t UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC REPORT No. 50 CG 373-50 WEBSEC-70 AN ECOLOGICAL SURVEY IN THE EASTERN CHUKCHI SEA September-October 1970 UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNIT REPORT No. 50 CG 373-50 H/ooofc Yl WEBSEC-70 AN ECOLOGICAL SURVEY IN THE EASTERN CHUKCHI SEA September-October 1970 Merton C. Ingham Bruce A. Rutland Peter W. Barnes George E. Watson George J. Divoky A. S. Naidu G. D. Sharma Bruce L. Wing Jay C. Quast WASHINGTON, D.C. $ DECEMBER 1972 MBLWHOI Libra™ 0030110002533 is c g c-. o A U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit, Bldg. 159-E, Navy Yard Annex, Washington, D.C. 20390. ice which covers the bays and fringes the shores of northern Alaska and Siberia for at least 8 months. "Generally August and September are the months with the least ice. During this period the northwest coast of Alaska should be free of fast ice northward to Point Barrow and practically ice free from Point Barrow east- ward to Herschel Island. However, the heavy polar pack is never far off the coast between Point Barrow and Herschel Island and can ad- vance onto the shore at any time. Westward of Point Barrow the pack ice usually lies about 10 miles offshore at Icy Cape; beyond this pomt the edge of the pack swings northwestward toward Ostrov Geral'd and Wrangel Island. The ice edge then trends southwestward, ap- proaching the Siberian coast at about the vicinity of Mys Shmidta. "The existence of an open coastal waterway in the Chukchi-Beaufort Sea sector is strongly dependent upon favorable winds. Easterly and southerly winds hold the pack off the coast, whereas northerly and westerly wmds force the floes against the shore. Even when the mam body of the ice recedes from the coast, driftmg marginal floes and bands of fast ice occur m the inshore waters. "The heavy pack ice begins to close in on the coast after about 10 September, and young ice forms along the margins of the drift ice and in any open water that may exist between the pack and the coast by mid-September. "The north-setting current in Bering Strait usually keeps the Alaskan coast ice-free throughout September as far north as Cape Lisburne, but before the end of the month the Arctic ice may be expected to begin its ex- pansion and southward movement. Before the first of October the drift ice, which earlier had been along the Siberian shore, may begin to advance around Mys Dezhneva into the west- ern side of Bering Strait. "Ice formation and growth proceed rapidly in early October, and shipping is usually not feasible north of Bering Strait after about 10 October. Prevailing north and northeast winds pile large accumulations of floes against the Siberian shore. "Between Point Barrow and Icy Cape drift ice occasionally recedes from the coast, and young ice which forms in the open water is piled up in heavy masses along the shore when the drift ice returns. Kotzebue Sound and Ber- ing Strait are closed during middle and late October by fast ice. By late October or early November, ice closes North Sound. As the for- mation of ice continues toward midwinter, the ice limit gradually progresses southward until at its maximum, navigation north of the Pribilof Islands becomes impossible for ships other than icebreakers." Cli7nate An estimate of the annual variation of meteorological factors directly influencing sea- air interaction in the eastern Chukchi Sea can be obtained from atlases of average weather conditions and from accumulated weather sta- tion observations. The paucity of weather sta- tions and reporting ships in this geographical area make such an estimate inaccurate and imprecise at best. Mean monthly values of surface wind (vec- tor average) and temperature from volume VIII of the Marine Climatic Atlas of the World (U.S. Naval Weather Service Command, 1969) reveal a relatively small range of seasonal variation in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Observa- tions taken over periods of 9 and 12 years from Point Hope and Point Barrow respectively (table 1), showed that winds were from the NE-NNE at both coastal stations in all months but January at Point Barrow (WNW) and July and August at Point Hope (SE and WNW) . The average wind speed at Point Bar- row (<2i/2-5 kts) was lower than at Point Hope (<2i/2-10 kts), but the patterns of var- iation were approximately the same at the two stations: lower speeds in January-February and June-August. The monthly percentage frequency of winds of gale force (>34 kts, table 2) was always less than 5 percent at Point Barrow and exceeded 5 percent at Point Hope only during November and December. Conversely, the monthly percentage frequency of light or gentle winds (<10 kts, table 2) was lowest at both stations during October- December, highest at Point Hope during May- June, and highest at Point Barrow during January-February and June. Table 1. — Monthly average wind velocity (vector aver- age) and air temperature for Point Hope and Point Barrow, Alaska. From Marine Climatic Atlas of the World— Vol. VIII (U.S. Naval Weather Service Command, 1969). Wind Air Temp. (»F) Point Point Month Point Hope Poin t Barrow Hope I Jarrow Jan. -_, . NNE 2%-5_ WNW <2Vz — -10 -17 Feb. _. . NNE 5-10 _ NE <2.yz— - 8 -20 Mar. _. . NNE 5-10^ _ NE 2%-5_ - 6 -15 Apr. _. . NNE 5-10 _ NE 2%-5_ + 6 0 May ^. . NNE 2%-5_ ENE 5-10__ -f23 + 20 June _- . NNE <2% _ ENE <2%-_. 4-36 +32 July _, . SE <2%___ E <2%___ +42 + 4J0 Aug. _. . WNW <2% __ NE <2% __ +42 + 40 Sept. _. . NNE 2%-5_ ENE 2^4-5_ +34 +30 Oct. . NE 5-10_„ NE 2%-5_ +23 + 14 Nov. _. . NE 2%-5 NE 2^-5^ + 12 0 Dec. - _ NE 5-10__ , NE 2%-5^ - 3 -12 Tabic 2. — Monthly average percent frequency of ob- served winds equal to or greater than 34 kts and equal to or less than 10 kts at Point Hope and Point Barrow. From Marine Climatic Atlas of the World — Vol. VIII. (U.S. Naval Weather Service Command, 1969). Month Percent frequency Percent frequency Winds >34 kts. Winds <10 kts. Point Hope Point Barrow Point Hope Point Barrow Jan. 5 <5 Prevailing winds at Point Barrow and off Icy Cape (tables 3 and 4) showed a pattern 37 67 36 54 33 >50 40 >50 >50 51 51 59 40 50 35 60 36 60 >30 41 29 47 32 >60 of variation stronger than that revealed by the ture at Point Hope and Point Barrow occurring vector average winds (table 1), as is to be in July and August. The seasonal low tempera- expected. The most prevalent winds in all ture at Point Barrow occurred in February, 1 months in both areas are E-NE except for month later than at Point Hope. The mean tem- SW winds during July off Icy Cape. Seasonal perature was lower at Point Barrow than at variation in the wind field is more pronounced Point Hope during all months by an amount in the third and fourth most prevalent direc- ranging from 2 to 12 F° (1.1 to 6.7 C°). tions (octants) where W-SW winds appear Oceanography more frequently during the summer months. Some past oceanographic investigations of This pattern was more pronounced at Point the eastern Chukchi Sea have included a few Barrow than off Icy Cape. observations in the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area, but no comprehensive survey had been Table 5.— Mean monthly percent frequency of observed attempted there prior to WEBSEC-70. How- winds in the four most Prevalent octants at Point ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^^^ ^^^ detailed Barrow. Values from charts m the Marine Climatic . . . Atlas of the World-Vol. VI Arctic Ocean (U.S. enough to yield a general description of the Navy, 1963). eastern Chukchi Sea during the summer and early fall. prevalent Sauer, et al. (1954), described water masses Month octant Second Third Fourth found in the eastem Chukchi Sea (65-73° N, Jan. __ E 22 NE 19 SW 11 N 10 164-169° W) in the summer of 1949. The Feb. -_ E 21 NE 20 W 17 SW 10 temperature and salinity data used for classi- Mar. __ NE 31 E 18 N 10 SW 9 fication of the water masses were obtained Apr. __ NE 27 E 22 N 11 S 9 by bathythermograph and titration of water May _, NE 35 E 29 N 7 SE 6 samples, both means yielding data of lower June __ E 28 NE 24 SW 13 W 10 ■ • j ii_ • July NE 21 E 20 SW 16 W 10 precision and accuracy than is common m more Aug. -_ E 23 NE 21 SW 12 W 11 recent investigations. The water masses they Sept. __ E 26 NE 23 SE 10 N 10 identified in the vicinity of Cape Lisburne-Icy Oct. __ NE 27 E 23 SE 13 S 12 Cape were Alaskan Coastal Water (approx. Nov. __ NE 33 E 21 s 10 SE 9 > 6.6° C, <30.5%o) occupying the entire water Dec. ^_ NE 30 E 18 SW 9 W 9 , j., j.- . ■, t ^ ■.• . column near the continent, and Intermediate Water (approx. 4-6.3° C, 30.6-32.2%o) found Table 4.— Mean monthly percent frequency of observed "ear bottom near the continent and at the sur- v?inds in the four most prevalent octants off Icy face farther north. As the authors pointed out. Cape (shipboard observations). Values from charts the water mass classifications may be valid in a in the Marine Climatic Atlas of the World-Vol. VI particular area for the summer season only. Arctic Ocean (U.S. Navy, 1963). ttt , i -i , ,. a j Water masses were described by Aagaard Most (1964) based on temperature and salinity data „„ ,. . . c: ^ r,^ ,. ^ ... collected in the eastern Chukchi Sea in October Month octant Second Third Fourth 1962. He found "Alaskan coastal water" Jan. (>1° C, <31%o) to occupy the surface layer e . ^g^j, ^-^^ continent and a layer of "warm sub- Apr. -I""I"~I""~"'~"~~"~"""""" I surface water" (>2.0° C, 31.5-32.4%o) be- May __ E 36 NE 28 SE 8 W 7 neath it. Both of these masses were found as June __ E 28 W 12 SE 11 s 10 far north as Point Hope, but northerly winds July __ SW 21 NE 20 N 15 E 13 apparently blocked the flow of Alaskan coastal S.;t-'^S l?s Z\l Z" water into the Cape Llsburne Icy cape area. Oct. __ NE 54 E 20 N 10 SE 6 Near the bottom in the central and northeast- Nov. __ NE 58 E 12 N 8 W 6 ern Chukchi Sea, he found a water mass char- Dec __ NE 59 E 22 SW 7 N 6 acterized by salinity greater than 32.9%o, ■ temperature greater than 1° C, and low con- Mean monthly surface air temperature (table centrations of dissolved oxygen (dov^m to 26 1) varied seasonally with the highest tempera- percent saturation). With the data available to 3 him, Aagaard was unable to isolate the source of this water mass but named the Bering Sea, East Siberian Sea, and northern Chukchi Sea as possibilities. Fleming and Heggarty (1966) described water properties found in the eastern Chukchi Sea on two summer cruises (2 August-1 Sep- tember 1959 and 26 Juiy-28 August 1960) but did not define water masses based on the ob- served properties. They found warmer, less saline water near the Alaskan coast extending northward, more or less parallel to the coast- line, as far as Icy Cape. In the Cape Lisburne- Icy Cape area nearer the shore, they found a southwestward surface intrusion of water which was warmer and more saline (7°- 10° C, >32%o) than that generally found throughout Lhe area. They offered no suggestion regarding a source of the intruded water. Distributions of temperature and salinity farther offshore im- ply the presence of a clockwise eddy, suggest- ing the possibility that the anomalous intrusion may have been the residue of a former eddy trapped downstream from Cape Lisburne. Kinney, Burrell, et al. (1970), described four distinct water masses present in the Bering Strait in July-August 1968. Their description was based on an analysis of four groups of factors: nutrients, organics, C/N and PM (carbon/nitrogen and particulate matter) , and physical variables (temperature, salinity, and density). The identified masses were charac- terized as follows : 1. deep water in the center of the strait and surface water on the western side with high nutrients, low organics, high salin- ity, and low temperature, 2. surface water in the central strait with partially depleted nutrients, high or- ganics, and varying temperature and salinity, 3. surface water in the eastern strait with low nutrients, low organics, low salinity, and high temperature, and 4. deep water in the eastern strait with low nutrients and high organics. Because the waters of the Bering Strait flow northward into the Chukchi Sea, these four water masses, particularly those of the eastern and central portions, are important in any study of the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area. A general description of the circulation in the eastern Chukchi Sea can be constructed from several reports of investigations in the area and atlas portrayals of average surface currents. In a few of these publications the current portrayals are based on direct measure- ments, but most of them are based on inference from the distribution of water properties. The U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Oceano- graphic Atlas of the Polar Seas — Part II Arctic (USNHO, 1958) shows a pattern of surface currents (fig. 4) flowing northward into the Chukchi Sea from the Bering Strait to the vicinity of the Point Hope-Cape Lisburne promontory, then northeastward through the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area, with speeds of 0.5 to 1.7 knots. This portrayal was based on records of vessel drift and dynamic considera- tions, the latter being of little value in the shallow Chukchi Sea. During a joint United States-Canadian ex- pedition to Arctic waters in the summer of 1949 (Lesser and Pickard, 1950), 28 direct measurements of currents were made in 15 locations in the eastern Chukchi Sea (four surface and two bottom measurements in the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area) . Surface measurements were made with a drift pole and near-bottom measurements were made with an Ekman meter. Surface currents ranged from 0.0 to 0.5 knots in essentially random direc- tions, except for two measurements made near Point Hope and near Cape Lisburne which showed currents diverging from the headlands (NW and WNW) at 2.0 and 1.0 knots, re- spectively. Near bottom (160 cm above the bottom) currents in the same area (four measurements) were found to be generally northward, paralleling local isobaths at speeds ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 knots. The most extensive program of current measurements in the eastern Chukchi Sea to date was conducted by the University of Wash- ington in July-August 1960 as part of a study of the environment of the Cape Thompson region (Fleming and Heggarty, 1966). Current meter obsei-vations were made at 161 stations, 21 of which were in the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area. Drift cards and drogue buoys also were used to measure surface currents, but only south of Cape Lisburne. The measure- ments revealed a general circulation pattern (fig. 5) involving a northward flow from the Bering Strait which approximately paralleled local isobaths, converged on promontories and curved into a clockwise eddy northeast of Cape Lisburne. The distributions of temperature and salinity supported this pattern with isotherms and isohalines generally paralleling the iso- baths and forming an eddy pattern northeast of Cape Lisburne. There have been no extensive programs of current measurement in the eastern Chukchi Sea during the fall months. Aagaard (1964) has reported the results of a cruise in this area during October 1962 but there were no direct measurements of current performed and his description of circulation was based entirely on inference from the distributions of water prop- erties. He described a two-layer system in- volving "Alaskan coastal water" in the surface layer and "warm subsurface water" beneath it. The "Alaskan coastal water" did not flow northeastward from Cape Lisburne as expected but turned to the northwest instead, apparently because of prevailing northeasterly winds in the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area. The "warm subsurface water," however, apparently was not influenced by the wind stress and turned to flow northeastward beyond Cape Lisburne. There are no general descriptions of circula- tion during the winter months in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Coachman and Tripp (1970) have reported measurements obtained over a period of 4 days, 21-25 March 1968, with a recording current meter suspended 15 m beneath an ice floe drifting about 190 km (114 nm) NNE of Bering Strait (approximately 140 nm SW of Cape Lisburne). Their results indicated that the northward flow from the Bering Strait that has been frequently measured in summer months also is present in winter. RESULTS OF WEBSEC-70 Data Collection and Processing WEBSEC-70 was conducted from the USCGC GLACIER (WAGB-4) in the eastern Chukchi Sea during 23 September-18 October 1970. Eighty-five stations were occupied in the vicinity of Cape Lisbume-Icy Cape in a grad- ually diminishing area of open water between the polar ice pack and the northern Alaskan coast (figs. 1 and 2). Physical and chemical oceanographic data were collected at these sta- tions from 47 Nansen bottle casts, 136 expend- able bathythermograph (XBT) drops, and 28 current meter lowerings. Te)npe7'ature Water temperature data were obtained by use of paired reversing thermometers attached to Nansen bottles and by XBTs calibrated with bucket thermometer readings. Salinity Water samples were drawn from Teflon-lined Nansen bottles for salinity determinations conducted on board with inductive salino- meters. The salinometers were calibrated with standard (Copenhagen) water at least once per 30 samples. Conductivity values obtained were converted to salinity values by use of the International Oceanographic Tables published jointly by UNESCO and the National Institute of Oceanography of Great Britain (UNESCO, 1966). Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Water samples were drawn from Teflon-lined Nansen bottles for shipboard analysis of dis- solved oxygen by means of a modified Winkler titration (Strickland and Parsons, 1968). Values of percent saturation were computed utilizing a computer program based on tables of oxygen saturation developed by Green and Carritt (1967). Dissolved Nutrients Techniques described in the manual of Strickland and Parsons (1968) were used in the determination of nutrients. Molybdate com- plexes of phosphate and silicate were reduced to form colored complexes. Nitrate was first reduced to nitrite using a cadmium-copper column, and then converted to a highly colored azo dye. A Beckman DU-2 spectrophotometer was employed in measuring the light transmit- tance of the treated samples. The resulting extinction values were converted to concentra- tions, in microgram-atoms/liter, taking into account the salt effect. Sampling Depth The Nansen casts were all too shallow to em- ploy effectively unprotected reversing thermo- meters to obtain measurements of sampling depths. Meter wheel readings and wire angle measurements were used to compute estimates of sampling depths. Because all of the casts were made to depths of less than 50 meters under conditions of low wire angle, no sig- nificant errors are thought to exist in the com- puted estimates. Currents Direct measurements of currents were made on 14 stations at two depths from the vessel at anchor. A Hydropi-oducts model 502 recording current meter (CGOU) was lowered to 10 m depth and allowed to run for periods ranging from 1 to 35 hours (about li/a hours on most stations). A Geodyne model 102 recording cur- rent meter (USGS) was lowered to within 1.5-2 m of the bottom on most of the same stations for simultaneous measurement of near-bottom currents. Strip charts from the Hydroproducts meter were digitized by hand, yielding data points at 3V^-minute intervals. Calibration corrections were applied to the speed data, and corrections for magnetic variation were applied to the direction record. The data were then processed to yield means and standard deviations of speed and direction, progressive vector diagrams, vector histograms, and vector averages. Photographic records from the Geodyne cur- rent meter were processed by machine, yielding speed and velocity information at l-minute in- tervals. These values then were reprocessed by computer to obtain 15-minute, 1-hour, and overall vector sums. Vector values were cor- rected for magnetic variation before progres- sive vector diagrams were plotted. Meteorological Observations Surface meteorological observations were made at 6-hour intervals and on each station. Upper air observations were made daily. Ice Observations Observations of ice cover and pack edge loca- tion were made visually and by radar from the vessel routinely and from helicopter recon- naissance flights when necessary. Qtiality Control Initial quality control of all physical and chemical oceanographic data was performed on board GLACIER, and final control was con- ducted at the Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit. All of the oceanographic data were submitted to the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) for archiving and further processing. NODC listings of the processed data have been included in this report (ap- pendix A). Surface Properties and Air-Sea Interaction Ice conditions encountered during WEBSEC- 70 (fig. 6) were much like those described as average for September-October (U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, 1958). Both the advance of the polar ice pack on the coastline and the freezing of winter ice were approximately "on schedule." Oceanographic stations were gen- erally occupied in the relatively ice-free water between the main pack edge and the coast (10 fm isobath), except for occasional stations and stations 9 through 23 which were occupied near the pack edge by design (figs. 2 and 6). Station 21 was located about 10 nautical miles inside the pack edge, the deepest penetration of the cruise. The proximity of the ice pack influenced water properties at the sea surface and, to a lesser extent, in the upper 10 meters. Melting along the pack edge lowered temperature and salinity of the adjacent water to values gen- erally less than 1° C and 31 ppt (figs. 7, 8, 10, 11). The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the surface layer was higher in the vicinity of the ice pack (figs. 13, 14), but this only reflects the greater solubility of oxygen in colder water, as is evident from the lack of similar patterns in the distribution of percent saturation of dis- solved oxygen (figs. 16, 17). Nutrient values in the northern sector of the survey (figs. 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29) also appeared to be in- fluenced by melt water from the adjacent ice pack. Dilution of surface values by the melt water apparently resulted in low concentra- tions; stations near the ice pack off Icy Cape showed the lowest surface nutrient values en- countered. The variation of weather conditions during the cruise period strongly influenced surface water properties. Air temperature (fig. 31) remained nearly constant during the early portion of the cruise (stations 8-30, 25 Sep- tember-5 October), then generally decreased for the remainder of the cruise (stations 30-87, 5-17 October) . An increase in air temperature noted during 17-18 October (stations 89-92) probably was the result of moving to the area west of Cape Lisburne, instead of a change in the weather patterns. Sea surface temperature (fig. 7) followed a similar pattern of variation : nearly constant during the early part of the cruise (stations 8-30), with some variation resulting from varying proximity to the edge of the ice pack, and decreasing for the remain- der of the cruise (stations 30-87). An area of low sea surface temperature (<0° C) near shore near Cape Lisburne (sta- tions 7^87, fig. 7) was the result of strong cooling by the overlying cold air mass (<— 10° C). Ice was rapidly freezing on the sea surface as these stations were occupied, in response to steadily decreasing air tempera- ture. Variations in the surface wind field during the cruise period (fig. 32) included two periods of relative calm (most observations <10 kts), which occurred during the early and middle portions (stations 8-30, 25 September-5 Octo- ber, and stations 45-60, 9-11 October). These were interspersed with two periods of strong winds (up to 35 kts) from the NNE-ENE octant (stations 30-45, 5-9 October, and sta- tions 60-85, 11-16 October). Time variation of sea surface temperature showed a tendency toward higher temperatures or a period of slow decrease corresponding with the two windy periods, probably because of mixing of warmer, more saline, subsurface water with the surface layer. In addition, the surface temperature of the air mass involved in the first windy period was higher than that ob- served preceding or following the periods. Variations in meteorological conditions and their effect on the distributions of surface and near-surface water properties were large enough to render the observed distributions asynoptic over the full period of the cruise. Consequently, the contoured sections of the physical and chemical properties of the water must be viewed with their asynoptic character in mind, and inferences of flow based on these sections can be considered valid for only short periods of the cruise. Water Masses The temperature and salinity values observed in the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area during WEBSEC-70 did not correspond closely with water mass properties defined by Saur et al. (1954) and Aagaard (1964) (figs. 33, 34). As might be expected, the WEBSEC-70 values were closer to Aagaard's fall values than Saur's summer values. The lack of agreement between the observed values and previously defined water masses is not surprising, in light of the wide time-dependent variation of the properties of the shallow water of the Chukchi Sea and the inflow from the Bering Strait. The surface water sampled in the Cape Lisbume-Icy Cape area (designated by dots in fig. 35) appeared to be a cooler, more saline variety of the "Alaskan coastal water" defined by Aagaard (1964). Underlying the modified Alaskan coastal water often was found water with T-S characteristics corresponding with those of the "warm subsurface water" defined by Aagaard (1964). Occasionally the warm subsurface water was found at the sea surface. Many of the T-S points fell between the two water masses defined by Aagaard, which merely exemplifies the need to adjust the boundaries of the definitions. Rather than inventing new water mass defi- nitions or modifying existing ones to fit the observed properties, it may be simpler to con- sider the physical processes and water masses at the periphery of the T-S distribution which influence the properties of the main volume of water entering the eastern Chukchi Sea (fig. 36). Merely to facilitate discussion, the inflow- ing water mass will be called Eastern Chukchi Sea Fall Influx (ECSFI). Alaskan coastal runoff, both as a component of ECSFI and as an addition to it north of the Bering Strait, tends to produce higher tem- peratures and lower salinities in the surface layer. The volume of runoff, and accordingly its influence on water properties, varies season- ally, and from year to year. Because freezing conditions were prevalent during WEBSEC-70, the effects of runoff on the water properties observed in the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area were greatly reduced, yielding cooler and more saline water than normally found during the summer and fall months. Melting of sea ice will produce a surface layer of cooler (as low as —1.8° C) and less saline (<30 ppt.) water. A layer of water whose properties were modified in this manner was found in the vicinity of the edge of the polar ice pack during the early portion of WEBSEC-70 (figs. 7, 8, 10, 11, 37, 38). The layer, which was easily distinguished from water beneath and adjacent to it, was quite limited in its vertical and horizontal extent (about 10 m or less thick and a few miles from the pack edge), thus representing a small volume relative to the total volume studied dur- ing the cruise. Freezing of sea ice will produce a change in the entire water column, making it colder (down to about —1.8° C) and more saline (>31 ppt here). These changes occur step- wise, in temperature first, then in salinity when the freezing point is reached. Many of the stations occupied during the last portion of the cruise (stations 72-87) showed the effects of rapid cooling and freezing (figs. 7, 8, 9). Temperature-salinity plots of these stations (fig. 35) are virtually points, indicating the nearly isothermal and isohaline conditions in the water column produced by convective over- turn resulting from the strong cooling and freezing of sea ice. Inclusion of water from near bottom in the central Bering Strait would decrea.se the tem- perature and increase the salinity of the water column (fig. 36) . The effects of this water category were found near bottom on stations in the northwestern corner and along the northern boundary of the WEBSEC-70 area of investigation. Stations in deeper portions of the Chukchi Sea farther north (inaccessible during WEBSEC-70) probably would reveal this water category to be a common component of the water column. Water properties along the western edge of the area of investigation (stations 44-60, sec- tion B-B'), which would be "upstream" in a current pattern such as that described by previ- ous investigators, varied significantly in their horizontal and vertical distributions (figs. 39-45). Maximum temperatures (>3" C) at all depths were found in the center of the section (stations 49 and 50), where the water column was nearly isothermal. Minimum temperatures (<1° C) in the section were found near the surface on station 44 (near the ice pack) and near the bottom on .station 48. The distribution of salinity along the section (fig. 40) generally did not parallel the distribu- tion of temperature. Salinity changed very little northward from Cape Lisbume (station 60) until beyond the midpoint (station 49), and the water column was nearly isohaline in the section between stations 49 and 60. North of station 49 salinity increased at all levels, but most rapidly near bottom, where a maximum of 32.66 ppt was found on station 48. The combination of temperature and salinity values observed near bottom on the stations at the northern end of the section (stations 44, 48, and 49) and along the northern boundary of the study area closely correspond with those observed below 20 m in the central Bering Strait (fig. 33) during a cruise of the USCGC NORTHWIND in October 1962 (U.S. Coast Guard, 1964). In addition, the distributions of dissolved nutrients in the near bottom water on this section (figs. 42-45) showed higher values for each nutrient sampled. The higher nutrient concentrations add to the hypothesis that the near bottom water on stations 44, 48, and 49 came from the central Bering Strait. All these water properties correspond well with the characteristics of a Bering Strait water mass described by Kinney, Burrell, et al. (1970), which was found at the surface in the western strait and at the bottom in the center of the strait, and was characterized by high nutrients, low organics, high salinity, and low tempera- ture. This mass also was thought by Kinney, Burrell, et al. to make up the bottom water of the central and western Chukchi Sea. The possibility that the near-bottom water found along the northern edge of the WEBSEC-70 area may have come from the Arctic Basin instead of the central Bering Strait is negated by the following observations : (1) The WEBSEC-70 near-bottom water was warmer by 2-4° C than Arctic Basin water (Coachman and Barnes, 1961) of the same salinity range (31.8-32.6%o) and density range (cT, 25.5-26.5). (2) The WEBSEC-70 near- bottom water contained less dissolved oxygen (about 1.5-2.0 ml/1 less) and more silicate (about 20-30 ng-at/1 more) than Arctic Basin water (Kinney, Arhelger, and Burrell, 1970) of the same density range. (3) The WEBSEC- 70 near-bottom water contained substantially less oxygen, more silicate, more phosphate, more nitrate, and was warmer than Arctic 8 Basin water (Kinney, Arhelger, and Burrell, 1970) in the same depth range (35-50 m). Water near the bottom in the East Siberian Sea was found by Codispoti and Richards (1963) to contain concentrations of phosphate and silicate which are quite similar to those found near the bottom in the northern edge of the WEBSEC-70 area. However, the tempera- ture, salinity, and concentration of nitrate were unlike those found in the WEBSEC-70 area. These dissimilarities and the lack of evidence of flow from the East Siberian Sea to the east- ern Chukchi Sea rule out the East Siberian Sea as a source of the WEBSEC-70 near-bottom water. Horizontal distributions of dissolved nu- trients on the sea surface and 10-m surface (figs. 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29) showed a general northwestward decrease in concentra- tions of all those measured. Such a decrease would be expected if the flow were northwest- ward and photosynthesis were taking place at these levels. However, Fleming and Heggarty (1966) estimated the residence time for water in the southeastern Chukchi Sea to be only about 10 days, scarcely enough time to develop the gradients observed under fall light condi- tions. The residence time may be substantially longer than the estimate, perhaps because of the formation of eddies northeast of Cape Lisburne and the reduction of flow through the area by strong northeasterly winds. An interesting feature visible on nearly all charts of horizontal distributions of water properties was an area of vertically well mixed cold water with relatively high nutrient con- tent, found extending westward from Point Lay. Steep horizontal gradients were found in the concentrations of phosphate and nitrate at all levels. The high nutrient load of this water probably was the result of incorporation of nutrients from the bottom sediments into the overlying water and vertical mixing caused by convective overturn and wind mixing, since the stations involved were occupied late in the cruise during a period of strong cooling and rapid freezing. The distribution of oxygen in the area of study showed little variation, particularly in terms of percent saturation (figs. 16-18). The slightly lower oxygen values observed near bottom along the northern boundary of the area of study are characteristic of water from near bottom in the central Bering Strait. Con- vective processes produced concentrations very near saturation in the rest of the water column along the northern boundary and in the rest of the area of study. Currents — Direct Measurement Current meter records obtained during WEBSEC-70, which have been digitized and summarized (figs. 46-74), revealed a wide variation in magnitude and direction. Tidal variations were not evident in the 30-hour rec- ords (15-minute average progressive vector plots, figs. 60 and 74) from station 8. This is not surprising because the currents associated with the mixed semidiurnal tides in the ea.stern Chukchi Sea are relatively weak. Fleming and Heggarty (1966) reported measurements of tidal currents of less than 0.1 kt just south of Point Hope. During the 31 hours of current measurement at station 8, the motion of the vessel swinging at anchor introduced variation into the velocity records. A log of the vessel's heading, recorded at 15-minute intervals for 13 hours, showed that the vessel moved through an arc of 150° (210-360° T) during the full period, and through an average arc of 15.2° in 15 minutes. Assuming uniform motion during the 15- minute period, a swing of 15.2° would produce a recorded velocity of 0.09 kt at right angles to the vessel's heading. The maximum swing observed during any 15-minute period was 50°, which similarly would yield a recorded velocity of 0.29 kt. The vector average near-bottom current speed during the 31-hour period was only 0.08 kt, which is only slightly larger than the average velocity imparted by the ship's swinging at anchor. The spurious velocity rec- ord due to the vessel's motion thus renders short-term averages or instantaneous velocities in the record nearly useless. The strip chart from the 10-m current meter shows variation in direction (assumedly due to swinging at anchor) with no obvious general period. Only the trends revealed by progressive diagrams or long term vector averages can be considered as significant under these circumstances. Currents at the 10-meter depth (fig. 75) generally fell within the same quadrant and often the same octant as the wind velocity (fig. 9 32) on the same or preceding stations, except at stations 28, 29, 54, and 55, where winds were weak and variable. During periods of strong northeasterly winds the flow at 10 m (and less) was generally before the wind, southwestward out of the Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape area, opposite to the general flow ex- pected. Whenever the northeasterly winds sub- sided, the near-surface currents apparently returned to a pattern of flow into the area, toward the northeast. Evidence for this was observed in the current measurements made of stations 54 and 55, during a period of weak and variable winds, and station 64 nearby, during a period of strong northeasterly winds (fig. 75) ; the former two stations showed northeastward currents and the latter station showed southwestward current. In the nearshore area between Point Lay and Icy Cape the 10-m currents were weak and widely variable. Because of the influence of tidal currents, vessel's motion, and variable winds, little significance can be given to the current measurements, except that they lacked the orderly alongshore flow expected. Near bottom currents (vector averages) varied from the 10-m currents both in direc- tion (up to 140° either to the right or left) and speed (up to 0.38 kt) . Excluding the observa- tions on stations 60 and 90 near Cape Lisburne and station 26 near Icy Cape, however, the near bottom and 10-m currents fell at least in the same quadrant on the remaining 8 stations and within the same octant on 6 of the 8. Near bottom currents entering the area of study were found only on stations 54 and 55, indicat- ing that they were influenced by the north- easterly winds, as was the case for the 10-m currents. The difference in direction (figs. 60 and 74) between currents at 10 m and near bottom was pronounced during the entire period of measurement (30 hours) on station 8. During the first 5 hours both meters were deployed, the directions differed by about 90°. During the next 16 hours the directions differed by 90- 180°. During the last 10 hours the directions differed generally by less than 45° and at times were nearly coincident. The significant changes in direction which occurred in both records did not coincide in time, occurring at the 6-hour mark at 10 m and at the 22-hour mark near bottom. Only 2 of 17 expendable bathythermo- graph traces obtained at about 2-hour intervals showed evidence of stratification. Inference from Distributions of Water Properties The apparent asynopticity of observations over the full cruise period makes it fruitless to attempt extensive inference of flow patterns from the distributions of water properties. The general absence of the parallelism between property isopleths and isobaths, as had been found by previous investigators (Aagaard, 1964, and Fleming and Heggarty, 1966) , clearly showed that a I'egime of orderly along- shore flow did not exist during WEBSEC-70. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. Pronounced changes in wind velocity and air temperature during the 23-day sampling period produced measurable changes in the distributions of water properties, rendering the oceanographic data collected decidedly asynoptic. 2. Distributions of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients showed the in- fluences of Alaskan coastal runoff, melting of sea ice, freezing of sea ice, and bottom water from the central Bering Strait. 3. Distributions of dissolved nutrients showed horizontal gradients which may have been the result of photosynthetic activity in the upper 10 m of moving water. However, if this was the cause of the observed gradients, the residence time of water in this area of the Chukchi Sea must have been longer than the 10 days estimated by Fleming and Heggarty (1966). 4. Currents at 10 m and near bottom were found to be strongly influenced by the wind. Significant northeastward currents (to be ex- pected from average charts) entering the area of investigation were found only on two sta- tions, during a period of weak and variable winds. Currents ranged from southwestward to northwestward during periods of strong northeasterly winds. 5. Currents near shore (15 miles off) be- tween Cape Lisburne and Icy Cape were gen- erally weak and variable, suggesting the possibility of an eddy or pocket of slack water northeast of Cape Lisburne. 10 REFERENCES Aagaard, Knut (1964) Features of the Physical Oceanography of the Chukchi Sea in the Autumn. M. S. thesis. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Coachman, L. K. and R. B. Tripp (1970) Currents north of Bering Strait in winter. Limnol. and Oc, 15(4) :625-632. Coachman, L. K. and C. A. Barnes (1961) The con- tribution of Bering Sea water to the Arctic Ocean. Arctic, 14(3) :146-161. Codispoti, L. A. and F. A. Richards (1968) Micro- nutrient distributions in the East Siberian and Laptev seas during summer 1963. Arctic, 21(2) : 67-83. Fleming, Richard H. and Diane Heggarty (1966) Oceanography of the southeastern Chukchi Sea in : Environment of the Cape Thompson Region, Alaska. Norman J. Willimovsky and John N. Wolfe editors. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1966. 1225 pp. Green, E. J. and D. E. Carritt (1967) New tables for oxygen saturation of sea water. Jour. Mar. Res. 25(2) : 140-147. Hunkins, Kenneth and P. A. Kaplan (1966) Chukchi Sea. in: The Encyclopedia of Oceanography, Vol. I. Ed. R. W. Fairbridge. Reinhold Publishing Corpora- tion, New York. Kinney, P. J., D. C. Burrell, M. E. Arhelger, T. C. Loder, and D. W. Hood (1970) Chukchi Sea Data Report: USCGC Northwind, July-August 1968; USCGC Staten Island, July-August 1969. University of Alaska Report R-70-23. Kinney, Patrick, Martin E. Arhelger, and David C. Burrell (1970) Chemical characteristics of water masses in the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean Jour. Geophijs. Res., 75(21): 4097-4104. Lesser, R. M. and G. L. Pickard (1950) Oceanographic cruise to the Bering and Chukchi Seas, summer 1949, Part II: Currents. U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory Research Report 211. Saur, J. F. T., J. P. TuUy, and E. C. LaFond (1954) Oceanographic cruise to the Bering and Chukchi Seas, summer 1949, Part IV, Physical Oceanographic Studies. U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory Research Report 416, Vol. I. Strickland, J. D. H. and T. R. Parsons (1968) A practical handbook of sea water analysis. Bulletin 167, Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Queen's Printer, Ottawa. 311 pp. UNESCO (1966) International Oceanographic Tables, UNESCO Office of Oceanography, Paris, 118 pp. U.S. Coast Guard (1964) Oceanographic Cruise USCGC Northwind, Bering and Chukchi Seas July- Sept. 1962. USCG Oceanographic Report No. 1, CG 373-1. U.S. Navy (1963) Marine Climatic Atlas of the World Vol. VI. Arctic Ocean. NAVWEPS 50-ic-533. 293 charts. U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office (1958) Oceanographic Atlas of the Polar Seas-Part II Arctic. H. 0. Pub. No. 705. 149 pp. U.S. Navy Weather Service Command (1969) Marine Climatic Atlas of the World— Vol. VIII The World. NAVAIR 50-1C-54. 179 charts. 11 12 e O e 0) (0 e (VJ o o 00 ■^^ I ^ '^.v^ 1 I I^^B^ 1 1 oi fcV:- . ^ a V o - - \ " ^J^ \ ^j ^'%i % ']$'■ ra _ ■.M >> eg CO ro.^v N^^^. -t-> CVJ s X ^v--. c .c -^ to ^ ^ Xi% o cu •, c^""^ ;;.*■■■•. '■.'• ^ anogr rent < CM vS, CVJ® )ro . * 00 tA E ' --2- >i5--* 03 ^ "" ®* / f / ^;. ~ lO ro fO» ro \ 1 • f^ ® ©• . \ V^ IO N^ :■ 0) V ■ c r^ CVJ oocp, \ ¥'• ^ • CM ^ N» 00 • CD \ 00 1 ro» rs-» ro • 1 J'' CD • /^ CD (\j f J CX — (D 9 CD ' f.. CO ^^ "" • ^ • O -fe.."-:;--.:, ~ ^•co 00 00 CD • CD ® in in 0) ^, CD» CD sf ro • o J^ •5^ CVJ in y^ ^» ^ r o> . /^ ro ^ I 1 1 o CD o to CO o OO CO o o e J3 O O CM o .a E o I U U tr. n u 3 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 o 0 .0 E in N o' I o u a _s 'u a .0 o o 11 VI Ml <0 27 <5 0 CM <0 s I- (0 IS L o r- .a s u en N o' I U u n s B O B O s ^ a J V in I a m a 3 -B © e o S 31 o 0\ .0 o tJ O L V I 0, a en w o" en oa _c 3 s o o X o B h o s 0 u IN k s 32 33 e CM <0- S- 2' B914 49 y 69 <393 35 38 ,2-. SO 78 /67 54/ 64 91 92 168* i Ir.CAPE LISBURNE 69^ 0 10 20 30 40 KTS SURFACE WIND VELOCITY 25 September- l70ctober 1970 164" I62»W 40 I 30 S 20 - 1 llllnl II L ..ii - 40 30 20 10 0 -I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ ^ 1 I I ^- 10 20 30 40 SO 60 Station Numb«r 70 80 90 Figure 32. — Surface wind velocily during WEBSEC-70, 25 Seplember-17 October 1970. 43 5 - T E M P E R A 2 T U R I E -I 4 ---_ 3 -. -2 - _l . 1 . . 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 _i - ^ ALASKAN "^N COASTAL I \ \ \ \ " % o <^ o o i \ \ N. 0 V ° , o s o \ INTERMEDIATE \ WATFR \^^r• i i i «J K ,o , o o :• o ' # 1 ° o *« 0 1 «• oo , o 8 1 o 8>° 1 * ; _ - b'dl yy er • • • * • MODIFI SHEL WATE ED F R — - \ s •: 1 \ . %• / . \ / o 0 o • • ■*■ -i- ooo 0 0 ^^ - — ^ o •• 0 0 % " o c <9 -*. ^ O OO 0 0 0 O ©0 o 0 cP o o ^' 0 0 o o o o — — - ° oc '-^ ^^ ICE MELT i/j/L^; Siberian ISKN-^ coastal water ^ 8 M rfbo 1 - ' 1 ' ' 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 30 31 SALINITY %o 32 33 Figure 33. — Observed temperature (•C)-salinity (%o) values during WEBSEC-70 September-October 1970 (indicated by o), and NORTHWIND, October 1962 (indicated by • for Cape Lisburne-Icy Cape and + for Bering Strait >20 m) compared with water mass classifications of previous investigators (Saur, et al., 1954 indicated and capital letters, and Aagaard, 1964 indicated by and lower case letters). 44 TEMPERATURE (°F) TEMPERATURE (°C) 22.5 24.0 - 5 26.0 28.0 30.0 SALINITY (Voo) 32.0 - 0 33.5 Figure 34. — Water mass classifications for the eastern Bering and Chukchi seas (from Saur, et al., 1954). 45 5 - ' 4 ■ E M P 3 • E R A 2 • T U R I ■ E 'c 0 - •I - 2 - J I I L « ' I L J I L 31 SALINITY %• 33 Figure 35. — Temperature (°C) — salinity (%o) regressions from WEBSEC-70 observations (25 September-17 October, 1970). Dots indicate surface values. Numbers are station numbers. 46 T E M P E R A T U R E 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - I - 0 - -2 - J I I L EASTERN CHUKCHI SEA FALL INFLUX BERING STRAIT NEAR BOTTOM WATER FREEZING -| T 30 1 — ' — ' — "— 31 SALINITY%o "T" 32 I I 33 Figure 36. — Observed temperature ("C)-saIinity (%o) values during WEBSEC-70, September-October 1970 and processes or water masses influencing the properties of Eastern Chukchi Sea Fall Influx, 47 Figure 37. — Vertical profile of temperature ("C) along section A-A' (location shonn in Figure 2), 1-5 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. 48 Figure 38. — Vertical profile of salinity (%o) along section A-A' (location shown in Figure 2), 1-5 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. STATION NUMBER Figure 39. — Vertical profile of temperature ("C) along section B-B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. 49 STATION NUMBER 49 50 54 55 -• — B' 59 60 31.25 — Figure 40. — Verlical profile of salinity (%o) along section B-B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. 5 10 15 _ 20 I 25 Ui a 30 35 40 45 — STATION NUMBER 49 50 54 B' 59 60 7.50 N. MiUi 50 Figure 41. — Verlical profile of dissolved oxygen (ml/l) along section B— B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. Figure 42. — Vertical profile of dissolved inorganic phosphate (;(g-at/l) along section B-B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSrC-70. B 44 STATION NUMBER 49 50 B' 59 60 Figure 43. — Vertical profile of dissolved inorganic nitrate (>ig-at/l) along section B-B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. 51 b 44 48 0 5 10 IS 1 20 25 30 35 40 45 STATION NUMBER B" 49 50 54 55 59 60 — • • ,j • 7 • e •— N. MiUs Figure 44. — Vertical profile of dissolved inorganic nitrite (/ig-al/1) along section B-B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. B 44 STATION NUMBER 49 50 -•- B' 55 59 60 Figure 45. — Vertical profile of dissolved inorganic silicate (/ig-at/1) along section B— B' (location shown in Figure 2), 8-11 October 1970, during WEBSEC-70. 52 STATION 8 N Figure 46. — Histogram of current direction measured at 10 m during a period of 31 hours on station 8, WEBSEC-70, 25 September 1970. The speed record proved to be unreliable on that station, so an arbi- trary, constant speed has been assigned for display purposes. Vectors are directed away from the center of the array. Because of the length of the record, it was digitized only at 17.5-minute intervals. STATION 26 T^ N 0.0 0.5 KTS Figure 47. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 308 minutes on station 26, WEBSEC-70, 3 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 53 STATION 28 N 0.0 0.5 KTS Figure 48. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 165 minutes on station 28, WEBSEC-70, 4 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the center of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-ininute intervals. STATION 29 N 0.0 0.5 54 KTS Figure 49. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 210 minutes on station 29, WEBSEC-70, 4 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the center of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 31 N 0.0 0.5 J—L KTS Figure BO.- — Histogram of rurrent velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 311 minutes on station 31, WEBSEC-70, 5 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the center of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 49 N 0.0 0.5 KTS Figure 51. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 164 minutes on station 49, WEBSEC-70, 9 October. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 55 STATION 50 N 0.0 0.5 KTS Figure 52. — Histogram of ourrent velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 200 minutes on station 50, WEBSEC-70, 9 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 54 0.0 0.5 N KTS Figure 53. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 126 minutes on station 54, WEBSEC-70, 10 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the center of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 56 STATION 55 0.0 0.5 I I I I N KTS Figure 54. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 385 minutes on station 55, WEBSEC-70, 10 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the center of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 59 0.0 0.5 N I I I I KTS Figure 55. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 123 minutes on station 59, WEBSEC— 70, 11 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 57 STATION 60 0.0 0.5 I I I N KTS Figure 56. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 329 minutes on station 60, WEBSEC-70, 1 1 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 64 0.0 0.5 N KTS Figure 57. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 148 minutes on station 64, WEBSEC-70, 12 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-niinute intervals. 58 STATION 73 0.0 0.5 N I I I KTS Figure 58. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 ni during a period of 206 minutes on station 73, WEBSEC— 70, 14 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 90 \^ N 0.0 0.5 I I I I KTS Figure 59. — Histogram of current velocities measured at 10 m during a period of 144 minutes on station 90, WEBSEC-70, 17 October 1970. Vectors are directed away from the apex of the array. Record was digitized at 3.5-ininute intervals. 59 STATION 8 \ BEGINNING \ 0 0.5 KTS END Figure 60. — Progressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during period of 31 hours on station 8, WEBSEC-70, 25 September 1970. The speed record proved to be unreliable on that station, so an arbitrary, constant speed has been assigned for display purposes. Because of the length of the record, it was digitized only at 17.5-minute intervals. STATION 26 ,60 KTS Figure 61. — Progressive vector diagram for cur- rents at 10 ni during a period of 308 min- utes on station 26, WEBSEC-70, 3 October 1970. Record wae digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 28 END BEGINNING 0 0.5 J_L \. \ KTS Figure 62 — Prosressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during a period of 165 minutes on station 28, WEBSFX-70, 4 October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 29 END \ \ BEeiNNIN« Figure 63 — Progressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during a period of 210 minutes on station 29, WEBSEC-70, 4 October 1970. Record was digitized at S.5-minute intervals. 61 STATION 31 BEGINNING 0 0.5 I Ml \. KTS \ Figure 64. — Progressive vcclor diagram for currents al 10 m during a period of 311 minutes on station 31, WEBSEC-70, 5 October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 49 NNING 05 Figure 65. — Progressive vector diagram for currents at 10 in during a period of 164 minutes on station 49, WEBSEC-70, 9 October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 62 STATION 50 BEGINNING \ \ END 0 0.5 KTS 200 minutes on station 50, WtUSt^ (u, ^ v^ • at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 54 ENO BEGINNING \. 0 0.5 H KTS \ f.7 Proirressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during a period figure 67— Progressive ve"""- ^pBSEC-70, 10 October 1970. Record was of 126 minutes on station 54, WfcBSti- iv, digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 63 STATION 55 Figure 68. — Progressive vcctory diagram for currents al 10 ni during a period of 385 minutes on station 55, ^ EBSEC-70, 10 October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5-niinute intervals. STATION 59 BEGINNING r-m^-^ \ \ 0 0.5 1 1 1 1 KTS END Figure 69. — Progressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during a period of 12.3 minutes on station 59, WEBSEt:-70, II October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. 64 STATION 60 END BEGINNM6 P- 70 Pro^rressive vector diagram for currents a. 10 m during a period of 329 minutes on '"lta.i76rWEBsVc-70, 11 October 1970. Record .as digitized at S.S-m.nute .nterva.s. STATION 64 BEGINNING END 64 WEBSEC-70, 12 October 1970. Record «as digitizea a 65 STATION 73 BEGINNING Figure 72. — Progressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during a period of 206 minutes on station 73, WEBSEC-70, 14 October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5-minute intervals. STATION 90 END KTS BEGINNING 66 Figure 73. — Progressive vector diagram for currents at 10 m during a period of 144 minutes on station 90, WEBSEC-70, 17 October 1970. Record was digitized at 3.5- mi^ute intervals. I8HRS STATION 8 - NEAR BOTTOM *8HRS START Figure 74. — Progressive vector diagram for currents near bot- tom during a period of 33 hours on station 8, WEBSEC-70, 25 September 1970. Vectors represent 15-minute averages. 67 68 Appendix A.— Oceanographic Data Page Cruises listed : 71 Table I. CGC GLACIER Sept.-Oct. 1970 Codes utilized : described below. TIPTith to bottom Corrected or uncorrected sounding in meters. Maf d?pth oHampTes ___-_-Depth of deepest sample to nearest multiple of 100 meters. Wave observations: Dir Rounded to nearest multiple of 10 degress. , . ,, ■. .« ;= pHHpH to hS. -H---------- ^^ increments of V. m. Sum of 5 meters plus increments of % m. if 50 ,s added to direction. If numerals 2 through 9 are entered, period in seconds is twice the numeric entry Fer. ^^ ^^ (numeric entry) +1. For other entries see WMO code 3155. gga Sea state according to WMO code 3700. Weather^c^dr" U preceded by X, weather according to WMO code 4501. If a two-digit entry. weather according to WMO code 467 (. Cloud code: „r-.,r^ j ncnn rpypg Cloud type according to WMO code 0500. An^ounT" Cloud amount in eighths. Entry of the numeral 9 indicates cloud amount could not be estimated. Water: Color code C'^lcr according to Forel-Ule scale. Trans. Transparency in whole meters as determined by Secchi disc. Wind: pjj. Rounded to nearest multiple of 10 degrees. Speed or 7o7ce"7_r--If preceded by letter S, wind speed in knots; if preceded by letter F, wind force according to Beaufort scale. Barometer Barometric pressure given in 10, units and tenths of millibars. Air temp. °C Air temperature to tenths of a degree celsius. Via. code Visibility according to WMO code 4300. No. obs. depths Number of observed levels associated with the station. Messenger time .-.Entered in hours and tenths of an hour GMT. For Nansen casts, indicates time of Messenger time — ^^^^^^^ ^^ n^essenger applicable to the observational level. Card tvne OBS designates observed levels. STD indicates the values at this standard level were yp interpolated by a modified 3-point LaGrange formula. oepth ^- -Tu:^. t^s^:ir^•^5^ ;:l:T^^ valuTwas marked doubtful by originator; P indicates value was considered doubtful by NODC. Postscripts P and Q retain this meaning throughout the following entries. 69 T °C. Temperature to hundredths of a degree Celsius. S %o Salinity in parts-per-thousands. SIGMA-T Entered to hundredths. Specific-volume Multiply entry by 10 ' to obtain specific-volume anomaly in cubic centimeters per gram. 2.iD Dyn. M X 10' Multiply entry by 10 ' to obtain anomaly of dynamic depth in dynamic meters referenced to the sea surface. Sound velocity Sound velocity according to Wilson's formula entered to tenths of a meter per second. O2 ml/1 Dissolved oxygen in milliliters per liter entered to hundredths. PO4-P ^g-at/1. Inorganic phosphate in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. Total-P /ig-at/1. Total phosphorous in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. NO;-N /ig-at/1. Nitrite-nitrogen in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. NO.i-N /ig-at/1. Nitrate-nitrogen in microgram-atoms per liter entered to tenths. SiOi-Si /ig-at/l. Silicate-silicon in microgram-atoms per liter entered to whole units. pH Entered to hundredths. 70 Table /. — Observed and interpolated oceanographic data from stations taken by USCGC GLACIER, 25 September- 17 October 1970, prepared from NODC listing No. 31-1706. SHrp CODE LATITUD£ I/IO 1^ STATION TIME MO I DAY [Ha.VU ORIGINATOR'S NODC STATION NUMBtR 311706 GL 694it6N 163338W 233 93 09 26 007 1970 CSS 00 24 FO«Cl 522 lARO- METEfl 098 NO. OBS. DEPTHS 05 /lo I SfECIKC VOLUMf &TD 0000 0344 3100 2468 0032577 0000 14591 701 007 OBS 0000 0344 701 007 OBS 0004 0347 31000 2458 14593 708 007 OBS 0009 0342 30993 2458 14591 691 STD 0010 0342 3099 2458 0032725 0032 14592 597 007 OBS 0013 0344 30992 2458 14593 70 r 007 OBS 0015 0347 30992 2458 14595 703 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE '1/10 ly ORIGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE 311706 GL 69446N 163338W 233 93 09 27 091 1970 CSS 00 0019 29 2 2 X7 6 is 0002 304 SARO- METER Imb.l 032 05 STD 0000 0336 3097 2457 0032804 0000 14687 091 OBS 0000 0336 30975 2467 14587 091 OBS 0005 0338 30973 2467 14589 STD 0010 0335 3097 2467 0032834 0032 14588 091 OBS 0010 0335 30970 2467 14588 091 OBS 0015 0337 30970 2467 14590 091 OBS QOIP 0338 30972 2467 14591 LATITUDE 1/10 STATION T1M£ MO j DAT lHR.1/10 OftlGINATOIfS or fE« il* WEA- THER CODE 311705 GL 70Q95N 166026W 259 05 09 28 Oil 1970 CSS 009 0044 0 2 lL oil on on on on STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS OBS 0000 0000 0010 0010 0020 0020 0030 0030 0040 0177 0178 0178 0293 0293 0310 0310 0247 5 |8 SrEEO 01 fOICf BARO- METER 180 -055 062 SftCl'IC vOLlii 05 0177 3142 2515 0028274 0000 14523 754 31419 3142 31418 3171 31711 3174 31742 32243 2515 2515 2515 2529 2529 2530 2530 2575 0028291 0028 0025891 0055 0026795 0082 14523 754 061 14525 757 14526 757 052 14582 739 14582 739 066 14591 737 14591 737 055 14572 556 146 004 005 017 005 005 017 009 005 018 004 008 018 023 025 041 71 SHIP CODE 311706 GL LATITUDE 1/10 7019 N 16545 W H 269 05 09 28 176 1970 CSS Oil 33 0" fOIICE S03 ORIGINATOR'S 071 -071 0043 05 6 |8 0004 NOj-N vg - ot/l STD 0000 0010 3047 2447 00 34694 0000 14435 802 176 OBS 0000 0010 30467 2447 14435 802 037 Oil 001 008 STD 0010 0180 3120 2497 0029934 0032 14523 755 176 OBS 0010 0180 31204 2497 14523 755 0 54 001 001 014 STD 0020 0304 3170 2528 0027055 0060 14586 725 176 OBS 0020 0304 31701 2528 14586 72 5 068 004 005 017 STD 0030 0306 3174 2531 0026777 0087 14589 726 176 OBS 0030 0306 31740 2531 14589 726 07 0 007 006 018 176 OBS 0042 0192 32435 2595 14551 681 152 017 026 043 REFERENCE SHIP CODE if •^/aSDEN STATION II .E ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA. THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTIt COOf ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF VMPL-S NUMBER 10* r MO DA¥ HR.l/10 OIR- MCIl^ER i(A un AM 31 1706 GL 7028 N 16515 W 269 05 )9 29 015 1970 CSS 012 004^ 35 oL X2 6 8 1 000 5 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP. X ^^Es SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE HANS. DIR. SrlED OR FORCt DST eULB WET BULB 35 S20 159 -083 -083 7 1 05 "•"l-5'lcAST ""■ "J NO. MR l/IO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH [ml T X S ■''.. S1GMA-T Sffctnc vOLUMi ANOMALT-Xia' SAD DYN. M. t 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0? m1/l PO<-P vg - ot/l rOTAl_P vg ■ oi/i NOj-N ug . or/I NOj-N Mg - 01/1 SIO*-Si ng • or/1 pH J C c 1 STD 0000 -0099 2983 2399 0039266 0000 14375 835 015 OBS 0000 -0099 29829 2399 14375 835 STD 0010 -0068 2999 2412 0038056 0038 14393 831 015 OBS 0010 -0068 29994 2412 14393 831 STD 0020 0169 3094 2477 0031847 0073 14517 767 015 OBS 0020 0169 30943 2477 14517 767 STD 0030 0295 3195 2548 0025081 0102 14587 715 015 OBS 0030 0295 31953 2548 14587 715 015 OBS 0042 0223 32316 2583 14563 681 036 046 0 93 003 002 008 000 001 007 000 001 010 012 012 023 023 022 042 LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE ORIGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 16441 W 269 04 09 29 238 1970 CSS 015 0042 OR FO«C[ Sll BARO- METER (mbi) X2 I 6 18 AIR TEMP. X 066 ■062 -ISItNClicAST STD 0000 0120 3095 2481 0031496 0000 14491 738 238 OBS 0000 0120 30952 2481 14491 738 0 50 STD 0010 0126 3097 2482 0031412 0031 14496 74 3 238 OBS 0010 0126 30967 2482 14496 74 3 051 STD 0020 0279 3141 2506 0029094 0061 14571 755 238 OBS 0020 0279 31406 2506 14571 755 047 STD 0030 0326 3160 2518 0028011 0090 14596 732 238 OBS 0030 0326 31599 2518 14596 732 0 5ft 238 OBS 0040 0277 32126 2564 14584 578 134 014 000 014 006 001 014 004 001 012 008 002 013 Oil 017 044 72 SHIP CODE 311706 GL LONGITUDE '1/10 16409 W DAY Hfi.V10 269 Oi* 09 30 174 1970 CSS 018 Sll ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER (mbll 138 --077 -081 NO. OSS. DEPTHS X2 6 l8 NOOC STATION NUMBER 0007 viol I SI O4-S. STD 0000 0176 3111 2490 00 30643 0000 14518 74 7 17A OBS 0000 0175 31106 2490 14518 74 7 048 009 001 oin STD 0010 0177 3110 2489 0030669 0030 14521 748 174 OBS 0010 0177 31104 2489 14521 748 045 004 003 010 STD 0020 0182 3112 2490 0030677 0061 14525 745 174 OBS 0020 0182 31120 2490 14525 746 043 000 001 oil STD 0030 0332 3144 2505 0029265 0091 14597 714 174 OBS 0030 0332 31441 2505 14597 714 064 005 002 014 174 OBS 0039 0323 32064 2555 14603 636 01 3 010 019 038 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii '*' .'-SDEN ' ;tation Tl ^.E ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL-S WAVE WEA. THEH CODE CLOUD CODES NODC STATION NUMBER CODi ID. NO. 1/10 ■ -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 on JHGVE.I S * TIPl AM 311706 GL 7022 N 16316 W 269 03 10 01 001 1970 CSS 019 0030 00 lolxl XI 3 7 0008 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mt>*l AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COO NO. OSS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DHL S»EfD OR FORCE DRY BULB WET BULB 31 S05 134 ■090 -094 7 05 MdSENC TIMI HR 1/1 HCAST CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. SiGMA-T SPECiflC vOLUWf ANOM*IT_110' SAO DYN. M. K 10' SOUND VELOCITY oa ml/l POi-P MB - «t/l rOTAL-f KB - o/fiSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR-S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES '40DC CIBT CODE 10. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ '1/10 TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMIEK 10- r MO DAY HR.l/IO D». HO' fEI SEA ?y« AM 311706 GL 6959 N 16630 W 233 96 10 06 230 1970 CSS 035 0045 35 3 2 X3 6 8 0018 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imb.l AIR TEMP. X: VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPtCtAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR TiwNS. CODE ""' DIR. into 01 »OtCi DRY flULB WET BULB 04 S26 108 -058 -061 7 06 MESSING* [cast TIME oj*^*^; HR I/IO 1 CARD TYPE OfPTH (mj T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAL'-I'O' SAD DYN. M. X loi SOUND VELOCITY Ol m!/l PO4-P "fl • ""■I TOTAL-P ve - o'/l NOj-N wg - ol/l NOj-N tifl . or/I SI 0*-Si VB - at/l pH J C c 1 STD 0000 0279 3154 2517 0028038 0000 14570 729 230 OBS 0000 0279 31545 2517 14570 729 07 3 001 003 019 230 OBS 0008 0280 31542 2517 14572 730 07 2 001 003 018 STD 0010 0278 3155 2517 0028022 0028 14571 730 230 OBS 0015 0275 31550 2518 14571 729 07 5 001 003 019 STD 0020 0276 3155 2518 0027987 0056 14572 729 230 OBS 0023 0278 31548 2518 14573 729 07 2 002 003 019 STD 0030 0287 3155 2517 0028099 0084 14579 729 230 OBS 0031 0288 31701 2529 14581 724 075 003 004 018 230 OBS 0041 0284 76 311706 LATITUDE 1/10 16711 W 269 032 032 032 032 032 032 MO I DAT lHW.1/10 10 07 032 1970 ORIGINATOR'S -1 BARD- S^'O I METER (mbil S27 111 -oq? 036 0048 06 SAD DTN, M. X lo' STD 0000 0217 3165 2530 0026768 OSS 0000 0217 31652 2530 DBS 0009 0217 31649 2530 STD 0010 0216 3165 2530 0026786 OBS 0018 0210 31647 2531 STD 0020 0210 3165 2531 0026769 OBS 0026 0211 31646 2530 STD 0030 0211 3165 2530 0025787 OBS 0035 0212 31657 2532 OBS 0044 0158 0025758 0000 14544 745 0053 0080 fOt-r TOTAl-R 14544 746 058 14546 744 07 2 14545 744 14544 744 07 1 14545 744 14546 744 07 2 14547 744 14548 745 07 5 SI 0«-Si SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ■ •)/io ORIGINATOR'S OBSESVATIONS GT^ n*\ %f* WEA- CLOUD COOES CODE 311706 GL 16629 W 233 96 10 U7 143 1970 CSS 038 ^ |2 X7 i 6 i8 04 056 -056 tIMI o> , HR I/IO T NQj-N SIO4-S' I I STD 0900 0337 3148 2507 0029009 0000 14594 720 143 OBS 0000 0337 31478 2507 14594 720 070 002 002 020 143 OBS 0008 0340 31452 2505 14597 724 07 1 002 003 020 STD 0010 0338 3145 2506 0029130 0029 14596 724 143 OBS 0015 0335 31455 2505 14596 724 07 1 002 002 020 STD 0020 0338 3146 2505 0029125 0058 14598 719 143 OBS 0024 0340 31463 2505 14599 718 07 2 002 002 021 STD 0030 0341 3146 2505 0029201 0087 14601 722 143 OBS 0032 0341 31455 2505 14601 725 072 002 002 020 143 OBS 0039 0334 31888 2540 14505 5900 0 92 008 008 026 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 ORIGINATOR'S OBSERVATIONS 311706 GL 6951 N 233 96 10 07 180 1970 CSS 039 SPIED OR FORCf BARO- METER Imbi) P058 fo 0051 0 5 [4 |2 "»' •) NO HR 1/10 I 180 180 180 180 180 180 STD 0000 0275 3161 2522 0027530 OBS ouoo 0275 31508 2522 OBS 0008 0278 31511 2523 ST3 0010 0277 3151 2523 0027523 OBS 0018 0275 31512 2523 STD 0020 0275 3151 2523 0027507 OBS 0027 0277 31516 2523 STD 0U30 0274 3162 2523 0027454 ObS 0036 0258 31704 2531 OBS 0043 0210 SAO DVN. M. X 10^ 0000 SOUND VELOCITT PO4-P vs - ^>/l tOIAi_p NOi-N tig - or/1 NOj-N vg - ot/l 14570 735 14570 735 07 1 14572 736 07 1 14572 736 14572 735 072 14573 735 14575 735 07 1 14574 736 14573 724 080 003 002 018 003 002 018 003 002 018 003 004 018 007 006 021 77 SHIP cool LATtTUOl I/IO '.TATION TIME MO DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S NODC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 16657 W 269 06 10 07 232 1970 CSS 040 232 232 232 232 232 232 SPftO lOICf BARO- METER 083 -097 -099 SHCIFIC VOIL STD 0000 -0001 3093 2485 0031115 OBS 0000 -0001 30928 2485 OBS 0009 0006 30926 2484 STD 0010 0006 3093 2485 0031145 OBS 0018 0007 30942 2486 STD 0020 0016 3096 2487 0030922 OBS 0027 0046 31028 2491 STD 0030 0174 3146 2518 0027954 OBS 0036 0293 32077 2558 OBS 00'»3 0199 32389 2591 XI 6 17 0022 14436 758 14436 758 063 14441 761 060 14441 761 14443 760 060 14447 759 14463 754 064 14528 716 14589 666 118 14554 650 157 vB - oi/l 001 002 014 002 001 014 002 002 014 003 002 014 022 015 032 028 024 049 REFERENCE SHIP CODE i| M/.^SOEN ' STATION II WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I P04-f lOTAl-P vp - ol/l NOj-N MS - ol/' NO,-N UB ■ a'/l SIO«-Si n ■ oi/i PH C c 1 STD 0000 0247 3163 2526 0027158 0000 14557 740 138 OBS 0000 0247 31629 2526 14557 740 07 3 003 004 OIB 138 ORS 0008 0249 31629 2526 14559 739 07 5 003 004 019 STD 0010 0247 3163 2526 0027159 0027 14559 739 138 OBS 0018 0242 31629 2527 14558 740 07 8 003 005 018 STD 0020 0243 3163 2527 0027133 0054 14569 740 138 OBS 0027 0244 31629 2527 14560 739 07 7 003 006 018 STD 0030 0243 3163 2527 0027134 0081 14561 739 138 OBS 0037 0242 31628 2527 14561 738 079 003 004 019 138 OBS 0045 0150 32468 2600 14533 691 150 018 025 038 SHIP CODE n MO DAT MR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE NOOC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 7003 N 16826 W 269 08 10 OS 178 1970 CSS 043 0046 03 XI 6 l7 itiio o« fOICt 320 BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP, t 095 -089 -089 178 178 178 178 178 178 STD 0000 0163 3176 2642 0025634 OBS 0000 0163 31755 2542 OBS 0008 0165 31755 2542 STD 0010 0164 3176 2542 0025624 OBS 0018 0161 31768 2543 STD 0020 0151 3176 2543 0025605 OBS 0026 0152 31754 2542 STD 0030 0157 3204 2555 0023503 OBS 0035 0174 32361 2590 OBS 0041 0093 32700 2622 0025 0075 SOUND VELOCITY 14522 749 07 1 14524 749 074 14524 750 14524 752 073 14624 752 14525 753 078 14533 735 14541 724 121 14510 726 142 NOj-N NOi-N KB - Ol/l SI 0<-Si KB • ai/l 008 005 018 009 004 018 008 005 018 008 004 018 040 015 025 025 025 034 78 311706 CL LAmUDE VIO -""""ICASI "" •; Na HH 1/10 228 228 228 228 228 228 LONGITUDE * 'l/tO a MO OAT Ht.1/10 269 08 10 08 228 1970 CSS 04^ 02 SKtD 01 roici S08 ORJGtNATOrs AO t£MP. X. 105 •lO'* -106 STD 0000 0095 3160 2534 0026387 oes 0000 0095 31604 2534 OBS 0006 0095 31606 2535 STD 0010 0094 3160 2534 0026402 OBS 0013 0093 31599 2534 STD 0020 0109 3169 2540 0025820 OBS 0020 0109 31688 2540 OBS 0027 0113 31767 2547 STD 0030 0111 3188 2556 0024341 OBS 0033 0107 32052 2570 0036 06 XI NOOC STATION NUMIEft 0025 SAO DYN. M. < ll>> 0026 0052 0077 14489 765 14489 765 07 3 14490 764 07 5 14490 765 14490 765 071 14500 763 14500 763 07 6 14504 758 082 14505 754 14506 749 0 94 NO)-N tig • al/l NOi-N VB - ot/1 V 04-S> ■S -ot/I 009 005 016 007 005 016 010 006 016 Oil 006 017 012 009 018 008 Oil 022 SHIP CODE LATITUOI 1/10 LONGITUDI ' 'UIO ii MO DAT HK.)/10 ORIGIN ATors WEA- CLOUD TMER CODES CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 7001 N 16634 W 269 08 10 09 143 1970 CSS 048 0041 09 0 2 00 26 09 tHED 01 fOICt S03 SAID- MnER 107 073 -084 06 Ht l/IO SAD OTN. W. . loJ FO - "1/1 NO)-N rs • oi/l SIO*-Si 143 143 143 143 143 143 STD 0000 0148 3174 2542 0025652 OBS 0000 0148 31740 2542 OBS 0008 0147 31735 2542 STD 0010 0146 3174 2542 0025678 OBS 0016 0144 31737 2542 STD 0020 0146 3174 2542 0025659 OBS 0024 0147 31738 2542 STD 0030 0146 3174 2543 0025622 OBS 0032 0146 31744 2543 OBS 0038 0094 32662 2619 0051 0077 14515 752 14515 752 065 14516 753 068 14515 752 14516 749 069 14517 749 14518 749 065 14519 786 14519 798 07 2 14510 697 136 010 006 018 010 005 018 010 005 018 010 005 018 Oil 005 018 032 026 033 SHIP CODE LATTTUOE I/IO LONCrrUDE * "VIO MO DAT Ht.1/10 ORIGINATOS^ CT^ ru lEA WEA- THER CODE 311706 GL 16805 W 233 98 10 09 181 1970 CSS 049 07 0 2 mtD o» roict S04 BARO- METER tmb*) 099 Am TEMP. TC 072 SAD DYN. M. lOTAl-P PB ■ ■•/! NOj-N NOs-N SIO4-SI po - oi/i m - ovi 181 181 181 181 181 181 STD 0000 0303 3145 2508 0028918 OBS 0000 0303 31453 2508 OBS 0009 0303 31453 2508 STD 0010 0303 3145 2508 0028921 OBS 0018 0301 31451 2508 STD 0020 0301 3145 2508 0028932 OBS 0027 0304 31449 2508 STD 0030 0306 3148 2510 0028763 OBS 0036 0309 31533 2514 0043 0198 32308 2584 0000 0028 14579 724 14579 724 082 14581 724 07 6 14581 724 14581 725 07 8 14582 728 14584 731 07 6 14586 727 14589 720 083 14552 657 154 005 003 020 005 003 019 005 003 020 005 003 020 006 004 020 022 025 042 79 LATITUDE 1/10 MO DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S GT|HI| It* WtA- THER COD! NODC STATION NUMIIR 311706 GL 6938 N 233 97 10 10 010 1970 CSS 050 0046 6 l6 0026 o» FO»C( S08 BARO- METER [tnbl) 066 06 .ESSINO»LcAST NO. 1/10 ■ SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND vELOCinr SIO«-Si 010 010 010 010 010 010 STD 0000 0335 3132 2495 00 30171 OBS 0000 0335 31322 2495 OBS 0009 0337 31324 2495 STD 0010 0336 3132 2495 00 30165 OBS 0018 0332 31325 2495 SJO 0020 0332 3133 2495 0030122 OBS 0027 033A 31329 2495 STD 0030 0345 3135 2496 0030027 OBS 0036 03A8 31400 2500 OBS OCS 0321 31762 2530 0000 0030 0060 0090 14591 713 14591 713 066 14594 720 069 14593 719 14593 718 067 14594 723 14595 727 065 14601 724 14604 701 068 14598 643 097 002 004 023 003 004 023 002 004 023 003 004 023 003 007 027 014 018 040 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE '1/10 ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH OF S'MPL'S NODC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 6924 N 16715 W 233 97 10 10 155 1970 CSS 054 03 X7 3 Is 0029 SPEED OR fOPCE BARO- METER AIR TEMP. "C 03 S15 099 -058 -062 6 06 MtSSENCR IfAST ""' •) "a HR 1/10 1 155 155 155 155 155 155 STD 0000 0276 3146 2511 0028619 OBS 0000 0276 31465 2511 OBS 0009 0279 31464 2511 STD 0010 0278 3146 2511 0028648 OBS 0018 0275 31460 2511 STD 0020 0276 3146 2511 0028650 OBS 0027 0278 STD 0030 0278 3147 2511 0028634 OBS 0036 0279 31469 2511 OBS 0043 0343 31747 2528 1 Aa DYN, M. X 10' 0028 0057 0085 SOUND VELOCITY 14568 712 14568 712 0 90 14570 713 093 14570 713 14570 711 0 92 14571 711 711 092 14574 712 14575 713 093 14608 624 130 SI 04-S< oil 014 023 008 014 024 009 015 024 008 015 024 009 016 024 025 025 042 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 ORIGINATOR'S NODC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 6913 N 233 96 10 10 233 1970 CSS 056 0040 05 1 2 X7 7 |8 33 SIO BARO- METER (mbl) 137 ■■ 0030 AIR TEMP. X 072 j-078 06 • ESSENCR I (-AST TIM. i'^So. 1R 1/10 1 SPEClfIC VOLUME SOUND VELOCITY NOj-N 233 233 233 233 STD 0000 0244 3143 2511 0028628 OBS 0000 0244 31432 2511 OBS 0007 0246 31426 2510 STD 0010 0244 3143 2511 0028647 OBS 0014 0242 31434 2511 STD 0020 0241 3143 2511 0028593 OBS 0021 0240 31434 2511 OBS 0028 0227 31436 2513 STD 0030 0224 3144 2513 0028448 OBS 0220 31447 2514 0000 0028 0086 14553 740 14553 740 0 94 14555 734 089 14555 734 14555 734 0 90 14555 736 14555 736 091 14550 738 087 14550 739 14549 740 0 90 002 Oil 021 001 012 021 001 012 021 006 012 021 005 Oil 022 006 010 02? 80 311706 GL LATITUDE T/IO 166'»0 W ii MO DAY HR.V10 233 96 10 11 150 1970 CSS 059 into 0* fOICt 04 503 ORIGINATOR'S 126 AIR TEMP. "C 083 -088 04 1 2 CLOUD THER CODES CODE 0031 SOUND VELOCITY vg • al/l NOj-N Ufl • ol/l NOj-N 150 150 150 150 150 150 STO 0000 0206 3137 2508 0028873 OBS 0000 0208 31367 2508 OBS 0008 0209 31358 2508 STD 0010 0207 3136 2508 0028936 OBS 0015 0205 31360 2508 STD 0020 0205 3136 2508 0028882 OBS 0023 0207 31365 2508 STD 0030 0210 3135 2508 0028909 OBS 0031 0211 3136* 2508 0208 31380 2509 0026 1*535 739 1A535 739 0 94 14538 745 091 14538 742 14538 739 0 90 14539 741 14540 742 095 14542 743 14543 743 0 94 14542 740 0 92 006 013 022 007 012 022 006 012 022 006 012 022 005 012 022 006 012 022 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDf ORIGINATOR'S Gil ml S!A CLOUD IHER CODES CODE 311705 GL 5857 N 16625 W 233 86 10 11 215 1970 CSS 060 0035 05 3 2 215 216 216 216 216 05 SPEfO FOtCt S22 BARO- METER (mbtl 121 -072 -077 STD 0000 0161 3121 2499 0029780 OBS 0000 0151 31209 2499 OBS 0005 0165 31232 2500 STD 0010 0157 3126 2503 0029415 OBS 0013 0159 31282 2504 STD 0020 0194 3135 2508 0028935 OBS 0021 0196 31353 2508 OBS 0028 0203 31388 2510 0000 0029 0058 14513 746 14513 745 0 90 14516 747 0 95 14519 745 14520 744 0 96 14533 742 14534 742 097 14539 737 0 98 0032 007 010 024 006 Oil 024 007 012 023 007 013 023 006 015 022 0032718 0032 14469 773 0 95 14471 773 089 14470 773 087 14471 773 14472 772 0 92 003 008 030 004 005 030 001 008 030 0084 30750 2457Q 000 006 000 008 030 029 81 311706 GL LATITUDE 1/10 691A N 16556 W MO DAY HR.1/1 233 95 10 12 220 1970 CSS 063 ORIGINATOR'S %rtio 01 FO«CE BARO- METER AIR TEMP. "C 03 533 207 -119 -120 5 05 en n»\ SEA WEA- THER CODE 220 220 220 220 220 STD 0000 0098 3085 2474 0032168 OBS 0000 0098 30849 2474 OBS 0006 0103 30845 2473 STD 0010 0101 3084 2473 0032210 OBS 0014 0100 30845 2473 STD 0020 0102 3084 2473 0032216 OBS 0022 0103 30845 2473 OBS 0028 0105 30845 2473 14480 779 14480 779 065 14483 752 061 14483 755 14483 766 063 14485 762 14486 752 059 14488 764 050 000 007 035 000 005 035 001 007 035 000 004 035 000 007 035 ORIGINATOR'S 311706 5925 N 233 96 10 13 017 1970 CSS 054 0038 06 4 2 X7 7 |8 0035 03 183 -101 AIR lEMR. 'C 105 HR VIO T SKCIflC VOLUMl SOUND vtLOcnv NOj-N 017 017 017 017 017 017 STD 0000 0241 3120 2492 0030398 OBS 0000 0241 31196 2492 OBS 0007 0242 31189 2492 STD 0010 0240 3119 2492 0030453 OBS 0014 0238 31185 2492 STD 0020 0240 3118 2491 00 30544 OBS 0021 0240 31176 2491 OBS 0028 0240 31180 2491 STD 0030 0239 3118 2491 00 30499 OBS 0035 0237 31186 2492 14549 730 14549 730 07 0 14550 731 065 14550 731 14550 732 07 3 14551 735 14551 735 07 1 14553 732 07 1 14553 732 14553 732 07 3 002 008 027 000 007 027 001 008 028 001 008 027 002 010 027 002 008 027 LATITUDE ' I/IO LONGITUDE MO I DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S Gri Pl« StA WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 311705 GL 16648 W 233 96 10 13 150 1970 CSS 06 0045 03 3 2 SPEED OR fORCE 03 S20 198 -117 ^119 06 0036 NOj-N SI04-Si 150 150 150 150 150 150 STD OBS OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS OBS 0000 0000 0009 0010 0018 0020 0027 0030 0036 0042 0252 3119 2491 0030552 0000 14553 739 0252 31187 2491 0252 0251 0249 0250 0252 0252 0252 0249 31195 3120 31196 3120 31197 3120 31204 31203 2491 2491 2492 2492 2492 2492 2492 2492 0030480 0030 0030463 0061 0030445 0091 14553 739 088 14555 742 0 90 14555 741 14555 738 088 14556 741 14558 745 0 90 14559 745 14550 74 3 0 90 14559 742 091 009 003 024 002 003 024 001 003 024 001 001 024 001 003 024 001 004 024 82 MFtllfNCf SHIP CODE LATITUDE VIO i§ w/ HSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES 00c cm coot ID. NO. LONGITUDE • -1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10* 1* MO DAY HR.VIO OIR. MGT »(« iE* lYU *M 3U706 GL 6950 N 16723 W 233 97 10 13 202 1970 CSS 069 0046 03 1 2 X4 7 7 0037 WATER WIND lARO- METER (mb«) AIR TEMP. "C '-°'" DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. Did. into OR FOdCE DRY BULB WET BULB 03 S25 220 -127 '128 3 06 MtSSENGB CAST CARD """f % NO. TYPE HR l/IO DEPTH (ml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECItIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAO DYN, M. X 10> SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l PO4-P vg-oi/i TOTAl-P vg ■ ol/l NOj-N ufl • ol/l NO3-N vg - ol/l SIO«-Si yg - ol/l pH S c c 1 1 STD 0000 0210 3132 2505 0029208 0000 14537 736 202 OBS 0000 0210 31325 2505 14537 736 0 92 002 003 026 202 OBS 0009 0211 31323 2505 14539 737 0 90 001 003 026 STD 0010 0211 3132 2505 0029245 0029 14539 737 202 OBS 0019 0213 31314 2504 14541 739 091 002 003 027 STD 0020 0214 3131 2504 0029309 0058 14542 739 202 OBS 0028 0218 31320 2504 14545 736 091 002 003 027 STD 0030 0222 3133 2505 0029228 0087 14547 735 202 OBS 0037 0239 31433 2511 14557 732 0 98 004 005 029 202 OBS 0044 0263 31620 2524 14571 683 107 006 008 033 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 MO DAY [HR.l/ll ORIGINATOR'S CflPER St* WEA- THER CODE 311706 GL 233 95 10 14 198 1970 CSS 072 05 2 |2 05 iPEED OR FORCE BARO- METER (mbt) 189 -121 -123 05 0038 SAO DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY ! NOj-N 198 198 198 198 198 STD 0000 -0071 3094 2488 0030779 0000 14404 795 0030 OBS 0000 -0071 30941 2488 OBS 0004 -0069 30940 2488 STO 0010 -0075 3094 2488 0030780 OBS 0011 -0075 30939 2488 OBS 0017 -0072 30945 2489 STD 0020 -0072 3094 2489 0030744 OBS 0024 -0072 30943 2489 14404 795 067 14405 800 064 14403 800 14403 800 066 14406 800 064 14406 800 14407 799 063 001 003 000 003 003 003 001 003 018 018 018 018 001 003 018 SHIP CODE LATrruoE MO I DAY [HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S WEA- CLOUD THER COOES COOS ,..,,, „, 311706 GL 233 94 10 15 Oil 1970 CSS 073 02 2 |2 X7 I 7 18 02 SPEED 0« FORCE SIO BARO- METER (mbt) AIR TEMP. T 178 -128 -12 05 0039 SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCin l-r NOi- ot/l wg - a NOj-N vg - 01/1 STD 0000 -0028 3176 2553 0024627 0000 14435 739 oil OBS 0000 -0028 31762 2553 14435 739 125 026 015 035 oil OBS STD 0006 0010 -0025 -0024 31765 2553 14437 742 740 106 024 016 034 on OBS 0012 -0023 739 131 028 015 031 on OBS STD 0018 0020 -0016 -0016 737 129 023 016 035 oil OBS 0023 -0016 127 024 017 035 83 mnuHCi SHIP C00£ MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX - WAVE WEA- THER CODE Cloud COOfS CT«T cool ID. NO. 1/10 '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10" r MO DAY HR.VIO Dlt HCTlPER SEA tin AM 311706 GL 6936 N 16510 W 233 95 10 15 139 1970 CSS 077 0032 07 A X7 7 8 0040 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbl) AIR TEMP. T: 1 NO. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANI DIR. SPfED OR FORCf DRV BULB WET BULB coLe obs. DEPTHS 07 S20 180 ■111 -111 6 06 HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH [ml t t s •/.. S1GMA-T i«cific voiuMt ANOMAl»-XlO' SAD DTN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCirt Ol ml/I PO«-P vg - ol/l lOtAL-F vg • 81/1 NOi-N ug - Ol/I NO)-N vg - ol/l SI04-Si ufl - Ol/l PH S c c 1 STD 0000 -0103 743 139 OBS 0000 -0103 743 100 139 OBS STD 0006 0010 -0101 -0107 745 745 101 139 OBS 0012 -0108 31100 2502 14390 745 106 139 OBS 0018 -0103 31103 2502 14394 7500 103 STD 0020 -00) T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T IMClfIC VOLUMI ANOMALT-XIO' SAO DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I PO4-P VP - o./l tOI*t-P i>g . ol/l NOj-N ug • ol/l NC)-N vg - Ol/l SlO^-Si ug - Ol/l pH 1 C c 1 STD 0000 -0038 3097 2490 00 30561 0000 14419 737 194 OBS 0000 -0038 30970 2490 14419 737 0 99 194 OBS 0005 -0035 30970 2490 14421 739 101 STD 0010 -0043 3098 2490 0030599 0030 14415 738 194 OBS 0012 -0045 30977 2490 14418 737 101 194 OBS 0018 -0047 30978 2491 14418 744 105 STD 0020 -0048 3099 2491 00 30482 0061 14418 742 194 OBS STD 0024 0030 -0049 30999 3099 2492 14419 739 739 103 194 OBS 0030 30993 739 103 010 010 028 012 009 028 013 010 028 012 010 028 012 Oil 028 012 Oil 028 SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' 'I/IO s^ OWGINATOR'S 311705 GL 6920 N 233 94 10 15 145 1970 CSS 084 0 2 SPEED OR >0«CE S16 BARO- METER Imbi) 175 -156 AIR TEMP. K 156 0042 inzmc VOLUME SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 146 146 146 146 STD 0000 -0153 3145 2532 0026541 OBS 0000 -0153 31454 2532 OBS 0005 -0151 31400 25270 STD 0010 -0158 3145 2531 0025575 OBS 0010 -0158 31447 2531 OBS 0015 -0154 31485 2534 STD 0020 -0155 OBS 0022 -0155 3144Q 25310 0000 14372 785 14372 785 115 790 119 14371 788 14371 78 8 116 14375 789 789 117 789 117 021 013 028 020 013 028 021 014 029 021 014 029 019 014 029 84 REFERENCE SM(P CODE lATIIUDE l/IO LONGITUDE ' 'l/IO ii *// «OEN STATION Tl «t ORIGINATOR'S j DEPTH TO MAX. WAV! WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CT«T CODE ID. NO. CBUISE NO. STATION OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10" r MO DAY HR.1/10 DHL HGT FEU 5E* Tin AM 31 1706 GL 6913 N 16445 W 233 9A 10 16 180 1970 CSS 085 0023 00 0 X X2 7 8 0043 WATER WIND BARO- METER imbtl AIR TEMP, r VIS. CDOf NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TUNS. OIR. SfUD OR FOUCE ORT BULB WET BULB 04 S12 180 ■166 -166 7 05 vliSENC. IciSl <"" "NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T -C s •/.. 5ICMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' ^^^ ?. SOUND ""l^T- VELOCIIY Oj ml/1 P04-P ve - oi/i lOTAl-P NOj-N ug - oi/l NOj-N tig • ol/l SI 04-si i.g - al/l pH i C c 1 STD 0000 -0167 3134 1 1 2523 0027502 0000 14364 791 1 180 OBS 0000 -0167 31339 2523 14364 791 104 014 009 027 180 OSS 0004 -0164 31336 2522 14366 792 107 016 012 028 ISO OBS STD 0009 -0168 31333 2522 14365 792 105 016 0010 -0167 3133 2522 0027546 0027 14365 792 012 028 180 OBS STD 0014 -0165 31331 2522 14367 792 107 018 0020 -0169 3137 2525 0027255 0054 14367 799 012 028 18 3 OBS 0020 -0169 31369 2525 14367 799 107 015 013 027 REI'ERtNCE SHIP CODE ii ■■ -SDEN ' -TATION Tl M ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX , WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ^OOC CUT r.ooi ID. NO. LATITUDt 1/10 LONGITUDE "1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S " STATION NUMBER - 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 OiR. HOT PER S(A TYf[ AM 311706 GL 6905 N 16505 W 233 95 10 16 214 1970 CSS 086 0021 00 0 X X7 7 7| 0044 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbt) B IH TEMP, 'C VIS. coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSEfiVAHONS COLOR CODE '""'■ DIR. 01 fo»Ci >RT ULB rwft BULB 08 S05 180 ■155 -156 7 05 HR 1/10 T CARD TTPE OtflH imj T "C s •/.. SIGMA-T s^fcinc voLUMt ANOMALT-IIO' SAO DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 0! ml/I PO4-P vg -ol/l lOTAl-P vg -or/l NOj-N wg - al/l NO]-N vg . ol/i SI 04-Si vg - at/I pH i c c 1 STD 0000 -0166 3108 2502 0029499 0000 14361 804 214 OBS 0000 -0166 31U80 2502 14361 804 07 6 006 005 018 214 OBS 0004 -0165 31111 2504 14362 807 07 7 005 006 018 214 OBS 0009 -0173 31181 2510 14360 801 084 006 007 020 STD 0010 -0172 3119 2511 0028635 0029 14361 799 214 OBS 0014 -0170 31219 2513 14363 795 087 007 007 021 214 OBS 0018 -0171 31236 2514 14363 797 089 007 008 021 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ 'l/lO ORIGINATOR'S CLOUD THER CODES CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 311706 GL 6904 N 233 95 10 17 Oil 1970 CSS 087 ;"lcAST f »' NO. '10 I S04 129 SPECIFIC VOLU SAO DYN. M. X 10* SOUND VELOCITY S10«-SJ STD 0000 -0168 3120 2512 0028573 0000 14361 814 oil OBS 0000 -0168 31200 2512 14361 814 07 1 004 003 021 oil OBS 0005 -0165 31198 2511 14364 812 070 002 005 021 STO 0010 -0170 3119 2510 0028671 0028 14362 812 oil OBS 0010 -0170 31186 2510 14362 812 068 003 004 022 on OBS 0015 -0168 31192 2511 14364 813 068 002 004 021 on OBS 0018 -0169 31191 2511 14364 817 069 003 005 021 85 311706 SHIP CODf LAmuDt I/IO LONGITUDE '1/10 16640 W STATION TIME r MO DAY H(LV10 233 86 10 17 177 1970 CSS 090 S05 ORIGINATOR'S 150 -083 A« TEMP. X 083 004A Grim SEA WIA- THER CODE - XI 6 k NODC STATION NUMBER 0046 Hit V10 I lOTAi-f l>0 - ol/l NOj-N SI04-Si vg • ol/l 177 177 177 177 177 177 STD 0000 -0097 3070 2470 0032568 0B5 0000 -0097 30700 2470 OBS 0008 -0093 30701 2470 STD 00 10 -0092 3071 2470 00 32477 OBS 0016 -0048 30744 2472 STD 0020 0051 3088 2478 0031723 OBS 0024 0111 30973 2483 STD 0030 0113 3097 2483 0031278 OBS 0032 0113 OBS 0041 0110 30976 2483 0000 0096 14388 788 14388 788 0 93 14391 792 0 98 14392 790 14414 786 0 97 14462 768 14492 758 0 91 14494 761 761 111 14494 761 104 006 007 006 008 010 015 SHIP CODE LATnUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ■1/10 STATtON TIME MO I DAY HR.V10 OBJGINATOR'S WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMIER 311706 GL 233 87 10 17 237 1970 CSS 091 0046 X2 7 Is SKID »or(C( so 7 lARO- MHER bnbtt AIB TEMP. X 127 -041 -042 06 S Ao DYN. M. X 10^ 237 237 237 237 237 237 STD 0000 -0069 3067 2466 0032886 OBS 0000 -0069 30668 2466 OBS 0008 -0062 30672 2466 STD 0010 -0062 3067 2466 0032859 OBS 0016 -0062 30678 2467 STD 0020 -0019 3073 2469 0032590 OBS 0024 0022 30789 2473 STD 0030 0080 3092 2481 0031493 OBS 0036 0127 31080 2491 OBS 0043 0169 31288 2505 0000 0032 0065 0097 14401 784 14401 784 091 14405 784 081 14406 786 14407 786 0 90 14428 780 14449 775 0 90 14478 770 14502 766 086 14525 742 100 NOj-N vg - o(/l 006 007 007 007 009 010 NO)-N SI OfU n •st/l 86 Preliminary Results of Geologic Studies in the Eastern Central Chukchi Sea^ Peter W. Barnes ^ INTRODUCTION During late September and October 1970, the U.S. Geological Survey participated in the Western Beaufort Sea Ecological Cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker GLACIER, in the eastern central Chukchi Sea. Seventy stations were occupied for geological sampling purposes (fig. 1). These studies were undertaken primarily to provide background data for interpreting ecological relationships, to locate and define these relationships, and to outline the processes of sediment transport and deposition. This report vdll deal with the first and third aspects of the overall program. Considerable knowledge of the geology of the Chukchi Sea existed prior to the 1970 cruise of the GLACIER. Moore (1964) and Grantz and his co-workers (1970) studied the bottom geology and found only a thin sedimentary cover overlying rocks that extend west from the Prudhoe Bay and Naval Petroleum Reserve geologic provinces. The surficial sediments, morphology, and currents have been the subject of studies by the Navy and the University of Washington during their extensive investiga- tions of the Bering and Chukchi Seas (Dietz and others, 1964 ; Fleming and Heggarty, 1966 ; Creager and McManus, 1967; McManus and others, 1969). Studies have indicated a shelf of low relief with a broad north-south trending trough 50 meters deep between the mainland and Herald Shoal. Relict and residual sediments dominate the area owing to minimal local sedi- ment contribution and to sporadic northward currents that introduce material from outside the region (McManus and others, 1969). Sampling on this cruise focused on sediment- transport processes with near-bottom current ' Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geolog- ical Survey. ' U.S. Geologrical Survey, Menlo Park, California 94025. measurements and water-column turbidity de- terminations, supplemented by suspended sedi- ment measurements made at the same time by the University of Alaska (see Naidu and Sharma, this Oceanographic Report) . METHODS Current measurements were made with a film recording Savonius-type meter, accurate to 0.05 knots but readable to 0.01 knots. The sen- sor was deployed 1.5-2 meters above the bottom while at anchor. A 3-meter chain pendant be- low the meter served to dampen oscillations. The meter recorded for periods of up to 35 hours at 12 locations (fig. 1 and table I, ap- pendix A). Due to the movement of the ship at anchor and the resultant introduction of arti- ficial currents, data were analyzed by vector summation. Sequential current speeds and di- rections were vectorially added, and the vectors generated by this summation were used in re- porting the currents for the interval summed. Bottom samples were obtained with a 10- gallon Van Veen grab except when ship motion or bottom conditions necessitated the use of a Shipek grab. Additional samples were obtained with a modified Reineck box corer with box dimensions of 20 X 20 X 60 cm, and a Hydro plastic corer rigged either as a gravity or a piston corer. All sediment samples were stored at 3-5° C prior to analysis (see Bouma, 1969, p. 313, 317, 332, for discussion of these sampling devices). Textural analysis involved standard tech- niques. Sieves were used for gravels and sands and hydrometer for silt- and clay-sized ma- terials. Box cores were extruded laterally from one side of the box and sliced vertically into 1-2 cm slabs, then placed on a Plexiglas sheet and radiographed using techniques outlined by Bouma (1969). 87 Water-clarity data were gathered with a 26-cm Secchi disk and a prototype transmissom- eter-depth sensor coupled to an x-y recorder. Calibration of the transmissometer was often problematical, particularly during the later part of the cruise when temperatures were colder. Bottom photographs were taken at selected stations in black and white and color. These photographs were used to supplement water clarity and sediment data. Splits of four samples were frozen im- mediately after collection and sent to the U.S. Geological Survey's Organic Geochemistry Laboratory in Denver, for analysis of hydro- carbon content. The analyses for mercury, arsenic, copper, lead, and zinc were made on air-dried splits, using techniques outlined by Ward and others (1963), Vaughn and Mc- Carthy (1964), and Ward and others (1969). The detection limit of these techniques is 0.010 parts per million (ppm) for mercury, 10 ppm for arsenic, and 5 ppm for copper, lead, and zinc. RESULTS AND DATA Currents Near-bottom currents during September and October 1970 were dominated by northeast- southwest components of low to moderate velocities (fig. 2 and table \, appendix A). Bottom-current measurements in the northern and eastern sections of the study area, all in water depths less than 30 meters, showed a considerable range in velocity and direction. The data were not synoptic, because the ob- servations were spread over a 23-day period. Consequently, some of the variability may be due to temporal and transient changes in the current regime. Although many of the bottom photos were clouded by particulate matter, almost all re- vealed the absence of current- related features (fig. 3a). The exception was station 87, north- east of Cape Lisbume, where a current parallel to shore was indicated by northwest-trending ripple marks (fig. 3b). On the northwest-southeast transect from stations 49 through 60 a central region of strong northward flow was bordered inshore and offshore by regions with southward cur- rents. Velocities on this section, from 0.05 to 0.35 knots, were strongest to the north. An inshore southward flow and an offshore northward flow were also found by Fleming and Heggarty (1966) at 20 meters in this same general area in August 1960. The velocities they recorded (0.1-0.7 knots) were generally higher than those reported here. These dis- crepancies may be partly due to differences in current meters and in depth of measurements. They used an Ekman-type meter which was placed farther above the bottom than our meter. Currents, both at 10 meters and near the bottom trended with the wind vectors (Ingham and Rutland, this Oceanographic Report, figs. 32 and 75) at most stations; this relationship appeared strongest for the 10-meter measure- ments, and was most evident for stations 54 through 60 (figs. 1 and 2). At stations 54 and 55, weak winds were accompanied by moderate to strong northward 10-meter and bottom cur- rents (0.15-0.35 knots). Strong northeasterly winds deflected the 10-meter current to the west at stations 59 and 60. Near-bottom cur- rents were deflected to a lesser degree at sta- tion 59 and little or not at all at station 60. Tiirhidity Water-clarity data at 10 meters were virtually the same as surface values at individual sta- tions and are more reliable instrument read- ings. Therefore, the 10-meter values were used for plotting purposes and will be considered representative of the turbidity distribution in the upper 10 meters of the water column. The data are assumed to be synoptic, although some observed differences probably reflect temporal variations during the 25-day period of observa- tion. Light-transmission values at 10 meters in- dicate a northwestward increase in water clarity (fig. 4). The clearer waters were as- sociated with higher salinity values and the edge of the pack ice (see Ingham and Rutland, this Oceanographic Report, figs. 6 and 11). Water was more turbid and less saline to the south and in the shallower parts of the bight between Cape Lisburne and Icy Cape. Bottom photos in the region of higher sur- face turbidity are somewhat fogged by par- ticulate matter (fig. 3), although large objects such as ripples and starfish are discernible. Turbidity generally showed a pronounced in- 88 crease near the bottom of the water column. The thickness of this turbid layer was mapped (fig. 5). It was thickest over the deepest part of the depression between Herald Shoal and the mainland. Although turbid water was pres- ent over much of the inshore area shallower than 30 meters, the distinct layering found in deeper water was absent. Sediments Sediments ranged from muddy gravels to well-sorted sands (fig. 6). Particle-size de- terminations showed the following six types of deposits in a distribution similar to that re- ported by McManus and others (1969) : 1. Moderately to well-sorted sand, distri- buted to 90 km from Point Lay and farther off'shore at the northern end of the trough between Herald Shoal and the mainland. 2. Silt and clay (mud) along the eastern side of the offshore depression. 3. Muddy gravel on the east flank of Herald Shoal. 4. Sandy gravel north and east of Cape Lisburne. The gravel fraction consisted largely of clasts with very angular and fragile shapes and pebbles of uniform lithology, all of which indicate minimal waterborne transport and mixing. 5. Admixtures of items 1 through 4. 6. Sand and gravel on the modem beach almost devoid of fine material. Well- rounded pebbles were randomly distri- buted in all sediment types. The occurrence of offshore gravel cannot be accounted for by modern processes. The fragile shapes and angularity of individual clasts, and the uniform lithologies of the gravel samples, indicate only minimal transport from the source areas and may indicate proximity to sea-floor outcrops (McManus and others, 1969). Studies of subsurface sedimentary features and the use of radiographic techniques showed intensive bioturbation (fig. 7). Numerous worm tubes, burrows, and even individual worms were found during sectioning and ex- amination (fig. 8). Other sediment-disrupting organisms encountered included echinoids, mollusks, gastropods, and walrus. The radio- graphs also show that rounded pebbles were randomly distributed. Coastal Observations Some coastal observations which relate to the problem of sediment supply and transport along the shore were made on the barrier island near Point Lay. During October, the seaward beaches of the barrier island at Point Lay con- sisted of a series of small (0.1 to 1 meter) asymmetrical ice-gravel ridges. These appear to have formed since the onset of winter by freezing at higher stands of the sea (fig. 9). For a distance of 1 km from the northern tip of the barrier island, a series of larger (1-3 meters) more symmetrical ridges occurred at higher elevation (figs. 9 and 10). These ap- parently mark former locations of the lagoonal opening and suggest a northward migration of sediments along the barrier island. Five samples from this island consist of a mixture of sand and gravel (fig. 6). Sediment Transport Regime Current directions, orientation of ripples northeast of Cape Lisburne, and the apparent displacement of a turbid layer eastward toward Point Lay suggest a clockwise eddy in the near- bottom water: circulation similar to that de- scribed by Fleming and Heggarty (1966). There is, however, apparently little deposition from the eddy, as the sandy bottom landward of the 40-meter contour does not show any increase in silt and clay content under the dis- placed turbid layer. The turbid layer is thickest in the north- western part of the study area, where water from the Bering Strait was found at depth (Ingham and Rutland, this Oceanographic Re- port) . In studies of particle transport through the Bering Strait, 125 miles to the south, McManus and Smyth (1970) found high turbidity and relatively high concentrations of particulate matter throughout the water col- umn. These data suggest that much of the suspended matter in the area could be derived from south of the Bering Strait. When near-bottom current directions are superimposed on a profile of turbidity along a line between Cape Lisburne and Herald Shoal (fig. 11), northward vectors correlate with the most pronounced zone of turbid water along 89 the eastern side of the depression. In the west- ern part of this transect, a southerly flow of less turbid water is indicated. The current and turbidity data suggest a net northward trans- port of fine-grained sediment from the Bering Sea toward the Arctic Ocean, with minimal deposition in the eastern central Chukchi Sea. The sediment distribution pattern partly re- flects the observed currents and water tur- bidity. Mud present along the eastern flank of the depression corresponds to the zone where the bottom turbid layer is thickest (figs. 5 and 11). To the west and east, possible relict or residual sand and gravel are present. Ice raft- ing appears to be only a minor source of sedi- ment, and probably accounts for most of the rounded pebbles interspersed in the muds and sands oflfshore. Geochemistry Geochemical analyses of seven sediment samples from four locations in the Chukchi Sea (table III, appendix A) indicate a reducing sedimentary environment, except for the up- permost 1 or 2 cm. This conclusion is based on sediment color and the distribution of sulfur and organic components. The alkaline-soluble organic fraction was dominantly of the humic type and averaged about 0.5 percent of the total sediment, whereas the total organic content averaged 1.7 percent of the dry-sediment weight. The humic fraction, derived primarily from land plant detritus, indicates a terrestrial relict origin for the sediment, or a situation in which the contribution of terrestrial detritus masks the production of marine organic matter. The bitumen (petroleum-like substances) content was relatively low, averaging only 0.005 percent. Analyses revealed a constancy of elemental abundances, with no abnormally high values for either the total sediment or the alkaline-soluble humic fraction (table III, ap- pendix A). Although coal was present in the coarse fraction of several samples, it ap- parently was not a major organic constituent. Mercury values averaged less than 0.02 ppm and ranged from below the limit of de- tection (0.01 ppm) to a maximum of 0.04 ppm (table II, appendix A). These are ex- ceptionally low compared with concentrations in oceanic sediments elsewhere. In some areas. for example, average values range from 0.05 to 1.20 ppm (Fleischer, 1970). However, they are not unexpected, as there are no source areas of mercury nearby, and the organic content of the sediments is also relatively low. Copper, lead, and zinc values also were low (table 1 and table II, appendix A), compared with marine sediments elsewhere (Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961). Arsenic values, however, averaged 24 ppm (table 1 and table II, ap- pendix A) — high compared with normal values of 1-20 ppm (Wedepohl, 1969). Table 1. — Selected elemental concentrations in sediment samples collected on 65 stations. (Analysis by Kam Leong, U.S. Geological Survey.) Element Average concentration, dry-sediment (ppm) Range of concentation values (ppm) Arsensic . 24 <10-30 Copper _- 13 5-30 Lead 14 7-25 Zinc 59 25-160 Mercury _ 0.02 <0.01-0.04 CONCLUSIONS 1. The movement of fine-grained particulate matter involves transport toward the north along the eastern side of the trough bisecting the study area. Materials are transported from south of Cape Lisburno and from the coastal bight northeast of Cape Lisburne. Over shal- lower parts of the coastal zone an anticyclonic eddy and storms circulate and mix nearshore waters. 2. Beach processes were dominated by the formation of numerous ice-gravel ridges. These terrace-like ridges seem best explained by re- peated changes of sea level due to storm surge and by concurrent freezing of shore-fast ice. 3. Gravel, gravel-mud, and gravel-sand found in much of this region reflect the fact that little or no sedimentation is going on. Along the eastern parts of the central trough, the presence of silty muds suggests sedimenta- tion from the northward-flowing turbid layer. The lack of gravel in this area indicates that ice rafting is apparently not an important mode of sediment deposition. 4. Internal sediment structures caused by extensive bioturbation reveal that the sedi- ments are heavily utilized by benthic fauna. 90 5. Geochemical studies showed no evidence of mercury or petroleum pollution and sug- gested no anomalous values of other elements. The organic fraction was dominated by land- derived plant debris. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my appreciation for the efforts of my fellow scientists, Captain Roberge, and the officers and crew aboard the GLACIER, without whose efforts this study could not have been conducted. Vernon E. Swanson performed the organic geochemical analysis; Kam Leong determined the heavy metal contents in the surface sediments. REFERENCES Bouma, A. H., 1969, Methods for the study of sedimen- tary structures: John Wiley and Sons, New York, 458 p. Creager, J. S., and McManus, D. A., 1967, Geology of the floor of the Bering and Chukchi Seas — American studies, in Hopkins, D. M., Ed., The Bering Land Bridge: Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, California, p. 7-31. Dietz, R. S., Carsola, A. J., BufSngton, E. C, and Shipek, C. J., 1964, Sediment and topography of the Alaskan shelves: in Papers in Marine Geology, R. L. Miller, Ed., Macmillan Co., New York, p. 241-256. Emery, K. 0., 1961, A sample method of measuring beach profiles: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 6, p. 90-93. Fleischer, Michael, 1970, Summary of the literature on the inorganic geochemistry of mercury, in Mercury in the environment: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 713, p. 6-13. Fleming, R. H., and Heggarty, D., 1966, Oceanography of the southeastern Chukchi Sea, in Wilimovsky, N. J., and Wolf, J. N., Eds., Environment of the Cape Thompson Region, Alaska: Springfield, Virginia, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, (PNE-481), p. 697-754. Grantz, A., Wolf, S. C, Breslau, L., Johnson, T. C, and Hanna, W. F., 1970, Reconnaissance geology of the Chukchi Sea as determined by acoustic and magnetic profiling, in Adkison, W. L., and Brosge, M. M., Eds., Proceedings of the Geological Seminar on the North Slope of Alaska, p. F1-F28. McManus, D. A., Kelley, J. C, and Creager, J. S., 1969, Continental shelf sedimentation in an arctic environ- ment: Geol. Soc. America Bull, v. 80, p. 1961-1984. McManus, D. A., and Smyth, C. S., 1970, Turbid bottom water on the continental shelf of the northern Bering Sea: Jour, of Sed. Petrol., v. 40, p. 869-873. Moore, D. G., 1964, Acoustic reflection reconnaissance of continental shelves : The Bering and Chukchi Seas, in Miller, R. L.. Ed., Papers in Marine Geology: Shepard Commemorative Volume, New York, Mac- Millan, p. 319-362. Turekian, K. K., and Wedepohl, K. H., 1961, Distribu- tion of the elements in some major units of the earth's crust: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 72, p. 175-192. Vaughn, W. W., and McCarthy, J. H., Jr., 1964, An instrumental technique for the determination of sub- microgram concentrations of mercury in soils, rocks, and gas, in Geological Survey Research, 1964: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 501D, p. D123-D127. Ward, F. N., Lakin, H. W., Canney, F. C, and others, 1963, Analytical methods used in geochemical ex- ploration by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1152, 100 p. Ward, F. N., Nakagawa, H. M., Harms, T. F., and Van Sickle, G. H., 1969, Atomic-absorption methods of analysis useful in geochemical exploration: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1289, 45 p. Wedepohl, K. H., ed., 1969, Handbook of geochemistry, Vol. II/l, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, p. 83. 91 o 3 « s o 01 00 E o OJ 10 ay (ST 5f ^'^ en IS O o •V e a a n E I -o s t V in 5^ ^^ >?» s •5 ■8 B cs a, S S < ^ oc o UJ X X (O 0 b <0 s 92 93 Figure 3a. — Bottom photograph at station 63. Compass card is 4 cm in diameter. Note turbidity at this station over a mud-sand bottom. Figure 3b. — Bottom photograph at sUtion 87. Scale same as 3a. Note the ripple marks in sandy gravel substrate. 94 95 96 97 Figure 7a. — Radiograph of l-i-m thick slab of box core from station 79. Note worm tubes, rounded pebbles and shell material. The bottom of the core has higher sand and gravel content. The distance across the core is 30 cm. Figure 76. — Radiograph of 1-cm thick slab of box core from station 9. Note abundant bioturbation and occasional pebbles. The distance across the core is 30 cm. 98 Figure 8.-Bio,urba.ion in surficial sediments a. station 8. Depression above ^hl label is caused by water washing out of box core sampler. Label .s 1.5 cm wide. 99 > o o» c 9 'r^v '■■9-1*3 -If -■'"■i H X o_ oJ Mi mm SM, Mii^."'rs»-';^s''''- '■■'■'? *i:' .-^■tV .' .j-< "J ■.•-.■•; ."1 U0830 3 E C 01 t) (C ^ 0 u b 0 a. X «M X 0 0 Z en u n M ^ •a V .S a 0 OJ 0. u ^ s C3 ■■ •n ^ S a •3 e JS a ■0 >. * c a e a. u u ««-! ■o 0 01 M 0 u z 0 C .a E -0 S £1 :2 ft "o c .:< o 0 eg ca 3 100 101 Sd313V4 o o ? o I I I i I I i I i I c Tl a S ^ a> > m b O *-v II S o TS ^^ g u ^N 0. (• ;k o IM M t V V B a -a ,j* V u. E 0 0 u ja V , a. ■r c a * VI V a ■* e X i> 0 B II M ^ tc: ?-, >— ' 4) m O C C 0 es *2 2 b s b in T3 C C u Ml B 3 * n g j: 0 0 X « 0 0. ^ a ti X 9 0 « <■> V t X k e Z a 102 Appendix A — Data Table Page I. Vector sums of currents, eastern central Chukchi Sea, fall 1970 104 II. Summary of station data 105 III. Analyses of bottom sediment samples, Chukchi Sea 109 103 Table I. — Vector Sums of Currents, Eastern Central Chukchi Sea, Fall 1970 Station Date (GMT) Time meter started (GMT) Current meter depth (meters) Interval Speed kiiots (see note ■) Direction true (see note •>) 8 9/26 0430 8 9/27 0430 26 10/3 2015 29 10/5 0230 31 10/5 2215 49 10/9 2015 50 10/10 0230 54 10/10 1800 55 10/11 0100 59 10/11 1715 60 10/11 2315 73 10/15 0215 90 10/17 1945 17 24 hr- 0 min 0.08 17 10 hr- 0 min 0.05 18 7 hr-54 min 0.12 19 2 hr-26 min 0.19 18 6 hr-26 min 0.08 47 1 hr-54 min 0.23 45 2 hr-12 min 0.10 45 1 hr-48 min 0.33 38 5 hr-49 min 0.17 33 1 hr-40 min 0.16 30 4 hr-39 min 0.16 25 49 min 0.32 42 2 hr-15 min 0.05 007 165 262 028 084 242 329 005 009 315 128 243 179 Note: ' Accuracy of individual current speed readings is ±0.05 knots, but the instrument can be read to ±0.01 knots. This, in conjunction with the process of vector summation, allows speeds to be reported to the nearest 0.01 knot, although the accuracy is not increased. ti The resolution on both the vane and compass for Indi- vidual directional observations is 2.8°. 104 Is -J 0. Is n a Ills 'U V 0*-; g m^Sjj — •a I .01 -' its V o CO o o o o 1-i iH CO o o ■= o o d V o o OJ to o o d d V o \a CO CO V o d o o o d d d V V o o la CO CO o CO o tH o o o o o o la o O 1/5 ui o o o CO CO CO O U5 O o CM CO o o CO CO O o (N CO _2 2 o m o oJ w >> B s -^^ ia B -M S o o o o M M O M M P o 3 +J ■M 3 •'-^ -•J 3 -^ rt +J B o o o •^ > O ■^ > OJ p. o J2 n PQ m s p^ flH A! CO t4 O 3 P.< ^ o CO ^ O) to to § oj to oi to t~ t- o t- t- in o co 00 rH CO lO O o to CO (N 05 Ol a> 00 CO t> c- to c- to to to t> to t- c- la c- to w to o to 00 o 00 ^ to 00 Tj; to T-l 1 in 00 00 to d to in d •-< to CO t^^ in ■ o> 00 OJ Oi m in TT d d 00 d to ,-H O O r-l T* -O . . . . 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Watson > and George J. Divoky - INTRODUCTION The Smithsonian Institution was invited to make marine bird and mammal observations during a U.S. Coast Guard ecological cruise off the north slope of Alaska in early fall, 1970. The purpose of the cruise was to gather base- line data on the marine ecosy.stem in order to evaluate the effects of pollution which may occur as a consequence of development of the Alaskan north slope. The icebreaker GLA- CIER was deployed to the Beaufort Sea from 22 September to 18 October for the cruise. Ice conditions in the western Beaufort Sea proved so heavy in late September, however, that it was decided to investigate an alternate area in the eastern Chukchi Sea from Icy Cape to Cape Lisburne. This region may likewise be de- veloped for its mineral and petroleum re- sources. The change in area of study proved a happy one ornithologically since little was pre- viously known of pelagic bird distribution in the Chukchi and our fall, at-sea observations are the latest in the season for the area. This preliminary report on the pelagic birds and mammals is intended to present distributional and feeding data and to relate them to the presence of ice and the timing of migration. The preponderance of information collected dealt with birds reflecting both the authors' field of specialization and the relative abun- dance of observations. PREVIOUS STUDIES ON MARINE BIRDS AND MAMMALS The lack of shipping routes through the Chukchi Sea has limited knowledge of the dis- tribution and abundance of pelagic birds for ' Chairman and ' Research Collaborator, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. this area. There are only three published ac- counts of extensive at-sea obsei-vations. E. W. Nelson (1883) entered the Chukchi aboard the U.S. Revenue Cutter "Corwin" in late June 1881 and except for a short time in the Bering Sea, stayed until 14 September of the same year. His precise cruise course is not clear but he visited the Siberian coast as far west as North Cape including Herald and Wrangel Islands and the Alaskan coast as far east as Barrow. F. L. Jacques (1930) was in the Chukchi aboard the schooner "Morrissey" from 30 July to 25 August 1928 as part of the Stoll- McCracken Expedition. Most of the cruise track was south and east of Herald Island. His most easterly position was approximately 164° W and the most northerly, 73° N. Swartz (1967) published at-sea observations obtained by E. J. Willoughby aboard the research vessel "Brown Bear," from 6 August to 28 August 1960. Most of the cruise was south of Point Hope and in the Kotzebue Sound area; only seven legs were north of Cape Lisburne with 70° N being the most northerly position. Swartz's detailed account is the only one of the three that attempts to deal with observa- tions on a quantitative basis. In addition to these accounts Stresemann (1949) discussed the birds observed and collected on Captain Cook's last voyage. The "Resolution" and "Dis- covery" were in the Chukchi from 11 August to 3 September 1778 and from 5 July to 31 July 1779. Cook sailed up both the Siberian and Alaskan coasts until he encountered ice. An expedition from Harvard University, aboard the power schooner "Polar Bear," sailed through the Chukchi Sea from Cape Serdze, Siberia to Cape Lisburne, and thence north to Point Barrow in July, 1913. Brooks (1915) and Dixon (1943) reported extensively on land observations in Siberia and on the north slope of Alaska before and after their Chukchi cross- Ill ing, but they recorded few at-sea observations. Alverson, Wilimovsky, and Wilke (1960) made casual observations in August 1959 from Cape Lisburne to Kotzebue while engaged in fisheries research (Alverson and Wilimovsky 1966). Much of the information on seabirds in the Chukchi Sea has been obtained by land-based observers and has been summarized by Bailey (1948) and Gabrielson and Lincoln (1959). Barrow has been the center of ornithological work in arctic Alaska. Harting (1871) col- lected in the area of Barrow and in Kotzebue Sound from 1852 to 1854. Murdoch (1885) collected at Barrow from 1881 to 1883 as part of the International Polar Expedition. Mc- Ilhenny (Stone, 1900) spent 1897 and 1898 doing extensive collecting at Barrow. In 1921 and 1922, A. M. Bailey and R. W. Hendee (Bailey, 1948) collected along the entire arctic coast of Alaska with the most intensive work being done in the area of Wainwright. From 1922 to 1945 Charles Brower (Bailey, 1948) collected at Barrow and greatly increased the number of species known for that area. Pitelka and his students have amassed a number of unpublished "opportunistic" records of sea- birds for the Barrow area during studies of shorebird ecology. Their only publications on seabird species, however, are Pitelka, Tomich, and Treichel (1955a, 1955b), and Maher (1970). Ornithological records from the Bar- row-Wainwright area southwest to Point Hope are few and scattered. Tarelton Bean (1882) collected along the Siberian and Alaskan shores of the Chukchi Sea in 1880 while F. S. Hersey (1916) visited both coasts in 1914. Benjamin Sharp visited points along the Alaskan coast in the summer of 1895, as did Seale (1898) in 1896. The Cape Thompson and Kotzebue Sound areas have been more intensively studied. Grin- nell (1900) spent a year in Kotzebue Sound in 1897 and 1898 collecting birds. During the Project Chariot Program (Wilimovsky and Wolfe 1966) the birds of the Cape Thompson region were studied from 1959 to 1961 (Wil- liamson, Thompson and Hines, 1966 and Swartz, 1966). Studies of marine mammals in the Chukchi Sea area are likewise few. The whales, seals, walrus, and bears that are utilized for skins, oil, and food by the Eskimos move north with the edge of the pack ice in summer and are mainly hunted during migration in the fall and spring or from the ice in winter. Investigations, such as that of Johnson, Fiscus, Ostenson, and Barbour (1966) in the Chukchi Sea, during Project Chariot have depended largely on kills by native hunters and less on at-sea or aerial surveys. The major sources of general informa- tion on northern Alaskan marine mammals are Scammon (1874), Nelson and True (1887), Bailey and Hendee (1926), Rainer (1945), Brooks (1954), and Bee and Hall (1956). CRUISE TRACK AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The cruise track in the area of concentrated study between Icy Cape and Cape Lisburne was determined partly by ice conditions that the ship encountered. In general, the northern and western portions of the area were surveyed early in the cruise while the pack ice was less extensive; the inshore, southern portion was last to be sampled. The entire cruise track and all station coordinates can be found in the pre- face to this Oceanographic Report, while fig- ures 1 and 2 present only stations and transects where bird watches were kept. Dates, hours, and positions for transects and stations are given in table I. No observations were made at night when the ship was sailing between stations. Station numbers, shown in squares on figure 1, are the same as those used for oceanographic, geological, and marine biological sampling in other phases of the study. Transects, with ship's direction indicated by an arrow, are designated by number on the midpoint. In this paper "the study area" denotes the zone of intensive investigation between Icy Cape and Cape Lisburne (stations 8-91 and transects 9-41), in which we operated, 25 September to 17 October. Observations were also made while the .ship was anchored and in transit near Point Barrow 22-23 September (stations 1, 1' and transects 1-3), in transit south to Icy Cape 23-24 September (stations 5-7 and tran- sects 4-8), and in the Bering Strait en route to Nome 18 October (transect 42) (fig. 2). The eastern Chukchi Sea is a shallow basin with depths of 10 to 30 fathoms and no prom- inent features on its gravel, sand and silt bottom. The main currents are from the south through the Bering Strait. Details of bottom 112 contours, sediments, currents, and seawater chemistry encountered during the cruise may be found in other sections of this Oceano- graphic Report (Ingham and Rutland; and Barnes). Weather conditions were remarkably good for early fall in the area so that bird observa- tions were possible on almost all days (table I). Daytime air temperatures ranged from 3.2° C to —8.6° C during the first week to —6.6° C to —16.6° C in the last week. Tem- peratures dropped about 4° C as the ship ap- proached extensive areas of pack ice. Seas were moderately calm throughout the cruise, in part due to the proximity of pack ice. Winds were seldom greater than 25 knots. What little pre- cipitation there was, fell mostly as snow at night. Days were generally overcast, but cloud cover was high and visibility was seldom less than 7 miles. Surface water temperature ranged from 4.0° C in ice free areas early in the cruise to —1.8° C later when ice began to form in the study area. Seasonal change in hours of daylight is dra- matic north of the Arctic Circle. At the equinox, 22-24 September, we experienced 12 hours 19 minutes of daylight. This decreased 8 to 9 minutes a day so that by the end of the cruise, 16-18 October, we had only 8 hours 50 minutes of daylight, a reduction of 25 percent. Pack ice was present or nearby throughout the entire period that the ship was north of Cape Lisburne. The relatively abrupt edge of the arctic pack (shown in dotted lines in fig. 3) generally moves north and south with the prevailing wind. It closed in on the study area from the north during the course of the survey. Our observations of ice conditions, shown as oktas or eighths of total coverage on figure 3, should be compared with the cruise track (fig. 1 and table I) . Conditions near the Bering Strait were more moderate on 18 October. Air temperature varied from —0.8° C to —1.7° C, wind and waves were calm to moderate. Occasionally, the sun appeared through the high clouds and visi- bility was excellent. Sea surface temperature ranged from 1.2° C to 2.4° C. Stomach contents from specimens prepared aboard ship were preserved at once in formalin while the remainder of the stomachs were re- moved later and preserved in 70 percent alcohol and glycerine. Food items were identified by Divoky with assistance from Mr. Bruce L. Wing and Dr. Jay C. Quast (National Marine Fisheries Service). Ectoparasites were col- lected aboard ship and Mallophaga were later identified by Dr. K. C. Emerson, research as- sociate. Department of Entomology, Smith- sonian Institution, where the specimens are deposited. Midwater and benthic invertebrate faunal samples collected during the cruise were abundant in species and individuals (Wing, elsewhere in this Oceanographic Report) ; but fish, especially large individuals, were strangely rare. The area may, however, be an important "nursery" for young Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Quast, personal communication). METHODS During daylight hours we maintained a watch for birds and marine mammals from the flying bridge of the GLACIER (48 feet above waterline) whenever the ship was underway. Occasionally weather conditions forced us to retreat to the pilothouse (39 feet above water- line) or the crow's nest (74 feet above water- line). Visibility was good in all directions, except astern from the pilothouse. Species, numbers, time, and behavior and appearance notes were recorded on sealog sheets at the time of observation. Tracks, positions, and ice conditions relative to the ship were plotted later from bridge navigation data while weather conditions, sea state, and water tem- perature were recorded every 3 hours by the ship's marine science technicians. General ice condition reports were received on board ship from the U.S. Navy station at Kodiak, Alaska, based on air reconnaissance. On station we recorded the presence and abundance of birds and caught a few specimens on fishlines. When- ever weather conditions, presence of birds, and operability of small boats permitted, we went over the side to collect birds for chemical analysis, food habit studies, parasites and museum specimens. Most of the 66 specimens collected were frozen for later preparation either as whole pickles or as skeletons, but a few were prepared as spread-wing or study skins aboard ship (table II). Frozen whole specimens of birds were turned 113 over to Drs. Lucille F. Stickel and Eugene H. Dustman at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland, where tissue samples of muscles and organs were removed for pesti- cide and heavy metal analysis. The results of the analyses for chlorinated hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and heavy metals, especially mercury, will be reported elsewhere when complete. Carcasses were returned to the Smithsonian Institution for museum specimens. Marine science technicians aboard the GLA- CIER recorded bird observations sporadically and collected three specimens from 18 August to 21 September while the ship was engaged in geological sampling in the Chukchi Sea or en route to Barrow. Where their observations augment ours they have been included in the species accounts. Sightings were plotted by species on maps (figs. 4 to 40) with all mammals and birds, except gulls, seen during 20-minute intervals, or fractions thereof, being summed. Abundance is indicated by symbols keyed in powers of three (see figs. 4 and 5 for key). Gulls, which were attracted to the ship and tended to con- gregate in the wake, were counted at least once in each 20-minute interval and at stations. The highest count was entered in the log and later mapped. SPECIES ACCOUNTS The sequence of species and nomenclature in the following accounts follows the American Ornithologists' Union Check List (1957) for birds and Rice and Scheffer (1968) for mam- mals. General information on distribution, migration and food habits in Alaska is based on Bailey (1948) and Gabrielson and Lincoln (1959) for birds and Bee and Hall (1956) and King (1964) for mammals unless otherwise stated. The following terms, used to categorize feed- ing methods of seabirds in the species accounts, are based on Ashmole and A.shmole (1967). Contact dipping — The bird remains airborne and forward motion does not stop as it snatches its prey out of the water. Hovering — Forward motion ceases as the bird with wings beating picks its prey from either water or ice surface. Plunge to surface — The bird partly folds its wings and drops to the water surface but does not fully enter the water. No species were observed plunging deeply in pursuit of prey. Surface feeding — The bird swims on the surface and picks up its prey on or just below the surface. Surface diving — The bird dives while swim- ming on the surface and pursues its prey under the water. Loons (Gavia spp.) The Yellow-billed (Gavia adamsi), Arctic (G. arctica), and Red-throated Loons (G. steUata) breed on the arctic coast of Alaska, while the Common Loon (G. immer) breeds only as far north as Kotzebue Sound. All four species winter from the Aleutians and southern Alaska southward. Bailey (1948) found that most of the loon migration at Wainwright took place in early and mid-September. Of the 112 loons we observed (fig. 4), one seen between Wainwright and Barrow on 24 September was identified as G. adatnsi. The Common Loon was seen twice: one north of the usual breeding grounds 20 miles northwest of Point Lay on 4 October and another in the Bering Strait on 18 October (fig. 12). The remainder of the loons consisted of G. arctica and G. steUata. The similarity of the two species in winter plumage and the distance from which most birds were observed did not allow positive identification, but on the basis of flight characteristics we thought the majority were Arctic Loons. Loons were common in the area of Barrow and along the coast to the study area (fig. 4) . In the study area, we observed loons primarily within 40 miles of land. The majority was headed southwest. The largest number (54 in 314 hours) was seen on transects 10 and 11 extending northwest from Point Lay 27 Sep- tember. No loons were observed in the study area after 6 October. Loons feed on fish ob- tained by surface diving. Northern Fulmar (Ftdmarus glacialis) The Northern Fulmar breeds north to St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea, and birds observed in the Chukchi Sea in the summer are probably all nonbreeders. It winters from the Aleutians southward. Nelson (1883) observed it in the area of Herald and Wrangel Islands and believed it might nest there but subsequent 114 investigations have failed to show evidence of breeding. Summer observers have all recorded this species in the Chukchi. Nelson (1883) found it north to the pack ice. Jacques (1930) saw it occasionally south of 71° N and abun- dantly south of 68°30' N in late August. Both Swartz (1967) and Alverson, Wilimovsky and Wilke (1960) found it to be uncommon in the southeast Chukchi in August. Fulmars were observed in early September by marine science technicians aboard the GLACIER. Their most northerly sighting was made at 72°22' N, 167 °22' W on 6 September. The species was last observed on 17 September at 71° 27' N, 167° 15' W. We did not observe it in the Chukchi at all, but it was present in the Bering Strait throughout the day of 18 October (fig. 5). Most sightings were of less than five individ- uals; and all observations were of light phase birds. Jacques (1930) is the only observer to have seen dark phase birds in the Chukchi. They constituted roughly 1 percent of all the fulmars he observed. In the Pacific, dark phase individuals predominate in the southern por- tion of the breeding range and do not breed north of the Pribilofs. The fulmar is primarily a scavenger and obtains its food by surface feeding. Slender-billed Shearwater (Puffimis tenuirostris) The Slender-billed Shearwater breeds on islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean from September to May and migrates to the north- ern hemisphere from June to October. It is abundant in the Bering Sea in the summer and fall, and smaller numbers are found in the Chukchi Sea from July to November. Observa- tions from this area in the fall are probably of nonbreeding individuals. Nelson (1883) "sev- eral times" saw birds he believed to be this species. Jacques (1930) found it extremely abundant in the western Chukchi in late Aug- U!5t. Swartz (1967) reported it most frequent in the Point Hope and Cape Thompson area, with one of the sightings a flock of 500 to 1,000 individuals. Alverson, Wilimov.sky, and Wilke (1960) observed it in increasing numbers in the month of August and groups of 200 to 300 were seen at the end of the month. Marine science technicians aboard the GLA- CIER observed Slender-billed Shearwaters in the Chukchi in early and mid-September. Their most northerly sighting was made on 17 Sep- tember at 71°27' N, 167°35' W, and their last sighting on 20 September at 68°22' N, 167 54' W. We only saw it south of 67° N in the Bering Strait on 18 October when it was observed on 12 of the thirty 20-minute intervals (fig. 6). Nine of these observations were of less than five individuals though flocks of up to 100 birds were observed on two occasions, east of East Cape and west of Cape Prince of Wales. Our lack of sightings in the study area indicates that most Slender-billed Shearwaters had left that area by late September. It oc- casionally stays later; Brower observed thou- sands at Barrow in September and October associated with the ice (Bailey 1948). The species feeds on the surface or, less commonly, dives for euphasid crustaceans, pelagic fish, and cephalopods. Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus) The Pelagic Cormorant breeds commonly south of the Bering Strait but it is found only sparingly in the Chukchi Sea and probably does not nest north of the Cape Lisburne cliffs. When the Cape Thompson cliffs were censused in 1961 they were found to support 23 pairs (Swartz, 1966). Like other cormorants it is rare out of sight of land and has been observed only infrequently by pelagic observers. Nelson (1883) saw two birds in the area of Herald and Wrangel Islands. Jacques (1930) did not encounter it north of the Bering Strait. Swartz (1967) reported four observations, all near nesting cliffs. There are five records for Bar- row in the spring, summer and fall and a Jan- uary record for Wainwright (Bailey, 1948). We saw the species only once on 18 October when two birds were observed flying approxi- mately 15 miles south of Cape Prince of Wales (fig. 12). Cormorants feed by diving for fish. Oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis) The Oldsquaw is circumpolar north of 50° N in its breeding distribution and nests abun- dantly on both sides of the Chukchi Sea. It is rarely observed far from land during the sum- mer. It winters generally well south of the breeding range, but individuals have been ob- served at Barrow in early December. The only fall migration data for the arctic coast are those of Bailey (1948) who saw large flocks 115 off Icy Cape on 7 September and 1 October. The latest date he recorded them was 19 October. The species was observed throughout the cruise (fig-. 7). The larger flocks were all ob- served close to shore with the majority in the area of Point Lay where 2,400 were seen in a 3-hour transect on 25 September and smaller numbers on 4 October. Presumably some of the unidentified ducks seen at a distance in the study area were Oldsquaws (fig. 11). We ob- served a flock of 24 Oldsquaws off Cape Sabine on 16 October when new ice covered Vn of the water's surface. It appears that a few individ- uals remain in the Chukchi Sea until driven out by the formation of new ice. Small num- bers were observed in the northern part of the Bering Strait on 18 October (fig. 9). Molluscs and crustaceans obtained by surface diving are the primary food items. The stomach of the single immature specimen collected at Point Lay 26 September (table II) contained only grit (table V). Eiders (Somateria spp. Lampronetta fischeri) Three species of eider were observed. Positive identification was possible only of the few males observed and of females that came near the ship. The Common Eider (Somateria mol- lissima) breeds commonly along the entire arctic coast. In September individuals gather to the east of Barrow and then fly west along the shore. Most of the Alaskan breeding rec- ords for the King Eider (S. spectabilis) come from the area of Barrow. As with all eiders the males migrate south before the females and young. Large flocks of males pass Barrow from late June until early August. Females and young migrate from late August through Sep- tember. The main breeding grounds of the Spectacled Eider (Lampronetta fischeri) in northern Alaska lie to the east of Barrow. Of the approximately 1,300 eiders seen in the study area only 100 or 7.7 percent were males. Four of the males were identified as King Eiders and the remainder were either Common or Spectacled. Only a single eider was seen in the area of Barrow and only one flock of six was seen from Barrow to the study area (fig. 8). The greatest numbers were observed on 25 September when large flocks were ob- served inshore in the area of Point Lay. Smaller flocks were observed in the same area on 4 October. Eiders were seen throughout the study area and small numbers were observed far from land. Some of the "unidentified ducks" seen at a distance in the study area were eiders (fig. 11). One was observed in a lead during the deepest penetration into heavy pack ice while small flocks were also found off Cape Sabine when new ice covered % of the water's surface. Eiders were seen in the northern part of the Bering Strait on 18 Octo- ber (fig. 10). Eiders feed by surface diving for benthic molluscs and crustaceans. The stomach of one of the two immature specimens of Common Eider collected (table II) contained remnants of gastropods and plant material (table V) ; the other was empty. Common Scoter (Oidemia nigra) The Common Scoter is circumpolar north of 45° N in its breeding distribution but is un- common on the arctic coast of Alaska. We observed it on two occasions : a flock of 300 individuals on 24 September near Wainwright, and a flock of 25 west of Point Lay on 27 Sep- tember (fig. 14). Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) The Red-breasted Merganser is a rare breeder on the arctic coast of Alaska but is common south of Kotzebue Sound. It was seen only twice in the study area : one individual at Point Lay on 26 September and another on 27 September, at sea 20 miles west of Point Lay (fig. 14) . At Nome on 19 October a single bird was observed in the small boat harbor swallow- ing a fish. Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) The Red Phalarope is circumpolar north of 50° N in its breeding distribution and is found in abundance on both the Siberian and Alaskan sides of the Chukchi Sea. This peculiar shore- bird winters in pelagic environments in the southern hemisphere. Fall migration begins as early as July. Summer observers have found it common throughout the Chukchi. Both Nelson (1883) and Jacques (1930) encountered large concentrations at the edge of the ice. Swartz (1967) mentioned 59 sightings of phalaropes with no areas of large concentration. From the abundance of summer pelagic observations in 116 the Chukchi it appears that individuals disperse to the open ocean after breeding rather than immediately migrating southward along the coast. Coastal concentrations may occur at times, however, as Bailey (1948) found 100 in the shallows at Wainwright during the first week in September. Eleven sightings of phalaropes were made between Point Barrow and Icy Cape and nine other sightings in the study area. Most of the observations were of flocks of 10 or fewer individuals (fig. 13). All were identified as P. fulicarius although it is possible some were the Northern Phalarope (Lobipes lobati(s), a species less abundant at sea but frequent in Alaskan coastal waters. Our few sightings in- dicate that most individuals had left the Arctic by late September. We last observed it in the study area on 7 October but it has been re- corded at Barrow as late as 16 October (Mur- doch, 1885). Our sightings were too few to demonstrate an ice affinity that other observers have commented on, but the largest flocks were close to the pack ice in the area of Barrow and Wainwright. A single bird was also observed on 18 October in the Bering Strait (fig. 12). Phalaropes feed on crustaceans and small fish on the surface. South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) A large, all dark bird with a conspicuous white flash at the base of the primaries passed about 20 feet directly overhead while we were in one of the ship's small boats at 70° 18' N, 164^41' W, on 29 September (fig. 14). It was about the same size as nearby Glaucous Gulls, but had broader more rounded wings. Its dark greyish brown breast and uniformly dark back lead Watson (who was familiar with skuas in the North Atlantic and Antarctic) to conclude that it was a dark phase South Polar Skua from the Antarctic rather than a Northern Skua (C. skua) from the Atlantic. This is the first record of any skua in arctic Alaska al- though a specimen of South Polar Skua has been collected and another seen near the Aleu- tians (Max Thompson, personal communication and Sanger in Gibson, 1970) . Three Ross' Gulls harried the skua as it flew away. Jaegers (Stercorarius spp.) All three species of jaeger, the Pomarine ( Stercoraruis pomarinus), the Parasitic (S. parasiticus) , and the Long-tailed (S. lon- gicaudus), are circumpolar north of 55° N in their breeding distribution and are found in arctic Alaska. They winter in temperate and tropical seas, beginning southward migration as early as mid-July. The Pomarine has the most restricted breed- ing range in Alaska with most records coming from the Barrow area where Brower consid- ered it to be more coastal than the other two species (Bailey, 1948). Outside of the breeding season, jaegers obtain much of their food by robbing other birds so that their distribution at sea and during migration is somewhat de- pendent on the presence of other species. Nel- son (1883) observed the Pomarine Jaeger in scattered areas close to shore in the Chukchi. He found it more common on the Siberian side than the Alaskan side except at Barrow where it was abundant. Jacques (1930) considered it at times to be the most abundant bird in the western Chukchi. Swartz (1967) reported seven sightings all north of 67° N. We observed Pomarine Jaegers on six oc- casions, totaling 11 individuals (fig. 15). In early September observers aboard the GLA- CIER saw jaegers more frequently, and our observations are of the last of the fall migra- tion. None was observed in the study area after 29 September, but a single individual was sighted in the Bering Strait on 18 October (fig. 12). Most of our sightings were in ice areas where large concentrations of other birds were present. One case of harrassment of gulls was recorded, two Pomarine Jaegers chasing an Ivory Gull. Five of the seven Pomarine Jaegers closely observed were dark phase. We observed a single Parasitic Jaeger on 30 September (fig. 14). This is the least abundant jaeger in the Barrow area (Bailey, 1948). Both Nelson (1883) and Swartz (1967) reported this species from the Chukchi. Swartz's 12 ob- servations were all north of 67° N. No Long- tailed Jaegers were encountered. Summer observers in the Chukchi have found it uncom- mon. We saw an unidentified jaeger on land at Barrow on 22 September. Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) The Glaucous Gull is a common to abundant breeder on both sides of the Chukchi Sea and at Herald and Wrangel Islands. Its scavenging 117 and predatory habits cause breeding individ- uals to concentrate at seabird cliffs; 150 pairs bred at Cape Thompson in 1961 (Swartz, 1966). During the breeding season it remains near land and is not conjmonly seen far out at sea. Nelson (1883) mentions no pelagic ob- servations; Jacques (1930) found it present but uncommon north to Herald Island. Most observations reported by Swartz (1967) were within 25 miles of land. There are little fall migration data for the arctic coast. Birds which breed inland move to the coast where both adults and young stay until driven south by ice and lack of food. Bailey (1948) observed hundreds passing Wainwright on 16 Septem- ber. The latest date he recorded the species was 19 October. Glaucous Gulls were observed throughout the cruise (fig. 16). They were abundant at Barrow on 23 September when a flock of 40 individuals followed the ship while it was just south of the pack ice. From Barrow to the study area only small infrequent flocks were seen. They were present throughout the study area but were most common in the northeast portion and at other stations close to the shore. They were present throughout the day in the Bering Strait (fig. 21). The species displayed no obvious afl^inity for ice areas. Approximately 25 percent of all birds seen were immatures (fig. 17). Glaucous Gulls tended to flock less than other gulls and single individuals were frequently seen on transects. On the other hand, large numbers gathered about the ship on stations to accept scraps thrown over the side (table III). Most of its food is probably live fish and crustaceans but we also saw it feeding on Wal- rus dung. Hovering, contact dipping and sur- face feeding were all observed for this species (fig. 17). Examination of stomach contents indicates that fish may be the major food dur- ing this time of year (table V). One individual had eaten ascidians including a pyrid, Halo- cynthia sp. or Bottenia sp. and one each of the styelids Polenaia corrugata and Cnemidocarpa sp. (the latter identifications are tentative). Three of the seven specimens collected were adults (table II). Slaty-backed Gull (Larics schistisagus) On 25 September approximately 20 miles northwest of Point Lay, a large dark-backed gull was observed that was most probably a Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schist isagtis) (fig. 14). This is a species of the Siberian Pacific coast and is rarely found in Alaskan waters. A speci- men collected by Bailey at Icy Cape on 16 September 1921 was thought to be this species, but according to Bailey (1947) further investi- gation proved it to be the Siberian Lesser Black-backed (Lams fusc-us). A straggler has also been reported for Herald Island (Nelson, 1883). Herring Gull, (Lanis argevtatus) The Herring Gull is found throughout most of the northern hemisphere including the east Canadian Arctic and Siberia but does not breed on the arctic coast of Alaska. In the fall, and probably in the spring, it is a regular but un- common migrant in northern Alaska. The majority of Alaskan migrants are "Thayer's Gull," L. a. thayeri which breeds in arctic Canada and winters along the Pacific coast of North America. We observed this species five times in the study area (fig. 18). Three of the six individuals seen were immatures. Two other sightings were made in the Bering Strait; a single individual at 66'22' N, and a flock of five at 66°05' N. This species is an unspecialized feeder similar to L. hyperboreus. The stomach of the second-year bird collected (table II) contained remnants of Arctic Cod (table V) . Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) The Ivory Gull, a high arctic species re- ported as far north as 86° N (Dementiev and Gladkov 1961), breeds north of 70° N. The known breeding grounds closest to the study area are at Herald Island and in the Canadian Archipelago. Outside the breeding season, it frequents the pack ice, and the southern extent of its wintering range is largely determined by the southern margin of the pack ice. Ivory Gulls move through the Chukchi Sea with the ice in the spring and fall. Small numbers are probably present in the open leads throughout the winter. The pelagic habits of this species have caused land observers to underestimate its abundance in the Chukchi (see, for instance, Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959). It was reported common in the "frozen" Chukchi Sea on Cook's last voyage from August to September 1778 and in July 1779 (Stresemann, 1949). It is not 118 clear how fai* north Cook sailed, but no other summer observers have encountered Ivory Gulls at sea although all have come in contact with the pack ice. Both Nelson (1883) and Jacques (1930) observed breeding birds at Herald Island. We observed few Ivorj' Gulls in the Barrow area although they wei-e common near Wain- wright (fig. 19). In the study area this species was largely associated with the ice (table IV, fig. 20) . Large flocks assembled at stations with smaller groups being observed on transects (table III). The marine science technicians saw a pair of what they tentatively identified as this species at 71°25'N, 167° 13' W on 17 Sep- tember when ice surrounded the ship. None was observed south of the .study area. Immatures constituted roughly one quarter of all individ- uals observed. Outside the breeding season, the Ivory Gull is thought to be primarily a scavenger feeding to a great extent on the kills of Polar Bears. The only scavenging we saw, other than some feeding on the ship's garbage, were small flocks observed over whales on two occasions and a single individual feeding on Walrus dung on the ice. The primary methods of obtaining food we observed were hovering and contact dipping near ice cakes. Fish appear to be the primary food obtained in this way since Arctic Cod constituted the bulk of the food items found in stomachs (table V). One individual had eaten a pyrid ascidian, either Halocyntbia sp. or Bottenia sp. Six of the 14 specimens collected were immatures (table II). Mallophaga from this species v/ere identified as Saemundssonia lari (0. Fabricius 1780). Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa fridactyla) The Black-legged Kittiwake breeds through- out the Chukchi Sea wherever suitable nesting cliffs exist, almost as far north as Barrow. It was the third most abundant species at the Cape Thompson cliffs in 1960 with 13,000 breeding pairs (Swartz, 1966). This most pelagic of all gulls feeds far out to sea in all seasons. Summer observers have found it com- mon in the Chukchi. Nelson (1883) saw it in all parts of the arctic with large numbers present at Herald Island and smaller numbers at Wrangel Island. Jacques (1930) found it sometimes abundant throughout the Arctic. Swartz (1967) reported it most common near the breeding cliffs in the Point Hope-Cape Thompson area. The species probably winters at sea from the Aleutians southward but there is no evidence of mass migration. Kittiwakes were present in small numbers in the area of Barrow and along the coast to the study area. In the study area it was the least common of the major species of gulls we ob- served (fig. 23) and tended to flock less than the others (table III). It showed affinity for areas of open water (table IV) and in the Bering Strait it was seen throughout the day 18 Octo- ber (fig. 22). Approximately three quarters of all individuals observed throughout the cruise were immatures. Plunging to the surface was the most com- mon mode of feeding observed for this species. On the few occasions when it was observed in ice areas, individuals wei'e seen feeding while hovering near ice cakes. The stomachs of the four specimens collected (table II) contained remnants of Arctic Cod (table V) . Mallophaga from this species were identified as Saemunds- sonia lari (0. Fabricius 1780). Ross' Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) The breeding grounds of Ross' Gull are re- stricted to the Kolyma and Indigirka River deltas (62°27' to 70°30'N, 142° to 162° E) in northern Siberia. There are scattered records of pairs of birds elsewhere in the arctic during the spring and summer but only one definite breeding record outside of northern Siberia: a nest found on Disko Bay in western Greenland (Dalgleish, 1886). Two pairs were taken by Brower near the Seahorse Islands southwest of Barrow on 16 June 193.5. All four were in breeding plumage though none had bare brood patches. There are also records of single birds taken in the summer on the arctic coast (Bailey, 1948). Jacques (1930) is the only summer observer to encounter this species in the Chukchi. He saw a total of eight birds in mid and late August; all were north of 70° N near Herald and Wrangel Islands. In the fall, Ross' Gulls migrate east through the Chukchi Sea but there are few records for the Bering Sea. They are commonly observed at Barrow in September and October, and on the basis of these observations the wintering grounds are thought to lie to the east of Barrow. They 119 probably are pelagic in the high arctic when not breeding and have been found at extremely high latitudes. The "Fram" expedition en- countered them between 84°27' and 84°41' N in July and August (Collett and Nansen, 1900). The species was present in the area of Bar- row and along the coast to the study area, but large flocks were observed only in the study area (fig. 24). It was most common in the northeast portion of the study area where the ice coverage was greatest. This was the most social of the gulls we observed and only 10 percent of the seventy 20-minute interval counts were of single individuals (table III). Flocks of approximately 120 birds were ob- served on two occasions southwest of Icy Cape and at one of the most westerly stations north- west of Cape Lisburne (fig. 25). Approximately one-half of all birds seen were immatures (fig. 26). Ross' Gull was absent from the Bering Strait on 18 October. Some or all of the birds recorded by the marine science technicians on the GLACIER as Bonaparte's Gulls, Larus philadelvhia, or Arctic Terns, Sterna paradisaea, that were "following the ship" were most probably Ross' Gulls. Bonaparte's Gull breeds north to Kotze- bue Sound but has not been reported farther north. The Arctic Tern breeds along the arctic coast, but most leave Alaska on migration toward southern hemisphere winter grounds by early September. Sightings of this nature oc- curred on 8, 17, 18, 19, and 20 September be- tween 68°35' and 71°13'N, 164°13' and 167°43'W. We observed three different methods of feed- ing by this species. Like other gulls, individuals fed by hovering in the area of ice cakes while in more open water they plunged to the surface. Flocks sitting in leads in the ice were feeding on the surface. One instance of an individual hovering while feeding on Walrus dung was observed. Arctic Cod and crustaceans appear to be of about equal importance as food items (table V). Three stomachs were examined in detail. The amphipod Aphenisa glacialis was the commonest crustacean found in the stom- achs examined, with as many as 80 in one in- dividual. Also present but in lesser numbers were the large amphipods Atylus bruggeni, Anonyx nugax and Gammarus locusta. One stomach contained portions of the exoskelton of a beetle. Insects are the chief food during the breeding season (Buturlin, 1906). Mal- lophaga collected included both Saemundssonia lari (0. Fabricius 1780) and Quadraceps eugrammicus hryki (Timmermann 1952). Sabine's Gull (Xema sabinl) Sabine's Gull is circumpolar between 65° N and 80° N in its breeding distribution and breeds locally on the arctic coast of Alaska. In summer, when there are few at-sea records, it obtains most of its insect food by contact dip- ping in tundra ponds while, after breeding, it feeds on invertebrates cast up on the shore and fish that it captures by contact dipping. Nelson (1883) did not observe it in the Chukchi. Jacques (1930) saw adults on 6 days during August and juveniles on 23 and 25 August south of Wrangel Island. Swartz (1967) re- ported six scattered observations in the eastern Chukchi. The species winters in the southern hem- isphere, but there are surprisingly few records of migrating birds for Alaska, although large numbers of migrants are seen in fall off the Oregon coast. This lead Gabrielson and Lincoln (1959) to suggest that it stayed well offshore while moving. Birds have been observed as late as mid-September at Wainwright and 22 October at Barrow, but the bulk of migration probably takes place earlier. We observed Sabine's Gull only in the area of Barrow and Wainwright on September 23 and 24 (fig. 27). Eight flocks were observed near ice cakes with the large.st flock containing 10 individuals. Our few observations suggest that most individuals had already migrated south and the lack of subsequent observations indicates that migration, in this area at least, takes place close inshore, contrary to Gabriel- son and Lincoln's conclusion. Murres (C/naspp.) Two species of murres are found breeding in the Chukchi Sea. The Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia) is more northern in its distribu- tion than the Common Murre (U. aalge). Both species breed in the Bering Strait and at Cape Thompson, while U. lomvia also nests at Herald and Wrangel Islands, in small numbers near Barrow and probably somewhere east of Bar- row. Murres are the most abundant birds at 120 Cape Thompson. In 1960, 118,000 pairs of Thick-billed and 78,500 pairs of Common Murres were breeding on the cliffs. Summer observers have found them primarily in the waters around breeding cliffs. Swartz (1967) reported that during the breeding season U. lomvia constituted 90 percent of all murres seen further than 5 miles from shore. Since 60 percent of the murres breeding on the cliffs are U. lomvia, he believed that U. aalge fed closer to shore at least during the breeding season. He reported few murres feeding more than 40 miles from the cliffs. The Thick-billed Murre winters in open water at the edge of the pack ice and moves north and south with the ice margin. There is thus no well-defined migration, and birds have been recorded as far north as Barrow in December. We made scattered sightings of single birds in the eastern section of the study area, but only on the most westerly transects were mur- res observed in numbers (fig. 29). They could not be identified to species, however, and the similarity of murres and the Horned Puffin at a distance caused us to list some birds as large black and white alcids (fig. 30). Murres were seen throughout the day on 18 October in the Bering Strait (fig. 28). Murres feed by diving for fish and crustaceans. The stomach of the one Common Murre collected (table II) con- tained remains of Arctic Cod and a single larval hermit crab (Pagtiriis spp.) (table V) . Guillemots (Cepphus spp.) Both Black (Cepphus grijlle.) and Pigeon Guillemots (C. columba) breed in the Chukchi Sea. The Black Guillemot is also found in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, but the Pigeon is restricted to the Pacific sector. The Chukchi is the only area where the two species are sympatric, with both breeding on Herald and Wrangel Islands and at Cape Thompson. The Pigeon Guillemot also nests in the Bering Strait area while the Black Guillemot is suspected to nest near the Seahorse Islands (Bailey, 1948). Black Guillemots have recently taken advantage of artificial "burrows" pro- vided by discarded oil drums and have nested at the tip of Point Barrow (MacLean and Verbeek 1968). Swartz (1966) found fewer than eight pairs of either species breeding at Cape Thompson but guillemots rarely breed anywhere in dense concentrations. They are found primarily in the littoral zone during the breeding season and are generally found in pelagic situations only at the edge of the pack ice in the nonbreeding season. Some Black guillemots probably remain in the Chukchi all winter, for specimens have been taken in almost every month in arctic Alaska and they are present whenever there is open water at the ice edge. Bailey (1948) sug- gests they may even live in pressure ridges under the ice. Summer observers in the Chukchi give con- flicting reports on the status of these two sibling species that are not easy to separate even in the breeding season. Nelson (1883) observed both species and considered the Pigeon Guillemot to be the more common of the two. He found it to be the most abundant bird at Herald Island where, however, he also observed numerous Black Guillemots. Jacques (1930) did not observe the Pigeon Guillemot north of the Diomedes but found the Black Guillemot common north of 69° N. He found it to be especially abundant at Herald Island and at the edge of the ice. In the eastern Chukchi, Swartz (1967) reported only the Pigeon Guillemot. One of two sightings was off Cape Li.sburne and the other at the edge of the pack ice at 70^50' N, leS-^SO'W. All guillemots we observed were in winter dress and were identified as C. grylle (figs. 26 and 32). The only possible sighting of C. cohnnba was an immature individual west of Cape Lisburne. Although it was not common at Barrow, a flock of 30 individuals was ob- served in that area. Lesser numbers were seen on transects 4-8 from Barrow to the study area. In the study area, the great majority of observations were on the most northerly tran- sects near the edge of the pack ice with the largest concentrations in the eastern portion of the study area. None was seen in the Bering Strait. Fish are the primary food of guillemots, but crustaceans sometimes also constitute a large portion of the diet. The stomachs of the three Black Guillemot specimens collected (one adult, two immature; table II) all contained remnants of Arctic Cod (table V). One also contained four crustaceans: two Gammaracanthus lor- 121 icatus, Gammarus locusta and Weyprechtia pingiiis. Kittlitz's Murrelet (Brachyramphus brevir'ostre) Kittlitz's Murrelet breeds in scattered coastal locations in Alaska from Leconte Bay possibly north to Point Barrow and on the Chuckost Peninsula in Siberia but is rare north of the Bering Strait. Breeding of this inconspicuous species probably has been overlooked by in- vestigators. Brower took many specimens at Barrovif from August to October but, although Bailey (1948) believed suitable nesting sites existed between the Seahorse Islands and Bar- row, there is still no proof of nesting. The only previous pelagic observations are those re- ported by Swartz (1967) : three sightings, totalling four birds, north of Cape Lisburne. Little is known of the migration of the species. There are no winter records, and the latest specific fall record for Barrow, is one collected by Brower 4 October 1927 (Field Museum specimen). We recorded 15 sightings of Kittlitz's Mur- relet between 24 September and 8 October, eight of them between Barrow and Icy Cape (fig. 33). The remainder was in the northern part of the study area. It was never abundant, with 12 of the sightings being of three or less individuals. Small numbers were also seen in the southern part of the Bering Strait on 18 October (fig. 34). These observations probably are now the latest on record for Kittlitz's Mur- relet in Alaska. Little is known about the food habits of this species though invertebrates probably constitute most, if not all, of its food. Parakeet Auklet (Cydorrhynchus psittacula) The Parakeet Auklet breeds near the Bering Strait and the Aleutian Islands. Small nesting colonies occur on the Siberian coast in the western Chukchi Sea (Koslova, 1961) but none on the Alaska Chukchi coast. Jacques (1930) saw several flocks of small auklets at 69°40' N, 170°00'W on 14 August which may have in- cluded this species. Grinnell (1900) found it common in Kotzebue Sound on 1 June but Swartz (1967) reported only one sighting of several individuals there in August. There are only three records for Barrow: 12 September 1896 (Seale, 1898), 3 October 1932, and 27 July 1942 (Bailey, 1948). The species winters in variable numbers oflF the Pacific coasts of Canada and the United States, but little is known of its migration. We observed three individuals in the study area at 69°47'N, 167°50'W on 9 October (fig. 14). A single bird was seen in the Bering Strait on 18 October (fig. 12) . The Parakeet Auklet feeds by diving for planktonic amphipods, arrow worms, fish larvae, polychaetes, and cephalopods (Bedard, 1969). Crested Auklet (Aethia cristatella) The Crested Auklet has the same breeding range as the Parakeet Auklet ; it is one of the most abundant species breeding on the Diomedes but is not known to breed in Alaska north of the Bering Strait. Bailey (1948) listed a number of summer records for Barrow and believed a few individuals might nest on arctic coastal boulder fields. Nelson (1883) observed a small number at Herald and Wrangel Islands. Jacques' (1930) only possible sighting was of unspecified auklets at 69°40'N, 170°00'W 14 August. Swartz (1967) had two sightings 18 miles west of Cape Thompson. The Crested Auklet winters in ice-free waters from the Bering Strait southward, especially near the Pribilofs, Aleutians, and Kodiak. Seven of our 12 sightings were northeast of the study area between Barrow and Icy Cape (fig. 36). The largest concentration was a group of more than 100 individuals swimming among ice cakes suggesting a considerable northward movement after breeding. This is the only alcid in which a large flock (30 indi- viduals) was observed sitting on the ice. None was observed after 27 September. No specimens were collected. Studies during the breeding season have found herbivorous zooplankton (Calanus and Thysanoessa) to be the primary food (Bedard, 1969). Horned Pufl'in (Fratercula corniculata) The Horned Puffin is a north Pacific species found breeding in the Chukchi Sea from the Bering Strait north to Cape Lisburne. Nelson (1883) and Jacques (1930) reported it from Herald Island but there are no definite breed- ing records. Swartz (1966) found 950 pairs breeding at the Cape Thompson cliifs in 1960. Summer observers have reported Horned 122 Puffins primarily from Point Hope and Kotze- bue Sound. Swartz (1967) thought they prob- ably utilized the same feeding areas as murres. They winter in ice-free waters in and somewhat south of the breeding grounds. We identified Horned Puffins only on the most westerly transects in the study area (fig. 31). They appeared to outnumber murres though the difficulty in separating murres and Horned Puffins at a distance did not allow accurate estimation of relative numbers (see also fig. 30). One was seen in the Bering Strait (fig. 12). Small fish constitute the bulk of the diet of this diving species although it probably also takes some crustaceans. Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca) While passing through the Bering Strait within sight of both Alaska and Siberian coasts on 18 October we observed Snowy Owls nine times in about four hours (fig. 35) . Though only one bird was observed at a given time, dif- ferences in plumage and direction of flight indicated that at least four individuals were involved. Glaucous Gulls and Kittiwakes drove the owls away from the ship; otherwise, they might have landed in the rigging. Snovi^ Owls are resident in arctic Alaska but in years of lemming scarcity they may irrupt southwards. Raven (Corvns corax) On 17 October, 10 miles west of Cape Lis- burne, a Raven flew over the ship (fig. 14). This species is a year-round resident through- out arctic Alaska. Yellow Wagtail (MotacUla ftava) A Yellow Wagtail in winter dress landed on the deck of the ship in the Bering Strait 20 miles east of East Cape on 18 October and remained aboard for about 5 minutes (fig. 14). The Yellow Wagtail is an Old World species that has become established in western and northern Alaska. Individuals migrate across the Bering Strait in the spring and fall and four previous pelagic observations have been reported for this region. On Cook's last voyage one was reported in the Bering Strait at 66°00' N on 3 September 1778 (Stresemann, 1949). Swartz (1967) reported three observa- tions for the Chukchi Sea: one off Point Lay on 7 August and two southwest of Point Hope on 10 and 13 August. Our sighting is an ex- tremely late date for this area; most individ- uals leave Alaska in late August and early September. Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) The Savannah Sparrow commonly breeds inland on the tundra and less frequently on the arctic coast of Alaska. An individual of this species was collected by marine science tech- nicians aboard the GLACIER at 72°59'N, 167=36' W, 110 miles from the nearest land on 6 September. On 24 September a bird, pre- sumed to be this species, circled the ship 10 miles northwest of Wainwright (fig. 14). Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) A flock of 15 Snow Buntings was feeding on Beach Ryegrass (Elymus mollis) on the snow- covered frozen beach at Point Lay on 26 Sep- tember. Six specimens, one an immature, were collected (table II). This species was not ob- .served on the second visit to Point Lay on 5 October when more snow covered the ground. Most Snow Buntings leave arctic Alaska on migration by mid-September. Polar Bear (Thalarctos ursinus) Polar Bears live largely on heavy pack ice and in nearby water and are therefore absent from the southern Chukchi during the ice-free summer months when they move north with the drifting pack. They are most common dur- ing winter when they are hunted by eskimos and sportsmen. The populations are apparently declining because of increased trophy hunting from airplanes. Gravid females retire inland during winter where they whelp and, in late March, they and their cubs join the solitary males and barren females on the ice. We observed Polar Bears on four occasions either on the pack ice or swimming near it. Two single individuals were seen near Point Barrow 25 September. Three bears, presumably a mother and two nearly full grown immatures were at 71°08'N, 158°55'W the following day (fig. 37), and while on our deepest penetration into the pack ice we saw another single bear at 70°34'N, 163°16'W on 1 October. Polar Bears feed on Seals, young Walruses, fish, and carrion that they find on the ice or in nearby waters. 123 Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) The shallow waters of the Chukchi Sea are the main summer ground of the Walrus in the Pacific sector. Most females and young stay in the western Chukchi while the majority of in- dividuals in the area of Barrow are males. The species is unusual east of Barrow. Walrus move north in the spring and early summer on ice floes reaching Point Barrow in mid-July and start their southward migration toward the Bering Sea in mid-September (Brooks, 1954). We observed Walrus primarily in the north- east portion of the study area (fig. 38). All large groups were seen in ice areas and most were hauled out on ice floes (fig. 39). The largest single sighting was of a loose concen- tration of approximately 525 individuals seen 25 miles northwest of Point Lay. We observed females with small young on six occasions throughout the cruise. Walrus feed by foraging in water up to 40 fathoms deep for benthic organisms, par- ticularly bivalve molluscs, other invertebrates and occasionally Arctic Cod. At Barrow the mollusc Mya truncata is their primary food (Brooks, 1954). They stir up bottom sediments with their tusks, sort out food with their lips and whiskers and presumably suck out the contents rejecting the shells. Seals (Phocidae) Seals were seen throughout the cruise though few were observed well enough to be reliably identified to species (fig. 40). The Harbor (Phoca vitulina), Ringed (Pusa hispida), Ribbon (Histriophoca fasciata) and Bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus) are found in the Chukchi all year with the Ringed Seal being the most common and the Ribbon only a rare vagrant. The three common Chukchi species appear to be ecologically distinct. The Harbor Seal is an inshore species frequenting estuaries and sand bars. It avoids heavy ice and feeds largely on fish, the species varying seasonally. Presum- ably seals seen in the open waters of the la- goons and near the barrier beach at Point Lay on 26 September and 5 October were this species. The Ringed Seal frequents open water leads in areas of fa.st ice but avoids the open sea and floating ice. It feeds on small pelagic crustaceans and to a lesser extent on fish in- cluding Arctic Cod. The many seals observed swimming near ice oflfshore were identified as this species. The Bearded Seal inhabits shallow waters near coasts and unlike the other two species, displays little gregariousness. Individ- uals rest on beaches and ice floes and although they do not migrate, they tend to move north and south with the drifting ice. Their food consists of benthic organisms-crustaceans, holothurians, clams, snails, whelks, octopus, and bottom fish. The majority of the numerous individuals that were hauled out on the ice on transects late in the cruise was identified as Bearded Seals on the basis of muzzle shape. No Ribbon Seals were seen on the cruise. Whales (Cetacea) We observed whales on only three occasions during the cruise. At 71°08'N, 158°55' W on 24 September and at 70°34'N, 163°16'W on 1 October we tentatively identified single indi- viduals as Bowhead Whales (Balaena mys- ticetus). Both were near pack ice. A group of five to eight Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) was observed in a lead in the ice at 70°05' N, 168 "53' W on 8 October pursuing a female Walrus with a young one on her back. The Bowhead Whale is associated with ice and is present in the Chukchi Sea during the winter, but tends to move even further north in the summer. It is hunted by the eskimos but is protected from commercial exploitation. During the summer this baleen species, which feeds on .small planktonic organisms, is re- placed by the Grey Whale, Eschrichtitis gib- bostis in the Chukchi. This latter species presumably already had migrated south in late September for we saw none during the cruise. A few Killer Whales presumably stay in the Chukchi all year wherever there is open water. They travel in groups and feed on seals, young Walruses and even porpoises and other whales. MIGRATION AND POST-BREEDING DISPERSAL MOVEMENTS We saw no shearwaters or fulmars, except in the Bering Strait, no pond ducks nor geese, no shorebirds save phalaropes, no Arctic Terns, and no Grey Whale.s — all species that have been commonly recorded in the Chukchi Sea by other observers earlier in the season. The only Sabine's Gulls that we saw there were in the 124 Barrow area early in the cruise. Jaegers and phalaropes were infrequent and generally seen oiily during the first 2 weeks of the cruise in the study area. Fewer Kittiwakes were seen than had been found by other observers. On the other hand, among the birds we saw most commonly was Ross' Gull, an arctic species that does not breed in the Chukchi Sea at all, and the Ivory Gull that breeds only on Herald Island in the western Chukchi. Many of the loons, Oldsquaw and eider ducks. Glaucous Gulls, and alcids wei'e well offshore in relative abundance, farther from land than one would expect from other published accounts. All of these distribution anomalies were the result of various sorts of seasonal movements. Southward fall migration had already taken place or was well advanced in the less tolerant species that feed or breed in the arctic but move to temperate latitudes with the onset of cold weather in the fall. These included the Slender- billed Shearwater, Northern Fulmar, most ducks, geese, phalaropes, jaegers, Sabine's Gull, Arctic Tern, and Grey Whale. East-west dispersal or migration accounted for the pres- ence of Ivory and Ross' Gulls in the Chukchi where they may winter among the open leads in the pack ice. Post-season dispersal of birds that were released from dependence on land for rearing young probably accounts for the pelagic records of a number of species that we recorded, but which were not regularly re- corded far from land during the breeding sum- mer season. These include the Oldsquaw and eiders. Glaucous Gull, murres, guillemots and Horned Puffin. The Parakeet and Crested Auklets were present considerably north of their breeding grounds, the latter species in relative abundance. This post-breeding disper- sal spreads predation pressure on prey species over a much greater range, at a time when food may start to become scarce, than during the breeding season, at the height of plankton and fish abundance. ICE AFFINITIES Ice was a major factor affecting the distribu- tion and abundance of some species in the study area. Guillemots, for instance, were found al- most exclusively at the edge of the pack ice (figs. 26 and 32). Some of the gulls, likewise, were more abundant near the ice than in open water. In order to assess the significance of the affect of ice on the distribution of gulls, watches were divided into two categories ; those with ice and those in open water in which no ice was visible from the ship. The categories were tested statistically by X - (chi square) (table IV). Watches in heavy fog or those in new or grease ice were presumed atypical and were not included in the totals. On transects Ivory and Ross' Gulls showed a decided preference for ice areas while the Glaucous Gull showed no significant preference, and the Kittiwake was found primarily in open water. At stations Glaucous, Ivory and Ross' Gulls showed no significant preference, and Kittiwakes avoided ice. The partly contradic- tory results may be the resemblance of a white icebreaker to ice or the natural attraction of gulls to a standing ship. Observations from a moving ship, therefore, probably provide a better indication of a species' ice affinities than those from a standing ship. The presence of Ivory and Ross' Gulls in ice areas is not surprising in that both species spend much of the year in the pack ice and are adapted to feeding on organisms found at the surface in ice areas. Furthermore, ice may provide secure roosting and resting sites for these two species (fig. 24). The Ivory Gull was only rarely seen swimming, but it frequently perched on ice cakes (fig. 20). That ice had little affect on the distribution of Glaucous Gulls probably is due to its association with land and its relatively unspecialized feeding habits. The preference of Kittiwakes for open water could not be due to the presence of food, since the Arctic Cod, Boreogadus saida, the only food item found in their stomachs, occurs closer to the surface in ice areas. The Kittiwake was the only gull whose flying ability was not visibly hindered by high winds that we en- countered on many of the open water watches, and there is no evidence that this pelagic species needs land or ice for roosting outside the breeding season. FOOD HABITS Although a number of species of diverse families of marine birds occurs in the Chukchi Sea in fall, the primary foods of all but the ducks are pelagic crustaceans and small fish, 125 mainly Arctic Cod. Boreogadus saida (table V). The methods used by various predator species to capture their prey, and the depths at which they feed, differ (table VI), so that they may not be in competition for the same food resource. It is not known, however, whether predation by higher vertebrates constitutes a significant factor that might limit populations of invertebrates and fish in the Chukchi (Quast in preparation). ABUNDANCE We have not yet attempted to convert our line transect counts of the birds and mammals we observed into estimates of total population. Such estimates from line transect data of at- sea observations are frought with hazards (Yapp 1955, Bailey 1966). The major prob- lems are the near impossibility of estimating distance from a moving ship and the diflferen- tial visibility of various species. For instance, a Walrus or seal on a cake of ice is visible at a greater distance than one in the water. A single adult Ross' Gull flying is far more difl^- cult to see than a Glaucous Gull or a flying loon. Small auklets may be virtually invisible when swimming in rough water, but are conspicuous during flat calms. This makes both our counts of birds seen, and any estimates of birds per unit area based on them, somewhat suspect. Secondly, in order to convert line transect data to absolute density, one needs to assume that birds are distributed at random. This is pre- sumably so for species that pay little attention to ships, such as alcids or loons, but is not so for birds that are attracted to ships or follow in the wake, such as gulls. We used only the largest count of gulls on each station or each 20-minute transect interval for just this rea- son. The same is true if the environment is not uniform as in the study area where some species were more common near shore than far out at sea, while others congregated near ice. Migrating flocks passing through an area, like- wise, do not constitute random distribution. Some of the large flocks of Oldsquaw and eiders that we saw were probably migrating and were a part of the local population one hour and gone the next. Good statistical methods have not yet been devised to account for all of these variables. On the other hand, it should be possible to compare line transect counts made under similar environmental conditions at different times in the same area in order to obtain esti- mates of relative abundance in different sea- sons (.see also Bailey 1966, appendix). One can, therefore, compare abundance between species such as the Kittiwake and Ross' Gull, or be- tween areas. Such analyses are being pursued by DivokJ^ At any rate, it is apparent that considerable numbers of birds and mammals of some species are present in the Chukchi Sea at this time of the year. A significant fraction of the world population of Ross' Gull probably migrates through or winters in the Chukchi. We saw numerous large pods of Walrus. In one re- stricted area we are sure that over 500 were present (October 4) because we saw almost all of them at the same time. Estimates of the combined total population of Pacific Walrus, both Siberian and Alaskan (0. r. divergens) range between 30,000 and 70,000 (King 1964, Johnson et al, 1966). Our observation that day, therefore, may have included between 1/60 and 1/140 of all the individuals of the subspecies in the world. The resident populations of birds and mam- mals in the Chukchi may be neither large nor concentrated, except in inshore waters or near the cliffs at Cape Lisburne during breeding. On the other hand, the Chukchi serves as an important migratory pathway for the marine species and many ducks, geese, and shorebirds that breed east of Point Barrow and migrate to the Bering Sea or Pacific Ocean. In addition, it serves as a temporary post-nuptial feeding ground for some species that breed further south. Even during September and October we found that considerable numbers of some species of marine birds and mammals were using the area and we conclude that large scale pollution in the area, in any season, could have an important effect on the higher vertebrates. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the Oceanographic Unit of the U.S. Coast Guard and its director Dr. Merton C. Ingham, for extending the invitation for our participation in WEBSEC-70. We are indebted to Capt. Theodore L. Roberge, the 126 officers, and crew of the GLACIER for facili- tating our work aboard ship. In particular we thank Ensign James R. Reach, Chief Marine Science Technician Lynn Dawson, Chief Boat- swain's Mate B. L. Johnson, Engineman 2nd Class A. W. Ipock, and the ship's other Marine Science Technicians and small boat crews. Our participation was made possible by special funding from the Smithsonian Oceanography and Limnology Program. During the first 2 weeks of the cruise we were assisted in mak- ing observations by J. Larry Haddock of the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Anchorage. Divoky also presented data col- lected during this study in a master's degree thesis presented to Michigan State University, 1972. REFERENCES Alverson, D. L. and N. J. Wilimovsky (1966). Fishery investigations of the southeastern Chukchi Sea. Pp. 843-860 in N. J. Wilimovsky and J. N. Wolfe (eds.) Environment of the Cape Thompson region, Alaska. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Oak Ridge. Alverson, D. L., N. J., Wilimovsky and F. Wilke (1960). A preliminary report on marine investiga- tions of the Chukchi Sea-August 1959. (unpublished manuscript). American Ornithologists Union (1957). Checklist of North American birds. Amer. Orn. Union, Baltimore. 5th ed. xiii + 691 pp. Ashmole, N. P. and M. J. Ashmole (1967). Compara- tive feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic island. Yale Peabody Mm. Nat. Hist. Bull., 24:1-131. Bailey, A. M. (1948). Birds of arctic Alaska. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist. Popular series No. 8, 317 pp. Bailey, A. M. and R. W. Hendee (1926). Notes on the mammals of northwestern Alaska. Journ. Mavim., 7:9-28. Bailey, R. S. (1966). The seabirds of the southeast coast of Arabia. Ibis, 108:224-264. Bean, T. H. (1882). Notes on birds collected during the summer of 1880 in Alaska and Siberia. Proc. U.S. Nat'l Mus., 5:144-173. Bedard, J. (1969). Adaptive radiation in Alcidae. Ibis, 111:189-198. Bee, J. W. and E. R. Hall (1956). Mammals of north- ern Alaska on the arctic slope. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Misc. Publ. No. 8, 309 pp. Brooks, J. W. (1954). A contribution to the life history and ecology of the Pacific Walrus. Alaska Coopera- tive Wildlife Res. Unit, Spec. Rept. No. 1, 103 pp. Brooks, W. S. (1915). Notes on birds from east Siberia and arctic Alaska. Bull Mus. Comp Zool., 59:361-413. Buturlin, S. A. (1906). The breeding grounds of the Rosy Gull. Ibis, Ser. 8(6) :131-139. Collett, R. and F. Nansen (1900). An account of the birds. Pp. 1-53 in. F. Nansen (ed. ) Norwegian North Polar Exped. 1893-1896 sci. Res. Longman's Green, London. Dalgleish, J. J. (1886). Discovery of the nest of Larus rossii in Greenland. Auk. 3:273-274. Dementiev, G. P. and N. A. Gladkov (eds.) (1961). Birds of the Soviet Union. Israel Prog. Sci. Transl. Jerusalem. Vol. 3, 756 pp. Dixon, J. S. (1943). Birds observed between Point Barrow and Herschel Island on the arctic coast of Alaska. Condor, 45:49-57. Gabrielson, I. N. and F. C. Lincoln (1959). The birds of Alaska. Stackpole, Harrisburg, Penna., xiii + 922 pp. Gibson, D. D. (1970). Alaska region. Audubon Field Notes, 24:79-82. Grinnell, J. (1900). Birds of the Kotzebue Sound region, Alaska. Pacific Coast Avifauna, 1:1-80. Harting, J. E. (1871). Catalogue of an arctic collection of birds presented by Mr. John Barrow. F.R.S., to the University Museum at Oxford with notes on the species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, 110-123. Hersey, F. S. (1916). A list of the birds observed in Alaska and Northeastern Siberia during the summer of 1914. ,'^mithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 66(2) :l-33. Jacques, F. L. (1930). Water birds observed on the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea in 1928. Auk, 47:35.3-366. Johnson. M. L., C. H. Fiscus, B. T. Ostenson and M. L. Barbour 1966). Marine Mammals. Pp. 877-924 in N. J. Wilimovsky and J. N. Wolfe (eds.). Environ- ment of the Cape Thompson region, Alaska. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm,, Oak Ridge. King, J. E. (1964). Seals of the world. Brit. Mus., London, 154 pp. Koslova, E. V. (1961). Charadriiformes, suborder Alcae. Fauna of the USSR 2(3) :1-140. Israel Prog. Sci. Transl., Jerusalem. MacLean, S. F. and N. A. M. Verbeek (1968). Nesting of the Black Guillemot at Point Barrow, Alaska. Auk, 85:139-140. Maher, W. J. (1970). The Pomarine Jaeger as a Brown Lemming predator in northern Alaska. Wilson Bull., 82:130-157. Murdoch, J. (1885). Birds. Pp. 104-128 in Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. Govt. Print. Off., Wash. D. C. Nelson, E. W. (1883). Birds of Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Cruise of the Revenue Steamer Corwin in Alaska and the N.W. Arctic Ocean in 1881. Govt. Print. Off., Wash. D.C. Nelson, E. W. and F. W. True (1887). Mammals of northern Alaska. Pp. 227-294 in H. W. Henshaw (ed.). Report upon natural history collections made in Alaska between the years 1877 and 1881 by Ed- ward W. Nelson. Arctic series of publications No. 3 issued in connection with the Signal Service, U.S. Army. Govt. Print. Off., Wash. D.C. Pitelka, F. A., P. Q. Tomich, and G. W. Treichel (1955a). Breeding behavior of jaegers and owls near Barrow, Alaska. Condor, 57:3-18. 127 Pitelka, F. A., P. Q. Tomich, and G. W. Treichel (1955b). Ecological relations of jaegers and owls as lemming predators near Barrow, Alaska. Ecological Monographs 25:85-117. Rainey, F. G. (1945). The Whale Hunters of Tigara, Anthrop. Pap. Amcr. Mus. Nat. Hist., 41:231-283. Rice, D. W. and V. B. Scheffer (1968). A list of the marine mammals of the world. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv. Spec. Sci. Rept. Fish., 579:1-16. Scammon, C. M. (1874). The marine mammals of the northwestern coast of North America. Carmany, San Francisco, 319 pp. Seale A. (1898). Notes on Alaskan water birds. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 126-140. Stone, W. (1900). Report on the birds and mammals collected by the Mcllhenny expedition to Pt. Barrow, Alaska. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 4-49. Stresemann, E. (1949). Birds collected in the north Pacific area during Capt. James Cook's last voyage (1778 and 1779). Ibis, 91:244-255. Swartz, L. G. (1966). Sea cliff birds. Pp. 611-678 in N. J. Wilimovsky and J. N. Wolfe (eds.). Environ- ment of the Cape Thompson region, Alaska. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Oak Ridge. Swartz, L. G. (1967). Distribution and movements of birds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Pacif. Sci., 21:332-347. Wilimovsky, N. J. and J. N. Wolfe (eds.) (1966). Environment of the Cape Thompson region, Alaska. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Oak Ridge, xvi + 1250 pp. Williamson, F. L., M. C. Thompson, and J. Q. Hines (1966). Avifaunal investigations. Pp. 437-480 in N. J. Wilimovsky and J. N. Wolfe (eds.). Environ- ment of the Cape Thompson region, Alaska. U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Oak Ridge. Yapp, W. B. (1955). The theory of line transects. Bird Study, 3:93-104. 128 c c o u £6 s t» a S •s « N o , -? S 03 > "0 -a c o .a o 129 The Diomedes \ Transect 42 25 miles 170° 168° Figure 2. — Transect 42 through Bering Strait during daylight hours of 18 Oct. 1970. 130 a o ON O .a ■5 o b »T3 o V Is o X E O B O eo em 131 CQ 132 p. Fulmarus glacialis 1-3 4-9 10-27 28-81 OVER 81 o □ e m C D TRANSECTS o— • STATIONS 170° 168° Figure 5 -Distribution of Northern Fulmar in Bering Strait, 18 October 1970. Abundance key applies to all other Bering Strait maps. 133 Figure 6. — Distribution of Slender-billed Shearwater in Bering Strait, 18 October 1970. 134 135 9 b o © .S O S .a 0 E o -a eo s 136 170° 168° Figure 9. — Distribution of Oldsquaw in Bering Strait, 18 October 1970. 170° 168° Figure 10. — Distribution of eiders in Bering Strait, 18 October 1970. 138 Figure 11. — Distribution of unidentified ducks seen at a distance in the studr area, 22 September-17 October 1970. See also Figures 7, 8 and 14. 139 A D P< Uncommon species O Gavia immer • Phalacrocorax pelagicus 0 Phalaropus fulicarius 4 Stercorarius pomarinus a Cyclorrhynchus psittacula ■ Fratercula corniculata A Motacilla flava 170° 168° Figure 12. — Distribution of uncommon species in Bering Strait, 18 Oct. 1970. 140 141 142 e u O L g a. » en M « s a UP B. a e u k- a CB I I e C a I 3 J3 US s 148 144 a V •B B O ■B E B O en _B "3 u » a 3 « Significant at Species Present Absent Present Absent 99.5 percent Transects : Larus hyperborens 48 88 11 39 2.98 No Pagophila eburnea 55 81 2 48 22.8 Yes Rissa tridactyla 21 116 22 28 16.77 Yes Rhodostethia rosea 60 86 7 43 8.9 Yes Stations : Larus hyperboreus 15 2 7 S 1.38 No Pagophila eburnea 13 4 6 4 8.1 Yes Rissa tridactyla 2 15 9 1 15.9 Yes Rhodostethia rosea 12 6 7 S .001 No Table V. — Stomach Contents of Birds Collected in Chukchi Sea. Stomachs Stomach contents Tunica tes. Plant Species Examined Arctic Cod Crustaceans Molluscs Ship refuse material Empty Clangula hyemalis 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 (100%) Somateria mollissima 2 0 0 1 (50%) 0 1 (60%) 1 ( 60%) Larus hyperboreus 6 5 ( 83%) 1 ( 17%) 2 (34%) 1 (17%) 0 0 Larus argentatus 1 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 0 Pagophila eburnea 14 12 ( 86%) 1 ( 7%) 1 (7%) 1(7%) 2 (14%) 1 ( 7%) Rissa tridactyla 4 4 (100%) 0 0 0 0 0 Rhodostethia rosea 24 17 ( 71%) 13 ( 54%) 0 0 0 0 Uria aalge 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 0 0 0 0 Cepphus grylle 3 3 (100%) 1 ( 33%) 0 0 0 0 Table V/.— Methods of Feeding of Chukchi Seabirds in the Fall. Species Food Method of capture Depth Loons Ducks Phalaropes Jaegera Glaucous Gull Ivory Gull Kittiwake Ross' Gull Large alcids Small alcids Fish Molluscs, crustaceans Zooplankton Mostly fish Fish, crustaceans, refuse Fish, refuse Fish Crustaceans, fish Pish, crustaceans Crustaceans Surface diving Surface diving Surface feeding Piracy from gulls, alcids Surface feeding Contact dipping Plunge to surface Hovering, plunge to surface, surface feeding Surface diving Surface diving Surface, midwater Bottom Surface In air, surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface, midwater Surface, midwater 172 Geological, Biological, and Chemical Oceanography of the Eastern Central Chukchi Sea^ A. S. Naidu - and G. D. Sharma ^ GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SETTINGS The nearshore environment of the eastern central Chukchi Sea lies west of northwest Alaska (fig. 1). East of Point Barrow this sea merges imperceptibly into the western Beau- fort Sea. The coastline between Point Barrow and Point Lay is very slightly curved, but further south to Cape Lisburne the coast is distinctly embayed. Between Icy Cape and Point Lay a barrier-spit-lagoon-delta complex characterizes the coastline. The oceanography of the Chukchi Sea off Alaska's northern coast has not been investi- gated as thoroughly as that portion between the Bering Strait and Cape Lisburne in the southeastern Chukchi Sea. From a few sound- ings made by Moore (1964) and Creager and McManus (1965) it is suggested that the off- shore area between Icy Cape and Point Lay is shallow (<25 m), very flat and featureless. Contrary to this the topography off Point Hope is relatively steep and is characterized by the presence of a submarine valley (Creager and McManus, 1966). In the area we investigated there is a net northward movement of currents over the year (Aagaard and Coachman, 1964), although presence of a local clockwise gyre has been indicated off Cape Lisburne by Fleming and Heggarty (1966). The eastern central Chukchi Sea is covered with ice almost 8 months of the year. The climate over this sea and the hinterland is dominated by long severe winters and short cool summers, with a mean annual temperature around 20° F. The average rainfall of 10 inches is comparable to that in arid and semiarid regions. The northwestern coast of Alaska is ^ Institute of Marine Science, Contribution No. 119. ' Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska. generally windy and storms are not uncom- mon. The drainage basin ad,)acent to the eastern central Chukchi Sea coast consists of the Coastal Plain and the Foothill Provinces (Payne et al., 1951) ; the latter pass in the southeast into the Brooks Range. Cape Lis- burne consists of a limestone promontory. The geology of the southern hinterland of the east- ern central Chukchi Sea, extensively studied by Smiley (1969a and 1969b), is composed of the predominantly marine Kukpowruk and non- marine Corwin Formations of Early Albian to possibly Cenomanian age. These rock types are chiefly conglomerates, graywackes, sandstones, shales and limestones, with coal beds confined to the nonmarine formations. In far north- western Alaska the coastal plains are overlain with Quaternary glacial and glacio-fluvial sedi- ments, alluvium and beach deposits. METHODS AND MATERIALS The geological sampling yielded a suite of 107 sediment samples from the nearshore marine environment of the eastern central Chukchi Sea (fig. 1). Of the total samples col- lected, 73 were obtained with a Van Veen and/or Shipek grab sampler, 13 were short cores obtained with a gravity corer, one was a long piston core and 15 were handpicked from the beach surface. The beach samples were taken from a few transects across the barrier in the vicinity of Point Lay to study the nature of arctic barrier beach deposits coincident with the beginning of ice push onto the beaches. To minimize metal contamination, the 13 gravity core samples were collected in plastic core liners with no metal core barrel or core catcher. The gravity corer was dropped only on stations which had relatively muddy bot- 173 toms. The nature of the sea bottom was de- termined by first taking a grab sample at every station. Aboard the ship immediately after col- lection, the gravity core sediment samples were extruded from the core liner w^ith a core pusher that also introduced the least metal contamina- tion. After extrusion, the surficial portion around the sediment core was carefully scraped out using a teflon-coated spatula. This step was introduced to minimize the inclusion of any soupy sediment that might have run down the length of the core from the top during retrieval of the corer. Then the sediment core was cut into two longitudinal halves, one of which was cut into a number of convenient small trans- verse sections. Almost immediately after this, the pH and temperature of these wet sediments were measured with a Coleman, Model 37A, portable pH-Eh meter and a glass thermometer, respectively. The interstitial fluids of these sediment sections were separately squeezed out into polyethylene bottles using squeezers de- scribed by Reeburgh (1967). In order to avoid chemical precipitation of some hydroxides and biochemical reactions the expressed interstitial fluids were acidified with 0.1 ml of cone. HCl and stored frozen. After it was examined and photographed, the second half of each core was cut into a number of transverse sections aboard the ship and stored at freezing temperature in polyethylene bags and bottles for further lab- oratory analysis. Prior to storing, the inorganic P concentra- tions in the sediment interstitial fluids were determined colorimetrically aboard the ship. At the Institute laboratory the K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations in 40 of these samples were analyzed in a Perkin-Elmer, Model 290, atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Forty water samples were collected from 14 stations with Niskin bottles at various depths. Aboard the ship 500 ml of these water samples were filtered through 0.45 {i millipore filter papers in order to separate suspended par- ticulate matter. Approximately 1-gallon unfiltered water samples were collected at a number of depths from two stations (table 1). These samples were frozen for trace transition metal analyses at the Institute laboratory. The concentrations of Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, Zn, and Pb were determined with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. following the APDC/MIBK extraction tech- nique of Brooks et al. (1967). The water samples were not filtered prior to chemical analysis because previous experience had in- dicated potential contamination problems from filtering, and because the particulate content of the samples was exceedingly low. Thus, the present analysis represents only total ex- tractable ions (written communication, Mr. M. Lee, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska) . Benthic organisms having a size between 2.8 mm and 0.99 mm were collected from 16 sta- tions by wet-sieving a measured volume of bottom sediments collected by the Van Veen grab sampler. Organisms thus separated were preserved in 10 percent formalin solution, buff'ered with sodium acetate, for identification and cataloging in the laboratory. The gravel-sand-silt-clay contents of the core sections and detailed size distributions of the barrier beach sediments were determined by following the method of Krumbein and Petti- john (1938). Conventional grain size para- meters were calculated based on the formulae of Folk and Ward (1957). A set of 24 sediment samples was selected for clay mineral analysis from the inshore shelf area of the Chukchi Sea adjacent to Alaska. Two of them were obtained from Dr. J. S. Creager, University of Washington, and the remainder, including two from south of the Bering Strait, were collected from the GLA- CIER on WEBSEC-70. In the le8s-than-2 |x fraction of the bottom sediment samples and in two samples of suspended sediments the clay mineral assemblage was determined by X-ray diffraction technique. Details of the techniques and steps adopted for the separation of the less than 2 /j, fraction, the X-ray analysis, and the method of quantifying the clay minerals were similar to those presented by Naidu et al. (1971). RESULTS Grain-Size Analysis Vertical variations of the percentage com- position of gravel-sand-silt-clay in the cores are presented in table I (appendix A) and illustrated in figure 2. In the majority of the cores there is a general coarsening in the sedi- 174 ment texture from the top to the bottom, and every core sample contains small amounts of gravel and bioclastic material. The longitudinal sections of the cores which w^ere examined aboard the ship showed a sharp demarcation in color and rigidity between 5 and 10 cm from the top. The top 5 to 10 cm portions of all cores were light olive-green and relatively soft, whereas all the sediments below 10 cm were dark olive-green with irregular black streaks and patches and were tough. Some of the lower portions gave out an odor of H.S. On closer scrutiny it was noted that in almost all cases decomposing worms were surrounded by large black patches. Presumably, the sharp demarca- tion in the sediment core color is related to abrupt vertical changes in the oxidation- reduction potentials along the core, and the black patches represent some stage of hydro- troilite precipitation. The oxidizing nature of the core tops seems to be substantiated by the fact that the habitation of marine macrobenthic fauna was confined to the relatively lighter colored top portions. The results of the grain-size distribution of the Point Lay barrier beach deposits are graphically represented in figure 3, and the grain-size parameters are given in table II (appendix A) . Generally speaking, the analysed sediments consisted of well-rounded, mod- erately well to very poorly sorted sandy gravels, with distinct bi- to polymodal distribu- tions. The mean size ranged from fine to coarse gravel. These sediments have size distributions which ranged from nearly symmetrical to very coarsely skewed and mesokurtic to leptokurtic. Texturally, there is a great similarity between the sediments of the Point Lay barrier beach and the sediments collected from the barrier beaches around the Colville Delta-Prudhoe Bay complex. The latter suite of samples was an- alysed in a separate study funded by the E.P.A. and the N.O.A.A.-Sea Grant (Naidu et ah, 1970) . It is of interest to note that every one of the barrier beach samples contained several gravel-size anthracitic coal pieces. Clay Mineral Analysis The types and abundance of clay minerals in the less-than-2 \i fractions of the sediment samples are presented in table III (appendix A), and their distributions are illustrated in figures 4, 5, 6, and 7. In all samples illite is the predominant clay mineral, with weighted peak area (Biscaye, 1965) ranging from 50.0 to 63.3 percent. The next two minerals in the order of abundance are chlorite and kaolinite, respectively. Smectite eitner occurs in traces (less than 1 percent) or in small amounts (less than 10 percent) . The patterns of distribution of clay minerals (figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7) should be considered to be tentative because they are based on a limited number of sample analyses. However, some very broad generalizations can be made from the data obtained. It is of interest to note that smectite occurs either in traces or is absent in the nearshore environment. This is specially true north of Point Lay. Any definite pattern of distribution of kaolinite and illite, if present, is not apparent at this stage of the study. There seems to be, however, a marked concentration of chlorite in the inshore shelf environment and off the embayed region between Point Lay and Cape Lisburne, a region, as mentioned earlier, suspected to be the site of a gyre (Fleming and Heggarty, 1966) . Comparison of the clay mineral assemblages of the Beaufort Sea (Naidu et al, 1971) and eastern central Chukchi Sea sediments brings out some interesting diff"erences between the two. Although sediments from both the seas contain the same clay mineral assemblages, some dissimilarities in the proportions of the different minerals in the two regions are ap- parent. For example, the kaolinite/chlorite ratios in the eastern central Chukchi Sea are relatively lower (avg. 0.4) than those in the Beaufort Sea (avg. 0.7). However, the chlorite/ illite ratios in the Chukchi Sea are relatively higher (avg. 0.6) than those in the Beaufort Sea (avg. 0.4). Geocheynistry of Sediment Interstitial Waters The concentrations of various ions in the interstitial waters from cores are presented in table I (appendix A) and figures 8 and 9. The cationic concentrations vary from horizon to horizon within individual cores and also be- tween cores. The relative concentrations of ions of the interstitial waters are similar to but slightly higher than normal sea water. Gen- erally, the total concentration of the several ions increases with depth in the core. 175 The concentrations of Mg**, Ca-'*, and K+, in interstitial waters are given in relation to Na* to eliminate the effects of evaporation which may give relatively higher absolute measured values. From Figures 8 and 9 it is apparent that Na+ and K* generally increase with depth while Mg^ and Ca** decrease with depth. Among the trace elements analysed, Mn was found enriched in the top sections of the cores while iron varies irregularly throughout the section. The influence of texture of sediments on the Na* concentration is apparent. Increased per- centage of clay in the cores invariably de- pressed the Na* concentration. Variations in temperature and pH of sedi- ments are presented in figures 8 and 9. The pH varied within a narrow range; however, the temperatures of sediments varied significantly. These measurements should be considered as approximations rather than the true values in view of the fact that during retrieval changes in temperature and pressure were unavoidable. The decrease in hydrostatic pressure will in- evitably lead to escape of carbon dioxide and an increase in pH. Exposure to air will sim- ilarly result in rise or fall of sediment tem- perature causing an increase or decrease in pH. Trace-metal Analysis of Sea Water Table 1 gives the concentrations of Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, Zn, and Pb in six samples of water collected at two stations. The concentrations of Cu (avg. 7.2 ppb) and Co (avg. 0.7 ppb) in eastern central Chukchi Sea waters were slightly higher than the average concentrations of Cu (avg. 3 ppb) and Co (avg. 0.1 ppb) cited for the world ocean waters (Goldberg, 1965). Possibly this slight enrichment in Cu and Co in the nearshore waters of the Chukchi Sea is caused by the local introduction from the adjacent hinterland which is rich in ore deposits of these two metals. The concentra- tions of Ni (avg. 1.470 ppb), Fe (avg. 5.498 ppb) and Zn (avg. 3.528 ppb) in the eastern central Chukchi Sea water are relatively lower than those generally observed in sea water. Within the area investigated no systematic vertical variations were observed in the con- centrations of any of the six metals analyzed. Table 1. — Concentrations of some trace transition metals in the waters of the eastern central Chukchi Sea. AH values are expressed as ppb. St. No. Water depth (m) Cu Co Ni Fe Zn Pb 8 0 9.0 0.4 1.6 1.5 4.2 Trace 8 6 4.9 0.8 1.3 6.5 4.0 Trace 8 12 7.8 0.6 0.8 6.6 3.0 Trace 8 18 1.9 0.8 1.0 5.3 2.7 Trace 9 0 9.4 0.8 2.6 1.5 _^ Trace 9 36 9.6 0.5 1.2 5.3 3.5 Trace Benthic Faunal Analysis A list by station of the benthic faunal species collected on each station is included in this report (table IV, appendix A). Data at each station are often incomplete and are not quan- titative. However, they give an indication of the types of Coelenterata, Mollusca, Polychaeta, Bryozoa, Chordata, Porifera, Annelida, Ar- thropoda, Brachiopoda, Echinodermata, and organisms of other phyla inhabitating the near- shore environment of the eastern central Chukchi Sea. DISCUSSION At the present stage of analysis no definite conclusions can be drawn regarding any aspect of the research carried out. Several sediment samples are yet to be analyzed for the para- meters already mentioned here and for some additional ones. Therefore, the discussion that follows must be considered tentative. The bi- to polymodal size distributions of the barrier beach sediments suggest that these sediments have had a complex depositional his- tory. Presumably, their size distribution is a complex resultant of the eff"ects of periodic storm-induced waves and shorefast ice on de- posits laid down normally by the swash and backwash of waves under relatively calm con- ditions. The possibility that some of the gravels in these barrier beaches may be derived from a relict deposit is not ruled out and if true, this would further complicate the issue. The action of ice on the transport and deposition of sedi- ments in the polar beaches has been speculated on by several investigators but no quantitative data have ever been presented. Present studies on Point Lay sediments and those carried out under another investigation on the North Slope 176 beaches (Naidu et al, 1970) show that barrier beach sediments from the polar regions have distinctly different size distributions from similar sediments of the low-latitude regions. The difference is in the very poor sorting and the predominance of gravels in polar beach sediments. The gravel-size coal pieces in the Point Lay barrier beach sediments possibly have their source in the coal deposits which outcrop in the adjacent coastal region. The analyses of the sediment samples com- pleted so far suggest that the chief source of chlorite in the eastern central Chukchi Sea is the adjacent hinterland and that this source probably does not contribute any significant amounts of smectite. Presumably, smectite is transported to the eastern central Chukchi Sea through the Bering Strait, from the Chirikov Basin. Presence of smectite in this basin has been reported by Moll (1970) and the currents necessary to transport it northward are also known to be present (Aagaard and Coachman, 1964). The contrast observed in the relative abundances of clay minerals in sediments from the eastern central Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea suggests: (1) a difference in the nature of source material for the sediments of the two seas and/or (2) a difference in physico-chem- ical processes in the two seas which help to sort out two different assemblages of clay minerals from the same source material. Bis- caye (1965) and Griffin et al. (1968) have cited latitudinal variations in clay mineral as- semblages. The thesis presented by the above authors is supported by results of the study on the Chukchi Sea sediments. However, data from the Beaufort Sea (Naidu et al., 1971) do not run parallel to the trend of clay mineral distributions suggested by Griffin et al. (1968). The analysis of the pore waters of marine sediments has increasingly become an integral and important part of geochemical investiga- tions. These studies have shed some light on the understanding of the origin of brines and early diagenesis. Some interesting patterns of distribution of various ions are evident from figures 8 and 9. Although the concentration of Na* in interstitial water generally increases with depth, at a certain horizon in some cores a minimum is noted. This minimum generally coincides with increased clay content in sedi- ments. It appears that the concentration of Na* in interstitial water is primarily controlled by the amount of clay present in sediments. Similar observations were made in southeast- ern Alaska (Sharma, 1970a, 1970b and 1970c). These variations in Na+ concentrations are re- lated to ion exchanges between Na* in in- terstitial water and clay particles. The observed increase of K^ with depth in the interstitial waters is believed to be due to dissolution of feldspars as suggested by Garrels and Howard (1959). Similar increase of K+ in interstitial waters has been reported by Siever et al. (1961, 1965) and Friedman et al. (1968). Decrease in Mg** with depth in interstitial waters has been reported by various authors; however, the explanations offered for such a decrease differ. Some investigators believe that Mg** from interstitial waters is increasingly fixed by clay preferentially over K+ with in- creased depth which is contrary to the con- clusion of others who believe in the formation of dolomite. Dolomitization results in simulta- neous decrease in magnesium and calcium ions. Recently Drever (1971) proposed that Mg^ from interstitial water replaces Fe*+ in the clay mineral structure. He suggested that re- moval of Mg** from seawater controls the com- positions of interstitial waters in sediments. In view of simultaneous decrease of Mg^ and Ca+* in the samples we have analyzed we are inclined to conclude that such a decrease is due to the formation of dolomite mineral. This con- clusion has to be confirmed by the detection of dolomite which has originated in place, a task that is difficult to accomplish. The variational trends of Mn** indicate a net upward migration of it by a mechanism similar to that suggested by Bonatti et al. (1971) . Such upward migration and enrichment generally occurs because of the presence of a reducing environment in the bottom sediment layers. The distinct darker color and release of H2S from the lower portion of core sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea suggest reducing conditions in those sediments at depth. Iron concentrations vary erratically and explanation for this behavior is difficult on the basis of available data. Mn/Fe ratios were considered in an attempt to explain the distribution of iron in the interstitial waters; however, measurements of several other parameters are needed to forward an adequate explanation. 177 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ship time for collection of the sediment, benthic fauna and water samples has been pro- vided by the U.S. Coast Guard. We gratefully acknowledge the help and support of Capt. T. L. Roberge, the officers and crew of the U.S.C.G.C. GLACIER. The generous assistance and cooperation extended by Dr. M. C. Ingham of the U.S. Coast Guard, Dr. P. W. Barnes, Jim Trumbull, and John Croizat of the U.S. Geological Survey, and Joe Dygas of the In- stitute of Marine Science during .sample collec- tion are greatly appreciated. Dr. D. C. Burrell and Mr. Meng-Lein Lee are responsible for the trace-metal analysis of sea water. Mr. George J. Mueller identified the benthic fauna, and Dr. Peter McRoy and Sam Stoker were concerned with this aspect of work. We are indebted to Dr. D. M. Hopkins, Marine Geology Section, U.S. Geological Survey for his technical advice. The geological work has been supported by the U.S. Geological Survey, Marine Geology Branch, Contract 14-09-001-12559. REFERENCES Aagaard, K., and L. K. Coachman, 1964. Notes on the physical oceanography of the Chukchi Sea. In U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Report No. 1 : Washing- ton, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, p. 13-16. Biscaye, P. E., 1965. Mineralogy and sedimentation of recent deep-sea clays in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas and oceans. Geol., Soc. Amer. Bull., V. 76, pp. 803-832. Bonatti, E., D. E. Fisher, O. Joensuu, and H. S. Rydell, 1971. Postdepositional mobility of some transition elements, phosphorus, uranium and thorium in deep sea sediments. Gcochim. et Cosmochim Acta, V. 35, pp. 189-201. Brooks, R. R., B. J. Presley, and I. R. Kaplan, 1967. APDC-MIBK extraction system for the determina- tion of trace elements in saline waters by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. 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Chemical changes in interstitial waters from continental shelf sedi- ments. Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, V. 38, p. 1313- 1319. Garrels, R. M. and P. Howard, 1959. Reactions of feldspar and mica with water at low temperature and pressure. In Proceedings of the 6th Conf. on Clay and Clay Minerals. Pergamon, London, p. 68-88. Goldberg, E. D., 1965. Minor elements in sea water. In J. P. Riley and G. Skirrow, Ed., Chemical Ocean- ography, V. 1, Academic Press, London, pp. 163-196. Griffin, J. J., H. Windom and E. D. Goldberg, 1968. The distribution of clay minerals in the world ocean. Deep-Sea Research, V. 15, pp. 433-459. Krumbein, W. C, and F. J. Pettijohn, 1938. Manual of sedimentary petrography. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York, 549 p. Moll, R. F., 1970. Clay mineralogy of the North Bering Sea shallows. Report No. USC-GEOL-70-2. Depart- ment of Geological Sciences, Univ. Southern Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, p. 101. Moore, D. G., 1964. Acoustic-reflection reconnaissance of continental shelves: eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas. In R. L. Miller, Ed., Papers in Marine Geology: Shepard Commemorative Volume, Macmillan, New York, pp. 313-362. Naidu, A. S., D. C. Burrell, J. A. Dygas, and R. Tucker, 1970. Sedimentological studies on coastal beach deposits of northern Arctic Alaska. Proc. Second GSA-SEPM Coastal Research Group Sym- posium, Kalamazoo, Michigan. (Abstract) Naidu, A. S.. D. C. Burrell and D. W. Hood, 1971. Clay mineral composition and geologic significance of some Beaufort Sea sediments. Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, V. 41, pp. 691-694. Payne, T. G., and others, 1951. Geology of the Arctic Slope of Alaska. U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Invest, Map CM126. Reeburgh, W. S., 1967. An improved interstitial water sampler. Limnology and Oceanog., V. 12, pp. 163-165. Sharma, G. D., 1970a. Sediment-seawater interaction in glaciomarine sediments of southeast Alaska. Geol. Soc. Ajnerica Bull., 81 (i): 1097-1106. Sharma, G. D., 1970b. Evolution of interstitial waters in recent Alaskan marine sediments. Jour. Sedimen- tary Petrology, 40(2): 722-733. Sharma, G. D., 1970c. Cationic balance and early diagenesis of glaciomarine sediments. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull, 54(5): 869-870. (Ab- stract) 178 Siever R R M. Garrels, J. Kanwisher, and R. A. Colville Region, Alaska: Stratigraphy and prehmi- Berner " 1961 Interstitial waters of recent marine nary floristics. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, mud off Cape Cod. Science, V. 134, p. 1071-1072. V. 53, pp. 482-502. . , k.., nf Siever R K C. Beck, and R. A. Berner, 1965. Com- Smiley, C. J.. 1969b. Floral zones and correlations of position' of interstitial waters of modern sediments. Cretaceaous Kukpowruk and Corwm Formations^ ^Jour. GeoL, V. 73, p. 39-73. Northwestern Alaska^ Am.n Assoc. Petroleum Smiley, C. J., 1969a. Cretaceous floras of Chandler- Geologists, V. 53, pp. Miy-^m6. 179 165' 160' 155' 72"' 71' 70' 69' 68 < STUDY *(!£* ^^^ ^-~, L.'"' ■ <^ J 1 'M- S^^'^^^^^ C^^ ^"^'' ^■^ ALASKA^ % PT. BARROW •46 •47 • 49 •033 7rN 170? 165' Figure 1. — Location of bottom sediment samples collected in the eastern central Chukchi Sea, 22 Septeinber-18 October 1970, during WEBSEC— 70. The four stations prefixed by 0 were obtained from previous University of Washington cruises. 180 £ o X I- Q_ LlJ Q GLA 70-11 or 10 30 40 50 GLA 70-40 0 GLA 70- 15 ] GRAVEL SAND 10 " SILTJ \cLAY . \ 20 - \ . \ 30 1 1 1 \ 1 J 1 1 GL A 70 -38 .GRAVEL 40 ■ 50- J I I I GLA 70-54 10 30 - 40 - 501 1 1 I I I GLA 70-55 10 20 -I L -I 1 30 J L 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 PERCENT i i J I Figure 2. — Distriburions of gravel-sand-silt-clay percentage composition in eastern central Chukchi Sea core samples collected during WEBSEC-70. 181 99.99 a3 > 3 E 0.01 Phi Size Figure 3. — Size distribution of barrier beach sediments collected at Point Lay on 25 September 1970 during WEBSEC-70. 182 165° Figure 4. — Distribution of smectite concentration (%) in bottom sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea collected during WEBSEC-70. 183 7rN Figure 5. — Distribution of iilite concentration (%) in bottom sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea collected during WEBSEC-70. 184 7rN 70' 65 160^ Figure 6. — Distribution of chlorite concentration (%) in bottom sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea during WEBSEC-70. 185 165 72* 7V 70* 69' 68* 7I*»N 170 165 160* Figure 7. — Distribution of kaolinite concentration (%) in bottom sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea collected during WEBSEC-70. 186 SEDIMENTS INTERSTITIAL WATERS e X I- CL UJ Q o o o TEMP pH "^ SAND % SILT % CLAY% Mg/Na K/Na Ca/Na Mn Fe n ■, 77 yR'i ?n 40 20 40 10 20 10 II I II 035 „ 045 035 045 _l 15 „2 4 10 20 30 40 50 — r 1 -1 1 / / ' ' 1 1— r 0| — 1 - — 1—° -o /■' 1 . 1 - \ / \ / \ /■ 1 i \ \ \ / / \ 1 i ■\ / 1 ■ ■ 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 COffE G L A 70-11 4 8 'T — r T 1 T 1 1 1 I 1 1 li 1 \ i 1 1 111/ \ 1 ' 10 - \ 1 1 i \ 1 / ■\ x. 20 CORE GLA 70-12 -r -I — r- 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 — 1 — —1—1 — \ — r-i — / \ / -1 [— 1 1 1 1 ! / \ CORE GLA 70-/3 2 0 4 0 60 20 40 20 0 1 '\ 1 1 J 1 Jl 'I ' '1 ' 1 |i ' \ ' ' '/ 1 ' 10 -/ • \ / / 1 1 \ \ \ y y 1 i ?n - • • \ / 1 • • \ \ \ r \ 1 \ 1 \ 30 \ \ / 1 '. ' *, ". CORE GLA 70-/3 Figure 8. — Relationship between the concentrations of metal ions in interstitial waters and the pH, temperature, and texture of bottom sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea collected during WEBSEC-70, stations 11, 12, 13 and 15. 187 SEDI MENTS INTERSTITIAL WATERS UJ q: TEMP pH 13 5 72 78 10 >- Xq SAND % SILT % o Mg/Na K/Na Ca/No Mn 20 40 60 10 30 10 10 II 10 II 535 045 035 .045 .5 15 Fe _2 4 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 -^ 30 ^ 0 o "" 10 X 20 — 1 — ' \ T-r- III, '\ ' 1 1 ' r '/ ' ' 1 \ ' 1 1 ' ' - 1 \ / \ / \ / / 1 1 \ - \ \ J / \ 1 \ 1 / 1 . \ \ I i / CO/?E G LA 70- 40 25 20 40 20 40 10 20 I I 1 1 ' ' ' / ' ' / I' ' ' \ ' ll 'l 1 ' /' ' /' - \ \ / / / / / - / i \ / / 1 \ ] \. 1 ! 1 10 CORE GLA 70-54 30 i ■1 ' \ / / 1' ' \ '1' / — 1 1- \ / 1 1 ,1 1 / / - 1' 1 \ / • i 'l \ 1 \ i \ r 10 12 CORE GLA 7C ^-55 0 l| ' 1 1 1 ' I 1 || ' 1 1' 1 || \ 1 I 1 ' '/ 10 / ! \ / / / 20 7n \ i / / / 3 5 CORE G L A 70-60 0 10 -\ 1 ' '/ \ \ ' r / \ j 1 1 1 1 20 - \ 1 1 / 30 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 CORE GLA 70- 64 Figure 9. — Relationship between the concentrations of metal ions in interstitial waters and the pH, tem- perature, and texture of liottoni sediments of the eastern central Chukchi Sea collected during WEBSEC-70, stations 40, 54, 55, 60 and 64. 188 Appendix A — Data Table Page I. Ionic concentrations in interstitial waters, texture, temperature, and pH of core sedi- ments collected during WEBSEC-70 - 190 II. Grain-size parameters of barrier beach sediments at Point Lay, Alaska on 25 September 1970, during WEBSEC-70 191 III. Types and abundances (in percent) of clay minerals in the eastern central Chukchi Sea bottom sediments collected during WEBSEC-70 (GLA), or collected by the University of Washington (SI, BB) 191 IV. Benthic organisms collected in the eastern central Chukchi Sea during WEBSEC-70 192 189 Table /.—Ionic concentrations in interstitial waters, texture, temperature and pH of core sediments collected during WEBSEC-70. Station Number Depth (em) Gravel % Sediment Sand Silt % % Clay % Temp. °C pH Interstitial Water Na+ Mg++ K+ (cone. Ca+ in ppm) *■ Mn++ Fe++ P+++ GLA 70-9 0-10 7.24 10,660 1,100 500 390 0.60 0.87 0.03 GLA 70-11 Grab 10,330 1,086 460 380 1.85 6.12 0.32 GLA 70-11 0-4 13-17 24-30 42-47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 17.96 20.84 18.05 40.25 54.58 50.43 50.45 42.11 27.46 28.72 31.50 17.45 10,660 11,000 10,660 11,000 1,100 1,086 1,060 1,115 450 473 470 490 375 375 375 390 0.75 0.30 0.20 0.40 1.12 1.50 1.25 1.25 0.03 GLA 70-12 Grab 0.75 7.5-15 15-23 10,660 10,160 10,500 10,330 1,100 1,992 1,145 1,115 445 430 455 455 380 360 385 370 0.50 1.80 0.60 0.25 2.50 3.40 8.63 0.69 0.14 0.10 GLA 70-13 0-5 15-25 30-35 40-45 10,330 10,330 10,660 10,830 1,115 1,086 1,105 1,086 435 482 455 463 370 370 375 370 1.20 0.60 0.30 0.30 1.87 0.25 0.75 1.19 0.05 GLA 70-15 0-8 8-16 16-24 24-32 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.16 59.84 53.52 65.72 67.59 25.89 28.74 21.99 22.46 14.22 17.72 12.28 9.79 5.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 7.63 7.85 7.70 7.92 10,330 10,330 10,330 10,660 1,115 1,100 1,115 1,150 405 420 435 473 375 365 370 380 1.50 0.40 0.35 0.25 0.87 0.75 0.50 0.87 GLA 70-35 0-5 468 365 0.55 1.87 0.04 GLA 70-36 0-4 11-15 10,660 11,000 1,105 1,120 450 500 370 375 0.80 0.70 2.50 1.63 0.06 GLA 70-38 0-10 18-25 3.58 7.71 52.85 53.55 26.14 25.46 17.43 13.28 19.5 7.33 10.330 10,500 1,050 1,060 480 475 355 355 0.70 1.00 3.75 4.94 0.07 GLA 70-40 0-10 18-22 30-35 0.86 3.01 7.67 72.56 74.23 70.50 16.51 12.62 13.42 10.07 10.14 8.41 7.73 7.31 7.94 10,660 10,830 11,000 1,093 1,060 1,093 475 492 525 375 365 380 0.70 0.50 0.30 1.60 2.00 1.13 GLA 70-42 0-10 10-20 15.0 18.0 7.39 7.33 10,330 10,660 1,020 1,000 475 450 360 355 0.95 0.90 4.25 16.25 0.09 GLA 70-44 0-10 11,000 1,075 510 370 0.30 1.75 0.05 GLA 70-49 0-6 6-12 10,330 10,500 1,090 1,100 485 485 360 370 0.42 0.45 0.63 1.06 0.02 GLA 70-54 0-10 10-20 20-30 0.09 0.05 0.42 19.63 30.29 37.29 54.41 47.19 43.20 25.86 22.47 19.09 11.9 12.0 13.5 7.36 7.64 7.51 9,660 10,660 10,000 1,050 1,100 1,050 415 430 450 360 340 360 1.20 0.65 0.75 4.37 1.37 1.13 GLA 70-55 0-10 10-20 20-30 1.14 3.06 5.30 25.99 37.69 32.47 49.14 42.22 43.02 23.73 17.02 19.21 11.0 9.0 9.0 7.70 7.62 7.71 10,000 10,500 10,660 1,060 1,090 1,110 410 470 480 355 360 380 2.00 1.05 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.25 0.02 GLA 70-60 0-10 15-20 25-30 10.0 8.0 12.0 7.46 7.53 7.53 10,000 10,660 10,660 1,070 1,090 1,100 435 460 430 360 380 380 2.20 1.30 1.15 4.37 2.25 1.75 0.07 GLA 70-64 0-10 10-20 20-30 3.0 4.0 4.0 7.60 7.55 7.77 10,000 10,330 10,500 1,080 1,090 1,090 420 450 466 360 370 370 2.00 0.50 0.55 0.02 1.56 1.00 190 Table II. — Grain-size parameters of barrier beach sedi- ments at Pt. Lay, Alaska on 25 September 1970, during WEBSEC-70. St. No. Md0 M^0 ,7,0 Sk, K« BI-1 -2*50 -2*53 0-98 -0'18 1«B0 Br-2 -3 -SO -3'26 1«00 0*52 1'98 BI-4 -2*90 -2'86 0«67 0'08 0-93 BI-5B -3'55 -3*56 0*44 0«03 0'91 BI-6A 1«70 1«60 0-64 -0«13 0*99 BI-6 -I'OB -0«95 2*20 0*02 0«86 BI-7 -1«50 -1«66 1'33 -0«17 1«01 BI-8A -1«76 -1-76 0*64 -0*08 1-06 BI-9 ^2*90 -2*98 0*57 -0*32 1-57 BI-llB -3-45 -3*46 0*44 -O'lO 1'15 Bi-ia -1'15 -0*96 1*33 0'21 0'73 BI-13B -0-90 -1«13 1«89 -1«00 0*87 BI-PL -3«55 -3*63 0«45 -0«23 1«02 BI-25 -3*25 -3'30 1'03 0*01 0*85 BI-Z 1»75 1-45 1«40 -0*66 1«61 Table III. — Types and abundances (in percent) of clay minerals in the eastern central Chukchi Sea bottom sediments collected during WEBSEC-70 (GLA), or collected by the University of Washing1:on (SI, BB). Station No. Water Depth (m) IlUte Smectite Chlorite Kaolinite Kaolinite Chlorite Ratios Chlorite IlUte Ratios A B A B A B A B A or B B GLA-70-1 143 39*7 59«4 12'5 4.7 28'7 21'5 19'1 14'3 0'67 0'36 GLA-70^2 19 34*3 51-2 Tr Tr 44'8 33'3 20«8 15'5 0'47 0'65 GLA-70-5 44 46'3 63*3 Tr Tr 40'4 27'5 13'4 9'2 0-33 0'43 GLA-70-7 40 44.4 61-5 Ab Ab 37'0 25'7 18-5 12'8 0-50 0-42 SI-015 35 39*1 58'1 8.7 3«2 36'0 26-7 16'2 12'0 0-45 0'46 GLA-70-8 30 35«2 52«2 Tr Tr 46'2 34-1 18'5 13'7 0'40 0'65 GLA-70-9 38 36*4 55'2 9-1 3*5 37'5 28-4 17'0 12'9 0-45 0-51 GLA-70-12 19 33.3 53'3 16«7 6«7 32'6 26'1 17-4 13'9 0-53 0^50 GLA-70-13 20 32*2 51«7 15«2 6.1 36«3 29'1 16-3 13'1 0'45 0'56 GLA-70-18 45 40«0 58*1 4'6 1.7 30-8 22'2 24-6 17'9 0'81 0'38 GLA-70-21 51 31«6 50-0 10-5 4'2 43'4 34'3 14'5 11'5 0'34 0'69 GLA-70-34 35 37*8 57'1 4.4 1'6 56'1 31'0 18'7 10'3 0'33 0-54 GLA-70-35 38 33-3 52'6 13«3 5-3 53'3 42'1 Tr Tr 0'80 GLA-70-36 45 38'5 55'6 Tr Tr 44«0 31-7 17'6 12-7 0'40 0'57 GLA-70-40 32 33*3 52»6 13*3 5-3 38'1 30'1 15'2 12'0 0'40 0'57 GLA-70-42 24 31«4 53*7 28-6 12'2 28'9 24'6 ll'l 9'5 0'39 0-48 GLA-70-46 44 34-8 55«2 17*4 6'9 35'9 28'4 12'0 9'5 0'33 0'51 GLA-70-49 47 36«5 54.5 4.8 1'8 47'7 35'5 11'7 8-3 0'23 0-65 GLA-70-57 28 45*2 56'6 8'1 3'0 37'4 28-0 16'6 12'4 0'44 0'49 GLA-70-60 35 37«1 55«4 6*4 2'4 41'1 30'7 15-4 11'5 0'37 0'55 GLA-70-63 35 36-4 54«5 6*1 2'3 34'5 25'9 23'0 17'2 0'66 0'48 BB-033* 46 11'3 25*5 41«5 23'4 33'7 37'1 13'5 14.9 0'40 1'45 GLA-70-93** 35 33'S 53'3 16«7 6'7 Unrei solved Unresolved GLA-70-94** 35 35-8 57«1 20*9 8-3 28'9 23'0 14'4 11'5 0'50 0'40 A: Non-weighed peak-area percentages considered B: Weighted peak-area percentages (after Biscaye, 1965, p. 808) considered. ♦Sample from S.E. Chukchi Sea; 60 miles due S. of Pt. Hope **Samples from Chirikov Basin due S. of Bering Strait Tr: Traces Ab: Absent 191 Table IV. — Benthic organisms collected in the eastern central Chukchi S^a during WEBSEC-70. Station 1 GLA— p-22-70 71°35' N 155°50' W D/T GMT 231900 Depth: 143 m COELENTERATA Eunephthya rubiformis POLYCHAETA Chrone infundibuliformis MOLLUSCA Trophanopsis pacificus BRYOZOA Eucratea loricata Myriozoam siibgracile CHORDATA Boltenia ovifera Station 3 GLA— 9-23-70 70°14' N 157''22' W D/T GMT 240528 Depth: 53.1 m PORIPERA Echmoclathria beringensis COELENTERATA Eudendrium annulatum one or more sp. — unknown hydroids Stylasleria sp. Eunephthya rubiformis ANNELIDA Syllis fasciata Nephtys ciliata Terebellides stroemi ARTHROPOD A Coprella striata Hyas coarctatus several species of unknown amphipods including 2 Gammaridians MOLLUSCA Astarte fabula CUnocardium sp. Macoma calcarea Mysella coinpressa Thyasira gouldii Trophanopsis pacificus Mnrgarites cosfalis BRACHIOPODA Hemithiris psittacea BRYOZOA Bidenkapia spitsbergensis Eucratea loricata Myrwzoiim subgracile Rhamphostomella fortissima ECHINODERMATA Gorgonocephalus caryi Psolidium bullatum CHORDATA Boltenia ovifera Station 4 GLA— 9-24-70 71°10' N 157°42' W D/T GMT 241714 Depth : 40 m ANNELIDA Chone duneri Pecfinaria auriconia ARTHROPODA Byhlis sp. (Amphipoda) unknown sp. (Amphipoda) MOLLUSCA Tachyrhynachus aros^is Station 5 GLA— 9-24-70 +0.991 m seive 71°02' N 158°02' W D/T GMT 241846 Depth: 22 m ANNELIDA Lumbritiereis fragilis Rhodine sp. ARTHROPODA unknown sp. (Amphipoda) Station 6 GLA— 9-24-70 +2.8 mm seive 7r06' N 158°31' W D/T GMT 242036 Depth: 24 m COELENTERATA < unknown sp. (anemone) ANNELIDA Nepthys sp. MOLLUSCA Venericardita sp. Crenella dicussata Venericardia crebricostata 192 Hiatella arctica Admete conthonyi Margarites sp. Natica claiisa unknown sp. (gastropoda) BRACHIPODA Terebratulina sp. Station 7 GLA— 9-24-70 +0.99 mm 7rO0' N 159°12' W D/T GMT 242255 Depth : 40 m COELENTERATA Sertularia sp. unknown sp. (anemone) ANNELIDA Etone longa Phyllodoce mucosa Nephtys ciliata Harviothoe extenuata Phyllodoce citrina Glycera tridactyla Chactozone setosa unknown sp. (polycheate) BRYOZOA Uvibonula patens MOLLUSCA Hiatella arctica Trophanopsis pacificus Ischnochiton albus? ARTHROPODA Balanus glandula Amphipod unknown sp. SIPUNCULIDA Goldfingia margaritacea Station 8 GLA— 9-26-70 69°45' N 163°34' W D/T GMT 251944 Depth: 30 m ANNELIDA Pectinaria granulata ECHINODERMATA Stegophiura nodosa ARTHROPODA Pagurus aleuticus MOLLUSCA Mya pseudoarenaria CHORDATA Corella borealis Station 9 GLA— 9-27-70 70°10' N 166°03' W D/T GMT 280005 Depth: 38 m ANNELIDA Antinoella badia Maldanidae 1 species ARTHROPODA Cumaceans several unknown Amphipods MOLLUSCA Yoldiclla oleacina ECHINODERMATA Echiurus echiurus Station 12 GLA— 9-28-70 70°28' N 165-15' W D/T GMT 290005 Depth: 19 m ARTHROPODA Cumacea — one unknown species Amphipoda — one unknown species MOLLUSCA Nuculana radiata ECHINODERMATA Amphiodia craterodmeta Echiuris echiuris Station 15 GLA— 9-29-70 unsieved sample 70°18' N 164°41' W D/T GMT 292340 Depth: 43 m ANNELIDA Axiothella catenata Terebellides stroemi Pectinariidae sp. NEMERTINEA Cerebratulus sp. ARTHROPODA unknown Amphipod MOLLUSCA Macoma calcarea Nucula tenuis Snlcoretusa sp. 193 ECHINODERMATA Echiuris echiuris Amphiodia craterodmeta Station 18 GLA— 9-30-70 70°24' N 164°02' W D/T GMT 301736 Depth : 38 m ANNELIDA Nephiys sp. Lumb rin ereis similaris Glycinda armigera Magelona japonica Glycera sp. Myriochele heeri Praxillella gracilis Maldane sarsi Maldane glebifex Maldanida — one or two unknown sp. NEMERTINEA Ccrebratulus sp. ARTHROPODA Cumacea — unknown sp. Amphipoda — 3 unknown sp. MOLLUSCA Polinices caurinus Beringius sp. Oenopota sp. Yoldia hyperborea Station 19 GLA— 9-30-70 + 2.8 mm sieve 70°10' N 166°03' W D/T GMT 010005 Depth: 31 m ANNELIDA Lumbrineris fragilis Glycera sp. Nepthys sp. MOLLUSCA Astarte borealis Liocyma fluctuosa ECHINODERMATA Stegophiura nodosa Echinarachnius parma ARTHROPODA Balanus crenatus CHORDATA Mogula sp. Station 21 GLA— 10-1-70 +2.8 mm sieve 70°34' N 163°16' W D/T GMT 012346 Depth: 38 m NEMATODA unknown species ANNELIDA Cirratulus cirratus Glycera tridactyla Magelona japonica Chone infoundibuliformis AxiotheUa catenata MOLLUSCA Yoldia hyperborea Sorripes groenlandicus Yoldia scissurata Macoma calcarea Astarte alaskensis Venericardia cribricostata Liocyma fluctuosa Nticula tennis Myselia sp. Polynicies sp. ECHINODERMATA Ophiura quadrispina ARTHOPODA Taneidaeea — unknown species Cumacea — unknown species Amphipoda — unknown species Station 23 GLA— 10-2-70 +2.8 mm sieve 70°23' N 162°24' W D/T GMT 022030 Depth: 24 m PROTOZOA large foram NEMERTINEA CerebratuluB sp. ANNELIDA Glycinde armigera Travisia forbesii Glycera tridactyla MOLLUSCA Venericardita cribricostata Serripes groenlandicus Spisula alaskana Liocyma fluctuosa Sulcoretusa sp. Margarites pribeloffensis Turriiellopsis sp. 194 ARTHROPODA unknown sp. — Amphipoda ECHINODERMATA Ophiura sp. ECHIURIDA Echuris echuris alaskansis ARTHROPODA unknown sp. — Amphipoda Station 24 GLA— 10-3-70 +0.99 mm sieve TCOQ' N 162°57' W D/T GMT 030200 Depth : 20 m PROTOZOA large foram ANNELIDA Etone longa Glycera tridactyla Travisia forbesii Glycinde artnigera MOLLUSCA Macoma calcarea Yoldia limatulata Liocyma fluctuosa Spisula alaskana Margarites sp. Cylichna sp. Station 28 GLA— 10-4-70 +2.8 mm sieve 69°59' N 163°17' W D/T GMT 041700 Depth: 30 m ANNELIDA Glycera tridactyla MOLLUSCA Macoma calcarea Hiatella arctica Astarte borealis Nucula tenius Serripes groenlandicus Yoldia limatulata Mya psuedoarenaria Mysella beringensis Turritellopsis sp. Polinices caurinus unknown sp. — gastropoda Retusa semen 195 Preliminary Report on the Zooplankton Collected on WEBSEC-70 Bruce L. Wing During WEBSEC-70 zooplankton were col- lected by three methods. Seventy-seven quan- titative samples were taken by vertical tows with a 0.5-m diameter, 0.57-mm mesh, Norpac standard net, and four qualitative surface samples were taken with a 12-cm diameter, 0.16-mm mesh, Wisconsin phytoplankton net (fig. 1 and table 1). Additional qualitative zooplankton samples were obtained as inci- dental catch in an Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl used for capturing small fishes (Qua.st, else- where in this Oceanographic Report). ' National Marine Fishery Service, Auke Bay Bio- logical Lahoratory, Auke Bay, Alaska 99821. The qualitative samples of macroplankton from the Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl catches are being held as source material for future taxonomic investigations on amphipods and mysids. Sixty-two categories of marine zooplankton, including species and distinctive life history stages, have been identified from the quantita- tive samples (figs. 2 and 3, and table 2). A manuscript on the relationship of zooplankton distributions to oceanographic conditions is in preparation. 196 o O o (0 S. !^ r 1 1 0 ^ X' — y^ ftsi^ tn^ o "^^^iJ^ s<* (0 -'^"^ ^ 1 — \ N 1 • UJ Q. < > ">- , X- < C" 1 1 42Li r#; V N < V^ CO ^^ '^ ,z ^ V < 4 .-. V i;%i4 ^^ ^— V • 25 • s s/-— ^ C^ o a co" '■"^ 1 CO -> CO • J yui \ — • R ro i )k y ^z 7 in • • • CVlS i\ V ?\ A (^ • • \ \ _l 1 ^\ • CO fc ; 1 LU V /^ — • (^ • . ff Q. V X « • • ^. i 1 < X jf <»>• • s 18 • S.8 -- e o \ V f8 • • • as • *h' o 00 • 8 • (0 — A — 1 • 1 1 o - 8 o I u CQ H c s E c o J< c a, "o. e o o 00 (O a 61 o O e 197 o O o o 1 ^ i B \^ Q. S S \ ^^ < iSSi {1 ^ Y "" A W^ \ < \ \ >■ M f iU- ^ 1 \u jf§ >- /""A i/) 2? / ^ < r •- o a. /^;3^ r r < to C\J — "^v ^ t^A^^ -x. ^^^^^ ^^^^Bi_ -. -. !2/--. V ^ /^ 0 •<^/- ^ ^ k ^ CVJ 22 \ / (D — ro • • ,' i 1* A \ (0 1 o \/ >l ? 00 • • * \ > \ 3 CD \ o (£> \ n "" "^ \ ^"^T __ r- • • \ fl \ ^"^ • • 1 a [ -• \ \ ^ ^ 1 b Y ^"^ _ -• — O) 1 1 k UJ ^\ r ji • • < ' 1 X f a. 'v/ -Jf iQ ro \ \ < f ^.^ • • 1 1 ^ae-^ \ ir^ fO a M. ^ ^ -"•* p "^"^^^Ry '" • • CVi • o \ ^ / • CM ^ \ 1 lO ?. — • lO CM CM • • • A CVJ u> V i CVJ en. • lO — • to • 1 1 8 -S o GO (0 o O o 198 o - 8 611 B a o ■c 01 o B. V a o O CO 0 "s o o o 3 •a •a c B o a 199 Table 1. — Station data for zooplankton samples taken during WEBSEC-70. Station Position Sampling Date Times Comments Lat. N Long. W depth (m) EST 8 69°45' 163°34' 17 9/26 22:25 22:30 Times to nearest 5 min. 9 70° 10' 166°03' 42 9/27 15:45 15:50 11 70''19' 165°45' 41 9/28 07:00 07:05 12 70°28' 165°15' 42 9/28 15:20 15:25 Sample fouled by Crysaora 15 70°18' 164°41' 40 9/29 15:15 15:20 Net torn sample lost. 18 70°24' 164°09' 40 9/30 07:15 07:20 19 70° 22' 163°16' 28 9/30 13:35 13:45 21 70°34' 163°16' 36 10/01 14:25 14:30 23 70°23' 162°24' 20 10/02 10:05 10:10 24 70°09' 162°57' 18 10/02 16:20 16:25 26 70°11' 162°52' 16 10/03 08:50 08:55 28 69°59' 163°17' 19 10/04 07:10 07:15 Qualitative phytoplankton sample also taken 29 70°01' 163°59' 28 10/04 14:00 14:05 Qualitative phytoplankton sample also taken 31 69°45' 163°34' 18 10/05 07:20 07:25 Almost repeats Sta. 8 location 33 69°47' 164°30' 30 10/06 03:50 03:55 34 69°52' 165°37' 40 10/06 07:45 07:50 35 69° 59' 168°03' 43 10/06 13:20 13:35 36 70° 08' 167°11' 46 10/06 16:40 16:50 39 69°51' 166°47' 49 10/07 07:25 07:30 Winch troubles 40 70°18' 166°57' 45 10/07 12:25 12:30 43 70°30' 168°26' 44 10/08 07:15 07:20 44 70°11' 168°56' 34 10/08 12:15 12:20 49 69° 48' 168-05' 45 10/09 07:25 07:30 50 69° 38' 167°44' 44 10/09 14:20 14:25 54 69°24' 167°15' 42 10/10 05:05 05:10 Qualitative phytoplankton sample also taken 55 69°13' 166°52' 38 10/10 12:30 12:35 Qualitative phytoplankton sample also taken 60 68°57' 166°25' 35 10/11 10:50 10:55 Phytoplankton net lost 62 69° 06' 166°02' 25 10/12 07:40 07:50 63 69°14' 165°56' 32 10/12 11:35 11:40 200 station Position Lat. N. Long. W. Sampling depth (m) Date Times BST Comments 64 69°25' 166°29' 69 ag^BO' 167°23' 72 69°19' 165°11' 73 69°33' 164°37' 78 69°27' 165°38' 86 69°13' 164°45' 86 69°05' 165°05' 87 69°04' 165°36' 90 68°54' 166°40' 91 68°54' 167-24' 36 10/12 14:55 15:00 44 10/13 09:35 09:40 27 10/14 09:10 Garbage in sample 09:20 Winch troubles 24 10/14 14:20 14:25 30 10/15 08:40 08:45 20 10/16 07:15 07:20 Ice in net 20 10/16 11:00 11:05 20 10/16 14:15 14:20 42 10/17 07:05 07:10 44 10/17 13:10 Insufficient 13:15 preservative Table 2. — Preliminary list of the zooplankton collected with the 0.5-m dia., #0-mesh plankton net from the eastern central Chukchi Sea during WEBSEC-70, 27 Sept.-17 Oct. 1970. Coelenterata Hydromedusae Aglantha digitale (0. F. Muller) Melicertum octocostatum (M. Sars) Staurophora mertensi Brandt ' Obelia sp. Scyphomedusae Aurelia aurita (Linneaus)'' Chrysaora melanaster Brandt " Cyanae capillata (Linneaus)' Ctenophora Lobata ? Bolinopsis infundibulum (0. F. Muller)° Nematoda Bryozoa-cyphonautes Annelida Polychaeta (adults) Polychaeta (larvae of several species) A rthropoda-crustacea Cladocera Evadne nordmanni Loven Podon leuckartii G. 0. Sars Copepoda-calanoida Acartia longiremis (Lilljeborg) Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) Calanus tonsus Brady Centropages abdominalis Sato Derjunginia tolli (Linko) Epilabidocera amphitrites (McMurrich) Eucalanus bungii Giesbrecht Eurytemora herdmani (Thompson & Scott) Metridia lucens Boeck Pseudocalarius ? gracilis Sars Pseudocalanus mivutus (Kroyer) Tortanus discaudatus (Thompson & Scott) Unidentified copepodites Copepoda-Cyclopoida Oithoyia helgolandica Glaus Copepoda-Harpacticoida Copepod naupli Cirripedia-Thoracia Balanomorpha naupli Balanomorpha cyprids Malacostraca Mysidacea Acanthomysis sp. Mysis sp. Cumacea Isopoda Epicaridea cryptonscids Amphipoda-Hyperiidea Hyperia sp. (juveniles) Hyperoche medusarum (Kroyer) (juveniles) Parathemisto Hbellula (Lichtenstein) Parathemisto pacifica Stebbing Amphipoda-Gammaridea Oedicerotidae (3 or 4 species) Phoxocephalidae Unidentified (3 or 4 species) Euphansiacea Thysanoessa inermis (Kroyer) Thysanoessa raschii (M. Sars) Thysanoessa sp. (larvae) Decapoda-Caridea Pandahcs goniurus Stimpson Hippolytidae- ( zoea) 201 Decapoda-Brachyura Oxyrhyncha- ( zoea ) Oxyrhyncha- (megalopa) Decapoda-Anomura Pagurus sp. (zoea) Pagurus sp. (glauthoe) Molluska Gastropoda Clione limacina (Phipps) Spiratella helicina (Phipps) Unidentified veligers Lamellibranchiata Unidentified veligers ' Frequently seen but not taken in any of the samples. " Seen more often than taken in samples. ' All specimens too damaged for positive identifica- tion. Chaetognatha Sagitta elegans Verrill Echinodermata Echinoidea (pleutei) Asteroidea (bipinnaria) Tunicata Larvacea Fritillaria borealis Lohmann Oikopleura vanhoeffeni Lohmann Ascidacea- (larvae) Vertebrata-Pisces Gadidae Boreogadus saida (Lepechin) (juv.) Pleuronectidae- (larvae) ioz Preliminary Report on the Fish Collected on WEBSEC-70 I68« JAY C. QUAST^ 166" 164° I62°W 70" — (25-29 Sapt) START / ICY CAPE SS^N FINISH I © / 70° 69° N 62°W Figure 1. — Positions and sequence of trawling stations during WEBSEC— 70. Circles indicate stations on which Isaacs-Kidd trawl was used, square indicates use of otter trawl. ' National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay Biological Laboratory, Auke Bay, Alaska 99821. 203 Table i.— Station data for WEBSEC-70 fish trawl stations. Station Date and inclusive time (Bering Standard) Approximate position Latitude Longitude Depth of water (m) No. Hauls Type> and depths (m.)- 8 Sept. 25 (1115-1253) 10 Sept. 27 (1917-2207) 14 Sept. 29 (0518-0817) 16 Sept. 29 (1721-2002) 20 Sept. 30 (1740-2025) 22 Oct. 1 (1734-2103) 25 Oct. 2 (1731-2036) 30 Oct. 4 (1756-2137) 32 Oct. 5 (1831-2104) 37 Oct. 6 (1727-1956) 41 Oct. 7 (1752-2014) 45 Oct. 8 (1816-2058) 51 Oct. 9 (1744-2024) 56 Oct. 10 (1940-2229) 61 Oct. 11 (1755-2015) 65 Oct. 12 (1755-2016) 70 Oct. 13 (1735-1958) 74 Oct. 14 (1723-1946) 80 Oct. 15 (1814-2055) 88 Oct. 16 (1917-2205) 92 Oct. 17 (1733-2014) 69°45' 70°04' 70° 17' 70''16' 70°20' 70''20' 70°07' 69°58' 69°48' 70°07' 69°57' 69°57' 69°36' 69n4' 69°05' 69°21' 69n2' 69°35' 69°27' 68''55' 68°36' 163' = 34' 165 "57- 165 °02' 163 "58' 163 °24' 163' '25' 163' '14' 164' '07' 163' '49' 167" '36' 167' '31' 168' '38' 167' ■36' 166' ■53' 166' '13' 166' ■45' 167' ■38' 164' ■29' 164' ■43' 166° '47' 167''41' 26 2 B 26, 26 44 4 R 11 51 4 R 11 53 4 R 11 42 4 R 12 35 4 R 12 33 4 R 12 31 5 M 2, 5, 10, 13, 19 26 4 R 12 49 4 R 12 44 4 M 10, 10, 12, 22 44 4 M 2, 9, 13, 20 48 4 M 2, 7, 14, 20 44 4 M 2, 9, 18, 23 29 4 M 8, 13, 16, 23 36 4 M 8, 13, 16, 22 39 4 M 8, 13, 18, 22 22 4 M 2, 8, 13, 18 30 4 M 2, 8, 13, 22 45 4 M 2, 11, 24, 40-45 54 4 M 2, 13, 17, 33 'Hauls approximately 30 minutes at depth; all hauls except those at station 8 were made with a 6-foot diameter Isaacs- Kldd trawl with 76 mm (stretched measurement) webbing and 13 mm liner. Hauls at station 8 were made on bottom with a shrimp try net, with 10-foot opening and 38 mm webbing. Mi^multi -depth hauls with 6-foot Isaacs-Kidd trawl. B=shrimp try net on bottom, and R = replicated hauls at single depth with 6-foot Isaacs-Kidd trawl. - Depth of footrope or depressor. Table 2.— Fish species collected during WEBSEC- -70. Family, species Life history stages Temperature (C.) at presumed depth of collection Clupeidae: Chipea harengus Linnaeus. Herring Osmeridae: Mallotus villosus (Miiller). Capelin. Gadidae: Boreogadus saida (Lepechin). Arctic cod. Eleginus gracilis (Tilesius). Saffron cod. Lycodes palearis Gilbert. Wattled eelpout. Scorpaenidae: Sebastes ahitus (Gilbert).* Pacific ocean perch. Cottidae : Artediellus scaber Knipowitsch. Hamecon. Enophrys diceraus (Pallas). Antlered sculpin. Gymnocanthus tricuspis (Reinhardt). Arctic staghorn sculpin. Myoxocephalus jaok (Cuvier). Plain sculpin. Myoxocephalus scorpioides (Fabricius). Arctic sculpin. Myoxocephalus verrucosus (Bean). Warty sculpin. Early juvenile 0.8 Postlarvae, juveniles -1.5 to 3.3 Postlarvae, juvenile -1.5 to 8.5 Juveniles -0.9 to 3.5 Juveniles 1.1 Early juveniles 1.8, 2.4 Juveniles, adults 3.4 Juveniles Juveniles, adults 0.8 -1.5 to 3.5 Early juveniles Early juveniles 0.8 to 3.5 -1.5 to 3.5 Early juveniles 0.8 to 3.6 204 Family, species Life history stages Temperature (C.) at presumed depth of collection COTTIDAE— (Continued) Na^utichthys pribilovius (Jordan and Gilbert). Eyeshade sculpin. Trig lops pingeli Reinhardt. Ribbed sculpin. Agonidae: Aspidophoroides bartoni Gilbert. Aleutian alligatorfish. Aspidophoroides olriki Liitken. Arctic alligatorfish. Podofhccus acipenserinus (Tilesius). Sturgeon poacher. Gyclopteridae: Liparis hristolense (Burke). Stichaeidae: Anisarchus medius Reinhardt. Stout eelblenny. Eumesogravimus praecisus (Kr0yer). Fourline snakeblenny. Lmnpenus fabricii (Valenciennes). Slender eelblenny. Stichaeus punctatus (Fabricius). Arctic shanny. Ammodytidae: Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas. Pacific sand lance. Pleuronectidae: Hippoglossoides robustus Gill and Townsend.* Bering flounder. Limanda aspera (Pallas). Yellowfin sole. Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Pallas. Alaska plaice. Juveniles Juveniles Juveniles Juveniles Juveniles Juveniles, adults Juveniles Juveniles Juveniles Juveniles Postlarvae, adults Postlarvae Postlarvae Postlarvae 0.8 to 3.5 2.4 to 3.5 ■0.1 to 2.4 -1.5 to 2.4 0.9 to 3.5 -1.5 to 3.5 1.9 0.9 to 2.5 -1.5 to 3.5 0.8 to 2.4 -1.5 to 3.5 0.8 to 2.3 0.8 to 3.3 0.8 to 3.3 •Provisional identification. 205 Table 3. — Occurrences of fish species on trawl stations on WEBSEC-70. Species arranged in order of increasing occurrence on the stations. Stations arranged in order of decreasing occurrence of species. Species occurrences were highest in the vicinity of Cape Lisburne and generally lowest in the northeastern section of the sampling area. Species Lisburne Isaacs-Kidd Trawl stations, Eastern Chukchi Sea Northeastern Total Otter trawl station 61 70 65 88 10 56 80 32 51 92 16 30 41 45 14 25 74 22 20 37 8 Clupea harengits X 1 Ly codes palearis X 1 Podothecus acipenserinus X 1 X Artediellis scaber 0 X Enophrys diceraus X 1 Myoxocephalus jaok X 1 M. verrucosus X 1 X Triglops pingeli X 1 X Anisarchus medius X 1 Sebastes alutus* X X a Nautichthys pribilovius X X 2 X Aspidophoroides bartoni X X X X 4 Sfichaeus punctatus X X X X 4 Liparis bristolense X X X X X 6 X Gymnocanthus tricuspis X X X X X X 6 X Myoxocephalus scorpioides X X X X X X 6 X Eumesogram.mus praecisus X X X X X X 6 Limanda aspera X X X X X X 6 Eleginus gracilis X X X X X X X 7 X Hippoglossoides robustus* X X X X X X X 7 Mallotus villosus X X X X X X X X X 9 Aspidophoroides olriki X X X X X X X X X 9 Plcuronectes quadrituberculatus X X X X X X X X X X 10 Lumpenus fabrieii X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14 X Boreogadus saida X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 20 X Ammodyfes hexapterus X 19 X 14 X 12 X 11 X 9 X 8 X 8 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 X 4 X X 4 4 X 3 X 2 X 2 20 145 Total 11 •Provisional identification. •CX U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEt 1972 206