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Early History of Atlantic County New Jersey







APR II 1916



In th" Pays of Yore 7

llf)\v the First Inhabitant Lived and What He Saw 22

Tlie Mill at Hargalntown 60

I >!inl< 1 liaker 70

Klchard Somers 'Hero of Tripoli 73

rieasaiU Mills 77

Mill Dam and Falls at May's landing 94

Zit.n M. I''. <'hiirch, Hargalntown 101

>ld Churth at Head of the Hlver Tiiekahoe 104

A<'tn:i Furnace. Tiickahoe Hlver 106

'Ihe < lid Log Meeting House at Weymouth 109

Stephen Colwell HO

< "harles Hlehards Cohvell Ill

lYleiulshlp Chunh. Near Landisx llle 115

Catawba Church 126

Catawba Graves 129

Roman C;itholl<> Church at IMeasant Mills 142

The < lid Uuttonwoods 158




Original I>and Crants of Xew Jersey 8

Titles to Land ^

Letter from William Penn to Richard 'Hartshorne 12

Proprietors' Instructions to James Wasse and Richard Hartshorne. 14

Proprietors' Instructions to James Wasse and Richard Hartshorne. 19

The Land System of West Jersey 23

West Jersey Commissioners 23

New Jersey Signers of Independence 23

Newspapers of New Jersey During the Revolution 23

Officers and Men of New Jersey in 'Revolutionary War 24

War With France 52

War With Tripoli 52

Earl Moral Laws of New Jersey 53

Indians 55

Indian Burying Grounds 56

Cranberry Indian Legend 57

Slaves in New Jersey 58

Slaves at Bargaintowin 59

Some Old Wills 61

Old Gloucester County 67

Daniel Baker 69

The Old Fort at Somers Point 72

Carding Mill 74

Clark's Old Log Meeting House at Pleasant Mills 76

The Calling of the Militia for the 'War of 1812-1815 78

Artillery Company, Third Regiment, Gloucester Brigade 79

Company of Infantry, First Regiment, Gloucester Brigade 82

Atlantic County 86

The Naming of Atlantic County 91

Origin of Town Names 91

May's Landing 93

Anecdotes of Place Names 95

Naming Uncle Tom's 96

Shore Road 97

Presbyterians in New Jersey 98

Blackman's Meeting House at Bargaintown 101

Head of the River Church 103

History of Tuckihoe Baptist Church 107

Old Church at Weymouth IO9

History of Friendship Church 114




M. K. Church in Port HepiiMIc 124

< 'atawba Church 126

Ziun M. K. Churfh 130

I'ramljes School House. Kollosvtd by Salem M. K. <'hurch 134

Roman Catholics 141

<.J Makers Friends 149

Extracts from Records Kriends Society of Oreat Kgif Harbour.

•X. J 151

1 1 Istorlcal Note- 156

The < (Id liuttonwoodM 157

riilaskl'.«» Ride 159

Karly Ship Hulldln^,' 161

An ( )ld Stage lAni- 162

Stage Route from Absecon to Philadelphia 164

i'iace N'.imes 167

The Whipping PoHt 171

i '.lack l.uce 172

History of the Society 174

Annual .Meet of Hlstorlann 178


In offering you this initial volume of Atlantic County's History, the Society reminds you this is the product of their first year's work and in no wise a finished history. Its endeavor has been to lay a firm foundation, upon which other books which are to follow can be erected.

You will find within its pages the early history of the State taken from written histories which had their bearing upon Atlantic County. Also articles written by the descendants of those who helped to make the history of the county worth reading. The thread of events will be continued through separate volumes in the future until the history of the present day is recorded. There is found little history in this book later than 1825-1830. It was a somewhat difficult task to separate the history of Atlantic County from that of Gloucester, as they were one until the year of separation in 1837. If you enjoy reading this book as much as the Society has in its compiling, truly the work has not been in vain.

The Society acknowledges its indebtedness to Mr. A. jNI. Hcston for illustration taken from his book, "Absequawon,'^ and to John Hall's "Daily I'nion History of Atlantic City, X. J."

Atlantic Couxtv Historical Society.




In ThI': Dav^ lu \

Early History of Atlantic County, N. J.


The orig-inal grant of New Jersey from King Charles II, when separated from the Nctherland. was East and West Jersey. They were united in 1673 and were known as Nova-Caesarea or New Jersey. This work, being llie history of Atlantic County, re- lates only to West Jersey.

1671. The line of partition, long known in boundary disputes as the "Providence Line," extending from i^ittle Egg Harbor to 40°, 41° north latitude to the Delaware River, north of a line drawn from IJarnegat Creek, "about the middle between Sandy Point and Cape May" and adjoining to and below a certain creek in the Delaware River called Ran-ko-kus Kill.

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of West Jer- sey, of which Atlantic County is a part, it is necessary to go back to the grants of land and their distributions to later purchasers. Under the English system, newly acquired lands were the property of the king, who disposed of them by grants to private persons, or by charter to land companies. New Jersey thus came into the possession of two different individuals, each having one half the province. These two men were Sir George Carteret, former Governor of the Isle of Jersey and Lord Berkeley*. In June, 1673, Lord Berkley sold his share to John Fenwick jn trust for Edward Byllings, for the sum of one thousand pounds and an annual royalty of forty beaver skins. Edward Byllings, the Quaker owner of West Jersey, failed. He placed his property, in 1675, into the hands of William Penn, Gawen Lawrie, and Nich- olas Lucas, (the latter two were creditors.) and Byllings himself. thus creatinir fmir tni'^tees.

* New Jersey ii..- i,..i,.< 1 m lioiior of Sir Cieorge Carteret's defense, in 1649, of his native Isle of Jersey, when attacked by the army and navy of the Parliaiuentarians. Page 129, Vol. I, Lee's History.



ir.jv The iSih (if March. It has hcen stated that Lord I'.crklc'v. one of the ori,i.,nnal proprietors of Xew Jersey. (Usposed of the whole of his r\^\n and interest in the province. The pur- chase was made hy John I'enwick. They {^ave the sum of »jne thousand p<>un<ls. These persons were niemhers of the Society .if (,)uakers. or I'Viends, a reHjj;ious i)eoi)le who had exi)erienccd nuich opposition and persecution, and there is reason to hcHevc that a principal ohject proposed hy Kenwick and l>ylHng:s in mak- inj.,^ their purcliase was to secure a place of retreat for themselves and tiieir relii^ious associates.

1738. Ww jersey petitioned for a distinct administration, and Lvwis Morris was appointed Ciovcrnor.

In i'iS2 West Jersey was i)urchascd hy William I'enn and ileven other (juakers. and settlements were made at I'urlinj^ton "Yc falls of ye Delaware." or Trenton, and a flourishiniif whal- iiij.;' station estahlished at Cape May. not to mention Salem, al- ready a i^rowiu}.; town. { In U»82, Robert Barclay, a Sc«»tchman, was the lirst ('overnor under the new proprietors.)

In 17(52. hy the mnnher of proprietors, the frecpunt sul)-divi-

-ions and transfers of shares, and various difhculties in the way

if ij^ood j^overnment, sunn involved the province in trouble, and

the proprietors surrendered the rij^hts of i^overiuiient to the


1703. l\ast and West Jersey were united and was then known as Xew Jersey.

i()77 i(kS7. The minutes and papers of the Conuiiissioners .ire missing.

TlTI.KS TO Lanm).

Titles to lantl in Xew Jersey are derived from the English Crown. It is a princijile of law. recognized by all the European governments, that an uninhabitated country, or a country inhab- ited onlv by savages, of which possession is taken under the authority of an existing government, becomes the property of the country taking possession.

The Indian title to the lanil in .Vmcrica was to some extent recognized, but the government here, and in England, has always asserted the exclusive right to extinguish that title and to give a valid title to settlers bv its own grant of the soil. Individuals were


forbidden to purcliase land from the Indians without the consent of the Kni^Hsh |)roi)rietor, at an early date, both in East and West Jersey, and alter the surrender of the government to the Crown, deeds from Indian claimants are held by some of the present owners in boUi divisions of the State, but unless patents or sur- veys were also obtained the legal titles to the premises rests upon possession and not u])on deeds.

The general proprietors were careful to purcliase the land (n the Indians, and except in those cases in East Jersey where grants were made subject to an extinguishment of the Indian title, they refused to allow grants or surveys until this was done. Every foot of the soil claimed by the original inhabitant of this State has been ol^tained from them by a fair and voluntary purchase and transfer.

After the di\'ision of East and West Jersey, East Jersey was conveyed to twenty-four ])roprietors and West Jersey was sold in hundredths. The original grants were considered by the pro- prietors as conveying a right of government as well as soil, and they instituted separate governments, but in 1702 joined in sur- rendering that right to the Crown. The title to the soil was not surrenderetl and continues to be derived through the original pro- prietors, by regular descent or purchase, to the present day. (1845.)

There are two kinds of grants, one where a gift was made to actual settlers at tlie beginning of the history of the colony, where by the "grants and concessions" the amount of land donated to a settler depended upon the number of individuals in his family, with an additional amount for each servant brought with the family into the province ; these were called "head lands " ; the other kind of a grant was acquired by this process : A warrant, signed by the Governor and a majority of the council, was de- livered to the surveyor-general, who surveyed the lands, made his return in writing, showing his survey and giving a description of the property. Doth warrant and return were recorded by the register. If there were no objections to the warrant, it was then issued, signed by the Governor and his council, authenticated by the great seal of the province, and this warrant was then recorded and the title of land was perfected. This was the process in East Jersey. Xo patents were issued in West Jersey. Jlic Judi- cial and Civil History of Xcw Jersey.



III June. \(>/i,, John Lord I'crkclcy sold his share to John Fcnwick in tru>t fur l-'dward UvUin^c for the sum of ojie th<iu- sand pounds and an annual royalty of forty beaver skins. Fen- wick, in i'i73. set sail frcjin London in a ship called the Griffith or (".riffin; landing at a pleasant spot near Delaware, he named it Salem. With him he brought his two dau.i;hters. who later married Sanuiel lled^e and John Adams, two servants: other l)assen^ers were b'dward Champncss, Richard Hancock. John Matlock. Sanmel Nichols, llipolite Lufever. Richard Noble, Richard C.ny. John I'ledi^er. Kdward Wade. Samuel Wade, and John Smith and wife. These and others witii them were masters of families. This was the first English ship that came to West Jersey.

Gov. .\ndres, who saw in the cominjj of Fenwick an (tp])or- timity to exientl the intluencc of the Duke of York, issued an order that h'enwick be not receivetl as owner of lands on the Delaware; ;uid that no privilei^e or freedom <»f custom or tradinjj on the eastern shore of the bay or river be permitted. A warrant was issued for I'enwick's arre>t by the Duke of Vork'.s officers at New Castle. I\l. He was afterwards released on parole and returned to Salem, called by the Duke of York's followers "Swamptown" in deri^i'm,

Alxnit this tini- learneil that lulward r.yllin.ije pro-

cin"ed this conveyance i.'r i enwick to av()id his creditors; C(^n- serpiently this leil to an investij^ation in rei^ard to affairs and the final discovery of his intentional defraudinsj of Lis creditors. Byllint^e havin.ij admitted the truth, a settlement was made whorebv Fenwick reliiKiuishetl all but one-tenth of the errant. William Penn. Gawen Lawrie. and Nicholas Lucas, creditors, were placed in control of the balance as trustees of Byllinge. They soon sold a number of shares of their propriety to different pv.r- chasers, who thereupon became proprietors in common with them. It now became necessary that a scheme should be devised for a better distribution of ri£;;hts to land so as to promote set- tlement and ascertain a form of fjovernment. Consequently con- cessions were drawn, mutually at^reed on and sii^ned by some of the subscribers. It now became the duty of the orig^inal pro-


prietors to procure a division of the province, after which they wrote the following letter as an expedient for the present well ordering matters. Of the twelve proprietors W'ni. Penn headed the list and wrote the following letter:

Li;tti:k i-uo.M W'li.i.iA.M i'Kxx TO Richard IIartsiiorxe

London, 26th of the r)th Month, 1676.

"We have made use of thy name in a commission and in- -tructions. which we have sent by James W'asse, who is gone in Samuel Groome's ship for Maryland, a copy of which is here inclosed, and also a copy of a letter which we have sent to John Fenwick, to be read to him in presence of as many of the people that went with him as may be ; and because we both expect, and also entreat, and desire thy assistance in the same, we will shew things to thee, that thou mav inform not only thyself, but friends there, which in short is as follows:

"1st. We have divided with George Cartaret, and hav^ sealed deeds of partition, each to the other; and we have all that, side on Delaware river from one end to the other. The line of partition is from the east side of little Egg Harbour, straight North, through the country, to the utmost branch of the Dela- ware river, with all powers, privileges, and immunities whatso- ever. Ours is called New West Jersey, his is called New East Jersey.

"2. We have made concessions by ourselves, being such as friends here and there (we question not) will approve of, having sent a copy of them by James Wasse ; there we lay a founilation for after ages to understand their liberty as men christians, that they may not be brought in bondage, but by their own consent, for wc put the power in the peojilc. that is to say, they to meet and choose one honest man for each propriety, who hath subscribed to the concessions ; all these men to meet as an assembly there, to make and rej^cal laws, to choose a governor, or a commissioner, and twelve assistants, to execute the laws during their pleasure, so every man is capable to choose or be chosen. Xo man to be arrested, condemned, imprisoned, or mo- lested in his estate or liberty, but by twelve men of the neighbor- hood. Xo man to lie in ]irison for debt, but that his estate satisfy


as far as it will j^u, and he set at liberty to \vi>rk. Xo person to he called in (juestion or molested for his conscience, or for worshippiii}^ according to his conscience, with many more things mentioned in the said conccssit)ns.

"V We have been sent over ])y James Wassc, a commission under tmr hands and seals, wherein we imjwwcr thyself, James Wasse and Richard Guy, or any two of you, to act and do ac- cording to the instructions, of which here is a copy ; having also sent some gocjds. to huy and purchase some laiul of the natives.

"4. We intend in the spring to send over some more commissioners, with the friends and people that Cometh there, because James Wasse is to return in Sanuiel Ci room's ship lor England : for Richard (luy, we judge him to be an honest man, yet we are afraid John Fenwick will hurt him and get him to condescend to things that may not be f<jr the good of the whole; so we hope thou wilt ballance him to what is just and fair ; that John i'enwick betray him not. that things may go on easy with- out hurt or jar; which is the desire of all friends; and we hope West Jersey will Ik- soon planteil ; it being in the minds of many friends to prepare for their going against the spring.

"5. 1 laving thus far given thee a sketch of things, we come now to desire th\ assistance, and the assistance of other friends in vour parts; and we hope it will be at length an a<lvantage to you [\\vw. boih upon truth's account, and other ways; and in reganl many families more may come cner in the spring to Dela- ware side, to settle and plant, and will Ik* assigned by us to take possession of their particular lots; wc do contract ami desire that thou, knowiiig the country and how to deal with the natives; wc sav. that thee, and some other friends, would go over to Delaware side, as soon as this comes to your hands, or as soon as you can conveniently ; and James Wasse is to come to a place called New Castle, on the other side of the Delaware river, to stay for thee, and aiiv that will go with him ; and you all to advise together, and find out a fit jilace to take up for a town, and agree with the natives for a tract of land ; and then let it be surveyed and divided in one hundred jiarts ; for that is the method we have agreed to take, and we cannot alter it ; and if you set men to work to clear some of the ground we would be at the charges ; and we do intend to satisfy thee for anv charges thou art at. and for thy


pains. This we would not have ne,2:lecte(l, for we know, and you that are here know, tliat if the land we had not taken up before the spring-; that many people come over there, the natives will insist on high demands, and so we will suffer by buying at dear rates, and our friends that comcth cn'er, be at great trouble and charges until a place be bought and divided ; for we do not like the tract of land John Fenwick hath bought, so as to make it our first settlement ; but we would have thee and friends there, to provide and take up a place on some creek or river, that may lie you, and such a place as you may like ; for may be it may come in your minds to come over to our side, when you see the hand of the Lord with us ; and so we can say no more, but leave the thing with you, believing that friends there will have a regard to friends settling, that it may be done in that way and method, that may be for the good of the whole ; rest thy friends,

Gawkx Lawrie, William Penn, Nicholas Lucas, E. Byllinge, John EdridgE; En.Moxi) W'arxkr,

Proprietors' Lxstructioxs to Ja.mks Wasse AND Richard Hartshorne

"London, the i8th of ^th month. 1676.

"W'c whose names are hereunder subscribed, do give full power, commission and authority, unto James Wasse. Richard Hartshorne and Richard Guy. or any two of them, to act and do for us according to the following instructions ; and we do engage to ratify and confirm whatsoever they shall do in prosecution of the same.

"I. We desire you to get a meeting with John Fenwick. and the people that went with him. (but we would not have vou tell your business,) until you get them together; then show and read the deed of partition with George Cartaret ; also the trans- actions between William Penn, Nicholas Lucas, Gawen Lawrie,


jnliii Edrid^c and Edniond Warner, and tlicn read our letter to John Fenwick and tlie rest, and shew John renwick he hath im power to sell any land there, without the consent of John Edrid^c

;m(| I'.dniond Warner.

"2. Know of John I'enwick, if he will he wilHnjj peaccahly to let the land he hath taken up of the natives he divided into OIK' hundred parts, accordinj^j to our and his ajjrcemcnt in Enjj- land. castinj^j lots for the same, wc hein^ willinj^ that those who heiu}.,' settled and have cultivated j^round now with him, shall enjoy the same, without heinjj turned out, altIn>UL;h they fall into our lots : Always provided, that wc he reimV)ursed the like value and (|uantity in jj^oodness out of John Fenwick's lots. And we are also content to pay our ninetieth parts of what is paid to the natives for the same, aiid for what James Wasse hath purchased of John Fenwick. and he settinj^if out the same unt«i him, not hcing; in a place to he allotte*! for a town uf)on a river, hut at a distance, and the said John I'enwick allowing us the value in jjoodness in some other of his lots; we arc willinj^j he shall possess the same from any daiminji,' hy or under us; and for the town lots we are \\ iiliiii; lu- enjoy the same as freely as any jjurchaser huyinjj of us.

"V Take information from some that knows the sound- ings of the river and creeks, and that is ac(|uainted in the coun- try, and when James Wasse is in Maryland, he may enquire for one Au_i;ustin. who as we hear did foimd most part of Dela- ware river and the creeks : lie is an ahle surveyor; see to ai^ree with him to ^o with you up the river as far as over aj^^inst Xew Castle, or further if ytui can. so far as a vessel of a hundred tun can y;o; for we intetid to have a way cut across the country to Sandy I look; so the further up the way. the shorter; and there, upon some creek oy hay in some healthy .u;round. find out a place ht to make a settlement for a town ; an<l then ^o to the Indians ami ai;ree with them for a tract of land ahout the said place, of twenty or thirty miles lonsj. more or less, as you see meet, and as hR\ad as you see meet. If it he to the middle, we care not; only enquire if George Carteret, have not purchased some there already, that so you may not huy it over again.

"4. Then lay out four or five thousand acres for a town ; and if Augustin will undertake to do it reasonably, let him do it; for lie is the fittest man ; a'^d if he think he cannot survev so


inucli. I)eiiis4' in tlic winter time, then let him lay out the less for a town at present, if it be hut two thousand acres, and let him divide it in a hundred parts ; and when it is done let John Fenwick, if he please, be there ; however, let him have notice. But however, let some of you be there, to sec the lots cast fairly by one person that is not concerned. The lots are from number one to a hundred, and put the same numbers of the lots on the partition trees for distinction.

"5. If John Fenwick and those concerned w-ith him, be willing to join with you in those things as above, which is just and fair, then he, or any of them, may go along with you in your business ; and let them pay their proportion of what is paid to the natives, w-ith other charges. And so he and they may dispose of their lots with consent of John Edridge and Edmond Warner; which lots are 20, 21, 26, 27, 36, 47 50, 57, 63, y2.

"6. If John Fenwick and his people, refuse to let the land they have taken up of the natives be idivided, and refuse to join with you, you may let the country know in what capacity John Fenwick stands, that he has no power over, the person or estates of any man or woman more than any other person.

"7. What land you take of the natives, let it be taken, viz. : Ninety parts for the use of William Penn, Oawen Lawrie and Nicholas Lucas, and ten parts for John Edridge and Edmond Warner.

"8. After you have taken the land as above, and divided for a town or settlement and cast lots for the same as above ; then if they have a mind to buy one or more properties, sell them at two hundred s])ecie ; they taking their lots as theirs do, paying to you in hand the value of fifty pounds in parts of a propriety, and the rest on sealing their conveyance in London ; and so they may presently settle. When any of the lots fall to us, that is to say, he that buyeth a propriety may settle on any one lot of ninety parts ; which said j^ersons that buys, and what lots falls to them, there they may settle, and acquaint us what numbers they are : and if they will take land to them and their heirs forever, for every acre taken up in a place laid out for a town, according to the concessions, they are not to have above what shall fall by lot to a propriety in a town.

"9. What charges James Wasse it at, by taking up the


l;m 1 of the natives, we do oblii^e to pay the same unto hiin ai^ain, with what profits is usual there upon Enj,''lish snoods; and he may piteh upon two lots, one in each town ; if they be taken up before he comes away, to his own proper use. for his trouble an<l pains .And we do alstj enj^aj^'e tt) allow aiul pay what charges any of our C(tmmissioners .^hail disburse in executinijf these n\\r instruc- tions to them or their assigns.

"lo. Let us be advised by the first ship that comcl'i for I'.nj^lind, of all proceedings hereupon, and write to the friends at v^an(l\ I look, letting them know how things arc, and that we have divided with (leorge Cartaret. and that our '.'. '■- all along

on Delaware Kiver; and that we have made i is by our-

.^elves which we hope will satisfy friends there. If John Kenwick, or any of the people with him. ilesire a copy of the <lee(I of i>ar- tition. let them have it.

"11. We desire that our *)riginal deeil be kept in your own custody, that it may be ready to shew unto the rest of the C(jm- missioners. which we intend to send over in the sprijig, with full IKiwer for settling things, and to lay out land, ami disiM).sc upon it, and for the settling some method of government according to the concessions.

"12. If vou cannot get .\u.gu.>tin to go with you. or that he be unreasonable in his demamls ; then sentl a man to Thomas I'.ushroods, at Ksse.x Lodge, in York river, for William Elliot, who writes to ('lawen Lawrie this year, and otTcrcd liimself to be surveyor, and tell him you had t)rders from said Lawrie to send for him and take him with you. He will be willing to be there all winter, and will survey an.l do other things. He had a char- acter in \ irginia. but was not able to keep it; he is a fair con- ditioned sober man. Let him stay tl"*- •• -" winter, and order him something to live upi>n.

'■ i,v If tlie said Elliot go with you. give him directions what to do. If you cannot stay till a place for a town be surveyed, vet we think you may stay until you have not only pitched upon a place for a town, but also upon a place for a second town and settlement, and have marked out a place round about there, and let William F.lliott divide both which no doubt but he may do before the sjiring. that we send over more commissioners and l^eople : and if lohn Fenwick be willing to go on jointly with you


there, his surveyor may go alonj^ and lielp ours, and tlie charges shall be broui^ht in for botli proportionably on all. Mind this and speak to Richard Ouy. or Richard llartshorne, and leave orders with them to let William Elliot have provisions for himself till sprinj:^. and we shall order them satisfacton for the same ; and if there be no house near the place you may take up for the sur- ve^'ors to lodj^e in, then let there be a cottage built for them on the place and we wi'l allow the charges.

"14. And whereas there is tackling there already, for fitting a sloop, as we jndge in the custody of Richard Guy: We also give you power, if you see meet, and that it be of necessary use and advantage for the whole concern, you may order these ship carpenters to build a sloop suitable for these materials, and appoint them some ])rovision for their food, and for the rest of their wage.> they shall either have it in a part of the sloop, or be otherwise satisfied in the'spring of the year: the said sloop to be ordered and disposed upon by you until more commissioners come over with further instructions.

"15. With the goods we have sent over with James Wassc are to di.^posed upon for purchase land from the natives or otherwise as need is, giving us account thereof.

William Pkxn, Nicholas Lucas, En.Moxi) Warxer, Gawex Lawrii^, E. Byllixgic.

The instrument for dividing the province being agreed on by Sir George Cartaret on the one part and the said E. Byllinge, William I'enn, Gawen Lawrie. and Nicholas Lucas on the other, they together signed a Quintipartite deed after tJic first day of July, iC^jn. f.

The line of division being thus far settled, each took their own measures for further pc()i)ling and improving their difi'erent shares. Su" George Cartaret liad greatly the advantage respect- ing improvement.5, his iiart being (as we have seen) already considerably peopled : The western i)roprietors soon iniblished a description of their moiety, on which manv removed thither:


I '.111 lot any slioiiM not sufficiently \veij4;li the importance of this iimlertakiii}^, an<I for other reasons, the three jjrincijjal proprietors puhlisheil the following cautionary epistle:


\M) KiciiAUi) I Iaktsiiorm:

Hear (riciids ami hrcthii'ii :

I'.pistle. "In the pure love and precious fellow.^hip «»f our Lord jesus Christ, we very dearly salute ytni : Forasmuch as there was a paper printed several months since, entitled. The Descrip- tion of X ew-W'esl-Jersey, in the which our names were men- tioned as trustees for one unilivide<l moiety of the said province: \n 1 hecause it is allej^ed that some, partly on this account, and others appreheudin;^^ that the paper hy the manner of its expres- sion, came from the hody of friends, as a relij^ious society of peo- ple, and not from p.irticulars, have through these mistakes, weakly concluded that the third description in matter and form miifht he writ, printed and reconuncnded on purjjose tf) prompt and allure pco;)le. to dis-settle and transjjlant themselves, as it's also hy some allej^ed : And hecause that we are informed, that several have on that account, taken encouragement an 1 res«)luti«»n to transplant themselves and families to the said province; and le.^t any of them (as is feared hy some) should ijo out of a curir)us and un- settled mind, and others to shun the testimony of the hlessed cross of Jesus, of which several wcij^hty friends have a ijodly jealousy \\]^o\\ their spirits; lest an unwarrantahle forwardness should act or hurry any heside or heyoml the wisdom and coimscl of the Lord, or the freedom of his liglit and the spirit in their own hearts, and not upon a i^^ood and weiu^hty f^^roumls: It truly laid liard upon us. to let friends know how the matter stands; which we shall endeavor to do with all clearness and fidelity.

"1. That there is such a province as Xcxc Jersey, is certain

"2. That it is re]Kited of those who have lived and have travelled in that country, to he wholesome of air and fruitful of soil, and cajxihle of sea tra.le. is also certain ; and it is not rig^ht in any to des])ise or dispraise it. or dissuade those that find free- dom from the Lord, and necessity put them on goin.tif.

"3. That the duke of Vi^rk sold it to those called lord Berke-


ley, baron of Stratton, and sir George Cartaret. eqnally to be di- vided between them, is also certain.

"4. One moiety or half part of the said province, being the right of the said lord Berkeley, was sold by him to John Fenwick, in trust for Edward IJyllinge, and his assigns.

"S- Forasnnich as E. V>. (after William Penn had ended the difference ])et\veen the said Edward 1j\ Hinge and John Fenwick) was wilHng to i)rcsent his interest in the said province to his creditors, as all that he had left him. towards their satisfaction, he desired William Penn (though every way unconcerned) and Gawen Lawrie. and Nicholas Lucas, two of his creditors, to be trustees for performance of the same ; and because several of his crecHtors. particularly and very imporiunately, pressed William Penn to accept of the trust for their sakcs and security ; we did all of us comply with those and the like requests, and accepted of the trust.

"6. Upon this we became trustees for one moiety of the said province yet undivided: And after no little labour, trouble and cost, a division was obtained between the said sir George Cartaret and us. as trustees : The country is situated and bounded as is expressed in the printed description.

"7. This now divided moiety is to be cast into one hundred parts, lots, or properties ; ten of which upon the agreement made betwixt E. Byllinge and J. Fenwick, were settled and conveyed unto J. Fenwick, his executors and assigns, with a considerable sum of money, by way of satisfaction for what he became con- cerned in the purchase from the said lord Berkeley, and by him afterwards conveyed to John Edridge (or Eldridge) and Edmond Warner, their heirs and assigns.

"8. Tiie ninety i)arts remaining are exposed for sale, on the behalf of the creditors of the said E. P. And forasmuch as several friends are concerned as creditors, as well as others, and the disposal of so great a part of this country being in our hands ; we did in real tenderness and regard to friends, and especially to the poor and necessitous, make friend.5 the first oflfer ; that if any of them, though i)articularly those that being low in the world, and under trials about a comfortable livelihood for themselves and families should be desirous of dealing for any jiart or parcel thereof, that they might have the refusal.

i;ai<i,v iiisTctkv ok Atlantic county, x. j. 21

"(;. This was tlif rc.'il :in<l iioiiest intent of our hearts. an<l not to proni])! or allure any out of their places, either hy the creilit our names niij^jht have with our i)eople throuj^hout t'.ie nation or hy representiii}^ the thinj^ otherwise than it is in itself.

".\s for the ])rinte<l ])aper S(jnietinie .«ince set forth by the creditors, as a description of that province; we say as to two passai^es in it, they are not so clearly and safely worded as ouj^lit to have l»tcn ; particularly in seeming; to limit the wihlcr season to so short a time; wiieu on further informati<Mi. we Iiear it is sometimes lon}.;er and sometimes shorter than therein expressed: .uiil the last clause relatinj^ to lil)erty of conscience, wc would not have any to think that it is promised or intendeil to maintain the lihertv of the e.xerci -e of relij^ion by force and arms; tliouy:h we shall never consent to any the least violence on conscience ; yet it was never designed to encf>uraL:e any to e.xpect by force of arms to havr liberty of c«)nscience fenced aj^ainst invaders thereof.

I' I Xnd be it known unto you all in the name and fear of \lmii;iity (lod, 'lis .tjiory and honour. ])ower and wisdom, truth and kini^dom, is dearer to us than all visible thitiy;s: and as our eye has been sinj^le and our heart sincere to the livint; (jod, in this as in other thin}.js; so we desire all whom it mav oncern. that all i^roundless jealousies may be judf^ed down and watched against, and that all extremes may be avoided on all hands by the power of the Lord; that nothinj^: which liurts or j4:rieves the holy lite of truth in any that ijoes or stays, may be adhere! to; nor any provocation.; qiven to break precious unity.

"This am 1, William Penn. moved of the Lord, to write mito you. lest any briii,:^ a temjitation upon themselves or others; and in ofl'endiniL;" the Lord, slay their own peace: Blessed arc thcx that can see. ami hchohi their leader, their ordered, their con- ductor and f^reseri'cr, in stayini^ or i^oini^. Jl'hose is the earth and the fullness thereof, and the cattle itf>on a thousand hills. An.l a'< we formerly writ, we cannot but repeat our recpiest unto you. that in whoms(K-ver a desire is concerned in this intended plantation, such should weij^h the thing' and not headily or rashly conclude on any such remove; aiid that they do not ofYer violence to the tender love of their near kindred and relations : but soberly and conscientiously endeavor to obtain their j^otx/ li'ills. the unify of friends where they hre: that tv he I her they ^o or stay, it j)iay be


o{ ;^cH>d iavour before the Lord land i^ood people) from lehoni only eon all hcavenlx and earthly blessint^s come. Tliis we tliDU^'ht j^ckhI to write, for the preventiiij^ of all niisu!i<lerstan<l- iiii^s, and to declare the real truth nf the matter; ami sd we cmii- iiteiid vdu all to the Lord, who is the watchman <if his Israel. We are \(jur friends and hrethren.

William I'i-nn.

Gawen Lawk IK.

Nicholas Licas."

Tin: Land Systk.m oi- \Vi:st Jkksky. Vet, even in West Jersey it was nnavoidahle tliat there shonld 1)1- some irre^^ularities and disputes. One cause of trouble was found in the operations of the headstronj^ I'enwick at Salcni. Ipon I'enwick's arrival in West Jersey he styleil himself s<jle piojirietor of the province, appointeil a rej^isier and a surveyor, and undertook to i;rant lands in a rather iihliscriniinate manner. In spite of the several effort, of conci'iation, he c ntinued to ignore the leijitimate proprietors, until U1S2. when an ai^reement was at length efTected with iiim, through the instrumentality of I'emi. Me was allowed 150.000 acres of land, that hein^ the amount had had already jjrantei! in Salem town an I vicinity. an<I his deeds to that amount were recoj^iized as valid. .\ll further claims I'enwick surrendered to I'enn. and as that distinguished pers( n had already ac(|uired the interest:", of l-'lhridi^e. or ICl Iridj^e. and W arner. he thus became the recopii^ed proprietor of the "Salem Tenth." (Copied from "The Province of .Vftc Jersey," wiittcfi b\ r.dwin P. Tanner. '

The first W est Jersey commissioners were Tliomas Olive. Oanie! Wills. John Kinsey. John I'enford. Josepli Helmsley. Robert v^t.icy. licnjamin Scott. Richard Guy. and Thomas Foulke.

Now Jersey Si.micrs of indeiJendcnce: Richard Stockton. John \\"itliers])oon, James Hopkinson. John Hart, and Abraham Clark.

\ewspa])ers of New Jersey during- the Revolution: Xew Jersey Gazette, published in i'urlinijton December 3 1. 1777: Xew Jersey Journal, first published in Chatham in 177'): removed to I'.lizabethtown in I78().



\\\ Wm. Stkvki:k. Adjutant Gknkkal

\n the following- resolutions from the Journal of CongTess, October cjth. 1775. in the first call on Xew Jersey for Continental troops :

Resolved That it be recommended to the Convention of Xew Jersey; that they immediately raise at the expense of the Continent. Iwo haltalions: consisting- of Eight Companies each, and each company of sixty-eight privates officered with one cap- tain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four scrgca::ts, and four cor- porals.

That the ])rivates "be enli ted frr one year, at the rate of Five dollars per Calendar month ; liable to be discharg'sd at any time on allowing' them one nionth pd.y extraordinary.

That eac'n of the privates be allowed instead of bounty i felt hat, a pair of yarn stocking^s and a pair of sbnc-;, tbo meu to find their own arms.

That the pay of the officers to be the same as the officers of the Continental army.

That each Cai)tain and other Commissioned Officers, while in the recruitings service in this Continent, or on their march to join the armv, shall be allowed two and two-thirds dollars per week, for their subsistence, and that the men who enlist shall each of them, while in quarters, be allowed one dollar per week, and one and one-third dollars when on their march to join the army, for the same puri)ose.

December. 1777, the cartonment of the arniy was proposed by General Washington, an 1 in this connection. Cong^res.^ called upon him Dec. i<)th for a report thereon and urged that measures be immediately agreed u]inn for the ])rotection of Xew Jersey.


Rcsoli'ed That General Washington lie informed that in the opinion of Cong-ress. the State of Xew Jerse\-. demands in a pecu-

i;.\KI.\ lllSTnKV oK ATLANTIC COINTV. X. J. 25

liar (le^^rcc, tlic protection of armies of I'liited States, so far as the same can possibly be extended, consistent uitli the safety of the army and the {general welfare, as that state lies «»pen to attacks from too many (piarters and the strugj^les which have been made by the brave and virtnous inhabitants of that state in defence of the common canse. cannot fail of txposinjL,^ them tt» the particular resentment of a merciless enemy.

January loth. \JJ(>.

Resolved That another I'attalion be raised in New jersey,

on the same terms as the otlur two raised, in the same Colony:

Province of New Jersey.

In C<»n.i;ress. I''eb. ^»th. 177''.

Whereas liy a resolution of the lh)norable Continental Congress, a I'liini Hattalion is recommende«l. immediately to be raised in this Colony for the service, at the expense of the L'nite<l Colonies, cousistini; of tlie same as 1st and Jnd Uattalions in officers and in numbers.

Resolved That aj^reeable to the recommendation of the said Honorable Continental Cong^ress. the recruitinj^ officer enlist none but healthy, sound and able botlied freemen, not under sixteen years of atje.

And it is directeil. where any company shall be enlisted the Captain havini; warrants for raising the same, s'.iall a muster to be had thereof in the presence of

They are hereby appointed \

muster master to review the I

said companies, and atlminister •■ the oath to such Captains.


! John Mkhklkm. I JosKiMi Ellis, Edmund Thomas.

The Continental Ci^iu^ress assumed the right of appointing \cw Icrsev's ticUl otificers. This, the Colon v contended, should

26 i:.\KLv iiisroKv ui' Atlantic coi'xtv. x. j.

be reserved to itself. After much discussion tlie Provincial Con- gress, October 28. recommended the names of those fitted for field officers of the First or Eastern Hattalion. and the Second or Western Hattalion. This org;anization was known as the First Establishment of the Continental troops, "Jersey Line." Of the First Battalion Wm. Alexander, titular Lord Stirling, was Colonel while W'm. Maxwell was Colonel of the Second Bat- talion.

Although it was willi difficulty that arms and clothing could be secured for the Second IJattalion, Congress, on the 10th of January, 1776. called upon Xew Jersey to furnish a third battalion of eight companies, each consisting of 78 privates. The Colonel of the Third Battalion First Establishment was Elias Dayton. On the 3rd of ]\Iay, the First and Third Battalions left Xew York City u])on the Canadian expedition, being later joined by the Second. After nearly a year's experience in Indian warfare at Johnstown German Flats, Fort Dayton, Fort Schuyler, Ticon- deroga, and Mount Independence, the Third Battalion returned to Xew Jersey and at Morri>town was discharged March 23rd. 1777.

The Second Establishment of Continental troops of New Jersey dates from September 16, 177'''. the men enlisted in the First Establishment being given preference in the matter of re- enlistments. Elias Dayton was again Colonel of the Third Bat- talion. The 1st, 2nd, 3r(l and 4th P.attalions were known as "^Maxwell's Brigade, which impeded and harassed Gen. Clinton's force in its retreat through the Jerseys, after the evacuation of Philadel])hia. The brigade also ]iarticipatc(l in the P.attle of Monmouth.

The Third and last Establishment, which consisted of three regiments, was confirmed by the Xew Jersey Legislature, Sep- tember 26, 1781, Elias Dayton being Colonel of the Third. Each county was allotcd one battalion nf militia, exce])t Gloucester and Salem, which were united. < )n July 4th, 1780, the women of Xew Jersey organized a society for helping in tlie cause of American liberty ; the names of those from Gloucester County were Mrs. (Colonel) Clark. Mrs. (Colonel) Wescott, Mrs. (Col- onel) I\llis. Mrs. (Colonel) llugg, Mrs. P.loomfield. Lcc. Vol 2.


C( ).\s'riTrTi().\'— ACT OF i.i-.(;isi.\Tn>:i<:

He it rcsohcd by tlu- Stiiatc and (iciaral Assembly of the Stale of Xew Jersey. That the (ioveriKir. the Treasurer ami C'()in|>troller, be aiithorizecl to cause to be published such niunber iif cftpies as the\ may <leem proper, of the record of soldiers of this State iu the Kevolutiou and that they jjrepare, if it can be ilone. a recttrd of like character of the s<ildiers of this State iu the War of iXij ;unl the Mexican War. That the Treasurer be directed to pay upou the warrant of the Comptroller the ex- penses incurred.

( )ctol)er 4. ijKo An act was passe<l to enable owner!? and possessors of the tide-marshes and meadows, livinj^ on Absecon (.'reek, iu Ciloucester County, to erect and maintain a bank, to prevent the tides from overllowini; the marshes and meadows.

The Constitution framed in \'J'/(i just before the Declaration of Indepeiidence by the I'luted Colonies remained in force until 1X44. in that year a convention of delei^ates from the several counties met in couveuiion at Trenton, umler authority from the IcjL^isIature. framed a new one. more in accordance with the altered condition of the Commonwealth an<l the spirit of fuller freedom which had been developed.




Ellis, Captain Josepli, Muster Master, 1780. Davis, Captain Jdhn, Recruiting Officer, 1781. Lucas, Simon, Captain. First Battalion:

Shreve, Israel, C^Jlonel, also Colonel Continental Army.

Taylor, Robert, Captain, Major, Colonel.

Bodo, (Jtto, Colonel.

Tonkin, Samuel, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Shre\e, Samuel, Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Brown, Robert, C^aptain, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Flanningham (or Flanagan), Samuel, Major, also Captain in Continental Army. Second Battalion:

Ellis, Joseph, Colonel, also Brigadier-General.

Clark, Elijah, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Ellis, William. Major. Third Battalion:

Somers, Richard, Colonel.

Westcott. Richard, First Major.

Payne, George, Captain, First Major.

Smith, Jeremiah, Captain, Second Major.

Smith, William, Adjutant.

Little, John, Paymaster.

Hendry, Thomas, Surgeon.

Carpenter, Thomas, Payma.ster. liaker, John, Captain Third Battalion, Captain of State Troops. Barnes, Andrew, Captain, Prisoner of War in September, 1780. Browning, Jacob, Captain Second Battalion. September 22, 1777. Cheeseman, Richard, Captain First Battalion.

Covenover, Joseph, Captain Third Battalion, September 12, 1777. Cozens, John, Captain First Battalion, Pri.soner of War; exchanged December 8, 1780; Captain State Troops. Davis, John, Captain First Battalion.

Douglas--, , Captain.

Elwell, Joseph, Captain Third Battalion.

Elwell, Sawtel, Lieutenant Second ISattalion, September 3, 1776; Captain First Battalion.

Estell, Joseph, Captain Third Battalion, Sep>^ember IS, 1777. Fisher, Felix, Captain.

Hampton, John, Lieutenant Third Battalion, also Captain. Harrison, William, Captain Second Battalion.

Highee, Richard, Second Lieutenant Captain Payne's Company, Third Battalion, Xovemlter 14, 1777; First Lieutenant, Captain.

Holmes, James, Captain. (Gloucester; Captain Battalion, "Heard's Lrigade" June 16, 1776; also Captain in Continental Army. Inskii), John, Lieutenant Second ISattalion Captain. Lucas, Simon, Captain, Cxloucester; Captain Major Hayes' Bat- talion State Troops.

Maffatt, Archibald, Captain First Battalion; resigned. Maffatt, William, Fir.st Lieutenant Captain Pierce's Company. First Battalion, June 2, 1777; Captain.

Newkirk, Cornelius. Captain Second Battalion Salem; also Cap- tain First IJattalion, Gloucester.


Patten, Juhn, Captain Second Hattalion.

I'aul, l>avitl. Lieutenant Third Battalion; Captain.

Pierce, tJeorge. Captain First Hattalion, June 2, 1777.

Price, William. Captain Third Hattalion, September IS, 17 77.

Purvis. George, Captain Second Hattalion.

Rape, Christopher. Captain Third Hattalion. September IS, 1777.

Rice. William, Captain, Salem; Captain First Hattalion, Glou- cester.

Shiite, Henry, Captain First Hattalion.

.Smith, William, Adjutant Third Hattalion; Captain.

Sncll, Robert, l-Mrst Lieutenant; ("aiitaln.

Snell. Samuel. Captain Third Hatt.illon, September 18, 1777.

Som«'rs, Jamts, First Lleutt-nant Captain Price's Company, Third Hattalion, September is, 1777; Captain Second Hattalion.

Somers, John, Captain.

Steelman. Zephanlah, Captain Third Hattalion, September 18. 1777.

Stokes, John. Captain Second Hattalion.

Stonebanks, Richard. Captain Firm Hattalion. October 5, 1778.

Tallman. James, Cujitain Troop, LlKht-H or.se. May .'J. 1777.

Thorne, Joseph, Ciptaln Second Hattalion. Auf^UHt 10. 1776.

Watson, William, l-'irsi HIeutiMi.int l-'lrst Hattalion; Captain.

Weatherby, Oavld. Captain Third Hattalion.

Wood, John. Captain l-'irst Hattalion. Colonel Holmes' Regiment.

WoikI. John, (^aptaln.

Haker. David, Private. Lieutenant.

Carter. John. Lieutenant.

i'hatham. John. I..leutenant First Hattalion.

Leeds. Knoch. Lieutenant.

McCullough, Joseph, Lieutenant Third Hattalion.

Parsons. John, Lieutenant; Prisoner of War September, 1780.

Pelrce, Ward, Lieutenant.

Weatherby, lienjaniiii. Lieutenant Third Hattalion.

IngersoU. Joseph. First Lieutenant Captain Jeremiah Smith's Company. Third Hattalbm. November 14. 177 7.

Ireland, Kdward. Flr.st Lieutenant Third Hattalion, November II. 1777.

Leed.s, Jeremiah. I'irst Lieutenant In Captain Covenover'.s Com- l>any. Third Hattalion. September 18. 1777.

Mitchell, Alexander. First Lieutenant, also Captain Continental Army.

Morse, Xehemiah. l-'lrst Lieutenant Captain Payne's Company, Third Hattalion. November H. 1777.

Springer. Samuel. First Lieutenant Captain Rape's Company, Third Hattalion, September IS, 1777.

Westcott. Arthur. First l.,leutenant Captain E.s-tell's Company, Third Hattalion. September 18. 1777.

Chew. Aaron, Second Lieutenant Second Battalion.

Covenhoven. Peter, Second Lieutenant. November H. 1777.

Endicott. Jacob. Seconal Lieutenant Captain Snell's Company. Third Hattalion. September IS. 1777.

Finch. William. Second Lieutenant Captain Rape's Company, Third Hattalion. September IS. 1777.

Liuca?, John, Second Lieutenant Captain Estell's Company, Third Battalion. September IS, 1777.

McFarland. Samuel. Second Lieutenant First Battalion.

Parsons (Passant), Abraham. Second Lieutenant Second Battalion.

Risley, Jeremiah. Second Lieutenant Captain Covenover's Com- jiany. Third Battalion. September 18, 1777.


Roe, Henry, Second Lieutenant First Battalion.

Scull, John, Second Lieutenant Captain Price's Company, Third P.attalion, September 18. 1777.

Townsend, Elijah, Second Lieutenant Captain Jeremiah Smith's Company, Third Battalion, November 14, 1777.

Adams, John, Ensign, Captain Payne's Company, Third Battalion, November 14, 1777.

Avis, Joseph, Ensign, Third Battalion.

Barrett, Elijah, Ensign, Captain Samuel Snell's Company, Third Battalion, September IS, 1777.

Clark, Japhet, Ensign, Captain Price's Company, Third Battalion, September 18, 1777.

Dilkes, John, Ensign, Captain Pierce's Company, First Battalion, June 2, 1777.

Extell, Ebenezer, En.sign, Captain Estell's Company, Third Bat- talion.

Frazer, Daniel, Ensign, Third Battalion, November 14, 1777.

Hooper, Daniel, Ensign, Captain Taylor's Company, Third Bat- talion.

Inskeep, Benjamin, Ensign, Captain Browning's Company, Second Battalion.

McCollum, Cornelius, Ensign.

Morrel, Joseph, Ensign, Captain Thome's Company, Second Bat- talion.

Sipple, Nathaniel, Ensign, Captain Covenover's Company, Third Battalion.

Stilhvell. David, Ensign, Captain Jeremiah Smith's Company, Third Battalion.

Tilton, John, Private Third Battalion, Sergeant, Ensign, Novem- ber 14, 1777.

Bennett, Abraham, Pri\ate, Sergeant.

Campbell, William, Sergeant, Captain Davis' Company, First Bat- talion.

McCollum, Patrick, Sergeant.

Reed, John, Sergeant; also Private Continental Army. Sayres. Richard, Private, Sergeant. Spencer. Jacob, Sergeant. ^Tomblin. James, Private, Corporal, Sergeant. / Fisler, Leonard, Corporal. Dare, Philip, Wagoner.

i. ^.w., I1IST(1UV OF ATLANTIC COl'NTV, X. J. 3I

ui-i"k-i;ks \.\I) mi-:\ oi- Tin-: tiiiru xkw ji-:rsey


Col. Kllas I»uyt(in. Jan.. 1776. to Jan. 1. 17S7. Lieut. Col. Anthony W. White, Jan. 18. 1776. to Nov. 20. 1776. Lieut. Col. Franc-l.s Marber. Nov. 28. 1778. to Jan. 1. 1781. Major— F'>an<ls Harlxr. Jan. 18. 1776. to Nov. 20. 1776. Major JoHi'ph liloomllelU, Nov. 28. 1776. to Oct. 29. 177S. Major- John Conway. Oft. 29. 1778. ta July .''., 1779. Miijor— John IloUln.shead. April 7. 1779, to Jan. 1, 1781.


Ablxitt, Jepthu, Third llattallon.

Abel, John. Set-on.l Hattallon, also State Troops; also Continental Army.

Ackley. Daniel, niouoeHter. A<'kb'y. IIi-/,i'ki.ih. Cilomc^tir. Afkb.s, .l.miis, ( ;iiiii. 1 st, r. A<klfy, John. (Jloiucstt-r. A<'kley. Silas. Oloucester. Ailalr. James. Third n.ittullnn. (Slouce.ster. Adams. Andrew, (ilout-ester. Adams. l>avld. ( tloure.>;ler. A<lams. Klljah. Cil.iui-..sti'r. Adams. Ji-rtnilah. Cil'>ii<-e.«ter. Ailams, Jesse. (Jloucester. Adamy. Jonas, (lloueester. Adams. .Fonathan. (iloiict'ster. Ailams. RIehard. Third Muttallon. Glouee.vter. Adams, Thomas. Third Hattalion. Gloucester. Adams. William, t Jloini-ster. Aim. Abram. Third li.iHallon. C.lno.i'stor. Alb« rtson. Abraham, (Jlciucesti-r. AIl><rtson. Albert. Gloucester. Albertson, Isaac, Glouce.-ter. Albertson. Jacob. Jr.. Gloucester. Albertson, Jacob, Sr., Gloucester. ' Allen, <Teorgre, Third Hattallon, Gloucester, x^ Allen. Joseph. Third n.ittalion, tiloucester. Allen, William. Third Hattalinn. (Ibuicester. Allen. Tho.mas. Thir.l I'.attalion ( Allcor), Gloucester. Allset, Jacob, Third Huttalion, (Gloucester.

Anderson. Henry. Second IJattalion. Gloucester, Continental Army. Applegate. Captain Chambers. Second Rattalion. Armstrong. Isaac, Third Battalion, Gloucester. Aschrott. Gibson. Third Haltalion. Gloucester. Ashcroft. James. Third Battalion. Gloucester. Atherton. Cormiter. Third Battalion. Gloucester. Ayors, Abiiah. Third Battalion. Gloucester. Ayers, James. Third Battalion. Gloucester. Ayer.s. Moses, Third Battalion. Gloucester.

Bacon. Abel. Thir.l Battalion. Gloucester. Fachon, Benjamin. Third Battalion, Gloucester. Baker. Frederick.


Baley, James.

Baley, John, Continental Army.

Baley, Jonathan.

Baley, Joseph.

Balken, Benjamin, Third Battalion.

Barden, Haned, Third Battalion.

Barker, Richard, Third Battalion.

Barton, Jonathan, Continental Army.

Bates, William, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Bea\in, Thomas, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Beesly, Jonathan, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Belange, James.

Belange, Nicholas.

Belange, Samuel.

Bell, Robert.

Bell, William.

Benly, Jonathan, Third Battalion. Gloucester.

Bennett, Alexander, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Bennett, John.

Bennett, Jonathan.

Berry, John, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Bispham, Benjamin.

Blackman, Andrew.

Blackman, lOavid.

Blackman, John.

Blackman, Xehimiah.

Bleakman, James.

Boggs, James, Third Battalicm, Gloucester.

Boice, William.

Bortin, Jonathan, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Bowen, Edward. ;

Bowen, Josiah.

Bowen, Zadock, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Bradford, John, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

15rady, Patrick, Continental Army.

Bright, George, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Brower, David.

Brower, David, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Brown, Asa, Second Battalion, State Troops.

Brown, Matthew, Continental Army.

Browne, George, Third Battalion.

Bryant, John, Third Battalion.

Bryant, Thomas, Third Battalion, Continental Army.

Buck, Elijah, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Buck, Josiah, Third I^attalion, Gloucester.

Budey. John, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Bulange.v. James. Third Battalion. Gloucester.

Bulangey, Joshua, Third Battalion. Gloucester.

Bunton, Robin, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Burch, Joseph, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Burk, Elijah, Third Battalion, Gloucester.

Burnet, Moses.

Burton, Samuel.

Busbin, William. Third Battalion.

Butterworth, Moses, Third Battalion..

Cade, Aaron F., Captain Paul's Company, Third Battalion, Stat© Troops, and Continental Army.

Cain, John, Third Battalion, Gloucester.


Cain. Samuil. Third r.attalion. Gloucester. Camp. lO/.cklt 1, Jr. Camp. James.

Camp. John.

Camp, Jost'ph, ."<r.

Cami>. Juseph, Jr.

Campbell, Archihald.

Camphell. David, Third lialtallon, Gloucester. Cul. Somers' State Troops.

Campbell, William. Captain FIsler's Company. Continental Army.

Campen. William, Third Battalion. Gloucester. Colonel Somers* Uattalion. .State Trm.p.-.

Cann. Jnhn.

Caranna. Giorjf*'. Third liattalion, Gloucesler, also Colonel Somers" State Troops.

Carpenter. Jacob.

t.'arier. (;e(irKe. Third nuttallon. Col. Somers Dattalion, and State 'I'rouji.s.

Cariiihors. James. Third Hatlallon. Col. Somers Hattallon. and f^tate TroopJ^.

Casey. John. Third Mattallon, Slate Troops. Continental Army.

Ca.*fk»r, Uenjamln.

Ca.'^kle, Simon.

Casper.son, ToMa.", Third Hattallon. also Colonel Somers' State Troops.

Catteri. William.

Cavener, (Jeorge. Third Hattallon.

Chamberlain. Thomas.

Champion. I'unlel.

Champion. John.

Champion. Thomas.

Chattan. John. Third Hattallon, Colonel Somer.s' Troops.

Chiesnian. Thomas. Third Hattallon, Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Chester, John, Third Hattaliun, Col. Somers liattalion, and State Troops.

Chew, llobert. Third Hattallon. Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops:.

Clark. Ailrial.

Clark. Hetijamin.

Clark. David.

Clark, John. Second Battalion, also Continental Army.

Clark, Joseph, Gloucester.

Clark. I'arker, Gloucester.

Clark, Reuben, Gloucester.

Clark. Thomas. Gloucester.

Clemens, Richard, Gloucester, Continental Army.

Clement, David.

Clifton, George.

Clifton, William.

Clough, Jacob. Third Battalion, Col. Somers 'Battalion and State Troops.

Ci>l)b. John. Third Battalion. Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Cobb. Thomas. Third Battalion. Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Cobb, William, Third Battalion. Gloucester.


Conklin, Joseph.

Connelly, Bryant.

Con(<ver, David.

Conover, Jesse.

Conover, Mecajah, Third Battalion, Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Conover, Peter.

Conover, Peter B.

Cook, John.

Cook, Patterson, Third battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Cook, Silas, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Cordry, William.

Corson, Abel.

Corson, John. ^

Coshier, John.

Coshier, Simon.

Cosier, Benjamin, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Cosier, Simon, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Coults, James, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, Statt, Troops.

Course, Isaac.

Course, William. . Covenhoven, Isaac.

Covenhoven, John.

Covenhoven, Joseph.

Cox, Andrew, also Continental Army.

Cox, Jacob, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Crager, Samuel, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Crandell, Levi, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Cranmore, Wm., Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Cullom, Cornelius, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Dair, Cain, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion. State Troops.

Dair, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Dallis, Samuel. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion State Troops.

Danel.son, J,)hn, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion. State Troops.

Daniels. Kidd. Third Battalion. Daniels, William.

Daven, Joel, also Continental Army State^-Troopf ''^'■^'''' '^^^''^ Battalion, bolonel Somers' Battalion and Davii--. Cain, Third Battaiiun. Davis, Curtis. Davis. Karl. Davis, Richard.


Day, Chas., Third IJattallon, also Uol. Somers Battaliun, State Troops.

J>ay, Samufl, Thinl lUttulion, alno Col. Somers Battalion, State TrooiJH.

Day. Thoma.s, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers* Battalion and •State Troops.

Deal, Klla.s, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troop.s.

1 it-al. James. I »eal, John. Deal, Samuel.

Deckley, James, Third liattallon. Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Dellel, Kdward. Third Battalion.

Delfer, John. Second Battalion, also Continental Army. Denlck, Samuel. Denick, Samuel, Jr. Dennis, I >a\ Id. De-.uils, Matthew. Denny, (}ldei>n. 1 >eniiy, Thomas.

Denny. Jona.s, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State 'I'roops.

Derrlrk.'-(in. Andrew, Third ISuttalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

DIckliKson, John, (}louce.«»ter. DU-kln.M.n. William.

Dllkcs, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers r.attalion. State 'rroiips. also (^i>Mtlnental Arm.v.

Dill, Frampton. Third Battalion, also Colonel Somers' Battalion, State Troops.

Dolbier. John.

Dollls. .^■.amuel. Third Battalion. Doram. John. Dorcar. Silas. Dormant, Jesse. Doughirty. Kdward. Doughty, Abel. Doughty, Ahlge. Dought\'. Abner. T^oughty, Absalom. DoughtN'. .Tonathan. Doughty, .loslah. Pought>'. Thomas. Dowan, Edward. Dower. John. Drummond, Benjamin. Drumnn nd. John.

DufTell. Edward. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion. State Trdops.

Diilane.v. Samuel. Dunaway. Thomas. Dunlap, James.

Eastall. Joseph.

Edwards. John. Second Battalion, also State Troops, also Conti- nental Army.

Edwards. Jo.^eph. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.


Eglenton, Ebenezer, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion,

State Troops.

Eldricige, Wm., Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State


Elway, Jeremiah.

English, Joseph.

English, Mizeal.

English, Thomas.

Er\in, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Evans, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Evving, Abner, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Ewing, Abraham, Third Battalion.

Falkner, Daniel.

Farrell, John, Continental Army.

Farrow, Abraham, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Farrow, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Farrow, Mark, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops. ,

Feathers, George, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Pell, Peter, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Fell, William, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Fenimore, Abraham, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Fenimore, Daniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Ferlew, Nathan, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Ferrill, James, Continental Army.

Fetter, Jacob, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Field, Thomas, Captain Fisler's Company, also Continental Army.

Fisher, Jacob.

Fisler. Jacob.

Fisler, John.

Fithian, George, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Fithian, Wm., Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Fletcher. William, also Continental Army.

P'orbes, Uriah, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Trooi)s.

Ford, William.

Fort. William. Third Battalion, also Colonel Somers' Battalion. State Troops.

I'-owler, Getirge.

Fowler, Isaac, Continental Army.

Frambes. Andrew.

Frambes, Xichojas.

Franklin. John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.


FraziiT, I •ani'l.

l-'renth, Samuel.

l-'ry. William.

Fiirmaii, Daniel. Third Huttaliun. also Col. Somors Hattalion, and Statu 'J'roujj.s.

Kiirmaii, \Vm.. Third liatlali<>n, also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Tro()i).s.

iJ.imlili', Calvin. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Itattalion, and State TroojKV.

Gandy, David, also Stati- Troops.

Gandy, Hdward.

Gandy, Kllas.

Gandy, John.

Gant, Jame.M.

Garratson, Jaroh.

Garratson, Jeremiah.

Garratson, Joseph.

Garratson. Lemuel.

Garret, Uoliert, Continental Army.

Garrison, Cnrnellus. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers nattalion, and State Troops.

Garrison, lOliJah. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Itattalion, and State Troops.

Garrison, Reuben.

Ciarw I. Samuel, Second Hattalion. also State Tro<jps and Conti- nental Army.

Gee. Hos.-el.

(Sentry. William. Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Troops.

Glherson, James.

Giheraon, Job.

Glherson, John.

GilllnKham. James. Third Hattalion, al.so Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troop.>3.

Giffen. Daniel.

(^ItTord, Henjamln.

Glffnrd. James.

GlfTord, John.

GlfTord. Timothy.

Given, Reese, Sr.

Given, Reese, Jr.

Given, William.

Goff. John.

Gonnel. Francis.

Graham, Richard. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Oormley. James. Third Battalion.

Gr:i>iam. William, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Greaves, Joshua.

Gromley, James. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Guild. Benjamin. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Racket. William.

Haines. Joseph. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

llainey, William.


Hamilton, James, also Continental Army. Hamilton, John, Third Battalion.

Hampton, John, Colonel Somers' Battalion, State Troops. Hancock, Andrew, Continental Army.

Harcourt, Abram, Third Battalion, also State Troops and Conti- nental Army.

Harker, Abel, Captain Snell's Company, Third Battalion, also. Continental Army. Harker, David.

Harker, Nathaniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion,, and State Troops.

Harris, Moses, Third Battalion, also CoL Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Harris, Reuben, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Harris, William, Third Battalion. Hawkins, George.

Hays, David, Captain Covenover's Company, Third Battalion, also Continental Army, ahso State Troops.

Hedd, Peter, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Heind, David, Third Battalion.

Helel, Leonard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Helmes, Hance, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Helmes, John, Third Battalion,- also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hemphill, Robert, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion,, and State Troops.

Henns, Jacob, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Henry, George.

Hess, Michael, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

He.ssler, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hewes, William.

Hewett, Benjamin, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hewett, Caleb, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hewett, Moses, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion,, and State Troops.

Hewett, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Scmers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hewett, William, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hewett, Thomas. Hickman, Isaac. Hickman, James. Hickman, Thomas. Higbey, Ab.salom.

Highey. Edward, Captain Steelman's Company, Third Battalion. Higbey, Isaac.

Higbey, Richard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.


Hill. l"rlah. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Tr(ioi)s.

Illllman, DanU-l.

Ilillnian, John, Third Battalion.

Illllman, Samuol, Infantry, Artillery, Light Horse.

Hillman, Kamuel A.

Hillman. S-'eth.

Ili.ss, Michael. Third Battalion.

Hitman. John, Third Battalion, also I'ol. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Hoffman, Benjamin. Continental Army.

Ilnffman, Jacob.

llolliiiK-worth, Thomas. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Bat- talion, and .'•'late Troops.

I jnman, Andrew.

lloman. l>aniel.

Homan, l>avid.

lIuK^. John.

Hu.skty, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

llulinKs, John. Third B^ittallon. al.vo Col. Somers Battalion, and Stall' Troops.

Iliimphries, Thomas.

lliiMd. I>avld, Third Battalion, also (?ol. Somers Battalion, and State Troop.v.

Hiind. Lewis, Third Battalion, al-^'o Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Iliirli'.v. .John.

Hurst, Andrew.

Ilutrhlnson, Abraham. Third Battalion. al?o Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

HiitsinKer. Peter, Third Itattalion, al."'o Col. Somers Battalion, and Slate Troops.

Hiitrhln.«on. E/.f kiel.

Idle, Jacob.

Ihnetler. CicorBe. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Itettallon. and State Troops.

Ingalson, Daniel.

Inga'ron, Isaac.

Inger.«( II, Benjamin.

Inerersoll. Ebcnezer.

Ingpr.«oll, John.

Inger.=oll, Joseph, Jr.

Irelan, Amos.

Irelan, David.

Irelan. Edmvind.

Irelan. Oeorge.

Irelan. Jap'het.

Irelan, Jonathan.

Irelan. Jos(M>h.

Irelan, Reuben.

Irelan. Thomas.

Ireland. Jame?, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Ireland. John. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Ireland. Thomas, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.


Jefferies, James.

JefEeries, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Jerry, Jonathan, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Je.=s, Samuel, Third J^jattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Johnson, Isaac, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

(See Johnston.)

Johnson, Joseph, Third P>attalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Johnson, Lawrence, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Johnson, Lewis, Third Battalion.

Johnson, Michael.

Johnson, Nathaniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Johnion, Richard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Johnston, Isaac, Capt. Covenover's Compan.v, Third Battalion, also Continental Army.

Johnston, William.

Jones, Abraham, Continental Army.

Jones, Abram.

Jones, Daniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Ilattalion, and State Troops.

Jones, Hugh, Wounded.

Jones, Isaac.

Jones, Jonas, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Jones, Lawrence. Third I'.attalion.

Jones, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troop?.

Kaighn, John, Capt. Higbee's Company. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops, also Continental Army.

Keen, Reuben.

Kehela, Thomas, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion, State Troops.

Keilson, David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Kelly. Patrick. Third Battalion, also Continental Army.

Kelly. I'riah, Third .Battalion.

Kelly. AVilliam, Continental Army.

Kendle, James, Third Battalion.

Kerrey, John, Third Battalion, Capt. Steelman's Company, Third Battalion, State Troops, and Continental Army.

Kesler, John. Third liattaliun, also Col. Somers Battalion.

Kidd, Daniel. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Trodp.'j.

Kidd. Peter. Third iiattalion.

Kille.v. John, Third Battalion, Capt. Steelman's Company, State Troop?, and Continental Army.

Kindle. Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troojis.

King, Andrew.

Lacy, Cornelius, Third r.attalion.


Lafferty. John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Haltalion. and State Troops.

Kiike, Andrew.

Lake, Daniel.

Lake. Joseph. Tapt. Steelman's Company. Thirl nattalion. also State Troops and Continental Army.

Lake, .Nathan.

Lake. William.

Lamiir, Mack.

Land, (Jeorge.

I.^n<J, James, Third Haltalion. also Col. Somers Itattalion, and State Troops.

Leah. .Nathan, Third I'.atlallon, al.*o Col. Somers Mattalion. and State Troops.

Leake. Nathaniel. Third Hattallon.

Leake. William. Third Itattalion. also Col. Somers Hattallon. and .'-"tate Troi.ps.

Leaman, (Jodfrey. Third Hattallon, also C<»1. Somers Hattallon, I ikI State Troops.

Lee. Kavld.

Lee, Jo.«eph, Captain Pierce's Company, First Hattallon, also <'on- tlnental Army.

Lee, Walter, Third Hattallon, also Col. Somers Hattallon, and Stale Troiips.

Leeds, Daniel.

Leeds, Felix.

I^eeds, James.

Leeds. .Nehemiah.

Leeds. Thoma.<».

Leeds. William. ('r>ntlnental Army.

Leonard. Azarlah, Third Hattallon, also Col. Sonni -^ r.iitallon. iiid State Troopy, also Continental Army.

Lewis, Franol.'i.

Lewis, lrenlii.«. Third Hattallon, also Col. Somers Haltalion, and State Troops.

LInwoofl. John, Third Hattallon, also Col. Somers Hattallon, and State Troops.

Lipponeott, Daniel. Third Hattallon.

Lippencott, John, Captain Rape's Compan.v. Third Hattallon, also State troops, also ("onllnental Army.

Little. John. Third Battalion, also Col. Som» rs Hattallon, and State Troiiji.'!.

Little. John. Sr.

Little, John. Jr.

Lock, John.

Lock, Jonathan.

Locy, Cornelius. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Lodge, John. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, ana State Troops.

Long. An?ey. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Loner. Moses. Third Battalion. ni«.. r,iicin..i Somers' Battalion, State Troops.

Long. Silas.

Loper. Abram.

Lord, Asa, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.


Lord, John, Third battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Lord, Jonathan, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Lown, Richard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Lusk, Israel, Continental Army.

Manary, Abram.

Mancy. David.

Manley, Benjamin.

Mapes, Edmond.

Marical, George.

Marshall, Joseph.

Marshall, William.

Mart, Andrew.

Mason, Andrew, Third Battalion, also Colonel Somers' Battalion, State Troops.

Mason, David.

Massey, Benjamin, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Master, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Mattacks, David.

Mattacks, Jesse.

McCalsner, John.

McCieary, Michael, Third Battalion, also Colonel Somers' Bat- talion. State Troops.

McCollum, John.

McConnell, Adam.

McCuUock, Abraham, Third Battalion, also Continental Army.

McFadden, James, Captain Snell's Company, Third Battalion, also State Troops also Continental Army.

McFadden, John, Third Battalion, also State Troops; also Conti- nental Army.

. McFarland, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

McGee, Daniel, Continental Army.

MoGonigal, George, Continental Army.

McHenry. Charles, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

McKay. William, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

McKimmy. William.

MrXeil. Hector. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops, also Quartermaster Sergeant Continental Army.

Meare. George, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Meyers. Charles.

Mil'er. Benjamin. Third Battalion, al?o Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Mil'er, Samuel. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Miller. Stephen, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Minteor, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Mirps. George. Third Battalion.

Mitchell, John, Continental Army.


Moore, Andrew.

Moore, Daniel. Third Hattallon, also Col. Somers Hattallon, and State Troojj.s.

Morrl.-^, Thomu.s, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Trixjps.

Morse. Jona.>-\

Morse. Joshua.

Morse, Nicholas.

Mose.s. (;eorKe, Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State TroojiS.

Moslander. Sharon, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and Stale Troop.s.

Mulford, Kzeklel.

Miillurd, Kurman, Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Mulf(ird, Jonathan. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Mulford, Samuel, Third Battalion.

Mullaky, John.

Muiicy (or Murrey), David, Third Battalion.

Munnion. John, Third Battalion, also Col. Som»TS Battalion, and State TroKps.

Murphy, William.

Muslirook, John, Continental Army.

Neaves. Thomas. Second Battalion, also State Troops, and Conti- nental Army.

Nelson. Davis. Third Battalion.

Nelson. Gabriel. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Nelson. James.

Nelson. Joseph. Third Battalion, also t'ol. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Nelson Nehemlah, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Newffen. Hichard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Ltottalion. and State Troojis.

Newma'i. John. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Newman, Reuben. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and Slate Troops.

Newton, Silas, also Sergeant. Continental Army.

Nichols. Jacob.

Xichols, Cornelius.

Nichols, Thomas. Second Battalion, also State Troops and Conti- nental Army.

Nickles, Wilson. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Nickle.«on, John. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Troojis.

Nielson. David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Nielson, Da\is, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Nielson. Gabriel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Nile, Benjamin.

Norcro?s. Benjamin. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.


Norcross, James.

Norcross, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Norton, Caleb.

Norton, James.

Norton, Jonathan, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Nukier, Thomas, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion and State Troops.

Nukless, Wilson. Third Battalion.

Orr (or Ord), John, Third Battalion, al.so Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

On )orn, Daniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Osborn, John, Captain Stonebank's Company, First Battalion, also State Troops, also Continental Army.

Padgett, David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Padg-ett, Thomas, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Parker, Joseph, Sr.

Parker, Joseph, Jr.

Parker, Samuel, (1).

Parker, Samuel, (2).

Parkes, Daniel.

Parkes, Joseph, Capt. Pierce's Company, First Battalion, also Continental Army.

Parkes, Noah.

Parkes, Paul.

Parry, Jo'hn, Third Battalion.

Parshall, Israel.

Patterson, John, (1), Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops, also Continental Army.

Patterson, John, (2), Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Paul. Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Pawpe, Robert.

Pecki!i. Samuel, Third Battalion.

Peirson, David, Third Battalion.

Peirson, Stephen, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Penton, James, Corporal, Continental Army.

Penyard, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Penyard, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalitm, and State Troops.

Perkins, Samuel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Perry, Daniel. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Perry, John. Third P.attalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Perry, Joseph.

Perry, Mose.s, Third r.attalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.


Peters, Philip. Sicuiul Hattalion. also State Troops, ami (""onti- nental Army.

Peterson, Aljram.

Peterson, David, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and Statt Troops.

I'eter.'^on, Jaroh, t'aptain .Smith's Company, Third Battalion, State Troop.s, and Continental Army.

Peterson, Samuel. Third liattallon, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troop.s.

Peterson, Thomas.

Pett, Jost'ph, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Pierre, (ieorge.

Pierce. Ward.

IMatt, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Piatt, Samufl, Third Hattalion, al.so Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Poarch. Thomas, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Poiileson, Lawrence, Continental Army.

Powell, John, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Powell, Richard.

Price, Jacob.

Price, I..-vi.

Price. Richard.

Price. Thomas.

Pri<'c. T'honipsoii, Captain Somers Company.

Prlilniorc. Williani, Third Battalion, al.'-o Col. Somer.« Bjittalion, and State Troops.

PriKmore, William. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, State Troops.

Qulck.'^el, William, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Rain, John, Captain Fisler's Company, also Continental Army.

Reed, Jtmathan.

Reed, (»l)ediah.

Reed, William, Second Hattalion, also Continental Army.

Reeves. John.

Reeves, Joshua, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers "Battalion, and State Troops.

Reeve.*?. Thoma.*--, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Rennard. Thomas.

Reynolds, Samuel, Third Regiment, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Rice. Michael, Second Battalion, also Continental Army.

Rich. Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Richerson, Richard, Third Battalion.

Richman. Richard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Richmond, Daniel.

Riley. Jacob, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Riley, Patrick.


Risley, Aun.

Ridley, David.

Risley, Joseph.

Risley, Morris.

Risley, Nathaniel.

Risley, Samuel.

Risley, Thomas.

Robbins, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Roberts, James.

Roberts, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Roberts, Samuel.

Robertson, George.

Robertson, Isaac.

Robeson, Calelj, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Robeson, Jeremiah, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Robeson, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Robeson, Thomas, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Robinson, Jeremiah.

Rockhill, William, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops; also Sergeant Continental Army.

Ross, Andrew, First Battalion, Wounded October 29, 1777, ditto May 19th, 1778.

Ross, Stephen.

Rossell, John.

Rudnown, Enoch, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Rudrovv, Enoch, Third Battalion.

Salmon, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Salsbury, John.

Sawings, Joseph.

Sayres, David.

Scott, Thomas, Capt. Paul's Company, Third Battalion, also State Troop.s, and Continental Army.

Scull, Abel.

Scull, David, Third Battalion, also Cnl. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Scull, Joseph.

Scull, Peter.

Sealey. David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Seddons, Jacob.

Seeds, Benjamin, also Continental Army.

Seeley, John, Continental Army.

Seers, David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Seller, William. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troopf.

Selvey. John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Fenker, William, Third Battalion.

Shane, John.


Sharp, lliiir>. Third Uattallun, also Col. Somers Ballaliun, and State Troops.

Shaw, Keuhfn, Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Shaw. Richard, Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Hattalion. ano State Troops.

KhoelT, David, Third IJattallon. also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Troops.

Shepht-rd, Lawrence. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Hattalion. and State Troops.

Shepherd. Nathaniel, Third liattallon. also Col. Somers Hattalion. utid State Troop.s.

Sheijherd. < 'wen. Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Huttalion. and Slate Trooj'S.

Shinlelt, Frederic.

Shropiiear, Kdward. Tliird I'.attallon, also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Troops.

Khute. Samuel. Captain Flsler's Company, also Continental Army.

Shiiley. John. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Hattalion. and State Troojis.

SlKht, Henry. al.>*o Continental Army.

Sill, John, Third Hallallon. also Col. Somers Hattalion, and State Troops.

Silvey. John, Third Hattalion.

Slmkins. (Jeorse.

Simkins, James.

Siner. Je.sse, Thinl I'.attallon. also I'ol. .Somers Hattalion. and State Troop.'-'.

Sinker, William, Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Hattalion. and ttate Troojis.

Skeofl', David. Third Hattalion.

Slawttr. John.

Slide. I'hilip. Third Hattalion, also Col. Somers Hattalion. and State Troops.

Smallwood. James.

Smallwood. John. Second Hattalion, also State Troops, also Conti- nental Army.

Smith. Klia.*^.

Smith, Klijah, Jr.

Smith, Felix.

Smith, llenr.s.

Smith, I.-aac.

Smith, James.

Smith. Jesse. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and Slate Troops.

Smith, John, Third Hattalion. also Col. Somers Battalion, and Stale Troops.

Smith. Joseph. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Balla:ion. and Stale Troops.

Smith, Joshua.

Smith. Micha.

Smith. Xoah.

Smith, Thomas. Third Battalion, al?o Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Smith. Wm. U >, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and Stale Troops.

Smith, Wm. (2». Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and Slate Troops.


Smith, Zenos, Second Battalion, also State Troops, and Conti- nental Army.

Snailbaker, Daniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Snailbaker, Philip, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Snelbacker, George, Second Battalion, also Continental Army.

Snell, David, Third Battalion.

Snelly, Robert, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troop^.

Soey, Joseph.

Soey, Nicholas.

Soey, Samuel.

Sommers, David.

Sommers, Enoch.

Sommers, Isaac.

Sommers, John, Capt. Pierce's Company, First Battalion, and Con- tinental Army.

Sommers, Richard.

Sommers, Thomas.

Sparks, Joseph.

Sparks, Robert.

Spire, John.

Springer, Thomas.

Sprong, Jeremiah.

Sprong, John.

Starkey, John.

Stedman, Richard, Third Battalion.

Steelman, Andrew.

Steelman, Daniel.

Steelman, David.

Steelman, Ebenezer.

Steelman, Frederick.

Steelman, George. '

Steelman, James, Sr.

Steelman, James.

Steelman, John, also State Troops.

Steelman, Jonas.

Steelman, Jonathan, Sr.

Steelman, Jonathan, Jr.

Steelman. Richard, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Stephens, David.

Steward, Ezekiel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion and State Troops.

Steward, Joseph, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Stewart, Alexander.

Stewart, Joel.

Stewart, John, Sr., Captain Fisler's Company, also State Troops.

Stewart, John, Jr., Captain Fisler's Company, also State Troops, also Continental Army.

Stewart, Stephen.

Stibliins, Ebenezer.

Still well. David.

Stoddard, Samuel.

Stonebank, Thomas, Captain Stoneback's Company, also State Troops, also Continental Army..


Stonl. Joel.

Stothem. Thomas. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, SliUe Troop.s, also ('apt. Allen's Company. State Troops. Strickland, Samuel.

Strumlile. J(jhn. also Continental Army.

Stull. (JIdfori. Third Battalion. Colonel Somers' Battalion, also State Troop.s-.

Stutman. John.

Summer.^. James (Somers). Second Battalion, also Continental Army.

Swain. Aliraham. Third Roginuiit.

Swain. Judi-th. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Swan. Je.>-sf. Third Battalion. Swan<ller, Isaac

Sweeny. Valentine. Third Battalion. Swlney. Timothy.

Swing. Valentine. Third !5attallon. also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Taylor. Israel.

Taylor. Hobert. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and .Stale Trooj)s.

Tennent. William. Continental Army.

Terrepln. Isaac. Third Itattallon, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Terrepln. I'rhih, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Terry. Jonathan. Thackry. John. Thomas. James.

Thomas, Jtrhii. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Thomas. Richard.

Thoms^on. William. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Thorpe. Oliver. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and .State Troops. Tlce. Jiihn.

Till. Peter. Third Battalion. Tllton. Daniel.

Tllton. Joseph. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Tlmberman. Jacob.

Tomlin. Elijah. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Tomlin. Jacob, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Tomlin. Jonathan. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Tomlin, William. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Tonsoii, Lewi.s. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Tourain or Tourmier. Redack, Third Battalion, Colonel Somers' Battalion. State Troops. Towne. John. Townsend, Daniel. Townsend, James.


Townsend, John.

Townsend, Reddick, Third battalion, Capt. Smith's Company, Continental Army.

Trumey, Daniel. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Vanaman, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Vernon, David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Waggoner, George, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Walker, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Wall, George, Capt. Fisler's Company, also Continental Army.

Wallace, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Walles, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, anu State Troops.

Weatherby, Benjamin, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Weatherby, David, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Weatherby, George, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Weeks, John.

Weeks, Zephaniah.

Welden, Seth, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Weldron, Thomas.

Wells, Peter.

Wence, Jacob.

West, Israel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

West, Uriah, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Wheaton, Peter.

Wheaton, Robert, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Wheaton, Silas.

Wheaton, L'riah.

Whitacre, Samuel.

White. Jennings. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

White, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Whitlock, John, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Wild, John. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Wiles, Daniel, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

Wiley, James.

Williams, David. Third Battalion.

Williams. Edward, Captain Fisler's Company, also Continental Army.

Williams. George, Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troops.

AVilliams. John.


Williams, William.

Wllliam.s(jn, I>avi<l, Third Haltaliun, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troup.s.

\VII>fy, John.

Wll.son. Klljah.

WilHon, William. Third Battalion, al.so Col. Somers Battalion, and State TroopH.

Woodruff. Samiul, Third Battalion, al.so Col. Somers Battalion iiid State Troojf.s.

Woolson, Jnhii. Third lialtallon. also Col. Somers Battalion, and State Troo|)s.

VVorrlik. Samiifd.

Wright. John. Continental Army.

Yoiinff. I lance. Thir<l Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and State TrofipH.

Ynunjf. I'riah. Third Battalion, also Col. Somers Battalion, and !>tate Troo|)s.

Zimmerman. Jaeol».

L. L. T. W.



Officers in tiik Uxitf.d Statks Xavy From New Jersey

Richard Soniers, Midshipman. April 30, 1798; on Frigate "United States" Flagship of Captain John Barry, commanding North Atlantic and West India Squadron, July, 1798; took part in the capture of the French letters of Marque "Le Sans Pariel" and "Le Joloux." North Atlantic Ocean, fall of 1798; Lieutenant. May 21. 1799; on Frigate "United States," Captain John Barry, Atlantic and West Indian Squadron, 1799 to 1801.

War with Tripoli. Africa. 1801-1805. Richard Somers. Lieutenant; ordered to and served on Frigate "Boston," Captain Daniel McNiel, Mediterranean Squadron ; Captain Richard Dale, July 30, 1801, to October, 1802; in command of schooner "Nautilus," Mediterranean Squadron. Captain Edward Preble, May 5, 1803, and joined the fleet in the blockade off the harbor of Tripoli, March, 1804; Master Commandant, May 18, 1804; in command of the Right Division of gunboats in the several attacks and bombardment of the city of Tripoli, August 3, 7, 24. 28 and September 3, 1804; volunteered and took command of Ketch Intrepid (fireship). to attack and destroy the Tripolitian fleet in the harbor of Tripoli. September 4. 1804; officers and crew killed September 4. 1804, in the harbor of Tripoli by the blowing up of the vessel ; Congress, by a resolution passed March 3, 1805. expressed their "deep regret for the loss of those gallant men whose names ought to live in the recollections of a grateful country antl whose conduct ought to be regarded as an example to future generations."

L. L. T. W.

(from "Records of Officers and Men of Nczi' Jersey in Wars, I J 10 to iSij.")

i:\\<l.\ lllsTOKY OF ATLANTIC COUXTV, X. J. 53

\-.\\<\.y MURAL LAWS (JF NEW JERSEY ( I'lthlishcd Many ]'i-iirs .li^o in tlw Xn^'cirk Daily Advertiser)

"'Concerning; the beastly vice, drunkenness.* the first law JMllictiii fines of one shillinj^. two shillinj^s. and two shillinijs and sixpence, for the tir^t three offences, with corporal punishment, should the offender he unahle to i>ay; ami if unruly, he was to be put in the stocks until sober. In \(t^2 it was treated more rig- orously: each ofTence incurred a tine of five shillings, and if not paid, the stocks received a tenant for six hours: and constables, not doini; their duty under the law, were fine I ten shillings for each ne.Lilect. Thi> iiurea-M- of ])unishment indicates a growth in the vice, which may have been attributable in part to the re- moval of restrictions on the sale of liquors in small (pumtities which had previously been imposed.

"In i()^)8 each town was obli<.,a'd to keej) an 'ordinary* for the relief and entertainment of straiij^ers, under a penalty of forty shiriinj.js for each month's nej^lect ; and ordinary-keepers alone were permitted to retail litpiors in less (piantities than two ijallons. in i<>77. the cpiantity was re»lucetl to one gallon. In if>8v onlin- ary-keepers were debarre 1 the privilejje of recovering debts for li(|uor sold, amountinj^ to five shillinj^.^; but whatever .q:ood this mii;ht have tlone was dcstroyetl by the as.sembly authorizinj.; others than keepers of ordinaries to retail stroni; liquors by the (|uart. In i6()2. 'forasmuch as there were j^reat exorbitances and drunkenness observable in several towns, occasioned by tolerat- ins:: many jiersons in sellinj;- drink in private houses.' an attempt was made to establish an excise; but the follc^winij^ year it was repealed, and the licensing: of retailers confined to the ijovernor.

"The observance of the Lonl's day was required, by abstain- iuix from all servile W(^rk. unlawful recreations, and unnecessary travelini^: and any disorderly conduct could be punished by con- finement in the stocks, fines, imprisonment, or whippinij. In 1704. under the atlministration of Lord Cornbury. many of the early prohibitions were reTenacted : but by that time, it would


seem, the use of ardent spirits began to be considered necessary, keepers of public houses were not to allow 'tippling on the Lord's day, except for necessary refreshment.'

"Swearing, or 'taking God's name in vain,' was made pun- ishable by a shilling fine for each otYence, as early as 1668, and such continued to be the law until 1682, when a special act pro- vided that the fine should be two shillings and sixpence ; and if not paid, the offender was to be placed in the stocks or whipped, according to his age, whether under or over twelve.

'■ 'All prizes, stage-plays, games, masques, revels, bull-bait- ing, and cock fightings, which excite the people to rudeness, cru- elty, looseness, and irreligion,' were to be discouraged and pun- ished by courts of justice, according to the nature of the offence. Night-walkers or revelers, after niiic o'clock, were to be secured by the constable till morning; and, unless excused on examina- tion, to be bound over to appear at court. The resistance of lawful authority, by word or action, or the expression of disre- spectful language referring to those in office, was made punishable either by fine, corporal punishment or (as from 1675 to 1682) by banishment."

"In 1676 all liars were included for the second offence in- curring a fine of twenty shillings; and if the fines were not paid; the culprits received corporal punishment, or were put in the stocks."



Lknm Li; n aim:

'IIh' l\i.<l Mans history in New Jersey, after the arrival of the white man and his tire water, is anytliing but heroic. The l.einii I^-nape, (ine of the Uelawares, were of the great Algonkin family (jf Indians whose many tril)al branches were scattered al(»ii}.( the Atlantic seaboard from i.abratlor to the l%verglades of I'lorida.

The name i.enni I.enape signifies, according to the dilTerent translations, "( )ld Men." the ( )riginal or Pure Indian. The Dela- ware ( JAMini I.enape » nation occupied the territory now com- prising the State of .New Jersey and lived along its river valleys because of the abimdance of easily acipiired and nature providetl food.

The original l.enni I.enape was described by the early writers as being almo t lovable in his hospitable simjilicity. but when a half century had given the white man's li(|uors an<l the inter- mixture of bloods a chance to show what they could do. it devel- oped that the red man was not what he once had been : he was not |)ossessed of the white man's mental i>ower to resist tempta- tion of over indulgence. .\s an act of charity, he was placed be- y<ind beckoning temptation upon a reservation, the first in the United States. This tract of land consisted of 3000 acres, near Rdge I'illock or I'rotherton. now known as Indian Mills. The Lenni Lenape remained on this reservation until 1802. when they joined their fortunes with the Mohigans and removed to the State (^f New York.

They removed again at a later date to Wisconsin (Green I'la} I and ultimately to Indian Territory.

The last act of the Lenni Lenape drama or tragedy occurred when the New Jersey Legislature appropriated $2,000 in 1832 to extinguish all the right, title and interest which the Lenni Lenape held or might hold against the Colony or State.

from "Litre of Loiii:; Bnuieh of Xe-.c Jersey," by

Gko:u;k B. StnrKKxiLLi:.


Indian Burying Grounds Uncovered

While building Edgewater Avenue at Pleasantville, yester- day, workmen exhumed eight Indian skeletons. This new street is on the bay side of the shore road, north of X. Disbrow's blacksmith shop, through the estate of the late Josiah Risley. Be- tween the road and the meadows, is a hill or shellmovuid, where for ages the Redmen of the forest opened oysters ; these mounds are found all along the bays through the county, from Leeds Point to Somers Point. This is not the first time skeletons have been found, also ilint arrow heads and other relics. One of the skulls found yesterday wa.s incased in a turtle's shell, with clam shells and arrow heads around it.

This is supposed to be the remains of the famous old chief, Kin Xcwongha, members of whn:e tribe ctid live ?.Icn'4- the shore, and the others were his original warriors, who helped him to scalp the forest. Four more have since been found.

iVeivspapcr dipping dated Jan. 28, i8()0, coulribiitcd by

Joseph R. Moore.

Second Ixdi.\n Blrying Ground "Exhumed"

Our Pleasantville reporter testifies to the authenticity of the statement, here made regarding the exhuming of the Indian skeletons.

It a]ipcars while Jesse Risley was at work on a tract of land between the shore road and the meadow eA'^e a few days since, he duT up a skeleton and on the succeeding three days two more. ( >n Thursday he was assisted by Ezra Adams and six were exhumed. ( )n Wednesday four were dug up and one on Thursday: in all 14. Several flints and six arrows were found with the bones. The ground where the skeletons were found lie.s on top of a hill, and it is surmised that they have been buried at least 150 years, as the ground has been farmed for nearlv that length of time. The mound where the bones were found is onlv


60 feet wide and about tlie same Icnj^th while the skeletons were about three feet under j^^round. All the bodies were facing^ Lake's Hay, and it is supposed that the remains are those of Indians, althnugh there is a difference of opinion on the matter.

./ Xcwsf^af^cr clif^f^iii;^ dated I'cb. I, iQO^, cotitribntcd by


Ckanhkukv Indian Licksd

Way back in the misty ages of "loiifr aj^o." there is nou}^ht but iwilii^hi antl through that twilij^jht. comes this leji;end of tile cranberry and the r»o<4; ; also that the beasts of the forest were giants, and roved at their own sweet will over the wilds <jf West Jersey.

.\mon,!L; them the Mastodon was kinj^ in strcnj^th and fe- rocity, and ii>r tiiis reason was chosen by the Indians a> their helper their beast of burden, lie rebelled at servitude, and in- sisted the i>ther beasts should share the burden they would not, then came the crash of war. The sky scowled, the stars wept, the earth shook, but the mi.i^hty beast fouijht on. lUood flowed, the ^lau^hter was terrific; the roar was heard in the adjoining states like unto an earthquake: from this tremendous outpour of bl«n)d. the earth became as a sponi^e, so deep that the sun's rays coultl not penetrate. It was unsijjhtly, noisome, a boi;^, uniil the ijood Lord in his mercy covered it with a soft jjreen blanket. In time little heads came up throujj^h this blanket, as if to see the li.i^ht of ilay ; now either of their birth in this bkiody muck, or that they blushed in their own temerity, they became a bright reil and man calletl them '"Cranberrie." and i)ron<:)nnced them L^ood.

M. R. M. Fish.



From JJarbour's History

There is no record when slavery was introduced into the Colonics, though it is known that it was universal in Europe for lOO years before America was discovered, and there is every probability that it was coeval with its very earliest settlement. We know that even New England with its strict religious code was not exempt ; labor with few exceptions was done entirely by negroes, who, compared with tlie great amount of work to be done, were few in number.

The Duke of York (brother of Charles II) to wliom he granted the Province, was at this time President of the "Royal African Slave Comi)an\-."

When Lord Cornl)ury was ai)pointed Governor of this Prov- ince, Queen Anne instructed him to negotiate with the said Company that "The said Province of New Jersey may have a constant and sufficient number of merchantable negroes at a moderate price in money or comodities," and that a l)ounty of 75 acres of land be given to every man who does either bring or send a slave over 14 years old. "for three years, the bounty dimin- ishing each year until at the end of the third year, his or her master receive 30 instead of 75 acres." There was a duty on the importation of negroes and mulatto slaves.

That there was troul)le from the earlier records we find in Jan. 2f)th, 1733. a negro was burned alive for assaulting a white woman. 1734 all the negroes of the Province of West Jersey were invited to see a negro hung for urging a "Rising of negroes that they too should l)e free." In 1737 Xew Jersey had 3<)8i slaves.

Perth Amboy was the (listril)uting center and slave vessels landed there, the old barracks in which they were confined until disposed of, are still remembered. In 1818 a cargo of kidnapped negroes shipped from Perth .\mboy. were seized in New Orleans, not having a manifest as recpiircd by law.


A Nkwsi'ai'Kk Itkm

Di:c. 12, 1818.

"Certain iiieii dealers who carried vfi some negroes from New Jersey, after the law was |>assed to stoj) the trade in human flesh, have heen caiij^ht in I'lnnsylvania and we hope they will meet their reward."

As e;ui\ a> i'n>(» the Oiiakers stronj^ijly advised the aholition of slavery, among themselves, preparatory to asking others to d(j so, and societies were established for this purjKJSe.

171S4, (Governor Livingston, of New York and New Jersey, joined for Oie emancipation of slaves, and freed his cily two. Tlinugh much feeling was disjjlayed against it, the first effort by law was in 1804 when the infants of slave parents were born irci.-. \u 1820 all children of slave parents were maile free by law, notwithstanding which, in 18^0, there were still (^74 slaves in .\'ew Jersey.

.\(iTi:- In Ki^j the Koyal African Company was iiicori)orat- ed. :\{ the head of it was the Duke of York, and the King him- self was a large shareholder.

Slavi:s at I; \ur.AlNTo\v.N L. J. Trick

\\\' arc indebted to Mrs. .\ner Farrish for information. On the beginning of the road between the two old mills at liargain- town, now where the placid waters of P.argaintown mill |)ond lie. was oikv a cedar swamp, through which flowed Patcong creek. lUirdcriiig this swamp was the home of one Somers, a slave hi Ider, and c^f the family which were ancestors of Mrs I-'arri^Ii.

This swamp was a barrier to easy communication with the jieople across the swamp. In order to have passage, other than the long way around by the roads, Somers offered liberty to his women slaves if they would buikl a way through the swamp. The road originally was stepping stones, carried by the slaves in dieir aprons. Later we have been told the stream was dammed, and a road constructed by bags of sand, being piled until an



embankment was made. Tradition tells us this was also the work of Somers' slaves.

Many, many long years after, about the summer of 1903, the dam which held the waters of the stream Ijroke. and the waters of the pond quickly Howed out. Where the bridge had been, on which one was wont to stand cuid watch the water fall, was now only a \awning chasm, through which trickled a tiny stream ; and the bed of the pond bare, save for the many stumps, mute witnesses of a glorious forest long since passed away, and the dark .'"oil of the ])ond's bed sprinkled with grass, and the sluggish stream whicli had made the pond, flowing slowly on.

Months passed without repairs being made, jniblic officials claiming that the pond being private property, the repairs should be made by the owners. After months of inconvenience to the public, the road was repaired, the late Dr. 1"\ F. Corson offering to furnish sand necessary for the repairs.

The Mill at B.^rgaintown




Sai.km. 1759 Xo. <>5S A. Ilk. i,^. fol. 174.

Secretory of State's (Jtliee, 'Irentun. X . J .

In the name of Ood amen. I Richard \\ ilHts of the town- shi]) of Alloway Creek, in the County of Salem and Province of West \. jersey, heinj^ throu;^di the abundant niercy and {goodness of Ciod. of a sound and perfect understan(hng and memory, calhn^ to mind the mortaUty of my body and knowinj^ that it is appointed of all men once to die, do make and ordain that this, my last \\ ill and Testament that is to say:

And first of all I ^ive and recommend my soul into the Hands of the God that ^avc it. and for my l)ody I commit it to the I'.arili. to be Buried in a Christian like manner, at the discre- tion of my Ivxecutors Hereafter mentioned. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has jileased God to bless me in this life. 1 ii^ive. devise, and dis|K>se of the same, in the following manner and fi irni :

1 i^ive and heipieath unto Sarah my beloved wife, the sum of One Hundred Pounds lawfidl money of the Province aforesaid, also my whole movable Estate. ICxcepting Bonds for Money and ( \\f: Xci^ro Woman, named Zelpha. and T further order her to give ])asses to Xegro Xed, and Ishmael and I'enjamin to go and work for tlieniselves. \\ hen each arrive at 30 years of age I order them that they shall come and work for her in hay time and she to pa\- as much wages as if they were white men.

I give unto my beloved son Richard Willis 30 Pounds.

1 give unto my beltned daughter Elizabeth Stihvell 30 Pounds.

I give unto my beloved daughter Deliverance P.irdsill Ten Pounds.

I give unto my beloved son, .-\mos Willis Ten Shillings.

I give unto my beloved daughter Mary lUmtin ( Bunting) 30 Pounds.

1 give unto my beloved grandson Richard Stihvell, 5 Pounds.


I give unto my beloved brother John WilHs of Cape May, it being on my son Amos' account, seven Pounds.

I give my Negro Adam Three Pounds.

My will is that the remainder of my Estate I give and be- queath to my well beloved sons Richard Willis and Machai Willis, to be equally divided between them.

I do constitute, make and ordain my well beloved wife and luy well beloved son Richard whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby disallow, revoke and Dis- annul all and every other Former Testaments, Wills. Legacies, and Executors by me in any ways before this time named, willed, and bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other, to be my last will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and seal this Thirty First Day of December, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven.


Signed, Sealed, l\iblished. Pronounced and declared by the said Richard Willets. As his last will and Testament in the Presence of us

John TiiST

KlIZABET.iI (*) \\'KlTnMAN

lvoi?T. Nichols

March 2d, 1759, by Robert Nicholas and John Test and that "Elizabeth Waithman was present" May 24th. 175(). by sig- nature of both Executors.

Apr. 1 6th 1759, Thomas Sayer, Saml. ^Vood.

100 Bonds 2 Notes no names.

I pr. high Chest of Drawers and old

chests. I (nni and Spinning Wheels. Cattle in the Salt Marsh and other Cattle.

, , , , Negro Slaves, £200-00-0.

Proveil ami Probated

at Sakni. ' lousehold furniture. Farming imple-

Abstracl of Inventory. '"^^"^'^ '''''^ ' '^'"'<^^-

.\mount, £ 8^'o-4-8.


i'rcjljatcil at Salcin, Abstract Inventory Aj)}).

Proved May 24tli, 175<;. aftirnied by Sanual Wood

and Kxecutiirs.

( )n small ])iecc nf paper is written. My man Ned was l)i)rn iSth of January. 17.^. My man Islimael was burn 15th of Sejjt., 173<>. My man I'.enjann'n wa> burn ^tth of April, 1753.

This will Contributed l)y a direct descemlant. Mr. Riil)ert M. Willis, of I'leasantville. New jersev.


I'kovinci:. Wkst Xr.w Jkksky

Mudmii /'; (\s- /(/(•;;/ </»</ Mi'iiilh'rs nf .1 limit ii Counfy Ilislorical


It seems from the history of New Jersey, that from about i^)So it was the ])ractise to deposit Wills, with Provincial Secre- taries, by will mi they were filed or recorded. These reconls were l)ri)uj;ht toj^a-ther about i7t;o, in the otHcc t)f the Secretary at Trenton, where they are carefully preserved.

It has been well s.iid. ■"That the History of a Nation is but tin- ai;j; restate oi the r.ioi;rai)hies of its jjeople." and surely the \\ ill and Testament of a person or persons, gives us g-limpses of their history, or histories, as nothinj^ else can do. We .tj^et pleasant j;limpses of j;enerosity on j)art of some Testators, ag^ain read between the lines of family trai^^edy. also of romance, also some testators with a fine sense of equity, as one testator devised "Ilalf of my cattle and movable goods to children of my first wife, half to children of my second wife." also the grotesque as one wishes, "Doctor Robeson to dessect me." One with an eye to economy, warns his executors against paying the Doctor any "extorsnit bills." W'e also get an echo of slavery days in New Jersey, as one inventory includes "Two negroes, and a


covenanted servant." Another will, the testator wished "to be praised by two reasonable men." Our colonial sires, were not exact spellers, as one speaks of debts, as "Dets dangerously dew my estate." One letter of administration issued "To hee theay, or bee whoe itt will." We can also see where our colonial ancestors, not only "enjoyed poor health" but enjoyed a funeral, as the following bill presented for settlement will show: "Bill for rum, sugar and spices £1 13s. For a barrel of cider, nine shillings, all at the funeral." It is charity for us to suppose "all at the funeral" was to drown their sorrow in, or with.

The following abstracts of Great Egg Harbour, New Jersey, Wills is copied from Wills at Trenton and I will add here that I have written this pajicr at some disadvantage, as I have very little New Jersey history accessible. However I submit this paper to your charitable judgment.

The first abstract I have is dated 1702. Nov. 2nd, Jonas Valentine, of Great Egg Harbour, Gloucester County, New Jer- sev ; wife, Grace ; children, Jonas, Richard, Grace, Deborah, Eliza- beth, Martha. Sarah. Wife executrix. Witnesses, Lubbett Guy- sebuss and William Leeds, Sr. Inventor}- made by Daniel Leeds and William Lake.

1702. Nov. 30, Peter Conover, of Weymouth Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey; wife Mary; children. Peter, John. David, Hester, Mary ; 150 acres, between Francis Collings, and Jonathan Leeds, 150 acres between John Scull and James Steelman. Wife executrix. Witnesses, John Somers and Thomas Oliver. Inventory of personal estate made by John Somers and Richard Gregory.

1716. March 22nd, W'illiam Lake, of Great Egg Harbour, New Jersey ; wife Sarah ; sons. Nathan and David ; three daugh- ters, names not given. Executor John Scull. Inventory by John Cozier and Peter Scull.

1719. May 27th. Jonathan Adams, of Great Egg Harbour; wife liarbara; children. Jonathan. John. Abbigail. Margaret. Re- becca, v'^arali, Mary, Dina, Phebe. Executors. Wife and Peter \Miite. Witnesses. Daniel and Elizabeth Ingersol, Thomas Green.

1720. Oct. 30. Samuel Gale, of Great Egg Harbour; wife, Mary; daughters. Dinah. Sarah; stepson. David Conover; neph- ew, Sanuiel Howell, llonie-farm and 85 acres of cedar swamp.


Executors. Jonathan A'lams and Thomas Rislcy. Witnesses, Kiiliard Kislcy and Jcjnathan Adams, Jr., and Ambrose Copland.

ijj\. \kc. iS. Daniel llarkciit, of Great Ej2;g Harbour, wife. Sarah; cliihhxii. I )anifl, Richard. Desire Xichelson, wlvt has sons. Xehemiah. John, Sainnel, Thomas. Executors, I'eter White and Jiinathan .\ddams. Witnesses. Jana-s Howell. Richard Man- nery and Thumas (ircen.

1723, .Ma\ I nil, William Davis, of Great Egg Harbour. \dministrat<ir of Estate. Joseph Leeds. Inventory made by IVler and John Conover.

I7_'7, -March 2<j, Joseph Dole, of Great I^gg Harbour, \\ ife. ilannah. I'",xecutrix. to sell property, with tile consent of her brothers. Richard and James Somers. chiUlren mentioned but not by names. Witnesses. Davi<l Callings. Daniel Ingersol. I Widget Somers. Inventory includes a "(jreat'" liible made by Daniel Gollings ami William Cordery.

I7,V>. June J(>. I'eter Covenover. of Oeat I\gg Harbour. W ife. IClizabeth : children, Peter. Isaiah. Thomas. Micajah, Mary, Juilith. Executors, Wife and I'.rother John. Witnesses, Samuel II nested and John Watts.

17,^4, James Steelman. of Great Egg Harbour. Wife Kath- erine : "one-half my movable estate, excepting my slaves." Execu- tors. Wife Katherine and Son John; children, .\ndrew, Hance. John. James. I'.Iias. Reter. Mary. Susaiuiah ; granddaughter. Su- saimali. W itnesses. .\aihan Lake. Etlward Oiser, Solomon >Lin- nery.

T.v- ^ *^'^- '-• Ilannah Somers. of Great Egg Harbour; chil- dren. Richard. Samuel. Job. Edmund. Millicent; grandchildren, children of Hannah Ingersol, not mentioned by name, grand- daughters. Ilannah Somers and Millicent Somers; son. Richard Somers, sole executor. Witnesses, Daniel Ireland and Judith Steelman.

i73(), .\nJrew Steelman. Sr.. of Great Egg Harbour. Wife. Judith, sole executrix; wife Judith to have her third while she femained a widow ; children. Andrew. Frederick. James, Peter, Mary, Judith. Susannah. "My sons may buy or sell one to an- other, but not otherwise." Witnesses. Daniel Ireland, John Wells and Alexander Fish.


It is not probable that this is a complete list of abstracts of Great Egg Harbour Wills, between year 1702 and 1738, but in closing I may be permitted to say that with more time to explore, and digest material, I could satisfy my own ideal more fully.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Steelman Fisher.


c)M) ci.orcr.sTi-:k corxrv

From IIai.i.'s Daily L'nion History

Gloucester County at (jue time extendeil from the Delaware to the Sea, iiichulinj^ what is now Camden, Atlantic and Glou- cester Counties. Camden was made a county by An Act of Le}.,Mslature, passed March 13. 1X44. seven years after Atlantic County had heen created. ( )n I'eb. 7, 1H37, An .\ct was passed crealiii}^ .\tlantic County. There were then only four lar^e townships or votintj places in this ccninty. Ey^S Harbor, Wey- mouth, Hamilton and (lalloway. MuUica was created later out of <ialloway, and the town of ilammonton out of Mullica. I'uena- \ ista, in 1X07. was created out of Hamilton and Atlantic City set olT from Ivi^i^ Harbor Township in 1H54. The first deed was recorded by |. 11. Collins, the first County Clerk, on May 4th. iS^7. and was for 40 acres of lantl in \\\j^\j:; Harbor Township, .^old by 1). kobart and wife, to Samuel Saunders. The first Will was made by David Dennis and witnessed by Joe West, willin.!4^ to his two sons, David and Joel, the "Jack Tudding (.'edar Swamp."' (The present President of the Historical Society is the daughter of Joel Dennis I. The will was probated seven years after. Sanuul Richards and wife gave the lioard of I'Veeholders the lot at May's Lamling for the county buildings, by deed tlated May 25, 1838. and the present Court House was soon erected thereon.

.\t the annual meeting of the Hoard of Freeholders, of Ghniccster County, held in May. 1836. 28 members constituted the board, while at the annual meeting on the loth of ^fay, 1836, JO members composed the body. The townships of Hamilton, Wevmouth. I'.gg 1 larbor and Galloway, having been set ofT from (^doucester County, forming a new county called Atlantic, by An .\ct of the Legislature, passed the 7th day of Feb. A. D., 1837. At this meeting commissioners were appointed to value the public buildings at Woodbury, the Almshouse property, and other assets of the County of Gloucester, and to ascertain what proportion of such valuation would be due to the County of .\tlantic. according to the ratio of population determined by last


census. The commissioners appointed for Gloucester County were: John Clement, Elijah Bovver and Saunders; for Atlantic County, Daniel Baker, Joseph Endicott and Enoch Doughty. These gentlemen met at the Court House in Woodbury, on the 9th dav of May, 1837. at 10 o'ck)ck. and were each sworn or affirmed faithfully, and imi)artially to value the public properties of Gloucester County, which appears as follows :

Two tracts of land in Deptford Township; adjoining lands of John Swope ; containing 248 47100 Acres $ 850 00

Movable property at Almshouse 3-728 00

The entire Almshouse lands, with the buildings and

im])rovements 16,150 00

The Court House. Jail, Clerks and Surrogate Offices, with their contents ; with all other Property at Woodbury, "including the man O'Hoy" 1 1,400 00

Total $32,128 00

From wiiich deduct the debt of the County 7-932 55

Balance to be divided between the two Counties . .$24,195 45

By the census taken in 1830, the County of Gloucester con- tained 28,431 inhabitants. Of that number 8,164 were con- tained in the townships of Galloway, Egg Harbor, Weymouth and 1 lamilton, com])osing the new cdunty of Atlantic, its pro- portional share or ])art was placed at $ 6.947 75

Gloucester County's proportional share 17.247 70

Total $24,195 45





'«-^»^/ /e^






Danit/ Ihikir /Csq Diar sir

Our tiiicti zcas seh'ctid o/i Ihiirsday /ast—it consists of John C. Smali-wnni to until— Jos W Cooprr Jtis W Ctiltiu'tit Dazid C On den John A^it hards tisst'inbly—thr/iclinir is zrrr stroma in faivr oj' a division of the County and no one xvas sctectcd on the ticket until it was ascertained that he was in favor ofdividins; the County (unless it he Mr Richards and Mr Thacfcray of Haddonfield said that Mr A' would be in faivr of the division) I do not think that anyone would haze been placed on our ticket if he had

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>^rt er declared li itnself unfriendly to the division unless you should be deceived as^ain as to who are friendly to the division I think the chances are very


/ would be much pleased if I could receive the power of ally front old A/rs Steehnan before thursday next as I w.int to go to Trenton that day and could i^et her money

I 'err Respectfully ) ours

f C Smallzc'ood

Daniel Bakkr


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One ov thk ( )li)Kst Historical Landmarks in Atlantic


The construction of I5ay avenue at Sonicrs Point compels the removal of one of the oldest historical landmarks in the county, which is the hillock, or the site on which it was erected during the Revolutionary War and was the only fort in this vicinity. It was erected by Atlantic County enterprise, and by our county's old population, the cannons and equipments being furnished by the state. At that time was stationed at Somers J'oint eight companies of foot soldiers, and two of cavalry, at that time called horse guards.

The troops were commanded by Col. Th.omas Doughty, an old county resident, of whom Mrs. Japhct Townsend and Ely Doughty, of Linwood. are the sole descendants. The removal of the fort calls forth many sad reminders from the old inhabitants in this vicinity. \Ve have often heard their parents tell of the exciting times of those days. During the war several war ships were brought into Great Egg Harbor inlet by the L'nited States. Noticeable was the Belviduc or Bellview which vessel had on lx)ard a crew of whom even the officers were filthy and covered with that small insect the louse. This vessel was towed into the harbor and the small channel running from it into Steelman's bay was given the name of Lousy Harbor and still retains the name to this day.

So far 15 cannon balls, weighing three and one-half ]-)ounds, and two weighing seven pounds each have been unearthed from the fort. As relics they command from 50 cents to $1.00 apiece. The cannons were removed 1816, having done duty in preventing hostile forces from landing by way of Great Egg Harbor inlet. Several houses were demolished l)y the enemies' vessels. The fort being built of sand withstood shot and shell. There are to- day a number on the pension rolls for services rendered at this fort: at English Creek and liargaintown ; two at Bakersville. one in vSmiths Landing and one in .\tlantic City. Mrs. Harriet Scull, from a Xcwsf^af^cr Clif^f^iiii::. October 8, 1887.



CoNTRii'.i Ti:i) I5v J(;s::i'n R. Moork

The (ilikr inlial)itanls of Somers Point reiiicnibcr being told l)y their parents of a time when all the men of the place were away and a liritish vessel was »:een ojniin}^ in the inlet. The women hurriedly j^jatherecl all the children and \nn them to tramping; up and down amid the hi^^h weeds {jrowinj; on the shore, shakinj4 houj^hs of trees, to make it api)ear as if a large body of men were getting ready for defense, while they banged the camion and old guns left them. The British were so de- ceived that they turned and hurried from the inlet and were not heard from again. Mrs. .1. iriicaton.

'The Hero oi- Tripoli'



By L. J. I'RicE

The carding; of wool like other industries of our county is now only a matter of history. On Lake's Creek, ScuUville, be- fore or near the time Atlantic County was created, Thomas Bevis built a mill for the carding of wool, and preparing" sumac for market trade.

The mill was about forty feet long, and twenty feet wide. It was a one story structure, with a loft. One portion of the mill was built on piling, the remaining portion resting on the ground. The pre])aration of the sumac for market was an im- portant feature of the mill's business. The leaves were dried and crushed beneath stones, not unlike mill stones of the grist mills. The sumac when prepared was shipped by boat, principal- ly to the New York markets.

The machinery operating the mill was enclosed in a box-like compartment underneath the mill, in which for a time a rattle- snake made its retreat. When the machinery was running the snake would hum; the sound was similar to the singing of locusts.

We are indebted to Mr. Joshua Scull for this information, who until recently was the owner of the property on which the mill was located. The late Dennian Uevis, whose death was comparatively recent, remembered the building of the mill.

AI)out a half century ago when the industry was abandoned, the machinery was taken apart and carried by boat to New York, the vessel loading at Jefferies Landing, commanded by Jonathan Smith. Mr. Scull tells of various experiences with rattlesnakes along Lake's Creek.

Once as Mr. Scull was driving home with two children, Mr. Scull at the time walking by the side of the wagon, saw a rattler suddenly spring on to one of the wagon wheels, and as the wheel turned around, fnran::^ to the front wheel. Calling to the children to guide the hcrre and walking backward, so as not to

i;ari.v history of Atlantic couxtv, n. j. 75

lose si^lit of the snake until he could i)rocure a stick with which he killed the reptile. One of the children was Mr. William Collins, who were cnroute to their grandparents, Mr. ami Mrs. Alpheus iJevis. We can hartlly realize at this day of portions of our county heiii}.,^ infested once by a serpent so dangerous to man.

Mrs. l)(.!)orah jane .\n<lerson. of Somers Point, tells us that when a child, she would go with her father to the carding mill with wool to he carded; wool that was the product of his farm.




Ill 1758 a nulc church or meeting house was built at Sweet- water, now Pleasant Mills, by Dr. Elijah Clark, an okl-time min- ister. Being built after the primitive style of the period, this old log nieeting house was twenty-hve by thirty feet, ceiled witl". cedar boards and covered with cedar shingles.

Tlie site of this first rude church, which was known for many years as Clark's T^og Meeting House at the forks of the Little Egg Harbor, is still pointed out as being upon practically the same spot as the ])resent IMethodist Church in the pine grove on the margin of the old cemetery, where sleeps several gen- erations of the villagers. Reverend Allen H. Brown, a zealous Presbyterian minister and synodical missionary, says Clark s little log meeting house stood at the junction of Atsion and Batsto Creeks, at what is now Pleasant Mills in Mullica township. Pi is also stated that this meeting house was ten or twelve miles from the site of the Clark's Mill Meeting House, near Port Republic.

Clark's Log Meeting House was a free meeting house to all. It had no settled pastor, but was used by ])reachers of all denom- inations. In his journal of 1775, Reverend Philip W Fithian mentions the names of twenty-seven Presbyterian ministers who had preached in this \og church. Few in our day can appreciate the unlettered teachings of the itinerant ]ircachers and the plain manner of living of those whose race was run in rougher paths than ours. Reverend Simon Lucas, a Revolutionary soldier, was one of the iirimilive Methodists who officiated in this old church twenty \ears or more before it gave place to a larger and more sightly edifice which was erected in 1808, is still standing and is known as the Pleasant Mills Methodist Church.

This sketch is from notes taken from "Heston's Hand Books" and "The Daily I'nion History" by John F. Hall. Written by Mav Elizabeth Irclait.






Xearly two months before war was declared between the United States and Great Britian, New Jersey had begun to place herself in a condition to defend her sea, coast and harbor. An Act of Congress called the militia into service, April loth 1812. War was declared June iSth 181 2, five thousand troops were required of New Jersey as her portion. The Uniformed Militia at that time consisted of 2500 men.

March 24, 1813, the Governor issued a general order from his headquarters at Elizabethtown, enjoining upon every en- rolled militiamen to provide himself with a good musket or fire lock, a sufificient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch to contain not less than 24 cartridges, suited to the bore of his nuisket, each cartridge to contain sufificient quantity of powder and ball; or if a rifleman with a good rifle, knapsack, shot pouch and j^owdcr horn, 20 balls suited to the bore of his rifle and one-fourth pound of powder ; or if a dragoon with a serviceable horse at least 14I4 hands high, a good saddle, small pillion, a valise, holsters, a breast plate and cupper, a pair of boots and spurs, a pair of pistols, sabre, a cartouch box. to con- tain cartridge for pistols.

Act of Congress authorized the president to organize, arm and equip according to law, a militia to hold in readiness to march at a moment's notice, to supj^ress insurrection and repel in- vasions. The said militia not to be compelled to serve a longer time than six months, after arriving at place of rendezvous, re- ceiving the same pay and rations and emoluments as the I'nited States army when in service. "Section 5 And be it further enacted that i)i Hck of ivhippini:^ as provided by several rules and articles of war, as iioti' used and practised, stoppage of pay. con- finement and deprivation of part rations be substituted.


ARTiM.i'in- C()Mi^\^■^■. third REGIMEXT, GLOU-


RoHKKT Smith. Cm'Taix

'J his ciiiiipan) was orj^anizcil Feb. 1 2th, i!^0'j, ami was at- tached to the Second I'.at'.ahon, Third Rej^iment. Gloucester Bri- .^^•lde, Xew jersey Militia, and ";iavin<.; volunteered for the pro- tection (I I' the maritime frontier." in accordance with section 8. iif the militia law of Eel). I2th. 1H14, was ordered into service durinjL^ the war of 1.S12-15 by Governor I'enninqton. In the rail f)f troops made by the ('.overnor, Aui;. 12th. 1814. this com- pany was exempted from details "havinij volunteered to i)er- t'orm certain services." The company was enrolled for duty at Smithville, Gloucester (now Atlantic) County and was stationed at Leeds Point and Somers I'oint, and at other ])laces on the sea const, between Little I-'i^ij Harbor, and Cireat E^^ Harlx)r rivers. The enemy atempted to lan<l at Somers Point on one occasion and the company was called out to repel them. They appear to have had but one continut)us tour of duty, which was from May 1st to June 2i). 1814. and for which they were paid by the State, by an Act of the Le.tjislature. Eeb. 8, 1 81 6. but dur- inj^ all the rest of the year, they were always "])repared for actual service on anv suilden eiuer^ency." and were called out several times by alarms aloni^ the coast ft>r imme<liate defense of the state. They were finally dischar.<,'-e<l at the close of the war at Smitluille. Gdoucester Co.. I'eb. i<). 1815.



.'^mith, Rol.ert Captain May 1, 1S14 Relieved Feb. 19, 1815

lOndicot. Joseph P'irst L.leut.

Kndicot. John Second Lieut. " " "

Kndioott, WiUiam First Sergt.

SmaUwood, Levi Sergeant " " "

Morse, N'ehemiah ....

Kindle, Joseph " " "

Smith, James

Kindle, Daniel. Sr Corporal " " "

McCoUum. Malcolm . .

Shores. Joseph

McCollum. Samuel ...



name; rank hnroi.lho pkriod uischargki>


Johnson, Joseph Dnniinier May 1. 1814 Relieved Feb. 19, 1815

Mathis, Reuljen Drummer

Rlsley, Leeds Fifer

Adams, Evy Private

Adams, John

Adams. Thomas "

Bates, Joab

Bell, Joseph

Bennett, Wm

Blackman, James ....

Bowen, John "

Bowen, Joseph "

Brewer, John

Burnet, Joshua "

Clifton, George "

Conover, Absalom "

Conover, Adam "

Conover, Eliakim "

Conover, James

Conover, Jol)

Conover, John

Conover, Josiah

Conover, Macajah "

Conover, Peter "

Conover, Somers.' "

Conover, Wm "

Cordery, Daniel "

Cordery Edmund .... "

Delap, Samuel

Doughty, Abner

Doughty, John

Doughty, Nathaniel . . Doughty, Thomas .... Endicott, Benjamin . .

Endicott, Jacob

Endicott, Nicholas .... "

Garwood, Joseph "

Giberson, James "

Glberson, Jesse "

Giberson, Joh\i "

Grapewine, Huston ... "

Hewitt, Aaron "

Higbee, Absalom "

Higbee, Edward "

Higbee, Enoch "

Homan, Daniel "





Jloman, David Private

lioman, Kli

Human, John

1 Inmun, Mahlon

I lorn, Isaac

Ireland, Hanlcl

Ireland, Vincent

Johnson, \Vm

KIndIo, Daniel, Jr

Kindlo, Thomas

I^opds, rornellus

I>eods, Jesse

I^eoda, Reuben

Mathls Herlah

McCollum. Daniel ....

McC'oIhini, Jo.'-se

Mcrolhim. John

Mcrolliim, Samuel . . .

Mor.so, Jrial)

Mors*', Joshua

Murphy, Thomas S. . . Newhorry. Daniel .... Newberry. Solomon. . . .

Parker, Jesse

RIsley. Ell

Risley, John

Scull. Daniel

Scull. Gideon

Scull, James

Scull. Paul

Shores, David

Smallwood. Samuel . . .

Smith, Isaac

Smith. Jonathan

Smith, Noah

Somers, Joseph

Somers, Richard

Somers, W'm

Sooy. Benjamin

Soo.v, Nicholas

Sooy, Samuel

Strickland. Eli '

Strickland, John

Strickland, Samuel . .

Thomas. Aaron

Turner, John

Weeks, Vincent

Weldon. Gideon

KN ROLLED May 1. 1814


Until Relieved

DISCHARGED Feb. 19, 1815

L. L. T. W.




This Company was organized April 14th, 1814, the officers commissioned ]\Iay 6th, 1814. and was called a Volunteer Com- pany, First Battalion. First Regiment. Gloucester Brigade, New Jersey Militia. During the month of May it volunteered "for the protection of the maritime frontier." in accordance with section of the militia law of Feh. 12th, 1814. and was ordered into service during the War of 1812-15 hy Governor Penning- ton.

In the call for troops made by the Governor. Aug. 12. 1814, this com])any was exempted from the detail "having volunteered to perform certain services. The company was enrolled for duty at Somers Point. Gloucester County (Atlantic County) and was stationed at Somers Point, and along the seacoast, to Cape Mav. They ai:)pear to have had but one continuous term of duty which was from May 25th, 1814. to June nth, 1814. and for which they were paid by the state by Act of the Legislature, Feb. (), 18 1 5, but during all the rest of the year they were al- wavs "prepared for actual service on any sudden emergency." and were called out several times by alarms along the coast, for the immediate defense of the State. They were finally discharged at the close of the war, at Somers Point. Gloucester Co., Feb. 12th. 1815.



Scull. John R Captain May 25, 1814 Relieved Feb. 12, 1815

Scull, Samuel First Lieut.

Holbert, Levi Second Lieut.

Frambes, Job Third Lieut.

Risley, Samuel Ensign " "

Frambes, David First Serg't.

Dole, Zachariah Sergeant " "

Scull, Israel " " " '

Lake, Samuel

Somers, Richard I " " "

Pine, John Corporal " "

Reeve.s, Thomas " " "

Robinson, Isaac " " "




Rialey Robert Drummer May 25, 1814 Relieved Feb. 12, 1S15

Gifford James M FIfer

Adams, Jamis I'rlvate " " "

Adams, Jt-remlah . . . . " " "

Adams, Jonas " " " "

Adams, Solomon " " " "

Allxrtson, Jacob " " "

Barber, John " " " "

Hartlett, David K " " " "

Hoaston. John " " " "

ItlacUman. Andrew ... " " *' "

I'.lackman, Andrew 15. . " " " "

Hlackman, Thomas . . " " " "

Itooy, Derestlus " " " "

IU)oy, Joseph n " " "

Itiirton, James

<'haml>erlaln, Jesse. ... " " "

("hamhers, Jesse

<'hamplon, Knoch .... "

<'hamplon, John

<^hamplon, Joseph . . . . "

<^layton. Joel

<'layton, John

i'ordery, Ab.Kalom . . . . "

Delancy, Samuel "

Doughty. Daniel

Doughty, Knoch

Doughty, John

lOdwards, Daniel

English, Daniel

English, Mosea

Frambes, Aaron

Frambes, Andrew . . . . "

(Jauslin, Stephen

<fOdfrey, Andrew

Hickman, Andrew .... llolbert, Ebenezer . . . . "

Ireland, Clement

Ireland, David

Ireland, Elijah

Ireland, Job

Ireland, Thomas

Jeffers, Andrew

Jeffers, Daniel

Jeffers, Evin

JetTers, Nicholas




Jeffers, John Private

Jeffers, Wm

Laird, Enoch

Lee, David

Marshall, Jesse

Mart, Daniel

Mart, John

Morris, Richard

Price, David

Price, John, Sr

Price, John, Jr

Reggins, John

Risley, Jeremiah, Sr. . . Risley, Jeremiah, Jr. . . Risley, Nathaniel ....

Risley, Peter

Risley, Richard

Robarts, John

Robinson, John

Scull, Andrew

Scull, David

Scull, John S

Scull, Joseph

Scull, Richard

Somers, Damen

Somers, Edmund

Somers, Isaac

Somers, James

Somers, John Jr

Somers, John Sr

Somers, Joseph

Somers, Mark

Somers, Nicholas

Somers, Samuel

Somers, Thomas

Smith, Abel

Smith, Enoch

Smith, Isaac

Smith, Jacob

Smith, Jesse

Smith, Zophar

Steelman, David

Steelman, Elijah

Steelman, Francis .... Steelman, Frederick . . Steelman, James

RANK ENROI,I<ED May 25, 1814









Steelman, Jesse Private May 25, 1814

Steelman, I'etor C. . . .

Steelman, Reed

Steelman, Sumuel ....

Tilton. Daniel

Townsend. Jame.s ....

Town.send, Juphet

N'iinsant, J<jel

Wllklns, Jo.seph

Wilsey, Martin

Wlnmr. Joseph

Winner. John


Until Relieved Feb. 12, ISI5

I.. I.. T. \V.



Atlantic County is bounded, northeast by Burlington County, southeast by the Atlantic Ocean, south by Cape May County, southwest by Cumberland County and northwest by Gloucester County.

It is about thirty miles long, by twenty wide and was formed from the eastern part of Gloucester County in 1837. The prin- cipal streams are the Great Egg Harbor, running through it nearly centrally ; the Little Egg Harbor, separating it from Bur- lington County ; and the Tuckahoe, on its southern boundary. These streams are navigable for many miles. Atlantic County is divided into five townships.

Egg Harhor Township

Egg Harbor Township, formerly called Great Egg Iiarlx)ur. is the oldest township in Atlantic County.

It formerly comprised all that portion of Gloucester County lying southeast of Deptford Township and included all of what is now Atlantic County.

From it have been taken the various municipalities which comprise Atlantic County, starting with Galloway Township in 1774, which cut off from the northeastern portion or approxi- mately that portion northeast of the Camden and Atlantic Rail- road. Then Weymouth Township in 1798, which took that por- tion between the Tuckahoe River and the Great Egg Harbor River. Then Hamilton TownsJiip in 181 3, which took that jior- tion northwest of Miry Run. Mullica was formed from Gallo- way in 1838, and since, the Cities and I'oroughs along the beach and Shore Road, leaving in the T(nvnship at the present time the strip of meadow land between Absecon Beach and the Shore and from the northwest Ixiundaries of the Shore Road Munici- palities to Hamilton Township, between the Great Egg Harbor River and Galloway Township.


Oij) Galloway Township

Geor}^^' 'I'Ik- 'riiir<l. hy the j^racc of (iod, of (jfcat I'ritain. I'Vancc ami Irclaml. Kiii}^ (k-fcndcr of the faith, etc.. to whom these presents shall come, j^rcctinj.,^ :

l\nr)w \'e. That we of (jur s])ecial ^raiit, certain knowledijc and mere motion, have ^''iven an 1 j^rante<l and by these presents «lo j^Hve and j^aant. for us and our successors, to the inhabitants of the iu)rtheast part, of the township of Great K^ii; llarbor, in the county of Gloucester, in our Province of \'ew Jersey, wherein the followiiiL,'^ boinidarys, to wit: I'.ej^^inninj^ at a ])ine tree stand- inj4 (Ml tiie head of the north branch of .\bse(|uan Creek, marked on four sides; on the southwest side lettered Iv. G.. and on the northeast side X. W'.. and froiu thence runninj^ nortli forty-five decrees eii^hty miiuUes west ( the ei^lity minutes must be an error in the records), sixteen miles a (|uarter and a half quarter to a pine tree standijitj southwest, sixty chaitis fmm the new road, and near a small branch of Penny Pot. and in the line of the former township aforesaid, and marked as aforesaid: and thence rtuinitiLj by the aforesaid line north forty-five dej^rees east. lu'ne miles to Atsion branch, tiience down the same to the main river of Little Kjtju: Harl)or: thence cUnvn the aforesai J river, bv the several courses tlicreof to the mouth; thence south thirty-five detjrecs east, six miles and a quarter throufjh the Great I'.av of Little Rc^ijf Harbor, to the southwest end of the flat beach at I'.riiiantine Inlet; thence southwesterly, crossin*^ the said P>ri<^- antine P.each and the sea at Abscquan Inlet; thence north sixty dej^rees west. fuL' miles, crossing the sounds and Absequati Bay to Amos Ireland's Point, near the mouth of Absequan Creek; thence bntni lintj by the several courses thereof up said creek, and north branch of Absequan to the pine first named, and place of lie^innint^, to be and remain a r>crnetual township and com- munitv in word and i\ee(\. to be called and known by the name of the Township of Old Galloway. .A.nd we further s^rant to the said inlnbitants of the township aforesaid, and their successors, to choose annuallv a Constable. Overseer of the Poor, and Over- seer of the Hisfhways of the township aforesaid, and to enjoy all the riqhts. liberties and immunities thus any other township


in our Province may of riglit enjoy. And the said inhabitants are hereby constituted and appointed a township by the name aforesaid, to have, hold and enjoy the i)rivileges aforesaid, to them and their successors forever. In the testimony whereof, we have caused these letters to be. made patent, and the Great Seal of the I'rovince of \ew Jersey to be hereunto affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved William Franklin, Esq., Cap- tain General, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province of Xew Jersey and territories thereon dejK'uding in America, Chancellor and \'ice Admiral of the same, etc., the fourth day of April, in the fourteenth year of our reign, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four ( 1774).

Tlie first line was run from the head of Absequan to the head of Gloucester Township line, June the first, seventeen nine- ty-seven.


An Act fur dividinj;' the Townsliip of Great Egg Harbor in the County of Gloucester, into two separate townships. Passed February 12, 1798.

Be it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the ^ame, That all that part of the Township of Great Egg Harbor lying to the west and southwest of the said Great Egg Harbor River; to wit: Beginning at the mouth of the Turkey hoe River; thence up the middle of Great Egg Harbor River until it meets the line of Deptford Township; thence along the said line to the line between Cumberland and Gloucester County, thence down said line till it intersects the line between Gloucester and Cape May ; thence down the middle of Turkeyhoe River to the place of be- ginning shall be and the same is hereby set oflf from the town- ship of Great Egg Harbor, and the same is hereby established a separate township to be called by the name of "Weymouth."

1 lAMH/rON

An Act to incorporate into a townshi]i a jxirt of the trnvn- ships of Great Egg Harbor and Weymouth, in the county of Gloucester by the name of Hamilton. Passed February 5. 1813.


Be it enacted b\ the Council and Cjcneral Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the ^ame. That all that ])art oi the Townships of Oreat Egp; Harbor anl Weymouth in the County of Gloucester \y\n^ within the follow- ing bounds: llej^^inninj^ in the line of the Townships of Great i^^g' Harbor and W'exinouth at the mouth of Miry Rtui. where it empties into Great li.:;^ Harbor River; thence runnin<( up the middle of said Miry Run the several courses thereof to tiie head (tf said run; then a northeastwardly course until it intersects tiie line of (jalloway Township; then alonj^ line of Galloway and '•riTit b.L,'-};' Harbor Townships northwestwardly until it inter- sects the line of the township of (^doucester ; then alojit; the line of the townships at Great ]\ii,^ Harbor and Gloucester, south- westwardly and still on the same course in the line between the Township of Weymouth and Township of Deptford, Greenwich, iikI Woolwich, until it intersects the line of the County of Cum- berland ; then in the line of the Counties of Cumberland and C.loucester. southeasterly to a station in said county line, where a course corresponding with the southwardly line of the West Jersey S(>ciety"s lars^e re-survey will strike the southwest corner if sai<l re-survey; then aloiii:^ the said southwardly line of the West Jersey Society's re-survey to (^ireat Ki:j.cr Harbor River; then down the said river the several courses thereof to the mouth of Miry Run aforesaid, beinuf the place of be!j:inninir. shall be and is hereby set off and made a separate township, to be called b\ the name of "The Townshiji of Hamilton."


All that part of the Township of Hamilton contained within the followinq; bounds, to wit: Reg^innins: at a corner common to the counties of Gloucester and Atlantic in the Cumberland Coun- t\- line, and runniuij: thence in the line of said Atlantic County northeastward to a corner of the incorporated town of Ham- monton in the middle of a road laid down and marked on the maps of the late Weymouth Farm and Aj^ricultural Company's land and called third road : thence alonq- the middle of said third road as laid down on said map southeastwardly to a point in the middle of Seventh Street at the intersection of said third road.


with said Seventh Street ; thence along the middle of said Seventh Street, south westwardly on the course of said Seventh Street extended until it intersects the west line of a re-survey made to the West Jersey Society for 78,060 acres; thence along said west line of said re-survey about 10 degrees east until it inter- sects the north line of Weymouth Township ; thence along the north line of said Weymouth Township, westwardly to the east line of Cumberland County : thence northwestwardly along said Cumberland County line to the place of beginning. Approved March 5, 1867.




The late Dr. Jonathan Titiicv. (jf Ahsecon, was calling on my grandfatlur. the late Daniel Baker, of liakersville. it being his custom to tlo so quite frequently: they were great friends.

As the Doctor was leavin:.^ at this i)articular time, my grandfather went with him to the door; and as they stood on the ])orch conversing, the Doctor turnetl antl said: "Judge, what name shall we give to the new county?" The Judge stocjd for a moment, looked over towards the ocean, waved his hand and said, "Doctor there is the wide broad Atlantic Ocean, what name more a|)|)ropriate than .\tlantic County."

It was near sunset when this conversation took place.


In looking for the reason of the naming of towns and villages thron^h this county there has usually been a store named after its proprietor, later the name was given to the locality: hence Scullsville, Steeliuanville, English Creek, Smiths Land- mg. Mays Landing. Somers Point, etc. These names represent large families, one of which kept a store, and later a post office.

rieasantville is an excejition. When Daniel Lake built his new store in Adamstown he went across the street to Daniel Ingersol. wheelwright, for a board to paint on the new sign. Mr. Ingersol otTered to give him the board for the privilege of nam- ing the store; this granted, Mr. Ingersol called it Pleasantville.

Years after, when Adamstown, Lakestown and Martstown were consolitlated into a r>orough, it retained this name, as it had jirobably been in general use.


Smith's LandinjT^ A ])oat landiiif^ owned l)y Smith. Used to send ])roduce and freight by water.

Xorthfield The station was first named Dolpliin, the name given by Jenkin, Real Estate Agent.

]5akersville By Judge Baker, who also named Atlantic County.

I^inwood First Leedsville, from Leeds Store. When giv- en a post office, there being one of this name in New Jersey, it was changed to Geneva, one in Xew ^'<)rk and Xew Jersey, causing confusion. The ladies met in the school house and de- cided on Linwood.

Sea \'iew There were but a few places on the Shore Road, giving a view of the ocean, south of P'leasantville ; one of them is from the back ])orch of Hagerty's Store ; when it became the post office it was named Sea \'iew.

P.ell Haven— By Wm. Bell.

Launch Haven By Campbell. Mayor of Somers Point.

Somers Point Large land holdings of Somers family.

Risley Town Risley family.

Bargaintown The center of activities of Egg Harbor Town- ship, with a grist mill, a saw mill, and the only post office be- tween Somers Point and English Creek. The mother of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches, the voting center for the township. There was every indication of a grow- mg town, to attract speculators who bought and laid out town lots. These hopes not materializing, the lots were sacrificed and were bought at a bargain by John Ireland, hence the name Bar- gaintown.

McKee City The station was first called English Creek and changed to McKce City. \\'hen Col. ]\IcKee, of Philadel- phia, bought a large tract of uncultivated land, divided it into truck patches, put on the necessary buildings and leased it to Cermans on terms to clear certain amount of land as rent each year. Before this was accomplished he willed it to the Catholic Church for a monastery and Industrial School for Boys. The will being contested the property at this date (Jan. 22, 1914) is lying idle awaiting court decision.

Cardiff. Pleasantville Terrace, Oak Crest, and Blenheim named by promoters.



liv L. L. T. Wiij.is

.\lay'> LaiKlin^ was settleil uvcr two hundrcHl years ago.

Anujiig the first settlers appear the names of Wescott, Steel- man, Cliami)i')ii, (iaskill, I'eniiing-ton, Ra])e. Xorcross. I'.akcr. Abbott, Adams, W'heatoii, W icks. Uougliertv and Mav.

The (ireat Egg Harbor River at that time was navigable for vessels of a i.ooo-ton or four-masted ship.

The principal e.xports were wood, charcoal and ir«in ore. the vessels loading near the i)resent site of the cotton mill and near the bridge at Sugar Hill. The Harrison was one of the vessels sailing from May's Landing, Captain T. 1). Ivndicott sailing her.

( )ther vessels were sailed by Captains John Bowen, Shep- |)ard llu<lson, George Cramer and I'.assett Steelman.

There were several shipbuilding establishments owned by I. Tennington & Son and James IJaker.

The iron foundries were owneil by McCurdv, Stephens. .\.. L. l/ar<l and William T.artlett. grandfather of SheritT I'artlett. There were also two charcoal furnaces, one being at Weymouth.

The mode oi travel in the early days wa.A by horseback. Men

and women alike making the trip to rhila<leli)hia in the saddle.

following Indian trails and slowly making them witler and better.

Mrs. Champion, great aunt of Cajitain Thom])son, has often

matle the trip in the sa:ldle.

As time weiU on and the nccessit\' for travel became greater, a stage coach route was established.

Mr. William Xorcross was the iiro])rietor of the stage from May's Landing to Philadelphia.

.Mr. William X(M-cross, Jr., and Mr. Rape were drivers of the stage. The route took one through Weymouth, Pcnnypot, Long- acoming (now Lerlin). the White Horse Pike and Philadelphia.

The coaches were the regulation stage, with baggage cage at the rear.

There was also a stage coach which went to .\bsecon and Somers' Point, which started out from May's Landing.

.\fter the railroad was built through Egg Harbor the stages were a thing of the past, but the coaches were used to take pas- senerers from Mav's Landing and vicinitv to the trains.



About this time there was a band of robbers had their lair back of May's Landing,'-, and one morning they very quietly and uniquely cut the baggage rack away without stopping the stage.

Mav's Landing was made the county seat in 1837; previous to this time Gloucester County included all of what is now At- lantic County, with the county seat at Woodbury.

The first court ever held in May's Landing was held in the hotel of Captain Jolm Pennington, 1H37-38.

The Court 1 louse was built in 1(838 and has since been greatly improved.



Mi I.I, Dam and Fam.s at May's Landing

The ])rest'nt site of the Methodist Church and graveyard were given the town as a free place of worship by "Richard Wescott, Sr.," of Great Egg Harbor Township. The original deed is still in fxislence and bears date of May 20. 1812.

The gravexard is still under the govermnent of a board of trustees, although there have been no burials in it for some years.

The dam was built above the cotton mill to supply water for a factory, and this slowly closed up the river, as the sand naturally clogged and made the river too shallow for vessels, taking away its old industries, leaving the wharves and few hulls of old vessels to remind c^ne of the happy busy davs.



l;v L. J. I'KICK

III iSSo with the hiiildinj,' of tlu- ricasantvilk- and ( )ccan City kailroad. from I'kasantvillc to Soincrs Point, by the I'hila- dclphia and Atlantic City Kailway dmipany (Narrow C.au^e), the- railroad connected Ocean City and Somers Point, by steam- boat, l)ein.i; the tlrst medium of railroad communication Ocean City had with I'liiladelphia and the outsiile world. The Somers Point i)ost office included all of the shore territory from Somers l'f)int to where the Country Club is now located.

The postmasters for many years had been appointed from Leedsville ( Linwood ) where the office was located; the mail being overhauled at Leedsville, ( Linwood ) and carried t<i two j)r three ])oints for local distribution. All mail on the shore includinij Harj^aintown. was carried by stai^e from .\bsccon to Somers Point. P.akersville. Seaview and Somers Point miijht lie termed sub-offices.

With the advent of a railroad and a building boom. Somers Point desired the jxist office to be located within its borders. Leedsville ( Linwood) as a distributing point must be retained. There being a ixist office by the same name in the northern part of the state, the Federal authorities recpiired Leedsville (Lin- wood) to change its name.

The citizens gathered in the schoolhouse, now occupied as the Citv Mall, one evening to vote for their choice of names presented. C.cneva. P.rinola, \iola. Pearville, and a number of others were i^laced on the blackl)oard for approval. Pairville was suggested, perhaps humorously by the late Dr. S. C. Ed- monds, from the quantities of Bartlett pears raised in the village. (ieneva was generally favored for the town's new name.

Leedsville (Linwood) was the home of several prosperous sea captains, and of men with large interests in vessel prop- erty. .\ dav or so after the selection of the new name by Job Frambes. of Hargaintown, L'ncle Job. as he was familiarly called, then in his nineties, the great grandfather of our assistant secretarv. (Miss Mattie Collins), was in Leedsville.


Feeble in l)otly. nearly blind, and ])artially deaf, but still retaining a keen sense of humor, when told the new name of the village replied, "Yes, Live Easy." Again being told Geneva, he replied with a twinkle in his fading eyes, "Yes, Yes, Live Easy. Live Easy." to the amusement of his hearers, who recog- nized the application of the prosperous citizens.

l>ut yet another name must be chosen from the similarity of the abbreviations X. Y. and X. J., the officials at Washington called for another name. Lin wood was the name chosen.


The Custom House at Somers I'oint, like the post ofificc. was located in Leedsville. The late Thomas E. Morris, througli the sixties to the eighties, was the deputy collector, and the work of the office was conducted in a small buildinp^ on the shore road, at Mr. 3.Iorris' home, a short distance above what is now Bellhaven Avenue. After the building of the railroad to Somers Point for the accommodation of the Custom officials, trains were stopped at the road mentioned.

Stopping of trains in all probability did not occur until the acquisition of the road by the W est Jersey Railroad Com- ])any in May or June, 1882. The late Israel S. Adams being a director of the West Jersey Railroad, and Collector of Customs of the port of Great Egg Harbor, from 1861 until the time of his death. December 1884.

The writer's father, the late Captain John TVice. who also was in the customs service would ask the train crew to let him off at Uncle Tom's. Later the late Captain William Ireland, whose home joined the property now owned by William E. Bell, offered to build a platform, providing the railroad company would sto]) trains for the accommodation of the public. After- ward the railroad company built a shed at the platform with the name of the station. L'ncle Tom's painted on it.

When Mr. r.ell purchased the property where he now re- sides, the station was moved a little further down the track and renauKNl P.cll Haven.

L. J. Prick.




I'lDiii I Icstfjii's I landhook for i(;04 we learn the first public road in Atlantic count) was laid out in i/iTt. It led from Xacote Creek ( I'ort Rei)ublic ) alon^ the shore to Soniers Ferry at Somers Point. This road was altered by surveyors from liurlin^ton and (ilouccster counties in i^^^i. Previous to j^^ivins^ the new location of the road, they recited that the former mad. laid out for the in- habitants of tlu- townshi]) of Egj^ Harbor, from the east end of Somers l-'erry, l)y reason of the swamus and marsh throuj^h which it passed, had become inconvenient to travel, and they had made api>lication to Thomas W'eiherill and fivi: other surveyors from i'.uriinj^ton coiuits ami to John ICslick and five other surveyors of (iloucester comity. These twelve surveyors havint,^ found the former mad inc(jnvenient, laid out the i)resent Shore Road from Port Republic to Somers Point.

The "Somers Ferry" between P.easley's Point and Somers Point, was established in i<Hft5.

Prior to building the Somers Point Railroad in 1880, abo^it midwa\ fri)m the shore road and where the railroad lies, an indentation could be seen in the woods, between the property oi the late Captain b'lijah .\. Price and the late Dr. Jeremiah Hand. This indentation was twelve or fifteen feet wide.

In this narrow open space ijrew no trees, but through the clean white sand, the sweet fern i^rew and "gently waved it", sweet wild way." Elders pointeil out this space to the children as the old shore road.


PRESBYTERIANS IX NEW JERSEY FRO^r David and John Braixard's Dl\ky From 1706 to 1789

W'itli the landing of the I'uritans began the missionary work in America. We can understand, that fleeing from persecution, for their rehgious ideals, and landing among a people recognizing a Spirit everywhere but not a God, their establishing homes, and working to convert those among whom they were living would go hand in hand.

xAnd there are records very early of missionaries in ]\Iassa- chusetts and New York in 1706. though the country about Freehold. N J., was a wilderness, full of savages.

Gilbert \'ansant, a Presbyterian minister, was working among them with such marked success that when he was called to Norfolk, Connecticut, in 1726, the Freehold Association "in- terposed their judgment that he ought not to be taken from so destitute a region as the Jerseys." In 1721 Presbyterianism was m great disfavor. About this time there was a happy change in their favor. At this period Wm. Tenent's son from Ireland, removed to Neskaming (1726) and there established a school which in diversion was called the Log College. afterward be- came a Theological Seminary (Princeton). The Presbyterian ministers who came across the ocean had enjoyed a liberal edu- cation and insisted that no man should enter the ministry without a college diploma. As there was no college in the Middle States, those seeking to enter the ministry were obliged to go to New England or Scotland. This practically closed the door on all candidates and the church had to depend on emigration, chiefly from Ireland. Eleazar Wales was directed in 1734 to join with Anduros in writing the President of Yale for a minister to visit the destitution of West Jersey. President Edwards answer- ed kindly that there was a prospect of obtaining help for them. Whitefield spread and exerted a powerful influence. This revival caused a schism in the Presbytery. In 1737 the Synod passed an act against tlie intrusion of ministers into the boundaries of other congregations, and in 1738 passed an act requiring that before granting a license to preach, the examining committee ap- pointed by Synod, require a college diploma. This the New


liruii.swic I'rcslntery disrej^^arded and after much contention and cunlusion. ]un<: 1st, 1741, the Xcw Jirunswic party withdrew from the Synod. Hence the Old and Xew School.

I lii> was not the result of c(jnHictinj; views, either as to doctrine or church ^'^ovcrnnient. It was the result of the aliena- tion ot k•eli^.!.,^ re^ardinj.,-- ministerial intercourse and avowed jirinciples duriiiL; a revival and extraordinary times.

The inconvenience of long tlistance from the Central Pres- Intery was felt and doubtless led to the formation of a more compact l;ody. 1751 a number of the Xew llrunswic Presbytery pelitioiUMi to be erected into a distinct Presbytery. Accordinglv ilie S\nod i>\ Xew \'ork erected that part of said Presbvtcrv that lii- in I 'tim^\ Kania. with those who live in Xew Jersey, south of I'hiladelphia. borderin.:; on the Delaware into a distinct Pres- bytery, named the Presbytery of .\bin',fton. organized Mav 20th, 175J. 1 be ibnrcbes of Souih jersey nourished under its care >o long as it existed from 1752 to 175S. In 1755 we find the lirst supplies mentioned for ICgg Harbor and were appointed probably as often as once a month. 1758. after 17 years of sep- aration, the two synods were reimited. In conse(|uence of this, it became necessary to remodel the Presbyterians. Abington was merged inti« tb.it of Philadelphia, with thirteen (13) members. ot whom it is supposed, the labored among the nine churches of \\ est jersey.

This time of peace in the churches was a jieriod of war in the country. The hrst meeting of the reunited synod was a dav ot f.-isting and humiliation for sin was appointed. In 1775 Rev. P. \ . I'itbi.m iourne\ed from Cohansey to Kgg Harbor, and the I'orks i^i Little F.gg Harbor, the first since Mr. Green's visit 14 \ears iirevious. Several houses of worshij) had been erected in this time. I'.eside preaching at private houses, he preached at .Mr. Clark's little log meeting Ik^usc. near Pleasant Mills, and Pasto. where he met Mr. l)rainard. next preached at P>otherton, to Mr. Prainard's Indians, also at Clark's Mills meeting house, two miles from the present Port Republic, there was a farm bouse and an organized church, and he adds "thev gave me Si .(X^).'"

Then he preached at Ceilar Pridge or lUackman's Meeting I louse at Pargaintown. where a house was built of planks l)laccd perpendicular. The deed of P.lackman's meeting house


( Zioii ) was t;ivcn by Andrew I'.lackman. 1764 two other church- es are mentioned, one W'acHn River, in BurHngton county, for which the land was i^iven by the will of John Leak, 1777. Prob- ably it had been occupied previously. The other was Longacom- ing (Ijerlip. ) 17(^)7. Mr. Fithian was surprised how fastidious were the people in Egg Harbor, and especially at the Forks.

In estimating the effects of the war upon the churches of New Jersey, it is to be remembered that the state was the battle ground of many a hard fought contest. British soldiery destroyed the church of John Brainard at Mt. Holly, and probably his dwelling.

Six years after the war ( 1789), the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church was held and reports 419 churches, 177 min- isters and 1 1 1 i)robationers. We hear of no more appointments for Egg Harbor, the Brainard churches, of Longacoming (Ber- lin) Waden River, Clark's Little Log ]\Ieeting House, Clark's Mill ]\Ieeting House, Blackman's Meeting House and others now unknown, were neglected, abandoned, swept into oblivion, un- til in our own day the discovery of their burial grounds, deeds or ruins afiford the Presbytery of Xew Jerse\- the first knowledge they ever existed.

The individual churches of this denomination will be given in the next year's work of the Society.

1843, the Presbytery of West Jersey was transferred from the Synod of Philadelphia to the Synod of Xew Jersey, from which time we will consider the individual establishment of churches in this county in tlic next year's work of the Historical Society.




li.vtrucl I'riDii I.ctlcr uf Rev. AUcn II. liroi^ni to Rev. Thomas liraiiiard in 1^6 j.

"Cidar r.rid.LTc' Mccliiij^' House." calk-<l also Blackmail's Mec'tiuj^ liinisc, was near tlic villa.L,^' of Kari^aintown. and about tfu niilcs southeast of May's Laiidiiiij^. It was liuilt of planks nailed perpendicularly.

The followini^ extracts from a i\cin\ recorded in Trenton liber X.. folios 407. 40S. a copy beiiii^ certified by James D. W'cs- cott, Secretary of State, will prove the existence of a Presby- terian Church and to whom the property belonj4;s :


ZlON M. K. CniKCH. NKAR Bakcaintown

"This Indenture, made the nineteenth day of March, in the \ear of iiur Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, between Andrew lUackman. Cordwainer. of E;:::.":^ Harbor, in the county of Cdoucester and Province <if New Jersey, of the one partv. and Joseph luij^ersoll. John Scull. Joseph Scull, and Return r.abcock. of the aforesaid township, county and province, of the other partv. W'itnesseth. that the said Andrew^ lilackman for and in consideration of the sum of two pounds, proclamation money, to him in hand paid before the ensealing hereof, by Joseph Inger- soll, etc., etc. * * * hath i::rantcd. sold. etc.. etc. * * * ; containing one acre, more or less, together with the mines, etc., * * * for the


erection, building and standing of a Presbyterian Meeting House for the carrying on of Publick ReHgious Worslii]) for all that shall incline to meet and assemble in it; together with a ])ublick Burying-yard, for the interment of the deceased of all denomi- nations. '"^ * *

"A certain piece of land situated, lying and being in the town- ••hip of Egg Harbor, in the county and province aforesaid, near the Doles I>ranch, Beginning at a stake standing in the line of Joseph Doles and Atwood, near the P)ranch. thence south 21 degrees east, 15 perches to a stake, thence south 69 degrees, west 13 perches, thence north 21 degrees west to Atwood's line, bounded by Atwood's line north 80 degrees east to the place of beginning at Doles line, containing one acre, more or less, together with the mines, etc."

Three years afterward. June 2. 17(^17, a memorandum was written on the back of the deed, explaining the views of the persons named, and proving that the house had been erected. It read as follows :

"W'e. the within Grantees. * * * having been chosen Trustees to carry on and manage the building of a Presbyterian ^NFeeting House upon the lands within granted and sold for that purpose, do hereby acknowledge that the said land and meeting house is not our own jKTSonal property, but is bought and built by a subscription of many persons ; neither do we claim an\- other interest in it but what we have in common with all who have subscribed hereto ; and, though the legal title is vested in us, yet we hold it only in behalf of our constituents and do promise that it shall be kept as a house of publick worship and the land for a free lUiryir.g-yard, in which all may have equal privilege.> with ourselves, without monopoliziiig it or engrossing and ap- pl\ing it to any private use of our own.

A memorandum whereof we leave on the back of this instru- ment that ])osterity may not be defrauded of their right or mis- taken about the intent thereof, which is to secure a House of Public \\'orship, as before mentioned. Tn testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, hands, and seals." =1= * *

Respecting the subsequent history of this house, we content ourselves with adding that, before it was decayed, the materials were removed, and ujion a p(^rtion of the very site of the old buildincf stands now a brick edifice.


III-:\I) ( )!• Till-: RI\I*.R Clil'RCIi. I7<,2 \',y l.AiuA l.wiMA Thomas Willis

Tlif nld M. Iv L'luircli slaii«lin.L( at the lu-a.l of the Tiickahoc Uivtr has a history which is pcrliaps unequalled hy any church of that denomination i;i South jersey.

it was l)ui!t in \J<)2, and jj^'liahly dedicated by I'enj. Abbot. The lirst M. I*, preacher visitinj^ these jiarts was a man named James, who in 1 7S0. came on horseback to the house of David Sayers in a drivin.i^ snow storm and asked permission to stay all nii^ht. Saycrs had previously said that no Methodist preach- er should ever stay in his Iviuse. lie was a very profane man, and James rei)rimanded him for his profanity, lie did Iodide there and t'rmn that vi: it Sayers became chanijcd. llis heart was touclu'il and he professed conversion. Most of the Meth- odist preachers of that time were men sent < vcr by Wesley and wire untKr bonds of loyalty to the kin.:^' of Great liritain ; al- thonmh they said but little, yet some did act im;irudent. They thoui^ht iirobab.ly that the weapons of their warfare were not carnal. Sayers at that time held a ca])tain's commission of the continental army, hence the remark that no Methodist preacher should ever lody^e in his house.

Tlu'\ arransL^cd fur preach in;.:: at Smith's Mill. Jeremiah and W illiam Snn'th who have left a lar^e nun-.Iicr of rlesccndants in this section a-id it was luainly thronij^h tlicir encri^y that this house was built, urj^cd on by .Xbliot. who then travelled, what was known as Salem Circuit. Tl-.at rcmarka'de man seems to h.avc had wonderful ]iower over men. Great fruits attended his labors as he iourneyed throus^h Gloucester. Salem and Cape May counties, and jXThaps did more to establish Methodism and built up the church than any otber man. tT-!til the coming of Pitman in 1831.

The land was i;i\c;i 'n\ \ 'a:w'i i k:K-.'vt. a iir;<c land bolder. 'idio house was unfinished until 1813 when the floors and gal- leries were ]nn in. r.enezet died before the deed was given; his heirs conveyed the property. One of his daughters, afterward the wife of Rev. Jos. Tillman, of Pillman Boardman fame, not



being- of aij;e when she sij^ncl it. the deed was invalid and a new deed was given in 1813 by Joss. Jones and wife, commonly called "Coffee Jones." He also married a daughter of Benezet. He sold the adjoini;ig property to Aetna Furnace property, at one time doing a thriving business. The church was connected with Cuiu;;erland Circuit, embracing all Cumberland and Cape May counties, and began to have Sunday morning preaching. Thomas Xeal was presiding elder in 1835. lie was also a man who did a great deal of good, and had strong faith. It is related of him that he was attending a camp meeting here. There was

Oi.D Church .\t Hi-;ad ok thk RiviiK, Tuckahoi-;

a protracted drcnr^'ht. the earth was parched and vegetation dy- ing.

He retired into the woods and alone with God. he i)rayed for a drenching rain. He told the peoi)le to look out for there were signs of an abundance of rain. In the afternoon meeting thunder war 'icard. the heavens gathered blackness and soon there was a powerful rain in answer to prayer, as he believed.

The chu'ch was struck off from the Cai)e May Circuit in i8;'j. J(^seph / twood was then ]M-eacher with Thomas Van Gilder as first recording steward, still continuing Sunday morn- ing preaching. There have been some very remarkable revivals of religion the greatest the church ever enioved was in 1842,


wIr'ii \\ illiam A. IJrooks was preacher in charj^e, alxnit 130 jiro- tessed conversion. Some fell away from j^racc, only four or five now remain and by far the lari^er share have joined the silent ma- jority. The Snnday mornini^ preachinj^ continued until 1863 when the church was repaired .nn! set off with a station with preaching.; Sabhath mornin}.j by Jacob T. I Vice, whose labors were blessed by the conversi(jn of seventy-five souls, most of whom remained faithful.

It remained this way until iSrV» when it was reunited with Tuckahoe Circuit.

In iS'^.^ the throve adjoinin-jf the church was purchased of the "l-'stells" and nicely laid out throui^h the efforts of Cap. T. Weeks, and others. Nearly all the old members of this church lie in this iirave yard. Such men as josejih Champion, local preacher: Nathan Swain, exhorter. and an efficient man in church, r.enjamin \\'eatherl)y. Sr.. trustee: Mathias Steelman. Xathaniel Steelman, John liurlcy. Richard Sheppard and Rich- ard Chamnion. all who were official meml)ers of the church, and contributed liberally of their means for its sup[)ort, and als<i others who esteeu'ed it pleasure as well as a duty to journey to the ( )ld Church every Sunday morning.

The names of the ministers who have officiated were: Rev. Jacob T. Price. J. F. Morret. C. \V. Ileisley. M. C. Stokes, H. J. Downs. William .Mari^oram. William Lane. K. II. Mur- rell, J. 1'.. W'escott. William .\. Osborne and Z. L. Dui^an. The present T.oard of Trustees are: C.cor«ie L. Dukes. Presi- dent; Samuel M. Champion, .\nthony I. Parker. Jr., P.enjamin Wetherby. William Goft". John P.urley. all i^entletnen of the high- est re]nitation and well known in their native villaj^e.

The iJ^rd anniversary of Head of the River Church was held on Sun lay. October 10. 1015. People come many miles to attend these anniversaries, which is made possible by automo- bile— which are in such numbers as to remind one of a great County Fair ; there are also large numbers of carriages.

The churcli and cemetery are kept in excellent condition.

The church has very recently come into two endowments one of $1300. from Mrs. Swauger. formerly a Miss Williams, daughter of one of the owners of the Aetna Furnace : one of $300 from Mr. Jc^hn Wallace.



One of the first Baptist Churches in South Jersey was (Hrectly across the road from Head of the River .M. K. Church. The ground was given by Daniel lienezet, a Judge of Gloucester Co., who owned great tracts of land.

Jt is supposed to have heeu built about the time of the M. E. Church. Xow ihere is no trace of a building ever having been there. In 1858 the church was still standing.

Aktnw Fukn.\ck. Tlck.vhoI'; Rivkr


lllS'l't )l<\ ol- Till-: TlCKIiloE liAI'TlST CHURCH \'>y Moii(.\.\ lj)\VAKi)S. A. M.

'I'liis chinch is (hstin}^iii>hc<l as aljove from the river which runs near the ineetintj house. The house measures 28x24. It was huilt in 1751, in \''.\m lIarI;or Township, and County ot (^iloucester, Oo miles soulhea t from l'hila(leli)hia.

The lot on which it j^tanls contains ahout one acre; and is the j^ift of James lluhhard; his deed is dated May 15. 1750; the house is now in a ruinous cindition, hut the people are talkinji^ of huildinj;' another in a mcjre convenient place; Alderman Henezet promises to j.^ive them land, timher, s^lass and nails; there is another hou.^e which the church occupies, hut is not their own; it stands on May's Landin<^ ahout 12 miles olT of this.

The families which usually as.'emhle at Tuckihoe are ahout f)0. whereof (>■!, persons are haptiscd, an.l in the comnnmion. here administered the first Sunday in every month ; salary ahout 20 pounds. The alx)ve is the prerent state of Tuckihoe, April 14. i?k:>-

In 1770 Rev. James Sutton came hither with a view to settle amonj;- them ; this put them on thinking of becoming a distinct church; accordin^^ly. they were. July 23. 1771. incorporated, by the assistance of Revs. X'anhorn and Heat(Mi. The names were: Rev. James Sutt(Mi. Jose])h Savajje. Esq., Jonathan Smith. Wil- liam Goldin, Jac(^h (larrison, lose]ih In.U'crsol. Thomas Ireland, Elias Smith. John Indies. Esq.. Lemuel Sayres. Lemuel Edwards, John Scull. L^^aac Scull. Katharine Garrison. Mary Goldin. Jane luf^ersol. Dehora Lore. Tabitha Scull. Mary Ireland. Elizabeth Garrison. Jane Canijx Mary Camn. Abiijail Scu'l and Catharine Weaver. The same year they joined the association.

This church is the dau^ihter of Dividing;' Creek. It has now existed U) years and increased from 24 to C\^.

Rev. Renjann'n Sutton resip^ned in 1772; Rev. William Lock, 1773. resigned 1779: Rev. Isaac Bonnel. ordained pastor Sep- tember 17. 1783.


XoTK. On the last page of this Ixjok is given a Hst of sub- scribers and then goes on to say, "1 have 150 copies left, they may be had at the stone house in Second street, I'hiladelphia ; price, one-third of a dollar." This volume owned by the Phila- delphia Historical Society; size about 7x4 inches; is valued at $600.00.

Headstones in Haptist Church \'ar 1 ( is a thickly covered woods now) :

Rev. Peter Groom

Pastor of the llaptist Church of West Creek

Died Jan. 16, 1807

Age. 56

Anne Groom

Wife of Rev. Robert Groom

Died May 4, 1796

Age, 46 Years

Isaac Pionneli

July 26, 1794

In the 64th Year

Robert Campbell

Son of

Henry and Ellen Campbell

I\Iarch 20. 1854

In 8th Year

Millicent Price

July 28, 1826

Age, 56 Years, 4 Days

P.Y L. L. T. Willis




I'.v I.AiKA Williams Colwlll

"The old Loj^ Mcetinj^ House at Weymouth was built about 80 years before the present building, alonj^ the banks of the j^reat H^jjf Harbor River and seventy-five feet west of the one nov/ standinJ^^" L. W. C.

In a l)eautiful oak j^rove on the hi,L,di bank of the Great Egg' flar])()r River stands the neat little church at Wevniouth. For

Thic old L<)(. Mkktim. Hdi sk at \\'i.\ moi rti

nearly a century it has served the purposes for which it was erected ami in the adjacent cemetery arc the graves of person? some of them long since widely known for more than ordinary talent and usefulness. Sir Joseph Hall, the Quaker merchant and relative of Washington, was one of the owners and founders of Weymouth, when this edifice was erected. From a recent sketch compiled by Mr.s. Charles R. Colwell antl read at the 91st anniversary, the following is taken :

"The building of the \\"eymouth Meeting House was begun in i8ofi and completed in 1807 at the expense of the Proprietor

of Weymouth. The time book sliows the carpenter work to have



been clone by 'Eziel Prickett and his son.' the former workint^ three hundred and sixty-five days at $1.25 and the son three hun- dred and sixty-six days at $1 per day. The plastering and mason work was done by C. McCormick. the material and work on the building coming to $3,690.00. The Weymouth Meeting House was intended as a non-Sectarian place for religious meetir.g. more especially for the benefit of em])loyees of Weymouth. Both

STKI'HKN Colwell

tradition and record show that it has been chiefly used by Pres- byterians and Methodists, although services have been conducted and sermons preached by Episcopalians, Baptists, Dutch Re- formed and in February. 1825. a sermon was preached by 'Miss Miller,' presumably a Cuakeress. No records are accessible of the occupants of the pulpit of Weymouth Meeting House from its completion until 1813. From 1813 to 1845 the Time Books of Weymouth furnish tiie names of many preachers and dates of service."


At this time Sir Josc])!! I'.all \ru\ sold all of his iiitere^:' in the VVeynnnith tract to his nephew. Sanniel Richards, who built the Meetinj^^ House for the employees of his furnace.

Sarah Kail Richards. dau}j;htcr of Samuel Richards, married Stephen Colwell.

She inherited one-half of Weymouth, and at the deatii of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Richards IJell, Stei)hen Colwell bought

Chaki.i,> Rk 11 \ KI ' C< il.W I 1.!,

her interest in the Weymouth tract, which tract covered 86,ooo acres or 12x14 miles wide.

Stephen Colwell was born in Urooke county. West \ Irginia tm the 25th of March. iSoo. He died in Philadelphia 01. the 15th of January. 1871. nearly completing- his 71st year. He studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1821 in Ohio. Prac- ticed law until 1836. He became a manufacturer of iron Hrst at Weymouth and later at Conshohocken. Pa., on the Schuylkill


River, lie was a writer of note and reco.ynized as a man of great ability.

In 1852 Air. Colwcll drove Ur. Da Costa and Mr. John Hay, of Winslow, in his family carriage to Absecon, there they took a boat across to Absecon Islantl anrl on that day decided to build the C. & A. R. R.

Mr. Cohvell ])ut in $150,000 later t:ie other gentlemen with- drew and Mr. Colwell put in an additional $150,000.

The first two years the road only ran to Ellwood Station (formerly Colville), and for 10 years one passenger car was run behind the freight.

The road did not pay for 20 years.

Cliarles Richard Colwell, son of Stephen Colwell and Sarah Ball Richards was born in Philadelphia January 21, 1844; died April 10. KjOi. Mr. Colwell was one of the promoters of the Narrow Gauge Railroad and was president and afterwards re- ceiver when the Reading l)ouglit it in. He invested $350,000 in the road. Mr. Colwell married Laura Williams Ritz,

daughter of Judge Charles and Susan Williams Ritz. of Lewis- ton. Pa.

XoTK. It is through the efforts oi Mrs. Charles R. Colwell that the anniversary services are held at Weymouth Meeting House each year, this being the i loth anniversary on September 26th. 191 5.

Cannon were made at WeNinoulh during the Revolution. A cannon ball made at Weymouth is now used as a hitching post on Water street. Philadeljihia. and is marked witli a W ( Weymouth).

At the Anniversary Service in i()i4, which was attended by the Atlantic County Historical Society. Rev. William Abbott told of conducting a revival service at Weymouth and Zion in 1876. He said that at tlie first meeting he was to conduct at Wevmouth, he and Capt. Reuben Rabcock drove over and lost their wav in the woods. Afterwards, most spiritual meetings were held and twenty-eight converts made, lie also stated that his father and one of the Richards family organized the first Sunday school here.

This church was one of the early appointments of Rev. Ben- jamin Collins.


'I'Iktc is a l)cautifiil nicinorial tablet in the church bearing the followiii}^^ inscription:

In Memoriam

Charles Richards Colwell

Entered into Rest

March lo. njoi

"A friend of the jKwr."

"A patron of Education"

An honest man, one of God's noblest works."

This niouuiucnt attests the s<jrro\ving love of his wife.


HISTORY OF FRIENDSHIP CHURCH Near Laxdisville iW Cuarlks W'kay

It is by no means an easy task that has been assic;-ncd to me, viz. : to write a history of this church. Thongh I have known of it for perhaps over twenty years, yet I have had no connection with it except for the past four or five years. When you take into consideration the above statement, together with the fact that outside of the title deed, there are no books or papers in the possession of the church Official Board that afford even a suggestion of its history, you will perceive I spoke but the truth when I said mine was no easy task. If, under the circumstances, this paper should prove uninteresting, 1 trust in the foregoing statement I have said enough to secure your par- don and favorable consideration. Perhaps it would be as well to state here, that the reason why there are no books or papers available, is presumed to be because the church has always been one of perhaps three or four or half a dozen stations on one cir- cuit ; in its earlier days a very long circuit, too, with as many as sixteen preaching stations in 1854 and 1855. It is thought the records of all these churches were kept in one book, and that book was in the hands of the preacher in charge, who either retained the book in his possession after his pastorate had closed, or he left it with the Board of the principal church on the cir- cuit, or in the hands of his successor. Friendship has always been a small church, therefore, the books or papers were never left with it. I also wish here to acknowledge my great indebt- edness to various old members of the church, and old residents of this locality, for whatever may prove of interest in this his- tory; and especially am I indebted to IVo. A. V. \'anaman, without whose memory and knowledge of the later events con- nected with the church, this paper could not have been pre- pared.

The deed is dated May 14th, 1808, and is certified as re- corded in the Clerk's Office of Gloucester county, Nov. 4th. i8c8. There was no Atlantic County in those days, and this



gnuind where the church staiuls was part (jf Weyinoiith town- ship, Gloucester county. We lliink it a remarkable circum- stance that a Methodist church should have been located in this place at so early a date. The i^reat Methodist Episcopal Church was not or}.(anized uiuil 17S4. and was even then lary;cly a <lisiinct revival and reform movement within the Church of Kn^Iand. in .\merica. as well as in Kn.i,dand. As far as New jeiNey is concerned, we believe this to be one of the oldest, if no', the oldest M. \\. church building in the State, now stand- int,-^ and used for church pur])oses. There were, perhaps, a few built before this, but as far as we have been able to ascer-


tarn, none are now standinj^ and used for worshij) regularly at this day.

In 180S. this country was almost an unbroken wilderness, covered with a primeval forest, specimens of which growth wc can yet see in some of these graml old oaks, which are still standing on the grounds of this church. The farms and clearings were few and far between ; the only one in the im- mediate vicinity was jirobably the place just across the Xew^ Jersey Southern R. R.. on the Weymouth road, lately known as the "lUishe\" farm, but which at the time the church was built, was owned by the Smith family. The dwelling house, which stood there in 180S. was burned down in September, 1855, on which occasion three persons lost their lives, so sud-


den and complete was the destruction. It has been reliably ascertained that previous to the erection of the church, re- ligious meetings were held in that house, and some, at least, were converted to God, though the exact number is not known. So that even previous to 1808 there were Methodists in this locality, and they were alive, too. In connection with the men- tion of the services held in that house, perhaps it would be well to state here, that we are enabled to assert positively that the church was erected at or about the time the deed was granted, by the fact that in 1852, an old resident of this locality, George Smith by name, came back here on a visit, and stated to Bro. A. P. \'anaman tliat he had left here in 1810, and the church was built before that, and furthermore that he was one of the persons converted at the meetings licld in the dwelling house before spoken of, and that at that time the house belonged to the Smith family, the head of which was a close relative of the said George Smith, but whether a father or brother, Mr. \'anaman does not remember.

Mrs. Xancy Vanaman, mother of A. P. \'anaman, now in her 84th year, and present with us today, and one of the oldest residents of this neighborhood, distinctly recalls the church as one of the prominent landmarks when she was a little girl.

Besides the "Bushey" place before mentioned, at the time the cluucli was l)uilt, there was another dwelling on what is now known as the Collins place; another where ^Nlr. Thomas Howell now lives, and another at or near Landisville. What is now known as the lUiena Hotel, was also standing, and usea as a public inn and change house on the old stage route to Cape May, Tuckahoe and Philadeli)hia. About three miles east of the church there was an old saw mill, and in fact there is one there now, at what is known as Pancoast on the South Jersey R. K. It was located there over a century ago, by a man named Champion Campbell. He was what is known as a "squatter," and he lived there and operated the mill for quite a term of years. He did not farm any, except perhaps to raise some things for family use, but game of all kinds was plentiful, and a haunch of vension was not an infrequent or unappreciated addition to the homely viands of the family meals. He was only interested in lumber, for it is related of him that when told that the land he occupied had been taken up bv lienj. B.


(JiMtpcr, under the homestead or some similar land law, he said he did not care who owned it. as he had sawed up alx)ut all the lot^s there were on it that were worth anythinj^. It is probable the lumber used in buildin,i( the church was sawed in Campbell's mill.

As to the towns in the vicinity of the church in 1808, Mav's Landing was but a very small villai^e. Millville like- wise, liridi^eton not much lar.i^er. and llammont<»n and Nine- land were not in existence, and for fifty years or more after the church was built, where those two thrivinc^ towns now stand, was but a forest of oaks, pines and cedar swamps, with lure ami there perhaps a wood chopper's shanty or a smoking tar kiln or charcoal ])it. .\one of the residents of that early day paid any attention to agricidture. except to grow a little rye. buckwheat, corn and potatoes, and some other few crops for their own consumption. They were too far away from a market to make farming pa\- ; for remember, in iKoS. there were no railroads or steamlxtats in New jersey, nor anywhere else in this great countr\-. nor in the whole wide world, so a journey to IMiiladelphia in those days was (juite a big undertak- in;j: The people down here had to turn their attention and labor to lumbering, the manufacture of tar. charcoal, and kindred industries. T(» burn a charcoal i)it or a tar kiln, was a matter of eight or ten days, so there were at least two Sundays in that perioil, and some of the old residents, with perhaps some not so very old, either, recall that it was customary to attend church in the morning, and then go to the kiln in the afternoon to see the tar run. if it was ready to be drawn. When the tar or the charcoal was ready for shipment, it was loaded on to the wagon, two yc^ke of oxen were harnessed to it and it was hauled away to riiiladelphia for sale, the team bringing back such articles as were needed and couUl not be procured in this vicinity. This journey anil return usually took three or four days, for oxen are but slow travelers, and the roads were far from good. Horses were scarce and too costly, and much of the church going was performed with the aid of that old. reliable, steady going, easily kept animal. "Shank's mare." Aj^ropos of that style of travel- ing, it is well known that an immense spreading, shady old oak tree, which, up to about twenty-five years ago. stood about half a mile east of the church was known as the "Dinner Oak,"


from the fact that some of the old residents utiHzed it for the purpose of resting and eating their dinners there, when on their way to church. Sometimes on account of tlie length of the cir- cuit, it was found necessary to have preaching on a week day instead of Sunday, and this statement recalls an incident which proves that though the people down here in those times worked hard and lived economically, yet their industry and economy did not exempt them from financial trouble, for it is related that while one of them was seated in the church on a certain week day, prepared to enjoy the services, it was whispered to her (for it was a woman) that the constable had made preparations to seize her household goods that very day for debt, whereupon she im- luediately took her departure, and it is said she arrived at her home before the officer of llic law, and succeeded in secreting her belongings where he could not find them, and no doubt she took to the woods herself, which was a very needful proceeding likewise, for those were the days of imprisonment for debt.

Now, although these people were not generally possessed of much of this world's wealth, as we understand that word to- day, yet what they did have they used in God's service, with an unstinted liberality. To prove that, look at the size of this building, winch, though small as compared with modern village or town churches, is yet. and always has been much larger than was needed to accommodate any membership the church has ever ])OSsessed, or is likely to. For that da\- and time antl this locality, it was a very /arifr buildin:^-. Why, 1 read the other day of another country M. K. Chnrcli, built befnre this one, but in a much older settled and i)opulated neighborhood, but which is now demolished or disused for church purposes for nearly fifty years, which was so small that at one time in its history.' when there was a split in the congregation, it was loaded up on a wagon, in the night. I think, by one of the opposing factions, and carted off to another site several miles distant from the original one. .\ view of the frame of this building will convince you tlial that would have been an impossible under- taking as regards old Friendship. The original Huilding Com- mittee of this church were not built that way themselves, nor did they build that way. either. The sills and plates are some- thing to look at in these days of flimsy and showy building. \\'hen first u?q(]. tlie church had a vaulted or oval ceiling, the


tiiiilHi- u.^ed tu support it were 6x14, the gallery joist are 3x12, till- rafters 4x8. and the original wooden pillars to support the gallery were one foot stpiare. Tlie joints of the frame work of the wiiole huilding are all dove-tailed or lock mortise tenon and piimed. The luniher is all oak or heart pine, as sountl as the (lav it was put in. Such nails as were used are of the old-fash- ioned hand-made sorts. The lath arc all frowcd or split ones.

We are a])t to think of those old settlers as devoid of taste, with no appreciati(»n of cmhellishment and no desire to bestow their lahor for anything except utility; hut we are wrong in our ideas brethren, and unjust to those old-time fathers and luothers of the church, for we can see evidences of loving hands and a desire to make the Mouse of (lod goodly to look upon, and far exceeding their own homes in appearance, in the facts that the original weatherboarding was all beaded on the lower edge, and th" gallery columns were lluted and carved (|uite beautifully, and all was done by painstaking, slow and irksome hand labor. From (he time the church was built until 1S53. the gallery remained in an mifinished state, only the frame work being in position, the ceding, as mentioned before, was an oval one up to that date; the pulpit was also u]> to that time, one of the old-fashioned high kind, with a flight of steps up each side, and furnished besides the seat, with little doors to shut to, if the preacher saw fit to do so.

At that time there were no pews, but ordinary benches with backs, somewhat like those in the gallery now. The benches were not fastened to the floor, and were long enough to reach from the side oi the church to the central aisle, and were with- out division of any kind their entire length. The stove was what is known as a ten nlate stove: it was lartre enough to take in a three foot stick, and it was connected with the chimney by a l(niu-. straight piTx\ extending clear uo to the roof.

Xo changes have been made in the interior of the church since 1853. and while the necessary labor was being performed then, the congregation, far from forsaking the worshio of God, and true to their character as a live church, continued divine serv- ices in the school house, which stood then on the same lot where public school. No. 3. of this township, now stands. The work of rci"»air and alteration was begun in the fall of 1853. and finish- ed in Time. 1854. and the occasion was made a time of rejoicing


and reconsccration. In 1893, the exterior of the church was re- paired, new siding and roof put on and the vestibule added, and the liuilding painted.

As to the cemetery, in the old days before the church was built, there were a number of private burial grounds in this vicinity. ])r()l)al)ly three or four, the i)rincipal one was about a mile east of the church and quite a number were buried there, but after the church grounds were opened, they began to be used f|uite generally, not only by residents of this neighborhood, but also people from Millville, Weymouth, May's Landing and other villages and neighborhoods ; even nowadays, funerals of non-residents are not infrequent, though the dead are usually those who have lived in the vicinity at one time, or they are related to the families of former residents.

Speaking of the cemetery, recalls the fict that in the old days the duties of the office of sexton or janitor rather, were performed in turn by the members of the congregation, with- out pay. A collection was taken uj) from lime to time to de- fray expenses for candles, etc., etc. These sextons or janitors did not usually dig the graves.

From the deed we find that the grantors and original owners of the land on which the church is built, were William Hollins- head and Hope, his wife, it is likely the site was a gift to the church, as the sum named in the deed is the nominal one of one dollar.

The first Board of Trustees were John Smith, Joel Stew- art, William Ackley, John \'cal, John Smith, Jr., George Smith and Thomas Champion.

These, you will perceive, are all well known Jersey family names, and no (loul)t many of those present here today will recognize in them, that of a grandfather, or great grandfather, for some of their descendants are yet about us. They were all common everyday men, making their living by hard labor, and we believe them to have been God-fearing and God-serving men ; and that they were full of faith and love toward God, the build- mg of this church proves. That they were mostly uneducated, as far as the wisdom of this world is concerned, goes without saying, for public schools were unknown here in 1808, but we feel sure they had not only a knowledge, but a saving knowledge of God'.s love, as manifested in the blessed gift of His son.


.\<> Statue, or column, or taljlct in anv of earth's temples i| fame are erecteil to their memory, but this church is a monu- ment which shall count for far mure than any of those, in that "•Iread day of the Lord, which will come as a thief in the nij^ht. in the which the heavens shall pass away with a ^reat noise, and the element shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall he hurned up."

\\ riiti-n on the (\vi-i\ we find the names of the following lioards of 'iVustees : One elected July 29th, 1824 John \'eal. William Ackley. .\(|uilla Downs, Nathan Girard and Henry \ cal. Another elected June 2(k iK^kd Charles Downs, Sec- retary: (leorge Downs. Wesley X'anaman. Ambrose I'ancoast and Archibald Campbell, i-'inally. one elected June 4th. 1866 Osboni Downs, IVesidcnt ; John Walker Downs, v^ecretary ; CiCoriTe Downs, Treasurer; Archibald Campbell and Wesley X'anaman. In this latter case note is also made that iirothcr (icorge Downs was appointed to collect money, (an old and well established MetJKjdist habit you observe.) and I'.rothcr Shimp, who was the preacher at that time, was ai)pointed to purchase a new carpet for the church.

Through the courtesy of Rev. J. 11. I'ayran. Secretary of this Conference, we are enabled to ])resent the following list of the pastors of the church. We include in it the names of all who were appointed on the charge since its organi'.iMon in 1803, as no doubt previous to the erection of the church in 1808, these men of (fod preaclied in the Smith house before men- tioned.

For a long time these appointments were made in pairs, the first mentioned being known as the preacher in charge, and the other, the assistant. The charge at its organization was known as the Cdoucester circuit, and it retained the name for many years. The church was on this circuit until 1886; changes made on and after that date will be found noted below. From 1803 until 1837, when the present Xew Jersey Conference was organized, the Gloucester circuit was in the West Jersey district of the Philadelphia Conference; changes in the district on and after 1837 are also noted in the list :

1803. Benjamin IlilT. Daniel Higby ; 1804. David Dunham. Asa Smith; 1805. Jos. Totten, Wm. Bishop; 1806-7. Xat. Swain, Sam. Budd; 1808, Rich. Sneath. W. S. Fisher; 1809, Thos. Dunn,


Chas. Rccd; 1810, Peter Aannest, J. (Jsborn, T. Davis; 1811, J, Fox, John Fernon ; 1812, J. Fox, J. Townsend ; 1813, Dan. Ire- land, Wm. Smith; 1814, John Woolson, Edward Stout; 1815, Dan. Fidler, Amos C. Aloore ; 1816, John Walker, Amos C. JMoorc; 1817, Solomon Sharp, W'm. Smith; 1818, Peter \'annest, James Long; 1819, David Partine, T. Davis; 1820, David Partine, R. W. Petherbridge ; 1821, Edward Stout. R. W. Pctherbridgc; 1822, Edward Stout, David Dailey ; 1823, Watters Burrows, James Moore ; 1824, Watters Purrows, Wm. Lummis ; 1825-26, John Woolson, Elij^halet Reed; 1827, Edward Page, William Lummis; 1828, Edward Page. J. Piff ; 1829, Jacob Grubcr, Rich- ard M. Greenbank ; 1830, Wm. Williams, R. i\L Greenbank; T831, Wm Williams. Sedgwick Rusling; 1832, John Henry Jacob Loudenslager ; 1833. Ivlward Stout and a su])i)ly ; 1834-35, Wm. Ivummis, John F. Crouch; 1836, Jas. Long, T. Christopher.

New Jersey Conference, liridgeton District 1837, J. W\ jMcDougall, A. Owen; 1839, Edward Stout, George Jennings; i8-]0. Joseph J. Sleeper, George Jennings, 1841, Joseph J. Sleeper, B. X. Reed; 1842. A. K. Street. T. Christopher; 1843, Jos. At- wood, Jos. Gaskikll; 1844, Jos. Atwood. John Fort; 1845, Nath- aniel Chew. John Fort; 1846, David Duffell, W. A. Brooks; 1847, David Duffell. .V. J. J. Truett ; 1848, A. J. J. Truett, B. Andrews^ 1849, N. Edwards. P. Andrews: 1850. X. Edwards, A. Gearhart; 1851, .\. Gearhart. D. T. Reed; 1852. J. White and a supply; 1853. J. White. L. J. Rhodes; 1854-55. J. C. Summerill. C. W. Ilcisley. 1856-57. Samuel I\L Hudson, Albert Matthews; 1858-59, IP S. Xorris. J. P. Connelly. S. C. Chattin ; i860, Edwin Waters, Albert Atwood; t86i, Edwin Waters. E. S. Marks; 1862, W. C. Stockton. J Wilcox. Jos. II. Mickle; 1863-64, L. O. Manchester; 1865-66. M. II. Shim]).

Camden District— 1867. S. Wesley Lake: 1868-9. J. U Souder; 1870-1. E. C. Hancock; 1872-3. J. Warthman ; 1874, P. Y. Calder; 1875-6. E. F. Moore.

Bridgeton District— 1877-8. C. .\. Malsbury.

Camden District— 1879. J. L. Xelson ; 1880-2, J. B. Whit- ton; 1883. Wm. Blackiston.

Bridgeton District— 1884. J. O. R. Corliss; 1885. John G, Edwards.


I'Vicndsliip Circuit iS86. R. I'lrooks Robbins.

llarniDiiy Circuit 1SS7, W. Nanderherchen ; 1888-9, L. X. Clark; iS'^o. Saiiuicl C. juliiisiin.

Richlaml Circuit iSi^i. julm C. Clark; 1892, Frank Cole- man.

I'ricndship Circuit 1!^«;3, J. Sault, A. Jat^gers; 1894-5. A. Jap^crs ; iSi/) A. Ja^j^crs, J. Casto.

Min(iti)Ia and iMicndshij) 1897. Thomas lluss; 1898, Clias. 1 1. r.arncs.


M. K. Cfll'RCH TX I'ORT RKIHT'.IJC I'.Y Anna C. Collins Fleming

Jiishop Asburv first introduced Methodism into South Jersey; and Xehemiah lUacknian was converted under his preaching in liis father's house in Knghsh Creek, and tlie first Methodist meet- ing, in what is now known as Port Re]niblic, was probably held m the house of Micajah v'^niith. with 12 members, and probably the same number in Smithville which has now grown to 264 members and 225 children in the Sunday School, with two fine churches and a nice parsonage ])roi)erty. 1786 New Jersey was divided into four circuits, Newark, Trenton, East and West Jer- sey. West Jersey embraced all that section of the state south of l>urlington. 1788 it was divided and Salem Circuit formed the lower ]:)art in 1800. There were 550 members. Rev. Richard vSwain and Rev. Richard Lyon were the traveling ]ireachers and Rev. Soloman Sharp ]:)residing elder over all Xew Jersey. The extent of their circuits took from four to eight weeks to make the round of their preaching places, their way often being through miles and miles of forests with no i)ath, save the Indian trail.

The first house of worship in Port Republic was erected near the beginning of the U)th century, on property owned by Micajah Smith and was known as Smith's Meeting House; an old bury- ing ground marks the s])ot. The preaching ])lace w^as one of the appointments on Salem Circuit until about 1811, when Gloucester was formed.

The meeting house was a two-story frame building, 25 feet square, it was never dedicated but as soon as weatherboarded meetings were held in it in tlie suninier. but in the winter for several years services were held in the ujjper room of Xehemiah Blackman's house. In i8o<) windows were put in and a ten-plate stove jnirchased. The house was never ])lastered. but was ceiled u]) with boards. In 181 2 they purchased planed boards and had benches made with jmcccs across the back to rest the shoulder. Their lights were tallow dips, in tin candle sticks. The traveling l)reacher came once in four weeks and even then could not always make his ai)pointment, and the local preachers, exhorters and


class leaders had to take cliarj^e a lar<^^e sliare i>f the time, liar- j^aiiitdwn Circuit was formed 1828, from tlie lower end of Glou- cester and a small part of Xcw Mills, and included the following places of preachiu};^: Zion, Enj^^lish's, West's, Absecon, W'ran- gleboro, Ivceds', Simkins", IMne Coalini^, Ciloucester Furnace, Wcstcott's Pleasant Mills. Green I'.ank. Glass Works. Dutch Mills. Lake. Xew Friendship, S(JUth River. Kstcl's and Wey- mouth I'^urnace. May's Landinj^ and Shore School House.

In the early days I'ort Republic was known as Wranjj^le- boro. This name antedates autheiuic history. The church for many years was called Inion Chapel. L'nionville. The church at Smithsville was known as I^eeds. Since i8(>5, the last division of the circuit, the two have been Port Republic and Smith ville ciiar}.je.

The first Ouarlerly meetiu}^ of liarj^aintown Circuit was held at a camp meeting; in lUirj^aintown. June. i8jS. Chas. Pitman, tir.'t presidin<j elder; the preachers making the journey on horse back. .\ conference was held in Port Republic. Sept. 23d. 1854, 1-'. .Moiiell, j. P. Cake and John R. Doughty were ai)pointed a conimittei' to look after the interests of our church in .\tlant'c City. Next meeting this committee reported in favor of estab- lishing a church there. Rev. David Teed, who succeeded Mr. Morell as preacher in charge, informs us that he used to preach in .Atlantic City in the hou.se of Mr. Chalkley Leeds, before any church was built on the islanil. In 1868 the trustees of the church purchaseil from James B. Johnson and wife the present parsonage property for $12,000, giving a mortgage for over $7,000. This was subsequently paid and the whole church prop- erty is free from debt. Prior to this date the jireacher in charge resided in .\bsecon in a rented house. Hammonton and Winslow, first ai)i)ear as ajipointments on I)argaintown Circuit. 1835. After i83{) these two places with Gloucester Furnace. Westcott's and Pleasant Mills are not mentioned in the minutes and it is presumed they were formed into a separate circuit. After 1851 Mav's Laniling. Weymouth, Catawba. Shore School House, Joslin and Estelville disappear from the record. 1855 Absecon Circuit was set off with Absecon, Oceanville. Smithville and Port Republic as preaching places. Isaac Felch was presiding elder and David Teed jxistor. 1862 Salem was added to .\bsecon Charge and so continued for three vears.



In writing- a history of Catawlia Churcli which was located about tiiree miles below May's Landing, overlooking- the great Egg Harbor River, little is known of its early history. It is known that George West gave an acre of land on whicli t(^ build the church, and he being a local minister of the M. E. Church, acted as clergynian to his own jieople. also adding the liturgy to the church services to suit the varied creeds of the congre- gation. It disappeared from M. E. minutes in 1851. The church was named by the West's "Catawba." Although the W^est family never disclosed their past lives or residence, it was surmised that the name "Catawba" was in some way connected with their family history, and the church was built in memory of past scenes. It was an elegant little structure. Its influence of beauty as well as the home of the West's went far in educat- ing the taste of the community to the love of the beautiful.


The cluircli lias now fallen into decay. The gravestones of the West family in the graveyard adjoining, are all so battered and worn that the inscrijjtions njion the stones are almost obliterated. They are as follows :

(;iC()K(-l-: W i'.ST. Ksq.

liorn Aug. i, 1774

Died Sept. 10, 1829.

AMY WI'.ST. Widow of George West.

Horn Jan. 26, 1777

Died Se|)t. 15. 1829.

GKOKC.Iv S. \\1%ST. Son of George an<l .\my West Horn May 7. 1S06 Died Sept. 3. 1829

J.\.MKS S. W l-.ST. Son of (k-orge and .\my West

IJorn .\i)ril 7. 1810

Died -Aug. 24. 1829.

The following jnieni was written by Joseph Weintrob, a native of Rumania and had his home near by Catawba. He is now one of the i>rincipals in .\tlantic City's High schools.


ilard by llie road where the sumachs bloom.

And the pine trees cast their stately gloom,

Where the sky and trees in concord blend O'er the river's silent onward trend ;

Torn ami battered and old and gray

Stands Catawba Church by Catawlja Way.

Time's cold tingers have lingered there ; Left it withered in mute despair.

Touched its walls with a ruthless hand

And circleil it rouiul with a hoarv band.


Gone arc the windDW?. l)n)kcn the door,

Tliick Hcs the (hist on the roui;h-he\vn iloor.

Empty the belfry, where once the liell Tolled a doleful funeral knell ;

Or rang out in accents free and gay

To the organ's tune of a wedding lay.

Strange grey bats have made it their home, Fluttering ghostly, around it they roam.

The pulpit is empty, silent and still ;

r.are are the benches, cobwebbed the sill.

The voices that once rose, in prayer to God

.\re sleeping in peace 'neath the church-yard's cold sod.

Tall grow tlie weeds, hiding each grave ;

Sadly above them the tall pines wave.

Hushed are the voices that swelled in a hymn. Now quietness reigns there, silent and grim.

Not e'en an echo lingers within,

Oft have I listened, often looked in ;

Al! is forgotten, in sorrow it falls.

Naught but sad memories cling to its walls.

There, on the hillside, facing the West,

It seems to peer anxiously over the crest.

Mournfully the wind sings 'neath the eaves.

Wildly the .\utumn gale pelts it with leaves ;

Then o'er the shingles, covered witli moss,

It seems to glide softly, bemoaning its loss ;

In through the windows, out by the door,

Caressing the tear-stained lienches and floor.

Poor old relic of by-gone years.

Naught left for you but sighs and tears.

Hard by the road where the leaves are blown. It stands; fast falling, silent, alone.



Awa\ ill tin- (listancf the river (lows.

And caltliL's ami holds the sunsets glows;

Then throws the rellections far and high

( )n Catawha Church alone 'neath the sky.

Til' the lights as they fall on its grey old face. Seem to fi nn a halo of holy grace.

The shadows grow thicker, and darkness falls

F.ikc a lieiK'diction on its dimmed o\(\ walls.


('of^yri:^hli'(l \<j\^ by J. W'cintrob.

Cat.vwba Gkavhs



V>y Rev. John A. Xaylou

.McUiodisni was introduced into South Jersey by IJishop Asbury. Preaching places were estabhshed in many private homes or houses. In 1786 Xew Jersey was (bvided into four circuits : Xewark, Trenton, East and West Jersey. W^est Jersey Circuit embraced all that section of the state south of Turling- ton. In 1788 the West Jersey Circuit was divided and Salem Circuit was formed in the lower end of it. In 1800 there were five hundred and fifty members on the Salem Circuit. The Rev. Solomon Sharp was then the i*residing bolder over all Xew Jersey.

Bargaintown was one of the preaching places on tlie Salem Circuit. I'rior to the year 1814 the Methodist Society liad no ])ermanent organization. They worshipped in the lilackman's Aleeting House. In the summer of 1814 they resolved to form a permanent organization according to the laws of the state. They have left the following record : .

Whereas, The members of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal Church, that assemble for divine worship at IMackman's Meeting House, in the Township of Egg Harbor, in the County of Cloucester, and State of Xew Jersey, there being more than thirty families who steadfastly assemble at that place, for public worship, have thought proi)er to elect Trustees, for the better government of said house ; did on the twenty-third day of October, in the year of Our Lord, eighteen hundred and fourteen, at the place afore- said (agreeable to the laws in that case made and provided). elect Thomas Garwood, Japhet Ireland, John Price, Philip Smith, Daniel Tiltnn. Daniel Edwards and Richard Devinny, Trustees for said 1 louse.

We, the above named Trustees, do hereby certify that we have assumed the name of the Trustees for the Methodist Society to Rlackman's Meeting House, in the Township of Egg Harbor, in the County of Gloucester.

"In testimonv whereof we have hereunto set our hands


anil seals, this twcnty-eiglilli day of Dctober. in the year of Our Lord, eighteen hundred and fourteen ( i(Si4)."

This was signed by each one of the above named Trustees ; <'ach Trustee alscj subscribed to three scj)arate and distinct oaths:

First, T(j sui)|)ort the Constitution of the L'nited States; Sci'ond. To bear true faith and allegiance to the government established in this State, under the authority of the people; Third, To faithfully fulfill the trust reposed in them as Trustees for the Methodist Society at I'lackman's Meeting House in the Town- shi]) of Kgg Harbor, according to the best of their ability and understamling.

We here notice that the Trustees were elected on the twenty- third of ( )ctober and signed their acce])tance of their duty on the twenty-eighth of the same month, 1814.

The second record is a deeil for the land where the Church <tands. dated ( )ctober thirty-first, eighteen hundred and fourteen, trom one |osei)h Sharp, h'sci.. and Hannah, his wife, of (lallo- wav Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey, for the consid- eration of iwenty-five dollars in specie t<» them paid, by Thomas (iarwood. Japhet Ireland, John IVice. I'hilii) Smith. Daniel lulwards, Daniel Tilton an<l Richard Devinny, Trustees in trust, that they shall repair the house thereon, for a place of public worship for the use of the members of the Methodist Epis- copalian Church, in the l'nited States of America; accord- ing to the rules and discipline of the said Church, or build or rebuild, or cause to be built or rebuilt, or repaired or be repaired, a house thereon, for the aforesaid purpose; to be ruicd and governed in all things agreeable to the discii>line of said Church, and the laws of this State; and that any of the aforesaid Trustees, or their successors, may be removed from the office of Trustee, or their vacancies supplied according to the discipline of said Church and the laws of this State. This i]^ed begins at a Black C^ak tree marked for a corner, being a ci^rner to Thomas Garwood's land, and calls for one acre of land ; and recites that Christian 151ackman. Administratrix of Andrew r>lackman. deceased, under a decree of the Orphans' Court of the County of Gloucester, made the fourth day of Jan- uarv. 181 3. did sell at public auction the said lands to Joseph Sharp. Bv this deed of conveyance, the Methodist Society be- came the prospective owners of Blackman's Meeting House.


ZioN Meeting House

The question of repairing, rebuilding or building a new meeting house to comply with the requirementts in the deed from Joseph Sharp and wife, to the Society, continued to agitate the minds of the members of this Society until the year 1821, when definite action was taken to build a new meeting house, when the following heading was made to procure subscriptions for that purpose :

"List of subscribers for the new meeting house, to be built at Blackmail's Meeting House ; sums subscribed and the time fixed by the Trustees, for the payment, being in four equal installments.

"Thomas Garwood. Treasurer."

The time fixed for the first ])ayment was April ist. 1822; the second payment, Jul}' ist; third payment, October ist, and the fourth, January ist, 1823. Tlie total amount subscribed was $1525.95.

Bargaintown Circuit was formed in 1828. "At the Phila- delphia Conference" for the year of Our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and twenty eight, a new circuit was laid ofif of the lower end of "Gloucester" circuit and a small part of "Xew ^^lills,'* which included the following places for preaching, viz : Zion, English's, West's, Absecon, Wrangleboro, Leeds'. Simkins', Pine Coaling, Gloucester Furnace, Westcott's, Pleasant Mills, Green Bank, Glass Works, Dutch Mills, Lake, New Friendship, South River, Estell's, Weymouth Furnace, ^May's Landing, and the Shore School House.

The first Quarterly ^Feeting of Bargaintown Circuit was held at a Camp Meeting at Bargaintown on June 14, 1828. The Rev. Charles Pitman, Presiding Elder, presided. Hammonton and Winslow first appear as ap])ointments on Bargaintown Circuit in 1835. After 1839, these two places, with Gloucester Furnace. Westcott's and i'leasant Mills are not mentioned in the minutes and it is presumed that they were formed into a separate cir- cuit After 1 85 1, May's Landing, Weymouth, Catawba, Shore School House. Joslin's and Estleville dropped from the record. In 1855 Absecon Circuit was set off with Absecon, Oceanville. Smithville and Port Republic, as preaching places. In 1862,


Salem was added to Absecon Charge. In 1871 and for some years followinjj^ there were four ])reaching plpaces in the Bar- gaintown Circuit: Zion. Ashury ( Hnghsh Creek). Central. (Lin- wood), r>elhel, ( Somers Point). Then Central and Hethel were made a separate charge and Zinii and .\s])ury continued as the Knglish Creek Charge. In Kjii. mider the pastorate of Rev. W. I', .\tkinson. Zion and Ashury became separate charges, each having its own |)astor. During the winter of i<>i 1-12 a new mod- ern i)ar.sonage was built at Hargaintown on ground donated to the church by Mr. .\ndrew Marcus and wife. \ arious improve- ments have been made under dilTerent pastors, memorial windows, altar, vestibule and lielfry have been added, so that we now have an up-to-date church and parsonage.

The members of this Society may be justly proud of its one hundred t)r more years' history and say with the Psalmist, "And of Zion it shall be said, this and that man was born in her; and the highest himself shall establish her." Psalm 87:5.

The writer is indebted to Mr. Win. Lake, of Ocean City, and Mrs. C. K. I'leming. of .Xbsecon, for most of the historical facts related above.




^Laria Collins Thomas

When tlie first ^Methodist sermon was delivered in America by John Wesley, under the famous oak tree still standing in Southeastern Georgia, this part of New Jersey was occupied by the Absequam Lidians, a branch of the Delawares. Here they lived, loved, feasted, and buried their dead. Along our shores may still be found the shell mounds where the red man was laid to rest with his belongings on which was inscribed the totem of the Delawares. the turtle.

The Delawares were a branch of the large and powerful tribe, the Lenni Lenape of New York state.

In 1758 the Colonial legislature ap])ointed five commission- ers" to pay any and all just rights and claims that might be due the Indian nations of this Colony. Seventy-four pounds of this money paid was expended to purchase 3044 acres of land for a reservation. This reservation was near Atsion, in Burl- ington County. Here Rev. John Brainard labored among them and called the settlement Brotherton. It is now known as In- dian Mills

During the early period the Quakers ]iredominated in this sparsely settled region. As early as 1726 there were three selected places for holding Friends" Meetings : Leeds Point, .\b- secon and Somers Point.

Methodism was first introduced in New Jersey l)y I'.ishop Asbury. One of the earliest places in which he held meetings was the home of David I'lackman, in English Creek. The names of those converted in this home would include the ancestors of the most prominent families in Atlantic County today.

The first Presiding Elder was Rev. John McClaskey. His district was not small as it included all of New Jersey, and Newlnirg, Delaware and .\lbany in .\ew York. He was a mem-


I)cr of tile Cimfcrcncc of twenty mcmlKTS that met in the old St. John's Street Church in 1789. when the Metho(hst l>ook Con- cern was founded.

Rev. John .McCIasky was horn in Ireland in 175'), the year .n which Dr. Ricliard Collins eiui.i;ratcd to America and settled at Collins' Mills, near what is now known as Smithville. Six- teen years later John McCIasky came to America and made his home at Salem. X. J. lie went from curiosity to hear the Meth- odist preachers when they came near that vicinity, and was con- verted, enterin*,^ the ministry in 1785.

Ill 178^^1, .\ew Jersey was divided in four circuits. Newark, Trenton, h'ast Jersey and West Jersey. The West Jersey Cir- cu"t iiu-ludi'd all of Xcw Jersey souih of lUirlini^ton.

ill 17SS. the West Jersey Circuit was divided, and the l<iwer half called the Salem Circuit. In i.So;) there were five hundred lif'.y memlxrs on the Salem Circuit; there were two travel- in*; preachers. Rev. Richard Swain and Rev. Richard Lyon. Rev. vSo'omon Sharp was I'residiri; I'.lder of all Xew Jersey. There were then seven circuits in the state, with three thousand thirty mcmhers and fourteen travelinjj;' preach'.-rs. There arc now. I')i4. two hundred fifty eis^ht charijes and 5'">.^28 members.

The "travelini;- |)reachers'" are idep.tii'ed with the early spread of Methodism. an<l were insjiired with ^reat relii^ious zeal, which enabled them to withstand i^reat discomforts and hardships. They traveled on horseback to reach their various preachiiiij^ places, usually takini; from four to ei;iht weeks to make the rounds of their circuit. They carried their library and articles of attire in their saddle basfs. Most of South Jersey was then but forests and p'me barrens, antl the trail often un- broken cxcej^t as an Indian trail. The meals of these religious pioTieers were timed Iiy their arrival at the homes of the mem- bers and friends. Their coming was an important event in the lives of the settlers.

One of thrse travelers was Tchi Collins, son of Dr. Richard Collins, nnd who married Sarah lilackman. daughter of David Blackman. of English Creek. Me was converted in 1794 and was sc^on licensed to jireach as a local preacher. In 1803. he and his familv and his brother-in-law Larduer Blackman removed to C^hio where he took up an extensive tract of land in Cler- mont County. Rev. Collins preached the first Methodist ser-


men in Ohio, in Cincinnati in 1804, and was one of the most forceful and successful among the pioneers of the West. His name is found on one of memorial windows in the Metropolitan Memorial Church in Washington. D. C, heing placed there in recognition of his religious work.

In iSii, Gloucester Circuit was formed from the Salem Circuit, and in 1S28, at the Philadelphia Conference, Bargain- town Circuit was laid off the lower end of Gloucester Circuit, with a small part of Xew Mills.

l>argaintown Circuit included the following preaching plac- es : Zion. English's, West's, Absecon, Wrangleboro, Leeds', Sim- kins', Pine Coaling, Gloucester Furnace, Westcott's, Pleasant Mills, Green Piank, Glass Works, Dutch Mills, Lake, New Friend- ship, South River, Estells, Weymouth Furnace, May's Landing and the Shore School House.

The first Quarterly Mccti'^g was held for the Bargain- town Circuit at a camp meeting in Bargaintown in 1828.

The first Presiding Elder was Charles I'ilman. In the W'arm weather the Quarterly meetings were usually held in groves near the meeting places. Whole families would drive in from miles around for the all day service, bringing well filled lunch baskets. These services were anticipated for a long time as a social feature and as an occasion of great religious activity.

Among those whose eloquence rang through these resound- ing aisles of woodland were: Ezckial Coojicr, Charles Pitman, Father Lummis and others.

The Shore v^chool Plouse and Church stood on the site where the late Xathaniel Risley's residence now stands.

Mrs. Ascnath Rislcy, wife of Xathaniel Risley. said the lot was given the community to build a school upon by Alexander Fish, with the proviso that when no longer used for such pur- pose, it should revert to the Fish estate. Owing to the difficulty in locating deeds of Gloucester County of a date previous to 1800, I have been unable to find this deed of gift as yet. How- ever the services requiring a more commodious place of meet- ing, a new church and school, called llic Salem M. \\. Church was built in 1851 ; the Shore School House was torn down: and the lot sold to Xathaniel Risley l)y .Mexander Fish and Miliscnt Fish, their deed dating May 25, 1853. Mr. Risley owned the lot several years before ho built u])on it. The Shore School


IIdusc was Iniill about the year 1800 from briek burned by John Lake in his brickyard on what is now known as the Fred Carmen |)hice.

This school was also known as the hVambes School, prob- al)ly because a number of families by the name of Frambes lived near it.

Mr. Wesley ln.t;ersolI. who was born in 18,^3, says in his earliest recollections the Shore School Mouse a|)i)eare(l to be a very old buildini.,''. The regular preacher on the I*arj.ifaintown Circuit preached here once a month, but Class and I'rayer meet- iii.tjs were held every week, usually Wednesday and Thursday eveniiif^s.

Mr Iny-ersoll's early memories of his father. Daniel liiijcr- soll. a wheel wri!.,dit and undertaker, and his mother Ann ln,i.;;er- S0II. is iluir faithful attendance at church, one Sunday at the Shore School Mouse, the next drivini,'" to Absecon. and the third attending services at Zion. Me also remembers David Ikirtlett. father of the Kite William Uartlett, walking by the Ini^ersoll residence, from his home on Delilah Road, faithfully and regu- larly to attend divine services in the Shore School 1 louse.

Mr. In^er^oll first becaiue interested in seckini,'- salvation while attendiuLT a Methodist Protestant Camp Meetini,^ back of the r>akersville schot)l house in the fall of 1844 and 1845. These mcetin.i^s were conducted by Rev. Jacob Timberman. and his brother John Timberman. who conducted services both at the r.akersville school house and at the Mount IMeasant Church, which then stc^xl where the Mount Pleasant cemetery is now. Mere Mr. lujL^ersoll was converteil. but united with the church of his parents in the Shore School Mouse.

Ezra 1^ Lake, one of the founders of Ocean City was con- verted at the same time.

Mr. James Ryon. who was a boy of fifteen at this time, savs that these meeting^s were of far reaching influence, and that nearl\- all of the young people of this section were con- verted either in these meetings or from the influence of them. Among those converted to God then were : Eliza Frambes, John Lake, Sarah Ingersoll, Elijah Adams, Alice Ryon, Emmeline Ry- on. Mariette Ryon. Peter Frambes. John Sampson and Thomas Sampson. All of these joined the Shore School Church except


J'cter lM-aml)es, who joined the Mount Pleasant M. 1'. Church, at Bakersville.

( )ne of the preachers who was a powerful speaker in this church was Rev. Joseph Atwood. John Adams and Samuel Steelman were exhorters.

( )ne of the teachers in this school was Steelman S. Sooy, who lived in the little red hcnise now standing^ at the corner of Edgewater Avenue and Main Street, having purchased it from Pardon Ryon, who ia turn had purchased it from John Bryant.

During" the summer UKinths a prospective teacher, fre- quently from "down East" would make a house-to-house can- vas soliciting pupils to attend school the following winter, at a charge of about $3.50 per quarter for each pupil. There were no free schools in those days. If the teacher secured enough subscribers he would return, if not some other pedagogue would follow.

In March 1844. a Miss Emeline D. Huntley, of Connecticut, w^as hired as a teacher in this section at the munificent salary of $10 a month and board. She would "board around" among her patrons. Ilcr contract is signed l\v Jeremiah iJaker. Joseph Ireland and James English.

Samuel Steelman, father of Benjamin S. and Lewis Steel- man, was a Class Leader, and lived at the corner of Park Avenue and Main Street, where this edifice now stands.

Among those converted in the Shore School House were Asenath and Caroline English, of English Creek, who were sent to the home of their uncle, Daniel Collins, to board and attend school. They were converted to God in a prayer meeting in the absence of any regular pastor. Asenath joined the church pre- vious to her marriage to Xathaniel Risley. Caroline married Bar- clay Leeds in whose home tlie first meetings of the First M. E- Church of .Atlantic City were held.

.\mong those who were members of the church in the Shore School House were: David Partlett. John Frambes, Sr., John Frambes. Eliza Dennis Frambes. Michael Frambes. Sarah Fram- bes, Sara J^ampson. Samuel Steelman. Ezra l>. Lake. Daniel In- gersoll. .\nn Ingersoll, Wesley Ingersoll, Asenath English, Caro- line English, Talitha Sooy, Steelman S. Sooy, John T. Lake, Elisha Adams. Alice Adams. Alice Rvon. Emmeline Rvon. Mar-


iiiu- Rye 111, Xatlianicl Dishrow, I'etcr W'atkins, James English, Joseph Kace ami others.

In iJ^So. there was an increased activity in the church aftairs under the pastorate of Rev. Philip Cline. and the mem- hers of the Shore School Church met in that huildinjj; on Oct. '.^ ^^5^^' 'Tiid arran}.,a'rl to erect a more im])osing' church edifice. .\ hoard of trustees were elected consistinj.^ of the followini^: I'ardon Ryoii, John Framhes, Jr., Xathaniel Dishrow, Mark Ad- ams, jouathan Mliertson, Ahsaloni Douj^hty. The new ecHficc was to he known as the Methodist E])iscopal Meeting; House at Smith's E.uidinj.;. The Certificate of Trustees was reconled at May's l.amlinL; in 1S51.

The plot of j.;round on the road leadin,i; from Smith's Land- int; to Risleytown, ou which the church was to he erected, was },(iven hy I'ardon Ryou and his wife, Elizaheth Ryon.

Many citizens not memhers of the church hecame interested, and contrihuted towar<l the huildiiiij^, as the hasement was to be used as a school.

Some memhers }.^ave their contrihutions as labor, such as excavatiu}.;^ and carlinj^".

The contract for the buildin,!; was i^ixen to Adam Conover.

in 1S55. .\l)secon Circuit was set aside from the IJargain- town Circuit with .Absecon, C)ceanville, Smithvillc and Port Rc- ])ublic as preachini^ places. In 1<S()2, Salem was added to the .\bsecou (.'irciiii. and so continued until March 29. 1870, when it became an indei)endent charjj^e. The rect)rtls state that ^ravc fears were entertained for its ability to be self-supporting.

The first musical instnnnent used in the church was a melo- deon belonging to Miss Rachaelette Sooy, who afterward became Mrs. Arnold l>. Race. Miss Sooy was the first organist. This instrument is now in the possession of her son. Robert L. Race.

The use of this instrument in the church service was the cause of much discussion, some of the members claiming an organ to be worldly and of the devil. One dear old lady said she al- wavs init her hand over her eyes as though sleeping whenever it was played, so as to shut out all the 'worldly thoughts she could.

The first child bajitized in the church was Annie Disbrow, now Mrs. William Tavlor, daughter of Xathaniel and Sarah Dis-


brow, ami who ])resente(;l the ])eaiitiful baptismal font in the present church as a niemoKial to her mother.

When the church was built in 185 1, Joseph Race jilaced the altar rail ; at the rebuilclini^ in 1889, his son, Arnold J>. Race made the altar rail, and, in the present Iniildin.ij the grandson, Robert L. Race had the honor of making the altar rail.

For many years there was no bell in the church, and after the Smith's Landing- school was built, the sexton of the church, would ring the school bell to call the people to divine service.

In 1889, the church was remodeled, the brick basement be- ing taken away entirely. It was then considered one of the prettiest churches along the shore.

For tho following quarter of a century worship was con- tinued in this remodeled building, when plans were formuulated for the i)resent handsome stone edifice.

The cornerstone of this building was laid by District Sup- erintendent Sanford M. Nichols, witli impressive ceremonies, on Sunday afternoon. Oct. 27, 1912.

The old building was sold to the (colored) Asbury M. E. Church, of I'leasantville, and the building moved to their lot at JJayview Avenue and v^hore Fast Line R. R.

The new edifice was com])leted and dedicated by Bishop Jcseph F. lierry, on Dec. 7, 191 3.


TIM-: IIIS'J"! )1>:\' ( )!■■ Till'. l-ofXDATIOX oi- Till', FIRST



St. M akv's Roman Catholic Chlucii in thk Pinks,

Pleasant Mills, Xkw Jkkskv.

FoKNDKi) AnorT 1820.

Scallcrcd lhr(»ui;li the piiic lands of S'lUtlicrn Xew Jersey are several deserted or partly deserted villa}.;es, where, over sev- enty \ears aj^o. industry and prosperity reij;ned, but now ruin and desolation are seen everywhere. Streets that were once hardened with the traffic of hundreds of people, are now over- jL^^rown with wild ^rass and weeds and but little used. The houses are silent and slowly falling to decay. The churches are seldom opened, and some are {.jone entirely and their very sites dispntetl. The old iron forges and furnaces are in ruins, or only rememljered by the black cinder piles which mark their sites. Three of the tall chinnieys still stand, ready to topple over at any time.

Two of these old villages are of interest to the Catholics of .Xew Jersey, because in. or near them, were established two of the first Catholic parishes in Xew Jersey. They are Pleasant Mills, in .\tlantic County, forty-two miles from Philadelphia, and nine miles from llammonton. The settlement at Pleasant Mills was made ab(nit 171S. when a saw mill was erected at the head of the okl Fresco pond, now caller Xesco-hague. This drew a colony of sturdy wood choppers, who levelled the ori- ginal pine forests and white cedars sending the heavy timbers to the mill to be sawed into lumber or split into shingles and jiiled the branches in great heaps, to be converted into char- coal. The lumber was loaded on vessels and shipped down the MuUica River and on to Xew York. The charcoal was transported by wagon to Philadelphia where it was sold for fuel. This was before hard or soft coal was known here, and these were the charcoal burners, the traces of whom are still frequently found in South Jersey.



Yet not all the charcoal was sent away, for much of it was used in the old iron furnaces and forges, called hloomeries, for as early as 1766 we find a large iron furnace established at Batsto. Ikniington County. This was the era of the iron work- ers, and brought to Xew Jersey hundreds of men who found employment either as wood choppers, teamsters, day laborers or skilled mechanics, in 1777 we find that the wood choppers re- ceived two shillings and six pence per cord for their labor, and an industrious man could chop one and a half cords per day.

The forges and furnaces were set ut) near the water courses in those parts where the beg iron ore was abundant. Thus we find this old iron industry at old Gloucester, near Egg Harbor,

Roman Catholic Church at Pleasant Mills

at ]\Iartha, Weymouth, Atsion, and they manufactured all kinds of iron ware for house as well as for implements. 1 lere at Batsto was made nnich of the ammunition used in the American Revolution, but when after the better magnetic ores of Penn- sylvania and Northern Xew Jersey were discovered the old bog iron furnaces were abandoned and the workmen moved to new centres of work. About this time also, 1761, shingles were split from the real cedar trees, which abounded in the swamps of this district. These were carted to Egg Harbor and shipped to New York and elsewhere.

Next came the glass workers, when Casper W'istcr built and operated the first American glass factory near .Vllowavstown in

j:\ki.v iiiskjuv ov Atlantic county, n. j. 143

Salem Couiuy. 'i'licsc c<jlniiiL's came from varidus i)arts of Ger- many to convert the Jersey soil mU) hollow ware and window Mj^hts. .\,^,^•lin with these came new bands of wood choppers and teamsters. Anion}.^ the various artisans, mechanics and laborers were many Catholics. sinj;le and married, who. feelin.Lj the re- ligious persecution of the old world. son:^ht peaceful homes in America, only to find that liii^otry and race hatred had also crossed the sea. and confronted their new homes. Read) to '^Wq 'heir labor and skill of their han<l and heads to the upbuildinj.;^ I tlieir adopted land. \et tiiey refused to accept or follow the ielij.,dous systems that had so cruelly persecuted their ancestors II lrelan<l and (icrmany. They cherished their Catholic faith an 1 practice<l it in private under the scorn of bi^dts or the ridi- cule of fanatics, until such times as circumstances permitted them to build their chapels and brini,'' their priests to have services ir them. Tiu-se were brave and fearless people, stroni^ of character and bi^- <if body, and dani^er was unknown to them as disloyally to church was hateful. It was by such men that he little parish of Pleasant Mills and Batsto was founded. \\ hen they had no church in which to asseml)le. they jrathered tn ])rivati- houses, and here they met their priests whenever iiance or appointment broujji^ht one in their midst. lUit as tune went on prejudices lessened and the Revolution found Catholic and Protestant combined t<» defend their common coun- try on the bloody field of battle, and when the smoke of eii^^ht years' strife had cleared away and the youn^ nation had cast off the tyrann\ of b'n^land. their ris^hts were recoji^nized and re- •l)ected. And when the names of the fallen heroes were called, many Catiiolics were orphans and widows. Ag'ain the glass works and iron fors^es were set in motion and another colony tjathered. and Tlcasant Mills and Batsto became centres pf travel. The Richards family boup:ht the place and infused new rib" into both towns.

In 1S26. Jessie Richartls offered to donate a plot of land and help to erect a church for his faithful Catholic workmen. .\cceptini; this kind otTer from their generous employer, they follected money, and worked together under the direction of their zealous young pastor. Rev. Edward R. Mayne. who was a convert from Protestantism, until they had succeeded in erect- aig at Pleasant Mills, the tirst Catholic Church south of Trenton,

144 l•:.\kl.^■ history of Atlantic coi-nty, n. j.

and pcrliaps tlie third in Xcw Jersey. This was in 1827, and Father Mayne remained in chari^e, living at St. Augustine's, I'hiladelpliia, and coming down monthly for services. The church, however, was not formally dedicated until 1830, as there was no Jjishop in Philadelphia at that time, Bishop Convvell having gone to Rome, leaving Father Mathews in charge. In 1830 Rev. Patrick Kenrick was ap])ointed liishop of Philadel- phia, and on .August 15th, 1830, dedicated the little church under the title of St. Mary's of the Assumption. In the meantime, Father Ma\nc, who had fallen into consumi)tion, went to Florida for relief, and, finding the climate beneficial to him, remained there and became pastor of St. Augustine, where he died on December 21st, 1834, aged 32 years.

In 1833 we find Rev. James Cummisky attending from Philadelphia.

1834 Rev. \\'illiam W'helan, occasionally from l^hila(lel])hia.

1835— Rev. Patrick Reilly, occasionally.

1836 Rev. Edw'd. McCorthy, S. J., monthly from St. Joseph's, Philadelphia.

1837 Rev. Richard Waters, S. J., monthly from St. Jos- eph's, Philadelphia.

1838— Rev. Edward Sourin. St. Charles Seminary. Phila- delphia.

i839_Rev. Jas. Miller. C. M.. I'hiladelpliia.

i8-^o--j3 Rev. Wm. Loughran. from St. Michaers. I'hila- delpliia.

1844 Rev. 1>. Rolando. C. M.. Seminary. Philadelphia.

1845-48 Rev. Hugh Lane, from St. Philips, Philadelphia.

1849 Rev. Hugh Kenny. St. Michael's. I^hiladelphia.

1850 Rev. J. Finnegan, Gloucester, X. J.

The foll(^wing is the translation of all that now remains of Father AlcCarthy's Latin P.aptismal Register concerning Pleas- ant Mills Mission, as received from l\t. Rev. James A. McFatil.

August 9, 1835, I baptized Michael, born at Philadelphia,


(III the first (jf .May. this year, frcjiii Daniel McXeil and Ehzabeth Dunn. Sponsors: Michael Dunn and Mary McGonig'al.

Rev. Edwar/l McCarthy. S. J.

Aujj^ust 9. 1835. T bai)tizcd Nicholais, born Dec. 26, 1834, of Samuel Crowley and I'arnelia Saney. Sponsors: Herman My- rosc and Catherine Mynjse.

Rev. iMlward McCarthy, S. J.

October ii. 1835, I I)a])tized Samuel, born March 29<, from Abraham Xicluilas and Mary Ann Crowley. Sponsors: Herman .Myrose and .\nna Maria Cliff.

Rev. Edward McCarthy. S. J.

September 1 1. 183''), Mary .\nn. Ixirn Aw^. 5. 1836, from Patrick and Catherine Kelly. Sixtnsors: John Moore and James Daly.

Rev. Edward McCarihy, S. J.

September I I. iS3^>. 1 baptized James, born I'eb. 5, 183''!, trom James MeCambrid.i;e and .\nna Miller. Sponsors: Thos. .Muri)hy and Mary Ann Mclntyre.

Rev. ICdward McCarthy, S. J.

September 11. 183^1. 1 bajnized Sara .\nn. born March 17, 183^), of Tcrance Daly and Sara (^nslan. Sponsors: James McDermott and Jno. McCambridge.

Rev. Edward McCarthy, S. J.

September 11. 183^). 1 baptizetl James, born Aug. 31. 1836, from Thomas Fox and Elizabeth McDermott. Sponsors: Jno. McCambriilge and Sam Crowley.

Rev. Edward McCarthy, S. J.

September 11. i83r., I baptized Patrick, born Aug. 3, 1836, from Patrick Monaghan and Bridget Dohan. Sponsors: Mich- ael Doolan and Marv Mclntyre.

Rev. Edward McCarthy, S. J.

September ii. 1836. I baptized Andrew Stout, born June 13. 1836. from Philip Kane and .\nna Westcott. Sponsors, Ed- ward Daly and Sarah Daly.

Rev. Edward McCarthy, S. J.


September 11, 1836, I baptized Jolm, burn Aug. 27, 1836, from Hugh Gibbons and Catherine Morison. Sponsors : Patrick Clark and ^Margaret Alorison.

Rev. Hdward AlcCarthy, S. J.

October 9, 1836, I baptized Charles, born May 13. 1836, from Samuel Crowley and Parmelia Saney. Sponsors: William Smith and Catherine Cobb.

Rev. Edward McCarthy, S. J.

An old account book was found in the church by Father Van Reil, of Egg Harbor, when he took charge and is the hand- writing of Edward Daily. The list below shows the names of the Catholics who contributed to the monthly expenses of the church from the year 1834 to i860:

John Cumingham. Terrence Daily, James Kelly, Jas. Sween- ey, Henry Boyle, Sr., John Mclntyre, Edw. Alclntyre, Jeremiah Fitzgerald, Peter IMcDermott, Wm. Troy, Jas. Kane, Edw. Daily, Jno. Gillan, I'hilip Progan, Philip Kane, Jno. Nugent, Patrick Lafferty. David Perry, W'm. Boyle, John McDaniel, John Kane, Michael Murphy, Cornelius Kelly, Hugh Smith, Samuel Crow- ley, Arthur Travis, Patrick Kane, Herman ]\Iyrose, Jas. Mc- Dermott, Michael ]\IcDermott, Patrick McDermott, John ^Martin. Jno. Desane, William Dougherty, Jas. Boyher, William Kelly, Jno. Dougherty, "Peddler", Jno. Sweeney, Owen Murphy, Jno. Clark, James McCambridge, Rob. Walls, Sarah Campl)ell, Jas. Tonner, IJryan Hart, Michael McCorkle. John ConncM-, Andrew McAlister, Wm. Dunlap, Jas. McWiggin, Jas. McXally, Wm. Harkins, Anton Fraelinger, George Stinzer, Chas. Freeling, John Hanlon, Oswald Reinboot. Jas. Dealin, Jas. I^eading, Thos. Lead- ing, Chas. Freath, Patrick ^Murray, Wm. ]\IcDcrmott. Patrick Clark, Jno. v^milli, \\'m. Smith, Jno. Mason, Jno. Aniese, Jno. McGovern, John Mclntyre, Dominic Daily. Andrew Kenan, Pat- rick Milligan, John W'aters, Wm. Maxwell, '36' Patrick ilacket, ■36, Patrick Henry, Jno. McGinty, Wm. Conly. Wm. Dolan, Patrick Clark, Henry Mison, Thos. IMurphy, Thos. Darbcy, Peter McGoldrick, Harry Boyce, Jr., Wm. McCormick, Henry Laf- ferty, Bernard Lafferty, John LafFerty, John Moore, Jno. i3oyIe, Cornelius Gibbon, Hugh Gibbons, Peter Mc.Meer, John Waters, Rob't. Smith, Michael Leonard, John McDermott, James Waters,


Jaim- L.iu... John Doran. John Coyle, Darby Gillen, Francis CI. like. Michael McLaughlin, Patrick Grey, Thos. Fox, Rob't. McXeil, John Donigan, James Fisher. Denis Corbley. Henry Lee, Patrick McDevit. Dan.

In 184X this i)arish ])assed to the care (jf Father Waldron, and as Mission of (iloucester it was attended by Fathers Finne- 1,'an. 1853. and llannegan. until, in 1859. it passed to the Camden parish, under leather James Moran.

in 1S57, I'ather Moran of St. ALiry's. Camden, officiated there, b'rom 1S55 on. this parish was attended from St. Marv's (.'aniden.

In 184^ three Kedemptorists from St. Peter's Church. I'liila- <lel|)hia. found their way to Pleasant Mills at dilTerent times. TInM" were Iv'ither I'.ayer. Cowdenhave, and ilotzer. In June, i8_j(), I'ather ISayer also visited this place, and aj^^ain in Decem- l)ir. A i)riest from this church visited Pleasant Mills again in 1851 ;uiil 1S5J. The last visit of a priest there seems to have i)een December 11. i860, when we find the congregati<Mi dwindled to the following named jjcrsons : Rob't. Dougherty. Hugh Far- ron. Jno. (lillen. P. P.annon. Jno. Walters. Jerry Fitzgerald. Mrs. ('■arritt. .Michael Pharroah. Jno. McGovern, Daniel llannon. Thos I'aimon. Jno. McCorristan. Jno. Mallory. Michael McCorristan, W ni. Kellx. James Dillett. Darby McGonigal and James Plenney.

Shortly after the building of the church, a house was built by the i)eo]ile. about 1830. with the idea of renting it to a Catholic family who wouM care for the ])riest on his monthly \isits This house was occupied by old Jerry Fitzgerald and later was sold, in 1 865. to Charles D. Smith, now of Elwood. X. J., who sold it to Dr. Stille, of .\tlantic City. After the opening o( the church the priest lodgeil with Mr. Richards, an Fpiscopalian. and his daughter took charge of the altar. John. Hugh and Daniel Farron were faithful from '35 to '60; their descenilants are good Catholics.

The church remained closed until 18^15. when a young Dillet woman from that district appealed to a Philadelphia priest, and laid the condition before him ; she was directed to Camden, and explained matters to Father liyrne. who made a pilgrimage to the spot and found things as described. The church was deserted, the few remaining people had lost their faith. There stood the little church surrounded by pines, hidden away, but in a good


state of preservation, everything' just as it had been left by Father Daly but even the memory of it was being lost when Father Byrne re-discovered it in the wilderness, and, strange to sa\-, the few Catholics then around cared not to assemble within its walls, so that he held services in a private house, whilst he boarded with Mr. Paterson, a Protestant gentleman, who re- ceived him most hospitably.

When, in 1866, Father Thurnes was made pastor of Egg Harbor, Pleasant Mills was one of his missions. Pie attended it when necessary as did also his successor. Father Esser, '78-'85, and Father \'an Riel, "85. until the Ilammonton Parish was formed, when it became a part of that parish. At present, Octo- ber, '05, there is only one Catholic family at Pleasant Mills, anrl none at Batsto, ^Ir. A. T. ]\IcKeon and his children. They at- tend the church at Hammonton, driving there on Sundays, a dis- tance of nine miles, and this for thirteen years, proving their sterling faith and loyalty. Father Van Red moved the pews to Hammonton, where they are still in use, also a beautiful old oil painting of the Crucifixion. The church was completely destroyed by a forest fire in .\pril 1899. The cemetery is en- closed with a neat iron fence, placed there by Mrs. Copperthwaite, McKeon, etc. The stones and graves are in good condition owing to the care of the McCambridge boys.

Tb.e earliest missionary work of the Catholic Church was done by the Jesuits, followed by the Augustines, as early as 1795. For 30 years they attended the spiritual wants of New Jersey. Father Xeal was the last of the Jesuit Missionaries. He w^ent to Georgetown 1798. There was not a single Catholic structure in New Jersey. The church is closely connected with the beginning of the glass industry of the United States. From an old record we learn that the i)ioneer glass blowers of New Jersey were Casper Halter, John Martin Halter, Simon Grisemeyer and John Wentzel, skilled glass blowers from Belgium, who came to Salem under contract to blow glass for Cas])er Wister and teach his son Rich- ard. He paid for their passage 58 pounds and 8 shillings. Later other families followed.

This historical extract is contributed by Mrs. Gcori^c IF. Leech, (JVeihl).



( '.Aiii i;ki:ii I-'kum iiii; llls^()l^^■ oi- thk M. E. Ciii'kcii I'lV Anna S. Collins Flicminc.

'I'lic (Juakcrs were by many years the first relij^ious organ- ization in the county. When tlie M. E. Church was first organ- zed in Sniilhville. the Friends Society was well nigh lOO years old. So far as 1 know there is no ])rinted account of their early meetings in this vicinity, hut their records are well kept, and iluough the courtesy of lion. John Clement, of 1 ladd<infield. md the kindly research of Sarah .\icholson. a frientl of the ,inie place, and information of Japhet Leeds' family. I have been u.dili'd to give mv readers this ;iccoiint of the I'riends of I^ccds I'oint. Jn \(>/() the Province of West Jersey passed under the exclusive control of Wm. I'enn and his associates. Friends, who impleted and published a body of laws of which (inodrich says: "This simple code enacted by the Friends in America. 1 ivaled the charter of Connecticut in the liberality and purity 'i its i)rinciples." before the end of the \ear over 400 families of iMiends had arrived, from Ivngland. and found homes in West Jersey. There in the lower counties of the state the Friends lutedated bv many years all other religious societies, and many oi the best families with justifiable pride claim descent from these first (Quaker settlers. For nearly a generation the Friends as a Societ\ have ceased to exist in Leeds Point.

The ilate of their first meeting for worship is not known. hut the Hon. John Clement, of lladdonfield. an authority on local iiistorv. savs: "Daniel Leeds was an important man in the early historv of West Jersey. He was the first surveyor general. In ifKjS, he made several surveys in Egg 1 Larbor. and removed there, about which date. I sup]n\>;e the Friends Meeting at Leeds' Point was established. In 1704. he published the first Almanac in .hncrica. and continued the publication until 1716." What we know as two villages, Leeds' Point and Smithville. seem to have been known as Leeds until 1844.

The Haddonfield Quarterly, gives that as early as 1726,


there were tliree places ft)r liuldinj^ Friends' meeting's in Atlantic county, namely: Japhet Leeds', Peter White's and John Scull's. J. Leeds doubtless lived at Leeds Point, (a son of Daniel Leeds). Peter White was at or near Absecon, and John Scull in the vicinity of Somers Point. He was one of the five men who in 1695 purchased land and probably formed the first settlement in what is now Atlantic County. 1726 several Friends of Great Egg Flarbor and Cape May addressed a letter to the quarterly meeting of Gloucester and Salem, which convened in Haddonfield 7th month and i6th day, asking for a monthly meeting. Their request was granted, and it was ordered to meet alternately, at Richard Somers', on Egg Harbor side, and Rebecca Garretson's, on the Ca])e May side, which lasted until 1804. 1806 Egg Harbor met alternately with Gallowa}-, and were a branch of Haddonfield Quarterly Aleeting the first and second day, 9th month, 1726. Richard Townsend was appointed clerk. Peter White and Jona- than Adams, as overseers of the meetings held at Japhet Leeds ; Peter White and John Scull.

1740 the meeting which had been held at Japhet Leeds' was removed to Robert Smith's. 1744 Friends at upper end of the shore make request to build a meeting house. This probably was the first public house of ^corshify in Atlantic County and was situated directly west of the present site of the Methodist Epis- copal Church ; the burying ground adjoining is still used and is known as Quaker burying ground.

Friends are ever educators. As early as the first quarter of the 19th century the only school house in this vicinity adjoined this meeting and was under the control of the Friends. Their preacher at tliis time was Samuel Leeds, who taught part of the time, and ke])l a store at Leeds Point, near the present residence of John .Vndcrson. Services were held every first and fifth day. He was far in advance of his time in temperance principles; his was the only store in the neighborhood which did not sell intoxi- cating liquors. After the first meeting house had served its day, a new one was built about a mile east of the old site. \\'hen no longer needed for a house of worship, it was rebuilt into a dwelling and is now occupied by Absalom Higbee. Thus after an honorable history of over 150 years the last meeting house in Atlantic county was closed. One has since been established in Atlantic Citv.


X()Ti:s ki-:l\ti.\c, T( > tiiic i-arlv iiisturv uf the


IIy Mns. Emily Stkklman Fisiii-:r

T (lium it a special honor to he one of the niiniher whose privilej^'e it is to help rescue fnmi ohlivion the nieniorics of our Ouaker ancestors, of (.reat Ej^^ti^ Ilarhour.

It has heen my aim to collect a few local facts, most likely to interest the society. I collected most of this data, in the search 1 made for my own Ouaker ancestr\-, a few years ai^o. Amonc^ these "I'Va^nients" 1 found many historical sketches illus- tratinj^" the origin ami ])laces of meelinj^ for worship and spread- ing; of [""riends principles in this section of Xew Jersey.

Tliire has heretofore been too i^reat an indifference prevail- iuLT iu respect to the memories of the early Quaker settlers, as most of the first settlers were peace lovini; friends.

There is no record of massacres or treacher\ hy tlie In- dians in this section of Xew Jersey. Xo doubt hut this was owiuju^ to the love of peace and justice, also to the liberal code of laws instituted by the Quakers. I always feel the great charm (to us of the present day) consists chiefly in this fact, also that ihey lived here in the early jieriod of our county's history and that of itself will always be interesting to all lovers of history.

It may not he amiss before entering into the history of At- lantic County "Quakerism," to give a brief history of the first yearly meetings of Friends in Pennsylvania, and Xew Jersey. It appears bv the records, that the first yearly meeting, for the province of Pennsylvania and Xew Jersey, was held at Burling- ton. Xew lersey in the house of one Thomas Gardiner on the 31st day of the Uh month 1681 ( O. S.). In the year 1685, it was unanimously agreed and concluded by the yearly meeting, that "There be one yearly and general meeting in Penn'a. and Xew lersev." It is interesting to note that at a quarterly meet- ing first held at Friend William Piles, it was agreed "That Friends ouuht not to sell rum to the Indians."


We will now turn our attention to the first mectinj^ of the Friends, at what is known by us, of the present generation as the town of Soniers l^oint. We may in imagination picture their first meeting, and to quote from records before me : "The first meeting of Friends met at the house of Richard Somers on the 7th day, 9 month, 1726. At this meeting Peter White, and Jonathan Adams were appointed overseers of the meeting, which was to be held at Japhet Leeds, Peter Whites and John Sculls. Again, 6th day iith month, 1726, at said meeting John Scull was appointed overseer in place of Jonathan Adams, dec'd."

From a list I have reaching from 1726 to 1769, a period of forty-three years, I find Edmond Somers was the first Friend appointed to attend Quarterly Meeting (from dreat Egg Harbour Meeting) at Pladdonfield, X. J.

Fourth day, 11 month, 1726, Richard Somers and Jacob Garetson were appointed to fid iIk^ office of Treasurer. Fourth day, 8th month, 1736, at said meeting it was concluded that a weekly meeting should be "sett" up for ye friends, at ye house of Widow Somers, one fourth day. and at the other fourth day at ye meeting house.

Passing to year 1764, we find that on 1st day, loth month, "Two friends are appointed to treat with friend John Somers, concerning our holding meeting in his house, and to hire a ])rivilegc of him for that service and make report thereof at next meeting."

At next meeting the two friends report, that friend John appeared willing that they should meet at his house, but not will- ing to take pay, but at next meeting we find, "The meeting agreeing to pay him, twenty shillings a year." We also find as late as 1770 the sum of twent}- shillings was "jnit in the hands of a friend to pay John Somers, for the use of his house." .An- other item of interest we note is a portion of the will of James Somers (of July 15, 1695) in which he wills one acre of land, for Quakers where meeting house stands "forever more." Mrs. Anderson informed me, that the Friends Meeting House, at Somers Point, was on Shore P>oulcvard near the residence of Mr J. Scidl. that during the life of Mrs. .-Vnderson's grand- father. Jesse Somers, Sr., he ma<lo two dwelling houses of the buildinir.


The first marriaj^c that is the first I've been aljle to find record of celebrated accorthn,!^ to the usaj^es of the Friends was tliat of Richard Soniers and Jn(hth LcTart. who puliHshctl their Mitentions of niarriai^e with each other, 2d day, nth month, 1726 "At said nieetiii}^ Richar<l Soniers and Juchth LeTart. apjiearcd, and this ineetinj^ consents that they take each other in marriafjc, and appoints Jonathan Adams, and John Scull, to be present at said marriat^e, 0th day, 12th month, 172^). At said meetin;^" one of ye persons appointed to be at Richard Somers, and Judith Le- Tart's marriaj^e, matle report that it was orderly acc«Miii)lished. I have records of many marriaj^es but will only s^ive one more, as to i,nve all would be too tedious. This second marria!,jc is of much interest to many— -who arc members of this society as well as myself. 1 refer to Judith Steelman. widow of .\ncestor An- drew Steelman (year 173^). We find in the monthly meeting belli at Somers Toint under date of 7th day, 6th month. 1738. the following;: "At this meetini.^ our friend Charles Dinj^ee ( widow- er» and Judith Steelman (widow) declare their intention of marria;j^e with each other, 4th day. 7lh m<»nih. 1738. Charles Dinjj^ee produced a certificate from the meetins^ where he did bclonj^ which was 'red' and ijave satisfaction, at saiil meetings Charles Dinmee and Judith Steelman declared their intention of marriap^c, with each other second time. Two friends are ap])oint- cd to see the marria.^^e orderly accomplished. Judith Steelman- Din<:^ee. was soon a wi<low second time. She ilied 2d day. ist month, 1 75 1. Her will is an instrument of much interest espec- ially the codicil, she beinj.^ a Friend. The most unique article mentioned by her is that of a pair of bracelets, which she wills to a granddauj^hter. We cannot reconcile ourselves to the idea of j^rcat-.^reat-ijreat irrandmother Judith the Quakeress, beinq- own- er of so sinful an ornament as a "jjair of bracelets." and we can- not by any stretch of our ima.ijination see .\ncestress Judith decked out in them, as we feel the woman friends would call upon the men friends to assist them in ijetting up a "testifacation," ag^ainst Friend Judith for her "Outsjoing^s" in the matter of wearino- ungodly a]iparel. Just here I feel safe in saying^ that the wills of our ancestors are the most valuable manuscripts that remain. They develop interesting views and characters, and ex- hibit portraits of mind, far more valuable then personal like- nesses. In recalling the past, we are apt to forget that the lives


of our colonial ancestors were filled with very much the same matter-of-fact details as we fill our lives with at the present time. With them, as with us, it was births, marriac^es and deaths, and so "the f^reat eventful tale is told."

It may interest many, and amuse some to hear that our meek and lowly Quaker ancestors, were, at times sorely tried by the pranks cupid, "The God of love." played. I find recorded in the minutes c^f the meeting of 4th day, 2d month, 1760, James Somers, Jr., hath sometime ago married his first cousin contrary to the good order established in our society, and friends have waited sometime for his repentance ; therefore, two friends are appointed to draw a testifacation against him." We wonder, did the testifacation take due efifect and did James the Quaker repent? If so, one doesn't envy Mrs. James, the Quakeress. Also another youth, Isaac Somers, having "gone out" in his marriage from the order of Friends, two friends were appointed to speak with Friend Isaac, and at next meeting report that they had spoken with him and that (like a true and gallant gentleman he was) he replied "that he did not repent, and should not make any sotisfacfion.

There seems to be many cases like the above, but 1 will only quote one case more, 28th day, 5th month, 1764. .\t this meet- ing " Our women Friends requested our assistance in testifying against Margaret Adams for her outgoings in marriage from the Order of Friends. Second day, 7th month, 1764, a testifacation against .Margaret .Adams w-as produced, read, and approved.'^ I was luialjle to find the name of the man, Margaret the Quaker- ess married. It would be interesting to know if the "Fair Mar- garet" has any descendants, members of our Society, if so, they will be much interested in her "out going."

It may also interest the society (if the fact is not already known) that the first newspaper, published in Xew Jersey, was the "Xew Jersey Gazette." printed at lUirlington. X. J., December Stli. 1777, by a Quaker, one Isaac Collins. Being a member of the Society of Friends, he was not willing to fight, but he could and did edit and print a paper. We fancy Friend Isaac Collins felt that in his case, "The pen was mightier than the sword."

.\]iropos to the Quakers to take up arms in defence of tliis country during the Revolutionary war. we extract from the writings of a Xew Jersey Quaker, the following: Xinth month.


1776, "Now ilid troubles much cncrcasc, Friends having their goods taken from them for not contributing to the support of war." Again "very great fear fell on our young men, they strove to keep themselves hid for fear being forced to go to war." It IS well known that Ouakers would n(Jt "make oath." While making researches at Trenton, .\. {.. I found a document of much interest to me, as dealing with an I'ncle "of ye olden times." Three witnesses had signed, two "made oath," one. my kinsman re- fused, but he aflirmed. The officer, before whom the three men appeared, added an explanatory note at foot of document, saying, "John Steelman, being one of those j)eople called Quak- ers, refused to make oath." .\t ])rescnt I cannot carry the his- tory of the Oreat l''gg Harbour I'ricnds Society any farther in this pa])er, but surely the memories of our Quaker ancestors, ought not to be suffered to jierisji on the .soil which they honored and blessed.



The site of Pleasant [Mills was formerly occupied by a hunting village of the Leni Lenape or Delaware Indians, by whom it was named Xescochague. Here the Red men and their families were accustomed to spend a portion of each year, and to stop on their way to and from their great festivals by the sea- shore.

The few traditions that have come down from aboriginal days are full of interest, and fully worthy of preservation in song and romance. On Absecon r>each was an Indian mint, where their money or wampum was manufactured from shells ; the interior or black portion of the shell was the more valuable, and was the gold of the In.dian currency.

The first white settlers located at Pleasant Mills in the year 1707, and appear to have been of English and Scotch origin. Their manner of living at first was almost as primitive as that of the Indians, who preceded them. Their subsistence was gained by hunting, fishing and tillage of the soil, such articles as they could not make for themselves including salt, gunpowder and cloth were at first brought from Philadelphia by pack horses and later from Xew ^'(;rk bv wav of the Minclola or Mullica River.

The first mechanical industry was a saw mill, built by one MuUin, about the year 1752. The first church was erected by Col. Elijah Clark and was known as Clark's ■Meeting House. Within the walls of this unpretending edifice some of the most famous pulpit orators of olden days proclaimed the message of salvation to listeners, who received with sincere and unquestion- ing faith. Among the preachers of that era was Hrainard whose missionary labors among the Indians form an interesting and important part of American church history. The present church was erected in 1808 and for many years the old meeting house was used for school purposes.

Within 30 years from the arrival of the first settlers, the original log cabins had given place to neat cottages, and farm


houses and the place had hecfjiiie an ideal cohjnial villa^je. The huiliiiti}^ known as the /Vylesford Mansion, was erected in 1762 hv an I'ji^lish ^a-ntlenian whose wife is said to have heen the daughter oi a iJritish Lord; this lady died in 1774. and her daughter (The Kate Aylesford. of Peterson's Romance) was sent to finish her education in l'"n,L,^land. She returned to America in 177'^. shortly after the death of her father, to whose fortune she was left sole heiress, in 1 7(So she married an American officer, who was in command of the military post at the Forks of the Mullica. There is a tradition to the effect that this officer ( MaJMi- (".(trdon) was sent to a post on the northwestern frontier, where he was accompanie<l l)y his wife. They appear to have left Tio descendants. During the war for Indei)endence the men of I'Ua-^ant .Mills were ])rompt in answering their country's call for volunteers and most of them entered the army cither as regu- lar soldiers or rangers, who were of great service in hunting down and <lestroying the various hands of outlaws that infested the counties of lUirlinglon and Gloucester.

'IIk- most notorious of the outlaw chiefs was a tlare devil named Muiliner. who after terrorizing the country for years was captured, duly tried and hanged as a spy and traitor. His re- mains were huried near the Old j'.uttonwoods. This group of venerahle trees (now falling into decay ) have been famed in local annals for two centuries. Their great height gave them a com- tuanding view of the surrounding country for miles and one of them was used as a lookout station in Revolutionary days.


They stand like spectres, gray and grim ;

In time's tlevouring flight. Crumbling slowly, limb by limb.

Froiu their once majestic height.

Landmarks of an eventful past

Famed in history lore. They feel the touch of doom at last

And soon will be no more.

Yet. had these trunks the power of speech What legends might be told,

The Old Bcttonwoods


What ihrilliiij^ k-ssons they might teach Aneiit tlie days of old.

Here once the Iiuhan hunter roved

And at the twihght liour, lleld converse with the maid he loved

In yonder sylvan I)()\ver.

( )nce from the towering looktnit bough

The watcher oft might spy, l'|)on the placid Ihjod helow

The light craft gliding by.

Here Patriot and Royal hands

Clashed in their martial pride, And the dark river's pebbled strand

With gore and crimson tlyed.

None mourn the forest giant's fall

Save haply one like me. Whose re])rospective thoughts recall .

Their name and history.

Time levels all. the things of earth

Will (|uickly ])ass away. Not human strength nor i)ride nor worth

The powers of fate can stay.

C. F. G.. Pleasant Mills. X. J.


Five score years ago and more When blazed the lurid flames of war From Xesco-chague at break of day Pulaski led his brave array, l.oud and clear that Autumn morn The bugle's brazen call was borne : Each trooper sprang to his seat, amain Anl gave his gallant steed the rein


Down the shore road under the pines

Swiftly moved the serried hnes

Numbered among- that dauntless'band

Were stalwart sons of the Fatherland

^\ ith Jersey woodsmen strong and bold

As the famed Palladius of old

And Polish exiles in danger tried

With Yankee and German rode side by side.

Not once they paused in their career I" mil the enemy's lines were near.

"Halt'" said the chief, "In order form, Then forward ! like the vengeful storm." As the avalanche of Alpine snow Crashes down to the vale below They hurled themselves u])(in the foe And the sons of Britain back did reel Before the shock of flame and steel Swift as the jagged bolt of heaven From the dark storm cloud firecely driven The charge with whirlwind fury sped Till the re<l coats wavered, broke and fled In headlong haste to their ships again Finding their scheme of conquest vain.

Pulaski, the last of a noble name Has left his mark on the rolls of fame And those who followed at his command Still live in the archives of our land.

C. F. Grkkn. Pleasant Mills. X. T-

The ranger company above referred to. included among its members three of the original trustees of Pleasant ^lills Church, Simon Lucas, Simon Ashcraft and Lawrence Peterson. Simon Lucas was also one of the first pastors, lie died in 183S at the advanced age of Sy years.


EARLY SHIP BUILDING I'.Y Mrs. S. Johnson and Middleton

Somcrs Point was the old port of entry for Gloucester County. The Custom House was established in I7v7 hy the States at that time.

In iHoo, it is said that Christopher X'ansant built a full ri^g^ed vessel at liarj,'aintown, alonjj^ Patcon^ Creek.

About eighteen or nineteen years later five ships were built along the same creek, and in 1H25, we hear of the John Somers ship yard at Sculls l>ay.

in the half century beginning i«^30. shipbuilding was at its height, li is said that a hundred vessels were built from timber obtained from the C'olwell Instate alone. The United States at this tiiue led the commerce of the world, and held the record of the world's finest ships, and the best trade in the Mediterranean, West Indies and South .America. .\ line of trading schooners matle regular trips between Gravelly Run and Manhattan, now New York. They were about thirty or forty tons capacity, and carried charcoal. wiH)d. ])ig iron and other pn^lucts of the found- ries, and brought back food sui)plies. and various mixed cargoes.

Bassett Steelman ran a packet steamer between Philadelphia and Somers Point, and brought the iron work all fitted for use in the ship yards.

I .\ more exhaustive account of ship building will follow in next edition. Hditok.]



That Ran From Market Street, Philadkli'iiia, to Atlantic


From JVoodstozi'ii Year Book.

W'c have a well preserved poster announcing the running of a line of stages from Philadelphia to the Seashore.

The line left Pierson's Ferry, the upper side of Market street, at 4 o'clock in the morning on three days a week Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday. Half an hour was allowed for passengers and baggage to be landed on the other side of the river, where, from John Knissell's Ferry, Camden, the coach left at 4.30 o'clock.

Some of the villages and crossroads passed on the rcnite to Great Egg Harbor will not be recognized by present-day travel- ers, who are swiftly carried to Atlantic City in something less than an hour from Camden, although, with few exceptions, the old villages and towns on the route retain their ancient names. From the poster it is learned that the line passes through Had- donfield, Long-a-Coming, Tansboro, Blue Anchor, Winslow Glass Works, Weymouth Iron \\^orks, Clay's Landing, Bargaintown, Somers Point, Smith's Landing to Absecon. Return journeys were made on Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays, and passeng- ers from Absecon had to be ready by 4 o'clock in the morning. Those at Somers Point need not be on the coach until 4.30.

In addition to this United States mail stage line, the pro- prietors, who were John C. Briggs, James Stoy. Samuel Xor- cross, William Coffin. Jr., Uriah Xorcross and W'illiam Xor- cross & Co., announce that they had established an accommoda- tion line between Philadelphia and May's Landing. This line was operated on alternate days with the mail and left Philadel- phia at the same early hour. .\s the announcement calls special attention to the use of "elliptic spring coaches." it is presumed travellers over the line had as comfortal)le a journev as stage journeys went in those days.

Long-a-Coming is now known as Berlin, and Penny-Pot,


whicli, aliliuu}^^h not noticed on the poster, was a posting house on the hue between \\'insl(jw and W'eymoutli, is now known as N'ewlonville. l5ar;,MiiUown remains, hut the traveller on the steam road is not aware of its existence unless he is on his wax- to Somers Point. Smith's Landinj.^ remains, and Pleasantville has come into existence. The distance by sta|^;e from Camden t<i May's Landiu}.,' was fnrty-eight miles. liari^aintown was ten miles further and .\bsecon about the same distance to the northeast although b\ the stage route, it was about twenty miles. In those days Atlantic City was simply known as Absecon Beach and, while visited, was not a resort.

Iladdniitirld was a town i>f 140 buildings; Long-a-Coming a village of only forty buildings; lUue .\nchor and I*enny-Pot mere groups of houses around taverns of those names. \\'ey- moulh was a small manufacturing place, with a population of aboiu 45(1. May's Landing, at the head of navigation on Great I'igg Harbor Kiver. about eighteen miles from tiic coast, had a population of 250. .\ route Ixjok of the time adds that it has "a Methodist church, five stores and as many taverns," so it must li.ive been something of a metropolis on the coast. Bargain- town was a small settlement of fifty buildings, and Absecon about the same size. While the poster docs not advertise any .schedule for running time, from what is known of stage lines scvcntv-five years ago it may be assumed that about ten hours were recpiircd to make the journey from Camden to Absecon. riiiUiiicIf'hia Lcdi^cr.



Long- before the time which the writer describes a stage Hnc was estabhshed between Great Egg Harbor and i'hiladelphia, but this time is in the early years of Atlantic County, and the history is peculiarly our own.

Looking backward, we may see the old stage coach as it rolled along the highway, with its driver. Billy Xorcross, crack- ing his whip over his horses, and blowing his horn that people desiring passage might know the stage was coming. The great lumbering vehicle, with its rack strai)pe(l with luggage, and the boot filled with smaller bundles, mayhap a bandbox or two. This as it rolled along in the '40's and till the great time of the building of the railroad to the (our) sea, is the time which we describe and is Atlantic County's own.

The coach left Absecon at three or four o'clock in the morn- 'ng, for Somers Point, stopping for passengers in the interven- ing villages. Bargaintown for the mail would be included either to or from Somers Point.

Returning from Somers Point by the back road which con- nects with the road to English Creek and May's Landing at the Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, the coach did not al- ways travel the same road. If notified the route was changed for the convenience of people desiring passage. Sometimes the wav would lead by Doughty's Tavern, or by English Creek and Catawba, or striking the May's Landing road through a woods road, but what woods road is not designated. Evidently all roads leading to May's Landing merged in one on the upper part of the way.

Breakfast was eaten at May's Landing at eight o'clock and the horses changed. Weymouth lay between May's Landing and old Camden. Here we found a prosperous town, iron works, church, store, homes for employees and the Colwell home. Col- wells were managers of the enter])rise.

Penny-Pot, a settlement of other years, one large house remaining. At Penny-Pot sand was encountered so deep that


wliccls sank to the liuhs. Dark was scattcrctl over tlie road to enable the coaeli to proeeed. Xew Germany was the next stop, here the horses were ehanj^ed attain. Xew Germany was a new settlement. Men and women were ene;^as^ed in clearinij land. I louses were Iniilt of lo^^s. and huts made of slabs. This town was afterward called W'ooley h'ield and is now Folsom. W'in- -low. a town of j^^cater facilities was next on the route; here we found ,i,dass w(^rks. Andrew K. Ila\. proprietor.

I'.lue Anchor ha<l a ])ost office and store, a public house, with the sij^n of a blue anchor. Tansboro, a small vilia,i,a* with a public house. Cross Keys the next t(nvn. throut^h which the coach passed, luul a public house, with a sii^n of two large keys, cros.sed on a high sign post. Dinner was served at three o'clock at Long-a-Coming, which was generally abbreviated to l/ing-Coming, and was scheduled as such on the early time lards of the Cam<len and .\tlantic Railroad, but for many years has borne the name I'erlin. Long-Coming had its public house and post ofHce. White Horse is described as having a hotel with a large painted sign of a white horse, liaddonfield, a Quaker town, with handsc^me homes. The lawns were bordered with box brush trimmed in the form of tmnblers. From liaddon- field to Camden was a gravelled pike, the first in the journey, now While Horse Pike. When the days were long, the journey was ended :it sunset, but in the winter long after tlark.

I'erry boats with steam jiower were used at this time. The return journey was nuule the ne.xt day, leaving Camden in the early morning and arriving in .\bsccon at nine o'clock in the evening.

This route is as described by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Price some years ago, before it had entered the minds of men to organ- ize a society to ]ireserve .Atlantic Comity's history.

Should exceptions be made to the roundabout way of a part of the route, this was necessary in order to collect the mail, from the various jM^st offices. Mrs. Price made this journey, important in those days, for the first time, when a girl in her teens, in care of her uncle, the late Captain Jeremiah Baker. Captain P.aker pointed out the things of interest as they approach- eil the city. .A man who had entered the coach in the upper part of the county, remarked that the city was a great contrast


to one coming' from the pines, to wliicli Miss Baker replied witli spirit that she was not from the pines, but from the seashore.

Mr. James Ryon tells us the fare to Philadelphia was five dollars. Mr. Ryon tells that the stage coach was often very late on its return journey. His father, the late Pardon Ryon, was the post master at Smith's Landing. Mr. Ryon would wait until midnight for the mail; if it did not arrive at that time, the ofifice was closed.

Oft-times it would be four o'clock in the morning when the stage arrived. At this early hour the driver would herald his coming by blowing his horn at the top of Michael's Hill, (Michael Frambcs was the ^Michael referred to, and the hill through which W'riirht Street runs.)


I'LACE XAMICS \W Mis. Richard S. Collins

Chestnut Xcck is lcciniii|^ with history Init this paper is to j^ive the orijifin of names of (hlTerent jwints and ])laces.

The most prominent place on Chestnut Xeck, except the monument recently erected l)y the (icn. Lafayette, Cliaptcr X. S.. 1). A. R., is l'*(;rl Island, so called in that vicinity. It is where the fort stond wlien it was hurned in the battle of Cliestnut Xcck in 1778.

Another place is Payne's Creek, which received its name from the tavern that stood there, and was burned at the same time as the fort. I'rom its foundations, which still show plain- ly, it must have been a lari4;e buildinj.j. When I visited the place and was lookinij at the heavy imported stone used for a part of the foundation. I saw several of the old bricks in some very fine sanil. I'erhaps it was not very patriotic in me to approj^riate one of thiin. and thus remove even a small part of an old landmark, but 1 wished to show it to others. The traces of fire still show very plainly on it. It must be over 136 years old. When the Historical Societs has a headquarters I will f^^ladly donate the brick to them shoukl they desire it.

Port Republic was at one time called Wranji^leboro. It must have received the name from the puj^nacious disposition of some «)f its inhabitants, caused by their using so much intoxicating liipiors. sold to them not only by three taverns, but also by several stores. ( )ne old gentleman t<ild me that when his father, then a young man. first came to Port Republic he was quite surprised at the number of young men who wanted the pleasure of fighting with him. Put in time the better element prevailed, every liquor license was revoked, and for over sixty years no li(|uor has been legally sold in Port Republic. We are proud of our dry town.

.\t the time when the name was changed from Wrangle- boro to Port Repul)lic, the place was becoming quite a port. Many vessels came in. taking away vast amounts of wood and charcoal and returnins: with all kinds of merchandise. Manv


boats were built bere, and as it was already a i)ort, tbe in- habitants called it I'ort Republic and the post office received that name. It was the second post office appointed in Galloway Township and was kept, I have been told, by Lewis Clark. The first post office was at Leeds Point.

There is a part of I'ort Rei)ublic still called Hewitt Town though every family of that name have gone or moved away.

Port Republic still has the beautiful mill pond and mill dam. The old mill was recently torn down. The charter of this mill was granted in tlie time of George IH, of England. There are also traces of Clark's Mill, and faint traces of an old colonial mill owned by one James IMorse. Two of the family, it is said, were in the battle of Chestnut Xeck. The name through the course of years was corrupted into the word "Moss." So tne road leading to that mill is still called Moss' Mill Road.

Leeds Point was named fror.i the fami'.y of Leeds that came irom Leeds, England. They were Quakers. John and Japlv.t Leeds took up a large tract of land which they bought for twelve and a half cents an acre. They called it, at that time, Leeds. The first post office in Gallowav Township was held in a stone house owned by Japhet Leeds, and built by him. This house is now occv.pied by Mi . Jesse Mathis.

The old Friends' Meeting House is still standing in Leeds Point. It is now converted into a dwelling house. It stands across the street from the home of Mr. John Higbee. It is the second Meeting House built by the Friends. The first stood near their burying ground, which is adjacent to the M. E. Church at i^mithvillc, and ])iesented to that society by the Friends. The Quakers at that time must have been a very large society and very devout. There is a place on the Mullica River near Leeds Point called Swimming Over, which received its name from the fact that at this point the Quakers mounted on horse-back, would swim their horses to the other side of the river when they wished to attend the Friends' Meetings at Tuckerton.

The information I have given in ibis i)aper I obtained partly from pa])ers given me by Mr. Roland .Vshley; also, from facts given me by Mr. Jesse Mathis who has, in his possession, some very valuable papers; and, from an old historical collection of facts compiled by J. \V. iJarber.

Smithville was a part of Leeds and was so called from


the family of Smiths who nncc owned much property there. A p.'irt of the old Smith's Tavern still stands. It used to be a famous hostelry and the stopping place for the staije coach that came from i'hiladelphia and Camden.

( )ceanville was at first called Tanners l>rook. Over a 100 ycar.s ajj^o there was a taiuiery there. It is said that it took al)f)ut a year at that time and at that place to tan a cow hide properly. The villji^c at Tanners r>rook was first called Centcr- ville. The name of Occanville was }^iven t<i that section below the l)ri(lj.,fe at the time that the M. Iv church was built which was burned down in i8(/j. The section was still called Center- ville above the bridj^e until the post ofHce was e^iven them durinsj Cleveland's .\ilministration. The post office bein"^ moved above the bridjj^e resulted in the whole place bein<^ called Occan- ville.

.\bsecou I fmd is spelle<l in several ways. In some histories, .\bsecombe and .\bsecom, also Absccum. called so by the Indians which in their lanijua^e meant beach or place for swans, from the number which once resorted there. It is said that the whole Absecon tract orii^inally belonfj^ed to one Thomas I>udd who sold lartrc tracts to actual settlers and each deed contained this clause. "With the j^rivileji^e of cuttinj^ cedar and commomidsj^e for cattell on ye swamps and beaches laid out by ye said Thomas lUidd f(^r commons."

Clark's Landing: received its name from the illustrous fam- 'ly of Clarks who settled there in colonial days from Connecti- cut.

May's Landiui; was named by Geort^e May, who bought the land where the town now stands. In 1810 Hammonton was built on the so-called Hammonton tract of land. Judg^e Richard, J. r.yrnes and Charles K. Landis opened a section of X. J. and by liberal terms and advertisement drew many settlers from New England who brought with them culture and education. They clustered about a station which they named Hammonton, aftei John Hammond. Coffin.

El wood was first called Weymouth Station, but in order to have a post oflice it changed its name to Elwood, named after one Elwood Matlack. taking the name of Elwood instead of Matlack. \\'eymouth proper was a few miles distance, contain-


inij;- ill those days fmindries and factories which have long since sluit down.

Brigantine i leach is one of the oldest resorts on the New Jersey coast. It has a very interesting history. It is over 200 years old. receiving its name from the fact that a large brigantine went asliore there about two hundred and twenty-five years ago.

I think that I can vouch for the authenticity of every item that 1 liave written and have gone to much careful study to have them authentic.



Tlif \\lii|)|)in}^'^ post has existed in our town within tlie mem- ory I if iiur oldest citizens, hut not as an instrument of punish- ment. W !ien this me(hum of ])unishment was abohshed. our informants have not stated. P>ut that the whippiny^ post stood years after its abolition as a i)enal mode, lias been asserted by those who recall this ^rim preserver of law an(! order, as stand- ing,' in the days of their childhood.

TIk- \vhip])in}.; post was located by the tavern of Espress Tilton. Lookinj.; westward from the suburban trolley line, as the conductors call Morris Avenue, but more properly Zion Road, one may see a house, standinj^ facinjj[ the Shore Road, some tw<^ hundred feet distant ; this marks the spot where the whip- pini^ post stood as closely as we can identify. The broad space between the house antl the Shore Road was used for a drillinij i^nnind for the House Ciuards of iSij.

The late Constant .Adams. wh<i was born in i8i8. related witnessing', when a lad. the whipping of a colored boy for theft. This boy is su]ipo.sed to have been a slave in the possession of a member of the Tilton family, and the last person to receive public whipping;. Were it possible for us to be transferred to the first quarter of the past century, we might travel our roads in fear of beasts of the forest.

It is related that one day. as Espress Tilton was riding to the mill with a bag of grist, a panther sprang from the large overhanging branches of the trees along the road, about where the home of Mr. Job. Frambes is located. The beast failed to strike the horse, but Mr. Tilton thinking it unwise to proceed, turned about, and rode down the Shore Road, gathering a com- pany of men to assist in hunting for the animal. Though the woods were searched, the panther was not found.



By L. J. Price

While every State north of Mason and Dixon's Line by 1850 had set the black man free, there were still two hundred and thirty-six negroes in bondage in Xew Jersey. As late as the '70's there was one slave living in Leedsville (Linwood). To those of our Society who remember Luce, will recall her, as a large woman, darker than the nnilatlo, but not the ebony face of many negroes.

Black Luce appears to have been the property of the Doughty Family, of Revolution naval fame. Luce, when an old woman, was purchased from the auction block in Leedsville, (Linwood) where the Masonic I lall in Linwood now stands, by one Hold- craft. (Thomas Winner? auctioneer). The sum paid for the slave, as related by different people varies from twenty-five cents to two and a half dollars. There are still at this time, ( 1914) people living, who witnessed this transaction.

It is told us that the purchase of a slave at this time neces- sitated on the part of the' purchaser, care and sustenance of the negro for life. Luce is said to have lived to be over one hundred years old. W^hen a very small child the writer accompanied by her oldest sister, returning from Leedsville, (Linwood) in pass- ing Townsend's Tavern, (old Linwood Hotel), was asked by Mrs. Holdcraft, Mrs. Townsend's mother, to deliver a message to Luce, who lived in the old Holdcraft home, and by the block from which she had been sold.

The message to Lucy I cannot recall. Rain had fallen, and it was about sunset as my sister and I entered the house. A roaring fire evidently, just kindled was burning in the fireplace. Tongues of llame were shooting up the chimney, and I was fearful lest something would take fire. I was accustomed to see- ing fireplaces, but this one of smaller size, and with wliitewashed bricks was a matter of wonder, for my early vears.

Xo one appeared, so my sister called Lucy repeatedly at the top of her voice, and oj^ened the stair door, perchance she should


be upstairs, but no one responded. So with darkness gathering we pursued our homeward way.

The writer recalls this large woman of powerful physique at one of the liakersville Agricultural Fairs, with a sontag around her shoulder and a knitted hood on her head. My im- pression is that she was employed as a helper. A colored jicrson at this time of shore history, was not commonly seen.

( )ld Luce was a bugl)ear to unruly children. Whether she merited this claim, the writer cannot state. She had a son known as Samson Rattler, wiiose home was with some one at Smith's I, am ling.

Samson's affection for children was well known. It is told of him as he drove his team al<jng the road, he would throw candies to the children. While the writer was never the recipient of his gifts, the story is tt)ld of an older sister who strayed in the path of liie horses tracks, was rescued by Samson, and de- livered to her parents. .Also gifts to the children of wonderful fruit made of candv is told of him.



The first mectini^ of the Atlantic County Historical Society of New Jersey, was held at the home of Mrs. M. R. M. Fish, Pleasantville, Xew Jersey, July 2^^. i<;i3. Members present were: Mrs ]VI. R. M. Fish, Mrs. Emma Cordery Johnson, IMrs. Alartilla Price Ketchum, Miss Lizzie J. Price, Miss Sarah Risley and Mrs. L. Dow Balliett. The following" officers were elected.

Mrs. L. Dow r.allictt. President. Mrs. M. R. M. Fish, \'ice-President. jMrs. Martilla Price Ketchum. Secretary. *]\Iiss Sarah Risley, Treasurer.

Weekly meetings were held during the remainder of the Summer and during the Autunm months. Monthly meetings have since been held.

Four pilgrimages were taken to historical places within the county.

The annual meeting was held July 23, 1914. The following officers were elected ;

President Mrs. L. Dow Balliett. First Nice- President Mrs. R. M. Fish. Second \ice-President Mrs. Samuel Johnson. Third \'ice-President Mrs. Maria Collins Thomas. Fourth \'ice-President Mrs. Carl A. Iloptf. Secretary Mrs. William Lear. Assistant Secretary IMiss Mattie Collins. Treasurer Mrs. Job C. Stebbins. Librarian Miss Lizzie J. Price. Assistant Librarian ]\Iiss Mae Ireland. Press Correspondent Miss Mattie Collins. Evlitor Laura Lavinia Thomas Willis.

Entertainment Committee Mrs. J. C. Thomas, ]\Irs. George Leach and Mrs. Kate Adams.

*.Miss Risley resigned, and Mrs. Job Stebbins filled the vacancy.



'rrustces fur One Year John F. Ilall. Mrs. John F. Ryon and Mrs [aiic I'ifk'ld.

'rni^tces for Two \'cars Hubert Somers. Mrs. T. S. Mid- illetoii and Mrs. C I), .\oursc.

Tru.stecs for Three Years .\llen 15. Fndicott. Mrs. I^reston .\danis and Mrs. .Manilla Kelchuni.

CiiAKTi.K .Mi:m

Mr<, L. Dow I'.alliett Mrs.

Mrs. M. R. M. Fish ^liss

Mrs. Kninia Cordery Johnson Mrs.

Mrs. Martilla Price Ketchuin Mrs.

Mrs. I Irstor A. Stehbins Mr.

Miss IJ//ie J. 1 'rice Mr.

Miss Martha K. Colhns Mrs.

Mrs. Maria Colhns Tiionias Mrs.

Miss Sarah .\. Rislex Mr. .

Mrs. l-Iora Collins Mrs.

Mr. J.ibn 1-. Hall Mrs.

Mrs. Sanuiel Somers Mrs.

^frs. Isora IMacknian Somers Mrs.

^Irs. .Mamc II. R\nu Mrs.

Miss Cornelia Cook b'rink Mrs.

Mrs. Thomas K. Scull Miss

Mrs, .Aneita I-. W. Leech Mrs.

.Miss Hannah I'rambes Mrs.

:\Irs. P. E. Collins Mrs.

Miss May Elizabeth Trelan Mrs.

Mrs. Carl .\. Hopf Mrs.

Mrs. Mary Uowen Tomlinson Mrs.

Mrs. Geory^e H. Adams Mr

Mrs. James E. Steelman Mrs.

Mrs. Susan Somers Dubois Mr


\\ illiani Lear

Harriet I. Frambes

Marn;-arct S. Middlcton

Sarah Somers Tilton [nb I'rambes I lubert Somers

1 lubert Somers

.\nna 1>. Wilson Mien P.. Endicott

Elizabeth Boice Xourse

Martha D. Scull

Xettic C. Leeds

Stella P. Kappella

Irene C. Imlay

Emeline E. Collins Race

Marj^aret Sarah Race

Robert M. Willis

Richard S. Collins

Preston B. Adams

S. J. Fifield

Helena Simkins Susan P)aily Ireland Arthur z\dams

Emily Steelman Fisher A. M. Heston

176 eaklv history 01=" atlantic county, n. j.

Honorary Members

Hon. Champ Clark

Life Members

State Senator Walter Edge

Judge K. A. Higbee

Mrs. Hannah Soniers Hayday

Walter J. Buzby

Emery Marvel, M. D.

Henr\- W. Leeds

Judge Allen B. Endicott

Stewart R. McShea

John J. Gardner, Congressman Carleton Godfrey, Speaker of

Assembly Daniel Alyers Alexander Weintrob Hubert Somers Mrs. Elizabeth Xourse Laura Williams Colwell

Harry Bacharach. City Com- Robert Moore Willis missioncr

The first pilgrimage of the Atlantic County Historical So- ciety took place on June i6, 1914, when about thirty members and friends visited the historical points of interest in the vicinity of English Creek and Scullville.

The Society members were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennis, of Scullville.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis accompanied the party to the site of the old Catawba church, and Mr. Dennis pointed out the beauti- ful site of the old Joseph West mansion.

Mr. Dennis furnished the Society with some interesting and valuable data.

Inscriptions were cojMcd from this church yard, as well as from the church yards of the Asbury and Zion churches.

Mrs. John G. Thomas, Chairman of Pilgrimage Committee.

Second Pilgrimage

The Atlantic County Historical Society as a body attended the loijth anniversary services of the Old Weymouth Meeting House, at Weymouth, on Sunday, July 2(jth, 1914.


A most cordial welcome was extended by the church and an zhh' address rendered to the Society by Rev. Wni. T. Abbott, of .A.sbury Park. A beautiful reply was made by our honored president, Mrs. h. Dow iJalliett.

.\ j^reat priviley;e was also extended by the courtesy of Mrs. Charles Richards Colwell. who exhibited the many valuable relics and curios in her lovely home.

An invitation was extended to make this an annual pilgrim- age of the Society.

Mrs. John' G. Thomas. i liair)iian of Pilgrimage Committee.

'i'niKD I'lI.GRlMAGK

The last pilgrima|L;e of the season was a trip to the 122nd anniversary service of the liead-of-thcRivcr Church at Tucka- hoe. on ( )ct. II, H)I4.

It was well worth the trip to see the cpiaint interior of this historic edifice.

A large number of the S«)ciety attended and the occasion was considered one of the plcasantest events of the season's ])rogram.

Mrs. b)H.v G. Thomas,

Chainiiaii of Pilgri)tiage Committee.



Clipping From Atlantic City Daily Press, Friday, July 24, 1914.

President .VIrs. L. Don' Ballictt Gives Sound Advice at first Ainiual Meeting.- Lauds Ilall-Heston.

Speaking before the iirst annual meeting of the Atlantic County Historical Society yesterday afternoon, President 'Sirs. L. Dow Ballictt urged the members to continue with their efforts until they had placed upon the shelves of libraries in every state in the union, records of the early life and advancement of the county. She lauded the work of John Hall, and Alfred M. Heston, and counseled her co-workers never to drop a project until it was seen that the worth did not justify the effort. In her remarks she stated :

"When the Divine within the hearts of men realize a cer- tain need, that will lend its benefits to future generations, the universal in nature takes to itself the thought, and when the great cycle of time's impulse concentrates itself into one desire it influences the minds of men into motion and action Then something is born. A year ago this society was the culminat- ing point and it was formed. You as its members are its visible ex])ression. You will agree with me we have had but one aim and that aim was to give the county a correct history, one that must ever bear uppermost the one essential, for without it the work is valueless and vain. Its motto should be an unfaltering fidelity to truth. This society should not waver until they place upon the shelves of libraries throughout the States, Atlantic County's history as accurate and full as those of the other counties of our State. The work they have previously done we are now doing.

"I see no reason for discouragement with members whose hearts are sincere and desire to teach their children the recorded deeds of their ancestors. We are grateful to our individual pioneer historians, A. M. Heston and John Hall, for their past efforts and our hopes for future work. .\s members of this society vou have need to look into each others faces with just


pride. Your pajjcrs read before the society bear not only the stamp of painstaking truth, but more literary merit than is uusually fcjund in new societies. An unusual condition exists .unong the faces before me, a condition perhaps that could not !)e found to exist with e(|ual stren^h in any other part of the state. It is that of i)lood. Tiiis holds and links us toojether as one family. As our ancestors have married and inter-married until we seem not only of one race, but also of one blood, indi- vidual effort seems over-shadcjwed in the j^reater love of delineat- ing truthfullv tin- history of our many and somewhat compositive ancestors.

■\\'e now arc ready for general good work. W'e have a consti- tiuuion with its charter members wlio.'^e names show the strength of this society. We must become incorporated, we must join hands with the officials of this county in helping them preserve the historical places under their care, and, above all. let us be fir' from the deadening inlluences of sjjasmoilic effort which dies and destroys from a lack of vitality.

"\\ hen this si»ciety puts its hands to a project let it continue until il falls from lack of worth and not from eltHrt. 1 am well aware that you are decendants of men and women who with dauntless ct»urage made the history of Atlantic County. The ca'' has again come clothed in another form. Its message is to record their deeds in the accuracy of printed words. Who will say the wc^rk is less worthy than theirs when judged by your chihlren's children. Let us ever hold before us the one funda- mental law of Truth, which shall be our watchword."



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