Z 8vLO0600 I9ZI € ll il NIV. OF RONTO RBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/earlystagesofvasO3schuuoft ar ‘fi jt 1 , ( y } h Nii OM j Tih ti 1 he Uk we al Pilly i Fn, Ree We wits x i + ' ' Pi y 1 1} v4! Lyn ‘ <4 y { . | iy ae { + ” 4 7 F ’ \ as ’ BP a ee fi tay JN 4 ag MEMOIRS OF THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY No. 3 EARLY STAGES OF VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT (FELIS DOMESTICA) WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE MESENCHYMAL ORIGIN OF ENDOTHELIUM H. vON W. SCHULTE FROM THE ANATOMICAL LABORATORY OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1914 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Of the many problems that engage the attention of students of the vascular system, none is more fundamental, and hardly any more perplexing and confused today, than that of the origin of the simple squamous epithelium (endothelium) which is the com- mon lining of all vascular channels, whether haemal or lymphatic. It has been held, and the opinion of late has been zealously propa- gated, that so far as the vessels of the body are concerned, their endothelium arises solely from the already formed endothelium of the extra-embryonic vessels, or if there is any production of endothelium within the body of the embryo, it is for so brief a period and so inconsiderable in amount as to be theoretically neg- ligible.! For the supporters of this view Rabl’s dictum, “Endothel stammt nur von Endothel” is still a satisfactory summary of the facts. A logical sequence of this opinion is the doctrine of the spec- ificity of endothelium, obviously a much broader generalization, which takes endothelium out of the series of mesenchyme deriva- tives and separates it absolutely from the blood, should that prove to be of mesodermal origin. Consequent thinkers who support this view have seen the importance of assigning an entodermal origin to both blood and endothelium. Could this be established, it would lend a degree of antecedent probability to the doctrine of the angioblast but, strictly speaking, it is not a necessary postulate, for a tissue arising diffusely from the mesenchyme, may as de- velopment proceeds, be confined to definite localities or even ultimately be restricted to homoplastic proliferation. Such a tissue would be specific if it yielded no heterogeneous products, and I feel myself that this latter property enters more largely 1 Minot, Evans, and Sabin in Keibel and Mall, Handbuch d. Entwickelungs- gesch. d. Menschen, Leipzig, 1912. These writers have made a clear and emphatic statement of the doctrines of the Angioblast and of the specificity of endothelium, and presented the evidence which may be adduced in favor of these views very completely. That they have not considered all the available evidence, however, is apparent from their all but complete omission of the results of recent haemo- tology (since 1909), which would indicate the wisdom of some reserve in accepting as final generalizations which neglect such extensive and important data. 3 AS VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT into our idea of specificity as applied to tissues than the commu- nity of origin of their elements. It would seem, therefore, that the advocates of specificity have charged themselves rather to prove that endothelium, once formed, produces only endothelium and never any other elements, as say blood or connective tissue, than that it is peculiar in its origin. On the other hand, it has been held that endothelium is simply a derivative of the mesenchyme from which it arises diffusely by a multitude of separate anlages. This view does not under- take a general interpretation of the mesoderm and mesenchyme and the apparent variations of their mode of origin as determined by the yolk-content of the ovum, but merely states that endo- thelium arises out of elements which have once formed a part of the general mesenchyme complex. A development of this point of view is the adaptive theory of endothelium, which holds that endothelium is a modification of mesenchyme, and by no means a stable one at that, but owes its presence to hydrody- namic forces, and when these cease to operate, endothelium dis- appears as endothelium and reverts to mesenchyme, or gives rise to products indistinguishable from those of mesenchyme. Endo- thelium is taken to be a form which mesenchyme assumes in certain positions which can not be retained with the loss of position and is then analogous to the biaiometamorphoses of plants grown under unnatural conditions, which are lost when they are returned to their normal environment. It is conceivable that some supporters of the adaptive theory of the origin of endothelium may not feel themselves obliged to maintain a variety of products on the part of endothelium, just as it is not to be required of those who hold the specific doctrine that they should demonstrate an entodermal origin. The former might then hold endothelium to be a derivative rather than a modification of mesenchyme; it would satisfy them to show the multitude of its separate anlages, their wide diffusion through the mesenchyme, in the somatopleure as well as in the splanchnopleure, within the body of the embryo as well as in the yolk-sac, and their continued formation in the embryo dur- ing an appreciable period of development, and along the major VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 5 vascular lines. This done, they could allow endothelium to manifest such specificity as it might acquire, as in the case of other mesenchymal derivatives, cartilage for example, or cross- striated muscle, which increase by accretion of new elements as well as by the proliferation of those already formed, and yet once formed, are specific to the degree that they probabably do not give rise to other types of connective tissue. In thus comparing the angioblastic with the mesenchymal, the specific with the adaptive views of endothelium, I have alluded to certain differences of opinion regarding the supposed mode of its wide dissemination through the connective tissue of the body, which are fundamental and may now be contrasted. The doctrine of specificity holds this process to be essentially one of growth. The period of development of endothelium is amaz- ingly short, and the site, for most entertainers of this view, is the yolk-sac at some distance from the embryo. For others there is an abstract possibility that certain parts of certain embryonic vessels may develop in situ, but it is not unfair to say that they consistently tend to minimize and curtail the developmental period of endothelium. The important part of their doctrine, the part which has engaged their chief attention, and is presented with most conviction, is the growth of the endothelium by solid sprouts from the ends of hollow injectible vessels. This is the sole source of endothelium (the case of a few embryonic vessels apart), and so far as I am aware, absolutely the only evidence of its specificity. The adaptive theory finds support in the presence, through a considerable period of ontogeny, of numerous separate sacs or vesicles of endothelium, definitely localized in positions subse- quently occupied by continuous vessels, and in the gradual en- largement and ultimate fusion of these vesicles to form the ves- sels. Further, it notes that the vesicles are preceded by minute clefts or spaces in the mesenchyme bounded by ordinary mesen- chyme cells, which subsequently flatten and eventually form a continuous layer as the vesicles enlarge. This view thus extends the period of development, and enlarges the area in which it is active to practically the whole body of the embryo. It does not 6 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT deny that endothelial cells undergo mitosis, that vessels after formation lengthen, or that they may branch and send out sprouts; for it by no,means implies that endothelium does not grow, but it relegates these phenomena to a later period in the life of the embryo, and endeavors to distinguish between a cytomorphosis terminating in a definable type of cell (development, genesis, anlage, das Werden) and a proliferation and extension of a fully formed tissue (growth, das Wachsen). One further point, the great vascularity of the embryo as com- pared with the adult makes the fate of the temporary vessels and their endothelium of some importance to a general theory of this tissue. The adaptive view considers that they revert to mesenchyme, the doctrine of specificity that they disappear. Divergent principles of interpretation rather than differences in method and technique underlie, I believe, these discrepant theories, although I am aware that the contrary has been em- phatically proclaimed, and in particular that the method of. in- jection has been held to be the ultimate criterion in these matters. Without discussion at this point of what I believe to be the claims of enthusiasm, it is still possible to admit the objective reality of the positive data obtained by this method, without attaching finality to its negations. One may admit that where the injec- tion passes, there is a channel, without denying that beyond the limit of injection there are forming channels, or considering it proved that injected channels are always lined by a complete endothelium. One may admit that the blind terminals of ves- sels are actual terminals, without assuming that they are always sprouts, for they may be regressive. And above all, one may admit the frequency of extravasation, without holding it to be ohne weileres an artifact. But if these reservations are allowed, or even conceded to be still matters of free and unbiased inquiry, the positive results of the injection method will form but a slender basis for such imposing doctrines as those of the specificity of endothelium, and of the angioblast. From the time of the establishment of the circulation, the body of the embryo and some of its membranes are supplied with con- tinuous channels which distribute the circulating medium, and VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT of return it to the heart. From this period throughout life, such continuous vessels are present and functionally active. In the adult body it has long been customary to inject them for conven- ience in demonstrating their course. In the foetus also, such procedures are familiar and have been held to demonstrate the plan of organization of the circulatory channels at the period of examination. Now it is obvious that the injection at earlier periods, even in young embryos, is a fact of the same order, how- ever admirable the technique or delicate the procedure—it sim- ply demonstrates continuous channels, which it may be presumed are functionally active. It reveals the extent and conformation of the formed and functional vascular system and enables the observer to follow its successive stages from the period at which injection first becomes practicable. In such studies, however, injection has no monopoly, but it shares its data with the method of direct observation of living tissue when the object is small and transparent, and with the exact but laborious method of recon- struction. On the other hand, it is idle to pretend that the in- jection method throws any light on areas beyond the limit of the actual injection, or affords the slightest presumptive evidence of their histological condition, in particular, as regards the pres- ence or absence of small discrete vesicles of endothelium. The dilemma is simple; we may recognize or refuse to recog- nize the uninjectible periphery. If we recognize it, the method of injection becomes not only partial and incomplete, but subor- dinate to the methods which reveal all of its findings and in addi- tion enlarge our field of observation. It ceases to be a critical method. If we refuse to recognize the periphery beyond our injection, we have begged the question at issue, our vessels are growing not only in a foreign tissue, as the angioblast doctrine believes, but in a theoretical vacuum and the only possible source of increment is the proliferation of their own elements. We reach the only conclusion the exclusive study of organized ves- sels by any method would allow, the formation of the new out of the old by sprouting. A comparison may perhaps serve to il- lustrate the inconvenience of taking continuity of lumen as the critical index of structure. Had the metanephros chanced to 8 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT be first studied by the method of injection, we should have a his- tory of the ureteric bud from the standpoint of its lumen. It would have sprouted, giving branches of many orders, and by growth in continuity its arborizations would in time form their definitive terminals, the Bowman’s capsules. Should an inves- tigator, with a belated confidence in slides and reconstruction, have ventured to observe the renal vesicles, he might have been told he had been misled by artifacts. Had he objected that they were constant, had definite structural characters, and were local- ized with exquisite precision, he might at length have obtained their tardy recognition. But it is probable, for doctrines as well as masses have momentum and inertia, that he would then have been informed, that his vesicles were but separated sprouts, be- cause nephrothelium comes only from nephrothelium. And these arguments would be as justifiable, nay as necessary, in the one case as in the other, if ultimate reliance is placed on the in- jection method which can only reveal continuity of lumina. The logic is good, the argument the typical scholastic deduction of the special case from the general principle, but the principle is intu- itive and arbitrary, not inductive. The blind terminals of vessels in the mammalian foetus are a favorite topic for study by injection, but so far as I am aware, the possiblilty of their regressive nature has never been seriously considered; it has simply been assumed that they were always growing sprouts. I desire here rather to note the gap in the evi- dence than to question this mode of growth as a factor in the ex- tension of formed vessels in late embryonic stages and in the foetus. W. G. MacCallum? (’02) made a careful and excellent histo- logical study of lymphatic terminals in the skin of pig foetuses, from 6 cm. to 15 em. in length, and reached the conclusion that the lymphatics did not communicate with tissue spaces. From their extremities project strands of cells in a single or double row which run for some distance in the embryonal connective tissue, or join another lymphatic. He thought that few of these cells were in syncytial relation with adjacent fibroblasts. Into the 24902. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwickelungsgesch., p. 273. 3 Exponents of the doctrine of specificity seem inclined to lay stress on this point as indicating the independence of endothelium. In view of the interdermal VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 9 bases of the cords, the injection entered in a thin stream for a short distance revealing a cleftlike diminishing lumen. Bartels (’09)4 has given figures which closely correspond to those of MacCallum, but he considers the interpretation of the cell-cords as sprouts debatable. On the other hand,.Miss Sabin’s figure of lymphatic terminals in a 5 em. pig (02, fig. 2)° represents very different conditions; here are blind, blunt terminals and no sprouts. She states, however, that occasionally from one of these blunt ends, the “injecting fluid can be forced out into a long thread-like process’”’ which is a sprout and represents the process of growth. She has plainly described a somewhat different structure from the solid uninjectible strands of MacCallum and Bartels, though not improbably a phase of the same process. A number of in- terpretations suggest themselves: 1. Miss Sabin’s, that the slender injectible processes are sprouts growing from formed vessels and that this is the only mode of their extension at this period. 2. That in view of their infrequency, we are dealing with the inception of autonomy on the part of the endothelium, which in a few places is sprouting, while in most it is advancing by accre- tion, as has been definitely proved for the thoracic duct andthe systemic lymphatics in general in embryos.° cytodesmata described by v. Szily, Studniéka and others, it is of course void of theoretical importance in this sense, for if in general, elements of different germ layers may stand in syncytial relation to one another, the specificity of endothelium is in no way impaired by a like continuity with the mesenchyme, which in fact it does possesss in the embryo. If in the foetus a separation does actually occur, it ought to be interpreted in the light of the general tendency of the organism to resolve its synctia into independent cells, and not as a peculiar sign of the speci- ficity of endothelium. 41909. Das Lymphgefiisssystem. Jena. p. 12. 51902, Am. Jour. Anat. vol. 1, p. 367. 6 Huntington & McClure, 1907, Am. Journ. of Anat., vol. 6, Abstr. Anat. Rec., vol. 1, pp. 36-41. Huntington, 1908, Anat. Rec. vol. 2, pp. 19-45; 1910, Anat. Rece., vol. 4, pp. 339-423; Compte Rendu 16 Congrés Internat. de Med. Sect. 1, fase. 2, pp. 127-142; Anat. Anz. Ergiinz. z. Bd. 37, pp. 76-94; 1911, Wistar Mem: No. 1; Anat. Rec., vol. 5, pp. 261-276. Stromsen, 1912, Anat. Rec., vol. 6, pp. 343-356. Kampmeyer, 1912, Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 13, p. 401, and Anat. Rec., vol. 6, p. 223; McClure, 1912, Anat. Rec., vol. 6, p. 238. Tilney, 1912, Amer. 10 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 3. That the sprouts are regressive and that here, as in other tissues (bone, striated muscle), progressive and retrogressive proc- esses co-exist. 4. That the ‘sprouts’ are the last stages in the annexation of vasoformative cells which have built themselves into cords, joined the lymphatics and are now establishing their lumen. Only in this last stage would they be accessible to injection. This interpretation is suggestd by Bartels (’09) and is of consider- able import. Referring to certain unicellular sprouts of MacCal- lum, he says: Gerade, dass es einzelne Zellen sind, welche die Striinge bilden, scheint mir eher fiir den Modus der Aufreihung dieser Zellen durch den zentralwirts gerichteten Saftstrom als fur eine zentrifugal gerichtete Sprossung zu sprechen. Doch will ich darauf, als auf eine nach dem bisher Vorliegenden nicht sicher zu entscheidende Sache, ebendsowenig eingehen, wie auf die Beurteilung des Verhaltens der benachbarten Gewebsbestandteile zu den Gefissen. Beides scheint mir weiterer ein- gehender Untersuchungen zu bediirfen.’ None of these observations, important as are the data they have collected, have given us the means of interpretation, once the increment of vessels is conceived as a minute process which must be treated in terms of cells and cell modifications. For this it is necessary to work in confined areas of well understood topog- raphy and with a minutely graded and continuous series of em- bryos. If cords of single or double rows of cells are to be studied developmentally, we must at least give ourselves the chance of seeing cell add itself to cell, or the sprout advance from the uni- cellular to the multicellular condition, and not work at wide in- tervals of time or with material from various regions where only gross comparisons are possible and minute processes may altogether escape us. From the standpoint of possible retrogression, the work of Spuler’ and of Fuchs? is interesting and their aloofness from this particular problem gives their testimony additional importance. Journ. of Anat., vol. 13, pp. 193-220. Miller, A. M., 1913, Amer. Journ. of Anat., vol. 15, pp. 131-168. Allen, W. F., 1913, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 59, pp. 309-360. 7 Loc. cit., p. 45. 81892, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 40, p. 530. 91903, Anat. Hefte. Band. 22, p. 97. * VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 15 They were writing in refutation of Schaffer’s derivation of ery- throcytes from vasoformative cells and of Minot’s!? expansion of this observation into an absolute distinction between nucleated and non-nucleated red corpuscles, and his classification of blood in the vertebrates on this basis. Spuler showed clearly that the erythrocytes in question and the vasoformative cells containing them were degenerative. Fuchs, working with the omentum of the guinea pig in the first few days after birth, confirmed these observations. The vaso- formative cells of Schaffer" and Ranvier” he found usually con- nected with functional vessels by narrow cell-strands, with or without lumina. In a few cases the strands were interrupted. This he attributed to rupture occasioned by unequal growth in the omentum. He subscribes to the production of vessels from vasoformative cells but makes a distinction between these cells and the erythrocyte containing cells which he found, as Spuler had done before him, usually connected with vessels. These, in view of their. degenerating contents, may fairly be deemed retrogressive. Their occasional occurrence free in the connective tissue then becomes a late and not an early phase in their history. The order of events in a degenerating capillary would appear to be a collapse of its lumen at some intermediate point or points, between or beyond which the vessel and content persist for a time; the solidification and the reduction of the col- lapsed regions to double or single rows of cells and eventually long protoplasmic strands, which finally give way, and the remnants of lumina with their contents of blood cells and their wall of endothelium become isolated in the connective tissue. Fuch’s excellent illustrations are astonishingly like the sprouts of MacCallum and the cell cords of Bartels, differing only in the cellular contents of the vessels (cf. Fuchs, fig. 2, with Bartel’s ’09, fig. 12, and Fuch’s, figs. 4, and 3, with MacCallum, figs. 6 and 7, respectively). Identical appearances are observed in definite regions of young- er embryos of the cat incident to vascular processes which are 101890, Anat. Anz., Bd. 5, p. 801. 11874, Mo. Mic. Journ., vol. 11, p. 97. 121874, Arch. de Physiol. 12 : VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT known to be regressive, because they are preceded by blood con- taining plexuses and functional vessels and accompany their resolution. Huntington™ has noted the condition in connection with the perivenous plexuses: Some of the elements . . . . develop into permanent tributaries of the main veins. Others undergo a process of separation from the per- manent functional channels and degenerate. In many cases their blood cell contents break down and are eliminated, while their endothelial lining appears to revert to the indifferent type of the embryonic meso- dermal cell. Thus in embryos between 13.5 and 16 mm. many striking instances of this reversion are to be observed. [And further] . . . . these detached and retrograding channels . . . . constitute lines around which the most active primary lymphatic organization of the mamma- lian embryo centers. I am far from wishing to claim that ‘sprouts’ are never grow- ing points, I would only instance cases where they certainly are regressive, and express the doubt that their injectibility or lack of it affords a proof of their origin from endothelium. The sub- ject is a promising one and would repay unprejudiced observation under conditions where the direction of the process might be definitely ascertained—in a circumscribed area and with a closely graded series of foetuses. It may be that their formation in the lymphatic system will prove to be a late phenomenon and inci- dent to the ultimate sealing off of the lymphatics from the tissue spaces, if a closed system of lymphatic capillaries actually exists. The question of extravasation is perhaps the most difficult of the many problems the injection method has raised, and is giving us a literature of as much subtilty in connection with develop- ing vessels as it has done in regard to the circulation in the adult spleen. The point at issue is not the permeability of the vessel wall which may be taken as proved beyond controversy by the facts of metabolism, and the passage of erythrocytes and leuco- cytes, as well as by the results of injection. The real difficulty is as to how we may accept these indisputable facts and yet main- tain that when extravasations occur during injection they prove a discontinuity between the lumen of the vessel and the tissue space In mesenchyme or in connective tissue. 131911, Memoirs of the Wistar Inst. of Anat. and Biol. No. 1., Philadelphia. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 13 The positive conclusion that extravasation means communi- cation between vessel and tissue space seems justified when the injection is controlled by a manometer and practised at physio- logical or subnormal pressure, as in Herring and Simpson’s" in- jections of the liver or Pustoiwoitow’s" of the spleen. If, as in these cases, the injected substances escape under less than normal pressure it is permissable to infer a real continuity, though strictly speaking it is necessary to confirm this by direct observation of the tissue (vide infra). But if the pressure is not thus controlled, it will always be pos- sible to interpret the extravasation as an artifact, for it can always be argued that rupture occurred under excessive pressure. Cen- trifugal injections of lymphatics are obviously subject to this doubt, so that the presence here of extravasation is only suggest- ive and not demonstrative of communication between these ter- minals and the tissue spaces. Other methods of control than that of manometric measure- ment of the pressure can not be freed from subjectivity. To observe, for example, the passage of the injection with a binocu- lar and discontinue when it begins to extravasate is arbitrary; to succeed in stopping at the moment when extravasation has just begun, when the terminals have still but a mossy appear- ance, shows only the point to which the observer’s dexterity may be developed. One may, with practice, heat a thermometer rapidly till the mercury rises to a chosen point, and become able to discontinue just as the point is reached. The repetition of the act may increase exactitude, but will not prove the absence of luminal continuity beyond, however we might argue, when we had just passed our selected point, that we had ruptured a delicate and invisible membrane. Nor is even the “explosive” (MacCallum) rupture of the vessel wall at some intermediate portion of its course a proof that its terminals are closed. A very moderate experience with the in- jection of adult material will convince anyone that large veins may rupture before their radicles are filled, and the rupture may 41906, Proc. Roy. Soc. B., vol. 78. 16 Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwickelungsgesch., p. 219. 14 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT be attended with sensations, even emotions, on the part of the observer. Yet it cannot thereby be proved that the vessels end blindly; and we ought not to assume, because of the delicacy of embryonic structures that their physical properties are different in kind, or obey other general laws of stress and strain than larger tubes which are more accessible to examination. But while the results of injection demonstrate the permeabil- ity of the vessel wall, as do in life the passage of cells and fluids, they do not afford us the opportunity of ascertaining the structure of the wall or the nature of its orifices. They simply give us the concept of permeability, which it is not permissible, without fur- ther grounds, to translate into porosity. Every fact of extrava- sation can be admitted and the integrity of a completely closed vessel wall still be maintained if we introduce the concept of a structureless (invisible) membrane, the resistance of which to pressure is practically nil. Helly’® has shown this with admirable clearness in his interest- ing work upon the vessels of the spleen. He confirmed previous ‘ observations of the passage of injections through the vessel walls, whether solutions, suspensions, colloidal masses, or foreign blood corpuscles were used. He further washed out the red blood cor- puscles from the pulp spaces by saline irrigation, and caused their numbers in the pulp to increase by retrograde injection (obstruc- tion of the splenic vein) and finally in sections of 5 « observed both erythrocytes and leucocytes in passage through the walls of the sinuses. Yet he considered the wall complete. Was zunichst den Widerstand anlangt, welchen die Gefiaisswand dem Durchtritte fester und fliissiger Bestandteile entgegenzusetzen vermag, so ist ersichtlich, dass derselbe bei den venésen Capillaren nur sehr gering, an gewissen Stellen der Wand iiberhaupt fast gleich null ist; gleicht sie doch, von der Fliche betrachtet, sehr einem Gitter, dessen Liicken viel- fach gross genug sind, um ein rotes Blutkérperchen ohne jede merk- liche Formverinderung durchtreten zulassen. Dem zwischen beiden Bestandteilen des Gitters,—den inneren, parallel zur Lingsachse des Gefiisses angeordneten, stabformigen Endothelzellen und den dusseren, quer um dasselbe verlaufenden Kreisfasern,—befindliche unmessbar diinnen strukturlose Hiutchen kann wohl kein irgend nennenswerter Finfluss im Sinne einer Behinderung der Diapedese zugeschrieben wer- den und dies umso weniger, als das gedachte Hautchen sehr hinfallig ist 161903, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 61, p. 245. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 15 und ungemein leicht zerstért wird. (p.292). . . - Die Milz hat ein, tiberall von einer regelmassigen Endothelschichte ausgekleidetes, daher geschlossenes Gefasssystem mit sehr durchlassigen Wandungen. Den ich habe einerseits gezeigt, dass man unter Anwendung geeigneter Methoden sich davon iiberzeugen kann, dass der kreisende Blutstrom iiberall seinen Weg durch Capillargefiisse nimmt, deren wand keine Oeffnungen in Gestalt bestindiger Liicken fiir den Durchtritt rother Blut- korperchen zeigt, welcher dort, wo er der unmittelbaren Beobachtung zugiinglich ist, als wahre Diapedese aufgefasst werden muss; anderer- seits habe ich den Durchtritt von Leukozyten durch die geschlossenen und unversehtren Gefadsswande hindurch als thatsichlich vorhandene Erscheinung nachgewiesen.!’ It will thus be seen that Mall’ fails to appreciate the subtilty of the question and at the same time misrepresents Helly in citing him as a believer in pores in spite of his emphatic statement to the contrary: recent authors are of one opinion regarding the large pores in the capillary walls. It appears that these openings are smallest according to Thoma, larger according to Helly, still larger according to Mall, and so large that they communicate most freely with the pulp- spaces according to Weidenreich. Helly very carefully distinguishes between permeability and porosity, refuses to deduce the details of structure from physical and physiological properties, and accepts the structureless mem- brane of v. Ebner because he believes he has seen it. Mollier'® correctly represents Helly’s position and criticises it with acumen: Ob es freilich noch praktischen Zweck hat, von einer geschlossenen Rohre zu sprechen, wenn sie fast’ohne Widerstand alle zelligen Elemente in unbegrenzter Menge hindurchlisst, kénnte zweifelhaft erscheinen. Weidenreich hilt jedenfalls eine solche Annahme fiir wertlos, wie ich aus seiner temperamenty ollen Ausserung entnehme: ‘Ein Sieb ist doch kein Topf.’ Ich meine aber, er vergisst hier, dass ein wesentlicher Teil unserer Vorstellung iiber den V organg der Diapedese der ist, dass Zellen durch die Capillarwand den Kreislauf verlassen, ohne dass dabei nennenswerte Mengen des Plasmas mit austreten. Der Kreislauf der Blutfliissigkeit wird also kaum beeinflusst. _ Von diesem Gesichtspunkt aus hat die Annahme Hellys nicht nur ihre Berechtigung, sondern auch einen ganz bestimmten technischen Wert. Ob die Bezeichnung Diapedese auch fiir den Durchtritt roter 471902, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 59, p. 93. 181903, Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 2, p. 315. 191911, Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. 76, p. 608. 16 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Blutkérperchen ohne lokomotorische Eigenbewegung gebraucht werden kann, dariiber will ich hier nicht weiter sprechen. Wir haben bloss damit zu rechnen, dass Helly den Durchtritt roter Blutkérperchen (auch Froschblutkérperchen) durch die unversehrte Wand der venésen Milz- capillaren gesehen hat und dass er hierin em Hauptargument fiir die Lehre vom geschlossenen Kreislauf in der Milz erblickt. To summarize, the injection method gives us extravasation. This has a positive value when physiologic or subnormal pressures are used. It proves the permeability of the vessel wall. For the structure of that wall, whether complete or incomplete ana- tomically, and especially for the ultimate morphologic fact, the form and relation of its constituent elements, it is valueless and these questions must be settled by direct observation, and not by indirect conjecture founded upon physical or physiological experiment. To quote Mollier again, referring to the question of open or closed circulation in the spleen: Welcher Art diese Untersuchungen sein miissen, ergibt sich einmal aus dem Resultat der Injektionsversuche, welche lehren, das dieselben immer wieder sowohl zugunsten der einen wie der anderen Anschau- ung Beweismaterial geliefert haben. Sie sind also wohl nicht imstande, diese Frage zu entscheiden, und es ist besser, von ihnen zundchst ganz abziisehen.” His own brilliant solution of the problem of the structure of the sinus wall, is a ground of confidence to those who hold that structural problems are best approached by anatomic methods. In view of the complexity of structure and function in living beings, it will probably continue to be held the part of wisdom to determine their relation empirically and not attempt to deduce structure from the physical or even the physiological properties of organs and tissues. The positive findings of the injection method, that there are in the embryo continuous vascular channels, that these channels have ends, and their walls are very pervious, can therefore be accepted for they are corroborated by other methods of investi- gation. The negative propositions that have been advanced by users of this method, that the embryo has only continuous endothelium, that its only source is from sprouts, that the ends of vessels do not communicate with tissue spaces, are not proved 20 Loc. cit. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT il? by the evidence which is alleged to support them. The method is partial in that it excludes a vasculogenetic periphery beyond its limit of exploration, uncritical in that it can only reveal permeability and not the structure of the vessel wall, and its advocates are inconsistent in that without just grounds they in- terpret its only peculiar datum, the extravasation, as an artifact. Nor does the doctrine of specificity receive more support from observations intra vitam, if we distinguish between the growth and the formation of a tissue, and refrain from transferring proc- esses recorded of a given stage, perhaps a late one, to earlier periods in ontogeny. The observations upon the tails of amphibia, especially the tadpole, a classical object since the days of Schwann, have accu- mulated a rich fund of observations regarding the sprouting both of blood vessels and of lymphatics. Kdlliker,?! Rouget” and Golubew** followed the process, step by step, describing the hol- low-pointed outgrowth, its acquisition of a lumen and its fusion with adjacent sprouts. The sprouts were found to arise, not only in the vicinity of nuclei but also at a distance from them (K6llicker, Flemming); in the latter event nuclei were found subsequently to move into the sprouts (Fleming, Bobritski).* v. Ebner, in his edition of K6lliker’s Handbuch, summarizes these findings and interprets them correctly as phenomena of growth: Die Sprossung muss demgemiiss als ein Wachsthumsvorgang des Protoplasma angesehen werden, denn auch in den Fallen, wo der Kern an der Sprossungsstelle liegt, lisst sich zunichst nichts von einer Kern- theilung sehen. Man muss wohl die primiren Sprosse als sich aushohl- ende Protoplasmaknospen einer Endothelzelle ansehen. Erst sekundir erfolgt dann eine Mitose in der Zelle des Muttergefiisses und der eine Tochterkern tritt nachtraglich und nachdem er bereits wieder zu einem ruhenden Kerne geworden, in den Gefissspross, der unterdessen weiter gewachsen ist, ohne dass eine Zelltheilung erfolgt, da man, wie bereits erwahnt wurde, in jungen eben sich bildenden Kapillaren keine Zell- grenzen nachweisen kann.” *1 1846, Ann. S. se. natur., T. v. p. 91. 1886, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 48, p. 1. * 1873, Arch. de Physiol. 231869, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 5, p. 49. 741890, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 35, p. 283. 25 1885, Central bl. f. mikr. Anat. *8oc. cit, p: 672: MEMOIR NO. 3 18 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Schwann had believed that the capillaries were formed by the fusion of stellate cells, and Koélliker held at first the same view, but later abandoned it and considered the new formation of ves- sels in the tadpole’s tail wholly due to sprouting. Sigmund Mayer?? made an important addition to our knowl- edge of the vascular system in his thorough study of its regres- sive processes. He distinguished between blood containing and bloodless vessels in the tadpole’s tail, and pointed out that not all of the latter were to be taken as lymphatic, for many of them were degenerating blood vessels. The changes in the circulation in- cident to their collapse supports this view. His figures show many stages of their reduction and present striking resemblances to those of Fuchs, MacCallum and Bartels, before mentioned. Some confusion has been introduced into the terminology of these structures by Miss Sabin?’ who has invented the term ‘“‘Mayer- _ Lewis anlage”’ to include these degenerating vessels and the endothelial sacs described by Lewis in the course of veins in the mammal. It will be remembered by the readers of F. T. Lewis’? valuable paper that he found the jugular lymph sae composed of several cavities, at first connected but later separated from the veins. Similar sacs were found adjacent to many of the veins, for which he assumed a like origin although he is most careful to state that in no single instance, other than at the jugu- lo-subclavian junction, was there any evidence of connection with veins. Miss Sabin has further extended this concept to include the discrete mesenchymatous anlages of the lymphatics, described by Huntington and MeClure, which have at least a totally dif- ferent structure from the formations described by Mayer. Their walls present every degree of transition from mesenchyme to fully formed endothelium and every degree of communication between their cavities and the spacés in the adjacent mesenchyme. They do not run off into long tapering processes, and they do not contain degenerating erythrocytes. It is highly probable 27 1885, Sitz-Ber. Akad. wiss. Wien. Bd. 91, p. 204. 281911, Anat. Rec., vol. 5, p. 417. 291906, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 5, p. 95. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 19 that they are identical with the structures observed by Lewis, absolutely certain that they are not the same as the degenerating vessels of Mayer and Fuchs. The degenerating vessels described by Huntington in the cat have a wholly different appearance and to one familiar with the study of sections, the danger of confusing the two seems inconsiderable. With the aid of recon- struction and the comparison of closely graded embryos to ascer- tain the direction of the process, it is difficult to conceive of a possibility of so gross an error. In passing, I would note that the term anlage has hitherto been applied to the developmental process as indicating the earliest appearance of an organ. It is quite improperly used in connection with regressive structures. More recently Clark*® has published painstaking and elaborate studies of growing lymphatics in the tail of the tadpole, contain- ing many interesting details and in major matters confirmatory of the work of his predecessors. We may therefore conclude that the vessels of the tail fin are formed by sprouting and that there is no evidence for the annexation of mesenchyme cells at this stage. The debate is again not as to the fact, but solely in regard to the construction that shall be put upon it, and in particular the degree to which such observations may be extended to endothe- lium in general. Goette*#! described the first formation of vessels in amphibia from clefts in the mesoderm, which secondarily acquire a wall from adjacent cells and from intravascular wandering cells. Marshall and Morgan* have reached similar conclusions, and recently Studnicka* has described the formation of the capillary as a channel in the mesostroma, into the wall of which cells mi- grate eventually forming an endothelium: Ganz ibnlich verhalt es sich auch mit den Blutkapillaren, welche jedenfalls sehr frith, wenn das Mesostromanetz noch ziemlich locker ist, zum Vorschein kommen. Die Bilder, die ich an meinen Objekten finde, sprechen durchaus nicht dafiir, dass es ausschliesslich nur die Zellen 891909, Anat. Rec., vol. 3, and 1912, Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 13. 11875, Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke. Leipzig. * 1890, Stud. Biolog. Lab. Owens College 2: 1893. Vertebrate embryology. 881897, The development of the frog’s egg. New York. 441911, Anat. Anz., Bd. 40, p. 33. 20 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT wiiren, welche, wie man est meist annimmt, sich rohrenf6rmig zu Kapil- laren umbilden wiirden; alles spricht dafiir, dass die Kapillaren im Mesostromanetz auch dort, wo keine Zellen vorhanden sind, also ohne jede Beihilfe von Zellen weiterwachsen, und ihre Wand besteht da aus einer einfachen, zuerst plasmatischen Schicht, welche jener vollkommen entspricht, aus der sich z. B. das Corium bildet. Die Zellen sind in der Wand der jungen Kapillaren zuerst weit voneinander entfernt, und nur so, dass sie sich spiter vermehren und die innere Oberfliche der friiher schon vorhandenen Kapillaren sekundir bedecken, kommt die Endothe- lauskleidung derselben zustande. It is evident therefore that the processes in the tadpole’s tail are not characteristic of all stages even in amphibia, and that much caution is requisite in attempting to generalize from such data. In the light of our present knowledge, far from extending these findings into a principle of vascular development, it would seem more prudent to seek to ascertain the peculiar conditions in larval organs which may serve to explain a deviation on the part of the mesenchyme cell from its usual behavior to develop- ing vessels. The transparent embryos of teleosts also afford a favorable opportunity for the study of living vessels. Wenkebach* has recorded important observations, especially upon Belone longi- rostris, and finds that mesenchyme cells are an important factor in the formation of vessels and sprouts. Man sieht deutlich wie die Zellen, namentlich die des Mesoblasts, selbstiindig mittelst amoeboider Bewegungen und oft ausserordentlich langer protoplasmatischer Fortsitze sich im Kérper des Embryo und auf dem nicht mit Hypoblast umkleideten Dotter bewegen und nach bestimmten Stellen kriechen, als handelten sie mit Wille und Bewusst- sein. Bei der Anlage und weiteren Ausbildung des Herzens, so wie bei der Bildung der Gefiisse und andrer Organe spielt diese selbstiindige Bewegung der Mesoblastzellen eine grosse Rolle. Nicht alle Zellen, die von dem Embryonalsanm auswandern bilden Pigment. Hine sehr grosse Zahl derselben zerstreut sich uber die Ober- fliiche des Dotters und diese sind als Material fiir die spater sich dort bildenen Blutgefisse zu betrachten. Aus diesen Beobachtungen geht hervor, dass Mesoblastzellen durch selbstiindige amoeboide Bewegungen die Wande der Blutgefiisse des Dotters bilden. Endlich werden die ersten circulirenden Zellen auch benutzt bei der Sprossenbildung der Dottergefasse. Die drei auf dem Dotter vorhan- 351886, Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. 28, p. 225. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 21 denen Gefisse fangen namlich schon bald an kleine Seitenzweigchen zu bilden (Fig. 12 u. 13). Eine solche Sprossung wird eingeleitet von einer kleinen Ausbiegung der Gefiisswand (verg. Fig. 25 a, b, e, d, e. und f.), an deren Spitze sich immer eine Zelle befindet. In dem Maasse als die Sprosse wiichst, lagern sich immer neue, aber nicht sehr zahlreiche Zellen an dieselbe an, welche sich auf die schon oben beschriebene Weise ausbreiten, sich mit langen Fortsitzen an einander haften und so die Wand herstellen. Hierfiir werden sowohl die vom Blutplasma herangefuhrten, als die sich schon auf dem Dotter befindenden Zellen verwendet. Diese letzteren Zellen scheinen eine grosse Neigung zu haben, Gefiisse zu bilden, denn einige Male beobachtete ich, wie sich in diesem Stadium der Entwicklung freie, sich auf dem Dotter befindende Zellen, unabhiingig von schon vorhandenen Geféssen, zusammenlag- erten und kleine Rohrchen bildeten, welche spaiter in das System der Dotterblutbahn eingereiht worden. In diesem prachtvollen klaren Embryo sah ich auch die Bildung der kleineren Gefiisse im Embryo selbst. Wie aus Figur 24 hervorgeht, bilden sich hier die kleinen um das Medullarrohr ziehenden Gefiisschen ebenfalls aus Zellen, welche sich mittelst amoeboider Bewegungen zwischen den Theilen des Embryo hinziehen. In their general features these observations were confirmed by Raffaele :*° Le osservazioni fatte dal Wenckebach e gia tante volte citate, e che io ho potuto in varie occasioni ripetere con risultati del tutto concordanti su varie uova di Teleostei, dimostrano chiaramente la migrazione di cel- lule mesenchimatiche in siti molto lontani dal punto di origine; ed é con questo processo che si formano tutti i vasi del vitello, compreso il cuore, il quale in taluni pesci ossei (Belone) si forma innanzi alla testa dell’ em- brione e in parte sul vitello. From the foregoing, it would appear that in teleosts also there is the closest affinity between mesenchyme and endothelium, and that here sprouting from a formed and specific endothelium hardly plays a réle in early stages of vascular formations. A few other intra vitam observations may be noted briefly. MeWhorter and Whipple were able to show and record photo- graphically the concrescence of separate vascular anlages in the area pellucida of the chick’s blastoderm in vitro. This confirms Afanassiev’s*? and Klein’s*’ observation of endothelial vesicles and seems an adequate refutation of Evan’s opinion: 36 Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapol. Bd. 10, p. 441. 37 1869, Bul. de l’Acad. des Se. d. St. Petersbourgh, T. 13, p. 321. 38 1871, Sitz.-Ber. Akad. wiss. Wien, Bd. 63, p. 339. : 22 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Selbst auf dem Dottersack sind solche Gefisse, welche in loco ent- standen sind, nicht zahlreich, denn sie entstehen nur an den Stellen der sogenannten ‘‘Anlagen,” und die Hauptmasse des Kapillarplexus des Dottersacks entsteht durch Ausbreitung und reichliche Anastomosen- bildung von den primiiren Gefdssen aus.*! Further, the description by McWhorter and Whipple*’ of the to and fro movement of red corpuscles after the heart had begun to beat and prior to the establishment of the circulation points to their confinement in separate compartments. Their subse- quent abrupt entry into the blood stream, must mean the giving way of the wall of the vesicles and their confluence to form vessels—all which is consonant with the data obtained from sec- tions and reconstructions, and seems to afford a basis of inter- pretation for an interesting observation of Loeb’s:*! It turned out in my experiments that the heterogeneous hybrids between bony fishes formed eyes, brains, ears, fins and pulsating hearts, blood and blood vessels, but could live only a limited time because no blood circulation was established at all—in spite of the fact that the heart beat for weeks—or that the circulation, if it was established at all, did not last long. , I succeeded in producing the same type of faulty embryos in the pure breeds of a bony fish (Fundulus heteroclitus) by raising the eggs in 50 ce. of sea water to which was added 2 ce. one one-hundredth per cent, NaCN. The latter substance retards the velocity of oxida- tions and I obtained embryos which were in all details identical with the embryos produced by crossing the eggs of the same fish with the sperm of remote teleosts, e.g., Otenolabrus or Menidia. These embryos, which lived about a month, showed the peculiarity of possessing a beating heart and blood, but no circulation. These findings of Loeb can hardly be reconciled with the doe- trine that the vessels of the embryo have a primitive continuity of lumen with those of the yolk-sac, for it is inconceivable that in such circumstances, a beating heart could fail to effect a circu- lation. They are however corroborative of the observations of MeWhorter and Whipple which would lead us to interpret the condition as a Hemmungsbildung due to failure of concrescence *° 1912, In Keibel u. Mall. Entwickelungsgesch. d. Menschen, Bd. 2, p. 552. 491912, Anat..Rec., vol. 6, p. 121. 11912, Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. 80, p. 5. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT eS between the separate anlages of the vessels in the yolk-sac and in the embryo. Very recently Miller and McWhorter have demonstrated the formation of the embryonic vessels in situ and their absolute gene- tic independence of those of the area vasculosa in the chick, by effecting a separation on one side between the body of the embryo and its membranes at a very early period, before vessels have appeared in the area pellucida. In their experiments, the blasto- derm is incised longitudinally near the primitive streak. The wound gapes widely and the:area vasculosa is separated from the embryonic body by a wide interval, which no sprouts cross. Notwithstanding which, the embryonic vessels are formed typi- cally, and differ from those of the normal side only in size and rate of development, both of which details may be correlated to, their reduced drainage area and the in consequence diminished quantity of circulatory fluid. It would seem therefore that the limitations of injection and the data of intra vitam methods are hardly favorable enough to the doctrine of specificity, hardly discordant enough with the findings by the method of slides and reconstruction,‘ to attribute differences of opinion in these matters wholly to the methods ” Abstract, Proc. Am. Ass. Anat., Anat. Rec., vol. 8, no. 2. 43 EB. R. Clark has endeavored (Anat. Rec., vol. 3, 1909) to show that fixation gives interruptions in the course of vessels which have previously been ascertained to be continuous by direct observation intra vitam. “‘A drawing was made of lymphatic and blood vessels during life. The tail was then cut into serial sec- tions ten micra thick, stained in hemotoxylin and Congo-red. In attempting to reconstruct it was found while blood capillaries, could often be fairly well con- structed, it was impossible to reconstruct the lymphatics beyond the muscular margin.’’ In a second paper (Anat. Rec., vol. 5, 1911) Clark shows evidence of retrograde progression in this line of technique, for the blood vessels in his 3, 6, and 7 figures can hardly be considered “‘fairly well reconstructed.’ There are no technical procedures that will not miscarry and such tests as Dr. Clark’s are critical of personal accomplishment and judgment not of method in the abstract. In view of the technical difficulties offered by amphibian material, and the fact that none of the data on which the theory of concrescense is based are derived from this form, Dr. Clark’s criticism is both unfair and far from the point. With the same plausibility he might have proved that good sections could never be cut, because the yolk of frog’s eggs is very likely to tear in paraffin. There is a relation between method and material, to disregard which for controversial pur- poses shows more of zeal than of sound reason. 24 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT employed. I have already expressed a doubt that this was the case and have suggested that different principles of interpretation were at the root of the difficulty, and I believe that the fault lies with the upholders of the doctrine of specificity, in their too great confidence in the uniformity and simplicity of ontogeny, in their failure to distinguish between genesis and growth, and in the pre- maturity of their assertion that endothelium is specific, before they have canvassed its potentialities and seriously studied its regressive phases. The tendency to minimize the ‘period of development, while the natural outcome of reliance upon injections which reveal only formed endothelium and continuity of lumina, has given the theory of specificity a strangely preformist character. Con- sistently carried out, it would reduce the history of endothelium to the expansion and ramification through the body of a single anlage, produced at a distance from the embryo in the mesoderm or from the entoderm of the yolk-sac. The innumerable separate anlages here, and their gradual conerescence are supported by a weight of evidence impossible to set aside, but the facts seem easier to be borne when this multiplicity is veiled as far as possible by using the term ‘anlage’ in the singular number and the collec- tive sense. Yet even this ‘anlage’ proves unable to account for all the vessels of the embryo by its expansion, though Evans feels that most of those in the splanchno-pleure are formed by sprout- ing. Exception must of course be made of the early ones in the area opaca, the ‘anlage’ itself, and those in the area pellucida which MeWhorter and Whipple have shown are formed by concrescence. Still there are further difficulties, certain vessels of the embryo arise in situ—the aorta in the head, the first arch, parts of the dorsal aorta, perhaps the heart; it is possible to attach too much importance to the early connection of the caudal portion of the aorta with the splanchnopleurice plexus (in chicks of 20 somites, Evans), and in the face of very general evidence of in situ origin it can only be maintained that any vessels which have not been individually proved to arise in loco are derived by ingrowth from the ‘anlage,’ with the lumen of which their lumina are shown by VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 25 injection to be continuous, when injection becomes practicable. From this moment (20 somites in the chick is the earliest recorded ‘perfect’ injection of Evans‘) there is a sudden and abrupt end to the production of discrete anlages, contrary to what one would expect from the general gradual transitions in natural processes. All of the endothelium is now continuous, development in the sense of genesis has ceased, and growth alone takes place from this time forward. The moment at which injectibility is acquired is then the critical point in the whole history of endothelium. But in view of the many separate anlages, admittedly present in the splanchno-pleure and in the embryo and of the transitions, almost universally observed in natural processes, the possibility must be conceded that a belated vesicle or two of endothelium might conceivably escape a sudden annexation to the injectible system. It becomes, therefore, a matter of interest to determine its status after injection has been practised and it has failed, hypothetically, to be injected. A moment before, had it been observed in vitro, or had the blastoderm been sectioned, it would have appeared like any of the other discrete anlages in the ‘an- lage.’ But the test of injection made, it at once ceases to have a future, it has become an artifact, or if pertinaciously insisted upon, a ‘Mayer-Lewis anlage.’ Because by a hair’s breadth, by the veriest fraction of a second, it failed of conerescence prior to the moment of injection, it is absolutely devoid of vascular poten- tialities, and could never, had the injection been omitted, have joined its fellows and participated in the formation of the vascular system. But our belated vesicle loses more than its future, it can hardly be said to have a real present existence. When the injection is made, it stands a chance of never being seen by the injector. The injection is then ‘perfect.’ If it is seen, it is an ‘artifact,’ or the injection is not ‘complete.’ If it is pointed out by another observer, then again the injection is incomplete, or it is a ‘Mayer- Lewis anlage’ and has lost a previous continuity with the injected vessels. All possibilities have been thoughtfully canvassed by the exponents of injection, and it can be confidently asserted that 441909, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 9, p. 281. 26 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT a perfect injection injects all the endothelium present; if more is found, then the injection is a failure but the principle remains unchanged. There is, however, no reason to assume that injection has reach- ed the acme of delicacy, great as is the skill which has been de- veloped in its use. It is conceivable that some day it will be possible to inject a portion of the ‘anlage’ before its admittedly discrete vessels have fused—even a small fragment might be in- jected alone, the aorta in the head say, or the umbilical vein. This would then become to the injectionist the only source of the whole vascular system. The uninjected parts of the anlage would be demonstratedly not vascular amlages at all, but artifacts or ‘Mayer-Lewis anlages’ and no study by slide or section could establish their right to serious consideration; they would be in the same status as the separate anlages of the thoracic duct, or any of the mesenchymatous vesicles of Huntington and McClure, and no degree of care in topographical localization, no minute- ness in the gradation of reconstructed stages, no matter how fully their enlargement, gradual approximation and fusion were shown, would suffice to prove their participation in the formation of vessels. If not injectible they can never become endothelium. But the discrete vesicles and blood islands of the splanchno-pleure are as an actual fact not injectible from the first and their struc- ture is hardly known apart from sections. It would seem to be a reasonable and consistent conclusion from the injectionist stand- point, that the ‘anlage,’ in the splanchno-pleure is an artifact or a ‘Mayer-Lewis anlage,’ and has absolutely nothing to do with the vascular system,which should consistently be held to come into being ex abrupto with the first moment of injectibility, for the chick, at present, the stage of 20 somites. But some may not feel themselves obliged to confine their knowledge of endothelium to such facts only as can be corrobo- rated by injection, for there is a stage of vascular genesis admit- tedly inaccessible to injection, and here the method of section and reconstruction has acknowledged validity and further is entirely consonant in its results with the data of intra vilam observation. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 27, This granted, it is arbitrary to assert, that injection once it becomes practicable, dispenses us from the examination of the periphery beyond the terminus of the injection, where it is pos- sible, where there is even antecedent probability that processes analagous to those in the ‘anlage’ continue and play an impor- tant rdle in the increase of vessels within the embryo. Whether this is true or not must be decided by the methods which do not prejudge the question. As in the case of the ‘anlage’ the results of the study of sections are in agreement with intra vitam find- ings, it is but reasonable in later stages and in the body of the embryo, where intra vitam methods are as yet inapplicable, to credit the method of sections and reconstruction with the same validity it is proved to possess in early stages. To deny this, and insist that the limited field explored by in- jections is alone accessible to investigation, is not to assert the primacy of the injection method, but to fall back upon an ancient logical device known as the petitio principi. The final objection and absolute disproof of the doctrine of specificity is the heterogeneity of the products to which endo- thelium gives rise.*® I have already mentioned Huntington’s de- scription of the conversion to mesenchyme of regressive vessels in embryos of the cat (wide ante, p. 12). Aurel von Szily*® has described and illustrated the production of mesenchyme from the endothelial tube of the heart. And to pass over other investigators who have glanced the subject, Mall’ has recently followed the process in detail and noted its theoretical importance. The great importance of this distinction is at once apparent for it shows that connective tissue arises also from endothelial cells and that the intima of the entire vascular sytem including the valves of the heart has a like origin. Further study will probably show that endothelial connective tis- sues are by no means of rare occurrence. These observations of vy. Szily, Huntington and Mall are of decisive importance and seem finally to dispose of the doctrine 4° The idea that endothelium gives rise to conne:tive tissue was clearly ex- pressed as early as 1872 by Franz Boll. Arch. f. Mikro. Anat., Bd. 8, p. 53. 46 1903, Anat. Anz., Bd. 24, p. 417, cf. especially figure 2. 471912, Amer. Jour. Anat. vol. 13, p. 249. 28 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT of the specificity of endothelium, for it is fatuous to predicate specificity when products deviate in form and function from the type of the parent tissue. Of even greater import, because evincing an identity of poten- tialities on the part of mesenchyme and endothelium, are the recent investigations in haematopoesis, especially those of Maxi- mow,'® Dantschakoff,4? Mollier®® and Weidenreich.*! The last (11) has published a comprehensive critical review of the mod- ern literature of the white blood cells. The extent and variety of the evidence and the number of observers render impressive their concordant testimony to the mesodermal origin of blood cells, in the yolk-sac and the mesenchyme of the embryo, in the liver, spleen and lymphnodes, together with their frequent deri- vation from endothelium, and in a word the equivalence and per- mutability of mesenchyme, endothelium and blood cell. A few quotations from Weidenreich may serve to substantiate these statements (the italics are his): ° Jedenfalls entstehen also schon in den friihesten Entwickelungsperioden durch Abrundung und Loslésung aus dem Verband der Mesenchymzellen gleichfalls ‘primitive Leucocyten,’ die teils den innerhalb der Blutbahn circulierenden vollig gleichen, teils in Grésse und Kernform differieren. Der Mutterboden dieser extravasculir gebildeten Elemente ist aber seiner Art nach durchaus derselbe, wie der der intravasculir entstehenden; denn sie entstammen beide mesenchymatésen Zellen, sei es nun, dass sie sich direkt aus den Blutinselelementen absondern oder sekundir aus dem Endothel der Blutbahnen hervorgehen. . . . . Hs ist ferner von besonderer Wichtigkeit dass tibereinstimmend angegeben wird, dass neben den wngranulierten primitiven Leucocyten verhdltnismassig frithe auch schon granulierte Formen angetroffen werden, aber und das ist wesentlich nicht innerhalb, sondern ausserhalb der Blutbahn; es gehen $8 1906, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 67, p. 608, 1907, Fol. haemot. Bd. 4, p. 611; and Beit. z. Path. Anat. u. allg. Pathol., Bd., 41, p. 122. 1909, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 73, p. 444; and idem, Bd. 74, p. 525 ane Fol. haemotol. Bd. 8, p. 125; and Centralbl. f. allg. Pathol. u. path. Anat., Bd. 20, p. 145. 1910, Arch. f. rile Anat., Bd. 76, p. 1; and Verh. Anat. Ges. Brussel, 8. 64. 49 1908, Anat. Hefte, Bd. 37, p. 473; Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd., 78, p. 117. Vehr. Anat. Ges. Ber., 1908, p. 72. 1909, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 74, p. 855. Vehr. Anat. Ges. Brussel. 1910, p. 17. 50 Loc. cit. Die Leucocyten und verwandte Zellformen. Weisbaden 1911. Sonderausgabe aus Merkel u. Bonnet, Ergeb. d. Anat. Bd. 19, Abt. 2 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 29 also hier die granulierten Elemente zunichst aus leucocytiiren Wander- zellen d. h. freigewordenen Mesenchymzellen hervor.®? In the Liver: Die ‘primitive Blutzelle,’ die sich abrundende Mesenchym-oder Reti- culumzelle, die undifferenzierte ‘Gefasswandzelle’ ist viberall dasselbe Ele- ment, es erscheint bald als Begrenzung einer Reticuluwmmasche, bald als Wand einer schon etwas kanalisierten Blutbahn, bald als freie Blutzelle; genau die gleichen Verhaltnisse kehren also in der Leber wieder, wie man sie in den Blutinseln und Blutstriingen und den ersten Gefissan- lagen des Mesoblasts findet, nur mit dem Unterschiede, dass hier Ento- dermzellen in Form der Leberanlage einwachsen und das Ganze mehr zerteilen. Als wesentlichstes Ergebnis ist sonach festzuhalten, dass rote Blutkérperchen and Leucocyten von einer Zelle mit mesenchymati- schem Charakter gebildet werden. Die Frage, ob sie beide oder nur die eine extra, oder intravasculir entstehen, ist nach der eben erérterten Auffassung ziemlich belanglos, da ja die Zelle, welche die Abgrenzung der primitiven Blutbahn nach innen und aussen bildet, eigentlich die Fahigkeit der Produktion beider Arten besitzt, eme Fahigkeit, die auch zuniichst noch ihre freien Abkémmlinge bewahren.** In Bone Marrow: Nach dieser auf genaue Detailbeschreibung und zahlreiche Ab- bildungen gestiitzten Auffassung entsteht also auch im Knochenmark das blutbildende Gewebe durch Differenzierung aus losgelésten Mesenchyme- zellen vom Charakter kleiner und grosser ungranulierter basophiler Leu- cocyten, die sich sowohl in der Richtung der roten Blutkérperchen, wie auch der weissen weiterdifferenzieren; noch ausgesprochener wie in der Leber erschient dabei der ganze Prozess als ein extravascularer Vorgang.*! In the Spleen: So unbestimmt auch vorerst noch die Angaben iiber “die Herkunft der Blutbildunsgzellen der Milz lauten, so schient mir es doch im héch- sten Grade wahrscheinlich, dass in der Milz wie in Leber und Knochen- mark die Entwickelung ausgeht von indifferenten basophilen grésseren und kleineren Zellen, die als abgerundete Mesenchymzellen oder Wander- zellen an Ort und Stelle sich bilden und sich dann zundchst sowohl in der Richtung der Erythrocyten wie der Leucocytenrethe (granulierte Leucocyten) differenzieren. Dieses erste Elemente, die ‘primitive Milzzelle,’ wire also auch hier wieder die primitive Blutzelle bezw. der primitive Leucocyt oder Molliers Hiimogonie. Die Umwandlung dieser Bildungszellen in die kleinen Lymphocytenformen im Gebiete der Malpighischen K6rperchen setzt als besondere Gewebsdifferenzierung erst zu einen spit- eren Zeitpunkte ein; ich werde zeigen, warum das fiir die Gesamt- auffassung der Lymphocytenfrage vollig gleichgiiltig ist.” In Lymphnodes: 52 Ibid, p. 188. 3 Ibid, p. 196. 54Tbid, p. 199. 55 Ibid, p. 201. 30 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Aus allen diesen Angaben geht also hervor, dass die freien Elemente der Lymphknoten an Ort und Stelle enistehen und zwar wie iiberall aus abgerundeten und losgelésten Mesenchymzellen, die eine bestimmte Zeit- lang auch hier die Fahigkeit haben, sich in der Richtung der roten und weissen Blutkérperchenrethe zu differenzieren. . . . . % In Connective Tissue: Als wesentliches Resultat aller dieser Untersuchungen ergibt sich also, dass dem embryonalen Bindegewebe zundchst im weitesten Umfange die Fdahigkeit zukommt, aus seinen Mesenchymzellen freie bewegliche Blutzellen zu bilden, die den Typus der primitiven Blutelemente aufweisen und sich anfinglich sowohl in der Richtung der Erythrocyten wie der Leucocyten differenzieren kénnen.5* The doctrine of specificity has found its support in phenomena of growth, chiefly in the solid terminations of lymphatics which are observed in rather late periods of ontogeny, and the avoidance of these sprouts by mesenchyme cells in the tail of the tadpole. The former fact has been by implication projected into earlier stages of development, and into peripheral regions which are not accessible to the method of injection. The latter has been erect- ed into a general principle of vascular development, in spite of facts of diametrically oppposite import, both in the frog (Goette, Marshall, Morgan, Studniéka) and in other transparent embryos (Wenkenbach, Raffaele). The theory of adaptation rests upon the observation of the transformation of mesenchyme cells into endothelium in a large number of forms at various periods of ontogeny, ascertained by a variety of methods and by observers with very different prob- lems in view; second on the reversion of endothelium to mesen- chyme (vy. Szily, Huntington, Mall): and third, on the commu- nity of products and the permutability of endothelium, blood cells and mesenchyme (Maximow, Dantschakoff, Mollier, Weiden- reich et al.). . The doctrine of the angioblast is so closely entwined with that of the specificity of endothelium that there is little promise in an attempt to consider it separately, especially as this conception of vasculogenesis loses its chief raison d’etre with the recognition of the plasticity (non-specificity) of endothelium. As presented 56 Ibid, p. 203. 57 Tbid, p. 205. . VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 31 by Minot* the doctrine of the angioblast rests on two general propositions. 1. The early appearance of the angioblast and its possible entodermal origin: Die vergleichende Embryologie lehrt uns, dass die ersten Gefiisse gleichzeitig auf dem Dottersack entstehen. Sie bilden eine einheit- liche Anlage, die wir dem Vorschlage von His folgend kurzweg Angio- blast nennen. Es ist aber gleich hervorzuheben, dass mehrere For- scher, wie Mazximow in seiner neuesten Schrift, Blutgefiisse aus dem mesoderm des Embryo direkt entstehen lassen. In der Tat koénnen wir die vollkommene frithzeitige Unhabingigkeit des Angioblastes von dem eigentlichen Mesoderm nur als héchst wahrscheinlich behaupten. Der Angioblast liegt ursprunglich unmittelbar auf dem Dotter und bildet ein Netzwerk, das fast so fort nach dem ersten Erscheinen der Anlage sich zu erkennen gibt. Das Mesoderm, sensu strictu, bildet eine zusammenhangende Schicht, die oberhalb der Gefiissanlagen liegt, und nur in den Liicken des Gefiissnetzes unmittelbar mit dem Dotter in Berithrung kommt. Der Angioblast scheint, der grossen Mehrzahl der Angaben nach, bei allen Wirbeltieren sich direkt vom Dotter abzu- spalten. Es ist also sehr schwer zu entscheiden, ob der Angioblast gene- tisch als dem mittleren Keimblatt gehérig oder als Abkémmling des Entoderms aufzufassen ist. Selbstverstiindlich gehen die Anschichten hieruber weit auseinander. 2. Its probable complete independence (specificity of endothe- lium). Es bleibt aber die Tatsache, dass der Angioblast sehr friihzeitig selhst- stiindig wird, und diiss er das erste Gewebe des Embryo ist, welches eine unzweifelhafte Differenzierung und scharfe Abgrenzung aufweist. Der Angioblast behilt aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach zeitlebens seine vollstandige Unabhangigkeit. Mit anderen Worten, es ist wahrsch- einlich, dass die Endothelien der Blutgefiisse (und der Lymphgefiisse) und die Blutzellen in jedem Stadium simtlich direkte Abkémmlinge des primitiven Angioblastes sind. Leider aber erlauben uns unsere gegenwirtigen Kenntnisse nicht, mit absoluter Sicherheit eine Meinung hieritber auszusprechen. It will be seen that the extremely problematic nature of both of these postulates is perceived by Minot and that his view of the derivation of blood and endothelium from the angioblast is hardly to be reconciled with the results of the careful and thorough investigations summarized by Weidenreich. One may 588 Keibel a. Mall. Handbuch d. Entwickgeschicht. d. Menschen, Bd. 2, p. 483. 32 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT share Dr. Minot’s regret that the early closure (’09) of his chap- ter on the blood prevented him from availing himself of the fun- damentally important data of recent haematology, but it is more seriously to be deplored that such far-reaching doctrines as those of the angioblast and of specificity should have been promul- gated upon a narrow factual basis in a text-book that is sure to fall into the hands of the inexperienced when, at the time of pub- lication, (12), so much evidence was at hand which would seem to invalidate these hypotheses. The statement (vide supra) that the testimony of the majority of findings supports a direct origin of the angioblast from the yolk must not be taken to imply an entodermal origin, for in this sense it is not substantiated by the literature as a few citiations from the careful articles of Riickert and Mollier®? may serve to show. Amphibia, Urodeles: Trotz vieler Bemuhiingen habe ich auch nicht zu entscheiden ver- mocht, ob an der Lieferung dieser Gefiisszellen fur das Dotterfiissnetz (Fig. 692 gfz) ausser dem Mesoblast auch der Entoblast beteiligt ist. Ich glaube bestimmter nur sagen zukénnen, dass im Bereiche der epi- thelialen Splanchnopleura keine Gefisszellen vom Entoderm abgegeben werden, wiihrend viele Beobachtungen dafiir sprechen, dass seitlich am Dotter dies vorkommt.*” Anura: Bei Anuren ist folglich die Blutzellenbildung vom histogenetischen Standpunkte entschieden eine vorwiegend entodermale gegentiber der vorwiegend mesodermalen bei Urodelen. Will man, um diesen Unter- schied zu beseitigen, die Annahme von Schwink gelten lassen, dass es sich bei Anuren um eine verspiitete Ablésung von eigentlich mesoder- malen Zellen vom Entoderm handelt, so ist nichts dagegen einzuwenden und es mag dieselbe fiir manchen vielleicht eine gewisse Beruhigung sein."' Cytostomata: Durch diese liickenhafte Untersuchung einiger Entwickelungsstadien von Petromyzon sind wir doch zu dem Resultat gelangt, dass die Ge- fass- und Blutbildung bei Cyclostomen in einfacherer Weise sich ab- spielt als bei Amphibien. Es kommt das vor allem darin zum Ausdruck, dass bei Cyclostomen die Aufgabe, Gefisse auf dem Dotter absugrenzen, fast ausschliesslich noch der diinnen einschichtigen Mesoblastlage selbst zufillt, da nur stellenweise vereinzelte Gefisszellen auf dem Dotter sicht- bar werden. 59 1906, Hertwig’s Handb. d. vergl. u. exp. Entwick. d. Wirbelth., Bd.1, Th. 1. 60 Mollier, loc. eit., p. 1068. 61 Mollier, loc. cit., p. 1074. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 33 Die Entstehung der Blutzellen ist aber abhingig von der Art und Weise der Mesodermbildung, so dass der alte Streit, ob das Blut aus dem Mesoderm oder dem Entoderm sich bildet, gar nich generell fiir die Wirbeltiere entschieden werden kann." Dipnoi: Es ‘ihnelt also die Entwicklung mehr den Urodelen als den Anuren, da der Mesoblast frithzeitig vom Dotter sich trennt und die Gefiissan- lagen zuniichst also ein mesodermales Produkt sind. Selachians: In welchem Umfang diese entodermale Gefiissbildung stattfindet lasst sich nicht leicht abschitzen. Die Zahl der Sprossen an einer Keimscheibe ist eine missige und an den verschiedenen Keimscheiben zudem wechselnde, aber andererseits zieht sich ihre Bildung iiber eine verhaltnismissig lange Entwickelungszeit hinaus. Es ist auch diese Frage weniger von prinzipieller Bedeutung gegenuber der Konstatierung der Thatsache, dass tiberhaupt die mesodermalen Gefdssanlagen von Tor- pedo sich durch entodermalen Nachschub ergdnzen, eine Ansicht (Riickert 1887), die so allgemein bezweifelt worden ist, dass ich selbst mit einen gewissen Vorurteil gegen meine eigenen vor 18 Jahren angestellten Beobachtungen an eine erneunte Untersuchung des Gegenstandes her- angetreten bin.* Man sieht hieraus, wie wenig Wert der viel diskutierten Frage ob der Meso- oder der Entoblast die Blutanlagen der Selachier liefert, zukommt. Es ist im Grunde nur Sache des Uebereinkommens welchen Namen man der betreffenden Zellenschicht geben will. Entscheidet man sich zu Lehrzwecken fiir eines der beiden Blatter so wird man dem mittleren den vorzug geben diirfen, weil ein Teil der Inseln im selbstdndigen Meso- blast auftritt und die tibrigen in einer Schicht die bald darauf zum Meso- blast wird.°° Teleosts: Als Produkt des peripheren Mesoderme wire der intermediiiren Zell- masse zuniichst die Fahigkeit zuzusprechen, Gefiss- und Blutzellen liefern zu kénnen, und es wire eine derartige Differenzierung derselben zu erwarten.”® Es lasst sich zundchst also wohl auch die gefdssbildende Kraft der in- termedidren Zellmasse als peripheres Mesoderm aufrecht erhalten, und es miissten diese Gefisse den Dottergefassen echter Meroblastier in der blut- bildenden Zone verglichen werden.* Reptilia: Was die genetischen Beziehungen der Blutinseln zu den Keimblattern anlangt, so leiten alle neueren Forscher diese Gefassanlagen aus dem Mesoblast ab, wie dies zuerst Strahl fiir Lacerta gethan hat. Das ist im Grunde auch die Meinung von Mehnert fiir die Schildkréte und von 62 Mollier, loc. cit., pp. 1088-9. 6 Ruckert, loc. cit., p. 1095. 83 Mollier, loc. cit., p. 1079. 66 Mollier, loc. cit., p. 1145. 64 Ruckert, loc. cit., p. 1111. 67 Mollier, loc. cit., p. 1146. MEMOIR NO. 3 34 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Vélzkow fur das Krokodil, wenngleich beide Autoren den betreffenden Mesoblastabschnitt als Entoblast bezeichnet wissen wollen.®8 Birds: Fassen wir das Gesagte zusammen, so hat sich ergeben, das die soliden Anlagen der Dottergefiisse des Huhnes ein verschiedenes Verhalten zum mittleren Keimblatt darbieten, je nachdem sie hinten oder vorn, aussen oder innen in der A. vasculosa auftreten. Diese Differenzen lassen sich aber alle leicht verstiindlich machen, wenn man von dem allerersten Entwickelungszustand derselben ausgeht und zugleich das jeweilige Verhalten des in ihrem Bereich befindlichen Mesoblast mitbe- riicksichtigt; Die Gefdssanlagen der A. opaca bilden sich, sie mégen hinten oder vorn auftreten, als Verdichtungen und Verdickungen eines vom Keim- wall sich delaminierenden Primitivstreifenmesoblast. Sie scheiden dann an threr Oberfldche eine Mesoblastdecke ab, wodurch die unterbrochene Kontinuitat des Blattes wiederhergestellt und sie selbst aus demselben aus- geschaltet werden.. Die vorderen Anlagen unterscheiden sich von den hin- teren genetisch darin, dass der Mesoblast sich von ihnen frihzeitiger differ- enziert und abtrent, weil er vorn viel rascher der Célombildung zustrebt. Die zu innerst in der A. opaca befindlichen Anlagen differieren von den tibrigen, weiter peripher gelegenen, darin, dass sie infolge ihres spdteren Auftretens in einem Mesoblast sich bilden, der seine Verbindung mit dem Keimwall bereits gelést hat. Sie erscheinen daher als rein mesodermale Bildungen.® Mammals: Nach dieser ausfiirlichen Behandlung der peripheren Mesoblast- bildung kénnen die Vorgiinge, welche direkt zur Herstellung des Blutes und der Gefisse auf dem Dottersack der Siugetiere fiihren, kiirzer dar- gestellt werden um so mehr, als dieselben bisher nur von wenig Forschern genauer untersucht worden sind. Hier ist wieder an erster Stelle Kol- liker (1875 u. 1879) zu nennen, der beim Kaninchen zu dem gleichen Befund einer mesodermalen Blutbildung gelangt ist, wie beim Huhn. Seine Angaben wurden durch Heape (1887) fiir den Maulwurf, Robin- son (1892) fiir die \V aus, Janosik (1902) fiir Schwein und Ziesel, Fleisch- mann (1889) fiir die Katze und Keibel fiir das Meerschweinchen (1889) und den Menschen (1890) kurz bestitigt und vor allen in jiingster Zeit durch die ausfiirlichen Darstellungen Van der Stricht’s fiir das Kanin- chen (1895) und die Fledermaus (1899) erweitert.” Eine Beteiligung des Entoblast bei der Blutbildung durch Abgabe vom Zellen, schliesst Van der Stricht sowohl fur das Kaninchen wie fiir die Fledermaus mit Entschiedenheit aus.”! An den gennanten Orten gehen beim Schaf nach Bonnet die Gefiisse aus vorgebildeten Riumen hervor, aus Liicken, die auf der Nabelblase zwischen dem Entoblast und dem visceralen Mesoblast, auf dem Amnios zwischen Entoblast und parietalem Mesoblast ‘‘ausgespart’? und von den Mesoblastzellen allmihlich ‘umscheidet” werden. Auf diese weise entstehen blutleere, d. h. erythrocytenfreie Endothelréhren.” 68 Ruckert, loc. cit., p. 1193. 7 Ruckert, p. 1253. 59 Ruckert, loc. cit., p. 1219. 72 Ruckert, p. 1254. 7 Ruckert, loc. cit., p. 1251. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT 35 To return to Minot’s conception of an angioblast, his description of its formation permits a somewhat more definite examination of his position. Kurzgefasst findet die Differenzierung des Angioblastes bei Amnioten folgendermassen statt: Er bildet ein Netzwerk, das anfinglich aus Zell- stringen besteht, diese werden bald hohl; nach vielen Beobachtern kann die Héhlung auf der unteren Seite zuerst nur vom echten Dotter begrenzt sein. Die Angioblastzellen bilden sich zum Teil in Endothelzellen, zum Teil in junge Blutzellen (Mesaméboide) um. Das Endothel ent- steht aus der peripherischen Lage der Striinge, die Blutelemente dagegen aus den mehr central gelegenen Zellen. Nur die Endothelien bilden ein ununterbrochenes Netz, die Blutzellen dagegen stellen zerstreute Haufen, die sogennten Blutinseln dar.” In this passage a stratum is described interposed between the entoderm and the mesoderm (sensu strictu), which is evidently ythe Gefissblatt of many authors, a structure eminently vasculo- genetic but not exclusively so as was accurately stated by Bon- net. Its non-vascular products have generally been lost sight of, but its proendothelial stage is clearly recognized by Felix:’® Die Darmarterien des Menschen entwickeln sich aus einem Ge- faissnetz, welches Darm-und Dottersack umspinnt (rete periintes- tinale). Fig. 539 zeigt die Rekonstruktion der Gefiisse eines Embryo mit 5 bis 6 Ursegmentpaaren. Die Aorta ist bis zum zweiten Ursegment als Rohr mit allseitig geschlossener Wandung entwickelt, von da ab caudalwirts ist sie erst in der Anlage begriffen; sie erscheint hier auf dem querschnitt bald als geschlossener Ring, bald aus vereinzelten Zel- len bestehend. Vom zukiinftigen 7. Ursegment bis zur Schwanz- spitze ist zwischen Dottersack bzw. Enddarm einerseits und visceralem Mesoblast anderseits ein Gefissnetz eingeschaltet, das rete periintes- tinale (Fig.521 und 450). Im Bereiche des Mitteldarms sind die Maschen dieses Netzes schon mit deutlicher Wand versehen (dunkelrot in Fig. 539), im Bereiche des Enddarms haben wir noch gar keine Maschen, sondern nur ein einfaches Gefissblatt (Fig. 540), welches durch Delami- nation von dem visceralen Mesoblast abgelést wird und noch keine ein- zelen Gefiisse entwickelt hat (blass rot in Fig. 539); in ihm verliert sich die aorta (Fig. 539). Aus diesem Gefiissblatt entstehen also rete periintestinale und aorta. 73 loc. cit., 484. 741889, Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwickelungsgesch. p. 1. 75 1912, Keibel and Mall Handb. d. Entwickschich. d. Mensch. Bd. 2, pp. 757-8. 36 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT More recently Bremer” has reconstructed what is essentially a prevascular stage of this layer. I would emphasize the early stage and the cells which do not become endothelium, because I believe that in them we find an exit from the embarrassment of recognizing an independent angio- blast which yet in its products is identical with mesenchyme, for we have too little evidence of convergence in ontogeny to make the idea of such an assimilation a priori attractive. It would seem, therefore, simpler to accept an origin of mesenchyme in the splanchno-pleure at an earlier period than has been universally recognized, by a migration of elements from the germ layers into the mesostroma as has been described by v. Szily,77 Studniéka7s and others. The peculiarity of this district would then consist in its great degree of vascular productivity which might be oeca- sioned physiologically by its relation to the yolk,” rather than determined genetically by a hypothetical derivation from the’ entoderm. We here approach the standpoint of Raffaele’°— “Te cellule endotheliali provengono dal mesenchime’’—and are encour- aged to hope that eventually the formally genetic views embodi- ed in the doctrine of the angioblast will give way to a more bio- logical standpoint of interpretation, viz., that endothelium is the result of mechanical, blood of biochemical factors, both conse- quent on position in the broad sense of the term, and are neither of them rigidly predetermined to a special cytomorphosis by obscure causes associated with a peculiar provenience of their elements. The mesenchyme has long been held to be a complex of various- ly derived elements, which owe their resemblance and solidarity to a common position, not to likeness of origin. That cells free themselves from germ-layers and migrate into the mesostroma between them is well established, and that vessels make an early appearance in these strata is indisputable, in the somato-pleure as well as in the splanchno-pleure. But that in the latter situ- 751912, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 138. p. 111. Vide addendum. 77 Loc. cit., and Anat. Hefte, Bd. 33. 78 Loc. cit. 79 Cf. Ruckert, loc. cit., pp. 1180-81. 80 Loc. cit., p. 446. VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT fh ation we have two independent subsidiary germ layers, mesen- chyme and angioblast, which are absolutely distinct, though in- separably united, and are in no sense phases or modifications of one. structural basis, is not an obvious conclusion and is insuper- ably difficult in the view of the later permutability of endothelium and mesenchymal derivatives. The entodermal origin of some of these elements, the mesoder- mal of others, the great proportional variation ef the two com- ponents in different ova, would seem to point to position in the broad sense of the term, and not to derivation as the determin- ing factor in their behavior. The comprehensive and detailed resumé of Rtickert and Mollier, together with their individual contributions seem to necessitate a view of this sort, for they definitively dispose of an entodermal or a mesodermal origin of vessels as a general principle of vasculogenesis. Clearly therefore, though the causative factors of vasculogene- sis in the blastoderm are but imperfectly understood, yet in the light of present knowledge the source of the vasofactive cells must be conceived as of secondary rather than of primary im- portance. The doctrine of the angioblast can therefore find no support in the facts of comparative embryology in so far asit hints an entodermic origin for endothelium and blood. But if angioblast and mesenchyme are thus conterminous, arising from the same sources, and possessing like potentialities, and have further the most intimate topographical relations, it is difficult to see how they have come to be separated conceptually by some investigators, unless it be from their too intensive confinement of attention to the splanchnopleure, were the excess and _pre- cocity of vasculogenesis somewhat masks the presence of mesenchyme. This is the phase of the problem which I have endeavored to approach directly in the light of observations upon a series of blastoderms of the domestic cat, ranging from the period of the three-layered blastoderm, to the stage of fourteen somites. They were fixed in Zenker’s solution, embedded in paraffin, cut into serial transverse sections 134 y» thick, and variously stained— the most satisfactory results on the whole being gained with 38 VASCULOGENESIS IN THE CAT Delafield’s haematoxylin and eosin, or Heidenhain’s haematoxy- lin. Reconstructions were made by the Born method in four cases; for others, in small easily defined areas, where conditions were simple, the quicker but less satisfactory graphic method was employed. For convenience of analysis, the data are presented under two headings: 1. The early formation of vessels beneath the ectoderm, with special reference to the umbilical vein. "2. The early formation of vessels above the entoderm, es- pecially the omphalo-mesenteric plexus and the aorta. THE UMBILICAL VEIN The early stages in the development of this vessel afford an opportunity to study the formation of endothelium in a cir- cumscribed region and under comparatively simple conditions. It appears first near the lateral margin of the incipient intra- embryonic coelom and is separated from the entoderm by the whole thickness of the as yet imperfectly cleft mesoderm. The inner germ layer patently is excluded from direct participation in the formation of this endothelium, and its appearance, ante- dating the establishment of continuity with any derivative of the splanchno-pleuric plexus, must entail the acceptance of its origin in situ. Tam not aware that the independence of the um- bilical vein and the associated hypectodermal vessels has ever been impugned. It was recognized by His and more recently has been considered by Mollier. In the cat it retains its iso- lation to the stage of 14 somites. It would seem, however, that its importance from the theoretical standpoint has not been uni- versally appreciated. The position of the umbilical vein at the amnio-embryonic angle suggests that the vascular potentiali- ties of intra-and extra-embryonic portions of the germ layers are not, of necessity, totally disparate. The extent of the vessel, its comprehensive drainage area, its high physiological import- ance, seem to require that its mode of formation be respected in general interpretations of vascular development. . The umbilical vein extends into the incipient limb bud. L Dorsal aorta 6 Cells derived from visceral meso- 2 Truncus arteriosus derm in process of accretion to 3 Hypectodermal mesenchyme the aorta cf. figure 28 { Angiocysts of umbilical vein 7 Mesenchyme about foregut contain- 5 Coelomic angle ing anlages of ventral aortic root and caudal aortic arches. 66 MEMOIR NO. 3 lig. 13 Ventral view of model of mesoderm, mesenchyme and vascular anlages of an embryo of twelve somites. 1, Dorsal aorta; 3, hypectodermal mesenchyme; 4, angiocysts of umbilical vein; 4, coelomic angle. 68 —FIG.15 14 Fig. 14 Graphic reconstruction showing the distribution of the endothelium and vasofactive cells in the somatopleure of an embryo of twelve somites. The cavities are shown in red. Columbia Collection No. 540, left side, dorsal view, x 3800. Reduced f. 1 Mesal margin of coelom 4 Angiocysts of cardinal line 2 Lateral margin of coelom 5 Somite 1 3 Angioecysts of umbilical line 6 Somite 4 Fig. 15 Transverse section of same embryo at level indicated in figure 14. Slide 38, row 2, section 10, *300. Reduced +. 1 Vasofactive cells 3 Coelom 2 Aorta Fig. 16 Graphic reconstruction of the vessels of the somatopleure and of a portion of the aorta from an embryo of fourteen somites. Columbia Collection No. 188, left side, dorsal view, * 300. Reduced }. 1 Umbilical vein 5 Communication between the aorta 2 Site of communication of the um- and the umbilical vein bilical with the omphalomesen- 6 Aorta teric vein 7 Isolated angiocysts 3 Anterior jugular vein 8 Somite | 4 Communications of the anterior 9 Somite 4 jugular vein with the juxta-neural anastomosis 70 Fig. 17 ceding Transverse section of the same embryo at level indicated in pre- figure, to show the communication between the umbilical and omphalo- mesenteric veins. Slide 4 1 Aorta 2 Dorsal segmental artery , row 4, section 6, * 300. Reduced }. 5 Juxta-neural vessel 6 Somite 4 7 Coelom 3 Omphalomesenteric vein 4 Umbilical vein Section of vessel of cardinal position ~I te show the lig 18 Transverse section of an embryo of twelve somites to amniotie position of the caudal anlages of the umbilical vein. Columbia Collec- tion No. 547, slide 5, row 2, section 7, X 300. Reduced ¢. Funnel-like diverticulum of coelom | Umbilical angiocyst | between vessels of the splanchno- 2 Amnion 3 Mesostroma pleure *} poonpeyy “€ MOI G apl[s ‘Tee “ON UOT}DOT[OD BIquINjor VOISOA [BIyJopuy T ‘OES X “WOTULUE OY} UT OPIISOA [VIPOYJOpUS poyejost MoYs 04 ‘y UOTZV—aS ‘SOPMMOS UD}XIS JO OAIGUIO UY JO UCI}I0S oSMoASUBIT, 6G] ‘“SIq 74 Transverse section from embryo in which the somites are forming, Fig. 20 Columbia Collection No. 5: but no complete intersomitic cleft has appeared. slide 3, row 4, section 6, * 300. Reduced }. | Eetoderm { Hyperentodermal mesenchyme and 2 Mesoderm incipient blood islands 3 Entoderm 5 Coelom Figs. 21 to 23 Ventral view of a model of the mesoderm (white), splanchno- pleuric mesenchyme (green), vasofactive cells (yellow) and endothelium (red) of an embryo of two somites. Columbia Collection No. 539, X 300. Reduced 3. 1 Anlages of ventral aorta and heart 5 From this point craniad the meso- 2 Anilages of dorsal aorta derm is continuous across the 3. First intersomitic cleft median line { Second intersomitic cleft 6 rom this point caudad the meso- derm is continuous across the me- dian line 76 EE Fig. 22. Ventral view of a model of the mesoderm (white), splanchnopleuric mesenchyme (green), vasofactive cells (yellow) and endothelium (red) of an embryo of two somites. 2, Anlages of dorsal aorta; 3, Virst intersomitic cleft; 4, second intersomitic cleft. 78 Fig. 23 Ventral view of a model of the mesoderm (white), splanchnopleuric mesenchyme (green), vasofactive cells (yellow) and endothelium (red) of an embryo of two somites. 6, From this point caudad the mesoderm is continuous across the median line, 80 Fig. 24 Ventral view of a model of the mesoderm (white), hyperentodermal mesenchyme (green) vasofactive cells (yellow) and endothelium (red) of an embryo of four somites. Columbia Collection No. 409, * 300. Reduced 4. 1 Anlages of the dorsal aorta ! Position of heart 2 Virst aortie arch 5 Omphalomesenteric vein 3 Anlages of ventral aorta 6 Omphalomesenteric plexus 83 MEMOIR Vig. 25 Transverse section of an embryo of four somites at the level indicated 5 2 by leader 3 in figure 24. Columbia Collection No. 409, slide 5, row 6, section 3, < 300. Reduced }. The several angyocysts are in contact but their lumina are not continuous. 1 Aorta { Vasofactive cells attached to juxta- 2 Juxta-neural line neural vessel; this ecleft-like lu- 3 Quintal anlage men is not continuous with that of the vessel ig. 26 Ventral view of a model of the mesoderm (white), mesenchyme (green), vasofactive cells (yellow) and endothelium (red) of an embryo of eight somites. Columbia Collection No. 5380, * 300. Reduced }. 1 Dorsal aorta { Projections of visceral mesoderm 2 Omphalomesenterice vein which later become connected 3° Omphalomesenteric plexus with the aorta 5 Position of heart S4 4 3 4 Sia ; ao m2 1 Fig. 27 Transverse section of an embryo of eight somites, Columbia Collec- tion 530, slide 7, row 4, section 4, * 300. Reduced 1. 1 Aorta t Projections of mesoderm between 2 Coelom blood vessels 3 Omphalomesenteric plexus S6 iv} | ——_____— bo = 4 28 Figs. 28 to 33 Serial transverse sections of an embryo of twelve somites, Col- umbia Collection No. 547, slide 7, row 2, sections 7 to 12, & 300. Reduced +. 1 Aorta t Notocord 2 Cells derived from visceral meso- 5 Entoderm derm in process of accretion to 6 Coelom the aorta 7 Angiocyst added to aorta; a rem- 3 Cells of sclerotome in syncytial con- nant of septum is still visible tinuity with endothelium of aorta =A 2 Fig. 29 Serial transverse section of an embryo of twelve somites. 2, Cells derived from visceral mesoderm in process of accretion to the aorta. 8S { 2 3 2 lig. 80 Serial transverse section of an embryo of twelve somites. 2, Cells derived from visceral mesoderm in process of accretion to the aorta; 3, cells of sclerotome in syncytial continuity with endothelium; 7, angiocyst added to aorta; a remnant of septum is still visible. 89 oy) D2 “ “ ig. 3L Serial transverse section of an embryo of twelve somites. 2, Cells derived from visceral mesoderm in process of accretion to aorta, 90 | | 2 2 Vig. 32. Serial transverse section of an embryo of twelve somites. 2, Cells derived from visceral mesoderm in process of accretion to aorta. 91 | pe =- i Wig. 33 Serial transverse section of an embryo of twelve somites. 2, Cells derived from visceral mesoderm in process of accretion to aorta. QL Schulte, Hermann von 835 Wechlinger S35 Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY Sensei SSS