NIV.OF nMti^iiti iBRARY J J- ASTRONOMY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL. Db. CYRUS ABLER (United States). Pkof. H. E. ARMSTRONG (United Kingdom). N. TYPALDO BASSIA (Greece). Dr. JOSEF DOXABAUM (Austria). Db. J. BRUXCHORST (Xorway). Dr. E. W. DAHLGREX (Sweden). E. M. DOWSOX (Egypt). Prof. A. FAMIXTZIX (Russia). Prof. Dr. J. H. GRAF (Switerland). Prof. J. "W. GREGORY (Victoria). Dr. M. KXUDSEX (Denmark). Prof. D. J. KORTEWEG (Holland). Pkof. H. LAMB (S. Australia). Prof. A. LIVERSIDGE (Xew South Wales). Prof. R. XASEsri (Italy). Don F. DEL PASO Y TROXCOSO (Mexico). Prof. H. POIXCARE (France). Col. D. PRAIX (Lvdia). Prof. GUSTAV RADOS (Hungary). Hon. C. H. RASOX (W. Australia). Prof. J. SAKURAI (Japan). R. TRBIEX (Cape Colony). Prof. Dr. 0. UHLWORM (Germany). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Prof. H. E. ARMSTRONG. Dr. HORACE T. BROWX. Prof. A. FAMIXTZIX. LEOXARD C. GUXXELL. Prof. H. McLEOD. Dr. p. CHALMERS MITCHELL. Prof. R. XASLn:I. Prof. H. POIXCARE. Prof. Dr. 0. UHLWORM. DIRECTOR. Dr. H. FORSTER MORLEY. REFEREE FOR THIS VOLUME. W. W. BRYANT. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Ninth Annual Issue E ASTRONOMY PUBLISHED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL BY THE y ^^ ROYAL SOCIETY OP LONDON vc ^ LONDON : ^ O / . \ ■6 Harrison and Sons, 45, St. Martin's Lane 7- A ^y France : Gauthier-Villars, Paris \ 'X Germany : R. P'riedlander und Soen, Berlin 1911 (JUNE) X>rJ. B [Material received between April 1909 and April 1910.] The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature is in effect a continuation of the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers which will, when completed, consist of an Author Catalogue and Subject Index covering the period of 1800-1900. Twelve quarto volumes of the Author Catalogue covering the period 1800-1883 have already been published ; the volumes for 1884-1900 are in course of preparation. The Subject Index will be issued separately for each of the seventeen sciences dealt with in the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, and will be arranged in accordance with its Schedules. The volumes for Pure Mathematics and Mechanics are published. The Subject Index for Physics is in preparation. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERxVTURE. Governments and Institutions co-operating in the Production OF THE Catalogue. The Government of Austria. The Government of Belgium. The Government of Canada. The Government of Cuba. The Government of Denmark. The Government of Egypt. The Society of Sciences, Ilelsingfors, Finland. The Government of France. The Government of Germany. The Royal Society' of London, Great Britain. The Government of Greece. The Government of Holland. The Government of Hungary. The Asiatic Society of Bengal, India. The Government of Italy. The Government of Japan. The Government of Mexico. The Government of New South Wales. The Government of New Zealand. The Government of Norway. The Academy of Sciences, Cracow, The Polytechnic Academy, Oporto, Portugal. The Government of Queensland. The Government of Russia. The Government of the Cape of Good Hope. The Government of South Australia. The Government of Spain. The Government of Sweden. The Government of Switzerland. The Smithsonian Institution, United States of America. The Government of Victoria. The Government of Western Australia. vr INTEENATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. CENTRAL BUREAU. 34 AND 35, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C. Director. — IL Forster Morlet, M.A., D.Sc. REGIONAL BUREAUS. All communications for the several Regional Bureaus are to be sent to the addresses here given. Austria. — Herr Hofrat Dr. Josef v. Karabacek, Direktor, K. K. Hofbibliothek, Vienna. Belgium. — Monsieur Louis Masure, Secretaire-General de I'OflSce International de Bibliographie, Brussels. Canada. — Prof. J. G. Adami, McGill College, Montreal. Cuba. — Prof. Santiago de la Huerta, Havana. Denmark. — Dr. Martin Knudsen. Jens Koefoedsgade 2, Copen- hagen. 0. Egypt. — E. M. Dovpson, Esq., A.I.C.E., Director-General, Survey- Department, Cairo. Finland. — Herr Dr. G. Schauman, Bibliothekar der Societat der Wissenschaften, Ilelsingfors. France. — Monsieur le Dr. J, Deniker, 8, Rue de Buffon, Paris. Germany. — Herr Prof. Dr. 0. Uhlv^orm, Enckeplatz, 3a, Berlin, S.W. Greece. — Monsieur P. Calogeropoulos, BoulO ton EllGnun, 20 Homer Street, Athens. Holland. — Ileer Prof. D. J. Korteweg, Universitiit, Amsterdam. Hungary. — Herr Prof, (iustav Rados, viii, Muzeumkorut, Muegyetem, Buda-Pest. India and Ceylon. — The Hon. Sec, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57, Park Street, Calcutta. Italy. — Cav. E. Mancini, Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsiui, Lungara, Rome. Japan. — Prof. J. Sakurai, Imperial University, Tokyo. Mexico. — Sefior Don Jose M. Vi^-il, Presideiito del Institiito Biblio- <^rafico Mexicauo, liiblioteca Nacional, Mexico City. New South Wales. — The Hon. Sec, Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. New Zealand. — The Director, New Zealand Institute, Wellington, N.Z. Norway. — Mr. A. Ki?er, Universitetet, Kristiania. Poland (Austrian, Russian and Prussian).— Dr. T. Estreicher, Sekretarz, Komisi3''a Bibliograliczna, Akademii Umiejetuosci, Cracow. Portugal. — SenhorF. Gomez Teixeira, Academia Poly technica do Porto, Oporto. Queensland. —John Shirley, Esq., B.Sc, Cordelia Street, South Brisbane. Russia. — Monsieur E. Heiutz, I'Observatoire Physique Central Nicolas, Vass. Ostr. 23-me ligne, 2, St. Petersburg. South Africa. — Dr. L. Peringuey, South Afiican Museum, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. South Australia. — The Librarian, Public Library of South Australia, Adelaide. Spain. — Senor Don Jose Rodriguez Carracido, Real Academia de Ciencias, Valverde 26, Madrid. Straits Settlements. — The Director, Raffles Museum, Singapore. Sweden. — Dr. E. W. Dahlgren, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stock- holm. Switzerland. — Herr Prof. Dr. J. El. Graf, Schweizerische Landes- bibliothek, Berne. The United States of America. — Leonard C. Gunnell, Esq., Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Western Australia. — J. S. Battye, Esq., Victoria Public Library-, Perth. INSTRUCTIONS. The present volume contains (a) Schedules and Indexes in four languages ; (b) An Author Catalogue ; (c) A Subject Catalogue. The Schedules have been revised in accordance with the decisions of the International Convention of 1905. The Subject Catalogue is divided into sections, each of which is denoted by a four-figure number between 0000 and 3670 called a Registration number. These numbers follow one another in numerical order. In each section the final arrangement of papers is in the alphabetical order of authors' names. To find the papers dealing with a particular subject the reader may consult either the Schedule or the Index to the Schedule. The numbers given in the Index are Kegistration numbers, and can be used at once for turning to the proper page of the Subject Index. This is done by looking at the numbers at the right-hand top corners of the pages. In the Author Catalogue the numbers placed within square brackets at the end of each entry are Registration numbers, and serve to indicate the scope of each paper indexed. Tiie meaning of these numbers will at once be found by reference to the Schedule. In case the abbreviated titles of Journals are not understood, a key to these is provided at the end of the volume. The literature indexed is mainly that of 1909, but includes those portions of the literature of 1901-1908 in regard to which the index slips were received by the Central Bureau too late for inclusion in the previous volumes. There are also entries dated 1910. CONTENTS. PAGE Author Catalogue . . . . 49 Subject Catalogue . . .. 131 Geometrical Astronomy .. 138 Theoretical Astronomy .. 140 Practical Astronomy .. 147 Descriptive Astronomy .. 153 Ancient Astronomy . . .. 226 Chronology . . . . 226 List of Journals . . 229 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature SCHEDULE OF CLASSIFICATION (E) ASTRONOMY PRIMARY DIVISIONS GENERAL . 0000 SPHERICAL (GEOMETRICAL) ASTRONOMY . . 0100 THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY . 1000 PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY . . 1900 DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY • • • 321i0 Solar System 4000 Moon . . , . . , 4800 Earth (Geodesy, etc.) 5000 Planets 5500 Comets 6600 Stellar Universe 7000 ANCIENT ASTRONOMY . . 9000 CHRONOLOGY .. 9200 SPECTROSCOPY ludexecl in the following sections : — Tnslrinnents . . , . . . 2200 Spectroscopy of Sun and E clipses 4500 Spectroscopy of Moon, Planets. Comets, Zodiacal Light 6800 Stellar Spectroscopy Nebulae, etc.) . . (Stars, 8000 ileur (lumiere integrale). Catalogues par couleurs {ex. Etoiles rouges). Spectre («'o?/. 8000). 7140 Radiation (bolomctrie) (voy. aussi C 4200). 7150 Dianietres stellaires. 7100 Distribution dans le ciel snivant le nombre, les grandeurs, la coulcur, etc. 7500 Etoiles doubles et etoiles multiples. 7510 Observations (visuelles et photo- graphiques). 7520 Listes. Catalogues. Couleurs dos etoiles dovibles. Etoiles doubles spectroscopiques (vo'j. 8600). Observations spectroscopiques d'etoiles doubles -visuelles [voi/. 8560). Conipagnons invisibles. Distribution dans le ciel suivant le uombre, les grandeurs, les couleurs, etc. 75.30 Discussion d' or bites. Dimensions, masse et distance des systemes binaires. 7600 Etoiles variables, y compris les etoiles nouvelles et les etoiles perdaes. Obser\ ations, courbcs de lumiere. Listes. Catalogues. Classification. Types d'etoiles variables. Spectre {vo7j. 8300). Distribution dans le ciel suivant le nombre, les grandeurs, les couleurs, etc. 7700 Amas d'etoiles. Positions. Triangulations. , Etoiles variables en amas. Distribution dans le ciel, suivant le nombre, les granduers, les couleurs, etc. 7800 N6buleuses. Observations (forme, eclat, posi- tion). Variations dans les'nebuleuses. Cataloglii di posizione da misure fotografiche, e.g. catalogo astro- grafico. C'oniparazione e discussiono di cataloghi di posizione. ]\Ioto j)roprio. ParalJasse. Grandezza. Cataloghi Fotometriei. Colore (luce intera). Cataloghi di Stelle Co'.oiate, p. es. Stelle Rosse. Spettro (htdi anche 8000). Radiazione (Bolometria). [Wdi nnche C 4200). Diametri Stellari. Distribuzione in cielo secondo il numero, la grandezza, i colori, ei-c. Ste'Ie Doppie e Multiple. Os.^ervazioni (visuali e fotografiche). Liste. Cataloghi. Colori di Stel'e Doppie. Sistemi Binari Spettroscopici (vedi anche 8600). Osservazioni Spettroscopiche di Sistemi Binari Visuali {vedi anclie 8560). Compagni Invisibili. Distribuzione in cielo secondo il numero, la grandezza, i colori, ecc. Discussione d' orbite. Dimensioni, Massa e Distanza di Sistemi Binari. Stelle Variabili, inclase le Stelle Nuove e perdute. Osservazioni, curve di Luce. Liste. Cataloghi. Classificazioni. Tipi di SteileVari- abili. Spettro {vedi anche 8300). Distribuzione in cielo secondo il numero, la grandezza, i colori, ecc. Gruppi di Stelle. Posizione. Triaiigolazioni. Stelle Variabili nei Gruppi di SteUe. Distribuzione in cielo secondo il numero, la grandezza, i colori, ecc. Nebulose. Osservazioni (forma, splendore, posi''.ione). Variazioni nelle Nebulose. 26 Diffused Nebulosity {e.g. Pleiades, Orion). Planetary Nebulae. Distribution in heavens according to number, magnitude, colo'or, etc. Nebula; and Clusters. Photographs, Maps, Drawings (published reproductions). 7900 Milky Way. Stellar Spectroscopy (Stars, Nebulse, Clusters). 8000 General. (P.ooks, treatises). 8010 Stars. 8020 Wavelengths of lines for indivi- dual stars. 8040 Comparison of Wavelengths, intensity and width, in dif- ferent stars. 8050 Identification of Elements. 8070 Distribution of Energy in Spectrum. 8080 Physical Constitution (Pres- sure, Temperature). 8100 Classification. 8120 Study of Special types of Spectra. 8140 Distribution of types of Spectra in the Heavens. 8200 Nebuhe and Clusters. (With divisions as for Stars.) 8300 Variable Stars, including new Stars. (With divisions as for Stars.) 8400 Peculiar Spectra. 8450 Photographs of Spectra (pub- lished reproductions). Drawings and Maps of Spectra. 8500 Motion in the line of sight. Methods. Results. 8550 Variable motion in the line of sight. 8560 Spectroscopic observations of Visual Double Stars. 8G0O Spectroscopic Binary and Mul- tiple Systems. 8620 Orbits from spectroscopic obser- vations (for Theory see 1820). 8630 Parallax from spectroscopic observations (for Theory see 1820). Ausgedehnte Nebelmaterie [z. B. Plejaden, Orion). Planetarische Nebel. Verteilung am Himmel nach Anzahl, Grosse, Farbe, etc. Nebel und Sternhaufen. Photograph ien, Karten, Zeich- nungen (publizierte Reproduk- tionen). Milchstrasse. Stern-Spektroskopie (Sterne, Nebel, Sternhaufen). Allgemeines. (Biicher, Abhand- lungen). Sterne. Wellenlangen von Linien fiir einzelne Sterne. Vergleichung von Wellenlangc, Intensitat und Breite der Linien verschiedener Sterne. Identifizierung von Elementen. Energieverteilung im Spek- trum. Physikalischer Zustand (Druck, Temperatur). Klassification. Untersuchung spezieller Typen von Spektren. Vertheilung der Spektraltypen am Himmel. Nebel und Sternhaufen (mit Unterabteilungen wie bei Sternen). Veranderliche Sterne, einschl. neuer Sterne (mit Unterabtei- lungen, wie bei Sternen). Eigenartige Spektra. Photogramme von Spektren (publizierte Reproduktionen). Zeichnungen und Karten von Spektren. Bewegung in der Gesichtslinie. Methoden. Resultate. Veranderliche Bewegung in der Gesichtslinie. Spektroskopische Beobachtungen von visuellen Dopplesternen. Spektroskopische Sj'steme von zwei oder mehr Componenten. Bahnen nach spektroskopischen Beobachtungen (Theorie siehe 1830). Parallaxe nach spektroskopischen Beobachtungen (Theorie sieh& 1820), 27 E N^bulositcs diffuses {ex. celles des Pleiades, d' Orion). Nebuleuses planctaires. Distribution dans le ciel suivant le noinbre, les grandeurs, les couleurs, etc. Nebuleuses et anias. Photographies, cartes, dessins, (reproductious publiees). 7900 Vole Lact^e. Spectroscopie stellaire (^toiles, nebuleuses, amas). 8000 Gcneralitcs. (Livres, traites.) 8010 Etoiles. 8020 liongueurs d'onde des Hgues pour les etoiles individuelles. 8040 Comparaison des longueurs d'onde, de I'intensite et de la largeiir des lignes dans les diflerentes etoiles. 80r.O Identification des elements. 8070 Distribution de I'energie dans le spectre. 8080 Constitution physique (pres- sion, temperature). 8100 Classifications. 8120 Etude de types speciaux de spectres. 8040 Distribution des types spec- traux dans le ciel. S200 Nebuleuses et amas. (Avec divisions conimc pour les etoiles. ) 8300 Etoiles variables, y compris les etoiles nouvelles. (Avec divisions comme pour les etoiles.) 8400 Spectres particuliers. 8450 Photographies de spectres (re- productions publiees). Dessins et cartes de spectres. 8500 Mouvement suivant le rayon visuel. Methodes. Resultats. 8550 Mouvement variable suivant le rayon visuel. 8560 Observations spectroscopiques d'etoiles doubles visuelles. 8600 Systemes binaires et multiples spectroscopiques. 8620 Orbites doduites d' observations spectroscopiques (pour la theorie voy. 1820). 8630 Parallaxes dcduites d' observa- tions spectroscopiques (pour la theorie voy. 1820). Nebulosita Diffusa (p. es. Pleiadi, Orione). Nebulose Planetarie. Distribu7,ione in cielo secondo il numero, la grandezza, i colori, ecc. Nebulose e Gnippi di Stelle. Fotografie, Mappe, DLsegni (pub- blicate riproduzioni). Via Lattea. Spettroscopia (Stelle Nebulose.Gruppi di Stelle). Ceiieralitii. (Libri, Trattati). Stelle. Lunghezze d'onda di linee per singole stelle. Confronto di lunghezze d' onda, intensita e arapiezza, in dif- ferenti stelle. Identificazione di element!. Distribuzione di energia nello spettro. Constituzione Fisica (Pressione, Temperatura). Classificazione. Studio di special! tip! di spettri. Distribuzioni di tipi di spettri in cielo. Nebulose e Gruppi di Stelle. (Con division! come per le Stelle.) Stelle Variabili, incluse Stelle Nuove. (Con division! come per le Stelle.) Spettri special!. Fotografie di Spettri (pubblicate riproduzioni). Disegni e Mappe di Spettri. Movimento nella direzione della visuale. Metodi. Risultati. Muto variabile nella direzione della visuale. Osservazion! spettroscopiche di Stelle Doppie Visual!. Sistera! spettroscopic! Binari e Multiph. Orbite da osservazion! spettro- scopiche (per la teoria vedi 1820). Parallasse da osscrvazioni spet- troscopiche (per la teoria vedi 1820), 28 ANCIENT ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY. Ancient Astronomy. 9000 General. 9020 Further sub-di\"isions according to Countries and Epochs. ASTRONOMIE DER ALTEN. ASTROLOGIE. Astronomie der Alten. AUgemeines. Weitere Unterabteilungen Liindern iind Epochen. nach Astrology. 9050 General. 9060 Fxurther sub-divisions according to Countries and Epochs. Astrologie. AUgemeines. Weitere Unterabteilungen Landem und Epochen. nach CHRONOLOGY. Measure of Time. 9200 General. 9220 Methods. CHRONOLOGIE. Zeitmessung. AUgemeines. Methoden. Regulation of Time. 9300 General. 9310 Solar Year. 9320 Lunar Year. 9330 Month. 9340 Week. 9350 Day. 9360 Sidereal Daj\ 9370 Mean and true Solar Day. 9380 Equation of Time, etc. 9390 Sub-Division of Day. Horn's, Reckoning, Distribu- tion. 9100 Time Reckoning. 9410 Local, Universal, Zone (Official) Time. 9120 Calendars — Julian, Gregorian, Church Almanac, Jewish, Moha- medau; Various. 9450 Eras. Zeitrechnung. AUgemeines. Sonnenjahr. Mondjahr. ilonat. Woche. Tag. Siderischer Tag. Slittlerer und wahrer Sonnen- tag. Zeitgleichung etc. Einteilung (Unterabteilungen) des Tages. Stunden und ihre Zahlung. Zeitzahlung. Ortszeit, Universalzeit, Zonen- (officielle Verkehrs-) Zeit. Kalender. — Julianischer und Gregorianischer Kalender, Kir- chen-Kalender, jiidischer Ka- lender, mohammedanischer Ka- lender etc. Aeren. 'p 29 E ASTRONOMIE ANCIENNE ET ASTROLOGIE. Astronomic Ancienne. 9000 Gc-neralites. 9020 Autres subdivisions suivant les pivys et les epoques. Astrologie. 9000 C4eueralitcs. 9060 Autres subdivisions sviivant les pays et les epoques. ASTRONOMIA ANTICA E ASTROLOGIA. Astronomia Antica. (Jeneralita. Ultciiori suddivisioni in accordo con ])aesi e epoche. Astrologia. (I'eneralita. Ulteriori suddivisioni in accordo con paesi e epoche. 9200 9220 CHRONOLOGIE. Mesare da Temps. Gpneralit6s. Methodes. CRONOLOGIA. Misura del Tempo. Generality. Metodi. 9300 9310 9320 9330 9340 9350 9360 9370 9380 9390 9400 9410 9420 Division du Temps. General! tes. Annee solaire. Annce lunaire. Mois. Semaine. Jour. Jour sideral. Jour solaire moyen et vrai. Equation du temps, etc. Subdivision du jour. Heures, definition, distribu- tion. Manieres de compter le temps. Temps local, universel, par zones (fuseaux horaires). Calendriers— Julien, Gregorien, ecclesiastique, Juif, Mahome- tan, divers. Regolarizzazione del Tempo. Generalita. Anno Solare. Anno Luuare. Mese. Settimana. Giorno. Giorno siderale. Giorno solare, medio e vero. Equazione del Tempo, ecc. Suddivisione del Giorno. Ore, Modo di contare, Distri- buzione. Modo di contare il Tempo. Tempo Locale Universale, per Fusi (Tempo OfBciale). Calendarii — Giuliano, Gregoriano, Eoclesiastico, Ebreo, Maomet- tano, Varii. 9450 Eres. Ere. 31 E INDEX TO (E) ASTRONOMY. 20S0, 20S0, to Aberration, Correction for 0250, Determination of Constant of Absorption by Earth's Atmo- sphere . . Addresses. . . . , . Almucantar Altazimuth Appulses, Calculation of Astrolabes Astrology Subdivision according Countries and Epochs Astronomy, Ancient Subdivisions accord- ing to Counti'ies and Epochs. . Practical . . Spherical . . Theoretical . . Atmosphere of the Earth, Fioure of ^ . . Absorption by Aui'ora Baily's Beads Bibliographies . . Binary System, Spectroscopic . . Biography Bolometry Calendars Centre of Earth, Reduction to . . Chairs, Observing Chromosphere . . 40/0, 4300, Spectroscopy during Eclipse without Eclipse Chronographs ChrononiPters Circles (Graduation, etc.) Clocks Drivinff 3100 Clusters, Star . . . . 1860, 7700 Spectroscopy . . . • 8200 3310 Coelostats 2050 Collected Works 0030 5400 Collections 0060 0040 Comets 6600 3080 Figure 1680 3080 Orbits 1130 0350 ■ Spectroscopy . . . . 6920 2030 and Meteors, Connection 9050 between 6700 Comparison Spectra, Produc- 9060 tion of 2250 9000 Congresses, Reports of . . . . 0020 Constant of AbeiTation, Deter- 9020 miuation of 3310 1900 Precession and Nuta- 0100. tion, Determination of . . 3320 1000 Constants, Astronomical, Deter- mination by Observation . . 3300 1610 Contact, Times of .. .. 4230 5400 Control Pendulums . . . . 2050 5400 Coordinates, Geocentric. . .. 0300 4340 Heliocentric . . . . 0300 0032 Transformation and Differ- 8600 ential Variation , . . . 0110 0010 Corona 4240 4200 and Chromosphere . . 4300 9420 Moon on 4340 0200 Spectroscopy during Eclipse 4660 2020 without Eclipse . . 4070 4320 Correcting Lens for Spectroscopic 4700 Observations 2250 4630 Cosmic Influence on Terrestrial 2100 Phenomena 53C0 2100 Cosmogony 3290 2100 Day 9350 2100 Mean and True Solar . . 9370 2050 Sidereal 9360 32 Day, Subdivision. . , , 9390 Horizon, Dip of . . . . 0210 Diameter . . 0220 Hours . . 9390 Stellar Diaphragms Dictionaries 7150 2040 0030 Huts, Portable . . . . 2020 Illumination of Field of V ision. . 2120 Distribution of Planets and Images . . 2040 Comets . . 1780 Institutions 0020, 0060 Domes 2020 Instruments . . 2030 Double Stars . . 1820 , 75O0 1-7530 Adjustment . . 3000 Doublets, Photographic. . 2040 , 2050 Auxiliary . . . . 2100 Drawings of Moon 4890 Comparison of Efficiency . . 2280 Stellar Spectra 8450 Portable . . .. . . 2090 Sun 4360 Inti a- Mercurial Planets.. . . 5500 Dust 5400 Satellites Earth 5000 14"; '0, 6500-6590 Atmosphere 5400 Theory and Numerical Figure 1610 A))plication . . 1290 Theory and Numei'ical Irradiation . . 3200 Application 1280 Jupiter 6000-6090 Eclipses . . 0350 Satellites . . 1520, 6550 Lunar 4860 Spectrum . . 6090, 6820 Solar 4210 ■ ■ Theory and Numerical Solar, Ephemerides 4220 Application . . 1320 Observations . . 4230 Kepler's Laws .. 1110 Predictions . . 4220 Latitude . . 0150, 5100 Elements, Correction 1560 Variation of . . 5100 Elements of Stars, Identification 8050 Lectures . . . . 0040 Ephemerides, Calculation 0310 , 4220 Lenses ,. 2040, 2050 of Comets . . 6600 Correcting . . . . 2120 of Double Stars 7530 Enlarging . . . . 2120 of Minor Planets . . 5910 Levels . . 2100 of Stars 7010 Libration of Planets and Satel- Equatorial Mountings . . 2050 lites . . 1740 Eras 9450 Libration of the Moo: M , . .. 1730 Ether 1830 Lines, Bright Solar . . 4560 Exposing Shutters 2120 Solar, Clianges i in Appear- Extra- Meridian Instruments 2081) ,3080 ance .. 4550 Extra-Neptunian Planets 64C0 -6490 Identification with - — ■ Satellites 1550, 6590 Elements . . 4540 Spectrum f;490, 6820 Longitude 0150, 5100 Theory and Xu- Lumiere Cendree. . . . 4850 merical Application . . 1360 Maps of Moon . . . . 4890 Eyepieces and Accessories 2120 of Stellar Spectra . . . . 8450 Eyepieces, Solar . . 2120 Mars ... 5800-5890 Faoulse 4070 Occultation. . 4870, 5870 Spectroscopy Flattening of the Heavens, 4620 Satellites Spectrum . . 1500, 0530 5890,6820 Apparent Flexure 0105 — — Theory and Numerical 3220 Application . . 1300 Floors, Rising 2020 Mechanical Quadratui •es, Method Geoenscliein 6720 of . . 1590 Greodesy . . 5050 Mechanics, Celestial . . 1000 Glass, Manufacture 2040 Mercurial Horizon . . 2100 Grrating, Objective 2210 Mercury . . 5600-5690 Grravity, Centre of 1200 Occultation . . 4870, 5670 Disturbance of 5100 Satellites . . 1480, 6510 Heliometer 20.50, 3050 Spectrum . . 5690. 6820 Heliostats 2050 Theory and Numerical History 0010 Application .. 1260 33 E Meridian Instruments . . 2070, Line. . Meteoric Streams, Figure of . . Orbits Meteors . , Spectroscopy Micrometer for Measuring Plio- tograpliic Spectra . . 2260, for Visual Observations 2260, Micrometers . . Milky Way Minor Planets . . . . 5900- Elements and Eplieme- rides Observations . . Satellites . . 1510, TheorJ' and Numerical Application Mirrors . . . . . . 2040, Monochromatic Images, Appara- tus for . . Month Moon Atmosphere Brightness . . Configuration of Surface . . Constants and Dimensions Density Distance Drawings Eclipses Influence on Terrestrial Phenomena Maps ■ • Mass.. Observations for Position . . Occultation by Phases Photographs Radiation Rotation Spectroscopy Temperature Theory of . . Movement of Earth and Equi- noxes, Correction for . . Orbital, of three or more Bodies . . of two Bodies Multiple Stars . . . . 7510, Multiple Systems, Spectroscopic Museums . . Nebula; 1860, Spectroscopy Neptune . . Satellites Spectrum Theory Application Nomenclature (e-468) and 3070 Nutation, Detennination of Con- 0150 stant 1680 of the Earth . . 0260, 1130 Objective Grating 6650 Prism 6950 Objectives. . Observations, Reduction and Rec- 3100 tification .. .. 3030- 3100 Observatories . . . . 2000, 2140 Observatory Buildings . . 7900 Occultation, Calculation of -5990 by the Moon Oceans of the Earth, Figure of. . 5900 Optical Matters 5910 Orbits, Calculation . . 1120, 6540 Character of Correction . . 1310 Periodic 2050 Stellar, from Spectroscopic Observations . . 2270 Parallax 9330 Annual, Correction for 4800 of Fixed Stars 4840 Solar 4850 Stellar, from Spectroscopic 4830 Observations , . 4820 Pedagogy 4820 Pendulum Observations.. 4820 Periodicals 4890 Personal Equations 4860 Perturbations, Greneral . . Special 4880 Philosophy 4890 Photographic Apparatus 4820 Photographic Plate Holders . . 4810 Photographs, Celestial, Reduction 4870 of 4850 Lunar 4890 Stellar 4850 Spectra 4830 Solar 6810 Photometry 4850 Piers 1400 Planetary Theory Planets .. .. .. 1130, 0240 Figure Orbits 1200 Spectroscopy . . 6800, 1110 Polarization Apparatus 7520 Poles, Movement on 8600 face of the Earth 0060 Precession, Correction fo 7800 Determination of C . . 8200 of the Earth 6300-6390 Prism Combinations 1540,6580 • Objective ., 6390, 6820 Prizes Numerical Radiometry 1350 Reflectors and Refractors, Com- 0070 parison . . the Sur- onstant 0260, 3320 1710 2210 2210 2040 ■3250 2010 2020 0350 4870 1610 2040 , 1820 1200 1160 1200 8620 0220 0270' 7070 4050 8630 0050 5100 0020 3200 1250 1590 0000 2130 2120 3250 4890 7005 8450 4360 2400 2020 1250 4780 1640 1130 6820 2300 1720 0260 3320 1710 2240 2210 0020 2500 2040 34 Eefraction 0210, 3100, 3350. o-tOO Eefractors, Photographic 2040, 2050 Visual . . . , 2040, 2050 Eising 0150 Eotating Masses of Fluid, Figures of Equilibrium of . . . . 1600 Eotation of Sun, Determination by Spectroscopy . , . . 4640 Eotation, Perturbed . . . . 1700 Satellites, Figure .. .. 1660 Theory . . . . . . 1450 Saturn 6100-6190 Satellites and Eing System 6560 Spectrum .. ., 6190,6820 ■ Theory and Numerical Application . . . . . . 1330 of Eing System and Satellites 1460 Scintillation 5-400 Screens 2040, 2120 Screws, etc., Errors of . . . . 3220 Setting 0150 Sextants .. 2090 Shadow Track of Solar Eclijjses, Map of 4220 Shooting Stars . . . . . . 6650 Size of the Heavenly Bodies, Apparent . . . . . . 0105 Societies, Eeports of . . . . 0020 Solar Motion 3320 Processes, Connection with Terrestrial Phenomena . . 4110 System, Constitution . . 1770 Descri))tion . . . . 40C0 Motion in Space . . 1840 Origin, Stability, and Development . . . . . . 1790 Theory . . . . 1100 Spectra, Peculiar Stellar. . . . 8400 • Photographic, Micrometer for 2260 Production of Comparison 2250 Stellar, Distribution in the Heavens 8140 Study of Special Types 8120 Spectrographs . . . . , . 2220 Spectroheliograph . , . . 2270 Spectrophotometry . . . . 2400 Spectroscopes . . . . . . 2220 Spectroscopic Apparatus 2200, 2250 Theory and Adjustment 2280 Observations, Correcting Lenses for 2250 Physical Constitution of the Sun deduced from . . 4750 Eesearches of Sun in Eclipse 4650 of Surface of the Sun without Eclipse .. .. 4600 Spectroscopy of Clusters . . 8200 Comets . . 6800, 6920 Meteors . . . . 6950 Spectroscopy of Moon . . 6800, Moon, Planets, Comets, Zodiacal Light, and Terrestrial Atmosphere Nebulae Planets . . 6800, Stars . . . , 7120, Sun and Eclipses Terrestrial Atmo- sphere .. .. 4580, 6800, Vai'iable Stars Zodiacal Light 6800, Spectrum, Solar . . . . 4500- Distribution of Energy in . . . . . . . . Lines in Stellar, Distribution of Energy in L^ltra-red Solar Ultra-violet Solar . , Visible Solar Sphere, Celestial . . Star Clusters Eeduction, Correction for Movement of Earth, &c. Stars, Classification • Double . . 1820, 7500- Ephemei'ides of Catalogues of Position 7030, Colour Comparispn of Catalogues of Position Distribution in Heavens . . Magnitude . . Observations of Position . . Proper Motion Eadialion . . Motion in the Line of Sight Multiple . . . . 7510, Physical Constitution Spectroscopy Variable .. .. 1850, Variable Motion in the Line of Sight . . Stellar Spectroscopy . . 8000- Systems Universe . . . . 1800, Eesisting Medium in Structure Temperature . • Theory Stereo-comparator Sun Atmosphere Brightness . . Chromosphere Constants . , Drawings Eclipses 0350, 4010, 4230, Figure 6810 6800 8200 6820 8010 4500 6960 8300 6940 4750 4570 4540 8070 4530 4510 4520 0110 7700 0280 8100 7530 7010 7040 7120 7050 7160 7080 7020 7060 7140 8500 7520 8080 8010 7600 8550 -8630 1860 7000 1830 1810 1830 1800 2140 4010 4070 4200 4070 4030 4360 4220 1630 35 E Sun, Parallax , 4050 Treatises, General .. 0030 Periodic Phenomena of Twiliglit . . . . 0210 Surface.. . 4100 Universal Gravitation, Law of . . 1050 Photographs . 4360 Universe, Temperature of . . 1830 Position of . . . 4020 Uranus 6200-6290 Radiation Constant . 4200 Satellites . . 1530, 6570 Rotation . 4060 Spectrum . . 6290, 6820 Spectroscopy . 4500 Theory and Numerical Temperature . 4200 Application . . IS'U) Sun-Spots . . . 4070 Variable Stars 1850, 7600 S])ectro8Copy . 4610 Spectroscopy . . . . 8300 Tables . 0030 Venus 5700-5790 Construction . 1570 Distance 4050, 5730 Telluric Lines in Solar Spectrum 4580 Occultation. . 4870, 5770 Terrestrial Atmosphere, Spectr 0- Satellites 1490, 6520 scopy 4580,6960 Spectrum . . 5790, 6820 ■ i^henomena. Connection Tlieory and Numerical with Solar Processes . . . 4110 Application . . 1270 during Eclipses . 4350 Transit 4050, 5770 Influence of Moon on 4880 Vertical Circle , . . . 2080 Text Books . 0030 Visual Double Stars, Spectro- Tides, Theory . . . 1750 scopic Observations . . , . 8560 Time, Equation . . , 9380 Watches . . .. 2100 Local . 9410 Wavelengths, Comparison in Measure . 9200 Different Stars. . . . 8040 Methods of Measuring . . 9220 of Lines for Individual Stars 8020 Reckoning . . . . 9400 Week .. 9340 RegulatioJi . . . 9300 Year Books . . 0020 Universal . . . 9410 Lunar . . 9320 Zone . . 9410 Solar . . 9310 Transit Circle . . . . 2( )70, 3070 Zenith Telescope. . . . 2070 : instrument . . . 2080 Zodiacal Light . . . . 6720 Transits, Calculation of. . . . 0350 — Specti'oscopy . . . . 6940 (e-468) l)2i 36 TABLE DES MATIERES L'ASTRONOMIE (E) Aberration, Correction pour 1' 0250, 3100 Determination de la con- stante de 1' 3310 Abris,demontables,transportables 2020 Absorption par I'atmospbere de la terre . . . . . . . . 5400 Almucantar . . . . 2080, 3080 Altazimut 2080,3080 Amas d'etoiles . . . . 1860, 7700 •■ iSpectroscopie d' . . 8200 Annee lunaire . . . . . . 9320 solaire 9310 Annuaires. . .. .. .. 0020 Aplatissement apparent du ciel. . 0105 Appareils de polarisation . . 2300 pbotograpbiques . . , . 2130 spectroscopiques . . 2200, 2250 Tbeorie et ajustement des 2280 Appulses . . . . . . . . 0350 Astrolabes 2030 Astrologie . . . . . . . . 9050 • ■ Subdivisions ayant trait aux pays et aux epoques . . 9060 Astrononiie ancienne . . . . 9000 Subdivisions ayant trait aux pays et aux epoques 9020 pratique . . . . . . 1 900 spberique . . . . . . 0100 theorique . . . . . . 1000 Atmosphere de la terre . . . . 1610 terrestre, Spectroscopie de 1' 6960 Aurore . . . . . . . . 5400 Bibliographies 0032 Eiograpliie . . . • . . 0010 Bolometrie .. .. .. 4200 Calendriers . . . . . . 9420 Cartes de la lune. . . . . . 4890 de spectres stellaires . . 8450 Centre de la terre, Eeduction au 0200 Cercle meridien . . . . 2070, 3070 vertical 2080 Cercles (graduation, etc.) . . 2100 Chapelet de Baily . . . . 4340 Chromosphere ". . . . 4300, 4320 Spectroscopie de la, pendant une eclipse solaire . . . . 4700 sans eclipse . . . . 4630 Chronographes . . . . . . 2100 Chronometres . . . . . . 2100 Coeloslats 2050 Collections 0060 Com^tes 6600 Figui-e des . . . . . . 1680 Orbites des 1130 Spectroscopie des . . . . 6920 Comparaison, Production de spectres de . . . . . . 2250 Conferences . . . . . . 0040 Congres, Eapports de . . . . 0020 Constante de I'aberration, Deter- mination de la . . . . . . 3310 de la precession et de la nutation. Determination de la 3320 Constantes astronomiques, Deter- termination par I'obseryation 3300 Contacts, Heurea des . . . . 4230 Coordonnees . . . . . . 0300 ■ Transformation et variations differentielles des . . . . 0110 Cosmogonie . . . . . . 3290 Couchers 0150 Coupoles 2020 Couranfs meteoriques, Figure des 1680 Orbites des . . . . 1130 Couronne 4070, 4240 et chromosphere . . 4070, 4300 La lune surla . . . . 4340 37 E Couronne sans eclipse .. .. 4070 Spectroscopie do la, ^Jcndanfc line eclipse du soleil . . . . 4660 Crepuscule 0210 Dessins de la lime . . . . 4890 des spectres stellaires . . 8450 du soleil 4360 Diametres 0220 Diametres stellaires . . . . 7150 Diapliragmes . . . . . . 2040 Dieiionnaires .. .. .. 0030 Discours . . . . . . . . 0040 Domes 2020 Doubles (etoiles) visuelles, Obser- vations spectroscopiques des . . 8560 Doublets photograpbiques 2040, 2050 Eclairage des instruments . . 2120 Eclipses 0350 lunaires . . . . . . 4860 solaires . . . . . • 4210 Ephemeridcs des . . 4220 Observations des . . 4230 Predictions des . . 4220 Ecrans 2040,2120 Elements, Correction des . . 1560 des etoiles, Identification des 8050 Enseignement . . . . . . 0050 Epbemerides, Calcul des 0310, 4220 Equations personelles . . . . 3200 Eres 9450 Espace, temperature de 1' . . 1830 Etber 1830 Etoiles, Classification des . . 8100 Constitution pliysique des. . 8080 doubles .. .. 7500,7530 epbemerides des . . 7530 orbites des . . . . 1820 Theoriedes .. .. 1820 filantes 6650 — — epbemerides d' . . . . 7010 Catalogues de position des 7030,7040 Comparaison des cata- logues de position des. . . . 7050 — — Couleur des . . . . 7120 Distribution des, dans le ciel . . . . . . . . 7160 Grandeurs des . . 7080 Mouvements propres des 7060 Eadiation des. . . . 7140 Mouvements des, dans la ligne de vision . . . • 8500, 8550 multiples . . . . 7510, 7520 Observations de position . . 7020 Reduction des positions des 0280 Spectroscopie des . . . . 8010 variables .. .. 1850,7600 Flexion 3220 Fuseaux horaires. . . . . . 9410 Gresensclicin . . . . . . 6720 Geodesic 5050 Grandeur apparente des corps celestes 0105 Gravitation universelle, Loi de. . 1050 Gravito, Centre de . . . . 1200 Perturbations de la . . 5100 Heliometre .. .. 2050,3050 Heliostats 2050 Heure 9390 Histoire 0010 Horizon, Depression de 1' . . 0210 Images . . . . . . . . 2040 monochromatiques, Appa- reils pour . . 2270 Institutions .. 0060 Rapports d' . . 0020 Instruments . . 2030 auxiliaires . . .. 2100 extra-meridiens 2080,3080' meridiens . . 2070, 3070 portatifs .. 2090 reglage des . . . . 3000 Irradiation .. 3200 Jour . . 9350 sideral . , 9360 solaire, moyen et vrai . . 9370 Subdivision du . . 9390 Jupiter 6000-6090 Satellites de 1520, 6550 • Spectre de . . 6090, 6820 Tbeorie et applications numeriques de. . .. 1320 Kepler, Lois de . . .. 1110 Latitude . . 0150, 5100 Variation de .. 5100 Lentil] es .. 2040, 2050 de correction . . 2120 pour les observations spectroscopiques . . 2250 d'agrandissement . . . . 2120 Lever . . 0150 Libration des planetes et des satellites . . 1740 de la lune . . . . 1730 Ligne meridienne. . . . 0150 Lignes solaires brillantes . . 4560 Changement dans I'apparence des.. . . 4550 Identification des, , avec leurs elements . . . . 4540 telluriques dans le spectre solaire . . . . 4580 Longitudes 0150, 5100 Longueurs d'onde, Compar •aison des, dans les differentes etoiles 8040 des lignes pour les etoiles individuelles . . 8020 38 Lumiere ceudree . . zodiacale Spectroscopic de la Lune Atmosphere de la . . • Cartes de la. . ■ Configuration de sa surface Constantes et dimensions de la Densite de la Dessins de la Distance de la Eclat de la . . Eclipses de . . Influence de la, surlespbeno- menes terrestres Masse de la . . — — Observations de position de la Occultation par la . . ■ Phases de la Photographies de la Radiation de la Eolation de la Spectroscopic de la. . Temperature de la. . Theorie de la Manuels . . Marees, Tlieorie des Mars Distance de . . Occultations de Satellites de Spectre de . , Theorie et numeriques de. . Masses fluides Figures de I'equilibre des Mecanique celeste Mercure . . Distance de Occultation de Satellites de. . Spectre de .. Theorie et numerique de . . Meteores . . Spectroscopic des . . Micrometre pour les mesures de photographic spectrale 2260, pour observations vis-uelles 2260, Micrometres Miroirs . . . . . , 2040, Mois Montres . . Montures equatoriales . . Mouvement de la terra et des equinoxes. Correction pour le. . 5S00- 4050, 4870, 1500, 5890, applications en rotation, 5600- 4050, 4870, 1480, 5690, application 4850 6720 6800 4800 4840 4890 4830 4820 4820 4890 4820 48oO 4860 4880 4820 4810 4870 4850 4890 4850 4830 6810 4850 1400 0030 1750 5890 5830 5870 6530 6820 1300 1600 1000 5690 5600 5670 6510 6820 1260 6650 6950 3100 3100 2140 2050 9330 2100 2050 0210 Mouvement orbital de trois corps, ou plus . . de deux corps Musees Nebuleuses . . . . 1860, Spectroscopic des . . Neptune 6300- Satellites de . . 1540, Spectre de . . . . 6390, Theorie et appHcations numeriques de. . Niveaux . . Nomenclature Nutation de la terre .. 0260, Determination de la coc- stante de la Objeetifs Observations, Reduction et recti- fication des . . . . 3030- spectroscopiques,Lentilles de correction pour Observatoires .. .. 2000, Construction des . . Obturateurs Occultation par la lune . . Oceans de la terre Oculaires et accessoires . . solaires Orbites, Caicul des . . 1120, Caractere des Correction des • periodiques . ■ stellaires deduites des obser- vations spectroscopiques Parallaxe . . annuelle, Correction pour la des etoiles fixes solaire stellaire deduite des obser- vations spectroscopiques Passages de planetes, de satel- lites Pendules . . ■ de controle . . Pendide, Observations de Periodiques Perles de Baily . . Perturbations generales . . speciales Petites planetes . . . . 5900- Satellites des. . 1510, Theorie et applications numeriques des Phases de la lune Phenomenes solaires, Connexion des, avec les phenomenes terrestres terrestres, influences cosmiques sur les 1200 1110 0060 7800 8200 6390 6580 6820 1350 2100 0070 1710 3320 2040 3250 2250 2010 2020 2120 0350 4870 1610 2120 2120 1820 1200 ]160 1200 8620 0220 0260 7070 4050 8630 0350 2100 2050 5100 0020 4340 1250 1590 5990, 6540 1310 4850 4110 5300 39 E Phenomenes terrestres, Influeuce de la lune sur les . . . . 4880 peadant les eclipses . . 4350 Philosophic 0000 Photographies celestes, Reduction des .. 3250 de la lune 4890 des spectres stellaires . . 8450 du soleil 4360 Photographie spectrale, Micro- metre pour la . . . . . . 2260 stellaire 7005 Photometric . . . . . . 2400 Piles 2020 Planetes 4780 extra-neptunieunes 6400-6490 Figure des . . . . . . 1640 Satellites des . . 1550, 6590 Spectroscopic des 6400, 6820 Theorie et applications numeriques des . . . . 1360 intra - mercurielles, Satel- lites des 1470, 6500 Theorie et applications numeriques des . . . . 1290 Orbites des 1130 Spectroscopie des . . 6800, 0820 Polarisation, Appareils de . . 2300 Poles, Mouvement des, sur la surt'ace de la terre . . . • 1720 Porte-plaques photographiques. . 2120 Poussiere . . . . . . . . 5400 Precession, Correction pour la .. 0260 de la terre . . . . 0260, 1710 Determination de la con- stante de la . . . . . . 3320 Prismes, Combinaisons de . , 2240 objectifs 2210 Prix 0020 Protuberances . . . , . . 4070 Spectroscopie des . . . . 4620 Quadratures mecaniques, Appli- cation de la methode des . . 1590 Questions d'ojitique , . . . 2040 Eadiation constante du soleil . . 4200 Radiometric . . . . . . 2500 Recherches siDcctroscopiques du soleil eclipse . . . , . . 4650 du soleil sans eclipse. . 4600 Recueils 0030 Reflecteurs et refracteurs, Com- paraison des . . . . . . 2040 Refracteurs photographiques 2040, 2050 visueis . . . . 2040, 2050 Refraction . . 0210, 3100, 3350, 5400 Reseau objectif . , . . . . 2210 Rotation du soleil, Determination de la, par les recherches spectro- scopiques , . . . . . 4640 troublee 1700 Satellites, Figure des . . . . 1660 Theorie des. . . . . , 1450 Saturne 6100-6190 Satellites et systfeme d'an- neaux de . . . . . . 6560 Spectre de . . . . 0190, 6820 Saturne, Theorie du sjst&me d'anneaux et des satellites de 1460 Theorie et applications nu- meriques de . , . . . . 1330 Scintillation (no,//. C 3210) .. 5400 Sextants . . . . , . . . 2090 Semaine . . . . . . . . 9340 Sieges d'observation . . . . 2020 Societes, Rapports de . . . . 0020 Soleil 4010 Atmosphere du . . . . 4070 Chromosphere du . , . , 4070 Constantes du .. .. 4030, Dessins du . . .. .. 4360 Eclat du 4200 Eclipses de 0350, 4000, 4210 4220 Figure du 1630 mouvement du . . . . 3320 Phenomenes periodiques de la surface du . . . . . . 4100 Photographie du .. .. 4360 Position du 4020 Radiation du . . . . 4200 Rotation du 4060 Spectroscopie du . . . . 4500 Spectroscopic des ti>ches du 4610 Taches du 4070 I'emperature d u . . . . 4200 Spectre solaire . . . . . . 4500 Distribution de I'ener- gie dans le . . . . . . 4570 ultra-rouge .. '.. 4530 ultra-violet . . . . 4510 visible 4520 Spectres stellaires, Distribution des, dans le ciel . . . . 8140 de I'energie dans les 8070 Etude de types speciaux des 8120 particuliers . . . • 8400 Speetrographes . . . . . . 2220 Spectroheliographe . . . . 2270 Spectrophotonietrie . . . . 2400 Spectroscopes . . . . . . 2220 Spectroscopie de la lumiere zodia- cale 6800,6940 de la lune . . . . 6800, 6810 de la lune, des planetes, des cometes, de la lumiere zodiacale, de I'atmosphere terrestre . . 6800 40 Spectroscopie de ratmosphere terrestre . . 4580, 6800, 6960 des amas d'etoiles . . . . 8200 des cometes . . . . 6S00, 6920 des etoiles . . . , 7120, 8010 variables . . 8300 des meteores . . . . 6950 des nebuleuses .. .. 8200 des planetes . . 6800, 6820 stellaire . . . . 8000-8630 Sphere celeste . . . . . . 0110 Stereo-comparateur .. .. 2140 Systemes binaires spectros- eopiques . . . . . . 8600 multiples spectroscopiques 8600 solaire, Constitution du . . 1770 Description du . . 4000 Mouvement du, dans I'espace . . . . . . . . 1840 Origine, stabilite et developpement du . . . . 1790 Theorie du . . . . 1100 Systemes stellaires . . . . 1860 Tables 0030 C'on^truction de . . . . 1570 Telescope zenithal . . . . 2070 Temps, Definition du . . . . 9400 Equation du .. ,, 9380 local 9410 Mesure du . . . . 9200, 9220 par zones (fuseaux horaires) 9410 Eeglement du . . . . 9300 iiniversel . . , . . . 9410 Tentesdemontablesjtransportables Terre Atmosphere de la . . Figure de la Theorie et application numerique de la Theorie planetaire Trace de I'ombre de solaires, Cartes de la Trait es generaux . . Univers stellaire . . . . 1800, Milieu resistant dans 1' Structure de 1' • Temperature de 1' . . Theorie de 1' . . eclipses Uranus Satellites d' Spectre d' . . Theorie et nunieriques de . . Yenus Distance de. . Occult ation de Passage de . . • Satellites de Spectre de . . Theorie et numeriques de . . Terre, Fabrication du Vis, etc., erreurs des Voie lactee 6200- 1530, 6290, applications 5700- 4050, 4870, 4050, 1490, 5790, applications 2020 5000 5400 1610 1280 1250 4220 0030 7000 1830 1810 1830 1800 6290 6570 6820 1340 ■5790 5730 5770 5770 6520 6820 1270 2040 3220 7900 41 £ INDEX zu (E.) A STRON OMIE. Aberration . . . , 0250, 3100 Aberrationsconstanten . . . . 3310 Abflachung des Himmelsgewolbes 0105 Abhaudlungen, AUgemeine . . 0030 Aequatoreale . . . . . . 3010 Aeren 9450 Aether 1830 Almucantar . . . . 2080, 3080 Anstosse 0350 Astrolabien 2030 Astrologie 9050-9060 Atmosphare der Erde . . 5 100, 69fiO des Mondes . . . . . . 4840 Aufgang . . . . . . . . 0150 Bahnberechnung. . . . 1120, 1820 Bahnbewegung . . . . . . 1110 Bahnelemente, Verbesserung der 1160 Bahnen 1200,8620 Baily's Perlen 4340 Bedeckungen . . . . . . 0350 BeobacliUmgen, Reduktion und Berichtigunt; der .. 3030-3250 Beobaclitungsstiihle .. .. 2020 Beriihrungszeiten . . . . 4230 Beschreibende Astronoiuie 3290-8630 Bibliographien . . . . . . 0032 Biographien . . . . . . 0010 Bolometrie 2500 Breite, Geograpliisclie . . . . 0150 Breiten-Variation . . . . 5100 Chromosphare 4070, 4300, 4630, 4700 Chronographen . . . . . . 2100 Chronologie .. .. 9200-9450 Chronometer . . . . . . 2100 Diimmerung . . . . . . 0210 Depression des Horizontes Diaphragmen Dichte des Mondes der Sonne . . Doppelsterne . . 1820, 7500- Spectroskopie . . 8560, Doublets, Photographische 2040, Drehthiirme Durchgjinge Durchmesser Ebbe und Fluth Eigenbewegung der Fixsterne . . ■ • in der Gesichtslinie 8500- Entfernung des Mondes. . Ephemeriden, AUgemeine von Kometen von Sternen. . ■ — — der Sonnenfinsternisse Erde . . . . 1280, 5000- Figur Erdlicht Extranieridian-Instrumente 2080, Farbe der Doppelsterne . . der Fixsterne Farben-Kataioge der Fixsterne Festreden. . Finstornisse Fixsterne . . Fixsternsystem Gegenschein Geodiisie . . Geometrische As' Geschichte Gesellschaften, Berichte von Gleichgewichtsfiguren . . Gleichung, Personliche . . 0350, 4210, 7010- 1800 0100- 0210 2040 4820 4030 7530 8600 2050 2020 0350 0220 1750 7060 8550 4820 0310 6600 7010 4220 ■5400 1610 4850 3080 7520 7120 7120 0040 4350 7160 1840 6720 5050 0350 0010 0020 1600 3200 42 Graritation . . . . . . 1050 GraTitationscentruni . . . . 1200 Grosse der Gestirne, Scheinbare 0105 Heliometer . . . . 2050, 3050 Heliostate 2050 Himmelskugel . . . . . . 0110 Horizont, Depression des . . 0210 Institute 0020, 0060 Instrumente 2030, 2090, 2100,2280,3000 Jahrbiicher 0020 Jupiter 6000-6090 Kalender. . 9420 Kataloge der Fixsterne . . . . 7030 Keppjler'sclie Gesetze . . . . 1110 Kometen 1130, 1680, 1780, 6600, 6920 Kongresse, Berielite Ton. . .. 0020 Konstanten. Astronomische 3300-3350 Kontrol-Pendel 2050 Koordinaten, Allgemeiiie . . 0110 Geoeentrische und lielio- centrische . . . . . . 0300 Koordinatentransformation . . 0110 Korona . . . . 4070, 4240, 4660 Korrectionslinsen Xosiuischer Einfluss auf restrische Pbanomene. . Xosmogonie Kreise (Graduieren etc.) Lange, Geographiscbe . . Lekrbiicher Linsen Libration . . ■ des Mondes. . Lichtkurren der Sterne Mars Masse des Mondes 'der Sonne '. . Meridian . . Meridian-Instrumente Meridiankreise . . Merkur Meteore Mikrometer Milchstrasse MomentTersclilusse Monat Mend auf der Korona Libration Spektroskopie Mondatmospbiire. . Mondfinsterniss . . Mondjahr. . Mondkarten Mondoberflacbe . . Mondpbasen Mondrotation Mondtemperatur. . Museen N ebel ter- 2120 5300 3290 2100 0150 . . 0030 2040, 2010, 2120 1730-1740 . . 4830 . . 7600 5800-5890 . . 4820 . . 4030 . . 0150 2070, 3070 2070, 3070 5600-5690 1130, 1680, 6650, 6950 2140, 3100 7900 . . 2120 . . 9330 1400, 4800-4890 . . 4340 1730, 4830 .. 6800, 6810 4840 4860 9320 4890 4830 4850 4830 4850 0060 1860, 7800, 8200 Xeptun 6300-6390 Neue Sterne . . . . . . 7600 Mveaux 2100 Nomenklatur . . . . . . 0070 Nordlicht 5400, 6960 Nutation 0260, 1710 Nutationskonstanten . . . . 3320 Objektire 2040 ObjektiTgitter 2210 Objektirprismen . . . . . . 2210 Okulare 2120 Okular-Spectroskope . . . . 2220 Ortsbestimmung, Instrumente zur 2080 Ortszeit 9410 Padagogik 0050 Parallaktiscli aufgestellte Instru- mente 2050 Parallaxe 0220 der Fixsterne . . . . 7070 Jiihrlicbe 0270 Passageinstrumente . . . . 2070 Pendel-Beobachtungen . . . . 5100 Pendeluhren 2100 Periodica 0020 Personliche Gleichung . . . . 3200 Phasen des Mondes . . . . 4850 Philosophie 0000 Photocrrapbisclie Apparate . . 2130 Processe 3240 Photometric 2400 Planetarisehe Nebel .. .. 7800 Planeten 1130,4780 Extra-neptunisclie. . 6400-6490 Figur 1640 Intra-merkurielle . . . . 5500 Kleine . . . . 5900-5990 Spektroskopie von . . 6S00, 6820 Yerteilung im SonnensTstem 1780 Planetentheorie .. .. ' 1250-1550 Plattenbalter 2120 Polarisations-Apparate . . . . 2300 Polbewegung . . . . . . 1720 Portrait-Linsen - . . . . . 2050 Prazession . . . . 1710, 0260 Priizessionskonstante . . . . 3320 Praktische Astronomic . . 1900-3250 Preissohriften 0020 Prismen-Kombinationen . . 2240 Protuberanzen . . . . . . 4320 Quadraturen . . . . . • 1590 Quecksilber-Horizonte . . . . 2100 Eadiometrie . . . . . . 2500 Eeduktion auf den Erdxnittel- punkt 0200 der Sternorter . . . . 0280 Eefraktion 0210, 3100, 3350, 5400 Eef raktoren . . . . 2040, 2050 Eingsystem des Saturn . . . , 1660 Eotation des Mondes . . . . 4830 der Sonne 4060 43 E Eotationsstorungen ,, . . 1700 Sammelwerke ,, . . ()(t30 Samnilungen . . 0060 Satelliten , 1450-1550, 1660 6500-6590 Saturn , , 6100-6190 Schirme . . 2040, 2120 Schriiubcn, Fehler . . 3220 Schwere-Storungen . . 5100 Scintillation . . 5400 Sextan te . . . . 2090 Siderostate . . 2050 Sonne . , 4010-4750 Figur , . 1630 Sonuenatmosphare . . 4070 Sonnenbevvegung. . . , 3320 Sonnen-Fackeln . . 4070, 4620 Flecken 4070, 4100, 4610 Sonnenjahr . . 9310 Sonnenkorona . . 4070 Sonnenokulare . , .. 2120 Sonnenparallaxe . . . . 4050 Sounenphotograpliien . . 4360 Sonnenspektroskope . . 2220 Sonnenspektriim . . 4500-4750 Sonncnsystem 4000-6960 Sonnentafeln .. 1280 Sonnentemperatur . . 4200 Spektralphotometrie .. . . 2400 Spektrograplien . . , . 2220 Spektrolieliograplien .. . , 2270 Spektroskopische Apparate 2200, 2280 Sphiirische Astronomie 0100-0350 Spiegel . . 2040 Sterndurchmesser .. 7150 Sternenwelt 7000-8630 Sternhaufen 1860 7700, 8200 Sternkataloge, AUgemeine . . 7030 Doppelsterne . . 7520 nacli Farben . . 7120 Photometrische , , . , 7080 veriinderlicher Sterne . . 7600 Sternsclmuppen . . . . 6650 Spektroskope , , 2220 Spektroskopie .. 8000-8630 Storn-Strahlung . . Sternsystern, Aut'bau des Sternverteilung am lliniuiel Stern warten .- .. 2000 Storun gen der Sell were .. Sturungstheorie, AUgemeine . - Stralilung der Fixsterne Strablungskonstante Stunden , . Taf eln Tag Taselienulircn Teilungen . . .. , Temperatur des Mondes der Sonne . . des Weltranmes Theoretische Astronomic Triebwerke Uhrgang .. Universal-Instrument . Universalzeit Untergang Uranus A^enus Yeriinderliche Sterne Yerfinsterungszone Yergleiclis-Spektren, Erzeugung von Vergrosserungslinsen Yertikalkreis Yortriige . . , . . . Weltraum .. .. 1800 Widerstehendes Mittel . . Wirkiingsgrad von Instrumenten Woclie Worterbiiclier Zeitgleicbung Zeitmessung .. .. 9200 Zeitrechnung . . . . 9300 Zeitziihlung Zenitli-Teleskope Zodiakal-Liclit . . . . 6720, Zonenbeobacbtuugen Zonen-Zeit 9350 1000 2080, 6200 5700 7600 7140 1810 7160 2020 5100 1250 7140 4200 93; !0 0030 9390 2100 3220 4850 4200 1830 -1860 2050 3010 3080 9410 0150 -6290 -5790 8300 4220 2250 2120 2080 0040 -1810 1830 2280 9340 0030 9380 9220 9450 9400 2070 6940 7030 9410 44 INDICE A S T K 0 N 0 M I A . ( E ) Aberrazione, Correzione per 1' . . Determinazione della co- 0250 stante dell' 3310 Almucantar 2080 , 3080 Altazimut. , 2080 , 3080 Anno lunare 9320 solare 9310 Annuari . . , , 0020 Appulsi . . Assorbimento per 1' atmosfera 0350 terrestre 5400 Astrolabi . . 2030 Astrologia. . 9050 Sottodirisione in ac( "ordo con paesi e epochs Astronomia antica 9060 9000 Sottodivisione in ac- cordo con paesi e epoche pratica sf erica 9020 1900 0100 teorica 1000 Atmosfera terrestre, Figura deii' 1610 Aurora 5400 Baily, Aghi di . . 4340 Bibliografie Binario, Sistema spettroscopico. . Biografia . . 0032 8600 0010 Bolometria 4200 Calendarii. . 9420 Cannoccliiale zenitale . . 2070 Capanne portatili Carte della luna . . 2020 4890 di spettri stellari . . 8450 Celostati . . 2050 Centro della terra, Eiduzione al 0200 ChiusTira delle lastre fotografiche 2120 Cielo, Sebiacciameuto apparente del 0105 Circoli (gradiiazione, ece.) CoUezioni 0060 Comete 6600 e stelle cadenti, Legame fra 6700 Figura di 1680 Orbite di 1130 Comete, Spettroscopia di . . 6920 Comparazione, Produzione di spettri di 2250 Congressi, Eesoconti di . . . . 0020 Contatti, Tempi dei . . . . 4230 Coordinate eliocentricbe . . 0300 geocentriche . . . . 0300 loro trasformazioni e varia- zioni differenziali . . . . 0110 Corona 4240 air infuori degli eclissi . . 4070 e eromosfera . . . . 4300 Luna suUa . . . . . . 4340 Spettroscopia della, durante r eclisse . . . . . . 4660 Cosmica, Influenza, sui fenonieui terrestri 5300 Cosmogonia . . . . . . 3290 Costante dell' aberrazione, Deter- minazione della . . . . 3310 della precessione e nutazione, Determinazione della . . . '. 3320 Costanti astronomiclie, Deter- minazione di per mezzo di osservazioni . . . . . . 3300 Crepuscolo 0210 45 E Cromosfera . . 4070 4300 4320 Gravita, Centro di 1200 Spettroscopia della, durante Deviazioni della 5100 rec'liase . . 4700 Gravitazione universale. Legge senza eclisse 4630 della 1050 Cronografi 2100 Gruppi, di stelle . . 1860,7700 Crouometri 2100 • Spettroscopia di 8200 Cupole 2020 Illuminazione del campo visuale 2120 Diafragmi.. 2040 Immagini . . 2040 Diamctri stellari . . 7150 lutra-Mercuriali, Pianeti 5500 Diamctro . . 0220 Satelliti di Discorsi . . 0040 1470, 6500-6590 Discgni della luna 4890 Istituti 0060 del sole 4360 Resoconti di 0020 di spettri stellari . . 8450 Kepler, Leggi di . . 1110 Distribuzione di pianeti e comete 1780 Lastre fotografiche, Custodia per le 2120 Dizionari . . 0030 Latitudine 0150 ,5100 Eflissi 0350 Variazione di 5100 lunari 4860 Lenti 20 W , 2030 solari 4210 di correzione 2120 Effemeridi degli 4220 amplificanti. . 2120 Osservazioni degl 4230 Letture 004p Predizioni degli 4220 Levare e tramontare 0150 Effemeridi, Calcolo di . . 0310 ,4220 Librazione di pianeti e sat elliti 1740 di Stelle 7010 della luna . . 1730 di Stelle doppie , , 7530 Liuee lucenti solari 4560 Eliometro . . 2050 ,3050 solari, Identificazione delle. Eliostati 2050 con elementi . . 4540 Elementi, Correzione di.. 1560 Mutamenti apparenti delle stelle, Identificazione delle 4550 degli 8050 Livelle 2100 Equatoriali, Montature . . 2050 Longitudine 01*50 ,5100 Equazioni personal i 3200 Luce cinerea 4850 Ere 9450 Luna Atmosf era della 4800 4840 Etere 1830 Carte della . . 4890 Extra-meridiani, Strumenti 2080, 3080 Conflgurazione della super- Extra-^N'ettuuiani, Pianeti 6400 -6490 ficie della 4830 Satelliti di 1550 ,6590 Costauti e dimensioni della 4820 Teoriaenumerica Densita della 4820 applicazione dei , , 1360 Disegni della 4890 Facole 4070 Distanza della 4820 Spettroscopia di 4620 Eclissi della 4860 Filosofia . . 0000 Fasi della . . 4850 Flessione . . 3220 Fotografie della 4890 Fotografici, Apparati 2130 Influenza della, su fenomeni doppi . . 2040 ,2050 terestri . . 4880 Fotometria 2400 Massa della. . . , 4820 Gegeuschein 6720 Occultazioni dalla . . 4870 Geodesia . . . , 5050 Osservazioni della posizione Giorno 9350 della 4810 Suddivisione del . . 9390 Radiazione della . . 4850 siderale , , 9360 Eotazione della 4830 solare, medio e vero 9370 Spettroscopia della 6810 Griove 6000 -6090 Splendore della 4850 Satelliti di . . 1520 ,6550 Temperatura della. . 4850 Spettro di . . 6090, 6820 Teoria della 1400 Teoria e niimerica applica- Lunghezze d' onda, Confronto zione di. . 1320 di, in differenti stelle. . 8040 Grandezza apparente dei corpi d' onda di linee per singole celesti . . 0105 stelle 8020 46 Manual! . . Maree, Teoria delle Marte 5800- Occultazione cU . , 4870, Satelliti di . . . . 1500, Spettro di . . . . 5890, Teoria e numerica applica- zione di. . Meccanica celeste Meccaniche quadrature, Metodo di Mercuric . . . . . . 5600 Occultazione di . , 4870, Satelliti di . . . , 1480. Spettro di . . . . 5690, Teoria e numerica applica- zione di. . Meridiani, Strumenti Meridiana, Linea Mese Meteore . . Spettroscopia di Meteorici, Figirra di sciami Orbite di sciami Micrometri Micrometro per misurare spettri fotografici .. ., 2260, per osserrazioni yisuali 2260, Monocromaticlie immagini, Ap- parato per Mostre Moto della terra e degli equinozi, Correzione per il Motori MoTimento orbitale di tre o piii corpi di due corpi . . Multiple, Stelle . . . . 7510, Multipli, Sistemi spettroscopici Musei Kebiilose 1860, Spettroscopia di Nettuno 6300- Satelliti di . . . . 1540, Spettro di . . . . 6390, Teoria e numerica applica- zione di. . Xomenclatura Nutazione, Determinazione della costante della . . della terra . . . . 0260, Obiettivo, Prisma Occultazioni dalla luna . . Oceani terrestri, Figura degli . . Oculari e accessorii Oggettivi . . Oggettiro con reticolato. . 0030 1750 -5890 5870 6530 6820 1300 1000 1590 5690 5670 6510 6820 1260 2070 0150 9330 6650 6950 1680 1130 2140 3100 3100 2270 2100 0240 2050 1200 1110 7520 8600 0060 7800 8200 •6390 6580 6820 1350 0070 3320 1710 2210 0350 4870 1610 2120 2040 2210 Ombra di eclissi solari. Carte deir andamento dell' . . Orbite, Calcolo di . . 1120, Carattere delle Correzione di periodiclie . . Stellari da osservazioni spettroscopiche Ore Orizzonte, Depressione dell' Orologi Osservatorii .. .. 2000, Edifizii per . . Osservazioni, Eiduzione e retti- fica di 3030- Ottici, Soggetti . . Palclii montanti . . Parallasse . . annua, Correzioni per la . . delle stelle fisse solare stellare da spettroscopiche Passaggi . . Circolo dei . Pedagogia. . Pendolo, Osservazioni col Pendoli di controllo Periodici . . Perturbazioni generali . . speciali Pianeti 1130, Figura dei . . Orbite dei . . Spettroscopia dei . . 6800. Pianetini 5900- Satelliti dei. . . . 1510. osservazioni 2070, numerica appiica- Teoria zione di. . Pilastri Planetaria, Teoria Polarizzazione, Apparati per la Poll, Morimento dei, sulla super- ficie terrestre . . Polvere Precessione, Correzione per la . . • Determinazione della cos- tante della della terra . . . . 0260, Premi Prisma obiettivo . . Prismi, Combinazioni di Racco'ite . . E-adiazione del sole, Costante della Eadiometria Eeticolato, Oggettivo con Eiflettori e rifrattori, Confronti fra Eifrattori fotografici . . 2040, 4220 1820 1200 1160 1200 8620 9390 0210 2100 2010 2020 3250 2040 2020 0220 0270 7070 4050 8630 0350 3070 0050 5100 2050 0020 1250 1590 4780 1640 1130 6820 -5990 6540 1310 2020 1250 2300 1720 5400 0260 3320 1710 0020 2210 2240 0U30 4200 2500 2210 2040 2050 47 E Rifrivttori visuali . . 2040, 2050 Rifrazione 0210, 3100, 3350, 5400 Rotazione, Figure di equilibrio di masse fluide in 1600 del sole, sua determinazione dalla spettroscopia 4640 perUirbata . . 1700 Satelliti, Figura dci 1660 Teoria dei . . 1450 Saturno . . . . . . 6100 -6190 Satelliti e sistema anulare di 6560 Spettro di . . . . 6100, 6820 Teoria dei satelliti e del sisteiua anulare di 1460 Teoria e numerica applica- zione di. . 1330 Schermi 2040, ,2120 Scintillazione 5400 Sedie per osservare 2020 Settimana . . 9340 Sestanti . . 2090 Sfera celeste 0110 Societa, Kesoconti di 0020 Solare, Costituzione del sistema 1770 Descrizione del sistema . . 4000 Moto del sistema, nello spazio 1840 Moviments . . 3320 Origine, stabilita, sviluppo. del sistema 1790 Teoria del sistema . . 1100 Solari e terrestri fenomeni. Legami tra 4110 Sole 4010 Atmosf era del 4070 Costanti del 4030 Costante della radiazione del 4200 Cromosfera del 4070 Disegni del . • 4360 Eclissi del 0350, 42^0, 4220 ,4230 Fenomeni periodici della superficie del . . 4100 Figura del . . 1630 Fotografie del 4360 Maccliie del 4070 Posizione del 4020 Rotazione del 4060 Spettroscopia del . . 4500 delle maccliie del 4610 Splendore del 4200 Temperatura del . . 4200 Specclii 204C ), 2050 Spettri di comparazione, Produ- zione di. . 2250 fotografici, Micrometre per misurare 2260 stellari, fotografie di 8450 loro distribuzione in cielo 8140 Studio di speciali tipi di 8120 speciali 8400 Spettro Solare . . . . 4500-4750 • Distribuzione dienergia nello 4570 linee nello . . . . 4540 solare ultra-rosso . . . . 4530 ultra-violetto. . . . 4510 visibile . . . . 4520 stellare, Distribuzione di energia nello . . . . . . 8070 Spettroeliografo . . . . . . 2270 Spettrofotometria . . . . 2400 Spettrografi 2220 Spettroscopi . . . . . . 2220 Spettroscopia dell' atmosfera terrestre .. 4580, 6800, 6960 delle comete . . 6800, 6920 di gruppi di stelle . . . . 8200 della luce zodiacale 6800, 6940 della luna . . . . 6S00, 6810 della luna, dei pianeti, delle comete, della 'uce zodiacale, . . 6800 . . 6950 . . 8200 6800, 6820 . . 4500 7120, 8010 . . 8300 8000-8630 4750 2250 4650 4600 deir atmosfera terrestre delle meteore di nebulose . . dei pianeti . . del sole ed eclisssi . . delle stelle . . di stelle vai-iabili . . stellare Spettroscopiclie, Fisica costitu- zione del sole dedotta da osser- vazioni . . Lenti correttive per osserva- zioni Ricerche, del sole durante r eclisse. . sulla superficie del sole durante 1' eclisse . . Spettroscopici, Apparati. . 2200, 2250 Teoria e rettifica di . . 2280 Stellare, Universe . . 1800, 700O Mezzo resistente nell' 1830 Struttura dell' . . 1810 — Temperatura dell' . . 1830 Teoria dell' . . . . 1800 Stellari, Sistemi 1810 Stelle, Classificazione di. . . . 8100 Correzione per la riduzione cU Costituzione fisica delle . . G-ruppi di . . loro moto variabile nella direzione della visuale Movimenti di, nella direzione della visuale . . Spettroscopia delle. . 7120, 8010 cadenti . . . . . . 6650 doppie . . 1820, 7500-7530 effemeridi di . . . . 7010 Cataloglii di posizione 7030, 7040 0280 8080 7700 8550 8500 48 Stelle Colore di . . 7120 Comparazione di cataloglii di posizione 7050 Distribuzione in cielo 7160 Grandezza di 7080 Moto proprio di . . 7060 Osservazioni di posizione . . 7020 Eadiazione di 7140 multiple . . 7500, 7510, 7520 variabili . . . . 1850 ,7600 Stereocomparatore 2i40 Storia 0010 Strumenti . . 2030 Aggiustamerto di . . 3000 ausiliari 2100 portatili 2090 Tavole 0030 Costruzione di 1570 Telluriche, Linee, nello spettro solare . . 4580 Tempo, Equazione del . . 9380 locale 9410 Misura del . . 9200 Metodi di misurare il 9220 Modo di contare il. . 9400 Kegolarizzazione del 9300 universale . . 9410 per f usi 9410 Terra 5000 Atmosfera della 5400 rigura della 1610 Terra, Teoria e numerica applica- zione della Terrestre, Spettroscopia atmosfera Terrestri, Influenza della su f enomeni fenomeni, Legame solari e . . durante I'eclisse Tramontare Trattati generali . . Universo, Temperatura dell' Urano Satelliti di . . Spettro di , . Venere Distanza di . . Occultazioni di Satelliti di . , Spettro di . . Teoria e numerica appliea- zione di. . Transiti di . . . . 4050 Verticale, Circolo Vetri, Manifattura di . . Yia Lattea Visuali, OsserTazioni spettro- scopiclie di doppie stelle Viti, ecc, Errori di Zodiacale, Luce . . Spettroscopia della . . deir 4580, luna fra 6200- 1530, 6290, 5700- 4050, 4870, 1490, 5790, 1280 6960 4880 4110 4350 0150 0030 1830 -6290 6570 6820 -5790 5730 5770 6520 6820 1270 5770 2080 2040 7900 8560 3220 6720 6940 49 AUTHOU CATALOGUE. Abbot, C[harles] G[reeley]. Samuel Pierpont Langley. [With bibliography.] Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 190G (271- 283 with port.). [0010]. 14111 Recent progress in astro- nomical research. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. 1906 1907 (161-171 with pi. text fig.j. [0010]. 14112 A bolometric study of the solar corona. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 132 [1908] (15-20). [4660 4240]. 14113 A bolometric study of the solar corona [during eclipse of January 3, 1908, at Flint island]. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. 8oc. Pac. 20 1908 (86- 90 with pi.). [4210]. 14114 and Fowle, F[rederick] E[ugene], jiin. Annals of the Astro- physical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. Volume 2. [Part 1 . Deter- mination of the intensity of the solar radiation outside the earth's atmosphere, otherwise termed " the solar constant of radiation." Part 2. Radiation and ter- restrial temperature. Part 3. The radia- tion of different parts of the sun's disk.] Washington (Government print, off.) 1908 (xi -f- 245 with pi. diagr. tables). 33 cm. [4110 4200]. 14115 Abetti, Antonio. Calcolo della posi- zione media 1900'0 di ima stella del Catalogo Astrografico di Greenwich. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (1-8). [7040]. 14116 II passaggio di Mercurio sul disco del sole osservato ad Arcetri il 14 novembre 1907. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (3-11). [5670]. 14117 (E-468) Abetti, Antonio. Osservazioni delle oomete 1907a, 19076, 1907d e 1907e. Firenze Pubbl. R. Osser. Arcetri 25 1908(40-49). [6600]. 14118- Osservazioni di pianetini (3), (8), (11), r31), (35), (37). (41), (57), (68), (196), (351), (356). (393), (402), (433), (451), (471), (481), (487), (488). (505), (511), (554), (579) e (583). Firenze Pubbl. R. Osser. Arcetri 25 1908 (53- 76). [5910]. 14119 (654)Zelinda = 1908 BM. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (293-294). [5910]. 14120 Cometa 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (313-324). [6600]. 14121 Tavole di parallasse. Firenze Pubbl. R. Osser. Arcetri 26 1909 (29-32). [0220]. 14122 — Osservazioni della cometa Firenze Pubbl. R. Osser. [6600]. 14123 1907(^. Arcetri 26 1909 (33-36) Osservazioni della cometa 190Sc. Firenze Pubbl. R. Osser. Arcetri 26 1909 (37-51). [6600]. 14124 Osservazioni di asteroidi. Firenze Pubbl. R. Osser. Arcetri 26 1909 (55-65). [5910]. 14125 L'osservatorio astronomico Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino [2010]. 14126 di Arcetri 3 1909 (281-288). und Klistner, F[riedrich]. Bemerkungen iiber die Sterne BD-f 15° 612a und + 15" 613. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (289-290). [7050 7020]. 14127 50 Abettl, Giorgio. Determinazione pre- liminare della parallasse di 61 Cygni. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (146-148). [7070]. 14128 Durate di oscillazione a Padova dei pendoli dell' apparato tri- pendolare Sterneck -Stiickratli. Ann. idr. Geneva 5 1908 (29-37). [5100]. 14129 Ascensioni rette di 140 steUe. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (177- 186). [7030]. 14130 G. Hale and Ph. Fox. "The Piotation Period of the sun." Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (31-33). [4060]. 14131 Osservazioni fotografiche di protul^eranze. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (198-201). [4320]. 14132 Ricordi d' America. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (343-353 con2tav.). [2010]. 14133 I'. Fox, P. Adams, ^Yalter S]ydiiey]. Some notes on the H and K lines and the motion of the calcium vapor in the sun. [Contri- butions from the Solar Observatory, No. 6.] Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906(45-53). [4540 4550]. 14134 • Preliminary catalogue of lines affected in sun-spots. Region X 4000 to A. 4500. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (45-65 with tables). [4610]. 14135 Preliminary note on the rotation of the sun as determined from the displacements of the hydrogen lines. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (213-218 with tabs.). [4640]. 14136 • V. Hale. Agamennone, Giovanni. Le variazioni di latitudine ed i terremoti. Riv. astr. sc. afSui Torino 3 1909 (17-27). [51001. 14137 Aimonetti, Cesare. Determinazione della latitudine della Specola geodetica della R. L'niversita di Torino. Torino Mem. Ace. sc. 59 1909 (357-374). [5100]. 14138 Aitken, R[obert] G[rant]. Discovery and measures of three hundred and fifty new double stars. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. BuU. Xo. 93 [1906] (4-30). [7520]. 14139 Aitken, Pn^obert] G[rant]. The orbit of /3 612. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 101 [1906] (75-76). [7530]. 14140 Two hundred and fifty new double stars. Tenth list. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 109 [1907] (101-106). [7520]. 14141 The orbit of Ho. 212 = 13 Ceti. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 110 [1907] (107- 108 with text fig.). [7530 8600]. 14142 Observations of Comet e 1906 (KopS). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (148). [6600]. 14143 Observations of Comet a 1907 (Giacobini). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. -Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (148). [6600]. 14144 Observation of Comet h 1906 (Metcalf). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (148). [6600]. 14145 Observations of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (149). [6600]. 14146 Observations of Comet b 1907 (Mellish). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (149). [6600]. 14147 Observation of Comet c 1907 (Giacobini). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (149). [6600]. 14148 Observations of (128) Ne- mesis. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. BuU. No. 120 [1907] (150). [5910]. 14149 Observations of Comet 1905 IV (KopfF). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (150). [6600]. 14150 Two hundred new double stars. Eleventh list. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 125 [1907] (166-170 with tab.). [7520]. . 14151 New double stars from the Astronomische Gesellschaft catalogues. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 125 [1907] (170). [7520]. 14152 51 Aitken, R[obert] G[rant]. Observations of Saturn's rings in 1907. Berki^ley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Oljs. Bull. No. 127 [1907] (181-184). [G5C0]. I4I53 The latitude and longitude of the observing station, and the eclipse contact times. [Flint Island, Jan. 3, 1908.] Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pul). Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 131 [1008] (C). [4210 4230]. 14154 One hundred new doiible stars. Twelfth list. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull.No. 134 [1908] (28-30 with tab.). [7520]. 14155 New orbit of 0 G12. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 141 [1908] (43-44). [7530]. 14150 chi and T Vulpeculae. [Thesis, Ph.D., University of California.] Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 118 [1907] (130-139 with text fig. tabs.). [8300]. 14165 Albrecht, Sebastian. On the distor- tions of photographic films on glass. [Thesis, Ph.D. University of California.] Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 118 [1907] (140-140 with tabs.) ; Pop. Astr. Northtield Minn. 15 1907 (403-407). [3250 2130]. 141GG One hundred new double W[allace]. and Smith, Elliot. Photo- grajjhic observations of satellites of Saturn and Neptune. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 156 [1909] (109-110 with tabs.). [6560 0580]. 14167 V. Campbell, W[illiam] stars. Thirteenth list. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 144 [1908] (55-57). [7520]. 14157 Note on the binary star K Seorpii. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (290). [7510 7530]. 14158 A new binary star. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (291). £7520]. 14159 One hundred new double stars. Fourteenth list. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 158 [1909] (115-118). [7520]. 14160 and Fath, E. A. Elements and ephemeris of Comet g 1906 (Thiele). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 103 [1906] (80). [6000]. 14101 Albaret, J. Note sur les transforma- tions de Gauss employees dans la methode d'Olbers pour la determination en premiere appi'oximation des orbites paraboli(jues. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (405-407). £1120]. 14162 Albert, Georg. Der Sinn der platoni- schen Zahl. Philologus Leipzig 66 1907 (153-150). [9020]. 141G3 Albrecbt, Sebastian. Ozi the relation between stellar spectral types and the intensities of certain lines in the spectra. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick. Obs. Bull. No. 106 [1906] (90-95). £8120]. 14164 A spectrographic study of the fourth class variable stars Y Ophiu- (E-468) Albrecht, Th[eodor]. Provisorische Resultate des internationalen Breiten- dienstes auf dem Siidparallel in der Zeit von 1900. 4-1908. 4. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (229-238). [5100]. 14168 Die Anwendung der draht- losen Telegraphic auf Langenbestim- muugen. (Vorl. Mitt.) Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) I 1908 (239- 243). [5050]. 14169 Bericht iiber den interna- tionalen Breitendienst. Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) II 1908 (85-87). [5050]. 14170 Formeln und Hilfstafeln fiir geographische Ortsbestimmungen. 4. Aufl. Leipzig (W. Engelmann) 1908 (VIII +348). 28 cm. 20 M. [0150 0030]. 14171 Alessandri, Camillo. La radiazione solare al Monte Rosa. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital.371908 (127-141). [4200]. 14172 Les observatoires m^teoro- logiques et physiques du mont Rose. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (57-05). [2010]. 14173 La radiazione solare al Monte Rosa. Osservazioni ecc. negli anni 05-00. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5) 17 1908 2>io Sem. (58-65). [4200]. 14174 La radiazione attinica al Monte Rosa ecc ; attino : fotoelettrico Elster e Geitel. Roma Rend. Ace. E 2 52 Lincei fSer. 5) 17 1908 2'*<' Seiii. (113- 118). [4200]. 14175 Alessandri, Camillo. La radiazione solare al Monte Rosa. Osservazioni ecc. neU'anno 1907. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5) 17 1908 2'»° Sem. (214-225). [4200]. 14176 AlesBio, Alberto. Determinazione della gravita relativa fra Venezia e Padova. Ann. idrogr. Genova 5 1808 (15-27^ [5100]. 14177 Sulla teoria e la pratica della nuova navigazione astronomica. Eiv. maritt. Roma 3 1908 (1-13-5). [0150]. 14178 Determinazione della gra- vita relativa fra Padova e Potsdam, valori della durata d'oscillazione dei pendoli dell'apparato tripendolare delR. Istituto Idrografico a Padova, prima e dopo della campagna di circumnaviga- zione della R. Nave " Calabria " (4 feb- braio 1905—3 febbraio 1907). Ann. idrogr. Genova 6 1909 (5-148). [5100]. ^ 14179 A proposito del rilievo gravimetrico d'ltalia. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (49-53). [5100]. 14180 Determinazione dell'an- damento deH'orologio col telescopio zenitale. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 4) 18 1909 (275-280). [3070]. 14181 Amaftovmsky, A. Sur le probleme des taches solaires et les causes de leur origine. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 180 1909 (137-148). [4070]. 14182 Une tache solaire interes- sante. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (129-130 mit 1 Taf.). [4070]. 14183 Ambronn, L[eopold]. Remarks on Mr. C. L. Poor's papers on the figure of the sun. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (343-344). [1630]. 14184 und Domke, J[ohannes]. Astronomisch - geodatische Hilfstafeln zum Gebrauche bei geographischen Ortsbestimmungen und geodatischen L'ebertragungen. Zusammengestellt u. hrsg. unter Mitwirkxmg von Bohler. Berlin (E. S. Mittler & S.) 1909 (Vl + 142 mit 15 Nomogrammen). 28 cm. 10 M. [0030 0150]. 14185 Amerio, Alessandro. Sulla emissione della fotosfera solare. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (ser. 5) 18 1909 2'^<> Sem. (202-210). [4200]. 14186 Anderson, John A. The -work of Prof. Carl Stormer on Birkeland's theory of the aurora borealis. Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mou. Weath. Rev. 36 1908(129-131). [5400 6960]. 14187 Anderson, Thomas D. New variable star 127. 1908 Aquarii. Astr. Naehr. Kiel 179 1909 (163-164). [7600]. 14188 Andoyer, H[enri]. Sur la theorie de la Lune. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (87). [1400]. 14189 Andrade, Jules. La theorie de la svnchronisation des horloges. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (4) 17 (1904) (139-160, 4figg.). [2100]. 14190 Andreini, Angelo. Studio geodetic© intomo agli orizzonti. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat. Pavia 19 1909 (306-314 408- 415 518-526); 20 1909 (118-133 225- 235 301-316). [0210]. 14191 Angelitti, Filippo. L'astronomia e la sua utilita nella vita civile. Palermo (Giannitrapani) 1908 (1-43). 22 cm. [0040]. 14192 Ansermet, E. L'oeuvre astronomique de Charles Dufour. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 1906 42 (5-60). [0010]. 14193 Antoniadi, E[ugene] M[ichael]. Pheno- menes subjectifs sur Mars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (125-126). [5840]. 14194 Mars Section. First in- terim report on the observations of 1909. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (427- 433). Second and third do. op. cit. 20 1910 (22-28). Fourth do. t.c. (78-81 with pi.) Fifth do. t.e. (136-141). Sixth and seventh do. t.c. (189-194). [5840]. 14195 Observations de la planete Mars en ] 909 faites au grand equatorial de rObservatoire de Meudon. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (465-474 con 1 tav.). [5840]. 14196 Sur la nature des " canaux " de Mars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (221-222). [5840]. 14197 On the possibility of ex- plaining on a geomorphic basis the phenomena presented by the planet Mars. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (89-94). [5840]. 14198 On some objections to the reality of Professor Lowell's canal system of Mars. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (194-197). [5840]. 14199 53 Antoniazzi, A[ntonio]. Osservazioni della coiimta 11)08 c (Morehouse). Astr. Nac'hr. Kiel 179 1909(177-178). [G600]. 14200 Archenhold, F[riedrich] S. Zeich- nungeu des i'laneten Mars aus dein 18. Jahrlumdort. Weltall Berlin 9 1908 (65-71). [5880]. 14l'0L Beobaohtung der Bedelv- kung eines Sternes durch den Kern des Halieysclieii Kometen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (237-240). [6000]. 14202 Arldt, Tb[eodor]. Die Simrothsche Pendulationstheorie. Beitr. Geophysik Leipzig 10 1909 (202-264). [5100]. 14203 Arrhenius, Svante [August]. Ou the electric charge of the sun. [With dis- cussion by L. A. Bauer and others.] Transactions of the International Elec- trical Congress iit. I.ouis 1904 [Albany N.Y.] 1 1905 (274-284 with text fig.). [4010 4110]. ~ 14204 Zur Frage nacli der Unend- lichkeit der Welt. Ark. Matem. Stock- holm 5 No. 12 1908 (14). [0000]. 14205 Astbury, T. H. Note on 26. 1900 Vulpeculae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (363-364). [7600]. 14206 The Algol variable 16. 1908 Vulpeculae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (221-224). [7600]. 14207 Aurelle-Montmorln, d'. Cadran so- laire portatif et uuiversel marquant I'heure legale. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (361-364). [2100]. 14208 Bach, Joseph. Dei Zeit- und Fest- rechnung der Juden unter besonderer Berucksichtigimg der Gaussschen Ostei'- formel uebst einem immerwahrenden Kalender. Freiburg i. Br. (Herder) 1908 (48). 26 cm. 2 M. [9420]. 14209 Backhouse, T[homas] W[ilson]. Total lunar eclipse, June 1909. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (45). [4860]. 14210 Backlund, Oskar. The development of celestial mechanics during the nine- teenth century. Congr. Arts and Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (387-395). [0010 1000]. 14211 Bericht iiber die geodati- schen Arbeiten der russischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1899-1901. Verh. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) I 1908 (328-330). [5050]. 14212 Baguette, Th. 11. Johannes. Die Be- deulung des Astrolabiunis fiir die See- SchilTaiirt und seine Verwendung bis zur Einfuhrungdes Spiegelsextanten. Diss. 15oun (Druck v. E. Eisele) 1909 (52). 22 cm. [2030]. 14213 Bailey, S[olon] I[rving]. The Yale parallaxes. [Review.] Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 25 1907 (749-751). [7070]. ' 14214 Baillaud, B[enjamin]. Viugtieme bulletin sur I'Observatoire de Besan^on (Analyse). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (684-685). [2010J. 14215 Catalogue meridien de I'Observatoire de Bordeaux (Analyse). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1487- 1488). [2010 7030]. 14216 • line nouvelle planete 1909 JD. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (125- 126). [5910]. 14217 Baillaud, Jules. Nouvelle ^toile variable a tres courte periode decouverte a I'Observatoire de Paris. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 190s (230-232). [7600]. 14218 Baker, Robert H. The orbit of 6 Aquilse. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. West. Univ. Penn. 1 [1908] (45-54 with tabs, diagrs.). [8600 8620]. 14219 The orbit of a Andro- meda--. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Penn^ 1 [1908] (17-22 with tabs, diagrs.). [8620 8600]. 14220 The radial velocity of e Ursae Majoris. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Penn. 1 [1908] (2*-24). [8550]. 14221 The orbits of the spectro- scopic components of a Virginis. Pitts- burgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Penn. 1 [1909] (66-74 with tabs, diagrs.). [8600 862u]. 14222 The orbits of the spectro- scopic components of u Hei-culis. Pitts- burgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Penn. 1 [1909] (77-84 with diagr. tabs.). [8600 8620]. 14223 The orbits of the spectro- scopic components of 2 Lacertas. Pitts- burgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Penn. 1 [1909] (93-100* with diagr. tabs.). [8600 8620]. 14224 54 Baker, Robert H. The orbit of ir Orionis. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Alle^henv Obs. Univ. Perm. 1 [1909] (107-111 with tabs, diagr.). [8600 8620]. 14225 Baker, Tho[ma]3 Y. Sextant errors. London (Griffin) 1909 (32J. Is. net. [2090]. 14226 Balanovsky, J. Orbite de I'etoile double )3 962 = 26 Draconis. Astr. Nachr. Kiell79 1909(301-304). [7530]. 14227 Baldauf, Georg. Keplers neue Astro- nomie im Auszuge iind in Ober- setzung der wichtigsten Abschnitte. Tl 2 : Ober die erste Ungleichheit des Sternes Mars, in Xachahmung der Alten. (Jahresbericht des Gymnasium Alber- tinum zu Freilierg fiir das Schuljahr Ostern 1907 bis Osteru 1008.) Freiberg (Druck V. Gerlachj 1908 (41-82). 20 r-m. [0010 1100 1300]. 14228 Baldet, F. Observations [physiques] sur Venus. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (57-58). [5740]. 14229 et Quenisset. Etude des photogra])hies de la comete Morehouse (1908 c) obtenues a I'Observatoire de Juvisy. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (1033-1036). [6600]. 14229a V. Baume-Pluvinel, A. de La. Baldwin, J. M. The brightness of Saturn with ring invisible. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (458- 459). [6160] 14230 Ball, L[eo] de. Bestimmimg der Lage eines Mondkraters gegen die Mitte der Mondscheibe. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 180 1909 (153-156). [4830]. 14231 Ball, Robert [StaweU]. A generalised instrument. London Rep. Brit. Ass. 1908 1909 (602-603). [2030]. 14232 Baly, E. C. C. and Descli, C. H. Ultra-violet absorption spectra in rela- tion to physico-chemical processes. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (110- 127 with diagrs.). [4510]. 14233 BanacMe-wlcz, Th[adeus]. Note con- ceruant I'etoile BD + 19° 2095. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (59-60). [7050]. 14234 Sur les occultations des etoiles par les grandes planetes superieures en 1 909. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (61-62). [0350]. 14235 Banachiewicz, Th[adeus]. Gwiazda zmienna RW byka. [L'etoile variable RWduBoeuf.] WszechSwiat Warszawa . 28 1909 (529-531). 14236 • Venus. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (239-240). [5740]. 14237 Baranow, V. (78) Diana. (Korr. d. Ephem.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (11 5-116). [5910]. 14238 Barnard, E[dward] E[merson]. A great photographic nebula near n and §■ Scorpii. Astrop. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (144-147 with pi.). [7800 1860J. 14239 — Note on Professor New- comb's observations of the zodiacal light. [With note by Professor Xew- comb.] Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 J 906 (168-169). [6720]. 14240 Observations of the satel- lite of Neptune at the opposition of 1906-7. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (164). [6580]. 14241 Observations of the fifth satellite of Jupiter at the opposition of 1906-7. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1907 (177 178). [6550]. 14242 Observations photogra- phiques de la comete Giacobini (1905 c). Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (1-3;. [6600J. 14243 Les regions du ciel de- pourvues d'etoiles. Bruxelles Bid. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (77-79). [7000]. 14244 Observations of Saturn's rings at their disappearances in 1907 with a suggested explanation of the phenomena presented. Astroj^h. J. Chicago lU. 27 1908 (35-44 with pi. diagr.j. [6500]. 14245 Additional notes on the visibility of the dark side of Saturn's rings. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (234-235). [6560]. 14246 Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (292- 299 with pi. tabs.). [6600]. 14247 Photographic observations of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Second paper. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (384-388 with pi. tab.). [6600]. 14248 Un chamjj nebuleux dans la constellation du Taureau. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (400-403). [7800]. 14249 55 Barnard, ]^[dwar(l] E[mcr.son]. Some of tho results of astronomical photo- graphy ixMtainiug specially to the work with a portrait lens. Philadeljihia Pa. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 46 I'JOS (417-42S) with 0 pi.). [2130]. 14250 Photographic observations of a verv remarkable comet. Pop. Astv- Northlie'kl Miuu. 16 1908 (591-590 with 1 pi.). [OGOO]. 11251 Measures of the sixth satellite of Jupiter, and of comparison stars, in 1908. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (17-20). [6550]. 14252 On the change in the physical condition of Nova Persei in the fall of 1902 and afterwards. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (199 201). [7000]. 14253 Micrometer observations of the Tempel-Swift periodic comet, with observations of three new double stars and four new nebulae. And on the crimson star BD 4- 43° 53. Astr. Nachr. KiellSO 1909 (159-102). [6000 7510 7800 7120]. 14254 • Recent observations of the rings of Saturn and their bearing upon some of the phenomena of the dis- appearance of the rings in 1907. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (021- 624). [6560]. 14255 On the erroneous results of a stereoscopic combination of photo- graphs of a comet. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (624-627). [6600]. 14256 Barnard, R. J. A. Note on the Algol system. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (406-407). [7600]. 14257 Bamett, W. Notes on total eclipse of moon at Rosario, Argentine Republic. Loudon J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (384- 385). [4860]. 14258 Barr, J. Miller. The study of variable stars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (217-226 with tabs.). [7600]. 14259 Barrell, Joseph. Fair play and tolera- tion in criticism. [Refer to Lowell's " Mars as the abode of life."] Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 30 1909 (21- 23). [5800 1000]. 14260 Bartlett, N. S. Description of a field method for the determination of latitude with a theodolite. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (197-202). [0150]. 14261 Barton, Samuel G. Observations of minor planets, made with the 18-inch equatorial of tho Flower observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (15-16). [5910]. 14262 Secular perturbations arising from the action of Saturn upon Mars. An application of the method of Arndt. [Thesis Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania.] Philadelphia 1900 (23). 23.5 cm. [1300]. 14263 Barus, Carl. The progress of physics in the nineteenth century. ( 'ongr. Arts and Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (29-65). [0010]. 14264 Barzizza, Bottino G. Semplici for- mole e considerazioui soj^ra il nascere. e il tramontare del sole per le montagne. Riv. astr. Torino 2 1908 (xii 282-288). [0150]. 14265 Semplici considerazioui o formole sul nascere del sole ])er le mon- tagne. Riv. astr. sc. afhni Torino 3 1909 (264-207, 353-360). [0210]. 14266 Articoli Calendario 1909 orizzonte Milano con Appendice. Milano (Ripalta) 1908 (1-45). 22 cm. [0020]. 14268 Battermann, H[ans]. Mitteilung tiber eine neue Bestimmung des Mondorts aus Sternbedeckungen. Leipzig Viertelj- Schr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (377-385). [4870 1400 0350]. 14269 Berichtigungen zu dem in Wien gehaltenen Vortrage ,, Mitteilung iiber eine neue Bestimmung des Mond- orts aus Sternbedeckungen" (Viertelj- Schr. 43 377). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (59-60). [4870 1400]. 14270 Baume Pluvinel, A. de la. Jules Cesar Janssen. Astroph. J. Chicago III. 28 1908 (89-99 with portr.). [0010]. ^ 14271 Sur une hmette zenithale photographique. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (147-150). [2070]. 14272 et Baldet, F. Sur le spectre de la cometel908 c (Morehouse). Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (532-534) ; Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (666-609). [0920]. 14273 Sur le spectre de la comete 1908 c (Morehouse). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (759-762). [6920]. 14274 56 BauscMnger, J[uliu8]. Xeue Bahnen von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. 179 1909 (93-96). [5900]. 14275 Xumerierung von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (95-96). [5900]. 14276 Genaherte Oppositions- Ephemerideu von 29 kleinen Planeten fiir 1909 Jan. bis Juli 1909. Unter llitvrirkung mehrerer Astronomen, ins- besondere von A. Berberich und P. V. Neugebauer hrsg. Berlin Veroff. astr. Recheninst. No. 36 1909 (12). [5900]. 14277 • V. Oertel, K. Baxandall, F. E. v. Lockyer, Xoiman. Beattie, E. H. Occultation of Venus. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 flol- 152;. [4870 5770]. 14278 B[ecker, Ernst]. Ueber die Schrau- benfehler der Ijeiden Mikrometer des grossen Refraktors. Strassburg Ann. Sternw. 3 1909 ([9]-[ll]j. [3220]. 14279 Becker, George Ferdinand. Present problems of geophysics, Congr. Ai-ts and Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (508-522). [5000]. 14280 Age of a cooling globe in ■which the initial temperature increases directly as the distance from the surface. Science New York N.Y. (X. Ser.j 27 1908 (227-233 392). [5000]. 14281 Beliawsky, S. Mesures de quelques irregularites au bord de la Lune. Bui. astr. Paris 25 1908 (449-458). [4820]. 14282 Apex- und Vertexbestim- mung aus den Porterschen Stemen (Cine. Publ. 12). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (293-300). [7060 1840 3320]. 14283 Bell, Julia. Note on 'Mr. W. S. Franks' analysis of the colours and magnitudes of 3630 stars. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (420-421). [7120 7080]. 14284 Bellia, Concetto. Risultati delle misure pireliometriche eseguite sul- I'Etna a 1885m e a 29.50m d'altezza. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (200-207). [4200]. 14285 Sopra il calcolo della co- stante solare. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 38 1909 (94-106j. [4200]. 14286 Belot, E. Au sujet de la distribution des aphelies des petites planetes. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (1460-1463 av. fig.). [5900]. 14287 Bemporad, A[zeglio]. Ueljer die Veranderung der Luftdurchsichtigkeit mit der Hohe und an der Erdoberflache. Arch. Opt. Leipzig 1 1908 (3ij5-316). [5400]. 14288 Sulla diminiizione del co- efficiente d'assorbimento dell'aria col- I'altezza. Catania Boll. Ace. Gioenia 2 1908 (3-8). [5400]. 14289 La trasparenza dell'aria fra Catania e I'Etna coufrontata con quella d'altre regioni. Catania Boll. Ace. Gioenia 2 1908 (37-44;. [5400]. 14290 Osservazioni fotometriche eseguite neH'Osservatorio di Catania nel triennio 1904^06. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (12-17 90-98) ; nel 1907. op. eit. 38 1909 (21- 30;; nel 1908. t.e. (114-121 147-154 164-171;. [7600]. 14291 La curva diurna della radiazione in relazione alia cosi detta ■' Costante solare." A proposito della Memoria del Prof. J. Scheiner : Unter- suchungen iiber die Solarconstante und die Temperatur der Sonnenphotosphare. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (159-170). [4200]. 14292 L'assorbimento selettivo della radiazione solare neH'atmosfera terrestre e la sua variazione coU'altezza. Roma Mem. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5; 7 1908 (1-111;. [5400]. 14293 Sulla curva diurna della radiazione solare. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (305-306). [4200]. 14294 ■ Osserv-azioni fotometriche eseguite nel R. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania nel 1907 da A. Bemporad e A. Cavasino, elaborate e discusse da A. Bemporad. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 38 1909 (9-16). [7600]. 14295 Osservazioni fotometriche della cometa 1908 c Morehouse. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (47- 51;. [6600]. 14296 II comparators di lastre in uso neir Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (56-61). [2140]. 14297 57 Bemporad, A[zoglio]. SuU' assorbi- meiito suljito diilla radiaziouo aolare negli strati (leU'atmosfera a varie altezze sul- rEtiiii. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909(76-88). [5100]. 14^98 Moti propri e rettifiche risultanti dal confronto del catalogo astrot'otogralico di Cataiiia con altri cataloglii. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 38 1909 (202-208). [7000]. 1-4299 Sopra alcune opportune aggiunte alia carta fotogralica del cielo. Uiv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (393-400 441-450). [7005]. 14300 Invito all'osservazione delle variabili. Riv. astr. sc. alBni Torino 3 1909 (491-501). [7C00]. 14301 Tiie measurement of solar radiation. (Review) Nature London 82 1910 (78). [4200]. 14302 e Cavasino, A. Misure fotometriche del uucleo della cometa Daniel. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (7G-81). [G600]. 14303 Bemporad, Giidio. Sulla curva rap- presentativa dell' intensita della radia- zione solare. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 38 1909 (189). [4200]. 14304 BerbericH, A[dolfl. Notiz betr. (G53) [1907 BK]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (243-244). [5900]. 14305 Die Himmelspliotograpliie in den letzten 25 Jaliren. Natw. Rdsch. Braunschweig 25 1910 (1-3 17-20). [7005 2130]. 14306 Bergstrand, 0[esten'J. Sur I'emploi d'ecrans colores et de plaques ortho- cliromatiques pour I'observation photo- grajjliique des etoiles fixes. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (1463-1466). [2130 7005 7020J. 14307 Sur la determination pboto- grapbique des couleurs des etoiles. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1079- 1081). [7120]. 14308 Bemerkungen zu den Bohlinschen Parallaxenbestimmungen, A. N. 4240. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (367-368). [7070]. 14309 Bernard v. Deslandres, H. Bianchi, Emilio. Stelle occultabili durante I'eclisse totale di lima del 3 giugno 1909. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 37 1908 (186-193). [0350]. 11310 Bianchi, Emilio. Orbitaellitticadi(521) Brixiu in base alia prime 4 opposizioni. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5) 17 1908 Imo. sem. (514-519). [1160]. 14311 (426) Hippo. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nadir. Kiel 179 1909 (307-308). [5910]. 14312 (523) Ada. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (47-48). [5910]. 14313 Pianeta 1908 EP. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (47-48). [5900]. 14314 f52G) Jena. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (59-60). [5910]. 14315 1908 E P. [Korr. d.' Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (59-60). [5910]. 14316 • (521)Brixia. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (61-62). [5900]. 14317 • (521) Brixia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (149-150). [5910]. 14318 (441) Bathilde. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (247-248). [5910]. 14319 (563) Suleika. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (327-328). [5910]. 14320 Alcune notizie sul termine di Kimura nella variazione delle lati- tudini. Roma Rend. Aec. Lincei (Ser. 5) 18 1909 1 ma Sem. (106-110). [5100]. 14321 (546) Herodias. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (307-308). [5910]. 14322 Komet 1906 VI (1906 h) (Metcalf). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (311-312). [6600]. 14323 V. Millosevich, Elia. Bidschof, Fr[iedrich]. Ueber das k. k. maritime Observatorium in Triest uad liber die daselbst ausgef iihrten Arbeiten. Leipzig VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (320-323). [2010]. 14324 Der Planet Mars. Naturu. Kultur Miinchen 7 1909-10 (97-102 177-182 213-216). [5800]. 14325 58 Biehl, A. Photographiscte Himmels- karte. Zone + 31° bis + 40" Dekli- nation, Katalog-Erganzungen und Be- richtigungen zu den Banden I-IV. Potsdam Publ. astrophysik. Obs. 1908 (1-34). [7040]. 14326 Biesbroeck, G. Tan. Letude des etoiles variables. Annuaire pour I'an 1907 publie par Societe beige d'as- tronomie (144-164). [7600]. 14327 ■ Le prochain passage de Mercure sur le soleil. Bruselles Bui. See. astron. 12 1907 (302-304). [5670]. 14327a Xotiz betr. BD + 56' 2292. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 f223 - 224). [7050J. 14327b Beobachtungen des Kome- ten 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (125-126). [6600]. 14328 Bigelow, Harriet W. Observations of comets, made with the 11-inch equatorial at Smith College Observatory, Xorth- ampton, Mass. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (183-184). [6600]. 14329 Bigourdan, G[ui]laume]. Les passages de Mercure devant le soleil. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (469-480). [oG'O]. 14330 Sur la mesure de la meri- dienne de France, a la fin du XVIII- siecle, pour la determination du metre. Bui. astr. Paris 25 1908 (479-480) [5050]. 14331 ■ • Catalogue de parallaxes stellaires. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (291-304). [7070]. 14332 ^ Bilt, J. van der. The variable star U Geminorum. Utrecht Rech. astr. Obs. 3 1908 (1-115 with 29 pi.). [7600]. 14333 Beobachtungen von Stern- bedeckungen durch den Mond. Astr Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (97-98). [4870]. 14334 Xotiz liber 21. 1909 An- dromedae (BD + 32° 4756). Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (123-124). [7600]. 14334a ■ V. Xyland, A. A. Birkenstock, C. Beobachtung einiger Feuerkugeln in Antwerpen. Astr. Xachr Kiel 178 1908 (223-224^. [6650]. 14335 Biske, Felix. Die Temperatur der Sonne. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (241-262 mit 1 Taf.). [4200 5400]. 14336 Blackwelder, Eliot. Mars as the abode of life. Science Xew York X.Y. (X. Ser.) 29 1909 (659-661). [5800]. 14337 Blanc, Paul. Les montagnes rayon- nantes de la Lune. Une explication du R. P. de Eheita. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (67-68). [4830]. 14338 Les idees du E. P. de Eheita sur Saturne. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (270-273). [6100]. 14339 Blenck, E. v. Lehmann, Paul. Block, Henrik. Sur les chocs dans le probleme des trois corps. Ark. Matem. Stockhohn 5 X. 9 1908 (32). [1200]. 14340 Blum, Richard. Zur Mondbewegung. KorrBl. Schulen Wiirttemberg Stuttgart 14 1907 (227-229). [4830]. 14341 V. Klein. Boccardi, Giovanni. Passaggio di Mercuric sul Sole il 14 novembre 1907. Osservazioni eseguite nel R. Osserva- torio di Torino. Annuario Astr. Torino 1908 (2-3j. [5670]. 14342 Ascension! rette di alcune stelle fondamentali del Catalogo di Xew- comb. Annuario Astr. Torino 1908 (75- 91j. :7030]. 14.343 In aequationem quam decimalem vocant animadversiones. Eiv. fis. mat. Sc. nat. Pavia 9 1908 (548-564). [3200]. 14344 Xotice regardant le terme z dans la variation de la latitude. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (243-244). [5100]. 14345 Osservazioni di asoensioni rette. Turin 1908. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (190-192J. [7030]. 14346 Eiunione del comitate inter- nazionale della carta del cielo in Parigi. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (208- 2101. [7005]. 14347 Sur un projet de cataloga- tion intensive. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (216-219). [7040]. 14348 Osservazioni di ascensioni rette eseguite nel R. Ossen-atorio di Torino negli anni 1904-06. Torino (Arti- gianelli) 1908 (1-120 con 2 Tav.). 21 cm. [7030]. 14349 r.9 Boccardi, Oiovanni. Ricerche su i catald.rrlii di stelle. Torino (Artigianelli) I'JOU (1-90). cm. 31. [7050]. 14350 Bttrgen, C. Ableituug dor Ausdriicke fiir die bei Kreuzung zweier Gezeiten- wellen auftretenden Erscheimingen. (Eine Ergiinzung zu einem Aufsatz iiber die Gezeiteu im englischen Kanal in Ann. Ilydrogr. usw. 1898.) Ann. Hvdrogr. Berlin 36 1908 (410-418 450- 461). [1750J. 14351 Borsch, A. Bericht iiber Lotab- ■weicliiingen (1906). Verli. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1900) II 1908 (133-101). [5100]. 14352 Bohlin, Karl. Nova Q Cygni. Astr. Nadir. Kiel 179 1909 (225-228). [7000]. 14353 Bolton, Scriven. Jupiter's south tropical dark area. Nature London 81 1909 (487). [0040]. 14354 The great new comet. Knowledge & Sci. News London 7 (N. Ser.) 1910 (00 with pi.). [6000]. 14355 Note on the general aspect of the principal markings on the planet Jupiter during the apparition of 1907-8. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. See. 70 1910 (233-237). [0040]. 14350 Movement of the red sjoot hollow on Jupiter. Nature Lon- don 82 1910 (128). [6040]. 14357 Boltz, Hans. Ueber die Kontaktbeob- achtungen der Sonnenfinsternis 1905, August 29—30. Berlin (R. Trenkel) 1909 (38). 8vo. 2 M. [4230]. 14358 Bonacini, Carlo. L'Osservatorio di Modenanel biennio 1900-1907. Modena (Societa tipografica) 1909 (1-35). cm. 31. [2010]. 14359 Bonsdorff, Ilmari. Determination relative de la pesanteur a Helsingfors. Helsingfors Femiia 27 No. 2 1907-1909 (1-36). [5100]. 14360 • Determination des attrac- tions locales sur les points astronomi- ques du reseau msse au Spitzberg. Helsingfors 1905 (57 av. 2 pi.). 31 cm. [5100]. 14361 Bor, Jan. 0 mereni rasu. [Ueber Zeitrechnung.] III. Vyrocni zprava c.k. statni A'ySSi realky v Lounech. [JahrBer. d. k.k. Staats-Oberrealschule in Laun.] Laun [Bohmen] 13 (1908- 1909) 1909 (5-11). [9300]. 14362 Borcbardt, H. Zur Theoric dcr Him- melshelligkeit. Kiel Schr. natw. Ver. 14 1909(386-396). [5400]. 14303 •• Borrass, E[mil]. Bericht iiber die relativen Messungen der Schwerkraft mit Pendelapparaten fiir den Zeitraum von 1903 Ijis 1906. Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) II 1908 (162-241).- [5100]. 14364 Borrelly. Observations de planetes faites a I'observatoire de Marseille- (equatorial d'Eichens de Om. 20 d'ouver- turc). Bui. Astr. Paris 25 1908 (461- 463). [5910]. 14365' Observations de la comete 1908 c. Bui. astr. Baris 25 1908 (465- 466). [0600]. 14366 • Bosler, J. Sur I'ordre de grandeur du chamj) magnetique solaire. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (271-276). [42001. 14367 — V. Deslandres, H. Boss, Lewis. Fundamental concep- tions and methods in astronomical science. Congr. Arts and Sci. Univ. . St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (360-373). [0040]. 14368- Convergent of a moving cluster in Taurus. Astr. J. Boston' Mass. 26 1908 (31-36 with text %). [7700]. 14369' Bosscha, J[ohannes]. La decouverte en Australie de I'exemplaire des " Prin- cipia " qui a servi a Newton meme. Haarlem Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. HoUi (Ser. 2) 14 [1909] (278-288). [0010]. 14370' Bottino-Barzizza v. Barzizza. Bouquet de la Grye. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la telegraphie- sans fil de I'Academie des Sciences. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (819- 821). [5100]. 14371 Bourgeois. Les travaux de la mission geodesique fran^aise d'Equateur. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (249- 259). [5050]. 14372' Rapport sur les mesures debases. Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1900) II 1908 (88-92). [5050]. 14373 Bourget, H. Sur I'eclipse totale de- Lune du 3 juin 1909 observee a Mar- seille par MM. Borrelly et Coggia. Paris- C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1499-1500 [4860]. 1437 60 Brehm, Erich. Partikulare Integrale des Problems der n-Korper. Diss. Ber- lin. Gottingen (Druck v. Dieterich) 1908 (5Gj. 21 cm. [1200]. 14375 Brendel, M. Das Nordlicht vom 30. Juni. Physik. Zs. Leipzig 9 1908 (675-678). [5400]. 14376 Der Halleysche Komet- Umschau Frankfurt a. M. 14 1910 (01- 64). [6600]. 14377 Brester, A[lbert], jun. De solar vortices van Hale. [The solar vortices of Hale.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 17 1909 (700-707) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 11 1909 (592-599) (English). [4070 4110 5400]. 14378 Brezina, Aristides. Der Meteorstein- fall 7A\ ^lern. Kjobenhavn Vid. Selsk. Skr. (Ser. 7 section of science) 6 1909 (111-126 with 3 pis.). [6650]. 14379 Brill, jUfred. Ueber die Elastizitat der Erde. Diss. Gottingen (Druck v. Dieterich) 1908 (III + 68). [1610 5400]. 24 cm. 14380 Brown, A. N. The long period variable R T Cygni (Ch. 7085) in 1908 and 1909. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (585-588) ; 70 1910 (229-232 with pis.). [7600]. 14381 Brown, Ernest W[illiam]. On an error in the new lunar theory. London ilon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (3). [1400]. 14382 On an addition to the theoretical secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (143-148). [1400]. 14.383 On the plans for new tables of the moon's motion. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (148-175). [1400]. 14384 Brown, H. The aurora australis of September 26. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (97-98). [5400]. 14385 V. MacDormell, W. J. Brown, Jacob B. The sun's distance from the earth, obtained from the transits of Venus. Media Pa. Proc. Delaware Co. Inst. Sci. 2 1906 (1-15 with text fig.). [4050 0350 5770]. 14386 The star vault and the moving observer. Media Pa. Proc. Dela- ware Co. Inst. Sci. 3 1907 (1-12). [0040]. 14387 Browning, J. How to work with the spectroscope. London (Browning) 1909. Is. 6d. with chart 9d. without. [2200]. 14388 Bruni, G. Meteora dell' 11 agosto. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (172). [6650]. 14389 Bruns, Heinrich. Die Universitats- Sternwarte. \_ln: Festschrift zur Feier des 500 jahr. Bestehens der Universitat Leipzig. Bd 4, Tl 2.] Leipzig (S. Hirzel) 1909 (8-23). [2010]. 14390 Bryk, Otto. Entwicklungsgeschichte der reinen und angewandten Naturwis- senschaft im XIX. Jahrhundert. Bd 1 : Die Naturphilosophie und ihre Ueber- windung durch die erfahrungsgemasse Denkweise (1800-1850). Leipzig (J. A. Earth) 1909 (XL + 654). 22 cm. 15. [0010]. 14391 Buchanan, Roberdeau. The art of computing. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (287-296). [3030]. 14392 The constants for the equator. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (346-349). [4780]. 14393 Bucht, Gosta. Komet 1886 IV (Brooks I). Definitive Bahnbestimmung. Ark. Matem. Stockholm 5 No. 6 1908 (45). [6600J. 14394 Buisson, H. v. Fabry, Ch. Bnrbank, J. E. Atmospheric elec- tricity observations at Battle Harbor, Labrador, during the solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Terr. Mag. Washing- ton D.C. 12 1907 (97-104 with diagr.). [4350]. 14395 Bumham, S[herburne] W[esley]. The double stars discovered at the Dearborn Observatory^ by Professor George W. Hough. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (624-626). [7500]. 14396 Double star measures. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 130 1909 (65-102). [7510]. ■ 14397 Bums, Gavin J. The physical nature of comets. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909(208-210). [6600]. 14398 Lord Kelvin on the extent of the universe. London, J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (246-247). [1830]. 14399 The connection between comets and meteorites. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (395). [6700]. 14400 61 Bums, Gavin J. The number of the stars. Observatory London 32 190'J (323-325). [7UU0]. 14401 Encke's comet. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 I'JIO (154-188). [660l»]. " 14402 Bums, Keivin. Orbit of the spectro- scopic binary K Andromedae. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Tub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 105 [1906] (87-89, with text fig.). [8G00 7530J. 14403 Spectrographic observa- tions of Venus for solar parallax. Pop. Astr. Xorthfield Minn. 15 1907 (556- 558). [4050 6820]. 14104 Burton, C. V. The apparent disj^er- sion of light in space, and the minute- ness of structure of the aether. Phil. Mag. London (Ser. 6) 18 1909 (872-877). [1830]. 14405 Note on a gravitational problem. Phil. Mag. London (Ser. 6) 19 1910 (91-95). [1050]. 14406 Buss, [George Frederic] Albert Al- fred. Interaction of sun-spots. Ca- tania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (134-137). [4070]. 14407 ■ Radial movement in sun- spots. Observatory London 32 1909 (213-215 359-361). [4610]. 14408 Solar research. Observa- tory London 32 1909 (325-326). [4600]. 14409 The magnetic storm of September 25, 1909. Observatory Lon- don 32 1909 (394-395). [4110]. 14410 Buszczynski, B. Eine der neuesten Forschungen iilaer Coppernicus. Thorn Mitt. CoppernVer. H. 16 1908 (8-18). [0010]. 14411 Butler, C. P. v. Lockyer, Norman. Buttlar, von. Beobachtungen des AuBsehens des Kometen 1908c (More- house). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180' 1909 (115-118). [6600]. 14412 Byrd, Mary E[mma]. Observations of comets made with the 11-inch equa- torial at the Smith College Observatory, Northampton, Mass. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 24 1905 (188). [6600]. 14413 Cajori, Florian. The history of the conservation of energy ; the age of the earth and sun. Pop. Sci. Mon. New York N.Y. 73 1908 (97-111). [1000]. 44114 Campbell, Frederic. The auroral arch of August 1903. Pop. Astr. North- field Minn. 15 1907 (448-449). [5400]. 14415 Campbell, Leon. Observations of seventy-five variable stars of long ])eriod during the years 1902- 1905. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 57 1908 (i-iv + 11. + 1-210 with pi. tables). [7600]. 14416 Comparison stars for 252 variables of long period. Cambridge- Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 57 1908 (211 288 with tal)b.). [7600]. 14417 Campbell, Norman. The aether. Phil. Mag. London (Ser. 6) 19 1910 (181-191). [1830]. 14418 Campbell, W[illiam] W[allace]. Note- on the D. 0. Mills expedition to the southern hemisphere. Astroph. J. ' Chicago 111. 23 1906 (269-270). [2010]. 14419 Changes in the first cata- logue of spectroscopic binaries. Ber- keley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick. Obs. Bull. No. 107 [1906] (98). [8600]. 14420 The radial velocity of Polaris. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 107 [1906] (98). [8550]. 14421 The problems of astro- physics. Congr. Arts Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (446-469). [3290 1000]. 14422 Station coordinates and contact-times for the eclipse of August 30, 1905. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 115 [1907] (118-120 with tab.). [4230]. 14423 The solar corona. [Lec- ture delivered before the Astronomical Society of the Pacific on January 28, 1907.] San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 19 1907 (71-80). [4660 4240]. 14424 The spectrum of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (229-236 with pi. tab.) ; Berke- ley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 135 [1908] (31-35 with pi. tab.). [6600 6920]. 14425- The Crocker eclipse ex- pedition of 1908. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astn Lick Obs. Buil. No. 131 [1908] (1-5). [4210]. 14426; 62 Campbell, W[illiam] W[allace]. Coro- nal photographs with the Floj-d camera .[during 1908 eclipse! Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 131 , [1908] (7-8). [4240]. 14427 The spectrum of the sun's edge with the moving-plate spectro- graph. [Eclipse of 1908.] Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 131 [1908] (10). [4650]. 14428 Eleven stars having variable radial velocities. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 146 [1908] (61-03). [8550]. 14429 Comparative power of the .■36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory. Pop. Astr. Xorthfield Minn. 16 1908 (560-562). [2040]. 14430 The Crocker eclipse ex- pedition of 1908 from the Lick Observa- tory, University of California [to Flint Island! San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (63-86 with pi.). ! [4210]. 14431 A remarkable star-stream in Taurus. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (277-280 with pi.). [7070]. 14432 The closing of a famous astronomical problem. [Discovery of Xeptune, Mercuiy's orbit and intra- Mercurial planets.] Pop. Sci. Mon. Xew York X.Y. 74 1909 (494-503). [1250]. 144.33 Water vapor in the atmo- sphere of the planet Mars. [Statement prepared for the Associated Press.] Science Xew York X.Y. (X. Ser.) 30 1909 (474-475). [5850]. 14434 and Albreclit, Sebastian. Coronal photographs with the forty-foot camera [during 1908 eclipse! Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 131 [1908] (8-9). [4240]. 14435 The coronal spectrum. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 131 [1908] (13-14). [4660 4240]. ' 14436 A disturbed region in the corona of JanuarvS, 1908. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 136 [1908] (36-37). [4240]. 14437 The spectrum of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 145 ,,[1908] (58-59). [6600 6920]. 14438 Campbell, W[iUiam] W[allace] and Al- brecbt, Seljastian. The coronal spectrum as oljserved at the Flint island eclipse. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (168-172). [4660]. 14439 X'ote on the spectrum of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 147 [1909] (64-65). [6600 6920]. 14440 '■ — and Moore, J[oseph] H[aines]. A list of four stars whose radial velocities are variable. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 98 [1906] (68). [8550]. 14441 • A list of eight stars whose radial velocities are variable. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 107 [1906] (96-97). [8550]. 14442 — — A list of six stars whose radial velocities varv. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 123 [1907] (161-162). [8550]. 14443 Two stars whose radial velocities are variable. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. BuU. Xo. 123 [1907] (162). [8550]. 14444 and Pe3Tine, C[harles] D[illon]. The results of an effort to determine motion within the solar corona. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 115 [1907] (121). [4240]. 14445 Xote on a disturbed region in the corona of August 30, 1905. Ber- keley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 115 [1907] (122). [4240]. 14446 Canin, 0. Tafel der Logirithmen des Semiversus. Berlin (R. v. Decker) 1909 (14). 27 cm. 0,90 M. [0030j. 14447 Cannon, Annie J. Second catalogue (if variable stars. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 55 1907 (31. + 1-94 with tabs.). [7600]. 14448 Cape of Good Hope Royal Observatory. Observations of major planets made with the heliometer at the Royal Ob- servatory, Cape of Good Hope, during the years 1897 to 1904. Cape Annals Vol. 8 Part 1. Separate. Edinburgh (Neill & Co.) 1909 (xii + 87A).- 32 cm. 3s. [.5810 6010 6110 6210 6310]. 14449 A spectrographic deter- mination of the constant of aberration 63 and of the solar j^arallax made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope Cape Annals \'ol. 10 Part 3. Separate. Edinburgh (Neill & Co.) 1901) (92c). 32 cm. 2s. 6d. [40o0 3310]. 14450 Carrigan, W. T. A method of finding a2)])roxiniately the geocentric coordinates of an unknown planet. Astr. Nachr.. Kiel 180 1209 (329-334). [1250]. 14451 Caspari, C. Ed. Le.s progres de I'Astronomie [en 1908]. Paris Bui. 80C. astr. France 21 1907 (20G-215). [0040]. 14452 Catania, Osservatorio astro-fisico. Immagini spettroscopiclie del bordo solare osservate a Catania, Kalocsa, Odessa, Roma e Zitrigo nei mesi di luglio e agosto 1905. Catania Mem. Soc. epettroscop. ital. 37' 1908 (1 Tav.) ; da ag : a die : 1905. Op. cit. 37^ (1 Tav.). [4030]. 14453 Immagini spettroscopiclie del bordo solare osservate a Roma da Tacchini e Jklillosevich nei mesi di giu- gno e luglio 1881. Catania Alem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37' 1908 (1 Tav.) ; nei mesi di luglio, agosto e settembre 1881. Op. cit. ZV (1 Tav.); nei nov. e die. 1881 — nei genu, e febb. 1882. Op. c'lt. 37^(2 Tav) ; dal 5 febb. 1882 al 15 nov. 1882. Op. cit. ZT (1 Tav.); dal 27 settembre al 31 dicembre 1883. Op. cit. 38 1909 (con 1 tav.). [4G30]. 144.54 Immagini spettroscopiclie del bordo solare osservate a Roma da Tacchini e Chistoni dal 18-11-1882 al 17-3-1883. Catania Mem. Soc. Sj^ettro- scop. ital. 37' 1908 (1 Tav.) ; dal 18-3- 1883 al 28-6-1883. Op. cit. ZV (1 Tav.). [4630]. 14455 Immagini spettrosoj^iche ■del bordo solare osservate a Catania, Kalocsa, Madrid, Roma ( C.R.) Zo-Se ( Cina ) e Zurigo da 1-1-190G a 19-2-1900. Catania Mem. Soc. spettrosco23. ital. 37^ 1908 (1 Tav.). [4030]. 14456 Immagini spettroscopiche del bordo solare osservate a Catania, Kalocsa, Madrid, Odessa, Roma, Z6-Se e Zurigo dal 20 febbraio alia fine del 1906. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (con 6 tav.) ; dal 1 gennaio alia fine del 1907. t.e. (con 8 tav.) ; dal 2 gennaio al 14 luglio 1908. t.c. (con 4 tav.). [4030]. 14457 Catania, Osservatorio astro-fisico. Immagini spettroscopiche del bordo solare osservate a Roma da Tacchini, Millosevich e Chistoni dal 29-giu. al 2C sett. 1883. Catania Mem. Soc. spettro- scop. ital. 37''^ 1908 (1 Tav.). [4630]. 144.58 - — Annotazioni alle osser- vaizioni delle })rotuljeranze fatte nei jjeriodo dal 3 marzo al 31 luglio 1881 che si pubblicano nelle Tavole con nume- razione arabica. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (35-30). [4030]. 14459 ■ Annotazioni alle osser- vazioni delle protuljeranze pubblicate in Tavole da ag. 1881 a nov. 1881. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 19U8 (105-106). [4630]. 14460 Annotazioni alle osser- vazioni delle protuljeranze fatte nei' periodo dal 20-11-1881 al 23-3-1882 a Roma. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (142). [4630]. 14401 Cavasino, A. v. Bemporad, A. Celoria, Giovanni. Differenza delle lougitudini fra Milano e Crea ; osser- vazioni di G. Celoria e M. Raina,calcoli di li. Gabba. Milano Puljbl. Oss. Brera 45 1909 (Ulrico Hoepli) (1-60). cm. 33. [5100]. 14462 Ceraski, W[itold]. Deux variables nouvelles. [139. 1908 Lyrae ; 140. 1908 Sagittarii]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (47-48). [7600]. 14463 Une variable nouvelle 141. 1908 Draconis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (83-84). [7000]. 14464 Deux variables nouvelles. [174. 1908 Herculis: 175. 1908 Cvgni]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (291-292). [7600]. 14465 Une variable nouvelle 2. 1909 Andromedae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (119-120). [7600]. 14466 Une variable nouvelle 3. 1909 Cephei. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (167-168). [7600]. 14467 Une variable nouvelle 4. 1909 Cephei. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (215-216). [7600]. 14468 — Note sur im astre qui est probablement une etoile variable (44. 1909 Ursae majoris). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (109-112). [7600]. 14469 64 Ceraski, W[itold].. Une variable nouvelle 46. 1909 Pegasi. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(207-208). [7600]. 14470 Une variable nouvelle 5. 1910 Pegasi. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (307-308). [7600]. 14471 Cerulli, Vincenzo. Articoli su Marts di Newnomb e Flammarion — la foto- grafia dei canali — risoluzione del Gauge. Polemica Xewcomb — Lowell — fotografie lunari. Riv. astr. Torino 2 1908 (6-23). [5840]. 14472 Beobachtungen des Kome- ten 1908 c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (271-272). [6600]. 14473 La grandezza della co- meta di Halley. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909(17.5-177). [6600]. 14474 Gli strumenti di precisione in astronomia e in geofisica. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (241-254). [3080]. 14475 Chalon, Jean. La terre, astre du ciel. Gand (Societe cooperative Volksdruk- kerij) 1907 (108 av. figg.) 8vo. fr. 1.50. [0030]. 14476 Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder. The methods of the earth-sciences. Congr. Arts Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (477-487j. [0040]. 14477 and Moulton F[orest] R[ay]. The development of the plane- tesimal hypothesis. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 30 1909 (642-645). [1000]. 14478 et alii. The tidal and other problems. Washington Carnegie Inst. 1909 (iv + 264) ; (review) Nature London 81 1909 (102-103). [1790]. 14479 Chambers, G[eorgej F[rederick]. The storj' of the comets. Oxford (Clarendon) 1909 (xiii + 256j ; [review] Observatory London 32 1909 (432-435). 23 cm. 6s. [6600], 14480 The story of eclipses. London (Hodder & Stoughton) (256). Is. net. [4210 4860]. 14481 Champreux, A. J. r. Crawford, R[ussell] T[racy]. CharUer, C[arl] V[ilhelm] L[udvig]. Die Rotation der Planeten Merkur und Venus. Ark. Matem. Stockholm 4 No. 23 1908 (19). [5640 5740]. 14482 Charlier, C[arl] V[ilhelm] L[udvig]. Wie eine unendliche Welt aufgebaut sein kann. Ark. Matem. Stockholm 3 No. 24 1908 (15). [0000 1000]. 14483 Das planetarische Rota- tionsproblem. Ark. Matem. Stockholm 4 No. 27 1908 (14). [1250]. 14484 Ueber Stabilitat und Un- stabilitat im Rotationsproblem. Leip- zig VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (290-295). [1250 1-520 1460]. 14485 Charlois. Observations de la planete 1908 BM. Bui. astr. Paris 25 1908 (215). [5910]. 14486 Observations de planetes faites a I'observatoire deNice (equatorial Gautier de 0". 38 d'ouverture). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (131-133 209-210). [5910]. 14487 (485) Genua. [Korr. d. Ephem.1 Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (175-176). [5910]. 14488 (477) Italia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (175-176). [5910]. 14489 (490) Veritas. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (263-264). [5910]. 14490 Chase, F[rederick] L[incoln]. The parallax of 61 Cygni. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (141-142). [7070]. 14491 Smith, Mason F. and EUdn, William L[ewis]. Parallax in- vestigations on 163 stars mainly of large proper motion. (Researches with the heliometer.) New Haven Conn. Trans. Astron. Obs. Yale Univ. 2 1906 (1-207 with tabs.). [7070]. 14492 Chester, Colby M[itchell]. Pre- liminary results of the United States naval observ^atory eclipse expedition in 1905 [in Spain]. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (128-143 with pi.). [4210]. 14493 The American eclipse ex- pedition. [An address to the National geographic society, March 30, 1906.] Nation. Geog. Mag. Washington D.C. 17 1906 (589-612 with col. pi. illustr. text fig.). [4210]. 14494 65 Chevalier, S. Lettera circa le protu- ber;ui/r ticl 3 -^eiuiajo 191)8. Catania Mem. iSoc!. spettroicop. ital. 37 I'JOS (180j. [4G3UJ. HlQy Contribution to the study of till' pliotospiuTe. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 I'.tDS (12-24 with pL). [4070]. 1449.0 Protulierances observees les 30 et 31 juillet 1908 au bord est du soleil. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (17-20 con tav.). [4n00]. 14497 Minima de la variable T Andromede avec une etude sur les grandeurs photopraphlques des etoiles voisines. Roma Mem. Ace. Nuovi Lincei 27 1909 (205-273). [7000J. 14498 Cliofardet, P. liphemeride de la piauete (471) Papagena. Bui. astr. Paris 25 1908(404-405). [5900]. 14499 Observations de ])lanetes et de cometes faites a I'observatoire de Besangon (equatorial coude). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (42-44 234-237). [5910 6600]. 14499a Observations de planete (532) Herculina. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (238-239). [5910]. 14500 £phemeride de la planete (51 1) Davida. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (288-289). [5900J. 14501 Chree, C[harles]. The solar eclipse of August 30, 1905, and magnetic phenomena. Terr. Mag. Washington J).C. 13 1908 (73-70 with text fig.). [4350]. 14502 Chritien, Henri. Distances movennes dans le svsteme solaire. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (440-419). [4000]. 14503 Christie, [William Henry Mahoney]. Neuer Planet 1908 EZ. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (339-340). [5910]. 14504 Neuer Planet 1909 F N. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (47-48). [5910]. 14505 VITI. Jupitersmond. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (47-48). [0550]. 14506 Jupiter's seventh and eighth satellites. Astr. Nach. Kiel 180 1909 (03-64). [0550]. 14507 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich read at (E-468) the .\nnual Visitation of the Royal Observatory, 1908 June 3. Greenwich Obsns. 1907 1909(1-30). [2012]. 14508 Christie, [William Henry Mahoney]. Hallcv's comet 1909 c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(47-48). [6600]. 14509 . New planet 1909 JC. Astr. 'Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (79-80). [5910]. 14510 Cirera, R. Premiers resultats obtenus a I'observatoire de I'Fbre. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (297-308). [0020]. 14511 ■ L'eclipse partielle de soleil du 28 juin 1908 observee a I'Ob- servatoire de I'Eljre (Espagne). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1901 (HI). [4230]. 14512 Clark, J. Edmund. Notes on the brilliant meteor of Feb. 22. London J: Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (214-216). [6('50]. 14513 The bolide of 22 February 1909. Its actual path in the air. Lon- don J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (244- 246). [6650]. 14514 Clarke, John. Physical science in the time of Nero, being a translation of the Quaestioues naturales of Seneca with notes by Archibald Geikie. London (Macmillan) 1910 (liv + 368). 24 cm. lOs. [0010]. 14515 Claude et Driencourt. Determination de la longitude de Brest au nioyen de ]' astrolabe a prisme et du telephone. Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) II 1908 (250-260 mit Kart.). [5100]. 14516 Astrolabe a prisme grand modele. Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1900) II 1908 (201-262 mit Kart.). [2030]. 14517 Close, C. F. Report on the measure- ment of an arc of meridian in Uganda. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (628). [5100]. 14518 Closs, Otto. Kepler und Newton und das Problem der Gravitation in der Kantischen, Schellingschen und Hegel- schen Naturphilosophie. Heidelberg (0. Winter) 1908 (IV + 121). 23 cm. 3 M. [0000 1050]. 14519 • Das Problem der Graviia- tion in Schellings und Hegels Jenaer Zeit. Diss. Heidelberg (C. Winter) 1908 (IV + 44). 23 cm. [1050 0010]. 14520 66 Cog'gla, J. Observations de la comete e ]908. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 ('JSG- 287). [6600]. 14521 Comas Sola, Jose. Observation d'une tache blanche sur le III' satellite de Jupiter. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (74-75). [6550]. 14522 Observations de la planete Mars pendant ropposition de 1907. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (126-128). [5840]. 14523 ; Observations des satellites principaux de Jupiter et de Titan. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 179 1909 (289-290 av. 1 pl.j. [6550 6560]. 14523a Obser^'aciones de Marte. Astr Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (219-222). [5840]. 14523b Comstock, George C[ary]. A pro- posed method for the determination of radial velocities of stars. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (148-151). [8500]. 14524 The luminosity of the brightest stars. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (248-254). [7080]. 14525 The luminosity of the fixed stars. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (169-175). [7080]. 14526 Longitude of the Wash- burn Observatory, Madison. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (193-194). [2010 5100]. 14527 Proper motions of faint stars. Madison Cniv. Wis. Pub. Washburn Obs. 12 1908 (1-237 with tabs.); [Review I Observatory London 33 1910(50-54). [7060]. * 14528 Conroy, Charles C. The zodiacal light. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (309-310). [6720]. 14529 Cooke, W. Ernest. Perth observatory meridian work. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (499-500). [2000]. 14530 Corbu, J. Eine neue Erklarung der Streifen und Flecken der Planeten Jupiter und Saturn. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 17 1909 (319-320). [6040 6140]. 14531 Corrigan, Sever inus J. An astrono- mical theory of the molecule and an electronic theory of matter. Solar and tei-restrial physics viewed in the light thereof. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1908 (25-36 98-110 148-159 3C0-312 367-378 411-424 493-503 533-548 619- 633 with pi. tabs.;. [1000]. 14532 Corrigan, Severinus J. Theoretical parallax of the great nebula in Andro- meda. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (256). [7800]. 14533 Present surface tempera- tures of Mars, Venus and ilercurj'. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (258-259). [5860 5760 5660]. 14534 Thomas Davis Simonton. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (466-477 with portr.). [0010]. 14535 Cortie, A[loysius] L[aurence]. On the possible existence of steam in the re- gions of sun-spots. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (379-383 with tabs.). [4070 4610]. 14536 The Stonj'hurst disks for measuring the position of sun-spots. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 18 1908 (426-432 with text fig.). [2100]. 14537 Interim Report of the Solar section. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (278-284 373-375). [4070]. 14538 The sun-spots and asso- ciated magnetic storms of September- October, 1909. London ilon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (19-23). [4110]. 14539 The devil, the Turk and the comet. Observatory London 33 1910 (91-95). [6600]. 14540 V. Daunt, R. A. C. Cottingham, E. T. A description of the Society's Harrison clock with a brief account of tlie maker. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (25-28 with pl.j. [0010 2100]. 14541 Cowell, P[hilip] Il[erbert]. Note on Mr. NeviU's paper on the data employed in Oppolzer's Canon der Finsternisse. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (434). [4210]. 14542 On ancient eclipses. Lon- don Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (617-618). [4210]. 14543 On Hallej''s comet as seen from the earth. Nature London 82 1910 (400-401). [6600]. 14544 and Crommelin, A. CD. Note on the time of perihelion passage of Hallev's comet. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (3-4). [GGOOj. 14545 ■ and D[avidson], C[harles Rundle]. On the orbit of Jupiter's 67 eighth eatcUito. London Mou. Not. U. Astr. «oc. 69 1909 (421-431 with pi.). [6550 J 520]. 14546 Cozza, R. Quelques observations Bur les oiiibres volantes. Paris Bui. son. astr. France 21 1907 (279-281). [5400]. 14547 Craig, J. 1. V. Wade, E. B. H. Crawford, Russell Tracy. Elements and epheuieris of Comet e 1906 (Koptf). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Tub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bidl. No. 99 [1U06] (72). [6600]. 14548 Elliptic elements and ephemerides of Comet /( 1906 (Metcalf). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick ()l)s. Bull. No. 108 [1907J (lOO-lOlJ. [6600]. 14549 Our del)t to astronomy. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 19 1907 (181-189). [0040]. 14550 Elements and ephemeris I 1909 (DanieL. Berkeley Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. [6600.1. 14551 of Comet Univ. Cal No. 159[1909J(119j and Champreux, A. J. Elements and epliemeris of Comet a 1906 (Brooks). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 91 [1906] (2). [6600]. 14552 ■ ■ Elements and ephemeris of Comet b 1906 (KopfEj. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pul). Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 92 [1906] (3). [6600]. 14553 ■ • ■ Elliptic elements and ephemeris of Comet e 190() (Kopft'j. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. B\ai. No. 100 [19061 (73-74). [6600]. ^ 14554 Einarson, Sturla and Clancy, Estelle. Elements and ephe- meris of Comet d 1907 (Uaniel). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 119 [1907 (147). [6600J. 14555 and Glancy, Estelle. Second elements and ephemeris of Comet e 1907 (Mellish). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 124 [1907] (165). [6600]. 14556 and Morgan, Sarah. Elements and ephemeris of Comet e 1907 (Mellish). Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. "No. 121 [1007] (152j. [6600]. 14557 (E-468) Crawford, Russell Tracy and Meyer, W. F. Ttie orbit of the eighth satellite of Jupiter. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 137 [1908] (38-39) ; Poj). Astr. Nortiilield Minn. 16 1908(491-493). [6550J. 14558 — and Einarson, S. Ephe- meris for the eightli satellite of Jupiter. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 140 [1908J (42). [65501 1 4559 Crommelin, A[ndrew] C[Iaude] l)[e-la Cherois]. The life of a comet. Know- ledge and Sci. News Loudon (N. Ser.) 6 1909 (163-166 with pi.). [6600]. 14560 Corrected ephemeris of Hallev's comet. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(169-172). 14.561 V. Cowell, P. H. Crouzel et Rossard. Observations de- la comete Perrine 1909 b. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (173-174). [()600]. 14502 Curtis, Heber D[oust]. The system of Castor. Astroph. J. C^hicago Id. 23 1906 (351-369 with tabs, text iig.) ; Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 98 [1906] (55-66 with te.xt fig.). [8600]. 14503 Orljit of the spectroscopic binary a Carinae. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pul). Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 122 [1907] (153-154 with text iig.). [8620]. 14564 Orbit of the spectroscopic liinarv a Pavonis. Berkelev Univ. Vul. Pub. "Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 122 [1907] (154-155 with test fig.). [8620]. 14565 Orbit of the spectroscopic binary k Velorum. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 122 [1907] (155-156 with text tig.). [8620]. 14566 Orbit of the spectrosco^jic binary d Dracouis. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 122 [1907] (150-158 with tab.). [8620]. 14567 • Temperature control for silvered specula. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull No. 122 [1907] (158-100). [2040]. 14568 Recent changes at the observatory of the D. 0. Mills expedi- tion. San Francisco Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 19 1907 (227-233 withpL). [2010]. 14569 08 Curtis, Heber D[oiist], Five stars having variable radial velocities. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 146 [1908] (fiO-Gl). [8550]. ^ 14570 Methods of determining the orbits of spectroscopic binaries. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (133-135 Tvith pi. tab. text fig.). [8020 1S20]. 14571 ' Three stars of great radial velocity. Bokelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 162 [19C9] (133-134J. [8500]. 14572 Speetrographic and photo- graphic observations of Comet c 1908 (ilorehouse). Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull*. Ko. 163 [19091 (135-138). [6600]. 14573 ■ Thirteen stars having variable radial velocities. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 164 [1909] (139-140). [8550]. 14574 Curtiss, E[alph] H[amilton]. On the orbital elements of Algol. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (150-lfil with diagr. tabs.). [8620 8300 7600]. 14575 V. Schlesinger, F. CuBhing, Charles S. Address of the retiring president of the society, in awarding the Bruce medal to Edward C. Pickering. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (55-63). [0040]. 14576 Czuczy, Emil. Napfoltok majus masodik feleben. [Sonnenflecken in der zweiten Hiilfie des ilai-Monats 1908.] Idoj. Budapest 12 1908 (162-164). [4100 4610]. 14577 Czudnochowski, W. Biegon von. Meteor bei bedecktem Himmel. Welt- alJ Berlin 9 1908 (80). [6650]. 14578 Dale, J. B. A method of double-star measurement. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (629-631). [7500]. 14579 Davidson, C. v. Cowell, P. H. Darwin, Sir George U[oward]. Rap- port sur la cooperation de I'Association geodesique internatiouale dans les recherches geologiques au moyen de I'eiude des anomalies dans la valeur de I'jnteusite de la pesanteur. Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) 11 1908 (68-73t [5100]. 14580 Darwin, Sir George H[oward]. On certain families of periodic orbits- London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 191 0> (108-143). [1200]. 1458i Daunt, R[ichard] A[lgernon] C[raigie]. Observations of Helium D3 absorption in the neighbourhood of sun-spots in 1908 (with note added by the Rev. A. L. Cortie). London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909(605-610). [4610]. 14582 Davies, C[har]es] D. P[ercy]. On the- testing of paraboloidal mirrors. Lon- don Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 190» (355-382 with 2 pi.). [2040]. 14583 Davis, William Morris. The relations of the earth-sciences in view of their progress in the nineteenth century. Congr. Arts Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis. 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (488-503). [0040]. 14584 D'Azambuja, Ti. v. Deslandres, H. Dean, John Candee. The story of Hallev's comet. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn.' 16 1908 (331-345 with illustr. text fig.). [6600]. 14585 Astronomical superstitions. Pop. Sci. Mon. New York N.Y. 75 190* (469-478 with text fig.) ; Knowledge & Sci. News London 6 (N. Ser.) 190* (449-452). [0010 0030]. 14585 Dechevrens, Marc. Le mourement de Venus par rapport a la Terre, trace par le campylographe Dechevrens et vu dans I'espace a I'aide du stereoscope. Paris. Bui. soc. astr. Fiance 21 1907 (96-98). [1100]. 14581 Del-Giudice, Italo. La cometa More- house. Riv. astr. sc. afiSni Torino 3 J 909 (27-31). [6600]. 1458& Satumo ed i suoi anelli. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (400- 407). [6140]. 14589 Delporte, E. v. Stroobant, P. Delsoval, J. v. Stroobant, P. De Marclii,Luigi. Osservazioni niareo- metriche lungo il litorale e in laguna di Venezia. Ricer. Lagim. Venezia 8 190& (1-50 con 3 Tav.) [1750]. 14589a De Moidrey, J. L' eclipse du 14 jnnvier 1907 en Mongolie. Ciel et Terre Brux- elles 1907 (1-3). [4210]. 14590 69 Denning', W. F. Motion of the great reil spot on Jupiter. I'oj). Astr. Nortli- iield AJinii. 15 1907 (308-399). [UOlO]. 11591 — Naked eye comets. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 J907 (411). {OOOOJ. 14592 The red spot on Juj^iter. Top. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 <«06-607j. [6040]. 14593 An extraordinary meteor. Knowledge & Sci. News Loudon 6 (N. Ser.) 1909 (146). [6650]. 14594 Note on the reinarkalile meteor of 1909 February 22, 7 h. 30 m. London Hon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 <459-4G0j. [6650]. 14595 The fireball of 1909 February 22, 7 h. 33 m. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (539-542). '{6650]. 14596 ■ Shower of C Draconids. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (677-678). [6650]. 14597 Cometary notes. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (41-42). £0600]. 14598 The meteoric fireball of February 22 and its streak. Nature 1-ondon 80 1909 (13-14 42). [6650]. 14.599 The Perseids of 1909. Nature London 81 1909 (189 224-225 246). [6650]. 14600 Fireball in sunshine. Nature London 81 1909 (456 487). 16650]. 14601 A splendid meteor. Ob- servatory London 32 1909 (132-133). {6650]. 14602 Recent meteors. Observa- tory London 32 1909 (172-173). [6650]. 14603 Notes on meteors. C)l)- ■servatorv London 32 1909 (210-211 250-25 r 349-352). [6650]. 14604 A meteor seen in sunshine. Observatory London 32 1909 (427-429). '{6650]. 14605 Brilliant meteorof February 17. Nature London 82 1910 (500). [6650]. 14606 Fireball of Sunday, No- vember 7. Observatory London 33 1910 .(58-59). [6650]. 14607 D38Ch, C. 11. V. Baly, E. C. C. Deslandres, Il[(Miri]. Sur les progres d(* rastronoini(». Paris Bui. soc astr. France 22 1908 (319-326). [OOlOl 14608 Caracteres de la couclie Ruperieure de ratniosj)here gazeuse du soleil. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 190S (1016-1023). [4500]. 14609 Caracteres de la couche sup6rieure de I'atmosphere gazeuse du soleil. Catania Mem. Sov.. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (,35-40). [4070J. 14610 On the progressive revela- tion of the entire atmos))here of the Sun. (aljstrai't of lecture). 01)servatory Lon- don 32 1909 (282-287 357-358). 14611 Sur une solution generale du spectroheIiograj)he. Paris (!. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (968-974). [2200J. ' 14612 The great magnetic storm of September 25th. Spectrograms taken in the light of red hydrogen =C or H a. Knowledge & Sci. News London 7 (N. Ser) 1910(4 with pL). [4110 4600]. 14613 et Bernard, A. fitude spectrale de la comete iJaniel (1907 d). Particularites de la queue. Paris B(j1. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (29-31). [6920]. 14614 • Recherches spectrales sur la comete Morehouse c 1908. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (774-777). [6920]. 14615 et Bosler. J. Comple- ment et resume des observations faites a Meudon sur la comete Morehouse [1908 c], Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (805- 812). [6920]. 14616 et Bosler, J. Sur le spectre de la comete Morehouse. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (951-954). [6920]. 14617 et d'Azambuja, L. Recon- naissance des conches superieures du calcium et de I'hydrogene dans I'atmo- sphere solaire et des memes filaments noirs dans les couches. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1011-1015). Remarque de G. E. Hale, t.e. (1025-1026). [4630]. 14618 Examen critique des images monochroniatiques du soleil avec les !-aies de I'hvdrogene. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1235-1232). [4630]. 14619 70 Deutschland, Gustav. Die Storungen des lirookssc'hen Kometen 1889V durch die Abplattung des Jupiter bei seiner Jiipiternahe ini Jahre 1886. [Auszug der Diss. Berlin]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 181 1909 (1-8). [1250]. 14620 Der Einfluss der Abplat- tung auf die Attraktion der Himmeis- korper nach der Theorie der speziellen Storungen, mit Anwendung auf den Kometen 1889V [Brooks] bei seiner Jupiterniihe im Jahre 1886. Diss. Berlin (R. Trenkel) 1909 (42 mit 1 Taf.). 22 cm. [1250 1450 1520 1590]. 14621 Devoir, Alfr. Die Astronoraie der Steinzeit. Umschau Frankfurt a. il. 13 1909 (1069-1070). [9020]. 14622 Dike, P. H. Paulsen's resume of recent theories of polar lights. Terr. Mag. Washington D.C. 12 1907 (84-86). [5400]. 14623 Di Legge, Alfonso. Determinazione dell:i latitudine di Monte Mario eseguita con osservazioni di passaggi nel 1° ver- ticale nei mesi di maggio e giugno 1905. Bologna (Gamberini e Parmeggiani) 1909(1-22). cm. 31. [5100]. 14624 Diserens, Ed. Observations de meteores cosmiques. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 42 1906 f71-78). [6650]. 14625 Doberck, W[illiam]. On the orbit of 42 Comae Berenices = 2 1728. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (55-60). [7530]. 14626 On the poles of double- star orbits. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (299-300). [7530]. 14627 On the hypothetical paral- laxes of double stars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (299-300). [7070 7500]. 14628 On the orbit of tj Cassio- peiae. (Continued from A. N. 3743.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (383-386). [7530]. 14629 On the orbit of 7 Coronae borealis. (Continued from A. N. 4041.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (385-386). [7530]. 14630 Sir "William Herschel's observations of distances between the components of close double stars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (155-160). [75;W 7510]. 14631 On the orbit of 2 1768. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (233-238). [7530]. 14632 Domke, J. Zeit- und Orts-Bestim- mungen der deutschen Siidpolar-Ex- pedition 1901-1903. Nebst Erorte- rungen iiber die Meer- und Eisfahrt des „Gauss" von Erich von Drygalski. (Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- 1903, Bd 1, H. 2.) Berlin (G. Reimer) 1908 (97-281 mit 1 Taf.). 35 cm. [5100]. 14633 r. Ambronn, Leopold. Donner, Anders. Redogiirelae for fortgangen af de astrofotograliska arbe- tena a observatoriet i Helsingfors under tideu Juni 1906 till Maj 1907. [Bericht liber den Fortschritt der astrophoto- graphischen Arbeiten auf der Sternwarte zu Helsingfors vom Juni 1906 bis Mai 1907]. Of vers. F. Vet. Soc. Helsingfors 50 No. 10 1907-1908 (1-9). [2010 , 7040]. 146M V. Kapteyn, J. C. Doolittle, C[harles] lleander]. Lati- tude determinations at the Flower ob- servatory during the years 1904, 1905 and 1906. Astr". J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (153-159). [2000 5100]. 14635 Doolittle, Eric. The secular per- tuibations of Mars arising from the action of Saturn. Astr. J . Boston Mass. 24 1905 (187). [1300]. 1463G The secular perturbations of the earth. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 24 1905 (189-190). [1280]. 14637 Seculnr perturbations of Mars from the action of Venus. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (175-176). [1300]. 14638 Dorsey, N[oah] E[rnest]. Karl Friedrich Gauss. Terr. Mag. Washing- ton D.C. 11 1906 (130-134). [0010]. 14639 Downing, A[rthur] M[atthew] W[eld]. Occultations of planets by the moon in 1909 visible at British observatories. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (431). [4870]. 14640 Note on the value of the obliquity used in the conversion of the moon's ecliptic into equatorial coordi- nates. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (618). [0310]. 14641 Ephemeris of Flora near the time of opposition in 1909. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (619- 620). [5900]. 14642 Occultation of Satiirn by the moon, 1910 March 13, visible in 71 parts of South Africa. London Mon. Not. II. AHtr. Soc. 70 1!)10 (184). [4S70 01701. 14643 Drecker, J. Ueber Gnomone und Sonuenuliren, ilire Geschiohte imd Lite- ratur. (Vortrag.) Phvsik. Zs. Leipzig 9 11)08 (754-755) ; Berlin Verli. 1). physik Cies. 10 1908 (0G7-G7O). [9220 0010]. 14G44 Dreyer, John Lonis EmiL The ter- centenary of the telescope Nature London 82 I'JIO (190 11)1). [0010]. 14645 Driencourt v. Claude. Drygalski, Erich von und Haaaemann, L[udvvig]. iSchwerkrafts-Bestimniungen der Deutsclien Sudpolar-Ex]>edition 1901-1903 auf Sao Vicente (Kapverden), auf Kerguelen nnd in der Antarktis. (Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- 1903 Bd 1 H. 3.) Berlin (G. Reimer) 1909(281-363). 35 cm. 15 M. [5100]. 14046 Drygalski, Erich von v. Donike, J. Dubiago, D. Halleyscher Komet 1909 c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1909 (63-04). [0000]. 14647 Dufour, H. Le rayonnement solaire pendant I'eclipse du 30 aoflt (1905). Lausanne Bul. Soc. Sci. Nat. 42 1906 (II-IIl). [4200 4240]. 14648 [Lps ombres volantes.] Lausanne Bul. Soc. Sci. Nat. 42 1906 (XlV-XVlj. [4350]. 14649 Duhem, P. Paul Tannery et la Societe des sciences physiques et naturellesde Bordeaux. Bordeaux Mem. soc. sci. phvs. nat. (ser. 6) 4 1908 (295- 298). [0010]. 14650 Du Ligond^s, [RaoulJ. Sur la di- stance moyenne des planetes au Soleil. Paris Bul. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (141-143). [4000]. 14651 Duncan, J. C. Photographic obser- vations of Comet dl907 (Daniel). Berkeley L'niv. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 126 [1907] (171-179 with tabs, text fig. pi.). [6600]. 14652 Polariscopic observations of Comet diy07 (Daniel). Berkeley Uniy. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 126 [1907] (180). [6600]. 14653 Observations of Comet d Duncan, J. C. Oljservations of Comet e 1907 (.Mellish). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pul). Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 128 [1907] (! 86). [6600]. 14655 ■ Observations of (179) Klvtaemnestra. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 128 [1907] (186 with tab.). [5900]. 14656 1907 (Daniel). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr.' Lick Obs. Bull. *No. 128 [1907] (185 with tab.). [6600]. 14654 The orbits of the Cepheid variables Y Sagittarii and R'J' Aurigae; with a discussion of the ])ossil)le causes of this type of stellar variation. I5er- keley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 151 [1908] (82-94 with text tig. tabs.). [7600]. 14657 Tables of the elements of cotnet-orl)its .January 1896 to December 1907. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (172-177 with tabs.).- [<5600]. U658 Least squares solution of the orbit of RT Aurigae. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 160 [1909] (120-121). [8G20]. 14659 Dun^r, [Nils Christofer], Haxtwlg, [Ernst], MUller. Benennungen von neu entdeckten veranderlichen Sternen. (Forts, aus No. 4212.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (85-92). [7600]. 14660 Duport, IT. Determination de I'orbite d'une planete on d'une comete par quatre oljservations. Bul. astr. Paris 26 1909 (150-157). [1120]. 14661 Dybeck, Georg. Die Polhoh© von Breslau. Diss. Breslau (Druck d, Buchdruckerei d. schles. Volksztg) 1908(71). 22 cm. [5100]. 14662 Dyson, F. W. Systematic motion of the stars. London Rep. Brit. Ass. 1908 1909 (G04-605); Nature London 82 1910 (11-13); (Second paper). Sepa- rate. 26 cm. Is. [1840 7060]. 14663 Dziewulski, W. Uber die periodi- schen Bahnen vom Hildatypus. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (65-72). [1310 1130]. 14664 Eastman, John R[obie]. The dis- covery of the satellites of Mars. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 27 1908 (666- 667j. [6530]. 14665 Eaton, Etta M. Elements and ephe- meris for 1907 I'D. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (14). [5900]. 14666 Ebell, M[artin]. EphemeriJe des Korueten 1908 c. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 V.m f31-32 61-62 387-388); 180 1909(209-212). [6600]. 14667 Photograpliiscbe Aufnah- men vna kleineu Planeten in Arequipa. [Irjpntitaten]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (207-210,!. [5900]. 14668 Ueber eine friihere Beob- achtang des Planeten (643) [1907 ZZ]. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (287-288). [5910]. 14C69 Ephemeride des Planeten (650) [1908 CS]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909(213-214). [5900]. 14670 Ephemeride des Perrine- sclien Kometen 1909. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910(95-96). [6600]. 14671 Elemente und Ephemeride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Naclir. Kiel 183 191 0(127-128). [6600]. 14672 Neue Elemente und Ephe- meride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (175-176J. [6600]. 14673 EUiptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (263-204). [6600]. 14674 Ephemeride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(307-308). [6600]. 14675 V. Kohl, Torvald. Eberhard, G. v. Wolf, Max. Eberhardt, Paul P'riedrich. Die Kos- mogonie des Descartes ini Zusammen- Lang mit der Geschichte der Philosophic. Berlin ^R. Frenkel) 1908 (98). 23 /:-m. 2 M. [0000]. 1467G Ebert, Herm.inn. Beitrag zur Physik der ilondoberflache. Miinchen SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. math.-phvs. Kl. 38 (1908) 1909 (153-180 mit' 1 Taf.). [4800 4830]. 14677 Ebsen, Julius. Azimuth -Tabellen enlhaltend die wahren Riehtungen der Sonne, des Mondes imd anderer Gestime deren Declination 29' X'ord oder Siid nicht iiberschreitet fiir Intervalle von 10 Zeitminuten zwischen den Breiten- parallelen von 30' bis 72^ Nord oder Slid berechnet. Hamburg (Eckardt & Messtorff) [1909] (111 + 120-291). 28 cm. Geb. 6 M. [00.30 0100]. 14678 Azimuth-Tabellen enthal- tend die wahren Riehtungen der Sonne, des Alondes und anderer Gestime deren Declination 29' Nord oder Siid nicht iiberschreitet fiir Intervalle von 10 Zeit- minuten zwischen den Breitenparallelen ,von 72' Xord Ins 72'' .Siid berechnet. 4 Autl. Hamburg (Eckardt & Messtorff) [1909] (XVI-f 291). 28 cm. Geb. 12 M. [0033 0100]. 14G79 Eddie, L[indsay] A[tkins]. Lunar eclipse June 4, 1909. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (382-384). [4860]. 14680 Morehouse's comet 1908 c. (Further observations In the southj. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (.391- 392j. [6G00]. 14681 Halley's comet. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (202-203). [6600]. 14682 Eddington, A[rtliur] .Sltanley]. Aber- ration considered in relation to the two star streams. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (571-573). [1840 0250]. 14683 Note on Messrs. Hough and Halm's paper. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (103-105). [1840]. 14684 Eginitis, D. Observations de la coniete 1908 c (Morehousp) faites a rOljservatoire d'Athenes. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (397-398). [6600]. 14685 I.a latitude de I'Obser- vatoire d'Athenes. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (157.5-1577). [2010].14686 Eichelberger, W. S. Les horloges anciennes et modernes. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (109-116 135-144). [2100]. 14687 Einarson, Sturla and Glancy, Estelle. Elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1907 (Giacobini). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Ball. No. Ill [1907] (109). [6600]. 14688 Elements and ephemeris of Comet c 1907 (Giacobini). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 116 [1907] (123). [6600]. 14689 and Meyer, W. F. Ele- ments and ephemeris of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 138 [1908] (40) ; Second elements and ephemeris. op. cit. 139 [1908] (41). [6600]. 14690 ■ V. Crawford, R[ussell] T[racy]. V. Smith, E[dwin]. 73 Elekes, Tstvdn. A Szatiiniuszfryiiriik alivkja. [Ober die Form dos Satuni- Riii^'svstems 1 Idoj. Budapest 12 lOOS (6-1 Ij. [fUl^O]. HC91 Jupiter-inegfigyelesek a kiskartali csillagvizsgalon. [Jupiter- Beol),u:lit.angeii an der Sternwaitc, von Kiskartal] Idoj. Budapest 12 lUOS (210-253). [COCO]. 1461)2 Elkin, William L[ewis] r. Chase, Frederick li[iiieoli)]. EUerman, Ferdinand v. Hale, George E[liery]. Ellis, W. E. Auroral displays. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 28 19()S (727-728). [IfiGOJ. 1461)3 Elster, J., Oeitel, H. and Harms, F. T.ul'teiektrischo und photonietrisclie Beobaclitungen waiirend der totaien Sonnentinsternis vom 30. August lt)05, in Palma (Mallorca). Terr. Mag. VVasli- ington D.C. 11 1906 (1-44 with illnstr. text fig. tabs). [4350]. 14694 Ely, Owen. Is the universe infinite ? Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 <435-437). [1800]. 14695 Zur Frage nach der Aus- dehnung des korpererfiillten Weltalls. «irius Leipzig 42 1909 (13-14). [1810]. 14696 Emanuelll, Pio. Alcnni calcoli sul passaggio di Mercurio (14 noveml)re 1907). Riv. fis. mat. so. nat. Pavia 19 1909 (141-145). [5670]. 14697 Endrey, Elemer. Magyar csIlIag;iszok :a 19. szazad elso felelien. [Ungurische Astrononien in der ersten Hjilfte des XIX. Jahrhunderts.] Idoj. Budapest 12 1908 (323-326). [0010]. 14698 Magyar csillagaszok a 16. •es 17. szazadban. [Ungarische Astrono- men im 16. imd 17. Jahrhnnderte.] ■Termt. Kozl. Budapest 40 1908 (532- 534). [0010]. 14699 Eaet>o, Sigurd. Neuer Veriinderlicher 142. 1908 Cassiopejae. Astr. Nachr. Iviel 179 1909 (83-84). [7600]. 14700 Notiz betr. RS Ursae majoris. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (131-132). [7600]. 14701 Bestatigung der Veriiuder- lichkeit einiger neuentdecktenVeninder- lichen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (63- •64). [7600]. 14702 Notiz betreffend SS Aurigae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (183-184). [7600]. 14703 Enebo, Sigurd. (Jeniiherte Elemente fiir zwei ncne Algolsterne. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (337-368). [7600]. 14704 ■ Drei AJgolsterne. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(287-290). [7600]. 14705 Engelmann, M. Die geographischen Uiireu des I'rager Paters Klein. Allg. J. Uhrmacherk. Halle 35 1910 (22-26). [20.30J. 14706 Eotvbs, Baron Roland. Bestinimung der CJratlienten der Schwerkralt und ihrer Niveaulliichen mit lliilfe der Dreh- wage. Verh. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) I 1908 (.337-395). [5100]. 14707 Erber, Felix. Marsland. Nord u. Slid Berlin 32 1908 (518-523 mit 2 Kart.). [5800]. 14708 Erfle, Heinrich. Zur Hartmannschen Methode der Zonenpriifung. Zs. In- strunientenk. Berlin 28 1908 (289-293). [2040]. 14709 Ernst, Marcin. Budowa naszego buklad gwiazdowego. (Z 12 rye. cynk. i 3 tablicami litograficzuemi w tekscie). [Sur la structure de notre systeme stel- laire]. Kosmos, Lwow 34 1909 (401- 444). [0040]. 14710 Esclangon, Ernest. Sur I'occultation par Jupiter de I'etoile BD + 19° 2095. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (205-20S). [6010]. 14711 Observatious de la comete 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (13-16). [6600]. 14711.V Esmiol. Observations de planetes et de cometes faites a I'observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'Eichens de 0"^ 26 d'ouverture). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909(211-214). [5910 6600]. 14712 Espin, T[hoinas Henry] E[spinell Compton]. New double stars. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (604- 605). [7520]. 14713 Burnham's nebula near 63 Cvgni. (N.G.C. 7026). London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (184- 186). [7800]. 14714 Micrometrical measures of double stars (seventh series) and new double stars. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (237-245). [7510 7520]. 14715 74 Evershed, J. A large prominence. Aslroph. J. Chicago" 111. 28 1908 (79- 82 with pi.). [4070]. 11716 Note on the wave-length of H5 and He in the solar spectrum. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (102- 168 with tabs, text fig ). [4500J. 14717 Sun-spots and solar tem- perature [and pressui-e in the reversing layer]. ObservatoiT London 32 1909 (135-137 254-253"' 362-363). [4200]. 14718 Radial movement in sun- spots. Observatory London 32 1909 (291-292); London' Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (454-457); 70 1910 (217- 225). [4610]. 14719 Fabry, Ch. et Buisson, H. Com- paraison des raies du spectre de Tare electrique et du Soleil. Pression de la couche renversante de Tatmosphere solaire. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (688-690 828-830 1240-1241). [4500]. 14720 Fabry, Louis. Ephemeride de la planete (110) Lvdia. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (43-44). [5900]. 14721 Ephemeride de la planete (444) Gyptis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (373-374). [5900J. 14722 Faris, R. L. Tides of the solid earth, observed by Doctor Hecker. Washing- ton DC. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath. Rev. 36 1908 (1(56-169 with text fig.). [5100 4110 4880J. 14723 Farman, Maurice et Toucbet, E. Sur I'activite comparee des essaims des Leonides et des Geminides le 14 novem- bre 1907. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 ^264-266). [6650]. 14724 Faterson, I. Przyszly powrot komety Halleya. [Le retour prochain de la comete Hallev.] Wszech6wiat War- szawa 27 1908" (705-708). [6600]. 14725 Fath, E. A. Observations of Comet g 1906 (Thiele). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 103 [1906] (81). [6600]. 14726 Observations of Comet d 1906 (Finlay) and Comet e 1906 (KopfFj. Berkeley Univ. Cnl. Pub. Astr. Lick (Jbs. Bull. No. 104 [1906] (85-86). [6600]. 14727 Fath, E. A. Observations of comets. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 120 [1907] (151). [0600]. 14728 The northern limit of the zodiacal light. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 142 [1908] (45-49 with tabs.). [6720]. 14729 The spectra of some spiral nebulae and globular star clusters. [Diss. Ph. D. University of Cali- fornia.] Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick 0''])s. Bull. No. 149 [1909] (71-77 with pi. tabs.). [8200]. 14730 The spectrum of the Zodiacal light. (Lick Bidl. 165.) re- view Nature" London 82 1910 (470-471). [6940]. 14731 t;. Aitken, R[obert] G[rant]. Fautb, Ph[ilipp]. Zur Charakteristik von Refraktorbeolmchtungen. Arch. Opt. Leipzig 1 1908 (337-355). [2040]. 14732 Saturn im Sommer 1908. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (99- 101). [6140]. 14733 Posidonius y auf dem Monde. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (101-102). [4830]. 14734 Favaro, Giuseppe Antonio. Confronto fra le osservazioni dell' eclisse solare del 30 agosto 1905 fatte a Padova e i calcoli colla C. des T. e col N. A. Venezia Atti 1st. ven. 67 II 1908 (879- 908). [4230]. 14735 Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (285-288). [6600]. 14736 Osservazioni del pianeta (3) Juno, della cometa 1908c (More- house). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (207-210). [5910 6600]. 14737 Sul campanile di S. Marco trecento anni da oggi (21 agosto 16C9- 1909). Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (425-431). [0010]. 14738 Fenech, Luigi. Effemeridi sole e luna 1908 per orizzonte. Messina Atti Ace. Pelorilana 2 1907 (1-10). [0020]. 14739 Fenyl, J[ulius]. The large prominence of May 21, 1907. Astroph. J'. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (78-79 with text fig.). [4070]. ' 14740 Ueber die Beobachtung der niedrigen Protuberanzen. Catania 75 Mem. Soe. spottroscop. ital. 37 1908 (19- 25). [4(;3()J. 11741 F^nyi, J[ulitis]. Olior das Vorkonimen der I'roUihoraii/.cii auf den I'olarcalotten der Sonne. (!atania Mem. Soc. spettro- scop. ital. 37 jyoS (107-110;. [4U30]. 14742 Beobaclitung einer Erup- tion auf der Soiinensclieibe. Catania Mem. Soc. speltroscop. ital. 37 190S (181-183). [4630J. 14743 Ersclipinuniren anf der Sonne imd niagnetische Storung am 25 September 1909. Catania Mem. Soc. spettrosfop. ital. 38 1909 (190-192). [4110]. 14744 Ferrara, Gevardo. Su di un sistema di cannoecliiale a due obbiettlvi ovvero cannocchiale composto. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (157-16G). [2040J. 14745 Ferri, Francesco. I-o spostamento dell'asse di rotazioiie terrestre nella massa della terra in rapporto con le variazioni di latitudine e con i grandi terremoti mondiali. Riv. lis. mat. sc. nat. Pavia 19 1909 (324-349 245-203) ; 20 1909 (317-338). [5100]. 14746 F€ry, C[luirles]. Note on the solar constant and the apparent temperature of the Sun. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909(011-614). [4200]. 14747 L'application de la loi de Stefan a rAstronomie. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1150-1152j. [4200]. 14748 Flammarion, Camilla. L'astrouome Jansseu. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (25-28J. [0010]. 14749 L'observatoire de Paris. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (105-117). [2010]. 14750 Les photographies de Mars a l'observatoire Lowell. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (153-159). [5880]. 14751 Quel savant a le premier imagine le mouvernent de la Terre ? Paris Bui. soe. astr. France 22 1908 (207-209). [1000]. 14752 . L'Univers considerecomme organisrae et les courants d'etoiles. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (249-258). [7000]. 14753 La comete Morehouse. Paris Bill. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (513-521). [G600]. 14754 Flammarion, Camille. T>a planete Mars et ses conditions d'habitaiiilite. Tome II. Paris (i;authier-\'illar;ij 190!> (t)OO av. fig. et 10 cartes). 25 cm. 12 fr. [5800J. 14755 Fleming, Williamina P[aton]. A. photograpiiic study of variable stars, forming a part of the Henry Draper memorial. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 47 1907 (3/.+ 1-113 with tabs.). [7000]. 1.1756 Flint, Albert S[towell]. Meridian observations of comparison stars. Madison Univ. Wis. Pub. Washburn Obs. 12 1908(239-317 + II. with tabs.). [7020]. 14757 Floerke, Philipp. Schichtverziehun- gen bei Gelatineplatten. Diss. Mar- burg. Gelnhausen (Druck v. F. W. Kalbdeisch) 1908 (87). 22 cm. [2130].' 14758 Florena, A. Modification du cadran solaire. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (220-231). [2100 2080]. 14759 Foerster, Wilhelm. Die Erde als Weltkor])er. [In : Geographisches Handbuch, hrsg. v. A. Scobel. 5. Aufl. Bd 1.] Bielefeld u. Leipzig (Velhagen & Klasing) 1909 (1-Gl). [5000]. 14700 Ueber Zeitmessung und Zeitregelung. (Wissen und Konnen. H. 9.) Leipzig (J. A. Barth) 1 909 (Ill-f 114). 23 cm. Geb. 3 M. [2100 9200 9300]. 14761 Fontana, V[ittorio]. Elementi ed effemeride del pianeta (516) Amherstia. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (63-04). [5900]. 14762 Osservazioni della cometa 190Sc (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (327-328). [6600]. 14763 Correzione degii elementi dell'orbita del pianetino (516) Amher- stia mediante le osservazioni eseguite- nelle prime quattro opposizioni. An- nuario astronomico pel 1909 pubblicato dal R. Osservatorio di Torino 5 1909 (69-93). [1160]. 14764 Forbes, George. History of astro- noniv. London (Watts) 1909 (ix -|- 154). 19 cm. [0010]. 14765 Forel, F. A. Biographie de Charles Dufour (1827-1902). Lausanne BuL Soc. Sci. Nat. 42 1906 (1-4). [0010] 14706 76 Tothermgham, J. K. Note on the regnal 3-ears iu the elephantine papvri. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 ]il09 <446-448). [9200]. 14767 Note on Professor New- comb's paper on " Comparison of the ancient eclipses of the sun with modern ^-lements of the moon's motion." Lon- don Mon. Not. K. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 .(467-469). [4210]. 14768 On the accuracy of the Alexandrian and Rhodian eclipse mag- nitudes. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. «9 1909 (666-6G8). [4210]. 14769 Note on Mr. Nevill's dis- cussion of the long-period terms in the moon's longitude. I.ondon Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (669-673j. [42101 14770 Fowle, F[rederick] E[ugene], jiin. v. Abbot, C[harles] G[reeley]. Fowler, A[Ifred]. Spectroscopic com- parison of 0 Ceti -with titanium o.xide. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (508-510 with pi.). [8.300]. J477L Terrestrial reproduction of the si^ecfra of the tails of recent comets. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 <176-182 with pL). [6600 6920]. 14772 The spectrum of mag- nesium hydride. London Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (Ser. A) 209 1909 (447-478 ^^\th pis.) ; separate. 31 cm. 2s. 6d. ; fal^- stract) London Proc. R. Soc. (Ser. A) 83 1910(210). [4540]. 14773 Fox, Philip. Une grande protu- berance eruptive. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 1907 (345-347). [4070]. U774 Observations of Comet 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. J. Boston Hass. 26 1908 (38). [6600J. 14775 An investigation of the forty-inch oljjective of the Yerkes obser- Tatory. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (237-253 with text fig. diagrs. tabs.). [2040]. 14776 Orbit of the spectroscopic binary of 13 Ceti. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (372-378 with tabs, diagr.). 18600]. 14777 Preliminary note on the rotation of the sun as determined from the motion of dark calcium fiocculi. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (117- 120 with tabs.). [4640]. 14778 Fox, Philip. The distribution of erup- tive prominences on the solar disk. Astroph. J. Chicago ill. 28 1908 (253- 2.58 with pi.). [4070 4600]. 14779 and Abetti, Giorgio. A large prominence. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 37 1908 (184-185 con 1 Tav.). [46.30]. 14780 Frankel, Adolf. Bestimmung des Patums des jtidischen Osterfestes fiir die Zeitrechnurg der Mohammedaner. Zs. math. Unterr. Leipzig 39 1908 (598- 606). [9420]. 14781 Line Fonnel zur Ver- wandlung jiidischer Daten in moham- medanische. Monatschr. Gesch. Juden- tum Breslau 53 1909 (736-743). [9420J. 14782 Franks, "\V[illiam] S[adler]. Stars of spectrum tvpe 0. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (47-49). [8100]. 14783 Star colours and spectral types. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910(187-194). [7120 8100]. 14784 Franz, J'ulius]. Ueber die Identitjit der Planeten (398) Admete und (645) [1907 AB]. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 179 1909 (371-372). [5900]. 14785 Ephemeride des Planeten f588) Achilles. Astr. Nachj-. Kiel 180 1909 (295-296). [5900]. 14786 Frederickson, Matt. Observations of the satellites of Uranus in 1907 made with the 26-innh equatorial at the U. S. naval observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (17). [6570]. 14787 V. Hammond, J. C. ■ V. Rice, H[erbert] L[ouis]. Fri6, Jan v. Fric Joseph. Fric, Josef, Fric, Jan & Nusl, Fr. Fotografie komety Danielovy 1907 D. I. Zprava astron. observ. br. Jos. & Jana Frice "Zalov" u Ondfejova. [Photo- ^ graphic des Danielschen 1907 D Kometen. I. Bericht aus dem astron. Obsei-v. der Briider Jos. & Jan Fric in "Zalov" in Bohmen.] Prag Rozpr. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos. 1908 (3 & 2 Taf.). [6600]. ' 14788 Frisby, Edgar. Recent progress in astronomy. Washington D.C. George Washington Univ. Bull. 5 1906 (14-22). [0010]. 14789 Frost, Edwin B[ranl]. Spectrograpliic ol).s(Mvalioiis. Four stars with variahlr radial velocities. Astroph. J. Cliicaj:;© 111. 23 I'JOO (264-269). [8550]. H7SK) Hermann Carl Vop;el. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (1-11 with portr.). [OOIOJ. 14791 Spectroscopic binaries under ol)servation at diilerent institu- tions. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (161). [8600]. 14792 Charles A. Young. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 27 1908 (1.36- 139). [0010]. 11793 and Parkhurst, J[ohn] A[delbert]. Spectrum of Comet More- house. Science New York N.Y. (N.Ser.) 29 1909(36-37). [6920]. 14794 Fry, Agnes. A model of the solar system. Knowledge & Sci. News London 6 (N. Ser') 1909 (404-40()) [0050]. 14795 Fvirness, Caroline E[llen] v. Whitney, Mary W[atson]. Furulijelm, Ragnar. Sur la precision des determinations photographiques des positions des etoiles. Discussion des coordonnces equatoriales obtenues a rObservatoire de Helsingfors pour le catalogue photographique du ciel. Helsingfors 1906 (It 4- 80). 25 cm. [3250]. 14796 Gabba, Luigi. Calcolodelladifferenza di longitudine fra Tosservatorio di Brera e 11 punto trigonometrico di Crea sulle osservazioni di (1. ('eloria e M. Rajna. Milano Rend. Tst. lomb. (Ser. 2) 41 1908 (491-499). [0150 2010]. 14797 Osservazioni della comcta 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909(165-166). [6600]. 14798 Osservazioni ed orbita della cometa Morehouse (1908c). Milano Rend. 1st. lomb. (Ser. 2) 42 1909 (136- 139). [6600]. 14799 Passagio di Mercurio sul disco del sole il 14 novembre 19(^17. Milano Rend. 1st. lomb. (Ser. 2) 42 1909 (597-601). [5670]. 14800 V. Celoria, Giovanni. Gaillot, A. Contribution a la re- cherche des planetes ultraneptuniennes. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 148 1909 (754- 758). [6400]. " 14801 Gale, Walter F. Comet Morehouse-, 1908c. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19- 1909(392-393). [6000]. 14S02 A great detonating meteor- London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (3.3- 34). [6650]. 14803. Galle, A. Lotabweichungen im Harz. nnd in seiner weiteren L'mgebung, Potsdam Veroff. geod. Inst. N.F. No 36 1908 (XI + 200). 30 cm. [5100]. 14804 Galli, Ignazio. Deformazioni della immagine solare al tramonto. Roma Atti Ace. Nuovi Lincei 62 1909 (161- 165). [0105]. 14805- Gautier, Raoul. Changements con- states dans I'apparence de la comete Morehouse (1908c). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (97-100). [6600]. 1480& Changements d'aspect de la comete Morehouse (1908c). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (237-238). [6600]. 14801 Eclipse de soleil du 28 Juin 1908. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179' 1909(243-244). [4230]. 14808- Geelmuyden, H. Quelques etoiles de- com})araison pour la comete Morehouse. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (203-206). [6600J. 14809- Geikie, Sir Archibald r. Clarke, John. Geissler, Kurt. Die Aenderungen. der Gestirnsbahnen und das Unendliche in Raum und Zeit. Pad. Warte Oster- wieck 13 1906 (703-709). [1000 0000].. 14811 Geitel, H. v. Elster, J. Geneve, Observatoire. Saturn. [Uiu nouvel atineau.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179^' 1909(63-64). [6,560]. 14812- Gheury, M. E. J. Notes sur la retro- gradation de I'ombre. Bmxelles BuL. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (187-196). [2030j. 1481.3-- Giacobini. [Observations] sur la nouvelle comete Morehouse. Paris C R.. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (474-475). [6600]. 14814 Observations de la comete- Tempelj Swift. Bui. astr. Paris 26. 1909(176-179). [6600]. 14815- Observations de la comete- 1908 c Morehouse. Bnl. astr. Paris 26 1909, (176-180). [6()00]. 1481S r. Javelle. 78 Gibb, David. Motion of Neptune's satellite. Edinburgh Proc. K. tSoc. 29 .1909 (517-530). Separate. 26 cm. Is. 2d. [6580]. 14817 Oibeme, Agnes. Among the stars, or wonderful things in the sky. 10th Ed. revised. London (Seeley) 1910 (310 with pis.). 20 cm. [0030]. 14818 Gill, David. L'etat actual de i'astronomie. Ciel et Terre Bru.xelles 28 1907 (451-459 345-359). [0040]. 14819 Presidential address on award of gold medal of the Society to Professor Friedrich Kustner. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (395- 413). [0040]. 14820 Giovannozzi, Giovanni. Osservazioni solstiziali allognomoneed alia meridiana
  • zig 22 1910 (156-164). [0010]. 14874 Hagen, J[ohn] G[eorge]. Ein Lehr- buch der veranderlichen Sterne. Leip- zig VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (308-320). [7600]. 14875 HaJasz, Rezso. Milyen az osszefiigges a napfoltok es a magneses variacio kozott ? [Ol)er den Zusammenhang Zwischen den Sonnenflecken und der magnetischen Variation.! Idoj. Budapest 12 1908(159-162). [4110]. 14876 Hale, George E[]lery]. A program of so'ar research. [Contributions from the Solar observatory, No. 3.] Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (1-5). [4010]. 14877 Some tests of the Snow telescope. [Contrilmtion from the Solar observatory, No. 4.] Astroph. J. Chi- cago 111. 23 1906 (6-10 with pi.). [2030]. 14878 Reply to recent statements by M. Deslandres. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (92-93). [2270]. 14879 The tower telescope of the Mount Wilson solar observatory. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (204-212 with pi. diagrs.). [2050 2020]. 14880 Preliminarv note on the rotation of the sun as determiaied from the motions of the hvdrogen flocculi. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (219- 229 with tabs. pi). [4640]. 14881 Solar vortices. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (100-116 with pl.j ; San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (203-220 with pi. tabs.). [4070 4600]. 14882 The Pasadena laboratory of the Mount Wilson solar observatory. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (244- 249 with pi. diagr.). [2020]. - 14883 On the probable exibtence of a magnetic field in sun-spots. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (315-343 with tabs. pi.). [4070 4010 4600]. 14884 81 Hale, George E[Ilery]. Tlio hydrogen tlocciili, as photographed with the Ho and H5 Jiiies. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- «roscop. ital. 37 1908 (99-100 cou 1 'Jav. [ICOOJ. H88r> Some opportunities for ;istronoraical work with inexpensive ajjparatus. [Lecture delivered at the Iioval astronomical society, Hurlington House. London, W., June 20, 1907.] Top. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (74- -SO 107-174 438-142); [Stenographic report. Reprinted, by permission, from MoH. Not. R. Astr. Moc. November 1907.] Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. 1907 li908 (267-285 with pi. text fig.). [0:M0J. 1488G Some tests of the vertical ccelostat or "tower" telescope of the Mt. Wilson solar observatory. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (35-36). [2050]. 14887 Solar vortices and the Zeeman effect. tSan Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (220-224). [4070 4600]. 14888 The Zeeman effect in the sun. San Francisco C-al. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (287-288). [4070 4600]. 14889 Note on Sutherland's article. [Solar magnetic fields and the cause of terrestrial magnetism.] Terr. Mag. Washington D.C. 13 1908 (158). [4110 4010]. 14889a On the nature of the hydro- gen fiocculi on the sun. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (616-617). C4600]. 14890 Sui campi magnetici delle micchie solari. Riv. astr. sc. affin. Torino 3 1909 (377-393 con 5 tav.). [4600]. 14891 Recent work of the Mount Wilson solar observatory. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 29 1909 (220-222). [2010]. 14892 Celestial photographs taken at Mount Wilsou solar observatory, California. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910(175-176). [5880]. 14893 Solar vortices and magnetic fields. (Proc. R. Inst.), (address) Nature London 82 1910 (20-23 50-53) ; Obser- vatory London 32 1909 (311-315). £4600]. 14894 (E-468) Hale, George I'Lfllery] and Adams, Walter S[ydneyJ. Photographic observa- tions of tiio spectra of sun-spots. [Con- tributions from the Solar observatory. No. 5.] Astropli. J. Chicago III. 23 IDOJJ (11-44 with pL tubs.). [4010]. 14895 Sun-spot lines in the spectra of red stars. [Contributions from the Solar obsorvatorv, No. 8.] Astroph. J. Qiicago 111. 23 1906 (400- 405). [8120]. 14896 The five-foot spectro- heliograph of the Solar observatory. Astroph. J. Chic^tgo 111. 23 1906 (54-63 with pi. text fig.). [2270]. 14897 ■ On the nature of the hydrogen fiocculi and tiieir structure at different levels in tlie solar atmosphere; London Proc. R. Soc. (Ser. A.) 83 1910 (177-188 with pi.). [4600]. 14898 Hall, Asaph, juji. Elements and ephemerides of Planet 1907 XP. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (180-181). [5900]. 14899 Halm, J. V. Hough, S. S. Hammer, E[rnst]. Bemerkung zu den Aufsiitzen iiber direkte Polhcihen undgeodatisch berechaete geographische Langen in Stuttgart im 57. Jahrg. (1901), S. 43-60 und S. 67-80. Stutt- gart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 64 1908 (331-333). [0L50 5100]. 14900 Hammond, J. C. Observations of the satellites of Saturn in 1907 made with the 26-inch equatorial at the U. S. naval observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908(11-14). [6560]. 14901 Observations of the satel- lite of Neptune at the opposition of 1906-8 made with the 26-ineh equatorial at the U. S. naval observatorj'. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (29). [6580]. 14902 and Frederickson, M. Observations of minor planets made with the 20-inch equatorial at the U. S. naval observatorj'. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (185-188). [5910]. 14903 • Observations of minor planets and comets made with the 26-incli and 12-inch equatorials at the U. S. naval observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908(19-29). [5910 6600]. 14904 c. Rice, H[erbert] L[oui8]. Hamy, Maurice. Sur le calcul ap- proche des inegalites d'ordre eleve. 82 Paris C. R. Acad. eci. 147 1908 (1251- 1256). [1250]. 14905 Hardcastle, J[ohn] A[lfred]. Earth tides. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (304-309}. [5000]. 14906 iligrating stars. Know- & Sci. News London 7 CS. Ser.) 1910 (46-48). [7060]. 14907 V. Turner, H. H. Harms, F. v. Elster, J. Harper, W. E. tj Virginis. Astroph. J. Chicago in. 27 1908 (160-161 with text fig.). [8010]. 14908 ' r. Plaskett, J. S. Harris, R[ollin] A[rthur]. Cotidal lines for the world. [An address to the eighth international geographic congress, recently held in the United States.] Nation. Geog. Mag. Washington D.C. 17 1906 (303-309 with charts). [1750]. 14909 The tides : their causes and representondon 6 (N. Ser.; 1909 (454-455). [9050]. 14944 ■ Numbering the stai-s. Knowledge and Sci. News London 7 (N. Ser.) 1910 (23-25). [7000]. 14944a Hennig, 0. ZodiakaUicht-Beobach- tungen im Roten Meer, Indischen Ozean und Chinesischen Meer. Ann. ilydrogr. Berlin 37 1909 (184-185 mit 4 Taf.). [f>720]. 1.1 (440- 452) (English) ; Physik. Zs. Leipzig 11 1910 (70-71) (CJerman). [4700 4070 4630 4550 4750]. 15035 Kaiier, E. Eine glanzende Licht- erscheiuung. Astr. Nachr. Kiel. 180 1909 (13-14). [6600]. 15036 Kapteyu, Jacobus Cornelius. Statis- tical methods in stellar astronomy. Congr. Arts and Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (396- 425 with text fig. diagr. tabs.). [1800 7000]. 15037 and Sitter, W[illem] de. The parallaxes of 3,650 stars of different galactic latitudes derived from photogra- phic plates prepared by Prof. Anders Donner, measured and discussed by . . . With an appendix containing rules for the treatment of parallax-plates and a graphical table of parallax-coeflS- cients. Groningen Publ. Astr. Lab. 20 1908 (1-30 T. 1-T. 136 (l)-(4) with 1 pi.). [7070]. 15038 The parallax of the Hyades derived from photographic plates prepared by Anders Donner at Helsing- fora and F. Kiistner at Bonn measui'ed and discussed. Groningen Publ. Astr. Lab. No. 23 1909 (1-56). [7070]. 15039 Kavan, Jif i. tJvod do sfericke astro- nomic Cast II. [Einleitung in die spharische Astronomie 2. Teil.] Vyrocni zprava c. k. ceskeho statniho gymnasia V Praze na Male stranS. [Jahresbericht des k. k. Staatsgymnasiums zu Prag auf der Kleinseite] 1906-1907. Prag 1907. [0050 0100]. 15040 Keeling, B. F. E. Photographic observation of Halley's comet. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (295-296). [6600]. 15041 Keil, Ernst. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Fehler von Mikro- meterschrauben. Zs. Instrumentenk. Berlin 28 1908 (243-245). [3220]. 15042 Eempf, A. v. Miiller, G. Kewitacli, Georg. Die Entstehung des 60-Svstems. Vortrag . . . Un- terriclitbl. Math. Berlin 15 1909 (122- 128). [9300]. 15043 Kimball, Arthnr Lalanne. The rela- tions of the science of physics of matter to other branches of learning. Congr. 88 Arts Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (69-86). [OOOOJ. 15044 Kimball, H[eLeT] H. Pyrheliometer and polarinieter observations. U. S. De- partment of Agriculture Bull. Mount Weather Obs. Washington D.C. 1 1908 (83-93 with tabs, text fig.). [4200]. 15045 A new formula for com- puting the solar constant from pyrhelio- metric observations. Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agiic. Mon. Weath. Rev. 36 1908 (108- nu with tabs.). r4200]. 15046 King, W. F. Determination of the orbits of spectroscopic binaries. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (125-138 with text fig. diagi-s.). [8620]. 15047 Elein, F. v. Gutzmer, A. Klein, [Hermann J.]. Die Ver- gleichung von Mondaufnahmen unter- einander. Sinus Leipzig 41 1908 (206- 201). [4890 4830]. 15048 Die Welt der Sterne. Allgemeinverstiindliche Daretellung der astronomischen Forechungen uber die Fixsterne und den Bau des Univei"sums. l-(j. Taus. (Naturwissenschaftliche Wegweiser. Ser. A. Bd 1.) Stuttgart (Sirecker & Schroder) [1908] (111 mit 5 Taf.j. 19 cm. 1 M. [0030 7000 1800]. 15049 und Blum. Zur Frage der Mondrotation. KorrBl. Schulen Wiirt- temberg Stuttc^irt 14 1907 (58 63). [1700 4830]. " 15049a Klug, Rudolf. Definitive Bahnbe- stimmung des Komelen 1826IV. Wieu Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. 80 1907 (251-315). [6600]. 15050 Knabl, Eduard. Konstruktive Losung elemeutarer astronomischer Aufgaben als Beitrag zur Himmelskunde und angewandten Geometrie an Mittel- schulen. JahrBer. des n[ieder]-6[ster- reichischen] Laudes-Real- u. Ober- gymnasiums ... in Stockerau 39 1903-1904. Stockerau [1904]. [0050]. 15051 Knobel, E[dward] B[all]. Abstract of a lecture on Chinese astronomy. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (337-345). [9020]. 15052 On a Chinese planisphere. Loudon Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 435-445 with 2 pis.). [9020]. 15053 Knopf, Otto. BeolDachtungen von Kometeu und kleinen Planeten. A^tr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (333-338). [6600 5910]. 15054 Ober die Steraschnuppen. Aus d. Natur Leipzig 5 1910 (609-015). [6650]. 15055 Kobold, H[ermann]. [Benenmiiigea neuer Planeten. 1908 BM. = Zelinda. 1908 AN. = Jubilatrix.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (47-48). [5900]. 15056 AufBndung des Kometen Tempelj-Swift (1908 d). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (47-48). [6600]. 15057 Neue Elemente des Kome- ten 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (47-48j. [6600]. 15058 ■ Bericht iiber die Versamm- hmg der astronomischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (71-78). [0020]. 15059 Neuer Veranderlicher 143, 1908 Persei. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (175-176). [7000]. 1506O Elemente und Ephemeride des VII. Jupitermondes. Astr. Nachr, Kiel 179 1909 (175-176). [6550J. 15061 Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Kometen 1908 c (More- house). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (273-274). [6600]. 15062 R Coronae borealis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (47-48). [7600]. 15063 Die Wasserdampfbanden im Marsspektrum. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (247-248). [6820 0960]. 15064 Weitere Bemerkungen be- freffend ^'ar. 0. 1909 Ui-sae majoris und die Aufnahmen des Nebels Messier 101. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (295-296). [7600 7800]. 15065 Beobachtungen des Kome- ten 1908c (ilorehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (359-300). [0600]. 15066 Trabantenbeobachtungeu in den Jahren 1881 bis 1696. [Tra- banten des ilars, Saturas, Uranus und Neptuns.] Strassl)urg Ann. Sternw. 3 1909 ([r-[8]). [6530 6560 6570 6580]. ^ " 15067 Neuer Komet 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (107-108). [6600]. 15068 89 Eobold, H[orniannJ. Ein Brief von Gauss an Argelander [betr. Bewegung des SonnenBystonis]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (185 188). [0010 1840]. 150(59 Neuer Verandei-licber 2,1910 Pegasi. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 183 1910 (203-264). [7600]. 15070 Elemente des Kometeu 1910 a. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (291-292) ; t.c. (309-312). [6600]. 15071 V. Innes, R[obert] T. A. • V. Simon, E. V. Sperra, William E. • V. Turner, H. H. V. Wolf, Max. Winnecke, A. und Schur, W[ilhelm]. Beobaclitungen von Nebel- flecken ausgefiihrt in den Jaliren 1880- 1902 am 18-zolligen Refraktor der ueuen Sternwarte. Strassburg Ann. Sternw. 3 1909 ([1]-[145]). [7800]. 15072 Koch, K[arl] R[ichard]. Relative Schweremessungen in Wiirttemberg. V. Messungen aiif denLiuien: 1. Schwen- ningen bei Erolzlieim. 2. Heilbronn bis Crailsheim. 3. Mergentheim-Wei- kerslieim. 4. Altsliausen bis Wurzach. 5. Fischbach a. B. bis Isny. Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Natk. 65 1909 (275- 288 mit 1 Tab. u. 1 Karte). [5100]. 15073 Koch, Peter Paul. Ueber Methoden der photograph ischen Spektralphoto- metrie. Ann. Physik Leipzig (4. F.) 30 1909 (841-872). [2400]. 15074 Kohl, Torwald. Ueber die mntmass- liche Veranderliclikeit des Sterns BD + 19° 3089. [Nebst Zusatz von iM[artin] EbeU.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (29-30). [7000]. 15075 Kovesligethy, Rado von. A csillagos eg. [Der Sternenhimmel.] Teruit. Kozl. Budapest 40 1908 (54-55 132-133 222-223 276-277 326-327 380-381 430- 431 480-481 536-537 586-587 636-637 690-691 mit Sternmappen). [7000 7160]. 15070 Kohlschiitter, Arnold. Photogra- phische Helligkeitsmessungen des Veranderlichen ry Aquilae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (265-278 mit 1 Taf.). [7600]. 15077 Konkoly Thege, Miklos. Az eg foto- grafalasa. [Dber das Photographieren des Himmels.] Idoj. Budapest 12 1908 (209-233). [2130]. 15078 Kopfif, A. Photographische Aufnah- nien von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (43-44 81-82 99-100). [5910]. 15079 Notiz iiber den Verander- lichen 142. 1908 Cassiopejae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 i 909 (147-148). [7000]. 1508O Ueljcr die Bessel-Bredi- chinsche Theorie der Koinetenschweife. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 li»09 (213-220). [1680 6600]. 15081 Ein merkwiirdiges Meteor vom 23. Oktober 1908. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (237-238). [6650]. 15082 Schweifentvvickelung beim^ Kometen 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (121-124 mit 1 Taf.). [6600]. 15083 ■ Fine Methode zur genaher- ten Bestimmuug der Repulsivkraft der Sonne. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (125-126). [1680]. 15084r (498) Tokio. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (359-360). [5910]. 15085 ■ Beobachtungen des Algol- variablen 21. 1909 Andromedae (BD-f 32" 4756). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (109-110). [7600]. 1508& Formeln zur Reduktion von Schweifpunkten auf die Ebene der Kometenbahu. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(209-212). [1130]. 15087 V. Wolf, M[ax]. Koss, K[arl]. Sterne aus der BD, Zone - 1" und - O'^. Forts, zu Nr. 4225. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909(225-226); 183 1910 (111-112). [7050 7020]. 15088 Kostersitz, K[ai-1]. Ueber die Er- richtung von Bergobservatorien ia Oesterreich. Leipzig VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (338-34"4). [2010]. 15089 Kostinsky, S. Sur les photographies des satellites de Mars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1909 (7-10). [6530]. 15090 Krassowski, J[an]. Ephemeride de la phmete (328) Gudrun. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (371-372). [5900]. 15091 Elements de la comete 1909e (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (191-192). [6600]. 15092 90 Krebs, Wilhelm. Reelle Tiefenunter- schiede zwischen dea Sonnenflecken eiiier Gruppe. Arch. Opt. Leipzig 1 1908(436-443). [4070]. 15093 Granulationen der Sonnen- oberflache als Folgeerscheinungen wellenartiger Vorgange in der Erd- atniosphare. Beitr. Geophvaik Leipzig 9 1908(547-558). [4070].' 15094 Sonnenfinstemis vom 23. Dezember 1908 imd die Erkundung der Bouvet-Inseln. Geogr. Anz. Gotha 9 1908 (223-224;. [4220]. 15095 Wechselseitige Ver- starkung erdmagnetischer Storungs- felder uad vorbeiziehender Storungs- wirbel solaren Ursprungs. Himmel u. Erde Berlin 20 1908 (543-559). [4110]. 15096 Vulkanismus im Planeten- system. fVortrag.) Phvsik. Zs. Leip- zig 9 1908 (773-774). [4000 4110]. 15097 Die Beobachtung der Sonnenfinstemis im Dezember 1908 und die Erforschung des Bouvet-Meeres. (Vortrag.) Physik. Zs. Leipzig 9 1908 (846). [4210]." 15098 fitorungen Ostseegebiet (385-391). [4110] Gefiihrliche Kompass- und Sonnentatigkeit im Weltall Berlin 8 1908 15099 Granulationen der Sonne als Gebilde atmospharischen, ter- restrisclien Ursprungs. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 180 1909 (11-14). [4070J. 15100 Die Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfin-Sternis des 17. — 18. Juni 1909. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (245-246). [4210]. 15101 Gemeinsames Drehungs- ^esetz bei geodynamischen und hsUodvnamischen Wirbeln. Phvsik. Zs. Leipzig 10 1909 (1022-1023). [4070]. 15102 Die ilarsfrage und der Vulkanismus. Weltall Berlin 10 1909 (59-60). [5800]. 15103 graue Licht des Mondes und der Erdschein. Weltall Berlin 10 1909 (61-63). [4850]. 15104 Granulationen der Sonnen- oberflache als Folgeerscheinungen wellenartiger Vorgange in der Erd- atmosphare. Weltall Berlin 10 1909 (87-90). [4070 4110]. 15105 Kreicligaiier. Das Licht der Meteo- riten-Schweife und der Sonnen-Korona. Natur u. Oflenb. Miinster 54 1908 (433- 4.38). [6650 4070 4500]. 15106 Eritzinger, H. H. Der Komet dea Jahres 69 vor Chr. und der Komet Donati (1858 VI). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (65-70). [6600]. 15107 Beobachtungen des Kometen 1907 d (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (209-212). [6600]. 15108 Kreisbahnelemente und Ephemeride fiir den Planeten 1908 EP. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (241-242). [5900]. 15109 Oppositionsephemeride fiir den Kometen 1907 d (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (343-344). [6600]. 15110 Uber eine von Goethe im Jahre 1828 beobachtete Planeten- konstellation. Himmel u. Erde Leip- zig 22 1910 (186-188). [0010]. 15111 Erziz, August. Die Sonnenflecken- Periode von November 1907 bis Juni 1908. Weltall Berlin 9 1908 (81-84). [4070]. 15112 Kublin, Siegmund. Polschwankungen und Erdbeben. Weltall Berlin 8 1908 (315-316j. [510U.] 15113 KUstner, F[riedrich]. Radial velocities of 99 stars of the second and third spectral classes observed at Bonn. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (301- 324 with tabs.). [8500]. 15114 Bemerkungen zur Bonner Durchmusterung. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (239-242). -[7050]. 15115 Neuer Veranderlicher 1. 1910 Pegasi. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(237-238). [7600]. 15116 V. Abetti. i;. Gill, David. V. Kapteyn, J[acobus] C[ornelius]. Kugler, F[ranz] X[aver]. Kultur- historische Bedeutung der babylonischen Astronomie. VerSchr. GorresGes. Coin 1907 (38-50). [0010]. 15117 Darlegungen und Thesen iiber altbabylonische Chronologic. Zs. Assyr. Strassburg 22 1908 (63-78). [9300 9420]. 15118 Stemkunde und Stern - dienst in Babel. AsByriologische, astro- 91 nomische und aatralmythologische Un- tersucluingen. Bucli 2 : Natur, Mythus und (ieschichte als Gruiuilagen liabylo- nischer Zeitordiumg nebst eingelienden Untersiichungeii der alterea Sternkunde und Meteorologie. Tl 1. Miinster i. W. (Aschendorffj 1909-10, (XV+19n mit 2 Taf.). 29 cnx. IG M. [9020 9200]. 15119 Kugler, P. F. H. v. Jeremias, Alfred. Lagger, Fritz. Versuch mit der Drehwage die Abhiingigkeit der Gravi- tation voni Zwischenmedium nachzu- vveiscn. Zurich Phil. Diss. II. S 1904- 05. Bern 1904 (34). 8vo. [1050]. 15120 Lais, Giuseppe. SuUe riproduzioni fotografiche della Carta del Cielo a tri- pliee immagine. Roma Mem. Ace. Nuovi Lincei 27 1909 (1-7). [7005]. 15121 Lakits, Ferencz. Csillaghalmazok es kodfoltok. [Sternhaufen und Nebel- flecke.] Termt. Kozl. Budapest 40 1908 (317-320). [1860 7700 7800 8200]. 15122 Lallemand, Ch[arles]. L'avenir des continents. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (209-220). [5000 0000]. 15123 Rapport sur la mesure des mouvements du sol dans les regions sismiques au moyen de nivellements repetes a de longs intervalles. Verh. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 1 (1906) II 1908 (74-81). [5050]. 15124 Rapport general sur les nivellements de precision (periode de 1903 a 1906). Yerh. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) 11 1908 (93-132 mit Kart.). [5050 5100]. 15125 Movements of the earth's surface. (English abstract) Nature Lon- don 8 1909 (457-458). [5050]. 15126 On the elasticity of the terrestrial globe. (Translation of ab- stract) Observatory London 32 1909 (378-380). [5000]'. 15127 Lamson, Eleanor A. Elements of planet 1907 YZ. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (168). [5900]. 15128 Elements and ephemeris of Comet d 1907 (Mellish). Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (190). [6600]. 15129 Elements and ephemeris of planet 1907 BF. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (261-262). [5900]. 15130 Landwehr, G. Das Mira-Maximum 190S. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (117-ll.S). [7600]. 15131 Lane, Alfred C[hurch]. Schaeberle, Becker and the cooling earth. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 27 1908 (589- 592). [5000]. 15132 Lanneau, J. F. The sparsity of the stars — the measureless remoteness of each star from all others. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (390-396). [1800]. 15133 Larmor, J[oseph]. The relation of the earth's free precessional nutation to its resistance against tidal deformation. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 ('4S0-48(')) ; London Proc. R. Soc. (Ser. A) 82 1909 (89-96). [1710]. 15134 Lau, H. E. Les variables S Fleche et SZ Cygne. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (92-96). [7600]. 15135 Les couleurs des taches solaires. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908(179-180). [4070]. 15136 Mikrometermessungen von Doppelsternen. (Forts, von A.N. 4221.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (101-116). [7510]. 15137 Untersuchungen iiber die systematischen Fehler bei Doppelsteni- messungen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (17-40). [7500 3200]. 15138 und Luplau-Janssen, C. Mikrometermessungen von Doppel- sternen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (297-312); 1831910(145-166). [7510]. 15139 Mikrometermessungen auf Jupiter. (4. Reihe. Forts, von A. N. 4260.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(53-64). [6040 6050]. 15140 Laves, Kurt. A graphic method for lunar eclipses. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (533 539 with text fig.). [0350]. 15141 A reply to Francis Rust's paper on [a new method to compute a planet's anomaly and radius vector]. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (189-190). [1130]. 15142 Leavltt, Henrietta S. 1,777 variables in the Magellanic clouds. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 60 [1907 ?j (87-108 with pi. tabs.). [7600]. 15143 Ten variable stars of the Algol type. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. 92 Harvard Coll. 60 [1907 ?] (109-146 with pi. tabs.). [7600]. 15144 Lebedew, Pierre. L'impossibilite de demontrer I'existence d'une dispersion appreciable de la lumiere dans I'espace interstellaire par la methode Nordmann- TikhofF. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 f515-516). [7600]. 15145 Lecointe, G. Charles Emile Stuv- vaertl-. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (291-292). [DOlO]. 15146 Mesures pendulairea. Expedition antarctique beige — Re- Bultats du voyage du S. Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899.) Bruxelles 1907 (40). 4to. [5100]. 15146a. Lehmann, E. v. Miethe, A[dolf|. Lehmann, P[aul] und Blenck, E. Populiire Mitteilungen zum astrono- mischen und chronologischen Teile des preiissischen Normalkalenders fiir 1910. Berlin (Verb d. Stat. Landesamts) 1909 (24). 22 cm. 1 M. [0030]. 15147 Lehmann-Haupt, C. F. Die Sothis- I'eriode und der Kalender des Papvrus Ebers. Klio Leipzig 8 1908 (213-22G). [9420 9020]. 15148 Le Morvan, C. et Tsatsopoulos, G. Observation photographiqne de la planete (387) Aquitania. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (123-124). [5910]. 15149 Lenox- Conyngham, G. P. The recent pendulum observations in India. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. See. 69 1909 (383-392). [5100]. 15150 Leonard, W. Louise. Drawings of Mars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (387-390 with fold. pi.). [.5880]. 15151 Le Paige, C. L'etude de la Terre. Bruxelles Bui. Acad. roy. 1907 a079- 1099). [0040]. 15152 Leuschner, A[rmin] 0[tto]. Pre- liminary statistics on the eccentricities of comet orbits. [Abstract of address of the retiring President of the Society, presented at the annual meeting, March 30, 1907.] San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 19 1907 (67-71 with tabs.). [1130]. 15153 Versuch der Bahnbestim- mnng mit sofortiger Beriicksichtigung der Stoningen. Leipzig VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (330-338). [1120 1250]. 15154 Levi-Civita, TuUio. Sulla forma dell'anello di Saturno. Venezia Atti 1st. ven. 68 1909 (557-583j. [6560]. 15155 Lewis, [Exum.] Percival. A large quartz spectrograph. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (390-395 with text fig.). [2220]. 15156 Spectrum of the corona and of the second flash. [Eclipse of 1908.] Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 131 [1908] (10-12 with tabs.). [4650]. 15157 Liersch. Dr. Peter Cnemiander, Leibarzt und Astrolog des Markgrafen Johann von Ciistrin. Landsberg a. W. Schr. Ver. Gesch. Neumark H. 16 1904 (219-240). [0010]. 15158 Lindhagen, Arvid. Om den Gaussiska paskformeln. [On the Gaussian Easter- formula.] Ark. Matem. Stockholm 5 No. 3 1908 (12). [9420]. 15159 Lippmann, G. Sur nn collimateur zenithal a suspension libre. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909(145-150). [2100]. 15160 Littleliales, G[eorge] W[ashington]. Dr. RoUin A. Harris' theory of the tides. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc. 38 1906 (753-757). [1750]. 15161 Littmann, Enno. Sternensagen und Astrologisches aus Nordabessinien. Arch. Religionswiss. Leipzig 11 1908 (298-319). [9060]. 15162 Lockyer, [Joseph] Norman. Notes on observations of sun and stars in some British stone circles. Fourth note. The Botallek circles, St. Just, Cornwall. London Proc. R. Soc. (Ser. A) 82 1909 (96-103). [9020]. 15163 The Botallek circles. Nature London 80 1909 (97-99). [9020]. 15164 The uses and dates of ancient temples. Nature London 80 1909 (340-344). [9000]. 15165 Baxandall, F. E. and Butler, C[harles] P. On the origin of certain lines in the spectrum of e Orionis (Alnitam). London Proc. R. Soc. (Ser. A) 82 1909 (532-545 with pi.); [abstract] London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (658). [8050]. 15166 Lockyer, William J[ames] S[tewart]. Les observations de Lowell sur la planete Mars. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (133-140). [5840]. 15167 93 Lockyer, William J[amesj 8[tewart]. The magnetic storm of September 25, 1909, and the associated solar distur- bance. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (12- 18 with pls.j. [4110]. 151G8 Lowa, Ernst. Armillarsphare zur Veranscliauliclning dor scheinbaren imd vvirklichen Bewegnng dor Plimmels- korper. Berlin (Selbstverlag) 1909 (20). 22 cm. 1 M. [0050]. 151G9 Loewy, M. M. Charles Trepied. [Translation.] Po)). Asti'. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (519-522 with portr.). [0010]. 15170 et Puiseux, [P.]. Atlas photograpbique de la lune ; planche XLVII, Agrippa, mer des vapeurs, Apennins. Biuxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 11 190G (449-454); planche XLVIII, Fabricius ; Furnerius ; Borda. op. cit. 12 1907 (125-140); Planche XLIX, Mercator ; mer des nuages ; Landsberg. t.e. (173-179) ; Planche L, Heinsius, mer iles nuages ; Alphonse. ^.e. (245-249) ; Planche, LI, Cleomede ; Posidonius, Hercule. t.c. (325-328). [4890]. 15171 L'origine des accidents du sol lunaire. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (312-316). [4830]. 15173 La question de l'origine ties mers lunaires. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (329-335). [4830]. 15174 Lolmert, K. Beobachtungen ver- anderlicher Sterne von Aug. 1905 bis Okt. 1906. Heidelberg PubLastrophys. Inst. 3 1908 (113-123). [7600]. 15175 Lobse, 0. Doppelsterne. Potsdam Publ. astrophysik. Obs. 20 1908 Stiick 1 (1-168 mit 2 Taf.). [7510 7530].' 15176 Loisel, J. Chaleur solaire regue a la surface du sol. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (229-232). [4200]. 15177 Lorenzoni, Giuseppe. II passaggio di Mercurio sul disco del sole osservato alia Specola di Padova il 14 novembre 1907. Venezia Atti 1st. ven. 67 1908 (47-49). C5670]. 15178 Giuseppe Ciscatof. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (227-228). [0010]. 15179 Relazione sulla Memoria del PikjL a. Antoniazzi intitolata : Posizioni medie pel 1900-0 di 637 atelle della zona da 46' a 55° di declinazione boreale osservate al Circolo Meridiano della specola di Pailova. Venezia Atti 1st. ven. 69 1909 (6-14). [7030]. 15180 Loud, F[rank] H[erbert]. Stellar variability and its causes. Colorado Springs Colo. Coll. Pub. Sci. Ser. 12 1907 (45-63 with text fig.V [1850]. 15181 Love, A[ugustus] E[dward] H[ough]. The yielding of the earth to disturbing force. London Proc. R. S:jc. (Ser. A) 82 1909 (73-88); [abstracts] Loudon Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (476-479) ; Nature London 80 1909 (252-253). [5000]. 15182 Lovewell, J. T. The Foucault ex- periment. Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 20 Part 1 (1905) 1906 (230-233). [5100]. 15183 Lowell, Percival. North polar cap of Mars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (416-421). [5800]. 15185 On a new means of sharpening celestial photographic images ; and applied with success to Mars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (612-617 with text fig.). [5880 2130]. 15186 Water- vapor in the atmo- sphere of Mars. Arch. Opt. Leipzig 1 1908 (388-390). [5850 5890 6820]. 15187 — Les spectres des grosses planetes photographies en 1907 a I'Ob- servatoire Flagstaff. Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 147 1908 (516-521). [6820]. 15188 The tores of Saturn. Pop. Astr. Northfield Miim. 16 1908 (133-146 with pi.). [6560]. 15189 The spectra of the major planets. [Moon-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus- Neptune.] With 1 plate. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (241-242). [6820 6810]. 15190 Mars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (291-292); 183 1910 (47-48). [5890 5840]. 15191 The planet Venus. [An evening lecture at the vicennial of Clark University.] Pop. Sci. Mon. New York N.Y. 75 1909 (521-536 with illustr. text fig.). [5700]. 15192 " Mars as the abode of life." Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 94 30 1909 (338-340); [correction] t.e. (880). [5800 1000]. 15193 Lowell, Percival. The new canals of Mars. Nature London 82 1910(489-491). [5840]. 15194 Mars and its canals. New York London (Macniillan) 1906 (XV -f 393 with front, illustr. pi. (partly col.) 23 cm. [5800]. 15195 Lubrano et Maitre. Observations de la planete (4) Vesta. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (44-45). [5910]. 15196 Observations [meri- diennes] de la planete Pallas. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (124-125;. [5910]. 15197 — - — Observations [meri- diennes] de la planete Ceres. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909(125). [5910]. 15198 Luchini, Roberto. L'aspetto di Marte in un piccolo strumento durante I'op- posizione del 1909. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (474-482 con 1 tav.). [5840]. 15199 Ludendorff, H. Der veranderliche Stem R. Coronae borealis. Potsdam Publ. astrophysik. Obs. 19 1908 Stiick 2 (61 mit 7 Taf.). [7600]. 15200 Die Radialgeschwindig- keiten von ^, e, ( Ursae majoris und tiber die Bewegung und Parallaxe der sieben Hauptsterne des Grossen Baren. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 180 1909 (265-292). [8550 8620 8600 7070 7060]. 15201 Cber den spektroskopi- schen Doppelstern /8-Orionis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (9-12). [8620]. 151^02 Tber die Bewegung des spektroskopischen Doppelsterns /3- Aurigae nebst Bemerknngen iiber das erweiterte Svstem Ursae majoris. Astr. Nacbr. KiellSS 1910 (113-124). [8600 8630 8500]. 15203 Ludeling, J. und Nippoldt, A. Die Expedition des koniglich preussischen meteorol ogischen Instituts uach Burgos in Spanien zur Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 30. August 1905. Ergebnisse der meteorologischen und luftelektrischen Beobachtungen von G. Ludeling. — Ergebnisse der magneti- schen Beobachtungen von G. Xippoldt. Berlin Veroff. met. Inst. No. 198 1908 (92). [4350]. 15204 Luizet, M[ichel], Observations et courbe de I'etoile varialile ^-lyre (Ch. 6758). Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 1907 (261-269). [7600]. 15205 Sur I'etoile variable S Fleche (Ch. 7149). Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (273-278). [7600]. 15206 Sur I'etoile variable RY Cassiopee. Bui. astr. France 25 1908 (248-251). [7600]. 15206a Obser%'ations, nouveaux elements et courbe de lumiere de I'etoile variable XX Cygne. Bui. astr. France 25 1908 (251-259). [7600]. 15206b Elements provisoires de deux etoiles variables nouvelles. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (161-164). [7600]. 15207 Xouvelle etoile variable 173. 1908 Aurigae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (225-226). [7600]. 15208 Nouveaux elements et courbe de lumiere de Petoile variable RV Ursae majoris (BD + 54' 1607). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (321-322). [7600]. 15209 Maximum de I'etoile RU Herculis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (363-364). [7600]. 15210 Elements provisoires des deux etoiles variables nouvelles 13. 1908 Lacertae et 52. 1908 Geminorura. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (245-246). [7600]. ~ 15211 Observations, nouveaux elements et courbe de lumiere de I'etoile variable 139. 1907 Grande Ourse (B.D. -r 54'', 1607). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (118-123). [7600]. 15212 • Sur I'etoile [variable] SV Cassiopee (B.D. -}- 5U, 3676). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (276-277). [7600]. 15213 Sur la variation lumineuse de I'etoile SX Cassiopee (B.D. -|- 54°, 7). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (278-281). [7600]. 15214 Observations, elements et courbe de lumiere de Petoile variable VZ Cvgne (B.D. + 42=, 4233). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (282-285). [7600]. 15215 Elements provisoires de I'etoile variable 176. 1907 Herculis (B D-f 17° 3117). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(223-224). [7600]. 15216 95 Luml^re, A., Lumi^re, L. and Seye- wetz, A. A process of pliotograj)liic development for the production of images of tine grain. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 148 [1909] (70). [2130]. 15217 Liuni^re, L. v. Lumiere, A. Lunn, Arthur C[on.stant]. On the zonal errors in magnification of the reflecting telescope. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (280-285). [2040]. 15218 Luplau-Janssen, C. v. Lau, H. Luther, VV[ilhelm]. (110) Lydia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (99-100). [5910]. 15219 (17) Thetis. [Korr d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (163-104); 183 1910(311-312). [5910]. 15220 (71) Niobe. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (179-180); 183 1910 (311-312). [5910]. 15221 143. 1908 Persei. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 1791909(195-196). [7(;00]. 15222 190S EP. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (211-212 275-276). [5910]. 15223 (28) Bellona. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (243-244). [5910]. 15224 Ringmikrometerniessun- gen vnn kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (125-134). [5910]. 15225 Var. 9. 1904 Orionis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (247-248). [7600]. 15226 Notiz betreffend drei Sterne der Bonner Durchmustening. [Nebst Zusatz von [Hei mann [K[o]b[oldJ.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (247-248). [5050]. 15227 Ephemeride des Planeten (58) Concordia. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (311-312). [5900]. 15228 Beobachtungen des Ver- anderlichen Z Ceti. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (369-370). [7000]. 15229 I-ichtkurve und Maxima von Z Ceti. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (309-372). [7000]. 15230 Lyman, Theodore. The spectrum of hj'drogeu in the region of extremely short wave-length. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1900 (181-210 with tabs. pi. text fig.). [4540]. 15231 Lynn, W[illiam] T[hynne]. The ter- centenary of the telescope. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (206-208). [0010]. 15232 ■ Approaching total eclipses of the sun. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (345-347). [4220]. 15233 Styles of the calendar. Nature London 81 1909 (277). [9420]. 15234 Neptunian comets. Ob- servatory London 32 1909 (139-141). [6600J. 15235 Hallev's comet in 1835. Observatory London 32 1909 (175-177). [6600]. 15236' H. L. d'Arrest. Observa- tory London 32 1909 (211-212). [0010]. 15237 J. G. F. von Bohnenberger. Observatory London 32 1909 (255). [0010]. 1523S Rev. James Pound. 01> servatory London 32 1909 (289-291). [0010]. ■ 15239 Simon Mavr. Observatory London 32 1909 (355-356). [0010]. 15240 Periodical comets due in 1910. Observatory London 33 1910 (55-50). [0600]. 15241 Jean Richer. Observatory London 33 1910 (102). [0010]. 15242 Celestial motions, a handy book of astronomy. 11th edition. London (Bagster) 1907 (1 25 with 5 pis.) ; 12th edition. London (Bagster) 1910 (139 with 5 pis.). 17 cm. 2s. net. [0030]. 15243 MacDonnell, W. J. Comet 1908 c. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (352). [0000]. 1524-4 Jupiter's third satellite. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (356). [0550]. 15245 Halle\''s comet in a small telescope. Loudon J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (200). [6600]. 15246 and Brown, H. Occulta- tion of Venus. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (152-153). [4870 5770]. 15247 96 Macpheraon, Hector, jun. The dis- tribution of the stars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 ('400-'i04 with fold. pL). [71G0]. ^ 15248 Hermann Carl Vogel. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 1453-456 with portr.) [0010]. 15249 • Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen . Pop. Astr. Northfield Jlinn. 16 1908 <72-74). [0010]. 15250 Two Scottish astronomers of to-day. [Dr. Thomas Anderson and Dr. A. W. Roberts.] Pop. Astr. North- field Mi in. 16 1908 (397-403). [0010]. 15251 Simon Newcomb. Obser- vatory London 32 (1909) (315-318) £0010]. 15252 Mader, August. Meteorbeobachtungen. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (201-264). [0650]. 15253 Maddrill, James D. Observations of Comet a 1906 (Brooks). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull'. No. 104 [1906] (83). [6600]. 15254 Observations of Comet c 1905 fGiacobini). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 104 [1906] (83j. [6600]. 15255 Observations of Comet h 1906 (Kopff). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. *Bull. No. 104 [1906] (84j. [6600J. 15256 Observations of Comet c 1906 (Ross). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull". No. 104 [1906] (84). [6600]. 15257 Observations of (167) Urda. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 104 [1906] (85). f5910]. 15258 Nova Aquilae No. 2. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 104 [1906] (86J. [7600]. 15259 Maggini, Mentore. Le grandi macchie solari del settembre 1909. Riv. fis. mat. 6C. nat. Pavia 20 1909 (365-371). [4070]. 15260 Mahler, Eduard. Das Siriusjahr und die Sothisperiode der alten Aegyp- ter. Oriental. Litteraturztg Berlin 8 1905 (473-483 535-541) ; 9 1906 (34-40). [9420]. 15261 Naptari es vallastorteneti tanulmanyok. [Kalender- und religions- geschichtliclie Studien.] Ethnogr. Budapest 18 1907 (129-144). [9420]. 15262 Mahler, Eduard. Der Ivalender der Babylonier. [In: Assjriol. Sludien, H. V. Hilprecht gewidmet.] Leipzig (J. C. Hinrichs) 1909 [19101 (1-13). [9420]. ^ 15263 Maillard, L. L'experience de Perrot. [Preuve de la rotation terrestre.J Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 41 1905 (XX-XXlIlj. [5000]. 15264 Mair, Georm. Pytheas von Massilien und die mathematischeGeographie. II. Teil. JahrBer. d. k.k. Staats-Gym- nasiums in Marburg a. D. 1906 Mar- burg (Steiermark), 1906 (5-96 mit 2 Taf.). [2030 0010]. 15265 Maltre v. Lubrano. Manderly, S. Ober Staljilitiit dynami- scher Svsterae in der Mechanik des Himmels. Solothum Mitt. Nat. Ges. 3 1904-1906 (207-225). [1100]. 15266 Manitius, Karl. Die Parallaxen des Mondes und seine Entfernung von der Erde nach Ptolemaus. Weltall Berlin 10 1909 (29-35 48-55 63-69 84-87). [9020 4.00]. 15267 V. Proclus, Diadochus. Manning, Sydney B. H. Notes on Morehouse's comet, 1908c. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (39-40). [6600]. 15268 Marcuse, Adolf. Ergebnisse der Polhohenbestiramungen in Berlin ausge- fuhrt in den Jahren 1889, 1890 und 1891 am Universal-Transit der konig- lichen Sternwarte. VeiofF. Centralbur. Erdm. Berlin N.F. 6 1902 (1-29). [5100]. 15269 Recent progress in deter- mining geographical position. Report of the Eighth International Geographic Congress. Washington D.C. 1904 1905 (551-552). [5100]. 15270 Astronomische Ortsbe- stimmung im Ballon. Berlin (G. Reimer) 1909 (67 mit 10 Taf. u. 3 Kart.). 8vo. 5 M. [0150]. 15271 Markwick, E[rnest] E. Variable Star Section. Interim report No. 24. The Variable star S S Cvgni (Ch. 7793), in 1908. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (201-205 with pi.); . . . No. 25. Long joeriod variables in 1908. 97 I.e. (289-297) ; ... No. 20. Seven irregular variables in 1908. t.c. (333- 336) ; . . . No. 27. On the influence of change of instrument in the observa- tion of varial)les. op. cit. 20 1910 (l.SO- 135). [7r,00]. , 15272 Mars, S. Ortsljestinunung auf See durch Standlinien nnter Anwendung der Stundenvvinkelforniel und der Breitentab(^llen. Ann. Hvdrogr. Berlin 36 11)08(353-372). [0150]. 15273 Maxtus, Hermann. Phobos, ein Mond des Mars, und die vier seit 1892 ent- deckten sehr kleinen Monde Jupitcrs waren friiher kleine Planeten. WeUali Berlin 9 1908 (4-8). [0530 6550 1520 1500J. 15271 Mascart, J[ean]. La question des petites jjlanetes. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 27 1907 (535-544 593-004); 28 1907 (4-10). [5900]. 15275 Observations simultanees de la surface de Jupiter, reunies par J. Mascart. Paris Bui. soc. a&tr. France 21 1907 (193-200 241-248 288-2U0 337-344 377-384 417-424 456-404 502- 512). [0040]. 15276 Massany, Erno. Az 1908 c. iistokos. [Der Koniet 190S c] Idoj. Budapest 12 1908 (258-201). [0600 0920]. 15276a Maubant, E. Nouvelle ephemeride de la comete Tempela Swift. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1900 (79-80). [6600]. 15277 Sur le retonr de la comete Tempel-Swift en 1909. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (37-42). [1130 6600J. 15278 Elements et ephemeride de la comete TempeP (1873")- Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(289-292). [OOOOJ. 15279 Maunder, Mrs. Annie S. D[ill]. Catalogue of recurrent groups of sun- spots for tiie years 1874 to 1900, from the ledgers of groups of sun-spots, published in the Greenwich Obser- vations, 1886-1907. Appendix to Gr. 0. 1907 (1-48). [4070]. 15280 Maunder, E. W[alter]. Les progres de I'astronomie en 1906. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (281-298). [0010]. 15281 The triad of stars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (403- 408 with text fig.). [9000]. 15282 (E-4G8) Maunder, E. W[alter]. The oldest astronomy. IV. v. E. 4, 6084. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (298-300). [9000]. 15283 Tlie sun-spots of 1908, November, Decemljnr ; 1909, January to (Jctolier. 01;servatorv London 32 1909 (130-1.32 174-175 208-210 248- 250 287-289 322-323 352-353 387-388 422-423 470-471) ; 33 1910 (54-55 95- 97). Corrigenda to the sun-spots of 1900 [v. E 7 11061]. op. cit. 32 (388- 390). [4070]. 15284 Some facts that we know about Mars. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910(82-89). [5800]. 15285 Note on the cyclones of the Indian Ocean, 1856-1867, and their association with the solar rotation. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910' (49-62). [4110].' 15286 Maurer, Jul. Dr. Robert Billwiller, 181U-1905. Verb. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. 1905 (VIII-XVII). [0010]. 15287 May, Martin. Die Sternkunde als (irundlehre aller Naturwissenschaften. Erlauterung der Begriffe. Unendlichkeit des Raums und der Zeit, des Stoffs und der Kraft. Vortrag . . . Frankfurt a. M. (Gebr. Fey) 1909 (16 mit 1 Taf.). 22 cm. 0,50 M. [OOOOJ. 15288 Meares, J. W. The determination of the actual paths of meteors. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (143-150;. [6650]. 15289 Mee, Arthur. What a verj- small telescope will do. Knowledge and Sci. News London 6 (N. Ser.) 1909 (184-185). [2030]. 15290 A popular observatory. (Cardiff.) Knowledge and Sci. News Loudon 6 (N. Ser.) 1909 (415). [2000]. 15291 Meissner, Otto. Betrachtungen iiber die Schiefe der Ekliptik [zu denklimati- schen Verhaltuissen]. Himmel u. Erde Berlin 20 1908 (554-559). [5000]. 15292 ■ Ober die Sichtbarkeit von Oberfliichendetails auf den uns niichsten Himmelskorpern. Himmel u. Erde LeijJ- zig 22 1909 (82-90). [4000]. 15293 Meller, Jacob. Mondlandschaften am Fernrohr gezeiehnet. Sirius Leipzig 43 P.tlO (11--12 mic 1 Taf) [IS90J. 15294 98 Memery, H. Temperature et tacbes solaires. Annu. soc. meteor. Paris 56 1908 (43-51). [4070 4110 4200]. 15295 Mentz, Arthur. Zur Lyzautinischen Chronologic. Byzant. Zs. Leipzig 17 1908 (471-478). [9420 9300]. 15296 Mereclri, R. Cber den Einfluss der veranderlichen Sonnentatigkeit auf den Verlauf der meteorologischen Elemente auf der Erde. ^let. Zs. Braunschweig 27 1910 (49-61). [4110]. 15297 Merfield, C. J. Halley's comet. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (201- 202). [6600]. 15298 Comet Morehouse, 1908 c. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (301-303). [6600]. 15299 Merlin, E. Observations d'etoiles doubles effectuees a I'equatorial de 38 centimetres en 1906 et 1907. Annales de I'observatoire royal de Belgiqiie Annales astronomiques 11 1907 (75-95). [7510]. 15300 Description de I'equatorial de Om 38 de T. Cooke and Sons. Extrait de I'Annuaire astronomique de I'obser- vatoire roval de Belgique (pour) 1908. Bruxelles (HaYez) 1907 (1-36 av. iig. et 10 pi. hors texte). 12mo. [2050]. 15301 V. Stroobant, P Merlin, J. Resultats des mesures micrometriques faites a I'Observatoire de Lvon lors de I'eclipse du 28 juin 1908.' Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (259- 270). Discussion de ces mesures par F. Merlin. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (146-147 263-264). [4230]. 15302 Messerschmidt, J[ohn] B[apt]. Der Sonnenchronometer. Bayr. IndBl. Miin- cheu 95 1909 (48-50j. [2100 9220]. 1.5.303 . Die WiederkehrdesHalley- schen Kometen. Kalw. Wochenschr. Jena 24 1909 (58-61). [6600]. 15304 Die Schwerebestimmung an der Erdoberfliiche. (Die Wissen- schaft. H. 27.) [Nebst Literatur- verzeifhnis.] Braunschweig (F. Vieweg & S.) 1908 (VIIl + 158). 22 cm. 5 M. [5100 1050]. 15305 Die Erde als Himmels- korper. E'ne attronomische Geographic. 1.-4. Taus. ^^'aturwiss. Wegweiser. Ilrsg. von Kurt Lampert. Ser. B. Bd 1 .) Stuttgart (Strecker & Schroder) 1909 (XI + 217 mit 5 Taf.). 22 cm. 2 M. [5000 0030]. 15306 Mestre. Calendrier perpetuel auto- matique. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (4.54-457). [9400]. 15.307 Metcalf, Joel H. A new method for the discover}- of asteroids. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (.306-311 with illus.j. [5900]. 15308 Comet Morehouse. Pop. Astr. Xorthfield Minn. 16 1908 (575). [6000]. 15309 Observations of asteroids. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (43-44 93-94). [5910]. 15310 Two new planets. [1909 JA ; 1909 JB.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(79-80). [5910]. 15311 New planet 1909 J G. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (207-208). [5910]. 15312 Meyer, [M.] Wilhelm. Der Halleysche Kornet. Velhagens Monatshefte Berlin 24 1910 11 (241-250). [6600]. 15313 Wie ich der Qrania-Meyer wurde. Fine Geschichte fiir alle, die etwas werden wollen. Hamburg (H. Grand) 1908 (135 mit 1 Portr.). 21 cm. 2 M. [0010]. 15314 Der Mond unsere Nach- barwelt. Stuttgart (Kosmos) [1909] (98). 21 cm. [4800]. 15315 Kometen und Meteoi-e. 11 Aufl. Stuttgart (Franckh) 1909 (104). 8vo. 1 M. [6600 6650]. 15316 Meyer, W. F. v. Crawford, R[ussell] T[racy]. V. Einarson, S. Mezzetti, P. L'astrofotometria e i proljlemi da essa risoluti. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat. Pavia 20 1909 (97-117). [2400]. 15317 Mier y Teran, J. Bulletin de I'activite solaire, sept. 1906 a novembre 1907. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (25 65 117 161 204 235 318 358 410). [4070J. - 15318 observations solaires a I'observatoire de Grenade. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (86-95). [1070]. 15319 99 Miethe, A[dolf] uiul Lehmann, E. Uel)or das ultraviolette Eude des Son- nens])ektruiiis. Berlin SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 1909 CiGcS-277). [4510]. 1535^0 Milham, Willis I. IIow to identify tlie stars. London (and New York) (Macmillan) 1909 (V + 38 with pis.). 3s. net. [7000J. 15321 Miller, E[pbraim]. Variations of latitude. Topeka Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. 20 Part 1 (1905) 1906 (199-204). [5100]. 15322 Miller, John A[nthony]. Observa- tions of the total solar eclipse of August 30th, 1905. Indianapolis Ind. Proc. Acad. Scl. 1905 19UG (71-80 with illustr. text fig.). [4210]. 15323 Solar eclipse of August 30, 1905 [in Spain]. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (93-95). [4210]. 15324 The determination of the heliocentric position of a certain class of coronal streamers. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (28G-295). [4240]. 15325 Photographic observations of Comet Morehouse. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (653-655 with text fig.). [6600]. 15326 Millochau, G. La temperature du soleil. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (421-429). [4200]. 15327 La temperature du soleil et la constante solaire. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (534-540). [4200]. 15328 Contribution a I'etude du rayonnement [solaire]. Paris C. R.. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (780-782). [4200]. 15329 Millosevicli, Elia. II pianetino B M 1908 Zelinda. Catania Mem. Soc. spettro- scop. ital. 37 1908 (101-103). [5900]. 15330 Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c Morehouse fatte al R. Oss. al CoUegio Romano. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5) 17 1908 2'^" Sem. (427- 428). [6600]. 15331 Pianeta 1908 E P. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (163-164). [59101. 15332 Osservazioni di pianeta 1909 F Y. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (135-136). [5910]. 15333 (E-468) Millosevich, Elia. II salto di data. Riv. astr. so. affini Torino 3 1909 (73- 76). [9390]. 15334 La cometa di Halley. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (233-240). [6600]. 15335 ■ Indirizzo moderno in astronomia. Roma Atti Soc. it. progr. delle sc. 2 1909 (103-119). [0040]. 153.36 Commemorazione di Simon Newcomb. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 4) 18 1909 (409-414). [0010]. 15337 Osservazioni della cometa di Halley =1909 c fatte al R. Osserva- torio Astronomico al Collegio Romano. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5) 18 1909 (519-520). [6600]. 15338' Halleyscher Komet (1909 c). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (125-126). [6600]. 15339 (418) Alemannia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (125-126). [5910]. 15340 Osservazioni di pianetini. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (225-234). 15341 Eclisse tolale di luna del 3 giugno 1909. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (233-234). [4860]. 15342 Osservazioni della cometa 1910 a. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (293-294). [6600]. 15343 L'ltalia nel problema degli spostamenti del polo sul geoide. Ser. geog. pubb. in on. G. Dalla Vedova. Firenze (M. Ricci) 1908 (1-19 con. 1 tav.). 24 cm. [5100]. 15344 [BiancM, E., Zappa, G.] Osservazioni fatte coU'equatoriale Stein- heil-Cavignato nel R Osservatorio al Coll. Romano. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (325-340). [5910 6600]. 15345 ■ ■ Beobachtungen des Halleyschen Kometen 1909 c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (79-80). [6600]. 15346 Neugetoauer, P[aul]V[ictor]. Planet 1909 J C. [identisch mit (50) Virginia]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (111-112). [5900]. 15347 Minnemann, Carl. Untersuchungen iiber die Ditferenz der Wahrnehmungs- geschwindigkeiten von Licht- und Schall- u 2 100 reizen. Diss. Kiel (Druck v. Schmidt & Klaunip) 1908 (63). 23 cm. [3200]. 15348 Mitchell, Walter M. The relation between the spectra of sun-spots and fourth-tvpe stars. Astroph. J. Chicago ni. 23 i'J06 (211-219 with tabs.). [8400 40 lO:. 15349 Mbbius, W. r. Wiener, Christian. Mohn, n. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Einfluss der Erdrotation auf die Meeresstromungen. Ann. Hydrogr. Berlin 36 1908 ^447-450). [1610]. 15350 Molflno, Emilio. Sulle altezze cir- cummeridiane. Ann. Idrogr. Geneva 6 1909 (281-288 con. 2 tav.}. [0110]. 15351 Mommsen, A. Attische Jahrbestim- mung. Philologus Leipzig 63 1904 (161-185). [9420]. 15352 Monck, W. H. S. The sun's motion in space and the fixed stars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 r239-241 with table). [1840]. 15353 On an infinite universe. Pop. Astr. Northfield ilinn. 16 1908 (59G-001. [ISOO]. 15354 Montangerand, L. Observation de reclipse totale de lune du 3 juin 1909 a rObservatoire de Toulouse. Paris C. E. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (1577-1579). [4860]. 15355 Moore, J[oseph] H[aines]. A list of four stars whose radial velocities are varia1)le. Astropih. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (263-264). [8550]. 15356 The spectrum of Xova Aquilae Xo. 2. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. BuU.'No. 98 [1906] (69). [8300]. 15357 The orbit of the Cepheid variable X Sagittarii. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 157 [K09] (111-114 with text fig. tabs.). [8620]. 15358 V. Campbell, W[illiam] W[allace]. Mora, Enzo. Oppositions de ]\rars de 1800 a 1999. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (165-168). [1300 5800]. 15359 Disparitions simultanees des satellites de Jupiter. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (167-170). [6550]. 153G0 Morehouse, D. W. llicrometric ob- servations of comet 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Xachr. Kiel 180 1909 fl33-134). [6600]. ^ 15361 Morgan, Herbert Pi[ollo]. Observa- tions of double stars made at the Mor- rison observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (142). [7510]. 15362 Observations of comets made at the Morrison observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (143). [6600]. 15363 Morgan, Sarah v. Crawford, Pl[uss811] T.racyj. Morgenstem, E[rnest]. La photo- graphic du ciel. Rev. Suisse Phot. Geaeve 17 1905 (45-48). [7005]. 15364 • La photographic astrono- mique. Rev. .Suisse Phot. Geaeve 18 1900 (5-9). [2130 7005]. 15365 [Morozov, Xikolaj [Aleksandrovic].] Mopo30Bi>, HiiKo.iaii [A.] HoBaa iriaHeia xarja acxepoHjtOB'B. [Qber einen neuen Planet des Asteroiden- typus]. Vopr. fiziki St. Peterburg 1 1907 (54-56). [5900]. 15366 0 HOBifloinxT, onpe;;^- .leHiHxt TeMneparypbi noBepxHocxHux'B o6.iacTeH co.iHn;a. [Cber die neuesten Bestimmungen der Temperatur der r)berflachenschichte der Sonne]. Vopr. fiziki St. Peterburg 1 1907 (56-58). [4200]. ^ 15367 Morrow, John. The stone circles of Keswick and Long Meg. [Abstract] Xature London 81 1909 (128-129). [9020]. 15368 Moulton, Forest R[ay]. The motions of the earth. J. Geog. Chicago 111. 3 1904(145-150 213-222 with text fig.). [5100]. 15369 Remarks on recent con- tributions to cosmogony. [With refe- rence to paper by T. J. J. See on " fair play in criticism."] Science New York X.Y. (X. Ser.) 30 1909 (1 13-1 17). [J 000 5800]. 15370 A reply to Dr. Percival Lowell. Science Xew York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 30 1909 (639-641). [1000 5800]. 15.371 r. Chamberlin, T[homasj C[hrowder]. 101 Moye, M[nrrel]. Les conditinns de la vie dans I'LJiiivers. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astroii. 12 11)07 (20'J-221). [0000]. 15372 MUUer c. Dundr, Nils Christofer. Mliller, Aloys. Zur Theorie der Ent- steliung der Tiden. [Nelist] Nachtrag. Beitr. (ieopliysik Leipzig 10 1909 (125- 151 2fi5-i'U7j. [1750]. 15373 Einigo Beinerkungeu iiber tlie 'riiuticliung am Hinimelsgewulbe imd an don Gestirnen. (Aiis Anlass der Arbeit v. Rud. F. Pozdena...) Arch, aes. Psychol. Leipzig 18 1910 (559). [Oi'lO]. 15374 Mliller, Friedrich. Johann Keplers iScliwabenstreiche. Hinimel u. Erde Leipzig 22 1909 (117-129). [0010]. 15375 Miiller, G. Bericht liber den Fort- gang der Arbeiten an dem Katalog der veriinderlichen Sterne. Leipzig Vier- teljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (387-391). [7G00] 1537C ■ und Kempf, P. Ein neuer Veriinderlicher 1. 1909 Ursae majoris (BD + 62" 1224). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909(111-116). [7600]. 15377 ■ ■ Ueber den Zusammen- hang der Farben und Grossen der Sterne mid die Beziehungen der Sternfarben zur Milchstrasse. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 180 1909(249-262). [7120 7080 7160]. 15378 Miincli, W. Gelegentliche photo- metrisclie Beobachtungen einiger veran- derlicher Sterne. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (73-78). [7600]. 15379 Muller, J[ohan] J[acob] A[ernoud]. Het tegeuwoordige standpunt der geo- desie. [Der jetzige Standpunkt der Geodiisie.] Leiden (A. W. Sijthoff) 1909 (1-28). 25 cm. ; Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde Utrecht 25 1909 (123-140). [5050]. 15380 Munzky, Richard. Gemeinverstiind- liche Rechnungsmethode zur Bestim- mung des Wochentages fiir beliebige Daten im alien und im neuen Kalender. Weltall Berlin 9 1908 (74-75). [9420]. 15381 Naccari, Giuseppe. Effemeridi sole e luua orizzonte Venezia per 1909. A'ene- zia Ateneo Veneto 31 1908 (1-20). [0020]. i538lA 11 3° centenario dell' in- venzione del cannocchiale. Venezia Ateneo Veneto 32 1909 (93-107). [0010]. 15382 Naccari, Giuseppe. Effemeridi del solo e della luna calcolate per I'anno 1910. Venezia Ateneo Veneto 32 1909 (335-370). [0020]. 15383 Nangle, James. The star p Eridani. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (300- 301). [7510]. 15384 Provisional orbit for the double star -p Eridani. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (399-402). [7530]. 15385 The double star Laraille 2145 (Brisbane 1137, Taylor 2.325). London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (36-- 38). [7530]. 15386 Natal Observatory. Observations of the partial eclipse of the sun, 1908, December 23, at the . . . London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (432). [4230]. 15387 Neate, A. Noel. The lunar section. Guericke and Parry. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (284-289). [4830]. 15388 Nelting, R. Der nautisch-astronomi- sche und Uni-\ersal-Rechenstalj zur niechauischen Losung aller mathemati- schen Probleme, unter Beriicksichtigung der terrestrischen und astronomischen Navigation. Hamburg (R. Nelting) 1909 (111 + 68 mit 1 Taf.). 27 cm. 4 M. [0150 2600]. 15389 Neugebauer, P[aul] V[ictor]. Notiz betr. Planet (653) [1907 BK]. [Identisch mit 1893 D.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (115-116). [5900]. 15390 Numerierung und Bahnele- mente von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (189-190). [5900]. 15391 V. Millosevich. Neumann, C[arl]. Worte zum Ge- dachtnis an Wilhelm Scheibner. Ne- krolog . . . Leipzig Ber. Ges. Wiss. math.-phys. Kl. 60 1908 (375-390). [0010]. 15392 Nevill, E[dmund]. On the data em- ploye! in Oppolzer's Canon der Finster- nisse. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (432-434). [4210]. 15393 102 Newcomb, Simon. The evolution of the scientific investigator. Introductory address ... by ... President of the Congress. Congr. Arts. Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 1 1905 (135-147). [0040]. 15394 A search for fluctuations in the sun's thermal radiation through their influence on terrestrial tempera- ture. Philadelphia Pa. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. (N. Ser.) 21 1908 (.309-.3S7 with tabs, text fig.). [4110 4200]. 15395 Comparison of ancient eclipses of the sun with modem elements of the moon's motion. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (460-467). [4210]. 15396 Astronomic fiir Jedermann. Eine allgemeinverstandliche Darstellung der Erscheinungen desHimmels. Xach der Cbers. von F. G laser bearb. von R. Schorr und K. Graflf. 2. Aufl. Jena (G. Fischer) 1910 [1909] (X + 366 mit 1 Portr. 3 Taf. u. 3 Kart.). 22 cm. 3 M. [01 130]. 15397 Nichols, Edward Leamington. The fundamental concepts of physical science. Congr. Arts Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 1906 (18-28). [0040]. 15398 Nicolis, Ugo. Sul cerchio meridiano deir Osservatorio di Modena. Publjl. Oss. geofis. Modena 21 1907 (1-13). [2070]. 15399 Niessl, G. Uber die hellen ileteore vom 12. Dezember 1904 und 11. Juli 1906. Weltall Berlin 10 1909 (45-48). [6650]. 15400 Nijland, A[lbert] A[ntonie]. Notiz uber .SS Aurigae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909(157^160). [7600]. 15401 Beobachtungen der Nova Persei Nr. 2. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (117-120). [7600]. 15402 Beobachtungen von SS Cvcni. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (133-136). [7600]. 154 3 Der Algol variable SY An- drornedae. Astr. Nachi-. Kiel 180 1909 (167-168). [7600]. 15404 Beobachtungen von lang- periodischen Variablen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1 909 (201-208). [7600]. 15405 De veranderlijke sterren der U Geminorum groep. [Die veran- derlichen Sterne der U Geminorum Gruppe.] Hemel en Dampkring 's Gra- venhage 6 1909 ( 1 29-1 31). [7600]. 15406 Nijland, A[lbert] A[ntonie]. Het spektrum der Algolvariabelen. [Das Spektrum der Algolveranderlichen.] Hemel en Dampkring 's Graveuhage 7 [1909] (33-37). [7600 1850 8300]. 15407 X Cvgni. Hemel en Dampkring 's Gravenhage 7 [1909] (62). [7600]. 15408 De veranderlijke RX Audromedae. [Der Veranderliche RX Aiidromedae.] Hemel en Dampkring s' Gravenhage 7 [1909] (69-70). "7600]. ^15409 Var. RX Andromedae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (15-16). [7600]. 15410 Notizen iiber einige dem Algoltypus angehorige veranderliche Sterne' Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (281-284). [7000]. 15411 Die Periode des Algol- sterns Y Camelopardalis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (283-388). [7600]. 15412 De geschiedenis der Utrechtsche sterrenwacht. [Geschichte der Sternwarte in Utrecht.] Sonderab- zuc; aus : Utrechtsch Dagblad Utrecht 1909 (1-12). [2010]. 15413 und Bilt, J. V. d. Beob- achtungen von Kometen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (105-112). [6600]. 15414 Beobachtungen des Hallevschen Kometen 1909 c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (173-176j. [6600]. 15415 Nippoldt, A. V. LiJdeling, G. NolDlle, Yittorio. Sulla integrazione delle equazioni del movimento di due corpi che si attraggono secondo una legge espre.ssa da una certa particolare funzione della distanza. Giorn. mat. Napoli 45 1908 (313-320). [1000]. 15416 Nolke, Fr. Ueber Sees kosmogonische Untersuchiingen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(81-90). [1790 1100]. 15417 103 Norlund, N. E. Untersuchung der porsiiiilichen (ileichung und der Ilellig- ki>itsgleirliung bei Beobachtuiigen niit. deiii Rejisoldsclien selbstregistricrciidiMi Mikronit'ter. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (17-44). [3200 3100]. 1541, S ■ Bestimmung der Rektas- zensionen von 184 Steriieu init dcin Passageniiistruineiit der Kopeiihageuer niiiversltats-Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. Kiell83 I'JiO (49-54). [7020 7050]. 15419 Nordmann, (Jliarles. Contribution to the study of tlie effects produced on the magnetic declination by the total solar <'clipse of August 30, 1905. [Transla- tion from French.] Terr. Mag. Wasli- ington 1).(1. 12 1907 (15-2G with tabs, text figs, diagrs.). [4110]. 15420 Sur diverses jiarticularites nouvelles des etoiles variables a courte periode ; metliode permettant de dis- tinguer leurs eilets de ceux de la disper- sion dans le vide. Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 147 1908(24-27). [7600] 15421 ■ Remarques sur une note recente dc M. Lebedew relative a la dis- jiersiou dans le vide iiiterstellaire. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908(620). [7600]. 15422 Jules Janssen sci. Paris 19 1908 (223-225). Regarding the Rev. gen. [0010]. 15423 magnetic effects of the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Terr. Mag. Washington D.C. 13 1908 (76-78). [4350]. 15424 Observation de minima de 0 Persei et corrections a apporter aux ephemerides. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909(95-96). [7600]. 15425 1^'espace celeste est-il dispersif ? Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (5- 37). [7600]. 15426 Introduction a la photo- eraphie heterochrome des astres. Bid. astr. Paris 26 1909 (158-172). [2400]. 15427 Sur la temperature de ;8 Persee. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 149 1909(662-663). [8080]. 15428 Nusl, Fr. V. Fric, Joseph. Nutting, P[erley]G[ilman]. Stormer's work on the physics of the aurora. Terr. Mag. Washington D.C. 13 1908 (23-24). [5400]. ^ 15429 The resolving power of objectives. Washington D.C. Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bnr. Stand. 6 1900 (121-124 with pL). [2040]. 15430 Oddone, I'^milio. Measurements of the electric potential during the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905, at Tripoli, ]3arbary. [Second communica- tion.] Terr. Mag. Washington D.C. 11 1906 (167-180 with text fig.). [4350]. 15431 lutoriio al problema della rigidita. della tei'ra. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (45-51). [1610]. 15432 Oertel, Karl. Katalog von 1436 Sternen, hauptsachlich Zenitsterneu. Nach Beobachtungen am Repsoldschen Meridiankreis, ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1891-1901 . . . von J[ulius] Bau- scWnger und K[arl] Oertel. Miinchen- N. Ann. Sternw. 4 1909 ((94) + 242). [7030]. 15432a Ogburn, John H[utcheson]. Com- parison of latitude observations at Sayre Ubservatory, South Bethlehem', and at Flower Ubservatory, Philadelphia. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 46 1907 '165-170 with diagr.). [5100]. 15433 O'Halloran, Rose. Some recent studies of the solar surface. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (484-487 with text fig. tab). [4070]. 15434 Olbers, Wilhehn. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Im Auftrage der Nach- kommen hrsg. von C. Schilling-. Bd. 2 : Brief wechsel zwischen Olbers und Gauss. Abt. 2 . . . . Berlin (J. Springer) 1909 (V + 758). 26 cm. 16 M. [0010]. 15435 Olivier, Charles P. o Ceti. Astr. J, Boston Mass. 25 1908 (197-198). [7t)00]. 15436 Olmsted, Charles M. Sun-spot bands which appear in the spectrum of a calcium arc burning in the presence of hydrogen. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (66-69 with tabs.). [4610]. 15437 Oppenheim, S[amuel]. Die Gleich- gewichtsfiguren rotierender Fliissig- keitsmassen und die Gestalt der Him- melskorper. I. Teil JahrBer. d. deutscheu Staatsrealschule in Karoli- nenthal 30 1905-06. Prag 1906 (25-53) ; 02^. cit. 31 1906-07. Prag 1907 (3-45). [1600 1610 1660 4830 6100]. 15438 104 Paci, Ernesto. Osservazioni della durata del passaggio del sole al meri- diano. Eiv. fis. mat. sc. nat. Pavia 19 1909 (208-215); 20 1909 (49n-507j. [4030]. 15439 Latitudine di Palermo determinala nell'Osservatorio astro- riomicoal Cercliio meridiano di Pistor e Martins. Riv. fis. mat. so. nat. Pavia 20 1909 (515-527). [2010 5100J. 15440 Palazzo, L. ^lagnetic elements deter- mined at Tripoli, Barbarv [during eclipse ol August 30, 1905]. Terr. Alag. Washington D.C. 11 1906 (93-96). [4350]. 15441 Palisa, J[ohann]. Zur Sternwarten- frage in Oesterreich. Sirius Leipzig 41 1908 (217-223). [2010]. 15442 Entdeckung von zwei Planeten. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (43-44j. [5910]. 15443 ■ (510) Mabella. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (47-48). [5910J. 15444 Planeten- und Kometen- beohachtungen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (217-240). [5910 6600]. 15445 (431) Nephele. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (223-224). [5910]. 15446 (Ill) Ate. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(223-224). [5910]. 15447 (670) [1908 D R]. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (223-224). [5910]. 15448 Palmer, H[arold] K[ing]. A short method of computing an approximate value of the reduction to sun in radial velocity determinations. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Puh. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 98 [1906] (70-71 with tabs.). [8500]. 15449 Paris, Alfred. Neues iiber die Welt- entwicklung. Eine zeitgemasse Kos- mogonie zur notweudigen Erganzung des Darwinismus. (Weltanschauuugs- Fragen. 1. 2.) Stuttgart (F. Leh- manu) 1908(166). 21cm. 2 M. [1790 0000]. 15450 Parkhurst, J[ohn] A[delbert]. Photo- graphic light-cui-ve of the variable star SU Cassiopeiae. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (278-283 with text fig. tabs.). [7600 8300J. 15451 Parkhurst, J[ohn] A[delbert]. Henry M. I'arkhurst. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (231-239 with portr. tab. text fig.). [0010]. 15452 and Jordan, F. C. Photo- graphic photometry of short-period variable stars. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (79-91 with fig. tabs.). [7600]. 15453 The photographic deter- mination of star-colors and their relation to spectral type. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (169-182 with text fig. pi. tabs.). [8120 7120]. 15454 r. Frost, Edwin B[rant]. Parr, W. A[lfred]. Passaggio di Mercurio sul sole (14-11-07). Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (88-89). [5670]. 15455 Solar spectroscopy with simple instruments. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 17 1909 (395-396). [4500]. 15456 Osservazioni spettro- scopiche solari con mezzi semplici. Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 {337- 339). [4600]. 15457 Patterson, Andrew H[enry]. The origin of the moon. [Discussion of terrestrial origin.] Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 29 1909 (936-937). [4800 5000]. 15458 Payne, W[illiam] W[allace]. The Alvan Clark and Sons' Corporation. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (413-416). [0010 2040]. 15459 ■ Mathematics needed for professional astronomy. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 "l907 (493-498). [3030]. 15460 The Mills expedition from Lick Observatory. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (522-527 with text fig.). [2000]. 15461 The planet Mars. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (539- 545). [5800]. 15462 Mathematics needed for the study of practical astronomv. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (600- 606). [3030]. 15463 Solar vortices. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (555-560 with illustr.). [4070]. 15464 Earl of Rosse. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (570- 572). [0010]. 15465 105 Pearson, Karl. On Hoine points with regard to the light fhictualions of varialjle stars. A rejoinder to Mr. II. C. Phniuiier's criticisms. Londf)n Mon. Not. li. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (573-58.5). [7000]. ISICC) A last word on the cor- relation of variable stars. London Mon. Not. K. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (22S-229). [7000]. 15407 PechUle, G. F. (393) Lan.petia. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 179 1909 (179-180). [5910]. 15408 • (352)Ciisela. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (243-244). [5910]. 15409 Planeten-Beobachtungen. Astr. :Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (357-304). [5910]. 15470 Beobachtungen von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (119-120) ; 183 1910 (79-80). [5910]. 15471 (423) Diotima und (487) Venetia. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (183-184). [5<»10]. 15472 (554) Peraga. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (183-184). [5910]. 15473 1909 F R. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (183-184). [5910]. 15474 (399) Persephone. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (175-170). [5910]. 15475 (540) Herodias [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (239-240). [5910]. 15470 Pechuel-Loesclie. Strahlen nehen dem Zodiakallicht. Natw. Wochenschr. Jena 23 1908 (009-011 mit 1 Taf.). [0720 5400]. 15477 Peck, Henry A[llen]. Parabolic ele- ments for comet 1819 II. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (137-138). [0000]. 15478 Definitive orbit of the comet of 1790. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (161-103). [0000]. 15479 Definitive orbit of comet 1822 III. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (165-168). [6000]. • 15480 The eccentricity of the orbit of comet 1894 II. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907(181-182). 6000]. 15481 Peck, Henry Afllen]. Tlic transit of comet 1S19 11 across the solar disc. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (184). [0000]. 15482 The meteor of March 14, 1900, over Central New York. Wash- ington D. C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath. Rev. 35 1907 (121-123). [0050]. 15483 The Christmas meteor of 1873 at Washington, D.C. Washington D.(]. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath. Rev. 35 (1907) 1908 (447-448 with tabs.). [0050]. 15484 • A persistent meteor train observed at Albany, N.Y. Washington, D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath. Rev. 35 (1907) 1908 (448-449 with text fig.). [0050]. 15485. • The central Pennsjdvania- meteor of October 1, 1907. Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath, Rev. 35 (1907) 1908 (508-510). [6050]. 15486 The meteor of October 5, 1907, over New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Mon, Weath. Rev. 36 1908 (142-144 with tabs.). [6050]. 1548I Peridier, J. Le maximum de Mira-. Ceti en 1906. Paris Bui. soc. astr.. France 22 1908 (129-138). [7000]. 15488 Perrine, C[harles] D[illon]. Further note on the reduction of stellar photo- graphs. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 107 [1906] (99).. [3250]. 15489^ — Results of the search for an intramercurial planet at ihe total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Berkelev Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 115 [1907] (115-117). [5500]. 15490' How to obtain the position of a star from a photograph. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (259-273- with pL tabs.). [3250]. 15491 • The search for intramer- curial planets [during 1908 eclipse], Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 131 [1908] (7). [5500]. 1549? — Photometric observations- of the corona [during 1908 eclipse]. Berkeley Univ. Cal. ~Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 131 [19081 (9). [4240]. 15493 106 Perrine, C[liarles] D[illon]. Observa- tions of the coiona for iDolarization effects. [Eclipse of 1908.] Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 131 [1908] (13). [4660]. 15494 Some results of a study of the grain and structure of photo- graphic films. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull.'Xo. 143 [1908] (.50-54 with pi. tabs.). [?,250]. 15495 The sizes of photographic star images formed by light of different wave lengths. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull." No. 154 [1908] (100-101). [2040]. 154:. n Discovery of many small nebulfe near some of the globular star clusters. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (237-238). [7800]. 15497 Results of some further studies on the structure of photographic films and the effect on measiires of star images. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 148 [1909] (66-09 with tabs.). [3250]. 15498 Preliminary account of the solar parallax derived from photographs of Eros taken with the Crossley reflector in 1900. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 150 [1909] (7S-8I with tables). [4050]. 15499 The search for intramer- curial bodies at the total solar ecli[jse of January 3, 1908. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 152 [1909] (95-97). [5500]. 15500 Some results of attempts to determine the total brightnesses of the coronas of August 30, 1905 and January 3, 1908. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 153 [1909] (98-99). [4240]. 15501 Some results derived from photographs of the brighter globular star clusters. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. BuU. No. 155 [1909] (102-105 with text fig. tabl.). [7700]. 15502 Observations of the distant satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 156 [1909] (lOG-109 with tab.). [6550 6560]. 155u3 Komet Winnecke. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (239-240). [6600]. 15504 V. Campbell, '\V[illiam] \Y[allace]. Pesci, Giuseppe. Sulle " Tables for facilitating Sumner's method at sea " di Lord Kelvin. Riv. maritt. Roma 42 (Fasc. I) 1909 (43-66). [0150]. 155U5 Cenni sulla risoluzioue del triaugolo di posizione senza calcoli tri- gonometrici. Riv. maritt. Roma 42 (Fasc. IX) 1909 (317-328 con 1 tav.). [0150]. 15506 Philippot, H. £tude du micrometre du cercle meridien de Repsold. Annales de rObservatoire royal de Belgique 9 1907 (383-407). [214U]. 15507 V. Stroobant, P. Phillips, T[heodore] E[velyn] R[eece]. Micrometric measures of doable stars made at St. George's Cottage, Ashstead, Surrey. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (387-388). [7510]. • 15508 Observations of comet Morehouse (1908 c) made at St. George's Cottage. Ashstead, Surrey. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (388-391). [6000]. 15509 The recent appearance of Mars. Observatory London 32 1909 (462-464 with pi.). ' [5840]. 15510 Observations of Halley's comet with a 12^ in. Reflector. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (94-95 155- 156). [66001 15511 Xote on the variations in brightness of Halley's comet. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (183). [6600]. 15512 Picart, Luc. Observations de la comete 1908 c faites a I'Observatoire de Bordeaux. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (729-730). [6600]. 15513 Pickering, Edward C[harles]. Posi- tions of Ucllo (475) during 1904 and 1005. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 101 [1905] (2 unnumb. pp. with tab.) ; No. 103 [1905] (1 unnumb. p.). [5910]. 15514 Positions of Phoebe in May, 1905. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coil. Obs. Cir. No. 102 [1905] (1 un- numb. p. with tab.). [6560]. 15515 H 1174. A new. Algol variable, 035727. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 104 [1905] fl- 4 with tabs). [7600]. 15516 A. G. C. 6886. Star having a large proper motion. Cam- 107 bridge Muss. Ilarvanl Coll. Obs. (,'ir. No. 105 [l',K)5] (2 unnnnil). pp. with text fig. tal).). L^UOOJ. 15517 Pickering, Edward C[liurles]. H 1175. Nova Aqiiilae, No. 2. 1.S5G04. Cain- biidjore Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 106 [l'J05] (1-4 with text fig. tabs.). [7600]. 1551. S ■ Tlie liglit of the stars. Congr. Arts and Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904. Boston Mass. 4 lOOC (374- 384). [7080]. 15510 Twenty-five new variali^e stars. Caniljridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 107 [190G] (2 umiumb. pp. with tab.). [7G00]. 15520 A systematic study of faint stars. Cambridrre Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 108 [1906] (1-4). [7080]. 15521 ■ • • Observations of Phoebe durinn; 1905. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 109 [190G] (2 unniunb. pp. with tabs.). [G5G0]. 15522 ■ Determination of radial motions by objective prisms. Cam- l)ndge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 'no ri90G] (2 uununib. pp. with text fig.). '[8500]. 15523 Stars having ijeculiar spectra. 13 new variable stars. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. Ill [1900] Cl-4 with tabs.). [8400 7G00]. 15524 Variable stars of long period. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 112 [190G] (1-3). [7600]. 15525 • Measurements of Linne during total lunar eclipse. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 113 [190G] (2 uuuumb. j^p. with tab.) [4830]. 1552G The Algol variable -{-41° 851. 041342. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 114 [1906] (1-3 with tabs.). [7600]. 15527 Twenty-two new variable stars in Carina. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 115 [190G] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600]. 15528 A Durchmusterung of variable stars. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 116 [190G] (1-3). [7600]. 15529 Pickering, Ivhvard ('[l.arles]. 183930. A new Algol variable -SO' 16169. H 1236. Cam])ridge Mass. Harvard Coll. OI)s. Cir. No. 117 1906 (1-4 with tabs.). [7G00]. 15530 ■ Observations of Phoel)e in May and June, 190f5. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 118 (1906) (1 unnumb. p. with tab.). In August and September, 1906. op. elt. No. 119 [1906] (1 unnumb. p. with tab.). [G5G0]. 1.5531 ' Thiity-one new variable stars. Camliridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 120 [1906] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600]. 15532 105853. Nova Vclorum. H 12G8. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 121 [1906] (2 un- numb. pp. with lab.). [7600]. 15533 Thirty-six new variable stars. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 122 [190G] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600]. 15534 An international southern telescope. Philadelphia Pa. Proo. Amer. Phil. See. 45 1906 (44-53). [2000]. J 15535 Eclipses of Jupiter's satel- lites, 1878-1903. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 52 1907 (3i 4- 1-148 with tabs). [6550]. 15536 Photographs of faint stars. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 123 [1907] (1-3). [7080]. 15537 Stars having peculiar spectra. 18 new variable stars. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard CoU. Obs. Cir. No. 124 [1907] (1-4 with tab.). [7600 8300]. 15538 Standard stellar magni- tudes. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 125 [1907] (1-3 with tab.). [7080]. 15539 Two variables discovered by M. Baillaud. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 126 [1907] (1-3 with tabs.). [7600]. 15540 • New variable stars in Har- vard map, Nos. 3 and 6. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 127 [1907] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600] 15541 Missing Durchmusterung stars. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 129 [1907] (1-3 with tabs.). [7040 7600]. 15542 108 Pickering, Edward C[harles]. 15 new variable stars iu Harvard maps, Nos. 31 and (j2. Cambridge !Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. Xo. 129 [1907] (1-3 with tab.). [7600]. 15513 Identification of asteroids. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 129 [1907] (3-4 with tab). [5900]. 15544 71 new variable stars in Harvard maps, Nos. 9, 12, 21, 48 and 51. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 130 [1907] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600]. 15545 Group of red stars near Nova Velorum. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 131 [1907] (2 unnumb. pp.). [7600]. 15546 Stars having peculiar spectra. 15 new variable stars. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 132 [1907] (1-3 with tab.). [7600 8400]. 15547 15 new variable stars in Harvard maps, Nos. 15, 18 and 27. Cambridge Mass. Harvard CoU. Obs. Cir. No. 133 1907 (2 unnumb. pp., with tabs.). [7600]. ' 15548 16 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 37 and 46. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 134 [1907] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600]. 15549 25 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 24, 36 and 42. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 135 [1907] (1-3 with tabs.). [76001 15550 Standard stellar magni- tudes. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (303-305 with tab.). [7080]. 15551 Fifteen new variable stars in Harvard maps, Nos. 15, 18 and 27. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (617-620 with tabs.). [7600]. 15552 Stars having peculiar spectra. Fifteen new variable stars. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (80- 84, with tabs.). [8300 8100]. 15553 Comparison stars for U Geminorum. Cambridge Mass. Har- vard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 136 [1908] (1-3 with tab.). [8300]. 15554 25 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 31 and 43. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 137 [1908] (1-4 with tabs, text fig.). [7600]. 15555 Pickering, Edward C[harles]. 060547. The variable star, 31, 1907. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 138 [1908] (1-6 with tabs, text fig.). [7600]. 15556 20'^ 179. A new variable of the class of $ Lyrae. 003226. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 139 [19081 1 1-7 with tabs, text fi^.). [7600]. 15557 16 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 4 and 13. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 140 [19081 (1-3 with tab.). [7600J. 15558 29 new variable stars near Nova Sagittarii. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 141 [1908] (1-4 with tabs.). [7600]. 15559 28 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 30 and 33. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 142 [1908] (1-3 with tabs.). [7600]. 15560 Stars having peculiar spectra. 28 new variable stars. Cam- bridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 143 [1908] ;l-4 with tab.). [7600 8400]. 15561 Ephemeris of Morehouse's comet (1908c) for 1909. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 144 [1908] (1-3 with pi. tabs.). [6600]. 15562 A sixth type of stellar spectra. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 145 [1908] (1-4 with text fig. tabs.). [8100]. 15563 The constellation Camelo- pardalis. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 146 [1908] (1-3). [0070]. 15564 16 new variable stars in Harvard maji, Xos. 4 and 13. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (39-42). [7600]. 15.565 Ephemeride des VIII. Jupitermondes. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (99-100) . [6550]. 1556& A new variable 43. 1908 Sculptoris of the class of 0 Lyrae. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1 909 (121-122). [7600]. 15567 29 new variable stars near Nova Sagittarii. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (123-120). [7600]. 15568 109 Pickering, Edward C[liarles]. 28 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 30 and 33. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 I'JO!) (159-1G2). [7G00]. 1551)9 ■ The variable SS Cygni. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (163-104). [7000], 15570 Stars having peculiar spectra. 28 new varial)le stars. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 179 1909 (191-194). [8400 8300 7C00]. 15571 Ueber das Ausselien des Konieten 1908 c (Morehouse). Astr. Nadir. Kiel 179 1909 (193-194). [6000]. 15572 A search for a planet beyond Neptune. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 179 1909 (323-324). [6400]. 15573 A sixth type of stellar spectra. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (379-384). [8120 8400]. 15574 The spectrum of More- house's comet. Astr Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (383-384). [6920]. 15575 ' Distribution of the stars. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (147-150). [7160J. 15576 Morehouse's comet 1908c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (325-326 mit 2 Taf.) ; Candn-idue Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. '^ 148 [1909] (1-3 with tabs, pi.), [6600]. 15577 Halleyscher Komet 1909 c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (201-202). [6920]. 15578 Distribution of the stars. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 147 [1909] (1-4 with tab.). [7000 7160]. 15579 The future of astronomy. [Commencement address at Cas» School of Applied Science, Cleveland, May 27, 1909.] Pop. Sci. Mon. New York N.Y. 75 1909 (105-116). [OOUO 0040]. 15580 Komet 1910 a. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (291-292). [6920]. 15581 Pickering, W[illiam] H[enry]. Jupiter's sixth satellite. Cambridge Mass. Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. No. 128 [1907] (3). [6550]. 15582 The jjlace of origm of the moon — the volcanic problem. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (274- 287 with map text fig.) ; Bruxelles Bui. Soc. Astron. 12 1907 (377-387). [1^00 1280 4800 5000]. 15583 Pickering, W[illiam] H[enry]. The origin of meteorites. Knowledge and Sci. News London 6c (N. Ser.) 1909 (202-263). [6650]. 15584 The jorohleni of an ultra Neptunian planet. (From Harvard Annals 61.) Review. Nature London 80 1909(463). [1360]. 15585 The assumed planet 0. beyond Neptune. 01)servatory London 32 1909 (326-328). [6400]. 15586 Pidoux, J. Les satellites de Jupiter en 1908. Eclipses et occultations mutuelles. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 1909 IV 27(21-26). [6550]. 15587 " Oljservations de petites planetes. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (301-364). [5910]. 15588 Quelques petites planetes. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (141-144). [5910]. 15589 Pingsdorf, Franz. Der Sternhaufen in der Cassiopeia Messier 52. Diss. Bonn (C. (ieorgi) 1909 (55 mit 1 Taf.). 29 cm. [7700 3100J. 15590 Pinter, Jeno. A legregibb magyar naptar. [Der alteste ungarische Kalender.] Termt. Kozl. Budapest 40 1908 (579-581). [0010 9420]. 15591 Pizzetti, Paolo. L'astronomia e la geodesia come scienze mathematiche. Riv.astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (1-16). [0040]. 15592 Plaskett, J. S. The star image in spectrographic work. 2. Astroph. J. Chicago HI. 27 1908 (139-151 with tabs, text fig.). [8010]. 15593 Effect of increasing the slit-width upon the accuracy of radial velocity determinations. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (259-265). [8550 2240]. 15594 The spectroscopic binary i// Orionis. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (266-273 with tabs, text fig.). [8600]. 15595 The orbit of i Orionis. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (274- 277 with diagr.). [8620]. 15596 and Harper, W. E. The spectroscopic binarj- i Orionis. Astroph. 110 J. Chicago El. 27 1908 (272-279 with tab. diagrs.). [SGOO]. 15597 Plassmann, J[osef]. Ueber die HeUigkeit von Sternpaaren. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (90-92). [7080 7510]. 15598 Astronomie und Psvcho- logie. Vortrag . . . Zs. Psychol. Leipzig Abt. 1 49 1908 (254^269). [0000]. 15599 Xotiz betr. ST Ophiuchi. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (243-244). [7600]. 15600 Neues iiber den Licht- wechsel der Fixsterne. Vortrag . . . Bonn Verb, nathist. Ver. 65 (1908) 1909 (109-121). [7600]. 15601 Der Hallevscbe Komet. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin "20 1910(1-5). [6600]. 15602 Ostern und die Reform des Kalenders. (Frankfurter zeitgemasse Broschiiren. Bd 28. H. 5.) Hamm (Westf.) (Breer& Thiemann) 1909 (109- 136). 23 cm. [9420]. 15603 Platania, Giovanni. Risultati delle misure piroeliometriche eseguite sul- I'Etna a 754 m. e 1885 m. di altezza. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (62-68). [4200J. 15604 Plummer, H[emy] C. Notes on the determination of the orbits of spectro- scopic binaries. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 28 1908 (212-222). [;G20 1820]. 15605 The orbit of the spectro- scopic binary o Leonis. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. Xo. 133 [1908] (21-24 with tabs.). [8620]. 15606 The orbit of )8 Herculis. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. BuU. Xo. 133 [1908] (24-26 with tab.). [8620]. 15607 The radial velocity of o Orionis. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (227-229 with tab.). [8550]. 15608 On correlation and the characters of various stars ; in replj- to Professor Karl Pearson. London M. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (348-354j ; a second reply to Professor Karl Pearson. op. cit. 70 1910 (4-12). [7600]. 15609 Plummer, H[enry] C. Note on the calculation of stellar aberration. Lon- don Mou. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (414-417). [0250] . 15610 Xote on the observed time of minimum phase of an Algol variable star. London Mon. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (417-420). [7600]. 15611 On the theory of aberra- tion. London Mon. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (496-508). [0250]. 15612 Aberration day numbers for 1910. Loudon Mon. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (80-85). [0250]. 15613 On the theory of aberration and the principle of relativity. London Mon. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (252-. 266). [0250]. 15614 The principal formulae of interpolation and mechanical differentia- tion and integration. London Mon. Xot. R. Astr. Soc. 70 1910 (266-275). [0100]. 15615 Poincar^, [Henri]. Rapports sur les operations geodesiques de I'Equateur en 1903, 1904 et 1905, presentes a I'academie des sciences au nom de la Commission chargee du controle scien- tifique des operations geodesiques de r£quateur. Verli. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) I 1908 (289-304 mit 1 Kaite). [5050]. 15616 Anwendung der Theorie der Integralgleichungen auf die Flut- bewegimg des Meeres. [In : Mathe- matisclie Vorlesungt n an der L^niversitat Gottingen. IV.] Leipzig u. Berlin (B. G. Teubner) 1910 [1909] (11-19). [1750]. 15617 Poor, Charles Lane. An investigation of the figure of tii.e sun and of possible variations in its size and sliape. New York X.Y. Ann. Acad. Sci. 18 1908 (385-424 with tabs.). [1630]. 15618 Poor, John M[eriill]. Charles Augustus Young. Pop. Astr. Xortlifield Minn. 16 1908 (218-230). [0010]. 15619 Porter, J[ermain] G[ildersleeve]. The proper motion of the star B. D. — 21° 1377. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (152). [7060]. 15620 Observations of tlie transit of Mercury at the Cincinnati Observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1908 (196). [5670]. 15621 Ill Porter, J[ermaiii] G[ilclers]eeve]. Ob- servations of comrts mad(f with tiie 10- inch equatorial of the Cincinnati 01)- servatoiy. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1908 (200). [6600]. 15622 Variation of latitude, 1899 to 1906. Cincinnati Ohio Pub. Univ. Cin. Obs. No. 16 1908 (1-31 with dia^r. tabs.). [5100]. 15623 Postliumus, J[an]. Verduisteringen. [Finsternisse.] Zee Tijdschr. Ned. Stoomv. Rotterdam 31 1909 (537-550). [0350]. 15624 Poynting, J. H. Some astronomical consequences of the pressure of light. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 I'.JOT (626-629). [1000 4200]. 15625 Pracka, Ladislav. Pozorovtini men svetlosti hvezd promfnn^-ch. [Photome- trische Beobachtungen der veraenderli- chen Sterne. Teil 1.] Prag Rozpr. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos. 1908 (34). [7600J. 15626 Beobachtungen von veran- derlichen Sternen. (Forts, zu A. N. 4242). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (189-192). [7600]. 15627 Prager, R[ichard]. Tafel der Differen- tial-Prazession und Nutation fiir 1909. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (275-276). [0260]. 15628 Untersuchungen iiber die Bahn des siebenten Saturnstrabanten Hyperion. Berlin (P\ Diimmler) 1909 (29). 26 cm. 2 M. [6560 1460]. 15629 Pr^sek, J[ustin] V. Ueber den Anfang des persischen Achamenidenjahres. [In : Assyriol. Studien, H. V. Hilprecht ge- widmet.] Leipzig (J. C. Hinrichs) 1909 [1910] (14-19). [9420]. 15630 Priest, Irwin G. A new method of determining the focal length of a con- verging lens. Washington D.C. Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull Ber. Stand. 5 1909 (483-497 with text fig.). [2040]. 15631 Prim. Observations meridiennes de planetes faites a I'observatoire de Nice (cercle de Brunner). Bui. Astr. Paris 26 1909 (75-79). [5910 5810 6010 6110 6210 6310]. 15632 Pringsheim, E[rnst]. Demonstration von Siinnenphotographien. Breslau Jahresber. Ges. vaterl. Cultur 86 (190S) 1903 natw. Sect. (53-56). [43G0 4750]. 15633 Prinz, W. Le cratere lunaire " Linne " n'a jamais subi de cliangement. Ciel ct Terre Bru.xelles 28 1907 ,'166-172). [4830]. 15634 Pritchett. II[enrv] S[mith]. Asapli Hall. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (67-70 with portr.). [0010]. 1.5635 Proclus, Diadociius. Ilypotyposis astronomicarum positionum. Una cum scholiis antiquis e libris manuscriptis ed. germanica interprefatione et coni- mentariis instruxit Carolus Manitius. Lipsiae (B. G. Teubner) 1909 (XV1+ 378). 17 cm. 8 M. [0010 9020]. 15636 Przybyllok, E. Mikrometrische Messungeu von Doppelsternen. Heidel- berg Veroff. Sternw. 5 1908 (91). [7510]. 15637 Der i^ersonliche Fehlerbei der Beoljachtung vonSternbedeckungen. Heidelberg Mitt. Sternw. 14 1909 (27 niit 3 Taf.). [3200]. 15638 Przypkowski, Feliks. Z zabytkow gnomonicznych. [Sur des anciens instru- ments gnomoniqnes.] Wszechswiat Warszawa 27 1908 (729-730). [2030]. 15639 Puiseux, P[ierre]. A propos de la Carte de la Lime du P. de Rlieita. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (68-74). [4820]. 15640 Sur les etoiles filantes observees a Besan^on en aoiit 1906. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (321-325). [6650]. 15641 Le mouvement apparent des planetes et la theorie des epicycles. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (524-537). [1100]. 15642 V. Loewy, M. Quenisset v. Baldet. Quignon, G. A. Mira Ceti (806 Chandler). Bnixelles Bui. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (162-163). [7600]. 15643 Bolide. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (366). [6650]. 15644 Quimby, A[lden] W[alker]. Sunspot observations made at Berwyn, Penna., with a 4i^-inch refractor. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (139 179) ; 1908 (199) ; 26 1908 (37). [4070]. 15645 112 Rabourdin, L. Premiere serie de photographies de la coraete Morehouse [1908 c] obtenues avec le grand telescope de Meudon. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 (731-732). [6600]. 15(;46 Radau, H. Astronomy on Mont Blanc. ^Translated, hy permission, from Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris, Febniarv 15, 1907, pp. 876-892.] Washington "D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Rep. 1906 1907 (173- 186). [2010]. 15G47 Rademacher, Joh. Der Weltunter- ^aug. (Glaube und Wissen. H. 19-20.) Miinchen (Miinchener Volksschriften- verl.) 1909 (157). 18 cm. 0,50 M. [0000]. 15648 Rahnenfiihrer, Friedrich. Die Pol- hohe von Xonigsberg. Resultate der von H. Stnive und F. Rahnenfiihrer in den Jahren 1899-1900 und 1905-1907 nach der Horrehowmethode angestellten Beobachtungen bearb. Konigsberg Astr. Beob. Stemw. 43 1908 (II + 30). [5 1 00]. 15649 Rambaud, G. ot Sy, F. Observations de cometes. Astr.Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (179-184). [6600]. 15650 V. Gonnessiat, F. Rayleigh, Lord. Xotes concerning tidal oscillatioTis upon a rotating globe. London Proc. R. Soc. (Ser. A.) 82 1909 {448-464.. [1750]. 15G51 Rebstein. Extrait du rapport de M. Niethammer sur les travaux astrono- miques et geodesiques de I'annee 1901. Xeuchatel Bui. Soc. Sci. Xat. 30 1902 Annexe (7-16). [2000]. 15652 Redlich, R. Astronomisches aus Babvlon. Montagsbl. Magdeburg 61 1909 (387-388). [9020]. 15653 Reiss, R. A. La photographie de ['eclipse du 30 aout 1905. Rev. Suisse Phot. Geneve 17 1905 (236-238). [424(J]. 15654 Resmolds, J. 11. Note on some photo- graphs of Jupiter taken near opposition in 1908 and 1909. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (511-512j. [6080]. 15655 Rheden, J[osef] und Jaschke, H. Beobachtungen von Planeten und Kome- ten. [Mitgeteilt von E. Weiss.] Astr. Kachr. Kiel 179 1909 (19-26). [5910 6600^ 15657 Ricco, Anniljale. Xecrologlo di P. G. C. Janssen. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (33-35). Con ritratto. [0010]. 15658 Statistica delle macchie, facole e protuberanze solai-i nel 2° semestre 1907. Catania .Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (37-39). [4070 4630]. 15659 Cenni necrologici di Carlo Zenger e Carlo Augusto Young. Ca- tania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (52-53). [0010]. 15660 Osservazioni dirette, foto- grafiche e spettrali della cometa Daniel. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (55-64 con 1 tav.). [6608]. 15661 Dimension! e distribuzione delle protuberanze solari osservate in Catania nel 2° semestre 1907. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (83-87) ; nel 1° semestre dell'anno 1908. op. cit. 38 1909 (89-93) ; nel 2° semestre dell'anno 1908. t.c (159- 163). [4630]. 15662 Eclisse solare del 28 giugno 1908. Catania Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. 37 1908 (104-105). [4230]. 15663 Statistica delle macchie e delle facule solari osservate nel R. Osservatorio di Catania durante il 1° semestre 1908. Catania Mem. Soc. ppet- troscop. ital. 37 1908 a4.3-14.5). [4070]. 15664 Ricerche solari recenti. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (149-157). [4010]. 15665 Commemorazione di E. Mascart. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettro- scop. ital. 37 1908 (194 con un ritratto). [0010]. 15666 Piano d'una statistica generale fondata sopra 40 anni di osser- vazioni internazionali delle protuberanze solari. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 39 1908 (195-198). [4630]. 15667 Osservazioni pirelio- metriche a difierenti altezze. Catania Mem. Soc. SpettroscoD. ital. 37 1908 (199). [4200]. ' 15668 Saggio di riprodnzione delle negative per la Carta fotografica celeste intemazionale. Roma Rend. Ace. Lincei (Ser. 5) 17 1908 1™° sem. 771-775). [7005]. 15669 ll.-? Ricco, Aanibalo. Lo spellruelioHTaro del R. Osservatorio di Catania. Roma Rend. Ace. L.incei (Ser. 5) 17 1908 2"'' sem (529-535 con 1 Tav.). [2270]. 15070 Osservazioni astrofisiclio della cometa "Morehouse" eseguile iiol R. Osservatoi-io di Catania. ('atania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 38 1U09 (41). [liGOO]. 15071 Statistica delle macchie, facole e protuberanze solari osservate nel R. Osservatorio di Catania nel 1"^ semestve 1908. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (53-55); nel 2" semestre 1908. t.c. (113-140). [4070 4030]. 15072 Snlla struttura delle pro- tuberanze solari. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (73-75). [4320J. 15G73 Lo spettroeliografo del R. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (125-133 con tav.). [2270]. 15074 • Relazione tra la grande perturbazione magnetica del 25 Set- teuibre 1909 ed il passaggio di ima grande macchia solare. Catania Mem. Soc. Spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (157-158). [4110J. 15075 Rice, H[erbert] L[oius]. Observations of minor planets made with the 12- inch equatorial at the U. S. naval observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (191- 192). [.5910]. 15070 and Hammond, J. C. Observations of the satellite of Nejjtune at the opposition of 1904-5 made with the 26-inch equatorial at the U. S. naval observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 24 1905 (188-189). [6580]. 15677 and Frederickson, M. Observations of comets made with the 12-inch and 26-iiich equatorials at the U. S. naval observatory. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (189-1 90). [0600]. 15678 Riegler, Gideon. Bahnbestimmung des grossen detonierenden Meteores vom 20. Februar 1908. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (87-89). [0650]. 15679 ■ Mitteiluug von Meteor- beobachtungen. Mitt. ^'er. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (104-105). [6650]. 15680 (e-468) Riegler, Cideun. Sternschnuppen and Fcueikugeln. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 18 1908 (105 124-125). [0050 6700]. 15681 I'ahnbestimmung des grossen .Meteors vom 20. Februar 1908. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (149-154). [0050]. 15682 Sternschnuppen und Feuerkugeln. — MeteornudJungen. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 19 1909 (01-02, 70- 73, 102-104, 121-12.3, 134-135, 155- 158). [0650]. 15683 Riem, Johannes. Unsere Weltinsel, ihr Werden und Vergehen. Eine darstellung der modernen Lehren von der Entstehung und dem Bau des Welt- alls. (Natnrwiss. Zeitfragen, hrsg. v. E. Dennert, H. 1.) Hamburg (Schloess- mann), 1908 (88 mit 7 Taf.). 21 cm, 1,50 M. [1790 0000], 15684 Rigge, \Vm. F. Father Hagen's astrojDliotographic journey. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (326-336). [0010]. 15685 The transit of Mercury, November 14, 1907, as visible in the United States. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (488-490, with text fig.). [5070]. 15686 The solar eclipse of January 3, 1908, as visible in the United States. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (010-612, with illustr.). [4210]. 15687 The solar eclipse of June 28, 1908, as visible in the United States. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908(271-279 with diagrs. fold. map). [4210]. '■ 15688 The pope and the comet. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (481-48.3). [OOIOJ. 15689 Ristenpart, F[riedrich]. Aus dem Reiche des grossen Baren. Allg. J. Uhrmacherk. Halle 33 1908 (250-251). [7000]. 15690 ZweitesVerzeichnisbislang unbekannter Eigenbewegungen. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (49-54). [7060]. 15691 Genauere Periode des Veriinderlichen Y Leonis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (129-132). [7600]. 15692 114 Rivista di Astronomia, Torino. Una notevole protuberanza solare. Riv. astr. sc. affiu. Torino 3 1909 (219-221, con 1 tav.). [4630]. 1.5G9.3 Robbins, Frank v. Innes, R. T. A. Roberts, A. W. Note on the in- creasing period of certain binary stars. Rep. S. Afric. Assoc. Adv. Sc. Graham's Town 1908 (31-35). [1820 7530]. 15694 Variable star research. (Presidential address.) Rep. S. Afric. Assoc. Adv. Sc. Graham's Town 1908 (19-30>. [0040 7600]. 15695 Roberts-Klumpke, Dorothea. Tableau synoptique des nebideuses des Herschels. Riv. astr. Torino 2 1908 vii (170-174J ; viii (189-19.5); ix (210- 220). [7800]. 1.5696 Roe, E. D. Measures of double stars. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (197-202). [7510]. 15697 Rolston, William E. The approaching opposition of Mars. Nature London 81 1909 (336-338). [5800]. 15698 The new comet. (1910a). Nature London 82 1910 (372-373 409- 410 440-442). [6600]. 1.5699 Roseby, Thomas. The mystery of o Crucis. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (34-36J. [7530]. 15700 Ross, F[rank] Eflmore]. Semidefini tive elements of Jupiter's sixth satellite. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 112 [1907] (110-112). [6550]. 15701 Rossard v. Crouzel. V. Saint-Blancat. Roy, Felix de. Sur I'observation des etoiles variables. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. Astron. 1907 (222-231 250-261). [7600]. 15702 R. Coronae borealis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1 909 (1 5- 16). [7600]. 15703 Uber ein Hauptminimum von 68 u Herculis. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(171-172). [7600]. 15704 Rudaux, L. How to study the stars. (English translation by Dr. A. H. Keane.) London (T. Fisher Unwinj 1909 (360). 5s. net. [0030], 15705 Rudolph, H. Die Magnetfelder der Sonnenflecken und die Kathodenstrah- lung der Sonne. Gaea, Stuttgart 45 1909 (597-608 625-641). [4110 4070]. 15706 Rudolph, Karl. Bestimmung von Apex und Vertex aus den Sternea des Bradleyschen Katalogs. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (1-8). [7060 1840]. 15707 Russell, Henry Norris. On the illumination of the dark side of Saturn's rings. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (230-233). [6560]. 15708 Rust, Francis. On a method of com- puting ^-(p' and p. Pop. Astr. North- iield Minn. 15 1907 (484-488 with text fig.). [0220]. 15709 Proposal of a new method to compute a planet's anomaly and radius vector. Pop. Astr. North6eld Miun. 16 1908 (36-45). [1130] 15710 Ryan, Thomas Curran. The solar apex. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (205-210 336-344 with text fig.). [1840]. 15711 Planet launching. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (17-24). [4780]. 15712 Sacco, Federico. Le fratture e le )ughe della luna. Riv. astr. Torino 1 1907 (Grafica edit, politecnica) (estr. 1- 12). [4800]. 15713 Le zone luminose della luna. Riv. astr. Torino 2 11 1908 (267-272). [4830]. 15714 Essai schematique de selenologie. Turin (Clauseu-Rinck edit.) 1907 (1-4S av. 4 pi.). [4800]. 15715 Saint Blancat et Rossard. Observa- tions de la comete Morehouse (1908 c) faites a I'equatorial Bruuner-Henry de rObservatoire de Toulouse. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1 908 a 265-1266). [6600]. 15716 Salet, P[ierre]. Les cometes et les theories ionistiques. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (325-327). [6600]. 15717 .Sur le champ magnetique solaire. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (11-5- 118;. [4200]. 15718 ■ Sur la visibilite des etoiles en plein jour. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1 909 (225-232). [7000]. 15719 Samec, Maximilian. Zur Kenntniss der liichtintensitaten in grossen Seehohen. 115 Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 116 1907 Abt. I (1061-1073). [2400 4200]. 15720 Sampson, R[alpli] A[llen]. On the old observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites. London Mem. R. Astr. Soc. 59 (part III) [1909] (199-250 with pis.). [6550J. 15721 Samter, H. Ober die Balm des Planeten Egeria (131 Berlin SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 1909 (1239-1252). [1310 5900]. 15722 Sand, M. J. Tilknytning af de tycho- iiiske liuiner til det euiojiieiske (irad- maalinoHUfir't, samt en iiy Triagulations- forbindelse mellem Danmark og Sverrig. [Connection of the Tyclionic ruins with the Euro])ean geodetic net, together with a newtriangulation connecting Denmark and Sweden.] [The Danish measure- ment of degrees under the auspices of V. H. 0. Madson.] (N. ser.) Kj0ben- havn (Reitzel) 1908 (05 with 7 pis.). 27 cm. 4Kr. [5100]. 15723 Sande Bakhuyzen, E[rnst] F[rederik] van de. De beteekenis, die de oudere waarnemiiigen nog heden voor de ster- renkunde hel^ben. [Die Bedeutung, welche die alteren Beobachtungen noch jetzt fiir die Astronomie besitzen.] Leiden (E. J. Brill) 1909 (1-40). 25 cm. [0040]. 15724 Verslag van den staat der Sterrenwacht te Leiden en van de aldaar volbrachte waarnemingen van 18 Sep- tember 1906 tot 21 September 1908. [Rapport sur I'etat et les travaux de rObservatoire de Leiden pour la periode du 18 septembre 1906 au 21 septembre 1908.] Leiden (E. J. Brill) 1909 (31). 23 cm. [2010]. 15725 Sanford, R. F. Note on Riefler clock. San Francisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 20 1908 (29-33). [2100]. 15726 v. Tucker, R[ichard] H[awlej']. Satori, Karl. Beobachtnng des Saturn wiihrend seiner Opposition 1909. Sirius Leipzig 43 1910 (36-38 mit 1 Taf.). [6180]. 15727 Sauer, Rudolf. Nordlicher Stern- himmel [nebst Sternkarten] Langen- salza (F. G. L. Gressler) [1909] (24 mit 2Kart.). 23 cm. 0,60 M. [0050 7005]. 15728 (E-468) Schaeberle, J[ohn] M[artin]. The earth as a heat-radiating planet. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 27 1908 (392- 393). [5000]. 15729 The infallibility of Newton's law of radiation at known temperatures. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 27 1908 (784-785). [5000 4200]. 15730 Geological climates. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 27 1908 (894). [5030]. 15731 An explanation of the cause of the eastward circulation of our atmo8ph(;re. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 28 1908 (415-416). [.5000 5400]. 15732 ■ The law of radiation: Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 29 1909(227-228). [4200]. 15733. Schaer, E[mil]. Beobachtungen am Saturnsring. Astr. Naclir. Kiel 179 1909 (81-82). [6560]. 15734 Quelques notes sur un telescope Cassegrain de 40 cm de diametre. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (365-366). [2050]. 15735 ■ Quelques notes sur le telescope Cassegrain de 40 cm de diametre. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (257-258). [2040]. 15736 Scheiner, J[ulius]. Untersuchungen iiber die Solarkonstante und die Teni- peratur der Sonnenphotosphare. (Mit Unterstiitzung der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin.) Potsdam Publ. astrophysik. Obs. 18 1908 Sfiick 3 (1-90 mit 3 Taf.). [4200], 15737 ■ • Katalog von Doppelsternen der photographischen Himmelskarte aus der Zone von + 31" bis -|- 40° Dekli- nation. Potsdam Publ. astrophysik. Obs. 20 1908 Stck 2 (1-43). [7520]. 15738 Der Bau des Weltalls. 3., verb. Aufl. (Aus Natur und Geistes- welt. Bd 24.) Leipzig (B. G. Teubner) 1909 (IV + 1.32). 19 cm. 1,25 M. [0030 1800]. 15739 V. Wilsing, J. Schiaparelli, Giovanni. Orbite cometarie, correuti cosmiche, meteoriti. Riv. fis. mat. So. nat. Pavia 9 1908 (523-547). [1780]. 15740 I primordi dell'astronomia presso i Babilonesi. Riv. Sc. " Scientia " Bologna 3 1908(1-49). [9020]. 15741 I 2 116 Schiaparelli, Giovanni. I progress! dell astronomia presso i Babilonesi. Riv. Sc. "Scientia " Bologna 4 1908 (24-54). [9020]. 15742 Die Oppositionen des Mars nach babylonischen Beobachtnngen. (Uebers.) "Weltall Berlin 9 1908 (1-4 21-25J. [9020 58001. 15743 Misure di stelle doppie eseguite nel R. Osservatorio di Brera in Milano col refrattore di 18 pollici Merz- Repsold negli anui 188G-1900. Milano Pubbl. Oss. Brera 46 1909 (1-226). [7520 7510]. 15744 ■ Di alcnnemacchie osservate in Mercurio dal Signor Jarry Desloges la mattina del 19 agosto 1907. Riv. astr. sci. affini Torino 3 1909 (145-156). [5040]. 15745 Scliiffner, Gustav. Kant- Laplace oder energetische Weltenformation. (G. Scliiffner, der psychomechanische Betrieb ... 2. Vortrag.) ileissen (Selbstverl.) [1908] (l-3G'mit 2 Taf.). [0000]. 1 5746 Schiller, K. Beobachtung des Saturn- ringes. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (115-116). [6560]. 15747 Schilling, C. r. Olbers, Wilhelm. Schlesinger, Frank. On systematic errors in determining variations of lati- tude. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 24 1905 (183-186). [5100]. 15748 On tbe distortion of photograpbic films. Pittsbnrgb Pub. Allegheny Obs. West. Univ. Penn. 1 [1908] (1-6). [2130]. 15751 ■ A simple method for reducing spectrograms. Pittsburgh Pub. Allegheny Obs. West. Univ. Penn. 1 [1908] (9-16 with tab.). [3030]. 15752 The determination of the orbit of a spectroscopic binary by the method of least-squares. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Pitts- burgh 1 [1908j'(33-44 witli tal).). [8620 8600]. 15749 A partly graphical method for predicting solar eclipses. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Pitts burgh 1 [1908] (57-64 with diagrs. tab.). [4220 0350]. 15750 On the errors in photo- graphic positions caused by observing through glass. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. Univ. Pittsburgh 1 [1909] (101-105). [3250]. 15753 Schlesinger, Frank. The longitude and the latitude of the new Allegheny obser- vatory. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Allegheny Obs. 'Univ. Pittsburgh 1 [1909] (119- 120). [2010]. 15754 Five new spectroscopic binaries. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Alle- gheny 01)s. Univ. Pittsburgh 1 [1909] (121-122). [8G00]. 15755 The Algol-variable v Librae. Pittsburgh Pa. Pub. Alleghenj' Obs. Univ. Pittsburgh 1 [1909] (123- 134 with tabs, diagr.). [8300]. 15756 and Curtiss, R[alph] H[amilton]. The orbit of Algol from observations made in 1906 and 1907. Pittsburgh Pub. Allegheny Obs. West Univ. Penn. 1 [1908] (25-32 with tabs, diagrs.). [8300 8620] 15757 Schmid, Friedrich. Das Zodiakallicht. Ein Versuch zur Zodiakallichtfrage. Beitr. Geophysik Leipzig 9 1908(113- 151 mit 1 Taf.). [6720] 15758 Schmidt, H. Siidlicht. Ann. Hydrogr. Berlin 36 1908 (374j. [5400]. 15759 Schmidt, Max. Erganzuugsmessungen zum bayerifchen Prazisions-Nivellement. H. 1. 'Miinchen Veroff. Erdm. 1908 (IV + 79 mit 1 Taf.). [5050] 157G0 Schmidt, Wiljielm. Zur grapliischen VerwandJung der Koordiuaten am Himmel. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 20 1910 (6-12). [0100]. 15761 Schneider, 0. Sextantenbeobach- tungen des Kometen 1908c (ilorehouse). (Mitgeteilt von C. Schrader.) Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (341-342). [6600]. 15762 Schonberger, Ferdinand. Aufgaben iiber die Grundlehren der Astronomic. JahrBer. d. deutschen Landes-Oberreal- schule in Brunn 1901-1902. Briinn [1902] (1-25). [0050]. 157G3 Schorr, R[ichard]. Auschlussbeob- achtungen von Planeten, Kometen und Fixsternen . . . a us den Jahren 1902 bis 1907 von K[asimir] Graff. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (245-272). [5910 0310 GCOO]. - 15764 Halleyscher Kouiet 1909 c. Astr. Nachr. Kiel' 183 1910 (95-96). [6600]. 15765 V. Xewcomb, Simon. 117 [Schoute, Cornells.] De ongewone schenieiingsverscliijuselen van 30 Juni en 1 Juli. [The peculiar twilight phe- nomena on June 30th and July 1st.] Hemel (m Dainpkring 's Gravenhage 6 1U08 (38-41 with pl.j. [5100]. 157(;r. Schnatoel, P. Die babylonisclie Chro- nologiu in Derossos' Babyloniaka. Mitt, vorderasiat. Gi-s. Berlin 13 1908 (1-47). L!)4i>0J. ir)767 Schoy, C. Von der rotatorisclien Uewegung (Achseudrehung) dor llim- nielskiirper. Sirius Leipzig 41 1908 (265-270). [1700J. 157GS Die Douwessclie Aufgabe iu geometrisc'her Behaudlung. Ann. llydrogr. Berlin 36 1908 (558-561 niit 1 Taf.). [0150]. 15768a Schrader, C. v. Schneider, 0. Scbram, Robert. Kalendariogra- phisciie und chronologische Tafeln. Leipzig (J. C.Hinrichs)i908 (XXXVI + 368j. 25 cm. 18 M. [9420]. 15769 Schulz, J. F. H[ermann]. Henri Moissau und dieSonneuphysik. Leipzig VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. 43 1908 (323- 330). [4010 0010 4200J. 15770 Die Sonnenllecke als Ab- kiihlungsprodukte der eruptiven Protu- beranzen. Vortrag . . . Sirius Leijizig 41 1908 (243-249); Verb. Ges. 1). Natf. Leipzig 80 (1908) II 1 1909 (23-25). [4070]. ' 15771 Schulz, Otto Th. Entwickelung und Gang desKopernikanischen Weltsystems bei den Alten. Ein historiscli-geogra- phischer und astronomischer Beitrag zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschafteu im griechisch-romischen Altertum. (Weltanschauungs - Fragen. Bd 1.) Stuttgart (F. Lehmann) 1909 (143). 21 cm. 1 M. [9020 0010]. 15772 Schumann, R[ichard]. Der neue westeuropaische Meridianbogen. A^erh. Gonf. Erdni. Berlin 15 (1906) I 1908 (244-261 mit 1 Karte) [5050 5100]. 15773 Schur, W[ilhelm] v. Kobold, H. Schurig, Richard. Tabulae coelestis coutinentes oumes stellas coeli borealis nee non australis nudis oculis conspicuas. Himniels-Atlas enthaltend alle mit blos- sen Aagen sichtbaren Sterne beider Hemispharen. In 2. neubearl). und erg. Aufl. hrsg. von P. Gotz. Leipzig (Ed. Gaebler) [1909] (IV mit 9 Tab.). 32 cm. 3M. [7005]. 15774 Schuster, Arllmr. The periodicity of sun-sj)ots. Astropli. J. Chicago 111. 23 1Q06 (101-109). [4100]. 15775 Die 4.8jahrige Sonnen- Heckenperiode. Met. Zs. Braunschweig 25 1908 (.568). [4100]. 15776 Der Einduss des Mondes auf unsere Atmosphiire — berechnet und graphisch dargestellt. Karlsruhe (F. Gutsch) 1908 (31 mit 2 Taf.). 27 cm. 1.40 M. [4880]. Schwarzschild, K[ail[ Farbentonung der Sterne. Leipzig 1 1908 (435-436). ■ Ober die 15777 Ueber die Arch. Opt. [7080]. 15778 Bestimmung absoluter photographischer Helligkeiten. Astr. Naciu-. Kiel 183 1910 (297-300). [2400]. 15779' and VilUger, W. On the distribution ol' lirightness of the ultra- violet light on the sun's disk. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (284-305 with tabs, diagr.). [4200]. 15780 Note on the ultra-violet radiation of sunspots and faculae. As- troph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (345-346). [4610 4620]. 15781 Scares, F[rederick] H[anley]. The art of numerical calculation. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (349-367). [.3030]. 15782 Searle, Arthur. Geometrical methods in the theory of combining observations. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 60 [1907?] (1-32 with tabs, text -fig.). [3030]. 15783 Determination of constants for the reduction of zones observed with the meridian circle during the years 1888-1898. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 62 1907 (3 I -\- l- 145 with tabs.). [3300]. 15784 See, T[homas] J[efferson] J[ackson]. Some recollections of Miss Agnes M. Gierke. Pop. Astr. Northfield Alinn. 15 1907 (323-326 with portr.). [0010]. 15786 The age of the earth's con- solidation. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (545-551). [5000 1280]. 15787 Results of recent researches on the physical constitution of the sun. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (117-126). [1630]. 15788 118 See, T[liomas] J[efi'erson] J[acksou]. On the cause of the remarkable circu- larity of the orbits of the planets and satellites and on the origin of the plane- tary system. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (185-194). [11.30 1790 1100]. 15789 A new cosmogony. On the cause of the remarkable circularity of the orbits of the planets and satellites (from Astr. Xachr. 180 1909). Know- ledge and Sci. News London 6 (N. Ser.) 1009(225-228). [1790]. 15790 Fair play and toleration in science. [On E. Blackwelder's criticism of " Mars as the abode of life."] Science New York X.Y. (X. Ser.j 29 1909 (858- 860). [5800]. ' 15791 Geologj- and cosmogonj'. Science New York "X.Y. (N. Ser.) 30 1909 (479-480). [5000 1000]. 15792 Seler, Eduard. Die Korrekturen der Jahreslange und der Lange der Venus- periode in den mexikanischeu Bilder- schriften. Zs. Ethn. Berlin 35 1903 (1-49). [Wiederabdruck. In: E. Seler, Gesammelte Abhandhmgen . . . Bd 3.] Berlin (Behrend & Co.) 1908 (197-220). (9300 9020]. 15793 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus r. Clarke, John. Serviss, Garrett P. Curiosities of the sky. A popular presentation of the great riddles and mysteries of astronomy. London (and Xew York; (Harper) 1909. [0030]. L5794 Seyewetz, A. r. Lumiere, A. Shelton, H. S. A theoij of the structure of the solar photosphere. Knowledge and Sci. News London 7 (X. Ser.) 1910 (9-10). [4010]. 15795 Short, J. Aurora australis. Sep- tember 26. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (98). [5400]. 15796 Sieberg, August. Der Erdball, seine Entwicklung und seine Krafte. Lfg 1-20. Esslingen u. iliinchen (J. F. Sclireiber) [1908] (XVI -1- 394 mit Taf.). 26 cm. Die Lfg 0,75 M. Compl. geb. ISM. [5000]. 15797 Silbemagel, E. Xeuer ^'erander- licher 45.1909 Piscium. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (205-206). [7600]. 15798 Silva, Giovanni. Sur la limite de convergence du developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (49-75 97-118j. [1250]. 15799 Simon, E. Ephemeride de la planete (605) [1906 UU]. [Xebst Anmerkung von [Heinrich] K[o]b[old]. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (211-212). [5900]. 15800 Simonin, M. (283) Emma. [Korr. d. Ephem.1 Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1908 (115-116). [5910]. 15801 (490) Veritas. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1908 (115-116). [5910]. 15801a Obsers-ations de la planete 1908 EP. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1908 (227-228 32.3-324). [5910]. 15802 Observations de planetes faites a I'observatoire de Nice (equatorial Gautier de Om. 76 d'ouverture). Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (127-130). [5910]. 15803 Sitter, ^V[illem] de. Over de periodieke oplossingen van een speciaal geval van het vier-lichamen-vraagstuk. [On the periodic solutious of a special case of the problem of four bodies.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Xat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 17 1909 (752-769) (Dutch); Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 11 1909 (682- 698) (English). [1520]. 15804 De nieuwe methoden in de mechanica der hemellichamen. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt aan de Rijks-Univer- siteit te Leiden op Woensdag 21 (Jctober 1908. [Die neueren Methoden in der Himmelsmechanik. Antrittsrede als Professor an der Universitat Leiden gehalten am 21 Oktober 1908.] Groningen (Gebr. Hoitsema) 1908 (29). 24 cm. [0040 1000]. 15805 r. Kapteyn, J. [7070]. Slipher, [V. M.]. Le spectre de Saturne. Bui. Soc. astron. 12 1907 (373-377). [6820]. 15806 The spectrum of Mars. Astroph. J. Chicago HI. 28 1908 (397- 204 with tabs. pl.j. [5S90 6820]. 15807 Smedts, A. La carte photographique du ciel et la participation de I'Observa- toire royal de Belgiqi^e a son execution. Extrait de I'Annuaire astronomique de rObservatoire royal de Belgique (poiir; 1908; Bruxelles (Hayez) 1907 (37-82 4 pis. bors texte). 12mo. [7005]. 15808 119 Smith, f'[liarlesj Micliie. A solar outburst and a magnetic storm. London Mon. Not. R. Astr.Soc. 70 1910 (L'3-21). [4110]. 15809 Smith, E[d\vin] and Einarson, S. Eplienieriis of Comet c 190;") (( liacobini). [Tlie epiiomeris here given is an exten- sion of that published by Dr. Crawford ill Bull. 88.J Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick 01)s. Bull. No. 91 [1906] (2). [6600 J. 15810 Smith, Elliott. Observations of Comet b 1905 (Scliaer). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 104 [1906]. (82). [6600]. 15811 Observations of Comet <• 1905 (Giacobini). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 104 [1906] (82). [6600]. 15812 Observations of Comet h 1906 (KojitTj. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 104 [1906] (84). [6600]. 15813 V. Albreclit, Sebastian. Smith, Mason F. Parallax of a Cteminorum and tr Draconis. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1907 (149-150). [7070]. 15814 V. Chase, Frederick L[in- coln]. Smithsonian Institution. Samuel Pierpont Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1887-1900. Memorial meeting December 3, 1906. Addresses by Doctor [Andrew Dickson] White, Professor [E. C] Pickering and Mr. [Octave] Chanute. [With biblio- graphy.] Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. 49 No. 1720 1907 (1-49). [0010]. 15815 Snow, Arthur. Elements and ephe- meris of Planet 1907 YE (Metcalf). Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (30). [5900]. 15816 Elements and ephemeris of Planet 1907 ZQ (Metcalf). Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (30). [5900]. 15817 Elements and ephemeris of Planet 1907 BK (Metcalf). Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908 (38). [5900]. 15818 Snyder, Monroe B. Physical pheno- mena of the transit of Mercury. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (390- 391). [5670J. 15819 Radium in spiral nebula? and iu star cluBters. Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 29 1909 (865-869 with tabs.). [8200]. 1.5820 Sottas, Jules. Description d'un astrolabe ouiopeen date de Tatinee 1543 et portant le zodiaque lunaire. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 21 1907 (105 119 175-185) ; et 22 1908 (263). [2030J. 15821 Sperra, Wm. E. Observations of variable stars, No. 11. Astr. J. Boston Mass. 26 1908(18). [7600]. 15822 Preliminary note on the ol)servation of several Harvard vai-iable stars discovered in 1907. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (488-490) [7600]. 15823 • An additional note on the ol)servation of 43. and 45. 1907 Draconis. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (569-570). [7600]. 15824 Variability of BD -f 38° 2798 = 5. 1909 Herculis. [Nebst Zusatz von [Hermann] K[o]b[old].] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909(215-216). [7600 7050]. 15825 Variability of BD + 35^ 4699 and + 35° 4704. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (287-288). [7600], 15826 Spranger, J. A. L'osservatorio di Cambridge (Inghilterra). Riv. astr. sc. affini Torino 3 1909 (254-258). [2010]. 15827 Stabile, A. Una capatina agli osser- vatori di Uccle, Potsdam e Vienna. Riv. astr. sc. afSni Torino 3 1909 (451-459 con 3 tav.). [2000]. 15828 Stebhins, Joel. Photometric observa- tions of double stars. Urbana Stud. Univ. 111. 2 1907 (323-350 with tabs.). [7510]. 15829 The color-sensibilitv of selenium cells. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (183-187 with tabs, text fig.). [2400]. 15830 The light-curve of 5 Cephei. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 27 1908 (188-193 with text figs. tabs.). [7600]. 15831 Steer, Edward J. Persistent trail of a meteor on March 14. Nature London 80 1909 (248). [6650]. 15832 Steffensen, J. F. Mitteilung iiber ein am 16. November 1909 beobachtetes Meteor. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (205-206). [6650]. 15833 120 Stein, J. Termini del 4'° ordine iielle formole di trasformazione delle co- ordinate rettilinee della fotografia celeste in coordinate equatorial!. Catania ilem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (23-24). [3250]. 15834 La dispersion apparente de la lumiere dans I'espace interstellaire et I'hypothese de M. Lebedew. Paris C. R. • Acad. sci. 147 1908 (228-230). [7600]. 15835 I restauri della specola vaticana. Riv. fis. mat. so. nat. Pavia 9 1908 (665-680;. [2010]. 15836 On the relation between period and density of Algol-variables. London Mon. Not. R. Astr.'Soc. 69 1909 (449-453). [7600]. 15837 Xota suUa posizione geo- grafica della specola vaticana. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat. Pavia 19 1909 (146-148). [2010]. 15838 Stenbeck, Thor. Einfacbe ilethode die Zeit des Durchgangs der Sonne durcb den Meridian mit einer Fehler- gi-enje von weniger als einer Seliunde zu bestimmen. Sirius Leipzig 41 1908 (278-280) ; Verb. Ges. D. Natf. Leipzig 80 (1908) II 1 1909 (25-28). [2100]. 15839 Stentzel, Arthur. Ueber die Herkunf t der Koineten. Weltall Berlin 9 1908 (33-38). [1780]. 15840 Steplian, W. Einneuer Uhrheliostat. Zs. phvsik. Unterr. Berlin 22 1909 (96- 98). [2050]. 15841 Stephani, Ernst. Sonnenflecke, Sto- rungen der ilagnetnadel und Witteriing. Verb. Ges. D. Natf. Leipzig 80 [1908] II ] 1909 (156-157). [4110J. 15842 Bahnen der Sonnenflecken 1908. II. Mitt. Ver. Astr. Berlin 19 1909 (99-191 mit 1 Taf.). [4070]. 15843 Stevens, Miss Catherine 0. Note on the physical relation of comets and meteors. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910 (197-199). [6700]. 15844 Stewart, De Lisle. Objective-prism comparison spectograph. Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (396-399 with text fig.). [2220]. 15845 Stok, J[oha]mes] PFaulus] van der. Over de bepaling van getij-constanten uit waarnemingen verricht met horizon- tale slingers. [On the detennination of tidal constants fi-om observations per- formed with horizontal pendulums.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 17 1909(980-989) (Dutch); Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 12 [1909] (2-11) (English). [1750 1610]. 15846 Stoney, G. Johnstone. Telescopic vision. V. E. 8 13900. (Review) Ob- servatory Loudon 32 1909 (251-253). [2040]. 15847 Stratton, F[rederick] J[ohn] M[arrian]. The constants of the moon's physical libration. London Mem. R. Astr. Soc. 59 (part lY) [1909] (257-290) ; • (ab- stract) London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (568-570). [1730]. 15848 Further notes on latitude- drift in sun spots. Papers of the I.U.S.R. Computing Bureau, No. 5. London Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 69 1909 (659-666). [4070]. 15849 StreM, Karl. Mars. [Optische Tau- schungen." Centralztg Opt. Berlin 29 1908 (12-43 55-56). [5800 5840 3200]. 15850 Priifung des Fernrohrs. Weltall Berlin 10 1909 (15-19 36-40). [2040]. 15851 Stromberg, Gustaf. Parallaxe des Sterns 23 H Camelopardi. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1908 (365-366). [7070]. 15852 Strbmgxen, El is. Oppositions-Ephe- meride des Planeten (624) Hektor. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1 909 (327-328). [5900]. 15853 Stroobant, P[aul]. La constitution de I'anneau des petites planetes. Annales de rObservatoire royal de Belgique, Annales astronomiques (N. Ser.) 9 1907 fasc. Ill (409-451). [5900]. 15854 La distribution des aste- roides suivant leur distance du soleil et leur gi-andeur. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (55-65 88-96). [5900]. 15855 • ■ Comete Daniel. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (302). [6600]. 15856 I-e passage de Mercure sur le soleil du 14 novembre 1907. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (465-466). [5670]. , 15857 Sur Paction de I'anneau de Satui-ne. Paris C. R. Acad, sci, 147 1908 (661-666). [1460]. 15858 Note complementaire con- cernant le diametre de Mercure et la 121 correction de sa position relative lo 14 novembre 1907. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (339-340). [5670 5620]. 15859 Stroobant, P[aalJ. Les progres rle la pliotOL!;raphie astronomique. Extrait de raiinuatre astronomique de I'observa- toire roval de Belpiqne (pour) 190S. Bru.xclies (Ilayez) 1907 (225-258 10 pi. horslexte). 12 mo. [7U05]. 15860 ■ Delsoval, J., Philippot, H., Delporte, K. it Merlin, K. observatoires astronoiniques et les astro- nomes. Bruxelles (Hayez) 1907 (Vl + 317 av. tableau hors toxte). 8vo. [2010 0010]. 15861 Struve, Hermann. Eclipses and tran- sits of the satellites of Saturn occurring in the years 1907 and 1908. San Fran- cisco Cal. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 19 1907 (125-135 with tabs.); 20 1908 (156- 168 with tabs.). [6560]. 15862 Stuyvaert. Observations effectuees a I'equatorial de 15 centimetres en 1900. Annales de I'observatoire royal de Bel- gique, Annales astronomiques 11 1907 (1-12). [4870]. 15862a Suess, Ed[uard]. Ueber Einzelheiten in der BeschaiYenheit einiger Hiiuinels- korper. Wien SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. 116 1907 Abtli. 1 (1555-1561). [4000J. 15863 Sutherland, AVilliani Solar magnetic fields and the cause of terrestrial mag- netism. Terr. Mag. Washington D.C. 13 1908(155-158). [4110 4010J. 15864 Swan, D. S. Observations of comet 1907 d (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910(211-220). [6600]. 15865 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Opei-a quae- dam aut inedita ant obsoleta de i-ebus naturalibus nunc edita sub auspiciis Regiae Academiae scientiarum Suecicaei 2. Cosmologica. Introduetionem adiun- xit Svante .A.rrhenins edidit Alfred H. Stroh. Holiniae 1908 (xxxv + 373 with portr. and pis.). [0030]. 15806 Swezey, G[oodwin] D[eloss]. The earth before the earth-moon catastrophe. Pop. Astr. Northfield llinn. 15 1907 (397-398 with text fig.). [4800 5000]. 15867 Sy, [F.] V. Gonnessiat, F. V. Rambaud, G. TaflFara, Lnigi. Eclisse totale di luna del 3-4 giugno 1909 osservata nel R. Osservatorio di Catania. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscoj). ital. 38 1909 (155-156). [4860]. 15808 Tannery, J. Paul Tannery. Bordeaux Mem. soc. sci. pliys. nat. (ser. 6) 4 1908 (271-293). [0010]. 15869 Tannery, Mme Paul. Liste des tra- vaux de Paul Tannery. Bordeaux Mem. soc. sci. phys. nat. (ser. 6) 4 1908 (297- 382). [0010 0032J. 15870 Tass, A[nton]. V'orlaufige Mitteilung der Resultate photometrischer Beobach- tungen veriinderlidier Sterne. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (.33-40). [7600]. 15871 Photometrische Beobach- tungen veranderlicher Sterne mit einem Keilphotometer. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (341-358). [7600]. 15872 Tebbutt, J[ohn]. Note on Halley's comet. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 20 1910(199-200). [6600]. 15873 Terby, F. Sur I'aspect actual de Saturue, snr la disparition de son anneau au commencement d'octobre et sur deux passages de I'ombre de Titan observes a Louvain. Bruxelles Bul. Acad. rov. 1907 (856-859). [6560]. 15874 Terkan, Lajos. A kis l)ol3'gok saecn- larjs lidljorgasa. [Die sakularen Storun- gen der kleinen Planeten.] Budapest 1907 (22). 22 cm. [1310 1250J. 15875 Korrespondealo hullocsil- lageszlelesek Nagytagyoson es Ogyallan. [Korrespondierende Sternschnuppen- beobachtungen in Nagvtagyos und Ogyalla.] Budapest 1907'(2r). 22 cm. [1130 6650]. 15876 Az 1905 C iistokos pa- lyaja. [Die Balin des Koineten 1905 C.] Budapest 1907 (26). 22 cm. [6600 1130]. ' . 15877 TMele, H. Komet Tempel.-Swift (1908 d). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (115-116). [6600]. 15878 und Hartwig, E[rnst]. Ueber Veranderungen im Aussehen des Kometen 1908c (Morehouse). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (81-84). [6600]. 15879 Thomson, Elihu. An unusual meteoric fall Science New York N.Y. (N. Ser.) 28 1908 (516-517). [6650]. 15880 Thomson, J. J. Presidential address to Brit. Ass. at Winnipeg (extracts from). 122 Ohservatorv London 32 1909 (313-346 j. [0040]. ' 15881 Tikhoff, Gabriel [A.] Grande perte asti'onomique. [Mort de A. Hansky.] Paris Bui. see. astr. France 22 1908 (421-422 401). [0010]. 15882 Remarques sur la Note de M. Lebedew : La dispersion apparente de la lumiere dansl'espaceinterstellaire. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 147 1908 QTO- 173). [7600]. 15883 Reclierches nouvelles sur Tabsorption selective et la diffusion de la lumiere dans les espaces interstel- laires. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 148 1909 (266-269). [7600]. 15884 Tissot, C. Signaux horaires radio- telegraphiques. Proposition pour Torganisation d'un comite international. [Franz., deutsch, engl.] Jahrb. drahtlos. Telegr. Leipzig 2 1909 (413- 447). [9410]. 15885 Tittmann, 0[tto] H[ilgard]. Results of magnetic observations made by the United States coast and geodetic survey at the time of the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Terr. Mag. Washing- ton D.C. 12 1907 (153-160 with tabs.). [4350]. 15886 Progress of the demarca- tion of the Alaska boundary. Phila- delphia Pa. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 47 1908(86-90). [5100]. L-3887 Todd, David [Peck]. The Lowell expedition to the Andes. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (551-553). [2000]. ■ 15888 Observations of the transit of Mercury 1907 November 13 at Amherst College Oljservators^ Astr. J. Boston Mass. 25 1908 (196). [5670]. 15889 A new'astronom}-. New York Cincinnati [etc.] (American Book Co.; [1906] (480 with illustr. 6 col. pL). 19cm. [0030]. 15890 Tomkms, H. G. Note on the lunar bright rays. London J. Brit. Astr. Ass. 19 1909 (385-386). [4S30]. 15891 Tommasina, Th. Les trajectoires planetaires siderales ou nonkepleriennes d'apres la nouvelle theorie. Arch. Sci. phys. Geneve 27 1909 4 p., (536-538). [1100]. 15892 Tommasina, Th. Application a la theorie des cometes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (Ser. 4) 27 1909 (173-176). [1780]. 15893 Xattire des nouvelles fonctions astronomiques non - new- toniennes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve (Ser. 4) 28 1909 (176-179). [1050]. 15894 Tonelli, E. Pro stella martis. Riv. astr. sci. affini Torino 3 1909 (334-337). [5840]. 15895 Torino, Osservatorio. Posizioni medie di stelle per il 1908 e relative posizioni apparenti (calcoli). Annuario astr. Torino 1908 (7-69). [0020]. 15896 Touchet, Em. La comparaison des observations lunaires. Paris Bui. soc. astr. France 22 1908 (493-497). [4800]. 15897 V. Farman, il. Townley, Sidney D[ean]. Observa- tions of variable stars. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 95 [1906] (38-45). [7600]. 15898 The shifting of the earth's axis. Pop. Sci. Mon. New York N.Y. 75 1909 (417-434 with text fig.). [5100 1720]. 15899 Tringali, Emanuele. Ascensioni rette di Marte e diametro di qviesto. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 37 1908 (40-44J. [5810 5820]. 15900 Una viva e grande pro- tuberanza in un gruppo di grandi macchie e facoli solari. Le manifestazioni eruttive del sole. Catania Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital. 38 1909 (69-72 con tav.). [46.30]. 15901 Trowbridge, C[harles] C[hristopher]. The physical nature of meteor trains. [Abstract] Phvsic. Rev. New York N.Y. 24 1907 (524-527;. [6650]. 15902 Tsatsopoulos, 0. c. Le Morvan, C. Tschemy, S. Auflosung der Euler- schen Gleichung. Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909(117-122). [1120]. 15903 Tucker, R[ichard] H[awley]. Saturn's ring. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 127 [1907] (184). [6560]. 15904 Meridian circle observa- tions of parallax stars. Berkeley Univ. 123 Cal. Pul). Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 129 [1908] (187-189 with tab.). [7070]. 15905 Tuoker, R[i chard] H[awley]. Observed right ascensions of the moon. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Astr. Lick Obs. Bull. No. 129 [1008] (189). [4810]. 15900 The longitude of Mare Island Observatory. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pul). Astr. Lick Oljs. Bull. No. 136 [1908] (37). [2010]. 15907 and Sanford, R. F. The difference of loneteiminutiou of the intensity of the solar radiation outside tiie earth's atmosphere, otherwise; termed " tlie solar constant of radiation." Part 2. Hadia- tion anil terrestrial temperature. Part 3. The radiation of different parts of the sun's disk.] Washington lOOS. Alessandri. La radiazione solare al Monte Rosa. S. S. 1. 37 (127). 14174. La radiazione so- lare al Monte Rosa. Usservazioni ecc. neiili anni 05-00. 14175: La, radiazione attiiiica al Monte Rosa ecc ; attin° : fotoelettrico Elster e Geitel. 14176: La radiazione solare al Monte Rosa. Osser- vazioni ecc. nell'anno 1907. Amerio. 14186. Sidla emisslone della fotosfera solare, Bellia. Risidtati delle misure ])irelio- metrittlie eseguite suU' Etna a 1885 m e a 2950 m di altezza. S. S. I. 37 (200). Sopra il calcolo della costante solare. S. S. I. 38 (94). Bemporad, A. Sulla curva diurna della radiazione solare. A. N. 179 (305J. La curva diurna della radiazione in relazione alia cosi detta " Costante solare." A proposito della Memoria del Prof. J. Scheiner : IJnter- suchungen iiber die Solarconstante und die Temperatur der SonneniDhotosphiire. S. S. L 37 (159). 14302. The measurement of solar radiation. Bemporad, G. Sulla curva rappre- sentativa dell' intensita della radiazione solare. S. S. I. 38 (189j. Biske. Die Temperatur der Sonne. A. N. 183 (241). Bosler. Sur I'ordre de grandeur dn champ magnetique solaire. B. A. 26 (271). Dufour. 14648. Le rayonnement folaire pendant I'eclipse du 30. aout (190t)). Evershed. 14718. Sun-spots and Bolar temperature. 420a F6ry. L'application de la loi de Stefanr a I'astronomie. C. R. 148 (1150). Note on the solar constant and the apparent temperature of the sun. M. N. 69 (611). Gorczynskl. 14833. On the depres- sion in the value of the total intensity of the solar radiation in 1903 according tc measurements made at the Gentrai station of the Polish meteorological ser- vice at Warsaw. [Transl.] Julius. A new method for determin- ing the rate of decrease of the radiative power from the center toward the limjj' of the solar disk. Ap. J. 23 (31 2j. Sur les consequences regu- liercs d'une refraction irreguliere dans-' le soleil. S. S. 1.38 (173). Kimball. 15045. Pyrheliometer and polarimeter observations. 15046: Anew formula for computing the solar constant from pyrheliometric observations. Loisel. 15177. Chaleur solaire re^ue a la surface du sol. M^mery. 15295. Temperature et taches solaires. Millocbau. L'etude du rayonnement [solairej. C. R. 148 (780). 15327. La temperature du soleil. 15328: La temperati^-e du Soleil et la constanto solaire. Morozov. 15367. Die neuesten Be- stimmungen der Temperatur der Ober- flachenschichte der Sonne. (Russ.) Newcomb. 15395. A search for fluc- tuations in the sun's thermal radiation through their influence on terrestrial temperature. Platania. Risultati delle misure- piroeliometriche eseguite suU'Etna a 754 m. e 1885 m. di altezza. S. S. I. 38 (62). Poyntingf. Some astronomical con- sequences of the pressure of light P. A. 15 (620). Ricco. Osservazioni pireliometriche a ditferenti altezze. S. S. I. .37 (199). Samec. 15720. Zur Kenntnis der ■ Lichtintensitat in grossen Seeliohen. Schaeberle. 15730. The infallibility of Newton's law of radiation at known temperatures. 15733. The law of radia- Temperature. 158 4200 Scheiner. 15737. Die Solarkonstante und die Teinperatur der Sonnenphoto- sphiire. Schnlz. 15770. Henri Moissan und die Soiinenphysik. Schwarzscliild and Villiger. Distri- bution of briglitness of the ultra-violet light on the sun's disk. Ap. J. 23 (284). Very. 15931. The temperature of the sun. WMttaker. 15978. Sun spots and eolar temperature. 4210 ECLIPSES. Eclipse totale de soleil du 13 Janvier 1907. Bruxelles Bui. Soc. astron. 12 (455-458). Miscellaneous reports on the total solar eclipse of May 28, 1900. Washington D.C. Pub. U. S. Xav. Obs. (Ser. 2) 4 Part 4 1906 ^,D 153-D 184 with text fig. pi.). Report of the U. S. Naval Observatory eclipse expedition to observe the total solar eclipse of May 17, 1901, at Solok, Fort de Kock and Sawah Loento, Su- matra. Washington D.C. Pub. U. S. Nav. Obs. (Ser. 2) 4 Part 4 1906 (D 189-D 296 with pi. tabs.). Peport of the U. S. Naval Observatory eclipse expedition to observe the total solar eclipse of May 28, 1900, at Pine- hurst, North Carolina. Washington D.C. Pub. U. S. Nav. Obs. fSer. 2) 4 Part 4 1906 (D 99-D 151 with pi. tabs.). Report of the U. S. Naval Observatory eclipse expedition to observe the total solar eclipse of May 28, 1900, at Barnes- ville and Griffin, Georgia. Washington D.C. Pub. U. S. Nav. Obs. rSer. 2) 4 Part 4 1906 (D 13-D 97 with pi. tabs.). The total solar eclipse of 1908. Ob- servatory London 32 1909 (418-420). Abbot. A bolometric study of the solar corona [during eclipse of January 3, 1908, at Flint island]. A. S. P. 20 (86). Aitken. The latitude and longitude of the observing station, and the eclipse contact times. [Flint Island, Jan. 3, 1908.] Lick B. 131 (6). Campbell The Crocker eclipse ex- pedition of 1908 from the Lick Observa- tory, University of California [to Flint Island]. A. S. P. 20(63). The Crocker eclipse expe- dition of 1908. Lick B. 131 (IJ. Chambers, 14481. The story of eclipses. Chester. Preliminary results of the United States Naval Observatory eclipse expedition in 1905 [in Spain]. Ap. J. 23 (128). 14494. The American eclipse expedition. Cowell. Note on Mr. Nevill's paper " On the data employed in Oppolzer's Canon der Finsternisse." M. N. 69 (434). On ancient eclipses. M.N. 69(617). De Moidrey. 14590. L'eclipse du 14 Janvier 1907 en Mongolie. Fotheringham. Note on Professor Newcomb's paper on " Comparison of the ancient eclipses of the sun with modern elements of the moon's motion." M. N. 69 (467). On the accuracy of the Alexandrian and Rhodian eclipse mag- nitudes. M. N. 69 (666;. Note on Mr. Nevill's dis- cussion of the long-period tenns in the moon's longitude. M. N. 69 ('669). Jewell 15021. Observations made during the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905, at Camp Dixie, near Guelma, Algeria. Krebs. Die Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsternis des 17. — 18. Juni 1909. A. N. 180 (245). 15098. Die Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsternis im Dezember 1908 und die Erforschung des Bouvet-Meeres. Miller. Solar eclipse of August 30, 1905 [in Spain]. Ap. J. 23 (93). 15323. Observations of the total solar eclipse of August 30th, 1905. Nevill. On the data employed in Oppolzer's Canon der Finsternisse. M. N. 69 (432). Newcomb. Comparison of ancient eclipses of the sun with modern elements " of tlie moon's motion. M. N. 69 (460). Rigge. The solar eclipse of January 3, 1908, as visible in the United States. P. A. 15 (610). The solar eclipse of June 28, 1908, as visible in the United States. P. A. 16 (271). Eclipses. 159 4240 I Salet. Sur le cliamp magnetique eolaire. B. A. 26 (115). Venturi-Ginori. L'cclisse solare del 23 (liceiubre lUOS. 4220 Predictions, Ephemerides, Maps of Shadow Track. Krebs. IHO'.)"). Soiiiienfinsternis vom 23. l)eze;nljor 190S und die Erkundung der Bouvet-Inselii. Lynn. 1,5233. Apioroacliiiig total eclipses of the sun. Schlesinger. 15750. A partly grapliical method for predicting sohir eclip-ies. 4230 Times of Contact (Observations). Observations made with selenium cells during the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. [" Zwei Beobachtungen mittels Selenzeilen bei der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 30. August 1905," by Til. VVulf and J. 1). Lucas, S. J. Physikalische Zeitschrift 6 (838-847) 1905. Translated, condensed and diagrams redrawn by William F. Rigge, S. J., Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.] Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (153-101 with diagrs.). Aitken. 1415-1. The latitude and longitude of the observing station, and the eclipse contact times. [Flint Island, Jan. 3, 1908.] Boltz. 14358. Die Kontaktbeobach- tungen der Sonnenfinsternis, 1905, August 29-30. Campbell Station co-ordinates and contact-times for the eclipse of August 30,1905. Lick B. 115 (118). Cirera. L'eclipse paitielle de soleil du 28 juin 1908 observee a I'Observa- toire de I'Ebre (Espagne). C. R. 147 (111). Favaro. 14735. Confronto fra le osservazioni dell'eclisse solare del 30 agosto 1905 fatte a Padova e i calcoli colla C. des T. e col N. A. Gautier. Eclipse de soleil du 28 juin 1908. A. N. 179 (243). Hartwlg. Beobachtung der Sonnen- finsternis 1908 Juni 28 in Bamberg. A. N. 179 (31). Merlin. Resultats des mesures mi- crometriques faites a I'Observatoire de Lyon lors de l'eclipse du 28 juin 1908. C. [i. 148 (IW). Natal Observatory. Observations of the ))artial eclipse of tlie sun, 1908 Doceuiber 23, at the .... M. N. 69 (4.32). Ricc6. Eclisse solare del 28 giugno 1908. S. S. I. 37 (104). 4240 Corona. General. Observations made with selenium cells during the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. [" Zwei Beobach- tungen mitti^ls Selenzellen bei der totalen Sonnenlinsterniss am 30. August 1905," l)y Til. Wuif and J. D. Lucas, S. J. Physikalische Zeitschrift 6 (838- 847) 1905. Translated, condensed and diagrams redrawn by William F. Rigge,, S. J., Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.] Astroph. J. Chicago 111. 23 1906 (153-161 with diagrs.). Abbot. A bolonietric study of the solar corona. Lick. B. 132 (15). Campbell. Coronal photographs with the Floyd camera [during 1908 eclipse]. Lick. B. 131 (7). The solar corona. P. A. 19 (71). and Albrecht. Coronal photographs with the forty-foot camera [during 1908 eclipse]. Lick B. 131 (8). — — The coronal spectrum. Lick B. 131 (13). A disturbed region in the corona of Januaiy 3, 1908. Lick B. 136 (36j. and Perrine. The results of an effort to determine motion within the solar corona. Lick B. 115 (121). Note on a disturbed re- gion in tlie corona of August 30, 1905. Lick B. 115 (122). Dufour. 14C4S. Le rayonnement eolaire pendant l'eclipse du 30 aodt [1905]. Miller. The determination of the heliocentric position of a certain class of coronal streamers. Ap. J. 27 (286). Perrine. Photometric observations of the corona [during 1908 eclipse]. Lick B. 131 (9). Some results of attempts to determine the total brightnesses of Eclipses. IGO 4240 the coronas of August 30, 1905, and January 3, 1908. Lick B. 153 (98). Reiss. 15054. La photographie de I'eclipse du 30 aout 1905. Zona. 1C070. Sull'eclisse solare totale del 30 agossto 1905 osservata a Sfax dalla Commissione di Palermo. 4320 Chromosphere. General. Abetti, G. Os>ervazioni fotografiche di protuberanze. S. S. I. 38 (198). Ricco. 1.5673. Sulla strut tura deUe protuberanze solari. S. iS. I. 38 (73). 4350 Terrestrial Phenomena during Eclipses. Burbank. 14395. Atmospheric elec- tricity oljservations at Battle Harbor, Labrador, during the solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Cluree. 14502. The solar eclipse of August 30, 1905, and magnetic pheno- mena. Dufour, H. 14649. [Les ombrea volantes.] ELster, Geitel and Harms. 14664. lAiftelektrische und photonietrische Beobachtungen wiihrend der totalen Sonnenfinsternis vom 30. August 1905 in Palma (Mallorca). LUdeling und Nippoldt. 15204. Die Expedition des koniglicli preussischen meteorologischen Instituts nach Burgos in Spanien zur Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 30. August 1905. Ergelmisse der meteorologischen und luftelektrisohen Beobaclitungen von G. LUdeling. Ergebnisse dermatnietischen Beobaclitungen von A. Nippoldt. Nordmann. 15424. Regarding the magnetic effects of the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Oddone. 15431. Measurements of the electric potential during the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905, at Tripoli, Barbary. Palazzo. 15441. Magnetic elements determined at Tripoli, Barbaiy [during eclipse of August 30, 19051. Tittmann. 15886. Results of mag- netic observations made by the United States coast and geodetic survey at the time of the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Wade. 1 5944. Magnetic oljservations made in Egvpt during the total eclipse of August 29-30, 1905. 4360 Photographs of Sun (i.e. references to pubhshed reproductions). Drawings of Sun fditto ditto). Great sunspots. [Drawings by E. D. Roe, Jr.] Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (447-448 with text fig ). Pringsheim. 15633. Demonstration von Sonuenphotographien. SPECTROSCOPY OF SUN AND ECLLPSES. 4500 SOLAR SPECTRUM (INTEGRATED SUNLIGHT). GENERAL. Deslandres. Caracteres de la couch© superieure de I'atmosphere gazeuse du Soleil. C. R. 147 (1016). Evershed. The wave-length of H5^ and He in the solar spectrum. Ap. J. 28 (162). Fabry et Bnisson. Com para ison des raies du spectre de Tare electrique et du Soleil. Pression de la couche ren- versante de I'atmosphere solaire. C. R. 148 (688). HenkeL 14943. Chemistry of the sun and stars. Julius. 15034. Regelmassige Folgen unregelmiissiger Brechung in der Sonne. (Regular consequences of irregular re- fraction in the sun.) (Ubers.) Kreichgauer. 15106. Das Licht der Meteoriten-Schweife und der Sonnen- Korona. Parr. 15456. Solar spectroscopy with simple instruments. 4510 Ultra-violet Spectrum. Baly and Descb. Ultra-violet absorp- tion spectra in relation to' physico- chemical processes. Ap. .1. 23 (110). Mietbe und Lehmann. 15320. Ueber das idtraviolette Ende des Sonnen- spektrums. Solar Spectroscopy. ICl 4610 4540 Identification of lines with elements. Adams. On the H and K lines and the motion of the calcium vapor in the sun. Ajx J. 23 (45). Fowler. 14773. The spectrum of maf;aesiuni hydride. Ljnnan. The spectrum of hydrogen in the region of extremely short wave- length. Ap. J. 23 (181). 4550 Changes in lines (width, intensity, position). Adams. The H and K lines and the motion of the calcium vapor ia the sun. Ap. J. 23 (45). Jalius. 150.31. Regular consequences of irregular refraction in the sun [as explaining the appearance of the Fraun- hofer lines]. 15035: On the origin of the chromospheric light [as mainly to be attributed to irregular refraction]. 4600 SPECTROSCOPIC RESEARCHES OF SURFACE WITH ECfJPSE. SPECTR0HEL10GRAM.S. LOXDOX, RoYAF, ASTKONOMICAL SOCIETY, Council of. Solar research in 1909. M. N. 70 (349-354). Buss. 14400. Solar research. Chevalier. Protuberances observees les 30 et 31 Juillet 1908 au bord Est du soleil. S. S. I. 38 (17). Deslandres. 14013. The great mag- netic storm of September 25th. Spectro- grams taken in the light of red hvdrogen. = C or Ha. Fox. The distriljution of eruptive prominences on the solar disk. Ap. J. 28 (253). Hale. On the probable existence of a magnetic field in sun-spots. Ap. J. 28 (315). Solar vortices. A. S. P. 20 (203) ; Ap. J. 28 (100). Solai- vortices and the Zeeman effect. A. S. P. 20 (220). The Zeeman effect in the sun, A. S. P. 20 (287). On the nature of the hvdrogen flocculi on the sun. M. N. 69 (616;. (E-468) Hale. The hydrogen flocculi, as photographed wilii the 1I« and 115 lines. S. S. 1. 37 (99). 14891. Sui campi mag- netici delle macchie solari. 14894 : Solar vortices and magnetic fields. and EUerman. 14898. On the nature of the hydrogen flocculi and their structure at different levels in the solar atmosphere. Julius. £tude spectroheliographique des plieniimi'ues de refraction anomale. Ap. J. 28(360). Parr. 15457. Osservazioni spettro- scopiche sohiri con mezzi semplici. 4610 Spots. Adams. Preliminary catalogue ojf lines affected in Bun-spots. Region A. 40J0 to A 4500. Ap. J. 27 (45). Buss. 14408. Radial movement in sunspots. Cortie. On the possible existence of steam in the regions of sun-spots. Ap. J. 28 (379). Czuczy. 14577. Sonnenflecken in der zweiten Halfte des Mai-Monats 1908. (Ungarisch.) Daunt. Observations of Helium Dj absorption in the neighbourhood of sun- spots in 1908 (with note added by the Rev. A. L. Cortie). M. N. 69 (005). Deslandres. 14011. On the pro- gressive revelation of the entire atmo- sphere of the sun. (Al)stract of lecture.) Evershed, Radial movement in sun- spots, il. N. 69 (454) ; 70 (217). Hale and Adams. Photographic ob- servations of the spectra of sun-spots. Ap. J. 23(11). Julius. 15034. Regular consequences of irregular refraction in the sun [as explaining the origin of sun-spots.] (English & Dutch.) Mitchell. The relation between the spectra of sun-spots and fourth-tvpe stars. Ap. J. 23 (211). Olmsted. Sun-spot bands which appear in the spectrum of a calcium arc burning in the presence of hydrogen. Ap. J. 27 (60). Schwarzschild and Villiger. Ultra- violet radiation of sunspots and facuki?. Ap. J. 23 (345). Solar Spectroscopy. 162 4610 Zeeman. 160G8. Spektralaualj-tiscbe Untei suoliung der magnetischen Felder auf der Sonne. 4620 Faculae. ScliwarzscMld and Villiger. Ultra- violet radiation of sunspots and facnlee. Ap. J. 23 (345). 4630 Chromosphere without echpse. LoKDON, Royal Astronomical So- ciety, Council of. Solar activity in 1909. M.N. 70(347-349). Catania, Osservatorio astro-fisico. Immagini spettroscopiche del bordo- solare osservate a Catania, Kalocsa, Odessa, Roma e Zurigo nei mesi di lu- glio e agosto 1905. S. S. I. 37' ; da ag. a die. 1905. op. c'lt. 37^. Immagini spet- troscopiche del bordo solare osservate a Roma da Tacchini e Millosevich nei mesi digiugno e luglio 1881. S.S.I. 37'; nei mesi di luglio, agosto e settembre 1881. op. cit. 37^ ; nov.-dic. 1881, genn.-febbr. 1882. op. cit. 37' ; da 5 febbr. 1882 a 16 nov. 1882. op. cit. ZT ; dal 27 settemLre al 31 dicembre 1883. op. cit. 38. Immagini spettroscopiche del bordo solare osservate a Roma da Tacchini e Chistoni da 18-11-1882 a 17-3-1883. S. S. I. 37' ; da 18-3-1883 a 28-6-1883. op. cit. 37'. Immagini spettroscopiche del bordo solare osservate a Catania, Kalocsa, Madrid, Roma (C. R.), Z6-se (Cina) e Zurigo da 1-1-1906 a 19-2- 1900. S. S. I. 37^. Immagini spettrosco- piche del bordo solare osservate a Catania, Kalocsa, Madrid, Odessa, Roma, Z6-se e Zurigo del 20 febbraio alia fine del 1906. S. S. I. 38; dal 1 gennaio alia fine del 1907; dal 2 gennaio al 14 luglio 1908. t.c. 38. Immagini spettro- scopiche del bordo solare osservate a Roma da Tacchini, Millosevich e Chis- toni da 29 giu. a 2G sett. 1883. S. S. I. 37'-'. Annotazioni alle osservazioni delle protuberanze fattenel periodo del 3marzc a 31 luglio 1881 che si p ibblicano nelle tavole con numerazione arabica. S. S. I. 37 (35-36). Annotazioni alle osserva- zioni delle protuberanze pubblicate in tavole da ag. 1881 a nov. 1881. S. S. I._ 37 (105). Annotazioni alle osservazioni delle protuberanze fatte nei periodo dal •2G-I1-1881 a 23-2-1882 a, Roma. S.S. I. 37 (142). Chevalier. Lettera circa le pro- tuberanze del 3 gennajo 1908. S. S. I. 37 (180;. Deslandres et Azambuja. Reconnais- sance des couches superieures du calcium et de riiydrogene dans I'atraosphere solaire et des memes filaments noirs dans les couches. C. R. 148 (lOllj. Examen critique des images monochromatiques du Soleil avec les raies de I'hydrogene. C. R. 148 (1235). Fenyi. Beobachtung der niedrigen Protuberanzen. S. S. I. 37 (19). Cber das A'orkonimen der Protuberanzen auf den Polarcalotten der Sonne. S. S. I. 37 (107). Beobachtung einer Erup- tion auf der Sonnenscheibe. S. S. I. 37 (181j. Fox and AbettL A large prominence. S. S. I. 37 (184). Julius. 15035. On the origin of the chromospheric light [as mainly to be attributed to irregular refraction]. Ricco. Statistica delle macchie, facole e protuberanze solari nei 2° semestre 1907. S. S. I. 37 (37). Dimensioni e distribuzione delle protuberanze solari osservate a Catania nei 2° semestre 1907. S. S. I. 37 (83) ; nei 1° semestre dell'anno 1908. op. cit. 38 (29) ; nei 2"" semestre del- l'anno 1908. t.c. (159). Statistica delle macchie e delle facule solari osservate nei R. Osservatorio di Catania durante il 1° semestre 1908. S. S. I. 37 (143). Piano d'una statistica generale fondate sopra 40 anni di osser- vazioni internazionali delle protuberanze solari. S. S. I, 37 (195). Statistica delle macchie, facole e protuberanze solari osservate nei R. Osservatorio di Catania nei 1° semestre 1908. S. S. I. 38 (53) ; nei 2' semestre 1908. t.c. (14.3). Rivista di Astronomia, Torino. 15693- Una notevole protuberanza solare. Tringali Una viva e grande pro- tuberanza in un grui3po di grandi mac- chie e facole solari. Le manifestazioni eruttive del sole. S. S. I. 38 (69). Moon. 1G3 4800 Wolfer. 1G033. Ileliogvapliisclie Verteilung dor Fleckeii, Fackelii mid I'rotubciaii7,en aiif der Oberllfiche der Sonne ill den Jahren 1896-98. 4640 Determination of Rotation. Adams. Preliminary note on the rotation of the sun as determined from the displacements of the hydrogen lines. A p. J. 27 (213). Fox. Preliminary note on the rota- tion of the sun as determined from the motion of dark calcium flocculi. Ap. J. 28 (117). Hale. Preliminary note on the rota- tion of the sun as determined from the motions of the hydrogen flocculi. Ap. J. 27 (219). 4650 SPECTROSCOPIC RESEARCHES OF SUN IN ECLIPSE. CampbelL The spectrum of the sun's edge with the moving-plate spectro- graph. [Eclipse of 1908.] Lick B. 131 (10). Lewis. Specti'um of the corona and of the second flash. [Eclipse of 1908.] Lick B. 131 (10). 4660 Corona. Abbot. A bolometric study of the solar corona. Lick B. 132 (15). CampbelL The solar corona. P. A. 19(71). The coronal spectrum as observed at the Flint Island eclipse. A. S. P. 20 (168). and Albrecht. The coronal spectrum. Lick B. 131 (13). Perrine. Observations of the corona for polarization effects. [Eclipse of 1908]. Lick. B. 131 (13'). Wood. Polarized fluorescence of metallic vapours and the solar corona. Ap. J. 28 (75). 4700 Chromosphere. Reversing layer. Julius. 15035. Ursprung des Lichtes der Chromosj)hare. (E-468) 4750 PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION DEDUCED FROM SPECTRO- SC()P1C OBSERVATIONS. Julius. 15033. J^tude spectrohelio- graphique des phcnomeiies de refraction anoinale [et consequences qui en decou- lent pour la constitution du soleil]. 15034 : Regular consequences of irregu- lar refraction in the sun. 15035 : On the origin of the cliromospheric light [as mainly to be attributed to irregular re- fraction]. Pringsheim. 15633. Demonstration von SonneniDhotographien. Zeeman. 16068. Spektralanalytische Uiitersuchung der magnetischen Felder auf der Sonne. 4780 PLANETS. GENERAL. Buchanan, The constants for the equator. P. A. 16 (346). Ryan. Planet launching. P. A. 16 (17). Umow. 15923. Methode zur Erfor- schung der Korper des Planetensystems, besonders auf Anwesenheit des Chloro- phylls. MOON. 4800 GENERAL. Ball. Bestinimung der Lage eines Mondkraters gegen die Mitte der Mond- Bcheibe. A. N.'180 (153). Ebert. 14677. Beitrag zur Physik der Moudoberflache. Manitius. 15267. Die Parallaxen des Mondes und seine Entfernung von der Erde nach Ptolemaus. Meyer. 15315. Der Mond unsere Nachbarwelt. Patterson. 15458. The origin of the moon. [Discussion of terrestrial origin.] Pickering. The place of origin of the moon — the volcanic jDroblem. P. A. 15 (274). Touchet. 15897. La comparaison des observations lunaires. Sacco. 15713. Le fratture e le ruglie della luna. 15715 : Essai schematique de Selenologie. Swezey. The earth before the earth- moon catastrophe. P. A. 15 (397). m2 Moon. 164 48ia 4810 OBSERVATIONS FOR POSITION. Greexwich Royal Observatdry. Riglit ascensions and north polar distances of the centre of the moon observed with the transit circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({l33}-{l37'r) . . . with the ahazimuth. t.c. ({G5}-{G9}). Tucker. Observed right ascensions of the moon. Lick B. 129 (189). 4820 CONSTANTS, DIMENSIONS (DIAMETER AND FIGURE). MASS, DENSITY, DISTANCE. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Horizontal and vertical diameters of the moon observed with the transit circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({l24}). . . with the altazimuth. t.c. ({60})- Deduction of the moon's diameter . . . from a comparison of the observations of the . . . limb with those of tlie crater Mosting A in the year 1907, with the transit circle. Gr. b. 1907 ({l25}-{ 126}) . . . with the altazimuth, t.c ({C2}-{C3}). Beliawsky. Mesures de quelques ir- regularities au bord de la Lune. B. A. 25 (Ud). Hinks. Solar Parallax Papers, No. 8. The mass of the moon derived from the photographic observations of Eros made in 1900-01. M.N. 70(63). Puiseux. 15640. A propos de la Carte de la Lune du P. de Kheita. 4830 ROTATION (LIBRATION), CONFIGURATION OF SUR- FACE, CHANGES IN DITTO. Ball. Bestimmung der Lage eines Mondkraters gegen die Mitte der Mond- scheibe. A. N. 180 (153). Blanc. 14338. Les montagnes rayon- nantes de la Lune. Une explication du R. P. de Rheita. Blum. 14341. Zur Mondljewegiing. Ebert. 14677. Beitrag zur Physik der ilondobertliiche. Fauth. 14734. Posidonius yauf dem Monde. Goodacre. 14831. Interim report of the Lunar Section. Hawks. 14925. A peculiar light streak to the East of Hercules. The lunar crater Hercules. Hevler. 14951. Hohenbestimmung- von Mondbergen auf Ginind des Prager photographischen ]!*Ion(]atlasses des Herrn Prof. Dr. L. Weinek, Direktors der. k.k. Sternwarte in Prag. HofiFmann. 14967. Zum sogcnanntea ,,Mondratsel." Klein. 15048. Die Vergleichung von Mondaufnahmen uutereinander. u. Blum. 15049a. Mond- rotation. Loewy et Puiseux, 15173. L'origine des accidents du sol lunaire. 15174 : La question de l'origine des mers lunaires. Neate. 15388. The Lunar Section. Guericke and Parry. Oppenheim. 15438. Die Gleichge- wichtsfiguren rotierender Fliissigkeits- masson und die Gestalt der Himmels- korper. Pickering. Measurements of Linne during total lunar eclipse. Harv. C. 113 (2j. Sacco. 15714. Le zone luminose della luna. Tomkins. 15891. Note on the lunar bright rays. Wood. The moon in ultra-violet light. Spectro-selenography. M. N. 70 (226). 4850 TEMPERATURE RADIA- TION, BRIGHTNESS, PHASES, LUMIERE CENDREE. Krebs. 15194. Das graue Licht des Mondes und der Erdschein. 4860 ECLIPSES. Backhouse. 14210. Total lunar eclii^se June 1909. Bamett. 14258. Notes on total eclipse of moon at Rosario, Argentine Republic. Bourget. Surl'eclipse totale de Lune- du 3 juin 1909 observee a Marseille par MM. Borreliv et Coggia. C. R. 14& (I499J. Chambers. 14481. The story o£ eclipses. Moon. 165 4890 Eddie. 14(580. Lunar eclipse June 4, 1909. Guerrieri. 14860. Eclisse totale di 3una osservate a Xapoli (R. oss. astrono- tnico di Oapodimoiite) il 4 giugno 1909. Hawks. 14922. The total lunar eclipse of June 3, 1909. Holetschek. Ueber die penumbrale Verliusterung des Mondes am 7. Dezem- hev lUOS. A. N. 180 (165). Millosevich. Eclisse totale di luna del 3 giugao 1909. A. N. 183 (233). Montangerand. Observation de reclipse tolale de Lune du 3 juin 1909 a rol)servatoire de Toulouse. C. R. 148 (1577). TafiFara. Eclisse totale di luna del 3-4 giugno 1909 osservata uel R. Osser- vatorio di Catania. S. S. I. 38 (155). Ward. 15952. The total eclipse of the moon, 1909 November 26. 4870 OCCULTATION rSTARS, PLANETS, SEPARATELY). Greenwich Royal Observatory. Oc- cultations of stars by the moon, 19U7, with the equations deduced from the occultations. Gr. 0. 1907 (91-107). Battermann. Berichtigungen zu dem in Wien gehnltenen Vortrage ,,Mittei- lung liber eine neue Bestimmung des Mondorts a us Sternbedeckungen " (V. J. S. Jahrg. 43, S. 377). A. N. 180 (59). — 142G9. Mitteilung iiber eine neue Bestimmung des Mondorts aus ■Sternbedeckungen. Beattie. 14278. Occultation of Venus. Bilt. Beobachtungen von Sternlw- deckungen durch den Mond. A. N. 179 (97). Downing. Occultations of planets by the moon in 1909 visible at British Observatories. M. N. 69 (431). Occultation of Saturn by the moon, 1910 March 13, visible in parts of South Africa. M. N. 70 (184). Givin. 14823. Occultation of Venus •by the moon, as observed at Svdney, jSI.S.W., on 1909, November 17. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Ob- servations of occultations of stars by the moon made at the in the year 1909. M. N. 70 (250). Guillaume. 01)servations d'occidta- tions fl'etoiles par la Lune faites en 1907 a I'Observatoire de Lvon. B. A. 26 (126). MacDonnell & Brown. 15247. Oc- cultation of Venus. Stuyyaert. 15862a. Observations efTectuees a I'equatorial de 15 centi- metres en 1906. Prinz. 15634. Le cratere lunaire " Linne " u'a jamais subi de change- ment. 4880 INFLUENCE ON TER- RESTRIAL PHENOMENA. Paris. 14723. Tides of the solid earth, observed by Dr. Hecker. Jewett. 15022. The modulus of lunar influence, not in a lifting, but in a falling movement. Scbuster. 15777. Der Einfluss des Moudes auf unsere Atraosphare — be- rechnet und graphisch dargestellt. 4890 PHOTOGRAPHS, MAPS, DRAWINGS (PUBLISHED RE- PRODUCTIONS). An atlas of the moon. Parts III, IV, V, VI, VII, Vlll, IX, X, XI, XII. 'Knowledge & Sci. News London (N.Ser.) 6 1909 (86 138 166-167 2.22 252 289 327 383 417 407 pis.). A plan of the moon showing its principal features. Knowledge & Sci. News London (N. Ser.) 6 1909 (pi. facing p. 176). Klein. 15048. Die Verglei cluing von Mondaufnahmen untereinander. Loewy et Pniseux. 15171. Atlas photographique de la lune, Agrippa, mer des vapeurs, Ajoennins. 15172: Atlas photographique de la lune ; PI. XLVIII ,• Fabricius ; Furnerius ; Borda. PI. XLIX, ilercator ; mer des nuages ; Landsberg. PI. L; Heinsius, mer des nuages ; Alphonse. PI. LI : Cleomede ; Posidonius, Hercule. MeUer. 15294. Mondlandschaften am Fernrohr gezeichnet. Eaith. 166 500O EARTH. 5000 GENERAL. Himmel und Erde. Unser Wissen von der Sternenwelt und dem Erdball. Hrsg. unter Slitwirkung von Fach- genossen von J[oseph] Plassmann [u. A.]. Bd 1 : Der Sternenhimmel. Die Bewegiingen und die Eigenschaften der Hinimelskorper. Bd 2 : Unsere Erde. Der Werdegang des Erdballs und seiner Lebewelt, seine Beschaffeuheit und seine Hiillen. Lfg 1-9. Berlin iliinchen Leipzig (Allg. Verl.-Ges.) [1908] (16 mit 5 TaL 48 227-416 51-224); Lfg 10-30. Munchen u Berlin [1909] (VIII + 417-608 mit Taf. VIII + 695 mit Taf.). 28 cm. Die Lfg 1 M. Becker. 14280. Present problems of geophysics. 14281 : Age of a cooling globe in which the initial temperature increases directly as the distance from the surface. Brill. 14380. Die Elastizitat der Erde. Diss. Foerster. 14760. Die Erde als "Weltkorper. Hardcastle. 14906. Earth-tides. Hayford. 14930. The earth, a fail- ing structure. Helmert. 14937. Die Tiefe der Aus- gleichsflache bei der Prattschen Hypo- these fiir das Gleichgewicht der Erd- kruste und der Verlauf der Schwere- storiing vom Innern der Kontiuente mid Ozeane nach den Kiisten. Lallemand. 15123. L'avenir des continents. Lane. 15132. Schaeberle, Becker and the cooling earth. Love. The yielding of the earth to disturbing forces. M. N. 69 (476). Maillard. 15264. L'experience de Perrot. Meissner. 15292. Betrachtungen iiber die Schiefe der Ekliptik [zu den klimatisclien Verhaltnissen]. Messersclimitt. 15306. Die Erde als Himmelskorper. Eine astronomische Ceographie. Patterson. 15458. The origin of the moon. Pickering'. The place of origin of the n.oon — the volcanic problem. P. A. 15 (274). Schaeberle. 15729. The earth as at heat-radiating planet. 15730 : The in- fallibility of Newton's law of radiation at known temperatures. 15731 : Geological climates. 15732 : An explanation of the cause of the eastward circulation of our atmosphere. See. Tlie age of the earth's coDsoli-^ dation. P. A. 15 (545j. 15792. Geology and cos- Sieberg-. 15797. Der Erdball, seine Entwicklung und seine Krafte. Swezey. The earth before the earth- moon catastrophe. P. A. 15 (397). Wetzel. 15971. Lehrbuch der astro- nomischen Geographie. 5050 GEODESY. Rapports des delegues snr I'avance- ment des travaux geodesiques dansleurs pays. Berichte der Delegirten iiber die Fortscliritte der Erdmessungsarbeiten in ihren Lrindern : [England ; Indien ; Siid-Afrika ; Australien ; Egypten ; Schweiz ; Belgien ; Italien ; Japan ; Mexico ; Xorwegen ; Niederlande ; Oe- sterreich ; Portugal ; Spanien ; Verei- nigte Staaten ; Deutschland ; Frank- reich ; Danemark ; Rumanien ; Russ- land ; Ungarn ; Schweden.] Verb. Conf. Erdm. Berlin 15 (1906) I 1908 (109-395 mit Karten). London, Royai. AsTnoNOMicAL So- ciety, Council of. The conference of the International Geodetic Association. M. N. 70 (380-382). TorOGRAPHISCHE DiENST IN NeDER- I.ANDSCH Indie. Jaarverslag over 1907. [Rapport annuel du Service topogra- phique aux Indes Neerlandaises pour 1907.] Vol. 8 Batavia (Javasche dnik- kerijj 1908 (1-175 av. 22 pi.). Albrecht, 14170. Bericht iiljer den internationalen Breitendienst. Backlimd. 14212. Bericht iiber die geodiitischen Arbeiten der russischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1899- 1901. Bigourdan. Sur la mesure de la meridienne de France, a la fin du XVIII" siecle, pour la determination du metre. B. A. 25 (479). Longitude, Latitude, 167 5100 Bourgeois. 11372. Les travaux de la mission geodesique fraiicjaise de rEquateur. 14373 : Rapport sur les mesures dc Lases. Guarduoci. 148.58. La XVI con- ferenza gcnerale dell' Associazione geo- detica iuteniazionale. Hatt. Compensation d'une chahie fermee de triangulation. C. R. 147 (887). Helmert. 14936. Die Tiitigkeit des Zentrallmreaus der Inteniationalen Erd- messung im Jahre 1907 nebst dem Arbeits'plan fiir 1908. 14938 : Meeting of the International Geodetic Association. Hugershoff. 14991. Der Zustand der Atmosphiire als Fehlerquelle im Nivellement. Diss. kgl. techn. Hoch- schule Dresden. Lallemand. 15124. Rapport sur la mesure des mouvements du sol dans les regions sisniiques au nioyen de nivelle- ments repetes a de longs intervalles. 15125 : Rapport general sur les nivel- lements de precision (Periode de 1903 k 1906). 15126: Movements of the earth's surface. (English abstract.) 15127: On the elasticity of the terrestrial globe. (Translation of abstract.) Muller. 15380. Der jetzige Stand- punkt der Geodiisie. (Holliindisch.) Poincar^. 15616. Rapports sur les operations geodesiques de l'£quateur en 1903, ^ 1904 et 1905, presentes h I'academie des sciences au nom de la Commission chargee du controle scien- tifique des operations geodesiques de I'fiquateur. Schmidt. 15760. Erganzungsnies- sungen zum bayerischen Prazisions- Nivellement. H. 1. Scliiunann. 15773. Der neue westeu- ropaische Meridianbogen. Wiedemann. 1 5980. Bestimmungen des Erdumfanges von Al Beriini. 5100 LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, VARI.\TION OF LATITUDE. PENDULUM OBSERVATIONS. DISTURBANCE OF GRAVITY. Longitude. Latitude. [Berun - Reiciismarineamt.] Tele- graphische Bestimmung der Lange von Tsingtau. Ann. Hydrogr. Berlin 37 1909 (1-7 mit 3 Taf.). Aimonetti. 14138. Determinazione dtilhi latitudine della specola geodetica della R. Universita di Torino. Albrecht. Provisorische Resultate dea internationalen Breitendienstes auf dem Siidparallel in der Zeit von 1906.4- 1908.4. A. N. 179 (229). 14169. Die Anwendung der drahtlosen Telegraphic auf Langen- bestimmungen. Bouquet de la Grye. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la telegraphie sans fd de I'Academie des Sciences. C. R. 147 (819). Celoria. 14462. Differenza delle longitudini fra Milano e Crea ; osserva- zioni di G. Celoria e M. Rajna, calcoli di L. Gabba. Claude et Driencourt. 14516. Deter- mination de la longitude de Brest au moyen de I'astrolabe a prisme et du telephone. Close. Report on the measurement of an arc of meridian in Uganda. M. N. 69 (628). Comstock. Longitude of the Wash- burn Observatory, Madison. A. N. 180 (193). Di Legge. 14624. Determinazione- della latitudine di Monte Mario eseguita con osservazioni di passaggi nel 1° vertl- cale nei mesi di maggio e giugno 1905. Domke. 14633. Zeit- und Orts- Bestimmungen der deutschen Siidpolar- Expedition 1901-1903. Nebst Erorte- ningen iiber die Meer- und Eisfahrt des. ,, Gauss" von Erich von Drygalski. (Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- 1903, Bd 1, H. 2.) Dybeck. 14662. Die Polhohe von- Breslau. Diss. Hammer. 14900. Bemerkung zu den Aufsiitzen iiber direkte Polhohen und geodiitisch berechnete geographische Langen in Stuttgart im 57. Jahrg. (1901), S. 43-66 und S. 67-80. Lallemand. 15125. Rapport general sur les nivellements de precision (Periode de 1903 a 1906). Lecointe. 15146a. Mesures pendu- laires (resultats du voyage du S. Y. Belgica). Longitude, Latitude. 168 5100 Marcuse. 15269. Ergebnisse der Polliuheiibestinimungeu in Berlin ausge- fuhrl in denJaliren 1S89, lf590und 1891 am Universal-'J'ransit der koniglichen Stern warte. ir)270. Recent progress in deternaining geographical position. Pad. 15440. Latitudine di Palermo determinata neH'Osservatorio astrono- miro al cercliio meridiano di Pistor e Martins. Ralmeiifiilirer. 15619. Die Polhohe von Konigsberg. IJesultate der von H. Struve und ¥. Rahnenfiihrer in der Jahren 1899-1900 und 190.5-1907 nach der Horrebowmethode angestellten Be- ■obachtungen bearb. Sand. 1572.3. Connection of the Tychouic ruins with the European geo- 'detic net, together with a new triangida- )iion connecting Denmark and Sweden. (Danish.) The Danish measurement of degrees under the auspices of V. H. 0. Jlladsen. Bcbumanii. 15773. Der neue west- europaische Meridianbogen. Tittmann. 15887. Progress of the demarcation of the Alaska boundary. Verstraeten. 15930. Solution theo- rique et ]jratique desproblemes du point astronomique par la methode des lieux geometriques ou droites de hauteur. Avant-profjos par G. Lecointe. Variation of Latitude. Variation of Gravity. L.TERNATIONAL GeODKTIC ASSOCIATION' Report. Variation of gravity. Obser- vatory London 32 1909 (416-418). Agamennone. 14137. Le variazioni di latitudine ed i terremoti. BiancM. 14321. Alcune notizie sul termine z di Kimuia nella variazione delle latitudini. Boccardi. 14345. Notice regardant le terme z dans la variation de la lati- tude. [Zusatz zu der Arbeit von Hira- vamal. A. X. 179 i243). Borsch. 14352. Bericht iiber Lotab- ■weichungen (1906). Doolittle. Latitude determinations at the Flower observatory during the vears 1904, 1905 and 1900. A. J. 25 (1-33). Paris. 14723. Tides of the solid earth, observed by Doctor Hecker. Peril. 14746. Lo spostamento *del- I'asse di rotazione terrestre nella massa della terra in rapporto con le variazioni di latitudine e con i grandi terremoti mondiali. Eublin. 15113. Polschwankungen und Erdbeben. Miller. 15322. Variations of lati- tude. Millosevlch. 15344. L'ltalia nel problema degli spostamenti del polo sul geoide. Moulton. 15309. The motions of the earth. Ogbum. 15433. Comparison of lati- tude observations at Sayre observatory, South Bethlehem, and at Flower obser- vatory, Philadelphia. Porter. 15023. Variation of latitude 1899 to 1906. ScMesinger. On systematic errors in determining variations of latitude. A. J. 24 a8.3). Townley. 15899. The shifting of the earth's axis. Pendulum Observations. Disturbance of Gravity. Abetti. 14129. Durate di oscilla- zione a Padovadei pendoli dell' apparato tripendolare Sterneck-Stiickrath. Alessio. 14177. Determinazione della gravita relativa fra Venezia e Padova. 14179. Determinazione della gravita relativa fra Padova e Potsdam, valori delle durate d' oscilla- zione dei pendoli dell' apparato tripen- dolare del R. Istituto Idrogralico a Padova, prima e dopo della campagna di circumnavigazione della R. Nave "Calabria" (4 febbraio 1905—3 feb- braio 1907j. 14180. A proposito del rilievo gravimetrico d'ltalia. Arldt. 14203. Die Simrothsche Pen- dulationstheorie. Bonsdorff. 14360. Determination relative de la pesanteur a Helsingfors. ■ 14361. Determination des attractions locales sur les points Atmosphere. 169 5400 astronomiquos du re.-ieau russe au Spitz- berg. Borrass. 143G4. Die relativen Mes- suugcii der Schwerkraft mit Pendelap- paraicn fiir den Zoitraum von 1903 bis lOOn. Darwin. 14580. Rapport sur la coojji'ration de I'Association geodesique intornationalo dans les reciierciies geolo- giques an moyen de I'etude des anoma- lies dans la valeiir de I'intensite de la pesanteur. DrygalBki von und Haasemann. 14(.)4(). 8ch\v(M-krafts-]5estimmungen der Dentschen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901- 1903 auf Sao Vicente (Kapverden) auf Kerguelen und in der Antarktis. (Deut- sche Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, Bd 1, H. 3). Eotvos. 14707. Bestimmung der Gradienten der Schwerkraft und ihrer Niveauflachen mit Hiilfe der Drehvvage. Galle. 14894. Lotabweichungen im Harz und in seiner weiteren Umgebung. Hecker. 14932. Die Schwerkrafts- messungen auf deni Meere. Helmert. 14937. Die Tiefe der Ausgleichsflache bei der Prattschen Hypothese fiir das Gleichgewieht der Erdkruste und der Verlauf der Schvverestorung vom Innern der Konti- jiente und Ozeane nach den Kiisten. Hirayama. On the results of the international latitude observations 1900-04. A. N. 179(133). Joliansen. 150:^3. Relative deter- iminations of gravitation; the island of Bornholm and the island of Funen with surrounding islands. (Danish.) The Danish measurement of degrees under the auspices of V. H. 0. Madsen. Koch. 15073. Relative .Schweremes- sungen in Wiirttemberg. V. Messun- .gen auf den Linien : 1. Schwenningen bei Erolzlieim. 2. Heilbronn l)is Crails- iieim. 3. Mergentlieim-Weikersheim. 4. Altshausen bis Wurzach. 5. Fisch- bach a. B. bis Isny. Lallemand. 15125. Rapport general sur les nivellements de precision (periode de 1903 a 190G). Lenox-Conyngham. The recent pen- ■dulum observations in India. M. N. 69 <383). Lovewell. 15183. The Foucault ex- periment. Messerschmitt. 15305. Die Scliwere- bestiniiiuuig an der Erdoberfliiche. (Die Wissenschalt. H. 27.) Venturi. 15928. Quarta campagna gravimetrica in Sicilia nel 1900. Zanotti-Bianco. 10052. Determina- zioni della gravita suU' Oceano Indiano e sul Pacifico istitiiite dal Prof. dott. 0. Hecker. Zappa. 10054. Sullo spostamento che la martni deU'Adriatico puo cagonare agli strumenti dell' Osserva- torio astronomico di Padova. 5400 ATMOSPHERE. Beinporad. Sail' assorbimento subito della radiazione solare negli str.Ui del- I'atmosfera a varie altezze sull'Etna. S. S. I. 38 (70). 14288. Veranderung der Luftdurchsichtigkeit mit der Hohe und an der Erdoberflache. 14289. Sulla diminuzione del coefficiente d'assorbimento dell' aria coir altezza. 14290. La trasparenza deir aria fra Catania e I'Etna confrontata con quella di altre regioni. 14293. L'assorbimento selettivo della radiazione solare nel- I'atmosfera terrestre e la sua variazione coir altezza. Biske. Die Temperatur der Sonne. A. N. 183 (241). Borchardt. 14303. Zur Theorie der Himmelshelligkeit. Cozza. 14547. Quelques observa- tions sur les ombres volantes. Gold. The isothermal layer of the atmosphere and atmospheric radiation (abstract). M. N. 69 (053). Jensen. Die gegenwartigen Probleme und Aufgaben, welche mit dem Studiura der atmosphiirischen Polarisation ver- kuiipft sind. A. N. 179 (165). ScLaeberle. 15732. An explanation of the cause of the eastward circulation of our atmosphere. Schoute. 15700. The peculiar twi- light phenomena on June 30th and July Atmosphere. 170 5400 1st, 1908 [reported by various ob- servers]. (Dutch). Wiener. 15983. Die Helligkeit des klaren Himniels und die Beleuchlung durch Sonne, Himmel und Riickstrah- lung. AURORA. Anderson. 14187. The work of Prof . Carl Stormer on Birkeland's theory of the aurora boreal! s. Brendel. 14376. Das Xordlicht vom 30. Jimi 1908. Brester. 14378. The solar vortices of Hale. [Origin of the polar Auroras.] Brown. 14385. The aurora Austra- lis of September 2G [1909]. Campbell. The auroral arch of August, 1903. P. A. 15 (448j. Dike. 14623. Paulsen's resume of recent theories of polar lights. Ellis. 14693. Auroral displays. Nutting. 15429. Stormer's work on the physics of the aurora. Pecliuel-Loesclie. 15477. Strahlen neben dem Zodiakallicht. Schmidt. 15759. Siidlicht. Short. 15796. Aurora australis September 26 [1909]. Wahrendorff. 15946. Ueber Wesen und Wirkungsart der Meeresrefraktion und liber Flutwirkungen. Watts. 15958. The spectrum of the aurora borealis. 5500 IXTRA-MERCURIAL PLANETS. Perrine. Results of the search for an intramercurial planet at the total solar eclipse of August 30, 1905. Lick B. 115 (115). The search for intramer- curial planets [during 1908 eclipse]. Lick B. 131 (7). The search for intramer- curial bodies at the total solar eclipse of January 3, 1908. Lick B. 152 (95). 5600 MERCURY. GENERAL. Ancient history of the planet Mercury. Knowledge and Sci. News London (N. Ser.) 6 1909 (266-267). MERCURY. 5610 OBSERVATIONS OF POSITION OF MERCURY. Greenwich Royal Observatoht. Right ascensions and north polar distances of the centre of Mercury obseived with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({l38}); with the Altazimuth t.c. {{Gi)]). 5620 CONSTANTS, DIMENSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AND DENSITY OF MERCURY. Greekwich Royal Observatory. Vertical diameters of Mercury observed with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({127}). Stroobant. Note complementaire con- cernant le diametre de Mercure et la correction de sa position relative le 14 novembre 1907. A. N. 180 (339). 5640 ROTATION, CONFIGURA- TION OF SURFACE OF MERCURY. Charlier. 14482. Die Rotation der Planeten Merkur und Venus. SchiaparellL 15745. Di alcune macchie osservate in Mercuric dal Signer Jarry Desloges la mattina del 19 agosto 1907. 5650 TEMPERATURE MERCURY. OF Corrigan. Present surface tempera- tures of Mars, Venus and Mercury. P. A. 16 (258). 5670 TRANSITS, OCCULTATION OF MERCURY. Abetti. II passaggio di Mercurio sul disco del sole osservato ad Arcetri il 14 novembre 1907. S. S. 1. 37 (3). Biesbroeck, Van. 14327a. Le pro- chain passage de Mercure sur le soleil. Bigourdan. 14330. Les passages de Mercure devant le soleil. Boccardi. 14342. Passaggio di Mer- curio sul Sole il 14 novembre 1907. Osservazioni eseguite nel R. Osserva- torio di Torino. Emanuelli. 14697. Alcuni calcoli sul passaggio di Mercurio (14 novembre 1907). Mars. 171 5800 Gabba. Passaggio di Mercurio sul disco del sole il 1-4 novenibre 1907. R. I. L. 42 (597). Lorenzoni. 1.5178. II passaggio di Mercurio sul disco del sole osservato alia Specola di Padova il 14 noveinbre 1907. Parr. Passaggio di Mercurio sul sole (14.11.07). S. S. 1. 37 (88). Porter. Observations of the transit of Mercury at the Cincinnati observa- tory. A. J. 25 (196). Rigge. The transit of Mercury Noveml)er 14, 1907, as visible in the United States. P. A. 15 (488). Snyder. Physical phenomena of the transit of Mercury. P. A. 16 (390). Stroobant. 15857. Le passage de Mercure sur le soleil du 14 noveinbre 1907. Note complementaire con- cernant le diametre de Mercure et la correction de sa position relative le 14 novembre 1907. A. N. 180 (339). Todd. Observations of the transit of Mercury, 1907, November 13, at Amherst college observatory. A. J. 25 (196). Viaro. II passaggio di Mercurio del 14 novembre 1907. S. S. I. 37 (25). 5700 VENUS. GENERAL. Henkel. 14941. Venus as the abode of life. Lowell. 15192. The planet "Venus. 5710 OBSERVATIONS OF POSI- TION OF VENUS. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Right ascensions and north polar distances of the centre of Venus ob- served with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 (| 138 }-{ 139}) ; with the Altazimuth t.c. {{70}). 5720 CONSTANTS, DIMENSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AND DENSITY OF VENUS. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Horizontal and vertical diameters of Venus observed with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. O 1907 ( { 1 27 }) ; with the Altazimuth ^.c. ({ 60 ; ) 5740 ROTATION, CONFIGURA- TION OF SURFACE OF VENUS. Baldet. 14229. Observations. [physiques] sur Venus. BanacMewicz. Venus. A. N. 18$ (239). Charlier. 14482. Die Rotation der Planeten Merkur und Venus. Hauet. 14921. Observations de la planete Venus laites en 1908. 5760 TEMPERATURE OF ' VENUS. Corrigan. Present surface tempera- tures of Mars, Venus, and Mercury. P. A. 16 (258). 5770 TRANSITS, OCCULTATION OF VENUS. Beattie, 14278. Occultation of Venus. Brown. 14386. The sun*s distance from the earth, obtained from the- transits of Venus. Givln. 14823. Occultation of Venua by the Moon as observed at Sydney, N.S.W., on 1909 November 17, MacDonnell and Brown. 15247. Oc- cultation of Venus. MARS. 5800 GENERAL. Barren. 14260. Fair play and tolera- tion in criticism. [Refer to Lowell's " Mars as the abode of life."] Bidschof. 14325. Der Planet Mars. Blackwelder. 14337. Mars as the- abode of life. Erber. 14708. Marsland. Flammarion. 14755. I^ planete- Mars et ses conditions d'habitabilite. Tome II. Paris, 1909. Hoflftaann. 14968. Dcr Planet Mars. Krebs. 15103. Die Marsfrage und der Vulkanismus. TVTars. 172 5800 Lowell. Xortli polar cap of ilars. P. A. 15 (416). 15193. Mars as the abode of life. 15 19-5. Mara and its •canals. Maunder. 15285. Some facts that ^ve know about Mars. Mora. Oppositions de ilars de 1800 a 1999. A. X. 183 (16.5;. Moulton. 15370. Remarks on recent contributions to cosmogony. 15371. A reply to Dr. Percival Lowell. PayTie. The planet Mars. P. A. 15 <539;. Rolston. 15698. The approaching opposition of Mars. Schiaparellt 15743. Die opposi- tionen des Mars nach babylonischen Beobachtungen. (Uebers.) See. 15791. Fair play and tolera- tion in science. [On E. Blackwelder's criticism of "Mars as the abode of life."] Williams. 159S8. Cloud on Mars. 5810 OBSERVATIONS OF POSI- TION OF MARS. Geeekwich Royal Observatory. Right •ascensions and north polar distances of the centre of Mars observed with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0 1907(|l40}j. . . . with the Altazimuth t.c. ({70}). Cape of Good Hope Royal Observa- tory. 14449. Observations . . . made with the heliometer at . . . •during the years 1897 to 1904. Cape Annals. Vol. 8. Part 1. Prim. 15632. Observations de la planete Mars. B. A. 26 (75). Tringali. Ascensioni rette di Marte e diametro di questo. S. S. I. 37 (40). 5820 CONSTANTS, DIMENSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AND DENSITY OF MARS. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Horizontal and vertical diameters of Mars observed with the Transit-circle in *he year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({l2S}) . . . withthe Altazimuth i.e. {{Cl]). TringalL Ascensioni rette di Marte e diametro di questo. S. S. I. 37 (40). 5840 ROTATION, CONFIGURA- TION OF SURFACE OF MARS. RivisTA DI AsTRONOMiA, ToRiNO. Marte nel 190.) secondo alcune recenti osserva- zioni. Riv. astr. scienze affini Torino 3 1909 (329-333) con 2 tav.). Antoniadi. Phenomenes subjectifs sur Mars. A. N. 183 (12.5). Sur la nature des" canaux" de Mars. A. N. 183 (221). 14195. Mars Section. First to Seventh Interim report on the observa- tions of 1909. 14196. Observations de la planete Mars en 1909 faites au grand equatorial de I'Observatoire de Meudon. 14198. On the possibility of explaining on a geomorphic basis the phenomena presented by the planet Mars. 14199. On some objections to the reality of Professor Lowell's canal system of Mars. Cerulli. 14472. Articoli su Marte di Newcomb e Flammarion — la fotografia dei canali — risoluzione del Gange. Polemica Newcomb-Lowell— fotografie lunari. Comas Sola. Observacionesde Marte. A. N. 183 (219). 14523. Observations de la planete Mars peadant I'oppositioa de 1907. Jonckheere. Nouveaux canaux sur Mars. A. N. 183 ^47j. Lockyer. 15167. Les observations de Lowell sur la planete Mars. LowelL Mars. A.N. 179 (291) ; 183 (47]. 15194. The new canals of Mars. LuccMni. 15199. L'aspetto di Marte in un piccolo struma ito durante I'opposi- zione del 1909. Phillips. 15510. The recent- appear- ance of Mars. StrehL 15850. Mars. [Optische Tauschungen.] Tonelli 15S"95. Pro stella Martis. Minor Planets. 173 590O wmiams. 159S9. The double bay Portus Sigeus on Mar-s. • loOOO. Mars in 1909. Zanotti Bianco. IHOSl. I canali di Marte in iliie libri i-ecenti. 5850 ATMOSPHERE OF MARS. Campbell. 14431. Water vapor in the atmosphere of the planet Mars. Lowell. 15187. Water-vapour in the atmosjAere of Mars. Very. 15932. The pi-esence of water vapour in the atmosphere of Mars demonstrated by quantitative measure- ments. 15933. Oxygen as well as water proved to exist in the atmosphere of Mars. 5860 TEMPERATURE, RADIA- TION. BRIGHTNESS, PHASES OF MARS. Corrigan. Present surface tempera- tures of Mars, Venus and Mercury. P. A. 16 (258). 5880 PHOTOGRAPHS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS OF MARS. Archenhold. 14201. Zeichnungen des Planeten Mars aus dem 18. Jahr- lumdert. Flammarion. 14751. Les photo- grapliies de Mars a I'Observatoire Lowell. Hale. Celestial photographs taken at Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, Cali- fornia. M. N. 70 (17.5). Leonard. Drawings of Mars. P. A. 15 (387;. Lowell. On a new means of sharpen- ing celestial photographic images; and applied with success to Mars. P. A. 15 (012). 5890 SPECTRUM OF MARS. LoweU. Mars. A. N. 179 (29P ; 183 (47). 15187. Water- vapor in the atmosphere of Alars. Slipher. The spectrum of JIars. A p. J. 28 (397). Very. 15932. The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars demon- strated by quantitative measurements?. MINOR PLANETS. 5900 GENERAL. London' Royal Astiionomical Society, Council of. Minor Planets. M. N. 70 (339-340). Bauscliinger. Neue Bahnen voi> kleinen Planeten. A. N. 179 (93). Numerierung von kleinen; Planeten. A. N. 179 (95j. • 14277. Genahorle Oppo- sitions-Ephemeriden von 29 kleinen. Planeten fur 1909 Jan. bis Juli 1909. Belot. Au sujet do la distribution! des aphelies des petites planetes. C. R> 147 (1400). Ebell. Photographische Aufnahmen- von kleinen Planeten in Arequipa. [Identitaten]. A. N. 179 (207). Franz. Ueber die Identitiit der Planeten (398) Admete und (045) [1907 ABJ A. N. 179(371). Kobold. [Benennungen neuer Plane- ten 190S BM = Zelmda, 1908 AN = Jubilatrix]. A. N. 179 (47). Mascart. 15275. La question des petites jjlanetes. Metcalf. A new method for thet discovery of asteroids. Ap. J. 23 (30G)- Morozov, Nikolaj [A.] 153GG. Cbei- einen Planeten des Asteroidentypus. (Russ.) Neugebauer. Numerlenmgund Bahn- elemente von kleinen Planeten. A. N.. 183 (189). Pickering. Identification of asteroids. Harv. C. 129 (3). Stroobant. 15855. La distribution des asteroides suivant leur distance an soleil et leur grandeur. 15854. La constitution de- I'anneau des petites planetes. Witt. lOOOu. Die Notwendigkeit einer V'erbesserung der Masse des Sy- stems Erde-Mond. (8) Flora. Downing. Ephemeris of Flora near tlie time of opposition in 1909. M. N. 69 (019). (13) Egeria. Samter. 15722. Die Bahn des Planeten Egeria. Minor Planets. 174 5900 ^50 Virginia. (511) Davida. MiUosevich, Neug-ebauer. Planet Chofardet. £phemerlde de la planete 1909 J C [identisch mit (50) Virginia]. (511) Davida. B. A. 26, 288). A. X. 183 (111). (516) Amherstia. (58) Concordia. Fontana. Eleniente ed effemeride del Luther. 1522S. Ephemeiide des pianeta (516) Amherstia. A. N. 179 Flaneten (58) Concordia. (63j. (110) Lydia. (521) Brixia. ^ , , , . , , , , , BiancM. (521) Brixia. A. N. 180 Fabry. Ejjhemeride de la pianete /gi, (110; Lydia. A. N. 179 (43). ^ ^' (588) Achnies. (179) Clytaemnestra. Franz. Ephemeride des Pkneten Duncan. Observations of (179) (^88) Achilles. A. N. 180 (295). Klvtaemiiestra. Lick B. 128 (186). (602) Marianna- (279) Thule, Vamum. Elements and ephemeris Wedemeyer. 15959. Die Bahn des for (1906 TE) Marianna. A. J. 25 (144). Planeten (279; Thnle. Diss. (313) Chaldsea. fiphemeride de la jalanete (313) Chaldaea. Bui. astr. Paris 26 1909 (289-290). B. A. 26 (289). (605). Simon. Ephemeride de la planete (605) [1906 UUJ. A. N. 180 (211;. (617) Patroclus. Heinrich. Oppositionsepliemeride dee (328) Gudrun Planeten derJupitergmppe (617) Patro- ,. ^ ,,,.,", , clus. A. N. 179 (223; ; 180 (45; ; 183 Krassowski. Ephemerirlede la planete fPOT) (328; Gudrun. A. N. 180 (371j. ^^ '' (398) Admete. Jranz. A. X. 179 (371). (444) Gyptis. Fabry. Exihemeride de la planete (444) Gyptis. A. N. 180 (373;. (465) Alecto. Eaton. Elements and ephemeris for 1907 YD. A. J. 26 (14;. (469) Argentina. Lamson. Elements of Planet 1907 XZ. A. J. 25 (168). Wilson. Corrected elements of planet 1907 XZ = (469) Argentina. A. N. 183 (43;. (624) Hector. Stromgren. Oppositions-Ephemeride des Planeten (624j Hektor. A. X. 180 (327). (636). Hall. Elements and ephemerides of Planet 1907 XP. A. J. 25 (180). (637). Snow. Elements and ephemeris of Planet 1907 YE (Metcalfj. A. J. 26 (30). (638). Snow. Elements and ephemeris of Planet 1907 ZQ (Metcalf;. A. J. 26 (30j. (652) Jubilatrix. • Hopfner. Elemente und Ephemeride des Planeten (652; Jubilatrix. A. N. (471; Papagena. Cbofardet, £pliemeride de la nlanete ^^^ (303). (471) Papagena. B. A. 25 (464). ' Kobold. A. X. 179 (47) Position of Minor Planets. 175 6010 (653). Berberich. Notiz l)etr. (053) [1907 BK]. A. N. 179(24.3). Neugebauer. Notiz betr. Planet (fi53) [1907 HKJ [identisch init 1893 DJ. A. N. 179 (115). Snow. Elements and ephemeris of Planet 1907 BK (Metcalfj. A, J. 26 (38). (654) Zelinda. Kobold. A. N. 179 (17). Millosevicli. II pianetino Bil 1908 Zelinda. S. S. I. 37 (101). (655). Lamson. Elements and ephemeris of planet 1907 BF. A. N. 180 (261). (659). Ebell. Ephemeride des Planeten (659) [1908 CS]. A.N. 180 (213). (674) Rachel. BiancM. Pianeta 1908 E P. A. N. 180 (47). Kritzinger. Kreisbalmelemente und Ephemeride fiir den Planeten 1908 EP. A. N. 179 (241). 5910 OBSERVATIONS OF POSITIONS OF MINOR PLANETS. Where several i^lanets are mentioned in one paper an entry has been made ni the " General " section, where the fall title of the paper is given. But in the " Special " section the autliors name and ahhreviated reference only are given. General. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Observations of minor planets and neighbouring stars from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector of the Thompson equatorial in the year 1907. With adopted plate constants for the photographs and right ascensions and declinations of minor planets. Gr. 0. 1907 (150-176). Abetti. Osservazioni di pianetini. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Osservazioni di asteroidi. P. 0. Arc. 28 (55). Barton. Observations of minor planets made witli the 18-inch equatorial of the Flower Observatory. A. J. 26 (15j. Borrelly. Observations de planetes faites a I'observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'Eichens de Om. 26 d'ouver- ture). B. A. 25(461-463). Charlois. Observations de planetes faites a I'observatoire de Nice (equatorial Gautier de Om. 38 d'ouverture). B. A. 26 (131 209). Cbofardet. Observations de planetes faites a I'ol^servatoire de Besantjon (equatorial coude). B. A. 26 (12). Esmiol. Observations de planetes faites a I'observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'Eichens de Om. 26 d'ouverture). B. A. 26(211). GreenwicH Royal Observatory.' Observations of minor planets from photographs taken with the 30-iach reflector of the Thompson Equatorial and the Astrographic 13-inch refractor at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, during the year 1908. M. N. 70 (245- 248). Hammond and Frederickson. Obser- vations of minor planets made with the 26-inch equatorial at the U. S. Naval Observatory. A. J. 25 (185). • Observations of minor planets and comets made with the 26-inch and 12-inch equatorials at the U. S. Naval Observatory. A. J. 26 (19). Howe. Observations of [433] Eros, comet 1907d (Daniel), and comet 1907e (Mellish). A. N. 180 (345). Knopf. Beobachtungen von Kometen und kleinen Planeten. A. N. 180 (333). Kopff. Photographische Aufnahmen von kleinen Planeten. A. N. 179 (43 81 99j. Luther. Ringmikrometermessungen von kleinen Planeten. A. N. 180 (125). Metcalf. Observations of asteroids. A.N. 179(43 93). Two new planets. A. N. 183 (79). Millosevicli. Osservazioni di pianetini. A. N. 183 (22.5). • BiancM, Zappa. Osser- vazioni fatte coll'equatoriale Steinheil- Cavignato nel R. Osservatorio al Coll. Romano. A. N. 179 (325). Position of Minor Planets. 176 5910 Palisa. Entdeckung von zwei Plane- ten. A. N. 179 (43). Planeten- und Kometen- beobachtiingen. A. N. 180 (:J17). Pechule. Planeten - Beobachtungen. A. X. 179 (3.j7j. Beobachtungen von kleinen Planeten. A. X. 180 (119) ; 183 (79). (423) Diotima und (487) Venetia. A. X. 180 (183). Pidouz. Observations de petites pla- uetes. A. X. 180 (361). Quelques petites planetes. A. X. 183 (141). Prim. Obsei'vations meridiennes de planetes faites a robservatoire de Xice (cercle de Brunnei). B. A. 26 (75). Rbeden und Jaschke. Beobachtungen von Planeten und Kometen. A. X. 179 (19). Rice. Observations of minor planets made with the 1 2-inch equatorial at the U. S. Xaval Observatory. A. J. 25 (191). Schorr. Anschlussbeobachtungen von Planeten, Kometen und Fissternen . aus den Jahren 1902 bis 1907 von K[asimir] Graff. A. X. 179 (245). Simonin. Observations de planetes faites a Tobservatoire de Xice (equatorial Gautier de 0"' 7G d'ouverture). B. A. 26 (127). Whitney and Fumess. Observations of comets and minor planets made with the 12-iuch equatorial of the Vassar College Observatoi y. A. J. 25 (160). Wolf. Photographische Aufnahraen von kleinen Planeten. A. X. 179 (163 147 241 275); 180 (15 47 167); 183 (15 295). Photographische Aufnah- men von kleinen Planeten 1908 Dez. 16. A. X. 179 (339). ■ Photographische Aufnah- men von kleinen Planeten und Jupiters- mondenl [Jupiter VI u. VIll. A. X. 180 aoi). Photographische Aufnah- men von kleinen Planeten und von Jupiter VI 1909 Febr. 18. A. X. 180 (199). Photographische Aufnah- men von kleinen Planeten und Jupiters- monden [Jupiter VI]. A. X. 180 (213). Wolf. Photographische Aufnah- men 1909 Marz 14. A. X. 180 (311). Photographische Aufnah- men von Planeten und des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). A. X. 183 (191). u. KopfT. AufEndung von drei neuen Planeten. A. X. 179 (387). (1) Ceres. Greekwich Royal Observatory. Right Ascensions and Xorth poplar di- stances of the centre of Ceres observed with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({141}). With the altazi- muth t.e. {{to}). ^_ Lubrano et Maitre. Observations [meridiennes] de la planete Ceres. B. A. 26(125). Prim. B. A. 26 (77). Rice. A. J. 25 (191). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (2) Pallas. Lubrano et Maitre. Observations [meridiennes] de la planete Pallas. B. A. 26 (124). Pidoux. A. X. 183 (141). Rice. A.- J. 25 (191). (3) Juno. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Favaro. Osservazioni del pianeta (3) Juno, della cometa 1908c (Morehouse). A. X. 180 '207). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (248). Prim. B. A. 26 (77). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). Wolf. A. X. 183 (191). (4) Vesta. Lubrano et Maitre. Observations de la planete (4) Vesta. B. A. 26 (44). Prim. B. A. 26 (78). (6) Hebe. Oreenuich Roval Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Luther. A. X. 180 (12.5). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). Position of Minor Planets. 177 5910 (7) Iris. Rice. A.J. 25 (ID IJ. (8) Flora. Greenwich Kuval Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (171). Abetti. P. O. Arc. 25(53). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (247). Lutner. A. N. 180 (125). Pidoux. A. N. 180 (3G1). Rice. A. J. 25 (191). (9) Metis. Greenwich Royal OnsEUVATORY. Gr. 0. 1907 (173). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (10) Hygiea. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (11) Parthenope. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (171). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Barton. A. J. 26 (15). Luther. A. N. 180 (125). Schorr. A.N. 179 (245). (14) Irene. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (15) Eunomia. Wolf. A.N. ISO (10]). (16) Psyche. Rice. A. J. 25(191). (17) Thetis. Greenwich Roy'al Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (173). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (24S;. Knopf. A. N. 180 (333). Luther. (17) Thetis. [Korr. d. Ephem.J A. N. 179 (163) ; 183 (311). A. N. 180 (125). Pidoux. A. N. 180 (361). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (E-4GS) (18) Melpomene. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (19) Fortuna. Borrelly. B. A. 25 (IC.I ). Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. N. 70 (247). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Knopf. A. N. 180 (333). Luther. A. N. 180 (125). Pechule. A. N. 179 (357). Pidoux. A. N. 180 (.301). A. N. 183 (141). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (20) Massalia. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (21) Lutetia. Barton. A. J. 26 (15). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (22) Calliope. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (24) Themis. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N 70 (240). Luther. A. N. 180 (125). Pechule. A. N. 179 (357). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (26) Proserpina. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M N 70 (245). Wolff. (26) Proserpina. [Korr. d. Epbem.] A. N. 180 (359). (28) Bellona. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N 70 (248J. Knopf. A. N. 180 (333). Luther. (28) Bellona. [Korr. d Ephem.] A. N. 179 (243). A. N. 180(125). Rice. A. J. 25(191). Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). • A. N. 180 (101). Position of Minor Planets. (29) Amphitrite. Schorr. A. X. 179 {2i'-,). (31) Euphrosyne. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (.5?.'i. Hammond and Frederickson, A. J. 25 (185). (35) Leucothea. Gkeenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Abetti. P. C. Arc. 25 (53). (37) Fides. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Esmiol. B. A. 26 (211). Greenwich Eoyal Observatory. M. N. 70 (245^ (39) Laetitia. -Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (40) Harmonia. barton. A. J. 26 (15 . Schorr. A. X. 179 (24.5). (41) Daphne. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). :Barton. A. J. 26 (15j. (42) Isis. Whitney and Fumess. A. J. 25 (100). (44) Nysa. GREESwion Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (174). Wolf. A. X. 180 (15). — A. X. 180 (101). (46) Hestia. BorreUy. B. A. 25 (401). Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. X. 70 (240;. Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (47) Aglaia. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. X. 70 (240). Pechule. A. X. 179 (357). Whitney and Fumess. A. J. 25 (100). 78 5910 (48) Doris. Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). Wolf. A. X. 180 (213). (49) Pales. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (50) Virginia. Christie. Xew lAanet 1909 JC. A. X. 183 (79). (51) Nemausa. Schorr. A. X. 170 (245). (52) Europa. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). (53) Calypso. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (175). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26(19j. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). (54) Alexandra. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (55) Pandora. Wolf. A. X. 183 (295). (57) Mnemosyne. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Barton. A. J. 26 (15). Borrelly. B. A. 25 402). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. X^. 70 (248). Luther. A. X. 180 (125 1. Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. X. 179 (325). Pidoux. A. X. 180 (301). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (58) Concordia. - Pechule. A. X. 179 (357). (61) Danae. Wolf. A. X. 190 (lOlj. Position of Minor Planets. 179 5910 (63) Ausonia. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (I'Jj. PechUle. A. N. 180 (119). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180(199). (64) Angelina. PechUle. A. N. 180 (1 19). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (65) Cybele. Greenwich Royal Obsekvatory. Gr. O. 1907 (174). Knopf. A. N. 180 (.333). Pidoux. A. N. 180 (361). Whitney and Furness. A. J. 25 (IGO). (67) Asia. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (68) Leto. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. O. 1907 (171). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). • Barton. A. J. 26 (15). ■ Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). A. N. 183 (191). (71) Niobe. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. O. 1907 (174). Knopf. A. N. 180 (333). Luther. (71) Niobe. [Korr. d. Epliem.] A. N. 179 (179) ; 183 (311). A. N. '180(125;. (74) Galatea. Kopff. A. N. 179 (43). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Wolf. A. N. 183 (295). (77) Frigga. PechUle. A. N. 179 (357). (78) Diana. Baranow. (78) Diana. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 179 (115). Knopf. A. N. 180 (333). (E-4G8) Luther. A. N. 180 (125). MlUosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Wolf. A. N. 179 (275). (79) Eurynome. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907(171). Barton. A. J. 26 (15). Borrelly. B. A. 25 (4C2). Charlois. B. A. 36 (131). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M N 70 (248). Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A N 179 (325). Pidoux. A. N. 183 (141). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (80) Sappho. Rice. A. J. 25(191). (82) Alcmene. Greenwich Royal Observvtory Gr 0. 1907 (171). Barton, A. J. 26 (15). (84) Clio. Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A N 179(325). ■ " vWolf. A. N. 183 (191). (86) Semele. Greenwich Royal Observatory Gr 0. 1907 (173). PechUle. A. N. 183 (79). Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). (88) Thisbe. Kopflf. A. X 179 (99). (89) Julia. PechUle. A. N. 180 (119). Wolf. A. N. 180 (105). (90) Antiope. Barton. A. J. 26 (15). Hammond and Frederickson A T 26 (19). ■ Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). N 2 Position of Minor Planets. 180 5910 fQ2 Undina. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70(248J. . (94) Aurora. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (10,1. Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). (95) Arethusa. Pidoux. A. X. 183 (111 I. (97) Clotho. Schorr. 15701. (100) Hecate. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 1 ■•)!. Wolf. A. X. 180 aOTj. • A. X. 180 (167). (101) Helena. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 > lOj. (103) Hera. . Kopflf. A. X. 179 (09). Schorr. A. X. 179 (24.5). (105) Artemis. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185j. (106) Dione. Charlois. 13. A. 26 :131,). Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. X. 70 L'ls,. Knopf. A. X. 180 (333;. (108) Hecuba. Pechiile. A. X. 179i357j. Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). Wolf. A. X. 180 (213). (110) Lydia. Charlois. B. A. 26 (131). Luther. (110) Lydia. [Korr. d. Epht-m.] A. X. 179 (99). A. X. 180 (125). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Wolf. A. X. 179 fl47j. (Ill) Ate. Kopff. A. X. 179 (43). Metcalf. A. N. 179 (43). Palisa. (Ill) Ate. A. N. 183 (223). (113) Amalthea. BorreUy. B. A. 25 iir.i', Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. N. 70 217). Luther. A. X. 180 (125). (115) Thyi-a. Grabowski. (115) Thvra. [Korr d. Ephem.j. A. X. 179 (47 j. (117) Lomia. Greenwich Royal Observatort. Gr. 0. 1907 (174). (118) Peitho. Knopf. A. X. 180 (333j. Luther. A. X. 180 (125). (119) Althaea. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Wolf. A. X. 180 (213). (120) Lachesis. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (218;. Wolf. A. X. 179 (241). (121) Hermione. Barton. A. J. 26 f 15). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19,. (122) Gerda. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (17.5J. Knopf. A. N. 180 (333). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). (124) Alcestis- • Wolf. A. X. 180(213j. (126) Velleda- Rice. A. J. 25 (191). Position of Minor Planets. 181 (128) Nemesis. Aitken. ( )l)s(.rvatioiis of (128) 1^'emesis. Lick H. 120 (150). Kopff. A. N. 179 (81). (129) Antigone. Charlois. B. A. 26 ;i31). Pidoux. A. N. 180 (3G1). Prim. 15. A. 26 (78). (131) Vala. KopfiF. A. N. 179 (81). (133) Cyrene. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (L'J). (134) Soplirosyne. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (iMO). Knopf. A. X. 180 (333). Luther. A. N. 180 (125). (135) Hertha. PecMle. A. N. 179 (357). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (139) Juewa. Hammond ami Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (148) Gallia. Greenwich Koyal Observatory. Gr. O. 1907 (173). (145) Adeona. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (149; Medusa. Wolf. A. N. 180 (2 J 3). (150) Nuwa. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (154) Bertha. Pechule. A. N. 183 (79). Pidoux. A. N. 183(UI). (157) Deianira. Wolf. A. N. 179 (103). (158) Coronis. Metcalf. A. N. 179 (93). 5910 (161) Athor. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (163) Erigone. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (166) Ehodope. Wolf. A. N. 180 (lUl). (167) Urda. Maddrill. Observations of (107) Urda. Lick B. 104 (,S5). (168) Sibylla. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Wolf. A N. 179 (275). fl74) Phaedra. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (175) Andromache. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (179) Clytaemnestra. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Wolf. A. N. 179 (275). (182) Elsa. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (185) Eunice. Greenwich Royal Obsebvatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (174). '186) Celuta. Metcalf. A. N. 179 (93, (187) Lambeita. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (188) Menippe. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (189) Phthia. Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). Position of Minor Planets. 182 5910 (190) Ismene. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (173;. Charlois. B. A. 26 (131). (192 Nausicaa. Greenwich Royal Ob.«ervatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (17G). Esmiol. B. A. 26 ^211;. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19;. figS' Euryclea. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (196) Philomela. Abetti. r. 0. Arc. 25 '.53;. Millosevicli, Bianchi, Zappa. A. X. 179 (325). (198 Ampella. Greenwich Royal Observatory. 11. X . 70 (2irj). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 a 'J;. Pechule. A. X. 179 (357). (199; BybUs. Greenwich Royal Ob.servatoey. Gr. 0. 1907 (173). Barton. A. J. 26 15. 200) Dynamene. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19;. (203) Pompeia. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 i'19). ("208) Lacrimosa. Wolf. A. X. 183(101). (223) Rosa. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (241) Gennania- BorreUy. B. A. 25 (4G1). Luther. A. X. 180 (125). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (245; Vera. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). (247) Eucrate. BorreUy. B. A. 25 (4(11). Luther. A. X. 180 (125). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (256) Walpurga. Wolf. A. X. 183 (1.5;. (258) Tyche. Luther. A. X. 180 125;. (261) Prymno. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (266) AUne. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (267) Tirza. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (270) Anahita. Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. N. 70 (240.. Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (275) Sapientia. Wolf. A. X. 183 (15;. (276) Adela. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (278) Paulina. Simonin. B. A. 26 (127). Wolf. A. X. 179 (147). (283) Emma. MiUosevich. A. N. 183 (22.5). Simonin. (283) Emma. [Korr. d. Eijliem.]. A. X. 179 (119). B. A. 26 (127). (288) Glauke. Greenwich Royal Observatory. II. X. 70 240;. Pechiile. A. X. 179 (357). (289) Nenetta. Charlois. B. A. 26 (2(J9). Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (302) Clarissa. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). Position of Minor Planets. 183 5910 (303) Josephina. MiUosevicli. A. N. 183 (i'i5). Bianchl, Zappa. A. N. 179 (32.-.). (308) Polyxo. Wolf. A. N. 180 i:2i:>.). (312) Pierretta. PaUsa. A. N. 180 (217). (313) Chaldaea. Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. N. 70 (247). Millosevicli, BiancM, Zappa. A. \. . 179 (32;-)). Pidoux. A. N. 180 (361). (314) Rosalia. Simonin. B. A. 26 (128). Wolf. A. X. 179 (2-41). (318) Magdalena. Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). (324) Bamberga. Charlois. B. A. 26 (209). MiUosevicli. A. N. 183 (225). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (325) Heidelberga. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (326) Tamara. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (175). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (329) Svea. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (333) Badenia. Pechule. AX. 183 (79). (338) Budrosa. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A. X. 180 (167). (340) Eduarda. Pechule. A. X. 179 (357). (344) Desiderata. Wolf. A. X. 183 . 15). A. X. 183 (191). (346) Hermentaria. PechUle. A. X. 179 (357). (349) Dembowska. Wolf. A. X. 180 001). A. N. 180(213). (351) Yrsa. Abetti. P. O. Arc. 25 (53). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). (352) Gisela. PechUle. (352) Gisela. A. N. 179 (243). (354) Eleanora. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). (356) Liguria. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Rice. A. J. 25 (191). (360) Carlova. Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Pechiile. A. N. 179 (357). (361) Bononia. (361) Bononia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 180 1909 (327-328). [5910]. (362) Havnia. Charlois. B. A. 26 (210). Wolf. A. X. 180(101). (366) Vincentina. wolf. A. X. 180 (101). A. X. 180 (199). (367) Amici.ia. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (371) Bohemia. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). (375) Ursula. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). Position of Minor Planets. 184 (376) Geometria. Wolf. A. X. 180 101 J. (379) Huenna. Wolf. A. X. 183 i'Ujj. (382) Dodona. Simonin. B. A. 26 (128). Wolf. A. X. 183 (295J. (383) Janina. Wolf. A. X. 183 15;. (387) Aquitania. Hammond and Frederickson. V J 26 (10;. ■ ■ Le Morvan et Tsatsopoulos. Obser- vation photooraplii,,ue de la planete (387; Aquitania. B. A. 26 (123). (383) Charybdis. Wolf. A. X. 180 1 01;. (391) Ingeborg. Charlois. B. A. 26 ];;] Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. V X 179 f:i2rj). ^ ' ' ' ' Palisa. A. X. 180 ,'217). (393) Lampetia. GnEEXwicn Royal Observatory. Gr 0. 1907(173). AbettL P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Pechule. (393; Lampetia. A. X 179 (179). (398) Admete. (398) Admete = (04.5 J [1 907- A B] [Korr. d. Ephem.J Astr. Xachr. Kiel 180 1909 (247-248). [5910]. Wolf. A. X. 180 (199). (399) Persephone. Pechule. (.309. Per.sephone. [Korr. d. Ephern.] A. X. 183 (175;. Wolf. A. X. 183 (101). (402) Chloe. Greexwich Royal Observatory. Gr 0. 1907(171). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Barton. A. J. 26 (1.5j. 5910 Millosevicli. A. X. 183 (225;. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). Schorr. AX. 179 (245). (404) Arsinoe. Wolf. A. X. 183 firjj. (405) Thia. Metcalf. A. N. 179 (93). Pechule. A. X. 183 (79). Schorr. A. X. 179 245). Wolf. A. X. 183 (15). (407) Arachne. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 '248'. Wolf. A. X. 179 (241). (409) Aspasia. Pechiile. A. X. 180 (119). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). (410) Chloris. Simonin. B. A. 26 ;:128). (411) Xanthe. Millosevicb. A. X. 183 225). Zappa. (411) Xanthe. [Korr. d. Epbem.] A. X. 183 (15;. (414; Liriope. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (10). Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (416j Vaticana. Wolf. A. X. 180 (lOlj. (417) Suevia. Wolf. A. X. 180 (213). 418; Alemannia. Millosevich. (418) Alemannia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 183 (125). Wolf. A. X. 180 (15). r419) Aurelia. - Borrelly. B. A. 25 (402;. r420 Bertholda. Millosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Position of Minor Planets. 185 5910 (421) Zahringia. Millosevich, BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 CA-jr^). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (423) Diotima. PecHiile. A. N. 180 (18.3). Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). (426) Hippo. BiancM. (420) Hipjio. [Korr. d. Epheni.] A. N. 179 (307). Mmosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Wolf. A. N. 179 (275). (427) Galene. Wolf. A. N. 179 (241). (429) Lotis. Millosevich, BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (431) Nephele. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (174). Palisa. (431) Nephele. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 183 (223). Simonin. B. A. 26 (128). (432) Pythia. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). Wolf. A. N. 179 (33'J). (433) Eros. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (175). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Howe. A. N. 180 (.345). PechUle. A. N. 179 (357). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (434) Hungaria. Millosevich, BiancM, Zappa. 179 (325). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (435) Ella. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). A. N. (441) Bathilda. GltEENWICH liOYAL OUSERVATORY. Gr. 0, 1907(175). BiancM. (441) I'atliilde. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 180 (247). Millosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (442) Eichsfeldia. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). (443) Photographica. Millosevich. A. N. 183 (225). (444) Gyptis. Borrelly. B. A. 25 (4r)l). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (246). Millosevich. A. N. 183 (225). BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). (447) Valentina. Millosevich. A. N. 183 (225). BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Pidoux. A. N. 183 (141). (449) Hamburga. Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). (451) Patientia. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Millosevich. A. N. 183 (225). (453) Tea. Charlois. B. A. 26 (131). Simonin. B. A. 26 (128). Wolf. A. K. 179(241). (454) Mathesis. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26(19). (456) Abnoba. MUlosevich. A. N. 183 (225). (460) Scania. Pe:hule. A. N. 183 (79). Position of Minor Planets. 186 5910 (464) Megaera. Wolf. A. X. 183 (19];. (465) Alecto. Charlols. B. A. 26 (132). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). Metcalf. A. X. 179 (43j. (469) Argentina, Rheden u. Jasclike. A. X. 179 (19). (470) Kilia. Millosevlcli, BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (471) Papagena. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Esmiol. B. A. 26(211). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). MUlosevlch. A. X. 183 (225). Rheden ii. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). Wolf, A. X. 180 (101). Zappa. (-171") Papagena. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X.' 180 (135). (472) Roma. Greenwicli Royal Observatory. M. X. 70 (246). Knopf. A. X. 180 (333j. Mmosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Bianchi, Zappa. A. X^. 179 (325). (475) OcUo. Pickering. Positions of Ocllo (475) during 1904 and 1905. Harv. C. 101 (2) ; 103 (1). (477) ItaUa, Charlois. B. A. 26 (132). (477) Italia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 183 (175). Millosevicli, Biajichi, Zappa. A. X. 179i.325j. (478) Tergeste. (478) Tergeste. [Korr. d. EiDhem.l A. X. 180 (327). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (245;. MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Bianchi, Zappa. A. X. 179 (325). Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). (481) Emita, Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). MiUosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. ^: A. N. 179 (325). (482) Petrina, MUlosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (483) Seppina. MiUosevich. A. X. 183;(225). (485) Genua. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907(17.3). Charlois. B. A. 26 (132). (485) Genua. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 183 (175). MiUosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. X. 179 (325,,. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Wolf. A. X. 183 (191). (487) Venetia. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Pechule. A. X. 180 (183). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). Wolf. A. X. 180 (213j. (488) Kreusa. GrEESWICH PiOYAL OBSERVATORY'. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Charlois. B. A. 26 (132). ;490) Veritas. . Charlois. (490) Veritas. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 183 (2G3). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (^225). PaUsa. A. X. 180 (217). Position of Minor Planets. 187 5910 Simonin. (190) Veritas. [Korr. d. Eplioni.] A.N. 179(115). B. A. 26 (128). Wolf. A. N. 179 (147) ; 183 (295). (491) Carina. Simonin. B. A. 26 (128). (495) Eulalia. Hammond aud Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (498) Tokio. Kopff. (498) Tokio. A. N. 180 (359). Millosevlch. A. N. 183 (225). BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). (500) Selinur. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (501) Urhixidur. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (502) Sigune. Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (503) Evelyn. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (247). (504) Cora. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Millosevicli, Biamclii, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (505) Cava. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Wolf. A. N, 180 (311). (506j Marion. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). MiUosevicb, BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325j. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Pechule. A, N. 179 (357). (507) Laodica. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 U9j. MiUosevich. A.N. 183 (225). Wolf. A. N. 180 (199). Zappa. (507) Laodica. [Korr." d. Epheni.] A. N. 180 (359). (508) Princetonia. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (24G). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). PechUle. A. N. 179 (357). (509) Jolanda. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). MiUosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). (510) Mabella. Luther. A. N. 180 (125). PaUsa. (150) Mabella. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 179 (47). A.N. 180(217). Simonin. B. A. 26 (128). (511) Davida. Gkeenwicii Royal Observatory. Gr- 0. 1907 (171). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Barton. A. J. 26 (15). Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (247). Luther. A. X. 180 (125). MiUosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N . 179 (325). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Rice. A. J. 25 (191). (513) Centesima. Charlois. B. A. 26 (132). MiUosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Wolf. A. N. 183 (191). ^Position of Minor Planets. 188 5910 (5] 4) Armida. Woif. TVolf. A. X. 183 a5\ (516) Amherstia. Greenwich Rotal Observatory. Gr. <0. 1907 fl74). Charlois. B. A. 26 (132). MUlosevich. A. X. 183 '225). Bianchi, Zappa. A. X'. A.X. 180(1.5 47). - A. X. 180 (101). d79 32 Rheden u. Jaschke. A. X. 179 (19). Wolf. A. X. 179 ( 147). Zappa. l^j](h .Amherstia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 179 '9'.J). (519) Sylvania. Wolf. A. X. 179 (.339). (521) Brixia. Bianclii. 521 Bri.xia. [Korr. d. Iphem.] A. X. 180 rug). MUlosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (523) Ada. Bianchi. (523) Ada. FKorr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 180 (47). Charlois. B. A. 26 (210). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Wolt A. X. 180 (15). (524) Fidelio. MUlosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. 179 325. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217j. A. X. (526) Jena. Bianchi. 52f'i .Tena. [Ivorr. d. Ephem.; A. N. 180 (59). Charlois. B. A. 26 f210). MUlosevich. A. X. 183 (225). -Wolt A. X. 180 (101). (528) Rezia. 'Charlois. B. A. 26 1 210). MUlosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Bianchi, Zappa. A. X^. 179 (325). Zappa. (528) Rezia. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 180 (47). (530) Turandot. Wolf. A. X. 180 (213;. (532) Herculina. Chofardet. 01;servations de la plauete (532; Herculina. B. A. 26 (238). EsmioL B. A. 26 (21 Ij. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 T.)). Luther. A. X. 180 (125). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Bianchi, Zappa. A.X. 179 (325;. Prim. B. A. 26 (79). Rice. A. .J. 25 (191). (534) Nassovia. Hammond and Frederickson. 26 (19). (535) Montague. Palisa. A. X. 180 '217;. (536) Merapi. Hammond and Frederickson. 26 ]'.)). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Wolf. A. X. 180 (21,3). Zappa. A. X. 180 (359). (537) Pauly. MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (225). (539) Pamina. MiUosevich. A. X. 183 225). (540) Rosamunde. Simonin. B. A. 26 (129). Wolf. A. X. 179 I'lfo). A. J. A. J. Position of Minor Planets. 189 59ia (542) Susanna. Charlois. B. A. 26 ( l.'li'). MiUosevich. A. N. 183 (i'25). • BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). (544) Jetta. Metcalf. A. N. 179 (L)3j. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Simonin. B. A. 26 (129). Wolf. A. N. 183 (295). (546) Herodias. BiancM. (54G) Herodias. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 183 (307j. Kopff. A. N. 179 (81). Metcalf. A.N. 179 (93). PecMle. (546) Herodias. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 183 (239). (547) Praxedis. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. 70 (248). Milloseyicli, Bianchi, Zappa. A.N. 179 (325). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (548) Cressida. Wolf. A. N. 180(213). (549) Jessonda. Kopff. A. N. 179 (43 81). (550) Senta. MiUosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Simonin. B. A. 26 (129). Wolf. A. N. 179 (241 275). Zappa. (550) Senta. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 179 (211). (551) Ortrud. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Wolf. A. N. 183 (191). (552) Sigelinda. Charlois. B. A. 26 (132). MiUosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (554) Peraga. GiJEEN'WK'ir liuv.vr. Oi'.skkv.vtouy. Gr_ O. 1907 (17.")). Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Chofardet, B. B. .\. 26 f42j. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J 26(19j. MiUosevich. A. N. 183 (225;. PechUle. (554) Pera^fa. [Korr. d_ Epliein.] A. N. 180(1S3). Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19)_ Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). (555) Norma. Wolf. A. N. 183 (l.j). (556) Phyllis. MUlosevich. A. N. 188 (225). PechUle. A. N. 180 (119). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (557) Violetta. Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). (558) Carmen, MiUosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Wolf A. N. 179 (241). Zappa. (558) Carmen. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. N. 179 (339j. (559) Nanon. Wolf A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180 (199). (560) Delila. Wolf. A. N. 179 (275). (562) Salome. MUlosevich. A. N. 183 (225). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). Zappa. (562) Salome. [Korr. dL Ephem.] A. J. 180 (183). (563) Suleika. Gr. Greenwich Royal Observatory 0. 1907 (175). Bianchi, [Emilio]. (563) Suleika [Korr. d. Ephem.]. A.. N. 180 (m). Position of Minor Planets. 190 5910 Chofardet. B. A. 26 (42). Esmiol. B. A. 26 2l2j. Hammond and Fredericlison. A. J. 26 ir.h. Millosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Rneden u. Jasclike. A. X. 179 (19j. IVolf. A. X. 180 (311). (566) Stereoscopia. Charlois. B. A. 26 r210). Techule. A. X. 180 fllQ). Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). (568) Cheruskia. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185;. (573). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (577). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (578). Greenwicli Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (247). MiHosevicli. A. X. 183 (225). Palisa. A. X. 180 f217). Zappa. (57^) [1905 RZ]. [Korr. d. Ephern.] A. X. 183 (15). (579). AbettL P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). Greenwich Royal Observatory. 70 (247). Millosevicli, Bianctu, Zappa. 179 (32.3). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (581) Tauntonia. Greenwich Royal Observatory. 70 (247). Hammond and Frederickson. 25 ; Irio;. (582). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Wolf. A. X. 183 (295). (583) Clotilda. AbettL P. 0. Arc. 25 (53). M.X. A. N. M. N. A. J. (585). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Simonin. B. A. 26 (129). Wolf. A. N. 179 (147). (588) Achilles. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (172). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). (589) Croatia. Charlois. B. A. 26 ri32). Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Wolf. A. X. 183 (15). Wolf. Wolf. Wolf. (590). A. X. 183 (191). (592). A. X. 183 (15). (593). A. X. 183 (191). (595). KopfF. A. N. 179 (99). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Simonin. B. A. 26 (129). Wolf. A. X. 183 (295). (596). Kopff. A. X. 179 (99). Millosevich. A. X. 183 (225). Simonin. B. A. 26 (129). Wolf. A. X. 183 (191). Kopff. (598). A. X. 179 (99). (599). Esmiol. B. A. 26 (212). Hammond and Frederickson. 26 (19). (600) Hammond and Frederickson. 26 (19j. Wolf. A. X. 180 (101). A. J. A. J. 191 5910 (631) Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (633) Wolf. A. N. 183(191). (635) Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (636) Hammond and Frederickaon. A. J, 25 (185). Position of Minor Planets. (601) Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). (609) Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). (611) Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (I'J). (615) Millosevlcli. A. N. 183 (225). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). (617) Patroclus. Hammond and Frederickson, A. J. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. 25 (185) O. 1907 (176). A. J. 26 (19). (637) Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Wolf. Photographische Aufnahnie des Planetea (617) Patroclus. A. N. 180 (45). A. N. 180 (101). - (017) PaM-oclus. A. N. 183 (239). (618) Wolf. A.N. 180(311). (622) (638) Hammond and Frederickson. A, J. 25 (185J. Metcalf. A. N. 179 (93). (639) Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19)^ Wolf. A. N. 179 (241, 275). (642) Wolf. A. N. 179 (275). (643) Ebell. Ueber eine fiiihere Beobach- Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. tuug des Planeten (64.3). [1907 ZZ]. 26 (19). Millosevicli, BiancM, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). PaUsa. A. N. 180 (217). (624) Hector. Greenwich Royal Otoservatory. M. N. 70 (240). Millosevicli, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217j. (626) Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). A. N. 179 (287). Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). (644) Rheden u. Jaschke. A. N. 179 (19). (645) Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 a 9). (648) Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A. X. 180 (21.3). (651) Wolf. A. N. 180(101). Position of Minor Planets. 192 5910 (652) Jubilatrix. Wolf. A. X. 180 lOlj. (654) Zelinda. Abetti. ff;51j Zeliuda = 1908 B M. A. X. 180 ;2i:)3;. Greenwich Royal Observatory, il. X. 70 (I'lO). MiUosevich. A. X. 183 (22J5). Charlois. Observations de la planete l^O.s B M. B. A.25(215j. Esmiol. B. A. 26 ^212). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 10;. Knopff. A. X. 180 (333). Lutber. A. X. 180 (125). Millosevicb, BiancM, Zappa. A. X. 179 (325,. ' Palisa.' A. X. 180 (217). Pechiile. A. X. 179 (357). '655; ;Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 \'J). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). ^656) Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (657) Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). ('658) Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (660) Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19 j. MiUosevicb. A. X. 183 (225). 661) Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19;. (662) Newtonla. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19j. Palisa. (663) A. X. 180 (217: (664) Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). 665) Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (666) Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (667) PaUsa. A. X. 180 (217). (668) Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (669) Argentina. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 ( Ls.")j. Kopff. A. X. 179 (81). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). ('670) KopflF. A. X. 179 (81). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (670) [1908 DR]. Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 183 (223). (671) Camegia. Palisa. A. X. 179 (43). A.X. 180(217). (672) Kopflf. A. X. 179 (13). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). (673) KopflF. A. X. 179 (13\ Metcalf. A. X. 179 (93). PaUsa. A. X. 180 (217). Wolf. A. X. 183 (295). (674) Rachel. Biancbi. 1908 E P. [Korr. d. Ephem.] A. X. 180 (59). Position of Minor Planets. Greenwich Royal Observatory. M. N. 70 (24,Sj. Luther. A. N. 179 (211). A. N. 180 (125). MlUosevich. PiaueU 1908 E P. A. N. 179 (lfJ3). 193 5910 (688) Melanie. Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). (691) Lehigh. Metcalf. New planet lUU'J J G. A. N. 183 (207). PaUsa. A, N. 180 (217). Simonin. OI)servations de la planete 190S K P. A. N. 179 (227, 323). Wolf. A. N. 179 (147, 241). (675) Metcalf. A. N. 179 (43). (676) Christie. Neuer Planet 1909 FN. A. N. 180 (47). (677) Millosevich, A. N. 183 (225). Pechttle. 1909 F R. A. N. 180 (183). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180 (167). (678) Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180 (213). (679) Pax. Millosevich. Osservazioni di Pianeta 1909 FY. A. N. 180 (135). A. N. 183 (225). Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A.N. 180(167). (680) Millosevich. A. N. 183 (225). (686) Pechiile. A. N. 183 (79). (e-468) Planets insufficiently observed to receive permanent numbers. Arranged according to year and provi- sional lettera. 1906 VE. Hammond and Frederiokson. A. .J. 25 (19j. 1907 YC. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). 1907 ZD. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). 1907 ZP. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (185). 1907 AW. Rheden u. Jaachke. A. N. 179 (19). 1907 BL. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). 1908 BP. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). 1908 BY. Palisa. A. N. 180(217). 1908 CF. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). 1908 CG. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 ^19). 1908 CH. Hammond and Frederickson. A .J. 26 (19). o Position of Minor Planets. 194 5910 1908 CK. 1908 ED. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Kopff. A. X. 179 (81). 1908 CR. 1908 EF. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). Kopff. A. X. 179 (81). Pechule. A. X. 179 (357). 1908 EG. 1908 CT. Kopff. A. X. 179 (99, 81). Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). 1908 CY. 1908 EH. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. Kopff. A. X. 179 (81). 26 (19). 1908 EJ. 1908 CZ. Metcalf ■. A. X. 179 (93). HaTTiTnond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). 1908 EK. 1908 DA. Metcali :. A. X. 179 (93). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 1908 EL. 26 (19). Wolf. A. X. 179 (147). 1908 DB. 1908 EM. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). 1908 DC. Wolf. A. X. 179 (147). Hammond and Frederickson. A. .J. 1908 EN. 26 (lyj. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). 1908 DE. Wolf. A. X. 179 (147). Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). 1908 EO. 1908 DOa. Wolf. A. X. 179(147). Metcalf. A. X. 179 (93). 1908 EQ. 1908 DS. Palisa. A. X. 180 (217). KopfF. A. X. 179 (81). Wolf. A. X. 179 (147). 1908 DW. 1908 ER. Palisa. A. X. 179 (43). Wolf. A. X. 179 (163). > "^^ ifiO ('•'>17"\ 1908 E3. ^-^— ^-— ^ ^-V. -N . J.OW y-,* 1908 DX. Wolf. A. X. 179 (163). Kopff. A. X. 179 (43). 1908 ET. 1908 DZ. Wolf. A. X. 179 (241j. Kopfif. A. X. 179 (43). 1908 EU. Palisa. A. N. 180 (217). Wolf. A. X. 179 (241). 1908 EB. 1908 EV. Kopff. A. X. 179 (43, 81). Wolf. A.X. 179 (241). 1908 EC. 1908 EW. Kopff. A. X. 179 (81). Wolf A. N. 179 (241). Position of Minor Planets. 195 5910 1908 EX. Wolf. A. N. 179 (241). 1908 EY. Wolf. A. N. 179 (241). 1908 EZ. ClxriBtie. Neuer Planet 1908 EZ. A. N. 179 (339). 1908 FA. Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). ■ A. N. 180 (213). 1908 FB. Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). 1908 FC. Wolf. A. N. 179 (339J. 1908 FD. Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). 1908 FE. Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). 1908 FF. •Wolf. A. N. 179 (.339). A. N. 180 (101). 1908 FG. Wolf. A. N. 179 (339). 1908 FH. Wolf & Kopflf. A. N. 179 (387). 1908 FJ. Wolf & Kopff. A. N. 179 (387). 1908 FK. Wolf. A. N. 180 (47). A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180 (213). &Kopff. A.N. 179(387). 1909 FL. Wolf. A. N. 180 (47). A. N. 180 (101). (E-468) 1909 FM. Wolf. A. N. 180 (47). A. N. 180 (101). 1909 FO. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 FP. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 FQ. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 FT. Wolf A. N. 180 (199). 1909 FU. Wolf A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180 (199). 1909 FV. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). A. N. 180 (199). 1909 FW. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 FX. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 FZ. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 GB. Wolf. A. N. 180 (101). 1909 GC. Wolf. A. N. 180 (167). 1909 GD. Wolf. A. N. 180 (199). A. N. 180 (213). 1909 GE. Wolf. A. N. 180 (199). A. N. 180 (213). oS Position of Minor Planets. 196 5910 1909 GF. MiUosevlch. A. N. 183 (225). Wolf. A. N. 180 (199). 1909 GG. Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). 1909 GH. Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). 1909 GJ. Wolf. A. N. 180 (213). 1909 GK. Wolf. A. X. 180 (213). 1909 GL. Wolf. A. X. 180 (213). 1909 GM. Wolf. Neuer Planet 1!)09 GM. A. N. 180 (295). A. N. 180 (311). 1909 GN. Wolf. A. N. 180(311). 1909 HY. Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). 1909 JA. Metcalf. A. X. 183 (79). PechUle. A. X. 183 (79). Wolf. A. N. 183 (15). 1909 JB. Metcalf. A. X. 183 (79). 1909 JD. BaUlaud. Une nouvelle planete 1909 JD. A. X. 183 (125J. 1909 JE. Wolf. A. X. 183 (191j. 1909 JF. Wolf. A. X. 183 (191). 1910 JH. Wolf. Xeuer Planet 1910 JH. A. N. 183 (239). 6000 JUPITER. Torino, Osservatorio. Co-ordinate elioceutriche del piaaeta Giove riferite aU'eclittica e all'equinozio medl del 1910. Annuario astronomico pel 1909 pubblicato del R. Osservatorio di Torino Torino 5 1909 (66-67). Elekes. 14692. Jupiter-Beobach- tungen an der Stern warte von Kiskartal. (Ungarisch.) 6010 OBSERVATIOXS OF POSI- TION OF JUPITER. Cape of Good Hope Rotax Observa- tory. Observations . . . made with the heliometer at . . . during the years 1897 to 1904. Cape Annals. Vol. 8. Part 1. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Right ascensions and north polar distances of the centre of Jupiter, observed with the transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({l4l|); . . . with the altazi- muth, t.c. ({ 7i/) ; . . . from photo- graphs taken with the Thompson 26-inch refractor during the opposition 1906- 1907, t.c. (193). Esclangon. Sur I'occultation par Jupiter de I'^toile BD + 19' 2095. A. N. 179 C205). Ouillaume. Observations de la con- jonction de Jupiter avee x Lion (4'8), faites a I'observatoire de Lyon. C. R. 148 (331). Prim. Observations m^ridiennes de la planete Jupiter. B. A. 26 (76). 6020 COXSTAXTS, DIMEXSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AXD DENSITY OF JUPITER. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Hori- zontal and vertical diameters of Jupiter, observed with the transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({ 128}) ; . . . with the altazimuth, t.c. ({61}). 6040 ROTATION, CONFIGURA- TION OF SURFACE OF JUPITER. Bolton. Note on the general aspect of the principal markings on the planet Jupiter during the apparition of 1907-8. M. N. 70 (233). 14354. Jupiter's south tropical dark area. 14357. Movement of the red spot hollow on Jupiter. Saturn. 197 6180 Corbu. Eine neue Erkliiiung der Streifen und Flecken der Planeten Jupiter und Saturn. A. N. 179 (319). Denning. Motion of the great red spot on Jupiter. P. A. 15 (398). The red spot on Jupiter. r. A. 15 (006). Lau und Luplau-Janssen. Mikro- metermessungen auf .Tupiter. A. N. 183 (5.3). Mascart. 15276. Observations simul- tauees de la surface de Jupiter reunies par J. Mascart. Warner. 15956. Recent observations of Jupiter. Williams. The red spot on Juisiter. P. A. 15 (.560). 6050 ATMOSPHERE OF JUPITER. Lau und Luplau-Janssen. Mikro- meterniessungen auf Jupiter. A.N. 183 (53). 6080 PHOTOGRAPHS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS OF JUPITER. Reynolds. Note on some photographs of Jupiter taken near opposition in 1908 and 1909. M. N. 69 (54). SATURN. 6100 GENERAL. ToEiNO, OssERVATORio. Co Ordinate eliocentriche del pianeta Saturno riferite all'eclittica e all'equinozio medi del 1910. Annuario astronomico pel 1909 pubblicato del R. Osservatorio di Torino Torino 5 1909 (68). Blanc. 14339. Les idees du R. P. du Rheita sur Saturne. Oppenheim. 15438. Die Gleichge- wichtsfiguren rotierender Fliissigkeits- massen und die Gestalt der Himmels- korper. 6110 OBSERVATIONS OF POSI- TION OF SATURN. Cape of Good Hope Royal Observa- tory. Observations . . . made with the heliometer at . . . during the years 1897 to 1904. Cape Annals. Vol. 8. Part 1. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Right ascensions and north polar distances of the centre of Saturn, observed with the transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({ 141 }-{ 142}); . ■ . with the altazimuth, Lc.({7i I); . . . from photo- graphs taken with the Thomson 20-inch refractor, t.c. (205). Prim. Observations meridiennes de la planete Saturne. B. A. 26 (76). 6120 CONSTANT.S, DIMENSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AND DENSITY OF SATURN. G reenwich Royal Observatory. Hori- zontal and vertical diameters of Saturn, observed with the transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({ 129}); . . .' with the altazimuth, t.c. {{61}). Elekes. Uber die Form des Saturn- Ringsystems. (Ungarisch.) 6140 ROTATION, CONFIGURA- TION OF SURFACE OF SATURN. Corbu. Eine neue Erklarung der Streifen und Flecken der Planeten Jupiter und Saturn. A. N. 179 (319). Del Giudice. Saturno ed i suoi anelli . Fautb. 14733. Saturn im Sommer 1908. Givin. 14824. Notes on Saturn, 1909. 6160 TEMPERATURE, RADIA- TION. BRIGHTNESS, PHASES OF SATURN. Baldwin. The brightness of Saturn with ring invisible. M. N. 69 (458). 6170 TRANSITS, OCCULT ATION OF SATURN. Downing. Occultation of Saturn by the moon. 1910 March 13, visible in parts of South Africa. M. N. 70 (184). 6180 PHOTOGRAPHS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS OF SATURN. Satori. 15727. Beobachtung dea Saturn wahrend seiner Opposition 1909. Uranus. 198 6210 UBANUS. 6210 OBSERVATIONS OF POSITION. Cape of Good Hope Royal Observa- tory. Observations . . . made with the heliometer at . . . during the years 1897 to 1904. Cape Annals. Vol.8. Parti. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Right ascensions and North polar distances of the centre of Uranus, observed with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ( {l42} - {143} ). Prim. Observations meridiennes de la planete Uranus. B. A. 26 (76). 6220 CONSTANTS, DIMENSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AND DENSITY. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Horizontal and vertical diameters of Uranus observed with the Transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ( { 1 29 } ). 6310 OBSERVATIONS OF POSI- TION OF NEPTUNE. Cape of Good Hope Royal Observa- tory. Observations . . . noade with the heliometer at . . . during the years 1897 to 1904. Gbeeswich Royal Observatory. Right ascensions and North polar distances of the centre of Neptune, observed with the transit-circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 ({ 143}). With the altaziumth, t.c. ({7i|). Prim. Observations meridiennes de la planete Neptune. B. A. 26 (76). Schorr. Anschlussheobachtungen von Planet en [Neptun], Kometen und Fixsternen aus den Jahren 1902 bis 1907 von Kasiniir Graff. A. N. 179 (245). 6320 CONSTANTS, DIMENSIONS, DIAMETER AND FIGURE, MASS AND DENSITY OF NEPTUNE. Geeexwich Royal Observatory. Horizontal and vertical diameters of Neptune observed with the Transit circle in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 U129}). 6400 EXTRA-NEPTUNIAN PLANETS. London, Royal Astronomical Society, Council of. A supposed planet bevond Neptune. M. N. 70 (344-346). Gaillot. Contribution a la recherche des planetes ultraneptuniennes. C. R. 148 (754). Henkel. 14940. Is there a trans- Neptunian planet ? Pickering, E. C. A search for a planet beyond Neptune. A. N. 179 (323). Pickering, W. H. 15586. The assumed jDlanet 0 beyond Neptune. 6530 SATELLITES OF MARS. Eastman. J 4665. The discovery of the satellites of ilars. Kobold. 15067. Trabantenbeobach- tnngen in den Jahren 1881 bis 1896. [Trabanten des Mars, Saturns, Uranus, und Neptuns.] Kostinsky. Sur les photographies des satellites de Mars. A. N. 183 (7). Martus. 15274. Phobos, ein Mond des Mars, und die vier seit 1892 ent- deckten sehr kleinen Monde Jupiters waren friiher kleine Planeten. 6550 SATELLITES OF JUPITER. [Correction to paper on Sixth satellite of Jupiter.] Appendix to Annals [of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College] 60 No. 2 [1906], (1 unnumb. p.). Early observations of the sixth satel- lite of Jupiter. [With Appendix.] Cambridge, Mass., Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 60 [1907 ?], (33-42 -j- 1 1, with tabs.). Greenwich Roy'al Observatory. Eclipses, occultations and transits of Jupiter's satellites observed in the vear 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 (90). Greenwich Royal Observatory. Observations of Jupiter's sixth and seventh satellites from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector of the Thompson Equatorial during the opposi- tion 1906-7. Gr. 0. 1907 (177-195). Satellites of Saturn. 199 0560 Barnard. Observations of the fifth satellite of Jupiter at the opposition of 1906-7. A. J. 25(177). Measures of the si.Kth satellite of Jupiter, and of comparison stars in 1908. A. N. 179 (17). Christie, [\V. H. M.]. VIIl. Jupiters- mond. A. N. 180 (■47). Jupiter;? seventh and eighth satellites. A. N. 180 (63). Comas Soli. Observations des satellites principaux de Jupiter et de Titan. A. N. 179 (289). 14.522. Observation d'une tache blanche sur le III" satellite de Jupiter. Crawford and Meyer. The orbit of the eighth satellite of Jupiter. Lick B. 137 (38). P. A. 16 (491). Meyer and Einarsson. Ephemeris for the eighth satellite of Jupiter. Lick B. 140 (42). Kobold. Elemente und Ephemeride des VIIl. Jupitermondes. A. N. 179 (175). Greenwicli Royal Observatory. Ob- servations of Jupiter's sixth, seventh and eighth satellites from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector in 1909. M. N. 69 (673). Guillaume. Ph^nomenes des satel- lites de Jupiter pendant I'opposition 1907-1908. Conjonctions, occultations et eclipses mutuelles des satellites de Jupiter. B. A. 26 (193). Innes. Observations of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites January- June 1908. M. N. 69 (512). January-August 1909. op. eit. 70 (28) ; errata i.e. (275). MacDonnell. Jupiter's third Satellite. Martus. 15274. Phobos, ein Mond des Mars, und die vier seit 1892 ent- deckten sehr kleinen Monde Jupiters waren friiher kleine Planeten. Mora. Disparitions simultanees des satellites de Jupiter. A. N. 183 (167). Perrine. Observations of the distant satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Lick B. 156 (106). Pickering. Ephemerides des VIII Jupitermondes. A. N. 179 (99). 15536. Eclipses of Jupi- ter's satellites 1878-1903. Pickering, W. H. Jupiter's sixth satellite. Harv. C. 128 (3;. Pidoux. 15587. Satellites de Jupiter en I'JOS. Ross. Semi-definitive elements of Jupiter's sixth satellite. Lick B. 112 (UO). Sampson. On the old observations of the ecli^jses of Jupiter's satellites. Wolf. Photographische Aufnahmen von kleinen Planeten und Jupiters- monden [Jupiter VI u. VII]. A. N. 180 (101). Photographische Auf- nahmen von kleinen Planeten und von Jupiter VI 1909 Febr. 18. A. N. 180 (199). Photographische Auf*- nahmen von kleinen Planeten und Jupitersmonden [Jupiter VI]. A. N. 180 (213). A.N. 180(311). 6560 SATELLITES AND RING SYSTEM OF SATURN. Positions of Phoebe. 1898-1904. Cambridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 60 [1907 ?] (45-85 with tabs.). Greenwich Royal Observatory. Ob- servations of Saturn's ninth Satellite Phoebe, from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector of the Thompson Equatorial in the year 1907. G. 0. 1907 (197-206). Aitken. Observations of Saturn's rings in 1907. Lick B. 127 (181). Albrecht and Smith. Photographic observations of satellites of Saturn and Neptune. Lick B, 156 (109). Barnard. Observations of Saturn's rings at their disappearances in 1907 with a suggested explanation of the phenomena pr'^sented. Ap. J. 27 (35). Additional notes on the visibility of the dark side of Saturn's rings. Ap. J. 27 (234). Recent observations of the rings of Saturn and their bearing on some of the phenomena of the dis- appearance of the rings in 1907. M. N. 69 (621). Comas Sola. Observations des satel- lites principaux de Jupiter et de Titan. A. N. 179 (289). Satellites of Saturn. son 6560 Qen^ve, Observatoire. SaUu-ne. [Un nouvel anneau.] A. N. 179 (63). Givin. 14824. Notes on Saturn, 1909. Hammond. Observations of the satellites of Saturn in 1907 made with the 26-inch equatorial at the U. S. naval observatory. A. J. 26 (llj. Jarry-Desloges. 15013. Saturne: nouvel anneau. A. X. 179 (239). Eobold. 15067. Trabantenbeobach- tungen in den Jahren 1881 bis 1896. [Trabanten des Mars, Satums, Uranus, und Neptuns.] Levi-Civita. 15155. Sulla forma dell'anello di Saturno. Lowell. The tores of Saturn. P. A. 16 (133). Peirine. Observations of the distant satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Lick B. 156 (106). Pickering. Positions of Phoebe in May, 1905. Harv. C. 102 (1). Observations of Phoebe during 1905. Harv. C. 109 (2). Observations of Phoebe in May and June, 1906. Harv. C. 118 (1) ; 119 (1). Prager. 15629. Die Bahn dea sie- benten Satumstrabanten Hyperion. Russell. On the illumination of the dark side of Saturn's rings. A. J. 27 (230). Schaer. Beobachtungen am Saturns- ring. A. N. 179 (81). Schiller. Beobachtung des Satum- ringes. A. N. 179 (115j. Btruve. Eclipses and transits of the satellites of Saturn occurring in the year 1907 and 1908. A. S. P., 19 (125) ; 20 (156). Terby. 15874. Sur I'aspect actuel de Saturne, sur la disparition de son anneau au commencement d'octobre et sur deux passages de I'ombre de Titan observes a Louvain. Tucker. Saturn's ring. Lick B. 127 (184). Turner. The lost rings of Saturn. A. S. P. 19 (189). Wright. Some remarks on Professor Barnard's article on Saturn's rings. Ap. J. 27 (363). 6570 SATELLITES OF URANUS. Frederickson. Observations of the satellites of Uranus in 1907 made with the 26-inch equatorial at the U. S. naval observatory. A. J. 26 (17). Kobold. 15067. Trabantenbeobach- tungen in den Jahren 1881 bis 1896. [Trabanten des Mars, Satums, Uranus, und Neptuns.] 6580 SATELLITES OF NEPTUNE. Greexwich Royal Observatory. Ob- servations of the Satellite of Neptune from photographs taken with the 26-inch refractor of the Thompson equatorial during the opposition 1906-7. Gr. 0. 1907 (207-211). Albrecht and Smith. Photographic observations of satellites of Saturn and Neptune. Lick B. 156 (109). Barnard. Observations of the satel- lite of Neptune at the opposition of 1906-7. A. J. 25 (164). Gibb. 14817. Motion of Neptune's satellite. Hammond. Observations of the satel- lite of Neptune at the opposition of 1907-8 made with the 26-inch equa- torial at the U. S. naval observatory. A. J. 26 (29). Kobold. 15067. Trabantenbeobach- tungen in den Jahren 1881 bis 1896. [Trabanten des Mars, Satums, Uranus, und Neptuns ] Rice and Hammond. Observations of the satellite of Neptune at the opposition of 1904-5 made with the 26-inch equa- torial at the U. S. naval observatory. A. J. 24 (188). COMETS. 6600 GENERAL, PHYSICAL APPEARANCE, FAMILIES. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c. [Beob. : P. Chofardet, A[ntonio] Abetti, E. Esclangon, E[dward] C[harles] Pick- ering,] Astr. Nachr. Kiel. 179 1909 (29-32). Greenwich Royal Observatory. Ob- servations of comets d 1907 and e 1907 and neighbouring stars from photo- graphs taken with the 30-inch reflector of the Thompson equatorial and the astrographic 13-inch refractor in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 (141-146). Comets. ?0l 6600 l>oNLioN Royal Astronomical SociExy, ('ouncil of. Thecoinetsof 19U9. M.N. 70 (3 l(J-342). Abettl. Osservazioni delle couiete 1907 a, 1007 b, 1907 d e 1907 c. P.O. Arc. 25 (40). Barnard. On the erroneous resiilts of a stereoscopic combination of photo- gi-aphs of a comet. M. N. 69 (G24). Bigelow. Observations of comets, made with the 11-inch equatorial at Smith college observatory, Northampton, Mass. A. J. 25 (183). Bums. The physical nature of comets. Byrd. Observations of comets, made with the 11-inch equatorial at the Smith college observatory, Northampton, Mass. A. J. 24 (188). Chambers. 14480. The story of the comets. Chofardet. Observations de cometes faites k I'observatoire de Besan^on (equatorial Coude). B. A. 26 (234). Denning'. Naked eye comets. P. A. 15 (411). 14598. Cometary notes. Duncan. Tables of the elements of comet-orbits, January, 1896, to Decem- ber, 1907. A. S. P. 20 (172). Esmiol. Observations de cometes faites h I'observatoire de Marseille (equatorial d'Eicheus de 0"' 2(5 d'ouver- ture). B. A. 26(211). Fatb. Observations of Comet d 190G (Finlay) and Comet e 1906 (Kopff). Lick B. 104 (85). 14728. Observations of comets. Fowler. Terrestrial reproduction of the spectra of the tails of recent comets. M. N. 70 (176). Fric, Jos , Frie, Jan & Nusl. 14788. Photograjihie des Danielschen 1907 d Kometen. I. Bericlit aus dem astron. Observ. der Briider Jos. it Jan Fric in ,,Zalov" in Bohmen. (Cechisch.) Geelmuyden. Quelques etoiles de comparaison pour la comets Morehouse. A. N. 179 (203). Gundel. 14868. Naive Ausichten liber Wesen, Herkunft iind Wirkung der Kometen. Hammond and Frederickson. Obser- \ations of minor planets and comets made with tlie 26-inch and 12-inch equatorials at the U. S. naval observa- tory. A. J. 26 (19). Holetschek. Die Helligkeitsverhalt- nisse der vier Steriischnuppen-Kometen (1861 I, 18C)2 III, 1866 I und (Biela)). A.N. 179 (221). 14969. Ueber die in der Verteilung der uns bekannten Kometen bemerkbaren Regeln und ihre Er- kliirung durch ,,optische Selektion." Horn. 14982. La fotografia delle comete. Howe. Observations of [433] Eros, comet 1907d (Daniel), and comet 1907e (Mellish). A. N. 180 (345). Javelle. Observations de cometes'. A. N. 183 (137). Observations de cometes faites a I'observatoire de Nice (equa- torial Gautier de 0'" 76 d'ouverture). B. A. 26 (173). Kaiser. Eine gliinzende Lichterschei- nung. A. N. 180 (13). Knopf. Beoljachtungen von Kometen und kleinen Planeten. A. N. 180 (333). KopfT. Ueber die Bessel-Bredichin- sclie Theorie der Kometenschweife. A. N. 179 (213). Lynn. 15235. Neptunian comets. 15241. Periodical comets due in 1910. Meyer. 15316. Kometen und Me- teore. 11. Aufl. Millosevich, [Bianchi, Zappa]. Osser- vazioni fatte coU'equatoriale Steinheil- Cavignato nel E Ossorvatorio al Coll. Romano. [Cometa 1907d (David), cometa 1908c Morehouse.] A. N. 179 (325). Morgan. Observations of comets made at the Morrison observatory. A. J. 25 (143). Nijland und Bilt. Beobachtimgen von Kometen. A. N. 180 (105). Palisa. Planeten- und Kometenbeob- achtungen. A. N. 180 (217). Porter. Observations of comets made with the 16-inch equatorial of the Cincinnati observatory. A. J. 25 (200). Rambaud et Sy. Observations de cometes. A. N. 180 (179). Comets. 6600 Rheden und Jaschke. Beobachtungen von Planeten und Kometen. [Komet 1907a a907Ij.] A. X. 179 (19j. Rice, Hammond and Frederickson. Observations of comets made \Yith the 12-inch and 26-inch equatorials at the U. S. naval observatory. A. X. 25 (189). Salet. 15717. Les cometes et les theories ionistiques. Schorr. Anschlussbeobachtuiigen von Planeten, Kometen und Fixsternen . . . aus den Jahren 1902 bis 1907 von K[asimir] Graff. A. X. 179 (215). Wendt. 159G9. Die allgemeinen Storungen erster Ordnung des Kometen 1889 v., 1S9G VI., 1903 V. (Brooks), durch den .Saturn. Diss. Whitney and Fumess. Observations of comets and minor planets made with the 12-inch equatorial of the Vassar college observatory. A. J. 25 (160j. Wood. Geometrical considerations applied to the velocity of comets. P. A. 15 (5.5.3). 1456 (Halley). Cortie. 11510. The devil, the Turk and the comet. 1796. Peck. Definitive orbit of the Comet of 1796. A. J. 25 (ICl). 1819 II. Peck. Parabolic elements for Comet 1819 II. A. J. 25 (137). The transit of Comet 1819 II. across the solar disc. A. J. 25 (184j. 1822 III. Peck. Definitive orbit of Comet 1822 III. A. J. 25 (165). 1826 IV. Klug. 15050. Definitive Balmbestim- mung des Kometen 1826 IV. 1835 III. (Halley). Aufsuchungsephemeride des Halley- schen Kometen. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 179 1909 (369-372). Cowell. 14544. On Halley's comet as seen from the earth. and Crommelin. Xote on the time of perihelion passage of Halley's comet. M. X. 70 (.3). Dean. The storv of Halley's comet. P. A. 16 (331). Faterson, I. 14725. [Le retour pro- chain de la comete Halley]. (Polish.) Iwanow. Die Berechnung der Storun- gen der Bahnbewegung des Halleyschen Kometen fiir den Zeitraum von 1835 bis 1910. A. X. 183(131). Lynn. 15236. Halley's comet in 1835. Meyer. 15313. Der Halley sche Komet. WendelL Halley's comet. [Ephemeris, October, 1907, to Mav 16, 1910.] P. A. 16 (71). Radiant point for meteors from Halley's comet. P. A. 16 (518). Wilson- The next apparition of Halley's comet. P. A. 16 (265). Wilson. 15996. Le prochain retour de la comete de Halley. 1852 III. (Biela). Holetschek. A. X. 179 (221). 1858 VI. Kritzinger. Der Komet des Jahres 69 vor Chr. und der Komet Donati ri858 VI.) A. X. 179 (65). Holetschek. 1861 I. A.N. 179(221). 1862 III. Holetschek. A. X. 179 (221). 1866 I. Holetschek. A. X. 179 (221). 1873 II. (TempeL). Mauhant. Elements et eph^meride de la comete Tempelj (1873 11). A. N. 183 (289j. 1886 V. (Brooks,). Bucht. 14394. Komet 1886 V. (Brooks I.). Definitive Bahnbestimmung. Comets. 203 6600 1890 VII. (Soitaler). Hopfaer. Die Erscbeinuiig der periodibchen Kometen LS90 VII. (Spitaler) iiu Jahre 1903. A. N. 183 (45). 1894 II. Peck. The eccentricitv of the orbit of Comet 1894 II. A. J .'25 (KSl). 1896 VI. Nijland mid Bilt. A. N. 180 (105). 1899 V. Nijland and Bilt. x\. N. 180 (105). 1903 I. Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). 1903 IV. . Byrd. A. J. 24 (188). 1905 I. Byrd. A. J. 24 (188). 1905 II.I Chofardet. B. A. 26 (234). 1905 IV. Aitken. Observations of Comet 1905 IV. (Kopff). Lick B 120 (150). Crawford and Champreux. Elements and ephemeris of Comet b 1906 (Kopff). Lick B 92 (3). Maddrill. Observations of Comet b 1906 (Kopff). Lick B 104 (84). Smith. Observations of Comet b 1906 (Kopff). Lick B 104 (84). Whitney and Fumess. A. J. 25 (160). 1905 V. Smith. Observations of Comet b 1905 (Schaer). Lick B. 104 (82). 1905 VI. Crawford and Champreux. Elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1906 (Brooks). Lick B 91 (2). Maddrill. Observations of Comet a 1906 (Brooks). Lick B 104 (83). Nijland und BUt. A. N. 180 (105). 1906 I. Barnard. 14243. Observations photographiques de la comete Giacobini (1905;. Maddrill. Observations of Comet c 1905 (Oiacobiui). Lick B. 104 (83). Smith, E[dvvin] and Einarson. Ephe- meris of Comet c 1905 (Giacobini). [The ephemeris here given is an exten- sion of tliat published by Dr. ('ravvford in Bulletin Number 88.] Lick B. 91 (2). Smith, Elliott. Observations of Comet c 1905 (Giacobini). Lick B. 104 (82). Terkdn.' 15877. Die Bahn des Kometen 1905 c. (Ungarisch.) 1906 II. Maddrill. Observations of Comet c 1906 (Ross). Lick B. 104 (84). 1906 IV. Aitken. Observations of Comet e 1906 (Kopff). Lick B. 120 (148). Crawford. Elements and ephemeris of Comet e 1906 (Kopff). Lick B. 99 (72). and Champreux. Elliptic elements and ephemeris of Comete 1906 (Kopff). Lick B. 100 (73). Path. Lick B. 104 (85). Morgan. A. J. 25 (143). 1906 V (Finlay.) Bigelow. A. J. 25 (183). Path. Lick B. 104 (85). Morgan. A. J. 25 (143). 1906 VI. Aitken. Observation of Comet h 1906 (Metcalf). Lick B. 120 (148). Bianchi. Komet 1906 VI (1906 h) (Metcalf). A. N. 183 (311). Crawford. Elliptic elements and ephemerides of Comet /( 1906 (Metcalf). Lick B. 108 (100). Path. Lick B. 120 (151). Hough. Comet 1906 h (Metcalf). A. N. 179 (115). 1906 VII. Aitken and Path. Elements and ephemeris of Comet g 1906 (Thiele). Lick B. 103 (80). Bigelow. A. J. 25 (183). Comets. 204 6600 Path. Observations of Comet g 1906 (Thiele). Lick B. 103 (81). ■ Lick B. 120 (151). Morgan. A. J. 25 (143). Rice, Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (189;. Whitney and Fumess. A. J. 25 (160j. 1907 I. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (40).-^ Aitken. Observations of comet a 1907 (Giacobini). Lick B. 120 (140). Einarson and Glancy. Elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1907 (Giacobini). Lick B. Ill (109). Fath. Lick B. 120 (151;. Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Porter. ObserA-ations of comets made with the 16-inch equatorial of the Cin- cinnati observatory. A. J. 25 (200). Rice, Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (189j. Schorr. A. X. 179 (245). Weiss. Fortsetzung der Ephemeride des Kometen 1907 a (Giacobini). A. N. 179 (195). Wilson. Obsen'ations of Comet a 1907 (Giacobini) made with the 16-inch refractor at the Goodsell obser\-atory, Northfield, Minn. A. J. 25 (150). 1907 II. Abetti. P. 0. Arc. 25 (40). Aitken. Observations of comet b 1907 (Mellish). Lick B. 120 (149). Rice, Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (189). 1907 III. Aitken. 14148. Observation of Comet c 1907 (Giacobini). Lick B. 120 (149). Einarson and Glancy. Elements and ephemeris of Comet c 1907 (Giacobini). Lick B. 116 (123). Rice, Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (189). 1907 IV. Greenwich Royal Observatory. Gr. . 0. 1907 (146). Abetti. A. 0. Arc. 25 (40). Osservazioni della cometa 1907 d. P. 0. Arc. 26 (33). Aitken. Observations of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Lick B. 120 (149). Bemporad e Cavasino. Mi sure foto- metriche del nncleo della Cometa Daniel. S. S. L 37 (76). Campbell. The spectrum of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Lick B. 135 (31). Chofardet. B. A. 26 (42). Crawford, Einarson, and Glancy. Elements and ephemeris of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Lick B. 119 (147). Dimcan. Photographic observations of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Lick B. 126 (171). Polariscopic observations of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Lick B. 126 (180). Observations of Comet d 1907 (Daniel). Lick B. 128 (185). Esmiol. B. A. 26 (212). Quillaume. Observations de la comete Daniel (1907 d). B. A. 25 (467). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Horn. Struttura e rotazione della Cometa Daniel. S. S. I. 37 (65). Howe. A. N. 180 (345). Knopf. A. N. 180(333). Kritzinger. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1907 d (Daniel). A. N. 179 (209). Oppositionsephemeridefur den Kometen 1907 d (Daniel). A. N. 180 (343). Millosevich, Bianchi, Zappa. A. N. 179 (325). Rice, Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 25 (189). Ricco. Osservazioni dirette, foto- grafiche e spettrali della Cometa Daniel. S. .S. 1. 37 (55). Schorr. A. N. 179 (245). Stroobant. 15856. Comete Daniel. Swan. Observations of comet 1907 d (Danielj. A. N. 183 (211). Wendell. Comet d 1907 (Daniel). P. A. 15 (622). Comets. 205 6600 1907 V. Greenwich Royai. Observatory. Gr. 0. 1907 (146j. Abetti. P. 0. An'. 25 (40). Chofardet. B. A. 26 (42). Crawford and Glancy. Second elements and ephenieris of Comet e 1907 (Mellish). Lick B. 124 (1(35). ■ — — and Morgan. Elements and ephenieris of Comet e 1907 (Mellish). Lick B. 121 (152). Duncan. Observations of Comet e 1907 (Mellish). Lick B. 128 (186). Esmiol. B. A. 26 (212). Hammond and Frederickson. A. J. 26 (19). Howe. A. N. 180 (345). Lamson. Elements and ephemeris of Comet d 1907 (Mellish). A. J. 25 (190). Nijland und BUt. A. N. 180 (105). Porter. Observations of comets, made with the 16-inch equatorial of the Cincinnati observatory. A. J. 25 (200). 1908 II. (Encke). Bums. 14402. Encke's comet. 1908 III. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c. [Beob. : E[lia] Millosevicli, G. Zappa, P. Sternberg, S. Kostinsky, C. F. PechUle, H. TMele, J[ohanu] PaUsa, H. H. Krit- zinger, E. Jost.] Astr. Nachr. Kiel 179 1909 (45-46). Abetti. Cometa 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (313). OsservazionI d^lla cometa 1008 c. P. 0. Arc. 26 (37). Antoniazzi. Osservazioni della cometa lS08 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (177). Baldet et Qu^nisset. fitude des photographies de la com^te Morehouse (1908 c) obtenues a I'Observatoire de .Juvisy. C. R. 147 (1033). Barnard. Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Ap. J. 28 (292). Photographic observations of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Second paper. Ap. J. 28 (384). Photographic observations of a verv remarkable comet. P. A. 16 (591). Bemporad. Osservazioni fofometriche della cometa 1908 c Morehouse. S. S. I , 38 (47). Borrelly. Observations de la comete 1908 c. B. A. 25(465). Buttlar. Beobachtungen des .^usse- hens des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (115). Campbell and Albrecht. The spectrum of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Lick B. 145 (58). Note oo the spectrum of fJomet c 1908 I'Morehouse). Lick B. 147 (64). Cerulli. Beobachtungen des Kometen 190S c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (271). Chofardet. B. A. 26 (234). Coggria. Observations de la comete c 1908. B. A. 26 (286). Crommelin. 11560. The life of a comet. Curtis. Spectrographic and photo- graphic observations of Comet c 1908. (Morehouse). Lick B. 163 (135). Del Giudice. 14588. La cometa Morehouse. Ebell. Ephemeride des Kometen 1908 c. A. N. 179 (31) ; 180 (209). Eddie. 14681. Morehouse's comet, 1908 c. (Further observations in the South.) Eg^initis. Observations de la comete 1908 c (Morehouse), faites a I'observa- toire d'Athenes. C. R. 148 (397). Einarson and Meyer. Elements and ephemeris of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Lick B. 138 (40) ; Second elements and ephemeris. op. cit. 139 (41). Esclangon. Observations de la comete 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (13). Favaro. Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (285). Osservazioni del pianeta (3) Juno, della cometa 1908 c (More- house). A. N. 180 (207). Flammarion. 14754. La comete Morehouse. Fontana. Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (327). Fox. Observations of Comet 1908 c (Morehouse). A. J. 26 (38). Comets. 206 6600 Gabba. Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (165). Osservazioni ed orbita della cometa Morehouse (1908 c). R. I. L. 42 (1.36). Gale. 14802. Comet Morehouse, 190S c. Gautier. Changements constates dans I'apparence de la comete Morehouse (1908 c). A. N. 179 (97). Changements d'aspect de la comete Morehouse (1908 c). A. N. 179 (237j. Giacobinl. Observations dela comete 1908 c Morehouse. B. A. 26 (176). [Observations] sur la nou- velle comete Morehouse. C. R. 147 (474). Givin. 14822. Comet 1908 c. Glancy. Photographic observations of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Lick B. 161 (122). Gonnessiat, Rambaud et Sy. Obser- vations de la comete 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X. 179 (177). Gori. Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (.307). Guillaume. Observations physiques de la comete 1908 [c] faites a I'Observa- toire de Lyou. C. R. 147 (833 1263). Hartwig. Beobachtuugen des Ko- meteu 1908 c (Morehouse) in Bamberg. A. N. 179 (211). Hassenstein. Beobachtungen des Ko- meten 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X. 180 (163j. Holetscbek. Beobachtungen des Ko- meten 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (353). Horn. La struttura della cometa More- house 1908 0. S. S. I. 38 (42). Hough and Wbittingdale. Observa- tions of comet 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 183(11). JaveUe. B. A. 26 (173). JoBt. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X. 179 (367). Kaopf. A. X. 180 (333j. Kobold. X^eue Elemente des Kometun 1908 c (ilorehouse). A. N. 179 (47). Neue Elemente und Ephe- meride des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (273). Beobachtungen des Ko- meten 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X^. 180 (359). Eopff. Schweifentwickelung beira Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X. 180 (121). MacDonnell. 15244. Comet 1908 c. Manning. 15268. Xote on More- house's comet 1908 c. MasaAny. 1.5276. Der Komet 1908 c. (Ungarisch.) Merfield. 15299. Comet Morehouse, 1908 c. Metcalf. Comet Morehouse. P. A. 16 (57.5). Miller. Photographic observations of Comet Morehouse. P. A. 16 (653). Millosevicli. 15331. Osservazioni della cometa 1908 c Morehouse fatte al R. Oss. al Collegio Romano. BiancM, Zappa. A. X. 179 (32.5). Morehouse. Micrometric observations of comet 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X. 180 (133). Nijland und Bilt. A. X. 180 (105). PaUaa. A. X. 180 (217). Phillipa. 15509. Observations of Comet Morehouse (1908 c), made at St. George's Cottage, Ashtead, Surrey. 15511. Observations of Halley's comet with a 121 iu. reflector. Picard. Observations de la comete 1908 c faites a I'Observatoire de Bor- deaux. C. R. 147 (729). Pickering. Ueber das Aussehen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. X. 179 (193). Morehouse's Comet 1908 c. A. X. 180 (325) ; Harv. C. 148 (1). Ephemeris of Morehouse's comet, (1908 c), for 1909. Harv. C. 144 (1). Rabourdin. Premiere serie de photographies de la comete Morehouse [1908 c] obtenues avecle grand telescope de Meudon. C. R. 147 (731). Comets. i'07 6600 Rambaud et Sy. A. N. 180 (179). Rioo5. (3sservazioni astrofisiche della conieta "Morehouse" esoguite iiel R. Osservatorio di Catania. S. S. I. 38 (41). • Saint-Blancat et Rossard. Obser- vations de la coniete Morehouse (1908 c) faites a I'equatorial Brunner-Henry de rObservatoire de Toulouse. C. R. 147 (1265). Schneider. Sextantenbeobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c (Moreliouse). (Mitgeteilt von G. Schrader.) A. N. 180 (341). Thiele uud Hartwig. Ueber Ver- anderungen im Aussehen dea Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (81). Volkel. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (287). Voute. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (261). Westland. 17970. Observations of Comet 0 in New Zealand. Wilson. Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). P. A. 16 (563). Winkler. Ueber das Aussehen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 179 (131). Kometen 179 (239) — Beobachtungen 1908 c (Morehouse). Beobachtungen des A. N. des A. N. Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). 180 (15). Wirtz. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (1 95). Wolf. Der Schweif des Kometeu 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (1). Wolt. Aufnahmen des Kometen 1908 c (Morehouse). A. N. 180 (241). Wright. 16040. Comet Morehouse. 1908 IV. (TempeU-Swift.) Barnard. Micrometer observations of the Tempel3-Swift periodic comet. A. N. 180 (159). Javelle. B. A. 26 (173, 176). et Giacobini. Observations de la oomete Tempels-Swift (1908 d). A. N. 179 (61). Sur la comete Tempels- Swift. C. R. 147 (618). Kobold. Aullinduug des Kometen Tempela-Swift (1908 d). A. N. 179 (47). Maubant. Nouvelle ephemeride de la comete Tempela-Swift. A. N. 179 (79). ■ Sur le retour do la comete Tempelj-Swift en 1909. B. A. 28 (37). Ramband et Sy. A. N. 180 (179). Thiele. Komet Tempelj-Swift (1908 d). A. N. 179 (115). 1909 I. Crawford. Elements and ephemeris of Comet a 1909 (Daniel). Lick B. 159 (119). Greenwich Royal Observatory. Observations 'of Comet a 1909 from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector of the Thompson Equatorial ?it the. . . M. N. 70 (249). 1909 II. (Winnecke). Gonnessiat. Winneckescher Komet 1909 d. A. N. 183 (201). Hillebrand. Ei^hemeride des Win- neckeschen Kometen 1909 d. A. N. 183 (93). Perrine. Komet Winnecke. A. N. 183 (239). 1909 III. Crouzel et Rossard. Observations de la comete Perrine 1909 b. A. N. 183 (173). Ebell. Ephemeride des Perriireschen Kometen 1909. A. N. 183 (95). Gonnessiat. Perrinescher Komet 1909 b. A. N. 183 (63). Javelle. A. N. 183 (137). Wolf. Ober den Kometen 1896 VII (Perrine)- 1909 b. A. J. 183 (13). • Perrinescher Komet 1909 b. A. N. 183 (47). 1909 IV. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). Astr. Nachr. Kiel 183 1910 (203-206). Beobachtungen des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). [Beob. : E[lia] Millosevich, G. Zappa, E[milio] Bianchi, G. vanBies- broeck, M. Simonin, J[ohami] Palisa, A[lbert] A[ntonie] Nijland, F. van der Bilt, J. Voiite, K. Schiller, C[arl] W. Comets. 208 6600 Wirtz.] Astr. N'achr. Kiel 183 1910 (143-144). Biesbroeck. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1909 e (Dauiel). A. N. 183 (125j. Ebell. Elemente und Ephemeride des Kometeii 1909 e (Danielj. A. X. 183 (127;. Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). A. X. 183 (175). EUiptische Elemente und Ephemeride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). A. X. 183 (263). Ephemeride des Kometen 1909 e (Daniel). A. X. 183 (307). K'ojb^oldl Xeuer Komet 1909 e (Daniel;. A. X. 183 fl07). KrassowBki. Elements de la comete 1909 e fDaniel). A. X. 183 (191). Wolf. Photographische Aufnahmen von Planeten und des Kometen 1909 e (Danielj. A. X. 183 (191). 1910 I. Beobachtungen des Kometen 1910 a. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (295-296). Xeuer Komet 1910 a nahe bei der Sonne. Astr. Xachr. Kiel 183 1910 (277-280). Bolton. 14355. The gi-eat new comet. HawkB. 14924. Obser\'ations of tlie great daylight comet, 1910 a. Kobold. Elemente des Kometen 1910 a. A. X. 183 (291 309). Millosevicli. (Jsservazioni della co- meta 1910 a. A. N. 183 (293). Rolston. 15699. The new comet. 1910 II. (HaUey.) Archenbold. Beol)achtung der Be- deckung eines Sternes durch den Kern des Halle vschen Kometen. A. X. 183 (237 i. Brendel. 14377. Der Halleysche Komet. Cerulli. 14474. La grandezza della cometa di HaUey. Christie. Hallev's Comet 1909 c. A. X. 183 '47 j. Crommelin. Corrected ephemeris of Halley's comet. A. X. 183 (169). Dubiago. Hallevscher Komet 1909 c. A. X. 183 (03). Eddie. 14682. Halley's comet. arover. 14853. Path of Halley's comet, 1909-10. JaTeUe. A. X. 183 (137). Keeling. Photographic observation of Halley's comet. A. N. 183 (295). MacDonnell. 15246. Halley's comet in a small telescope. Merfleld. 15298. Halley's comet. Messersclimidt. 15304. Die Wieder- kehr des Halleyschen Kometen. Blillosevicli. Halleyscher Komet (1909 c). A. X. 183 ri25). 15335. La cometa di HaUey. 15338 : Osservazioni della cometa 1909 c = cometa di Halley fatte al R. Osservatorio Astronomico al Col- legio Romano. ■ Bianchi und Zappa. Beob- achtungen des Halleyschen Kometen 1909 c. A. X. 183 (79). Nijland und Bilt. Beobachtungen des Halleyschen Kometen 1909 c. A. X. 183 (173). PMUips. Xote on the variations in brightness of Halley's comet. M. N. 70 (183). Plassmann. 15602. Der Halleysche Komet. Schorr. Halleyscher Komet 1909 c. A. X. 183 (95). Tebbutt. 15873. Xote on Halley's comet. Willis. 15991. Halley's comet, 1909. 6650 METEORS AND SHOOTING STARS. Bolides. Ciel et Terre Bruxelles 28 1907 (391-393J. Le Bolide du ler octobre. Ciel et Terre Bmxelles 28 1907 (419-420). [Hamburg, Deutsche Seewarte.] Auf- fallendes Meteor, beobachtet , auf der Hohe von Kap. St. Vincent. Ann. Hydrogr. Berlin 37 1909 (88). [Hamburg Deutsche Seewarte.] Auf- fallende Meteore. Ann, Hvdrogr, Berlin 37 1909 (519-520). Meteors and Shooting Stars. 209 6650 GuEENwicH Royal Observatuuv. Observations of luminous meteors, l'J07. Gr. O. 1907 (cxxii). Blrkenstock. Beobachtung eiiiiger Feuerkugeln in Antwerpen. A. N. 178 (223). Brezina. 14379. DerMeteorsteiniall zu Meru. Bruni. Mcteora del I'll agosto. S. S. I. 38 (172). Clark. 1-4513. Notes on the brilliant meteor of Feb. 22. 14514. The bolide of 22 February 190'J. Its actual path in the air. Czudnocliowski. 1457S. Meteor bei bedecktem Hiuimel. Denning. Note on the remarkable meteor of 1909 February 22, 7h. 30ra. M. N. 69 (459). The fireball of 1909 February 22, 7h. 33m. il. N. 69 (539). ■ Shower of (,' Dracouids. M. N. 69 (677). 14594. An extraordinary meteor. 14599 : The meteoric fireball of February 22 and its streak. 14600 : The Perseids of 1909. 14601 : Fireball in sunshine. 14602 : A splendid meteor. 14603 : Recent meteors. 14604 : Notes on meteors. 14605 : A meteor seen in sunshine. 14606 : Brilliant meteor of February 17. 14607 : Fireball of Sun- day November 7 [1909 J. Diserens, 14625. Observations de meteores cosmiqaes. Farman et Touchet. Sur I'activite coraparee des essairas des Leonides et des Geminides le 14 novembre 1907. C. R. 148 (264). Gale. 14803. A great detonating meteor. Grundmann. 14857. Die Balm des Meteors vom 20. Februar 1908. Hissink. 14962. Stemschnuppenbeob- achtet in Ziitphen im zweiteu Semester 1908. (Hollandisch.) Horner. 14983. A brilliant meteor. Knopf. 15055. Die Sternschnuppen. Kopff. Ein merkwiirdiges Meteor vom 23. Oktober 1908. A. N. 179 (237). Kreichgauer. 15166. Das Licht der Lleteoriten-Schweife und der Sannen- Koroua. (E-4C8) Mader. Meteorbeobachtungen. A. N. 183 (261). Meares. 15289. The determination of tlie actual paths of meteors. Meyer. 15316. Kometen und Me- te ore. 11. Aufl. Niessl. 15400. Die hellen Meteore vom 12. Dezemlier 1904 und 11. Juli 1906. Peck. 15483. The Meteor of March 14, 1906, over central New York. 15484: The Christmas meteor of 1873 at Washington, D.C. 15485: A per- sistent meteor train observed at Albany, N.Y. 15486 : Tiie central Pennsylvania meteor of October 1, 1907. 15487 : The meteor of October 5, 1907, over New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Pickering, W. H. 15584. The origiA of meteorites. Puiseux. 15641. Sur les etoiles filantes observees k Besanq'on en aout 1906. Quigrnon. 15644. Bolide. Riegler. Bahnbestimmung des gros- seu Meteors von 20. Februar 1908. A. N. 179 (149). 15679. Bahnbestimmung des grossen detonierenden Meteores vom 20. Februar 1908. 15680: Mitteilungvon Meteorbeobachtungen. 156S1 : Stern- schnuppen und Feuerkugeln. 15683 : Sternschnuppen und Feuerkugeln. Me- teormeldungen. Steer. 15832. Persistent trail of a meteor on March 14. Steffensen. Mitteilung fiber ein am l(j. November 1909 beobachtetes Meteor. A. N. 183 (205). Terkan. 15876. Korrespondierende Sternschnuppenbeobachtungen in Nagy- tagyos und Ogyalla. (Ungarisch.) Thomson. i5880. An unusual me- teoric fall. Trowbridge. 15902. The physical nature of meteor trains. [Abstract.] Vajn6czky. 15924. Die Sternschnup- pen. (Ungarisch.) Warner. 15954. " Stones from Heaven." The veneration of meteorites in ancient times. 15955 : Some brilliant meteors— August 1909-. 13957: The August meteors^ Connections— Comets & Meteors. 210 6700 6700 CONNECTIONS BETWEEN COMETS AND METEORS. Bums. 14400. The connection be- tween comets and meteorites. Holetscliek. Die Helligkeitsverhiilt- nisse der vier Sternschnuppen-Kometen (1861 I, 1«G2 III, ISGG I und Biela). A. N. 179 (■221). Riegler. 15681. Sternschnuppenund Feiierkugeln. Stevens. 15844. Note on the phy- sical relation of comets and meteors. Wendell. Radiant point for meteors from Halley's comet. P. A. 16 (518). 6720 ZODIACAL LIGHT, GEGENSCHEIN, Etc. Barnard. Professor Newcomb's ob- servations of the zodiacal light. Ap. .1. 23 (168). Conroy. 14529. The zodiacal light. Fath. The northern limit of the zodiacal light. Lick B. 142 (45). Hennig. 14945. Zodiakallicht-Beob- achtungen ini Roten Meer, Indischen Ozeau und Chinesischen Meer. Hissink. 14963. Zodiakallicht beob- achtet in Ziitphen im Herbste 1908. (Hollandlsch.) 1 1964 : Zodiakallicht beobaehtet in Ziitphen im Friihjahre und im Herbste 1900. (Hollandisch.) Pechuel-Loesclie. 15477. Strahlen neben dem Zodiakallicht. Schmid. 15758. Das Zodiakallicht. Ein Versuch zur Zodiakallichtfrage. 6800 SPECTROSCOPY OF MOON, PLANETS, COMETS, ZODIACAL LIGHT, TERRE.STRIAL ATMO- SPHERE (AURORA, METEORSj. 6810 MOON. Lowell. The spectra of the major planets. [Moon-Jupiter-Saturn- Uranus- Neptune.] A. N. 179 (241). 6820 PLANETS. Bums. Spectrographic observations of Venus for solar parallax. P. A. 15 (556). K[o]b[old]. Die Wasserdampfbanden im Marsspektrum. A. N. 180 (247). Lowell. The spectra of the major planets. [Moon- Jupiter-Saturn- Uranus- Neptune.] A. N. 179 (241). Les spectres des grosses planetes photographies en 1907 a I'Obser- vatoire Flagstaff. C. R. 147 (516). 15187. Water-vapor in the atmosphere of Mars. Slipher. The spsctrum of xMars. Ap. J. 28 (397). 15806. Le spectre de Saturne. Very. 15932. The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars demonstrated by quantitative measure- ments. 6920 COMETS. Fowler. Terrestrial reproduction of the spectra of the tails of recent comets. M. M. 70 (176). 1907 IV. Spectrum of Comet Daniel (1907 d). Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 15 1907 (5.58-5r)9:'. Campbell. The spectrum of Comet d 1907 (iJaiiiel). Lick B. 135 (31). Deslandres et Bernard. Etude spectrale de la comete Daniel (1907 d), Particularites de la queue. 1908 III. Baume-Pluvinel, De La et Baldet. Sur le spectre de la comete 1908 c (Morehouse). C. R. 147 (666). Sur le spectre de la comete 1908 c (Morehouse). C. R. 148 (759). Campbell and Albrecht. The spectrum of (,'oniPt c 1008 (Morehouse). Lick B. 145 (oS). Note on the spectrum of Comet c 1908 (Morehouse). Lick B. 147 (64). Deslandres et Bernard. Recherches spectrales sur la comete Morehouse c 1908. C. R. 147 (774). et Bosler, J. Comple- ment et resume des observations faites a Meudon sur la comete Morehouse [1908 c]. C. R. 148 (805). et Bosler. Sur le spectre de la comete Morehouse, C. R. 147 (951). stellar Universe. 211 7005 Frost and Parkliurst. 1479-1. Spec'trtiiii of Comet Morehouse. Massany. 1527n. DerKouuM l!»08c. (Uugariscli.) Pickering. The spectrum of More- liouse's couiet. A. N. 179 (383). 1910 I. Pickering. Koniel 1910 a. A. N. 183 (291). 1910 II. (Halley.) Nordmann. L'espace celeste est-il disifprslf? li. A. 26 (5). Pickering. The constellation Camelo- pardalis. Harv. C. 146 (1). • Distribution of the stars. llurv. ('. 147 (1). Riatenpart 15690. AusdemReiche des grossen Biiren. Salet. Sur la visibilite des etoiles en plein jour. B. A. 26 (225). Yntema. 1C018. On the brightness Pickering. Halleyscher Komet 1909 c. of the sky and total amount of star A. X. 183 (-'01). 6940 ZODIACAL LIGHT. Path. 14731. The spectrum of the Zodiacal Light. (Review.) 6960 TERRESTRIAL ATMO- SPHERE, AURORA, TELLURIC LINES. Anderson. 14187. The work of Prof. Carl Stormer on Birkeland's theory of the aurora borealis. * K[o]b^old]. Die Wasserdampfbandeu ini Marsspektrum. A. N. 180 (247). Watts. 15958. The spectrum of the aurora borealis. STELLAR UNIVERSE. 7000 GENERxVL. Barnard. 14244. Les regions du ciel depourvues d'etoiles. Burns. 14401. The uiunber of the stars. Flammarion. considere comme courants d'etoiles. Henkel. 14944. stars. Kapteyn. 15037. in stellar astronomy. Klein. 15049. Allgemeinverstiind- liche Darstellnng der astronomischen Forschungen iiber die Fixsterne und den Bau des Universiims. Kovesligethy. 15076. Der Sternen- himmel. (Ungarisch.) Milham. 15321 How to identify the stars. [e-168) 14753. L'Univers organisme et les Numbering the Statistical methods light. 7005 STELLAR PHOTOGRAPHS, ATLASES, MAPS (PUBLISHED REPRODUCTIONS, INCLUDING ASTROGRAPHIC CHART). Star Map No. 9. Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio. Knowledge and Sci. News London 6 (N. Ser.) 1909 (310); . . . No, 10 Lyra-Cygnus-Aquila. t.e. (338) ; . . . No. 11. Aquarius, Capricornus. t.e. (375) ; Key to maps. t.e. (448-468). Bemporad. 14300. Sopra alcune opportune aggiunte alia carta fotogra- fica del cielo. Berbericli. 14306. Die Himmels- lAotographie in den letzten 25 Jahren. Bergstrand. Sur I'emploi d'ecrana colores et des plaques orthochromatiques pour I'observation photographique des etoiles fixes. C. R. 147 (1463). Boccardi. 14347. Riunione del comitato internazionale della carta del cielo in Parigi. Lais. 15121. Sulle fotografiche della carta triplice immagine. Morgenstern. 15364. du ciel. 15365 : La photographic astro- nomique. Ricco. 15669. Saggio di riproduzione delle negative per la carta fotogr-afica celeste internazionale. Sauer. 15728. Nordlicher Stern- liimmel [nebst Sternkarten]. Schurig. 15774. Tabulae coelestis continentes omnes Stellas coeli borealie nee non australis nudis oculis conspiciTas. Himmels-Atlas enthaltend alle mit blos- sen Angen sichtbareu Sterne beider Hemispharen, F 2 riproduzioni del cielo a Photographie stellar Universe. 212 7005 Smedts. 15808. La carte plioto- grapliique du ciel et la participation de rObservatoire royal de Belgique a son execution. [Extrait.] Stroobant. 158G0. Les Progres de la photograpbie astronomique. Extrait de I'aunuaireastronomique de I'observatoire royal de Belgique (pour) 1908. Wolf. 16028. Stereoskopbilder voni Sternhimmel. Ser. 1. 3. unveranderter Abdruck. FIXED STABS. 7020 OBSERVATIONS OF POSITION. Observations faites a la lunette n:eri- dienne de Gambey en 1902, 1903, 1904 et i905. Annales de I'Observatoire royal de Belgique Annales astron. 9 1907 fasc. 3 (139-379). Geeenwich Royal Observatory. Meridian zenith distances of stars observed with the reflex zenith tube in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907, (1-88.) Ledgers of mean right ascensions and north polar distances of stars observed with the Transit Circle, deduced from each day's observation in the year 1907, and reduced to 1910-0 (corrected for latitude variation). Part I. Fundamental and zodiacal stars. Gr. 0. 1907 ({l}-{32}). Id. Part II. Oxford astrographic zone stars, t.c. ((33)- (103)). Abetti und Kiistner. Bemerkungen iiber die Sterne BD + I'f G12a und + 15"= 613. A. N. 183 (289). Bergstrand. Sur I'eraploi d'ecrans colores et des plaques orthochromatiques pour I'observation photographique des etoiles fixes. C. R. 147 (1463j. Flint. 11757. Meridian observa- tions of comparison stars. KosB. Sterne aus der BD, Zone - 1° und - 0". A. N. 179 (225) ; 183 (HI). Norlund. Bestimmung der Rektas- zensionen von 184 Sternen mit dem Passageninstrument der Kopenhagener L'nivergitats-Sternwarte. A. N. 183 (49). Viaro. Stelle osservate al Piccolo Meridiano di Arcetri. A. N. 179 (25). 70S0 CATALOGUES OF POSI- TION FROM VISUAL OBSERVATIONS. Katalog der astronomiachen Gesell- schaft. Abt. 1 : Katalog fiir 1875. Berichtigungen. Fiir die astronom. Gesellschaft besonders abgedruckt aus dem v. der kgl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften hrsg. Fehlerverzeichnis zu den Sternkatalogen des 18. u. 19. Jahrh. — Abt. 2 : Katalog der Sterne bis zur 9. Grosse zwischen 2° u. 23° siidl. Deklination f. das Aequinoktium 1900. Stiick 4 : SMnner, A. N. : Catalogue of 8824 stars between 13° 50' and 18° 10' of south declination 1855 for the equinox 1900 from observations with the I'istor and Martins transit circle at the United States naval observatory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. during the years 1894 to 1905. Published by the Astronom. Gesellschaft. Leipzig (W. Engelmann) 1908 (343-376 23 + 180). 8vo. 32 x 24 cm. 1 M. 15 M. Stars near the North Pole. Cam- bridge Mass. Ann. Obs. Harvard Coll. 48 [1902?] (1-37 with pi. tabs.), Greenwich Royal Observatory. Catalogue of concluded mean right ascensions and north polar distances for 19100 of fundamental and zodiacal stars observed with the transit-circle in the year 1907, with the precessions, secular variations, and adopted proper motions for 19100. Gr. 0. 1907 ({107|-{120}). Second nine-year catalogue i of stai-s for the epoch 1 9000 from ob- servations with the transit-circle made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, [with] deduced proper motions. Edin- burgh (Neill & Co.) 1909 (22 -f 83 + {ccxlii} -f [63]). 33 cm. 13s. 6d. London, Royal Astronomical Society, Council of. Star catalogues. M. N. 70 (.373-376). Abetti. Ascensioni rette di 140 stelle. A.N. 183(177). Baillaud. Catalogue meridien de I'Observatoire de Bordeaux (Analyse). C. R. 146 (1487). Boccardi. 14343. Ascensioni rette di alcune stelle fondamentali del cata- logo di Newcomb. rixed Stars. 213 7050 Boccardi. 14349. Osservazioni di ascensioui rette eaeguite nel R. Osser- vatorio di Torino uegli anui l'J04-06. Oaservazioiii di ascensioni rette. Torino, 1908. [Rivista.] B. A. 26 (190). Hirayama. 14959. Declination and proper motions of 246 stars. Lorenzoni. 15180. Relazioni sulia Memoria del prof. A. Antoniazzi inti- tolata : Posizioni niedie pel 19()0'0 di 637 stelle della zona da 40° a 55^ di declinazione boreale osservate al Circolo Meridiano della specola di Padova. Oertel. 15432a. Katalog von .1436 Sternen, hauptsiichlicli Zenitsternen. Nacli Beobachtungen am Repsoldschen Meridiankreis, ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1894-1901. 7040 CATALOGUES OF POSI- TION FROM PHOTOGRAPHIC MEASURES, eg., ASTKO- GRAPHIC CATALOGUE. The aatrographic conference at Paris. Nature London 80 1909 (442-443). Catania, Osservatorio. Catalogo As- trofotografico 1900.0 — Zona Catania + 46° + 55°. S, I, declinazione + 50° + 52°, asc. : retta 0** — S"". Catania (Gian- notta) 1907 (1-143 con 1 Tav.). 30 cm. London, Royal Astronomical Society, Council of. The astrographic chart and catalogue. M. N. 70 (376-377). Abetti. Calcolo della posizione media 1900.0 di una stella del Catalogo Astro- grafico di Greenwich. S. S. 1. 38 (1). BieM. 14326. Photographische Him- melskarte. Zone + 31° bis + 40° De- klination. Boccardi. 14348. Sur un projet de catalogation intensive. Donner. 14634. [Bericht iiber den Fortschritt der astrophotographischen Arbeiten auf der Sternwarte zu Helsing- fors vom Juni 1906 bis Mai 1907.] (Schwedisch.) H[ollis]. 14973. The astrographic chart conference. Pickering. Missing Durchmusterung stars. Harv. C. 128 (1). 7050 COMPARISON AND DIS- CUSSION OF CATALOGUES OF POSITION. Katalog der astronomischen Qe- sellschaft. Abt. 1 : Katalog fiir 1875. Berichtigungen. Fiir die astronom. Gesellschaft besondors abgedruckt aus dem V. der kgl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften hrsg. Fehlerverzeichnis zu den Sternkatalogen des 18. u. 19. Jahrb, — Abt. 2 : Katalog der Sterne bis zur 9. GriJsse zwisclien 2" u. 23° siidl. Deklination f. das Aequinoktium 1900. Stiick 4: Skinner, A. N. : Cata- logue of 8824 stars between 13° 50' and 18° 10' of south declination 1855 for the equinox 1900 from observations with the Pistor and Martins transit circle at the United States naval ob-^ servatory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., during the years 1894 to 1905. Pub- lished by the Astronom. Gesellschaft. Leipzig (W. Engelmann) 1908 (343- 376 23 + 180). 8vo. 32 x 24 cm. 1 M. 15 M. Abetti and KUstner. Bemerkungen iiber die Sterne BD + 15^ 612a und + 15 613. A.N. 183(289). Banachiewicz. Note concernant I'etoile BD -f- 19° 2095. A. N. 179 (59). Biesbroeck. Notiz betr. BD -\- 56° 2292. A. N. 179 (223). Boccardi. 14350. Ricerche su i cata- loghi di steUe. Innes. Corrections to the BD. A. N. 180 (343). Koss. Sterne aus der BD, Zone — 1° und - 0°, Forts, zu Nr. 4225. A. N. 179(225); 183(111). KUstner. Bemerkungen zur Bonner Durchmusterung. A. N.*180 (239). Luther. Notiz betreffend drei Sterne der Bonner Durchmusterung. A. N. 180 (247). Norlund. Bestimmung der Rektas- zensiouen von 184 Sternen mit dem Passageninstrument der Kopenhagener Universitats-Sternwarte. A. N. 183 (49). Sperra. Variability of BD -1- 38° 2798 - 5. 1909 Herculis. A. J. 180 (215). Fixed Stars. 214 7060 7060 PROPER MOTION. London, Royal Astronomical Societv, Council of. Stellar distribution and drift. M. X. 70 (3o9-361J. Beljawsky. Apex- und Vertexbestini- raung ans den Porterscben Sternen (Cine. Publ. li^j. A. X. 179 (29.3j. Bemporad. Moti propri e rettifiche risultanti dal confronto del catalogo astrofotogralico di Catania con altri cataloghi. S. S. J. 38 C202). Comstock. 14528. Proper motions of faint stars. Hardcastle. 14907. Migrating stars. Hertzspnmg. 1 4948. On new mem- bers of tlie system of the stars )3, 7, 8, e, ? Ursae Majoris. Hnatek. Eigenbewegungen von 53 Sternen. A. X. 179 fl27). Ludendorff. Die Radialgeschwindig- keiten von )3, e, ^ Ursae majoris und iiber die Bewegung und Parallaxe der sieben Hauptsteme des Grossen Baren. A. X. 180 (2G5j. Pickering. A. G. C. 6886. Star having a large proper motion. Harv. C. 105 (2). Porter. The proper motion of the starB. D.— 21° 1377. A. J. 25 (152j. Ristenpart. Zweites Verzeichnis bis- lang nnljekannter Eigenbewegungen. A. X. 179 f49j. Rudolph. Bestimmung von Apex und Vertex aus den Sternen des Bradlevschen Katalogs. A. X. 183 (Ij. Turner. La distribution dans I'espace des mouvements propres considerables. C. R. 148 r]032,/. Second note on the number of faint stars with large i^roper motions. M.X. 69(491). On the diagrammatic repre- sentation of proper motion. M. X. 70 (204). 7070 PARALLAX. Abetti. Determinazione preliminare della parallasse di 61 Cygni. S. S. L 37 (146). Bailey. 14214. The Yale parallaxes. [Review.] Bergstrand. Bemerkungen zu dem Bohlinschen Parallaxenbestimmungen, A. X. 4240. A. X. 179 (367). Bigourdan. Catalogue de parallaxes stelhiires. B. A. 26 (291). Campbell. A remarkable star-stream in Taurus. A. S. P. 20 (277). Chase. The parallax of 61 Cygni. A. ,J. 25 (141;. Smith and Elkin. 14492- Parallax investigations on 163 stars mainly^ of large proper motion. (Re- searches with the heliometer.) Doberck. On the hypothetical jmral- laxes of double stars. A. X. 179 (299). Kapteyn and Sitter. 15038. The parallaxes of 3,650 stars of different galactic latitudes derived from photo- grajDhic plates prepared by Prof. Anders Donner, measured and discussed by . . With an appendix containing rules for the treatment of parallax-plates and a graphical table of parallax- coefficients. 15039 : The parallax of the Hyades derived from photographic plates prepared by Anders Donner at Helsingfors and F. Kiistner at Bonn measured and discussed. Ludendorf. Die Radialgeschwindig- keiten von 0, e, ^ Ursae majoris und liber die Bewegung und Parallaxe der sieben Hauptsteme des Grossen Baren. A. X. 180(265). Smith. Parallax of a Geuiinorum and ff Draconis. A. J. 25 fl49). Stromberg. Parallaxe des Sterns 23 H Camelopardi. A. X. 179 (365). Tucker. Meridian circle observations of parallax stars. Lick B. 129 (187). 7080 MAGNITUDE. Bell. Xote on Mr. W. S. Fianks' analvsis of the colours and magnitudes of 3,630 stars. M. N. 69 (420). Comstock. The luminositv of the brightest stars. Ap. J. 23 (248). The luminosity of the fixed stars. A. J. 25 (169). Heinrich. Photographische Messung von Sternhelligkeiten der Coma Be- renices. A. N. 183(299). Double Stars. 215 7510 MUUer uiul Kempf. Zusammenliang der Faiben und Grossen der Sterne uiid die Beziehungen der Sternfarben zur Milchstrasse. A. N. 180 (249). Pickering. A systematic study of faint stars. Harv. C. 108 (1 ). Photographs of faint stars. Harv. C. 123 (1). • Standard steUar magni- tudes. Harv. C. 125 (1). Standard stellar magni- tudes. P. A. 15 (303). 15519. The light of the stars. Plassmann. 15598. Die Helligkeit von Sternpaaren. Schwarzschild. 15778. Die Farben- tonung der Sterne. Turner. A proposal for the com])a ri- sen of the stellar magnitude scales M. N. 69 (392). 7120 COLOUR (INTEGRATED LIGHT). Appendix to No. 2. [Vol. 56, Aunals of Harvard College Observatory.] [Stars having spectra of Class B.] Cambi'idge Mass. Ann. Harvard Coll. Obs. [56, 1905 ?] (39-40 with taljs.). Barnard. The crimson star BD + 43^ 53. A. N. 180 (159). Bell. Note on Mr. W. S. Franks' analysis of the colours and magnitudes of 3,630 stars. M. N. 69 (420). Bergstrand. Sur la determination photographique des couleurs des ^toiles. C. R. 148 (1079). Franks. Star colours and spectral types. M. N. 70 (187). MtiUer und Kempf. Zusaramenhang der Farben und Grossen der Sterne und die Beziehungen der Sternfarben zur Milchstrasse. A. N. 180 (249). Farkhurst and Jordan. The photo- graphic determination of star-colors and their relation to spectral type. Ap. J. 27 (169). 7140 RADIATION. Guillaume. 14861. Les etats de la matiere. Wilsing und Scheiner. Temperatur- ])estinunung von 109 lielleren Stprnen aus spektralphotometrischen Beobach- tungen. A. J. 188 (;97). 7160 DISTRIBUTION IN HEAVENS. ACCORDING TO NUMBER, MAGNITUDE, COLOUR, Etc. Kovesligethy. 15076. Der Sternen- himmel. ( I'ngariscli ) Macpherson. 'I'lie distribution of the star.s. P. A. 15 (100). Muller und Kempf. Ziisammenhang der Farben luid ( i rossen der Sterne und die Beziehungen der Sternfarl^en zur Milchstrasse. A. N. 180 (249). Pickering. Distribution of the stars. A. N. 180 (147). ■ Distril)ution of the stars. Harv. C. 147 (1). Wilson. The number and distribution of the stars in the vicinity of the Pleiades. P. A. 15 (193). 7500 DOUBLE STARS AND MULTIPLE STARS- London, Royal Astronomical Society, Council of. Double stars. M. N. 70 (355-357). Burnham. The double stars discovered at the Dearborn observatory by Professor George W. Hough. P. A. 15 (624). Dale. A method of douhle-star measurement. M. N. 69 (629). Doberck. On the hvpothetical paral- laxes of double stars. ' A. N. 179 (299). Innes. 15005. The relative atmo- spheric efficiency of telescopes. Lau. Systematische Fehler bei Dop- pelsternmesBungen. A. N. 180 (17). 7510 OBSERVATIONS (VISUAL AND PHOTOGRAPHIC). Greenwich Roy'al Observatory. Mi- crometric measures of double stars made with the 28-inch refractor in the year 1907. Gr. 0. 1907 (111-137). Aitken. Note on the binary star K Scorpii. A. S. P. 20 (290). Barnard. Observations of three new double stars and four new nebulae. A. N. 180 (159). Double Stars. 216 7510 Bumham. Double star measures. A. X. 180 (65). Doberck. Sir William Herschel's observations of distances between the components of close double stars. A. N. 180 (155). Espin. Micrometrical measures of double stars (seventh series). AI. N. 70 (237). Greenwich Royal Observatory. Re- sults of micrometer measures of double stars made with the 28-inch refractor in the year 1908. M. X. 69 (588). Hertzspnmg. Alikrometermessungen von Doppelstemen. A. N. 180 (39). Hough. Doolittle's measures of Hough double stars. P. A. 16 (478). Jonckheere. 1502-Ia. Mesures de quelques etoiies doubles faites avec le petit refracteur de I'Obsen'atoire de Strasbourg. Lau. Mikrometermessungen von Dop- pelstemen. A. X. 179 (101). und Luplau-Janssen. Mi- krometermessungen von Doppelstemen. A. X. 180 (297) ; 183(145). Lohse. 15176. Doppelsterne. Merlin. 15300. Observations d'etoiles doubles effectuees a 1' equatorial de 38 centimetres en 1906 et 1907. Morgan. Observations of double stars, made at the Morrison observatory-. A. J. 25 (142). Nangle. 15384. The star p Eri- dani. Phillips. 15508. Micrometer mea- sures of double stars made at ,St. George's cottage, Ashtead, Surrey. Plassmann. 15598. Die Helligkeit von Sternpaaren. Przybyllok. 15637. Mikrometrische Messungen von Doppelstemen. Roe. Measures of double stars. A. X. 183 (197). SchiapareUi. 15744. Misure di stelle doppie eseguite nel R. Osservatorio di Brera in Milano col refrattore di 18 poliici Merz-Repsold negli anni 1886-1900. Stebbins. 15829. Photometric obser- vations of double stars. 7520 LISTS. CATALOGUES. COLOURS OF DOUBLE STARS. SPECTROSCOPIC BINARY SYSTEMS. SPECTROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS OF VISUAL BINARY SYSTEMS. INVISIBLE COilPANIOXS. DISTRIBUTION IN HEAVENS ACCORDING TO NUMBER, MAGNITUDE, COLOUR, Etc. Aitken. A new binarv star. A. S. P. 20 (291). Discovery and measures of three hundred and fifty new double stars. Lick B. 93 (4j. Two hundred and fifty new double stars. Tenth list. Lick B. 109 (101). — Two hundred new double stars. Lick B. 125 (166). New double stars from the Astronomische Gesellschaft catalogues. LickB. 125 (170). One hundred new double stars. Twelfth list. Lick B. 134 (28). One hundred new double stars. Thirteenth list. Lick B. 144 (55). One hundred new double stars. Fourteenth list. Lick B. 158 (115). Espin. New double stars. M. N. 69 (604). Xew double stars. M. X. 70 (237j. Hussey. Observations of one hundred and twenty-seven new double stars. Twelfth catalogue. Lick B. 117 (124j. Scheiner. 15738. Katalog von Dop- pelstenieu der photographischen Him- melskarte aus der Zone von -j- 31° bis + 40° Deklination. SchiapareUi. 15744. Misure di stelle doppie eseguite nel R. Osservatorio di Brera in Milano col refrattore di 18 poliici Merz-Repsold negli anni 1886-1900. 7530 DISCUSSION OF ORBITS. DIMEXSIONS, MASS ' AND DISTANCE OF BINARY SYSTEilS. Aitken. Note on the binary star $ Scorpii. A. S. P. 20 (290). Variable Stars, 217 7600 Aitken. Tlie <)rl)it of /3 (ill*. Lick B. 101 (75). The orbit of Ho 212 = 11', Ceti. Lick B. 110 (107). New orbit of /3 012. T-ick B. 141 (-13). Balanovsky. Orbite de Tetoile (louhlc iS 91)2 = 2(J Draeonis. A. N. 179 (301). Bums. Orbit of the spectrosooj)ic binary A Andromedae. Lick B. 105 (87). Doberck. On the orbit of 42 Coinae Berenices = 2 1728. A. N. 179 (55). On the poles of double- star orbits. A. N. 179 (299). On the orbit of tj Cassio- peiae. (Continued from A. N. 3743.) A.N. 179 (38.3). On the orbit of y Coronae borealis. (Continued from A. N. 4041.) A. N. 179 (385). • Sir William Ilerschers ob- servations of distances between the com- ponents of close double stars. A. N. 180 (155). On the orbit of 2 1708. A. N. 183 (233). Lohse. 1 51 70. Doppelsteme. Nangle. 15385. Provisional orbit orilie double star p Eridani. 15386: The double star Lacaille 2145 (Brisbane 1137, Taylor 2325). Roberts. 15694. The increasing period of certain close binary stars. Roseby. 15700. The mystery of a Crucis. 7600 VARIABLE STARS, IN- CLUDING NEW AND LOST STARS. London, Royal Astronomical Socif:ty, Council of. Variable stars. M. N. 70 (357-359). Anderson. New variable star 127. 1908 Aquarii. A. N. 179 (163). Astbury, T. H. Note on 20. 1900 Vulpeculae. A. N. 179 (363). Astbury, F. N. The Algol variable 16. 1908 Vulpeculae. A. N. 183 (221). BaiUaud. Nouvelle etoile variable a. tres courte periode decouverte a I'Obser- vatoire de Paris. C. R. 147 (230). Banacbiewlcz. 142.30. L'etoile vari- able l; W (ill Hoeuf. (Polish.) Barnard, K. E. On the change in the j)hysicai condition of Nova Persei in the fall of 1902 and afterwards. A. N. 179 ( 1 99). Barnard, R. J. A. Note on the Algol system. A p. J. 23 (400). Barr. The study of variable stars. P. A. 15 (217). Bemporad. Osservazioni fotome- triche eseguite neH'Osaervatorio di Catania nel triennio 1904-00. S. S. I. 37 (12 90); nel 1907. op. cit. 38 1909 (21-30); nel 1908. t.c. (114 164). Osservazioni fotometriche eseguite nel R. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania nel 1907 da A. Bemporad e A. Cavasino, elal)orate e discusse du A. Bemporad. S. S. L 38 (9). 14301. Invito all'osser- vazione delle variabili. Biesbroeck, Van. 14327. L'^tude des etoiles variables. BUt, van der. Notiz iiber 21. 1909 Andromedae (BD + 32° 4750). A. N. 183 (123). 14333. The variable star U Geminorum. Bohlin. Nova Q Cygni. A. N. 179 (22). Brown. The long-period variable RT Cvgui (Ch. 7085) in 1908 and 1909. M. N.'69 (585) ; 70 (229). Campbell. 14410. Observations of seventy-five variable stars of long period during the years 1902-1905. 14417: CJomparison stars for 252 variables of long period. Cannon. 14448. Second catalogue of variable stars. Oeraski. Deux variables nouvelles. [139. 1908 Lyrae; 140. 1908 Sagittarii.] A. N. 179 (47). Una variable nouvelle 141. 1908 Draconis. A. N. 179 (8.3). Deux variables nouvelles. [174. 1908 Herculis; 175. 1908 Cygni.] A. N. 179 (291). line variable nouvelle 2. 1909 Andromedae. A. N. 180 (119). Line variable nouvelle 3. 1909 Cephei. A. N. 180 (167). Variable Stars. 218 7600 Ceraski. Une variable nouvelle 4. 1909 Cephei. A. N. 180 (215). • Note sur un astre qui est probablement uiie etoile variable (44. 1909 Ursae niajoris). A. N. 183 (109). • Une variable nouvelle 40. 1909 Pegasi. A. N. 183 (207). Une variable nouvelle 5. 1910 Pegasi. A. N. 183 (307). Chevalier. 14498. Minima de la variable T Andromede avec une etude Rur les grandeurs photographiques dee etoilea voisines. Cxirtiss. On the orlntal elements of Algol. Ap. J. 28 (150). Duncan. The orbits of the Cepheid variables Y Sagittarii and RT Aurigae ; with a discussion of the possible causes of this type of stellar variation. Lick B. 151 (82). Dun^r, Hartwig, Muller. Benen- nungen von neu entdeckten verander- lichen Sternen. (Forts, aus Xo. 4212.) A. X. 179 (85). Enebo. Xeuer Veranderlicher 142. 1908 Cassiopejae-. A. N. 179 (83). • Xotiz betr. SS Ursae majoris. A. X. 179 (131). ; Bestatigung der Verander- lichkeit einiger neu entdeckten Veran- deriichen. A. N. 180 (63). X'otiz betreffend SS Auri- gae. A. X. 180(183). ■ Genaherte Elemente fiir zwei neue Algolsterne. A. X. 180 Drei Algolsterne. A. N^. Fleming'. 14756. A photographic study of variable stars, forming a part of the Henry Draper memorial. Gore. 14837. Variable stars near 51 Messier. Grover. 14852. Report of the Rousdon Observatory, East Devon. Observations of long-period variable stars during the year 1908. Guthnick. Ueber die Antalgolsteme ST Virginia und ST Ophiuchi. ST Ophiuchi — ein bemerkenswerter Spezial- fall. A. X. 179 (181). Hagen. 14875. Ein Lehrbuch der veranderlichen Sterne. Hartwig. Ueber den neuen Antal- golstern ST Virginis. A. N. 179 (77). Var. 31. 1907 Aurigae. A. X. 179 (83). MittP.ilung iiber SS (31. 1907) Aurigae. A. X. 180 (375). 14918. Epherneriden ver- anderlicher Sterne fiir 1909 u. 1910. Ichinolie. On the variable star RY Cassiopeiae. A. J. 25 (140). On the period and light- curve of the variable star 122. 1906 Ceti. A. X. 179 (279). The period and light curve of the varial)le star RU Camelopardalia. A. X. 180 (363). On the variable star u Herculis. A. X. 183 (193). Innes. Magnitude of tj Argus, 1909. M. X. 69 (632). Eobold. Xeuer V'^eranderlicher 143. 1908 Persei. A. X. 179 (175). R Coronae borealis. A.N. 180 (47). Weitere Bemerkungen be- treffend Var. 6. 1909 Ursae majoris und die Aufnahmen des Xebels Messier 101. A. X. 180 (295). Neuer Veranderlicher 2. 1910 Pegasi. A. N. 183 (263). EoU. Die mutmassliche Verander- lichkeit des Sterns BD + 19° 3089. A. X. 179 (29). KohlscMtter. Photographische Hel- ligkeitsmessungen der Veranderlichen tj Aquilae. A. X. 183 (265j. Eopff. Notiz iiber den Veranderlichen 142. 1908 Cassiopejae. A. X. 179 (147). Beobachtungen des Algol- variablen21. 1909 Andromedae (BD + 32° 4756). A. N. 183 (109). [KUstner.] Neuer Veranderlicher 1. 1910 Pegasi. A.N. 183 (237). Landwehr. 15131. Das Mira-Maxi- nium 1908. Lau. 15135. Les variables S Fleche et SZ Cygne. Leavitt. 15143. 1777 variables in the Magellanic clouds. 15144 : Ten variable stars of the Algol type. Variable Stars. 210 7600 Lebedew. L'imposaibilito de demon- trer rexistenco d'uiie dispersion appre- cia))le de la liimicre dans I'pspace iiiter- stellaire par la metiiode Nordiiiaiin- Tikhoff. C. R. 147 (515). Lohnert 15175. Boohachtungen veriinderliclier Sterne von Aug. 11)05 bis Okt. 190G. Ludendorff. 15200. Der veriinder- liche Stern R Coronae borealis. Luizet. Elements provisoires de deux etoiles variables nouvelles. A. N. 179 (KJl). Nouvelle etoile variable 173. 190« Aurigae. A. N. 179 (225). Nouveaux elements et courbe de lumiere de I'etoile variable RV Ursae majoris (BD + 5-4° 1607). A.N. 179(321). Maximum de I'etoile RU Herculis. A. N. 179 (363). Elements provisoires des deux etoiles variables nouvelles 13. 1908 Lacertae et 52. 190(S Cierminorum. A. N. 180 (215). Elements provisoii-es de I'etoile variable 176. 1907 Herculis (BD + 17° 3117). A. N. 183 (223). Sur la variation lumineuse de I'etoile SX Cassiopee (BD + 51°, 7). B. A. 26 (278). Observations, elements et courbe de lumiere de I'etoile variable VZ Cygne (BD + 42°, 4233). B. A. 26 (282). 15205. Observations et courbe de I'etoile variable )3 lyre (Ch. 6758). 15206 : Sur I'etoile variable S Fleche (Ch. 7149). 15206a : Sur I'etoile variable RY Cassiopee. 15206b : Observations, nouveaux elements et courbe de lumiere de I'etoile variable XX Cygne. 15212: Observations noai- veaux elements et courbe de lumiere de I'etoile variable 139. 1907 Grande Ourse (BD + 54°, 1607). 15213: Sur I'etoile [variable] SV Cassiopee (BD + 51°, 3676). Luther. 143. 1908 Persei. A. N. 179 (195). Yar. 9. 1904 Orionis. A. N. 180 (247). Beobachtungen des Yer- Luther. Lichtkurve und Maxima vonZCrti. A. N. 180(369). Maddrill. Nova Aquiiae No. 2. Lick B. 104 (86). Markwick. 15272. Variable star section Interim report No. 24. The variable star SS Cygni (Ch. 7793) in 1908. No. 25. Long period variables in 1908. No. 26. Seven irregular variables in 1908. No. 27. On the influence of change of instrument in the observation of variable stars. MUUer. ]537(). Der Fortgang der Arbeiten an dem Katalog der veriinder- lichen Steriie. uml Kempf. Ein neuer Veranderlicher 1. 1909 Ursae majoris (BD + 62" 1224). A. N. 180 (111). MUnch. Gelegentliche photometrische Beobachtungen einiger veranderlicher Sterne. A. N. 183 (73). Nijland. Notiz uber SS Aurigae. A. N. 179 (157). Beobachtungen der Nova Persei Nr. 2. A. N. 180 (117). Beoliachtungen von SS Cygni. A. N. 180(133). Der Algolvariable SY An- dromedae. A. N. 180 (167). Beobachtungen von lang- periodischen Yariablen. A. N. 180 (201). Var. RX Andromedae, A. N. 183 (15). ■ Notizen iiber eiuige dem Algoltypus angehorige veranderliche Sterne. A. N. 183 (281). Die Periode des Algol- sterns Y Camelopardalis. A. N. 183 (283). 15406. Die veranderlichen Sterne der U Geminorum Gruppe. (HoUiindiscb.) 15409 : Das Spektrum der Algolveranderlichen. (Hollandisch.) 15408 : [Beobachtungen von X Cygni [In Utrecht 1909] (Hollandisch.) 15409 : Die Veranderliche RX Andromedae [1909 in Utrecht] (Hollandisch.) Nordmann. Observation de minima de /3 Persei, et corrections a apporter aux ephemerides. A. N. 179 (95). L'espace celeste est-il dia- anderlichen Z Ceti. A. N. 180 (369). persif ? B. A. 26 (5) Variable Stars. 220 7600 Nordmann. Sur diversps particularites nouvelles des etoiles variables a courte periode ; methode permettant de dis- tinguer leiirs effets de ceux de la disper- sion dans le vide. C. R. 147 (24). Remarqiies sur una Note Pickering. Twenty-two new variable stars in Carina. Harv. C. 116 (1). A Durchmusterung of variable stars. Harv. C. 116 (1). 183930. A new Algol recente de ^I. I.iebedew relative a la dispersion dans le vide interstellaire. C. R. 147 f62(J). OUvier. o Ceti. A. J. 25 (197). Parkhurst. Photographic light curve of the variable star SU Cassiopeiae. Ap. J. 28 1278). variable. 30' 16169. H 1236. Harv. C. 117 (1). Thirtv-one new variable stars. Harv. C. 120 (1). 105853. Nova Velorum. H 1268. Harv. C. 121 (2). Thirty-six new variable nd Jordan. Photographic stars. Harv. C. 122 (1) photometry of short-period variable Btars. Ap. J. 23 (79). Pearson. On some points with re- gard to the light fluctuation of variable stars. A rejoinder to Mr. H. C. Plummer's criticisms. M.N. 69 (573). A last word on the corre- lation of variable stars. M. N. 70 (228). P^ridier. 15488. Le maximum de Mira Ceti en 1906. Pickering. 10 new variable stars in Harvard xMap, Nos. 4 and 13. A. N. 179 (39). A new variable 43. 1908 Sculptoris of the class of fi Lvrae. A. N. 179 (121). 29 new variable stars near Nova Sagittarii. A. X. 179 (123). 28 new variable stars in Harvard Map, Nos. 30 and .33. A. N. 179 (15). The variable SS Cygni. A. N. 179 (163j. Stars having peculiar spectra. 28 new variable stars. A. N. 179 (191). H. 1174. A new Algol variable, 035727. Harv. C. 104 (1). H. 1175. Nova Aquilae, No. 2, 185604. Harv. C. 106 (1). Twenty-five new variable stars. Harv. C. 107 (2). Stars having peculiar spectra. 13 new variable stars. Harv. C. Ill (1). Variable stars of long period. Harv. C. 112 (1). The Algol variable f 41° 851. 041342. Harv. C. 114 (1). Stars having peculiar spectra. IS new variable stars. Harv. C. 124 (1). Two variables discovered by M. Baillaud. Harv. C. 126 (1). New variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 3 and 6. Harv. C. 127 (1). Missing Durchmusterung stars. Harv. C. 128 (1). 15 new variable stars in Harvard maps, Nos. 31 and 62. Harv. C. 129 (1). 71 new variable stars in Harvard maps, Nos. 9, 12, 21, 48, and 51. Harv. C. 130 (1). Group of red stars near Nova Velorum. Han-. C. 131 (2). Stars having peculiar spectra. 15 new varialjle stars. Harv. C. 132 (1). 15 new variable stare in Harvard maps, Nos. 15, 18, and 27. Harv. C. 133 (2). • 16 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 37 and 46. Harv. C. 134 (1). 25 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 24, 36, and 42. Harv. C. 135 (1). 25 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 31 and 43. Harv. 0. 137 (1). 060547. The variable star 31, 1907. Harv. C. 138 (1). —26'' 179. A new variable of the class of 0 Lyrae. 003226. Harv. C. 139 (1). Variable Stars. 221 7600 Pickering. 16 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 1 and 13. Harv. C. 140 (1). 29 new variable stars near Nova Sagittarii. Harv. C. 141 (I). 28 new variable stars in Harvard map, Nos. 30 and 33. Harv. C. 142(1). Stars having peculiar 2S new variable stars. Harv. Sperra. Preliminary nole uji iho observation of several Harvard varialile stars discovered in J 907. P. A. 16 (488). An iulditional note on the spectra. C. 143 (1). Fifteen new variable stars in Harvard maps, Nos. 15, IS, and 27. P. A. 15 (617). Flassmann. Notiz betr. ST Ophiuchi. A. N. 179 (213). 15601, Neues liber den Lichtwechsel der Fixsterne . Plummer. On correlation and the characters of variable stars, in reply to Professor Karl Pearson. M. N. 69 (348) ; 70 (4). Note on the observed time of minimum of an Algol variable star. M. N. 69 (417). Fradka. Beobachtungen von veriin- derlichen Sternen. A. N. 179 (189). 15626. Photometrische Beobachtungen der veraenderlichen Sterne. Teil I. (Cechisch.) Quignon. 15643. Mira Ceti (806 Chandler). Elstenpart. Genauere Periode des Veranderlichen Y Leonis. A. N. 179 (129). Roberts. 15695. Variable stars re- search. Roy. R Coronae borealis. A. N. 180 (15). ■ Ein HauiDtminimum von 68 u Herculis. A. N. 183 (171). 15702. Sur I'oljservation des etoiles variables. Silbemagel. Neuer Veranderlicher 45.1909 Piscium. A. N. 183 (205j. Sperra. Variability of BD + 38° 2798 = 5. 1909 Herculis. A. N. 180 (215). Variability of BD + 35° 4699 and + 35= 4704. A. N. 183 (287). Observations of variable stars. No. 11. A. J. 26(18). observation of 43 and 45. 1907 Draconis. P. A. 16 (569). Stebbins. The light-curve of S Cephei. Ap. J. 27 (188). Stein. La disiDersion apparente de la lumiere dans I'espace interstellaire et I'hypothese de M. Lebedew. C. R. 147 (228). On the relation between period and density of an Algol varial)]e. M. N. 69 (449J. Tass. Vorliiufige Mitteilung der-Re- sultate photometrischer Beobachtungen veranderlicher Sterne. A. N. 179 (33). Photometrische Beobach- tungen veranderlicher Sterne mit einem Keilphotonieter. A. N. 179 (341). Tikhoff. Remarques pour la Note de Jl. Lebedew : Lii dispersion api)arente de la lumiere dans I'espace interstellaire. C. R. 147 (170). Recherches nouvelles sur I'absorption selective et la diffusion de la lumiere dans les espaces interstel- laires. C. R. 148 (266). Townley. Observations of variable stars. Lick B. 95 (38). Turner. Confirmation of the varia- bility of 26. 1900 Vulpeculae. [Nebst Zusatz von [Heinrich] Kro]b[oldJ.l A. N. 179 (225). The new variable 2. 1909 Andromedae. A. N. 180 (183). Voute. Der veriinderliche Stern 158. 1908 Draconis. A. N. 183 (171). Whiteside. Maxima of long-period varialjles. A. J. 25 (139 183) ; 26 (17). WMtney. Maxima and minima of long-period variables during 1906-7. A. J. 25 (198). SS Cygni. A. N. 180 (47). New variable 43. 1909 Draconis. A. N. 183 (47). Variable star 43. 1909 Draconis. A. N. 183 (207). Williams. Notes on some long-period Variable stars. A.. J. 25 (151). Variable Stars. s Wolf. Var 0. 1909 Ursae majoris. A. X. 180 (245). Var G. 1909 Ursae majoris. A. X. 180 (37.5). YendelL On a missing DM star in Taurus (15" 629), a = 4" 19" 53 5 ; J = +15° ^8'.4 (1855). A. J. 25 (140). 7700 STAR CLUSTERS. Star clusters M 13 Herculis and M 12 Ophiuchi from Keeler memorial album. Knowledge and Sci. News London 7 (N. Ser.) 1910 (48). Boss. Convergent of a moving cluster in Taurus. A. J. 26 (31). LaMts. 15122. Stemhaufen und Nebelflecke. (Ungarisch.) Perrine. Some results derived from photographs of the brighter globular star clusters. Lick B. 155 (102). Pingsdorf. 15590. Der Sternhaufen in der Cassiopeia Messier 52. Diss. Young. 16049. Rutherfurd photo- graphs of the stellar clusters h and % Persei. 7800 SEBUL.^. The dimensions of the Andromeda nebula. Pop. Astr. Northfield Minn. 16 1908 (197). The Xebula H. V 30. Orionis, from Keeler memorial album. Knowledge and Sci. News London 6 (X. Ser.) 1909 (plate facing p. 224). Barnard. 14254. Observations of four new nebulae. A. N. 180 (159). A great photographic nebula near it and 5 Scorpii. Ap. J. 23 (144). 14249. Un champ nebu- leux dans la constellation du Taureau. Corrigan. Theoretical parallax of the great nebula in Andromeda. P. A. 16 (256\ Espin. Bumham's nebula near 63 Cvgni. (N. G. C. 7026). M. N. 70 (184). Hubs. 14994. Olier die Parallaxen der Nebel G. C. 4964 und N. G. C. 7027. '2 7600 Eobold. Weitere Bemerkungen be- treffend Var. 0. 1909 Ursae majoris und die Aufnahmen der Nebels Messier 101. A. X. 180 (295). Winnecke uud Schur. 15072. Beobachtungen von X^ebelflecken ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1880-1902 am 18-zolligen Refraktor der neuen Stern- warte. Lakits. 15122. Sternhaufen und Nebelflecke. (Ungarisch) Perrine. Discovery of many small nebulae near some of the globular star clusters. A. S. P. 20 (237). Roberts-Klumpke. 15696. Tableau synoptique des nelndeuses des Her- schels. Winnecke. 16004. Beobachtungen von Xebelfleckea ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1875-80 am 6-zolligen Refraktor der provisorischen Sternwarte. Wolf. Uber einen grosseren Nebel- fieck in Cetus. A. N. 183 (187). • 16007 A. Konigstuhl-Ne- bel-Liste 8. Mittlere Oerter, Beschrei- bung und Helligkeitsvergleichung von 770 Xebelfleckeu bei + 3.3° 2174 Ursae. 16008 : Die Klassifizierung der kleinen Nebelflecken. 7900 MJLKY WAY. Gore. 14835. The milkv wav. STELLAR SPECTROSCOPY {STARS, NEFjUL.E, CLUSTERS). 8000 GEXERAL. (BOOKS, TREATISES.) London, Royal Astronojiical Society, Council of. Stellar spectroscopy in 1909. if. N. 70 (368-373). Henkel. 14943. Chemistry of the sun and stars. 8010 STARS. Appendix to No. 2. [Vol. 56, Annals of Harvard College Observatory.] [Stars having spectra of Class B.] Cambridge Mass. Ann. Harvard Coll. Obs. [56 1905 ?] (39-40 with tabs.). Harper, -n Virginis. Ap. J. 27 (160). Plaskett. The star image in spectro- graphic work. 2. Ap. J. 27 (139). stellar Spectroscopy. 223 8400 8050 IDENTIFICATION OF ELE- MENTS. Lockyer et alii. On the origin of certain lines in tlie spectrum of e Orionis (Alnitam). M. N. 69 (658). 8080 Physical Constitution (Pressure, Temperature). Nordmann. Sur la temperature de 0 Pers^e. (J. R. 149 (6(J2). Wilsing und Schemer. Temperatur- bestimnunig von 10!) lielleren Sternen aus spektralpliotometrischen Beobach- tungen. A. N. 183 (97). 8100 Classification. Franks. Stars of spectrum type 0. M. N. 70 (47). Star colours and spectral types. M. N. 70 (187). Hertzsprung. Die Sterne der Unter- al)teilungen c und ac nach der Spektral- klassiiikation von Antonia C. Maury. A. N. 179 (373). Picketing. A 8i.xth type of stellar spectra. Harv. C. 145 (1). 8120 Study of special types of Spectra. Albrecht. Relation between stellar spectral types and the intensities of certain lines in the spectra. Lick B. 106 (90). Hale and Adams. Sun-spot lines in the spectra of red stars. Ap. J. 23 (400). Parkhurst and Jordan. The photo- graphic determination of star-coloars and their relation to spectral tvpe. Ap. J. 27 (169). Pickering. A sixth type of stellar spectra. A N. 179 (379). 8200 NEBUL.E AND CLUSTERS. Path. The spectra of some spiral nebulae and globular star clusters. [Diss. University of California.] Lick B. 149 (71). Lakits. 15122. Sternhaufen nnd Nebelflecke. (LTngarisch.) Snyder. 15820. Radium in spiral nebulae and in star clusters. Wolf. Einige Nebelspektren. A. N. 180(151). 8300 VARIABLE STARS, INCLUDING NEW STARS. Albrecht. A spectrographic study of the fourth class variable stars Y Ophiu- chi and T Vulpeculae. Lick B. 118 (130). Curtiss. On the orbital elements of Algol. Ap. .J. 28 (150). Fowler. Sjiectroscopic comparison of o Ceti with Titanium O.xide. M. N. 79 (503). Moore. The spectrum of Nova Aquilae No. 2. Lick B. 98 (69). Nijland. 15407. Das Spektrum der Algol veriiuderlichen. (Hollandisch.) Parkhurst. Photographic light-curve of the variable star SU Cassiopeiae. Ap. J. 28 (278). Pickering. Stars having peculiar spectra. 28 new variable stars. A. N. 179 (191). Stars having peculiar spec- tra. 15 new variable stars. Ap. J. 27 (80). Stars having peculiar spec- tra. 18 new variable stars. Harv. C. 124 (1). Comparison stars for U Geminorum. Harv. C. 136 (1). Schlesinger. 15756. The Algol- variable S Librae. and Curtiss. 15757. The orbit of Algol from observations made in 1906 and 1907. 8400 PECULIAR SPECTRA. Mitchell. The relation between the spectra of sun-spots and fourth-type stars. A.J. 23(211). Pickering. Stars having peculiar spectra. 28 new variable stars. A. N. 179 (191). A sixth type of stellar spectra. A N. 179 (379)' Stars having peculiar spec- tra. 15 new variable stars. Ap. J. 27 (80). Stars having peculiar spec- tra. 13 new variable stars. Harv. C. 111(1). stellar Spectroscopy. 224 8400 Pickering. Stars having peculiar spec- tra. 15 new variable stars. Harv. C. 132 (\). Stars having peculiar spec- tra. 28 new variable stars. Harv. C. 143 (I). 8500 MOTION IN THE LINE OF SIGHT. Comstock. A proposed method for the detenriination of radial velocities of stars. Ap. J. 23 (148j. Curtis. Three stars of great radial velocity. Lick B. 162 (1.33j. Goos. Die Bewegimg von o Persei in der Gesichtslinie. A. N. 180 (49;. Jordan. 1.5028. The radial velocities of four stars in Taurus. KUstner. Radial velocities of 99 stars of the second and third spectral classes observed at Bonn. A p. .J. 27 (301). Ludendorff. Bewegung des spektro- fckopischen Doppelsterns j3-Aurigae nebst Bemerkungen iiber das erweiterte Sy- stem Ursae majoris. A. N. 183 (113;. Palmer. A short method of comput- ing an approximate value of the reduc- tion to sun in radial velocity determina- tions. Lick B. 98 (70). Pickering. Deteitnination of radial motions by objective prisms. Harv. C. 110 (2). 8550 VARIABLE MOTION IN THE LINE OF SIGHT. Baker. 14221. The radial velocity .of f Ursae Majoris. Campbell. The radial velocity of Polaris. Lick B. 107 (98). 11 stars having variable radial velocities. Lick B. 146 f61\ and Moore. A list of four stars whose radial velocities are variable. Lick B. 98 f68j. A list of eight stars whose radial velocities are variable. Lick B. 107 (96). A list of six stars whose radial velocities vary. Lick B. 123 (161). Two stars whose radial velocities arp variable. Lick B. 123 (162). Curtis. Five stars having variable radial velocities. Lick B. 146 (60). Thirteen stars having vari- able radial velocities. Lick B. 164 (1.39). Frost. Spectrographic observations. Four stars with variable radial velocities. A p. J. 23 (264). Goos. Die Bewegung von o Persei in der Gesichtslinie. A. N. 180 (49). Jordan. The orbit of a Coroiiae Borealis. Ludendorff. Die Radialgeschwindig- keiten von )3, e, ( Ursae majoris und die Bewegung und Parallaxe der sieben Hauptsterne des Grossen Baren. A. N. 180 (26.5j. Moore. A list of four stars whose radial velocities are variable. Ap. J. 23 (263). Plaskett. Effect of increasing the slit-widtli upon the accuracy of radial velocity determinations. A p. J. 28 (259). Plummer. The radial velocity of a Orionis. A. S. P. 20 (227). Wright. A list of southern stars having variable radial velocities. Lick B. 107 (97j. The variable radial velo- city of Antares. Lick B. 107 (98). Two stars whose radial velocities are variable. Lick B. 123 (161). Two stars having variable radial velocities. Lick B. 146 (61). 8600 SPECTROSCOPIC BINARY AND MULTIPLE SYSTEMS. Aitken. The orbit of Ho 212 = 13 Ceti. Lick B. 110 (107). Baker. 14219. The orbit of 9 Aquilae. 14220 : The orbit of a Andromedae. 14222 : The orbits of the spectroscopic components of a Virginis. 14223 : The orbits of the spectroscopic components of u Herculis. 14224 : The orbits of the spectroscopic components of 2 Lacertae. 14225 : The orbit of w Orionis. Bums. Orbit of the spectroscopic binary A Andromedae, Lick B. 105 (87). stellar Spectroscopy. 225 8630 Campbell. Chiuiges in the first cata- logue of spectroscopic Ijinaries. Lick B. 107 (98). Curtis. The system of Castor. Ap. J. 23(351); Lick B. 98(55). Fox. Orbit of the spectroscopic bi- nary of 13 Ceti. Ap. J. 27 (372). FroBt. Spectroscopic binaries under observation at different institutions. Ap. J. 27 (161). Jordan. 15029. The orbit of C Lyrae. Ludendorir. Die Radialgeschwindlg- keiten von /8, e, C Ursae majoris und die Bewegung und Parallaxe der sieben Hauptsterne des Grossen Baren. A. N. 180 (265). Bewegung des spektro- skopischen Doppels terns ^-Aurigae nebst Bemerkungen iiber das erweiterte System Ursae majoris. A. N. 183 (113). Flaskett. The spectroscopic binaiy \\i Orionis. Ap. J. 28 (26G). and Harper. The spectro- scopic binary t Orionis. Ap. J. 27 (272). Schlesinger. 15749. The determina- tion of the orbit of a spectroscopic binary by the method of least-squares. 15755 : Five new spectroscopic binaries. Turner. Note on the spectroscopic binary oi Draconis. Lick B. 133 (27). 8620 ORBITS FROM SPECTRO- SCOPIC OBSERVATIONS. Baker. 14219. The orbit of 8 Aquilae. 14220 : The orbit of a Andro- medae. 14222 : The orbits of the spec- troscopic components of o Virginis. 14223 : The orbits of the spectroscopic components of u Herculis. 14224 : The orbits of the spectroscopic components of 2 Lacertae. 14225: The orbit of ir Orionis. Curtia. Methods of determining the orbits of spectroscopic binaries. A. S. P. 20 (133). On the orbital elements of Algol. Ap. J. 28(150). Orbit of the spectroscopic binary a Carinae. Lick B. 122 (153). Orbit of the spectroscopic binary a Pavonis. Lick B. 122 (154). Orbit of the spectroscopic binary k Velorum. Lick B. 122 (155). (E-468) CurtlB. Orbit of the spectroscopic binary 6 Draconis. Lick B. 122 (156). Duncan. Least squares solution of the orljit of RT Aurigae. Lick B. 180 (120). Jordan. 15027. The orbit of o Coronae Borealia. 15029 : The orbit of C Lyrae. King. Determination of the orbits of spectroscopic binaries. Ap. J. 27 (125). Ludendorff. Die Radialgeschvrindig- keiten von /3, e, ( Ursae majoris und die Bewegung und Parallaxe der sieben Hauptsterne des Grossen Baren. A. N. 180 (265). Uber den spektroskopi- schen Doppelstern ^-Orionis. A. N- 183 (9). Moore. The orbit of the Cepheid variable X Sagittarii. Lick B. 157 (111). Flaskett. The orbit of i Orionis. Ap. J. 28 (274). Flummer. The determination of the orbits of spectroscopic binaries. Ap. J. 28 (212). The orbit of the spectro- scopic binary o Leonia. Lick 6. 133 (21). The orbit of ^ Herculis. Lick B. 133 (24). Schlesinger. 15749. The determina- tion of the orbit of a spectroscopic binary by the method of least-squares. and Curtiss. 15757. The orbit of Algol from observations made in 1906 and 1907. Definitive orbit of the spectroscopic binary oi Draconis. Lick B. 123 (163). Turner. Definitive orbit of the spec- troscopic binary to Draconis. Lick B. 123 (163). Wright. Note on Mr. Norluud's orbit of K Ursae Majoris. Lick B. 133 (26). 8630 PARALLAX FROM SPEC- TROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS Ludendorff. Bewegung des spektro- skopischen Doppelsterns /3-Aurigae nebst Bemerkungen iiber das erweiterte System Ursae majoris. A. N. 183 (113). Q Ancient Astronomy. 226 9000 ANCIENT ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY. ANCIEXT ASTRONOMY. 9000 GENERAL. Lockyer. 15165. The uses and dates of ancient temples. Maunder. The triad of stars. P. A. 16 (403). 15283. The oldest astro- nomy (IV) V. E. 4. 6084. Weinstein. 15961. Entstehung der Welt und der Erde nach Sage und Wis- eenschaft. Zimmem. 16069. Das Princip un- serer Zeit- und Raumteilung. 9020 FURTHER SUBDIVISIONS ACCORDING TO COUNTRIES AND EPOCHS. Albert. 14163. Der Sinn der plato- nischen Zahl. Devoir. 14622. Die Astronouiie der Steinzeit. Hommel. 14977. Die babylonisch- assyrischen Planetenlisten. Jastrow. 15014. The sign and name for planet in Babylonian. Jeremias. 15020. Das Alter der babylonischen Astronomie. Knobel. On a Chinese planisphere. M.N. 69 (435). 15052. Abstract of a lecture on Chinese astronomy. Kugler. 15119. Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische und astralmythologische Untersuchungen. Buch 2 : Natur, My- thus und Geschichte als Grundlagen babylonischer Zeitordnung nebst ein- gehenden Untersuchungen der alteren Sternkunde und Meteorologie. Lehmann-Haupt. 15148. Die Sothis- Periode und der Kalender des Papyrus Ebers. Lockyer. 15163. Notes on obser- vations of sun and stars in some British stone circles. Fourth note. The Botallek circles, St. Just, Cornwall ; 15164. The Botallek circles. Manitius. 15267. Die Parallaxen des ilondes und seine Entfernung von der Erde nach Ptolemaus. Morrow. 15368. The stone circles of Keswick and Long Meg, [Abstract.] Proclus. 15636. Hypotyposis astro- nomicarum positionum. Una cum scholiis antiquis e libris manuscriptis ed. germanica iuterpretatione et com- mentariis instruxit Carolus Manitius. Redlich. 15653. Astronomisches aus Babj'loii. ScMapareUi. 15741. I primordi dell'astronomia presso i Babilonesi. 15742. I progressi dell'astronomia presso i Babilonesi. 15743. Die Oppo- sitionen des Mars nach babylonischen Beobachtungen. (Uebers.). Schulz. 15772. Entwickelung und Gang des Kopernikanischen Weltsy- stems bei den Alten. Ein historisch- geographischer und astronomischer Beitrag zur Geschichte der Naturwis- senschaften im griechisch-romischen Altertum. (Weltanschauungs-Fragen. Bd. 1.) Seler. 15793. Die Korrekturen der Jahreslange und der Lange der Venus- periode in den mexikanischen Bilder- schriften. Wiedemann. 15981. Zu. den An" Bchauungen der Araber iiber die Be- wegung der Erde ; 15982. Uber den Sextant des al Chogendi. ASTBOLOGY. 9050 GENERAL. Henkel. 14944. Astronomy and astrology. 9060 FURTHER SUBDIVISIONS ACCORDING TO COUNTRIES AND EPOCHS. Littmann. 15162. .Sternensagen und Astrologisches aus Nordabessinien. CHRONOLOGY. MEASURE OF TIME. 9200 GENERAL. Foerster. 14761. Zeitmessung und Zeitregelung. Fotheringham. Note on the regnal vears in the Elephantine papyri. M. N. 69 (446). Jones. 15026. The dates of Genesis. Chronology. 227 Kugler. 15119. Sternkimde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, agtronomische und astralinythologisohe Untersuchungen. Buc;h 2 : Natur, My- thua und Geschichto als Grundlagen babylonischer Zeitordnung nebst ein- gehenden Untersuchungen der alteren Stsrnkunde und Meteorologie. 9220 METHODS. Drecker. 14644. (inomone und Sounoiiuhren, ihre Geschichto und Literatur. JAnosi. 15011. Einfache Methode der Zeitbestimmiing. (Ungarisch.) Messerschmidt. 1530.3. Der Son- nenchronome ter . Wade and Craig. 15945. The deter- mination of local time in sub-tropical latitudes. REGULATION OF TIME. 9300 GENERAL. Bor. 14362. Ueber Zeitrechnung. III. [Cechisch.] Foerster. 14761. Zeitmessung und Zeitregelung. Kewitsch. 15043. Die Eutstehung des 60-Systeins. Kugler. 15118. Darlegungen und Thesen iiber altbabylonische Chrono- logic. Mentz. 15296. Zur byzantinischen Chronologie. Seler. 15793. Die Korrekturen der Jahreslange und der Lange der Venus- periode in den mexikanischen Bilder- scbriften. 9390 SUBDIVISION OF DAY. A telegrajjhic time signal in honor of the international railway congress. Brussels (M. Weissenbrucli) 1907 (14). In-8o, fi-. 0.75. Millosevich. 15334. II salto di data. 9400 TIME RECKONING. Mestre. 15307. Calendrier per- petuel automatique. (E-468) 9420 9410 LOCAL, UNIVERSAL, ZONE (OFFICIAL) TIME. Hayden. 1 1928. The present status of the use of standard time. Innes. 15004. Reduction of sidereal time to standard time. Tlssot. 15885. Siguaux horaires radiotelegraphiques. Proposition pour I'organiaation d'un comito international. [Fran?., allem., Angl.] 9420 CALENDARS — JULIAN, GREGORIAN, CHURCH ALMA- NAC, JEWISH, MOHAMMEDAN, VARIOUS. " Knowledge " Calendar for 200 years (from the introduction of New Style). Knowledge and Sci. News London 6 (N. Ser.) 1909 (100). Bach. 14209. Die Zeit- und Fest- rechnung der Juden unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gaussschen Oster- formel nebst einem immerwahrenden Kalender. Fr^nkel. 14781. Bestinmiung des Datums des jiidischen Osterfestes fiir die Zeitrechnung der Mohammedaner. 14782 : Eine Formel zur Verwandlung jiidischer Daten in mohammedanische. Gray. 14S42. Zu den byzantinischen Angaben iiber den altiranischen Kalender. Hecker. 14931. Die [Einteilung des Jahres nach] Jahreszeiten. Kugler. 15118. Darlegungen und Thesen iiber altbabylonische Chrono- logie. Lehmann-Haupt. 15148. Die Sothis- Periode und der Kalender des Papyrus Ebers. Lindhagen. 15159. On the Gaussic Easter-formula. (Swedish.) Lynn. 15234. Styles of the calendar. Mahler. 15261. Das Siriusjahr und die Sothisperiode der alten Aegypter. 15262 : Kalender- und religionsge- schichtliche Studien. (Ungarisch.) 15263 : Der Kalender der Babylonier. Mentz. 15296. Zur byzantinischen Chronologie. q2 Chronology. 228 9420 Mommsen. 15352. Attische Jahrbe- stimmiing. Munzky. 153S1. Gemeinverstand- liche Rechnungsmethode zur Bestim- mung des Wochentages fiir beliebige Daten im alten und im neuen Kalender. Pinter. 15591. Der alteste un- garische Kalender. fUngariscli.) Plaasmann. 15603. Ostem und die Reform des Kalenders. Praiek. 15G30. Anfang des persi- schen Achainenidenjahres. SchnabeL 15767. Die babylonische Chronologie in Berossos' Babyloniaka. Schram. 15769. Kalendariogra- phische und chronologisclie Tafeln. Weissbacli. 15965. Zum baljyloni- schen Kalender. Wiese. 15981. Der Kalender der Tungusen. 229 LIST OF JOURNALS WITH ABBREVIATED TITLES. The numbers in the right-hand column are those used in the General List of Journals. Allg. J. Uhrmacherh., UaUe Amsterdam,, Nieuw Arch. Wisk. Amsterdam, Proe. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. Ann. chim. phys., Paris .. Ann. Bydrogr., Berlin Ann. idrogr., Genova Annu. soc. meteor., Paris .. Annuarlo Astr., Torino .. Arch. ges. Psychol., Leipzig Arch. Geseh. Natw., Leip- zig Arch. Math., Leipzig Arch. Opt . , Leipzig ... Arch. Peligionsici ss., Leip- zig Allgemeines Journal der Uhrmacher- kunst, red. v. Rosenkranz. Halle. li raonatl.l Nieuw Arcliief voor Wiskunde, uitge- geven door het Wiskundig Genoot- schap ta Amsterdam, Amsterdam. 8vo. Proceedings of the Sections of Sciences, Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- Bchappen, Amsterdam. 8vo. Verslagen der Vergaderingen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen, Amsterdam. 8vo. Annales de chimie et de physique, red. MM. Berthelot, Friedel, Mascart, Moissan. Paris, [mensuel.] Aimalen der Hydrographie und mariti- men Meteorologie, hrsg. v. d. deutschen Seewarte. Berlin, [monatl.] Nebst Beiheften. Annali idrografici, Genova Annuaire de la society meteorologique de France. Paris, [trimestr.] Annuario del R. Osservatorio Astrono- mico, Torino. Archiv fiir die gesamte Psychologie, hrsg. V. E. Neumann. Leipzig. Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Natur- wissenschaften und der Technik, hrsg. V. K. V. Buchka, R. Stadler, C. Schaefer, K. Sudhoff. Leipzig, [zwangl.] Archiv der Mathematik mid Physik. Leipzig, [i jahrl.] Archiv fiir Optik. Internationales Organ fiir experimentelle, theoretische und technische Optik, hrsg. v. A. Gleichen. Leipzig, [monatl.] Archiv for Religionswissenschaft, hrsg. V. A. Dietrich etc. Leipzig. [4 H. jahrb.] 85 cm. 27 Ger. 2 Hoi. 3 HoL 7 Hoi. 44 Fr. 43 Ger. 239 It. 97 Fr. — It. — Ger Ger. 76 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 230 Arch. Sci. Phys., Geneve .. Ark. matem., Stockholm ... Astr. J., Boston, Mass. Astr. Nachr., Kiel ... Astroph. J., Chicago, III. .. Aus d. Natur, Stuttgart ... Baltimore, Md., Johns Hop- kins Univ. Cir. Bayr. IndBl., Miinclien Beitr. Geophysik, Leipzig .. Berkeley, Lick Ohs. Univ. Cat. Bidl. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, Verh. D. physik. Ges. Berlin,Verdff. astr. Rechen- inst. Berlin, Veroff, met. Inst. . . Bonn, Verh. nathist. Ver.. Archives des sciences phj'siques et naturelles. Geneve, Lausanne et Paris. 8vo. Arkiv fur matematik, astronomi och fysik utgih^et af K. Svenska Veten- skapsakaciemien i Stockholm. 8vo. The Astronomical Journal, Boston, Mass. Astronomische Nachrichten, hrsg. v. Kobold. Kiel, Hamburg. [72 Nrn jahrl.] Astrophysical Journal. (University of Chicago), Chicago, 111. Aus der Natur. Zeitschrift fiir alle Naturfreunde, hrsg. v. W. Schoenichen. Stuttgart. [| monatl.] Johns Hopkins University Circulars, Baltimore, Md. Bayrisches Industrie- und Gewerbeblatt, hrsg. V. Ausschuss des polytechnischen Vereins Miinchen. Miinchen. [woch.] Beitrage zur Geophysik, hrsg. v. Ger- land. Leipzig. [1-2 H. jahrl.] Lick Observaloiy, University of Cali- fornia, Bulletin, Berkeley. Sitzungsberichte der kgl. preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ber- lin, [woch.] Verhandlungen der deutschen physi- kalischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig. [^ monatl.] Veroffentlichvuigen des kgl. astrono- mischen Recheninstitutes zu Berlin. Berlin. [3 Nrn jahrl.] Veroffentlichungen des kgl. preussischen nieteorologischen Institutes. Zugleich Deutsches meteorologisches Jahrbuch, Beobachtungssystem des Kgr. Preussen. Berlin, [jalirl.inzwangl. H.] Ergebnisse d. Beobacht. a. d. Stationen 2. u. 3. Orcbi. Ergebnisse d. Gewitter beobacht. Ergebrusse d. Niedersclilagsbeobacht. Ergebnisse d. magnet. Beobacht. in Potsdam. Ergebnisse d. meteorolog. Beobacht. in Potsdam. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rhein- lande, Westfalens u. d. Reg.-Bez. Osnabriick. Nebst Sitzungs- berichten der niederrheinischen Ge- sellschaft fiir Natur- und HeiLkunde zu Bonn. Bonn, [jahrl. in je 2 Halften.] 10 Swi. Swe. 28 U.S. 94 Ger. 27 U.S. — Ger. 36 U.S. 119 Ger. 129 Ger. 41 U.S. 182 Ger. 186 Ger. 191 Ger. 195 Ger. 238 Ger. 231 Bordeaux, Mem. eoe. eel. p7ii/8. nat. Brealau, Jaliresher. Oes. vaterl. Cultur Bruxelles, Bui. Acad. roy... BruxeUes, Bid. Soc. astron. Bui. aatr., Paris .., Byzant. Zs., Leipzig Cairo, Sci. J. Cambridge, Mass., Ann. Oha. Harvard Coll. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Coll. Obs. Cir. Catania, Bull. Aec. Qioenia Catania, Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital. Centralztg Opt., Beiiiyi Cicl et Terre, Bruxelles Cincinnati, Ohio, Pub. Univ. Cin. Obs. Colorado Springs, Colo. Coll. Stud. Congr. Arts Sci. Univ. Expos. St. Louis 1904, Boston, Mass. D. Zs. Nervenheilk., Leip- zig Des Moi7ies, Proc. loua Acad. Sci. Enseign. math., Paris M^inoires de la soci^t^ des sciences physiques et naturellea de Bordeaux (Giroude). [trimeetr.] Jahresbericht der schlesiscLen Gesell- schaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur. Breslau. [jahrl.] Bulletin de la classe des sciences de I'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. [mensuel.] Bulletin de la Society beige d'astronomie. Comptes-rendus des seances men- suelles de la society, et revue des sciences d'observation. Bruxelles. [mensuel.] Bulletin astronomique, publie sous les auspices de I'Observatoire de Paris par Poincare. Paris, [mensuel.] Byzantinische Zeitschrift, hrsg. v. K. Krumbacher. Leijjzig. [zwangl.] CJairo Scientific Journal, Cairo ... Annals of the Harvard College Observa- tory, Cambridge, Jilass. Harvard College Observatory Circular, Cambridge, Mass. Biollettino delle sedute dell' Accademia Gioenia di scienze natural!. Catania. Memorie della Societa degli spettro- scopisti italiani, Catania. Centralzeitung fiir Optik und Mechanik. Berlin. [^ monatl.] Ciel et Terre. Revue populaire d'astro- nomie, de meteorologie et de physique du globe. Bnixelles. [bimensuel.J Publications of the University of Cin- cinnati Observatory, Cincinnati, Ohio. Colorado College Studies. (Colorado College Scientific Society), Colorado Springs. Congress of Arts and Science, Universal Exposition St. Louis 1904, Boston, Mass. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Nervenheil- kunde, hrsg. v. Erb etc. Leipzig. [18 H. jahrl.] Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences, Des Moines. Enseignement (V) mathematiqixe, revue Internationale, dir. C. A. Laisant et H. Fehr. Paris. 18Q Fr. 258 Ger. 27 Bel. 37 Bel. 205 Fr. Ger. — Eg. 69 U.S. 72 U.S. 49 It. 96 It. 294 Ger. 78 Bel. 117 U.S. 123 U.S. — U.S. 391 Ger. 137 U.S. 333 Fr. 232 Bthnogr., Budapest Firenze, Pulbl. R. Osser. Areetri Gaea, Leipzig Genkve, Bid. Inst. Nat. Geogr. Anz., Gotha... Geogr. Zs., Leipzig... Gioim. mat., XapoU Greenicich Ohsns. ... Groningen, Pub. Astr. Lab. Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Set. Soc. Holl. Halle, Nova Acta Leop. Heidelberg, Mitt. Stermc. Heidelberg, Publ. aalro- phya. Oba. Heidelberg, Veroff. Stermc. Heltsmgfora, Fennia Hemel en Dampkring, 'a Gravenhage EthnograpKia, a magyar neprajzi tarsasag ertesitoje, Budapest. [Eth- nographie, Anzeiger der ungarischen ethnographischen Gesellschaft, Buda- pest.] Pubblicazioni del R. Istuti di studi siiperiori pratici e di perfezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di scienze fisiche e matematiche. R. Osserva- torio di Areetri. Firenze. Gaea. Natur und Leben, hrsg. v. Klein. Leipzig, [monatl.] Bulletin de I'lnstitut national genevois. Geneve. 8vo. Geograpliischer Anzeiger, hrsg. v. Perthes. Gotha. [monatl.] Geographische Zeitsehrift, hrsg. y. Hettner. Leipzig, [monatl.] Giornale di matematiche ad uso degli studenti delle Universita italiane, del Battaglini, Napoli. Greenwich Royal Observatory, Astro- nomical, Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observations. Publications of the Astronomical Labora- tory at Groningen, edited by J. C. Kapteyu, Groningen. 4to. Archives Xeerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles publiees par la Societe Hollandaise des Sciences, Haarlem. 8vo. Nova Acta academiae caesar. Leopol- dino-Carolinae naturae curiosorum. Al:)handlungen der kaiserl. Leopol- dinisch-Carolinischen deutschen Aka- demie der Xaturforscher, Halle. Leipzig, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Mittheilungen der Grossh. Sternwarte zu Heidelberg (Astrometrisches In- stitut), hrsg. von W. Valentiner. Karlsruhe, [zwangl.] Publicationen des astrophj^sikalischen Observatoriums Konigstuhl-Heidel- berg. Veroffentlichungen der grossherzog- lichen Sternwarte zu Heidelberg. Karlsruhe, [zwangl.] Fennia. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic de Finlande. Helsing- fors. 8vo. Hemel en Dampkring. 's Gravenhage. — Hun. — It. 492 Ger. 39 Swi. 509 Ger. 512 Ger. 85 It. 145 U.K 20 Hoi. 22 Hoi. 548 Ger. 1269 Ger. 1382 Ger. 57G Ger. 8 Fin. 69 Hoi. 233 HesK. Til. Volhsk., Leipzig Himinel ?(. Erde, Leipzig Idoj., Budapest Indianapolis, Iiid., Proc. Acad. Sci. J. Geog., Chicago, TU. Jahrb. drahtlos. Telegr., Leipzig Jahrh. Phot., HaJle Kiel, Schr. natw. Ver. Kpbenhavn, Vid. Selsk. Skr. Kilo, Leipzig Knoidedge and Sci. News, London Konigsberg, Astv. Beob. Stemw. KorrBl. Schulen Wiirtt em- berg, Stuttgart Kosmos, Tjwow. Landsberg a. W., Sclir. Ver. Gescli. Newmark Lausanne, Bid. Soc. Sci. Nat. Leipzig, Ber. Ges. Wiss. .. Leipzig, VierteljSchr. astr. Ges. Hessisclie Bliitter fiir Volkskunde, hrsg. — Ger. V. A. Stock. Leipzig, [zwaiigl.] Hiniinel und Erde. lUustrirte natur- 585 Ger. wisseiischaftliche Monatsschrift, red. V. Schwahn. Leipzig [friiher Berlin]. Az Idojaras, Budapest. [Die Witterung, — Hun. Budapest.] Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of 169 U.S. Science, Indianapolis. The Journ;d of Geography. Chicago, 564 U.S. 111. Jahrl)uch der drahtlosen Telegraphie — Ger. und Telephonie sowie des Gesamt- gebietes der elektromagnetischen Schwingungen, hrsg. v. G. Eichhoru. Leipzig. [4 Hefte jahrl.] Jahrbuch fiir Photographie und Repro- 615 Ger. duktionstechnik, hrsg. v. Eder. Halle. Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen 691 Ger. Vereins fur Schleswig-Holstein. Kiel. [jahrl.] Det kongelige danske Videnskabemes 20 Den. Selskabs Skrifter. Naturvidenskabe- lig og mathematisk Afdeling, Kjoben- havn. Klio, Beitrage zur alten Geschichte, — Ger. hrsg. V. C. F. Lehmann-Haupt u. E. Hornemann. Leipzig, [jahrl.] Knowledge and Scientific News, London 187 U.K. Astronomische Beobachtungen aus der 698 Ger. kgl. Universitats-Sternwarte zu Konigsberg. Konigsberg. [1-2 Abth. jahrl.] Korrespondenz-Blatt fiir die hoheren — Ger. Schulen Wiirttembergs, hrsg. v. H. Planck und 0. Jaeger. Stuttgart, [monatl.] Kosmos, czasopismo Polskiego Towa- 21 Pol. rzystwa przyrodnikow im. Kopernika, red. B. Radziszewski, Lwow. 8vo. [monthly.] Schriften des Vereins fiir Geschichte — Ger. der Neumark, hrsg. v. Paul Schwartz. Landsberg a. \V. [zwangl.] Bulletin de la Societe vaudoise des 60 Swi. sciences naturelles. Lausanne. 8vo. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der 739 Ger, kgl. sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leipzig, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Vierteljahrsschrift der astronomischen 747 Ger. Gesellschaft. Leipzig. 234 London, J. Brit. Aetr. Ass. London, Mem. Tirit. Aatr. Aas. London, Mem. R. Astr. Soc. London, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soe. London, Phil. Trans. R. Soe. London, Proc. R. Soc London, Rep. Brit. Ass. Madison, Univ. Wis. Puh. Washburn Ohs. Media, Pa., Proc. Delaware Co. Inst. Sei. Messina, Atti Ace. Pelori- tana Met. Ze., Braunschweig Milano, PubU. Oss. Brera.. Milano, Rend. Ist. lomh. ... Mitt. Gesch. Med., Hamburg Mitt. Ver. Astr., Berlin ... Mitt, vorderasiat. Oes. Berlin Montagsbl., Magdeburg MonateeJir. Gesch. Juden- tum, Breslau Miinchen, N. Ann. Stern- uarte Miinchen, SitzBer. Ak Wiss. Miinchen, Veroff. erdm. Journal of the British Astronomical As- Bcciation, London. Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, London. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, London. Monthly Xotices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society, Loudon. Philosoiiliical Transactions of the London Royal Society. Proceedings of the London Royal Society. RejDort of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London. Publications of the Washburn Observa- tory. (University of Wisconsin), Madison. Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science, Media, Pa. Atti deir Accademia Peloritana, Messina. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, hrsg. im Auftrage der k. k. osterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Meteorologie und der Deutschen meteorologischen Gesell- schaft, red. V. J. Hahn und G. Hell- mann. Braunschweig, [monatl.] Pubblicazioni dell' Osservatorio astrono- mico di Brera, Milano. Rendiconti dell' Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, Milano. Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. unter Red. v. W. A. Kahlbaum, M. Neuburg, K. SudhofE. [i jahrl.] Mittheilungen der Yereinigung von Freunden der Astronomie und kosmi- schen Physik, red. v. Forster. Mitteilungen der vorderasiatischen Ge- sellschaft. Berlin, [zwangl.] Montagsblatt. Wissenschaftliche Wochenbeilage der Magdeburgischen Zeitung. Organ fiir Heimatkunde. Magdeburg. Monatsschrift fiir Geschichte und Wis- senschaft des Judentums, hrsg. v. M. Branu. Breslau. Neue Annalen der kgl. Sternwarte in Miinchen, Miinchen. [zwangl.] Sitzuugsberichte der kgl. bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. Miinchen. [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Veroffentlichungen der Konigl. Bayeri- schen Kommission fiir die Inter- nationale Erdmessung. Miinchen. [zwangl.] 222 U.K. — U.K. 249 U.K. 251 U.K. 254 U.K. 267 U.K. 276 U.K. 209 U.S. — U.S. 97 It. — Ger. 105 It. 106 It. — Ger. 809 Ger. — Ger. — Ger. — Ger. — Ger. 839 Ger. — Ger. 235 Mi'mchener med. Woclien- achr. Nation. Oeog. Mag., New York, N.Y. Natur u. Kullur, Miinehen Natur u. Offenh., Miinater. Nature, London Natw. Rdsch., Braim- schweig Natw. Woehenschr., Jena .. Neuchdtel, Bul.Soc.Sci. Nat. New Brighton, N.Y., Proc. Nat. Sci. Asa. New Haven, Conn., Trans. Astron. Yale Univ. Oba. New York, N.Y., Ann. Acad. Sci. New Yo7'k, N.Y., Cont. Obs. Columbia Univ. New York, N.Y., Trans. Amer. Math. Soe. Nord u. Siid, Berlin Observatory, Loyidon Ofvera. F. Vet. Soc, Hel- aingfora Oriental. Litteraturztg, Berlin Pad. Warte, Osterwieek ... Paris, Bui. soc. aatr. France Paria, C. R. Acad. sci. Miinchener inedicinisclie Woclieiischrift, red. V. Spatz. Miinehen. National Geographic Magazine, New York, N.Y. Natur und Kultur. Zeitschrift fiir Schiile und Leben, hrsg. v. F. H. Voller. Aachen. [^ luonatl.] Natur und OfFenbarung. Organ zur Vermittelung zwischen Naturfor- Bchung und Glauben fiir Gebildete aller Stande. Miinster. [monatl.] Nature, London ... Natur wissenschaftliche Rundschau, hrsg. V. Sklarek. Braunschweig. [woch.] Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift, red. V. Potonie. Jena. Bulletin de la Society neuchateloise des sciences naturelles. Neuchatel. 8vo. Proceedings of the Natural Science As- sociation of Staten Island, New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. Yale University Astronomical Observa- tory. Transactions of the Observa- tory, New Haven, Conn. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, N.Y. Contributions from the Columbia Uni- versity Observatory, New York, N.Y. Transactions of the American Mathe- matical Society, New York, N.Y. Nord und Siid. Eine deutsche Monats- schrift. Berlin. Observatory, London Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societe- tens Forhandlingar. Helsingfors. 8vo. Orientalische Litteraturzeitungr, hrsg. V. F. E. Peiser. Berlin, [monatl.] Piidagogische Warte. Zeitsclirift fiir wissenschaftliche Padagogik, Lehrer- fortbildmig, Konferenzwesen, Tages- fragen imd piidagogische Kritik, hrsg. V. K. 0. Beetz u. A. Rude. Osterwieek. [^ monatl.] Bulletin de la societe astrouomique de France et revue mensuelle d'astro- nomie, de meteorologie, orologie, geodesic, phj'sique du globe, r^d. Flammarion. Paris, [mensuel.] Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des seances de I'academie des sciences. Paris. 847 Ger. 270 U.S. — Ger. 866 Ger. 337 U.K 8G7 Ger. 868 Ger. 73 Swl. 274 U.S. 281 U.S. 295 U.S. 310 U.S. 336 U.S. — Ger. 353 U.K. 26 Fin. — Ger. Ger. 585 Fr. 612 Fr. 236 Phil. Mag., London Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia, Pa., Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philologiis, Leipzig Physic. Bev., Ke^u YorJ:, N.Y. PhysiTi. Zs., Leipzig Pittsburg, Pa., Pith. Alle- gheny Obs. Univ. Pitts- burg Pittsburg, Pa., Pub. Alle- gheny Obs. West. Univ. Penn. Pop. Astr., North field, Minn. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y. Potf. Termt. Kdzl., Buda- pest Potsdam, Puhl. astrophysih. Obs. Potsdam, Veroff. geod. Inst. Prometheue, Berlin Pubhl. OSS. geofis., Modena Rev. gen. sci., Paris Eev. Suisse Phot., Geneve .. Riv. Astr. Sci. Affini, Torino Riv. astr., Torino ... Riv. geogr. ital., Firenze . . London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philo- sophical Magazine, and Journal of Science. Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Philologus. Zeitschrift fiir das classische Altertum, hrsg. v. 0. Crusius. Leipzig, [zwangl.] Physical Review. (^Cornell University), New York, N.Y. Physikalische Zeitschrift, lirsg. v. Riecke u. Simon. Leipzig. [4 monatl.] Publications of the Allegheny Observa- torj' of the University of Pittsburg [formerly Western University of Pennsylvania]. Pittsburg, Pa. Publications of the Allegheny Observa- tory of the Western University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, Pa. Popular Astronomy, Northfield, Minn. ... Popular Science Monthh^, New York, N.Y. Potfiizetek a Termeszettudomanyi Koz- lonyhoz, Budapest. [Beiblatter zuden naturwissenschaftlichenMittheilimgen Budapest.] Publikationen des astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam. Potsdam. [2-3 H. jahrl.] Veroffentlichung des kgl. preussischen geodatischen Institutes in Potsdam. Berlin, [zwangl.] Prometheus. Illustrirte Wochenschrift liber die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, Lidustrie und Wissenschaft, hrsg. v. Witt. Berlin. Pubblicazione dell' OsseiTatorio Geo- fisico annesso aUa R. Universita, Modena. Revue generale des sciences pures et appliquees, dir. L. Olivier. Paris, [bi-mensuel.] Re\Tie Suisse de Photographie. Geneve et Paris. 8vo. Rivista di Astronomia e Scienze Affini, Torino. Rivista d'astronomia della Societa astronomica. Rivista geografica italiana, Firenze 372 U.K. 372 U.S. 375 U.S. — Ger. 386 U.S. 920 Ger. — U.S. — U.S. 391 U.S. 392 U.S. 13 Hun 927 Ger. 928 Ger. 938 Ger. 693 Fr. 82 Swi. — It. — It. 165 It. 237 Riv. rmiaic, Torino Riv. se. " Seieniia," Bologna Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia Riv. maritt., Roma Roma, Mem. Ace. Lincei . Roma, Mem. Ace. Nuovi Lincei Roma, Rend. Ace. lAncei ... San Francisco, Cal., Pub. Astr. Soo. Pae. Sch. Mines Q., New York, N.Y. Science, Neic York, N.Y. .. Sirius, Tjcipzig Solothurn, Mitt. natf. Gea. Strasshurg, Ann. Stei-nic. Stutlgart, Jahreahefte Ver. Natk. Tei-mt. Kozl., Budapest Terr. Mag., Waslnngton, B.C. Thorn, Mitt. CoppernVer. .. Tokyo, Ann. Ohe. Astron. .. Tokyo, Su. Buts.Ktc. K. .. Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. Torino, Mem. Ace. se. Umscliau, Frankfurt a. M. Ri vista musicale italiana, Torino " Scientia." Rivista tli Scienza, Bologna Rivisla di fisica, niatcmatica e scienze naturali, Pavia. Rivista marittima, Roma Meniorie della R. Accadeinia dei Lincei, Roma. Memorie dell'Accademia pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei, Roma. RendicontI della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Roma. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. School of Mines Quarterly. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. Science, New York, N.Y".... Sirius. Zeitschrift fiir populare Astronomie, hrsg. v. Klein. Leipzig, [monatl.] Mitteilungen der naturforsclienden Gesellschaft in Solothurn. 8vo. Annalen der kais. Universitats-Stern- warte in Strassburg. Karlsruhe, [zwangl.] Jahreshefte dea Vereins fiir vaterlan- dische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Stuttgart. Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony, Budapest. [N aturwissenschaf tliche Mittheilungen, Budapest.] Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Washington, D.C. Mittheilungen des Coppernicus-Vereins fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst zu Thorn. Thorn. [jahi-L] Annales del'Observatoire Astronomique de Tokyo, Japan. European languages. Tokyo Siigaku Butsurigaku Kwai Kiji (Proceedings of the Tokyo Mathe- matical and Physical Society.) Japanese and European languages. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Topeka. Memorie della R. Accademia delle scienze, Torino. Die Umschau. Uebersicht iiber die Fortschritte imd Bewegmigen auf dem Gesammtgebiet der Wissen- schaft, Technik, Litteratur und Kunst, hrsg. V. Becthold. Frankfurt a. M. [w6ch.J 174 It. — It. 164 It. 170 It. 203 It. 204 It. 209 It. 420 U.S. 425 U.3. 429 U.S. loot Ger. — Swi. 1018 Ger 1021 Ger 16 Hun. 442 U.S. 1050 Ger. 19 Jap. 38 Jap. 446 U.S. 228 It. 1068 Ger. 238 Urbana, Stud. Univ. III. .. UtrecJU, Rech. Astr. Obs. .. Velhagens Moiiattshefte, Berlin Venezia, Ateneo Veneto .. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven. Verh. Conf. Erdm., Berlin Verh. Ges. D. Natf., Leip- zig Verh. Schweiz. Katf. Ges. Veroff. Ceiitralbur. Erdm. Berlin VerSchr. GorreifGes., Coin Vopr. fiuiki, St. Peterburg . Washington, D.C., Bull. Phil. 'Soe. Washington, D.(J., Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Stand. Washington, D.C., George Washington Univ. Bull. Washington, D.C., Pub. U. S. Naval Obs. Washington, D.C., S7nit}i- sonian Inst. Misc. Col- lect. Washingto7i, D.C., Smith sonian Inst. liep. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric. Month. Weath. Rev. Weltall, Berliji Wetter, Berlin University Studies. University of Illi- nois, Urbana. Recherches astronomiquea de I'observa- toire d" Utrecht. Velhagen u. Klasings Monatshefte. Berlin. Ateneo Veneto, Venezia ... Atti del R. Istituto veneto di scieuze, lettere ed arti, Venezia. Verbandlungen derConferenz der inter- nationalen Erdmessung. Berlin, [unbest.] Verbandlungen der Gesellschaft deut- scber Naturforscher und Aerzte. Lei^jzig. [jabrl.] Verbandlungen der scbweizeriscben naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Aarau, Basel etc. 8vo. Centralbureau der internationalen Erd- messung. VerofFentlichungen. Ber- lin, [zwangl.] Gorres-Gesellscbaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft im katboliscben Deutsch- land. 'Vereinsscbriften. Coin. [3 H. jabrl.] BonpocH c{)H3iiKii. C.-neTep6ypn, [Questions physiques. St-Peters- bourg]. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. The George Washington University Bulletin. Washington, D.C. Publications of the U. S. Naval Observa- toiy, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washing- ton, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents, Washington, D.C. Monthly Weather Review. (U. S. De- partment of Agriculture.) Washing- ton, D.C. Das Weltall. Illustrierte Zeitschrift f iir Astronomie und verwandte Gebiete. Berlin. Das Wetter. Meteorologische Monats- schrift, hrsg, v. Assmann. Berlin. 451 U.S — Hoi. — Ger. 234 It. 235 It. 1075 Ger. 1083 Ger. 116 Swi. 1090 Ger. 1094 Ger. Rus. 450 U.S. — U.8. — U.S. 520 U.S. 497 U.S. — U.S. 509 U.S. 1287 Ger. 1118 Ger. 239 Witn, Aim. Ak. Wisa. Wien, Denkachr. Ak. Wisa. Wien, Festschi'. Natnrw. Ver. Univera. Wiei), Sitzlier. Ak. Wias. . W$zechSwiat, Wa7-8zawa ... Zee, Tijdachr. Ned. Stoomv., Rotterdam Zentralhl. Bauveric, Berlin Za. Aaayr., Straaahurg Za. Ethn., Berlin ... Za. Inatrumeiitciik., Berlin Zs. math. Vnterr., Leipzig Za. physik. Unterr., Berlin Zs. PsycJwl., Leipzig Zurich, Vierteljah rach . Natf. Ges. Almanaoli der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wisseiischafteii. Wien. [jalirl.J Donksclirifteii der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien. [zumindest jahrl.] Festschrift des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins an dor Universitiit Wien. Sitzungaberichte der Kaisei"lichen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Mathe- inatisch - Naturwissenschaftliche Klaase. Wien. [In 4 Ahtoilungen Bvvanglos.] Wszechswiat, tygodnik poswifcony naukom przyrodniczym, red. Br. Znatowicz, Warszawa. 4to. [weekly.] De Zee, Tijdschrift gewijd aan de belangen der Nederlandsche Stoom- en Zeilvaart, Rotterdam. 8vo. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung, red. v. Sarazin. Berlin. [^ woch.j Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie und ver- wandte Gebiete, hrsg. v. C. Bezold. Strassburg. [zwangl.] Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie, red. v. Bar- tela etc. Berlin. [2 monatl.] Nebst : Nachrichten iiber deutsche Alter- thumskunde. Zeitschrift fiir Instrameutenkunde, red. V. Lindeck. Berlin, [monatl.] Nebst Beiblatt : Deutsche Mechaniker- Zeitung. Vereinablatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik imd Optik. Zeitschrift fiir mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht, begr. V. Hoffmann, lirsg. v. H. Schotten. Leipzig. [8 H. jahrl.] Zeitschrift fiir den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht, hrsg. v, Poske. Berlin. [2 monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir Ps3'chologie und Physio- logie der Sinnesorgane, hrsg. v. Ebbinghaus und Konig. Leipzig. [18 H. jiihil.] Vierteljahrschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Ziirich. Ziirich und Miinchen. 8vo. 407 Aus. 420 Aus. — Aus. 472 Aus. 57 Pol. 60 Hoi. 275 Ger. — Ger. 1181 Ger. 1197 Ger. 1211 Ger. 1226 Ger. 1229 Ger. 125 Swi. NOT FOR CIRCULATION Z 7403 R882 Div.E. 1909 Biological & Medical Rpferancfc International catalo^e of scientific literature^ 1901-19H STORAGE