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Eastward Hoe

Written hy George Chapman



Eastward Hoe

Written by George Chapman

Date of the first known edition . 1605 [B.M. Press-mark C. 12, g. 4 (4)]

Reproduced in Facsimile . . . 1914


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ThcClwarea qtkqrAfuefttes RoieliL .CeoiChapmah. BhksIonson. I«r:Marstor«


Printed % ff^tlliam tJ/plej.



I A V^/ "i

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'"WtOtfiutof^ttyfirthe/snoeffeif ^ Where there 9 fto^^Aufi -^rm ofimMw Utr we hsue eii^rmrk htn fmiWei ; Nor out ofosir contentfo^ doe better Then thdt which ii op^oft to ours in Title^ Vfr that WiU^ooitAn i hitter amnot be ,»Andfor theTUleifitfeeme ^ff^^ed 4Ve might aeii^H home edl:^eit^odyottgoodtuea: Onely thdt £ifi'Wdrd^VefiwArdsftdlexcesdes^ Honour the Sunneifdrerifing not hisfetting: Norit our Title vtterljf e»firc7e, As by the points we touch At ^you fbdllfiei Btdrewithour wilUngp.tines^fd^Uor witty, WeeiMelydidiuteitto theCittye.



A£luspnini*, Scenaprimae

Inter MaifterT 9ttchllone/it]dQMicl^filuer dtfeusrti, , ^^.„^

filner rriih hu hat, fkmpsjhort /word & dagger, & a racket tr/*Jfed vp vttder his ctoake.At the middle dore^Enter Coldittg difcoHtrtnr a Cold'fmUhsJhoppe/Md walking Jhort tHtues before it ^ touchflcne. ND whether with you bow? what loofea* ^ion are you bound for /come what coradet arc you to mcctc withall? whers the fuppcr I when the r;iDdeuout / Q*».Indeed,5c in very good fober truth, fir. Towf .Indeed,^ in ver}' good fober truth fir Behind my back thou wilt fwcare fafter then

a f rcnch foot-boy^and talke more baudily then a common mid- wirc,and now indeed and in very good Tober truth Sir: but if a priuie fearch /liold be made, with what furniture are you riggd now t Sirrah 1 tell thee,I am thy maifter mHiaTomchfitm^old" fmith : and thou my Prentife Fraticu Quick:fil^r and I will fee whether you arc running./^tf ri^ vpoit thdt naw

Qfttck: Why Sir I hope a man may yfc hit recreation with hit Mafterj profit.

Tpttch.PrcntiCtt recreationiare feklome with their maHers

proBK.ff^orkfvpothatm9w,You Dial «ue vp your cloakc tho you

be no Alderma.HeYday,RuffinihaLSword,pun)p$>heena Rac-

kct indeed. ToMchA/Hcfoaks^ Qw, . :, >


To*r^.Thou /hamcleflie varlet doeft thou ieft at thy Lawful) maiftercontrary to thy Indentures?

QwV^bloud fir,my mother's a Gentlewoman and my father a Tufticc ofpcacc,& of Qifcritm,8c tho I am a yonger brother & a prentifc,yct I h<yc I am my fathers fou.& by Godfliddctis for your worfhip & for yoiir comodity that I kccpc company.! am intcrtauid among gallants,trLc.They cal mc coze Franck/i^ht; llcnd themonyes,good;iheyfpendir, well: But when they arc fpcnt.nwft net they ftriuc to get n.orc muft not their land flie ? andtowhcmi/hall not your worfluppc bathe lefufall? well

A a lam

1 am I'^oo^ mcnil>cr of the Citty if 1 were well con(i(!ere(!.How -would Mcrchami thriuc.if GcnUcmcn would not be vnthrif^ i How could Gentlemen bee vnthriffs if tHeir humours were not fccl?tit)v* /hould their humours be feddebut by white meate.and -cunning fecondmgi ? wcU , the Gtty tnight confid.r vs . 1 am going- to an Ordinary now ; the gallants fall to play, I carry light goldc with me : the gallants call cozen FrMnckf fame goidc for filucr, (change, gaine by it, the gallants loofethegoldcs and

then ^falPcoofcen PranekeWn^ mtfome filucr. Why— -. ^

Totti.yvhj ' I cannot tell,feucn fcorc pound art »hbu out in the tafhlfibuc lookctoit . T will n.>t be gallanted outot mymonycf. And as for my rifing by other mens fall i God fhicld me Did |

fairwmy wcahh by OVdm jric$^o:by exchanging ofgoWnot y Icccpin* of Gaiiants companic, no , 1 hired me a little ITiop^ fbughf tow Took.c(iiia11giine,lcept no debt booke.^arnifhcd n^ Bifc»)^f'tr vant*o* Plate, with go. dwholfomeihrirtiefenienccs) Ai TvM ' h/ljMf; k^rpe tfjj fhj^pe , and thy (h jppa wiDkf^pe thee. Light.

fjU^ei m^ks' heanie pHrr'uTit fiod tt be merry 4ttd mfr:And wheA was wiu'dfjhaning tomcthing to ft eke too, 1 had the home (^ SaretiOiip eu.*r before my eyes : You ill kno v the dewlc of the Ilvirne, where theyotmgfeiU>w flippcs in at the Butrcend^anl €6h3es fq'iefd otttat the Buckall : and I grew v.i, And I prai(e .prouid<rnce,I bearcmy browes now as high as the bell of my neighbDuis: but ihou—wcU lookc tothcaccounts,yourfat^ierf i>ond lyes hr you : feuen (core pound is yet in the reere.

^leks Why Slid /ir,l haoe as good » as proper gallants wordf for it as a ly are in London , gentlemen ot good ^hrafc, pcrfcA language ,pa(nn^ly behau'd , Gallants that weare (opkes and cleans linnen, and call me kindecoozen Frdnckf . good coozea Tranckf \ tor they know my Father : and by godflidde (hall noi 1 QuQ 'hcjn f not trufl i

Bttter 4il*MteMltuf Hiring fgr , T*i*chJl»Hej Sboppe^

^W/ Whait doe yetacke Sir r What ift you le buyc ^tt}

ToMch^Me. I marry Sir . ther's a youth of another peect.

There's thy fellowe-Prentife , as good a Gentleman borne at

diouarr.' nay, arid better mean'd. But docs hepumpcit,orRac-

rketit? Wcli^ hcthfiuc hoc, if hecoui4aIl nou hundred fuch


~ JEASfn^ARDTJ01B.' Ct^c\^\n%'^^^^t\t thou art,Go<l and men hcglcd induftrjc*

•Xfold. It is^his Hiop.and hcrcngr M^ walket. To tbti P^igt^ - 'H-rffi^f^. With mc Boy ? '

Page. My M Sir l>etror:ellPUJh, recommends his loue to you, and will inftanily vifit you.'

ToHch, To make vp the match with ray ddeft daughter, my vhjes Dilling, whom (^e longs to call Madam. Hee ihall finde fne vnwillin^Iy rcadic Boy. ExitTsge,

Thers another affliftion too. As 1 haue two Prendfcs : the one of a boundlcileprodigalitie,theothcrofamoft hopeful! Indu- Aric. So haue I onely two daughters : tht eldeft , of a proud am-. hmon and nice wantonnciTc : the other of amodelt humilitie and comely foberncflc. ThconcmuR becLadyfied forfooth: andbeattir'd lull to the Court-cut', and long tayle. So farrc is iheeillnaturdeto the place and meanes of my preferment and fortune , that ihee throwcs all the contempt and dcfpight, ha- tred it fcl e can caft vpoi) it. Wcll,a pecce of Land flic has, t'wai licr Grandmothers gift? let her, and her Sir Petrortel, flafliout that : But as for my fubftance , fliee that skornes me , as I am a Citizen and Trades -man, (hall neuer pamper her pride with my induflry : (hall neuer vfe me as men do Foxes r keepc thcmfelucs warmc in the skinne , and throwc the bodie that bare it to the dung-hill. I muft goc entertaine this Sir T^etronell. GtuUing.lAy vtmoft care's tor thee, and onely truft in rhcc, looke to the ihop, as for you,Maifter.^»ri^<r/7/«^r,thinke of huskcs, for thy courfeis running direftly to the prodigalls hogs trough huskes ^u Wwkev^onthatnm, Exit! 9Hch^

J^ick. Mary fough goodman flat. cap-: Sfoot tho I am a Preniifelcan giue armes, my Father's aiuflicc t peace by dct cent : and zbloud

^0uld, Fy e how you fwcarc.

^ick. Sfoote man 1 am a Gentleman and may fwcarc by my pedegr€e,Gods myli^c. Sirrah GoMlMngyi'^i bee ruled by a foolc turnc good fellowjturncfwaggering gallant: and iet theWelkin ro*re , W Erehiu tdjo i: Looke not fVefhrM'd to the fall of *DfM 'Phcehus.hut to the hz^,€mp»Mrdh0e.

** fVhere rddiant teameref InflU Sol afpemn,

** And hright'^jOMsmakis the velken chart* ^ceJire both Gentlemen , and therefore Ihould becnocox-

Ji 3 combes


combes : lets be no longer foolcs to this Bat^ap T^uchfiont, Eaft- ward Bully; this Sai tin belly, & Canuai backt Ttuchfimr. Slife man bis father was a Malt nian,and his raocher fould Gtn- gcr-bread in Chrift church*

(7o«/<^ What would you ha'mcdoe?

Q»r#f^.Why do nothing be iikc a Gcntlen)S,be idlc,thecurflc of man is labonr. Wipe thy bom with te(^ones,& make Duckcs and Drakes with fhiHings \ WhatEailward hoe. Wilt thou eric, whatifl ye lack/Hand with a bare.pate, & a dropping nofe,vn- tler a wodden penthoufe , and art a sentleman ? wilt thou bearc Tankards,andmaift bearc Armes /berurd,tume gallant.tall- W Jrd hot ta^lif vcjj rejr»j»h9 calls Ifromm^ypeakf hrre Iam:^od$ foyhow like a (heepe thou looked , a my^conTcience fome cow- heard begot thee,tfaou C<ntldingQigoitlJittg-h4ill^\\z boy?

GohU. Goe, ye are a prodigall coxecome, I a cowheards Ton, becaufc I tume not a drunken whore-huotine rake-hel hke thy felfe? Offers t o Jraw,(^ Goulding trips vp bis heelcs

Q«Mri.Rakc.hcll?rake-hclli (& holds him,

Cottld,Pi(h, in fofce tearmet yc arc a cowardly braging boy, Ilenayouwhipt.

Qm£-j^. Whipc,thats good ifaithjVntrufTe me.' C('.Ko,thou wilt mdoe thy felfe. Alas,I behold thee with pitty» not with anger :thou common nK>t-clog,gull of all companies.* methinkesifce thee alreadic walking in Moore Heldes with- out a Qoake > with halfe a Hat>withouta band , a doublet with three Buttons : without a girdle : a hofe with one point^and no Garter , with a cudgell vnder thine arme, borrowing and beg- gine three pence*

Qfloci^Nay Sbfctake this and take all : as I am a Gentle«mao lK)me>lle be drunk,growvaliant,tnd beat thee. Exit,

CfmUd,Got thou mofl madly vaine, whom nothing can rcco* uer but that which reclaimes Atheint,and makes great perfons ibme times religious: Calamitie« As fot my place and lite thus I ^ haue'read:

yVhdt erefonu Vdiner jouth mdj terme dsffr^Cy

TthtgMm of honefl faints is neuerhaftt

From trades from arter^from valour JkoHOnrfpringf^

Theft three are fos4Hts ofCjentrj^jea $f Kings,



Bnter Girtrti^ AfUtired^Bettrice , dnd VoUMuie a 'X^fhr, V^lekuit wttha faire^owfte^Scotch Varthut^AUndPrtnch-ftUin htsArmes. Girtredina French he^td attire jifftdCitti<,ensgg»rejA^Uired fov>ing,dnd Bettrice leading a Monkey after her, Gir.Vor the padion of patience , lookc if fit PetroMe/ ippoich, that fwcct,that fine,that d«licatc,that -, for loues falcc tell roe if he come. O H (ler O^/.thougb ray fa ihcr bee a low capt tradf- inan,yetIfnuftl;eaLadie:and]praireGocl ray mother muft calroeMadam,(cloes he come-Ocff with this gowncfor fliamcf (ake,off with this gownc :let not my Knight take me in the dr- tie-CMt in any hancl:teai*t,paxont(<Ioes he comc?)tear't oiJlbw lfhiifiJhepefes.,Iforr»wfir herfaks/^c, MHXotd h(ler,with what an immodell nnpatiencie and dif- graceful! fcorne,doyouput off your cttcie are : I am forrie to tiiinke you imagine to right your &lfc;in wf or.ging that which hath madcboth you aiKm*

Girt,\ teUjou I cannot indure it J>mu(ll>ee a Lady ^ doe you weare your Qitoif!e with a London Ijctcet : your Staroen^ti- coate with two guardcs, the Bu/Hngownc with the tuftaffitie cape^nd the Veluet lace J muft be alady> and I will be a La- dy.IlikefomeiiuBiors of theGtty Dimes weU^ to eate Cher- ries onely at an Angell a pogiid^oodwtodie rich Scarlet^black, prety :toline a Grogarom gewne deaae thorough with veluer^ tollerable: their pure linen, theirfmocksof ^.liufmockareto be borne withalKBut vour minting niceries.taffata pipkins^du- rance petlicotes ,and nliicr bodkins-^r-Cods my l^e>as 1 fhal ht a Lady I cannot indure it. Is he come yet ? Lord what a long Knight tis / A»d euerjbfi cridejhout. ^i»p,and yet I k?ie we one \on^cx^a»deiierfiecri4tJh»MthomejaJaJy/eJoJat . - ^*/,Wcll Siftcr,diofe that f come their ncft, oft ilie with a fickewing^-i Gir,'30e-hlL \

(Jl'/i/. Where Titles prcfuroe cothruft before fit rocancs to fc- cond thcm,wealth and refpeft often growc fuUcp, aiy^ will not foUow.Forfure intfeis,I^ould for your fake 1 fpke not truth. fFhere ambition ofpUlt^oe's beferefitnes of birth, contempt anddtf' gtacefoUevrA heard a9%oller once faic,that Vitjfes when he cou- lerfeited hirafclfcOTadj^v oakt cattcs and foxes, & doggcs to- «ithtr4» draw his plowjS, whiles hcc foil owed and/awcd fait* sutiiuc liudgcthdm^juciicniadde^thatyoakc citizem & cour< H, tien

HASTfrarn^p^ hoe,

tiert,tradet men & rouMicn^a goldfaiiths daughter & a knight: ^I n(^er,pray God my father Tow not fait too.

G<>. Ala«,poorc /Wlr/.whcn I am a Lady,ile pray for ch«c,yet 1- faith: Nay,& lie vouchfafe to call thee fmcr MU, ftill,for though chou art not like to be a Lady as I am,yct fare thou art a creature ofGodsfnakin»'> &maiIlperaduenturetobe fau'd as foonc as lydos he ZGOXtVjAnd eutrMnd MMnJhe douhUdin htrfong^ . , Now (Ladies my comfort) What a prophane Ape's here i j Tailer,7#/<^VAf,prethcefitit,fitit:isthisarighiScotJ -y

Does it clip clofe ? and beare vp round? ^ i.)

PoId.¥me &. (liBy ifaith^twill keepe your thighes fo coole anj make your wanfofmallcherewasafAultin your body, but I haue fupplicd the defe£^,»vith the effect of my (Icele inftrumcnt, whichjthough it haue but one eyc^can fee to le^iiie thciispei^ fe^on of the proportion^

Gir. Moft ardcfiy ng Tailer / 1 proteft you Tailcrs arc moft fan* Oified mcmbcrs,and make many crooked thing goe rpright. How mud 1 beare my hands ? light i hght?

TMO I,no w you are in the Lady-f aOiion, you mufi doc aU things light.Trcadli^htjlight, land fall fot >

that I the court- Amble, She trip/ Mbomt theflage^

gir.Hzt the Court nere a trot ? Po/,No,but a falfe gallopXadic*

Cir,Andtffl)iwillt$otgot»l}fd. Cofttat,

j9r/.The Knight's come forfooth* Enter fir Petrtnel.LZf.ToMchfione. & rJ{{i(i.Tomchfime,

f/ir. Is my Knight come? O the Lord My band? Siflter doo my checkes looke well ? giue me a litle boke a the care that I may fccmc to blufli.-now,nuw,So,thcrc,thcrc,thcrc /heere he is ; O my dcercrt delight Lo'-d,Lord,& how dos my Knight/

7#«r^i^ie, with more modcftie.

C^r^Modefty ! why,l am no Citizen now modcftie / Am I not CO bemariol ?y*ate bcft to kccpcmemodeftnow I am to be

Str,Pet.Bo\dttct IS good faftiion and courtlibe, (a Lady^

<?/r.I,in a country Lady Hiopcitit: as lihall be* And^how chance ye came no fooncr knight?

Sir.PetJp3iiih,\ v,Si\(6 imertain'd in 4ne pro^rcflc with on«

Count Efertfum a welch knight -wc hM a match at BM/ea»etoo^

Yikh my Lord hyhmchnmSox to ^re crqwncs (Knight.

Ctr,fn SAb90MUefii!\'OM & 1 wil plav al^^«» ip lliccountry?

Sir.Pet.O r»vcct Lady .'tis a ftrong play with the arnie.

C/r.Wich armc,or leg.;c,or any orhcr nicmbcr.it ii be a court* fport.And whcu (lialV be married my Knight.'

Sir. Pet, \ come now to confumatc itjand your father may call a poorc KnightjSonne in Law.

M.loffch. ^ir^ye arc come.what is not m^nc to keepe , I muft not be forry to fofgce: A i oo h.Land her Qj undmothcr left her, ti$yours,hcrfcWc(a$ her mothers ?,ifl)is youf s.But if you expert o'lght from me, l<now,my hand and mine eyes open together j I doc not guc blindly ^fVr^ff;'o» that now.

Str.Pef.SiTtYou miflri-ft not my meanes ?I am a Knight.

TcMch, Sir, Sir i W hat 1 know not,you will giuc mc Icaue to fay I am ignorant of.

Mtfi.Touch.Ycs.thsit lie a Knight;! know where he had hio- nev lo pay the Gentlemen Vfhcrs.and Heralds their Fecs.l,thaC he'is a knighr.6c fo might you hauc beene too, if you had beene ought clfc then an afle alwcll as Tome ofyoitr neighbours. And I thought you \vou]d*»ot ha beene Knignted/as 1 am an honed wom..n)I would ha dub'd you ray felM praifc God I haue whcr Withall.But as for ycu daughter. * < '< k

Gtr.X moher.I muft be a Lady to morrow.and by yourleaue mother,(I fpeake it not without my duty, but oncly in ihc right of my hubband) I muft take place of you,Mothct.

iJlfiJ!fToMch,ThiiyoQ (hall Lady-daughter,&: hauc a Coach as well as I too.

. 6^/?". Yes mother. But by your Icauc tr 3ther, ( I fpeake it not without my duty, butoncly in my husbands right) my Coach- Jio- fes molt take tiic wall of your coach-horfes. . 7'«!"'/<?/» Come,comc,the day gro wcs low :tis fuppcr timc>vfe my hourc,thc wedding folemnity is at my wifcs colts thanke mce for nothing but ray willing blcffing •' for (1 cannot fainc) my hopes are faint.And Sir rcfpeft my daughter, (he has rcfus'd for you, wealthy and honeft matches,knovvn good men,vvel monied,bet- tcr tradcd.bcft reputed,

C/r,Body a truth,C/>im>:.(r«/, ^/ixVr/^f>r/.SwcctKnight,a$ foont as eucr we are mamcd,takc mc to thy mercy out of this miftra- UcCljitty, prcfently, carry mec out of the Ccnto£ Nerp-cajt/e ^M.VjtSctiic heating of ';5c<r-^if//,lbcfecchlbcc dowiic wilhmc for Gwd fake.

ToHch.WtW daughter,! haue read that old wit fings; Theg/eatell riugrsfioyvfrom Utile fpringt, ThoHgh thoH artfittlgi^rne not thy meMnes atprft^ He thdt^ mofi ilrunkf mMjfoonefi bt a thirfi, JVorlfe vpon tItJtt HoWf

AlUfit TokchJioueyMtldred/ind Got/iMf^depMrt, No no: yon d (land my hopes.

MilAred,Qomt hither daughter. And how approueyou your (iRers fa.liion? I'^ow doc you phant'lK her choice ?what doeil thouthinke?

Mil\ hope as a nfter,well*

'YoMch^i^tv but,nay but how doeft thou hke her behauiour & humourrfpcake freely.

Mtl. I am loath to fpeake ill: and yet I am forry of this I can* not fpealce well*

'XoHch, Well .* very good,as I would wifh:a modeft anfwcre.

CoHidt?t£, com; hitbcnhithcr Gouldin^ . How doeft thou like the

Knight,Sir Fia/hfdos he not lookc big ? hovve likft thou ihe th*

fhdnt} lie faies he has a caQle in the counnrie.

CW.Pray heaucn^he Elephant carry not his caftle on his back.

'XoHchJtox^ htauen ver)' wel: But ferioufly.how doeft repute

GoHU.T\\t bcft I can fay of him i>,l kno v him not? (liim?

Touch, f ia Gonlditt^fl commend thee, I approuc thee, & wilt

make it appcare my ane^ion is ftrong to thec< My wife has her

humour,and I wili ha'minc.Doft thou fee my daughter here?/ht

is qot faire,well-(auouTcd or (o, indiflferenf,which modcft mea-

fure o' beauty, iTiall not make it thy onely worke to watch her,

nor fafflcJervt mifcharvccjto fufpcft her.Thoy art towardly, (heir

i»modeft, thou art pitMudent, (heiscarefulLohcc'snoweuiinc:

giue nie thy h3;id,fhee'$ now thine.^<^ vfon thdt mw,

G^mI. Sir,?-, your Ton 1 honor you;and as your feruant obey you.

ToMchSxiH tiiou fo, come hither Mildred. Do you fee von'd

fellow?he is a Gentleniasftho my Prenti('e)andhas fomwnat to

take too : a Youth of Good hope j well fricnded,well parted»Arc

you niinc?You are \i\i*JV§rl^e(pu)vpon thtt n<m^

AitlS^tA am all yours : your body gaue me life,your care and louchapineflcoflifc : let your vertuc ftiU direflit, for to your Wifdom: I wholv difpofc my fclfe* T#M£-A.Sai(l cnou C> i be ye two better acquainted j. Lip her.


Lip Iicrlcnauc. So {hut vp flioprin.Wc munmakelioHdayi *"

7^// match JfuUl on Jor Itntend toprcue Ex^GouLutidAftt,

H^hich tbriues the heU^the mcune or lofty loue,

whether fit IVedlockyondtvftxt like and Uk$,

Or prouder bepes^O'htck^dArtngly creflrH^e

Their pUce andmeattesitis honeU Times expence,

ff henfeemivg lightneffe hares a morrMliJenfr^

Workc vpon that now. Exk,

KCbxi rccundi. Scc/ia Primt.

TouchpoMe,^^ick^(jl$terficuUir:g * nd Aft Idredyjtt ting on either ft^e ejtht stall. ToMch.^ickjilMerfMaiiht Francis QutckjUtter. Maifitr Quicl^ flitter. Enter Quick. fUKer»

^ir,Hcr«r fir ; (vmp)

TottcSo firjnothmg bjt flat Maflcr QnickiilMcr{^\x\\OMt any familiar addition jwil fetch you: a ill you truilc my pomts fii? Qnick^ for fooih :{vTprp.)

Touch. HownowfirPthc drunckcn hyckop, fofooncthis mornings

Q»'H,Tis but the coldneflc ofmy ftomake forfootli «

Touch, what r hauc you the caufe naiurall for it?y*are a very learned drunkerd ; 1 bclccue I Hiall miflc fomc ot my fiincr fpoones with your Icarning.Thc nuptiall night will not moiftcn your throat fufficicntlyjbut the nKjrning likcwifc muft raine her dewes into your gluttonous wciand,

Q^/V/^ An'tplcafe you fir, we did but drinke (vmp, ) to the comming ofF,of the Knightly Bride groomc»

ToHch, To the comminu; off an'him /

Quic.X forfooth: wc druncke to his commins: on(vmp, )when we went to bcd;and now we arc vp,wc mull drinke to his com- ming offrfor thats the chicfe honour of a Souldicr fir, & therfore wc muft drinke fo m-jch the more to it, forfooth. {ymp,)

Touch. \ Very capitall rcaf on. So that you goc to bed Iate,6lc rife early to commit drunkcncflc f you ful&ll the Scripture ve» ricfuFicienr wickedly forfooth.

Q^/V. The Knights men forfooth be ftill a their knees atit, (vmp) Z\ bccaufe f js for your credit fir,I would be loth toflincb.

Touch. J pray fir,ecn to'hem againc then;y'aTe one of the fe«

Bz perated

perated crew , one of m>' wiues fa^ion , and my young tadfcs, wich whom,& with their great match.I wil haue nothing ro do. ,^ul^So fir , novv I will go kccpc ray (vmp) credit with tlum an'rplcafcyounr.

Touch. \n any cafe Sit-, lay one cup of Sack more a your cold ftomacke,! (jcfeech you. J^^tct^- Ycsforfooth. Exit ^Quick, ToHch This is for ir.y CTddif,Seruant$ cucr maintame drunkcn- nes in their Maif}er> houreior their maiOers credited good idle Scruin^-mans reafon.I thanke time the night is paftjl acre wakt to fucn coft •; I think* wee haue ftowd more forts of fl^fli in our bellies, theneueriW^^/ Arkereceiued : and forWine,whymy hoiifeturnesgtddiewithir , at\dmorenoifeinitrhcnataCon« duift', Aye me, euen beaOes condemncourglurtonie,Weirtis our Citties fatilc, which bccaufc we comnri: feldomr,we commit the more nnfully,we lole no time m our fenfualitte^but yye malce amend > for if, O that wc would do fo in vcrtue,& religious ncg- ligences',but fee here are al the foberparcels my houfe can ihow. He eauefdrop, hcate what thoughts they vtter this morning. Enter Goulding.

Goul, But is if poTiblc , that you feeing your fifter preferd ro the bed of a Knight ^ Hiould containeyour affe^ions in the armes of a Prentice?

c^/, I had rather make vp the garment of my afFeitiom iti fome of thefame peece , then like atoole weare gownes of two coulours,or mixc Sackcloth with Sa'tin.

GotiU Anddoethe coflly garments) the tittle and fame of J Lady,the faihion obferuation,& reuerence proper to fuch pre- ferment , no more cnflame you , t\en furh connenience a>my poore meanes and induOne can offer to youi vertues?

Mil\ haue ob^eru'd that the bridle giuen to thofe violentflat* teries of fortune,ii feldome reconered . ihcy bearc one headlong in de'ire from one noucltie to another :and where thofe ranging appetites raignc, there is euermore pafsion thcnrcalon.no ftay, and fo no happinefTcThcfc haftie aduancrments are not natu- rall. Nature haih giuen vs ltgges,to goto our obie£>s;not wings loflietothcm.

Qout. Howe deare an obieft you arc to my de(ires I cannot cx^relTc, whofe fruition would my M.iiR?rsabfoluteconfenC and yours vouchfa^e mc, 1 ihoold bcw abfolutcly happie* And


X; t^^ ^-i J rr ^4 11 j^ nKj X.

tlioughit were a grace fo farrc beyond m)' merit, that Iflioiild bluOi with vnwoi thincflc to rcceiuc it.yet thus far both my l&uc & my mcancs iTiall affure your requital •, you ilial want nothing fit /or your birth and cducafion;what e creafc of wcaltii 5c ad- uancemcn%thc horelt and orderly induftric & $kil of our trade will afi'oorde in any,I doubt not will be afpirdc by me, 1 will e- ucr make vour contentment the end of my endeuoursil wil louc yoii aboiT all , and onely yourgriefe ftiall bee mv mifcry , and youj delj?h',my felicitye.

JouchW-oA[c^fcn thAt notf. By my hopc$,he woes honcftly and orderly : he /halbc Anchor oi my hopes , Locke , fee the ill yoakl monder his fellow.

hnter J^Mul^ filaer vniac J/i tntrellahout his Kteke, in huflat C^p^drut 1^ ,

^///V(^.Eaftv^ard Hoc : HoUa ye pampered iades of tyfjuit

7ofch Dfunkenow dovvneri«ht,a,my fidelity.

^^/rKAm pum pull co,Pi:llo:rhow'e quoi theCaliucr.

Gou/.hc fe!l. w ^MicJ( ftltter^ what a pxkle are you in?*

^KUi^.P'cklc ?picl<)einthy throat.zouncspickIe?A'ahaho5 cooH morrow Vn^s^nTenoneh morrow lady Gould fmith,comc; or lLni2;hf,vvith a counterbufFior the honour of knighthood*

CWi'.Whv how nowfir Jdocyc know whertycu are?

J^ick Where! am ? why »blood yon loulthead wl ere I arn?

Gofl Go too,go roo/or fhame goe to bed and (let pc out this immodcrtif : thou /Inm'O both my maiOcr and his ho-ifc.

^ii(ki Shame? what fharae?! thought tho>i wouldfl fhowc thy brini»ing vp;& thfua wert a gentleman a$l am,thou would ft thinkt itn >ln.nmctobedrmike.Lendmefomemor.ye, fatcmy credit,! miift dine with the feruirgmen and ihe^r wmcs. &ihcir wines fir ha.

jWt/.hene who you will, He not lend ri>ce three pence. .^w/f ('.S'oote ie-iid me fome mony e, htjlt hau not Hjren here?

Totu /;.Why how now firha ? what vain s thi$,hah i

J^icl^fyho cries on murther ? L^dy reus ityoit J how doc« our mailTer rp-ay thee eric Haft ward hoe> (d runkc

Touch S\x\\2t, firha , y'are pafl your hick vp nowjfcc y'arc

Sl»ichJT\% for your credit maiffer.

Touch. hn^. here you kerpe a whore in towne.

^«r-^ Tis for your CicdilMaifter.

Za«:/;. And what you are out in Calhc,I know.

^ick.%0 do I:my father's a Gcntlcman,W»r/^- vpon thatntw, Eartward hoc.

Towf ^.Sir.Eaftward hee.wil! make you go i^'cftward hoc : I will no longer diHioneft my houfcjnor endanger my ftocic with your licence There fir.thcrc's your Indenturc^all your apparell ?that I muft know)is on your back : & from this time my doorc is ihut to you : from me be free . but for other frcedome, and ths monyes you haue wa(led,Eaftward hoe.Aiail not ferue vou.

S^ick, Am I free a my fetters ? Rente : Rye with a Duck in thy mouth ; and now I tell ihec Touchfl^Mc

Touch,QooA fir.

QHickVf^eH this ettnudlfuhfiMKt •fmjf§Mle.

T0«r/^Well faid, change your gold ends for your play ends.

Q^icki Didiimt imfrifm d tm mj mint§MJleJh,

T0«r<&. What then Hr } {mj nmne.

Qj4 ie. 1 1P4S 4 Coitrtier in the Spduifi evurt^f^ D on ty^ndred wms

l[oHchtGo<A maifler Don ^hdrtM will you marchc ?•

^ir4,Sweete TMfci&^MM'^will you lend me two (hillings ?

Ztfwr^.Not a penny.

S^ick^oi a penny >I haue friends,6c I haue acquaintance,! wil pafTe at thy (hop pofts,and throw rotten Egges at thy fi^^pc: fVarkevpottthatttff0, Exit JlMg^ering.

Tox.No w firha,you ? heare you ? you fliall feriie me no more neither .- not an houre lonver« (7 W. What meane you Gr?

TotKh.l meane to giue tnce thy freedonie : and with thy fi"ec- domc my daughter ; and with my daughter, a fathers louc And with all thefeiuch a portion,as fhal make Knight Tetronelhim- felfeenuicthec:y*areboth agreed?arcye not?

Ambo.Wiih. all fiibmifsion both of thank) and dude.

ToMch. VJtW then , the great power of heauen blcff: and con- firms you. And, gauUtng , that ray loue to thee may not (ho^c ledethen my wiues loue to my elded daughter .thy marriage fead ih)ll equall the Knights and hers.

Gftil, Ijct mee bcfccch you, no Sir, the fuperfluiti; and colde tncateleft at their Naptials, will with bouncie furnili ours.Thc

froffeftprodi^alitie is fuperfluoui coft of the Belly .• nor would wifh any increment of States or friends, onely your reuercnt prefcnce and witndFc flialfufficiently grace and confirmc vs. Tot4c. Sonne to mine o vac bofome, take her and my blclTing- The niccfoniling,my Lady fir-rcu:reacc>thit I mull not no -v



prcfumc to call daaghtcr,is fo raui/li't with dcfirc to hanfcll her new Coache, and fee her kni2;ht5 EaflxvArd C^sfU^thAt the next tnorning will fvveat with her liucfie fctting forth,away will iliec and her mother, & while their preparation is making, our fcluci with (omc two or three other friends will confuniaic the humble matche, we haiie in Gcds name concluded.

Tis to mi vi/h;for Ihaue often read.

Fit birth. jit /tge,kffpes long 4 e^uiet bed.

Tis to my vffJJr^fyr Trade fmen{i(9cil t is kpowne)

Get with more e^fefhe -7 Ccr.trie kffpes bis o WKe» Exit.

Ent. Snit.My priuic Gueft,luftie ^irhf/Hfr,ha$ drunke too deepc of the Bride-boule.but with a little fleepc he is much rcco* ucrcd J and I ihinkc is making himfclfe ready to be drunke in a gaManrcr likfnes:My houfe is as t'werc the Cauc.where the vong Out-lawc hoords the ftolnc vailes ofhis occupation ', And here when he will reucUit in hisprodigall limilitude, he retires to his Trunks and(T may Tay foflly j his Punks? he dares truft me with the keeping of botlufor I am Securitic it fc!fe,my name is Seatri* tie, the famous Vfurcr,

Enter ^^tci^in hisprentifes Qote C^ Cap, his gallant breeches, and S:o:kiftgs, gartering himjelfe^SecHritit following.

,i^.v/f .Ccmc cld SccuritieyXhoM father of deftruOion:th inden- ted Sheepskin is burn'd wherein I was wrapt,oc I am now loofc, to «tmore children ofpcrdition into my vfurousbonds.Thou fccu'ft my Lccherie, and I thy Cou2toiifne$:Thou art Pander to mcformy wcnch*,andl to thee for thy coofcna^ci :K.me, K* thee runnel tarou':^ Courtand Countrey-

Scai,\N<:\ faid my fubtle Q^/r.Thofe K'$ ope the dores to all this wrrlds felicity che dullcft forhcad fees it.Letnot maft.Cour- tier think he caries al the knauery on his fhoufdcrs.-Ihaue known poorc Ho bin ihe ccuntr)',that has wornc hob-naiies on's llioes , nauc as much villany,in s head. as he that weares gold bottos in's cap. ^^irkJWhy man/i$ the London high-way to thrifr,ifvcr- tuc be vfdei tis but a fcapc to the nctte of villanie . They that vfc itfimplicihriuefimplie I warrant: 'Waight and fafTiioa makes Goldfmiths Cockoldcs. Enter Sjnd.nith £^ickfiltiers Dvnb/et,Cloake,Ra^ier^ & Dagger,

♦JW-Hci e fir,put ot the other hal fc of your Prentifliip.

^if .Well faid fwcet i);».bring forth my brauerie, NowTctmy Truncks (hootc forth their Hikes conccaid,

I flow

~ ^:' E^'AS'fi^'^rkjy HOE.

1 now im frcr- and now will iufHfic My Tnmke> a^id Pankes- A i int d ill Flat- cap then, TyMjlhecurtaineihac lliadowcd 'Bor^ir, Therclie thou hi«kc ot my cnuaflail'd State. I Sam^foft noWjhauc burii the FhtUHws Bands,

And in tby lappc my loucly DnUda, lie lic.andfnorc out m v cnfranfhird*- ftate. Vl^htn Sampfon xv.xs a tallyong mart | Old Touchftone now T»nt to thyftUndt Hispatp.'randjire'igthiMnJiedthd*, ^ F*r one : « jcUthy bafegoldcadt, HsfM no m )r ,nor Ciq.nor Cjti, J Quickfilucr,«03> no mor: attends Butdid,ihemaUdcfpip:. IT-Jce Touchftone,

Bat Dadjhafl thou fecne my running Gcldmg drcft to daic?

SecM. That I hiuc Frar$ckfihc Oilier a'th Cocke, dreft him for l^rcakfaft. ^^f-^- whardidheeatehim?

Secu, Nv\but he eatt his brcakfaft for drcfTm^ him : and fo drcft himforbrcakfdfv.

" \^icl^iA/r.O witrit i^ie;»here age is yang in witte, kyfHdaUyottthiVPOrds hauegray beardesfHllofit\

SecuXtwl ahlas Fr4c;^',how will all this bee maintain'd no we? Your place niainlatn'd it before.

;^/f.Why 5clmainta.ndrayplace HctotheCourt.nmthcr manner ofp^acc for maintainance I hope then the filly Citty.I heard my father fay,I heard my mother fing anold fongand a true.* Thou Art 4jh:fo9le,C^' k^ovfsi not Vfhtt belongs ta onr m iU w/- iiofneX ihilbc a Merchant forfoolh-truft my cllatc in a woo Jen Trough as he docs? What'arethefe fhtps but tennis Balis for the winds to play withaliToft from one waue to another,Nowvn- der-line>Now ouer the houre;Sometim:s rtrick-wal'd ajainft a Rocke fo that the ^utts flie out apincfometi nes lUooke vadcr the wide Hazzard,and fatewell M.Merchant.

SjH.VfcW f r4»ri^.wcl5the feasyou ^ay arc vncertaine: But he that failes in your Court feas.fliallhnde 'hem ten tim;stullcrof hazzard ; wherin to fee what is to be fecne.is tormjnt more the a free Spirit can indure;B.it when you coma to fuffcr, how many iniurics fwallo w you ? What care and deuotion muft you vfe t J hum 3iir an imperious Lord 'proportion your looks to his looks? fmles to his lmilcs> fit yo.ir lailes to the windc of his breath? .^i.Tudihce's li^ lourncy-man m his craft that cannot do t!iat« .Jwi.But hec's worfe then a Prentifc that does it,not or\t\\' humo- tingt'ie Lord,bul cuery Trencherbcircr,cucrvGroome thitby inlol^encc & intclli^'cc ceplinro his tausur^Sc by pandariHii;


into his chambcnhe rules the roftc- And when my honourable Lord faics it (ball be thus, my wor/hipfull Rafcall (the gromc of his clofc ftoolc)raic$ it fbal not be thus,clap$ the doorc after him, and who dares enter? A Prcntifc,quoth you? ti$ but to Icarne to hucjanddoesthatdifgraceaman ? hee that rifcs hardly >(landf firmcly :but he that rifes with eafc, Alas/allcs as cafily.

J^ckt^ pox on youjwho taught you this moralitie?

SecH.'t'\% lon» ofthis wittie Aee,M.Fr4«cftf.But indeed, Mift. Syndeficy^iW Traces complaine onnconuenienccand thcrfore tis bcdrohauenone. The Merchant hee Complaines , andfaies, TrafFlckc is fubied to much incercaintie and tofle'Jet'hem krepe their goods on dric land with a vcngeancc,and not cxpofc other mens (ub.^ances to the mcrcic of the windcs,vndcr prote»f^ion of a wodden W3ll)as M.f m»«/ raies)and all for greedie dtfirc, to enrich thefclucs with vnconfcionablr gaine,two for one or fo: where I,and fuch other hor.efl men as Ijuc by lending monie.arc content with moderate profit; Thirtie, or fbrtic i'tn'hundrcd, io we may haue it with qiiietnc$,and out of pcrill of winde and weathcr^rather thenrunne thofe daungerous courfes of trading as they doc.

^ic-^.lDad,thoumaiftwellbc called ^Jrr/^riV;, for thou ta- keilthefafcQcourfe.

Secu.^inh the quieter,and the more contenCed}&: outof doubt the more godly.For Merchants in their courfes are neucr pleafd but euer rcpming againft heauen : One prayes for a Wefterlic wind to carry his fhip forthjanother for an fcafterly,to bring his /hiphomcj&ateueryibakingofaleafe, hcfalles into an ago- ny ,to thinkc what danger his Shippe is in one fuch a Coaft, and fofoorth. The Farmer he is euer afoddeswith the Weather, fomctimes the clouds haue becne too barren j Sometimes the HcaucHS forget themfclucs, their Haruefts anfwere not their hopcs.Somcfimcs the Scafon falls out too fhiitfi»ll, Come will beare no price and fo foorth. Th*Artificer,he*s all for a ftirring world, if this Trade be too fiill'and fall (hort of his expectation, then faJlcs he out of ioynt. Where we that trade nothing but mo- ncy,arc free from all ihis,we are pleafd with all |\vcathers : let it rainc or hold vp,be calmc or windy ,let the feafon be whatfoc- uer.Ict Trade go how it will,we take a'l in good part, een what plcafc the he aucs to fend vs.fo the fun flad not ftil,& the moonc kccpc her vfuall rcturncsjand make vp daics,moncthy,5c yeeres.

cyidifTAR'D HOE, ~~^

^ickfAnd you hauc eood (ecutirie ? '

Sefu.l raary Fr4ncke,thiti the fpcciall poin t,

^w-^.And yet forfooihvvcmuft hauc trades to line withal} For we cannot fl§d without icgges,nor flye without wings, & a number of fuch skuruic phrafcs.NoJ fay ftill,he that has wit,let hiniliuel5yhiswit:heihathasnonc,lcthimbca Tradef-mam

5'rro. Witty Maiftcr Fr4»cu ! Tispitiy ansTttadcHioulddull ibat quick brainc of yours. Doc but trine Knight PetroH^/ intomy Parchment Toyles once,and you fhall ncuer neede to toyle m any trade , amy credit ! You know his wiues Landi*

,^it i^.Hucn to a footc firj haue beenc often there .* a pretie fine Seate,o;ood Land, all in tire within it fclfe*.

Sfcu^VJcll wooded?

QtMck^ Twohundrcdpoundsworthof wood ready fofclh And a fine fwect houfe that (lands iud in the midft an't : like a Prickc in the niiddcft of a circle, would I were your Fatmer/cr ahundred pound a yeare.

S/f«.ExccllcntM«Fr4«rAf, how Idolong to doc thee good: TJerv Idahuyiger^ andthirfltohauethe homur to enrich thee ! I cuen to die.rnat thou mightcfl inherit my liuing: euen hunger andthirfl^-fox a my Religion Mfrrfwf if/, andfo tell Knight*Prr» I4o it to do him a pleafure*^

1 Q«/V;^Mary Dad,bis horfes arc nowcomming vp', ^to bcarc downc his Lady,wilt thou lend him thy ftable toTct *hem in?

Srf«,Faith lAiFrancUfl would be loth to lend my flable our of dores.jn a greater matter I will pleafure him,but not in this*

, Qsickif^^pox of your hunger and tbirfi.VfcW Dad,fct h im hauc money :. AU he could any way get,is bcftowcd on a fhip, nowe bound for VtrginU^hc frame of which voyage is fo cloiely con- uaidcjthat his new Lady nor any of her mcnde« know it. Not» witiiftandingjasfooneashis Ladies hand is gotten to the fale ofher inheritance ,and you haue hirniiht him with money ^e wil' jiiftantlyhcyftSaile and away.

Sfcu,Now a Franck gale of wind go with himM^i(ktr FrsHckj ' ytc haue too fewe fuch knight aduenturers : who would not (cIl away competent ccrtcnties,to purchafc (with any danger) ex- cellent vnccrtcnties?your true knight venturer cuer docs if»Let hi* Wifcrcale to day he /ball hauc his money today. (^;Xo^orrowiheilull,D4d^bctbve (he goes intathe coutry» . ^ ;, to


to workefier to which adion, with the more eneines Jptirpofe prefcntly to prcfcrrcinyfwcctcSJwrhcrctotnc place other Gentler oaian ) whom you(for the more credit) Hiall prerent at your friends ciaughter,a gentlewoma of the countricynew come vp with a will for a w hile to leame fafhions forrooth.and be to- ward fome Lady} and Hie Oiall buzz pretcy deuifes into her La- dies eare*, feeding her humours fo {cruiccablie(as the manner of fuch as Hie iiyou know.)

S-VJSrr.True good Maimer FraMnciu Entfr SindefUt

J^tck, That /he fhali kcepe her Port open to any thing (hcc commends to her.

S^cA', A my rcIigion,a moft fafhionabV proieft ^ as good flice fooile the Lady , as the Lady fpoile heritor tis three to one of one uderfweete miftrifll- Siim^ ,how are you bound to maiftcr Fran-» eis ! I doe not doubt to fee you ihortly wcdde one of the head* men of our cittic. (me?

Spr.But fweete FMw^/^when dial my father S<«<r«/;prcfent QviV^ With al fe(bnafioB:I haue broken the Ice to it alreadv ; and v\i:i prefcntly to the Knighti hoafe, whcther^aiy good old Dad,iet me pray thee with alffonDalitie to mm her.

Srrw.Command me MaiHer Francis , /o^ htmierandtbirfi tt dotheefermice. Come fweete Miftreflfe S/»»r, take leauc of my ffy^fifitdind we wil mdantly meete FrawkeM^^ict Frances at yoiir Ladies. EnteffVlnnifridfahue*

VKtfi^NUtxt'iimy CuihtttKui SecurJ Vf^innie,

V/if.WAi thou come in,fwcete Cm^Sccu.I Vyinnie^reily Fxo Qvf.lfVyHKy^qiiod he^thati al he can doe poore jran: he may well cut off her name at yf^ynny . O tis an egregio!^ Pandarc I what wil not an v'.uroun knauc be/o hec may bee richKD'i: J a notable Icwes trump 1 1 hope to line to fee dogs meate made of the old vCifers flefhdice of^bif bonessA Indentures of his skin: & yet his skin is too thicke to make Parchment , 'twould make good Boots for a Pcet«?r man to catch falmon m <> Your onely unooth skin to make^ne vellam,is your Paritancs skinoq they be the fmaotheft and flxkeft knaues in a countric. Enter Jir Peironetl tn 'Bootes mth a ryiittg rvcn. n^et. Wt out of this wicked towne as faft as my hor fe can trots Here's now no good allien for a man to fpcnd his time in.Ta- Ncrns grow deaAOrdinanes arc blown vpjPlaycs arc at a Ihnd Howfcs oi Hofpitality at a falbnot a Feather wauing,nor a fpqr


J^i.Y*id bed t^e fomc crowns in your purfe Knighr,or elfc yourEartwardCa flic will fmoakcbutmircrably,

PeterXy FrattcJ^.my caftlce Alas al the Caftlcs 1 haue^are built with ayrcthou know'fV

Qnic. I know it Knight,and dicrefore wonder whether your Lady is going.

Pet. Faith to feeke her Fortune I thinke.Ifaid I had a caflleand land Eaftward ,and Eaftward flic wil without cotradittion her coachjand the coach of the Sunnc muft meete ful butt: And the Sunnc being out Giincd with her Ladyfhips gloriejOie teares he goes Weftward to hangc himfelfc.

Qwjt/^. And I fearc, when her enchanted CafUe becomes in- uiiible^her Ladyiliip wil returne and follow his ex«niple.

'Pet.O that fhe would hauc the grace, for I Ihall neucr bee a- blc to pacifie her,whcn flic (ct% herfelfc dccciued fo. Qnickihi eaGly as can be.Tel her {bemiilooke your dirc6^ions, and that fliortly,your fclfe will downe with her toapprooue it5and thcn,cloath but her crouppci in a ncwe Gowne,aad you may driue her any way you lift: for ihefe women fir,arc like tf- ff x-Calues , you muft wrigglcTiem on by the taylc ftill> or they will neuer driue orderly .

Pet, But alas fwcet Franck. thou kno'ft my habilitie will not furniOi her bloud with thofccoftly humors.

QffiV.Caft that coft'on me Sir. I haue fpoken to my olde Pan- der Securitie,{ot money or commoditie:and commoditie(ifyou will) 1 know he will procure you.

Pr/.CommoditielAla$ what commoditic?


Pet, A plague of Figges and Rayions , and all fiich fraile commodities we fliall make nothing oPhem. fBcefe?

QAfir,Why then Sir , what fay you to Fortie pound in rofted

Pet, Out , vpon't , I haue leflc ftomacke to that , then to the Rgges and RayfonsJle outofTownc , though 1 foioume with a friend of mine , for ftaye here I muft not ) my creditor* haue laidetoarreft mee , and 1 haue no friend vndcrheauen but my Swordtobaileme.

Qi^i. Gods me Knight , put'hcm in fufficient foretics , rather then I et your S wor dr bayle you ; Let'hcm lake their choice,ey- thcr the Kings 'Bertche , or the F/eete,or which of the two CoMtf /*r/ they like bcft/or by the Lord i like none of hem. ^ .

Pet.VfcilFrMftckeihtce i$no icfting withmy carneftncccffN tyjthouknow^ftif I makcnot prclcnt money tofunhcrn?y Yoyage beguh,all*s loB;<and all J haue laid out about ir.

QuickjWhy then Sir in carnc(},if you can get your wife LaJy to fet her hand to the (a!c of her inheritance , the bloud-hound SecHritie Will fmcl out ready money for you inftaiitly.

Pctro.^htrc fpake an Angchco bring her too which confor- mit)',Imnnraincmy felfeextrcamiv amorous j and alicadgin*' vrgcnt cxcufcs for my ftay behind, part with hea- as pafjuonatC' ly,asfhc would from; her foyHingboynd. .

Q«/.You haue the So we by the right eare Sir:I warrantthere was ileuer Childe longd more to fide a Cock-hovre,or wears his new coatc, then flie longs to ride in her new CoachrShe would long for euery thing when Ihce was a maide j and now (lie wll runne mad foc!hem ; Ilay my life (he wil haue euery yeare foure children; and what charge ai^d phange of humour,you muft en- dure while fhe is with childc •, and how iliet will tic you to your tackling till Ihe be with child,'a Doggc would not endure. Nay, there is no turnefpit Dog bound to nis wheele more (erui)y,the you fhalbe to her wheele $ For as that Doggexan neuer.climbe^ the toppeof his wheele , but when the toppc comes Vnda him; fo {h all you neuer clirabe the top of her contentment, but wheiH flieisvnderyou.

7'<r/.Slight how thou terrifieft rae?

^icks Nay harke you fir ? what Nurfcs , what Midwiues, what fooles ) what.Phifitions, what cunning women muO bee fought for^fearin<]!;fomtimej iliceisbewitchtjioraetimes in a c6- fumption ) to tell her rales , to taike bawdie to her , to make her laughe,to glue her gliftcrs, to let her bloud Vnder the tohguc,& betwixt the toes : how fhe will reuile and kiflc you : fpitte in your face,and lick ir off againe : how £he will vaunt you are her Creature : Hiee made you of nothing ; how (he could haue had thoufand markc ioyntures : fhc coald haue bin made a Lady by ^a Scotch knighc,and neuer ha married him:She could haue had' Poynadosinhc bed duery morning : ho wHiee fet you vp^and how ihcc will pull you downe : youle neuer be able to Oand of your ledges to indure it.

Prr.Out of my fortune.wh at a death is my life bound face to face too? The beft is ,alargeT»>W(r.j?rf<r^/conrciencels bound to nothing: Marriage is butaformcintheSchoolc ofPolicie,fo

G 3^ whic-Iii

i:AS7frAR^D HOB* ^

. wWch Sciiollerf fit faftncd oncly with painted chaines,oU Se» xtirities yon^ wife is ncre the further ot with me.

Qhu i^.T hereb y lyes a tal e fir.Thc old vfurcr will be here in- ftanily,wirh my Piioclce Sjn^ffi*, whom you know your Ladic has promid mee to entertaine fer her Gentlewoman : andhec (witn a purpofe to feede on you) inuites you mofl folcmncly by IDC to fupper. j

Pet. It falls out excellently fitly : 1 fee defire of gainc makes leal oulie venturous: Enter Gyrt::

Sec Frattckf^\icte comes my Lady :Lord how (he vicwes thee, i (he knowes thee not I thinke in this brauerje. !

^rr.HawnowPwhobeyoulpray? ((hip.

CJw/c.Onc maider Francit Ovtckpftef^int pleafe your Ladi- C7;r,God$mydignitie.'aslamaLady,ifhcdidnotmakem5 ' blulh fo that mmc eyes ftood a water , would I were vnmarried j againe*. Enter Sccnritie MndSiiuUfie, j

Wher's my woman I pray? j

QviVi^.See Madamjfhee now comes to attend you. (diei 1 Src/ir.God Taue my honourable fCni§ht,6c his wordiipfiil La< \ C/r. Y'are very welcome you muft not put on your Hal yet - 1 SecH^ No Madam \ till I know your Lady(bips furtherplea- \ iure.I will not prerume. (Countrcy ?

(7/r. And is this a Gcntlemans daughter new come out of the SecH, Shee is Madam ; and ooe that her Father hath a fpeciall care to beftowein fome honourable Ladies feruice^to put her out of her honeft humours forfooth , for ihee had a great dcHre tobeaNun,an'tpIeafeyou« (Adie^iue?

Gyr» A Nun / what Nun / a Nun Subftantiue f or a Nun j S^r.AN'inSubftantiueMad:im;Ihope,ifaNiinbeaNounc. " But I meaneXadie,a vowd maidc of that order .

Gjrt lie teach her to bee a maide of the order I warrant you : and can you doe any worke belona;s to a Ladyes Chambers SjnJ.VJhit I cannot doc, Madam,! would be glad to Icarne. (/^r. Well faid,holdc vp then holde vp your head I fay,comc hither a little* Syn. 1 thankc your Lad iiliip.

(?;r.And harkcyou.Good man , you may put on your Hatt

noWjl do not lookeon you.I mi!lt haue you of my falliio nowi

not ofmy knight4,maide. Sr>» No Forfooth Madam of youri.

C7*r,And draw all my feruants in my So /ve, 5c kcepc my coTm-

fcll^and tell me Kales, and put mc Hiddlcs, and readc on a booke


ftmetmies when I am bufic,and laugh atcountr^r g^ndcvvtinie,' and command any thing in the houfe for my reteincrs , & care not what you rp€nd,for it is all minc:& m any cafe,be ftil a maid whatfoeucr you do,or w hatfoeucr any man can doc vnto you. .y^f/^.l warrant your Ladifhtp for that. ' Gy. Very well , you (hall ride in my coach with roee into the Countrye to morrow momingi Come Knight, I pray thee lets make a inert flipper and to bed prctcntly.

«y^c«.Nay gocKj Madam, this night 1 hauea fljort fuppvat home,waiteson his worflups acceptationu ? ■'•. t'c? r- •'«- - ^ « Gir.By my faith but he fhal notgo firU ihal fwpVfiic & he fup ftrora me. /*^r.Pray thee forbcarcjihal he loofc his prouifion?

(jjrX by Lady Sir/athertben I loofe my longing; come in I {ay:a$IamaLjilyyou(halnotgoci , .: - Q«/f.l told hinvwhat a Burrc he had go^n» Stfr/Ttlfypu-wiil no^ fuppe from your Knight, Madam, let mcc entrearyour jLadifhipto fuppe at my houfe-with him. C/ir.No by my f^th fir^thcn we cannot be a bed ioone eoough after flipper^ . ,; , .

/*r/. V^hatamedicineif this ^ well- Maifter Seturi^^ you are newmarriedas wcHa9|(rhapcyouare,b<Hindaswell:wemo{l honour our yong wiues you know. ^Mc* Inpoliae Dad^till tomorrow ^e has feafd« Secu, I hope in the mornin* yet your Kni»hi-hood will brcakc foft with me. Vet^hl earely as you will hr. {gooA fir^

Secu.l thank your good worfliip;! do hunger und thirft to dajeu ' Gir.ComeXyyect Khighi ^omc,\ iUhnrger and thirH toln^M bed with thee, Efcenntt,

A£iusTcrtij„ $cena Prima.

Enter PetrMe/,Qjfici^/t/uer^Security,'Br4tmhU,(^' Winnifiid, P*/,.Thankes (or your fcaft-like Brcakcfaft good Maifter S^- ettritj t lamforric, Cbyreafonofmyinftanthanetofcrlonga voiage as Z^/>/i»/W,)l am without rocanes by any kind amends^ to (hew how affedionady I takc)'oui:kindnes, &: to cfifirme by fomewotthy Ceremciiy a pcrpctuall league of friendship bc- twixtvs.

SVf«. Excellept Itnigjitjlet this be atokS betwixt vs of innk>!ab!e friiihip;I am nf w umiicd to Uiif faire Gende Weitilk you know) and by my hope to make Iici fruitfuU thotfgk I- bee fofnetfiing

b ycares)! yowc faithftiUy vnto you , to make you Godfarher (though in your abfencc)?o the firll child 1 am blcft withall : & heccforth call mc GofTip 1 bcfccch you,if you picafc to accept it. T^r.In the highcft} degree of grautude,m3r mofl worthy Gof- fip J for confirmation of which friendly title, letmcentrcatemy faire GofHp your Wife hcrc.to accept th $ Diamond ,and ]lcccpc it as ray^itt to her firft Child,whcrcfocucr my Fortunem cucnt of my Voyage fhall bef^owc mc.

i'rcurr.How how my cove wcdlocke ! make you ft range of fo Noble a fauour ? take it I charge you,with all afFeftion, and (by way of taking your Icaucj prefeni boldly your lips to our honourable Gomp.

^K-.How vcntrous he is to him, and how iealousto others/

y^rXong may this kind touch of our lips Print in our hearts alltheformesofafFeftion. And now my good Goflfip,if the writings be ready to which my wife fliould feale, let them bee brought this morning,before (lie takes Coach into the countric, and my kindncfle /hall worke her to difpatch it.

Securi^\\t writings arc ready Sir.My learned counfell here, Maiftcr ^r4;w^/f thcXawyer hath perufdethem; and within this hourc,! will bring the Scriuenour with them to your wor- fhipfull Lady.

T^/.Good Maifter Bramble^ will here take my leaueof you thensGod fend you fortunate Picas (ir,and contentious Clients.

'Bram^kvA you forcright winds fir,& a fortunate voyage. ^xit. Enter dCMe^engeu

Me^.^ix Petr9nel)\tit arc three or fowre Gentlemen dcfirc to fpeake with you. P^r.What are they?

Q^^.They arc your followers in this voyage Knight, Cap- tainc Se<iguUn^ his aflbciates,Imct them this morning,and told them you would be here.

P«/.Let them enter I pray you,I know they long to be gone, lor their (lay is dangerous.

r, , ,, . B»fer Scd^$aySc4pethrift,and Speudall,

. 3trf,God fauemy honoufable Collonell.

Ttf/.VVclcom? good Captaine ^M^«/,aiid worthy Gcntlcm^, if you will mcetc my friend fr^w /^here, andmce, at the blcwc Anchor Taucrne by BiUinrgatc this Eucning; wee will there drinkc to our happy voyigc,b«*mcrry, and lake Boate to our Sh^witli all expedition...!] iiiiijiti. .TMl:i>laa' -


jCY^ru '1 rrm iVJ^cr- xntrvM.

^f(n^ DcfecTC it no longer 1 beftKh ycHtfir^feat aiybari^i ageishkhcrrocan-ycddolcly^andjnaifeihfrsJ^n ght^iuhic fo for your ownc lafcCie and oiir«, lets it bic t6mmiicd,our mccrtn*' & jpccdic purpofc of depaviing knownc to as few as if n porsi* blijIeaO your ihippe ana goods be attached.

^if 4t Well aduifd Capeaine^our CoiJonell fbiiU baue money jhismomingtodifpachall our dcpanurfSjbringfhofc Gentle- men ai nigbt to the place appointcd,and wKh our skinncs tul of vinvgc,weeletakeoccafion by the vanfage,and away.

'^pendy^t will not faile bis'' be tficre fir.

Pr/.Good morrow good Capiaine , and my worthy aflbciars. Health and all foucraigntie to my bcautifull Gofhip , tor you (ir, Wc fhall fee you prefcmly with the writings.

Sec. With writings and crownes to ray honourable gofliip:/ doe hnnger and thirji to doejou good fir ^ Exeunt,

A£lus tertii. ScenaSecusida.

"Enter a Coachman in hafie insfrockfceding. Coach, Hecr's a f^irre when Gt'izcnsridc out of Towncin* deede , as if all the houfe were a jire .* Slight they will not gi re a man leaue to eat's breakfafl afore herifcs.

Enter Hamlet a foote rranmhafie, H(ffiT.WhatCoachman?my Ladyes Coach for Hiame ; her la< diihip^s readie to come do wne.

Enter Poikinne , a Tankerd-hart r. Pot, Sfoofe Hamlet 5 are you madde f whether run you nowc you fhould bruflie vp my olde Miftrtfle? Enter Sy ndcfyc.

Syn, What Votktnnef) ou mufl put off your Tankeid.and put on ycuT blew coat,and waite vpon mirtris Touchflonc info the countric. -EaV/o P#/.Iwiilforfoothprefent!y. Exit,

Enter LMifireJfe FondyandMiJIreJfc GtiK^r. Fond. Come fwe< tc MiftrcfTe Gamier , lets watch here.and fee my Lady Flajhe take coach.

Ga3:^A. my word here's a moft fine place to Hand in, did yon fee the new lliip lancht laft day ^iftrcfle Fond, Fond^OGodi and weCittizens (hould Joo'c fuih a fi^ht? G.tz,.\ warrant here will be double as many people to fee her take coach^as there were to fee it take water. (lay,

Fond.O Oicc's married to a moft fine Caflle'ith'countriei they 5'**»But ihcic arc no Gy ants in the Caftlc,are there?

P F$nd.

F^^LO RO. they fay her kii^ht kild'hcra all 5c thererorc hee ivaskaighted. C4c. Would to God her ladiiliip woul J c.:m; Ef$fer.gjr,t^iflris Touch Sy»' H^m, Pot, (away.

Ftf»i.Sfieccom:s,lhcconc5,(]iecoinc$. tr4;c.F«»»^.Prayhcaucn blcTryour Ladifhtp. <?jT.Thanlcc you 2;ood people; mv ccacli for the loueofhea* tcnmycoach'Jngoodtrutfi llrjillf^vouncclfc. //4M.G)ach?co«ch,rayLadyct coach, £*//, Cr)r^.Af lam a Lady,lthink I am v»ith child aircady.Tlongfor 1 coach fojmay one b; with ch'ld afore they arc maricd mother J Aii(i*T»Hch. I by Vlady Madam , a little thing does that s I haue fccae a little prick no bigger then a pins hcad/wel bigger and big^^er^ till it has coine tc an Ancomc , & ccne To tis in thefc ■<ares. Entar Ham.

K/wi.Tour Coach is comming,Madam, CFr,That'$ well faid; N jw heaut:n / mc thinks, I am ccnc vp to the knees in preferment*

"But A litUt higher yffHt a Uttle higher J;ut 4 littU higher^ Thcrt,therf^th*r^ Ijes Cuf ids fire.

A{i(i.Touch^M\ mud this yong man^an't pleafc you Madam, tun by your coach all the way a foote'

(jryr.I by my faith I warrant him , hec g^ues no other m!ike,as I haue an other fcruant does.

<JM]i,T»ach, Ahlas.'tis cene piltic mee thinks •, for Gods fake Madam buy himbutaHobbie-horfe.lctthcpoo'eyonth haue Ibraelbing betwixt hii leggcs to carc'hcm-, A'aslwe null doc as vvc would be done too.

Cjr,Qot too , hold your peace dame , you talkc like an oldc foole I tell you. Enter T^etrAnd Qnickji^cr,

Pet.Wilt thou bcgone,fwccte Honajf-Jud^t, before lean goc with thee?

C7;r.Tpray theefwectc Knight let mc •, 1 doe fo long to drcife "▼p tlry cjftlc afore thou coaiftB.it I marie how my modeft Si- fter occupies her t'clfc this moniin:; , that (lizc can not vvaitc one me to my cnach.as well as hermoil)er,'

Qvick. Mary Madam.fhce's muried by this time to Prentifc CoM/din/',youT father, and lome one more,ftoIe to Church with *hcm,in all the haftc, that the coUie mcate le<t at your nedding, migiit fcrut to furnilli their Nuptiall table.

(//"".There's nobafcfcllovvc , my Fathcr,no-wibuth<c'icMC


fit to Father fucli a daug!itcr;lic muft call mc (Jaiighter no more f\o\\ :hviX Af^datn, AndfletifeycH LMadam: ana fleAfe jour rtcrm Jhip MaiUm ^m^z^^i.om vpon him^niarry his daughter to a bafc Prcntifc.''

Mif}. ToMch, What fhould one docf is there no lawe for one that marries a wornans daughter againH her wiIi?howe «hal} wa puiui}i liiin Madam?

Gir . As I am a Ladie an t would fnowe, weelc fo peble'hcm wich fnowe bals as they come from Church : but firra, Ftmc'I^ Quicks f/fier, Q*<r;^.I Madam.

dr.: Doll remember lince thou and I clapt what d yc caits ia thcGsrref.

Qtstck*} know not w hat you meane,Madam.

Gjf'.Hij head as whi'e as mi/i^f, ^l flaxen was his haire: 'Btit ntvf he U dead^v/^ndUidin his 'Bed, ^nd neuer villcome agAine, God be at your labotir* Enter Touch, C9ulding. LMi/d, trith Kofem^rj^

Petyi2% there cucrfuch a Lady?

Q«;r;^.Sec Madam,thc Bridcgrome,

C; .Gods my precious/God giucyouioy.MiOriflc What /ai>a joft.Novi out vpon ihee Baggagcjmy fiftcr married in a TafFeta Hat? iMarie hang you; Wcftward with a wanion tc'ycc, Naie I havic done we ye Minion then yYaith, neuer looke to hauemy countenance any more :noranythingIcandocforthcc. Thou ride in my coac li? or come doi\nc to my Ca(l!e?fic vpon dice : I charge thee in iry LadiOiips name,calmeSiflcrnomorc: Towc^.An'tpleafc your worlliip, this is not your fitter : This is my d Jughtcr,and /he cals me Fatner; and fo does not your Ladi« fliip,an't pleafc your worfhip Madam,

Mtff. Touch* No nor /lie muft not call thee Father by BeraU drie, becaufe thou mak ft thy Prcntifc thy Sonne as wel as fhce t Ah thou mifproudc Prentife,dar'ft thou prefume to marry a La- dies fiftcr?

(/oi. It pleafd my Mafteir forfooth to embolden mc with hit fauocr ;And though I confcfle njy fclfc tar vnworthy fo worthy a wirc(bcing in part,hcr fcruant,as I am your prcntirc)yet (fincc I may fay it without boaft ing) I am borne a Gcndenian^and by the Trade 1 haue learn'd of my maiftcr ( which I truft taints not my b!ood)nb!c with mine owne Induftric and portion to main* taine y our daughtcrpny hope is^heauen will Co blcdc our humble

Da begin-

B*yffrfrJ!tD HOB.


1>e^n(ung,tTiat in the end T (Lalbc no difgrace to the mcc wiA which m/ M ifl.T hath bound mz hu doiibic Prentiifc. Tojtch. Maftcr race no more Sonne, if thou think'd me worthy tobethyfarher.

(7i>.Sun/Now good Lord how he fliincs & you markc himi hccsa^nileman. ^

GsiJi.X indcede Madam,a Gentleman bomci

T^r. Neucr (land a* your Gentry c M. Bridgegrdme.if your legges be no befcr then your Armcs,you*lc be able to (land vp- on neither rtiortlye

Touch. An't pleafeyour good worihippe^ir, there are two forts ofGentlcmen.

y^r.What meane you Sir?

To$uh.^o\iX to put off my hat to your worfhippc, P^-/ .Nay pray forbcarc Sir,& then foonh with your two forts ofGentlcmen.

TouchMyont worship wil haueitfo?! fay there are two forts of Gentlemen: There is a Gentlemin Artificia!,& a Gentleman Naturall;No -V, though your worfh'.p be a Gentleman naturalL- fVorke vpon that HOVf»

J^ickj^cX faid olde7*«cJ[>,Iara proude to hearc thee enter a - ' fetfpeccliyfaith,forih I befeechthee. ^ 7'<7iw/>.Cric you mercie Sir,your worHiIp's a Gentleman I do not knovv? if you bee one of my acquamtancc y'are vericmuch difguifdeSir. *

J^ick^.Go too old Q;!ippcr:forth with thy fpeech I fay.

ToHcht\N\ii.i Sir,my fpeechci were euer in vaine to yourgra*

tiousworOiip :Andtherfare till T fpcakc to you goliantryin-

dccd,I will fauc my breath for my broth anon.Come my poore

fonne and daughter^ Let vs hide our felues in our poore humili-

tie and liue fafc: Ambition confumesit felfe^wuh the very i]iow«

fVorke vpon hat norp^

■C;r,Let him goe,let him goe for Gods fake:lct him make his Prcntife, his forme for Gods fake-.giiic away his daughter for Gods Take: and when they come a begging to vs tor Gods fake, ' let's lauvh at their good hushan^iryfor Gods fake* Farewell iweete Knighr,pray thee make hallc after.

Ptfr.Whatfljall IfayJl would notiiauetheegoe^

,gwc^. NotO Hor», I mnd depart i P irtiHjjr though ft nhfenc* mtue. . TkiTbittie , Knigh^ doc i Ice in tiiy lookcs in Cdpitall Letters,


EAsrn^AKD hob:

Myfweet Lady,andalackefor Tvoe^Vfhjfbouldvfepartfo^ Tell tnith Knight,and Hiamc all difTcmblmg Loners , docs not your pain<; lye on that fide /

ret,\f'\i doccanft thou tell mc how I niay cure it ? .^c/^.Hxcclicntcafily : dcuide your fclfc in twohalfcs, iufl by the gH-d!eftead,fcn4 one halte with your Lady .and keepe the f other your felfc : or elfc do as all true Loucrs doc , part with, your heart and leau€ yo^rbody behind .* 1 hauc feen't c^onc a hundred timesTis as cafie a matter for a louerto part without a heart from his fweet heart , and he nere the worfe : as for a Moufc to get from a trap & Icauehcr tailc behind him. Sec here comes die writings. , BftterSecHritymthafcrmener,

Sfcu.Good morrow to my worfhipfuU Lady, f prefentyour Ladifhip with this writing, to which if you pfeafe to fet yoar handjwuh your Knight$,a vcluetGowne fliall aVtendyour iour- . ney amy credit. (7i>. What Writingis it Koignt?

T^r. The falc(fweete hear t)of the poorc Tenement I told thee ofF,onely to make a little money to fend thee downe furniture for my Caftlc, to which my hand ihall lead thcc, G/r.VerywelhNowgiueracyour Pen T pray. ^wV^Itgoes downe without chewing y'faith, •• ^

*ym*.Ycur worfKips deliuer this as your dccde? jimho^ cAot, (?«>.So now Knight fafwcU till I fee

Vet.hW farewell to my fweet hearf, (ihec.

C^//?.r(pwr/7,God-boy fonne Knight. P<rr.Farewell my good mother.

G»>.Farcwcil FranckJ. Would faine take thee downe if t could. ^iVi^^yX/jw4;r.Ithankcy9urgoodLadifhip^arewcll MiftrisS^V de^. Exemu

P^/.O tedious Voyage,whereof there is noende/ What will they thinke of me?

^<ci^.Thiakc what they lift:Thcy long*4 for a vagarie inf o the Country ,& now thfcy are fitted : So a woman marry to ride in a coach,(hc cares not if /he ride to her ruine:Tis the ^teaiend of many of their marriages : This is not firft time a Lady has ridde a falfc iourney in ner Coach I hope*

P^r.Nay^fis no martef,! care little what they thinker hee that waies mens thoughts,has his hands ful of nothing : Amanin thccourreofthisWorld'ihoaldbe like aSurgions inUrument,



worfce in the wounds ofothcr5,and fedc nothing lilmfelfc. The 0.31 pcr.and fubtl^r.thc better.

Quic.As it falls out now ICnight , yon (liall not necdc t'^dc- iiifc cxcii(c;,or endure her out-crics,when/}^e rctutnes'.vvc flial now begone bcforc.wherc they cannot rea(^ vi.

PetS^cWmyk'mdCofffpereyouhiuc now th'affiiranc* wee both can make you V let me now intrcatycu, the moncyvvcca- greed on may be brought 'o the 'B/ftv .*y^nchnr ^nac to DMngf- gdtejhydxe a clockc ' where I and my chiefe friends, bound for jhis voya^c,wijl with Feaft attend you.

SecM. The money my moQ honourable Ccmpere flial without faileob^eruc your appointed howrc.

P^/.Thankcs my dcerc gojpp, I muft now impart To your approiicdjouc,a louing fecrer, As/Of.f on whomc my life doth more rely -In friendly truft,ihen any man ahuc. Nor fliall you be the cho(en Secretary Ofrhy affcftions/or affc^lion onelyj For 1 protcft,(lf God bleile my rcturne, ) To make you parrner,in my aOions eainc As dccpely,a5 if you had ventur'4 with mee Ha'.fe my expences.Know then,honcft Oojjip, I haue in'oyed with fuch diuine contentment, A Gcntlewomans Beddc.whomeyou well know. .ThatlOiall nercinioy this tedious Voyage, Nor hue the left part of timeitasketh, ^

Withoiir her prcrcncc;So fthirfland hunger I . To taft the deavc f eaft of licr company* And if the hunger and the thirsi you vow CAsmy fworne G.yJpp)xo my wilhcd good, Be(as 1 know is is)vn^aind and firme, Do me an cafic fauour in your power.

Secu.?ic fure braue GoJpp^zW that I can do To my bcft Ncrue>is wholy at your fcraice; .Who is the woman(firrt)that is our Friend?

TetJXhc woman it your learned G>uncels wife. The Lawyer MaKler Bramble : whoih would you. Bring out this Euen,in honef^ r<eigbbour-hood. To take his leaue with you,ofmeyour GoJpp% , l,in the (ucanc ciine,w ill fend iUi my iricn4

Home to hlf houfe.f o bring his wife difguif J

Before his facc,into our companic.*

For loiic hath made her lookc for fuch a wile.

To free her from this tyranoiis leloulic.

And I would take this courfc before another.*

In flealin^ her aw#f to make vs fport,

And gull ni$ circumfpcftion the more grofcIy#

And I am fure that no man like your felfc,

Hath credit with him to intife his ieloufie.

To fo long rtay abroad, as may giue time

Tohcrcaiardgcmcntjin fucli fatcdifguifc, <y^f*,A pretty jpithy and moftpleafantproieA !

Who would not Ihaine a point or Neighbour-hoocf,

For fuch a pointjde-uice i* that as the (hippc

Of famous Dr4f<»,weni about the world,

Will wind about the Lawycr^ompading,

The world hiaifelfe,hchachitinhit armev

And thats enouzh for hini,without his wife.

A Lawyer is ambidouf^andhii head

Cannot be praif Ue,nor raifdc too high.

With any fercke,of highcfl knauery. Tic go fetch hir fUraight.£«> Stcttrity, Prc.So,fo,Now Tranche goc thou home to hii houfe^

Stead of hisUwycrs,and bring his wife hcther:

Who iuft like to the Lawyers wife is pnfon'd.

With eyes ftcrne vfurous i^oufie which could ncuer

Be oucr rcacht thus.but with ouer-reaching. )Lnter SecHritj, SecK,\T\^ M,Frrf»«>,watch youilimOant time

To enter with his ^Ari/:t'will be rare.

To find hornd beaf^s ' A cammd and a Lawyer?

.-^/f.How the old viilaine iopes in Yillany / Ftittr Secnrity, S^f«r.And harkc you GoflTip when you haue her here,

Haue your Bote ready ,fliippe her to your fliip

With vtmoft haft.lefl M.'i?rdw^/^ rtay you.

To oVe reach that head thatoutreacheth all heads? Tis a trick Rampant; Tis avery Qijiblynj 1 hope this ha rucf^.to pitch cart with Lawyerfj Their heads will be fo foikcd^T his Jlic tooihe WUlget Af fir tcmucfii a rtumberfuch. ExiK

^iVi^,Wa$ cucr Rafcafl lionnied fo with poifoni Hethdt dciights in jUuifb e^MM'iCf, Jtdfttoi0jtnt^fjry,f9rtof^ffp' Well.ilc goc fetch hi J wifcjwhilft he tlic Lawyers.

T^-z.But Ihy f r4«:/^iltfithinkc how wc may difguifc her vp- on th'i Coclaine. '

.5«»^.Gods iTict?^r s the mtfchicfc », but harke yon.hcr's aa rKcellent deuice : foreOod a rare one.;! will cat ry her. a Jailers gownc and cap.andcQocr her, ahda players beard, i urn . i

T^r. And what vpon her h«ad?v

Q*iV*.l tell youaSaylersCapjiflightGod forgiucmc^what kind of ngentihhiibry haueyou? ri >

?*f .Nay then^whac kind erf figent wit haft thou? A Say lers cap? how Hull (he put it off When thouprefentft her to ourxoropany ?

^iV,Tu(h man, focthat, makeher a fa wcie Saylcr,

P/r.Tulh rufli,tis no fit fawcc forfuch Iwcetc muitonjT knew nor what t*aduire. Btutr St -mritjiKith his wines Gowne*

^frcwr.Knightyknighr a rare deuiie.

Pf r.Sw'^nes yet againe.

^iri^.What ftratageme haue you now ?

SecH.lhc bcftthat eucr.You talktcf difguifing?

Vet,\ mary GoHip thatt our prefent care.

SecMr,CiA care away then here's die beft dcuice For plaine .^/^^^/^(for 1 am no better) I thinke that euer uu'd : heer's my wiues go wne Which you may put rpon the Lawyers wife, And wmch I brought you (ir.fortwo great realbnt, Oneif^thatMaifter '7r4OT^/r may take hold Of fome fufpicion chat it is my wife, And gird rne fo perhappes with his law wit: The oiher(whicn is pohcv indeed^ It.that my wife may now be tied at home, Hauing no more but her old gowne abroad. And not niowemcaquirck,whilesIfyrkeotherf« Is notthisraref cxf^^^.TIiebef^ that euer waf*

Sec$s,Ain T not borne to furni/h Gemlemea/

Pet.O my draf e Goflip I

S^ow.Well hold Maiftcr Frdnci^, watch wlien tfic Lawyer*! out«and put it in; And BOW -"l will eo fetch him. ^^^* .

^ick . Omy dad ! hec ^ocaai'twcrc rhc Dcuill to fetch iK^ Lawyer, and dcuill Hiall he bc^if homes will makrhim.

'/((.Why how now Go(Tip,why ftay you there ir.ufing?

Secnr.K roy a toy runncs in my hcd ytaith.

^Quicl^.h poxo^that hcad^s there more toycs yet?

'Petr. What is it pray thee GofTlp.'

S e cur, VJhy Six ? whatif you fhould flip away now with my wiucs bcft gowne,! hauine no fecuritic for it?

J^ick-Vox that I hope Dad you will take our words*

Secur.l by thmaflc your word thats a proper ftafFc For wife Securitic to leanc vponj But tis no mattcr,once ilc truft my Name, On your crakt credits^Ict it take no /bamc, Fetch the wench Frawkf. Exit

J^ick^\t waite vpon you fir. And fetch you ouer,you were neuer fo fctcht; Go to the Taueine Kni^ht.your followers Dare not be drunke I thmke.before their Captaine. Exiu

Ttff .Would I might lead them to no hotter fcruicc, Till our VirgtMMtt gould were in our purfes. Exit,

Enter Stagutt^fenddlyOnd Scafethrift in the Tauernevith a Drawer,

Sea, Come Drawer, pierce your neateft HogfTieads, and lets

hauccheare, not fitforyourBillin»fgateTauernc, but for our

Virgiman Co/one/ihe wili be here innantly . (Wine.

Draw.You (hal haue al things fit fir,pleafe you hauc any more

Spend-More wine SlaucPwhether we drinke it or no,fpill it,& drawc more.

Sc^p.FiW al the pottesin your houfe with al forts of h'cour,an(i Icf hem waite on vs here like Souldiers in their Pewter coatesj And though we doe not emploie them now, yet we will main- tainc'hem,till we doc.

*Draw.^2id like an honourable Captaincjyou flial hauc al you can commaund Sir. Exit Drarver. ^ Sea . Come boXes , Virginia longs till wc fliarc the reft of her Maiden-head.

Spend.Why is fhe inhabited alreadic with any Eng/ifl}

S.'.r. A. whole Countric of Hnglifh is there man.bread ofthofc that were Irfc there in 79.they haue married with the )ndians,& makc'hcm brin^lorih as beainifull faces as any wc haue in Kng-

E land :

,1^ ^^^ *—' ««^-* ■»\>-' '■*■' ^ c,,

land:and therefore ?he Indians are ^o in louc with'hcm.tharall the trcafiirc they hauc, they lay at their fcctc,

Srjjp.But is there fiich twafure there Capiainc ,a« I haue heard? S*^^ I tell thcc,Go!de is more plentifull there then Copprr is with vs •• and forasmuch reddc Copper as I can btrnrj, ilc haue thrife the walght in Gold . Why man aU their dripping Pans, and their Cham'jcr potts arc pure gould ; andallthcChaincs, with ' wliich they chaine vp their \\ rcctcs. are ma(!ic-GoId-,aU the Prifo- ncrs thcv talcc arc feterd m Gold: 5c for Rubies &Diam6ds,ihcy g'5e forth on ho!ydaycs 5c gather 'hem by the Se3-fhorc,to hang on their childrcni Coates , and (Vicke in their childrcns Caps , as co!Timon!y as cur children weare Satiron gilt Brooches, and gro. ates with hoalcs in hem.

Sra^./Vnd IS it a p- eafant Coimtrie vvithall.' Sr.r. As euer the funne (hind on : temperate and fill of all forts of excellent viands*, wiide Bore is as common there,as our tamcft Bacon ii here.Vcnifon^as M iitton . And then you fliiU hue freely thcre,withoutSargC4nts, or Courners,or Lawyers, or intelligen- cers. Then fbryour mcanes to aduanccmenc, there, it is fimplc, and not prcporfcroufly mixt : You may bee an Alderman there, and ncucr be Scauingcr,you may bee any other ofiicer, and neuer be a Slauc, You may come to prefetir.ent enough,and iKuer be i^ttrAur, To Riches and Fortune enough , and haue ncucr the more viJlanic>nor the leflc witte. Be/ides, there wee (ball haue no wore Law then confcicnce , and not too much of eythcr', fetue God enough , eace and diinke inough , and entitgh u 4j goodM d Fcafl,

Spend. Godu me ! and how farrc is it thcthcr ? J'f4.Some fix wcckcs faile no more , with any indif&rent good wlnde : And if I get to any part of the coafte of t^ffrica, ilo faile thcthcr with any winde. Or when I come to Cape Fimfter, ther's aforeright winde continuall wafts vs till we come iof7rgwi/.Sce, •ur Colloncll's come.

Enter ftr Petrottelimth his followers. rPet, Well met good Capiaine SeagnUjui^ my Noble Gentle* men iNowihefweetehourcofour frecdomcii ae hand. Come Drawer : Fill vs fomccarowfcs \ and prepare vs for the mirth, that Will beoccafioncd prefently: Here will be a pretty wenchc Gen- l]emen,that will bcare vs company all our voyage. Scd, Whacloeuei ibe be ; here s to hci health Noble Colonell,

- both

both with Cap and Knee.

Pr/.Thankc$ kindc Qptaine Seagull* dice's one I loue dear- ly : and muft not be knownc till wc be free from all that knowe v$:AndfoGentlcmen,hccr'« to her health,

Amho, Let it come worthy QoWoncH yfTce doe hunger 4md thirfifariu

Vetro, Afore heauen . you haue hitte the phrafe of one that hcrprefence will touch, from the foote to the forhead,ifycc knew it.

Spend.Vfhy then wc will ioyne his f orhead , with her Htal^, fir : and Captaine Scapethhfi, hccrs to *h em both. Bfjtcr Sec/tritie and'Brambie,

Sr<r«.See,reejMaifler "3ramhle\{oxt heauen their voyage can* not but profpcrjthey arc o'their knees for rucccfTe to it.

!2r4w. And tliey pray to God 'Bacchw.

Secfi. God faue ray braue Colonell with all his tall Captaines andCorporalls')fcenr,my wordiiphill learned G>un(aiIe>M. 'BramhUtM come to take his leaue of you.

P^r.Worfliipful M,lir<«w^/f ,how farre doe yoti draw vs info thefwecte bryer ofyour kindncs^come Captain Seagtti^2.noih€t health to this rare Brrf«?^/p,thathath neuer a pricke about him,

S<r««.I pledge his moft fmooih difpofition fir : come maifter Src«r/V;V,bcnd your fupporters, 6c pledge this notorious health here.

S*c«.Bend you your likcwife, M, "gamble, for it is you ihall pledge me.

S^^.Not (o,MSecuntie,\\c mufl; not plead ge his o wne health!

SecH^o Maiftcr Captaine.

Enter '^ickefilHer with H'trtny difguis'd Why then here's one is fitly come to doe him that honour,

^icki Here's the Gentlewoman your cofin fir, whom with much cnfrcatie 1 haue brought to take her leaue of you in a Ta- ucrnc s aQiam'd whercof,you mufl pardon her if ihe put not off her Maske*

P^r .Pardon me fwccte Cofen,my kindc dcfirc to fte you bcfort I wcnt,madc me fo imporDJiiatc to entreat your prefcnce here.

Sfr«.Hownow,M.f*rrf;»(/jrbaucyouhonour'dthijprcfciicc with a faire Gentlewoman?

.9*iV^ Pray fir, take you no Horice of her, for flic will not be knownc to yoiL

Srf «.But my learn d Counfailc,' M. Bram^/e here, I hope may knovy her, . .- - \- ...

•^ic/^l^oipqrcthcn you Iir,at this time, his learning muft pardon her. i ;

Sf c^.WclljGod pardon bcr for my part,and I do/lc be fworne: and fo Maiflcr f r4»i^fef,heer's to all that arc going Hartward ro ni<^ht.towards Cuck^oUt haueM \ ^nd To to the health of Mai<

^*c/^. I pledge it fir,hath it eone round,Captaines^ S w,lr has fwcct Fratfck^zv^A the roUnd clofcs with thee,

^Wri^.Well lir,here's to al EaQward and toward Cuckolds, and fo to famous Cuckholds hdnett fo fatally reracmbrcd. Snrgit^ *?et^ ay pray thee Cuz weepe not.Goffip Seemritji SecH,l ray braue Godip.

Vet. A word I bcfecch you fir, oqr friend, MiftrelTc Bramble here^is fo diflola'd in teare$,that flie drowns the whole mirth of our meeting: fweet GofTiPstakc her afide and comfort her,

S?f«. P.ttyof alltrue loue, Miftrcfle 'Bramble , what weepe you to inioy your loue ? whats the caufe Lady ? ift becaiife your husband is fo neere and your heart earnes^to haue a little abufd him ? AWas.Ahlas the offence if too common to bee refpefted; Sogrcatagracc.haihfeldomechanc'dtofo vnthankfuU a wo- man , to be rid of an old iealous Dotard : to inioy the armes of a louing young Knight: that when your prick-!e(Te Brambleh withered with sriefe of your loflc , will make you florifh a frefh in the bed of a Lady.

Enttr Dnfmer^ DMn».Sir Vetrnnelfitxci one of your Wtterroen come to tell you jt wil be flood thefe three howref : aud that tw'ill be darge- rous going ajainft the Tide : for the fkic is oucr caft, and there was a Porpike , euen now feene at London br:dge,which is al- wayes thcnicfTenger oftempefts,he fayes. Vet, A Porpifice J whats that to th'purpofe /charge him if hcc loue his life to attend v$;can wc not reach Bliickrt>al/(whcre my (\\\D liespagainft the iidr,acd m fpight of Tempefls ? Captaynes ana Gentlemen.wee'll begin a new ceremonic at the beginning of our voyage,which 1 bcJceue will be followed of all future ad- aentures.

S'-rf.Whats that good CoUnell i

Pr/.ThisCapiaiucS<'4^*^:we€*ll haue our prouided fupper


brought a bord Sir Francis Drakes Ship, that hath compaR the world.' where with full Cups, and Banquets wee will doe facri- ficcforaprofperous voyage. My mind giucsmc that fomc good Spirits ot the waters Hiould haunt the defart ribs of her j and be aufpicious to all that honour her tncmory,and will with like Orgies enter their voyages.

S<r4.Rarely conceipted : one health more to this motion, and aboard to performe it.He that wil not this night be dranke,may he ncucr be fober, Thejr c ompajfr in lVjnni)rid,daMnce the

dronkfft round, and drinke carorrfes.

Tram.SicPefronel/.AndhK honourable Captaines, inthefe young fciuiccs,we old Seruitors may befpared : We onelv came to take our leaues,and with one health ro you all, He be cold to dofo.. Here neighbour SrrwriVj, to the health of Sir PftroncO, and all his Captaincs.

, SecurJYou muft ben(} thef^ Mailler 'BramirU, (o^novt I am for yQU.'lhaueonccpri^ef ofmybraine, Ihope,fic to beare one caroufc more. Here Lady, to you thatareincompaftthere,ancl are afliam'd of our company .Ha,ha,ha,by my troth,(my Icarnd cotinfaileMaifter'?r4m^/<)mymindrunnes{o of Cucklxeides* hautn to niglir,thac my head runncs ouer with admiration.

Brant.hnt is not that your wife neighbour?

S?c//.No by my trotn Matter ^r4)w^/«ha,ha, ht, a pox of all C/ic^ho/dr hauens I fay. Bram. A'my faiih,hcr garments are exceeding like your wiuef,

SecH:(}tc(4lltu non facit CMoHachitm,my learned Coiinfaile; all arc not Cuckholds that fcemc fo,nor al feeme not that are fo# Giuc me your hand^i^jy learned Counfailc , you and I will fuppc feme where el fc,thcn at fir Francis Drakes Ihip to night. Ad uc roynoblcGofTip,

.^r^m.Good Fortune braue Captaines,faire skiei God fend yee.

Omnes. Vs^rt^tW my hearts/arewcll.

P/^Go^^ip,laugh no more zxC^ckjpolds W^;r,Go(Iip.

Secur.l hauc donc,l haue done fir,will Xou lead Maider Bram* ^/(f?ha,ha,ha. Exit,

P<?/.Captaine S?4^«// charge a boate*

Omnes.K Boafe,aboate,aboat. Exeunt,

*I>rarPj Y'are in a proper taking indeed totakeaBoate^ef- pecially at this time of nigh t , and againtt Tide and Tempeit,

E 3 They

Thcj fay yet ] drunken men neuer uks ^4nw^thii night will trie tch truth of that Poucrbc. Exit^

Enttr%ecnrUie^ S^r«.What fT*«»r?Wiff ,1 fay'out of dorci it this t'me where fliould I fcckc the dad -flic : BUUnfgdte, HUlm^gate.BiUinfgate S hcc'i gone witli the kni»ht,fhcc*s gone with the Kni^hc j woe be to the BiUinifgMte . A boate , a boate, a boate, a hJi hundred Markcs for a boate. Hx»r.

AAus Quartus. Scena Prima.

E*r*r SUguttWith a pair f tfOxc h^ma^ff" uertng CnckoUs'HMmen dbome. Slit. All hailcfaircHauen of married mcaonc!y,For there are none but married men cuckolds.For my part, I prefume not to arriuc here , but in my Maifters behalfe, ( a poore Butcher of EalVchcap«) who fenas mc to fct vp( in honour of Saint Luke) thcfc nccelTary Enfignes of his homage: And vp I gatthis raor- nin»,thus early , to get y^ to the top of this famous tree , that is all fruitc and no Icaucs.to aduancc this Creft of m v Maifters oc- cupation. Vp thcn,Heaucn and Saint Lul^e bleffc rae,that I be not blown into the T%ames as I clime, with this furious tempeft. Slight I chinke the Deuillbe abroade^inlikenefreofaftormeto rotbc mc of my Homes: Harke how he roares. Lord I what a coyle the Th/tmes keeps ! (hee beares fome vniuft burthen 1 be- leeue.thatfhee kicks and curuets thus to caft it:Heaucn blefTeall honeft pafTcngers , that arevpon her back now^for thebittc is out ot her mouth I fee > and Ihee will runne away , with 'hem. Sojfo Ithinkelhaucmade itlookethe righcway^itrunnesa- eatnft London-Bridge ( as it were ) euen full butt . And nowe let me difcouer from this lofty profpe£t, what pranckes the rude Thtmes plaies in her defperate lunacie« O me, heers a Boate has becne caft away hard bv.Alas,ala$,feeonc of her pafcngcrs,la- bouring for his life , to land at this hauen herespray heaucn hee may recouer it : His nesct land is euen iuft vnder me^ hold out a little whatToeuer thou art , pray , and take a ^ood heart to thee* Tis a man, take a man j heart to thee yct,a little furthcr,gct vp a- ' thy Icggs man : now tis (hallow enought. So,fo, fo Alas,hee's do woe againe ; hold thy winde Father : tis a man in a night-cap So ! now hce's got'vp againe : now hee'spaftthc worft :yet thankcs be to heaucn ; he comes toward mc prety and ftrongly*


Enter Security vritk o i4t his batjn an Night'Cap^vett band.c^c^

SiT^/HeaucnJ bcfccch thechow hauc I ciFendcdthcelwficrc aniIcartaniorcnow,thatImaygoc a rightcr way home by land /Let mc fccO I am fcarcc able to lookcabout mc : where is there any fea mjr kc that I am acquainted with all?

«y/rr.Looktvp Father pre you acauainted with this Markc?

. ji. Jrf/«.What / landed as Cnckh^tds tjauenlUcW and damnatio. I

will ninnc backc and drowne my felfe. He fdlles dovone»

S/;/.Pooreman how weake he is / the weake water has waiht awayhisftrength.

S<T*^.Landed at Cwj^W^if /f4«(f»?if ithad not bin to die twcty times aliuc^I Hiold neuer haiie fcapt death :l wilneuer arifemore, I wil grouell hcre,and eate durt tit I be choakt^ will moke the gentle earth do that the cruell water has denied me.

S/(/*Alas^oodfather,be not fo defperate^Rire man,if you wil ile comepreiently and lead you home.

SecM^tlomQi flialll make any know my Home, that haS knowneme thus abrode-'howloweOial I crouch away^thacnoe eye may lee me? I wil creepe on the earth while I liue,and ncuer lookcheauen in the face more. E.vi; creet,

SA>. What young VUnet raigncs now troe,that old men are lb foolifh? What defpcrate young fwaggerer would haue bcene a- broad fuch a wca tlier as this, vpon the water ? Ay me/ee another remnant of this vnfortunate fnip-wrack / or fomc other. A wo- man y faith.' a woman thouj^h it be almoft at S. Katherns, I dif- ccrne it to be a woman for al her body is abouc the watcr,& her cloths fwim about her moft handfomcly. O they beare her vp moftbraucly/hainotawomanrcafonto loue the taking vpof her cloaths the better while Iheliucs/oT this ^ Alas, how bufic the rude tham^.t is about her? A pox a' that wauojt will drowne hcr,yfaith,twill drowne hcr.Cryc God mercyjfliee has fcapt it,I thank heaucn /lie has fcapt it.O how Hie fwims like a Mermaid fome vigilant body looke ouf,& faue her. Thats well faid, inft tfhere the Prirflfe// Mythzrcs one fets downc a Ladder, & goes to take her vp.Gods blefTing a thy heart boy, now take her vp in thy armcs & to bed with hcr,(hecs vp,(hees vp / fhees a beauti* foil woman I warrant her,thc Billowes durft not dcuoure her*- E«/f r the Drawer in the Taucrne before rrith JVinnifrid,

DrawHo^ fare y ou now Lady?


fVynn.}^\wc\\ better, my ^ood fiiend then I wifh : as one dcf- pcratc of her Fam:,now my l)fc is prcfcru'd.

7)r»i!v. Comfort ycur (clfc : That power that prefcrued you from death ; can hkcwiTc defend you from infamic, howfocucr you deferue it. Were not you one that tooke Bote late this ni|;ht, wi:h a Kiii'ht,and other G-ntlcmcn at BUUngs-gate ?

ff^M. Vnhappy that I am,l was.

Dravf, I am glad it was my good happc to come dovvnc thus farrc after you , to a houfe oF my friends hcercin S. Kathrrines^ fincc I am now happily ma^c a mrane to your rcfcue, from the ruthlelTc terapeft s which ( when you tooke Boate J was fo cx- treame,and the Gentleman that brought you forth/o defpcrate and vnfober , that I fear'd long ere this Ifhouldhearcofyour fhip- ^racke>a!id therefore ( with little other reafon ) made thus farrc this way : And this I ra ift tell you, fince perhaps you may make vfc ofit,therc wasleftbchiaclyouatourtauernc,brought by a Porter ( hir'd by the young Gentleman that brought you) a Gcntlewomans Gowne, Hat , Stockins , and fhooes ; which if th:y bee yours , and you pleafe to fhif t you , taking a hard bed hcre,in this houfe of my friend, I will prefently go fetch you.

^r^^. Thankcs ray good friend, for your more then good newes. The G®wne with all things bound with it are mincj which if you pleafe to fetch as you haue promid, I will bouldly receiue the kinde fauour you haue ofFcred,till your rctume ; in- treating you , by all the good you haue done in preferuinz mee hitherto.to let none cake knowledge of what fauour you ao me, or where fuch a one ai I,am beflowed,1ea(l youincurre roe much more damige in my fame ^ then you haue done mee pleafur'ein preferuing my life,

'Draw, Come in Lady , and Hiift your fclfc ; rcfolue.that no- thing,but your o -vne pleafiire, (lull be vfde in your difcouery*

FyyH». Thanke you go od friend : the time mayxome , I ihaU requite you. Exennt, -^

S/*>.See,fee,fee / 1 hoM my lifc,there*s fomc other a taking vp at Wif^*»f,nowl Lookcwhat a fortofpsoph cluder about the G Jllow J therein good troth it is fo.O mc'a fine young Gentle- man! What ? & taken vp at the Gallowe«.'H:auen gra'int.he be not one day taken do wne there; A,my life it is ominou$.Wcll,hc is deliuered for the tim:,l fee the people haue al left him yet wil I keepe my profpert a while , to fee if any more haue bin fhip- wrackt, c Enttr


JEfSfer ^tfkk^hare'^fkd,

^*VibAccur*ft that cucr I wat fau'd^or borne* *

How fatall is my (ad ihriudhcrif ^' ^ As if the StarreSyUld T*rouidence fpakc to fuc. And fajd,the drift of al YnlaYvfiincourfcs, (What cocr end they ^arc propose thcmfeluei; In frame of their licentious policyes.) In the firmc order oFiuft Dfftimr, They are the ready high wa Ves t6 our Ruuies. I know not what to dae>niy wicked hopes Arc,wiihthi$Tcnipcftitortjcvpibytherootcj, ' O, which way /hall \ bend my drfperate Acppes, Id whichjVn^irffcrablc Shame ^nd M fcrie Will not attend ihem?l will walkcthis fianck« And fee if 1 can naeete the otlier rcliauei Of our poore (hip-wr^^ckt Crew^or heaie orthem. Th* Kni^^ht(alas) was fo f arre eoae with wine, Afid th'odier three»that 1 refufde their Boate, And tooke the haplefTe woman in anodier. Who cannot butDeruncke,whatcuer Fortune Hath wrought vpon the others defperate liues. Enter Petr\ineit^mdSe4^iti,larehe4ded^ P^/r.Zounds Captained tdl tnee,we arc cill vp b*the Coaft of f r4JM:r.Sfoote, I am not dronke (Hll ( I hope ? ) UoH remember where we were laft Night ?

Sea.^o by my troth knigbt,not Ibut me thinks we haue bb a horrible while vpon the water,and in the water. (thee?

Vetr.Kyt mee we are vndone for euer: had any nfoney about

^y^.Not a pcpny by hcaucn.

Pi^r.Not a penny betwixt vs^and caft a fhdre in France?

SeaJtdi\x\\ (cannot tell that',my braines^nor mine eyes are not mine ownr,yet« ]inter^,Gfntlemen. 'Ptf^Sfoore wilt notbeleeue me?! know*t by th' eleuation of the P'/ifjand by the altittid& s^^UiitHdeofihcQimate. See, here tfXdti a cot^pV of Freixh Gi'ntletac; fkhe w we were in France: do^ (Sou thmkcjur En^liihnicn arefo Frenchyf?ed,that a man kni>wts not whether he be in France,or in Ejjgland,whe he (ee^ 'hf m? What VnA\ we dp? we muft cenc to'hcni, and mtrtat fomo rciielcofiicm: Lifeiy(%ete;ind wee haue noothci pi<*me«ti^ rclicus our liucs nc^^t thffr Charitie>s '•

P Sc4.

£^fTfrJM7i HOE. '

j:/4.Prayyou,doyoubc^pn"*hcmthcnyoucanfpcakFrcnch. Pet/^MouJicttrjflMfi ilda$t»trpitj de nojiregrdnd itfortunei. It* yuuvftp9urt ChtUdlier T)\^fig/etirre^fti MfitffiU'iffffrtMfifiU I^Mtfrage. '■ ,


Ofti LMonjieftrytleJi trdp vran mMS vousfcaues hien mhs ftmct toHtesftthieB 4 fortune.

^,Gett.K poore Knight ofEndand ?a poorc Knight effVindfore arc you not?Why fpcakc you this broken French , when y*arc a whole enghfh man^'on what coaft arc you thinkc you? I ,Gert,On the coaft of Doggcs fir;Y'arc ith7/(P 4 hogget I tel yott I fee yauc bin waHit in the Thames here, & I bcleeue ycc were drowndinaTaucmcbcforcorelsyouwould ncucr hauetokc boat in fuch a dawning as this was.Farewell/are«vel,we wil not know you for Hiamingof you.I ken the man wcel , hces one of my thirty pound knigjits.

i.(?r».Now this is bcc that ftolc his knighthood o'the grid day for foure pound pum^ to a pagcal the monie in* s purfe 1 wot wd. SM.Dcath,Co//c«f/,l knew you were oucr /hot {Exeunt, PetSme I thinke now indeed^Captainc Seagul,wc were fome thing ouerihot. Enter J^icksjUuer,

What / ray fwcetc Frafick,^ickft^uer !doe(i thou furviuc to re* ioYce nie?Bu( what no body at thy heels FrAnckJf Ay mee what is Decomc of poorc Miftreflc Secwitji

^^^^^•Faith gone quite from her name,' at ^fheeis from her Fame I thinkc) 1 left her to thcmercie of the water.

S^4.Lct her goe^t her goe:let vs go to our /hip at BUcks^iJl and/hiftv$«

P^/.Nay by my troth,lct our cloaths rotte vpon v$,and Ictf $ rotte in them : twenty to one our /hip is attacht by this time / if wefethcrnotynderrailethis laft Tide, I neuerlookeforany oihcr.Woc,woc is mcjwhat /hall become of vs? the laft money we could makc.thc greedy Thorns has deuoured, and if our /hip be attach tfthere it no hope can relieue vs.

^if.Sfoot Knight,what an vnknightly faintnefle tranfporti thecTlet our /hippe /incke^and all the world thatt without vs be taken from vt«l hope 1 haue feme tricket^ this braine of mine^ ihallnotletvspen/h,

S#4.Wel faid FrsnckyhxthXy my nimble-fpirited S*nc\tJiUur Foregod would thou badft bcene our CblIon<lJ,



*PetrX like his fpirit rarcly,bui I fee no tneanes he has to fup* port that rpirit.

^ick^Go too Knight, I hauc more mcancs then thou art a- ware off-i hauc not liu'ci amongf) Gould- Tniths and Gouldma- kers all this while,but I haue learned fomething worthy ofmy time with 'hem. And not to let thee ftinckc where thou ftandft Knight .He let thee know fome oFmy skill prcfcntly,

Sea, Doe good F;vr*f j^tf I befccch thee.

^ickA will blanch copper fo cunningly,that it /hall endure

allproofcs,bntthcTcft :itinall endure mallcation, it Hiall haue

the ponderoiitie of Z<yM4,and the tenacity ofLtttueJby no nveant

7<'r.Sli^ht,whcrclcarnft*thouthefetearmc$,tro? ('friable.

^icijTud^ Knightjthe tearmcs of this Artc,cuery ignorant Quack«faluer is perfe£^ in : but ileCv'U you how your felfe IhtU blanch Copper thus cunningly. Take e^r/»/r4^,otherwife cal- led Real^a(v/hiQh indeed is plaine /J;<^/^4»r)Sublime'hcm thre« or foure times , then take the fublimate of this T^a/^^, and put 'hem into a Giadr, into Qjjmia , 6c let them haue a conuenient deeo^ion Natural, foure and twenty howres^dc he wil become pcrfeftlyfixt fThen take this fixed powder,& proieC^himvp- on wcl -ptirgd Coppcr^^/ habebis Magifterium*

A>»^<>.Exccllent fr^w y et vs hugge thee.

J^ic^vf this I wil do befidesjilc take you off tweliiepcncc from cuery Angell,with a kinde oi A^uafortij,2nd ncucr deface any part of the Imat^e,

Fet.But then it will want weight.

^tck. You /hall re/lore that thus : Take your/ai Achtme prepat'd, & your diftild Vrine and let your Angels lie in it but fourc and twenty houres,5c they fhatHiaue their perfect weight againc : corns on now , I holde this is enoueh to put fome fpirit into the liuers of you, lie iniiife more an other time Wee haue faluted th« proud Ayre long enough with our bare skonces, now will I haue you to a wenches houfe of mine at London,' there make ihiftto/hiftvs,and after take fuch fortunes as the ftarres/hallafsignevs. *

At^^c. Notable Fyanckyve will euer adore thee. Exeunt, Enter Drawer with fVjrmifridynevf attired,

W;».Novy fweete friend you haue brought me nccre enough jrourTaucrucjVfhichl dc/ired i might \tiih fome colour bee

Vz feenc


Iecacneare,inquirmg for my husbanJswho I irnft tell you floTo ihcthcr the lart night with my wet go wnc wc hauc left at your 6:ieads.; whichj Co conriauc your former honeH kindncs^let me pray you to keepc clofe from the knowledge ofany^and fo with all vow of your rcquiull, let me now entreat you if> Icaue me to niywomanjwit.andfo:tupe, .,. ^, , t •!;•

Drdtwer.P^ (halbe done you deure ; and fo il the fortune yoi^ caa wifh for.artend you. Exit Dra, Enter Security.

Seat, \ yril once more to this ynhappy Tauerne before I fhifc ore t agge of me mote , that I m^ there know what is left bc- hind.and what newes of their paflengers : 1 haue bought me a Hat and band with the little mopey fhad about me , and made i the (heats a lide leaue (lanng at my niehe-cap. \

fVjn.O ray dcare husband I where haue you bin to liight ? all ' night abroaoe at Tauerncs?rob roe of my garments .'an^.fare as ; one run away &om me ?Ahlas I is this fecmcly for a man of your \ credtt'of your age ? and afFc^ion to your wife?

S#r«r. What /liould ] fayrhow miraculoudy forts this/ was not | I athome«andcald thee lafl night/ ]

W«.YesSir,iheharmele{Ieflecpeyoubroke,andmyanfwer ] to you would haue wicne(lit,ifyou had had thep^tirnce tohaue j flaid and anfwered me^ but your fo fodain retrait,made roc imi' ] gine you were gone to M . 'SrAmbles^ and (o reded patient,and hopeful! of your comming againc, till this your vnbeleeued ab» fence brought mc.abrode with no hde then wonder, toiceke « you where the falfe Knight had carried you,

S««.Vi!lainc,&Monfterthai I wa>,how hauel abuf 'd thee? J I was fuddeniy gone indeed ! for my fodaine ieloufic tranifcrred \ m »1 will fay no more but this dcare wife Ifufpc Acd thee* %

IVynX>\<\ you fufpe^ mc? , Sff^^.Tallcenotoritlbvfcechthce* I am a(hamcd to imagine ic^Ivyill Hopie,I will home,and euery morning on my knetsaskc iberheartQlicfor^iuencfle. Exeunt,

Nowwilllcieiccnd my honorable Profpe^t ;thc farthyeft feeing Sea mark of the World : Noe mjr'iaiic then if I could Ice two miles about me. I hope the reddc Tcmpcrts anger be nowe ouer blowne, wliich fure I thinkc Heauen fcnr as a piinii^mcnt fo'i propharung holie Saint Z^i^/memorie, with fo. ridicolous a turtomc.Thou difhoncft Srf;irr,farewcl to honed married Mcnj

Earcwell^Co all forts and degrees ot thcc. Farewell (hou hoinc of



ftimgcr that calft th'Innes a court to their Mangfr; Farewell thouhornc of aboundance.that adprncft the hcadfmcn of rhc Comtnon wealth: Farewell thou home of dircftion, that n the Citty Lanthotnc : Farewell thou Home QfPleafurCjtheEnfignc of the huntfman: farewell ihou home of defliny, th cnGo^nc of ihemirricd man : Farewell thou Hornc Tree that beared no- thing but Stone- fruitc. . Exit. Enter Tsuchfitne, Ttwch.Hi firah /Thinkcs my Knight Adiienturcr we can no point ol our compaflc ? Doe wee not knowe l^orth N»rth.e^Jl f North -eaft and hy Eafi f Eaft and bj North ! nor pi aine Eitfi-wardi Ha i iia ue we ncuer heard oH'trgima ? nor the C'^haIUti:* .' nor the Colonoria ? Can we difcoucr no difcouerics? well mine errat fir f/^/h,and mv t unnagatc Qf*icl^f^ufr^you may drinkc dronke crackccanncsjiurlcawayabrownedozcnof Afonmcuth cappx or fo.in fca ceremony to your bong voyage : but for reaching any Coaft faue the coaft of ^>«^or £//>.v,with this Tide,or wiih th \% fiectCjIlebcc your warrant for a C?'-4*<'/^^«^Toft: The' rs that gone afore, wili flay your Kdrmirall and Vice-admira/l , and Kere'adnnrally\Nttt they all ('as they are j but one T^innacey^w^ vnder faile, as well a$ a /?5wor^,doubt it not ; & fto this Sconce without cither pouder or fliot. ff^arkef;p4H that nov.t^ay y and

Ciule fluw trickcs.wcclc vie with you^littlcMy daughter his dywasfcntEaQsvard.by Jandioacaftlcof his, i'theaireCin wha'R'gionlknow not,and(asl hcare)wasgladto take vp her lodginj;in he: coach,flic and her two waiting women , her m^fl,.ir:d Jiei m ther^like three fiiailes in a ihell and theccach- manatopponhcm,! thinke Hnce the) haueal found the way baclcca^ainebyACcping crofle. Butile not fee 'licm. And for two on 'hem, AfAJmn and hct (JHnlkinyXhcy arc hke to bite o'thc bfiiilefoi^^///.'*?w,a$fhepoorehorfci haucdone all this while that hurried*!. en. or clTc to graze o'the common; So (hould my Bamejouihjl tti t:o.but/hc hasbecncmy crofle thcrc30.yecres and lie now kcepe ht- r,fo fright away fprights yfaith. I wonder I heaiei oncwesofmy rK>nneCtf/</i«jf 1 heewa« f<nl for to the C««/-i-;5;*.//,thi$Mocai!fgbctimi$,aDdImaruaileattKematter,ifI had not l.»jde vp comfv>rr,and liope in him,l Ihould growe def- Pcrat: ol all. Sec, He is come I'my thought / How now Tonne? whai ncwcs ai the Court of Aldermen J

F 3 Enttr

Enter GolcUng. GtuldXto^ Sir,an Accident fome what ftrangc, cl$ it hath li- tlc in ic worth the reporting.

7V*cA.Whit? [t is not borrowing of money then? Gol. No fir, it harh plcafde the worfhipful Comnioncrt of thfi cittic to tike mc one i their number at prcrcntid6 of the inqjeft. Touch. Ha I Goli. And the ^IdermM of the wardc wheteia I d wcljto appoint me his DcpiKv- Totick. How I Cwent. G3mU. In which placc.I haue nad an oath miniftred me.fince I Touch ^ovt ray dearr, & happy fonac ! let mc kiffe thy ncwe wor(bip,& a little boaft mine owne happines in thcc:Whai a for- tune wai it(or rather my iudgment indeed) for m:,firft to fee that in his difpofltion , which a whole Cicty fo confpires to fecond/ Tane irtio the Liuorie of his company , the fitft day of his free- dome? now(oot a weeke mirricd)chotcn Commoftcrt^nd Aider* m^ns Deputy in a day ? note but the reward of a thriftie coutfe. The wonder of his time ! Wcll,I wil honour M. Alder^nnnjioi thii a^, fas becomes m- j and (hall thinke the better of the common Counccls vvifdom,& w&rfhip, while I line, for thus meeun^, or but comming after m: in the opinion of his defert : Fonvard^ my (tiffi.-icnt /i»^«^,and as this is the firft/o efteemc it the leaft ftep>to that high and prime honour that experts thee.

GouL Sir as I was not ambitious of this ^ fo I couet no highee places It hath dignity cnoagh,if it will but faue me fi'6 contempt: and I had rather ray bearing, in this , or any other office , (hould aide wonh to it j then the place giue the leaft opinion to me.

Touch, Excellently fpoken: This modeft Anfwer ofihinc blu* (hes,a$ if It faid.I wil'wcare fcarlei fhordy. Worftiipfull fonne I V cannot containe nay fclfe,I muft tell thceV I hope to fee thee one o the Monuments ofour ctfy,and reckoned among her worthl-?s to be remcmbred the fame day with the Lady l^f»ffj,Sc graue Gre/h4mi\flihen the famous fable offThittMgtorfJk his TuffeflxA* be forgoitcn, and chou and thy Afts become the Pofics for Hof- pitals , when thy name fhiU be written vpon Conduits, and thy deeds plaid i'thy life tirae,by the beft companies of A£lars ,and be calld their Get.peme. This I diuine and Prophefic.

C*/i.Sir,cngage not your expedlaclon fardcr: then m'j abilities wil anf*/vcr:l that know mine own ftrencthj/care licm j & there is fo IcldDm a loflc in promifiig the lead, that comonly it brings With it a welcome dcceipt. i hauc other ncvrc* for you fir. J


7#i/f/:f.Nonemorc wclcomc,T am fure? Ctf/.Thcy l«ac their degree of welcome,! dare affimie The Coloncll,and al his company,ihis morning putting forth drunk from^^/w^y^'»^^*hadhketo haue beenc caft away o'rhis fide grff»mch:8c(ii I haue intclligence,by a falfc Brother)arc come dropping to to wnc,!ikc fo many maiftcrlcs men,i'their doublets and hofc,without Hat,or Cloake; or any other..

T ouch. Amirzde ! the iufticc of Heaucn ! where arc they .'lets goc prefcntly and lay for *hem.

GohUA haue done that already fir , both by Conftables, and other officcrs.who fiial take *hem at their old iyfnch»r\ 5c with lefle tumult,or fu(pition,then if your felfe were feene int : vnder colour ofa great Pre(Te,that is nowabroad,and theyfliall here be brought afore me.

To«c^.Prudcnt,& politique fonnc ' Difgraec 'hem all that e~ ucr thou canft > their fliip I haue already arretted, Howe to my wifhitfalsoutjthatthouhaftthcplaccofaiufticer vpon them I I am partly glad of the iniurie done to me jhat thou raaift puni/h it.Bc fcuere ithy place,like a new officer othe firft quarter, vnrc- flefted:you heare how our Lady is come backe with her traine> fi-om the inuifible Caftlc? Gold,^Oy where is flic?

T<7«r^«Within,butIhanotfeencheryet,norhcrmothcr,who now beginr.es to wifli her daughter vndubd , they fay,and that flic had walked a foot-pafe with her fiftcr.Hcre they come ftand back.

TeMchJro?te,L^fireff Totichfioney CirtrudetGouldingy Mildredy^yndefj. God faue your Lidifliip:faue your good Ladifliip r your La- diiliip is welcome from your inchantcd Caftle,fo are your beau> tious RctineWjl heare your Knight errant is traueld on flrange aduenturessfurely in my mmAfjonr L4dijhif hArhpfhtfaire^ and taught afroggeyis the faying is, Misi.ToMchSpcdkc to your father Madam,5<: knecle donme. Gir.Knecle ? I hope I am not brought fo low yet: thougji my Knight be runaway,and has fold my land, lam a Lady ftill.

7i»«c/?. Your Laaifliipfaics true, Madam,& it is fitter, andt

greater <:/rc0r/ym,that I fliould curtfie to you that are a Knights

wifc,and a Lady,thcn you be brought a your knees to me, who

am a poorccullion.and your father.

Jr#>.Low/my^Fathctkiiowcs his duty: iMJ^.Tmch.O chMi

To^ch. Aai t'jcreforcT doc dtdicyo^ir La Julilp , my good Lady F/a/h, in all humili y, to depart my obfcurc Cottage . and return: inqucftdf your bright, aQdmoftfrantfpircntCaftell,' hoi» titer pre fentlf conceaUfo mortall eyes. And a'j for one p >orc woman of your trainc here. I will take that order, (hce ihill no longer b s a charge vnto you ,nor hclpe io fp?nd your Ladi(hipj flic rhall ftay at home with mc,and not goe abroad not put voii to the pawning of an oddcCoach-horft, or three whcelc5,but take part with ^hzTottchJioneA^yNz hckc.vc wilnotcomplamc to your Ladifhip . And fo good 'Mi^^n , with your DAm4eU hcre;pleafc you to let vs fee your ft rai^Ht backs,in cquipagcfor ' truly jhcre is no rouft for fuch chickens as you arc, or birds o'your fcathcr.ifit like your Ladiihip.

Ctr.Mary, fyftcoyourkindncllc.l thoughtas much. Come away Sinne^int fKall affoonc get a fart from a dead min,as a tar- thing of court'fic here. c^<A/.0,2;ood Sifter/ (7*>.Sifter,fir rcuerecei'com: away,I fay,H'Jngcr drops out af G^/.O Madam, FMirewtrjUneutr hurt the tongne. (nis nofc C«>. Howe fay you by that ? you come out with your goldc ^^MiXoucSny Lady-daughter J good hu«band.(cnd$ now / Touch. Wife no man loues his fetters be they made ot gold :l lift not ha my head faftned vnder my childs girdle *, as flied has brcw'd fo let her drinkr^ Gods namc.-fhe went witL flcto wed- ding,now fltc may goe wifely a bcji^j^ing.It's but hony-Moonc vet with her Ladilhip;{he hasCoach horfes, Apparcljcwcls yet Icft.Oic needs care for no friends, nor take kuowledgof F^/^rr, AfotherjBrotherfiiJfer^ or any body ; When thofe are pawn*d or fpent,perhap$ we fhall returne into the lift of her acquaintance, Gjrt.l fcornc it ifaith.Come Sinne. ( Exit Gjrt. M.TwS^ Madam, why doe you prouoke your Father , thus? Touch y^vf ,x\vf eene let Pride §o afore,Shame wil follow after I warrant y outcome, why doeft thou weepe now?(hou are not the fir ft good cow haft had an il calfej truil. What's the newes, with that Wlbw.' Enter Conftdhle,

C7#«/. j'ir^thc Knight,and your man ^iei^flHer,2.tt without, wnrhem brought in.

ToHch.O by any meancf . And Sonne,hecr*s a Chairr,nppearc

terrible vnioTiein , on the fir ft enter view. Let tliem behold the

mclancho! y of a Magi'Vate,8c taftc the fiiry of a Cilizr in office.

C?7«/. Why ^r^ I can do nodiing to'hcm, except you ch4r.;e

them with fome what. Tnurh-


7V«. I will charge *hem,and recharge 'hem, rather tIie»»»ithoritk fiiould wantfoilc to fetit off. ^*ii. No good fir J wilnot.

Tom. Sonne it is yourplace j by any mcanes.

6'*«.Bclceucit,Iwillnotfir. '

Snttr Knight T^t.^ck^ConflablijDgiars,

fit. How Misfortune puriucs vs ftill in our miierie !

5jg«|Vi^ Would ithad bin m v fortune, to hauc bin trujft vpat /^<*^ ^tt>f, rather then eucr ha come ncrc.

fit. Orniine,tohaucfamifKtintheIland.

^g«Ms.MuftC7<»«/(i««»gfitvponvs? (worfliip>

Con, You might carry an M.vnder your girdle to M^Dcputicl <7#*. What are thofc M^ConftabIe^

Com. An t picafc your worfliip,a couple of maiftcrles men,I pred for the w-countries,fir.

Colt. Why do you not carry *hem to Bridcwell,according to your ordcrthcy may be /hipt away?

Con. An't picafc your Worfhip, oncof *hcm faycs he is a knight; & we thought good tofhew him your worfliip, for our difchargc, . Gou. Which is hc^ Con. This fir. Com. And what*s the other?

foM. A knights fellow fir,an't plcafe you.

GohI. What a Knight and hisfeilow thus accoutred ? Where arc their Hats,and feathers, their rapiers and cloakcs i

^nic. O they mockc vs.

Com, Nay tiuelv fir, they had caft both their feathers, and hattes too,bcfore we dicf fee 'hem. Heroes all their furniture an'tpleafeyoii, thatwcfound. They fay, Knights are now to be knownewitnout feathcrs.like Cockrels by their Spurres, Sir.

Goh/. What are their names,fay they ?

Touch, Very wel this.He iliould not take knowledge of *hem in iiis placc,indeed. fon. ThisisCixVetroneU Flajh.

Touch. Howl Con. And this Francu ^i.'kr(t/Mer^

ToMch. Is't poGible? I thought your worllitp had bccnc gone for yirginia, Sir, you are welcome home fir . Your worfhippe haz made a quicke returnc,it feemes, and no doubt a 2;ood voyay;c . Nay,pray youbccouer'dSir.How did your Biftiuctliold oiitSiT?Methouo-ht 1 Iiad fecne this gentleman afore-, goodM. ^ck^fUuer ! How a3c- grce to the Sonthward haz chang'd you !

Con/d. Doe you know 'hem father? ForbcareyouroffcrsaMc, you fliall be heard anonc.

Toffcb. YeSjMvDeputie : I had a fmall venture with them in rhc ^royage,aTliing,call'd#i'Mi«i/«r,orfo. Officers,youmavlct1icra

ilaDd akmC) they will not ninnc away ylfc giue my word forth«m. A couple of very honcft Gentlcn^cn. One orhem was my Prcrttil^ M.^*/f^hcrc,and when hte hadij.ytares to fcruc, kept his whore, and his hunting Nag, would play his hundred poimd at Grefc* , or /^MOT^rtf, as familiarly (andalla'mypurfc) as any bright peece of Crimfo on 'hem aJUhad his changeable trunks of apparcl,ltanding athuery witKhis Mare, his dieft of perfumed hnnen,6c his Bathing tubs, which when I told hiniof, why he! hcwas a Gentleman, and I a poore CbcM^fide Groortc. The remedy was, wemuft part Since when,he hath had the gift of gathring vp fom final parctllsof mine, to the value otfiue hundred pound difperft among my cuftomers,tc^ furnifh this his y$rgtniaM venture^wherein this Knight was the chief, fir FiaPf:ont that married a daughter ofmine, LadiHedher,turndi|. thousand pounds woorthof good laud of hers into Ca(h^ withih the iirft weeke,bought hcr^t new Gowhe,and a Coach, fcnt her to fceic her fortime by land, whiM> himfelfe prepared for his fortune by fea^ toolcein frefTi flefli at ^rAi^^Mf*, for his owne diet , to (erne him the . whole voy agc,the wife of a certaine vfurcr calld5'#nvrmr,who hatk been the Broker for 'hem iti all ihisbufincd'ciPlcafcmaifterDepu-

Cnti, IfmyworlhipfuU Father haueendcd, 7Miri&. I hauc, it (hall pleafeM^ Deputy. '<

CmL Well then, vndcrcorrc^ion.

ToMch. Now fon,comeouer'h(m with Tome Hne guird, asthus, Km^ki^yM ^hiwcmufrtd, thatis, had to the C^ufUir^oT ^^kt-f^

C4mld. Sir Petromll ¥l^j I afTi fory to feefuch flaihei as thefepto^ ceede from a Gentleman ofyour Quality fie Rancke) For mine own part,lcouldwini, I could (jy, I could not (ec them : bdtfuchis^the mifery of MagiOrates, & men in Place, that they mud not wiskk<at Offenders. Take him afide,! will hearc you anone fir. 7M.Ilike this well yet:thcre's fome gracei'the knigbtleft,h«€riei. GtU. frmcu ^wfi^yZWr, would Ood thou hadittumd St**^ ySiAir/',rather then run into thefe difrolute,& lewd courfcs^it great pitty,thou artaproperYoungman,ofan honefl & clean ^ace,fome- whatneare a good on,((jod hath done his part in thee)but,thou1iaft made too much, & b ecn too crowd of that fa«e, with the (ef^ of thy bodiofbr maintai nance of which in peate f sd aariHi atnie, oncl^' to be looked vpon by fome lighthoufwifes)ihou4i4f<.pri)fii^idly cM^f- fumed much of thy MaTrcrscf^aJc : and btiiMiljyllm^geniiYi^c- ^irh'd, at fcuerall cimcs, haft rctar*^j^:(||]f fcjlujj^W^

fh^t /buglit A<luentUf cSibut thefc of the fcjuatt Title at dni^urufi thatfitathajfardi ' ...

Gjfr, Trie ^/Wjiet him vaiiif}i: Anxttcl trie, what fhal wcpawn next?

Sjpf. Imary,Maclam,a timely confidcration,for our Hofte(lc(pro- phanc woman)hazfworne by breacl,& fait, flie will not truft v$ an other mcalc.

Gj^, Let it ftinkcin her hand then. He not be beholding to her. Let me fee, my Jewels be oone,& my <Sownc,&]my red vcluet Pct- ticote,thatI was married in,& my wedding (ilkcftockings, and all thy beftapparell,'paorc«y^». Good faith rather then thou fhouldcft pawne a rae more il'c lay my ladifliip in laiiender,If I knew where. Sjffi. Alas,Madam your LadiHiip ?

€jr. 1} why ?you do not fcorne my Ladiiliip^though it is in a waft- coate? Gods mylife,you are a T'tfrfr? indeed! doe I otter to morgagc my Ladilliip,fbryou,and foryourauaile,anddo you turncthe Lip. »ntl the Alas to my Ladifhip ? (on it ?

-S^irvNo Madam,butl make queflion^who will lend any thing vp-

Cjr. Who? mary inow, I warrant you , ifyou'lc feeke 'hem out. I'm (lire I remember the timCjwhen Iwouldha'giuen looo.poimd, (if I had had it) to haue bin a Ladic*,& I hope I was not bred tz born with that appetite alone:foroeothcr gentle borne o* the Cittic, hauc the fame loneing I truft. And for my part,l wold afford'hera a peni- *rrii,my Ljtdilliip is 1 ittle the worfe ror the wearing, and yet I would bate a eood dealc of thefumme.I would lend it(let me fee) for 4o.li. in hindySj/», that would apparell vsj and I O. li. a yeare : that would keepeme,and you,5j'»,(witn our needles) and we fliould neuerneed to be beholding to our fciruy Parents? Good Lord , that there arc no pMtres now a d^icSySjH, Syn, Why Madame ?

Gyr. TodoeMirades, and bring Ladies money. Sure, ifwcelay in a cleanly houfe,they would hajuntit,57«w ? He trie.IlefArccpe the Chamber foone at night, & fet a difh of water o' the Hearth. A Fay' r»#may comc,and bring a Pearle,or a Diamond. We do not know 4Sy»««'?Or,theremay be a pot of Gold hido'thcback.fjde,if wehad toolestocliggcfor*t?whymaynot wctworifeearely i'the morning (i)»»<f)afore any bodic is vp,and find a lewell, i'the (Ireetes, worth a lOO.lJ? May not fome great Court-Lady, as fhe comes fromReuels atmidnight,looke out df her Coach, as 'tis running, and loofe fuch alewell,andwc findit? Ha?

Syn. They are prettie waking dreamcs,thcfe.

C^r. Ormaynotfomeolde Vfurerfce dnmkeoucr-night? with aRijo«-rr»fmonev. and leaueitbehindchimonaStall \ for God^'-

fpk*^>Wj9i^|Qi»ftrrow by brcakcofday^nd fee. Ip^oteftUvf^ iflhad as much money as an Alderman, I would fci^tterfohie on't tfh^e^td^poorcjEjadicft to ($;i(4ej\vhea their Knighct were laid vp.AH4:AOW Ircmcmbcrmy Song othcGelJit$JJlfc»ri^why may not (nau^pifhafortunc? Ilcling it,& try whatluck I (hat haue after ic

[HswtrethfBltwiiathtbreatem) So.veUlitketheflaji, . , ^^

■.' . tfitir Mifl.T0uchfi&iie. I hope.Ha'you brought anymo«

FmidFMkiesteliefoliU, >/if«ir loue MiDanaes /4^

,^J^^e^vidJk»imrt$fG9ldf Ohccrs't my mothcr'gpod luckc,

mcy mothcr?Pray you mother your blefsiugj»lay,fweetc mother dd

tiot.weepe; ; ■. ; ,, i . ; ,^. . .^

- ^/)?.7M^^,GpdbIe(Ie)'py)IwouldIwereiAinygraue. j ,^r.Nay dtfife mofJier, cas you ftealc no jn ore. money fronimy. I f^erJdry your eyes and comfort me- Alasitismy Kniehtsfault,

and not mine,chat I am in a Wad-coate^and attyred thus limply. Mt(i.Tokch, Simpl)"?!]! belter then thou deferu'ft. Ncucrwnim*

?x for the matter. Thamfi^M^iuuu Uol(t btf§re tb»M htulfi ie*ft. hpu wert afire to be a Ladie* and now ypur jLadi/hip & you may \iOi\\ bloveattheCoitf for aught I kaow, Stlf^ifiijeifihuHi^ TM.

Gjir.i^iy then mother, you (hould halook't to it $ A bodie would thinkeyouwerctheolder:Ididbutmykinde, I. he was aKnieht, and I yyas 6t to be a Ladie. Tu not lacke of liking, butlacke oTli- k fiin^)thatreuer} vs.Andyoutalkclikeyour felf&aCittinerinthis, yfajth-You (hew what husband you come on iwis ? You fiiicll the ToMchflfifu.He that will dpemcre for his daughter that he has marri- ed a fciruygpld- end man, ^ his Prentiiethenbewil£)r hist'otbfi I Paughter,tnat has wedded a Knieht,^ his Cuflomer.^y this lig^

I Iihinkeheisnotmylegittiniatel^ther.-- ; ,

I SyH4 P good Madam,dc e not take vp your mother fo.

2>^^.7'««ci&.Nay,nay,let her eene alone. LctherLadifliipgricuc ' me (tiil,with her bitter taunts and termes. Ihauenotdolcinou^hto. fee her in this miferablc cafe, I? vvithouther Veluetgownes, without Ribbands, without lewels, without French-wires, or Cheat-bread, or Quailes,ora little Dog, or aGentJemanV/hft^, or apyj^hixig in.- ideedjthat's fit for a Lady.— •*$/». Except her tongue.

THifi.Twch. And I not able to ix;lieuc her neither, being kef>t To 4H>rt by my husband.Wcll.God knowes my heart. I did Uu$ t^ilike llli^ euer^c ihould haue had aee4 c(^ciittcr ^«/^«X.

all his kkidneflic with a courfe & Jiarih bchauiour , ncuer returnmg thanks for any one benefit, butrccciuing all,as if they Iiad bin debts to thcc,& no courtcficjs, •. I muft tell thcc Fr^$Kij, thcCe arc nianifeft figncsofan ill nature i and God doth often puniflifuch pride, and fiittricmidtmcfj with fcorne and infamie, which is the worft of Vnisfor- timc. My worftiipfull father, what doc vouplcafe to charge them withall? from the preiTe I will free 'hem Maifter Confublc.

C^nft. Then lleleaue your worfliip, fir.

(7o/i^.No^oumay flav,there will be other matters againfl *hetn.

TottcbSitlAo charge tnisGallant,M.,g«iV/^-yJiW^,on fufpition of l^elony^Sc the knight as being acceflarie, in the receipt of my goods,

^mcl^ O good firl

TattchMoid thy pcaceimpudent varlot, hold thy peace. With what forehead or hice,do(l thou offer to cboppe Ugkk* with me, ha- uinzrun focharaceof Riot, as thou hall done? Do's net the fight of this worAiipfuIl mans fortune & temper, confound tiiee,that was thy yonger fellow in houihold,and nowe come lo hauc the place of aludgevponthcc? Doftnctobferue this J Which ofall thy GaU lants,and Gamfters,thy Swearers 6c thy Swaggercrs.will come now to mone thy misfortune, or pitty thy pcnuric ? Theyle looke out at awindow,asthourjd'ftin truimph t o ZiWw,and crie,yoiider goes hot\c^FrMnck$ vnid ^^ieki^/tur, He was a free boone companion, when lie had money,fayes onejHanghim foole, faycs another, hcc couid not keepe it when he had if, A pox oth Cullion, his M^(faies a third) hehas brought him to this : when their Pox of Pleafure,and their piles of perdition, would hauc bm better beftowtdvpon thee, that haft vcntredfor *liem with the beft,and by the cle // oi thy kna- uerie brought thy feife weeping to the Cart of Calamitie.

^icl^ Wonliipfull Maifter.

?«#;/&. O ffer not to fpeake, Croco(Uie\ I will not hearea found coroefrom thee. Thou haft learnt to whine at the play yonder. Maifter D^^itf^, pray you commit hem both to (afecuftodie, till I be able farther to charge hem.

£Imc. O me what an vnfortunate thing am I >

Vet. Will you not take fecuritie, fir 3

Temch.Ya mary will I fir FU/hy if I can find him, and charge hira as decpe as the beft on you. He has bjcene the plotter ofall this:hcis your In^ner,! heare Maifter "D^/Jur/^jy ou'lc difpofe of thcfe ? In the meanetime, l\c to my Lord MMitr, and ^et his warrant,tofe!Zc chat fcrpent Stcitritic into my hands, and fealc vp both houfe, and goods to the Kings vfe,or my fatisfa€lion.

~ " •It . .a r-» .......

^— •- »-^ r\ri

.fW*.Nay,on,on:yoii fecthcHTueof yourSfoth.OfSlbtVcomi

mcth PIcafurCjof Plcafurc commcch Riot, of Riot comes Whoring^'

of Whoring comes Spcnding,of Spending comes Want ^ of Want

fomtsThcft,of Theft comes Hanging5& thercismy ^Vi^y.fixt.

; AftusQuintus. ScenaPrima. Sxcutu.

Gjrtmde^ Syrnlefie,

Cyr. Ah Sjmte \ haft thou euer reid i'the Chf onicTe of any Ladie,

8c her waiting woman,driucn tathat extremitie, that wc ^rtSjnne ?

Sjn, Not 1 truely, Madam, and if I had, it were but cold comfort

/hould come out ofthcbookes, now.

Cyr, Why, good faith Sjn. I could dine with a lamentabler fliorie, iiow,0 hone,hoHe, o n$ nera^^c. Canft thou tell nere a one, Sjnl

i'Mr.None but mine owne,Madam,whichi^ lamentable inoughv

firft to be ftolne from my Friends, which were worfllipfiill, and of

good accompt, by a Prentife , in the habitcand difguifeofa Gen*

, ^rieman.and nereproudit vp toLondon,& promised marriage, and-

now likely to be forfaten (for heis in pofsibilitie to behangd.)

Cr;r.Nay,weepc not good Sjnne. My Petrotieil^ is in as good pofsi- bility as he. Thymifcrics arc nothing to mine, »$)wj»f: Iwasmorc then proinis'd marriageii)'^!^, I had it Synne : and was madcaLady) and by a Knight ,^7«: which is now as good as no Knight Sp. And I was borne in Z,Wwi,which is more then brought vp.i)'*: & alrcadic" ibrfakcn, which is paftlikehhood, i^'ir: and m fteadof Land i'the j Gountrcy,all my knights liuing lies i'the C«w»ff r,.yy»;thcre*s his Ca-^ ftlenow. .T^ff. Which he cannot be forc'd out of Madam,

Gyr. Yes if he would Hue hungrie a weeke,cr two, Hmiier tbejfi^'^

kreMi^s fiont ir^/jr.But he is eene well inou^h feru'd, Sjn^ that fo (bone

I as euer he had got my hand to the fale or my inheritance, ran away

from me , and I had beene his Puncke, God Weflc vs. Would the

. Knight othe StMyOr Ps/m.-rhif of England, haue vfed their Ladies (o,

SyH^ordr LtMceUtf or fuTriflrMtf Sm.l donotknow,Madam.

Oyr» Then thou kno weft nothing,^/* Thou art a foole, ^y^h The

Knighthood now adaj^es, are nothing like the Knighthood of pldc

I ttme.They ride a hor{-backe,Ours got a foote. They were attended

by their Squires, Ours by their Lackies. They went buckled in

their Armour,Ours muffled in their Cloaks. Theytrauaild wilder-

neflb,dc dcfarts,Oun dare fcarcc walke the ftrcets.They were ftill,

^eft to cneage their Honor,Our5 ftill readv to pawne their cloaths.

1 hey wouTd^allop on at light of a monfter,Ours run away arfight

of a icf icantThey wold helpe poorc ladicj,0«ri makeptjore liadies.

Syn.l madamjthcy wcff kni^htj ofdi( round Tabic at ff^hfft'n

EAsrwAftn wu^.^ .--

(7^. 'WhyM'dt1icr,Ihanotyet. Alas; good Mother^ be not inw toxica tc for mc ,' ' 1 am well iriOugh ,'. I w ould not change husbands witli rtiy fiftc'jI-T'iw icfgftfiiLftks ^Wr th*h the b^dj tfa Kiti*

Mi. Touch: Know that.But ^ (7;r. What fwcct Nlothor,Whad

Mi.Tfittc, It's butillfood,whcnnothing*slcftbutthc Qaw.

^jr. That's true Mother Aye mc.

M. T*m: Nay,fwc€tLady-bird,fighnof, Child,MadaHic. Why do you wcepc thus ? Be of good cheerc . I Hull dk^ if you cry, and mar your complexionthu!? Gtr. Ala$Mothcr,what/houldIdo? •JTWiiTV*. Go to thy Sin«*, Child,Shecrc beprowd, thy Lady-(hip wil come vnder her roof.Shec'l win thy Father to rcleafc thy Knight and redceme thy Gowne$, nnd thy Coachj and thy Horfcs , ancffct thee vp againe. Cjr. But will (he get him to fct my Knicht vp, too?

AiuTiith. That fhcwill,or anything el fcthou'ltaiKc her.

Cyr.' 1 vii9X begin to louc hcr,if I thought llic would' doc this.

"MiTpifcb. Try her good ChuckcJ[ warrant thecl

(Tyr. Dooft thou thin kefhcercdoo't?

Sjn. I Madamc,and be glad you will rcceiuc it.

<< 'Mi. Tomch. That's a good Maydcn, /hctcllsyou trcw. Comc,II«

^ke otderfor your debts i't^e Ale-houfe. - •'■•■■ :> i

r Crj^.iGoc,.$'/»,andprayforthyFr<ii»fi^,.a$IwiH/ormyJ>irr3.i»;l

EnttrT»Hchjione^G99ilding^fVtii^.\ i -v'.^rv/J

Totich. I will receiue no Letters, M. f9^9olftyyGn (halfpai^dcnrbie.

GoHlti. Good Father let mc entreat you. ^

- Tom. Son G»MlSng^\ wil not be tempted, I find mine own cafic na- tOrej& I know not whata wcU-pci^d fub tie letter may wortvpon it: there may be tricks,pa€king,do yot? feeJreturn with yourpac ket fir, ^ iVtbiff. Bcleeue it Sip,you need feare no packing nerc'.Thefc arc but Letters of Subuufsion, all. y«ir.Sir,I do looke for no Submifsion.I wilbearc my fclf in this like Blind litftice.JVorke vfon that mw. When the Scfsions come, they (hall Cohi. From whom come your Letters, M Wolftl (hearc from mc. WaoL And't pleafe you SirOne from Sir Prtro. Another from f rA S^k' And a third,from old StcttruiCy who isalmcft mad in Prifon. Tnercare two, to your worfhip.-One from M -Fr<i»f/i,Sir. Another from the Knight.

Touch. J doe wo«dcr,M, H^oolfe ;whyyo\x jfhould trauaile thus,in a fcufincflc fo contrarie to kindc,or the nature o'your Place 1 that you being (hcKeepcrof a Prifonilhould labour the rclcafcof younPri* Toners! Whct^as^ toe thinksjit wcrefarre more Naturall,& Kindcly Wr0Uit»lHjattginfc abautfej^motc, & uoi kt thcfc fca^ you^hftUc

4!irttiikimia the Tooth . But they (ay, you JV0&tef,yfhitn yoii hz iiick't the bl cod onccthat tlwy arc dric^ypu ha donc». ,

ff^c$^. Si r,your Wor/hip ma)r dcfcant as you plcafc o'my nam^ hut I protcft,! was never fo mortified with any tnes djfcourfc,or bc- hauiour in Prifonj yet I hayc hadof all forts otmcn i'thc kingdorac, vnder my Kcycs: & almoft of all Rehgions i'the land,as Vgptfi^Prtte* /^JWf , Pmrtume, Brgwmfi^ Atutbtipufl , Miilcmuj, ftamlj oLo^e, /orr, Tmk*JnfiUii,Atheilifi9odFeU»r9,^e, Higion?

GtMU. And which ofallthefc(thinks M.fFtf«»i{(^)wa$thcbcftrc*

H^odft. Troth, M. Defutie^ihty that pay Fees bcft: wc never ex* . amine their conidenecs farder,

Gwid. Ibclc<veyouM.f*^*#^« Good faith, Sii^ Here's a great deaie of hurailitic i'thefc Letters. ' .

fVoolfe. HumilitiCjSir^ I,wercyoiurWor(hipanEye-witneffeof it,you would fay fo. The Knight wUl 'i^tKnightS'tr^rd^ doe what wc can Sir,and Maiftcr Jjiwfi^^^/r, would be i'thc H«/e^twc wouM let him. I never knew,or faw Prifoncrs more penitent, or more de- t Mout.Thcy will fit you vp all night fingingof7yJiAw/;and zdifying the whole Prifon ; onely,5'tfr«r»rirfing$anotetoohi^h,(bmetimes, becaufe ])eclyes i'thc 7Wtf-^«sif^)rtf»v/,TarreofF^ and cannot take his tunc.Thc neighbors cannot refi; for him^but come euerie Morning to askcjwhat godly Prifoners we haue«

T0Mck Which on'hem is't is fo dcuout^the Knight^or theto'ther?

9rpo/feSoth Sir.But theyoung Man efpccially 1 1 never heard his KkdHe ha^ cut his hayre too He is fo well giuenjand has fuch good gifts ! He can tell you, aimed all the Stories of the Bttkf oiMnrtjrt^ and fpcakc you all the Stckf-fmrni Sulvt without Bookc.

Tttuh, Lif he had had grace, hcwasbroughtvp where it grew, J iwis. On Maiftcr W^oZ/Tr. .; ^

H^o^t. And he has conuerted one Fmigs a Sarieant,a fellow could ^ neither writ<,norread,bc was caird the Bandog o'theCountcr:and j he has brought him already CO pare his nailcs, & fay his prayers^and *jus hop'>d he will fell his place lhortiy,5c become an Intelligencer.

ToMch. Nomorc,! am comming already. Ifl ihould givcauy fer- 4lcrearc,I wcEC taken Ad uc good Maiftcr fV»lf§. Sonne,! doc feclc xnixicowii weakcncfles,do not importune mc,PityisaRhcuinc th*t I am fuhioa to, hut I will refift it Maiftcr fTtift, Filb is cdfl avMy, tfuit ifcdflm drjgVooUi: Tell Evfocr'tfie jit will not doc, I have touchd ind^tricdtooii^nj Iamyctproofc,andlwillrcroamcfo ,: when •he Scl&ions come, they fhallncarcfijonvmc. lathemeanetimc, to aUfuises^to all intneatics^ aU icttcis^co alltrickcs^I wiU be deaic as


an Addei", and blinde as a Beetle, lay mine eare to the groundj an J lockemineeycs i'luv hand, againfl: all temptations. Bxu,

Gould. Yo u fee Maifter fVoolfcy how inexorable he is.Thcrc is no hope to recouer him. Prajr yoii commend me to my brother Knight, and to my fellow Francis ,' prcfent'hem with this fmall token onny loue^el'hcm. I wifh I could do'hcm any worthier officcjbut in this, tis defperate:yet I willnotfaile to tricthcvttermoftofmy power for 'hem. And fir, as farreasi haueany crcditc with you, pray you let *hcm want nothing : though I am not ambitious they (Jhould know to much.

JVtolfe. Sir,both your a^Vions, and words fpcake you to be a true Gcntleman.They fhall know only what is fit,and no more. Exeunt. Enter Holdfaft. Bramhle, Sec$frme.

Hold. Who would you fpcake with Sir?

Bra, I would fpeak with onc5'*f»ri/^,that isprifoner here, {rity.

Hot. Y'are welcome fir. Stay therc,Ilc call him to you M.Secu.

Sec, "Who calls? //♦/. Here's a Gentian^ would fpeak with you.

SecM, Whatishee? Is't one that grafts my forehead now lam in prifon,and comes to feehow the homes fliootcvp,andprofpcr?

Hcid. You muf^pardonhim Sir : Theoldemanis ahitlecrazd with his imprifonment.

Sec/t. What fay you tome Sir?Lookc you here. My learned Coun- {aile M. Bramhie ! Cry you mercy,Sir: when faw you my wife?

Brdm. Sheisnowatmyhoufe, Sir, and dcfir'dmee that would cometo Vifitcyou, and inquire ofyou your Cafe, that wee might worke fome meanes to get you forth.

SecH. My Cafe, M.^r^nw^/tfjisfloncvvilleSjrindyron grates; you fccit,thisis theweakeftparton't. And, for getting mce forth, no mcancs but hang my felfe, and fo be carried forth, from which they hauc hcere bound me, in intollerable bands.

Bram. Why but what is't you arc in for,Sir?

&ecu. For my Sinnes, for my Sinnes Sir, whereof Mariagc is the grcateft.Ojhad I ncuer marryed,! had ncuer kno wne this Purgntoryy towhich HcUisakindeofcooleBathiurefpeft : My wiucscon- federacie Sir, with old Touchftone, that fheemight kcepe her lubtUt^ and the FeaftofhcriV«»'.-^»w»*.Docyou vnderftandmeSirJ Enter ^iMckefiluer,

^uick. Good Sir,Goe in and t.ilkc with him.The light do's him liarmc,and his example will be hurtfull to the weake Prifoncrs. Fie, Father Sectmtie, thatyou'le belHUfoprophanc, will nothing hum- ble yqu J _^w^2?'Z?2&*!r''^'?^'*^^ ^^^^* What she?

t. ASTir AK D HUE,

Pri. I, Ohcisararcyon£;man Doc you not know himJ

fri. Not 1,1 ncucr faw him,l can remember.

Pri. 1, Why, itij he that was the gallant Prentifc of tM<ifc», M. TaHchfttnesmsLiy^ Fri<» Who, jQl^ickf/i/ftfi? i^r*. i. I,thisishcc.

Fr/en. Is thishccrThey ray,hcha5 Gccnc a Gallant indecdc.

Pri. Ojthc royalicftfeilow,ti:atcuer was bred vpi'thcCity. He would play you histhoufar.d pound a night atDicejkecpe Knights and Lords company,go with them to baudy houfcs,had his fix men in a Liiiciie-, kept a (table oF Hunting horfcs', and his Wench in her vchict Gownc, and her Cloth offilucr, Hercsone knii;ht with him hercinPriibn. Friend. And how mifcrably he is chang'd!

Pn.l. 0,that's voluntary in hiniihc go uc away all his rich clothes alloone as cucr became in hcre,amongthePrjroncrs : and will eatc o'the^*//^#r,forhumihtic. Friend. Why will he doc fo?

Pn.l. A!as he has no hope of life. Hcmoitilieshimfelfe. He do's but hnger on,till|thc Sefsiv^ns.

Prt. 1. O, hehaspcn\lthebeQthin^,thathecallshis/?<'/)(f»/4W<', or his i^^F4rf.wr//,chate'icryou heard: He is a pretie/*tftfr,andfor proft'-^ You would wonder how many Prifoner^; he has help'toiit, with penning /'^/mow for hem, and not takca penny. Looke^ tliis istheKnight,intb.eruggcGowne. Standby.

Enter Petronei^ Bramble, J^ickefiitter JVoclfe.

Brgm. Sir,for SecuntrnQ/A^t^ I haiictold hinV) Say hee/liouldbc condemned lo be carted, or \\ hipt,Kor a Bavfde^ or fo, why lie lay an Execution on him o'two hundred pound, letjiim acknowledge! Judgement, ho Ihalldoeitinhalfcanhoure, they fliall not all fetch Inm outjWithout pay ing the Executton^o my word.

Pet. But can we not be bay'Jd M. Brambief

Bram. Hardly, tliere are none of the Judges in Townc, clfe you fliOuldrcmouc yourfelfc (infpight of him) with a HttbeM Cortus: ButifyouhaueaFricndto deliver your talefcnfibly to fomclufticc o'thc Towne, that hce may hauc feeling of it, (doe you fee) you may bcbayfd. For as i vndcinand tlic Cafe, tisoucly donc./w Terrorem^ and you fhall hatic an AcHoii cf^xlfe Iniprifunmem ao;ainll him,wheii you comeout:and perhaps a tiioufand pound Colles. Enter "M, kVoolfe.

^Mck. How jiow,M . fVoo/fefVJhcit newcs? what returne?

fVooift. Faith,bad all ; yonder will be no Letters recciucd . He laycs the Sefsiom fliall determine it.Onely,M.Z)*p«/»>Co«/<i'»g com- mends him to you, and with tliis token, vvillics he could doc you o- tlicrgood.


^Mick» Itliankehim. GoodM. Sr^w^/ir, troiiblcourqulctno more, doc not moleft vs in Prifon thus, with your windinir deuifcs: Pray you depart. For my part, I commit my caufc to him that can fuccourmCjlctGod workc his will. M. Wt?*//*'^ pray you let this be diftributed among thcPrifoncrs, and defirc hem to pray for vs.

fypoi. It Hiall bt donCjM. Francu. Pn,l, An excellent temperl

Pri, 2 . Now God fend him good luckc. Exeunt,

Pet. But what faid my Father in Law, Mw'tfff^/ Enter H$ld,

Jle/d. Here's one would fpealcc with you,Sir.

fFoo/. lie tell you anon J';r/'^/r(»ii<'//, who is't?

J^e/d. A Gentleman, Sir,that will not be feenc. f»terGou/d.

Woolfe. Where is he? M. Deputie ! your wor;is wel-comc.— '

Gcui. Peace! JVco/fe. Aw.^y,S^1.

Gen/. Good faith M fVooife, the cflate of thefe Gentlemen, for whom you were fo I ate and willing a Sutor,doth much affcft mc: & becaufc I am dcfirous to do them feme fairc office,and find there is nomcaneston>akemyFathcrrelent,folil-:ely, as tobringhimto be a Spc^ator of their Miferyj I haue ventur'd on a deuice,which is,to make my felfe your Prifoner: en treating ,you will prefently goc re- port it to njy Father, and (fayning, an Adion,atfutcoffcmc third perron)pray him by this Token, that he will prcfently,and with all iccrccjc, come hetherformy Baylcj which trayne, (if any) I know will bring him abroad; and tl;en, hauing him here, Idoubtnotbut vefliallbeallfoitunatc.inthciiuent. (in.

jFoc/f. Sir,I\M]if i.tcnmybcll fpeed,toefFcftit Pleafeyoucome

Cc/d. Yes; And let nercfl conceal d, I pray you. ^ H'oelfe. See, here a Benefit, truely done',\vhen it is done timely, frccly,ai-d to no Ambition. Exit.

Enter Touchjione IVifeD aught ers.SynJVinj/frtd.

TouehCtone. T w:ll fayleby you, andnothcarcyou, like the wife

il^/ii/. Dcare Father.' /J^;/?. r^^c/;. Husband. * {V(jiff^

CjT. Fitliff. Wm,&Sjn. }<\.Totichfione. ^

Touch. A way S) rcns,l will inmiirc my fclfe,againft your crycsj and Ijckemyfclfcvp to our Lamentations.

Ail. Touc. Gentle Husband,hearemc.

Cjr. Fathcr,itisIFatherjmy Lady F/4/?^:mv filler 5c Tarn friends

ML Good Father. JVin. Be not hardnca, good M Teucbjiom.

Syn, I pray you,Sir,bemercifull.

Touch. I am deafe, I doc nothearcyou; I haue ftoptminc eares, WiihShoomakerswuxiy and drunkc Zf/iErff, and iW!«»<^4gflM to forget you: All you fpeakc to mc,I committo tlic Ayrc. Enter iVoolfe,


Woil Where's M . toMthftonti I m u ft fpcakc with him prcfcntly t Ihaue loft my brcaihfor hafte.

MUd. What's themattcr Sir?pray allbe well.

H^oo/ff, Maiftcr Depmie GouUt»g\% arrcfted vpon an execution, and drfires him prcfcntly to come to hini^ forthwith.

Mtla. Ayeme,doeyou heare Father?

Touc. Tricks, trick$,confcderacie,tricks, I hanc'hcm in my nofc, Ifent'hcm. JVoL Who's that? Maiftcr 7*«./ji7««?

Aft. Tern. Why it is M . H^oolfe hiinfcifc,husband. Aiil. Father.

ToH. I am dcafe ftillj fay ; I will neither yccld to the fong of the Sjrer^ nor the voyccofthe//;'r;;4, theteares of the Croegcitie, nor the howling o'the ;rtf<J^;auojd my habitation,iTionftcrs.

JVelfe. Why you are not mad Sir? I pray you lookc forth, and fee the token I haue brought you,Sir.

Tosi, Ha! what token isit? H^olfe* Doe you know it Sir?

Ttu. }^\\'{onv\tCeti/eUngs rin^lAre you in carneftM. H^olfe?

Wolfe. I by my faith fir.He ia-in prifon,and requir'd mc ia vfc all fpecd.and frcrecie to you.

Touch. My Cloake there (prayyou be patient) lamplagu'dfor my Auftcritie*,my Cloakc.-at whofc fuitc Maifter IVolfcl

Wolfe. lie tell you as we Goc fir. Exeunt,

ifjtfr Friend, Prifo^eri.

Trie. Why,but is his offence fuch as he cannot hope of life?

PW.i. Troth it (houldieemefo: and 'tis grca:pityi forheis ex- ceeding penitent.

Vri. They fay he is charg'd but oc\ fufpicion of Fc!ony,y et.

T-ri. 2. I but his Maifte.ris a flircwd fellow, hecl'c prouc great matter ac;ainft him.

Fvi. ide as Uueas any thing, I could fee his Turertell.

Fri. I. O tis rarely written : why TolftemsLy get him to fingitto* you,hee's not curious to any body.

f^ri. 2. Ono. He would that all the world lliould take knowledge of his repentance,^ thinks hemeritsin't.tbc more ihanic he fuffcrs.

fri. I. Pray thee try what thou canft do.

Pri. 2. I warrant you , he will not dcnic itj if hee be not hoarcc with the often repeating of it. Sxit.

Prs. I. You neuerfaw a more curteous creature, then he is',andtlie Knight too : thepooreft Prifoner ofthe houfe may command iicm. You lliail hearca thing admirably pend. fri. Is the Knight any Schiller too? * Pri. I . No,lut he will fpcakc very well, and difccurfc admirably^

of rimnIngliorfcs,and tvhiie'Triers, & againft Baudsrand of Cocksy and talkc as loudc as a Huiitcr,biit is none. Enter fVotfe andTeHchftone.

fr<7//r. Plcafc you ftay licrefir,ilc call his worfhip downcto you.

Prtfi .ScCjIie has brought him, and die Knight too, Salute liim I pray:Sjr,thisGentlenian, vponour reportisvcricdcfiroustohcatc fomc piece of your Repemattce. Ewer ^«/Ci(; Pet. c^c.

<^«/r.Sir,with all my heart, and as I told M.TolfteJ llial be glad to hauc any man a witnclTe of it. And the more openly I prolclic it, I hope it will appcarc the hartier, and the move vnfaincd.

ToMrl.WUo isthis?my manf r4fff«/'and my fonne in law?

^rc/(^. Sir, it is all the tefijmor.ielOiall Icaue bchii'idcmcto the World^and my Maiftcr, that I iiauc (o offcntled.

friftiA. Good Sir. ^^'f* I writit,whcn my fpirits wercopprcft

Pet, I,ilcbefvvorneforyou Frurcif.

^'/c.It is in imitation of ^4»/«^/<?w; hcthatwashangd at Cam* /ri^r,thatcutofFthcHorfes head at a blow. Triend.Sofit.

^''</'f .To the tune of/ w.ti/ew voe^l plunge inpame.

Pet. An excellent Ditiie it is.and worthy of a new tunc.

Qui /iChcap(iik/4/K uiforCo'.dfdnJ-'y^ /'EHtahu Jwrtuvht ikiiownetwl'at, Quickliliicr tJ ddnrtlUfuttfi {^Pute,/ KHrvraiaTo'c^jiontLUclfybut true: jiutd a Maifftr^tod/tnd l^nd*, (^mitid.\ ^^idtaldmejtill, what wtuUmfnt^ Thdt wofLi luiKt wrought me to hu \ /Ttt,}ar«t isme, Jwculdnotitarne^ hi badt mrftill VMT\yf>tu tlia'f J \,Jfat9^tlMj>kt i:dd uet difttrne.

Friend. Excellcn^-jexcellent well.

Goft/d O let him alonejlcc is taken ah eadic.

Qiiic. / f<i5"/ my Coat and Cap awaj^ "^ C ' !ccrnd my M^ifer^t/einv drunl^^

Iwent injilk^t and fattem gay^ C Jl k^'f't my Celdni^andmy'Pun^',

Ja!ft mtttall tfttud manners^ I C^ ^.And mth n k^itht^fr Fl.ifh, ky tmmef

Did Jf^ly toint yr.liVefuUy. «^ C^Wi;o n.n is font for the fame.

Pet. I thanke you Fruncit.

I thoughi hy Sea to tunnt .»»• >, - But Th.imcs dnd T mfefidid mejiay,

T^wfifc. This cannot be fained furc. Hcaucn pardon my fcucritic. The ^*g^f^ Colt. may proue a good liorfe. Could. How he hllcns ! and is tranfportcd? He has foreot mec

Quic Still E:;ftwjrd hoc wo* ail my word:^ C^t lafi the blaclff Oxttrude o* my fcote, B»t W.llwardl htdnoTfgard. K^^ylrdifuvt'xttwffathyvdyntoitp

2ijrneuei thou^hty vrht* wouldiome aftery\J)T^Vf.rie /, roucLftom tench mejlill, Ui diJalat hisyon^^f/i Daughter. ^ ^ \Ar.d m.. .'^f mt cirrant i>y tfy d^U.

Tfuch. And 1 will do it FraKctt.

W'£'//<r.Stay iiiniM.Deputie.nowisthctinic, wee niallloofe the fongclfc. />it»<i.Iprotcftitisthe bcft thatcucrlhcaid.

H 3 O^ic.

^^ ^A w ^ rr ^x IX. XV

^gjttfi^ How like you it Gentlemen?

All. O adirirablc,rir !

^wV^. This Sranze now follow ing,alludcs to the ft«rieof i^^« »w»g/o»,from whence 1 tookcmy project for my inucntion,

Frind. Pray you go on fir.

Quic.O Mannin^tO'i#'5f^«r»fj/J », *>. rThat I nutj cmoffthtH'.rft-hfdiefSin, TIk» tmtfi a Horfe-Urai off*t a blow : / K^nd Udut hit bodit in the dtfi

Bitt I tonffJU'eJ bdut net the farce^ S<f Offinnes high "vnty and i>»g^tt ofLuft,

T»r f cut 9jif th* IttMdofmhorfe^ Kl n^Htehj I may takf f^ertues purftf

Yet deflre thii grace t$ wmrUy J \^nd hut with berftr better^for werfe,

Frin, Admirable Iir,& excellently conceited. ^wV. Alas,fir.

Touch. Sonne C*v/irfMrg,and M IVo/fe^ 1 thanke you : the decdpt i$ welcome, efpecially from thee whofe charitable foule in this hath fhcwne a high point of wifdomc and honeftic. Liften, I am rauiflied with his Repentance, and could fl-and here a whole prentifliip to hearc him. Frund. Forth good fir.

^ic/^.Thisis thelaft,andtheF4W*'riZ

TareweUQ\iz^^fiAi:3f*rtweU fmet tradt,S^ ^^wUthem m yoHXtKuld Frincl}f(abt, OfOeldfmithes all^that neMtrfhaHfade^ / \Seek^ not to got beyond^oar Tether, Farewell deare ftUow Vrentifes ai \(^But cut jonr thongsynto your Ltthir:

jind be •\t)t warned by myfaU: \ )So{ha'lyo» thriut by ItttU andlittllj

Shun fJurers,Ba»ds and dice,and drabu J \Scape Tibornc, Counters, O" the Spittle.

Ttucb. An fcapetiiem fhalt thou my pcnircnt,and dcarcfr^twrw.

^icki Maiflcr ! /*<•/. Father !

T'tfwA. IcannolongerfoibearetodoyourhumiliricriuhtrArife, and Ut me honour your Repentance , with the !:cr.uic and ioyfull embraces, of a Father , and Friends loue. ^j*}fhfilK^*' thou haft catc into my breaft,^g«^ic-(;r/S/«f/',vvith tlie droppes of thy furrow, & kild the dcfpcratc opinion 1 had of thy reclaimc.

^jjckjO fir,I am not woitluc to fee your woi Hiipfullfacc. P^r. Forgiueme Father.

Touch. Speakcnoirore, all former paflagesarcforgorten, and here my word Oiall relcafe you. Thanke this worthie Brother, and kind fncnd hrtwcii, M. fVoift^l am tlitir Dailc. ji l^ovrte in i h* prifun, SecHr.MddiicrToMchJIcM ! Maifter7'*«c/t/w</ 7#w/{r. Who's that J H^o/fe. SecHrUi4S\T. SecM.Vrxy you Sir,ifyoule be wonnc with a Song,hcarcfny lamen- table tunc,too. SONG,

0 Af4iy?rr TotichftonCf '^ ^ Btcauft Iwai affurer,

Mylttartiifiliofwot, ^ \ ^ndbawd^at aUytm^fioWf

^UilamaCuckfild'. q S Ftrwhichyaraint Itollyti*,

^mtwlfj/hoaldithfif O L Mybt^rthfrHofwH,

Toffch'Jinn^him foorth M. PTo/f(f,8c rclcafc his bands. This day /Iiall be facrcatoyW<f/'ri>,6c the mirth of this £»r#«»Jtfr, in HicCeun- trr,— Sce,we are cncoiintred with more futers.

Enter Mtfl.ToitchJi.GjrJhlUd.SyncLmmif.&c, Sauc your Brcathjfauc your Breath : All things hauc fuccecdcd to yourwi/liesrand we are heartily fatisfied in their cuents.

Cyr. Aii,Runaway,Runaway ! haue 1 caught you ?And,how has xny poore Knight done all this while ?

Tet. Deare Ladic vife/orgiueme.

G/r.AsheartilyasI woiildbe forgiucn, Knight . Deare Father, ginemeyourblefsingjandforgiuemetoojlha'bin prowd, andla- fciuiousFather,andafooleFather5 6c being raifd totheftate of a wanton coy thing, calld a Lady, Fatherj haue fcornd you, Fathers and my Sirters! and my Sifters veluctcaptoo*, and wouldemakca mouth at the Citty, as I rid through it : and ftop mine cares at Btw- hll: I hauefaideyourBcard wasabafeone,Fathcr J and that you lookt like Twierpife the Tabercr ; and that my Mother was but my Midwife.

Tili.Touch. Now God forgi'you, Child Madam.

Touch, No more Repetitions. What is clfc wanting; to make our Harmony full?

Col. Only thiSjfir, That my f^^'ow Francis make a mends to Mi- ftrelle i'/>/^^tf,with mariage. «^'^- With all my heart.

Col. And Securttie giuc ner a dower, which iball be all the reditu- lion he ibal make ofthathu$;emaflc,hchaihfovnlawfully gotten.

7'cwf^, Excellently dcuif^! a good motion.WhatfaiesM Secnrity^

Secu. I fay any thing fir, what you'll ha me fay. Would I were no Cuckold.

rr.uW.Cuckoldjhusband? why, I thinke this wearing of yellow Has infcdcd you.

Touch. Why M. Seamtiey that fhould rather be a comfort to you, thcnacoiafiue. If you be a Cuckold , it's an argument you hauc a beautifii]l\Aoman toy cur wife, then, voufliall bemuch made o5 you iluil hauc Qorc of fiicnds/ieucr want nu ncy, you fhall becafd ofmucho'your wedlock painc, otlicrs will take it for you ; Bcfides, you beuig a Vfurcr,(and hkely to goe to Helljthe Diuels wilincuer torment you: The)''ll take you for one ofthcirownc Race. Againc, if you be a Cuckold , and know it not , y ou are an Innocent : if you know it and indme it,a true Martyr.

Stcur. I am rcfolu'd fir. Com chithcr yr^^ffy-


* Tofich.^cW thcn,aU arc pleafed jor fliall beanoncMaiftcr /r*//"*- . you loolcc hungric mc tliinkc. Hauc you no apparell to lend Frnncu \ todiiftlum?

Qutcl^.^o rir,nor Idcfircnonc *, but here make it my fuitc , that I mav •;oc home, throug;!. the ftrectes, in thefe^as a fpcftaclc, or ra-- theran cximple to the ChUdrtn oi Qoeapfide.

Touch. Thou haft thy wilh. Now London,lookc about, And'n this moral! fee tliyGlallerunneout: BclioiH thecarcfull father, thnftie Sonne, Therolemnedeeds.U'hicheachcfvshaucdonc, The Vfurerpunillitjand from Fall fo fleepc 3

The Prod;gali child reclaimtbuidihe loll Shccpc. Exeunt |


STay Sir, I pcrceiuc the Multitude are gatherd together, to view our comming out at •■'•c Counter . See , if the ftrectes and the Fronts of the Houfcs, be not ftucke with People, and the Windowcs fiil'd with Ladies, as on the fblemnc day of the

0 mAfjoufndcin thiseur Pageant, l^eere^ jhefimcconHntmentyivhichyoH came tojceke: %^nd 04 that Shew but drarves you once ayearCs C^j; this aWaclyou kiiher once a weeke.


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