DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY STANHOPE STOVIN DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY SIDNEY LEE VOL. LIV. STANHOPE STOVIN LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE All rights rtsirved] 12 D4 LIST OF WEITEES IN THE FIFTY-FOUETH VOLUME. J. G. A. J. A-N. . . . W. A. J. A. . R. B-L. . . . G. F. E. B. . T. B T. H. B. . . H. L. B. . . H. E. D. B. G. C. B. . . G. S. B. . . H. B A. B E. I. C.. . . E. C-E. . . . A. M. C. . . S. C A. M. C-E. . T. C J. S. C.. . . W. P. C. . . L. C H. D A. D. . J. A. D. E. D. . C. L. F. J. G. ALGER. THE EEV. JOHN ANDERSON. W. A. J. ARCHBOLD. EICHAKD BAGWELL. G. F. EUSSELL BARKER. THOMAS BAYNE. PROFESSOR T. HUDSON BE ARE. THE EEV. CANON LEIGH BENNETT. THE EEV. H. E. D. BLAKISTON. THE LATE G. C. BOASE. G. S. BOCLGEB. HENRY BRADLEY. ALEXANDER BUCHAN, M.D. E. IRVING CARLYLE. SIR ERNEST CLARKE, F.S.A. Miss A. M. CLERKE. SIDNEY COLVIN. Miss A. M. COOKE. THOMPSON COOPER, F.S.A. J. S. COTTON. W. P. COURTNEY. LIONEL GUST, F.S.A. HENRY DAVEY. AUSTIN DOBSON. J. A. DOYLE. EGBERT DUNLOP. C. LITTON FALKINER. T. F. E. G. . . . A. G. . . . E. E. G. . J. C. H. . J. A. H. . T. H. . C. H. F. . . C. H. FIRTH. W. G. D. F. THE EEV. W. G. D. FLETCHER. W. F THE EEV. WILLIAM FOBSYTH, D.D. THE EEV. THOMAS FOWLER, D.D., PRESIDENT OF CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, OXFORD. EICHARD GARNETT, LL.D., C.B. THE EEV. ALEXANDER GORDON. E. E. GRAVES. J. CUTHBERT HADDEN. J. A. HAMILTON. THE EEV. THOMAS HAMILTON, D.D. C. A. H. . . C. ALEXANDER HARRIS. P. J. H. . . P. J. HARTOG. T. F. H. . . T. F. HENDERSON. F. C. H.-E. THE EEV. PREBENDARY HINGES- TON-EANDOLPH. T. E. H. . . PROFESSOR T. E. HOLLAND, D.C.L. W. H THE EEV. WILLIAM HUNT. W. H. H. . THE EEV. W. H. BUTTON, B.D. C. L. E. . . C. L. ElNGSFORD. J. E JOSEPH ENIGHT, F.S.A. J. E. L. . . PROFESSOR J. E. LAUGHTON. T. G. L. . . T. G. LAW. E. L Miss ELIZABETH LEE. S. L. . . . SIDNEY LEE. VI List of Writers. B, H. L. . . E. M. L. . . J. B. M. . . £3. M. A. H. M. . . C. M N. M G. LE G. N. K. N F. M. O'D. . A. F. P. . . B. P D'A. P. ... E. E. P. . . J. M. E. . . G. W. E. E. E. H. LEGGE. COLONEL E. M. LLOYD, E.E. J. E. MACDONALD. SHERIFF MACKAY. A. H. MILLAR. COSMO MONKHOUSE. NORMAN MOORE, M.D. G. LE GRYS NORGATE. Miss KATE NORGATE. F. M. O'DoNOGHUE, F.S.A. A. F. POLLARD. Miss BERTHA PORTER. D'ARCY POWER, F.E.C.S. B. E. PHOTHERO. J. M. EIGG. G. W. E. RUSSELL. F. S. . . . T. S. . . . C. F. S. . L. S. . . . D. A. S. . C. C. S. . G. S-H. . . C. W. S. . J. T-T. . . D. LL. T.. T. F. T. . W. W. T. E. H. V. . E. T. W. . S. W. . . . B. B. W. . . THE EEV. FRANCIS SANDERS. . THOMAS SECCOMBE. . Miss C. FELL SMITH. . LESLIE STEPHEN. . D. A. STEVENSON. . MKS. STOPES. . GEORGE STRONACH. . C. W. SUTTON. . JAMES TAIT. . D. LLEUFEK THOMAS. . PROFESSOR T. F. TOUT. . THE REV. W. W. TULLOCH, D.D. . COLONEL R. H. VETCH, E.E., C.B. . E. T. WEDMORE. . STEPHEN WHEELER. . B. B. WOODWARD. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Stanhope Stanhope STANHOPE, LADY, and COUNTESS OF CHESTERFIELD (d. 1667). [See KIRKHOVEN or KERCKHOVEN, CATHERINE.] STANHOPE, CHARLES, third EARL STANHOPE (1753-1816), politician and man of science, born in London on 3 Aug. 1753, was the second but eldest surviving son of Philip, second earl Stanhope (d. 7 March 1786), who married, in 1745,Grizel (d. 1811), daughter of Charles Hamilton, (by courtesy) lord Binning [q. v.], and sister of Thomas, seventh earl of Haddington. The father, the second earl Stanhope, was son of James Stanhope, first earl Stanhope [q. v.] Educated at Utrecht and Geneva, he acquired a love for mathematics, for the Greek language — which was as familiar to him as English— and for democratic prin- ciples. Lalande called him the best English mathematician of his day, and he was an especial friend and correspondent of Robert Simson [q. v.], the professor of mathematics at Glasgow. He paid for the posthumous impression of Simson's works and for the edition of the works of Archimedes that was printed at the Clarendon Press, and Priest- ley dedicated to him the third volume of his ' Experiments on Air.' In 1735 he was elected F.R.S., and at his death he left SOW. to that society (WELD, Royal Society, ii. 196). In parliament he spoke, while in England, not infrequently, and always with independence of thought. Letters of Pitt, Lord Chatham, and Franklin to him, and one from him are in the ' Chatham Correspondence ' (vol. iv.) He transmitted to his son Charles his enthu- siasm for science, his devotion to the cause of democracy, and his fondness for sim- plicity in dress (MAHON, Hist, of England, iii. 208-9). VOL. LIT. ' Charles was sent to Eton at an early age. It is usually said that he went thither at the age of eight, but his name is not in the list of 1762 (Collect. Oxford Hist. Soc. iii. 367). His elder brother Philip died at Geneva on 6 July 1763 (Gent. Mag. 1763, p. 415), and Charles became Lord Mahon and the heir to the peerage. In July 1764 the whole family went to Geneva (Letters of Lady Hervey, pp. 303, 309), where the lad was instructed by G. J. Le Sage, who developed his tastes for the exacter sciences. He also spent much time in experimental philosophy. In 1765 he had the advantage for two months of the society of Adam Smith and of Henry Scott, third duke of Buccleuch[q.v.] (DUGALD STEWART, Works, x. 45). Lady Mary Coke was at Geneva in October 1769, and mar- velled at the youth's 'surprising genius; his painting wou'd surprise you, and he cuts out people in paper as like as others can draw them. He has invented a mathe- matical instrument . . . better for the pur- pose it is intended than any other of the kind ; yet he is but seventeen years of age ' (Journal, iii. 158). Still he did not neglect the amusements of youth. He excelled in horsemanship, enrolled himself in the militia of the Genevan republic, and was an adept in shooting at a mark. At the age of eighteen Mahon composed a paper in French on the pendulum, which the Academy of Stockholm rewarded with a prize and printed. He wrote, at Geneva in 1773, a volume, printed in 1775, of ' Con- siderations on the Means of preventing Frau- dulent Practices on the Gold Coin.' The coin was to have very little relief, and the date was to be sunk in. The dangers to be guarded against were false coining, clipping, milling, and sweating. Very soon after its Stanhope Stanhope composition the Stanhopes returned to Eng- land, and Mahon threw himself with ardour into politics. Early in September 1774 he was presented at court, and as his father would not allow him to wear powder ' because wheat is so dear,' he went in his natural ' coal-black hair ' and a white feather. The wits said ' he had been tarred and feathered ' (WALPOLE, Letters, vi. 114). A few weeks later, when only just of age, he contested the city of Westminster, but, after the poll had been open for some days, withdrew. At this time he was in- spired with an ardent friendship for the second William Pitt, who was then equally ardent for reform, and their alliance was cemented by his marriage, on 19 Dec. 1774, to his friend's sister, Lady Hester Pitt, elder daughter of the first Earl of Chatham. Lady Mahon died at the family seat of Chevening, Kent, on 18 July 1780, when only twenty-five. During the Gordon riots of June 1780 Mahon harangued the people from the bal- cony of a coffee-house, and urged them to retire to their homes. Walpole said that he 'chiefly contributed by his harangues to conjure down the tempest ' (Letters, vii. 377-81). On the following 6 Sept. he was elected, through the influence of the Earl of Shelburne, member for the borough of Chip- ping Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, and re- presented it until his accession to the peer- age. At the opening debate (October 1780) on the choice of speaker, he made his maiden speech, and in 1781 he was a delegate for the county of Kent to advocate the cessation of the American war and the promotion of parliamentary reform. From 1782 to 1786 he introduced into the House of Commons several bills for the prevention of bribery and corruption and for the reduction of ex- penses at parliamentary elections. The pro- visions of his bill against bribery were de- clared by Lord Mansfield on 23 March 1784 to be already part of the law of the land (Gent. Mag. 119^ i. 229). His bill for an- nual registration of voters, for increase in the number of polling places, and for other improvements at elections was taken charge of after he had become a peer by Wilber- force, and, with Pitt as its friend, passed the commons, but was thrown out by the lords on o July 1786. Mahon had associated himself with the whigs in their opposition to the war with the American colonies, but he strongly op- posed the coalition of Fox and North, and he was vehement against Fox's East India Bill. He declined office on the formation of Pitt's cabinet in 1783, but remained for a short time his strenuous supporter. At the general election in 1784 he laboured in the interest of Pitt. Walpole at the time dubbed him ' a savage, a republican, a royalist — I don't know what not ' (Letters, viii. 469). He spoke at the meetings of the electors of Westminster in February 1784 against Fox and the coalition (cf. JEPHSON, The Platform, i. 155-6). His first political difference with Pitt took place on 22 July 1784 over the tax on bricks and tiles. He ridiculed the arguments of George Rose (1744-1818) [q.v.J in its favour, and Pitt rallied him ironically in return. On 7 March 1786 he succeeded to the peerage as the third Earl Stanhope, and lost no time in attacking by speech and pam- phlet Pitt's proposals for a sinking fund. His pamphlet was entitled ' Observations on Mr. Pitt's Plan for the Reduction of the National Debt,' and Pitt tried hard to dis- suade him from its publication (LORD AUCK- LAND, Journal, i. 369). Two bills were in- troduced by him into the House of Lords in the summer of 1789. One was for relieving members of the church of England from sundry penalties and disabilities ; the other was for preventing vexatious proceedings for the recovery of tithes. Both were thrown out, the first on 18 May, the second on 3 July, and on the first date he created much amusement by informing the lord chancellor that ' on another occasion I shall teach the noble and learned lord law, as I have this day taught the bench of bishops religion.' He was accordingly represented in caricature as a schoolmaster, with a rod in his hand. His speeches abounded in pithy expressions and in illustrative anecdote, although his gesture was ungraceful. Up to this date Stanhope had remained on friendly terms with William Pitt, but diffe- rences over the French revolution led to their permanent estrangement (STANHOPE, Pitt, ii. 180-1). He was chairman of the ' Revo- lution Society,' which was founded in 1788 to commemorate the centenary of the English revolution of 1688, and he forwarded to Paris the address of congratulation on the capture of the Bastille, which had been moved at its meeting on 4 Nov. 1789 by Dr. Price. To Rochefoucault he sent the resolution of congratulation on the establishment of liberty in France, which was proposed by Sheridan at a meeting held at the Crown and Anchor tavern in the Strand on 14 July 1790. It was read in the assembly on 21 July, and cir- culated in French. Letters sent by him to Condorcet were printed at Paris in 1791 and 1792, the first set arguing against the issue ot false assignats, and the second relating to Stanhope Stanhope the treatment of negroes. He published in 1790 ' A Letter to Burke, containing a Short Answer to his Late Speech on the French Revolution,' which went into a second edi- tion and was translated into French in that year. Mrs. Macaulay addressed to Stan- hope her ' Observations on the Reflections of Mr. Burke on the Revolution in France.' Stanhope, during 1791 and 1792, sup- ported Fox's libel bill for maintaining the rights of juries, and published his arguments with a catena of legal authorities in their support. By letter to Lord Grenville, with •whom he was still on friendly terms, and by speeches in parliament, he consistently op- posed the war with France. On 23 Jan. 1794 he moved to acknowledge the French republic, and on 4 April 1794 he brought for- ward a motion ' against any interference in the internal government of France,' which provoked his fellow-peers, at Lord Grenville's instance, to order the entry of it to be ex- punged from their journals. Both of these speeches were printed separately. Next month he opposed the Habeas Corpus Sus- pension Bill, and on 6 Jan. 1795 he intro- duced a second motion against interfering with the internal affairs of France. On this occasion he was ' in a minority of one,' and after entering a protest against the defeat of his motion, which he subsequently pub- lished, he withdrew from further attendance in parliament. A medal was struck in his honour with the motto ' The minority of one, 1795,' and he was long known by that title or as ' Citizen ' Stanhope. From 1791 to 1808 he was a frequent figure in the cari- catures of Gillray. One satiric print was entitled ' Scientific Researches, New Disco- veries in Pneumatics.' When he declared himself a sans-culotte, a ballad, with a rough caricature of him by another satirist, was scattered broadcast. Owing to his revolutionary sympathies, Stanhope's house in Mansfield Street was attacked by rioters and set on fire at different times on the night of 11-12 June 1794. He believed, and declared in an advertisement, that the mob had been paid. The Rev. Jeremiah Joyce [q. v.], his private secretary and the tutor to his sons, was on 4 May 1794 arrested at Chevening on a charge of ' trea- sonable practices.' To celebrate his acquittal Stanhope on 23 Dec. 1794 gave a grand en- tertainment at Chevening to his neighbours and tenants ( Gent. Mag. 1795, i. 73). At a very large meeting at the Crown and Anchor tavern on 4 Feb. 1795, in honour of the acquittal, he was called to the chair and delivered an animated speech, which, when published, enjoyed great popularity. In this year of 1795 Walter Savage Landor printed anonymously ' A Moral Epistle to Earl Stanhope,' a poem of twenty pages, which contrasted him with Pitt, much to the commoner's disadvantage (FOSTER, Landor, i. 68-71). Stanhope's secession from the House of Lords lasted from 6 Jan. 1795 to 20 Feb. 1800. In the beginning of 1 799 he addressed to the people of Great Britain and Ireland a pamphlet ' On the Subject of an Union,' which was reprinted and circulated by the anti-union party of Dublin. His first motion on reappearing among the peers was to pro- pose a peace with Napoleon ; but he acted without concert, and only one peer, Lord Camelford, supported him. In 1808 he took a very strong part against the Indictment Bill, as interfering with the liberty of the subject, and at all times spoke strongly against the slave trade. He advocated a reduction of fiscal duties as tending to an in- crease in the revenue, and was earnest for education on a comprehensive basis. On 27 June 1811 he introduced a ' gold coin and bank-note ' bill, making it illegal to pay a larger sum than 21s. for a guinea, and for preventing any note issued by the Bank of England from being accepted at a discount. It passed through both houses. In the last year of his life he carried through the lords two motions for the appointment of com- mittees— one for a revision of the statute- book, and the other for the adoption of a uniform system of weights and measures. Throughout his life Stanhope deservedly enjoyed a great reputation for his discoveries in science, to the prosecution of which he devoted much time and money. He was elected F.R.S. on 19 Nov. 1772, but through absence from England was not admitted until 12 Jan. 1775 (Records of Royal Soc.), and he was a member of the Philadelphia Philosophical Society. It is believed that Richard Varley, father of John Varley [q. v.] the artist, was his tutor in mechanics. His principal experiments related to the safeguarding of buildings against fire by means of ' stucco,' in which he endeavoured to bring to perfection the plans of David Hartley the younger [q. v.] He took out patents for steam- vessels in March and August 1790, and in February 1807. It was an- nounced in the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' for 1792 (ii. 956) that his experiments for pro- pelling vessels by the steam-engine without masts or sails had been so satisfactory that a ship of two hundred tons was being built under his direction on this principle. His inventions received the approval of the lords of the admiralty in 1795 and 1796. An Stanhope ' ambi-navigator ' ship called the Kent was constructed for him, but did not turn out a success (STANHOPE, Pitt, 11. 397-401). In 1795 the earl revived the project of Genevois, the pastor of Berne, for impelling boats with duck-feet oars, but the highest rate of speed attained was three miles an hour (cf. WHITAKER, Course of Hannibal,I79±,ii. 142 ; MATHIAS, Shade of Pope, 1799). Stanhope declared in the House of Lords on 21 May 1810 that he had invented ' a vessel 111 feet in length which drew only seven feet odd inches of water, and outsailed the swiftest vessel in the navy.' His specification ' re- specting ships and vessels' was printed in 1807. Many printing appliances devised by him- self he placed at the public disposal, without any advantage to himself, and made solid contributions to the art of printing. His chief assistant in this department of me- chanics was Robert Walker, an ingenious mechanician of Vine Street, Piccadilly, and Dean Street, Soho. He perfected a process of stereotyping which was acquired by the delegates of the Clarendon Press at Oxford in 1805 on the condition that they paid 4,000£ to the foreman and manager of his press, Andrew Wilson, of Wild Court, and stereotyping on this system became part of the general business of the press. They also acquired, but free from any payment, his iron hand-press, called the Stanhope press, and his system of logotypes and logotype cases. This system a few years later was introduced into the Oxford press; but his logotypes, like those of John Walter [q. v.] of the ' Times,' proved a failure. The first book printed by his process was ' An Abstract of the whole Doctrine of the Christian Religion. By J. A. Freylinghausen,' 1804. Long after these dates he persevered with his ex- periments, either at Wilson's office or at Chevening, where he kept a foundry of his own. Another invention he called ' panta- type printing, by which one hundred thou- sand impressions of an engraving could be taken, all proofs ; that is to say, the last impression will be as perfect as the first ' (Collectanea, Oxford Hist. Soc. 1896, iii. 365-412; HANSARD, Typogmphia, p. 475; H. G. Bohn on Printing, Philobiblon Soc. iv. 90). Stanhope published in 1806 his ' Principles of the Science of Tuning Instruments with Fixed Tones,' which was reprinted in Til- loch's ' Philosophical Magazine ' (xxv. 291- 312). The invention formed the subject of numerous articles by John Farey and Stan- hope in that magazine, and of Dr. Callcott's 'Plain Statement of Earl Stanhope's Tem- Stanhope perament.' In 1779 he produced his ' Prin- ciples of Electricity,' but a second volume which he promised, in refutation of the con- clusions drawn from the experiments of Ben- jamin Wilson, was not published. In the first volume and in the 'Philosophical Transac- tions'(Ixxvii. 130) he contended that when a large cloud is charged with electricity it drives out a considerable portion of the electricity in its neighbourhood, which often returns to its original position with such violence and in such quantity as to destroy life. In this way he explained the death of a carrier and his horses at Berwickshire in 1787, though there was no discharge of thunder nearer than some miles distance (THOMSON, Royal Soc. pp. 449-50). A public trial of Franklin's and Stanhope's experiments in lighting-conductors is said to have taken place at the Pantheon under the superinten- dence of Edward Xairne the electrician. About 1777 Stanhope constructed two calculating machines (1) for working out with exactness complicated sums of addi- tion and subtraction ; (2) for similar sums in multiplication and division. ' The Stan- hope Demonstrator, an Instrument for per- forming Logical Operations,' employed his thoughts at intervals for thirty years. It has been fully described by the Rev. Robert Harley, F.R.S., in an article in ' Mind ' (iv. 192-210), which was reprinted separately for private circulation. Stanhope's other inventions include a mi- croscopic lens which, like the printing-press, bears his name ; a new manner of producing cement more durable than the ordinary mor- tar ; an improved method of ' burning chalk, marble, and limestone into lime ; ' an artificial slate or tile for excluding rain and snow ; and a means of curing wounds made in trees. In conjunction with Robert Fulton, the Ameri- can engineer, he projected a canal from his estate at Holsworthy in Devonshire to the Bristol Channel, with a novel system of in- clined planes and with improved locks. Stanhope's life was thus one of unremit- ting toil. He died of dropsy at Cheven- ing, on lo Dec. 1816, and was buried with marked simplicity in the family vault at that church on 24 Dec. In person he was tall and thin, with a high forehead and a coun- tenance expressive of impetuosity. He was always very plain in his attire, and of late years his looks were pale and wan. A powerful voice and a vigorous gesticulation heightened the effect of his oratory. His sympathies were wide, his generosity was unbounded, and his views were much in ad- vance of their time. In all that he did, whether it was in politics or in science, he Stanhope worked for the public good. The defects of his character were an incapacity to work with others and a lack of sympathy towards his children, all of Avhom he disinherited after subjecting them to much ill-treatment. But Stanhope's mother left everything to her ' dearly beloved son, Charles, Earl Stanhope, from my approbation of his private and public conduct ' (Gent. Mag. 1812, i. 673). By his will, made in 1805, Stanhope left all his disposable estate, after payment of a few legacies, among ten executors, of whom the best known were Lord Holland, Lord Grant- ley, Joseph Jekyll, George Dyer, and the Rev. Christopher Wyvill. Stanhope married as his second wife, on 12 March 1781, Louisa, only daughter and sole heiress of the Hon. Henry Grenville, younger brother of Earl Temple and George Grenville. She died at Clarges Street, Picca- dilly, on 7 March 1829, aged 70. By his first wife he had three daughters : (1) Hester Lucy Stanhope [q. v.] ; (2) Griselda, who married at Marylebone church, on 29 Aug. 1800, John Tekell, of Hambledon, Hamp- shire ; she died without issue, at Bagshot, on 13 Oct. 1851, aged 73 (Gent. Mag. 1851, ii. 667) ; and (3) Lucy Rachael, who eloped early in 1796 with Thomas Taylor of Seven- oaks, the family apothecary. Stanhope's re- sentment at this marriage exposed him to one of Gillray's most pungent satires, ' Demo- cratic Levelling : Alliance a la Francaise ; or the Union of the Coronet and Clyster-pipe,' 4 March 1796. Pitt requested Taylor to abandon his business, and made him con- troller-general of the customs. Lord Chat- ham made Taylor's eldest son, William Stan- hope Taylor, one of his executors, and he edited with Pringle the volumes of the ' Chat- ham Correspondence.' Lady Lucy Taylor died at Coldharbour, Surrey, on 1 March 1814, when a pension of 100/. per annum was granted to each of her three sons and four daughters. By his second wife Stanhope left three sons. Philip Henry, the eldest son, suc- ceeded to the peerage [see under STANHOPE, PHILIP HENRY, fifth EARL], Charles Banks (1785-1809), the second son, was killed at Cor una. James Hamilton (1788-1825), the third son, was captain and lieutenant-colonel of the 1st foot-guards. A three-quarter length portrait of Stan- hope by Gainsborough, left unfinished through the death of the artist, is preserved at Chevening. The first adequate repro- duction is in the third volume of the 'Collec- tanea ' of the Oxford Historical Society. A portrait of Stanhope by Opie, bequeathed to Lord Holland, is in the journal-room atHol- ; Stanhope land House (ROGERS, Opie and his Works, p. 165). A profile, drawn from the life and engraved by Henry Richter, was pub- lished on 4 June 1798. Another likeness, drawn and engraved by C. Warren, appeared in the 'Senator' in 1792. A number of private papers, referring chiefly to his inven- tions, are preserved at Chevening. [Parliamentary History, 1780 to 1816, passim; Stanhope's William Pitt, passim ; Philos. Trans. 1778, pp. 884-94, reproduced in Annual Regi- ster for 1779; Story's John Varley, pp. 200-2 ; Wright and Evans's Gillray Caricatures, passim ; Works of Gillray, ed. Wright (really by Grego), passim, from p. 130 to p. 355; Collectanea, vol. iii. (Oxford Hist. Soc.), pp. 365-412; Nichols's Illustrations of Literature, iii. 154 ; Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, ix. 569; Woodcroft's Chronological List of Patents ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. viii. 135, 2nd ser. ii. 50-1, iv. 265; Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, iv. 178-9; Gent. Mag. 1774 p. 598, 1780 p. 348, 1800 ii. 900, 1811 ii. 661, 1814 i. 412. 1816 ii. 563-4, 625, 1829 i. 283; Chatham Corresp. iv. 55, 373, 402, 440; Wraxall, ed. Wheatley, ii. 341, iii. 96, 295, 298, 401-2, v. 334; Annual Biogr. and Obituary, 1817, pp. 183-226; S. Fletcher's The late Earl Stanhope's Opinions, 1819.] W. P. C. STANHOPE, CHARLES, third EARL OF HARRINGTON (1753-1829), soldier, born on 20 March 1753, was the eldest son of William Stanhope, second earl of Harring- ton, and grandson of William Stanhope, first earl of Harrington [q. v.] He entered the army as an ensign in the Coldstream guards in November 1769, and in August 1773 ob- tained a captaincy in the 29th foot. From 1774 to 1776 he was M.P. for Thetford, and in the succeeding parliament sat for West- minster till his father's death in 1779. Mean- while, he had exchanged his light company in the 29th for the grenadier company,his pro- motion being obtained, says Walpole, through the partiality of the war secretary, William AVildman Barrington, second viscount Bar- rington (Journal of lieign of George III, ii. 16). In February 1776 he embarked with the regiment for Quebec, and landed in face of an American cannonade. He was present at the subsequent successful action in the plains of Abraham. During the remainder of the year he was engaged in operations on the St. Lawrence, under Sir Guy Carleton, afterwards first lord Dorchester [q. v.] In the following year he accompanied General John Burgoyne [q. v.] as aide-de-camp on the disastrous campaign which ended with Saratoga. He was recommended by his commander to Lord George Germain [q. v.], secretary at war, as deserving of promotion on account of his excellent qualities and ser- Stanhope Stanhope vices during the campaign. On 24 Dec. 1777 he reached England with despatches an- nouncing the surrender at Saratoga, the news of which had already arrived. In the follow- ing month, owing to Burgoyne's recommen- dation, he 'was suffered to buy' a higher commission, and obtained a captaincy in the 3rd foot-guards (id. 17 Jan. 1778). In April 1779 he succeeded to the peerage. On 1 June of that year Harrington was examined be- fore the select committee appointed to inquire into the management of Burgoyne's last cam- paign. He testified to that general's efforts to restrain the excesses of his Indian allies, and gave his opinion that a retreat after the action at Saratoga was impracticable. Wai- pole thought that Harrington ' did himself and Burgoyne honour ' (to Conway, 5 June 1779). Having raised an infantry regiment (the 85th) at his own expense, he in 1780 embarked for Jamaica at the head of it, with the rank of brigadier. He assisted the go- vernor (John Balling) to put the island into an efficient state of defence in view of an expected attack by the French, but within about a year had to return home with his wife on account of bad health. The 85th suffered so much from the climate that the remnant left by the ravages of disease had to be embarked on some of Rodney's prizes and sent home. On '26 Nov. 1782 Harrington was gazetted colonel and aide-de-camp to the king, and in the following March received the colonelcy of the 65th foot. With that regiment he first tried the new tactics introduced by Sir David Dundas (1735-1820) [q. v.] On 29 Jan. 1788 he received the command of his old regiment, the 29th. For the next three years he was in garrison with it at Windsor, and was brought much into contact with the royal family. In March 1788 he was offered the post of British resident at the court of Russia, but declined, apparently because, owing to the inferior rank of the tsarina's minister at St. James's, he could not bear the full title of ambassador (see Corresp. with Lord Carmarthen, Add. MS. 28063). On 5 Dec. 1792 Harrington was appointed colonel of the 1st life-guards and gold stick in waiting. The latter appointment pre- cluded him from serving (as he desired) with the Duke of York in Holland. He attained the rank of major-general in October 1793, lieutenant-general in January 1798, andgene- ral on 25 Sept. 1802 ; and was sworn of the privy council on 24 Oct. 1798. From July 1803 to October 1805 he acted as second in command on the staff" of the London dis- trict, and on 31 Oct. of the latter year was appointed commander-in-chief in Ireland. The latter appointment he held till January 1812. Meanwhile he had been appointed to undertake special diplomatic missions to Vienna in November 1805, and to Berlin in. the following January. On his return from Ireland he received the retiring appointment of constable and governor of Windsor Castle (14 March 1812), and in 1816 the grand cross of the Hanove- rian order. At the coronation of George IV he was bearer of the great standard of Eng- land. Harrington was personally popular writh both that king and his father ; and his wife was a lady of the bedchamber and prime favourite of Queen Charlotte. Harrington died at Brighton on 15 Sept. 1829. Although he saw little service except in his earlier years, his military knowledge was accounted equal to that of any of his contemporaries. The new sword adopted by the army in 1792 was introduced by him. Harrington married, in May 1779, Jane Seymour, daughter and coheiress of Sir John Fleming, bart., of Brompton Park, Middle- sex. She was buried in Westminster Abbey on 12 Feb. 1824. Six sons and two daugh- ters were issue of the marriage. The eldest- son, Charles (see below), and the third son, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles Stanhope [q.v.], each succeeded to the earldom of Harring- ton. The second son, Major-general Lincoln Edwin Robert Stanhope, C.B., died in 1840. The fourth son, Fitzroy Henry Richard (1787- 1864), was originally in the army, but after- wards took holv orders, and was father of Charles Wyndtiam (1809-1881), seventh earl of Harrington. Of the daughters, Anna Maria married the Marquis of Tavistock (afterwards Duke of Bedford); and Charlotte Augusta the Duke of Leinster. A portrait of Harrington was painted by Fayram and engraved by Faber ; another was engraved by Rawle. A portrait of the countess with her children was engraved by Bartolozzi from a painting by Sir J. Reynolds. Another portrait of her was painted by Reynolds and engraved by Val. Green ; and one was also engraved by Cooper. CHARLES STANHOPE, fourth EARL OF HAR- RINGTOX (1780-1851), eldest son of the third earl, was born at Harrington House, St. James's, on 8 April 1780. He obtained an ensigncy in the Coldstream guards in De- cember 1795, and in November 1799 became captain in the Prince of Wales's light dra- goons. In February 1803 he was gazetted major in the queen's rangers, and on 25 June 1807 lieutenant-colonel of the 3rd West India regiment. He was placed on half-pay in August 1812, and on 4 June 1814 attained the rank of colonel in the armv. In March Stanhope 1812 lie was named a lord of the bedchamber? and again held that appointment from Janu- ary 1820 till November 1829. As Lord Petersham he was one of the best known figures in society during the regency and reign of George IV., and figures frequently in contemporary prints. His habits and tastes were eccentric. He never went out till 6 P.M., and his whole equipage was invariably of a certain brownish hue. He designed the Petersham overcoat and the Petersham snuff- mixture, and mixed his own blacking. In common with his family, he was a great con- noisseur in tea, and his room was described by Captain Gronow as like a shop, full of tea- canisters and boxes of snuff' labelled in gilt. He had a large and valuable collection of snuff-boxes. His hats were also peculiar (MELTOST, Hints on Hats, p. 39). In person he was tall and handsome, and dressed like Henri Quatre, whom he was supposed to resemble. In spite of his affectations he was personally popular. Moore met him at dinner at Horace Twiss's chambers in Chan- cery Lane in June 1819 (Diary andCorresp. ii. 320). Petersham was a great patron of the stage, and, after his accession to the peerage as Lord Harrington in 1829, married Maria Foote [q. v.], the actress, who survived him. Their only child, a daughter, married George, second marquis Conyngham. Harrington died on 3 March 1851. He was succeeded in the title by his brother, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles Stanhope. [Doyle's Official Baronage ; Peerages of G. E. C. and Burke ; State of the Expedition from Canada, 1780, 2nd edit. pp. 64-81, and App. ; Gent. Mag. 1829, ii. 365-8; Public Characters, 1828, ii. 306 ; Stanhope's Hist, of England, vi. 260 n., 286, 313 ; Evans's Cat. Engr. Portraits ; Moore's Diary and Corresp. i. 110, 113, 186, ii. 32, iv. 55, viii. 62,63. For the fourth Lord Harrington , see also Captain Gronow's Keminiscences, 1892, i. 284-6, where he figures in several of the coloured plates. In Ashton's Social England under the Eegency (vol. ii.) are reproduced a portrait published in January 1812 by H. Humphrey, and a caricature of Petersham in the Cossack trousers in vogue in 1815. A draw- ing of Petersham as ' a noble aide-de-camp,' given in Timbs's English Eccentrics, probably represents his father.] G. LB G. N. STANHOPE, SIB EDWARD (1546 P- 1608), chancellor of the diocese of London, born at Hull about 1546, was the fourth son of Sir Michael Stanhope [q. v.], by Anne, daiighter of Nicholas Rawson of Aveley, Essex. John Stanhope, first baron Stan- hope [q. v.], was his elder brother. An elder brother, also named Edward, re- Stanhope presented in parliament Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire successively, was a surveyor of the duchy of Lancaster, treasurer of Gray's Inn, recorder of Doncaster, and a member of the council of the north. He died in 1603, and was buried at Kirby Wharffe. Yorkshire. Sir Edward the younger was scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1560 to 1563, minor fellow in 1564, and major fellow in 1569. He graduated B.A. in 1563, M.A. in 1566, and LL.D. in 1575. He was incor- porated M.A. at Oxford in September 1566, ' when Queen Elizabeth was entertained by the Oxonian Muses ' (WooD, fasti Oxon. i. 174). On 1 Sept. 1578 he supplicated to be incorporated D.C.L., but, though it was granted simpliciter, ' it appears not that he was incorporated ' (ib. p. 211). On 25 Nov. 1572 he was appointedtothe prebend of Bote- vant in York Cathedral. He was admitted as advocate at Doctors' Commons in 1576, and on 7 June 1577 was sworn as a master in chancery. About 1583 he was named vicar- general of the province of Canterbury, and, having meanwhile (Nov. 1584-Sept. 1585 and Oct. 1586-March 1587) served in parlia- ment as member for Marlborough, was ap- pointed a member of the ecclesiastical com- mission in 1587. Two years later he obtained, through the influence of Lord Burghley, to whose second wife he was related, the place of commissioner of the fines office. In 1589 he was also presented to the rectory of Terring- ton in Norfolk by his nephew William Cooper. In 1591 he resigned his stall at York on his appointment as canon and chancellor of St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanhope's name appears in the commission of March 1593 ' touching Jesuits and other disguised persons,' and also in that of oyer and terminer for London in February 1594. In the same year he was also a member of Whitgift's commission for the survey of ecclesiastical courts in the Lon- don diocese ; and in April 1601 was a com- missioner in the inquiry concerning piracies. Together with his brother Michael he re- ceived a grant from the crown in June 1600 of the manor of Hucknall Torkard, Notting- hamshire, and was knighted at Whitehall on 25 July 1603. In that year Stanhope served on the commission under which Raleigh and his associates were tried for high treason, and was appointed one of the four learned civilians who were to examine and adjudicate upon all books printed in the realm without authority. Stanhope died on 16 March 1607-8, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral ' near to the great north door.' His epitaph on the monument on the eastern wall, printed in • Monumenta Sepulchraria Sancti Pauli,' Stanhope 1614, by H. H[olland], was drawn up by William Camden [q. v.] During his life- time he had given 100/. for the construc- tion and fitting up of a library at Trinity College, Cambridge, to which he bequeathed 700/. to buy lands for the maintenance of a library-keeper and his man. He also left to the college fifteen manuscripts and over three hundred books, among which was his poly- glot bible, known as King Philip's bible. A small benefaction was set apart for the pro- vision of a large vellum book ' wherein should be fairly written and limned the names, titles, arms, and dignities of all the founders of the college,' and of the bene- factors and masters, with a list of prefer- ments. Benefactions were also left by Stan- hope to the town of Hull and the poor of Kentish Town and Terrington, as well as 200/. towards the foundation of Whitgift's college at Croydon. Having no children, he entailed his estates in the Isle of Axholme and at Caldecott on his nephews. Stanhope wrote the earlier portion of ' Memoriale Collegio [sic] Sanctae et Indi- viduseTrinitatis in Academia Cantabrigiensi,' a manuscript inscribed with his name and left to Trinity College. It was continued, in accordance with his wishes, up to 1700, and was known as the Lodge Book from being kept in the master's lodge. Several of his letters were in the collections of Dawson Turner and Richard Almack. [Cooper's Athense Cantabr. ii. 470-3, "where is an exhaustive list of authorities.] G. LE G. N. STANHOPE, EDWARD (1840-1893), politician, was second son of Philip Henry, fifth earl Stanhope [q. v.], the historian, by Emily Harriet, second daughter of Sir Ed- ward Kerrison, bart. He was born at his father's house inGrosvenor Place, London, on 24 Sept. 1840. After some tuition at a pri- vate school at Brighton, he entered Harrow, under the headmastership of Dr. Yaughan, in September 1852. At Harrow he won the Neeld medal for mathematics in 1859. Though of slight physique, he more than held his own in athletic sports and games. Stanhope was a member of the celebrated cricket eleven of 1859, when Harrow de- feated Eton in one innings, and by his close and masterly defence in no small degree con- tributed to that result. He was a first-rate football player, fast, adroit, and indomitably plucky. He shot extremely well, and was fond of fishing. Stanhope left Harrow at mid- summer 1859, and went up to Christ Church, Oxford, in the following October. Pur- suing his natural bent towards mathe- matics, he obtained a first class in mathema- S Stanhope tical moderations in Michaelmas term 1861. Being destined for the bar, he went in for a pass in classics in Easter term 1862, and the examiners paid him the compliment of an ' honorary fourth.' In the following November he was elected to a fellowship at All Souls'. Thereupon he began his legal studies in London, and was called to the bar at the Inner Temple on 1 May 1865. He joined the home circuit, but his practice was mainly at the parliamentary bar, where his clear elocution and power of lucid statement soon secured him a good position. In 1868 he was appointed an assistant commissioner to inquire into the employment of children, ! young persons, and women in agriculture. In the following year he published an ex- haustive report. Some of his strictures on i the conditions of cottage life in Dorset gave j offence to the landed proprietors ; but it would seem that he was right. James Banks Stanhope, who, as represen- tative of Sir Joseph Banks [q. v.], had in- herited Revesby Abbey, Boston, and its estate, was first cousin to Edward Stanhope's father, and, attracted by the character and career of his young kinsman, he made him heir to his property in Lincolnshire, and brought him forward as one of the conser- vative candidates for Mid-Lincolnshire at the general election of 1874. Stanhope was returned unopposed, and again at the gene- ral election of 1880. After the redistribu- tion of seats, consequent on the extension of the suffrage to the agricultural labourers, he was returned for the Horncastle division of Lincolnshire at the general election of 1885 by a majority of 865 over a liberal candi- date ; at the general election of 1886 he was returned unopposed, and at the general elec- tion of 1892 he beat his liberal opponent by 738. At the opening of the session of 1875 Stanhope was chosen by Mr. Disraeli to move the address to the throne ; and he did so in a speech of such sustained and stately rhetoric that Lord Randolph Churchill (then also a new member) likened it to ' a recita- tion from Gibbon.' He at once gained the ear of the house and the approbation of his leaders, and on 18 Xov. 1875 he entered the official hierarchy as parliamentary secretary to the board of trade. His office had at the moment a special importance. In the pre- ceding July Mr. Plimsoll, M.P. for Derby, had, by some vehement demonstrations in the House of Commons, compelled public attention to the scandal and dangers con- nected with our merchant shipping. So much popular excitement was aroused that the government thought it expedient to pass Stanhope Stanhope the Merchant Shipping Act in 1875. It was merely temporary, and was to expire on 1 Oct. 1876. Stanhope, on his appointment to the board of trade, exerted himself to re- deem the pledge made by the government to deal more thoroughly with the subject in a subsequent session, and the act of 1876, which was brought in at the beginning of that year, was drafted to a very considerable extent under Stanhope's direction and control. He made an important speech on the second reading of the bill (17 Feb. 1876), and took great interest in its further progress through the house, and in its subsequent administra- tion by the board of trade. On 6 April 1878 Stanhope was promoted to the more important post of under-secret ary of state for India, which he held till the down- fall of Lord Beaconsfield's administration at Easter 1880. At the llndia office he ac- quired the reputation of a strong and con- scientious administrator. He was specially interested in questions of finance and com- plicated matters of exchange. He twice in- troduced the Indian budget into the House of Commons. On the first occasion, 13 Aug. 1878, he dealt with the new policy of a ' Famine Insurance Fund,' the abolition of the inland customs line, the equalisation of the salt duties, the abolition of the transit duties on sugar, and the amendment of the customs tariff. On the second occasion, 22 May 1879, he dealt chiefly with the measures taken to meet the large charges incurred in the Afghan war, and the loss by exchange ; and he announced a determined effort to reduce Indian expenditure, in part by the employment of a larger number of natives in the civil service. On 9 Dec. 1878 he ably defended the policy of the Afghan war in the debate in the House of Commons on a vote of censure moved by Mr. Whit- bread. On Mr. Gladstone's accession to office at Easter 1880, Stanhope became a leader of the opposition, allying himself with the decorous tactics of Sir Stafford Northcote rather than with the guerilla warfare waged by Lord Randolph Churchill and the 'Fourth Party.' When Lord Salisbury became prime minister, for the first time, in the summer of 1885, Stanhope was appointed (24 June) vice-president of the committee of council on education, with a seat in the cabinet. This was the first instance in which a vice-presi- dent had been admitted to the cabinet at the time of his appointment. On the 19th of the following August he was appointed pre- sident of the board of trade, but resigned the office when Lord Salisbury made way for Mr. Gladstone's home-rule government (3 Feb. 1886). In July 1886, after Mr. Gladstone's defeat at the general election, Lord Salisbury became prime minister for the second time, and he appointed Stanhope secretary of state for the colonies. He re- ceived the seals of office at Osborne on 3 Aug. 1886. At the colonial office he was thoroughly in his element. He was imbued with a zeal for the idea of imperial federa- tion, and issued the invitations for the colo- nial conference, which was held with success in 1888. In the readjustment of offices con- sequent on Lord Randolph Churchill's sudden resignation at Christmas 1886, Stanhope was called, much against his wish, to succeed William Henry Smith [q. v.] at the war office. He received the seals of his new office in January 1887. Under Stanhope's auspices the modern army system, inaugurated by Lord Cardwell, was completed. Specific spheres of action were allotted to all regular and auxiliary troops on the outbreak of war, and the volun- teers for the first time took a definite place in the scheme of national defence. The pro- cess of decentralising the stores formerly concentrated at Woolwich and distributing them to the various points of mobilisation was set on foot. Sites were chosen for a line of earthworks for the defence of London in case of invasion, and negotiations for their purchase were begun. In order to supply modern guns for service by sea and land, Stanhope called the private trade of the country to his aid by the promise of con- tinuity of demand, encouraged great firms like Armstrong & Whitworth to lay down the necessary plant and tender for orders, and thus created a valuable additional source of warlike supply. Early in 1887 Stanhope also reorganised the manufacturing depart- ments, and the system under which warlike stores were passed into the service. He abolished the office of surveyor-general of ordnance; transferred the great departments of ordnance, works, and supply to the staff of the commander-in-chief, and placed the establishment of the ordnance factories under a single civilian head. In connection with these changes, the services of supply and transport were reorganised, and the army service corps established. In 1888 Stanhope, turning from depart- mental reorganisation, introduced and passed the Imperial Defence Act. The loan of two and a half millions obtained under this act, together with more than a million borne on the annual estimates, was devoted to strengthen- ing the defences of the coaling stations com- manding the great sea routes, to improving armaments of military ports at home and Stanhope 10 Stanhope abroad, and to constructing barracks at ports and coaling stations for the increased garrisons, the size of which was now for the first time determined by strategical principles. In 1889, after a committee of the House of Commons had reported on the subject, Stanhope revised the conditions of pro- motion and retirement of officers. He pro- mulgated a scheme for the reform of the feneral officers' list, which secured the re- uction of the list by a gradual progress from 140 to 100, and the establishment of the principle that promotion to general's rank should only be by selection, and to fill actu- ally vacant appointments allotted to that rank. At the same time he instituted a special rate of retired pay for those colonels whose prospects could be shown to be un- fairly injured by the operation of the new rules. During 1889 Stanhope made endeaA^ours to improve the material conditions of the soldier's life. In 1890 he obtained from parliament a loan of over four millions, with which the camps at Aldershot, Shorncliffe, Strensall, and the Curragh were almost entirely rebuilt, while the barracks at Portsmouth, Plymouth, j Dublin, Malta, and other large garrisons were improved and renewed. He also gave much attention to the difficult question of the em- j ployment of soldiers on return to civil life. He succeeded in persuading the great rail- i way companies to meet him in conference, and obtained from them certain pledges as to the employment of reserve and discharged : soldiers. Further, a committee appointed by him to consider the question of soldiers' diet resulted in considerable improvement. Stanhope carried forward the work of or- ganising and developing our military re- sources under conditions of great difficulty. He had the ear of the House of Commons, butoutsideheobtainedlittle recognition. His sagacious reforms were realised and appre- ciated only by the few, while his retrench- ments made a bitter enemy of every officer whose interests were threatened by them. His adoption on 22 Dec. 1888, on the advice of technical experts, of a magazine rifle, though more than justified by experience, was long the subject of bitter opposition in press and parliament (Hansard, 3rd ser. cccxlix. 1631-83). A growing agitation against the administration of the war office under the new system of 1887 at length led to the appointment of a royal commission under Lord Hartington's presidency. The commissioners reported in 1891 that suffi- cient time had not elapsed to j ustify a ver- dict on the system instituted in 1887, but recommended a reconstruction of the war office on the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of commander-in-chief. In 1891 Stanhope, to allay alarm caused by a temporary failure to meet an abnormal demand for recruits, appointed Lord Wan- tage's committee to inquire into the terms and conditions of service in the army. But the momentary difficulty passed away, and neither Stanhope nor his successor attempted to give effect to the far-reaching and expen- sive recommendations of the committee. Lord Salisbury's second administration was overthrown by the general election of July 1892, and Stanhope surrendered the seals of the war office. His constitution, never very robust, had been completely broken by the incessant work and worry of his post. In the new parliament of 1892 he was a regular attendant and a frequent de- bater, and he was elected chairman of the ' church party ' in the House of Commons. In this capacity, Stanhope, in the autumn session of 1893, threw himself with great ardour into the debates on such parts of the Parish Councils Bill as affected the powers or property of the establishment. He made his last speech on 9 Dec. 1893. On the same day he left London and went to Chevening to pay a visit to his brother, Lord Stanhope. There he was seized with a severe attack of gout, and, after a partial rally, he died sud- denly from paralysis of the heart on 21 Dec. He was buried at Revesby. Stanhope married, on 18 May 1870, Lucy Constance, youngest daughter of the Rev. Thomas Egerton, and niece of the first Lord Egertou of Tatton. [Private information.] G. W. E. R. STANHOPE, GEORGE (1660-1728), dean of Canterbury, was son of Thomas Stanhope (rector of Hertishorn or Hartshorn, Derbyshire, vicar of St. Margaret's, Leicester, and chaplain to the Earls of Chesterfield and Clare), by a lady of good family in Derby- shire, named Allestree. His grandfather, George Stanhope (d. 1644), was canon and precentor of York from 1631, and was rector of Wheldrake, Yorkshire, and chaplain to James I and Charles I ; he was dispossessed during the Commonwealth (AVALKEK, Suffer- ings, p. 83). George was born on 5 March 1660 at Hartshorn, and was successively educated at Uppingham school, Leicester, and Eton. From Eton he was elected on the foundation at King's College, Cambridge, in 1677. Gra- duating B.A. in 1681 and M.A. in 1685, he entered into holy orders, but remained three years longer at Cambridge. In 1688 he was appointed rector of Tewin, Hertfordshire Stanhope Stanhope (Tewin Register}, and on 3 Aug. 1689 of Lewisham, Kent,beingpresented to the latter by Lord Dartmouth, to whose son he was tutor, both then and apparently for five years afterwards (see dedication of CHAKKON'S Wis- dom to the young earl). He proceeded D.D. in 1697, and about the same time was ap- pointed chaplain to William and Mary. In 1701 he was appointed Boyle lecturer. In the year following he was presented to the vicarage of Deptford, was reappointed royal chaplain by Queen Anne, and on 23 March 1704 was made dean of Canterbury, still re- taining Lewisham and Deptford. At this time and until 1708 he also held the Tues- day lectureship at St. Lawrence Jewry, a post which Tillotson and Sharp had made eminent. His tenure of the Canterbury deanery brought Stanhope into the lower house of convocation at a period of bitter conflict with the upper house under Atterbury's leadership. As a man of peace, in friendship with Robert Nelson [q. v.] on one side, and with Edward Tenison [q. v.] and Burnet on the other (Burnet's son William afterwards married Stanhope's daughter Mary), Stan- hope was proposed by the moderate party as prolocutor in 1705, but was defeated by the high churchman, Dr. William Binckes [q. v.] After Atterbury's elevation to the see of Rochester in 1713 he succeeded him as pro- locutor, and was twice afterwards re-elected. The most prominent incident of his presi- dency was the censure of the Arian doctrine of Dr. Samuel Clarke (1675-1729) [q.v.] in 1714. Early in 1717 the lower house of con- vocation also censured a sermon by Bishop Benjamin Hoadly [q. v.] which had been preached before the king and published by royal command. To stop the matter from going to the upper house, convocation was hastily prorogued (May 1717). It was thence- forth formally summoned from time to time, only to be instantly prorogued. On the occasion of one of these prorogations Stan- hope broke up the meeting (14 Feb. 1718) in order to prevent Tenison from reading a ' protestation ' in favour of Hoadly. It was probably in consequence of this action that he lost the royal chaplaincy which he had held in the first year of George I. From this date convocation remained in abeyance until its revival in the province of Canterbury in 1852, and in that of York in 1861. Stanhope was one of the great preachers of his time, and preached before Queen Anne at St. Paul's in 1706 and 1710 on two of the great services of national thanksgiving for Marl- borough's victories. In 1719 he had a friendly correspondence with Atterbury, which dealt partly with the appointment of Thomas Sher- lock [q. v.], afterwards bishop of London, to one of his curacies. He died at Bath on 18 March 1728, and was buried in the church of Lewisham, where a monument with a long inscription was erected to his memory. In his will he left an exhibition of 101. per annum, to be held at Cambridge by a scholar of the King's school, Canterbury. There are two portraits of him in the deanery at Canterbury. He married, first. Olivia, d aughter of Charles Cotton of Beresford, Staffordshire, and had by her a son, who predeceased him, and five daughters, of whom Mary married, in 1712, William, son of Bishop Burnet, and died two years afterwards. After his first wife's death in 1707 the dean married, secondly, Ann Parker, half-sister of Sir Charles Wager [q.v.]; she survived him two years. Stanhope's literary works were chiefly translations or adaptations. He translated Epictetus (1694 ; 2nd ed. 1700, 8vo), Char- ron's 'Books on Wisdom ' (1697, 3 vols.), and Marcus Aurelius (1697 ; 2nd ed. 1699, 4to). He modernised, omitting Romish passages, ' The Christian Directory ' of Robert Parsons [q. v.] the Jesuit (1703, 8vo ; 4th ed. 1716) ; dedicated toPrincess Anne a volume of ' Pious Meditations' (1701; 2nd ed. 1720, 8vo), drawn from St. Augustine, St. Anselm, and St. Bernard ; and he translated the Greek ' Devotions ' of Bishop Lancelot Andrewes [q. v.] Hutton, who edited the posthumous edition (1730, 8vo) of his translation of An- drewes, likened Stanhope's character to that of Andrewes. But the style of the transla- tion is absolutely unlike the original. In place of the barbed point and abruptness of the Greek, the English is all smoothed out and expanded. Subsequent editions of the work appeared in 1808, 1811, 1815, 1818, 1826, and 1832. Stanhope followed the same paraphrastic system in a translation of Thomas a. Kempis's 'Imitatio Christi,' which appeared in 1698 under the title ' The Christian's Pattern, or a Treatise of the Imita- tion of Christ,' 2 pts. London, 8vo. A fifth edition appeared in 1706, a twelfth in 1733, and new editions in 1746, 1751, 1793, 1814, and 1865. In 1886 Henry Morley [q. v.j edited it for the collection of a hundred books chosen by Sir John Lubbock. ' The pithy style of the original is lost in flowing sen- tences that pleased the reader in Queen Anne's reign.' Stanhope's principal contribution to di- vinity is ' The Paraphrase and Comment on the Epistles and Gospels ' (vols. i. and ii. 1705, vol. iii. 1706, vol. iv. 1708), dedicated originally to Queen Anne, and in a new Stanhope 12 Stanhope edition to George I on his accession (1714). It was a favourite book in the eighteenth j century. Its defect is the neglect of the | organic relation of collect, epistle, and gospel ; but it contains much that is solid, sensible, and practical in clear and easy language, quite free from controversial bitterness. In the preface Stanhope says that the work was planned for the use of the little prince George, who died in 1700. Besides the works mentioned above Stan- hope published : 1. ' Fifteen Sermons,' 1700. 2. 'The Boyle Lecture,' 1702. 3. 'Twelve Sermons,' 1726. Stanhope is credited by Todd and Chalmers with the translation of Rochefoucauld's ' Maxims,' which appeared anonymously in 1706 ; the book seems alien to Stanhope's mind. [Gent. Mag. 1780, p. 463 ; Todd's Deans of Canterbury ; Duncan's Parish Church of St. Mary, Le\visham, and Registers of Lewisham.] H. L. B. STANHOPE, LADY HESTER LUCY (1776-1839), eccentric, the eldest daugh- ter of Charles, viscount Mahon (afterwards third Earl Stanhope) [q. v.], by his first wife, Hester (1755-1780), the clever sister of "William Pitt and elder daughter of the great Earl of Chatham, was born at Chevening, Kent, on 12 March 1776. Hester and her sisters received a rambling kind of education. Their mother was absorbed in her coiffure and in the opera, while their father was too abstracted to take much notice of his house- hold. Hester grew up a beauty of the brilliant rather than the handsome order. She was early distinguished by invincible cheerfulness and force of character, which enabled her to exert a complete ascendency over her sisters. Her home was not con- genial to her, and from 1800 until 1803 she lived mainly with her grandmother at Bur- ton Pynsent. Her skill in saving her bro- thers and sisters from the results of their father's experiments first attracted to her the attention of her uncle, William Pitt, and in August 1803 Pitt asked her to come and keep house for him. She soon became his most trusted confidant, and when in be- wilderment at her dazzling indiscretions the minister's friends questioned him as to the motives of his niece's conduct, Pitt would answer, 'I let her do as she pleases; for if she were resolved to cheat the devil she could do it,' to which the lady in telling the story appended the rider, ' And so I could.' She corresponded with Pitt's friends, in- cluding Canning and Mulgrave, to whom she once retorted a propos of an unfortunate remark upon a broken spoon at the table, ' Have you not yet discovered that Mr. Pitt sometimes uses very slight and weak in- struments to effect his ends ? ' In 1804, upon one historic occasion, she succeeded in blacking the premier's face with a burned cork, and for the next two years she arranged the treasury banquets and dispensed much official patronage. On his deathbed, in January 1806, Pitt gave her his blessing : ' Dear soul,' he said, ' I know she loves me.' His death involved the extinction of all her ambitious prospects and aspirations. Pitt desired that 1,500/. a year should be settled upon her, but, after certain deduc- tions, the amount of the pension was reduced to 1,200/., a sum on which Lady Hester de- clared her inability to maintain a carriage. Her equanimity was further sorely tried in 1808 by the death at Coruna of her favourite brother, Major Stanhope, and of Sir John Moore, for whom she is known to have cherished an affection. She retired for a time to Wales ; but, becoming more and more intolerant of the restrictions of ordinary society, she left England for the LeA'ant in 1810, and never again saw her native land. She took out with her a Welsh companion, Miss Williams, an English physician, Charles Lewis Meryon [q. v.], and a small suite, which gradually grew in numbers as she progressed eastwards. She set sail in the Jason frigate on 10 Feb. 1810. After suf- fering shipwreck off Rhodes, she made a stately pilgrimage to Jerusalem, traversed the desert, and presided over a vast Bedouin encampment, amid the ruins of Palmyra (January 1813). She finally settled down, in the summer of 1814, among the half-savage tribes on the slopes of Mount Lebanon. The pasha of Acre ceded to her the ruins of a con- vent and the village of Dahar-June (Djouni or Joon), situated on a conical mount and peopled by the Druses. She there built a group of houses surrounded by a garden and an outer wall, like a mediaeval fortress, and occupied herself in intriguing against the authority of the British consuls in the district (for whom as commercial agents she had a supreme aristocratic contempt), in regulating and counteracting the designs of her slaves, in stimulating the Druses to rise against Ibrahim Pasha, and in endeavours to foster the declining central authority of the sultan. Though with the lapse of time and the waning of her resources her prestige suffered considerably, for a few years she exercised almost despotic power in the neigh- bourhood of Lebanon, and in time of panic, as after the battle of Navarino (20 Oct. 1827), Europeans fled to her from all sides for protection. Her fearlessness and her remarkable insight into character, combined Stanhope with her open-lianded charity in relieving the poor and distressed, caused her to be re- garded with superstitious veneration as a kind of prophetess, and, if she did not share the idea, she seems to have done all in her power to encourage it. As time went on she insensibly adopted Eastern manners and customs. Though always complaining of neglect, she had up- wards of thirty personal attendants, and after Miss Williams's death, in 1828, none of these were Europeans. Her standard of demeanour was rigorous, servants not being expected ' to smile, or scratch themselves, or appear to notice anything.' Syrians were preferred because, though thievish and dirty, they were completely obsequious and re- quired no definite or stated hours for repose. In spite, however, of much vigorous lan- guage and frequent blows from a mace, which she was in the habit of wielding, the household slaves became more and more in- corrigible. Her physician, Meryon, in the course of his visits, importuned her to send ' the worst of them away, for they were only a torment to her.' ' Yes, but my rank ! ' was the characteristic answer. Similarly she maintained on the premises enormous numbers of cats and other animals. She had a strange regard for horses, devising a kind of superannuation scheme for those in her employ, and she was a devout believer in the transmigration of souls and in judicial astrology, which she practised upon the least provocation. Many distinguished Europeans sought in- terviews with her. Lamartine visited her on 30 Sept. 1832, and described her religious belief as a clever though confused mixture of the different religions in the midst of which she had condemned herself to live. Kinglake gives a more commonplace account of her when describing his pilgrimage to Djouni in 1835. He was struck by her ex- traordinary appearance, her penetration and power of downright expression. Her talk was full of sparkling anecdotes of Pitt and his circle. Dr. Madden and Prince Maxi- milian of Bavaria were among other person- ages to whom she accorded interviews. Pou- joulat and Michaud traversed Syria for the purpose, and were then refused admittance at Djouni upon some trivial pretext. Dr. Bowring was another traveller disappointed of an audience. In haranguing her visitors there is no doubt that Lady Hester found the greatest happiness of her life. She frequently talked for an hour or more without stopping, and prolonged her remarks until two or three in the morning. She liked her hearer to stand, i Stanhope while the slaves filled the pipes or knelt around in postures of oriental humility. ' Thus she fancied herself an eastern prin- cess.' ' I have known her,' says Meryon, ' lie for two hours at a time with a pipe in her mouth (from which the sparks fell and burned the counterpane into innumerable holes) when she was in a lecturing humour, and go on in one unbroken discourse, like a parson in his pulpit.' She harangued one unfortunate Englishman for so many hours, without respite, that he fainted away from fatigue. On summoning the servants to his assistance, she remarked quietly that he had been overpowered in listening to the state of disgrace to which his country was reduced by its ministers (this was in 1819). She could not bear to be alone, and scarce an evening passed without her summoning the worthy physician, who seems to have served her at first from self-interest, afterwards spellbound by her commanding personality, latterly from a chivalrous feeling towards an old woman in precarious health, poor, saddled with innumerable debts, and preyed on by thieves. He became, indeed, almost indispensable. She frequently abused him, and persistently refused to receive Mrs. Meryon. But he stayed with her during the spring of 1831 and the summers of 1837 and 1838, and, with an almost Boswellian power of self-effacement, he listened to and recorded her views on such themes as the superiority of the vices of high-born people to the virtues of low-born ones, of the concubine to the. wife, the fraudulent attempts of the middle classes to disguise their real character by edu- cation, and the proper place of doctors as the upper servants of noblemen. He himself became, indeed, little more than her apothe- cary. To the last she insisted on physicking and cutting out garments for all those with whom she came into close contact (a droll reference to this last peculiarity is given by Southey in the ' Doctor '). Ever since she had settled on Mount Lebanon, Lady Hester's profuse prodigality had involved her in an accumulating weight of debt. Up to 1836 it is a remarkable proof of her talents that she prevailed upon various Levantine usurers to advance her large sums upon her note of hand. But finally this resource failed her, the cre- ditors became clamorous, and in February 1838 Lord Palmerston felt himself justified in appropriating the bulk of her pension to the settlement of their claims. Matters were not improved by abusive letters to the foreign secretary, or by a presumptuous epistle which Lady Hester thought fit to address to the queen. Some of the newspapers in Stanhope England sympathised with her ' grievances,' but she failed to obtain any redress, and in August 1838 she shut herself up in her castle with some five of her retainers, walled up the gate, and refused to see any visitors. Untamed by the miseries of her later years, she died as she had lived, in proud isolation, on 23 June 1839, with no European near her. On hearing of her illness, Niven Moore, the British consul at Beyrout, rode over the mountains to see her, accompanied by Wil- liam McClure Thomson, the American mis- sionary. They arrived just after her death, and found the place deserted. All the ser- vants had fled as soon as the breath was out of the body, taking with them such plunder as they could secure. Not a single thing was left in the room where their mistress lay dead, except the ornaments upon her person. At midnight her countryman and the mis- sionary carried her body by torchlight to a spot in the garden and there buried her. Sketches of her fortalice and her grave are in Thomson's ' The Land and the Book ' (1886). A portrait drawn on stone by R. J. Hamer- ton is bound up along with some memoranda and an autograph letter in ' Collectanea Biographica ' (vol. xcv.) in the print-room at the British Museum. [The chief authorities are Meryon's Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope (1846) and his still more entertaining Memoirs of Lady Hester Stanhope (1845), each in three volumes and illustrated by lithograph portraits of Lady Hester in costume. See also Gent. Mag. 1839, ii. 420 ; Stanhope's Life of Pitt ; Phipps's Me- moirs of Robert P. Ward, 1850, i. 143 ; Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1864, i. 105-15; Caroline Fox's Journals and Letters, ed. Pym, p. 34 ; Thomson's The Land and the Book ; Lamar- tine's Voyage en Orient ; Michaud et Poujonlat's Corresp. d'Orient, 1833, v. 530 sq. ; Madden's Travels, 1829, letter xxxv. ; Kinglake's Eothen, chap. viii. ; Warburton's Crescent and Cross, chap. xix. ; Wolff's Travels in the East, 1860; Quarterly Review, Ixxvi. 430 sq.] T. S. STANHOPE, JAMES, first EARL STAN- HOPE (1673-1721), was eldest son of Alexan- | der Stanhope (youngest son of Philip Stan- 1 hope, first earl of Chesterfield [q. v.]), by i Catharine, daughter of Arnold Burghill of Thingehill Parva, Herefordshire. His father was envoy to the States-General, and died in 1707. James was born at Paris in 1673, and was naturalised as a British subject by an act in 1696. He was educated at Eton and matriculated from Trinity College, Oxford, 'aged 14,' on 25 May 1688, but took no degree. When his father went to Madrid as British minister in 1690 he accompanied t4 Stanhope I him, and spent a year there, gaining a know- ledge of the Spanish language and character j which proved useful to him afterwards. In 1691 he went to Italy, and served under the Duke of Savoy. In 1694-5 he served as a volunteer in Flanders. He distinguished himself and was severely wounded in one of the assaults at Namur, and on 1 Nov. 1695 he was given a commission as captain and lieutenant-colonel in the 1st foot-guards. On 12 Feb. 1702 he obtained the colonelcy of a regiment, afterwards the llth foot. He was elected M.P. for Newport (Isle of Wight) 1 in 1701 and for Cockermouth in 1702. He continued to represent the latter place till 1713. He was a steady whig, and supported the act of settlement in 1701. He took part in Ormonde's expedition to Cadiz in August 1702, and acted as Spanish secretary to the duke (see his letters in Spain under Charles II). He was mentioned in Ormonde's despatch as having particularly distinguished himself in the storming of the south battery at Vigo on 23 Oct. He served with his regi- ment under Marlborough on the Me use in 1703. He went to Portugal with it in 1704, and was sent to garrison Portalegre ; but an attack of rheumatism and a Portuguese doctor, ' who, by bleeding and dieting me, had almost done my business,' obliged him to go back to Lisbon, and he escaped being made prisoner with his men in May, when Portalegre was taken by Berwick. He re- turned to England, and was made brigadier- general on 25 Aug. 1704. In June 1705 he went back to the Peninsula with Peterborough's expedition [see MOB- DATJNT, CHARLES, third EARL OF PETER- BOROUGH]. In the councils of war at Barce- lona he was less averse to undertaking the siege than most of the land officers. In the attack on Fort Montjuich, on 13 Sept., he commanded the reserve, and helped to secure the possession of the captured outworks. When Barcelona itself capitulated he was sent into the town as a hostage, and his tact and knowledge of the language proved use- ful in appeasing the outbreak of the inhabi- tants, who rose against the garrison. In doing this he and Peterborough ran greater risk, as he told Burnet, than they had done during the siege. He was sent home with the despatches, charged by Peterborough to look well after his interests. The Archduke Charles, in his letter to Queen Anne, made particular mention of Stanhope's ' great zeal, attention, and most prudent conduct.' On 29 Jan. 1706 he was appointed minister to Spain in place of (Sir) Paul Methuen [q. v.] He left England at the end of Fe- bruary with reinforcements, which reached Stanhope Barcelona on 8 May. The French had been besieging it for more than a month, and the breaches were ready for assault, but Tesse raised the siege, and retreated into France. This gave the allies the opportunity to get possession of Madrid, on which Galway was already advancing from Portugal [seeMASsnE DE RTJVIGNY, HENEI DE]. Peterborough wished to march on it from Valencia, taking the archduke Charles with him ; and Stan- hope, whom the archduke had welcomed as minister, did his utmost to persuade the latter to this course. But Charles, guided by his German advisers, to whom Peter- borough was odious, decided to go by way of Aragon, and Stanhope went with him. On 6 Aug., a month too late, they joined Gal- way's army at Guadalaxara. Peterborough, who arrived at the same time from Valencia, to every one's relief soon betook himself to Italy. But by this time the Bourbon army was stronger than that of the allies, and the latter, straitened for supplies, found it neces- sary to fall back on Valencia. In January 1707, when the plans for the coming cam- paign were discussed, the majority of the officers were in favour of an advance of the whole army on Madrid before the Bourbon army should receive the reinforcements ex- pected from France. But Noyelles, who was at the head of the Spanish contingent, the archduke Charles, and Peterborough, who had come back from Italy, recommended purely defensive action. On the other hand, Stanhope warmly declared that 'her majesty did not spend such vast sums, and send such number of forces to garrison towns in Cata- lonia and Valencia, but to make King Charles master of the Spanish monarchy,' and that he should protest in the queen's name against a mere defensive line of action. His course was cordially approved by the British govern- ment, but it displeased the archduke. Noyelles carried his point, and marched the Spanish troops into Catalonia, Charles and Stan- hope accompanying them. Gal way had only 15,500 men when, on 25 April, he encoun- tered Berwick at Almanza, and was defeated. Peterborough, who had been peremptorily recalled, and was now on his way home, laid the blame on Stanhope. He wrote to Marl- borough : ' I cannot but think Mr. Stanhope's politics have proved very fatal, having pro- duced our misfortunes and prevented the greatest successes' (CoxE, Marlborough, ii. 81). But this was mere spite. A year before he had written to Stanhope (18 Aug.): 'I see no one but yourself that can support this business;' but he had learnt that Stanhope's secretary had said things against him in England, and after his return to Spain from Stanhope Italy he and Stanhope ceased to be friends. When the House of Lords held its inquiry into the conduct of the war in Spam in January 1711, it pronounced that Peter- borough had been right, and Galway and Stanhope wrong, in the discussions at Va- lencia ; but this was a party resolution, and was really aimed at Marlborough and his colleagues. Disgusted with the lethargy and obstruc- tiveness he met with at Charles's court, Stan- hope wished to resign, and strongly urged that Prince Eugene should be sent to Spain, or some other arrangement made which would secure unity of command. In September, at Galway's request, he joined the army, and was put in charge of what remained of the English foot. But the army was too weak to interfere with the enemy. At the end of the year he went to England to attend parliament. It was then decided that he should succeed Galway, who wished to be relieved, in command of the English troops, retaining his post as minister with Charles. He was made major-general on 1 Jan. 1708 with the local rank of lieutenant- general, and on 26 March was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in Spain. He brought a bill into parliament at this time to release the highland clans from obedience to their chiefs if the latter took up arms against the queen. This was prompted by the Jacobite attempt at in- vasion, but was allowed to drop after the failure of that attempt. In April 1708 Stanhope went with Marl- borough to The Hague to consult Prince Eugene, and in May he rejoined the army in Catalonia. The emperor, unwilling to spare Eugene, had sent Marshal Stahrenberg to take the chief command, and the death of Noyelles removed the main cause of friction. But the allies were weak, and the Bourbons continued to gain ground throughout the i campaign. The want of a port in which the ! British fleet could winter had been much ! felt, and on 15 July Marlborough wrote to Stanhope: 'I conjure you, if possible, to take Port Mahon.' In September Stanhope acted I on this suggestion with skill and vigour. He landed in Minorca on the 14th with 2,600 men, and Fort St. Philip, which had a garri- son of one thousand men, surrendered on the 29th. He left a garrison there consisting wholly of English troops, for, as he wrote to Sunderland, 'England ought never to part with this island, which will give the law to the Mediterranean both in time of war and peace.' Sunderland replied that his action was approved ' for the reasons you mention, though some of them must be kept very secret.' Stanhope 16 Stanhope On 2 Dec. he accompanied Stahrenberg in an attempt to surprise Tortosa, -which the Bourbons had taken in July. As he wrote, ' It proved a Cremona business. We got into the old town, killed the governor and about two hundred men, brought off nine officers and fifty soldiers prisoners, but by an un- lucky accident missed our aim.' In August the Duke of Orleans, with whom Stanhope had been intimate at one time in Paris, had made secret overtures to him, starting with the suggestion that he (Orleans) should be made king of Spain, instead of either Philip or Charles. Negotiations went on for some time, with the knowledge of the British government and the archduke, and probably of Louis XIV also. In Stanhope's opinion they ' very much abated the edge of the Duke of Orleans' in the campaign of 1708. But they were brought to light by the Princess Orsini in the winter, and Orleans did not return to Spain. Stanhope was promoted lieutenant-general on 1 Jan. 1709. The campaign of that year was languid, owing to the overtures for I peace made by Louis XIV and the expected withdrawal of the French troops from Spain. In April Stanhope went to the relief of Alicant, which had been besieged for more than five months. The town had been taken, but five hundred men still held out in the castle, in spite of the mine which had swal- lowed up the governor and all the chief officers. But it was found impracticable to land troops, and on the 18th Stanhope came to terms with the besiegers, and brought the garrison away. At the end of August he went to Gibraltar to command an expedition against Cadiz, which the British government had decided on, and for which they had sent out five thousand men. But it was found that the attempt was hopeless, and he brought the troops to Catalonia. He spent the winter in England, and was a member of the committee which drew up articles of impeachment against Sacheverell, and one of the managers at his trial in February 1710. His speech on the 28th against the doctrine of non-resistance is said to have discomposed Sacheverell more than any of the other speeches. At the end of May he rejoined the army in Spain. Reinforcements in July raised it to a strength of 24,500 men, of whom 4,200 were British. The Bourbon army was less in number, and consisted wholly of Spanish troops. Stahrenberg, a cautious veteran, still inclined to the defensive, and Charles also; but Stanhope pressed for a bolder course, and was supported by the other officers. On 26 July the allied army ad- vanced towards Aragon, and Stanhope was sent forward to secure the passage of the Xoguera. The enemy tried to anticipate him, and on the 27th the cavalry action of Almenara was fought, in which Stanhope, with 2,600 men, routed 4,200 supported by some battalions of foot. He killed one of the Spanish leaders in a personal encounter. The Bourbon army retired in some confusion to Lerida, and about a fortnight afterwards fell back on Saragossa. There it offered battle on 20 Aug., and was thoroughly beaten, losing twelve thousand men out of twenty thousand. The hardest fighting was on the left of the allies, where Stanhope was in command, and opposite to which the bulk of the Bourbon cavalry was massed. General (afterwards lord) Carpenter wrote that evening to Walpole that the suc- cesses of the allies were entirely due to Stan- hope, ' both for pressing in council and for the execution.' He had ' hectored the court and marshal into these marches and actions.' He now strongly urged that the allies should march on Madrid, and be joined there by the army of Portugal. In this opinion he was supported by the majority of the officers, and it was in accordance with Marl- borough's views. Stahrenberg and the arch- duke thought it would be better to remain in the north, to intercept communication between France and Spain, than to enter Castile, which had already shown itself so hostile. However, they gave way, and on 28 Sept. Charles entered Madrid, preceded a week before by Stanhope. The latter was sent forward to Talavera to meet the troops from Portugal. But meanwhile the Spaniards had rallied round Philip at Valladolid with unexpected enthusiasm. Vendome arrived from France to command his army, which by the middle of October numbered nearly twenty-four thousand men. Vendome moved southward to Almaraz, and interposed between Madrid and the slowly advancing army of Portugal, which thereupon fell back. Xoailles in- vaded Catalonia from Roussillon, and Charles, who had left his wife at Barcelona, quitted Madrid on 18 Xov. in order to rejoin her. By the end of that month it had become clear that the allied army could not winter in Castile, and on 3 Dec. it began its retreat on Aragon. As Stahrenberg explained in his report, 'the late season of the year and the necessity of getting provisions and forage for the troops obliged us to march in columns and by different ways ; the English troops, believing they might find some provisions in Brihuega and subsist better there, took that road' {London Gazette, 9-11 Jan.) It Stanhope Stanhope does not appear that he made any objection. They arrived there on the 6th, and Stanhope sent to Stahrenberg, who was at Cifuentes, seventeen miles off, for further orders. He also asked him to send some ammunition. Meanwhile the Bourbon army had marched with astonishing rapidity from Talavera (forty-five leagues in seven days), and on the morning of the 8th it appeared on the hills above Brthuega. Stanhope, who had only about 750 horse, was not able to ascer- tain the enemy's force, and by evening he was surrounded. He had barely time to send off an aide-de-camp to Stahrenberg ; and he made such arrangements as he could to de- fend the town, which was enclosed by an old and unflanked wall. He had eight squadrons and eight battalions, but they were very weak. The British troops numbered little more than 2,800 officers and men, and, in addition to them, there was one Portuguese battalion of about seven hundred (Return furnished on 13 Dec. 1710, in Foreign Office Papers). Having made two breaches, Vendome as- saulted them with twenty battalions at 4 P.M. on the 9th. They were vigorously defended, and the fighting was obstinate for three hours. But the streets were searched by artillery and musketry fire from the hills above ; a fresh breach was made by a mine ; and when six hundred of the defenders had been killed and wounded, Stanhope capitu- lated, seeing ' that the enemy had a consider- able body of men in the town, and that in our whole garrison we had not five hundred men who had any ammunition left.' One of his officers, Pepper, wrote afterwards to Marl- borough that he might have retired into the castle (CoxE, Marlborough, iii. 160) ; but the tone of the letter does not entitle it to much weight, and there seems no reason to question the stoutness of his defence, though Stanhope ought not to have let himself be surprised in so bad a post and with insuffi- cient ammunition. Stahrenberg was rather slow in coming to his assistance, and halted for the night about halfway between Cifuentes and Brihuega (London Gazette, 3-6 March). Next morning he advanced, found the enemy under Ven- dome drawn up to receive' him, and was de- feated in the battle of Villa- Viciosa. Stanhope's military career ended at Bri- huega. He was kept a prisoner at Saragossa for more than a year and a half. He had been at once authorised to propose his ex- change for the Duke of Escalona, but the exchange was not accepted so long as there was any reason to fear his influence against the conclusion of peace. He came home VOL. LIV. through France, and met Bolingbroke at Fontainebleau, but declined to be presented by him to Louis XIV. Stanhope arrived in England on 16 Aug. 1712 (0. S.) He was welcomed by the whigs, who were now out of favour with both court and country, and he became one of the leaders of the opposition in the House of Commons. In the election of 1710 he had been defeated for Westminster, but was again returned for Cockermouth ; and when he lost that seat in 1713, he was elected for Wendover. The government bore him no good will, and sent a commission into Spain to sift the accounts of his expenditure. But instead of esta- blishing anything against him, it turned out that a balance was due to him. His answer to the report of the commissioners was published in 1714 (40 pp.) He had been given the colonelcy of a regiment of horse in July 1710, but the regiment was disbanded at the peace. He took an active part in the opposition to the treaty of commerce with France in May 1713, and spoke forcibly against the Schism Act in the following year. Boling- broke has described him as ' not apt to despair, especially in the execution of his own projects '(Letters on History, i. 225) ; and he speaks of himself as ' ever inclined to bold strokes.' His sanguine and resolute cha- racter made him play a leading part in baffling the Jacobite intrigues and securing the Hanoverian succession. He made arrange- ments with Cadogan (acting on behalf of Marlborough, who was then at Antwerp) to bring over troops from Hanover upon the queen's death, but they proved to be needless. On 14 Sept. 1714 — four days before George I landed in England — Stanhope was appointed secretary of state for the southern depart- ment, and on the 24th he was made privy councillor. Charles Townshend, second vis- count Townshend [q. v.], the principal secre- tary of state, being in the lords, Stanhope led the House of Commons in concert with Wai- pole, who was not at first in the cabinet. In the new parliament which met in March 1715 he represented Newport (I. W.) In June, after the impeachment of Bolingbroke and Oxford had been carried, he moved and carried the impeachment of Ormonde. When the Jacobite rising took place in August, he had the chief direction of the measures for its suppression ; and he employed in this work the officers who had served under him in Spain— Carpenter, WiUs, and Pepper. He is said to have afterwards saved the life of John Nairne, lordNairne [q. v.],one of the six peers condemned. He took an active part in the passing of the Septennial Act; but the sphere most 0 Stanhope 18 Stanhope congenial to him was foreign affairs. He had been sent to The Hague and to Vienna in October 1714, to bring the Dutch and the imperial government into agreement as to the terms of the barrier treaty. He was well received by the emperor, Charles VI, with whom he had been so closely associated in Spain ; but he was not successful, and the treaty was not signed till November 1715. In July 1716 he accompanied George I to Hanover, and remained there with him for six months. During this time he was en- gaged in a more important negotiation — the treaty of alliance with France, by which the regent was to withdraw all countenance from the Pretender in return for a guarantee of his own succession if Louis XV died with- out issue. Dubois was sent by the regent to Hanover. He and Stanhope were old ac- quaintances, and they arranged matters to- gether, the many difficulties in the way being overcome with much dexterity. The treaty was to be signed at The Hague, and the Dutch were to be invited to be a party to it. Both Stanhope and the king were eager for its completion, because troubles were brew- ing both with Sweden and with the czar which might cause it to fall through. They were both much annoyed at the delays which occurred, and which they attributed to the ministers in England. The king had other grievances against Townshend, who was unwilling to let Great Britain be dragged by Hanover into a quarrel with the northern courts. George suspected him of being in league with the Prince of Wales against him. His anger was inflamed by Sunderland, who was dissatisfied with his own position in the ministry, and had gone to Hanover to intrigue. The result was that the king decided to dismiss Towns- hend ; and Stanhope, though he tried in vain to change his purpose, did not feel bound to resign. On 15 Dec. he wrote to Townshend, by the king's command, to inform him of the decision, and to offer him the lord- lieutenancy of Ireland. This caused a breach not only with Townshend, but with Walpole, and Stanhope was unjustly charged with treachery (vide correspondence in COXE'S Walpole, vol. ii.) Townshend eventually accepted the lord- lieutenancy, but he and his adherents gave so doubtful a support to the government that on 9 April 1717 the king deprived him of his office. Walpole and others resigned, and the ministry was reconstructed, Stanhope becoming (on the 15th) first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer. He frankly owned his incapacity for these duties, which were ' remote from his studies and inclination,' and in the following year he exchanged places with Sunderland, be- coming again secretary of state for the southern department on 21 March 1718. He had been raised to the peerage on 12 July 1717, as Baron Stanhope of Elvaston and Viscount Stanhope of Mahon in commemora- tion of his capture of Port Mahon ; and on 14 April 1718 he was created Earl Stanhope. Alberoni's preparations to recover for Spain some of her lost possessions in Italy were then threatening the peace of Europe. A fleet under Byng was sent to the Mediter- ranean in June, and on the 14th Stanhope set out on a special mission to Paris and Madrid. In Paris he negotiated the qua- druple alliance of England, France, Austria, and Holland, but in spite of this powerful combination he could not persuade Alberoni, who had already landed thirty-five thousand men in Sicily, to abandon his plans. The offer to give up Gibraltar was made in vain, and Stanhope left Madrid on 26 Aug. But already on the llth the Spanish fleet had been destroyed by Byng off Cape Passaro. The death of Charles XII a few months later was even a heavier blow to Alberoni. His expedition to raise the Jacobites in Great Britain, in March 1719, miscarried ; and at the end of that year Spain purchased peace by his dismissal and acceded to the quadruple alliance. Stanhope's policy was equally vigorous and successful in behalf of Sweden, which had made peace with England after the death of Charles XII. Prussia and Poland were detached from the coalition against her ; but the czar was bent on taking full advan- tage of her weakness, and Denmark acted with him. So a fleet was sent to the Baltic in 1719 under Norris, who was told by Stan- hope to treat the Russian fleet as Byng had done the Spanish. The Russian ships sought shelter in their own ports, and Denmark came to terms. In domestic affairs the chief measures with which Stanhope had to do were the repeal of the Schism Act and the Peerage Bill. He had strongly opposed the Schism Act when it was passed in 1714, and he brought in a bill to repeal it on 13 Dec. 1718. He would have liked to repeal the Test Act also, and he introduced clauses into his bill cancelling some of its provisions ; but the opposition was so strong that he had to sacrifice those clauses. The ' mischievous ' Peerage Bill was brought in on 5 March 1719, to fix the number of peers and with- draw from the crown its unlimited right of creation. It was aimed at the Prince of Wales, who was very hostile to the ministry, Stanhope i and it was approved by the king. Sunder- land has been generally regarded as mainly responsible for it, but Stanhope must at all events share the responsibility. It was dropped on 14 April, but was reintroduced in November, and passed the lords with hardly any opposition. In the commons it was rejected by a large majority on 8 Dec. This was mainly due to Walpole, who saw how good an opportunity of harassing the government was afforded by a bill which ex- tinguished the hopes of many of its usual supporters. Stanhope's correspondence with the Abbe Vertot about the method of ad- mission to the Roman senate (published in 1721) was no doubt prompted by this question. In spite of the failure of the Peerage Bill, the government was strong, and it had been rejoined by Townshend and Walpole when Stanhope accompanied the king to Hanover in the summer of 1720. But the South Sea Bill had been passed in April, and the collapse of the South Sea company in the autumn brought a storm upon the ministers who had helped to inflate it. Stanhope's personal character for disinterestedness stood very high, and he had held none of the stock. But as chief minister he had to meet his share of the attacks which were made as soon as parliament met in December. On 4 Feb. 1721, in the discussion in the lords on the examination of one of the directors, Wharton compared the ministers to Sejanus. Stanhope replied, and ' with so great a vehe- mence that, finding himself taken suddenly with a violent headache, he went home and was cupped, which eased him a little ' (Parl. History}. He died at 6 P.M. next day at his house in Whitehall, and was buried with military honours at Chevening on the 17th. Stanhope was ' a handsome, dark-com- plexioned man,' as may be seen in Kneller's picture in the National Portrait Gallery. High-minded, liberal, and well skilled in the higher functions of statecraft, he lacked parliamentary ability, and he was ' wholly unfit to manage the finances of the country.' In debate he was impetuous and apt to lose his temper ; but as a diplomatist St. Simon contrasts him with Craggs, and says that he ' ne perdait point de sang-froid, rarement la politesse, avait beaucoup d'esprit, de genie et de ressources ' (xviii. 129). He was natu- rally frank and open, and he used to say that he always imposed on the foreign ministers by telling them the naked truth (cf. LADY WORTLEY- MONTAGU, Letters, iii. 54 ; and LECKY, i. 320, quoting a similar saying of Lord Palmerston). Stanhope Stanhope married, on 24 Feb. 1713, Lucy, younger daughter of Thomas Pitt [q. v.], governor of Madras, and grandfather of Chat- ham. His widow died on24Feb. 1723,having made provision for the stately monument to her husband which is on the south side of the west entrance to the choir in Westminster Abbey. It was designed by Kent, and exe- cuted by Rysbrack. In the inscription the year of his death is given as 1720, according to the old style. Of his three sons and two daughters, the eldest son Philip, second earl Stanhope (1717-1786), was father of Charles Stanhope, third earl Stanhope [q. v.] [Lord Mahon's (afterwards Earl Stanhope) War of the Succession in Spain, with an appen- dix of 120 pp. of extracts from Stanhope's letters in 1706-11, Histories of England, Spain under Charles II, from the correspondence of A. Stan- hope, Letters from Peterborough to Stanhope in Spain (privately printed) ; Memoirs of the Life and Actions of James, Earl of Stanhope, published in 1721; Parnell's War of the Succession in Spain ; Foreign Office Papers, Spain, 1707-10, in Public Record Office ; Marlborough Despatches ; Coxe's Life of Marlborough, House of Bourbon in Spain, Memoirs of Walpole (with several of Stanhope's letters in the appendix) ; Boyer's Annals of Queen Anne's Reign ; Noble's Con- tinuation of Granger, iii. 212 ; Doyle's Official Baronage.] E. M. L. STANHOPE, JOHN, first BARON STAN- HOPE OP HARRINGTON (1545 P-1621), born probably about 1545, was third son of Sir Michael Stanhope [q. v.] by his wife Anne, daughter of Nicholas Rawson of Aveley- Bellhouse, Essex. His father's attainder in 1552 did not affect his estates, and John was brought up at Shelford, Nottingham- shire, where his mother's household was noted for hospitality and piety. He is pro- bably the John Stanhope who was returned to parliament for Marlborough on 22 April 1572, for Truro in October 1586, and for Rochester on 14 Oct. 1588 ; but he is con- fused inFoster's 'Alumni Oxonienses' (1500- 1714, iv. 1408) with his nephew John (1560- 1611), father of Philip, first earl of Chester- field [q. v.] On 20 June 1590 he was ap- pointed master of the posts in succession to Thomas Randolph [q. v.] He was also a member of the council of the north and master of the posts (see Border Papers, 1595- 1603, passim), and in 1596 he was appointed treasurer of the chamber and knighted. He appears to have had some influence at court, which Bacon sought to enlist in his favour (SPEEDING, Letters and Life of Bacon, ii. 50). On 16 Oct. 1597 he was elected member of parliament for Preston, and in 1600 was granted the constableship of Colchester. In Stanhope 20 Stanhope the following year he was placed on a com- mission to ' stay from execution all felons (except for wilful murder, rape, and burglary) and to commit them to serve in the gallies.' On 24 Sept. he was elected knight of the shire of Nottingham. His offices were re- granted him on the accession of James I, and he was one of the commissioners appointed to treat of a union between England and Scotland. On 10 March 1603-4 he was re- turned to parliament for JSewtown, Isle of "Wight, and by letters patent dated 4 May 1605 he was created Baron Stanhope of Harrington. He was made member of the council of the Virginia Company on 23 May 1609, and in 1615 was one of the privy councillors who signed the warrant for the application of torture to Edmond Peacham [q.v.] He resigned the treasurership of the chamber in 1616, and died on 9 March 1620-1. Stanhope was twice married : first to Joan, daughter of William Knollys, by whom he had no issue; and secondly, on 6 May 1589, to Margaret, daughter of Henry MacWilliams, one of the queen's gentlemen pensioners. By her he had issue one son, Charles, born in 1593, who succeeded as second baron, but died without issue in 1675, when the title became extinct, and two daughters: Eliza- beth, who married. Sir Lionel Talmash or Tollemache, ancestor of the earls of Dysart : and Catherine, who married Robert, viscount Cholmondeley (afterwards created Earl of Leinster). The later peers of the Stanhope family descend from the first baron's brother, Thomas. [Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1581-1620; Hat- field MSS. pts. iv-vi.; Winwood's Memorials, ii. 57, 59 ; Collins's Letters and Mem. of State, vols. i. and ii. passim; Off. Ret. of Members of Parl. ; Lords' and Commons' Journals ; D'Ewes's Journals ; Strype's Works ; Spedding's Letters and Life of Bacon, vols. ii. iv. v. and vi. ; Thoroton's Nottinghamshire ; Alexander Brown's Genesis U.S.A. ; Cornelius Brown's Nottingham- shire Worthies ; Peerages by Collins (iii. 308-9) and G. E. C[okayne].] A. F. P. STANHOPE, LEICESTER FITZ- GERALD CHARLES, fifth EARL OF HAR- RINGTON (1784-1862), born at Dublin on 2 Sept. 1784, was the third son of Charles Stanhope, third earl of Harrington [q. v.], and brother of Charles, fourth earl. He entered the army in September 1799 as a cornet in the 1st life-guards. In March 1803 he exchanged into the 9th foot. On 31 March of the same year he returned to the cavalry branch as captain in the 6th light dragoons, and exchanged into the 6th dragoon guards in November. In 1807 he served in South America, and was present at the attack on Buenos Ayres. In July 1816 he attained the rank of major in the 47th foot, and on 24 April 1817 was ap- pointed deputy quartermaster-general in In- dia. During the Mahratta war of 1817-18 he took part in the action at Maheidpore and the storming of Talnier. For his ser- vices during the campaign he was created C.B. on 14 Oct. 1818. In June 1823 he was placed on half-pay with the rank of lieu- tenant-colonel. He became full colonel in January 1837. Stanhope had other interests than those of his profession. He held advanced views in politics, and accepted Bentham as his master. While in India he took a prominent part in support of the Marquis of Hastings's administration, and on his return to Eng- land warmly defended him before the court of proprietors at the India House. In 1823 he justified Lord Hastings's removal of the censorship of the press in British India in ' A Sketch of the History and Influence of the Press in British India,' dedicated to Earl Grey. In September 1823 Stanhope's offer to go to Greece as agent of the English committee in aid of the Greek cause was accepted by their secretary, John (afterwards Sir John) Bowring. On his way he succeeded in dis- suading the Greek committees in Germany and Switzerland from withdrawing their help, and in Italy interviewed many persons acquainted with the condition of Greece. In November he met Byron in Cefalonia. On 12 Dec. he had a conference with Mavro- cordato at Missolonghi, representing to him the fatal effects of disunion among the Greeks. At Missolonghi Stanhope set on foot a Greek newspaper, and, by means of the funds that he at once raised, prevented the Greek fleet from dispersing, formed an artillery corps, and purchased a house and grounds for a laboratory. On 5 Jan. Byron joined him, but they did not work well together. Unlike Byron, Stanhope was in favour of the esta- blishment of a Greek republic, and, although he professed neutrality, showed more sym- pathy with Odysseus, the leader of the west- ern Greeks, than with Byron's friend Mavro- cordato and the eastern Greeks. To bring the two parties into closer union, Stanhope arranged a conference at Salona. It opened on the 21st, but neither Byron nor Mavro- cordato attended. During Stanhope's stay at Salona Byron died, and Stanhope himself was ordered home by the English war office, owing to complaints of his conduct on the part of the Turkish government. After or- ganising a postal service between Greece Stanhope 21 Stanhope and England, he sailed in the Florida from Zante in June 1824. Byron's body and papers were placed in the same ship under Stanhope's charge, and he furnished Moore with information about Byron's career in Greece. He had been nominated a commis- sioner of the loan raised in England for the Greek cause, but agreed with his colleagues that, owing to the defective organisation of the Greek government, it was unadvisable to issue more money. Stanhope's services to Greece are variously estimated (cf. TRE- IAWNY, Records of Byron ; FINLAT, Hist, of Greece, vols. vi. and vii.) Count Olerino Palma (Greece Vindicated, 1826) accused him of creating a third faction there, and of hindering the progress of the revolt. Per- sonal animosities among those with whom he had to work rendered his position diffi- cult and any conspicuous success impossible. But he was thanked by the English com- mittee, and in April 1838 received the Greek order of the Redeemer. Stanhope published in 1824, with a preface by Richard Ryan, his correspondence with the Greek committee in England in his ' Greece in 1823 and 1824.' Annexed to it was a ' Report on the State of Greece,' and a short life of Mustapha Ali (with coloured portrait), a young Turk he had brought over. An American edition appeared in 1825. Stanhope also contributed to the Paris edition of W. Parry's ' Last Days of Lord Byron' many letters to him from Finlay, and particulars of Byron's life and opinions, drawn from his conversations. His elder brothers having died without children, Stanhope in March 1851 succeeded to the earldom of Harrington. He was much interested in the cause of temperance reform, and, though not himself a teetotaller, was a strong advocate of the Maine prohi- bition law. Harrington also advocated chan- cery reform and Polish independence. He died at Harrington House, Kensington Palace Gardens, on 7 Sept. 1862. He mar- ried, in 1831, Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of William Green, esq., of Trelawney, Jamaica. The issue of the marriage was, with two daughters, a son — Sidney Seymour Hide Stanhope, sixth earl of Harrington (1845-1866), on whose death the earldom passed to his cousin Charles Wyndham Stanhope, seventh earl (1809-1881), father of the present earl. A portrait of Harrington as a child beating a drum, painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds and called ' Sprightliness,' is at Harrington House. It was engraved by Bartolozzi. Another painting by Rey- nolds, representing him in military uniform on horseback, is at Elvaston. There are portraits of the countess by Macpherson and F. Stone engraved by Rolls, and by A. E. Chalon engraved by H. Robinson. [Gent. Mag. 1862, ii. 491 ; Doyle's Official ironage ; G. E. C.'s and Foster's Peerages ; Moore's Life of Byron, pp. 601, 607, 620, 629, 632, 639, and Diary, 12 and 14 July 1824; Stanhope's "Works, and a Collection of his Speeches, 1858 ; Trelawney 's Eecords of Shelley, Byron, and himself, 1887, pp. 230-1 ; Finlay's Hist, of Greece, ed. Tozer, vi. 327-8, vii. 8-9 ; Waagen's Treasures of Art in Great Britain (Suppl. pp. 236, 495-6); Boase's Mod. Engl. Biogr.] G. LE G. N. STANHOPE, SIR MICHAEL (d. 1552), partisan of the Protector Somerset, second son of Sir Edward Stanhope (d. 1511) by his first wife, Avelina, daughter of Sir Gervase Clifton of Clifton, Nottinghamshire, was descended from an ancient Nottinghamshire family, several members of which had been knighted and had frequently represented the shire in parliament in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. His father was one of the leaders of the army that vanquished Simnel's adherents at Stoke in 1487 ; he also fought against the Cornish rebels at Black- heath in 1497, and by his second wife was father of Anne, duchess of Somerset [see SEYMOUR, EDWARD, first DTJKE OF SOMER- SET]. On the death of the elder son, Richard, without male issue, on 21 Jan. 1528-9, Michael succeeded to the family estates. Soon afterwards he entered the service of Henry VIII, and early in 1537 he was placed on the commission of the peace for Nottinghamshire. He benefited largely by the dissolution of the monasteries, his principal grants being Shelford priory, rec- tory, and manor and the priory of Lenton, both in Nottinghamshire (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, vols. xii. xiii. passim). On 17 Feb. 1541-2 he was appointed lieutenant of Kingston-upon-Hull (TiCKELL, pp. 186 sqq.), and from that date till the end of the reign he was actively employed in making arrangements for the wars on the border and various expeditions into Scotland (Hamilton Papers, vol. i. passim ; Acts P. C. 1542- 1547 passim). On 5 Jan. 1544-5 he was returned to parliament as knight of the shire of Nottingham. Soon after Edward VI's accession Stanhope was knighted and ap- pointed chief gentleman of the privy chamber and deputy to his brother-in-law, the Pro- tector, in the governorship of the young king. On 10 Oct. 1547 he was again elected to par- liament for Nottinghamshire, and he also re- ceived a grant of the keepership of Windsor Eark and governorship of Hull. Two years iter he lost all his appointments on the Stanhope 22 Stanhope Protector's fall, and was sent to the Tower (12 Oct. 1549). On 17 Feb. 1549-50, at a thin meeting of the council with Warwick absent, his release was ordered, but it was countermanded on the following day, and he was not set at liberty until he acknowledged a debt of 3000/. to the king (22 Feb.) Early in the following year he was reappointed governor of Hull, in which capacity he came into frequent collision with the mayor and townsmen (TiCKELL, pp. 214 et sqq.) On 18 May 1551 he was released from his recog- nisances, but on 17 Oct. following he was again sent to the Tower on a charge of con- spiring against Northumberland's life. He remained in prison until after Somerset's execution, and on 27 Jan. 1551-2 he was tried on a charge of felony, apparently under the act passed by Northumberland's influence in the parliament of 1549-50 (Statutes of the Realm, iv. i. 104). Stanhope was no doubt implicated in Somerset's endeavours to supplant Northumberland, but there is no evidence that he aimed at taking the duke's life (Baga de Secretis, pouch xx ; cf. Deputy- Keeper of the Records, 4th Rep. App. ii. 230-2). He was condemned and sen- tenced to be hanged, but the sentence was commuted, and he was beheaded on Tower Hill, 26 Feb., stoutly maintaining his inno- cence. An act confirming his attainder was passed on 12 April following (Lords' Journals, i. 425). An anonymous three-quarter-length portrait of Stanhope belongs to Mr. Sewallis Evelyn Shirley. Stanhope's widow, Anne, daughter of Nicholas Rawson of Aveley, Essex, was allowed to retain the priory of Shelford during life. She died on 20 Feb. 1587-8 (see Archeeologta, xxxi. 212-4), and was buried in Shelford church, where there are monu- ments to her and her husband. She left, among other issue : (1) Sir Thomas Stanhope (d. 1596), father of Sir John Stanhope (1560- 1611), who was father of Philip Stanhope, first earl of Chesterfield [q. v.J ; (2) John, first baron Stanhope [q. v.J, and two sons named Edward who are confused by Strype [see STANHOPE, SIR EDWARD, d. 1608], From a daughter, Jane, who married Roger Townshend, were descended the viscounts Townshend, [Authorities quoted ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. ; Lit. Remains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club) ; Machyn's Diary (Camden Soc.) ; Acts of the Privy Council, 1542-53; Cal. Hatfield MSS. vol. i. ; Strype's Works ; Holinshed's Chron. ed. Hooker, iii. 1081 ; Stow's Annals, p. 607 ; State Papers, Henry VIII, vols. i. v. ; Off. Ret. Mem- bers of Parl. ; Tytler's Edward VI and Mary ii 13, 19, 44, 46-7, 50, 74; Collins's Peerage, iii. 300 et sqq. ; Brown's Nottinghamshire Worthies, pp. 108-9; Xotes and Queries, 3rd ser. v. 516, vi. 38.1 A. F. P. STANHOPE, PHILIP, first EARL OF CHESTERFIELD (1584-1656), son of Sir John Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire, by Cordell, daughter of Richard Allington, esq., was born in 1584, and knighted by James I on 16 Dec. 1605 (DoTLE, Official Baronage, i. 370; COLLINS, Peerage, ed. Brydges, iii. 421). On 7 Nov. 1616 he was raised to the peerage by the title of Baron Stanhope of Shelford, paying 10,000/. for that dignity (Court and Times of James I, i. 426, 436). On 4 Aug. 1628 Charles I created him Earl of Chesterfield (DOYLE). When the civil war broke out Chesterfield and his family vigorously supported the king's cause. According to Lloyd, he refused to sit in the Long parliament after it de- clined to suppress the tumults raised in support of the popular party (Memoirs of Excellent Personages, 1668, p. 651). In No- vember 1642 he received a commission to raise a regiment of dragoons for Charles I. About December his house at Bretby was taken and plundered by Sir John Gell (GLOVER, Derbyshire, App. pp. 62, 70). Ches- terfield, who succeeded in escaping, esta- blished himself at Lichfield with about three hundred men, but was besieged there by Gell and Lord Brooke, and obliged to sur- render (RUSHWORTH, V. 143). The parliament ordered him to be sent to London, but allowed him to remain a prisoner on parole in his lodgings in Covent Garden, instead of committing him to the Tower (Lords' Journals, v. 682, vi. 17, 19, 84, 511). Chesterfield's estates were se- questrated, and in November 1645 he peti- tioned the House of Lords for an allowance for his maintenance, alleging that his losses amounted to 50,0001. (ib. vii. 698, ix. 43). Ultimately he was granted 51. per week by parliament, and his fine for delinquency fixed at 8,698£ (Calendar of Committee for Com- pounding, p. 1264). Chesterfield died at London on 12 Sept. 1656, and was buried in the church of St. Giles-in-the-Fields. Chesterfield married : first, in 1605, Cathe- rine, daughter of Francis, lord Hastings, who died on 28 Aug. 1636. By her he had six sons. Of these John, the eldest, matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, in November 1622, and died in July 1625 (FOSTER, A lumni Oxon. 1500-1714, p. 1408). Henry, the second son, matriculated at the same time as his brother, was knighted on 2 Feb. 1626, represented Nottinghamshire in the first two parliaments of Charles I and East Retford in the third, and died on 29 Nov. Stanhope 1634. His wife Catherine, eldest daughter of Thomas, lord Wotton, is noticed sepa- rately [see KIRKHOVEN, CATHERINE] ; by her he left a son Philip, second earl of Chester- field [q. v.] Ferdinando, the fourth son, member for Tamworth in 1640, major and subsequently colonel of horse in the king's army, was killed at Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, in 1644 (FOSTER, Alumni Oxonienses, i. 1408; WOOD, Fasti, ii. 42 ; Life of Colonel Hutch- inson, ii. 57, 87). Philip, the fifth son, who matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, on 6 Dec. 1637, was killed at the storming of Shelford House, of which garrison he was commander, on 27 Oct. 1645 (ib. ii. 81, 376). Arthur, the youngest son of the first marriage, repre- sented the county of Nottingham in the Con- vention parliament and in the first parlia- ment of Charles II. From him Philip, fifth earl of Chesterfield, is descended [see under STANHOPE, PHILIP DORMER, fourth EARL]. By his second wife, Anne, daughter of Sir John Pakington of Westwood, Worcester- shire, and widow of Sir Humphrey Ferrars of Tamworth Castle, Warwickshire, Chester- field had one son, Alexander, father of James, first earl Stanhope [q. v.] The poems of Sir Aston Cokain, who was son of Chesterfield's sister, Anne Stanhope, contain a masque acted at Bretby in 1639, and verses on Ferdinando Stanhope and other members of the family (ed. 1662, pp. 118, 137, 187, 116*, 144*). [Doyle's Official Baronage ; Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges ; G. E. C[okayne]'s Complete Peer- age.] C. H. F. STANHOPE, PHILIP, second EARL OF CHESTERFIELD (1633-1713), born in 1633, was the grandson of Philip, first earl of Chesterfield [q. v.], and son of Sir Henry Stanhope, by Catherine, eldest daughter of Thomas, lord Wotton [see KIRKHOVEN, CATHERINE]. His father died before he was two years old. At the age of seven he accompanied his mother to Holland, where he was educated under the tuition of Poli- ander, professor of divinity at the university of Leyden (whose son married his mother), spent a year at the Prince of Orange's college at Breda, and completed his educa- tion at the court of the Princess of Orange and at Paris (Memoirs prefixed to the Letters of Philip, second Earl of Chester- field, 1835). In 1650 he travelled through Italy, and spent nine months at Rome (ib. p. 10 ; BARGRAVE, Alexander VI and his Cardi- nals, ii. 124). About 1652 Stanhope returned to England, married Anne Percy, eldest 5 Stanhope daughter of the tenth Earl of Northumber- land, and lived for some time in retirement at Petworth. On his wife's death in 1654 he left England again, and paid a second visit to Rome, returning to England about 1656. The Protector, according to Chester- field's account, offered him a command in the army, and the hand of one of his daugh- ters, both of which he declined. A second proposed match between Chesterfield and the daughter of Lord Fairfax was broken off after they ' had been thrice asked in St. Martin's Church' (Letters, p. 19; cf. Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1656-7, p. 349). By this time he had become notorious for drink- ing, gaming, and ' exceeding wildness,' and was engaged in love affairs with Barbara Villiers (afterwards Duchess of Cleveland) [q. v.] and Lady Elizabeth Howard, who subsequently married Dryden (Letters, pp. 86,95,97). In February 1658 he was arrested for an intended duel with Lord St. John, and on 8 June the Protector committed him to the Tower for dangerously wounding Captain John Whalley in a duel (ib. p. 84 ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1657-8 p. 290, 1658-9 pp. 52, 62). At the same time he dabbled in the royalist plots against the government, and was again committed to the Tower in Sep- tember 1659 on suspicion of a share in Sir George Booth's rising, but released on giving security for 10,000/. (ib. 1659-60, pp. 164, 240; Cal. of Compounders, p. 1265). On 17 Jan. 1660 he killed a Mr. Woolly in a duel at Kensington, fled to France, obtained a pardon from Charles II, and returned in his train to England (PEPTS, Diary, ed. Wheatley, i. 21 ; CHESTERFIELD, Letters, p. 110). From 24 Feb. 1662 to July 1665 Chester- field held the post of chamberlain to Cathe- rine of Braganza, and he was after his re- signation a member of her council (DOTLE). In 1660 he married Lady Elizabeth Butler, eldest daughter of James Butler, twelfth earl and first duke of Ormonde [q. v.] His neglect of his wife did not prevent him from being jealous, and in January 1663 he packed her off to Derbyshire, in order to put an end to the unwelcome attentions of the Duke of York (PEPYS, 19 Jan. 1663). Another of her admirers was her cousin, James Hamilton, the history of whose amour with her is detailed in the ' Memoirs ' of Grammont (ed. 1853, pp. 144, 158, 173-200). The countess died in July 1665 (CHESTERFIELD, Letters, pp. 26, 131). On 13 June 1667 Chesterfield was appointed colonel of a foot regiment, but it was disbanded on the conclusion of peace with Holland (DALTON, Army Lists, i. 79 ; Stanhope -< cf. PEPYS, 9 June 1667). Towards the close of Charles II's reign he was again employed. He was a member of the new privy council appointed on 26 Jan. 1681. On 6 Nov. 1682 he became colonel of the Holland regiment of foot, but resigned his command two years later in consequence of a quarrel about pre- cedence (DALTON, i. 298 ; CHESTERFIELD, Letters, p. 252). On 2 Dec. 1679 Charles appointed Chester- field warden and chief justice in eyre of the royal forests south of the Trent (DOYLE). This office had formerly been held by the Duke of Monmouth, and Chesterfield's offer to restore it to Monmouth, when the latter was restored to favour, earned him the ill will of the Duke of York. Nevertheless Chesterfield acted as lord sewer at the corona- tion of James II (23 April 1685), and held the post of chief justice in eyre till the fol- lowing October, when he resigned on the plea of ill health (Letters, pp. 252, 292). He disapproved of the ecclesiastical policy of James, and placed his proxy in the hands of George Savile, marquis of Halifax [q. v.] ; but Halifax found it extremely difficult to persuade him to more active measures of opposition (ib. pp. 297-310, 325). In like manner when the Revolution took place Chesterfield got together a hundred horse and escorted the Princess Anne from Not- tingham to Warwick, but refused to take arms against James II, in spite of the solici- tations of his old ally, Lord Danby (ib. pp. 47, 335). In the Convention he both spoke and voted against the proposal to declare the throne vacant and make the Prince of Orange king (Memoirs of Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, p. 233). James sent over a commission ap- pointing Chesterfield and three others regents of the kingdom, but he refused to accept it. He likewise refused William Ill's offers to make him privy councillor, gentleman of the bedchamber, and ambassador, and declined to take the association in support of William's title imposed by parliament in 1694. To William himself he explained his aversion to all such oaths, saying that if the oath of allegiance which he had taken could not bind him nothing would, and protesting his veneration for his majesty's person and his resolution not to act against the govern- ment. Similar scruples and his increasing in- firmities debarred Chesterfield from employ- ment during the reign of Anne, at whose accession he was one of the few who refused the oath abjuring the Pretender (Letters, pp. 51-63 ; cf. SWIFT, Works, ed. Scott, xii. 243). He died on 28 Jan. 1713, in his eightieth year. Chesterfield was the friend Stanhope of Charles Cotton and the patron of Dryden ; to him Dryden dedicated his translation of the Georgics. Grammont describes Chester- field thus : ' II avait le visage fort agreable, la tete assez belle, peu de taille et moins d'air.' By his second wife, Lady Elizabeth Butler, Chesterfield had a daughter Elizabeth, born in 1663, who married John Lyon, earl of Strathmore. He took for his third wife Lady Elizabeth Dormer, eldest daughter of Charles, second earl of Carnarvon. By her he had two sons and two daughters : (1) Philip, third earl of Chesterfield, who married Elizabeth Savile, daughter of the Marquis of Halifax, was father of Philip Dormer Stanhope, fourth earl [q. v.], and died in 1726 ; (2) Charles, who inherited the estate of the Wottons, changed his surname to Wotton, and died without issue; (3) Mary (1664-1703), wife to Thomas Coke of Melbourne, Derbyshire ; (4) Catherine (1675-1728), wife to Godfrey Clarke of Chilcot, Derbyshire (COLLINS, Peerage, ed. Brydges, iii. 425). Chesterfield wrote an account of his own life, portions of which are printed in the biography prefixed to the collection of his letters published in 1835. The original is now in the British Museum (Addit. MS. 19253). [Doyle's Official Baronage, i. 371 ; Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, vol. iii. ; Letters of Philip, second Earl of Chesterfield, 1835.] C. H. F. STANHOPE, PHILIPDORMER, fourth EARL OF CHESTERFIELD (1694-1773), poli- tician, wit, and letter-writer, was son of Philip Stanhope, third earl of Chesterfield, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter (by his second marriage) of George Savile, marquis of Hali- fax [q. v.] Philip Stanhope, second earl of Chesterfield [q.v.j, was his grandfather. Of his four brothers, two enjoyed much popu- larity in the world of fashion, viz. : William (1702-1772), who was created K.B. on 27 May 1725, and was M.P. for Lostwithiel for a few months in 1727, and for Bucking- hamshire from that year until his death ; and John (1705-1748), who was M.P. for Nottingham from 1727 and for Derby from 1736 till his death, and was a lord of the admiralty for the last ten months of his life. Born in London on 22 Sept. 1694, and bap- tised at St. James's, Piccadilly, on 9 Oct., Stanhope was educated privately. His father neglected him, but his maternal grandmother, the Marchioness of Halifax, actively inte- rested herself in his early education. A French tutor named Jonneau perfected him in French in youth, and he spoke and wrote it with ease and correctness before he Stanhope Stanhope was eighteen. At that age he proceeded to Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he developed , according to his own account, a pedantic veneration for the Latin classics, and was attracted by the mathematical lectures of the blind professor, Nicholas Saunderson [q. v.] In 1714 he left the university ' an absolute pedant' after a stay of little more than a year; but a tour in Flanders followed immediately, and transmuted him into a man of the world, whose interests were to outward appearances wholly divided between gallantry and gaming. But he found time for study, and developed an ambition to become an orator. His rank and connec- tions secured for him a ready welcome in the best society at The Hague. At Antwerp he was the guest of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, and his ease of manner especially ingratiated him with the duchess. The death of Queen Anne brought his tour, which was planned to extend to Italy, to an abrupt conclusion. His kinsman, General James Stanhope, afterwards first earl Stan- hope [q. v.], offered to introduce him to the new king, and a political career was thus opened to him under promising auspices. In 1715 he was appointed gentleman of the bedchamber to the king's son, George, prince of Wales, and in the same year he entered the House of Commons as whig member for St. Germans, Cornwall. Some weeks were yet needed before he attained his legal ma- jority. His political views embodied from the first much genuinely liberal sentiment, and he was never a staunch partisan. He supported, however, with exuberant energy the efforts of the whigs, who predominated in the new parliament, to push their advan- tage over their tory rivals. In his maiden speech, which he delivered on 5 Aug. in the debate on the articles of impeachment against the Duke of Ormonde, he denounced as traitors all the promoters of the peace of Utrecht. A member of the opposition pri- vately warned him that if he voted in ac- cordance with his speech the lawfulness of his election, owing to his being under age, would be called in question. Thereupon Stanhope discreetly retired to Paris. French manners and morals alike appealed to him and he proved an apt pupil in the school o1 the fashionable demi-monde of the French capital. Settling within a year or two again in London, he found his chances of preferment hampered by the quarrel between the prince his master, and the king. With characteristic caution he took a middle course, and, while maintaining good relations with the prince avoided all show of hostility to the king But it was obviously prudent for him to imit his political activity, and he spent his enforced leisure in the congenial society of men of letters or of fashion. With Pope he brmed a close intimacy, and through Ar- mthnot he came to know something of ~wift. He cultivated, too, the acquaint- ance of Prince George's mistress, Henrietta ioward, afterwards countess of Suffolk, who was an accredited patroness of men of letters, and long maintained a lively correspondence with her. But her favour was a perilous >ossession. Although it helped Stanhope ;o maintain good relations with the court, it xposed him to the hostility of the Princess of Wales (afterwards Queen Caroline), who was an unrelenting foe. But Stanhope's tact stood him in good stead. He was elected for Lostwithiel in 1722, and in the king's in- terest supported a motion for augmenting the army by an addition of four thousand men. He was rewarded for his complaisance 3y his appointment on 26 May 1723 to the post of captain of the gentlemen-pensioners n succession to Lord Townshend. On pre- senting himself to his constituents for re- ilection he was defeated, and he did not sit in the House of Commons again. In the sum- mer of 1725 his father's illness recalled him to the family seat of Bretby, where the rustic seclusion excited his spleen and whetted his appetite for active political work. The development of the political situation was not much to his taste. Sir Robert Walpole and Stanhope were constitutionally anti- pathetic, and the complete supremacy which Walpole maintained in parliament and the king's counsels from the date of his accession to power in 1721 roused Stanhope's ridicule and disgust. An open breach was not de- sired by Walpole. But when, in the spring of 1725, the minister offered Stanhope the ribbon of the newly revived order of the Bath, it was contemptuously rejected. Stan- hope was displeased, too, with his brother William for accepting it; and in some sati- rical lines on the accidental loss of the badge by one of the new knights, Sir William Morgan of Tredegar, he laughed at the dis- tinction as ' one of the toys Bob gave his boys.' Walpole resented the insult, and in May 1725 Stanhope ceased to be captain ot the gentlemen-pensioners. On 27 Jan. 1726 his father died, and he took his seat in the House of Lords. Al- though he cynically talked of the upper chamber as a hospital for incurables, he lost no time in manifesting a resolve to play on that platform an active part in the opposi- tion to Walpole. His relations with the Prince of Wales, combined with his wit and Stanhope eloquence — always carefully premeditated — gave him at once a commanding position. After the king's death, on 11 June 1727, he moved the address of condolence, congratu- lation, and thanks in reply to the speech of George II on his accession to the throne. He was confirmed in his post of lord of the bedchamber, and on 26 Feb. 1728 George II nominated him a privy councillor. But Walpole strongly deprecated the bestowal of any high office. The king insisted that something more must be done for him, and Walpole reluctantly offered him the Eng- lish embassy at the Hague. It was accepted with alacrity. Chesterfield set out on 23 April 1728, and arrived on 5 May. His brother John went with him as secretary ; and Richard Chenevix (1698-1779) (after- wards bishop of Waterford) was his chap- lain. While attending to his official duties, and studying the constitution of the Dutch republic, he ingratiated himself with its ministers by magnificent hospitalities. At the same time he did not neglect his plea- sures. ' He courted the good opinion of the Dutch people,' wrote Horace Walpole, ' by losing immense sums at play.' The in- timacy he formed with a beautiful young lady named Mile, du Bouchet had a marked influence on his life. By her he became in 1732 the father of the son whose education and progress subsequently became his main interest. He kept Mrs. Howard regularly informed of his diversions, and he well main- tained himself in the king's favour. Early in 1730 Chesterfield opened negotia- tions for the marriage of William, prince of Orange, with Anne, princess royal of England, which reached a successful issue. At the end of May Boerhaave, the great physician of Leyden, attended him for a fever. He cor- responded with Lord Townshend, who was involved in differences with Walpole, and canvassed the possibility of becoming Towns- hend's colleague as secretary of state. On 18 May 1730 he was elected a knight of the Garter, and on 18 June he came home to be installed at Windsor. Next day the staff of the lord steward of the household was given him. Walpole's magnanimity in waiving ob- jections temporarily overcame Chesterfield's dislike. ' Lord Chesterfield,' says Lord Her- vey, ' made the warmest professions to Sir Robert Walpole, acknowledging that his attachment this winter to Lord Townshend gave him no right to expect this favour, and saying, " I had lost the game, but you have taken my cards into your hand and recovered it." ' The duties of the office were mainly honorary, and Chesterfield returned to The Hague, where George II visited him in i Stanhope August. In October Chesterfield was again in England on leave of absence. Early next year Chesterfield was busily occupied in delicate negotiations which were needed to preserve the peace of Europe. George II was willing to join Spain and Holland in guaranteeing the pragmatic sanction, if by so doing he could prevent the emperor from disturbing the balance of European ,power. The States delayed their adhesion, and taught Chesterfield a lesson, he says, in the Chris- tian virtues of patience, forbearance, and long-suffering. But at length, on 16 March 1731, Chesterfield signed at The Hague, with the pensionary and Count Zinzendorf, the second treaty of Vienna (CoxE, Memoirs of Walpole, i. 346). Later in the year a per- sistent fever compelled him to apply for leave of absence. His ill-health rendered him reluctant to resume his post at The Hague, and on 26 Feb. 1732 he was formally re- lieved of it. To parliament he now redirected his energies. His distrust and dislike of Walpole rapidly revived. But on 6 March 1733, in the debate on the mutiny bill, he warmly supported the government's proposal to main- tain the standing army at the number of seventeen or eighteen thousand men. The unpopularity of Walpole's excise scheme, however, drew Chesterfield into the hue and cry against the minister. His three brothers voted against the bill in the House of Com- mons, and on 11 April Walpole, owing to the threatening decline of his majority, abandoned it before a second reading. Walpole's temper was roused. He held Chesterfield respon- sible for many defections in the lower house, and the king made no resistance to his pro- posal that Chesterfield should be dismissed from the office of lord steward. Doubtless the queen, who regarded Chesterfield with grow- ing abhorrence as the confidant of the king's mistress, Lady Howard, silenced the king's scruples. On 13 April the dismissal was effected. Chesterfield's composure was seri- ously disturbed. In a letter (now lost) he protested to the king against the indig- nity. No reply was sent. Thenceforth Ches- terfield absented himself from court, and his friendly relations with the king came to an end. Relieved of official responsibility, he vented his pique in anonymous contri- butions to the newspapers, and early in 1734 three amusing essays in ' Fog's Journal/ entitled respectively 'An Army in Wax- work ' (17 Jan.), ' An Essay upon Ears ' (24 Jan.), and ' An Essay upon Eyes ' (10 April), caused Walpole and his friends much discomfort. On 5 Sept. 1733 Chesterfield gave further Stanhope oft'ence to the king by marrying Petronilla Melusina von der Schulenburg, the natural daughter of George I by his ' Maypole ' mistress, Countess Ehrengard Melusina von der Schulenburg, duchess of Kendal [q. v.] Born in 1693, Chesterfield's bride, who was forty years old and his senior by a year, had been created Countess of Walsingham in her own right in 1722. Walpole says she had been secretly married in youth ; but when Chesterfield made her acquaintance she was living with her mother, the Duchess of Kendal, in Grosvenor Square, in the house adjoining his own. In a pecuniary sense the match was desirable. The lady's portion was said to be a sum of 50,000/., with 3,000/. per annum payable out of the civil list revenue in Ireland during her life (Hist. Reg.) At the same time her expectations from her mother were great. The marriage was in fact solely a political and financial arrange- ment. For many years after the ceremony husband and wife continued to reside next door to each other. Chesterfield seems to have celebrated the union by taking into his keeping a new mistress, Lady Frances or Fanny Shirley (1702-1778), ' a great beauty,' with whom he long maintained relations. To her he addressed much sportive verse. His friend Pope wrote poems to her, and Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams commemo- rated her relations with Chesterfield in his poem ' Isabella ' (cf. POPE, Works, ed. Court- hope and Elwin, iv. 462). At the same time he frequently visited his wife at the house of her mother, and ' played away all his credit ' there. In December 1737 he and the countess visited Bath together. Accord- ing to Horace Walpole, the countess made him ' a most exemplary wife, and he rewarded her very ungratefully.' His neglect of her was obvious and indefensible, but she does not appear to have resented it. All she ex- pected from him was an outward show of respect, and his considerate references to her in his correspondence indicate that he did not disappoint her in that regard (EnNST, pp. 80-82). He lost no opportunity of pro- tecting their joint pecuniary interests. When the duchess, his mother-in-law, died on 10 May 1743, George II is said to have de- stroyed her will to prevent Lady Chester- field from benefiting by the dispositions of the late king in his mistress's favour (cf. WALPOLE, Correspondence, ed. Cunningham, vii. 141). It was believed that 40,000/. had been bequeathed to the duchess by George I, and had never been paid her. Chesterfield insisted that that sum should now be made over to his wife. Resistance was threatened, and an action was begun 7 Stanhope against the crown under Chesterfield's direc- tion ; but finally Chesterfield agreed to stay proceedings on receiving payment of 20,000/. Elsewhere Chesterfield gave the king and Walpole as little quarter. Through the session of 1734 he supported the bill protecting mili- tary officers from deprivation of their com- missions otherwise than by a court-martial or an address from both houses of parliament (13 Feb.) On 28 March he vigorously de- nounced a message from the king which requested parliament to give him authority to augment the naval and military forces during the parliamentary recess. In society and in the journals he made his foes (even the king and queen) feel the full force of his satiric faculty, and Walpole involuntarily offered him during the session of 1737 a singularly apt opportunity for its display. In view of the frequency of attacks in the theatres on the government, Walpole intro- duced a bill compelling theatrical managers to submit all plays for license to the lord chamberlain fourteen days before they were to be represented on the stage (10 Geo. II, cap. 28). When the bill was introduced into the lords, Chesterfield riddled its claim to justice or common-sense. He argued that ridicule was the natural prerogative of the theatre, and that the bill was an encroach- ment not merely upon liberty, but upon property, ' wit being the property of those who have it.' The speech was fully reported in ' Parliamentary History ' (x. 319 sq.) ; an abstract appeared in ' Common Sense ' (4 June 1737), and it was published as a pamphlet in 1749. Although the bill be- came law, Chesterfield's speech excited even the admiration of antagonists. Hervey de- scribes it as one of the most lively and in- genious speeches that he ever heard in par- liament, ' full of wit of the genteelest satire, and in the most polished classical style that the Petronius of any time ever wrote. It was extremely studied, seemingly easy, well delivered, and universally admired.' Chester- field's unqualified assertion of the right of literary satire to immunity from police regu- lations roused grateful enthusiasm in the re- public of letters. Pope gracefully compli- mented him in the 'Dunciad' (bk. 4, v. 43-4). Smollett wrote: 'The speech will ever endear his character to all the friends of genius and literature — to all those who are warmed with zeal for the liberties of their country.' The death, on 20 Nov. 1737, of Queen Caroline, on whom Chesterfield penned a vindictive epitaph, removed a serious obstacle to his political advancement. It weakened Walpole's influence at court, and the mini- Stanhope 2 st er's resistance of the pop ular cry for war with Spain during 1738 stirred all Chesterfield's energies in opposition. During the session of 1739 few speakers enunciated more bellicose sentiments. ' Let us,' he said on 31 May, ' for once speak the sense of the nation, and let us regain by our arms what we have lost by our councils.' Walpole declared war with Spain in obedience to the clamour. But the ill-success of the naval operations with which it opened gave Chesterfield and his friends new ground of attack. On 13 Feb. 1741 he signed the protest in favour of Car- teret's unsuccessful motion for the removal of Sir Robert Walpole from the king's coun- cils. But, despairing of making immediately any effective impression on Walpole's position, he afterwards set out on a seven months' visit to the continent. There is little reason to doubt that the ostensible reason of his tour — anxiety on account of his health — was the true one. His parliamentary efforts had brought him into line with Lord Bolingbroke's following, but Horace Walpole's suggestion that he was despatched to Avignon by the enemies of the minister to obtain Jacobite support ' for Sir Robert's destruction' is unsupported. His first stopping place was Brussels, where he spent a few days with Voltaire, who read to him portions of his tragedy' Mahomet.' After drinking the waters at Spa he passed to Paris. There Cardinal Fleury showed him ' uncom- mon distinctions.' He was eagerly welcomed in fashionable salons, and spent much time with men of letters, especially with Crebillon fils, with Fontenelle and Montesquieu, whom he thenceforth reckoned among his closest friends. Later, in September, he went south, and passed three days with Lord Boling- broke, whose literary style had long excited his warmest admiration ; but, according to Chesterfield's own account, they talked no- thing but metaphysics. Chesterfield returned home in November 1741, and at once resumed the war on Walpole. Within a few months his triumph was assured. On 11 Feb. 1742 W7alpole resigned office, and was called up to the House of Lords as the Earl of Orford. Chesterfield's share of responsibility for WTalpole's fall was very large. But his cynical temper discounted any enthusiasm for him- self on the part of those with whom he had been acting, and with Pulteney and Carteret, two of his chief allies in the strife, he was wholly out of sympathy. The king was ill- disposed to him. The new ministry, of which Spencer Compton, earl of Wilmington, was the nominal head, was controlled by Car- teret, whose Hanoverian leanings were re- pudiated by Chesterfield. Consequently he Stanhope was not invited to join the government. He professed satisfaction, and urged the new go- vernment to press their advantage over W7al- pole to the uttermost. When Walpole took his seat in the House of Lords, Chesterfield somewhat sardonically wished him joy, but at the same time supported the bill indemni- fying witnesses who should give evidence before the committee of secrecy that had been appointed to inquire into Sir Robert Walpole's conduct in office. The bill was thrown out by the upper house. Thenceforth Chesterfield declared himself to be ' still in opposition.' In November 1742, when he attended the king's Iev6e, he had ' a long laughing conversation ' with Orford, who was not sorry that his successors in office should feel the sting of Chesterfield's tongue. At the opening of the next session (1743) Chesterfield opposed the address to the crown. On 1 Feb. he denounced with fiery sarcasm the government's proposal to take Hanoverian troops into British pay, and talked of ' the dirty mercenary schemes of pretended patriots and avowed profligates.' He expressed himself even more bitingly in the newspapers. On 5 Feb. 1743 there ap- peared a new periodical, called ' Old Eng- land, or the Constitutional Journal.' To the first and third numbers Chesterfield contri- buted letters signed ' Geffery Broadbottom,* and effectively complained that, though the men were changed, the measures remained the same. A popular anonymous pamphlet, ' The Case of the Hanover Forces in the Pay of Great Britain examined,' which passed through three editions in 1743, was attri- buted to the joint pens of Chesterfield and Edmund Waller. An answer by Sir Robert Walpole's eldest brother called forth from Chesterfield and his colleague two further tracts, ' A Vindication ' and ' A Further Vindication' of their position. A sequel, ' The Interest of Hanover steadily pursued since the Accession] ... by Broad-bottom/ was assigned to Chesterfield alone. On loFeb. Chesterfield attacked Carteret's ' gin ' bill, which altered the duties on spirituous liquors and imposed licenses on the retailers. He argued that the proposed changes would encourage drunkenness (the report in the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' for November was contributed by Johnson, who claimed to have invented it). Ten bishops joined Ches- terfield in the same lobby, ' and made him fear,' he said, ' he was on the wrong side of the question. He was unaccustomed to divide with so many lawn sleeves.' But the opposition was in a minority, and the bills were carried. On the death of Wilmington, in July Stanhope Stanhope 1743, Henry Pelham became prime minister ; but Carteret remained in the ministry, and Chesterfield pursued him with much the same rancour as he had pursued Walpole. In the House of Lords he was now the acknow- ledged leader of the opposition, and played much the same role there that Pitt was playingin the Houseof Commons. In January 1744 he supported the proposal to discon- tinue the pay to the Hanoverian troops. * The crown of three kingdoms,' he said, 'was shrivelled beneath an electoral cap.' To one outside observer Chesterfield's stre- nuous hostility to George II and his go- vernment had given unalloyed satisfaction. The Dowager Duchess of Marlborough had watched with enthusiasm the action of Chesterfield in the lords and Pitt in the com- mons, and when she died, on 17 Oct. 1744, she left Chesterfield a legacy of 20,000/. * out of the great regard she had for his merit, and the infinite obligations she re- ceived from him on account of his opposition to the ministry.' Pitt, on the same ground, received 10,000/. In the autumn of 1744 long-pending dis- sensions in the cabinet came to a head. Pelham and the Duke of Newcastle resolved to drive Carteret from office, and approached Chesterfield with a view to his co-operation. Although Carteret had the king's full confi- dence, he felt it useless to resist the com- bined attack, and on 24 Nov. 1744 he re- signed the seals. His friends followed his example. Thereupon, in accordance with Chesterfield's known views, a new admini- stration was formed of members drawn from both the whig and tory parties. It was at once christened, after the pseudonym that he had invented, the ' Broad-bottom admini- stration.' Pelham retained his place as prime minister, and the king was reluctantly com- pelled to confer on Chesterfield the high office of lord-lieutenant of Ireland. Before he took up that post the government resolved to send him on an important diplomatic mission to The Hague, where his name was still favour- ably remembered. The king was with diffi- culty ' brought to give him a parting audience.' It did not last forty-five seconds. 'You have received your instructions, my lord,' •was all that was said. Chesterfield's appoint- ment bore date 12 Jan. 1745. His instruc- tions were to induce the Dutch to join in the war of the Austrian succession, and to determine the number of troops they would supply. The French envoy, the Abb6 de la Ville,was at The Hague before Chesterfield; but Chesterfield, while treating him with the utmost ease and politeness, successfully com- pleted the negotiations in his country's in- terest. Their course can be traced in detail in Chesterfield's correspondence with the Duke of Newcastle and Lord Harrington, the secre- tary of state, now in the British Museum (ERNST, pp. 219-39). Chesterfield returned home at the end of May, prepared to in- augurate his reign in Ireland. Chesterfield arrived in Dublin in July, and, although his viceroyalty lasted only eight months, it proved him to be a tactful and enlightened statesman. His character had affinity to that of the Irish people, and he viewed them sympathetically. When he arrived the Scottish rebellion of 1745 was imminent ; but while urging on the govern- ment in London the most rigorous measures of repression in England and Scotland, and neglecting no precaution to stay the possible spread of the contagion to Ireland, he was not surprised by panic into one needless act of coercion. With happy ridicule he dis- couraged the rumours of popish risings. Ireland, he said, had much more to fear from her poverty than her popery, and Miss Am- brose, the reigning beauty in Dublin society, to whom he addressed some witty flattery in verse, was the only dangerous papist he knew of [see PALMEE, ELEANOR, LADY]. He firmly refused to follow the precedent of 1715, when all the catholic chapels were closed during the Jacobite outbreak, and to his prudent counsels must be attributed Ire- land's tranquillity at a time when England and Scotland were torn by civil war (LECKY, Hist, of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, i. 460-1). The main objects of his govern- ment were to raise the material prosperity of the country and to distribute public patronage in the public interest. ' He wished,' he wrote, ' to be remembered by the name of the Irish lord-lieutenant.' With the land- lords he disavowed all sympathy, and ridi- culed their improvidence and extravagant consumption of claret. He declared that ' the poor people in Ireland ' were worse used than negroes by their lords and mas- ters, ' and their deputies of deputies of deputies.' He sought to relieve public dis- tress by undertaking public works. The planting of Phrenix Park was one of his projects. On 23 April 1746 he left Ireland on leave of absence, and a long illness prevented his return. He had not entirely recovered in September. But the ministry stood in need of his active help, and the king was growing better disposed towards him. Chesterfield's position compelled him outwardly to sup- port the court, and in February 1746 a cari- caturist represented him along with Pitt as receiving a reprimand for his complaisance Stanhope 3° Stanhope from the mouth of the Duchess of Marl- borough, who reproached him with her gift of 20,000/. The king gave conspicuous proof of his reviving confidence by sanc- tioning an exchange of offices between Ches- terfield and William Stanhope, first earl of Harrington [q. v.], who was vacating the post of secretary of state for the northern department. While lamenting the trans- ference from an easy to a laborious employ- ment, Chesterfield resigned the lord-lieu- tenancy of Ireland to Harrington, and entered on the duties of secretary of state on 29 Oct. 1746. The good terms which had hitherto sub- sisted between Chesterfield and the Duke of Newcastle did not long survive his acceptance of the new office. The duke was almost as iealous as Walpole of brilliant colleagues, and a difference of opinion during 1747 on foreign policy led to a breach between Chesterfield and himself. Chesterfield was anxious to bring the continental war to a close, but his efforts were frustrated by the duke's secret correspondence in an op- posite sense with Lord Sandwich, pleni- potentiary at The Hague. Reports of Ches- terfield's retirement were soon abroad. On 26 Jan. 1748 he wrote to his friend Solo- mon Dayrolles [q. v.], ' I can no longer con- tinue in a post in which it is well known that I am but a commis, and in which I have not been able to do any one service to any one man, though ever so meritorious, lest I should be supposed to have any power, and my colleague not the whole.' He meant, he added, ' no sullen retirement from the world, but would indulge his ease and preserve his character.' His colleagues entreated him to hold on (cf. Bedford Correspondence, 1846, i. 206; Marchmont Papers, i. 262). But, ignoring their appeals, he resigned the seals in February 1748. The king parted with him reluctantly. A dukedom was offered him and was declined, but on his own initiative George II made his brother John a commis- sioner of the admiralty. His views of the policy of the government were set forth with some asperity in ' An Apology for a late Re- signation, in a Letter from an English Gen- tleman to his Friend at The Hague.' The pam- phlet reached a fourth edition before the end of the year (1748). According to Walpole, the tract was by Lord Marchmont writing in concert with Chesterfield. Chesterfield protested to Dayrolles, then at The Hague, that he could not so much as guess at the author ; but his ignorance was perhaps as- sumed to anticipate inspection of the letter at the post office. There is little doubt that it was written under his inspiration. A war of pamphlets followed, in which Chesterfield was severely handled by the partisans of the Pelhams (cf. ' An Answer from a Gentle- man at The Hague ... in regard to a late Re- signation ; ' ' The Resignation Discussed ; ' ' An impartial Review of two Pamphlets lately published : one intituled An Apology for a late Resignation, the other The Resig- nation Discussed ; ' and ' An Apologetical Discourse for a late celebrated Apology, shewing the real end and design of that treatise. Written by the real author of the Apology,' all 1748). With his resignation of the secretaryship of state Chesterfield's official life came to an end. He had done, he said, with ' the hurry and plague of business, either in or out of court.' Thenceforth he rarely appeared in the political arena, and held severely aloof from party strife. But as a serene spectator he maintained a lively interest in politics, and retained much personal influence in political circles. In December 1750, accord- ing to Horace Walpole, he was offered the presidency of the council. He declined it on the score of deafness, but early next year he disinterestedly intervened in the business of parliament with marked effect. At the instance of George Parker, second earl of Macclesfield [q. v.],the virtual author of the change, he convinced himself of the need of a reformation of the calendar. Despite an ap- peal from the Duke of Newcastle not to stir matters that had long been quiet, he brought a bill on the subject into the House of Lords (20 Feb. 1751). He spoke by rote some astronomical jargon of which he admitted he did not understand a word, although he felt proud of its harmonious periods. On 18 March he moved the second reading, and Macclesfield explained its objects. The bill, which passed through both houses without opposition, was received in the country with a roar of disapproval. But the popular hos- tility was directed chiefly against Maccles- field and his family. George II continued to treat Chesterfield with consideration, and in May 1755 consulted him on the allowance to be made his grandson, Prince George, the heir-apparent. On 10 Dec. 1755 he made his last speech in the House of Lords. In ac- cordance with the views of foreign policy he had long held, he denounced the main- tenance of subsidy treaties with Prussia and Hesse-Cassel by which England's in- terests were, in his opinion, subordinated to those of Hanover. He spoke for nearly an hour ; but the effort exhausted him, and as soon as his speech ended he left the house, never to address it again. During the ministerial crisis of 1757 Ches- Stanhope Stanhope terfield was called on to play a congenial part behind the scenes. The king was pro- nouncedly hostile to Pitt, whose presence in the ministry was inevitable. Newcastle re- fused to serve with Pitt, and the formation of a government that would be tolerated by the king consequently seemed impossible. Chesterfield's good offices were enlisted in bringing about a compromise. Lord Bute, at the suggestion of the court, privately invited him to overcome Newcastle's ob- jections to take office with Pitt. The difficult task needed all Chesterfield's tact. With neither Pitt nor Newcastle had he been of late on cordial terms, but on 29 June, largely owing to his power of persuasion, the difficulties were surmounted, and New- castle became nominal prime minister, with Pitt as the leading spirit of the government (cf. WALPOLE, George II, ii. 224 ; Newcastle Papers, Addit. MS. 32871). This proved Chesterfield's final incursion into practical politics, but he still corresponded with New- castle and others on political topics. Sub- sequently from the vantage-ground of his retirement he viewed with all Chatham's disgust the government's attempts to tax the American colonies. He hotly condemned England's appeal to coercion. ' For my part,' he sagaciously wrote in 1765, ' I never saw a froward child mended by whipping, and I would not have the mother-country become a stepmother.' But from the date of his resignation of office in 1748 till his death twenty-five years later, politics was the smallest of Chesterfield's interests. The same night on which he gave up his seals he resumed his practice — long interrupted by political pre- occupations— of gambling at White's Club in St. James's Street, of which he and his brother William were for many years promi- nent members, and where his witticisms were long remembered. But he soon aban- doned play ; and when, about 1755, he learned that George Selwyn gave him at the club the nickname of Joe Miller he ceased to attend. In 1770 he directed his name to be struck off. His chief recreations were less exceptionable. ' My horse, my books, and my friends will divide my time pretty equally,' he told Dayrolles, when he withdrew from political office. He desired to enjoy ' the only real comforts in the latter end of life — quiet, liberty, and health.' All the happiness that wealth could bring him lay at his disposal. He spent time and money in building Chesterfield House in South Audley Street, Mayfair, which was completed in 1749 from the plans of Isaac Ware [cf. WALPOLE, Letters, ii. 279). The pillars for the hall and staircase were purchased from the Duke of Chandos's mansion at Canons, and much attention was bestowed on the garden. An interesting print of the imposing exterior in Palladian style from a drawing by Eyre was published in 1750 (cf. reproduction in CHESTERFIELD, Letters to his Godson, 1890, ed. Carnarvon). The house is still standing, and is the residence of Lord Burton, although the streets known as Chesterfield Street and Chesterfield Gardens have been built over parts of the garden and the site of the out- buildings (cf. WHEATLEY and CUNNING- HAM'S London). The gallery of pictures at Chesterfield House, Chesterfield wrote to Dayrolles on 4 Nov. 1748, was nearly com- plete ; only two or three great masters were unrepresented. The death of his brother John in December 1748 meanwhile increased his resources. He received under the will 30,OOOA for life and a villa at Blackheath. There, too, he built a gallery, and the fine garden, where melons and pineapples throve, inspired him with a ' furor hortensis.' Attacks of rheu- matic gout rendered visits to Bath, Spa, and like resorts often necessary. In May 1752 a fall from his horse in Hyde Park tem- porarily crippled him. But his most serious trouble was increasing deafness. After try- ing every manner of remedy, he wrote on 16 Nov. 1753 to Dayrolles that cure was oufe of the question. The disability gradually withdrew him from society, but he bore his isolation cheerfully. ' He did not lose the power of hearing,' he wrote, ' till after he had very nearly lost the desire of it,' and he found consolation in increased devotion to literature. He wrote much on literary and social topics in the ' World ' newspaper. He penned a pungent series of ' characters ' of his contemporaries which was published posthumously. Walpole believed that he made some progress with some 'Memoirs of his own Time,' but burnt his notes ' a little before his death, being offended at Sir John Dalrymple's history, and saying he would leave no materials for aspersing great names.' He maintained close relations by corre- spondence with friends in France, including Voltaire, and leaders of intellectual society in Paris like Madame du Monconseil and Madame du Bocage. In August 1755 he was elected, much to his gratification, a member of the Academy of Inscriptions at Paris. But reading in his own library was his most satisfying resource. On 22 Nov. 1757 he wrote : ' I read with more pleasure than ever, perhaps because it is the only pleasure I have left. . . . Solid folios are the people of business with whom I converse in the morning. Quartos, not quarts — pardon the Stanhope 2 quibble — are the easier mixed company with whom I sit after dinner, and I pass my evenings in the light and often frivolous chit-chat of small octavos and duodecimos.' Patronage of literature, another of Chester- field's diversions, involved him in greater embarrassments. The bricklayer-poet, Henry Jones (1721-1770) [q. v.], who ^welcomed him with a poem to Ireland in 1745, was a typical protege. In 1748 Chesterfield invited him to London; interested himself in the collection of subscriptions for a volume of his poems; induced Colley Cibber to procure the production of Jones's ' Earl of Essex ' at Covent Garden Theatre ; aided Cibber in a thorough revision of the play, with a view to making its success a certainty; and finally, having rendered the poor man in- tolerably vain and self-indulgent, cast him off on finding him borrowing money of one of his servants. But genuine kindly sentiment underlay his relations with men of letters (cf. JAMES HAMMOND, Love Elegies, 1743, with Chesterfield's preface) . He corresponded on equal terms with George Faulkner (1699 ?- 1775) [q.v.], the Dublin bookseller; and the discredit which he incurred in the charac- ter of a patron at Dr. Johnson's vigorous hand seems ill deserved. In 1747 Johnson, at the suggestion of the publisher Dodsley, addressed to Chesterfield the prospectus of his 'Dictionary.' Apparently Chesterfield, who was secretary of state at the time, and had long been ' the butt of dedications,' made no acknowledgment beyond sending Johnson 10J. When the ' Dictionary ' was on the eve of publication Chesterfield contributed anony- mously to the ' World ' two anticipatory eulo- gies (28 Nov. and 5 Dec. 1754). The story that Dr. Johnson had previously called upon Chesterfield, and had been kept waiting in the ante- chamber while Cibber was ad- mitted without delay, was long current, but was denied by Johnson himself. John- son had expected encouragement from Ches- terfield while the heavy work was in pro- gress, and resented conventional compli- ments when the labour was successfully ac- complished. On 7 Feb. 1755 he addressed to the earl the famous letter in which, while expressing his resentment, he made a manly stand in behalf of literary independence. Chesterfield characteristically affected indif- ference to the rebuke. When Dodsley called on him soon afterwards, Johnson's epistle lay upon his table, ' where anybody might see it. He read it to me,' wrote Dodsley ; ' said this man has great powers, pointed out the severest passages, and observed how well they were expressed.' Johnson, he added, Stanhope would be always more than Avelcome, and had he ever been denied admission, it was solely due to the ignorance of a servant. Chesterfield bore Johnson no malice, and there is little ground for identifying Johnson with the ' respectable Hottentot ' described by Chesterfield in his ' Letters ' (iii. 129). Chesterfield doubtless there aimed at George, first lord Lyttelton [q. v.] Literature never wholly absorbed Chester- field. Throughout the concluding half of his life his most serious interest was the education and the advancement in life of his natural son Philip. When the boy was barely five (in 1737) Chesterfield opened a correspondence with him, which he con- tinued with scrupulous regularity so long as his son lived. At first he sent him elaborate essays, often both in French and English, on classical history, mythology, and composi- tion. He never, when in office, allowed the business of state to delay the almost daily task. When he was free from political cares, and the boy had become a youth, he for- warded to him carefully considered instruc- tion in all branches of learning on a scheme devised to make his pupil a reputable man of the world. Chesterfield wished him, he wrote (Letters, i. 108), ' as near perfection as pos- sible. Never were so much pains taken for anybody's education, and never had anybody so many opportunities for knowledge and improvement.' Michael Maittaire [q. v.] was young Philip's Latin tutor in his early years, and Maittaire was succeeded in 1745 by Walter Harte [q. v.], who accompanied him and another youth, Edward Eliot (after- wards Lord Eliot) [q. v.], on an extended foreign tour through Holland, Germany, and Switzerland, winding up in Paris in 1751. Although Philip developed into a good- natured and sensible man, he was by nature incapable of assimilating any graces of man- ner. But Chesterfield's genuine affection rendered him tolerant of all defects. From August to November 1751 the young man stayed with his father, who expressed satis- faction with the extent of his knowledge and goodness of his heart. He believed that a further sojourn in Paris was all that was needed to give his deportment the polish it lacked. Chesterfield exerted all his in- fluence to secure for the youth a promising start in the career of diplomacy which he had designed for him. Already, in 1751, he induced Lord Albemarle to give him some employment at the embassy in Paris. In the spring of 1752, when Philip left Paris for Hanover, Chesterfield wrote (15 May) to the Duke of Newcastle, secretary of state then in attendance on the king, begging, in Stanhope 33 Stanhope the young man's behalf, a post as secretary of legation, even without salary. The duke was ' excessively kind and friendly,' and promised the residency at Venice. But when, in October 1752, Philip was Dayrolles's guest at Brussels, and it was arranged that he should be presented at court to Prince Charles of Lorraine, a difficulty was urged on the score of his illegitimacy. To Chester- field's chagrin, this for a time proved a genuine bar. In the spring of 1753 Philip came to London to attend the levees, and Chesterfield's reminder to Newcastle of the promise of the post at Venice was met with the rebuff that the king objected on the ground of his birth (30 June). Some com- pensation was found in his election to par- liament for Liskeard by the influence of his friends the Eliots in April 1754. Next year, under his father's careful coaching, he made his maiden speech on the address to the throne, but he was too shy to repeat the ex- perience. In September 1756 he was ap- pointed resident at Hamburg. He performed the duties of his office adequately. In Fe- bruary 1761 he was re-elected M.P. for St. Germans, but resigned the seat in 1765 at the earnest request of the patron, Edward Eliot, who compensated him with a money payment. Meanwhile, in June 1763, he was sent as envoy to the diet at Ratisbon, and early in 1764 he resigned his post at Hamburg to become resident minister at Dresden. He still maintained his close rela- tions— both epistolary and personal — with his father, whose anxiety for his success was as keen as ever. But at the end of 1768 the long intercourse was closed by death. Philip had for some years suffered in health. In November 1768 he obtained leave of ab- sence from Dresden to visit Avignon. On 16 Nov. he died there. Severely as Chester- field must in any case have felt the blow, his sufferings were aggravated by the cir- cumstance that the communication which brought the sad tidings revealed the fact that young Stanhope had been long secretly married, and had left on his father's hands a widow (Eugenia) and two sons. For nearly twenty years had Chesterfield plied his son with all the sagacious worldly wisdom that his own experience suggested respecting the affairs of gallantry and the dubious rela- tions with the opposite sex which became a man of fashion. Very galling was the irony of the revelation that Philip had furtively taken refuge from the perils of polite in- trigue in matrimony of no brilliant type. Chesterfield bore the shock with exemplary coolness. Despite the secret marriage with an unattractive woman of undistinguished VOL. LIV. position, the memory of his dead son re- mained dear to him, and he gave proofs of the strength of his parental affection by sending his grandchildren to a good school and corre- sponding on amiable terms with the widow. Happily for Chesterfield's peace of mind, he had already made himself responsible for the education of another young kinsman, also named Philip Stanhope — his godson, distant cousin, and the presumptive heir to the earldom (see ad fin.) In 1 759, when this boy was four, Chesterfield told the father that he intended to treat him as a grandson. Be- tween 28 July 1761 and 19 June 1770, while the youth was passing from his sixth to his fifteenth year, Chesterfield addressed to him a series of affectionate letters — 236 are ex- tant— in which he offered him, in much the same manner as he had written to his natural son, all the counsels likely, in his opinion, to insure his fitness for the dignities that awaited him. Ill-health occasionally disturbed Chester- field's equanimity during his last ten years, when, in his own words, ' he was hobbling on to his journey's end.' But his native gaiety of temperament was only at times overcast. When asked in his dying days how his friend and contemporary Lord Ty- rawley did, he remarked, ' Tyrawley and I have been dead these two years, but we do not choose to have it known.' In the au- tumn of 1772 he completely broke down. At the end of September he left Blackheath for London so as to be near his favourite physician, Dr. Warren. During the next six months life gradually left him, and he died at Chesterfield House on 24 March 1773 in his seventy-ninth year. Within half an hour of the end his friend Dayrolles visited the sick chamber, and the earl's dying words were ' Give Dayrolles a chair.' His good breeding, remarked the physician in atten- dance, onlv quitted him with his life. His remains were removed to Audley Street chapel, and thence to Shelford for burial. His widow, with whom he had long been on merely formal terms, died on 16 Sept. 1778. In Chesterfield's will, dated 4 June 1772, and proved April 1773, he admitted that he had had an uncommon share of the pompous follies of this life, and deprecated a pompous funeral. The expenses were not to exceed 100/., and he was to be buried in the next burying-place to where he died. He devised practically all his property to his godson Philip, and offered him characteristic warn- ings. He was by ' no means [to] go into Italy ... the foul sink of illiberal manners and vices.' He was to forfeit 51. to the dean and chapter of Westminster if he ever was D Stanhope 34 Stanhope concerned in the keeping of any racehorse or pack of hounds, or visited Newmarket while the races were in progress there, or lost in any one day oOOl. by gambling or betting. For Mile, du Bouchet, the mother of his son, who survived him, he had already made ample provision, but he left her 500/. ' as a small reparation for the injury I did her.' To such of his servants as had lived with him for five years or upwards he left two years' full wages, remarking that he regarded them as ' unfortunate friends, my equals by nature and my inferiors only by the difference of our fortunes.' One of Chesterfield's execu- tors was his literary protegS, Matthew Maty [q. v.], who wrote his biography. Chesterfield incurred the dislike of three of the most influential writers of his day — Dr. Johnson, Horace Walpole, and Lord Hervey (Queen Caroline's friend). Their hostile esti- mates have injured his posthumous reputa- tion, and inspired Dickens's ruthless carica- ture of him as Sir John Chester in 'Barnaby Rudge.' Chesterfield's achievements betray a brilliance of intellectual gifts and graces which discourages in the critic any desire to exaggerate his deficiency in moral principle. In matter and manner — in delicate raillery and in refinement of gesture — his speeches in parliament were admitted to be admi- rable by his foes. Horace Walpole declared on 15 Dec. 1743 that the finest speech he ever listened to was one from Chesterfield. Lord Hervey expressed himself to similar effect, although he entered the caveat : ' As Lord Chesterfield never could, or at least never did, speak, but prepared, and from dissertations he had written down in his closet and got by heart, he never made any figure in a reply, nor was his manner of speaking like debating, but declaiming ' (HERVEY, ii. 341). His pointed enunciation of wise political principles made him a libe- ralising influence in English politics. Of his political sagacity his prophecy of the coming French revolution is a familiar example. On 15 April 1752 he wrote that he noticed a tendency in France ' to what we call here revolution principles.' At the end of 1753, after describing the condition of French society, he added : ' All the symptoms which I have ever met with in history previous to great changes and revolutions in government now exist and daily increase in France ' (CHESTERFIELD, Letters, ii. 318, 319). Sainte- Beuve notes that Chesterfield's insight into French character has rarely been surpassed, and that he summarised the whole spirit of French political history when he told Mon- tesquieu, ' Your parliaments can make barri- cades, but can never erect barriers ' (' Vos parlements pourront bien faire encore des barricades, mais ils ne feront jamais de bar- riere,' Suard in Bior/raphie Universelle). His apophthegms on English politics were no less to the purpose. ' If the people of Eng- land wish,' he said, ' to prevent the Pretender from obtaining the crown, they should make him elector of Hanover, for they would never fetch another king from there.' Johnson's censure of Chesterfield, that he thought him ' a lord among wits,' whereas he discovered him to be ' a wit among lords,' has no better warrant than his sneer in regard to Chester- field's letters to his son, that ' they teach the morals of a whore and the manners of a dancing-master.' Chesterfield embodied in rare completeness the characteristics of a shrewd man of the world — of one who had 'been behind the scenes both of pleasure and business.' He avowed no rule of conduct outside the urbane conventions of polite society. The town alone had charm for him ; the country and country pursuits were graceless superfluities. He argued that the real business of life was the subordination of natural instincts to those external refinements of manner which were recognised as good breeding in the capitals of civilised Europe, and especially in the Parisian salons. But the practice of his philosophy did not demand the repression of all individual tastes, as his confessed dislike of music, the opera, and fashionable field- sports abundantly proves. Chesterfield's worldliness was in point of fact tempered by native common-sense, by genuine parental affections, and by keen appreciation of, and capacity for, literature. Even in his unedi- fying treatment of the relations of the sexes his solemn warnings against acts which for- feit self-respect or provoke scandal destroyed most of the deleterious effect of the cynical principles on which he took his stand. No- ! where did Chesterfield inculcate an incon- siderate gratification of selfish desires. Very sternly did he rebuke pride of birth or inso- lence in the treatment of servants and de- pendents. His habitual text was the neces- sity from prudential motives of self-control and of respect for the feeling of others. As a writer he reached the highest levels of grace and perspicuity, and as a connoisseur of literature he was nearly always admirable. His critical taste was seen to best advan- tage in his notices of classical writers. Despite the ' exquisitely elegant ' manner which even Johnson detected in Chesterfield, his personal appearance was not attractive. In youth he was known from his short stature as ' the little Lord Stanhope.' ' He was a stunted giant,' wrote Lord Hervey, Stanhope 35 Stanhope doubtless with some spiteful exaggeration ; * he had a person as disagreeable as it was possible for a human being to be without being deformed, and a broad rough-featured ugly face with black teeth and a head big enough for a Polyphemus.' Portraits of Chesterfield are numerous. The most interesting from an artistic point of view is that by Gainsborough, which was painted in 1769, and was presented by Ches- terfield to the second Earl Stanhope, whose descendant's property it remains at Cheven- ing. It represents him wearing the star and ribbon of the Garter. The expression is cynical. It has often been engraved — by Edward Bell, by Chambers, and by W. Great- bach, and others. A second painting, in the robes of a K.G., by William Hoare, R.A., now in the National Portrait Gallery, Lon- don, has also been frequently engraved — by Andrew Miller in 1746, by R. Houston, J. K. Sherwin, J. Brooks, and others. A third by Allan Ramsay, also in the National Portrait Gallery, was engraved by J. K. Sherwin in 1777. A fourth painting, by T. Uwins, was engraved by H. R. Cooke. A fifth portrait, by Thomas Hudson, belongs to the Duke of Fife. Bartolozzi executed an engraving ad viirum. There is a caricature by Ryall in which Diogenes shows Chester- field ' as an honest man.' A pencil sketch by T. Worlidge of Chesterfield seated at a table with his friend, Richard Lumley, third earl of Scarborough, is reproduced in Ches- terfield's ' Letters to his Godson ' (1890, ed. Carnarvon). A bust by Joseph Wilton [q.v.l, bequeathed by Sir Thomas Robinson [q. v.J, stands in the entrance-hall of the British Museum. In his lifetime Chesterfield authorised the publication of only the few political tracts and the contributions to the periodical press, chiefly in ' Common Sense,' 1737-9, and the ' World,' 1753-6, which have been already mentioned. But unauthorised collections of his witticisms in prose and verse were made before his death — in ' The New Foundling Hospital for Wit,' London, 1768-71, 6 pts. (3rd edit. 1771), and in 'The Humours of the Times,' 1771. Most of these reappeared in ' Lord Chesterfield's Witticisms ' (with unauthentic ' memoirs of his lordship '), 12mo, London, 1773; and in 'Wit a-la- mode, or, Lord Chesterfield's Witticisms,' 12mo, London, 1778. Chesterfield's 'Letters' to his natural son were prepared for publication by the son's widow within a year of Chesterfield's death. She sold them to Dodsley for 1,500/. The earl's surviving representatives vainly endeavoured to stop the publication by applying for an injunction. The title ran: ' Letters written by the Earl of Chesterfield to his Son, Philip Stanhope, together with several other pieces on various subjects, published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope,' 2 vols. 4to, London, 1774. The work attained im- mediate popularity. A fifth edition in four volumes (8vo) appeared within a year. An independent Dublin reprint of 1776 embodied some important additions. Dodsley issued a ' Supplement' in 1787, and the original ver- sion reached its eleventh edition in 1800. A French translation in five volumes (12mo) was issued at Paris in 1775, and a German translation by J. G. Gellius in six volumes (8vo) at Leipzig, 1774-6. An American reprint in two 16mo volumes appeared at Newbury-Port, Boston, in 1779. Severe criticisms of Chesterfield's world- liness, of his relations with Johnson or of his opinions on the sexual relations, were issued by William Crawford and Thomas Hunter (both in 1776) ; by Antoine Leonard Tho- mas, in defence of F6nelon, in both French and English, London, 1777 ; and by Ann Berkeley in conjunction with Sir Adam Gordon, 2 vols. 1791. More sportive attacks figured in ' A Dialogue [in verse] between the Earl of C d and Mr. Garrick in the Elysian Shades,' 4to, London, 1785 (in praise of Dr. Johnson and condemnatory of Ches- terfield) ; and in ' Chesterfield Travestie, or the School for Modern Manners,' 16mo, Lon- don, 1808 (3rd edit. 12mo, London, 1811). A collection of other portions of Chester- field's correspondence, with authentic me- moirs, some of his speeches, and contribu- tions to the press, was prepared for publica- tion by Maty, but his death intervened, and Maty's son-in-law, J. O. Justamond, finally issued in 2 vols. in 1777 Chesterfield's ' Mis- cellaneous Works, consisting of Letters to his Friends, never before printed, and various other articles. To which are prefixed Me- moirs of his Life,' 2 vols. 4to, London, 1777 ; another edit. 3 vols. 8vo, Dublin, 1777. In the same year there also appeared ' Letters from Lord Chesterfield to Alderman G. Faulkner [of Dublin], Dr. Madden, Mr. Sex- ton, &c. Being a supplement to his Lord- ship's Letters,' 4to, London, 1777 ; and ' Characters of Eminent Personages of his own time [George I, Queen Caroline, Sir Robert Walpole. Mr. Pulteney, Lord Hard- wicke, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Pitt], written by the late Earl of Chester field, and never before published,' 8vo, London, 1777; 2nd edit, same year. The Faulkner letters with he ' characters . . . contrasted with characters of the same great personages by other re- spectable writers ' reappeared together in a D 2 Stanhope 3 separate volume next year. ' B. W. of the Inner Temple' added a third volume to Maty's ' Miscellaneous Works ' in the same year, which included his political pamphlets and poems. All the ' Miscellaneous Works ' reappeared in 4 vols. in 1779. A further collection of correspondence, ' Letters written by the Earl of Chesterfield to A. C. Stanhope, Esq., relative to the Edu- cation of his Lordship's Godson Philip, the late Earl,' appeared in London in 1817, 12mo. Lord Mahon collected such authentic letters and other literary pieces as were accessible to him (including many previously unpublished) in 5 vols. (1845-53). Another collection of like scope was edited by John Bradshaw (3 vols.) in 1892. Fourteen of Chesterfield's letters to his godson were surreptitiously printed in the 'Edinburgh Magazine and Review' in Fe- bruary, March, April, and May 1774. They ' were copied into the Dublin edition of the j 'Letters 'to the earl's natural son in 1776, and were there erroneously stated to have been addressed to the latter. They reap- peared in B. W.'s third volume of Maty's ' Miscellaneous Works,' 1778 (pp. 1-32), and were printed separately, under the title of 'The Art of Pleasing,' in 1783 (4th edit, same year). The originals remained at Bret by undisturbed, with more than two hundred other letters addressed to the godson, until 1890. In that year the whole series was first edited for publication by Lord Carnar- von as 'Chesterfield's Letters to his Godson.' There remains a further mass of unpub- lished correspondence, chiefly on political topics, among the Newcastle papers in the British Museum. Extracts are given in Mr. Ernst's ' Life ' (1893). Others of Lord Chesterfield's letters to Edward Eliot, the friend of his natural son, are among Lord St. Germans's manuscripts at Port Eliot, Cornwall (Hist. MSS. Comm. 1st Rep. i. 41). Extracts and abridgments of Chesterfield's works, chiefly of the ' Letters ' to his son, were numerous from the first. They often bore fanciful titles, such as ' The Principles of Politeness,' 1775 (often reprinted — about 1830 as 'The New Chesterfield') ; 'The Fine Gentleman's Etiquette ' (1776) ; ' Some Ad- vices on Men and Manners ' (1776) ; ' The Elements of a Polite Education, by George Gregory, D.D.' (1800) ; and ' Encyclopaedia of Manners and Etiquette ' (1850). A useful selection, with an admirable critical essay by C. A. Sainte-Beuve, appeared, with the title of ' Letters and Maxims,' in the ' Bayard Series.' The latest selections in English are: « The Wit and Wisdom of the Earl of Ches- terfield: being Selections from his Miscel- Stanhope laneous Writings in prose and verse,' edited, with notes, by W. Ernst Browning, London, 1875, 8vo ; and ' Lord Chesterfield's Worldly Wisdom: Selections from his Letters and Characters. Edited by G. Birkbeck Hill,' Oxford, 1891, 8vo. A Dutch selection ap- peared at Amsterdam in 1786. A German epitome was entitled 'Quintessenz der Lebens- weisheit und Weltkunst,' Stuttgart, 1885, and a Spanish epitome ('cuarta edicion') was issued at Caracas, 1841, 16mo. The ' Economy of Human Life,' by Robert Dodsley [q. v.], was attributed to Chester- field in Italian translations by L. Guidelli (4th edit, 12mo, Naples, 1780), and by A. G. Cairoli (8vo, Milan, 1816) ; in a Portuguese translation (8vo, Porto, 1777) ; and in a Spanish translation by M. de Junco y Pimen- tel (8vo, Madrid, 1755). Chesterfield's godson and successor, PHILIP STANHOPE, fifth EARL OF CHESTERFIELD (1755-1815), baptised on 28 Nov. 1755, was only surviving son of Arthur Charles Stan- hope (d. 1770) of Mansfield, Nottingham- shire, by his second wife, Margaret, daughter and coheiress of Charles Headlam of Kirby Hall, Yorkshire (his father was son of Dr. Michael Stanhope, a great-grandson of Philip Stanhope, first earl of Chesterfield [q". v.J) His godfather directed his educa- tion from the age of four, and took a pro- mising view of his abilities. His tutors were not selected with much wisdom. When about six he went to ' Mr. Robert's boarding house in Marylebone.' At eleven he became the pupil of the adventurous Dr. William Dodd [q. v.] at Whitton, near Isleworth. Dodd attracted him, and he subsequently proved a generous patron to his tutor ; but that worthless schemer forged Chesterfield's name in 1777 to a bond for 4,200/., and, on being prosecuted, was convicted and hanged. An- other of Chesterfield's early tutors was a hack- writer, Cuthbert Shaw [q. v.] He came into a little property on his father's death in March 1770, and soon set off on a foreign tour. He was studying at Leipzig when his godfather ! died in 1773, and he inherited the earldom and the late earl's large fortune. He had then developed characteristics diametrically opposed to those which his godfather had ; hoped to implant in him. If he might be ! credited with a fair measure of shrewdness I and affability, his tastes and manners were unaffectedly bucolic. ' How would that ; quintessence of high ton the late Lord Ches- j terfield,' wrote Madame d'Arblay, ' blush to j behold his successor, who, with much share of humour and good humour, also has as little good breeding as any man I ever met with ! ' (Diary, \. 92). At court he attracted the Stanhope 37 Stanhope favourable notice of George III, and after- wards spent much time with the king at Weymouth. His wealth alone and his per- sonal relations with the king account for the occasional bestowal upon him of political office. He was appointed ambassador ex- traordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Madrid on 1 Jan. 1784, and was admitted to the privy council on 7 Jan. But he never went to Madrid, and resigned the nominal post in 1787 (Cornwallis Correspon- dence, i. 434). On Pitt's nomination he was master of the mint from 21 Sept. 1789 to 20 Jan. 1790, joint postmaster-general from 12 March 1790, and master of the horse from 14 Feb. 1798 to 21 July 1804. On 17 Jan. 1805 he was made K.G. He lived in London in some magnificence during the season, and had a French cook, Vincent la Chapelle, who dedicated to him two manuals of cookery. But the country chiefly attracted him. He was an enthusiast for hunting, and delighted in superintending the operations of his farms. But he showed his normal lack of taste in pulling down the old mansion of Bretby and erecting in its place a modern residence from Wyatt's plans. He died at Bretby on 29 Aug. 1815. Three interesting portraits are at Bretby, and are reproduced in Lord Carnar- von's ' Letters of the Fourth Earl to his God- son,' 1890. One by John Russell (1745-1806) [q. v.], painted in 1769, when the earl was fourteen, represents him in fancy dress ; the second by Gainsborough — an admirable pic- ture— portrays him in hunting dress with a dog; in the third, by T. Weaver, he figures in a group which consists of his son (after- wards the sixth earl), his agent, and a fine heifer. Another portrait, by Sir William Beechey, was engraved by J. R. Smith (cf. BOTJRKE, Hist, of White's, ii. 46). The fifth earl was twice married : first, on 16 Sept. 1777, to Anne, daughter of Thomas Thistle- thwaite, D.D., of Norman Court; and se- condly, on 2 May 1799, to Henrietta, third daughter of Thomas Thynne, first marquis of Bath [q. T.] He was succeeded as sixth Earl of Chesterfield by his son George Augus- tus Frederick (1805-1866) ; the marriage of the latter's only daughter, Evelyn (d. 1875), with Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, fourth earl of Carnarvon [q. v.], brought the Bretby property on the death of her mother in 1885 into the possession of their son, the fifth and present Earl of Carnarvon. On the death of the sixth earl's only son, George Philip Cecil Arthur, seventh earl, unmarried, on 1 Dec. 1871, the earldom passed in suc- cession to two collateral heirs, George Philip Stanhope, eighth earl (1822-1883), and Henry E. C. S. Stanhope, ninth earl (1821-1887). The latter's son is the tenth and present earl. [The main authority is Maty's Memoirs pre- fixed to Miscellaneous Works, vol. i. 1777. Some interesting marginal notes by Horace Walpole were printed privately in the Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, vol. x., 1866. A catch- penny'Life' (1774, 2 vols. 12rao) and three col- lections of anecdotes by Samuel Jackson Pratt [q. v.], published between 1777 and 1800, are of no authenticity. The Memoirs prefixed to Lord Mahon's edition of Chesterfield's Works (5 vols. 1845-53), and to Lord Carnarvon's edition of the Letters to his godson, are of value. Some further information appears in Abraham Hay- ward's short biography (vol. xvii. of the Travel- lers' Library), London, 1854, 8vo. But the fullest biography is Mr. William Ernst's Memoirs . . . with numerous letters, now firbt published from the Newcastle Papers (London, 1893, 8vo). Other sources, apart from Chesterfield's volu- minous correspondence enumerated above, are Horace Walpole's Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of George II, and his Letters, ed. Cunningham ; Suffolk Correspondence, 1824 ; Papers of the Earl of Marchmont, 1831 ; Memoirs of George II, by Lord Hervey,ed. Croker, 1884 ; Pope's Works, ed. Elwin and Conrthope ; Ballantyne's Life of Carteret; Jesse's George Selwyn and his Con- temporaries ; Boswell's Life of Johnson, ed. Hill ; Bedford Correspondence, 1846, ed. Lord John Kussell, vol. iii. p. Ixxxii ; Colley Clbber's Apo- logy ; Lord Mahon's History of England ; W. P. Courtney's Parliamentary Representation of Cornwall ; Bourke's History of White's Club. A foolish endeavour to place the Letters of Junius to the credit of Lord Chesterfield was made by William Cramp in several pamphlets — The Author of Junius discovered in ... Lord Chesterfield, 1821 ; Junius and his Works com- pared with the Character and Writings of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 1851 ; Fac-simile Autograph Letters of Junius, Lord Chesterfield, and Mrs. C. Dayrolles, 1851. Cramp's theory was that Chesterfield wrote them and Dayrolles's wife copied them. But Junius's first letter is dated January 1769, when Chesterfield was in his seventy-fifth year, and his state of health and habit of mind had, as his letters show, long withdrawn him from politics (cf. Dilke's Papers of a Critic, 1875, ii. 140-54).] S. L. STANHOPE, PHILIP HENRY, fifth EAEL STANHOPE (1805-187-5), historian, born at Walmer on 30 Jan. 1805, was the elder and only surviving son of Philip Henry Stanhope, fourth earl Stanhope, by his wife Catherine Lucy, fourth daughter of Robert Smith, first baron Carrington [q. v.] Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope [q. v.] was his aunt. His father, eldest son of Charles Stanhope, third earl Stanhope [q. v.1, was born on 7 Dec. 1781, sat in parliament for Wendover Stanhope ; in 1806-7, Hull in 1807-12, and Midhurst from 1812 till his succession to the peerage on 15 Dec. 1816. He was elected F.R.S. on 8 Jan. 1807, was a president of the Medico- Botanical Society, and a vice-president of the Society of Arts ; he died on 2 March 1855 (cf. Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vi. 229, 279, 295, 417). He inherited his father's eccen- tricities, and his adoption of the mysterious ' wild boy ' of Bavaria, Kaspar Hauser, in 1832 gave him great notoriety (cf. DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND, True Story of Kaspar Hauler, 1893). His daughter, Catherine Lucy Wil- helmina, duchess of Cleveland, is mother of the present Earl of Rosebery. The son, who was styled Viscount Mahon from 1816 till his succession to the peerage, was educated privately and at Christ Church, Oxford, matriculating on 19 April 1823, and graduating B.A. in 1827. In the same year he was elected F.R.S. On 30 Aug. 1830 he was elected M.P. for Wootton Bassett in the conservative interest ; he was re-elected on 30 April 1831, but by the Reform Act of 1832 that constituency was disfranchised, and on 12 Dec. of that year he was returned j for Hertford. He was, however, unseated i on petition, but was again successful on i 7 Jan. 1835. He sat continuously for that I borough until 1852, being re-elected in 1837, 1841, and 1847. On 22 March 1831 he was appointed deputy lieutenant of Kent. On the same day he delivered his maiden speech in parliament, complaining of the misrepre- sentation to which the opponents of the Reform Bill were subjected, and offering a strenuous opposition to the second reading of that measure (Hansard, 3rd ser. iii. 719- 727). Mahon continued his opposition in the new parliament which met in June ; on the 21st of that month he denounced ministers for appealing to the country, and on 1 July presented a petition of 770 resident bachelors and undergraduates at Oxford against the bill. On 11 June 1834 he was created D.C.L. by the university. During Peel's brief first administration — December 1834 to April 1835 — Mahon was under-secret ary for foreign affairs under the Duke of Wellington, and in this capacity he had to face the attacks of Palmerston in the House of Commons. The fall of the ministry in April left Mahon once more at liberty to pursue his literary and historical work. On 28 Jan. 1841 he was elected F.S.A., of which he served as president from 23 April 1846 until his death. When Peel returned to office in 1841 Mahon was not included in the ministry, and he now took up with energy Serjeant Talfourd's scheme for amending the law of copyright [seeTALFouBD, SIR THOMAS NOON]. 5 Stanhope The law then protected an author's work either during his lifetime or during a period of twenty-eight years. In 1841 Talfourd proposed to extend the period to sixty years, but Macaulay procured the rejection of this proposal by forty-five to thirty-eight votes. After Talfourd's death Mahon, on 6 April 1842, in a speech rich in literary illustration (Hansard, 3rd ser. Ixi. 1348-63), introduced a bill extending the period to twenty-five years after the author's death. Macaulay, who followed him, proposed a period of forty- two years, or the time of the author's life, whichever should prove the longer. Even- tually a compromise was arranged, by which protection was given either for forty-two years or for seven years after the author's death, whichever period might prove the longer. With this proviso the bill became law in the same session (5 & 6 Viet. ch. xlv. ; see Annual Register, 1842, pp. 399-404). On 4 May 1844 Mahon was appointed a commissioner for promoting the fine arts, and on 5 Aug. 1845 he became secretary to the board of control for India. He followed Peel, with whom he was on intimate terms privately, in his conversion to free-trade principles, voted for the repeal of the corn laws, and left office on Peel's overthrow in July 1846. Nevertheless he voted with the protectionists against the repeal of the navi- gation laws in June 1849, and was perhaps- in consequence defeated when he sought re- election for Hertford in 1852. From this time Mahon took little part in politics. On 23 April 1846 he had been ap- pointed a trustee of the British Museum, and from July 1850 he was occupied with Cardwell in arranging the papers of Sir Robert Peel, who had made them his literary executors. On 2 March 1855 he succeeded his father as fifth Earl Stanhope ; in the same year he became honorary antiquary of the Royal Academy of Arts, acted as ex- aminer in the new school of jurisprudence and modern history at Oxford, and founded there the Stanhope prize for undergraduates who have not completed sixteen terms from matriculation. It is of the annual value of 20/., to be given in books for an essay on some point of modern history, English or foreign, within the period 1300-1815 ; in the award 'merit of style was to be con- sidered, no less than the clearness of the reasoning and the accuracy of the facts' (Oxford Univ. Cal. 1896, p/63). A more important scheme occupied him during the following year. On 26 Feb. 1856 he gave notice of a motion in the House of Lords, inviting public attention to the im- portance of forming a British national por- Stanhope 39 Stanhope trait gallery. On the following day he wrote to the prince consort, who heartily endorsed the project. The motion came on on 4 March, and was carried through both houses of par- liament. On 6 June following a grant of 2,0001. was voted for the purpose. On 2 Dec. a board of trustees was formed, of which Stanhope was elected chairman on 9 Feb. following. Temporary premises were pro- Tided at 29 Great George Street, Westmin- ster, and opened on 15 Jan. 1859. In 1869, when the collection numbered 288 pictures, it was removed to the eastern portion of the long building at South Kensington. A fire in the neighbouring exhibition in 1885 caused its removal to Bethnal Green Museum on loan. In May 1889 Mr. "William Alexander of Shipton, Andover, offered to build a gallery at his own expense, if the government would provide a site. This was found at the back of the National Gallery, where the present National Portrait Gallery, erected at a cost of 96,000^., was opened on 4 April 1896. Sir George Scharf [q. v.] was first keeper, and the collection now (1898) includes over a thousand pictures, exclusive of engravings (Cat. Nat. Portrait Gallery, 1897, pref. pp. iii. et seq.) On 1 March 1858 Stanhope was elected lord rector of Marischal College, Aberdeen University, and in the same year he carried a motion through parliament removing from the prayer-book the three state services. On 3 June 1864 he was created LL.D. of Cam- bridge, and on 30 Oct. 1867 he was appointed first commissioner to inquire into the state of the established church in Ireland. In 1869 it was mainly due to his exertions that the historical manuscripts commission was formed, and he was one of the first commis- sioners. He also, at the instance of the Society of Antiquaries, proposed a parlia- mentary grant for excavations on the site of Troy. This laid him open to Robert Lowe's sarcasm, but Schliemann's discoveries gave Stanhope ample revenge. Another of his proposals was that an order of merit should be established for men of letters. On 11 May 1872 Stanhope was made foreign associate of the Institute of France, and on 22 Sept. 1875 he was appointed chairman of the royal copyright commission ; he was also president of the royal literary fund from 1863 till his death. He died on 24 Dec. 1875 from an attack of pleurisy, at his eldest son's house, Merivale, Bournemouth. A marble bust of Stanhope was executed at Home in 1854 by Lawrence Macdonald ; the original is at the family seat, Chevening, Kent. A copy was presented to the National Portrait Gallery in 1878 by the present Earl Stanhope, and a medallion in plaster, on a reduced scale, pre- sented by Sir George Scharf, was placed over the entrance doorway. An engraving of a portrait painted by Lucas in 1836 is given in Doyle's ' Official Baronage.' Stanhope married, on 10 July 1834, Emily Harriet, second daughter of General Sir Ed- ward Kerrison, bart., and by her, who died on 31 Dec. 1873, had issue one daughter — Mary Catherine, who married, on 18 Feb. 1868, Frederick Lygon, sixth earl Beauchamp — and four sons, of whom Arthur Philip is the present Earl Stanhope; Edward Stanhope, the second son, is separately noticed. Few men have deserved better of the world of letters and art than Stanhope. The Copyright Act, the National Portrait Gallery, and the historical manuscripts commission bear witness alike to the culture and libe- rality of his tastes, and to the energy and success with which he gave them effect. As a speaker he was clear, but not eloquent, and his literary and critical tastes probably militated against his success in politics. But he possessed great tact, and on committees generally got his way without provoking opposition. As an historian — the capacity in which he was best known — he was honest and indus- trious, and, though without any pretensions to genius, he wrote in a clear and read- able style. The value of his works consists largely in the use he made of valuable manu- script sources inaccessible to others. His first important contribution to English his- tory was 'The History of the War of Suc- cession in Spain, 1702-1714,' 1832, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1836. It is based largely on the papers of Mahon's ancestor, James Stanhope, first earl Stanhope [q. v.] Macaulay reviewed it in the ' Edinburgh,' Ivi. 499-542, and praised Mahon's ' great diligence in examining autho- rities, great j udgment in weighing testimony, and great impartiality in estimating charac- ters.' This was followed by 'The History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713-1783' (7 vols. 1836- 1853 ; an American edition of vols. i.-iv. ap- peared in 1849, and the portions in the early volumes relating to India were separately issued in 1838 as 'The Rise of our Indian Empire '). The work was praised by Sismondi (Hist, des Franqais, xxviii. 385), and still re- mains the best narrative of English history during the eighteenth century. In it Mahon develops the somewhat far-fetched theory that the whigs and tories interchanged prin- ciples and policy between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (cf. LECKY, Hist, of England, vol. i.) Mahon's remarks on Wash- ington involved him in a prolonged contro- Stanhope t versy with Jared Sparks, Palfrey, and other American writers (cf. his Letter to Jared Sparks, 1852, and replies to it in Brit. Mus. Library}. Perhaps his most important work was ' The Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, with Extracts from his unpublished Correspondence and Manuscript Papers' (4 vols. 1861-2 ; 2nd edit. 1862-3 ; 4th edit. 1867 ; new edit. 3 vols. 1879 ; translated into French 1862-3, and Italian, 1863). This still remains the standard life of Pitt, and an in- dispensable authority on the history of the period. Stanhope's last considerable work was ' The History of England, comprising the Reign of Queen Anne until the Peace of Utrecht' (1870; 2nd edit, same year; 4th edit. 1872). This was intended to cover the period between the close of Macaulay's ' His- tory' and the commencement oi Stanhope's own ' History of England, 1713-83.' It is careful, but its style compares unfavourably with Macaulay's. Stanhope's other works are : 1. ' The Life of Belisarius/ 1829, 8vo, 2nd edit. 1848 : one of the most noticeable contributions made by Englishmen to the history of the Byzan- tine Empire. 2. ' Lord John Russell and Mr. Macaulay on the French Revolution,' 1833, 8vo. 3. ' Spain under Charles II ; or Extracts from the Correspondence of the Hon. Alexander Stanhope, British Minister at Madrid, 1690-1700 ; selected from Originals at Chevening/ 1840, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1845. 4. ' Essai sur la vie du grand Conde,' Lon- don, 1842, 8vo, written in French, and only one hundred copies printed for private cir- culation (cf. J. W. Croker in Quarterly Rev. Ixxi. 106-69) ; an English edition was pub- lished in 1845, and reprinted in 1847 and 1848. 5. ' Historical Essays contributed to the "Quarterly Review,'" 1849. 6. 'The Forty -five ; being a Narrative of the Rebellion in Scotland of 1745,' 1851, 8vo. 7. ' Essay on Joan of Arc,' 1853, 12mo. 8. ' Lord Chatham at Chevening, 1769,' 1855, 8vo. 9. ' Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel, bart., M.P., published by the Trustees of his Papers,' in 2 vols. and 3 parts, 1856-7, 8vo [cf. art. PEEL, SIR ROBERT, 1788-1850]. 10. 'Ad- dresses delivered at Manchester, Leeds, and Birmingham,' 1856, 8vo. 11 'Miscellanies,' 1863, 2nd ed. same year. 12. ' Miscellanies, 2nd ser./ 1872. 13. ' The French Retreat from Moscow and other Historical Essays, collected from the "Quarterly Review" and " Eraser's Magazine," ' 1876, 8vo. 14. ' Notes of Conversations with Wellington,' 1888, 8vo. Stanhope also edited 'Letters to General Stanhope in Spain/ 1834 ; ' Correspondence | between William Pitt and Charles, Duke of Rutland/ 1842 ; ' Extracts from Despatches Stanhope of the British Envoy at Florence, relative to the Motions and Behaviour of Charles Ed- ward' (1843, Roxburghe Club) ; < Letters of Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield ' (4 vols. 1845, vol. v. 1853) ; and ' Secret Correspon- dence connected with Mr. Pitt's return to office in 1804' (1852). [Works in British Mus. Library; Hansard's Parl. Debates ; Official Eeturn of Members of Parl. ; Journals of the House of Lords and Commons; Times, 25 Dec. 1875; Athenseum, 1876, i. 24; Academy, 1876, i. 9-10; Spectator, 1876, i. 3; Annual '.Register, 1875, pp. 156-7; Greville's Journals ; Trevelyan's Life of Mac- aulay; Doyle, Burke, and Gr. E. C[okayne]'s Peerages ; Allibone's Diet, of English Lit., s.vv. ' Mahon ' and ' Stanhope.'] A. F. P. STANHOPE, WILLIAM, first EARL OP HARRINGTON (1690 P-1756), diplomatist and statesman, born about 1690, was the fourth son of John Stanhope of Elvaston, Derby- shire, by Dorothy, daughter and coheiress of Charles Agard of Foston in the same county. His great-grandfather, Sir John Stanhope (d. 1638), was half-brother of Philip Stanhope, first earl of Chesterfield [q. v.] Of his three elder brothers, the third, CHARLES STANHOPE (1673-1760), succeeded to the family estates on the second brother's death in 1730. He represented MilbornePort from 1717 to 1722, Aldborough (Yorkshire) from 1722 to 1734, and Harwich from 1734 to 1741. He was under-secretary for the southern department from 1714 to 1717, and in 1720-1 was secretary to the treasury. He was charged with making use of his position to gain a profit of 250,000/. by dealings in South Sea stock, and, though the accusation rested on insufficient evidence, the support of the Walpoles only gained his acquittal in the House of Commons (28 Feb. 1721) by three votes. George I in 1722 made him treasurer of the chamber, but George H refused him office on acqount of a memorial found among his father's papers relating to himself when Prince of Wales, which was in Stanhope's writing, though its real author was Sunderland. Charles Stanhope's name is frequently mentioned in Horace Walpole's ' Correspondence.' An ode to him ' drinking tar water ' is among Sir C. Hanbury-Wil- liams's works, and he is also introduced as a character in that writer's ' Isabella, or the Morning.' He died unmarried on 17 March 1760, aged 87. According to ' Harlequin Horace,'an anony- mous satirical epistle in verse, addressed to him in 1738, William Stanhope was educated at Eton and ' half a colledge education got.' He obtained a captaincy in the 3rd foot- guards in 1710, and served under his kinsman, Stanhope < General James Stanhope, in Spain. In 1715 he was made colonel of a dragoon regiment, and in the same year entered parliament as whig member for Derby. On 19 Aug. 1717 he was sent on a special mission to Madrid, the object of which was to arrange the differences between Philip V and the emperor Charles VI. On 1 July 1718 he announced to Alberoni the determination of England to force Spain to agree to the terms of pacification settled by the quadruple alliance, and had a very stormy interview with him. He was assiduous in urging the grievances of British merchants and gave them timely warning of the out- break of war. On 17 Nov. 1718 he was ap- pointed envoy at Turin, where he remained during the greater part of the war with Spain. Before returning to Madrid he saw military service as a volunteer with the French army while in Berwick's camp before Fontarabia. Stanhope concerted an attack upon some Spanish ships and stores in the port of St. Andero, and himself commanded the troops which were detached to co-operate with the English fleet. The operation was completely successful. This exploit closed his active military career, but he attained the rank of lieutenant-general in 1739 and gene- ral in 1747. On the conclusion of peace Stanhope re- turned to Madrid as British ambassador. He remained there for the next seven years, and made for himself a high reputation as a diplomatist. In a series of able despatches he described the abdication of Philip V, his resumption of power after his son's death, the separation of France and Spain resulting from the failure of the match between the infanta and Louis XV, the intrigues between Spain and the emperor, and the rise and fall of their projector, the Baron Ripperda. The latter, when disgraced in 1726, fled to Stan- hope's house, and was induced by him to reveal the articles of the recent secret treaty of Vienna. The information was taken down in cipher and sent by special messenger to London. During his second embassy in Spain Stanhope was also engaged in nego- tiations for the cession of Gibraltar. George I and some of his ministers were not averse to it, and even gave a conditional promise, but dared not propose it to parliament. In an interview with Philip V at the end of 1720, Stanhope denied the king's assertion that an absolute promise to cede Gibraltar had been given as a condition of Philip's accession to the quadruple alliance. Stan- hope claimed an equivalent for the surrender of the fortress. He was persuaded that it would be to the advantage of England to yield Gibraltar in exchange for increased i Stanhope facilities for commercial intercourse with Spain and her colonies. To his regret the Spaniards declined to come to terms (letter to Sir Luke Schaub, 18 Jan. 1721, in COXE, Bourbon Kings of Spain, iii. 22). On a fresh rupture with Spain in March 1727, Stanhope left Madrid and returned to England. On the previous 26 Sept. he had addressed a memorial to the king of Spain justifying the despatch of a British fleet to his coasts on the ground of the intrigues of his court with the emperor, Russia, and the Pretender (TiXDAL, Hist, of Engl. iv. 698-9). His correspondence with the Marquis de la Paz was published by an opponent of the ministry to show the impolicy of the war (Letters of the Marquis de la Paz and Colonell Stanhope . . . with Remarks, 1726 ; A Continuation of the Letters, 1727). An answer entitled ' Gibraltar or the Pretender,' by Kichard Newyear, appeared in 1727. In 1727 Stanhope was named by George II vice-chamberlain and a privy councillor. He did not remain long in England, being appointed in August one of the British plenipotentiaries at the congress of Aix-la- Chapelle, which subsequently removed to Soissons. Here he seems to have been in favour of the cession of Gibraltar, then under- going a siege (Lord Townshend to Stephen Poyntz, 14 June 1728). Newcastle, with whom he was in constant correspondence, showed some of his letters to Queen Caroline, who approved their tenor (CoxE, Mem. of Sir R. Walpole, ii. 631). Little way being made with the negotiations at the congress, in the autumn of 1729 Stanhope was sent to negotiate directly with the court of Spain. Horatio Walpole engaged the interest of the queen in his favour, and a peerage was pro- mised as the reward of his mission. Poyntz, one of his colleagues at Soissons, testifies to Stanhope's ' most universal and deserved credit with the whole Spanish court and nation,' and remarks that the fact of his never having taken formal leave at Madrid facilitated the English advances (ib. ii. 653). With the help of France the treaty of Seville was concluded on 9 Nov. 1729 be- tween England, France, and Spain, Holland subsequently acceding. The claim to Gibral- tar was passed over in silence, and important advantages were secured to British trade in return for the forwarding of Elizabeth Far- nese's wishes with regard to the succession in Tuscany and Parma. Newcastle, a few days later, assured Stanhope that he had never seen the king better satisfied with any one than he was with him, and conveyed him the special thanks of Walpole and Townshend (ib. ii. 665). The administration was much Stanhope Stanhope strengthened by the settlement of Spanish affairs, which had left the emperor their single isolated opponent. On 6 Jan. 1730 Stanhope was created Baron Harrington of Harring- ton, Northamptonshire. On 21 Feb. he was reappointed a plenipotentiary at Soissons, where negotiations with the emperor were still going on ; but in May he was declared successor to Townshend as secretary of state for the northern department. His colleague was the Duke of Newcastle, who had done much to forward his promotion. He remained secretary during the remaining years of the Walpole administration. He never cordially coalesced with Sir Robert, but made himself acceptable to George II by favouring his German interests. The British ambassador at Vienna had to officially affirm that Har- rington was acting in concert with the Wai- poles so early as February 1731 (Thomas Robinson to Horatio Walpole, 3 Feb. 1731). In March a treaty was signed with the em- peror, who obtained a guarantee of the prag- matic sanction in exchange for his accession to the treaty of Seville ; but Harrington was obliged to instruct Thomas Robinson (after- wards first Baron Grantham) [q. v.] to leave the question of Hanoverian interests for future consideration. On the outbreak of the war of the Polish succession in 1733, he was in favour of supporting the emperor against France, but was overruled by the Walpoles ; and in the following year he ar- ranged with George II the sending to Eng- land of Thomas Strickland [q. v.], bishop of Namur, as a secret envoy from Charles VI (Horatio Walpole to Sir Robert, 22 Oct. 1734). Harrington had a long and secret conference with Strickland, which gave great uneasiness to the Walpoles ; but the mis- sion was discredited by the influence of Horatio Walpole with the queen (ib. pp. 442-4). The cabinet was much divided on ques- tions of foreign policy, and contradictory instructions were sent to the ambassadors, according as the war policy of Harrington and the king or the peace policy of the Walpoles and the queen predominated. Harrington thought that England had no excuse for not supporting the emperor, and propounded to Horatio Walpole a plan for a joint ultimatum from England and Holland to France (ib. i. 465-6). In the end he was obliged to carry out the peace policy of the premier, and to accept as a basis of negotia- tion the secret arrangement between France and the emperor. The preliminaries arranged at the end of 1735 won the approbation even of Bolingbroke (ib. i. 470; cf. HERVEY, Memoirs, ii. 174). Soon after this the king became dissatisfied with Harrington, and even proposed to dis- miss him. When he went to Hanover in the summer of 1736, he insisted on taking Horatio Walpole with him to act as secretary (CoxE, Walpole, i. 480). This Hervey attri- butes to the influence of the queen and Wal- pole, who had been annoyed at Harrington's conduct in the previous year, when he had sent over from Hanover despatches arraigning all the acts and measures of the queen's regency, and had even been suspected of advising the king to sign military commis- sions which, having delegated his powers> he was incapacitated from doing. According to Hervey, many thought that at this time Harrington had been worked upon by Philip Dormer Stanhope, fourth earl of Chesterfield, to form a plan of be- coming first minister. But George II dis- liked him, although not constantly, as did Queen Caroline. On 1 Aug. 1737 Harring- ton accompanied Sir R. Walpole to St. James's to attend the accouchement of the Princess of Wales. On this occasion the queen, who always disguised her dislike, joked with him upon his gallantry. Walpole and Harrington also had a conversation with Frederick, prince of Wales, at the bedside, of which they were requested by the king to draw up an account (see Minutes in HERVEY'S Memoirs, iii. 192-4). In talking of this scandalous incident with the Prince of Wales. Alexander, lord Marchmont, de- scribed Harrington as a good-natured honest man, but not of very great reach, adding that he ' did nothing but as directed.' In the closing years of Walpole's ministry Harrington again opposed him by acting with the party of Newcastle and Hardwicke, who were in favour of war with Spain. In 1741 he negotiated behind the premier's back a treaty with France for the neutrality of Hanover, and was careful not to commit himself to any opinion displeasing to the king (CoxE, Memoirs of Lord Walpole, ii. 27, 35). Nevertheless, it was by Walpole's influence that he retained office on the re- arrangement of the ministry on that mini- ster's fall. But he had to give up the secre- taryship of state to Carteret, receiving in its place the presidency of the council. He was so dependent on his official salary that in 1740 he had applied both to the king and to Walpole for a tellership of the exchequer, alleging the ' extreme streightness ' of his circumstances (Hist. MSS. Comm. 10th Rep. ii. 274-5). On 9 Feb. 1742 he was advanced to an earldom. In the following year he acted as one of the lords justices. He now joined with the Pelhams in opposing Car- Stanhope 43 Stanhope teret's foreign policy, and in the summer of 1744 signed Hardwicke's memorial to the king, proposing that an envoy should be sent to Holland declaring that England would withdraw from the war should they refuse to enter into it. Harrington himself seems to have been asked to undertake the mission but to have declined, presumably from the fear of not being well supported (March- monfs Diary, 28 Oct. 1744;. On 23 Nov. the Pelhams succeeded in driving out Car- teret and replacing him by Harrington. In the summer of 1745 he accompanied George II to Hanover, but continued, in con- cert with the Pelhams, to oppose his desire for more extensive operations against France, and especially Carteret's project of a grand alliance. In January 174(5 Harrington again urged the Dutch to declare war against France. He announced that, in consequence of the rebellion, England would have to limit her financial assistance, and would be unable to contribute to the defence of the German empire. The king now tried by means of Pulteney (Bath) to detach Har- rington from the Pelhams, and on 7 Feb. 1746 had a personal interview with him. Harrington not only remained loyal to his colleagues, but took the lead in resigning office three days later. According to Ches- terfield, he flung the purse and seals down upon the table and provoked the king be- ! yond expression (Marchmont's Diary, 30 Aug. 1747). He had told Bath previously his opinion ' that those who dictated in private should be employed in public ' (CoxE, Pel- \ ham Admin, i. 289). When, after a few days, the king was obliged to recall Henry Pelham, ' the chief resentment was shown to Lord Harrington ' (Newcastle to Chester- field, 18 Feb. 1746 ; cf. Marchmonts Diary, 30 Aug. 1747). Harrington had now irretrievably lost the king's favour, and retained the seals only till the following October. His wish to accept the French proposals as a basis for peace was opposed by Newcastle and Hardwicke, and a warm debate took place between him and Newcastle in the king's presence. Har- rington made use of the fact of Newcastle's having carried on a separate correspondence with Lord Sandwich, British envoy at Breda, as a pretext for his resignation, which he really gave because of his treatment by the king. Hardwicke tried to avert this extreme course, and Henry Pelham greatly regretted it, and even hoped that after a time Harrington would be enabled to resume the seals. Both Pelhams concurred in urging on the king Harrington's request for the lord- lieutenancy of Ireland, which office, after some difficulty, they obtained for him. Har- rington exchanged offices with his kinsman, Lord Chesterfield. He retained the vice- royalty till 1751. In the previous year, when the Pelhams tried to get him a pension or a sinecure, the king said ' Lord Harring- ton deserves nothing and shall have nothing ' (CoxE, Pelham Admin, ii. 134). Harring- ton's viceroy alty was disturbed by the agi- tation headed by Charles Lucas (1731-1771) [q. v.], and saw the beginning of an organised opposition in the Irish parliament. ' Bonfires were made and a thousand insults offered him ' on his departure in the spring of 1751 (Chesterfield to S. Dayrolles,27 April 1751). Horace Walpole says that the Pelhams sacri- ficed him to the king. But this account is unfair, at least to Henry Pelham, who had a high regard for Harrington. In Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams's 'The Duke of New- castle : a Fable,' Harrington is represented, with more justice, as the duke's cast-off favourite and friend. But it is difficult to see what the brothers could have done for their friend in face of the implacable resent- ment of the king. Harrington took no further part in public affairs, and died on 8 Dec. 1756 at his house in the Stable Yard, St. James's. Harrington shone rather as a diplomatist than as a statesman. Though he never spoke in debate, his advice as a strategist was listened to with respect. Horace Wal- pole does justice to his career, but Lord Hervey's estimate of his character was pro- bably infl uenced by a private motive (Memoirs f i. 336, Croker's note). When he was at the court of Spain Hervey says that 'people talked, heard, and read of nothing but Lord Harrington,' who was rapidly forgotten as soon as he returned. In Hervey's ' Political Epistle to the Queen ' (1736), Harrington is described as An exile made by an uncommon doom From foreign countries to his own ; and the statesman's fortune is compared to a piece of old china, bought at an enormous price, never used, and laid by and forgotten. In the satirical piece called ' The Death of Lord Hervey ; or a Morning at Court,' ex- treme indolence is imputed to Harrington by Queen Caroline in words which she ap- pears actually to have used (cf. Memoirs, ii. 42). Hervey, however, admits that he was ' well bred, a man of honour, and fortunate.' Of foreign observers Saint-Simon, who met Harrington in Spain, writes of his taciturn and somewhat repellent demeanour, but credits him with ' beaucoup d'esprit, de con- duite et de sens' (Memoires, xix. 419). Stanhope 44 Stanley Campo Raso says he united the greatest vivacity with a by no means lively exterior (Memorias Politicas y Militares, p. 35) ; and Philip V of Spain asserted that he was the only minister who had never deceived him. Two portraits of Harrington— one engraved by Ford, from a painting by Du Pare, the other painted by Fayram and engraved by Faber — are at Elvaston. Harrington married Anne, daughter and heiress of Colonel Edward Griffiths, one of the clerk comptrollers of the Green Cloth. He was succeeded in the title by the sur- vivor of twin sons, WILLIAM STANHOPE, second EAEL OF HARRINGTON (1719-1779). Born on 18 Dec. 1719, he entered the army in 0741, and became general} of the 2nd troop of horse grenadier guarcTsin June 1745. He distinguished himself at Fontenoy, where he was slightly wounded (Walpole to Mann, 11 May 1745). He became major-general in February 1755, lieutenant-general in January 1758, and general on 30 April 1770. As Viscount Petersham he represented Bury St. Edmunds from 1747 to 1756. In 1748 he was made customer of the port of Dublin. He was a somewhat eccentric personage, and from a peculiarity in his gait was nicknamed ' Peter Shambles.' He died on 1 April 1779. He married, on 11 Aug. 1746, Caroline, eldest daughter of Charles Fitzroy, second duke of Grafton. She was one of the reigning beauties of the day. Horace Walpole, who was one of her intimates, relates many of her wild doings. She and her friend, Miss Ashe, went to comfort and weep over James Maclaine or Maclean [q. v.], the gentleman highwayman (to Mann, 2 Aug. 1750). At the coronation of George III Lady Harring- ton appeared ' covered with all the diamonds she could borrow, hire, or seize,' and was ' the finest figure at a distance.' Walpole's friend, Conway, had been in love with her, and a chanson by WTalpole, with English translation, on the subject of their affection has been printed from the Manchester papers (in Hist. MSS. Comm.Sih Rep. App. ii. 111- 112). One of Lady Harrington's last ex- ploits was an application to Johnson in favour of Dr. Dodd, which produced a considerable effect upon him (BOSWELL, Johnson, ed. Hill, iii. 141). She died in 1784, and was buried at Kensington on 6 July. Two characteris- tic portraits of her are at Elvaston. One, by Hudson, depicts her in middle life ; the other, by Cotes, represents her in old age with her daughter, the Duchess of New- castle. She had five daughters and two sons. The eldest daughter, Lady Caroline, who married Kenneth Mackenzie, viscount Fortrose, died in her twentieth year in Fe- bruary 1767, ' killed, like Lady Coventry and others, by white lead ' (Walpole to Montagu, 12 Dec. 1766 ; to Mann, 13 Feb. 1767) ; Isa- bella, married Richard Molyneux, first earl of Sefton ; Emilia, Richard, sixth earl of Barry- more ; Henrietta, Thomas, second lord Foley (the last two inherited a full share of their mother's beauty) ; the youngest, Lady Anna Maria (1760-1821), married, first, Thomas Pelham-Clinton, earl of Lincoln (afterwards Duke of Newcastle), and, secondly, Colonel (afterwards Sir Charles Cregan) Craufurd, G.C.B. The second son, Henry Fitzroy, served in the army. The elder, Charles Stanhope, third earl of Harrington, is sepa- rately noticed. [Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, iv. 284-90 ; Doyle's Official Baronage ; G. E. C.'s and Burke's Peerages ; Coxe's Memoirs of Sir R. Walpole, of the Pelham Administration, of Horatio Lord Wal- pole, his Bourbon Kings of Spain, vols. ii. iii., and House of Austria, vol. ii. ; Lord Hervey's Memoirs of George II, 1884, passim ; H. Walpole's Memoirs of George II, i. 3-5, and Letters, ed. Cunningham, passim ; Marchmont Papers, i. 44 - 45, 69, 70, 88, 97 »., 124, 181-5, ii. 88, 416 ; Tin- dal's Continuation of Rapin ; Ballantine's Life of Carteret, pp. 74-5, 154 ; Works of Sir C. Hanbury-Williams ; Chesterfield's Corresp. ed. Lord Mahon ; Evans's Cat. Engr. Portraits ; Bedford Corresp. i. 171-3, 178-9. Among Har- rington's papers in the British Museum the most important are his correspondence with Sir Luke Schaub, 1721 (Addit. MSS. 22520-1), with Sir Thomas Robinson, 1730-46 (Addit. MSS. 23780- 23823). with W. Titley (Egerton MSS. 2683-9), with Newcastle (Addit. MSS. 32686 et seq.), and with Newcastle, Townshend, and Alberoni (Stowe MSS. 252-6). These collections have been used by Mr. E. Armstrong in his Elizabeth Farnese, 1892. Many letters to and from him are among the Weston papers at Somerby Hall, Lincolnshire (Hist. MSS. Comm. 10th Rep. i.).] G. LE G. N. STANIHURST, RICHARD (1547- 1618), translator of Virgil. [See STANY- HTJKST.] STANLEY, MRS. (1796P-1861), actress. [See FLEMING.] STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN (1815-1881), dean of Westminster, born at Alderley Rectory on 13 Dec. 1815, was the second son and third child of Edward Stan- ley [q. v.], bishop of Norwich, and Catherine Leycester, his wife. In September 1824 he went to a private school at Seaforth. There he was distinguished by an insatiable love of reading, and by gifts as a raconteur which kept his schoolfellows entranced by stories from Southey's poems and Scott's novels. Stanley 45 Stanley He was also a fluent writer of English verse. Already an indefatigable sightseer, he showed signs of those powers of picturesque descrip- tion in which he was, in later life, unsur- passed. His diary of a visit paid to the Pyrenees in 1828 contains passages which are not only precocious in their promise, but striking in themselves. On 31 Jan. 1829 he entered Rugby school, where Dr. Arnold had been installed as headmaster in the previous summer. His progress up the school was rapid. In August 1831 his promotion into the sixth form brought him into close contact with Dr. Ar- nold, whose influence was the 'lodestar of his life.' His respect for his headmaster quickly ripened into affection, and rose to veneration. ' Most sincerely,' he writes in May 1834, ' must I thank God for His good- ness in placing me here to live with Arnold. Yet I always feel that the happiness is a dangerous one, and that loving him and ad- miring him as I do to the very verge of all love and admiration that can be paid to man, I fear I have passed the limit and made him my idol, and that in all I may be but serv- ing God for man's sake ' (PKOTHERO, Life of Dean Stanley, i. 102). At Rugby, where Stanley won all the five school distinctions, he held a position which was almost unique at a public school. In spite of his incapacity for games, he so impressed the roughest of his contemporaries that they recognised in him a being of a higher order than them- selves, not to be judged by their conventional standards (see the character of ' Arthur ' in HUGHES'S Tom Browns Schooldays}. In November 1833 Stanley gained a scholarship at Balliol, and in the following October went into residence at Oxford. There he was plunged into the midst of influences hostile — on religious, political, and social questions — to those of his ' oracle and idol,' Dr. Arnold. Even at this stage of his career his chivalry in defending friends, detachment from party ties, and power of criticising those whom he most reverenced were con- spicuous. Though the names of Faber, W. G. Ward, Marriott, and Keble often occur in his letters, and though for a time he felt 'the strong attraction of Newmanism,' he remained staunch to the views which he brought with him from Rugby. At Oxford he won the Ireland scholarship in 1837, and in the same year the Newdegate prize for English verse (' The Gypsies : ' see Letters and Verses of Dean Stanley, pp. 29-38), and a first class in the final classical schools. In July 1838 he was elected a fellow of Uni- versity College, finding that his views on church and state would probably prevent his election at Balliol. He also gained in 1839 the chancellor's Latin essay, and in 1840 the chancellor's English essay and the Ellerton theological essay. In December 1839 he was, after prolonged hesitation, ordained by the bishop of Oxford. His reluctance to take orders proceeded not from any doubts respecting the central doc- trines of Christianity, but from the stringent subscription to the damnatory clauses of the Athanasian creed which was then exacted from candidates for ordination. So great was his difficulty in this respect that he did not expect to take priest's orders. In the hope of procuring some relaxation in the stringency of the terms of subscription, he helped to promote a petition for the relief of the clergy, which was presented to the House of Lords in 1840. The petition was rejected, but Stanley adhered to his point with his usual tenacity. In 1863, when Lord Ebury's bill was before the House of Lords, his bril- liant ' Letter to the Bishop of London' (pub- lished in 1863) effectively supported the pro- posal. The bill was lost. But a royal com- mission reported in favour of relaxation, and in 1865 effect was given to their recom- mendations by an act of parliament (28 & 29 Victoria, c. 122), and by the corresponding alterations which convocation made in the canons. In July 1840 Stanley left England for a prolonged tour through Switzerland, Italy, Greece, and Sicily. The tour was memorable. It confirmed his love of foreign travel ; it also revealed to himself and his friends his descriptive powers. Henceforward scarcely a year passed without his making some more or less lengthy tour in Europe, Asia, Africa, or America. External nature scarcely at- tracted him, except as the background of history or human interest. But no one ever experienced a keener delight in seeing places which were connected with famous people, striking events, impressive legends, or scenes in the works of poets and novelists. Few persons have rivalled him in his powers of communicating his own enthusiasms to his readers, of peopling every spot with living actors, of seizing the natural features which coloured local occurrences and modified events, of noting analogies in apparent oppo- sites, or detecting resemblances beneath superficial differences. It is from the exer- cise of these gifts that his letters derive their charm and his historical writings their value. After his return to England in May 1841, Stanley found Oxford divided into two hostile camps, with neither of which could he ally himself. So uncongenial was the atmo- sphere of religious animosity that he con- Stanley 46 Stanley templated retiring from the university. But the appointment of Dr. Arnold in 1841 to the chair of modern history reconciled him to his position. To his lectures Stanley looked for the infusion of new life into a decaying professorial system, the restoration of a healthier tone in university life, the destruction of the barriers which then sepa- rated religious from secular learning. His hopes were disappointed by the sudden death of Arnold on 12 June 1842. The event was described by Stanley as the greatest cala- mity that had happened to him, and almost the greatest that could befall him. To the task of writing Arnold's life he devoted his utmost energies. His ' Life and Corre- spondence of Dr. Arnold' (published on 31 May 1844) was in some respects the work of Stanley's life. It gave him an assured position not only in Oxford, but in the wider world of letters. In 1843 he had been ordained priest and appointed a college tutor. The university j was still convulsed by a series of religious struggles, towards which he took up a con- i sistent position. He advocated the tolera- i tion of divergent views, and opposed alike the degradation of W. G. Ward in 1845 and i the agitation against Dr. Hampden, who was j appointed to the bishopric of Hereford in 1847. "Without sympathising with the views i of either, he insisted on the injustice of the • indiscriminating clamour with which evan- gelicals assailed the one and high churchmen j the other. Meanwhile, in the midst of literary labours and ecclesiastical conflicts, he steadily pursued his tutorial duties. His efforts met with unprecedented success. Giving his time and his best self to the undergraduates, he fired his pupils with his own enthusiasms ; his colleagues were stimu- lated by his example, and the college rapidly rose to a high position in the university. In October 1845 he was appointed select preacher, and preached a course of four sermons, beginning in February 1846 and < ending on 31 Jan. 1847. The sermons were j published in November 1847, with additions and appendices, under the title of ' Sermons on the Apostolical Age.' They were preached at a crisis in Stanley's career, and at a point of transition between the old and the new ( Oxford. They marked his divergence from j the views of both ecclesiastical parties ; they acknowledged obligations to Arnold and German theologians ; they championed the cause of free inquiry as applied to Biblical studies. From this time he was an object of suspicion to both evangelicals and high churchmen, who politically identified him with the party of reform, theologically with the German rationalists. On 6 Sept. 1849 Stanley's father, the bishop of Norwich, died ; on 13 Aug. of the same year his younger brother, Captain Charles Stanley, R.E., and on 13 March 1850 his elder brother, Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., also died. He was now the sole prop and stay of his mother and his two sisters, and by his succession to a small estate was obliged to resign his fellowship at the university. Immediately after his father's death he had been offered the deanery of Carlisle, vacated by the appointment of Dr. Hinds to the see of Nor- wich. This offer he refused : but now, de- prived of his home at Oxford, and desirous of providing one for his mother and sisters, he was not prepared to refuse any indepen- dent post. In July 1851 Stanley accepted a canonry at Canterbury, and left Oxford. The five succeeding years were a period of great literary activity. Before accepting the canonry Stanley had been appointed secre- tary of the Oxford University commission (July 1850). The report of the commission, which was mainly his work, was issued in May 1852. Thereupon he started on a tour in Egypt and the Holy Land, which produced his ' Sinai and Palestine ' (pub- lished March 1856), perhaps the most widely popular of his writings. His ' Commen- tary on the Epistles to the Corinthians' (published June 1855) was a companion work to Jowett's ' Commentary on the Epistles to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and Romans.' On the picturesque, historical, and personal side it is valuable ; but doctri- nally it is weak, and in scholarship and accu- racy it is deficient. Stanley wisely accepted the criticism of Dr. Lightfoot, afterwards bishop of Durham, in the ' Journal of Classi- cal and Sacred Philology ' (iii. 81-121), that critical notes were not his vocation. In his ' Memorials of Canterbury ' (published De- cember 1854) he found full scope for his gifts of dramatic, pictorial narrative. To make others share in his enthusiasms for the historical associations of the cathedral and the city was one side of his ideal of the duties of a canon. Another side of that ideal is illustrated in his ' Canterbury Ser- mons ' (published March 1859), in which he endeavours to enforce the practical side of religion ; to make it a life rather than a creed ; to set forth its truths, not to attack its errors. In December 1856 Stanley was appointed professor of ecclesiastical history at Oxford. To the chair was attached a canonry at Christ Church ; the appointment, therefore, though he was not installed as canon till March 1858, required his removal from Can- terbury and return to the university. At Stanley 47 Stanley the same time he accepted the post of examining chaplain to Dr. Archibald Camp- bell (afterwards archbishop) Tait [q. v.], who in September 1856 had been appointed bishop of London. His 'Three Introduc- tory Lectures on the Study of Ecclesiasti- cal History ' (published in 1857) were de- livered in February 1857. His ' Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church (pub- lished in 1861) and his ' Lectures on the His- tory of the Jewish Church ' (part i. 1803 ; part ii. 1865 ; part iii. 1876) were also based upon lectures delivered as professor of eccle- siastical history. Through the lecture-room, the pulpit, and social life, he exercised a remarkable influence over young men at Oxford. To Stanley, for example, John Richard Green attributed his devotion to historical studies ; from him also he learned the ' principle of fairness ' (PROTHERO, Life of Dean Stanley, ii. 13-15). Among older men he was not an intellectual leader, though always a stimulating force. He could not join himself unreservedly to any party, and hated the spirit of combination for party purposes. His passion for justice plunged him continually into ecclesiastical conflicts. It was this feeling, even more than personal friendship, which stirred him to support Professor Jowett's claims to the endowments of the Greek chair against those who, on theological grounds, withheld his salary while they accepted his services. Though he regretted the publication of the first volume of Dr. Colenso's work on the Penta- teuch (October 1862), he championed the writer's cause, because he could not 'join in the indiscriminate outcry against an evi- dently honest and single-minded religious man.' He disapproved of some of the con- tents of ' Essays and Reviews ' (1860) ; but he pleaded that each essay should be judged by itself, and urged the unfairness of involv- ing the different writers in the same sweep- ing censure (see his article on ' Essays and Reviews ' in the Edinburgh Review for April 1861). In January 1862 he was asked to accom- pany the Prince of Wales on a tour in the east. Leaving England in February, he re- turned home in the following June. The ' Sermons in the East ' (published in 1863) were preached on this tour. During his absence abroad his mother died (Ash-Wednes- day, 7 March 1862). This second tour in the Holy Land produced two results which were important in his career : it connected Mm closely with the court ; it also made him better known to Lady Augusta Bruce (1822-1876), fifth daughter of the seventh Earl of Elgin, whom he had first met in Paris in 1857, and whose brother, General Bruce, his fellow-traveller throughout the prince's tour, died in 1862 of a fever caught in the marshes of the Upper Jordan. On 23 Dec. 1863 he was married to Lady Augusta in Westminster Abbey, and on 9 Jan. 1864 was installed as dean of the abbey in succession to Richard Chenevix Trench [q. v.]. who was promoted to the archbishopric of Dublin. Stanley at once made his mark in his new position. In convocation, in literature, in society, in his official duties as dean, and in the pulpit, his work was rich in results and his influence grew in extent. By the ancient instrument to which he declared his assent at his installation as dean, he held his office for ' the enlargement of the Christian church.' To obtain recognition for the comprehensiveness which was, in his opinion, secured to the church by its union with the state, and, within the limits of the law, to widen its borders so that it might more worthily fulfil its mission as a national church, were the objects to which he devoted himself. In this double meaning of the enlargement of the church lies the key to his sermons, speeches, and writings. The sacrifices which he was pre- pared to make for the attainment of his ideal repelled numbers of the best men in his own church, whether their views were high or low. On the other hand, the breadth of his charity attracted thousands of the members of other communions. Out- side the pale of his own church no ecclesi- astic commanded more respect or personal affection. Within its limits no one was more fiercely assailed. In the controver- sies in which he took part or provoked, such as those which centred round Dr. John William Colenso [q. v.] or Dr. Vance Smith, his attitude was at least consistent. He opposed every effort to loosen the tie be- tween church and state, to resist or evade the existing law, or to contract the freedom which the widest interpretation of the for- mularies of the church would permit. In his ' Essays, chiefly on Questions of Church and State, from 1850 to 1870 ' (published in 1870), as wellas in the 'Journals of Convo- cation,' are preserved the memories of many forgotten controversies. In Westminster Abbey he found the material embodiment of his ideal of a com- prehensive national church, an outward symbol of harmonious unity in diversity, a temple of silence and reconciliation which gathered under one consecrated roof every variety of creed and every form of national ac- tivity, whether lay or ecclesiastical, religious Stanley 48 Stanley or secular. It was one of the objects of his life to open the abbey pulpit to churchmen of every shade of opinion, to give to lay- men and ministers of other communions opportunities of speaking witin its walls, to make its services attractive to all classes and all ages, to communicate to the public generally his own enthusiasm for its his- torical associations by conducting parties over the building, as well as by compiling his ' Memorials of "Westminster Abbey ' (published in 1868). As a preacher he pursued the same ob- jects. He insisted that the essence of Christianity lay not in doctrine, but in a Christian character. He tried to penetrate to the moral and spiritual substance, which gave vitality to forms, institutions, and dogmas, and underlay different and ap- parently hostile views of religion. On this bed-rock, as it were, of Christianity he founded his teaching, because here he found the common ground on which Anglican, Roman catholic, presbyterian, and noncon- formist might meet (see his Lectures on the Church of Scotland, 1872 ; Addresses and Sermons delivered at St. Andrews, 1877 ; Addresses and Sermons delivered in the United States and Canada, 1879; Christian Institutions, 1881. In the midst of multifarious activities, social, political, literary, and official, he con- tinued his annual tours, on the continent, in Scotland, or in America, the record of which is preserved in some of his published letters. In January 1874 he performed at St. Petersburg the marriage service between the Duke of Edinburgh and the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia. Later in the same year Lady Augusta Stanley, who had represented the queen at the wedding, fell ill, and, after months of suffering, died on Ash Wednesday, 1 March 1876. Her portrait, painted by George Richmond, R. A., belongs to the Lady Frances Baillie. By her bedside the third part of her husband's* Lectures on the Jewish Church ' was mainly written (1876). Stan- ley never recovered the shock of his wife's death, though his life to the last was full of activity. In the summer of 1881 he was preaching a course of sermons on the Beati- tudes on Saturday afternoons in Westmin- ster. At the service on Saturday, 9 July 1881, he spoke his last words in the abbey. He left the pulpit for his bed. His illness proved to be erysipelas, of which he died on Monday, 18 July 1881. On Monday, 25 July, he was buried in Westminster Abbey by the side of his wife. Stanley's principal works have been already mentioned. None of them, with the possible exception of the ' Life of Dr. Arnold,' belong to the highest or most permanent class of literature. His personal charm was a stronger influence than his books. Of the fascination that he exercised over his friends, a vivid picture will be found in Dean Bradley's ' Recollections of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley ' (1883). A full-length recumbent figure of Stanley, modelled by Sir Edgar Boehm, is in the National Portrait Gallery, London, of which Stanley had been appointed a trustee in 1 866. A portrait by G. F. Watts is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. [Prothero's Life and Correspondence of Dean Stanley (1893) and Letters and Verses of Dean Stanley (1895) contain the fullest information respecting the life and works of Stanley. Other books which also illustrate the subject are Dean Bradley's Recollections (1883), My Confidences, by F. Locker-Lampson (1896), and the Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett, by Messrs. Camp- bell and Abbott, 1897.] E. E. P. STANLEY, CHARLOTTE, COTTNTESS OF DERBY (1599-1664), born at Thouars early in December 1599 (LOUISE DE COLIGNY, Corresp. ed. 1887, p. 166), was the second child but eldest daughter of Claude de la Tremoille, due de Thouars, by his wife Char- lotte (1580-1626), third daughter of William the Silent, prince of Orange, by his third wife, Charlotte de Bourbon ('Chartrier de Thouars,' 1877, pp. 153, 162, 272-9, apud Documents Historiques et Genealogiques ; SAINT-MARTHE, Hist. Genealogique de la Maison de la Trtmoille, 1668, p. 260; Les La Tremoille pendant Cinq Siecles, Nantes, 1890-6). Louisa, Avife of the elector pala- tine Frederick IV, was her aunt ; the Due de Bouillon, head of the French protestants, and Prince Maurice of Nassau were her uncles. Her father died in 1604, and Char- lotte spent most of her early days at Thouars, occasionally paying visits to her relatives at The Hague. Her mother came to England in 1625 in the train of Charles I's queen, Henrietta Maria, and during her visit ar- ranged a marriage between Charlotte and James Stanley, lord Strange (afterwards seventh Earl of Derby) fq. v.] Charlotte was then staying at The Hague with Eliza- beth, the daughter of James I and fugitive queen of Bohemia, whose husband, Fre- derick V, was Charlotte's cousin. There the marriage took place on 26 June 1626 (BELLI, Osservazion, p. 95), the ceremony being disturbed by a contest for precedence between the English and French ambassadors. The statement that she was of the same age as her husband was a polite fiction to cover the fact that she was seven vears his senior. Stanley 49 Stanley For sixteen years after her marriage Lady Strange lived quietly with her husband at Knowsley or Lathom House, and during this period she bore him nine children (Stan- ley Papers, in. ii. pp. cclxxxviii-ccxcii). She remained at Lathom House when, on the outbreak of the civil war, her husband joined the king. Lancashire, however, fa- voured the parliamentary cause, and by May 1643 Lathom House was the only place held by the king's adherents. No serious steps, however, were taken for its reduction until February 1643-4. On the 25th of that month Sir William Fairfax [q. v.] encamped between Wigan and Bolton, and on the 28th Lathom House was invested. The garrison consisted of three hundred men under six captains and six lieutenants (ib. pp. xciii-iv), but the Countess of Derby (as she had become in the preceding year) re- served all important decisions to herself. A week was occupied in parleys, but the countess rejected with scorn all proposals for surrender, declaring that she and her children would fire the castle and perish in the flames rather than yield. These words were backed by spirited sorties of the garri- son on 17-18 and 20 March. On the latter occasion two messengers broke through the enemy's lines, conveying urgent appeals for aid to Prince Rupert and the Earl of Derby. Fairfax now left the command to Alexander Rigby [q. v.] On 10 April the parliamenta- rians opened a destructive fire with a new mortar, which threatened to put a speedy end to the defence ; but about four A.M. on 26 April the garrison made a brilliant sortie and captured the mortar. This exploit dis- heartened the besiegers, and on 26 May they received news of Rupert's approach from Newark. They retired to Bolton, which Rupert stormed on the 28th, sending the countess as a present twenty-two banners that had lately waved over the heads of her besiegers. The parliamentarians spread a report that the countess, being a better soldier than her husband, dressed herself in man's clothes and in this disguise conducted the defence of Lathom House. The respite was not of long duration. The battle of Marston Moor (2 July) ruined the royalist cause in Lancashire, and before the end of the month Lathom House was again besieged. The earl, however, had re- m^ved with his wife and children to the Isle of Man, and on 8 Dec. following Lathom House surrendered. The countess remained in the Isle of Man until after her husband's execution in 1651. The island was then surrendered by William Christian [q. v.], the deputy-governor, to the parliamentarians, VOL. LIV. and the countess removed to Knowsley, where she lived until the Restoration, occa- sionally visiting London. On 9 June 1660 she petitioned that her husband's ' murderers might be brought to condign punishment.' But the obloquy cast upon her because of her alleged persecution of Christian is said to have been unmerited (Stanley Papers, in. ii. pp. cclxxiv et seq.) She died at Knows- ley on 21 March 1663-4, and was buried near her husband in Ormskirk church. Vandyck's group of the Earl and Countess of Derby and child in the Clarendon Gallery is one of his finest pictures. The sketch of Lady Derby's figure for this picture is among the original Vandyck drawings in the Bri- tish Museum (LADY THERESA LEWIS, Friends of Clarendon, iii. 338). A portrait by Janssen formerly belonged to the Earl of Liverpool, and two others belong to Earl Fitzwilliam. A portrait belonging to the Earl of Derby, engraved by C. H. Jeens, is prefixed to Madame de Witt's ' Lady of Latham.' [The large collection of letters from the Countess of Derby to her French relatives, in the possession of the Due de la Tremoille, were used by Madame de Witt in her Lady of Latham, London, 1869, 8vo, and by M. Marlet in his Charlotte de la Tremoille, Paris, 1895. The latter is the best biography of the countess. Other lives of her are given in Cummings's The Great Stanley, 1847, and the Stanley Papers (Chetham Soc.) For the siege of Lathom House see two anonymous manuscripts, one of which, extant in Ashmolean MS. A. Wood, D. 16, is printed as a sequel to the Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson, 1846 ; the other, extant in Harl. MS. 2043, was published in 1823, 12mo, and in Ormerod's Civil War Tracts in Lancashire (Chetham Soc.), 1844. The countess is portrayed in Scott's Peveril of the Peak and in Harrison Ainsworth's Leaguer of Lathom. See also Cor- respondance de Louise de Coligny, ed. MM. Marchegay et Marlet, 1887, passim ; Chartrier de Thouars, 1877 ; Warburton's Prince Eupert; Thurloe and Rushworth's Collections; Gardi- ner's Civil War ; Collins's and G. E. C.'s Peer- ages ; Intermediate des Chercheurs et Curieux, xxiv. 588 ; authorities quoted in Marlet's Char- lotte de la Tremoille, pp. xiv-xv, and in art. STANLEY, JAMES, seventh EAHL OF DERBY.] A. F. P. STANLEY, EDWARD, first BARON MONTEAGLE (1460 P-1523), born probably about 1460, was fifth son of Thomas Stanley, first earl of Derby [q. v.], by his first wife Eleanor, daughter of Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury (1400-1460) [q. v.], and sister of the ' king-maker.' He was knighted during Edward IVs reign, and on 17 April 1483 officiated as one of the pall-bearers at that king's funeral. His father's marriage with Stanley 5° Stanley Henry of Richmond's mother and services at Bosworth secured Henry's favour for the family when he became king. Edward be- came sheriff of Lancashire in the autumn of 1485 ; on 15 Oct. he was directed to provide for the safety of the shire against Scottish attacks, and on 1 Dec. he was granted the office of keeper of New Park, Langley; he also became knight of the body to the king. On 4 March 1488-9 he was granted the manors of Farleton in Lonsdale, Farleton in Westmore- land, and Brierley in Yorkshire. He took part in the ceremonies at the creation of Prince Henry as Duke of York in November 1494, and at the reception of Catherine of Arragon in October 1501. On 5 Nov. 1509 he was granted a license to import seventy tuns of Burgundy wine, and in 1511 he served as commissioner of array in Yorkshire and Westmoreland. He received further grants of land in June 1513, and on 9 Sept. follow- ing he took a prominent part in the battle of Flodden Field. Popular ballads (see Flodden Field, ed. Weber, pp. 37-40, 50-9 et seq.) represent the English army as beg- ging Surrey to put Stanley in command of the van; Surrey, out of jealousy, placed him in the rear, where nevertheless he greatly distinguished himself, forcing the Scots to evacuate their position of vantage on the hill, and killing James IV of Scotland with his own hand (his name occurs in the well- known line of Scott's ' Marmion,' ' Charge, Chester, charge — on, Stanley, on'). These details receive no confirmation from the official version (Letters and Papers, i. 1441) ; but Thomas Ruthall [q. v.], bishop of Durham, reported that Stanley behaved well, and re- commended his elevation to the peerage for his services. On 8 May 1514 he was in- stalled K.G., and six days later he is said to have landed at Calais with Sir Thomas Lovell [q. v.] Various deeds of valour during the French war are assigned to him by the peer- age historians. On 9 Oct. in the same year he was present at the marriage of the princess Mary to Louis XII of France, and on 23 Nov. he was summoned to the House of Lords as Baron Monteagle (cf. ib. ii. 1464). He was present at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in June 1520. He died on 6 April 1523, and was buried at Hornby, Lancashire, where he had commenced a religious foundation in commemoration of his success at Flodden (cf. Letters and Papers, iii. 2834). Monteagle married, first, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Vaughan of Tretower, Brecknock- shire, and widow of John, lord Grey de Wilton, by whom he had no issue; and secondly, Anne, daughter of Sir John Har- rington, by whom he had apparently two sons, both named Thomas. The elder suc- ceeded to the peerage, and died in 1560; his son William, third baron Monteagle, died without male issue in 1581, leaving a daugh- ter Elizabeth, who married Edward Parker, tenth baron Morley, and was mother of William Parker [q. v.], who succeeded as fourth baron Monteagle ande leventh baron Morley. THOMAS STANLEY (d. 1570), bishop of Sodor and Man, the first lord Monteagle's second son, was educated at Oxford, and then be- came rector of Winwick and Wigan, Lanca- shire, and Bardsworth, Yorkshire. In 1530 he was appointed bishop of Sodor and Man, but was deprived by Henry VIII in 1545. He was restored by Queen Mary in 1556, and died in 1570. He was author of a me- trical chronicle of the Stanleys of Lathom, several copies of which are extant in manu- script (cf. Stanley Papers, i. 16-17). It was printed in Halliwell's ' Palatine Anthology ' [1850], but is of little authority (WOOD, Athena Oxon. ii. 807 ; LE NEVE, Fasti, iii. 326). [Campbell's Materials for the Eeign of Henry VII, and Gairdner's Letters and Papers of Henry VII (Rolls Ser.) ; Brewer's Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, vols. i-iii. ; Stanley Papers (ChethamSoc.),vol.i. ; Stanley's Metrical Chron. in Halliwell's Palatine Anthology; Weber's Flodden Field, pp. 2, 5, 37-40, 50-7, 72, 112, 116, 118, 132-3,263-4; La Rotta de Scocese (Roxburghe Club) ; Seacome's Mem. of the Stanleys, ed. 1840, pp. 93-4 ; Pollard's Stanleys of Knowsley, pp. 31-2; Baines's Lan- cashire ; Gregson's Portfolio of Fragments ; Peer- ages by Collins, Burke (Extinct), and G. E. C.] A. F. P. STANLEY, EDWARD, third EARL OF DERBY (1508-1572), second but eldest sur- viving son of Thomas Stanley, second earl of Derby, by his wife Anne, daughter of Thomas, lord Hungerford, was born in 1508 (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, iii. 2820). His father, eldest son of George, lord Strange (d. 1497), and grandson of Thomas, first earl of Derby [q. v.], born before 1485, was made K.B. on 31 Oct. 1494, succeeded his grand- father as second Earl of Derby on 29 July 1504, and his mother in the barony of Strange on 20 March 1513-14. He attended Henry VIII on the French expedition in 1513, and was present at the battle of Spurs (18 Aug.) In 1520 he was in attendance on Charles V at Dover, and in the same year he was sworn of the privy council. He died on 23 May 1521, and was buried at Sion monastery, Middlesex. An anonymous por- trait belongs to the present Earl of Derby (Cat. First Loan Exhib. No. 70). Stanley The third earl was a minor at his father's death, and became a ward of Cardinal Wol- sey. He took his seat in the House of Lords in the parliament that met on 3 Nov. 1529, and on 13 July 1530 he was one of the peers who signed the letter to the pope petitioning him to grant Henry VIII's divorce. In 1532 he was present with Henry at his interview with Francis I at Boulogne. He was made a knight of the Bath on 30 May 1533, and on 1 June following he officiated as cup- bearer at the coronation of Anne Boleyn. He took a prominent part in suppressing the northern rebellions in 1536 and 1537 {Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Gairdner, vols. xi. and xii. passim). In 1542 he accom- panied Thomas Howard, third duke of Nor- folk, on his raid into Scotland. He was elected K.G. on 17 Feb. 1546-7, and three days later bore the sword ' curtana ' at the coronation of Edward VI. He was, however, strongly opposed to religious change, and protested in the House of Lords against the bills confirming the new liturgy (10 Dec. 1548), for the destruction of the old service books (December 1549), compelling atten- dance at divine service (January 1552-3), and legalising the marriage of priests (March 1552-3). In June 1551 it was reported that he had been commanded to ' renounce his title of the Isle of Man,' but refused, and was preparing to resist by force (Cal. State Papers, For. i. 119-20). Never- theless, he was on 9 Aug. 1551 sworn a privy councillor on condition of attending only when specially summoned, and in the same year he was one of the parties to the peace with Scotland. He took little part in the proceedings of the council, but in December 1551 he was one of the peers who tried Somerset, while his eldest son was one of the principal witnesses against the duke. On 16 May 1552 he was appointed lord lieu- tenant of Lancashire. Derby naturally welcomed the accession of Queen Mary, and was one of her earliest adherents. On 17 Aug. 1553 he was made a regular member of the privy council, which he frequently attended, and in the same month was placed on a commission to investigate Bonner's deprivation of the bishopric of London. He was created lord high steward for the coronation of Mary on 1 Oct. and bore the sword ' curtana ' at that ceremony. On 1 1 Nov. following he was made a special commissioner for the trial of Lady Jane Grey and others, and during Mary's reign he frequently took part in the proceedings against heretics, John Bradford (1510 P-1555) [q. v.] being one of the victims of his activity (FoxE, Actes and Mon. vol. vii. passim ; i Stanley MAITLAND, Essays on the Reformation). He attended Philip of Spain at his landing on 19 July 1554, and on 30 May 1557 he was ap- pointed captain of the vanguard to serve against the Scots. He was one of those sum- moned to attend Queen Elizabeth on her entry into London in November 1558, and before the end of the year became a member of Gray's Inn. He was retained as a member of the privy council, was appointed chamber- lain of Chester on 16 April 1559, visitor of the churches in the province of York on 24 June 1559, commissioner for ecclesiastical causes in the diocese of Chester on 20 July 1562, and lord lieutenant of Cheshire and Lancashire on 18 Nov. 1569. But though he often took part in proceedings against recu- sants and gave the government timely warn- ingof the insurrection of 1569,his sympathies and connections rendered him an object of suspicion to Elizabeth. The queen's enemies counted on his support (cf. Cal. State Papers, Dom. Addenda, 1566-79, pp. 371-2), and his sons, Edward and Thomas, were in 1571 implicated in an attempt to release Mary Queen of Scots from Tutbury (Hatfield MSS. i. 505-76). Derby died at Lathom House on 24 Oct. 1572 ; he had been noted for his splendid hospitality, and his funeral at Ormskirk on 4 Dec. 1572 was one of the most magnificent on record (cf. The Derby Household Books, Chetham Soc. ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547-81, p. 455; COLLINS, Peerage, iii. 55-62). His will, dated 24 Aug., was proved on 21 Nov. 1572. An engraving of an anonymous portrait of Derby be- longing to the present Earl Derby is given by Doyle. Derby was thrice married. His first wife was Katherine (her name is given in the peerages as Dorothy), daughter of Thomas Howard I, second duke of Norfolk, who on 21 Feb. 1529-30 received a pardon ' for the abduction of Edward, earl of Derby, and marriage of the said Edward to Katherine, daughter of the said Thomas, without royal license ' (Letters and Papers, iv. 6248, art. 21). By her Derby had issue Henry Stanley, fourth earl [q. v.], Sir Thomas Stanley (d. 1576), and Sir Edward (d. 1609) ; and four daughters. His second wife was Margaret, daughter of Ellis Barlow of Barlow, Essex, by whom he had one son and two daughters. She died on 23 Feb. 1558-9, and^ an epi- logue on her death, by Richard Sheale, is printed in the 'British Bibliographer/ vol. iv. (cf. Stanley Papers, i. 14). His third wife was Mary, daughter of Sir George Cot- ton of Combermere Abbey, Cheshire, who afterwards married Henry Grey, earl of Kent, and died without issue on 16 Nov. 1580. E2 Stanley Stanley [Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Brewer and Gairdner, vols. iv-xv. passim; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547-81, and Addenda, 1547-65, 1565-79; Stanley Papers, (5 pts.) and Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors (Chetham Soc.); Cal. Hatfield MSS. pt. i. ; Acts of the Privy Council, 1542-75; Lit. Remains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club) ; Machyn's Diary, Chron. of Queen Jane, and Narr. of the Reformation (Camden Soc.) ; Corr. Pol. de Odet de Selve; Camden's Elizabeth; Foxe's Actes and Mon.; Burnet's Hist. Re- formation, ed. Pocock ; Strype's Works ; Lords' Journals ; Froude's Hist. ; Baines's Lancashire ; Hibbert Ware's Manchester ; Collins's, Doyle's, and G. E. C[okayne]'s Peerages.] A. F. P. STANLEY, EDWARD (1779-1849), bishop of Norwich., second son and seventh child of Sir John Thomas Stanley, sixth baronet, of Alderley Park, Cheshire, and of Margaret Owen, of Penrhos, Anglesey, was born in London on 1 Jan. 1779. His elder brother, John Thomas, was first Baron Stan- ley of Alderley, and father of Edward John Stanley, second baron Stanley of Alderley [q. v.] Edward's natural inclination was for the sea ; but he was not allowed to enter the navy. Educated partly at private schools, partly by tutors, he was sent in 1798 to St. John's College, Cambridge, knowing nothing of Greek, almost equally ignorant of Latin, and possessing only a smattering of mathematics. His industry to some ex- tent remedied these deficiencies. In 1802 his name appears in the mathematical tripos as sixteenth wrangler. Ordained in 1802, he was for three years curate of Windlesham in Surrey. In 1805 he was presented by his father to the family living of Alderley, where he remained for thirty-two years. An excellent parish priest at a time when the standard of parochial duty was low, he devoted himself earnestly to his work. In education he was keenly interested, introducing into his schools gymnastic exercises, and such subjects as elementary botany, English history, and geography. Infant schools, temperance so- cieties, mechanics' institutes, and statisti- cal societies found in him a zealous patron. He was also instrumental in founding a clerical society among the neighbouring clergy. A natural aptitude for science, and a conviction of its intimate connection with religion, made him a student of such sub- jects as ornithology, entomology, mineralogy, and geology. His ornithological observa- tions were embodied in his ' Familiar His- tory of Birds, their Nature, Habits, and Instincts ' (2 vols. published in 1836). He was one of the first clergymen who ven- tured to lecture on the then suspected science of geology. A whig in politics, and by nature a reformer, he took up a position towards questions of the day which was rare in his profession. He endeavoured by pamphlets, published in 1829 and 1836, to allay the animosities between Roman catholics and protestants. In 1831, in the midst of the Reform Bill agitation, he pro- moted a petition for church reform. When the new and unpopular poor law came into operation in 1834, he offered his services as chairman of the board of guardians called on to administer the act in his union. In 1837 Dr. Bathurst, bishop of Norwich, died at the age of ninety-three. The vacant see was offered by Lord Melbourne to Stanley, and was accepted by him. He had previously declined overtures of a similar kind with regard to the bishopric of Manchester, the immediate creation of which was then contemplated. He now entered upon episcopal work in a diocese which was a by-word for laxity and irregu- larity. Non-residence, pluralities, scarcity of services, neglect of schools, carelessness in admission to holy orders, were some of the abuses by which he was confronted. By vigorous enforcement of the Plurality and Non-residence Act, he added during his episcopate 173 parsonage-houses. During the same period he increased the number of Sunday services by 347. He doubled the number of schools and rendered them more efficient. The examinations for ordination were carefully conducted, and the bishop made himself personally acquainted with the previous career of every candidate. At great personal expense he prosecuted and removed those clergymen whose lives had brought them within the reach of the law. By the appointment of seventy rural deans, each of whom was every year entertained at the palace, he made himself acquainted with what passed in every part of his diocese. Instead of the old septennial con- firmations at a few large centres, he con- firmed annually at convenient stations. He assisted all the charitable institutions of the county, especially in Norwich, interested himself in the working of the poor laws, and personally inspected the efficiency of the local schools. In the House of Lords he was a regular attendant, and a staunch supporter of whig principles. His most telling speeches were delivered in defence of the government scheme of education in 1839, on behalf of relaxing the stringent terms of clerical subscription in 1840, and on the endowment of Maynooth in 1842. He took part, with especial pleasure, in such movements as bible societies, city Stanley 53 Stanley missions, British and foreign schools, which brought together on neutral ground church- men and nonconformists. The same feeling led him to support in the National Society in 1839 such changes as would open the doors of schools to the children of nonconformists. He was also the first bishop who interested himself in the movement for ragged schools. Always an eager advocate of temperance, he appeared on the platform with Father Mathew, who in 1843 was his guest at Norwich. Stanley's liberal views, fearlessness of ob- loquy, and vigorous reforms at first created ill-feeling in the diocese. Before the close of his episcopate, however, he not only changed the whole atmosphere of religious life throughout his see, but won the affec- tionate esteem of all classes, whether lay or clerical. In August 1849 he started for a tour in Scotland with his wife and daugh- ters. At Brahan Castle in Ross-shire he was taken ill, and, after a few days, died from congestion of the brain on 6 Sept. 1849. His body was brought by sea from Invergor- don to Yarmouth, and on 21 Sept. was buried in the centre of the nave of Norwich Cathedral. By his wife Catherine (1792-1862), daugh- ter of the Rev. Oswald Leycester, rector of Stoke-upon-Terne,whomhe married in 1810, Stanley had, besides other issue, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley [q. v.] and a daughter Mary (1813-1879), who in 1854 was entrusted by Sydney Herbert, secretary of state for war, with the charge of fifty nurses during the Crimean war. Subsequently she assisted her brother in charitable work at West- minster, and in 1861 was active in relieving the distress in Lancashire due to the cotton famine. She became a Roman catholic in 1856, and died on 26 Nov. 1879. She was author of 'True to Life: a simple Story,' 1873, 8vo. [Addresses and Charges of Edward Stanley, D.D., late bishop of Norwich, with a Memoir by his son, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, London, 1851. The Memoir is reprinted, with some additions, in the Memoirs of Edward and Cathe- rine Stanley, by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Lon- don, 1879.] E. E. P. STANLEY, EDWARD (1793-1862) surgeon, son of Edward Stanley, who was in business in the city of London, was born on 3 July 1793, his mother being the sister of Thomas Blizard [q. v.], surgeon to the Lon- don Hospital. He was entered at Merchant Taylors' School in April 1802, and remained there until 1808, when he was apprenticed to Thomas Ramsden, one of the surgeons at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Ramsden diec in 1810, and Stanley was turned over to John Abernethy to serve the remainder of lis time. He was admitted a member of the College of Surgeons in 1814, and gained ;he Jacksonian prize in 1815. He was lected assistant surgeon to St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital on 29 Jan. 1816, at the sarly age of 24. Even during his appren- iceship he had rendered important services o the medical school of the hospital, for his Love of morbid anatomy led him, with Aber- nethy's assistance and approval, to enlarge ;he museum so greatly that he practically created it. He acted for a time as demon- strator of anatomy, but in 1826 he was appointed to lecture upon this subject on Abernethy'sresignation. Hecontinued to lec- ture until 1848, when he was succeeded by Frederic Carpenter Skey [q. v.] Stanley was elected to the post of full surgeon in 1838, and he then rapidly became famous as a clinical teacher of great power. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1830. At the Royal College of Surgeons he held in succession the most important offices. He was elected a life member of the council in 1832, Arris and Gale professor of human anatomy and physiology in 1835, Hunterian orator in 1839, a member of the court of ex- aminers in 1844, and president in 1848 and again in 1857. He was appointed surgeon- extraordinary to the queen in 1858, and he was president of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society as early as 1843. Stanley resigned his post of surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1861, but he regularly attended the weekly operations on Saturdays until 24 May 1862, when he was attacked by cerebral haemorrhage while watching an operation, and died an hour later. Stanley was one of the most saga- cious teachers and judicious practitioners of his day. He was a blunt, kindly, humorous, straightforward, and honest man. He published : 1. ' Illustrations of the Effects of Disease and Injury of the Bones,' with descriptive and explanatory statements, plates, London, folio, 1849. "A series of coloured plates splendidly executed, drawn from original preparations, most of which are still extant. 2. 'A Treatise on Diseases of the Bones,' 8vo, London, 1849. An edition was also published in the same year at Phila- delphia. These two classical works repre- sented for many years all that was known of the pathology of the subject of bone disease. 8. ' A Manual of Practical Anatomy,' Lon- don, 12mo, 1818 ; 2nd edit. 1822 ; 3rd edit. 1826. 4. ' An Account of the Mode of per- forming the Lateral Operation of Lithotomy,' Stanley 54 Stanley plates, 4to, 1829. 5. i Hunterian Oration/ London, 1839. [Alfred Willett's account of Edward Stanley, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, 1894,i. 147 ; Robinson's Registerof Merchant Taylors' School.] D'A. P. STANLEY, EDWARD GEORGE GEOFFREY SMITH, fourteenth EAKL OF DERBY (1799-1869), son of Edward Smith Stanley, thirteenth earl [q.v.], by Charlotte Margaret, his cousin, second daughter of the Rev. Geoffrey Hornby, was born at Knowsley Park, Lancashire, on 29 March 1799. He was sent to Eton, where he was in the fifth form in lower division in 1811 and upper division in 1814 (EtonSchool Lists,-pp. 69, 77). Proceeding to Christ Church, Oxford, and matriculating on 17 Oct. 1817, he won the Chancellor's Latin verse prize in 1819 with a spirited poem on ' Syracuse ; ' he took no degree, but on 19 Oct. 1852 was created D.C.L. On leaving Oxford he was brought into parliament for Stockbridge in the whig interest on 6 March 1820. The borough had been in the hands of a tory, a West Indian proprietor named Joseph Foster Barham, who, being in difficulties, sold it to a whig peer, and, on a successor being found by the purchaser in the person of young Stanley, at once vacated the seat himself, introducing him to the electors. Stanley made no speech in the House of Commons till 30 March 1824, when he spoke with considerable success on the Manchester Gas-light Bill, having in the previous year been appointed a member of the committee on the subject. On 6 May he answered Joseph Hume in the debate on the latter's motion for an inquiry into the Irish church establishment. He opposed any design to interfere with church property, and proved himself to be by instinct a powerful debater. He did not, however, follow up this success for some time. In the autumn of 1824 he travelled in Canada and the United States, and, in May 1825, married Emma Caroline, second daughter of Edward Bootle Wilbra- ham (afterwards Lord Skelmersdale). Du- ring that session he was silent in the House of Commons, and hardly spoke at all in 1826. He ceased to be member for Stockbridge, and was elected for Preston on 26 June 1826, where the local franchise was a popular one, and the representation had long been divided between a nominee of the Derby family and a nominee of the corporation. Though op- posed by Cobbett and others, he was returned at the head of the poll by a very large ma- jority. The views of Canning approximated so closely to the opinions that Stanley then held that he, with other whigs, gave his support to Canning's ministry in 1827, and accepted the under-secretaryship of the colo- nies. He retained it under Lord Goderich, [see ROBINSON, FREDERICK JOHN, first EARL OF RIPON], but declined to be a member of the Duke of Wellington's administration, pointing to the divergence of the old tories from the freer spirit of the Canningites, and hinting that the older toryism was a thing of the past. Still he foresaw as little as others the near triumph of the whigs. In 1828 he supported the transference to Bir- mingham of the East Retford seat, in oppo- sition to the government ; he voted in silence for the Catholic Emancipation Bill in 1829, and spoke guardedly in favour of parliamen- tary reform in 1830. At the general election on the death of George IV he was re-elected for Preston on 30 July, but, having accepted office in Lord Grey's administration as chief secretary for Ireland and having been sworn of the privy council, he was defeated in August by ' Orator ' Hunt at the by-election for Preston in December, and was mobbed and ran some risk of his life [see HUNT, HENRY, 1773-1835]. Eventually a vacancy was made at Windsor, and Stanley was elected there on 10 Feb. 1831. O'Connell's indignation when the new ministry refused the silk gown he had had reason to expect at their hands vented itself particularly in attacks on the new chief secretary. Stanley was not slow to retaliate, and eventually allowed himself to be irri- tated into challenging O'Connell ; the chal- lenge was refused, but the attacks continued. O'Connell was then prosecuted in January 1831 for a breach of the Association Act ; he pleaded guilty, and was bound over to come up for judgment in the following term ; but before he was in fact required to come up parliament was dissolved. The Associa- tion Act expired with the dissolution, and further proceedings were impossible. It was currently believed that the ministry had arranged for this abortive result in order to secure O'Connell's support at the approach- ing election, and that Stanley had been active in carrying out the plan. Fortunate, however, as the issue was for the ministry at the moment, it seems that the result was purely accidental (see State Trials, new ser. ii. 629-58) ; at any rate, Stanley point blank denied that there had been any arrangement (HANSARD, 13 Feb. 1831, p. 610), and O'Con- nell's antagonism towards him continued unabated. During the reform struggle Stanley's speeches, though brilliant (RussELL, Recol- lections, p. 92), showed that he scarcely ap- preciated how great a constitutional change Stanley 55 Stanley the ministerial proposals made. At heart he was no friend to extreme reform ; he vigorously supported the bill in debate, an- swering Peel, for example, on 4 March 1831 very effectively ; but when attempts at com- promise were made, after the House of Lords had rejected the bill in October, and riots had occurred in various parts of the country, he was among the most active in promoting an agreement. With Lord Grey's approval, he visited Lord Sandon [see RYDER, DUDLEY, second EARL OF HARROWBY], to discuss terms of compromise, and was re- garded as the leader of the moderate re- formers in the cabinet. Thus, on the one hand, he delivered a brilliant and crushing speech in reply to Croker during the second reading debate of the third bill on 17 Dec. 1831 (HANSARD, 3rd ser. ix. 521), and, on the other, was pressing Lord Grey for conces- sions with regard to duplicate voting and to the number of the proposed metropolitan constituencies. By May 1832 these conces- sions had almost been obtained, when the ministry was compelled to resign by the lords' acceptance of Lyndhurst's motion to postpone consideration of the disfranchising clauses to that of the enfranchising clauses. The failure of negotiations so nearly com- pleted was keenly resented by Stanley, and in an after-supper speech at Brooke's he used language of extreme bitterness towards the Duke of Wellington. From this time he vigorously supported the full reform scheme, and no doubt the success of the bill was materially aided by his speeches. On 19 Jan. 1832 he also introduced the ministerial Re- form Bill for Ireland ; but it excited little interest, though he proposed an increase in the number of Irish members. He suc- ceeded his father as member for North Lan- cashire on 17 Dec. 1832, and held the seat till he was raised to the peerage. During the debates and dissolutions on re- form, Stanley had been incessantly occupied not only with the fortunes of the bill, but with the administrative duties of his office. He had to ' adjust the state of Ireland to that first retreat from the Ascendency position which was involved in the granting of catho- lic emancipation.' He instituted the Irish board of works and the Shannon navigation improvements. In 1831 he brought in the Irish Education Act, which was remarkable for the creation of the Irish board of national education and for the compromise by which, while children of all denominations were to be admitted to the schools receiving the government grant, the education given was not to be wholly secular, but was to include religious teaching of an undogmatic and neutral character. The bill was favoured by the Roman catholic priesthood, and was probably as successful as any measure on such a subject could be in Ireland. In De- cember of the same year he was chairman of a committee on Irish tithes, and in the following spring, in spite of the most de- termined and violent opposition from the Irish Roman catholic members, he passed a temporary palliative act, followed in July by the first of three bills to apply a more permanent remedy by making tithe compo- sition compulsory. The act, with the addi- tion of Littleton's Tithe Act in the following year, continued in force till 1838. During these debates Stanley's relations with O'Con- nell and his followers had become gravely embittered. Matters became worse in No- vember, after he had declared in the strongest terms in an election speech in North Lanca- shire that he would resist repeal to the death. His measures in 1833 were a very strong Peace Preservation Act and an Irish Church Temporalities Act, and his first battle on the former was in the cabinet. Althorp wished to resign rather than be re- sponsible for such a proposal. Stanley insisted; and as it was apparent that the resignation of either must break up the ministry, Lord Althorp gave way. The conduct of the bill was placed in Althorp's hands, but he introduced it in a speech so half-hearted that many of the ministerialists wavered, and a defeat became dangerously probable. Stanley took the papers, shut himself up for a couple of hours, mastered the complicated facts and figures, and, re- turning, made a speech so convincing, so uncompromising, and so hostile to the Irish party that he silenced O'Connell, and, thanks to his sole exertions, passed the bill by huge majorities (for the description of this inci- dent see RUSSELL, Recollections, pp. 112, 113; LE MARCHANT, Life of Lord Althorp, p. 455). The Church Temporalities Bill also, though introduced by Althorp, was Stanley's bill. Having achieved so much Irish legislation during a comparatively short tenure of the chief secretaryship and shown himself a masterful and drastic administrator, he was on 28 March transferred to the colonial office. Greville states (Memoirs, 1st ser. ii. 366) that a positive promise of a secretary- ship of state had been made him in 1832, and that it was only on his threats of resig- nation and the strongest pressure onGoderich that room was made for him in the latter's place. In his new office he attacked the question of the abolition of slavery, at first by resolutions (HANSARD, Par/. Deb. 3rd ser. Stanley Stanley xvii. 1230), proposing a limited period of apprenticeship for the slave and compensa- tion for the owners, and afterwards by bill, which reduced the apprenticeship and in- creased the compensation. His introductory speech of 14 May was published. In the conduct of this bill he showed himself less the orator of the Irish debates than a hard- headed man of business. The bill became law in August 1833, but before it came into force in 1834 Stanley had resigned. On 6 May 1834 Russell, speaking on Littleton's Tithe Bill, declared in favour of the aliena- tion to secular purposes of a portion of the Irish church revenues. The question was one on which two parties existed in the cabinet, and no collective declaration had been hitherto made by the ministry. Stanley has been accused of having actually intro- duced an appropriation clause into the Church Temporalities Bill in 1833 ; but his speeches during its progress show that he was opposed to any secularisation of church property, and did not think or desire, that by Clause 147 any such object would be effected. At any rate he saw that Russell's declaration meant the break up of the ministry. ' Johnny has up- set the coach,' he whispered to his neighbour Graham. Henry George Ward [q. v.], mem- ber for St. Albans, followed up Russell's an- nouncement with his ' Appropriation Resolu- tion'for the redistribution of the Irish church revenues ; it was to come on on 27 May, and the ministry, hesitating between their radical and whig followers, resolved to meet it with a proposal fora commission of inquiry. Stanley instantly tendered his resignation, and had ceased to be a minister before Ward had finished introducing his motion. He never afterwards rejoined the whigs ; for a time he spoke and voted as an independent member, but he inevitably drifted towards the conservative party. In him the whigs lost one of their ablest men of business, and incomparably their best debater. Earl Rus- sell (Recollections, p. 114) speaks of 1833 as the most distinguished and memorable of Derby's whole career, and says that, had Althorp then resigned, Stanley's ' infinite skill, readiness, and ability ' would have qualified him for the succession to the leader- ship of the House of Commons. During the rest of the session of 1 834 Stanley spoke sometimes for and sometimes against the government : for them on the bill to admit dissenters to the universities and on Althorp's plan for the abolition of church rates ; against them in the speech on 2 July, in which he compared their conduct on the Tithe Bill to the sleight of hand of thimbleriggers at a fair. In general his speeches at this time were too full of bitterness and invective against his former colleagues. When Mel- bourne was dismissed, and Peel's return from Rome was anxiously awaited, his position was commanding. United with Stanley, Peel might well form and maintain an admini- stration. Opposed by him, his premiership must be short-lived. Stanley, while willing to serve under Peel as far as personal feel- ing was concerned, thought it best to decline to take office. He had too frequently been Peel's antagonist while in office himself to become so soon afterwards his colleague. He promised, however, an independent sup- port, and no doubt his decision was wise. Between Peel's conservatism and the opinions of Stanley and his friends, nominally some fifty strong, there was perhaps no great dis- crepancy ; but until Peel had asserted him- self over the older section of the tory party, Stanley could not tell, if he joined such a ministry, how soon he might not be com- pelled to leave it. Whether he hoped to form and keep alive a party of his own cannot now be determined. He certainly spoke in a very whiggish tone at Glasgow in Decem- ber. He assembled his followers when par- liament met, and O'Connell, quoting from Canning's ' Loves of the Triangles,' nick- named them the ' Derby Dilly, carrying six insides.' The idea of an independent party was soon abandoned, for Peel's administra- tion, short-lived as it was, soon proved that he might well now unite himself with so progressive a party. On 1 July 1835 he, Graham, and others formally took their seats with the followers of Peel, and in 1838, at the banquet to Peel in the Merchant Taylors' Hall, he figured as one of Peel's chief lieu- tenants. Stanlev was now, by his grandfather's death on 21 Oct. 1834, Lord Stanley. Till 1 841 he remained in vigorous opposition, criti- cising especially the government's Irish and ecclesiastical proposals, its Jamaica Bill, and its policy with regard to Canada ; and his continual attacks on the whig tithe settle- ment at length compelled the government seriously to modify the disendowment por- tion of their proposals. He joined Peel's administration in 1841 as colonial secretary, and in 1843 supported the Canadian Corn Bill. His language with regard to it showed that he was for free trade, or practically for free trade with the colonies generally, but did not propose to apply the same rule to foreign powers. He demonstrated his great value to the government in the House of Commons by the part which he took in de- fending its Irish policy ; but it was in urgent need of debating assistance in the Stanley 57 Stanley House of Lords, and lie was accordingly in October 1844 called up by the title of Lord Stanley of Bickerstaffe. He explained that he was tired of the life of the House of Commons, and was afraid that his health was breaking down ; but the change was pro- bably due to the fact that he did not get on well with Peel. At any rate dissensions be- tween them became visible. Stanley com- bated the arguments in favour of immediate free trade, which Peel drew from the condi- tion of Ireland, and though he eventually agreed to the suspension of the corn laws, still, on Peel's declaration in favour of their complete and immediate repeal, he resigned. Even if Peel's course had seemed sound to him as a stroke of policy, which it did not, it involved in his eyes an intolerable sacrifice of personal consistency and principle. "When Peel resigned in December 1845 and Rus- sell failed to form a ministry, Stanley was applied to and declined, after such a break-up of his party, to attempt the task of carrying on the government as a protec- tionist. As he put it himself, if he took office he would have no colleagues. To pro- tection as an economic system he was by no means indissolubly wedded, but, as he de- clared in a speech, which is perhaps his best, (see GREVILLE, 2nd ser. ii. 395) on 25 May 1846 in the House of Lords, protection was, in his opinion, necessary for the maintenance of the landed interest and the colonial sys- tem, the two pillars on which lie conceived the British empire to rest. Naturally, there- fore, it was round Stanley that there gathered that body of conservatives which revolted from Peel after the fall of his administration. Lord George Bentinck was Stanley's inti- mate friend, and Disraeli now entered into close relations with him ; but Stanley ac- cepted the leadership of the Protectionist party with reluctance, and for a while seems to have thought now of forming a new party by a union with the Palmerstonian whigs, and now of shaking himself free of all party ties and in a great measure withdrawing from public life. He spoke frequently and brilliantly in the House of Lords, particu- larly on the conduct of the Spanish govern- ment in summarily directing Sir Henry Bulwer, the British ambassador, to quit Madrid in 1848; on his amendment to the address in 1849 ; on the Navigation Bill, on Lord Roden's removal from the commission of the peace, for his conduct in regard to the Dolly's Brae affair (18 Feb. 1850) ; and on the question of Don Pacifico, when he ob- tained a majority of 37 against the ministry on 17 June 1850. "When Russell resigned in 1851, Stanley was sent for by the queen on 22 Feb. and gave a qualified refusal to form a ministry, first recommending that Lord John Russell should again make an attempt. Russell failed, and Stanley was sent for again on the 25th ; he now endeavoured to obtain the adhesion of the Peelites, but without success. He then applied to his own supporters, but eventually, according to Lord Malmesbury (Memoirs, i. 278), he was baulked by the hostility of Henley and Herries, and resigned his commission again to the queen on the 27th. He explained his position in the House of Lords on 28 Feb., not without ex- pressing some bitterness at his followers' want of courage. As yet, however, his party had hardly a sufficiently definite policy to have justified their taking office. Stanley himself was still in favour of moderate pro- tection, though prepared to abandon any return to it, if the next verdict of the con- stituencies should prove to be unmistakably against it. In June his father died, and he succeeded to the earldom. On 21 Feb. 1852 Russell again resigned, and Lord Derby formed a ministry; but it was untried, and some of the members of it were not even personally known to their chief. He made his first declaration of policy on 27 Feb., carried on the government till the beginning of July, and then dissolved. In spite of the speech when he declared in the House of Lords that the mission of a conservative government was ' to stem the tide of demo- cracy,' Lord Derby was not now himself dis- posed to reaction, but he was compelled to come before the country as advocating pro- tection, without the power or perhaps the wish to restore it, and in the result was out- numbered, though not very heavily, by a combination of all the parties opposed to him. The general election of July resulted in the return of 299 conservatives, 315 liberals, and 40 Peelites. Negotiations began for the admission of Palmerston and some of the Peelites to the ministry, but they came to nothing. Instead of accepting the position frankly, Derby continued in office ; the in- evitable defeat came on the budget on the night of 16 Dec., and next day he resigned, Lord Aberdeen forming a ministry. Whether he gained anything by not resigning upon the conclusion of the general election may well be doubted, but he was bitterly ac- cused of having betrayed the protectionists in not attempting the impossible on their behalf during this brief prolongation of office. In opposition he continued to follow in the Elouse of Lords the same course as in 1850 and 1851. He opposed the policy of the government with regard to the Canada Stanley 5 clergy reserves, and in 1853 came into acute collision with Bishop Wilberforce upon this subject (see LORD ALBEMAKLE, Fifty Years of my Life ; Life of Bishop Wilberforce, ed. 1888, p. 142). When, in January 1854, parliament re- assembled on the eve of the Crimean war, Derby criticised Lord Aberdeen's policy in regard to the eastern question. As it was his government which had recognised Louis Napoleon as emperor in December 1852, he might well claim, as he did, that in the go- vernment's place he would have shown such unquestionable cordiality towards France as would have persuaded the Emperor Nicho- las of the unanimity of Great Britain and France while there was yet time for him to draw back. Disraeli used to declare that he knew of his own knowledge there would have been no Crimean war if Derby had been in office. Later on, however, when war ap- peared to be inevitable, Lord Derby gave the ministry an assurance of his general support. WThen Aberdeen's government was de- feated on Roebuck's motion for an inquiry into the conduct of the war, on 29 Jan. 1855, and resigned, Derby was sent for and endeavoured to form a ministry ; but he told the queen that the assistance both of Palmerston and of the Peelites would be indispensable to him ; and when, for reasons still obscure, he failed to secure them, he resigned the attempt. Russell was equally unsuccessful, and accordingly Palmerston became prime minister. Had Derby formed an administration exclusively among his own supporters, he would, as he explained to the House of Lords on 7 Feb. 1855, have found himself overthrown by the coalition against him of the divided sections of radicals, whigs, Palmerstonians, and Peelites. He forgot, however, or so conservatives have since main- tained, that in that case he had still the resource of a dissolution, with the high pro- bability of wide electoral support as the minister who was seeking to repair the blunders of the Aberdeen government. He attributed undue importance to the Peelites, and he thought the rout of the protectionists more complete than it really was ; perhaps, too, he was personally not very anxious to again assume the burden of office. But though he was content with opposition his party was not, and it was greatly disheartened and disorganised for some years. Lord Derby resumed his old attitude towards the govern- ment in the House of Lords. He supported Lord Ellenborough's resolutions condemna- tory of the conduct of the war ; he attacked the terms of the peace of Paris in the debate on the address in 1856 ; he opposed the life \ Stanley peerage of Lord Wensleydale ; he criticised severely Lord Palmerston's management of the lorcha Arrow question, and the govern- ment's conduct of the war of the mutiny in 1857 ; but during a great part of the year he appeared little in parliament. His health was impaired, his party was insubordinate, and on the whole he kept to his sports and his private life as much as he could. When Lord Palmerston resigned in 1858, the queen again sent for Lord Derby on 21 Feb., who, after another ineffectual applica- tion to the Peelites, formed, with Mr. Disraeli, a purely conservative administration. ' No one,' says Count Vitzthum von Eckstadt (Residence at St. Petersburg, p. 276), ' enter- tained fewer illusions than Lord Derby him- self as to the possibility of forming a lasting government with the forces at his disposal,' though Lord John Russell's support was secretly assured to him ; but he saw that he could now do his party a service by accus- toming its leading members to official busi- ness, and the nation to seeing once more an actual conservative ministry. He promised some kind of franchise measure, but he found himself in the first instance confronted with the disputes with France arising out of the Orsini plot ; with Naples regarding the seizure of the Cagliari; with the United States in connection with the right of search in the course of the suppression of the slave trade ; and with the difficulties connected with the Indian mutiny and the government of India. These questions were fairly satis- factorily concluded. Lord Derby's eldest son, Lord Stanley, succeeded to the India office when Lord Ellenborough resigned. The India Bill was passed. The disabilities of Jews in regard to the parliamentary oath were removed [see ROTHSCHILD, LIONEL NATHAN DE], the various international dis- putes adjusted, and the colony of British Columbia founded. In 1859 Lord Derby introduced a Reform Bill, since the question of reform had already been mooted by Lord John Russell, and he did not wish the con- servative party to appear as stubborn oppo- nents of all reform. Accordingly he intro- duced a bill to equalise the town and county franchise, but on the clause disfranchising the forty-shilling freeholders his ministry was in March placed by Russell in a minority of thirty-nine, and accordingly he dissolved parliament (April). Though he gained seats, he was still in a minority when the new par- liament met. He was much attacked for his supposed support of Austria against France on the eve of the war of 1859 : though the complaint of Count Beust, the Austrian am- bassador, was (Memoirs, i. 178) that he had Stanley 59 been too loth to commit himself, had even tried to go heyond the popular anti-Austrian feeling, and at the Guildhall banquet on 25 April had spoken of the ' criminal step which had been taken by Austria.' A vote of want of confidence was carried on the motion of the Marquis of Hartington (the present Duke of Devonshire) in June, and Lord Derby gladly resigned, Palmerstononce more becoming prime minister. The queen thereupon made him an extra knight of the Garter. He was also a G.C.M.G. He had now to consider how best to deal with the existing political situation. The attempt to reunite the party which had followed Peel had been tried and had failed. A union with Lord Palmerston had been suggested and had failed also. His own followers were numerous, but insufficient in themselves to support a stable ministry. He therefore endeavoured to come to an understanding with Palmerston by which, in. return for support against the radicals, the whig government was to promise the conservatives to govern on substantially conservative lines. In the main this under- standing was successful ; Lord Derby, as he put it, ' kept the cripples on their legs.' Accordingly, except for criticism on Lord John Russell's foreign policy, he had little to say to the ministerial policy for several years. This state of peace was grateful to him. His health was failing and he was more and more incapacitated by gout. Know- ing that, although he might upset the liberal government, he was not strong enough to take and keep their place, he was content to exercise occasional authority through the House of Lords, and to leave to Disraeli the task of maturing combinations for the next election. One of these, the understanding with the Roman catholics, he himself im- perilled by one of his characteristically rash pleasantries in a speech on the Roman Catho- lic Oaths Bill on 26 June 1805. On the other hand, in 1864, when leading liberals and many conservatives were strongly for intervention in the German-Danish war, it was due to Lord Derby's influence, and to a great speech, lasting three hours, which he delivered in the House of Lords on 4 Feb., that the government took no active step. When he was sent for by the queen on the resignation of Russell's administration in June 1866, Derby exchanged a position of power without office for one in which he was much less able to support the causes with which his career had identified him. He again endeavoured to obtain the support of others than his own regular followers, notably of Robert Lowe (afterwards Lord Sherbrooke) [q. v.l, but failed, and took office as before as the head of a purely con- servative ministry. But in his impaired state of health most of the impulse of legislation lay with Disraeli. Derby spoke on the Par- liamentary Oaths Bill, and though he de- scribed the ministerial reform bill in his speech on the third reading as a ' leap in the dark,' 6 Aug. 1867, and would have pre- ferred, if he could, to let the question alone, he felt that something must be done, and nothing better was open than household suffrage. To this view he had been steadily coming for some time, and the bill was pro- bably quite as much his own measure as Disraeli's. Whatever else may be said of it, two things are true — that it changed the cur- rent of English history quite as much as the Reform Bill of 1832, and that its conse- quences were probably as little desired as fore- seen by one half of those who voted for it. Almost his last appearance in parliament was in the debate on the address at the beginning of the autumn session of 1867. In January 1868 he was again attacked by gout ; in February his life was in danger, and on 24 Feb. he retired, and Disraeli became prime minister. He at the same time gave up the formal leadership of his party in the House of Lords, though he continued to take part in debate. He spoke repeatedly and with great force against the disestablish- ment of the Irish church, both before and after the general election. His last speech was on 17 June 1869. At the end of the session he returned to Knowsley, was again attacked by gout, and, after a lingering and hopeless illness, died on 23 Oct., and was buried in the Knowsley village church. He left three children : Edward Henry, fifteenth earl of Derby [q. v.] ; Frederick, afterwards baron Stanley of Preston and sixteenth and present earl of Derby; and Emma Charlotte, who married the Hon. W. Talbot. There are several portraits of Derby at Knowsley : one, by Harlowe, representing him as a boy of eighteen, of which a replica is at Eton and an engraving was published in Baines's ' History of Lancashire,' vol. iv. A full-length by W. Derby was painted about 1841, and another by Sir F. Grant, P.R.A., engraved and published in 1860. There is a statue of him in Miller Square, Preston; and another, in Parliament Square, Westminster, was unveiled by Disraeli in July 1874, when he summed up Derby's achievements in the sentence, ' He abolished slavery, he educated Ireland, he reformed parliament.' Derby's reputation as a statesman suffers from the fact that he changed front so often. A whig, a Canningite, a strenuous whig Stanley Stanley leader, a strenuous conservative leader, the head of the protectionists, the opponent of democracy, and the author of the change which upset his own policy of 1832 and committed power to democracy in 1867, all these parts he filled in turn. He was not a statesman of profoundly settled convictions or of widely constructive views. He was a man rather of intense vitality than of great intellect, a brilliant combatant rather than a cautious or philosophic statesman. The work with which he was most identified, the re-creation of the conservative party after its disintegration on the fall of Peel, was Disraeli's rather than his own ; and the charge of a timid reluctance to assume the responsibilities and toil of office is one that may fairly be made against him. Derby's personality was full of charm. He was handsome in person, with striking aquiline features; in manner he was some- what familiar and off-hand, but beneath this facility lay an aloofness from all but social equals and intimates which stood con- siderably in his way as a party leader. This disadvantage operated less in his earlier years. ' Although he gave offence now and then,' says Stratford Canning in 1835 (PooLE, Life of Stratford Canning, ii. 37), ' by a sort of schoolboy recklessness of expression, some- times even of conduct, his cheerful temper bore him out and made him more popular than others who were always considerate but less frank.' Twenty years later, however, there is no doubt that his party had reason to complain of the way in which their leader stood apart from their rank and file. He had a beautiful tenor voice, though he knew and cared nothing about music ; his delivery was stately and animated, and he was always a luminous and impressive speaker. He was one of those orators who feel most nervous ' when about to be most successful. ' My throat and lips,' he told Macaulay, ' when I am going to speak are as dry as those of a man who is going to be hanged.' ' Nothing can be more composed and cool,' adds Macaulay, ' than Stanley's manner ; his fault is on that side. Stanley speaks like a man who never knew what fear or even modesty was ' (TRE- VELYAN, Life of Macaulay, i. 242). Bulwer- Lytton, in the ' New Timon ' (1845), de- scribed him as ' frank, haughty, rash, the Rupert of debate.' Derby was a rapid and shrewd man of business and a great Lancashire magnate. In 1862 he succeeded the Earl of Ellesmere as chairman of the central relief committee at Manchester during the cot ton famine, and it was to the impetus which he gave to the movement both before and after this change, especially by his great speeches at Bridge- water House and at the county meeting on 2 Dec. 1862 (separately published), and to his conduct of its business, that the success of the relief movement was due (see A. ARNOLD, History of the Cotton Famine). All his life he was keenly interested in scholarship and passionately devoted to sport. His latinity was easy and excellent, and as chancellor of the university of Oxford, in which office he succeeded the Duke of Wellington in 1852, he made Latin speeches, especially in 1853 at his installation, and in 1863, when the Prince and Princess of Wales visited Oxford, which were the envy of many professional scholars (for the latter speech see Ann. Reg. cv. 98). The Derby (classi- cal) scholarship, tenable for a year, and of the annual value of about 150^, was founded in 1870 to commemorate his connection with Oxford University. His blank-verse translation of the ' Iliad,' which had occu- pied him for some years, appeared first privately in 1862, then was formally pub- lished in 1864, and had reached a sixth edition by 1867, to which were added other translations of miscellaneous poetry, classical, French, and German, chiefly written before he was thirty. His ' Iliad ' is spirited and polished, and, though often rather a para- phrase than a translation, is always more truly poetic than most of the best transla- tions. He had a strong literary faculty, and his English prose — for example, in his report on the cotton famine in 1862 — was nervous and admirable. He also wrote some ' Con- versations on the Parables for the Use of Children,' 1837; other editions 1849 and 1866. To shooting and racing he was equally devoted. He constantly said, perhaps with some affectation, that he had been too busy with pheasants to attend to politics, and his ready indulgence in sporting slang, even on the gravest occasions, occasioned some misgiving to his respectable middle- class supporters. Greville, who knew him well on the turf, but neither liked nor trusted him, dwells on his boisterous and undignified manners and on the sharpness of his practices (e.g. Memoirs, 1st ser. ii. 374, iii. 35; 2nd ser. iii. 403, 463). He never won the Derby, Oaks, or St. Leger, though he had begun training when, as quite a young man, he managed his grandfather's racing stud, and made many efforts with many racehorses. He owned Toxopholite, which was favourite for the Derby in 1858; Ithuriel, which was got at and lamed ; Der- vish, and Canezou. He trained with John Scott (1794-1871) [q. v.], and would often leave the House of Lords to catch the night Stanley 61 Stanley mail train and see his horses' gallops next morning. Still he was not unsuccessful on the turf. In the twenty-two years of his racing career, down to 1863, when he sold his stud and quitted the turf, he won in stakes alone 94,OOOA, and the letter which he wrote to the Jockey Club in 1857, giving notice of a resolution that a sharper named Adkins should be warned off Newmarket Heath, has always been considered a com- pendium of the principles that should guide the conduct of race meetings. [Two lives of Lord Derby have appeared, by T. E. Kebbel and G. Saintsbury. Derby is also elaborately criticised in Kebbel's History of Toryism. See, too, Greville Memoirs; Malmes- bury's Memoirs of an ex-Minister ; Disraeli's Lord George Bentinck ; Watpole's Life of Lord John Russell ; Dalling and Ashley's Life of Palmerston ; Martin's Life of the Prince Con- sort; Memoirs of J. C. Herries; McCullagh Torrens's Lord Melbourne ; Roebuck's History of theWhigMinistry; Scharf's Catalogue of Pictures at Knowsley ; Trevelyan's Life of Lord Macaulay ; "Walpole's History of England ; Count Vitzthum von Eckstadt's A Residence at the Courts of St. Petersburg and London ; Fitzpatrick's Correspon- dence of O'Connell ; Hansard's Parliamentary Debates.] J. A. H. STANLEY, EDWARD HENRY, fif- teenth EAEL OF DERBY (1826-1893), eldest son of Edward George Geoffrey Smith, fourteenth earl of Derby [q. v.], by his wife, Emma Caroline, second daughter of Edward, first lord Skelmersdale, was born on 21 July 1826. He was at school at Rugby, under Arnold, though not much influenced by him, and then went to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, besides taking college prizes, he was tenth in the first class of the classical tripos, and fourteenth junior optime in the mathe- matical tripos of 1848. Down to the time of his leaving Cambridge, he was a member of the undergraduate society known as ' The Apostles,' most of whose members became eminent in after life (LESLIE STEPHEN, Life of Sir James Stephen, p. 102). He graduated M.A. in 1848, and was made LL.D. on 9 June 1862, and D.C.L. of Oxford on 7 June 1853. In March 1848 he contested the borough of Lancaster as a protectionist, but was beaten by six votes, and then made a prolonged tour in the West Indies, Canada, and the United States. During his absence he was elected, on 22 Dec. 1848, to fill the vacancy at King's Lynn caused by the death of Lord George Bentinck. Often afterwards he was asked to contest other seats — for ex- ample, Edinburgh in 1868 — but only once, in 1859, when he stood for Marylebone, with- out success, against Edwin James and Sir Benjamin Brodie, was he tempted to leave King's Lynn. He represented the con- stituency continuously till he succeeded his father in the earldom in October 1869. As the result of his tour he published a pamphlet on the West Indian colonies in 1849, followed by a second in 1851, which stated the planters' case very clearly and to their entire satisfaction. His maiden speech, too, in the House of Commons, which Peel praised highly and Greville (Memoirs, 2nd ser. iii. 337) mentions as giving promise of great debating power, was made, on 31 May 1850, on Buxton's motion on the sugar duties. He took his place in the ranks of the con- servatives, now led by his father ; but he was not naturally a party man, and in opinion approximated to the moderate whigs. He travelled widely, and was when young an ardent mountaineer. He again visited Jamaica and Ecuador in the winter of 1849 and 1850, publishing privately on his return a book called ' Six Weeks in America,' and it was while absent on a tour in Bengal in March 1852 that he received the post of under-se- cretary for foreign affairs in his father's first administration. He held office till its fall in December, when he went with his party into opposition. In 1855, on the death of Sir William Molesworth[q.v.], Lord Palmerston, knowing him to be at heart more of a liberal than anything else, and struck by the ability displayed in his speech on the Government of India Bill in 1853, made him the offer of the colonial secretaryship. But this proposal Stanley, at his father's instance, declined. He spoke during these years principally on In- dian and colonial questions, and on such social matters as education, factory legisla- tion, and competitive examinations. In 1835 he was ' suspected of coquetting with the Manchester party ; ' and, with an antagonism to war which clung to him through life, he joined Bright and Cobden in 1854 in resist- ing the policy of drifting into war, and sup- ported ' The Press,' a weekly journal which was energetically anti-ministerial. He served on the commission on purchase in the army, which he strongly condemned, and supported such movements as those in favour of me- chanics' institutes and free libraries, the amendment of the law as to the property of married women, the removal of Jewish dis- abilities, the abolition of church rates, and the creation of the divorce court. When the second Derby administration was formed in February 1858, Stanley joined it as colonial secretary, and subsequently, on the resignation of Lord Ellenborough, took his place as president of the board of control. The conduct of the India Bill Stanley Stanley was accordingly in his hands, and when it passed he became the first secretary of state for India. In this office he came on several occasions into collision with the policy of the governor-general, Lord Can- ning ; in parliament, though not a prominent debater, he showed talents for business, and the general success of his Indian admini- stration added to the reputation of the govern- ment. In the discussions in the cabinet on the Reform Bill of 1859 Stanley supported the disfranchising clauses, even threatening resignation unless the measures were made more liberal (MALMESBTJRY, Memoirsofan ex- Minister, ii. 157). Going out of office again in June, he continued active in support of reforms of a moderate liberal character. He served on the Cambridge University com- mission, and supported the admission of non- conformists to fellowships. He presided over commissions on the sanitary state of the Indian army and on patent law. A curious episode followed in 1862-3. On the revolution which expelled King Otho, the throne of Greece was offered to and refused by Queen Victoria's second son, Prince Alfred (afterwards DukeofSaxe-Coburg and Gotha). Thereupon the idea was seriously entertained by the authorities in Greece of making the offer to Stanley. ' The Greeks really want to make our friend Lord Stanley their king,' wrote Disraeli on 7 Feb. 1863. Stanley de- clined the suggestion (FROIJDE, Earl of Bea- consfield, p. 184). He increasedhis reputation in the House of Commons when he seconded Lord Grosvenor's amendment to the Reform Bill of 1866, which proposed the postpone- ment of the discussion of any reduction of the franchise until the whole of the govern- ment scheme had been placed before the House of Commons ; this speech was con- sidered ' the finest and most statesmanlike he had ever made.' Just before and at the time of the fall of Lord John Russell's ministry (June 1866), serious suggestions were made that he should form the succeeding admini- stration ; it was anticipated that he would command the support of the Adullamites [see LOWE, ROBERT, and HORSMAN, EDWARD]. Such a plan, though supported by so shrewd an observer as Delane, proved impracticable, and Stanley's father was again sent for on Lord John's resignation. In Lord Derby's third administration Stanley took the foreign office. Here his policy was as far as possible to maintain neutrality with regard to con- tinental disputes, and by all means to avoid war. In spite of the Abyssinian expedition in 1868 he was fairly successful ; he avoided war without too great concessions, and although, especially at that juncture, he, as an untried man, found it a difficult task to follow a statesman of Lord Clarendon's experience, he filled the office of foreign minister in the main with credit. He held aloof from the war of Prussia, Italy, and Aus- tria, mediated between France and Prussia on the Luxemburg question, and postponed a Franco-German war for a time by de- vising the 'collective guarantee 'of Luxem- burg's neutrality at the conference of London in May 1867. Somewhat, as was thought, at the cost of his reputation for humanity, he avoided interfering in the Cretan re- bellion, and refused to take sides in the disputes between Turkey and Greece. He declined the Emperor Napoleon's proposal for a conference on the Roman question, and of his attitude when the French troops occupied Rome Lord Augustus Loftus says (Diplomatic Reminiscences, 2nd ser. i. 203) : ' I cannot sufficiently extol the wise states- manship and prudent course taken by Lord Stanley during this critical time. He was calm in judgment and free from any en- thusiastic impulse, and when his opinion was formed he never deviated from it.' With regard to the disputes with the United States arising out of the depredations of the Ala- bama, he admitted the principle of refer- ing the question to arbitration which Russell had declined to recognise (RUSSELL, Speeches and Despatches, ii. 259), and he negotiated a convention which the United States refused to ratify. In domestic affairs he was not pro- minent. What share he had in the Reform Bill of 1867 is uncertain. Lord Malmes- bury attributes to him the form into which the bill was hastily recast on 25 Feb., just before the introduction in the House of Com- mons, when the tender of Lord Cranborne's resignation involved alterations in it. At any rate he cannot be altogether acquitted of inconsistency in supporting the bill after the declarations unfavourable to democracy which he had made in previous years. Stanley continued at the foreign office when Disraeli succeeded, on Lord Derby's retirement,to the post of prime minister in February 1868. He resigned with the rest of the ministry after the general election (November 1868). Stanley was selected to lead the opposition to Mr. Gladstone's Irish church resolutions in 1869. Throughout his life, however, his leanings towards liberalism had been more marked on ecclesiastical matters than else- where. He had published a pamphlet as eajly as 1853 in favour of exempting non- conformists from the payment of church rates, and accordingly the defence he made on this occasion was somewhat ambiguous. A little later he incurred the suspicion of Stanley his party by declining to vote against the Irish Land Bill of 1870. In fact his general tendency at this time was towards projects of administrative reform. He thought that, until it had a substantial majority, the con- servative party should avoid office, and seek to check the extremer measures of its oppo- nents and support their moderate bills. He had long been conspicuous for his knowledge of and interest in such non-party matters as sanitary reform, technical education, the regulation of mines, the acquisition of people's parks, and the growth of co-operative so- cieties, and he was surpassed only by Lord Shaftesbury in the time, thought, and trouble that he gave to them. His in- fluence in the country generally was in con- sequence perhaps higher than in his own party, though even there he was much es- teemed, and, had he chosen, might have led his party in the House of Lords from 1869, when his father's death conferred on him the earldom of Derby. Disraeli took office in February 1874, and Derby again became foreign secretary. The eastern question was once more the disturb- ing factor in European politics. Between his conviction that the integrity of Turkey was a most important British interest and his passion for peace Lord Derby soon found himself in a position of perplexity from which it was difficult for him in office to emerge satisfactorily. At first he was san- guine of success in his efforts to preserve England from the risk of war, and, ignoring the possibilities of failure, was perhaps more tolerant of diplomatic rebuffs than the situa- tion warranted. He was a party, but not very willingly, to the purchase of the Suez Canal shares; he accepted the Andrassy note urging reforms on the sultan of Turkey, but only after considerable delay. Count Beust, the Austrian ambassador to the court of St. James, pursued him to Knowsley, and there and in London spent three weeks in a siege of persuasion before obtaining the despatch of 25 Jan. 1876 to Sir Henry Elliot, the British ambassador to Vienna, which se- cured the adhesion of Great Britain to the Austrian proposals for the reorganisation of the Turkish government. Suspecting secret arrangements between Russia and Austria, he declined to join in May 1876 in the Berlin memorandum, which urged upon Turkey the necessity of fulfilling her promises of reform. In September he wrote to Elliot, then ambassador at Constantinople, ordering him to demand of the Porte the punishment of those responsible for the Bulgarian atro- cities. The Constantinople conference of December 1876, which was intended to ! Stanley compel reforms in the government of the Porte, was due to his initiative, and he sought in general to assist and encourage the Porte to carry out reforms, while giving it warn- ing that military protection from England was not to be looked for should Turkey be attacked by other powers. In April 1877 Russia invaded Turkey. Public opinion was divided as to the part that England should play in the struggle. The Bulgarian out- rages, on the one hand, excited in one half of the population an hostility to Turkey which diplomacy could not control, while, on the other hand, an equally large party in Eng- land, suspicious of Russia, urged an armed defence of Turkey, and was the more power- ful in the ministry and among the influential classes of society. Derby's efforts to bring the Russo-Turkish war to a close failed, and in a despatch of 6 May 1877 he defined the conditions in which England must intervene and take the offensive against the enemies of Turkey. Russia's continued successes seemed to make war for England inevitable, and Derby, unready to face that possibility, found himself increasingly in disagreement with the prime minister. The result was the appearance of vacillation in the government policy. When the order was given, at the prime minister's instance, for the fleet to pass the Dardanelles on 23 Jan. 1878, Derby felt that the die had been cast for war, and tendered his resignation ; but when this advance was countermanded, he returned to office. He concurred in the policy of refusing to recognise the treaty of San Stefano, by which Russia imposed her own terms on Turkey (March 1878), but disapproved of the vigorous menaces of war with Russia which Beaconsfield made thereon. Accordingly, having reluctantly supported the credit of 6,000,000/., he suddenly resigned again on 28 March 1878, ostensibly, but far from solely, upon the policy of calling out the reserves (HANSAKD, ccxli. 1793). It was asked why, if he was only to resign at last, he had con- sented to resume office after his recent resig- nation. His attitude failed to become clearer when on 11 July his statements, in an- nouncing his resignation in the House of Lords, and those of Lord Salisbury, who suc- ceeded him at the foreign office, were in flat contradiction of each other. His actions cer- tainly bore an appearance of indecision, owing doubtless to his natural disposition, in mat- ters of emergency, to temporise rather than to strike. But his main object was at all hazards to keep England out' of a European war, and it was at any rate in part owing to his efforts that that result was achieved. After quitting office, he drifted further and further Stanley < from his old party ties ; he opposed the ac- quisition of Cyprus and the first Afghan war (1879), and eventually, in a letter to Lord Sefton, 12 March 1880, he announced his severance from the conservative party, avowedly in consequence of its foreign policy. Derby was soon accepted as a leader of the liberal party. From December 1882 to 1885 he was colonial secretary in Mr. Glad- stone's second administration, and in 1884 he was made a knight of the Garter. His policy as colonial secretary was sensible, but not impressive. ' We don't want any more black men,' was one of his favourite expres- sions, and he therefore resisted further an- nexation of tropical colonies. He favoured withdrawal from the Soudan ; he declined to seize New Guinea, and he supported the policy of contraction in South Africa by con- cluding the convention with the Boers of 1884. Though he accepted Australian aid for the Soudan, he discouraged any plan of Aus- tralian federation. He left the colonial office in the summer of 1885, when Mr. Gladstone and his colleagues resigned. In 1886 the home-rule question led to a furtherchange in Derby's political allegiance. From the first he disapproved of Mr. Glad- stone's policy of giving home rule to Ireland, and he joined the new party of liberal unionists on its formation early in 1886. Until the Marquis of Hartington succeeded to his father's peerage in 1891 he led the liberal unionist peers in the House of Lords. Thenceforward he retired practically from active public life, and occupied himself with social questions. His last public speech was on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of John Bright at Manchester in October 1891. In 1892 he presided over the labour commission. In the previous year, when he was severely attacked by influenza, his usually robust health had broken down, and he died at Knowsley of an affection of the heart on 21 April 1893. He was buried at Knowsley church on 27 April. Derby held many dignified offices outside politics. He was chancellor of the university of London from 1891 till his death, was lord rector of the university of Glasgow from 1868 to 1871, and of Edinburgh from 1875 to 1880, and was a trustee of the British Museum. He was for eighteen years — from 1875 to 1893 — an active president of the Royal Literary Fund, and was one of the founders of University College, Liverpool. In his habits Derby was simple and unas- suming, in manner somewhat awkward and shy. In character he was singularly cool, fair, and critical, but he was too diffident of his own powers, and perhaps too undecided. Stanley to become a great man of action. He was unambitious and disinterested, as indeed he conclusively showed when, by leaving Lord Beaconsfield in 1878, he sacrificed the almost certain reversion of the leadership of the con- servative party. His memory and his reading were alike great. He was unrhetorical in mind or speech. Though his enunciation was imperfect, he spoke impressively, and had a great gift ' of making speeches with which every one must agree, and which at the same time were never commonplace.' He was an industrious and excellent man of business, and managed his great estates very successfully. For years he showed himself in Lancashire a model chairman of quarter sessions, an active and a hopeful agricul- turist, and a benevolent promoter of institu- tions for the benefit of the working classes. On such matters his opinions were almost those of an old-fashioned radical, for he strongly believed in self-help, and was con- tinuously active in attacking fads and urging the views of J. S. Mill, whom he greatly ad- mired. He lived much in his own county, spoke, like his father, with a Lancashire accent, and was on the whole popular among Lancashire men. He married, on 5 July 1870, Mary Cathe- rine, second daughter of George, fifth earl De LaWarr, and widow of James, second mar- quis of Salisbury, but had no issue, and was succeeded in the title by his brother Frede- rick, baron Stanley of Preston. There are at Knowsley pictures of him by W. Derby as a boy, by George Richmond in 1864, and by Sir Francis Grant. The photograph pre- fixed to the edition of his speeches, which was taken in 1894 by Messrs. Sanderson and Roscoe, is a very good likeness. [Mr. W. E. H. Lecky's Prefatory Memoir to Speeches of Lord Derby, ed. Sanderson and Ros- coe, 1894; Times, 22 April 1893; Macmillan's Mag. xl. 180 ; Westminster Review, Ixxvii. 498 ; Martin's Life of Lord Sherbrooke, ii. 61, 281; Malmesbury's Memoirs; Life of Sir S. North- cote ; Memoirs of Count Beust ; Pollard's Stan- leys of Knowsley ; Scharf s Cat. of Pictures at Knowsley. See, too, Lord Derby's Address to the Co-operative Congress at Leeds, 1881 ; Speech on the Irish Question, 29 June 1886; Speech on Indian Finance, 13 Feb. 1859.] J. A. H. STANLEY, EDWARD JOHN, second BAKOX STAUXEY OF ALDERLEY (1802-1869), was the son of Sir John Thomas Stanley, seventh baronet, and nephew of Edward Stanley [q. v.], bishop of Norwich. Sir John, born in 1766, was a considerable magnate in Cheshire, where he was for more than twenty years chairman of quarter sessions. He was elected F.R.S. on 29 April 1790, and in the Stanley following year, having paid a visit to Iceland, wrote a short ' Account of the Hot Spring ' (Edinburgh, 1791, 8vo). His only other literary effort was a translation of Burger's ' Leonora' (1796). On 9 May 1839 he was created Baron Stanley of Alderley. Lord Stanley died at Alderley Park, Cheshire, on 23 Oct. 1850. He married, on 11 Oct. 1796, at Fletching, Sussex, Maria Josepha (1771- 1863), daughter of John Baker Holroyd, first earl of Sheffield [q. v.], the friend and corre- spondent of Gibbon. Her early letters, some of them addressed from abroad, to her girlish friends and her aunt, ' Serena ' Holroyd, were printed in 1896, under the editorship of Miss J. H. Adeane (London, 8vo, with por- traits of her and her husband). They refer to the period 1786-96, and contain some highly interesting glimpses of Gibbon, the Comte Lally Tollendal, and the French exiles. Several of Lady Maria's vivacious letters to the great historian are printed in Gibbon's ' Correspondence' (ed. 1896, vol. ii. passim). After his death, of which in her ' Letters ' she gives graphic details, she as- sisted her father and William Hayley in editing Gibbon's ' Synoptic Memoirs ' for publication in 1796 {Autobiographies of Ed- ward Gibbon, 1896, Introduction). Edward John, the eldest son, born on 13, and baptised 14, Nov. 1802, at Alderley, was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, where he matriculated on 18 Jan. 1822, and graduated B.A. in 1825. He en- tered parliament as whig member for Hindon, Wiltshire, in 1831, and, when that borough \vas disfranchised, he represented North Cheshire from 1832 until 1841, when he lost the seat, to regain it in 1847. For a short time Stanley held the post of secretary to Lord Durham, one of the drafters of the Reform Bill; and he was under-secretary for the colonies 1833-4, and to the home department from July to November 1834. In Lord Melbourne's second administration he was patronage secretary to the treasury from 1835 to 1841, when he was admitted to the privy council ; and from June to September held the lucrative office of pay- master-general. During this period ' Mr. E. J. Stanley ' was best known as the prin- cipal whip of the whig party, or, it' we may believe Lord Palmerston, 'joint-whip with Mrs. Stanley.' Palmerston indeed gave the lady priority when he described her to Guizot as 'notre chef-d'etat major.' There is no doubt, however, that Stanley was a most efficient whip, warmly liked by his friends, in spite of the caustic tongue which gained from some of his opponents the sobriquet of 'Ben'fjamin Backbite]. Mel- VOL. LIV. Stanley bourne handed over the seals to Sir Robert Peel at the close of 1841, but on the return of the whigsto office in 1846 Stanley was under- secretary for foreign affairs from that year to 1852, when Palmerston was his chief. On 12 May 1848 he was created Baron Eddis- bury of Winnington ; two years later he succeeded to the barony of Stanley. He was president of the board of trade 1855 to 1858, and Palmerston appointed him postmaster- general in 1 860. He was subsequently offered a seat in the cabinet by Mr. Gladstone on the formation of his first ministry (Decem- ber 1868), but refused it on the score of health. He died at his London house, 40 Dover Street, on 16 June 1869. Stanley married, at Florence, on 7 Oct. 1826, Henrietta Maria, eldest daughter of Henry Augustus Dillon-Lee, thirteenth vis- count Dillon. HENRIETTA MARIA STANLEY, LADY STAN- LEY OF ALDERLEY (1807-1895), born at Halifax, Nova Scotia, on 21 Dec. 1807, first came to England in 1814, and soon proceeded with her family to Florence, where she at- tended the weekly receptions of the Countess of Albany, widow of the young Pretender. She obtained popularity with the natives by refusing to dance with the Austrian officers, ' though they danced much better than the Italians ; ' but she admits that her own nat ive Jacobinism was in some danger from the violent republicanism of her gouvernante. After her marriage in 1826 'Mrs. Stanley' soon became a personage. In conversation she invariably expressed herself with un- compromising frankness, but, gifted with rare social qualities, and possessed with an ardent faith in the doctrines of liberalism as then understood, she rendered very real service to her husband's party. Though a warm admirer of Mr. Gladstone, she was un- able to follow him in 1886 on the question of home rule, and was the moving spirit of the Woman's Liberal Unionist Association. A friend of Carlyle from 1830, of F. Denison Maurice, and in later years of Jowett (who paid his first visit to Alderley in 1861), Lady Stanley of Alderley, as she was known from 1850, was no less prominent as a pro- moter of women's education. She was one of the original ' lady visitors ' of Queen's College, London, in 1848; she was an active member of the committee for obtaining the admission of girls to the university local examinations, founded in October 1862; she was a promoter of Girton College in 1865, and was an active supporter of the Girls'Public Day-school Company, originated in the summer of 1872; she was, finally, a promoter of the ' Medical College for Women,' Stanley 66 Stanley which was initiated in October 1874, to pro- mote the opening of the medical profession to women (see Lady Stanley's 'Personal Recollections of Women's Education ' in Nineteenth Century, August 1879). Lady Stanley retained her faculties until her death, at the age of eighty-seven, at Dover Street on 16 Feb. 1895. She left issue : Henry Edward John, the present peer; John Constantine, colonel of the grenadier guards, who died in 1878 ; Mr. Edward Lyulph Stanley ; and the Rev. Alger- non Charles, domestic prelate to the pope. Of her six daughters, Henrietta Blanche married, in 1851, the Earl of Airlie ; Katharine Louisa married, in 1864, Viscount Amberley ; and Rosalind Frances married, in 1864, George James Howard, ninth earl of Carlisle. [G. E. C[okayne]'s Peerage ; Burke's Peerage ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886 ; Ann. Reg. 1869 and 1895; Greville's Diary, iii. 112; Cooper's Register and Mag. of Biography, 1 869 ; Abbott and Campbell's Life of Jowett ; Times, 19 Feb. 1895; Guardian, 20 Feb. 1895; Spec- tator, 20 Feb. 1895.] T. S. STANLEY, EDWARD SMITH, thir- teenth EARL OP DERBY (1775-1851), eldest son of Edward, twelfth earl of Derby, by his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Hamilton, only daugh- ter of James, sixth duke of Hamilton, was born on 21 April 1775. His great-grand- father, Edward, eleventh earl of Derby, was descended from a brother of Thomas, second earl of Derby, and succeeded to the earldom on the extinction of the direct line in 1736 [see under STANLEY, JAMES, seventh EARL OF DERBY], His grandfather, James, lord Strange, took the additional name of Smith in accordance with the will of his wife's father, Hugh Smith (d. 1745) of Weald Hall, Essex. The thirteenth earl, after spending some years at Eton, went to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. in 1795. He was at once brought into parlia- ment for one of the two Preston seats at the general election of 1796 as a member of the whig party. For the previous half-century a standing dispute had existed between the earls of Derby and the corporation of Pres- ton as to the right to nominate the repre- sentatives of the borough. From 1768 to 1795 nominees of the Derby family had held both seats. In 1796 local feeling ran high. The corporation prepared to make a vigorous effort to secure one seat, and nominated, in the growing manufacturing interest, John Horrocks, head of the well-known Lancashire firm of Horrocks, Miller, & Co., local mill- owners. The poll was kept open for eleven days, and eventually Stanley and Horrocks were elected, the former leading by a majority of thirty. Scarlett (afterwards Lord Abinger) acted on this occasion as 'assistant' to the mayor, and received a fee of two hundred guineas (WILLIAM DOBSOX, History of the Parliamentary Representation of Preston). At the next election in 1802 a compromise, much attacked at the time, was negotiated by T. B. Bayley of Hope, by which each party obtained one seat. Stanley and Hor- rocks were elected, and in 1806 Stanley and Horrocks the younger. In 1807, though op- posed in politics, they had a joint committee, made a joint canvas, and were elected to- gether. In spite of opposition by other can- didates, this arrangement lasted even after Stanley had ceased to sit for Preston, and down to 1826, when his son successfully contested the seat. In 1812 Stanley ceased to sit for Preston, and was elected one of the members for the county of Lancaster. He continued to hold that seat till the pass- ing of the Reform Bill in 1832. Through- out his parliamentary career he supported the whig party without ever taking a promi- nent place in it, and in the House of Com- mons spoke little. In 1832 Lord Grey's ministry required further strength in the House of Lords, and Stanley was called up in his father's lifetime by the title of Baron Stanley of Bickerstaffe. Two years afterwards, on the death of his father on 21 Oct. 1834, he succeeded to the earldom, and on 17 April 1839 was created a knight of the Garter. From this time forward he made no figure in public life. Lord Stanley early displayed great interest in the science of zoology. From 1828 to 1833 he was president of the Linnsean Society, and at the time of his death had for some years been president of the Zoological Society. Be- tween 1834 and 1847 he contributed many papers to its proceed ings and many specimens to its collections. He formed at Knowsley a private menagerie of a very extensive kind, and had also a fine museum of various classes of specimens. The maintenance of the mena- gerie alone cost 10,OOOZ. to 15,000/. per annum ; it occupied one hundred acres of land and seventy of water, and his agents collected specimens all over the world. He gave his own daily care to it, made copious notes and observations, and successfully crossed Brahmin with shorthorn cattle. The grace- ful Scops Paradisea was named by Dr. La- thom the ' Stanley Crane ' after him. He had at his death 94 species and 345 head of mammalia, principally antelopes, 318 species and 1272 head of birds, not counting poul- try, and his museum contained twenty thou- Stanley 67 sand specimens of quadrupeds, birds, eggs, reptiles, and fishes. The collection was dis- persed on his death ; the museum was given to the city of Liverpool, where the corpora- tion now maintains it as the Derby Museum. Some of the living animals were given to the Zoological Society in Regent's Park, and the remainder were sold in October 1851, but realised only 7,OOOJ. Lord Derby was lord lieutenant of Lanca- shire, and passed much of his time at Knowsley, where he devoted himself to public charity and to private hospitality. He died there on 30 June 1851, and was buried in the family vault at Ormskirk on 8 July. He married, on 30 June 1798, his cousin, Charlotte Margaret, second daughter of his aunt, the Hon. Lucy Stanley, by her marriage with the Rev. Geoffrey Hornby. She predeceased him on 16 June 1817. By her he had a family of three sons and four daugh- ters, the eldest of whom, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley [q.v.], succeeded him in the title. There are portraits of him at Knowsley, viz. by Romney as a boy, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, and by William Derby. [Gent. Mag. 1851, ii. 190, 644 ; Pollard's Stanleys of Knowsley; Times, 3 July 1851; Gray's Gleanings from the Menagerie at Knows- ley; Scharfs Cat. of Pictures at Knowsley; Barnes's Hist, of Lancashire ; Eton School Lists ; Grad. Cantabr. 1656-1823.] J. A. H. STANLEY, FERDINANDO, fifth EAEL OF DERBY (1559 P-1594), son of Henry, fourth earl [q. v.], was born in London about 1559. He matriculated in 1572, at the age of twelve, at St. John's College, Oxford, and graduated M.A. on 17 Sept. 1589. As a boy of fourteen he was called to Windsor by Queen Elizabeth, though he does not appear to have held any office. In 1585 and after- wards he acted as deputy lieutenant of Lan- cashire and Cheshire on behalf of his father, and during the time of the alarm of the Spanish invasion in 1588 he was mayor of Liverpool, and raised a troop of horsemen. He was summoned to parliament as Lord Strange on 28 Jan. 1588-9. He was a patron and friend of many of the poets of the time, and was himself a writer of verses. Some of his pieces are contained in ' Belvedere, or the Garden of the Muses,' edited by John Boden- ham, 1600, but they are without signature and difficult to identify. The only piece with which his name is positively associated is a pastoral poem, of no great merit, contri- buted by Sir John Hawkins to Grose's ' Anti- quarian Repertory,' and reprinted in Wai- pole's ' Royal and Noble Authors' (ed. Park, 1806, ii. 45). Spenser celebrates him, under Stanley the name of 'Amyntas/ in 'Colin Clout's come Home again:' He, whilst he lived, was the noblest swain That ever piped upon an oaten quill. Both did he other, which could pipe, maintain, And eke could pipe himself with passing skill. Robert Greene dedicatedhis ' Ciceronis Amor,' 1589, to Stanley; Nash, in his ' Piers Penni- lesse,' 1592, has a panegyric on him, and Chapman in 1594, in the dedication of the ' Shadow of the Night,' speaks of ' that most ingenious Darbie.' For several years, from 1589 to 1594, he was patron of the company of actors which had formerly been under the patronage of the Earl of Leicester. While Stanley was its patron it was known as ' Lord Strange's company.' After his death it passed to the patronage of Henry Carey, first lord Hunsdon, the lord chamberlain, and became known as the ' Lord Chamberlain's company ' (cf. FLEAY, History of the Stage, p. 41). On the death of his father, on 25 Sept. 1593, he succeeded to the earldom of Derby and the sovereignty of the Isle of Man, with other titles and dignities, including the lieu- tenancy of Lancashire and Cheshire. From 1591 some of the catholics cast their eyes on him as successor to the crown in right of his mother, Margaret Clifford [see STANLEY, SIB WILLIAM, 1548-1630]. In 1593 catholic conspirators abroad sent Richard Hesketh [q.v.] to persuade him to set up his claim, promising Spanish assistance, and threaten- ing him with death if the design was divulged. Stanley, however, delivered Hes- keth to justice, and he was executed at St. Albans on 29 Nov. 1593. Stanley died on 16 April 1594 at Lathom House, Lancashire, and was buried at the neighbouring church of Ormskirk. He had been ill for sixteen days. He appears to have died from natural causes, though there were rumours afloat that he met his end by witchcraft (Siow, Chronicle, pp. 767-8, giving a curious account of his illness and death). A ballad in his memory is entered in the ' Stationers' Register ' (ARBEB, ii. 619). He married, in 1579, Alice, daughter of Sir John Spencer of Althorp, Northampton- shire, and left three daughters : Anne, who married in succession Grey, baron Chandos, and the notorious Earl of Castlehaven; Frances, countess of Bridgewater; and Eliza- beth, countess of Huntingdon. In default of male issue he was succeeded in the earldom by his brother William [see under STANLEY, JAMES, seventh EARL]. His widow marrie'd secondly, in 1600, Thomas Egerton, viscount Brackley, better known as Lord-chancellor Ellesmere [q. v.] Stanley 68 Stanley She, like her husband, patronised and was praised by the poets of her day. Milton's ' Arcades was written in compliment to her. She died at Harefield, Middlesex, on 26 Jan. 1636-7. There are portraits of Lord and Lady Derby at Knowsley Hall (ScHAEF, Cata- logue, 1875, p. 79), and of the former in the possession of Lord Gerard and at Worden Hall, the residence of the ffaringtons. The last named is engraved in the ' Derby House- hold Books' (Chetham Soc.) [The best account of Stanley is that by Canon Eainesin Lancashire Funeral Certificates, p. 63. Hey wood's Earls of Derby and the Verse Writers, Allen's Defence of Sir W. Stanley, ed. T. Hey- wood, p.xlii, Derby Household Books, ed. Raines, passim, Farington Papers, pp. 130, 136, Lanca- shire Lieutenancy, Corser's Collectanea Anglo- Poetica (the foregoing are all published by the Chetham Soc.); Camden's Hist, of Elizabeth, 4th edit. 1688, p. 491 ; Lodge's Illustr. of British Hist. 1791, iii. 47 ; Sir E. Sadler's SUte Papers, iii. 20; Calendars of State Papers, Dom. 1591- 1594, 1595-7; Masson's Life of Milton, i. (1881 edit.) 590; Manchester Court Leet Ee- cords, ed. Earwaker, ii. 92 ; Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, iii. 80 ; Cokayne's Complete Peer- age, iii. 72 ; Doyle's Official Peerage, i. 557, with portrait; Wood's Fasti Oxon. (Bliss) i. 250 ; Eegister of Univ. of Oxford (Oxford Hist. Soc.) ; Brydges's British Bibliographer, i. 281 ; Evans's Cat. of Portraits, i. 96, mentions a por- trait engraved by Stow ; Cat. of Exhibition of National Portraits, 1866, p. 51 ; Collier's Mem. of Edward Alleyn ; Henslowe's Diary ; Simpson's School of Shakespeare; Manchester Quarterly, April 1896, p. 113.] C. W. S. STANLEY, HANS (1720?- 1780), poli- tician, was the only son of George Stanley of Paultons, near Owre, in the new parish of Copythorne, formerly North Eling, and close to liomsey in Hampshire. His father married in 1719 Sarah, elder daughter and coheiress of Sir Hans Sloane [q. v.] ; he com- mitted suicide on 31 Jan. 1733-4; his wife survived until 19 April 1764. A monument by Rysbrach, ' in the bad taste of the time, with weeping Cup id, urn, and inverted torch,' was erected by her in the chancel of Holy Rood church, Southampton, to her daughter, Elizabeth Stanley (d. 1738, aged 18), who is panegyrised in Thomson's 'Seasons' (Sum- mer, 11. 564 sq.) Hans Stanley is believed to have been born in 1720, and to have been baptised at St. George's, Hanover Square, London. He was returned as member for St. Albans at a by-election on 11 Feb. 1742-3, and sat for it until the dissolution in 1747. He had no place in the next parliament, and for a time meditated abandoning parliamentary life for diplomacy. He travelled frequently in France, resided for two years at Paris, and studied the law of nations. At the general election of 1754 he was elected in the tory interest by the borough of Southampton, and represented it continuously until his death (cf. Hist. MSS. Comm. llth Rep. App. pt. v. pp. 364-5 ; OLDFIELD, Representative Hist. iii. 551; cf. DAVIES, Hist, of Southampton, pp. 113, 206). From 13 Sept. 1757 to August 1765 Stanley was a lord of the admiralty (cf. Letters of Lady Hervey, p. 265). Hearing from Lord Temple of Pitt's good opinion of him, he recounted in a letter to Pitt, 18 April 1761, his claims to employment should it be desired to open negotiations with France (Chatham Correspondence, ii. 116-19). He was at that time a follower of the Duke of Newcastle, but Pitt enlisted his services, 'from opinion of his abilities.' Stanley set out for Calais to meet the French agent on 24 May 1761, and early in the next month arrived at Paris as chargS d'affaires. There he remained until 20 Sept., when it became clear that the mission had ended in failure, and he demanded his passports (cf. Chatham Correspondence, ii. 124-42 ; THACKERAY, Life of the Earl of Chatham, i. 505-79, ii. 519-626; Grenville Papers, i. 362-85 ; and Bedford Correspondence, iii. 11-46). Though his des- patches did not please Charles Jenkinson, first earl of Liverpool [q. v.], they are de- scribed by Carlyle as 'the liveliest reading one almost anywhere meets with in that kind.' Stanley, adds Carlyle, was ' a lively, clear-sighted person, of whom I could never hear else where ' (Frederick the Great, vi.204). He was disappointed at not being trusted with the conduct of the negotiations when they were renewed in 1762, but he wrote the Duke of Bedford a handsome letter on their success, and, though numbered at this time among Pitt's followers, defended the peace in the House of Commons with ' spirit, sense, and cleverness ' (9 Dec. 1762). Pitt paid him 'the highest compliments imaginable ' (Bed- ford Correspondence, iii. 150-68). Stanley was created a privy councillor on 26 Nov. 1762. On 7 April 1763 he sent a spirited letter to George Grenville, who was then in office, and to whom he was then attached, declining a seat at the treasury, and setting out how his claims had been neglected. Next August he was at Com- piegne. He solicited and obtained in July 1764 the post of governor of the Isle of Wight and constable of Carisbrook Castle. Lady Hervey described the governorship as ' a very honourable, very convenient employ- ment for him, and also very lucrative/ Stanley Stanley Steephill Cottage, on the site of the present castle, near Ventnor, was built by him in 1770 at considerable expense, and he enter- tained there several foreign ambassadors (HASSELL, Isle of Wight, i. 212-19; Guide to Southampton, 4th edit. p. 87). In July 1766 Pitt made Stanley ambas- sador-extraordinary to Eussia. lie was in- structed to proceed to St. Petersburg by way of Berlin, with credentials to the king of Prussia. The object of the mission was to make a ' triple defensive alliance' of Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia. The appoint- ment was hastily made without the know- ledge of Conway, then leading the House of Commons, without any intimation to Mac- artney, our ambassador at St. Petersburg, and without consultation with Sir Andrew Mitchell, the British representative at Ber- lin. Stanley himself said that he had been offered the choice of embassies to Madrid or St. Petersburg, and that he had accepted the latter ' as a temporary retreat from the pre- sent confusion.' Before Stanley left Eng- land the government's overtures were coldly received by Frederick of Prussia, and Stanley never took up the appointment (Chatham Corresp. iii. 15-174). On 24 March 1767 Grenville made a severe attack on Chatham for his magnificent plans for special em- bassies, and mentioned this case. Stanley, ' a very warm man, retorted with vigour,' as he had acted ' with singular honour' in waiv- ing his right to the appointment (WALPOLE, George III, ii. 438^39). On 4 Dec. 1766 Stanley was appointed cofferer of the household, an office which he temporarily vacated in 1774, but resumed in 1776 and held till his death. He had mean- while resigned his post of governor of the Isle of Wight, but was reappointed to that office also in 1776. Afterwards the post was conferred upon him for life, an act without precedent at the time, and ' it was said with an additional pension' (WALPOLE, Last Jour- nals, i. 327, ii. 362). In November 1768 he seconded the address to the king (cf. CAVEN- DISH, Debates). Early in January 1780 Stanley paid a visit to Earl Spencer at Althorp. tin the morn- ing of 13 Jan. he cut his throat with a pen- knife in the woods, and died before assistance could be obtained. Stanley's abilities were unquestioned, and his character stood high. Lady Hervey, who knew him well, called him ' a very ingenious, sensible, knowing, conversable, and, what is still better, a worthy, honest, valuable man' (Letters, 1821, pp. 204-332). He was awk- ward in appearance, ungracious in manners, and eccentric inhis habits. He never laughed, and his speech is described by Madame Du Deffand as slow and cold without action, and as pompous without weight (Letters, 1810 edit. ii. 244-5). A bachelor, with ' a large house in Privy Gardens, joining to Lord Loudoun's,' and with the country residences of Paultons, which he inherited from his father, and Steephill, which he built at Ventnor, he spent most of his time away from them, ' and when at home in town commonly dined at an hotel.' He left a natural son at Winchester school. From his mother he in- herited her share in the Sloane property at Chelsea. Paultons Square and Paultons Terrace at Chelsea perpetuate his connection with the parish. The estate of Paultons passed, subject to the life interest of Stanley's sisters, to a cousin, Hans Sloane, nephew of Sir Hans Sloane. Stanley was one of the trustees for the collection of Sir Hans, and was until death a family trustee of the British Museum. Stanley left in manuscript various works, including a defence, written in Ciceronian Latin, of the English seizure of the French ships previous to the declaration of war. A poem of his in three cantos was imitated from Dryden's ' Fables,' and at the time of his death he was engaged in translating Pindar. Dr. Joseph Warton praised his knowledge of modern and ancient Greek (POPE, Works, 1797, ed. ii. 58-9), stating that he maintained a learned correspondence with the Abbe Barthelemy of Paris on the origin of Chaucer's ' Palamon and Arcite.' Many of his manuscript letters are in the British Museum Additional MSS. (22359 and 32734-33068), and most of his corre- spondence with Chatham is preserved at Paultons. Printed communications are in Belsham's ' Life of Theophilus Lindsey' (pp. 497-500) and 'Life of Viscount Keppel' (ii. 237). He was an intimate friend of Helvetius, much to the discontent of Gibbon, who com- plained in February 1763 of the excessive ad- miration enjoyed by Stanley in French so- ciety ; and he was a pall-bearer at Garrick's funeral (LESLIE and TATLOK, Sir Joshua Reynolds, ii. 247). His portrait as a young man, with long face and dark hair, was painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and is at Paultons. In 1765 there was published a profile engraving of ' Hans de Stanley, dessinS par C.N. Cochin, le fils, grave par S. C. Miger.' [Gent. Mag. 1761 pp. 236, 475, 1764 p. 199, 1780 p.51 ; Corresp. of George III and North, i. 213; Thomas Hutchinson's Diary, ii. 325-9; Albemarle's Rockingham, i. 21-76; Walpole's George III (ed. Le Marchant), i. 58-9, ii. 363-5 ; Walpole's Letters, ii. 443, iv. 352, 361-2, vi. 1 13, Stanley Stanley vii. 312-21 ; Grenville Papers, passim ; Barrow's Earl Macartney, i. 31-3, 413-27; Gibbon's Let- ters, ed. 1896, i. 29 ; Faulkner's Chelsea, i. 368, 373-4 ; James's Letters on Isle of Wight, ii. 531-9.] W. P. C. STANLEY, HENRY, fourth EARL OF DERBY (1531-1593), eldest son of Edward Stanley, third earl of Derby [q. v.], by his first wife, Katherine, daughter of Thomas Howard I, second duke of Norfolk [q. v.], was born in September 1531, and was christened on 4 Oct. (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, v. 576). He was styled Lord Strange until his succession to the peerage. He was knighted on 20 Feb. 1546-7, at the coronation of Edward VI, to whom he became gentleman of the privy chamber. In April 1550 he was sent as a hostage to France, in company with the Earl of Hertford and other noblemen's sons, and about the same time a project was formed for marrying him to Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Somerset. According to his own statement, he was employed by Somerset to induce Edward VI to marry the duke's third daughter (Jane), to keep a watch on the young king's words and deeds, and to report any secret conferences he might have with his councillors. These proceedings formed one of the principal charges on which Somerset was condemned, though he denied them on oath at his trial (TTTLER, England under Edward VI and Mary, ii. 15-25). In July 1554 Strange was appointed gentleman of the privy chamber to Philip of Spain, and on 7 Feb. following he married at the royal chapel, Whitehall, Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry de Clifford, second earl of Cumber- land [q. v.] The ceremony was marked by the introduction of a Spanish game, ' Juego de canas,' which has been misinterpreted as a masque, with the title ' Jube the Cane ' or ' Jube the Sane ' (cf. COLLIER, i. 146 ; Stanley Papers, i. 12 ; MACHYN, Diary, pp. 82, 342). His wife was granddaughter of Henry VIII's younger sister, Mary, duchess of Brandon, and thus had some claim to the crown (BAILEY, Succession to the English Crown, pp. 171 et seq. ; cf. art. CLIFFORD, HENRY, second EARL OF CUMBERLAND). But Strange himself kept these claims in the background, and never suffered any molestation on their account. Soon after Elizabeth's accession he was, on 23 Jan. 1558-9, summoned to parliament as Baron Strange. In 1562 he became a member of Gray's Inn, and on 6 Sept. 1566 he was created M. A. of Oxford. On 26 Oct. 1572 he succeeded his father as fourth Earl of Derby and lord lieutenant of Lancashire. He frequently served as commissioner for ecclesiastical causes, and was an active member of the council of the north. He did not share his father's Roman catholic tendencies, and was a vigorous enemy to recusants in Lancashire. On 24 April 1574 he was elected K.G., and on 20 Jan. 1579-80 he was appointed ambassador-extraordinary to confer the insignia of the order of the Garter on Henry III of France ( Col. Hat- field MSS. iii. 39, 75, 90, 94, 96 ; Tanner MSS. Ixxviii. ff. 22-36, 78-9, 234). On 20 May 1585 he was sworn of the privy council, and on 6 Oct. 1586 he was appointed one of the commissioners to try Mary Queen of Scots. In January 1587-8 he was made chief commissioner to treat for peace with Spain at Ostend, and on 23 March 1588-9 he was appointed lord high steward. On 14 April following he was lord high steward for the trial of Philip Howard, first earl of Arundel [q. v.] He died on 25 Sept. 1593, and was buried at Ormskirk. An engraving of an anonymous portrait of Derby, belonging to the present Earl Derby, is given in Doyle. He was patron of a company of actors who performed before the queen on 14 Feb. 1579- 1580 ; it became more famous under the patronage of his son Ferdinando. By his wife Margaret (1540-1596), with whom he had frequent quarrels, leading to their separation (cf. Cal. State Papers, Doin. Addenda, 1566-79, pp. 33-4, 42-3), he had four sons — Edward, who died young ; Ferdi- nando Stanley, fifth earl of Derby [q. v.] ; William, sixth earl [see under STANLEY, JAMES, seventh EARL OF DERBY] ; and Fran- cis, who died young. [Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547-93, and Ad- denda, passim ; Hatfield MSS. pts. i.-iv. ; Acts of the Privy Council, 1550-88 ; Stanley Papers and Lancashire Lieutenancy (Chetham Soc.) ; Machyn's Diary (Camden Soc.) ; Lit. Eemains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club) ; Lords' Journals ; Strype's Works, passim ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Froude's History; Collins's, Do}Tle's, and G. E. C[okayne]'s Peer- ages.] A. F. P. STANLEY, JAMES (1465P-1515), bishop of Ely, born probably about 1465, was sixth son of Thomas Stanley, first earl Derby [q. v.], by his first wife, Eleanor, daughter of Richard Neville, earl of Salis- bury [q. v.] Edward Stanley, first baron Monteagle [q. v.], was his brother. He is said to have studied both at Oxford and Cam- bridge, and to have graduated at the latter university, but he was certainly M.A. of Oxford (Reg. Univ. Oxon. i. 46). He has been confused by Newcourt, Le Neve, and Cooper with his uncle James, who became prebendary of Holy well, London, on 26 Aug. Stanley 1458, prebendary of Driffield on 11 Nov. 1460, archdeacon of Chester in 1478, pre- bendary of Dunham in Southwell Cathe- dral, warden of the collegiate church of Manchester in 1481, and died in 1485 or 1486. The nephew's first preferment was the deanery of St. Martin-le-Grand, London, which he was given on 20 Sept. 1485, pro- bably through the influence of his father's second wife, Margaret Beaufort, countess of Richmond and Derby [q. v.], the mother of Henry VII (CAMPBELL, Materials, i. 19, 125-6). In the same year he succeeded his uncle as warden of the collegiate church of Manchester, the buildings of which were considerably extended during his tenure of office (HiBBERT-WARE, Hist. Collegiate Church Manchester, i. 48-55). In June 1492 he received a dispensation from the pope to study at Oxford, although he held a benefice with cure of souls. In 1496 he was at Paris, and is stated to have been the rich young priest who had declined a bishopric and was living in Erasmus's house at Paris. He made tempting offers to Erasmus to induce him to become his tutor, but Erasmus refused (KNIGHT, Erasmus, p. 19 ; BXTDINZ- SKY, Die Universitdt Paris, p. 85). On 19 Nov. 1500 he became archdeacon of Rich- mond, and on 10 Sept, 1505 he was collated toaprebend in Salisbury Cathedral (LE NEVE, ii. 643). Early in the following year he was appointed by papal bull to the bishopric of Ely, and the temporalities were restored to him on 5 Nov. following. On 18 June in the same year the university of Oxford con- ferred on him the degree of D.Can.L. During his tenure of the see he took part in his step- mother's foundation of St. John's and Christ's colleges, Cambridge (BAKER, Hist. St. John's College, i. 66, 68, 71 ; WILLIS AND CLARK, Architectural Hist, of Cambridge, ii. 194, iii. 301, 516). He also compiled statutes for Jesus College, Cambridge, to which he appro- priated the rectory of Great Shelford, and improved his episcopal residence at Somers- ham. He resigned the wardenship of Man- chester in 1509, and died on 22 March 1514-15. He was buried in the collegiate church at Manchester, where there is an inscription to his memory. His will, dated 20 March and proved 23 May 1515, is printed in Nicolas's ' Testamenta Vetusta/ ii. 535-6. Stanley's loose morals afforded an easy mark for pro- testant invective (cf. GODWIN, De Prcesulibus, ed. Richardson, p. 271). By a lady who shared his episcopal residence at Somersham he had at least two sons, John and Thomas, and a daughter, Margaret, who married Sir Henry Halsall of Halsall. The elder son, John, fought at Floddeu Field on 9 Sept. r Stanley 1513, was knighted, and founded the family of Stanleys of Hanford, Cheshire. [Authorities quoted ; Campbell's Materials for the Keign of Henry VII (Rolls Ser.) ; Andreas's Historia, pp. 108, 125 (Rolls Ser.) ; Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Brewer, vols. i. and ii.; Rymer's Fcedera ; Le Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardy, passim; Collins's Peerage, iii. 48; Fuller's Worthies ; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ii. 704-5 ; Dodd's Church Hist. ; Hibbert-Ware's Collegiate Church of Manchester, i. 48-64 ; Hollingworth's Mancuniensis ; Churtou's Lives of W. Smyth, &c., pp. 13, 548-9 ; Seacome's Memoirs of the House of Stanley, edit. 1840, pp. 70-1 ; Ormerod's Cheshire ; Bentham's Elv ; Cooper's Athenae Cantabr. i. 16, 525; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Chambers's Book of Days.] A. F. P. STANLEY, JAMES, seventh EARL OF DERBY (1607-1651), born at Knowsley on 31 Jan. 1606-7, was the eldest son of Wil- liam, sixth earl of Derby, by his wife, Eliza- beth' (1575-1627), daughter of Edward de Vere, seventeenth earl of Oxford [q. v.J The father, younger son of Henry Stanley, fourth earl of Derby [q. v.], passed much of the early part of his life abroad (Stanley Papers, in. i. 47), succeeded as sixth earl on the death of his brother Ferdinando, fifth earl of Derby [q. v.], on 16 April 1594, was elected K.G. on 23 April 1601, and served as privy councillor extraordinary from March to May 1603. For many years he was involved in ruinous litigation over his estates with his nieces, the coheiresses of his brother. On 22 Dec. 1607 he was appointed lord lieu- tenant of Lancashire and Cheshire, and died on 29 Sept. 1642. His portrait, engraved from a drawing in the Sutherland collection, is given by Doyle; another, also anonymous, belongs to the present Earl of Derby (Cat. First Loan Exhib. No. 497). His son, who was styled Lord Strange during his father's lifetime, is erroneously said to have been educated at Bolton grammar school and at Oxford. After some private education he was sent abroad, visiting France and Italy, and learning the lan- guages of those countries. In 1625 he was returned to parliament as member for Liver- pool, where the Stanley interest had com- pletely superseded that of the earls of Sefton. He was created K.B. at the coronation of Charles I on 1 Feb. 1625-6, and on 26 June following married, at The Hague, Charlotte de la Tremoille, daughter of Claude, due de Thouars [see STANLEY, CHARLOTTE, COUNTESS OF DERBY]. On 27 Dec. following he was associated with his father in the lieutenancy of Lancashire and Cheshire, and on 23 Oct. in the chamberlain ship of Chester. He also Stanley took part in the government of the Isle of Man, of which the earls of Derby were here- ditary sovereign lords. On 7 March 1627- 1628 he was summoned as Baron Strange to the House of Lords, and about the same time he was made lord lieutenant of North Wales. Lord Strange's tastes were those of a gentleman farmer ; but he was fond of the good library he possessed, and gave en- couragement to minor authors. He made Peter du Moulin (1601-1684) [q. v.], who had been introduced to him through his wife's family, his chaplain, and was patron of a company of players. He was a con- stitutional royalist and moderate Anglican, but his aversion to court life and non- attendance at parliament occasioned some ill- founded aspersions on his loyalty. When war broke out with the Scots in 1639, he joined Charles at York ; he was again at York in 1640, but saw no active service against the Scots. He took no part in the proceedings of the Long parliament, and vainly en- deavoured to arrange a compromise between the two parties in Lancashire (Stanley Papers, vol. i. p. Ixix ; ffarington Papers, pp. 80, 85). But when war was inevitable he threw himself ardently into the royalist cause, and urged that the king's standard should first be raised in Lancashire. Warrington was selected as the rendezvous, and Strange is said to have mustered over sixty thousand men in Lancashire and Cheshire. Charles unwisely vetoed his plan, and summoned Strange to join him at Nottingham. His first commission was to recover Manchester, which was strongly fortified and favoured the parliamentary cause [cf. art. ROSWORME or ROSWORM, JOHN]. He began by utilising his friendly relations with the leading citi- zens, and attended a banquet in Manchester on 15 July. The roundheads, however, suspected his intentions, and he narrowly escaped being shot in retiring to Ordsall (Manchesters Resolution againstLord Strange, 1642, 4to ; POINTZ, A True Relation . . . of the sudden rising of the Lord Strange in Lancashire, 1642, 4to ; JESLAND, A Full and True Relation of the Troubles in Lancashire between the Lord Strange . . . and the well affected of thatcountie, 1642, 4to). He suc- ceeded, however, in seizing magazines in several towns, which he was ordered to restore by parliament. He was deprived of his lord-lieutenancy, and on 16 Sept. was impeached of high treason and pro- claimed a traitor by the House of Commons. On 24 Sept. he laid siege, with four thousand troops, to Manchester, but the vigorous de- fence compelled him to raise it on 1 Oct. By his father's death on 29 Sept. he suc- ceeded as seventh Earl of Derby. He now entrenched himself at Warrington, but towards the end of November his troops suffered two defeats at Chowbent and Low- ton Moor (ORMEROD, Civil War Tracts in Lancashire). On 16 Feb. 1642-3 Derby, having taken Preston, made an unsuccessful assault on Bolton. He then (18 Feb.) went on to Lancaster, which he occupied and set fire to, but he failed to capture the castle, and similar ill-success attended a second at- tempt to capture Bolton on his return. Early in April he repelled an attack on Warrington by Sir William Brereton, but a fortnight later he was defeated at Whalley by Captain Ashton, and retreated to York. Warrington surrendered in consequence (cf. Manchesters Joy for Derbies Overthrow, 1643, 4to). Meanwhile disturbances had broken out in the Isle of Man, and Derby arrived there on 15 June to restore order. He remained till November (Stanley Papers, vol. i. pp. Ixxxviii-xcliii), but is said to have attended the parliament at Oxford during the winter. In February 1643-4 he was with Rupert in Cheshire, and he also accompanied Rupert in the following May when he beat the roundheads at Stockport, relieved Lathom House, and captured Bolton, where Derby is said to have led the last assault, and other- wise distinguished himself [see STANLEY, CHARLOTTE]. Thence he accompanied Rupert to Marston Moor (2 July), and after the ruin of the royalist cause in the north he with- drew (30 July) with his family to the Isle of Man. He was present, however, during part of the second siege of Lathom House in the autumn. In the Isle of Man Derby established him- self at Castle Rushen, and there he remained six years, entertaining fugitive royalists and resolutely refusing to make his peace with parliament. He was summoned to surrender a second time in July 1649, and was oflered terms which he rejected in an indignant letter to Cromwell (printed in COLLINS, Peerage, iii. 67 ; cf. A Declaration of the . . . Earl of Derby . . . concerning his resolution to keep the Isle of Man for his Majesties service against all force whatsoever, 1649, 4to). On 12 Jan. 1649-50 he was elected K.G. at Jersey, and in the same year he was selected by Charles II to command the forces of Cheshire and Lancashire in the projected royalist insurrection. In August 1651, though he disliked Charles IPs agreement with the Scots, he made preparations for joining him on his march through England. He landed at Wyre Water in Lancashire on 15 Aug. with 250 foot and 60 horse, and Stanley 73 Stanley had an interview with Charles II on the 17th (GARDINER, Commonwealth, i. 434). He then proceeded to Warrington, where his endeavour to enlist presbyterian support failed through his refusal to take the cove- nant (ib. pp. 435-6). On the 25th he was routed by Robert Lilburne [q. v.] at Wigan (CART, Memorials, ii. 338 ; LILBTJRNE, Two Letters . . . containing particulars of the totall rout and overthrow of the Earl of Derby, 1651, 4to). He had two horses shot under him and was severely wounded, but he escaped and joined Charles at Worcester on 2 Sept. After the battle (3 Sept.) he conducted Charles to Boscobel, but then proceeding northward alone he was captured near Nantwich, being given quarter by Cap- tain Oliver Edge. He was arraigned on 29 Sept. at Chester before a court-martial, commissioned by Cromwell on the authority of an act of parliament passed in the pre- vious August, declaring all who corresponded with Charles guilty of high treason. Colonel Humphry Mackworth presided. Derby pleaded the quarter granted him, but it was overruled on the ground that he was not a prisoner of war but a traitor, and he was condemned to death ( The Perfect Tryall and Confession of the Earl of Derby, 1651). His petition to parliament, which was strongly supported by Cromwell (GARDINER, Common- wealth, i. 462), and his open recommenda- tion to the countess to surrender Man, proved of no avail. He then attempted to escape from Chester Castle, but was recaptured on Dee bank. On 13 Oct. he was removed to Bolton, where he was executed on the 15th. ' Among the sufferers for King Charles the First none cast greater lustre on the cause ' (WALPOLE, Royal and Noble Authors, iii. 37). He was buried in Ormskirk church, and became known as the ' martyr Earl of Derby.' Two portraits of Derby, painted by Van- dyck, belong to the present Earl of Derby (Cat. First Loan Exhib. 1866, Nos. 689, 691). A copy of the first, painted while he was Lord Strange, was presented in 1860 to the National Portrait Gallery, London, by the fourteenth Earl of Derby. They were engraved by Loggan and Vertue, and copies are given in "Walpole's ' Royal and Noble Authors' (iii. 37) and in the 'Stanley Papers' (Chetham Soc.) (BROMLEY, Cat. Engr. Portraits). By his wife, Charlotte, Derby had issue five sons and four daughters (Stanley Papers, vol. ii. pp. cclxxxviii-ccxcii). Charles, the eldest, born 19 Jan. 1627-8, took part in Sir George Booth's abortive rising in 1658, and was restored as eighth Earl of Derby on the reversal of his father's attainder at the Re- storation. He was author of ' The Protestant Religion is a sure Foundation of a True Christian,' 1668, 4to (2nd ed. 1671), and ' Truth Triumphant,' 1669, 4to. He died in December 1672, and was buried at Ormskirk, being succeeded as ninth and tenth earls by his sons, William George Richard (1658 P- 1702) and James (d. 1736). On the death of the latter, in 1736, the earldom passed to a distant cousin, Edward Stanley (1689- 1776), whose great-grandson was Edward Smith Stanley, thirteenth earl of Derby [q. v.] At the same time the sovereignty of the Isle of Man and the barony of Strange passed to James Murray, second duke of Atholl [q. v.], whose grandfather, John Murray, second earl and first marquis of Atholl [q.v.], had married the seventh Earl of Derby's third daughter, Amelia Anna Sophia. The seventh earl was author of several works extant in manuscript at Knowsley, comprising three books of devotions, printed in ' Stanley Papers ' (Chetham Soc.), pt. iii. vol. iii. ; ' A Discourse concerning the Go- vernment of the Isle of Man,' printed in Peck's ' Desiderata Curiosa,' 1732, vol. ii., in the ' Stanley Papers,' pt. iii. vol. iii., and by the Manx Society, vol. iii. 1859 ; a book of observations, a commonplace book, a book of prayers, and a volume of historical col- lections (Stanley Papers, pt. iii. vol. ii. pp. cccvii-cccxi). Some of his correspondence is among the Tanner MSS. in the Bodleian Library. [The elaborate memoir of Derby prefixed by Francis Robert Raines [q. v.] to his edition of Derby's Devotions (Chetham Soc.) is based on the earl's manuscripts, but is biassed and glosses over his defeats and military incompetence ; other memoirs of him are contained in Seacorae's House of Stanley ; The Earl of Derby and his Family, 1843; Cummings's The Great Stanley, 1847, and in the Lives of his wife [see art. STANLEY, CHARLOTTE, COUNTESS OF DERBY]. See also the numerous tracts catalogued under his name in the Brit. Mus. Cat., and those printed in Ormerod's Civil War Tracts iu Lan- cashire (Chetham Soc. vol. ii.); The First Blood drawn in the Civil War, Manchester, 1878 ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. ; Clarendon State Papers ; Journals of the Lords and Commons ; White- locke's Memorials ; Nalson's, Kushworth's, and Thurloe's Collections ; Cobbett's State Trials, v. 293-324 ; Dugdale's Baronage, Collins's, Doyle's, and G. E. C[okayne]'s Peerages; Clarendons Great Rebellion, ed. Macray: Heath's Royal Martyrs; Lloyd's Loyalist ; Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors ; Warburton's Prince Rupert, i. 299 et passim ; Lady Theresa Lewis's Friends of Clarendon, iii. 338 ; Gary's Memorials of the Civil War; Gardiner's Civil War and Hist, of Commonwealth and Protectorate.] A. F. P. Stanley 74 Stanley STANLEY, JOHN (1714-1786), musi- cian, was born in London on 17 Jan. 1713-14. When two years old he was completely blinded by falling on a marble hearth while holding a china basin in his hand. Soon afterwards his musicaltastes attracted notice. At the age of seven he was placed under John Reading (1677-1764) [see under READ- ING, JOHN, d. 1692], and some time later under Maurice Greene. In November 1723 the boy of eleven was entrusted with the post of organist of All Hallows, Bread Street. This post he left in 1726 for St. Andrew's, Holborn, where Daniel Purcell and John Isham had recently officiated, and where counsel's opinion was taken at the time regarding the right of electing an organist (Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. p. 6896) : in 1734 he was also elected organist to the Society of the Inner Temple. He held both posts till his death, and at the Temple it was not uncommon to see forty or fifty other organists, with Handel himself, as- sembled to hear the last voluntary. Stanley had graduated Mus. Bac. Oxon. on 19 July 1729, at the age of sixteen ; this is the youngest recorded age for an Oxford musical graduate, and has been surpassed at Cam- bridge only by Thomas Ravenscroft. Stan- ley married the daughter of Captain Arlond, in the East India Company's service, but had no issue. Despite the loss of his sight, Stanley was a good player at skittles, shovel-board, and billiards, and also of whist, using perforated cards. He invented an apparatus for teach- ing music to the blind, and bis own ear and memory were trained to an extent quite in- credible except to those familiar with the powers of blind musicians. He could re- member and perform any piece after hearing it once ; even when he had to accompany a new oratorio, his sister-in-law, Miss Arlond, played it through to him once only. Musi- cians at this period were unaccustomed to the extreme keys: but Stanley, having once to accompany a Te Deum of Handel's in D (probably the Dettingen), and finding the organ a semitone above concert pitch, imme- diately transposed the entire composition without hesitation, a feat which seems to have specially impressed his contemporaries. He was usually engaged (BURNEY) to perform whenever a charity sermon was preached or a new organ was opened. He frequently played organ concertos at Vauxhall, and was also in much request as a teacher, among his earliest pupils being John Alcock, only two years his junior. He led the subscrip- tion concerts at the Swan tavern in Cornhill and the Castle in Paternoster Row, using a Stainer violin for orchestral playing, and a Cremona for solos ; both were lost when the Swan was burnt. In 1752, when Handel became blind and could not accompany his oratorio performances, Stanley was recom- mended to him as a substitute ; but Handel preferred John Christopher Smith [q. v.], ob- jecting, he said, to the blind leading the blind. An oratorio by Stanley, entitled ' Jephthah,' was performed in 1757. After Handel's death in 1760 Smith and Stanley entered into partnership, and con- tinued the Lenten oratorio performances at Covent Garden. For their first season (1760) Stanley composed ' Zimri ; ' this was pub- lished in full score, but without the choruses. He played a concerto in the interval of every oratorio performance, and accompanied throughout. In the same year he set an ode, performed at Drury Lane, intended as an elegy on George II and a homage to George III. On the occasion of the royal wedding, in 1762, he composed a dramatic pastoral, ' Arcadia.' From 1769 to 1777 he gave annual performances in aid of the Foundling Hospital. In 1774 Smith re- tired. Stanley then associated the elder j Linley with himself in the speculation, and j produced another oratorio, ' The Fall of Egypt ' (the manuscripts of this and of ' Jeph- : thah ' are at the Royal College of Music; see I Catalogue of Sacred Harmonic Society's Li- brary, Nos. 1833-4). In February 1779, on the death of Dr. Boyce, Stanley was ap- | pointed master of the king's band ; and after I Weideman's sudden death, in 1782, he led it I himself. His last composition was probably I the ode written by "Warton for the king's I birthday, 4 June 1786. It was duly per- formed, but Stanley had died at his house in Hatton Garden on 19 May. He was buried on the evening of the 27th in the new ground attached to St. Andrew's, Holborn. On the following Sunday an appropriate selection was performed ' on that organ on which Mr. Stanley had with much eminence displayed his musical abilities near sixty years.' Stanley published a set of six cantatas in 1742, to words mostly by Sir John Hawkins (1719-1789) [q. v.]; they were so well re- ! ceived that a second set followed in the same year. He also published, besides ' Zimri,' ! three sets of organ voluntaries, and concertos for organ or strings, with the direction that the same accompaniments would serve for j either. They are among the best English j instrumental compositions of the eighteenth century. His works are occasionally repre- sented in the programmes of organ recitals, and three of the voluntaries, arranged for the modern instrument with pedal keyboard, Stanley 75 Stanley were reprinted in A. H. Brown's ' Organ Ar- rangements,' 1886. Six of Stanley's preludes and fugues are included in Pittmans 'Pro- gressive Studies for Pianoforte, Organ, or Harmonium,' 1882. One hymn tune is used in the Temple church. Stanley's portrait by Gainsborough, a half- length, was finely engraved by Mary Ann Bigg (Scott), and published in 1781. An- other portrait, representing him at the organ, was engraved by Mac Ardell, and appeared in the ' European Magazine.' [European Mag. 1784, ii. 171 ; Gent. Mag. 1760 p. 218, 1779 pp. 103, 317, 1780 p. 37, 1786 pp. 442, 512; Georgian Era, iv. 313; C. F. Pohl's Mozart in London, p. 179 ; Morn- ing Post, June 22, 1786 ; Courtney's English Whist, p. 313 ; Marpurg's Trait6 de la Fugue et du Contrepoint, Berlin, 1756, § 2, p. xxv; Burney's General Hist, of Music, iii. 621, iv. 587, 654, 663; Grove's Diet, of Music and Musicians, iii. 690 ; C. F. Abdy Williams's Degrees in Music, p. 85 ; Ouseley's Contributions to Nau- mann's Illustrirte Geschichte der Musik, English edit. p. 920; Musical News, 16 Oct. 1897.1 H. D. STANLEY, MONTAGUE (1809-1844), actor and painter, was born at Dundee on 5 Jan. 1809. His father, who was in the royal navy, was ordered to New York in March 1810, and took his family thither. By the death of his father in 1812 Stanley was left entirely to the care of his mother. She married again in 1816, and removed with her son to Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 1817 the family went to Kingston, Jamaica. Two years afterwards Stanley sailed for England with his mother and a young bro- ther and sister, and settled with friends in Lancashire. It was about this time that he first evinced a taste for drawing, but he had already shown a predilection for the stage, and in 1824 he took a theatrical en- gagement at York, under the assumed name of Manby. In the summer season of 1826, resuming his own name, he joined W. H. Murray's company at Edinburgh. ' He was a very handsome young man, well suited for the parts he played, and was useful as well as a singer, being often cast for vocal parts such as Don Ferdinand in " The Duenna " ' (DiBDiN, Annals of the Edinburgh Staye, p. 319). Although he acted at Dublin in 1830 and London in 1832-3, he remained at Edinburgh twelve years, taking his farewell benefit on 26 Feb. 1838, when he played Richard III. He appeared for the last time on 28 April, when he played Laertes to Charles Kean's Hamlet. ' One of his best parts was Robert Macaire, in which the mix- ture of broad farce and melodrama seemed to suit him exactly ' (ib. p. 373). His with- drawal from the stage was due to religious scruples. On quitting the stage in 1838 he mainly devoted himself to painting, which he had practised while an actor. At the same time he taught drawing, elocution, and fencing, in which he was an expert, and wrote serious verse, some of which was printed in the ' Christian Treasury.' There is no record of his having had any regular art education. It is stated that he took lessons from John W. Ewbank [q. v.] in Edinburgh at a compara- tively late period in his career. When not confined by theatrical or tutorial duties to Edinburgh, he visited Wales, England, and the west of Scotland, making sketches, which he afterwards completed as pictures for the Scottish Academy. From 1828 till 1844 (save in 1831-32-33) he was a regular ex- hibitor there, mainly of Scottish landscapes. The only picture shown by Stanley in the Royal Academy of London, ' Wreck on the Lancashire Sands,' was exhibited in 1833, while he was in London. He was elected an associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1839. He secured a house at Ascog in Bute early in 1844, but died there on 4 May in that year, being buried in the churchyard. He married in 1833 an Edinburgh lady of good position ; she survived him with seven chil- dren. Stanley made his reputation as a landscape- painter, and many of his pictures have been engraved as book illustrations. Sir T. Dick Lauder's edition of Uvedale Price's ' On the Picturesque ' (1842) was illustrated by sixty wood engravings from Stanley's designs. Others were engraved for his published bio- fraphy by the Rev. D. T. K. Drummond. lany of them were burnt while being con- veyed by railway to Edinburgh to be sold by auction, a spark from the engine having ignited the truck in which they were packed. [Brydall's Art in Scotland, p. 469 ; Drum- mond's Memoir of Montague Stanley, Edin- burgh, 1848; Eedgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Dib- din's Annals of the Edinburgh Stage, passim ; Catalogues of the Koyal Academy and Koyal Scottish Academy.] A. H. M. STANLEY, THOMAS, first EARL OP DERBY (1435 P-1504), was son of Thomas Stanley, first lord Stanley (1406P-1459), and his wife, Joan, daughter and coheiress of Sir Robert Goushill of Hoveringham, Nottinghamshire, by Elizabeth Fitzalan, dowager duchess of Norfolk (d. 14_'~>). SIR JOHN STANLEY, K.G. (1350P-1414), the founder of the family fortunes, was his great-grandfather. He came of a younger Stanley 76 Stanley branch of a famous Staffordshire house, the Audleys of Healey, near Newcastle-under- Lyme ; the cadet line took its name from the manor of Stanlegh, close to Cheddleton, but settled in Cheshire under Edward II on acquiring, by marriage, the manor of Storeton and the hereditary forestership of "Wirral. The nephew of Sir John (who was a younger son) removed the chief seat of the elder line of Stanley to Hooton in Wirral by marriage with its heiress (DuGDALE, ii. 247 ; OEMEEOD, ii. 411). A still more fortunate alliance (be- fore October 1385) with Isabel, daughter of Sir Thomas Latham, made Sir John Stanley himself lord of great part of the hundred of West Derby in south-west Lancashire, including Knowsley and Lathom (Rot. Parl. iii. 205; cf. WTLIE, ii. 290). The famous Stanley crest of the eagle and child, which gave rise to a family legend, no doubt came from the Lathams (BAINES, i. 49, iv. 248 ; SEACOME, p. 22 ; GEEGSON, pp. 244, 250). Their badge in the fifteenth century was an eagle's (or griffin's) leg (DOYLE, Official Baro- nage, i. 553: GAIEDNER, p. 412; OEJIEROD, iii. 641). Sir John, who in his youth had served in Aquitaine, went to Ireland as deputy for Richard II's favourite, De Vere, in 1386, and subsequently held important posts both there (lieutenant, 1389-91) and on the Welsh and Scottish borders. Henry IV rewarded his speedy adhesion with Hope and Mold castles and a regrant (10 Dec. 1399) of his old office in Ireland. But he became officially bankrupt, and in 1401 was superseded. Steward of the household to Henry, prince of Wales, from 1403, he en- tered the order of the Garter in 1405. The king rewarded his services during the northern revolt of that year by a grant, first for life and then in perpetuity, by the ser- vice of a cast of falcons at coronations, of the Isle of Man, which had been forfeited by the rebellion of the Earl of Northum- berland (Fcudera, viii. 419 ; BAINES, i. 370). In 1409 Stanley was made constable of Windsor. Henry V once more sent him to govern Ireland, and it was at Ardee, in that island, that he died on 18 Jan. 1414 (DiJG- DALE, ii. 248; SEACOME, p. 20). The Irish writers ascribed his death to irritation caused by the virulent lampoons of the plundered bard Niall O'Higgin (GiLBEET, Viceroys, p. 301). Stanley built the tower in Water Street, Liverpool, which survived till 1821 (GEEGSON, p. 172). His third son, Thomas, was the ancestor of the Stanleys of Aldford and Elford. The eldest, John, the Manx- legislator, married Isabel, sister of Sir Wil- liam and daughter of Sir John Harrington of Hornby Castle, Lancashire, and died in 1437 (OEMEEOD, ii. 412 ; cf. COLLINS, ed. Brydges, iii, 54). Their eldest son, THOMAS STANLEY (1406?- 1459), born about 1406, first appears in 1424, when an armed affray between ' Thomas Stanley, the younger of the Tower, esquire,' and Sir Richard Molyneux (d. 1439) [see under MOLYXEUX, SIE RICHAED, d. 1459], constable of Liverpool Castle, at the oppo- site end of the town, was prevented only by the arrest of both (GEEGSON, p. 171). He was knighted before 1431, when Henry VI made him lieutenant-governor of Ireland for six years. In 1446 Eleanor Cobham [see under HUMPHBEY, DUKE OF GLOTTCESTEE] was entrusted to his keeping in the Isle of Man. From that year to 1455 Stanley re- presented Lancashire in parliament ; he took part in more than one negotiation with Scotland, and by March 1447 became comp- troller of the royal household (Fcedera, xi. 169). The parliament of 1450-1 demanded his dismissal from court with others of Suffolk's party (Rot. Parl. v. 216), but on the triumph of the Yorkists in 1455 he was made, or remained, lord-chamberlain and a privy councillor, and 15 Jan. 1456 received a summons to the house of peers as Lord Stanley. He became K.G. before May 1457, and died on 20 Feb. 1459 (Complete Peerage, iii. 68 ; cf. OEMEEOD, iii. 337). By his wife, Joan Goushill, he had four sons and three daughters ; the second son, Sir William Stanley of Holt (d. 1495), is separately noticed ; the third, John, was the ancestor of the Stanleys of Alderley; the fourth, James, was archdeacon of Carlisle [see under STANLEY, JAMES, 1465 P-1515]. The eldest, Thomas, who succeeded as second Baron Stanley, was born about 1435, and in 1454 had been one of Henry VI's esquires (Ord. Privy Council, vi. 223). His political attitude was from the first ambi- guous. When Richard Neville, earl of Salis- bury [q. v.], who was perhaps already his father-in-law, encountered the royal forces at Blore Heath in August 1459, Stanley, though not more than six miles away, kept the two thousand men he had raised at the queen's call out of the fight. His brother William fought openly on the Yorkist side, and was attainted in the subsequent par- liament. Stanley himself, though he came in and took the oath of allegiance, was im- peached as a traitor by the commons, who alleged that he had given Salisbury a con- ditional promise of support. The queen, however, thought it better to overlook his suspicious conduct (Rot. Parl. v. 348, 369). He was with Henry at the battle of North- ampton in the following summer, but the Stanley 77 triumphant Yorkists made him (January 1461) chief justice of Chester and Flint (DOYLE). Edward IV's accession was the signal for the reassertion of the Scrope claim to the lordship of Man, which William le Scrope, earl of Wiltshire [q. v.~|, had held under Richard II, and Stanley's title was still disputed in 1475. When his brother- in-law, Warwick, fleeing before Edward IV in 1470, made his way to Manchester in the hope of support from him, Stanley cau- tiously held aloof, but on the king-maker's suc- ceeding in restoring Henry VI, he turned to the rising sun, and in March 1471 we find him besieging Hornby Castle on behalf of the Lancastrian government (Paston Letters, ii. 396 ; Fcedera, xi. 699). Nevertheless, after Warwick's defeat and death, Edward made Stanley lord steward of his house- hold and privy councillor. He took part in the king's French expedition of 1475, when he characteristically seized a private opportunity of recommending himself to the favour of Louis XI (CoMiNES, i. 340, 347), and held a high command in Gloucester's invasion of Scotland seven years later. His services there were specially brought to the attention of parliament (Rot. Parl. vi. 197). Polydore Vergil credits him, perhaps rather partially, with the capture of Berwick. Not long after he married Margaret Beaufort, countess of Richmond, whose second hus- band, Henry Stafford, younger son of the second Duke of Buckingham, died in the same year. After Edward's death Stanley remained loyal to his son, but though wounded in the head with a halbert during the scuffle in the council chamber (13 June 1483), when Gloucester arrested Hastings, his good for- tune did not desert him, and he escaped with a short imprisonment. Gloucester is said to have feared that Stanley's son would raise Lancashire and Cheshire (FABYAN, p. 668 ; MOKE, pp. 45-8 ; POLYDORE VERGIL, p. 689). With his accustomed pliancy he carried the mace at Richard's coronation, his wife bear- ing the queen's train (Excerpta Historica, pp. 380, 384). He remained steward of the household, and succeeded Hastings as knight of the Garter. His wife was deeply en- gaged in Buckingham's rising [see STAFFORD, HENRY, second DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM] on behalf of her son, Henry Tudor, earl of Rich- mond ; but the wary Stanley avoided com- mitting himself, and actually improved his position by thecollapseof therevolt. Richard must have known him well enough to feel sure that he would not turn traitor until he could do so with the minimum of risk. He accepted his assurances of loyalty, and ap- Stanley pointed him (16 Dec. 1483) constable of Eng- land in Buckingham's place. Stanley under- took to put a stop to his wife's intrigues, ' keeping her in some secret place at home, without having any servant or company,' and her estates were transferred to him for life (HALL, p. 398 ; Hot. Parl. vi. 250). In 1484 Richard employed him in a Scottish mission. No one except the Dukes of Nor- folk and Northumberland profited more by Richard's bounty (RAMSAY, ii. 534). But Stanley could not but feel that Richard's throne was insecure, and that in any case his own position would be much safer with his stepson wearing the crown. Not long before Richmond's landing, the ' wily fox ' (HALL) asked and obtained leave to go home to Lan- cashire on private affairs. Richard appa- rently suspected nothing at first, for on hear- ing that Richmond was likely to land in Wales, he ordered Stanley and his brother to be prepared to take the field against the rebels (GAIRDNER, p. 287). But his prolonged absence at last roused suspicion, and he re- ceived peremptory orders either to come to the king at Nottingham himself or send his son, Lord Strange. He sent his son, but when news reached Richard that Richmond was marching unhindered through North Wales, of which Sir William Stanley (d. 1495) [q.v.] was justiciar, he ordered the father impera- tively to join him at once. Stanley excused himself, however, on the plea that he was ill of the sweating sickness. Strange's futile attempt to escape from court, and his ad- mission that he and his uncle were in league with Richmond, made Stanley's position still more delicate, though his son offered to guarantee his fidelity if his own life were spared (Cont. Croyl. Chron. p. 573). Rich- mond reckoned on the support of both Stanleys, but the elder was obliged to tem- porise, if only to save his son. The two brothers were playing much the same game as they had done at Blore Heath a quarter of a century before. Richmond was pretty sure of Sir William, who had been pro- claimed a traitor. But Lord Stanley, who had thrown himself with five thousand men between the two approaching armies, eva- cuated Lichfield before Henry, and after a secret interview with him at Atherstone (20 Aug.) he marched on ahead to Bosworth. He selected an ambiguous position and re- turned an evasive answer when Richmond begged him to join forces before the battle began. He took no part in the action, hanging between the two armies, and it was his brother's intervention which gave Henry the victory. It was he, however, who placed the crown, taken from Richard's corpse, upon Stanley the victor's head. Richard had given orders for his son's execution, but they had been ignored (POLYDORE VERGIL, p. 563; cf. BAINES, i. 436). Stanley's services were duly rewarded. The forfeited estates of the Pilkingtons (be- tween Manchester and Bury) and several other Lancashire families swelled his pos- sessions, and on 27 Oct. following he was created Earl of Derby ; the title was taken from the county in which he had no lands, and not from the hundred of West Derby, in which the bulk of his estates lay (Com- plete Peerage, iii. 69). He purchased the Yorkshire and Axholme estates of the Mow- brays from William, marquis of Berkeley, for whose soul he provided for prayers at Burscough Priory in his will (STOREHOUSE, Isle of Axholme, p. 140 ; DUGDALE, ii. 249). Stanley figured in the coronations of Henry and Elizabeth of York as one of the commis- sioners for executing the office of lord high steward (LELAND, Collectanea, iv. 225). Henry confirmed him in his posts of con- stable of England (5 March 1486), high steward of the duchy of Lancaster, and high forester north of Trent, adding the constable- ship of Halton Castle, Cheshire, the re- ceivership of the county palatine of Lancas- ter, and other lucrative positions ( Rot. Parl. vi. 373). He was godfather to Prince Ar- thur, and in July 1495 the king and queen paid him a visit of nearly a month's dura- tion at Knowsley and Lathom (Excerpta Historica, p. 104). He enlarged Knowsley House and built a bridge at Warrington for the occasion (GREGSON, p. 230). Henry probably intended the honour as an as- surance that he dissociated Derby from the treason of his brother, who had perished on the scaffold in the previous February. He died at Lathom on 29 July 1504, and was buried with his ancestors in the neighbour- ing priory of Burscough. His portrait at Knowsley, engraved in Baines's ' History of Lancashire,' shows a long thin face, with a full beard. Derby married twice : his first wife was Eleanor Neville, daughter of Richard Ne- ville, earl of Salisbury [q.v.]; they were married before 1460, and she died between 1464 and 1473 (Rot. Parl. v. 545, vi. 46). By her he had six sons, several of whom died young, and four daughters. George, the eldest surviving son, married Joan, only child of Lord Strange (d. 1477) of Knockin in the march of Wales, and in her right was summoned to the House of Lords under that title from 1482 ; Henry VII made him a knight of the Garter (1487) and a privy councillor. He died on 5 Dec. 1497 (' at an Stanley ungodly banquet, alas ! he was poisoned,' SEACOME, p. 36) at Derby House, St. Paul's Wharf, London, whose site is now occu- pied by the Heralds' College, and was buried with his mother at St. James's, Garlick- hithe. His widow died on 20 March 1514. Thomas, eldest of four sons, became second earl of Derby [see under STANLEY, EDWARD, third EARL OF DERBY]. Two younger sons of Derby — Edward, lord Monteagle, and James, bishop of Ely — are separately noticed, Derby's second wife (c. 1482) was Mar- garet Beaufort, countess of Richmond [q.v.], then widow of Sir Henry Stafford (d. 1481). Derby was a benefactor of Burscough priory, in which he erected a tomb with effigies of himself and his two wives, and placed images of his ancestors up to his great-grandfather in the arches of the chancel (DUGDALE, ii. 249). [The early history of the Stanleys received a romantic colouring in the ' Song of the Lady Bessy' by Humphrey Brereton, a retainer of the first Earl of Derby, and the metrical family chronicle said to have been written about 1562 by Thomas Stanley, bishop of Sodor and Man [see under STANLEY, EDWARD, 1460?-1523]. The metrical history supplied Seacome (Memoirs of the House of Stanley, 1741 ; 7th ed. 1 840) with the romantic details in the early life of the first Sir John Stanley which passed into the short his- tories of the family by Ross (1 848), Draper ( 1 864), and others. See also Rotuli Parliamentorum ; Ordinances of the Privy Council, ed. Nicolas; Rymer's Foedera, orig. edit. ; Polydore Vergil's AnglicaHistoria ; More's Richard III, ed. Lumby; Fabyan and Hall's Chronicles, ed. Ellis; Con- tinuation of the Croyland Chronicle, ed. Gale, 1691; Paston Letters, ed. Gairdner ; Comines's Memoirs, ed. Dupont; Dugdale's Baronage; G. E. C[okayne]'s Complete Peerage; Ormerod's History of Cheshire, ed. Helsby ; Baines's His- tory of Lancashire ; Gregson's Portfolio of Frag- ments relating to the History of Lancashire, 1817; Leland's Collectanea, ed. Hearne ; Bent- ley's Excerpta Historica, 1831 ; Gairdner's Ri- chard III ; Ramsay's Lancaster and York ; Wylie's History of Henry IV ; Palatine Note Book, iii. 161 ; Stanley Papers (Chetham Soc.); Button's Bosworth Field, 1813.] J. T-T. STANLEY, THOMAS (1625-1678), author, born at Cumberlow, Hertfordshire, in 1625, was only son of Sir Thomas Stanley, knt., of that place, and of Leytonstone, Essex, by his second wife, Mary, daughter of Sir William Hammond of St. Albans, near Dover (cf. CARTER, Analysis of Honour, 1660 ; Visitation of Essex, 1634, Harl. Soc. p. 493). His father was grandson of Thomas Stanley, a natural son of Edward Stanley, third earl of Derby [q. v.] His mother's family brought him into lineal relations with many accom- Stanley 79 Stanley plished writers of verse. Her brother was William Hammond [q. v.], and through her grandmother, Elizabeth Aucher of Bishops- bourne, Kent, she was cousin to the poet Richard Lovelace [q.v.] WilliamFairfax, son of Edward Fairfax, the translator of Tasso, di- rected his early education in his father's house, and he soon became not merely an excellent classical scholar, but an enthusiastic student of French, Spanish, and Italian poetry. On 22 June 1639,at theage of thirteen, he entered Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, as a gentle- man commoner ( College ReyJ), matriculating 13 Dec. He graduated M.A. in 1641, and was incorporated in the same degree at Ox- ford on 14 July 1640. An early and prosperous marriage did not interrupt his devotion to study. After some years spent in foreign travel (mainly in France), he retired, to wards the close of the civil war, to lodgings in the Middle Temple, and engaged in literary work. He cultivated literary society, and his wealth enabled him to aid many less fortu- nate men of letters. His closest literary friends were Sir Edward Sherburne [q. v.], John Hall (1627-1656) [q. v.] of Durham, and James Shirley [q.v.], the dramatist, all of whom he relieved in their necessity. Sher- burne dedicated to him his ' Salmacis ' (1651). To him and Sherburne conjointly, Edward Phillips (1630-1696?) [q.v.] dedicated his 'Theatrum Poetarum ' (1675). Hall dedi- cated to him as 'his dearest friend' his * Poems ' in 1646, and inserted in the volume three pieces addressed to his friend and patron. Other intimate associates were his mother's brother William Hammond [q. v.], and his cousins Richard Lovelace [q. v.] and Dudley Posthumus Lovelace, the latter's brother; Hammond and Richard Lovelace each wrote a poem in honour of his wedding, while another appeared in Jordan's ' Forest of Fancie ' (cf. GAMBLE, Second Book of Ay res, 1659). Stanley's linguistic faculty and lyric gifts were shown to advantage in his initial vo- lume, ' Poems'by Thomas Stanley, esq., 1647, dedicated to Love. Many of the verses cele- brate Chariessa, Celia, Doris, and other ima- ginary mistresses. Succeeding pieces eulo- gise Hammond, Shirley the dramatist, and Sir Edward Sherburne. Among the foreign writers, translations of whose verse were included in the volume, are Guarini, Marino, Tasso, Lope de Vega, and Petrarch. One poem (p. 42) is in the metre of Tennyson's * In Memoriam.' There followed in 1649 another volume of translations, entitled ' Eu- ropa : Cupid Crucified [by Ausonius] : Venus Vigils ' (London, by W. W., for Humphrey Moseley, 1649). At the same date there appeared in yet a third volume two trans- lations in prose interspersed with verse : ' Aurora, Ismenia, and the Prince,' by Don Juan Perez de Montalvan, and ' Oronta, the Cyprian Virgin,' by Signor Girolamo Preti ; a second edition, with additions, was dated 1650. Finally, in 1651, Stanley reissued, in a fourth volume, all his previously published verse, with the addition of his classical ren- dering of Anacreon's odes and other trans- lations. This charming volume was divided into five sections, each introduced by a new title-page. It opens with the title ' Poems, by Thomas Stanley, esq. : printed in the year 1651 ' — a reprint of the vo- lume of 1647- The second title-page runs : ' Anacreon ; Bion ; Moschus ; Kisses by Johannes Secundus ; Cupid Crucified by Ausonius ; Venus' Vigil Incerto Authore.' The third title-page introduces 'Excitations,' a learned appendix of notes, chiefly textual, on the preceding translations, which Stan- ley avers ' were never further intended but as private exercises of the languages from which they are deduced.' The fourth title- page runs : ' Sylvia's Park, by Theophil ; Acanthus Complaint by Tristran ; Oronta by Preti ; Echo by Marino ; Love's Embassy by Boscan: The Solitude by Gongara. The fifth and last title-page introduces 'A Platonick Discourse upon Love written in Italian by John Picus Mirandola in ex- planation of a Sonnet by Hieronimo Beni- vieni.' To some copies is appended a sixth title-page, introducing the prose novel of Montalvan which had been already pub- lished with Preti's ' Oronta ' in 1649 and 1650. Stanley subsequently wrote verses which were set to music by John Gamble (d. 1687), and published by him in his ' Ayres and Dialogues' (1656). A commendatory poem by Richard Lovelace was there inscribed to ' My noble kinsman, Thomas Stanley, esq., on his lyrick poems,' and another poem by Dudley Lovelace, Richard's youngest brother, ' to my much honoured cozen Mr. Stanley.' A song by Stanley, ' O turn away those cruel eyes,' figures in ' The Second Book of Ayres ' by Henry Lawes, 1665. In 1657 Stanley prepared for publication extracts from the EtKo>i/ Bao-tXtK//, under the title of ' Psal- terium Carolinum : the Devotions of his Sacred Majestie in his Solitude and Suffer- ings, rendered in Verse.' Stanley's original poems and translations from the Latin and Greek were collected and edited by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges in two volumes, published respectively in 1814 and 1815. His translations of ' Venus' Vigil ' and Johannes Secundus's ' Kisses ' Stanley 8 were reissued in Bohn's ' Classical Library.' Stanley's translation of 'Anacreon ' with the Greek text, was reprinted by Mr. A. H. Bullen in 1893. But Stanley soon turned from poetry to a serious study of Greek philosophy. At the suggestion of Sir John Marsham [q. v/], the chronologer, who married his mother s sister, he produced his 'History of Philo- sophy,' of which the first volume appeared in 1655 (dedicated to Marsham), the second in 1656, a third in 1660, and a fourth, en- titled 'The History of Chaldaick Philosophy,' in 1662. The work consisted of a long series of biographies, chiefly of the Greek philo- sophers from Thales to Carneades. The greater part was derived from Diogenes Laertius ; but the analysis of the Platonic philosophy was from Alcinous, and the account of the Peripatetic system was derived directly from Aristotle. The doctrine of the Stoics was elaborately worked up from various autho- rities. Stanley on the whole brought a good deal from an almost untrodden field ; but he was an historian rather than a critic of philo- sophy (HALLAM). The compilation long ranked as a standard authority. It was re- published in one volume in 1687 (3rd ed. 1700, and 4th ed. with memoir of author, 1743). Portions of the work were printed in French at Paris in 1660. Vols. i-iii. of the first edition were translated into Latin with additions, by Godfrey Olearius (Leipzig, 1711, 4to). Vol. iv. was rendered into Latin by John Le Clerc and issued at Amsterdam, with Le Clerc's notes and a dedication to Bishop Burnet (1690, 8vo) ; it reappeared in Le Clerc's ' Opera Philosophica,' vol. ii. Stanley, after completing his ' History of Philosophy,' worked with no less success on an edition of ./Eschylus. This appeared in 1663 in folio with Latin translation and notes, and was dedicated to Sir Henry New- ton [q. v.] The date 1664 appears in some copies. Stanley's edition of jEschylus was superior to any that had preceded it ; it was long regarded at home and abroad as the standard edition, and remains ' a great monu- ment of critical learning.' It was republished in De Pauw's edition (2 vols. 4to, 1745). The text and Latin translation reappeared at Glasgow in 1746, and the text was twice corrected by Person, for reissue in 1795 and 1806 respectively. The Latin version was re- issued separately in 1819. The whole edition was revised and enlarged (1809-16 in 4 vols.) by Samuel Butler (1774-1839) [q.v.], and elicited some adverse criticism from Charles James Blomfield [q. v.], who charged Stanley with borrowing at least three hundred of his many emendations of the text from notes which he had derived from Casaubon, Dorat, and Scaliger. A controversy followed on this and other points connected with Butler's re- vision of Stanley's text, and in it J. H. Monk, as well as Blomfield and Butler, took part (cf. Blomfield in Edinburgh Review, 1809, 1812, and in HfuseumCriticum, ii. 498 ; Monk's letterto the Rev. S. Butler ; Quarterly Review, 1821). Stanley's reputation was not appre- ciably injured. Stanley died at his lodgings in Suffolk Street, Strand, on 12 April 1678, and was buried in the church of St. Martin-in- the-Fields. His wife Dorothy was daughter and coheiress of Sir James Enyon, baronet, of Flower, Northamptonshire. By her he had a son Thomas, born in 1650, who was admitted a fellow-commoner at Pembroke College, Cane bridge, on 6 April 1665, and published in the same year a translation of ' Claudius ^Elianus Various Histories,' London, 1665, 8vo; this was dedicated, like his father's edition of ^Eschylus, to Sir Henry (Pucker- ing) Newton [q. v.] Sir Edward Sherburne prefixed verses. Stanley's genuine literary gifts and his versatile employment of them procured him a wide contemporary reputation. Win- stanley calls him ' the glory and admira- tion of his time.' Pope invariably spoke of him with respect (SPEXCE, Anecdotes, p. 198). William Wotton [q. v.] eulogised him at the end of his edition of Scsevola St. Marthe's ' Elogia Gallorum ' (1722). His classical scholarship was of a high order. His translation of 'Anacreon 'satisfies almost every requirement. It is as agreeable reading as the version of Thomas Moore, and adheres far more closely to the original. Stanley left in manuscript many volumes of notes on classical authors, which were acquired by Bishop Moore, and are now in the University Library at Cambridge. These include eight folio volumes of 'Commen- taries on ^Eschylus ; ' adversaria on passages in Sophocles, Euripides, Callimachus, Hesy- chius, Juvenal, Persius, and others ; prelec- tions in Theophrastus's characters, and an essay on the first-fruits and tenths of the spoil said in the Epistle to the Hebrews to have been given by Abraham to Melchisedek. He obviously was especially interested in Callimachus. In the British Museum there is a copy of Callimachus's ' Cyrensei Hymni ' (1577), with manuscript notes by Stanley. Bentley was accused of using without ac- knowledgment Stanley's comments on Calli- machus (see A Short 'Account of Dr. Bent- ley's Humanity and Justice to those Authors who have written before him, with an honest Vindication of Thomas Stanley, Esq., and his Stanley 81 Stanley Notes on Callimachos, London, 1699, 8vo ; addressed to Boyle). Stanley's portrait, painted by Sir Peter Lely, is in the National Portrait Gallery, and an engraving by William Faithorne forms the frontispiece of the ' History of Philosophy.' [Sir S. E. Brydges's Memoir prefixed to his reprint of Stanley's Poems and Translations in 1814; Memoir prefixed to Stanley's History of Philosophy, 1743; Anacreon, with Thomas Stanley's translation edited by Mr. A. H. Bullen, 1893 ; Park's British Bibliographer, iii. 360 seq. ; Lovelace's Poems, ed. W. C. Hazlitt, pp. 227, 247 ; Hallam's Literature of Europe, iii. 250, 304.] S. L. STANLEY, VENETIA (1600-1633), afterwards wife of Sir Kenelm Digby. [See under DIGBT, SIR KENELM.] STANLEY, SIK WILLIAM (d. 1495), lord chamberlain to Henry VII, was the second son of Thomas Stanley, first lord Stanley, by Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Goushill of Hoveringham, Nottinghamshire, and his wife, Elizabeth Fitzalan, dowager •duchess of Norfolk. Thomas Stanley, first Earl of Derby [q. v.], was his elder brother. Stanley was born after 1435, and made his first known public appearance while still a squire in 1459 as a Yorkist partisan, taking part in ' the distressing of King Henry's true liege people at Bloreheath,' where two of his brothers-in-law, Sir William Troutbeck and Sir Richard Molyneux [q. v.] of Sefton, fell on the opposite side. In the ensuing parlia- ment Stanley was attainted with other Yorkists (Rot. Parl. v. 348, 369). As he did not fall into the hands of the government, we may perhaps assume that he escaped abroad, like the rest, after the rout of Lud- ford. The accession of Edward IV brought him his reward ; the office of chamberlain of Chester was at once conferred upon him, and he apparently retained it until his death (ORMEKOB, i. 60). At York, after the battle of Hexham in 1464, the king made him a further grant under the great seal, and in November 1465 bestowed upon him the castle and lordship of Skipton and other lands in Craven forfeited by Lord Clifford, who fell on the Lancastrian side at Towton (Rot. Parl. v. 530, 582). When Edward returned from his temporary exile in 1471, Stanley joined him with three hundred men at Nottingham (WARKWORTH, 614, but cf. Arrival of Edward IV, p. 7). e was subsequently steward of the Prince of Wales's household (RAMSAY, ii. 482). Richard III did his best to retain Stanley's support; he gave him Buckingham's for- VOL. LIV. feited office of justiciar of North Wales (the ' Croyland Continuator ' says chamberlain) and a great landed position there by the grant of the castle and lordship of ' Lione otherwise called the Holte,' i.e. Holt Castle on the Dee, with a moiety of Bromfield, Yale, and four other marcher lordships, three whole manors, and a moiety of seven- teen others, among them Wrexham and Ruabon (Rot. Parl. vi. 316). He seems also to have had an interest in the lordship of Chirk, whose castle he repaired (LELAND, Itinerary, v. 36 ; GAIRDNER, p. 402). These lands, which comprised a great part of what is now East Denbighshire, he claimed in the next reign to have obtained by exchange for others of ' great value.' This vagueness and the obvious motive for such a statement render it rather doubtful, but he may pos- sibly have surrendered Skipton in return for these Welsh grants. Henry VII, as soon as he gained the throne, certainly restored Skipton to Lord Clifford, ' the shepherd lord.' At Ridley, a few miles north, under the shadow of the Peckforton Hills, Stanley built himself ' the fairest gentleman's house in al Chestreshyre ' (LELAND, v. 81, vol. vii. pt. i. p. 43). From here one September he wrote to his 'cousin' Piers Warburton of Arley, excusing himself from a promise to kill a buck in his park, ' beyng so besy with olde Dyk I can have no layf thereunto ' (ORMEROD, ii. 301). He did not hesitate to betray ' olde Dyk ' when the time came. Early in August 1485 Henry of Richmond crossed a corner of North Wales unmolested, and at Stafford Stanley, who had three thou- sand ' red coats ' with his livery of the hart's head not far away, came to an understand- ing with the invader. Henry had a further interview with him and his brother, Lord Stanley, at Atherstone two days before the decisive battle of Bosworth (POLYDORE VER- GIL, p. 224 ; GAIRDNER, p. 414). Though already denounced to Richard by his nephew, Lord Strange, and proclaimed a traitor at Coventry and elsewhere, Stanley would not unite his force with Richmond's, and on 22 Aug. pitched his camp on Hanging Hill, between Bosworth and Shenton, some dis- tance from both the main bodies (HuTTOK, App. p. 245 ; cf. HALL, p. 414). Yet he can hardly have hoped to recover Richard's favour had the day gone against Henry, and it was when the king's desperate charge seemed to make this likely that Stanley brought his three thousand men into action and so decided the battle (ib. pp. 418-19). If his real object was to place Henry more clearly and deeply in his debt, it was cer- tainly attained. He became lord chamber- G Stanley Stanley lain and knight of the Garter, and was con- firmed in possession of his Welsh estates. Stanley's fall ten years after came no doubt as a surprise to most people, but Henry long before entertained suspicions of the man who had in turn betrayed Lan- caster and York (BREWER, Letters and Papers, iii. 490). It is a curious coinci- dence, if no more, that the informer who denounced him at the end of 1494 as an accomplice of Perkin Warbeck should have been Sir Robert Clifford, uncle of the young lord whose property at Skipton he had for a time usurped (DUGDALE, i. 342). How deeply he involved himself with Warbeck we do not know ; he must surely have done more than declare that ' if he knew certainly that the young man [Warbeck] was the undoubted heir of King Edward IV, he would never fight or bear armour against him.' On 6 Feb. 1495 he was ' found guilty of treason by a quest of divers knights and worshipful gentlemen,' and on the 16th beheaded on Tower Hill (Cott. MS. Vitellius, A. xvi. 152-3; FABYAH", p. 685; POLYDORE VERGIL ; HALL, p. 469; BUSCH, p. 95). The more cruel part of an execution for treason was dispensed with. Henry defrayed the cost of his burial at Sion (Excerpta Historica, pp. 101-2). It was afterwards believed that forty thousand marks in ready money, plate, and jewels were found in Holt Castle, and Bacon, in his ' Life of Henry VII,' esti- mates Stanley's income at three thousand a year. Stanley was at least twice married. In 1465 he married Joan, daughter of the first Viscount Beaumont, and widow of John, lord Lovel (Rot. Parl. v. 582; Complete Peerage, v. 165). He subsequently (after 1470) married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hopton of Hopton, Shropshire, who had already survived two husbands, Sir Roger Corbet of Moreton-Corbet, Shropshire, and John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester [q.v.] (ib. vii. 402). The pedigrees following Sir Peter Leycester are in error respecting his mar- riage (cf. B. VINES, Hist, of Lancashire, iv. 10; OEMEKOD, i. 442). Stanley left three chil- dren— a son and two daughters. The son, Sir William Stanley, married Joan, heiress of the Masseys of Tatton in Cheshire, and died in or about 1498 ; one daughter, Joan, married Sir John Warburton of Arley, and the other, Catherine, Thomas Cocat of Holt. A three-quarter-length portrait of Stanley in richly ornamented armour is preserved at Wentworth House, Yorkshire, and was en- graved in Baines's 'Lancashire' (iv. 19). He is represented with a thinnish face and short beard. [See Kot. Parl. ; Hall and Fabyan's Chro- nicles, ed. Ellis ; Polydore Vergil, Warkworth's Chronicle and Arrival of Edward IV (Camden Soc.) ; Bentley's Excerpta Historica, 1831 ; Stanley Papers (Chetham Soc.* vol. xxix.) ; Ormerod's Hist, of Cheshire, 1876 ; Dugdale's Baronage; Complete Peerage by G. E. C[okayne] ; Gairdner's Richard III ; Ramsay's Lancaster and York ; Busch's England under the Tudors, Engl. tr. ; other authorities in the text. Stanley is one of the heroes of the contemporary 'Song of Lady Bessy ' (Elizabeth of York) written by a Stanley retainer, Humphrey Brereton, and edited by Halliwell for the Percy Society in 1847.] ' J. T-T. STANLEY, SIB WILLIAM (1548- 1630), adventurer, was eldest son of Sir Rowland Stanley of Hooton and Storeton, Cheshire, the head of the senior branch of the house of Stanley. Sir Rowland for many years took a prominent place in his native county, of which he was sheriff in 1576 ; he died in 1612, aged 96, the oldest knight in England. William Stanley, born in 1548r in all probability at Hooton, was brought up as a Roman catholic. At the age of twelve he was married to Ann Dutton, a bride of ten, but the union was dissolved in 1565 (FuRXiVALL, Child Marriages in the Diocese of Chester, pp. 47-9). After this marriage the youth was sent to school with 'Dr. Stan- dish at Lathom,' whence he entered the 'service' of his kinsman, Edward Stanley, third earl of Derby [q. v.] Soon afterwards he crossed to the Netherlands and embarked on his adventurous career. He took service as a volunteer under Alva, the Spanish gene- ral, in 1567. Stanley quitted the Spanish service about 1570, and joined Elizabeth's forces in Ireland, where he served for fifteen years (cf. Cal. HatfieldMSS. i. 567). In 1579, as one of Sir William Drury's captains in the campaign against the followers of the Earl of Desmond, he assisted in an inroad into Limerick, and for his gallantry was knighted by Drury at Waterford. He took part in the battle of Monasternenagh, and distinguished himself in the defence of Adare. In 1580 he was sent to England to enlist troops, which he led to Munster ; but he was speedily recalled by Lord-deputy Grey to assist in putting down the rebellion which had broken out in the Pale [see GREY, ARTHUR, fourteenth LORD GREY DE WILTON]. Through the greater part of 1581 he was engaged in Wicklow, doing great execution against the OTooles and the Kavanaghs. Stanley received a commission from Grey, 30 Aug. 1581, to follow the latter, and his ' courage and toilsome travail ' throughout the whole campaign won the highest commendation (ib. ii. 427). On the Stanley Stanley discharge of his troops at the end of the Esar, he repaired to England, and prayed urghley for fresh employment. At the beginning of 1583 he was sent back to Ire- land, where the Geraldines were again giving trouble. He was appointed by Ormonde to the command of a garrison at Lismore, and at the same time made constable of Castlemaine, which he intended ' to make a town of Eng- lish.' He took part in hunting down Desmond and Fitzgerald of Imokelly and in thoroughly subduing Munster. As a reward for his ser- vices he supplicated Burghley and Walsing- ham (15 March 1584) to make him president of Connaught. This request was refused ; but in August he was appointed sheriff of Cork, and the government of Munster was left in his hands during the absence of the president, Sir John Norris (1547 P-1597) [q. v.] In a letter to Walsingham he reported that he had hanged three hundred rebels, and so terrified the rest that ' a man might now travel the whole country and none molest him.' To- wards the end of the year he was sent north- ward with Bagenal by Lord-deputy Perrot to act against the Ulster chiefs and their allies, the Scottish highlanders [see PERROT, SIR JOHN]. In this campaign he showed his cus- tomary vigour, receiving some severe wounds, which invalided him several months. In October 1585 he returned to England. Stanley's service in Ireland had been long and brilliant. Though the war, as Burghley admitted, was a religious one, and Sir Wil- liam was a Roman catholic, he had served with fidelity. ' Qui singulari fide et forti- tudine in Hibernico bello meruerat ' is Cam- den's testimony (Annals, p. 471). But there can be no doubt that he left Ireland a dis- appointed man. In the partition of the great Desmond estates, which he had con- tributed to win, he had been passed over, while others, who had done little or nothing, received enormous grants. His resentment at his treatment, together with strong reli- gious feelings, explains his future treachery. In December 1585 Stanley accompanied Leicester in the expedition sent by Eliza- beth to the assistance of the united provinces against Spain. The need of more troops was speedily felt, and Sir William was des- patched to Ireland to levy recruits among the disbanded troops and native kernes. He raised about fourteen hundred men, the greater part of whom were Irish. While in England, on his way back to the Nether- lands, he was probably guilty of traitorous conduct. ' While in London he was in the confidence of the Jesuits. He knew part, if not the whole, of the Babington conspiracy. He corresponded with Mendoza, and con- trived to communicate with Lord Arundel in the Tower. When ordered to the Low Countries he made pretexts for delaying in London, in the hope that the queen might be killed, or that the Spanish fleet might arrive from Cadiz. When excuses would serve no longer and he was obliged to sail, he undertook to watch his moment, and, when he could do most injury, revolt with his regiment to Parma ' (FROUDE, Hist, of EngL chap. 68; cf. Cal. Simancas MSS. iii. 604, 607). Stanley's forces joined Leicester on 12 Aug. 1586, and in September he assisted Sir John Norris in taking possession of Does- borg, where his men ' committed frightful disorders and thoroughly rifled the town ' (Norris to Wilkes in MOTLEY, United Nether- lands, ii. 44). At the action by Zutphen on 22 Sept., in which Philip Sidney received his death wound, Stanley displayed great prowess, and was declared by Leicester to be worth his weight in pearl. He assisted at the capture of the Zutphen sconce, which was committed by Leicester to the charge of Sir Rowland York [q. v.] In October Sir William Pelham [q. v.] and Stanley took possession of the important city of Deventer, deposed the magistracy, which inclined to the Spanish side, and installed a patriotic body in its place. In spite of the remonstrances of the States- General (ib. ii. 155-8), Stanley was appointed governor of the city, with a garrison of twelve hundred men, mostly Irish catholics ; and, to give him additional authority, he was com- missioned by Leicester to act independently of Norris (his bitter enemy), who, on the earl's departure to England, held the chief com- mand. Stanley saw that his opportunity was come. Having acquired a full mastery of the city and made all the necessary arrangements, he put himself into communication, by means of his fellow-traitor York, with Tassis, the Spanish governor of Zutphen. To him he surrendered the place on '29 Jan. 1587. The garrison, with a few exceptions, entered the Spanish service (ib. ii. 159-64, 169-77). From his new master Stanley received but slight rewards for his action, nor does he appear to have sought them. Parma de- clared his conduct to have been ' singularly disinterested.' There can be no doubt that at this period of his life he was almost entirely under the influence of the Jesuits, of which order his brother John was a member. His conduct was loudly applauded by his Jesuit friends. The society urged his claims for reward and countenance on the pope, Philip, and Parma, while Cardinal Allen published a letter at Antwerp in which he laboured to justify the treason. Almost at the moment Stanley 84 Stanley of the surrender of Deventer, Elizabeth had it in contemplation to reward Stanley's ser- vices by honours and titles, and by appoint- ing him viceroy of Ireland (cf. Acts P. C. 1586-7, p. 62). Soon after leaving Deventer, Stanley, upon whose head the States-General had put a price of three thousand florins, proceeded to Spain to advise on the proposed invasion of England. He recommended that Ireland should be made the basis of operations, and that the troops should disembark at Milford Haven rather than at Portsmouth. Sir Wil- liam was disappointed at his reception and entertainment, ' which was far colder than he expected ; ' but the Spanish government awarded him a pension (Cal. Hatfield MSS. ii. 335). Returning to the Netherlands, he was at Nieuwpoort in July 1588, at the head of seven hundred men, called the English legion, ready to join the armada. But on the overthrow of that expedition he withdrew to Antwerp. In 1590 he was again at Madrid, urging a design for the invasion of England, inspecting the seaports, and perhaps taking part in the preparations to resist Drake. He was now thoroughly identified with the Jesuits and their adherents (cf. Sadler Papers, ii. 509), and eager to embark in any scheme against Elizabeth. He paid a visit to Rome in 1591 to consult with Allen and other enemies of the queen. In the event of her death he urged that the Lady Arabella Stuart or Lord Strange [see STANLEY, FERDINANDO, fifth EARL OP DERBY] should be recognised as her successor. While keeping his regiment in the Netherlands, Stanley made almost yearly journeys to Spain. In 1595 he was described as half desperate, and was reproved by a Spanish governor for his violent lan- guage against the queen. In 1596 he took part in the invasion of France by the Spaniards, and appears to have been in Amiens at its recapture by the French in 1597. In 1598 he engaged in the attempt to raise the siege of Geldern, besieged by Maurice of Nassau, and in 1600 he was with the Spaniards when that prince defeated them at Nieuwpoort. On Elizabeth's death Stanley, who had previously sent Thomas AVright to Madrid, now despatched his subaltern officer, Guy Fawkes, with an emissary of Catesby, to warn Philip against James, and again to recom- mend Milford Haven for disembarkation of a Spanish army. Soon afterwards Sir Wil- liam appears to have been negotiating with the English government for his own pardon. There is no evidence to connect him with complicity in the gunpowder plot, though he, together with Hugh Owen and Baldwin, was placed under arrest at Brussels on suspicion of having been concerned in it. Cecil, how- ever (30 Jan. 1606), altogether exonerated him from the charge. The remainder of Stanley's life was spent in comparative obscurity. He took a great interest in the establishment of a Jesuit novitiate at Liege in 1614, and contributed largely to it. He appears to have been ap- pointed governor of Mechlin. James Wads- worth, the author of ' The English Spanish Pilgrim,' met him at Madrid in 1624, when he complained of being compelled at his ad- vanced age to go to seek the pension which had not been paid him for six years. He quarrelled with the Jesuits, and spent much of his time latterly with the English Car- thusians near Ostend, having sought in vain for permission to return to England. He died at Ghent on 3 March 1630, and was honoured with a magnificent public funeral in the church of Our Lady over the Dyle at Mechlin. By his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of John Egerton of Egerton, who was buried in Mechlin Cathedral in 1614, Stanley left two sons and three daughters. His grandson William succeeded to the family estates, and his son, of the same name, was created a baronet in 1661. The male line of the Stanleys of Hooton became extinct by the death of the twelfth baronet, Sir John Stanley- Errington, in 1893. [Ormerod's Cheshire ; Meteren's Historia Belgica ; Strada's De Bello Belsrico ; Cal. Papers preserved at Simancas, vol. iii. ; Whitney's Choice of Emblems ; Murdin's Burghley Papers ; Acts of the Privy Council, ed. Dasent, vols. xii-xiv. ; Cal. Hatfield MSS. vols. i-vi. ; Motley's United Netherlands, vol. ii. ; Leycester Correspondence (Camden Soc.) ; Irish State Papers ; Hard~wick StatePapers; Cabala; Stow's Chronicle ; Allen's Defence of Stanley, ed. Heywood ; Tierney's Dodd ; Strype's Annals ; Winwood's Memorials ; information supplied by AV. H. J. Weale and by the Eev. Ethelred L. Taunton.] F. S. STANLEY, WILLIAM, D.D. (1647- 1731), dean of St. Asaph, son of William Stanley, gentleman, of Hinckley, Leicester- shire, by his wife Lucy, daughter of William Beveridge, D.D., vicar of Barrow-upon-Soar, and sister to Bishop William Beveridge [q. v.], was born at Hinckley in 1647, and baptised there on 22 Aug. the same year. He was educated in a school kept at Ashley, Lancashire, by Jeremy Crompton, and was on 4 July 1663 admitted a sizar of St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1666 (MAYOR, Admissions to St. John's College, i. 160). He was elected a fellow of Corpus Christi College in 1669, and commenced M.A. in 1670. After being or- dained priest in 1672, he became a uni- Stanley versity preacher in 1676, and graduated B.D. in 1678. He became curate of Hadham Magna, Hertfordshire, and chaplain to the Earl of Essex, who presented him to the rectory of Ilaine Parva, Essex, on 20 Oct. 1681. This he voided by cession for the rec- tory of St. Mary Magdalen in Old Fish Street, London. He was preferred to the prebend of Codington Major in the church of St. Paul, 18 Sept. 1684. At this time he was engaged in a scheme for printing an edition of the English bible, with a plain practical and protestant commentary, the portion assigned to him being the minor prophets ; but the design was eventually abandoned. He was appointed chaplain to the Princess of Orange on the dismissal of Dr. John Covel [q. v.] in 1685, and before he proceeded to Holland the archbishop of Canterbury con- ferred upon him the Lambeth degree of D.D., 12 Nov. 1685 (Gent. Mag. May 1864, p. 636). As soon as Mary was seated upon the throne of England, he was advanced to the post of clerk of the closet with a salary of 200/. a year settled upon him for life. In 1689 he became canon residen- tiary of St. Paul's; on 13 Aug. 1690 he was collated by Bishop Compton to the rectory of Hadham Magna ; and on 5 March 1691-2 he was appointed archdeacon of London. The natural tone of his voice was so loud that when taking part in the cathe- dral services he was heard above all the other singers. A humorous account was given of him by Sir Richard Steele in the ' Tatler/ tinder the name and character of Stentor. He was unanimously chosen master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 13 July 1693, in succession to Dr. John Spencer [q. v.], and served the office of vice-chancellor of the uni- versity in the same year. On 18 Jan. 1694 he was created D.D. at Cambridge. He resigned the mastership in 1698, and he ac- cepted the deanery of St. Asaph on 7 Dec. 1706, at the request of Bishop Beveridge. He defrayed the whole cost of procuring the act of parliament which annexed prebends and sinecures to the four Welsh sees in order to relieve the widows and children of the Welsh clergy from the distress of paying mortuaries to the bishops upon the death of every incumbent. He died on 9 Oct. 1731, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral.^. He married Mary, second daughter of Sir Francis Pemberton [q. v.], lord chief justice of England, and had three sons — Thomas, William, and Francis. His widow died on 28 April 1758, aged 85 (CLTJTTERBUCK, Hert- fordshire, iii. 403). Besides some occasional sermons, Stanley published : 1. 'A Discourse concerning the Stanley, William, xviii. 972/7, 1. 9 from >t. After ' Cathedral.' add * A portrait 5 Stannard Devotions of the Church of Rome, especially as compared with those of the Church of Eng- land ' (anon.), London, 1685, 4to ; reprinted in Gibson's 'Preservative against Popery' (1738), vol. ii., and in Cardwell's ' Enchiridion Theologicum ' (1837), vol. iii. 2. ' The Faith and Practice of a Church of England- Man' (anon.), London (3 editions), 1688, 12mo; 1700, 12mo ; 1702, 8vo; 1707, 12mo ; Boston, U.S. 1815, 12mo ; 1841, 12mo ; 1848, 8vo ; reprinted in the ' Churchman's Re- membrancer ' (1807), vol. ii. and in ' Trac- tarianism no Novelty,' 1854. 3. ' Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca Collegii Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia, quos legavit Matthaeus Parkerus Archi- episcopus Cantuariensis,' London, 1722, fol. [Addit. MSS. 5807 p. 40, 5880 f. 27; Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, iii. 402 ; Graduati Cantabr. ; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of England, iii. 368 n.; Gutch's Collect. Curiosa (1781), vol. i. p. Ixiv, contents, pp. x, xi, 299, 300, 302 ; Jones's Popery Tracts, i. 11, ii. 327; Masters's Hist, of C.C.C.C. p. 171, and Lambs edit. p. 202 ; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. i. 243 ; Nichols's Leicestershire, iv. 742-4 ; Richardson's manu- script Athense Cantabr. p. 318 ; Salmon's Hert- fordshire, p. 279 ; Memoirs of Dr. Stukeley (Surtees Soc.), i. 60; Willis's Survey of Cathe- drals.] T. C. STANNARD, JOSEPH (1797-1830), painter, was born at Norwich on 13 Sept. 1797. He was for a short time a pupil of Robert Ladbrooke [q. v.], and became an eminent member of the Norwich school. He painted chiefly river and coast scenes and shipping with much of the feeling of the Dutch artists, whose works he studied and copied during a visit to Holland in 1821. Stannard first exhibited with the Norwich Society in 1811, and he was one of the mem- bers who seceded from it in 1816 ; he contri- buted to the Royal Academy and British Institution between 1820 and 1829. His best known picture is the ' Water Frolic at Thorpe/ now in the Norwich Castle museum. He practised etching, and published a set of plates of Norfolk scenery. He had always delicate health, and died at Norwich on 7 Dec. 1830. A portrait of him, painted by George Clint, is in the Norwich Museum, and another, by Sir W. Beechey, belongs to Mr. J. J. Colman. Stannard married Emily Coppin, an excellent painter of fruit, flowers, and still-life, for works of which class she received three gold medals from the Society of Arts; she died at Norwich on 6 Jan. 1885, at the age of eighty-two. ALFRED STANNARD (1806-1889), younger brother of Joseph, painted landscapes in the style characteristic of the Norwich school. Stannus 86 Stanwix A ' River Scene with Mill ' by him is in the Norwich Museum. He died in 1889. He had a son, Alfred George, who painted landscapes, and died in 1885; and a daughter, who was a painter of fruit and flowers. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Catalogue of the Norwich Castle Museum ; Wodderspoon's John Crome and his Works; Norfolk Chronicle, 1830 and 1885 ; information from Mr. James Keeve.] F. M. O'D. STANNUS, SiKEPHRAIM GERRISH (1784-1850), major-general, born in 1784, was second son of Ephraim Stannus of Comus, co. Tyrone, by Susannah, daughter of Joseph Gerrish of Halifax, Nova Scotia. He went out to India as a cadet in 1799, was commissioned as an ensign in the Bom- bay army on 6 March 1800, became lieu- tenant on 26 May, and was appointed to the European regiment (now 2nd battalion royal Dublin fusiliers) in 1803. He served in the Kathiawar campaign in 1807, and became captain on 6 July 1811. He distinguished himself in the Pindari war of 1817-18, was promoted major on 8 Oct. 1818, and was private secretary to Mountstuart Elphinstone while governor of Madras (1819-27). He was made lieu- tenant-colonel of the 9th native infantry on 31 Oct. 1822, C.B. on 23 July 1823, and colonel of the 10th native infantry on 5 June 1829. From 1823 to 1826 he was first British resident in the Persian Gulf. From this he was transferred to the 2nd European regiment (now 2nd battalion Durham light infantry). On 13 March 1834 he was ap- pointed lieutenant-governor of the East India College, Addiscombe, and he was knighted in 1837. He was promoted major-general (local) on 28 June 1838. Though just and kindly, he was no administrator, and was systematically irritated by the cadets into extraordinary explosions of wrath and violent language. During the latter years of his rule at Addiscombe the discipline seems to have got very slack (cf. ' Addiscombe ' in Blackwood's Mag.^i&j 1893); he remained there until his death on 21 Oct. 1850. On 16 Oct. 1829 he married Mary Louisa, widow of James Gordon. He had no children. [Gent. Mag. 1850, ii. 659; Vibart's Addis- combe, 1894, chap. iv. (with portrait) ; Burke's Landed Gentry ; Royal Engineers' Journal, January 1893.] E. M. L. STANWIX, JOHN (1690 P-1766), lieu- tenant-general, born about 1690, was nephew and heir to Brigadier-general Thomas Stan- wix. Thomas Stanwix was a captain in Colonel Tidcomb's foot in 1693, served in Flanders under Marlborough, and in Spain, and was appointed governor of Gibraltar on 13 Jan. 1711. He was colonel of the 12th foot from 25 Aug. 1717 until his death ; he was also governor of Kingston-upon-Hull, and sat in parliament as member for Car- lisle from 1705 to 1715 ; for Newport, Isle of Wight, in 1721 ; and for Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, in 1722 ; he died on 14 March 1724-5. The nephew, John, entered the army in 1706, became adjutant of his regiment, and captain of the grenadier company, and in January 1741 he was given a majority in one of the new marine regiments. On 4 Oct. 1745 he was made lieutenant-colonel of a regiment raised by Lord Granby on account of the Jacobite insurrection, and disbanded in 1746. In 1749 he was appointed equerry to the Prince of Wales, in 1752 governor of Carlisle (for which city he had been elected M.P. in December 1746), and in 1754 deputy quartermaster-general. At the beginning of 1756, in consequence of Braddock's defeat, the royal American regi- ment (62nd foot, afterwards 60th, and now the king's royal rifle corps) was raised, and Stanwix was made colonel-commandant of the 1st battalion from 1 Jan. and was sent to America. In 1757 he was employed in Pennsylvania. In January 1758 he was made brigadier, and was sent up the Hudson to Albany, and thence to Oneida portage, where he built Fort Stanwix. A plan of this fort is given in vol. iv. of the ' Documentary History of New York.' In 1759, while Wolfe was taking Quebec, Stanwix waa guarding the western border of Penn- sylvania, and repairing Fort Duquesne, re- named Pittsburg. He was promoted major- general on 25 June 1759. He returned to England in August 1760. On 19 Jan. 1761 he became lieutenant- general, and on 14 Dec. he was made colonel of the 49th foot, from which he was trans- ferred on 11 April 1764 to the 8th foot. He was appointed governor of the Isle of Wight in May 1763. His first wife having died in 1754, Stanwix married, on 20 April 1763, a daughter of Marmaduke Sowle, com- missioner of appeals in the excise in Dublin, but had no children by her. On 29 Oct. 1766, after making some military inspections in Ireland, he left Dublin for Holyhead with his wife and daughter. The vessel, the Eagle, was leaky when she started, and was lost at sea. He was on his way to London to attend parliament, having been elected M.P. for Appleby on 8 April 1761. [Dalton's English Army Lists, iii. 195 ; Hist. Reg. 1725 (Chron. Diary), p. 13; Beatson's Political Index, ii. 212; Gent. Mag. 1767, p. Stanwix * 16-1 ; Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Bio- graphy ; Parkman's Montcalm and Wolfe ; Wal- lace's Chronicle and Hist, of the 60th or King's Eoyal Kifle Corps.] E. M. L. STANWIX, RICHARD (1608-1656), divine, born in 1608, was son of James Stan- wix of Carlisle, who was fourth son of James Stanwix, head of an ancient family which had their origin at Stanwix, near Carlisle. Richard was educated at the free school in Carlisle under Thomas Robson, formerly of Queen's College, Oxford. He was admitted a servitor of the college under the tuition of Charles Robson [q. v.], son of his old school- master, and matriculated on 21 Nov. 1628, according to Foster. He afterwards became a tabarder, graduating B.A. on 12 May 1629, and proceeding M.A. on 24 Jan. 1631-2. He was made a fellow about the same time, and on 4 July 1639 obtained the degree of B.D. In 1640 he was incorporated at Cam- bridge. Entering into holy orders, he was appointed chaplain to the lord keeper, Tho- mas Coventry [q. v.], through the recom- mendation of the provost, Christopher Potter £q.v.],and, after Coventry's death, to his suc- cessor, Sir John Finch, baron Finch of Ford- wich [q. v.] When Finch was impeached by the Long parliament in 1640, and took refuge in Holland, Stanwix returned to Oxford, and was appointed rector of Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire, in 1643, by Sir Richard Saltonstall, of Queen's College. He remained undisturbed in his living during the Com- monwealth, and died at Chipping Warden on 8 April 1656. He was the author of ' A Holy Life here the only Way to Eternal Life hereafter. Wherein this truth is especially asserted, that a Holy Life, or the Habitual Observing of the Laws of Christ, is indispensably ne- cessary to Salvation,' London, 1652, 8vo. [Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 427 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Bridges's Northamptonshire, ed. Whalley, i. 116 ; Foster's Visitations of Cumberland and Westmoreland, p. 128.] £. I. C. STANYAN, ABRAHAM (1669 P-1732), diplomatist, elder son of Laurence Stanyan of Headley, Middlesex, was born about 1669, and entered as a student of the Middle Temple in 1690. He is to be distinguished from the Abraham Stanyan (probably a cousin) who was admitted from Winchester as a scholar of New College, Oxford, on 14 July 1691, and who died of smallpox when a fellow of New College in 1696. Stanyan's ability met with early recognition, and in 1698 he was offered the post of secre- tary to Sir William Norris [q. v.], who was r Stanyan despatched in that year as king's commis- sioner to obtain certain privileges from the Mogul emperor, Aurangzib. After much hesitation he declined the offer, and his re- fusal was justified in the following year, when he was appointed one of the clerks to the council extraordinary. Some four years later, on 6 Jan. 1702, he was appointed secretary to the Earl of Manchester at Paris, a post which had been recently held by Matthew Prior. He cannot have re- mained there long, as the war broke out almost immediately; but he was despatched on 8 May 1705, in the place of 'Mr. Aglionby,' as envoy to the Swiss cantons, taking with him bills of exchange upon the bankers of Genoa for the allied forces in Italy. His instructions were also to detect and neutralise the artifices of the French minister at Geneva, and to endeavour to obtain a free passage for the allied troops through the Swiss mountain passes. With these objects he caused to be published in 1707, ' MSmoire de M. de Stanian, envoy6 extraordinaire de S. M. la Reine dela Grande Bretagne vers les Louables Cantons R6- formes, presente 25 Juillet.' Another ' M6moire ' printed by Stanyan about the same time had an object of more imme- diate importance. On 16 June 1607 died at Paris the Duchesse de Nemours, princess of Neufchatel and Valangin. No less than thirteen competitors laid claim to the prin- cipality, to rescue which from French in- fluence became a paramount object with the allies. Stanyan at once hastened to Neuf- chatel, and, joining his influence to that of the Dutch envoy (Runkel), succeeded in ob- taining the investiture for the king of Prus- sia. Louis XIV moved a large force up to the frontier as if with the purpose of in- vading the territory, but Stanyan's vigilance obtained from the sovereign council at Berne a prompt resolution to defend the princi- pality with all their forces, ' whereupon the French thought it advisable to lie quiet under their disappointment ' (BoYER, pp. 30G-7 ; State Papers, Dutch, in Add. MS. 5132). In 1708 he found it necessary to issue a letter contradicting a rumour which had been circulated by Louis to the effect that in North Britain the natives were ready to sacrifice everything for ' James VIII.' Stanyan returned home in February 1709, but was soon back again in Switzerland, and was in February 1710 entrusted with a secret mission to Piedmont. During the summer of 1712 he was very busy at Milan endea- vouring to adjust the differences between the emperor and the Duke of Savoy, and to ob- tain the adherence of both to the proposed Stanyan 88 Stanyhurst terms of the treaty of Utrecht, upon the con- clusion of which in the following year Stanyan returned to England (cf. Stowe MS. 246, ff. 25-8). He now compiled his brochure entitled 'An Account of Switzerland written in the year 1714,' destined to enlighten the profound darkness which he found prevailing as to the constitution, religion, and manners of the federated cantons (the original edi- tion, London, 1714, 8vo, with a dedication to Somers, is extremely rare ; it bears no name, and the copy at the Bodleian Library is wrongly attributed to Temple Stanyan ; 2nd ed. 1756 ; in French, Amsterdam, 1714 and 1757, 8vo ; and translated by Besset de la Chapelle, Fribourg and Paris, 1766, 12mo. A paraphrase entitled ' L'Etat de la Suisse ' was added, as a supplementary dissertation, to the second and later editions of Ruchat's well-known ' Delices de la Suisse ' (ed. 1730, vol. ii.) Stanyan's book was used by William Coxe in his ' Sketches of the Natural, Civil, and Political State of Swisserland ' (1779). It was commended by Lord Chesterfield to his son (Letters, ed. Mahon, i. 68). The Swiss bibliographer G. E. von Haller de- scribes its information as astonishingly accu- rate (Bibliothek der Schweizer-Geschichte, 1785). After the accession of George I, Stanyan was on 16 July 1716 appointed envoy extra- ordinary to the emperor. To enable him to support his diplomatic expenses he was added to the admiralty board, and held office there until April 1717. He had been re- turned to parliament for Buckingham in 1715, and on his return from Vienna he was in November 1717 appointed one of the clerks in ordinary to the privy council, a post which he resigned in 1719 upon his appointment as ambassador extraordinary to the Porte. At Constantinople he succeeded Edward Wortley Montagu [see MONTAGU, LADY MARY WORTLEY]. He seems to have returned to England early in 1720, when he was succeeded by Sir Everard Fawkener [q. v.], and was soon appointed to one of the clerk- ships in the privy seal office. Though a whig of old standing and a member of the Kit-Cat Club, Stanyan was on friendly terms with Pope and his circle. He was a subscriber to Pope's ' Iliad,' and when he went out to Vienna in the autumn of 1716 he bore a letter from the poet to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. He died at his seat near Buck- ingham on 11 Sept. 1732. The fine Kit-Cat by Kneller was engraved by Faber in 1733 and by Cook in 1786 (prefixed to vol. v. of the ' Tatter,' ed. Nichols). Abraham's younger brother, TEMPLE STAN- YAN (d. 1752), entered Westminster School as a queen's scholar in 1691, and was elected in 1695 to Christ Church, Oxford, where he matriculated on 18 June, aged eighteen, but, like his brother, he does not appear to have taken a degree. He was appointed secretary under Viscount Townshend 'in the room of Horace Walpole, esq.,' on 15 Oct. 1715, and continued in his under- secretaryship by Addison on 20 April 1717. On 5 Feb. 1719 he was appointed clerk in ordinary to the privy council in the room of his brother (Hist. Reg. Chronol. Diary, p. 8). Numerous diplomatic letters addressed to- him from Paris during the embassy of Sir Luke Schaub [q. v.] are in Add. MS. 22521 passim. He was a good scholar, and in 1735 wrote the Latin inscriptions for the statue of George II at Greenwich Hospital (LysoNS, Environs, iv. 441) ; but he is best known for ' The Grecian History ' down to the death of Philip of Macedon (London, 1739, 2 vols. 8vo ; several editions, and a French trans- lation by Diderot, Paris, 1743, 3 vols. 12mo)^ a compilation which held the field for edu- cational purposes until the appearance of the much larger history by William Mitford the younger [q. v.] Temple Stanyan died at his seat of Rawlins, Oxfordshire, on 25 March 1752. He married as his second wife, on. 28 April 1726, a ' Mrs. Pauncefort.' He left an only daughter Catherine (she died on, 19 Feb. 1801, aged 75), who married Ad- miral Sir Charles Hardy the younger [q. v.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714 (the two Abraham Stanyans are here confused) ; note from the Warden of New College, Oxford ; Gent. Mag. 1732 p. 979, 1752 p. 144; Hist. E.eg. 1732, Chronol. Diary, p. 37; Welch's Alumni Westmon. p. 229 ; Luttrell's Brief Hist. Eela- tion, iv. 454, 518, 524; Boyer's Queen Anne, 1735, pp. 179, 306, 336, 400, 602; Add. MSS. 31130, 31134 (letters to Lord Eaby, 1700- 1706); Memoirs of Celebrated Persons com- posing the Kit-Cat Club, 1821, p. 207; Marl- borough's Despatches, ed. Murray, vol. iv. ; Noble's Contin. of Granger, iii. 180-1 ; Lady M. W. Montagu's Works ; Coolidge's Swiss Travel and Guide Books, 1889, pp. 169-71 ; Pope's Works, ed. Elwin, iv. 488, ix. 357, 364 ; Querard's France Litteraire, ix. 256 ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. TO!, i. passim ; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. i. 299.] T. S. STANYHURST, RICHARD (1547- 1618), translator of Virgil, was born in Dublin in 1547. From the fourteenth to the eighteenth century his family was settled at Corduff, co. Dublin. In 1489 one Richard Stanyhurst was lord mayor of Dublin. Nicholas Stanyhurst (d. 1554), the trans- lator's grandfather, held the same office in 1542 ; he was interested in medicine, wrote Stanyhurst 89 Stanyhurst in Latin ' Dieta Medicorum, lib. i.,' and was reputed ' a great and good householder.' JAMES STAKI-HTJKST (d. 1573), the trans- lator's father, long held a prominent position in Dublin. He was recorder of the city and speaker of the Irish House of Commons in the parliaments of 1557, 1560, and 1568. At the opening of each session he delivered an oration. Although he presided over a par- liament in Queen Mary's reign, he proved himself a zealous supporter of protestantism under Elizabeth, and contrived to secure the passing through the house of the statute of uniformity in 1560, by putting the question when its chief opponents were absent from the chamber. In 1570 he recommended to parliament, in a speech which he delivered at the prorogation, a system of national edu- cation for Ireland, proposing the establish- ment of grammar schools throughout the country. At the same time he suggested the formation of a university at Dublin such as was inaugurated a few years later. The speech is said to have been printed. Stany- hurst's educational policy was not accepted by the government, although Sir Henry Sid- ney, with whom he was on intimate terms, strongly supported it. Edmund Campion [q. v.] was also a close friend, and often en- joyed his hospitality. From the elder Stany- hurst's conversation, and from his collection of books and manuscripts, Campion acknow- ledged much assistance in writing his history of Ireland. His son Richard, while crediting his father with an exact knowledge of the common law, described him as ' a good orator and proper divine,' and attributed to him, besides parliamentary ' orations,' a series of ' Pise orationes' and several letters to Thomas O'Heirnan or O'Hiffernan, dean of Cork. James Stanyhurst died at Dublin on 27 Dec. 1573, aged 51. A Latin elegy by his son Richard was printed in the latter's description of Ireland, as well as in the appendix to his translation of Virgil. Besides Richard, James Stanyhurst left another son, Walter, who translated into English ' Innocent, de Con- temptu Mundi.' A daughter Margaret mar- ried Arnold Ussher, one of the six clerks of the Irish court of chancery, and was mother of Archbishop James Ussher [q. v.] The latter was thus Richard Stanyhurst's nephew (cf. Stanyhurst's 'Description of Ireland' in "IOLINSHED'S Chronicles, 1577, cap. vii. p. 27 ; W. B. WRIGHT, The Ussher Memoirs, 1889). Richard was first educated under Peter White, who kept a school at Waterford, and proceeded in 1563 to University College, Ox- ford. He was admitted B. A. in 1568. While an undergraduate he came to know Edmund Campion. He gave notable proofs of his precocity by writing Latin commentaries on Porphyry which amazed Campion by their learning. They were published in 1570 a& ' Harmonia sive Catena Dialectica in For- phyrianas Constitutiones.' After graduating, Stanyhurst studied law first at Furnivall's Inn, and afterwards at Lincoln's Inn. But history and literature diverted his atten- tion, and, accompanied by Campion as his tutor, he returned to Ireland, where the combined influence of his father and of Cam- pion led him to devote himself to Irish his- tory and geography. Campion had under- taken to contribute the history of Ireland to the great collection of chronicles which Raphael Holinshed was preparing between 1573 and 1577. Under Campion's guidance, Stanyhurst contributed to the same work a general description of Ireland, after the manner of Harrison's ' Description of Eng- land.' For Holinshed's undertaking Stany- hurst also compiled a history of Ireland during Henry VIII's reign, in continuation of Campion's work on earlier periods. Stany- hurst's ' Description of Ireland,' and his share in the ' History of Ireland ' forming the third book, both appeared in the first volume of Holinshed's « Chronicles,' 1577. The 'De- scription 'was dedicated to Sir Henry Sidney, the lord deputy, his father's friend. Stany- hurst's English prose is remarkable for its bombastic redundancy and unintentional burlesque effects. Meanwhile Stanyhurst had married, and had removed to Knightsbridge. His wife, Janet, daughter of Sir Christopher Barne- wall, died there in childbed on 26 Aug. 1579, aged 19. She was buried at Chelsea. A Latin elegy on her by Stanyhurst is ap- pended to his translation of Virgil. After his wife's death Stanyhurst left England for the Low Countries, and he never returned to England or his native country. There can be little doubt that under Campion's influence his religious views had undergone a change. Although the date of his con version to Roman Catholicism is undetermined, it probably took place soon after he arrived on the continent. At first he resided at Ley den, and there he worked at a translation of Virgil's ' yEneid ' into English. It was originally published at Leyden in 1582, with the title ' The first foure Bookes of Virgil his ^Eneis, intoo English Heroicall Verse, by Richard Stany- hurst. Wyth oother Poeticall deuisestheretoo annexed. Imprinted at Leiden in Holland by John Pates, Anno MDLXXXII.' Only two copies of the Leyden edition are known. One is the property of Mr. Christy Miller at Britwell, the other belonged to the Earl of Ashburnham. Both are slightly imperfect. Stanyhurst g The work was dedicated from Leyden on 30 June 1582 to Stanyhurst's brother-in-law, Patrick Plunket, lord Dunsany, who had married a sister of his late wife. In the dedication he warmly deprecates the sus- picion that he had plagiarised the work of Thomas Phaer [q. v.], whose translation of nine books of the '^Eneid' appeared in 1562. The first three books, he affirms, he compiled at his leisure; the fourth he 'huddled up' in ten days. In an address to the learned reader he developed that theory of English prosody of which Gabriel Harvey was the champion, maintaining that quantity rather than accent ought to be the guiding prin- ciple of English as of Latin metre. Stany- hurst rendered 'Virgil' into hexameters by way of proving that position. The result was a literary monstrosity. The Latin was recklessly paraphrased in a grotesquely pro- saic vocabulary, which abounded in barely intelligible words invented by the trans- lator to meet metrical exigencies. Frequent inversions of phrase heightened the ludicrous effect. Gabriel Harvey, who proudly boasted that he was the inventor of the English hexa- meter, wrote of Stanyhurst as a worthy dis- ciple ( Four Letters, 1592, pp. 19, 48). But, at the hands of all other critics of his own and later days, Stanyhurst has been de- servedly ridiculed. In his preface to Greene's 'Arcadia' (1589), Nash justly parodied his effort when he wrote of him : Then did he make heaven's vault to rebound with rounce, robble, bobble, Of ruff, raffe, roaring, with thwicke, thwack, thurlerie, bouncing. Subsequently Nash wrote : ' Master Stany- hurst (though otherwise learned) trod a foule, lumbring, boystrous, wallowing measure in his translation of " Virgil." He had never been praised by Gabriel for his labour if therein he had not bin so famously absurd' (NASH, Pierce Pennilesse, 1593). The transla- tion could ' hardly be digested' by Putten- ham. Bishop Hall was equally contemptuous. More recently Southey, in ' Omniana, or Horse Otiosiores' (i. 193, ed. 1812), wrote in reference to ' the incomparable oddity' of Stanyhurst's translation: 'As Chaucer has been called the well of English undefiled, so might Stanyhurst be denominated the common sewer of the language. He is, how- ever, a very entertaining and, to a philo- logist, a very instructive writer. ... It seems impossible that a man could have written in such a style without intending to burlesque what he was about, and yet it is certain that Stanyhurst seriously meant to write heroic poetry.' > Stanyhurst Stanyhurst appended to the translation of Virgil a rendering into English of certain psalms of David, i-iv., in classical metres, with a few lumbering original poems and epi- taphs, some in Latin, others in English. The Leyden volume was reissued, with a slight revision, in London in 1583, by Henry Bynne- man, and this was reprinted in an edition limited to fifty copies at Edinburgh in 1836, under the direction of James Maidment. The Leyden edition was reprinted by Mr. Arber in his ' English Scholars' Library' in 1880 (with new title-page, 1895). A careful philo- logical study of Stanyhurst's 'Virgil' was the subject of a thesis by Heinrich Schmidt, issued at Breslau in 1887. Stanyhurst was not encouraged to repeat his incursion into pure literature, or indeed to publish anything further in English. He thenceforth wrote solely in Latin prose, and confined himself to historical or theological topics. Removing to Antwerp, he published there in 1584, at the press of Christopher Plantin, a treatise on the early history of Ireland down to the time of Henry II, with an annotated appendix of extracts by Giraldus Cambrensis. The title of the volume ran ' De rebus in Hibernia gestis ' (in four books), and it was dedicated, like the ' Virgil,' to his brother-in-law, Baron Dunsany. Com- bining legendary history with theology in a very credulous spirit, Stanyhurst produced in 1587, again with Plantin at Antwerp, a life of St. Patrick. This was entitled ' De Vita S. Patricii Hyberniae Apostoli,' and was dedicated to Alexander Farnese, archduke of Parma and Placentia. The volume marked the close of Stanyhurst's researches in Irish history and legend. In all his works on Ireland Stanyhurst wrote from an English point of view. Bar- naby Rich, who often met him at Antwerp, criticised adversely, in his ' New Description of Ireland ' (1610, p. 2), his want of sym- pathy with the native Irish and his pre- judiced misrepresentations. Keating, in his ' General History of Ireland ' (1723, p. xii), condemns Stanyhurst on the three grounds that he was too young when he wrote, that he was ignorant of the Irish language, and that he was bribed by large gifts and promises of advancement to blacken the character of the Irish nation. The last charge is unsubstantiated. Keating adds, on equally doubtful authority, that Stanyhurst lived to repent of ' the injustice he had been guilty of,' and, after formally promising to re- voke all his falsehoods, prepared a paper in that sense to be printed in Ireland ; of this nothing further is known. Sir James Ware likewise asserts that Stanvhurst's books on Stanyhurst Stanyhurst Irish history abound in ' malicious repre- sentations.' According to Barnahy Rich, Stanyhurst, while pursuing his historical researches at Antwerp, also ' professed alchemy, and took upon him to make gold ' (RiCH, Irish Hub- bub). At the same time politics attracted his attention. Under the influence of the Jesuits he embarked in conspiracy with other catholic exiles in Flanders against the Eng- lish government, and he became an object of suspicion to English spies. His relations with the catholics grew more equivocal after a second marriage (before 1585) with Helen, daughter of William Copley of Gatton, Surrey, and granddaughter of Sir Thomas Copley [q. v.] (cf. COPLEY, Letters, ed. Christie, Roxburghe Club, 1897, p. xlviii). Like other members of her family, she was a fervent Roman catholic, and her sister Mary became in 1637 superioress of the abbey of Louvain. About 1590 Stanyhurst visited Spain and, it was stated, professed medicine there ; but his chief occupation was the offering of political advice to the Spanish government in regard to the posi- tion of affairs in England, fie was at Toledo in 1591. Writing from Madrid to Justus Lipsius on 1 Feb. 1592, he refers to an in- terview with Philip II, and speaks with enthusiasm of the king's kindness and affa- bility. About 1595 it was reported that he I had left the Spanish ' court with a good pro- vision in Flanders, and is not likely to deal more in matters of state or physic' (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1595-7, p. 157; cf. Cal. State Papers, Dom. Eliz. ccxlvii. 3, 44). His (second) wife died about 1602, soon after the birth of a second son. Thereupon Stany- hurst took holy orders. Rich asserts that the became ' a massing priest.' Archduke Albert, the ruler of the Netherlands, ap- pointed him chaplain to himself and to his wife Isabella (Philip II's daughter), and to these patrons Stanyhurst dedicated a devo- tional treatise : ' Hebdomada Mariana ex Or- thodoxis Catholicse Romanee Ecclesise Patri- bus collecta ; in memoriam septem festorum Beatissianae Virginis Marise,' Antwerp, 1609, 8vo. He also appears to have acted as chaplain to the English Benedictine convent at Brussels. In 1605 he wrote commen- datory verses for his friend and co-reli- gionist Richard Verstegan's ' Restitution of Decayed Intelligence,' which was published at Antwerp in 1605 [see ROWLANDS, RICHARD]. In 1614 he brought out another devotional treatise, ' Hebdomada Eucharistica,' Douay, 1614, 8vo. Despite differences in religion, Stanyhurst seems to have maintained an affectionate correspondence with his kinsfolk in Ireland. His nephew, James Ussher, writing to him ' at the English College in Louvain' about 1610, asked for a copy of his ' Margarita,' 'presuming on that natural bond of love which is knit betwixt us.' Ussher sent his mother's 'most kind remembrance,' and signed himself ' your most loving nephew.' Ussher's biographers represent Stanyhurst as making vain efforts to convert his nephew to his own faith, but there is no hint of this in the many respectful references which Ussher made in his published works to Stanyhurst's ' Life of St. Patrick ' and others of his uncle's writings (cf. USSHER, Works, ed. Elrington, iv. 550, 562, vi. 374, 380, 447). When Ussher brought out in 1613 his trea- tise ' De Successione et Statu Christianas Ecclesise,' in which he attempted to identify the pope with Antichrist, Stanyhurst re- plied in 'Brevis praemunitio pro futura con- certatione cum Jacobo Usserio Hiberno Dub- linensi,' Douay, 1615, 8vo. According to Wood, Stanyhurst died at Brussels in 1618. His nephew wrote at the time to Lydiat that ' my late uncle's answer ' was to come out at Paris (ib. xv. 148). Two of Stanyhurst's sons by his second wife became Jesuits. The elder, Peter, born in the Netherlands, studied humanities under the Jesuit fathers at Brussels, entered- the society at Mechlin on 18 Sept. 1616, and died in Spain on 27 May 1627 (FoLEY, Records, vii. 731, Chron. Cat. p. 26). The younger son, WILLIAM STANYHURST (1602-1663), born at Brussels in 1602, after studying there, entered the Society of Jesus at Ma- lines on 25 Sept. 1617 (DE BACKER). He chiefly resided at Brussels, and preached in both English and Flemish. Wrood describes him as ' a comely person endowed with rare parts.' He died in Belgium on 10 Jan. 1663. He was a voluminous writer of re- ligious works, many of which enjoyed a European vogue. His ' Dei Immortalis in corpore mortali patientis Historia,' which appeared at Antwerp in 1660, has been re- peatedly reprinted down to the present day, both in the original Latin and in French, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, German, Polish, and Hungarian translations. His ' Veteris Hominis . . . quatuor novissima metamor- phosis et novi genesis,' dedicated to James van Baerlant, Antwerp, 1661 (Prague, 1700 ; Vienna, 1766), was translated into French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Others of his works, all of which passed through many editions, are: 1. 'Album Marianum,' de- scribing God's beneficence to Austria (Lou- vain, 1641, fol.) 2. ' Regio mortis sive Domus infelicis aeternitatis,' Antwerp, 1652, Stapeldon Stapeldon 12mo. 3. 'Quotidiana Christian! Militis tessera,' Antwerp, 1661, 4to (portions of this reappeared in ' Selectissima moralis Christianse prsecepta harmonicis metris ac rythmis expressa,' Antwerp, 1662, 8vo). 4. ' Ecclesia Militans,' Antwerp, 4to (FoLEY ; DE BACKER, Biblioth. des Ecrivains S. J., 1876, iii. 880 ; SOUTHWELL, £ib. Soc. Jem, 1676, p. 320). [Arber's admirable introduction to his reprint of Stanyhurst's Translation- of Virgil, 1895 ; Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 252-8; Foley's Kecords, vii. 732 ; Simpson's Life of Campion, chap. ii. ; Wright's Ussher Memoirs, 1889 ; information kindly supplied by the Rev. Ethel bert Taunton.] S. L. STAPELDON, WALTER DE (1261- 1326), bishop of Exeter, and virtual founder of Exeter College, Oxford, a younger son of William and Mabilla de Stapeldon, was born at Annery in the parish of Monkleigh, Devonshire, on 1 Feb. 1260-1. His eldest brother, Sir Richard, was a puisne judge of the king's bench, and resided at Stapeldon, near Holsworthy. Walter was a man of learning, and a distinguished member of the university of Oxford, where he became pro- fessor of canon law. Before 1294 he was parson of Aveton Gifford, Devonshire (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1292-1301, pp. 93, 271). He was also chaplain to Clement V and precentor of Exeter. The king's license to elect a suc- cessor to Thomas de Bytton, bishop of Exeter, was granted on 6 Oct. 1307, and Stapeldon was unanimously chosen on 13 Nov., all the canons but one being present or represented. Much delay arose through the vexatious op- position of Richard de Plympstoke, rector of Exminster and Uffculme, who in an appeal to the pope contested the right of nine of the canons to vote. The king's assent to Stapel- don's election was notified on 3 Dec. (ib. 1307-13, p. 20), but the archbishop, Robert Winchelsey [q. v.], also raised difficulties which can only be described as frivolous. The election was confirmed at last on 13 March, and three days later the temporalities were restored (cf. RTMEE, Fcedera, iii. 36-7). Plympstoke, however, renewed his vindic- tive persecution of Stapeldon; the result being a further postponement of his conse- cration, which took place at Canterbury on 13 Oct. 1308, nearly a year after his election. The cost of these proceedings was very heavy, and the revenues of the see were appro- priated by the king during the long vacancy. Stapeldon tells us in pathetic terms that he was penniless, and was even compelled to ask Walter Reynolds [q. v.], the elect of Worcester, who was consecrated with him, to pay their joint expenses. He entered, how- ever, with undaunted spirit on his episcopal duties ; and his register shows that he was indefatigable in fulfilling them. His cathe- dral, the rebuilding of which had been but half accomplished, became the object of his special care, and as soon as money came in he spent it lavishly on internal decorations and improvements, and on the accumulation of materials for the rebuilding of the nave, which were utilised after his death by Bishop Grandisson. The fabrick-rolls show that he contributed no less than 1,800/., an immense sum for those days, equivalent, according to the calculations of Hallam and other com- petent authorities, to 40,000/. of our money. He was a generous patron of learning, and in 1314, in conjunction with his brother, Sir Richard, he founded Stapeldon Hall in Ox- ford (now known as Exeter College) for poor scholars from his diocese, and established there four scholarships for natives of Corn- wall. Stapeldon's political career had begun in 1306 with a mission to France. He was summoned to serve against the Scots on 22 Aug. 1308, and to a council held at Westminster in the following February. From that time he was summoned to all the councils and parliaments held in Edward II's reign (Parl. Writs, Alphabetical Digest of Persons, pp. 828-31). In March 1310 Stapel- don joined the lords ordainers against Gaves- ton, though he protested that the ordainers' proceedings should not prejudice the royal authority (Chron, of Edw. I and Edw. II, Rolls Ser. i. 170). In February 1312-13 he was sent on a mission to the king of France with Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke [q. v.] (RYMER, iii. 381-2), and in May 1319 he was again sent to do homage for Aqui- taine (ib. iii. 772-3). In 1314 he was accused in parliament of maintenance (Rot. Parl. i. 292 a), but in the following year he was sworn of the privy council (ib. i. 350 b) and appointed to hold a parliament in Ed- ward's absence. On 18 Feb. 1319-20 he was appointed lord high treasurer of Eng- land (ib. i. 287), and in the following June accompanied Edward to Amiens, where he did homage to the French king for Ponthieu. In July 1321 he vainly attempted to mediate between Edward II and Thomas of Lan- caster. In 1325 he was sent to aid Queen Isabella and the young Prince Edward in Gascony. But he was one of the four who were described as especially unpopular there because of their being Edward II's favourites, and he was forced to flee to England by night in disguise (ib. ii. 285-6, 307 ; cf. RYMER, iv. 62, 69, 77, 79, 96, 117, 161, 180-2). On 2 May 1326 he was directed to Staples 93 Staples prepare for the defence of the realm against Isabella's threatened invasion. Stapeldon had been closely identified with the later policy of Edward II, and was therefore exceedingly obnoxious to the people (see RYHER, Fasdera, Record ed., vol. ii. pt. i. passim). On the king's flight he was left in charge of London, and was murdered by the mob in Cheapside on 15 Oct. 1326. His remains were buried in St. Clement Danes (Chron. Edw. I and Edw. II, Rolls Ser. i. 316-17; MURIMUTH, pp. 44-8, 59, 282); but on 28 March 1327 they were transferred to Exeter, where they rest under a beautiful tomb on the north side of the high altar. His head was sent to Queen Isabella at Gloucester (MATT. WEST. Flares Hist. iii. 234), and his murderers were excommuni- cated. In the parliament that met at the end of the year the ' forcible acts done by him as an adherent of the Spencers were annulled ' (Rot. Parl. ii. 5 b). [Cal. Patent and Close Rolls, Edw. I and Edw. II, ed. 1890-6, passim ; Parl. Writs ; Eotuli Parliamentorum, vols. i. and ii. ; Kymer's Foedera, original and Record editions, vol. ii. pt. i. ; Matthew of Westminster's Flores His- toriarum, Chronicles of Edw. I and Edw. IT, Murimuth's and Walsingham's Hist. Angl. (all in Rolls Ser.); Le Neve's Fasti Eccl. Angl. ed. Hardy; Dublin Review, July 1895; Godwin, De Prsesulibus, ed. Richardson ; Stubbs's Const. Hist, ii. 375, 383, &c. ; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. ii.684; Prince's Worthies of Devon, pp. 722-6 ; Oliver's Lives of the Bishops of Exeter, pp. 55-61 ; Register of Bishop Stapeldon, ed. Hingeston-Randolph, pp. viii-xxxiv ; Boase's Hist, of Exeter College, pp. iii-v.] F. C. H. R. STAPLES or STAPLE, EDWARD (1490P-1560?), bishop of Meath, born pro- bably about 1490, is said to have been a native of Lincolnshire or Lancashire. He was educated first at Oxford and then at Cambridge, where he graduated B. A. in 1511, and M.A. in 1514. In 1525 he was made canon of Cardinal College, Oxford, and on 9 March 1525-6 he supplicated for incor- poration in Oxford University, and for the degrees B.D. and D.D. (Reg. Univ. Oxon. i. 142). About the same time he was ap- pointed chaplain to Henry VIII. On 7 March 1527-8 he was presented to the prebend of Wigginton in the collegiate church of Tarn- worth, but resigned it in the following July, and was appointed master of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, London (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, iv. 4124, 4489, 4594). He resigned the latter post in July 1532 on being instituted to the vicarage of Thaxted, Essex. Meanwhile, in 1530, at Henry's request, the pope provided Staples to the bishopric of Meath. In that capacity he took a pro- minent part in the government of Ireland, and in the strife between the various factions of the official class. In 1534 he was com- pelled to flee to England before the rebellion of Thomas Fitzgerald, tenth earl of Kildare [q. v.] He returned in the following year, when he and Archbishop George Browne (d . 1556) [q. v.] became Henry VIIFs principal instruments in introducing the Reformation into Ireland. His relations with Browne., however, were always hostile. Staples was not so advanced as the archbishop, and clung to the mass, though he was ' as zealous as any ' for the royal supremacy, and it was partly owing to his urgent advice that Henry as- sumed the title of king of Ireland. His quarrel with Browne became such a scandal that on 31 July 1537 Henry wrote to Browne threatening to remove him for his lightness of behaviour and pride, and to Staples cen- suring his neglect of his ecclesiastical duties (Cal. State Papers, Irish, 1509-71, p. 28). Little effect seems to have been produced, and on one occasion in 1538, while preach- ing before Browne in Kilmainham church, Staples denounced him as a heretic. This sermon was examined by the Irish council, and both Staples and Browne complained to Cromwell, but the quarrel was patched up. In 1544, as a reward for his zeal, Staples was allowed to annex the archdeaconry of Kells. After Edward VI's accession Staples's Srotestant opinions became more pronounced, n 7 April 1547 he was granted the parson- age of Ardbraccan, and soon after was made judge of faculties. About this time he married, and preached a strong sermon against the mass, which rendered him in- tensely unpopular in his diocese. Jn Juno leSQ.'m a diacuooion at St. Mary'o Abboy, Dublin, lu -ffie* [c Oiiuii ufl ; ii 207 11). In August 1553 he took part in the proclamation of Queen Mary, but on 29 June 1554 he was deprived on account of his marriage. He remained in his diocese, destitute and disliked, and on 16 Dec. 1558, after Elizabeth's accession, he wrote to Cecil relating his woes and seeking preferment. He was not, however, restored to his see, and, as no subsequent mention of him occurs, he is believed to have died soon after. [State Papers, Henry VIII, vols. i-iii. passim ; Cal. Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Brewer and G-airdner ; Cal. State Papers, Irish Ser. ; Cal. Cnrew MSS. ; Cotton's Fasti Eccl. Hib. iii. 115, 131, v. 221; Lascelles's Liber Stapleton 94 Stapleton Munerum Hib. ; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ; Cooper's Athenae Cantabr. i. 190 ; Ware's Bishops of Ire- land ed. Harris ; Mant's Hist. Church of Ire- land, i. 127, 149, 198,206, 208, 234-5 ; Uixon's Hist. Church of England ; Cogan's Diocese of Meath, i. 84-104, ii. 258; Bagwell's Ireland under the Tudors, vols. i-ii. passim; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714.] A. F. P. STAPLETON, AUGUSTUS GRAN- VILLE (1800-1880), biographer of George Canning and political pamphleteer, was bora in 1800. He was entered on 18 Sept. 1814 in the register of Rugby school as ' son of John Stapleton, esq., and ward of the Rev. T. Yeoman, Barnstaple, Devon, aged 13' (Register, i. 120). It has, however, been said that he was ' a natural son of Lord Mor- ley ' (JEKYLL, Letters, p. 226), i.e. of the first Earl Morley, the intimate friend of Can- ning. He was entered at Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge, on 22 Feb. 1817, but did not take up his residence there, and on 14 Oct. 1818 he was admitted pensioner at St. John's College. He graduated B.A. in 1823. On leaving the university Stapleton be- came the private secretary of Canning, and was admitted into his closest confidence. He walked side by side with his chief at the funeral of the Duke of York in St. George's Chapel at Windsor, when Canning caught his fatal cold, and was with him at Chiswick shortly before his death. By the special desire of George IV, and as a tribute to Canning's memory, he was appointed a commissioner of customs on 31 Aug. 1827. This appointment he vacated in a few years, and in 1837, at the request of his political leaders, he contested Birmingham in the conservative interest, and, though possessed of much oratorical power, was badly beaten. In 1830 Stapleton caused to be printed two volumes of his ' Political Life of George Canning, 1822-1827.' But at the instance of the Duke of Wellington, intimations in- duced him to defer their publication (JEKYLL, Letters, p. 226). When tracts appeared with reflections on Canning, Stapleton issued the work in 1831 (3 vols.) A second edition, which came out in the same year, included additional matter. In 1859 he published ' George Canning and his Time,' which was deficient in system, but, like the previous work, contained much information. In con- tinuance of the subject, Stapleton subse- quently contributed to ' Macmillan's Maga- zine ' (xxvi. 26-32) an article on ' A Month at Seaford in 1825 with Canning and Hook- ham Frere,' and three more of his papers ap- peared in the same periodical (vol. xxxi.), including one entitled 'Political Reminis- cences.' Stapleton died at Warbrook, Evers- ley,near Winchfield, Hampshire, on 26 Feb. 1880. He married, in 1825, Catherine, second daughter of John Bulteel of Flete, Devon- shire. She died at Kensington on 18 June 1856, having had issue three sons and two daughters. His youngest son, Edward J. Stapleton, of the home office (d. 27 Jan. 1896, aged 56), edited in 1887 two volumes of ' Official Correspondence of George Can- ning,' the second of which contained nume- rous letters to and from his father in 1826 and 1827. From 1836 Stapleton was a constant contri- butor to the newspapers and a prolific pam- phleteer. The chief of these were: 1. 'Ob- servations on the Report of the Bullion Committee in 1810,' 1837. 2. 'The Real Monster Evil of Ireland,' 1843. 3. 'Se- quel to the real Monster Evil of Ireland,' 1843 ; the evil was over-population, and he ad- vocated a large expenditure, say 16,000,000/., in that country on works of public improve- ment. 4. ' The Claims of the Irish Priest. The Duty of the British People,' 1847; against the endowment of popery.' 5. ' Sug- gestions for a Conservative and Popular Reform in the Commons,' 1850 ; a plea for a direct representation of the professional classes and of the arts and sciences. A petition to this effect drawn up by Staple- ton and George Harris, LL.D., F.S.A., was presented by Lord Harrowby to the House of Lords on 27 May 1852, and produced a long speech from Lord Derby (HANSARD, cxxi. 1181-92 ; cf. HARRIS, Autobiogr. pp. 184-91). 6. 'The Irish Education Question: a Letter to the Earl of Eglinton,' 1853. 7. ' Oath of Supremacy and the " Oaths Bill," ' 1854 ; in favour of the maintenance of the oath of supremacy. 8. ' Hostilities at Canton,' 1857 : against the proceedings of Sir John Bowring and Admiral Sir Michael Seymour over the Arrow lorcha ; a concen- trated statement of the case against Lord Palmerston's government, which led, in the author's opinion, to the defeat of the mini- stry. 9. ' A Letter to the Bradford Foreign Affairs Committee,' also on the China ques- tion. 10. ' Affair at Greytown,1 1857, argu- ing that England should have demanded satisfaction from the American government for the outrages at Grey Town, Nicaragua. 11. 'Intervention and Non-intervention; or the Foreign Policy of Great Britain, 1790- 1865' (1866), a volume summing up his arguments in former pamphlets on foreign affairs, and the substance of his letters in the ' Morning Herald ' (1850-5), signed 'Lex Publica.' 12. ' Origin of Fenianism,' 1868, 13. 'The French Case truly stated,' 1871, an argument that France was not the aggressor Stapleton 95 Stapleton in the Franco-Prussian Avar ; a translation was published at Brussels. [Men of the Time, 10th ed. ; Burke's Landed Gentry, 6th ed. p. 1513; Academy, 6 March 1880; Standard, 30 Jan. 1896; Morning Post, 12 April 1880; Gent. Mag. 1856, ii. 127 ; infor- mation from Mr. K. F. Scott of St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge.] W. P. C. STAPLETON, BRIAN DE (1321P-1394) of Wighill, knight, was the second son of Sir Gilbert de Stapleton, and younger brother of Miles de Stapleton (d. 1364) [q. v.J His father died in 1321, and the length of his life makes it unlikely that he was born much earlier. In 1385 he de- scribes himself as ' sixty years of age and more' and 'fifty years inarms' (Scrope and Grosvenor Roll). This would make his active career begin with Edward Ill's first wars against France, in which he won consider- able distinction. He was at the siege of Tournay in 1340, and again in 1347 at the siege of Calais, having probably therefore served in the Crecy campaign. He attached himself to "William de Montacute, second earl of Salisbury [q. v.], serving under him for example in the campaign of 1359, and for many subsequent years. In 1369 he was one of the knights sent to help the Black Prince in Aquitaine, under Edmund, earl of Cambridge. In 1373 he served under Salis- bury at sea, and again when Salisbury had custody of Calais, where he did him such faithful service that he received two manors from him as a reward. In 1378 he was exempted from serving on juries or being forced to hold offices against his will (Cal. Sot. Pat. 1377-81, p. 288). The subsidy roll of 1378-9 gives an interesting list of his household at Helaugh ( Yorkshire Arch. Journ. vii. 176, 181). On 20 Feb. 1380 Stapleton was himself made captain and warden of the castle of Calais (F&dera, iv. 77), and a little later of Guisnes. On 11 March 1381 he was also warden of the castle of Guisnes (ib. iv. 107). In April 1380 he was associated with others in nego- tiations with the French. In 1382 he be- came knight of the Garter, remaining in office at Guisnes till 1383, and holding in that year a muster of Bishop Despenser's crusading force (ib. iv. 70). He was em- ployed in various negotiations with France and Flanders, including those which led to the truce of Leulinghen (ib. iv. 122, 172). In 1386 and 1388 he was similarly employed in Scotland (ib. old edit. vii. 572). He gave evidence in the Scrope-Grosvenor contro- versy, and was one of the commissioners ap- pointed to examine witnesses. As late as 1390 he appeared in arms among the knights of the Garter at a tournament at Smithfield. He is the hero of several famous legends of the later genealogists. There is a sixteenth- century story of his slaying a Moor in single combat, and therefore bearing as his crest a Saracen's head. He is also said to have brought from France the right hand of St. Mary Magdalen, which he placed in the house of the friars preachers at York, and where, according to the legend, he himself was buried. Before 1360 Stapleton married Alice, widow of Sir Stephen Waleys of Helaugh and daughter and coheiress of Sir John de St. Philibert. He inherited Carlton and Kentmere from a cousin, and in 1376 bought Wighill, where he died on 25 July 1394. His will, written in French, was dated 16 May the same year, and is published in ' Testamenta Eboracensia ' (i. 198 sq.) He directed that his body should be buried at Helaugh priory, beside his wife, who had died before him ; he left directions for a sump- tuous burial, and made many legacies to friends and kinsfolk. He left two sons, of whom, the elder, Brian, who married Eliza- beth, daughter of Sir William Aldeburgh, and was the ancestor of the Stapletons of Carlton (now represented by Lord Beau- mont), died before him ; the younger, Sir Miles (d. 1400), was the ancestor of the Stapletons of Wighill. [Chetwynd-Stapylton's Stapeltons of York- shire, pp. 110-38, collects practically all that is known ; other authorities quoted in the text.] T. F. T. STAPLETON, GREGORY, D.D. (1748- 1802), catholic prelate, born at Carlton, Yorkshire, in 1748, was seventh son of Nicholas Stapleton, by his third wife, Wini- fred, daughter of John White of Dover Street, London. He proceeded to the Eng- lish College, Douay, in 1762. Ten years later, being then a deacon, he was appointed professor of music. On his ordination, a year later, he became procurator of the col- lege, and he retained that post for more than twelve years. After this he travelled abroad with a pupil ; and on his return from Italy, in 1787, he was appointed president of the English College at St. Omer, in succession to Alban Butler [q. v.] Some three years after the outbreak of the French revolu- tion he and the students of the English colleges at St. Omer and Douay were im- prisoned in the citadel of Dourlens. In 1795 he obtained leave to go to Paris, and after many repulses he procured from the directory an order for the release of all the students, ninety-four in number, who were conveyed to England in an American vessel, Stapleton 96 Stapleton and landed at Dover on 2 March 1795. Soon afterwards Stapleton, in company with Bishop Douglass, waited upon the Duke of Portland and Mr. Pitt to solicit their ap- proval of a plan for converting the school at Old Hall Green, near Ware, Hertfordshire, into a catholic college. The duke had pre- viously known Stapleton, and he and Pitt gave them encouragement. Stapleton ac- cordingly conducted his students to Old Hall Green, and on 19 Aug. 1795 the first stone was laid of the college of St. Edmund. Stapleton presided over it till the autumn of 1800, when, having accompanied the Rev. John Nassau to Rome on an important secret mission, he was raised to the episco- pate. His appointment to be bishop of Hierocsesarea in partibus and vicar-apostolic of the Midland district, in succession to Dr. Charles Berington [q. v.], was approved by the pope on 29 May 1800, and he was consecrated on 8 March 1801. He took up his residence at Long Birch, near Wolver- hampton, and employed Dr. John Milner [q. v.l as his secretary. He died at St. Omer on 23 May 1802, and was succeeded in his vicariate by Dr. Milner. [Brady's Episcopal Succession ; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, No. 21652 ; Husenbeth's Colleges on the Continent, pp. 15-16 ; Husen- beth's Life of Milner, p. 84 ; Michel, Les Ecossais en France, ii. 330 ; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. x. 43 ; Smith's Brewood, 2nd edit. 1874, p. 49 ; Ward's Hist, of St. Edmund's College, Old Hall, 1893, p. 343, -with portrait.] T. C. STAPLETON, MILES DE (d. 1314), baron, was the son of Nicholas de Stapleton (III) and his wife Margaret, daughter of Miles Basset. Nicholas belonged to a Rich- mondshire family that took its name from the township of Stapleton, on the south bank of the Tees, about two miles south-west of Darlington, in which it possessed a small estate. The first member of the family to attain any position was Nicholas de Staple- ton I, who was custos of Middleham Castle in the reign of King John, and was the father of Nicholas de Stapleton II, the father of the first-mentioned Nicholas (III). Nicholas III served as a judge of the king's bench between 1272 and 1290, held sixteen carucates of land scattered throughout York- shire, besides some Berkshire lands that he obtained from his wife, and died in 1290. Miles de Stapleton was the eldest surviv- ing son, and at his father's death was already married to Sybil (also called Isabel), daugh- ter and coheiress to John de Bellew. Through her mother Laderana, Sybil inherited a share of the possessions of the elder line of the Bruces, which were divided among four sisters and coheiresses at the death of her uncle, Peter de Bruce of Skelton, in 1271. In memory of this connection with a great house, Miles de Stapleton assumed the lion rampant of the Bruces as his arms. Miles served in the Gascon and Scottish wars of Edward I. In 1291 he was engaged on the king's business, under Roger de Mowbray, in Scotland (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1281-92, p. 434). In 1295 he was in Gascony. In 1298 he was in the Falkirk campaign, serv- ing under his patron Henry de Lacy, third earl of Lincoln [q. v.] (GouGH, Scotland in 1298, p. 43). In 1300 he was summoned to the siege of Carlaverock, but he was not mentioned in the famous French poem on the siege. In the same year he accom- panied the Earl of Lincoln, on a mission to the court of Rome, receiving on 9 Oct. letters of protection for one year ( Cal. Patent Rolls, 1292-1301, p. 538). He was entrusted by the king with the direction of the house- hold of Edward, prince of Wales, served in the siege of Stirling, in attendance on the prince (PALGKAVE, Doc. illustrative of Scot- tish History, p. 271) ; and in October 1305, when the Earl of Lincoln wished to appoint Stapleton to manage his household during his absence at the papal court, the prince in- formed the earl that he had no power to give Stapleton leave to hold this post without the express command of the king (Deputy- Keeper Public Rec. 9th Rep. p. 249). Staple- ton was one of the experienced men of affairs to whom Edward I entrusted the difficult task of bringing up his son in businesslike and soldierly ways. Meanwhile his estates and influence in Yorkshire were steadily in- creasing. The betrothal of his eldest son to a daughter of John of Brittany, earl of Rich- mond, and a grand-niece of the king, and his second son's betrothal to one of the daugh- ters of Brian Fitzalan, lord of Bedale [q. v.], connected him with two branches of the greatest family of his district, and increased the importance of the house. After the death of Edmund of Cornwall had led to the lapse of his vast property to the crown, Ed- ward I made Stapleton seneschal of Knares- borough Castle, and steward and joint con- stable of Knaresborough forest. In 1305 he was, jointly with John de Byron, appointed commissioner to suppress the clubmen or trail-bastons of Lancashire, but they were shortly afterwards superseded. With Edward II's accession Stapleton's importance was for the moment increased. He became steward to the king's household, and went abroad in January 1308 on the occasion of the king's marriage at Boulogne. In a few months, however, he lost his Stapleton 97 Stapleton stewardship, and was forced to surrender the royal manor of Brustwick in Holderness, of which he had had custody, to Gaveston (Faedera, ii. 48). In 1311 he was summoned to serve against the Scots (ib. ii. 139). His losses in the interests of the Gascon favourite made Stapleton hostile to his old master Ed- ward, and attached him to Earl Thomas of Lancaster. He was in October 1313 included, with his wife and three sons, in a long list of adherents of Lancaster, who were then pardoned for the murder of Gaveston (ib. ii. 230). Previously to this, however, he had received back the custody of Brustwick, and in the same year he was thrice summoned as a baron to parliament. In 1314 he obeyed the summons to muster for the relief of Stir- ling. On 24 June he was slain, along with two of his sons, at Bannockburn. By his first wife, Sybil, Stapleton left several children. The eldest, Nicholas, born in 1286 (ROBEETS, Cal. Genealogicum,^. 608), was also summoned to parliament, and died in 1343. His son and successor, Miles, died in 1372. Miles's only son, Thomas, died in 1373, whereupon the barony fell into abey- ance, and the estates of the elder branch passed to his sister Elizabeth, and remained with the Metham family, her husband's kin. (A younger son of Miles and Sybil, Gilbert (d. 1321), became royal escheator beyond Trent, and by his wife Agnes, daughter of Brian Fitzalan, lord of Bedale, was the father of Miles de Stapleton (d. 1364) [q. v.] and Brian de Stapleton (d. 1394) [q. v.] After Sybil's death Stapleton married, as his second wife, Joan (wrongly called Cecily), daughter of Peter of Tynedale, who survived him (Cal. Close Rolls, 1313-18, p. 231) ; by her he had a daughter named Joan. Among Stapleton's pious benefactions the most important was the establishment of a chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas in North Moreton church, near Wallingford in Berk- shire, where he had an outlying estate. This building, described as a ' gem of decorated architecture,' still survives, with the con- temporary stained glass in the east window, now much spoilt through successive stages of neglect and restoration. The license to alienate lands in mortmain to endow two chaplains to celebrate divine service in the chapel is dated 28 March 1299 (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1292-1301, p. 401). [Roberta's Calendarium Genealogicum ; Cal. of Patent Rolls, 1282-91 and 1292-1301; Cal. of Close Rolls 1307-13 and 1318 ; Ann. Londin. in Stubbs's Chron. Edw. I and Edw. II (Rolls Ser.) ; Parl. Writs; Rymer's Fcedera ; Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 70 ; Foss's Judges of England and Biographia Juridica, p. 629. Chetwynd-Stapyl- YOL. LIV. ton's Stapeltons of Yorkshire (a very careful family history) collects on pp. 1-52 nearly all that is known of Stapleton and his ancestors.] T. F. T. STAPLETON, MILES DE (d. 1364), of Bedale andlngham, knight of the Garter, was the eldest son of Gilbert de Stapleton, knt. (d. 1321), and the grandson of Miles de Stapleton (d. 1314) [q. v.] His mother was Matilda (b. 1298), also called Agnes, elder daughter and coheiress of Brian Fitzalan, lord of Bedale [q. v.], from whom he inherited a moiety of Fitzalan's estates, including half Bedale, Askham Brian, and Cotherstone in Yorkshire. Brian de Stapleton [q. v.] was his younger brother. At his father's death Stapleton was only a child. In early life he is often called Miles de Stapleton of Cotherstone. He afterwards obtained considerable fame as a warrior during the French wars of Ed- ward III. It is, however, very difficult to distinguish him from his cousin and name- sake, Sir Miles de Stapleton of Hathelsay (d. 1373), who was sheriff of Yorkshire in 1353, served in the French and Scottish wars from 1355 to 1360, and in 1356 conducted the captive David Bruce from Newcastle to Lon- don; was summoned to parliament in 1358, but never received a subsequent writ, and died in 1373, leaving a son and heir Thomas, whose widow ultimately took the estate to her near kin the Fitzwilliams. Dugdale in his ' Baronage ' (ii.70) has woven the exploits of Miles of Bedale into the history of Miles of Hathelsay. He was probably in the Breton expedition of 1342, and at the siege of Calais in 1347. Either he or his cousin was the Miles de Stapleton who on 19 Jan. 1344 obtained the chief credit on the first day of a famous Windsor tournament, and afterwards took part in the foundation of a ' round table ' (MTTRIMTTTH, p. 155). In June 1345 he received, as Miles de Stapleton of Cotherstone, letters of protection on going beyond sea with the king (Fcedera, iii. 48, cf. p. 39). In 1347 and 1348 he was again prominent in the tournaments that preceded the foundation of the order of the Garter, becoming one of the original knights of the Garter, standing seventeenth in the list, and occupying the ninth stall in St. George's Chapel on the 'king's side.' In 1349 and 1354 he was again serving in France, and in the latter year was one of the magnates who signed a procuration referring the disputes of Eng- land and France to the pope (ib. iii. 285). He took part in the raid of Lancaster to- wards Paris in 1356 (G. LE BAKER, p. 139, cf. p. 298). In January 1358 he went on a mis- sion from Edward III to Philip of Na- varre, receiving 50/. as his wages as king's Stapleton 98 Stapleton messenger (Fcedera, iii. 387). In July 1359 he was again going abroad on the king's service (ib. iii. 439), and was one of the nego- tiators of the treaty of Bretigny in 1360 (ib. iii. 494), being afterwards ordered with two others to see to its faithful execution. In June 1361 he received an annuity of 100J. from the exchequer for his ' unwearied labours and laudable services.' In January 1364 he again obtained letters of attorney for three years, and went to France to support John de Montfort's candidature for the Breton succession. He died in December of the same year, possibly, as the family historian conjectures, of wounds received in the battle of Auray. Stapleton is celebrated by Geoffrey le Baker (p. 139) as a good and experienced soldier, a man of great probity and singular devotion to the Blessed Virgin. He was twice married. By his first wife he had a son John, who died in 1355. He married his second wife in 1350. This lady was Joan, daughter and coheiress of Oliver de Ingham, baron of Ingham [q. v.] in Norfolk, and widow of Roger Lestrange of Knockin. Henceforward Stapleton is as often described as 'of Ingham ' as of ' Bedale,'and became a considerable proprietor in Norfolk. In 1360 he obtained royal license to dispense with the statute of mortmain, and, in conjunction with his wife, began to found a college of Mathurins or Trinitarians at Ingham, an order of canons established to pray for and redeem Christian captives from the Turks. He rebuilt the parish church of Ingham on a grand scale, and obtained from Bishop Thomas Percy of Norwich an ordinance for a foundation for a prior (or warden), sacrist, and s4x canons (Monasticon, vi. 1458-9), in which the rectory of the parish was absorbed. At first only the warden and two chaplains were appointed. The building is still the parish church, and parts are of this date. Stapleton was buried at Ingham : a sump- tuous brass placed over his tomb is engraved in Gough's ' Sepulchral Monuments ' (vol. i. pt. ii. p. 120), and in Mr. Chetwynd-Stapyl- ton's ' Stapeltons of Yorkshire ' (p. 100), who also gives the inscription from Blomefield's 'Norfolk' (ix. 324, 8vo). The brass was dilapidated in Blomefield's time, and has since disappeared. Stapleton's eldest son John died before him, and he was succeeded at Ingham as well as Bedale by Miles, his son by the heiress of Ingham. Their only other issue was a daughter Joan, married to Sir John Plays. Another three generations in the male line succeeded Stapleton at Ing- ham, after which the property was divided among coheiresses. A remarkable series of brasses, also destroyed, preserved their memory in Ingham church. [Rymer's Fcedera ; Geoffrey le Baker, ed. E. M. Thompson ; Dugdale's Monasticon, vol. vi. ; Dugdale's Baronage, vol. ii. ; Blomefield's Norfolk, ix. 320-9, 8vo ; Norfolk Archaeological Journal, 1 878 ; Chetwynd-Stapylton's Stapeltons of Yorkshire, pp. 87-101, and for Miles of Hathel- say, pp. 71-3.] T. F. T. STAPLETON or STAPILTON, SIR PHILIP (1603-1647), soldier, born in 1603, was the second son of Henry Stapleton of Wighill, Yorkshire, and Mary, daughter of Sir John Foster of Barnborough. Stapleton was admitted a fellow-commoner of Queens' College, Cambridge, on 16 May 1617. In 1627 he married the widow of John Gee of Bishop Burton (eldest daughter of Sir John Hot ham), and shortly after bought the estate of Warter Priory in Yorkshire (CHETWYND- STAPYLTON, The Stapletons of Yorkshire, p. 253). He was knighted on 25 May 1630 (METCALFE, Book of Knights, p. 190). Cla- rendon describes Stapleton as ' a proper man of fair extraction ; but being a branch of a younger family inherited but a moderate estate, about five hundred pounds the year in Yorkshire, and, according to the education of that country, spent his time in those delights which horses and dogs administer ' (Rebellion, iv. 19). In June 1640 Stapleton was one of the signatories of the petition of the Yorkshire gentlemen against free quarter (RTJSHWORTH, iii. 1214). In November he was returned to the Long parliament as member for Boroughbridge, and joined Sir John Hotham [q. v.] and other ' northern men' in the prosecution of Strafford (ib. ; Trial of Stra/ord, pp. 14, 33, 601, 604). The popular leaders noted him as ' a man of vigour in body and mind,' and he 'quickly outgrew his friends and countrymen in the confidence of those who governed.' On 20 Aug. 1641 he was selected as one of the two commissioners whom the House of Com- mons appointed to attend the king to Scot- land, and was joined with John Hampden that he might be ' initiated under so great a master ' (CLARENDON, iv. 19; Lords' Journals, iv. 372, 401, v. 398). In the second session of the Long parlia- ment Stapleton was one of the four persons selected by the commons to bear their answer to the king's demand for the arrest of the five members (3 Jan. 1642), and one of the committee of twenty-five appointed to sit in the Guildhall during the adjournment of the house (FORSTER, Arrest of the Five Members, ed. 1860, pp. 126, 280). A week later he made a vigorous speech against Colonel Thomas Lunsford [q. v.], Lord Digby, and Stapleton 99 Stapleton other delinquents (Old Parliamentary His- tory, x. 210). When Charles went to York and attempted to possess himself of Hull, Stapleton was one of the five parliamentary commissioners sent down to report and resist his movements— a difficult task, and one which exposed the commissioners to many insults from the king's followers (ib. x. 493, 511, 518 ; RUSHWORTH, iv. 620). At the opening of the civil war Stapleton became commander of the hundred gentle- men who formed Essex's life-guard and colonel of his regiment of horse (LuDLOW, Memoirs, ed. 1894, p. 39). At Edgehill he did excellent service, and the rout of the king's foot was due specially to him and to Sir William Balfour (ib. p. 42 ; RUSHWOKTH, v. 36). At Chalgrove Field he rallied the defeated parliamentary horse (A Letter from His Excellency the Earl of Essex, 19 June 1643, p. 3). In the march to Gloucester and in the first battle of Newbury no man's services were more conspicuous (Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis, pp. 237-44; MAY, History of the Long Parliament, p. 348). White- locke quotes from the newspapers of the day anecdotes of his courage (Memorials, i. 217). Stapleton marched with Essex on his western campaign, but was not with it at the disaster in Cornwall ; for Essex, about the end of July, sent him to London to give an account of the state of his army and of the condition of the western counties (DfiVE- REUX, Lives of the Earls of Essex, p. 423 ; Tanner MSS. Ixi. 32). It was to Stapleton that Essex addressed his narrative of the defeat, and his complaints of the government which had left them unsuccoured (RUSH- WORTH, vi. 701). As the bosom friend of Essex, Stapleton enjoyed considerable influ- ence in the House of Commons, where he was held to represent the general's opinions on questions of war and negotiations (SAN- FORD, Studies and Illustrations of the Great Rebellion, pp. 541-4, 571). He was also a member of the committee of safety (4 July 1642) and of the committee of both king- doms (16 Feb. 1644). The self-denying ordinance, which deprived him of his mili- tary position, he strongly opposed, and he was one of the originators of the plan for accusing Cromwell as an incendiary which the partisans of Essex projected (WHITE- LOCKE, Memorials, i. 349). He was generally coupled with Denzil Holies as a leader of the English presbyterians. ' What a sway,' said Cromwell in 1647, 'Stapleton and Holies had heretofore in the kingdom,' adding, ac- cording to Major Huntington, that 'he was as able to govern the kingdom as either of them ' (MASERES, Select Tracts, i. 405). The value at which the parliament estimated his services was shown by their vote on 1 Dec. 1645, when they asked the king to make Stapleton a baron and endow him with 2,0001. a year (Commons' Journals, iv. 361). As a staunch presbyterian' Stapleton en- joyed great influence with the Scottish com- missioners. They relied upon him and his friends to counterwork the independents and the army. ' Stapleton and Holies, and some others of the eleven members,' wrote Baillie in September 1647, ' had been the main persuaders of us to remove out of England and leave the king to them, upon assurance, which was most likely, that this was the only means to get the evil army disbanded, the king and peace settled according to our minds ' (Letters, iii. 16). Just before the disbanding of the army was attempted, Stapleton incurred the special animosity of the soldiers by assaulting a certain Major Tulidah, who was one of the presenters of a petition the circulation of which parliament wished to prevent. Tulidah was imprisoned for a week by order of the commons, and Stapleton was denounced as seeking to destroy the right of petition. When the eleven presbyterian leaders in the commons were impeached by the army (16 June 1647), he was accused, like the rest, of endeavouring to overthrow the liberties of the subject and to cause another civil war, to which the charge of obstructing the relief of Ireland was added ((TARDINER, Great Civil War, iii. 256, 298 ; LTLBURNE, Rash Oaths Unwarrantable, 1647, pp. 36-42). On 6 July more detailed articles were presented, to which a lengthy answer was drawn up by William Prynne on behalf of the eleven (Old Parliamentary His- tory, xvi. 69, 116). The accused members preferred to withdraw from the house rather than to let the impeachment take its course, and on 20 July the house gave them leave to absent themselves and passes to go be- yond seas if they desired (Commons' Journals, v. 251). After the riots of 26 July, how- ever, Stapleton and the accused members re- turned to the house, and he was one of the committee of safety originally appointed on 11 June, and revived 30 July 1647 (RUSH- WORTH, vi. 653). When the resistance of the city collapsed, he and five others of the accused obtained passes from the speaker and took ship off Essex for Calais (14 Aug.) The partisans of the army were eager to pre- vent their escape, and a certain Captain Lamming overtook the fugitives a few miles from Calais, and forced them to return. Vice-admiral Batten, commander of the H2 Stapleton 100 Stapleton fleet in the Downs, at once dismissed them (RrsHWORTH. vii. 785), and they landed at Calais on 17 Aug. Stapleton was ill, and the hardships of the journey increased his fever to such an extent that he died on the following day, at an inn called the Three Silver Lions, and, as his illness was sus- pected to be the plague, he was buried imme- diately in the protestant burying-ground at Calais (A True Relation of Captain Batten, &c., 1647, 4to ; A Short and True Narrative of the Sickness and Death of Sir Philip Staple- ton, 1647, 4to). A friendly biographer, supposed to be Denzil Holies, describes Stapleton as a man 'of a thin body and a weak constitution, but full of spirit,' adding that he was ' quick of apprehension, sound of judgment, of clear and good elocution' (ib. pp. 3, 5). Robert Baillie styles him, ' after Holies, the j second gentleman for all gallantry in Eng- land' (Letters, iii. 19). The Sutherland Clarendon in the Bodleian Library contains four engraved portraits of Stapleton. Stapleton married twice : first, the widow of John Gee, of Bishop Burton, Yorkshire, 1627. By her he left four children: (1) John Stapleton of Warter ; (2) Robert Stapleton of Wighill (d. 1675) ; (3) Kathe- rine, married George Leeson of Dublin ; (4) Mary, married first one Bigges of Gray's Inn ; secondly, Thomas,fourth viscount Fitz- william, of Merrion in Ireland. By his second wife, Barbara, daughter of Henry Lennard, twelfth lord Dacre of Hurstmonceaux, whom he married at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, 6 Feb. 1638 (MALCOLM, Londinium Redivivum,, ii. 376), he had two sons — Henry and Philip — and a daughter Frances, who married Sir Nathaniel Powell of Ewhurst Place, Sussex, besides other children who died young. [The only biography of Stapleton is contained in a series of articles by H.E. Chetwynd-Stapyl- ton, printed in the Journal of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1883-4, vol. viii., and re- printed in 1896 under the title of The Stapel- tons of Yorkshire.] C. H. F. STAPLETON or STAPYLTON, SIB ROBERT (d. 1669), dramatic poet and trans- lator, was the third son of Richard Staple- ton of Carlton by Snaith, Yorkshire, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Pierre- point of Holm Pierrepoint (DUGDALE, Visi- tation of Yorkshire, ed. Davies, p. 265). He was educated in the Benedictine convent of St. Gregory at Douay, where he became a professed monk of the order on 30 March 1625 (WELDON, Chronicle, Appendix, p. 9). But being, as Wood observes, 'too gay and poetical to be confined within a cloyster,' he left the Benedictines, turned protestant, and was appointed one of the gentlemen in ordinary of the privy chamber to Prince Charles. He followed the king when his majesty left London, and was knighted at Nottingham on 13 Sept. 1642 (METCALFE, Book of Knights, p. 199). After the battle of Edgehill he accompanied the king to Ox- ford, where he was created D.C.L. in Novem- ber 1642. He remained at Oxford until its surrender to Fairfax in May 1645. Under the Commonwealth he lived a studious life, and at the Restoration he was made one of the gentlemen ushers to the privy chamber. Stapleton died on 10 or 11 July 1669, and was buried on the 15th near the vestry door of Westminster Abbey (CHESTEE, Registers of Westminster Abbey, p. 170). His will, dated 11 June 1669, was proved on 29 July by Elizabeth Simpson of Westminster, widow, to whom he left the bulk of his estate (although he had a wife living, whom he barely mentioned) in consideration, as he alleged, of the great care she had taken of him during his long illness. His wife was a Mrs. Hammond, widow (born Mainwaring). For the stage he wrote: 1. 'The Royal Choice,' a play entered in the register of the Stationers' Company, 29 Nov. 1653. No copy of this appears to have been preserved. 2. 'The Slighted Maid,' London, 1663, 4to, a comedy, in five acts and in verse, which Pepys saw acted at the Duke's House, Lin- coln's Inn Fields, on coronation day, 20 May 1603. The cast included the Bettertons, Cave Underhill [q. v.], and other well- known actors. Genest styles it ' a pretty food comedy ' (History of the Stage, i. 46). . 'The Step-Mother,' London, 1664, a tragi-comedy, in five acts and in verse, acted at Lincoln's Inn Fields by the Duke of York's servants on 28 May 1663. The cast was much the same as for the preceding play, but Genest savs ' the serious scenes of it are bad ' (ib. i. 46-7). 4. ' The Tragedie of Hero and Leander,' London, 1669, 8vo, in five acts and in verse. ' This is an indifferent tragedy — it is founded on the poem of Musseus — the original story being very simple, Stapylton was obliged to make large additions to it in order to form 5 acts — he has not been happy in these additions ' (ib. x. 142). It was never acted. Stapleton published the following trans- lations : 5. ' Pliny's Panegyricke : a Speech in the Senate, wherein publick Thanks are presented to the Emperor Trajan,' Oxford, 1644, 4to, from theLatin of Pliny the younger, illustrated with annotations. 6. ' The first Six Satyrs of Juvenal . . . with annota- tions clearing the obscure places out of His- tory, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Romans,' Stapleton 101 Stapleton Oxford, 1644, 8vo. Dr. Bartholomew Holy- day used to say that Stapleton made use of his translation of Juvenal, having borrowed it in manuscript. 7. ' The Loves of Hero and Leander: a Greek poem [by Musaeus] trans- lated into English verse, with annotations upon the original,' Oxford, 1645, 4to ; Lon- don, 1647, 8vo. 8. ' Juvenal's Sixteen Satyrs [translated in verse]. Or, a Survey of the Manners and Actions of Mankind. With arguments, marginall notes, and annota- tions,' London, 1647, 8vo ; 1660, fol. 1673, 8vo. 9. Translation of Faminius Strada's ' De Bello Belgico,' or ' The History of the Low-Countrey Warres,' London, 1650 and 1667, fol. He has verses (a) before Harding's ' Sicily and Naples,' a play, 1640; (6) before the Earl of Monmouth's ' Romulus and Tar- quine,' 1648; (c) before Cartwright's 'Come- dies,' 1651 ; (d) before Gayton's ; Case of Longevity,' 1659; (e) in Ashmolean MS. 36. Langbaine states that Stapleton executed the translations of De Marmet's ' Entertain- ments of the Cours ; or Academical Conver- sations,' 1658, and of Cyrano de Bergerac's 1 2e\r)vapxia, or the Government of the World in the Moon,' 1659, both published under the name of Thomas Saint Serf. It appears, however, that the real translator was Thomas Sydserf or Saint Serfe, son of Thomas Sydserf [q. v.], bishop of Galloway and afterwards of Orkney (Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club, i. 85). There are three engraved portraits of Stapleton. One is by William Marshall. SIR MILES STAPLETON (1628-1707), third son of Sir Robert's eldest brother Gilbert (