COMPLETE BUDUhT ILLINOIS LARGE RIVERS NSF LTER ) Keokuk , PoolJ r Peoria ^ J H— 1 1 g m- V ^1 ^^S^ ii^ ''"''■ - .^■- »- --■- ^ 7 Alton > Pool / 1 1 / Illinois Natural History Survey Illinois Water Survey Illinois Geological Survey Western Illinois University Illinois State Museum Aquatic Biology Technical Series 1 985 (6) Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Biology Technical Report 1985(6) 1985 PROGRESS REPORT Ecological Structure and Function of Major Rivers in Illinois "Large River LTER" National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8114563 Richard E. Sparks, Project Director Illinois Natural History Survey River Research Laboratory Havana, Illinois 62644 Richard E. Sparks ^ Robert W, Gorden, Head Project Director Aquatic Biology Section Illinois Natural History Suirvey Q^^(9^-^^^'^--\ Paul G. Risser, Chief Illinois Natural History Survey Chairman, Large River LTER Executive Committee 30 August 1985 Large River LTER Scientific and Technical Staff Richard E. Sparks, Project Director Illinois Geological Survey David L. Gross, Ph.D., Geologist and Head, Environmental Studies and Assessment Unit Richard A. Cahill, M.S., Chemist Suzanne Miller, B.S., Technical Assistant Ann Autry, B. S. , Graduate Assistant Illinois Natural History Survey Robert W. Gorden, Ph.D., Aquatic Biologist and Head, Aquatic Biology Section Michael S. Henebry, Ph.D., Assistant Aquatic Biologst Kenneth S. Lubinski, Ph.D., Assistant Aquatic Biologist Paul G. Risser, Ph.D., Chief Richard E. Sparks, Ph.D., Aquatic Biologist K. Douglas Blodgett, M.S., Associate Research Biologist Frank M. Brookfield, M.S., Data Manager Jack W. Grubaugh, M.S., Assistant P.jsearch Biologist Jens-Dieter Sandberger, M.S., Assistant Supportive Scientist Illinois State Musetm James King, Ph.D., Head, Scientific Sections Illinois Water Survey J. Rodger Adams, Ph.D., Professional Scientist Nani G. Bhovmik, Ph.D., Principal Scientist and Assistant Head, Surface Water Section Misganaw Demimssie, Ph.D. , Associate Professional Scientist Wanye W. Wendland, Ph.D., Principal Scientist Frank Dillon, M.S., Assistant Supportive Scientist Western Illinois University Richard V. Anderson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Dave Day, M.S., Technical Assistant ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND DISCLAIMER The Long-Term Ecological Research Program has been sponsored, in part, by the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. The findings, conclusions^ recommendations, and views expressed in this effort are those of the researchers and should not be considered as the official position of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. August 1985 Large River LTER Annual Report Table of Contents Page Title Page and Signature Page i List of Principal Investigators and Staff iii Acknowledgment and Disclaimer iv Table of Contents v List of Tables and Figures vii SECTION li ACCOMPLISHMENTS A. Scientific Accomplishments Introduction (Sparks). . 1-1 Core LTER Data Sets (Lubinski) 1-2 Microbial Populations and Detritus (Henebry and Gorden). . . 1-2 The Illinois River Flood of 1985 — Event-Triggered Sampling (Demissie and Bhowmik). 1-4 Dams and Successional Changes in the Illinois River (Demissie and Bhowmik) 1-5 Dams and Successional Changes in the Mississippi River (Bhowmik). . 1-10 Annual Pattern of Temperature, Precipitation, and Stream- flow over the Last Century (Wendland and Miskimen) .... 1-16 Decadal Pattern of Moisture Stress over the Span of a Millenia (King) 1-18 River Ecosystem Model 1-20 Hydrodynamic Model (Demissie and Stephanatos) 1-20 Biological Model (Anderson) 1-26 B. Methods Manual (Cahill) 1-34 C. Data Management and Analysis Expansion from Data Archiving to Data Retrieval and Analysis (Gross) 1-36 Importance of Mapping Techniques and GIS to Large River LTER (Miller and Gross) 1-37 Procedures and Management (Brookfield) 1-38 SECTION 2: SHORTFALLS 2-1 SECTION 3: PROJECT PLAN 2-1 SECTION 4: MOST SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS 4-1 SECTION 5: PUBLICATIONS A. Publications 5-1 B. Theses 5-4 SECTION 6: PRESENTATIONS 6-1 SECTION 7: LITERATURE CITED .,..„... 7-1 APPENDIX A. Changes in Personnel. . «, . . c ., « o . « c . . » . A- 1 APPENDIX B. External Adivosry Committee « » . c c , « . c . . . B- 1 Report from Chairman Cushing following the External Adivosry Committee Review of 18-20 February 1985. ....................... B- 2 APPENDIX C. Response to External Advisory Committee (Sparks) ..... C- 1 APPENDIX D. Current and Pending Support ............ D- 1 APPENDIX E. Collaborative Research and Liaison Activities E- 1 APPENDIX Fe Budgets ..» .................. . F- 1 APPENDIX G. Use of the Increment of $40,000 at the Large River LTER Site in 1986. G- 1 List of Tables and Figures Page TABLE 1. Functions of large river LTER core data sets. A = data will provide direct evidence to test one or more hypotheses; B = data will establish long- term record of river conditions and indicate physical and biological relationships. . 1-3 2. Capacity (acre-feet) of Peoria Lake, Illinois River 1-9 3. Average depth (feet) of Peoria Lake, Illinois River 1-9 FIGURE 1. Peoria Lake 1-6 2. Hydrograph of the Illinois River flood, Peoria Pool, 1985. . 1- 7 3. Historical cross-section of Peoria Lake, Illinois River. . . 1-8 4. Comparison of 5-foot contours in Peoria Pool, Illinois River, 1903 and 1985 1-11 5. Trap efficiency of Pool 19, Mississippi River, and a comparison with Brune's (1953) curve 1-12 6. Mississippi River upstream of Lock and Dam 19 showing 1984 shoreline and vegetation beds on the left and projected future shoreline and vegetation beds on the right 1-14 7. Past, present, and future delta formation at the mouth of Devils Creel on Pool 19, Mississippi River 1-15 8. Discrete units of flow hydrograph for Mississippi River Pool 19, 1982 1-22 9. Main channel and channel border compartments 1-23 10. Compartments for nutrient and pollutant transport 1-24 11. Carbon transport simulation for continuous input 1-27 12. Carbon transport simulation for continuous input 1-28 13. Carbon transport simulation for slug input 1-29 14. Flow diagram of the biological model in a habitat compartment. ....... .... 1-31 15. The 0 to 1 function used to determine the effect of current velocity on flow from debris (X20) to POC (X02) and from decomposers in the substrates (X40) to decomposers in the water column (X04) . . . , . « . 1-32 16. (a) Model simulation showing increase in debris (X20) with decrease in POC (X02) when current velocity decreases, (b) Model dimulation of the effect of pulsed additions of DOC (XOl) on decomposers in the water column (X04) . (c) Com- parison of model simulated macrophyte production (X30) and field data collected from a macrophyte bed in Pool 19 in 1983 ................... 1-33 17. Map of Pool 19 showing its division into segments and an expanded set of segments with habitat compartments ..^...c................. 1-35 18. Computer generated maps of Nauvoo Quadrangle, Pool 19 J depecting quadrangle outline (a), water-land boundaries (b), and overlays of bed materials (c), biological habitats (d), and vegetative beds (d) 1-39 19 o Plot of Pool 19 shows the location of Nauvoo Quadrangle ..» .......... e ... 1-40 SECTION 1: ACCOMPLISHMENTS A. Scientific Accomplishments Introduction (Sparks) The third highest flood on the Illinois River in the 140-year record occurred in March 1985. This major event triggered sampling to document changes in the bottom profiles and the flux of water, sediment, and nutrients in the Peoria Pool. Our sampling crews were already busy with the spring maintenance sampling on the Keokuk Pool of the Mississippi River, so our resources were strained to the limit. Fortunately, the Illinois State Water Survey had obtained a grant from the Rock Island District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study the acute sedimentation problems in Peoria Pool, so we were able to use equipment and personnel from both projects. The sampling and some preliminary results are described in this report. One side effect of the flood event sampling is an acceleration of the schedule for digitizing map information on our three study sites. The land-water boundaries in the Peoria Pool have been digitized for the sedimentation/flood project. We had already hired Suzanne Miller, with a portion of the $40,000 supplement, to complete digitizing the Pool 26 reaches of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers— the longest and most complex of our sites — ^so base maps for all our sites should be complete. The supplement also was used to equip the Water Survey with a minicomputer-based work station, comparable to those already set up at Western Illinois University and the field stations at Grafton and Havana, and to hire a programmer and a graduate assistant in chemistry. The graduate student is working with Richard Cahill (Illinois Geological Survey), analyzing carbon isotope ratios in aquatic plants and invertebrate detritivores, to determine whether we can distinguish autochthonous and allochthonous sources of detritus and their relative contribution to secondary production. He is also measuring the carbon content of sediments and organisms to provide information for our carbon flow model. The programmer assisted Frank Brookfield (Natural History Survey) in writing two versions of our biological model in FORTRAN — one to run on the IBM PC's at the work stations and one on the CYBER. The model and the input matrices have been carefully structured and documented so that they will be easy to add to or change. Other major developments in our model include the routing of water and sediments in side channels and channel borders and a new capability for modeling nutrient concentrations. The biological model was simplified from 22 to 9 state variables and several simulations were completed. The Large River LTER contributed two papers to the inter-site symposium on data management at the North Inlet site and participated in several other inter-site workshops and meetings. We will host the workshop on sediment transport mechanics and measurement in Grafton, Illinois on 16-18 September 1985. 1-1 The folloving sections give more details and include reports on activities not highlighted in our previous annual reports, such as the microbial-detritus studies (Henebry and Gorden) and reconstruction of streamflow and precipitation using tree rings and pollen analysis of sediments (Wendland and King)o Core ITER Data Sets (Lubinski) We conducted a major review of the Large River LTER core data sets and their functions. The goals of this review were to project each future use of core data sets and to identify modifications necessary to insure that they will support S3natheses of complex relationships as well as the testing of specific hypotheses, or long-term documentation of key river conditions. Recommendations were made regarding additional measurements to be included during the next 4-year program period. We also agreed on arrangements to further coordinate sampling schedules. A major product of the review was the categorization of each core data set by the specific hypotheses they will be used to test. Hypotheses were then lumped into general subject areas and a summary table produced (Table 1). Also identified in this table are the data sets that will be used to generate long-term records of river conditions related to each subject. Microbial Populations and Detritus (Henebry and Gorden) One of the central hypotheses of the Large River LTER is that there are two major sources of organic matter assimilated in secondary production: allochthonous carbon transported via river currents (particularly during the spring flood) and autochthonous material produced in the beds of vascular hydrophytes. Each of these sources provides substantial organic materials, but in a form that is not readily available to higher trophic level consumers. Our working hypothesis is that microorganisms contribute significantly to the transformation of these materials into forms that are readily ingested and assimilated by higher trophic components. We have addressed this hypothesis in the following studies. Distribution of Bacterial Populations in Mississippi River Pool 19 and Correlations with Concentrations of Organic Carbon Because the activities of microorganisms provide usable forms of carbon to higher trophic components, the distribution of bacterial biomass in Pool 19 was examined. Bacterial cells were enumerated by direct epifluorescent counts and biomass was calculated from measurements of cellular dimensions. In summer, bacterial biomass (mg carbon/L) in the water column ranged from 0.05 is the main channel (MC) habitat to 1,13 in the vegetated main channel border (VMCB); bacterial biomass in the VMCB habitat was significantly higher (P < 0.05, ANOVA) than in the MC or the nonvegetated main channel border (NVMCB) habitats. Bacterial carbon (mg/g dry weight) in sediments ranged from 0.00024 to 0.01073, or to a depth of 10 cm, from 24 mg carbon/m2 in sandy 1-2 Table 1. Functions of large river LTER core data sets. A = data will provide direct evidence to test one or more hypotheses; B = data will establish long-term record of river conditions and indicate physical and biological relationships. Subject areas Core data set Control of production by physical factors Sources of organic matter for secondary production Control of community structure by physical variables Succession Water levels (all pools, daily) Discharges (Pool 19, weekly) A, B Sediment, water quality, nutrients, carbon (Pool 19, sensonally) A, B A, B Main channel water quality (Pool 26, weekly) A, B Aerial photographs (all pools, annually and event triggered) A. B Land/water, sediment, vegetation maps (all pools, as necessary) A, B Bathymetric profiles (all pools, as necessary) Populations^ with supplementary water quality and habitat data (all pools, seasonally) A. B A, B A, B A, B A, B ^ Populations include phytoplankton (chlorophyll a), zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates, and adult fishes. 1-3 sediments (generally found in the MC habitat) to 1073 mg carbon/m2 in muddy sediments containing hydrophyte roots (in VMCB). Biomass in muddy sediments was significantly higher (P <0.05, ANOVA) than in sandy sediments. Bacterial biomass was highest on the submersed surfaces of hydrophytes, ranging from 0 = 06 to 4.90 mg carbon/g dry weight on Sagittaria latifolia and Vallisneria americana. respectively o When bacterial biomasses in the water colimn (assuming a depth of 1 m in each habitat), sediments, and on plant surfaces were combined, the VMCB habitat contained 1.8 times the bacterial carbon in NVMCB and 6.7 times that in MC habitats. This pattern of higher amounts of bacterial carbon in VMCB appears to exist throughout the year, but it is most apparent from August through October. Distribution and Characteristics of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon During summer, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in Pool 19 were significantly higher (P < 0.05, ANOVA) in the VMCB than in other habitats; particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration was also highest in VMCBo DOC and POC concentrations both correlated significantly (P < 0.01, Pearson) with water column bacterial biomass « Enclosure experiments conducted in the vegetation bed at Nauvoo Flats in the summers of 1983 and 1984 indicated that submersed vascular hydrophytes in the vegetation beds excrete substantial amounts of DOC. Annually, about 15% of the fine ( where Ex is the diffusion coefficient in the longitudinal direction. The transport component is due to the concentration gradient in the longitudinal direction. (c) Transport by transverse (lateral) convection is calculated by: 3c 3(Awc) ^ . . "^ 3t ^ 3z " ^^^ where w and z are the transverse velocity and distance, respectively. This transport component is due to the current from one compartment to another compartment. 1-25 (d) Transport by transverse diffusion is calculated by: ^ dc _ 3(AE^ 9c/9z) ,., ^ 8t ~ 3z ^^^ where Ez is the diffusion coefficient in the transverse direction. The nutrient and pollutant transport model was used to simulate the transport processes in Pool 19. The initial simulation runs included continuous and pulse (slug) carbon input at the upstream end of Pool 19. The results for a continuous carbon input of 60 g/m^ s~l are shown in Fig. 11, where the carbon mass flux is shown throughout the pool for 12.2, 24.2, 42,2, and 96.2 hours after the initiation of the input. The water discharge was assumed to be 1650 m^ s"l. The front edge of the carbon flux traveled 34 miles in 12,2 hours, and after 42.2 hours (less than 2 days), it had already reached Lock and Dam 19. After 96.2 hours, the whole pool is in a steady state condition. For the same conditions. Fig. 12 shows the change in concentration of carbon at river miles 406.3, 394.9, 382,9s and 373 o 97, starting from the time carbon entered until 80 hours later. It shows how the carbon moved from the upstream portions of the pool downstream. In another example, 60 g/m3 b~^ was introduced once and discontinued with a water discharge of 5120 m^ s~l (Fig. 13). After 9.1 hours, most of the carbon is between 11 and 25 km downstream from the source. After 18.1 hours, most of the carbon has moved further downstream and is spread over a larger area. After 30.1 hours, most of the carbon has moved out of the pool with some spread over the pool.^ Biological Model (Anderson) Simplification. The initial approach to the biological model (see our 1983 and 1984 annual reports) has been valuable in that it focused our research on key organisms or groups within the river system. However, this model began to develop into an increasingly complex set of population models which could not answer some basic system-level questions. The expanding number of state variables required more development time and input data that) were available. Consequently, a simpler model was developed to help address the following objectives: (1) Determine sites of carbon production, accumulation, and use within a navigation pool. Sampling has shown that some areas, e.g., the large eddy in the river reach of Pool 19 referred to as Montrose Flats (river miles 375-377), act as retention devices for organic matter. Also some habitat types have a high biomass of heterotrophs while other habitats are areas of high autotrophic production which may fuel the heterotrophs. (2) Determine turnover time and the seasonal patterns of carbon flow of a navigation pool. Large macrophyte beds undergo seasonal production and senescence, benthic insects show periods of peak growth and mass emergences, and organic matter is periodically redistributed by floods. 1-26 70 TRANSPORT OF DISSOLVED CARBON Water discharge = 1654 (m-^ s"^) Continuous input of 30 (g/m*') 96.20 hr 10 20 30 40 50 60 DISTANCE FROM UPSTREAM BOUNDARY (km) Fig. 11. Carbon transport simulation for continuous input. 1-27 50 45 E ^ 35 O 30 25 o §20 z o OQ 15 < o 10 5 0 TRANSPORT OF DISSOLVED CARBON A Water discharge = 1654 (m^ s"^ ) A Continuous input of 30 (g/m*^) River Mile 406.30 /^V /W /a a a^ /xV--..-?4-^1 year), for linkages with data from all remote sites, sorting, searching, manipulations, and input into other programs. Data are also available for use with the geographical information system, which produces base maps and overlays; maps may be updated, stored, and modeled. Functions of Data Management The functions of the data management program at the Large River site are: (1) management of geographic information, (2) evaluation of hardware and software, (3) system evaluation and design, (4) access and control of data, (5) documentation, and (6) inter-site activities. Management of Geographic Information. The previous section of the report described some of the uses of GIS, but they are only the start of the future uses of such a system. Management of this system, especially in the initial design phase, is extremely important. The functions of data management ares (1) training in digitizing, map production, system use, input methods, and input form; (2) coordinating work flow, standardization, and multiple uses; (3) helping develop finished products (refining requirements and production); (4) evaluating future uses (awareness of user needs and desires, awareness of capabilities of current system and future additions); (5) documenting the system; (6) controlling access to system (limiting access to authorized scientists and technicians, assuring that maps are easily accessible and indexed); and (7) developing protocols for digitizing map information. Evaluation of Hardware and Software. Data management has assumed the responsibility for evaluating hardware and software, keeping the remote systems compatible, and decreasing the burden of hardware and software evaluation on the researchers. Activities include: (1) assuring compatibility between sites (equipment and software lists to allow flexibility but retain compatability); providing technical information about available products; (3) maintaining a file of information on products and local sources of equipment, software, and supplies and establishing good working relationships with local dealers; (4) ordering equipment and software; (5) training staff how to use the equipment and software; (6) and consulting with staff on problems. System Evaluation and Design. To provide information, each part of the system has to work together in a coordinated fashion. Users' needs have to be known and understood. Each new addition needs to fit in with the rest of the system. The ultimate design of the system will either make the system work at a competent level or make the system fail. The planning and design of an information system requires data management to: (1) define user needs; (2) develop and maintain file structure; (3) develop and maintain access structure; (4) integrate the system across the five participating agencies and individual investigators; and (5) assure that the system is accessible and usable in all phases of the project. Access and Control of Data. Easy access to information that is on the system is essential. Control of the information is also important, especially with multiple users accessing the system. Updates need to be 1-42 documented and dated. If someone uses a data set and then it is updated, this could change their results; they need to know what changed and when. Access to unverified data should be limited to the person responsible for verification. Documentation. The documentation for the data sets is consistent with the requirements established by the LTER data management group in 1982. Basically, documentation has a hierarchical structure. Data file name and researcher ' Description of data contained in the files Exact description and format of data The first two parts are contained in the data set abstracts and the last is contained in each individual data base. A further addition to this documentation is the Methods Manual written this year. This information is stored on the Prime system as a file. When the menu-driven system is ready, this documentation will be available in the form of help files and an index. These files must also be kept current. Inter-site Activities. The LTER data managers meet annually to share information and develop good procedures for management of long-term data sets. Each site has its own computer system. To assist the transfer of data between sites, a matrix of protocols and/or configurations is being compiled. We have offered to store this information on our computer system and make it available to other sites or other scientists. This is a small step to facilitate transfer of data between sites. Data descriptions for all 11 LTER sites are now being stored on the computer system at the Jornada (Desert) site in New Mexico. These data descriptions are available in machine-readable form and we have asked to transfer a copy to our Prime computer system to make the descriptions accessible to both the LTER researchers and other researchers at the Surveys. By making this information readily available and easily searched, we hope to facilitate inter-site activities. 1-43 SECTION 2: SHORTFALLS The geological portion of the Large River LTER project worked without paid staff in 1984. This was a budget compromise agreed to by all of our principal investigators. We planned to have a geology graduate student for the first 2 years and then again for the last 2 years. It was difficult to keep the program viable in 1984, and we were delayed in finding a replacement student in 1985. For a long-term program, we believe a better approach would be modest but continuous funding, and we will strive to achieve that (Gross). Tasks beyond the extraction of the tree growth curves from the tree ring chronologies have not been completed because a program must be modified to run on the University of Illinois' CYBER. We will work with a programmer to rectify this problem by October of this year (Wendland). The resignation of the long-time laboratory assistant, who identified and counted pollen in sediment cores, and increased administrative duties of Dr. James King have caused unforeseen delays. The cores have been taken and the palynological analysis will be completed this next year (King). We were justly criticized by our External Advisory Committee for not establishing a better publication record. We met as a group on 8-10 April 1985 at the Horn Field Campus of Western Illinois University, outside Macomb, to outline S3n3thesis papers involving multiple authors and to commit to a schedule for manuscript preparation and submission. Our list of publications this year includes eight papers that have been submitted, are in press, or have already been published in refereed national or international journals, and four book chapters in press. Our rate of submission is accelerating and we expect a much lengthier list in 1986 (Sparks). Our scientists at field stations still cannot directly tap the potential of the Prime computer and the Geographic Information System at Champaign. We can download files from the mainframe to the IBM-PC's, but telephone costs prohibit interactive sessions. Because of the costs, the field station staff do not use the systems often enough to remain fluent in the commands used by the Survey's and University of Illinois' mainframes and the statistical packages of SPSS and SAS. The Surveys are working on a public access system that will provide interactive menu- driven access to the Prime, but the problem of telephone costs remains. We are using software packages such as LOTUS, RBASE, and SYSTAT for analysis of small data sets, or subsets, on the PC's, and we are requesting assistance from the data manager at Champaign for merging and analysis of large files on the Prime (Sparks). 2-1 SECTION 3: PROJECT PLAN A. History of Perturbation (Gross, Cahill, King, Wendland, Grubb, and Autry) Bed materials in the Mississippi and Illinois rivers range from fine-grained muds to coarse gravels. Maps of these materials are a predictive tool in ecosystem modeling, and for that reason, geologic maps have been completed for two of our three sites. The third site, Peoria Pool of the Illinois River, will be mapped from sampling done largely for other projects. By 1986, the geological component of the Large Rivers LTER will move from mapping to predictive modeling — a study of the geomorphic evolution of the sites. Geomorphic systems are in a state of dynamic equilibrium. This equilibrium is episodically disrupted as thresholds of stability that define the system are exceeded. These thresholds are governed by the synergistic effects of principal geomorphic variables. A geomorphic model of these rivers, the proposed Ph.D. thesis of Mark Grubb, will identify the relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic geomorphic variables, such as geology, geomorphology, climate, hydrology, and vegetation, in the evolution of the middle Mississippi and Illinois rivers. With a time scale of a few thousand years, less than the post-glacial but much greater than the engineering modifications of the rivers, the diversity of data requires an integrated approach combining geomorphology, pedology, fluvial sedimentology, hydrology, and geochemistry to model these rivers. If a coherent model of geomorphic evolution can be devised, it will be possible to locate the present fluvial system in relation to critical geomorphic thresholds and to define the age, mode of formation, and long-term stability of various ecological compartments, such as baclcwater lakes. Ideally, the model would allow general predictions to be made in regard to the future evolution of this segment of the Mississippi fluvial system. 210pb and 137cs are being used to date sediment cores collected in Peoria Lake. When combined with chemical analysis, the history of trace metal loading in the area will be documented. Analysis of sediment pore waters is underway to establish if there is a gradient in metal concentrations in the sediment column. The organic carbon content of sediment will be measured in surface samples and cores in areas of intensive biological sampling to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of accumulation and redistribution of organic matter. Carbon isotopic ratios will be measured in aquatic plants and a series of key consumers at several locations to establish what proportion of the consumption is based on detritus derived from macrophytes. 3-1 Reconstruction of temperature, precipitation, and river flow from tree rings and pollen analyses will be completed. B. Hydrologic Studies (Adams) Suspended sediment monitoring of selected tributaries will be continued. With the gages installed on Burlington Island, the depth and direction of overflowing water during floods will be observed. Burlington Island is our representative floodplaino Water and suspended sediment measurements will be made periodically in the Devils Creek to Naiivoo reach to provide validation data for the mathematical models. These measurements will be coordinated with intensive measurements of flow patterns in and around the macrophyte beds. Wind-generated waves can resuspend plant debris » break off senescing plant parts, and move nutrients in and out of the beds. A wind velocity recorder, wave gages, current meters, and sediment traps will be installed for these measurement 8» Both wind- and boat-generated waves will be measured. These field data will be coordinated with the biological sampling and collected at several times before, during, and after the macrophyte growing season. Relevant results from the Quincy Bay sedimentation study will be incorporated into the description of the geomorphic succession in navigation pools and associated backwaters. The Peoria Lake sedimentation project will also contribute to the knowledge of the changes along the Illinois River. Mathematical modeling will proceed in several areas. The HEC-6 model will be applied to the 32-km long Peoria Lake reach of the Illinois River. The Pool 19 transport model will be expanded to include particulate as well as dissolved organic matter. Two-dimensional modeling will begin for a selected reach (Montrose Flats or Nauvoo Point). Wind-generated currents will be included if this does not entail full three-dimensional modeling. If time allows, models for resuspension and transport of sediment and particulate organic matter will be assessed for inclusion in the two-dimensional model. C. Ecosystem Structure and Function (Anderson and Sparks) Maintenance sampling of macroinvertebrates , zooplankton, phytoplankton, fish, and drift will continue in maior habitat types at all three study sites. This sampling will be done in conjunction with water chemistry, physical parameters, and carbon sampling to maintain and extend long-term data sets. In addition, site-specific sampling of invertebrates to measure rates of secondary production and food sources (using gut analyses and carbon isotope ratios) will be done at Burlington Island, Ft. Madison^ Nauvoo-Montrose Flats, and Keokuk on Pool 19. Some of these collections will be triggered by storms or floods o We will sample organic matter, nutrients, sediment, and water fluxes for periods of 1 week several times during the macrophyte growing season to test our hypothesis that macrophyte beds continually supply high 3-2 quality detritus to offshore consumers during the low-flow period when supplies from autochthonous sources reach seasonal lows. The sampling will be coordinated with hydrologic sampling to determine whether wind- and boat-generated waves and secondary currents are the transport mechanism. Further work on the model will first involve fine tuning maximum rate constants and function arrays. Validation of the model will be completed using data collected on Pool 19. Connection of all compartments in Pool 19 will be completed and a total pool simulation will be run. Following this final link of the hydrodynamic and biological model, simulation to predict successional processes in Pool 19 will be attempted. The model will be applied to other pools as a test of generality. Work will also continue on population models for key organisms, such as fingernail clams and burrowing mayflies. 3-3 SECTION 4: MOST SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS We successfully "captured" a major event — the Illinois River flood of March 1985, the third highest in the 140-year record. We were able to start sampling well before the crest because of the flood predictions provided by the National Weather Service. One of the agencies participating in the LTER, the Illinois State Water Survey, had a grant from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to take some of the same measurements we needed, so we were able to pool staff and equipment from both projects and do more sampling than either project could have done alone (Sparks). The hydraulic component of our large river model can now simulate water flow into lateral areas and movement of dissolved nutrients. The biological component has been simplified from 22 to 9 state variables, and several simulation runs have been completed. The programmer hired with the budget supplement has written well documented versions of the biological model in FORTRAN. One version runs on the Prime mainframe computer and another on the IBM PC's (Demissie, Anderson, Brookfield, Sparks). Anthropogenic contributions of Ni, Pb, P, and Zn to the sediments in the Illinois River are declining, when concentrations in sediments deposited between 1953 and 1965 are compared to the period 1976-1982. In contrast, it appears that sedimentation rates in Peoria Lake (which reflect land use in the drainage basin of the Illinois River) have not changed when recent periods (1963-1982, 1954-1982) are compared to the long-term average for 1939-1982. Sedimentation rates determined by 137cs and 210pb are in good agreement with those obtained by traditional bathymetric techniques (Cahill and Gross). Digitization of the land-water boundaries of Pool 26, Illinois and Mississippi rivers, the longest and most complex of our three sites, will be completed and the point coordinates stored in our geographic information system this year. We can now add overlay maps depicting bathymetry, substrate type, sampling locations, and vegetation. It is especially important to document present boundaries in Pool 26 because the new dam will become operational in approximately 2 years and we want to follow the resulting geomorphic and successional changes (Miller and Gross). 4-1 SECTION 5: PUBLICATIONS A. Publications '' Adams, J. R. , and N. G. Bhovmik. 1984. Pool 19 Mississippi River: lake or river? Proceedings, Illinois Conference on Lake and Watershed Management. Water Resources Center Special Report No. 15, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, IL Adams, J. R. , and N. G. Bhovmik. 1985. Long term ecological research and management of the upper Mississippi River system. Proceedings, Vth World Congress on Water Resources 1:157-162. Brussels, Belgium. Adams, J. R. , N, G, Bhovmik, A. P. Bonini, A. M. Klock, and M. Demissie. 1984. Sediment yield of streams in northern and central Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 353, Champaign, IL. Anderson, R. V. (in preparation) « Implications of distribution patterns of freshwater mollusks in Pool 19, Mississippi River. Oecologia. Anderson, R. V. (submitted). An examination of nematode distribution patterns in relation to habitat. Pool 19, Mississippi River. Hydrobiologia. Anderson, R. V., and W. S. Vinikour. 1984. Use of molluscs as pupation sites by Oecetis inconspicua (Trichoptera : Leptoceridae) . Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2:417-422, Anderson, R. V., and D. M. Day. (submitted). Predictive quality of macroinvertebrate habitat associations in lower navigation pools of the upper Mississippi River. In M. M. Smart, K. S. Lubinski, and R. Schnick, eds. The ecology of the upper Mississippi River. Developments in Hydrobiology, Junk Publishers, the Hague, Netherlands. ^ Anderson, R. V., R. E. Sparks, J. W. Grubaugh, K. S. Lubinski, and D. M. Day. (in preparation). Can autochthonous sources fuel a large river? Oecologia. Bhowmik, N. 6. 1984. Lake shore erosion management. Proceedings, Illinois Conference on Lake and Watershed Management. Water Resources Center Special Report No. 15, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Sedimentation management of the Horseshoe Lake, Alexander County, Illinois. Proceedings, Illinois Conference on Lake and Watershed Management. Water Resources Center Special Report No. 15, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Relationship between geomorphic parameters and the sediment transport characteristics of the Spoon River basin in Illinois. Proceedings, 1984 National Symposium on Surface Mining, 5-1 Hydrology, Sediment o logy, and Reclamation. University of Kentucky, Lexington, iCY. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Erosion. In D. D. Houghton, ed. Handbook of applied meterology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. Bhowmik, N. G, 1985. Sediment movement in natural rivers in Illinois, USA. Proceedings, Vth World Congress on Water Resources 2^99-208, BrusselSs, Belgium^ Bhowmik, N. G. , J. R. Adams, and M. Demissie. 1985. The role of hydraulics and sediment in large river ecology. Proceedings, ASCE Hydraulics Division Speciality Conference, Hydraulics and hydrology in the small computer age. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 12-17 August. Bhowmik, N. G. , W. C. Bogner, and W. P. Fitzpatrick. 1985. Lake sedimentation surveys in Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Miscellaneous Report No. 80. Also Illinois State Water Plan Task Force Issue Paper 9. Bhowmik, N, Gc , A« Po Bonini, and D. K. Davie. 1984. Instream sediment monitoring program for Illinois: water years 1981 and 1982. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 345, Champaign, EL. Bhowmik, N, Gc , D. L. Gross, and P. G. Risser. 1985. Conceptual model of erosion and sedimentation processes. Proceedings, Vth World Congress on Water Resources 1;209-218. Brussels, Belgium. Bhowmik, N. Ge , Mc Demissie, D. To Soong, A. Klock, N. R. Black, D. L. Gross, T. W. Sipe, and P. G. Risser. 1984. Conceptual models of erosion and sedimentation in Illinois, two volumes. Illinois Scientific Surveys Joint Report 1, Champaign, Illinois. Bhowmik, N. G. , J. R. Adams, R. V. Anderson, R. A. Cahill, M. Demissie, D. L. Gross, J. E. King, K. S. Lubinski, P. G. Risser, R. E. Sparks, and W. W. Wendland. (in press). Long-term ecological research on Illinois rivers. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. Cahill. R, A., and A, D» Autreyc (submitted). Measurement of 210p],^ l^^Css organic carbon, and trace elements in sediments of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Cahill, R. A., and J. D. Steele, (submitted). Inorganic composition and sedimentation rates of backwater lakes associated with the Illinois River. Illinois State Geological Survey Environmental Geology Note. 66 p. Day, De M. , and R. V. Anderson, (submitted)^ Habitat use, behavior and energy requirements of Canvasback and Lesser Scaup on Pool 19, Mississippi River. Journal of Wildlife Management. 5-2 Demissie, M. , and N. G. Bhowmik. 1985. Assessment of sediment problems in Peoria Lake, Illinois. Proceedings, ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, Hydraulics and hydrology in the small computer age. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 12-17 August. Demissie, M. , N. G. Bhowmik,, W. H. Maxwell, D. T. Soong, and W. P. Fitzpatrick. 1984. Secondary circulation in natural rivers. Progress report. Water Resources Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Engman, J. A., R. V. Anderson, and L. M, O'Flaherty. (in preparation). Spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton in Pool 19, Mississippi River. Hydrobiologia. Gross, D. L. , R. A. Cahill, D. I. Casavant, J. R. Adams, and N. G. Bhowmik. (in press). History of sedimentation in Mississippi River Pool 19, USA. IVth International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Ossiach, Austria. Manuscript to be submitted to Hydrobiologia. ^■7\ Grubaugh, J. W. , R. V. Anderson, D. M. Day, K. S. Lubinski, and R. E. Sparks. (submitted). Production of Sagittaria latifolia and Nelumbo lutea on Pool 19, Mississippi River. Aquatic Botany. ^ Grubaugh, J. W. , R. V. Anderson, and R. E. Sparks. (in preparation). Physical effects of submergent vegetation on channel-border habitat in Pool 19, Mississippi River. Limnology and Oceanography. Holm, D. J., and R. V. Anderson. (submitted). Chaetogaster limnaei (Oligochaeta: Naididae) infesting unionid mullosks (Pelecypoda: Unionidae) and Corbicula fluminae (Pelecypoda: Corbiculidae) in Pool 19, Mississippi River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. Jahn, L. A., and R. V. Anderson, (in press). The ecology of pools 19 and 20, upper Mississippi River: an ecological profile. Office of Biological Services, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 110 p. Lubinski, K. S. , and S. D. Jackson. 1985. Age structure and growth of carp populations in the Illinois and upper Mississippi rivers. Aquatic Biology Technical Report 1985(7). Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL. Lubinski, K. S. , S. D. Jackson, and B. N. Hartsfield. 1984. Age structure and analysis of carp populations in the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Aquatic Biology Technical Report 1984(9). Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL. Lubinski, K. S. , A. Van Vooren, G. Farabee, J. Janacek, and S. D. Jackson, (in press). Common carp in the upper Mississippi River. In M. M. Smart, K. S. Lubinski, and R. Schnick, eds. Ecology of the upper Mississippi River. Developments in Hydrobiology, Junk Publishers, the Hague, Netherlands. 5-3 Miller, B. A., M. Demissie, and N. G. Bhowmik. 1985. Assessment of sediment problems in Peoria Lake, Illinois. Proceedings, ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, Hydraulics and hydrology in the small computer age. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 12-17 August. Pillard, D. A., and R. V. Anderson. (submitted). A survey of the zooplankton of Pool 19, upper Mississippi River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. Pillard, D. A., and R. V. Anderson, (submitted). Longitudinal variation in zooplankton in Pool 19, Mississippi River: possible relationship to particulate organic matter size, Hydrobiologia. Pillard, D» A., and R. V. Anderson. (submitted). A note on the parasitism of Rotifera by Plistophora (Protista: Sporozoa) in Pool 19, Mississippi River. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science. Reed, P. C. , M. L. Sargent, and D. L. Gross, (in preparation). Use of natural-gamma logging for characterization of bottom sediments in Mississippi River. Illinois State Geological Survey Environmental Geology Note. Smart, M. Mo, K. Se Lubinski, and R. Schnick, eds. (in press). Ecology of the upper Mississippi River. Developments in Hydrobiology, Junk Publishers, the Hague, Netherlands. (/ Sparks, R. E. (in press) o Improving methods of data analysis and interpretation for environmental management programs. Council on Environmental Quality, Washington, D.C. Conference on Long-Term Environmental Research. Praeger. Webster, J., E. Blood, K. Cummings, M. Gurtz, and R. Sparks, (in press). LTER stream research. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. B. Theses Casavant, D. I. 1985. Sedimentation history and sedimentary environment of upper Mississippi River Pool 19. M. S, thesis in Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 102 p. Hurley, C. M, 1985. A laboratory study determining substrate preference and the effect of substrate composition seen in a Corbicula population. B. S. with Departmental Honors, Western Illinois University, Macomb. 39 p. (R. V. Anderson, advisor). Koepke, T. A. 1985. Effects of caddisfly and mayfly emergence upon the feeding habits of fish in the Mississippi River near Keokuk, Iowa. B. S. with Departmental Honors, Western Illinois University, Macomb. 24 p. (R. V. Anderson, advisor). 5-4 SECTION 6: PRESENTATIONS Adams, J. R. 1985. Long term ecological research on the upper Mississippi River system. Fritz Lab Research to Practice: 50 Years of Progress, Bethlehem, PA. 31 July-2 August. Adams, J. R. 1985. Management of the upper Mississippi River systems. Laboratoire d'hydraulique seminar, Ecole Poly technique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland. 30 May. Anderson, R. V. 1985. Population habitat associations in Pool 19. 41st annual meeting. Upper Mississipppi River Conservation Committee, Burlington, lA. 7 March. Anderson, R. V. 1984. Tributary order: does it affect zooplankton and benthic community structure in the upper Mississippi River? Annual meeting, American Society of Zoologists, Denver, CO. Anderson, R. V., D. A. Holm, D. M. Day, R. E. Sparks, and K. D. Blodgett. 1985. Production and distribution of unionid mussels in Pool 19, Mississippi River. 23rd annual meeting, Illinois Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Edwardsville, IL. Anderson, R. V., R. E. Sparks, D. M. Day, K. D. Blodgett, and D. A. Holm. ly 1984. Unionid mollusc utilization of habitat as indicated by distribution patterns. 11th annual meeting, Great Plains Limnology Conference, Stillwater, OK. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Ecology of the Mississippi River. Contemporary Issues Forum, Marycrest College, Davenport, lA. 12 September. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Long term ecological research on the Mississippi River: hydraulics, sedimentation, and sediment transport. 1984 Illinois Conference on Soil Conservation and Water Quality, Champaign, IL. 18 October. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Lakeshore erosion stabilization. Conference on Multipurpose Lakes, Okaw Bluff Environmental Learning Center, Lake Shelbyville, IL. 24 October. Bhowmik, N. G. 1984. Morphology of water bodies. Committee meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Bal Harbor, FL. 30 October. Bhowmik, N. G. 1985. Lake sedimentation surveys in Illinois. Illinois State Water Plan Task Force meeting, Springfield, IL. 14 February. Bhowmik, N. G. 1985. Short term and long term impacts of human activities. External Advisory Committee, Long Term Ecological Research Project, Champaign, IL. 18 February. 6-1 Bhowmik, N. G. 1985. Peoria Lake sedimentation problems. Committe, Tri- County Planning Commission, mayors, state officials, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Illinois Central College, Peoria, IL. 16 February. Bhowmik, N. G. 1985. Long term ecological rsearch and sediment transport in Illinois streams and rivers c Seminar, Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, ILe 6 March« Bhovmik, N. G. , and J. R. Adams. 1985. Geomorphic trends in Keokuk Pool, Mississippi River. Spring meeting, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, MD. 27-31 May. Bhowmik, N. G. , J. R. Adams, and M. Demissie. 1985. Ecological studies in Pool 19 of the upper Mississippi River. Symposium, Limnology of upper Mississippi River impoundments. 48th annual meeting. Ecological Society of America (with American Society of Limnology and Oceanography), Minneapolis, MN. 18-21 June. Bhowmik, N. G. , J. R. Adams, and A. M.. Klock. 1984. Estimating sediment loads in Illinois streams 1984 Illinois Conference on Soil Conservation and Water Quality, Champaign, IL. 18-19 October. Bhowmik, N. G. , J. R. Adams, and A. M. Klock. 1985. Importance of geomorphic parameters in the determination of stream sediment loads : tributary streams to the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. 17th annual meeting, Mississippi River Research Consortium, LaCrosse, WI. 17-19 April. Brookfield, F. M. , and K. S. Lubinski. 1985. Geographic Information system for long-term fish population data sets. Annual meeting, Illinois Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Edwardsville, IL. Cahill, R. A., and D. A. Autrey. 1985. Measurements of 210pb, 137c8, and trace elements in sediments of the Illinois and Mississipppi rivers. International Symposium on Nuclear Analytical Chemistry, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 5-7 June. Demissie, M. , B. Stephanatos, and N. G. Bhowmik. 1985. Hydrodynamic model for long term ecological research. Spring meeting, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, MD. 27-31 May. Gross, D. L. 1985. Sediment mapping of Pool 19. 41st annual meeting. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Burlington, lA. 7 March. \ Grubaugh, J. W. , R. 7, Anderson, and R. E. Sparks. 1985. The development of a biologica? simulation model for Pool 19, Mississippi River. 17th annual meeting, Mississippi River Research Consortium, LaCrosse, WI. Grubaugh, J. W. , R. V. Anderson, K. D. Blodgett, and R. E. Sparks. 1984. Seasonal variation of phytoplankton production in channel-border 6-2 4 habitat, Pool 19, Mississippi River. 11th annual meeting. Great Plains Limnology Conference, Stillwater, OK. Grubaugh, J. W. , R. V. Anderson, D. M. Day, and D. J. Holm. 1984. Effects of small tributary input and submerged vegetation on channel-border habitat. Pool 19, Mississippi River. 11th annual meeting. Great Plains Limnology Conference, Stillwater, OK. Jackson, S. D. 1985. Predicting main channel border velocities from navigation pool water levels. 17th annual meeting, Mississippi River Research Consortium, LaCrosse, WI. Lubinski, K. S. 1985. Classification of Mississippi River main channel microhabitats based on their winter use by fish. 17th annual meeting, Mississippi River Research Consortium, LaCrosse, WI. Lubinski, K. S. 1985. Winter main channel habitat utilization and behavior of Mississippi River fishes. 23rd annual meeting, Illinois Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Edwardsville, IL. Lubinski, K. S. 1985. LTER core data sets. 41st annual meeting. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Burlington, lA. 7 March. Lubinski, K. S., and S. D. Jackson. 1985. Velocity controls fish utilization of lower Illinois River main channel boarder habitats. 23rd annual meeting, Illinois Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Edwardsville, IL. Lubinski, K. S. , S. D. Jackson, R. V. Anderson, and D. Day. 1985. Slow growth rates and short life spans of Illinois River common carp — possible explanations. International Symposium on Age and Growth of Fish, Des Moines, lA. Sparks, R. E. 1985. Uses of ecology, biomonitoring, and bioassay in linking causes and effects in a degraded river. Symposium, Biological monitoring. 48th annual meeting. Ecological Society of America (with American Society of Limnology and Oceanography), Minneapolis, MN. 18-21 June. Sparks, R. E. 1985. Introduction to the long-term ecological research program on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. 41st annual meeting. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Burlington, lA. 7 March. "^ Sparks, R. E. 1985. Modeling the Pool 19 ecosystem. 41st annual meeting. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Burlington, lA. 7 March. Sparks, R. E. 1985. A natural and unnatural history of the Illinois River. Shedd Aquarium Lecture Series on Midwestern Wetlands, Chicago, IL. 28 March. 6-3 Sparks, R. E. , R. V, Anderson, J, W„ Grubaugh, J. Re Adams, and M. Demissiee 1985. An integrated hydraulic/biological model for the Mississippi River. International Society for Ecological Modeling and American Institute of Biological Sciences^ Gainesville, FL. 12-15 August. 6-4 SECTION 7: LITERATURE CITED Belt, C. B. , Jr. 1975. The 1973 flood and man's constriction of the Mississippi River. Science 189:681-684. Bhowmik, N. G. , and J. R. Adams. 1984. The hydrologic environment of Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Proceedings, 16th Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, LaCrosse, WI, 19-20 April. Brune, G, M, 1953. Trap efficiency of reservoirs. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 34:407-418. Chen, Y. H. , and D. B. Simons. 1979. Geomorphic study of Upper Mississippi River. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineering 105:313-328. King, J. E. , J. A. Lineback, and D. L. Gross. 1976. Palynology and sedimentology of Holocene deposits in southern Lake Michigan. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 496, Urbana, IL. 24 p. Lane, E. W. 1955. The importance of fluvial morphology in hydraulic engineering. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineering 21:745. Simons, D. B. , S. A. Schumm, M. A. Stevens, Y. H. Chen, and P. F. Lagasse. 1975. Environmental inventory and assessment of navigation pools 24, 25, and 26, upper Mississippi and lower Illinois rivers, a geomorphic study. Contract Report Y-75-3, St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, MO. Solomon, R. C. , D. R. Parsons, D. A. Wright, B. K. Colbert, C. Ferris, and J. E. Scott. 1975. Environmental inventory and assessment of navigation pools 24, 25, and 26, upper Mississippi and lover Illinois rivers. Summary report. Technical Report Y-75-1, St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, MO. Wendland, W. M. , and D. Watson-Stegner. 1983. A technique to reconstruct river discharge history from tree-rings. Water Resources Bulletin 19:175-181. Wright, L. D. , and J. M. Coleman. 1972. River delta morphology: wave climate and the role of subaqueous profile. Science 176:282-284. Wright, L. D. , and J. M. Coleman. 1974. Mississippi River mouth processes: effluent dynamics and morphologic development. Journal of Geology 82:751-758. 7-1 APPENDIX A. Changes in Personnel Ms. Deborah Casavant completed an M.S. degree with an LTER thesis at the University of Illinois and moved to Boston University, where she is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in geology. Mr. Mark Grubb joined the Large Rivers LTER as a half-time research assistant on the geological aspects of the project. He came to us after receiving an M.S. degree in geology at Colorado State University. He will be writing a Ph.D. thesis on the geomorphic evolution of the Large River LTER sites. Dr. James King was on sabbatical leave from his position at the Illinois State Museum for the spring semester of 1985. Mr. Frank Brookfield, the computer programmer provided to the LTER project by the Natural History Survey, accepted a new position with the Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center at the Illinois State Water Survey starting in July 1985. He will continue working part time on the LTER project until January 1986. Dr. Ken Lubinski and Mr. Jack Grubaugh from the Natural History Survey will supervise and coordinate data management at the field stations. Dr. David Gross will continue to direct the map digitizing and use of the geographic information system. The appointment of Ms. Lisa Miskimen, research assistant with the tree ring project, has expired. Remaining work for this project will be completed with continued contributions from her, the assistance of a programming consultant, and Dr. Wayne Wendland. A-1 APPENDIX B. External Advisory Committee This appendix consists of the written report of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) following a review of the Large River LTER project, 20-22 February 1985, integrated and edited by Chairman Colbert Cushing. The response to the EAC report is in Appendix C. The members of our External Advisory Committee are listed below. Dr. Daryl Simons joined the Committee in 1983; the others have been members since the inception of the LTER project in the spring of 1982. The chair has rotated each year, from Wayne Minshall, to Richard Wiegert, to Colbert Cushing, to James Eckblad, who will be Chairman of the 1985/86 meeting in Champaign, Illinois, 10-12 February 1986. The members of the Committee have paid particular attention to their charge to advise our group, and we are grateful for much personal help from each member, not reflected in the summary documents in this Appendix. We look forward to their continuing assistance in the future. Colbert E. Cushing Chairman, 1984/85 Environmental Sciences Department Batelle-Pacific Northwest Lab. Richland, WA 99352 James Eckblad Chairman, 1985/86 Department of Biology Luther College Decorah, lA 52101 G. Wayne Minshall Chairman, 1982/83 Department of Biology Idaho State University Pocatello, ID 83201 Daryl B. Simons Engineering Research Center Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Richard Wiegert Chairman, 1983/84 Department of Zoology University of Georgia Athens, GA 30601 B-1 Report from Chairman Gushing following the External Advisory Committee Review of 18-20 February 1985 This is the third report by the External Advisory Committee following a presentation of formal progress reports, informal discussions, and displays by members of the Large River LTER Research Team. They gave us an impressive performance. For the most part, the review team was satisfied with their progress; our summary of the project's status follows; Positive Attributes The EAC discerns a marked improvement in the program and the people involved during the past 17 months. The project to us is impressive in both scope, integration, and output, and essentially appears to be leading to valuable scientific contributions. The group has matured, both individually and as a team. This was illustrated by the presentations which were professional, with clear statements of objectives and results. Strengths in the program were selected and well highlighted; weaknesses, however, were downplayed but still apparent in some aspects and these will be addressed later. The team showed much more integration among the groups than was apparent during the previous extramural reviews. Individuals displayed greater confidence. In short, you appeared to have confidence in yourselves, your research, and the direction the project was going. The production of the methods manual, with up-datings, and the publication of the Annual Report with plenty of time for us to study it prior to the meeting are indications of how much the scientists are on top of the project. We are particularly pleased with the progress in modeling and use of the model as a guide for the research. As soon as the model is running on the IBM microcomputer, we'd like to see you make it available to outside scientists, both for their use and for the input from them you would receive in exchange. One suggestion would be to write it up, with documentation, as a preliminary model "tool" and send it in to Ecological Modeling. Then the submitted manuscript could be distributed, with program if the latter cannot be published as part of the paper. The Core Data Sets seemed appropriate, but we were unsure as to where they were leading — more about this below. The data management program reorientation has been accomplished in a most significant manner and looks like it now provides the needed information. We were encouraged by your apparent efforts to interact with regard to data synthesis with other LTER sites as indicated by your reference to Marty Gurtz's work and we encourage positive follow-up. In reference to Section 3 of the Annual Report, the Project Plan, we were frankly more encouraged by what we heard during the review than in what we read. We would suggest that you make a greater effort to formalize these plans, such as the work on the Illinois River B-2 perturbations. Here, the baseline data and Core Data Sets should be of great help. It's good to see the computer equipment at the different sites — obviously a great help in your efforts. We recommend obtaining an 8087 math coprocessor (about $165 each) for each IBM machine and a compiler that will address this chip, and a 5-10 megabyte hard disk for each site. We suggest getting the removable rather than the fixed disks to facilitate exchange of programs and data. Weaknesses More effort to involve outside scientists in the site work should be made. The research is at a level now where others would be interested in participating in the on-going studies, and by so doing, add stature to the Large River LTER and provide useful insight into various aspects of the research. One aspect of the project which was not adequately expressed might be stated, "What's the main message at this point?" This will be particularly important in focusing your efforts at writing the renewal proposal. We did not gain the impression of a strong central theme or 'Win message" in the presentations. In this respect, we would suggest that a combination of Chapter 4 of the Annual Report, Most Significant Accomplishments, and what we heard in the presentations should form a solid basis for a good renewal proposal. The publication record of the Large River LTER is extremely weak for the time you've spent in the study. The book concept is good and should be pursued. The EAC believes that there has perhaps been an overemphasis on posters, verbal presentations, etc., at the expense of getting papers submitted to and published in the open literature. A conscious effort should be made; assign some papers, set some hard deadlines, and see that they are met. Some of the model graphic symbols for compartments need correcting. Also, in relation to the model, we would suggest a continued vigilance with your coefficients. These should be refined, as possible, with complete and current documentation as to their derivation; use of outside reviewers may help in this aspect. Here again, getting these into a manuscript would be a tremendous step forward and would put the Large River LTER head and shoulders above the other LTERs with respect to modeling. Summary The EAC was extremely pleased with the review. The pluses far outweighed the minuses this time. The research team has come a long way since the first review ano now shows signs of maturity and productivity. We feel confident that continued efforts to improve, refine, and publish your results will provide valuable scientific information. We appreciate the time and hospitality shown us and look forward to continued association with the group. B-3 APPENDIX C. Response to the External Advisory Committee Comment 1 . Write up the large river model for Ecological Modeling Sparks presented a paper, co-authored with Anderson, Grubaugh, Demissie, and Adams, "An integrated hydrodynamic/biological model for the upper Mississippi River," at the sympositm on river basin modeling at the annual meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modeling, Gainesville, Florida, 12-15 August 1985. Presenters were encouraged to submit manuscripts to Ecological Modeling and we are preparing one now. Comment 2. Formalize project plans, including the main message for the renewal proposal, and clearly relate the core data sets to the plan Our principal investigators have revised and formalized our major hypotheses and research questions at meetings on 8-10 April and 7 May 1985. We critiqued our baseline measurements and related them to our hypotheses on 8 July 1985. We will distribute a draft version of the renewal proposal to the External Advisory Committee before the next committee meeting on 10-12 February 1986 and we plan to devote most of the meeting to a critical review of the proposal. Comment 3. Purchase 8087 math coprocessors, compatible compilers, and 5-10 megabyte hard disks for each of the LTER work stations Done. Comment 4. Do more to involve outside scientists We will meet in January 1986 with researchers from Louisiana State University who work on the lower Mississippi River and the delta to discuss collaborative research. We will include funding in our renewal proposal to support a short-term outside investigator. We have applied to NSF for a facilities support grant to expand the field laboratory at Havana to accommodate outside scientists. Comment 5. Strengthen publication record Section 2: Shortfalls describes the steps we have taken to increase our rate of publication, including a writing workshop in an isolated location, with no telephones but with electrical outlets to run four word processors. We have established a manuscript submission schedule and are exerting pressure on each other to meet deadlines. Comment 6 . Model. Correct graphic symbols, refine and document coefficients, use outside reviewers, and publish See comment 1 above. We are correcting the symbols and refining the coefficients. We plan to review the model with Richard Wiegert in October at the University of Georgia. C-1 o o t^ Q> u a M O (V 00 0) •on OB c (8 ^ CM (U <0 O. « CS « (OX S ^ > M a; a a M "H O .-1 JS «S o u =1-1 0) u > 0) o —1 €S u o s o 9 O •H ^ M-t MH •O gB 4J o o « «B OB « 4J « ^ o -u CO OB M B BB • H «i-l cto eg •p4 V 4J O •Sg T3 SB «e CO a S h o a CO o o •H at a «*-! l-t •H sa «M O S o ^ M 4J •l-t o o X fd M-i V4 0) S>s u ■M O « 60 0) u o. a {3 > M « o o as « 0 «a M 4.i « M a o •o JS CO B OB S « •H •H i-t o ^ 0) (0 4-) ^ T3 *J « ca B > (U B H •H « ca -.4 -H C9 B M 0) •J h CO oo fa tJ U M « e 00 B •'^ >» 4J U M B O V Q. 00 O. cs fa 8S a M p 00 «-l B ,-1 .H 4J 1 cs O «0 -o W 0) o o S B K4-I B p. « w 0) O -H Ot o 4) fa i«^ d ja 0) CD CO ^ «B o u « <0 ft u o -o 4J 04 CB 9) M «d •H « ^ B •] U «4-t 4> « H o «0 ^ o M 1^ Pd I-) B. H M U O 3 • ■ a M o o i-H . C M .-1 4) ss a 0) y « OS 4S > •H ^ 0 > 00^ M « M o •H M °H • iH -f^ O >-< O^t-J « s s M a w a ^ 03 M o & ^i O M U > 9i O 1 CM t-. en vo 00 SO 00 00 1 lO -^ CM m ^ o ^^ ^H OO 00 o o o o ^ ^ o 4J O c o 3 O O -r4 U 4-) P4 9> o r-» o vO o © O OV CM (^ o irv 0 O o 1 0 .2 >* •H .-1 W tr\ -o •H 4ij •^ •I") O M (U s 0 •W 0) (6 4J 4-t U ^ « « ;bii 6©t) 4 a >» O ^ »w 1.3 0 ^ 1^ 4^ a; °i-l 1 « M-i M o a 'r^ 00 0 0 6 o 0 a J3 > 0) 0 o O o « M o o a 'i-l -H 0 > O 0 •H « a IS « •H •H a; U 0) ^ .u O 60 •i-l « u •i-i h ■U t4 ■u a a U2 C va O (U 1-^ M 0 M-l «4-l CO 0 4J 0 -s o a « § « .-• ^ 0 o (U O •H 0) a « 0 u u 8 at O CO « cq a W V a a 0 U « « •H •H 0 u ^ U O •H 0 0 0 •S a •^ a > 4J •O •o o •a •o "O o « o •O '^ H •S (d « «M-I « •T3 M 4) o 0) a ^:i irf :x a CO *J M O pa O CO 4J M 0. CO 0 CO -H |k« ^ O CO CO CO » M & 4J r-i CO M •r* 1,^ o CO o. 1 4) 0. •o O 0 CO 0 4) «J P^ ,£S « « 0 M bOc^iS M « C-l •r4 ce O M 1^ ss t^ m M 0 • « « O ;-i CM en >, «) 5j CJ CO *J u o o Oij ori ^ •r4 O. 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M CO u o 8 ^H CM li-> ^ ^* es D-3 "O a; o u u > Q> O CM l»~ sj- in * CM o o o o O -4 o ^ W o a o s o O -H (3 u 00 ^ fH £> ca o « O b CO E3 ^ O <«4 CO 3 & CO a H tx. B O CO u eA « 1-^ wi « 3 O u en u I 00 00 O ^ u >* 3 h O (0 CO O B O CO M P4 « D-5 © u 'M Hi u > (U o u o 0 O 3 O 60 0 g SH»H CO T3 M O H O C o > "* M-l CD <*4 <-t 4-* O O. a •o « Oi o 3 s* M a U a £ 2. o 3 00 •o « «B O (0 i-t •* T-S s»« 0 & ^ t fl « H < © o OS U •^ W o » > s ^ CM i: t-H D-6 O M a> o 4J O 0 O 3 O O -H •»4 Ps h a O 0) a. tso 3 CO A O U O O PU CM r^ 00 00 H > h4 U o 2 ^ CQ «4-l i-H O O. •o 0) o !-• O 51;: D-7 0 u > M "H «0 4) O U •^ 0) M > 9i O 0« u •-1 ^ o fO o o o o u o 6 O 3 O ^ 0 CU 60 O. (0 3 OV Ov o o © O m «n '•O o n 0 4^ =H > w M t-i 13 oH •H 4^ « 0 OJ ■H j-< «M a 0 (0 .-! 0 » V > M «» &< o °H 4J »p4 a^ ^ -H O 60 cO >i « O « •o rfS « "rt •o U 4J ao «« ce « ee U O j-t 0 4-i «e °H .f4 « 0) ^ 0) M-l 60 iM o «•« .H a CO O 0 CO M •.-1 *J o ^ 0 <: s o a tr o 0 ^J a r-l 4J .a <4-« a O >% 0 00 'U >t •H a ^ *J M (d h o o 00 u a « *j (0 •H S 'r4 M (0 M u o *J 'r4 0 > 0 U u 0) U 00 g «2 «. ^ Id 2. U T3 s. 800 H •S VH 0 « 3 X O 0 o (X ^:i W U •H i (d (M eg 3 H «d « •0 Pd Cm Cx 1 Ut i 6 i o 8 U M V4 4J °<-i 0) 4-) «n H > 0 -H O -t^ ©SB D-8 Abbreviations Com. Ctr. Ed. Res. Sulfur in coal IDOC IDOT NMFS NSF Univ. Res. Assoc. USM USFWS USGS US Off. Suf. Min. Commonwealth Edison Co. , Chicago, IL Center for Research on Sulfur in Coal Illinois Departmen of Energy and Natural Resources Illinois Department of Conservation Illinois Department of Transportation National Marine Fisheries Service National Science Foundation University Research Association U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Office of Surface Mining . D-9 APPENDIX E. Collaborative Research and Liaison Activities The following grants are directly linked to the Large River LTER or use our data bases (Anderson): 1. Characterization of mussel populations in shallow channel border areas, Mississippi River, Pool 19. Drs. R. V. Anderson and M. A. Romano, Western Illinois University. Funded by Illinois Department of Conservation, $1,000. 2. Aquatic macrophyte succession in Pool 19, Mississippi River and its effect on the consumer community. Dr. J. D. Ives, Western Illinois University. Funded by Western Illinois University Research Council, $4,392. 3. The ecology of pools 19 and 20, Upper Mississippi River: an ecological profile. Dr. L. A. Jahn, Western Illinois University. Funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, $9,988. 4. The breeding biology of wood ducks in the Nauvoo Flats of the Keokuk, Fool, Mississippi River. Dr. F. C. Bellrose, Illinois Natural History Survey. Funded by the Illinois Department of Conservation and Wildlife Management Institute, $9,000. Quincy Bay (Adams). The Illinois Department of Conservation funded an investigation of the sedimentation patterns and sources of sediment in Quincy Bay. This type of bay-backwater area is common along the Illinois River but uncommon along the Mississippi. An analysis of changes in the morphology of Quincy Bay will contribute to our LTER study of the successional changes resulting from dam construction. This project will be completed in fall 1986. Sediment Budget of Peoria Lake (Sparks). The Rock Island District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provided $50,000 to the Illinois State Water Survey for an analysis of the acute sedimentation problem in Peoria Lake, a natural mainstem lake of the Illinois River. The mean low water level of the lake was raised in the 1930 's by a low navigation dam. This is one of the three sites for the Large River LTER research, and both studies will benefit from an exchange of information. Equipment and staff from both studies were pooled to measure the effects of the March 1985 flood — the third highest flood in the 140-year record on the Illinois River. Upper Mississippi River Basin Association (Sparks). The UMRBA has continued the long-term loan of approximately $50,000 of equipment to the Large River LTER project. Major items are the Motorola MiniRanger III and the Marsh-McBirney oceanographic current meter. E^l Dendrochrono logy (Wendland). Dr. Wendland is participating with other LTER dentrochronologists in the United States to identify common problems and share information. Although several individuals have been identified, little more has been done to date. Dr. Wendland will attempt to organize the group to identify common interests and to improve information exchange. Sediment Transport Workshop (Adams). An inter site workshop on sediment transport mechanics and measurement has been scheduled for 16-18 September 1985 at Pere Marquette State Park, Grafton, Illinois. Dr. D. B. Simons, a consulting engineer from Ft. Collins, Colorado, has agreed to be keynote speaker and consultant to the workshop. Each participating site will present a review of sediment or erosion processes at their site. Small groups will then address several topics of interest. It is expected that one or more groups will consider arid climate erosion and soil creep and mass wastage on steep terrain., A summary report will be prepared and published so that the results of the workshop will be readily available to all LTER sites and other scientists pursuing similar ecological research. Joint Meeting of Mississippi River Researchers (Sparks). Richard Sparks, Large River LTER, and John Day, Center for Wetlands, Louisiana State University, have organized a meeting of scientists from the two groups at Baton Rouge during the week of 13 January 1986. Principal investigators from each site will describe their research. We hope to generate at least one cooperative research project that we can include in our renewal proposal and a format for an annual meeting of researchers working on the upper and lower Mississippi River. In the past, communication between the two groups has not been adequate, and it will be exciting to see what pew ideas may be generated by bringing people together who work on the river systems from the headwaters at Lake Itasca to the delta. E-2 F-i -sf 00 I CO ^ 00 4-t to c O 3 CI (^ u O M O O O O O vO ■u 4) (U ^ W) 4J "xa 3 C PQ O x£> ^^ 00 OS 0^ w H 4-t Qi N-^ O CO I I I I I Ccs-i C OO-H-O 0 ^•'-'••-'■^ '-' "• '^ CO,X2Ct0O«>J3Mc0W'O ov-irtai'Orflooso &••■-' C M S p».« tOi— ^cS^O-4•t/^^O^^OOCT^O<— < • CO (0 O .-I *J C « 03 PS .-t O C! -O to -H -• to C TS to 60 -u B i ^4 3 >-i vO 00 st CM — 1 m ^ o o CM en in vO CO CM ^ st n 1— 1 r>«. CM c^ O 9 .-^ m -H CO d o u o o o o m o o (U 14-1 u « 0) c a; 4-1 B CO *-> o CO 60 c u x) CO (U 'E CO B -e- CO CO o CO ^ 01 ^ t) o 4-1 CO CJ CO c CO M t-l CO l-< u o CO tn •u (U ■w 0) •r^ CJ C M u 3 3 o ^ • i-l L.. FOR NSF USE ONLY 1030 nOSO) Supersedes All Prev •SIGNATURES RtQUIRED ONL' BUDGET (GPM )H REVISED Budget Explanation Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers 15 July 1985 A. Senior personnel 1. D. L. Gross 2. R. A. Cahill 3. W. M. Wendland 4. J. R. Adams 5. N. G. Bhovnnik 6. M. Demissie 7. K. S. Lubinski 8. R. W. Gorden 9. R. E. Sparks 10. P. G. Risser 11. R. V. Anderson (11) Total senior personnel B. Other personnel 2. (4) Other professionals 3. (3) Graduate students 5. (1) Secretarial 6. (2) Other (10) Total other Total salaries and wages C. Fringe benefits 0.32% of 27,028 12.551% of 111,831 Subtotal Total salaries and benefits D. Permanent equipment E. Travel (all domestic) F. Participant support costs Man-mo s . 2.00 4.00 0.50 5.00 2.00 3.50 8.40 1.50 7.40 0.70 3.00 39.80 46.00 25.00 12.00 19.00 102.00 141.80 Funding requested 0 0 0 0 0 8,788 0 0 0 0 7,875 16,663 55,994 27,028 11,603 27,571 122,196 138,859 87 14,036 14,123 152,982 0 13,229 0 G. Other direct costs 1. Materials and supplies * 6,478 2. Publication, page charges 3,240 3. Consultant services (external advisory committee) 2,123 4. Computer services 1,500 5. Subcontracts (Western Illinois University) 14,631 6. Other 23,086 Water analyses 12,051 Sediment analyses 3,000 Telephone equipment, maintenance, slip rentals reactor fees, etc. 8,035 Subtotal 51,058 H. Total direct costs (A-G) 217,269 Exclude WIU subcontract (14,631) and computer services (1,500) = 16,131 Modified total direct costs 201,138 I. Indirect costs 29.3% of 152,923 (field stations) 44,806 45.0% of 48,215 (on campus) 21,597 21.5% of 27,028 (graduate students tuition) 5,811 Subtotal 72 314 J. Total direct and indirect costs 289,583 K. Residual funds 0 L. Amount of this request 289,583 APPENDIX III SUMMARY 1986 PROPOSAL BUDGET FOR NSF USE ONLY ORGANIZATION Illinois Natural History Survey, U. of 111. Will subcontract bndi: PROPOSAL NO. Will subcontract bnrigpt PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJLCT DIRECTOR AWARD NO. Richard V- Anderson (WIU) A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co Pis. Faculty and Other Senior Assoc!. (List each separately with title, A. 6. show number in brackets) ^l^/oSJ^^&g. GAL. ACADSUMR DURATION (MONTHS) FUNDS EOUESTED BY PROPOSER FUNDS GRANTED BY NEF (IF DIFFERENT) 1. Richard V. Anderson OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-5) 8 OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) (1 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS $500 / mOUth 6000 IISIDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ) SECRETARIAL CLERICAL TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) 6000 INGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) 6000 PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT DOMESTIC (INCL CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 3100 PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES -JTST 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 3 CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES SUBCONTRACTS TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS 2351 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) 11451 INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) 53% X A+B ($6000) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS $3180 3180 INST .1^5) TY«ED NAME & SICiN A. Rilev Ma6.on. Directo" 1030 110-80) Supt'rseaes All Previous Editions 1U1RED ONLY FOR RE> LT (GPM 233) WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY (subcontract) BUDGET JUSTIFICATIION - 1986 NSF WIU Requested Contributed A. Senior Personnel Richard V. Anderson Budget year 1985-86, 10% of academic time (.9 months) X $2624 $ 2362 Budget year 1986-87, 10% of academic time (.9 months) X $2834 2551 B. Other Personnel Graduate Student (1) 12 months X $500 $ 6000 Total Salaries and Wages 6000 4913 C. Fringe Benefits R. V. Anderson Retirement: 8.131% X $4913 400 Insurance: $85 X 1.8 months 153 Total of A + B + C 6000 5466 D. Equipment E. Travel Travel to field sites and one national professional meeting 3100 300 F. Participant Support Costs G. Other Direct Costs 1. Material and Supplies Collection bottles, oils, slides paper, glass ware, filters, chemicals for sample processing 2351 200 6. Other - Aerial photographs 400 Total Other Direct Costs 2351 600 H. Total Direct Cost 11451 6366 I . Indirect Cost 53% X A + B ($10,913) = $5,784 3180 2604 J. Total Direct and Indirect 14631 8970 Total Request $23,601 Ecological Structure and Function of Major Rivers in Illinois "Large River LTER" 1986 Renewal Proposal Long-Term Ecological Research Program National Science Foundation Washington, DC Richard E. Sparks, Project Director Illinois Natural History Survey Project Period: 16 January 1986 - 15 January 1987 Funds Requested: $289,583 Richard E. Sparks, Project DirectX ./Stan Changnoi/ "fchief /' Illinois Natural History Survey /^Illinois St^te Water Survey 4^ul G. Risser, Chief Illinois Natural History Survey /n/inhuk) lUALia. H. Z'. Stapleton, Secretary Research Board, Univ. of Illinois '^liU^vy Morns Leighton, Chief^ /Ql^A J-' J-' Kailierer, A^st. Director Illinois Geological Survey ^ ^^/>~ Business Affairs? Univ. of 111 28 August 1985 University oi Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Grants and Contracts Office 105 Davenport House 809 South Wright Street Champaign Illinois 61820 217 333-2186 August 29, 1985 iData Support Services Section [national science foundation 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20550 Attn: Long-Term Ecological Research Program U Of I Ref. No. RS-NSF-q-lQAS Title: Ecological Structure and Function of Major RlVfc^rs in Illinois. Amount: Period:' $289, 58 J. UU Jan. Jf^. 1QSA - T^n -15^ 1937 Principal Investigator! s) ^~^ ^rii E — Sparks department state N.rnr.l Hisrnrv Surv.v Type of Request: New Request, Suppleme^nt, Xxxi^ontinuation, Renewal of Existing Award ^fc igh -^r 5017.8, Revision of Original Proposal Transmitted on Proposal Number ~ Enclosed are copies of the referenced proposal. This proposal has been reviewed by the proper University administrative officials and has been approved for submission. Your consideration will be appreciated. Any contract or grant supporting the above described project must be issued in the University's corporate name, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 51801. Any questions of a non-technical nature regarding this proposal should be addressed to Willie Dozier at the above telephone number. WDM:ef Enclosure cc T. L. Brown, Vice-Chancel lor for Research Sincerely, 10 Wm. D. Morgan, Associate Director Grant and Contract Administration Sue Hale ATTACHMENT TO PROPOSAL TRANSMITTAL LETTER (The following General Information is provided to assist potential Sponsors. It is recognized some information may not be applicable to this specific proposal and, if inappropriate, should be disregarded.) 1. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois reserves the right to negotiate the terms and conditions of any definitized Contract/Grant which may result from this proposal application. 2. Any resulting Contract/Grant should indicate the University's legal corporate title "The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois." 3. All contractual correspondence should be mailed to: University of Illinois Grants and Contracts Office 105 Davenport House 809 South Wright Street Champaign, Illinois 61820 4. University Contract/Grant Negotiators*: a. Mr. Willie J. Dozier b. Mr. Wm. D. Morgan *Each may be reached by telephone at (217) 333-2185, same address as (3) above. 5. Cognizant Federal Administrative Agency: Office of Naval Research 536 South Clark Street Chicago, IL 60605 ATTN: Mr. John W. Michalski Administrative Contracting Officer (312) 353-6072 or 885-5423 6. Cognizant Federal Audit Agency: Defense Contract Audit Agency . Resident Auditor 911 South 6th Street, Room 201 Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-0998 7. Contract/Grant payments should be mailed to: University of Illinois 252 Administration Building 505 South Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801 EIN # 1-37-5000. 511W 8. The following predetermined indirect cost rate has been currently negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. Research Indirect Cost Rate Graduate Research Asst. Period 42.2% 13. 6X 7/1/84 - 6/30/85 45.0% 21.5% 7/1/85 - 6/30/35 LTER ADMINISTRATION SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION University of Illinois Natural History FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL NO, DURATION (MONTHS) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR R. E. Sparks AWARD NO. A. SENIOR PERSONNEL; PI/PD, Co-PI's, Faculty and Other Senior Associates List each separately with title; A. 6. show number in brackets) ^g^S^O^^&g. CAL. ACADSUMR FUNDS REQUESTED BV PROPOSER FUNDS GRANTED BY NSF (IF DIFFERENT) R. E. Sparks 4.00 mo 2. P. G. Risser 0.20 mo R. W. Gorden 0.25 mo OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-5) 8. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) ) GRADUATE STUDENTS ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS I) SECRETARIAL CLERICAL 11.603 TOTAL SALARIES AND ' 11.603 C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) 12.551% of 11 , 603 1 ,4Sft TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A+B + C) 13. 0-^9 PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACI- ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; 0 E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2,729 FOREIGN kRTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS STIPENDS $ TRAVEL SUBSISTENCE OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,200 PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 2,000 CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES SUBCONTRACTS OTHER (telephone, maintenance agreements) 1,900 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS 7.223 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) 23,011 INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) 29.3% of 23,011 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 6,7A2 TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + 29,753 RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM 252 AND 253) AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) >D TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE' Richard E, Sparks "^ocA^^-^iX ^.5 INST. REP. TYPEDNAME& SIGNATURE' 1030 (10-80) Supersedes All Pre yfi^ IJR REVISED Administration 1986 Budget Explanation Prepared June 1985 Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers Man-mos. Funding requested A. Senior personnel 1. R. E. Sparks, PD 4.00 Q 2. P. G. Risser 0.20 Q 3. R. W. Gorden 0.25 0 (3) Total senior personnel 4.45 0 B. Other personnel 5. (1) Secretarial 12.00 11,603 (1) Total other 12.00 11,603 Total salaries and wages 16.45 11,603 C. Fringe benefits 12.551% of 11,603 1,456 Total salaries and benefits 13 059 E. Travel - domestic External Advisory Committee, one 2-day meeting in Champaign, IL Ground per Sub-total Airfare Transp. Lodging Diem per Person C. E. Gushing 710 0 45 29 784 J. Eckblad 268 30 45 29 372 G. W. Minshall 430 29 45 46 550 D. B. Simons 344 28 45 29 446 R. Wiegert 242 0 45 55 367 Subtotal 1,994 87 250 188 2,519 Overnight travel for Sparks from Havana to other field stations and to Champaign 210 Subtotal 2 729 F-13 G. Other direct costs 1. Materials and supplies (stamps, office supplies) 1,200 2. Publication, page charges 2,000 3. Consultant services (external advisory committee; I extra day by R. Wiegert for help in modeling; II man-days (3 $193/day 2,123 6. Other (one-half maintenance and service cost of IBM world processor, 3M copier 700 Telephone at Havana Laboratory 1,200 Subtotal 7,223 H. Total direct costs (A-G) 23,011 I. Indirect costs 29.3% of 23,011 6,742 J. Total direct and indirect costs 29,753 K. Residual funds 0 L. Amount of this request 29,753 F-14 DATA MANAGEMENT SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION University of Illinois - Natural History PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR K. S. Lubinksi SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co Pi's, Faculty : (List each separately with title; A. 6. show numbe lOr Associ 1 K. S. Lubinski 2.4 mo FOR NSF USE ONLY 'ROPOSAL NO. \V\lf\HD NO. NSF FUNDED PERSON MOS. CAL. ACADSUMR DURATION (MONTI- FUNDS REQUESTED BY PROPOSER OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDL JDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) lOR PERSONNEL (1-5) OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER. ETC.) J. GrubaUghH2 . 0 2.0,^7^ GRADUATE STUDENTS ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SECRETARIAL CLERICAl TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) 20,475 C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) 12.551% of 20,475 2.570 TOTAL SALARIES. WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS ^ 23.045 D. PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) FOREIGN PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS I. STIPENDS $ SUBSISTENCE OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES 5. SUBCONTRACTS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) 23,0/i5 INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIF' IDIRECT COSTS 29.3% of 23,045 6,752 J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (h 29,797 RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM 252 AND 253) JT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J yi^us^ 29,797 'l/PD TYPED NAME 8, SIGNATURE' K. S. Lubinski NST REP TYPED NAME fi, SIG^ 1030 110-80) Superspdes FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERI Date Check e^.--- D GEOLOGY F-15 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET iRGANIZATION University of Illinm's - Narnral HJQt-m FOR NSF USE ONLY •ROPOSAL NO. .TION (MONTHS) 'fSTIGATOR/PRGJECT DIRECTOR AWARD NO. D. L. Gross Ity and Other Senior Assoc!, "TTTTmo" 4. U mo NSF FUNDE PERSON-MC CAL. ACAI \3sL FUNDS GRANTED BY NSF (IF DIFFERENT) 1 D. L. Gross, PI R. A. Cahill, Co-PI 3W. M. Wendland. Co-PI "075" ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) ( 3 ' TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-5) B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 2 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS M. Grubb . A. Autrev 17,428 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ) SECRETARIAL CLERICAL TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) 17,428 FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) .32% of 17.428 .h£_ TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B+C) 17,484 D. PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTI TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT ^ND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ICATION) ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000, DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2,000 2. FOREIGN 0 PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1. STIPENDS $ 3. SUBSISTENCE 4. OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,831 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES 0 SUBCONTRACTS Westem Illinois University 14.361 6. OTHER Reactor costs C-14 costs, boat dock fees 800 OTHER DIRECT COSTS 7 -Pf)? H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THRQUGh 36,746 INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) Tuition 21.5% of 17,428 = 3,747 45% of 22,115 (36,746-14,631) = 9,952 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 13.699 TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS 50.445 RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM 252 AND 253) _D_ AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR U MINL ^ =^0,445 PI/PD TYPED NAME & SIGN/ David L, Gross INST. REP TYPED NAME 6, SIGICATURE lOJO ilO-oOl Supersedes All Pre', ^^^^.^^.^ FOR NSF USE ONLY iES RbOUIRED ONLY FOR RE- BUDGET ICPM 233) F-16 Component 1. Geology 1986 Budget Explanation Prepared June 1985 Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers Man-mo s . 2.00 4.00 0.50 Funding requested 6.50 A. Senior personnel 1. D. L. Gross, PI 2. R. A. Cahill, Co-PI 3. W. M. Wendland, Co-PI (3) Total senior personnel B. Other personnel 3. (2) Graduate students M. Grubb, Ph.D. candidate (9.00 (a 50% time; 2.50 (3 100% time; $l,388/month A. Autrey, M.S. candidate (12.0 @ 50% time; $1,286/ month full time) (1) Total other Total salaries and wages C. Fringe benefits 0.32% of 17,428 Total salaries and benefits E. Travel - domestic Field work on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers; presentation of papers at two domestic meetings G. Other direct costs 1. Materials and supplies 5. Western Illinois University subcontract 6. Reactor, C-14, docking fees for diesel-powered workboat Subtotal 7.0 6.0 13.00 13.00 9,712 7,716 17,428 17,428 56 17,484 2,000 1,831 14,631 800 17,262 F-17 H. Total direct costs (A-G) 36,746 Exclusion of subcontract (14,631) Modified total direct costs . 22,115 I** I. Indirect costs 21.5% of 17,428 (tuition) ^ ■ 3,747 45.0% of 22,115 9,952 Subtotal 13,699 J. Total direct and indirect costs 50,445 K, Residual funds 0 L. Amount of this request 50,445 HYDROLOGY F-18 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION University of Illinois - Natural History FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAI DURATION (MONTHS) 'RINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR N. G. Bhowmik AWARD NO. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co Pi's, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title; A. 6. show number in brackets) CAL. ACADSUMR FUNDS REQUESTED BY PROPOSER FUNDS GRANTED BY fvEF (IF DIFFERENT) J. R. Adams N. G. BhowTTiik 5 mo 2 mo M. Demissle a^ T^^^S- ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATIO^ lOR PERSONNEL (1-5) 3.5 «,7RR OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES ( 1 OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 112.0 17,000 3. (1 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 9,600 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ) SECRETARIAL CLERICAL i,GES (A + B) 35,388 C. FRINGE BENEFITS(IFCHARGEDASDIRECTCOSTS) 12.551% of 25.788; 0.327„ of Q , ftOf •^,?fi8 TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AN D F R I NG E B E N E F I TS ( A+ B+C) 38.656 PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) 'ERMANENT EQUIPMENT ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS ,^OAE = 3,722/TR = 1,778 5,500 2. FOREIGN PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE 4. OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 500 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 1.000 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES 1 ,500 5. SUBCONTRACTS 6. OTHER 3,300 -6,300 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COST£ TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) 50,456 MDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) '^29.3% of 22^8 TOTAL INDIREtT 45.0% of 26,100 (27,600-1500) = 11,745 5^^=36,697; 21.5% of 9,600 - 2,064 TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H 20,506 RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM 252 AND 253) 70.962 AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS^K) PI/PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE' N. G. Bhowmik INST. REP TYPED NAME 8, SIGNATURE W/f^liamiuK KO) Supersfdes All Previoui Editions 70.962 FOR NSF USE ONLY DateChecke^^'^ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION JRES REQUIRED OP 'UlOGET ((-,PM 23: F-19 Component 2. Hydrology 1986 Budget Explanation Prepared June 1985 Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers Man-mos. Funding requested A. Senior personnel 1. J. R. Adams 5.00 0 2. N. G. Bhowmik 2.00 0 3. M. Demissie 3.50 8,788 (3) Total senior personnel 10.50 8,788 B. Other personnel 2. (1) Technician, F. Dillon 12.00 3. (1) Graduate student @1600/mo 6.00 (2) Total other 18.00 Total salaries and wages 13.00 C. Fringe benefits 12.551% of 25,788 0.32% of 9,600 Subtotal Total salaries and benefits E. Travel - domestic Vehicle expense for field data collection 3,722 Meetings 1,778 Subtotal 5,500 G. Other direct costs 1. Materials and supplies 500 2. Publication costs, page charges 1,000 4. Computer services 1,500 6. Sediment sample analysis 3,000 Telecommunications 300 Subtotal 6.300 17 ,000 9 ,600 26 ,600 35 ,388 3 ,237 31 3 ,268 38 ,656 F-20 H. Total direct costs (A-G) 50,456 Exclusion of computer services (1,500) Modified total direct costs 48,956 I. Indirect costs 21.5% of 9,600 (tuition) 2,064 Technician salary and fringe benefits (17,000 + 2,134) plus vehicle operation (3,722); 29.3% of 22,856 45.0% of 26,100 (48,956 MTDC - 22,856) Subtotal J. Total direct and indirect costs K. Residual funds L. Amount of this request 6 ,697 11 ,745 20 ,506 70^ ,962 0 70: ,962 ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE F-21 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION University of Illinois ^ Natural History FOR NSF USE ONLY 'ROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PPOJECT DIRECTOR K, S. Lubinski AWARD NO. NSF FUNDED PERSON MPS FUNDS REQUESTED B PROPOSER K. S, T.nhinwki -bL — Gorden 1 mo R. E. Sparks 0. A mo ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) ( 3 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-5) OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES ( 2 > OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 22. 1H,Siq ) GRADUATE STUDENTS JNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SECRETARIAL-CLERICAL TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) 18,519 C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) 12,551% of 18,519 2,324 TOTAL SALARIES ^GES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A+B + C) 20.843 D. PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLL;^ ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT R AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; 0 DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 1,500 PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE 4. OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES SUBCONTRACTS 2,500 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS _3^310 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) 25.653 INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) 29.3% of 25,653 INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL DIRECT AND 1ECT COSTS (I- )UAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM 252 AND 253) 7,516 33,169 _Q_ "n. \M FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION lUoO (lO-oO) Supersfdes All Pr. F-22 Component 3. Ecosystem Structure 1986 Budget Explanation Prepared June 1985 Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers Man-mo s. 6.00 1.00 0.40 7.40 22.00 22.00 29.40 A. Senior personnel 1. K. S. Lubinski 2. R. W. Gorden 3. R. E. Sparks (3) Total senior personnel B. Other personnel 2. (2) Technician (2) Total other Total salaries and wages C. Fringe benefits 12.551% of 18,519 Total salaries and benefits E. Travel - domestic G. Other direct costs 1. Materials and supplies 6. Other - contractual services, field station operation and maintenance, electricity, telecommunications, equipment repair and replacement Subtotal H. Total direct costs (A-G) I. Indirect costs 29.3% of 25,653 J. Total direct and indirect costs K. Residual funds L. Amount of this request Funding requested 18,519 18,519 18,519 2,324 20,843 1,500 810 2,500 3,310 25,653 7,516 33,169 0 33,169 ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION F-23 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION University of Illinois Natural History FOR NSF USE ONLY DURATION (MONTHS) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR R. E, Sparks SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-Pi's, Faculty and Other Senior Associ List each separately with title; A. 6. show number in brackets) NSF FUNDED PERSON MOS. CAL. ACADSUMR FUNDS REQUESTED B PROPOSER FUNDS GRANTED BY NSF (IF DIFFERENT) R. E. Sparks ^.n mn 2- P. G. Risser Q, 5 mo 3 R. W. Gorde.n 0.5 0 R. V.AniiersQn hre- 7,875 ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) ( ^ TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-5) 5.0 7,875 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER. ETC.) ) GRADUATE STUDENTS ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ) SECRETARIAL CLERICAL 2 ) OTHER technicians 27,571 TOTAL SALARIES AND ^ 35.446 C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) 12.551% of 35.446- r44^ TOTAL SALARIES. WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS 39,895 D. PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACF ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 1.500 2. FOREIGN n PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL SUBSISTENCE _ OTHER _ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS ANDSUPPLIES 2,137 PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 240 CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES SUBCONTRACTS OTHER water sample analyses, service agrepmpnt-.c^, boats 14^5^6- TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGh 44v^3- 58,358 INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 29.3% Of 58,358 17,099 TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H 75,457 RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM 252 AND 253) 0 AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) ?5,457 /PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE Richard E. Sparks 'idhjx^fuy^^ ^ . S p^L INST. REPTYPED NAME & SIGNATURE- 7 J^ki^ FOR NSF USE ONLY lOJO (10-801 Siipr^rsedes Ah IGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REv RUDGET (GPM 233' F-24 Component 4. Ecosystem Function 1986 Budget Explanation Prepared June 1985 Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers Funding requested 0 0 0 7,875 Man-mo s. A. Senior personnel 1. R. E. Sparks 3.00 2. P. G. Risser 0.50 3. R. W. Gorden 0.50 4. R. V. Anderson 3.00 (4) Total senior personnel 7.00 7,875 B. Other personnel 6. (2) Technicians K. D. Blodgett 0 2037.50 10.59 21,571 D. Day (? 1,000.00 6.00 6,000 (2) Total other 16.59 27,571 Total salaries and wages 23.59 35,446 C. Fringe benefits 12.551% of 35,446 4,449 Total salaries and benefits 39,895 E. Travel - domestic 1,500 G. Other direct costs 1. Materials and supplies 2,137 2. Publications, page charges 240 6. Other Analysis of 309 water samples by INKS Water Chemistry Lab (3 $39 ea. 12,051 Half of maintenance and service agreements for IBM word processor, Mettler balance, 3M copier 1,210 Maintenance and service on boats and field equipment 1,325 Subtotal 16,963 ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION F-23 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION University of Illinois Natural History FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL DURATION (MONTHS) 'RINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR AWARD NO. R. E, Sparks A. SENIOR PERSONNEL; PI/PD, Co Pi's, Faculty and Other Sen (List each separately with title; A. 6. show number in brackets) ^IAs^orS&§. CAU. ACADSUMR FUNDS REQUESTED BY PROPOSER R. E. Sparks •^.n mn P. G. Risser Q. 5 3 R. W. Gorden 0.5 R. V.Anderson hr&- 7,875 ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) ^ TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-5) 5.0 7.875 8. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) ) GRADUATE STUDENTS ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ) SECRETARIAL-CLERICAL 6. ( 2 ) OTHER technicians 27,571 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) 35,446 C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) 12.551% of 35,446 4,449 TOTAL SALARIES, s,GES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A+B + C) 39,895 PERMANENT EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EAC^ ITEMS OVER $10,000 REQUIRE CERTIFICATION) TOTAL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT ITEM EXCEEDING $1,000; _Q_ DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 1.500 FOREIGN -XL PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE OTHER TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2,137 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/PAGE CHARGES 240 CONSULTANT SERVICES COMPUTER (ADPE) SERVICES SUBCONTRACTS 6. OTHER water sample analyses, service ^grppmpnrc;^ hr 14,586 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS 14t^43- 58,358 DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) INDIRECT COSTS (SPECIFY) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 29.3% of 58,358 17,099 TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (^ 75,457 RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS GPM252 AND253) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 1'5,457 PI/PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE' Richard E. Sparks '^/(}UA