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/Igency at Tomhstone

p. W. SMITH, Manager.



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Chicago, - - - - - - First National Bank

Baltimore, _ - _ . . Second National Bank

St. Louis, __---_ Bank of Commerce

^ ^ f Chemical National Bank

i>EW lORK, - - - - - ^ ^.^^j^ National Bank

We receive Deposits subject to check at sight.

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Comprtl)m0itie iri0t of 3itl)abitants(








co]vmiL.Er> A.isrr) i»tjblisi3:ed by G. W. BARTER.


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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by

G. W. BARTER, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.



In presenting this the first edition of the Tucson Directory to the public, the author asks a generous allowance for any and all errors which may have escaped his notice in compiling, the work. All possible diligence has been exercised in gath- ering facts, and it has been our aim to faithfully record them without partiality. Our thanks are hereby tendered to the many citizens who have furnished information when called upon, and who have also encouraged the enterprise by their

liberal subscriptions.




Tucson in the^Past, (a sketch of history) 2

Tucson of the Present, (a plain^view) 13

Tucson of the Future, (a horoscope) 14

Incidents since 1871, with lists of officials 15

Duties and Powers of corporate officers 24

Pima County Official List 26

Federal Official List 27

Roster of Officers at Fort Lowell 29

Streets 29

Climate 30

Schools 32

Churches ' 35

Societies 36

Banks 37

Newspapers 38-

Barrio Libre " 39

Places of Public Resort 40

Additions to Tucson 41

Industrial Enterprises : 43

Table of Distances 46

Direction of the Mails 48

Directory of Names of Inhabitants 49


Pima County Bank, fly-leaf next to cover. ^'^'^^

Lord & Williams, Bankers 50

SafFord, Hudson & Co., Bankers 52

J. M. Berger, Jeweler 54

L. Zeehendorf & Co., General Merchandise 56

Tully, Ochoa & Co., General Merchandise 58

Wm. B. Hooper & Co., Wholesale Liquors, etc 60

Wm. C. Davis, Hardware 62

Theo. Welisch & Co 64

I. X. L. Lodging House and Restaurant 64

Lord & Williams Co., General Merchandise 68

L. Meyer &; Co., General Merchandise 66

Wm. Zeehendorf 70

Leo Goldschmidt, Furniture 72

Buehman & Co 70

Sweetland & Co., Furniture 74

Wm. A. Scott, Jr., Insurance 76

A. & C. Lumber Co , : 78

Pioneer Soda and Ice Works 78

Chas. Detoy, Groceries 80

Colton's Livery Stable 80

A. Goodman, Grocer 82

Tucson Vinegar Works 84

F. H. Burns 84

J. S. Mansfeld, Stationer : 86

Marcus Katz, General Merchandise 88

Wetmore & Dean, Assayers 90

Grand Hotel.. 92

Palace Hotel 90

Russ House 94

Cabinet Saloon 94

Iron Wood Stables 96

Silver Lake, reading notice 40

C. T. Etchells, reading notice 45

Buell's Addition, reading notice 41


[a historical sketch.]

Tucson is the second oldest town in the United States; Santa Fe, New Mexico, being the first, and St. Augustine, Florida, the- third. Tucson was first settled by the Spaniards, in 1560, by the construction of a presidio or fortification, as a strong outpost to protect the industrial operations of the colony at San Xavier.

Arizona came into possession of the United States by the Gadsden Purchase in 1854. The Americans who were here at that time, and who were instrumental in the acquisition, came here under employment of Governor Manuel Gandara, of Sonora, and were engaged in superintending the sheep ranches and in building houses for the Mexicans, who were at work manufacturing blankets by hand. These pioneers were John W. Davis, John Clarke, Dr. Colton, and a few others. The first general immigration of Americans was in 1856-'58, among whom were Major Mark Aldrich, (deceased). Col. James Douglas, (deceased), C. C. Dodson, (now residing at Florence), Sol. Warner, Asa McKenzie, (deceased), Fred. Neville, (deceased), Alfred Fryer, (now of Texas), Rich- ard M. Doss, (deceased), Hon. G. H. Oury, Col. Charles D. Poston, Theodore Morhmar, (deceased), Herman Ehren- berg, (deceased), Thomas Smith, (deceased), Hon. Wm. S. Oury, Hon. Esteven Ochoa, Mercer, Collector of Cus- toms, F. G. Ake, the Pennington family, (all deceased, except a son living^ in Texas, and a dau<xhter, the wife of W. F. Scott, of Tucson, General Wadsworth, (deceased), Samuel Wise, Peter Kitchen, Bill Kirtland, Tom Page, Dr. C] H. Lord, W. W. Williams, Peter R Brady, (now of Florence), Wm. H. Bailey, Hon. Hiram S. Stevens, Sylvester Mowry, (deceased), Samuel Hughes, A. Lazard, Dr. Hughes, Col. Ed. Cross, (de- ceased), Col. Solon H. Lathrop, C. H. Meyer, John Wright- man, (deceased), John G. Capron, (deceased), and Joseph Cum- mings. Many of these have since become distinguished men


in the civil war, in public life, and as wealthy and honored citizens. Many lost their lives in hardy and desperate en- counters with the Indians, while rescuing captives or defend- ing their own homes, or the homes of each other. The record of those days of peril cannot be written they are lost in the oblivion that then surrounded this border land ; but we know enough of those times to compare the fortitude and bravery of the settlers with any heroism of any age in the world's history.

In 1858 John Wrightson brought the first printing press to this region, and the Weekly Arizonian was established at Tubac, with Ed. Cross as editor. A duel was fought over this press betw^een Mr. Cross and Sylvester Mowry, after which it became the property of Mr. Mowry and W. S. Oury, who changed it to a Democratic sheet. This press is now in Tombstone, and was, until recently, used in publishing the Nugget, of that city.

W. S. Oury has been four years Sheriff of this county (73 to '77), also a member of the Board of Supervisors, and sub- sequently Clerk of the same.

Concerning Mr. Oury, and connected with this whole sub- ject, we give the following speech of that gentleman, delivered by him at the railroad celebration, in March, 1880, in response to the toast " The Pioneers : "

" The word pioneer brings to my mind scenes and reminis- cences spanning almost half a century, inseparably linked with friendships so dear, companionships so unselfish, and ties so binding, that death alone can sunder them. Born in one of the oldest States of the American Union, reared amid culture and Christianity, with habits and inclinations eminently fitted for social life, at the very dawn of manhood, as if impelled by the invisible hand of destiny, I was drawn by a force abso- lutely irresistible to the frontier, and the year 1835 found me linked to the destinies of the Lone Star Republic; to her service, in the companionship of such heroes as Crockett, Fan- nin, Milam, Bowie, Burleson, Johnson, Houston, Travis, and a whole host such as the world has seldom known, the best years of my young life were freely given. For thirteen years on the frontier of Texas, and ending with the termination of the Mexican War, my only friends and associates were frontiers- men, who carried their lives, as it were, in their hands, ever ready to surrender them at their country's call. At the com-


mencement of 1849 the marvellous tales of the golden wealth of California reached the Atlantic coast, and spread with the rapidity of lightning through the whole land, and again the services of the pioneer were needed. How well and truly they performed their duty to the Golden State many who now surround me are living witnesses.

" Again, in 1856, after the purchase of this Territory from Mexico, and when California no longer required their services, a noble band of pioneers, disregarding every obstacle of sand desert, alkali plain, and murderous Apache, marched to Ari- zona. The best evidence of their duty fully discharged here is the scene which we have all witnessed to-day. Those who are now alive of that brave and generous host may be num- bered without exhausting the fingers of both hands, and the history of those who have crossed over the dark river may be summed up in these few sad words : Their bones are scattered like mile-stones along the course of the S. P. R. R., from the western to the eastern boundary of Arizona."

Hon. Hiram S. Stevens was first sent to Congress in 1875, and has served two terms.

P. R. Tully, who settled in New Mexico in 1846 and came to Arizona in 1865, has served the public in many useful capac- ities, and otherwise been distinguished for his charities and conspicuous encouragement of our educational interests.

Dr. Lord has become prominent . as a public man, and has given his energies and resources to the creation and care of many important enterprises.

In 1860 a Provisional Government was organized to force Congress to recognize the Gadsden Purchase as a distinct Terri- tory. A convention for this purpose was held in Tucson, com- posed of delegates from the entire district, which at that time included the Rio Grande country. General Wads worth was President of that convention, which chose L. A. Owens (now of Texas) as Provisional Governor, Ignacio Orrantia as Lieu- tenant-Governor, Samuel H. Cousins as Territorial Secretary, and General Wads worth as Commander of the Militia (upon his staff were Colonel W. S. Oury and Colonel John G. Cap- ron. From this Provisional Government a Delegate Hon. Sylvester Mowry was sent to Congress to urge the immediate separation of this region from the Territory of New Mexico. In this effort. Mr. Mowry was not successful, on account of the


approaching civil war and the extraordinary events then take ing place at Washington.

During the war Tucson was occupied alternately by both Confederate and Union forces. In 1862 this Territory, being left exposed by the Federal Government, a company of Confederates (a portion of Colonel Bailey's command on the Rio Grande at Messillo), arrived here under command of Captain Hunter and took possession, holding the place until the arrival of the famous California colunm, under General Carleton, in the same year. As the California troops approached, Captain Hunter boldly advanced to meet them. The two forces met some forty miles west of Tucson, near a noted landmark of mountains called Pecacho, where a pitched battle took place, resulting in a victory for the Union arms. The Californians made the first attack, and during the engagement lost several men and one commissioned officer. The Confederates re- treated, and withdrew to the Rio Grande, and from thence the entire Confederate force under General Sibley retreated into Texas. Colonel James H. Toole, Major S. K De Long and Captain G. C. Smith, now leading citizens here, were officers in the California column at the time of this engagement. In 1863 the Territory was first organized, the President ap- " iting John N. Goodwin as Governor; R. C. McCormick,

Territorial Secretary ; Turner, Chief Justice ; Allyn and

Howell, Associate Justices. During 1863 and since that time, the Zechendorfs, W. C. Davis, Joe Goldtree, Judge Osborn Alex. Levin, E. N. Fish, I. S. Fried, Albert Steinfeld, John S. Carr, L. Meyer «fe Brother, J. J. Hamberg, R. N. Leatherwood. J. M. Berger, J. N. Mason, Hereford & Zabriskie, Judge J. S. Wood, Leo Goldschmidt, Wm. A. Scott, Jr., the Jacobs family, J. S. Mansfeld, E. F. Colton, M. G. Samaniego, Chas. A. Shibell, Chas. R. Drake, C. T. Etchells, Theo. Welisch, Maish & Dris- coll, the Drachman Brothers, the Kaufman Brothers, George Rayfield, O. Buckalew, the Charouleau Brothers, Marcus Katz, Handy & Holbrook, Farley & Pomroy, " Pant" (Sabbe Pant ?), John Wasson, J. M. Soto, Alexander Campbell, Marcus Foster, Colonel F. Stanford, Tom Gates, John Haynes, Colonel T. J. Jeffords, Benj. Morgan, L. C. Hughes, Chas. A. Paige, Geo. T. Martin, P. Downey, J. H. Hewitt, General E. W. Rice, Geo. A. Clum, T. L. Stiles, F. P. Thompson, W. Earll, R. C. Brown, and a host of others who are now our leading citizens, came and cast their destinies with the destiny of Tucson.


All those of ancient or recent times who have shared in the administration of local affairs, have conducted them in the most economical and creditable manner. They have builded a city without entailing burdensome debts, and generously given their labors for the benefit of those who are to come hereafter to make their homes with us.


[a plain view.]

The city has an estimated population of 10,000 souls, mostly Mexican and English speaking people. Besides this large num- ber, there is a constant flow of floating'population, who come and g-o hence, and another class of semi-citizens, who come in from the surrounding mountains periodically, and make this place their point of connection with civilization for a few weeks at a time. The population maintains as good order as in any other city of equal size in the United States, and our leadijig- citizens take a justifiable pride in the advancement of every legitimate public interest.

The stranger who arrives and takes his week of observation on the streets is apt to remain in ignorance of the fact that Tucson has a well defined stratification of good society. Therein he would be in error, for it is well known that ladies and gentlemen reside here, who were the recognized ornaments and leaders in the best society of their former places of resi- dence ; and with this class, as a natural consequence, all the usages of culture and refinement are in common practice. In matters of dress, the formalities of calls, the selections for balls and private parties, in general social intercourse, in the ({uality of manners and respectability, the best society of no eastern city can excel the better class of society in Tucson. The churches and societies add greatly to the moral tone of the city.

To-day real estate is upon the verge of doubling in value. New and costly residences have recently been erected, and others are projected. New structures are being built in all


parts of the city, and in the very face of a'doubling popula- tion, the induction of water and gas, the construction of street railroads, and the demand for ground for the construction of tenements, we confidently assert that the present low prices of city lots cannot long continue.


[a horoscope.]

Since the beginning of authentic history, we know that the impulse to move westward has caused the human family to constantly migrate towards the setting sun. Westward, for 400 years has the population moved across the continent. In the thoughts and plans of the inhabitants of Europe is yet the paramount idea of migrating hither. In the calculations and combinations for the future that enter into the buoyant hopes of the young men living eastward of the Mississippi, even to tliis day, is the overruling one of a movement, at some time in their lives to the historic, the adventurous frontier. The great wave of this immigration will ultimately sweep over Arizona, New Mexico and Sonora the new West the only West that is now left for mankind. Not only will it come by this inborn impulse from the East, but it will sweep hither from the Pacific Coast, thus concentrating the entire energies of the East and the West in building up a large city here, at the natural metropolis of all this region, and developing the mining industry, now in its infancy. Tucson is the only city of importance between Los Angeles, in California, and San Antonio, in Texas. She occupies a geographical situation which will draw to her all that can be drawn from this vast area, to found a substantial American city

The men who have cast their destinies with Tucson, who have watched and assisted her various stages of advancement, and who have grown wealthy here, are still the guardians of her destiny, and will use their means and abilities to see that she does become as great, as prosperous and as beautiful as both natural and human resources can make her.


The merchant kings of Tucson whose separate merchandise palaces cover large tracts of ground, by the growth of their trade from lesser beginnings, know that Tucson has a solid bottom and reliable indications of a great future.

In a little time the introduction of abundant water will make this city cheerful with verdure, and blossom as the rose. Then will the broad streets of the future commence to be inhabited and the new city of Tucson will become a fixed fact. At the next session of the Legislature, the Capital may at last be located where it properly belongs, here in the centre of population. The time is coming when we may ride along in street cars past elegant homes, from the S. P. R. R. depot to Silver Lake. In time, by the more economical distribution of water, a large area of land will be brought under cultivation in the Santa Cruz valley, and by means of wells and reservoirs on the mesa lands, much will be added to the agricultural land in this vicinity.

Another railroad southward may ere long bring us into quicker communication with the frontier of Mexico, and rail- road communication will soon be open to the valley of the lower Mississippi, from whence we will be able to derive new commercial resources. Tucson has vitality derived from its sub- stantial growth in the past ; it has a solid foundation from its resources of trade, mining and stock raising, all in activity and rapid advancement ; and it has the very brightest hopes dawning in the prospects for the immediate future.

INCIDENTS CONCERNING TUCSON SINCE 1871. Together with Lists of Town and City Officials since 1873.

Hon. S. R. De Long was Mayor of the village in 1871, and Samuel Hughes, W. W. Williams and W. S. Oury, Ceuncilmen. Hon. Hiram S. Stevens was Treasurer, and W. J. Osborn, Re- corder and Assessor. The same gentlemen served during 1872, with E. N. Fish as Treasurer.


During 1871 inquiry was made by the Council concerning a Congressional donation in 1864 of land for a town site, and it was discovered that although such a donation had been made, it had lapsed, because Tucson had neglected to make it avail- able.

During 1872 the sum of SI, 600 was paid the Government for U. S. patent to two sections of land for the town site of Tucson, and in August of this year, the village authorities commenced to issue deeds to purchasers of lots, and to donate land for school and church purposes.



Gouncilrmn W. W. Williams, E. T. Etchells

Samuel Hughes, Wm. S. Oury

Marshal F. M. Hodges, J. S. Thayer, Francisco Esparzo

[Resigned.] [Resigned.]

Treasurer E. N. Fish

Recorder W. J. Osborn

Assessor G. F. Foster

Poundmaster M. G. Gay



Gouncilmen Samuel Hughes, R. N. Leatherwood

P. Drachman, W. W. Williams


Marshal F. Esparzo

Treasurer E. N. Fish

Recorder W. J. Osborn

Assessor W. Morgan

Poundmaster J. Miller




Councibnen P. Drachman, C. T. Etchells

Samuel Hughes, R. N. Leatherwood

Marshal David Davis, Francisco Esperzo


Treasurer E. N. Fish

Recorder Charles H. Meyer

Assessor G. F. Foster

Poundmaster C. Rodrigues

The salary of Marshal was fixed at $20 per month, but increased in special seasons.

The old cemetery was abandoned as a place of burial, and ten lots were donated by the village for a new one. Lots also granted for a Catholic cemetery.

Surgeons and doctors were not allowed to practice without recording their diplomas or certificates in accordance with a law of the Territory.

A wagon, harness and two good mules were purchased for town use.

Artesian wells projected and contract awarded to McCoy & Goldberg to supply water to Tucson for 18 years. [This fran- chise is now void.]

Butchering required to be done outside the village limits.

Ordinances enforced with regard to fast driving, public cleanliness and gambling by minors.

All dogs found in the streets after 12 M. September 10th, ordered to be shot, on account of a case of hydrophobia.

Village lots offered free to all persons improving to the extent of $100, and residing on the same six months.

Hospitalities of the village tendered to Gen. A. V. Kautz and staff.

The two good mules, wagon and harness sold by reason of being too expensive to operate.




[Declined to qualify and was elected Recorder.]


CouncUmeri Samuel Hughes, R. N. Leatherwood,

C. T. Etchells, P. Drachman

Marshal A. G. Buttner

Treasurer E. N. Fish

Recorder Charles H. Meyer

Assessor G. F. Foster

Poundmaster Juan Bouquez

Petition presented to the Council asking that an election be held to take the sense of the community as to whether the village should disincorporate and merge in the county organ- ization. Such election being held the people decided in the negative.

Dr. J. C. Handy was employed to vaccinate all indigents in the village.

Board of Trade permitted to erect a powder magazine at a safe distance from town.

Hospitalities of the village tendered to the Mexican General, Mariscal, and staff.

Leave of absence granted to Recorder Meyer, and S. W. Carpenter appointed Deputy pro tem.

Ground for booths, etc., for feast of San Augustine, rented for $277 for the season.

Board of Health established and Drs. J. C. Handy, P. R. Tully and Wm. Zechendorf appointed as such Board.

The planting of trees along the streets was officially encour- aged.

General Phineas Banning conferred with the Mayor and Common Council concerning the right of way and depot grounds for the Southern Pacific Railroad ; and thereafter all necessary grounds were purchased and deeded accordingly.



Mayor J. B. ALLEN

Councilmen P. Drachman, J. S. Mansf eld,

[Resigned Aug. 29.] [Resigned Aug. 29.]

R. N, Leatherwood, Samuel Hughes


Marshal f, A. G. Buttner, Isaac E. Brokaw,

[Resigned.] [Resigned.]

A. G. Buttner

Treasurer E. N. Fish

Recorder Charles H. Meyer, Joseph Neugass


Assessor and Tax Collector G. F. Foster, C. A. Shibell


Board of Health P. R. Tully, Chairman, Dr. J. C. Handy,

George Cooler, D. Valasco, B. Garcia

Street ComwAssioner ". C. E. Jones

Poundmaster M. G. Gay

A new Charter for incorporating as a city was drawn, and granted by the Legislature ; and, with the Council meeting of February 7, 1877, Tucson ceased to be a village, and thereafter assumed the dignity and responsibilities


Farley & Pomroy, employed as City Attorneys, Charles H* Meyer, resigns the office of Recorder, February 12th, and receives the thanks of the Council for faithful and efficient services.

Booth privileges for feast of San Augustine, sold by city for $371.



Councilmen.. .R. N. Leatherwood, Paul Abadie, B. M. Jacobs,

[Resigned Aug. 15.]

E. Ochoa, C. D. Drake F. H. Drachman

[Resigned Aug. 15.]


Recorder and Police Justice W. S. Edwards

Treasurer W. W. Williams

Marshal and Chief of Police A. G. Buttner

Assessor and Tax Collector A. Brighter

City Attorney Benjamin Morgan

Poundmaster * . . . .Henry Smith

Total debt of the city, January 8th, $1,188.



Coun^ilmen Charles R Drake, Alex. Levin, B. N. Leather- wood, P. Abadie.

Recorder and Police Justice W.J. Osborn

Treasurer W. W. Williams

Marshal and Chief of Police Isaac E. Brokaw

Assessor and Tax Collector H. Ott

Policemen A. G. Buttner, J. H. Martin, John Moore,

G. B. Shepard.

Poundmaster Henry Smith

Franchise granted to T. J. Jeffards and associates for supply- ing the city with water from artesian wells. Said franchise to extend conditionally for twenty-five years.

On May 6th, Mayor Toole tendered his resignation, which was unanimously not accepted by the Council.

Railroad matters progress with activity, and at a special election held June 21st, the citizens voted unanimously that bonds to the amount of $10,000 should be issued to pay for land, not owned by the city, for the Southern Pacific Rail- road depot, grounds, right of way, etc., and said bonds to that amount were thereafter issued.

Rights and privileges for Feast of San Augustine, sold by the city for $600.




Gouncilmen M. G. Samaniego, C. T. Etchells, Alex.

Levin, C. R Drake

Recorder and Police Justice Charles H. Meyer

Treasurer P. R. Tully

Marshal and Chief of Police I. E. Broka-w

Assessor H. Ott

City Attorney Benjamin Morgan

Surveyor G. E. Roskrunge

Policemen Geo. B. Shepard, J. H. Martin, John Moore,

A. G. Buttner

Poundmaster Henry Smith

Ex-Mayor Toole is tendered the thanks of the Common Council, for his efficient services during the preceding year.

On March 1st, a franchise for a street railroad was granted exclusive on certain streets, for fifteen years, to H. C. Wiley and associates they to construct and commence operating such road within two years.

March 10th, celebration of the connection of railroad with Tucson.

March 10. Celebration of the connection of S. P. R. R. with Tucson, by a banquet and the grandest display ever wit- nessed in the city up to that time. On the Reception Com- mittee were R. N. Leatherwood, Chairman ; Gen'l E. A. Carr, Judge C. G. W. French, P. R. Tully, Ben. Morgan, Tom. Gates, W. S. Oury, J. Wasson, Sol. Warner, L. C. Hughes, L. M. Jacobs, Wm. Zechendorf, and M. W. Stewart. Several of the above named were on other committees, associated with C. T. Etchells, S. Hughes, M. Katz, C. Hudson, W. C. Davis, Lieut. Perrine, D. Velasco, L. Carrillo, I. S. Fried, P. Drachman, Pedro Charouleau, J. Quinlin, C. W. Clarke, 0. Buckalew, A. Levin, J. S. Carr, S. H. Drachman, A. D. Otis, H. Buehman, R. C. Brown, B. H. Hereford, S. W. Carpenter, W. S. Edwards, W. G. Corbett, C. R. Drake, W. W. Williams, E. Ochoa, J. S.


Mansfeld, B. M. Jacobs, F. Stanford, Capt. G. C. Smith, F. Maish, A. Steinfeld, J. C. Handy, P. Abadie, J. Neugass, M. G. Samaniego, J. P. Clum, J. S. Wood, C. A. Shibell, C. I. Velasco, Maj. McCreary, Judge J. Haynes, J. B. Allen, H. Far- ley, J. A. Zabriskie, C. H. Lord, Lieut. Kerr, Col. Poston, C. H. Meyer, J. Goldtree, Theo. Welisch, T. L. Stiles, H. Buehman, T. Driscoll, W. P. Nye, H. C. Walker, E. N. Fish, E. Hudson, J. S. Vosberg, G. J. Hucke, T. J. Jeffords, E. B. Pomroy, A. G. Ryan, H. Hewitt, G. L. Field, F. Colton, and J. Carroll. Elo- quent and able speeches were made by Hon. W. S. Oury, Hon. Estevan Ochoa, Hon. R. N. Leatherwood, Judge French, Charles Crocker, James Gamble, General Carr, Hugh Farley, F. H. Goodwin, Manuel Prieto, Carlos I. Velasco, F. M. Pixley, Thomas Fitch, Major Ben. C. Truman, and R. M. Squire. General good feeling prevailed, and the celebration was a success.

March 22. Franchise for gas works and lighting of Tucson with gas granted exclusively to W. W. Williams, Claude Anderson, I. S. Fried and associates, foi" a period of twenty- five years ; works to be constructed and gas introduced within two years.

Rate of taxation, one-half per cent, for the General Fund and one-fourth of one per cent, for Railroad Bonds Fund.

Feast of San Augustine hereafter to be held outside the city.

President Hayes arrived, and was entertained. The follow- ing named citizens acted on the various committees : Mayor Leatherwood, Dr. Lord, Mr. Tully, Gen'l Carr, Gen'l Wilcox, and Messrs. Toole, Stevens, Jacobs, Ochoa, Williams, Fields, Colton and Carroll. The Presidential party and invited guests dined at the residence of Lord & Williams.

Railroad Bonds Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, amounting to two thousand dollars, were paid up and cancelled.

Proposals asked for doing the work of numbering the houses, and placing names of streets on the corners thereof.




Gouncilmen A. Levin, Charles T. Etchells

M. G. Samaniego, A. Steinfeld

Recorder and Police Justice, etc Charles H. Meyer

Treasurer P. R. Tully

Marshal, Chief of Police, etc A. G. Buttner

Assessor and Tax Collector : H. Ott

City Attorney Benjamin Morgan

Board of Health Mayor John S. Carr, Chairman, Coun- cilman A. Steinfeld, Councilman M. G, Samaniego, Chas. H. Meyer, Secretary.

Health Officer and City Physician J. C. Handy, M. D.

City Surveyor G. A. Roskrunge

Policemen Geo. B. Shephard, John Moore, Francisco

Esparzo, Michael Mahoney. J. H. Martin, Thomas New- come, Thomas O'Rourke, George B. Shearer.


Poundmaster Jesus Molino


The thanks of the Council were voted to Mayor Leatherwood for his uniform courtesy and efficiency during the preceding term.

The Legislature was induced to memorialize Congress to es- tablish a U. S. Branch Mint and Assay Office at Tucson.

The City Water Works are in process of construction.

A general revival of local interest has taken place under the administration of Mayor Carr and the present Council. At- tention is being directed to street improvements, the more regular construction of sidewalks, and the establishing of street grades. Telephones have been introduced into the city.


and the City Ordinances have been published in pamphlet form, in both English and Spanish. Good order is maintained in the city, and the Ordinances energetically enforced.

By the terms of the Water Company's franchise, the works must be completed and water introduced into the city by the 15th of December, 1881.

By the terms of the Street Railroad franchise, a line of road must be in operation on or before the 16th of March, 1882.

By the terms of the franchise for Gas Works, gas must be introduced into the city on or before the 22d of March, 1882.

It is expected that the i per cent, tax-levy for balance ($8,000) Railroad bonds will be totally extinguished this year.

The city property consists of some forty-five blocks and parcels of unsold land, valued at $25,000, and it is contem- plated ere long to build a commodious City Hall, wherein all business of the municipality will be transacted with facility.


Following is a synopsis of the character of the various mu- nicipal ofiices and the names of oiRcers for the current year, 1881 :

Officers are elected for one year (except two of the Council- men), the elections occurring on the first Tuesday in each January.

The Mayor serves without fee or salary. He presides at the meetings of and votes with the Common Council, signs muni- cipal licenses and all warrants drawn upon the Treasurer, makes quarterly communications to the Council concerning the con- dition of the city, assists in selecting such officers as serve by appointment, exercises a supervision over the subordinate officers, and examines into all complaints made by citizens. He is ex-oficio Chairman of the Board of Health.

The Common Council consists of four members, elected at large, who serve without compensation. Two are elected an- nually, and all serve for a term of two years. Any three


members serve as Judges and Inspectors of Municipal Elec- tions. They are invested with power to purchase, to build, to pay and contract debts, etc. Kegular meetings are held in the Police Court-room on the first Monday in each month, and ad- journed meetings intermediately, as occasion may require. They also sit annually as a Board of Equalization.

The Recorder is elected the same as other city officials. He is ex-officio Police Justice. He keeps the corporate seal and all papers belonging to the city. His salary in both capacities amounts to $125 per month. As Recorder, he files a bond in the sum of $1,000. He draws and countersigns warrants on the Treasurer, signed by the Mayor, officiates as clerk of the Council, Clerk of Municipal Elections, and as Secretary of the Board of Health. As Police Justice, he has the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace within the city, concerning ofiences against the by-laws, ordinances and regulations of the Council.

The City Treasurer serves without compensation. His bonds are regulated by the Mayor and Council, according to the amount of each annual tax levy. He makes an annual set- tlement with the Council.

The City Marshal is also Chief of Police, and ex officio Li- cense Collector and Street Superintendent. His salary is $130 per month (the $30 being for keeping of a horse). His perqui- site as License Collector is fifty cents for each license collected. He recommends his subordinates for appointment or dismissal subject to the approval of the Mayor and Common Council. As Street Commissioner, he sees to repairs of bridges, curbing, etc., and sees to the enforcement of the city ordinances con- cerning streets. Bonds $1,000.

The Assessor, who is also Tax Collector, receives compen- sation as the Mayor and Council may determine, according to the amount of work performed, and also certain stipulated fees. He is usually employed two or three months annually. Bonds $5,000.

The City Attorney is appointed by the Mayor and Common Council. Salary $300 per annum.

The Health Officer, who is also City Physician, is appointed by the Board of Health, subject to ratification by the Mayor and Council, and receives a salary of $75 per month. As City Physician, he is appointed by the Mayor and Common Coun- cil. He is authorized to see that the city is kept in a cleanly



and healthful condition, and direct the police to enforce his orders.

The Board of Health consists of the Mayor and two members of the Council, whom he designates.

The City Surveyor is appointed by the Mayor and Common Council, and receives a salary of SI 50 per annum.

The Charter provides for the appointment of a Street Com- missioner, but as the Mayor and Council have not in recent times appointed one, all the functions of that office devolve upon the Marshal, by consent.

The Poundmaster receives certain fees, and gives a bond of $500.

There are seven regular Police-officers, five of whom receive Si 00 per month, and two $75 per month each. They wear badges, but are not uniformed. Certain special officers are clothed with authority, and receive fees for making arrests.


("Elected in November, 1880, to serve two years).


Hon. John. S. Wood, Judge. (The Probate Judge is ex-officio County School Superintendent.) M. Gervais, Probate Clerk.


R. H. Paul, Sheriff; J. J. Coleman, Under-Sheriff: John Evarts and A. Caballero, Deputies ; Isaac E. Brokaw, Jailor; James Hersey, Assistant Jailor; M. L. Brown and John Davis, Jail Guards. The Sheriff is ex-officio


The following named are his Deputy Assessors: W. B. Hop- kins, M. S. Snyder and M. McKenna.


Charles R. Drake, Recorder; Anthony Coenen, Deputy Re- corder ; R. S. Miller, Deputy Recorder.



Hon. R. N. Leatherwood, Treasurer; Andrew Cronley, Dep- uty Treasurer.





Wm. C. Davis, Chairman; B. M. Jacobs and Michael Fagan. Clerk of the Board, E. W. Risley.

BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES: Samuel Hughes, Chairman; R. C. Brown and F. P. Thompson.

FEDERAL OFFICIAL LIST, 1881, Of Officers Resident in Tucson.


Hon. John C. Fremont, residence. No. 245 Main Street South.- (Governor Fremont resides one-half the year in Tucson, the other half at Prescott.)


Hon. W. H Stilwell, Associate Justice Supreme Court, pre- siding over the U. S. and Territorial District Courts for the First Judicial District. Residence, No. 135 Alameda Street.

Hon. Everett B. Pomroy, U. S. District Attorney. Office, corner Pennington and Meyer Streets; residence, No. 431 Main Street North.


George A. Glum, Glerk U. S. and Territorial District Goiirt, First Judicial District, and also Glerk of District Gourt of Pima Gounty. Residence, 135 Alameda Street.

T. L. Stiles, U. S. Gourt Gommissioner and District Gourt Gommissioner of Pima Gounty. Office, 216 Pennington Street; residence, 611 Pennington Street.

J. W. Evans, Deputy U. S. Marshal.


No. 301 Main Street South.

Hon. John Wasson, U. S. Surveyor-General; H. M. De Hart, Ghief Glerk; A. W. Pattiani, Draftsman Public Surveys; Paul Riecker, Mining Draftsman; John L. Harris, Mining Glerk; Rufus G. Hopkins, Translator and Spanish Glerk.


Gila Land District.

H. GousiNS,. Register; G. E. Daily, Receiver.


No. 204 Convent Street.

Thomas Gordis, U. S. Internal Revenue Gollector; Geo. W. Mauk, Deputy Gollector; R. J. Butler, Glerk.


No. 302 Main Street South. '

W. F. Scott, Deputy Gollector; Andrew J. Keene, Inspector. U. S. TREASURY DEPOSITORY.

Cong^ress Street, bet. Main and Meyer Street South.

C. H. Lord, U. S. Depositary; H. B. Cullom, Gashier. U. S. POST OFFIGE.

Congreis Street, bet. Main and Meyer Street South.

C. H. Lord, Postmaster; W. J. Gorbett, Assistant Postmaster; W. L. Brooks, Glerk.



Office, No. 13 Court Square.

J. L. Whiteside, Observer; E. R. Demain, Assistant Observer.


Fort Lowell is situated seven miles north-east of Tucson. Its garrison is ordinarily composed of one company of cavalry and officers of the post. On the ninth of June, 1881, the roster of officers was as follows:

Col. E. a. Carr, 6th Cavalry, absent on detached service, com- manding Fort Apache, Arizona.

Capt. W. a. Rafferty, 6th Cavalry, commanding the post and Co. M.

Capt. G. C. Smith, A. Q. M., Post Q. M. and Disbursing Officer for South-eastern Arizona.

1st Lieut. I. B. Kerr, Regimental Adjutant, 6th Cavalry, and Post Adjutant.

1st Lieut. Wm. H. Carter, Regimental Quartermaster, 6th Cavalry, absent on detached service at Fort Apache.

2d Lieut. J. Y. F. Blake, 6th Cavalry, on duty with Co. M., also Post Ordnance Officer.

1st Lieut. H. P. Perrine, Co. M., 6th Cavalry, on detached service at Camp Thomas, commanding Co. B., 6th Cavalry.

Levi Force, A. A. Surgeon, Post Surgeon.


The streets in that portion of the city inhabited before the city site was secured by tJ. S. Patent, are mostly narrow, like those of Mexican cities ; but all the larger portion of the city, laid off since then, has broad streets and avenues. No regular system of street grades has, as yet, been established ; hence persons investing their money in buildings know not but that at some future time they will be compelled to raise or lower the basis


of their domiciles, or otherwise have awkward sidewalk facili- ties. The subject of regulating this matter is before the pres- ent Common Council, and will probably be disposed of for the future good of the future city. Main, Pennington, Congress, Meyer streets, and Stone, Toole, and Osborne avenues, are among the most spacious and promising thoroughfares at the present time. All the streets and avenues have their names conspicuously placed on their corners ; and, as the houses are numbered, and a directory has been published, there is now no difficulty whatever in finding one's way to any place or person desired. Streets running north and south are numbered in both directions from their crossings at Pennington street ; and all other streets are numbered eastward from Main street and its extension into Osborne avenue.

The principal streets immediately south of Pennington, and running parallel therewith, are Congress, Mesilla, Camp, Jack- son, Ochoa, McCormick, Cushing, Simpson, and Kennedy. Those immediately north of Pennington, and running parallel therewith, are Alameda, Washington, Council, and Franklin Streets east of Main street and Osborne avenue, running paral- lel therewith, are Meyer, Court, Church, Convent, Stone avenue, Sixth avenue, and Toole avenue. Church Plaza is the open space of ground in front of St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church. Court Square is the open space surrounding the Pres- byterian Church, north of Pennington street, and in front of the old Court-house buildings. Military Plaza occupies several blocks, and is thus called by reason of its occupation by the U. S. troops previous to the establishing of Fort Lowell.


The climate here is agreeable. The heat in midsummer is no greater than in the Sacramento Valley, or its corresponding localities in California, nor as oppressive as it is in Eastern cities. The highest range of the thermometer, as recorded at theU. S. Signal Office in Tucson, is 110 degrees. This range was reached one day in 1880, being on the 30th of June. The lowest range in 1880 was 14 degrees, on January 30. On the 28th of January, 1880, snow fell, being the first of im- portance in sixteen years. Snow to a corresponding depth also fell in March, 1881, and on the 2d of June following the


thermometer reached 110 degrees. This is certainly not a bad showing, when compared to the region in Africa between Fezzan and the southern side of Sahara, where the thermome- ter is commonly 132 degrees in the shade, and 156 in the sun. As Tucson is 2,500 feet above the sea level, and in a dry and light atmosphere, the heat has less effect on the human system than the same degree would have in a lower altitude with a denser atmosphere. At this altitude there is also an almost constant movement of the air, which make the hot days toler- able and the nights delightful.

The rainy season begins about the first of July, and con- tinues three months to October, keeping the atmosphere in a cool condition. During the hot season a refreshing mountain breeze rises about 11 o'clock A. M. each day, and continues frequently until the grateful shades of night relieve us of the heat's severity.

The record of temperature as kept at the United States Signal Office in Tucson since 1866, is as follows :

Year. Max. Min.

1876 108 19

1877 110 23

1878t 105 24

1879 105 22

1880 110 14

1881 (to date) 110 19

The highest point reached by the mercury in all the years indicated occurred in the month of June, with the exception of 1877, when the maximum was reached in July. The lowest point was reached in January in the years 1877, 1880 and 1881, and in December in the years 1876, 1878 and 1879. From the same source we give the record of the rainfall : The total rainfall was as follows : In 1876, 14 inches; 1877, 13 in.; 1878, 16.6 in.; 1879, 12 in.; 1880, 6.6 in.; 1881, (to date), 2.2 in. In 1876 rain fell on 50 days ; in 1879, 43 days ; 1880, 46 days; 1881 (to date), 16 days. The following table in- dicates the month of each year in which the heaviest precipi- tation of rain occurred, and the amount falling in such month :

Year. Month. Amount.

1876 August 4.13 inches.

1877 December 2.91 "

1878 July 5.72 "


1879 December 3.31 inches,

1880 September 1.89 "

1881 (to date) ,. .March 1.17 "



This school is situated on Congress street, near the railroad depot, and consists of a long row or block of single-story adobe buildings, with a broad veranda enclosed by a railing along Congress street. It has two very large exercising yards for boys and girls, at the rear of the building. The school is classified into eight grades ; four constituting the Grammar and four the Primary Department. The attendance averages about 230 pupils, two-thirds being male children, owing to the existence of the Sister's Convent School and Academy, jsrhich is popular with the parents of female children. The Principal of the public school, who is also City Superintendent of Schools, receives a salary of $150 per month. He personally instructs the first and second grammar classes. Teachers re- ceive a salary of $100 per month.

Certificates of promotion are given at the end of each term, to pupils who are found qualified to enter a higher grade. Diplomas of Graduation are given on completion of the course to those who obtain 80 per cent, in examination.

This school is in a flourishing: condition, and the children in attendance are intelligent and neat in their appearance. It is contemplated to add a High School Department next year, with additional teachers, and to make other improvements.

Principal and City Superintendent, Prof. George C. Hall, Teacher of 1st and 2nd Grammar Giades.

Vice-Principal, M. M. Sherman, Teacher of 3rd and 4th Grammar Grades.

Mrs. M. W. Hall, Teacher of 1st and 2nd Primary Grades.

Miss Nora Smith, Teacher of 3rd and 4th Primary Grades.



This flourishing and popular educational institution of the Roman Catholic Church, is situated in the convent building adjacent to the church edifice of St. Augustine, in the central part of the city, and is in charge of Mother Hyacinth, Su- perioress. The Academy has 130 pupils in attendance, and is under the charge of Sister Lucretia, a highly cultivated lady and accomplished teacher.

The Parochial School containing 135 pupils, is under the charge of Sister Euphrasia. Both these schools are now self- supporting. For many years the Parochial School was wholly maintained by the generous liberality of P. R. Tully Esq., and even now he continues to guard its destinies and to give presents to the pupils in the holiday season, and premiums at the closing examinations.

The musical department of the Academy has 30 pupils, 20 of whom are not members of the school but attend from their homes. Four pianos are in use at the Academy, and the church organ is also utilized for musicial instruction. The musical department is in charge of Sister Entichiana.

In the higher grade of the Academy about 45 pupils are in daily attendance. In the second Academical department over 60.

As an indication of the tolerant spirit and wholesome defi- ciency of prejudice in this city, we will mention the fact that twenty-nine children of Jewish parents constantly attend the Catholic school.

In the school-room of the Academy is a magnificent piece of tapestry, some six by eight feet square, representing Gen- eral Washington in his library, the handiwork of Miss Philips, a niece of P. R. Tully, Esq., a former pupil of the Academy. In the execution of this work the needle of Miss Philips was occupied one hour each day for two years.

The Novitiate of Mt. St. Joseph, situated near the Hos- pital in the western suburbs, a kind of Normal School for the preparation of Novices for teaching and for religious life. It is in charge of Mother Basil and contains three professed members and seven novices, five of the latter being professed



novices. Four of these professed novices are in charge of St. Mary's Hospital and others teach a free school of thirty- children from surrounding ranches. Country patients are re- ceived at this hospital, for which a stipulated fee is allowed by the county ; and by the terms of a contract wdth the Southern Pacific Railroad Company the patients of that com- pany are also cared for at a stipulated price. By these ar- rangements, together with the nominal charge for private pa- tients, the hospital is self-sustaining. The hospital is situated about one and one-half mile from the center of the city, is two stories high and built of dressed stone. It is contem- plated to add a third story to this building.


This school, for boys, is situated at the corner of Stone ave- nue and Ochoa street. The Principal is Prof. William E. Reardon; Assistant, Don Pablo Soto. The Primary depart- ment, for young boys, is situated at the residence of Bishop Salpointe, on Church street, and is in charge of Sister Leon- tine. The number of boys in attendance in summer is 190 ; in winter, 215. As at present organized, this school was es- tablished in 1874. The pupils are divided into first, second and third classes. Prof. Reardon instructs the first class, Don Pablo Soto the second class, and Sister Leontine the third, or Juvenile department. This school was founded in 1866.


This is a private school, for both sexes, conducted by Prof. J. M. Silva, and situated at No. 518 Osborn avenue, in Don Leopoldo Carrillo's garden. It has 19 boys and 25 girls, mostly Spanish pupils, in attendance.


This is a private school, for both sexes, situated at No. 22 Cushing street, and conducted by Misses Cruz R. and Dona- ciana T. Parra. Six girls and four boys are in attendance.



Pupils attending the Public School 230

Pupils attending St. Joseph's Female Academy 130

Pupils attending Parochial Female School 135

Pupils attending Novitiate, or Normal School 10

Pupils attending Free School, taught by Novitiates. . 30 Pupils attending St. Augustine's Parochial School

(boys) 215—520

Pupils attending Prof.. Silva's Modern School 44

Pupils attending Leceo Mario's Private School 10

Total 804


St Augustine Roman Catholic Church. (Rectors, Rev. Francisco Jouvanceau, Rev. Anthony Jouvanceau ; Bishop and Vicar Apostolic, Rt. Rev. J. B. Salpointe.) Church Plaza.

This church was established many years ago, near the old cemetery, where it was first known as the Church of the Pre- sidio. Afterwards it was re-located in a small chapel near the corner of Congress street and Church Square. In 1866 the foundation of the present church edifice was laid, and com- pleted suitable for worship in 1869. The construction of the new edifice was expensive, as building material was very costly at that time. Improvements on the building are still in pro- gress.* A belfry has recently been added, and on the adjacent tower a statue of St. Augustine is to be placed. Its Sunday- school is largely attended.

Baptist Church. (Rev. U. Gregory, Pastor.) Hold service at the County Court-house, until the completion of their church edifice at corner of Eighth street and Eighth avenue. This church has a Sunday-school.

First Presbyterian Church. (Rev. O. Hurd, Pastor.) West side of Court-house Plaza. This is a large adobe building, commenced in 1879, and although used for secular worship, is


not yet fully completed. The congregation is small, but in a flourishing condition. Its Sunday-school is well attended.

Methodist Episcopal Church. (Rev. W. G. Mills, Pastor.) A brick building in course of construction at the comer of Pennington street and Stone avenue. Services are held at present in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. G. H. Adams, Bishop of Arizona, resides here, and is superintending the building of the church edifice. Miss Josie Schreiber is the or- ganist at this church. The organization has a flourishing Sun- day school.


All the following designated orders and societies are in a prosperous and growing condition :

Arizona Lodge, No. l,A.O. U.W. Instituted January, 1881, with 22 charter members ; now has 45. Meeting nights, Wednesdays, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Grand Hotel building; Officers : Charles E. Holbrook, M. W.; Henry Buehman, F., Wm. M. Blaine, O.; H. Heineman, Re.; J. M. Berger, T.; Frank Miltenberg, Fin.; W. L. Cropper, G.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (Division 28). A. Bruce, Chief Engineer ; Fred. Littlefield, F. A. E. Meets in Odd Fellows' Hall, Grand Hotel Block, on the first Monday, second Tuesday, and third Wednesday in each month.

/. 0. G. T., Tucson Lodge, No. 4- Instituted March 25, 1881, with 26 charter members; now has 50. Meets F'riday evenings at Presbyterian Church. Officers : Jas. A. McFadden, W. C. T.; Mrs. E. M. Johnson, W. R. H. S.; Miss Josie Schrie- ber, W. L. H. S.; Miss Julia Ingram, W. V. T.; N. M. Town- send, W. S.; W. A. S., Miss Yetta Feldman ; Darwin T. Briggs, W. T.; G. E. Gonzales, W. F. S.; C. E. Serrott, W. M.; Miss Minnie Stovel, W. D. M.; Mrs. E. A. Halsted, W. I. G.; M. J. Brundage, W. O. G.; Rev. U. Gregory, Chaplain.

Pima County Lodge, No. 3, L. 0. 0. F. Chartered January, 1881, with twenty charter members, now has a membership of


fifty. Meeting nights, Thursday of each week, in hall, Grand Hotel building. Officers : Henry D. Corbett, N. G.; John Hart, V. G.; H. C. Kusel, Sec; W. F. Scott, Treas.; K. H. Choat, Per. Sec.

Tucson Turn Verein. J. M. Berger, President; Henry Buehman, Vice-President; H. Kollman, First Secretary; H. C. Keisel, Second Secretary; Adolph Goldschmidt, Treasurer. Meetings are held every Saturday night, at Levin's Hall, until a building is erected. The society, although but recently or- ganized, has fifty-three members.

Tucson Lodge, F. <^ A. ilf.— Officers: A. M. Bragg, M.; G. J. Roskruge, S. W.; A. Marx, J. W.; C. T. Etchells, T.; S. M. Allis, Sec. First meeting was held March 28, 1881. Member- ship, thirty. Meet in Odd Fellows' Hall, Grand Hotel build- ing, on the last Monday in each month.

Tucson Lodge, No. 3, K. of P. J. A. Zabriskie, C. C; Moye Weeks, V. C; M. Gratto, P. C; H. D. Corbett, K. of R and S.; J. C. Perry, P.; M. T. Brown, M. of Ex.; C. K Drake, M. of F. This Lodge was instituted March 23, 1881, with twenty-eight charter members. It now has a membership of thirty-five with indication of a large increase. Meet Tuesday nights in Odd Fellows' Hall, Grand Hotel building.


For many years Lord & Williams did the only banking business in Tucson. Although not strictly a banking firm, their credit, capital, reputation and facilities were of such a high character as to justify the general confidence of the mer- chants, capitalists and bankers throughout the entire country. Thus they continued the sole occupants of the field until January, 1879, when the Pima County Bank was organized, with a large cash capital, by P. K Tully and the Jacobs Brothers. In April of the same year the Bank of Saffbrd, Hudson & Co. came into existence, also with a large cash capi-


tal. Both these banks rank among the foremost. Lord & Williams continue to transact important financial operations, as formerly.


The daily Citizen is an evening paper, Republican in poli- tics, and the oldest of all the newspapers at present published in Tucson and the oldest in the Territory. It was founded as a weekly October 15, 1870, by Colonel John Wasson. In 1875 R. C. Brown, Esq., the present proprietor, purchased in and be- came a partner of Colonel Wasson, but afterwards sold back his interest. Subsequently Wasson sold the paper to John P. Clum, who in the early part of 1878 moved the paper to Flor- ence, where it was issued until the latter part of 1879, when it reappeared in Tucson, and in the latter part of 1880 again be- came the property of R. C. Brown. A weekly edition is also published. The Citizen has a power press and a complete job department. [The office of this paper was totally destroyed by fire June 9, 1881, but the paper survives the catastrophe.]

The Arizona daily and weekly Star is published in Tucson, by L. C. Hughes, Esq., editor and proprietor. The daily is 28 columns and the weekly 82 columns. The paper was first started as the daily Bulletin, with only 12 columns, March 1, 1877, by L. C. Hughes and Charles TuUy. In thirty days thereafter it was enlarged to 20 columns and the name changed to the Tri- Weekly Star. On August 1st of that year it was again enlarged to 25 columns, and thereafter issued as a weekly, and L. C. Hughes became the sole proprietor. On June 26, 1879, a 20-column daily was first issued in connection with the weekly, and the latter was at the same time enlarged to 32 columns, and the price reduced from five to three dollars per annum. Since that time the daily has been twice enlarged and is now 28 columns. In politics the paper is Democratic, yet this has not been made a leading feature. The interests of the people and the development of the resources of the Terri- tory has been its constant aim. Its policy on Territorial mat- ters has been such that it has secured a large and increasing


patronage, until it has advanced to its present state of influ- ence and prosperity. The Star circulates largely in the ad- joining Territories, in California, Sonora and the Eastern States as well as in Arizona. Its various stages of successive growth may be considered as a reflex of the constantly in- creasing business activity and wonderful growth of this sec- tion of Arizona. A large steam-power press and complete job office belong to this establishment. A new Star building is being erected on the corner of Congress and Convent streets, which will be one of the most imposing in the city.

The Daily Journal is independent in politics, and was founded January 1st, 1881, by its present proprietor, F. P. Thompson, Esq. A paper called the Weekly Mining Journal, devoted to mining interests, is also issued from this estab- lishment. A new Hoe power press and job press has recently been added to the mechanical department, as well as additional type and other appliances.

El Fronterizo. This is a seven -column weekly newspaper, published in Spanish, and ably edited by its proprietor, Don Carlos I. Velasco. It was established September 28th, 1878. It is issued every Friday, has a large circulation in Arizona and Sonora, and is every way in a prosperous condition. Office, No. 621 Stone Avenue.


This designation was given by the Mexican residents to that quarter of the city lying along Meyer and adjacent streets, southward of the business portion of the city, occupied by the Americans. It means Free Zone, and in earlier times was al- lowed to remain without legal restraints or the presence of a policeman. Here, the Mescalian could imbibe his fill, and either male or female could, in peaceful intoxication, sleep on the sidewalk or in the middle of the streets, with all their ancient rights respected. Fandangoes, monte, chicken fights, broils, and all the amusements of the lower class of Mexicans,


were, in this quarter, indulged in without restraint ; and to this day much of the old-time regime prevails, although the encroachments of the American element indicate the ultimate doom of the customs in the Berrio Libre. It must be under- stood that these remarks apply only to the lower class of Mexicans, and not to the cultured Mexican residents of the city, who, for intelligence and enterprise, are foremost among our people.


Silver Lake. This place is situated one and one-half miles south-west of the city, and is a constant resort, both day and night, for the inhabitants of Tucson. The lake is caused by a dam of masonry in the Santa Cruz River, and extends over several acres. Several boats are available for sailing or rowing up the river beyond the lake. A row of commodious bath- houses are constructed for the accommodation of bathers, and a stout rope extends across a portion of the lake for the con- venience of persons learning to swim. The hotel, bath-houses, pavilion, lake and grove occupy a space of twenty acres, leased and controlled by J. F. Rickey and J. O. Bailey, who also own the mile race track adjacent thereto, and where the annual races are held. This is the only race track near Tucson and the only swimming baths in Arizona.

Levins Park. This ever popular resort is situated at the foot of Pennington street, but a few steps from the business heart of the city. It consists of a grove of tall and shady Cottonwood trees seven acres in extent, in which are located a threatre, music pavilion, billiard alcoves, bowling alley, bar, restaurant, baths, brewery, shooting gallery, chairs, tables, etc. A stream of rapid running water passes through the grove, and near its banks is a large plat of green grass, both grateful to the sight and gladdening to the heart. A large enclosed pavilion occupies a portion of the grounds, which on State occasions in Tucson is utilized for balls and ceremonies, by the societies and the polite society of Tucson in general. All day and far into the night, brilliantly illuminated, this park is


resorted to by the population, and without its beneficent shade and other luxuries Tucson would be lacking in one of its principal features. Joseph Bayer and Louis Schwarz have leased this park for a term of five years, and by their liberal and enterprising management are extending its popularity.

Fullers Springs, or Agua Calienta, is situated some four- teen miles east of the city at the foot of the mountains the road passing Fort Lowell. It is the property of Mr. James P. Fuller, who is making it a useful place of resort for sick people, or those who seek temporary recreation away from the heat and business of the city. The Mineral Warm Springs are already celebrated for their efficacy in speedily curing kidney complaints and rheumatism. The medicated water is 88 degrees Fahrenheit, as it comes from the earth, and although many persons drink it thus heated for the sake of obtaining Its full force of gases, others prefer to let it cool over night in an olla, and thus drink it, refreshing and invigorating in the morning. These waters contain soda, magnesia, iron and sul- phur, and are pronounced equal to the famous hot springs of Arkansas. Mr. Fuller has provided cottages and ample hotel accommodations for the public. An orchard of 3,000 trees partly belongs to this ranch.

San Xavier del Bac. This is an old mission situated in the Santa Cruz valley, nine miles south of the city, and which was established by the Jesuit missionaries towards the end of the seventeen century, for the purpose of civilizing the Papago Indians. It is constantly visited by travelers and other per- sons interested in local vestiges of the earliest settlements of the country. By the Mexican resident it is a place of resort when occasional bull-fights take place in that vicinity.


BuelVs Addition. Adjoining the city limits on the east- ward there is a tract of 160 acres laid off* in blocks and streets, and known as Buell's Addition. It is a level tract, and good water in abundance can be obtained at a depth of from 30 to


40 feet. The location is very healthy, being somewhat higher than the city ; and the temperature at all times is from ten to twelve deg. cooler than in town. The border of this addition is but three blocks distant from the railroad and depot of the Southern Pacific, and but half a mile from the business part of Tucson. A number of substantial houses are already built and occupied, and the lots being cheap, are being rapidly pur- chased and settled upon. It is the terminal point of one of the projected lines of street railroad. (See advertisement herein, as to prices of lots.)

Allen's Addition. This tract adjoins Buell's Addition, and contains several substantial residences. Lots 50 by 183 feet, sold on the installment plan.

Real Estate Associates. The project of this association is the laying out of a tract of from four hundred to six. hundred acres of land immediately adjoining the north- western portion of the city. This land has a small lake of water supplied by springs, being the outlet of a gravel bed underlying the entire mesa for miles around. They contem- plate laying this entire tract out into blocks, avenues and streets upon which may be erected modern cottages and villas, which can be supplied with water from the aforesaid lake, while under pressure, throughout the houses and hy- drants. Thus the trees, shrubbery and flowers can be amply supplied with water. The first steps in their progress is the laying out of a boulevard, which will be a continuation of Main Street North. Shade trees will be set out on each side and, with the abundant water supply, the residents can have a prolific growth of trees, deciduous, evergreen and fruit, and flowers and shrubbery ad libitum. They propose, in order to secure an auspicious beginning, to donate to the first ten acceptable parties, who will erect an attractive dwelling thereon, the entire plot forming half a block front on each corner and two hundred and thirty feet on the boulevard by two hundred feet on the cross streets. The company also pro- pose to unite with these parties in the erection of ten other dwelling houses of the most approved style of architecture. " The projectors of this enterprise have issued a pamphlet set- ting forth the prospectus of the association. It is confidently believed that the consummation of these praiseworthy plans will result in securing a permanent and valuable accession to the


population of the future great commercial metropolis of Ari- zona. This project has its origin in the public spirit of our worthy townsman, C. M. K. Paulison, whose experience in building up the city of Passaic, N. J., during the past twenty years, justify us in the belief that it will become a grand success.

Oshorn's Addition. This tract consists of three blocks of land situated south-west of the city along Osborn avenue from its intersection with Main Street South. It was laid out in 1880 with lots one hundred and fifty by fifty feet, and streets eighty feet in width. Lots are at present selling at from $30 to $75 each. The drive to Silver Lake passes this tract as also the main thoroughfare up the Santa Cruz valley and to Sonora. The line of street railroad is also projected past this tract.

Bruckner's Addition. This body of land consists of some tlurty blocks (157 acres) adjoining the southern limits of the city. Lots are fifty by one hundred and eighty feet and streets eighty feet wide. These lots are now selling at about $50 each.

George L. Lynde has a tract south of the city, which is laid off into lots and blocks for sale on reasonable terms.


Iron Foundry and Machine Shop. This establishment was founded about the beginning of 1880, by P. N. O'Donnell, of Los Angeles. It is situated at the corner of Eighth street and Third avenue, eastward of the railroad. The machinery con- sists of two lathes, a drill press, and circular saw ; smelting cupola, and a twelve-horse power engine. A large stock of iron and coal is on hand, and Mr. O'Donnell is prepared to make all kinds of quartz-mill castings, iron fronts for buildings and any other work in iron or brass.


Tucson Vinegar Works. This valuable industry has been recently established near the railroad depot, by W. J. Doherty, a gentleman of extensive experience in the business. The es- tablishment has all necessary appurtenances, and the vinegar is produced from pure honey, and sold to the trade in from five to fifty gallon kegs.

Soda and Ice Works. The Pioneer Soda and Ice Works are situated at No. 215 Convent street, corner of Corrall street, G. W. Van Hoevenberg and L. T. Farr, proprietors. The works and buildings cover an area 100 by 150 feet square. Ice is manufac- tured from pure water on the premises, by the Van Hoevenberg & Stevens process, with a 16-horse-power engine. The soda factory, formerly the property of J. F. Innes & Co., is the only one in the city, and has a capacity of from 200 to 1,000 dozen bottles per day. The ice factory has a capacity for turning out three tons of ice daily. A wagon delivers these desirable articles of consumption to all parts of the city. Ten men are employed in both departments, during the hot season.

American and Mexican Mining Exchange. This institu- tion was established December 15, 1880, for the purpose of developing the mining resources of Arizona, of which the city of Tucson is the recognized permanent center, and to promote mining intercourse with the neighboring State of Sonora, in Mexico, by bringing to the knowledge of American capitalists, merchants and manufacturers, the natural wealth of both sections. The active heads of this important institution at the present time are Don J. M. Soto, Col. F. Stanford, and Don Marcus Forster. It is situated in a spacious building- erected for the purpose at No. 417 Meyer Street South, and is resorted to generally by business men and capitalists visiting Tucson. Every convenience has been prepared for the accom- modation of the public, including writing tables,' library, read- ing room, etc. Specimens of all leading mines are on exhibition. Parties abroad who desire information concerning mines or lands in Arizona, may address the Exchange or any of the parties mentioned above, and be certain of a prompt, courteous and reliable Answer.

Eagle Flour Mills. These steam mills were built 14 years ago, by Lee &; Scott, and were purchased seven years since by the present proprietor, E. N. Fish, Esq. They contain three


run of stone, with a capacity of over 7,000 lbs. per day of 12 hours with two stones. The engine is 2 5 -horse power. Grain from the vicinity of Tucson is here ground, and sold all over Arizona. Few of the business men of Tucson are more active and energetic than Mr. Fish. Neither the broiling sun nor the down-pouring rain interferes with whatever business he has in hand to perform. Since his residence here many public duties have been forced upon his care. He has frequently filled the office of City Treasurer ; for eight years he was a member and for four years chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Recently he acted as a member of the special commission appointed to adjust the difference between Pima and the new County of Cachise. Mr. Fish has been unfortu- nate this year from successive losses by fire ; but his natural energies will enable him to speedily repair all damages and recover all losses.

A. (^ C. Lumber Company. J. N. Mason, Esq., is Manager of this enterprise in Tucson, which contains the principal stock of lumber in the Territory. Mr. Mason expi esses the belief that the time is approaching when our people will cease building with adobes and use lumber. His theory is that while a frame building may become heated sooner than an adobe, it also cools off* quicker ; whereas, when the adobe once becomes heated in summer, it remains so night and day until cold weather returns, and people move out at night and sleep in the open air. This company has saw-mills at Alta and Dutch Flat, California, and from Tucson ship lumber and other building material to all parts of Arizona. [See advertise- ment.]

C. T, EtchelU Blacksmith Shop. Perhaps nowhere else in the United States are there such large blacksmith shops as here in Tucson. The one belonging to Mr. Etchells is at least 150 feet square, and those of Mr. Quinlin and Mr. Bragg are of. similar proportions. The present establishment of Mr. Etchells was the pioneer business in this part of Arizona, it having been established by John Burt, in 1856. Mr. Etchells became its proprietor in 1868. He has in use three forges, a lathe and engine, and all the appliances necessary for black - smithing, wagon making, or repairing mining machinery. Em- ployment is given to eight men.


Sweetland <& Co. commenced business in 1880. They man- ufacture spring mattresses, and cots, and picture-frames. (See their advertisement.)

Leo Goldschmidt, in connection with his gigantic furniture establishment, manufactures mattresses, bedding, and furni- ture to order. (See advertisement.)

Two brick-yards are doing an active business in this vicin- ity, one of them being situated near Silver Lake. Wetmore & Dean are the agents in the city.

Two breweries partly supply the population with beer, which is regarded as a healthy drink in this climate. One of these is the property of Alex. Levin, and situated at the Park ; the other is located in the vicinity of Silver Lake.

A tannery, cooper-shop, and soap-factory are among the new industries required here, and from which large profits would be realized. .




Tucson to Picacho 46

Tucson to Casa Granda (thence stages for Florence, 25

miles; Silver King, 57 miles) 65

Tucson to Maricopa (thence stages for Phoenix, 30 miles; Vulture, 90 miles; Wickenberg, 90 miles; Prescott,

152 miles) 91

Tucson to Gila Bend 128

Tucson to YuTna (thence steamer to Colorado River points) 247

Tucson to Los Angeles 496

Tucson to San Francisco 978


Tucson to Papago 14

Tucson to Pantano (thence stage to Empire City, 14 miles,

and Harshaw, 50 miles) 28

Tucson to Benson (thence by stage to Tombstone, 30 miles;

also to Bisbee and Dragoon Pass) 46

Tucson to Ochoa 55


Tucson to Willcox (thence stage to Fort Grant, 24 miles; Camp Thomas, 64 miles; Globe, 132 miles, and San

Carlos, 99 miles) 85

Tucson to San SiTnon (to Gayleyville, 22 miles) . . •. 125

Tucson to Lordsburg 1 50

Tucson to Deming, New Mexico 230


Tucson to Fort Lowell 7

Tucson to Fuller's Bjprings and Resort 14


Tucson to Pelton (Silver Bell District) 45

Tucson to Ahhie Waterman Mine (Silver Hill) 40

Tucson to Cabahi 70

Tucson to Meyers District 100


Tucson to Old Hat 45

Tucson to Old Gamp Grant 47


Tucson to San Xavier del Bac ^ 9

Tucson to Maish <&; DriscolVs Ranch 34

Tucson to Tubac 50

Tucson to Cerro Colorado 58

Tucson to Toltec 64

Tucson to Arivaca.. 67

Tucson to Galahasas 70

Tucson to Bahocivori Peak 80

Tucson to the Mexican Line 75

Tucson to Altar (in Sonora) 150

Tucson to Magdalena 150

Tucson to Hermosillo 300

Tucson to Ouaymas (by railroad from Hermosillo) 400


Tucson to Davidsons Springs 18

Tucson to Em^pire Ranch 41

Tucson to Camp Crittenden 52



Tucson to Hughes' Ranch 54

Tucson to Harshavj 72

Tucson to Belmont 81


To the East by railroad, daily.

To the West by railroad, daily.

To Arivaca, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

To Tubac and Calabasas, Mondays.

To Magdalena and Guymas, Tuesdays and Saturdays.

To Altar, Mondays and Wednesdays.

To Riverside, in Pinal County, Mondays and Fridays.

To Catalina, Mondays and Fridays.

Money Order office at Tucson P. O. Open from 9 A. M. to

p. M. (Sundays excepted). Closes at noon on Saturdays.

General delivery open from 8 A. M. to 6:30 P. M.



Oolville, Ed, 212 Camp st.

GoodiViend, Simon, bookkeeper, (C. T. Etchells).

Maxwell, Fred, commission merchant, 3 Congress st. Murphy John, miner, res. Palace Hotel.

Oldham, Jehn H., special policeman, res. Palace Hotel.

Page 29— "Roster of Officers at Fort LoW^ll."

General Staff, ....


Field, Staff and Band,

. 0

Co. M 6th Cavalry,

. 55

Detachment 6th Cavalry, .

. 27

Total, ... 94



18 81.


N North. cor Corner

S South. Sra Senora

st Street. S'rta Sen(»rita

bet Between. res Residence

ABADIE, PAUL & CO., real estate, cor. Camp and Meyer sts.

Acuna, Jesus, 110 Kennedy st.

ADAMS, REV. G. H., Bishop of Arizona, M. E. Church, res.

003 Pennington st. Adams, A. S., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Adams, M. W., fireman, S. P. R. R. Aguirre, Pedro, stock raiser, res. 218 Convent st. Aguilar, Francisco, 321 Main st. S. Aguilar, Manuel, res. near Buell's Addition. Aguirre, Cristoval, merchant, res. 411 Meyer st. S. Aguirre, M., porter, (Theo. Welisch & Co.) Ainza, Santiago, lawyer and notary public, offices, 222 Meyer

st. S.; res. 109 Simpson st. Alcala, Guadaloupe, grocer, 251 Meyer st. S. Aldrich, Mrs. T., 408 Pennington st, Aldaco, Juana, 734 Meyer st. S. Alcantar, Suzano, barber, 103 McCormick st. Allande, A., clerk, (L. Zeckendorf & Co). Allen, L. B., train dispatcher, S. P. R. R. Allen, Charles A., brakeman, S. P. R. R. ALLIS, S. M., civil engineer, 206 Pennington st. Almuzan, Ampuro, 12 Stone ave.


W. W. Williams. C. H. Lord.


Bankers and Brokers.




The Oldest House in the Territory,


Agents for the Sonora R. R., Limited, and Correspondents of all the leading firms in Mexico.


Alvord, L. C, engineer, S. P. R. R.

Amabisca, Gertrudes, 408 Meyer st. S.

Ainado, Manuel, rancher, res. 619 Stone ave.

Ames, John, coachman, 211 Ochoa st.


No. 417 Meyer st. S. AMERICAN CASH STORE, (E. Germain, proprietor), 13,

15 and 17 Mesilla st. Andrada, Nabor, mason, 526 Main st. S. Anderson, Jacob, blacksmith, 106 Ochoa st. Angulo, Ventura, merchant, 319 Convent st. Apsey, Job, bartender. Palace Hotel. Arback, John, bartender, Palace Hotel. Arbillo, Petra, 418 Meyer st. S. Archa, Charles, blacksmith, S. P. R. R. shops. Arcia, Pedro, baker, 728 Meyer st. S. Archivaldo, Juan, 118 McCormick st. Arivalla, Francisco, merchant, 433 Meyer st. S. ARIZONA AND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMPANY,

Office and Yard opp. S. P. R. R. depot. Armenta, Jesus, mason, 21 Pearl st. Armenda, Atanasio, farmer, res. 728 Meyer st. S. Armer, Thomas, cook. Porter's R R. Hotel. Aros, Romolu, Convent st. Aros, Julian, res. near Buell's Addition. Aros, Manuela, 403 Convent st. Arvizo, Carmen, res. Alemeda st. Arvizo, Urgencio, 419 Convent st. Acedo, Luterio, 3 Stone ave. ,

Acedo, Mariano, Sixth ave., near Pennington st. AULD, JAMES (W. B. Hooper & Co.) res. 26 Court House


Badia, Pedro, miner, res. 9 Gay alley.

BAGNASCO, P., photographer, 22 Camp st.

Bagley, William, brakeman, S. P. R. R.

BAILEY, J. O., (Rickey & Bailey,) Silver Lake Resort.

Bailey, A. L., engineer, S. P. R. R.

Bailey, , stone mason, res. Allen's Addition.

Baird, Samuel, clerk, (Leo Goldschmidt).








On the principal points in

Kurope and the United States

Receive deposits, purchase or make advances on Territorial and County Bonds and warrants, approved connnercial paper, etc., and

Transact a G-eneral Banking Business.

Deposits of Bullion made with us, or shipped to Anglo-Californian Bank, San Francisco, for our account, can be checked against immediatel}'.


New York J. W. Seligman & Co

San Francisco Anglo-Californian Bank

Los Angeles Commercial Bank

St. Louis Bank of Commerce

Chicago Merchants' Loan & Trust Co

Boston Massachusetts National Bank

Philadelphia Central National Bank

Santa Fe First National Bank


Baker, Mrs. T. J., dressmaker, 13 Meyer st. S.

Baker, Calistro, laborer, S. P. R. R. shops.

Baker, Benj., fireman, S. R R. R.

Balcom, R. G., real estate, cor. Eleventh and Herbert sts.

Baldwin, Robt., bricklayer, cor. Pennington and Church sts.

Ballesteros, Soledad, 539 Main st. S.

Ballesteros, Sra. Trinidad, 336 Convent st. f

Ballesteros, J. M., inspector at U. S. Custom House. -. '

Barraza, Sra. Carmen, res. 407 Convent st.

Barragan, Rafael, merchant, 200 McCormick st.

Barraofan, Jose, clerk, 200 McCormick st.

Barrett, Charles, waiter, Porter's R. R. Hotel.

Barges, Salome, artist, 616 Meyer st. S. '^

Barcelo, Bartolo, 228 Simpson st.

Barker, E. A., druggist (G. Witfeld).

Barnes, J. C, 745 Meyer st. S.

Barnard, E. A., speculator, res. 514 Pennington st.

Barney, J. P., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Baron, Eduardo, carpenter, 208 Camp st.

Barron, Ramon, laborer (C. T. Etch ells).

Barruses, Francisco, barber, res. 602 Stone ave.

BARTER, GEO. W., compiler Tucson Directory.

Bartolomy, Casimiro, grocer, 401 Meyer st. S.

Basil, Mother, Novitiate School, Convent st.

Bassler, Mrs. A., milliner, 219 Congress st.

Batista, Sra. Mariana, 330 Meyer st. S. .

Baulf, Alberto, clerk, 114 Court st. N.

Baum, Kuno, clerk (L. Zeckendorf &; Co.)

Bawer, John, porter (Lord & Williams Co.) ^

BAYER & SCHWARZ, (Jos. Bayer & L. Schwar^f props

Park Brewery and Levin's Park. BAYER, JOSEPH, (Bayer & Schwarz), res. Levin's Park. BE ALL, GEO. T., attorney-at-law, res. Cosmopolitan Hotel. BEAN, COL. A. A., asst. supt. S. P. R. R., office R. R. depot. Beety, James, bX^akeman, S. P. R. R. Bell, James, brakeman, S. P. R. R. Bennett, A. J., conductor, S. P. R. R. Berdon, Clemente, carpenter, 206 McCormick st. BERGER, J. M., jeweler, 19 Congress st., res. Ill Simpson st. Bernal, Claudio, 744 Meyer st. S. BETZ, JOSEPH, (Mint Exchange), 107 Congress st., res. 316

Congress st.






Silverware, Watches, Clocks


Diamond Jewelry.


Also keeps a Large Stock of


And all AlUchtuontd; and irf Agont fur tlie Celebrated


For Arizona and Sonora. Best Machines Sold Cheaper than ever.




Blackburne, C. W., cari^age trimmer (C. W. Clarke's).

Black, Mrs. H. J., furnished rooms, 316 Stone ave. S.

Black, Frank, speculator, res. 108 Main st. N.

Black, F. S., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Blade, James, miner, 13 Stone ave. N.

Blain, T. M., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Blaine, W. M., harness-maker (C. W. Clarke's).

Bojorques, Juan, grocer, 417 Meyer st. S.

BOLYN, D. J., drayman, office 16 Congress st., res. 104

Fifth ave. Bon, Manuel, carpenter, 700 Stone ave. S. Bonillas, Trinidad, res. 517 Convent st. Bonillas, Ygnacio, school teacher, 111 Stone ave. S. Borton, Author, clerk, res. 610 Stone ave. S. BORQUEZ, MODESTO, merchant, 404 Meyer st. S. Bostick, Samuel, 22 Church st. N. Bouchet, Julio, clerk, res. 102 Cushing st. Bourke, G. E., fireman, S. P. R. R.

BOWKER, GEO. H., Supt. Telephones, office 16 Congress st. Bowman, Fr. B., bookkeeper, (W. B. Hooper &; Co.,) res. Palace

Hotel. Box, Willey, miner, 236 Main st. S. Boyce, Mathew, carpenter, 2 Jackson st. Boyd, W. A., division shop clerk, S. P. R. R., res. n. s. 11th st.

near S. P. R. R. track. im ^ ' _

Bradley, C. L., engine(M^ S. P. K^:-''''^'^^^^^-*.^^

BRAGG, A. M., l)lacks}nit!r aivl v;;ili-oii lUifiiHHpVMMlMii rcl i

and Pennin{]ftoH"sts. Bravo, Isniacd, teamster, res. 517 Convent st. Bravo, Bernardo, capitalist, res. 611 Convent st. Brandenberger, Wm., painter, 25 Pearl st. BRAWLEY, H. J., city editor Daily and Weekly STAR. BREWER, ARTHUR K., assayer, opp. Saffi)rd, Hudson &

Co.'s Bank. Brichta, A., saloon keeper, 610 Pennington st. Brickta, B. C, compositor. Daily and Weekly JOURNAL. Briggs, D. L., engineer, S. P. R. R. shops. Brickford,T. C, laborer, S. P. R. R. shops. Brickwedel, M. H., restaurant, 12 Fifth ave. Broadwell, J. W., conductor, S. P. R. R. BROKAW, ISAAC E., jailer, Pima Co. Jail. Brooks, W. L., clerk at Post-office.



(Established in 1860)

Cor. Main and Pennington Sts.

The Largest and Most Complete



Sole Aents for Fish. Brothers' Celebrated

Farm AND Spring" Wag-ons




Oarpenter and Masons' Tools a Specialty.

TOOLS adapted to every branch of industry represented in our HARDWARE DEPARTMENT.


Also, a Ml Line of Apicultural Implements.


Browder, Joseph A., agent, 424 Meyer st. S.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. (See Societies.)

Brown, Oliver J., employee S. P. R. K

Brown, Oliver, employee S. P. B. R.

Brown, J. S., conductor, S. P. R. R.

BROWN, GEO. W., editor Daily and Weekly CITIZEN, 4

Church Plaza. Brown, Chas. O., miner, res. 115 Jackson st. BROWN, R. C, publisher and proprietor Daily and Weekly

CITIZEN, 4 Church Plaza. Brown, Thomas, fireman, S. P. R. R. BROWN, H. J., crockery and hardware. 108 Main st. S., res.

221 Main st. S. Brown, Truman, employee Daily and Weekly CITIZEN, 4

Church Plaza. Brown, Richard (Carroll's Livery Stable). BROWN, L. M., prop. Grand Hotel, cor. Church st. and

Maiden Lane. BROWN, M. T., mining, 433 Main st. N. BROWN, J. N., prop. Tucson Club House, 215 Pennington st.;

res. 212 Congress st. BRUCKNER, JOHN, news agent, res. 11th ave., bet. 19th and

20th sts. Brunier, Sra. Josefa, salocgi and fancy store, 423 Meyer st. S. Brans, Henry, 222 Meyer st. S.

Bryden, S. W., compositor. Daily and Weekly STAR. BUCKALEW, O., capitalist, res. Buckalew's Block. BUCKALEW'S BLOCK, n. s. Court Square. BUCK, H., ice-cream saloon, 215 Congress st. Budge, R. F., mining expert, 230 Main st. S. BUEHMAN & CO., photographers, 105 Congress st. BUEHMAN, H. (Buehman & Co.) res. 316 Congress st. BUELL, JAMES, mining lawyer, 222 Meyer . st. S.; res.

Buell's Addition. Buelna, Bernarda, 7 Gay Alley. Bumgardner, F. H., compositor, Daily and Weekly CITIZEN,

4 Church Plaza. Burns, H. P., 205 Congress st. BURNS, F. H., City Market, 205 Congress st. Burr, F. W., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Burrnel, Manuel, butcher, 115 Main st. N.




The oldest Mercantile Establishment in Arizona.



We have helped to build up the Country and have by fair dealing built up ourselves.




We keep Wagons and Harness for both Mules and Oxen. We keep G-rain'^and Forage.

We keep the largest



We keep all kinds of Stock for sale, consisting of

Horses, Mules, Oxen, Beef and Mutton.


Burtony, Ambrose, carpenter, 220 McCormick st.

Buryman, F. M., salesman, (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Bush, George, butcher, 228 Convent st.

Bustamante, Peter, barber, 234 Main st. S.

Biistamante, Maria, 740 Meyer st. S.

ButkotFky, Alex., waiter. Grand Hotel.

BUTTNER, A. G., Marshal and Chief of Police, office, 16

Meyer st. S. ; res. 505 Stone ave. N. Butler, R. J., clerk, U. S. Internal Revenue Office. Butler, William, brakeman, S. P. R. R. Butler, Mrs. G. J., 207 Fifth ave.


CABINET SALOON, Carre & Sander, proprs., 1 1 9 Congress st.

Caballeri, Augustin, Deputy Sheriff Pima Co., res. 9 Pearl st.

Calder, W. C, (Newlands & Calder) 118 Congress st.

Calen, Henry, carpenter, S. P. R. R.

Callahan, J. W., carpenter, S. P. R. R.

Callahan, T. R., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

CAMPBELL, ALEX. C, (Campbell & Robinson) attorneys at

law, office 34 Camp st. Campbell & Robinson, attorneys at law, 34 Camp st. Campas & Guadalupe, 4 Jackson st. Campusano, Crescucio, baker, res. 508 Convent st. Carerra, Sra. Josephine, 334 Meyer st. S. Carter, G. C, plasterer, 311 Congress st. CARR & GREGG, (E. M. Carr & F. W. Gregg) attorneys at

law, cor. Pennington «& Warner sts. CARRILLO, LEOPOLDO, capitalist, 7 Mesilla st. Carrillo, Jesus, butcher, 254 Meyer st. S. Carrillo, Sra. Teodosia, grocer, 436 Meyer st. S. Carroll, James, superintendent Cosmopolitan Hotel. CARROLL, JAMES, livery stable, cor. Pennington and Court

sts. Carranse, Margarita, 519 Meyer st. N. CARR, JOHN S. (W. B. Hooper & Co.) and Mayor of Tucson,

res. 24 Court st. CARRE & SANDER (Cabinet Saloon) 119 Congress st. CARRE, A. (Carre & Sander) 119 Congress st. CASWELL, A. M., commission merchant, 337 Meyer st. S.





foreign and Bomestic Products,


Miners' Dandles and Bulk Goods a Speciality.

TUCSON, ) .,:„„„. EL PASO, Texas.

PHfflmX, r^^'^""'^' &UATMAS, Mco.


W. H. Hardy's Celebrated Whiskies,

J. A. Miller Chicken Cock Whiskey, Old Kentucky Log Cabin Whiskey, The Coronet Whiskey,

Val Blatz's Milwaukee Beer, Dr. Siegert's Genuine Angostura Bitters, Damiana Bitters,

Yerba Buena Bitters,

Tolu Rock and Rye, Kidnegen.

Imported and Domestic' BRANDIES, GIN, RUM, and WINES of all kinds, and

Always kept in stock.


Castillo, Jose, cor. Meyer and McCormick sts.

Castillo, Encamacion, N. E. cor. Meyer and McCormick sts.

Castro, Gerardo, tinsmith (W. C. Davis's).

Castro, Carmen Y. 8 Jackson st.

Castro, T. Mejia de, 8 Jackson st.

Castro, Dolores, dressmaker, 23 Oclioa st.

Castro, Rafaela, capitalist, 6 Corrall st.

Castro, Raffaela, 227 Convent st.

Castillo, Eugenio, 736 Meyer st. S.

CASON, C. & CO., proprs. Maison Doree, cor. Camp and

Meyer sts. Cassell, Michael Corrall, cor. Ochoa and Convent sts., res. 112

Stone ave. S. Calton, F., brakeman, S. P. R. E. Caverly, Richard, boiler maker, S. P. R. R. shops. Caughlan, D., clerk, res. 501 Stone ave. S. Cawgar, A., engineer, S. P. R. R. Celaya, Luciano, 708 Meyer st. S. CHAPMAN, FRANK, grocer, cor. Church and Pennington

sts.; res. 507 Pennington st. Chapman, Fred, compositor. Daily and Weekly JOURNAL. Chapplain, J. D., carpenter, 222 Congress st. Chacon, Eduardo, 614 Pennington st. (Jhan Tin Wan, Chinese goods. 111 Main st. N. Chambers, H. A., telegraph operator, S. P. R. R. office. CHAROULEAU, JEAN P., capitalist, 12 and U Church

Square. CHAROULEAU, JOHN, capitalist, 12 and 14 Church Square. Chavez, Mariana, salesman, (Wm. Zeckendorf.) Chevallier, V., chemist, 25 Congress st. Chick, Martin, warehouseman, (L. Zeckendorf &d Co.) res. 409

Congress st. Chick, J., warehouseman, (L. Zeckendorf & Co.) CHILSON, L. D., County Surveyor, Mining and C. E., Notary

Public, and Deputy U. S. Surveyor, office, 9 Meyer st. S. Chirighin, M., 1 and 2 Maiden Lane, Choate, P. H., miner, res. 219 Camp st. Cinner, Geroline, waiter, Porter's R. R. Hotel. CITIZEN, daily and weekly, office 4 Church Plaza. CLARKE, C. W., harness and saddles, cor. Main and Congress

Clark, H. L., brakeman, S. P. R. R.


Established 1869.



Stoves and Ranges,


Pumps, Pipe and Fittings,

Plumbers'' Supplies^



Tinware, Graniteware and Brassware.


San Jose Lift Pumps for WindmiHs


Sole Agent for Arizona for St. Louis CHARTER OAK.



Clark, Dr., merchant, res. 625 Stone ave. S.

Cleland, F. W., painter, 25 Pearl st.

CLENSAY & CO., WALTER, commission, fruit and produce,

1 and 2 Maiden Lane, cor. Meyer st. S. Cline, James, cook, I X L Restaurant. Clines, James, cook, 409 Main st. S. Clisbee, A. L., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

CLUM, GEO. A., clerk, U. S. Dist. Court, res. 135 Alameda st. Clyde, Thomas, engineer, S. P. R. R. Cobler, Frank, foreman daily and weekly CITIZEN, 4 Church

Plaza. Coenen, Anthony, Deputy County Recorder. Cohn, A. E., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Cohn, J. M., merchant, 218 Meyer st. S. COLE, WILLOUGHBY, clerk, 13 Pearl st. COLTON, E. F., livery and feed stable, 332 Meyer st. S. COLEMAN, J. J., Under-sheriff Pim.a County. COLV-ILLE, ED., mining, 18 Church st.. Grand Hotel Building. Collmen, Henry, clerk (J. S. Mansf eld's.) Collins, John (col'd), waiter. Congress Hall Restaurant. Contreras, Manuel, saddle-tree maker (C. W. Clarke's.) Contreras, Angel, tinsmith (W. C. Davis's.) CONGRESS HALL, saloon, etc., cor. Meyer and Congress sts. Conley, Henry, merchant, 734 Meyer st. S. Condon, J. A., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Conn, M. M., Congress Hall, res. 417 Congress st. CONSTENZ, FRITZ, capitalist, Meyer st., bet. Congress and

Cushing. Cook, E. H., miner, res. 112 Jackson st. Cook, William, employee. Park Brewery. Cooler, George, mining, 210 McCormick st. Coppel, I. F., merchant, res. 422 Convent st. Corbett, W. J., assistant postmaster.

CORBETT, H. D., grocer, 25 Sixth ave.; res. 637 Pennington st. Cordora, Jose, farmer, res. 712 Meyer st. S. CORDIS, THOMAS, collector U. S. Internal Revenue, office

204 Convent st. Cordrence, Luis, barber, res. 11 Pearl st. Cordarrens, Louis, barber, 217 Meyer st. S. Cornelia, Montanno, restaurant, cor. Meyer and Ochoa sts. Cornwall, W. A., engineer, S. P. R. R. Corona, Marcos, 322 Main st. S.








Dry Goods House;

I3Sr -A-ItlZODST-A..


Ladies' and Gents' FurnisMng Eroods. 2

IB m%we

^mm%mm co


Lodging House I Restaurant

J". DOWNEY, Proprietor.

Board and Lodging from $1.00 to $1.50 per Day.



Cortez, Manuel, 422 Main st. S.

Corea, Mariana, 108 Gushing st.

Cory, Frank, saloon, cor. Court st. and Maiden Lane.

Coschina, Jos. M., manager Clensay & Co., 1 and 2 Maiden Lane.

Cota, Manuel, clerk, 716 Meyer st. S.

Cota, Gurnesinda, 110 Gushing st.

CRONLEY, ANDREW, Deputy County Treasurer Pinia Co., res. 310 McCormick st.

CREIGHTON, W. W., miner, res. Palace Hotel.

CROPPER, W. L., carpenter, 314 Congress st.

Crosby, Charles, engineer, S. P. R. R.

Cruz, Filomeno, carpenter. Main st. N.

Cruz, Gabriel a, capitalist, 125 Gushing st.

Cuen, Francisco, harness and saddlery, 311 Meyer st. S.

CULLUM, H. B., cashier U. S. Depository, res. 412 Con- gress st.

Culbertson, E. M., engineer, S. P. R. R.

CULVER, JOHN P., civil engineer, hy. and mining eng., assay er and Depty. U. S. Mining Surveyor, 224 Congress St.; res. 220 Camp st.

Curiel, Ynez, 102 Church st. N.

Curtis, B. W., mining, res. 119 Jackson st.

GZERWINSKY, T., clothing store, etc., cor. Mesilla and Main sts.

Czerwinsky, Julius, clerk, cor. Meyer and Mesilla sts.

Czerwinsky, Emanuel, clerk, cor. Meyer and Mesilla sts.


Dachena, A., cor. Mesilla st. and Church Plaza.

Daguerre, A., capitalist, 519 Pennington st.

Daniels, N. E., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Dascomb, O. R., engineer, S. P. R. R.

Davila, Francisco, 619 Meyer st. S.

Davidson, Thomas, engineer, S. P. R. R.

DAVIS, W. C., manufacturer of tin, copper and sheet iron

ware, 100 Main st. S. ; res. 220 Congress st. Davis, J. W., mining, 32 Church st. Davis, John, guard at Co. Jail.

Dean, J. B., druggist, (G. Witfeld).


I. Meyer. L. Meyer.




Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods,

Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,

Millinery, Ready-made Suits,

Underwear for Ladies, etc.


illlBM llEClilBIBl, ilOOilllS, 10? ISIOIS aad lllllS' Slf PUIS

South of San Francisco.

By strict adherence to our rule of all transactions on a cash basis, we have built up an extensive and profitable trade throughout Arizona, New Mexico and Sonora. ITie peculiarly favorable facilities we enjoy in buying of Eastern Manufacturers enable us at all times to undersell our conipitetors, and yet have a small margin for profit. The reputation we have justly earned as the Champion of Low -Prices is only equalled by our well known record for honesty and fair dealing in commercial transactions. All goods sold by us will invariably be found exactly as represented.

We have constantly at the service of the public a corps of polite and intelligent assistants, who are at all times ready and willing to be of service to customers. We confidently believe that our efforts in behalf of the people, and low prices, will continue to be appreciated in the future as in the past, and we, therefore, solicit a share of the general patronage

201,203,205 j HlfDYUD P rn 100.102,104


The only 2-Story Business Block in Tucson.


Dean, James C, shooting gallery, Levin's Park; res. 14 Pen- nington st.

DEAN, C. C, (Wetmore & Dean), 10 Meyer st. S.

Dean, E. H., saloon, 745 Meyer st. S.

De Daufort, Henry, lodgings, cor. Ochoa st. and Stone ave.

DE HART, H. M., chief clerk U. S. Surveyoi'-Generars Office.

DE LONG, S. R., Tully, Ochoa & Co.

De Land, Col. A., mining, 212 Convent st.

DEL AMO, DR. JUAN, 309 Meyer st.

Demain, E. R., Asst. Observer U. S. Signal Service, 13 Court Square.

De Soto, N. L., clerk (L. Meyer k Co.)

DETOY, CHARLES, wholesale and retail grocer, 1 and 3 Church Plaza; res. 130 Court st.

Dexter, G. B., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Diaz, Sra. Teodora, 425 Convent st.

Diaz, Jesus, 20 Church st. N.

Diaz, Sra. Refugio, res. 423 Convent st.

Dickey, W. S., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Dietz, Fred, fireman S. P. R. R.

Dill, T. H., Palace Hotel.

DIXON, J. E., proprietor Russ House, Camp st.

Dobbs, E. W., miner, 220 Simpson st.

Dodge, M. P., clerk (A. D. Otis & Co.)

DODGE, E. S., lodging house, cor. Pearl and Pennington sts.

DOHERTY, W. J., proprietor Tucson Vinegar Works, west of R. R. depot.

Donaldson, James, engineer, S. P. R R.

Donahue, J. H., fireman S. P. R. R.

Donnelly, Chas. E., operator, W. U. Tel. Co.

Dousing, Louis, prop. Union Saloon, 207 Meyer st. S.

Donahoe, F., brakeman, S. P. R. R. '

Doninguiz, Rosario, carpenter, 710 Meyer st. S.

DORMAN, S. M. (J. S. Morgan & Co.), 6 Camp st.

Donzleman, C. A., laborer, S. P. R. R. shops.

Dot, Ah, butcher (J. S. Crosley & Co.)

Douville, L., tailor, 8 Camp st.

DOWNEY, P., I X L Restaurant and Lodging House, Clunch Plaza.

Downie, Wm., carpenter, cor. McCormick and Convent sts.

DRACHMAN & CO. (P. Drachman & S. H. Drachman), mer- chants, corner Meyer and McCormick sts.



W. W. Williams. C. E. Harlow. C. H. Lord.

Lord & Williams Go.

Corner Main and Congress Sts.,



Miners'andMining Goods.

The Oldest Mercantile House in Tucson, and headquarters for general information per- taining to everything connected with Arizona.


DRACHMAN, HON. PHILIP (Drachman & Co.), res. 112

Ochoa st. DRACHMAN, HON. S. H. (Drachman & Co.) DRAKE, C. R., County Recorder Pima County, res. 401 Stone

ave. S. Dresser, F. B., cor. Congress and Warner sts. DRISCOLL, THOMAS fMaish & Driscoll), res. Palace Hotel. Droff, Phillip, laboi-er, S. P. R. R.

Dunham, , contractor, res. Allen's Addition.

Dunne, James, blacksmith (C. T. Etchells').

Dunsford, Walter, barkeeper, Congress Hall.

Durago, Reyes, blacksmith, 623 Stone ave. S.

Durazo, Alfredo, 221 Kennedy st.

Duran, Mateo, 400 Meyer st. JS^.

Durr, Joseph, saloon, 3 Mesilla st.

Dyer, H. F., telegraph operator, res. O'Rourke's Lodging House.

DYER, J. J., drayman, 28 Ochoa st.

DYER & RAYNES, props. Pioneer Truck Line.

EAGLE FLOURING MILLS, (E. N. Fish, propr.. Main st. S.

Eagan, Cornelius, mining, 410 Pennington st.

Earickson, E. J., upholsterer, (Leo Goldschmidt).

Earll, F. A., clerk, (M. Katz) res. 129 Alameda st.

Earll, A. R., law student, res. 129 Alameda st.


34 Camp st. EARLL, W., attorney at law, 34 Camp st., res. 129 Alameda st. Edwards, C. F., brakeman, S. P. R. R. EDWARDS, W. S., capitalist, res. Military Plaza. Eff, M., cook, Grand Hotel. " EL FRONTIERIZO," published weekly, Carlos I. Velasco

proprietor, 621 Stone ave. S. Elias, Perfecto, jeweller, 108 Convent st. Elias, Jesus Pacheco, capitalist, 117 Jackson st. Elias, John, stock raiser, res. 268 Main st. S. Elias, Braulio, 15 Jackson st. Ellis, John, 634 Pennington st. Emond, Peter, painter, 108 Camp st. Encinas, Carmen, res. near Buell's Addition. Epsey, Joseph, clerk. Palace Hotel.




Keep a Large Assortment of Arizona Views and Mouldings.

wm^mmm M^iiii mm mmmmm^

No. 105 Congress Street, opposite W. U. Tel. Office.



General Merchandise,


Sole Agent for the

Durham Smoking Tobacco, and '' Happy Thought Chewing.


Erran, Soledad, 612 Pennington st.

Erreras, Juan, farmer, res. 712 Meyer st. S.

Erribes, Jose J., compositor, 621 Stone ave. N.

ESCOBAR, POF. FRANCISCO, Musician, 106 Convent st.

Escobar, Victoriana, porter (M. Katz), res. 509 Pennington st.

Escoboza, Francisco, carpenter, 6 Jackson st.

Espinosa, Santiago, capitalist, 326 Convent st.

Esparzo, Francisco, policeman.

Espinoza, Victor, res. 123 Camp st.

Estrada, Matias, teamster, res. 506 Convent st.

Estrella, Benigno, res. Meyer st. S.

ETCHELLS, CHAS. T., blacksmith and wagon maker, cor.

Congress and Pearl sts. ; res. 308 Main st. N.; also member

of City Council. E-ti, laundry, 234 Convent st. EUPHRASIA, SISTER, Parochial School, Roman Catholic

Convent. EUSTIS, WM., capitalist, res. Gay alley. EUTICHIANA, SISTER, Musical Dept. Roman Catholic

Convent. EVANS, J. W., U. S. Deputy Marshal, res. Palace Hotel. EVANS & CO. (John Evans and J. F. Topliff*) architects,

builders,, etc., 202 Congress st. EVANS, JOHN (Evans & Co.) res. 222 Convent st. EVANS, BELLE L., Spring Garden Baths, Simpson st. Evarts, John, Deputy Sheriff Pima County. EXCELSIOR BREWERY (C. Mundelius) IJ miles from city. EZEKIELS, MARK, traveling agent (L. Zeckendorf & Co.) Ezekiels, Alex., clerk (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)


Fairchilds, Geo., engineer, S. P. R. R.

FARLEY, HUGH, (Farley & Pomroy), District Attorney,

office, cor. Meyer and Pennington sts. FARR, L. T., Pioneer Soda & Ice Works, 215 Convent st. Farrell, Joseph, tinsmith, (W. C. Davis.) Farrell, J. C, res. near R. R. Depot. Federico, Alejo, 219 Kennedy st. Feldman, Miss Yetta, cashier, (L. Meyer &> Co.) FELIX & CO., D., (D. Felix & C. F. Wilkins), grocers, 109

Congress st.





I mi






Oil Paintings, Chromos and Engravings.

Also an ele8:ant asssortment of

vstaimIm papers a hangings.

The attention of Housekeepers is solicited to the ahove descrihed stock, and a visit to my Warerooms will more than repay intending purchasers.




FELIX, D., (D. Felix & Co.), res. 427 Congress st.

Felix, Wenceslao, merchant, 3 Tenth st.

Felix, Wenceslau, bookkeeper, (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Felix, Jose, teamster, res. 646 Convent st.

Felix, Jane, dressmaker, 332 Meyer st. S.

Felix, Tereza, 528 Main st. S.

Felix, Josef a, merchant, 525 Main st. S.

Felix, Manuel, employee. Fish's Mill.

Felix, Febrona, 104 McCormick st.

Felix, Srta. Jesus, dressmaker, 332 Meyer st. S.

Ferrin, Joseph, tailor, 219 Meyer st. S.

Fetterly, R., fireman, S. P. R. R.

Fiala, John, clerk (Theo. Welisch & Co.)

Fickey, C. H., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

FIELD & MORGAN (Geo. L. Field & W. M. Morgan), Iron- wood Livery Stable, 109 Sixth ave.

FIELD, GEO. L. (Field & Morgan) res. 105 Sixth ave. .

FIELDS, EDWARD, oapitalist, Palace Hotel.

Figuiroa, Manuel, res. 5 Alameda st.

Figuiroa, Rafael, res. Alameda st.

Fimbres, Santos, 743 Meyer st. S.

FISH, E. N. (Eagle Flour Mills), res. 208 Main st. S.

Fish, J. D., clerk, S. P. R. R. office.

Fisher, Leonard, 223 Meyer st. S.

Fisher, C. F., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Fisk, John St. John, miner, res. 135 Alameda st.

Fitzhugh, J. F., compositor. Daily and Weekly STAR.

Fitzgerald, E. G., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Fitzpatrick, M. F., carpenter, 222 Congress st.

FLEISHMAN & CO., FRED, druggists, cor. Congress and Court sts.

Fleming, Chas. L., waiter. Park Rest.

Floisheim, Wm., (A. Goldschmidt & Co.,) 108 Congress st.

Flores, Sra. Theresa, 336 Meyer st. S.

Flores, Sra. Loisa, 309 Convent st.

Follansbee, A. D., foreman, S. P. R. R.

Forbes, John, fireman, S. P. R. R.

Ford, Pierce, clerk, (W. C. Davis).

FOSTER & HAND, saloon, cor. Mesilla and Meyer sts.

FOSTER, GEORGE, (Foster & Hand), cor. Convent and Jackson sts.






For Diagonal Spring* Beds


For Low Priced Lounges


For New Patent Ice Chests


For Low Priced Kitchen Safes


For Late Styles "Wall Paper


For Paints and Oils


For a Fine Line of Paint Brushes



Wall JPaper, JPictures and Frames,


No. 318 Congress Street,




Foster, C. F., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Foster, Hans, waiter. Palace Hotel.

Foy, W. G., 1 Welisch Block.

Franco, Agapito, 10 Stone ave.

Fregosa, Tomas, clerk, 102 Gushing st.

FREMGNT, GOY. JNO. C, Governor of Arizona; res. 245

Main st. S. FRIED, I. S., real estate ag't, 9 Congress st. FRYE, CHAS. H., teller, (Safford, Hudson & Go's Bank.) Fulsher, W. H, brakeman, S. P. R. R. FULLMER, N. S., carpenter, 220 Gonvent st.


Gallagher, Wm., mining expert, 244 Main st. S.

Gamez, Jose, res. near Buell's Addition.

Ganz, William, bakery, 115 Gongress st,

Garcia, Francisco, Sixth ave., near Pennington st.

Garcia, Manuel, mining expert, 202 McCormick st.

Garcia, Alejandro, mason, 6 Stone ave.

Garcia & Co., B., grocers, 701 Meyer st. S.

Garcia, Felipa, 213 Gushing st.

Garkelon, A., porter. Grand Hotel.

Garsisillo, Jesus, laborer, (G. T. Etchells.)

Gastelo, Jose, 622 Pennington st.

GATES, THOMAS, mining, 216 Convent st.

Gaynor, W. H., painter, Church Plaza.

Gerling, R. A., fireman, S. P. R. R.

GERMAIN, EUGENE, American Cash Store.

GERYAIS, M., clerk Probate Court, office 221 Meyer st. S.

Ghanetto, C, grocer, cor. Jackson and Meyer sts.

Gibeau, John, blacksmith, S. P. R. R. shops.

GIBSON, DAYID, miner, res. 8 and 5 Court Sijuare.

Gibson, Rosa, 81 Church st. N.

Gifford, E. B., mining, 810 Congress st.

Gifford, M. H., policeman, res. 419 Meyer st. S.

Gilbert, S. W., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Gill, Demetrius, bookkeeper (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

GILLETTE, D. B., capitalist, 244 Main st. S.

Gillette, Edward, clerk, 225 Main st. S.

Gillette, F. E., conductor' S. P. R. R.


Wm. A. SCOTT, Jr.,


nil tiiin Nil. imi. 1 1.


Send for Blotters, Calendars, &c,


Gimenez, Clemente, mason, 21 Pearl st.

Girard, James A., 230 Main st. S.

Girarcl, F. W. , miner, 463 Main st. N.

GLASCOTT, D. S., speculator, 600 Pennington si

Gavilonda, Antonio, apprentice, (Leo Goldschmidt.)

Goodrich, A. L., fireman, S. P. R. R.

GOODMAN, A., wholesale and retail grocer, cor. Camp and Convent sts.

GOODRICH, BENJAMIN, attorney at law, 212 Pennington st. ; res. 428 Congress st. ^

Goodfriend, Simon, clerk, (C. T. Etchells).

GOLDSCHMIDT & CO., ADOLPH, (Adolph Goldschmid- and W. Floisheim), gents' furnish'g goods, 108 Congress st.

Goldschmidt, Alfred, clerk, (J. S. Mansfeld).

GOLDSCHMIDT, LEO, furniture, 236 Meyer st. S.

GOLDTREE, JOE, cigars and tobacco, cor. Meyer and Con- gress sts.

GOLDTREE, ISADOR, cor. Congress and Warner sts.

GOLDBAUM & WOLF, (L. Goldbaum and M. Wolf), hard- ware, cor. Main and Mesilla sts.

Goldbaum, L., (Goldbaum & Wolf.)

Goldberg, Isaac, merchant, 102 Main st. N.

Gomez, Francisco P., jeweler, 255 Main st. S.

Gomez, Jesus, peddler, 255 Main st. S.

Gomez, Librado, 618 Meyer st. S.

Gomez, Francisco, capitalist, 232 Main st. S.

Gonzalez, Gregoire, clerk, (Theo. Welisch & Co.)

Gonzalez, Pedro, baker, cor. Meyer and McCorndck sts.

Gonzalez, Novan, 407 Main st. S.

Gonzalez, Juliana, res. 5 Alameda st.

Gonzalez, Maria, 5 Alameda st.

Gonzalez, Carmen, 5 Alameda st.

GONZALEZ, SRA. FACUNDA, 405 and 407 Convent st.

Gonzalez, Ramon, teamster, 627 Convent st.

Gonzalez, Trinidad, res. near Buell's addition.

Gonzalez, Refugio, 304 Convent st.

Gotthelf, P., clerk (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Gotthelf, J., clerk (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Gotthelf. D., clerk (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Graham, S. C, clerk (W. B. Hooper & Co.)

GRAND HOTEL, cor. Maiden Lane and Church si, L. M. Brown, prop'r.


J. N. MASON, Manager,







Mill and Mining Timbers a Specialty.

We are prepared to fill the Largest Orders for all kinds of Building Material at the shortest possible notice.

Office and Yard opposite S. P. R. R. Depot,

Pioa$er Soda and Ice Works,

No. 215 Convent Street, No. 3 Corrall Street.


lee and Soda promptly delivered to all parts of the City.


Granillo, Sra. Luz, res. Meyer st. S.

Granillo, Sacramento, farmer, res. Meyer st. S.

Granie, Sacramento, merchant, 21 Gushing st.

Granie, Jenoveba, 119 Court st. N.

GREENUS & O'LEARY (A. E. Greenus & E. O'Leary), Tuc- son Painting Co., 25 Pearl st.

Greenus, A. E., (Greenus & O'Leary) res. 116 Ochoa st.

GRATTO, MATHEW, contractor and carpenter, 16 Church st.

GRATTO, R., carpenter, 16 Church st.

GRAVES, W. DE LA T., dentist, 20 Camp st.

GRAVEL & VAZQUEZ, blacksmiths and wagon makers, 106 Ochoa st.

GRAVEL, F. E., (Gravel & Vazquez), res. 8 Convent st.

Gray, R. W., engineer, S. P. R. R.

Grannis, F. R., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Greenleaf, E., fireman, S. P. R. R.

GREENE, COL. GEO. M., miner, 514 Meyer st. S.

GREENE, DR. ALFRED A., 514 Meyer st. S.

GREEN, A. P., mining, 212 Convent st.

Green, C. W., fireman, S. P. R. R.

GREGORY, REV. U., Pastor Baptist Church, cor. 8th st. and Stone ave.

GREGORY, J., clerk (L. Zeckendorf & Co.).

Grigaloa, Francisco, 612 Pennington st.

Grijalva, Crisanta, 11 Gay alley.

Grijalva, Suz, 3 Jackson st.

GROFF, C. F., brick and adobe layer, 319 Congress st.

Grosette, Antonio, steward. Porter's R. R. Hotel.

Groedel, Carl, traveling agent (L. Zeckendorf «& Co.)

GRUBER, J., gunsmith, 231 Meyer st. S.

Gutieress, Loreto, 507 Meyer st. S.

Guthrie, J. E., engineer S. P. R. R.

Gutsch, Harry F., (Elite Saloon), res. 305 Camp st.

HAINES, C. E., merchant, 400 Stone ave. S.

Halsfred, Ed., employee, S. P. R R.

HALLAHAN, THOMAS, clerk. Palace Hotel.

HALL, GEO. C, Sup't Schools, res. Public School Building.

Hall, Mrs. M. W., teacher, res. Public School Building.


Tucson Grocery Store,






Wholesale and Retail,



E. F. COLTON, Proprietor.

Meyer Street, ^MIBa^jr -^IplBpr Tucson. HACKS, ROCKAWAYS AND BUGGIES.


Both Single and Double. The best Stock and Lowest Prices.

Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month.


HAMBURG, J. J., manager (W. Zeckendorf s), res. 245 Main St. S.

Hamilton, Ed., machinist, S. P. R. R. shops.

Hamlin, S. H., employee, S. P. R. R. shops.

Hancock, James F., carpenter, 217 Camp st.

HANDY, DR. J. C, City Physician, 111 Congress st.

Hang Teong, laundry, 19 Church st.

Hanks, D. E., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Hanley, Martin, waiter. Palace Hotel.

HARLOW, C. E. (Lord & Williams Co.)

HARRIS, JOHN L., mining clerk, U. S. Surveyor-General's Office, 225 Main st. S.

Harris, E., fireman, S. P. R. R.

HARRIS, JACOB, fancy goods, 327 Meyer st. S.

HARRIS & SUTTON (W. H. Harris & W. Sutton), grocers, 224 Congress st.

Harris, W. H. (Harris & Sutton).

Harrison, J., clerk, Pima Co. Bank, res. 217 Congress st.

Harper, William, engineer, S. P. R. R.

Harper, W. H., local agent, S. P. R. R.

Hart, John, expressman, 320 Main st. N.

Haskell, J. M., miner, 110 Jackson st.

Haskell, Mat., fireman, S. P. R. R.

Hatch, F. W., bookkeeper. Daily and Weekly JOURNAL.

Hawkins, John,, cook, I X L Restaurant.

HAYNES, JOHN, attorney-at-law, office 15 Meyer st. S.; res. 103 Court St.

Haynes, Willis P., 15 Meyer st. S.

HEIMAN, G.,i»g|gMH ' I r 1 5 an^l 1 7 Mesilla st.

Henry, S. F., fireman, S. P. R. R.

Henry, W. A., compositor, Daily and Weekly STAR.

Henry, Geo. B., bookkeeper, Safibrd, Hudson & Co's Bank.

Hensley, W. E., mining, 24 Ochoa st.

Henderson, J. W., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Hernandes, Angel, 108 Kennedy st.

Hernandes, Francisco-, 110 Simpson st.

HEREFORD & ZABRISKIE, attorneys-at-law; 223 Meyer St. S.

HEREFORD, B. H., (Hereford & Zabriskie), res. 214 Penning- ton st.

Herreras, Rafaela, capitalist, 203 Kennedy st.




Cor. Gamp and Convent Sts





Complete Assortment of CANNED MEATS and CANNED FRUIT of the choicest brands.


Flour and Grain a Specialty.

Best Supplies for Miners, Prospectors, Ranchmen, and Station-keepers.


Goods Delivered Free of Charge in the city.


Hernandes, Luz, 516 Meyer st. S.

Hersey, James, Assistant Jailor Pima County.

Hewitt, J. S., employee S. P. K R.

HEWITT, J. H, 206 Convent st.

Hernandez, Juan C, tinsmith, (W. C. Davis) res. 124 Cushing

street. Heynemann, Edward, bartender, 821 Meyer st. S. Hickey, Phillip K., bookkeeper (Leo Goldschmidt). Hidalgo, Marina, 13 Gay alley. Hildebrand, Chas., carpenter, 806 Congress st. Hilton, Charles, brakeman S. P. R. R. Hill, J. J., shipping and receiving clerk, S. P. R. R. office ; res.

410 Convent st. Himbros, Teodora, farmer, 9 Stone ave. N. HITTINGER, ANTON, S. F. Exchange, Meyer st. Heinemann, B., bookkeeper, (W. Zeckendorf). Hodges, D. F., 12 Toole ave. Hoff, G. A., clerk, 17 Mesilla st. HOFFMAN, GEORGE, capitalist, 18 Jackson st. Hook, Frank E., employee, S. P. R. R. shops. HOLBROOK, DR. C. E., Ill Congress st. Holler, Mrs. S., dressmaker, 331 Meyer st. S. Holmes, John A., machinist, S. P. R. R. Hong, Wing On, merchant, 3 Pearl st. S. Hopkins, W. B., Deputy Assessor Pima County. Hopkins, Rufus C, translator & Spanish clerk, U. S. Surveyor-

( xf^n f-^T*^ I ^ \ )tti of^

HOOPER & CO., W. B., (John S. Carr & James Auld) whole- sale wines, liquors and cigars, 12 Mesilla st. Hores, Jesus, employee S. P. R. R. Horfigan, , employee S. P. R. R. shops. HORNBLOWER, W. H., D. U. S., 16 Congress st. HORTON, W. B., public administrator, Pima County. HORTON, H., wholesale & retail liquors, etc., 13 Main st. S. Hovey, C. H., engineer, S. P. R. R. Howe, Geo. P., clerk, (Lord & Williams Co.) Harvard, H. B., clerk, 222 Camp st. HUCKEE & KUCK, saloon, 18 Mesilla st. HUCKEE, J. G., 18 Mesilla st. HUDSON, CHARLES, Satford, Hudson & Co. ^ Hudson, Edward, cashier, Safford, Hudson & Co's Bank. HUGHES, SAMUEL, capitalist, res. 304 Main st. N.


Tucson Vinegar Works,

(Near S. P. R. R. Depot.)


W. J. DOHERTY, Proprietor.


Manufacture for the trade a superior quality of Vinegar


in from five to fifty gallon kegs.


No. 205 Congress Street.


Beef, Mutton, Pork, Poultry and Game.

Retail Houses supplied with the very best of the season.

Meat delivered to any part of the city Free of Charge.


HUGHES, L. C, editor and prop'r. Daily and Weekly STAR,

res. 102 Court st. HUGHES, FREDERICK C, miner, 108 McCormick st. Humphrey, D. G., commission merchant, 13 Jackson st. Hunter, F. A., 1 Welisch Block. HURD, REV. O., Pastor First Presbyterian Church, res. Stone

ave., opp. Cemetery. HUTCHINS, ROBT. A, Quarter-Master's Agt., res. Palace

Hotel. HYACINTH, MOTHER, Superioress Roman Catholic Convent. Hyman, Sra. Maria, 306 Convent st.

. I

lench, Daniel, waiter. Palace Hotel.

Ind, L. B., engineer, S. P. R. R.

INNIS, J. F., 215 Convent st.

Ingles, E. T., engineer, S. P. R. R.


Jackson, C. _^____

Jackson, M. A., foreman "Daily anST Weekly STAR.

Jackson, J. C, miner. Palace Hotel.

Jacome, Soledad, 110 Court st. N.

JACOBS, W. M., assayer, 214 Pennington st.

JACOBS, B. M., cashier Pima Co. Bank.

JACOBS, L. M., vice-president Pima Co. Bank.

James, Charles, blacksmith, (C. T. Etchells.)

Jaut, Rudolph, clerk, (G. M. Berger.)

Jeffords, J. F., butcher, res. 500 Stone ave. S.

JEFFORDS, T. J., capitalist, cor. Church and Congress sts.

JOHNSON, C. H., Ventura Lodg. House, 633 Pennington st.

Johnson, H., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Johnson, George, engineer, S. P. R. R.

Johnson, L. F., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Johnson, Mrs. E. M., dressmaker, 216 Main st. S.

JOHNSON, W. L., Congress Lodging House, 411 Congress st.

Jurado, Domingo, 517 Convent st.

Jurado, Demetro, 324 Main st. S.

JOURNAL, Daily and Weekly, office, 16 Church Plaza.


Pioneer News Depot of Arizona.






Newspapers, Magazines, Books, Stationery, etc.

Subscriptions Taken for all Leading Papers and Magazines.




Circulating L^ibrary




Jouvenceau, Father Francis, Vicar of St. Augustine's Roman

Catholic Church. Jouvenceau, Father Anthony, St. Augustine's Roman Catholic



Kane, Dr. S. K., res. Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Kane, James, compositor. Daily and Weekly JOURNAL.

KATZ, MARCUS, merchant, cor. Meyer and Congress sts.; res. 222 Main st. N.

Katz, Moses, clerk (M. Katz.)

KAUFMAN BROS., general merchandise, cor. Meyer and Mc- Cormick sts.

KAUFMAN, H. M., cor. Meyer and McCormick sts.

KAUFMAN, ISADORE, cor. Meyer and McCormick sts.

KAUFFMAN, I., gents' furnishing goods, 210 Meyer st. S.; res. 230 McCormick st.

KEARON, ROBERT E., manager W. U. Tel., office 106 Con- gress st.

Kearney, D., saw filer, 320 Congress st.

Keene, Andrew J., inspector U. S. Custom House, res. 617 Pen- nington st.

Kelley, James, clerk, 226 McCormick st.

KIESEL H. C, clerk (J. Goldtree), res. 308 Meyer st. N.

Kerner, Leo, clerk (W. Zeckendorf.)

Kilborn, A. D., division master mechanic S. P. R. R.

King, Charles, miner, I X L Lodging House.

King, Geo. R., mining, 429 Congress st.

Kippen, John, carpenter and millwright, 119 Camp st.

Kirk, A. W., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

KITCHEN, PETER, rancher, res. 821 Main st. S.

Kitt, W. F., res. 207 Fifth ave.

Knox, F. B., merchant and miner. Congress Hall.

Knox, George, fireman, S. P. R. R.

Knowles, Harry, assayer, 234 Meyer st. S.

Koob, Adam, butcher (J. S. Crosley).

KOWALSKE, I. B., manager (L. Meyer & Co.)

Krisham, Chas., shipping clerk (W. Zeckendorf).

KROWELL, HENRY, miner, res. cor. Church & Congress sts.

KUCK, JOHN (Hucke & Kuck).

Kunz, E., fireman, S. P. R. R.



Cor. Congress and Meyer Sts.





Mining Supplies a Specialty.




Laborin, Vincente, waiter, Congress Hall Restaurant.

Lang, L. H., miller. Eagle Flour Mills.

LANGLEY, THOS. B., mining operator, Palace Hotel.

LANE, JAMES, steward Grand Hotel.

La Pierre, L. L., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Larson, E. C, blacksmith, S. P. R. R.

Lara, Ignacio, jeweller, 252 Main st. S.

Lawrence, Harriett, lodging house, 212 Camp st.

LAWRENCE, MADAME, fortune teller, 212 Camp st.

LAZARD, A., speculator, cor. Convent and Camp sts.

LEATHERWOOD, R. N., Treasurer Pima Co., res. cor. Con- gress and Church sts.

Leal, F., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Leboisne, A., plasterer, 108 Camp st.

LEE, JAMES, flour mill, 1| miles s. w. of city.

Leeper, J. J., mining, 410 Pennington st.

Legarre, Juaquin, 19 Stone ave. N.

Leivar, Claudis, expressman, 118 McCormick st.

Lemon, Frank, fireman, S. P. R. R.

Leon, Rosario, 740 Meyer st. S.

Leon. Jesus, teamster, 6 Alameda st.

Lester, W. N., plasterer, 17 Stone ave. N.

Lester, S. W., carpenter, 18 Jackson st.

LEVIN'S PARK, foot of Pennington st.

Levanthal, A., general auctioneer, 106 Mesilla st.

Levy, Edmond, 104 Stone ave.

LEVIN, ALEX., capitalist, res. 599 Stone ave.

LEWIS, H. M., bookkeeper, (Lord & Williams Co.)

Lewis, W. H., carpenter, 15 Stone ave. N.

LEWIS BROS., boots and shoes, cor. Congress and Main sts.

LEWIS, M. C, (Lewis Bros.)

LEWIS, H. E., (Lewis Bros.)

LEWIS, S C, res. Palace Hotel.

Libby, W. T., engineer, (Eagle Flour Mills.)

Lichtenstadter, Martin, clerk, (N. Zeckendorf.)

LIGHTHIZER, H. B., notary public and mining lawyer, 7 Meyer st. S.

Littlefield, F., engineer, S. P. R. R.

Llames, Maria, 5 Alameda st.




4iiijeii iii litilliigiiti;

No. 10 Meyer Street South.

Ores sampled, and actual working test made by any process. Assaying done in all its braaches. Analysis of Ores, Minerals, &c.

Examinations of mining properties and of mills a specialty. Orders from the interior promptly attended to. Assaying taught practically and theoretically.

Mr. Wetmore is Commissioner of Deeds for California



Situated in the humineas center of Tucson.

This Hotel is now thoroughly overhauled, and New Furnishings with a Spring Mattress on every Bedstead in the Hotel, and having accommodation for One Hundred and Fifty (150) Guests, it will continue to be . .


Prices from $2.00 to $2.50 per day, according to Room.

S^ Special arrangements made, with a Liberal Discount, for parties by the month, or longer time.

Day Board, (Payable Invariably in Advance) $7.00 per Week.


WhQ Wme E&&m hm the 0b9ieesi Mquars bm^ Oigs^rst




Llain, Ignacio, clerk (W. Zeckendorf.)

Llains, Jose, clerk (S. Drachman), res. 508 Pennington st.

Lockwood, E., fireman, S. P. R R.

Lodle, A. F., ass't train dispatcher, S. P. R. R. office.

LONG, WILL. A., miner, 212 Ochoa st.

Loop, Chas. T., fireman, S. P. R. R.

Lopez, Juan, clerk (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Lopez, Ygnacio, res. near Buell's Addition.

Lopez, Teodora, 126 Gushing st.

Lopez, Ramon, shoemaker, 284 Gonvent st.

Lopez, Guadalupe, 405 Stone ave. N.

Lopez, Miliano, miner, 505 Pennington st.

LORD & WILLIAMS GO. (G. H. Lord, W. W. Williams and G. E. Harlow), wholesale merchants, cor. Main and Con- gress sts.

LORD, DR. G. H. (Lord & Williams Go.), Postmaster and U. S. Depositary.

Losana, Francisco, employee (W. G. Davis.)

Loss, G. J., fireman, S. P. R. R.

l^OWENSTEIN & GO., drv goods, cor. Mesilla and Meyer sts.

LO WEN STEIN, MAX (Lowenstein & Go.)

LOWENSTEIN, E., (Lowenstein & Go.)

LOWENSTEIN, MANUEL, (Lowenstein & Go.).

Low, H., carpenter, S. P. R. R.

Lee Hop, laundry, 18 Gamp st.

LUGRETIA, SISTER, in charge St. Joseph's Academy, Roman Catholic Gonvent.

Lucke, Fred, bartender. Levin's Park.

LULLEY, LEWIS, porter, (Leo Goldschmidt), res. 280 Meyer street S.

LULLEY, MOSES, clerk, (Leo Goldschmidt), res. 280 Meyer street S.

LYFORD, L. DEXTER, physician & surgeon, 221 Congress st.

LYNCJH, JAMES, clerk, (Lord & Williams Co.)

LYNDE, GEO. L., mining. 117 Jackson st.

Lynch, Charles, reporter DAILY JOURNAL.


Mackey, W^. M., clerk. Palace Hotel. Mackey, A. J., engineer, S. P. R. R. Maguire, John, saloon, 10 Fifth ave.



X. M.. BBOWJV, JProprietor,


This New Hotel has been constructed with a view of affording to guests the utmost comforts attainable. Everything is new, from the foundation of the building to the least article of furniture. It is the largest building in T uscon, and the ONLY HOTEL which is

Furnished with Bedsteads Throughout— No Cots.

Having been in the Hotel Business for years, I am perfectly familiar with the wants of the traveling public, and the patrons of this


Will find that everything has been done to make guests feel as comfortable as at home.

Parties who have visited Tucson before vrill find this Hotel quite an im- provement on the accommodations heretofore offered to the traveling pubHc, while at the same time the charges are more reasonable.

f 11 mil,! IS supiiioE TO mi m f losoi.

The Carriage of the Hotel conveys guests from the Depot Free of Charge.

Special Terms to Families, or to parties wishing to stay in Tucson any length of time.


Mahone, A. N., paymaster's clerk, 210 Ochoa st.

Mahoney, Michael, policeman.

MAISH, FREDERICK, capitalist, res. 418 Meyer st. S.

Malvido, Sra. Rosino, 410 Meyer st. S.

Maldonado, Jose, clerk (Vazquez & Soto's) 510 Meyer st. S.

Mansco, Soledad, res. near Buell's Addition.

Mausco, Wm. A., waterman, res. Main st. and Osborn ave.

MANSFELD, J. S., Pioneer News Depot, 11 Congress st.

Manuel, Montano, blacksmith, 617 Stone ave.

MANLOVE, S. A., miner, 304 Main st. N.

Marr, J. T., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Marcus, James, clerk (Theo. Welisch & Co.)

Mj^ONEY, PAUL, prop. Cosmopolitan Hotel.

M^i'oney, L. D., supt. Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Martin, Jose, waiter. Grand Hotel.

Martin, J. M., policeman, res. 7 Camp st.

Martin, F. W., laborer, S. P. R. R.

Martin, Thomas, engineer, S. P. R. R.

MARTIN, GEO. T., real estate, 109 Main st. S.

Martinez, Juaquin, clerk, 224 Meyer st. S.

Martinez, W. D., cor. Meyer and McCoimick sts.

Martinez, Sra. Feliciana, 602 Convent st.

Martinez, Sra. Maria, 409 Meyer st. S.

Martinez, Rosario, confectioner, cor. Sixth ave. and Penning- ton st.

Martinez, Francisco, 405 Main st. S.

Martinez, Pedro, clerk, (W. C. Davis) res. Meyer st. S.

Martinez, Jesus Ma., farmer, res. 535 Main st. S.

Martinez, Refugio, 526 Main st. S.

Martinez, V., employee S. P. R. R.

Martinez, Elena, 211 Kennedy st.

Martinez, Antonia, 19 Kennedy st.

Martiez, Pedro, tinsmith, (W. C. Davis.)

Mariner, B. M., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Maria, Joseph, clerk, 11 Mesilla st.

Mariscal, Jose M., messenger, W. U. Telegraph Office.

Massey, J. A., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

MASON, J, N., Mg'r Arizona and California Lumber Co.; office and yard opp. S. P. R. R. depot ; res 201 Fifth ave.

Masias, Emilia, 213 Gushing st.

Mathews, T. M., emplovee, S. P. R. R. shops.

MATAS, DR. N. HY.^ physician and surgeon, 227 Main st. S.


J. E. DIXON, Proprietor,

(Late of Crescent City Hotel, Sacramento.)


Between Church Street and Stone Avenue. :o:

Having leased the new, large and commodious building, just completed, on Camp Street, and fitted it up throughout with new furniture, and all the appliances for comfort of guests, we invite public patronage.


Board, per Day, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50

Day Board, per Week, $7.00 ; Single Meals, 50 Cts.

Russ House Bus will Carry Passengers to the House Free of Charge.

No. 119 Congress Street,



Our friends and the public are cordially invited lo come

and see us,



MAUK, GEO. W., Deputy Collector U. S. Internal Revenue, 204 Convent st.

Maynard, M., clerk, res. 13 Pearl st.

Medina, Jose, 741 Meyer st. S.

Medina, Josef a, 120 McCormick st.

MEEK, G. F., compositor. Dally & Weekly CITIZEN, 4 Church Plaza.

Melius, R. F., engineer, S. P. R. R.

Meneses, Mariano G., clerk, 106 Ochoa st.

Mendoza, Guadloupe, saloon, 432 Meyer st. S.

Mendibles, Rafael, teamster, res. 646 Convent st.

Menager, H., second-hand store, 230 Meyer st.

Meneses, Jose Maria, res. 528 Main st. S.

Mendoza, Gaudaloupe, barkeeper, 600 Meyer st. S.

Menzernen, Harry, machinist, S. P. R. R.

Mendibles, Agapita, farmer, res. 702 Stone ave. S.

Mendoza, Francisco, 106 Simpson st.

Mera, Rosa, 504 Meyer st. S.

Mercer, Howard, 16 Camp st.

Mesa, Sra. Josefa, res. 407 Convent st.

Meserve, Harry, clerk, Palace Hotel.

Messenger, E., fireman, S. P. R. R.

MESSERSMITH, J. L. (Sweetland & Co.) 318 Congress st.

Meyers, Phillip C, porter, Tucson Club House, 215 Penning- ton st.

Meyer, Sam. C, bookkeeper (Theo. Welisch & Co.)

MEYER, L. & CO. (L. Meyer & I. Meyer), general mdse., cor. Meyer & Mesilla sts.

MEYER, L. (L. Meyer & Co.)

MEYER, ISIDORE (L. Meyer & Co.)

Meyer, Mark C, clerk (Theo. Welisch & Co.)

Meyer, Antonio, 11 Mesilla st.

MEYER & MILTONBERG, City Bakery, 11 Mesilla st.

MEYER, CHARLES H., City Recorder, Notary Public, Police Justice and Justice of the Peace, office 16 Meyer st. S.

MEYER, MENDEL, mining, cor. Main and Mesilla sts.

Mickles, C. W., miner, 18 Jackson st.

Mills, Joseph, grocer, 425 Convent st.

MILLS, REV. W. G., Pastor M. E. Church.

Mills, Teodora, merchant, 425 Convent st.

Millar, J. *C., millwright, 3 McCormick st.

MILLER, F. K., attorney-at-law, 210 Pennington st.




Livery # Boarding Stables

Between Congress and Gamp Streets,

Near Public School Building,


FIELD & MORGAN, Proprietors.


stables just built, with modern improvements and conveniences. Excellent Hay and Grain always on hand. Fine Turnouts, Single and Double. Saddle Horses for hire, by the day or hour. Attentive and experienced hostlers in attendance. Order Book at Telephone Office.


Miller, J. H., miner, 119 Jackson st.

Miller, A. H., brakeman, S; P. R. R.

Miller, Robert S., Dep. County Recorder, res. 100 Simpson st.

Miller, J. C, millman, 3 McCormick st.

MILTONBERG, F., baker, 11 Mesilla st. ; res. 228 Convent st.

MINT EXCHANGE, 107 Congress st.

Miranda, Sra. Apolonia, 405 Convent st.

Modini, George, cook. Park Rest.

Mojia, Miguel, confectioner, 638 Pennington st.

Mollering, R., res. Welisch Block.

Molina, Sra. Serafina, res. 403 Convent st.

Molina, Josef a, 209 Maiden Lane.

Molina, Manuel, teamster, res. 400 Main st. N.

Molina, Francisco, 106 Gushing st.

Molina, Josef a, 113 McCormick st.

Molina, Alejendro, rancher, cor. Court and Washington sts.

Montana, Jose, clerk, 224 Meyer st. S.

Montana, Feliciano, merchant, 266 Main st. S.

Monje, Juan, sadler, (C. W. Clarke's).

Mundelius, C, Excelsior Brewery, IJ miles s. e. of city.

Montano, Simon, compositor, res. 621 Stone ave. S.

Montano, Francisco, 11 Stone ave. N.

Montes, Rosa, 209 Kennedy st.

Moore, John, policeman, res. 112 McCormick st.

Morales, Sra. Francisco, 5 Maiden Lane.

Moreno, Francisco, clerk, (A. D. Otis & Co.)

Moreno, Maria, 5 Alameda st.

Moreno, Ramon, clerk (A. D. Otis & Co.)

MORALES, DON VICENTE, Consul of Mexico, Mining Ex.

building, Meyer st. S. MORGAN, BENJAMIN, city attorney, 305 Pennington st. Morgan, Jonathan, clerk (Theo. Welisch & Co.). Moreno, Srta. Felicita. restaurant, 342 Meyer st. S. MOREAL, ERNEST, Shakespeare Club House, 11 Camp st. Moreno, A. G. clerk (L. Zeckendorf &; Co.). Moreno, Jose, saddler, 123 Camp st. Morgan, A. P., harness maker (C. W. Clarke). MORGAN, W. M. (Field & Morgan), 109 Sixth ave. Moreno, Encarnacion, carpenter, res. 406 Main st. N. Morales, Alvina, 112 Court st. N. Moreno, Jesus M., clerk, 218 Meyer st. N.



Morales, Eulogio, 132 Gushing st.

MORGAN, J. S. & CO., mining agents, 6 Camp st.

Moreno, Francisco, jeweler, 9 Ochoa st.

Moss, Austin, horse shoer, cor. Pennington and Meyer sts.

Mott, John, blacksmith, cor. Pennington and Meyer sts.

MT. ST. JOSEPH " NOVITIATE," Sisters of St. Joseph,

Western suburbs. Munguia, Ramon, res. 648 Convent st. Muntz, Ben, brakeman, S. P. R. R. Munoz, Davio, merchant, 709 Meyer st. S. Munguia, Sra. Josefa, res. 648 Convent st. Munguia, Alvina, res. 319 Main st. N.. Mungeria, Jesus, butcher, cor. Meyer and Jackson sts. MUELLER, W. M., tailor, 7 Camp st. Murphy, Daniel, clerk, (L. Meyer & Co.) Murietta, A. Q., merchant, 600 Stone ave. S. Murray, J. H., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Mund, F. L., employee, S. P. R. R. shops. Murrietq, Francisco, res. 28 Cushing st. Mussen, F. P., conductor, S. P. R. R.


McCANN, A., capitalist, res. 500 Stone ave. S.

McCarthy, Hugh, miner, res. cor. Corrall and Convent sts.

McCLEARY, T., Shakespeare Club House, 11 Camp st. res. 421 Congress st,

McCormick, John, waiter, Palace Hotel.

McDERMOTT, W. A., 427 Congress st.

McDermott, Mark, mining, res. 431 Congress st.

McElliot, James, miner, cor. Convent and McCormick sts.

McFADDEN & SERROT (J. A. McFadden, C. E. Serrot), groceries, fruits and provisions, 212 Meyer st. S.

McFADDEN, J. A. (McFadden & Serrot), res. 234 McCor- mick st.

McFADDEN, W. M., fruit dealer, 232 McCormick st.

McFarlane, W. J., conductor, S. P. R. R.

McKenzie, J. L., compositor, Daily and Weekly CITIZEN, 4 Church Plaza.

McKenna, B., Gem Saloon, cor. Congress and Warner sts.

McKENNA, M., Deputy Assessor Pima Co., res. cor. McKenna and Meyer sts.


McKinnon, P. S., carpenter, 119 Camp st. McMahon, James, waiter, Palace Hotel. McMURTRY, LESLIE B., brakeman, S. P. R. R. McMurray, Wm., fireman, S. P. R. R, McReynolds, Geo., engineer, S. P. R. R.


Napolion, Jose, 733 Meyer st. S.

Navarro, Sra. Jesus, bakery, 438 Meyer St. S.

Naves, Refugio, 407 Main st. S.

NEWLANDS & CALDER, (W. Y. Newlands, W. C. Calder.)

Senate Wine Rooms, 118 Congress st. NEWLANDS, W. Y., (Newlands & Calder.) Newcome, T. J., policeman, Telegraph Office, res. 412 Main st. N. Nickerson, S. E., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Nilson, P. F., jeweler, 104 Congress st. Norton, Frank C, Sup't Colton's Stables. Noriega, Gregoria, restaurant, 109 McCormick st. NORTON, I., broker, 105 Meyer st. S. Norwood, T. M., capitalist.

NOYES, E. W., auctioneer, office Congress Hotel. Nye, W. P., millwright, 3 McCormick st.


GATES, J. W., attorney-at-law, 3 Maiden Lane; res. 222 Con- gress st.

OCHOA, ESTEVAN, (Tully, Ochoa & Co.) res. 117 Stone ave. S.

Ochoa, Juan, blacksmith, 10 Corrall st.

O'DONNELL, P. N., Tucson Iron Foundry and Machine Shop, cor. Eighth st. and Third ave.

O'Brien, George, painter, res. cor. Pennington st. and Stone ave.

Olea, Mariana, baker, 704 Meyer st. S.

O'LEARY, E., (Greenus & O'Leary) 25 Pearl st.

Oliva, Jesus, musician, 134 Gushing st.

Olivas, Isidro, farmer, res. 440 Main st. N.

Olivas, Jesus, 428 Main st. N.

O'Neal, Frank, horse-shoer, cor. Pennington and Meyer sts.

Orchavol, W. J., wagon-maker, 215 Court st. N.


Orcillo, C, stage agent, Main st.

Orosco, J. M., clerk, (Tully, Ochoa & Co.)

O'Rourke, Thomas, loderinsf house, 251 Main st. S.

Ortego, Juana, 638 Pennington st.

Ortiz, Miguel, teamster, res. 503 Pennington st.

Ortiz Nasario, capitalist, 126 McCormick st.

OSBORN, WM. J., notary public, justice of the peace, attorney-

at-law, cor. Maiden Lane and Meyer st. Osgood, W. W., conductor, S. P. R. R. Osuna, Juan, 18 Stone ave. N. Oswaer, L., baker. Grand Hotel. Oswald, F. H., brakeman, S. P. R. R. OTIS, A. D. & CO., (A. D. Otis, R. Eccleston), 301 and 303

Pennington st. OTIS, A. D. (A. D. Otis & Co.), res. 621 Pennington st. Otis, W. A., fireman, S. P. R. R.

OTT, H., city assessor, office with city recorder, 16 Meyer st. S. OURY, WM. S., capitalist, res. 230 Main st. S. Overman, A. L., fireman, S. P. R. R.

Pacheco, Ramon, rancher, res. 7 Pearl st.

Pacheco, Jose, merchant, 20 Jackson st.

Pahl, John, employee S. P. R. R.

PAIGE, CHAS. A., capitalist, 206 Convent st.

PALACE HOTEL, Meyer st. S.

Palmer, H. B., carriage maker, res. 251 Main st. S.

PANTLIND, JNO. T., prop r Elite Saloon, cor. Meyer and Congress sts.

PARK BREWERY, (Bayer & Schwarz,) foot Pennington st.

PARRA, SRTA. CRUZ R., teacher, Sicco Maria School, 22 Cushing st.

Parra, Jose, school teacher, 22 Cushing st.

PARRA, SRTA. DONACIANA, teacher, Sicco Maria School, 22 Cushing st.

Pasquale, F., saloon, 252 Meyer st. S.

Pa«qua]e, G., saloon, 252 Meyer st. S.

Pattiani, A. W., Draftsman Public Surveys, U. S. Surveyor- General's office, res. 422 Main st. N.

PATTERSON, JNO. W., searcher of records, 223 Congress st.

Patton, W. H., conductor, S. P. R. R.


PAUL, K. H., Sheriff Pima Co., res. 501 Stone ave. S.

PAULISON, C. M. K., real estate, 109 Main st. S.

Pearson, Mrs. A., hairdresser, 238 Main st. S.

PEARSON, E. C, Fashion Saloon, 23 Congress st.

Peguilhan, Francis, 211 Congress st.

PERCY, E. S., miner, res. 3 and 5 Court Square.

Perkins, A. O., fruit dealer, 302 Congress st.

PERRY, M. W., pressman. Daily and Weekly CITIZEN, 4

Church Plaza. PERRY, JAMES C, attorney-at-law, 216 Pennington st. Peres, Rinaldo, clerk (A. Goodman). Perez, Rufugio, 223 Convent st. Peralta, Jose M., miner, res. 517 Convent st. Peralta, Severo, prospector, 324 Main st. S. PETIT, A. P., architect, 21 Jackson st. Phillips, Chas. H. (at Fashion Saloon) 23 Congress st. Phillips, E. S., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Phillips, A. F., (at Star Corral), 223 Pennington st. PHY, JOE, City Water Works, res. 313 Main st. S. PIMA CO. BANK, 18 Congress st. Pina, Luiza, 407 Stone ave. S.

PIONEER SODA AND ICE WORKS, 215 Convent st. Percy, F. F., clerk, (L. Zeckendorf & Co.) Plummerag, R., importer, res. Cosmopolitan Hotel. Poland, F. A., ass't train dispatcher, S. P. R. R. office. POMROY, EVERETT B., (Farley &; Pomroy), U. S. District

Attorney, cor. Pennington and Meyer sts. ; res. 431 Main

street N. Pompa, Lewis, clerk, (Tully, Ochoa & Co.) PORTER, ASA A., Porter's R. R. Hotel. Porter, Neil Willis, clerk, Palace Hotel. Porter, T., 226 Congress st. PORTUGAL, A., clerk, (L. Zeckendorf & Co.) POSTON, COL. CHAS. D., res. Palace Hotel. Patterson, Thos. B., salesman, (W. B. Hooper & Co.) Potthoff, Robert, warehouseman (L, Zeckendorf & Co.) Preciado, Antonio, grocer, 501 Convent st.

PRESBYTERmTcHURS^SnKRo^io!^^ Preuqistorai, Cruz A., 22 Gushing st.

PRINCE BROS., (L. M. Prince, Jno. Prince), carpenters and contractors, 121 Camp st.


Pringle, C. G., botanist, 226 McCormick st. Prodos, George, restaurant, 120 Ochoa st. Pusch & Zellweger, meat market, Mesilla st.


QUINLIN, JAMES, blacksmith and wagon maker, cor. Meyer

and Pennington sts. QUINN, J. B., lodging house and employment office, 207

Camp st. Quiroga, Francisco, 213 Kennedy st. Quiroga, Francisco, capitalist, res. 4 Corrall st. Quong, Yon Chung, china goods, 2 Pearl st. Quong, Chong, laundry, 1 Alameda st. Quong, Wo, laundry, 129 Camp st.


Ramirez, Francisco; miner, 428 Main st. N,

Ramirez, Ramon, grocer, 622 Meyer st. S.

Ravisioni, Dan, chop house, 8 Mesilla st.

Ray, Charles, cor. Meyer and Camp sts.

RAYFIFLD, COL. GEO. propr. Palace Hotel.

Ray, D. B., miner, 207 Maiden Lane.

Raymond, B. F., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Rea, Ellis, brakeman, S. P. R. R.

REARDON, JAMES, propr. Tucson City Omnibus Line.

Rebiel, Joe, clerk, (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

Redding, M. J., miner, 508 Stone ave. S.

READ, W. S., Notary Public and Searcher of Records, 16

Congress st. Reed, Georg^e P., miner, 220 Convent st. Reed, William, cook, Palace Hotel. Reed, W. H., carpenter, 4 Tenth st. Reichenbach, Otto V., chop house. Congress Hall. Resler, John, employee, S. P. R. R. shops. Renard, Lewis, collar maker, (C. W. Clarke's.) Reyes, J., compositor Daily and Weekly JOURNAL. Reyner, Francisco, 27 Cashing st. RICKEY & BAILEY, proprietors Silver Lake Resort. RICKEY, J. F., (Rickey & Bailey) res. Silver Lake.


Richley, A., carpenter 110 Gushing st.

Richardson, R. R., cor. Convent and Jackson sts.

RICE, GEN'L E. W, miner, 127 Alameda st.

Ricker, Paul, draftsman U. S. Surveyor General's office.

Rickard, W. T. assayer, 1 Welisch Block.

Ridgway, C. J., agent Singer Sewing Machine.

Riley, Frank, carpenter, 231 Convent st.

Rimmer, D. F., conductor, S. P. R. R.

RIMPAN, FRED., clerk, L. Meyer & Co., 412 Convent st.

Rios, Sra. Guadaloupe, 406 Convent st.

RIORDON, W. E., Principal St. Augustin's Parochial School,

115, 117 and 119 Ochoa st. Rios, Martina, 114 McCormick st. Rios, Jesus, 325 Main st. S. Rivas, Jose Maria, 728 Meyer st. S. Rivera, Refugio, 400 Congress st. Rivas, Maria Antonia, 728 Meyer st. S. Rivera, Rosalia, 511 Main st. S. Rivera, Jose M., 405 Main st. S. Rivera, Ygnacia, 205 Church st. N. RISLEY, E. W., clerk Board of Supervisors, res. Main st. N.,

op. Pomroy's. Roberts, S. H., 303 Meyer st. N. Robertson, R. D., engineer, res. 218 Camp st. Robson, James, stenographer, with Dr. Lord. Robles, Pedro, billiard saloon, 313 Convent st. ROBINSON, JAMES F. (Campbell & Robinson), atty's at

law, 34 Camp st. Robles, Berneva, grocer, 501 Meyer st. S. Robles, Florencio, butcher, 420 Meyer st. S. Robinson, W. A., fireman S. P. R. R. ' Roberts, S. H., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Robles, Francisco, 515 Meyer st. S. Roche, J. C, at Star Corrall, 223 Pennington st. Roche, Wm., miner, 211 Church st. N. ROCA, M. G., pawnbroker, 112 Main st. S. Rodriguez, Otavaiano, 620 Meyer st. S. Rodriguez, Francisco, merchant, 631 Pennington st. Rodriguez, Jose, 26 Jackson st. Rodriguez, Leonardo, 419 Main st. S. Rodriguez, Jose, carpenter, 700 Stone ave. Rodriguez, Filomeno, school teacher, res. 627 Convent st.


Rodriguez, Augustina, 537 Main st. S.

Rogers, W. J. (Stone, Rogers & Co.), 220 Meyer st. S.

Romero, Leonado, carpenter, Churcli st.

Romero, Reyes, teamster, 718 Meyer st. S.

Romero, Francisco, stock raiser, res. 221 JVIain st., N.

Romero, Jesus, harness maker, (C. W. Clarke.)

Romero, Jose, bit and spur maker, (C. W. Clarke.)

Romero, Demetrio L., grocer, cor. Church and Congress sts.

Romero, Secundino, blacksmith, Pearl st.

Romero, Jose, teamster, 407 Convent st.

ROSE, WILLIAM, mining and mechanical engineer, 512 and

514 Pennington st. ROSKRUGE, G. J., civil engineer, 207 Fifth ave. Rosenstock, Albert, barber, 418 Convent st. Rosario, Brena, cabinet maker, (Leo Goldschmidt.) Rothschild, Otto, candies, 7 Congress st. Roussau, Charles, 12 Meyer st. S.

ROWLAND, W. E„ jeweler, cor. Church and Congress sts. Rowley, J. C, fireman, S. P. R. R. Rowland, Ed., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Ruelas, Juana, 13 Jackson st.

Ruelas, Francisco, stock raiser, res. 417 Meyer st. N. Ruelas, Placido, 214 Meyer st. N. Ruiz, Sra. Luz Barsano, 258 Main st. S. Ruiz, Sra. Dolores, 517 Convent st.

RULE, W. H., California Lodging House, 321 Meyer st. S. RUSSELL, GEO. T., manager Arizona STAR Job Printing

House. RUSS HOUSE, Camp st.

RUSK, J. G. & BROS., props. Star Corrall, 223 Pennington st. Rusk, W. E., miner, 443 Main st. N. Russell, H. D., marble worker, 309 Congress st. Rusk, T. G., miner, 445 Main st. Russell, D. F., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Ryan, Harry B., engineer, S. P. R. R. Ryan, A. G., mining engineer, 208 Convent st. RYAN, T. F., importer and distillers' agent, 333 Congress st.



SAFFORD, HUDSON & CO., bankers, 4 Congress st.

SAFFORD, A. K. P. (Safford, Hudson & Co.), banker, 4 Con- gress st.

Saens, Guadalupe, capitalist, 8 Pennington st.

Saens, Florentina, 13 2 McCormick st.

Saens, Brenidad, 8 Church st. N.

Saens, Carmen, 401 Meyer st. N.

Salazar Bandelio, assayer, res. 205 Fifth ave.

Salazar, Jr., Jose, grocery, 623 Meyer st.

Salazar, Sra. Nicholasa, res. 423 Convent st.

Salas, Francisco, blacksmith (with C. T. EtChells.)

Salas, Jesus Marie, tailor, 301 Court st. N.

Saladin, Frank, warehouseman (L. Zeckendorf & Co.)

SALPOINTE, RT. REV. J. B., bishop and vicar apostolic (R. C.) of Arizona and parts of New Mexico and Texas; res. Church st.

SAMPSON, A. B., tobacco, stationery, etc., 206 Main st. S.

Samuel, R. P., freighter, 218 Simpson st.

Samora, Sra. Nicholasa, Meyer st. S.

SAMANIEGO, MARIANO G., capitalist, councilman, etc., 24 Jackson st. < IK'lllMMIIil'/liiAiilii Ail 'l|i| i l'i«i]1i'Mi1iiiliiiiiiiiiililinri1irilii 1 1 I

Samuel, Charles, saloon, cor. Meyer st. S. and Stone ave.

SANDER, R., cabinet saloon, 119 Congress st.

Sanchez, Manuel, miner, 21 Kennedy st.

Santon, Joseph, painter, 106 Ochoa st.

Santa Maria, Rafael, rancher, 511 Main st. S.

Sanders, L., waiter, Grand Hotel.

Santillaness, Sra. Tereza, groceries, 400 Convent st.

Sanchez, Pedro, teamster, 509 Meyer st. N.

Sargent, F. P., fireman, S. P. R. R.

Sasueta, Leonardo, 614 Meyer st. S.

Sasueta, Margarita, 101 McCormick st.

Saunders, T. A., mining, Cal. Lodging House.

Sayre, D. L., compositor, JOURNAL office, 16 Church Plaza.

SCHWARZ, LOUIS (Bayer & Schwarz) Levin's Park.

SCHREIBER, PHILLIP, cabinet-maker, 408 Convent st.

Schanker, H., bookkeeper, 426 Congress st.

Scott, P. M., 9 Church st., S.



SCOTT, Jr., WM. A., Assistant Cashier Pima Co. Bank.

Scott, W. F., D'y Collector of Customs, 300 and 302 Main st. S.

Scow, Adolf, cook. Grand Hotel.

Searles, Ed., speculator, 516 Pennington st.

Seballos, Sra. Refugio, 414 Meyer st. S.

Selaya, Jesus, 5 Alameda st.

Selaya, Carmen, 5 Alameda st.

SELIGMAN & CO., C, grocers, 204 Main st.

Sepulveda, Juan, butcher, 127 Camp st.

SERROT, C. E., (McFadden & Serrot) 212 Meyer st. S. res.

234 McCormick st. Serrot, Charles, fruit dealer, res. 232 McCormick st. Server, C. T., conductor, S. P. R. R. Sesman Sra. Dolores, 252 Main st. S. Sessions, C. B., clei»k. Lord & Williams Co. Shaw, Frank, engineer, S. P. R. R. Shale, S. C, conductor, S. P. R. R. Sharp, J. C, conductor, S. P. R. R. SHEPARD, GEO. B., policeman^ 330 Congress st.

SHELDON & WEEKS, saloon, 229 Meyer st. S. / /,

Sherman, M. M., Vice 1^ iii(li)al Public School A\Ur\0\

SHIBEL, CHAS. A^: 2a7a4Mn s^j^Br^^ O^^ ^=^^-

Shone, Chas., saloon, 243 Meyer st. S. Sierras, Sra. Juan, Convent st.

Sigsimund, Milligan, wagon maker with C. T. Etchells. SILBERBERG, H., propr. Tucson laundry, 13 Sixth ave. SILENT, CHARLES, attorney at law, 305 Pennington st. SILYA, PROF. J. M., Principal Modern School, 518 Osborn

ave. Simpson, Frank, fireman, S. P. R. R. Sinclair, D. A., 251 Main st. S. Sing Wing, laundry, 5 Mesilla st. Sisneros, Concepcion, 636 Pennington st. SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL, cor. Convent and

Church Plaza. . Siqueiros, Ramon, carpenter, 714 Meyer st. S. Siqueiros, Jose, 16 Jackson st. Skiff, L. A., brakeman, S. P. R. R. Skollar, E. J., engineer, S. P. R. R. Smallwood, A. B., butcher, with J. S. Crosley. SMITH, F. M., attorney-at-law, 34 Convent st.


Smith, J. M., lodging-house keeper, 302 Stone ave.

Smith, Miss Nora, teacher Public School.

Smith, H. A., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Smith, F. A., painter, 17 Church st. S.

Smith, James, merchant, 502 Stone ave.

Smith, Horace B., 308 Stone ave., near McCormick.

Smith, A. C, brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Smith, Fred, clerk, Grand Hotel.

SMITH, E. J., undertaker, cor. Camp and Church sts.

Smith, Henry, butcher, 240 Main st. S.

SMITH, OLIVER, 208 Pennington st.

Snedeker, A. D., 6 Camp st.

SNYDER, M. S., Dist. Assessor Pima County, 9 Church Plaza.

SORGATZ, BRUNO, res. 12 Pennington st.

SOTO, JOSE MANUEL, prop. A. & M. Mining Ex., 417 Meyer

St. S. SOTO, PABLO B., teacher Parochial School, 115 to 119 Ochoa


Soto, Alejandro, 127 Camp st.

Soto, Ramon, 510 Meyer st. S.

Soto, Antonio, 24 Stone ave. N.

Soto, Antonio, 614 Meyer st. S.

Soto, Encarnacion, 9 Gay alley. iSSUQri aJLLEjuao

Soto, Getrudes, 614 Meyer st. S. ""^^^-^ --*i!:^tifi!wa

Soto, Serafina, 614 Meyer st. S.

Soto, Sra. Dolores, 421 Meyer st. S

Soto, Calletano, teamster, 307 Court st. N.

Soto, Ramon, 106 Court st. N.

Soza, Sra. Carmen, 407 Convent st.

Soza, Sra. Leonarda, 419 Convent st.

Soza, Jose Maria, 18 Ochoa st.

SPAULDING, G. W., attorney at law^SSC^a^wsfeftOT st.

Spahr, J. C, fireman, S. P. R. R.

Sparrow, F. A., (colored) barber, 301 Meyer st. N.

SPEEDY, JAMES, mining, cor. Church and Franklin sts.

Spring, , bookkeeper, 221 Court st. N.

Spicer, W. J., butcher, 305 Meyer st. N.

Spooner, A. B., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Spoffbrd, L., carpenter, 625 Pennington st.

Sprague, Hiram, manager Mountain Ice Co.

SRESOVICH, I., grocer, res. 110 Camp st.

Stafford, Harry, foreman DAILY JOURNAL, 16 Church Plaza.



Ocboa st. ST. AUGUSTINE'S R. C. CHURCH, Church Plaza, St. Charles Restaurant, 12 Meyer st. S.

STANFORD, F., attorney at law, office at Mining Exchange. STAR, DAILY AND WEEKLY, cor. Congress and Convent

streets. Starr, Richard, clerk and operator, W. U. Tel. office. STAR, CORRALL, 223 Pennington st. Stegman. W. G., mining, Congress st. Stelzer, Martin, waiter. Palace Hotel. Steer e, J. H., mining and civil engineer, res. Grand Hotel. STEWART, Sr. W. H., (col'd) propr. Palace Shaving Saloon,

214 Meyer st. S. Stewart, Jr. W. H., (col'd) 214 Meyer st. S. Sterns, George, fireman, S. P. R. R. STEINFELD, ALBERT, manager, L. Zechendorf & Co. Steinfeld, Adolf, clerk, L. Zechendorf & Co. Sterling, F, W. carpenter, S. P. R. R. shop. STEVENS, HON. H. S., 212 Main st. S. Stevens, J. L., machinist, S. P. R. R. shops. STILES, THEO. L., attorn ey-at-law and U. S. Court Commis- sioner: office 21G Pennington st.; res. 611 Pennington st. STILWELL, HON. W. H., Associate Justice Supreme Court,

res. 135 Alameda st. Stovell, Miss Minnie, saleslady (with Theo. Welisch & Co.) STONE, ROGERS & CO., boots and shoes, 220 Meyer st. S. STOVELL, THOMAS, architect, 3 Pearl, cor. Alameda st. Story, J. L., laborer, Carroll's Corrall. Straun, John W., bookkeeper, Fish's Mill. STRAUSS, CHAS. M., business manager L. Zechendorf & Co.,

res. 246 Main st. S. Stuard, Charles, miner, 518 Meyer st. N. Stuart, Chas. D., Elite Saloon, cor. Meyer and Congress sts. Suarez, Rufina, 222 Court st. N. Suastiqui, Rafael, jeweller, 629 Pennington st. Sullivan, Wm., carpenter, 504 Stone ave. SULLIVAN, M. J., 3 Pearl, cor. Alameda st. Swenker, Mrs. Refugio, Congress street, east of Stone ftve. SWEETLAND & CO. (J. L. Messersmith), furniture, spring

bed factory, 318 Congress st. SWEETLAND, B. R. (Sweetland & Co.), 318 Congress st.



Tallmadge, J. E., clerk, 224 Meyer st. S.

Tapia, Luis, merchant. No. Ill McCormick st.

TAPIE BROTHERS, Saloon, cor. Meyer and Camp sts.

Tapie, E., (Tapie Bros.) cor Meyer and Camp sts.

Tapie, G., (Tapie Bros.) cor. Meyer and Camp sts.

Taylor, H., engineer, S. P. R. R.

TELEPHONE OFFICE, 14J Congress st., adj. the post-office.

TEEPLE, R. E., cor. Congress and Court sts.

TENNEY, H. B., Manager for W. C. Davis, 100 Main st. S.

Terrasas, Ygnacio, blacksmith, 606 Stone ave.

Thomas, C. E., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Thomas, A., wiper, S. P. R. R.

Thomas, Dr. Peter, 107 Kennedy st.

THOMPSON, F. P., publisher 'and propr. JOURNAL, res. 12

Cushing st. Thompson, T., fireman, S. P. R. R. Thorn, L. S., conductor, S. P. R. R. Tiegler, P. B., engineer, S. P. R. R. TIFFANY, B. L., mining supt, 10 Meyer st. S. Titus, W. B., engineer, S. P. R. R. Topkins, T. R., cook, res. 207 Camp st. Topkins, Fred W., cook, Park Restaurant. Tolle, D., fireman, S. P. R. R. Tony, Chas. H., machine helper, S. P. R. R. shops. TOOLE, JAMES H., (Safi"ord Hudson & Co., bankers.) res.

200 Ochoa st. Topliff", J. F., (Evans & Co.) notary public office, 222 Congress

st. ; res. 217 McCormick st. TORMEY, P., Fa.shion Saloon, 28 Congress st. Tomi, Rosalio, carpenter, 12 Corrall st.

TOWNSEND BROS., produce and poultry, 207 Congress st. Townsend, F. N., 207 Congress st. Townsend, N. M., 207 Congress st. Townley, C. E., carpenter, 121 Camp st. Trabuco, John, teamster, 1 Court Square. Trejo, Pedro, saddle maker, 24 Cushing st. Trilleo, Essidoro, blacksmith, 264 Main st. S. TUCSON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, cor. Eighth st.

and Third ave. TUCSON LAUNDRY, 13 Sixth ave.


TUCSON VINEGAR WORKS, near R. R. Depot. TULLY, P. R., (Tully, Ochoa & Co.) Prest. Pima Co. Bank. Tully, Carlos H., interpreter, District Court. TULLY, OCHOA & CO., general merchandise, cor. Main and

Pennington sts.; res. 511 Pennington st. Tung, Tam K., laundry, 239 Meyer st. S. Turner, Dr. J., 2 Meyer st. S.

Tuska, U. J., Staging, office with Selligman & Co. T^^nan, A. F., musician, I. X. L. Lodging House.


UNDERWOOD, H. D., merchant, res. 314 Congress st.

Urias, Antonio, jeweler, 330 Meyer st.

Uriven, Guillermo, saddle maker, 106 Kennedy st.

Uribe, Guillermo. saloon, 413 Meyer st. S.

U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE, 302 Main st. S.

U. S. INT. REV. OFFICE, 204 Convent st.

U. S. SURV. GENL'S OFFICE, 301 Main st. S.

U. S. POST OFFICE, 14 Congress st.

U S. DEPOSITORY, 10 Congress st.

Vail, Z. T., conductor, S. P. R. R.

Valencia, Delfino, 108 Kennedy st.

Valenzuela, Antonio, porter, Loi'd & Williams Co.

Valenzuela, Bonificia, 609 Pennington st.

Valenzuela, Felipe, teamster, 426 Main st. N.

Valensuela, Damacio, merchant, 731 Meyer st. S.

Valenzuela, Judalupe, 323 Main st. S.

Van Fleet, M. B., agt. W., F. & Co., 13 Camp st. cor. Church

Plaza. VAN HOVENBERG, G. W., prop. Pioneer Soda and Ice

Works, 215 Convent st. Van Tassell, P. A., yardmaster, S. P. R. R. Van Pelt, J. M., surveyor, 207 Fifth ave. VAN VOORHIES, WM.,attorney at law, and editor JOURNAL

office. Varela, Angel, merchant, 500 Meyer st. N. Vasquez, Alberto (salesman with Welisch & Co.), res. 10

Church st.


Va.squez & Soto, general merchandise, 510 Meyer st. S.

Vasquez, Ysabel, 12 Stone ave. N.

Vasquez, Ramon, clerk at Wm. Zechendorfs.

Vasquez, Refugio, near Buell's Addition.

Vasquez, Josef a, 104 Gushing st.

Vasquez, Anastacio, farmer, 710 Meyer st. S.

Vasquez, Francisca, capitalist, 2 Corrall st.

Vasquez, Adolfo (Gravel & Vasquez), 5 Tenth st.

VELASGO, GARLOS I., prop. El Fronterizo, 621 Stone ave.

Velasco, Demetro, 105 Mesilla st.

Veles, Rufino, clerk, 128 McGormick st.

Velescusa, Philipo, saddler, with G. W. Glarke.

Veliz, Rufino, salesman, with Wm. Zechendorf.

Vedolla, Josefa, 24 Church st. N.

VERDUGO, ADOLFO, merchant, 408 Main st. N.

Via, Patricio, mason, 515 Gonvent f^t.

Vila, Mrs. A. L., sewing machines, 14 Gamp st.

Vila, G., tailor, 8 Gamp st.

Villa, Mariano, 309 Gourt st.

Vindioly, Ysabel, 783 Meyer st. S.

Wakefield, Julius, mill hand, Fish's Mill.

Walker, H. G., mining, 257 Main st. S.

Walker, M. T., carpenter and builder, 12 Ghurch st.

Walsh, E. T., coppersmith, S. P. R. R. shops.

WALTERMATH, J. H. G., capitalist, 108 Jackson st.

Waltermath, Nicholas, policeman.

WALMSLEY, W. W., plumber, 303 Main st. S.

Wallbank, E. M., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Walling, Frank, harness-maker, at G. W. Glarke's.

Ward, Henry, mining, 257 Main st. S.

Warner, Fred, watchman, S. P. R. R. shops.

WARNER, SOLOMAN, Mission Mill, res. IJ miles west of

city. WARREN, J. M., prop. Russ House, Gamp st. WARREN, A. L., general commission merchant and dealer in

green and dried fruits, 224 to 228 Meyer st. S. Wasserman, Max., bookkeeper, (L. Zechendorf & Go.) Wasson, John, U. S. Surveyor General, 301 Main st. S. Watkins, N. J., mining. Gamp st.


WATSON, DR. C. V. P., 808 Pennington st.

Wan Sing, china goods, 5 Ott st.

Weat, W., blacksmith, cor. Pennington and Meyer sts.

Webster, T.- C, engineer, S. P. R. R.

Webb, H. H., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Weed, E. F., machinest helper, S. P. R. R.

WEEKS, C. W., (Sheldon & Weeks).

Weaver, Joseph, 207 Meyer st. S.

Weihs, Albert, shoemaker, 223 Meyer st. S.

Welch, Frank, machinist, S. P. R. R.

WELISCH, THEO., res. 219 Main st. S.

WELISCH &5 CO., THEO., dry goods, &c., 102 Main st. S.

Welisch, Herman, clerk, (W. & Co.) 3 Welisch's Block.

WELLS, FARGO & CO., 13 Camp st., cor. Church Plaza.


WETMORE & DEAN, assayers, 10 Meyer st. S.

WETMORE, E. L. (Wetmore & Dean) assayer, 10 Meyer st. S.

Commissioner of Deeds for California. Werner, Max, barkeeper, Levin's Park. WHITE, A. L., mining, 463 Main st. N. Whiteside, J. L., Observer U. S. Signal Service, 13 Court

Square. White, Walter, steward, Cosmopolitan Hotel. White, M. W., miner, 121 Camp st. WHITE, DR. W. J., surgeon dentist, 128 Camp st. Whitney, J. F. (Knox & Whitney) 24 Camp st. Whitaker, J. C. (Stone, Rogers &L Co.), shoe store, 5 Camp st. Whipple, Lucien A., agent, 412 Pennington st. WICKS, MOYE, attorney-at-law and notary public, 1 and 2

Maiden Lane. WILKINS, C. F. (D. Felix & Co.) Wilkins, Alex., barber, 217 Meyer st. S. WILEY, H. C, mining, 203 Fifth ave. Wilev, F. M., fireman, S. P. R. R. WILCOX. HERBERT E., speculator. Palace Hotel. Williams, C. J., compositor JOURNAL, 16 Church Plaza. Williams, S. G., Grand Hotel. Wellington, E. K., salesman. Lord & Williams Co. WILLIAMS, W. W., banker. Lord & Williams and Lord &

Williams Co., res. Military Park. Williams, T. H., engineer, 503 Stone ave. Willson. C. E., brakeman. S. P. R. R.


Willson, Thomas, bookkeeper, Lord & Williams Co., res. 2 Elden Place.

Wing Lee, restaurant, 10 Camp st.

Windmiller, J., clerk (Wm. Zechendorf.)

WITCHER, J. S., paymaster, U. S. A., 210 Ochoa st.

WITFELD, G., druggist, 32 Camp st.

Wittelshoefer, J. W., bookkeeper (L. Z. & Co.), 219 McCor- mick st.

WofFendon, Richard, capitalist, 7 McCormick st.

Wolf, Morris, merchant, 214 Main st. N.

Wolf, A., clerk, 218 Meyer st. S.

Wolf, E., (Goldbaum & Wolf), res. 214 Main st. N.

Wolf, Leo, (T. Welisch & Co.), 66 Reade st., N. Y. city.

Wood, John M., salesman, (Lord & Williams Co).

Wood, R. C, farmer, 308 McCormick st.

WOOD, HON. JOHN S., Probate Judge, office 221 Meyer st., S. Res. 209 Fifth ave.

WOOD, COL. ROBT. M., "Tucson Club House," 215 Penning- ton st.

Workman, G. F., plasterer, 125 Camp st.

Wright, A., engineer, S. P. R. R.

Wright, C. S., brakeman, S. P. R. R.

Yarnell, Joseph, sample rooms. 222 Meyer st. S.; res. 209 Meyer

St. N. Ye Sing, laundry, 303 Congress st. Yguirre, Loreto, Sixth ave. near Pennington st. Yapp, F. G. (with H. Horton), res. n. s. Eleventh st., nr. R. R. YORBA, J. F., druggist, 25 Congress st. YORBA, J., clerk, A. & M. Mining Exchange. Young, C. M., carpenter, 512 Pennington st. Young, Col. J. W., caterer, Palace Hotel. Yrueretagoyena, Tadeo, barkeeper, 413 Meyer st. S. Yrwin, Federico, miner, 526 Main st. S.




ZABRISKIE, J. A. (Hereford & Zabriskie) attorney-at-law,

res. 406 Pennington st: Zamora, Sra. Carmen Gushing, bet. Convent st. and Stone ave. ZECHENDORF, L. & CO., general merchandise, cor. Main

and Pennington sts. ZECHENDORF, \VM., general' merchandise, cor. Main and

Congress sts. Zepeda, Antonio (with H. Horton) 18 Main st. S.






