden der Tier- kunde fiirhohere Lehranstalten. Leipzig und Wien, 1908, (ii + 208). 845 [Smimov, N.] OMiipiiOBi), H. OqepKt pyccKiiXTj iiocTOHOnixTj. [Die Flossen- fiissler der russischen Gewasser.] St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. sc, ser. 8, 23, 4, 1908, (1-75), Taf. 846 Smith, G. Elliot vide Standing, H. E. Smith, W. Ramsay. Further observa- tions on the development of the teeth of tbe Australian Aboriginal. J. Anat. Physiol., London, 12, (226-235). 847 Smyth, Ellison A. An unusual Graafian follicle. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 14. 1908, (319-320). 848 Sobotta, Joliannes. Weitere Mittei- lungen iiber die Entvvickelung des Eies der Maus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 32, ErglL, 1908, (277-282). 849 Sobotta, J. Ueber die Richtungstei- lungen des Siiugetiereies, speziell iiber die Frage der Zahl der Richtungskurper. Wiirzburg, Verb, physik. Ges., 39, 1908, (241-261). " 850 Sokolowsky, Alexander. Beobach- lungen iiber die Psyche der Menschen- affen. Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst llaeckel. Frankfurt a. M., 1908, (1-78). 851 Sokolowsky, A. Beobachtungen iiber die Leijensvveise der Walrosse Um- schau, JM-ankfurt a. M., 12, 1908, (324- 327). 852 Sokolowsky, A. Hornwechsel bei einem jungen afrikanischen Nashorn. Umschau, Frankfurt a. M., 12, 1908, (392-394). 853 41 Mam. Titles. 6000 Sokolowsky, A. Ilaustier-Akkliiunfi- sation. Jabrb. wiss. Tierzucht, Han- nover, 3, 1008, (Ixxx-Lxxxvi). 854 Sokolowsky, A. Xeue Beobaclitimjieii iiber Waliosse. Prometheus, Berlin, 19, 1;1U8. i')Si;-r)S8\ 855 Sokolowsky, A. Neues a us iler Biologic der Walrosse. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1908, (237-253). 856 Solaro, G. Sni rapporti fnnzionali fra il testicolo e I'epididimo [in Cavia]. Bioloirica, Torino, 1, N. 12, 1907, (233- 239).- 857 Solger, F. B. Zur Kenntnis des HautfarbstofFs als Schutzmittel. Derm. Zs., Berlin, 14, 1907, (329-341). 858 Solger, F. B. Der Hautfarbstoff als Schutzmittel nnd der partielle iVlbinis- mns. Eine vergleiehende Studie. Derm. Zs., BerUn, 13, 1906, (282-288). 858a Sordelli, Ferdinado. Vertebrati del- I'Argentina e del Benadir donati al civico Museo di Milano. Milano, AttiSoc. ital. sc. nat., 47, 1908 (10-22). 859 [Sosestvenskij , X. A.] ComecTBeii- CKiii, H. A. K'b KaaynciiiKt jpo;tCTB'i>. [Zur Kasuistik der ilisbildungen.] Kazaui, Zap. veterin. Inst., 25, 1908, (374-377). 860 Soulid, A. et Bonne, C. Sur I'exi- steuce de cinq arcs branchiaux et de six arcs aortiques chez rembrvon de Taupe. Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 146, 1908, (.38- 40). 861 Southwell, Thomas. Notes on the Arctic whaling voyage of 1907. Zoolo- gist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (61-63). 862 Southwell, T. Newfoundland sealing, 19U7. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 12, 1908, (151). 863 Southwell, T. Arctic whaling in lOO.S. Zoologist, London, ser. 4, 13. 1909, ■>(;, 27). 864 Spencer, W. Baldwin. Description of a new species of Sminthopsis. Mel- bourne, Proc. R. Soc. Victoria, ser. 2, 21, 1908, f449-451). 865 Spillman, W. J. The origin of varieties in domesticated species. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 28. 1908, (252-254). 866 Staderini, Rutilio. Di un prolunga- mento ghiandolare dell' ipofisi accolto in nno speciale recesso pre-mnmmillare nol cervello del Gatto adulto. Anat. .\ii/.. Jena, 33, 1908, (271). 867 tStauding, Herbert 1*'. On recently discovered sulifossil Friinates from Madagascar ; with an appendix : On the form of the brain in the extinct Lemurs of Madagascar, with some remarks on the affinites of the Indrisinae, by G. Elliot Smith. London, Trans. Zool. Soc, 18, 1908, (59-177), pis. x-xxviii. 868 jStather, .T. \V. Description ol fossililV'rous Drift at Kirmington, Lin- cohishire, and at various localities in the East Riding of Yorkshire. London, Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1907, (325-328), 1908. 869 tStaudinger, Wilhelm. Praeovibos jiriscuii, nov. gen. et nov. sp., ein Vertreter einer Ovihos nahestehenden Gattuug aus dem Pleistocan Tliiiringens. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1908, (481- 502). 870 ■j-Stefanescu, G. Quelques mots sur le Dhiotlieriuin giganlissimum. C. R. Congres Geol. Internal., 10, Mexico, 1906, (1907), pt. 1 (427-4.30), pis. 871 jStehlin, H. G. Notices paleomam- malogiques sur quelques depots miocenes des bassins de la Loire et de TAllier. Paris, Bull. Soc. geol., ser. 7, 4, 1907, (525-550), 1908. 872 fStehlin, H. G. Mammiferes con- serves dans le siderolithique suisse. Lausanne, Eclogas Geol. Hebert, 9, 1906 (321-332). (A review of the memoir quoted in Zool. Rec for 1905.) 873 Sterling, Stefan. Sind die Ossa suprasternalia beim Menschen auf das I'^pistornun> der niederen Wirbeltiere zuriickzufiihren ? Anat. Anz., Jen;i, 32, 1908, (333, 334). 874 Stockard, Charles R. A peculiar legless Sheep. Biol. Bull., Woods HoU, Mass., 13, 1907, (288-290), pi. 875 Stoerk, Oskar. Beitrage zur nor- malen Histologie der Nebennierenrinde. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 45, 1908, (773-776). 876 Stoerk, 0. und Haberer, Hans v. Beitrag zur Morphologic des Neben- nierenmarkes. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (481-496), 2 Taf. 877 42 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. ;i908] StraM, Hans. Ueber Zwisrheiifor- men in der Plazentarreihe. Med.-natw. Arch., Berlin, 1, 1908, (603 -61S). 878 fStromer, Ernst. Die A rohaeor-eli des agyptisclien Eozans. Beitr. Pal. u. Geol. Ost.-Ung., Wien u. Leipzig, 21, 1908, (106-777), pis. iv, v. 879 Stromer, E. Die Ur wale (.4 rcZ/ceoceti). Auat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (81-88), 1 pi. 880 |Studer, J. Schadel eines Hundes aus einer prahistorischen Wohnstatte del- Hallstattzeit bei Karlstein, Amts- gericht Keichenliall. Bern, Mitt, naturfor. Ges., 1907, (155-168), 2 Taf. 881 Swenk, Myron li. A preliminary review of the Mammals of Nebraska. Lincoln, Stud. Zool. Lab., Univ. Xebr., No. 89. 1908, (1-88). 882 Sword, James. The Vertebrate Fauna of the King's Park. Stirling, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1907-8, (123-132). 883 Tandler ride Keibel. Teidoff, F>lgar. Zur Lebensweise und Abwehr der in den russischen Ostsee- provinzen voi-kommenden iliiusearten. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (296-303). 884 Thomas, Oldlield. The Duke of Bed- ford's zoological exploration in Eastern Asia : vi. List of Mammals from the Shantung Peninsula, N. China. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (5-10). 885 Thomas, 0. The Duke of Bedford's zoological exploration in Eastern Asia : vii. List of Mammals from the Tsu- shina Islands. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 47 51). 886 Thomas, O. The Duke of Bedford's zoological exploration in Eastern Asia : ix. List of Mammals from the Mon- golian Plateau. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (10! 110). 887 Thomas, O. The Duke of Bedford's zoological exploration in Eastern Asia : X. List of Mammals from the Provinces of Chih-li and Shan-s;, N. China. Lon- don, I'roc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (635-646), 1)1. xxxiii. 888 Thomas, 0. The Duke of Bedford's zoological exploration in Eastern Asia : xi. On ilamiuals from the Provinces of Shan-si and Shen-si, Northern China. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, 1909. (963-983). 889 Thomas, 0. The genera and sub- genera of the Sciuropterous gronp, with descriptions of three new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8,1, T.HW, (1-8). 890 Thomas, 0. The species of the genus DactylopsUa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1. 1908, (122-124). 891 Thomas, 0. On the large Flying- Squirrels referred to Petaur'ista nitkla, Desm. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (250-252). 892 Thomas, 0. The missing premolar of the Chiroptera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (346-348). 893 Thomas, 0. A new Deer of the Brocket group from Venezuela. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (349-350). 894 Thomas, 0. On certain African and South American Otters. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (387-395). 895 Thomas, 0. New Asiatic Apodemiis, Evotomijs, and Lepiis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (447- 450). 896 Thomas, 0. The nomenclature of certain Lorises. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (467, 468). 897 Thomas, 0. Four new Amazonian Monkeys. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8,"2, 1908, (88-91). 898 Thomas, 0. The Psmnmomys of the alluvial soil of the Nile Delta. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1 9( IS, (91, 92). 899 Thomas, 0. Note on the Squirrel yenus "Zetis." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (136). 900 Thomas, 0. On Mammals from the Malay Peninsula and Islands. Ann. .Mau.'Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (301-306). 901 Thomas, 0. A new Jerboa Iruni China. Ann. Mag Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908,(307,-308). 902 Thomas, O. New Bats and Rodents in the British Museum collection. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, I'.tOS, (370-375). 903 Thomas, O. A new Fruit-Bat from Sierra- Leone. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hisi., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (375, 376) 904 43 Mam. Titles. 6000 Tbomas, 0. A now Tiee-Kangaroo from New Guinea. Ann. Mag Nat. Hist., l.omlon.ser. S, 2, lOU.^, (45^', 4.'i,3). 905 Thomas, O. A new species of tla- Masoarene genus Elinrus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. S, 2, lUHS 'Ar,^, 4 .'14). 906 Thomas, 0. A new Pojonomys pre- -.'ut.'d to the British Museum by Sir William Ingram. Ann. Mas. Nat. Hist.. London, ser. S, 2, 1008, (41)5, 490). 907 Thomas, O. A new Akodon from Tierra del Fuego. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8,2, 1908, (49(), 4!)7). 908 Thomas, O. The Squirrels described as .'iciurus stcerii from Balabec and Palawan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don, fer. 8, 2, 1008, (498). 909 Thomas, (). On the generic position of the groups of Squirrels typihed by " Schirus " berdmore'i and periiyi respec- tively, with descriptions of some new Oriental species. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist. Soc., 18, 1908, (244-249). 910 Thomas, 0. On Mammals collected by Mr. H. C. Robinson on Tioman and Aor Islands, S. China Seas. Kiiala Lumpur, J. Fed. Malay States Mus., 2, 1908, (101-lOC). 911 Thomas, 0. and Dolman, G. On Mammals from Inkerman, North Queens- laud, presented to the National Museum by Sir William Ingram, Bart., and the Hon. John Forrest. London, Proc. Zool. S..C., 1908, (788-794), pl. xlii 1009). 912 Thomas, O. and Wroughton, R. C. < )n a new Oriiji obtained by Major Powell-Cotton in British East Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (177, 178) 913 Thomas, 0. and Wroughton, R. C. Th>' Rudd exploraiion of S mth Africa: ix. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. Grant on the Gorongoza Mountains, Portusmese S. E. Africa. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (164-173). 914 Thomas, 0. and Wroughton, R. C. The Rudd exploration of .S. Alriea : x. Li.st of Mammals collected by Mr. Grant near Tette, Zambesia. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, (.535-553). 915 Thomson, 1>. (J. Notes on a tame Hare. Norwich, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, 8. 1908, (540-541! ). 916 Tims, H. W. Man-It. Tooth-vestiges and associated mouth-parts in the Mciniilne. J. Anat. Physiol., London, 42,1908,(375-387). 917 Tinne, Piiilip. Range of Elephant in llinialavas. Field, London, 112, 1908, (t;32i. ■ 918 [Tjulipanov, A. S.] Tw-ibnaiiOBi., A. C. O (jJopM'li Mepena oxorHii4bcn co6aKir Cb ocTeTHHecKOU ii npaKTii- Ht'CKoii TOHeKTj ap'huia. [Ueber die Sfhiidelform der Jagdhunde vom iisthe- tipchen und praktischen Gesichtspunkte ans betrachtet.] Ochotn. v6st., Moskva, 8, 1908, Beil., Sobakovodstvo, 2, (17-20). 919 Toldeflf, E. Zur Lebensweise und Abwehr der in russischea Ostseepro- vinzen vorkommenden Miiusearten. Zool. Beob., Frankfurt a. M., 49, 1908, (29()- 303). 920 Toldt, K. Die Chiropterenausbeute der von der kais Akademie der Wis- senschaften in Wien im Jahre 1908 nach Brasilien entsendeten Expedition. Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (194, 19.5). 921 Toldt, K. Die Chiropterenausbeute. 1)1 : Ergeb. Zool. Exped. Akad. Wiss. nach Brasilien im Jahre 1903, Wien, 1908, (1-11). 921a Toldt, K. Der M. digastricus und die Muskeln desMuudlKihlenbodens beim Orang. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 116, Abt. iii, 1907, (443-456), 3 Taf. 922 Toldt, K. Studien iiber das Haar- kleid von Vulpe>< vidpes, L., nebst Be- merkungen iiber die Violdriise und iiber den Haeckel-Maurersclien Biiren- embryo mit Stachelanlagen. Wien, Ann. Nat. Hofmus. 22, 1907, (197-2(;9i, pis. V vii. 923 Toldt, K. Ober die Hautgebilde der Chiropteren. Wien, Verb. ZoolBoi. Ges., 1907, (83-91). 924 Toldt, K. Xeueres iiber Andeutungcn eines Schuppenkleides bei rezenton Siiugetieren. Wien, Veih. Zooliint. Ges., 58, 1908, (108, 109). 925 Toldt, K. Ober Riintgenogramme von kleinen Siiugetieren. Wien, V08). 1 Taf. 949 Unna, P. G. und Golodetz, Tjazar. Xeue Studien iiber die ilonisubstanz. Monatshefte Derm., Hamburo;, 44, 1907, 39;t i2i\ 459-iG8), 1 Taf. ' 950 Valeton, M. T. Beitrag zur ver- gleichenden Auatomie des bintereu Vierhiigels des Menschen und einiger Saugetiere. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien, Leipzig. 14, 1908, (29-75). 951 Vander Stricht, 0. La structure de I'anif des Maimniferes (Chauve-souris, Vespcrtilio noctula). Trosieme partie : — L'oocyte a la fin du stade de maturation, an stade de la fecondation et au debut de la segmentation. Comm. -prelim. Bruxelles, Ac. R. Belgique, Bull. Sci., 1908, (588-596). 952 Van Eempen, Ch. Mammiferes et Oiseaux d' Europe et exotiques pre- sentant des anomalies. Paris, Bui. soc. zool., 33, 1908, (8.3-87). 953 Van Eempen, C. Mammiferes et, Oiseaiix presentant des varietes de coloration obtenus depuis 1899. Paris, Bui. soc. zool, 33, 1908. (88-103). 954 Vasse, G. Trois Annees de Chasse au Mozambique. Paris, 1908, (1-120). 955 tVeatch, A. C. Geography and geology of a portion of South- ^Vestern Wyoming. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper, No. 56, 1907, (1-178). 956 Velde, Em. Van de. Die filn-illare Struktur in den Xervenendorganen der Vogel und der Saugetiere. Anat. Anz., Jena, 31, 1907, (621-63-1). 957 Vemer, S. P. Likely places for evi- dence as to the history of the evolution of the Anthropoid Apes and Primitive Man. Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 27, 1908, (929). 958 Vemoni, Guido. Intorno al fonda- niento istologico di alcune funzioni del villo intestinale [studiate in Felis dome- Htica\ Archiv. ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze, 7, 1908, (264-293), 1 tav. 959 Vigneau, P. Capture d'un Morse. Nat. Canad., Quebec, 35, 1908, (49-51). 960 Vigneau, P. Les Morses dans le Golfe Saint Laurent. Nat. Canad., Quebec, 35, 1908, (140-142). 961 Vlllemin, F. Sur le role du corps jauno ovarien chez la Femme et hi Lapine. (Reponse a MM. CI. Regaud et G. Dubreuil.) Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (363, 364). 962 Villemin, F. Sar les rapports du c-orps jaune avec la menstruation et le rut. (Reponse h. MM. Regaud et Dubreuil.) Paris, C. R. sec. biol., 64, 1908, (444, 445). 963 Villemin, F. L'ovulation est-elle s]wntanee chez la Lapine ? (Reponse a MM. Regaud et Dubreuil.) Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, 1908, (662). 964 Vincenzoni, G. Recherches experi- mentales sur les localisations fonction- nelles dans le cervelet de la Brebis. Genova, Arch. ital. Biol., 49, 1908, (SS.')- 395). 965 [Vladycko, S. D.] B.iaj;tiqKO, 0. JI. ILnrhiieiiia BHyTpiiK.itTOTiiux'h neiipo- (})ii(')piu.ieii npii OTpaB.ieiiiir MuiubH- KO\n, If cJ)oc(}Dopo>n.. BKcnepiiMOi- Ta,ih.Hoe H3C.Tfe,-;oBaHie Ch o63opoMT> coBpeMemiaro coctohhIh yHeHifi o iieii- pofjftiiopiu.iax'b. [Ueber die Veriinde- rungen der intracellularen Neurofi- brillen bei Arsenik- und Fhosphorver- giftung. Eine experimentelle Studie nebst Uebersicht iiber den heutigen Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den Neurofibrillen.] Kiev, 1908, (1-73). 966 Volker, Otomar. Ueber die ersten Eutwickelungsvorgange beim Ziesel. Anat. Anz., Jena, 33, 1908, (98-111). 967 Voit, Max. Zur Frage .der Veraste- lung des Nervus aousticus bei den Siiugetieren. Anat. Anz., Jena, 31, 1 907, (635-640). 968 jVolz, W. Das geologische Alter der 7^i(/iia. Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien, Leipzig, 16, 1907, (452-468). 989 Wilder, Burt G. The length of the smallest known Sirenian fetus ; gyre preferred to '' convolution." Science, New York, N.Y., ser. 2, 27, 190S, (825). 990 Williams, Leonard W. The later development of the notochord in Mam- mals. Amer. J. Anat., Philadelphia, Pa., 8, 1908, (251-284). 991 Wilson, James. Mendelian characters in Short-horned Cattle. Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc, 11, 1908, (317-.324), and Nature, London, 77, 1908, (509, and 559, 560). 992 Wimpfheimer, Carl. Zur Entwick- lung der Schweissdriisen der behaarten Haut. Anat. llefte, Wiesbaden, Abt. 1, 34, 1907, (429-504), 4 Taf. 993 Winckler, C. The nervous system of a white Cat deaf from its birtli : a con- tribution to the knowledge of the secondary system of the auditory nerve- system. Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wot., 1908, (225-230). 994 Winge, ilerluL Danmarks Fauna, Pattedyr. [The fauna of Denmark, Quad- rupeds.] Kpbeuhavn, 1908, (1-249). 995 [Winkler, lim-on P. von.] {{)OH'bBiiiiic- .lep'h, Sapoii-h IL MopcKaa cbiiiikii (Cavia cobaija Maregraf). [Das Meer- schweinchen (Cavia cobaija Maregraf).] Naturfreund, St.. Peterburg, 3, 1908, (17- 29). 996 Winiwarter, II. von et Sainmont, (i. Ue la iormutiou exclusivemeul post- 47 Mam. Titles. 6000 foetale des ceufs defiuitifs chez le Chat. (Commuuicatiou pr^liminaire.) Biux- elles, Ac. R. Belpique, Bull. Sci., 1908, (586, oS7, t!0:?-(307). 997 Winiwarter, H. v. et Sainmont, (.1. Xouvelles recherches sur Fovogeuese et I'organogenese de I'ovaiie des Mam- miferes (Chat). Arch. Biol., Liege et Paris, 24, 1908, (I-1J8), pi. 998 Winiwarter, H. v. und Sainmont, C. Teber die ausschliesslich jiostfetale Bildung der definitiven Eier bei dcr Katze. Anat. Auz., Jeua, 32, IWS; (ei3-616\ 999 Wissmann, H. voii. In den Wildnissen Airikas und Asians. Jacderlebnisse. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1908. (x +'l81), 28 Taf. 1000 Witt, Otto. Der Wolf als Haus- genosse. Prometheus, Berlin, 19, lfl08, (76:^, 7IU. 1001 Wolffsolin, John A. Contribuciones a la Alamalogia chilena: i. Sobre el Felis colocolo, Mol. [Contributions to Chilian Mammalogy: i. On Felis colo- colo, Mol.l Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., Santiago de Chile, 12, 1908 (165-172 , pi. X. 1002 Wolflfsolin, J. A. y Porter, Carlos E. Catalogo .Metodico do los Mamiferos Cliilenos existentes en el Museo de Hi- storia Xatural de Valparaiso. [.Systematic Catalogue of the Chilian Mammals in the Natural History iluseum, Valparaiso.] Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., Santiago de Chile, 12, 1908, (66-85). ' 1003 Woodward, B. Recent discoveries regarding the fauna of Western Aus- tralia. Perth, Joum. W. Au.stral. Nat. Hi^t. Soc, No. 2, 1905, (7-20). 1004 Wrangel, Graf C. G. Die Rassen des Pferdes. Ihre Entstehung, ge- schichtliche Entwicklung u. charak- teristischen Kennzeichen. 1 . Stuttgart. J1908], (viii -f 632). 1005 Wright, Frans. Tyska haren (L. europaeiis) skjuten i Asikkala socken. KLepiis eiiropaeus, Pallas, im Kirchspiel lAsikkala geschossen]. Tidskr. Jag. IFisk., Helsingfors, 12, 1904, (72-73). 1006 Wroughton, R. C. On some Indian liorms of the genus Micromya. Bombay, |J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908, (280-28.3). 1007 Wroughton, R. C. Notes on the Iciassification of the Bandicoots. Bombav, J. Nat. Hist., 18,1908,(736- 752). 1008 Wroughton, R. C. An Indian Stoat. Bombav. J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, 1908. (882, 883). 1009 Wroughton, R. C. TIue(^ new- African species of Mas. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (255-257). 1010 Wroughton, R. C. A list of ilammals collected by Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton in Northern Gazaland (Portuguese East Africa) and the Melsetter district of Rhodesia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 1, 1908, (303-307). 1011 Wroughton, R. C. On the forms of Squirrel hitherto classed under Se. finlaynoiit, Horsf. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (393- 401). 1012 Wroughton, R. C. A new Squiriel from Burmah. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, ser. 8, 2, 1908, (491) 1013 Wroughton, R. C. vide Thomas, 0. tWiist, Ewald. Fossilfiihrende pli- stociine lloltenmie-Schotter bei Halber- stadt im nordlichen llarzvorlande. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 59, 1907, (120- 130). 1014 Wulf, Arthur. Album der Kaninchen- zucht mit Rasse-Beschreibungen und erlant. Text. Wiirzburg, 1908, (1-12), 14 pis. 1015 Young, Robert T. Notes on the dis- tributiiin of Colorado Mammals, with a description of a new species of Bat {Eptc.-iicus pullidiis) from Boulder. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc Acad. Nat. Sci., 60, 1908, (403-409). 1016 Zalla, Mario. Risposta al Prof. • ■iamielli. [Ovario.] Monitore zool. it:il., Firen/.e, 19, 1908, (125-128). 1017 [Zavarzin, A.] 3aBap3iiH'b, A. H-fe- KOTopuH Hao.iioAeilia uaji.-h :)niiTe.iieM'h JIecn,e.MeTOBOft ooo.iohkii. IIpeaB.coooiu. [EinigeBeobachtungen iiber das Epithel der Membrana Descemetii. Void. Mitth.] St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. C. r. seances, 39, 1, 1908, (119-165). 1018 Zell, Th. Sind die Tiere im Laufe der Zeiten kliiger geworden ? Das Blaubuck, 4, 1909,(422-425}. 1019 IS Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Ziegeler, Gustav. [Das Alter des Eichhornchens.] Wochenschr. Aqua- rienkimde, Braunschweig, 5, 1908, (64). 1020 Ziehen, T. Das Centralnervens_ystem der Monotremen und Marsupialier. Ein Beitrag ziir vergleichendeu makro- skopischeii und mikroskopischen Ana- tomie iind zur vergleichenden Eiit- wickelungsgeschichte des Wirbeltierge- hirns. Tl 2 : Mikroskopische Anatomie. Absclin. 2. Der Faserverlauf im Geliirn von Echidna iind Ornitliorhyncliiis nehst vergleichenden Angaben iiber den Faserverlauf des Gehirns von Ferameles und Macropus. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 6. Tl 2, 1908, (789-921). 1021 Zimmermann, A. Ueber das Vor- komnien d(U' Mastzellen beim Meer- schvveinchen. Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 72, 1908, (662-670). 1022 [2itkov, B.] /-KiiTKOBi., B. Jtsi iiiiTcpcciibm iiaxoSKir. [Zwei interes- sante Eunde.] Ochotn. v^stn., Moskva, 1908, (373-374). 1023 tZschokke, F. Die Beziehungen der mittelenropaisclieu Tierwelt zur Eiszeit. Verb, deutsch. Zool. Ges., Leipzig, 1908, (21-78). 1024 Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Anatomie und Eutwicklungsgcschichte des Indusium griseum corporis callosi. Arb. neui-ol. Inst. Wien, Leipzig, 15, 1907, (17-.^1). 1025 Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Anatomie der Eissura j)arietooccipitalis medialis und des Sulcus iiitraparietalis. Wien, Sitz- Ber. Ak. Wiss., 117, Abt.iii, 1908, (411- 483) und Anz. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (332). 1026 Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Anatomie und l\Ior])liologie der ExtremitiitenarteritMi. Wien, Sit/.Ber. Ak. Wiss., Al)h. iii, 116, JOOS, (1.7.) 7.30), 6 pis. 1027 Zuckerkandl, K. Zur Morpiiologie dor M. ischiocaudalis. Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss., 1908, (205, 206). 1028 IL— SUBJECT 1\M)EX. 6003 to 6027 N.B. — Far full Iiefcrnir.rn go to Tillc». COMPIIEIIENSIVE AND GENERAL. 6003 Treatises, Text-Books, etc. l.iimaMis, his views on Manuuaiia ; Gregory, 314. Grundziige der Histologie der Thiei'e und des Menschen; Kulicickij, 458. Kursus der Zoologie ; Schmeil, 807. Tlie Book of Nature Study ; Farmer, 239. ■ .School text-book ; Smallan, 845. "Wild Beasts of the World"; Finn, 241. Tradltionelle Trrtiimer in Zoologischeu Lehrbiichern ; Schmitz, 809. Handbuch der Anatomie ; EUenberger, 235. Neuere s_ystematische Siiugetierfor- schungen ; Barthold, 57. Animal biographies ; Renshaw, 742. Bible Mammals ; Lydekker, 524. Zootechnie. Cheval, Ane, ilulet; Diflloth, 199. Zootechnie (Bovides); Diffioth, 200. Record for 1900 ; Meissner, 594. Record for 1901 ; Knottnerus-Meyerj 435. Mammalia fiir 1903 ; Hennings, 354. Palaeontology in 1907 ; Lydekker, 554. Technical names for Domesticated . Animals ; Hilzheimer, 364. Cavern-jiictures ; Breuil, 112 ; Car- tailhac et Br€uil, 149 ; Lalane, 462 ; Mieg, 610. Institutions, Collections. Catalogue, native I\bimmals, Val- paraiso Museum; Wolffsohn & Porter, 1003. Finnish .Museum, list; Poppius, 706. Types, ]'''ossi1 Manmuds, Boston Museum ; Cushman, 179. Rallies Musoinn, Singapore, (Snidi book ; Hanitsch, 342. Cambi'idge Museum, Catalogue ; Duck- worth, 218.' Guide to Domesticated Animals; British Museum, 116. .M('iia,!.;i'rirs and museums of I'jurojic; Flower, 245. M.MKigerics ; Trouessart, 942. Cdllcrting animals for mcuagories ; Hagenbeck, 332. 49 Main. Subject Index. 6007 Pii('o>, mona^erie animals ; Flower, 244; Renshaw,743. Horn aiul antler exliil)ition ; Matschie, 582. Ilorn^ and antlers, Indian ^luseuni ; Bentham, 77. WhalinL:; Grieg-, 319 ; Parona (Italian), 668 ; SouthweU, 862. Sealing ; SouthweU, 863. Economics. Ecouuniic Zoology ; Osbom, 660. Wale uud ihre wirtschaftliche Bedou- tung ; Eukenthsil, 452. Rats and plague; Billet, 88; Crake, 178. Silver-Fox breeding ; IngersoU, 394 ; Osgood, 662. Ratten \nu\ Miinse, Scbaden und Bekampfung ; Klunzinger, 433. Eiclihornclieu als Waldvcrwiister ; rolkestad, 247. Larchengijifeldiirre durch Eicliliorii- clien ; Fabricius, 2381). Scheermaus-Plage auf der lusel Xeuwerk ; Reli, 739. Schaden und Bekampfung der Ratten (bacterielle Methode) ; Grimm, 322. Aufzucht aus dem Xest genoinmeuer junger Pelztbiere ; Markgraf, 570. Flossenfiissler der russischen Gewasser ; Smirnov, 846. Okonomisclier Bezieliung ahidichen inouseartigen Xager ; Rossikov, 765. Rabbits as a pest ; Lantz, 472. Lapins en Australie ; Privat-Des- ehanel, 713. Prol)lematischer Nutzen, Talpa ; Gorskij, 301. Utility and harmfuluess, Talpa enro- ■paea ; Boas, 91. Domesticated ^Vnimals ; British Museum, 116. Haustier-Akklimatisation ; Sokolow- »ky, 854. Miscellaneous. Destruction of Young by Male Carni- vora, and " struggle for existence " ; Paulin, 671. (x-10332 /; l"'eonomie dans la nature; Gaudry, 278. Protection, Castor ; Mingaud, 616. Protection of Sea-Elephants; Lonn- berg, 496 ; of Antliropoids ; Doflein, 204. vSciographs, Micromammalia ; Toldt, 926. Pleistocene Mammals and the Ice-age ; Zschokke, 1024. Siiugetierstammes ; Abel, 2. STRUCTURE. 6007 General and Comparative. Tails of Mammals ; Gauvreau, 282. Segmental anatomy ; Rynberk, 780. Contributo alio studio del tiuio ; Ricci, 754. Siiugetierfusses ; Schmalhausen, 806. Anatomy, Colohus ; Polak, 703. Anatomische Merkmale von Ateles', Broek, 121. Anatomy, Lemurs ; Beddard, 74. Anatomy, Atlantic Right Whale; Andrews, 30. Anatomy, Bradypus ; Poche, 690. Histology. i^Vide eiiam the various systems.) Histologie des Menschen u. d. Thiers ; KuliSickij, 458. Histologie der Haussiiugetiere ; Ellen- berger und Giinther, 234. Cellule cromafhni e Mastzellen nella regione cardiaca ; Trinci, 934b. Cellule cromaffini e Mastzellen ; Trinci, 934. Mastzellen beini Meerschweinchen ; Zimmermann, 1022. Tegument. JIautlarbstoffs als Schutzmittel ; Solger, 858. Ongles, structure ; Retterer, 749. Poll, structure ; Retterer, 750. d22 50 Mam. xvill. Mammalia. [1908] Scliuppenkleides bei rezentea Saiige- tieren ; Toldt, 925. Flying-membranes and their develop- ment ; Branca, 107. Haut des Hundes ; Siegel, 837. Cheiiatoialina ; Arcangeli, 46. Dermal scales, Fox ; Toldt, 923. Sabot embryonnaire du Clieval ; Retterer, 746. Epiderme de la vulve du Cobaye ; Ketterer, 747. Skin and hair, Bats; Toldt, 921. Hair, Fox and Bear ; Toldt, 923. Graviditatslivpertrichose beim Ivanin- chen; Halban,' 338. Glands, Antelopes Lydekker, 539. Riickendi-iise, T)icohjlc» ; Brinkmann, 115. Parathyreodien accessoirc ; Pepere, 678. Interscapular gland ; Bonnet, 101. Purpurfiirbung in der Seldeiste der Kaninchennetzhaut ; Weiss, 985. Horner, Bos ; M— ic, 603. Hornsubstanz ; Unna und Golodetz, 950. Horns, Prongbuck ; Lyon, 555. Deer-antlers; Brandt. 108; Olt, 651. Eiitwickelung der Kitzbockgehoms ; Olt, 653. Geweihe ; Olt, 651. F.r-tlingsgchorn des Kitzboekes ; Korflf, 443. Geweih-Doppelbildung ; Rbrig, 760. Geweili, Capreolus ; Rorig, 761. Geweihbildung ; SaUac, 786. Nervous System and Sense-Organs. NervenendiguiiLTPii in der Ilarnblase der Siiugetiere ; Michailow, 605. Fibrillare Struktnr in den Xervenend- organo'i) der Vogel iind der .Siiugetiere ; Velde, 957. Cali'i (11 Held ; Gemelli, 285. Termina/.ioni iiorvose nel labbro del Gatto; Civalleri, 161. Neurofibrilien drr Hymiiatliisclien Ganglicnzelien ; Michailow, 604. Peripheres Xervensystem, Regenera- tion ; Krasin, 448. Xeurofibrilles dans les cellules ner- veuses a noyau ectopique; Legendre, 479. Bau der Xeurofibrillen ; Rachmanov, 716 ; Vladycko, 966 ; Gurevic, 328, 329. Neurofibrillarer Apparat der Xerven- zellen des Riickenmai'ks ; Dancakova, 182. Feinster Bau der Xervenfaser ; Deineka, 187. Xerven der Epidermis ; Botezat, 103. Poids encepbalique ; Lapicque, 474. Gehirn- und Kiirpergewiciitsbestim- mungen ; Wamcke, 979a. Brain-dissection ; Jolinston, 408. Anatomie des Vierhiif^els ; Valeton, 951. Brain, Primates; Duckworth, 219. Brain, extinot Malagasv Lemurs ; Elliot-Smith, 868. Brain, Cat; Landau, 465. Fissura parietociccijiitalis und Sulcus intraparietalis ; Zuckerkandl, 1026. Olive der Saugetiere ; Hofmann, 374. Tudiisium griseum corjTOris caUosi ; Zuckerkandl, 1026. Iiraiu-convolutions, Cehidae ; HoU, 376a. (jrossliirnrinde der AfFen ; Marburg, 569. Gehirn, Ateles ; Hatschek, 344. Di un Proluiigamentij gliiandolare deir ijMifisi nel cervello del Gatto; Staderini, 867. Anatomie, cercbraleu Trigeminus- uurzel ; HuUes, 387. Proencefalo, Ih/psiprymnus ; Livini, 489. Insel des Gehirns ; Holl, 375. Hinterhauptlappens; Holl, 376b. Cerebellum, function ; Vincenzoni, 965. Solchi corcbrali nci Felidi e nei Canidi ; Sergi, 831. Spinalgaiiglien ; Dogiel, 205 Zellen der Riic-keninarkzcntren der hoheren Tiere ; Capparelli, 143. 51 Mam. Subject Index. 6007 Nerveneiulapparate am Uerzen ; Mlchailow. 609. Sinuturos in ceutral nervous system ; Cappaxelli, 141. Zentralnervensystems, Eleplias ', Dexler, 197. Ceutralnervensystcm, iloiiotremen ii. Marsupialier; Ziehen, 1021. Zeutralnervensystem der Cetaceen ; Rawitz, 718. Cellule (lei centri ncrvosi spinali, Bos ; Cappaxelli, 142. Riickemnark, Uiigulaten ; Biach, 85. Notochord, development ; Williams, 991. Innervation des muscles sterno-mas- toidien, cleido-mastoidien, et trapeze ; Lesbre et Maigrnon, 483. Sympr.thetic system ; Broek, van den, 121a. Sympathische Ganglien des Harn- blase ; Michailow, 605. Ganglien, Plexus Solaris ; MichaUow, 607. Sympathischen Ganglien der Ham- blase ; Michailow, 606. Plandesanatomischen Snbstrats der Leeb resp. des Bewusstseins ; Cirjev, 160. Verastelung des Nervus acusticus bei den Saugetieren ; Voit, 968. Labyrinth; Gray, 310, 311. Tenuinazione dei nervi nella mem- brana del timpano ; Gemelli, 285. Nervosen Endorgane im hautigen Labyrinth der Saugetiere ; Bielscliow- sky und Briihl, 86. Blutgefasse im Labyrinthe des Hun- des ; Asai, 53. Blutgefasse des Labyrinthes der Ratte ; Asai, 54. Labyrinth des Delphins ; Kolmer, 440. Olfactory apparatus ; Read, 730. Organ of Eimer, regeneration ; Boeke & Groot, 96. Nasenloch und Xasenvorhof, Haus- saugetiere ; Kormann, 444. Retine, histogenese ; Leboucq, 478. Retine ; Mawas, 586. (k-10332 /) Nervenfasern der llundepapille ; Schreiber, 814. Irisscbichtenllaussiiugetiere ; Klinge, 428. Membrana Descemetii, Equus, Bos; Zavarzin, 1018. Myology. Facialismuskulatur ; Schulman, 816. Gesichtsmuskulatur ; Boas und Paxilli, 93. M. digastricus mandlbulae ; Toldt,928. Muscolo tenare-cutaneo, abductor poUicis brevis, etc. ; Bruni, 125. Digastricus beim Oraug ; Toldt, 922. ^lusculus digastricus inandibulae ; Bijvoet, 87. Kieferbewegungen beim Alien ; Riegner, 757. Quadriceps femoris, Prim,atcs ; Corsy, 173. Facial and proboscis muscles, Ele- phant ; Boas and Paulli, 94. Ischio-caudal muscle ; Zuckerkandl, 1028. Miisculus abductor cruris posterior beim Pferde ; Skoda, 842. Leg and foot muscles ; Frets, 259 ; Glaesmar, 293. Musculus retractor penis, Canis ; Polumordvinov, 704. Muscle-nerves ; VladyCko, 966. Plantar aponeurosis, Primates ; Lotb, 511. Tendons, Cartilage, etc. Cartilage hyalin ; Retterer, 744. Osteology. Osteology and dentition, French Miocene Mammals ; Maget, 564. Osteology and dentition Solenodon ; Allen, 17. Dentition and Osteology, P rohoseidea ; Lull, 520 ; Britisb Musevun, 117. Osteology and dentition, fossil Rhino- ceroses ; Douglass, 210. Osteology, Man and Apes ; Duck- worth, 218" d22— 2 52 Mam. xviir. Ilammalia. [190S] Skeleton, Mcf7«7afZa2J;x ; Lorenz, 507. Schadel, Ilydrochoerus capyhara; PrellGr 711 Osteologici Scimie antropomorie ; ' Pittaluga, 688a. Schadel, Hasen luid Kaniuchens ; Osteologj', extinct Lemnrs ; Standing, Bemmelen, 76. 868 Osteology, Blastomery.c and Ulazama ; Smimov, 846. Kraniologie, Piiinipcdia Russlands ; Xasenknoi'pel der Sirenen ; Freund, 261. Preorhital depression, Equus hurelielli ; Brasil, 108a. Skidl measurements, Miis noi'vegicus albn^ ; Hatai, 343. Schadels V(5U Echidna acidcata var. typit'd ; Gaupp, 280. Lachrvinal region. Apes ; Koczian, 437a. Zahnbeius ; Disse, 202. Cervical vertebrae, (j'traevidac ; Lan- kester, 468. Vertebral column. Echidna ; Frets. 260. Wirbrl luid Kopfgelenke, Echidna', Gaupp, 279. Sacriuu ; Radiauer, 717. Ossa siiprasternalia mid Episternum ; Sterling, 874. Scapular arcli, Edentates and Mono- tremes, homology in Vertebi-ates generally ; AmegMno, 20. Conrbure femorale chez rilomme et les Anthropoides ; Anthony et Rivet, Asymmetric des Walschiidels ; Kuken- 43 thai," 455. Rest des Parasplienoids bei Siiuge- tiere ; Fuchs, 268. Matthew, 585. Osteology and dentition, Stevomylus ; Peterson, 1, 682. Osteology and dentil ion, Caduvco- thcrium \ Roman & Joleaud, 764. Osteology and dentition, Titanothcres ; Osbom, 659. Osteology and dentition, Typotl'cria ; Sinclair, 841. Osteologj% Mcsncetus ; Kadid, 409 ; Zeuglodonts ; Stromer, 879 A- 880. Osteology, Atlantic Right Whale; Allen, 15. Osteology (presence of post frontal;, Balaenoptciri arii.lonifilrata ; Lahllle. ; Tursiops ; Lahille, 460, 461. Osteology, Schizodelphis; True, 944. Bau von Diprotodon ; Abel, 4. L'Ossification dans les os longs ; Renault et Dubreuil, 741. Skull-thickness ; Anderson, 26. Kopfgelenke ; Gaupp, 281. Asymmetric des Siiugetierschadels ; Leisewitz, 481. Patella ; Vriese, 970. ( 'iibdiil and OS peroneum ; Manners- „,..,,' , , . , Smith, 568. bcnadelmessuiigen, Anthropoulca ', •zavachov, 229. Pleiodaktylie, Dzavachov .Schadel - eiitwickeliing, Jlalicorc ; Freund, 262. Bildung des Zahnbeius; Disse, 202. Jilaxilla and palate ; Anderson, 27. Palato duro ; Bovero, 105. Augenliuhlc der Prlmatin ; Koczian, 437. Kiefergelenk ; Lubosch, 512. Kiefergelenk der Ivlent.iteii uud Marsupiulier ; Lubosch, 513. Skull, Lion-Tiger; Noack, 645. Pferde ; Reinhart, 740. Bruslflossenskelet der Cetaceen; Braun, 111. lliiftliciurudimente der Cetaceen; Abel, 5. .Scpii'h'ttc, niendiro auterieur, Brady- piix ; M^n^gaux, 596. 'I'eratiihigie cliez les Ongides ; Rous- seau, 772. Dkntitiok. Zahne ; KUkenthal, 453. i >ipiiyo(lontisnius diT .Siiiiger und die Skull and dentition, Prozcuylodon; Stejlung der Michzahnreilic ; Dependorf, Andrews, 29 190. 53 Main, Molars, types of ; Dybowski, 225. Konkreszenziheorie ; Dependorf, 190. Histologie mid Entw ickoluiiL;-- pfeschichte tier Scluuelzi)iili3a ; Masur, 580. Man and Anthropoids ; Adloflf, 8. Primates ; Smith, 868 ; Ramsay, 847. Dental abnormalities ; Hilzheimer, 363. Dental abnormalities, ('aii/fc, Mar- tinoli, 577. Subject Index. 6007 Unterkieferspeiclieldriiscn, Insecti Dentition, abnormal, Cijon 698. Pocock, Rodents Dentition, abnormal. Deer, and Sloths ; Hagmann, 335. Dentition, Canadian Oligocene ilani- mals ; Lambe, 463. Dentition, Bats; Andersen, 22; Thomas, 893. Conjoint premolars, Bat ; Allen, 14. Cberzahliger Praraolar beim Siamang ; Wegner, 982. Dentition, Castor, normal and other- wise ; Major, 565 A- 566. Zahnsystems, Castor ; Heinick, 349. Incisors, abnormal, MarmoUa ; ShuU, 836. Gebisses, Cavla ; Ganzer, 274. Dentition, abnormal, Lcnn.f ; Hilton, 362. Eckzahne, Schaf ; Kiikenthal, 454. Dentition, Horse group ; Granger, 306. Zahnalter, Pferde ; Miiller, 634. Dentition, Zeuglodonts ; True, 943. Tooth-vestiges, Manls ; Tims, 917. Alimentary System. Zungenpapilleu ; Becker, 70. Mechanisch wirkenden Papillen der Mundhfihle der Haussaugetiere ; Im- misch, 392 & 393. Zellen in der C4anmentousille eines Hundes ; Alagna, 11. Unterkipferdiiise des Tgels nnd weis.'^cn Eatte ; Loewenthal, 501. Glandula submaxillaris ; Bardeleben, 61. Speicheldriisen, Alien ; Illing, 391. mesenteries ; Pharyngeal |)ouches ; Fox, 258. Munddaeh ; Fucbs, 268a. Verdaumigslractus, Crlcctuti; Illing', 390. Intestinal tract and Beddard, 73. Alimentary tract, Dngong ; Guder- natsch, 325. Darmwand, Haussaugetiere ; Martin, 574. Cmcum, Singes infericurs ; Weinberg, 984. Magenstrasse ; Waldeyer, 975. Sclileiinhant, Hundemagcus ; Illing, 389. Villosites intestinales ; Bujard, 127. Colon, Badger ; Beddard, 72. Liver, morjDhcjIogy and development; Bradley, 106. Liver, Primates ; Ruge, 774a. Gitterfasergeriist, Leber; Kon, 442. Anatomie, Gallenblase ; Shikinami, 835. Pancreas ; Giannelli, 288. Ausfiihrungsgiinge, Huudepankreas ; Hess, 358. Laugei-hausscher Inseln, Pankreas ; Pochon, 691. Circulatory and Respiratory Organs. Heart ; Retzer, 751. Moderator band vcntricule droit du coeur ; Horand, 382. Cellule cromaflini e Mastzellen, re- glone cardiaca ; Trinci, 934a. Anatomie, Cetacecnlunge ; Scbulze, 818. Rudimentiire Rinde; Glur, 294. Luftsiicke, Eqicns ; 947. llirnarterien ; Schoppler, 811. Variabilitiit, Arteriensystem ; Gop- pert, 297. Arterlcn, Brust, Bauchholile, Rinde; RossmiiUer, 767. Lungenabsclmitt e, TschetwerikofiF, XVIII. Mammalia. Zuckerkandl, 54 Mam. Extremitaten-arteria ; 1027. Venous system, Marsupials ; Schulte, 817. Abnormal venous system, Cat ; Pearl, 675. Gefasssegmente des grossen Netzes bei neugeborenen Saugetieren ; MartinoflF, 576. Valvole del golfe gingulare ; Mobilio, 619. Valvole venosa ; Bruni, 125a. Aortenbogen, Anormal, Sevkunenko, 833. Glomus coccygeum und Glomeruli caudales ; Scbumaclier, 819. Anatomie Blutgefasssystems ; Leshaft, 484. Blood, Lymph, etc. Hand- und Fussarterien ; Baiun, 66. Blut, Entwickelung ; Maximow, 588. fioten Blutkorperchen ; Herzog, 356. Blut- und Bindegewebszellen, Sauge- tierembryo ; Maximow, 587. Membran und Iimciikorjjer der Siiuge- tiererythrocyten ; Loewit, 502. Leukocyten ; Weidenreich, 983. Size of blood-corpuscles ; Retterer, 748. Jugendstadien dor roten Blutkor- j>erchen ; Schmidt, 808. Lymph- uiid Blutgcfiisse der ausseren Hnut; Unna, 949. Tlioracif and lyinpliatic ducts, Cat ; McClure, 561. Lymphe du Veau ; Forgeot, 248. Lymphe, Ruminants ; Forgeot, 249. riyniphknoten, Rind, etc. ; Baum und Hille. 67. Kciirizfmlrcn in deii T.yniiiliknoten ; HiUe, 361. (langlion^t Retterer, 745. [1908] ympliatiques, Cliieii ; Lymphatics, int(3.stino ; Heuer, 359. Lymphknnlon, Pfcrd, IJind, iSc^liwciii, mid lliind ; Engelmann, 236. Placenta. Structure ; Hubreclit, 385. Zwischenformen in Placentarreihe ; Strahl. 878. Semiplacenta materna, Rind; Rorik und Giullebeau, 763. Appendices chorianx dans les semi- placentas diflus ; Bujard, 126. Excretory Organs and Special Glands. Kidney, Elephant ; Pettit, 685. Nebenniere; Landau, 466. Surrenale accessoire dans I'Dvalre; Debeyre et Riche, 185. Corpo surrenale ; Comolli, 172. Nebenuierenmarkes ; Stoerk und Haberer, 877. Histologie der Nebennierenrinde ; Stoerk, 876. llarnorgans ; Lindemann, 486. Milchdriise ; Bertkau, 83. Tiroide del Daino e del Cinghiale ; Capobianco, 140. Tliyroid ; Forsyth. 256. Glandula thyrcoidea und paratliy- reoidea, Pferd ; Litty, 488. Thymusreticulum und Lymphdriisc ; Mietens, 611. Cisteriia chili e ductus tlioracicus ; Pensa. 677. Mesenteric sac and thoracic duct, origin ; Baetjer, 58. Organs of Reproduction. Verandcrungen der (l(^nitalschleim- haut wiihrend der ( iraviditat und Brunst bei Nagern ; Konigstein, 438. Copulatory organs ; Gerliardt, 286. Glans penis der Ilaiistierc ; MSder, 563. Nclx'idiodens, llaussjiugetiere ; Fried- richs, 266. Vcscicole semiiiali e gliiatidole di Covvper, secrezione ; Bonis, 100. Elastischou Eli'iiiento in den kaver- iKisen Ivorpoin ; Rothfeld, 769. Dvario; Cesa-Blanchi, 153 ; Giannelli, 288 ; Ganfini, 272 ; ZaUa, 1017. 33 Mam. Subject Index, 6011 Parallelisme des variations de la irlaude interstitielle dans I'ovaire de la ] apine; Dubreiiil et Regaud, 216. Cellules follioultMises de I'ovaire cliez la Lapine ; Dubreiiil ct Regaud, 215. Glande interstitiell>\ ovaire, Lapine ; Regaud et Dubreuil, 737 A: 738. Glande interstitielle de I'ovaire et rut, Lapine ; Regaud et Dubreuil, 732. Role dn corps jaune ovarien ; Ville- min, 962. Corps jaiines, Cobaye ; Mulon, 636. Entwickeluugsgescliichte des Uro- j;enitalkanales bei Beuilern ; Broek, 119. PHYSIOLOGY. 6011 General and Miscellaneous. Physiologic, Haussaiigethiere ; Hage- maim, 331. Physiologie der Verdauung, Cricetus ; Scheiinert, 802. Liberation of heat ; Krumacher, 449. Temperatui-e, Killer ; Portier, 707. Temperatur des Riudes ; Kettner, 420. Blntcirculation au£ glatten Muskeln, ' (Ufi.x ; Polumordvinov, 704. Beziehungen zwisclien Xeurofibrillen uud chromatophiles Substanz ; Rach- mauov, 716. \'eranderungen im Xeurofibrillen ; GureTi6,328. Einwirkung Ton Arsenik und Phos- jilior anf die Neurofibrillen, Lepiis ; Vladycko, 966. F(jetal circnlation ; Pohlman, 702. Inzucht mid Pflege der Blutlinien im Zuchtbetrieb ; Hoesch, 373. Speichelabsondenmg nacli Versuchen an Ziegen ; HaU, 339. luimunite de la Marmotte en hiver- nation a maladies parasitaires ; Dubois, 214. Sekundaren Geschlechtsmerkmale und Tierzucht ; Miiller, 635. Sex-production in rabbits by crossing ; Russo, 777. Determinasione del seso, Lepiis ; Basile, 65. Functions of Organs, etc. Localisation, l>i-ain-function ; Mott and Halliburton, 623. P'unctiou, cerebellum ; Vincenzoni, 965. Dilator fibres of submaxillary ; Carl- son, 144. ilovements of lower jaw ; Ganzer, 275. Wirkung der Musculi intereostales ; Boecker, 95, Heart-action ; Cuthric and Pike, 180 ; Carlson and otliins, 146 ; Erlanger and Blackman, 238 ; HirschfelderaudEyster, 372. Einfluss der Xeurofibrillen; Michailow, 604. Funzlons, apparato mitocondriale ; Russo, 778. Epididimo e testioolo, rapporti fun- sionali, Cav'ia ; Solaro, 857. Trasmissione della eccitazione altra- verso i gangli spinali ; Berti, 82. Brechungsindices der Linse ; Fre3rtag, 263. Lautgebungsstelle in der Hirnrinde des Hundes ; Katzenstein, 411. Funktion der harnausscheidenden organs ; Lindemann, 486. Villo intestinale, Fells ; Vemoni, 959. Assorbimento intestinale ; Monti, 620. Assimilation of xvlane ; Seilliere, 828. Assitniliei-ung der Fettes, Siib Markov, 571. Fnnktion der Magendriisen ; Krzys- kovsky, 450. Foiechez los Lupins souniis au regime carne ; Gamier et Simon, 276. Pliysiologie, Nebenniere ; Landau, 467. Azione del princijiio attivo surrenale sul cuore ; Panella, 666. Glygocenic changes, placenta ; Loch- head and Cramer, 491. I'onction des corps jaunes chez le Cobaye ; Mulon, 636. Mitosis in corpus luteum ; Loeb, 493. .\mitose in embryonalen Genebcu Mazimow, 589. 56 3Iam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Variations de I'appareil nucleolaire cle la cellule nerveuse somatochronie ; Collin. 167. Influence des rayons X sur fecondite, Lapin ; Bergonie ct Tribondeau, 81. Rapports du corps jaune avee men- struation et rut ; Villemin, 963. Relations entre le rut et des coriDS jaimes ovariens, Lapine ; Regaud et bubreuil, 731. Independance des corps jaunes et du rut chez la Lapine ; Regaud et Dubreuil, 736. Adaptation a la fonction adipopexirpie du rhombo'ide ; Pettit, 684. Milk-glands, physiolog}-; Bertkau, 83. Walfischmilch ; Scheibe, 800. Eegeneration. Regeneration, Mole ; Boeke & Groot, 96. Regeneration durclischnittener Nei- venfasern ; Deineka, 188. Parabiose kiinstiich vei'cinigter Warn^- bl liter ; Sauerbrucb & Heyde, 797. Transplantation regenerierenden Ej)i- thels ; Loeb, 492. Rigencrazione dei norvi ; Perroncito, 681. Regeneration, periplieren Xerven ; Krasin, 448. Scliwanzautotomic und Regeneration ; Henneberg, 351. Zellenstudicn, Regcnei-ation des Leberzeliennetzes ; Oppel, 656. DEVELOPMEXT. 6015 Ovum; Oogenesis. Ovum and sex-differentiation; Heape, 346. Ovum and I'urly development, I)any- vrun ; HUl, 360. Maturation nl' ovum; Moore iV: Tozer, 621. Ovum, I'.at ; Vander Stricht, 952. Ovuiii, Cat, iJ..sl-ri.<.tal ; "W Sainmojit, 998 iV 999. Zona pcllucida; Russo, 777. Ovuiii, Cat, ]ji.sl-ri.ctal ; Winiwarter et Sainmont, 998 iV 999. Gravidite et glande interstitielle de I'ovaire ; Regaud et Dubreuil, 733. ITterus gravidus, Bangifer ; Kolster, 441. Deutoplasma nell' oocite ; Russo, 776. Surrt'nale accessoire dans I'ovaire p Debeyre et Ricbe, 185. Graafian foUiole ; Smyth, 848. Ovogenese et I'organogenese, ovaire ^ Winiwarter et Sainmont, 998. L'ovulation de la Lapine n'est pas spontanee ; Regaud et Dubreuil, 735. L'ovulation est-elle S]iontaneo chez la Lapine?; Villemin, 964. Vorgiinge bei der Eireifuug, Mus^ Carta ; Lams, 464. Spermatozoa; Spermatogenesis. Sperm iogeuese et spermatocytes, l\lii.'< ;. Duesberg, 221. Spermien, Pinnipedier ; Eallowitz„ 59. Embryology. Ontogeny ; Hubrecbt, 385. Entwicklungsgcscliiclite des Men*- schen ; Keibel und Elze, 415. Eutwickelungsvorgiinge, Ziesel r Volker, 967. Riclitungsteilungeu des Saugctiereies ; Sobotta, 850. KcimzeliiMi bei Saugetierembryoncn r. Rubascbkin, 773. La^^'enmg von Urniere und Keim- diiise ; Broek, 120. Entwickhiiig der l)hitzc!l<'n bcini Saugetiereml)ryo ; Maximow, 587. Amniotic and allantoic lluids, source;; Paton, Watson, i^ Kerr, 669. Crcsta apicalc degii arli : sviiuppo iii enibrione ; Loevi, 485. Foetus, Sirenian ; Wilder, 990. Embryo, Sus ; DoreUo, 209. Foetus, Propitheque ; Anthony, 41. I\Iigration, mechdlary cells, Pig- embryos ; Carpenter and Main, 147. Origine, liemudagettes; Brumpt, 124a. Entwickelung, BJut; Maximow, 588. Entwicklung Hamster ; Ochs, 647. 57 Mam. Subject Index. 6019 Provenienza del niMtoriale nutritivo deU'ovocito ; Comes, 169. Ori'ilne doU'or^^ano di Koseimiuller uella Cavia ; Sacshetti, 784. Arcs brand) iuux et an-s aoitiqnos chez li^mbrvbii de Taupe; Soulie et Bonne, 861. . Kntwi^klmi!:: dcr Sclnveissdmsen ; Wimpfheimer, 993. Entwickelun^gescliichte des l*roindringen von Seesaugetieren ; LUhe, 517. Migration, Bats ; Howell, 384. AVanderstrassen, Ilaustiere ; Keller, 416. Lievres et las Lapins ; Kunstler, 456. Castration des Lievres par Ics Lapius ; KUnstler, 457. Aufenthaltorte im Winter und wah- rend der Aufzucht der Jungen ; Ognev, 649. 58 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Habits; Life-histories. Adaptations and habits ; Gamble, 271. Behavior of Higher Animals ; Jennings, 404. J)o Bats eat birds?; Aitken, 10a. Eonycteris spelaea eating pollen ; Sartels, 62. Habits, German Mammals ; Detmers, 195. Drinking-liabits, Indian Mammals; 3urtou, 131. Food, Mexican Mammals ; Duges, 222. Habits, Mice, Moles, Shrews ; Brooks, 122. Habits, Pociiet-Gopher ; Scheffer, 799 . Lebensgewohnheiten, Fledermause ; Barthos, 64. Orientation in White Bat; Carr, Harvey, * Watson, 148. l.ehensweise, rnssischen Binnipedia ; Smimov, 846. Of Species. Halnts, Horseshoe Bat; Coward, 177. Habits, Cave Bats ; Hahn, 336. Bats in Bamboo-stems ; Ridley, 756. Habits, Cania lujnis, Ursus nrctos, Piilor'iKs ermineus; Kisenskij, 422. Habits, Ictis nivalis; Pohl, 700. Habits, Otter ; Collier, 166 ; Lbnnberg, 497 ; Sandberg. 789. Habits, Fox ; Wake, 974. If.ibits and distribution, Polar Bear ; Knottnerus Meyer, 436. Habits, Microlus in Russia; Toldeff, 920. Habits, Field-mice; Lantz, 471. I>ebensgnwohiili(;iti'ii, Spalax, Pro- melkeonnjH ; Kaznakov, 413. Xahrung, Hasen ; BJorkenheim, 89. Uentiere und di(> Vcrjiingung dcs Waldes; Reuter, 752. Habits, I'igmy Hi]]])n]i(itaiiius ; Lydek- ker, 531. Ilaljits, Sloths; Menegaux, 599. Letensvveise von Diprolodo)i ; Abel, 4. Sexual Relations, etc. Gestation period ; Heinroth, 350. Dauer der Tragezeit bei Haustieren ; Sabatini, 782. Tragezeit bei Haustieren ; Sabatini, 781. Fecondation retardee chez le Cobaye ; Godin, 295. Befruchtungserscheinuugen, Mus, Cavia ; Lams, 464. Psychology. Anatomische Substrat der nnbewus- sten nnd bowussten psychologischen Funktionen ; Cirjev, 160. Psyche der Menschenaffen ; Sokolow- sky, 851. Psychologie der Haussauger ; Dexler, 198. Colour, Utility. Goloar in Gnereza Monke3's ; Lonn- berg, 498. Colour heredity in Rats; Mudge, 633. Farben und Mimicry; Entz, 237. Warning coloration, Mnstelidae ; Po- cock, 696. HautfarbstofTsalsSchntzmittel ; Solger, 858. VARIATION AND ^ITOLOGY. 6023 Variation. Embi'yonalon Arterionsystem, \'aria- bilitiit ; Goppert, 297. Variation, muscles ; Frets, 260. Mutation, Fjellrasse ; Arenander, 48. 1st Honilosigkcit, JTiilation odor Riick- schlag '.•' ; Arenander, 47. Vaiietcs de coloration ; Van Kempen, 954. Farben und yMj/cichen, Pferdr, ; Kiesel, 421. Color-varieties, Ual)bit ; Castle, 150. Aljiiornially marked Leojjaid ; Lydek- ker, 525. Sl/i' and colour variation, Mole; Ser- vice, 832. .19 Mam. Subject Index. 6023 Abnorme Faibuiig, Lepus ; Aleksan- drov, 13. Scliwarze Flase ; Kov, 445. Asymmetrisclie Aucenfarbung, Augo- rakatze ; Przibram, 714. Weissgefarbtes Cayiis vulpcs ; Pogor- zeUskij, 699. Various abnormalities ; Van Kempen, 953. Chat< sans queue en Touraiae ; Saint- Blancard, 785. Abnormal Graafian follicle ; Smyth, 848. Abnormalities, dentition ; Hilzheimer, 363. Abnormal dentition, Cants ; Martinoli. 577. Abnormal incisors, Marmotta ; ShuU, 836. Abnormal dentition, Deer, Rodents, and Sloths ; Hag^ann, 335 ; Cuon. Pocock, 698 ; Lepu.-<, Hilton, 362. Abnormal premolars, Bat ; Allen, 14. Abnormal horns, Prongbuck ; Lyon, 555. Homer bei Weibchen, Gazella suh- gutturosa ; Satunin, 795. Polydactvlism, Paimiuaiits and Horse ; Tomier, 929 ; Horse, Reinliart, 740. Foetus mit Zweiteilung des Extremi- tatevenden, Equiis ; Sosestvenskij , 860. Spine, Cat's tail ; Trimen, 933. Langschwiinziger Lepus ; Zitkov, 1023. Absence de queue. Rat ; Corsy, 174. Missbildung, Cetacea ; Guldberg, 326. Anormales Ursprung, Gefiisse am Aortenbogen ; §cokunenko, 833. Rudiments de inembros neoty{)iques, Ectromeliens ; Salmon, 788. Adaptations mn-^rulaires chez les Ectromeliens ; Salmon, 787. Microcephalous Pig ; Duckworth, 217. Mishildiuig, Schwein und Kalb; Petrov, 683." Cephalo-Thoracopagie, Kalbe ; Skria- bin, 844. Doppelmissbildungen ; Forsheim, 254. Heredity. Mendel ian characters in Shorthorns; McKendrick, 562 ; Pearson, 676 ; Wilson, 992. Heredity, Dog; Ksesinskij, 451. Colour-heredity, Calves ; Pearl, 674. Heredity in coat-colour ; Mudge, 633. Inzucht und Pflege der lUutliuiea im Zuchtbetrieb ; Hoesch, 373. Zuclit des edlen Pferdes ; Oettingen, 648. Pferdezucht in Ungarn ; Poschl, 709. Retrogressive varieties ; Hagedoorn ; 330. Varieties in domesticated species ; SpUlman, 866. Crosses and Hybrids. Lion-leopard hy1;rid ; Pocock, 694. Lepus timidus x L. europaeus, Wahr- scheimlicher Mischling (?) ; Aleksandrov, 12. Gibt es Leporiden ? ; Eiffe, 231, Crossing in Rabbits ; Russo, 777. Teratology. Apodymie chez le Chat ; Neveu- Lamaire, 638. Teratologie chez les Ongules ; Rousseau, 772. Monstrous Lamb ; Berry, 81a. Monstres doubles " parasitaires " ; Rabaud, 715. Sheep, legless ; Stockard, 875. Cerveau du Betail ; Berezowski, 80. Evolution. Verwandtschaft zwischen Mensch und anthropoiden Affen ; Friedenthal, 264. Phylogenetisches auf rjrund von Scbiidelmessungen ; Dzavachov, 229. Phylogeny, Man and Anthropoids ; Adloff, 8 ; .Man; Bolsche, 97; Darwin, 183 ; Moskov, 622 ; Ungar, 948. Das AHen Problem ; Brass, 109. Phylogenie, Lagomorphen ; Bemmelen, 76. 60 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Phylogeny, Mazama, Matthew, 585 ; Anthracotherlidae ; Dep^ret, 193. Herkunft der Hunde ; Knauer, 434. Evolution, Titanotheres ; Osborn, 657 ; Prohoscldea ; Lull, 520 ; Britisb Museum. 117. Genealogy, Cetacea and Sirenia ; Abel, 6. Domestication, Deer, U.S.A. ; LAiitz, 473. Wolf als Hausgenosse ; Witt, 1001. GEOGRAPHY. 6027 General. iligrations, extinct faunas ; Deperet, 191 ; Matthew, 584. Places for evolution. Anthropoids ; Vemer, 958. Various countries, big-game; Nie- dieck, 640 ; Wallace, 979. Europe (collectively). d Central Europe, Mammals and Ice- age ; Zschokke, 1024. Europe, Hares ; Hilzheimer, 365. Europe, new Voles ; Miller, 613. Scandinavia, etc. f'^' Norway, Pleistocene fauna ; Grieg, 317. Denmark, list ; Winge, 994. Russia in Europe. '^^ Pussia, distribution of l\ranHnals ; Satunin, 793. Chersonese and Bessarabia, New Pliocene Camivora ; Pavlow, 673. Starunia. .Manminili and Phiuocoros remains ; Lomnicki, 500a. S. l!u:-sia and Caucasia, new Moles; Satunin, 794. Kaukasusgcbiet, list ; Satunin, 795. Caspian, Pliocene Dolphin; Riabinin, 753. Gouv. Orel, list ; Ognev, 649. Obtsee province; Grevd, 315, 316. Ostsee, Wale ; Japha, 400. Cracow, list ; Klecki, 427. German Empire- t and n. sj). ; Pousargues, 246. Madagascar ; Grandidier, list, 304 ; new Eliuriix ; Thomas, 906 ; extinct Lemurs ; Standing:, 868 ; new fossil Kat ; Major, 567 ; maiumaliferous basin ; Eaudem, 412. North America. g America, origin of fauna ; Lobley, 490. y. America, new Tertiary TiUnio- tlicrca; Osbom, 657; ilimene Rhino- ceroses and Horses ; Loomis, 503. X. America, new Eocene Perissodac- tyles ; Granger, 306. United States, new .Vicropi/s ; Holland, 377. United States and Canada, Fossil Cetacea ; Perkins, 679. Alaska, Big Tianie ; Osgood, 663 ; new Peromijscus; Osgood, 661; Pleistocene Mammals {EJcplias, Mastodon, Bifton, etc.) ; Gilmore, 292. Alaska and ilichigan, new fossil Musk-oxen ; Gidley, 290. Arkansas, new Cave-Maniuials ; Brown, 124. Athaijasca-Mackenzie district, fauna, with new Mouse ; Preble, 710, Block Island, new Micj'otuM ; Bangs, 60. California, new Rodents ; Merriam, 600 ; Colorado, new Rode^t^ ; Merriam, 601 ; new Pocketmouse ; Meams, 590 ; (San Beraadino Mts.), list ; Grinnell, 323. Canada, Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan, new Oligocene spp. ; Lambe, 463. Carolina, North, list ; Brimley, 114. Colorado, list and new Bat ; Young, 1016. C ilorado, new Miocene locality ; Cockerell, 163 ; new Rodents ; Merriam, 660. Dakota, new Megaceropi^ ; Lull, 519. Dakota and Montana, new fossil Rhinoceroses and Horses ; Douglass, 210 & 211. Indiana, list ; Hahn, 337. Kansas, list ; Lantz, 469 ; now fossil Bison ; McClung, 560. Mackenzie and Melville districts, new Musk-oxen ; Kowarzik, 446. Mexico, Notes on Mammals ; Gadow, 270. ilontana, new Eocene Manunals ; Douglass, 212. Neluaska, list; Swenk, 882; new fossil Rhinoceroses ; Barbour, 60a ; Cook, 171. Nevada, fossil, list ; Gidley, 291. Penusvlvauia, cavern-remains ; Hol- land, 378. Wisconsin, list ; Hollister, 381 ; Jackson, 396. Wvoniinc;, Tertiary, list ; Veatch, 956. ■ Central and South America, Antilles. '« Soutli xVmerica, new Otters; Thomas, 895. Die jiingeren Formationen Argen- tiniens und Siidamerika als Entwicke- lungszentrum der Saugetiere ; Arldt, 51. Amazonia, new Monkevs ; Thomas, 898. Bolivia, new Armadillo ; Grandidier & Neveu-Lemaire, 305. Brazil, Bats ; Toldt, 921 & 921a. Chili, list ; Wolflfsohn & Porter, 1003. La Plata, new Tiiraiops ; Lahille, 461. ^lexiaiia Id., list and new subspecies ; Hagmann, 335. Nicaragua, list and new species; Allen, 19" Patagonia, fossil fauna ; Gaudry, 278 ; affinities of Typoiheria ; Sinclair, 841. Pfiii, new Pleistocene species ; Nor- denskiold, 646. Sau Domingo, new Bats ; Allen, 14. Tierra del Fuego, new Akodon; Thomas, 908. Venezuela, new Brocket ; Thomas, 894. 64 Mam, XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Australasia and Southern Ocean. '" Australian Mammals and their origin ; HaU, 340. Australia, neiv Bat andMouse; Thomas, 903. New Caledonia, new Bat; Trouessart, 940. New Guinea, list and new s|ip. ; Jentink, 405 ; new Bat ; Thomas, 903 ; new Tree-Kan<,faroo ; Thomas, 903 ; new Pogonoini/s ; Thomas, 907. New Zealand, new Beaked Whale ; Andrews, 31. Queensland, list and new spp. ; Thomas and Dolman, 912. Queensland and New Guinea, two new Striped Phalangers ; Thomas, 891. Queensland, new Urojii.ij.^ ; De Vis, 196. New Guinea, DcndmsDi'intlint^, n.g. ; De Vis, 196a. W. Austi-alia, new SmbitJiopsli^ ; Spencer, 865 ; new name for Kangaroo 'I'JOi); Rothschild, 771. III.— SYSTEMATIC. 6031 riU.M.\TES. Osteologj', Man and Anthropoids, DucKWouTU, No. 218; Anthropoids, PiTTALUGA, Atti Soc. Tomana antrop. 13, p. 155 ; origin, Man, Bolsege, No. 971) ; development, KiEiiKL u Elgi;, No. 419; mandibulareu Speiclieldrusen, Imj.n'G, Berliner tieriirztl. Wocheuschr., 1908, p. 602 ; CjECum, Singes iuforiours, VVeinbehg, Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anat., '. sipidactt/his conthwntiit, subsp. n., Malay P., Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ^er. 8, 2, p. 301. Cercopithecidae. Cercocchus, Macaeus. Pap'to, etc., notes on, Seabra, Bull. Soc. Port. Sci. Nat., 2, p. 125 Cercopitheciis, mummies, Loutet & Gaillaud, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., Lyon, 10, p. 187 ; C. ezrae, sp. n., (?) Up. Congo, PococK, Proc. Zool. Soc. iOOS, p. 158 ; ignitus and d. roloicay, <^liaracteristics, Thouessart, Bui. Mus., Paris, 1908 (97) ; albogularis kibotonen- «(s, subsp. n., Kilimanjaro, Lonn'berg, *Sjostedts Kilimandjar-Meru Exped. Mamm. p. 3. Colobiis, anatomy, Polak, Amsterdam, Verb. Ak. Wetensch. 14, p. 2 ; C. fingolensis sandbergi, subsp. n., Angola, LossBERG, Ark. Zool. 14, No. 15, p. 1 ; _foai sp. n. Zambesia, Poussargues, in Foa's, Result, scient. Afrique, p. 10. '\ilacacns (?) from Norfolk Forest- bed, HiNTos, Geol. ilag. decade 5, 5, p. 440 ; M. rlieaus. Kieferben^egungen, IRiEGNER, CorrBl. Zahnarzte, 36, 1907, p. 132. Presbyl'is percura, p. G71, catemana, p. 672, spp. n., E. Sumatra, Lvox, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc, 34. Cebidae. Brain-convolutions, Horx, Wien, Anz. Ak. Wiss, 1908, p. 12. Alouatta palliata matagalpae, subsp. 11., Nicaragua, Allen*, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, p. 670. Atelea-Gehirns, Hatschek, Anat. Anz. 32, p. 3S9 ; anatomische Merkmale, Broek, Anat. Anz., 33, p. 111. CaUicebus remulua, p. 88, hoff- lyiannsi, egeria, p. 89, spp. n., Ama- zonia, Thoius, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 8, 2. (.v-10332 /) Mycetes (Alouatta) belzebul mexlanae, Mexiana I., HAajr.AXN, Arch. f. Rass. u. Gesel.-Biol. 5, p. 6. Saimh'i madeirae, sp. n., Madeira, Amazonia, Tuomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 2, p. 90. C— Lemuroidea. Extinct Malagas}', St.axdixg, Trans. Zool. Soc. 18, p. 59 ; the group regarded as inseparable from Anthropoidea, and divided into Indrisidae, Lemurldae, and Tarn'i'idne. First includes \Archaeole- mui\ \lIadropitliecu8, ■fMesoproplthecus, fPalacopropitliectis, Indr'ts, Propithccus, Avahis, Chiromys ; second all other I.«murs except Tarsijis ; localisation of brain-function, Mott and Halliblrtox, Proc. R. Soc. ser. B. 80, p. 136; anatomy, Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc 1908, p'. 694. Lemuriens et Lemurie, Boule, Geo- graphic, 13, 1900, p. 19. Chiromys madagascariensis, anatomy, Beddakd, p. Zool. Soc, 1908, p. 694. Loris lor'i lydekkerianus, n. nom. for L. gracilis of India, the Ceylon L. g. zeylanicus being the true L. lori, Cabrera, Bol. R. Soc. espafi. Hist. Nat. 1908 (139) ; tardigradm, with t. lydek- ke7na7iH-8 for tlie mainland race, the proper name for gracilis, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat Hist., ser. 8, 1, p. 467. Lorisidae ; (?) g. n., Lushai Hills, Asxandale, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 888. ^Megaladapis edwardsi, skeleton, LoRENZ, Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 58 p. 34. 'INecrolemur, systematic position and relationships, Schlosser, N. Jahrb. Min., Festband, 1907, p. 197. Nycticebus philippinua, sp. n. Philip- pines, Cahrera, Bol. R. Soc espaii. Hist. Nat. 1908 (137). Propithccus verreauxi, foetus et ses membranes, AxTHOXi', Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., 7, p. 243. CHIROPTERA. General notes, Allex, G. M., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 52, p. 25 ; migrations, Howell, Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc 21, p. 35 ; missing pre- molar, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., d 23 66 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] ser. 8, 1, p. 346 ; Bats of Malay Penin- sula, Kloss, J. Fed. Malay States Mus., 2, p. 151 ; hair and skin, Toldt, Chiropterenausbeute, in Ergeb. Zool. Exped. Akad. Wiss. nach Brasilieni Wien, 1908, and Wien, Verb. ZoolBot, Ges. 1907, p. 83 ; Bats of Brazil, Toldt, op. cit. ; habits and adaptations of Cave- Bats, Hahx, Biol. Bulb, Woods Hbll, 15,' p. 135 ; Lebensgewobnheiten, Barthos, Erd. kis., 10, p'^ 61 ; Bats of Stafford- shire, ilASEFiELD, Rep. N. Staff. F. Club, 42, p. 68. • Coelops rohhisoni, sp. n., Gunong Tahan-, Malaya, Bonhote, J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 3, p. 4. RlIIXOLOrHIDAE. Ehinolopluis ferrum-cquinum, habits. Coward, Manchester, Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 52, No. 11 ; R. enrijale helvetica, Bi-etscher = liipposideros, Motta7, Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, p. 172 ; R.sicinnyi, sp. n., Pondoland, GouGH, Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 1 p. 71. PlEROrODIDAE. Eidolon, Rafinesque, antedates Plero- cyon, Peters, Asdersen, Ann. Mag. Nat.. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 433. Eonyeteris .spelaea, : food - habits, Bartels, Buitenzorg, Biill. Dep. Agric^ Indes Neerl., 20, p. 13. Myonycterts uro^ightoni, Welle dis- trict, leptodon, Sierra Leone, spp. n., Andersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 2, p. 450. Niadius minor, sp. n., E. Sumatra, Lyon, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 34, p. 665. Notoptei'is macdonaldi neocalidonica, subsp. n., New Caledonia, Trouessart, Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, p. 257. Pteropus tytleri sp. n. Barren Island, aUsoK, Rec.lnd. Mus. 2 p. 162; P. ariel, sp. n., Male Atoll, Maldives, Allen, G. M., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 42 p. 28 ; P. hypomelanua eanus, N. Natunas, /;. annectens, S. Natuuas, p. 361, h. luteus, New Guinea, satyrus, N. Andamans, p. 362, colonii.?, Solomons, p. 363, »peciosus, Sulu Archip., mimus. Macassar, peleirenff'ts, Pelews, p. 364, yapensiH, W. Carolines, cognatus, Solomons, p. 365, rtihianus lavellanus, Solomons, p. 366, solitarius, Sundas, rufus princepa, Madagascar, lylci Siam, p. 367 ; intermedium, Moulmein, vam- pyrua nialaccen»is, Malay P., p. 368, V. natunae, N. Natunas, morio, Sundas, pilosuH, I'elews. p. 369, spp. and sul)spp. n., dobxoni uoiu. n. for fiLtcus, Dobson, nee Geofr., Andeusex, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 2. Rouaetlus ajostcdti, 'J'anga, E. Africa, Ijonnljerg, Sjostedts Kilimanesiu, p. 539, S. bedouin, near Aden, ]i. 540, subspp. u., Thomas & Wrougiiton, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908. Tyloniictcrls paehypus, in bamboo- Stems, HiDLEY, J. Straits Branch R. Asiat. Soc, 1908, p. 103. Ve>tperfilio fuseits (t) grandis, subsp. n., Cavern,. Vrkansas. Brown, Mem. Ainer. Mas. Nat. Hist. '.\ p. 174; V. iioctida, ovum, Van der Stricht, Ac. R. Belgiqae, BiiU. Sci., 1908, p. 588. Emballoscridae and Natalidae. Ardops haiticnsis, sp. n., San Domingo, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 581. Chnerephon websteri, sp. n., Nigeria, DciLL\i.\N, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 2, p. 546. Mohssus verriUi sp. n., San Domingo, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 581. N netinomus leonis, sp. n. W. Africa, Thomas, Aim. Mag. Nat Hist. ser. 8, 2, p. 373. Phtllostomatidae. Artibeus and allies, Andersen, Lon- don, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908. p. 204. Artibeus quadrivittatus, conjoint premolars, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, p. 579 ; jama ceiisis richard- 8oni, sp. n., Nicaragua, Allen, t.c, p. 6H9. Lonchophylla hesperia sp. n., Zorritos, Peru, Allen, Bull. .Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 42, p. 35. Vampyrodes major sp. n., San Pablo, Panama, Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 42, p. 38. Vampyrum, Rafinesque, antedates Vampijrua, Leach, Andersen, Ann. Mag Nat Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 433. DERMOPTERA. Cynorephalus tellonia, sp. n., Pulu Tello, Batu group, Lyon, Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 137. Galeopterus temntincki and Cynocepha- lus vohins the respective names of the Malay and Philippine Flying Lemurs, (N- 10332/; with Galeopteridae for the family name, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 251. Galeopterus undahts, Wagn. = varie-^ gatus, Geof., p. 302, peninsulae, sp. n-, Malay Peninsula, p. 303, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 2, taylori, sp. n. Pulo Tio- mau I., J. Fed. xMalay Mus. 2, p. 102, Thomas. INSECTIVORA. Ilistologie der Untcrkieferspeichel- driisen, Schakfer, Zs. wiss. Zool., 89, P 1- Tupaiidae. Tupaia siaea, sp. n. E. Sumatra, Lyon, U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc, 34, p. 661. Talpidje.' TaJpa europaea, regeneration of tactile discs in organ of Eimer, Boeke & Grooi. Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet.,' 1 908, p. 452 ; notes, Doose, Umschau, 12, p. 354 ; problematischer Nutzen,' GoRSKiJ, Progress sadov. ogorod., 5, pp. 339, 355, 363; europaea brauueri, Cherson, pp. 2 & 8, caeca caucasica, Caucasus pp. 5 & 9, subspp. n., Satunin, Mt. Kaukas Mus. 4 ; europaea size and colour-variation. Service, Edin- burgh, Trans. Field Nat. and Micros. Soc. 6, p. 64. Urotrichus talpo'des adversus, p. 47, t. centralis p. 50, t. hondonis p. 51, subspp. n. Tsushima Islands, Thomas, Proc. Zool. Soc 1908. Soricid.t:. Blarina olivaceus sp. n., Nicaragua, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, p. 663 ; brevicauda (|) ozarkensis subsp. n., Cavern, Arkansas, Brown, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 9, p. 170. Crocidura mimula in Italy, MoTTAZ, Bull. Soc. Zool. Geneve, 1, p. .39; c'. mimula icuUsma subsj). n., France, MoTTAZ, t.c, p. 119; eantabra, sp. n., Spain, Cabrera, Bol. R. Soc. espan. hist, nat. 8, p. 238 ; lepidura, sp. n., E. Sumatra, Lyon, U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc 34 p. 662. Mierosorex (f) mittutus, sj). n., Cavern, Arkansas, Brown, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat Hist. 9, p. 173. Myosorex swinnyi, sp. n., Pondoland, CncBB, Ann. Transvaal Mus. ], No 2, suppl. p. 1. d 23-2 68 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Neomys milleri sp. n., Mottaz, Paris Mem. Soc. Zool. 20 p. 22 ; teres sp. n., N. of Erzerum, Miller, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 68. Sorex {Crossopus) ignotus, Fatio. = Crossopiis fodiens, Mottaz, Bull. Soc. Zool. (ieneve 1, p. 37; Sorex santonus, sp. n. France, Mottaz, t.c. p. 118 ; per- sonatus (f) fossidens, subsp. n., Cavern, Arkansas, Brown, Mem. Amer. Mas. Nat. Hist. 9 (171j. Erlvaceidae. Erinaceus, Entwicklung der Nadeln- farbung, Satcnin, Tiflis, Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4, pp. 44, 104 ; europaeus, develop- luent, Jacdbfeuerborn, Zeits. wiss. Zool., 91, p. 328, carrying fruit on spines, Otto, D. Jagerstg, 52, p. 329 ; hrcyen- hergeri, p. 135, tschifue7isis, p. 137, hauensis, p. 138, spp. n., China, Mat- scuiE, Expedition Filchner ; viiodon, huglii, spp. n., Shensi, Thomas, Abs. P. Z. S. 1908, p. 44, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, pp. 965 & 966 (1909). Tlemiecliinus calllgoni brachyotls, subsp. n., Trauskaukasien, Satgxis, 'Tiflis, Mitt. Kauk. Mus., 4, pp. 47, 106. KJhrysochloridae and Solenodontidae. Chrysochlor'is,gunningi, sp. n. Trans- vaal, Broom, Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1, p. 14. Solcnodon paradoxus, craniologj', ■etc., Allek, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. His"t. 24, p. 505 ; notes, Izier, Nature, Paris, 36, p. 400. Provls'ionally referred to Insectivora. '\Coriphagus, g. n. for C. viontanus, sp. n.. Eocene, Montana, Douglass, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 5, p. 17. '\Mcgoptcrna, g. n. for M. mimita, sp. n.. Eocene, Montana, Douglass, Ann. vCarnegie Mus. 5, }'. 18. CARNIVORA. -4.— Camassidentia. I''i:lii)Ae. Cynailunis juhatus, solchi cerebral!, fticuoi, Monitore Zool. ital., 19, p. 270 ; Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. llist. 2i. OtotyJomys fiimeiis, sp. n., Nicaragua, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. C.5S. Peromyscns hylaeus, Alaska, Osgood, Washington, P. Biol. Soc. 21,p. Ul; }ucaragnae, Nicaragua, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 658 ; spp. n. Perognathus fallax paUidus, subsp. n., Califoruia, .Mearns, Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc, 14, 19U1, p. 135. Pitymys multiplex /afiot, Switzerland, MoTTAZ, Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve, 1, p. 180 ; suhtcrraneus eapucinus, Puy-de- Dome, dticius, Rumania, p. 202, pyrenai- cus hrunneus, Gers, plauiceps, Hautes Pyrenees, p. 203, pelandonius, depressus, p. 204, ibericus cfntralis, p. 205. ?. regu- laris, i. fnseus, p. 206, Spain, Miller, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1 ; spp. and subspp. n. Platacaiithomys Jasiums, note. Gray, Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, p. 679. Pogonomys votes, Brit. New Guinea, TeoMA.s, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 2, p. 495 ; lorcnlzii, p. 8, leveogaster, p. 9, Dutch New Guinea, Jentink, Nova Guinea, 9 ; spp. n. Promelheomys schaposchnikoici , notes, Kaznakov, Tiflis, Mitt. Kaukas. Mus., 4, p 142. Psammomys ohesiis nicoUi, subsp. n., Damietta, Egypt, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 2, p. 92. Reithrodontomys raviventrin, sp. n., San Francisco Bay, Calif., Dixon, Washing- ton, P. Biol. Soc 21, p. 197 ; -t^'mpliei- dens, Cavern, Arkansas, Brown, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 196 ; spp. n. Sgmodon hispid iis griseiis^ subsp. n., Nicaragua, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 657. Tatera inclusa, sp. n., Poiiug. S. E. Africa, Thomas and Wroughton, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, p. 169. Thamnomys ruddi, eometes, p. 549, surdaster. p. 550, spp. n., Zambesia, Thomas and Wroughton, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908. Uromys banfieldi, sp. n., Queensland. De Vis, Ann. Queensland Mus., No. 7, 1907, p. 8. Spalacidae. IfProspalax, g. n., for Spalax priscus, Nelu-ing, Meiiely, Ann. Mus. Nat. Han- gar., 6, p. 306 Spalax mic.roplithalinus, notes, Kazna- kov, Tiais, Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4, p. 142. Bathyergidae, Geouyidae,Hetero.myidae. Dipodomys phillipsi, note, DuGES Mem. Soc. Ant. Alzate. 26, p. 407. Geomys bursarius, habits, Scfieffer, Agric. Exp. Sta., Kansas, Manhattan, Bull. 152, p. 109 ; '\parvidens, sp. n., Cavern, Arkansas, Brown, Mem. Amer. Mus Nat. Hist., 9, p. 190. Georyehiis molyneuxi, sp. n., N. W. Rhodesia, Chubb, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 2, p. 451. Heteromys vulcani, fascatus, spp. n., Nicaragua, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 652. Thomomys talpoides agrestis, subsp. n., Colorado, p. 144, meica, sp. n., Madera Co., alpinus auahnee, subsp. n., Yose- mite Valley, California, p. 146, Merriam, Washington, Proc. Biol. Soc, 21. Hystricidae. Allterura tionis, sp. n., Tioman I., Thomas, J. Fed. Malay States Mu^., 2, p. 105. Tlystrix galeala amhigua, subsp. n., Kilimanjaro, Lonnbero. Sjostedt's Kili- mandjaro-MeruExped. — Mamm. p. 29. Dasyproctidae, Dinomyidae. Coelogenys paca mexianae, subsp. n., Mexiana I., Hagmann, Arch. Rassenbiol., 5, p. 25. Dinomys hranicki, skull, vide llydro- choerus capybara. Octodontidae. Myocastor coypu, mammae, Mitchell, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 127. Eoplomys, g. n., p. 649, for 77. ttniei, sp. n., Nicaragua, p. 650, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24. 76 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Caviidae. C'avia eobaya, Varietaten. Winkler, Naturfraud, 3, p. 17 ; fecondation re- tardee, GoDix, Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, p. 150 ; £piderme de la vulve, Eetterer, Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 63, 1907, p. 590 ; foiiction des corps jaimes, MuLON, Paris, C. R. soc. biol , 64, p. 265 ; new colour-phase, Casti.e, Science, 28, p. 250 ; development, nervous system, WiDAKOWiCH, Arb. neurol. Inst., Wien, 16, p. 452 ; Mastzellen, Zimmermann, Arch. mikr. Anat., 72, p. 662; Gebisses, Ganzer, No. 274 ; Eireifs, Befruchtung, Lams, Bull. biol. 1, 1907, p. 184. HydrochoPVHS capyhara, Schadelmeta- morphose im Vergleich niit den Schiideln der iibrigeu Caviiden und Beschreibung und Vergleichungzweier Schadel von Dinomi/.^ hranickii. Preller, Arch. Natg.,73, Bd. 1, p. 377. Lepoeidae and Ochotonidae. Species and races, European Hares, recognition of Lepiis mediua, Nilsson, HiLZHEiMER, Jahres. Ver. Natk. Wiutt. 1908, p. 383 ; castration des Lievres par les Lapins. Kunstler, Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, p. 100 ; Encore les Lievres et les Lapins, Ki'nsteer, Paris, C. R. soc. biol., 64, p. 701; hybrids, Eifee, Zool. Beob., 49, p. 109 ; en Australie, Privat-Descdanel, Nature, Paris, 36, p. 139. Conothoa Imavrjensis, sp. n., China, Matschie, Expedition Filchner, p. 214. Lrpjts, Schiidel Bemmelen, Helder, Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver., 10, p. xxxiii. ; colour-varieties, Castle, Science, 26, 1907, p. 287; Anatomischer Sub- strat der Seele, Oirjev No. 160 ; Regeneration der Nervenfasern. Deineka, St. Peterburg, Trav. soc. nat. C. R. 39, 1, p. 61 ; action of drugs on neurofibrillen, Vladycko, No. 96fi ; Riic- kenniark^zellen. Dancakova, No. 182 ; Graviditatslivijcrtrichose, Halban, Wr. Klin. Woch.Sclir. 20 1907, ]>. 1389; europaeuH iin Kirschpiel, Wrkiiit, Tid- skr. Jiig. Fisk. 12, p. 72 ; tame specimen, Thomson, Norwich, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 8, p. 540; Aljiiorm gefarl)te Exemjjlazs. Alekkandrov, Ocliotu. v?'st. 8, p. 53; Sclivvarzes ICxemplar. Kov, 0(;hotn vf stn., Moskva, 1908, )). 380 ; mit loiigem Schwanz. ZriKov, Ochotn. vestn., Moskva, 1908, p. 373 ; curopaoia x timidus, hybrid (?) Alekpandrov, Ochotn. Vestn., 8, p. 348 ; timidits, albino, Forsell, Medd. Soc. Fauna, Helsingfors. 34, p. 16 ; campestris, abnormal denti- tion, Hilton, Anier. Nat., 42, p. 799 ; sylvaticus in Ontario, Fleming, Ottawa, Nat. 22, p. 158 ; cunieulus, breeds, WuLF, No. 1015; ined'ius hreriauintusr, Hilzheimer = L. m. varronis, Millei", MoTTAZ, Bui. Soc. Zool. Geneve, 1, p. 172 ; (I) g'lganteus, cavern, Arkansas, Brown, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 9 p. 199 ; filchncri Chinai, Matschie, Expedition Filchner p. 217 ; formosiis, Formosa, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 449; zuhiensis mielilemi, Rhodesia, Chubb, t.c. p. 466 ; qahh'i tumaeus, Nicaragua, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 649; sicinhoei snhliiteus, Shen-si, Thomas, Abs. P. Z. S., 1908, p. 45 (1909) ; spp. et. subsjDp. n. Ocliotona hcdford'i, sordln, spp. n., N. China, Thomas, Abs. P. Z. S. 1908, p. 45, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, pp. 981 & 982 (1909). UNGULATA. Alaskan Pleistocene (Bison, EJephas, Mastodon, etc.), Gilmore, Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 51, p. 1 ; Riickenmark, BiACii, Arb. neurol. Inst. Wien, 16, p. 487. -4.— Artiodactyla. Adaptation a la fonction adipopexiqne du rhoniboide, Pettit, Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, p. 209 ; Asiatic liorns and antlers, Indian Museum, Bentiiam, No. 77. BOVIDAE. Polydactylism, Tornier, Sitzber. Ges. naturior. Fr. 1908, p. 195 ; African, Lydekker, " Game Animals of Africa " ;. Glands of Antelopes, Lydekker, Field, 1908, 111 p. Ill ; Sheep and Cattle of Ancient Egypt, Lydekker, op. cit., 112, p. 430. Addax nasomaculalus, note, Lydekkek, Field, 1908, 111, p. 107. Bihosf ("I") palacosondaiciis, proloeavl- frotis, spp. n.. Tertiary, Java, Dubois, Tijds. K. Ned. Aadr. (ien., 25, p. 1202. IVison honaaus, in Bielowish, Vruiv i.EVSKiJ, Meas. med. veterin. soc. 19, pj). 25 etc. ; americanua, new herd. Anus, Majn. Systematic. 6031 ^^cieuce, 20, p. 303 ; {]^ hauscnsls sp. n.. Pleistocene, Kansas. McClikg, Topeka, Trans. Kan. .\catl. Sei., 19. 1905, p. 157 ; ia, Lydekker, Field, 1908, 111, p. 499 ; (I) daviesi in Norwich Crag, HiSTON, Geol. Mag. decade 5, 5, p. 444. iLeptobos groeneveldti'i, sp. n., Ter- tiarv, Java, Dubois, Tijds. K. Ned. Aadr. Gen, 25 p. 1201. Nemorliaedas sumatrensis and argyro- chaetes in W. China, Lydekker, Field, 1908, 112, p. 032, skull-characters, Lydek- ker ; Proc. Zool. Soc 1908, p. 940 ; hodg- soni nom. n. for Cemas garni, Blanford, jjec Hardwicke, p. 195 ; Urotragus evansi, Lydekker = Jv". [U.] grisens, Milne- Edwards, p. 201 ; Pocock, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, also Abs. P. Z. S. 1908, p. 12. Ourebia eottoni, sp. n. Guasengishu, Brit. E. Africa, Thomas and Wroughton, Ann. Mag. Is'at. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 178. Ovibos moaeliatus, remains from Bodensee district, Hescheler, Zurich, Viertel jahrsch Naif. Ges., 52, p. 283 : (|) ynkonensis, sp. n.. Pleistocene, Yukon, Gidley, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc .')4, p. 681 ; mo8cliatu9 macJcenzianus, Mackenzie district, m. melvillensis, Melvilleiand, subspp. n., Kowarzik, Zool. Anz., 33, p. 617. Oiris aries, 4-horned skull from peat at Meoklenburg, Geinitz, Giistrow, Arch. Ver. Natg., 62, p. 139 ; vierhornige Schafe aus dem diluvialen Lehin. Toula, Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 57, 1907, p. 390 ; canine in Lamb, Kukicntiial, .Anat. Anz., 32, p. 438 ; brain, Burk- HOLDER, No. 129, ViNCENZOXi, Arch. ital. Biol., 49, p. 385. -78 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] ^Fraeovihufi g. n. for P. prisms, sp. n., Pleistocan Thiiringens, Stacdinger, Centralbl. Min., 1908. p. 481. Faphiceros sharpei in Transvaal and S. Rhodesia, Ghubb, Proc. Rhodesia Scient. Assoc. 7, p. 30 ; neumanni stigmatus, subsp. n., Kilimanjaro, Lokn- BERG, Sjostedts Kilin'andjaro-Meni Ex- ped. — Mamm., p. 40. Bupicapra ti'agvs asiatica, Trebizond, Ltdekker, Field,"1908, 112, p. 104.' •\Symbos australis, sp. n., Cavern, Arkansas, Brows, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 9 p. 203. ■\Tetraceros kroesenii, sp. n., Tertiai-y, Java, Dubois, Tijds. K. Xed. Aadr. Gen., 25, p. 1260. Tragelaphus sylvaticus meruensis, subsp. n., Mweru dist., Lonnberg, Sjos- tedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped. — Mamm., p. 48. Astilocapridae. Antilocapra aviericana, systematic position and horns, Ward, U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 34 p. 398. ^Leptomeryx speciosus, sp. n., Oligo- cene, Saskatchewan, Lambe, Geol. Surv. Can., Contrib. Can. Pal., 3, pt. 4, p. 31. Giraffidae. Cervical vertebrae, Lakkester, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1908, p. 320. G'lrajj'a camclopardalis, George IV's specimen, Sciierren, p. 403; camelopar- dalis a) it I quorum, markings of young, MrrcuEi.L, p. 135, Proc Zooi. Soc. 1908 ; infumala, sp. n., Barotsiland, Noack, Zool. Anz. 33, p. 35 i; var., Tim- buktu, Trouessart, Nature, Paris, 30, p. 339 and Paris, C. R. Ac. Sci., 147, p. 603 ; var., N. E. Rhodesia, Lydekker, Field, 112, 1908, p. 1343. Okapia, affinities, etc., FnAiroNT, Brnxelles, Bui. Acad. roy. 1908, p. 1090 ; identified with Hebi'ew " Thahash," Perlmaxn, Zoologist, ser. 4, 12 p. 256. '\Frog'irajfa, g. n. for P. exiguuit, sp. n.. Tertiary, Baluchistan, Pilgrim, Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 27, p. 155. Cekvidae. • Extermination in Wisconsin, HoL- LiSTEK, Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc, 6, pp. 143 and 145 ; domestication in U.S.A., Laktz, U.S. Dep. Agric, Farmers Bull., No. 330 ; of Central Asia, Lydek- ker, Field, 111, 1908, p. 70, and "A: Trip to Pilawin " ; antler - exhibition, J Matschie, Weidwerk in Wort und Bild, 17, p. 181; Gehornbildung,] Brandt, D. Jiigerztg, 51, p. 561 Geweih-Doppelljildung, Rorig, 1). Jager, 30, p. 283 ; Geweihbildung, Saixao, VerSchr. ForstJagd. Natkde, Prag, 1908-09 p. 395 ; Farbe der Geweihe, Olt, Sauct Habertus, 26, p. 227 ; Moor- geweihe, Olt, Sanct Hubertus, 26, p. 365 ; breeding-seasons, Hudson, Bombay, J. Xat. Hist. Soc. 18, p. 187. '\ Amphimosclius artenens'is, sp. n. I\Iiocene, Orl^annais, Maget, Ann. Univ. Lyon, 24, p. 141. fAmpltltragulus awclianensis, sp. n., Miocene, Orleannais, Maget, Ann. Univ, Lyon, 24, p. 130. '\ AnoglocMs cretensis, sp. n. Pleistocene, Crete, Simonelli, Bologna, Mem. Ace. sci. ser. 6, 4, p. 265. '\Blastomeryx related to \Leptomcryx, and the ancestor of Mazama, primus, olcotti, spp. n., Miocene, S. Dakota p. 543, Matthew, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 535 ; wellsi, Up. Miocene, Dakota, 20, 1904 p. 112, advena, Low. Miocene, S. Dakota, 23, p. 219, spp. n. Matthew, op. cit. Capreolus, Geweihe der Kaukasischen Formen, Rasewig, Scnija ochotn., 1908, p. 539 ; caprea, Erstliugshorn, KoRFF, Monatshefte Jagds-^hulzver., 13, p. 75 ; vulgaris, antler-growth, Roiuo, Arch. Ent. Mech. 25, p. 423 ; pyiargus und VarietJiten, Rasewig, Senija ochotn., 1908, p. 509 ; hrdfordi, nom. n. for Cervus pyjargus viavtscliuricus, Noack, nee Cervus mantschuricvs, Auct., TliOliAS, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 645, and Abs. P. Z. S. 1908, p. 32. Ceriulus munl'jac, shedding of antlers. Comber, Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc, 18, p. 490. Cervus sp. ? vom Talysch, Geweiht, Rasewig, Semja ochotn., 1908, p. 598 ; Geweihausstellung 1908, Matsciiie, Wild u. Hand, 14, p. 181 ; claphua, unsymmetrical antlers in New Zealand breed, Rutland, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 40, p. 339 ; iiltestes Aiiftreten in Norwegen, Giueg, Kristiania, Norsk JaegerL Tidssk., 37, p. Ill ; in Nor- 79 Mam. Systematic. 6031 wegian Pleistocene, (Irieg, Bergens Mus. Aarbog. Afliaiid., 190S. No. 7 ; maral iu S. Siberia, CiRASO, Luonnon Ystiiva, 10, 19UG, p. 9; un color, abnormal ant- lers,- J. H. C," FieKl, 112, 1908, p. 721 ; porcinns liecki, snhiip. n., Siam, Lvdekker, Field, 111, 1908, p. 585; scliomburghi, antler - variation, Lydekker, op. cit., 112, p. 10G8 ; skull and antlers figured. Axon., op. cit.. Ill, p. 502; {\) eurij- ceros from Russian Pleistocene, Pav- Low, Bull. See. Oural., 27, p. 91, from Pleistocene of Alsace, Hagmank, Mitt. Oeol. Landesanst. Elsass-Lothr. 6. p. 395 ; kendengensis, p. 1259, palaeo- mend'jangam, p. 1200, spp. n. Tertiary, Java, DuDOis, Tijd. K. Ned. Aadr. Gen., 25; alces, sporting account, Kapher, No. 410 ; popular ac- count, HEsyixos, Ausd. Natur, 4, p. 169 ; in CJermany Kerkui.ies, Sanct Hubertus, 26, p. 466 ; im Alands-Inseln, Mela, Luonnon Ystava 7, p. 26 ; capreolas, gehorn Entwickliing, Olt, Monatshefte Jagdschutzver., 13, p. 156. ■jMegaceros giganteiis, skull, Fritze, ■ Hannover, Jahrb. Prov. Mus. 1907-8 p. 39. Coassus simplic'tcomis mexianae, subsp. n., Mexiana 1., Hagmann, Arch, f. Rass. u. Gesel.-Biol., 5, p. 14. Furcifer "firingei, sp. n., Pleistocene, Peru, NoRDEKSKioLD, Ark. Zool., 4, No. 11, p. 15. Mazama bruenli, sp. n. Venezuela, Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 349. Pudua Tnephistopheles, skull, Tiiouas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 8, 1, p. 350. '\Palaeomerijx garsonnini, sp. n., Mio- cene Orleannais, Mag::t, Ann. Univ. Lyon, 24, p. 139. Rangifer tarandua inYorks., Soeppard, Naturalist, 1908, p. 424; uterus, KoL- STER, Anat. Hefte, 38, p. 101 ; antler. Pleistocene, Camiola, Belar, Carniola, 1, p. 62 ; pearyi, description, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 487 ; arctica, type-locality, Allen, t.c. p. 583. Tragulidae. Tragnlus javanicus, Zwischenformen in der Plazentarreihe, Str.vhl, Med.-natw. Arch., 1, p. 603 ; kanchil longi es, subsp. N. E. Sumatra, p. 628, fulcicollla, sp. n. Pulo Bengkalis, p. 630, J. vox, U. S .Nat. -Mus. Proc. 34 ; mcminnn, in lUirma, Hai-xwell, Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18, p. 902. Camelidae. ■ Latnn paces, in Bolivia, Romero, No. 765. ^Slenomylus gracilis, skeleton, Peter- son, Ann. Carnegie Mus. 14, p. 286. tANTHRACOTIIERIIDAE. '\Ancodus ramsayi, sp. n., Tertiary, Baluchistan, Pilgrlm, Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 27, p. 151. ^ Anthracotherium inus., sp. n.. Ter- tiary Baluchistan, PiLi, Horuwechsel, SoKOLOwsKY, Umschau, 12, p. 392 ; simun cottoni, subsp. n., Lado, Lydekker, Field, 1908, HI, p. 317, the Unicorn of the ancients, Tbocessart, Paris, C. R. Ac. Sci, 147, p. 1352 ; (f) aiiti^itatae, from Mosbach, note, Toula, Wien, Verb. Geol. Rchs. Anst., 1908, p. 56 ; r\)ticho- rhinus, at Saint-Germain- Village (Eurej, Leroy, Paris, C. R. ass. h-a.nq. avanc. sci., 35, p. 737 ; <•/. (f) Icptovhhms, Caserta, Italy, Flores, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 25, ]). 277 ; (t) Hivasondaicun, p. 1258, kendengiitdiciis, p. 1258, spp. n., Tertiaiy, .Java, Dubois, Tijd. K. Ned. Aadr. Gen., 25. Tapiridae. TaplruH Indieus, photogi'aph. Young, Mitchell, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 786 ; americanus viexianae, subsp. n., Mexiana I., Hagmaxx, Arch. f. Rasslnol. 5, p. 22 ; ft) pandan'ieus, sp. u.. Tertiary, Java, Dubois, Tijd. K. Ned. Aadr. Gen., 25, p. 1205. fTlTANOTHERUDAE. Evolution, Osborn', Science, 27, p. 148. DoUchorlilnus intennediua, sp. n. Tertiary, Utah, Osbokx, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24, p. Oil. (N-10332 /) Linviohijops priscus, ]). 001, mat- theic'i, p. 002, nionoconus, p. 603, s})]). n. Tertiary, N. America, Osborn, t.c. Manteoceras ivasliahiensis, sp. u. Tertiary, Wyoming, Osborn, t.c. p. 007. Megacerops tyleri sp. u., Oligocene, Sout ' Dakota, Lull, J. Geol., 13, 1005, p. 442 ; prlinitivtin, p. 49, assinhoicnsin, p. 51, Oligocene, Saskatchewan, Lambe, Geol. Surv. Can., Contrib. Can. Pal. 3, p. 21. MetarhiniiH, g. n., for M. pctci-.^oui, ]). 008, flui-iatilus, p. 009, earle'i, p. 610, spp. n.. Tertiary, N. America, < ):^bokn, Bull. Amer. ilus. Nat. Hist. 24. Pahcosijopa leldiji, granger i, j). 005, copei, p. 000, spp. n., Tertiary. N. America, OsBORX, t.c. Protitanotlicr'ium superhii.ni, sp. n.. Tertiary, Utah, Osborn, t.c. p. 615. Symhorodon hatcheri, p. 615, copei, p. 610, spp. n., Tertiary, S. Dakota, Osborn, t.c. Telrnatherium tdtimuin, p. 013. tilti- deiiH, p. 614, spp. n.. Tertiary. Utah, Osborn, t.c. tClI.\LICOTHERIIDAE. Maerothcrium naricum, s]3. n.. Ter- tiary, Baluchistan, Pilgrim, Ref. Geol. Surv. India, 27, p. 156. ^loropuH pefersoni, sp. n., Tertiaiy, U.S.A., IlnLLiVND, Science, 28, \). 809. C.— tToxodontia. Prolypotlierium, llegetotherium, etc., allied to Xesodoit, with no relationship to llyracoidea, Sinclair, Proc. .\mer. Phil. Soc, 47, p. 04. D.— Proboscidea. Evolution, Lull, Amer. J. Sci.. ser. 4, 25, p. 169 ; osteology and dentition, Lull, I.e., Andrews, Phil. Trans. R. Soc, ser. B, 199, p. 393: general account and evolution, British Museum, No. 117; fossil tusk from McPherson Co., Dekre, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci., 20, p. 115 ; dent, decouverte par ^IM. Rothschild et Neuville, Gaudry, Paris, C. R. .Vc. sci., 146, p. 99. '\Di)iuLhe.riu)it. gigaiitissimum, desciip- tion, Stef.'isescu, C. R. Congres Geol. Internat. x, p. 427 ; sp., AUicr., Stkhlin, d 24 82 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] Paris, Bui. Soc. Geol. ser. 4. 7, p. 54S ; naricnm, sp. n., Tertiary, Baluchistan, Pilgrim, Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 27, p. 15G. Elephas, Heimat, Aeldt, Gaea, 44, p. 97 ; dans I'ancienne £gypte, Hippo- LYTE-BocssAC, Xaturaliste, ' 30, p. 12 ; indicus, muscles of face and pi-oboscis, Boas and Paulli, Xo. 93 , Boas, Kjoben- havn, Vid. Sekk. Overs. 1908, p. 197 ; central nen-ous system, Dexter, Arb. neurol. Inst., Wien. 15, p. 137 ; rein, Pettit, Paris, C. R. soc.biol., 64, p. 32G, Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, p. 102; calf at Copenhagen, Schiott, Zool. Beob. 49 p. 133 ; range in Himalaya, Tisne, Field, 1908, 112, p. 632'; arme- niaeu>s, living in Assyrian times, Lydekker, Field, 1908, 111 p. 366, 111, p. 366 ; prim I genius, popular account, Pfizexmayer, No. 686 ; new specimen in St. Petersburg Museum, Xasanow, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci., St. Peterburg, 1908, p. 1315; abnormer Zahn, Pohlig, Ber- lin, Monatsber. D. geol. Ges., 1907, p. 222 ; in Italy, de Stefaxo, Boll Soc. geol. ital., 25, p. 741 ; Portis, ibid, 26, p. 159 ; in Hungan,', Papp, Mt. Ungam. geol. Anstalt, 26, p. 95 ; {]) antiqinis in Delos, Cayeux. C. R. Ac. Sci., Paris, 147, p. 1089; von Wilsdorf bei Boden- bach, ToCLA, Wien Jahrb. Geol. Rchs. Anst. 58, p. 267 ; ^lyfimigeniiis and eo- himbi, size. LrCAS, Nature, London, 78, p. 443 ; ^ pj'imigenius and antiquum, relations to " Eoliths," Stehun, Eclogae geol. Hebert, 9, p. 321 ; ij) hymidrindi- cus, sp. n., Tertiary, Java, Dubois, Tijd. K. Ned. Aadr. Gen., 25, p. 1258 ; antiquus melitcie, (?) subsp. n., or (?) = E. meliterisis, Falc, Pleistocene, Sicily, Gregoria, Natnralista Sicil., 20, p. 82 ; afrieanus, Niam-niam race, Ly- dekker, JField, 1908, 112, p. 721 ; stones from stomach of Rhodesian specimen, CoDRiNi.To.v, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 203; {]) mendionalin associated with Mastodon in Velay Pliocene, Laurent, Paris, Bui. Soc. Geol. ser. 4, 7, p. 386. Mastodons of Bologna, Capelltni, Bologna, Mem. Ace. Sci., ser. 6, 4, p. 63. IfMtistodon nmerieanitm, sketch, skxill with tusks. ITovEY, Ann. New York Ac. Sci. 18, p. 147. \I'ala;otiia8todo». Oligocene, Deperet, Paris, Bui. Soc. Geol., ser. 4, 7, p. 455; harroixi. sp. n. Tertian', Egj'pt, Pontier, l-ille. Ann. soc. geol., 36, 1907, p. l.'.O. fStcr/odon jaranorfcinesa, p. 1245 (or S. ganesa jovauicus, p. 1257), sp. or subsp. n., Tertiary, Java, Duboi.?, Tijd. K. Ned. Aadr. Gen., 25. ^l^etrahelodon crepuscuU, sp. n., Tertiary, Baluchistan, Pilgrim, Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 27, p. 157. SIREXIA. Hiiftbeinrudimente Abel, Wien Denk- schr. Ak. Wiss. 81, p. 1-39; Wilder, Science, 27. p. 825 ; genealogy, Abel, Rep. Smithson Inst., 1907, p. 472 ; Nasenknorpel, Freuxd Yerh. Ges. D. Natf., 2,79. 1, 1908, p. 254. Halicore dugong, alimentary tract, Guderxatsch, Morph. Jahrb., 37, p. 586 ; Entwickelung des Schadels Freuxd, Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 7, p, 557. Manatus, chasse Maclacd, Nature, Paris. 36, p. 289 ; Jatirostris. biologische und morpliologische Beitriige, Guder- NATSCH. Zool. Jahrb., Syst, 27, p. 225. CETACEA. Whaling, Anon, Field, 1908, 111, p. 87, Southwell, Zoologist, ser. 4, 12, p. 61 & 13, p. 26 ; amended classification, True, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 47, p. 385 ; Records, Italian Whales, Parona, Atti Soc. ligustica, 19, p. 173 ; Ostsee Cetacea, J AVii A, K6nigsberg,Schr. jihysik. Ges., 48, p. 81, 49, p. 119 ; Whale-bones in East Prussia, J^vpha, op. cit., 48, p. 237 ; Pleistocene, Perkins, Yermont, Rep. Geol., 6, p. 76 ; genealogy, Ahel, Kep. Smithson. Inst. 1907, p. 472; flukes includes the hind-limbs, Asii, N. Staf- ford Field Club, 43, p. 78 ; limb-skeleton, Braun, Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges. 48, p. 400; Blasen der Wale, Braun, t.c. p. 348 ; ilissbildung Guldberg, Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk. I, 11 ; Hiift- beinrudimente AiiEi., Wien Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 81, p. 139 ; Medulla oblongata Phocaena und Balacnoptera, Rawitz, Arch. mikr. Anat., 73, p. 182 ; Zusammen- setzung der Walfischmilch. Scheibe, Miinclieuer med. Wochenschr., 55, p. 795 ; Anatomie der Cetaceenlunge, SCHULZE, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1908, p. 586 ; Asymetric des Walschadels, KiJKENTiiAL, Anat. Anz., 33, p. (i09 ; Wale und ihre wirtschaftliche Bede-.i- tung, KiJKENTHAL, Natw. Wochenschr., 23, p. 241 ; Notes on Cetaceans, Anthony, Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.), 7, p, 27 ; Mediter- J ranean, Robert, Paris, Bui. soc. zool., I 33, p. 22. 83 Mam. Systematc. 6031 ^Alabamoniis = ZetKjlodon. Luc.vs, St-ieuL-e, l'7, p. 311. Balae)ui biscayensis. New York speci- mens, Anon, Amer. Mus. J., 7, p. 53 ; glaclalis, notes, Andrews, Bull. Amer. AIns. Nat. Hist., 24, 190S, p. 171. Balcetioptcra roatrata, range and races, Lydekker, Field, 1908. 112, p. 431: ttctUoro^trata in .tVrgentina, osteology etc., L-VjriLLE, Buenos Aires, An. ilus. Nac. ser. 9, p. 375 ; muscidtis, stranded, Palermo. RiGGio, Boll, naturalista, 28, p. 1. Beluga Icucas in Tvarminne, OsTER- i.i"Ni>, Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Femi 34, p. 48 ; sibbaldi, stranded in New Zealand, Waite, Nature, London, 79, p. 98. Delphinus dclphls from Pliocene, Cas- pian, RiABiNiN, St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. Gaol., 27, p. 517 ; labj-rinth, Kolmer, Anat. Anz., 32, p. 295 ; tnrsio in Finland, Palmen, Luonnon Ystava, 10, 19CM'., p. 30. fDorudoii serratuf, dentition, Trde, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52, p. 65. Eubala:na glaelalis. notes, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 277. (ira-npus griseus, Hungary, Brusisa, Rud Jugoslav. Ak., 173, p. 2S. fHyperoodon taylor'i, sp. n.. Crag, Suffolk. Lydekker, Victoria County Histories, Pala'ontology of Suffolk. Megaptcra boijps, Missbildung, GuLD- eerg, Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk. 1, 11. '\Mesocetus hungaricus, description, Kadkj, Mt. Qngarn. geol. Anstalt, 16, p. 23. Meaoplodon bidenn, at Bergen, Anon, Naturen, 32 p. 2.54 ; note, Grieg, Bergen, Norsk Fisket., 27, p. 264 ; boicdoinl, sp. n., New Zealand, j\js'drews. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24, p. 203. Keophocaena, sp., note and fig., Lydekker, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 806 (1909). Orca gladiator, temperature, Portier, Paris. C. R. Soc. biol. 64, p. 400. ■fRluibdofttetts latiradix, note on, Trde, Philadelphia, Proc. Akad. Nat. Sci. 1908, p. 24. Flwcaena communis in der Gegend von Brahestad gefangen, IIintze, Tidskr Tag. Fish., 12, p. 166. '\Prozengloden atrox, skull and den- tition, As'DREws, Geol. Mag. decade 5, 5, p. 209, and Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 203. 'fScltizodeljiltis crussanguhtm, skull. Trie, Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Coll. 50, p. 449. Sotalia fcrgiisoni = lentiqinnsUr Lydekker, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, 'p. 808. (1909). I'lirsiops daicsoni, sp. n., Travancore, Lydekker, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 806 (1909). Tiirsiops and Lagenorhynchus, notes, Nichols, BuU. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 24,. p. 217; gcphyreus. sp. n.. La Plata, Laiiille, Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac. ser. 3, 9, p. 347. '\Zeiiglodo)i usiris and relations of Avcha'oceti, with establishment of the family Protoe.etidac, Stromer, Beitr. Pal. Geol."Ost-Ung. 21, p. 106. jZygorhiza, g. n. for Zeuglodon brachyspondylns minor, TiWK, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 52, p. 78. EDENTATA. Homology- of bones of scapular arch,. Ameghino, Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac. 17, (= ser. 3, 10) p. 1 ; Kiefergelenk, etc., Ldbosch, Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges. 7, p. 519. Bradypodidae, genres actuels, Mene- gaux, Paris, C. R. Acad, sci., 147» p. 701. Bradypus, habits, Menegaux, Bui. Museum, Paris, 1908, p. 3-34, and C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 147, p. 1079 ; torqua- tus, anatomy and taxonomy, Poche, Zool. An%., 33, p. 567 ; torquatus, squelette du membre anterieur, Menegal'X, Paris, C. R. .Acad, sci., 147, p. 637. Brndypiis and Hemibradypua, An- thony, Paris, C. R. Acad. sci. 147, p. 873. Cabansus, emend, for Cabassoua, McMurtrie, Ameghino, Rev. Mus. Pau- lista, 7, p. 72. Dasyjnis villosiis, habits, Adams, Zoo- logist, ser. 4. 12, p. 342, Aplin, t.c. p. 392 ; holimenais, sp. n., Bolivia, Grandidier Si. Neveu - Lemaire, Bid. Museum, Paris, 1908, p. 5. Mama, tooth-vestiges, Tims, J. Anat. Physiol., London, 42, p. 375 ; aur'ita^ habitat, Wall, Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18, p. 678 ; fpalceojavanica, p. 1267, lydeMei'i,Y>. 1268, spp. n., Ter- tiarv, Java, Dubois, Tijd. K. Ned. AadV.Gen.,25. 84 JIam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1908] '\Necrodasyinc8 (?) a i-eptile, Ameghino, Buenos Aires, An. Mus. Nac. 17, p. 93. Oi-ycteropits, mumnnes, liORiET it ■(.Jaillard, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 10, 1908, p. 179 ; afer somallcus, Soma- lilaud, p, 466, a. wardi, N.E. Rhodesia, p. 467, subspp. n., Lydekker, Game Animals of Africa. Fholidotus kreyenbergi, sp. n., China, Matschie, Expedition Filchner, p. 234. Tamandua longicaudata nigra, subsp. 11., DE Beaux, Zool. Anz. 33, p. 417. Tatutiia noi'emeinata mexianae, subsp. n.,MexianaI.,HAGMANN, Arch. RassbioL, ->, p. 29. Tohjpdides bicinctus, figured, Grandi- DiER & Neveu-Lemaire, Bul. Museum, Paris, 1908, pi. i. MARSUPIALIA. Notes on Australian, Woodward, .Tourn. W. Austral. Nat. Hist. Soc, No. 2, 1905, p. 7 ; Venous system, Schulte, Anat. Rec. 2, p. 196 ; nervous system, Ziehen, Denkschr., Med. Ges. 6, Tl. 3, p. 789 ; Kiefergelenk, etc., Lubosch, Jena, Denksclir. Med. Ges. 7, p. 517 ; Urogenitalkanales, Van Den Brock, Anat. Anz., 32, p. 104. Antec}dnomys, intestinal tract, Bed- ijakd, Proc. Zool.Soc. 1908, p. 561. DacIylop>l()|)meiit. Hill, Re]). Brit. Assoc. 1908, J). 739, Nature, London, 78, p. 049. Dendrolagus goodfelloiri, sp. n.. New Guinea, Thomas, .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist. aer. 8, 2, p. 4.52. DendroHminfhuH, g. u., lor 1). urracn- HiH, sp. n., Brit. New Guim-a, De Vis, Ann. Queensland Mus., No. 7, 1907, p. II. hldilpliyif, vestiges of ])arasj)lieiiiiid, FuoHS, Anat. An/.. 32, j). 584; fyaZc/w, sp. n., Oligoueiie, Saskatchewan, Lamre, (led. Surv. Can., Coutrib. Can. Pal. 3, pt. 4, p. 22. \D'iprotodon ansLraUs, Bau und Lebfnisweisi!, Abel, Wien Verb. Zdol- Bot. Ges., 58, p. 44. DorcopsiHlomitzii , sp. n., Dntrh New Guinea, .Tentink, Nova rniiiica, II, |). 10. llyiDaiprymniis rufescens, Proeucefalo, Livini, Archiv. ital. Anat. e embriol., 6, p. 549. Lagoreliestes eonspiciUatus pallidior, subsp. n., N. Queensland, Thomas & Dollman, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 793 (1909). Macropus bcrnardus, nom. n., for Dendrodorcopsis looodicardi, Rothschild, Nov. Zool. 10, 1904, p. 543 ; nalabatus ingrnmi, subsjj. n., N. Queensland, Thomas & Dollman, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1908, p. 792 (1909). '\Picrodus, g. n., for P. silbeii'Livji, sp. n.. Eocene, Montana, Douglass, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 5, p. 17. '\Ptilodic8 montauus* sp. n.. Eocene, Montana, Douglass, Ann. Carnegie ilus., 5, p. 14. Sinlnthopsis longicaudatus, sp. ii., Spencer, Pmc. R. Soc. Victoria, ser. 2, 21, p. 449. \T]io)nasla, nom. n., for M'uTolestcs Plieninger (preoccupied), Poche, Zool. Ann., 33, p. 269. MONOTREMATA. Homology of bones of scaiiular arch, Ameghino, Bucikw Aires An. Mus. Xac^ 17, p. 1 ; central nervous system, Ziehen, Denkschr, Med. Ges. 6, Tl. 2, p. 789 ; facialis muskulator, Schulman, Helsing- fors, Festschrift fiir Palmeii, No. ]^, 1906, p. 1. Echidna hytttr'ix, breeding in Berlin, Heck, Berlin, Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 1!)08, }). 187 ; development of vertebral column. Frets. Morph. Jahrb., 38, }). 608 ; acidcata, vertebrae, etc.. Gaurv, Jena, Denkschr. ined. Ges., 6, p. 181, skull, t.c, p. 539. INCERTAE SEDIS. fPTOLEMA'ilDAE. I'toleniaia, g. n. for P. lyu)i.'— 2 Amer. J. Sc'i., New Haven, Conn. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass. Amer. Ornith., Worcester, Mass. Amiens, Bui. soc. apicidt. Sovime Amiens, Bui. soc. linn. Amsterdam, Bijdr. Dierk. Amsterdam, Proe. Sc'i. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. K. Ned. Aardr. Gen. Amsterdam, Verh. K. Akad. Wet., 2' Sect. Amsterdam, Versl. Med. Ned. Ornith. Ver. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. An. cient. Parag., Asun don An. Mus. Chile, Santiago . An. Mus. La Plata, Buenos Aiix-i An. Mas., Mexico ... An. Mas., Montevideo An. Mus. Nac, Buenos Aires An. Mus., San Salvador .. Anal. Anz., Jena .. American Journal of Science, New Haven, Conn. The American Museum Journal. Ameri- can Museum of Natural History. New York, N.Y. The American Naturalist, Boston, Mass. American Ornithology. For the Home and School. Worcester, Mass. Bulletin de la societe d'apiculture de Somme. Bulletin de la societe linneenne du nord de la France. Amiens (Somme). [mensuel.] Bijdragen tot de dierkunde uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Zoologisch ge- nootschap Natura Artis Magistra te Amsterdam, Leiden. Proceedings of the Sections of Sciences, Konlnklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen, Amsterdam. 8vo. Tijdschrlft van het Koninklijk Neder- landsch Aardrijkskundig Genoot- schap, Amsterdam. 8vo. Verliandelingen der Konlnklijke Aka- demie van Wetenschappen, 2® Sectie (Natuurhistorische Geologische en Medlsche Wetenschappen), Amster- dam. 8vo. Verslag en Mededeelingen der oruitho- logische Vereenlgiug, Wageningen. Verslag der Vergaderlngen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling der Konlnklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen, Amsterdam. 8vo. Anales cientlficos Paraguayas, Asuncion. Anales del Museo naclonal de Chile. Publlcados por orden del Gobierno de Chile. Primera Seccion Zoologi'a. Santiago. Anales del Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires. Anales del Museo naclonal de Mexico .., Anales del Museo naclonal de Monte- video, Montevideo. Anales del Museo naclonal do Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Anales del Museo naclonal, organo oficial del Instituto del mismo nombre, San Salvador. Anatomischer Anzeiger. Centralljlatt fiir die gesammte wissonschaftliclie Anatomic, hrsg. v. v. Bardelcben. Jena, [zwanglos.] Nebst Ergauzungs- lieften. 19 U.S. 554 U.S 21 U.S. 570 U.S — Fr. 28 Fr. — Hoi. 3 Hoi. 4 Hoi. 6 Hoi. — Hoi. 7 Hoi. — Para- guay. — Chile. — Argent. — Mex. — Uru- guay. — S. Amer. — Salvador, 40 Ger. ■ Anat. Ih'Jlc, W'tcsbodcn Angers, Bui. soc. etud. sci. Angl. Forsch., Heidelberg.. Ann. ass. nat., Levallois- Perret Ann. hiol. lacustre, ■ Bruxelles Ann. Bot., Oxford... Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., Columbus, Ohio Ann. Fac. Sci., Marseille .. Ann. geol. Balkan., Bel- grade Ann. geol. miner., Xovo- Aleksandrija Ann. Eist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest Ann. hyg. colon., Paris Ann. igiene, Roma... Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris.. Ann. Mag. Xat. Ilist., Lon- don Ann. Mus. Congo, Bruxelles Ann. Mus., Marseille Ann. Xatal Govt. Mus. London Aim. Natphilos., Leipzig . Ann. paleont., Paris Ann. Queensland Mus. Brisbane Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta Anatoniisclie Hefte, lirsfj;. v. ilerkel u. Bonnet. Wiesbaden. ]. Abth. : Arbeiten aus anatomischen Instituten. [5 H. jahrl.] 2. Abth. : Ergebnisse der Anatomic luid EntwickluDgs- geschichte. [jiihrl.] Bulletin de la societe d'etudes scienti- fiqiies d'Angers (Maine-et-Loire). [annuel.] Anglistischc Forsclumgen. Hrsg. v. T. Hoops. Heidelberg, [zwangl.] Annales de rassociation des naturalistes. Levallois-Perret. Annales de Biologie Lacustre, Bruxelles. Annals of Botany, Oxford Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille (Bouches du I'hoiie). iVnnales geologiques de la jjeninsule Balkanique, Belgrade. E;Kero,iHiiK'i> no reciorifi h MHHepa- aoriii Poccifi. HoBo-A.ieKcaH;];pia [ Annuaire geologique et mineralogique de la Russie. Novo-Alexandria]. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, Budapest. Annales d'hygiene et de medecine coloniales. Paris. [trimestr.] Annali d' Igieue sperimentale, Roma ... Annales de I'lnstitut Pastenr. Dir. Duclaux. Paris, [mensuel.] Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Loudon. £tat independant du Congo. Annales du Musee du Congo, publiees par ordre du Secretaire d'etat. Serie IL Zoologie. (Bruxelles. 4to.) Annales du Musee de Marseille, Mar- seille. Annals of the Xatal Government Museum, London. Annaleu der Xaturphilosophie. Leipzig. Annales de Paleontologie publiees sous la direction de Marcellin Boule. Paris. Annals of the Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Aimual Report of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. 4X Ger. 33 Fr. — Ger. — Fr. — Bel. 4 U.K. — U.S. 50 Fr. — Servia — Rus. 34 Hun. 56 Fr. 11 It. CO Fr. 7 U.K. — Bel, — Fr. — S. Afr 1285 Ger. — Fr. — Qnsl. 2 Ind. 6 Ann. 8ci. nat. (Zool.), Paris Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh Ann. Transvaal Mas. Pretoria Ann. Trap. Med., Lotidon ... Ann. Univ. Orenoble, Paris Awn. Univ.,Jassy ... Ann. Univ., Lyon ... Annie biol., Paris ... Annie psychol., Paris Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo .. Antanan. Ann. Appalachia, Boston, Mass. AquHa, Budapest ... Arb. himanat. Inst. ZiiricJi, Wiesbaden Arb. Kasp. Exp., St. Peter- burg Arh. neurol. Inst. Wieii, Leipzig Arcachon, Trav. soc sci. station biol. Annales des sciences naturelles, parait en deux parties : 1° Zoologie et Paleontologie, compre- nant I'anatomie, la physiologie, la classification et I'liistoire naturelle des animaux. Dir. E. Perrier. Paris. [12 numeros par an.] Annals of Scottish Natural History, Edinburgh and London. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, Pre- toria. Printed at the Government Printing and Stationery Office. 24| cm. X 15^ cm. Annals of tropical medicine and para- sitology. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Lon- don and Liverpool. 8vo. xVnnales de I'Universite de Grenoble, publiees par les Facult^s de droit, des sciences et des lettres, et par I'ecole de medecine. Paris, [trois numeros par an.] Annales scientifiques de I'Uuiversite de Jassy, Jassy. Annales de I'Universite. Lyon (Rhone). [irr^gul.] Annee biologiqiie. Dir. Yves Delage. Paris, [annuel.] [bibliogr.] Annee psychologique, pub. par A. Binet. Paris, [annuel.] Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. European languages. Tokyo, Japan. Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine, Antananarivo. Appalachia, Boston, Mass. Aquila, Budapest .. . Arbeiten aus dem hirnanatomisclien Institut in Zurich. Hrsg. v. C. v. Monakow. Wiesbaden, [zwangl.] Tpy^u KacnificEcott 9KcneATmiH 1901 roAa. C.-IleiepSyprb [Arbeiten der Kaspischen Expedition im Jalire 1904. St. PeterljurgJ. Arbeiten aus dem neurologischen In- stitute (Institut fiir Anatomic und Physiologie des Centralnervensystems) an der Wiener Universitiit. Hrsg. v. H. Obersteiner. Leipzig u. Wien. [zwanglos.] Societe scientifique et Station biologique d'Arcachon (Gironde). Travaux des Laboratoires, Paris. Arcachon, Trav. soc. sci. station zool. Arch. anat. microse., Paris Arch. Anat. Phyaiol., Leip- zig Arch. Anthr., Braxin- echtceig Areh. Aiithr. SehlesiL:- RdUt., Kiel Arch. Augenheilk., Wies- baden Areh. BalTteotlier., Halle .. Arch, hiol., Paris-Briixelles Arch. Blont., Berlin A rch. Dermat. Syph., Wien Arch. EnticMech., Leipzig... Arch, exper. Path., Leipzig Areh. ges. Physiol., Bonn... Arch. Uydrohiol; Stuttgart Arch. Uyg., Munchen Arch. ital. biol., Torino .. Societe scieuiitique et Station zoo- 100 Fr. logique d' Arcachon (Gironde). Tra- vaiix des La borate! res. Paris, [annuel. 1 Archives d'anatoniie niicroscopique. 107 Fr. I)ir. Ranvier et Henneguy. Paris [trimestr.] Archiv fiir Anatoinie und Physiologie, 52 Ger. hrsg. V. His und Engehnann. Leipzig. 1. Anatomisclie Abtlieihmg u. d. T. : Archiv fiir Anatoinie und Entvvick- lungsgoschichte, hrsg. v. His. 2. Physiologische Abtheilung u. d. T. : Archiv fiir Physiologie, hrsg. v. Engelmanu. [jede Abth. 2 monatl.] Archiv fiir Anthropologie, hrsg. v. 53 Ger. Ranke. Braunschweig, [i jahri.] Archiv fiir Anthropologie und Geologic 54 Ger. Schleswig-Holsteins und der benach- barten Gebiete, hrsg. v. Mestorf u. Haas. Kiel. [1 H.'jahrl.] Archiv fiir Augenheilkunde, hrsg. v. 56 Ger. Knapp u. Schweigger. Wiesbaden. [8 H. jiihrl.] Archiv der Balneotlierapie und Hydro- 57 Ger. therapie hrsg. v. Miiller. Halle, [zwanglos.] Archives de Biologic. Red. E. Van 109 Fr. Beneden et Ch. Van Bambeke. Paris- Bnixelles. [trimestr.] Archiv fiir Biontologie. Hrsg. v. d. — Ger. GesellschaftnaturforschenderFreunde iu Berlin. Berlin, [zwaugl.] Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. 2-i Ger. Red. V. F. J. Pick. \Vieu und Leipzig, [monatl.] Archiv fiir Entwicklungsniechanik der CO Ger. Organismen, hrsg. v. Roux. Leipzig, [i jahrl.] Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie 61 Ger. und Pharmakologie, red. v. Naunyn u. Schmiedeberg. Leipzig. [9 — 12 H. jiihrl.] Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologic 63 Ger. des Menschen und der Thiere, hrsg. V. PBiiger. Bonn. [48 H. jahrl.] Archiv fiir Hydrol;iologie und Plankton- — Ger. kunde. (N. F. der Forschungs- berichte a. d. biolog. Station zu Plon.) Hrsg. V. 0. Zacharias. Stuttgart, [i jahrl.] Archiv fiir Hygiene, hrsg. v. Buchner 69 Ger. etc. Miinchen. [8 H. jiihrl.] Archives italiennes de biologie, Torino... 16 It. Arch. Id'in. Cldr., Berlin Arch. Landesk. Sachseu, Halle Arch. Laryng., Berlin Arch. Math. Notiirv., Kris- tiania Arch. mikr. Anat., Bonn ... Arch. miss. sci. litt., Paris Arch. Mus., Rio de Janeiro Arch. Museum hist, nat., Lyon Arch. Natg., Berlin Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Bohmen, Prag Arch. Olirenheilh., Leipzig Arch. jKirasit., Paris Arch. path. Anat., Be^iin .. Arch. Philos., Berlin Arch, pliysih. Ther., Berlin Arch. Protistenliunde, Jena Arch. li. hist. Bad., Lishoa Arch. Tiaasenliiol., Miinchen [fridier Berliii] Arch. 8c. hid., Si. Petci burg Archiv fiir klinisclie Chirurgie, lirsg. 71 Ger. V. V. Bergmann, Giissenbauer u. Korte. Berlin. [8 H. jiihrl.] Archiv fiir Landes- und Volkskunde 73 Ger. der Provinz Sachsen, lu-sg. v. Kircli- ho£F. Halle, [jalirl.] Archiv fiir Laryngologie und Rhino- 74 Ger. logic, hrsg. V. Frankel. Berlin. [3-4 H. jiihr].] Archiv for Mathematik og Naturviden- 3 Nor. skab, Kristiania. Archiv fiir miiiroskopische Anatomic 77 Ger. und Entwicklungsgeschichte, hrsg. v. Hertwig, la Valette St. George u. Waldeyer. Bonn. [4-8 H. jiihrl.] Archives des missions scientifiques et 125 Fr. litteraires. Paris, [irregid.] Archives do Museu Nacional do Rio de • — Braz. Janeiro. Archives du Museum d'histoire naturelle. 12G Fr. Lyon (Rhone). Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, hrsg. v. 78 Ger. Hilgendorf. Berlin. [(5 H. jiihrl.] Archiv der Xaturwissenschaftlichen 26 Aub. Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen. Prag. [zwanglos.] Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde, hrsg. v. 79 Ger. Troltsch etc. Leipzig. [7 H. jahrl.l Archives de parasitologic. Red. R. 129 Fr. Blanchard. Paris, [trimestr.] Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und 80 Ger. Physiologic und fiir kliiiische Medicin, lirsg. V. Virchow. Berlin, [monatl.] Archiv fur Philosophic. 1. Abth. : 82 Ger. Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philo- sophic. 2. Abth. : Archiv fiir systematische Philosophic. Berlin. [8 II. jiihrl.] Archiv fiir physikalisch-diiitetische 83 Ger. Therapie in der arztlichen Praxis, hrsg. V. Ziegelroth. Berlin, [monatl.] Archiv fiir Protistenkunde, hrsg. v. 1284 Ger. F. Schaudinn. Jena. Archives do real Institute bactcriologico — Por. Caniara Pestana, Lisboa Archiv fiir Rasscn- und Gesellschafts- — Ger. biologic einschliesslicU Rasscn- und Gcsellschaftshygiene. Hrsg. v. A. Ploetz. Miinchen. [2 monatl.] ApxiiB'i> GiojioriiqecKn.x'h iiayKi,. C- 4 Rus. lle'repoypi'Jj [Archives des sciences biologiques. St.-Petersbourg]. 9 Arch. Scliii^shyg., Le'ipzi'j.. Arch. Sci. Phys., Geneve .. Arch. ThietJieilh., Berlin .. Arch, veterin. naiih, St. Peterburg Arch. ZeUforachg, Leipzig Arch, zool., Paris ... Archives poloii. hiol. med., Iacow Archixio fisiol., Fireme .. Archivio ital. mxat. emhriol. Firenze Archivio ae. med., Torino .. Archivio zool., NapoU Archiv. Zs., Miinchen Ark. Zool., Stockholm Aschaffenhurg, Mitt, natic. Ver. Atigsburg, Ber. natu: Ver. Auk, Cambridge, Mass. Aua d. Eeimxit, Stuttgart. Au8 d. Natur, Stuttgart . Aus d. Posener Lande, Lisaa i. P. Archiv fiir Schiffs- luul 'rro))enliygiene, hrsg. V. Mense. Leipzig. [^ mor.atl.] Archives des sciences physiques et iiaturelles. Geneve, Lausanne et Paris. 8vo. Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche uud ])raktische Thierheilkunde, hrsg. v. Danunann etc. Berlin. [2 monatl.] ApxiiB-b BexepiiHapHiJX'B nayK-B. C- lleTepOjprt [Archives des sciences veterinaires. St.-Petersbourg]. Archiv fiir Zellforschung, hrsg. v. R. Goldschmidt. Leipzig. [zwangL] Archives de zoologie exp^rimentale et generale. Fond. H. de Lacaze- Duthiers (avec "Notes et Revue"). Paris, [trimestr.] Archives polonaises des Sciences biolo- giques et medicales, red. H. Xadyi, Lwow. 8vo. [irregular.] "Archivio di fisiologia, Firenze ... Archivio italiano d'anatomia e d'embrio- logia, firenze. Ajchivio per le scienze niediche, Torino A.rchivio zoologico, Napoli Archivalische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. durch das Bayerische Allgemeine, Reichs- archiv. in Miinchen. Miinchen. [zwangl.] Arkiv for zoologie utgifvet af K. Svenska Veteuskapsakademien i Stockholm. 8vo. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins zu AschafEenburg. Jena, [zwanglos.] Bericht des naiurwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Schwaben und Neuburg, friiher naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg. Augsburg [mehrjahr.] The Auk (American Ornithologists' Union), Cambridge, Mass. Aus der Heimat. Organ des deutschen Lehrer-Vereins fiir Naturkunde. Stuttgart. [2 monatl.] Neljst Beilage : Schriften des deutschen Lehrervereins fiir Naturkunde. [jahrl.] Aus der Natur. Zeitschrift fiir alle Naturfreunde. Hrsg. v. W. Schoe- nichen. Stuttgart. [§ monatl.] Aus dem Posener Lande. Blatter fiir Heimatkunde. Hrsg. v. P. Beer. Lissa i. P. [^ monatl.] 86 Ger. 10 Swi. 87 Ger. 5 Ru3. — Ger. 13G Fr. 61 PoL 272 It. 273 It. 22 It. 275 It. — Ger. — Swe. 91 Ger. 96 Ger. 29 U.S. 100 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 10 Au8 d. Schivarzic, Stuttgart Austin, Bull. Univ. Tex. ... Austin, Cont. Zool. Lab. Uiiiv. Tex. Austin, T7'a7is. Texas Acad. Sei. Autun, Bui. soe. hist. nat... Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat. Avieula, Siena Avicidt. Mag., Brighton AvieuUeur, Paris ... Avignon, Mem. Acad. Bagneres de Bigorre, Bui. soc. Ramond Bait. Wochenschr., Jurjeic Baltimore, Md., Johns Hop- kins Univ. Uir. Baltimore, Md., Mem. Biol. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Md., Proc. Ass. Amer. Anat. Baltimore, Md., Stud. Biol. Lab., Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, Trans. Md. Acad. Sci. Bamberg, Ber. natf. Ges. .. Barcelona, Bol. Ji. Ac. Cs. Barcelona, Mem. E. Ac. Cs. Barrow, Hep. Nat. F. CI. .. Aus dem Scliwarzwald. Blatter des ■niirttembergischen Schwarzwald- Vereins. Stuttgart, [monatl. 2 H.] Bulletin of the University of Texas. Austin, Texas. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Texas, Austin. Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science, Austin. Bulletin de la societe d'histoire natu- relle. Autun (Saone-et-Loire). Bulletin de la societe des sciences historiques et naturelles de I'Yonne. Auxerre (Youne). Avieula, giornale ornitologico italiano, Siena. The Avicultural Magazine, being the Journal of the Avicultural Society for the study of foreign and British birds, Brighton. Aviculteur (1'). Dir. de Perpigna. Paris, [mensuel.] ilemoires de I'Academie de Vaucluse. Avignon (Vaucluse). [trimestr.] Bulletin de la soci^t^ Ramond. Bagnferes de Kigorre (Hautes-Pyrenees) Tou- louse, [trimestr.] Baltische Woehenschrift. Jurjew Johns Hopkins University Circulars, Baltimore. Md. Memoirs from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more, Md. Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists. [Included in Amer. J. Anat., Baltimore, Md.J Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Science, Baltimore. Bericht der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft in Bamberg. [3 jahr.] Boletin de la Real Academia deCiencias y Artes de Barcelona. Barcelona. Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona. Report and Proceedings of tlie Barrow Naturalists' Field Club, Barrow-in- Furness. 8vo. 102 Ger. — U.S. 30 U.S. 32 U.S. U9 Fr. 152 Fr. 27 It. 18 U.K. 156 Fr. 157 Fr. 159 Fr. 12 Rus. 36 U.S. 37 U.S. 556 U.S. 38 U.S. 30 U.S. 111 Ger. — Spain — Spain 21 U.K. 11 Basel, Abh. Sehiceh. Pal. Gee. Basel, Verh. Xatf.Ges. .. Baatia, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat. Batar'ia,Gene^sk. Tijdachr. Ned. Ind. Batatia, Kat. Tijdachr. ... BatJi, Proc. Kat. Hist. F. CI Bayr. Forstztg, Xiirnherg... Beitr. Anat. Ohr., Berlin ... Beitr. chem. Physiol., Braunschueig Beitr. Min. Chir., Tiihingen Beitr. Katk. Preussen, K'dnigsherg Beitr. -path. Anat., Jena Belfast, Rep. Nat. F. CI. .. Belfast, Pep. Nat. Hist. Phil. Soe. Beoghrad, Spom. Srpslta Ak. Ber. Fiachereiver. Oatpr., Konigsberg Ber. ophtJialm. Gea., Wiea- baden Abhaiidliingeii der scliweizerischen paliiontologischen Gesellschaft. Me- moires de la Societe paleoutologique Suisse. Basel und Geiif. 4to. Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Basel. 8vo. Bulletin de la societe des sciences histoiiques et naturelles de la Corse. Bastia (Corse), [meiisuel.] Geneeskundig Tijdsclirift voor Neder- landsch-Indie uitgegeven door de Vereeniging ter bevordering der Geneeskundige Wetenschappen in Nederlandsch-lndie, Batavia. 8vo. Natuurkundig Tijdsclirift voor Neder- landsch-lndie uitgegeven door de Kouinklijke natuurkundige Vei'eeni- ging, Batavia. 8vo. Proceedings of the Bath Natural Hi- story and Antiquarian Field Club, Bath. Bayerische Forst- und Jagd-Zeitung. Ntirnberg. [36 H. jahrl.] Beitrage zur Anatomic, Physiologie, Pathologic u. Therapie des Ohres, der Nase u. des Halses. Hrsg. v. A. Passow u. K. L. SchafFer. Berlin, [zwanglos.] Beitrage zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologic. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Biochemie, hrsg. von F. Hofmeister. Braunschweig, [zwang- los.] Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie, red. V. Bruns. Tubingen. [7-8 H. jahrl] Beitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens, hrsg. V. d. physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg. Konigs- berg. [zwanglos.] Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomic und zur allgemeinen Pathologic, red. V. Ziegler. Jena. [6 H. jahrl.] Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, Belfast. Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Belfast. Srpska Kraljevska Akademija. Spo- menik. Beoghrad. Berichte des Fischerei-Vereins fiir die Provinz Ostpreussen. Konigsberg. [zwanglos.] Bericht iiber die Versammlung der ophthalrnologischen Gesellscliaft. Wiesbaden, [jahrl.] 2 Swi. 11 Swi. 161 Fr. 10 Hoi. 11 Hoi. 22 U.K. 118 Ger. — Ger. 1258 Ger. 132 Ger. 135 Ger. 137 Ger. 24 U.K. 26 U.K. — Servia 142 Ger. 143 Ger. 12 BerajaJi, Leipzig ... Bergen, Naturen ... Bergen, Nor-sk Fisket Bergens Mus. Am-h. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol. Berheleij Univ. Cal., Chron. Berkeleij, Unir. Cal., Pub. Physiol. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Puh. Tech. Bull, Coll. Agric. Exp. Sta. Ent. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Puh. Zool. Berlin, Abh. Ak. Wias. .. Berlin, Abh. D. See- fischereiver. Bei'lin, Abh. geol. LanJes- anst. Berlin, Arb. b'lol. Anst. Berlin, Arb. D. Landic Ges. Berlin, Arb. Gesundlitsamt Berlin, Bar. D. bot. Ges. .. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Lan- desanst. Berlin, Mitt. hiol. Anst. . . Berlin, Mitt. D. Seefischere'i ver. Berlin, Mitt. PriifungsanHt. Wasae'Tve rso rg . Berlin, Mitt. zool. Mus. Eerajali. Znograpliia infinita. Ilrso;. r. 0. Klei.iscliniidt. [Halle.] [zwangl.] Naturen, Bergen ... Norsk Fiskeritidende, Bergen ... Bergens Museums Aarbog, Bergen University of California. Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Berkeley. The University Chronicle. University of California, Berkeley, Cal. University of California Publications. Physiology. Berkeley, Cal. University of California Publications. Technical Bulletins. College of Agri- culture, Agricultural Experiment Station. Entomologj\ Sacramento. Uuiversit}- of California Publications. Zoology. Berkeley, Cal. Abhandlungen der kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin, [jiihrl.] Abhandlungen des deutschen See- fischereivereins. Berlin, [zwanglos.] Abhandlungen der kgl. preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt. Berlin. [1^-8 if. jahrl.] Arbeiten aus der biologischen Anstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirtschaft (vonnals biologische Abteilung fiir Land- und Forstwirthschaft am Kaiserl. Ge- sundhtsarnte). Berlin, [zwangl.] Arbeiten der deutschen Landwirth- schafts-Gesellschaft. Berlin, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Arl)eiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesiuid- heitsamte. Berlin. Berichte der deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, [monatl.] Jalirbuch der kgl. preussischen geolo- gischen liandesanstalt luid Bergaka- demie. 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Bessarah. .icTtsk. clioz., Kiiinev Beziers, Bui. soc. etud. set. jiat. Bihliojr. anat., Nancy Blbliogr. zool., Leipzig Biblioth. geolog. ruas., St. Peterhurj Bidr. F. Vet. Soc. Helsing- fora Biocliem. Zs., Berlin Biol. Bull., Wood's IIoll, Maaa. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig [JruJier BerUn] Monatsberichte der deutschen geo- logischeu Gesellsclmft. Berlin, [monatl.] Sitzuugsberichte der kgl. proussischen Akadeinie der Wisseiiscliaften. Ber- lin, [woch.] Sitzungsberichte der Gesellsclmft natur- forschender Freunde zu Berlin. Ber- lin, [jiibi-l. in zwangl. H.] Verhandlungen der Berliner (icselUcliaft fiir Antliropologie, Ethnologie und Urgescbicbte, red. v. Virchow. Berlin. VerofTentlichungen des Institntsftir Mee- reskunde und des geographischen In- stitntsan der Universitiit Berlin, lirsg. V. Frdr. v. Richtbofen. Berlin. Zeitsclirift der deutscben geologisclien Gesellscbaft. Berlin. [\ jahrl.] Zeitsclirift des Vereins der deutscben Zuckerindustrie, red. v. Alexander Herzfeld. Berlin. 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[zwanglo^.J Biological Bulletin Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Holl, Mass. Biologiscbes Centralblatt, brsg. v. Rosen- thal. Leipzig, [i monatl.] — Ger. 182 Ger. 183 Ger. 12G1 Ger. 1307 Ger. 199 Ger. 1294 Ger. 208 Ger. 209 Ger. 214 Ger. 15 Swi. — Rus. 171 Fr. 172 Fr. 220 Ger. 13 Rus. 3 Fin. — Ger. 535 U.S. 22G Ger. 14 Biol. Centr.-Amer., London Biologica, Torino ... Biometrika, Camhridge Bird Lore, Barriaburg, Pa. Birmingham, Proc. Nat. Hist. Phil. Soe. Bishop Aucltland, Trans. Weardale Nat. F. CI. Bl. Aquarienkunde, Stutt- gart {Jriiher Magdeburg] Blackheath, Trans. West Kent Nat. Hist. Soc. Board Agric. Leaf., London Bol. com. parasit. agric, Mexico Bol. Mus. Goeldi, Para Bol. Mus. Mexico ... Boll. Ass. Med. Triest, Triest Boll. Naturalista, Siena ... Bologna, Mem. Ace. sc. Bologna, Rend. Ace. 8c. ... Bomhay, J. Asiat. Soc. Bombay, J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vtonn, SitzBer. Ges. Natk. . . . Bonn, Verh. nathist. Ver.... Bordeaux, Actcssoc. linn.... Bordeaux, Mem. soc. sci. phye. nat. Biologia Centrali-Americana, London. 4to. Biologica, Raccolta di Scritti di Biologia, Torino. Biometrika, Cambridge ... Bird Lore, Harrisburg, Pa. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society, Birmingham. Transactions of the Weardale Natu- ralists' Field Club, Bishop Auckland. Blatter fiir Aquarian- und Terrarien- kunde, hrsg. v. Kurt Poenicke. Organ des Internationalen Bundes der Aquarien- imd Terrarienfreunde. Stuttgart, [woch.] Transactions of the West Kent Natural History, Microscopical and Photo- graphic Society, Blackheath. Board of Agriculture Leaflets, London. 4to. Boleti'n de la Comision de parasitologia agricola de Mexico. Poletin do Museu Goeldi de Historia natural e ethnographia (Museu 2^ara- ense), Para. Boletin del Museo nacional de Mexico ... Bollettino della Assoziazione Medica Triestina (Selbstverlag). Bollettino del Naturalista, Siena... Memorie dell' Accademia delle scienze deir Istituto, Bologna. Rendiconti dell' Accademia delle scienze deir Istituto, Bologna. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay. Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen (Jescllschaft fiir Natur- und Heil- kundo zu Bonn. Bonn. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rhein- laiide, Westfalens u. d. Reg.-Bez. Osnabriick. Nebst Sitzungs- bcrichten der niederrheinischen CJe- sellschaft fiir Natur- und ileilkunde zu Bonn. Bonn, [jiilirl. in je 2 lliilften.] Actfs de la societe linneenne de liordeaux (Qironde). [trimestr.] Menioiros de la societe des sciences pliysiques et naturelles de Bordeaux ((Jironde). [trimestr.] 27 U.K — It. 437 U.K. 48 U.S. 28 U.K. 438 U.K. 227 Ger. 30 U.K. — U.K. — Mex. — Braz. — Mex. — Aus. 33 It. 42 It. 43 It. — Ind. 5 Ind. 1295 Ger. 238 Ger. 184 Fr. 189 Fr. ]5 Bordeaux, Proe.-verh. soc. linn. Bordeaux, Proc.-rerh. soc. 8ci. phya. nat. Boston, Mass., Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. Boston, Mass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Ili^t. Boston, Mass., Occ. Paprs. Soe. Nat. Hist. Boston, Mass., Proc. Amer. Ac^d. Arts Sci. Boston, Mas3., Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. Bot. Centralbl., Beihefte, Dresden Bot. Gaz., Chicago, III. Bot. Jahrb., Leipzig Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud. Boulogne-sur-mer, Bui. Soe. acad. Bourges, Bui. soc. hist. litt. sci. Braunschueig, Jahreaber. Ver. Natw. Bremen, Ahh. natw. Ver. Bremen, Jahrh. Samml. . . Breslau, Jahresber. Ges. vaterl. CuUur Breslau, Jahresh. Ver. In- sektenk. Brighton, Rep. Nat. Tl\st. Soc. Brisbane, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland Proces-verbaux de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. Proces-verbaux de la soci^t^ des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux (Gironde). Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass. Memoirs of the Boston Society of ^Natural History, Boston, Mass. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass. Botanisches Centralblatt. Referirendes Organ, hrsg. v. Ulilworm u. Kolil. [woch.] Beihefte. Abt. 1 : Anatomic, Histologie etc. Abt. 2 : Systematik, Pflangengeographie etc. Dresden, [zwanglos.] Botanical Gazette. Chicago, HI. Botanische Jahrbiicher fiir Systematik, Pflanzongeschichte und Pflanzen- geographie, hrsg. v. Engler. Leipzig. [10 H. jahrl.] The University of Colorado Studies. Boulder, Colo. Bulletin de la societe academique. Dir. H. Reveillez. Boulogne-sur-mer (Pas de Calais), [trimestr.] Bulletin de la Societe historique, litte- raire, artistique et scientifique du dcpartemont du Cher. Bourges (Cher). [irregul.] Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Natur- wissenschaft zu Braunschweig. Braunschweig. [2 jahr.] Abhandlungen, hrsg. v. naturwissen- schaftlichen Verein zu Bremen. Bremen. [1-2 H. jahrl.] Jahrbuch der bremischen Sammlungen. Red. V. G. Pauli. Bremen. [| jahrl.] Jahresbericht der schlesischen Gesell- schaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur. Breslau. [jahrl.] Jahresheft des Vereins fiir schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau. [jahrl.] Report of the Brighton and Hove Natural History and Philosophical Society, Brighton. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane. — Fr. — Fr. 53 U.S. 54 U.S. 50 U.S. GO U.S. 61 U.S. 241 Ger. 64 U.S. 242 Ger. 572 U.S. 191 Fr. 197 Fr- 250 Ger. 253 Ger. — Ger. 258 Ger. — Ger. 37 U.K. — Queens- land. 16 Bristol, Proc. or Iiep. Nat. Soc. Brit. J. Derm., London Brit. Med. J., London BrooMyn, N.Y., Inst. Arts Sei., Cold Spring Harbor Monog. BrooMyn, N.Y., Mas. Inst. Arts Sci., Bui. Broteria, Lishoa Briinn, Verh. Natf. Ver. .. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. helge microsc. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. roy. malac. Bruxelles, Ann. Soc. scient. Bruxelles. Bui. Acad. roy. Bruxelles, Bui. Soc. geol. .. Bruxelles, Bui. Soc. geol., paleont., hydr. Bruxelles, Bui. Soc. roy. linn. Bruxelles, Mem. Acad. roy. Bruxelles, Mem. Soc. cnt. Belgique Bryn Maicr, Fa., Bryn Mawr Coll. Monogr. Bryologist, Broolthjn, N.Y. Bucharest, Bui. Soc. Sci. ... Bucuresci, An.Ac.Iiomane Bucuresci, Buhl. Adamachi Ac. liomana Proceedings or Report of the Bristol Naturalists' Society, Bristol. British Journal of Dennatology, London British Medical Journal, London Cold Spring Harbor Monograplis. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Brooklyn, N.Y. The Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Science. Science Bulletin, Brooklyn, N.Y. Broteria. Revistade sclenclas naturaes do CoUegio de S. Fiel. L^sLoa. VerhaudUuigen des Naturforsclienden Vereines in Biiinn. Briinn. [jiihrl.] Annales de la Societe beige de mlcro- scopie (Bruxelles). Annales de la Societe entomologique de Belgique (Bruxelles). Meusuel. Bulletin des seances de la Societe royale zoologique et nialacologique de Bel- gique (Bruxelles). Men.iuel. Annales. [Includes Bui. and Mem.] Aimales de la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles (Louvain). Trimestriel. Bulletin de la classe des sciences de I'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux arts de Belgique (Bruxelles). Mensuel. Bulletin de la Societe beige de geologie, de paleontologie et d'hydrologie (Bruxelles). [Includes Pr. verb. Mem.] Bulletin de la Societe beige de geologie, de paleontologie et d'hydrologie (Bruxelles). Bulletin de la Societe royale linneenne de Bruxelles (Bruxelles). Mensuel. Menioires de I'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles. Memoires de la Societe entomologique de Belgique (Bruxelles). Biyn Mawr College Monographs. Bryn Mawr, Pa. The Brj'ologist, Brooklyn, N.Y.... Buletlnul Societatii do Sciinte din Bucuresci-Roinania. (Bulletin de la Societe de Sciences Bucarest-Rou- manie), Bucuresci, [Bucharest]. Analele Academlei Romane, Bucuresci. Acadeniia Romana. PuLligatiunlle foudulul Vasilie Adamachi, Bucuresci. 40 U.K. 43 U.K. 44 U.K. 573 U.S. — U.S. — Per. 61 Aus. 21 Bel. 23 Bel. 48 Bel. 26 BeL 27 Bel. 42 Bel. 42 Bel. 47 Bel. — Bel. 52 Bel. 540 U.S. 65 U.S. — Rou Rou Rou 17 Biidap. Orr. Ujs:., Budapest Buenos Aires, Act. Ac. Cordoba Buenos Aires, An. Sac. CiciU. Argent. Buenos Aires, Bol. Ac. Cordoba Bufalo, Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci. Builenzorg, Bull. Dep. Agi'ic. Indes Xeerl. Bui. carte fjeol. France, Paris Bui. econ. Madagascar, TaiKinarirc Bui. Inst. Pasteur, Paris . Bid. Inst, psych., internat. Paris Bui. Murith., Aigle... Bui. Museum, Paris Bui. sci. France Belgique, Paris Bui. Soc. Zool., Geneve Bulaicayo, Proc. Rhod. Sci. Ass. Bidl. biol., Jurjev ... Bull. Com. Geol. Finl, Helsingfors Bidl. Geol. Soc. Amer., New York V. No. 410. Bidl. Mich. Acad. Sci, Agricultural College Bull, or Inst. Mas., Monaco Bull. N. Zeal. Dept. Agric, Wellington (H-10332 s) Biidapesti Orvosi Ujsag, Budapest. [Budapester Medizinische Zeitung, Budapest.] Actas de la Academia nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba, Buenos Aires. Anales de la Sociedad clentifica argen- tina, Buenos Aires. Boletiu de la Academia nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba, Buenos Aires Bulletin of tlie Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, N.Y. Bulletin du Departementde I'Agriculture des Indes Neerlandaises, Buitenzorg. 8vo. Bulletin des services de la carte geologique de France et des topographies souterraines. Paris, [irregul.] Colonie de Madagascar et dependances. Bulletin economique publie tous les deux mois par les soius du gouverne- ment general. Tananarive. Bulletin de I'lnstitut Pasteur, Paris Bulletin de I'lnstitut psycliologique. international. Paris. Bulletin de la llurithienne, Societe valaisanne des sciences naturelles. Aigle, Bex, etc. 8vo. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. [8 numeros par an.] Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. Dir. Giard. Paris, [annuel.] Bulletin de la Societe Zoologiqne de Geneve. 8vo. Geneve. Proceedings of the Rhodesia Scientific Association, Bulawayo. CnpaBOHHLiii .mcTOKt Cio.iora. KJpbeBt [Bulletin biologique.Jurjev]. Bulletin de la Commission Geologique de Finlande. Helsingfors. 8vo. Bulletin of the Michigan Academy of Science, Agricultural College, Mich. Bulletin or Institut du Musee oceano- graphique de Monaco. Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Agriculture. Wellington. — Ilun. — Argent. — Argent. — Argent. G6 U.S. — Hoi. 206 Fr. 8G7 Fr. — Fr. 224 Fr. 19 Swi. 237 Fr. 245 Fr. — Swi. — S. Afr — Russ. 5 Fin. — U.S. — U.S. — Mon. — N.Z. d 26 18 BuHon-on-Trent, Trans. Nat. Eist. Soe. Caen, Bui. soc. I'mn. Caen, Mem. soc. linn. Cagliari, Boll. se. mecl. nat. Cairo, Bui. Inst. Egypt ... Cairo, Ree. Eg. Govt. Seh. Med. Cairo, Yrbk. Klied. Agric. Soe. Cairo, Zool. Gdns. Sp. Rep. Calcutta, Ind. Mus. Notes... Calcutta, J. As. Soc. Beng. Calcutta, Proc. J. Agric. JLort. Soc. Ind. Camhridge, Mass., Bidl. Mus. Comp. Zool. Har- vard Coll. Cambridge, Mass., Cont. Mus. Comp. Zool. Har- vard Coll. Cambridge, Mass., Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Har- vard Coll. Camhridge, Mass., Mem. Nuttail Ornith. CI. Cambridge, Mass., Proc. Ne%o Engl. Zool. CI. Cambridge, Mass., Rep. Mus. Comp. Zool., Har- vard Coil. Camhridge, Proc. Pliil.Soc. Cameron, La., (Julf I'iol. Sta., Bull. Canad. Entovxol., London, Can. [formerly Toronto] Canterbury, Rep. E. Kent Nat. Hiat. Soc. Cape Toum, Ann. S. Afric. Mus. Burton-on-Treiit Natural History and Archaeological Society, Burton-on- Trent. Bulletin de la societe linneenne de Nor- niandie. Caen (Calvados), [trimestr.] Memoires de la societe linneenne de Norinandie. Caen (Calvados), [irregul.] Bollettino della Societa fra i cultori delle scienze mediche e natural!, Cagliari. Bulletin de I'lnstitut Eg}'ptien, Le Caire. Records of the Egyptian Government School of Medicine. Ministry of Public Instruction, Cairo. Yearbook of the Khedivial Agricultural Society, Cairo. Public Works Department Zoological Gardens, Giza, near Cairo. Special Report. Indian Museum Notes, Calcutta Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta. Proceedings and Journal of the Agri- cultural and Horticultural Society of India, Calcutta. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Cam- bridge, Mass. Zoological Laborato:y Contributions, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, Cam- bridge, Mass. Memoirs of the Nuttail Ornithological Club. Cambridge, Mass. Proceedings of the New England Zoo- logical Club, Cambridge, Mass. Annual Report of tl)e Museum of Com- ])arative Zoology, Harvard College, Canil)ridge, Mass. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- sophical Society, Cambridge. Gulf Biologic Station. Cameron, La. Bulletin. Canadian Entomologist, London, Can. .. Annual Peport and Transactions of the East Kent Scientific and Natural History Society, Canterbury. Annals of the South African Museum, Cape Town. 10 Cape Toini, ^aTin. Invest. Cape Town, Eep. Geol. Comm. Cape Toini, Eep. S. Afric. Asa. Cape Toicti, Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc. Caracas, Rev. Univ. Vene- zuela Carcassonne, Bui. soc. etud. set. Cardiff, Trans. Nat. Soc. ... Carinthia II, Klagenfurt ... Carlisle, Trans. Cumh. Ass. Cassel, Ahh. Ver. Natk. ... Cassinia Philadelphia, Pa. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioenia Catania, Boll. Ace. Gioenia Cans, sci., Paris ... Cellule, Louvain Ccntralhl. Augenheilk., Leipzig Centralbl. Bakt., Jena Marine luvestigati s in Soiitli Africa, Cape Town. Annual Report of the Geological Com- mission, Cape Town. Rejwrt of the South African Association for the advancement of Science, Cape Town. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, Cape Town. [Includes Proceedings.] Revista cientifica de la Universidad central de Venezuela, Caracas. Bulletin de la soci^ted'etudesscientifi (pies de I'Aude. Carcassonne (Aude). annuel]. Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society, Cardiff. Carinthia II, Mitteihingen des Natur- historischen Landesmusexims fiir Karnten. Red. v. Karl Frauscher. Klagenfurt. [2 monatl.] Transactions of the Cumberland Asso- ciation, etc., Carlisle. 8vo. Abhandlungen und Bericht des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Cassel. Cassel. [2 jahr.J Cassinia : Proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Phila- delphia, Philadelphia, Pa. Atti deir Accaderaia Gioenia di scienze natural!, Catania. Bullettino delle sedute dell' Accademia Gioenia di scienze naturali, Catania. Causeries scientifiques de la society zoologique de France. Paris, [irregul.j La Cellule, d'histologie Louvain. Recueil de cytologie et generale. Lierre et Centralblatt fiir praktische Augenheil- kmide, hrsg. v. Hirschberg. Leipzig, [monatl.] Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Parasi- tenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten, hrsg. V. 0[skar] Ulilworm. Jena. 1. Abth. : Medicinischhygienische Bak- teriologie. [1 Bd zwangl. ersch. Originale, 2 Bde Referate zu je 26 Nrn jahrl.] 2. Abth. : Allgemeine, landw.-technol. etc. Bakteriologie. [2 Bde zu je 26 Krn jahrl.] Jena (G. Fischer). 6 S. Af 2 S. Afr. — S. Afr. 7 S. Afr. — S. Amer. 254 Fr. 55 U.K. 67 Aus. 56 U.K. 267 Ger. — U.S. 48 It. 49 It. 257 Fr. — Bel. 273 Ger. 274 Ger. (k- 10332 8) d 26—2 20 Centralhl. Biol., Leipzig .. Cerdralhl. Gynak., Leipzig... Centralhl. Min., Stuttgart ... Centralhl. Path., Jena Ceylon, Aim. R. Bot. Gard. Chalon-sur-Saone, Bid. soc. sci. nat. Chamhery, Bui. soc. liist. nat. Chamhery, Mem. Acad. sci. hel.-let. ChapelHill, K.C.J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Cliartkov, Ajin. Univ. Charikov, C. B. Inst. veterin. CliarViov, Trd. OhSc. ispyt. prir. Cheltenham Coll. Nat. 7/isf. Mag. Chcmnilz, Bcr. nattc. Gcs... Cherbourg, Mem. soc. sci nat. Cheater, Ann. Rep. Soc. Kat. Sci. Chicago, III., Bull. Acad. Sci. Centralblatt fiir die gesamte Biologie. Hrsg. V. C. Oppenheimer u. L. Micbfelis. Leipzig. I. Abt. Bio- cheinisches Centralblatt. II. Abt. Biophysikalisclies Centralblatt. [zwanglos.] Centralblatt fiir Cynakologie, hi'sg. v. Fritsch. Leipzig, [woch.] Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie unci Paliiontologie, hrsg. v. Bauer etc. Stuttgart. [4 monatl.] Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Patliologie und pathologisclie Anatomic, hrsg v. Ziegler. Jena. [^ monatl.] Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradenuja, Ceylon. Bulletin de la societe des sciences naturelles de Saone-et-Loire. Chalon- sur-SaOne (Saone-et-Loire). [mensuel.] Bulletin de la societe d'histoire natu- relle. Chambeiy (Savoie). [irregul.] Memoires de I'Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de la Savoie. Chambery (Savoie). [annuel.] Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill, N.C. JliToniicii IIsinepaTopcKaro XapbKOB- CKaro ynnBepcnTeia. XapbKOBi. [Annales de I'Universite Imijeriale de Kharkov]. CoopHiiK-i xpyji.OB'b XapbKOBCKaro BeTepimapHaro IlHCTHTyia. Xaph- kobtj [Coniptes rendus des traraux de I'lnstitut veterinaire a Kharkov. Kharkov]. TpyAiji 06inecTBa iiciiLiTaTe-ieil npnpo- r^ii iipii llMiiepaxopcKOM-b XapbKOB- CKOM'b yiiHBepciiTeTt,. XapbKOBt [Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes de I'LInivorsit^ Imp^riale de Khar- kov]. Ciielteuhani College Natural History Magazine, Cheltenham. Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. Chemnitz, [mehrjiihr.] Memoires de la societe nationale des sciences naturelles et mathematiques de Cherbourg (Manche). [triniestr.] Annual Report and Proceedings of tlie Chester Society of Natural Science, Literature and Art, Chester. 8vo. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago, 111. 21 Ch'icago, 111, Cont. IIuU, Bot. Lab. Univ. Chic. Chicago, III., Field Columh. Mu8. Pub., Geol. Ser. Chicago, III., Field Columh. Mus. Pub. Oniith. Ser. Chicago, III., Field Columb. Mus. Pub., Zool. Ser. Cho^ajstvo, Kiev ... Chtir, Jahrcsber. Natf. Ges. Graub. Chutor, St. Peterburg Cincimiati, Ohio, J. Soc. Nat. Hist. Colmar, Mitt, nathiat. Ges. Colombo, J. Ceijl. R. As. Soc. Colorado Springs, Colo. Coll. Pub., Sci. Ser. Columbus, Proc. Ohio Acad. Sci. Columbus, Hep. Ohio Acad. Sci. Comun. Mus., Buenos Aires Condor, Santa Clara, Cal... Connecticut, Geol. Nat. Hist. Sure., Bull., Hartford Copenhague, BvR. explor. mer Copenhague, Pub. explor. mer CorrBl. Zahndrzte, Berlin Cosmos, Paris Croydon, Proc. Mierosr. Nat. Hiat. CI. Contributions from Hull Botanical Laboratory. (University of Chicago), Chicago, 111. Field Columbian Museum Publications. Geological Series. Chicago, 111. Field Columbian Museum Publications. Ornitliological Series. Chicago, 111. Field Columbian Museum Publications. Zoological Series. Chicago, 111. XoaaftcTBO. KiesTb [Agriculture. Kiev]. Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubiindens. Chur. 8vo. XyTop'i. C.-IIexepCyprTj [La ferme. St. Petersbourg]. Journal of .the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Cincinnati, Oliio. Mittheilungen der naturlustorischen Gesellschaft in Colmar. Bulletin de la Societe d'histoire naturelle de Colmar. Colmar. [2 jahr.] Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Colombo. Colorado College Publications. Science Series. Colorado Springs. Proceedings of the Ohio Academy of Science. Columbus. Ohio. Annual Report of the Ohio State Academy of Science. Columbus, Ohio. Comunicaciones del Museo nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. Condor. (Cooper Ornithological Club), Santa Clara, Cal. Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin. Hartford. Conseil permanent international pour I'exploration de la mer. Bulletin des resultat acquis pendant les courses periodiques public par le Bureau du C'onseil avec I'assistance de M. Knudsen, Copenhague. Conseil permanent international pour I'exploration de la mer. Publications de circonstance. Copenhague. Correspondenzblatt fiir Zahnarzte. Berlin, [i jahrl.] Cosmos, revue hebdomadaire des sciences et de leurs applications, fondee par M. I'abbe Moigno. Paris. Proceedings of the Croydon Microscopical and Natuial Llistory Club, Croydon. 99 U.S. 108 U.S. 109 U.S. 111 U.S. — Rus. 24 Swi. — Rus. 115 U.S. 311 Ger. 13 Ind. 123 U.S. — U.S. 549 U.S. — Argent 129 U.S. — U.S. — Den. — Den. 314 Ger. 300 Fr. CG U.K. 22 Croydon, Trans. Nat. Hist. Sci. Soc. D. Arch. klin. Med., Leipzig D. ent. Zs., Berlin D. eat. Zs. Iris, Berlin D. ill.Bienenztg, Berlin ... D. Jdger, Miinchen D. Jcigerztg, Nexidamm D. landic. Prease, Berlin ... D. landic. Tierzucht, Leip- zig D. med. Wochenschr., Leipzig D. MedZtg, Berlin D. PferdezucM, Stuttgart . . . D. thierdrztl. WoclienseJir., Hannover D. Tierfreund, Leipzig D. Viertel^ScliT. Gesund- Jttspjl., Braunscluccig D Zs. Chir., Leipzig Danzig, Ber. hot.-zool. Ver. Transactions of the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society. Deutsclies Arcliiv fiir klinische Medicin, red. V. Ziemsseu u. Moritz. Leipzig. [12-18 H. jiihrl.] Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, hrsg. V. d. deutscheu entomologischen Gesellschaft in Verbindung m. Dr. Kraatz u. d. Gesellschaft Iris in Dresden. Berlin, Nicolai. [3 H. jahrl.] Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, hrsg. V. d. Gesellschaft Iris in Dresden in Verbindung m. d. deutschen entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Ber- lin. (Iris, Dresden.) Berlin, Fried- lander u. Sohn. [2 H. jiihrl.] Deutsche illustrirte Bieuenzeitung, hrsg. V. Gravenhorat. Berlin, [mouatl.] Der deutsche Jager. Illustrirte siid- deutsche Jagdzeitung, red. v. Grashey. Miinchen. [36 H. jahrl.] Deutsche Jager-Zeitung, red. v. v. Sotheu. IS'eudamm. [^ woch.] Deutsche landwirthschaftliche Presse, red. V. Miiller. Berlin, f^ woch.] Deutsche landwirtschaftliche Tierzucht. Hrsg. V. C. Norner. Leipzig, [woch.] Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, red. V. Eulenburg u. Schwalbe. Leipzig, [woch.] Deutsche Medicinal-Zeitung, hrsg. v. Grosser. Berlin, [i woch.] Deutsche Pferdezucht. Zeitschrift fiir Zucht, Aufzucht, Verwertmig, Dressur, Behandlung und Gebrauch des Pferdes. Stuttgart. Deutsche tieriirztliche Wochenschrift, red. V. Malkmus. Hannover, [woch.] Deutscher Thierfreund. Illustrirte Monatsschrift, hrsg. v. Klee u. Marshall. Leipzig, [nionatl.] Deutsche Vierteljalirsschrift fiir offent- liche Gesundheitspflege, hrsg. v. Adiclies etc. Braunschweig. [^ jahrl.] Nebst Supplement : Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte und Leistungen auf dein Gebiete der Hygiene. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie, red. V. Rose u. Ilelferich. Leipzig, [i monatl.] Bericht des Westpreussischen botanisch- zoologischen Vereins. Mit Unter- stiitzung des Westpr. Provinzial- Landtages hrsg. Danzig, [zwangl.] 484 U.K. 318 Ger. 331 Ger. 332 Ger. 343 Ger. 341 Ger. 342 Ger. 348 Ger. 323 Ger. 352 Ger. 353 Ger. Ger. 373 Ger. 374 Ger. 383 Ger. 389 Ger. — Ger. 23 Danzig, Ber. nathiat. Samml. Datizig, Jahrh. Lehrevver. Danzig, Mitt. Fischereiver. Danzig, Schr. natf. Ges. Darmstadt, Abh. geol. Jjindesanst Darmstadt, NotizbJ. Ver. Erdk. Daven-port, Iowa, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Dax, Bui. 80C. Borda Delmagy. Termt. Fiiz., Temesvdr Demerara, J. R. Agric. Soe. Denver. Proc. Colo. Sci. Soe. Derbyshire Nat. Q., Derby Derm. Zs., Berlin ... Des Moines, Proc. Joica Acad. Sci. Dijon, Mem. Acad. sci. arts. Dobuts. Z., Tokyo ... Dorchester, Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. F. CI. Douglas, J. Isle Man Soe.... Dr. Disp., Kjobeyihavn Amtlicber Bericht iiber die Verwaltung deriiaturhistorischen.arc'haeolof^ischen iind etlinologist'heii Sainmluiigeii des westpreussischen Provinzial-Museums. Danzig, [jiihrl.] Jahrbuch des westpreussischen Lelirer- vereins fiir Naturkunde. Danzig, [zwangl.] ilittheilungen des westpreussischen Fischereivereins, red. v. Seligo. Danzig, [jahrh] Schriften der naturforscheuden Gesell- schaft in Danzig. Danzig, [zwang- los.] Abhandlungen der grossherzoglich hessischen geologischen Landesan- stalt zu Darmstadt. Darmstadt. [1-2 H. jahrh] Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkunde und der grossherzoglichen geologi- schen Landesanstalt zu Darmstadt, nebst MittheiUmgen aus der gross- herzoglich hessischen Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. Darmstadt, [jahrh] Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, Davenport, Iowa. Bulletin de la societe de Borda. Dax (Landes). [trimestr.] Delmacryarorszagi Termeszettudomanyi Fiizetek. Temesvdr. [Naturwissen- schaftliche Hefte aus Siid-Ungarn.] Journal of the Royal Agriculture and Commercial Society of British Guiana, Demerara. Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society, Denver. Derbyshire Naturalists' Quarterly, Derby. Dermatologische Zeitschrift, hrsg. v. Lassar. Berlin. [2 monatl.] Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences, Des Moines. Memoires de I'Academie des sciences, arts et helles-lettres. Dijon (Cote d'Or). [amiuel.] Dobutsugaku Zasshi (Zoological^ Maga- zine). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, Dorchester. Yn Lioar Manninagh, Douglas. 8vo. . . Doktord i sputa tser. . . — Ger. — Ger. 393 Ger. 394 Ger. 395 Ger. 396 Ger. 131 U.S. 304 Fr. 4 Hun. Brit. G uiana 134 U.S 464 U.K. 399 Ger. 137 U.S. 310 Fr. 7 Jap. 70 U.K. 71 U.K. 5 Den. 24 Dragulgnan, Bid. soc. agr't- cult. Draguignan, Bid. soc. etud. sci. arelu'ol. Dresden, Ahh. zool. Mus. ... Dresden, Ber. tieriirztl. Hoclisch. Dresden, Jalircshcr. Ver. Erdk. Dresden, Mitt. min. Mus. .. Dresden, SltzBer. Isis Dullin, Econ. Proc. E. Soc. Dublin, Fish. Ireland Sci. Invest. Dullin, Proc. li. Irish Acad. Dublin, Sci. Proc. It. Soc. ... Dullin, Sci. Trans. li. Soc. Dullin, Stud. Mar. Lab. R. Soc. Dullin, Trans. li. Irish Acad. DurJtheim, Mitt. Pollichia.. Dumfries, Trans. Nat. Uist. Soc. Durham, Proc. Univ. Phil. Soc. Ealing, Eep. Sci. Microsc. Soc. Eastbourne, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bulletin de La societe d'agrlculture, de commerce, et d'industrie du Var. Draguignan. Bulletin de la societe d'etudes scienti- fiques et arclieologiques de Draguig- nan (Var.) Abhandlungen und Berichte des kgl. zoologischen und anthropologisch-etli- nographisclien Mxiseiims zu Dresden. Berlin. [2 jahr.] Bericlit iiber die Konigliche Tierarzt- liche Hocbschule zu Dresden. Er- stattet von Rektor und Senat. Dres- den, [jahrl.l Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkuude in Dresden. Dresden. [2 jahr.] Mittheilungen aus dem kgl. minera- logiscli-geologischen imd prahistori- schen Museum in Dresden. Leipzig, [zwanglos.] Sitzungsberichte imd Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft Isis in Dresden. Dresden, [jahrl.] Economic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Dublin. Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1902 and 1903. Pt. ii. Scientific Investiga- tions. 8vo. Dublin, J 905. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Dublin. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, Dublin. Studies from the Marine Laboratory of tlie Royal Dublin Society (Reprints from Trans. R. Dublin Soc), Dublin. Transactions of tlie Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Mittheilungen der Pollichia, eines natur- wissenschaftlichen Vereines der Rheinpfalz. Diirkheim. [zwanglos.] Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and (ialloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Dumfries. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society, Durliam. Rciiort and Transactions of the Ealing Scientific and Microscopical Society, lOaling. 8vo. Transactions of tlie Eastbourne Natural History Society, Eastbourne. 8vo. 874 Fr. 314 Fr. 405 Ger, — Ger. 410 Ger. 411 Ger. 415 Ger. — U.K. — U.K. 74 U.K. 77 U.K. 78 U.K. 79 U.K. 81 U.K. 418 Ger. 83 U.K. 341 U.K. 8G U.K. 88 U.K. Echonge, Moidins Edogce Geol. Helcet., Lau- sanne Edinburgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc. Edinburgh, Proc. R. Soc. .. EdinburgJi, Proc. Scot. Microsc. Soc. Edinburgh, Traus. F. Nat. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans. Uighl. Soc. Scot. Edinburgh, Trans R. Scot. Ai-bor. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans. Scot. Nat. Hist. Soc. Ekaterinburg, Bidl. Soc. Oural. nat. Elberfeld, Jahresber. iiatw. Ver. Elbeuf, Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. Emden, Jahresher. natf. Ges. Emu, Melbourne Ent. Bl., Schurabach Echange (1'). Revue linneenne, organe des iiaturalistes de la region lyonnaiso, coiitenant les demandes d'ecliange, d'achat . . . de livres, collec- tions ou objets d'histoire natiirelle. Red. Locard et St. Lager. Moidins. [mensuel.] EclogiB geologic^ Helvetife. Recneil pci'iodiijue de la Societe geologique Suisse. Mitteilungen der schweizeri- scben geologischen Gesellschaft. Lausanne. 8vo. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Scottish Micro- scopical Society, Edinburgh. 8vo. Transactions of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists', etc., Society, Edinburgh. 8vo. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geo- logical Society, Edinburgh. Transactions of the Highland and Agri- cultiiral Society of Scotland, Edin- burgh. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society, Edinburgh. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions of the Scottish Natural History Society, Edinburgh. 3anHCKH ypa.ibCKaro 06m,eeTBa AV)6n- Te.iert ecTecTBOSHaniH. EKaiepHii- dypiTj [Bulletin de la Societe Oura- lienne des amateurs des sciences naturelles a Catherinebourg]. Jahresberichte des naturwissenschaft- lichen. Vereins in Elberfeld und Barmen. Elberfeld. [zwanglos.] Bulletin de la societe d'etudes des sciences naturelles d'Elbeuf (Seine- Jnferieure). [trimestr.] Jahresljericht der naturforschenden (lesellschaft in Emden. Enideu. [2 jahr.] The Emu, Melbourne Entomologische Blatter. Internationale ilonatsschrift fiir die Biologie der Kafer Europas, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der forst- u. land- wirtschaftlichen Schadlinge. Red. v. H. Eckstein etc. Schwabach. [monatl.] 31G Fn 30 SwL 95 U.K. 96 U.K. 98 U.K. lOG U.K. 103 U.K. 104 U.K. 108 U.K. 109 U.K. 110 U.K. 36 Rub. 425 Ger. 324 Fr. 436 Ger. G Vic. — Ger. 26 Ent. Jahrb., Leipzig Ent. Mag., London... Ent. XacJir., Berlin Ent. News Philadelphia, Pa. Ent. Bee, London ... Ent. WochenhL, Leipzig Ent. Zs., Stuttgart [friiher Guben} Entomol. Tidshr., Stock- holm Entomol. Ztg, Wien Entomologist, London Epsom CoU. Rep. Kat. Hist. Soe., London Erd. Kis., Selmeezbdnya .. Erfurt, Jahrb. Ah. TTiss. Ergebn. Physiol., Wies- baden JErgebn. Zool., Jena Erivam, Pam. hnizka Eri- vansk. gub. Erlangen, SitzBer. physik. Soc. Essex Nat., Salem, Mass. ... F. Forstfuren. Stroekr., Helsingfors Entomologisclies Jalu-biich, hrsg. v. Krancher. Leipzig, [jahrl.] The Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, London. 8vo. Entomol ogische Xachrichten, hrsg. v. Karsch Berlin, [s monatl.] Entomological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. American Entomological Society, Philadelphia, Pa. The Entomologists' Record and Joiimal of Variations, London. 8vo. Entomologisches Wochenblatt. (Insek- ten-Borse). Hrsg. v. C. Schaufuss und A. Frankenstein. Leipzig, [woch.] Entomologische Zeitschrift. Centralor- gan des internationalen entomolo- gischen Vereins. Stuttgart. [48 Nrn. jahrl.] Entomologisk Tidskrift utgifven af Entomologiska Foreniugen i Stock- holm. Stockholm. Svo. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. Red. V. Alfred Hetschko und Edmund Reitter. Wien. [10 H. iahrl.] The Entomologist, London. Svo. Report of the Epsom College Natural History Society, London. Svo. Erdeszeti Kiserletek, Sehneczbdnya. [Forstwissenschaftliche Versuche, Selmeczbanya.] Jahrbiicher der kgl. Akademie gemein- niitziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Erfurt, [jahrl.] Ergebnisse der Physiologie. Hrsg. v. L. Asher u. K. Spiro. Wiesbaden, [jahrl. 2 Bde.] Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Zoologie, hrsg. V. J. W. Spengel. Jena, [zwangl.] IlaMflTHaa KiiinuKa 3pnBancKofi lyCep- Hin. 9piiBaHb [Almanach du gouvemement d'Erivan. Erivan]. Sitzungsberichte der physikaliscli-medi- cinischen Societiit zu Erlangen. Erlangen. [jahrl.] Essex Naturalist. (Journal of the Essex Field Club), Salem, Mass. Finska Forstforeningens Stroskrifter. Helsingfors. Svo. 439 Ger. 119 U.K. 441 Ger. 366 U.S. 121 U.K. — Ger. 442 Ger. 7 Swe. 493 Aus. 120 U.K. 122 U.K. 5 Hun. 444 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. — Rus. 453 Ger. 150 U.S. 11 Fin. F. Lahares. Handl., Ilel- s'mgfors Icdco, Leipzig Falmouth, Rep. R.Coniicall Polyt. Soc. Fauna, Luxembourg Fauna Xeapcl, Berlin Felated, Rep. Sch. Sci. Soc. Fennia, Helsingfors Feuille jeujies natural., Paris Field, London Field Xat. Q., Edinburgh.. Firenze, Archivio Soc. it. antrop. etnol. Firenze, Boll. Soc. Entom... Firenze, Pubblie. 1st. si. sup. Fisclvereiztg, Neudamm Fisk. Tidskr. FinL, Hel- singfors Fbldt. Eck., Budapest Foldt. Int. Evi Jelent., Budapest Foldt. Kozl., Budapest Folia haematologica, Leip- zig [friiher Berlin] Folia neuro-biol., Leipzig .. Finska Lakaresiillskapets Handlingar. | Helsingfors. 8vo. Falco, unregeliuiissig im Anschluss an das Werk ..Berajah, Zoographica- infinita" erscheinemle Zeitscluift. Hrsg. V. 0. Kleinscliuiidt. Leip/.ig. [zwangl.] Annual Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytecluiic Society, Falmouth. Fauna. Vereiu Luxeiuburger Natur- freunde. Mitteiluugen aus den Verein- sitzungen. (Fauna. Societe des Naturalistes Luxeiubourgeois. C.-R. des Seances). Luxembourg. Fauna und Flora des Golfes v. Neapel, hrsg. V. d. zoologischen Station. Berlin, [zwanglos.] Report of the Felsted Schools Scientific Society', Felsted. Fennia. Bulletin de la Societe de Geo- graphie de Fiulande. Helsingfors. 8vo. Feuille des jeunes naturalistes. Dir. DoUfus. Paris, fnaensuel.] The Field, London The Field Naturalist Quarterly, Edin- burgh. Archivio della Societa italiana di antro- pologia e di etnologia, Firenze. Bollettino della Societa Eutomologica, Firenze. Pubblicazioni del Istituto di studi superiori, Firenze. Fischerei-Zeitung. Wochenschrift, hrsg. V. Droscher. Neudamm. [woch.] Fiskeritidskrift for Finland. Helsing- fors. 8vo. Foldtani Evkonyvei, Budapest. [Jahr- buch fiir Geologie, Budapest.] A Magj'ar Kiralyi Foldtani Int^zet Evi Jeleutese, Budapest. [Jahresbericht der Koniglichen ungarischen geologi- schen Anstalt, Budapest.] Foldtani Kozlony, Budapest. [Geolo- gische Mittheilungen, Budapest.] Folia haematologica. Internationales Zentralorgan fur Blut- und Serumfor- schung. Hrsg. v. A. Pappenheim. Leipzig. [monatl.J Folia neuro-biologica. Internationales Zentralorgan fiir die gesamte Biologie des Nervensystems. Hrsg. v. E. Hekma. Leipzig, [zwangl.] 12 Fin. — Ger. 12-1 U.K. — Lux. 459 Ger. 125 U.K. 8 Fin. 337 Fr. 128 U.K 483 U.K. 61 It. 65 It. 67 It. 461 Ger. 16 Fin. 20 Hun 22 Hun 7 Hun. — Ger. — Ger. 28 Folkestone, Proc. Wat. Hist. Soc. Forsch.D. Landesh., Stiitt- gaH Forsch. Geacli. Bajjern, Miinchen Forstwiss. Centralhl., Berlin Fortsehr. Med., Leipzig Fortschr. Rontgenstr., Ham- burg Frank fuH a. M., Ahh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges. Frauenfeld, Mitt. Tliurg. Natf. Ges. Freiburg i. B., Ber. natf. Ges. Freiburg i. B., Mitt. Landcsver. Xatk. Freie Hefte natir. Mitt., Leipzig Frihourg, Bid. Soc. Sci. Nat. Findings landic. Ztg, Stuttgart Gaea, Leipzig Gartenflora, Berlin Gaz. lek., Warszaua Gazz. osp. din., Milano Proceedings of the Folkestone Natural History Society, Folkestone. 8vo. Forschungen zur deutschen Landes-und Volkskunde, In-sg. v. IvircKhoff. Stuttgart. [^ jiihrl.] Forschungen zur Geschichte Ba}'erns. Vierteljahresschrift. Hrsg. v. M. Doeberl etc. Jliinchen. [i jahrl.] Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, hrsg. V. Fiirst. Berlin, [monatl.] Fortschritte der Medicin, hrsg. v. Eberth u. Goldscheider. Leipzig, [woch.] Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Ront- genstrahlen, hrsg. v. Deycke ii. Albers-Schonberg. Hamburg. [2 monatl. 1 Abhandlungen hrsg. v. d. Sencken- bergischen naturforschenden Gesell- schaft. Frankfurt a. M. [3 H. jahrl] Bericlit der Senckenbergischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M. [jahrl.] Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malako- zoologischen Gesellschaft. Frank- furt a. M. [monatl.] Mitteiluugen der thurgavischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft. Frauen- feld. 8vo. Berichte der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zu Freiburg i. B. Freiburg i. B. [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Mitteilungen des badischen Landes- vereins fiir Naturkunde (friiher des badischen botanischen Vereins). Freiburg i. B. [zwangl.] Freie Hefte fiir naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen in zwangloser Folge. Hrsg. V. Haas. Leipzig. Bulletin de la Societe fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles. Fribourg. 8vo. Fiihliiigs landwirthschaftliche Zeitung, lirsg. V. I'ischer. Stuttgart, [.f monatl.] Gaea. Natur und Leben, hrsg. v. Klein. Leipzig, [monatl.] Gartenflora, hrsg. v. Wittuiack. Berlin. [I monatl.] (iazota lekarska, red. W. Gajkiewicz, Warszawa. 8vo. [weekly.] Gazzetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche, ililano. 129 U.K, 464 Ger. — Ger. 46G Ger. 4(59 Ger. 471 Ger. 473 Ger. 476 Ger. 480 Gen 32 Swi. 485 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 35 Swi. 489 Ger> 492 Ger. 495 Ger. 7 PoL 72 Pt. 29 Gecioug Kat. Geficd. ]]'elt, Magdehurg .. GeflZiicliter, Leipzig Gehenhe'im, Ber. Leliranst. Obstbau Geiicre, Bid. Inst. Xat. Geneve, Mem. Inst. Xat. .. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Pliys. .. Genova, Ann. Miisco Civ. 8t. nat. Genova, Atti Soc. Ugustica 8c. nat. geogr. Genova, Boll. Musei zool. anat. camp. Geogn. Jahreshefte, iliin- cJien Geogr. Anz., Gotha... Geogr. Foren. Tidskr., llel- singfora Geogr. Jahrh., Gotha Geogr. Zs., Leipzig Geographie, Paris ... Geol. Mag., London Geol. u. palceoTit. Abh., Jena Gera, Jahresber. Ges. Natic. Ghlas Srpske Ak., Beo- ghrad Glessen, Ber. Ges. Xatk. .. The Oeelong Naturalist, tlie Quarterly Journal of the Geelong Field Naturalists' Club. Geelong. [Victoria.] Die gefiederte Welt. Magdeburg, [woch.] Gefliigel-Ziichter. Allgemeine Fach- zeitung. Leipzig-Connewitz. [woch.] Bericht der kgl. Lehranstalt fiir Obst- und Weinbau zu Geisenheim a. Rh. Wiesbaden, [jahrl.] Bulletin de I'lnstitut national genevois. Geneve. 8vo. Memoires del'Institut national genevois. Geneve. 4to. Memoires de la Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve. Geneve. -Ito. Annali del Museo Civico di storia naturale, Genova. Atti della Societa ligustica di scieuze natural! e geografiche, Genova. Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia e di anatomia comparata della R. Univer- sith, Genova. Geognostische Jahreshefte, hrsg. v. d. geognostischen Abtheiiung des kgl. bayerischen Oberbergaints in Miiu- chen. Miiuchen. [jahrl.] Geographischer Anzeiger, hrsg. v. Perthes. Gotha. [monatl.] Geografiska Foreningens Tidskrift. Ilel- singfors. 8vo. Geographisches Jahrbuch, hrsg. v. Wagner. Gotha. [jiihrl.] Geographische Zeitschrift, hrsg. v. Hettner. Leipzig, [monatl.] Geographie (la), bulletin de la societe de geographie, par Hulot et Ch. Rabot. Paris, [mensuel.] Geological Magazine, London ... Geologische und palasontologische Ab- handlungen, hrsg. v. E. Koken. Jena (G. Fischer), [zwanglos.] Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft von Freunden der Naturwissenschaft in Gera. Gera. [mehrjahr.] Ghlas Srpske Kraljevske akademije. Prvl razred. Beoghrad. Bericht der oberliessischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Giessen. [mehrjahr.] Vic. 502 Ger. 504 Ger. 505 Ger. 39 Swi. 44 Swi. 45 Swi. 74 It. 76 It. 78 It. 507 Ger. 509 Ger. 17 Fin. 510 Ger. 512 Ger. 362 Fr. 134 U.K 1267 Ger. 515 Ger. — Servia 522 Ger. 30 ^'lasgoic, Proc. Phil. Soc .. Glasgow; Hep. Fish. Board Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgoic, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasnik naravosl. druzt., Zagreb Globus, Braunschweig Gloucester, Pi'oc. Cottes- wold Nat. F. CI. Gorlitz, Abli. natf. Ges. Gateborg, Vet. Handl. Gottingen, Abh. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, Nachr. Ges. Wi88. Graefes Arch. Oplithahn., Leipzig Grahamstoicn, Fee. Albany Mu8. Granville, Ohio, Bull. Sci. Lab. Deniaon Univ. Graz, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Steierm. Greifswald, Jahresber. geogr. Ges. Greifswald, Mitt. natw. Ver. Grenoble, Bui. soc. atat. sci. nat. arts ind. Guernsey, Rep. and Trans. See. Nat. Sci. Giistrow, Arch. Ver. Natg. Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosopliical Societj^ Glasgow. Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland, Glasgow. 8vo. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow, Glasgow. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow, Glasgow. Glasnik hrvatskoga naravoslovnoga druztva. [Societas historico-naturalis Croatica.] Zagreb. Globus. Illustrirte Zeitschrift fiir Lander- und Volkerkunde, hrsg. v. Andree. Braunschweig, [woch.] Proceedings of the Cotteswold Natu- ralists' Field Club, Gloucester. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. [zwanglos.] Goteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhetssamhiilles Handlingar. ( ; oteborg. 8vo. Abliandknigeu der kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Berlin. [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Nachrichten von der kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Gottingen. [jahrl. in zwangl. H.j Graefes Arohiv fiir Ophthalmologie, red. V. Lel:er u. VVagenniann. Leipzig. [5-6 H. jahrl.] Records of the Albany Museum, Grahamstott'n, Cape Colony. Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereines fiir Steiermark. Red. V. C. Doelter. Graz. [jahrl.] Jahresbericht der geographischen Gesellschaft zu Greifswald. Greifs- wald. [mehrjahr.] Mitlheilungen aus dera naturwissen- schaftlichen Yerein fiir Neu-Vorpom- inern und Riigen in Greifswald. Berlin, [jahrl.] Bulletin de la societe de statistique, des sciences naturelles et des arts in- dustrials de risere. Grenoble (Isere). [triniestr.] Report and Transactions of the Guern- sey Society of Natural Science, Guernsey. Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Giistrow. [jiihrl.] 137 U.K. 99 U.K. 138 U.K. 142 U.K. — Croat. 525 Ger. 144 U.K. 528 Ger. 9 Swe. 529 Ger. 531 Ger. 533 Ger. 12 S. Afr. 160 U.S. 119 Aus. 534 Ger. 535 Ger. 367 Fr. 146 U.K. 537 Ger. 31 Haarlem, Arch. Mu8. Teyler Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soe. Holl Haarlem, Bull. Kolon. Mua. Haarlem. Nat. Verh. HoU. Maatsch. Wet. Hahana, An. Ac. Cs. Halifax Xat. Halifax, N.S., Proc. & Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci. Halle, Aih. natf. Ges. Halle, Leopoldina ... Halle, Xova Acta Leop. ... Hamburg, Ahh. natic. Ver. Hamburg, Jdhrb. xciss. Anat. Hamburg, Verh. natw. Ver. Hamburg, Verh. Ver. natic. Unterh. Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneeak. Congrea JIannover, Jahrb. Prov. Mua. Hannover, Jahreaber. nat- hist. Gea. Archives du Musee Teyler, Haarlem. 8vo. Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles publiees par la Societe Hollandaise des Sciences, Haarlem. 8vo. Bulletin van het Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem, Amsterdam. 8vo. Natuurkundige Verliandelingen van de Uollandsche Maatschappij der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. Haarlem. 4to. Anales de la real Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. The Halifax Naturalist and Record of the Scientific Society, Halifax. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, N.S. Abhandlungen der natiirforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. Halle, [zwanglos.] Leopoldina. Amtl. Organ der kais. Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen deut- schen Akaderaie der Naturforscher, Halle. Leipzig. [15 Nrn jahrl.] Nova Acta academiae caesar. Leopol- dino-Carolinae naturae curiosorum. Abhandlungen der kaiserl. Leopol- dinisch-Carolinischen deutschen Aka- demie der Naturforscher, Halle. Leipzig, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. hrsg. vom natur- wissenschaftlichen Verein in Ham- burg, [zwanglos.] Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen wissen- schaftlichen Anstalten. Hamburg, [jahrl.] Nebst Beiheften. Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaft- lichen Vereins in Hamburg-Altona. Hamburg, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir natur- wissenschaftliche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg. Hamburg. [3 jahr.] Handelingen van het Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres. 8vo Jahrbuch des Provinzial-Museums zu Hannover. Hannover, [jahrl.] Jahresbericht der naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover. Hannover, [mehrjahr.] 21 Hoi. 22 HoL 23 HoL 24 Hoi. — Ha van. U7 U.K. 13 Can. 542 Ger. 546 Ger. 548 Ger. 550 Ger. 553 Ger- 559 Ger. 560 Ger. 26 Hoi. — Ger. 563 Ger. 32 Harvard PsycJi. Stud., Boston, Mass. Hastings and E. Sussex Nat: Hastings, Mus. Fuhl. Hastings Nat. v. Hasthigs and E. Sussex Nat. Havre {Le), Bui. soc. geol.... Hediclgia, Dresden Heidelberg, Mitt. gcol. Landesanst. Heidelberg, Verli. nathist. Ver, Heimat, Kiel Helder, Jaarb. onderz. zee Helder, Tijdsclir. Ned. DierJt. Ver. Helder, Verh. Onderz. Zee... Helios, Berlin Helsingfora, Acta Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn. Helsiiigjors, Medd. Soc. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. Helsingfors, Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. Hermanstadt, Verh. Mitt, aiebenb. Ver. Naturw. Hertford, Trans. Nat. Hist. Hoc. Harvard Psychological Studies. Ed. by Hugo Miiusterberg. Boston and New York. Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist, being the Journal of the Hastings and St. Leonard's Natural History Society. Hastings. Publications of the Hastings Museum . . Bulletin do la societe geologique de Normandie. Le Havre (Seine- Inferieure). [trimestr.] Hedwigia. Organ fair Kryptogamen- kunde, red. v. Hieronymus. Dresden. [2 monatl.] Mittheilungen der grossherzoglich badi- schen geologischen Landesanstalt, hrsg. im Auftr. des Ministeriums des Innern. Heidelberg, [jahrl.] Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-me- dicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. Heidelberg. [1-2 H. jahrl.] Die Heimat. Monatsschrift des Vereins zur Pdege der Natur- und Landes- kuude in Schleswig-Holstein, red. v. Lund. Kiel, [monatl.] Jaarboek van bet Rijksinstituut voor het onderzoek der zee. Helder. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dier- kundige Vereeniging, Leiden. 8vo. Verhandelingen uit het Rijksinstituut voor het onderzoek der see, Helder. Helios. Abhandlungen und Mittheilun- gen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Urgan des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt a. 0. Berlin, [jahrl.] Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Helsingfors. 8vo. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. Helsingfors. 4to. Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Helsingfors. 8vo. Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Socie- tetens Forhandlingar. Helsingfors, 8vo. A'^crhandluiigeu und Mittheilungen des siebenbiirgischen Vereins ftir Natur- Avissenschaften in Hermanstadt. See Watford, Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. — U.S. — U.K. — U.K. 371 Fr. 573 Ger. 574 Ger. 575 Ger. 577 Ger. — Hoi. 27 Hoi. — Hoi. 579 Ger. 1 Fia. 2 Fin. 22 Fin. 26 Fin. 18 Hun. U.K. 33 HUdbiirr)1iauscn, Sclw. Ver. mciiiing. Ocsch. Ilildeifhclm, Mitt. Jioemer- Mus. Himmcl u. EvJe, Berlin. .. Hobart, Proc. If. Soc. Tas- mania Hod. droh., Ltcdw ... JIof.Ber.Vcr.Xath. Uohnesdale, Proc. Nat. Hist. CI., London Honolulu, Exp. Sta., Hauai ian Sitg. PI. Ass., Div. Ent., Bull. Honolidu, U.T., Occ. Paprs., Bemice Pauahi Bishop Mus. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaii Ent. Soc. UoppeScijlers Zs. physiol, Chem., Strasshurg Horsliam, Hep. Christ's Hosp. Nat. Hist. Soc. Hull Mus. Piibl Hidl, Trans. Geol. Soc. Hull, Trans. Sci. F. Nat. CI. Hund, Wien Hijg. Hdsch., Berlin Ihis, London Ind. For., Allahabad — (not fixed) Ind. Med. Gaz., Calcutta .. Indiana, Rep. Dept. Geol. Nat. Res., Indianapolis Indianapolis, Ind., Proc. Acad. Sci. (N- 10332 8} Sehriften des Vereius fiir sachsen- nieiniiigisflie Gesehichte und Landes- kunde. Hildburgliauseu. [zwanglos.] Mittlieilungen aus dem Roemer-Museum zu Hildesheim. [zwanglos.] Himmel und Erde. Illustrirte natur- wissenschaftliche Monatsschrift, red. V. Schwahn. Berlin, [monatl.] Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Hodowca drobiu, red. J. Szpilman, Lwow. 4to. [monthly.] Berichtdes nordoberfrankischen Vereins fur Xatur-, Geschichts- und Laudes- kunde. Hof. [mehrjahr.] Proceedings of the Holmesdale Natural History Club, London. 4to. Division of Entomology. Bulletin. Re- port of the work of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Honolulu. Occasional Papers of the Bern ice Pauahi Bishoj) Museum of Polynesian Ethno- logj' and iSiatural Historv. Honolulu, H.l. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomo- logical Society. Honolulu. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fiir physio- logische Chemie, hrsg. v. Kossel. Strassburg. [monatl.] Report of the Christ's Hospital Natural Histon,' Society, Horsham. Hull Museum Publications Transactions of the Hull Geological Society, Hull. Transactions of the Hull Scientific and Field Naturalists' Club, Hull. Der Hund. Unabhiingige kynologisclie Zeitschrift fiir Osterreich-Ungarn. Herausgeg. v. Franz Xaver Pleban. Wien. [i- monatl.] Hygienische Rundschau, hrsg. v. Fraen- kel etc. Berlin. [^ monatl.] The Ibis (a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology), London. 8vo. Indian Forester, Allahabad Indian Medical Gazette, Calcutta Report of the Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources, Indianapolis. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis. 581 Ger. 583 Ger. 585 Ger. — Tasm 10 Pol. 580 Ger. 149 U.K. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S. 587 Ger. — U.K. — U.K. 153 U.K. 155 U.K. 130 Aus. 591 Ger. 156 U.K 16 Ind. 18 Ind. 160 U.S. 169 U.S. d27 InnsirucJi, Ber. Xatic. Med. Ver. Innshrucli, Zs. Ferd. Insektenhorsr, Leipzig Int. Q., Burlington, Vt. Intern, ent. Zs., Guben Intern. Monatsclir. Anat., Leipzig Intern. Hev. Hijdrohiol , Leipzig Inverness, Trans. K. Ass. Inveimess, Trans. Sei. Soc. F.Cl. loua City, loxca, Bull. Univ. Lah. Nat. Hist. Iowa Geol. Surv., Des Moines Iowa Geol. Surv., Monogr., Des Moines Irish Nat., Dublin IrktUsTi, Izv. Vost.-Sib. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Obsc. Ithaea, N.Y ., Cornell Univ. Bull. Szi. J. Agric. Sci., Cambridge.. J. agrieult. tropic, Paris . J. Anat. Pliysiol., London J. anat. physioL, Paris .. Berichte des Xaturwissenschaftlicli- Medizinischen Vereiues in Inusbruck. Innsbruck, [jahrl.] Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Lmsbruck. [jahrl.J Insekten-Borse. Internationales Wocben- blatt der Entomologie, red. \. Frankenstein. Leipzig, [woch.] The Iiaternational Quarterly. Burling- ton, Vt. Internationale entomologische Zeit- schrift. Hrsg. unter Mitarbeit be- deutender Entomologen. Guben. [woch.] Internationale Monatsschrift fiir Ana- tomie und Physiologie, hrsg. v. Anderson etc. liCipzig. [monatl.] Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. Hrsg. V. B. Helland. Hansen etc. Leipzig, [jahrl. 6 Hefte.] Transactions of the Northern Associa- tion of Literary, etc.. Societies, Inverness. 8vo. Transactions of the Inverness Scientific Societ}', etc., Inverness. 8vo. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State Univer- sity of Iowa City. Iowa Geological Survey, Des lloines ... Iowa Geological Survey, Monographs, Des Moines. Irish Naturalist (a monthly Journal of General Irish Natural History), Dublin. IIsBliCxiH BocToqno-Cn6npcKaro oia'fe.ia IlMnepaTopcKaro pyccKaro Teorpa- {})iiqecKaro OoiuecTBa. IIpKyxcK-h [Bulletin de la Section pour la Siberie orientale de la Societe Imperiale russe de Geographie. Irkoutsk]. Cornell University Bulletin. Science. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cam- bridge. Journal d'agriculture tropicale. Dir. Vilbouclievitch. Paris, [mensuel.] The Journal of Anatomy and Pliysio- logy (n(n-nial and pathological), Lon- don. 8vo. Journal de I'anatoraie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de I'homine et des animau.x. Dir. Mathias Duval. Paris, [bimestr.] 138 Aus. 140 Aus. 662 Ger. — U.S. — Ger. 668 Ger. — Ger. 159 U.K. 160 U.K. 170 U.S. 171 U.S. 172 U.S. 161 U.K. 58 Pus. 175 U.S. — U.K. 879 Fr. 162 U.K. 388 Fr. 35 J. Biol. Chem., Xeic York, N.Y. J. Board Agrlc, London .. J. Comp. Neur. Psych., Granville, Ohio J. Conch., Leeds ... J. conchyliol., Paris J. econ. hiol., London J. Econ. Ent., Concord, N.H. J. Essex Lah., Chelmsford J. Exp. Med., Baltimore, Md. J. Exp. Zool., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Fed. Malay Mus., Kuala Lumpur J. Geol., Chicago, III J. Hygiene, London J. inf. diseases, Chicago ... J . Maine Omith. Soc, Port- land J. Malac, London ... J. Med. Res., Boston, Mass. J. Morph., Boston, Mass. J. Ornith., Leipzig... J. Physiol., Cambridge J. physiol. path. gen. Paris J. Psychol., Leipzig (n-10332 s) The Journal of Biological Chemistry, New York City. Journal of the Board of Agriculture, London. The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. The Journal of Conchology, Leeds. 8vo. Journal de Conchyliologie, publie sous la direction de M. H. Fischer. Paris, [trimestr.] The Journal of economic Biology, London. Journal of economic entomology ; offi- cial organ of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Concord, N.H. The Journal of the Essex Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford. 8vo. Journal of Experimental Medicine, Baltimore, Md. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, Philadelphia, Pa. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums, Kuala Lumpur. Journal of Geology. (University of Chicago), Chicago, 111. The proposed Journal of Hygiene. (D. J. S. Haldane.) London. The Journal of infectious diseases, Chicago. The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, Portland, Me. Journal of Malacology, London. 8vo. . . . Journal of Medical Research. Con- tinuation of the Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Boston, Massachusetts. Journal of Morphology, Boston, Mass. ... Journal fiir Oruithologie, hrsg. v. Reichenow. Leipzig. [J jahiL] The Journal of Physiologj^, London and Cambridge. 8vo. [Includes Pro- ceedings of the Physiological Society.] Journal de physiologic et de pathologie generale. Dir. Bouchard et Chauveau. Paris, [bimestr.] Journal fiir Psychologic und Neuro- logic. Zugleich Zeitschrift fiir Hypnotismus. Red. v. Brodmann. Leipzig, [z wangles.] — U.S. 164 U.K. 185 U.S. 168 U.K. 393 Fr. — U.K. — U.S. 170 U.K. — U.S. — U.S. — Straits Settle- ments. 101 U.S. 171 U.K. — U.S. 550 U.S. 172 U.K. 559 U.S. 186 U.S- 596 Ger. 177 U.K. 410 Fr. — Ger. d27— 2 3G J . Trop. Med., London J. West Austral. Soc. Perth Jaarh. Mijnic. Ned. Ind., Batavia Jahrb. Kinderke'dh., Lc'ip- zig Jalirh. Pliilos., Paderhorn. Jalirh. scMcs. Forstvei'., Breslau JaJtrb. Vogelsclintz., Berlin Jcihrh. iciss. Tlerzucld, Leipzig Jaliresber. Anat., Jena Jahresher. forstl.-phdn . Stat., Berlin Jahresher. Physiol., Stutt- gart Jahresher. Ver. angeir. Bat., Berlin Jaroslavli, Mem. Soc. Kat. Jassy, Ihd. Soc. Med. Jena, Denhschr. vied. Ges. Jena, Mitt, geogr. Ges. Jcnaiachc Za. Natw. Journal of Tropical Medicine, London .. Journal of the West Australian Natural History Society, with whidh is incor- porated the Mueller Botanical Society. Perth (W. Austr.). Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- latidsch-Iudie, uitgegeven door het Ministerie van Kolonien, Batavia. Svo. Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde und physische Erziehung, red. v. Heubiier. Leipzig. [8 H. jahrl.] Jahrbuch fiir Philosophie und spekiila- tive Theologie. Hrsg. v. E. Commer. Paderborn. [^ jahrl.] Jahrbuch des schlesischen Forstvereins, hrsg. V. Schirmacher. Breslau. [jiihrl.l Jahrbuch des iuternationalen-Frauen bundes fiir Vogelschutz (deutsche Ab- teilung) Berlin, [jiihrl.] Jahrbuch fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Tierzucht einschliesslich der Ziichtungsbiologie. Hrsg. v. Miiller. Leipzig, [jahrl.] Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, hrsg. V. Schwalbe. Jena, [referirend, jahrl] Jahresbericht der forstlich-phanologi- schen Stationen Deutschlands. Berlin, [zwanglos.] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie, hrsg. v. Hermann. Stuttgart, [referirend, jahrl.] Jahresbericht der Vereinigung der Vertreter der angewandten Botanik. Berlin, [jiihrl.] Tpy;;Li flpocjiaBCKaro eciecTBeHHO- HCTopiiqecKaro 06inecTBa. fl])o- c.'iaBab [Memoires de la Societe des naturalistes de Jaroslav. Jaroslav]. Bulletin de la Societe des Medecins et Naturalistes de Jassy. Jassy. Denkschriften der medicinisch-natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, [jiihrl. in zwangl. H.] Mittheilungen der geographischen Ge- sellschaft fiir Thiiringen zu Jena. Jena, [jiihrl.] Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissen- schaft, hrsg. v. d. medicinisch-natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Jena. [4 11. jahrl.] f 181 U.K. — W. Aus. 29 Hoi. 608 Ger. — Ger. 018 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 622 Ger. 628 Ger. 640 Ger. — Ger. 413 Rus. — Fr. 647 Ger. 648 Ger. 650 Ger. 37 Jcstestr. i gcoji'., Moshva ... Jeze [Messager de Medo- cine veierinaire sociale. St. Peters- bourg]. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. im — Ger. Auftrage der k. k. osterreichischeu Gesellschaft fiir ileteorologie imd der Deutschen meteorologischen Gesell- schaft. Red. V. J. Hahn und G. Hellmann. Braunschweig, [monatl.] Bulletin de la societe d' histoire naturelle — Qer. de Metz. Metz. [unbestimmt.] Boletin del Institute Geologico de — Mex. Mexico. Memorias de la Socledad Cientifica — Mex. " Antonio Alzate." Mexico. 8vo. Reports of tlie Michigan Geological 230 U.S. Survey, Lansing. Micrographe (le) preparateur. Dir. 493 Fr. Tempere. Paris. [bimestr.J Mikrokosmos. Zeitschrift zur For- — Ger. derung wissenschaftlicher Bildung hrsg. V. d. Deutschen mikrologischen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart. [Hefte jahrl.] Atti della Societa italiana di scienze 102 It. natural!, e del museo civico di Storia naturale, Milano. Memorie dell' Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, Milano. Memorie della Societa italiana di scienze natural!, Milano. Rendiconti dell'Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, Milano. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society, Milwaukee. Bidletin of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, Minneapolis. Occasional Papers of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, Minneapolis. Bulletin of the Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey, St. Paul. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. The Geology of Minnesota. Final Report. St. Paid, Minn. Miscellanea entomologica. Revue ento- — Fr. mologique Internationale (edition franijaise). Narbonne (E. Barthe, edit.), [mensuel.] Bulletin University of Montana. 552 U.S. Missoula, Mont. 101 It. 95 It. 106 It. 235 U.S. 247 u.s 249 u.s 251 u.s 154 u.s 48 Missouri, Rep. Geo!., Jefferson City Mitt. D. Schutzgeh., Berlin Mitt. D. Weinhcnrvei:, Mainz Mitt. Gescli. Med., Baiuhurg Mitt.philomath.Ges.,Sti'ass- Trnrg Milt. Wehibau, Geisenheim Mitt. zool. Stat. Neapel, Berlin Modena, Atti Soc. nat. mat. Modena, Mem. Aec. Man. Bev., London ... Monatsbl. Post, Leipzig Monatsc.lir. Gehnrtsh., Berlin Monatachr. Ohrenhcilk., Berlin Monatschr. Fsychiatrie, Berlin Monatshefte Derm., Ham- burg ' Moiiat»hefteJagdscladzver., Berlin Monatshefte nalic. Uiilerr., Leipzig Monatshefte Tlucrhr'ilh. Stuttgart Monitore zool.ital., Firenze Biennial Eeport of the State Geologist, Jefferson City, Mo. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten ans den deutschen Schutzgebieten. Wissenschaftliche Beihefte zum deutschen Kolonial- blatt, hrsg. v. Danckelmann. Berlin. [i jahrl.] Mitteihingen des deutschen Weinhau- Vei-eins. Mainz, [monatl.] Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. Hrsg. nnter Red. v. W. A. Kahlbaum M. Neuburg, K. Sudhoff. [J jiihrl.] ' Mitteikmgen der philomatischen Gesell- schaft in Elsass-Lothringen. [zwaugl.] Mittheilungen iiber Weinbau und Keller- wirthschaft, hrsg. v. Goethe. Geisen- heim. [monatl.J Mittheihingen aus der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Berlin. [^ jahrl.] Atti della Societa dei naturalisti e raate- matici, Modena. Memorie della R. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti, Modena. Monthly Review, London Monatsbliitter fiir Post und TelegrajDhie. Leipzig, [monatl.] Monatsschrift fiir G eburtshiilfe imd Gynakologie, hrsg. v. Martin u. Saen- ger. Berlin, [monatl.] Monatsschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde, hrsg. v. Gruber etc. Berlin, [monatl.] Monatsschrift fiir Fsychiatrie und Neurologic, hrsg. v. Wernicke u. Ziehen. Berlin, [monatl.] Monatshefte fiir praktische Dermato- logie, red. v. Unna u. Taenzer. Ham- burg, [h monatl.] Nebst Ergan- zungsheften. Monatshefte des allgemeinen deutschen Jagdschutz-Vereins und der deutschen Versuchs- Anstalt fiir Handfeuerwaffen. Berlin. [^ monatl.] Monatshefte fiir den naturvvisscnschaft- liclien Untei-riclitiiller Schulgattungen. Hrsg. v. B. Landsbcrg u. B. Schniid. I/jipzig. [monatl.J Monatshefte fiir praktische Thierheil- kunde, hrsg. v. Frohner u. Kitt. Stuttgart, [nionatl.] I\ Monitore zoologico italiano, Firenze... 259 U.S. 803 Ger Ger __ Ger. — Ger. 810 Ger. 811 Ger. 107 It. 99 It. 332 U.K 818 Ger. 819 Ger. 821 Ger. 823 Ger. 826 Ger. 827 Ger. Ger. 828 Ger. 109 It. 40 Mous, Mem. Soc. set., arts, let t res du Hainaiit ilontbeJ'iariJ, Mem. soc. emul. Montpcllier, Mem. sec. set. Acad. sci. let. Montreal, Caiiad. 7?ec. Sci. Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig Moshva, Anu. Itisf. agron. Moskva, Bull. Soc. Xat. Moslica, Dnev. otd. iclit. Imp. R. OhSc. acclimat. Moshva, Dyicvn. zool. otd. ohsc. Ituh. jest. MosJiva, Dnev. zool. Sada .. Moskva, Izv. Ohic. Ituh. jest. Moskva, Xouv. Mem. Soc. Nat. Moskva, Trd. Sratnit- anatom. hist. Univ. (x -103.32 s) Memoires et publications de la Societe des sciences, des arts et des lettres du Hainaiit (Mous). Memoires de la societe d'emulation de Montbeliard (Doubs). [irren;ul.] Memoires de la section des sciences [de rj Academic des sciences et lettres de Montpellier (Herault). [annuel.] The Canadian Record of Science (Organ of the Montreal Natural History Society), Montreal. Morphologisches Jahrbucli, hrsg. v. Gegenbauer. Leipzig, [i jahrl.] IIsBtcTiJi MocKOBCKaroceahCKO- xosHii- CTBeHHaroIIiicTFiTyTa. MocKBa[An- nales de I'lnstitut agronomiqiie de Moscoul Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. JtneBunKT. OT,T,t>.ia nxTiojiorin IlMnepa- TopcKaro PyccKaro OumecTBaaKiciii- jiaTii3an,iii ;itUBOTHux'b h pacTeniii. MocKBa [.Journal de la section ichthyologique de la Societe Imperiale Russe d'acclimatation des plautes et des animaux. Moscou]. JJneEHnKT. .300."ioriiqecKaro OTjifeenia IlMnepaxopcKaro OumeciBa jiioSii- Te.ieii ecTecTBOsnaiiia, acTpoHOMin h :)Tnorpa(ftiii ripii IImit. Mockobckom'i. yHUBepcHTert. MocKBa [Journal de la section Zoologique de la Societe Imperiale des amateurs des sciences naturelles, d'anthropologie et d'ethno- gra23hie. Moscou]. JlHeBHnKi, aoo.iornqecKaro ca,ia. MocKBa [Messager du Jardin zoolo- gique. Moscou]. IIsB-fecTiH IlMiiepaTopcKaro OoiueciBa .iioonTe.ieft ecTecTBoanaiiijr, aHrpoiio- .Torimi oTHorpa(J)in npii IbmcpaTop- CKOM-i MoCKOBCKOM'h VnnBepcHTeTi. MoCKBa [Bulletin de la Societe Im- periale des amateurs des sciences naturelles, d'anthropologie et d'eth- nographie i^res 1' Universite Im- periale de Moscou]. Xouveaux Memoires de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tpy.iu cpaBHnTe.ibHO-ariaTOMHHecKaro HHCTiiTyia IImii. MocKOBCKaro Yhh- BepcHTeia. MocKBa [Travaux de I'ln- stitut de I'anatomie comparee de rUniversite Imperiale de Moscou. Moscou]. 129 Bel. 510 Fr. 521 Fr. 18 Can. 829 Ger. 133 Rus. 136 Rus. 422 Rus. Rua. — Rus. 138 Rus. 141 Rus. — Rus. d 28 50 MiincheVf Ahh. AJ:. Wiss. Munchen, Ber. hiol. Ver- Buchatat. Munchen, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ges. Morph. Miinchen, Ver. Orn'ith. Ges. MUnchener med. Wochen- 8chr. Miinster, Jahresher. Prov- Ver. Wiss. Museumskunde, Berlin Muzeum, Lxcow N. Bahnti7i, Leipzig N. Denkachr. Schweiz. Ges. Natw., Zurich N. Jahrh. Min., Stuttgart.. Nancy, Bui. soc. sci. "Nancy, C.-B. Aas. nnat. .. Nantes Bui. soc. sci. nat. ... Abliandlungen der kgl. bayerisclien Akademie der Wissenscliaften. Miin- chen. [jalirl. in zwangl. H.] Eericlite aus der kgl. bayerlschen biolo- gischen Versuchsstation in Miinchen. Hrsg. V. B.Hofer. Miinchen. [zwangl.] Sitzungsberichte der kgl. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. Miinchen. [jahrl. in zwaugl. H.] Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fiir Morphologie und Physiologie in Miinchen. Miinchen. [3 H. jahrl.] Verhandlungen der ornithologischeu Gesellschaft in Bayern. Munchen. [jiihrl.] [Continuation of Miinchen, Jahresber, Oruith. Ver.] Miinchener medicinische Wochenschrift, red. V. Spatz. Miinchen. [woch.] Jahresbericht des westfalischen Proviji- zialvereins fiir Wissenscliaft und Kunst. Miinster. [jahrl.] Museumskunde. Zeitschrift fiir Ver- Avaltung und Technik offentlicher und privater Sammlungen. Hrsg. v. K. Koetschau. Berlin. [4 H. jiihrl.] Muzeum, czasopismo Towarzystwa Nauczycieli Szkcl wyi;szych, red. B. Maiikowski, Lwow. 8vo. [monthly.] Neue Bahnen. Monatsclirift fiir Haus-, Schul- und Gesellsehafts-Erziehung. Zugleich Organ der Freien Vereini- guiig fiir philosophische Paedagogik. Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung namhafter Paedagogen v. H. Scherer. Leip- zig (Eniil Behrend). Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesannnten Naturwissenschaften. Nouveaux M^moires de la Societe helvetique des sciences naturelles. Zurich etc. 4to. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geo- logic und Palaontologie.hrsg.v. Bauer. Stuttgart. [2 monatl.] NebstBeilage- Banden. Bulletin des seances de la societe des sciences de Nancy et do la reunion biologique de Nanfcy (Meurthe-et- Moselle). [mensuel.] Comptes rendus de I'association des anatomi.stes. Nancy. Bulletin de la society des sciences naturelles de I'Ouest. Nantes (Loire- Inierieure). [trimestr.] 833 Ger. — Ger. 839 Ger. 840 Ger. — Ger. 847 Ger. 850 Ger. — Ger. 26 Pol. 1345 Ger. 71 Swi. 854 Ger. 530 Fr. — Fr. 537 Fr. 51 Kapcli, Amniafio Muaeo zool. Xapoli, Atti Ace. Pon- taniaiia XapoU, Atti Ace. sc. Xapoli, Atti 1st. incoragg. «c. nat. Xapoli, Boll. Soc. imt. Xapoli, Rend. Ace. sc. Xasa ochota, St. Peterbnrg Xasa pticev. zizni, KiSinev Nat. Canad., Quebec Xat. Xovit., Berlin... KatCab., Grilnherg. .. Xation. Geog. Mag., Xeic Yorl{,X.Y. Xatur u. Glavbe, Leutkirch Xatur u. Haus, Stuttgart [friiher Dresden] Xatur u. Kultur, Miinchen Xatur u. Offenb., Miinster... Xatur u. Schule, Leipzig .. Naturaleza, Mexico Naturalist, London Xaturalista sicil., Palermo Naturaliste, Paris ... (N-10332 8) Anmiario del Museo zoologico della R. Universita di Napoli. Atti deir Accademia Pontaniana, Napoli. Atti deir Accademia delle scienzefische e matematiche, Napoli. Atti deir Istituto d' incoraggiamento alls scienze uaturali, Napoli. Bollettino della Societa di naturalisti, Napoli. Rendiconti dell'Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche, Napoli. Haraa oxoia. C.-rieTepoypn. [Notre chasse, St. Petersbourg]. Haraa ninrieBOJiHaH /KnsHb. Knmn- HeBt [L'aviculture chez nous. KiSi- iiev]. Naturaliste Canadien Cap Rouge, Chicoutimi, Quebec. Naturae Novitates. Bibliographie neuer Erscheinungen aller Lander auf dem Gebiete der Naturgescliichte und der exacten Wissenscliaften. Berlin. [Bibliographie, 26 Nru jiihrl.] Das Naturalien-Cabinet. Griinberg i. Schl. [^ monatl ] National Geographic Magazine, New York, N.Y. Naturund Glaube. Naturwissenschaft- liche Monatsschrift, hrsg. v. Weiss. Leutkirch. [monatl.] Natur und Haus. Illustrirte Zeitschrift, hrsg. V. Hesdorffer. Stuttgart. [monatl.j Natur u. Kultur. Zeitschrift Mr Schule und Leben. Hrsg. v. F. H. VoUer. Miinchen. [^ monatl.] Natur tmd Offenbarung. Organ zur Vermitttlung zwischen Naturfor- Hchung und Glauben fiir Gebildete aller Stiinde. Miinster. [monatl.] Natur imd Schule. Zeitschrift fiir den gesammten naturkundlichen Unterricht aller Schulen. Leipzig und Berlin. La Naturaleza. Periodicc cientifico de la Sociedad mexicana de Historia natural, Mexico. The Naturalist, Leeds and T..ondon II Naturalista siciliano, Palermo Naturaliste (le), revue illustree des sciences naturelles. Dir. Deyrolle. Paris, [bimensuel.] 294 It. 111 It. 115 It. 113 It. 118 It. 120 It. — Rus. — Rus. 22 Can. 861 Ger. 862 Ger 270 U.S. 864 Ger. 865 Ger Ger 866 Ger. 1289 Ger. — Mex. 336 U.K. 121 It. 541 Ft. d28— 2 Nature, London Nature Notes, London Nature, Paris Natiirfreund, St. Peterhurg Natw. Edseh., Braunscliiveig Nattc. Wochenschr., Jena... Natw. Zs.Landic, Stuttgart Nautilus, Boston, Mass. \formerly PliUadelphia, Pa.l Ned. Tijdsclir. Geneesli., Amsterdam NeHlius, Allona Neuchatel, Bul.Soc.Sci. Nat. Neurol. Centralhl., Leipzig New Brighton, N.Y., Proc. Staten Is. Ass9A7'ts Sci. Nexccastle, Proc. Univ. Durluim Phil. Sac. Newcastle, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Haven, Conn., Trans. Acad. Arts Sci. Neie Jersey, Tlep. Geol. Surv., Trenton Neicport, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Newport,, J?.T., Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Yorh, N.Y., Acad. Sci., Mem. Nature, London ... Nature Notes (Selborne Society's Magazine), London. 8vo. Nature (la), revue illustree des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a I'industrie. Red. H. de Parville. Paris, [hebdomad.] JlioSHTe.ib npiipoju. C.-neTepSypri. [Der Naturfreund. St. Peterbnrg]. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, hrsg. V. Sklarek. Braunsclnveig. [woch.] Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenscla-ift, red. V. Potonie. Jena, [woch.] Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fiir Land- und Forstwirtschaft, hrsg. v. K. V. Tubeuf und L. Hiltner. Stutt- gart, [monatl.] Nautilus, Boston, Mass. ... Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Genees- kunde, tevens Orgaan der Neder- laudsche Maatschappij ter bevor- dering van Geneeskunst, Amsterdam . 8vo. Nertlius. Woclienschrift fiir Pflanzen- und Blumenfreunde, red. v. Goetze Altona. [woch.] Bulletin de la Societe neuchateloise des sciences naturelles. Neuchatel. 8vo. Neiirologisches Centralblatt, hrsg. v. Jlendel. Leipzig. [^ monatl.] Proceedings of the Staten Island Associa- tion of Arts and Sciences, New Brighton, N.Y. Proceedings of the University of Dur- ham Philosoiihical Societ}'^, Newcastle- upon-Tj'ue. Northumberland, Durham, and New- castle-ujoon-Tyne Natural History Society, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Haven. Annual Report, Geological Survey of New Jersey, Trenton. Proceedings of the Newport Natural History Society, Newport. 8vo. Proceedings of the Newport Natural History Society, Newport, R.I. New York Academy of Sciences, Memoirs, New York, N.Y. 337 U.K. 338 U.K. 542 Fr. — Rus. 867 Ger. 808 Ger. — Ger. 271 U.S. 39 Hoi. 871 Ger. 73 Swi. 873 Ger. 271 U.S. — U.K. 344 U.K. 279 U.S. 284 U.S. 340 U.K. 286 U.S. 321 U.S. 53 Xew Yorh, N.Y., Amcr. Mm. Xat. Hist. Rep. Xew York, X.Y., Ann. Acad. Sci. Xew York, X.Y., Bull. Amer. Mita. Xat. Hist. Xew York, X.Y.,Biill.Gcol. Soc. Amer. Xew York, X.Y., J. Ent. Soc. Xeu- York, X.Y., J. Microsc. Soe. Xew York, N.Y., Mem. Amer. Mus. Xat. Hist. Xew York, X.Y., Proe. Linn. Soc. Xew York, X.Y., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. Xe2c York, X.Y., lie p. Zool. Soc. Xew York, X.Y., Trans. Acad. Sci. Xew York, X.Y., Zool. Soc. Bull. Xice, ann. soc. let. sci. Xikolsk Fischzucht., St. Peterburg Ximes, Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat. Xorges geol. Und., Kris- tiania Xorsk Landm., Kristiania Xorthampton, J. Xat. Hist. Soc. Xorwich, Trans. Xat. Soc. Xottingham, Trans. Xat. Soc. Xouv. arch. miss. sci. litt., Paris Xouv. arch. Museum, Paris Xov. Zool., Tring ... American Museum of Natural History. Annual Report of the President. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, N.Y. Bulletin of the American Jluseum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, New York, N.Y. Journal of the New York Entomological Societj-, N^ew York, N.Y. Journal of the New York Microscopical Society, New York, N.Y. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural Histoiy, New York, N.Y. Abstract of Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New York, N.Y. Proceedings of the Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine. New York. Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, New York, N.Y. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, N.Y. Zoological Society Bulletin. New York Zoological Society, New York, N.Y. Annales de la societe des lettres, sciences et arts des Alpes Maritimes. Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). [annuel.] Ilai. HiiKO.ibCKaro puooBOjinaio sa- BOAa. C.-IleTcpOypn. [Aus der Fischzuchtanstalt Nikolsk. St.- Petersburg]. Bulletin de la society d'etudes des sciences naturelles. Nimes (Gard). [mensuel.] Norges geologiske Unders^gelse, Kris- tiania. Norsk Landmansblad, Kristiania Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Northampton. Transactions of the Norfolk and Nor- wich Naturalists' Society, Norwich. 8vo. Transactions of the Nottingham Natu- ralists' Socieiy, Nottingham. 12mo. Nouvelles archives dea Missions scienti- fiques et litteraires. Paris. Nouvelles archives du Museum. Paris. [2 vols, par an.] Novitates Zoologicse, Tring. 8vo. 329 U.S. 295 U.S. 299 U.S. 410 U.S. 319 U.S. 320 U.S. 322 U.S. 327 U.S. — U.S. 331 U.S. 334 U.S. — U.S. 54G Fr. 164 Rus. 551 Fr. 23 Nor. 30 Nor. 349 U.K. 350 U.K. 351 U.K. — l-"r. 558 Fr. 352 U.K. 54 Noto-Alexaiidrija, Zap. Inst, selisk. choz. Niimherg, Ahh. natliist. Gea. Nymegen, Eee. Trav. Bot. Neerl. Nyt Mag. Naturv., Kris- tiaiiia Ochotn. gazeta, Moskva Oclwln. vestn., Moskva Odessa, Mem. Soc. Nat. . . Ost. Bot. Zs.,Wien Osl. Jahresh. Fliarmaz. Wien ■Offenbach, Ber. Ver. Natk. Oliio Nat., Colurnbus, Oltio Okoln. Tow. Eyh., Krakow Ornis, London Oniia, Paris Oniith. Jahrh., Hallein .. Ornith. Monatsher., Berlin Orn'dh. Monatschr., Magde- burg SanHCKn HoBO-A.ieKcaHjpincKaro IIh- cTHiyxa ce.ibCKaro xoaafiCTBa ii .Tfe- coBo;i,CTBa. HoBO-AaeKcaH;i,pia [Me- moires de I'lnstitut agroiiomique et forestier a Novo-Alexandria]. Abhandlungen der naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. [zwang- los.] Recueil des travaux botaniques Neer- landais, publie par la Societe Botanique Neerlandaise. Nimegue (ilacdonald). Xyt Magazin for Xaturvidenskaberne, Kristiauia. OxoTHHiba raseia. MocKBa [Journal de chasse. Moscou]. OxoTHHHift BicTHHKt. MocKBa [iles- sager de chasse, Moscou]. 3anHCKH OdmecTBa ecTecTBoncnbiia- leJiefl. 0A6Cca [Memoires de la Societe des naturalistes d'Odessa]. Osterreichische Cotanische Zeitschrift. Herausgeg. u. red. v. Richard Ejtler] Wettstein v[on Westersheim]. Wien. [nionatl.j Osterreichische Jahreshefte fur Phar- mazie und verwandte Wissenszweige. Gesammelte Abhandlungen und Vor- trage aus der Zeitschrift des Allge- meinen Osterreichischen Apotheker- vereines. Wien. [jahrl] Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des Offen- bacher Vereins fiir Naturkunde. Offenbach a. M. [mehrjahr.] Ohio Naturalist. (Biological Club, Ohio State University), Columbus, Ohio. Okolnik, organ Krajowego Towarzystwa Rybackiego w Krakowie, red. F. Wilkosz. 8vo. [once in two months.] Ornis, Loudon Ornis, Paris Ornithologisches Jalirbuch. Organ fiir das palaarktische Faunengebiet. Herausgeg. v. Viktor Ritter von Tschusi zu Schuiidhoffen. Hallein. [2 nionatl.] Ornithologische Monatsberichte, lirsg. v. Reichenow. Berlin, [monatl.] Ornithologische Monatsschrift, Hrsg. v. deutschen Vereine zum Schutze der Vogehvelt. Magdeburg v. Redigiert v. Carl R. Heunicke und 0. Taschen- berg. Magdeburg (Creutz in Komm). 24 cm. 167 Rus. 880 Ger. — Hoi. 24 Nor. — Rus. — Rus. 411 Rus. 231 Aus. 238 Ger. 887 Ger. 348 U.S. 31 Pol. ~ U.K — Fr. 271 Aus 892 Ger. 893 Ger. 55 Onilth. Edsch., Berlin Osnahriick, Jahresher. 7tatw. Ver. Ottaica, Contr. Canad. Pal. \ Ottawa Xat..., Ottaira, Proc. or Trans. Ti. Soc. Can. Ottaica, Eep. Fish. Dept. Mar. Can. Ottaica, Eep. Geol. Sure. Can. Oxford, Eep. Ashmol. Kat. Hist. Soc. Oxford, Trans. Univ. Jun. Sci. CI. Padova, Annuario Staz. bacol. Padova, Atti Ace. ven.-trent Padova, Atti Mem. Ace. ... Padova, Bull. Soe. ven.- trent. Pad. Warte, Osterwick Pal. Ind., Calcutta... Palaeontographica, Stutt- gart Paleontogr. Italica, Pisa .. Palermo, Atti Ace.... Palermo, Giorn. se. nat. eeon. Pam. fizyogr., Warszaica .. Ornitliologische Rundschau. Hrsg. v. W. Schuster. Berlin. ['2 monatl.] Jahresbericht des naturwlssenschaft- lichen Vereins zu Osnabriick. Osna- briick. [jahrl.] Geological Survey of Canada. Contri- butions to Canadian Palaeontology, Ottawa. Ottawa Naturalist. (Published by the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club.) Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa. Annual Report of Department of Marine and Fisheries of Dominion of Canada, Ottawa. Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Reports of the Director, Ottawa. Report of the Oxfordshire Ashmolean Natural History Society, Oxford. Transactions of the Oxford University. Junior Scientific Club, Oxford. 8vo. Annuario della Stazioue bacologica, Padova. Atti deir Academia scientifica veneto trentina-istriana, Padova. Atti e Memorie dell' Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti, Padova. BuUettino della Societa veneto-trentina di scienze naturali, Padova. Padagogische Warte. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Padagogik, Lehrer- fortbildung, Konferenzwesen, Tages- fragen und padagogische Kritik. Hrsg. v. K. 0. Beitz u. Ad. Rude. Osterwieck. [J monatl.] Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, Cal- cutta. (Being figures and descrip- tions of the organic remains procured during the progress of the Geological Survey of India.) Palaeontographica. Beitrage zur Na- turgeschichte der Vorzeit, hrsg. v. Zittel. Stuttgart. [2-3 H. jahrl.] Paleoutografia Italica, Pisa Atti dell' Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti, Palermo. Giomale della Societa di scienze naturali ed economiche, Palermo. Pami^tnik fizyograficzny, wydawcy W. Wroblewski i B. Znatowicz, War- szavva. 4to. [annual.] — Qer. 894 Ger. — Can. 24 Can. 2G Can. 3 Can. 11 Can. 35G U.K 361 U.K 128 It. 130 It. 129 It. 131 It. _ Ger. 25 Ind. 898 Ger. 132 It. 134 It 137 It. 32 Pol. 56 PapierfairiJianf, Berlin .. Farasitol., Cambridge Paris, Ann. soc. ent. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anat. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anthr. Paris, Bui. soc. cent, aqul- eult. Paris, Bui. soc. ent. Paris, Bui. soc. geol. Paris, Bui. soe.Jiat. aecVtm. Pari.", Bui. Soc. fath. exot. Paris, Bui. soc. lihilom. ... Paris, Bui. soc. zool. Paris, C. R. Acad. .sci. Paris, C. E. ass. franc-, avanc. sci. Paris, C. H. soc. hiol. Paris, Mem. Acad. sci. Paris, Mem. soc. geol. Paris, Mem. soc. zool. Passaii, Ber. natw. Ver. Pcelovod. iizrii, Vtatka Der Papier-Fa brikant. Zeitschrift fiir die Papier-, Pappen-, Holz-, Zell- und Strohstoff-Fabrikation. Berlin. [Monats- und Woclienausg.] Parasitology, a supplement to the Journal of Hygiene. Cambridge. Annales de la societe entomologique de France. Paris, [trimestr.] Bulletin et memoires de la societe ana- tomique de Paris, [mensuel.] Bulletin et memoires de la societe d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris, [bimestr.] Bulletin de la societe ceiitrale d'aquicul- ture et de peche. Ger. Senques. Paris. Bulletin de la societe entomologique de France. Paris, [mensuel.] Bulletin de la societe geologique de France. Paris, [mensuel.] Bulletin de la societe nationale d'acclima- tation de France (revue des sciences naturelles appliquees). Paris, [men- suel.] Bulletin de la Societe de Patliologie exotique. Pai-is (Masson). 26 cm. Bulletin de la societe pliilomatique de Paris, [trimestr.] Bulletin de la societe zoologique de France. Paris, [mensuel.] Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de i'Academie des sciences. Paris, [hebdomad.] Comptes rendus de I'association fran- ^aise pour I'avancement des sciences. Paris. [2 volumes par an.] Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances et memoires de la societe de biologie. I'aris. Memoires presentes par divers savants a I'Academie des sciences de I'lnstitut de France. Paris, [irregul.] Memoires de la societe geologique de France. Paris. [irregulier.J Memoires de la societe zoologique de France. Paris, [bimestr.] Bcricht des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zii Passau. (Eingetragener Verein.) Passau. [mehrjiihr.J lI'rejiOBOAiiajf ;i:n3iii>. BaxKa [L'api- culture. Journal illustre de Tajjicul- lure progressive. Viatkaj. — Ger. — U.K. 57J: Fr. 570 Fr. 577 Fr. 587 Fr. 591 Fr. 598 Fr. GOG Fr. — Fr. COS Fr. Gil Fr, 612 Fr. 613 Fr. 615 Fr. 618 Fr. 622 Fr. 626 Fr. 900 Ger. — Kus. 57 Pennsjflrania, Dept. Agric. Bull., Ilarrisbnrg Pennsylvania, Dept. Agric, Div. Zool. Mon., Bull., Harriiiburg Pennsylvania, Dept. Agric., Div. Zool. Q. Bull., Harrishurg Penyisylvania, Eep. Dept. Agric., Harrishurg Penzance, Trans. Nat. Hist. See. Penzance, Trans. R. Gcol. Soe. Comicall Perpignan, Bui. sac. agric. 8ci. Perth, Proc. E. Scot. Soc. Perth, Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. Petrus ■ Camper, Bi'jdr. Anat., Haarlem Pfalz. Heimatk., Kaisers- laiUern Pjlamer, Tanga Philadelphia, Cont. Zool. Lab., Univ. Pa. Philadelphia, Pa., J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Ent. Soe. Commonwealth of 'Vmisylvania Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bulletin. Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Department of Agri- I'ulturo. Division of Zoology. Monthly Bulletin. Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Department of Agricul- ture. Division of Zoology. The Zoological Quarterly Bulletin. Harris- burg, J'a. Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Harris- burg, Pa. Transactions of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Penzance. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, Penzance. Bulletin de la sociele agricole, scienti- fique et litteraire des Pyrenees- Orieutales. Perpignan (Pyrenees- Orientales). [trimestr.] Proceedings of the East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies, Perth. 8vo. Transactions of the Perthshire Society of Natiiral Science, Perth. Petms Camper, Nederlandsche Bijdragen tot de Anatomic, Haarlem. 4to. Pfalzische Heimatkunde. Monatschrift fiir heimatliche Archaologie, Anthro- pologie. Geographic, Geologie und Botanik sowie verwandte Wissen- schaften. Schriftl. Ph. Fauth. Kaiserslautern. [monatl.] Der Pllanzer. Ratgeber fiir tropische I-andwirtschaft unter Mitwirkung dea Biologisch-Laudvvirtschaftl. Instituts Amani, hrsg. durch die „Usambara- Post". Tanga. [t monatl.] Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadel- phia, Pa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadel- phia, Pa. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions of the American Entomo- logical Society, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. — U.S. — U.S. — U.S.. — u.s, 364 U.K. 365 U.K. 630 Fr. 366 U.K. 367 U.K. 44 Hoi. — Ger. — Ger.. 379 U.S.. 367 U.S.. 371 U.S. 372 U.S. 364 U.S. 58 Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philippine J. Sci., Manila, P.I. Pietermaritzhurg , Pep. Geol. Sitrv. Nat. Zidul. Pisa, Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Pisa, Proc. verh. Soc. tosc. sc. nat. Pittsburg, Pa., Aim. Car- negie Mus. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Car- negie Mus. Plodovodstvo, St. Peterhurg Plymouth, J. Mar. Biol. Ass. Plymouth, Pep. and Trans. Devon Ass. Polit.-anthr. Eev., Leipz/g.. Pop. Astr., Northfield, Minn. Pop. Sci. Mon., Neic York, N.Y. Port of Spain, J. Trinidad CI. Port of Spain, Proc. Inst. Trinidad Portici, Ann. Scuola sup. agric. Portici, Boll. Lah. zool. Portland, Me., Proc. Soc. Nat. Hiat. Portland, Proc. Soc. Nat. Hiat. Porto, Amiuario Ac. polyt. Porto, Pev. Soc. liihciro .. Transactions of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, Pa. The Philippine Journal of Science. Bureau of Science of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P.I. Report of the Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand, Pietermaritzhurg. Atti della Societa toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Processi verbali della Societa toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Pitts- burg, Pa. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania. IlaoAOBOACTBO. Oprant pocciiicKaro o6ii].ecTBa n-io;toBOACTBa. C.-IIeTep- fiypr-B [Organe de la Societe russe de culture fruitiere. St.-Petersbourg]. Journal of the Marine Biological Asso- ciation of the United Kingdom, Plymouth. Report and Transactions of the Devon- shire Association, Plymouth. 8vo. Politisch-anthropologische Revue. Mo- natsschrift fiir das soziale und gei- stige Leben der Volker. Leipzig, [monatl.] Popular Astronomy, Northfield, Minn. .. Popular Science Montlily, New York, N.Y. Journal of the Trinidad Field Natu- ralists' Clulj, Port of Spain. Proceedings of the Victoria Institute of Trinidad, Port of Spain. Annali della Scuola superiore di agri- coltura. Portici. BoUettino del Laboratio di Zoologia genorale e agragria della R. Scuola superiore d'Agricidtura in Portici. Portici. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, Portland, Me. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, Portland. 8vo. Annuario da Acadeniia polytechnica do Porto. Revista de Sciencias naturaes e sociaes, orgao das Trabalhos da Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro, Porto. 59 Posen, Zs. D. Oes. U'iss. Postelsia, St. Paul. Minn... Potf. Tennt. KozL, Buda- Pozsonyi Orv.-termt. Egyl. Kozlem. Prag, Abh. Bohm. Ges. Wias. Prag, Ahh. Lotos ... Prag, Bull. Ac.Sei. Franc. Jo8. Prag, Cas. Ceske Spol. Entomolog. Prag, JdhrBer. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, Rozpr. Ceske Ah. Frant. Jos. Prag, SitzBer. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, SitzBer. Lotos Prag, Vestn. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos. Prakt. Bl. Pflanzenschntz, Stuttgart Deutsche (iesellschaft fiir Kiinst und — Gor. Wissenschaft in Poaen. Zeitschrift lies naturwissenscliaftlicheii Vereins, hrsfj. V. Pfuhl. Posen. [zwanglos.] Postelsia : the Year Book of the Minne- — U.S. sota Seaside Station. St. Paul, Minn. Potfiizetek a Tenn^szettudomanyi 13 Hun. Kozlonyhoz, Budapest. [Beibliitter zu den naturwissenschaft- lichen Mittheilungen, Budapest.] A Pozsonj'i Orvos-Termeszettudomanyi — Ilun. E.iTyosiilet Kozlenienyei, Pozsony. [Verliandlungen des Vereins fiir Natur- und Heilkunde zu Pozsony (Pressburg), Pozsony.] Abbandlungen der Mathematisch-Natur- 283 Aus. ■wissenschaftlichen Klasse der Konig- lich Bolunischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Prag. [zwanglos.] Abbandlungen des Deutschen Natur- 284 Aus. wisseuschaftlich-lledizinischen Ver- eines fiir Bohmen , , Lotos." Prag. [zwanglos.] Academic des Sciences de I'Empereur 289 Aus. Francois Joseph I. Bulletin Inter- national. Prag. Casopis Ceske Spolecnosti Entomo- — Aus. logicke. [Acta Societatis Entomo- logicae Boheniiae.] Prag. [zwangl.] Jahresbericht der Kon[iglicli] Boh- 294 Aus. mischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Prag. [jahrl.] Rozpravy Ceske Akademie Ci'safe 302 Aus. FrantiSka Josefa pro V6dy, Sloves- nost' a Um§ni. Praha. [Abbandlun- gen der Tschechiscben Kaiser Franz Josefs-Akademie fiir Wissenscbaft, Literatur und Kunst]. [zwanglos.] Sitzungsbericbte der Koniglicb Boh- 305 Aus. mischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Matbematisch-Naturwissen- scbaftlicbe Klasse. Prag. [jahrl] Sitzungsbericbte des Deutschen Natur- 306 Aus. wissenschaftlich-Mediziniscben Ver- eines fiir Bohmen „Lotos" in Prag. Prag. [jahrl.] Vestnik C'esk^ Akademie Ci'safe Fran- 312 Aus. tiSka Josefa pro V6dy, Slovesnost' a Um6ni. Praha. [Anzeiger der Tschechiscben Kaiser Franz Josefs- Akademie fiir Wissenscbaft, Literatur und Kunst.] [9 H. jahrl.j Praktiscbe Blatter fiir Pflanzenschutz, 931 Ger. brsg. V. Weiss. Stuttgart, [monati.] 60 Pretoria, J. S. Afr'tc. Ornitli. Union Prir. i ochota, Moshca Proe. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., Washington, D.C. [formerly Eastou, Pa.] Progress, sadov. ogorod., St. Peterhurg Proynellieus, BeyVin Prostt'jov, Vestu. Kl. Prir. Providence, R.I., Bull. Roger Williams Park Mus. Providence, R.I., Monogr., Roger Williams Park Mus. Przegl. filoz., Wavszawa .. Przegl.lek., Krakow Psov. i ruzejn. oeliota, Moskva Psych. Rev., Neiv York, N.Y. Psyche, Boston, Mass. 0. J. Microsc. Sci., London Queensland Agric. J., Bris- bane Reading, Rep. Lit. Sci. Soe. Redia, Firenze Regenahurg, Ber. natu-. Ver. Reims, Bui. soc. sci. nat. ... Journal of the Soulli African Ornitho- logists' Union, Pretoria. llpnpoja H oxoTa (IIpHJioHv. Oxot- HH^ba rasexa). MocKBa [Nature et chasse (avec suppl. " Journal cyne- getique "). Moscou]. Proceedings of the Amer. Ass. for the Advancement of Science. Washing- ton, D.C. IIporpecciiBHoe ca;;oBOACTBO ii oropo,i- HiinecTBO. C.-lIexepoypn. [Horti- culture progi"essive et industrie potagere. St. Petersbourg]. Prometheus. Illustrirte Wochenschrift iiber die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, In- dustrie und Wissenschaft, hrsg. v. Witt. Berlin, [woch.] Vestnlk klubu pi^-irodovedeckiho. [Mit- theilungeu des naturwissenschaft- lichen Klubs. Prossnitz.] Roger Williams Park Museum. Bulle- tin. Providence, R.I. Providence, R.I., Monogr., Roger Williams Park Mus. Przegl^d filozoficzny, red. W. Weryho, Warszawa. 8vo. [cpiarterly.] Przeglgd lekarski, red. A. Kwasnicki, Krakow. 4to. [weekly.] ricoBaa II pyjKennaa oxoxa. MocKBa [La chasse a courre et a I'arret. Moscou]. Psychological Review, New York, N.Y. Psyche. (Entomological Club), Boston, Mass. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London. 8vo. Queensland Agricultural Journal, Bris- bane. Report and Proceedings of the Reading Literary and Scientific Society, Reading. Redia, Giornale d'Entomologia, Firenze. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlichen (friiher zoologisch-mineralogischen) Vereins zu Regeusburg. (Forts, des Correspondenzblattes.) Regensburg. [2 jahr.J Bulletin do la societe d'etude des sciences naturelles de Reims (Marne). [trimestr.] - S.A. 200 Rus. 138 U.S. — Rus. 938 Ger. 535 A us. — U.S. — U.S. 42 PoL 43 Pol. 204 Rus. 405 U.S. 404 U.S. 381 U.K. — Qnsl. — U.K. 297 It. 949 Ger. 654 Fr. Gl Reiities, Bui. soc. sci. med. Rep. Austr. Ass., Adelaide, Rep. Ei\>hdion Comm. Roij. Soc, Loudon Res. camp, set., Monaco .. Rei: Argent., Buenos Aires Rev. cltilena, Valparaiso ... Rev. colon., Paris ... Rev. crit. paleozool., Paris Rev. Ent., Caen Rev. gen. marine march., Paris Rev. gen. sei., Paris Rev. Inst. Parag., Asuncion Rev. Jard. zool., Buenos Aires Rev. Med., Sao Paulo Rev. Mu8., La Plata,Buenos Aires Rev. Mus., Sao Paulo Rev. russ. ent., St. Peter- hurg Rev. sei. Bourbon., Moulins Rev. sci. Limous., Limoges Rev. sci. nat. ouest, Paris, Tours Rev. sci., Paris Rev. Soc. Sci., Sao Paulo ... Bullet iu de la societe sclentlfique et iiiedicale de rOuest. Rennes (lUe-et- Vilaine). [trimestr.] Report of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of science. Adelaide, N.S.W. Report of the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. London. Resultats des campagnes scientifiques de S. A. le Prince de Monaco, Monaco. Revista Argentina de Historia natural, Buenos Aires. Revista chileua de historia natural. Organo del museo de Valparaiso. Valparaiso. RevTie coloniale. Ministere des colonies. Paris, [bimestr.] Revue critique de paleozoologie. Dir. Cossmann. Paris, [trimestr.] Revue d'Eutomologie. Red. A. Fauvel. Caen (Calvado.sj. [mensuel.] Revue generale de la marine marchande, publication hebdomadaire illustree. Dir. L. Muller. Paris. Revue generale des sciences pures et appliquees. Dir. L. Olivier. Paris [bi-mensuel.] Revista del Institute Paraguayo. Asun- cion. Revista del Jardin Zoologico de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. Revista Medica de Sao Paulo (Bra/il). Sao Paulo. Revista del Museo de la Plata, Buenos Aires. Revista do Musai Paulista, publicada por H. von Ihering, Sao Paulo. PyccKoe 3HTOMO.iormecKoe 06o3p'fcHie. C.-IIeTepoyr-b [Revue russe d'Ento- mologie. St.-Petersbourg]. Revue scientifique duBourbonnaiset du Centre de la France. Moolins (Allier). [mensuel.] Revue scientifique du Limousin. Limoges (Haute-Vienne). [mensuel.] Revue des Sciences naturelles de I'Ouest. Paris, Tours, [trimestr.] Revue scientifique de la France et de I'etranger. Dir. Ch. Richet. Paris. [Iiebdomad.] Revista da Sociedade scientifica de Sao Paulo (Brazil). Sao Paulo. 65S Fr. — N.S.W. — U.K. — Mon. — Argent. — Chile. 675 Fr. 078 Fr. 683 Fr. 090 Fr. 693 Fr. — S. Am. — Argent. — S. Am. — Argent. — Brazil. 209 Rus. 750 Fr. 752 Fr. 748 Fr. 749 Fr. — S. Am. 62 Jiev. Suisse ZooL, Geneve ... ReyJtjavih, Andvari Rhodora, Boston, Mass. jRiga, Ai'b. 'Katurf.-Ver. ... Riga, Korr.-hlt. Natiirf.- Ver. Rio de Janeiro, Hoi. Comm. geogr. Minas Geraes Riv. coleottor. ital., Came- rino Riv. fis. mat. se. nat., Pavia Riv. ital. paleojit., Perugia [formerly Bologna'] Riv. ital. sc. nat., Siena ... Riv. Me7}S. Pesca, Milano .. Rochdale, Trans. Lit. Sei. Sac. Rochelle (La), Ann. soc., sci. 7iat. Acad, hel.-let. Rochester Nat. Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. Rochester, N.Y., Proc. Acad. Sci. Roczn. roln., Krakow Roma, Atti Ace. Nuovi Lincei Roma, Atti Soc. romana antrop. Roma, Atli Soc. studi malaria Roma, Boll. Comitato geol... Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital. Roma, Boll. Soc. zool. ital. Roma, Mem. Ace. T/mcei .. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. Annales de la Societe zoologique Suisse et du Musee d'histoire naturelle de Geneve. Geneve. 8vo. Andvari Timarit bins islenzka thjod- viuafjelags, Reykjavik. Rhodora. Journal of the New England Botanical Club, Boston, Mass. Arbeiten des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher- Vereins zu Riga. Boletim da Commisao geographica e geologica do Estado de Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro. Rivista coleottorologica italiana, Camerino. Rivista di fisica, niatematlca e scienze naturali, Pavia. Rivista italiana di paleontologia, Perugia. Rivista italiana di scienze naturali, Siena. Rivista mensile di Pesca. Milano Transactions of the Rochdale Literary, etc.. Society, Rochdale. 8vo. Annales de la section des sciences naturelles de I'Academie des Belles- lettres, sciences et arts de la Rochelle (Charente-Inferieure). [annuel.] Rochester Naturalist, Rochester Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Rochester, N.Y. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science, Rochester, N.Y. Roczniki nauk rolniczych, red. Stef. Jentys. Krakow. 8vo. Atti deir Accademia pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei, Roma. Atti della Societa romana d'antropo- logia, Roma. Atti della Societa per gli studi della malaria, Roma. BoUettino del R. Comitato geologico, Roma. BoUettino della Societa geologica italiana, Roma. Bollettinodella Societa zoologica italiana, Roma. Meraorie della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Roma. 83 Swi. 35 Den. 408 U.S. 210 Rus. 213 Rus. — Brazil 299 It. 164 It. 167 It. 168 It. It. 394 U.K. 770 Fr. 395 U.K. 410 U.S. 411 U.S. — Pol. 189 It. 190 It. 191 It. 192 It. 197 It. 264 It. 203 It. 63 Boma, Mem. Ace. Xuofi Lined Roma, Mem. Soc. XL Roma, Rend. Aec. Lincei ... Roma, Ric. Lab. anat. Jiorm. Rostoeh, Mitt.geoL Landes- anst. Rostock, SltzBer. natf. Gea. Rouen, Bid. soc. amis set. 7iat. Rorart. L., Budapest Rugby, Rep. Sch Nat. Hist. Soc. Russ. Geogr. Ob.ie Russ. Ochota, St. Peterburg Russ. pcelotod. Ustoh, St. Peterburg Russ. sudocJtod., St. Peter- burg I S.E.Nat., Tunbridge Well J Sdemann, Leipzig ... ...\ St. Dizier, Mem. soc. let. sei. St. John If, X.B., Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunsw. St. Louis, Mo., Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Peterburg, Ann. Mus. zool. Ac. Sc. Meraoiie dell' Accademia poiitificia dei Nuovi Lincei, Roma. Memorie della Societd italiana delle scienze, delta dei XL, Roma. Rendiconti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Roma. Ricerclie del laboratorio di aaatomia uormale della R. Universita, Roma. Mittheilungen aus der grossherzoglich mecklenburgischen geologisclieu Lan- desaustalt. Rostock, [jalirl .] Sitzungsbericlite der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Rostock. Anliang zura Aichiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in ilecklenburg. Rostock. Bulletin de la societe des amis des sciences naturelles de Rouen (Seine- Inferieure). [semestr.] Rovartani Lapok, Budapest [Entomo- logische Blatter, Budapest.] Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society, Rugby. IIsBliCTiH lliiiiepaTopcKaro pyecKaro reoi'pa(ji)UHecKaro 06iuecTBa. C.-lle- TepCj'prij [Bulletin de la Societe Im- periale russe de Geographie. St.- Petersbourg]. PyccKaa oxoia. C.-IIeTepSyprt [La chasse laisse. St. Petersburg]. PyccKifl nMeaoBo;iHuii .lUCTOKt. C- Ileiepfiypr'b [Journal russe d'apicul- ture. St.-PetersljourgJ. PyccKoe cy;ixoACTBO. C.-TTeTepdypni [La navigation russe, St.-Petersbourg]. The South Eastern Naturalist, Tun- bridge Wells. 8vo. Der Saemann. Monatsschrift fiir pada- gogische Refonn. Schril'tl. C. Gotze Leipzig, [monatl.] Memoires de la societe des lettres, sciences, arts, de I'agriculture et de I'industrie de .St. Dizier (llaute- ilarne). [annuel.] Bulletin of the Natural Historj' Society of New Brunswick, St. John's, New Brunswick. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. En^rerojHHK'b 3oo.iornHecKaro Myaea IlMneparopcKOft AKa^eMiii HayKt. C.-IleTepOypit [Aimuaire du ilusee zoologique de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences. St.-Petersbourg]. 204 It. 208 It. 209 It. 211 It. 959 Ger. 1293 Ger. 774 Fr. 14 Hun. 397 U.K. 261 Rua. — Rus. 227 Rus. — Rus. 401 U.K. — Ger. 787 Fr. 29 Can. 414 U.S. 248 Rus. 64 ^t. Peterhuyg, Ber. Siiss- icasserst. Natwf.-Ges. St. Peterburg , Ball. Ac. Se. St. Peterhurg, Bull. Com. gcol. St. Peterhurg, Bull, labor, hiol. St. Peterburg, Ilor. Soc. Ent. Boss. St. Peterburg, Izv. voenn. vied. Akad. St. Peterburg, Journ. hot. .. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. St. Peterburg, Mevi. Com. geolog. St. Peterburg, Trav. nuts, geol. Ac. sci. St. Peterburg, Trav. Soc. nat. TpyjiH np'fecHOBo;iHofi eioaornqecKofi cxaHiiui llMnepaiopcKaro C.-IIexep- Sj'prcKaro OGmecxsa eciecTBOiicnbi- Taie-ien. Ct-neiepoypr'b [Bericbte der biologischeu Siisswasserstation der Kaiserlichen Naturforscher-Ge- sellschaft zu St.-Petersburg]. IIsBtcTifl IlMnepaiopcKOfi AKa3,eMiH HayKt. C.-rTeTepoypn. [Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale des Scieuces de St.-Petersbouro;]. IIsB-fecTia FeOjiornqecKaro KoiinTexa. C.-IIexep6ypn) [Bulletin du Comite geologique. St.-Petersbonrg]. IIsBicxia C.-IIeTepdyprcKOH 6io.xorn- ^ecKoil jaoopaxopin. C.-IIexep- fiyprt [Bulletin du laboratoire biolo- gique de St.-Petersbourg]. Tpy;i,bi pyccKaro anxoMO-ionnecKaro OomecxBa Bt C.-nexepSyprt [Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. St. -Petersbourg] . IIsBicxia IlMnepaxopcKOfi BoeHHO-iie- ;iiin,nncKofi AKa^tejiin. C.-IIexep- OyprT> [Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale medico-railitaire. St.- Petersbourg]. BoxavuiiecKiii iKypHa.xt, ii.3,-iaBaeMuii ox,t't.ieHieM'B 6oxaHnKn IlMnepaxop- CKaro O.-IlexepSyprcKaro Oomecx- Ba ecxecxBOHcnbixaxe.xefl. [Journal botanique, edition de la Section de Botanique de la Societe Imperiale des naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg]. 3anncKH IbmepaxopcKoft AKa,T,eMiii HayK-B no ({)H3nKo-MaxeMaxiiqecKOMy ox^ttaeniio. C.-nexepdypr-b [Me- moires de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences. Classe des sciences physiques et mathematiques. St.- Petersbourg]. Tpy,iiJ FecxoriniecKaro KoMnxexa. C- Ilexepfiyprt [Memoires du Comite geologique. St.-Petersbourg]. Tpy;tH reo.ioniqecKaro My3C}i iiMcun lle.xpa BejinKaro npii IImii. AKa,T,eMiii HayKT.. C.-riexepfiypr-b [Travaux du Musee geologique Pierre le Grand pr^s I'Academie Imperiale des sciences. St.-Petersbourg]. Tpy^i'i IlMnopaxopcKaroC.-nexepCiypr- CKaro OoinecxBa ecxecxBoncQuxaxo- Jieft. C.-lToxepr)ypn, [Travaux de la Societe Imperiale des naturalistes de St.-Potersbourg]. 250 Rus. 251 Rus. 252 Rus. 25-1 Rus. 25G Rus. 203 .Rus. Rus. 260 Rus. 207 Rus. Rus. 284 Rus. fin ^t. rderhuiy. Tnl. geol. muz. Akad. Xmik. St. Peterburg, Verh. Euss. mineral. Ues. St. Petcrhui-g, Ve»t. Obsc. Sadov. St. Peterburg, Zap. Tiuss. Geogr. ObSc. St. Peterliurg, Zurn. Min. Xarodn. Prosveic. Salallga, Bull. alg. Proef- fttat. Sanct Hubeiius, Cutlien San Francisco, Cal., Dec. Paprs. Acad. Sci. San Franciwn. Vrm. Cal. Acad. Sc'i. San Francisco, I'ru<-. Cal. Acad. Sei., Zool. Santiago, Act. Soc. Chile .. Santiago, Ann. Univ. Chile Santiago, Verh. Ver. Chile Sao Paulo, Bol. Comm. geogr. Sapporo, Travs. Xat. JJif'f. So". (x-10.V,2.«) Sec St. reterburg, 'I'rav. mu^. geul. Ac. I — Ri sci. 3anncKn IlMnepaTopcKaro C.-TTeTep- 290 Pais. 6yprcKaio Miiiiopa.ioriiHecKaro 0(5- uiecTBa. C.-lIeTepoypit [Verlmnd- liiufjeu der russischeu Minera- logischea Cesellschaft. St.-Peters- boiirgj. BicTHUK-fc IlMiiepaTopcKaro pocciii- | — Rus. CKaro OoiuL'cTBa ca;ioBOACTBa. C- | lleTep(5ypr'b [Messager de la Societe Impeiiale rnsse d'Jiorticulture. St.- Petersbourg]. BanncKn TlMnopaiopcKaro pyccKaro i 291 Rus. reorpai()iiHeLKaroOfjiuecTBa. Scepin: 1) 110 oijiueii reorpa(|)iu; 2) cxaTH- CTHK-fc; 3) 3THorpa(|)iii. C.-IIeTep- dypiT. [Memoires de la Societe Impeiiale russe de Geograpbie. En 3 series : 1) geographic generale ; 2) statistique ; 3) ethnographie. St.- Petersbourg]. /Kypna.TB !>rnnncTepcTBa napojiiaro 29.") Rus. npocB-feuieniH. C. lleTep6^\-pn> [Jour- nal du liinistero de rinstniction publique. St.-Petersbourg]. j Algemeen proefstation te Salatiga. I — H* Bulletin, ilalang. A. T. Jahn. 8vo. Sanct Hnbertns. Wochentliche illust- 977 Ger. rirte Zeitschrift fiir Jagd, Ilunde- zucht, Fischerei und Xaturkunde, red. V. Scheffler. Cothen. fwoch.] Occasional Papers oE the California 419 U.S. Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. McBioirs of tlie California Academy 423 U.S. of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. Proceedings of the California Academy '. — U.S. of .Sciences. ZoologA'. San Francisco, Cal. Actes de la Societe scientifique du | — Chile. Chile, Santiago Anales de la Universitad de Chile, — Chile. Santiago. Veihnndlungen des deutschen wissen- — Chile. Kcliaftlichen ^'ereins zu Santiago (Chile). Santiago. Boletim da Counnisao geographica e | — Brazil, geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Transaction of the Sapporo Xatnral — .Tap. History Society. Sapporo. d 29 CG Sarajevo, ^^ i>-s. Milt. Busii. Herccj. Saratov, Trd. Obic. jest. Shorn, stud, hioloij. Krii.L Odessa Sdiaffhu use)i,Mitt. Sclt ice Iz Entomol. Ges. Scliiralbe, Wtcn Sci. .Mem. Med. liul., Cal- ciUta Sc'i. Pro'jr., London Science, New Yorh, N.Y... Scranloi, Pa., Lacliaxcanna Innt., Set. Scr. Sellsh. clioziain, St. Peter- bimj Semja ochotn., Moslxva Seiniir, Bui. soc. set. liiist. nat. Severn, elioz., St. Peterhurg '« Charenhagc, Bcr. Kcd. JUnt. Ver. Wisseuschaftliclie [Mitteilungen aus Bosnien xiud der Hercegovina. Herausgegebeu vom Bosiiisch-Herce- goviuischen Laudes-Museum. Red. V. Morit'/i Hoernes. Wien. [jalirl.l Tpyji,M CapaxoBCKaro OoiuecxBa ec- xecTBOiiciiLiTaTe.iefi n .iwonTCien ec- TecTB03HaHia. CapaioB-h [Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes de Saratov]. G6opHUK'i> CT3';i,enqecKaro uio.iorune- CKaro Kpy;KKa npn IlMnepaxopcKOMt HoBopoeciiicKOMrb YHUBepcuxex-t. 0;;ecca [Kecueil da cercle biologique des etudiants de I'Uuiversite lui- periale d'Odessa. Odessa]. MitteiluBgen dei- schweizerisclieu eiito- mologischen Gesellscliaft. Bulletin de la Societe entomologiqiie Suisse. Scliaffhausen. Svo. Die Sckwalbe. Berichte des Komitees fiir omithologische Beobachtiuigs- Statioueu in Osterreich. Heraus- gegeben von der Oriiithologisclien Sektion der k. k. Zoologisch-Botani- schen Gesellschaft in Wien. Red. v. Ludwig Ritter Loreuz von Liburnau. Wien. [2 jahrl.] Scientific Memoirs b}' the iledical OfiBcers of the Armj- of India, Cal- cutta. Science Progress in the Twentieth Cen- tury. A quarterly journal of scienti- fic work and thought. Edited by N. H. Alccck and W. G. Freeman. London. Science, Now York, N.Y... . Scientific Series. Lackawanna Listi- tute of History and Science, Scranton, Pa. Ce.ibCKiii xoaanin.. C.-IIexepoyprb L'Agronome. St.-PetersbourgJ. CeMbK oxoxiiiikobtj. Oxoxmiqiii ii.i- :ij'cxpiipoBaniii,iii ;i;ypua.Ti. MocKBa [La faiuille des chasseurs. Journal de chasse illustrc]. Bulletin de la sociute des sciences historiques et naturelles. Semur en Auxois ;^Cote d'Orj. [annuel.] C'tBepiioe xo3aiicxBO. C.-IIexepoypri. [Agriculture du Nord. St.-Peters- bourg]. Entomologlscho Eerlcliten uitgegeven door de Ncderlandschc Entomologische Verecniging. 67 Ora renltu'jc, 'rijdachv, Ent. Shanghai, J. China R. As. Soc. Shreirsbury, Rec. {or Trans.) Caradoc F. CI. Sli rcicsbu rij, Tra ns . Sh ropsh. Arefiicol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Sietui, Attl Ace. fistocritiel Singapore, J. Straits A.i'iat. Soc. Sioiix C'dij, loica, Proe. Acad. Sci. Skand. Arclt. Physiol., Leipzig Soc. Eiitomol., Zurich Southampton, Proc. Hants F. CI. Southport, Rep. Soc. Xat. Sci. Spelunca, Paris Sperimentale, Firenze Spolia Zeylan., Colombo .. Springfield, HI., Bull. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. Stavanger, Mus. Aarsh. ... Stein d. Weisen, Wien Stepnoje pcelov., Novocer- kask Stcttiner ent. Ztg. ... litimnicn Maria - Laacli, Freiburg i. B. Stirling, Trans. Nat. JFtst. Soc. Stockholm, Biol. For. F'orh. IN -10332 s) TijJschrift voor Eutomologio uitgege- ven door de Nederlaudsche entomolo- gische Vereeuigiug, 's Gravenhage. 8vo. Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Societ}', Shanghai. Record of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club, Shrewsbur}'. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Societ}', Shrewsbury. 8vo. Atti deU' Accademia dei Cslocritici, Siena. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Singapore. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences and Letters of SiouT City. Sioux City, Iowa. Skandinavisches .\rchiv fiir Physiologic, hrsg. V. Tigerstedt. Leipzig, [monatl.] Societas entomologica. Zurich. 4to. .. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, Southampton Report of the Southport Society of Natural Science, Southport. 8vo. Spelunca, Bulletin et Memoires de la societe de speleologie. Dir. Martel. Paris, [trimestr.] Lo Sperimentale, Firenze Spolia Zeylanica. Issued by the Colombo Aluseum, Ceylon. Colombo. Bulletin of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, Springfield, 111. Aarsberetning for Stavanger Museum, Stavanger Der Stein der Weisen. Hartleben. [24 H. jahrl.] CienHoe nqe.ioBOACTBO. HoBo^ep- KacKTj [L'apiculture dans la steppe. Novocerkask]. Sfettiner entomologische Zeitung, red. V. Dohrn. Stettin, Berlin, [mouatl.] Stimmen aus Maria- Laach. Freiburg i. B. [10 H. jahrl.J Nebst Ergiinzungs- Heften. Transactions of the Stirling Natural History, etc., Society, Stirling. 8vo. Biologiska Foreningens Forhandlingar, Stockholm. 4'J Hoi. — China 403 U.K. 404 U.K. 212 It. — Ind. — U.S. 1005 Ger. 110 Swi. 406 U.K. 407 U.K. 806 Fr. 215 It. — Ind. 435 U.S. 26 Nor. — Aus. — Rus. 1016 Ger. 1017 Ger. 409 U.K. ~ Swe. 3 29- -2 Stochholm, Geol. For Fd)']i. StockJiohn, Sc. Geol. Unders. Greologiska Foreningens i Stockholm forliandlingar. Stockholm. 8vo. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. Serien A. Kartblad med beskrifnhi- Stocliljolm, Yet.-AJ^. Ilandl. StocJ:]tolm, Vct.-A1{. Ofvers. Stone, Bep. N. Staf. F. CI StrasshuTg, Mitt. ^j<'ol. Landesanst. Stratford, Essex Nat. Studi saesarcsi, Sub-sarl ... Stuttgart, Jahresliefte Ver. IS/atk. Stuttgart, Mttf. geol. Aht. stat. Landesamt. Siidd. layidic. Tierziicht,, Munchen Siidd Monalshcfic, Miinchen Suffolk, Proe. Inst. Arclur.ol. Nat. IFt.st. Saisan Chu. Ho., Tolnjo .. Sydney, N.S.W., J. L'. Soe. Sydney, A'.S.IV'., Mem. Auslr. il/w.s. Sydney, N.S.W., Mem. Geol. Sitrv. N.S. Walea Sydney, N.S.W., Proc. Linn. Soc. Sydney, . N.S.W., liee. Ansfr. Mu.'<. gar. Serieii B. kartor. Serieii C ser. Ofversigtskartor, Sjoecial- Afhandlingar ocli uppsat- Swe. 35 Swe. Xoiigl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademlens HandliDgar. Stockliolm. 4to. Ofversigtaf Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akade- miens forhandlingar. Stockholm. 8vo. Annual report and transactions of the ] North Staffordshire Naturalists' Field j Club, and Archreological Society, Stone. Mittheihmgen der geologischen Laudes- | anstalt von Elsass - Lothringen. 1 Strassbnrg. [jiihrl.] j Essex Naturalist (Esses Field Club), Stratford. Studi sassaresi, Sassarl ... i Jahreshefte des Vereins fiir vater- 1 liindische Naturkunde in Wiirttem- i berg. Stuttgart, [jahrl.] I ]\Iitteilungea der geolngisclien Abtei- j lung des. kgl. wiirtt. statistischen | Landesaintes. Stuttgart, [zwangl.] j Siiddeutsche londwirtschaftliche Tier- I zucht. Organ siiddeutscher Ziichtei'- vereinigungen. Hrsg. v. Vogel. Munchen u. Leipzig, [woch.] Suddeutsche Monatshefte. Hrsg. v. W. Weigaud. Miinclieu. [monatl.] Proceedings of Sun'olic Institute of Archaeology and Natural History. Suisau Chosa Hokoku (Reports of tlie Fisheries Bureau). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. The Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society, Sydney, N.S.W. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney, N.S.VV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney, N.S.W. Records of the Australian Museum, Svdnev, N.S.W. 40 Swe. 41 Swe. 410 U.K. 1019 Ger. 123 U.K. 258 It. 1021 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 412 Llcr. U.K. Jap. N.S.W, N.S.W, N.S.W N.S.W, N.S.W CO Syilui/, .V.S.W., Z.Vc. Ct'ol. Sure. X.S. Wales Tashcitt, I:v. Turh. Otth Runs. Geogr. Obsc. Tasmanian Xat. Tduiiton, Proc. Somerset. Arcliceol. Nat. Hist. Soc. Tcrmt. KozL, Btuhiiic^l 2'cijamanniu, Batav'ta Tliarander forstl. Johrh. . Thcr. Mo]iatsheftc, Berlin. Thin: Monatsbl.. Ei.- [Travaux de la Sec- tion geologique du Cabinet de Sa Majeste Imperiale. St.-Petersbourg.] TpyAU TpoHn,KocaBCKO-KaxTiiHCKaro ' OTAi.T. llpiiaMypcKaro OTA'b.ia Hm- nepaxopcKaro pyccitaro reorpa^)nHe- CKaro OomecTBa. C.-lleTepoypr-i. H:m MocKBa [Travaux de la subdivi- sion de Troizkosavsk-Kjachta de la Section du territoire de I'Amour de la Societe Imperiale russe de Geographie. St. Petersbourg ou Moscou]. ; Travaux scientifiques de FUniversitc de Eennes, Rennes. [Reprinted irom . Eennes Bidl. soc. aci.] I See No. 444 (following journnl) ... Tpyiu Btopo no sHTOMo-ioritt yyenaro KoMHTeia MnnHCTepcTBa oeM.ieA'h.iia V. rocy;tapcTBenfiiJ.vb IlMymecTB-b. C.-IleTepoypiT. [Travaux du Bureau entomologique du Comile scientilique du ilinistere d'Agriculture et des Domaines. St.-Petersbourg.] Tpyau KaBKascKOft me.iKOBOACTBen- HOil ciaimiii. TufjuHCt [Travaux de la station Caucasienne sericicole. Tiflisl. S15 Fr. 817 Fr. Fr. 822 Fr. Fr. — Fr. 834 Fr. 319 Rus. 155 Rus. — Fr. — Ru>^ 444 Rus. .320 Rus. J'rd. Irsn. opijhi. dclii, SI. Peterhunj TrJ. Tru'irh.-Kuu-ld. OtJ. Russ. Georjv. Ohic., Moskva Treucscii m. tcrmt. tdrs. evh. Tr'icxte, Boll. Soc. Adrial. Sci. Nat. Tvoms'i) .1/((-s. Advsli. Trondhjcm, Itgl. Vld. t-clsh. Skr. Truro, J. li. Inst. Corn- tvall Tidi'ni'joi, Arl). ■path. lust. Tiih'nKjcn, Bl. Albver. Tuft's College, il/c/es., Tuft's Coil. 'Stud. Turhest. seTixk. cho-.. Taidient Tnrhe.- 30o.ioiii [Messager de la Societe russe d'apicultiire. St.- Petersbourg]. BicTHnK-h pti(5oiipoMi.ini.ieHHOCTn ; op- raHTb PyccKaro OomeciBa ptiooBO^- CTBa n puoo.ioBCTBa. C.-neTep6ypn> [Messager du commerce de poissons ; organe de la Societe rr.sse de pisci- culture et de jDeche. St.-Peters- bourg]. BicTHUKt caxapHOii iipoMbim.ieHHOCTn. KieBt [Messager de I'industric du Sucre. Kiev]. BicTHEKt 3HaHia. C.-IIeTep6ypri> [Messager des sciences. St.-Peters- bourg.] BeTepnuapHuii Bpau'i.. C.-ITeTep- 6ypn> [Le veterinaire. St. Peterburg]. j Victoria, Department of Klines. Bulle- tins of the Geological Survey, Mel- 1 bourne. Victoria, Department of Mines. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria. | Melbourne. | Victoria, Department of Mines. Records I of the Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne. Journal of the Department of Agricul- ] ture, Victoria. Melbourne. The Victorian Xaturalist. Melbourne ... Tpyjiu Baa3,nMipcKaro 06mecTBa .iio- CHTCiefi ecxecTBoanaHia. BaainMipi> [Travaux de la Societe des amateurs des sciences natureJles de Vladimir, Vladimir]. Vortriige und Aul'siitze iiber Entwicke- lungs-mechanik der Organismen. Hrsg. V. W. Roux. Leipzig, [zwangl.] West American Scientist, San Diego, Cal. Waidmannsheil. Illustrierte Zeitschrift fiir Jagd, Fischerei, Schiitzen- und Hundewesen. Red. v. Friedrich Leon. Klagenfurt. [.^ monatl.] Sprawozdania Tovrarzstwa Xaukowego Warszawskiego. [Proceedings of the Scientific Society in Warsaw. Warsaw.] Proceedings of the Warwickshire Natu- ralists' and Archaeologists' Field Club, Warwick. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. oii Rus. 554 Rus. 3.5.5 Rus. — Rus. — Rus. — Vict. — Vict. — Vict. 2.3 Vict. 19 Vict. — Pais. — Gcr. 454 U.S. 398 Ger. — P..1. 424 U.K. 450 U.S. Waslimgtoii, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric. A)iiin. Indust. Washington, D.C., V. S. Dept. Agnc. Biol. Sun: WasJiington, U. S. Dept. Ent. 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Department of the Interior. Geological Atlas of the United States. IJ. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Yearbook of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wasliington, D.C. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Watford and St. Albans. ■\m U.S. 497 U.S. •19S U.S. 492 U.S. 001 U.S. 502 U.S. 500 U.S. 505 U.S. — U.S. 510 U.S. 508 U.S. 511 U.S. 512 U.S. 516 U.S. 517 U.S. 529 U.S. 148 U.K. Weidinann, Berlin WeU'ntriton Coll., Anu.Ucp. Xat. Sci. Soc. Welliugtoii, Trans, and Proe. N. Zeal. hist. Wernlgeroae, Schr. iiatu-. Ver. Wc.-it Ind. Bull., Barbados West Virginia, Morgan- toicn, Pub. Geol. Surv. Wien, Abh. ZoolBot. Ges. .. Wien, Aim. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Ann. NatUitst. Uof- mus. Wien, Am. Ali. Wiss. Wien, Arb. Zool. In-tt. Univ. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Ccol. OstUng. Wien, Denhschr. Ak. Wi^s. Wien, Jalirb. Geol. lichs- Auist. Wien, JahrBer. Entom. Ver. Der Weidmanu. Bliittor fiir J;ip;cr unci ; 1100 Ger. Jas^Cilfreuiide, red. v. Miiller-LieLen- walde. Beilin-Chnvlotteidiurg. [woch.] Annual Report of the Wellington College 425 U.K. Natural Science Society, Wellington. Svo. Transactions and Proceedings of the — N.Z, New Zealand Institute, Wellington. Schriften des naturwissenschaftliclien 1112 Ger. Vereins des Harzes in Wernigerode. Wernigerode. [zwanglos.] West Indian Bulletin, the Journal of the — W. in. Imperial Agricultural Department lor the West Indies, Barljados. Publications of the West Virginian 531 U.S. Geological Survey, Morgantown. Ahhandlungen der k. k. Zoologi.sch- 405 A us. Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Red. V. Anton. Handlirsch. Wien. [zwanglos.] Almanach der Kaiserlichen Akademie 407 Aus. der Wissenschaften. Wien. [jiilirl.] Annaleu des k. k. Naturhistorischen 408 Aus. Hofmuseums. Kedig. von Franz Steindachner. Wien. [^ jahrl.] Anzeiger der Kaiserliclien Akademie 409 Aus der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. [27 H. jahrl.l Arbeiten aus den Zoologischen-Insti- 411 .\us. tuten der Universitiit Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest. Herausgeg. v. Karl Grobben und Berthold Hatschek. Wien. [zwang- los. J Beitrage zur Paliiontologie und Geo- 415 Aus. logie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients, ilitteilungen des Paliion- tologischen und Geologischen Insti- tutes der Universitat Wien. Her- ausgegeben mit Unterstiitzung des hohen Ministeriums fiir Kultus und Unterricht von Viktor Uhlig und G[ustav] von Arthaber. Wien. [i jahrl.] Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen 420 Aus. Akademie der Wissenschaften. ilathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien. [zumindest jahrl.] Jahrbuch der k.k. Geologischen Reichs- 425 Aus Anstalt. Wien. [i jahrl.] Jahresbericht des Wiener Entomologi- 430 Au- schen Vereines. Wien. [jahrl.] 78 ]\ icii, JctltrBcr. Ver. Adrla W'len, Mitt. Xatic. Ver. Univ. Wicn, M'dt. Ost. EchsIkJ. Vogell;. ]\"ien, M'ltt. i'olyxena ^Vien, Sclir. Ver. Verhr. Nattc. Kenvtn. M'teii, SilzTier. Ali. Wtss. Wlen, Verh. G'eol. lidis- Anst. Wieii, Verh. ZoolBot.Gett... Wiesbaden, Jaltrh. Ver. Nath. Wild II. Ilund, Berlin ]Vii'8abc':, Ini. 343 Dharmma, Distant, Ins. 405 Diacanthoidea, Redtenbacher, Ins. 423 Diaphoropeza, Town-send, Ins. 382 Diaphorostylus, Kertesz, Ins. 373 Dlu-dia. Riltc'iha-hcr, Ins. 423 Diarthronomyia, fei<, Ins. SoG Diastenoura, Hendel, Ins. 387 Diatinostoma. Oossmaiin, Moll. 80 Diblo.uma, Pickard-Cn'nbridge, Arachn. 30 Dicellitis, Meifrick, Ins. 353 Dicoratops, Hatcher, Rept. 30 Dicoratothrip?, /it /nail, Ins. 412 Dichacantha, Kieff^r, Ins. 303 Dicholaphis, Kinoihita, CdoI. 25 Dicrana, fiwrr, Ins. 419 Dicroaspis, Emzrif, Ins. 289 Dictyocaulus, Railliet & Henry, Verm. 41 Dideoides, Brunetti, Ins. 379 Didima, Biiiie-Lund, Crust. 44 Dieropsis, Gahai, Ins. 249 Dio^bachia, Reitenbcicher, Ins. 423 Dimorphochilus, Bjrchmann, Ins. 253 Duaatclura, Silveitri, Ins. 434 Din la, Distant, Ins. 403 Dinothrips, Brignall, Ins. 412 Dinuse'da, Bernhauer, Ins. 222 Diorymerellus, Champion, Ins. 258 Diorymeropsis, Champion, Ins. 258 Dioxocora, Pierce, Im. 278 Diphoropria, Kieffer, Ins. 393 Diphyabyla, i/e«s & Riemsdijk, Coel. 19 Diplellipsis, Popofsky, Prot. 50 Diplephippiura, Speiser, Ins. 373 Diplocalyptra, Kimshita, Coel. 25 Diplocladius, Kieffer, Ins. 370 Diplodontias, Fiihar. Echin. 25 Diplostigma, A^'ay fs, Ins. 362 Diplulmaris, 3Iaa9, Coel. 23 Dipoenura, Simon, Arachn. 32 Disparomitus, Weele, Ins. 362 Divus, Distant, Ins. 405 Docessissophothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 412 Docleopsis, ;Setij, Ins. 324 Docoharamus, Aurivillius, Ins. 267 Djda, Distant, Ins. 405 IJofleinia, Wassilieff, Coel. 28 Djlichocodia, Tow/isefti, Ins. 382 Djlichonabis, Renter, Ins. 397 Doridoeides, ^/io< & Evans, Moll. 97 Dorypteaa, Snyder, Pisces 42 Dragmatucha, Meyrick, Ins. 356 Drapetiella, Meunier, Ins. 376 Drepanopora, Bernhauer, Ins. 222 Dreyfusia, Bjrner, Ins. 408 Dromaeschna, Fijrster, Ins. 417 Duboscqia, Perez, Prot. 55 Daraetura, Popofsky, Prot. 50 Duplicaria, Z)a«, xMoll. 81 Dupontia, Godwin- Austen, Moll. 100 Duroniella, BoUvar, Ins. 431 Durrantia, Busck, Ins. 356 Dussana, Distant, Ins. 405 Dynamenopsis, Baker, Crust. Dysiodes, Weise, Ins. 272 43 Ebisinus, Jordan & Richardson, Pisces 40 Ecacanthothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 412 Ecbolemia, Hampson, Ins. 333 Echanella, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 334 Echestypus, Sjieiser, Ins. 390 Echinobathra, Cossmann, MoU. 81 Eclipsis, Bezzi, Ins. 375 Ectmetaspidus, Formdnek, Ins. 258 Egretius, Jacohi, Ins. 403 Elasmopoides, St ebbing. Crust. 47 Elassocanthon, Kolbe, Ins. 236 Elemba, Cameron, Ins. 301 EUiptobaris, Champion, Ins. 259 Eminaria, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 325 Empleconia, Ball, Moll. Ill Endotrypanum, Mesnil & Brimoni, Prot. 56 Endoxocrinus, Clark, Echin. 28 Engelia, Tornquist, Echin. 23 Enneles, Jordan & Branner, Pisces 49 Enteletoides, Stuckenberg, Brach. 14 Entobius, Dogiel, Crust. 53 Eocerus, Sharp, Ins. 234 Eocyclina, Ball, Moll. Ill Eoorthis, Walcott, Brach. 14 Eoperipatus, Sedgwick, Arachn. 52 Eophileurus, Arrow, Ins. 240 Eosentonion, Silvestri, Ins. 434 Eosilla, Jiibaga, Ins. 414 Eotus, Bedtenhacher, Ins. 424 Epanastasis, Walsingham, Ins. 356 Ej^hialtina, Szrpligeti, Ins. 294 Ephyropsitcs, Ammon, Coel. 23 Ephysteris, Meyrick, Ins. 356 Epiblepharis, Bezzi, Ins. 375 Ei^icopiopsis, Grunberg, Ins. 325 Epicydas, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 325 Epidiplosis, Felt, Ins. 366 Epimccinus, Simon, Arachn. 29 Epimixia, Kirkaldy, Ins. 396 Epiphracti-s, Meyrick, Ins. 356 Epipsylla, Kuwayama, Ins. 407 Epitaxonus, Macgillivray, Ins. 307 Epixenus, Emery, Ins. 290 Epizygaena, Seitz, Ins. 325 Eporycta, Meyrick, Ins. 356 Erastus, Eedlenbacher, Ins. 424 Eremnodes, Marshall, Ins. 259 Eremnoschema, Peringuey, Ins. 259 Eremobclba, Berlese, Arachn. 40 Eremopyga, Agassiz & Clark, Echin. 23 Eremulus, Berlese, Arachn. 40 Ernodes, Bedtenhacher, Ins. 424 Erythrometra, Clark, Ecliin. 28 Ethaliopsis, Schepman, MoU. 81 Euacaulona, Townsend, Ins. 382 Eubaena, Hay, Kept. 31 Eucaladia, Kobelt, MoU. 81 EucaUiphora, Townsend, Ins. 382 Eucalodexia, Townsend, Ins. 382 Euchaetogyne, Townsend, Ins. 382 Euchalcomenes, Turner, Ins. 284 EuchioneUus, Reitter, Ins. 234 Euclytia, Toivnsend, Ins. 382 Eucopiocera, Bruner, Ins. 431 Eucorma, Seitz, Ins. 325 Eucormopsis, Seitz, Ins. 325 Eucoronimyia, Townsend, Ins. 382 Eucroj^ia, Hamjjson, Ins. 334 Eucrossorhinus, Regan, Pisces 50 Eudactylophorosoma, Atteins, Myrio- poda, Arachn. 50 Eudemoticus, Townsend, Ins. 382 Eudexodes, Toivnsend, Ins. 382 Eudiestota, Sharp, Ins. 222 Euepalpus, Townsend, Ins. 382 Eufabricia, Townsend, Ins. 382 Eugeracus, Champion, Ins. 25? Euglyptila, Simon, Arachn. 33 Eujurinia, Toivnsend, Ins. 382 EiJeptotrichus, Verhoeff, Crust. 44 Eumegaparia, Toivnsend, Ins. 382 Eumesembrina, Townsend, Ins. 38'i Eumetra, Clark, Echin. 28 Eumorpha, Szepligeti, Ins. 298 Eunititlula, Sharp, Ins. 231 Eunyetibora, Shelford, Ins. 421 Euomogenia, Townsend, Ins. 383 Euonyx, Marshall, Ins. 259 Eupathithrips, Bagnall, Ins. 412 Eupathocera, Pierce, Ins. 278 Eupeleteria, Townsend, Ins. 383 Eupetinus, Sharp, Ins. 231 Euphasia, Townsend, Ins. 383 EupheUia, Pax, Cocl. 28 Euphrictus, Hirst, Arachn. 28 .EujAyto, Townsend, Ins. 383 EupineUa, Raffray, Ins. 227 EuporceUio, Verhoeff, Crust. 44 Euptychodera, Bergroth, Ins. 393 Eurhuiopsis, Champion, Ins. 259 Eurocrypha, Kirkaldy, Ins. 399 Eurynothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 412 Euryporopterus, Lea, Ins. 259 lOuryvalgus, Moser, Ins. 242 Eusattodes, Casey, Ins. 251 Eusipalia, Sharp, Ins. 222 EusireUa, Chevreux, Crust, 47 Eusisyropa, Townsend, Ins. 383 Eusphalcra, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 325 Eustemides, Dyar, Ins. 325 Eutrichopoda, Townsend, Ins. 383 Euzetes, Berlese, Arachn. 40 Exalloiiyx, Kitffcr, Ins. 303 Excchoeirsus, Co/ismann. Moll. S2 Exoma, Casri/, lus. 235 Fabiola, Biisck, lus. 350 Fagcsia, Pcrviyiquicrc, iloU. 123 Earara, Bcthunc-Baker, Ins. 335 Faroelia, Wolfcndcu, Crust. 54 Earonta. Umith, Ins. 335 Eayoliella, Aleunicr, Ins. 421 Ferniinoscala, Ball, Moll. 82 Ferrieria. Tullgrcn, Araclui. 3G EilchnereUa, KarHi/, Ins. 431 Filchneria, Klap lek; Ins. 415 Flaventia, Jukes-Browne, Moll. Ill Flickia, Pervinquicre, ^loll. 123 FoUmannella, Williams, Moll. Ill Fordinia, Walcott, Brach. 14 Foriria, Jlcunier, Ins. 418 Fortunata, Bolivar, Ins. 431 Foveades, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 335 Fragilla, Loman, Arachn. 9 Frontella, Kulezyiiski, Arachn. 33 Gabrielia, McCullocli, Crust. 33 Galactea, Redtenhaclier, Ins. 424 Galactomyia, Townsend, Ins. 383 Galideus, Finot, Ins. 431 Gargantuoidea, Redtenhaclier, Ins. 424 Garudinodes, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 325 Garumnaster, Lambert, Echin. 23 Gaspesia, Clarke, Brach. 14 Gastranopsis, Cossmann, Moll. Ill Gatesius, Stiles, Verm. 39 Gauriteres, Gounelle, Ins. 267 Geloemyia, Hendel, Ins. 388 Geoglomeris, Verhoeff, ]\Iyriopoda, Arachn. 50 Georissopsis, Pilshry & Ilirase, Moll. 82 Geraeopsis, Champion, Ins. 259 Gerdana, Busck, Ins. 357 Gessius, Distant, Ins. 405 Gestro, Griffini, Ins. 428 Gharianus, Werner, Ins. 424 Giardomyia, Felt, Ins. 306 Gigantosaurus, Fraas, Kept. 30 Gibsonia, Meunier, Ins. 417 Glaphyroth3mnus, Turner, Ins. 286 Glaucias, Kirkaldy, Ins. 393 Glaucomys, Thomas, Mam. 72 GlomercUina, Silvestri, Myriopoda, Arachn. 50 Glossolepis, Weber, Pisces 45 Gnatholigota, Sharp, Ins. 222 Gnoremopsar, Richmond, Aves 146 Gnorosus, Raffray, Ins. 227 Gomphiocephalus, Ca-penter, Ins. 435 Gonatochcilus, Till, Moll. 123 Goniomima, Townsend, Ins. 383 Goniothorax, Sharp, Ins. 231 Goniurosaurus, Barbour, Rcpt. 27 Gonotelma, Pilgrim, Mam. 70 Gracilipes, Holmes, Crust. 47 Graphitarsus, Silvestri, Ins. 434 Graucria, Hartert, Aves • 132 GriffinicUa, Karny, Ins. 421 Grouvelleus, Zailzev, Ins. 235 Gryphadena, Kusnezov, Ins. 335 Guadalupia, Girty, Por. 6 Guebhardia, Cossmann, Moll. 112 Guliga, Distant, Ins. 405 Gurida, Budde-Lund, Crust. 43 (Uittula, Schepman, Moll. 83 Gymnocerithium, Cossmann, Moll. 83 (iymnosimenchelys, Tanaka, Pisces 45 Gynopygoplax, Schmidt, Ins. 403 Gyremys, Hay, Rapt. 31 Gyrinulus, Zaitzev, Ins. 219 Hai)rona, Beihune-Buker, Ins. 325 Hadranderaster, Spencer, Echin. 25 Hadrocheilus, Till, MoU. 123 Hadroneura, Lundstrdm, Ins. 368 Haemostrongylus, Railliet & Henry, Verm. 42 Haenleinia, Biihm, Moll. 112 Haidara, Distant, Ins. 395 Halechiniscus, Richters, Tardigrada, Arachn. 46 Halictoxenos, Pierce, Ins. 278 Halobatrachus, Ogilby, Pisces 39 Halophiloscia, Verhoeff, Crust. 44 Halticosaurus, Huene, Rept. 30 Hamiglycera, Fillers, Verm. 45 Hammocallos, Chretien, Ins. 34t^ Haplobunodon, Deperet, Mam. 79 Haplodictyus, Navels, Ins. 363 Haplomesus, Richardson, Crust. 42 Haplomunna, Richardson, Crust. 42 Haploniscus, Richardson, Crust. 42 Haploscapanes, Arrow, Ins. 241 Haplotmarus, Simon, Arachn. 35 Hapolorhynchus, Reichenow, Aves 140 Harpacticella, Sars, Crust. 54 Harpagocryptus, Perkins, Ins. 303 Hathrometra, Clark, Echin. 28 Haumavarga, Oshanin, Ins. 402 Heligmina, Douvillc, Moll. 112 HeliochaUengeron, Haecker, Prot. 50 Heliolus, Fauvel, Ins. 267 Heliospongia, Girty, Por. 9 Helladepichoria, Becker, Ins. 368 Heiopanoplia, Hay, Rept. 31 Hemallia, Berrjroth. Ins. 393 Hemiargyra, Townsend, Ins. 383 Hcmichenoj)us,jIFzYcA:e?is, Moll. 83 8 Hemictenodecticus, Cauddl, Ins. 428 Hemiellisia, Xenmann, Aves 136 Hemijassa, Walker, Crust. 48 Hemilecanium, Xewstead, Ins. 410 Hemi.scia, Seitz, Ins. 326 Hemisosibia, Redtenhacher, Ins. 424 Hemisphaerodella, Renter, Ins. 399 Hepatozoon, Miller, Prot. 54 Hercocriniis, Hud-son, Echin. 28 Hermaniella, Berlese, Arachn. 40 HermetieUa, Meunier, Ins. 373 Hesperocorixa, Kirkaldy, Ins. 400 Heterelasma, Girty, Brach. 14 Heterocella, Canu, Bry., Brach. 26 Heterocoelia, Girty, Por. 6 Heterogamasus, Trdgiirdh, Arachn. 41 HeterolejjideUa, Silvestri, Ins. 434 Heteromacrura, Verrill, Oust. 34 Heteromaldane, Ehlers, ^'erm. 45 Heteromesus, Richardson, Crust. 42 Heteromigella, Strand, Arachn. 28 Heteronyx, Grant, Aves 142 Heterophasma, Redtenhtcher, Ins. 424 Heteroscyllium, Ogilby, Pisces 50 Heterothrips, Buffa, Ins. 412 Heterothrips, Hood, Ins. 412 Hexacyrtona, Enderlein, Ins. 414 Hexalodus, Hatcher, Prot. 51 Hicanodon, Tidlgren, Arachn. 37 Hildebrandtia, Xieden, Kept. 33 Hippocentrum, Au-sten, Ins. 374 Hoeocryptus, HahermeJd, Ins. 294 HoUina, Ulrich & Bassler, Crust. 57 Holmesiclla, Ortmann, Crust. 39 Holocorynus, Sharp, Ins. 222 Holophygdon, Kirkaldy, Ins. 396 Holoteleia, Kieffer, Ins. 303 Homa, Distant, Ins. 405 Homalerni.s, Meyrick, Ins. 353 Homalonesiota, Maindron, Ins. 210 Homalosaparus, Rehn, Ins. 431 Homilops, Fierce, Ins. 278 Homoeothele, Simo7i, Arachn. 31 Homogrypinus, Reitter, Ins. 278 Honunius, Simon, Arachn. 36 Hoplochelys, Hay, Kept. 30 Hoplomys, Allen, Mam. 75 Hoplopholcus, Kulczyi'tski, Arachn. 31 Hoplopteridius, Daniel, Ins. 260 Hottentotta, Binda, Arachn. 27 Huberia, Ducke, Ins. 28G Huenella, Walrolt, Brach. 14 Hugonia, Alpheraky, Ins. 335 Hunterellus, Howard, Ins. 301 Hyalochloria, Renter, Ins. 399 Hybocephalodes, Raffray, Ins. 227 Hyboscarta, Jacohi, Ins. 404 Hyenosuchus, Broom, Kept. 32 Hyerifalchia, Fucini, Moll. 124 Hygrolycosa, Duhl, Arachn. 37 Hylopetes, TJioma^s, Mam. 72 Hyoboojjs, Pilgrim, Mam. 79 Hyojirora, Meyrick, Ins. 357 Hypalocrinus, Clark, Echin. 28 Hypalometra, Clark, Echin. 28 Hypargyricus, Macgillivray, Ins. 307 Hypaspistes, Hagedorn, Ins. 265 Hypenarana, Bethune- Baker, Ins. 335 Hyperdiplosis, Felt, Ins. 367 Hypocyrtus, Redferibacher, Ins. 424 Hypodictyon, Jenkin, Por. 6. Hypoliodes, Portevin, Ins. 229 Hypoplexia, Hampson, Ins. 335 Hypoptophis, Boulenger, Kept. 28 Hypselistoides, Tidlgren, Arachn. 32 Hypsipyrgias, Kirkaldy, Ins. 396 HystrichieUa, Bdrner, Ins. 408 lambiodes, Hampso7i, Ins. 336 Ichneumonops, Townsend, Ins. 384 Incisosilis, Pic, Ins. 247 Incitatus, Distant, Ins. 393 Inga, Busck, Ins. 357 Insolentipalpus, Bethune- Baker, Ins. 336 Insalicola, Kirkaldy, Ins. 395 Interaulacus, Bradley, Ins. 300 lomys, Thomas, Mam. 72 Irenosyrinx, Dall, Moll. 83 Iridometra, Clark, Echin. 28 Iriothyrsa, Meyrick, Ins. 357 Ischnocion, Pilshry, MoU. 102 Ischnocoeha, Perkins, Ins. 284 Ischyromene, Racovitza, Crust, 43 Isocrambia, Seitz, Ins. 326 Isocypris, Midler, Crust. 57 Isometra, Clark, Echin. 28 Issykogammarus, Chevreux, Crust. 48 Jacobella, Jeannet, IMoIl. 124 Jauberticeras, Jacob, Moll. 124 Jberellus, Hesse, IMoU. 102 Jenynsella, Ogilby, Pisces 46 Jeremia, Redtenhacher, Ins. 424 Johnsonomyia, Felt, Ins. 367 Jonesina, Ulrich & Bassler, Crust. 58 JoubineUa, Chevreux, Crust. 48 Kallistira, Hay, Rept. 30 Kana, Distant, Ins. 406 Karnyus, Gri/fitii, Ins. 428 Karshomyia, Felt, Ins. 367 Kartwa, Distant, Ins. 406 Kas.songia, Bolivar, Ins. 431 Katadcsmia, Dall, MoU. 112 Keration, Broili, Moll. 84 Kerremansia, Pcringiiey, Ins. 243 KcrtcszieUa. riendcl, Ins. 388 Kirbvina, Ulrich & Basslcr, Crust. 58 Kirkaklyus. Ori/lini, Ins. 428 Klebsiella, Meunkr, Ins. 418 Ivloedenella, Ulrich & Bassler, Crust. 58 Knepperia, Kieffer, Ins. 370 Kombazana, Distant, Ins. 403 Kooiiunga, Saycc, Crust. 39 Koroga, Holmes, Crust. 48 Kossmatella, Jacob, Moll. 124 Kunasia, Distant, Ins. 406 Kutara, Distant, Ins. 40ti Kuwavamaea, Matsumura & Shiraki, Ins." 428 Laboea, Lohmann, Prot. 59 Laciphorus, liedtenbacher, Ins. 424 Laetesia, Simon, Arachn. 34 Laetmaster, Fisher, Ech.in. 25 Laevibaculus, Cossmann, Moll. 84 Laeriglanilina, Pilsbry, MoU. 102 Lakota, Holmes, Crust. 48 Lamachode?, Bedtenbacher, Ins. 424 Lamprobaris, Champion, Ins. 260 Lamprocryptus, Schmieieknecht, Ins. 295 Lamprohypera, Heller, Ins. 260 Laophontopsis, Sar-s, Crust. 54 Lamproscytus, Renter, Ins. 399 Lasiodesmus, Silvestri, Myriopoda, Arachn. 51 Lasiotydaeus, Berlese, Arachn. 44 Lasiplexia, Hampson, Ins. 336 Lathyarcha, Simon, Arachn. 29 Latidorsella, Jacob, Moll. 124 LatreiUimyia, Townsend, Ins. 384 Lebetodiscus, Bather, Eshin. 30 Lecythodytes, Dangeard, Prot. 44 Lefroyia, Green, Ins. 411 Legendrea Faur'-Fremiet, Prot. 59 Leiochras, Ehlers, A'erm. 45 Leocratides, Ehlers, \'erm. 45 Leonardia, Mearns, Aves 133 LepechineUa, Stebbing, Crust. 48 Lepidoniscus, Verhoeff, Cni.st. 44 Lepidosyntoma, Becker, Ins. 384 Lepidorbitoides, Silve^stri, Prot. 47 Leprocaulus, Redtenbacher, Ins. 424 Leptanillophilus, Holmgren, Ins. 223 Leptobia, Fauvel, Ins. 250 Leptocheilu-s, Till, Moll. 124 Leptometra, Clark, Echin. 28 Leptoplastides, Raw, Arachn. 6 Leptoplectus, Casey, Ins. 227 Leptot«leia, Kieffer, Ins. 303 Leptozygaena, Seitz, Ins. 327 Leriella, Meunier, Ins. 388 Leseurina, Fowler, Pisces 40 Lcsscrtia, Smith, Arachn. 32 LetchenoJes, Warren, Ins. 350 Leucochroopsis, Boetlyer, Moll. 102 Leucocorynus, Sharp, Ins. 223 Leucopoecila, Renter, Ins. 399 Leucophyseraa, Drdl, MoU. 97 Leurothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 412 LeyraerieUa, Jacob, Moll. 124 Libellulosoma, Martin, Ins. 417 Liceopsis, Torrend, Prot. 44 Licneremaeus, Paoli, Arachn. 40 Liguriella, Isscl, Moll. 124 Lihclophorus, Zaitzev, Ins. 220 Limnobaroidos, Champion, Ins. 260 Linaresia, Zulueta, Crust. 55 Linocheles, Brady, Crust. 58 Linoclostis, Meyrick, Ins. 357 Liojoppa, Szepligeti, Ins. 295 Lioscapheus, ^rM«e;-, -Ins. 431 Lisconeura, Rohiver, Ins. 307 Lissothrips, Hood, Ins. 412 Lithamphora, Popofsky, Prot. 51 Lithogryllites, Gockerell, Ins. 427 Lithophotina, Cockerell, Ins. 426 Lixophaga, Townsend, Ins. 384 Lobodiplosis, Felt, Ins. 367 Lobopterorayia, Fe't, Ins. 367. Loamopsylla, Jordan & Rothschild, Ins. 391 lionchocvinn "', J J ekel, Echm. 28 Lonchosphaera, Popofsky, Prot. 51 Lonosomatoides, Annandale, Bry., Brach. 27 Lopesia, Tavires, Ins. 367 Lopeziclla, Tavxres, Ins. 367 Lophiobunodon, Deperet, Mam. 79 Lophobythus, Raff ray, Ins. 227 Lophoceramica, Dyar, Ins. 336 Lophognathella, Bjrner, Ins. 435 Lora, Distant, Ins. 404 Louisia, Godwin- Austen, Moll. 102 Lucoppia, Berlese, Arachn. 40 Luraetus, Zuitzev, Ins. 220 Lyela, Swinhoe, Ins. 317 Lygidolon, Renter, Ins. 399 Lygobias, Mitchell, Ins. 421 Lysaster, Fisher, Echin. 25 Lysasterias, Fisher, Echin. 25 Lytocestus, Cohn, Verm. 40 Macandrostia, Girty, Por. 7 Machatothrips, Bagnall, |Ins. 412 Macremphytus, Macgillioray, Ins. 307 Macroagathis, Szepligeti, Ins. 299 Macrobunus, Tullgren, Arachn. 37 Macrobythus, Raffray, Ins. 227. Macrocalymma, Perkins, Ins. 284 Macrohomotoma, Kuwayama, Ins. 407 Macromidia, Martin, Ins. 417 10 3Iacroretrus, Peringucy, Ins. 237 Macrosternodesmus, Br'dUmann, MjTiopoda, Arachii. 51 Macroterocheir, Stebbing, Crust. 37 Macrothrips, Bagnall, Ins. 413 Macrothrips, Bvffa, Ins. 413 Macrothynnus, Turner, Ins. 286 Makalaka, Pcringuey, Ins. 239 Malachiolemphus, Pic, Ins. 247 Malacyntis, Meyrick, Ins. 358 jVIalfattispongia, De Gregorio, Por. 7 Malobidion, Schaeffer, Ins. 268 Maltzania, Hesse, Moll. 103 Mambara, BetMme- Baker, Ins. 319 Mambara, Bethune- Baker, Ins. 327 Manipuria, Jacoby, Ins. 273 Jlareba, Diskmt, Ins. 406 Martclia, Daiitzenherg, MoU. 85 Mastigograptus, Ruedemann, Coel. 23 Mastigometra, Clark, Echin. 28 Matla, Stephenson, Verm. 46 Mecynocera, Pierce, Ins. 278 Mecynopyga, Pierce, Ins. 260 Mecynothrjps, Bagnall, Ins. 413 Megabyzus, Distant, Ins. 406 Megaceria, Szlfligtti, Ins. 295 MegalojJtera. Bethiine- Baker, Ins. .336 Megaloxantha, Kerremans, Ins. 243 Megapogon, Jenkin, Por. 7 Megaprosopus, Reitter, Ins. 223 Megasattus, Casey, Ins. 252 Megepimerio, Verhoeff, Crust. 45 Megopterna, Douglass, Mam. 68 Meionecrosia, Redtenbacher, Ins. 424 Melagramma, Hampson, Ins. 337 Melanagrion, Cockerell, Ins. 417 Melanoperipatus, Sedgwick, Arachn. 52 Melanostictus, Renter, Ins. 399 Melapera, Hampson, Ins. 337 Melaps, Carter, Ins. 252 Meleagroteuthis, Pfeffer, Moll. 125 Meledella, Sturany, Moll. 103 Meleneta, Smith, Ins. 337 Melinobius, Jucohy, Ins. 273 Mendelius, Lewis, Ins. 230 Mendcsia, Joannis, Ins. 358 Menetes, Thomas, Mam. 72 Meniomorpha, Lea, Ins. 260 Meretrissa, Jukes-Browne, Moll. 114 Meringostylus, Kertesz, Ins. 373 Merlia, Kirkpatrick, Por. 7 Mcrmitelocorus, Renter, Ins. 399 Mcrocna, Jukes-Browne, MoU. 114 Merogregarina, Porter, Prot. 53 Meroleuca, JJampson, Ins. 337 MeroBcinis, Meijere, Ins. 388 Mcsaner, Redtenbacher, Ins. 424 Mesasiobia, Semenov-Tian-Shansky, Ins. 420 Mcsitomorphus, Pcringuey, Ins. 201 ^lesocolaspis, Jacoby. Ins. 273 Mesocypris, Daday, Crust. 58 Mesohomotoma, Kuwayama, Ins. 407 Mesoniscus, CarZ, Crust. 45 Mesonitys, Schmidt, Ins. 402 Mesonychographis, Silvestri, Ins. 435 IMesoporcellio, Verhoeff, Crust. 45 Mesopsera, Bolivar, Ins. 432 Mesotropis, Renter, Ins. 399 Metacerithium, Cossmann, Moll. 85 Metacyclinus, Reitter, Ins. 223 :\Ietadiplosis, i^e?^ Ins. 367 ]\Ictalpheus, Coutiere, Crust. 37 Metamesembrina, Townsend, Ins. 384 !Metapliiom}'s, Osborn, Mam. 73 Metap.sylla, Kxiwayama, Ins. 407 Metarbinus, Osborn, Mam. 81 Metatbrinca, Jleyrick, Ins. 358 ^letbypostena, Townsend, Ins. 384 ]\IetopieUus, Raffray, Ins. 227 Metopiosoma, Raffray, Ins. 227 Micacbna, Redtenbacher, Ins. 424 Mickwitzella, TFa/co//, Bracb. 15 Micrercmus, Berlese, Aracbn. 41 Microcerata, Felt, Ins. 367 Microceris, Bergroth, Ins. 395 Microcbelonus, Szepligati, Ins. 299 MicTocys, Sahlberg, Ins. 216 Microdiplosis, Tavares, Ins. 367 Microlimnaea, Dybowski, Moll. 103 Microlunodon, Deperet, Mamm. 79 Microplexia, Hampson, Ins. 337 Microrbianus Champion Ins. 261 MicTorj'ctes Arroiv, Ins. 241 Microselenodon, Deperet, Mam. 79 Micros! phum, Cholodkovsky, Ins. 408 Microtberium, Petri, Ins. 228 Microtbespis, IFerne?-, Ins. 427 Mictocystis, Etheridge, Coel. 29 Migas, Sollas, Por. 8 Milicbilinus, Reitter, Ins. 223 Mimocalanus, Farran, Crust. 55 Mimopria, Holmgren, Ins. 304 MinchineUa, Kirkpatrick, Por. 7 Minormalletia, Z>a//, Moll. 114 Miodcra, Smith, Ins. 337 IVIiraconcha, Berg & Scheptnan, Moll. 86 Misgomyia, Coquillctt. Ins. 374 MoeopsyUa, Rothschild, Ins. 391 Jlocrisia, Boulenger, Coel. 20 ^Sloti'artsia, Schouteden, Ins. 393 ^lobunia, Distend, Ins. 406 Monacbina, Silvestri, Ins. 435 MonacbtineUa, Silvestri, Ins. 435 Monobazus, Distant, Ins. 406 ilonodontium, Knlczyuski, Arachn. 28 Monoptya, Hainpson, Ins. 337 Monsoma, Macgillivray, Ins. 307 Montrouzierellus, A'/rZ:aW2/> lus. 39S 11 Mor^ania, Cofsmoun, Moll. SO iloritziolla, Biirncr, Ins. 408 Mortonia, Fritzc, Ins. 429 Moruloidca, Baker, L'rust. 43 Mukariana, Distant, Ins. 406 Mnkwana. DisUnit, Ins. 40G Mutiloptcra. CoquiUett, Ins. 389 Myittana, Distant, Ins. 400 M}-rmechusa, Waf Phymatothynnus, Turner, Ins. 287 Phymorhynchus, Ball, Moll. 88 PhysaUolaelaps, Berlese, Arachn. 42 Physoloba, Warren, Ins. 346 Phytalmodes, Bezzi, Ins. 389 Picrania, Burr, Ins. 420 Picrodus, Bouglass, Mam. 84 Pilocrinus, Jaekel, Echin. 29 Piroutetia, Meunier, Ins. 417 Pitharca, Meyrick, Ins. 358 Placidus, Bistant, Ins. 406 Plastogryon, Kieffer, Ins. 304 Plateremaeus, Berlese, Arachn. 41 Plattycantha, Foersler, Ins. 417 Platybaris, Champion, Ins. 262 Platycolaspis, Jacoby, Ins. 274 Platycordulia, Williamson, Ins. 417 Platypternodes, Bolivar, Ins. 432 Platyscytus, Beuter, Ins. 400 Platysilpha, Shelf ord, Ins. 421 Platysosibia, Bedtenbacher, Ins. 425 Plectrothrips, Hood, Ins. 413 Plegmatograptus, Biles & Wood, Coel. 23 PlemelieUa, Seitner, Ins. 368 Pleronexis, Weise, Ins. 274 Plesiocathartes, Gaillard, Aves 121 Plesiodesma, Warren, Ins. 351 Plicatulopecten, Neumann, Moll. 117 Plinthopa, Bethune- Baker, Ins. 339 Plioaetus, Richmond, Aves 121 Podolithus, Sardeson, Echin. 29 Podori bates, Berlese, Arachn. 41 Poecilostenia, Bezzi, Ins. 389 Pogonognathus, Burner, Ins. 435 Pogonoscorpius, Regan, Pisces 41 Poliobrya, Hampson, Ins. 339 Poliophrys, Townsend, Ins. 385 Polistomyia, Townsend, Ins. 385 Polydesmia, Lorenz, Moll. 74 Polylobinus, Bernhauer, Ins. 225 Polymetis, Walsingham, Ins. 358 Polyplodia, Valette, Echin. 24 Polypseustis, Boynin, Ins. 359 li Polysiphon, Girti/, Por. 7 Polytaxonus, MacgilUvray, Ins. 308 Polytelidius, Bovie, Ins. 262 Pomposa, liedtenhacher, Ins. 425 Porcellidium, Verhoeff, Crust. 45 Poroampliora, Popofsky, Prot. 51 Porphyrosela, Braun, Ins. 359 Porsenus, Aldrick & Darlington, Ins. 390 Portlimeia, Bethune- Baker, Ins. 320 Powellina, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 319 Praeanaspides, Woodward, Crust. 40 Praeovibus, Staudinger, Mam. 78 Prionobaris, Champion, Ins. 262 Probaryconus, Kieffer, Ins. 304 Probleta, Konow, Ins. 308 Procolpochelys, Hay, Kept. 31 Procordulia, Martin, Ins. 418 Procrita, Hendel, Ins. 389 Prodi plosis, Felt, Ins. 368 Progiraffa, Pilgrim, Mam. 78 Prohierodula, Bolivar, Ins. 427 Proholopus, Jaekel, Echin. 29 Promalactis, Meyrick, Ins. 359 Prosanteris, Kieffer, Ins. 304 Prosapegus, Kieffer, Ins. 304 Proshermacha, Simon, Arachn. 28 Prospalax, Mehely, Mam. 75 Prosthesis, Walsingham, Ins. 359 Protacheron, Weele, Ins. 364 Protagasta, Bolivar, Ins. 432 Protagonista, Shelford, Ins. 421 Protatlanta, Tesch, Moll. 96 Protclenomus, Kieffer, Ins. 304 Protidicerus, Weele, Ins. 364 Protilemia, AurivilUus, Ins. 209 Protimorus, Kieffer, Ins. 304 Protmesibasis, Weele, Ins. 364 Protoaeschna, Foerster, Ins. 418 Protoboncllia, Ikeda, Verm. 47 Protobrissus, Lambert, Echin. 2-1 Protobubopsis, Weele, Ins. 364 Protocotyhis, Korotneff, Verm. 38 Protocryptus, Schmiedeknecht, Ins. 290 Protomek'cta, Cockrrell, Ins. 283 Protophormia, Townsend, Ins. 385 Protoptcra, Meyrick, Ins. 354 Protopyrrhula, Bianrhi, Aves 144 Protori bates, Berlese, Arachn. 41 Protrcte, Girty, Moll. 117 Psacadium, Enderlein, Ins. 414 Psalmocharis, Kirkaldy, Ins. 401 Psammichtliys, Regan, Pisces 40 Psathyrissa, AurivilUus, Ins. 269 Psela])hocompsus, Raffray, Ins. 228 Pseudactium, Casey, Ins. 228 Pseudamphistonmm, />H/te, Verm. 39 Pscudaoria, Jacohy, Ins. 275 P.soudaprieH, Lea, Ins. 262 Pseudatelura, Silvatri, Ins. 435 Pseudencyoposis, Weele, In.?. 364 Pseuderastria, Hampson, Ins. 339 Pseudeutoxus, Champion. Ins. 262 Pseudhomonyx, ^4rTOw, Ins. 241 Pseudiastata, Coquillett, Ins. 390 Pseudisolabis, Burr, Ins. 420 Pseudoblossia, Kraepelin, Arachn. 39 Pseudobothrideres, Grouvelle, Ins. 233 Pseudobrochidium, Grupe, Moll. 90 Pseudocatalaccus, Masi, Ins. 302 Pseudocentrinns, Champion, Ins. 262 Pseudochondracanthus, lF«7sow, Crust. 55 Pseudocimbex, Rohicer, Ins. 308 Pseudocleis, Casey, Ins. 277 Pseudoclytra, Jacohy, Ins. 275 Pseiidocoolus, Casey, Ins. 252 Pseudocuculina, Schepman, Moll. 90 Pseudocypris, Daday, Crust. 59 Pseudodiacantha, Redtenbacher, Ins. 425 Pseudogeraeus, Champion, Ins. 262 Pseudogynopeltis, Karny, Ins. 422 Pseudogyrtona, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 339 Pseudohybris, Weele, Ins. 304 Pseudolichomolgus, Pesta, Crust. 55 Pseudolopus, Jaekel, Echin. 29 Pseudomacalla, Dognin, Ins. 351 Pseudoparablops, Heyden, Ins. 252 PseudoiDroctarrelabri.'?, Weele, Ins. 364 Pseudoptynx, Weele, Ins. 364 Pseudorabocerus, Pic, Ins. 255 Pseudorhianus, Champion, Ins. 262 Pseudorthomerinus, Champion, Ins. 262 Pseudorthoris, Champion, Ins. 262 P,^eudosarcophaga, Kramer, Ins. 385 Pocudoveronicella, Germain, Moll. 104 Pseudovirgula, Girty, Por. 8 Psoudurgis, Meyrick, Ins. 359 Psilotcttix, Bruner, Ins. 432 Psychomyiella, Ulmer, Ins. 361 Pternozya, Meyrick, Ins. 354 Pterocephalus, 7tozr, Arachn. 7 Pteromyscus, Thomas, Mam. 72 Pteroto])cza, Tuwnsend, Ins. 385 Ptiograptus, Ruedenuinn, Coel. 23 Ptolemaia, Oshorn, Mam. 84 Ptyngidricerus, Weele, Ins. 364 Pugla, Distant, Ins. 406 Punctori bates, Berlese, Arachn. 41 Pycinaster, Spencer, Echin. 25 Pycnothrix, Schubotz. Prot. 59 Pyge, Burr, Ins. 420 Pygmacopsis, Schaeffer, Ins. 269 Pyragropsis, Borelli, Ins. 420 Pyramidellus, SzepUgeti, Ins. 290 , Radioculcx, Theobald, Ins. 371 Ramoutsa, Peringucij, Ins. 239 Eamularius, Aurivilliws, Ins. 269 Raxybis. Raff ray, Ins. 228 Ravraomlioiiolhis. Ganglhrtucr, Ins. 2(52 Ravwardia. Tutt. Ins. 319 Redlichella, Walcoti, Brach. 16 Reginibartia, Zaitzev, Ins. 220 Rembastichus. Weise, Ins. 275 Rhabtlcpyris, Kieffcr, Ins. 304 Rhabtlocolpus. Cossmatui, Moll. 90 Rhabtlomcsus. Bickardson, Crust. 42 Rhachidelus, Bouhnger, Rept. 28 Rhachocpalpus, Townsend, Ins. 385 Rhacura, Richardson, Crust. 42 Rhadinodonta, Szepligeti, Ins. 296 Rhadinogastcr, Szepligeti, Ins. 299 Rhetechclys, Hay, Rept. 31 Rheumatotrechus, Kirkaldy, Ins. 397 Rhianinus. Champion, Ins. 263 Rhincchidna, Barbour, Pisces 46 Rhinobaccha, Meijere, Ins. 379 Rhinocapsidea. Renter, Ins. 400 Rhipicentor, Xuttall & Warburton, Araclin. 44 Rhodesana, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 329 Rhomea, Weise, Ins. 275 Rhynchacris, Redtenbacher, Ins. 426 Rhynchocerithium, Cossmann, 3Ioll. 90 Rh\-nchoplexia, Hampson, Ins. 340 Rigona, Loman, Arachn. 9 Rimieola, Biihmig, \'erm. 38 Rodunia, Bolivar, Ins. 433 Rogadius, Jordan & Richardson, Pisces 41 Rondanimyia, Townsend, Ins. 385 Rostrelliger, Jordan & Dickerson, Pisces 42 Rostrocerithium, Cossmann, Moll. 91 Roveocrinus, Douglas, Echin. 29 Ruteloryctes, Arrow, In?. 241 Rutheia, Szepligeti, Ins. 299 Sabatina, Ball, Moll. 97 Sabera, Swinhoe, Ins. 321 •Sabima, Distayit, Ins. 406 Sackenomyia, Felt, Ins. 368 .Salmothymus, Berg, Pisces 48 Samaria, Sluckenberg, Bry., Brach. 28 Samba, Friese, Ins. 283 Saproclinium, Lauterhorn, Prot. 60 Satanas, Jacobson, Ins. 375 iSatole, Dyar, Ins. 351 Scabrifer, Allen, Mam, 66 »Scaphonyx, Woodward, Rept. 32 Schistosiphon, Pierce, Ins. 279 Schoenotenes, Meyrick, Ins. 354 Sciodoclea, Seilz, Ins. 329 Scipiolus, Lomun, Arachn. 9 Sclerocecis. Chretien, Ins. 359 Scoficldia, Ulrich & Bassler, Crust. 59 Scotoniscus. Racovitza, Crust. 46 Securipalpus, Schubrrt, Ins. 225 Selenoptyx, Pilsbry, Mull. 105 Selidacantha. IJezzi, Ins. 390 Sellosaurus, Huene, Rept. .30 Semacomyia. Bradley, Ins. 300 Semaeodogaster, Bradley, Ins. 300 Semenovius, Bradley, Ins. 300 Semilageneta, Goddard, Verm. 47 Sepsidomorpha, Frey, Ins. 390 Serapita, Schmidt, Ins. 404 Scrpa, Distant, Ins. 406 SetajDhora, Budde-Lund, Crust. 46 Setopus, Griinspan, Verm. 43 Sicera, Chretien, Ins. 359 Sigmatoneura, Enderlein, Ins. 414 Siligo, Aldrich, Ins. 390 Simorhina, Jacobi, Ins. 404 Sinodia, Jukes-Browne, Moll. 118 Siphonothrips, Diiffa, Ins. 413 Sjostedtiella, Szepligeti, Ins. 296 Sladenia, Regan, Pisces. 39 Sniicraulax, Pierce, Ins. 263 Smilodontopsis, Brown, ]Mam. 69 Snofru, Broun, Ins. 217 Solaria, Champion, Ins. 263 Solariellopsis, Scheptnan, Moll. 91 Solariola, Flach, Ins. 263 Soleniopsis, Ritchie, Coel. 21 Sominella, Jacobson, Ins. 275 Soortana, Distant, Ins. 406 Sowtcria, IFAiVeayeb^ Moll. 118 Spanipalpus, Townsend, Ins. 386 Spelaeoglomeris, Brdlemann, Myrioi>oda, Arachn. 51 Spelophallus, Jdgerskiold, Verm. 39 Speocropia, Hampson, Ins. 340 Speodiaetus, Jeannel, Ins. 229 Speonomus, Jeannel, Ins. 229 Sphaeniscus, Becker, Ins. 390 Sphaeriontis, Casey, Ins. 252 Sphaerobathytropa, Fer/ioe^, Crust 46 Sphaerolecanium, Sule, Ins. 411 Sphalerocholus, Heller, Ins 263 Spheginobaccha, Meijere, Ins. 380 Sphcnometopa, Townsend, Ins. 386 Sphyrometopa, Car/, Ins. 429 Spiloneda, Casey, Ins. 277 Spiloniscus, Racovitza, Crust. 46 Spinula, /)a7/, Moll. 1J8 Spirontocarella, Brashnikov, Crust. 37 Spongicoloides, Hansen, Crust. 38 Spongotarsus, Hagedorn, Ins. 265 Sporadothrix, Hermann, Ins. 375 Squalomugil, Ogilby, Pisces 45 Squamicapilla, SchuUze, Ins. 330 Squamipalpis, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 340 16 Squamipsichora, Heller, Ins. 263 Squamosa, Betlmne-Baker, Ins. 330 Stangeia, Tutt, Ins. 352 Statanus, Distcint, Ins. 394 Stathmopolitis, Walsingham, Ins. 359 Stauranderaster, Spencer, Echin. 25 Stectenis, Ba^ray, Ins. 228 Steingelia, Nassonow, Ins. 411 Steleucoela, Kieffer, Ins. 306 Stenhelmoides, Grotivelle, Ins. 235 Stenophiloscia, VcrJioef), Crust. 46 Stenoporopterus, Lea, Ins. 263 Stenoi^terj^gia, Hampson, Ins. 340 SteiDhanacris, Bedtenbacher, Ins. 426 Stephanella, Oka, Bry. Brach. 28 Stepiianolasca, Weele, Ins. 364 Stephodiplosis, Tavares, Ins. 368 Stemoplidius, Moser, Ins. 242 Stethobaroides, Champion, Ins. 263 Steusloffia, Vlrich & Bassler, Crust. 59 Stictociyptus, Cameron, Ins. 296 Stilbogastrus, Bernhaver, Ins. 225 Stilipes, Holmes, Crust. 49 Stomatacanlhus, Beuter, Ins. 398 Strepsizuga, Warren, Ins. 347 Streptoconus, Jenkin, Por. 7 Strigogyps, Gaillard, Aves 121 Strobbsia, Handlirscli, Ins. 418 Stromatidium, Girty, Por. 7 StruthiolareUa. Steinmann & Wilckens, MoU. 92 Strymonidia, TvU, Ins. 319 Studeria, Thomson, Coel. 27 Stummeria, B'chmig, Yerm. 38 Stygiostola, Hampson, Ins. 340 Stylochoidcs, Hallez, Verm. 38 Subnicoletia, Silvestri, Ins. 435 Subpangonia, Surcovf, Ins. 374 Suctobelba, Paoli, Arachn. 41 Suphalomitus, Weele, Ins. 364 Suracarta, Schmidt. Ins. 404 Surculina, Dall, Moll. 92 Synalpheion, Contihe, Crust. 43 Synaptoneura, Konow, Ins. 309 Syndyograptus, Bvcdemann, Coel. 23 Syiiothele, Simon, Arachn. 29 Synthetocaulus, Builliet & Henry, Term. 42 Synthlipsis, Kirkaldy, Ins. 400 Syphonodon, Seeley, Kept. 34 Syringodes, Bedtenbacher, Ins. 426 Syrorisa, Simon, Arachn. 29 SyriTisis, Hampson, Ins. 340 Sysolus, Grouvelle, Ins. 233 Systaticospora, Bcthnne- Baker, Ins. 340 SzephgeteUa, Bradley, Ins. 300 Tachyptercllus, Fall & Cocker ell, Ins. 263 Taeniolhydra, Ucrouard, Coel. 23 Tagesoidea, Bedtoibacher, Ins. 426 Tambusa, Distant, Ins. 403 TapineUa, Enderlein, Ins. 414 Tarattostichus, Ganglbauer, Ins. 264 Tarchythorax, Bedtenbacher, Ins. 426 Tayassus, Ameghino, Mam. 80 Teallicaris, Peach, Crust. 40 Tectopenthalodes, Tragdrdh, Arachn. 44 Teinophaus, Bruner, Ins. 433 Teletusa, Distant, Ins. 407 Tehochilus, Cossmann, Moll. 92 Telmaphilus, Becker, Ins. 369 Telmatometra, Bergroth, Ins. 397 Temnoptera, Bethune-Baker, Ins. 340 Temnotrionj'x, Hay, Rept. 32 Tenagovelia, Kirkaldy, Ins. 397 Tenaphalara, Kuicayama, Ins. 408 Teneriffa, Becker, Ins. 377 Tenthrenodes, Jenkin, Por. 7 Terebraliopsis, Cossmann, MoU. 92 Termitodeipnus, Enderlein, Ins. 378 Termitotelus, Wasmann, Ins. 226 Tessaromerus, Kirkaldy, Ins. 394 Tetraceratops, Matthew, Rept. SO Thalassisobates, Verhoeff, Myriopoda, Arachn. 51 Thalassoplanes, Dall, Moll. 92 Thaleius, Finot, Ins. 433 Tharrhias, Jordan & Branner, Pisces 49 Thaumaina, Betlmne-Baker, Ins. 319 Thaumastocoris, Kirkaldy, Ins. 396 Thaumastophleps, Seitz, Ins. 330 Thaumastotherium, Kirkaldy, Ins. 396 Thaumatometra, Clark, Echin. 29 Thaumatoptyx, Pilsbry, MoU. 105 Thescelus, Hay, Rept. 31 ThiemeUa, Williams, Brach. 17 Thomasia, Poche, Mam. 84 Thomasites, Pervinquiere, MoU. 127 Thranitica, Meyrick, Ins. 359 ThymaUoides, Berg, Pisces 49 Thyridates, Navds, Ins. 364 Thysanograptus, Files & Wood, Coel. 23 Tigrahauda, Oshanin, Ins. 402 Tinestra, Hampson, Ins. 352 Tinosis, Weise, Ins. 275 Togona, Matsumura & Shiraki, Ins. 430 Tolbia, Cameron, Ins. 299 Tolmaia, Williams, MoU. 119 Tomocichla, Began, Pisces 43 Tortilia, Chretien, Ins. 360 Trachyori bates, Berlese, Arachn. 41 Trapezaspis, Bedtenbacher, Ins. 426 Trechopsis, Peyerimhoff, Ins. 218 Trepophrys, Toivnsend, Ins. 386 TreposeUa, Ulrich & Bassler, Crust. 59 Triachora, Toicnsend, Ins. 38G Triboloneura, Wnl.singhnm, Ins. 3(>0 Tribonoidca. Shdford, Ins. 422 Trichaeta, Becker, Ins. 38G Trichercmacus, Rerlc-se, Arachn. 41 Trichiosoniitcs, Brue^, Ins. 309 Trichooelis, Jloscr, Ins. 242 Trichocorixa, Kirkaldy, Ins. 401 Trichocyclus, Simon, Araclin. 31 Trichometra, Clark, Echin. 29 Trichoplexia, Uampson, Ins. 341 Trichoscaphella. Beitter, Ins. 230 Trichox}-mus, Heller, Ins. 204 Triehursa, Simon, Aiachn. 35 Tricolpochila, Bernhauer, Ins. 220 TrigonelUna, Buckman, Brach. 17 Trig3Ta, Raymond, Moll. 93 Trinemura, Silvcstri, Ins. 435 Triplostephanus, Dull, Moll. 93 Trissocladius, Kiefjer, Ins. 370 Tritneptis, Girault, Ins. 302 Tritonoharpa, Ball, Moll. 93 Trochoncrita, Cossmann, Moll. 93 Trochosuchus, Broom, Rept. 32 Troglocarcinus, Vtrrill, Crust. 34 Troglocharinus, Beiiter, Ins. 229 Tropaulacus, Bradley, Ins. 300 Tropidera, Bernhauer, Ins. 226 Tropidopliorella, Beuter, Ins. 400 Tschitscherinula, Jacobson, Ins. 275 Tshaka, Distant, Ins. 403 Tucales, Gounelle, Ins. 2(59 Tumiclivalvus, Ewing, Arachn. 41 Tunesites, Pervinqui'ere, Moll. 127 Tura, Budde-Lund, Crust. 46 Turbilina, Enriques, Prot. 60 Turrilimnaea, Dyhowski, Moll. 105 Tuxophorus, Wilson, Crust. 55 Twingonia, Pascoe, Prot. 48 Tj-locentrus, Vo?i Duzee, Ins. 403 Tylosema, Kieffer, Ins. 306 Tymbaretra, Mtyrick, Ins. 354 Tvphlolinus, Reitter, Ins. 226 Tyrode.?, Baffray, Ins. 228 Tyrpetes, HeUer, Ins. 264 Uchauxia, Cossmann, Moll. 94 Uhkriola, Horvdth, Ins. 396 UhligeUa, J'lcob, iloU. 127 Ulcia, Jordan & Snyder, Pisces 42 Umzila, Marshall, Ins. 264 \JT^\&vcnjies, Bethune- Baker, liMi. 319 Uramba, Budde-Lund, Crust. 46 Urgedra, Dyar, Ins. 330 Uscodj's, Dyar, Ins. 352 Ustronia, Kohelt, Moll. 94 Uysanus, Distant, Ins. 402 UzelieUa, Bagnall, Ins. 413 (N- 10332 t) Valettiopsis, Holmes, Crust. 50 \'anhoeffenia, Attems, Myriopoda, Arachn. 51 Vanoyia, Villeneuve, Ins. 373 Varicoglandina, Pilshry, MoU. 106 \&T\.&,^ Distant, Ins. 407 \'erbeekia, Penecke, Coel. 29 \'erhoeflSa, Burr, Ins. 420 Verticillecerus, Wecle, Ins. 364 \"ictorclla, Reitter, Ins. 229 ^'irgula, Girty, Por. 8 Viridcmas, Smith, Ins. 341 Vituratclla, Reitter, Ins. 230 Volgia, Stuckenberg, Bry., Brach. 28 \'ulseQopsis, Douville, Moll. 119 ^'ultumia, Kirkaldy, Ins. 396 Walshomyia, iJ'eZi, Ins. 3()8 A\'andeha, Bedot, Coel. 22 Wcldonia, Martin, Verm. 37 Wilverthia, Bolivar, Ins. 433 Winianella, Walcott, Brach. 18 Wingeastonia, Schepman, MoU. 119 Xanthocorynus, Sharp, Ins. 226 Xantholobus, Van Duzee, Ins. 403 Xanthophorus, Jacoby, Ins. 275 Xanthozona, Townse.id, Ins. 386 Xantippides, Dyar, Ins. ^52 Xenanthias, Regan, Pisces 44 Xenisthmus, Snyder, Pisces 42 Xenoborus, Renter, Ins. 400 Xenophasma, Redtenbacher, Ins. 426 Xenorhynchichthys, Regan, Pi.sces 45 Xerolycosa, Dahl, Arachn. 38 Xestola, Bernhauer, Ins. 226 Xystrella, Cossmann, MoU. 95 Yamamadis, Gounelle, Ins. 269 YorkieUa, Carl, Ins. 430 Youngomyia, Felt, Ins. 368 Zalepidota, Rubsaamen, Ins. 368 Zalophothrix, Crawford, Ins. 302 ZametoiDina, Siinon, Arachn. 36 Zanclopus, Caiman, Crust. 56 Zargochilus, Alluaud, Ins. 218 Zatropis, Crawford, Ins. 302 Zenodochium, Wahinjham, Ins. 360 Zethinus, Raffray, las. 228 Zetis, Thomas, Mam. 72 Zeugma, Cresson, Ins. 390 Zizyphia, Chretien, Ins. 360 Zosperamerus, Bruncr, Ins. 433 Zugmonites, Reis, Moll. 128 Zurcheria, Reitter, Ins. 253 Zygorhiza, True, Mam. 83 d 32 ) FOR PHOTOCOPY OR READING ROOM NOT FOR CIRCULATION Z International catalo^e of 7403 scientific literature R882 1901-191-^ ' 19J8 Biological R