Ecology and Control of the Principal Flies Associated with a Compost Plant By CALVIN GALE ALVAREZ A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1971 II SSESBL& no* 08552 (IDA Mini 4782 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to extend his sincere thanks and gratitude to the many persons who have made this endeavor possible: To Dr. F. S. Blanton and Dr. H. D. Putnam for serving as co-chairmen of the supervisory committee, and their assistance and friendship through- out this investigation. To. Dr. G. C. LaBrecque for serving as a committee member, for his assistance, direction, and friendship, and for providing equipment and working space at the United States Department of Agr icul ture's Insects Affecting Man and Animals Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida. To Dr. J. F. Butler for his participation with the committee, for providing equipment and working space at the Medical Entomology Laboratory, and for his tolerance of the odors of rearing blow flies. To Dr. D. H. Habeck for his assistance and work with the committee. To Dr. W. G. Eden for his guidance, encouragement, and assistance. To Dr. D. L. Bailey for providing equipment and advice. To Dr. D. E. Weidhass and all the other members of the Insects Affecting Man and Animals Laboratory for providing counsel and aid on many occas ions. To Mr. Dan Wojcik and Mr. Terry Marable for photographic assistance. To the Department of Environmental Engineering of the University of Florida for financial assistance provided by Contract number 5-701-UI- 01029-09 from the United States Public Health Service. ii To Mr. Herb Houston, project director of the Gainesville Municipal Waste Convers ion Authority, Inc., and Dr. D. T. Knuth, Environmental Engineering, Inc., for furnishing eq - and fac " ies as provided by Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Demonstration Grant number 5-D01-U1 -00030-02. Finally, the author wishes to express his deepest gratitude to his wife,Judi, for her patience and constant encouragement during this stuGy. i i i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i i LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES viii ABSTRACT x I NTROOUCTI ON 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Location of Compost Plant 4 Operation of Compost Plant 5 Fl ies 9 SECTION I. FLY LARVAL MIGRATION FROM REFUSE 13 Methods 15 Result and Discussion 17 II. CONTROL OF BLOW FLIES 26 Blow Fly Traps 26 Field Tests 29 Rearing Blow Flies 37 Laboratory Screening of Insecticides for Control of _P. cupr ina k\ III. DENSITY AND SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS OF HOUSE FLIES AT THE COMPOST PLANT k6 Rearing House Flies k6 Seasonal Fluctuations of House Flies kj Evaluation of Fly Sticky Tapes 5*+ Determination of the Magnitude of the House Fly Popul at ion 57 IV. HOUSE FLY BREEDING IN COMPOST 60 Moisture and Age of Compost 60 Sludge and Grinding 6k Temperature 67 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page SECTION V. MIGRATION AND DISPERSAL 72 Literature Review ~]2 Fl ight Mills 75 Blow Flies Released at Compost Plant 78 Fly Releases at the City Landfill 8i SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 100 APPENDIX 1. Test for the precision of the counting technique used to determine total number of larvae collected under the apron conveyor 108 2. Fly larvae trapped under apron conveyor during 1969, at the Gainesville compost plant 109 3. Percent mortal ity of 5-day old Phaen ic ?a cupr ina females 2k hr after exposure to insecticides in a w ind tunnel Ill k. Temperature in digesters 114 L ITERATURE C ITED 115 LIST OF TABLES TABLE Page 1. Percent abundance of species of fly larvae trapped under apron conveyor during 1969 19 2. Total number of larvae collected under apron conveyor compared to number of larvae trapped the same day.. 20 3. Total number of larvae collected per day under apron conveyor compared to the number caught in the same area during the night 22 4. Sex, species, and abundance (%) of flies caught in cone traps baited with 1-day old fish heads at Gainesville compost plant 29 5. Number of flies caught per day in cone traps baited with fish heads as a monitor of procedures to control adult flies at the Gainesville compost plant 30 6. Sex, species, and abundance (%) of flies caught by sweep net in grass adjacent to receiving area of Gainesville compost plant 34 7. Analysis of several rearing media to determine the most su i table method of rear ing Phaen icia cupr ina 39 8. LC-- of 5-day old Phaenicia cuprina females to insecticides in a wind tunnel 43 9. Air temperatures recorded 15 cm above compost in digesters at Gainesville compost plant 51 10. Number of adult house flies caught on sticky tapes in different ages of compost 53 11. Recapture of 3-day old marked laboratory reared house flies by sticky tapes hung in digesters for 24 hr following release of flies in the same area at the Gainesville compost plant during 1969 59 v I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) TABLE Page 12. Influence of moisture and age of compost on maturation of immature house flies reared in compost 63 13. Influence of moisture on maturation of immature house flies reared in 3-day old compost 65 14. Influence of sludge and grinding of refuse on maturation of immature house flies reared in compost 66 15. Temperatures observed irr house fly rearing containers.... 69 16. Temperatures observed in 4-day old compost in d ig esters 71 17. Mean distances flown in 24 hr by adult Phaen icia cupr ina attached to an insect flight mill 79 18. Distance flown until death by adult Phaenicia cupr ina attached to an insect flight mill 80 19. Recapture of wild marked flies by sweep net and baited traps 24 hr after release 82 20. Recapture of marked wild flies at Gainesville sanitary landfill by sweep net after release 91 21. Observations of marked wild JP. cupr ina remaining at Gainesville landfill after release 93 22. Observations of marked wild M. domes tica remaining at Gainesville landfill after release 94 23. Average percentage of flies remaining at city landfill under different weather conditions 95 24. Rainfall recorded at Gainesville Municipal Airport during release studies at city landfill 96 25. Observations of 2-day old marked laboratory reared Phaenicia cuprina remaining at Gainesville landfill after release 98 VI 1 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. Floor plan of Gainesville municipal compost plant 2. Refuse flow plan of Gainesville compost plant 7 3. Receiving building filled with refuse 3 k. Sorting conveyor carries refuse to sorting platform 5. Composting takes place in concrete digesters 6. The finished product Is discharged to outdoor storage areas. 10 7. Fly larvae and pupae under receiving hopper ]k 8. Fly larvae migrating from refuse to pupation sites under wall of receiving building 14 9. Number of fly larvae caught under apron conveyor per week at Gainesville compost plant during 1969 18 10. Eastern edge of approach ramp 2k 11. Fly larvae aiong base of eastern wall of approach ramp 2k 12. Cone trap baited with 1-day old fish heads to sample fly populations at compost plant 28 13. Rear view of receiving building showing receiving hopper and pavement behind building 28 14. Mean number of adult flies captured per sticky tape per week during 1969, in digesters at Gainesville compost plant 50 15. Number of house flies captured on sticky tapes within 2k hr after release in a large outdoor cage 56 t 16. Position of te srature probes in house fly rearing cor....: srs 33 V I I i LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Page FIGURE 17. Diagram of insect flight mill 77 18. Fly larvae in animal disposal area of city landfill 84 19. _P. cupr ina roosting on grass tassel at night at city 1 andf ill 8k 20. Predominant! y M. domes t ica roosting on weed at night at city landfill 85 21. Predominant! y _C. macel 1 aria with some M. domes t ica roosting or, dead brush in refuse at night at city landfill 85 ix Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy r ECOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE PRINCIPAL FLIES ASSOCIATED .TH A CG'.POST PLANT By Calvin Gale Alvarez March, 1971 Chairman: : Dr. F. S. Blanton Co-chairman: Dr. H. D. Putnam Major Department: Entomology and Nematology Minor Department: Environmental Engineering Seasonal fluctuations of Diptera indigenous to domestic sol id. waste were examined at the Gainesville, Florida, municipal compost plant during 1S68-1S69. Populations of both immature and mature forms were estimated and the efficiency of chemical and physical control procedures was tested. Adult dispersal studies were conducted during 1570 at the city landfill. The major fly source at the compost plant was found to be from larvae-infested incoming refuse. The greenbottle blow fly, Phaen i cupr ina (Shannon), comprised more than 50 percent of the larvae which migrated into protected areas where they developed into adults. Approxi- mately 450,000 adult flies per week were produced during the summer months. This figure could be reduced by more than 63 percent by pro- cedural changes and good housekeeping. The daily application of a dichlorvos su^ar bait reduced the number of flies by 66.7 p<~ ogle application of ite reduced the population by moi and dl sre als< tl rests. The number of house flies captured on sticky tapes was shown to be proportional to the number present in a large outdoor cage. Sticky tapes were used to show seasonal fluctuations of house fl I es in the digester building. House flies were the predominant insect breeding in compost. They were limited to the top 2.5cm in the digesters because of temperature. The optimum moisture content for house fly breeding was 75 perc^r.^. ■ to 14 percent of the eggs placed in compost at 45-55 percent moisture (normal operating conditions) developed 'rnto pupae. Egg survival to pupae decreased significantly when placed in refuse after 5-10 days of compost ing. P. cupr Ina males flew an average of 19,405.4 m and a maximum of 30,137 m when attached to a flight mill until death. Females flew an average of 25,235.2 m and a maximum of 45,030 m. Wild _P. cupr ina and M. comestica were marked and released 1 mi from a. landfill and later recaptured at the landfill. An average of 10.17 percent of the wild P. cupr ina and 1.66 percent of wild K. domestica released at the landfill on days followed by 24 hr without rain were recaptured 24 hr after release. An average of 10.7 percent of the wild _P. cupr ina released at the compost plant were recaptured in the same area 24 hr later. An average of 11.3 percent of 1 aboratory-reared P_. cup;- ina released at the landfill were recaptured 24 hr later. Baited traps surrounding the landfill recaptured only 2 flies after a total release of 255,000 fl ies. x . - The demands of our affluent society for more goods and coi items such as r,o deposit and non-returnable materials, ult in tl generation of waste products in gigantic proportions. As the a1 ze and the population increase, the per capita and total amount of waste increase proportionally. The disposal of these tremendous quantities of wastes has primarily been an urban problem. Since the trend in the ited States is toward urbanization the problems of refuse disposal become increasingly more important. This becomes evident when it is noted that in I960 the estimated median waste per capita per year in urban areas was 1,430 pounds. This amounted to *, 80 billion pounds per year and the cost of collecting and disposing of this refuse was more than 1.5 bill ion dollars (1). To combat the rising problem of refuse disposal the "Solid Waste Disposal Act" was enacted in 1965 to support a national program designed to implement and evaluate more efficient methods of coping with the solid waste problems. Under this act the Bureau of Solid Waste Manage- ment awarded a contract to the Gainesville Municipal Waste Conversion ority for the construction and operation of a refuse composting facility. T.i^ purpose of this project was to "danonstrate the reliability, ry and nu i of a recc -rat dispc:, ... 1 2 The primary objective cf composting is to dispose of refuse by biological degradation of the organic mater ials. Modern scientific composting prccecures which are employed in municipal disposal systems involve the rapid partial decompos i of organic matter by the use of aerobic microorganisms under controlled conditions (1). Municipal composting is a fairly common practice in many European countries. It is rarely used in the United States because land for refuse disposal was available in close proximity to urban centers in the past. The increasing demand for land provided the stimulus for municipalities to seek a more acceptable form of refuse disposal. As late as .$p0, there was little scientific information available on municipal composting in the United States. Since then several universities and the United States Public Health Service conducted studies that have as yet yielded only a limited amount of practical information. The capital and operating costs of composting are known to be higher than most other forms of refuse disposal but the specific ecor.cmics involved in municipal com- posting in the United States are practically unknown. The feasibility of composting must be determined by the major advantage of composting, the recycling of waste products. The sale of marketable compost and salvageable goods would reduce the net cost and may result in a profit. There are 2 general composting processes that appear to be the most efficient and economical under U.S. conditions. The first is mechanical digestion, a process in which refuse is sorted, ground, and mechanically manipulated in order to shorten the biological degradation process. The second method termed windro/.'ing involves the sorting, grinding, and of refuse in windrows allowing the materia', to compost naturally, compost plant constructed at Gainesville used the mechanical uigestion process. the P.-cbl cm As with other scientific information concerning composting in the U.S., little is known concerning insect prob] ems that may arise in this type of operation. The original purpose of the present investigation was to search out these problems, determine their magnitude, and suggest possible solutions. Initial observations revealed that large numbers of fly larvae entered the compost plant within the refuse. These larvae seeking a suitable pupation site migrated from the refuse stored in the refuse receiving building. These insects were aesthetically unpleasant to the employees as the larvae were often crushed beneath their shoes and sometimes crawled into the clothing of a resting employee. Many of the immature insects eventually became adults and further tormented the employees at the site by their constant presence whi 1 e others were reputed to invade the surrounding community. Thus, the primary areas of this investigation were as follows: To identify the larvae entering the compost plant with the refuse and to determine their magnitude and seasonal fluctuations. To search out possible processing procedures which may reduce the number of larvae migrating into the plant. To evaluate mechanical and insect icidal control procedures to reduce the larval populations. To screen several commercial insecticides for their effectiveness against the emerging adult flies. To determine the density and seasonal fluctuations of the adult house f] ies a1 :ompost plant. k To determine the extent and sane of the limiting factors of house fly breeding in compost. To determine the extent of fly cispersal from the compost pie :o the surrounding community. Laboratory studies were co.-.ducted at the USDA Insects Affec Man and Animals Laboratory in Gainesville, Florida, and at tl >ity of Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory. Field studies conducted at compost plant were begun in June, 1968. Because of a lack of funds, plant was closed on December 31, 1969, ar.c seme of the studies r.ot expanded as the author had intended. Most c.r the dispersal studies v. performed at the C'ty of Gainesville Sanitary Landfill curing the suit of 1970. Locrticn cf C c.r, post Plant The compost plant was constructed on a 5-acre tract of land located in southeast Gainesville at the city's sewage treatment complex. This site was near a sewage treatment plant, an animal shelter, and an abandoned dump. A densely populated region of middle-income apartment complexes inhabited primarily by University of Florida students and a lew-income residential area were located in c'r.e immediate vicinity. A woodland area buffered a middle- and high-income residential area located one-half I e from the plant. Operation of Comoost Plant The floor pK he c post plant Is - .ted in Fig. 1 and . general flow plan of the refuse 2. Refuse w truck and dumped on oor of the receiving building (Fl .3). refuse was then placed into a receiving hopper by a tractor modified wi a front-end loader. The hopper (19-3 m "long, 3.6 m wide, , 6 i de constituted the rear side of the building. An apron conveyor which consisted of a series of overlapping or Interl :ron pans was located at the bottom of this hopper. afuse was transported al the conveyor onto an oscillating table. This table loosened the p< rc.:„s^ in order to assure a unil flow. A sorting conveyor ccrried the refuse from tr.e oscillating tab", e to a platform where 6 lcjo-^rs manually removed sal vageable paper, cardboard, and large bulky items (Fig. k) . The paper and cardboard were dropped into chutes which fed t into a baler and the bulky items were placed in chutes that emptied into a dump truck which carried these materials to a landfill. The sorted refuse then proceeded directly into a crusher-disintegrator grinding mill. 2 ground refuse discharged from the crusher averaged 7.6 cm but varied in size depending upon the type and amount of material fed into the machine (20). Refuse passed from the first grinder into a second grinding unit which 2 reduced the particle size to approximately 5 cm . It was then discharged from the bottom of the secondary grinder into mixing screws where '2 counter- rotating ribbon-type screws, placed sid^ by side in a common trough, blended tl terial with or sludge. /eyor ~~. . carried the moistened refuse under a . ic separat, xjs Hgestsr aeration blowers tgiloadar v/ unload log shuttle conveyor Vgl loader transfer car rails Hgester unloading conveyor tglloader transfer car .(eg rind loading convayor grind distributing screw convayor tegrlnd sail feeder screw conveyors(2) (•grind kills (2) isgrlnd overflow screw coaveyor tegrlnd discharge screw conveyor Stockpiling belt conveyor Itorsge building w/truck loading reap li_» Fig. 1. Floor plan of Gainesville municipal compost plant (20), Fig. 2. Refuse flow plan of Gainesville compost plant (20) Fig. 3. Receiving building filled with refuse. Fig. k. Sorting conveyor carries refuse to sorting platform. metals and tl • onto the 1 ei ndc the ... of .r.e digesters. A shuttle conveyor, w . travelled en a pair of steel rails between the digesters discharged the refuse into these ur.!;s. The digesto.-s or digesting tanks were 2 concrete troughs S9 m long, 6 m wide, and 2.7 m deep (Fig. 5). The digester walls were constructed of concrete blocks and tne floor was converted with perforated galvanized steel places. These plates were above an air plenum into which air was dis- charged by a centrifugal low pressure fan. River gravel approximately 0.6 cm in diameter covered the perforated plates to a depth of 7-10 cm. This enabled the air to diffuse evenly through the small slots over the entire floor of the tank. The refuse was placed in the digesters to a depth of 1.8-2.4 m and allowed to compost for approximately 6 days (20). (In this investigation "compost" refers to refuse that has remained in the cigesters for a period greater than 24 hours.) Removal of the compost was accomplished by a machine called the Agi-Loader (Metro-Waste Patent No. 3,294,451). This machine removed the >OSt and deposited it back onto the tripper conveyor. A system of conveyor belts transported the compost to a final grinding mill. A finely 2 grOo eriai approximately 1 cm was discharged from this grinder and was transported by conveyor to an outdoor storage area (Fig. 6). es uS species of flies present at ^..e compost plant were n house fly, Musca don-est'ea Linnaeus, (.-.cscidae, Diptera), and greenbottle blow fly, _ „_^_ li _ [Shannon), (Call Iphorldae, - ^ ," O J » 10 Fig. 5. Composting takes place in concrete digesters, Fig. 6. The finished product is discharged to outdoor st orage areas, The house fly has been incriminated as a carrier of numerous diseases of man and animals including typhoid fever, cholera, and amoebic dysentary (27, 82); however, these claims have been supported only by circumstantial evidence. House fly associations with diseases need further c. i cat ion as experimental evidence Is s:irsc and contamination of house flies between caged mates has been shewn to be sporadic (l Greenbottle blow flies may be domestic nuisances or carry disease organisms, but in this capacity they are far less important tnan other flies. However, the damage ere suffering which the larvae inflict upon domestic animals in some stock-raising areas is of tr« us consequence. In Australia, this fly Is by far the most important species in fly strike or cutaneous myiasis of sheep (44, 69). Fly strike is a condition produced by the development of blow fly larvae on living sheep which may lead to death or a considerable loss of wool. This is a formidable problem in Australia and amounts to an annual loss of 4,000,000 pounds to sheep raisers (44, 6S) . The common house fly is well established as Musca domes tie;. Linnaeus but the systematics of the greenbottle blow fly are somewhat confused. Australian authors refer to this fly as Lucil ia cupr Ina (Wiedemann) . Hall (26) compared specimens from the United States and Australia and concluded they were not the same species. He described the American species as a new combination, _P. pal 1 escenes (Shannon). Waterhouse and Paramonov (80) later examined numerous specimens from Texas, New York, New Orleans, Washington, and Australia and concluded that there was no difference in species, but a definite pair of subsp^. ,. James (2S) concurred in this vie.-/. Hall later in Stone il . (78) m£ ned h i i -ion of ?, 12 — s_ (Shannon) but recognized the works of Watcrhouse and aut or uses the species name frcn Waterhouse and Paramonov since their work appeared to be more cc. ..sive than that of Hall. SECTION : FLY LARVAL MIC. FROM REFUSE The major source of fly Infestation appeared to be from introdi of larvae i the collected refuse and not from breeding at the co plant. Fly larvae that were br , In refuse containers throughcn t the city were brought to I post plant with the refuse. This infested refuse was stored awaiting processing in the receiving area. Many the larvae were mature and the i.^coc stimulus of the disruptive transfer to the plant caused them to actively seek a pupation site (Figs. 7 and 8). Seme of these larvae migrated Into the working areas where they annoyed the employees while others reached protective areas where they metamorphosed to adults. Such occurrences were not unique to the compost plant. Large numbers of larvae may escape to pupation sites during the handling, transferring, or processing of 1 arvae- infested refuse. Green and Kane (23) found that 7200 larvae/hr/per car were escaping from railroad cars awaiting dispatch to c rural disposal area. The infestation of refuse by larvae in the Gainesville area was anticipated because in a southern California city, with a climate similar to that of Gainesville, Ecke _et aj_. (18) reported that residential refuse containers can have -s many as 50, GOG . e per c» itainei ovei a 10-week These larv "t feed . 13 \k Fig. 7. Fly larvae and pupae under receiving hopper. Fig. 8. Fly larvae migrating from refuse to pupation sites under wall of receiving building. 15 to pupate in the soil and later emerged as adults. During the hot summer months it was reported that the feeding period was completed in k days (79). This observation led to the recommendation and subsequent adoption of a twice-weekly refuse collection system for several California cities (17, 79). The purpose of this investigation was to determine the species of the larvae escaping into pupation sites at the plant, to determine the magnitude and the seasonal fluctuations of this massive influx of insects, and to search out possible processing procedures which would reduce the total number of escaping insects. Methods Seasonal Fluctuations Visual observations indicated that the majority of the larvae escaping from the refuse were confined to the partially enclosed area under the apron conveyor. The larvae reached this area either by crawling through the openings between the metal pans of the conveyor or by falling through the opening between the floor of the receiving building and the edge of the receiving hopper. To determine the species present and the seasonal fluctuations of the larvae entering the plant, a trap was placed in this area. This trap was similar in function to that descr ibed by Roth (58) and 2 consisted of a 30.^*8 cm plywood box.. It was abutted to the wall under the apron conveyor so that larvae falling through the opening between the hopper and the floor would be trapped in the box. The trap was operated from January 12 to December 31, 1969. The trap was checked daily and the number of larvae recorded. A minimum of one sample catch per week was preserved in alcohol for identi- fication. Pope ' tor It was desired that the larval population trapped in the se- fluctuation survey be used to estimate the total number of larvae e_ into the plant. To accomplish this it was necessary to c total number of larvae that entered the plant, the percentage larvae trapped, and the reliability of the trapping proced. The total number of larvae entering the plant wol'.c figure to accurately define. Since the majority of the larvae migrat under the apror, conveyor it was used to deter.. ire the total number of larvae in that area and to determine the reliability. The larval population under the apron conveyor was determined by sweeping the area for a 10-day period beginnir _. st 29, 1969. These sweepings, which included the debris and larvae that had fallen during the previous 2k hr, were placed into a 55-gallon (208 1) drum. The drum its contents were weighed, sealed, and thoroughly mixed by rolling on the floor for several minutes. Immediately a volume of approximately 0.5 1 was removed and weighed on a laboratory balance (Ohaus, Union, i\.J.) . The larvae in the sail countec and the total number of larvae in the drum or under the apron conveyor was calcula. To deterr.-;..^. the precision of the above method, a sample of approxi- mately 0.5 ] was r I, copied, and replaced ir. the drum. The -are was rep: ica. • in A • 7 ffects of Clearinc ing Building Dally of Refuse It was standard operating procedure that a sufficient amount of refuse remain in the receiving building overnight so that operations could begin the following morning and proceed without interruption until the trucks began delivering refuse. To determine the number of larvae escaping into the compost plant as a direct result of this proc t< re, the area under the apron conveyor was swept twice daily; once at 7-"00 z. before daily operations began, and again at c : ". 5 F - :'le plant closed. This was repeated for 6 consecutive days during September, 1969. The larvae collected were enumerated as described previously. Result and Discussion Seasonal Fluctuations The results of a larval sampling program to determine the species present and seasonal fluctuations of the larvae escaping into the compost plant are shown in Fig. 9 and Appendix 2. These data show that relatively few larvae were captured during January, February, and March. The catch '..-.creased in April while a consistently high number of larvae were trapped from June to mid-October. The number c'ecl ined throughout November and larvae became relatively scarce in December. Phoenicia cuprina was the predominant fly species collected in this survey. Table 1 shows that greater than 97 percent of the captured larvae were _P. cuor ina. One percent were M. devest ica while the remainder were comprised of Cochl ic.ry ia a_rla ! ' 1 1 ucens (Linnaeus), •Ibut i on of ... ose reported by other 1 .95 18 or'" ID CO > CO O CM C ro x: 1/1 0 t O a. § 1 u h (U ^ ■— ibo > c' o l/I V c co < •— C3 ! +j r CO s cr\ o l_ 0) Q. Isi 1_ r^ co O -a- V x-j > c o o F o c o l_ oo a. — -> (/) CO LA .* i_ fM l_ 1 %Q < i_ •— CO CO t — 2: 4- CT1 <4- C 1_ o >4- sp O — 1_ TJ SU 1- 3 0) •0 li. XI o Ko (' CNI e ■m 3 C o ,» Z CO 4 1 w— *-> CM -} a. c : • en CO ex CT) vO CM (0001 x) JoAaAuoo uojde jspun paddej} 3eAje[ A[± ±o JaquunN 19 Table 1. Percent abundance of species of fly larvae trapped under apron conveyor during 1969. Spec ies Percent of total number of larvae examined per week Max imum M in [mum Average 100 90. 5 97.2 6.4 0 1.0 6.0 0 .7 4.7 0 .7 4.7 0 .6 <.01 0 - Phaenicia cuDrina Musca doTiest ica Cochl ioTiy ia macel 1 aria Sarcophaga spp. Hermet ia il 1 ucens Others percent of all larvae collected from residential refuse containers in southern California (28, 18, 79). It was also the principal blow fly found in garbage in Orlando, Florida (31). Green and Kane (23) reported Phaenic ia was the predominant genus occurring in London during the summer. Population Factor Table 2 gives the calculated number of larvae collected per day under the apron conveyor and the percent trapped in the larval sampling program for that same day. These data indicate that an average of 0.99 or approxi- mately 1 percent of the larvae under the conveyor were caught in the trap. The variance of 0.04 for these results indicates consistency. Larval movement into the plant was not limited to the area under the apron conveyor as migration from a pile of refuse could be expected to occur randomly in all directions. Larvae migrating from the refuse in the receiving building in an easterly direction found harborage behind a wooden retaining wall. This was approximately 1 m from the outer wall of 20 TO > o -O E 3 C X> TO Q. O >^ o > c o o c o l_ Q. TO X> c 3 Xt O o o o (0 • > >• l- TO TO XI <0 u- E O TO I/) l_ O O JQ JZ E +J C XI o ■— Q. to q. 4-> TO O L- V TO 4J XI c +-> 1- O TO 0) . O O O a> — TO O- > E 1- TO TO i/l _ I — ■4" — ■J CA OO 00 -3" -3" oo oo — O rA O 'q-'e S3 to ca ca C7I TO l_ < i — n 4 vD CO LTV — oo j- -3- — ca r-» CA CM CNJ o co rA CM — O -3" - m a\ -3" -3" CM O O O O O O _ cm la o o LA o CO CA o o — — o LTv O rA LA O CM .— I — 00 v£> -3" oo ca ca r»» o ca ca — o vo r^ CM LA LA rA -3" ca — vO O CM J- r-^ O -3" N vO LA CO — CM — rA LA rA rA 00 vO CA LA r~» CA LA CA f — CO 00 CA I — [■*■■ CA vO -3" — — — rA vO -3" O CM vO CA r» ca o -3- r»» o CA 00 CM vO O O ca CM .— LA r»» vo — oo SO 00 vO oo 1/1 en c •"■ ^— v D. cn a ^ o o 00 -3" r-» LA CO -3" rA CM o — - 5 CA r-~ »— 00 o -3" CA r^ vO CM in — CM 1 — — — 1 — •~ CM 21 the building and extended the length of the receiving area. It was difficult to sample this area and the larval population was an approxima- tion based on visual observation. It was estimated that the number of larvae escaping behind the east wall was approximately one-third of those escaping under the apron conveyor for any given day. The construction of the receiving area and the practice of handling the refuse greatly reduced larval survival in other directions. Refuse was deposited toward the east wall and as it was moved into the hopper from east to west by the front-end loader, those larvae migrating in a westerly direction were scraped into the receiving hopper. Northerly migration resulted in little survival since the ramp and paved areas provided no protected areas for pupation. Combining the estimates that two-thirds of the larvae migrating into the plant enter the area under the apron conveyor and 1 percent of these are trapped results in a population factor of 133. This factor may be multiplied by the daily larval catch to give an approximation of the number of insects migrating from the refuse into the protected areas of the plant. For example, Appendix 2 shows that 6116 larvae were trapped the week of September 7, 1969. Multiplication by 133 gives an approximation of 813, ^+28 larvae entering the plant during that one-week period. Effect of Clearing Receiving Building Daily Larvae collected under the apron conveyor during plant operation were compared to collections in the same area during off hours. The results are given in Table 3 and indicate that an average of 38.5 percent of the larvae escaping into the compost plant migrated from piles of refuse remaining in the receiving building after the plant was shut down for the 22 o XI E 3 C <13 Q. o >. o > c 0 u c 0 i_ a rg u » — i rg £ "O C> • — L. C O C~ a _z — +-> o — ' en U c j • — - — l_ .— 3 0 "O u ra o o IS u > Q L. ra C) i — E m i— i/i o o i_ x: CJ — < -Q E c 3 ■— C — • — -^ (3 C"> —< 3 0 (0 1- u • m u — ra u TO o rg 4-1 o (0 •a (0 u 0) ra x; > ra o O O z o 0) E in C71 C Q. CD O ^ < i — O CM LA -3" 00 oo oo o o oo o — 00 o o O ^A r- la o o o o LA vO o o O CM i-»-vo o o o o -3" LA o o o o CM 0O vD — ra ra cm r^ J" CM O -3" ra — -3" -3" -3" ra ra la vO CM Q Z o z o z a z u u ra »— O CM 00 — -3" — 00 LA M0 -3" cm -3- > o. o — o r>. CTvvO — cr\ LA — 0"\ ra i_ F -3" ve- LA C7\ r*. en ra 0"\ -3" CT\ cnoo rg ra ra ra CM CM ■ 1 — — CM w— CM O ^-. — E O- en LA — MO ra O ra CM o — ra CM CM E ^ CM LA m0 -3" M0 r— CM -3" — 00 O CO ra r-» ra vO ra ra ra r^ — VO CM MD cm to CMLALACOLALA la LAvOr*- CM a\ ra— enco OO VO rara OLA r~^ CM — ra r-^ — . vO m0 ra en cm F E Bl ra LA o rm o SO I** - F ."J ^_ o m o • — • • • • l-^MD II y Q Z 23 day. It is obvious from these results that not storing refuse overnight would reduce the number of larvae entering the plant by more than 35 percent and decrease the ensuing adult population. The value of clearing the refuse from the receiving area daily was further demonstrated by observing the large numbers of larvae along the eastern edge of the approach ramp. When refuse remained on the approach ramp for several days numerous larvae migrated from the refuse and fell to the pavement below. On several occasions when this occurred fly larvae were so numerous that the pavement along the edge of the ramp appeared white. On one such occasion the pavement was swept clean and the larvae collected 12 hr later. Their number was estimated to be 30,000 or 60,000 per cay migrating from the ramp (Fig. 10 and 11). ^dult Development from Larvae The majority of the larvae that migrated from the refuse were mature and thus required only a suitable pupation site to develop into adults. This was demonstrated by placing i 00 larvae collected under the apron conveyor into waxed paper cups (0.946 1). Twenty-five gm of refuse debris collected from the same area were added to one-half of the cups. The cups were covered with cloth, secured with a rubber band, and placed under the apron conveyor. Ten. days later the number of adult flies that had emerged were counted. Nine replicates of each test gave an average of 65.3 percent adult emergence from the cups to which only larvae had been added, and an average of 88.8 percent adult emergence from the cups with debris added. Generally there was a considerable amount of debris under the apron conveyor and behind the east retaining wall, the main areas of larval infestation. It was concluded that most of the escaping larvae reached Ik Fig. 10. Eastern edge of apporach ramp. Fig. 11. Fly larvae along base of eastern wall of approach ramp. 25 adequate pupation sites and close to 88.8 percent adult eiiergence was expected. Extending the previous example given for the week of September 7, 1969, an approximation of 733,313 adult flies could be expected to emerge within 10 days as a result of larval migration from the refuse. Survival of Larvae Through Grinding Mills Approximately 10,000 mature house fly' 1 arvae were passed through the secondary grinder in May, 1969. The primary grinder was not in operation at that time because of equipment failure. Nine live larvae were recovered in the discharged refuse. In July, 1969, 10,000 mature house fly larvae were passed through the recently installed primary grinder. No surviving larvae were found in the discharged refuse. SECTION I I CONTROL OF BLOW FLIES Studies were initiated in June, 1969, to evaluate several procedures such as mechanical control and insecticide baits, fogs, and residues for the control of blow flies emerging from the incoming refuse. The effectiveness of a control measure was determined by the reduction of flies caught in two baited traps located behind the receiving building. These investigations were terminated in October with the advent of cool er weather. Bl ow Fly Traps A suitable method to estimate changes in the number of flies was needed to evaluate the various control procedures. Sticky tapes were ineffective because the large amount of dust created in the receiving area rapidly coated the adhes ive mater ial . Grill counting was ineffective because the counts varied with hourly density fluctuations and positive species ident if icat ion was nearly impossible (42, 45). Norris (45) reported that bait trapping was the only generally useful method available to study blow fly populations and that the bait employed was the most important variable. He reported that animal tissue was the best for blow flies, being mere reliable than some of the more 26 27 recently developed synthetic attractan:s (14, 45). However carrion is not a uniform bait. Its attractiveness varies with age, moisture, and decomposition (42). Kawai and Suenaga (30) found that fish 1 -day-old was the most attractive to b". '. es. The traps si For use compost plant were two 3C x IZ .% 54 cm inverted cone traps. fere baited with 1-day-olc acquired locally. " ^sa of each trap was enclosed by 0.5 cm screen wire to prevent small ar.imals from stealing the bait. These traps e shown in F ig. 1 2. , The traps were place : . the pavement behind the receiving area, see FIgs.l and 13. The flies were collected from the traps daily by placing the trap and 13 ml of ethyl acetate into a plastic bag. After the flies were anesthetized, they were removed and placed Into a small plastic bag. The catches were then transported to the laboratory For counting and identification. Table 4 gives the identification of flies caught in 15 different daily catcnes. This shews that 89 percent of the flies trapped were -"icia spp., 6.8 percent were Musca domestica, 3.7 percent were Cochliomyia macellaria, and 0.5 percent Sar'coohag \ spp. These figures are close to those percen .ages recorded in Table 1 which gives the relative abundance of the various species of larvae entering the plant from the refuse. The differences that occur may be the result of the .ping method employed, different survival rates of the species involved, or immigration of adults from surrounding areas. 28 Fig. 12. Cone trap baited with 1-day-old fish heads to sample fly populations at compost plant. Fig. 13. Rear view of receiving building showing receiving hopper and pavement behind building. 29 Table k. Sex, species, and (%) cf flies caught in cone tr: b^ited with 1-day old fish heads at Gainesville compost plant. . ; i es Phaer, ?c :a spp. ^usca domes tica Cochl iomy'a macel la~ra Sarcophaga spp. - 39.0 6.8 . % Femal 10.4 . 1.7 93.3 55.2 - . 0.0 IOC . Mean of 15- day catches taken at random. Field tests ethods Severe, adult fly control procedures were evaluated to cetermine their effectiveness and cost of application during the summer of 1 969. The effectiveness of the control procedures was determined by comparing the number of flies caught per day in baited traps during the treatment period to the number of flies caught during a prior period of no treat- s- men t. The duration of pre-treatment control sampling was 7 days and subsequent control periocs were 3 days. Treatment and control periods were alternated followed chronologically in the order presented in Taole 5, beginning July 14, Four ays elapsed between a treatment and the following control peri The control procedures are described as follows: . t al ■ (31) "n studies t dumps found that trichlorfon I ^ave gc . BaiK ported iits controlled house flies. 30 •_ 0 -J •~ c 0 £ id in ID l/l • — — 1 ID c u ID -C |M a. -Z l/l — < • — l/> *t- O a £ p w 0 •— u 2 o — . — fi — ■4-J • — •— > id in .0 U c l/l •— a Q -> o ID o Li c o o c .5 j >~ ,_ n; L_ XI — 1 i_ . o 3 CL-O ID .-> jC . — ~ 0 3 l_ n w u C 0 i/> u u — o — -4-J u- in >— o 0 u 3 L. T, O u X, u E O 3 i_ Z a • ~-\ 4) — -3 ID .C cn 3 2 3 • — a; oo i — "a *— L. u- O o C~ u ID O r-»\o -X > r^co cn-3- en o — CO CM la O -S- — PA LA VO II |x pa vo co en o vo -3" -T en *o rsin ltipj pa r-» cnj en o -3- co CM CM CM f— PA cn LA cn ii |x pA-TLAvor^cocno — cmpa-3" X> o a. x; cn 3 (D U in o E 3 o -C u E cn o o -4- 10 XI a in O >. o > c o o c o l_ o. (0 o XI c 3 (D 0) u < c E o a) i_ 3 XI o u o c o > cn x: o X3 o cn 3 m u in a) J3 E 3 C C ID 0) E o c o in o i_ Q. i/) o 3 C (D 0) i I c o o — Q O f) U >~ • — -J z: c o o i — ur\ mj\ r^i-;- o cm z> ^oco r-- r-^ o -a .-^vd i^«.Ko vo — — co a. LA \~> II 5^ c o o -J JZ q .a z, CD 4J o . — CO to s a> 3 C O LA CO l_ u c o"\ o~\ LA I I — — cm cv^i -3- -3" LA Lf\ LA LA -A LA ex co o — ISCO (TiO LA LA LA \0 CO CD .-v-i r- CO C7\ CO C\ CM \D fv-. NVO \0 CN. _ y£) _q- ■a O -C - IAIN I — [*-. — O . 3" -i" VO 0\ — rr\ CALAvO CM -3" LAOICO *~ II IX — r-. is — ( INIV^.O - -•- ~ (0 "o - o !_ CD v._ cn •— 2 • S •^ • — L. o •— -3 CO CO O 10 CD (0 >- 1 — . — -3 - — ' ■a t_ ■o ^ o .— CD r— — - r— CL ■(-> CD — s *k (— — O O •— •— 4-> , — D o_ Q. "o CO in *— ■i-j • ■ — o TO E 1 — a) ^ 3 LA 4- ex CM {2 ■— • O to z O > c O i — f— .c o <_> •— •_ (— XI ■i-l c *sP r £ 0 en — 3 i_ U 01 b in — 4) >■ Q x o C c o o — ID CO • — -3" CTi — O in LA Lf\ co -3" CO 0"\ ovon p- en r» o I NOO(n r>» r-~ — — . vO — -3" -3" II CO vO — CM po -3" LA vO I — oo en o r-»cooocococococococo en LAcoCTvOLTicocoCrvvDcoO — oocnr^cn^r-»co-3-oooi-r\o o^cncncncx\cncnco en r~ la co co co r^ oo -3- en cm r-~ o ,>o <— vo cm — co — mo-3--— oor-^cn— lt\ — CM — COCO CM r»» en — icn co — -3" en j- r-~ n [s ii |x — cm r^-j lao nco a\o — <*m co-3"in vO vO vO vD vjj vi) vO M3 vj c^ r"». r>- P"- r»» r»» en c o u o c CJ u ra — I XI CO 10 Q o ;/) CO fO 1_ en o CM en CM o co ra en o co 1_ CO CO ■a >- ■M ra ra X ^> c O • o •— CO . — VO X Q. 0) a. >- •— ra •— o 1- in <— 3 i-_ u c 'J in • — •— u m • — >~ c . — o IB c C — < c^ o .a (0 „ , Q. F 3 en a ■o o a 3 0. o PA X CT\ E 3 ■o a E CJ pa -3- r-^ — -3- r-. ~- .— LA v£> O — — •— LA .— O LA LA CM pa 1 I — CN CM _ — r- — PA , — PA O LA CM ■O O • • O »— p— ■ ID co vo ca ca 00 r»» md o cm co — r-»oo w— pa CM vO r— O r-- -3" CM CM _ — , — ^_ _T "O CJ o E 3 •a CJ E t/i CJ (/) en en CJ ro c o o CM •a CJ E 1/1 — — CO CM CO O — PA O -3" O cm r— vO o vO vo vo mo i>--3" cm LA LA LA LA O -3" — -3" LA O — PA CM o vO PA PA O co co 00 00 co r--\o (/) CD CO O en • • CJ PAvO O O CM 00 , — 0 CA CM vO vO -3" CA O CA ^y 1 — ID p-« CM — O 0 — PA C. 3 O — CM PA-3- PA — PA -cr CO LA CO MD •— vO O — 0 <+- TO c CJ <4- 5 *-— CJ CJ < _Q CJ .a 1 £ E en en c en LA • 1 — ■— r^ + + + + L. i_ •_ CJ CJ 1_ u L, X +-I +j 0 4-1 O c L- L- to fO +J <0 +J 3 C- CO 3 3 — . w- E E E E .— E CJ T -0 en £ cn CJ C c LA LT -A jQ 3 - fmm — O . — O LA O G CM OJ • F s_ *— + + + r^ en C7i Ol T + X X :< T wmm 4-> C C O c c <_> <_> u (J 0 — cn F F E E E E E E c 01 OI Ol en en en £n si F en G 0 LA LA LA LA O u> 0 w CM CM LA b 1 O CA O CO LA O LA MO ■J-, • 10 CO 1_ • 4J O N — ' "3 . — F t= 10 c >— 0 0 -3- CO CM r-^ r^ CM CN PA-3" vO '* — LA L. O <*- CJ Q. 0 >4- 4-1 ^m 0 O to < -J3 J3 3 E E . — cn a E cn E O 0 O LA LT 0 LA LA -3- + + + + 1_ u I_ O 0 I_ a) < +-> 4-1 0 4-1 y (0 Q — > ro Co 14- 3 3 10 2 0 O ^ 0) ^" ■ — - — - E -i E E 1 E cnu- CJ ■a O 0 0 LA OJ c O 0 0 O CM _Q 3 -3" -3 0 -3- !— G LA E L. + + + + en OI + X K :■' X O C O c C < C C LA 10 c_ 3 3 3 3 0 1 — £ ~ 1/1 c -C + — < (_> 0 <_; ^J O E E E E E E E cn cn cn cn cn cn cn O-3-OOOOO LA LA O O LA O O CM -3" -3" -3" CM -3" CM 40 inch plywood with a 25 cm diameter circle cut in the center and covered with muslin cloth for vent i 1 at ion was placed over the tub and secured by k bricks. Eight days after egging the medium the pupae were removed by sifting them from the sand and the total number recorded. One hundred pupae were then randomly selected, washed, dried, and weighed. Six replicates were prepared for each test medium. The test media included lean ground beef, Alpo, Chunx plus Alpo, Chunx plus ground beef, CSMA plus ground beef, Chunx, and Chunx plus CSMA and ground beef. Rearing tests were conducted on the screened porch of University of Florida building number 61 8 which is located northwest of the medical entomology laboratory. The porch was screened on 3 sides and covered with a roof with 1 m eaves. Light, temperature, and humidity were ambient. These tests were conducted during May and June of 1S70. Results The results of the rearing tests are presented in Table 7. These data show that immature _P. cupr ina reared on a diet consisting only of meat were larger than those reared on the other diets. When large numbers of larvae were reared, as in the second test series, k of the diets produced more flies than did the all meat diets. The diet of the dry dog food, Chunx, plus water and 50 gm of ground beef was chosen to rear the flies used in the laboratory chemical screening tests. This diet was superior to all other diets tested in the numbers of pupae produced and cost less than the all meat diets without producing offensive odors. Although the pupae were not as large as those reared entirely on meat, these size differences were not 41 considered great enough to adversely affect the tests or offset the advantages of the dog food diet. Adult blow flies used ' ical screening tests were rec from eggs collected - : the flies were re :ion on th diet cc 400 gm Zr.^r.s., 400 ml tap water, and 50 gm lean ground beef in described above for the second test serie Adult flies were helc 1 5 x 24 x 50 cm gauze— covered caces and provided with fres -er and fly food daily. The fly food consisted of 6 parts granulated sugar, 6 parts non-fat dry milk, and 1 part cried egg yolk. The cages were held in the University of Florida medical entomology laboratory environmental control chamber with 16 hr of artificial day light provided by incandescent lights. Temperature and humidity were main- tained at 26 C and 70 percent R Laboratory Screening of Insecticides for Control of ?. cuprina Methods Five-day-old female _P. cuor ina adults were exposed to space sprays of 12 commercially available insecticides in the wind tunnel described by Davis and Gahan (15). The insecticide solutions were prepared by dissolving each chemical in acetone to attain the desired concentrations (w/v) . The original range of concentrations ror each chemical was based on the LC-„ values obtained for an insecticide susceptible strain of 42 The tests followed the procedures outlined by Bai 1 ey _et aj_. (7, 8). Twenty adult females were confined in test cages made of metal sleeves closed with screen wire at each end. These cages were placed in tne wind tunnel. One-fourth ml of the insecticide solution was atomized at 1 ps i into the mouth of the machine, and drawn through the cages by a 4 mph air current. Duplicate cages of flies were treated with each concentration, immediately after treatment the flies were transferred to clean holding cages and a cotton pad saturated with a 10 percent sugar water solution was placed on top of each cage as a source of food and water. The treated flies were held under constant light at 25°C and at 70 percent RH for 24 hr when mortality was recorded. If the concentrations of the chemical tested produced greater than 90 or less than 10 percent mortality these data were discarded and other concentrations selected until a minimum of 4 concentrations were used that produced mortalities within the acceptable range. These data were used to calculate LC 's by the probit analysis technique described by Finney (19). Twelve compounds were evaluated in 13 tests, each of which included from 4-7 insecticides, acetone, a dimethoate standard, and an untreated check. The chemicals tested were as follows: dimethoate, parathion, naled, diazinon, fenthion, ronnel , propoxur, carbaryl , malathion, Dursban [0,_0-diethyl 0- (3 ,5 ,6-tr ichl oro-2-pry idyl ) phosphoroth ioate ], Gardona [2-chloro-l- (2,4,5-tr ichl orophenyl) vinyl dimethyl phosphate], and Bayer 41831 [Sumithion] [0,0-d imethyl 0- (4-n i tro-m-tol yl) phosphorothioate]. Resul ts The insecticides tested as space sprays are listed in Table 8 in ascending order of the LC-g values obtained by probit analysis. The fiducial limits (P=0.05) are also listed. Dimethoate was the most effective 43 Table 8. LCco of 5-day old Phaenicia cuprina females to insecticides in' a w ind tunne> . Insect icide <&° F iducidal 1 Smi t: P=0.05 s LC-r susceptible hodse fly (%)a d imethoate 0.0259 + 0.0064 0.04 parathion .053 2 .0068 .05 Dursban .0567 .0063 .74 nal ed .0648 .0065 .018 d iazinon .0857 .0063 .062 Gardona .126 .0063 .06 f enthion .133 .0065 .15 Sumithion .183 .063 .074 ronnel .246 .065 .13 propoxur .264 .092 .95 carbaryl 8.42 .67 >2.5 mal thion >50. ™ .81 Data obtained from the U.S.D.A. Gainesville laboratory. chemical tested and along with parathion, Dursban, naled, and diazinon demonstrated potential for use as a chemical control of £. cuprina. Gardona, fenthion, Sumithion, ronnel, and propoxur were less effective. Carbaryl and malathion were ineffective with 50 percent malathion failing to kill 87 percent of the exposed flies. Appendix 3 shows the concen- trations and percent mortalities used in the probit analysis to calculate the LCj. 's. The Chi square tests for chance variation of a homogeneous population were acceptable at the 5 percent confidence level for all tests and are listed in Appendix 3. kk The LCcn values obt JSDA Goinc-v; the Orlando suscepi tested are listed !n lese \ lues when compared to t -„'s obtained wit . -n of the cr. -at - . ss for he blow flies within a factor of 2. The tolerance ase insecti ~ared to t s those of the sus house fly strain colonize ago. the blew . been generally exposed to insect icidal press over a /idespread area in the United States. The ineffectiveness of malthion to kill JP. cupr ir.a was unexpect as rnalathion re- sprays . recommended to control blew flies ."lorida dumps (3^, 79). This becomes less startling, ho/tfc r,en one considers that n r.c control _P. cupr ;na on shtep in Australia (57) and that lion has induced a very specific resistar in the house fly, in Cul 1 is Coq. , and in the blow fly, C. putoria Wie< II). In the case of the blow fly, complete resistance was induced within 6 months. JP, cupr ina are controlled in Australia and widespread dieldrin resistance has been reported. Wild flies .. _s more resistant to dieldrin than a susceptible strain and resistance was also ob: to aldrln, endrln, isodrin, chlordane, ■ cyclodlenes, and BHC (32, 67, 63). Since the general use of chlorinated hydrocarbons is illegal in Florida these chemicals were not te A shi t c phos| in Austral ia 1 45 used and according to Shanahan (70, 71, 72, 73) no resistance was found after 6-8 years of use. He terms a 3-5-fold increase in the Lnrn values of wild flies as tolerance. Schuntner and Roulston (65) found resistance to diazinon in blow flies and identified it as the breakdown of the in vivo pool of free diaoxon. A perusal of the literature revealed that resistance to any insecticide by _P. cupr ina has not been reported in the United States. SECTION I I I DENSITY AND SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS OF HOUSE FLIES AT THE COMPOST PLANT Observations conducted during 1968 revealed that blow flies and house flies were present in large numbers in the receiving area and around the sorting platform, while house flies predominated in the digester building. These flies annoyed the workers and posed a possible public nuisance if the plant proved to be a source of flies to the surrounding community. A house fly sampling program was begun in January, 1969, to determine the density and seasonal fluctuations of the house fly population at the compost plant. The purpose of this survey was to determine the magnitude of the house fly population, the necessity of a fly control program, and seasonal changes that may affect such a program. Rearing House Fl ies All stages of house flies used in this and the following section were obtained from the insecticide susceptible or Orlando strain maintained by the USDA Gainesville Laboratory. These flies were reared in a 10 1 plastic tub in a mixture of 1 part CSMA fly rearing medium and 2 parts water. A 6.5 x 6.5 x 10 cm sponge saturated with water was placed in the bottom of k6 47 the tub to maintain proper moisture. The tub was covered with a black cloth secured with rubber bands. Pupae were collected 7 days after egging the medium and placed in 1 5 x 24 x 50 cm gauze cages. The adults were provided with fresh water and fly food which consisted of 6 parts granulated sugar, 6 parts non-fat dry milk, and 1 part dried egg yolk. The flies were reared at the USDA laboratory in rooms with 16 hr of artificial light provided by fluorescent lamps. Temperature and humidity were maintained at approximately 26 C and 70 percent RH. Seasonal Fluctuations of House Flies Trapping The digesters were selected as the primary sampling area for adult house flies at the compost plant for 2 reasons: (l) initial observations showed that adult house flies were usually more abundant near the digesters, and (2) equipment operation in the receiving and sorting areas made sampling procedures difficult. The grill method of sampling house flies, developed by Scudder (66), was initially selected for use in the seasonal fluctuation study. This sampling procedure results in an index of the population and not an actual measure of population density (43). The reliability of grill sampling is debatable. Murvosh and Thaggard (43) reported a high correla- tion between grill counts and the total number of house flies in kitchens on the Island of Mayaguana, while Schoof (62) found that grill counts did not increase linearly with the population sampled. Welch and Schoof (Si) reported that grill counting was subject to individual error and was no more accurate than visual estimates. 48 Grill counting was ineffective at the ccmpost plant because of the large volume of attractive materials present. 2 One-foot- square (32.4 cm ) masonite boards covered by a thin layer of St I (Michal and Pelton Co., Emryville, California' :ed for trapping fl ies i s attached 1 m in nere then driven t pest i This procedure was discarded because such large numbers of flics were trapped that the boards became ineff -fore 2- .d passed. Also, more than 1000 flies per board were trapped and a population reduction this great may have significantly reduced the total populati :ky capes (Aeroxon Produc - :« 5 ■ for trapping t ies. Raybould (54, $5, 56) n .at sticky tapes were more accurate than counts in s. house ions in Africa because they were less on human judgment, took Into account temporary Fluctuations in densities, and allowed for the identi- fication of the fl ies. Sticky tapes have also been shown to be more accurate than vacuum collections and v counts at poultry farms (2), and baits at dairy barns (51). Tests during December, 1963, revealed that sticky tapes were acceptable for tr-pping house files at tne ccmpost plant. se flies were sampled in the digesters from January 12 to December 31, 1969, using sticky tapes sus . from 1.2m wooden stakes driven Into - ..ployed daily and each stake placed in a v age of compost v ) from 1-5 days o. G.I The mean number of flies caught per sticky tape per week was ca', . - :ed by i ng the numbe.' of caught per week by the n of sticky tapes. These data are shown in Fig. 14. Eff Jj razors m inimum ir ratur at t -age treatment facility ch . as Iocat -lately ad. to the compost plant. These cata were made av£ easy of Mr. C. R. . , manager of the treatment fac'. Ity. The weekly means of the maxir. daily air temperatures were calculated and are shewn ir. Fig. I A comparison c. ; mean weekly catch of fl ies in the di ss ters ; imum air temperatures showsan apparent correlat betwec. tl jse d - from January to June. The compost plant was closed to replace the primary grinding mill on June 15, 1969. When operations resumed on July 6, : finite numbers of trapped flies was observe.. check with tne plant foreman .^vealed that the operating procedures were the same as those before the plant closed for repairs. The only observable difference was th< t the refuse discharged into the digesters was slightly smaller in size. There was no reason to believe that this would greatly affect the number of flies in the area. It was observed that temperatures in the digester buile jre higher than the ambient air temperatures because of the heat generated in composting process and the construction of the metal digesting building. A ^raph was placed on a platform 15 cm above the compost in the dig« perat I icr sever I iods. how that the ..-,ean da i ly Weekly mean of maximum daily air temperature °C 50 LA O LA O LA CA vO ro cr\ CM CM cn '"'" " 1 oo en o •' CM c o ■ i_ o ■ J" Q 3 TJ o o \ O " ca 0) © | 0) • MO 2 • E a o k - CM Z a. • \ o\ Q) • a. O I CO 4-> o • I - LTV - CM o >- o o +j e [ - r-~ I/) in • J ^r l_ • - CM V o I O < Q. • 4-1 • "• w— tj c o i r. ro 1- _ o ■ - CM 3 CL o « 4-1 O. 4-> • o " ^m -J TO cn O o o O Q. rA o — - i .2 0) TJ o u 4-1 c TO 51 o CM • • -5 cn Li. TO 1 i o LA o UA O LA c D LA CM o 1 — LA CM jsd pajnjdeo ssi i^ .jo jsqiunu ueaw A[>)8a^ 51 c to 10 o (J TO > TO C TO o (0 in to +j in TO en ■a c o Q. o u a > o -Q (0 U LA TO -o 1_ o o to l/> to o Q. E to TO TO -Q +j - j*: i/l u 0 tT\ a\ OA r-» ^ — (/) t— r^ LA >4- 1- C? TO Z Q- >- TO — !_ I- 3 D +J O TO f— a\ LA LA O .c j- B • a • • o r-» -a- -cr 00 -3" c a. oa OA OA CN CM to E to ~ r— •_ ID , — -3- MD CM 1 — ■°a J- CN J" O c — PA co oa cn CN TO <1> SI >« »— mm Q .c vO Lft OA I~-> OA TO CD •— i— r- r-» rA OA c x: •it m OA OA OA TO TO ST U- O v 0 1 — 0 r>» CN 0"V vO t — :s — _ ■— — CN cr\ • •t-J • • « vO CJl Q. ■*-> > O cr\ 3 0 0 O CD — < l/> Q Z O to 03 S_ cn o 0 in c o u TO s_ cn O E s_ TO sz *-> O s_ c o -o TO -a i_ O o TO U TO .c C TO c/i a TO • — TO u_ 1- cn TO TO TO a i/> 52 maximum air temper;. . n the digester ouilding could be expected exceed 37 C during the summer months. Apparently these discouraged the f 1 i . m entering the bu i Id ing> resul t ing in a jer of flies trap he sticky tapes. The number ^ -.-ease was observ in t - f 1 i es repel 1 ! .-ease in the number was ob. in December. This inv. on was or ctuatlons of house files at :ompost The temper the .cr building where the traps were located affected the number of flies caught d^r - ths and this study railed 1 . original goal. However, these eata do show a general trend during the cooler months an; .strated that the building design reduced the number of flies present in iter building during the period when fly r i were potentially the greatest. The number of flies ca~_..>: or, sticky tapes placed in the dif st are shewn in Tab": a 10. These data demonstrate .hat flies prefer -eshly ground refuse. Greater nt of the ■ in the congregated in the area of the -day- old compost. 53 ru o c u Q. CO o 1/1 o +-> 1/1 >» o CM O XI *-> — in O O Q. Q O Q O I 1/1 i_ o I/, 0) o c. a LT\ O O o crv cr-OvOI^CCn^ffM^OOOOOvOLAOOONCAin-J- I — CM LA O^ — h>C^O WvO OvO^ CM 00 c\ o I^O^C4- ro -3" LA LA -3" -3" MD r~-r^vO\X3vD\D trwO LA LA LA LA LA -3" LA LA LA 00 CX\-3" — LA LA O -3" •— LAr^-.CMrACM-3"LA-3"r^»0-3"VO CM ^ cv-> CM CM A CM CM ir\ o^ rv(riLn>-oN(M(r\Ncoi — cvivot^cn — oo — — r-^c^i — U3 -- O u"i M 4" UMvvfl CA rr\(v-i^ coMACO vO — ■ — (v^ N C N O — -3" vo- vo — la ! d"— vOvDvO — CPiQ 00 — -3" r-^-3" ommc^^omiAiANc uma-?-J(t»won o n cr\ . — . — . — . — -v LA CM -3" .3- r>A -3" pa . J-, — U\c^MMCOOI^Ln4-^-CTiLA — vOLANN CM vO LA-3" ^T r- _ — .— .— CM M^OIANO^-UM — LAvQ vO 00 MD — -J N 0\ c^4" - — 00 lavO CM. rA CM OvO -J LA O -3" CM — OO f*-v CT\ vO r«~\ — M3 -3" >— — — 0A LA rA 0A — , — — _ 0A LA f^»-3" CT\ vD — 4"CO-J CA CA — O OMa Mv£ ivmA^OCO r-r^-..— o CMvO-3"r««.CMLALA — O (A• ____ _ -3" vO CJ\ MD CM v£) rA O O — CM CT> CM C7\ CA CM rA r>» o -3" r*» cm O0 — — CM _ CM CA \0 O -3" LA — cm ,_ oa — c ru Q tt> i> ro ro a. < ro ro d — i — oi oi a o. +j -.J _)_>< > > J-> •M Q. Q_ a a> (0 ~ >- >- 1 ex 3 ^B LA rr\ Q- o o o o O o LA pajrudeo S9i[.j ^o JsqwriN 57 The smaller number of flies trapped when pupae was allowec ,-ge in the outdoor cage were not surprising since a higher mortality rate was expected. Deterr: ' . ^ier r.~ ... c ;___-_ :se F": y ?c--ui at ion ( i pds The total number of house flies in the digester building was estimated by determining tne p; ge or marked flies captured sticky tapes that were released in that area, Three-day ole from the USDA susceptible colony were anesthetized by carbon diox. placed into smal '. screer holding cages. These flies were marked by .^_ing one-half teaspoon of DayGio (Switzer Brothers Inc., Cleveland, irescent djst to ape- nately £00 flies ar.d gently rotating cages. The flies wer. t tr< — :erred to ox Ik x 27 g^uze cages. Following a 1-hr period to allow the flies :o recover, the flies were transported to the compost it and released in the digester buildin releases war- mad« 10:00 - 11:00 am on a Saturday or a Sunday when the plant was not in operation. Although all the doors in the building were closed, flies were not confined to the digester building because the siding did not fit \ to the base of the building leaving a 25 cm opening. ie flies were ... by 5 sticky tapes suspended from stakes in the digesters and were the same as described previously for the seasonal flue >n survey. The sticky t vere collected 2k hr aftei rel e id the marked . -Iving i 500 fl ie. and 3 '•• f 1 ies each. Results An average c.T 1.8 percent of the laboratory-reared house flies released in the digesters v. ere captured on sticky tape. le 11). The capture of house flies on sticky tapes in a large outdoor cage was /lously to be ... , ies pres- erver the per. - r^~ is 1 ? flies released ir. an outdoor cage as shown in Fig. 15 or 1.8 perce t as shown in Table 11, would - en the ci." -nces. Admittedly, any value assign jld be questionable due to -sal, and sntal factors. Hew ever, in t percent is given cr^^. nee sin id Thaggard (43) counted 1.25 percent of the house flies present in a similar partially open situation, re (1.8 percent) can be used to estimate the total number of house flies present in the digesters based on the numbers caught on the ->.; tapes. For example, Fig. 15 shows that 48.9 flies per stake per day were caught the week of April 27, 1959. An estimate of the total number of flies present can be calculated by ICO percent t 1.8 percent x 5 stakes per day x 48.9 flies per stake and is equal to 13,569 -se flies per day present in the digester building during the week of April 27, 1S69. 59 - •— ' V o-i - — c . — 3 • — X -• in in a) 1) c _ •— ID TO +J o ;- a _: £ u +j m ro >. to xi o i_ in to — e) v- tD in O in O 3 x: O +j x: c ■o — a) to a) G) .- >« •- W- O O ■*-> to a> i- in O TO Xi >x — to l. -O -3" 3 I CM -O en •_ 4-> <4- O C O v- 0) in Q. 3 CJ +J Cl in O to o a. u ai p o — o a: -a o x> TO 10 (U -d a. -o o ra <0 Q.4J .* a. i- to >- to j- -^ E -u o c — 3 w +-> 0) in • •— o — c "D U L. +J 3 c ■i-> u a. o 10 l_ U CO VO o J- en. en on la on La en O vO -3" o CO o LA r-- CO „ CO •»* — — CN — •— — 0) en TO 1- > < o csi la r^ en — - (^ CO -f en VO o o o o o o o o o o o o LA LA LA LA O O ,— — — — LA LA O O O LA LA O CM CO O en o o o o TO TO O 2: Z a in 3 ■o c o o m (D o 3 10 o TO SECTION IV HOUSE FLY BREEDING IN COMPOST Observations conducted during 1968 and early 1969 revealed that house fly larvae were present in the compost in the digesters and along the conveyor belts where spillage had occurred. The ability of house flies to breed in compost presented the possibility of great numbers of flies reproducing in the enormous amounts of compost avail- abl e. An investigation began in April, 1969, to determine the extent and some of the limiting factors of house fly breeding in compost in order to devise procedures that may be used to prevent or hamper house fly breeding. Moisture and Age of Compost Methods Composts of various ages and moisture (%) were evaluated to determine their effects on house fly breeding. Compost 0, 1,3, 5, and 10 days of age was tested at 30, k5, 60, 75, and 90 percent moisture. The age of the compost was determined by the length of time the compost had been in the digester. The 0 days of age compost was freshly ground refuse taken off the conveyor belt just prior to discharge into the digester. Compost 10 60 61 days of age was tested prior to and after it had passed through the final grinders. The samples taken from the digesters were removed from a depth of 30-60 cm and placed into a plastic bag. A minimum of 5 areas were sampled for each bag. The bag was then sealed and the contents thoroughly mixed. A 10 gm sample was removed from the bag and the moisture content determined with a moisture determination balance. The moisture content of the compost in the digesters usually varied from 35 to 55 percent moisture. Since this was greater than the lowest moisture content tested, a portion was removed from the bag and placed into a plastic screen mesh bag. The mesh bag was then placed in an oven maintained at 80 C. After a short drying period, the compost was transferred to a separate plastic bag. A 10 gm sample was taken to determine the remaining percent moisture. The desired moisture content was obtained by adding tap water. The amount of water added was calculated by the following equation: x = (v) noo-z) X (100-y) x = ml of water added per 100 gm of compost y = moisture content desired (%) z = moisture content of sample (%) . After the amount of water needed for each desired moisture content was calculated, the compost was divided into 100 gm portions and each portion placed into a separate plastic bag. Tap water was added in the amounts calculated and the bags were sealed and the contents mixed. Fifty gm dry weight samples were removed from the bags and placed into waxed paper cups (0.9^6 1) which were marked for identification. Either 100 eggs or 100 ^8-hr old larvae of M. domest ica were added to each cup. The cups were then covered with black cloth and secured with rubber bands. Temperature 62 and humid: .ained at 26 C and 70 percent RH. Sevc after egginr or 5 cays after placing the larvae in the cc jps e emptied into a pen of water and th ting pup£. ted! Each test was repl icated 6 cor. j 66 perc>. -"; . Resul ts Moisture content and t th« turat J house fly larv - (Tal le 12). I _e snee the deve ages of compost tested contain 3 znd 75 percent moisture supported house fly development to some extent. Ninety -.loisture inh house fly development while kS percent moisture isuf 1 ic 3 roar house flies. Forty-five percent moisture in freshly ground refuse resulted in 1 . percent survival to pupae. It should be noted that these tests were s :ted to ambient RH (70%) and moisture fluctuations dur . t period were not measured. age of the compost -.:.Tv-^_ .-elopment but this was secondary to moisture in Tabl There was a significa. reduction in the number of eggs that developed to pupae in 3-day o compost at 6j percent moisture but no significant reduction occurre the ages of compost tested at 75 percent moisture. :ts of moisture on hous^ opment from eggs was extended to define more clos_ sture of compost for fly b rig. In this test series 100 M. d ernes t ica ergs were placed in 3-day old compost cor.. 63 c o c OJ o 0) Q. o lT\ o LA -4" o u \^3 v£> CO la rA • ••*•• o i^odct o oo co co r^vo co co C0_ T3 1- O OO- i- LAC\ I — o o o CO o co vo la oo r-» la oo -3" o > co vO -3" 00 \D CA • • • • • LTV O O o OJ CL ■o OJ kD la rovO (A LA .— (A CO — O O CO CA 00 CT\ CT\ CA O r-^oo r^oo r-^oo LA CA CA O vO CO OJ 4 J" V£> — CM oo la oo r^oo oo o. -a OJ +J U\rf\N ' — ■— • — T3 — OJ ■a OJ CD +J E #c CD c O •— cnii- • — c ■ — a — x: a. J i- cn OJ CO D i_ 4J OJ O L_ L- vO V- .c o >- *-« i<- ^~ o AZ U- "U 4-1 OJ c Ol - fa i- en x ro c o-D-: 3 O C «♦- U — • 0) (I L ID oc in en u P ^2 0J o — i_ i_ •— 3 v*_ -o E 4-> C X » •—in v. 2: 3 >» TO «4- I- X O O ro C LA v. E O — U O <+- v. . u i- z l/, ro CO 3 E v>- — • O i_ ro ac a. u 0 — > i_ c 3 u m u j, l_ • — CD l_ in o X) XI o XI X (0 CM CD X c 3 CT> C ro U O CL o c a O Q. U a E >. i_ o ro s_ O ro O LA in ro .n ■w ro 4-> in X 0 t— a> L_ CO LA ,— in - .* !_ X ro ro X E CTi O C • • in O 01 — r~- OJ u c ca -4" f— 0) Q. in l_ E • ro ro 00 E (U 1/1 c 0 u 1. CD »— v>- >- c w — - •— — O VV. X — in c C 3 ^ •— O Vi- ^ 1_ 0 0 en 0 ac VJ ro E Xi O O LA 0 vO !*«. c 67 particles varied with the daily wear of the grinding mills and the exact size range was difficult to ascc re The temperatures occurring in house fly rearing containers investigated to determine the tem| srature preferred by line prot is H 51 -X semiconductor . (Atkins Inc., Gainesvill - placed in a 10 1 p tic r< "i ng CSMA he cent probes were placed in sositic in 7 . c . 16. 3 temperatures were recorded every 2k- '. r 6 Jays, was replicated 3 times. The mean temper recorded in the rearing tubs at each positic are presented in Tab . e . 5 . The bl cc.;cd data in Tab. e 15 represent those probes in areas occupied by larvae. The maximum tempei observed ii larval region was ko.] C. These data indicate that larvae develop in a temperature range of 28 - ko. 1 C. The maximum temperature in which immature house flies can develop is not known. There are many references dealing with temperature studies on house flies but little definite information was found concerning this particular area. West (82) stated that house fly eggs cannot survive a temperature above 46.1 C while Roubaud (59) reported that larvae died in 3 minutes when exposed to 50 C. To determine if the temperatures attained in tl t house fly deve compos:. is H 51 -X s ■ 68 level of med ium Fig. 16. Position of temperature probes in house fly rearing containers (distances in cm). o - ro "O Q O •u o o ■ O en ■~ cr. G o (0 C •_ (5 en — — . c •— 0 U cj r 01 u Q LO no — u ■ u o -cr LO CM o ■3 - • • . . o o a • • oo CO , — CM CO . CO . CM CM CM 1 CO cr-. CM CO CO ?f\ — CO CO CO i-O CO CO — CM • 1 — CO , — -C~ uo CO MO o -cr co CO CO CO CO CO PO co CO oo MO -cf ^j- co o o r» o CO CM r-» \o , — CO r-. — ^ CO CO CO co CO CO CO CO CO CO co CM r» r~- CO CM CO CO r~- r*«. CO , _3" -=r CO MO CO CO CO ^ — » CO ■4- CO CO P-» CO r. J- CO CM O^i CM f~ L.O , — CM* v "» L.O CO Q OO MO CO -3- ■4" ■4 ■4" PO -d" CO CO OH r-. co co CM -cr co r~ • o § u\ CO MO ir\ r~~ CO -CT -3" -cr CO — - CO CO '— '_ o +-> ■J c o o 0) it) > c — _j >> •^ J3 < ■a c ~ 3 ja O J ■d o CD -o CO '— l_ O l/l J3 O 10 o !_ 3 4-1 TO l_ O a. £ o vD J3 (0 in c 0 03 > o IS) o la CM c CO a) -u ra i_ C 03 o 1/1 0) o a a) o E 3 X to 5 E IA N (T> ca cm en LA CO LA LA ca LA CA -3- -3" -3 CO CA LA LA CA — CM vO vO en LA en LA LA LA vO LA vO LA CM CM (A t»"» -3" CO LA -3" -S- CO CA O LA LA -3" -3" -3" LA CA o Q. O O j- o o CM I — — LA CM CM CO O -3 LA I — CM i. o 03 Q. -3" TO O ■o c (0 in O O o c 03 4-J o o o E • if"- c LA o LA •— 1 +j O 03 LA S_ 03 03 ro > 03 i_ •— O .c u- o CO -o 03 o ■— +-> |Mi CL ■a O- 03 3. ■o l/l "O CO 03 in 03 3 oiv- -o 03 3 i_ l/l n- O 03 OCT"! Q +j 3 >i- 03 CO L. CO 03 a. SECTION V MIGRATION AND DISPERSAL Compost plants and other similar types of refuse handling systems are centrally located to lower the transportation costs. These facilities are optimally designed to operate in these central locations without causing a nuisance to the surrounding community. The Gainesville compost plant has previously been shov;n to produce approximately one-half million adult flies per week during the summer months. These flies may disperse into the surrounding community, thus discounting the value of central location. An investigation to determine the extent of fly dispersal from the compost plant was begun in 1969. When the plant closed in December, 1969, these dispersal studies were completed at the city land- fill. L i terature Review House Fl i es There is an undue prominence often attached to the maximum distance of dispersal of flies (63). Flies released from a central location and recaptured later at some distance in very limited numbers imply that the area covered is subject to infestation from the release point. Although this may be true, it should be noted that those one or two flies 72 73 recovered at some great distance were among the except ic, ie element of chance, managed to /e this distance. The dis of the mass of the fly pc than that of a few indivicu- is the s ignif leant criteri gard to (&3) . The c 1 at ion is expected to expended '.. 1/2 - 2 miles : house fly movement (13, 48, 50, 53 , 63, 64, 75). /moves -id of a stimulus causing a : F another (33). A fly may travel 15 miles to reach a distance 1 mile from its origin (63 r tr ctiveness of the release site may greatly influence disper! Pickens et al. (50 recaptured 13 percent of the liberated house at the rel ease s ite ' flies in an open area located a center of a 1/2 mile circle c ■ns only 4.1 percent of t .^_e flies were recaptured. Schoof (63) found that in many instances flies dispersed from a location despite the presence of an apparent excess of feeding and breeding areas. There are confl ictl _ports of the effects of wind on fly dispersal (25, 40, 52). However, the more comprehensive studies of Schoof and Silverly (64) found that house fly movement was not equal in magnitude in all directions and Plckensjet _ _. (51) revealed that fly dispersal was random when the wine was variable and upv. the wind blew pre- dominantly from 1 quarter. Ogata _et _aj_. (46) demonstrated that house fly dispersal was not influence- oy h;,_,nways, rice fields, or mountains. Dispersal is influenced by the t_v_ a of the fly. - - ay old fl ies w Schoof and Silverly (64) concU at the i characteristic of fly di. sic randomness of movement influenced by 5 conditions: (1) population pressure, (2) differentially attr- , (3) geograpr barriers, (4) prefer it tendency of fl to d isperse. ax i mum flight range of usually the maximum distance - >ping. The maximum record [ght Fl ies is 20 mi 1 es (83) . Fi ies r I more et al. (21) fc at £. cjpr '.: . released at ."al point •e distr ily after 2 days in open sheep country. Kzc~. y (3^, 39) conclude . cw fly dispersal was random t that aggregat i _."e formed producing a c id distribution. These aggregations were due to d jnt degrees of attraction offeree' to those individuals in their rar.dc.-n movement across the activity areas. These hors later decided on two types c ..a sustained dispersal flight, independent of the envi. ., and an interspersal Ight which may ir.voive no net dis D) . Gurney a. 1 (25) .:c. . c u p r . ,i a tended to fly down or across while MacLeod and Donnelly (kO) found no evider.- of wind affecting blow fly fl ight. ^haen icia spp. has de d a seasonal n on in -est to the cities in FinL (47) and from the fc .1 Great Britain (36). .: - - spp. was un sp slopes of a valle ..pland ! try ■ and a - . ide t fly daily 75 activity in Australia. _P. c Jal in Japan, being mos numerous in the afternoon peak (7~0 . £. cuor ina was recorded -.-.7 mil — frc ir "iberati-n site with I). Comprehensive reviews of re ^s on blow fly dispersal and migration are p;-„. ted .-St. -r iis Fl ight mills provi ;harac .;s^c,: :'. ght under controlled environ : ..-._. Since _ c _a was the domir.-.".. Fly sp ~ . .3 at le - mpost plant, laboratory- reared specim^.-.. were ... iched .c ^ flight r c determii - I : aximum distance they may ..ravel in disperse'; flights. A simply constrLc:_c f 1 ighl mill was used by Atkins (3) with the sco";ytid, Der.ii.'OCucnus p ae H . ... This devirewas improved : th and Furniss (77) and Rowley __ aj_. (60) by automatically recorc . .-.ions of the mills by means of phecoel ectr i c cells and electric counters. Chambers and O'Connel (1-2) further improved this tec s by oir.g the friction of t Is by .he pivot between 2 ■ mills uScd in ... are onerously provided by Dr. i. L. Bailey, JSJA, G.. arms of these mill constructed 0.52 mm chr^ teel . '.n length. One env- this wire ^as - .s as si 17, so that .he 1 1 l . 5 mm of 1 1 'p€ t h « t o .- A3 r and soldered t 76 the end of the rotor arm to produce the double end shown In Fig. 17. A pivot was fastened 16 cm from the end of the arm so that the circle it described had a circumfrence of 1 m. The pivot was a No. 0 insect pin with its head removed which was glued, point upward, to the rotor arm between two 6 cm circles of paper. The pivot was suspended between two 6 x 25 mm magnets (stirring bars) so that the pin was in contact with the upper of the 2 magnets and was stabilized by the lower magnet. The magnets were supported by 2 wooden dowels connected to a steel rod frame. The revolutions of the arm were counted and recorded by a method similar to that described by Smith and Furniss (77). A 6 volt lamp was attached to the wooden dowel holding the lower magnet as shown in Fig. 17. A photoelectric cell was positioned above the lamp so that a 2.54 cm black paper disc glued on the rotor arm would interupt the beam of light with each revolution of the arm. This paper disc was 7 cm from the pivot on the short end of the rotor arm and also functioned as a counterbalance. The photoelectric cell was connected to a power unit which operated an electric counter. Flies used in this study were reared on a diet of lean ground beef in the method described previously. The flies were anesthetized in a cold room maintained at 2-4 C. These flies were then attached to the radius of the mill with a drop of rubber cement on their pronotum. The rotors were then immediately mounted on the mills. In one series of tests, P. cupr ina of various ages were placed in constant light provided by fluorescent lamps for 2k hr and the distances flown recorded. Ten male and 10 female flies were used for each test. A second test involved 10 male and 10 f emal e P. cupr ina which were attached to the rotor arm approximately 4 hr after they emerged as adults. 77 Fig. 17. Diagram of insect flight mill, a-rotor arm; b-magnet; c-counter-balance; d-1 ight source; 3-photoel ectr ic cell; f-metal plate; g-cotton bal 1. 73 These insects were allowed to fly until death. The flies were allowed to fly from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm each day under constant light. In the evening, the rotor arm was fastened to a magnet placed on the metal plate as shown in Fig. 17, and the flies were allowed to feed on a cotton ball saturated with a 10 percent sugar solution. The lights were turned off and the flies remained in this position overnight. All tests were conducted at the USDA laboratory in a room where temperature and humidity were maintained at 26 C and 70 percent RH. Resul ts The mean distances flown by various ages of _P. cupr ina attached to a flight mill for 2k hr are presented in Table 17. The greatest distance travelled by an individual male was accomplished by a 5-day old fly that flew 24,129 m. The greatest distance travelled by an individual female was 19,603 m by a 3-day old fly. Male and female _P. cupr ina flew an average of 19,405.4 m and 25,235.2 m and a maximum of 30,127 m and 45,030 m respectively, when attached to a flight mill until death, as shown in Table 18. Assuming these were less than ideal conditions, flies in the field could be expected to travel these distances and further, especial 1 y when taking advantage of the winds. Blow Flies Released at Compost Plant Methods Four releases of wild flies were conducted at the compost plant during September, 1969, to determine their dispersal patterns in this 79 Table 17. Mean distancesaf 1 own in 2k hr by adult Phaenicia cuprina attached to an insect flight mill. Aae 0f fiY Males Females ■ r (Days) 1/2 3,671 (2.28) 2,914 (1.81) 1 8,356 (5.19) 7,725 (4.82) 2 11,335 (7.04) 10,168 (6.32) 3 6,3^1 (3.94) 8,289 (5.15) k 5,559 (3.45) 10,776 (6.70) 5 10,273 (6.38) 11,438 (7.H) 6 5,556 (3.45) 7,785 (4.84) 7 5,476 (3.40) 7,849 (4.88) 3Mean of 10 replicates. area. The wild flies were captured by sweep net from the grassy areas surrounding the compost plant and placed into a large plastic bag. They were immediately anesthetized by carbon dioxide supplied from a portable lecture bottle. One teaspoon of DayGlo fluorescent dust was placed in the bag and the flies were marked by gently rotating the bag. The flies were volumetr ical ly counted by pouring them into a 50 ml beaker. This volume represented approximately 500 flies. The flies were then placed into gauze cages, allowed 1 hr to recover, and then transported to the release site. Two releases of 1000 flies each were made at the compost plant, and 2 releases involving 1500 flies each were liberated at the city animal shelter. The flies were captured around 9:30 pm and releases were made about 11:00 pm that same night. 80 Table 18. Distance flown until death by adult Phaen ic ia cupr ina attached to an insect flight mill. Females Mai es Age of Insect Age of Insect Meters (Miles) At Death (Days) Meters (Miles) At Death (Days) 26,651 (16.6) 5 16,931 (10.5) 3 13,283 ( 8.3) 3 15,445 ( 9.6) 4 45,030 (28.0) 6 23,386 (14.8) 8 26,195 (16.3) 9 13,994 (11.8) 9 25,599 (15.9) 7 40,838 (25.4) 7 29,546 (18.4) 3 19,892 (12.4) 5 16,601 (10.3) 4 6,477 ( 4.0) 3 23,658 (14.7) 5 30,127 (18.7) 3 21 ,698 (13.5) 5 14,361 ( 8.9) 5 9,126 ( 5.6) 3 22,568 (14.0) 4 X - 25,235.2 (15.7) X = 6.1 X = 19,405.4 (12.1) X = 4.0 A sample of approximately 200 marked flies was taken from each release and identified. Greater than 99 percent of these flies were _P. cupr i na. The marked fl ies were recaptured by sweep net after they were identified by examining the blow fly roosting areas surrounding the compost plant with a portable battery powered ultraviolet light. Baited cone traps, described previously, were placed behind the receiving buildjng, at the city animal shelter, and in the backyard of an apartment 200 m east of the plant. These traps were checked every 24 hr for 4 days after 81 each release. The trap at the animal shelter was removed for those releases at that location. Resul ts An average of 10.7 percent of the blow flies released at the compost plant were recaptured in the same area 2k hr after liberation as shown in Table 19. Traps baited with 1-day old fish heads at the city animal shelter and behind the apartment failed to capture any marked flies for these 2 releases. Flies released at the city animal shelter were recaptured at the compost plant at an average of 5.65 percent. The trap behind the apartment failed to trap any marked flies in these releases. Fly Releases at the City Landfill The compost plant closed December, 1969, forcing the completion of the dispersal studies to be conducted at the city landfill. The landfill presented a situation different from the compost plant but similar in the large amounts of attractive materials present and the generation of a large number of flies. It was concluded that dispersal patterns observed in this area may be interpolated as to general trends which may be applied to the compost plant. Location of City Landfill The landfill was located on a 30-acre tract of land north of the Gainesville Municipal Airport. This area was surrounded by pine flat- woods and the closest residence was located 1.2 mi south of the landfill. The Gainesville Industrial Park was located 1 mi west of the landfill and the airport runways began 1/2 mile southwest of the landfill. Three residences were located 1.5 mi north of the landfill whi 1 e woodl ands extended for several miles to the east. 82 o i/i ns o 1- u 0) -3" CM in a. - .a (0 ■a ■o V 1_ C 4-" CJ Cl o ro l- o CJ 0) 0. L. c to n cj .— i- a. 3 D- ol (0 O U CL ^ oa CM 2! § CNJ CT\ O 1 — ^" O -M I/) ■o -a o a m -* ro 1- CJ ro •— E w— ( — o CJ £ .c Art 4-< m in c c ro ID |M ,— *— ■w c c in in ro (0 O O a. a. >- >- S S £ £ CTi CTV ON CTV vO O VO VJD >s "»N \ \ o PM -^* r-~ pH 4-< — PM *— CM n> \ *s v» \ o ON CT\ a\ • c in •— 3 L. ■a Cl 3 4-> U c CJ • o Q- I/I - «0 A a 83 Operation of the Landfill The refuse was brought to the landfill by truck and dumped into trenches 15 m wide and 5 m deep. A bulldozer was supposed to crush and pack the refuse into the trenches and then cover it with soil at the end of the day. Such an operation would be in compl iance with the standards of the American Public Works Association for the operation of a sanitary landfill (l). Unfortunately these procedures were seldom complied with because of equipment failures. Refuse was observed to remain uncovered for several days on many occasions. A separate area of the landfill was used to dispose of dead animals and the maintenance of this area was poor. Too frequently animals were not completely covered with soil or else not covered at all for several days. This resulted in large numbers of flies developing in this area (Fig. 18). Fly Behavior Patterns Observed at the Landfill Before a general discussion of the releases can be undertaken some observations concerning fly behavior at the landfill should be reported. Blow flies and house flies were inactive at night, roosting on the refuse or on vegetation surrounding the refuse until sunrise (Fig. .13 and 20). As the roosting sites were exposed to the sun the fl ies crawl ed about the plant or refuse to position themselves in direct light where they groomed themselves for 15-90 minutes. The flies then left the roosting sites, flying as it seemed, an orientation flight. These flights occurred in all directions, with the majority of the flies finally appearing at a sunny, sandy area, absent of vegetation. The sunny sides of the mounds of sand used to cover the refuse were preferred sites. The flies 8k Fig. 18. Fly larvae in arums' disposal area of city landfill Fig. 19. P. cupr ina roosting on grass tassel at night at city landfill. 85 Fig. 20. Predominantly M. domest ica roosting on weed at night at city 1 andf i 1 1 . Fig. 21 . Predominantly _C. macel lar ia with some M. domest ica roosting on dead brush in refuse at night at city landfill. 86 remained in these areas 45-60 minutes and mating was widespread during this period. The activity diminished and flies began appearing on the refuse where they remained until dusk when they returned to the roosting sites. House flies and _P. cupri.-.a were both observed to follow this pattern and both occurred in the same mating area simultaneously. The roosting sites were centered around the most recently dumped refuse. M. domestica rested on the refuse, especially brush in the refuse, and on the surrounding vegetation immediately adjacent to the refuse. There appeared to be little selection of plant species chosen as resting sites but there was a preference of height. House flies appeared most often on plants 1/2 - 1 m in height. House flies have previously been reported to roost preferably on ceilings, trees, and shrubs in rural areas (2, 33, 41). Cochl iomy ia macel lar ia were observed to roost on leafless or dead branches 1-3 m in height. Brush in the refuse and plants immediately next to the refuse were preferred (Fig. 21). P. cupr ina was seldom observed roosting on the refuse and rested almost exclusively in grasses and weeds up to 1 m in height. Green (22) and Maier _et aj_. (41) observed similar behavior at a slaughterhouse as well as in urban areas. These flies roosted at a greater distance from the refuse than did the house flies. If one walked from the refuse through the surrounding vegetation, he would first pass through a belt 2-5 m wide of plants containing roosting house fl ies. This zone would give way to a mixture of house f 1 ies and blew f 1 ies and f inal ly to an area where the blow flies were in the majority. The number of flies decreased rapidly with increasing distance from the refuse. Flies became relatively scarce after about 20 m. 87 Mortal i ty The determination of the natural rate of fly mortality in field populations is almost impossible since flies are such mobile insects. The determination of mortality rates of marked flies released in the field is even more difficult. Some observations on the effects of environmental factors and predation of marked and wild flies which may provide some information for the estimation of fly mortality are given in this section. Flies at the landfill were preyed upon extensively by toads, spiders, ants, beetles, earwigs, dragonflies, and birds. Flocks of cattle egrets were observed feeding on adult flies and blackbirds were often seen feeding on the larvae in the refuse. Numerous toads inhabited the area and appeared to have little difficulty in acquiring a meal of flies in the grass and weeds at night. Earwigs hunted the fly roosting sites at night. These insects would grasp a resting fly with its pinchers and then feed on its struggling prey. Numerous spiders and ants patrolled the weeds and attacked the roosting flies. Ants were especially numerous in the early morning hours. Dragonflies hunted the area catching flies in flight during the day. It appeared that different species hunted at different hours of the day with tremendous numbers of dragonflies appearing at dusk. To determine the effects the marking procedure had on the flies samplesof approximately 500 flies from several releases were taken to the laboratory. The flies were anesthetized in a cold room (2-k C) and 50 male and 50 female _P. cupr ina and M. t lea were placed into a gauze cage. Fresh fly food and water were supplied each day. The dead flies 88 were removed daily and the number and species recorded. A control cage was also set up which contained wild flies that had not been marked. The marked flies suffered mortalities of 10-15 percent within the first 2k hr, 15-25 percent within 48 hr, and 33-^0 percent within 7 days. The control mortalities were 2-k percent, k-G percent, and 10-25 percent respectively. These results were similar to those of Murvosh and Thaggard (43) where 25-30 percent mortality was recorded for marking flies by shaking anesthetized flies with a dust. The above data show that the largest percentage of flies were killed within the first 48 hr, indicating that the marking procedure killed or mortally injured 15-25 percent of the flies marked. It should be noted that these results were under laboratory conditions and a greater loss could be expected in the field. This becomes more apparent since it was observed that the marked flies released at the landfill often groomed themselves approximately 2 hr longer than the unmarked flies in the area. These marked fl ies were physically weakened and more subject to predation. Ants were particularly injuriousat this time as they were observed to attack roosting flies by grasping their legs and the weakened flies were less likely to shake free. The physical operation of the landfill also contributed to fly deaths. Fiies in their search for food and breeding sites in the refuse would crawl into every available opening in the refuse. The crushing of the refuse by the bulldozer and the covering of the refuse with soil trapped and killed numerous flies. 89 Flies Released Around the City Landfill Methods. -- Four releases were made at sites 1 mi or more from the center of the landfill. The purpose of these releases was to determine if fl ies would travel that distance to the landfill. Flies were captured by sweep net at night on the vegetation surrounding the landfill. These fl ies were placed in 15 x 24 x 27 cm gauze cages with approximately 3>000 flies in each cage. After a sufficient number of flies were captured, they were transferred to a large plastic bag by placing the sleeve of the cage in the bag and rapping sharply on the aluminum bottom of the cage. Because of the large number of flies in the cage and dampness of their wings, the flies tumbled into the bag. DayGlo fluorescent dust was placed in the bag at a rate of approximately 1 teaspoon per 2,000 flies, and the bag gently agitated. These marked flies then were counted by volumetric approximation in which a waxed paper cup (0.946 1) filled with flies was equal to 12,000 flies and a 50 ml beaker was equal to 500 flies. Approximately 8,000 flies were then placed in one of several 45 x 45 x 50 cm release cages. These cages were designed for fly release studies as the rear panel of the cage was hinged to facilitate removal of the flies. These cages were transported to the release sites and the flies released. Capture usually began around 9:30 pm and the releases were made about 1:00 am the following morning. A sample of approximately 500 marked specimens was removed from the release cages and taken to the laboratory for identification. The percentage of each species in that sample was taken as representative of all the flies in that release and was used in conjunction with the total number of flies released to calculate the number of each species released. 90 The marked flies were recaptured at the landfill by sweep net after they were located by systematically examining the refuse and the sur- rounding vegetation with a portable battery powered ultraviolet light. These areas were examined for 7 nights following the release. Each release employed a different colored marking dust. The sites, dates of release, and numbers and species of flies released are given in Table 20. Resul ts. — Flies were recaptured at the landfill from 3 of the k release sites as shown in Table 20. These data show that an average of 0.097 percent of the _P. cupr ina and 0.07 percent of the M. d cm est ica released at the last 3 sites were recaptured. The flies released at the 39th Avenue location were subjected to several attractive loci and this may explain why no fl ies were recaptured from this area. A cow pasture was located immediately across the road from the release point and 10-15 residences were in the area as well as a hog farm. A direct line of flight from this release point to the landfill would require a fly to pass 3 residences, the hog farm, and 1.1 mi of woodland. The remaining release points were at least 0.1 mi from any residences and a direct line of flight passed only through woodlands. The results of these tests agree with other published reports that these 2 fly species can travel and infest areas over 1 mi from the release or breeding site. Releases at greater distances were not attempted. Flies Released at Landfill Methods. — Wild flies were captured, marked, and released at the center of the landfill in the manner described previously. Baited traps - a a. v a — o o a) en cc in O O — « — < I/I ■o ■— - N "O 0) Q. to o o a: c o r- o.- *b — -.- O O cv-v O ,z — r-~ M- — O 4- *J i_ c . _ c CM 3 +-> z re ■a 4- l/l W> i — — c: u CD l/> — — — cr\ E 4- — o r-. — o — LTl o o o OO^NICMOCO — o o •— ooooo ooo — ooo — OO-^OOrACMO OOCSJOOcv-v — O C. CTv o o o o Lf\ o -C" — O O Cs. , — OO^JO O -C" o o o o o o o o — o o O O CM O o o o o o 3 CA lA CA O ~" <0 o o — (0 •— •-. c — •— u ■a u ■a re (0 to - • — •— u !_ • — fD • — ID w ■ . — +J r— •— t— •— in t— • « l Q o — — O CM C ♦ — .— v* ro c .-- — • — - - >»C- E v_ i_ i_ • — o r 10 1 1 o V. CM E **- o c ■a i _: 3 o 0 (/) 3 ■o C o 3 92 were used in addition to the sweep net capture method described above to recapture the marked flies. The traps were modified cone traps con- sisting of two 1 quart (0.946 1) plastic freezer jars taped together at the mouths. The bottoms were removed and replaced by an inverted screen cone. A putrified fish head was placed inside each trap as an attractant. The traps were placed at the 4 points of the compass in concentric circles 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5 mi from the center of the landfill for the first 2 releases. The outer circle was moved to 0.25 mi from the center for the remaining 5 releases. Captured flies were removed and fresh bait added daily. Resul ts. -- The results of the marked flies released at the landfill and later recaptured in the same area are given in Tables 21 and 22. An average of 8.26 percent of the _P. cupr ina and 1.89 percent of the !■',. d on est ica released were observed at the landfill 24 hr after liberation and these numbers decreased with each suceeding observation. In Table 23 these data are divided into the average percentages of flies observed for releases followed within 24 hr by rainfall and those where no rain- fall was recorded (Table 24). These data show that releases followed by dry days resulted in 10.17 percent recapture of _P. cupr ina and this number decreased s ign if icant ly with each suceeding observation. Those releases followed by rain resulted in an average of 6.84 percent recapture of P_. cupr ina and this number had a significantly lower rate of decrease. Norris (43) reported that rainfall inhibits dispersal of _?. cupr ina and these data support that observat ion. The majority of the flies released were not .-^covered. This was because of recovery error, mortality, and dispersal. The method of locating and counting the marked flies was exhaustive but it could not 93 10 fO o -a c CO > l/l 0) to (0 3 C a O TO ■o u ro E c o Q > !_ O CM C +J o CO O 1- -o o o o 1/1 10 O vD LA (O CJ. 14- o! to h- (0 E ifl >J "0 O — s_ — O 14- -O TO S c 3 (D ■a a> 10 to 4) *o l_ r- — o o M0 O la CO CA VO CO O — o ex o MO M0 O 00 CM CM CO -4" — CO • CA CM CO \T) — . ,— r--. . ,— CM . ^o en ca r>~ CO -3" r». MO LA co LA LA CA CM LA .— CA CM CM rO CO o LA o vO O0 CM r~ en — — o CO CM CO CM .— LA LA CO CM •— f- - O O CO CA f"^ — mo -c la en r-~ r-- -d" -3" CO — -4" -4" MO — ^-^ LA LA CO *~* ^— » y—~ ^O CO • • LA LA VO • o «Cj* -J" • • • CA CO • — — CO LA MO _ _ _ vD vO vO — co cm la P» r-» O O O O O O O O — r~- r-. co ro LA CM CO \Q — — — co ■ — CA O u o o o o o o 1/1 r»» o r-» r^ r^- r*. r^. r, \ r>» \ \ \ v. N, o a> r-» V. CO r*. . — M0 ^— +-> CM CO 1— r— CM CM CO a) 03 ■s. •v. ->. \ \ »s. "N Of o r^ CO CO CO CO CO CO LA CA CO CM LA M0 CM CO CJ en O O O 0) o' o o > O 9*t o l/l ra 0) o c ra > c O +-> f0 CD = ra u o -I ■a i/i c o ra > o in XI O cm CM Q o ra Lft c o u I- -o -— ■_ (U o (/) _q ra O o o l_ <4- a -3" T it. U <"v _' ■_ l/l ra ;- F Q ■a M- 0 ^» . — !_ •— a) '-- XI -j :: c ^ It] o l/l . o o o i/i ra H) o — — • o ra o ca o o o o o CM o o o o O CM o o CO • -3" r» CM G\ LA ca J- ("A LA — OA • • CA CM o — ,— CM ^O CA ca CXI ca ^T CM • •— • rA .— vD O LA CX\ CM \£> LA •— CA CA LT\ — LA O CA LA ,■ — CM CM — * J"" ,-> — ,— co CM -J LA CO CM CA C7\ LA CA — ■— \u -T o r^ oa en — . — ca .— -3" — — o LA o o en o I — CM o o CA o o OA o o o CM 00 o o o o o o CO — CM . CA •— o I — o I — o o CA o CTl co CTl ra i_ > < CO *>« 00 CA I — — VO ■— i _ CM CM rA \ \ -v. \ \ oo co oo co co _ cm rA -3" LA vO 95 c o X) c o u TO o 3 +■> c o ■_ 4) U o x> c 3 x> c TO o en c to e l/l a) c o o l_ o Q. o en ID L. 0) > < CM X> ■a o CJ l/l > re l_ o o |_- in u JQ u O i_ (/) O o — 1 •— <4- I— ra <4- o'-, U- >. o to ^s- a) <4- cnx> to c i_ to CJ — > < CT\ ca o Lf\ LA CT\ CM vD C~l CM J" o j- -a- en r-« -3" — -3" r>» co — vo o vO ) -Q TO XI +J >~ 4J >■ CJ i_ CJ i_ 3 X> S "o (t) c •» U Q. Zl U (0 • — in o 3 1 l/l 0) TO vO -a c 05 10 CJ in TO cj -3- CM c TO <+- c TO J3 XI § m 0) in TO CJ in CJ J3 TO XJ C TO l/l 4) in TO O u csl c JZ TO C TO -Q XI a) O c i/> 0) l/l TO CJ 0) 0) en en TO TO i_ u CJ CJ > . > • < ^ < 3 CM XI rM CM PJ XI TJ c - TO TO c CO Ifl O XI 3 LA oa C7\ -3" — O S6 o ID o vO (0 1) en CN en O — o LA -4- cn c o 1_ 1_ o Q. (3 D. 3 > LO o c CO o x> o X) l_ o o o L. •1 CO -3" CM CD LA i/i > X) CO o O c LL. c CO vO CA vO O oo en CN CN -3" LA I — 00 CN Cn CN CN o cn LA CA cn cn oa -a- P-. LA — -3- I — — cn ca cn CN cn o — o o i — o oa vO CN CN CO o o I — 1-^. CN o oo o o o o o o o i — ca r»- — — — CN vO — CN oA I^> csj — CN o VO CN f^ oo oo co oo oo oo cncncn c o o o LO 1/1 < c o > < 3 o t_> LA CN XI c CO CN CN o CN LO 0) -Q CO I— CO I- 10 O o X) L0 in c CO u c o -Z a. "D a> u ID a> L. >- 1- o *J (0 i_ o -O - in <0 Q ■a a> i r— cm 0) i_ l*- O i_ +■> c 4- o co — 1 ig > — i_ 4> o T3 10 C -2 fD O • ur\ tN O »— -O. (0 h- v£> ■o c (0 C -O O a) 1- D. o 1- < o o o o o o cr\ LA — -3" o a\ o CM CM en o o o -a- CM O vD CM CT> 99 and are similar to those recorded for wild _P. cupr ina 1 iberated during a dry period (Table 23). No laboratory reared flies were captured in the baited traps. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Investigations revealed that fly breeding at the compost plant was minimal under normal operating conditions. The major fly source was from larvae migrating from the refuse in the receiving building to protected areas where they developed into adults. This situation is not unique to composting facilities. Other disposal systems as central incineration or refuse transfer stations have similar problems. Any time refuse is centralized, transferred, or remains standing for any length of time, insects in the refuse may escape into the holding area. Thus, the results of the present investigation could be applied to other similar refuse handling operations. The number of insects escaping from the 1 arvae- infested refuse stored in the receiving building often exceeded 500,000 larvae per week during the summer months. As high as 88.8 percent of these larvae may become adults resulting in approximately 450,000 adult flies per week released into the environs. These flies were predominantly the green- bottle blow fly, Phaenicia cuprina. The reduction of these large numbers of flies can be accomplished by procedural changes in the handling of refuse and application of the axiom that good sanitation is the most effective method of fly control. Greater than 35 percent of the larvae escaping into the compost plant could be eliminated by not storing refuse overnight in the 100 101 receiving building. Such a procedure may involve increasing the capacity of the equipment at the Gainesville plant. Although impractical in this case, this should be considered in the construction of new facilities. The problem of having insufficient refuse to begin operations in the morning could be eliminated by starting the working day at a later time. The construction of the receiving building greatly influences larval survival. Refuse falls behind the wooden retaining walls and provides food and harborage to rodents, roaches, and fly larvae. The construction of a solid retaining wall that would prevent the accumulation of such wastes or one that provides access for easy cleaning would be more des i rable. The construction of a fly larvae trap behind the retaining wall would reduce the number of escaping larvae. Such a trap could be made by the construction of a sunken trough in the floor between the retaining wall and the building wall. This trough filled with water would drown migrating larvae. The trough could be cleaned by flushing. The concrete floor of the receiving building has been chipped by the loading tractor at the edge of the receiving hopper producing an opening between the hopper and the floor. The construction of a lip over the edge of the hopper would reduce the debris and number of larvae escaping into this area. This lip could be either metal or several inches of re-enforced concrete. it was shown that a 40.6 percent reduction in the number of adult flies occurred when the area under the apron conveyor was cleaned and a possible reduction of 67 percent was predicted. This demonstrates the value of good housekeeping. Not only are the number of fl ies reduced by cleaning but the dangers c ;ng with poisons and the potent:, of insect and pollution are ei :d. A combination of cleaning the . apron conveyor . eliminating the pre in the r building would r. the ensuing adult pop. ies by snt The application of a ,ecticie_ would reduce the number cf the remaining fl The daily applicati- ~r bait re flies caught ited traps at the compost plant by £5.7 percent. gging were 1 ei :ive and not recommended, ication of a residual insecticide to che night-time rcos; . .es -d the number cf fl ies at re than S9 percent. better than SO percent control for one week. Gardona was ineffective as a residual. The laboratory screening of 12 commercial insecticides re. - .. parat Dursban, nalee, azlnon were effective against female J?. _c It! posed in a wind tunnel. These results -icate that parathion, Dursban, naled, and may also be or the 1 of P. cuor ina. A diet consisting c ry dog food, and ground beef was ind superior to the - o„s!y been used to eg food d i _ in total iess, and it produced less offensive odors th the et. r of he . indicates that the fly population may be estimated by the number tr When a known number of marked house flies was released in the digester building an average of 1.8 percent were recaptured on sticky tapes. .he total number of flies present in the digester building may be estimated by the multiplication of 1 . & percent times the number c; f 1 ies trapped. A one-year study of house files in the digesters revealed the. . number of house flies fluctuated seasonally and that high t -es in the digester building during the sun :ouragec entering that area. abilit compos : oduction of sects presents the ial problem that a great method of refuse disposal. Observations re id that house ;es were the predominant - capable c. ig in compost ar.d th« were limited by several factors. Temperature was the primary factor limiting house fly Ing in compost. Temperatures in the digesters prevented house fly development except in the top 2.5 cm of compost. The moisture content of the compost was a major factor affecting adult development from eggs in compost. Seventy-five percent moisture was the optimum moisture content. It should be noted that cc moistures above 65 percent could not oe processed because of equipment limitations. The moisture content of the compost in normal operations ranged from nt which gave 1-14 percent survival of eggs to pupae in laboratory t r The length < tec a1 Surviv cc. :ent. 104 The addition of raw e sludge to th refuse ses the ability of compost to support he. effects of th of the refuse par on survival . adults produc. . oistur^ ad r.o e maturation of 48-hr ol e fly larv in the refuse that survived the grinding pro. to areas wher.. tempere es were ... .develop to £.. was demonstrat . survive normal gr inding. Fly larvae were .he co:. .iters dur April, May, June, Cctober, November, and December of 1969, and mc than S9 percent of 'chose insects identified v. sre _. .lestica. flies may be controlled by removing and grinding the compost before the house fly can complete its life cycle. Th i also be controlled by mixing the compost in the digester by the Agi-Loader so th-. larvae are exposed to lethal temperatures. Flight and dispersal studies were conducted to determine d patterns from an attractive si P. ci-or ir.a males average of 19,405.4 m (12.. and a maximum of 30,127 m (13.7 mi) attached to a f 1 .-, average 25,235.2 m (15."; of 45,030 .0 mi). e data ght distanc ow fly under t i ons . their r. char 105 displacement may exceed the laboratory distances when flies are blown with the winds. Wild P. cupr ina and M. domes t lea released 1 mi or more frc, city landfill were recaptured .. i of w!',c j'.c. -la, _?. '- city animal recaptured at the c. Thase i cte th< attracted from the surrounding areas. An average of 10.7 d £• i .'ia.nt were recaptur. :er. An c of 10.17 p< Ina and '. . ~i percent c : v '. . ^ _. released at the landfill on days . / 2k hr without rain we rec-;^ tured 2k hr a 11.3 ; reared _?. cinr '. r,a r^'iasac at the landfill were recaptur < 2k hr after rel easu. Baited traps located at an apa.- : 200 m east of the compost plant and at the city animal sh....: .-II ed to re any marked release at the compost plant. Baited traps surrounding the city land- fill captured only 2 flies after the release of 255,000 marked specimens. th were _P. cj::in:i females captured 1/2 m m the landfill the same day in the same trap. data appear to indicate that the flies do not disperse greatly from these very attractive loci. Th«_ j are .- ~.ror composting: 1. ^st be J the same day it is delivered. 2. The refuse receiving area must be constructed to preclude t mk 3. the .3 hopp^ id be : per we. The daily ap "vos sl weekl y ap:: 5 beca 5. The moisture level St. for a ;ed by the breed inc . ich increases as moisture approaches 75 pe r 6. The grl ng of th« must be thorough to insure X.\ death of larv- incoming refuse, 7. Lar .-ceding in the digesters s .royed oy either re-grinding or t -he compost in the digesters. Aani should be centrally located to lover costs preferably in an area at least oi ile from residences to reduce the nuisc. ..-used by flies migrating into the surrounding crea. Furth *eas of fly dispersal from a composting plant and fiy b.-eeding in compost should be conducted. APPENDIX 108 Appendix J. -- Test for the precision of the counting technique used to determine total number of larvae collected under the apron conveyor. Weight of sample Number of Larvae. per (gm) larvae gram 514 3064 566 3279 708 4217 430 2720 642 3842 5.96 5.79 5.95 6.33 5.S8 X = 6.00 + .2 109 Append ix 2. — Fl' y larvae trc ipped under apron conveyor durin g 1969, at the Gainesville compi DSt plant • Number Spec i es present (%) Phaen i c ia Hermet i a Cochl iomyia Musca Sarcophaqa Week of caught cupr ina i 1 1 ucens mac el i ar ia domes tica spp. Jan. 12 0 IS 4 100 26 2 100 Feb.. 2 0 9 0 16 1 100 23 1 100 Mar. 2 0 9 0 16 0 23 12 100 30 130 91.5 4.2 4.2 Apr. 6 102 90.5 4.7 4.7 13 78 96.5 1.8 1.8 20 131 100 27 285 91.0 6.4 3.2 May 4 614 95.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 11 1297 97.5 .4 2.2 18 592 94.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 25 1629 96.0 .1 1.2 1.8 .9 Jun. 1 2004 96.5 .9 .6 1.5 .6 8 4554 97.0 .1 1.0 1.5 .3 15,22, 29a Jul. 6 3945 96.4 .4 .7 1.2 .3 13 4387 93.5 .1 6.0 .2 .1 20 4500 96.5 1.6 1.8 27 4482 96.6 .8 1.9 1.5 Aug. 3 3366 96.4 1.2 1.2 .8 .4 10 5669 98.4 .1 .7 .2 .4 17 5749 99.2 .1 .1 .1 .5 24 3534 98.7 .7 .7 31 4350 98.3 .2 .5 .2 .8 110 Appendix 2 (Continued) Week of Species present Number caught Phoenicia Hermetia Cochl iomyia Musca cuprina il lucens macellaria domestica spp Sarcophaga Sept. 7 6116 97.8 .1 14 4156 94.0 1.3 21 2621 98.8 .2 28 1611 92.5 Oct. 5 3597 99.0 12 3371 97.5 .7 19 1638 94.7 .4 26 639 97.8 1.1 Nov. 2 212 93.0 2.3 9 173 100 16 18 100 23 78 100 30 77 100 Dec. 7 2 100 14 0 21 2 100 28 0 1.3 .3 4.7 2.8 .8 1.3 .2 .4 .5 .7 1.6 1.3 2.0 .3 1.7 .5 .7 .4 1.1 4.7 Plant closed for repairs. Ill 3 in O a. X ro -3" CM in a U o .— c o 10 -C -a • ^— . — o - c to 3 -a ■j-j LA — c M- • — O ^ >• ■0 4-1 •— c w— •— (D +-> in 1- HI O -j F •— o *-" ■ — c — 1 — -3" n vo ra [*>• _Q O ^ CA in vO 1-3" i_ .— r-^ . 3 CA Q c 0 5 3 O OJ CA O (0 u a. 55 O o E o o — O LA O CM i O CM LA • LA U C 0 o in — o ID — O — 4-1 — 14- C s .C . o o a. en ■v. CD O LA Q CM _l X CM o o LA CO o o r- • • • • vO LA LA ca P»» vO -3" LA CA LA CM o r^ vO la •— o O o CXI o CA CO O CA LA CA CA o • • • • • CT\ •— 3 1 o e .— o • 3 LA CO eg c O O -C O rA P>J ■m cm I O c — oo o C o X) l_ ID O CM O o o — LA O I • o o o -3" C o c — o N VD H) — O O vO XI 3 C C O o XI c o Q. Q. < in — o o LA LA v£> c r^ o r>» LA o *— o O <_> • ■ • • 113 c O TO o CM o o 00 CM I LA CO CO >. vO !_ CO -3" TO o CTv ca -O CM 1 • 1_ tmm r-» LA TO o O CA u c o o l_ 3 X LA o O r-^ VO CL CM ,— CA o W-m i • L. 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He is . slogical Society of America and t Florida Society. former Judith Gaynell Marable of Newport News, ^inia, on May 7, IS I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Dr, F. S. Blanton, Co-chairman Professor of Entomology and Nematology 1 certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Dr. H. D. Putnam, Co-chairman Professor of Environmental Engineering I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. °)