COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSjTE HEALTH SCIENCES STANDAFID HX64098850 QP44 .L83 Directions for labor RECAP ?[ Columbia MnibersJitp in tije Citp of i^eto gorfe ^^>^ COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Reference Library Given by c^ ^^^ ^ejQ_ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Open Knowledge Commons (for the Medical Heritage Library project) DIRECTIONS FOR Laboratory Work in Physiology FOR THE USE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS WARRKN P. LOMBARD, A.B., M.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GEORGE WAHR, Publisher ANN ARBOR Copyright, 1906 BY GEORGE WAHR J If Uxii^'O*^ G^ 1=4-4- The Ann Arbor Press, Printers PREFACE. The course which is here outHned, is the result of four- teen years of laboratory work with medical students. It con- tains only such experiments as can be actually performed by the student himself in the eight weeks allotted to the work of experimenting, and like every such course necessarily omits manv experiments which would be interesting and instructive. It is supplemented by demonstrations by the instructors and by such students as show special aptitude for and have the time to devote to such work. The experiments are arranged so as first to teach the student the use of the graphic method, time recording in- struments, and the electrical apparatus employed for exci- tation. At the same time he becomes acquainted with the general physiology of striated, non-striated, and heart mus- cle and of the nerves of the frog. He then studies the reac- tion of his own muscles and nerves to various forms of electrical excitation. A little more than one half of the course is thus spent, and at the end of this time the student is prepared to take up the study of the subjects, so impor- tant to every medical man, cen ral nervous processes, the circulation and respiration. Only two experiments are made on the mammal, but in these the circulation, respiration and peristalsis are studied. Five of the eleven experiments on ihe circulation are made on the human subject. It is be-^ lieved that the medical student should as far as possible study the Physiology of man. and it is hoped that other exper- iments of this character will be developed in the near future and be substituted for those now made on animals. It is needless to say that the frogs are rapidly killed before being used, and that the mammals employed are thoroughly an- aesthetized by the student, under the direction of an in s true 'or. xA-s most of the, students taking the course have no knowledge of physiological methods, the directions for the work have been made as explicit as possible with the object IV " PREFACE of saving time. Nevertheless, the harm which comes from machine-Hke work is fully recognized, and students are en- couraged to cultivate independence, and permitted to per- form the experiments in other ways than those called for in the notes. They are made to feel that the capacity to observe and correctly interpret the results of an experi- ment, is of even more importance than the ability to make an experiment successfully, and that one who has trained his powers of observation and has learned to accurately report the phenomena he has witnessed, can make a relia- ble diagnosis and keep a trustworthy case-book. As the students at this University take a special course in Physio- logical Chemistry, the work of this laboratory deals only with the physical problems met in the body. For similar reasons but little attention is given to the special senses. It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the valuable aid of my past and present Assistants, Prof. Sidney P. Budgett, Dr. Augustus E. Guenther, Dr. G. G. Crozier, Prof. Wilbur P. Bowen, Dr. Carl J. Wiggers, Mr. Fred M. Abbott, and Mr. Neal N. Wood, in developing the methods employed in this course. Warren Pi^impton Lomdard. Physiological Laboratory, University of Michigan, August 1st, 1906. CONTENTS. General directions. Instruments, etc.. to be purchased by students. List of apparatus to be supplied by the laboratory. ^ xv Experiment I. Extensibility and Elasticity of a steel spring. . . i Mounting of curves. The student's notes. Experiment II. Extensibility and Elasticity of frog's muscle. . . 7 a. Experiment. b. Plotting of curves. Experiment III. Response of muscle to making and breaking induction shocks of various strengths, and use of the short- circuiting key. 13 (Some facts regarding the- induction apparatus.) a. Response to making and breaking shocks of in- creasing strength. b. Use of the short-circuiting key. Experiment IV. Relation of amount of load to height of lift and quan- tity of work done. 21 a. Experiment. b. Plotting of curves. Experiment V. Time relations of myogram 25 a. Influence of rate of drum on form of myogram. VI - CONTENTS b. Time relations of myogram. c. Measurement of records and computation of time intervals. Experiment VI. Genesis of tetanus. . . . . . . . -3^ a. Summation of two contractions. b. Incomplete tetanus and complete tetanus. c. Complete tetanus obtained with automatic in- terrupter. (Electrical connections in primary circuit of induc- tion apparatus.) d. Fatigue caused by tetanus. Experiment \'II. Independent irritability of muscle. . . . . -37 (Method of pithing frog, and of injecting curara.) Experiment VIII. Isolated conduction in muscle. . . . . • 43 (Method of unipolar excitation.) Experiment IX. Contractions of non-striated muscle. 47 a. Time relations of the myogram. b. Rate required to tetanize. c. Spontaneous contractions. Experiment X. The frog's heart ; its structure ; the relative time of ac- tion of the different parts 51 a. (jross anatomy of frog's heart. b. Origin and course of the wave of contraction. 1. Inspection. 2. The myocardiogram. CONTENTS ': vii Experiment XI. Refractory period and compensatory pause. , . 57 Experiment XII. Response of resting heart to stimulation by induction shocks 61 a. Myogram of heart muscle. b. Ijowditch's staircase. c. All contractions maximal. d. Effect of frequent stimuli. Experiment XIII. Location of a few motor points on the human arm. . 65 (The more efficient pole of an induction coil.) Experiment XIV. Response of human muscle to separate induction shocks and to a tetanizing current. . . . -71 a. Making and breaking induction shocks of var- ious strengths. b. Tetanizing current. Experiment XV. Galvani's experiment. y"] Experiment XVI. Polarization of electrodes. 81 a. Polarizable electrodes. b. Non-polarizable electrodes. (Pfluger's Law.) Experiment XVII. Response of nerve to opening and closing of the direct battery circuit, with currents of various strengths. 8? viii CONTJiNTS Experiment XVIII. vStimulation of human nerves by the direct current. . 9T Experiment XIX. Influence of the direct current on the irritability or hu- man nerves. • • 97 Experiment XX. . Currents of rest and action 103 a. Current of rest detected by a rheoscopic frog preparation. b. Current of action detected by a rheoscopic frog preparation. Experiment XXI. The reflex frog 107 a. Time of recovery from shock. b. Spread of reflexes. c. Are reflexes purposeful? d. Reflex time. e. Spasm of muscles versus coordinated move- ments. Experiment XXII. Reaction time for sound. 113 Experiment XXIII. The knee-jerk as modified by reenforcing and inhibiting influences. 117 a. Minimal blow necessary to excite. b. Record of normal knee-jerk. c. Motor reenforcements. d. Reenforcement by sensory stimuli. e. Psychic reenforcements. CONTENTS IX Experiment XXIV. Conditions determining the blood pressure and the out- put of the ventricle -125 Porter's artificial circulation apparatus. a. Effect of changing peripheral resistance. b. Effect of changing rate of heart beat. c. Effect of changing the volume pumped per beat. d. Record of the pulse under different condi- tions. e. Comparison of arterial and ventricular pulse curves. f. Effect of lesions of heart valves. Experiment XXV. Circulation and respiration of the mammal. . . .133 (Schedule of work. List of apparatus. Directions to student caring for apparatus. Directions to Assistant. Anaesthesia. Directions to anaes- thetizer. Operation for isolation of the carotid and vagus.) a. Measure of blood pressure in the carotid. b. Maximal and minimal blood pressures. c. Excitation of the peripheral end of the right vagus. d. Record of respiration with pneumograph. e. Excitation of central end of vagus. f. Excitation of peripheral end of left vagus. g. Excitation of sciatic nerve. h. Blood pressure during asphyxia, i. Elasticity of lung tissue. Experiment XXVI. Circulation and respiration of the mammal contin- ued. 149 a. Excitation of right depressor nerve. b. Excitation of left depressor nerve. c. Tracheotomy and artificial respiration. X CONTENTS d. Current of action of the heart. e. Observation of exposed heart during vagus ex- citation. f. Tension of ventricle during systole and diastole. g. Observation of the changes in heart during death from asphyxia. h. Innervation of diaphragm by the phrenic nerves, i. Peristalsis of intestine. Experiment XXVII. Carotid pulse in man 155 a. Form of the pulse curve. b. The pulse rate. c. Duration of systole and diastole. d. Effect of exercise. Experiment XXVIII. The radial pulse studied by the tambour method. . .159 a. Form of radial pulse. b. Postponement of the radial pulse. Experiment XXIX. The radial pulse as recorded by the Jacquet Sphygmo- graph 163 a. Normal curves and effect of position of body. b. Effect of compressing brachial artery. c. Effect of deglutition. d. Effect of inhalation of Amyl Nitrite. e. Valsalva's experiment. f. Aliiller's experiment. Experiment XXX. Capillary circulation in the web of the foot of a frog 169 I. In small artery. II. In small vein. III. In capillaries. IV. Vaso-motor action. V. Diapedesis. CONTENTS XI Experiment XXXI. Measurement of human blood pressure in different positions. 173 a. The systolic pressure. 1. Gsertner's Tonometer. 2. The Riva-Rocci Sphygmomanometer. 3. Erlanger's Sphygmomanometer. b. The Diastolic pressure. Experiment XXXII. The normal sounds of the heart 179 a. Auscultation over the lower part of the chest. b. Auscultation over the base of the heart, c. Time relations of heart sounds and pulse. • Experiment XXXIII. Thorasic and abdominal movements in respiration. . 185 a. Normal record. b. Effect of using the voice. c. Inhibitory effects of swallowing. d. Effects of effort. e. Relation of rate of respiration to rate of heart. ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Apparatus for recording the extensibility and elas- ticity of a steel spring. i 2. Apparatus for recording the extensibility and elas- ticity of a frog's muscle 7 3. Apparatus for recording contractions of a frog's muscle, excited by induction shocks. . -13 4. Curve of lift and work 21 5. Apparatus for automatically exciting muscle, by letting the drum open the key 26 6. Method of preparing myogram for determination of latent period. . . ... . . .28 7. Apparatus for studying summation of contractions. 31 8. Scheme of electrical connections of primary coil in two forms of induction apparatus. . . 33 9. Relation of brain to skull of frog. • • • 37 10. Dissection of right leg of frog 38 11. Apparatus recording beats of a frog's heart. . 52 12. The gross anatomy of a frog's heart. • • • 53 13. Apparatus to detect direction of flow of current in a simple circuit 65 14. Apparatus to detect direction of flow of current in secondary coil of an induction apparatus. . 66 15. Diagram of location of motor points on flexor side of arm (after Erb) 66 16. Apparatus for unipolar excitation of hvmian nerves 67 17. Arm rest for support of hand and electrodes. . 71 18. Apparatus for recording movements of thumb. 72 19. Apparatus for Galvani's experiment. . . . yy 20. Apparatus for observing polarization of electrodes. 81 21. Method of arranging non-polarizable boot elec- trodes in moist chamber 83 22. Method of using rheocord 87 23. Apparatus for stimulating human nerves by the direct current. 91 XIV IIvI / lOV \ y 6v(/ B 22 EXPERIMENT IV. To plot the curves of lift and work, take a piece of cross- section paper, about lo cm. square, and lay off axes as shown in diagram. Plot above the abscissa line a curve showing the heights of the contractions, — the ordinates rep- resenting" the distances through which the weight was moved and the abscissas the weights. Plot below the abscissa line the curve of work, the ordinates representing the work and the abscissas the weights. In plotting the curves, i mm. of cross section paper can be used to represent any desired value of the curve to be plotted. The curve can magnify or reduce the values actually obtained. For example, i; 2, or 3 mm. on the cross-section paper can stand for i mm. of lift, and 5, 10 or 20 mm. on the paper can represent 100 grammillimeters. Be sure to state on the plotted curve the values of ordinates and abscissas. With what weight was the greatest amount of work done? What was the actual amount of work done with this weight? Have the results any practical bearing? curve; of work. 23 24 EXrURIMRNT IV. TIME RELATIONS OF MYOGRAM. 25 EXPERIMENT V. Time Relations of Myogram. The record of a single muscle contraction is called a myogram. Hitherto we have been concerned onl}' with the height of the myogram, which can be best observed when recorded on a stationary- drum. In order to study the time relations of the myogram, the record will have to be taken on a moving drum, and the rate of movement of the drum be determined with a tuning fork. a. Influence of Rate of Dniiii on form of Myogram. There are toda}^ a great variety of methods for obtaining graphic records of physiological processes and the changes which they undergo under normal and patho- logical conditions. In many cases these records are taken on moving surfaces, and it is important that one should be able to estimate the influence of the rate of motion of the surface on the shape of the curve. Apparatus. — The apparatus for supporting the muscle and recording its contraction, and the electrical connections with the induction coil are to be the same in this, as in Experiment 3, the lighter muscle lever being used. In this experiment, however, the key in the primary circuit, instead of being opened by hand, is to be opened automatically by the drum when it is revolved. That this may be done, fasten a frog board by its iron rod to clamp on short stand. Place key in primary circuit on the board, so that it projects for two-thirds of its length bcA'ond it, and clamp key to board by a cabinetmaker's clamp. Adjust board so that top of key is just above the level of the top of the drum. Clamp to the top of the drum, so that it projects a couple of cm. beyond it, the piece of metal supplied for this pur- pose. See that the piece of metal does not change its place, as it must hold a constant position with respect to the sur- face of the drum. Now move the key just near enough to enable the projecting piece of metal to open it. 26 KXPF.RIMENT V. net maker's clamp; C, mercury key; D, handle of key; E, piece of metal; F, wires to primary circuit; G. tuning fork; H, yoke. Experiment. — Blacken a drum ; bring key into position to be opened when drum is turned ; leave key open when the current is not wanted. Prepare a gastrocnemius muscle ; suspend it in moist chamber and connect it with lever ; thrust pin of pin elec- trode through tendon ; adjust support so that muscle shall Fig. 5. Apparatus for automatically be aftcr-loadcd zvJicii thread exciting muscle by letting the drum • . j ±1 1 • 1 open the key. A, frog boird; B, cabi- W tCllSC mid tllC leVCl' IS llOK- izontal. Let short-circuiting key be closed when it is not desired to excite muscle ; place secondary coil so that muscle shall give a maximal breaking contraction ; short circuit all making shocks ; rotate drum so that the part which opens key will point away from it. Now place stand so that the lever will write well upon the drum. Close key in primary circuit and then open short-circuiting key. Now open key in primary circuit by rotating drum by hand very slowly. A breaking con- traction will be recorded. Do not move the kymograph, or the stands holding key and lever. Repeat the experiment four times, each time rotating the drum somewhat faster. Fix the record. State in notes in what respects the myo- grams obtained differ. Save the muscle to test the appar- atus in part h. b. Time Relations of Myogram. Apparatus. — Use the same apparatus as in a, with the following additions : Mount on long stand beneath the muscle lever a tuning fork, to mark rate of movement of drum. Put on the wire spring, used in Experiment I, a celluloid pointer, and clamp the spring beneath the fork, to give a base line to be used in measuring the curves. See that the three writing points are in the same vertical line. Experiment. — The latent period, the duration of the ])eri()d of rise and of the ])eriod of fall, are all longer for TIME RELATIONS OF MYOGRAM. 27 a fatigued than for a fresh muscle; it is therefore best to test apparatus with muscle used in part a. When you have learned to perform the experiment promptly prepare a fresh muscle. Ascertain the current just strong enough to give a maximal breaking contraction, and in doing this avoid exciting the muscle more often than once in ten seconds, and call out as few contractions as possible. If you have to repeat the experiment frequently, state the number of the contraction the curve of which is measured. After the drum has been blackened, and the mercury key has been placed so that it will be opened when the drum revolves, see that the lever is horizontal when resting on its support with thread tense. Then move long stand so that fork and muscle lever will write on drum. If now the drum is revolved, the mercury key will be opened when the muscle lever is at a certain point on the drum surface. To find what this point is, with short circuit key closed, close mer- cury key ; then open short circuit key, and open mercury key by revolving the drum z'ery slozuly. The recorded myo- gram should be almost a single line. The contraction of the muscle will mark the point of drum which was oppos- ite the end of the lever when the muscle was stimulated. Now, without changing position of key, drum, or lever, close short circuit key, revolve drum two-thirds the way round, put yoke on fork, close mercury key ; then pull yoke ofif of fork and immediately open mercury key by revolving drum rapidly. Stop drum at the close of one revolu'don. If the muscle had contracted immediately the second curve would have begun to rise at the same point as the first. It does not, because the muscle has a latent period. The distance between the beginning of the two curves shows the length of this period, because the tuning fork curve enables us to know how long the drum took to traverse this distance. c. Measurement of Records and Coiupntation of Time Interz'als. To determine the latent period, it is first necessary to fix the exact points at which the two contractions began. Draw through the point of origin of the first 28 EXPERIMENT V. recorded contraction the line MN, perpendicular to the base line. To fix the point at which the second contraction began, draw on the curve two fine parallel lines, one just above and one just below the line traced by the lever, as at AB, to aid the eye in fixing the point. Draw through it the line OP and estimate MO, the latent period, in thou- sandths of a second. One double vibration of the fork is ten thousandths of a second. A good way of ascertaining the length of the latent period, is to estimate the value of one millimeter of drum surface in thousandths of a second, by dividing the time of one double vibration of the fork Fig. 6. Method of preparing myogram for de- termination of latent period. by the number of millimeters in the wave which is recorded most nearly between MO, and multiplying this value by t4^ number of millimeters in the recorded latent period. To detenPiine the period of contraction, draw TQ per- pendicular to MN and tangent to the muscle curve at Q. With a radius equal to the length of the writing lever and a center on the base line traced by the muscle lever, as at R, revolve Q to this base line at S. draw the perpendicular UV through S, and estimate the number of thousandths of a second between OU. To do this count the complete waves, and estimate in tenths the fractions of waves. The line UV must not be drawn through Q, because the distance WQ is due to the fact that the muscle lever draws an arc instead of a straight line. To determine the period of relax- ation, draw XY through the point where the muscle curve strikes the base line at X. State in notes length of latent period, contraction period, and relaxation period, in tabular form. Also mention the most likelv sources of error. TIME RELATIONS OE MYOGRAM. 29 30 kxpkkimknt v. CKNESIS 01' TJCTANUS. 31 EXPERIMENT VI. Fig. 7. Apparatus for studying sum- mation of contractions. A, block of wood wound with aluminum wire; B, primary coil; C, C, posts i and 2; U, dry cell; E, bare end of insolated wire turned back on itself. Genesis of Tetanus. Apparatus. — The apparatus is to be arranged as in Experiment 3, except that the mercury key is to be omitted, and the current of the battery circuit is to be made and broken as follows. Fasten the block of wood on which the aluminum wire is wound, to the edge of the table by a cabinet maker's clamp. Connect the binding post on block with post I of coil ; connect post 2 of coil with one pole of dry cell ; and fasten an in- sulated wire to the other pole. Now bend the free end of this wire back on itself, so that the end shall be smooth and rounded. "See that the wire is bright. If this wire be touched to any part of the aluminum coil the primary circuit will be made, and if the wire is drawn across the coils, a series of making and breaking shocks will be given. a. Sitmiuatioii of Tzuo Contractions. If two stimuli reach a muscle at a sufficiently short inter- val the second contraction process may begin before the first one is completed. What will be the result? In this, as in the preceding experiments, each student is to do the work independently. Experiment. — Blacken drum and arrange for quick speed ; make a muscle preparation and mount it in moist chamber, as in Experiment 3 ; place drum so that lever will record well. Open short circuit key ; with the drum 4 32 EXPERIMENT VI. still, excite the muscle by drawing free end of wire con- nected with battery across the last turn of aluminum wire on block (Fig. y, A) ; choose a strength of induced current which will give a good breaking and no making contraction. Let muscle rest. Now start drum, and draw wire across windings a and b, at such a rate as to cause two separate contractions ; repeat several times, and more quickly each time, until the two contractions look like one. Do not stop the drum between the tests ; either perform them in rapid succession, or let the drum revolve several times, making a test with each revolution and at such a time that the records of the succeeding tests will follow each other. How do the records differ? b. Incomplete Tetanus and Complete Tetanus. Apparatus. — Use the same apparatus as in a, and in addition mount a time signal (chronograph) so that the writing point will write below and in same vertical line with the muscle lever. Connect the signal with the bind- ing posts on the side of the desk. In the time circuit, there is a battery, and a clock which interrupts the circuit once a second. The signal should record seconds on the drum. The drum should run 4 cm. per second. Experiment. — Make experiment as in a, only this time draw wire across all the windings of the aluminum coil. In doing this see that the hand is moved at an even rate across the coil. The experiment is a test not only of the behavior of the frog's muscle under varying rates of stimuli, but your capacity to move the hand constantly at different speeds, i. e., muscle coordination. State in notes approximately the number of excitations per second required to tetanize. A complete tetanus is an apparently continuous contraction produced by a series of excitations. All our movements are tetani. c. Complete Tetanus Obtained ivith Automatic Interrupter. Apparatus. — The apparatus is the same as in Experi- ment 3, excepting that the battery and key are connected with different posts of the primary coil. GENESIS OF TETANUS. 33 Electrical Couiiectiojis in Primary Circuit of Induction Apparatus. Two kinds of coils are used by the students. Model A in which the secondary coil slides on metal rods, and Model B in which the secondary coil slides on the wooden base. The way in which the binding posts belonging to the pri- mary circuit are connected with the primary coil and the automatic interrupter is different in these two forms of apparatus. ..^ Fig. 8. Scheme of electrical connections of primary coil in two forms of in- duction apparatus. A, soft iron wires in primary coil; B, hammer; C, contact screw; I, 2, 3, binding posts. Model A — To obtain single making and breaking shocks use posts I and 2. To obtain tetanizing current use posts 1 and 3. Model B — To obtain single making and breaking shocks use posts I and 2. To obtain tetanizing current use posts 2 and 3. In each apparatus if single shocks are needed, the battery and key are connected with the posts to which the two ends of the wire of the primary coil are directlv attached. If a long series of rapidly following shocks are needed, as for tetanus, the battery and key have to be so connected as to bring the automatic interrupter into the cir- cuit. This is done in Model A by connecting the battery with posts I and 3. The current can then enter by post 3. pass to the contact screw, down the spring, then through the wire of the primary coil, and away by post i. In Model B, posts 2 and 3 are used. The current enters by post 3. passes to contact screw, down the spring, through the coil, and awav bv post 2. 34 EXPERIMENT VI. In each case, as the current flows through the coil it magnetizes iron wires inside it, and the hammer is attracted. The movement of the hammer breaks the contact between the spring and the contact screw, and the current ceases to flow ; the soft iron wires lose their magnetism, the hammer is released, and the spring again makes contact with the contact-screw. Thus the primary current is being contin- ually made and broken, and a series of rapidly following induction shocks develop in the secondary coil. Notice. — In order that the automatic interrupter may work well, the contact-screw is screwed up until it barely touches the spring when at rest. Experiment. — After the apparatus has been arranged, the automatic interrupter tested, and a fresh drum black- ened, prepare a muscle and mount it in the moist chamber. Now adjust lever to drum; see that short-circuiting key is closed ; close key in primary circuit ; start kymograph clockwork (quick speed) ; open short circuit key for a few seconds ; then close short circuit key ; stop drum a few seconds later and open key in primary circuit. If the curve does not return to the base line promptly when the excita- tion ceases, it is because the after contraction, known as "Contracture," is present. d. Fatigue Caused by Tetanus. Experiment. — This experiment is to be made in the same manner as c, excepting that the drum should revolve slowly and the tetanic excitation be permitted to act on the muscle until it is completely fatigued. GENESIS OF TETANUS. 35 36 KXPKRIMF.NT VI. indep]e;ndent irritability of muscle. EXPERIMENT VII. Independent Irritability of Muscle. Arrange the induction apparatus for tetanizing current, and connect a pair of copper electrodes to the secondary circuit. a. Experiment. — Kill a frog by pithing the brain, (Method will be demonstrated.) Have a pointed match at hand, and as soon as pithing needle is withdrawn plug the skull cavity through the foramen magnum, to prevent loss of blood and to insure destruc^ tion of brain. Slit the skin on the back of left thigh longitud- inally, separate the semimem- branosus from the ileofibularis muscle, and expose the sciatic nerve, (see Fig. lo. Dorsal View). Carefully separate a portion of the nerve from the surrounding tissues without in- jury to the nerve or the blood vessels. Pass a ligature under the nerve, carrying the ends around to the front of the thigh, and tie tightly, thus in- cluding all the structures of the limb except the nerve. Cover exposed nerve with filter paper moistened with salt solution. Inject into the dorsal lymph sac about i cc. of a stock solution of curara. Use for this purpose a pipette with fine point and rubber bulb. To insert pipette, raise loose skin of back over forward part of dorsal lymph sack with forceps, and make small opening in skin with scissors. Lay the frog on a plate and cover it with moist filter paper. Ob- serve that pinching the toes of either hind leg slightly, causes a contraction of the muscles of the leg thus irritated. As the drug takes effect, the ability of the right leg to re- Fig. 9. Relation of brain to skull of frog. A, cerebral hemi- spheres; B, eyes; C, thalamen- cephalon; D, opticlobes; E, tym- panic membrane; F, cerebellum; G, medulla oblongata; H, spinal cord. 38 EXPERT MEXT VII. spond to such irritation gradually becomes less, and after 20 or 30 minutes it ceases altogether, although the left leg will respond as before. When all the body but the left leg has become com- pletely paralyzed, open the abdominal cavity and remove the vicera, care being taken not to injure the nerves behind them, (see Fig. 10, \'entral Mew). Cut the body in two, leaving the last two vertebrae connected with the legs. Split Vkntral View Doksal Vihw Fig. 10. Dissection ofriglit leg of frog. A, sciatic plexus; B, cniralis; C, sar- torius; D. gracilis magnus; E, gastrocnemius; K. glutaeus niagnus; G, sciatic nerve; H, llio-fibularis; I. semimembranosus. these vertebrae lengthwise, and holding the fragments with forceps, dissect out the sciatic plexuses supplying the hind legs. Do not take hold of nerves with forceps, and avoid stretching them. Fasten pair of electrodes to the posts of secondary coil. Stimulate these plexuses in turn with the letanizing current. What is the result? Now apply the stimulus directly to the muscles of the legs. What is the result ? INDEPENDENT IRRITABILITY OF MUSCLE. 39 Keep the preparation, to use in Experiment 8, which should immediately follow this one. Answer the following questions in your notes, and state proofs : Can curara paralyze before it produces anaesthesia? Does curara poison nerve fibres? Does it poison muscles? What does it poison? How did the drug reach the leg? When an electric current is sent through a non-cur- arized muscle, as in the preceding experiments, what two kinds of stimuli mav act on the muscle? 40 i;xpe;riment vii. INDKPF.NDDNT IRRITABILITY OF MUSCLE- .41 EXPERIMENT VII. ISOLATED CONDUCTION OF MUSCLE. 43 EXPERIMENT VIII. Isolated Conduction in Muscle. Although the separate fibers of a striated muscle are in close contact, they are like the nerve fibers in a nerve trunk, independent mechanisms. If a fiber is excited, the condition of activity which is aroused runs the length of the fiber but does not spread to neighboring fibers. This fact can be demonstrated most readily on a curarized muscle, and by employing unipolar excitations. Apparatus for Unipolar Excitation. — Arrange in- duction coil to give tetanic excitations. Connect one pole of the secondary coil by an insulated wire with the binding post on the sheet of copper. The other pole of the secondary coil may be left free, or, if a strong cur- rent is needed, be connected with a gas pipe and so with the earth. Experiment. — Remove the sartorius muscle (see Ven- tral \'iew. Fig. lo), from the curarized leg of the frog used in the Experiment VII. Lay the muscle on the copper plate. Start the automatic interrupter and touch one edge of the muscle for a moment with the point of a needle or other metallic instrument with sharp point. The muscle will be seen to contract along the edge that is touched and to curl towards that side. If the other edge be touched, the muscle will draw together on the other side. With a reading glass one can see that the only fibers to contract are those near the point touched. The current enters the muscle wherever it is in contact with the copper plate (the indififerent pole), but being diffuse fails to excite ; it leaves the muscle, to charge up the body of the experimenter, at the point that is touched by the needle (the active pole) and the dense stream causes excit- 44 EXPERIMENT VI 1 1. atioii at that point. The strict Hmitation of the contraction process to the fibers excited, shows that the excitation does not spread from fiber to fiber. Why is it necessary to supply a curarized muscle in this experiment? ISOLATED CONDUCTION OF* MUSCLE. 45 46 i<;xiM',Ki.v;i:N'r VI II CONTRACTIONS OF NON-STRIATED MUSCLES. 47 EXPERIMENT IX. Contractions of Non-Striated Muscle. Apparatus. — Set up apparatus like that used in b of Experiment V, with the exception of the foric, which is replaced by a signal connected with the clock circuit, so as to give the time in seconds. No weight should be used on the lever. Experiments. — Kill a frog, remove the stomach, cut off from stomach a ring from 3 to 5 mm. wide, and hang this ring of non-striated muscle on a pin hook which has been fastened vertically in the clamp intended for femur. Con- nect the lower border of the ring with the pin hook attached to writing lever, and the pin of pin electrode. Keep moist chamber closed and moisten muscle frequently, as it is so small that it is especially liable to be injured by drying. a. Time Relations of Myogram. — Proceed at once to determine the time relations of non-striated muscle. The method given in b of Experiment V is to be used, with the exception that the drum is to be revolved by the clockwork, and to have a rate of 2 mm. per second. See that writing points are in the same vertical line, and put part of curve showing this in your notes. Find the latent period, and the time of the rise of the curve. b. Rate Required to Tetanise. — Set the drum turn- ing slowly and find by experiment slowest rate of stimula- tion which will tetanize non-striated muscle (see Experiment VI, b). In order to tetanize, a second contraction should be called out a short time before the preceding contraction has reached its full height. If one knows the latent period and the contraction period, one can make a fair estimate of the required rate of excitation. It may be of advantage to introduce a signal magnet in the primary circuit to mark the time of excitation. c. Spontaneous Contractions. — Set the drum to run at the rate of i mm. per second or slower, and record a 48 EXPERIMENT IX. series of spontaneous contractions. L,et the time be recorded in seconds. Spontaneous contractions may occur from the first, and interfere with the determination of time relations. If such is the case, the only way to secure the results is to give the stimuli at such a time that one can be sure whether the following contraction is a response to the stimulus or a spontaneous contraction. How does the latent period and the contraction period of this non-striated muscle compare with that of the gas- trocnemius? What rates were needed to tetanize these muscles? What was the rate of the spontaneous con- tractions ? CONTRACTIONS OP NON-STRIATED MUSCLES. 49 50 KXPKRIMIvNT JX. WAVE OF CONTRACTION IN FROGS HEART. 51 EXPERIMENT X. Frog's Heart — Its Structure, and the Relative Time of Action of the Different Parts. Apparatus. — Set up as shown in Figure ii. Clamp horizontally on short stand, the nickled rod with hole for wire and binding screw in end (A), letting the free end of the rod project about 7 cm. beyond the stand. Place a clamp on the end of the rod, and fasten vertically in this clamp the rod (B) carrying the lighter muscle lev- er. Thus arranged the lever can be either raised or lowered, or can be rotated so as to bring the point against the drum. Loosen the screw fastening the yoke (C) of the lever to the rod, and turn the yoke until it supports the lever with the tip 2 cm. below the horizontal plane passing through its axis ; then turn the screw home. Now bring the drum up to the lever, and see that when it is horizontal it has such a height that it can be made to write on any part of the drum by raising or lowering the drum. Clamp the frog board (G) to the stand below the lever. Introduce into the fourth hole of the lever the short piece of copper wire (B) with cork button at the end, and fasten the piece of flexible insulated wire (F) to the binding- post on the frog board. Observe that the two wires which project through the button may, when brought in contact with the heart, be used as electrodes. Put time signal on long stand, at such a height that it will write just below the lever when it is horizontal. In this experiment the signal will be used only to give a base line. Blacken the drum. Operation. — Choose an active frog ; pith brain as described in Experiment YII ; cut off the projecting end of match ; and put frog, back down, on the plate. Operate at once, before the effects of the shock have passed off. Make median skin incision from one half centimeter above pubis to 52 EXPERIMENT X. one half centimeter below jaw. Raise ensiform cartilage with forceps, and with sharp scissors cut in median line through sternum, pectoral girdle, and muscles of throat, always keeping point of scissors well away from the pericardium and aortae. Prolong incision .through abdominal wall, avoiding the large vein. Slight haemorrhage can be checked with dry absorbent cotton. Now slide the heart lever up out of the way, and place the frog on the frog board so Fig. II. Apparatus for recording the beat of a frog's heart. A, horizontal roil carrj'ing binding screw for wire; B, vertical rod carrying lever; C, yoke sup- porting axis of lever; D, time signal; ii, copper wire, connecting lever with cork button to rest on the heart; K, piece of flexible insulated wire, connecting short piece of copper wire, passing through cork button with binding post on frog board; G, frog board. that its ventricle lies directly beneath the cork button on the prop of the lever. With the frog in this position, draw the fore legs widely apart so as to expose the heart beating within the pericardium, and pin these legs firmly to the frog board. Now pick up the pericardium over the bulbus arteriosus, and slit the pericardium throughout its length with sharp pointed scissors. WAVE OF CONTRACTION IN FROGS HEART. 53 a. G?-oss Anatomy of the Heart. Moisten the heart from time to time with normal salt solution ; it must not be allowed to dry. Observe the posi- tion of the bulbus arteriosus (H) and the two aortic arches (A) ; the relation of the two auricles (B, C) to each other and to the ventricle (£). (the line of separation of the auricles lies behind the bulbus arteriosus) ; and the well marked auriculo-ventricular groove. Lift the ventricle with a camel's hair brush moistened with saline solution, and notice the place where the vena cava inferior opens into the sinus venosus (F) \ the white crescentic line where the Dorsal View Ventral View b'ig. 12. The gross anatomy of frog'8 heart. (Ventral view after Cyou, dorsal view after Howes.) A, aortae; B, right auricle; C, left auricle; D, pulmonary vein K, ventricle; F, sinus venosus; G, sinu-auricular valves; H, bulbus arteriosus. sinus joins the auricle ; also the frenum, a slender ligament which attaches the dorsal wall of the ventricle to the peri- cardium. b. Origin and Course of the JVavc of Contraction. I. — Inspection. — Try to observe the place where the wave of contraction begins, and the order in which it spreads over the different chambers of the heart. See that when a part contracts and drives the blood out, it grows paler, while the part receiving the blood swells and flushes. Ans- wer in your notes the following questions : What is the action of the auricles during the ventricular diastole, and during the ventricular s)'Stole? What changes are observed in the ventricle during auricular diastole, and during auric- ular svstole? 54 EXPERIMENT X. 2. — The Myocardiogram. — Adjust the cork on the prop of the lever, to the ventricle, with the prop vertical and the lever horizontal. Be careful that both of the wire points on the under surface of the cork are in contact with the ventricle, and that the cork does not touch the auricle so as to be moved directly by it. Once rightly adjusted, it should not be necessary to alter the position of the lever during the afternoon. The prop should be connected with the hole in the lever which will give a writing of one and a half to two centimeters in height. Record the beats with slow, medium and rapid speeds of the drum, studying the heart itself while the curves are being written. Mark on the record the part of the cardiac cycle which is responsible for each wave of the curve. How and why does the beat of the auricle show in the curve? Which part of the curve was made by the ventricular systole? Does the lever fall or rise in the ventricular diastole? Explain. WAVE OF CONTRACTION IN FROGS HEART. 55 56 KXPERIMKnT X. REFRACTORY PERIOD. EXPERIMENT XL Refractory Period and Compensatory Pause. Apparatus.— The same frog and the same apparatus for recording the contractions of the heart may be used as in the preceding experiment. In addition arrange an induc- tion coil to give single shocks, placing a time signal in the primary circuit, and arranging it to write just below and in the same vertical line with the heart lever. One cell in the primary circuit, with the secondary coil pushed half way up, usvially gives sufficient strength of current. One of the wires from the secondary coil is to be fastened to the binding post on the frog board, and be brought in com- munication with the ventricle by means of the fine insulated wire passing to one of the pins in the piece of cork resting on the ventricle (see Fig. 1 1 ) ; the other wire is to be fastened to the horizontal rod supporting the heart lever, through which it communicates with the heart. Experiment. — When all is ready, mark the relative position of the writing points on the drum. Don't forget that unless this is done, and the length of the lever is given in the notes, the experiment will not be accepted. Also, either before or after the experiment, place the lever hor- izontal, and let it record a base line to be used in measuring the curve. Let the drum run at the rate of 20 mm. per sec- ond. While the heart records its contractions , stimulate the ventricle with single breaking shocks every fifth or sixth beat, the makes being short circuited, to test the effect of exciting it at the following times, — during the systole of the ventricle, and early and late in the diastole of the ventricle. State in notes in which case the stimulus produces no effect (the "Refractory period'') ; when it produces a con- traction of increased height ; when an extra contraction of less height than usual ; and when one of usual height. No- tice that an extra contraction is followed by a pause. Is 58 EXPERIMENT XL the pause long enough to compensate for the extra contrac- tion, so that the rhythm of the beat is not changed after- ward ? Such a pause is called a "Compensatory pause." and is explained on the theory that the irritability of the ventricle is lessened by its extra contraction, so that it can- not respond to the stimulus which comes to it from the auricle at the usual time for the next beat. Can you detect a beat of the auricle at the time it usually comes, during the compensatory pause? The curve of contraction is distorted by the fact that the lever records an arc. To determine the part of a con- traction at which a stimulus was applied, it is necessary to draw a vertical line through the point of excitation as given by the time signal, to a base line which corresponds to the position of the heart lever when horizontal, and then hav- ing allowed for the relative position of the writing points, to draw through the heart curve an arc. the axis of which is on this base line and the radius of which is equal to the length of the lever. RKFRACTORY PERIOD. 59 6o EXPERIMENT Xr. EXCITATION OF THE RESTING HEART. 6 1 EXPERIMENT XII. Response of the Resting Heart to Stimulation by Induc- tion Shocks. Apparatus. — Use apparatus the same as in Experiment XI, and in addition, mount a tuning fork on large stand above the electric signal. Be sure that the writing points are in the same vertical line. Prepare a frog, and expose heart, losing as little blood as possible. Experiment. — Bring heart to rest by tying a ligature, the first Stannius ligature, about the juncture of the sinus with the auricles. To do this pass ligature under the aortic arches close to the auricles, then pass the ends around the heart posteriorly so that the ligature lies at the base of the auricles, and tie a single knot loosely over the crescentic line where the sinus and the auricles join. Make sure that the ligature is in the proper place, then tighten and tie securely. The heart should stop beating. If it does not do so within a few seconds, tie a second ligature closer to the auricles. a. Myogram of Heart Muscle. As soon as the beat stops, place frog on board and con- nect heart with lever. Move coil far away, and find small- est stimulus that will cause a contraction ; then mark on drum relative position of writing points ; finally record the curve of contraction and beneath it the tuning fork curve, and the moment of make and break of the primary circuit, as shown by the signal. Turn the drum by hand at rate of about lo cms. per second. Assume that the signal records the exact moment of excitation, and calculate from the rec- ord the time relations of the myogram, as in Experiment V. Save a part of the record which shozvs that the zvriting points are in the same vertical line, and state in notes length of lever in millimeters. In what respect does the myogram obtained from the heart diflfer from that of striated muscle? 62 EXPERIMENT XII. b. Bozi'ditch's Staircase. As soon as a sufficient number of myograms have been recorded, remove the fork, and stimulate about 15 times with same strength of current at intervals of 5 seconds, recording on drum moving 2 mm. per second. A gradually increasing height of contraction is usually given, which is called a staircase, and explained as a result of increased irritatibility due to frequent repetition of the stimulus. c. All Contractions Maximal. Now stimulate about ten times with gradually increas- ing current at intervals of 30 seconds, recording contractions on drum about i cm. apart. There is no increase in height of contraction due to increased stimulus. Any stimulus sufficient to cause heart muscle to contract causes a maximal contraction. This is often spoken of as the law of "All or none." d. Bifcct of Frequent Stimuli. Connect wires of primary circuit with automatic inter- rupter and record the response of the heart to frequent stimuli, using first a weak and then a medium current. Drum should turn 5 mm. per second. Weak stimuli should cause separate beats and stronger stimuli, increase of tonus, indi- cated by a higher base line. EXCITATION OF THE RESTING HEART. 63 54 EXPERIMENT XII. MOTOR POINTS ON THE ARM. 65 EXPERIMENT XIII. Location of a Few Motor Points on the Human Arm. The few motor points surrounded by a circle in the dia- gram (Fig. 15), are to be located on each arm. In doing this, the unipolar method of excitation is to be employed. To use this effectively, the more efficient pole of the induc- tion coil will have to be used. The more Efficient Pole of an Induction Coil. — When the manner of winding and connecting wires with posts can be plainly seen, the direction of induced currents can be found easily, for the direction of the primary cur- rents can be observed by inspection of the battery and its connections, and the induced current flows in the opposite direction to the battery current at the time of the make, and in the same direction at the time of the break. But in most coils the windings and connections are hidden, making it necessary to determine the point in question in some other way. Connect a dry cell with a key and a pair of platinum electrodes as shown in Figure 13. Lay a small piece of filter paper on a clean plate, ^ (f?^""""' '"■^--M ^^^^ slightly moisten it 'C~~-~-'^^*~~- --'-''^"^ c with only a few drop*^ of , , a solution of starch and po- Fig. 13. Apparatus to detect direction . . ,. , -^ of flow of current in a simple circuit. taSSUUll lodldc. Draw the A, dry cell; B, mercury key; C, electrode. 1 r 1 1 ends of the electrodes slow- ly and lightly across the moistened paper, first with the circuit open and then with it closed. Observe the dark line given at the anode while the current is passing, and the ab- sence of color at the kathode. The current decomposes the potassium iodide, and the iodine, being the acid ion. goes to the anode and there gives the color reaction with the starch. Now connect the cell to the primary coil of induction apparatus, the anode v^^ith post i and kathode with post 2. 66 EXPERniENT XIII. Connect the platinum electrodes to the posts of the second- arv coil. Place the ends of the electrodes on the moistened paper and make the primary circuit, then slide the electrodes Kig. 14. Apparatus to detect direction of flow of current in secondary coil of an induction apparatus. A, dry cell; B, mercury key; C, primary coil; U, secondary coil; E, electrode. lo a fresh place and break. A dark dot will be given at one pole on making and at the other on br.eaking, but no effect will be seen during the time the primary current is flowing. Remembering that the color reaction indicates the anode, we can determine the direction of the current in the second- ary circuit when the primary is made and when it is broken. Since the excitation developed at the kathode where the current leaves the tissue, is stronger than that developed at the anode where the current enters it, and since the break induction shock is stronger than the make, it follows that the Fig. 15. Diagram of location of motor points on flexor side of arm. (After Erb.) A, median nerve in upper arm; B, flexor longus policis; C, median nerve at wrist; D, ulnar nerve in upper arm; E, ulnar nerve in groove between the internal condyle of the humerus and the olecranon process; F, flexor profundus digitorum; G, flexor sublimis digitorum; H, ulnar nerve at wrist; I, abductor minimi digiti. more efficient pole of the secondary circuit is the one that is the kathode when the primary circuit is broken. Make a note of this point, stating whether the more efficient pole is the one to which the short circuit kev is attached or the MOTOR POINTS ON THE x\RM. 67 opposite one. Of course it must be remembered that these are correct only when the primary circuit is connected as directed here. Pre;paration op Skin. — Since the epidermis when dry offers great resistance to the current, it is necessary to moisten it thoroughly. For this purpose use a warm sok:- tion of com^mon salt and borax. The solution can be warmed in a granite dish, standing on a tripod over a gas flame. Apply the solution with a sponge or cloth to the parts to be stimulated at intervals of a few min- utes ; or a pad soaked in the solution may be bound on and left 10 or 15 minutes. Unless the skin is thoroughly moistened, the stimuli are apt to be painful and inefficient. Do not spill the solution on tables or apparatus. Apparatus. — Connect two dry cells and a key to the primary coil of an induction apparatus, and connect a large copper plate (the indifferent electrode), to the least efh- cient pole of the secondary coil, and a small electrode (the active electrode), to the more efficient pole. ►^ -| n ^ -J J D U d -1/ — — — Q^~Q)' Fig. 16. Apparatus for unipolar excitation of human nerves. A, battery; B, mercury key; C, primary coil; D, secondary coil; E, copper plate used as indif- ferent electrode; F, exciting electrode. Experiment. — Locate the motor points on the left arm first. Fasten with elastic band the copper plate on the back of the left hand, putting a wet gauze pad between to pre- vent the metal from touching the skin. Hold the stimulat- ing electrode in the right hand and press it firmly upon the skin at the point to be stimulated. Let your companion make and break the circuit, first with the secondary coil moved far away and then with it closer to the primary, until a position of the coil is found that gives a moderate stimulus. As soon as a suitable stimulus is found, try to establish on your own arm the motor points corresponding to those marked with a circle in the diagram. Find for (8 EXPERIMENT XIII. each point the position of the electrode at which the best motor response is given. The stimulating electrode must be kept well moistened. If a good contraction cannot be obtained without the sensation being painful, it indi- cates either that the epidermis is not sufficiently moistened or that the right position for stimulation has not been found. Locate carefully the motor points on both arms of each student. Mark the points on the skin. Demonstrate to instructor. No notes are required. MOTOR POINTS ON THR ARM. 69 yo EXPERIMENT XIII. ELECTRICAL EXCITATION OF HUMAN MUSCLE. 71 EXPERIMENT XIV. Response of Human Muscle to Separate Induction Shocks and to a Tetanizing Current. Wet the left arm over the motor point for the flexor longus pollicis, bind on a wet pad, and then arrange the ap- paratus. See that the hands are dry in handling the appar- atus. Apparatus. — This consists of an arm rest, recording instruments, and the stimulating outfit used in Experiment XIII. The arm rest is to be placed on the table before which the subject is to stand, with the recording apparatus to the left, and the stimulating outfit to the right, with key and coil within easv reach of his hand. The arm is to Fig. 17. Arm rest for support of hand and electrodes. A, arm rest; B, hori- zontal rod fixing hand; C, vertical rod on arm rest; D, copper plate, the indif- ferent pole, on which is the gauze pad; E, exciting electrode; F, vertical rod, clamped to horizontal rod on the arm rest. lie in supination on the arm rest, and the hand is to be fixed by a horizontal rod (B) which presses lightly on the palm, and is clamped to the vertical rod on the arm rest. The movement of the thumb is to be transmitted by a thread, which is fastened by a loop to the thumb and passes round a pulley to a lever, which is connected by another thread to a rubber band supported on an L rod, clamped to the same stand as the lever and above it. The thread from the thrmib is fastened to the second, and that from the 72 EXPERIMENT XIV. finger to the third hole in the lever. When the flexor longus pollicis contracts, the lever will be drawn down, and when it relaxes the rubber band will pull the lever upwards . A time signal is to be placed in the primary circuit of the induction apparatus, and an indifferent and a stimulating electrode connected with the posts of the secondary coil. The copper plate (Fig. 17, D), which is to act as the indifferent pole, is to lie on the arm rest in such a position that the back of the hand will press on a wet pad placed over the plate. Care must be taken that the pad does not come in con- tact with the vertical rod on the arm rest. The active pole (E) in- stead of being held in the hand, is to be fastened above the arm in a clamp on a horizontal rod, which in turn is clamped to a vertical rod (F), which is supported by a clamp fastened to the horizontal rod at the side of the arm rest. This ar- rangement permits the exciting electrode to be fastened at any de- sired point on the arm. Lnj> Kig. 18. Apparatus for re- cording movement of thumb. G, rubber band supported by Iv rod; H, recording lever; I, time signal; J, pully; K, thread to thumb. a. Making and Breaking Induction Shocks of Various Strengths. Experiment. — Put the wet pad on the indifferent elec- trode ; then place the arm on the arm rest, so that the back of the hand rests on the pad ; and fix the hand by fastening the horizontal rod across the palm. Adjust the active elec- trode over the motor point of the flexor longus pollicis mus- cle. Connect the thread to the thumb, and move the arm rest so that the thread shall have the proper position with respect to the pulley, and the elastic band be slightly stretched. Place drum in position. The lever should now be about horizontal, and flexion of the finger cause it to write well on the drum. The subject handles the key and ELECTRICAL EXCITATION OF HUMAN MUSCLE- 73 coil while his associate has charge of the kymograph, and turns the drum by hand. To stimulate, close the key, wait 2 or 3 seconds, then open, and wait lo seconds. The student attending to the kymograph should keep the time with his watch and tell the subject when to stimulate. Be- gin with the coil placed so as to give no effect, and move it up a short distance after each time the circuit is broken. The signal marks the time of slimulation, and thus shows what stimuli fail to give contractions. In case insufficient current is obtained, cut out the time signal. Unless the current causes too much discomfort, continue until both making and breaking contractions of fair size are recorded. During the experiment the arm should be completely re- laxed. Vohmtary movemicnts should be avoided as far as possible, and should be noted when they occur. b. Tetaiiizing Current. Apparatus. — Connect battery, key, and signal with the automatic interrupter of the induction coil. Experiment. — Moisten electrodes. Choose strength of current sufficient to cause a tetanic contraction. Start drum at fast speed and obtain a record. 74 EXPERIMENT XIV. KLKCTRICAL I;XCITATI0N OF HUMAN MUSCI,E. 75 76 EXPERIMENT XIV. GALVANl's EXPERIMENT. 77 EXPERIMENT XV. Galvani's Experiment. Arrange apparatus as shown in the diagram, making sure that the zinc rod and brass hook are bright and clean. Kill a frog, open the abdomen, and remove the viscera from the posterior part, taking care not to injure the ^ ^ nerves. Cut the body in two trans- y versely ^ cm. above the point of exit of the nerves from the spinal column. Remove the skin from the lower part of the body, cut a small slit through B the back between the nerves and the spine, and hang the preparation by this slit upon the brass hook. Adjust the zinc rod so that upon giving the prep- „. , aration a slight swing the outside of Fig.ig. Apparatus ^ ^ .,,.,. for Galvani's experi- tlic thigh near the kucc Will stnkc it. ment. A, brass hook, r, , • • • tt supported on L rod; B, Set the preparation swinging. Upon zinc rod. , i r i i • j ,i each touch of the leg against the zinc rod a contraction should occur, throwing the preparation away, and this should be repeated every time the swing brings the leg against the zinc. We have here two unlike metals moistened by a liquid which is practically continuous through the tissues of the preparation ; in other words, we have the essentials of what is called a Galvanic battery. This experiment is of consid- erable historical interest, for it was the observation of the contraction of frogs' muscles in a similar case that led Galvani to make his famous studies of what he supposed to be animal electricity, and which was followed later by the invention of the first battery by Volta. We see here that a battery current, like an induced cur- rent, is able to excite muscle. In the next few experiments cO jS EXPERIMENT XV. the effects of the direct battery current upon nerve and muscle will be observed. Save the preparation for the next experiment, if made the same day. No notes required. c,A],vANrs i;xperim]<;nt. 79 8o EXPERIMENT XV. POLARIZATION OF ELECTRODES. EXPERIMENT XVI. Polarization of Electrodes. a. Polarizable Electrodes. Apparatus. — Arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. 20. Use an electric light switch as a short-circuiting key, fasten- ing two wires to each binding post. One wire from each post of the key is to be connected with a post on the outside of the moist chamber, and one wire from each post of the key is to be connected with the battery. Until every- thing is ready, however, leave one end of one of the battery wires disconnected. Fasten two short wires to the posts inside the moist chamber and place the free, bare ends so that a nerve can be laid across them, i. e., arrange these wires to be used as polar- izable electrodes. It is best to have the connections with the battery so that, when the short-circuiting key is open and the battery circuit is closed, the anode will be nearest the muscle, and an ascend- ing current, i. e., away from the muscle, will flow through the nerve. Experiment. — Make a nerve-muscle preparation from the frog used in the preceding experiment, (method of mak- ing preparation will be demonstrated) ; place the prepara- tion in the moist chamber, and let the nerve rest across the Fig. 20. Apparatus tor observing polar- ization of electrodes. A, nerve; B, bare copper vsrires; C, electric light switch used as short circuiting key; D, battery. 82 EXPERIMENT XVI. two copper wires. Bring the writing point of the lever against a drum, and arrange the kymograph to turn the drum 2 mm. per second. Start the kymograph, and let it run continuously until the end of the experiment. With key closed, connect wire with battery, and then open the key and let the current flow through the nerve for thirty seconds ; ( uiark the contraction ivhich should occur zvhcn the key is opened, c, because the current has been closed through the nerve) ; now disconnect the wire from the bat- tery ; (mark the contraction, if any occurs, o) ; then begin closing and opening the key regularly, once a second. If contractions result, continue until they cease. Notice wheth- er the contractions are given on closing or on opening the key. or both, and mark them accordingly, C and 0, since it is now the polarization current which is closed and opened. Notice carefully, throughout the experiment any change in the contraction following closing and opening the cir- cuit. The contractions observed after the battery has been disconnected are caused by a current going in the opposite direction from the battery current, i. e., a descending cur- rent. This current results from electrolysis which has taken place at the points of contact of the nerve with the wires. The condiiion set up at these points by the passage of the battery current is the same as that seen in a storage battery, and the wires are said to be polarized. In order to avoid such disturbing currents it is necessary, whenever the direct current is used as a stimulus, to employ non-polarizable electrodes . b. Non-Polaricable Electrodes. Ai'PARATus. — The non-polarizable electrodes used in this course, consist of two boot-like pieces of porous baked claw hollowed at the top to hold a solution of zinc sulphate, in which two small pieces of zinc are immersed. The boots of the non-polarizable electrodes should have stood for some lime in physiological salt solution, so that they are thorough- ly saturated with it at the time they are employed. When they are to be used, dry the glazed tops thoroughly ; put the metal clips on the tops of the boots ; fasten the clips on a POLARIZATION OF ELECTRODES. 83 glass rod ; and fix the rod in a clamp on the support which holds the muscle clamp, in the moist chamber. Dry the wires just used as electrodes, and connect them to the zincs ; with a dropper put about half a cubic centimeter of zinc sul- phate into the boots, being careful not to spill any of it on the outside of the electrodes. Then insert the zincs into the tops of the boots. Experiment. — Lay the nerve across the tips of the boots and re- peat the experiment made before. If the electrodes are not polariza- ble, closing and opening the bat- tery circuit should give the same effect as before, but there should be no response to the movements of the key which follows. On completing the day's work, the non-polarizable electrodes must be thoroughlv washed and soaked Eig. 21. Method of arrang- ing non-polarizable boot elec- trodes in moist chamber. A, zinc; B, porcelain boot; C, nerve; D, wires to short- circuiting key. over night in normal salt solution. Pfliiger's Law. The polarization current which is set up, is strongest at first and gradually fades away ; consequently in the course of an experiment, the student often sees the effects of the opening and closing of strong, medium, and weak currents. These effects, which differ with the direction in which the current flows through the nerve, have been classed under what is known as Pfliiger's law. To recall this law one has only to remember the following facts, viz.: i, that the closing excitation develops in the region of the kathode, and the opening excitation near the anode ; 2, that the closing excitation is the stronger; 3, that by strong currents the conductivity of the nerve is lessened at the anode during the flow of the current, and at the kathode at the instant that the current ceases ; 4, with an ascending current the 84 EXPERIMENT XVI. anode is nearer the muscle, and with a descending current the kathode is nearer the muscle. The law was tabulated as follows : Ascending Descending Close Open Close Open Weak....... Medium. . . . Strong + - -\- — + + + - i>OT, , i neck spring used to study agauist drum. btart drum at 5 mm. A ^ sprhig*^ '^B'°ban-and- per secoud, closc side branch with open'ti±ur?c!'l'iock' Spring dip and record the curve of the pulse. Unless the friction of writing point upon drum is made as slight as possible, small waves of the pulse curve will be obscured. Mark on the curves to indicate the primary wave and the dicrotic notch. The former results from the systole of the ventricle, and the latter from relaxation of the ventricle and closure of the semilunar valve. The dicrotic notch therefore divides the pulse into its systoHc and diastolic portions, and is to be looked for at about the end of the first third of the curve. Do pre-dicrotic or post- dicrotic waves occur in the record? Take records with four widely different speeds of drum, and observe the effect on the form of the curve. h. The Pulse Rate. Mount a time signal to write below the pulse curve, con- nect it with the clock circuit, start drum at 5 mm. per sec- 156 EXPERIMENT XXVII. ond, and record the curves of time and pulse. Draw per- pendiculars at intervals of ten seconds cutting the pulse curve, and determine the rate of the pulse for three cc«i- secutive periods of ten seconds. c. Dnrafioji of Systole and Diastole. Mount a fork in place of the time signal and record curves .of pulse and fork with the fastest speed of drum given by clockwork. Then, without moving drum, remove clip from side tube, and record a base line for the pulse curve. When the curves have been fixed, draw arcs with dividers from beginning of primary wave and from bottom of dicrotic notch to the base line, using a radius equal to the length of the writing lever and centers on the base line. Draw perpendiculars from the points where the arcs cut the base line, through the fork curve. Count up the fork waves between the perpendiculars, and thus determine the duration of systole and diastole. Make this determination for five consecutive pulse beats and state the average in your notes. Results should be changed to looths of a second by using number found in calibrating fork. d. Effect of Exercise. ' Go through the form of taking a normal record, as in c, to make sure that the neck tambour is properly adjusted, and that the recording tambour is writing well. Then, without moving the drum or either tambour, detach the rubber tube where it joins the glass T. Take a quick rim down stairs and back, connect up the tambour as soon as possible, and record the accelerated pulse. Determine dur- ation of systole and diastole as before. Which changes most in the quickening of the pulse due to work, the systolic or the diastolic portion? Are any other changes in the pulse curve to be observed? If so, describe them. CAROTID PULSE OF MAN. 1 57 158 F.XrF.RlMICNT XXVII. I^ORM AND POSTPONEMENT OE RADIAL PULSE. ^59 EXPERIMENT XXVIII. The Radial Pulse Studied by the Tambour Method. a. Form of Radial Pulse. Connect a recording tambour with a tambour designed for radial artery, leaving side branch of tube open. Arrange arm rest and tambour as shown in the diagram. Mark the point on left wrist where strongest pulse is felt. Sub- Fig. 34. Method of applying tani" bour to wrist, to obtain sphygmo- gram from the radial artery. A, cross section of wrist; B, back board of arm support; C, cabinet maker's clamp; D, clamp fastening L rod to the horizontal rod of arm rest; E, clamp fastening tube of tambour to short arm of L rod; F, tambour with disk, and prop to rest on artery. ject seats himself comfortably in chair, holding one end of arm rest in lap, while other end is placed on table or stool so as to tilt it at a suitable angle for the arm to rest eas- ily. Place arm on rest with marked point toward tam- bour ; fasten thumb with loop of cloth, using holes in back board : apply button of tambour to marked spot, and adjust tambour so that rod bearing button is in line with tube of tambour and perpendicular to surface of wrist. Vary the ])ressure on artery by sliding tube of tambour in clamp until largest pulsation is given. An excursion of 3-5 mm. with each heart beat should be secured, but a smaller move- ment will suffice where this cannot be obtained. The arm must be relaxed and perfectly quiet. Record the radial pulse on a drum and observe whether the same waves appear as in the carotid pulse. b. Postponement of the Radial Pulse. Arrange to write carotid and radial pulse and fork curve in same vertical line. Make sure that the levers of the tambours are horizontal. Mark relative position of points, then record the three curves with fastest speed given l6o EXPERIMENT XXVIII. by kymograph. Without disturbing apparatus, remove cHps from side tubes and, with the levers horizontal, record base lines for the two pulse curves. Fix the tracing, and then, with centers on the base lines and the lengths of the levers as radii, draw arcs from beginnings of corresponding primary waves to their respec- tive base lines ; then correcting for positions of points, draw perpendiculars through fork curve and find duration of postponement of radial pulse as compared with carotid pulse. Take average for three consecutive beats. FORM AND POSTPONEMKNT OF KADIAL PULSE. l6l l62 kxi'f,r]mp:nt xxviii. INFLUENCES AFFECTING RADIAL PULSE. 163 EXPERIMENT XXIX. The Radial Pulse as Recorded by the Jacquet Sphygmo- graph. This is probably the most useful instrument for exam- ination of the pulse that we have. It is fragile, and must be handled with care and returned in good condition. The strap A is buckled about the left wrist, with the end B Fig-. 35. Scheme of Jacquet's sphygniog^raph. toward the hand. The instrument slips into groove C of base, and thumb-screw D is turned into socket E. The paper, shown in cross section at F, runs between the roller G and two small wheels above it. Clock for moving paper is wound by means of large thumb-nut H, started and stopped by lever at /, and lever / gives a change of speed. Clockwork for time marker L, is wound by means of thumb- nut K, and gives fifths of a second. M is a clasp for hold- ing L up out of harm when not in use. Button iV is pressed on artery by cam wheel P, turned by thumb-nut Q, to vary the pressure. Movements of iV, are transmitted through rod R, to lever S, turning on axis T, thence to lever U. 164 EXPERIMENT XXIX. turning on axis V, and finally to marker W. Position of writing point on paper is regulated by thumb-screw D. CAUTIONS. (i) Be careful not to injure the time marker. Raise and lower it with the fine point of a knife or pencil. It must ahcvays be lifted into clasp before reiroving the paper. (2) Avoid bending the writing pointer when inserting the paper. (3) Do not wind the clockwork too tight. (4) Instrument must be held level to record time accu- rately. ( 5 ) Pressure on artery is regulated by sinall move- ment of cam. a. Normal Curies and Effect of Position of Body. Place several strips of paper around a large drum, and blacken as usual, cutting the strips loose as needed. Place end of a strip between roller and wheels, start clockwork, and run the paper in, to the extent of one inch. Having adjusted instrument so as to give the largest pulsation, proceed to make records while sitting and stand- ing quietly, using slow speed of paper. In this and all sub- sequent tests, take care not to move arm or hand when the record is being written. Report the rate as recorded for six seconds. b. Effect of Compressing Brachial Artery. While the tracing is being taken, compress the brachial artery with hand or a tourniquet. c. Effect of Deglutition. Start the paper at the fast rate, record a few beats, then, while record continues, take several swallows of water in quick succession, marking on the record the e.vact time when the swallowing begins and ends. Determine the rate before, during, and after swallowing. The increase in rate is explained as a lessening of vagus influence. The swal- lowing center is in the medulla oblongata not far from the INFLUENCES AFFECTING RADIAI. PUESE. 165 vagus inhibitory center, and nervous impulses overflowing from the former inhibit the latter. d. Effect of Inhalation of Aniyl Nitrite. Slow speed of paper. Record normal pulse for 10 beats, then begin to inhale a drop of amA-l nitrite that will be placed upon a handkerchief by the instructor. Associate should mark on record the exact time of inhalation. Con- tinue record to end of paper. This drug acts chiefly, when taken in sm.all amounts, on the muscles in the walls of the small vessels, causing a dilation. Fall of blood pressure and increased dicrotism of the pulse results. The change in the level of the writing, frequently seen, cannot be taken as evidence of the diminished arterial pressure. The writ- ing point must be placed high before the inhalation occurs, or it will run off the lower edge of the paper. Do not re- peat. e. l\ilsalz'a's Experiment. This experiment and the following one are not without danger, and should not be practiced to excess, nor by any- one with an abnormal heart or arteries. Record 10 normal beats, then take a deep breath, and, with mouth and nostrils closed, make a strong expiratory effort for eight or ten seconds, then breathe freely. Mark time of each stage on record. Report effect on rate and shape of pulse curve. The latter is especially interesting. The expiratory effort drives the blood out of the chest into the arteries, and prevents entrance of venous blood into the chest by compressing veins and right heart. /. Mailer's Experiment. Record ten beats, then exhale as completely as possible, and with mouth and nostrils closed make a strong inspiratory effort for ten seconds, then breathe freely. Mark on record and report as before. The forced inspiration tends to keep the heart and large vessels dilated, tends to prevent blood from leaving chest, and causes a rush of blood into the chest bv way of the veins. I 66 EXPERIMENT XXIX. The sphyginograph cannot give a measure of blood pressure. The changes to be observed in the level of the curve are in part due to alteration of the amount of dis- tension of the venae comites about the arterv. INFLUENCES AFFECTING RADIAL PULSE. 167 1 68 EXPERIMENT XXIX. CIRCULATION IN FOOT OF FROG. . 169 EXPERIMENT XXX. Capillary Circulation in the Web of the Foot of a Frog. Destroy the brain of a frog by a pithing needle, and plug the skull cavity with a pointed match. Be sure to have the match ready to insert at the instant the pithing needle is withdrawn, so that the least possible blood shall be lost. Wrap frog in moist cloth and place on special frog-board, face down, and spread the web over the opening, keeping in place by pins through outer toes. Avoid stretching web too tightly, and keep it moist, not wet. Place board on microscope stage. Examine first with low power. If the blood is not seen to circulate through the smaller vessels, the web has prob- ably been stretched too tightly, or the frog has not recovered from the shock caused by pithing. Decide which of the ves- sels are arteries, capillaries and veins, observing where the blood flows from large to small and from small to large ves- sels, where the blood stream is most rapid and where it pulsates. I. Now choosing a small artery, observe with higher power the following points : a. Pulsating stream. b. Rapid axial stream ; lighter, peripheral layer, — the "inert layer." c. Eddies of the stream at a bifurcation. II. Examine a small vein and observe: a. Constant stream (sometimes pulsating if the shock from the pithing has not been recovered from, and there is vaso-dilation). b. Slower current, and less marked "inert layer" than in artery. III. Examine capillaries, and observe: a. Frequent anastomoses. b. Condition and behavior of corpuscles. A. Red corpuscles (erythrocytes). I. Shape, transparency, color. lyo EXPERIMENT XXX. 2. The number that can pass abreast in a cap- illary. 3. Position of long axis with respect to cur- rent. 4. Elasticity, and change in shape when com- pressed, or when turning a corner. 5. Passage through a capillary apparently smaller than cell. B. White corpuscles (leucocytes). 1. Shape and color. 2. Peripheral arrangement. 3. Slow progression, and rolling motion. IV. Vaso-inotor Action. Expose sciatic nerve, using the utmost care not to injure the blood vessels. Cut high up, and dividing branches, raise from wound and lay on a piece of moist filter paper placed over the skin. (There is an acid secretion on the skin which will injure the nerve.) Of course the nerve must be handled as little as possible and never be com- pressed. Now excite nerve with induction current "at the same time that a suitable part of the web is being examined with a low power. The vessels should be seen to grow smaller and the circulation should be consequently slowed, or stopped. V. Diapedesis, i. e.. Migration throngh Wall of Capillary. (This is optional.) This is not often seen to occur under normal conditions, but the phenomenon is of frequent occurrence when an irritant cavises local inflamation. This can be best studied in the mesentery, a slight burn from a hot glass rod being a suitable irritant. Examine with low power the effect upon the circulation of the part. Then choosing a capillary whose walls can be seen distinctly, watch carefully a leucocyte resting against the wall, and observe its change of shape as it passes through the wall. Make drawing illustrating the method of progression. Red corpuscles do not pass through, unless the walls have been greatly injured, since they do not possess amoeboid power. CIRCULATION IN FOOT OF FROG. 171 172 EXPERIMENT XXX. HUMAN BLOOD PRESSURE. 1 73 EXPERIMENT XXXI. Measurement of Human Blood Pressure in Different Positions. The blood pressure is a measure of the potential energy available for overcoming the resistance offered by the walls of the vessels to the flow of the blood. Arterial blood pressure is a measure of the status of the following factors upon which it is dependent, viz : the amount of energy imparted by the heart to the blood, (varying with rate and strength of beat, and volume of output), and the amount of resistance encountered by the blood, (varying with the friction in the large vessels, determined largely by the elasticity of the walls, and with the friction in the small vessels, determined chiefly by the action of the vaso-motor nerves). Since a high blood pressure means excessive work for the heart, and since a very low blood pressure means that too little blood is being pumped, (because of lack of blood, imperfect heart action, or valvvilar lesions), or that the vessels are abnormally dilated, it is evident that a meas- ure of the arterial pressure is of diagnostic importance. If one presses with the tip of a finger upon the skin over an artery, at first very lightly, and then with more and more strength, he feels first a slight thrill, then a stronger pulse, and finally a lessening of the pulse, until it is alto- gether lost, except at the side of the finger nearer the heart. If the finger is gradually removed, these sensations are felt in the reverse order. With practise a fairly accurate esti- mate of the arterial pressure can be obtained in this way. Apparatus. — A sphygmomanometer is an instrument devised to measure more accurately than the finger, the systolic, i. e. maximal arterial pressure, and in the case of the Erlanger instrument, to also record the pulsations as a means of estimating the diastolic pressure. The Riva-Rocct Sphygmomanometer. — The instru- ment (see Fig. ;^6) consists of a reservoir of mercury, to 174 EXPERIMENT XXXI. the bottom of which a capillary manometer tube passes, and which connects with a rubber cuff, which is strapped over the internal surface of the upper arm at the seat of the brachial artery, by a broad unyielding band of leather. Air is pumped into this system by a bulb, and is let out again, either rapidly through an outlet tube, or slowly through a fine pin hole in the cap of a vertical tube, con- trolled by the finger. A three-way cock permits communi- cation to be made between the inflating bulb and the cuff, and between latter and the outlet tube. Gaertner's Tonometer. — This instrument permits one to know what pressure applied to the second joint of the finger, will prevent the blood from entering the finger, as shown by the sensation and change of color which follow the return of the blood. Gaert- ner considers this to be the mean arterial pressure. The instrument consists of a mercury manometer, con- nected with a pneumatic ring, to be placed over the second joint of the finger, and an inflating bulb. The same apparatus may be used as by the Riva-Rocci method, with the substitu- tion of the ring for the finger, in the place of the bag for the arm. Ereanger's Sphygmomanometer. — (See Howell's Physiology, p. 456,, Fig. 191 and 192.) This instrument records systolic and diastolic pres- sures. The mercury manometer, arm piece and inflating bulb, are the same as for the Riva-Rocci. In addition to this the arm piece is in communication with a rubber bulb, which is enclosed in a glass bulb, which is connected with a recording tambour. The tambour records the fluctuations in pressure. Two forms of the apparatus exist in the laboratory, differing essentially in the stop- cocks used to govern the flow of the air. These are described on cards accompanying the instruments. J'igr- 36. Laboratory form of Riva-Rocci in- strument. A, reservoir of niercurj'; B, capillary manometer tube; C, tube connecting with rubber cufTonarm (or in the case of the Gaertner experi- ment, with the pneumatic ring); D, rubber bulb; E, outlet tube; F, vertical tube, with pin hole in the cap. HUMAN BLOOD PRESSURE. I 75 Experiment. — Each student is to determine the systolic pressure of his associate with the Riva-Rocci, Gaertner, and Erlanger instruments, and the diastolic pressure with the Erlanger apparatus, under the following conditions : 1. From the right arm in the sitting position. 2. From the left arm in the sitting position (the usual method). 3. From the left arm, standing, with arm supported on table. 4. From left arm, lying down. In the sitting position, the subject's arm is to be placed, extended, on the table, on a level with his heart. In order to take the required number of observations, the student must thoroughl}- understand the instruments and the method of work, and have practiced taking the pulse in a number of preliminary tests. The results should be systematically tabulated, and a suitable table for entering them should be prepared before making the observations. a. The Systolic Pressure. 1. Gaertner's Tonometer. — Apply an Esmarch band- age to the finger. Connect the tube from finger ring or bag with the Riva-Rocci manometer. Using the bulb, carefully raise the pressure to 130 mm. Now turn the stop-cock so as to shut the inflating bulb ofif from the manometer. Remove the bandage. The falling pressure as indicated by the manometer can be controlled by placing the finger over the leak in the top of the vertical tube (F). Read the pressure when the formerly bloodless extremity of the finger first begins to flush and become cyanotic with the returning blood. 2. The Riva-Rocci Sphygmomanometer. — Connect the arm bag with this instrument. While feeling the sub- ject's pulse with the fingers of the right hand, with the left raise the pressure in the manometer to about 150 mm. Controlling the leak as before, read the pressure at the instant the return of the pulse is felt. Caution. — Do not .lustake the pulse in your own fingers for that of the subject 13 176 EXPERIMENT XXXI. 3. The Erlanger Sphygmomanometer. — Having connected this instrument with the cuff on the arm, proceed as before and read the pressure at the instant of the return of the pulse. The danger of error from feeling the pulse in one's own finger tips, is slight if one notes that the pulse which is felt coincides with the pulsations of the tambour attached to the glass bulb. b. The Diastolic Pressure. The Erlanger Sphygmomanometer. — See that tam- bour lever writes lightly upon the drum. Raise pressure to about 100 mm., then allow it to fall to 90 mm. Shut off the leak and record on the drum a series of at least 15 pulse beats at this pressure. Now start the drum, open leak "and allow pressure to fall 10 mm., close off leak and record another series of 15 pulse waves. Continue after this man- ner until the height of the pulsations decreases markedly. Be careful to mark on record the pressure at which each series of pulsations was obtained. "After a certain level (in normal pulses 25 to 40 mm. below the systolic pressure) the extent of the oscillations diminishes rapidly. The lowest point at which it remains maximal is the diastolic lateral pressure." (Sahli.) HUMAN BLOOD PRESSURE. . 177 178 F.XriiRrMJCNT XXXI. NORMAL SOUNDS OF ilKAKT. 179 EXPERIMENT XXXII. The Normal Sounds of the Heart. The normal heart sounds may be heard with the unaided ear, but the stethoscope is commonly used. It consists Fig. 37. Diagram showing position of heart in cliest, position of valves as projected on the wall of the chest, and the parts of the chest where the sounds of the heart are heard best. M. position of apex beat, and sound from mitral valve; T, sound from tricuspid valve; A, sound from aortic valve; P, sound from pulmonary valve. essentially of a receiving disk and a pair of ear-tubes, con- nected with tubing. It aids by multiplication of the sound and by excluding outside sounds. Distracting noises, to l80 EXPERIMENT XXXII. be avoided, are apt to ari^- f'-^'n (.1} rubbing of tubes aa^rxi«ot ca.x,ii other or against clothing, (2) breathing by the listener upon the metal spring holding the ear-tubes, (3) movement of the receiving disk upon the skin, (4) move- ments or breath sounds of the subject, and (5) talking b\ either subject or listeners. The multiple instrument enables several persons to hear the same sound at once, and therefore is useful in teaching. The ear tubes should be cleansed before inserting them for the fint time, to avoid possible infection. The tubes are placed in the ears with the tips pointing inward and upward. The receiving disk is held firmly against the skin. Avoid kinks in the rubber tubes. The diagram shows the position of the heart in the chest, and the letters. A, P, T, and M mark the areas where the disk is placed in listening to the separate valve sounds. Each letter is connected by a dotted line with a dark spot showing the position of the corresponding valves. These four areas, known as the aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid, and mitral areas, are so named because the sounds made by the closure of the valves named are heard best in those places, but it must be remembered that no one of the valve sounds can be isolated at any point, but that all enter into the composite sounds heard at each area. Tt is the relative loudness of particular sounds that give the areas the names which they bear. (T. Ausc\dtatio)i oi'cr the Loiiter Part of the Chest. One student of the group is chosen as subject, and he seats himself in a chair, the others seating themselves closely around him. The receiving disk is first applied over the mitral area, viz. at the point where the apex beat is felt, in the 5th intercostal space, slightly within the nipple line. With the- disk in this position, listen to the licart sounds for several minutes. Observe ( i ) the two distinct sounds with a very short interval between them, (2) the greater loudness of the first sound, (3) the boom- ing character of the first sound contrasted with the sharp click of the second. The first sound, which marks the beginning of the systole of the ventricle, is a compound NORMAL SOUNDS OF HEART. l8l sound, composed of the click caused by the closure of the two auriculo-ventricular valves, the sound made by the contraction of the muscular substance of the two ventricles, and by the vibrations of the suddenly tensed chordae ten- dineae. The muscular element which prolongs the sound into the period of systole, helps to give it the booming character. Normally the two ventricles contract together, and the mitral and tricuspid valves close at the same instant, so that the action of the two sides of the heart is represen'.ed by a single sound. Compare it with the sound heard by placing the disk of the stethoscope on the muscle of the forearm and causing it to con- tract rhythmically. The second sound is produced by the closure of the aortic and pulmonary semi-lunar valves, which normally close at the same time. Now apply the disk over the tricuspid area and observe ( i ) the greater prominence of the valve sound and lessened muscle sound, (2) the clear and high pitched quality of the sound, (3) the comparative loudness of the first sound as before, and (4) the rhythm, which is also the same as in the mitral area. Change the disk quickly from one of these two areas to the other, so as to bring out distinctly the differences in the sounds. Apply it at intermediate points and observe how the characteristic sounds of one area grad- ually shade off into those of the other. b. Ausciiltafioii over the Base of the Heart. Apply the disk over the aortic area and observe ( i ) the greater loudness of the second sound as compared with the first, (2) almost complete absence of booming muscle sound, (3) the same rhythm as before. The sounds heard here are mostly valvular, and the aortic sounds predominate. Listen in same manner at pulmonary area, and compare the sounds heard in aortic and pulmonary areas. Listen at points intervening between mitral and aortic areas. Change the disk quickly between the four areas, and let the listeners try to recognize the area by the sounds heard. L"se each student as subject in turn. In diagnosis it is often necessary to locate an abnormal sound in relation to the pulse beat and thence to the 102 EXPERIMENT XXXII. heart cycle. The first sound, produced by contraction of heart muscle and closure of auriculo-ventricular valves, is evidently systolic. The second sound, made by closure of semilunar valves, is evidently diastolic. Therefore, any sound occurring between the beginning of the first and the beginning of the second normal sounds must be systolic, and any sound occurring between the beginning of the sec- ond sound and the beginning of the first sound of the next cycle must be diastolic. c. Time Relations of Heart Sounds and Pulse. Experiment.— Record the radial and carotid pulse on a drum along with a signal connected with a cell and Morse key. Listen to heart sounds and let one listener so work the key that the click of the signal shall exactly coincide with the heart sounds. When he is able to do this well, as tested by all the listeners, run drum at fast speed and record the time of the sounds in relation with the two pulse curves. The reaction time to sound varies from 0.15-0.20 sec, according to the observer, hence to have the sound of the heart and the signal coincide, the experimenter will have to anticipate the beat, i. e., determine the rhythm by listen- ing a short time and then tap at the instant that the beats are to be expected. Exact results cannot be obtained because there will be slight errors of judgment on the part of the experimenter, and because the rate of the heart varies somewhat with the respiration. Nevertheless, if care be used, a good picture of the relative time of the coming of the sounds of the heart and of the carotid and radial pulse can be obtained. Notice that the first sound slightly precedes the primary upstroke of the carotid pulse (about .01 sec), and that the second sound slightly precedes the dicrotic wave. Also observe that the primary wave of the radial pulse begins about half way between the two heart sounds. It is evident, therefore, that the place of any sound of doubtful nature can be located rather definitely in the cycle by its relation to the carotid pulse, but not so well by reference to the radial. NORMAIv SOUNDS OF HEART. I83 l84 EXPERIMENT XXXII. INFLUENCES AFFKcriNG RESPIRATION. 185 EXPERIMENT XXXIII. Thoracic and Abdominal Movements in Respiration. Apparatus. — Mount two recording tambours and a time signal to write in a vertical line ; connect the signal to clock circuit ; connect the two tambours with special rubber lubes to two pneumographs, leaving side tubes open. Experiment. — The subject seats himself comfortably, then the cord of one pneumograph is passed around his chest and the cord of the other around his waist. Tie them with a tension that will extend the pneumographs about 2 cm. Subject should sit so as not to see the curves and should pay as little attention to breathing as possible. a. Xonnal Record. After subject has remained quietly seated for at least two minutes, place clips on side tubes, start drum at 2 mm. per second and record curves for one minvite. N^atural. unconscious breathing is what we wish to study, and hence the subject should try to think of something else. b. Effect of Using the J^oicc. Record normal curves for 10 seconds, then read aloud for 30 seconds. In same manner try the effect of counting aloud in unison with the ticking of the clock. Alwaj'^ mark on curve the time when each test begins and ends, and what was done. Note the effects on rate and character of the movements. c. Inhibitory Effects of S-a'alloiciug. Take normal record for 15 seconds, then let subject drink a glass of water without stopping, taking record dur- ing the drinking and for 15 seconds after. (/. Effects of Effort. In the same manner observe the effect of trying to hold two pin points as close together as possible without touching. l86 EXPERIMENM' xmxiu. for 20 seconds ; of clenching; the fists as tightly as possible for 20 seconds ; of clenching the fists as rapidly as possible for 20 seconds ; of pressing the hands upon the knees strongly for 20 seconds. Note the effect in the dift'erent cases, and explain the difference. e. Relation of Rate of Respiration to Rate of Heart Replace the abdominal pneumograph by a carotid tam- bour ; then study the following cases : ( T ) Relative rates under normal conditions, sitting quietly. (2) Effect of adding a column of 20 or more figures rapidly. (3) Eff'ect of recalling exciting experiences. It is of course evident that voluntary control of the rate of breathing in all of the foregoing tests lessens their value. Usually it is only in the later tests, after the subject has become accustomed to wearing the apparatus, and the work has ceased to be interesting, that the subject will breathe naturally. It is best, for this reason for all the tests to be made first on one student and later on his asso- ciate. JNl'I.UKNCES AFFivCTINC RESPIRATION. 187 l88 EXPERIMENT XXXll). JU/V 22 t92d