DISE ASES OF TRUCK CROPS AND THEIR CONTROL wi | ———ow mn Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/diseasesoftruckcOOtaubuoft DISEASES OF TRUCK CROPS AND THEIR CONTROL OTHER WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR The Culture and Diseases of the Sweet Pea - $2.00 net. Profusely Illustrated Diseases of Greenhouse Plants (In Preparation) Diseases of the Sweet Potato (In Preparation) E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY NEW YORK Sor. DISEASES OF TRUCK CROPS AND THEIR CONTROL BY J. J. TAUBENHAUS, Pu.D. Plant Pathologist and Physiologist to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Author of ‘‘ Culture and Diseases of the Sweet Pea’’ BSN WS ASW) ma ca ah! Sy Le SOX Gi AGN Ze yp DS. (4a Vos IAD NEW YORK EP. DUTION & COMPANY 681 FIFTH AVENUE oA Copyright, 1918 By E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To uy FRIEND ? B. KACZER PREFACE THE world never has faced a greater shortage of food than to-day. War’s destructive agencies have added themselves to our old invisible foes, namely parasitic and disease-producing bacteria and fungi. More than half of our diet is made up of vege- tables. They furnish the necessary food bulk which the body requires, supply important nutritive ele- ments, and act as stimulants to a better blood circu- lation. According to the Thirteenth Census of the United States the area devoted to truck crops in the United States in 1909 was estimated at 7,436,551 acres. The total money value of the truck crops grown on this acreage was estimated at $301,104,144. The crops thus estimated included asparagus, beans (green), beans (dry), beets, cabbage, cauliflower, corn (pop and sweet), cantaloups, carrots, celery, chicory, cucumbers, egg plant, horse-radish, kale, lettuce, mint, okra, onions, parsley, parsnip, peas (green), peas (dry), peppers, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, rutabagas, spinach, sprouts, squash, sun- flower, sweet potato and yam, tomatoes, turnips, and watermelon. We scarcely realize the large sums of money which the trucker loses annually from specific plant dis- eases, because there are few available data as to Vii Vili Preface the money losses. But as an example, the following figures, kindly given to the writer by Professor R. P. Haskell, Pathological Inspector of the United States Department of Agriculture, will be of compelling interest. “Potato Diseases.—It is estimated that the State of New York lost in 1915, principally from late blight, about $20,000,000. This outbreak was wide- spread in the northern States and reduced the yields as shown below, in comparison with 1914. Other conditions than disease were relatively equal: Maine 10,000,000 bu. New Hampshire 1 200:G00.57, Vermont 1,600,000 “‘ New York 30,000,000 “‘ Pennsylvania 8,000,000 “ Michigan 23,000,000 “‘ Wisconsin 11,700,000 ‘ “Tt is estimated that the market value of the potato crop in Aroostock County, Maine, in 1915 was reduced about 10%, or $1,078,000, on account of the occurrence of the powdery scab disease. In some sections the reduction amounted to as much as 50%. “It is estimated that 50% of the potato crop in Idaho was injured by diseases last year and from 10% to 20% rendered wholly unsalable. The total an- nual loss in this State is estimated at $196,000. “ Sweet-Potaio Diseases.—It is estimated that the annual loss due to sweet-potato diseases in the . Preface ix United States is approximately $10,000,000. About $750,000 of this loss may be attributed to stern rot, the other important diseases being black rot, foot rot, and storage rots. “Asparagus Rust.—Asparagus rust has practically destroyed all of the original plantings of asparagus and driven the old varieties out of cultivation. These have now been replaced by partially resistant kinds and the new strain bred by this Department is almost wholly resistant, so that in the near future these losses will be eliminated. Tests of some of the new rust-resisting strains in 1915 showed gains over the standard varieties amounting to more than $200 per acre. “Cowpea Diseases.—It is estimated that the an- nual saving as a result of the introduction of wilt and root-knot resistant cow-peas is $3,000,000.” A conservative estimate of the money loss from diseases would be about 20% of the total value of the truck crops grown in the United States. Accord- ing to the estimate given on page vii, the total value of the truck crop in the United States in 1909 amounted to the sum of $301,104,144. If 20% of this was lost through damage from diseases, it will be seen that in I909 the American truckers lost $60,220,828. This does not include the large losses from insect pests, nor losses incurred in storing, or in shipping truck produce. It is no exaggeration to state that if our present knowledge of Plant Pathology were made use of by truck farmers, nearly 80% of this loss could be x Preface prevented. Can any one say that such a saving would be insignificant, untimely, or unpatriotic? The present work has been prepared with the aim of stimulating more research in truck-crop diseases, and also of assisting the trucker to make use of our present knowledge, in order to prevent avoidable losses, increase the trucker’s profits, and assure a greater food supply. The writer seriously solicits suggestions or criticisms on his work. Acknowledgments are due to Dr. and Mrs. D. de Sola Pool, of New York City, for the inspiration, the encouragement, and the valuable assistance rendered in the preparation of the manuscript, and later in reading and criticizing it. To Dr. E. A. Bessey of the Michigan Agricultural College, and to Dr. Mel. T. Cook of Rutgers College, the author owes hearty thanks for the careful reading and the valuable suggestions and criticisms which they have given this work. Acknowledgments are also due to Dr. G. H. Coons of the Michigan Agricultural College, to Prof. F. B. Paddock and to Mr. W. T. Brink of the Texas Agricultural Experimental Station for reading the manuscript and proof. Grateful appreciation is likewise due to Dr. I. Adlerblum of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. of New York City for criticizing the manuscript and proofs. For the use of illustrations the author is indebted: to Dr. G. P. Clinton; to Dr. Mel T. Cook; to Drs. G. H. Coons and E. Levin; to Dr. H. A. Edson; to Dr. B. B. Higgins; to Prof. H. S. Jackson; to Dr. L. R. Jones; to Dr, T. F. Manns; to Prof. A. V. Osmun; Preface xi to Prof. F. B. Paddock; to Prof. W. G. Sackett; to Prof. A. D. Selby; to Prof. R. E. Smith; to Prof. H. E. Stevens; to Prof. J. A. Stevenson; to Prof. D. B. Swingle; to Prof. DeVault and to Dr. F. A. Wolf. Last, but not least, grateful acknowledgments are due my wife Esther Michla Taubenhaus, whose de- votion to art and science, and whose inspiration made this work possible. J. J. TAUBENHAUS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 22, 1918. PREFATORY NOTE WitH the greater specialization along all lines of industry the problems that confront such a specialist as the author of this book are felt more keenly and the necessary remedies are more fully appreciated. So there has grown up in the last few decades in this country a body of agricultural experts, the truck growers, who have found, as they have con- centrated their attention more and more inten- sively upon a limited number of crops, that they are paying a great tax in the shape of losses due to diseases. Probably, in fact we know that very often it certainly is the case, similar losses are suffered by general farmers, but with their large plantings and less intensive culture these losses are not appreciated as they are by the truck grower. Other factors, too, enter in. In general the truck crops occupy land near cities or which from its adaptability to special crops or from its accessibility to markets is accordingly more valuable than ordinary farm lands. Furthermore, the crops themselves have a greater monetary worth than the staple crops. Both these factors make the losses by plant diseases much more keenly felt. With this recogni- tion of the losses incurred has arisen a demand for Xili xiv Prefatory Note help in the prevention of the diseases responsible for the damage. So plant pathologists have had to direct their attention to diseases of truck crops. The present book is an attempt by such a pathologist who has specialized along this line to meet the de- mand for help in the way of giving information as to the diseases occurring on truck crops and, so far as it is possible, telling how these losses may be pre- vented or at least reduced. The last quarter century has seen a marvelous development of that division of the science of Botany that is devoted to the study of plant diseases, Plant Pathology. As each crop has been given greater attention the number of diseases found to occur upon it has been amazing. Plants nearly related to each other may have some of their diseases in - common, but even with very closely related species some of the troubles affecting them will be different. When we now consider the large. number of crop plants that are the subject of intensive culture as truck crops, and note, furthermore, that they re- present the most diverse families of plants, it is not to be wondered at that the number of organisms causing diseases of truck crops is a large one. The author by grouping the crop plants together by their botanical affinities has taken full advantage of the fact that nearly related plants may suffer from some of the same diseases and thus has made it possible in some cases to consider such diseases only once for several different, but closely related, crops. Considerable attention is directed to the symptoms Prefatory Note XV by which the various diseases may be distinguished. These descriptions are made in non-technical lan- guage so that the practical grower can understand them and recognize the diseases in question. Besides this the methods of control are also described in popu- lar terms. The author’s long study of the subject has made it possible for him to approach this part of the work from the standpoint of the grower, so that as far as possible the remedies or preventive measures recommended are those with which he has practical experience. Occasionally it is impossible to recom- mend a remedy since sometimes a disease is of such a nature that by the time it becomes apparent the damage is done. But even in such cases directions are given which will reduce the loss or at least permit its avoidance another season. The discus- sions as to the cause of the disease are unavoidably given in somewhat more technical form from the very nature of the case, especially where it is the question of diseases caused by fungi or bacteria for which brief scientific characterizations are neces- sary. These technical discussions are essential for pathologists and other students of the subject so that the book will be appreciated by Experiment Station workers, Extension Specialists, college stu- dents, and others, as well as by the truck growers themselves for whom the book is primarily intended. ErRnsT A. BESSEY, _ Professor of Botany, Michigan Agricultural College. CONTENTS PART I CHAPTER I THE NORMAL SOIL AND ITS REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER II SicK SOILS NOT INFLUENCED BY PARASITES CHAPTER III SoIL SICKNESS DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF PARA- SITES HARMFUL TO PLANTS CHAPTER IV METHODS OF TREATING SICK SOILS . A PART. If CHAPTER V THE HEALTHY HOST AND ITS REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER VI CAUSES OF DISEASES IN CROPS A. Diseases of a Mechanical Nature B. Diseases Due to Physiological Causes c. Diseases of Unknown Origin XVil PAGE 23 AI a3 63 71 XVili Contents PAGE D. Diseases Due to Parasitic Bacteria or Fungi E. Diseases Induced by Parasitic Flowering Plants CHAPTER VII Poor SEED : ‘ : . ; ‘ - ie ge PART Ag SPECIFIC DISEASES OF TRUCK CROPS CHAPTER VIII FAMILY AGARICACE : : } x 4 Os Diseases of the Mushroom CHAPTER IX FAMILY ARALIACEA : : ; Goh ae? VL Oe Diseases of the Ginseng CHAPTER X FAMILY CHENOPODIACEZ . : : : - > Li6 Diseases of the Beet Diseases of the Spinach CHAPTER XI FAMILY COMPOSITE . ; : : : RRS ter Diseases of the Artichoke (Jerusalem) Diseases of the Artichoke (Globe) Diseases of the Lettuce Diseases of the Salsify Diseases of the Sunflower Contents CHAPTER XII FAMILY CONVOLVULACE4 : Diseases of the Sweet Potato CHAPTER XIII FAMILY CRUCIFERE . Diseases of the Cabbage Diseases of the Cauliflower Diseases of the Horse Radish Diseases of the Kale Diseases of the Mustard Diseases of the Radish Diseases of the Turnip CHAPTER XIV FAMILY CUCURBITACE Diseases of the Cantaloupe Diseases of the Cucumber Diseases of the Citron Diseases of the Squash Diseases of the Watermelon CHAPTER XV FAMILY GRAMINE Diseases of the Sweet Corn CHAPTER XVI FAMILY LABIATZ : Diseases of the Balm Diseases of the Catnip Diseases of the Horehound xix PAGE I5I 185 218 255 XX Contents ~Diseases of the Mint Diseases of the Peppermint CHAPTER XVII FAMILY LEGUMINOS Diseases of the Bean Diseases of the Lima Bean Diseases of the Cow Pea Diseases of the Garden Pea CHAPTER XVHI FAMILY LILIACEZ Diseases of the Asparagus Diseases of the Chive Diseases of the Onion CHAPTER XIX FamMILy MALVACE4 Diseases of the Okra CHAPTER XX FAMILY PORTULACACEZ Diseases of the Purslane CHAPTER XXI FAMILY SOLANACEZ . Diseases of the Egg Plant Diseases of the Pepper Diseases of the Potato Diseases of the Tomato PAGE 259 279 299 300 Contents — XXi CHAPTER XXII FAMILY UMBELLIFERE U : : , ess io) Diseases of the Carrot Diseases of the Celery Diseases of the Parsley Diseases of the Parsnip Weeds PART: EV CHAPTER XXIII METHODS OF CONTROL : ; : : Be ie te | CHAPTER XXIV - CONTROL OF INSEcT PESTS By NATURAL FACTORS 375 CHAPTER XXV TREATMENT OF FENCE Posts . : i bape eis GLOSSARY : : : : : ; Seed TMBEX ||: : : % ; ; Pee 3 7, FIG. Olas Tactics ee erty yeah ‘o 10. i. 13. 14. ILLUSTRATIONS PAGB BACTERIA : : p . : : 4 STRUCTURE OF FUNGI : ; : TODA SE NITRE-SICK BEET FIELD, SHOWING BARREN Spots . : ; : : : Sha ees EFFECT OF LIME 3 : : : et 2g PYTHIUM DEBARYANUM P : eae RHIZOCTONIA . : , 5 L eens FusARIUM WILT : : : : Renae NEMATODE Root KNOT. i , TAU (2 INVERTED PAN FOR STEAM STERILIZATION 55 SURFACE WATERING, SHOWING PORTABLE SPRAY EQUIPMENT USED IN GARDENS ABOUT CoLp FRAMES AND HOTBEDS : Be eae WATERMELON SLICE SHOWING Halt INJuRY 74 LIGHTNING INJURY IN. POTATO FIELD. DrouGHT INJURY OF SWEET CORN My fe, MALNUTRITION, SHOWING A CABBAGE LEAF AFFECTED BY THE DISEASE . A 5 8I BLossom Drop : : - : Seren sc} xxiii xxiv Illustrations FIG. PAGE 15. Mosaic . : : : : 5 VRE Rs 32 i 202 16. BEAN SEEDS AFFECTED WITH ANTHRACNOSE, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum . : aie) Py. WOpDER = : é : : : 0708 18. MycoGonE DIsEASE OF MUSHROOMS . . Os 19. GINSENG DISEASES . ° : : + -£09 20. BEET DISEASES : A 3 : sy FBO 21. SPINACH DISEASES . ‘ ; ; at Ee 22. LrETTucE Drop : : ; : So ae 23. LETTUCE DISEASES . ‘ ; : sa. 24. SOUTHERN BLIGHT OF THE SALSIFY . ae) 25. SWEET POTATO DISEASES . 5 : = 52 26. SWEET PoTaTo DISEASES... : lS 27. SWEET PoTATO DISEASES . f : ents {> 6 28. SWEET POTATO DISEASES . 4 : : 170 29. SWEET POTATO STORAGE HOUSES : notes 30. CABBAGE DISEASES . 1 : ! SB oh 31. CABBAGE DISEASES . é : : a? 106 32. CABBAGE DISEASES . F d 4 Lc i98 33. DISEASES OF THE CAULIFLOWER AND RADISH 202 34. CERCOSPORA LEAF SpoT OF HoRSE-RADISH . 207 35. RADISH DISEASES . : : : i ae FIG. 36. 37: 38. 39. 40. 4I. 42. 43. 44. 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. 50: SE: 52. 53- 54. 55- 56. 57: Illustrations TurRNIP DISEASES . 3 : P ‘ TuRNIP DISEASES . Y : é s CANTALOUP DISEASES RESISTANT CANTALOUP STRAIN . CUCUMBER DISEASES. SQUASH DISEASES WATERMELON DISEASES WATERMELON ANTHRACNOSE WATERMELON DISEASES SWEET CoRN DISEASES BEAN DISEASES : ; BEAN DISEASES DISEASES OF LIMA BEAN . BEAN DISEASES DISEASES OF THE Cow PEA DISEASES OF THE GARDEN PEA AND BEAN. ASPARAGUS DISEASES ‘ ONION DISEASES : : ONION DISEASES ; DISEASES OF THE OKRA . : EGGPLANT DISEASES : : ‘ DISEASES OF THE PEPPER PAGE 215 217 221 228 230 235 239 241 244 251 260 262 267 269 272 274 280 285 286 296 302 395 xxvi Illustrations FIG. PAGE 58. Potato DISEASES . ’ : rf . 308 59. DISEASES OF THE POTATO 4 : eS 60. Pox or PIT OF THE WHITE POTATO, SHOWING DIFFERENT STAGES OF INFECTION . PND 61. POTATO DISEASES . : : : Pranic 622) POTATO: DISEASES.:<. : : , ges 63. PoTATO DISEASES . : i 2 heat Gi) GhOMATODISHASES 4) i ))\Gus : : wi sao 65. TOMATO DISEASES . : J 246 66. TOMATO DISEASES. : : ; Mo 3 67.) TOMATO DISEASES. k : 4 +S SSE 68. SLEEPING SICKNESS OF TOMATO : . 352 69. CELERY DISEASES : : , : Ona 56 70. CELERY DISEASES ... ‘ ‘ : g57 71. SPRAY MACHINERY . Ny é igre 72. PARASITIZED INSECTS. TREATMENT OF FENCE Posts. é A : : : 378 INTRODUCTION THE present world crisis has suddenly transposed the farmer from his former modest and humble posi- tion into the ranks of our foremost national figures. To-day the services of the tiller of the land are at a premium. The heroes of the day are not only those who can shoulder a gun at the front, but also those who can produce the food necessary to feed the great civil and military armies in the field and at home. It is to the credit of the American people that they have realized that intelligent farming re- quires as much skill, thought, and energy as 1s re- quired to build up industries or to formulate laws of government. Of the many phases of agriculture, trucking be- longs to the highest forms of intensified farming. Whether it is conducted on a large or on a small scale, it requires a thorough knowledge of plant life. An intelligent understanding of crop rotation is essential for success. Someone has well said that the farmer may be judged intellectually by the system of rotation which he practices. Great skill is also required to keep the land in a state of production during the greater part of the year. This is espe- cially true for our Southern States. As a whole, 5 XXVI1l1 XXviii Introduction therefore, successful truckers must be a highly intel- ligent class of agriculturists. In trucking, as in all intensive farming, the aim is to produce superior crops, embodying both high yield and good quality. This can be made possible only through intensive breeding and culture. Un- fortunately, however, improvement in quality and yield is often accompanied by a loss of natural vigor and of power of resistance to disease. The great problem of the trucker is twofold—that of striving for quantity and quality, while protecting his crops from disease. This latter phase has gener- ally been overlooked. We all realize to-day that it is necessary not only to produce two blades of grass where one grew before, as Dean Swift declared, but also to conserve it during growth and prevent it from being carried off by various diseases. The great fam- ine in Ireland in 1844 resulted from an epidemic of late blight which destroyed the potato crop. Sucha condition could hardly occur to-day, because we now havea better knowledge of plant life, the causes which induce disease, and the methods of coping with it. Considerable research has been carried out on the diseases of truck crops. The work of Professors Stew- art, Selby, Jones, Orton, Clinton, Lutman, Melhus, Manns, Harter, Sackett, Whetzel, and of others has already yielded valuable information on the diseases and their control in the case of some of our staple food crops. Still, in the case of many diseases, little is known as yet as to methods of treatment. But much is to be looked for from research in the future. Introduction Xxix It was the writer’s intention to avoid technical terms as far as possible. However, it was found ex- tremely difficult to omit every trace of a technical vocabulary, inasmuch as the popular terms are not always adequate in identifying a disease or in de- scribing its causal organism. As far as was consistent all popular names were accepted and retained in this work. However, there are many diseases which have as yet no popular names. As an illustration may be mentioned certain spot diseases of particular hosts. These spots may be caused by different fungi and yet resemble each other. In such a case how are we to name these diseases? The surest way to avoid confusion is to call the diseases by the name of the causal organism, such as Phyllosticta leaf spot, Cer- cospora leaf spot, etc. Professor Stevens has sug- gested that we name all diseases by the name of their causal organism and add to it the term ‘“‘ose,’’ such as Phyllostictose, Cercosporose, Sclerotinose, etc. The writer has not adopted Stevens terminology. In many cases the popular name of a disease de- scribes it far better than a technical term cando. To drop altogether such valuable popular terminology would only confuse the practical man. For instance, the popular term for lettuce ‘‘drop”’ is far more sug- gestive than ‘‘Sclerotinose.’’ From a practical consideration, the healthy plant is of greater importance than the disease. If we were to bend all our energy and skill to safeguarding the health of our crops, we would not be pestered with diseases. This is the point of view of this work. XXX Introduction For this reason, too, much space has been given to a consideration of the healthy hosts and of the soil, the mother of all vegetation. For the sake of convenience, the crops here con- sidered have been taken up in the natural order of families to which they belong. The families have then been arranged in alphabetical order, and the crops in each family taken up alphabetically by their popular names. On the other hand, the diseases have been arranged according to their causes, classi- fied according to the system generally accepted by students in mycology. The present work is intended as a guide to the trucker and gardener, and to the student in Plant Pathology. It is the result of several years of re- search in truck crop diseases. Where information has been drawn from other sources full references have been given, so far as possible from the latest investigations. The writer has aimed at making this work as brrad and as generally useful as possible rather than confining it to local interest. Because of the great economic importance of the subject of truck crop diseases, it is felt that the pres- ent work fills a timely want and needs no apology. We cannot expect a general text-book on Plant Path- ology to go into lengthy treatment of all plant dis- eases, and even less so with those of the trucking crops. The subject in itself is too important and too broad to be dealt with adequately in a few pages. The time will undoubtedly come when the diseases of every important crop will be treated separately in Introduction Xxxi book form. The Culture and Diseases of the Sweet Pea, by the writer, was an attempt in that direction. Meanwhile, until we have available the results of more extended researches on particular crops, the present work, it is hoped, will fill the gap. PAR I CHAPTER I THE NORMAL SOIL AND ITS REQUIREMENTS JE aim of this chapter is to study the conditions sr which a healthy plant lives and grows. Such wledge will prepare us to consider the causes or ors which are responsible for abnormalities and uses. Plants are endowed with life, and to live must have food. Part of the food is derived . the air, but they cannot subsist on air alone. sustenance of plants is also derived from the is to be regretted that laymen often regard the as merely a conglomeration of inert particles of lrock. If this were true, plant life would be an yssibility. It is because soils are teeming with ous forms of organisms beneficial to them that t life is made possible therein. The science of Bacteriology, though still in its infancy, has udy taught us much to help make the trucking ness much more profitable and successful than as been hitherto. ideed we may judge a soil by the kind of flora ch predominates there, and call it fertile and thy when this germ life helps to make it a favor- 3 4 Diseases of Truck Crops able medium for the plants. On the contrary, we call it sick or poor when it teems with bacteria and fungi which act as parasites on plants, or when the beneficial ones are absent or perform their duties imperfectly. STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORY OF BACTERIA The term bacteria (singular bacterium), or microbe, or germ, refers to the smallest microscopical form of plant life. As we shall see later, bacteria are but one of the many forms of life in the soil. The first man to recognize bacteria was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a native of Holland, and a lens maker by trade. He made use of the microscope in testing materials for lens making. In 1675 he happened to mount in a drop of water some tartar which he scraped off from his teeth. To his great surprise he discovered mi- nute little ‘‘animals’” which moved about in curious fashions. In 1882, Robert Koch succeeded in grow- ing bacteria artificially and outside their natural environment. Thus was laid the foundation of the modern science of Bacteriology. Bacteria are very simple in form. We recognize the rod-shaped known as Bacillus (fig. 1 a), the spherical form as Coccus (fig. 1b), and the corkscrew or comma form as Spirillum (fig. 1 c). Bacteria are very minute. It would take about fifteen to twenty thousand individual bacteria placed end to end to make one inch in length. They occur, however, in tremendous numbers and this enables them to per- Gone ACERT AT _ a. Rod shaped, b. coccus, c. spirillum, d. plate culture, showing bacterial colonies isolated from soil. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 5 form wonderful tasks, as we shall soon see. Bacteria multiply in the simplest ways. A single individual upon reaching maturity becomes constricted in the center, then divides in two, each part now becoming a separate individual capable of nutrition, growth, and multiplication. It has been estimated by scien- tists that division of a single individual takes place about every twenty minutes. Granting that this rate of division is uninterrupted for twenty-four -hours, the descendants of one germ would be in round numbers 1,800,999 trillions. These when placed end to end would make a string two trillion miles long, or a thread long enough to go around the earth at the equator seventy million times. It would take a ray of light four months, traveling as it does, to pass from one end of it to another. Individual bacteria can be detected only with a compound microscope. When grown on artificial media and under aseptic conditions, all the descend- ants of a single parent cell live together and constitute a colony, which becomes visible to the naked eye as a creamy jellylike drop (fig. 1 d). RELATIONSHIP OF BACTERIA TO THE FUNCTION OF A SOIL The health of a soil as shown in its fertility is in- timately connected with the kind of bacteria present in it. We are as yet in the dark as to the possible function of numerous groups of the soil organisms. Bacteriologists are seeking to discover their proper 6 Diseases of Truck Crops functions. A recent exhaustive study' of Actinomy- ces, or thread bacteria, in the soil seems to show that they serve to decompose grass roots, being more numerous in sod than in cultivated land. Oizher groups of bacteria undoubtedly must perform other important functions. The mere presence of friendly bacteria in the soil, however, would be insufficient to assure the welfare of our cultivated lands. What concerns us most is the work that they perform. Most of the plant’s food as it is found in the soil is in a crude and una- vailable form. The bits of mineral matter, the manure or fertilizer, in the truck patches all con- tain plant foods but in a form which plants cannot readily use; they must be softened and predigested and this work is done by the friendly organisms. Plant food is therefore directly dependent on the work of these minute scavengers. An intimate re- lation exists between the higher and the lower forms of plant life, the one depending on the other. DISTRIBUTION OF SOIL BACTERIA For a practical purpose we ought to know in what soil and at what depth the beneficial bacteria are most likely to abound. Since the presence of bac- teria is necessary to maintain the fertility of a normal healthy soil, it is essential to study the main factors that determine their increase or decrease. We can- not expect to find them equally distributed in differ- *Conn, Joel H., New York (Geneva) Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 52: 3=1, 1916. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 7 ent depths of the same soil. Brown* has shown that bacteria are generally more abundant in the upper eight inches. Table 1, adapted from Brown throws much light on this phase of the problem. TABLE I Bacteria as Found in Various Depths of Soil and Under Different Cropping Systems Bacieria per Gram of Air-Dry Soil Plot | Lab. | Depth of No.2} No. |Sampling I II Ill IV | Average 601 A 4in. |2033000]1627000]1793000]1 555000]1752000 B 8 in. |1437000]1211000]1241000]1104000]1248250 C I2in. | 541000] 567000] 559000] 525000] 546000 D 16 in. | 287000} 292000] 312000] 302000} 298250 E 201u. | 147000] 154000] 159000] 154000} 153500 F 24 in. 92300] 96500} 95100} 91500] 93850 G 30 in. 49900} 46300] 50900} 46900] 48500 H 36 in. 32900] 30000] 33100] 30400] 31600 602 A 4 in. |3102000]2870000|2917000|2947000]2959000 B 8 in. |2238000|2177000|2105000|2258000/2194500 Cc I2in. | 498000] 531000} 531000] 528000] 522000 D 16 in. | 255000] 328000] 316000} 314000] 304250 E 20 in. | 182000] 192000] F88000} 177000] 184750 F 24 in. 89200] 93300] 91600] 88300] 90600 G 30 in. 53300] 54900] 53100} 51800] 54275 H 36 in. 31700] 35700] 34200] 31300] 33225 604 A 4 in. |4606000}3908000]4210000|3932000|4164000 B 8 in. |3132000|2834000]2976000]2793000]2943750 Cc I2in. [1016000] 882000] go1000} 831000} 907500 D 16 in. | 320000] 309000] 311000] 320000] 315000 E 20 in. | 155000} 163000] 156000] 149000] 155750 F 24 in. 89400] 96100} 92900] 88900] 91825 G 30 in. 51900} 55800] 55000] 52400] 53775 H 36 in. 35100] 36600} 34900] 32600] 34800 * Brown, P. E., lowa Agr. Expt.Sta. Research Bul.8 : 283-321, 1912. ?Plot No. 601.—Continuous corn. 602.—2-year rotation, corn and oats. 604.—3-year rotation, corn, oats, and clover. 8 Diseases of Truck Crops In studying Table 1 we find that in every case there is a marked decrease in soil organisms with each increase in the depth of the soil tested. It was fur- ther found by Brown that the moisture content was higher for four inches than for a greater depth. It seems evident that the decrease of soil bacteria below twelve inches is dependent not so much on moisture but rather on a decrease of air in the lower substratum. It must not be expected that the data given in Table I are applicable to every locality. Differences in the mechanical and chemical composition of the soil and subsoil, differences in topography, climate, and weather conditions, will all no doubt tend to influence more or less the increase or decrease of bacteria. INFLUENCE OF DEPTH OF CULTIVATION ON THE NUMBER OF SOIL BACTERIA The work of King and Doryland* has shown that the depth of cultivation is a potent factor in influ- encing the number of bacteria in the soil. This is briefly summarized by them in Table 2. TABLE 2 Influence of Depth of Cultivation on Soil Bacteria Silt— plowed 4 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .15.46% plowed 6 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .10.94% plowed 8 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .24.20% plowed 10 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .26.89% * King, W. E., and Doryland, Ch., Kansas Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. I6I : 211-242, 1909. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 9 Sand— plowed 4 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .35.06% plowed 6 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .13.53% plowed 8 inches deep increases the number of bacteria. .22.90% plowed 1oinches deep increases the number of bacteria... 5.11% THE INFLUENCE OF MANURE ON THE NUMBER OF SOIL BACTERIA Besides cultivation, there are other treatments which may lead to an increased bacterial flora in the soil. As shown by Temple’ such a result is obtained through the application of manure. In working with a newly cleared sandy loam, and applying fresh cow manure (this included solid excreta and no bedding), at the rate of ten tons per acre, Temple obtained the following results as shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 Showing Number of Bacteria per Gram of Dry Soil Soil No. 326 | Soil No. 326a Date No Manure | With Manure March SO TQOO: esi capone aoe as 1,220,000 1,220,000 JN asin DAS 2 1@ OVO VA Ae Mae Bh) CRN Pe ne AN 1,633,000 4,300,000 PREDIC, HOON tire Sls ih ais sche a ape heh allie 6,120,000 14,000,000 BTML TE See BOO) s: hae a ea tease Mis ck 3,780,000 10,610,000 PERRIN DUN TOOOs) pic ahs diodes SM ween 2,730,000 5,860,000 AP EULZO ATOOO Me i ei ers Davari cate 2,770,000 3,340,000 INMLBIY (G) 1G Yocom ROR Ds al NRF ea 5,510,000 5,190,000 As further evidence that manure increases the soil flora, Temple used a clay loam, dividing it in the following manner ; and treated as follows: * Temple, J. C., Georgia Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 95 : 6-35, IgII. 10 Diseases of Truck Crops Plat No. 1—Stable manure. Plat No. 4—Sodium nitrate. Plat No. 5—A complete fertilizer, PKN. Plat No. 6—Nothing, check. The effect of these treatments is briefly summarized in Table 4. TABLE 4 Colonies per Gram of Dry Soil Date Plat No. 1| Plat No. 4| Plat No. 5 | Plat No. 6 Dee OSTOTONE. 40. 28,230,000] 11,430,000] 19,850,000 | 8,250,000 March 30, I9I1.....| 18,500,000} 9,150,000] 8,040,000} 6,240,000 May 2OntOrice . er 20,200,000] 4,850,000] 6,720,000] 5,010,000 The above Table shows that although sodium ni- trate or a complete fertilizer increases the soil flora, neither one can be compared to manure in efficiency. STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORY OF FUNGI Besides bacteria of all sorts, our cultivated soils are also teeming with fungi. The true function of the latter remains to be studied. There seems no doubt, however, that certain fungi like certain bac- teria in the soil work on the organic and the mineral matter to make it available as plant food. Parasitic fungi depend for their food on living plants alto- gether. Examples of these are the Uredinales, the Fic. 2. STRUCTURE OF FUNGI. a. Fruiting branch of Penicillium, showing conidiophores and conidia, 6. mycelium of Penicillium, c. an individual conidiophore and chain of conidia of Penicillium, d. two conidia of Penicillium, showing attachment of spores in the chain, e. fertilization of female oogonium by male antheridium, f. mature oospore, g. fruiting stalks of Rhizo- pus, h. individual fruiting head _ of Rhizo- pus showing spores, 7. sexual fertilization and k. zygospore of Rhizopus showing spores, l. perithecium, showing asci and ascospores, or winter spores, m. Pycnidium or sac in which the summer spores are borne. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 1: cause of the true rust diseases. Saprophytic fungi are those which depend for their food on the dead and decaying organic matter in the soil. Between these two extremes there are intermediaries. As an illus- tration of a soil fungus may be taken the ordinary blue mold, Penicillium expansum Lk. ‘This organ- ism is made up of colorless feeding threads techni- cally known as hyphe or mycelium (fig. 2b). The spores, which correspond to the seed of higher plants, are borne on short stalks which bear broomlike tufts composed of chains of small bluish, round bodies, the spores (fig. 2 a-c). Fungi differ from the higher plants in their nu- trition and mode of reproduction. Fungi have no green coloring matter, chlorophyll, and are thus unable to manufacture their own carbon by the de- composition of carbon dioxide as do green plants. This is why fungi must depend for their supply of carbon on dead organic matter or on the higher plants. Unlike the green plants, fungi have no flowers and reproduce by means of spores (fig. 2 g-h). It has been estimated that over 61,000 species of fungi have been found and described on the higher plants. The Soil Bacteriologist however has scarcely touched on the soil fungi. Fungi are classified according to the mode of spore formation. In some the spores are formed by a regular sexual union of a female egg known as oogon- ium and of a male element, the antheridium (fig. 2 e, i, k). The resultant fertilized spore egg is known as oospore (fig. 2 f). Thelatter germinates by sending 12 Diseases of Truck Crops out a germ tube, or as is more generally the case, by the outer wall dissolving and the inner mass breaking up into small bits of naked protoplasm known as zoospores. Most fungi have two spore stages, the summer form intended for rapid dissemination and spread, the winter form intended to carry it over through cold or any other unfavorable weather con- ditions. The term conidia is applied to all spore forms borne free on special fruiting stalks known as conidiophores (fig. 2 a). A pycnidium is a sac- like body (fig. 2 m) in which are borne the summer spores. A perithecium is a sac-like body (fig. 2 1) which bears the winter spores of certain fungi. Other terms here used in describing parts of fungi will be found in the glossary. NATURE AND FUNCTION OF A HEALTHY SOIL FLORA The function of a normal soil is to provide avail- able plant food. About 95 per cent. of the com- bustible weight of a growing plant is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and nitrogen. The remaining 5 per cent. constitutes the mineral or the ash of the plant. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are taken in the form of carbonic acid and water; nitrogen from nitrates produced by bacteria out of organic matter of the soil. The ash or the mineral elements of the plant are taken directly from thesoil. Neither the organic nor the mineral elements are in a form which plants can make use of until they have been acted on by certain definite organisms in the soil. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 13 A. THE TRANSFORMATION OF CARBON Cellulose, which is but a form of carbon, consti- tutes a large per cent. of the woody tissue of plants. Soils contain large amounts of cellulose and this un- doubtedly helps to maintain their proper physical con- dition. Straw manure, or green vegetable matter all contain large amounts of cellulose. When it is in- corporated in the soil, living plants cannot make use of it, because of its complex form. It therefore must first undergo a certain decomposition. This is ac- complished by a group of soil bacteria known as Amylobacter. These feed on the dead vegetable cellulose, breaking it up and reducing it back to car- bon dioxide, hydrogen, and fatty acids. The carbon dioxide either returns to the air to replenish the at- mospheric supply, or unites with water to form car- bonic acid and soil carbonates. The carbon dioxide is taken in by the plants either directly from the air through the leaves, or from the soil in some carbon- ate form. Thus we see that it is not the cellulose nor the product of its decomposition that furnishes plant food, but certain inorganic elements which are set free in its decomposition. B. ELABORATION OF AVAILABLE NITROGEN From the viewpoint of plant nutrition, nitrogen is unquestionably the most important of all elements. The nitrogen of the air, although totalling about 79 per cent. of it, is not in an available form. In the transformation of proteids into available nitrogen 14 Diseases of Truck Crops in the soil two definite processes take place, all thanks to the work of certain soil bacteria. I. AMMONIFICATION. In this process, the soil bacteria attack the complex proteids and convert them into ammonia. The odor of ammonia from decomposed urea, manure, or any other organic matter is always an indication that ammonification takes place. According to Sackett’ and others the ability to bring about this change is attributed to the following soil bacteria: Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus proteus vulgaris, Bacillus mesentericus vulgatus, Bacil- lus subtilis, Bacillus janthinus, Bactllus coli-communis, Bacillus megatherium, Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens, Bacillus fluorescens putridus, and Sarcina lutea. 2. NITRIFICATION. Both ammonia and ammonia compounds are forms of nitrogen that are not yet readily available to plants. They must be changed further into simpler compounds or, as the process is known, must undergo nitrification. The ammonia is first oxidized into nitrous acid and nitrates. This is accomplished by two species of soil bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nutrosococcus. The nitrates are then oxidized into nitric acid and nitrates, through the work of the bacterium Nitrobacter. ‘The nitrates are the only forms of nitrogen which plants can use. C. ACTION OF SOIL FLORA ON MINERAL SUBSTANCES We have already pointed out that the inert mineral substances in the soil are not in a form in which * Sackett, W. G., Colorado Agr. Expt, Sta. Bul. 196 : 3-39, 1916. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 15 plants can readily assimilate them. ‘These too must first be acted upon by certain soil bacteria. I. CHANGES OF PHOSPHATES. Phosphates as they commonly occur in nature are but little soluble in water. This is why they cannot be used in their first form, although they are required by most plants. Soils deficient in this element may be improved by such fertilizers as superphosphate of lime, ground bone, phosphate rock, or Thomas slag. In the pro- cess of decomposition that organic matter must un- dergo as it becomes available for plant food, large quantities of carbon dioxide are liberated which unite with the water in the soil to form carbonic acid. This acid attacks the insoluble phosphates, trans- forms them into superphosphates,—the only form soluble in water,—and renders them available to plant life. 2. CHANGES IN POTASSIUM, SULPHUR, AND IRON. Like phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and iron are made available for plants through the indirect action of soil bacteria. The carbon dioxide and other organic acids produced during the fermentation of organic matter, attack the potash feldspar which occurs in the soil. The product is potassium car- bonate which is soluble in water and hence readily taken up by plants. The nitric acid which is formed during nitrification may also combine with the raw potash in the soil forming potassium nitrate which is a form available for plants. As a result of the activity of soil bacteria, hydrogen sulphide is evolved from the decomposition of pro- 16 Diseases of Truck Crops teids. The sulphur may be further changed into sulphur dioxide, and, when combining with water and oxygen, into free sulphuric acid. The latter read- ily combines with calcium or magnesium, forming calcium or magnesium sulphate. The plant obtains sulphur for the construction of its proteids from some of the soluble sulphates. How TO MAINTAIN THE FERTILITY OF SOILS We have already seen that the fertility of a soil is directly dependent upon the activity of certain bene- ficial bacteria. The latter constitute the life of a soil. It is therefore evident that for a soil to produce its maximum, its germ flora must receive careful con- sideration at the hands of truckers and gardeners. We must at any cost encourage these organisms to do their full duty at all times. Should they cease activity the soil would become barren. There is no doubt that plants remove large quan- tities of plant food from the soil. Headen™ has cal- culated that for 80,000 tons of sugar beet, there are consumed as fertilizers, 331 tons of potash, worth $31,100; 71 tons of phosphoric acid worth $5,680; 160 tons of nitrogen worth $54,400, making a total of $91,180, or a trifle over one dollar per ton. What is true for the sugar beet is true for every other trucking crop. In other words, soil fertility is capa- ble of being exhausted. Most of it may be returned in the form of manure and chemical fertilizers, but t Headen, W. P., Colorado Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 99: 3-16, 1905. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 17 these are very expensive and reduce the net profit from the crops. The object of every intelligent trucker should therefore be to reduce his manure and fertilizer bills by encouraging his soil bacteria to man- ufacture the greatest amount of the available food which his crops require. Like any other living form these bacteria require certain conditions of life if they are to thrive. MAINTAINING THE NITROGEN SUPPLY The nitrifying bacteria are air-loving organisms. Hence the more aeration we give them, the more pro- nounced their activity. Schlosing' determined that when a soil was entirely void of oxygen the nitrates were reduced, and brought about an actual evolution of free nitrogen which is useless to the plant. With 1.5 per cent. of oxygen nitrification was marked. When 6 per cent. oxygen was added to the soil nitri- fication was more than doubled. It is therefore evident that cultivation which aims at soil aeration also accelerates nitrification. The effect of soil aeration cannot be too strongly emphasized. Ac- cording to Chester,? every cultivation of the soil with its attendant aeration is equivalent to a dressing of nitrate of sodain itscheapest form. If we realized this, and that nitrate fertilizers are usually the most costly, the alert trucker would learn the economy of more cultivating. * Schlosing, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ixxvii, 203-253. 2 Chester, F. D., Pa. State Dept. of Agr. Bul. 98: 9-88, 1912. 18 Diseases of Truck Crops Besides oxygen, the nitrifying organisms demand, as an indispensable condition for work, a sufficient moisture in the soil. In dry soils and during dry weather, nitrification is almost suspended within the upper layers of soil. A third important factor is the chemical reaction of the soil. The nitrifying organ- isms work best when the soil gives a slight alkaline reaction. Too much alkalinity, however, like too much acidity, is detrimental as we shall see further on. Nitrification is further dependent on soil temperature. At 99 degrees Fahrenheit it is at its highest. A de- gree less than 54 F. retards it considerably. At 122 degrees F. very little nitrate is produced, and at 131 degrees F. nitrification ceases entirely. The physical condition of the soil is another important element to be considered. The highest rate of nitrification is found in truck lands, that is, in the sandy loams. NITROGEN FIXATION FROM THE AIR It has been the common knowledge of farmers and truckers that legume plants, such as peas and beans, cause the soil on which they are grown to become more productive. It is not necessary here to enter into an abstract discussion of this phenomenon. Suffice it to say, that science has definitely shown that there is a bacterial soil organism, Pseudomonas radicicola, which is capable of fixing the free nitro- gen from the air. This organism attacks the young rootlets of the legume crops as other parasitic forms also do. Its presence in the root results in a nodule Normal Soil and Its Requirements 19 or swelling. Soon, however, it loses its parasitic character and becomes an agent for fixing the free nitrogen of the air, which is then stored up in the root nodule. In this form the nitrogen is consumed by the plant itself. As far as is known, P. radicicola can thrive on the roots of legume plants only. The Rhode Island Experiment Station’ has found that an acre of soy beans for instance may fix about 1000 pounds of nitrogen from the air during a period of five years, or 200 pounds per year. One hundred and forty pounds of the 200 were removed with the crop, and 60 pounds remained in the field. Since one pound of nitrogen was worth at least 16c., 200 pounds would cost $32. We must not, of course, suppose that every acre of soy beans would produce 200 pounds of nitrogen every year. This would depend somewhat on the nature of the soil, the degree of moisture, the amount of oxygen, and other condi- tions congenial or unfavorable. What is certain, however, is that every alert gardener and trucker should learn to use legumes more extensively in his system of cropping. Soils which have grown leguminous crops for a period of years are well supplied with P. radicicola. Other soils are deficient in it and must be artificially inoculated. The numerous types of pure cultures of the organism sold in liquid form have as arule proven a failure. The organism dies out or loses its effectiveness in the artificial liquid media. The best forms of pure cultures now used are those grown on * Rhode Island Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 147. 20 Diseases of Truck Crops sterilized soil. This method has been developed at Cornell University. The soil is after all the natural and best medium where soil bacteria can grow. On it P. radicicola lives longer, and hence when it is used for inoculation, better success may be expected. The Alphano Humus Co. of New York City have on the market cans with sterilized soils, in which the legume bacteria have been introduced. Each can is sufficient to inoculate one acre of soil. The ability of the organism of one legume crop to inoculate another crop has long been a subject of discussion and has not as yet been satisfactorily answered. Garman and Didlake* have shown that there exist six different species of legume organisms. For example they found that the organism of alfalfa is the same as or similar to the one which works on the sweet clover (Melilotus alba), trefoil or black medick (Melilotus lupulina), and bur clover (Melilotus denticulata). This same organism, however, cannot produce nod- ules on the roots of any species of Trifolium, of Vicia, Pisum, Vigna, Glycine, or Phaseolus. The organisms of all the species of Trifolium (clover) are one and the same. The organisms of all the species of the vetch and garden pea are one and the same. They cannot work, however, on red or crimson clover, or on alfalfa. The cowpea organism seems to be adapted to the cowpea only. ‘The same thing appears to be true for the soy bean organism and for that of the garden bean. Therefore when a land is to be inoculated «Garman, H. and Didlake, Mary, Kentucky Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 184: 343-363, I914. Normal Soil and Its Requirements 21 with the garden bean organism, for instance, none must be used but those taken from the bean. Under ordinary conditions, where a soil is known to produce healthy crops of one (legume) variety, some of that soil may be used to inoculate other soils intended for the same crop. ECONOMICAL USE OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER A knowledge of the functions of soil bacteria and a proper management of the soil means a saving of commercial fertilizer and the proper maintenance of soil fertility. In trucking more than in any other phase of farming, the soil is being made to produce the whole year around. This is especially true for our Southern States where the summer and fall seasons are longest, or where the winters are very mild. It, therefore, often becomes necessary to use chemical fertilizers to supplement the work of the soil bacteria. This is especially true for some par- ticular crops which draw heavily on certain mineral constituents. In order to obtain the greatest re- sults from the use of chemical fertilizers, the follow- ing items should be carefully considered. 1. THE LOCATION OF THE FIELD. Uplands or hillsides will require heavier application of fertilizer since some of it is likely to be carried off by washing. Lowlands, especially those near uplands which wash badly, generally require less. 2. ‘THE CHARACTER OF THE SOIL. The chemical composition of the soil has a marked influence on the 22 Diseases of Truck Crops effect of fertilizers. A chemical analysis of the soil will enable the trucker to make a more economical use of his fertilizer. If a land, for instance, contains too much iron and aluminium, applied phosphate fertilizers may be modified into ferric and aluminium phosphate, which become slowly available to plants. On the other hand when phosphate fertilizers are changed in the soil into tricalcium phosphate it becomes available more readily. Sandy soils are generally quick to respond to fertilization; they can therefore stand heavier application than the cold clay soils which respond more slowly. In the latter, the fertilizers are likely to be converted into forms un- available to plants. The trucker should therefore - avoid depending altogether on the use of chemical fertilizers. The best results are always obtained and the fertility of the soil best preserved when the use of chemical fertilizer is supplemented with animal or green manures. CHAPTER II SICK SOILS NOT INFLUENCED BY PARASITES WE have seen that a normal and healthy soil is one in which the beneficial soil flora is at its maximum of normal activity, making the food of the plant assimilable. We have to discuss the abnormal or sick soils now. In this class we include those which are either physically or chemically so constituted as to have a detrimental effect on the activity of the soil flora; and those which are overrun with organ- isms directly parasitic on the plants grown in that soil. There are five classes to be considered inthe first division. I. DENITRIFIED SOILS This detrimental condition in the soil is brought about by a group of undesirable organisms, some of which are Bacillus ramosus, B. pestifer, B. mycoides, B. subtilis, B. mesentericus vulgatus. In Chapter I we have seen that the nitrifying bacteria oxidize the nitrogen and make it avail- able for plants. In denitrification, the harmful bacteria tend to reconvert the available nitrogen into a non-available form, or else to liberate it into the air, where it may be considered as lost so 23 24 Diseases of Truck Crops far as the crops are concerned. Most trucking lands contain the nitrifying and denitrifying organ- isms in about equal proportions. To encourage the activity of the one over the other is the aim of intelligent trucking. The denitrifying bacteria thrive best in an abundance of carbohydrate foods. Fresh coarse manure with a high percentage of straw, when applied to the soil, will favor denitrification. It should therefore be avoided as far as is possible. There are, however, market gardeners who often use as much as fifty tons of such manure per acre in ad- dition toa nitrate fertilizer. Such action is very likely to encourage denitrification because of the large amount of carbohydrates incorporated in the soil. Indirectly denitrification will finally cause various physiological plant troubles, most of which are little understood. Poor growth and the shedding of blossoms will characterize plants deprived of avail- able nitrogen food. Denitrification may largely be prevented. A judicious use of manure, especially on the heavy soils, drainage, and proper tillage are all factors which induce nitrification, thereby also pre- venting denitrification. 2. NITRE-SICK SOILS This form of sickness, peculiar to certain Colorado soils, was carefully studied by Headen' and Sackett. 2 Nitre-sick soils are those which contain such large quantities of nitrates that they inhibit plant growth. * Headen, W. P., Colorado Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 155. ? Sackett, W. G., Colorado Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 196: 3-39, 1914. Fic. 3. Nuirre-SicK BEET FIELD, SHOWING BARREN SPOTS. Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 25 Truck crops (fig. 3), grains, and fruit trees rapidly deteriorate on such lands. This condition occurs in a variety of soils in Colorado. Itis met with in the light sandy loams as well as in the heavy clay loams, on lowlands as well as on hilltops. It is to be dis- tinguished from true alkali troubles. The distinguishing characteristic of a nitre-sick soil is its brownish-black wet appearance. From afar the soil looks as if it had been wetted with crude oil; however the soil is usually dry. Sometimes the soil may be moist and slippery, due no doubt to the presence of large quantities of deliquescent salts. Walking through such a field produces a sensation similar to that which one would get from walking on cornmeal or ashes. The accumulation of excessive amounts of nitrates in the soil is due to the activity of a bacterial soil organism, Azotobacter chroococcum. ‘This organism has the power of fixing free nitrogen from the air and depositing it in the form of nitrates in the soil. The conditions which favor this activity still await study. Normally, soils contain from 140 to 150 pounds of nitrates per acre foot. In a nitre-sick soil, each acre foot contains 113,480 pounds, or 56.74 tons. With such a high concentration of nitrate, it is impossible for plants to grow. So far, we know of no methods to reclaim nitre-sick soils. 3. ACID-SICK SOILS Soils which contain an excess of acid in which crops refuse to grow, may be termed acid-sick. Acids 26 Diseases of Truck Crops in soils have a directly poisonous effect on plants. Soil acidity may be brought about by the loss of lime and other bases; and by the decomposition of organic and inorganic matter. Crops are known to draw heavily on the lime of the soil, and thus increase the proportion of acidity. This then is one direct way of depleting the soil lime. A ton of alfalfa, for instance, is known to take up 50 pounds of lime. With a yield of 6 tons per acre, the annual loss of lime per acre would be 2100 pounds. Lime and other bases are further lost from the soil by leaching. The soluble carbonates are but slowly soluble in pure water. However, carbon dioxide, nearly always present in soils, changes the calcium carbonate into calcium bicarbonate, which is rather soluble, and readily leaches out with the drainage water. Soils which are heavily manured are apt to become more acid. The decomposition of the organic matter yields large quantities of carbon dioxide which act on the carbonate in the manner above indicated. The annual leaching of lime from soils varies from 100 to 1000 pounds per acre. In addition to these causes, poor drainage hasa tendency to increase the soil acidity. The application of ammonium sulphate as a fertilizer leads toa devel- opment of acidity by the production of sulphuric acid. The same is true when muriate of potash is added. In the process of nitrification in which nitrogen is made more available for plants, acids are produced. Acidity in a soil is usually characterized by a lan- Fic. 4. EFFECT OF LIME. a. tod. Rhubarb, e. toh. New Zealand Spinach. a. and b., e. and f. both receiving sulphate of ammonia, a. and e. unlimed, b. and f. limed, c. and d., g. and h. both received nitrate of soda, c. and g. unlimed, d. and h. limed (after Hartwell and Damon). Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 27 guid condition of the growing crop. Sorrels, poverty grass, broomsedge, cinquefoil, and redtop thrive best, and are generally indicative of acid soils. Not all truck crops are equally sensitive to soil acidity. Hartwell and Damon’ have determined the degree in which truck crops are benefited by the application of lime to an acid soil. As a guide to the effect of lime on crops, those which seem to benefit most are in- dicated by the number (3), lesser degrees of improve- ment are indicated by the numbers (2) and (1). Crops which tolerate a moderate amount of acidity are followed by the figure (0), and those which thrive best without lime by (—1): Asparagus (3), beans (0), beets (3), cabbage (2), carrots (1), cauliflower (2), celery (3), chard (2), chicory (0), cowpea (0), cress (0), cucumber (1), eggplant (2), endive (3), okra (3), horseradish (2), kale (1), kohlrabi (1), leek (3), lettuce (3), mustard (2), muskmelon (0), onion (3), parsley (0), parsnip (3), pea, garden (1), pepper (3), potato (0), radish (1), rape (2), rhubarb (3), sorrel (—1), spinach (3) (fig. 4a to h), turnip (0), watermelon (—1). Treatment of Acid Soils. The best remedy known is lime. Its effect is to neutralize the acidity, restoring the normal equilibrium for the activity of the soil flora, and thus enabling the plant to flourish. The amount of lime to be used depends largely on the kind of soil and the degree of its acidity. Ac- cording to Blair? a loamy to a clay loam will require * Hartwell, B. L., and Damon, S. C., Rhode Island Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul., 160: 408-446, I914. 2 Blair, A. W., New Jersey Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir., 54: 3-11, 1916. 28 Diseases of Truck Crops from 1500 to 2000 pounds of burned lime per acre. This is generally considered a moderate application. For sands and sandy loams it would be safe to apply 1000 to 1500 pounds. If the soil is known to be very acid or to contain large amounts of organic matter, heavier application of lime may be given. Lime is sold as ground limestone or as burned lime. A ton of burned limestone will yield 1120 pounds. If enough water is added, it will weigh 1480 pounds. If 1120 pounds of burned lime or the 1480 pounds of hydrated lime are allowed to air slack, the weight of both will be 2000 pounds. Aijr-slacked lime has the same composition as ground lime- stone. In buying hydrated lime we do not get any better quality, but merely pay an excess in freight for the amount of water it contains. The cost of delivery should determine the kind of lime to buy. Wood ashes may often be used instead of lime to correct soil acidity. Hardwood ashes contain about 30 per cent. lime and 60 percent. potash. Two anda half tons of good wood ashes are equivalent to one ton of burned lime to overcome soil acidity. Leached ashes have lost their potash and its lime is in the form of a hydrate or carbonate. Magnesium lime which contains high percentages of magnesia is not objectionable for use. In fact, a ton of limestone which contains magnesium car- bonate is more effective on acid soils than a ton of limestone without magnesium carbonate. Lime should be applied only when the acidity of the soil Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 29 requires it. After that an additional application of 1000 pounds of burned lime or 2000 pounds of lime- stone every five years will be desirable. Should lime be used at more frequent intervals, the organic matter of the soil will fast deplete. The saying that ‘‘lime makes the father rich and the son poor”’ is only true where the use of lime is overdone, and not otherwise. 4. Muck or Peat SoILs Muck or peat soil is sick because most plants refuse to grow there unless it is properly treated. However, muck may be transformed into the best trucking land. There are States in the Union which possess muck lands by the thousands of acres. Yet these are the last to be reclaimed. In Europe, scientists have long concerned them- selves with the reclaiming and utilization of muck lands. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark have dealt to a large extent and with fair success with the problem, though much of it still remains to be solved. As the term implies, peaty soils are those in which peat is the dominating constituent. Peat is always formed under water, in swamps or marshes, undrained flat land, indeed, any place where water- loving plants grow in abundance. Most peat is made up mainly of sphagnum and moss. Grass peat is composed of swamp grasses, sedges, rushes, or flags. In swamps where rushes, sedges, or other grasses occur, peat formation is more rapid than where moss or sphagnum grows. Peat itself is nothing more than rotten vegetable matter. Com- 30 Diseases of Truck Crops plete decomposition is impossible, because of the absence of air and the accumulation of plant acids which contain antiseptic properties. The chemical composition of peaty soils, as given by Conner and Abbot,’ may be seen in Table 5. TABLE 5 Chemical Analyses of Different Types of Unproductive Black Soils. Kind of Soil Substance determined i Acid Neutral peat peat pai saat Insoluble & soluble silica, etc. 10.40 | 9.00 88.63 |71.47 Potash (KG ©) eee eee ee 23 sue 14 .28 Dimel(Ca@) hon Wve ae Oa Eee 1.86 3.89 .08 5-91 Magnesia (MgQO)........... .26 52 att 1.31 Iron oxide (Fe,03).. bhi Aluminum oxide (A1,03) . 2ST a Aee 7, 3.25 5.03 Phosphoric acid (P20s).. -36 -40 .08 a Sulphur trioxide Oe -49 .28 04 | 4.42 Carbon dioxide eas .20 63 55 (00) 22 Volatile matter. . Rea 83.16 | 81.16 8.16 |12.16 otalenitrorenN sae saan ka B82 aes r 28 25/7; Total potash (K,0).. ee 34 26 1.62 1.25 Phosphoric acid soluble’ in INU ASIEN GE) PSOne OAS AURIS TE it .032 -0506 .0058] .037 Totallihumusss Nee ey 30.68 | 25.55 4.86 | 4.72 FMosiGh lay bliontutsyy eas unis Biel aie aia Uy TIT ANes2e 4.64 | none Acidity in pounds calcium car- bonate (CaCQ3) peracre foot] 1940.00 |360.00 |3500.00 | none Hygroscopic moisture........ 11.82 | 18.57 1.65 3.30 From the table it is evident that the chemical composition is not the same for all peaty soils. This is naturally to be expected, since no two soils are Conner, S. D., and Abbot, J. B., Purdue Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 157 : vol. 16, 1912. Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 31 chemically identical. In treating peaty soils it should be remembered that what applies to one does not generally apply to another. Depth of Peat Soils. WHopkins, Readhimer, and Fisher’ classify peaty soils according to the depth as follows: I. Soils in which the very peaty material extends three or four feet at least, and often to much greater depths. 2. Soils with one to three feet of peaty material resting on deep sand. 3. Soils with one to three feet of peaty material resting on rock, usually with some inches of sandy material between the two. 4. Soils with six inches to three feet of peaty material resting on a clayey subsoil. 5. Soils with only a few inches resting on the sand. When the peat is about three feet in depth over a deep sand subsoil, the land may be lacking in potash. This must then be supplied in the form of potassium salts, or of manure. Of the many types of peaty soils, the best for truck- ing are those black deposits which have reached an advanced state of decomposition, are of a fine texture, and have a high ash content. Brown peat of a fibrous nature is not very desirable. Its physical condition is such that the water cannot be properly controlled. Treatment of Peat Soil: Burning. The mistake is * Hopkins, C. G., Readhimer, J. E., and Fisher, O. S., Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 157 : 95-131, I912. 32 Diseases of Truck Crops often made of burning over peaty soils with a view to improving them. This practice cannot be too strongly condemned. It is difficult to see where any permanent benefit can result from such treatment. Moreover, burning destroys the nitrogen and the organic matter, which are two valuable and expen- sive assets of such a soil. Should peat ever catch fire accidentally, pouring water or throwing soil on the flames will not smother them. In this case it is best to dig an open trench around the fire to a depth of moist earth and let it burn itself out within that limit. Drainage. The best method of reclaiming peat soils is drainage. This process is not so easily done as on ordinary land because peat holds water better than ordinary soils. Peat soils may be drained if sufficiently large tiles are used and a proper outlet is at hand. The best results are ob- tained when the tiles are laid in the underlying muck or clay, but not too deeply in the subsoil. Plowing. ‘The second best method of improving peat soils is a proper working of them. Fall plowing is to be highly recommended. The peat in this case is exposed to the action of the frost, rain, and snow, all of which helps in the more rapid decay of the organic matter. In shallow peaty layers, deep plowing is of great value. This helps to mix the clay with the peat and makes it more readily avail- able by bringing up the potassium and the phos- phorus of the subsoil. In deep peaty layers, deep’ plowing exposes a larger part of the organic matter to the air and sunlight. Rolling should never be Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 33 practiced in very shallow layers. It is recommended only where the layer is over sixteen inches deep. Frequent cultivation is also very beneficial and pro- vides aeration which favors a more rapid decay of the organic matter. It helps to keep down weeds. The Choice of a Crop. On newly reclaimed peat soils, the best crops to plant are timothy, sudan grass, or alsike clover, which may be pastured to advantage. Peat soils cannot be surpassed for trucking purposes. They seem especially adapted for onions, celery, tomatoes, and potatoes. Use of Fertihzers. ‘The application of certain chemical fertilizers to peaty soils is decidedly bene- ficial. The kind of fertilizers will depend largely on the nature of the crop grown. Conner and Abbot present interesting data on the effect of fertilizer on onions. This is summarized in Table 6. TABLE 6 Results of Field Fertilizer Tests with Onions on Various Peat Soils Experi-| Pounds | Average Increase in bushels per acre ment | fertil- | unfer- 1zer tilized No. |per acre| yteld | 4-8-10' | O-8-10 | 4-0-10 4-8-0 4-31 1000 606.9 113.0 124.2 76.3 75.5 43-I1 1000 79.1 133.1 58.0 49.6 57-1 92-21 1000 307.0 139.0 240.0 145.0 20.0 37-14 1000 234.0 332.0 285.0 120.0 89.0 t 4-8-10 formula indicates 4 per cent. nitrogen, 8 per cent. phos- phoric acid, and to per cent. potash made from dried blood, acid phos- phate, and sulphate of potash. Minus sign (—) indicates decrease. 3 34 Diseases of Truck Crops TABLE 6—(Continued) Experi-| Pounds | Average Increase in bushels per acre ment | fertil- unfer- 1zer tilized No. |per acre} yield 4-8-10 | 0-8-10 | 4-0-I0 | 4-8-0 eee | cme | eeeecmeeeeemeeecn | ame | ee | ce | mee 37-15 1000 613.0 Ty —27.1 2705 —64.6 43-21 1000 628.0 0.0 75.0 —30.0 25.0 SiGe 1000 394.2 89.0 49.1 55.2 47.6 57-I1a 500 372.8 D7Le7, 178.6 128.6 145.5 AV eTAS Ellery re 404.4 130.3 122.8 84.0 49.0 Cost olmerntilizens mie yaniw liars $17.34 | $9.56] $12.84 | $12.28 Average profit per acre...... 47.81 51.84 29.16 1222 We have as yet no definite data on the effect of lime on peaty soils. Those in charge of the development of peaty soils caution against using it too freely. Of the forms to use, ground limestone or marl are per- haps the best kinds to apply. The amount to use will vary from one to four tons, depending largely on the acidity of the soil. Too much lime tends to de- stroy the nitrogenous compounds, and encourages serious plant diseases. 5. ALKALI-SICK SOILS The alkali problem is even of more widespread concern, as it affects nearly all irrigated districts of the arid and semi-arid regions of the United States. An alkali-sick soil is one which contains an excess of accumulated soluble salts which are injurious to plant growth. For convenience, alkali soils are divided into black and white. The black alkali lands are known to contain sodium carbonate or washing soda as the essential salt. The Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 35 latter does not act so much on the soil as on the or- ganic matter, turning it black. This black material is always found on the surface with the salts. The blackening of the soil, however, is not always an indication of black alkali. Many dark spots are found to contain the white alkali. Moreover, soils which contain little or no organic matter may con- tain large quantities of sodium carbonate and never turn black. The white alkali in reality is not a true alkali. The salts found in it are sodium chloride or table salt, calcium sulphate or gypsum, sodium sul- phate, magnesium sulphate or Epsom salt. In addition to these may be found salts of potassium. Table 7, taken from Harris,' shows a comparative study of the total soluble salts which are found to be injurious to plants. TABLE 7 Summary of Total Soluble Salts, Chlorides, Carbonates, and Sulphates in Alkali Soils. Average to a Depth of Four Feet, Paris per Million of Dry Soil. Paris of field producing best crop Total Counties Soluble Chlorides | Carbonates| Sulphates Salts | Boxelder 4,806 1,485 1,983 711 Salt Lake 2,440 545 858 2,334 Millard 10,852 640 1,418 9,795 Cache 5,792 1,573 1,515 2,539 1 Harris, F. S., Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul., 145 : 3-21, 1916. 36 Diseases of Truck Crops TABLE 7—(Continued) Parts of field producing medium crop Total Counties Soluble | Chlorides | Carbonates| Sulphates Salts ee Boxelder 7,075 3,021 1-727, 543 Salt Lake 4,228 875 792 1,812 Millard 18,325 3,077 1,271 13,238 Cache 17,218 2,541 888 13,126 Paris of field where no crop would grow Boxeider 10,079 6,767 1,874 1,154 Salt Lake 6,938 2,045 689 3,636 Millard 21,488 6,289 1,875 13,304 Cache 30,148 3,585 795 23,027 Origin of Alkali Soils. Soils are formed through the disintegration of rocks due to various agencies such as weather, water, chemicals and organic matter, and the action of the soil flora. In this pro- cess, substances are released, some of which are in- soluble while others are readily soluble in water. Although in moist and cold climates the more rapid decomposition of rocks leaves more salt de- posits in the soil, the abundant rainfall washes out these salts, which are carried off by the streams and rivers to the ocean. This is not the case in arid regions where the salts are gradually allowed to accumulate. Much of the rain in the arid regions does not find an outlet in streams, but accumulates in the lower regions, where the water finally evapo- Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 37 rates, leavinga deposit of salts. Thisthen is one way in which alkali spots are formed. Another source of alkali formation is through the decomposition of volcanic rocks. This condition is found in some parts of New Mexico. Another, and by far the most im- portant, source of alkali formation is through capil- larity and evaporation. This occurs when the water accumulated in the soil is insufficient to raise the water table high enough to permit evaporation. ‘The condition which most favors such an accumulation of water is a bed or layer of a clayey character which prevents the percolation of water downwards, below a soil which does not have sufficient lateral drainage. The source of the water may be springs, or the perco- lation of surface rainwater, and in irrigated regions, leaky canals or over-irrigation. The depth of the water table, where capillarity becomes a source of trouble, is about threefeet. Asall soil water contains diluted salts, continual evaporation will leave alkali spots or beds. To realize further what the alkali accumulation means, Tinsley* has worked out some interesting figures. “Suppose an acre of land, with the water table within less than two feet of surface, and that the amount of water evaporated from the surface in a year was enough to cover the acre to a depth of one foot, which the writer considers a low estimate for a bare soil. Suppose further that when it reached the surface, the water carried 100 parts of soluble matter in 100,000 parts of water, which is about the salt * Tinsley, J. D., New Mexico Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 42 : 3-31, 1902. 38 Diseases of Truck Crops content of the best irrigating waters in the Roswell district. This would give 43,560 cubic feet of water on the acre, which would weigh about 2,720,000 pounds, and would leave on evaporation 2720 pounds of salt, about one and one half tons. ‘This would amount to an addition of .o7 per cent. of salt to the surface foot of that acre per year. If this were continued about seven years, and none of the salts were removed, the amount added would be about .5 per cent. in the first foot of soil, which is more per foot than cultivated plants could usually withstand. Under actual conditions, it is probable that more than one and one half tons of salts per acre per year are carried to the surface in many cases, but the rain washes a portion of them back and they are distributed to a greater depth than one foot.”’ Effect of Alkali on Plant Growth. Plants can stand the baneful effect of alkali only to a limited degree. The damage is always confined to the stem end. Here the epidermis turns brown for half an inch or more, gradually tearing away in a girdling fashion. This results in the collapse and death of the plant, which assumes a corroded appearance. The physiological effect of alkali is to plasmolize the cell contents of the bark. Crops Adapted to Alkali Lands. Unlike peaty lands, alkali soils are adapted to very few trucking crops. Sugar beets, carrots, and artichokes seem to thrive fairly well in such soils. Irish potatoes will thrive well in soils which do not contain more than 18,400 pounds of alkali per acre, of which 4000 piusaisiaritees st cede aiseai ei ae an = EES Sick Soils not Influenced by Parasites 39 pounds may be carbonate of soda, and 6880 pounds common salt. Broccoli, chard, fennel, and sweet corn will thrive fairly well in lands containing up to a total of 3720 pounds of alkali per acre. How to Reclaim Alkali Soils. We have seen that the accumulation of alkali in a soil is often brought about by the evaporation of water which is charged with mineral salts. To obviate this it is evident that the evaporation must be counteracted. Good surface cultivation will establish a dry surface mulch and prevent the rise of water to the upper level, thereby preventing evaporation. Tillage to be effective must be started early, because then, large quantities of salt would be carried into the subsoil by the spring rains. If the crop is started early, it may be forced to maturity before the effect of alkali can make itself felt on the plants. Tillage, however, will afford only temporary relief, as it will not remove the salts from the soil. Drainage on the other hand affords permanent relief. The land is first flooded, preferably in the winter, and then the water which is now laden with soluble salts is removed by a system of drainage. ‘Tile drainage, while more expensive in its initial cost, is cheapest in the long run. Such a system when laid down permanently will prevent the further accumulation of salts. The application of manure or straw to alkali land often brings marked relief. Many a barren spot has been reclaimed by this method. The beneficial action of manure or straw is easily accounted for. Both of these tend to loosen the surface soil, thereby Ao Diseases of Truck Crops acting as a surface mulch, and indirectly preventing evaporation. They may also stimulate young plants to more rapid growth, enabling them to withstand the action of alkali. Young plants are much more sensitive to alkali than older ones. The older plants of cantaloupes, for instance, are far more resistant to alkali than the young seedlings. _ CHAPTER III SOIL SICKNESS DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF PARASITES HARMFUL TO PLANTS WHEN a soil is sick because its beneficial bacteria do not perform their functions properly, or because of abnormalities in its chemical properties, careful treatment and proper cultural methods will restore it to health. But when a soil becomes sick and un- productive because parasitic forms gain a foothold there, much greater skill and knowledge are required to cope with the problem. Its solution is of the greatest economic importance to the trucker and gardener. Parasitic fungi finding their way in a soil do not necessarily interfere with the work of the beneficial bacteria, such as the ammonifiers and nitrifiers, for instance. Neither do they always influence the chemical or physical nature of the soil. They attack directly the crop itself. Of the numerous parasites rendering soils unproductive, we will consider here only two types. I. SomL SICKNESS DUE TO PARASITIC FUNGI. Fungi which produce DAMPING OFF in seedlings. 41 42 Diseases of Truck Crops Fungi which produce damping off as well as WILTs, BLIGHTS, Or ROTS in plants. DAMPING OFF Caused by Pythium de Baryanum Hesse. This disease is very familiar to every grower of plants. The trouble is peculiar to seedlings or very tender plants. It is prevalent in the greenhouse, the hotbed, the cold frame, and frequently also in the field. The trouble is induced by the presence of definite parasitic fungi in the soil. They thrive best when the land is continually damp, and the at- mospheric temperature comparatively high. Damp- ing off is also favored by thick sowing and too much shade in the seed bed. Symptoms of Damping Off. Every experienced trucker knows the disease when he sees it. Seedlings freshly damped off are soft and water-soaked at the base of the stem. If they are pulled they often break off easily. A more careful examination shows that the root system is entirely decayed by this time, al- though the upper part of the stem and leaves may still be green, possibly also fresh. The degree of prostration in the seedlings is regulated by the amount of moisture in the soil. If the amount of moisture is slight, the seedlings will be flabby and wilted before they topple over. With a high mois- ture content, they are more firm, but become pros- trate as soon as infection starts in. Damping off Fic. 5. PytTaHium DEBARYANUM. a. Mycelium, b. conidiophore bearing con- idia, c. germinating conidium, d. fertil- ized oogonium and adjoining empty antheridium, e. oospore. Soil Sickness Due to Parasites 43 usually begins in spots in the seed bed or in the field and then may spread in every direction. The Organism. Pythium de Baryanum was first named and described by Hesse in 1874. Ward* found it to be a very prevalent parasite in the garden soils of Europe. In America the fungus was first recognized by Atkinson? as of great economic im- portance. Pythium de Baryanum, when examined under a compound microscope, is seen to be made up of coarse, non-septate, highly granular, irregular branched hyaline vegetative threads or mycelium (fig. 5 a). The younger threads are more finely granular, the oldest ones are coarsely granular or more often empty. These threads penetrate the cells of the host, where they obtain food. Pythium de Baryanum does not often fruit freely on the dead host. The fruiting is better observed when it is grown in a pure culture. Under normal conditions the fungus produces two forms of spores, conidia (fig. 5 b) and oogonia (fig. 5 d,e). The summer spores, or conidia, are swellings formed at the tip of the hyphe. These swellings readily break off from the mother threads and germinate by send- ing out a slender tube (fig.5 c). Thistube penetrates the seedling tissue, where it grows and develops and after due incubation reproduces the disease. The oospore or sexual spore is the stage which is most commonly found. ‘The female oogonium first devel- * Ward, M., Quart. Jour. Micros. Soc., New Ser. 22 : 487, 1883. 2 Atkinson, G. F., New York (Cornell) Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 94 : 233-272, 1895. 44 Diseases of Truck Crops ops as a terminal enlargement which is cut off by a septum from the mother thread. Next or adjacent to it a slender tube is cut off from the mycelium by a septum. This tube now performs the function of the male sexual organ and is known as antheridium. The latter then comes into close contact and empties all its content into the oogonium (fig.5 d). Fertiliza- tion thus takes place, and a mature egg or oospore or winter resting spore is formed (fig. 5 e). The latest investigations have not yet disclosed whether or not Pythium de Baryanum is carried over from year to year by its oospores. It is apparently able to propagate itself indefinitely by its vegetative mycelium. The seedlings of the following truck crops are subject to damping off by Pythium: Beans, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, endive, lettuce, pumpkin, tom- ato, and turnip. Of the other fungi which are capable of producing a damping off in seedlings may be mentioned; Sclero- linia libertzana Fckl., Phoma solani Halst., Colle- totrichum sp., Fusarium sp., Sclerottum Rolfsi Sacc., and Rhizoctonia solani Kihn. ‘The first five will be taken up separately in connection with the study of their respective hosts (see pages 45, 46, 143, 305, 324). OTHER SOIL DISEASES We have seen that Pythium de Baryanum is most active as a disease on young seedlings. Other fungi, however, may attack not only seedlings, but also older plants, in various stages of development. As ne Fic. 6. RHIZOCTONIA. a. Rhizoctonia cankers on stems of young bean plants, b. young growing hyphe of Rhizoctonia, c. young barrel shaped cells which compose the sclerotia of Rhizoc- tonia, d. older and empty barrel shaped cells of sclerotia (a. to d. after Peltier). Soil Sickness Due to Parasites 45 a guide to the trucker and gardener, we shall consider two typical soil diseases, one which produces root rot, the other wilt only. Root Rot Caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kahn. This fungus is of great economic importance be- cause of its widespread distribution. It is capable of producing a damping off on a variety of seedlings, as well as of attacking older and mature plants. Symptoms. The symptoms of Rhizoctonia wilt do not differ materially from those produced by Pythium de Baryanum. On older plants however Rhizoctonia produces cankers or deep lesions which are very characteristic (fig. 6 a). These are formed on the roots as well as on the base of the stem. The lesions are reddish brown and extend into the cortical or vital layer as well as into the woody tissue. There is perhaps no other parasitic fungus which is so widespread and capable of attacking such a vari- ety of hosts as Rhizoctonia. The work of Peltier* shows that the following truck crops are susceptible to Rhizoctonia: Beet, bean, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cowpea, cucumber, cress, eggplant, horse- radish, lettuce, muskmelon, okra, pepper, radish, squash, sweet potato, garden pea, parsnip, potato, and tomato. The Organism. In 1828 Duhamel described Rhi- t Peltier, G. L., Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 189: 283-391, 1916. 46 Diseases of Truck Crops zoctonia for the first time. In the United States the first extended account of the fungus was given by Pammel.* Many other excellent accounts by Amer- ican workers have appeared from time to time, to which we shall have occasion to refer later. The genus Rhizoctonia includes several forms of sterile fungi, all of which are distinguished by their manner of growth in pure culture, and by their mycelium form. Young hyphe of R. solani Ktthn are at first hyaline, then deepen in color from a yellow- ish to a deep brown. The young branches are some- what narrowed at their point of union with the parent hypha and grow ina direction almost parallel to each other (fig. 6 b). A septum is also laid down ata short distance from the point of union with the par- ent mycelium. There is another form of mycelium which is made up of barrel-shaped cells, each of which is capable of germinating like a spore (fig.6 c,d). In pure cultures R. solani produces sclerotia, which are at first soft, whitish, and later become hard and dark. The fungus is carried over from year to year as scler- otia which are able to withstand the effect of heat, cold, drought, or moisture. PARASITIC SOIL FUSARIA Next in importance to Rhizoctonia is a group of fungi which belong to the genus Fusarium. Lands infected with these species of fungi become unfit for cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, etc., causing great finan- *Pammel, L. H., Iowa Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 15: 244-251, 1891. ¢ ae gene’ Bis ut : : ae 2 op Ta ea | a a mM She 2 ‘ i. % SS ae Fic. 7. Fusarium WILT. a. Early stage of Fusarium wilt of sweet potato, b. sweet potato hill killed by Fusarium wilt, c. spores of Fusarium batatatis, d. spores of Fusarium hyper- oxysporum, e. chlamydospores of Fusarium (c. and d. after Harter). Soil Sickness Due to Parasites A7 cial losses to the trucker. We will take up the specific troubles in studying each of these crops respectively. As an illustration of a typical Fusarium-sick soil we will consider the wilt of sweet potatoes. WILT OR YELLOWS OF THE SWEET POTATO Caused by Fusarium batatatis Woll. and F. hyper- oxysporum Woll. Symptoms. The first indication of sweet potato wilt is a slight difference in the color of the foliage in the affected plants. The leaves become dull, then yellow between the veins and slightly puckered; this is followed by the wilting of the affected vines (fig. 7a). If one of these vines be split open at the stem end, the interior of the woody portion will be found blackened. All parasitic soil Fusaria invade the interior of the water or fibro-vascular bundles which are situated in the woody tissue of the stem. Wilting and death of the plant follow (fig. 7 b). The morphology of Fusarium is identical in many species. They differ only from a pathological point of view, and in peculiarity of certain colors produced on media in pure cultures. Pathologically, many of the species are distinct. The Fusarium of the sweet potato wilt cannot, as far as we know, attack potatoes, tomatoes, or any other host. This is similarly true for the Fusarium which produces a wilt on tomatoes, etc. The mycelium of Fusarium is hyaline, septate, and branched. The spores are sickle-shaped and 48 Diseases of Truck Crops very characteristic (fig. 7 c, d). Some Fusaria also produce chlamydospores or resting spores, by which the fungus is carried over winter (fig.7e). As faras we know the wilt-producing Fusaria do not form a winter or ascus stage. They are carried over as mycelium, or chlamydospores, in dead plants and in the soil. 2. SOILS RENDERED SICK BY CERTAIN FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE The present discussion deals with the root knot, a disease produced by a little worm generally known as nematode, or eel worm. ROOT KNOT Caused by Heterodera radicicola (Greef) Mill. Root knot is most prevalent in light soils. This, however, does not exclude it from heavier lands where it may sometimes be found. The trouble is most widespread in the Southern States, where the winter is mild. In unprotected places in the North its numbers are probably greatly reduced each winter. The annual financial losses from this disease are staggering in extent. With proper culture and fer- tilization, however, a crop may be produced with practically very little loss where neglect would have caused a total failure. This is especially true under greenhouse conditions. Fic. 8. NEMATODE Root Knot. a. Root knot of Irish potato, b. root knot of onion, c. root knot of parsnip, d. egg of nematode, Heterodera radicicola, e. young female worm, f. half-grown female worm, g. young male worm, hk. matured male worm ready to emerge from old body covering, ¢. matured female worm (d. to 7. greatly enlarged, after Stone and Smith). Soil Sickness Due to Parasites 49 Symptoms. The disease is characterized by a swelling on the roots, showing itself in small knots formed either singly or in pairs, or in strings, giving the affected root a beaded appearance (fig. 8 a, b). Sometimes, however, the swellings are so large that they may be mistaken for the root nodules (fig. 8 c) of legume plants, which occur normally in great abundance. Infested plants usually linger for a long time, but they can be distinguished by a thin growth and yellow sickly looking leaves and stems. Distribution. The eelworm seems to be of world- wide distribution, being found in Europe, Asia, Australia, and both North and South America. And yet, there are many localities in which this pest has never been known. Life History. The eelworm is a very minute worm, seldom exceeding one twenty-fifth of an inch in length. It is semitransparent, so that it cannot be easily detected by the nakedeye. In searching for the eelworm, break afresh knot. Close examination will reveal two types of worms: a spindle-shaped worm, the male (fig. 8 g, h), and a pearly white pear-shaped organism, the female (fig. 8 e, f), firmly embedded in the gall tissue. The female is very prolific, depositing no less than 400 to 500 eggs during her lifetime. The eggs are whitish (fig. 8 d), semitransparent bean-shaped bodies, and too small to be noticed without the aid of a magnifying glass. The time which elapses until the eggs hatch depends largely upon weather conditions. In warm days the eggs hatch sooner than in cold days. Upon hatching, the. 4 50 Diseases of Truck Crops young larve either remain in the tissue of the host plant in which they have emerged, or, as is more often the case, leave the host and enter the soil. This is the only period during which the worms move about to any great extent in the soil, where they either remain for some length of time or immediately pene- trate another root of the host. The nematodes in most cases become completely buried in the root tissue, establishing themselves in the soft cellular structure which is rich in food. The head of the worm is provided with a boring apparatus consisting of a sharply pointed spear, located in the mouth. This structure not only aids it in getting food but is also valuable in helping the young worms to batter through the cell walls before becoming definitely located. The two sexes during the development. are undistinguishable up to fifteen or twenty days, both being spindle-shaped. In the molting or shedding of the skin, there is a marked change in the case of the female, especially in the posterior region of the body, which no longer possesses a tail-like appendage. Fertilization occurs soon after this molt, and many radical changes occur in the shape and structure of the organization of the worm. The fertilized female increases rapidly in breadth and becomes a pearly white flask- or pear-shaped individual (fig. 8 i). At this stage it is far from being wormlike and may, therefore, be overlooked by one unfamiliar with the life-history of the eelworm. The adult male is much like that of the young female larve, being spindle- shaped in outline. The male does not cause as much Soil Sickness Due to Parasites Ga damage to the root tissue as the female, and its pur- pose in life seems to be only that of fertilizing the female, for after this function has been performed, it is quite probable that the male worm takes no more food. Omnivorous Nature of the Eelworm. ‘There are almost five hundred species of plants known to suffer from the eelworm. This number includes all the important families of the flowering plants. According to Bessey? the following are among the plants subject to root knot: a. Truck Crops. Asparagus, bean, beet, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chicory, cucumber, dill, egeplant, endive, gourd, Jerusalem artichoke, leek, let- tuce, muskmelon, mustard, okra, onion, parsley, pars- nip, pea, pepper, potato, pumpkin, radish, rutabaga, salsify, shallot, spanish oyster plant, spinach, squash, sweet potato, tomato, turnip, watermelon, yam. b. Garden Weeds. Birdsfoot trefoil, burdock, car- petweed, dandelion, dead nettle, Florida beggarweed, horse nettle, lamb’s-quarters, mayweed, milkweed, nightshade, pigweed, plantain, pokeweed, ribgrass, shepherd’s-purse, sheep sorrel, snow thistle, wild morning-glory. From the above large list of susceptible hosts, it is evident that the trucker cannot afford to permit infestation of his land. Once a soil becomes sick because of the presence of eelworm there is very little range left in the choice of a crop. 1 Bessey, E. A., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bureau Pl. Ind. Bul. 217: 7-89, I9II. | 52 Diseases of Truck Crops SOIL-INFESTING INSECTS Soils infested with insect pests are as sick as when infested with eelworm or parasitic fungi. The trucker, in sowing his seed, has often great difficulty in obtaining a good and even stand. The frequent resowings invariably result in late crops, and this means heavy money losses. Frequently the stand is reduced by fifty per cent. in spite of the many resowings. The cause of this may be traced to the presence in the soil of certain insect pests. Among those dreaded most by the trucker and gardener are: Cutworms (A grotis sp.), (Lycophotia sp.), (Peridroma sp.), wireworms (Melanotus sp.), and white grubs (Phyllophaga sp.). CHAPTER IV METHODS OF TREATING SICK SOILS ~ DAMPING OFF, whether induced by Pythium, Rhi- zoctonia, or any ether parasitic organism, is usually confined to seedlings in the seed bed, under cover or in the open. The loss of seedlings not only means a waste of seeds, but it also results in late crops. Growers are usually in the habit of using the same soil in the seed bed, year in and year out. This prac- tice cannot be encouraged, since contamination of the seed-bed soil is bound to take place. The dis- ease-producing organisms are usually brought in with the manure. A number of truckers make it a practice to empty their beds and fill them with fresh soil. This, unfortunately, is not always a safe method, for the reason that the new soil too may be contaminated, or that it may become infected as soon as it is placed in the bed previously con- taminated. Sick seed-bed soils may be freed from damping off in various ways. Formaldehyde. When steam sterilization is not feasible because of the absence of a steam boiler, the formaldehyde treatment is the next best. With this treatment we may control Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, 33 54 Diseases of Truck Crops and Pythium in infected beds. It is doubtful, however, if this treatment will entirely eradicate eel- worms from infested soils. ‘The method is as fol- lows: the beds are thoroughly prepared in the usual way, and then drenched with a gallon per square foot of formaldehyde solution composed of one pint of commercial formaldehyde (40% pure) to thirty gallons of water. The solution should be put on with a watering can and distributed as evenly as possible over the bed, so as to wet the soil thoroughly to a depth of a foot. It will, in most cases, be necessary to apply the solution two or three times, as the soil may not absorb the full quantity of the liquid at one time. After the treatment the beds should be cov- ered with a heavy burlap to keep in the formaldehyde fumes for a day or two, and then aired for a week before planting. Stirring the soil at once would help | the escape of the fumes. Formaldehyde may be bought in any drug store 40% pure. Steaming. This method of treatment is far supe- rior to any other yet evolved. For seed beds on a large scale the inverted pan method is the best. This was first devised by A. D. Shamel of the U. 8S. De- partment of Agriculture. The boiler must be able to generate a pressure of not less than eighty pounds, which should be maintained for at least one and a half hours. In setting a pan the rim is sunk into the soil of the seed bed, to a depth of two to three inches, to make the inclosed chamber steam tight. In heavy soil, trenching may be necessary. It is also advisable to put a heavy weight on the pan when the (AFTER SELBY.) Fic. 10. SURFACE WATERING. SHOWING PORTABLE SPRAY EQUIPMENT UsED IN GARDENS ABOUT COLD FRAMES AND Hort BEeEps. (AFTER WILLIAMS.) Methods of Treating Sick Soils 55 steam operates. When one pan is used, a traction engine or a portable boiler of ten to twelve H. P. will suffice. While the standard size of the pan is six by eight feet, the dimensions may be modified to suit the size of the seed beds. Selby and Humbert* describe the method of con- structing an inverted (fig. 9) pan as follows: ‘Material used for construction of a pan is gal- vanized sheet iron; the most useful weight is No. 20 gauge, which weighs 26.5 ounces per square foot. The heavier material requires little in the way of frame supports. The galvanized iron sheets come in sizes varying from two to three feet in width by eight to ten feet in length. Figure 9 shows a pan 6 x 10 feet in size, 6 inches deep, constructed from five such strips 214 x 8 feet in size. These sheets are joined by double-fold seam and riveted at intervals of 6 to Io inches to make the pan steam tight. This pan is further strengthened by a band of strap iron2x I inch riveted to the bottom edge, and stiffened by a brace of 114 inch angle iron across the top and extending down the sides. This is bolted at the sides to the supporting strap iron stiffener. The corner illustra- tions show at ‘A’ the joint used for the galvanized iron sheets, and ‘B’ a section of the angle iron sup- porting the top. ‘“The entrance pipe for the steam may be placed at the side or end of the pan (see dotted construction lines of fig. 9) or may enter from the top as per illus- t Selby, A. D., and Humbert, J. G., Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. 151 : 65-74, 1915. 56 Diseases of Truck Crops tration. The latter form has the advantage in that it will not interfere with the box boards when used on frames. The pipe, after entrance, should be a T form, so that steam in being forced into the pan when in place does not blow holes in the soil.”’ Surface Firing. ‘This method of soil sterilization is used only in the absence of steam facilities or where formaldehyde cannot be obtained, which, however, is seldom the case. It consists simply in producing a hot fire for an hour or more over the bed to be ster- ilized. A combustible material such as brush, straw, or wood may be used for that purpose. The objec- tion to it is that the fire may destroy the organic matter in the soil. Roasting or Pan Firing. In this method the soil to be sterilized is removed from the bed and placed in a pan, underneath which fire is present. After roasting the soil is returned to the bed and more of it sterilized. This method is too slow and is open to the same objection as the surface burning. The advantage of steam sterilization and of the ‘fire’? methods consists in the destruction of all weed seed, together with the fungi which cause damping off. Other Methods of Control. Damping off may be largely controlled by careful cultural conditions. Unless the soil of the seed bed is to be sterilized, it is never wise to sow the seeds in beds where damping off was known to have occurred previously. Thick sowing especially should not be permitted. In Methods of Treating Sick Soils 57 Table 8, Johnson* presents some interesting data on the effect of thick sowing on damping off. TABLE 8 Effect of Thick Sowing on Percentage of Diseased Plants. Weight of seed sown Flat No. Tin aca || Lents. Drscased per flat | per 100 sq. ft. Grams Ounces Per cent. Mere apens eid Shei ater Steve 0.1 0.16 fo) 7} aie eats eae 0.2 0.33 fo) Gis AN ee acco eee Bee US 0.3 0.49 8 Bie Merson ctiate saci teens 0.4 0.66 15 Shoiahd RE pec itaar eee: 0.5 0.83 35 (Cah A eg RA Ee 0.6 0.99 75 re es re Sh at 0.7 1.16 80 te a La aan Ler oy ieee te 0.8 133 80 Os Chas Cie eae lee Net 0.9 1.49 92 WORE ask c hace anata 1.0 1.60 96 Certain soils are especially favorable to damping off. Soils which contain a high percentage of un- rotted vegetable matter and those which are hard to drain need especial attention. Great care should be taken that the seed bed is kept at the right tempera- ture. The latter cannot be guessed at by personal sensation. It should be accurately determined by thermometers placed in the bed at suitable distances. It should also be remembered that any covering cloth or sash will exclude light and air. Every precaution * Johnson, James, Wisconsin Agr. Expt. Sta. Research Bul. 31: 31-61, 1914. 58 Diseases of Truck Crops should be taken to prevent the seedlings from be- coming ‘‘drawn,”’ for at that stage they are most susceptible to damping off. The safest plan is to keep the temperature a trifle lower than is gener- ally required, and allow as much ventilation as possible. Very often damping off starts in one corner of the bed. To check the rapid spread of the disease, the infected area may be removed. Spray- ing the seedlings with various fungicides in a bed where damping off has become well established will be of little help. CONTROL OF FUSARIUM- AND NEMATODE-SICK SOILS The formaldehyde or the steam sterilization meth- ods which are so effective in the treatment of sick seed beds cannot be used on a large scale for sick soils on account of the extensive cost involved. The trucker, therefore, must resort to other methods of control. Soils which are made sick by the presence of parasitic fungi or nematodes may be reclaimed by crop rotation as well as by the development of wilt- resistant varieties. Both of these methods will be discussed at length in pages 372, 373. CONTROL OF INSECT-INFESTED SOIL Spraying the soil will be of little value in the control of underground insect pests. Fortunately, however, we have more effective means for dealing with them. To destroy wireworms, sow corn which has been Methods of Treating Sick Soils 59 soaked for ten days in water containing arsenic or strychnine sulphate before planting the regular crop. The larve will feed on the poisonous corn kernels and die. Another way is to treat the seed with gas (coal) tar. White grubs may be controlled by the use of bisul- phide of carbon. Fall plowing is a valuable remedy, since many of the grubs are thus exposed to the cold winter weather and killed. Cutworms may be controlled by the use of a poisoned bran made as follows: to three ounces of molasses add one gallon of water and sufficient bran to make a fairly stiffened mixture. To thisadd Paris green or arsenic and stir well into a paste. A heap- ing teaspoonful of the mixture is scattered here and there over the infested land. PARTY if 61 CHAPTER V THE HEALTHY HOST AND ITS REQUIREMENTS WE have seen that soil is the medium in which plant life is made possible. We have also seen that to produce good yields in crops it is essen- tial to have a healthy soil—a condition directly dependent upon the work of friendly organisms. When these perform their work imperfectly, or when the soil is overrun by parasitic fungi or by pestiferous animal life, the soil is considered sick. Let us now consider the plant itself, since practically and economically it is the crop that concerns us most. We are interested in the soil only in so far as it is capable of main- ‘taining economic crops. The general needs of plant life are the same to a striking extent for higher plants and for the lower microérganisms of the soil. NEED oF AIR Plants must breathe, since air is indispensable 63 64 Diseases of Truck Crops for all life. Plants breathe through their leaves, and, according to Whitney,* through the roots also. Hence, cultivation is necessary not only to supply air to the microérganisms in the soil, but also to the roots of the crop. In the opinion of Whitney, cultivation accomplishes a step further; by stirring the soil we permit the escape of foul gases given off by the plant roots as well as by the soil organisms. NEED OF WATER Plants to live’ must ‘drink.’, This is *one” or the most important considerations from the trucker’s point of view. It is generally sup- posed that roots are fixed things in the soil, receiving water and food material by capillary action. This occurs only in very moist and saturated soils. However, in dry seasons and in dry soils the roots have to move down- ward towards the water. This may be proved by a simple ingenious experiment described by Whitney." li “you” take: some > ‘soi!’ fromthe field with what we call an optimum amount of moisture, or the best amount for plant growth, put it in a tumbler, filling the tumbler about half full, and put some dry soil on the surface, tWhitney, Milton, U. S. Depart. of Agr. Farmers Bul. 257: 5735, 1909. Healthy Host and Its Requirements 65 you can see the difference in moisture contents by the difference in color, the moist soil being Gatker than) the dry.) Then, -if “you, cover’ the tumbler to prevent evaporation you can leave the dry soil in contact with the moist soil and there will be no appreciable interchange of mois- ture between the moist and the dry layers. This simple experiment demonstrates that if cultiva- tion is also to conserve the soil moisture, we must always strive to form a pulverized dry mulch on top. Capillary action practically ceases when a dry mulch or layer is found on top of the soil.”’ From the trucker’s point of view, the water re- quirement of crops deserves careful consideration. In intensive gardening the water supplied by natura precipitation of rainfall cannot always be depended upon for crop production, and must be supplemented by irrigation. In fact irrigation is often a funda- mental requirement, if we are to meet ina timely way the demands of the market. Irrigation when prop- erly carried out may mean success, and the opposite total failure. To be what farmers call a ‘‘water hog,’’ using too much water, is detrimental to the crops, for they are very sensitive to an excess of it. Widtsoe and Merrill* have shown that the yields of truck crops directly depend on the proper amount of water supplied. The result of their investigation is shown in Table 9. t Widtsoe, J. A., and Merrill, L. A., Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 117: 69-119, I912. si 66 Diseases of Truck Crops TABLE 9 The Yields of Truck Crops as Harvested, with Different Quantities of Water Yield of crops is expressed in Ibs. per acre; quantities of water used are expressed in acre-inches.* CARROTS 1. Irrigation water supplied] 3.75} 7-50} 15.00] 25.00] 35.00} 60.00 2. Rainfall and soil water..} 10.25] 10.25] 10.25] 10.25] 10.25} 10.25 3. Total water for use of pe 616 ) aed MOM SOE RN SR 14.00] 17.75] 25.25] 35-25] 45.25] 70.25 4. Total. yield of carrots (Ibs. per acre)....... 34577| 33223] 49507| 46755] 56930} 68420 5. Yield per inch of irriga- HOM WALETy 2.00 sae 9221] 4430] 3306] 1871} 1627] 1129 6. Yield per inch of total WELUED evista d siantorer ets 2469| 1872| 1963} 1326] 1258) 974 CABBAGE 1. Irrigation water supplied......} 12.50] 20.00] 25.00} 40.00] 70.00 2. Rainfall and soil water........] 5-54) 5-54] 5-54) 5-541 5-54 3. Total water for use of crop... .| 18.04] 25.54] 30.54! 45-54] 75-54 4. Total yield of cabbage (Ibs. per ACES) Ay sy a SNORE ay Netcare? 18490] 18524] 16310] 20432] 23098 s. Yield per inch of irrigation WEL LETV Nira: se ueucitueholent ean ee LAZO! O26] O52 SuLbnessO 6. Yield per inch of total water...} 1025} 725] 534] 449] 306 ONIONS 1. Irrigation water supplied............] 15.00] 20.00] 30.00] 65.00 piikamialvandsoily waternenitee acer 5.54, 5-54] 5-541 5-54 3. Total water for use of crop.........- 20.54| 25.54] 35-54] 70.54 4. Total yield of onions (lbs. per acre)...| 21471] 22038] 32437] 34171 5. Yield per inch of irrigation water.....] 1432] 1102] 1098} 526 6. Yield per inch of total water.........} 1045} 863] 913) 484 t The term acre-inch means the quantity that will cover one acre to the depth of oneinch. Likewise in speaking of an acre-foot of water, it means the water necessary to cover one acre toa depth of one foot. Healthy Host and Its Requirements 67 A careful study of Table 9 shows that excessive watering results in a decrease of yield. Widtsoe and Merrill in their work on sugar beets found that when 30 acre-inches of water is spread over one acre 30 inches deep, the yield was 20.82 tons. When this same amount of water was spread over two acres and for a depth of fifteen inches, the yield increased to 38.90 tons per acre. Finally when the 30 acre- inches of water were spread over six acres and five inches deep, the yield increased to 82.68 tons per acre. Every trucker should study the water require- ments of the crops under his conditions of soil and climate. To obtain the best results from irrigation we must be familiar with the root system of each particular crop and the depth to which it normally penetrates the ground. Methods of Irrigation. There are two methods of watering recommended. Each trucker can determine for himself which of the two will give him the best results under his particular conditions. (a) Subtrrigation. As this implies, the water is applied underground and through perforated pipes. The conditions necessary for subirrigation are a clay subsoil or a hardpan capable of retaining the irriga- tion water. The topsoil must be of a sandy loam, neither too loose nor too compact. The land must be of a nature to admit of perfect drainage, having a fall of one inch to each one hundred feet. The land must also be level without raised places. Where these conditions cannot be fulfilled, subirrigation will prove a failure. The crops that are best bene- 68 Diseases of Truck Crops fited by subirrigation are celery, lettuce, and Irish potatoes. ‘Tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, or sweet potatoes are not benefited by it. The advantages claimed for subirrigation are many: (1) The moisture is better controlled in the soil and the roots will have easy access to it. (2) No crust is formed to shut out the air from the soil, or to fa- vor the development of fungous diseases. (3) The soluble salts and fertilizers are not washed down deeply and are not carried beyond the reach of the roots. (6) Surface or Spray Irrigation. As this implies, water is applied on the surface overhead, in the form of rain (fig. 10). The many advantages claimed for this system are as follows: (1) For the same volume of water a much larger area may be irrigated, or the same area may be watered with a smaller quantity of water. (2) Very little skilled labor is necessary in this system. (3) Large areas for irrigation can be rapidly covered. (4) The rain effect will control frosts. (5) There are no leaky wasteful channels, and no boggy roads. (6) An economy of land in channels and ditches. (7) Spray irrigation is independent of the topography of the field, and may be extended to lands too rolling or rough for subirrigation. Truckers in the arid sections seem in favor of a com- bination of spray and surface irrigation on the same field. The spray is used in preparing the seed bed, germinating the seeds, and for newly set out plants. Later, as the crop advances in age, especially during blossoming and fruiting, irrigation is carried out by Healthy Host and Its Requirements 60 surface furrow or check methods.