THE EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. ikk^^ THE EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, EXHIBITING A VIEW OF THE PROGRESSIVE DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SCIENCES AND THE CONDUCTED BY ROBERT JAMESON, '^/STOti. HEGIU9 PROFESSOR OF NATCKAL HISTORY, LECTURER ON MINERALOGY, AND KEEPER OF THE MUSEUM IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH; Kellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh ; Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy ; of the Royal Society of Sciences of Denmark ; of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin ; of the Royal Academy of Naples ; of the Geological Society of France ; Honorary Member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta ; Fellow of the Royal Linnean, and of the Geological Societies of London ; of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, and of the Cambridge Philosophical Society ; of the Antiquarian, Wernerian, Natural History, Royal Medical, Royal Physical, and Horticultural Societies of Edinburgh ; of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland ; of the Antiquarian and Literary Society of Perth ; of the Statistical Society of Glasgow ; of the Royal Dublin Society ; of the York, Bristol, Cambrian, Whitby, Northern, and Cork Institutions ; of the Natural History So- ciety of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle ; of the Imperial Pharmaceutical Society of Petersburgh ; of the Natural History Society of Wetterau ; of the Mineralogical Society of Jena ; of the Royal Mineralogical So- ciety of Dresden ; of the Natural History Society of Paris ; of the Philomathic Society of Paris ; of the Natural History Society of Calvados ; of the Senkenberg Society of Natural History ; of the Society of Natural Sciences and Medicine of Heidelberg •, Honorary Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York ; of the New York Historical Society ; of the American Antiquarian Society ; of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York ; of the Natural History Society of Montreal ; of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts ; of the Geological Society of Pennsylvania ; of the Boston Society of Natural History of the United States ; of the South African Institution of the Cape of Good Hope ; Honorary Member of the Statistical Society of Prance ; Member of tht Entomological Society of Stettin, &c. &c. &c. APRIL... OCTOBER 1841. VOL. XXXI. TO BE CONTINUED QUARTERLY. EDINBURGH : ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH; LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS, LONDON. 1841. PRINTED BY HEILL & CO., OLD FI8HMARKET, EDINBURGH. CONTENTS, Page Art. I. Memoir of the Life and Writings of the late Profes- sor Blumenbach of Gottingen. |tBy Professor K. F. H. Marx. Concluded from Volume XXX. p. 240, . ... 1 II. On Gymnorynchus horridus, a new Cestoid Ento- zoon. By John Goodsir, Esq., M.W-S., Conser- vator of the Museums of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Communicated by the Author. With a Plate, . . . 9 III. On the Building Materials of the United States of North America. By David Stevenson, Esq., Civil Engineer, Edinburgh. Communicated by the Society of Arts for Scotland, . . 12 IV. On Pelonaia, a New Genus of Tunicated Mollusks, with Descriptions of two Species. By Edward Forbes, Esq., and John Goodsir, Esq., Mem- bers of the Wernerian Natural History Society. Communicated by the Authors. With a Plate, 29 Anatomy of P. glabra, 30 Anatomy of P. corrugata, 32 V. On the Proper Form for a Convertible Pendulum. By Edward Sang, Esq., Actuary, Edinburgh, M.S. A. Communicated by the Society of Arts for Scotland, .... 34 VI. On some appearances inferred to have been con- nected with the Antediluvian Congelation of the CONTENTS. Page Interstitial Water of Rocks. By J. Black, M.D., F.G.S., &c. Communicated by the Author, 38 VII. On the Colours of the Dew-Drop, with a simple Method of observing them. By the Rev. W. ScoRESBY, D.D., F.R.SS. of London and Edin- burgh, Corresponding Member of the Institute of France, &c. &c. Communicated by the Author, 50 VIII. Icebergs and Changes of Geological Opinions, Communicated in a Letter from Captain Vetch, F.G.S., &c., of the Royal Engineers, . 56 Additional Note, 60 IX. On the Downs of Denmark. By Professor G. FoRCHHAMMER of Copenhagen, . . 61 X. On the Traces of Ancient Glaciers which have filled the Valleys of the Alps of Dauphiny, and on those of the same nature, which appear to re- sult from some of the Observations made by M. Robert in Northern Russia. By M. Renoir. 77 XI. Notices of Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain, and especially Scotland, with inferences suggest- ed by these notices as to the causes of such Shocks. By David Milne^ Esq., F.R.S.E., M.W.S., F.G.S., &c. Communicated by the Author, ..... 92 Register of Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain, from the year 1608 to October 1839 ; stating the exact dates of their occurrence, and other particulars, . . 95 Farther Extracts from Sir Thomas D, Lauder's Account of Earthquake of 1816, 116 Notes from Newspapers, 117 XII. Braconnot on Organic Matter in Primitive Rocks, and Brongniart on the Conversion of the Felspar of Primitive Rocks into Porcelain Clay, . 122 1. — Braconnot on Organic Matter in Primitive Rocks, 122 2. — Brongniart on the Conversion of th« Felspar of Primitive Rocks into Porcelain Clay, . . 1 23 XIII. On the Composition of the Air found in the Pores of Snow. By M. Boussingault, . 125 CONTENTS. ^ Pago XIV. On the Geological Structure of the Northern and Central Regions of Russia in Europe. By Ro- derick Impey Murchison, F.R.S., M.R.I.A., President of the Geological Society of London, &c., and E. de Verneuil, Vice-President de la Societe Geologique de France, . . 129 XV. On the Artesian Well of Grenelle. By M. Wal- FERDIN, .... 140 XVI. Section of the Bore of the Artesian Well of Grenelle, with explanatory notes. By Sir John RoBisoN, K.H., F.R.S.E., &c., . . 141 XVII. Fossil Fish in the Collections of the Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Phillib Grey Egerton, Bart., . . . . . 144 XVIII. Mean Results of the Thermometer, and the Quan- tity of Rain, for 1840, af Alford, about Lat. 57° 13' N., 420 feet above the level of the Sea, and 26 miles inland from the Sea at Aberdeen. By the Rev. James Farquharson, LL.D., F.R.S. Communicated by the Author, . . 149 XIX. Abstract of Mean Results from a Register of the Thermometer, Barometer, and state of the Wea- ther, kept at Ancaster, Upper Canada, seven miles from the Western extremity of Lake On- tario, and about 500 feet above its level. By William Craigie, Esq., Surgeon. Communi- cated by the Author, . . 152 XX. On the Fossil Trees found on the Line of the Bol- , ton Railway, at Dixon Fold, near Manchester; and the light they throw on several points still undecided among Geologists. By J. E. Bow- man, F.L.S., and F.G.S. Communicated by the Author, . . . . . 145 XXI. Remarks on the Origin, Structure, and Life of the Human Hair. By Dr Bidder of Dorpat, 165 XXII. Tabular View of an Arrangement of Minerals, founded upon Physical and Chemical Characters, 174 4 CONTENTS. Page XXIII. Scientific Intklligencr, . . . 183 METEOROLOGY. 1. On the Spontaneous Evolution of Sulphuretted Hy- drogen in the Waters of the Western Coasts of Africa, and elsewhere, 183. 2. Power Plants possess of Drawing off Electricity from the Atmosphere, 186. 3. On Noises proceeding from Aurora Borealis, and on the Twinkling of the Fixed Stars in Scotland, by Professor Necker, . . . , 188 GEOLOGY. 4. Surface of the Terrestrial Globe, 188. 5. On Indi- cations of the former higher Level of the Sea in the Mauritius, 190. 6. Kloden on the Sinking of the Dalmatian • Coast, 191. 7. Volcanic Asides at Sea, 192. 8. On Human Bones of great Geological an- tiquity, 192. 9. The Source of the Kiver Oxus, 193. 10. Thermal Springs in the upper part of the River Oxus, 194. 11. fiot Springs of Greenland, , 194 ZOOLOGY. 12. Continuation of Dr Martin Barry's Researches in Embryology, &c., 195. 13. Opium-Eaters, . 198 'scientific TRAVELLERS. 14. Mr Lyell's Expedition to America, 200. 15. Mr Murchison's Journey in Russia, . . 201 XXIV. List of Patents granted for Scotland from 22d March to 22d June 1841, . . 201 Owing to want of space, Notices of New Books, and Proceedings of learned Societies, are unavoidably delayed till next Number. CONTENTS. Pag&9) aad 2d ycai-, 1788, No. 2, p. 25-35, . . > 8 Prof. K. F. H. Marx's Memoir of the Life and On the 28th August 1806, Blumenbach commenced his journey to Paris with Martens ; and on the 20th September they had an audience with the emperor. On the 30th Octo- ber 1812, he proceeded as deputy of the university, in com- pany Avith Sartorius, to Heiligenstadt, the head- quarters of Bernadotte, afterwards king of Sweden. Blumenbach, in general, was little subject to indisposition. In his youth he Avas delicate, and suffered much from bleeding at the nose, and even spitting of blood ; but by great care and regularity of life, he afterwards acquired very permanent good health. He used to remark, that among many other benefits which the study of natural history had conferred on him was this, that he possessed the power of sleeping like a mole, and had a stomach like that of an ostrich. It is true that when he reached old age he was subjected to some almost constant dis- agreeables ; but, upon the whole, he not only retained his mental faculties in full vigour, but likewise his bodily strength. After having stood extremely well the cold days of the middle of January 1839, he was attacked during the succeeding mild but stormy weather by a cough, which, however, again left him. On the 18th January he had a severe attack of illness, which, though it yielded partially to medical treatment, at last terminated fatally on the 22d. The father of the subject of this memoir, Henry Blumenbach, originally a private teacher at Leipsic, went to Gotha in 1737 as tutor in the family of Chancellor Von Oppel, and the year after became professor in the gymnasium there. He had a well-selected library, besides many engravings and maps. His mother, Charlotte Eleanora Hedvig, was the daughter of the Vice-Chancellor Buddeus of Gotha, and died in 1793 at the age of sixty-eight. His brother died in the prime of life at Gotha, and his sister was the wife of Professor Voigt. Among the interesting men in Gotha with Avhom he was on intimate terms, was Vice-President Kliipfel, who, after 1774, had taken no small charge of the Gotha Gelehrte Zeitung. At the age of seventeen, and on the 12th October 1769, Blumenbach Avent from school to Jena, Avhere Baldinger was pro-rector. In 1770 Neubauer came to Jena, and to him Blu* incnbach Avas much indebted. After three years' study ther^ Writings of the late Prof elisor Blumenbach. 0 he felt the necessity of hearing other teachers, and the repu- tation of Giittingen soon induced him to select it for the pro- secution of his education. He arrived here on the 15th Octo- ber 1772. He regarded his coming to this university as the greatest good fortune for his scientific career ; and he often remarked, that he participated in the saying of Schlbzer: Extra Gottingam vivere non est vivere. By his marriage on the 19th October 1778, he became the brother-in-law of Heyne ; and, as his father-in-law, George Brandos, and afterwards his brother-in-law, Ernest Brandos, conducted the affairs of the university, we may partly thus account for Blumenbach's influential connection with these matters. What he did for this seat of learning as a whole, and for our society in particular, is known to the world, and will be re- corded in history. His name is permanently inscribed in our Transactions, and his memory will always recall the image of extraordinary and beautiful energy and activity. On Ggrtuiorynchiis horridus, a new Cestoid Entozoon, By John GooDsiii, Esq., M.W.S., Conservator of the Museums of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Communicated by the Author. With a Plate.* The genus Gymnorynchus was instituted by Rudolphi, for the reception of a worm which infests the muscular tissue of the Brama raji, and which had been placed by Cuvier in the genus Scolex. This worm Gymnorynchus reptans (Rudolphi), Scolex gigas (Cuvier), is the only species which has been hitherto ob- served. It is described by Rudolphi, Cuvier, Blainville, and Milne Edwards, and figured by Bremser. The characters of this genus, according to Rudolphi, are : — ^body depressed^ continuous, very long, with a subglobose cervical receptacle ; head provided with two bipartite suckers, and emitting four naked retractile proboscides. Bremser, however, represents in his atlas the four proboscides not as naked, but as armed with recurved hooks, an arrangement which can only be re- cognised when they are fiilly extended. Milne Edwards, ih '^ Read before the Wcrnerlati Natural History Society, J^eWawy 20, 1841, 10 Mr John Goodsir on Gymnorynchus horridus, the last edition of Lamarck's invertebrate animals, has defined the genus thus : — body depressed, continuous, or without arti- culations, composed of three parts ; one median, subglobose, prolonged backwards into a very long tail, and forwards into a wrinkled neck ; the cephalic bulging, provided with two bi- partite suckers and four papillose tentacula. When dissecting the sun-fish, which formed the subject of a former communication to the Society, I found in the liver a number of entozoa which presented a very curious appearance. They were cylindrical, very much elongated, coiled and twisted on the surface and in the substance of the organ, one of their extremities subglobose, and situate immediately under the peritoneum, the other tapering to a fine point. They adhered to the parenchyma of the organ by cellular tissue, and occasionally where one coil lay over the other, the two adhered. Their colour was cream-white, so that they con- trasted strongly with the deep brown of the liver. On removing one of them, and making a longitudinal inci- sion, I found that it was not a worm, but an elongated sac or cyst containing a worm, wdiich, w^hen withdrawn, was found to be alive, although the fish had been a week dead. When placed in lukewarm w^ater, it pushed out its head and neck from the cervical receptacle, protruded the four-armed tenta- cula, and continued in lively motion for some hours. The globose receptacle, with the head and neck of the worm, were lodged in the bulbous extremity of the cyst, but the tail did not extend into the attenuated extremity. I had no difficulty in referring the worm to the genus Gym- norynchus. I may remark, however, that it presented one character not included in the definition of this genus. It ex- hibited, when gently compressed between two plates of glass, distant, but distinct articulations. From an examination of Bremser's drawing, and a consideration of the relations of the genus, I strongly suspect that the old species is also articulated, and that such a conformation must be considered as a charac- ter of this cestoid genus. My specimens present a character, which appears to be sufficient to distinguish them as a ne^v species. They have a separate circle of large recurved hooks on the tentacula, an arrangement not to be seen in Bremser's figure of Gynmorynchns reptans* Mr John Goodsir on Gi/mnori/nchus horridus. 11 The cyst enclosing the worm is double. The outer coat is rough, fiocculent, and adherent to the parenchyma of the liver. The anterior extremity is dilated, and in all the specimens was situate immediately under the peritoneum. The poste- rior extremity, again, was so attenuated tliat it was traced with great difficulty, as it lay coiled about in all directions through the substance of the organ. Within the outer coat, another cyst is situate closely investing the worm ; it is smooth, trans- parent, thin, and elastic, and does not adhere to the outer. The worm is visible through this second tunic, and lies with its anterior bulbous extremity packed up in the vesicular por- tion of the cyst. When one of the animals was released from its prison, and placed in water, it dilated its anterior extre- mity, projected its head and neck, and presented the appear- ance exhibited in Fig. 6, Plate I. The head and neck, when withdrawn, are lodged in the cervical receptacle. There is no particular muscular arrangement to effect this. The tissue of this, as well as of the rest of the animal, was the primitive granular tissue lately described by Mr Forbes. The four- armed tentacula are retracted by four distinct muscles, all of which consist of granular tissue. The ar- rangement of this part of the animal corresponds exactly with the same part in the Bothriocephalus corollatus as de- scribed by Leblond in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1836. The motion of these p^rts in both animals is simi- lar, and the tissue is identical with that denominated by Leblond " Sarcode," or elementary texture, the granular tis- sue to which I have already referred. The body, when gently compressed between two plates of glasSj exhibited transparent transverse articulations at dis- tances of one-third to half an inch. The most careful exa- mination, however, revealed no nutritive or generative organs in any of the segments. The dilated cervical receptacle, into which the head is retracted, did not appear to communicate with any arrangement of tubes or cavities in the elongated body. The most interesting circumstance in the history of this en- tozoon, is the manner in which it is enclosed in a firm and close cyst. It appears to me that this cyst is not altogether the result of irritation of the surrounding tissues. The outer 12 Mr Stevenson on the Building Materials coat of the cyst may be of this nature, but it is not so easy to conceive the inner tunic to be due to the same cause. Pro- fessor Owen, in his memoir on the Trichina spiralis — the en- tozoon of the human muscles, — ^liolds that the cyst of that ani- mal, although apparently consisting of two tunics, is the result of irritation. Dr Knox, again, considers it to be a part of the animal, although the latter lies free in the cavity. This latter opinion is inadmissible, according to the usual conception of an individual animal. Might we not conceive the cysts to be essential parts of all such entozoa, inasmuch as they are never absent ? and may we not suppose them to be parts of the origi- nal ovum within which the animal was formed, and in which it passes the term of its existence ? Without having any facts to adduce in proof, I hazard this supposition as a hint for future research ; and as it is not at variance with any of the known conditions of animal existence, it is worth consideration in a fresh investigation of the subject. EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURES (PLATE I). Fig. 4. Entozoon inclosed in botli cysts. Fig. 5. The internal transparent cyst, with the worm seen through it. Fig. 6. The worm removed from the cyst and fully expanded. Fig. 7. The cervical receptacle opened to shew the retracted head and neck. Fig. 8. The four muscles of the proboscides. On the Building Materials of the United States of North Ame- rica, By David Stevenson, Esq., Civil Engineer, Edin- burgh. Communicated by the Society of Arts for Scotland. There is, perhaps, nothing connected with the useful arts, which has a greater share in forming the characteristic appear- ance of a country, than the materials which it produces, and of which its public works are necessarily constructed. I use the word materials, in the technical sense in which it is employed by engineers and architects, to denote the several productions of the mineral and vegetable kingdoms which are used in the construction of engineering and architectural works ; and we have only to look around us for a moment, to be at once con- vinced how much these, in their almost endless variety, affect PL A T £ I . E3ifv':NewFkd. Jour. Vol.3J.p.]2x :i'l. luj I Fig. 2. Fu^.4. Fi^.5. ~^^^ Fi^.e. ^ : back to th^ Stuv. Dr Scoresby on the Colours of the DeW'Drop, 61 these aqueous atmospheric deposits, I w^s led to consider the reason why the Dew-Drop, so striking in its exhibition of re- splendent light and colours, as ofttimes to have called upon the province of poetry to describe its beauties, should so sel- dom present the same richness and variety of tints as are seen in the rainbow ? An attentive observation of the multitudes of diamond-like gems pendant on the grass and sparkling in the morning sunbeam, soon enabled me to discover a not un- frequent coloured drop of yellow or orange ; but in vain, du- ring many favourable mornings, I sought for blue, green, or red. At length it occurred to me that the distance at which many of the most resplendent drops were seen, might render the effect of the colours inappreciable. Availing myself of a 14-inch pocket telescope for the determination of the fact, I immediately found that the drop tinged with yellow or orange, as seen by the naked eye, now assumed, according to the po- sition in which it was viewed, the principal variety of the ex- quisite tints of the iris. A little practice in investigating this interesting pheno- menon, enabled me (on ani/ occasion of either dew or rain drops being pendant on the grass or shrubs when the sun was tolerably clear) to fix the telescope at once on some of the most fitting globules for exhibiting the colours, and to deve- lope, by a slight motion of the head, whilst viewing a parti- cular globule, the principal tints of the spectrum. For the purpose of observation of this beautiful effect of the solar beams, a telescope is necessary which can be ad- justed to a very short focal distance, so that, by being drawn out beyond the usual focus, objects at the distance of only three or four yards may become distinctly visible. With such an instrument coloured dew-drops may be seen in a great va- riety of positions with respect to the sun. For instance, at the angular distances from the sun of about 40°, 45°, 73°, &c. (as measured by the sextant), as also at a variety of angles from the shadow of the head of the observer, from about 5^* to the extent of 60° or upwards. The angular position of the coloured drops, with reference to the sun, indeed, I could not find to be reducible to any given law, from the circumstance, most probably, of the various deviations in the drops themselves fram a true spherical figure. Yet there were obviously /wir- 52 Dr Scoresby on the Colours of the Dew-Drop, ticular positions in wliich the largest number of the resplen- dent drops were always to be seen. The simplest way of finding the fitting globules for examin- ation, is to turn the back to the sun and take the shadow of the observer's head on the ground as the guide. Within a few inches of the shadow of the head, most brilliant drops re- flecting like the diamond, will be seen, and sometimes exhibiting colours. But within, perhaps, a yard or two of the shadow (at an angular distance of 10" or 12°), if the sun have con- siderable altitude, globules of a most gorgeous character may not unfrequently be observed ; whilst others, at greater dis- tances, will present, by a slight motion of the head, almost all the phenomena in succession of the solar arch. If the globule be to the right of the observer (the back being to the sun) and any colour be seen, let the head be inclined to the right until white light alone is reflected. Then slowly re- turning the head towards the left, a succession of colours will be seen, differing, however, in their order according to the number of reflections and refractions. When at a large an- gular distance (such as nearly half a right angle from the shadow of the head of the observer), the series I have com- monly observed is bluish, like the sapphire ; pale blue ; bril- liant W5/«7d?, like the diamond; straw-colour; pink; orange; orange approaching to red. At this angular distance (40° to 60°), I have generally found the nearer drops to the eye (such as those within 5 to 10 yards) exhibiting scarcely more than three different or distinct colours ; but the remote drops (such as those at 15 to 20 yards' distance), the variety just described, might commonly be seen. In the globules, however, at small angular distances, al- ready referred to, I have observed the reverse order of co- lours. On the 1st of May of the present year, at eight in the morning, the sun .being very bright, and the globules of dew numerous and large, one globule was observed at the distance of about a yard from the shadow of my head of singular beauty and splendour. Its brilliancy when reflecting only white light, outvied, if possible, that of the diamond ; and the tints whi(!h successively appeared on examining it with the small tele- scope, under a shght change of position, were singularly rich, and indeed gorgeous^ The globule was a little to the right Dr Scoresb'y on the Colours of the Bew-Drop. 53 hand of the shadow of my head, and when examined, as above recommended, from rlfjht to left^ the succession of colours wss as follows — ^faint purple^ pink, red, orange, yellow, green, bluish-white, resembling in lustre and fire the diamond. The order here, omitting the two first tints, was that of the pri- mary rainbow » Various attempts were made to determine whether there were any particular angles at which the development of co- lours was resoluble, but, as I have said, without being able to reduce the phenomena to any given law. Measured from the centre of the shadow of the head of the observer, towards the right, for example, when the sun had considerable altitude (such as 40° or 50°), 1 found a very large number of beautifully prismatic drops, pendant on blades of grass, at different unequal angular distances of from 5^° to 28° or 30°. Various angles being measured by a pocket sextant, where the orange tint appeared, gave, in numerous examinations of different dew- drops, 51°, 12i°, 12^, ISr, several of 22^°, 28°, 34°, &c. In all these cases the distance of the drop from the eye never ex- ceeded 10 feet ; varying from 7 to 10 feet. The order of the colours in these several cases (with but one exception that I recollect) corresponded with that of the primary rainbow ; but in many cases the only distinct colours were orange, yel- low, and bluish-white. At an angle of 63°, on the same oc- casion, a prismatic drop was examined, exhibiting the reverse order, and thus indicating a double reflection. On examining the drops closely, with a compound botanical microscope, I found, as might have been anticipated, a great difference in their relative positions and forms. Most of them w^ere pen- dant on blades of grass, but the globules in many cases de- viated considerably from the spherical form, — some being too weighty for the attraction of cohesion, so that they assumed an ovoidal form, and others being of so deficient a weight as to appear, not as pendant ovoids but as semi-ovoids suspended from the longer axis. For in all cases the part attached to the blade of grass was necessarily flattened. Figures 3, 4, 5, Plate II., shew some of the forms examined, whose colour and angular distances have already been described. The order of the colours and the position of the ob- server will be made more intelligible by reference to figure 6, 54 Dr Scoresby on the Colours of the' Dew-Drop, where the outline figure represents the shadow of the ob- server, and the small circular marks in the imaginary con- centric bands around the head of the figure, represent the po- sitions of the drops which were observed — the width of the bands being designed to indicate the limits through the an- gular dimensions across which, in the direction of the dotted line drawfi from the eye of the figure, the different colours of the spectrum successively appeared. As observed by direct examination in the usual way of vi- sion without any telescope, colours could rarely be seen ex- cept the orange, and that not very distinctly. It occurred to me that the parallax occasioned by the distance of the eyes, might actually bring a different tint to each eye, and so con- fuse or mix up two tints. And this I found to be so far the fact, in observing the nearer drops of dew, that when ex- amined with one eye, unassisted by the telescope, more dis- tinct tints were seen, especially in looking through a tube or through a small hole in any interposed substance. Reflected obliquely from a plane mirror, however, with one eye placed near the reflecting surface, the spectrum became much more obvious and capable of analysis into different distinct tints. I have been thus particular in describing the results of these investigations, because they may afford a new source of inte- resting observation by those of a scientific turn of mind — and the opening to observation of a beautiful class of phenomena, especially to persons dwelling in the country, on any morning when the sun shines upon the dew bespangled herbage. And trifling as to the mass of the busy world such investigations may seem — to the spiritually enlightened mind, and to the true admirer of nature, the scriptural truth will, in this case, be abundantly manifest — >" The works of the Lord are great" (and beautiful), " sought out of all them that have pleasure therein." (Psalm cxi. 2.) It is scarcely necessary to say that the phenomena herein described, may be likewise observed on the pendant aqueous drops otherwise deposited than by dew. In certain respects the drops from a shower of rain — from fog — or even from a copious shower of the watering-pot — will afford the fitting forms for interesting optical effects; but still the greater Dr Scoresby on the Colours of the Dew-Drop, 55 S2)hericity of the dew-drops, and their more distinct separate- ness, give this peculiar form a decided advantage. Similar effects of colour also maybe seen during sunshine in any globular vessel filled with water. In ver^ small globules of glass, so filled, the phenomena more nearly approximate those of the dew-drop, as the size of ordinary glass-vessels causes the colour to be seen only at the extreme verge of the globe* with a combination of tints, whilst in the small dew-drop the different tints become generally resolved, -as to any discrimi- nating power in the eye, into an uniform colour, varying only by a change of the angle at which it is observed in respect to the position of the sun. In all cases, however, in which these phenomena are observed, the small telescope becomes a most important acquisition, by removing the indistinctness and du- biousness which necessarily belong to colour when the angle subtended by the luminous coloured object is very minute. Whilst the departure from the true spherical form occasions, in the colour of the dew-drop, such uncertainty as to the angle at which the spectral phenomenon may appear ; the regularity of the form of the rain-drop whilst descending through the air, and the free and perfect operation of the attraction of cohesion, yield obviously the fitting optical con- ditions for the correspondency in the angular position, with respect to the sun, of the rainbow. There should, however, be, according to theory, a minute deviation from the true spherical form in the descending rain-drops, arising from the resistance of the air ; and that deviation ought to be different in degree according to the magnitude of the rain-drops. For as drops of unequal magnitude will descend with difi*erent rates of speed, the resisting action of the air against the under surface of the drops will occasion unequal measures of com- pression ; whilst a shower of rain, consisting of drops of un- equal size, should, it is presumed, afford spectral angles of somewhat different magnitudes. Theory, I think, would fairly lead to such a conclusion. And if so, may we not herein dis- cern the cause, possibly, of that phenomenon in the rainbow which, so far as I am aware, has not been explained, of super- numerary arches ? On an occasion in which I once observed a rainbow with three or four such arches of *itigular beautjr» 66 Captain Vetch on Icebergs* the colours of the supernumerary arches were ffreen and (as appeared to my eyes) purple or violet. This splendid iris (comprising primary, secondary, and supernumerary arches) was seen at Bridlington Quay, August 12. 1826, at 5 p. m., during a heavy partial shower of rain. The whole phenomena conveyed the impression of a magnificent canopy of vertical arches, or ribs of arches, diminishing in distinctness as if the observer were looking into an immense structure, spanning the heavens, of one grand arch, illuminated with ethereal light, and enriched with the brilliancy of the precious gems. Vicarage, Bradford, Yorkshire, May 19. 1841, Icebergs, and Changes of Geological Opinions. ' Communicated in a Letter from Captain Vetch, F.G.S., &c., of the Royal Engineers. Dear Sir — Since I had the benefit of receiving my first lessons in mineralogy and geology, at your lectures in the Col- lege of Edinburgh, many changes of doctrine have taken place; and it is to be trusted that we are gradually approaching the true theory, though the oscillatory movement of our progress may occasionally place us for a while at a greater distance from the object of our search. In the present day, the agency of icebergs is the fashion ; and geologists are now much puzzled to find a sufiiciency of cold and ice, in bygone days, to account for all the effects now presumed to have been achieved by these agents. Som.e of our younger geological brethren may, however, recollect the not very distant day when heat could not be found enough, in past periods, to account for the great quantities of presumed tropical plants and animals deposited in our now cold regions ; and it is rather unfortunate that such great demands have been made upon such opposite causes to afford explanation of the phenomena of geology, since we place our globe in the condition of having hot and cold fits, like a patient under the visitation of an intermitting fever ; for I presume the theory of a gradually cooling condition of the earth is almoftt abandoned. Captain Vetch on Icebergs, ^ % 57 The agency of icebergs is not to be denied ; we see them at work in the present day, and we can easily appreciate some of their effects. But I would venture to caution geologists against enlisting them to account for too many effects. I well recollect, when attending your lectures, I was very much surprised to find on the side of Dumpendcr Law a portion of the clinkstone porphyry very nicely polished, as if done by a lapidary. In those days the explanation was, that currents of water had formerly passed at the heights of these polished rocks, and bearing with them sand and gravel, which produced a polish. Certainly the rarity of the occurrence was not very conclusive, where so extensive and sweeping an agent was the performer. With respect, however, to the case at Dumpender Law, by frequently visiting the spot, I ascertained in a most satisfactory manner the cause of the polish. I observed that the sheep, in passing from one part of the hill to another, had to pass the projecting polished rocks ; and farther, that the passage was so narrow that they generally rubbed their fleece on the face of the rock. Professor Leslie happened then to be lecturing incidentally on the polish given to hard substances from very minute and delicate materials, and he felt perfectly convinced that the fleece of the sheep had been the polishing substance. I have no doubt, however, were a modern Ice- bergian to pass the spot on Dumpender Law, he would imme- diately summon a mountain of ice to his assistance ! When I returned from Mexico in 1829, I stated to some eminent geologists, that sweeping floods carrying sand and gravel could not be admitted as a satisfactory explanation of polished rocks; as I had examined, in Mexico, the beds of nu- merous rivers cut out of the solid rock, and bearing vast quan- tities of sand and gravel, and that in the dry season, when I could examine every part of the bed, I had never detected a striated polish, or indeed what could be considered a polish at all, in the rocky beds. I was, however, told, that though the torrents in Mexico might move with great force and velocity, that nevertheless, if that was not sufficient to polish their beds, currents of water might have existed, during certain changes of the earth's condition, flowing with the velocity of a cannon- fehot, 1000 miles an hour ; and with those who had such a 58 - . Captain Vetch on Icebergs^ mighty agent at hand, I could urge nothing further, but re- mained, like the man *\ Convinced against his will, Of the same opinion still." After my return from a second visit to .Mexico, opinions had wonderfully changed. The great current of water car- rying polishing sand and gravel, was abandoned as unsuitable, and the more ready and simple agency of icebergs was adopted instead ; and I congratulate geologists on this change of opi- nion for many reasons, but most of all, because it is an agency which we can still see at work. I had lately the pleasure of hearing a very able paper read at the Geological Society of London, by Mr Murchison, on the deposit of the great boulders of the north of Germany, through the agency of floating ice ; and few will doubt the very happy and satisfactory explanation thus afforded by assigning the effects to that cause. While listening to the reading of the paper, it occurred to me, that at this day there is a regular stream of floating icebergs, which, passing down from Davis' Straits and Hudson's Straits, direct their course along the Bank of Newfoundland until they get into the Gulf stream (a little farther south), where they speedily melt, or fall to pieces, and drop their earthy and rocky appendages, and that, were the course of these icebergs ever to become dry land, we should find a collection of rocks, boulders, gra- vel, and sand, dropped by them, similar to what Mr Murchi- son has described in Russia and Germany. Of the great constancy of the stream of icebergs which now passes southward along the east margin of the Bank of New- foundland, I give the following facts, as witnessed by myself. I believe these bodies are generally or almost always to be seen in the months of March and April in and about Lat. 42° N. and Long. 50° W. of Greenwich. Whether they are to be seen there at other periods, I am not acquainted. Ship Corinthian, Captain Davis, 1824, 10th April. Lat. 43° 22' N., Long. 46° W. Saw an iceberg to the south. 11th April. Lat. 42° 20' N., Long. 50° W. Saw a large iceberg three leagues to northward. Captain Vetch on Icebergs* d9 Ship Ontario, Captain Seahore, 24th March. Lat. 42° 26' N., Long. 50" W. Saw two icehergs, one to the southward, distant, appearing like a ship under sail ; the other to the north, distant about six miles. This last, as near as we could estimate, was about one mile square, the edge nearest the ship being only about iO feet high, and the more distant edge about 100 feet high, presenting a wedge-form above water, thus : slightly undulated, covered with snow a foot or two deep, the edges or cliffs worn into all kinds of gullies and fissures by the waves which broke against it in great force. In the two voyages just referred to, we saw ice at the same time of the year nearly, and at the same place ; nor in these or other voyages which I have made across the Atlantic, did I observe ice at any other season or place ; of course, extra- ordinary states of the weather will cause irregularities in the course of the icebergs. I am, however, led to believe, that in the season I have mentioned, and at the locality stated, vessels sailing between England and New York will cross the great stream of icebergs, and, consequently, that the naviga- tion then and there must always be dangerous ; and I was only surprised not to hear of more loss of shipping from such a cause of danger. And when the steam-boats were intro- duced between this country and North America, I always feared some fatality would arise in the season of March and April, in dark weather, owing to the velocity of the boats. That we have not heard of losses of sailing-vessels striking on ice in the locality named, will readily be explained by the fact that it can hardly ever happen that a soul escapes to tell the melancholy tale. If my inferences are, however, correct, they lead to import- ant considerations, now that steam navigation is becoming so much in use between this country and North America ; and the master and officers should be instructed to use every pre- caution, and exercise the utmost vigilance, when approaching '60 Captain Vetch on Icebergs. and passing the locality at the season when danger may be expected. I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, James Vetch. Additional Note. Since the above communication was transmitted to you, the public journals have announced several facts strongly confir- matory of the great danger to which shipping is exposed by the occurrence of icebergs off the south-east margin of the Bank of Newfoundland. Ship Wm. Brown of Philadelphia, G. L. Harris, master, 1841, April 19., N. Lat. 43° 30^, Long. 49° 39' W. Vessel going 10 knots, struck on an iceberg at 9 p. m., and a little after struck again ; at midnight the ship w^ent down, with thirty-three souls on board. Great Western Steam-ship of Bristol, James Hosken, master. 1841, April 18.— First iceberg seen in Lat. 43^ N,, and Long. 48° 30' W. April 19.— Last iceberg seen in Lat. 42<^ 20' N., and Long. 50° W. Between these localities the sea was covered with ice. It is singular that in six localities where icebergs have been seen, as above enumerated, two of these are identical both in latitude and longitude ; and it will be noted that this locality is on the edge of the bank, where some charts only record 24 fathoms water, and v/liere, consequently, great icebergs must inevitably strike the bottom. 44 T 43 42 46 41 rt, Iceberg seen from Corinthian, 10th April 1824. 6, Do. ... Ditto 11th April 1824. c. Do. ... Ontario, 24th March 1832. d. Do. ... Wm. Brown, 19th April 1841. /, Do. ... Gt. Western, 18th April 1841. f. Do. ... Ditto 19th April 1841. The whole space from c to/ covered with ice. ( 61 ) • On the Downs of Denmark^ By Professor G. Forchhammer of Copenhagen. The formations which are constantly going on on the sea- coast, have on the whole occupied but little of the attention of geologists of late years, and for this reason, that the vast phe- nomena of volcanos, and the therewith connected elevations and depressions, have almost exclusively attracted their in- terest. The masses deposited from the sea, perform, however, so important a part in the history of the globe, that a more ex- act study of the mode in which such formations are produced, cannot be without value for the science of geognosy. Owing to the great extent and the varied nature of the Danish coasts, the study of these deposits has been pursued for a consider- able period, and the stretch of coast which I have taken as the basis of the observations presented in this essay, extends from the mouth of the Eider to the northern point of Jutland, from 54° 15' to 57° 4()', a distance of nearly 300 English miles, if the bondings of the coast be reckoned. The whole western coast of Denmark is inclosed by one or, properly speaking, two systems of downs, of which the inner one, eastwards, indicates the coast of the sea at an earlier and ante-historical period, and the outer one indicates the present coast of the sea. The outer range of downs commences at the farthest point of Eiderstedt, and is here therefore on the solid land ; but some centuries ago Eiderstedt consisted of three islands, which only at a subsequent period became united with the mainland, and have continued to be protected against the tides by artificial dikes. From this west point of the land the range of downs extends uninterruptedly through currents of the sea separating the islands, over the islands Amrom, Sylt, Ro- moe, Manoe, and Fancie, and reaches the mainland again not far from Hjerting, whence it stretches without interruption to the northern point of Jutland, to what is termed the Gren near Skagen. If we look at this system of downs from a distance, we imagine it to be a range of hills, and the sharp, serrated forms 62 Professor G. Forclihanimer on the Downs of Denmark. remind us much more of porphyritic chains, than of a moveable formation composed of sand and reared by the wind. To- wards the sea these ridges are frequently cut off perpendicu- larly, and towards the land they are inclined at an angle of 30°; they never form continuous chains of equal height, but greater elevations always rise near one another, which are se- parated by valleys which are more or less deep. If we pro- ceed to the interior of the system of downs, we recognise a double series of valleys, viz. longitudinal valleys, which run parallel to the coast, and separate the masses of the downs into several paralleKranges, and transverse valleys, which cut the ranges into separate hills. The view of such a region of downs is indescribably bleak ; we are surrounded every- where by sand, which is set in motion by the 'slightest wind, and a living creature is rarely to be seen in this wilderness. On the high part of the downs an oyster-catcher (Hcemato- pus ostralegus) may be occasionally seen devouring its prey ; a hare, and in some places a rabbit, are the only larger animals visible ; while the slow regular stroke of the waves on the shore is the only sound that meets the ear. One may wan- der for very many miles along the downs without the slightest alteration of scene, and without meeting with any other plants but the upright sea lyme-grass ( Elymus arenarius ) ^ and some species^ of Scirpus and Juncus in the very moist valleys. If we ascend the downs, the scene changes, and the sea spreads it- self before us with its lines of waves, which approach the shore like white breakers. But the sea also presents but little that is enlivening, for ships are but rarely seen, as they avoid a coast which, throughout its whole extent, has hardly a single port which can afford protection or shelter. The scene is entirely changed when the sea is agitated by a storm. It is then hardly possible to remain upriglit on the downs, unless where they lie close to the coast, or are cut off perpendicularly towards the sea. Then the wind is little or not at all felt, a circumstance which is quite general on our coasts, and is experienced not only in the case of our abrupt declivities having a height of 200 feet, but even in that of the precipices of the Faroe Islands, which are 2000 feet high. The cattle always betalve themselves to the edge of Professor G. Forchhatnmer on the Downs of Denmark. 63 the cliff in a storm, and not unfrequently fall over. The cause of the phenomenon is, that the wind, by striking against the perpendicular wall, produces a current upwards, which ascends higher than the cliff, and so protects the observer against the storm by a wall of air. A storm sets the sand of the clowns in motion, and it is hardly possible to endure for any length of time the pain caused to the face and hands by the agitated sand. On all sides the individual is surrounded by huge sand-clouds, and the sea along the whole coast, so far as the eye can reach, forms a series of waterfalls, where, the waves breaking on one of the three sand-banks which stretch along the coast of Jutland, descend again from a height of 15 or 16 feet, and become lost in foam, giving rise to a scene with which, for its imposing effect, perhaps no waterfall in the world can compete. Snow-white balls of foam, like flocks of sea-gulls, cross the downs far on the land, and the observer soon has his face, hands, and clothes covered with salt. It is difficult to make one's self intelligible in speaking, owing to the sound of the waves. Ere the storm draws near, and while the air is still tranquil, the noise of the billows is heard at a distance of nearly twenty English miles from the coast. Hence it may be known several hours previously that a storm is ap- proaching, for the undulation proceeds more rapidly in the sea than in the air. The height of the downs is various. It amounts, in some places bet\veen List on the island Sylt and Nyemindegab at the mouth of the Ringkjopingsfjord, to 100 feet, a height which is remarkable regarding the downs of List, as, from the coast of the sea, they consist entirely of loose sand. The Blaabjerg (Blue Hill), to the north of Varde, which reaches a height of 100 feet, is a down which rests on a pretty high ancient substratum of boulder-clay. Northwards from tlie mouth of the Ringkjopingsfjord the height of the downs is much diminished, and at Skagen it is hardly 30 feet. This is very remarkable, for the height of downs depends on the strength of the wind, and the size of the grains which are set in motion by the wind ; and as, on the whole, the material on this coast is of a similar nature, the height of the downs here becomes a measure of the strength of the wind. We are so 64 Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark. much inclined to assume that the strength of storms increases towards the north, that for a long time I could not give credit to my observations. A glance, however, at the map fully explains the phenomenon. With us, the most violent storms come most frequently from the north-west, and it is exactly where the downs begin to diminish that the southern part of Norway pre- sents itself as a protection against this direction of the wind ; and hence it need not surprise us, that plantations of trees succeed in the valleys of the Downs of Skagen, while, on the island Sylt, three degrees farther south, attempts to plant have hitherto failed. The material of which the wind has formed the downs is sand, generally beach-sand, which originally seems to have been derived from the great brown-coal formation. In the south this down-sand is mixed with many white plates of mica of the same formation, and this has given rise to the incorrect assertion, that the drift-sand is distinguished from. other sand in this, that it consists of small plates of quartz. In the north, near Skagen, the down-sand contains much titanic- iron and garnet, both of which are likewise derived from the brown-coal formation. The size of the moving grains of sand, which depends on the strength of the wind, is most consider- able where the downs are highest. At List 30 of the largest grains weighed 790 milligrammes, while the same number at Ager weighed only 200 milligrammes.* The form of a down in the act of formation is different from that presented by a broken-up down. The former presents a gently inclined flat surface, varying from five degrees to ten degrees towards the direction of the prevailing wind which pro- duces it, that is, towards the west or north-west. It is only where a new down is formed on an old broken-up down that many larger angles occur, whiehj'^however, are only exceptions. In the direction opposite to that of the prevailing wind, a down presents a much higher angle, which, I may say, is constant ; for it amounts everywhere to thirty degrees, where the for- * Downs always abound much in water,' owing to their capillary action, and, on their heights, it is seldom necessary to dig more than a foot to meet with wet sand ; in the valleys of the downs fresh water is immediately en- <:ountered on digging. Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark, 65 mation of the down is quite free. It is only where very small flat surfaces occur that this angle reaches forty degrees, and such cases are merely exceptions. In order to explain this constancy in the internal angle of downs, we must have re- course to the mode in which downs are actually formed, and this is, that they increase on their inner side. The sand ascends the gently inclined slanting surface. When it reaches the highest point, it falls, and, as it is there entirely protected from the wind, there is only one condition which exercises an influ- ence on the angle under which the sand is deposited, and that is the size and form of the grains. On the side directed towards the wind, the angle is not only determined by the adherence of the grains of sand with one another, but the wind also strives to spread the grains. As, therefore, the form and size of the grains vary but little upon the whole, inasmuch as they are all polished by the sea, it may be understood how there cauvbe little if any variation in the inner angle of inclination of the downs. The outer side, which is turned towards the wind, is dependent on the strength of the wind, on the acci- dental protection afforded on the coasts, and the like, — circum- stances which vary everywhere ; and hence the diff^erence of angle on that side. It is remarkable that the planting of downs has upon the whole but little influence on their inclination ; it is, in fact, invariably the falling sand which determines it. In an undestroyed down, there are therefore no higher angles than those mentioned ; but when, on the other hand, a down is destroyed, other relations occur, which diff^er ac- cording as it has been destroyed by the sea or wind. The demolished downs occur most distinctly where the sea en- croaches on the coast ; and this is more particularly the case on the island Sylt, where not only the wind is strongest, but where for several centuries the current has been pressing on against the coast. Now, when the waves, during high tides, reach the foot of the downs, they undermine the sand, and the downs are cut down perpendicularly, and can remain in that state for a long period, because the sand is kept together by a net of roots belonging to the plants growing on it ; aud hence we always find the sharpest forms of downs directed towards the sea. When the wind destroys a down, peculiar TOL. XXXI. NO. LXI. — JULY 1841. E 66 Professor G. Forchhammer 07i the Downs of Denmark. relations arise, which can only be explained by the internal structure of downs. Each down is stratified, and, in such a manner, that it has one plane of stratification corresponding to the inclination towards the wind, therefore, generally speaking, an angle of five degrees towards the west ; and a second, which inclines under an angle of thirty degrees, to the east. This stratification is exhibited in the alternation of fine and coarse grains, whose deposition is produced by the differ- ent degrees of strength of the wind. As the downs increase chiefly on the inner side, this is the prevailing direction, which, however, undergoes numerous modifications. When a gentle wind blows, it matters not from what direction, the down is furrowed, and presents a gently waved surface. This circum- stance is extremely well marked in the northern portion of Jiitland, where the down-sand contains titanic iron. There, each small wave-like eminence, hardly an inch high, is formed of white quartz sand, while the depression consists of black titanic sand, and, by means of this distinction of colours, the form of the surface is very distinctly brought out. The wind-furrows on the surface of the downs are just as perfect as the water-fur- rows of the horizontal sandy surfaces which are from time to time flooded by the sea ; and, notwithstanding the greatest attention, I have never been able to detect the slightest dis- tinction between the two. This is easily explained, because these water-furrows are produced by the direct action of a gentle wind on the water, at the place where it bows, when the water thus transfers the waves of air only to the sand. It results, therefore, that the stratification is not always a sign of a covering by water, for here we have strata formed one hundred feet above the level of the sea. But other features likewise present themselves here, which are remarkable, and occur not unfrequently in older formations. Thus, when a wind, which is somewhat stronger than that which forms the furrows, sets the down-sand in motion, the coarser sand re- mains lying behind ; and, therefore, when the direction of the wind is diff^erent from the prevailing one, it will form a surface which cuts the plane of stratification. If now the pre- vailing direction of the wind be reversed, the formation of downs is continued as it formerly proceeded, and there is Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark. 67 produced a vein of coarse sand in the down. This very pe- culiar formation of a vein is extremely well marked on the west coast between Hjorring and Skagen, not far from a vil- lage called Skiveren. The beach there consists of horizontally stratified sand, deposited by the sea, which contains, distri- buted throughout its whole mass, separate beach stones ; and upon this sand there reposes drift-sand. The wind has blown away the sand and collected the stones into a bed, which is highly inclined towards the sea, and consequently cuts the original beds under more or less considerable angles. Upon this bed of sand, there has again been deposited drift- sand, as shewn by Fig. 1, Plate III., and so given rise to a peculiar kind of vein composed of large stones, and even urns and stone- weapons. There are also interesting examples of interrupted and saddle-shaped stratification (Fig. 2.). Not unfrequently we meet with shells high up on the downs, more especially oyster-shells. These are brought thither by the oyster-catchers, which drag their prey on the downs in order to devour it there, and they furnish the re- maining feature to complete the resemblance of the aerial to the marine formations. Stratification, veins of coarse sand, and even petrifactions of the shell-fish of the sea, are here com- bined, and yet water has not directly had the smallest share in this formation, — a circumstance which should give the geo- logist a lesson of caution in drawing his conclusions. Let us imagine this series of downs, with its strata of up- wards of two hundred miles, and unaltered stratification, converted into sandstone, and under circumstances in which its origin and mode of formation could not be directly ascertained ; would the observer not have re- course to Plutonic heavings, when he saw the highly-inclined strata, the sharply-marked longitudinal and transverse valleys, and the interrupted ridges ? We may ask where is the down- formation of the ancient period, and in what formation shall we find it ? We know the coast limestone of ancient time but I am not prepared to indicate any where the sandstones which represent the downs ; probably most of the downs were again destroyed by a subsequent covering of the sea, ere any action could bind together the loose sand into a solid sandstone ; but it may be assumed that somewhere circum- 68 Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark, stances existed of a kind to preserve the peculiarity of their forms. At all events, there belong to this down-formation the chains of sand-hills of Rhynpeskie and Barchani, between the Wolga and the Jaik, which extend from the lake of Elton to the Caspian sea. We have there the same chains of hills and longitudinal valleys, the same abundance of water, the same fresh vegetation in the valleys : the only difference being, that the breadth is much more considerable than in our downs, a circumstance easy of explanation, inasmuch as they were formed by a receding sea, which, in the course of its diminution, continued to form new sand-hills beyond the older chain of downs. On the other hand, the height of the Cauca- sian Downs is much less considerable than that of the Danish. To such formations also belongs the inner chain of downs on the west coast of the peninsula of Jutland, Schleswig, and Holstein ; it lies on the boundary of the Marsch, is older than it, and its formation belongs to the ante-historical period. It is in some places upwards of twenty English miles distant from the present chain of downs, and has only an inconsiderable elevation. The appearances it presents indicate the action of a much less agitated sea than that which now washes these coasts. I shall therefore once more briefly enumerate the peculiarities of the forms I have mentioned. The downs are stratified ; this stratification is on the small scale always (?) waved, and exhibits on the great scale a double inclination, whose higher angle, which, from the reasons adduced above, scarcely ever deviates much from 30°, is always inclined away from the coast, but whose lower one is inclined towards the coast. Stones are entirely awanting ; valves of shells occur ; many chains of hills said to be elevations may belong to the same category as these downs. Before quitting the subject of the downs, I must mention a peculiar modification of the formation which is already per- fected in Vensyssel, but is still in progress in the western por- tion of the Liimfjord. It is produced by the down-sand moving in lakes, or in water in general. In Vensyssel, the most northern portion of Jutland, which, together with Thy, has again become an island since the year 1825, there are united together, insular, much higher portions, which are perfectly Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark. 69 horizontal surfaces of sand. These surfaces of sand sometimes contain not a single stone for great distances. Their stratifi- cation is horizontal and not waved, and they consist of the drift-sand, which, however, is here undoubtedly deposited from water, as is proved by the horizontality of the surface and of the stratification. An arm of the Liimfjord, the Han- weile and Bygholmweile, was towards the end of the last cen- tury almost filled up in this manner ; for, at that time, the downs were left to themselves, and, as that gulf was only se- parated by downs from the sea, the moving sand constantly found its way into the Fohrde ; and the proposal has been several times made to lay this portion of the gulf dry by arti- ficial means, and to cultivate the sandy soil. The plan has not, however, been carried into effect, as the value of land had been much depreciated and was only increased of late years ; and, besides, the soil (though the drift-sand, in comparison with other sandy soils, is very fruitful, owing to the numerous plates of mica it contains), does not promise much success for great undertakings. In the year 1825, when the narrow neck of land which separates the Liimfjord from the sea was broken through by a great storm, the whole mass of downs which covered this isthmus was projected into the Liimfjord, and so filled that portion of it, that in many places where formerly there was a depth of water of 16-20 feet, there only remained 1 foot of water. This irruption, which converted the Liimf- jord into a sound, and the northern portion of Jutland into an island, caused wonderful changes. The first and most remarkable phenomenon was the sudden mortality of nearly all the fresh-water fishes which previously in- habited this bay, so celebrated for its rich fishing. Millions of fresh-water fishes were driven on the land, partly dead, partly dying, and were removed by the inhabitants in nume- rous waggons, and only a few have remained at the spots where fresh- water streams flow into the Liimfjord. The eel alone has become gradually accustomed to these altered circum- stances, and has become again an inhabitant of the whole Liimfjord ; while the salt water of the sea would seem to have been unbearable to the other fresh-water fishes. It is more than probable that the masses of sand which were 70 Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark, borne in with the sea-flood, in many places cover layers of dead fishes, and have thus formed beds of petrifactions similar to those which we find in the older formations. As it appears to be a general law, that the animals which are suddenly de- stroyed in the full vigour of life are more especially preserved as petrifactions, we see here one of the phenomena which may furnish beds of fossil organic remains. The Liimf jord at that time abounded in water-plants, both marine and fresh water, and more especially in Zostera marina, and this vegetation entirely disappeared after the irruption of the sea, in many places because the surface was covered with sand ; and thus was repeated the phenomenon of the older formations so well known in geognosy, where one species of plant indicates a particular bed; and at some future day, when' the beds thus formed shall be rendered accessible by elevations, the period of the irruption of the sea will, in this case, be found marked by a bed of Zostera, and probably by impressions of fresh-water fishes. It is very striking that the Zostera marina, a sea-plant, was even destroyed where there was no covering with sand ; a circum- stance which is probably caused by the very sudden change from the feebly saline condition of the water to its present state. Thus perish the Plaice (Schollen) which are taken near Skagen, when the fishermen attempt to bring them to Copen- hagen in their boats ; whereas the fish of this kind taken thirty English miles farther south, near Frederickshavn, are per- fectly suited to this transport. In a similar way, after the storm of the winter 1839, all the large plaice in the ]L.iim- f jord disappeared, and only quite small, probably young in- dividuals, with a pliable organization, have survived the catas- trophe. It is proved that the Liimf jord was at an earlier time in connection with the sea ; and from this period are derived the vast beds of shells of oysters and of Cardium edule which are found in the Liimf jord. After having, for many centuries, supported no salt-water shells, this bay still supports a great quantity of Mytilus edulis ; and if we could obtain a section of the soil, we would find, first of all, large deposits of Ostrea edulis and Cardium edule, then a layer of Zostera marina^ with fresh-water fishes and probably fresh- water shells, and then again a bed of Mytilus edulis. If, in Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark. 71 the course of time, this canal should become again obstructed, and the streams of the former sound again filled with fresh water, fresh-water fishes and shells would again make their appearance ; and thus a frequently repeated alternation of the organic remains of the inhabitants of the sea and of lakes would be produced. Although this change is of very great moment to the inhabitants of the districts near the Liimfjord, inasmuch as the irruption of the sea, by destroying the fisher- ies, annihilated the means of support of the inhabitants, while, on the other hand, by the free communication with the North Sea, it opened up new paths of commerce and navigation ; yet the alteration of surface is comparatively trifling, whereas the formations at the bottom of this sea have entirely altered their character. Between the ranges of downs, there frequently occur land lakes, of greater or smaller extent, which are termed Down- lakes ; and in these, a strong vegetation of marsh plants is combined with the formation of peat {Torf-Bildung), which, so long as the down-sand is kept under, quietly progresses. When, however, an unusually strong storm acts on the diffi- cultly repressed downs, then the sand flies into the lakes, covers the peat with layers of sand, and puts an end to that forma- tion. When afterwards, in the course of time, the currents of the sea cut away the coast, the downs retire into the land, fill up the lakes, and form in this manner those remarkable beds of fossil peat termed Martorv, which seem to have re- mained unknown to the geologists of the rest of Europe. To the north of the village of Ageren, there are a great many of these beds of Martorv ; but the most extensive is the most northern of all, which, in the communes of Raabjerg and Ska- gen, on the west coast, has an extent of five English miles, and stretches deep into the land. But this interesting pheno- menon is not confined to this coast. On the north coast of Seeland, in the last century, there was a very destructive tract of drift-sand, which, however, in the year 1760, was repressed, and is now covered with fir-woods. The drift-sand has half covered some peat-moors which lie at the boundary of the chain of downs, and thus partially interrupted the growth of the peat. Now, while the still living moor, if I may be al- 72 Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark, lowed the expression, contains a peat, which is not at all dif- ferent from tlie peat of the rest of the moors of the district, the portion of it which lies under the drift-sand is converted into quite another substance. Our usual moor-peat weighs 16 — 20 pounds the cubic foot ; that which has been compressed by the sand weighs 78 pounds. In our usual peat, after it has been dried, there is hardly a trace of stratification perceptible ; but in the other, the stratification is very distinct, nay, the structure is almost slaty ; and when we compare it with the sides of an excavation in fresh peat, we see plainly that the thin layers contain the product of one period of vegetation, therefore of one year. When, therefore, as is the case in North Seeland, the peat-moor is chiefly formed by the destruction of a forest vegetation, it is impossible to distinguish, in hand specimens, this peat covered with drift-sand from brown coal. Between the villages of Lyngbye and Lokken in Vensyssel, there is a similar bed of Martorv about 15 feet above the level of the sea. It reposes unconformably on blue clay, and in such a manner that the strata of Martorv are gently inclined on both sides towards the middle, where a small stream flows, which interrupts the bed of peat, and has cut deeply into the underlying clay. The bed of Martorv passes completely, in its continuation sidewards, into black earth, and this latter, as well as the peat, are covered by stratified masses of drift- sand. If we pursue this little valley, we find, when we have left the downs, a little stream, which in this place, as almost everywhere in Denmark, is surrounded by meadow-peat, and thus we have here a full explanation of the interesting phe- nomenon of the formation of this bed of burning material which has already become fossil. A three-fold system of strata pre- sents itself in this cliff". The lower blue clay, a marine for- mation of the present period, is inclined under an angle of 5° to 8° to the south, then the fresh- water formation of the Mar- torv^ with its northern and southern dip, and, lastly, the downs, -snth their varied, often highly inclined, stratification. Fig. 3, Plate 3, exhibits distinctly this appearance. At another point the Martorv^ which is also there covered by down-sand, reposes on horizontal strata of blue clay full of Cardium edule and Mytilus cdidU. As the peat GontaingI Professor G. Forclihammer oti the Dotvns of Denmark, 73 many remains of land and fresh-water plants, while the drift- sand, as already stated, not unfrequently contains oyster- shells, we have in this case just such alternations as tertiary rocks present. By much the most remarkable bed of Martorv is, however, that already mentioned, which includes the most northern part of Jutland. For the distance of nearly five English miles from Skiveren to Hoyen, it extends continuously like a black stripe in the perpendicular cliff. Generally it reposes on a fine sand, which, on a superficial glance, might be regarded as drift- sand, but which belongs to the sea, and which partly contains separate rolled stones, and partly includes within it- self actual beds of boulders. This layer, which lies in the midst of sand, has in it something so extraordinary, considered as a peat-moor, that another explanation has been had recourse to. It has been regarded as a turf-covering (Rasen-Decke) spread over by the western storms ; but although storms can tear up the turf, still in the present case the explanation is inadmissible, and Dr Ringel has years ago pointed out this formation as a dried peat-moor covered by drift-sand. There are found in it many marsh plants, such as the seeds of Meny- anthes trifoUata, as well as the stems and twigs of birches, oaks, poplars, and willows ; also insects, deer's antlers, and the teeth of oxen. It likewise contains artificial products, such as arrow heads of flint, a circumstance which proves that it must have been a lalce or an actual moor after the country was inhabited. We have every reason, however, to assume that this great peat-moor was at one time a lake, for in the lake moors we find everywhere distributed through the country the ' antlers of deer and elks, the skulls and horns of oxen, and rarely the antlers of rein-deer ; remains regarding which we must assume, that, when the moor was a lake, the animals to which they belonged must have broken or sunk through the floating covering of moss which we still find on many of our lakes at present in existence. It strikes us with astonishment when we reflect on the changes which this north-eastern ex- tremity of Jutland must have undergone since man inhabited the country ; for the lake in which this turf was found must have been at least five miles long, and now the whole is eo- 74 Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark. vered by sand-downs. Similar beds of peat extend on the west coast of Jutland to the south ; to the south of the Liim- fjord they are under the level of the sea, and at the island Sylt th€y are 6 or 8 feet under the level of the sea, and con- tain large trunks of birch. Farther south they lie deep under the Marsch, therefore far under the level of the present sea ; and it is known that on the coasts of Holland and of Corn- wall they likewise occiu: under the level of the sea. They indicate that great sinking which took place in the present epoch of the earth from the west coast of England as far as the Liixnfjord, which gave the shores of the north sea their present aspect, and, without doubt, either prepared for, or pro- duced, the separation of England from France. The remaining features of the Martorv bed of Skagen and Raabjerg are the following. In general there is only one bed, whose thickness in some places amounts to 4 feet. It gene- rally reposes on horizontally stratified beach-sand with de- tached rolled beach-stones ; sometimes on finer less distinctly stratified sand without stones, which is evidently drift-sand which had been blown into the lake ; in other places on a very distinctly stratified layer of fine silica, perfectly similar to that which throughout Denmark lies under the lake-moors, exhibits an organic structure under the microscope, and ac- cording to the observations of Mr Steenstrup, contains fossil infusoria ; here and there the beach-sand under the peat-bed is united into a solid sandstone by iron, a bog iron formation, which stands in connection with the titanic iron of the drift- sand ; for everywhere in the valleys of the downs where the downs are covered by plants, we find that beds of iron are deposited, which are extracted from the sand by the slow action of the humic acid. Although, as has been already said, there is generally only one bed of peat, yet in some places we find two, and at one point we have three (fig. 4, Plate III.) ; they are sepa- rated by fine sand, and the two upper beds are sandy. At this place it is evident that the formation of peat has been interrup- ted by the down-sand blown into the lake, afterwards continued, and again interrupted. That the whole is merely local is plain from the connection of the three beds, and from the Professor G. Forchhammer on the Downs of Denmark, 76 quantity of sand which the upper peat-beds contain. It is clear that after the series of downs had approached so near to the lake in which the peat was being formed, that the sand was blown into it, no continued formation of peat could longer take place, because every violent storm must have interrupted the vegetation by the sand it brought along with it. The sea then continues to cut away the sand from beneath the peat, and the bed of peat, deprived of its support, falls down in large masses, covers the acclivity and the beach itself, until, being entirely destroyed by the waves, it is carried away. But this action goes on slowly, and as a whole there is but little dimi- nution of the coast to be remarked. The bed is in general very distinctly stratified, and the planes of stratification are indicated by Junci ; I found this particularly the case with the lowest portion of the bed. Occasionally true charcoal is found in the peat, a circumstance which is particularly distinct in the moor-peat of Seeland, and is peculiar to our peat-moors in general, where these are more or less formed of wood. Thus stems entirely carbonized on the surface are frequent in the Seeland moors ; and when we perceive the quantity of true charcoal in these peat-moors, we are led to believe that forest conflagrations must have frequently raged in these dis- tricts. This appears undoubtedly to have been the case, but not to the extent which the abundance of charcoal would in- duce us to imagine. Charcoal is, as is well known, one of the most indestructible substances, and after the lapse of centuries, the place can be discovered where a heap of charcoal has for- merly stood, by the black colour of the soil, and by the frag- ments scattered about, and which subsequent continued cul- tivation could not remove. All the eharcoal, therefore, which has been formed during the long continuance of the growth of the peat must be preserved, while a large portion of the other vegetable matter has disappeared. It is, however, compre- hensible likewise, that in those days frequent and extensive conflagrations must have taken place, just as at present, in North America ; to which country the former character of Denmark seems to have borne a great resemblance. We have only to think of the great forest-fire which occurred in the year 1825 on the banks of the Mii'amichi, and which destroyed 76 Professor G. Forchhammer on the Donms of Denmark, a tract of country 140 English miles in length, and 70 miles in breadth. The connection of the still living peat-moors with brown coal and other coals through the link afforded by the Martorv, unquestionably merits the attention of geologists. In the case of coal, as in that of peat, the humic acid produced by the de- struction of plants, extracts the iron from the soil in which it is distributed, and collects it into a bed ; and it is remarkable enough that the iron-beds of the coal formation of Wales, as well as of other countries, contain titanium, as if the solution of the titanic sand had taken place there, as it does in the case now before us. In most peat a distinct stratification can be recognised, as in the chief substance of the coal formation, the slate-coal ; and it is quite reasonable to assume that the slaty structure of the coal is derived from the yearly layers of the vegetation of ancient peat-moors. Let us just reflect on what would take place if a bed of moor-peat, covered with drift- sand, were subjected to continued heat under high pressure. The individual layers of the yearly deposits of the moor w ould remain ; they would, however, diminish in size, by the substitu- tion of the component parts, and by the removal of a portion of the oxygen as carbonic acid, and we should, after the coal had been formed, be able to discover the same layers, now become thinner. This is exactly the case with slate-coal, and when we examine the very thin layers, Ave perceive that the formation in a period, which most probably was a year, is but extremely inconsiderable, and that we must partly ascribe to length of time what has been attributed to very rich vegetation. Even the phenomenon of the distribution of charcoal on the stratified surfaces of peat is not awanting in the more ancient coal ; and we have only to break up a piece of Newcastle coal in order to discover everywhere, on such surfaces, mineral charcoal (fibrous anthracite). Whence arose the forest- fires at that period when no human beings existed who could ignite the woods ? At present, lightning very often sets woods on fire, and probably did so at that epoch. In order to render complete the analogy with the older for- mations, we frequently find, in the moor-peat beds of Skagen, flattened branches and stems of birch. This arises from the PLATE III. Ediit':¥ewPhil.Jour.Vol.51,v.n. Fiq.l. Fu).2. Fi^.3 Fi^.4. S .T.rr.Mitchca.Sc M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. 77 peculiar structure of birch-wood, which is always so soft in our moors which have not been dried up, that it can be easily crumbled together between the fingers, while oak and fir are by no means so much softened. So small a pressure as that exercised by 8 or 10 feet of drift-sand is quite sufficient to flatten birch branches. EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURES IN PLATE III. Fig. 1. near the village of Skiveren ; a, horizontally stratified beach sand; 6, bed or vein of beach stones : c, drift sand. Fig. 2. interrupted and saddle-shaped arrangemcAts of the eand. Fig. 3. between Lyngbye and Lbkken : aa, blue clay ; hh, Martorv ; c, earth ; dd, drift sand ; «, cut made by the rivulet. Fig. 4. between Skiveren and Hoien ; a, beach sand with rolled stones ; h, beach sand covered with the stone bed ex- posed by the wind 'y ccc, Martorv ; dd, drift sand ; ee, portions of the Martdry which have fallen down : /, the beach ; ^, the sea. On the Traces of Ancient Glaciers which have filled the Valleys of the Alps of Dauphiny, and on those of the same nature^ 7vhich appear to result from some of the Observations made by M. Bobert in Northern Russia, By M. Renoir. Having traversed the Grand-Chartreuse alone, a few days before the meeting of the Society at Grenoble, I thought it unnecessary to go over the same ground again a few days afterwards. In the minutes which were read after the return of the So- ciety, it was stated that rocks polished by erratic blocks had been observed at Fontenil. As I had not visited that locality, in consequence of having returned by coach, I could make no objection to this statement in the minutes, but I resolved to visit the rocks in question. The day after the breaking up of the Society, therefore, M. Gras and I repaired to the quarries of Fontenil. We had the satisfaction of finding there many polished surfaces, as beautiful and as well preserved as any that can be seen among the Swiss Alps or on the southern declivity of the Jura. But the appearance of the furrows with rounded edges, and par- ticularly the system of fine striiP, very parallel and all running in the general direction of the valley of the Isere, shewed us that the surfaces had not been polished by blocks, but rather, like those of the regions mentioned, by an immense glacier which has at some remote period moved throughout the whole 78 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. breadth of this extensive valley. Moreover, erratic blocks, even admitting that they had been rubbed against the rocks by the action of a great current of water, could produce no- thing like the appearances observed here, for reasons which I have had occasion already to explain in a notice inserted in the Bulletin, t. xi. p. 53. They could not draw furrows with rounded edges like those in question, nor mamelonate the sur- faces of rocks by polishing them equally in every direction, nor above all could they trace fine striae in them, rectilinear and parallel, and always in the same direction as the valley, that is to say, in the direction which the moving glacier must necessarily have taken. Besides, it may be asked, by what accident iSi^facies of these surfaces is found to be identically the same as that of rocks undergoing the process of polishing by glaciers at the present time, and which we have an oppor- tunity of witnessing with our own eyes ? I am therefore of opinion that the cause which the Society has assigned for the polish of the rocks at Fontenil is not the one that is generally adopted in the present day. The best preserved parts of these rocks, and on the surface of which the polish is most perfect, are those which have been recently exposed by the workmen who have removed, in quarrying, the sand or soil which covered them. These only shew in perfection the fine striae, which have disappeared from all those long exposed to the action of atmospheric agents, and in which the polish has already undergone considerable alteration. This deterioration is observed in all polished sur- faces, but it may easily be conceived to be more or less rapid as the rock, from its composition, is more or less fitted to re- sist meteoric influences. Here the polished surfaces belong to a neocomien formation. Polished rocks are not observed solely in the valley of the Isere ; they are also found in many parts of that of Romanche : and M. Gras, who intends to occupy himself with researches of this nature, will doubtless discover them in all the other great valleys of the department. The glacier which, at the commencement of the general melting in these latitudes, has taken its direction along the bason in which the town of Grenoble is built, must have been of immense size, for it was composed by the union of all those M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. 79 that descended from the neighbouring summits. It was there- fore as extensive as the bason of the presently existing tribu- taries of the Isere, for the greater part of these tributaries originate from the mountains whose summits are still covered with the remains of these ancient glaciers. Thus, the neigh- bourhood of Grenoble was the receptacle of the ice which de- scended from Mounts Olan and Muande, by the valleys of the Bonne and Drac ; of Veneon or St Christopher ; and the Ro- manche ; and of which the existing remains are the glaciers of Tirbal, Gibernay, and the Grand-Chadou. It was likewise i;he receptacle of the ice which descended from Mount Pel- voux and Mont de P Homme, the remains of which still feed the sources of the Romanche. It also received those accu- mulations of ice, which, by the valleys of the Plainel, Breda, Beins, Azeins, &c. reached the Bocs-du-G rand-Glacier, which they still cover. But even from much greater distances than these were masses of ice conveyed into the bason of Grenoble ; the Boche-Michel and Boche-du-Bonche, near Mount Cenis, still bear the remains of glaciers which descended to that of the Isere by the great valley of the Arc. The portion of the north- east of these deposits, under the name of the glacier oi Grand- Farey, supplies the sources of the Averole, a tributary of the Arc ; and the portion to the south-west or the glacier of Lamet^ is the origin of the Cenise, which discharges itself into the Dora Riparia, one of the tributaries of the Po. Finally, the country around Grenoble had further to receive all the masses of ice which descended from the elevated valleys of Thoron and the Isere, and of which the glacier of Planteri, which feeds the first of these streams, and that of Montets or the Col de la Seigne, which sends the waters produced by its melting into the Isere, and is not above two leagues and a half from Mont Blanc, are remains which, along with those mentioned, and many others besides, indicate the immense power and extent which a glacier formed by the union of so many others, must have possessed in the valley of the Graisivaudan and the lower part of the course of the Isere. Between Sapey and the Grande Chartreuse, we likewise meet with small valleys, narrow but deep, surrounded on all sides by very elevated escarpements of large erratic blocks, which no current of water could have transported to the situ. 80 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. ations tliey occupy ; for, according to the divers characters of the rocks forming these blocks, it would have been necessary that the current should have been capable of conveying some of them, without allowing them to touch the earth, from the first chain which extends in the direction of Vizille to Al- levard, to beyond the calcareous mountains of Chartreuse, a medium distance of five leagues ; others of them, from the chain which separates the department of the Isere from that of the High Alps and La Maurienne, by causing them to pass over the first and supporting them at this great height during their passage, which, at the shortest, could not be less than six leagues, while, in many cases, it would amount to twelve. Finally, others, belonging from their nature to the central chain of this part of the Alps, I mean the chain which passes Mont Blanc to the east of Brian9on, would necessarily have to be transported, at the least, over a space of fifteen leagues, and the greater number over a space from twenty-two to twenty-six leagues ; and that too, while being constantly sup- ported at an absolute medium height of about 3000 metres, and about 2700 metres above the town of Grenoble, for they would have to be carried over the two chains of which we have spoken. It is to be observed that the medium height of the second of these being sensibly the same as that of the cen- tral chain, these enormous masses of blocks could not even deviate in the smallest degree from their course, without be- ing arrested by the second chain and precipitated into the Alpine valleys. If we suppose that the erratic blocks have come from other parts of the Alps, the difticulties of height will be still the same, and even more numerous, and the passage longer. Lastly, We may here repeat the fact, which is in such ob- vious contradiction to the system of transportation of erratic blocks by great currents, namely, that these blocks and large rolled pebbles are scattered, in a fan-shaped form, not only around the Alps, but also around all the other systems of mountains where they have been observed ; so that all these mighty currents must have originated from the very summit of each chain, and radiated in every direction ; which is alto- gether incomprehensible. Besides, according to the commu- nications we have received from recent scientific travels, this M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers, 81 order of phenomena seems to have been repeated at the same epoch over the whole surface of the earth : whence, then, could all these immense currents be derived % The reasons we have stated, and others which we shall still adduce, lead us almost irresistibly to regard the erratic blocks which we meet with in the bottom and on the sides of the small valleys of the district of Chartreuse, as having been de- posited there by an immense glacier, which, in the last geo- logical epoch, descended from the summit of the Alps and filled the valley of Graisivaudan. In this country, accordingly, the traces of ancient glaciers are numerous. We meet with the remains of moraines, with their blocks, in almost all the valleys ; at the outlet of that of Guier Mort, at Fourvoirie ; along and to the north of the road from St Laurent-du-Pont to Voreppe ; in the valley of the Romanche, near the inn of the " Trois Dauphins," below which polished surfaces are to be seen ; to the west of the road from Grenoble to La Mure ; in the neighbourhood of the three Lakes, &c. But it was parti- cularly when I left Grenoble to repair to Lyons, by Vienne, at the outlet of the valley of the Isere between Moirans and Rive, that I fell in with two lines of enormous moraines, whose extent indicates that of the glaciers by the oscillations of which they were formed. Beyond Rive, other remains in an imperfect state of preservation appeared, but soon nothing more was to be seen than an extensive plain of sand and rolled pebbles, of the nature of the Alpine rocks. It may be ob- served, that in proportion as we retire farther from the Alps, the quartz-pebbles become more frequent, until they prevail almost exclusively, as if this kind of rock had been more able than the rest to resist the friction and other causes of destruc- tion. It is not till much later, and when the melting of the ice had carried back the limits of the glaciers as far as the mountains, that the great rivers which flowed from them, and of which those w^e now behold are only the remains, began to mark out and fix their beds in these moveable deposits, taking a&vantage of the kind of valleys which the moraines leave be- tween them, or other accidents of the surface. We may men- tion as an example the Isere, which, issuing from a fracture in the calcareous mountains between Fourcy and Voreppe, turns suddenly to the west, then to the south, in order to flow through, in its course towards Saint Marcelin, the kind of void VOL, XXXI. NO. LXI.^JVLY 1841. F 82 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. left by the receding ice between these mountains and the mo- raine-like deposits. From what has been said, it will be seen that we regard the glaciers now existing in the fractures and elevated valleys of our mountain-chains as being the remains of generally distributed ice. AVe mentioned last year the reasons which induce us to believe that these remains would disappear during our era. To these proofs we think it proper to add the following reflection : M. Studer has affirmed, in his Notice regarding some Pheno- mena of the Diluvian Epoch, that, having ascended with M. Agassiz the crest of the Riffel, which is 500 feet above the upper part of the glacier of Gornerin, — a height which the glacier can never be supposed to have reached' since the com- mencement of the present epoch, — they saw the surfaces of rocks polished like a mirror, and covered with furrows and striae nearly horizontal, and of a nature entirely similar to those in contact with the glacier itself. This glacier, therefore, has formerly occupied this extreme height. But the upper portion, being less massive, and ex- posed throughout its whole surface to the combined actions of the sun and currents of Avarm air, has disappeared. The ad- ditions made to it by the colds of winter could not compensate for its loss in the summer. The portion still remains which is enclosed within the walls of the rent or small valley, and this melts more slowly, because not exposed to the action of the agents mentioned but at its surface only, the other faces being protected from the warm winds by the rocks which li- mit and support them. This nucleus, whose mass cannot be below the temperature of zero, congeals, every summer night, the water produced by rains or the melting of the ice during the day by the heat of the sunr The snow which falls during the winter is partly retained there throughout the spring, and even summer, by alternate freezing and melting, which, by transforming what remains of the snow into new ice and at- taching it to the old, thus repairs a part of the loss which the mass sustains every year by meteoric actions. ^ A proof that it is the property of the nucleus of a glacier never to have a temperature below zero, and which retards its destruction, is, that this nucleus, in all glaciers, descends much below what is called the line of perpetual snow ; and that the same xnasses, melting all the time, although slowly, and M, Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glacien. 83 moving downwards, do not fail to maintain their existence for many years, and that at levels sufficiently low to permit us to see a vigorous vegetation going on at their sides on declivities of the same elevation as themselves. If, then, the upper por- tions of our glaciers were once melted, no others would be formed where they are now so extensive. Of this we have a proof in the ridges visited by MM. Studer and Agassiz, on which, notwithstanding their height being so favourable for such an occurrence, no permanent glacier is forming, nor will any other ever exist. The slow but continual diminution of portions enclosed in the manner formerly mentioned, is shewn very evidently by the height of the polished and striated walls which rise above them. The slipping from a higher to a lower situation is ren- dered still more obvious by the moraines left behind. The magnitude of these moraines diminishes rapidly from the most ancient, which are immense, and most remote from the foot of the glaciers, to those recently formed, which are very small. Taken altogether, they form a scale for measuring the pro- gress, of destruction which the ice has undergone, and for comparing their ancient mass with the little which now re- mains to us. In our opinion, the diminution of glaciers is evident, and their complete disappearance at a period more or less remote is unquestionable. Since masses of ice, at a certain epoch, could be perma- nently formed even to the very foot of mountains, and since now they can no longer reproduce themselves in a permanent manner even at their summit, we perceive to what a degree the temperature of the earth's surface must have been elevated from the time of their first melting to the present ; a conside- ration which comes in support of the system which we have presented in the note alluded to. We have stated that communications received from men of science engaged in recent expeditions, seem to confirm the reasons adduced for believing in the existence of a universal ice, at a period immediately preceding that of tlie human spe- cies. In fact, these communications seem at once to shew how very slight w as the chance of erratic blocks being conveyed by floating icebergs from the northern regions during the pro- gress of a great debacle ; since M. C. Martens, member of the Northern Scientific Commission, says, that in two voyages (to 84 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. Spitzbergen) t/iei/ never saw blocks transported by floating tnasses of ice ;* and M. Eugene Robert, his colleague, states that only once, at one o'clock on the morning of 18th July 1838, every one on board the corvette La Recherche saw floating ice covered with pebbles andsand.\ However, in these regions, according to the report of M. C. Martens, the coasts are formed of steep rocks, against which the sea floats in sum- mer. Every year some of these rocks necessarily fall, parti- cularly at the time when the ice begins to melt, and a great quantity of blocks and fragments of rocks are thus strewed on the still frozen surface of the sea. A kind of breaking up of the ice takes place every spring, and the numerous masses then set afloat must convey all these blocks to a distance. How comes it to pass, then, that none of them are seen % It is undoubtedly because the enormous weight of these masses of rocks, scattered at hazard over the icebergs, inevitably gives an inclination to their surface which causes the blocks to slide into the sea. Besides, the icebergs, while floating, often come into collision with each other, and the shock which thel^locks receive tends to produce the same result. In order to explain the transportation of erratic blocks by floating ice, M. Eugene Robert has recourse to the hypothesis that, at this epoch, the ocean covered almost all the north of Europe. It must needs have been the case, likewise, that, at the same period, a sea extended over the south, and another over Algiers and Atlas, where M. Le Blanc has recently ascertained the existence of abun- dance of blocks. However, we know that none of the depo- sits of this period have a marine character. And could the seas, moreover, bordering on the tropics, be likewise traversed by floating icebergs ? This latter hypothesis brings us back to the subject of a universal ice. M. Robert has observed that primitive blocks, rolled and rubbed, are collected in great numbers on the left bank of the Neva, where it issues from the lake Ladoga, and on the margin of the lake, at the same point, but none are to be seen on the opposite bank. We are of opinion that this disposition of the blocks is owing to their having been deposited by glaciers an- terior to the formation of the lake and river ; in a word, that they are nothing else than a moraine which has directed the * Bulletin de la Societe G^ologique de France, t. xi. p, 288. t Ibid. p. 209. M. Renoir on (he Traces of Ancient Glaciers. 85 course of the Neva, and formed a dike for it on its issuing from the lake. The seat of these glaciers was probably among the ramifications of the Scandinavian Alps of which M. Robert speaks. With the exception of the seat of the glaciers, which can- not be the same, we may perhaps apply all that has been said to the line of blocks to be seen between Wol-Racoulskaia and Copatchewskaia, on one of the banks of the Dvvina, and which M. Robert himself calls a true moraine, composed of enormous calcareous blocks scarcely rubbed on the angles, mingled with other large primitive blocks, while none are to be seen on the other bank. When large streams of water are unrestrained in their move- ments, they spread the materials which they transport en 7?tasse, and form a soil sometimes slightly undulated, but they have never the tendency to form small hills. If, then, a great ca- taclysm had taken place, it would have spread sand, pebbles? and erratic blocks, if capable of transporting the latter, over the great plains of Russia in a uniform manner. Now M. Robert speaks of a sol d'alterrissemenl, which conlains a greater or less quantity of rolled pebbles and erratic blocks, and which is generally exitibited in small hills very close to each other ^ Tvhich prevail bettveen the lakes Ladoga and Onega, and from Ladei?ioie-F6le as far as Wytegra, a small system of monticules which are the only hills to be seen between St Petersburgh and Archangel, in a space of 300 leagues* This sol d^ atterrisse" ment, and numerous small hills close to each other, are proba- bly nothing else than moraines. Thus they are parallel with each other, since M. Robert says that they run nearly in the same direction as the limestone of Bourkowa : now this paral- lelism is one of the characters of groups of moraines. The same thing may be said of the ?iumerous small hills of yellowish sand in tlie canton of Pargolowo, which likewise contains pri- mitive blocks, since he remarked one of enormous size and quadrilateral shape, scarcely rubbed on the edges, and resting lightly on the sand. Should it be thought that the comparison we have made, from a mere description, between the pebbly hills and lines of blocks in Russia, and the remains of our ancient moraines, is somewhat questionable, it will doubtless be found more cer- . ~ '■ ■ . ■ ■ . .. » - ■ . — ■■ ■» ■ * Bulletin dc la i^9ci Jed GOologiquo ck FtanQo, t. xii pi 3l3. 86 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers^ tain when made between the polished surfaces of these coun- tries and those which, in the southern parts of Europe, so clearly indicate the ancient existence of glaciers. M. Robert says,* " I traversed all the southern coast of Finland, from Helsingfors as far as Abo, passing across the innumerable small islands scattered along it. All of them, without excep- tion, have been evidently covered by the sea 2ivA perfectly po- lished, as well as the rocks on the coast, emn to a great dis- tance into the interior of the country ^ We here repeat, that in our opinion this perfect polish is the work of masses of ice moving immediately over the surface of the rocks, in the same manner as the presently existing remains of glaciers have po- lished the rocks over which they move, and are daily continu- ing to do so. What confirms us in this opinion is, that there are numerous furrows, to use M. Robert's words, sometimes so distinctly marked that they can be perceived at some distance, especially when the surface of the rock is wet. In regard to the glaciers of the Alps, we often see on the rocks which they have long since left, entire surfaces covered with fine striae, which may, in like manner, be seen at some distance, even when the rocks are dry. If, then, the furrows of the polished rocks of Finland are striae, it appears to us that there can be no doubt that its surface was formerly covered with ice. These furrows, besides, are all parallel ; for M. Baer affirms that he never met with a single example of a furrow crossing another. In addition to this, it appears from M. Robertas report, that they all run in the general direction of the valleys, and cross all the strata indiscriminately without regard either to their direction or hardness ; for, after having stated that these fur- rows are generally parallel to the laminae of the gneiss rocks, M. Robert adds (in the same page) '* In short, it is worthy of remark that the veins of quartz or of other substances usually cross the direction of the erosions at an angle more or less ap- proaching to a right angle, and never run in a parallel direc- tion with them, as takes place in lamellated rocks." All these circumstances taken together, prove that these furrows have been tracedby hard bodies moving in concert at fixed distances, that is to say, attached to the same solid body which prevented them yielding to any obstacles they might encounter. - "-* Fulletin de la Society G^ologique de France; t. xi. p. 328. M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers, 87 We are persuaded that in northern regions the polish of the surfaces left by the ice is more perfect and much better pre- served than in other climates, because the melting of the ice must have commenced at a much later period, and therefore the polish has not been so long exposed to the destructive ac- tion of the atmosphere. M. Robert in fact found it unim- paired. The accumulation of the remains of mammoths, mentioned by M. Robert, affords still another ^oof that ice at one time covered the whole surface of the earth, and the remains of which yet bury tvy^o entire zones around the two poles. This traveller states, that the fossil bones are found principally in the course of the river Kara. This river, however, relatively speaking, has not a long course, and, with the exception of Nova Zembla, and a portion of the country of the Samoyedes, it is in the most northern part of Asia. Every one is aware that the congeners of these elephants are now to be found only in the lowest latitudes, and it is generally admitted that a change of temperature must have taken place in the climates of the north. To what is it owing, then, that this river has become the most abundant repository of these ancient pachy- dermata, seeing that it is narrow and completely enclosed on the west by the Poyas mountains, which terminate at the sea, and form the northern part of the Oural mountains ; on the south and east by the Samoyede chain, which is only a branch of the Poyas mountains, likewise terminating at the sea, and comprised between the sea of Kara and the bay of Obi ; and on the north by the gulf of Erouwei, or the sea of Kara ? If these huge animals had been swept along by currents of water coming from the south, these currents could never have carried them over the two chains enclosing the basin of the Kara, and would have deposited them on the western side of the first and the southern side of the second, at the foot of which they would have been found imbedded in the alluvium. We can no longer entertain the notion which has been started, that these elephants, of which the species does not exist anywhere else, have migrated in particular circumstances, and by a spoil- taneous movement, from the southern regions of Asia ; for even in that case they would have had greater difficulty in pene- trating to the banks of the Kara than to any other place what- ever. 88 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers, The most natural explanation, — the most probable cause of the accumulation of the remains of elephants in the compara- tively contracted basin of the river Kara, is to be found in the manner in which ice extended itself over the earth. We know from the instructions of the celebrated Cuvier, that the fossil species of the north of Asia approaches nearer, in every re- spect, to that which now inhabits the southern regions of that part of the globe, than the species which is to be found in the eastern quarters of Africa. We are also aware that those of Asia are known in commerce by the name of mountain ele- phants, because they inhabit elevated places in preference, while those of Africa are more inclined to frequent the banks of rivers and lakes. We may tlierefore suppos,e, without in- curring the charge of making too bold a conjecture, that the species of whose remains we now speak also inhabited moun- tains. When it happened, then, in consequence of the continual cool- ing of the terrestrial mass, that its surface, a little more distant from the sun than it is now, began to freeze, the ice (as we have already had occasion to state in our notice in vol. xi. of the Bulletin, page 148) accumulated at first on the high parts of the mountains, then on those less elevated, which the elephants were then obliged to abandon. At a later period, the ice continuing to descend in proportion as the cold in- creased, the mammoths entirely left the m-ountains and sought liquid water and a milder temperature in the plains. Although in a state of suffering and decline, they might still live and propagate for a long time in these plains ; but at last, sur- rounded on all sides by continually increasing cold, they ne- cessarily perished. Before their destruction, a portion of these animals, always in search of a less severe climate, and urged on by all the ne- cessities of life, must have descended to the shores of the sea. The northern direction of the rivers in the north of Asia, would prove no reason for preventing the elephants from descending them, because at that period the solar influence was less, and climates were scarcely, or not at all, distinctively marked. . There was no inducement for them to reascend, for by so do- ing they would again rise to the regions of snow. By avoidhig the mountains, the greater part of these pacliy* rmaia h&d ti) trtiVeriie siitctvdlve pkint vviit«ji'«id b^ th« Dwintt M. Rouoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. 89 and its tributaries, the Irtisli, Obi, Yeniasei, Lena, &c. They dispersed themselves throughout these plains, where their re- mains are now found scattered ; but they are most abundant on the shores of the Icy Sea, and at the mouths of the rivers. Now, all those which descended the northern side of the Samo- yede chain, which are connected, without interruption, with the northern part of the Poyas mountains, and all those which descended the eastern side of this northern portion, were placed, as I have stated, between the sides of a small triangle formed by the two chains and the southern side of the gulf of Erouwei, and accumulated, as it were, in the small basin of the river Kara. Such is the cause of a greater number of the remains of mammoths being found in this contracted basin than in any other spot, notwithstanding, or rather in consequence of, its insulated character. The peculiarity of these bones being accompanied with large trunks of trees still jwssessinr/ all their branches^ proves that tlie animals with which these are associated have not been de- stroyed by a violent catastrophe, as, for example, great cur- rents of water or mud ; for in that case the trees could not have preserved, at most, more than afewof their larger branches, and in most instances they would have retained none, as we had occasion to observe at the debacle of the Dent-du-midi,in the Valais, in September 1835 ; an occurrence at the same time not comparable to a great catastrophe. This peculiarity, on the contraiy, proves that they have fallen under a slow and gradual change, which has tranquilly destroyed both animals and vegetables. Subsequently, on the melting of the ice, they may, indeed must, have been taken up by the torrents produced by this general melting, but by no means with the violence of a universal deluge. Finall}^ it is scarcely neces- sary to repeat that the perfect preservation of many of these animals is, according to our most eminent naturalists, a cer- tain proof that they must have been seized by the frost imme- diately after their death.' We greatly regret that the observations made by M. Robert in Sweden and Norway have not reached us ; we should un- doubtedly have found in them numerous proofs in support of the views we are advocating. Since we laid before the Society, in the notice formerly (ilUded to, (.^Ur u]^>inluu$ 911 the probable tfau;»« wf th« uQcieni 90 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. existence of a general ice, it has been objected, that there is no necessity for admitting cataclysms in order to explain the disap- pearance of the species of animals whose remains are found in the debris of the diluvium, as it may be accounted for by the progress of civilization. We have by no means been understood. Our intention was not to explain the disappearance of mammoths from the north of Europe and Asia ; we wished only to shew that the complete destruction, in the north, of animals whose congeners have been organized for high temperatures, and the actual presence of their remains in the Polar ice, went to support our hypothesis. Further, the scarcely commenced civilization among the Samoyedes and the scanty population of these countries, were not very likely, particularly at the period in question, to cause mammoths to disappear com- pletely. This species, moreover, must have existed there only, and could not have gone, like others displaced by civilization, to take refuge in other regions, since traces of it are nowhere else to be found. It has been further objected that " fossil elephants could not have lived in those parts of Siberia where they are now buried, on account of the scarcity of vegetables to serve them for food, and that the circumstances attending the deposit of these animals shew that they have been enclosed successively and by slow actions.'^'' It has not been observed that we stated that the life of these animals terminated an epoch when the tem- perature of the earth's surface was still sensibly the same in every part, and that the cold was only beginning to be felt. The Siberia of which we speak had therefore no resem- blance to the present ; there vegetation was as fine and vi- gorous, and perhaps even more so, than that we now see be- tween the tropics. No congelation had hitherto occurred on the earth. "With regard to the mode of their deposition, it may be the result of the action of the great waters necessarily pro- duced by the general melting of the ice, which must have fre- quently moved the remains of these animals. All the phenomena to which the name of diluvian is given, and to explain which such great efforts have been made with- out any satisfactory result, may be made to agree, and in a very natural manner, with the hypothesis of a general ice. We shall again refer, on this subject, to an example which we did nothing more than point out to the society at its meeting M. Renoir en the Traces of Ancient Glaciers, 91 at Grenoble, and the idea of which was suggested to us by M. Le Blanc. We allude to the enclosure of fossil animals in caverns, the cause of which has been so much disputed, but which admits of a perfect explanation by the theory of a general and permanent ice. It is obvious that animals must have fled from the latter as long as they were in a condition to do so, in search of places not yet covered with snow or ice, and capable of affording a shelter to beings which, organ- ized for a higher temperature, must have suffered greatly from cold. They must, therefore, have sought for caverns, and taken refuge in them in great numbers. The amount of indi- viduals, accordingly, of every species whose remains are met with, is so great, that in certain cases it is difficult to conceive how the caverns could contain the whole nearly at the same time. It has been remarked that these caverns contain the remains of animals of too large a size to have entered by their openings, which are generally rather narrow. These remains in fact belong to those which, from being unable to find refuge in such places, were the first to perish by the cold. Their bodies served, for a longer or shorter period, as food for the carnivora, which dragged fragments of them into the caverns. Being capable of subsisting at the expense of other animals, the carnivora must have survived them, but they were at last reduced to the necessity of devouring each other, as is proved by certain bones of carnivora bearing marks of the teeth of other animals of the same tribe, which had gnawed them. It would be of importance, for the complete solution of this question, to endeavour to ascertain if carnivora have been devoured in their caves by beings of the same species ; which may be determined in caverns where the remains of only a single carnivorous species have been found. If these animals, as has been alleged, took refuge in caverns while trying to escape from a great inundation, it would not be easy to explain why such of their cotemporaries as did not enter the caverns have been at the same time embedded in the ice. Besides, the opening of the caverns being in general of little elevation compared with the summits of the moun- tains, the animals, alarmed and driven from the lower to the higher places by the waters, would not have entered them ; they would necessarily, from the instinct of self preservation alone, endeavour to ascend as high as possible. If we sup- 92 M. Renoir on the Traces of Ancient Glaciers. pose that, on the contrary, they receded slowly on the increase of the water, and without alarm, entering the caverns when the water had reached their level, they would have been drowned there before having time to devour each other ; for if all the various species entombed in these common recep- tacles killed each other only from antipathy, the bones of the carnivora would not be gnawed. With regard to the mud which covers to a greater or less thickness the bottom of the caverns in which these fossils are buried, it has evidently been deposited by water. Its formation is very simply explained by considering that the numerous and powerful torrents which escaped from all parts of the melted ice, covering the moun- tains to heights generally much more elevated than the open- ings of the caverns, must have penetrated into all the crevices and gaps of the mountains, and then into the caverns, inun- dating them for a long time. It will be found, on a close examination, that every thing in the present state of the surface of the globe concurs in de- monstrating to us the ancient existence of general ice. It is of great importance to science to establish this grand truth. It affords us at once, and in the most natural and complete manner, an explanation of all the phenomena termed diluvian^ the cause of which has remained unknown up to the present time, and which had been vaguely referred to a universal in- undation. The latter did not in other respects answer the conditions of the problem, and its physical impossibility is clearly ascertained.* Notices of Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain^ and espe- cially in Scotland^ with inferences suggested hy these notices as to the causes of such Shocks. By David Milne, Esq., F.R.S.E., M.W.S., F.G.S., &;c. Communicated by the Author. There seems to be no class of phenomena so intimately connected with the laws which belong to the physical consti- tution of our globe, or which so directly lead to a knowledge of its interior structure, as those exhibited by volcanoes and earthquakes. But, on the other hand, there is no depart- ment of ph} sical science, over which, unfortunately, there «i«i. ■ ■■■■■■. — ^ — . , , * fiulkiin d« k S^ocicW Ccologique d« Jt'rancG, Fcv. 1C41, p. 68* Mr Milne on Earthquake'Shocks felt in Great Britain, 93 hangs so deep a cloud of mystery. Some philosophers think, that, in the subterranean temperature of the earth, increas- ing as it does about one degree of Fahrenheit for every forty or fifty feet in descending from the surface, there is a per- fectly sufficient cause for the outburst of volcanic fires and of molten lava, which they derive from an intensely and per- manently heated nucleus. Others, again, contend that, by chemical agents alone, acting in certain parts of the globe, the evolution of heat and its accompanying phenomena may be accounted for : and this last class of philosophers is sub- divided into two sections — one relying on the decomposition of Avater, and the other on that of atmospheric air, penetrat- ing down from the surface to the interior of the earth, and there forming combinations w^hich give rise to these pheno- mena. It is natural that there should be much vague and opposite speculation, regarding the nature of forces which are them- selves far beyond the reach of observation. It is only by watching the effects of these forces under every modification exhibited on the earth's surface, and especially by comparing the phenomena, which occur (whether simultaneously or not) in regions of the earth differing in geological structure, and far apart from each other, that a knowledge of their true na- ture can be acquired. It is in foreign countries, that the British geologist has hitherto been in the practice of searching for and observing the indicia of volcanic action ; — for it seems to have been thought that the phenomena were unsatisfactory or unworthy of attention, unless accompanied with eruption. But if, as is now generally admitted, active volcanoes serve the purpose of safety-valves, to give ready vent to the subterranean forces, the effect of these forces on the earth's surface ou":ht to be greater where no volcanoes exist. At all events, and even though the forces themselves are in all places of precisely the same nature, it is evident that in non-volcanic countries, their mode of operation must be in many respects materially diffe- rent. If these remarks be well founded, it is matter of regret and reproach to British geologists, that, furnishing as their own country does, frequent opportunities of observing the occurrence and the operation of volcanic action, no at- 94 Mr Milne on Ear thquake^Shocks felt in Great Britain. tempt has been made to record the observed phenomena, or point out the inferences which they seem to warrant. The results which have been already derived from the register of shocks kept at Comrie in Perthshire, since October 1839, are very important, and fairly warrant the presumption, that much valuable information might be derived from the phenomena observed at earlier periods, and in all parts of the country. Impressed with this conviction, the author has endeavoured to rescue from oblivion that information ; and he rejoices to find that the expectation which prompted the inquiry, has been fully realized. The historical register which he now presents as the first fruit of his researches, will be admitted by every one who peruses it, to contain data from which important re- sults may be derived. It is proper, however, to premise, that this register, com- piled as it has been chiefly from notices in magazines and other periodicals, must not be too implicitly relied on for the correctness of every particular fact related in it. The value of the register consists in its presenting a great body of evidence to the occurrence of facts similar in character, as accompany- ing earthquake-shocks in all parts of the country, and it is only in so far as it does exhibit facts possessing such corroboration, that reliance is claimed for it, as a safe foundation for philo- sophical inference. It is proper here to say, in acknowledgment of the sources from which some of the information in this register has been derived, that, with regard to the Comrie shocks, most of them are given as recorded by the Rev. Mr Gilfillan, a very intel- ligent clergyman who resided for about thirty years in that town. He was in the practice of noting in a private journal that he kept, not only the dates of any shocks which occurred, but also any striking effects or appearances which accompanied them. This practice was so well known, that the wags in his neighbourhood gave him the title of " Secretary to the Earth- quakes." Extracts from Mr Gilfillan' s journal have been most obligingly furnished to the author by his son, who is now a clergyman in Stirling ; and a very important letter by the " Secretary" himself, addressed to Sir Thomas Dick Lauder in .July 1817, will be found embodied in the register. To Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, the author is farther indebted for various extracts from newspapers and other periodicals, of Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain. 96 the remarkable earthquake-shock which, in 1816, agitated the north of Scotland, and, among other effects, rent the spire of Inverness Town-Hall ; — of which shock, an interesting account was written and published by Sir Thomas in the Annals of Philosophy for 1816 and 1817. To his liberal kindness, the author is likewise indebted for the use of materials, which he had been collecting for the composition of a full chronological list of all the shocks both in England and in Scotland, which were noticed in the pubhcations of the last century. Professor Forbes was also good enough to procure from Dr Forbes of Chichester, a printed report of the shocks which were so frequently felt in that part of England, during the winter of 1833-4. To the materials thus furnished by his friends, and for which his acknowledgments are now tendered, tlie author has made considerable additions, derived partly from notices in different publications, partly from the relation of individual observers. In the historical register thus formed, he has arranged in chronological order the earthquake-shocks noticed in it ; and in his notice of each, he has shortly de- scribed the effects and appearances related to have been ob- served, in so far as these seemed to be of any importance. Register of Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain, from the year 1608 to October 1839 ; stating the exact dates of their occurrence, and other particulars. 1608. Nov. 8. People of Aberdeen, about 9 p.m., dreadfully alarmed by an earthquake, on account of which a day of fasting and humi- liation was appointed by the Magistrates and Clergy. The particular sin, on account of which this scourge was thought to have been sent, was salmon-fishing on Sunday ; and ac- cordingly the proprietors of salmon-fishings were called before the Session and rebuked. " Some," says the Session record, "promist absolutely to forbear, both by himselfs & their servands, in time cuming ; others promised to forbear, upon the condition subcreyvant ; & some plainlie refusit any way to forbear," &c. 166d. June 19. At Oxford (England). 1683. Sept. 17. Do. Do. Oct. 0. In the midland counties of England, 1692. Sept, 8. Loudon and Flandersr 96 Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 1703. Nov. Lincoln. Dec. 28. At Hull, 6'' 3' p.m. Weather warm and close. At Beverley, South Dalton, Selbj, Lincoln. — (Lond. Phil. Trans.) It heaved up chairs and tables, and made pewter dishes and windows rattle. It shook whole houses, and threw down part of a chimney. The shock came and went suddenly, and was accompanied by a noise like wind, though it was then a perfect calm. A little before the shock there was a violent storm. 1707. Oct. 25. At 3^ P.M., Earthquake at Shoreham, Tarring, Goreing, Arundel, Havant, Chichester. Felt most strongly at sea-side : not felt at all to the north of Downs, which run east and west. Un- dulatory motion from E. to W. like a wave'. A bed standing E. and W. pitched, whilst one standing N. and S. rolled, like a ship.— (Trans. R. S. L.) 1731. Oct. 8. At 3 A.M. at places mentioned under next iterrij there was a shock of earthquake preceded by thunder. — (Trans. R. S. L.) 10. Earthquake at Bloxham, Northamptonshire, 4 miles SW. from Anyho, at 4 a.m. Also at Bradford, and 4 miles west of Banbury, 1 mile west of Aderbury, 1 mile east of Crowton, 1 mile north of Charlton. Not felt to S. or SE. A minute after shock, great flash of lightning seen at Anyho. — (Trans. R. S. L.) Directions more from E. to W. than from N. to S. a732. At Strontian, and along west coast of Great Britain. — (Gent. Mag. V. XX.) July n. Between 2 and 3. p.m. at Glasgow, a shock occurred which lasted 1".— (Gent. Mag.) 1734. Sept. 25. At 11 A.M. at Portsmouth, Milton, and most parts of Shropshire ; also at 3^ 50' p.m. at Lewis (Sussex), and along sea-coast for 20 miles.— (Gent. Mag. v, iv. 625.) 1736. April 30. At midnight, and at 1 p.m. on 1st May, along the Ochil Hills, there were two severe shocks, accompanied by a great noise under ground. Several houses were rent, and people were greatly alarmed. — (Gent, Mag. v. vi. 289. 1787. Dec. 29. At Scarborough : valley formed ; ground on each side forced up 6 or 10 yards.— (Trans. R. S. L.) 1788-9. Dec. 30. In Yorkshire (West Riding), a sudden and violent shock.— (Gent. Mag. v. ix. 45.) 1744. Feb. 5. In Wales, a shock.— (Gent. Mag. v, xiv, 103.) Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 97 1747. July 1. Taunton, 10 or 11 p.m. Extended from sea to sea, t. e, from S. Channel to Severn ; felt in every parish along this line, — distance of 40 miles ; its breadth not much less, as it was felt also at Exeter and Crookham. Direction of shocks, from SE. to NW. Flashes of lightning at tune of earthquake. — (Trans. R. S. L.) 1749. Feb. 14. Leadhills in Scotland. 1750. Feb. 8. London and Westminster at 12^ p.m. At Plymouth 1 p.m. Not felt at Harwich or Colchester. Person felt desk rise first under one arm, and next under other. The '^ air very hazy and warm at the time." Motion of ground from W. to E. In London, eight several chimneys were thrown down and walls rent. At Kingsbridge a second shock was felt half an hour after the first. A shepherd at Kensington, heard the noise rush past him, and instantly he saw the ground, a dry and solid spot, wave under him like the face of the river ; the tall trees of the avenue where he was, nodded their tops very sen- sibly, and quivered. — (L. R. S. Tr. v. xlvi. ; Gent. Mag. v. xxiii.) 9. Deptford, Greenwich, Gravesend, Paynesbridge (two shocks), betwixt Rumney and Brentford, Coopersdale, near Epping^ Woodford, Walthamstone, Hertford, Highgate, Finchley (not at Barnet) : weakly felt at Richmond in Surrey. Motion from E. to W. Not felt at Deal or Canterbury. Felt at Eltham in Kent, at Chelsea (at 12^^ 40' p.m.), Fulham. Seemed to terminate in west, 2 miles beyond Chelsea. Not at Hounslow, Brentford, or Richmond, nor farther west than Richmond. State of Thermom. and Barom. in London. Thermom. Barom. At 2 p.m. on 6th February, 48*.0 Fahr. 29.14 inches. 7th, 48'^ 29.90 ... 8th, 64° 29.83 ... 9th, 65°* 29.97 ... 22d, 63 Extraordinary winter for warmth and dryness, thunder and lightning : — wind generally S. and S W. for some months pre- viously. The warmth on some days (especially on the 13th inst.) was greater than in the previous June. — (L. R. S. Tr. V. xlvi.) Mar. 8. At 6^ a.m. Highgate, London, Hampstead (violent on river), . Tooting, Merton, Miteham, Strcatham, Epsom, Croydon, VOL. XXXI. NO. LXI. JULY 1841. O .98 Mr Milne on Earthquake-Shocks fell in Great Britain, 1760, Claphani, Wandsworth (Thames), Fulham, Furnham, Stan- more (but not 5 miles farther at Watford), Ilford, Norham, Gubbins (Hertfordshire), and | mile NE. of Hatfield; 1 mile W. of Hertford, but not at Hertford (north limit of shock), Holland House and on Thames. Houses near river were the most shaken. Motion from W. to E. Near London, there was a continued and confused lightning till within minute or two of shock ; dogs howled ; fish jumped three feet out of water ; sound in air, preceded concussions ; flashes of lightning and a ball of fire were seen, just before ex- plosion. The President of the Royal Society stated, that he did not on this occasion perceive that lifting motion, which he was sen- sible of on 8th February. But he felt very quick shakes or tremors, in a horizontal direction, as it appeared to him. A boatman on the Thames felt his boat receive a blow at the bottom, and the whole river seemed agitated. The Eev. Mr Pickering stated, that he was lying awake in his bed, which stood N. and S. He first "heard a sound like that of a blast of wind" — " I then perceived myself raised in my bed, and the motion began on my right side, and inclined me towards the left." In the Temple Gardens (London), the noise in the air was greater than the loudest report of cannon. At the same instant, the buildings inclined over from the perpendicular several degrees. In London the general impression was, that the whole city was violently pushed to SE., and then brought back again. The sound preceding the concussions, resembled the discharge of several cannon, or distant thunder in the air, and not a sub- terranean explosion. Flashes of lightning were observed an hour (before ?) and a vast ball of fire. A great deal of thunder and lightning this winter in England, as well as frequent meteors. At Kensington, the bailiflT of Mr Fox, at 6^^ 15' a.m., heard (when in the open air) a noise much like thunder at a distance, which, coming from NW., grew louder, and gave a crack over his head, and then gradually died away. The sky was clear, and he saw no fire or appearance of lightning. Imme- diately after the crack, the ground shook, and it moved like a quagmire. The whole lasted a minute. — (Tr. R. S. Lond.) Mar. 14. East Molesy in Surrey at 4 a.m. ... 18. Portsmouth, I before 6 p.m. Isle of Wight (where most violent), 7 or 8 miles to east of Havant ; 7 miles west of Titchfield ; Guernsey and Jersey ; Hackney, near London, just after 6 P.M. ; East Sheen in Surrey, do. ; Bridport about C. p.m. Felt very slightly at Bath. At Portsmouth there was heard a great noise m the air, like the Mr Milne on Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain. ^ 1750. firing of cannon, as on a rejoicing day, and at the same time was felt a great trembling of the earth. (Gent. Mag. v. xx.) I a paper in the Trans. Roy. Soc. London (xlvi. p. 650), it is mentioned that in the Isle of Wight, the shock consisted of three or four slow and deliberate vibrations in an E. and W. direction. The whole was attended with a noise, like thunder at a great distance. The shock lasted four or five seconds. Mar. 19. Isle of Wight at aj p.m. ... 20. Do. do. 3 or 4 A.M. April 2. Liverpool at 10 p.m., Chester ; Downing, near Holywell in Flint- shire, at lOi P.M. It reached to Wrexham to south, and to Lancaster to north (in all 70 miles). From Flintshire, to Stockport and Altringham. The earthquake extended over a district 40 miles N. and S., and 90 miles E. and W. Direc- tion said to be NW. to SE. A person went out into the open air during the shock, and saw multitudes of blood red rays converging from all parts of the heavens to one dark point ; but saw no luminous body. The phenomenon disappeared in fifteen minutes. — (Gent. Mag. v. XX. and xxiii.) A person at Liverpool who felt it says, " I was in a sitting posture, and tlie motion I felt was like that of a vessel falling from the top of a wave, and rising again upon the next." Other observers concurred in this impression. — (Lond. Phil. Trans. V. xlvi. p. 696.) ... 10. Wales. May 4. Winbourne in Dorsetshire, at 10 a.m. There was a sudden blow which shook the house very much, accompanied by a noise like thunder. It was heard 20 miles round. Furniture thrown down. Aug. 23. At 6^^ 45' a.m, in Nottingham, Refford, Scofton, Taxford, &c., Grantham in Lincolnshire, Spalding, Newark, 30 miles to NE. Motion from SE. to NW. Felt for 70 miles, and most strongly on coast. This earthquake shook the people in their beds, and made the windows jar. That morning, aud all the day, was calm, — the sky very clear, and a bright sunshine. For a fortnight before, the weather was mild and calm, and one evening there was a deep red aurora. — (Gent. Mag. v. xx. and xxiii. 456.) In Lincoln, the shock was felt at 6'» 35' a.m., and the shock moved N. by E. Sept. 18. Portsmouth at 6 p.m. Also at Isle of Wight and Bath. ... 30. Before 1 p.m. at Newton (Northamptonshire) ; Culfordatl p.m. about 4 miles from Bury in Suffolk ; Harborough about 12 ; at Stamford Hall (Leicestershire) at 12i ; Ashby (Northamp- tonshire) at 12^^ 45' ; Kilmarsh, in road from Northampton to Harborough ; Peterborough ; — felt not much farther tbanr Towccster. Felt at Stockton, Leanungton, G miles from Warwick, but not 100 Mr Milne on Earthquake-Shocks fell in Great Britain. 1750. at Warwick ; Rugby, and thence entered Leicestershire, Ri- gan in Derbyshire, or somewhere else in west, and passed off through Lincolnshire and part of Cambridgeshire ; went through Coventry, Derby, Nottingham, Newark; then east to Towccster, Rowal, Kettering, Wellingborough, Oundle in Northamptonshire, Uppingham and Okham in Rutland, Stam- ford, Bourn, Grantham, Spalding, Boston, Lincoln, Holbeck, Peterborough, Wisbeck ; then passed over whole breadth of Ely Feu, and reached Bury in Suffolk, — in all 100 miles long and 40 broad, and all shocked at same instant. Lasted only a few seconds ; reached to south end of Derby, where very weak. The direction of the motion was from W. or NW. — to E. or SE. Some persons counted four pulses ; the second or third strongest. The shock was scarcely perceived by persons walking ; more by those standing, and most of all by persons sitting ; and perceived more in the upper storeys of houses, than in the lower storeys and cellars. Part of an old wall in College Lane, at Kilmarsh, was thrown down. A gentlewoman, sitting in a chair, was thrown down, and the people ran out of church. At Leicester, the shock was attended with a rushing noise ; the houses tottered, and heaved up and down : some slates and part of a chimne}'^ fell; also, some drinking glasses from shelves ; a child was shaken out of its chair. — (G. Mag. v. xx. 473, and v. xxiii. p. 268.) 1753. June 8. A strong shock, accompiinicd by a lifting and tremulous motion, was felt at Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire ; Knutsford, Cheshire, at 11 p.m.; Manchester between 11 and 12 p.m. " Shock was accompanied and succeeded by a rushing noise and explosion like gunpowder fired in the open air. The weather was very calm, and the "sky red, intermixed with black clouds." — (Scots Mag. v. xv. 307.) ... 22. Manchester at 11^^40'. Felt also at Oldham and Ratcliff, and in Cheshire. 1754. Apr. 19. York at 10 or 11 p.m.; Ripon at 11 p.m.; Hull; Stockton; Whitby. This shock was of the pulsatory kind, very regular and uni- form, and lasted in some places 10" and in others 30". It was attended with a rushing sound of the air. At Whitby some doors were thrown open, and others were so squeezed, that they could scarcely be opened. Birds in their cages were thrown off their perches. Motion SW. to NE. (G. Mag. V. XXV. 399.) 1755. July 31. Between 6 and 7 a.m. at Rushdon in Northamptonshire ; a shock which lasted 5' or 6'. Aug* 1. At Althorp, Frodingham, Luddington, and Addingfleet, near Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks fell in Great Britain, 101 1755. Ilumbcr; at Stamford 7 a.m.; at North Berwick (2 miles west from it) at li p.m. Motion from S. to N. Great noise preceded shock, like the report of several cannon. Came from south, along hills. It shook the houses much, and part of a wall fell. On the evening of following day a large ball of fire seen near Stamford, which continued visible 7' or 8'. Aug. 2. Ball of fire in sky seen for 7' or 8.' Oct. 20. At Scalloway in Zetland. The sky being very hazy, as is usual before thunder and lightning, there fell a black dust over all the country, though in greater quantities in some places than in others. It was very much like lamp black, but sraelled strongly of sulphur. People in the fields had their faces and hands and linen blackened bj' it. It was followed by rain. The wind was at time SW. The same phenomenon was observed in Orkney, where it re- ceived the appellation of " black snow." 23. A shower of dust fell on a ship 25 leagues from Shetland. Nov. 1. At Madeira at 9i a.m. There were three shocks (with a few minutes between each) felt at Lisbon at 9^^ 35' or 40' a.m. The sea rose on coast there, from 40 to 50 feet perpendicular in three or successive waves. The sea retired first. Felt at Cadiz just before 10 ; at Gibraltar at 10*^ 10' a.m. Felt in Barbary at 10 a.m. (three shocks there). At the Escurial, shock was felt about 10 a.m. At Madrid, _ lo^i 30' a.m. At Portsmouth. Ship in dock, at 104 a.m, suddenly pt7t7icd with head deep in water, and immediately recovered. Dock-gates forced open 6 inches. Other ships in a separate basin, felt shock, and rolled violently. Loch Lomond rose 2V feet at d\ a.m. and continued moving till 10} a.m. ,• two waves with interval of 5" between. A large stone, which was lying in shallow water, was forced ashore. Continued till 10'» 15' a.m. Loch Ness rose at 104 a.m. ; Lochs Oich, Long, and Katrine, also agitated at same moment as Loch Lomond. Shock was felt also at Leadhills (Dumfries- shire). In Derbyshire, at Beelsborough, a loch afiecte^ from S. to N. between 11 and 12 a.m. A number of other canals and ponds in England similarly afiected. At one of these places, geese swimming in a pond gave alarm before water observed to be agitated. Five shocks felt in Derbyshire lead-mines at 11 a.m. Hocks ground one on another ; chasm opened 150 yards wide paral- lel to range of lead vein. Shocks of earthquake were felt at Hague, Lcyden, Brabant, Rotterdam, &e. about 11 a.m. At Amsterdam, the barometer suddenly sunk 2 inches. Hot springs at "Toplitz, betwixt 11 and 12, cast up such a body of water, that all the baths ovw* 102 Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 1765. flowed. About half an hour before^ springs had become turbid, and stopped nearly a minute. Hot springs at Bristol were coloured red, and rendered unfit for use for some months. Warm saline springs at Montier ceased to flow for 48 hours. Waters afterwards flowed more copiously. In Switzerland, the lakes of Leman and Brientz, &c. were about 10 A.M. observed three times to be agitated, causing the water suddenly to flow towards and retire from their shores succes- sively. At Basic, the barometer was 26.25 inches ; it had rarely before been so low. At Augsburg, it was said that at the moment of the shock a number of magnets hanging, with weights suspended by their attractive power, dropped their weights. In several parts of Germany a derangement of the magnetic needle was said to have been observed. — (Bertrand, Hist. Naturelle, 276 — 281.) Mountains in Haut Yalais (mica-slate) opened, and threw out hot water. Felt at Tangiers and Morocco, where earth opened and swal- lowed 8000 persons. At Cadiz a wave about sixty feet high dashed on shore about 11 A.M., — and that was followed by three others. This shock felt about 1 p.m. at Barbadoes and St Eustatia. The sea rose twice in some islands, thrice in others from 8 to 12 feet perpendicular, and suddenly retired as much below its usual height. Waves rose at Cork. At Kinsale there was a wave5i feet high, some say 6 or 7 feet high, which rolled into the harbour about 3 P.M. and other waves continued till 10 at night, though all ' the time quite calm. At Swansea, a wave came 1^ mile up river, at 6^^ 45' p.m. after 2 hours' ebb, with a great noise. Fell back suddenly. A vessel far west in the Atlantic experienced a vertical shock. —(Phillips' Geology, v. ii. 208.) In Cornwall, at St Ives, and at Hayle, at 4 p.m. there were three I several waves which rushed on the land, and floated a vessel that was nearly dry. In the West Indies sea rose from 8 to 12 feet, violently agitated. Dec. 31. About 1 a.m., "being awake in bed (at Kilmalcolm, 10 miles W. of Glasgow), I felt about 7 or 8 shocks. The whole were over in half a minute. The second shock was the greatest, and fairly lifted me out of bed, jolted me to the head of it, and then threw me back to where I lay before. The same shock jostled a large chest so violently against the side of a wall in another room, that it awoke a gentleman sleeping there." — (Gent. Mag.) Felt also at Glasgow, Greenock, Dumbarton^ and luchrinnan. Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 108 1766. Feb. 18. About 8 a.m. u shock felt at Dover, Margate, and London. Felt also at Navarre, Versailles, Paris, Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle, at same hour as in England. Direction from SE. to NW. Many houses thrown down at Cologne, and a great chasm formed in the Eyffel. Barometer very low, thermometer very high in Switzerland, where the shock was strongest. A storm succeeded in twelve hours after. (Bertrand, 308.) Agitation of Loch near Closeburn, which continued for several hours, and alarmed the neighbourhood. (Day not mentioned —but stated to have been in week before 21st.) June 1. Ashford in Kent. Shock accompanied with a noise like report of a cannon at some places, and sound of a waggon at other places. Nov. 17. Inverhallan (Argyleshire), Kilfinnan, Glendrent, Rothesay. The shock was preceded by a noise like thunder at a great dis- tance, and lasted about 20". Bells rung. Three shocks were felt two days after. 1767. July 15. At 7 P.M. at Falmouth. Attended with great noise. Came from SW. Felt and heard in the mines of Cornwall at a depth of 70 fathoms. Shock extended from Scilly Isles as far east as Liskeard, and as far north as Camelford. '^ Several small ris- ings as big as molehills were observed in the morning, before the shocks happened, on the sands of the beach, having a black speck in the middle of the top, as if something had issued from it. From one of the hollows between these risings there issued a strong gush of water, about as thick as a man's wrist. For a week before the shock the weather had been warm and sultry. In one of the mines, the earth was felt to ' move with a prodigious, swift, and apparently horizon- tal tremor.' " (Gent. Mag. v. xxix. 146, and Tr. R. S. L.) 1768. Jan. 24. Liugfield in Surrey, and Edinbridge in Kent, at 2 a.m. (Trans. Roy. Soc. London). 1769. Feb. 24. Cornwall, at Liskeard. A bright aurora that night. 1761. Feb. 6. Shock at Sturminster between 11 and 12 p.m. Mar. 31. Terceira. Sea rose to great height and fell again> leaving the harbour dry. Madeira. Shocks felt at 11^*35' a.m. At sea, off rock of Lisbon, in Lat. 44° 8' N., and Long. 6" 10'. Cape Finisterre E.SE., and 80 leagues distant, two violent shocks felton board of a ship at 11*' 46' a.m. Santa Cruz, in South Barbary, at noon — the shock was very slight, and did no damage. Lisbon, felt at noon precisely, last five minutes. Villa Franca 104 Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain. 1761. reduced to rubbish. Several rents and chasms formed in the earth. Whole coast of Spain agitated. Corunna, at noon, a violent shock. Many houses removed some feet from where they were before, but none throw^n down. " The consul's house has been moved 4 feet forward to the sea, and its fronts to the water-side have changed better than two points of the compass." At Cork, at 12^^ 15', a shock felt, which made ground undulate from E. to W., and vice versa. Shock more violent than on 1st November 1755. At Lisbon, at 1^^ SO' p.m., the sea rose 6 feet perpendicular every six minutes, and continued to ebb and flow thus till night. At Kinsale the sea several times rose in a wave 2 feet high, at 6 P.M. Dublin, at 6 p.m., near dead low water, the tide suddenly rose about 2 feet, and then retired. This was repeated several times. Fort- Augustus, «/ 2 p.m } Loch Ness, betwixt 12 and 1 o'clock, rose suddenly 2 feet, and continued for three-fourths of an hour, alternately rising and falling. The water swelled most in the middle of the loch. Several boats burst from their moorings. At same time, a very uncommon low sound. Amsterdam, shock between 1\ and 2 p.m., which made candela- bras in the churches swing a foot from perpendicular, and agitated the vessels in harbour. At Barbadoes, at 4 p.m., there were fluxes and refluxes of the sea, which about 8 p.m. seemed to abate, but at 10 p.m. consi- derably increased, and continued till 6 next morning. June 9. Shock at Sherborne, Shaftesbury, at ll'^ 45' a.m. 1764. Nov. 6. At 4^1 15' a.m. slight shock at Oxford, and adjoining towns in Glo'stershire and Berkshire. People tossed upwards in bed. The agitation was greatest nearer the river. It Avas perfectly calm and serene at the time of the shock. The wind soon after became tempestuous. At Wallingford, the shock was preceded for about a minute '' by an hollow rumbling wind.'* —(Gent. Mag. xxx. iv. 643.) 17G7. April 20. At Stirling and Alloa, at 9 o'clock, and another in a quarter of an hour after. 1768. Jan. 18. Flintshire. NW. to SE. It shook the houses very much, and lasted 1|'. Feb. 15. Llangollen, Flintshire. May 15. Newcastle, at 4 p.m., two shocks, and very strong at Kendal, Darlington, Middleton. Oct. 24. Ruthven and Inverness, attended with great noise. iJeci Sli \yoif€«8ter and Gle'ster/ bctwfeeii 5 and 0 p.Mi Man^ pcoplt irt Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 105 17G8. a fright left tlicir houses. The cathedral was shaken. The birds exhibited signs of terror. — (G. Mag. v. xxviii. 588.) 17G9. June 15. At Dolgelly (N. Wales). Torrents of water said to have issued from Cader Idris. Nov. 14. Or about 14th. At Inverness a shock which threw down houses, and killed several persons. ... 23. At 4 p. M., near Birmingham, attended with rumbling noise like firing of distant cannon. Dec. 29. Byton (Herefordshire), 8 a.m. Shock preceded by a rumbling noise, which seemed to issue from the end of Shobdon's-Hill. The river Lug, though very rapid, rose several inches, but sunk again immediately. The tower of the church was split in many places. Shock moved from E. to W. " A large rent at the time of the shock opened at Shobdon's Hill, out of which a considerable quantity of water now issues." — (Gent. 1771. Mag. V. xxxix. 50.) April 29. Berkshire, at 5^ 30' p.m. People lifted up in their chairs. — (G. Mag. V. xli. 233.) Aug. 24. Cheshire.— (G. Mag. xli. 422.) 1773. Jan. 31. Shock in Flintshire, emanating from mountain of Maelfamnia (near Holywell), at 11 p.m., at which time the sound of huge stones rolling down precipice was like thunder. At 12 p.m. there was a loud clap, and the vertex of hill threw up in same instant vast bodies of combustible matter ; liquid fire rolled along the heaps of ruins. At the close of all, a great rent was made in the mountain, whose breadth is 200 yards. The summit of the hill tumbled into this opening, and the top ap- pears level, which before was perpendicular. April 15. At 2^ 15' p.m. two shocks at Guernsey, and in France. ... 16. At 4 A%M. do. ; also in Jersey (1 and 2 p.m.) ; and in Dorsetshire on sea coast. ... 23. About noon at Jersey, and another at 11^ 30' p.m. May 27. Parish of Buildway, in Shropshire, at 4 a.m. Great cracks 20 feet wide. In night, between 25th and 26th, in Shropshire, a bed shook, and tea spilt out of a cup. On 27th, at 4 a.m., a small crack about 4 or 5 inches wide seen in ground, '' and a field that was sown with oats was seen to heave up and roll about like waves of water. The trees moved as if blown by the wind, but the air was calm and serene. The river Severn was agitated very much, and the current seemed to move up- wards. The house shook. A great part of the land is in confused heaps, and full of cracks, from 4 inches to more than a yard wide. Several very long and deep chasms are formed in the upper part of the land from 14 to 80 yards wide. Hollows are raised into mounts, and mounts are reduced into hoUoM'Sk'* t)bmtigc L.7^0i "At tim» «f ««ribquakc a suddvfl 106 Mr Millie on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 1773. gust of wind (apparently) beat against windows, as if a great quantity of hail-shot had been thrown with violence at them." July 3. Eton (Shropshire). Sept. 8. At 9^^ 45' P.M., at Newton (Shropshire), Shrewsbury, Coalbrook- dale, Wellington, Wolverhampton, Brewood, Oxford. Reach- ed from Bath to Shrewsbury and Oxford, and to Swansea, in Glamorganshire. Extended through Downing in Wales to Shropshire. Motion E. to W.— (G. Mag. v. xlv. 432 to 451 ; and Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond.) 1776. Sept. 8. All the towns from Bath to Shrewsbury. Vibrations reached from Swansea to Oxford. Motion from the East. Oct. 28. In Northamptonshire and Leicestershire, at 10^ 45' p.m., and balls of fire seen. Nov. 27. At 8^1 15' Calais, Dover, Canterbury, Sandwich, Ashford, Folkstone, and all over east of Kent. — (G. Mag. v. xlvi. 575.) 1777. Sept. 14. Manchester, York, Lancaster, Liverpool, Chester, Birmingham, Derby, strong on W. side, and weak on E. side of peak. Bells rung. People at Manchester (where strongly felt) thrown by shock into great consternation. It was attended with a rumbling noise like distant thunder. The windows and doors of some houses were burst open, and some chimneys thrown down. A lady felt a stroke on top of her head, as if of electricity. A gentleman who had marked his barometer a few hours before, found that it fell a few lines at the time of the shock ; but it rose immediately after to the same place. Motion was from SW. to NE. — (G. Mag. v. xlvii. 458, and Tr. R. S. L.) 1780. Aug. 28. Flintshire, Denbighshire, Anglesea, Caernarvon, strongly at Llanwrst across vale of Clwyd; Downing and Holywell. — (G. Mag. V. 1. 637.) ... 29. Wales. Dec. 9. Richmond, Yarm in Y'orkshire, Chester, Newcastle. People lifted up by wave-like motion of earth, and then set down again. The motion continued 6" or 8" at Leyburn. Atmo- sphere dark and gloomy for several days before. Calm at time. Barom. for several days at the uncommon height of 30.6. Motion W. to E. 1781. Jan. 26. Shrewsbury. Aug. 29. At 8^ 46' a.m. Anglesea, Caernarvon, Llanwrst, hi Isle of Clwyd, south of Denbigh, Downing, and Holywell, Flint, Beaumaris. " Bed rocked and shook so much that I could hardly keep my seat." Motion NW. to SE. or SE. to NW. Barom. at Beaumaris was 29,67, the thermom. 66°.-- (Trans. Roy. Soc. London.) Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 107 1781. Dec. 8. Holywell and Downing, at 4 or 6 p.m. Shocks from NE. — (Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond.) 1782. Oct. 5. At B or 9 p.m. St Asaph, Mold (Flintshire}, Bangor, Anglcsca. Shocks from NE. to SW.— (Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond.) Nov. 10. Loch Rannoch in Scotland agitated. The barometer sunk to within one-tenth of bottom of scale. 1784. Sept. J 2. At 9 A.M. Loch Tay agitated. About 9 a.m. the air being quite calm, the water at the east end of the loch ebbed 300 feet, leaving the channel dry. It then accumulated, and rolled about 300 feet further to westward, where, meeting a similar wave rolling in a contrary direction, both united and rose to height of 5 or 6 feet, producing a white foam at top. The water then rushed on south shore, and rose 4 feet beyond highest water-mark. It then returned, and continued to ebb and flow every seven minutes for two hours, the waves gra- dually diminishing each time they reached the shore. The same phenomenon occurred every day for a week, but with less force, and at a later hour. 178G. June 16. Whitehaven, Isle of Man, Dublin, and SW. parts of Scotland. — (G. Mag. v. Ivii. 198.) Aug. 11. At Dumfries two shocks were felt, with 3" to 9" between them. A man sitting fishing at 2*' 20' a.m. on banks of Nith, with face to west, felt ground lifted first against the right thigh, and immediately after against the left. It was like a wave. In two or three seconds after, the same was repeated with greater violence. From this he judged that the shocks came from N. to S. In the town birds were pitched ofF their perches, plates were thrown down, and slates rattled on the roofs. This earthquake felt through the counties of Dumfries, Rox- burgh, Cumberland, Berwick, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Argyle, and Aberdeen. It was felt at Kelso at 2 a.m. Carham at 2^ 20', Kirkcudbright at 3 a.m., Glasgow at 2*^ 30', Coekermouth and Whitehaven at 1^ 65', (here from SE.) At this last-men- tioned place there was a noise as if a well-packed hogshead was thrown on floor. The strings of a spinnet were heard to vibrate — walls were cracked, and people were thrown out of bed. The noise continued from 3' to 5'. The barometer was at 29 inches, and the weather was close and sultry. There was a rumbling noise in the air. A chimney was thrown down. The quay at Workington was a little damaged. There was much rain on the day before, as well as on the * day of the earthquake. It was slightly felt in Glasgow and Aberdeen. This shock extended S. to N. 160 miles, and from E. to W. 100 miles. At Gilsland all who were asleep 108 Mr Milne on Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain. 178G, were awoke by a violent tremulous noise, "which lasted many seconds. It made the beds, &c. tumble and move. At the tim'e of the shock, it rained violently. At Whitehaven, on the preceding evening, the weather was so close and sultry as to render breathing oppressive, and a thick fog came on from the SW. This shock extended to Argylcshire, and was felt everywhere at same moment. 1787. Jan. 6. Campsie, Strathblane, at 10 a.m. ; Killearn, Fintray, New Kirk- Patrick. A rushing noise from SE. was heard before the shock. A rivulet which turned a mill, became dry in several parts. The hedges Avere seen to be agitated as if by a sud- den gust of wind, though it was then calm. The horses going in a plough stood still with fear. — (G. Mag. v. Jvii. 82 and 198.) ... 26. Fintray, on the preceding night, ground on which Alloa mill built, sunk 1^ feet. Aug. 11. Penrith, Lancaster, Manchester, Lennel near Coldstream; 2 a.m. Motion N.NW. and S.SE.— (G. Mag. v. Ivii. 494.) 1788. July 8. Sea at Dunbar suddenly receded \h foot. Shock of earthquake felt in Isle of Man. Nov. 11. Comrie and Crieff, &c. 1789. Aug. Comrie.— (G. Mag. v. lix. 1041.) Sept. 2. Comrie, at 11 p.m. A smart shock, and rumbling noise. — (Tr. R. S. E. V. iii. 240.) ... 2G. Wenlockin Wiltshire. Houses shaken. — (G. Mag. v. lix. 947.) Nov. 6. Crieff and Comrie at 6 p.m. A'iolent shock, accompanied by a noise like the discharge of distant artillery, extended for more than 20 miles in direction of NW. and SE. For two months previously, a rumbling noise like that of distant thunder, had been heard at Lawers House. The house was shaken, as if its foundations were struck by an immense mal- let. There was a tremulous motion, which made flames of caudles vibrate, and furniture clatter. The waters of Moni- vaird Loch were so agitated, as to disturb and frighten the wild fowl. It was calm at time. The barometer rose and fell several times during day. Next morning, at 6 a.m. a tempest arose, which continued for 24 hours. The earth was distinctly perceived to heave. This shock was suc- ceeded by 30 minor ones, in space of two hours. It was felt strongly at Lawers House, in Glenlednock, at Drummond Castle, and at Ardoch though faintly. ... 10. Crieff and Comrie, at 3 p.m. Shock as violent as one on 5th. Furniture all shaken, u. II. Criuff and Comrie, in forenoon, more violent than on 6th, accom- panied by a hollow rumbling n^isct The ic€ en the sheet of Mr Milne on Earthquake-SJiocks felt in Great Britain. 109 1709. water near Lawers House was shivered to pieces. The se- verest of these shocks reached Killin and Ardvoirlich, to- wards the west. They did not extend beyond Glenalmond towards the east. Deo. 29. Crieff and Comrie at 1 p.m., a pretty smart shock, during a vio- lent storm of wind and rain. All these shocks felt by most persons as coming from NW. or NE., though some thought they moved in NE. and SW. direction. ... 30. The same day with the earthquake at Bergo di Son Sepolchro in Italy, three distinct shocks of earthquake were felt at the house of Parson's-Grcen, on the . north side of Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh.— (Tr. R. S. E.) 1791. Sept. 2. At 5^ 5' p.m. Slight shock felt at Ochtertyre. 1792. Feb. 26. At 8h 45' p.m., Leicestershire, Rutland, Newark, Biggleswade (Bedfordshire), Derby, slightly, Stamford, sharply; at Little Paunton (Lincolnshire) from NW. to SE. Hole in ground 60 or 70 j'ards in diameter at Whitehaven. Same track of country traversed in 1750 by earthquake. It then began in Derbyshire, and passed off the island through Lincolnshire and part of Cambridgeshire. — (Tr. R. S. L.) Mar. 2. At 8^^ 46' p.m. Kettering (Northamptonshire), preceded by vio- lent crash or concussion overhead in the air, as well as by rumbling noise; Bedford, Leicester, Nottingham, Rutland, Lincoln, Biggleswade. A warming-pan hanging on a wall, was seen to swing. — (Sc. Mag. v. llv. 147.) Oct. 10. In the morning a shock felt at Crieff and at Comrie. Very loud noise ; atmosphere very still ; awoke all the people and alarmed them ; houses much shaken ; furniture tossed about ; weather previously variable and boisterous for some days before ; gusts of wind frequently succeeded by calms ; fre- quent heavy rains also. Between 12th Oct. and 18th Nov. at V^ 30' p.m. Smart shock at Comrie ; wet and windy at the time. Nov. 10. Three repeated smart shocks of earthquake were felt on banks of Loch Rannoch (Perthshire), accompanied by noise like that of distant thunder. ... 18. Comrie, 11 a.m. An alanning shock. 1793. Feb. 3. In evening at Comrie. Two violent shocks. ... 26. Wind blew in evening at Comrie sharply from west, and air clear and frosty. At 10^> 30' sky became cloudj^ ; wind ceased, and then a great noise was heard, accompanied by a slight shock. May At Comrie. Motion of earth horizontal from N. to S., and then returned to former position. Full moon. The wind lulled at time of shock. Dykes thrown down. Sept. 28, Salisbury, Shaftesbury, 4 p.m. At Shaftesbury the shock was 110 Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain. 1793. accompanied by a rumbling noise, and seemed to come from the SW. Its effects were greatest on houses near the edge of the hill. The people in the street could see the buildings move, particularly projecting objects, such as lamp-posts, &c. — (G. Mag. V. Ixiii., 950.) 1794. May 2, Comrle at 4 p.m. Very severe shock, with loud noise. The houses were shaken ; mountains seemed to oscillate ; the dogs barked ; and some cattle ran, as they sometimes do in thunder. Sept. 28. Comric 3 p.m. Oct. 1. Comrie S^^SO' p.m. Loud noise heard, such as usually accom- panies shocks. After the noise passed, ' the wind began to blow hard. 2. Comrie 11 p.m. Shock. ... 18. Comrie 1 a.m. Violent shock, with very loud noise. Before the shock, it fell calm for a few minutes ; and immediately after the shock, the wind blew furiously ; night was very wet. Dec. 8. Comrie 5'^ 30' p.m. Severe shock, with a loud rumbling noise. Wind to-day blew in great gusts ; about twilight the sky cleared up, and the wind was hushed ; immediately thereafter, the shock was felt ; the wind immediately after, blew furiously. 4. Comrie 10 p.m. Shock. ... 25. Comrie 1^ 15' p.m. A severe shock and great noise; wind from NE. ... 80. Comrie. Shock at 8 p.m. Weather frosty ; wind NW., but 1795. nearly calm. Jan. 2. Comrie 1*^ 50' a.m. Very violent shock, with a tremendous noise. The motion was perpendicular, and seemed to be caused by an explosion immediately under the village. My house seemed to be lifted from its foundation, and every thing in it got a sudden jerk. The centre of nothing was changed. Formerly the motion had been horizontal, and pushed things to one sid(?. The previous night was clear and frosty ; gentle breeze from N.NW. After the shock, the frost went away. ... 22. Comrie 2^ 40' P.M. A shock, with long continuing noise. Mar. 12. Comrie at 11 p.m. Two most alarming shocks, with interval of 8", and accompanied by uncommonly loud noise, which pre- ceded and followed them. Every thing was heaved up- wards ; many rumbling noises followed during two hours ; wind from east ; it did not blow high as usual after the shock ; the air was clear and chilly. This shock felt at Loch Erne and Tyndrum ; cattle rose up, and dogs ran about alarmed. ... 13. Comrie. The rumbling noises continue; day cold and wind east. ... 16. Comrie. Rumbling noises ; wind cold and east. ... 21. Comrie. Rumbling noises this morning and last night; wind NW. (Moon changed 3'esterday.) ... 23. Comrie. Rumbling noises in evening. ,.. 27» Comrie. Rumbling noises in evening, R p.m. Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain. Ill 1795. April 8. Comrie. Wind east. Shock and rumble at 3 p m. ... 25. Comrie about 6 p.m. Smart shock. (Wind veered to north at 2 P.M. from west.) Earth trembled greatly ; noise began to north of village, and expired towards south ; the wind blew more briskly after the shock, from NW. to SE. June 19. Comrie. A rumbling noise in bowels of earth. July 14. Comrie. Two or three rumbles in evening; wind NW. ... 15. Comrie. A rumble in the evening ; wind north ; very close. ... 25. Comrie. A loud noise, and smart shock at 6^30' p.m. The air warm and heavy ; wind east. Sept. 1. Comrie at night. Sounds of earthquake. 4. Comrie. Shock between 2 and 3 p.m., and some accompanying sounds ; wind SE. ; day wet. Oct. 4. Comrie. Shock ; wind S W. Xov. 18. At 11 P.M. earthquake felt as far north as Leeds, and as far south as Bristol ; east as far as Norwich, and west as far as Bristol. Before shock, strong gale from SW., then a lull. Imme- diately before shock, a whizzing gust of wind. A tremulous motion in the earth preceded and followed the shock. The barometer for thirty-six hours preceding the shock, had va- ried very remarkably, — on 1 7th, it was 30.23. On 18th it sunk to 28.G3 j and just before the shock it was 28.8. The ther- mometer was 48°. The atmosphere " was loaded with hu- midity. Thunder and lightning had been observed some days before, and several persons of delicate health passed the night of the 18th in a restless uneasy manner, without knowing why." The wind blew in the morning a hurricane from S W. It was calm, however, when the shock took place, and had been for 4 or 5 hours previously. At Birmingham persons in bed felt themselves raised up, as if by some one underneath. At Derby the shock was so severe that the tops of about twenty chimneys were shaken off. At Nottingham (where also it was severely felt) two shocks were felt ; " and lumi- nous electric appearances in the sky." These appearances were observed in Derby and Notting- ham shires. A ball of fire was seen to pass over the town of Derby, when the shock was felt. The Rev. Mr Gregory re- lates that about six hours before the shock his "attention was much struck with the aspect of the sky in the S. and SE. quarters. In this direction, a cloud very black and lowering extended itself over this part of the hemisphere. The margin of the cloud, which was nearly parallel to the horizon, was fringed, to the extent of at least 40°, from the S. towards the E., and to the breath, perhaps, of 1\°, with a very bright white light, which had very much the appearance of white satin. The light was shaded, to its whole extent, as it were with a veil of a deep muddy purple colour. The white light. 112 Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain. 1795. seen below this gloomy purple liaze, and farther contrasted by the very dark surface of so extensive and lowering* a cloud, formed a very striking appearance." — ^'I was fully persuaded that this luminous appearance was occasioned by electric light, with which I concluded the cloud to be highly charged." At 8 P.M. " every extraordinary appearance had now vanishej,!, the night was dark and gloomy, the air quite calm and mild* At 11^^ 20' we were all extremely surprised and alarmed at a sudden blast (rather than explosion, because it had not that sharp compressed elastic tone I annex to the idea of an explo- sion) which burst out instantaneously somewhat below the zenith to the W., and which, as I conjectured from the direction in which the sound was heard, seemed to rush through the air towards the E. with great velocity, and to meet with considerable resistance to its motion ; for it made a whizzing noise as it passed over us. At the instant the blast burst out, it was '' accompanied with a very loud, deep- toned, hollow, sullen sound, not altogether unlike a deep groan." — " The first shock felt to me so tremulous, that I could not form any judgment concerning its direction ; my chair was shaken with a kind of vertiginous motion. The second shock seemed to come from the N., perhaps a few points to the W. of it." Another gentleman at Derby, though he did not observe the meteor before mentioned, "perceived at the instant of the concussion, a remarkable coruscation proceeding from the SW. quarter of the heavens, and producing a gleam similar to a distant flash of lightning, but of longer continuance." Many persons at Derby " felt something like an electrical shock." Shortly after the shock, the air became extremely cold, the wind began to blow from NE., and the whole country was covered with snow.— (G. Mag. v. Ixv., 891, and Tr. R. S. L. for 1796.) In mines of Derbyshire the shock felt, and a rushing of wind perceived. The workmen " were so much alarmed by the noise, and the sudden gust of wind that attended it, as to leave their work." Clear that shock came from SW. to NE. Same direction as earthquake on 30th September 1750 and 25th February 1792, and similar districts affected. 1796. Jan. 31. Comrie. Some sounds of earthquake during past week. Mar. 16. Comrie. Shock this morning. 1797. Feb. 8. Comrie about 7 p.m. Slight shock and loud noise. ... 10. Comrie at 12^ 20' a.m. and 6 a.m. " The first awoke every one ; I thought that we would all have been swallowed up ; wind west. ... 17. Comrie, Slight shock this afternoon, with noise. May 12. Comrie. Two shocks at night ; wind west. Aug. 24. Comrie. Shock at night, which was felt in Argyleshire. Mr Milne 07i Earthquake- Shocks feU in Great B>*itain. 113 1797. Nov. 19. Comrie 11 a.m. A shock, with long and loud noise. Dec. 19. Comrie at 6 a.m. A slight shock with loud noise; much rain had fallen previously. 1798. April 19. Comrie. Three shocks in morning ; one very smart. May 6. Comrie at 10 a.m. A very smart shock ; day warm, and an un- common noise. 1799. Jan. 17. At Comrie. Earthquakes felt. Feb. 6. A very severe shock at Guernsey, which caused an extensive land-slip. . ... 24. Comrie. Shock at 1^^ 60' a.m. which greatly alarmed us. The wind had been very high before ; but it lulled during the con- tinuance of the shock, and then blew as strong as before. Shock proceeded from west to east ; subterranean noises ac- companied the shocks. Mar. 3. (Sunday.) Two loud rumbles at Comrie since last Sunday. 1800. Dec. 8. Violent shock at 9 a.m. at Comrie. Noise very loud, long continued, and alarming. 1801. Jan. 11. At Comrie two violent shocks, the one at 7 a.m., the other after 11. Loud noise. Scene very awful. Day wet. Wind un- certain. This shock was felt also at Loch Erne head, Killin, Tyndrum, and Glenfinlas ; also at Callander, Perth, Grange- mouth, &c. Though it was distinctly felt in the New Town of Edinburgh, it was not perceived in the Old Town, or to the south of it. Sept. 6. (Sunday.) Comrie, at 1'^ 15' p.m. Wind lulled at time of shock. Shock at Comrie great, with very loud noise, perhaps more so than an^'^ before. Several subterranean noises, and one slight shock. Morning chilly. Wind NE. Pretty calm before. It rose after the earthquake, and blew sometimes violently during the afternoon. In the preceding evening, the air troubled, and apparently charged with electricity. This the case for several nights past. On the NE., as clear as if the moon had been rising about 9 or 10 in the evening, whereas it was in the last quarter. All the night of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, it was uncommonly clear. The electrical fluid seemed to be waving between every cloud all over the hori- zon, and the whole atmosphere seemed to announce an earth- quake. The weather has been excellent for reaping the har- vest. \\,, 7. At 6 A.M. Edinburgh, Dunfermline, and Glasgow at same in- stant; and Harvieston, near Dollar. More severe at Col- quhalzie (near Crieff) than the one on 23d October 1839. At VOL. XXXI. NO. LXI. — JULY 1841. H 114 Mr Milne on Ear tJiquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 1801. 6 A.M., beds were knocked against tlie wall. There were two shocks, accompanied by a great noise. The whole house shook, and every one rushed from bed-rooms, and met in passages in their night-clothes, thinking house was falling. In course of 10' or 15', the shock was followed by about twenty subter- ranean noises. At Comrie, shocks at 4 and 6 a.m. Noise very terrible, and slates of house rattled. Barometer fell suddenly. Much electricity in atmosphere ; and people in Edinburgh felt their houses lifted up. The shock there perceived to come from the north. Two reapers near Edinburgh were killed, and a third was bruised by the gable of an old barn falling on them, which was thrown down by the shock. A large tene- ment in Paterson's Court (Edinburgh) sunk so much as to require being abandoned by its inhabitants, and it was ordered by the magistrates to be pulled down. — (G. Mag. v. lxxi.,948.) Sept. 18. At Comrie a shock this night. Several rumbles during preced- ino" part of week. Wind north. Weather sultry, and the air hazy previously. "Wet weather afterwards. ... 25. At Comrie. Slight shock at 10 a.m. Wind east. Weather good. Frosty at night. Moon full on 20th. 1802. June 10. Comrie. Slight shock and loud noise, at 11 p.m. Aug. 6 and 6 a.m., Alloa, Kennet, Harvieston, Clackmannan (where chimneys thrown 'down). Mr Jamieson at Alloa nearly thrown out of bed. Oct. 8. Since last week (at Comrie) some slight shocks, preceded by drought, and followed as usual by changeable weather. Cold and wet after them on this occasion. ... 21. At Caermarthen, Llandillo, and Harbeath (Pembrokeshire). — (G. Mag. v.lxxii. 1154.) 1005. Jan. 12. Vale of Clwyd, at 7 p.m.— (G. Mag. v. Ixxv. 173.) 180G. May 29. At Comrie two smart shocks. Noise very loud. Wind NW. Weather dry and sultry. Was dry for some days before, and continued so for weeks after. Heavy rain and great thunder in the following July, and again in August. 1809. Jan. 9. At Comrie, in morning, a violent shock, with very loud and prolonged noise; the smartest since 7th September 1801. The weather, which had been stormy, had become soft and agreeable, — snow melting. It was calm and serene at time of the shock. ... 18. Dunning and Bridge of Allan, In Perthshire, 2 a.m. Sound from N W., which became louder and louder. After continuing half a minute, it seemed to come near, and suddenly earth heaved perpendicularly, and with a tremulous motion the ground seemed to roll in a SE. direction. After shock passed, noise also died away. At this time, atmosphere was calm, dense, and Mr Milno on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 115 1809. cloudy ; and for some hours both before and after, there was no motion in the air. Fahr. therm, at 2'^ 30' was 17°. The previous day was cahn and cloudy, therm, at 8 a.m. 14° ; at 8 P.M. 13°, In morning of shock at 8 a.m., thermometer was 19° J at 8 P.M. 16°, Mr P. Martin, surgeon, was on horseback at the time, and his horse from fright stopped. The noise was greatest during the shock. Jan. 31. Strontian (Argylcshire), five shocks, which extended over the neighbourhood, and were accompanied by a noise like distant thunder. Feb. 1. Strontian, one shock. ... 4. do. two shocks. The first of these displaced all move- able articles in houses, and shook the buildings much. ... 6. do. two shocks. ... G. do. one shock. Note. — These shocks at Strontian are stated to have all occurred between 5 and 7 r.M. on each day. They were distinctly felt by miners below ground. — (Scots Mag. V. Ixxi. 31 G.) 1810. Nov. 15. At Comrie a smart shock, between 14th and 15th. Noise loud. Wind N. for some days. Hard frost followed. 1811. Oct. 12. At Clwyd (Wales), at 7 p.m. Nov. 18. Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties, accompanied by deep rumbling noise, similar to that of a distant discharge of heavy ordnance. ... 30. Portsmouth, Gosport, &c., shook the houses so much, that people sprang out of bed ; accompanied by a hollow rumbling noise. The water in the harbour was violently agitated for some minutes. — (Scots Magaz. v. Ixxiv. 71.) 1812. Jan. 18. In Oxfordshire and adjoining counties, a smart shock felt, '' accorryianied with a deep rumbling noise, similar to a dis- charge of heavy ordnance. In some places, this noise con- tinued for upwards of 10'." May 1. Shock felt at Neath in Gloucestershire, '' attended by a noise as loud as the report of a large piece of ordnance apparently ^ a great depth in the earth, which shook houses and threw down some chimneys. — (Gent. Mag. v. Ixxxii. 479.) Sept. 10. At Comrie a shock this night. The next day cloudy and warm; excellent weather followed. On 11th the wind NW. Oct. 17 and 18. On Nith at night.— (G. Mag. v. Ixxxii. 487.) 1813. Sept. 24. Shock at Stamford and neighbouring towns from W. to E. 1814. Nov^ 20 to 26. At Comrie, some slight shocks were felt this week. Hard frost and snow for some days. The weather this winter changeable, and generally in extremes. 116 Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain. 1816. Mar. 17. At \2\ Doncaster, Bawtrey, Blytlie, Carlton, Works of Shef- field, Chesterfield, Mansfield, Nottingham, Lincoln (12^50'), W. to E.; Gainsborough, Newark, Leicester, Loughborough, Derby, Matlock, at 12^ 45'. Pictures on the walls were set a-swinging. Several chimneys were thrown down ; accom- panied by an apparent gust of wind, and a loud rumbling noise.— (G. Mag. v. Ixxxvi. QQQ.) Aug 6. Perth at 10'^ 45' p.m. Dunkeld, Carse of Gowrie, Strathearn. ... 13» Inverness, 10^45' p.m.; Ross, Forres, Moray, Banff, Aber- deen, Montrose, Forfar, Wick, Loch Lochy. Scarcely felt in Edinburgh, and on west coast of Ross-shire. At Fraser- burgh, beds heaved and rocked ; and the noise there was like a heavy weight sliding down house-roof. Night hazy and calm. Shock everywhere simultaneous. Reached the Pentland Frith on north, and Coldstream on south, so that it affected all Scot- land. It was, however, chiefly felt between the Tay and Pentland Frith. Direction of concussion from NW. to SE. Greatest violence was under town of Inverness, as its centre. " The fabric of the whole building" (in which Sir Thomas D. Lauder was) " shook from its foundation ; and the floor . and the chair on which I sat, were several times moved power- fully up and down in quick succession, whilst, along with this vertical motion, I felt the chair rapidly agitated horizontally backwards and forwards, as if some Herculean person had taken it up with both hands from behind, and shaken it vio- lently. Of this compound motion I was perfectly sensible." (Farther Extracts from Sir Thomas D. Lauder's Account of Earthquake 0/1816. J 1816. Aug. 13. The barometer at Relugas, which was about 29.20, did not seem to have been affected. Though the whole summer had been very wet and stormy, the previous day, and particularly the evening, was fine and still. The shodc was followed by the same stillness. The following morning was calm, but gloomy ; and a thick rain came on, which continued to fall incessantly for above sixty hours, and indeed for the next month there was hardly any fair weather. A man travelling on foot, in the mountains south of Relugas, gave the following account. He was first alarmed by a sud- den and tremendous noise as of a rushing wind, which came sweeping up the hills like a roar of water. This was instantly followed by the rumbling sound, or rhombo, — and the ground was then sensibly heaved up and down under his feet. Next morning I examined in my own neighbourhood, everywhere, the surface of the ground, but could not discern the slightest ' vestige of a crack. Dogs howled, and poultry on the roost manifested much dismay. A horse started with his rider, and would not move forward. At Inverness some stones Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 117 181G. were thrown from the tops of houses across the street. The spire of the county jail was rent through, and the part above the rent was twisted round several inches ; — as the direction of the undulation was towards the SE., the upper part was left behind. The mason-lodge was rent from top to bottom, and the north stalk of the chimney partly thrown down. A slighter shock was felt about half an hour afterwards. At Montrose, a vivid flash of lightning was observed to follow after the shock. At Dunkeld, a small meteor was seen to pass from E. to W. just about the time of the earthquake. There the houses were much shaken. Immediately after the shock commenced, I felt a kind of faint- ishness, which did not leave me for two hours. The same felt by others. I know persons who have the same feeling . during a thunder-storm. This faintish feeling was in some persons attended by a very slight degree of sickness. All alluvial positions were more convulsed, than more stable for- mations in their close vicinity. Such a rainy season as the past, has hardly been remembered by any one. At the Kessock-Ferry, the ferrymen felt their boat heaved sud- denly and rapidly, as if projected over two or three large waves. The night and sea were calm. Notes from Newspapers. At Inverness the shock lasted 20". The motion came from the N. and W., whereby the stones in the upper part of the spire were thrown to NW. Stones on chimney-tops were also thrown to NW. At Montrose, the bells rung, and bed-curtains moved as if by wind. The weather on the preceding day was cold and stormy from the north ; but on the evening of the earthquake, it was uncommonly mild and calm. It has been succeeded by a tempest of wind and rain from NE. The shock felt at Perth and Dunkeld. The noise seemed to die away to the west. At Perth there were two shocks separated by half a minute, and there seemed to be a forward and then a backward motion of the earth. Excessive and long-continued rains had fallen in north of Scot- land, for some months previous to earthquake. The eflTects of this earthquake were perceived along the east coasts, but not farther south than the Tay, and not farther west than Loch Lochy. This earthquake said to have been felt, though very slightly, in Edinburgh and Leith. — (G. Mag. V. Ixxxvi. Part 2d, p. 269; and Annals of Philos., 1816-7.) Aug. 19 and 20. Shocks on both days in Inverness and neighbourhood. Sept. 24. Mr Gilfillan of Comrie states that there was an uncommon phenomenon in the air,— a large luminous body, bent like a orcsceutj which istretched itfi«lf over the heavens* 118 Mr Milne on Earthquake-Shocks felt in Great Britain. 1817. Jan. 27. Shock at Mansfield and adjoining villages. April 26. At 6^^ 30' a. m., a smart shock felt at Glasgow, Inverness, Greenock, and slightly at Leith. Windows were violently shaken. June 10. At 1^^ 2i)' p. m., a smart shock in Urquhart, Dores, and near In- verness. ... 16. At 6 A. M., two smart shocks felt iti same places. Aug. 7. At 8^1 20', a slight shock in same places. ... 31. A smart shock in same places. 1818. Feb. 6. Coningby (Lincolnshire). " iJ'oise like the subterranean firing of cannon heard at the time." — (G. Mag. v. Ixxxviii. 171.) ... 19. Aberdeenshire. ... 20. Inverness at 1^20'. Also at Coningby (Lincolnshire) at 3 p.m. (where, " accompanied by noise like firing of cannon"), and east end of Holderness. Felt also at Kirton in Lindsey, where meteor apparently about size of cannon ball with a streamer behind it ; seen at same time moving in ait with great velocity. — (G. Mag. v. Ixxxvi. p. 364.) April Smart shock felt from one side of Lincolnshire to the other, and extended across Holderness in Yorkshire. June 19. Comrie, two shocks at an interval of a minute. Sept. 1. Inverness. Nov. 10. Inverness at 12^ 20' p. m. — (G. Mag. v. Ixxxviii. Part 2d, p. 567.) 1819. Nov. 28. At Comrie a very smart shock between 1 and 2 a.m., and more alarming than anyfor ten years. Wind uncertain that day and before. Cold, and appearance of snow. It came from N W. The noise, while passing below us, during 10", produced the moving of furniture, jingling of plates, &c. It was accom- panied with the usual hollow grumbling sound. 1820. May 20. Wanlockhead, Dumfries. Nov. 28. At 8 A.M. and 11^30' p.m., and on 29Lh at 10^^30' at Leadhills. Shook bed, and was felt in the mines. The shock was felt 10 miles to E. and 3 or 4 miles to W. 1821. Oct. 9 or 10. Strathearn, a few miles east of Crieff. Noise resembled tliat of mail-coach on bad road. '' I felt the ground move under my feet, as if I had been on piece of moving bog." ... 22. Comrie, Crieff, Loch Erne, Inverary, also 13 miles down Loch Fine, with thunder and lightning. Nov. 27. Leadhills and AVanlockhead at 8 a.m., a flight shock, with a hollow rumbling noise. The miners heard the sound very distinctly at a depth of 150 fathoms. On the same day, at 11 p. m., another shock was felt with a still louder sound, but unaccompanied by any trembling of the earth. Mr Milne on Earthquake -Shocks felt in Great Britain, 119 1822. March. Shock near York, which shook people in their beds. April 13. A shock was felt at Comrie about 9i a.m. Very awful shock. More so than for twenty years past. The weather very cold that day and previously, but became warm the day after. Accompanied by two loud reports, one apparently above our heads, the other which followed immediately under our feet. The noise lasted 30", and was much louder than any thunder. The shock threw down a number of pots and pans, &c. ... 22. A shock was felt at Dunkeld at 9i a.m. Sept. 18. A smart shock of an earthquake was felt at Dunston, near New- castle-on-Tyne, between 1 and 2 a.m., accompanied by a loud noise like distant thunder. 1826. Dec. 26. Ardvoirlich (Loch Erne). Sound which preceded shock re- sembled that of blast in a quarry. Felt at same hour (2 p.m.) at Leadhills. Day was warm, thick, and hazy. 1827. Feb. 9. At 7 p. M. in NW. part of Wales and Isle of Anglesea, for 40" to 1'. Furniture overturned. Noise like cart laden with stones. At Rippon (Yorkshire) a tremendous explosion heard, which shook whole neighbourhood. Earth shook, so as to cause a fissure nearly 20 yards wide, which found to be 24 yards deep. 1828. May 20. An earthquake in the south of Scotland, which was felt in the mines of Wanlockhead. Felt also near Dumfries. Dec. 9. At Comrie, the third within last three months. 1831. March 1. At Ardvoirlich, Killin, Tyndrum, at 11 p.m. Came frome NW. Night calm, frosty. Sound resembled a sudden gust of win^. It shook doors and windows. Barometer at Inverness for February was 29.10, the lowest monthly average for the year. The average of the year was 29.64G. At Castle-Toward (120 feet above sea) the average height of the barometer for the year was 29.90. The mean height of barometer for February was 29.71, being the lowest of the monthly means. Rain in February was 6.3 inches, in March 7.4 inches, for the year 66.05 inches. 1833. Mar. 20. Glengarry, door at inn was lifted off the latch. At Clunie Manse (Perthshire) the barometer, on average for year, stood at 29.69 inches. In February the average was 29.26, being the lowest of all the months. At Castle-Toward (120 feet above sea) barometer for year was 29.64, being lowest for year, except that in November, which was 29.06. But the minimum for February (28.68) was lower than for any other mouth. Rain in February was 6,8 inches^ in ^larch 1.2 inches, for year 65,4. 120 Mr Milne on Earthquake'Shocks felt in Great Britain. 1833. June 11. North of Manchester. Sept. 18. At 10 A.M. Chichester, Birdham, Llphook. Barometer 29.26, the air very sultry, warm, and still ; wind from S. and SW. On previous evening, a brilliant aurora with meteors falling. A rushing wind heard before the shock. The shock produced a tremor, followed by an undulation. The pheasants crowed. The shock was felt in a boat in Chichester harbour, as if it had struck a rock. To a person in an old cottage, the shock resembled the sudden turning of a powerful steam-engine or thrashing-machine. In solid buildings, the shock was like the falling of a weighty body, followed by a prolonged undu- lation. Nov. 13. At 2^40' A.M., Chichester (Dorsetshire). A thick fog preceded it on previous day, which came from E., which continued till 9 A.M. on 13th. A distinct low sound preceded shock, which consisted of a number of undulations rapidly succeed- ing each other. Another and much slighter shock occurred at Chichester about 6 a.m. This thick fog said, by an observer in Dorsetshire, to be pre- cisely similar to the fog which accompanied the Lisbon earthquakes in 1807 and 181G. This fog commenced on the 12th, succeeding heavy rain on the 11th November. Numerous meteors observed in North America at 3 a.m. on 13th November 1833. 1834. Jan. 23. At 2^ 45' a.m. Longfleet near Poole (Dorsetshire), Liphook, Famhurst, Petworth, Pulborough, Bognor, Portsmouth ; ba- rometer 30 inches, but barometer had previously risen and fallen very capriciously, without any corresponding change on weather. Morning of previous day was rainy, foggy, and warm. At time of shock, air was calm, but instantly after, wind rose and blew strong from S W. with rain and lightning. The same humid weather prevailed up to close of January, and season was a fortnight nearly in advance, up to end of March. A tremor was felt during the shock, which was followed by several undulatory movements, with two-thirds of a second intervening betwixt each. The undulation was at Stansted House from W. to E., and appeared to be single. It lifted a bed there. At Pulborough, three distinct shocks were felt in quick succession. The centre of intensity was a few miles NW. of Chichester. The shock was not felt on Portsdown hill, but along the north and south sides. All the shocks were more severely felt at the lowest places. Feb. 20. At 2 aIm. Chichester, a slight shock. Note. — The four preceding notices regarding the Chichester earthquakes have been extracted from a printed report which Professor Forbes (Edinburgh) obtained for the au- thor of this m^moir^ aud which report Was ^tA^i\ up from Mr Milne on Earthquake- Shocks felt in Great Britain, 121 1834. inquiries by a committee at Chichester. Towards the con- clusion of the report, it is observed that in May 1833 (though the previous spring had been backward) vegeta- tion had advanced more rapidly than usual. At the early part of September, there was occasionally rain, during which the barometer got down to nearly 28 inches. For ten weeks before the occurrence of the shock of 23d January 1834, the wind had pertinaciously prevailed SW., and it had rained almost daily to a depth of nearly 12 inches. The temperature, of the ground had been unprecedentedly high for mid- winter, and the water in the wells 2° above the average. Aug. 27. At 10^* 25' P.M., along Hampshire coast, Portsmouth, South- ampton, &c. A whirlwind at W. of Chichester, three hours ^ previously. Appearance of sunset extraordinary, and a West India gentleman predicted an earthquake. A low rumbling noise heard before shock. One of the men on the duty of the preventive service, on the shore south of Chichester, at a dis- tance from any building, heard a loud report, like that of a great gun. Knowing that it could not be from any of the Portsmouth guns, he exclaimed, '^ What is that !" and imme- mediately felt the earth shaking under his feet. The Griper (sloop-of-war) lying in Chichester harbour was thrown con- siderably over to the south. The noise was verj' great, and the crew were much alarmed, thinking that a lighter had run ngainst her. — (Chichester Report.) Sept. 21. At 11J»20' A.M. Earthquake felt at Chichester. The day was cold and cloudy, after several days and nights of extraordi- 1835. nary and unseasonably hot weather. Jan. 12. At 8 a.m. at Chichester, a slight shock felt. — (Chichester Re- port.) Aug. 20. In Lancashire at midnight. Another at 2>\ a.m. next morning. Sensation of rising and sinking of ground. 1836. Oct. 24. At Blytheswood, 10 a.m. The Milan mcagnetic-needic much affected on 18th October. 1837. Feb. 8. Loch Erne covered by black scum. On Thursday morning it disappeared from centre and collected at sides. Also at • Miggar (8 or 0 miles from Loch Erne) some clothes left out all night covered with black powder. Nov. 24. Shock at Camelford. 1838. Jan. 21. At Tynehcad, a rent formed half a mile long. Mar. 17. 1 P.M. at Shrewsbury. Shocks ran chiefly S. or SE. Bells tingled, a ruler rolled from a desk on which it was lying. ... 27. Shrewsbury, Hnnwood, Dovington, &c. (1 p.m.) Kov. Shock felt at Crieff, 122 Braconnot on Organic Matter in Primitive Bocks. 1839. Mar. 20. (3^ a.m.) Glengarry (Inverncss-sliire), doors lifted ofF latches. Boat on canal felt sliock, and people in it heard noise rever- berated among hills. Shock felt at Kingussie between 2 and 3 A.M. May 24. At 2 a.m. two shocks at Crieff, each of which lasted 2", accom- panied by subterranean noise of much longer duration. The weather next day soft. June 11. Shock felt north of Manchester. Sept. 1. On Sunday morning at 1 a.m. at Bristol, Newport, Cardiff, and other places in South Wales, Shrewsbury. East of Bristol, beds rocked, and crockery thrown down, and doors opened. {Mr GilfiUan's letter j with the rest of this article containing the inferences deduced from the preceding Register, will be given in the next Number.) Braconnot on Organic Matter in Primitive Bocks^ and Br&ng- niart on the Conversion of the Felspar of Primitive Bocks into Porcelain Clay, 1. — Braconnot on Organic Matter in Primitive Bocks. Braconnot has submitted to dry distillation in porcelain re- torts, various rocks, which plainly belong to the primitive for- mation, and has obtained sometimes an acid, and very often an ammoniacal water, with a small quantity of combustible matter, whence he draws the conclusion that these rocks were formed in a water in which animals lived, whose remains are the cause of tlie combustible and ammoniacal products. The result of these experiments would in this way therefore be completely in opposition to the Plutonian theory, and would be an additional proof for the Neptunian. If we follow up with attention the breaking up of a solid rock, we perceive that the newly-uncovered surface of the broken-up mass is always moist, and after it has been for a time exposed to the air, and thus been dried, it acquires another aspect. We know that meteoric water, after it has passed through a thinner or thicker bed of decayed organic matter with which the surface is covered, percolates deeply into the rock, and that it is constantly being pumped out of our mines. We find that this water not only percolates through the fissures, but that it also penetrates the mass of the rock ; can we then be surprised that so much of the organic matter carried from the surface in the course of thousands of years is collected, as to be noticeable when the ' rocks are exposed to the process of dry distillation ? Every mica contains a little water ; all Brongniart on (he Formation of Porcelain Cla\j. 123 calcareous silicates contain so much organic matter, that when heated, even in small quantities, in a close tube, they give out an empyreumatic smell, and sometimes alkalina water, and that the residue becomes black, but is again burned white in the open air. All this is nothing else but the consequence of the superficial water impregnated with such matters pene- trating into the rocks, and there depositing from what it ac- quired from the external surface everything that could be united with the component parts of these rocks by a sort of relationship. 2. — Brongniart on the Conversion of the Felspar of Primitive Pocks into Porcelain Clay. The frequent conversion of the felspar of primitive rocks into porcelain clay or kaolin^ is intimately connected with the views just mentioned ; and is an operation which would be quite impossible if water did not penetrate the solid mass of the rock, and produce a decomposition by which the kaolin is formed from the previously existing crystallized or crystalline felspar. Professor Alexander Brongniart has lately published an essay on the formation and composition of kaolin, and the following interesting statement is taken from it. . During the long period in which J3rongniart has been Direc- tor of the Royal Porcelain Manufactory of Sevres, he has caused analyses to be made by the chemists there, and more especially by Malaguti, of the kaolin of various countries, and has likewise, in the course of his travels, himself visited most of the localities. The analyses shew that kaolin consists of aliimina and silicic acid, with or without potash or soda; but that the relative quantities of alumina and silicic acid are not in constant reciprocal proportions. The following are the analyses of some of these porcelain clays : — . Locality. li K« II ■ft* li 1^ pSgJ if SchlettJ, • Meissen. Zetlitz. Freybcrg. „**" u if a.— it II P. Silicic Acid, . 43.0 57.3 ]57.6 54.50 58.3 53.0 53.1 52.5 '56.0 56.0 53.8 64.0 38.0 Alumina, . . 40.0 42.6 43.4;43.50 41.7 47.0 46.9 47.5 I35.O '44.0 46.2 36.0 32.0 Lime or Mag- J nesia, ) 0.3 _ _ 0.34 Potash, . . . — 1.68 Water, . ■. . 14.0 23.0 1 .• 121 Brongniart on the Formation of Porcelain Clay, Brongniart has found, as the result of the various analyses, that what is termed kaolin, or true porcelain clay, is always a product of the decomposition of felspar in the primitive rocks, which, however, does not preclude clays in general being also formed by the weathering and decomposition of other minerals. An opinion different from this has been expressed by Fuchs, who assumes that kaolin is formed from a peculiar mineral resembling felspar, which he has analyzed and found to con- sist of N S 3 + C S 2 + 9 A S. It is, however, difficult to understand in what way the large quantity of silicate of lime contained in it can be dissolved and carried away. The kind of primitive rock in which the kaolin is most fre- quently formed, and in which it is purest, is pegmatite or gra- phic granite, which is composed of a lamellar compound of quartz and felspar. It is, however, also formed in common granite, in gneiss, as well as in diorite and porphyry. The kaolin of Passau and St Yrieux occurs in gneiss, that of Auer- bach and Zetlitz in granite. At St Yrieux a portion of it is met with in diorite, and at Mori in porphyry. In regard to the circumstances which cause the conversion of felspar into kaolin, the change seems chiefly ascribable to perhaps a hydro-electrical influence exercised on a neighbour- ing rock, which is always met with in close proximity to the spots where the kaolin is found. This rock is of a red colour, in consequence of its containing a large quantity of oxide of iron. This circumstance was first remarked by Gehlen, when he examined the repository of kaolin at Passau. Kuhn has adduced another striking proof upon this subject. Near Sosa in Saxony, kaolin is found. A vein of quartz which cuts through the granite, has on both sides a thick sahlbandoi iron- ore, and on both sides of the vein the felspar of the granite is converted into kaolin, which is of excellent quality. Brongniart lias found in every locality where he has examined reposi- tories of kaolin, that they are surrounded by a very ferruginous rock. It may also be added that the granite of Carlsbad, in which large felspar-crystals occur, which, though still retain- ing the crystalline form of felspar, have been converted into kaolin, is strongly coloured red by oxide of iron. As to the formation of the kaolin, and the unequal propor- tions in which the remaining silicic acid and alumina are therein combined, he states tho following probabilities : — 1. M. Boussingault on Air found in the Fores of Snow, 125 That the decomposition took place under unequal influences, in consequence of which sometimes more, sometimes less, of the silicic acid, was left undissolved ; 2. The dissolving medium could deposit silica while the potash was taken up ; and, 3. The kaolin could be formed from other minerals besides fel- spar. He considers this last supposition improbable, but the second very probable. In the mean while the first seems the most probable of all ; it requires only one condition to explain the dissimilarity of the result, viz. a greater or smaller amount of carbonic acid in the water, by which sometimes more, some- times less, silica would be separated from the alkali.* On the Composition of the Air found in the Pores of Snow, By M. Boussingault. During his staj^ on the Col du Geant, Saussure, upon examining the air enclosed in the pores of snow, thought that it contained considerably less oxygen than the air of the atmosphere. The following is the account he has left us. '' We thought, but a little too late, of collecting the air enclosed in the Interstices of the snow, and we carried it to M. Sennebier for the purpose of analyzing it. At Geneva, a mixture of equal parts of atmospheric air and nitrous gas afforded him, twice consecutively, 1.01. The air of snow, tested in the same manner, gave him on one occasion 1.85, and on another 1.86. This experiment, which appears to indicate a great degree of im- purity in this air, would have required trials to ascertain the nature of the gas which occupies the place of oxygen in the air in question."f At the time when the beautiful investigations of Saussure were under- taken, the eudiometer had madtj little progress ; but, notwithstanding its imperfection, it was difficult to admit that such observers as Saussure and Sennebier had been deceived in regard to the difference observed in the composition of two gases, analyzed by the same means and in the same conditions. It was this consideration which induced me to repeat Saus- sure's experiment when I happened to be among the glaciers of America. In the first attempt made by Colonel Hall and myself to ascend Chim- bora9o,;}; on the side looking to ChlUapullu, we fell in with snow so loose and deep that it was impossible, notwithstanding our utmost efforts, to get beyond the height of 6115 metres. It was at this point that I filled a jar with snow, sealing it hermetically. When we reached the hut where we were to pass the night, the snow was completely melted; the water produced by Its fusion occupied \ of the vessel. Having analj'zed the air In the vessel by means of phosphorus, I ascertained that it contaiHed only 16 or 17 in the 100 of oxygen. * From Berzelius's Jahres-Berxcht^ Yittr Jahrgang. t Saussure, tome viL p. 472. X See Jameson's Philosophical Journal, vol. xix. p. 88. 126 M. Boussingaiilt on Air found in the Pores of Snow. Saussure's old experiment^ which I had again brought into notice by ve- rifying it among the perpetual snows of the Andes, attracted the attention of natural philosophers. A German observer, M. Bischoff, in a scries of re- searches relative to the physical history of the globe which he carried on during an excursion among the Alps, had an opportunity of again taking up the inquiry. lie triturated hardened snow under water ; the air pro- cured by this means, analyzed in the eudiometer with sulphuret of potas- sium, afibrded only from 10 to 11 in 100 of oxygen. Up to this time these researches had been carried on in elevated regions on glaciers; it was of interest, in order to complete them, to examine the air of snow collected near the level of the sea. It was with this view that I made some observations on snow fallen at Paris, in the end of De- cember 1840, and in the beginning of January 1841. On the 20th Decem- ber, I closely pressed snow recently fallen into a receiver, which I placed on the mercurial trough. The compressed snow occupied a volume of 287^'^- After melting, the volume of air disengaged was about 109c-c. at the temperature of 4°5, and under a pressure of 0'^-743. Let it be 104.8cc- at 0°, and the pressure 0™-76. The volume of water was 200CC. The air examined on the 23d December yielded by phosphorus, in the first analysis, 18.6 in 100 of oxygen; in a second, 18.8. On 6th January, a receiver, of the capacity of 127''-*^- was filled with compressed snow. After fusion, we obtained 43^<^- of air at the tem- perature of 1°, and under the pressure of 0'^-735. Let it be at 0°, and the pressure 0™- .76, 4lc.c .4. The volume of water was SO'^-'^- The air, analyzed shortly after the fusion of the snow, contained 19 in 100 of oxygen. Tlius the air disengaged during the fusion of the snow, contains at Paris, cquall}^ as on the Alps and the Andes, considerably less oxygen than air from the atmosphere. May we not then conclude that such is really the composition of the air enclosed in the pores of snow before its fusion ? Unquestionably not ; and on this occasion I shall again bring forward an opinion which I expressed in the account of my ascent of Chimbora^o, while relating the fact confirmatory of Saussure's obser- vation. " The eudiometrical result which I obtained is certainly free from all objection, but I believe that new experiments are still necessary to prove clearly that the air which I examined was exactly that which existed in the pores of the snow before melting. In fact, it is necessary to wait till the melting of the snow in order to procure this air ; the gas in the vessel is placed in contact with the scarcely or not at all aerated water which has resulted from this fusion. Now we know, that, in similar circum- stances, the oxygen dissolves 'much more easily in the water than the azote, and that the air with which the water is saturated is richer in oxy- gen than that of the atmosphere. The air remaining in the vessel may M. Boussingault on Air found in the Fores of Snow. 127 therefore be less rich in oxygen, although in reality the whole air con- tained in the snow was of the ordinary composition."* Such is the true explanation of the small proportion of oxygen de- tected in air emanating from snow during its fusion ; this will be de- monstrated by the experiments already cited, when I shall have com- pleted them by the following observations. On the 20th December and 6th January, independently of the experi- ments already related, I made arrangements for others on a larger scale, in order to obtain a sufficiency of snow-water to enable me to extract the air and analyze it. I shall confine myself to an account of one of these experiments. From 260^-^' of water produced by the melting of snow, wc obtained by continued boiling 12'^'^- of air at the temperature of 3°.2, pressure 0^- 751 . Let it be 1 l^-c- .62 at 0'' and pressure 0™. 76. This air, analyzed by phosphorus, contained 32 in 100 of oxygen, a result wliich entirely agrees with those obtained by MM. de Humboldt and Gay-Lussac ;t they found that air derived from Distilled aerated water, contains oxygen, 32.9 in 100 Water of the Seine, . . . 81.9 Rain water, . . . . 31.0 ... By referring again to the preceding experiments, and taking into ac- count the air enclosed in the volumes of water obtained, we perceive that, although the air disengaged from the snow contained only 18.7 and 19 of oxygen, the totality of this air, that is to say, the air measured and the air dissolved, the volume of which has been disregarded, contained, as nearly as possible, 20 in 100 of oxygen, a number approaching very nearly to that adopted to represent the oxygen of the atmosphere. There is, besides this, a much more direct means of ascertaining the real composition of the air of snow. This consists in filling a glass vessel with snow, and conducting the operation as if engaged in extracting air from a liquid. The following is an example, being an experiment made on the 6th January : — 350'^-^- of snow afforded 11 ^-^-.S of air, at the temperature of 3".3, and under the pressure of 0'"- 740. Analyzed by phosphorus, this air gave in the 100 — In the first analysis, . . . 20.3 In the second, .... 21.0 This is very nearly the quantity of oxygen found in the air of the atmosphere on the same day, and by the same means. In my opinion, it was of considerable importance to determine the real composition of the air contained in the interstices of snow, for if it had been proved that there was a smaller quantity of oxygen, the fact, from the considerations we are about to mention, would have gone directly to support the hypo- ♦ Annales de Chimie et de Physique, tome Iviii. p. 150, and Jameson's PhUoso- phical Journal, vol. xix. p. 101. t Memoir on the Eudiometer, Jov/mal de Phynque, 12S M. Bousslngavilt on Air found In the Pores of Snow. thesis of Dalton, who admits that the proportion of oxygen in the atmo- sphere diminishes with its height. If, indeed, we consider snow as an aggregation of small crystals of ice formed in the higher regions, avc must necessarily conclude, on witnessing the large quantity of air which it encloses, that, when the water dissolved in the atmosphere condenses into snow, it does not expel this large portion of air which it always al- lows to disengage when congealing on the surface of the earth ; if wo may not suppose, say MM. de Humboldt and Gay-Lussac, that snow retains a certain quantity of air enclosed in its minute crystals. Air adheres to snow in a very remarkable manner, and this shews that it penetrates even the smallest crystals of ice. Very little gas is obtained by passing snow under a bell-glass full of water at the temperature of 1° or 2°. The air is not disengaged in any abundance, except in the very act of melting. This intimate penetration of the minute crystals which constitute snow, cannot permit us to entertain much doubt that the air derived from them comes for the most part from the regions of the at- mosphere where the meteor is formed. According to the analysis which I have given, we arc not entitled to believe that the composition of this air is distinct from that of the lower regions, at least the difference, if any such exist, is certainly of the nature of those which arise from errors of observation. But, considered in relation to its origin, the air enclosed in the interstices of snow presents sufficient interest to render its analysis again desirable, when the processes of meteorological chemistry shall have been suitably perfected. Uj) to the present day, however, it must be understood that the results of experiment do not tend to confirm Dalton's conjectures. Accordingly, in his memorable ascent, M. Gay- Lussac having obtained air at the enormous elevation of 6680 metres, did not find in it a different proportion of oxygen from that in the air of Paris with which it was analyzed comparatively. In the work which this celebrated natural philosopher prepared in conjunction with M. dc Humboldt, he gives the oxygen of the air of Paris at 0°.21, and this number scarcely differs from that deduced from the analysis made by M. Brunner on the Faulhorn, at the height of 2600 metres, by a process which certainly possesses advantages over the old method. M. Brunner in fact found 20.915 for the oxygen of the air at this station. To complete, as far as it is in my power, the results obtained re- specting the composition of the atmosphere at different heights, I shall state the results of the analysis which I made during my stay among the Andes. At Santa F^ de Bogota, at the height of 2643 metres, during the month of April 1825, Volta's eudiometer gave me 20.65 for the oxygen of the air. At Ibagut^ at the foot of the Quindiu Chain, height 1323 metres, I obtained 20.7 for the oxygen of the atmosphere, on December 1826. At Mariquita, situate in the valley of the Rio-Grande de la Magdalena, at an elevation of 548 metres, a series of anal^^ses by the spongy plati- num, made in November 1826, indicated 20.77 as the oxygen of the air* ( 129 ) 071 the Geological Structure of the Northern and Central Be* gions ofBussia in Europe. By Roderick Impey Murchison, F.R.S., M.R.I.A., President of the Geological Society of London, &c., and E. de Verneuil, Vice-President de la Societe Geologique de France.* Thb Memoir, of which the following is an abstract, is the result of a journey through the Northern and Central Governments of Russia in Europe, made during the summer of 1840, a verbal account of some of the cliief points of which, accompanied by a new geological map of those regions, was offered to the public at the last meeting of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, September 1840. Introduction. —The authors preface their memoir with a sketch of the condition of geological knowledge concerning the flat and central coun- tries of Russia in Europe anterior to their visit, and shew that the early efforts of Strangwayst had not been followed up by any connected at- tempt to establish the classification and succession of the older sedimen- tary deposits on the true principles of the order of their superposition,, and their distinctions hy organic remains. They point out, however, that certain elements of the subject had been prepared ; first, by the map and descriptions of Strangways ; secondly, by the publication of the palseon- tological works of Fischer de Waldheim, Pander, and Eichwald ; thirdly, by the recent researches of Colonel Helmersen in the Waldai Hills ; and fourthly, by the important zoological distinctions indicated by M. Leo- pold de Buch, who, on hearing of the plan of the voyage of the authors, expressed his belief (from the examination of certain fossils alone) that the triple subdivision of the paliBozoic rocks into the Carboniferous, Old Red, and Silurian systems, as indicated by Mr Murchison,J would be found to prevail in Livonia and Courland. After alluding to the vast importance to the Russian empire of a cor- rect knowledge of the subsoil of these flat regions, the authors explained the scheme which they had devised, before they left their own countries, for ascertaining the data required. Aware of the two great difficulties which are opposed to the examination of this region, — the slight altitude of the masses above the sea, and the vast quantity of drift or the sliglit superficial detritus, which obscures the fundamental rocks, — they over- came these obstacles by examining, in succession, the banks of the rivers between the longitude of St Petersburgh and of Archangel, which, flow- ing from N.N.W. to S.S.E., or transverse to the only apparent lines of * A copy of this interesting abstract was sent to us by our friend Mr Murchison previously to his leaving England for the Continent — Edit, t Geol. Trans. t Silurian System and Map. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXI. JULY X841. I 130 Murchison jftid Verneull on the Geological Structure elevation, might be expected to offer tlic evidences required. They also ascended the great Dwina, from the White Sea to Oustiug Yeliki ; and afterwards extended their researches to the south of Nijnii Novogorod, in order to determine the relations of the secondary rocks to those older deposits with which they had become familiar. In terminating these introductory explanations, theauthors dwelt with pleasure on the valuable assistance they had received, particularly in the early part of their tour, from the Baron A. de Meyendorf,^ now execut- ing, by order of his Imperial Majesty, a statistical survey of Russia, who endeavoured to combine geology and natural history with the chief ob- ject of his expedition by attaching to it two excellent naturalists. Count Keyserling and Professor Blasius. They further testified their warm thanks to the Russian minister the Count de Cancrine, who specially aided this geological inquiry ; and they also acknowledged their obliga- tions to Count Nesselrcde, Count Alexander Strogonoff, Baron Hum- boldt, Baron Brunnow, and General TchefFkine.t They further expressed their sense of the value of the services of a zealous young geologist. Lieutenant Koksherof. without whose aid the authors could not have ac- complished their task. A geotegical map and sections illustrated the de- scription, and the characteristic fossils of each group were laid u]3on the table. Crystalline Rocks, Metamorphic Hocks, Trap Rocks, Physical Geogra- phy, y 138 Murchison and Verneuil on (he Geological Structure erratic blocks, which he can demonstrate were deposited upon the bottom of the sea. Angular block-ridges on lake and river Banks. — On the western shore of the great lake of Onega, the attention of the authors was directed by Colonel Armstrong," to three parallel ridges of large angular blocks of hard grit (old red sandstone?), which occur at heights, varying from 20 or 30 to 150 feet or more above the level of the water. As these blocks were identical in composition with the solid subjacent rock, and also quite angular, it was at once evident that they had not been drifted, but simply rent from the solid rock which forms that side of the lake. On a first in- spection, the authors were disposed to think that these appearances might have been caused by upheaving or vertical shocks of earthquakes, which they presumed might be among the last signs of the great igneous action which had once been so dominant in these northern tracts ; and they were unable to account for them satisfactorily, until they detected the results of modern action of river ice, which completely explaijied the lacustrine case. About 80 miles above Archangel they met with a ridge of large angular blocks of white limestone piled up between the road on which they tra- velled and the river edge, and about 20 or 30 feet above the stream. Hav- ing ascertained that this great river was periodically subject to occasional extraordinary rises in the spring, and that on those occasions it bursts and throws up upon its banks blocks of ice to heights of 20 or 30 feet above its ordinary level, they had at once a solution of the phenomenon ; for the blocks of white limestone had evidently formed parts of the sub- jacent strata, which, projecting into the mud and water on the edge of the Dwina, had been first entangled in ice, and rent ofi" at their natural joints upon the expansion of the ice by which they were upheaved into their present position, taking their present irregular talus shape when the ice melted away from them. Believing, therefore, that the angular ledges on the lake of Onega were similarly formed, the authors see in them the proofs of the lakes of Northern Russia having formerly stood at much higher levels, from which the waters, they suppose, have been let off by successive elevations of the land ; and they further think, that the dimi- nution of shallow lakes, and the conversion of marshes into land within the historic period in Northern Russia, strongly corroborate the rise of this portion of the earth. Conclusion. — In recapitulating the chief points of the first and prac- tical part of their Memoir, wherein they establish, they trust on a sound basis, the general classification of the PalcBOzoic rocks of Russia in Eu- rope, the authors remark, that the fact of some of the deposits of such high antiquity being found to stretch in horizontal and almost unbroken sheets over spaces of 1000 miles in length, in a very slightly solidified or lapidi- fied state, is the more interesting when coupled with the absence, through- out the same regions, of all plutonic or igneous rocks. This phenomenon must, it is conceived, exercise considerable influence upon geological * Director' of the Impciial Iroa Foundries of Feiraxowodsk. of the Northern and Central Begi&ns of Bussia. 139 theory, it being now apparent, that the lithological nature of the most ancient subsoil of Russia in Europe is such as to compel geologists to re- ject the conclusion, that, in proportion to their antiquity, the strata have been hardened or crystallized by any general radiation of central heat ; for in these wide tracts such crystalline and hardened state is clearly seen to be purely metamorphic, and dependent exclusively on the vicinity of rocks of igneous protrusion, in receding from which to the south all the strata described are at once found in their normal soft condition. In taking leave of the Societ}^ the authors explain some of the chief objects of their journey to the Ural Mountains, Orenburg, &c., on which they were about to proceed. P.S. After these sheets were sent to press, Mr Murchison received letters from his friends and fellow-travellers, the Baron A. de Meyen- dorf and Count A. Kej^serling, in which the researches of these gentle- men in the south of Russia are explained. These letters communicate important additions to the results already offered to the Geological Societj^ particularly in regard to the extension and development of the carbonifer- ous system. The geological map which has been prepared by their la- bours, and from those of other Russian authorities, agrees with that of Mr Murcliison and M. de Verneuil, exhibited to the Society, in the funda- mental classification of the rocks which occupy the northern and central governments of Russia, and in the lines of demarcation between the Silurian, Devonian or Old Bed, Carboniferous, Newer Red, and Oolitic Sf/stetm J but it is copiously enlarged, by shewing the extension of the carboniferous system over a very wide area, ranging from near Witepsk, by the south of Tula and Kaluga, to the S.E. of Cazan. A vast spread of chalk and tertiary deposits directly overlies these carboniferous lime- stones, which rise again from beneath these younger formations in the great carbonaceous tract of the Donelz, the southern edge of which consists of the granitic steppe. A section made by Count Keyserling and Professor Blasius to the south of Kaluga, indicates a succession from what these naturalists believe to be the lower beds of the carboni- ferous limestone, containing the Spirifer Mosquensis, into superior strata of sand and shale with coal, subordinate to bands of limestone containing the Productus hemisphcericus, the coal being associated with much red earth, and overlaid by the upper carboniferous limestone. They also express their belief that the millstone grits which have been alluded to near Moscow must be considered of tertiary age, as similar beds overlie true chalk. Mr Murchison takes this opportunity, in the name of his friend M. de Verneuil and himself, of recording his sense of the value of the ad- ditional data which are due to the labours of Baron de Meyendorf and his associates, and trusts that after an exploration of the flanks of the Ural, and other tracts near Orenburg and in the south, all the chief facts will have been obtained for the construction of a general geological map of Russia in Europe* 140 On the Artesian Well of Grenelle. Count Kej^serling", who. has traced the shales with Ammonites near Ust-Sisolsk (N. Lat. 61°, E. Long. 51°*), has indeed contributed most powerfully to these results, both by his patient observation, sound know- ledge of natural history, and by his barometrical admeasurement of heights, — a point of great geological importance in those, central parts of tlie country where the strata are not deranged. By one of his observa- tions, it appears, that the younger pleioccne deposits on the Dwina, which he detected in company with M. de Verneuil and Mr Murchison, are about 150 feet above the White Sea. Count Keyserling, now at St Petersburgh, will accompany the authors in their journey to the Ural Mountains this summer.t I. On the Artesian Well of Gretielle. By M. Walferdin. We have all.lieard. with the greatest interest, of the com- plete success which M. Mulct has obtained at Grenelle. After seven years of continued exertion, and after having surmounted difficulties of whose amount it would not have been prudent to speak during the course of the operation, M. Mulct at length, on the 26th February 1841, at half-past two o'clock, had the satisfaction of seeing burst forth from a depth of 548 metres, the water which he was in search of, in the green sand under the Gault. The jet of water springs up with an abundance which sur- passes every hope that had been formed ; for it yields no less than 4,000,000 of litres in the twenty-four hours.. The temperature was not determined byM. Arago and myself till the following day, the 27th ; and the state of the basin into which the water flowed, not admitting of an accurate direct determination of the temperature of the jet, a bucket was placed in the basin which was immediately filled with the green sand brought up in abundance by the water. After allowing the thermometer to remain 30 mhiutes in this basin, it indicated 27° 6' Cent. (81°. 68Fahr.) I propose to continue daily the observations on the tempe- rature, in order to study the differences which may occur ; these observations shall be made with all desirable precision, when it becomes possible to place thermometrical instruments in the jet itself, and thus to read oif the results directly. * Similar Jurassic beds had been previously observed by Colonel Ilel- mcrsen in the' N. Ural,, I^at. 64° north. t Ahctracted/ron the ilfp9 Length of the fourth tube, 113.70 , From the extremity of the tube to the bottom of the bore, 7 Total, 647™. Or 1794i English feet. The diameters of the different tubes are indicated in the figure, and are respectively, proceeding from above, 0™.31; 0™.27; 0^.22 ; and 0'".162. It thus appears that the diameter of the highest tube is about a foot English, and of the lowest about 6 inches. The quantity of water thrown up is estimated at 4,000,000 litres per diem, or in round numbers nearly 880,000 imperial gallons. It appears from the analysis of M. Pelouse, member of the Institute, that the water is purer than that of the Seine. The temperature of the water is 28° Cent. =82°.4 Fahr. The expense up to the time when the water first made its appearance amounted to, ... 262,375 francs. The copper-tubes will cost, . . 40,000 do. Total, 302,375 francs. Or upwards of L.12,000 Sterling. The letter X marks the point where it is intended to com- mence the series of internal tinned copper-tubes, which are to be isolated from the iron by means of rings of tow impreg- nated with bitumen, and fixed to the inferior tube en tole by a screw, in which will be applied an oily varnish as well as a band of caoutchouc. These tubes are indicated by the inner dotted line. ( 144 ) Fossil Fish in the Collections of the Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Phillip Grey Egerton, Bart.* GENC9 AND Species. Formation. Locality. Genus and Species. Formation. Locality. Acanthodcnna spi- nosum . . . Acanthopleurus ser- ratus . . . Acanus arcuatus . oblonjjus . . Black Schist Do. Do. Do. Engi. lb. Acipensei- Toliapicus Acrodiis Aiiningise . Braunii .... Gaillanloti . . gibberulus . . latiis . . . . Ifciodus .... minimus . . . nobilis . . . . Acrolepis aspcr . . Sedg^vickii . . jEtobates irregularis Amblypterus eup- J terygius . . ] lateralis . . . latus . . . . macropterus . . Amblyunis macros- 1 tomus . . j Anenchelum dorsale Glarisianum . , heteropleurmn . isopleurum , . latum . . . . Lo^idon clay Lias . . . Gres bigarrd Mttschelkalk Lias . . . Do. . . . Great Oolite . Muschelkalk ? Luis .... Kupfer-scluefer Mag. Limestone London clay . Coal formation Do. . • . . . Do Do Lias . . . . Black Schist . Do Do Do Sheppy. Lyme Regis. Deux Ponts. llayreutli. Lyme Regis, lb. Stonesfield. Axmouth. Lyme Regis. Mansfeld. Ferry Hill. Sheppy. Lebach. lb. lb. lb. Street. Engi. lb. lb. lb. . Do. lb. Asx>idorliynchus 1 acutirostris ; Anglicus . . . Comptoni . , . mandibularis . . Asteracanthusorna- I tissimiis . -. j semisulcatus . . Asteroptythius or- 1 natus . . I Atherina macroce- 1 phala . 1 . ] Aulolepis typus . . Belonostomus aciitus leptostfcus . . . MUnsteri . . . tenellus . . . OoUte Lias . Chalk ? Oolite Kimmeridgc clay Great Oolite . Carb. Limestone Eocene , . Chalk . . Lias . . . Great Oolite Oolite . . Lias . . . Solenbofen. Whitby. Brazil. Soleuhofen. Shotover. Stonesfield. Armagh. Monte Bolca. Kent. Whitby. Stonesfield. Solenbofen. Lyme. Bcryx microcephalus ornatus . . . radians . . . . Chalk Do. . Do. . Kent. lb. lb. Blochius longirostris Carangopsis dorsalis latior . . . . Eocene Monte Boh Cai'charias grosse- serratus . . macrodon . , megalodon . . megalotis . . minor . . . polygyrus . . productus . . subserratus Cheiracanthiis mi- crolepidotus minor . . . Cheirolepis Cum- mingiae . . Traillii . . . Caturus furcatus . . macrodus . . . macrurus . . . maximus microchirus . . pachyurus . . . pleiodus . . . Ceratodus altus . . gibbus . . . . planus .... Chimsera Agassizii . brevirostris . , Colei .... Egertoni . . . Mantellii . . . neglecta . . . Owenii .... Townshendii • . Chomatodus cinctus linearis .... truncatus . . . Chondrosteus aci- I penserides . j Cladocyclus Gardner! Lewesienis . . Cladodus mirabilis . striatus .... Clupea Beurardi . . Tertiary beds Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . London clay Oolite . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Great Oolite Muschelkalk ? Do. . . . Do. Maryland. lb. .Malta. Maryland. lb. lb. Malta, Sheppy. Eichstadt. Solenbofen. lb. !b. ib. lb. Stonesfield. Aust. Ib. Ib. Old Red Do. . , Green sand Gault . . . Great Oolite . Kimmeridge clay Chalk . . . Great Oolite . Do Purbeck stone Carb. Limestone Do. . . . Do. . . . Lethen. Stromness. Lethen.' Stromness. Maidstone. Folks tone. Stonesfield. Shoti.ner. Sussex. Stonesfield. Ib. Garsinj'ton. Lias . Chalk? . Do. . . Carb. Limestone Do. . . . Tertiary beds Bristol. Ib. Armagh. Lyme. Brazil. Kent. Bristol. Annagli. Lebanon. * We arc in^ebt(kl to Sii* Phillip Orey Egerton for a copy of this valuable docuraent.—EDiT. Earl of Eimisklllen and Sir ThiUip Grey Egerton^ Bart, 146 GcN'DS AND Species. JluiHU brevis . . catoi)yg<>iitera nugnpU-rn . . iniiuitu . Stlit'uehzeri . teuuistiima Cobitis ecphnlotcs Coeeosteufi latus . oblon''us . . Cochliodus ncutus fontortus . . majjnus . . . oblongus . . striatus . , . Formation. Black schist Eocene . . Black schist Eocene . . Black schist Pleistocene Tertiary beds Old Red . Do. . . . Carb. limestoHe Do Do Ctelr.c-aathus gracilis }?ranulatus . . lepturus . . . Coeloponia Colei . . luive Conodus I'erox . . Coitus brevis . . Ctenacanthus brevis lieterogynis . . major .... teuuistriatus . . Clenolepis cyclus Ctcnoptychius apicalis dentatus . . . marginalis . . . pectinatus . . . rad leans . . . sugit talus . . . scrrutus . . . Lias . . . . Tertiary beds . Carb. limestone Do Do. Do Great oolite . Coal-shale . . Carb. limestone Do Coal-shale . . Carb. limestone Do Do Cybium macropomum Cydurus minor . . Dapedius arrnatus . CoKi .... graniilatus . . . mioaus .... orbis .... politiis .... puuctatus . . . Deutcx breviccps . . Dercclis clongatus . Diodon crinaceiis ScilUu . . . . Diplacantluis crassi- spinus . . longispinus striatulus . . Diplodus gibbosus . Carb. limestone Do Mag. limestone Coal-shale . . London clay . Do Locality. Engi. Monte Bolca. Engi. Mont« Bolca. Engi. Siofly. CEningcn. Stromness. Lethen. Armagh. Bristol. Annagli. Armagh. lb. Ferry Hill. Leeds. Sheppy. lb. Lyme. GBningen. Bristol. Armagh. Bristol, lb. Stonesfield. Staflford, Armagh. lb. N. Wales. Armagli. lb. lb. London clay Tertiary beds Lias . . . Do. . . . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Eocene Chalk Eocene . . Tertiary beds Old Red Do. . . Do. . . Coal'Shale ijhcppy. CEnlngen. Lyme. lb. lb. Whitby. Barrow. Lyme. lb. Monte Bolca, Kent. Monte Bolca. Malta. Stromness.' Lethen. lb. Staffordshire. Genus and Species. Diplopterus borealis carbonarius . . macrocephalus . Old Red Coal, shale Old Red Diptcrus macrolepi- dotus rolepi- 1 Duclor leptosomus . Enchodus halocyon . EphippuB longtpennis Esox lepidotus . . Eugnathus chirotes . fasciculatus . . microlepidotus . minor . ; . . omatus . . ... orthostomus . . polyoduu . . . scabriusfulus . . speciosus . . . tenuidens . . . Formation. Do. Eoccno . . Chalk . . Eocene . . Tertiary beds Lias Do. Oolite Lias Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Eurynotus crenatus . Fistularia Koenigii . tenuirostris . . Galeus aduncus . . appendiculatus . falcatus . . . pristodontus . . semiserratus . . serratus . . . Gasteronemiis \ rhombeus . j Glyptocephalus ) radial us . . ] Gljptolepis leptop- ) terus ... 3 Gobio analis . . . Goniognathus cory- 1 phienoides . ) maxillaris . . . Gyracanthus formosus tuberculatus . . Gyrodus angustus . Ifevior .... trigonus . . . Coal-formation Black schist . Eocen . . . Molasse . . . Planerkalk . . Chalk . . . Do Gyrolepis Albertii . Rankini . . . tenuis trial us . . Gyrostcus mirabilis . Helodus didymus Isevissimus . . Molasse London clay . Old Red . . . Tertiary beds . London clay . Do Coal-shale . . Do Chalk . . . London clay . Great oolite . Do.- . . . . Locality. Stromness. Leeds. Lethen. Caithness. Monte Bolca. Kent. Monte Bolca. (Eningen. Lyme. Wiitby. Solenhofen. Lyme. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Street. Burdiehouse. Engi. Monte Bolca, Soleure. Stickla. Kent. Maastricht. Muschelkalk ? . Coal-shale . . Muschelkalk ? . Lias . . . . Soleure. Monte Bolca. Sheppy. Letlien. CEningen. Shei»i)y. lb. N. Wales. N. Shields. Maidstone. Shepi>y. StonesReld. lb. Axmouth. Leeds. Axmouth. Whitby. Carb. Limestonei Armagh. Do Bristol. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXI. JULY 1841. 146 Fossil Fish in the Collections of the Genus and Species. Formation. Locality. Genus and Species. Formation. Locality Helodus mammillaris ICarb. limestone planus .... Do simplex . . . ICoal-shale . . turgidiis . . . ; Carb. limestone Hemipristis serra Holocentnira pygoenm Holoptycliius gra- nulatas . Ilibbertii . minor . . sauroides . Ilybodus acutus carinatus . dorsalis . . eusatus . . formosus grossispinus grossiconus homoprion ) medius J longiconus marginalis . minor . . plicatilis . polyprion . rcticulatus 1 curtus > incur V us j strictus .... Hypsodon Lewesiensis oblongus . . . Toliapicus . . . Isurus macrurus . . Labrax schizurus Lamna acuminata contortidens . . cuspidata 1 denticulata J * elegans .... Molasse . . . Eocene . . . Coal-shale . . Coal- formation Coal-shale . . Do Kimmeridge clay Lias .... Great oolite Lias .... Do Great oolite Lias .... Muschelkalk . Great oolite Muschelkalk ? . Do Great oolite Lates gracilis . . . Lcbias cephalotcs crassicaudus . . Lepidotus fimbriatus Fittoni . . . . Mantellii . . . minor . . . . notoptcrus . . palliatus . . . punctulatus . . sjmiserratus . . serratulus . . . unguiculatus . . Lepracanthus Colei Lcptacanthus semis- ) triatug . , j serratus . . . Armagh. lb. Staffordshire. Armagh. Soleure. Monte Bolca. Ilhuabon. Burdiehoiisc. Leeds. lb. Shotover. yme. Stoncsfield. Ljme. lb. Stonesfield. Lyme. Bayreuth. Stonesfield. Axmouth. lb. Stonesfield. Lias . . . . Purbeck stone Chalk . . . London clay . Do Black schist Eocene . • . Chalk . . . MolaKse . . . Do London clay , Eocene . . Tertiary beds Do. . . . Lias . . . Wcalden . Do. . . . Purbeck stone Oolite . . Kimmeridge clay Chalk . . Lias . . . Do. . . . Great oolite Coal-shale . Great oolite Do. . . . Lyme. Purbeck. Kent. Sheppv. lb. Engi. Monte Bolca. Sussex. Soleure. lb. Slieppy. Monte Bolca. Sinigaglia. Aix. Lyme. Tilgate. lb. Purbeck. Solenhofen. Boulogne. Kent. Whitby. Barrow, Stonesfield. N. "Wales. Stonesfield. lb. Lcptacanthus tenui- 1 spiuus . . J Leptolepis Bronnii . caudalis . . . contractus . . . dubius .... filipennis . . . Knorrii . . . latus .... paucispondylus . polyspondylus Iiusillus . . . sprattiformis . . Voithii .... Leuciscus gracilis latiusculus . . mncruvus . . . CEningensis . . papyraceus . . Licliia prisca . . . Macropoma Egortoni Mantellii . . . Macrosemius brevi- ) i"Ostris . . ] Mallotus villosus Megalichthys Hibberti Megalops priscus Microdon heyagonus radiatus . . . Mugil princeps . . Myliobates angustus gyratus .... B marginalis . . nitidus .... Stokesii Studeri .... subarcuatus . . Toliapicus . . Myriacanthus para- doxus . . retrorsus . . , Myripi-istis homop- terygius lcptacanthus . , Nemacanthus brc- vispinus . . filifer . . . , Nemopteryx crassus flongatus . . , Lias . Lias . Do. . Oolite Do. . Lias . . . , Oolite . . . Do Gi-een sand Oolite . . . Green sand Oolite . . . Gi'ceu sand Tertiary beds . Do Papier-kohl Tertiary beds . Papier-kohl Eocene . . . Gait . . . . Chalk . . . Great oolite . Recent beds Coal-shale . . London clay Oolite . . . Purbeck stone Tertiary beds . London clay . Do Do Do Notogogus Pentlandi Nothosomus octos- ) typlnus . . ) Molasse . . London clay Do. . . . Cras . . . Do. Eocene Do. . Great oolite Muschelkalk ? Black schist Do. . . . Jura limestone Lia.'; . . . . Lyme. Lyme. lb. Solenliofi.n. lb. Street. Solenhoftn. EicliKtadt. Kelheini. Soleuhofen. Kelheim. Solenhofen. Kelhciii). Wurtamburg. GSuiugen. Rhine. CEningcn. Rhine. Monte Bolca. Speeton. Sussex. Stonesfield. Greenland. Burdiehouse, Sheppy. Solenhofen. Purbeck. Aix. Sheppy. lb. lb. lb. Soleure. Sheppy. lb. Norfolk. Lyme, lb. Monte Boka. lb. Stonesfield. Aust. Engi. lb. [do.] Torre d'Orlau- Lyrae. Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Phillip Grey Egerton, Bart, Genus and Species. Formation. Locality. Genus and Species. ' Formation. Locality. Notidanus microdon Clialk . . . Kent. Palseorhynclmm Ion- ) girostrc . . ) Black schist . Engi. primigcnius . . Molassc . . . Soleure. medium . . . Do lb. "'^ Odontaspis raphiodon Chalk . . . Maestricht. microspondylum Do lb. Onchus plicatus . . Carb. limestone Armagh. Palimphyes brevis . Do lb. rectus .... Do lb. longus .... Do lb. subulatus . . . Coal-shale . . Rhuabon. Perca Beaumontii . Tertiary beds . Aix. Ophiopsis dorsalis . Pui'beck stone Purbeck. Petalodus Hastingsia; Carb. limestone Ticknall. Oracanthus Milleri . Carb. limestone Bristol. psittacinus . . Do Armagh. minor .... Do Armagh. hevissimus . . Do lb. pustulosus . . Do Bristol. rectus .... Do lb. Orodiis ramosus . . Do lb. Pholidophorus Bechei fusiformis . . Lias .... Lyme. Castellamare. Osmeroides Glarisi- ) ensis . . ] Black schist . Engi. Hastingsise . . latimanus . . . Lias .... Oolite . . . Barrow. Solenhofen. Lewesiensis . . Chalk . . . Sussex. latiusculus . . Lias .... Lyme. latus .... Oolite . . . Solenhofen. Osteolcpis arenatus . Old Red. . . Gamrie. leptocephalus Lias .... Street. r.iacrolepidotus . Do Orkney. limbatus . . . Do Lyme. major .... Do Lethen. maci'ocephalus . Oolite . . . Eichstadt. microlepidotus . Do Orkney. minor .... Great oolite . Stoncsiield. onychius . . . Lias .... Lyme. Otodusappendlculatus Chalk . . . Sussex. radians .... Oolite . . . Eichstadt. crassus .... radiatopunctatus Do Solenhofen. latus .... Chalk ; . . MaSstricht. Stricklandi . . Lias .... Barrow. macrotns . . . London clay . Sheppy. Taxis .... Oolite . . . Solenhofen. obliquus . . . Do. ... . lb. tenuiserratis . . Green sand Kelheim. Crag. . . . Norfolk. uraeoides . . . Oolite . . . Solenhofen. . . • Oxyrliina hastalis Molasse . . . Soleure. Phyllodus irregularis London clay . Sheppy. Mantellii . . . Chalk . . . Sussex. medius .... Do lb. quadrans . . . Molasse . . . Soleure. Toliapicus . . . Do lb. zlphodon . . Tertiary beds . Malta. Pliysonemus subteres Carb. limestone Armagh. rachycormus acuti- ) vostris . . ) Lias .... Whitby. Pisodus . . . London clay . Hampshire. gracilis . . . Do lb. latipennis . . . Do Lyme. Placodus gigas . . Muschelkalk . Bayreuth. latirostris . . . Do Whitby. Munsteri . . Do lb. latus .... Do lb. leptosteus . . . macrurus . . . Do Do Lyme, lb. Platax Woodvvardii . CrasT .... Norfolk, V/lOft • • • • N, s Do Whitby. Platygnathus pauci- 1 dens . . . . j Old red . . . Orkney. PaljEOniscus Blain- 1 villci. . . . 1 Coal-formation Muse. Platysomus gibbosus Kupfer-schiefer Eisleben. catopterus . . . New Red . . Roan hill. parvuhis . . . Coal-shale . . Leeds. comtus .... Mag. limestone Ferry hill. striatus . . . Mag. limestone Ferry Hill. Duvernoy . . . Coal-formation ZrteibrQcken. Egertoni . . . Coal-shale . . Staffordshire. Pleionemus macro- 1 spondylus . . J clcgans .... Mag. limestone Ferry hill. Black schist . Engi. , Freieslebeni . . Mag. limestone Ferry hill. glaphyrus . . . Kupfer-schiefer Mansfcld. Pleuracanthus planus Coal-shale . . Leed«. longissimus . . Do lb. macro pom us . . Zechstein . . Ilmenau.[way. Pleurodus afflnus Do. . . Rhuabon. . macrophthalmus Mag. limestone Clarence Rail- iiiiignus .... Kupfer-foliiefer Mansfeld. Piccilodus Jonesii . Carb. limestone Armagh. Monensis . . . Coal-shale . . Anglesea. obliquus . . . Do lb. llobisoni . . . Coal-formation Burdiehouso. parallelus . . . Do lb. Vratislaviensis . New Red . . Ruppersdorf. sublffivis . . . Do lb. transversus . . Do lb. Palittorhynchum Colei Black schist . Engi. Egertoni . . . Do lb. Pristis Hastingsise . London clay . Hampshire. Glarisianum . . Do lb. Psammodus cornutus Carb. limestone Armagh. latum .... Do lb. porosus .... Do lb. 148 Fossil Fish in the Collections of the, S^c, GENC3 AND Species. Psammodus rugosus Pterichtbys cornutus latiis Milled . . . . productus . . . Ptcrygocephalus pa- radoxus . . Ptychodus ncutus . altior . . . deciirrcns . . gibberulus . . latissimus . . mammillnris » polygyvus . . spectabilis . . Formation. Curb, limestone Old Red . . Do Do Do Eocene . Gait . . Chalk . Do. . . Do. . . Do. . . Do. . . Do. . . Do. . . Ptycholepis BoUensis Pycnodus biscrialis Bucklandi didymus discoides gigas . Hugii . latirostris Mantellii obtusus . ovalis parvus . rhombus rugulosus Pygoeus Coleanus Pygopterus Hum- 1 boldtii . . ) mandibularis . . Raia antlqua . . . Rhacolepis brama . buccalis .... latus Lias . . . Great oolite Do. . . . Do. . . . Do. . . . Locality. Armagh. Lethen. lb. Gamrie. Lethen. Monte Bolca. Folkstone. Sussex. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Gexus and Species. Serranus occipitalis . Smerdis micracanthus minutus . . . pygmasus . . . Sparnodus altivelis . macrophthalmus . micracanthus . . ovalis .... Formation. Eocene . . . Eocene . . . Tertiary beds . Eocene . . . Do Do Do Do Sphserodus gigas . N. 6 Jura limestone Great oolite . Do Do Great oolite . Do Do Jura limestone Great oolite . Eocene . . . Kupfer-schiefer Mag. limestone Rhodeus elongatus . Saurichthys apica- 1 lis .... J Saurocephalus lanci- \ formis . . J Whitby. [tar. Little Gibral- Stoncsfield, lb. [tar. Little Gibral- Jura. Stonesfield. lb. Tilgate. Stonesfield. lb. lb. [do, ToiTed'Orlau Stonesfield. Monte Bolca. Mansfeld. Ferry Hill. Crag . Chalk Do. . Do. . . . Tertiary beds . Muschelkalk? . Chalk . . . Norfolk. Brazil lb. lb. Sphenolepis cquam- osseus . . . Sphenonchus hamatus Sphyrsena gracilis . Sphyraenodus eras- 1 sidens . . . ) priscus .... Spinacorhinus poly- ) spondylus . . J Strophodus favosus . magnus .... reticulatus . . subreticulatus sulcatus . . . tenuis .... Tetragonolepis con- ) fluens ... J dorsalis .... heteroderma . . Lcachii .... leiosomus • . . rnonilifer . ovalis . . . . pholidotus . . . pustiilatus . . . radiatus . . . Locality. Monte Bolca. Monte Bolca. Aix. Monte Bolca. lb. lb. lb. lb. Kimmeridgeclay Jura limestone Tertiary beds Lias . . . Eocene . . London clay Do. ... Lias . . . Great oolite Do. . . . Kimmeridge clay Inferior oolite Green sand . Great oolite Shotover. Jura. Aix. Sauropsls mordax . Great oolite ^"'*"Zkii^°""" } V"^^^^^ «i^y cra.ssior .... Do. . . . Scilliodus antiquus . [ Chalk . . Lias . . . Semionotus rhombi fer . . . striatus . . Semiophorus velicans Serranus microstomus Do. . . Eocene . Do. . . CEningcn. Axmouth. Sussex. Stonesfield. f Sheppy. lb. Kent. Lyme. Seefeld. Monte Bolca, lib. speciosus . . striolatus . . Tetrapterus priscus Thrissops formosus salmoneus . . Thyellina prisca . Tinea furcata . . Vomer longispinus Zygsena dubia . . New genus . . . N. S. . . . . . N. S N. S N. S Lias Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. London clay . Green sand Oolite . . Lias . . . Tertiary beds Eocene , . Molasse . . Eocene . . Chalk . . Tertiary bed« 1 Black schist [Eocene . . Lyme. Monte Bolca. Sheppy. lb. Lyme. Stonesfield. lb. Shotover. Dundry. Maidstone. Stonesfield. Stonesfield. Gloucestersh. Lyme. lb. lb. Barrow. Whitby. Lyme. lb. lb. lb. Barrow. Sheppy. Kelhcim. Solenhofen. Lyme. OS^niiigen. Monte Bolca. Soleure. Monte Bolca. Kent. Aix. Greenland. Monte Bolca. ( 149 ) Mean Besults of the Thermometer, and the Quantity of Bain, for 1840, at Alford, about Lat. 57° 13' N., 420 feet above the level of the Sea, and 26 miles inland from the Sea at Aberdeen. J3y the Rev. James Farquharson, LL. D., F. R. S. Communicated by the Author. The thermometer was registered at 9^^ a.m., and 8^ p.m., and the extreme highest and lowest of each day and night, indicated by self-registering thermometers, were registered at the latter hour. Also the number of fair days, and of days on which rain or snow fell, more or less. I 1840. THERMOMETER. RAI.V. Mean of Mom. Mean of Even. Mean of Morn & Even. Mean of daily highest & lowest. if li Rain in Inches. it is W5 Deg. ^■5 Dog. ^ Pi i DC. Deff. Deg. Deg. Januai'y, . 1 35.55 36.03 35.79 35.64 48 i'2 2.6 16 15 February, !36. 35.76 35.88 36.29 45 21 1.75 21 8 March, . . I^JO. 38.4 38.7 39.9 53 2'* 1.375 18 13 April, . . 49.56 46. 47.78 47.385 70 28 .65 25 5 May, . . . 48.29 45.9 47.095 46.67 70 35 4. 20 11 June, . . . 55.37 54.6 54.985 52.13 70 37 2.05 9 21 July, . . . 55.84 54.16 55. 55.045 68 45 1.975 15 16 August, . 58.3 57.48 57.89 57.027 73 39 1.875 17 14 September. 50.53 48.43 49.48 49.73 65 33 5.85 10 20 October, . 45. 44. 44.5 45.575 55 29 4.5 15 16 November, 39. 38.93 38.965 39.48 51 24 5.075 17 13 December, 36.03 36.9 36.465 37.01 47 26 15 16 Means, . . 45.705 44.715 45.21 45.156 Mean of year. 34.575 Rain of the year. 198 168 By morning and evening observation. 52.038 Mean temp, from April to Sept., | both inclusive, .... J Mean temp, of July, Aug., and 1 _ . , „ Sept., both inclusive, . . j * Deg. Mean Temperature of 1833, 44.573 ... 1834, 47.99 ... 1835, 45.93 ... 183G, 44.713 ... 1837, 44.73 ... 1838, 43.0933 ... 1839, 44.521 ... 1840, 45.156 By daily highest and lowest. 51 .361 53.933 Mean Ump. of eight ^cars^ 45^0882 37.004 Mean ruin of his. jeari Rain in inches. 37.7 45.55 3205 41.25 30,3 34.575 150 Mean Besults of the Thermometer at Alford, These observations were commenced eight years ago ; and the hours chosen for them, namely, 9J a.m. and 8^ p.m., were the two at which the mean temperature of the year had occurred at Leith, when a series of hourly observations had been made there about fifteen years ago, at the suggestion of Sir David Brewster. At 7\lford, however, the yearly tem- perature at the morning hours has uniformly been found con- siderably higher than that of the evening ones; shewing that the hours do not answer here as at Leith. It is highly pro- bable, however, that the mean between the temperatures of the two hours is very nearly the mean of the year ; and the probability seems reduced to a certainty, when the mean of the two has been found to agree so nearly with the mean of the daily highest and lowest, which have been registered here for the first time in 1840. Sir David Brewster having noticed the registers of the seven previous years, and examined the temperatures of the morning and evening, and their differ- ences, has calculated that the yearly mean temperature at Alford occurs at a quarter before 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Our observations will therefore be made at these hours in future ; and the daily highest and lowest temperature will be con- tinued, as indicating, with accuracy, not only the mean of the year, but also that of the months. No year ever varied more, from time to time, in its promis- ing or threatening aspect than did 1840 ; exciting alternate hopes and fears in the agriculturist. The season of sowing was unusually dry, owing to deficiency of rain from 4th Feb- ruary to 5th May, and a high temperature, with clear sun and withering winds in April. In the drought, the hay grass shot up prematurely to seed, and ultimately turned out a light crop. At the same time there occurred numerous and extensive failures in the potato crop, altogether unexampled in this district, and which could be, with great precision, re- ferred to the drought ; as they were greatest on the driest soils, especially where, by the operations of planting, the drills were longest opened up to the sun and wind, and where very dry manure was applied. Some instances clearly indicated an easily applicable means of preventing failure in hke dry weather for the time to come. Where manure saturated Mean Besults of the Thermometer at Alford, 151 with liquid was applied, even on very dry land, the crop was good ; while on the same land, with dry manure, there was a complete failure. The grain crops at first promised to be early ; but much rain in May, and cold cloudy weather in June and July, retarded them greatly, and they were very late at the beginning of August. During this last month, and till the 10th of September, unusually fine weather for the season, enabled the grain crops, even those of them that were previously much laid, to ripen well. The oat harvest commenced generally about the middle of September, and was finished by the middle of October, excepting in very late places ; and there has been no previous harvest during which the great advantage of the scythe-reaping was more clearly manifested. During the one month of harvest, there were seventeen rainy days ; but the great expedition of the scythe- reaping, and the elastic open sheaf made by it, enabled the cultivators to cut down and carry a good grain crop, in the best order, during the intervening dry days, which were very windy. The after part of the year permitted the other opera- tions of the field to be put in a sufficient state of forwardness before winter. May 20. 1841. — I have just received from William Craigie, Esq., surgeon, Ancaster, Upper Canada, a striking confirma- tion of the fact, that the dryness of the soil was the cause of the failure of the potatoes here in 1840. He says in a letter, " I observe the accounts of the failure of your potato crop, and doubt not simple dryness is the cause. In this dry cli- mate potatoes in drills often fail. They are, therefore, gene- rally cultivated in hills, having a cup or funnel in the centre to catch its fill from every thunder shower — often the only rain we have — and which would run from the drills without penetration, and all the dew which runs down the stems, and is at times very abundant." 152 Mean JResuUs of the Thermometer at Ancaater, Abstract of Mean Besults from a Begister of the Thermometer, Barometer, and state of the iVeather, kept at Ancaster, Up- per Canada, seven miles from the Western extremity of Lake Ontario, and about 500 feet above its level. By William Craigie, Esq., Surgeon. Communicated by the Author. The thermometers are in a northern aspect six feet above the surfiice of the ground, shaded from the effects of direct insolation or radiation to the sky, and indicate the tempera- ture of the stratum of air at that elevation ; their height and that of the barometer was noted and registered daily at 9 o^clock A.M. and 9 p.m., and for the first four years the daily maximum and minimum of temperature were noted and in- cluded in the mean temperature. During the last two years only the monthly maximum and minimum are noted. 1835 * THEKMOMETER. BAROMETER. Days on Avhich Of these Month. Slifdit 9A.U. 9 P.M. Mean. High- est. Low- est. Mean. High- est. Low- est. or Snow fell. Shower: only on Tan. . . 26.45 29.42 28.45 47 —6.5 29.18 29.69 28.52 11 4 Feb. . . 19.14 19.96 20.125 49 — 1 29.235 ,,.64 ,,.72 10 4 March, 31.fx3 ;m.30 33.2 61 0 29.2 ,,.82 ., .67 7 4 April, . 42.57 41.88 42.86 74 22 29.08 ,,.53 ,,.64 13 6 May, . 55.06 55.- 55.5 SO 34 i9.16 ,,.53 ,,.80 6 o June, . 62.37 61.40 62.3 84.5 39 29.165 ,,.49 „ .78 13 5 July, . 67.20 66.36 67.26 84 45 29.1S9 ,,.50 ,,.93 6 3 4 3 Aug. . 64.&4 63.6 64.14 85 45 29.2075 ,,.39 ,,.91 11 Sept. . 55.— 53.8 54.5 83 35 29.22 ,,.67 „ .52 7 Oct. . . 50.5 50.— 50.75 76 30 29.23 ,,.63 ,,.55 10 4 Nov. . 39.17 37.7 38.99 66 10 29.0075 ,,.50 ,,.26 10 5 Dec. . . 26.— 26.13 1 25.95 47 —7 29.06 ,,.47 ,,.60 14 6 Means, 44.99 1 44.96 '45.318 29.16 118 50 * Such accurate registers must be interesting from any country, but nic?ro especially so from one where there are now so many of our countrymen, and towards which many more are at present directing their views. On looking at the splendid summer indicated by these abstracts, and the re- gular distribution of rain through the months, we cannot avoid the conclu- sion, that, taking into tlie account, also, the known fertility of the soil. Upper Canada is, of all the British colonies, the one where our agriculturists of moderate capital will find scope for their exertions in a region most nearly resembling our native country in its appropriate productions and rural industry. The winter is no doubt colder than ours ; but Mr Craigie in his letter to me accompanying the abstracts, says of it, " You can have Vui a very faini idea; particularly of our winter, which generally for tbt««i Mean Ihsidts of the Thermometer at Ancaster* 153 1836. Month. Jan. . . Feb. . . March, April, . May, . June, . July, . Aug. . Sept. . Oct. . . Nov. . . Dec. . . THERMOMETEB. 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Mean, "gf'' Means, Jan. , Feb. . March, April, May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 26.55 16.83 25.74 43.80 57.— 60.66 68.80 62.226 57.37 41.07 35.53 26.40 26.61 20.86 28.26 40.77 54.36 58.G4 65.9 60.42 56.3 41.13 35.8 28.6 43.415 43.22 43.405 26.08 19.14 27.21 42.434 55.9 59.635 67.24 61.274 57.2 41.185 35.8 27.76 39 50 53 76 81 83 85 82 82 59 54 47 Low- est. 0 -9 0 23 36 43 62 44 SO 25 14 2 BAROMETER. Tw»«„ High- Low- Mean, est. est. 29.047 „ .117 ., .1 ,,.165 ,,.106 ,,.096 „ .081 „ .13 ».13 ,,.056 ,..022 „ .082 29.097 Days on which any Rain or Snow fell. 29.35 „.56 ,,.58 .,.52 ,,.41 ,,.31 ,..41 ,,.34 ,..40 .,.58 ,,.46 ../40 1837. 28.65 .,.70 ,,.65 ,,.76 ,,.81 ,,.86 ,,.78 ,,.80 ,,.57 ,..62 ,,.55 „.4fi 13 14 13 9 14 17 7 7 12 14 9 15 21.8 24.32 28.84 ,40.033 50.— 61.73 64.645 62.93 56.66 44.87 39.68 29.1 24.6 26.07 29.74 40.1 50.6 59.37 I 65.226 62.55 I 56.86 i 45.45 ! 41.266 30.48 i 22.95 24.846 Ji9.629 39.766 50.7 61.105 64.963 63.44 57.32 45.89 40.533 29.7 43 44 47 72 73 83 82 80 77 73 61 55 0 18 27 45 48 44 39 26 14 11 28.88 29.007 29.018 28.977 29.024 28.94 28.997 29.04 29.183 £9.182 29.034 29.02 29.34 ,,.44 ,,.58 „ .30 ».40 ,,.14 ,,.30 ,,.32 ,,.46 ,,.46 ,,.50 ,,.30 28.22 I „ .48 ,,.66 ,,.56 „ .65 „ .56 I „ .72 j ,,.76 ,,.90 „ .78 ,,.64 f„.52 143 Of thcpe slight Showers only on 6 5 8 6 7 9 4 5 6 10 3 8 76 Means, 43.716 44.359 442371 | 29.033 j 129 63 During this and the preceding year including, the maximum and mini- mum increased the mean temperature by .144 and .137 respectively. 1838. Jan. . 29.58 30.1 30.08 62 8 29.05 29.40 28.57 12 6 Feb. . 15.71 17.96 16.93 36 1 29.02 ,,.42 ,,.67 7 4 March, 37.36 38.32 38.106 65 15 29.006 ,,.45 ,,.70 7 3 April, 37.63 38.33 37.98 63 19 28.930 ,,.64 ,,.42 13 7 May, . 49.226 51.29 50.435 79 32 29.055 ,,.30 ,,.54 13 4 June, . 65.7 66.07 67.2 85 45 28.998 ,,.17 ,,.74 8 6 July, . 71.936 71.26 72.348 91 54 29.106 .,.32 ,,.85 11 7 Aug. . 68.1 67.516 68.05 86 50 29.135 ,,.36 ,,.82 9 7 Sept. . 60.766 59.466 60.493 82 39 29.188 ,,.41 „.&o 2 2* Oct. . 46 45.7 45.477 75 24 28.998 ,,.53 .52 11 6 Nov. . 31.8 33.133 32.142 53 7 29.083 ,,.65 ''.60 10 4 Dec. . 23.226 23.84 23.217 41 5 28.936 ,,.72 ".50 15 10 Means, 44.753^ 45.24^ 45.205 1 29.042 118 66 * During the whole mo nth of September the re were only two ver y slight showers. months is the most pleasant part of the year. There is no diifting — no depth of snow — splendid travelling — our roads becoming almost as good us railroads — a good length of day, and a moon nearly as good as the sun. This is also the great time for business, carrying gi-ain io market, and good* to the country, not to mention journeying on pleasure. The cold is nolhiii| f«li in luch a drj^ atmoephcrs.'*— ./nmrt rar^iuhangnt LJLtDn ift. 154 Mr Bowman on the Fossil Trees found on the Line of 1839. 1 Month. Jan. . . THERMOMETER. BAROMETER. Days on which Of these slight Showers only on 9AJf. 9pj(. Mean. High- est. Low- est. Mean. "eS^- Low- est. any R.iin or Snow fell. 26.13 29.1 27.62 52 —7 29.076 29.72 28.48 8 5 Feb. . . 28.464 30.43 29.447 49 2 29.095 ,,.48 ,,.42 9 5 March, 33.8 33. 33.4 62 5 29.06 ,,.55 ,,.58 11 5 April, . 51.37 49.47 50.42 78 32 29.091 ,,.31 .72 8 5 May, . . 54.68 53.48 54.08 82 30 28.964 ,,.30 ,,.50 11 4 June, . 60.7 59.8 60.25 83 42 28.945 ,,.20 ,,.70 12 5 Julj% . 70.55 69.68 70.115 86 53 28.99 ,,.22 ".67 11 2 Aug. . . 65.9 65.8 65.85 83 44 29.109 ,,.41 ,,.71 7 4 Sept. . 57.266 56.833 57.05 76 30 29.015 ,,.40 ,,.68 10 4 Oct. . . 53.55 54.16 53.85 76 29 29.195 ,,.60 ,,.87 7 4 Nov. . . 37.07 37.7 37.38 52 7 29.073 ,,.72 ,,.52 7 4 Dec. . . 31.65 32.26 31.95 49 4 28.593 ,,.27 ,,.40 15 10 Means, 47.594 47.613 47.618 29.047 116 57 184 0. Jan. . . 20.8 123.32 22.06 44 —5 29.035 1 29.60 28.24 11 4 Feb. . . 31.7 33.663 32.63 60 6 29.11 ,,.43 „.50 11 7 March, 38.7 36.97 37.83 60 15 28.93 ,,.40 ,,.47 6 o April, . 47.5 47.76 47.63 82 29 29.11 ,,.46 ,,.56 11 4 May, . . June, . 59.8 57.84 58.82 87 37 29.055 ,,.38 ,,.33 8 4 65.56 63.- 164.28 84 47 29.06 ,,.41 ,,.68 12 8 July, . 70.61 68.1 69.36 89 48 29.115 ,,.37 ,,.73 7 2 Aug. . . 68.45 66.35 67.4 85 48 ^9.043 ,,.33 ,,.78 13 9 Sept. . 57.23 57.13 57.18 76 34 29.065 .,.36 ,..55 9 5 Oct. . . 47.84 48.68 48.26 73 27 29.093 ,,.35 ,,.73 12 5 Nov. . . 39.6 40.53 40.06 63 18 28.988 ,,.37 ,,.58 10 . 5 Dec. . . 27.55 28.8 28.175 43 10 29.021 ,,.56 ,,.38 15 9 JMeans, 47.945| 47.754 47.807 29.052 125 64 Not E. — The Barometei L- for t he firs t ten months of 183 5 was a( ijusted about one-tenth of an incl 1 highe r than it ought to have bee] 1. On the Fossil Trees found on (he Line of the Bolton Bailwai/, at Dixon Fold, near Manchester ; and the light they throrv on several poiiits still undecided among Geologists, By J. E. Bowman, F.L.S., and F.G.S. Communicated by the Author. Though notices of these interesting fossils have abeady ap- peared in the Proceedings of the Geological Society, and though a more detailed account is about to be given in the Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society, it seems desirable to make them more extensively known, because they appear to supply important data on several points upon the Bolton Railway^ at Dixon Fold^ near Manchester. 155 which geologists are not agreed. They ai'e six in number, and stand nearly erect on a seam of coal nine inches thick, which lies near the centre of the Lancashire coalfield, declining about 17° from the perpendicular, which corresponds with the dip of the strata from the horizontal plane, so that they are still perpendicular to the plane of the bed. They arc in a stratum of argillaceous shale which rests upon the coal, and gradually passes upwards into an ordinary coal-measure sand- stone ; and of a similar sandstone the trees themselves chiefly consist. No. 1 is 8 feet 0 inches high, and at the base has a diameter of 5 feet, and a little higher of 3 feet. No roots can be seen, but the swollen base shews that large ones must originally have existed. At two feet above the base there is a remarkable horizontal band of blue shale containing many thin plates of sandstone ; it is about nine or ten inches thick, and, as will be seen in the sequel, is a very important feature. The surface of this and all the trees, had, when first discovered, a thin shelly coat of coal, which has, for the most part, since fallen off ; and the trunks have the furrowed appearance of decorticated Sigillaria?, with more or less regular ribs and furrows. At the base only a few cicatrices or scars could be perceived. No. 2 is but the base of a large tree with similar ribs and furrows, with a lateral sinus, the sides of which are strongly marked wath wavy raised lines, very like the surface of a gnarled oak after the removal of the bark. But the most im- portant features of this specimen are its enormous roots, which strike off from the trunk in different directions, standing downwards into the coal ; but they are abruptly cut off when they reach its surface. The principal roots have a diameter of 20 inches to 2 feet, and their surface is marked with ribs and fm-rows of a peculiar character. No. 3, 4, and 6, are smaller, and need no particular notice, except that the latter is marked with the long prominent scars of a decorticated Lepidodendron. No. 5 is a fine specimen, 5 feet 3 inches high, diameter of the base 3 feet 6 inches, and at the top 2 feet 4 inches. The main root before it bifurcates has the extraordinary diameter of 4 feet 6 inches, but this may have been increased by pres- 156 Mr Bowman on (he Fossil Trees found on the Line of sure. It has a singular concave depression along its whole length on the north side, as though a cylindrical column, or parasitical creeper, had been pressed against the trunk while growing. Such, very briefly, are the prominent features of these ex- traordinary fossils, a mere sight of which is sufficient to con- vince the intelligent observer that they must have grown upon the spots they still occupy, and could not have been of that soft succulent nature which many of the gigantic vegetables of the carboniferous epoch undoubtedly were. Their general character, size, and robust habit, are precisely those of an aged tree of the present day, the trunks much widening below, where the enormous roots strike off, and appearing as the remnants of a forest of blasted and lifeless oaks, whose trunks and roots alone survive. Their enormous roots were mani- festly adapted for taking firm hold of the soil, and, in conjunc- tion with the swollen base of the trunks, to support a solid hard-wooded tree of large dimensions and spreading top, and to enable it to resist violent storms. From the evidence, therefore, which these fine specimens present, I shall endeavour to shew, in opposition to the gene- ral opinion of ^geologists, 1^^, That they, and of course many others of the carboni- ferous epoch, were solid, hard-wooded, or timber trees. 2d, That they originally grew and died upon the identical spots where they are now found interred, and have not been drifted from distant lands. od. That they have become hollow owing to the* decay of their wood by natural causes, and have been subsequently filled with foreign inorganic matter, precipitated as a sedi- ment from water. 1^/, That they were solid timber trees. It is well known that all modern dicotyledonous trees in temperate climates in- crease in thickness by means of a new layer of wood formed annually between the bark and the alburnum. The furrows in the bark and the swollen base of the trunk are due to the expansion caused by this increase. So is the apparent ten- dency of the main roQts of old trees to rise above the surface of t^te Bolton Balhvai/^ at Dixon Fold, near Manchester. 157 upper surface, or that most influenced by light and heat. Of a similar character are the swollen base and spreading roots of these fossils, the roots diverging downwards at an angle of 29'' with the horizon. But the soft monocotyledons to which they have generally been referred, have a very different eco- nomy ; palms and arborescent ferns grov upwards only (not laterally) and from within ; and instead of the massive forked and spreading roots of ordinary forest trees, have usually a dense assemblage of fibres like those of an onion or a hyacinth. The delicate straight or curved striae ?een on good decorti- cated specimens of Sigillaria, are so similar to those on the alburnum of some modern trees as to render it probable that the fossils had, like them, a separate bark, a character consi- dered by vegetable physiologists, as proof of a woody struc- ture. The scars also left by the disarticulation of the leaves are indicative of a dicotyledonous, if not of a wooded structure. Analogy, therefore, is in favour of these fossils having been solid timber trees. On the bank of a coal-pit in the same neighbourhood, I found a portion of the trunk of another and similar fossil tree, principally filled with shale, but having a portion of the in- terior adhering to the side, which, on being sliced and polish- ed, exhibited woody structure. My friend, Mr Robert Brown, kindly undertook to direct proper sections to be prepared, by means of which that illustrious botanist ascertained that in the transverse section there was that uniformity of vascular- ity which is evidence of the coniferous structure. In the longitudinal section taken parallel to the medullary rays, the existence of these rays was ascertained, so that the specunens exhibit proof of dicotyledonous structure, and considerable probability of that structure being coniferous. But the more important evidence of discs in the section taken panillel to the medullary rays was wanting, the vessels having apparently undergone some alteration. This specimen, therefore, inde- pendent of the question whether its exterior marldngs cor- respond with those of the true Sigillaria or not, establishes the important fact that some of those treeS which are believed 158 Mr Bowman (m the Fossil Trees found on the Line of to have been originally hollow because we find them filled with inorganic matter, were in reality solid timber trees. '^ I proceed, 2d, To shew that they have originally grown and died on the spots where they are found interred, and have not been drifte \ from distant lands. I have elsewhere brought forward im^ ortant facts, which render it extremely probable that coal ha s been formed from a vegetation which grew on the areas nc \v occupied by the seams ; that each suc- cessive race of plants vv^as gradually submerged beneath the level of the water, and covered up by sediment, which accu- mulated till it formed another dry surface for the growth of another series of trees and plants; and that these submer- gences and accumulations took place as manj times as there are seams of coal. If this theory be true, it seems naturally to follow that the trees also flourished on the same spots. The advocates for the Drift theory account for the upright position of fossil trunks, by supposing that the greater specific gravity of their base would cause them to assume that posi- tion when stranded, forgetting that when they touched the bottom in shallow water, the current which had hitherto borne them nearly upright, would lay them prostrate. We must not forget that the fine smooth shale which usually en- velopes the lower parts of these fossil trunks, could only have been deposited from tranquil water ; the fine particles of which it is composed would otherwise have been carried away, so that this muddy sediment which surrounds them is a strong proof of the absence of any current. Besides, it ge- nerally happens that upright trunks are found upon, or a little above, a seam of coal, whereas, had they been drifted, the chances are equal that they would as often have been * I have tlie satisfaction of being enabled to state, that some recent in- vestigations of Mons. Adolphe Brong-niart go very far to confirm the views liere advanced. In a letter to myself, dated 21st March last, he says, " What you tell me respecting your fossil trunks of Sigillaria is deeply in- teresting, and very well agrees with what I have myself observed in a small specimen of Sigillaria elegans, the internal structure of which has been preserved. I have just ^escribed it in a memoir inserted in the first volume of 'Archives du Museum d'Hist. Nat. de Paris,' in which I have endea- voured to prove that it lias the nearest affinity in its internal structure to the Cycadeae, which have essentially the organization of Dicotyledons." the Bolton Hailway^ at Dixon Fold, near Manchester. 159 tlirown upon shale or sandstone. The subsidence theory, on the contrary, corresponds with observed facts. If the coal- seams were once a mass of decayed vegetable matter, this rich compost would afford the most likely soil for the growth of trees, as now in tropical forests. The standing out of the roots above the top of the coal seems to favour this view, since the vegetable matter, as it underwent conversion under pressure, would shrink from around them and leave them ex- * posed ; just as in some bogs in Ireland, Mr Murchison informs us (Silur. Syst., p. 559), the bases of the trunks of ancient forest trees may be seen still standing in their natural posi- tion, " as if on high stilts," with their roots exposed, owing to the shrinking of the surrounding peat. Having shewn the great probability that these trees still occupy their original sites, I have now to prove, 3i/, That they became hollow from the decay of their wood, and have been subsequently filled up with sedimentary de- posit after immersion. Mr Hawkshaw, to whom we are indebted for the preserva- tion of these fossils, says, in a paper read before the Geological Society of London, that in the virgin forests of the torrid zone, the solid wood of fallen timber trees rapidly decays, while the bark retains its texture and original appearance, and that in six, nine, or twelve months the wood not only decayed, but altogether disappeared, so that the bark became a hollow cylinder, and if struck or trodden on, readily collapsed. M. Schomburgk informed me, that he repeatedly observed this fact during four years travels of Surinam, especially in the low and hot districts. And my friend Gardner in a letter to me, dated Rio Janiero, 6th December 1840, says, " Nothing is more common than to meet with the trunks of large trees lying on the ground, not only in low swampy forests, but also in the .dense virgin forests of mountain- tracts, covered with, mosses, ferns, &;c., which to the eye appear quite sound, but which in reality consist of little more than a thick bark, which gives way immediately to the weight of the traveller, should he incautiously step upon it." The concurring testimony of these scientific naturalists, added to the many evidences we possess of the high temperature of the coal era, can there- 160 Mr Bowman on the Fossil Trees found on the tine df fore leave no room to doubt that a similar process then took place. It must not, however, be lost sight of, that the fossil trees were standing more or less upright, and immersed in, though not covered by, water. After the immersion of the trunk, the boughs and top would remain exposed to the heat and humidity of the at- mosphere, and under these unnatural circumstances the tree would by degrees lose its vital energy and die. Its dead branches would fall off and leave the wood exposed to decay, wiiile the mud from the turbid waters would be forming a compact sediment round the trunk ; incipient fermentation of the bark would soon commence, bitumenization would suc- ceed, and at length it would be converted into coal. The carbonization seems never to have extended to the wood in- wards, nor the decay to the bark outwards ; it being clear, from the regular wavy lines seen on good decorticated speci- mens, that both processes have been arrested precisely at the union of the liber and the alburnum. I think it, therefore, probable that, considering the half-immersed state of these trees, they would struggle for some years between life and death till their tops were quite destroyed, or till they became completely immersed by a second subsidence. The carboni- zation of the bark would probably not take place Where it was not surrounded by sediment ; and this may explain why boughs and branches are not found in upright fossil trees. Every part above the carbonized line would soon perish. AVe have, then, in these upright immersed trunks, so many hollow cylinders or moulds, ready to receive the sediment from the turbid waters. The process of filling up would commence as soon as the top of the broken trunk decayed below the sur- face of the water, and the wood was sufficiently removed to admit the deposit. The mud first admitted would be of the same quality as that suspended in the water at the time ; if no change took place before the cylinder was full, the included column would be of one kind ; but if, during the process, the sediment, from being argillaceous became arenaceous, the lower part of the trunk would be shale and the upper sand- stone. As many alternations would appear as in the equiva- lent deposits above, but at a lower level ; and the line of sepa- the Bolton Bailwat/, at Dixon Fold, neur Manchester, 161 ration between them would be more or less clearly defined as the change was gradual or sudden. It is obvious that if the tree had been originally hollow and of uniform diameter, the sediment introduced would correspond, both in quality and thickness, with that on the same level around it. If, on the contrary, it had been solid, no sediment, while it continued so, could be admitted ; but if, in process of time, it became hollow by decay, it would then be in a condition to receive wliatever sediment the water might at the time be depositing, it being borne in mind that it was submerged, standing erect, or nearly so, with its lower portion buried up by the deposits that had been accumulating round it while solid. In the latter, the strata on the same level, within and around the trunk, would not correspond, but the introduced matter would resemble the beds of which it was the equivalent. I will now briefly describe the actual conditions of the tree No. 1, and of the surrounding strata, and then see how far they can be reconciled with the above theory. This trunk is a compact fine-grained sandstone, with an intermediate hori- zontal band of shale nine or ten inches thick, the bottom of which is two feet above the present base, and which separates the sandstone into two distinct beds. This band is distinguish- able from pure argillaceous shale by a mixture of sand ; and where weathered, is seen to consist of a number of very thin plates of soft bluish sandstone with intermediate laminae of shale. It is separated from the contiguous sandstone, both above and below it, by an abrupt and definite line, indicative of sudden changes in the nature of the deposit, which changes are the more remarkable, because, in the coal-measures, the transition from one deposit to another is generally gradual and indefinite. The matrix that envelopes the lower half of the tree and lies upon the nine-inch seam of coal, is a grey argillaceous shale, that imperceptibly changes upwards into a sandstone not distinguishable fro;n that which forms the tree itself. On a cursory view this sandstone appears to be some yards thick, but on removing its pai'tial covering, a well-defined bed of laminated shale may be seen inserted. Above the sandstone other deposits succeed which it is not necessary here to notice. On comparing the deposits within the trea VOL, XXXI. NO. LXI. — JULY 1841. L 162 Mr Bowman on the Fossil Trees found in the Line of with those above it, just described, a remarkable coincidence will be perceived ; the band of shale is in both overlaid and underlaid by the same sandstone, composed in both of the same peculiar character, and separated from the sarfflstone by an equally abrupt and definite boundary. In the upper strata, the band is, however, fifteen inches thick, while that in the tree is only ten inches ; a difference to be explained in the sequel. This coincidence in the order and quality of the deposits within and around the tree, naturally leads us to inquire if they will not afford some clue to the actual circumstances under which it was interred. Had the tree been originally hollow or even cellular, the same blue or grey shale which is deposited around it, would have forced itself into the interior ; unless, indeed, when entire, there had been no aperture, or if its top had been above the surface of the water. In either case, the great lateral pressure of the surrounding water and sediment would have caused its sides to collapse. Most fossil trees found erect have retained their circular form, and are usually filled with a material which differs from the surround- ing matrix, and corresponds with an upper bed. This is the case with the specimen under examination, and the circum- stance goes far to prove that it was originally solid ; while, on the other hand, the inorganic matter which now represents it affords indisputable evidence that it was, at some period^ a hollow cylinder, which admitted soft sediment through a wide aperture, because these fossil trunks often contain fern leaves and large portions of calamites, &c. with their beautiful mark- ings uninjured. The question therefore arises, how these con- tradictory-appearances can be reconciled, and I think a satis- factory solution maybe found in the process already described, by which the solid wood in tropical climates is removed while the bark remains sound, and which need not be repeated. It is only necessary to notice one or two apparent discrepancies. The sandstone which forms the lower part of the tree is not so thick as the bed above, which I consider as the same de- posit. Had the hollow tree been a cylinder of uniform dia- meter, the thickness of the deposits within and above it would have been the same. But being somewhat conical^ the base the Bolton Bailway^ at Dixon Fold, near Manchester. 163 being at least twice as broad as the aperture, the introduced matter having a wider area to cover, would necessarily be thinner and more diffused than its equivalent above. This will also expUin the difference in the thickness of the shale- band in and above the tree, which has been already alluded to ; but here there is an additional cause. In the tree it is nine or ten inches measured perpendicular to the plane of its surface ; but above, where it is fifteen inches, the measure- ment is taken on the slope of the excavation, which inclines about 36° towards the railway, and as the strata dip about 17° in a contrary direction, it follows that in the section the band will appear to be nearly one-third- thicker than that in tlie tree. Again, no sediment from the water that was leloiv the top of the tree could be admitted into it, which would tend still farther to diminish the thickness of the lower band. It is also necessary to bear in mind that when this shale-band was formed, the top of the cylinder must have extended up- wards of seven or eight feet higher than it does at present. But, on this assumption, another apparent discrepancy will arise, on comparing the relative thickness of the sandstone above the shale-band, within and above the tree. Its present thickness in the trunk is five feet six inches, and if to this we add about seven feet six inches to its probable top at the time the pro- cess was going on, it will exceed that of its supposed equiva- lent above. But I think this only proves that when the sur- rounding sediment had risen as high as the top of the cylinder, a good deal of what afterwards settled round it would find its way into the aperture in addition to that derived from the water immediately/ above it ; the specific gravity of the sandy deposit would cause it to slip down and form a quaquaversal slope or funnel round the orifice, which, as the sediment ac- cumulated, would collect it from a continually widening area, and rapidly fill up the cavity.* Taking this and several minor considerations into account, it seems probable that the tree * No indication of sudi an arrangement can be seen in the present in- stance, because the top of the trunk and its suiTOunding matrix, for six feet in every direction, have been removed in excavating for the railway ; but I mention it that observation may bo directed to this point on any future die* covery of fossil trees. 1(34 On the. Fossil Trees found at Dixon Fold. became hollow about the period when the change in the de- posit from the lower shale to the sandstone about it took place. I have now shewn that the trunk of this fossil is a cast in sandstone of the original tree, and that it is composed of the same strata, placed in the same order of succession, and with the same transitions, now abrupt and now gradual, as are found in the rock above it : I have accounted for this general cor- respondence, for several slight inequalities of thickness, and for the difference found in the material within the base of the tree, and in the imbedding matrix. 1 have offered strong evi- dence from the laws of vegetable physiology, that it was a dicotyledonous hard-wooded timber tree, and the testimony of three scientific travellers, two being distinguished botanists, that such trees in our own day, rapidly become hollow by the decay of their wood in hot and humid climates, while the bark remains sound ; and I have given an example from the coal- strata of a fossil stem in which a portion of the original woody structure was preserved among the inorganic matter that filled its interior. I am therefore of opinion, after a careful con- sideration of all the evidence, that the tree in question, in common with numerous others found in similar situations, was a hard-wooded timber tree ; that it grew on the spot where it still stands ; and after the subsidence of the land, remained in an erect position with its top above the water ; that it was converted into a hollow cylinder by the decay of its wood from natural causes still in operation, and, when altogether sub- merged, became a mould for the reception of sediment from the turbid waters, and was gradually covered up by subsequent deposits, preserving the exact form and character of its ori- ginal woody surface, as the carbonized exterior has that of its bark ; and that when at length it is now disinterred, after a lapse of time so vast that man will probably never be able to estimate or to comprehend it, it presents to us an exact cast or model of the trunk of a growing forest tree of the carboni- ferous era. In addition to the interesting data already given, the fossil trees at Dixon Fold seem to me to afford some evidence as to the length of time that has been occupied in the growth of a Dr Bidder's Bemarks on the Human Hair. 165 quantity of vegetable matter sufficient to produce a given thickness of coal, and also of the amount of shrinkage the ve- getable matter has undergone by conversion into solid coal. TMs evidence is principally derived from the existing laws of vegetable physiology applied to the remote epoch of the coal- formation under modifications necessary from difference of climate and other circumstances. But as the details, however interesting in the present state of our knowledge, or rather ignorance on these points, are not necessarily connected with the subject of fossil trees, and cannot easily be explained with- out a diagram, it is perhaps better not to introduce them into the present communication. Manchester, Jmie 1841. Remarks on the Origin, Structure^ and Life of the Human Hair, By Dr Bidder of Dorpat. By means of Schwann''s admirable investigation of the de- velopment of the textures, the only sure path has been opened up by which the explanation of many obscurities in the mi- croscopic relations of the textures, and the final solution of many disputed problems connected with these have either been already actually obtained, or may be expected. To the latter belong the discussions, continued up to the present day, on the structure of the human hair. For, the hollowness or the solidity of hair, the division into two different substances, or a perfectly uniform constitution, the fibrous structure imagined by Leeuwenhoek, or some other cause of the longitudinal divi- sion sometimes seen in hair ; these were questions, the perfcc t and sure decision of which could only be expected from the history of the development of these parts, and from the deter- mination of their relation to the primary cells. Unfortunatel}', Schwann, although he directed his attention to most of the modifications of the horny texture in this point of view, did not investigate the hair. Perhaps, therefore, the communica- tion of some observations on this subject may not be without interest. The investigation of the mode of formation of the parts be- longing to the horny texture is rendered very easy by the cir- 166 Dr Bidder's liemarks on the Origin^ eumstance that it is not necessary to go back to the foetus period of the whole organism ; but that, owing to its constant renewal in fully grown individuals, we can easily follow up the process. The following observations were partly made on hairs which were followed up with the knife through the capsule to the root, but more frequently on hairs newly sprung, as in these the capsule {llaarhalg) and pulp (Ilaarkeim) generally follow without being injured. The pulp, which springs from the bottom of the capsule, or rather from below it, exhibits at its upper extremity, that which is connected with the surrounding soft parts, a deep dark colour, which is palpable to the naked eye, and which distinguishes it in a remarkable manner from the capsule. This end, when brought without further prepa- ration under the microscope, appears throughout as a granu- lar, muddy yellow, and partially very dark coloured, mass.* By pressure or careful division, accompanied by treatment with acetic acid, the grains become so much separated from one another as to be easily recognised as distinct cells provided with a nucleus. The size of the cells amounts, in their largest diameter, to 0.00438'" Par. on an average ; the other diame- ters vary much, inasmuch as the cells are sometimes pretty regularly round, sometimes oval, sometimes, and that probably on account of their close proximity, irregularly flattened, and sometimes thicker at one end than the other. The granu- lar contents of the cells are more or less dark, but I have not been able to distinguish the individual granules con- tained in them, and I have not accomplished the separation of these cells. The cellular nucleus is frequently hidden from the eye by these contents ; it is hardly 0.002'" in size ; we cannot inquire as to yet smaller bodies composing the nucleus where the dimensions are thus minute. The cel- lular membrane, even in the cells lying in the lowest part of the capsule, are not acted on by acetic acid. These cells lie through one another in quite an irregular manner, but ap- pear to be united by a pretty tenacious cytohlastema^^' for it is ♦ This has been already stated bj Gurlt in MUller's Archiv, 1836, p. 271, and has been figured by him in that volume, Plate XII. Fig. 8. t By cytohlastema is understood a structureless substance, which is either contained in pre-existing cells, or exists in the outside of these. Structure^ and Life of the Human Hair. 167 somewhat difficult to isolate them. On the one hand, they pass uninterruptedly into the cells of the epithelium, which clothes the inner surface of the capsule with a thick layer, and agree with them tolerably well in size, but are distinguished by their dark colour ; for the cells of the epithelium are almost quite light and clear. On the other hand, they are continued into the cells of that portion of the pulp which lies free in the capsule ; but here also they have undergone various changes. They are distinctly arranged in rows, and are so much dimi- nished in breadth, while the length remains nearly the same, or but little increased, that the length exceeds the breadth three or four times, so that the whole pulp at this place is con- siderably diminished in thickness. There is but rarely an im- perfect trace of a nucleus, and, in consequence of the contrac- tion, it appears merely as a fine dark streak between the out- lines of the cell. Each cell is continued at both ends in the form of an extremely fine thread, which meets a corresponding one of a neighbouring cell. These threads are so fine that under the microscope they present only a simple dark line, and exhibit no trace of separate outlines, so that we cannot form a decided opinion as to their further structure, although it is not improbable that they are hollow but extremely fine continuations of the cellular membrane. By means of these the cells are united in a connected series, into a thread, which is from place to place enlarged (the cellular bodies), and be- tween is sensibly diminished (the cellular continuations), and which exhibits the essential characters of the epithelium of Valentin with its threaded rows. The length of the enlarged and contracted portions is nearly the same. These fibres lie parallel to one another, and appear to be united by a light- coloured and transparent cytohlastema. In an otherwise un- injured pulp, these threads are sometimes removed from one another by pressure, in such a manner that some of the cellu- lar bodies, probably after the tearing away of the uniting threads, project more or less in the whole circumference of the pulp. An appearance is thus presented simulai* to that which Gurlt has referred to the so-termed root-fibres of the hair.* I • Figured by him in the article alreadjr (juoted, Fig. 9. A. 168 Dr }3idder's Bemarks on the Origin, believe, however, that Gurlt has only had before him the cells of the epithelium of the capsule, for the cells of the hair itself are much darker. This middle portion of the pulp possesses a certain fragility and brittleness, inasmuch as, by pressm-e, it is easily separated longitudinally, as well as transversely, into several pieces, at whose edges the fibrous structure can be very distinctly discerned. A slight pressure separates also this middle portion of the pulp from a third portion, which lies next the actual hair, but is distinguished from it by greater breadth and softness. The brittleness at this point is also the cause that in drawing out the hair the whole pulp but rarely follows it ; whereas this third portion, which belongs more to the true hair, always accompanies it. This .portion, which alone should receive the name of bulb {Haarzwiehet), exhi- bits at its broken end a similar fibrous structure to the mid- dle portion of the pulp ; only the cellular bodies here are finer and narrower, so that for the most part the outlines of the cellular membrane and of the nucleus can no longer be dis- tinguished, and they appear merely as oval bodies. The fibres are then uninterruptedly continued into the actual hair, and run towards the extremity . parallel to one another. If the observer has once convinced himself of this passage, then in the wholly developed hair-cylinder, at least at its commence- ment after moistening with acetic acid, the cellular bodies can be recognised as dark points,* and even sometimes the con- tinuations are clearly distinguishable as dark lines. We may, therefore, conclude, that the hair throughout con- sists of an aggregation of longitudinal fibres, and results from thread-like rows of cells, which gradually advance from the bottom of the pulp to the end of the hair itself, but which in this course undergo essential changes in their size, form, &c., while the cytoblastema^ occurring between them, seems always to become more dried-in and firmer ; we may also, therefore, conclude that the developed hair is uniform throughout its whole mass ; that it presents no difi^erence between its external and internal portions, and that in it no pith and external coat- ing can be distinguished. The task, however, still remained ♦ Vidi Gurlt's figure, Plate XII. Fig. 0. C. of the paper previously quotedi Structure^ and Life of (he Human Hair. 169 of decomposing the fully developed hair into its fibrous ele- ments. The successful treatment, with concentrated acids, of the nails by M. J. Weber, and of the epidermis by Henle, sug- gested itself. This method afforded the desired results. I found that a maceration for several vs^eeks in muriatic acid was the most effectual. The hair is in this way rendered so soft that by slight pulling it is torn asunder ; it can be split into longitudinal threads even by rough preparation, and, by pressure in the direction of the breadth, it can be as completely separated as can be wished for microscopical investigation. There appear coarser and finer fibres uniting with one another in a plexus-like manner, and crossing one another in the most varied directions ; the deviation from the parallel course is doubtless a consequence of the preparation. In the thinner fibres some resemblance to elastic fibres is produced by fre- quent union. But even these fibres are bundles of numerous fine fibrils. These, the elementary forms of the hair, present themselves as dark lines, becoming from place to place a little broader, and even at these broader spots, which are the re- mains of earlier cellular bodies, possessing a diameter of only 0.00041'", according to an estim^e made of it at these very spots, which, indeed, are the only portions sufficiently broad to admit of being calculated. They are, therefore, the finest of all the elements of the body hitherto ascertained. I must remark that the observer may easily be exposed to a double deception in respect to the numerous fibres that occur, which exhibit a lighter centre, surrounded by dark bounding lines, and which might be regarded as the elementary constituent parts of hair. On the one hand, by the position of the microscope being altered, such a fibre will sometimes have the aspect of a bundle of the already-mentioned finest fibrils, which are somewhat united by the yellowish cytohlastema^ which has been again loosened and swollen by the acid, whence such a bundle also presents a yellowish colour, with dark streaks running through it. On the other hand, in such an altered position of the microscope, the observer can at pleasure allow the one boundary line to appear or disappear, while the other remains constant, or, inasmuch as he can allow the light which 170 Dr Bidder's Bemarks on the Origin, comes from beneath to fall on the object sometimes from the one side and sometimes from the other, the one outline seems permanent, but the other sometimes to the left, sometimes to tlie right, and is therefore merely a shadow. The permanently remaining line is the elementary hair-fibre. In it the walls eeem to lie so near, both to the primary cells and to their con- tinuations, that the cellular aperture disappears from view. The same is the case with the pigment-cells with which the hair-cells can be most readily compared ; for the so-called pigment ramifications proceeding from them are frequently so fine that they elude all measurement. If the thickness of a human hair of the head be estimated on an average at one- tenth of a line, then, to produce its diameter, .there must be combined about 250 of such elementary hair-fibres, if we do not reckon the uniting cytoblastema, which, however, exists cer- tainly, but in small quantity ; in its entire thickness, there- fore, a human hair must contain a prodigious number of such vessels. How this can be brought into agreement with the number of the cells of the pulp is to me still inexplicable. The breadth of the former is nearly ten times less than that of the latter, and as the hair-fibres, are produced not by the splitting but by the aggregation of the cells, the pulp must be ten times greater than the developed hair, Vv^hereas, in fact, it only ex- ceeds the hair-cylinder at most three times in thickness. I was myself doubtful of the accuracy of my observations, and was therefore induced to repeat them frequently ; but I have always arrived at the same puzzling result, the explanation of which I must leave to others. The artificial decomposition of the perfectly developed hair afforded, besides the confirmation of the view to which the history of the development in rela- tion to the texture of the hair necessarily led, also some further indications as to the seat of the colouring matter in the hair. The dark colour of the lowest part of the pulp is plainly pro- duced by the dark contents of its cells, while the cellular pulpy matter which unites them is light coloured and transparent ; and we can often merely conclude as to its presence without being able to demonstrate it. The middle portion of the pulp exhibits neither the intense coloration of the lowest part of Structure, and Life of the Human Hair. 171 it, nor is it eA'en so dark as the developed hair ; the cells are, it is true there, but considerably contracted, therefore smaller, while they are not pressed so closely together, but are arranged in rows by the more or less long uniting threads. The ci/to- blastema here is also light coloured. In the third part of the pulp, however, where the cells appear much as they do in the second, a darker colour is at once perceptible, and it depends upon the coloration of the firmer and more tenacious interme- diate substance which unites the fibres. This is very easily ascertained after treatment of the developed hair with muria- tic acid, when, between the finest fibres, that yellowish or brownish uniting mass, the cijtohlastema, distinctly makes its appearance, and is undoubtedly the chief cause of the colour of the hair. I have unfortunately not yet been able to examine how hair of other colours, such as light blonde and white, are circumstanced in this respect ; for hitherto I have only em- ployed brown and black. When these are treated with muriatic acid they commimicate a portion of their colouring matter to the liquid, which thus acquires a dark greenish tint, while the hair itself becomes paler. This, at least, partial extractability of the colouring matter, harmonizes extremely well with the view that its chief seat is in the surrounding cytohlastema, and is in this way quite explicable. I have not yet made -any ob- servations as to how the hair-fibres are circumstanced in hairs which are thinner at their roots than in their subsequent course, as, for example, in the eyebrows. According to the investigations of Henle and Schwann on the changes of the cells going forward in other horny textures, and according to the result that these conversions must be derived from a self-acting power in the cells, the same must at once be supposed regarding the hair, and the opinion must be rejected that all changes of the hair have reference to the matrix alone. The idea of the dead or lifeless structure within the boundaries of the organism, must now be given up. The observations communicated on the origin of the hair afford the confirmation of the supposition made above. It cannot, how- ever, be without interest to obtain from pathology new proofs of the life existing in the hair itself. A residence of some 172 Dr Bidder^'s Bcmarks on the Origin^ weeks during last summer at a place in which the Flica Polo- nica is among the most frequent diseases, afforded me an opportunity of doing so. It is true that it was not in its worst forms, but that was not necessary for an anatomical- physiological investigation. Unfortunately I could not make microscopical observations at the time, and afterwards I had no opportunity. The portion of my remarks which relate to the present subject is the following : In all the cases in- vestigated by me, the matted hair-tufts did not reach to the skin of the head, but the hairs which afterwards formed such a tuft, to from one-half to one inch from the head, were quite in their normal state. We might, to be sure, suppose that sound hair had grown afterwards, and that the matting had originally reached deeper, but this I had no opportunity of ascertaining, as I only saw the disease in its later stages. I have, indeed, never seen any cases of Plica Polonica that had quite newly occurred ; but as the appearance mentioned pre- sented itself in at least twenty otherwise very different indi- viduals in much the same way, such may, without hesitation, be regarded as the regular and original mode of occurrence. As, further, the skin of the head, at the places corresponding to the spots affected by Plica Polonica, was in its normal state, and exhibited neither redness, swelling, nor increased sensi- bility, we cannot suppose that there is an absolute dependence of the phenomena of disease occurring in the hair on the con- dition of the skin of the head, which contains its so-termed matrix. We must rather believe that in the above-mentioned cases the hair-cylinders, in consequence of a diseased action beginning at a fixed place in their cellular fibres, become united in larger and smaller bundles, thus individually in- creasing considerably in thickness, and also become so en- tangled that they divide into fine fibrils. The frequent oc- currence of such fine hairs, as also that of numerous much coarser hairs in Plica Polonica, can scarcely be otherwise ac- counted for. A process of division or separation in the conti- nuity of the hair, which sometimes occurs, is still more im- portant and conclusive as to the life of the cylinder. I met with two individuals in whom, a short time before, the matted Structure, and Life of the Human Hair. 173 hair-tufts had of themselves fallen off, without leaving hare places on the skin of the head ; nay, this falling off is consi- dered b}' the people of the district as a fortunate, though a rare symptom. When my attention had once been directed to this, it was not difficult to observe in a couple of patients this process of separation in its commencement and progress. While, for the most part, no particularly distinct and fixed boun- dary could be ascertained between the sound and the matted hair, and both gradually passed into one another, there pre- sented itself on two occasions, in place of this passage, a round deep groove running round the tuft of hair, as if it had been produced by a thread laced in all round. It formed a very dis- tinct boundary between the sound and diseased portion of the hair, which appeared at this place as if cracked. The lacing- in and contraction of the hair-tuft at this place proceeded so far in many of the bunches, that a portion of the hair-cylinder was separated, and the whole tuft was hanging to only a resi- due of the hair which was originally united with it ; by a con- tinuation of the process, the whole tuft must eventually fall off. This circumstance has a remarkable resemblance to the phenomena which accompany the separation of diseased por- tions in the soft parts, for example, in the case of scalds. When, in such cases, boundaries are established, a red ring is formed between the sound and the diseased parts ; a lacing-in is produced, by the deeper penetration of which the diseased portion is at last separated and removed. The whole pheno- mena can only be derived from an action inherent in the hair itself. I sincerely trust that this subject, which still presents so many blanks to fill up, may very soon attract the attention of others whose external circumstances are favourable to such an investigation. I cannot myself soon hope to enjoy an op- portunity of following up my observations.* * From Miiller^s Archiv/Ur Amtomie, &c. 184a \ 174 Arrangement, of Minerals. Tabular View of an Arrangement of Misbrals founded upon' Fhy steal and Chemical Characters, * CLASS I. Order I. Gas. Ord. II. Water. Ord. III. Acid. Ord. IV. Salt. CLASS 11. A. Haloidal Minerals. Tasteless compounds of Earths and Acids, and of Metals and Acids. Subclass I. HALLITE. — Saline Minerals. Tasteless compounds of Earths and Acids. Order I. Kuphallite — Light Saline Minerals. Example^ Gypsum. Order II. Barallite — Heavy Saline Miiierals. Ex. Heavy-Spar, Subclass II. HALOCHALCITE— aS'^/Zw^ Ores. Tasteless compounds of Metals and Acids. Order I. Baralochalcite. — Heavy Saline Ores. Ex. Sparry-Iron. Order II. KuphalochalCite — Light Sali7ie Ores. Ex. Malachite. Order III. Micalochalcite. — Micaceous Saline Ores. Ex. Uran-Mica. Order IV. Keralochalcite Comeoys Saline Ores. Ex. Horn-Ore. B. Earthy Minerals. Order L Mica. Order II. Graphite. f Order III. Stea- tite. Order IV. Spar. Order V. Gem. C. Metalliferous Minerals. Order I. Ore, or Oxide. Order II. Metal, or Native Metal. Order III. Pyrites. Order IV. Glance. Order V. Blende. Order VI. Sulphur. * In this Tabular View, used in my lectures on Natural History, the whole of the genera and species of the system are not enumerated, and the characters of the orders and genera are not so fully detailed as in the class- room.— Edit. t The Order Graphite is placed provisionally among the Earthy Minerals. Arrangement of Minerals, 175 CLASS III. Inflammable Minerals. Order I. Resin. Order II. Coal. CLASS I. . Characters of the Class. — If solid, is sapid. Specific gra- vity less than 3.8.* Order I. GAS. Elastic. Not acid. Sp. gr. — 0.0001 — 0.0014. Genus I. Hydrogen Gas. Evident smell. Sp. gr. = 0.0001 — 0.0014. 1. Pure Hydrogen Gas. 2. Carbiiretted Hydrogen Gas. 3. Sulphu- retted Hydrogen Gas. 4. Phosphuretted Hydrogen Gas. Genus II. Azotic Gas. Without snjell or taste. Sp. gr. = 0.9757. 1. Common Azotic Gas. Genus III. Atmospheric Air. Without smell or taste. Sp. gr. z= 0-001 — 0001 5. 1. Pure Atmospheric Air. Order II. WATER. Liquid. Tasteless, or with sensible smell and taste. Sp. gr.:^ 1.0 — 1.0269. Genus I. Atmospheric Water. W^ithout smell or taste. Sp. gr. = 1.0. 1. Pure Atmospheric Water. Genus II. Sea-Water. Sensible smell and taste. Sp. gr. = 1.0269. 1 . Common Sea- Water. Order III. ACID. Elastic, liquid, and solid. Hardness= 0.0 — 1.5. Sp. gr. = 0.0018—3.7. Taste acid, sweetish. * This class might be divided into subclasses, the first subclass to include the Gases, the second the Waters, the third the Acids, and the fourth the Salts ; but the number of substances in the class is so inconsiderable, as to render the introduction of such subdiyisions unnecessary. 176 Arrangement of Minerals, Genus I. Carbonic Acid. Taste slightly acid. Sp. gr. = 0.0018. 1. Aeriform Carbonic Acid. Genus II. Muriatic Acid or Hydrochloric Acid. Smell of safFron, and strong acid taste. Sp. gr. = 0.0023. 1. Aeriform Muriatic Acid or Hydrochloric Acid. Genus III. Sulphuric Acid. If gaseous, the smell is sulphureous. If liquid, the taste is strongly acid. Sp. gr. = 0.0025 — 1.9. I. Aeriform Sulphuric Acid, or Sulphurous Acid Gas. 2. Liquid Sul- phuric Acid. Genus IV. Boracic Acid. Solid. Sp. gr. = 1.4—1.5. 1, Prismatic Boracic Acid. Genus V. Arsenious Acid. Solid. Sp. gr. greater than 3.0. 1. Octahedral Arsenious Acid. Order IV. SALT. Solid. Hardnessrr 1.0 — 3.5. Sp. gr. == 1.4 — 3.2. Taste not acid. Soluble in water. -|- Alkaline Salts. * Salts of Soda. Genus I. Natron, or Carbonate of Soda. Prismatic and hemiprismatic. Taste pungent and alkaline. Hard ness = 1.0 — 1.5. Sp. gr. = 1.4 — 1.6. 1. Hemiprismatic Natron. 2. Prismatic Natron. Genus II. Trona, or Sesqui-carbonate of Soda. Hemiprismatic. Taste alkaline. Hardness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. =2.1— 2.2. 1. Prismatoidal Trona. Genus III. Glauber Salt or Sulphate of Soda. Prismatic. Taste first cooling, and then feebly saline and bitter. Hardness = 1.5 — 2.0. Sp. gr. = 1.4 — 1.5. 1 . Prismatic Glauber Salt. Genus IV. Borax, or Borate of Soda. Hemiprismatic. Taste sweetish alkaline, but feeble. Hardness = 2.0 --2.5. = 1.7 — 1.8. 1. Prtsmatic Borax.. Arrangement of Minerals, 177 Genus V. Rock-Salt. Tessular. Cleavage hexahedral. Taste saline. Hardness = 2.0 Sp. gr. = 2.2 — 2.3. 1. Plexahedral Rock-Salt. ** Salts of Potash. Genus VI. Nitre, or Nitrate of Potash. Prismatic. Taste cooling and saline. Hardness = 2.0. Sp. gr. 1.9 — 2.0. 1. Prismatic Nitre. Genus VH. Sulphate op Potash. Cleavage imperfect. Taste disagreeably bitter, but feeble. Hard- ness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. = 1.73. 1 . Prismatic Sulphate of Potash. *■"* Salts of Ammonia, Genus VIII. Sal-Ammoniac. Tessular. Prismatic. Taste pungent and urinous. Hardness =^ 1.5 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.5 — 1.73. 1 . Octahedral Sal-Ammoniac, or Muriate of Ammonia. 2. Prismatic Sal- Ammoniac, or Sulphate of Ammonia. ft Earthi/ Salts, * Salts of Magnesia, Genus IX. Epsom Salt or Sulphate of Magnesia. Prismatic. Cleavage perfect. Taste bitter and saline. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.7 — 1.8. 1. Prismatic Epsom Salt. ** Salts of Alumina, Geiius X. Alum. Tessular. Taste sweetish, astringent. Hardness =2.0 — 2.5. = 1.7 — 1.8. 1. Octahedral Alum. -H Compound Salts. Genus XI. Glauberite. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Taste saline and astringent or bitter, but feeble Hardness = 2.5 — 3.5. Sp. gr. = 2.75 — 2.85. 1. Hemiprismatic Glauberite. 2. Prismatic Glauberite or Polyhallite. *•** Metalliferous Salts. Genus XII. Vitriol. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Tetartoprismatic. Streak white. Taste astringent. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1 .8 — 2.3. vol. XXXI. no. LXI, JULY 1841. M tT8 Arrmigeinent of Minerals, 1. Green Vitriol or Sulphate of Iron (Ilemiprismatic Vitriol). 2. BliLc Vitriol or Sulphate of Copper (Tetartoprismatic Vitriol). 3. White Vitriol or Sulphate of ^inc (^Prismatic Vitriol). Genus XIII. Botryogene or Red Sulphate of Iron. Hemiprismatic. Streak ochre-yellow. Taste feebly astringent. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 2.04. 1. Hemiprismatic Botryogene. Genus XIV. Johannite or Uranium Vitriol. Hemiprismatic. Taste bitter and astringent. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. 3.19. 1. Hemiprismatic Johannite. CLASS II. Characters of (he Class. — Specific Gravity more than 1.8. Tasteless. A- Haloidal IXEinerals. Tasteless compounds of Earths and Acids, and of Metals and Acids. Subclass I. HALLITE. — Saline Minerals. Tasteless compounds of Earths and Acids. Order I. KUPHALLITE.— i^>A^ ScUin£ JMi^rals. Not metallic. Cleavage never distinctly axotomous ; in thin plates not elastic. Streak white, red, blue. Hardness 1.5 _ 5.0. Sp. gr. = 1.9 — 3.2. t • Genus I. Gypsum. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Cleavage very distinctly monotomous ; flexible in thin plates. Hardness = 1 .5 — 2.0. Sp. gr. = 2.2 — 2.4. 1. Prismatoidal or common Gypsum. Genus II. Anhydrite. Prismatic. Cleavage in three rectangular directions. Hardness =3.0 — 3.5. Sp. gr. = 2.8 — 2.9. 1. Prismatic Anhydrite. Genus III. Gay-Lussite. Hemiprismatic. Hardness = 2.5 Sp. gr. = 1.9. -^ 1.95. 1. Hemiprismatic Oay-Liissite. Arrangement of Minerals, 17© Genus IV. Calc-Spar. Rhomboliedral. Prismatic. IIarclness=3.0 — 4.5. Sp. gr.=2.5 — 3.2. * Common Calc-Spars, and Limestones. 1. Prismatic Calc-Spar or Aragonite. 2. Rliombohedral Calc-Spar or Common Calc-Spar. ** Magnesian Calc-Spars^ and Limestones. .3. Dolomite Calc-Spar. 4. Magnesite Calc-Spar, 6. Ankerite Calc- Spar. Genus V. Fluor. Tessular. Hardness = 4. Sp. gr. = 3.144. 1. Octahedral or common Fluor Spar. Genus VI. Apatite. Rhomboliedral. Hardness = 5.0. Sp. gr. = 3.225. 1. Rhombohedral Apatite or common Phosphate of Lime. ft Genus VII. Alumstone. Rhombohedral. Cleavage axotomous. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. Sp. gr. =2.5—2.8. 1. Rhombohedral Alumstone. (Alumine souS'Sulphatie Alcaline, Haliy.) + + t Genus VIII. Wavellite. Prismatic. Cleavage perfect in oblique directions. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 2.3 — 2.4. 1. Prismatic Wavellite or Phosphate of Alumina. tttt Genus IX. Cryolite. Prismatic. Cleavage in three rectangular directions. Hardness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. =: 2.9 — 3.0. 1. Prismatic Cryolite (Alumne Fluat^e Alcaline. HaUy). Order II. BARALLITE.— 7/e«r^ Saline Minerals. Not metallic. Streak white. Hardness = 3.0 -—4.0. Sp. gr. = 3.6 — 4.7. Genus I. Heavy-Spar. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Hardness = 3.0 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 3.6 — 4.7. * Barytic Spars. 1, Baryto-Calcitc or Hemiprismatic Heavy-Spar. 2. Witherite, or Diprismatic Heavy-Spar {Carbonate of Barytes). 3. Common Heavy-Spar, or Prismatic Heavy-Spar {Sulphate of Barytes). 180 Arrangement of Minerals. ** Stro7ititic Spars. 4. Strontinnite or Peritomous Heavy-Spar ( Carbonate ofStrontites). 6. Celestine or Prismatoidal Heavy-Spar {Sulphateof Strontites). Subclass II. UALOCRALClTE.-^Saluie Ores. Tasteless compounds of Metals and Acids. Order I. BARALOCHALCITE.— JT^^t^y Saline Ores. Not metallic. No metallic pearly lustre. Streak white, pale bro^vn, orange-yellow. Hardness = 2.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 3.3 — 8.1. Genus I. Sparry-Iron. Rhombobedral. Cleavage rhombohedral. Streak white. Hard- ness = 3.5 — 4.5. Sp. gr. = 3.829. 1. Rhombohedral Sparrj^-Iron, or Carbonate of Irgn. Genus II. Red Manganese. Rhombohedral. Cleavage rhombohedral. Colour red. Hard- ness =3. 5 — 4.5. Sp. gr. = 3.5. 1. Rliombohedral Red Manganese (^Manganese oxide carbonate, H.). 2. Isometric Red Manganese. Genus III. Retine-Spar. Pyramidal. Prismatic. Streak brown... grey. Hardness = 4.5 — 5.5. = 3.6— 4.6. 1. Pyramidal Retine-Spar {Phosphate of Ytti'ia). 2. Prismatic Retina- Spar {Pho spha te of Manganese) . Genus IV. Tungsten. Pyramidal. Hardness = 4.0 — 4.5. Sp. gr. = 6.0 — - 6. 1 . 1. Pyramidal Tungsten, or Tungstate of Lime. Genus V. Calamine. Prismatic. Rhombohedral. Streak white. Hardness = 5.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 3.3. — 4.5. 1. Prismatic Calamine, or Electric Calamine {Hydrous silicate of Zinc). 2. Rhombohedral Calamine {Carbonate of Zinc). 3. Williamsite {Anhydrous silicate of Zinc). Genus VI. Lead-Spar. Rhombohedral. Pyramidal. Prismatic, and Hemiprismatic. Hard- ness = 2.0 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 6.0 — 8.1. 1. Peritomous Lead-Spar {MuriateofLeadofMendip). 2. Diprisma- tic Lead-Spar {Carbonate of Lead. White Lead-Spar.) 8. Rhom- bohedral Lead- Spar {Phosphate of Lead. Griin und Braun Bleierz of Wern.) 4. Macrotypous Lead-Spar {Griin Bleierz, W. Plomb phosphaK: Arsenifere, H.) 6. Hemiprismatic Lead-Spar Arrangement of Mifierale. ISl {Chromateof Lead. Red Lead- Spar). 6. Pyramidal Lead-Spar {Molybdatc of Lead. Yellow Lead-Spar). 7. Pystomous Lead- Spar (rMM^r^/a^c o/iearf. Scheelbleupath Mr.). 8. Orthotomous Leiid-Simr {Corneous Lead- Spar. Hornblei). 9. Prismatic Lead- Spur {Sulphate of Lead. Vitriol-BleierXyW. Plomh Sulphate, H.) 10. Axotomous Lead-Spar {Sulphato-Tri- Carbonate of Lead, Brooke). 11. Paratomous Lead Spar {Cupreous Sulphato-Car- bonate of Lead, Brooke). 12. Prismatoidal Lead-Spar {Sulphato- Carbonate of Lead, Brooke). Genus VIL White Antimony, or Antimony-Spar. Prismatic. Hardness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. = 5.5 — 5.6. 1. Prismatic White Antimony. Order IL KUPHALOCHALCITE.— Z^i^A/ Saiirte Ores. Not metallic. Colour blue, green, brown, yellow. Streak blue, green, brown. Hardness = 2.0 — 5.0. Sp. gr. 2.5 — 4.2. Genus L Liriconite. Tessular. Prismatic. Cleavage not monotomous. Hardness = 2.0^ ^2.5. Sp. gr. = 2.8 — 3.0. 1. Prismatic Liriconite {Arseniate of Copper). 2. Hexaliedral Liri- conite {Arseniate of Iron). Genus IL Olivenite. Prismatic. Cleavage very imperfect. Colour neither blue, nor lively green. Streak olive-green... brown. Hardness = 3.0 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 3.6 — 4.2. 1. Prismatic Olivenite {Acicular Arseniate of Copper). 2. Diprisma-' tic Olivenite or Libethenite {Phosphate of Copper). Genus HL Blue Malachite. Hemiprismatic. Colour and streak blue. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. =3.7 — 3.9. 1. Prismatic Blue Malachite {Blue Carbonate of Copper), Genus IV. Emerald Malachite. Rhombohedral. Prismatic. Colour lively emerald green. Hard- ness = 3.5 — 5.0. Sp. gr. = 3.2 — 3.5. 1. Rhombohedral Emerald Malachite or Dioptase. 2. Prismatic Emerald Malachite or Euchroite. Genus V. Green Malachite. Hemiprismatic. Cleavage perfect. Colour and streak lively green* Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 3.6 — 4.05. 1. Hemiprismatic Green Malachite, or common Green Malacliitfi {Grren Carbonate q/'Copi>€r). 182 Arrangement of Minerals* Genus VI. Dystome-Malachite.* Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Cleavage imperfect. Colour emerald — blackish-green. Streak lively green. Hardness = 3.5 — 5.0. Sp. gr.= 3.7 — 4.2. \ . Prismatic Dystome-Malachite^ or Brochantite. 2. Hemiprismatic Dystome-Malachite {Phosphor-KupfcrerZj Werner. Hydrous Phosphate of Copper), 3. Monotomous Dystome-Malachite, or Erinite {^Hydrous Sub-bisesquiarseniate of Copper, Thomson). Genus . CoPPER-GREEN.f Amorphous. Streak white. Hardness = 2.0 — 3.0. Sp. gr. = 1.8 — 2.2. I. Common Copper-Green (Siliceous Malachite,, Kiesellcupfer. Cuivre hydraU Silicieux.) Order HI. MICALOCHALCITE.— -Mc«ceoi^^ Saline Ores, Rhombohedral, Prismatic, Pyramidal. Cleavage monoto- mous, very distinct. Hardness = 1.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. =2.5 ^3.2. Genus I. Copper-Mica. Rhombohedral, prismatic. Streak green. Hardness =1.0 — 2.0. Sp. gr. = 2.5 — 3.2. 1. Rhombohedral Copper-Mica (Arseniate of Copper). 2. Prismatic Copper-Mica (Kupferschaum). Genus II. Uran-Mica. Pyramidal. Streak lively green... yellow. Cleavage very distinct- ly axotomous. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 3.0 — 3.2. 1. Pyramidal Uran-Mica {Phosphate of Uranium), Order IV. KERALOCHALCITE.— (7e- tween Savanna and the Baie du Cap, the sea foams aji^ainst a barrier of coral from five to fifteen feet in height, and wears it into the most fantastic shapes. At a considerable distance inland, and almost con- cealed by trees and shrubs, are two remarkable points or b.eadlands of coral, from twenty to twenty-five feet abpve the present level of the sea. They present the same marks of abrasion as the bamer reef now- undergoing the action of the waves. The observatory. Port Louis, is built also on a stratum, ten feet above high water-mark, of very hard coral, which requires blasting. There are, besides, in several parts of the island, and at considerable distances inland, enormous blocks of coral, surrounded with the debris of oyster and other shells and broken corals. Appended to Captain Lloyd's communication are .two letters from agents appointed by him to collect information respecting inland blocks of coral. One of the letters is from Mr Hill, surveyor of roads, and contains the following data respecting two blocks near Souillac :— Distance from the sea, Probable height above high water, Length, Breadth, Height, ..... Girth round the largest projections, 1st Bloik. 2a Block. 610 feet. 1356 feet. 60 ... 12 ... .'K) ... 10 ... 12 ... 7i... 14 ... 40 ... 77 ... If the first of these blocks had been transported by the sea. Captain Lloyd says, it would have attained its present position only by passing over the almost perpendicular coast. The other letter is from Mr Sherlock, and gives the following mea- surements of two blocks on the Black River: — Height. Width. Circumference. Distance from the Sea. 1st Block, 13 feet. 30 to 40 feet. 121 feet. 250 feet. 2d Block, 10 ... 25 ... Length, 41 feet. 840 ... Mr Sherlock adds, there is no coral in the interior, except a small bed on the habitation Le Gentele. 6. Kloden on the Sinkinrj of the Dalmatian Coast. — Kloden has collected a number of observations by new and old authors, which prove in the most decisive manner that the coast of Dalmatia is con- stantly sinking towards the Mediterranean Sea. He places this in connection with the elevation of the Scandinavian coast ; but, instead of regarding it as a general consequence of the gradually progressing contraction of the earth's crust, he connects it with a great and ex- tended volcanic action, of which so many traces present themselves from the Greek Archipelago to Vesuvius and Etna. We must recoK 192 Scientific Intelligence, — Geology, lect that we can know nothing of the connection between the volcanris of the earth and the phenomena distributed over the whole globe, of the gradual elevation of certain portions and the sinking of others ; but it is certain that the hollows which can be produced by the evacuating agency of volcanos, even during thousands of years, are too inconsider- able to be taken into account in the explanation of the vast phenomena of which we are speaking. After this subject had excited general in- terest, geologists directed their attention to the sea-shells of still living species, which occur high above the present level of the sea mixed with beds of earth, as a proof that the sea had at one period stood there, that is, that the land had been elevated above the level of the sea. Such observations were made at much earlier periods ; but it is only of late years that observers have supposed that there is evidence of a con- tinued elevation actually in progress. (Berzelius's Jahresherickt). 7. Volcanic ashes at sea. — The following memorandum has been handed to us by the Rev. Peter Parker, M. D., who was a passenger in the Niantic from Canton to New York Ed. Ship Niantic, L. F. Foty, master, April 5. 1840, being in Lat. 7° 05' north. Long. 121° 10' east, at 2 a.m. sixty miles west from Mindanao, one of the Philippine islands, came up a fine breeze from the north-east, which was attended with a shower of dust resembling that of ashes. It came so thick that it obscured the moon and stars which were all out very clear before ; it filled the sailors' eyes so full that they were obliged to retreat from the deck below ; it lasted about one hour, and cleared away. At daylight, the Niantic looked like an old furnace, completely covered from the royal mast head down to the water's edge. The decks, I should judge, one-quarter of an inch thick with the ashes ; we took up one-half bushel, and might have saved three or four. It fell in small quantities at different times for two or three days after. On the 14th of April, spoke the English barque Margaret, whaler; reporled, like- wise, on the 5th of April had a similar shower of ashes, being at the time three hundred miles north-north-east from us ; he informed me that on the 12th of April, he visited several villages on the island of Madura entirely deserted by the people, from one of which he had taken two brass cannon, and several other articles. This led us to think that some volcanic eruption had lately happened in that neighbourhood. After the 9th, perceived no more in proceeding northward. — American Journal, vol. xl. No. I., January 1841. July 23d 1840. 8. On Human Bones of great Geological antiquity, — Dr Lund, now residing at Lagou Santa, in Brazil, has communicated, that Scientific IntelUgtnct. — Geology, 103 upon a late journey into the interior of Brazil, he had for the first time met with human bones, in conjunction with the bones of acknowledged extinct animals, which must be of an extraordinary antiquity, perhaps the oldest bones that have ever been found ; for they are in part petri- fied, and in their present condition altogether correspond with those of the extinct animals, in connection with which they were found ! They will, he observes, throw a light on the nature of the inhabitants of this part of South America, in times which go much farther back than our knowledge of this part of the world. The formation of the cranium is extraordinary, inasmuch as the forehead does not rise in the same plane with the face, but forms a considerable angle, by which peculiarity they differ from all craniunis of living races of men, and resemble the de- pressed heads represented in the ancient drawings of the Mexicans. In connection with the extraordinary bones, was found a hemispherical- shaped stone, quite polished on the under surface, which had evidently been used for rubbing. — Athenauni, No. 698, March 13. 1841. The Source of the River Oxus» — After quitting the surface of the river, we travelled about an hour along its right bank, and then as- cended a lowhill, which apparently bounded the valley to the eastward ; on surmounting this, at five o'clock in the afternoon of the 19th of February 1838, we stood, to use a native expression, upon the Bam-i- Duniah, or '' Roof of the world," while before us lay stretched a noble but frozen sheet of water, from whose western end issued the infant river Oxus. This fine lake lies in the form of a crescent, about four- teen miles long from east to west, by an average breadth of one mile. On three sides it is bordered by swelling hills, about 500 feet high, whilst along its soutliern bank they rise into mountains 3500 feet above the lake, or 19,000 above the sea, and covered with perpetual snow, from which never failing source the lake is supplied. From observations at the western end, I found the latitude to be 37° 27' north by mer. alt. of the sun, and longitude 73° 40' east by protraction from Langer Kish, where the last set of chronometric observations had been obtained; its elevation, measured by the temperature of boiling water, is 15,600, feet — as my thermometer marked 184*^ Fahrenheit. The temperature of the water below the ice was 32° — the freezing point. This, then, is the position of the sources of this celebrated river, which, after a course of upwards of a thousand miles in a direction gene- rally north-west, falls into the southern end of the Sea of Aral. As I had the good fortune to be the first European who in later times had succeeded in reaching the sources of this river, and as, shortly before set- ting out on my journey, we had received the news of her gracious Majesty's accession to the throne, I was much tempted to apply the VOL. XXXI. NO. LXI. JULY 1841. N 194 Scientific Intelligence. — Oeoloyy, name of Victoria to this, if I may so term it, newly re-discovered lake ; but on considering that, by thus introducing a new name, however honoured, into maps, great confusion in geography might arise, I deemed it better to retain the name of Gir-i-Kol, the appellation given to it by our guides. The description of this spot given by that good old traveller Marco Polo, nearly six centuries ago, is so correct in all its leading points, that I have deemed it right to subjoin a considerable portion of it. ^^ So great," says IMarco Polo, '' is the height of the moun- tains, that no birds are to bo seen near their summits ; and, however extraordinary it may be thought, it was affirmed that, from the keenness oftheair, fires when lighted do not give the same heat as in lower situations, nor produce the same effect in dressing victuals." — Travels of Marco Polo, translated by W, MarsfUn. London 1818. — J/teut. Wood on the River Oxus, p. 354!, 10. Thermal Springs in the upper par! of the River Oxus. — Fol- lowing up the stream which wound in its stony bed along the foot of the stupendous wall to our right, we arrived at the foot of Khawak, distant twenty-nine miles from Indorab, on the afternoon of the 22d. Six miles before reaching this halting-ground, we came on two ther- mal springs gushing out from the side of a grassy hill, 400 yards to the left of the path, at a place called Sir Ab. Their temperatures were respectively 108° and 124° of Fahrenheit. — Lieut. Wood on the River 0.xus, 413. 11. Hot Springs of Greenland. On our way back from Frederick- sthal, says Captain Graah, we visited the hot springs Ounartok. The western side of this island, which lies at the mouth of a firth of the same name, is lofty, rugged, and almost totally naked, while the op- posite side is low, and clothed with most luxuriant vegetation. It is on this side that the springs are situate, lying, all three of them, close by one another, at the NE. corner of the island. Of these springs the one nearest the sea is altogether insignificant ; the temperature of its waters was found to be 26° (90^.5 F.) ; the second, a few paces from it, forms a lake of about forty-eight feet in circuit, and tlie temperature of its waters was 27° (92°.75:> F.) ; the third is still larger, being about seventy feet in circuit, and its waters from 32° to tV3^° ( 104° to 107°, F.) all of Reaumur. The depth of these pools nowhere exceeds a foot, and their bottom is composed of a soft bluish clay, through which the warm water bubbled up at several places. The two large ones the Green- landers have dammed in with stone, and make use of as bathing places. Near the middle one, Arctander found, in 1777, the remains of a small building, which he took to be from the time of the old colonists, and whose walls were then one foot and a half high. Every vestige of Scientijic Jnlelliyence, — Zoology. 196 them has, however, vanished, and their place is occupied by an old Greenland hut. The water of these springs deposits a siliceous or calcareous sediment, like Geiser and Strokr in Iceland. The Green- hinders state that it is much hotter in winter than in summer, but this opinion may proceed from the circumstance of the atmospheric air being then much colder, and the contrast between its temperature and that of the water much more perceptible of course than in summer— (SraaUi Voyage to Greenland. ZOOLOOV. 12. Continuation of Dr Martin Barry's Researches in Embryology ^ S^'C. — At a meeting of the Royal Society, Dec. 10. 1840, a communi- cation was read, entitled '' Supplementary Note to a Paper, en- titled ' Researches in Embryology. Third Series: a Contribution to the Physiology of Cells.' " By Martin Barry, M.D., F.R.SS. L. & Ed. In the paper referred to, the author had shewn, that after the ovum of the rabbit has entered the Fallopian tube, cells are found collected around its thick transparent membrane or '' zona pellucida ;" which cells, by coalescing, form a thinner membrane — the incipient chorion. He now adds, that the formation of this thinner membrane does not exhaust the whole layer of these cells ; but that a stratum of them is found remaining on, and entirely surrounding, the "zona," after the thinner membrane has risen from it. The fluid space also between the " zona" and the thinner membrane, presents a large number of cells pr discoid objects, each of which contains a brilliantly pellucid and highly refracting globule. In some parts, several of these discs, closely joined together, have the appearance of shreds of membrane ; in others, there are found pellucid globules, some of which are exceedingly mi- nute. The discs now mentioned collect at the periphery, for the thickening of the chorion. They seem to proceed from the region of the " zona ;" and probably have their origin in the cells by which the latter is surrounded. If so, the author thinks we cannot suppose them to arise in any other way than that which, according to his observations, appears to be the universal mode of reproduction, namely, by division of the nuclei of the parent cells. Nor can we suppose that minute- ness is any hinderance to their subsequent increase by the same means. At a meeting of the Royal Society, Jan. ?• 184-1, a paper was read, entitled, '' On tlie Chorda dorsalis." By Martin Barry, M.D., F.11.SS. L. & E. . The author of this connnunication, after pointing out the similarity in appearance between an object noticed by him in the mammiferous ovum, and the incipient chorda dorealiB described by preceding ob* 196 Scientific Intelligence. — Zoology. servers in the ova of other vertebrata, mentions some essential differ- ences between his own observations and those of others as to the nature and mode of origin of these objects, and their relation to surrounding parts. Von Bacr, the discoverer of the chorda dorsalis^ describes this structure as " the axis around which the first parts of the foetus form/ Reichert supposes it to be that embryonic structure which serves as " a support and stay" for parts developed in two halves. The author's observations induce him to believe that, instead of being " the axis around vrhich the first parts of the fcetus form/' the incipient chorda is the last- formed row of cells, w^hicli have pushed previously-formed cells farther out, and that, instead of being merely ^' a support and stay" for parts developed in two halves, the incipient chorda occupies the centre out of which the " two halves " originally proceeded as a single structure, and is itself in the course of being enlarged by the continued origin of fresh substance in its most internal part. The author enters into a minute comparison of the objects in ques- tion ; from which it appears that the incipient chorda is not, as Baer supposed, developed into a globular form at the fore end, but that the linear part is a process from the globular ; and that the pellucid cavity contained within the latter — a part of prime importance, being the main centre for the origin of new substance — is not mentioned by Von Baer. Farther, that the origin of the " lamina; dorsales" of this natu- ralist (the " central nervous system" of Reichert) is not simultaneous with, but anterior to, that of the chorda. The author then reviews the observations of Rathke and Reichert on the chorda dorsalis, which contain internal evidence, he thinks, of a process in the development of fishes, reptiles, and birds, the same as that which he has observed in mammalia ; namely, the origin of the embryo out of the nucleus of a cell. And it is his opinion that this observation may assist to solve a question on which physiologists are not agreed ; for it shews that if the nucleus of a cell is a single object, the first rudiments of the embryo are not two halves. The author thinks that, unless the very earliest periods are investigated, it is in vain that we attempt to learn what that is of which the rudiments of the embryo are composed. From not attending to this, physiologists have supposed their '' primitive trace" to arise in the substance of a membrane, which the author, in his second series on the embryo, shewed could not be the case. To the same cause he thinks is referable an opinion recently advanced by Reichert, that the first traces of the new being are derived from edh ^»f the yelk* Scientific Intelligence, — Zoology. 197 January 14, 1841. — A paper was read, entitled, "On the Cor- puscles of the Blood." Part II. By Martin Barry, M.D., F.R.SS. L. & E. The observations recorded in this memoir are founded on an examina- tion of the blood in every class of vertebrated animals, in some of the invertebrata, and in the embryo of mammalia and birds. The nucleus of the blood-corpuscle, usually considered as a single object, is here represented as composed, in some instances, of two, three, or even many parts ; these parts having a constant and determinate form. In the substance surrounding the nucleus, the author has frequently been able to discern, not merely ^^red colouring matter," but cell-like objects ; and he points out an orifice as existing at certain periods in the delicate membrane by which this substi'nee is surrounded. In a former menjoir he had differed no less from previous observers regard- ing " cells." He had shewn, for instance, that the nucleus of the cell instead of being *' cast off as useless and absorbed," is a centre for the origin, not only of the transitory contents of its own cell, but also of the two or three principal and last-formed cells, destined to succeed that cell ; and that a separation of the nucleus into two or three parts, is not, as Dr Henle had supposed in the case of the Pus and Mucus- globule (the only instances in which the separation in question had been observed), the effect of acetic acid used in the examination, — but that such separation is natural, apparently common to nuclei in gene- ral, and forniii]g part of the process by which cells are reproduced. The author had farther shewn the so-called nucleolus to be not a dis- tinct object existing before the nucleus, but merely one of a series of appearances arising in succession, the one within the other, at a certain part of the nucleus, and continuing to arise even after the formation of the cell. These views he now confirms ; and in the present paper shews that they admit of being extended to the corpuscles of the blood. He then compares appearances observed in the latter with those he had traced in the ovum. These relate to the number of parts of which the nucleus is at different periods composed, — tlie nature of the nucleolus, — the communication between the nucleolus and the exterior of the cell, — the formation of the contents of the cell out of the nucleus, — the final division of the nucleus into the foundations of a limited number of young cells, destined to succeed the parent cell, — and tlie escape of the young cells for this purpose. It follows from these inves- tigations, that the corpuscles of the blood are generated by a process essentially the same as that giving origin to those cells which are the immediate successors of the germinal vesicle, or original parent cell ; it being also by a continuation of the same process that the corpuscle on Bitch. 223 non-quartziferous. The phenomena of which we have spol^en as occurring in the Alps, served therefore as the type of simi- lar features over the whole surface of the earth, and the same conclusions were applicable to both. As all mountain-chains must have been formed by elevation, the conclusion was easily drawn, that the black porphyry had everywhere caused this elevation ; likewise, that it is every where newer than the red, and that the masses of dolomite so frequent at the edges of the older rocks were produced by it in the manner already de- scribed. Von Buch applied these views to two of our more important ranges of mountains, the Hartz and Thilnnger JFald, with the view of shewing that the same phenomena are just as distinct there, though on a much smaller scale, as in the Alps, and that it is only necessary to regard them under a point of view which, though differing much from previously entertained opinions on the subject, is not the less perfectly well founded in the nature of things. The importance of these views, and the influence which they exercised on so many subjects which have since become the unalienable property of the science of geology, render it necessary to subject them to a strict and calm examination. It appears at first sight but little probable that the numerous alterations which have taken place in relative positions as to level, and in consequence of the breaking up of the surface of the earth, should have been the work of one and the same erupted volcanic formation ; for, in all epochs of the forma- tion of the crust of the earth, volcanic rocks have made their appearance at the surface, often of greater extent and in larger quantity than the masses of black porphjTy, and we can- not assume that one alone of them all should have been able to effect such striking changes. This is particularly worthy of attention, and was left out of consideration in applying the discoveries made in the Alps. It is also necessary to deter- mine, at what relative period of time the changes happened which were effected by the black porphyi'y. When the first accounts were published of the dolomite and melaphyre, data of a more minute kind were awanting as to the strata which had been more especially subjected to these operations. Geologists were then inclined to regard the limestones, which 224 Professor Hoffmann on the Geological Investigations in the Alps are ruptured and changed by the melaphyre, as belonging to the middle period of the secondary series, with- out, however, great weight being attached to this important cir- cumstance. But afterwards it v/as proved, that this limestone is actually of younger formation than was imagined, and that it belongs to the period of the chalk and its older adjoining formations. Hence the elevation which had taken place in the Alps is comparatively a very new event, and hence the period of its occurrence can no longer be applied to the above- mentioned elevations of the mountains of Northern Germany ; for the porphyries which have there come into operation, were formed at a comparatively much older date. In the north of Germany we have no porphyry whose date is more recent than the rothe Todte. Further, it has not yet been established by direct observa- tion, that the red and black porphyries of Northern Germany exhibit the same marked separation which is so distinctly ap- parent in Southern Tyrol. In the neighbourhood of the Hartz, and of the Tliuringer JFald, on the river Nahe in lower Silesia, and at Meissen, no undoubted breaking through of the red porphyry by the melaphyre has been ascertained, whether it be that, from the want of sections in these less ex- posed and less elevated rocks, such phenomena escape the ob- server, or that there the two porphyries occur as members of one and the same great and contemporaneous formation, which presents different characters at different places. At the Lake of Lugano, likewise, the relations of the two porphyries in the region of the Alps have given rise to doubt, and all observers have not believed themselves justified in participating in the view which Buch has given of that clas- sical locality.* It would rather appear, from my own obser- vations, that, vice versa, the red porphyry forms veins in the black, and that both are of older origin than the limestone, which, therefore, has, without their operation, been converted into the remarkable dolomite of Monte Salvatore, ♦ Every geological traveller to the lovely and interesting shores of the Lake of Lugano has experienced the value of Von Buch's map which ac- companies liis account of that spot. — Edit. and Writings of Baron Leopold von Buck. 225 Many other difficulties have been raised as to Buch's view of the origin of dolomite, and these have been strongly urged by English geologists. The chief ground of this opposition has been, that in England there is a formation that occurs re- gularly in a determinate order of stratification, which consists chiefly of dolomite (dolomitic limestone), but partly also of common limestone, and which bears the name of magnesian limestone. The application of Buch's ideas to this case is at- tended with many obstacles.* The chemists, likewise, and particularly Berzelius, have maintained, that the conversion of limestone into dolomite could not have taken place in this way, because magnesia, according to all the experiments that have been made, can not be sublimed ; but here we ought to consider that the con- ditions of this phenomena cannot be imitated in laboratories, and that we ought not to regard as impossible what has not succeeded there. Finally, the discovery has been made in various parts of France and Germany, that in the midst of distinctly stratified, regularly formed limestones (as in the Muschelkalk), whole stratified masses occur which consist chiefly of dolomite. Had these limestone-formations been affected by the penetra- tion of hot vapours, in consequence of proximity to any volca- nic rock, the pure limestones would have been converted into, granular marble, and the magnesian limestones into crystalline dolomite ; that such is really the case, follows clearly from the examination of many marble rocks, in which granular marble and dolomite almost always occur together, and united with each other in such a manner that we can be in no doubt as to their similar origin. An excellent example of such appear- ances is afforded by the celebrated marble quarries of Carrara.-|* Although these discoveries of Von Buch, and the views founded on them, have not been found susceptible of that ge- * Some geologists are inclined to draw a line of distinction, as to origin, between the dolomites of the Alps, &c. and the magnesian limestones of England, &c., just as they would also separate the gypsums of the Val Co.- nana, and other similar localities, from the gypsum of tlie Paris basin, &c. —Edit. t See Professer Hoffmonu's paper in this Journal, vol. xxi. p. 116.— Edit. 226 Professor Hoffmann on the Geological Investigations neral application which their proposer endeavoured to give them, yet they have undoubtedly been of the greatest advan- tage to the science. Not only have new facts been discovered, but attention has, in consequence, been more pointedly awa- kened to a number of appearances whose investigation has produced new ideas respecting the structure of individual por- tions of the crust of the earth. Elevation of mountain-chains. — A great advancement of our ideas regarding the elevation of mountain- chains is im- mediately connected with the application of these views. During these investigations, the observation made by Saussure was very successfully taken up, that in the Alps, not only the central chain has a certain prevailing chief longitudinal direc- tion, but that all the secondary chains run parallel, and in such a manner, that they constantly present their steeper acclivities to the principal chain, and their gentler accli- vities to the edges of the mountain-mass. Von Buch con- vinced himself, during his numerous journeys in central Eu- rope, of the fact, which is also evident in geognostical maps, that in all elevations which rise up pretty prominently, the same phenomenon recurs, just as in the larger mountains, with great distinctness. The explanation of this remarkable fact, which no preceding geologist had endeavoured to investigate, was no longer far dis- tant; for, an entirely similar arrangement had been already found in the linear distribution of volcanos on the surface of the earth. We have already seen, that these bands of volcanos also, not unfrequently run parallel to the chief longitudinal direction of the mountains, and that they protrude on longitudinal fissures which were formed at the time of their eruption. Now, Buch has distinctly and incontrovertibly shewn, that mountains are produced by elevation ; their central chains are usually composed of plutonic, crystalline-granular rocks, which had not, till subsequently, intruded themselves among the previously-formed combination of strata ; their chief longi- tudinal direction must therefore be the direction of the fissure by which these broke forth at the period of the elevation of the mountains ; and, when we observe, on both its sides, the precipitous acclivities of the secondary chains always and Writinga of Baron Leopold von Buck, 227 turned towards the central chain, we find ourselves driven to recognise in these, the violently-separated, widely-opened edges of the fissures from which the central chain was elevated. When this fissure first burst open, and when its edges were puslied wide asunder by the melted mass erupted from a great depth, the lateral pressure which these ascending se- condary chains exercised on the strata in connection with them, must have produced a multitude of secondary fissures parallel to the chief one. The powerful and various move- ments of the surface during the elevation of a mountain-chain, combined with the unequal lateral pressure of the ascending masses on the walls of their principal fissures, must have pro- duced irregular and diversified altered portions of strata at the edges of the secondary fissures. Where no secondary fissures were found, owing to the strata being soft and yield- ing, there these must necessarily occur in saddle-shaped forms parallel to the fissures, or in protuberant contortions. In a word, whenever the protrusion of one or more volcanic rocks occurred, and caused the formation of abruptly- elevated moun- tain-chains, there, in an extensive superficial space, a large number of subordinate small parallel chains on both sides of the principal chain must have been the consequence ; and these now cover the district, and exhibit in their sections, sometimes contortions, sometimes saddle-shaped arrangements of stratification. This phenomenon has communicated to whole tracts of country their prevalent physiognomy, which is made quite apparent in their representations on maps ; and hence it must be principally attended to in descriptive geography, in order to convey a proper conception of the fundamental form of such districts. The theory thus originally amply detailed by Buch, to account for the formation of the irregularities on the sur- face of our globe, has been everywhere confirmed in the most striking manner. The Alps, which first gave rise to the conception of this view, present an enclosed mass abruptly rising with an uniform longitudinal direction, and all their parallel chains are de- pendent on the great principal fissure from which the central chain arose. This central fissure has, however^ operated t 228 Professor Hoffmann on the Geological Investigations a great extent laterally, for the Jura, strikingly parallel to the great principal mountains, though at a great distance from them, runs through Switzerland in a northern direction ; and, in this range, which anew rises like a barrier, and presents its steep declivity towai'ds the Alps, there appear a large number of subordinate parallel chains, following one another in an im- dulating manner, and forming, in their stratified profiles, some- times acute saddle-shaped arrangements, sometimes basins or broken-up arches, between which many parallel valleys occur. Palassou* had previously observed the same feature in the Pyrenees, but without attempting an explanation ; for that range of mountains is also composed of an innumerable num- ber of distinctly-separated parallel chains, which, collectively, follow a course from NW. to SE. at right angles to the Alps. But this remarkable phenomenon is nowhere to be observed in its iv\\ extent in greater perfection, though on a smaller extent as to height, than in the hilly country of northern Germany, and which I myself have subjected to a careful and long-continued examination. It is only necessary to cast a glance over the geognostical map of that district, in order to be at once struck by the distinctness of this remarkable fact ; and it certainly appears singular that it had not sooner ex- cited the attention of geologists. We perceive that the largest of the older mountain-groups which occur there, forms a perfectly connected mass with the distinctly prevailing NW. and SE. longitudinal direction, and it is certainly not an accidental circumstance that all the other older masses in the region, such as the Thiiringer JVald, the older rocks in the Magdeburg territory, and in Altmark, as well as the separate eminences of the older rocks in the Werra districts, follow precisely the same parallel direction. Farther, we find arranged in precisely the same direction, not only all the small parallel chains which border on these older masses, and which present steep, disturbed, and broken-up forms, but also all the considerable ranges of hills which lie scattered between these older mountain masses. * Essai 8ur la Mineralogie des Monts Pyrenees. and Writings of Baron Leopold von Buck, 229 Quitting the Hartz from the south side, we see rising, at the distance of three or four German miles, the northern edge of the extensive table-land of Eichsfeld and of Middle Thuringia, having an average elevation of from 1000 to 1200 feet. It extends in a direction exactly parallel to that of the Hartz ; and, in the broad longitudinal valley between the two, there rises the Kyffhauser chain of hills to a height of 1400 feet, which likewise runs from NW". to SE. Similar features present themselves on the north side of the Hartz, and where, at the edge of the alluvial plain, the eleva- tion of the ranges of hills is too inconsiderable to admit of the prevailing longitudinal direction being made distinctly appa- rent, it is only requisite to delineate with colours on the map the distribution of the formations, in order to perceive in a marked manner, that each rock occurs in the line of the gene- ral parallel direction. This law of the NW. and SE. direction, is further exempli- fied towards the west, in a remarkable manner, in all the in- numerable ranges of hills of Westphalia on the left bank of the Weser, and it terminates there with the steep chain of the TeutoburgerWaldjWhich, in all its subordinate parts, extends in a marked way in the same direction. The same law is percep- tible in the alluvial plain to the north, in the course of the prin- cipal valleys of the Elbe, the Weser, and the Aller, which have all a predominating dkection from SE. to NW. ; nay, it is exhi- bited even in Sweden, for in South Schonen and in Bornholm, all the ranges of hills, consisting of granite, gneiss, and secondary rocks, have the same direction as that of the ranges of North Germany. To the east, the same direction occurs in the hills on both sides of the Elbe near Dresden ; also very distinctly throughout the whole of Silesia in the principal chain of the Sudeten^ in the porphyry ranges of the coal-formation, in the limestone-chains of Upper Silesia, and in all the ranges which lie between, until at length it terminates completely at the Carpathians, which, as already remarked, derive their line of direction from that of the northern branch of the Alps after the bifurcation of that chain in Styria. Thus then, this series of ranges, which run from NW. to SE., form a separate and sharply-bounded mass, whose pccu- 230 Professor Hoffmann on the Geological Investigations liar features are not accidental ; the Alps with the Jura, and the Western Carpathians with their subordinate chains, form another similar mass ; and it is these which Buch first of all distinguished by the very appropriate name of Geognostical Sgstems of a country. By the application of this geognostical division to Germany (including Switzerland), Buch thought it was necessary to distinguish four geognostical systems. Of these we have already mentioned two : the north-eastern sys- tem, and the system of the Alps. The two others are : the Khine system, which includes the parallel chains of the Black Forest, of the Spessart, of the Vosges, of the Hart, of the Iiilly ranges of Lothringia, and of Swabia, and which has a direction very nearly from S. to N. ; and the system of the Netherlands, to which belongs the great mass of the slate- rocks that are cut through by the Rhine between Bingen and Bonn, and with it likewise the coal-formation basins of France, Belgium, Aix-la-Chapelle, and on the Ruhr in Westphalia on the north, and on the Nahe and Saar in the Palatinate on the south. This system has nearly the same strike as the Alps, viz. from SW. to NE., and it is very decidedly and abruptly bounded on the INE. in Hesse and Waldeck. I believe that, in order to complete the delineation of Germany, a fifth sys- tem may be distinguished, which is evidently different from those already noticed, but which exhibits also nearly the strike of the systems of the Alps and Netherlands. Its prin- cipal mass forms the ranges of the Erzgehirge, which run from SW. to NE. ; the Bohemian Mittelgebirge, exactly paral- lel to the last ; and finally, in the SW., the Fichielgebirge, which descend rapidly to the valley of the Maine. The knowledge of these remarkable systems, into which all other accurately known countries may also be decom- posed, is evidently an extremely important matter in form- ing a judgment as to the alterations which the crust of our earth has undergone ; and the first proposal of this view is one of the most essential steps which have been made in our science in recent times.* The first explana- tion of this fact is entirely due to Leopold von Buch ; ♦ Lconhard's Tasc/ttfntMC^, 1824,p. 501j and Writmgs of Baron von Buck. ^31 and the degree of perfection which the theory of the origin of mountains has thus attained, will connect his name with this part of geognosy in a manner which can never be forgotten. For, although all the phenomena cannot by any means be clearly explained, and although the cause cannot yet be ascertained why, in a certain space of the surface of our earth, the fissures follow exactly a determinate longitudinal direction, and one differing from all the others in the neigh- bourhood (which is also the case when there were several principal fissures instead of one), yet the adoption of the ele- vation of mountains on such fissures is already so abundantly supported by facts, and the attempt to explain by other means the parallel strike of mountain-chains leads to results so evi- dently in contradiction to nature, that we may with certainty assume, that the foundation thus furnished by Von Bucb, will continue to become more and more established, and will never be destroyed. Becent labours. — We have thus glanced, but in the most general way, at the series of services rendered by Leopold von Buch to the advancement of our science, and these ex- hibit the results of the most indefatigable and honourable zeal. We ought, indeed, to be proud to reckon amongst those who have devoted themselves to geology, a man who has displayed such brilliant genius in enlarging the sphere of human know- ledge. Even now, we find him uninterruptedly occupied with pursuits tending to the extension and improvement of various departments of our science. His unwearied activity has pro- duced a geognostical map of the whole of Germany, which, next to the map of England by Greenough, that resulted from the labours of the Geological Society, affords by much the most perfect geognostical representation that we possess of so large a portion of the surface of the earth. This map, which is in forty-two sheets, first appeared in the year 1824, and was published by Simon Schropp of Berlin. Since then, it has passed through several editions, and has undergone numerous corrections, so that, as regards a large portion of Germany, but little remains in this respect to be desired. Leopold von Buch has lately occupied himself with organic remains, and his investigations have been attended with the 232 Professor Connell on the greatest success. The family of the Ammointes had previously been but little studied, and he subjected them to a minute cri- tical examination, unfolding their natural distinctions, elu- cidating their relations to the various formations, and de- ducing the most surprising results for geognosy. He next took up the Brachiopodes, a family not less difficult, and not less important in the history of the earth's crust. He published a separate work on the subject, which is rich in valuable conclusions regarding these remarkable and varied remains of a former state of things. We might still have brought forward a great deal as to what our j ustly celebrated countryman has contributed on particular subjects ; but the space allotted does not permit me to enter into detail upon his extensive and important investigations.* On the Chemical Constitution of Sillimanite. By Arthur Con- nell, Esq., F.R.S.E., and Professor of Chemistry in the University of St Andrews. Communicated by the Author. This mineral occurs at Saybrook, in Connecticut, and was described some years ago by Mr Bowen, who found it to con- tain the following constituents : Silica, 42.666 Alumina^ 54.111 Oxide of iron, 1.999 Water, 0.510 99.286 From the near coincidence of these proportions with Klap- roth's analysis of Disthene or Kyanite, and from the resem- blance of Sillimanite to that mineral in some of its crystallo- graphic and other external characters, Mr Haidinger gave his opinion, that the latter mineral was probably a variety of Disthene. t More lately Dr Thomson has published an analysis of Silli- manite, by Mr Thomas Muir, one of his pupils,J which gives * Iloffmann^s Hinterlasscne Werke. t Mineralogy, iii. 153. X Edinburgh Transactions xi., 245, and Outlines of Mineralogy, i. 424. Chemical Constitution of Sillimanite, 233 a different view of its constitution. It is stated to be com- posed of Silica, 38.670 Alumina, 35.106 Zirconia, 18.610 Peroxide of Iron, 7.216 99.602 As it was obviously a matter of interest to endeavour to as- certain which of the preceding analyses was the correct one, I several times attempted to procure specimens of Sillimanite from mineral dealers in Edinburgh and London, but without success, owing to the rarity of the mineral in this country. I have since, however, been indebted to the kindness of Mr Rose, mineral-dealer, Edinburgh, for a small quantity of the mineral, from the above-mentioned locality. The crystals were, as usual, four- sided prisms, embedded in quartz, and possessing the or- dinary external characters of the mineral. Colour varying from clove-brown to yellowish-white. Cleavage perfect in one di- rection, and shewing high lustre. Crystals bent ; some of them translucent, others more opaque ; brittle, and readily pul- verized. The quantity of the crystals which I was able to separate from the matrix was considerably less than I could have wished for the purpose of a regular analysis ; but the principal object was to ascertain whether the mineral contained zirconia ; and the quantity was quite sufficient to enable me to determine whether it contained so large a proportion of that earth as 18.5 per cent. 3.02 grains of the pure crystals were reduced to fine pow- der, and moderately ignited for a quarter of an hour in a pla- tinum crucible over a spirit-lamp, with rather more than three times their weight of carbonate of soda. When cold, some- what less than twice their weight of pure caustic potash was laid on the surface of the powder, so as not to be in contact with the crucible. The whole was then slowly heated to red- ness over the spirit-lamp ; and the crucible afterwards trans- ferred to a charcoal fire, where it was strongly ignited for 23 i Professor Connell on the half an hour. The semifused mass was then treated with dilute muriatic acid, when the whole was dissolved except a little light and flocky silica^ shewing, the complete decompo- sition of the mineral. The crucible was 'not at all attacked. The silica wa^ th^n sfeparflted ' in the lisual manner, and weighed after ignition l!ll grain'. Ammonia threw down a precipitate which, after ignition, weighed 1.81 grain. This was digested in muriatic acid, and in two hours was nearly all dissolved. Water being added, some white flocky matter was collected, which, when ignited, amounted to 0.06 of a grain, and examined by the blowpipe acquired a blue tinge with nitrate of cobalt, and was evidently a mixture of alumina and silica. The filtered solu- tion was treated with excess of caustic potash, w^hen the whole of the precipitate formed was redissolved except 0.03 of oxide of iron. The potash solution boiled with sal ammoniac gave an abundant precipitate, which was insoluble in carbonate of amm.onia, and gave a blue colour with nitrate of cobalt, and thus had all the properties of alumina. By subtracting the oxide of iron, we thus have 1.78 of alumina ; the residue of 0.06 grain left undissolved by the muriatic acid being held as alumina, although it contained a little silica. The liquid which had been treated with ammonia, gave no precipitate with oxalate of ammonia, or when boiled with carbonate of soda. It is thus evident that the mineral could have contained no appreciable quantity of zirconia. If present, we should expect it to have been left undissolved by the muriatic acid after ignition of the ammoniacal precipitate ; and the solubi- lity in potash of what had been taken up by the acid, was a farther proof that this earth was not present. To make still surer that none of it was mixed with the alumina, a portion of the matter which had been held dissolved by the potash, was dissolved in muriatic acid, and poured into an excess of bicarbonate of potash, but no part of the substance was taken up by the bicarbonate. We have therefore in the 3.02 grains under analysis— Chemical Constitution of SlUimanite* 235 Silica, . . 1.11 86.75 Alumina, . . 1.78 68.94 Oxide of iron, . 0.03 0.99 2.92 9G.G8 I had not sufficient material to ascertain wliether the loss on the analysis was due to the presence of any alkali or other substance ; but as the other analyses do not indicate any other constituents than those which have been under our view, except indeed a half per cent, of water, I believe the loss to have been merely due to causes incidental to the em- ployment of so little material. On the whole, there seems every reason to regard Mr Hai- dinger's view of the nature of the mineral to be correct. The analysis of varieties of Disthene by Klaproth and Laugier do not greatly differ from those of Mr Bowen and myself of Silli- manite. They give, Klap. Laug. Silica, . . , 48.0 38.5 Alumina, . . . 55.5 55.5 Oxide of iron, . . 0.5 2.75 Lime, , . . ... 0.5 Water, . . . ... 0.75 99.0 98.00 I conceive, however, that the formula which will best express the constitution of this species, including both Disthene and Sil- limanite, when in a state of complete purity, is AL' S * (A^ S ^), which Dr Thomson, founding on the analyses of Dis- thene by Ardwedson, has suggested as the formula for that mineral.* It gives, Silica, 4 . . . . 37.47 Alumina, 02.52 99.90 One of Ardwedson's analyses gave exactly these propor- tions, and the others did not deviate very considerably. On this view, the mineral is a subsesquisilicate of alumina. * Outlines i., 242. ( 236 ) Description of a Species of Skate new to the British Fauna, By John Fleming, D.D., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University and King's College of Aberdeen. With two Plates. Communicated by the Author. Length of the body nine inches, and the tail is likewise nine inches, so that the total length is eighteen inches. Length of the head to opposite the anterior attached extremity of the pectorals three inches and three-tenths, at which place the breadth of the head is four inches. Breadth of the body across the pectorals thirteen inches. Length of the anterior lateral projections of the pectorals two inches, and their breadth at the base one inch and eight-tenths. The snout is somewhat pointed, with an angle at each side opposite the nostrils, and another midway to the apex. The pectorals are of a subtriangular form, projecting far- thest at the middle. Posteriorly they are free and rounded, while anteriorly the free triangular projections extend on each side of the head to within about an inch of the snout. Towards their extremities the pectorals are tinged of a reddish colour. Ventrals divided into two lobes. The external or lateral lobe narrow and subtriangular, the anterior edge even and about an inch and a half in length, the posterior, or inner edge, jagged or unequally denticulated. The inner lobe (or true anals of some authors), with the free edge next the tail, upwards of an inch, and having the margin of the fin rounded posteriorly. The front of the first dorsal is three inches and eight-tenths from the extremity of the tail. It is about an inch and three- tenths long, and one inch and eight-tenths high, sloping back- wards anteriorly, and rounded posteriorly ; the anterior and superior portion being fleshy and rough, while the posterior and inferior portion is membranaceous and smooth. The front of the second dorsal is one inch and nine-tenths from the extre- mity of the tail. It is narrower than the first dorsal, of the same structure, and having the posterior membranaceous por- tion uniting with the narrow fin on the upper side of the ter- mination of the tail. Eves semicircular, with a lateral aspect, one inch and a half 0?i a Species of Skate neiv to the British Fauna, 237 apart, and situate two inches and seven-tenths from the extre- mity of the snout. Iris yellowish, with a projection above. The blowers are situate immediately behind the eyes, in- clining outwardly, with their anterior margins as if denticu- lated with white points. Nostrils two inches from the extre- mity of the snout. The mouth two inches and seven-tenths from the extremity of the snout, and armed with blunt teeth. The branchial orifices are five on each side, in rows one inch and three- tenths long. The body is smooth below, with the exception of a little roughness towards the base of the pectorals and sides of the flattened tail. The whole of the upper surface is rough, with small spinous tubercles pointing retrally. One large falcate spine, with a smaller subsidiary one at the base, in front and beliind each eye. A short blunt spine occurs on each side at the shoulders or transverse cartilage. A single row of similar spines, beginning a little behind the blowers, extends along the back to the extremity of tail, where not interrupted by the fins. The spines on the dorsal ridge are thick and blunt ; those on the tail are more pointed and recurved, and unequal in size. A row of similar spines, but of smaller size, occurs on each side of the tail. The head, in front of the eyes, is translucent and colour- less, while the rest of the body has a dusky tinge, with nume- rous small blackish spots, and upwards of a dozen of large cir- cular whitish spots, especially towards the base of the pecto- rals. There is a general translucency pervading the whole body of the animal. The specimen was a female, and caught in Aberdeen Bay July 22. 1840. From the above description it appears sufficiently evident that this skate cannot be referred to any known British spe- cies. The form of the snout, of the ventrals, and of the spines, and the distribution of the latter on the back and tail, furnish satisfactory distinguishing characters. But above all, the pe- culiar anterior prolongation of the pectoral fins, their symme- trical character precluding the notion of monstrosity, justify the belief that it is a new European form, and entitled to be regarded as the type of a new genus, which I propose to term VOL. XXXI, NO. LXII. OCTOBER 1841 » Q 2S8 On a Species of Skate new to the British Fauna. HiEROTPERA (/gg£us sacerdos and itTi^ov ala) ; and I further propose to designate the present species by the trivial name of Ahredonensis^ to mark the locality where it was first observed. The newest of the modern genera to which it approaches (for with the Rhinoptera of KuhljOr the CEPHALOPXERAof Dumeril, it is far from being closely connected) is perhaps the Propte- BYGiA of Professor Otto, the relationship to which immediately suggested itself to that profound ichthyologist Professor Agas- siz, when I shewed him the specimen, during the visit with which he favoured me in October last (1840). It differs, how- ever, from the Propterygia in the condition of the pectorals anteriorly, and in the absence of those lateral processes or finlets which occur on each side of the head, .opposite to the eyes. In other respects the differences are considerable ; but as this genus was instituted in 1821 by A. G. Otto, M.D., of Breslau, in his " Conspectus Animalium quorundam Mariti- morum nondum editorum,"* for the reception of a skate found by him in the Frith of Forth in 1818 or 1819, it may be use- ful to the students of British ichthyology to give his remarks entire and exactly in his own terms. This is the more neces- sary, as his announcement of this addition to our fauna has hitherto escaped the notice of those who have been occupied in enumerating the species of fishes found on our coast. " Genus Propterygia mihi ; novum selachiorum genus. " Raja ; altero pinnamm pectoralluixi pari ad latera capitis a corpore distinct! et in rostrum subacuminatum desinentes ; spiracula quinque,t Cauda brevis absque aculeo. " Species. Propterygia hypostida milii ; corpore deprcsso^ glabro, in- fra nigro-jjunctato ; aculeis ternis ad oculos ; caudaj unico aculeorum or- dine et pinnis duabus superioribus^ una infcriore et ulteriore. *' Habitat in Sinu Edinburgensi."— P. 6. / Fig. 1. Dorsal aspect of Hieroptera Abredonensis. PlntP TV )^^&- 2- Ventral aspect, i-iaie 1 V . < pjg^ 3^ jjy^ ^^^ ^ blower. ( Fig. 4. Moutb and nostrils. Plate V i ^'^' ^' ^^^^^^ aspect of Propterygia hyposticta of Otto. j Fig. G. Ventra aspect of do. King's College, Feb. 27. 1841. * I am indebted to my intelligent friend Dr Allen Thomson, Professor of Anatomy in Marischal College, for an opportunity of consulting this treatise of Professor Otto's. t Cephaloptera genus proximum, eorum sex pi*ffibet. Comparentur Nova actaphysico-medica Academiae Cocsarea) Leopoldino-Carolina) Naturaj Curio, sorum, torn, x. p. i. p. Ill, tab, v, vi., ubi descriptionem et figuras dedi. PLATE V. £dui^NcwFha.JourVoL3lp.238. tlATF. jr. Edui ""A^eu' Fhil Jour. Vol. 31.p. 23 S. Fi^.l. ,,»V-.^.t^;r*'. H'*';*V »• ' '' ' '■'■■''■ "^vi''- V-; ■"-'■-•' FSb Fig.i E. M:-tJKtU . Se • ( 239 ) On "the Animalcules of the Bed Snow, By Dr C. Vogt. The researches of Mr Shuttleworth, published in the BibL Univ. 1840,* on the colouring matter of red snow, shew that the red-coloured snow of our Alps is not solely vegetable, but that it contains a great number of animals. But the ob- servations of this botanist, although very exact, have not since been repeated a sufficient number of times, nor in a sufficient number of localities, to view them otherwise than the first steps towards facts, which throw a new light on the study of the microscopic fauna. A number of details remain- ed for further investigation ; and as M. Agassiz made a pro- longed visit at the glacier of the Aar, we took with us Ehren- berg's great work on Infusoria, and two microscopes, with a view to study the red snow in a fresh state, and to compare the same from different localities wherever it was to be met with. The results we have obtained are by no means unim- portant, as regards the new and curious forms that we have discovered, and the observations we have made on their mode of life, and the facts connected with the development and re- production of these extraordinary beings, of which their pre- sence in the midst of eternal snow is in some manner a dementi given to the general ideas which are admitted on the conditions of the existence of organic beings. The circumstance which surprised us more than all, was the diversity of form exhibited by individuals collected from various localities. It is probable that each station possesses beings proper to it, associated with a certain number of other types more generally distributed. The red snow was found this year (August 1840) in great abundance on the glaciers which descend in the valley of the Aar. We also observed it at the extremity of the glacier of Oberaar, on the glacier of Finsteraar, on the plains of snow which border the west flank of Siedelhorn, and in numerous points of the lower glacier of the Aar, between others near to that of Abshwung, in the neighbourhood of the hotel of Neu- chatelois, near the crystal grottos, on the lower glacier of Grindelwald, &c. The following are the organisms which wc met with in these situations : — * Mr Shuttleworth's Memoir was also puWished in the 2QUi volume of this Jouraul. — Edit. 210 Dr C. Vogt on the Animalcules of the Bed Snow. 1. The Infusoria called Astasia nivalis by Shuttle vvortli, see the thu'd fig. in his plate.* It is easily distinguished by its pyriform shape, and the rapidity of its movements. With the exception of the very small white vesicles situate in the in- terior of the body, which look like stomachs, Shuttlevvorth has not given a description of the structure of the animalcule. Numerous observations have satisfied me that it is enveloped in a carapace which encases the whole, and is only open at the anterior extremity. This opening is furnished with nu- merous small cilia, serving both as organs of locomotion and prehension. It is doubtless at this point that the m6uth is situate, the position of which is indicated by an orange-coloured tint, which is clearer than the rest of the animal. The pre- sence of the carapace, together with the cilia, are characters which do not allow this animal to be placed with Astasia as Shuttleworth has done ; on the contrary, it ought to be placed in the family Peridinia, which Ehrenberg thus characterises ; Animal distinctly, or to all appearance polygastric^ without intestinal canals having a carapace, rcith hairs or cilia scattered over the body, or on the carapace, often in the form of a girdle or crown, provided with a single aperture in the carapace, and furnished with vibratile organs. It ought otherwise to be re- garded as the type of a new genus, characterised by the ab- sence of a groove in the carapace, and also that the stiff hairs are replaced by soft cilia, which is not found in any other ge- nus of the family. 2. The Gyges sanguineus of Shuttleworth, see his fig. 4. I will add, to complete the description given to this animal by the author, that I have frequently noticed, in those indivi- duals in motion (Shuttleworth could only have seen dead indi- viduals), the orange-coloured organs occupied the space be- tween the carapace and the body, and which I believe to be the retractile lips (levres). The animal moves slowly, although directed in every case. But that which distinguishes it above all, is its mode of reproduction ; it gives off from several parts of its body small transparent buds, apparently vesicular, and for the most part filled with a grenue substance. As they en- large, they are detached more or less from the body of the * This plato tho reader will find in Shuttleworth's Memoir in our 29th volume. — JblDiT. Dr C. Vogt on (he Animalcules of the Bed Snojv, 24X animal ; sometimes two bodies of equal size, of which one is red and carapaced, and the other quite colourless, adhere by a very narrow point of attachment. By degrees this bud com- pletely detaches itself from the parent body, and appears under the form of a colourless infusory animal, such as Shuttleworth has represented in his 7th and 8th fig., which approaches to Pan- dori?ia hj/alina^'Ehv. I could not discover in these offsets anything beyond that which Mr Shuttleworth has already seen ; they are perfectly motionless; their contents, apparently ^reyj?«^, be- come coloured by degrees from green to yellow, orange, and even a deep red, whilst the covering remains colourless, and is converted into a carapace. It is at this point only that the motions of the animal become visible. I had the good for- tune to observe, and to be able to make drawings of, the va- rious grades of this mode of reproduction ; and I am convinced that this animal, far from belonging to the genus Gyges^ on the contrary, ought not only to be looked upon as the type of a new genus, but, still further, to constitute a family, on ac- count of its very peculiar mode of reproduction and develop- ment. 3. I place in the genus Gyges of Ehrenberg another infuso- ria, of an equally remarkable form, w4iich does not appear to have been observed by Mr Shuttleworth. In the red snow may be occasionally seen globular organisms, containing in their interior from two to five individuals, enclosed in a cara- pace apparently of a vitreous character. The colour of these animals, thus living in the same case, is. of a dark red ; they frequently adhere one to the other, and arrange themselves in the form of a cross ; they are also frequently separate. The small individuals, probably the young, were of a clear yellow hue ; I could not observe the slightest motion in them. 4. An infusoria of the family of Bacillaria. It is very abun- dant in the red snow, and is the smallest of all the kinds I have met with. We frequently saw two of them adhering to- gether, and ready to separate. Their colour is yellowish- brown. With the exception of a few bright spots in their an- terior, I could not distinguish their structure, neither could \ detect the slightest motion. 5. A species of Aretiscon^ having two hooks to the. feet. 242 Dr C. Vogt on the Animalcules of the Bed Snow, This animal, known under the name of MacroMotus, has usu- ally the intestine filled with several organisms met with in the red snow, and is that which gives it a red hue, whilst its natu- ral colour is a light brown. 6. The most interesting animal of the red snow is a Roti- fer, a variety oi Philodina roseola, Ehr. We met with it abun- dantly in the snow of the lower glacier of the Aar. Having remarked that the ovary was of a much deeper colour than the other parts of the body, I directed my attention especially to this organ, and I was not long before I perceived eggs in different periods of development. The young eggs were per- fectly round, and of a deep red hue, absolutely similar to the globules of Protococcus, described and figured by Shuttle- worth, in his fig. 2. I also found eggs with a thin transparent covering, furnished on all sides with small pointed projections. After a time, others were also observed, of a larger size, but similar in form to those figured by Ehrenberg, and ready to be deposited. The great similarity of the immature eggs with the globules of Protococcus figured by Shuttleworth, attracted our attention, so much so, that at the moment the idea sug- gested itself, that these globules were generated by the Phi- lodina, and are to be found in the glandular appendages of the intestines. To assure myself of this, I fed some Philodinas with indigo, and by this I distinctly ascertained that the glo- bules in question were situated exterior to the intestinal canal. But as very many of these same globules were found isolated in the snow, it became a matter of doubt whether those were the eggs of Philodina, or really those of Protococ- cus. I soon found the solutit)n of this problem by observing one of the Philodinas in the act of voiding the eggs ; from that time it was evident that these animals do not always de- posit eggs fully formed, but that they give out occasionally some not perfectly developed, and these are doubtless the glo- bules which, up to the present time, having been considered as those of Protococcus, are really animal organisms, the eggs of Philodina. When they are of a rosaceous tinge, I look upon them as winter-eggs, analogous to those of many of the Rotiferae, which Ehrenberg has figured at their full develop- ment. I afterwards met with these several forms of eggs to- ••• §!•• Dr C. Vogt on the Animalctiks of the Bed Snow. 243 getlier with the Philodina, in the crevices of a polished rock below the glacier of Rosenlain, in the vicinity of Guttannen, and even on the borders of the lake of Neuchatel, where the Fhilodina roseola with coloured eyes is very abundant. After what has been stated, if there really exists Protococcus in- dependently of these eggs (which does not appear to me likely, at least in the red snow of the Alps), it must prove that their identity is such as to be mistaken the one for the other. Future researches may probably elucidate their dis- tinguishing characters ; for M. Joli, in his work on the salt-water ditches of the south of France, re- gards equally as Infusoria those microscopic bodies which Turpin determined as belonging to the genus Protococcus. In the accompanying figure, 1, the Philodina rosea* oi the red snow, with the different forms of its eggs, is seen magnified 360 diameters. The animal is seen from above, the body extended as in the ordinary act of progression on the bottom or side of the vessel in which it is kept. The three principal regions of the body are very dis- tinct : 1. The head and neck, with the different organs of sense, and the commencement of the digestive system ; 2. The trunk, which is nearly cylindrical, and is enveloped in a fur- rowed cutaneous carapace ; 3. The articulated feet. The anterior extremity, with its cilia, is expanded as in the act of touching ; the rotatory organs are contracted : a little posterior to these may be seen in the median line the respi- ratory tube, which is equally contracted ; when spread out it is much longer, and is furnished at its extremity with stiff cilia. Behind this tube the eyes are met with, which are * The animal is here represented only one-half the size as in the original plate,— the eggs are the full size. 244 Dr C. Vogt on the Animalcules of the Bed Snow* obliquely placed ; they are colourless in the variety from the Alps, whilst they are red or yellow in the common variety. Next comes the pharynx, with its two teeth, from whence the intestinal canal proceeds, which, in the figure given by Dr Vogt, is of a blue colour, the animal having been fed on in- digo. The intestinal appendages are distinguished from the ovary by their intense red colour. The foot, capable of ex- pansion and contraction, is also seen. It is composed of seven rings ; the fifth and sixth are armed with two points, the seventh is furnished with two claws, very much analogous to the posterior feet of the Chenilles. On either side of the body may be seen, in four diff'erent places, the organs which Ehren- berg described as vibratile branchiae, but which, in reality, are nothing more than enlargements of two lateral vessels given off from the respiratory tube and furnished with cilia. Simi- lar vibratile enlargements are seen at the union of the neck with the body, in two situations in the middle of the body, and one at the side of the anus. The head and neck, as well as the feet, may be withdrawn into the coriaceous carapace of the body, which is susceptible of considerable dilatation and con- traction. Fig. 2 represents those imperfectly developed eggs which have been mistaken for Protococcus. Fig. 4 shews the form of the winter-eggs not developed, with the covering in the form of a rosette ; both the one and the other are met with in red snow. Fig. 3 represents an accumulation of the ordinary eggs of Philodina, collected from the crevices of the polished surface below the glacier of Rosenlain ; the number is by no means limited. The red snow of the upper glacier of the Aar and that of Siedelhorn furnished us with Philodinas and eggs of different forms, similar to Protococcus. The lower glacier, and that of Finsteraar, presented us with all the organisms noticed in this communication. * * The above addition to the Natural History of Red Snow we had marked in last July for insertion in the present Number of our Journal ; we there- fore gladly avail ourselves of the translation of it from the May number of the Bibl. Univ. de Geneve, in *' The Microscopic Journal,^* a periodical which we trust will ere long take a prominent place in our scientific litera- ture.—Edit. ( 245 ) On the Action of JFaves at great Depths. By M. Siau, Civil Engineer.* The observations, of which we are about to give an account, were made on a bottom of madreporic white sand, and basaltic black sand: they took place while studying a plan for establishing a harbour at St Gilles, where there is a natural passage pierced in the coral bank which prevails along the coast. When the sea is sufficiently calm to enable us to see the gravelly sand in the bottom of the passage, we notice that it forms in it parallel undula- tions, the transverse section of which increases according to the state of the sea which produces them. We have estimated the distance between two hollows or two consecutive summits of the undulations, when a proper view could be obtained of them, at from 30 to 50 centimetres ; and the depth of the hollow below the summit was found to be about from 10 to 16 centimetres. In the hollow of tlie undulation the heaviest substances are accumu- lated, such as coarse sand, gravel, and small pebbles ; on the summit we see only the finest sand. When the undulation is.forraed of substances of the same size and of dif- ferent specific gravities, such as basaltic and calcareous sands, it is observed that the heaviest matters are in the hollow, and the lightest at the summit. The undulations arc the effect of the action of waves, and admit of an easy explanation. Wlien the water is limpid, so that we can see the bot- tom, the waters exercise little action upon it, but when they were much agitated, all substances were put in motion by them. In proportion as the wave diminishes, its action is lessened, until the moment arrives when it cannot set the heavier substances in motion. Then a selection or kind of parting takes place; the lighter substances, being separated, have conti- nued to advance by undulations, as is always the case, the wave acting on the bottom of the hollows in order to carry them to the summit, and leav- ing the weightiest bodies uncovered. Advancing into the passage towards the entrance, it is remarked that the undulations always preserve the same parallelism, and that their section more and more diminishes. The same thing appears in the open sea ; there the undulations are parallel to each other, and very nearly parallel to those' of the passage. We always distinguish these alternate zones of heavier and lighter substances ; they can easily be distinguished when the sea is calm and clear at a depth of at least 20 metres. If we advance into the open sea and take soundings, having the base of the lead well covered with tallow, we will perceive, on hauling in the line, that the zones of which we have spoken are impressed upon the tallow. Sometimes a uniform zone of heavy substances will be brought up, and then the adhesive matter at the end of the lead will have assumed a con- vex form ; sometimes a zone of lighter substances will be obtained, and * Vide page 63 of this voluiuo of Journal for Trofcssor G, Forchammer's Obser- vations on Lund-Furrows and Water-Furrows, or ripple-marksi— Edit. 246 M. Siau on the Action of Waves at great Depths, in that case tlie tallow will be of a concave shape. Finally, at great depths^ two zones of substances may be brought up at once, of different specific gravity, and in that case it will be observed that the heaviest cover a protuberance, and the lighter a depression in the tallow. Such are the considerations which have led us to believe that, in these latitudes, the agitation of the sea is felt at a greater depth than it has been proved to extend to by other observers. We regret that we had neither the means nor the time to carry our re- searches to the length we desired, the nature of the bottoms on which we operated often affording facilities for observations of this nature by the intermixture of the substances, of very different specific gravity and co- lours, of which they were formed. The deepest sounding rigorously determined, is that of 188 metres (578 feet) obtained on the north-west of St Paul's Roads, on a bottom of sand and basaltic gravel, and there the existence of zones has been recog- nised in the most obvious manner. We have made soundings to a much greater depth ; and, although they seemed to us to hold out the highest probability of affording analogous results, we do not, in the mean time, refer to them more particularly be- cause they have not been repeated. M. E. De Beaumont made the following remarks on M. Siau's obser- vations— The result to which M. Siau has come, in attempting to trace to their last limit in regard to depth, the indication of the agitation of waves be- comes of greater interest when we compare it with the ascertained facts, relatively to the greatest depths in the sea at which we find animals fixed, and consequently obliged to wait for their nourishment approach- ing them. It would appear that the two limits come very near each other, and do not, in general, much exceed the depth of 200 metres. M. de la Beche has printed at the end of his Researches in Theoretical Geology J a table drawn up by M. Broderip, in which the upper and lower limits between which a great number of shells are found in the sea are noted. It would appear from this table, that the shells which can endure the greatest depths are the terebratulse, which have been found adhering to rocks at a depth of 90 fathoms. From the researches of MM. Quoy and Gaymard, Ehrenberg, Darwin, and many other modern voyagers, it would seem that the greater part of the fixed polypiers live only at small depths. The coral on the coast of Algiers is perhaps the species of adherent polypiers whose existence at the most considerable depths has been ascertained. M. Milne Edwards has sometimes dredged coral near Bonne, from the depth of 531.4 feet, (1G2 metres) ; but the coral-divers do not think that it exists below 800 feet, or 244 metres. A madrepore is mentioned, obtained by Ellis in the Greenland seas, from a depth of about 1377 feet, or 420 metres, but it was an unattached madrepore with a corneous support.* * From the Comptes Rendus dcs Sceaaccs dc TAcademie dcs Sciences, t. xii. p. 774, ( 247 ) Beport on the Collections and Geological Observations made in 1838 and 1839, during the French Northern Nautical and Scientific Expedition. By M. Eugene Robert, one of the Members of the Expedition. In order that it may be in a condition to give the opinion that has been asked of it by the Minister of Marine and of the Colonies, the Academy has requested us (the Commissioners) to present an account of the results of every kind, which have been obtained by the Nautical and Scientific Expedition of the North, during their proceedings in 1838 and 1839. Your Commissioners have naturally divided a task of such considerable labour. On the present occasion we mean to speak of the geological results of the Expedition, for which we are indebted to M. Eugene Ro- bert, Member of the Geological Society of France, and to M. Durocher, a distinguished pupil of the Royal Corps dcs Mines, who joined the Scien- tific Commission in its Expedition of 1839. In the present report we shall give an account only of M. Robert's labours; those of M. Durocher are altogether independent of his ; and we will submit a notice of them to the Academy, as soon as the last collections made by this traveller shall have arrived in Paris. When the Academy of Sciences, in 1838, was called upon to supply instructions for the Northern Nautical and Scientific Expedition, it had already completed three campaigns, each of them lasting for a year. Thus the expedition has in reality existed for five years. During that period its object has been successively modified and extended. In 1835, the corvette La Recherche, then commanded by Captain Tre- houart, and having on board a scientific commission, consisting of a few individuals, left tliis country, principally with the design of renewing the attempts made, on the preceding year, by Captain Dutaillis, in the brig La Bordelaise, to discover, if possible, some traces of the lamentable shipwreck of the Lilloise, commanded by the gallant Captain Blosseville, which was entirely lost among the ice of the north pole. This expedi- tion of 1835 led to few important results. The continuity and extent of the fields of ice prevented it arriving at Greenland, and the naturalists, being landed on Iceland, could only commence their labours. In 1836, the corvette La Recherche penetrated as far as Greenland, where officers of the royal navy made various observations and collected numerous and highly valuable series of rocks. During this time the mem- bers of the scientific commission, and particularly M. Robert, who had always been a member from its commencement, completed the examina- tion of Iceland when they had been landed. The publication of the results of these two expeditions having been im- mediately ordered by the Minister of Marine, the members of the scien- tific commission were authorized to employ the expedition of 1837 in 248 Beport on the Geological Observations made during the Denmcark, Norway, and Sweden, for the purpose of collecting all the do- cuments fitted to complete the elements of their relation. During this undertaking the Recherche did not navigate the northern seas. It is not our purpose, at present, to consider the undertakings just men- tioned ; however, as they arc partly connected with those of which your commissioners have to give an account, we may state that the history of the expeditions of 1885, 1836, and 1837, will consist of six volumes, with a large and small atlas. A considerable portion has already appeared. In as far as it concerns M. Robert, we may remark that the geology of itself occupies a volume of the work; and that the collection of rocks and minerals made by this traveller during this first period of the expe- dition, and which is deposited in the museum, consists of nearly 3800 specimens, the greater part of high interest. The expeditions of 1838 and 1839 have been directed to other northern countries than those formerly visited ; the number of the members of the scientific commission connected with the nautical researches has been greatly increased, and many Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish serrants have been attached to it by their respective governments. The superinten- dency of this commission continues to be intrusted to M, Gaymard, as it was on all former occasions. In 1838, the Recherche, then commanded by Captain Fabre, after hav- ing anchoroid in the Gulf of Drontheim, on the western const of Norway, and in Han^merfest lloads, near the extremity of Lapland, sailed to the 77th degree of latitude, remaining for a time in the Gulf of Bell-Sund, on the south-west coast of Spitzbcrgen. Trom thence she returned to ex- plore the North Cape, and the coasts of Finmark. She returned to France, after leaving the members of the scientific commission at Hammeifest, a epot situate more than 4° beyond the polar circle, and in the neighbour- hood of which part of the members passed the winter. The others, among whom was M. Robert, explored Lapland, crossing the country in the di- rection of Tornca. M. Robert then travelled as far as Stockholm, through that part of Sweden which he had not seen the preceding year. In 1839, the Recherche anchored eight days at the Faroe Islands, and touched at Hamraerfest, as well as at the North Cape. Having taken again on board the greater part of the members of the scientific commis- sion, she repaired to the small island of Cherry, on her way, for the se- cond time, to Spitzbergcn. When there, the corvette went as high as 80° of latitude, and remained there for fifteen days, in the Bay of Made- lain e, which is situate on the western coast. She then France, after having left a portion of the members of the commission at Hammer- fest. These latter traversed Lapland, and some of them extended their observations as far as Moscow ; then, after remaining a while in Poland, Bohemia, and dilTercnt parts of Germany, returned to Paris, not earlier than the middle of 1880. The geological observations of the whole of this itinerary of 1839 belong to M. Durochcr, M. Robert having been se- parated from the commission throughout this journey. He first went by land from Stockholm to Archangel, with the view of finding an opportunity Northern Nautical and Scientific Expedition in 1838-39. 249 in the latter place of embarking for Nova Zembla ; but no fishing-boat having attempted that dangerous navigation in 1839, M. Robert's devot- edness and expectations were disappointed. All, however, was not lost. On the preceding year, a small vessel had been hired by some individuals to go in search of a pretended gold mine, which some fishermen had de- clared to exist in that desert and icy land. The expedition had brought back a very useless cargo of pyriteous rocks, of considerably varied cha- racter. M. Robert was permitted to make a selection from these rocks, which are extremely remarkable. This traveller, then, after various re- searches on the shores of the White Sea, reascended the Dwina, and de- scended the Volga, as far as the government of Cazan. From thence he traversed the whole of Russia to the Baltic. The materials relative to M. Robert's labours, which your commission- ers have had to examine, arc, 'ist, a collection of more than 16G0 speci- mens belonging to a great number of species or principal varieties of rocks, the collection which is deposited in the Museum, and which, when united to those of the former expeditions, gives a total of more than 5300 specimens ; 2d, a catalogue raisonne of this collection, in which the loca- lities and formations are indicated; 3 gradually enlarging incisors, filling up the whole space, all thin, and obtusely bifid. Canine tooth conical, straight, with a heel. First laniar conical, with an anterior lobe ; second very small, conical. First molar conical, with two small knobs ; the other three with two external and three internal conical points, the outer point larger. Female, — Similar to the male, but smaller, and of a some- what lighter tint beneath. The following are the principal dimensions of the two in- dividuals, in inches and twelfths. Lenfytli to end of tail; Length of head, . , , Length of head and body, Length of tail, Extent of wings, . . . Inner margin of ear. Outer, .... Length of ear from base of tragus, Tragus in length, . Humerus, 0 U 0 10 Male. Female. 3 6 3 2 0 9 0 n 2 0 1 10 1 5 1 44 11 6 9 2 0 6i 0 6 0 7i 0 7i 0 6} 0 6 0 3 0 3 258 Prof. MacGillivray on Vesper tilio Daubentonit, Male. Female. Cubitus, 16 16 PoIIex, 0 3i 0 8 Its claw, 0 li 0 li Index, ....... 1 6 14 Third finger, 2 7 2 3 Fourth, 2 li 1 10 Fifth, ........ 2 0 19 Femur, ...... 0 6i 06 Tibia, 0 9 0 7h Inner toe, 0 3| 0 8 Its claw, 0 li 0 1 Outer toe, 0 2i 0 1 Its claw, . 0 li 0 1 In the young individual, the fur is shorter and less dense, on the head thin ; the upper parts of a sooty-black, the lower dull grey, mixed with dusky. Length 2^ inches. In the male, the heart ovato-oblong, 4 twelfths in length ; the spleen 6 twelfths long, 1 twelfth in breadth ; the stomach ovato-elliptical, 7 twelfths long ; the intestine 8 inches long ; the liver very large, and lobed ; the kidneys ovato-elliptical, a little curved, 2| twelfths long ; the testes' broadly elliptical, li twelfth long. This species is distinguished from the Pipistrelle by its larger size, and different proportions, but especially by the form of the tragus, which is much narrower, and not broadly rounded at the end, but tapering to a point, which, however, is not ex- actly acute. As to its habits, I can only say that it appears to differ in no respect from the Pipistrelle and several other species. It flies about in the evenings, in clear nights, occasionally by day in very dull weather, and retires from the light, seeking refuge in the steeples of the church, where it also hibernates. It is very much infested with parasites of three species, inso- much that the membranes of the two adult individuals de- scribed above, were dotted all over with inflamed spots caused by their punctures.- That this species has ever been met with before in Scot- land is not apparent. Dr Fleming's " V. emarginatus. — Ears the length of the head, oblong, with a notch on the exterior margin," is too briefly described to enable one to recognise it ; Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain, 259 and if the figure in the seventh volume of the Naturalist's Li- brary be correct, it cannot be considered as representing the present species, as the ear is of a different form, although the tragus is somewhat similar. 13 Chanonry, Old Aberdeen, UthAtujHst 1041. Notices of Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain, and especially in Scotland, with Inferences suggested by these Notices as to the Nature and Causes of such Shocks. By David Milne, Esq., F.R.S E., M.W.S., F.G.S., &c. Communicated by the Author. (Continued from page 122.) In the enumeration of Earthquake-shocks given in the pre- ceding part of this Memoir, no jiotice has been taken of those which occurred subsequent to September 1839- After that date, a series of shocks commenced in Scotland, which followed in such quick succession, and were attended with such strik- ing effects, that they seem entitled to be considered apart from those occasional shocks that compose the Register given in the preceding part. It may also be proper to explain, that one reason why in that Register no notices have been given of shocks which occurred in Great Britain previous to the six- teenth century, is the difficulty of determining whether the phenomena, which are by ancient authors termed earthquakes, really can be considered such. In many instances it is plain that they were mere land-slips, which produced a noise and a concussion, that led to the belief of an earthquake ; and in other instances, the description is quite ambiguous. By com- paring the accounts given by different historians, the truth, where now obscUre, might probably be arrived at ; — and at some future time, the author may, perhaps, undertake this exa- mination. Such an examination has lately been instituted by Professor Merian of Basle, of the earthquake-shocks which have occurred there ; and he has already eliminated 118 well-au- thenticated earthquakes, as having occurred between the eleventh and eighteenth centuries inclusive. Mr Alexis Per- rey, of Dijon, is composing a similar catalogue, which com- . 260 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain, mences with a still earlier era. These catalogues will be afterwards noticed, as affording some inferences remarkably accordant with those suggested by our British register. Even within the period embraced by this register, there are many notices of shocks which have been purposely omitted, from the impossibility of discovering the month in which they occurred. It is possible, also, that there are many shocks which have been omitted, in consequence of the works in which they are described having been overlooked. Even since the forego- ing register was framed and printed, the author has found some additional information regarding particular shocks, of which he will avail himself in the present part of his Memoir. In drawing attention to the more important inferences which the foregoing register seems to warrant, it is intended to notice, firsts the facts which explain and illustrate the nature and cha- racter of earthquake-shocks ; and, next, the facts which appear to be directly or indirectly connected with the cause of the shocks. Perhaps it is here proper to explain, that in the brief notices given in the register of effects produced by the shocks there recorded, it has not been thought necessary to include a de- scription of all the effects related of such shocks. Much might have been added to the accounts which will there be found, of chimneys rent and thrown down, — of walls cracked and over- turned,— of slates on house-tops that rattled and were broken, — of bells set a-ringing, and of the consternation produced both on human beings and on the lower animals. Little or no advantage could result, from swelling the register with such details. The object has been, rather to select and exhibit ef- fects which seem calculated to throw light on the nature and causes of earthquake-shocks. 1. Nature of the Shocks. — ^They seem to produce a sensation of two things, perfectly distinct. In i\\e first place, the earth's crust at the place where the shock is felt, seems to be always thrown into a tremulous state, producing feelings very similar to those experienced on board a steam-boat, when, in blowing off the steam, or by too great a draught in the funnel, the plates of the boiler communicate a tremulous motion to the deck. The peculiar state into which the earth's crust is put, seems to bo and especialli/ in Scotland. 261 very fitly represented by the term " tremblement de terre*^ em- ployed by the French. A gentleman who has felt several of the Perthshire earthquakes has stated to the author, that the more severe shocks gave him a sensation very similar to that of a person riding, when the horse shakes himself. In illustration of this tremulous motion of the earth, when under the influence of a shock, reference may be made to the entry in the registry under date 5th November 1789, where it is noticed, that '* there was a tremulous motion, which made the flames of candles vibrate and furniture clatter." Under date August 1786, it is mentioned, that the slates rattled on the roof of a house, and the strings of a spinet emitted a mu- sical sound. During the shock of 8th February 1750, the trees near London are said to have '* quivered." The other sensation above alluded to, as illustrating the nature of earthquake-shocks, is that produced by a violent blow or concussion. This does not appear to be perceived in all cases. The tremulous or trembling motion is always per- ceived. When the blow occurs, it is generally in the midst of the tremors, and at the moment that they are the most intense; and accompanied with the loudest noise. This blow or con- cussion is so well known in Strathearn, that it has obtained from the country people there a particular name ; they call it the " thud." Its character and effects seem to be well de- scribed, under dates 5th and 11th November 1789. The shock felt on the first of these dates, gave the sensation as if the foundations of the houses had been struck by an immense mallet : — the shock on the second date, shivered to pieces the ice on a lake near Lawers House. Under dates 8th March 1750, September 1833, and March 1839, it is noticed, that blows were felt to be received by boats on their bottoms, as if they had struck on rocks. By the first mentioned of these shocks, fish were forced to leap three feet out of the water — probably from the pain caused by the concussion. Since notice has been taken of the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 in the register (on account of its eff'ects in this country), it may be mentioned, in further illustration of the point now adverted tQj that h ship off Cape St Vincent, at the time of it3 262 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain^ occurrence, experienced the concussion in a very remarkable manner. Her *' anchors, which were lashed (in the usual place), bounced up, and the men were thrown a foot and a half along the deck ; and of a sudden, the ship sunk in the water as low as her main chains."*'* Another ship at sea about 120 miles south of the one last mentioned, was struck about the same time, " and the compass was overturned in the binnacle.' 't The effects now referred to, must be attributed to a vibra- tion propagated from the subterranean parts, probably from one spot, and radiating towards the surface of the earth in all directions. It may be reasonably supposed, that the part of the earth's surface which is vertically above the source of this vibration, will be most violently affected by it,' and that those parts to which the vibrations rise obliquely, and which they reach only after passing through a greater mass of strata, will experience a less violent shock. It is evident, that if the vibration in question were to emanate from the earth's centre, it would reach the surface in all places about the same time, and with equal degrees of violence, suppos- ing the earth's interior structure to be homogeneous throughout, or at equal depths. If, therefore, one and the same shock is felt at different places, at times and with degrees of intensity which vary with the distance from the point where it was most intense, the shock must have originated short of the earth's centre ; and the greater the disparity in the times of its arrival and the intensity at different places, the nearer to the earth's surface the source of the vibration must be. If it were known at what rate such vibrations are propagated through the earth's crust, the observance of the above circumstances would lead to a discovery of the depth at which, in any case, a shock origi- nated. Some illustration of these remarks is afforded by the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, and another notice in the register under date 31st March 1761. As the best method of exhibiting the facts now referred to, they have been thrown into the form of tables. * Discourses on Earthquakes, London, 1757, p. 333. t Ibid. p. 331. and especially in Scotland, 263 Times at which the Shock of the Earthquake of 1st November 1755 reached different places^ and the principal Phenomena there. NaUES of PtACZS. Time of j-g ftJi Shock. A. M. I 1 1 2^ Phenomena. Lat. 39" Long, 11° W Lat. 38° Long, 10°.47 W Colares (Por- tugal), h. 0 23 }« 24 9 30 IJ Lisbon, Oporto, 9 32 9 38 Ayamonte (Spain) :...,{ Cadiz, Tangier and Tetuan, .... Madrid, Gibraltar, Funchal (Ma- deira), Portsmouth,. Havre and Ble ville Shortly \ before \ 9 52 j Shortly \ before I 9 49 J 9 46 9 43 9 55 10 1 10 3 10 23 4 5i 6 8i 12i 13 15 27 26 23 20 32 38 40 60 Supposed place of greatest violence on earth's surface. Terrible shock felt in a ship, which lasted 3'. Other shocks followed till lli'34' A.M. Four shocks felt. Walls moved from E. to W. Smoke issued from the sea and sea-shore. Coast perma- nently raised in some places. Three shocks in quick succession, which came from the NW. and destroyed most of the city. Three refluxes and fluxes of the sea suc- cessively, which began immediately after the second shock, or 10' from beginning of earthquake. In 4' after the sea retired, a wave of 30 feet in height broke on the shore. Three shocks. In a few minutes after, great waves broke on the coast. In half an hour after the earthquake, sea broke on coast in three suc- cessive waves. At 11 A.M. the sea broke on coast in six successive waves (which were above 25 feet in height), with in- terval of 20' between each of the first three, and 40' between each of others. Three shocks. Sea afterwards broke on land and did much damage. Several shocks, which lasted about 6'. Several buildings shaken. Mo- tion of ground not great. 'Earthquake lasted altogether about 2'. Earth had first a tremulous and then an undulating motion. Two shocks at least. The sea rose every 15' till 2 P.M. Shocks felt to come from eastward. At 12^ 1' the sea broke on island, and rose highest on NE. side. It retired first. Some of the ships in dock pitched, whilst others lying obliquely to them rolled. Vessels tossed. Sea oscillated N. and S. 264 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain, Names of Places. Reading (Berk 1 shire), j Yarmouth, ... Ej'am Edge (Derbyshire) Durham, , The Hague, Amsterdam, Leydeu, Loch Ness, Hamburgh, ... Time of Shock A.M. h. / 10 27 Shortly 1 before I 10 40 J About \ 10 30] About 9 58 About 1 10 Gj 10 42 About \ 11 43 I 1 o / 13^ C4 15 80 15^ 67 17 35 17 43 18 79 20 140 Phxxomeka. f Most violent trembling of the ground for 50" — immediately after which, I Avater in a pond seen to fioAV from I S. to N., and to oscillate for 4'. A vine trained up on a house torn I from it. People in a house heard t. a noise as if it were falling. r Water in haven suddenly agitated, I which gave ships an uncommon mo- { tion. ^ Five shocks, at intervals of 4' or 5'. A person raised in his chair and much alarmed. Plaster of room cracked. Miners heard the rocks grind on one another, and saw pieces fall from sides of shafts. Rent 150 yards long formed in ground on north side of lead vein, which runs E. and W. Water in a pond seen to oscillate several times. Water violently agitated in harbours, so that ships broke from their fast- enings. In vats of breweries, liquid thrown out. Candelabras in churches vibrated. Candles hanging in a chandler's shop made a clashing noise. Weatliercocks on tops of steeples seen to move. At west end of lake a wave run up the river Oich, which overflowed north bank for 30 feet. A similar wave, but smaller, observed at 9'^ 42'. ( Candelabras in churches seen to swing. -c Water in canals agitated, and mud I thrown up from bottom. [ The foregoing table is mostly constructed from materials, which are to be found in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1756. In the reports there given, some discrepancy and vagueness occur in the time at which the shock was per- ceived at different places. The places mentioned in the fore- going table, are those from which the reports seem to be the most exact ; and though even amongst them there is not a perfect agreement, it will be observed, that, generally speak- ing, the time at which the shock took to travel to the places mentioned in the table, varied with the distance from the pro- bable point of greatest intensity. The times given in tho and especially in Scotland. 265 second column have been reduced to Lisbon time. The third column represents the number of degrees (of 70 miles each) each place is distant from the supposed central point. The fourth column contains the number of minutes which elapsed between the tinie when the shock is supposed to have reached the earth's surface at this last point, and the time of its reach- ing the different places mentioned in the table. It is proper here to observe, with reference to the time when the shock was perceived in different places, that there are some facts stated, both in this and in other countries, which seem altogether irreconcilable with the notion of the shock felt there having been caused by the Lisbon earthquake. It is mentioned in the table, that the agitation of Loch Ness at Fort Augustus was first observed at 9^ 42' a.m. The report which describes the agitation of Loch Lomond, states that it con- tinued from 9^ 12' till 9^' 57' a.m., there being in that time four or five fluxes and refluxes, between each of which about 10' elapsed. The agitation in the lake of Geneva is represented as having taken place so early as 9 a. m.* It appears that in Cork, two shocks were felt at 9^^ 33' a. m., with an interval of about half a minute. If the times are accurately reported, it is difficult to explain these cases. The effects of the shock recorded in the foregoing table as having been noticed at different places, will be afterwards more particularly referred to. Meanwhile, it may be men- tioned that the waves produced by the Lisbon earthquake reached many other places than those given in the table. ^Some of these may here be specified. (1.) Mounts Bay (Cornwall). The sea about 1'^ 45' p. m., when it was ebbing, and when the weather was *'fair and calm," suddenly flowed back on the pier, and continued to rise for 10', after which it retired with great rapidity. It continued falling for 10', and then as rapidly rose again in the same space of time. It continued to oscillate in this way for two hours, creating great danger to boats and shipping, i ■:kii/:mi^ (2.) Creston-Ferry (Devon). About 3^ 40', shortly after * Bertrand, Ilistoire NaturellO; p. 276. Tho times given ia the text aro fitill Lisbon time. 266 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain^ high water, the sea suddenly retired. In less than 8' it flowed back with the utmost rapidity. The sea continued thus to sink and swell alternately for half an hour. (3 ) Kinsale (Ireland). Between 2 and 3 p. m., when the weather was **very calm," a large body of water burst sud- denly into the harbour, which broke the cables of two sloops, though each moored with two anchors. The sea then retired, whirling the vessels and boats with inconceivable rapidity. It continued to swell and fall in this way for about 10'. (4.) Swansea. At 6^ 21' p. m., " a great head of water rushed with a great noise" up the Bristol channel. Two large vessels, (one above 200 tons), had their moorings broken by it. (5 ) Barbadoes. At 5^ 20', " the sea ebbed and flowed in a most surprising manner."* (6.) Antigua. The occurrence of waves is mentioned as having been first observed here at &^ 58' p. m. From the foregoing data, it would appear that the wave of the Lisbon earthquake travelled to Plymouth^ at the average rate of 2.1 miles per minute, Mount's Bay, . 2.7 Cadiz, ... 3.6 Funchal (Madeira) 3.7 Ayamonte, 5 Lisbon, 6.6 Antigua, . . 6 Barbadoes, 7.3 It is obvious that the difi^erences in the rates of progression may be explained by the differences in the depths of the ocean traversed by the wave. It has been ascertained by expe- riment, that the velocity of a wave is nearly proportional to the square root of the depth.t * History of Earthquakes, p, 328. t Reports of British Association, vol. vi. p. i3©. and e&pecially in Scotland, 267 Times at which the Shock of the Earthquake of 31*^ March 1761, reached different places^ with an Abstract of the prin- cipal Phenomena there. Names of Places. Lat. 43° I>ong, 11 W Ut. 43°. Not many leagues from coast, Ship in Lat. 44 and about 80 leagues from shore ShipinLat.44°.8 about 80 leagues W.NW, from CapeFinisterre, Lisbon, Madeira, Cork, Loch Ness, Amsterdam, &c. Time of Shock A.M. 11 51 1" 52 54 11 :^i 11 58 Noon. 12 6 12 11 Between 1 1'' 40* & 12'»40' Between li&l| P.M. E.Sc . If 3* 10 11 15i gg.w •- =■*- 15 20 Between 20 & 49' Between 84' & 114' Phenomena. Supposed point of greatest violence Most violent shock on board a ship, which knocked needle off spindle of compass. Immediately after, there was a very severe storm of wind and rain. Two violent shocks, felt on board a ship : — the first lasted 1^' — the se cond not quite so long. They were accompanied by a noise, as if of empty casks tossing about in the hold. Ship immediately made wa- ter, from its seams opening. The crew, thinking the ship sinking, got out the long boat. A violent shock. Sea register un- der this date. Two violent shocks felt. Earthquake lasted about 5'. Not so severeasin 1755, and more equable. Only a few old houses thrown down. At Oporto, the concussion was very strong. At Madrid, shock lasted 2^' andthrew down some furniture. In 1^ hour afterwards, sea began to flow and ebb, every 6' till 6 p.m. Shock very violent. A church de- stroyed and some rocks split. Con- cussion came from eastward, — at which side of island, fluctuations of the sea were greatest. Undulations said to be from E. to "W. Shock moi*e violent than on 1st Nov. 1755. It lasted only one minute. The water in Loch suddenly rose near- ly 30 inches, and continued to rise and fall for half an hour. By an- other account, the time given is l** 40^. An uncommon hollow sound accompanied the phenomena. It was calm at the time, and for hours before and after. The candelabras in churches made to swing; one observed to have moved a foot from the perpendicular. Vessels in harbour agitate at 8 p.m. on the same clay (reckoning by the clocks there), visited by a severe shock, which lasted half a minute. It is very probable tliat to the list nov*^ presented other cases might be added, in which shocks of earthquake oc- curred in this and some distant country about the same time. Some of these cases evidently indicate nothing more than the vibration communicated by one single concussion to adjoining regions, as in the case of the celebrated Lisbon earthquake. The fifth example in the above list, evidently belongs to this class, and it is probable that there are several others. The cases about which any question can arise, are those where two distant parts of the globe are agitated at the same moment, without any appearance of a commotion in the inter- vening region. That such a subterranean connection may exist, is placed beyond doubt by the account which Humboldt has given of the eruptions in South America. He relates an instance where a volcanic mountain, which had for time im- memorial emitted smoke, ceased to do so at the vei-y moment that a terrible earthquake occurred in a distant part of that extensive continent. Without denying, then, the possibility/ of a connection existing between the sources of British earth- quakes and those in foreign countries (as in Calabria), it is the evidence that such a connection does exist which is deside- rated. The only circumstance founded on to prove this, is the occurrence of the shocks in these dista^nt regions, on one and the same dai/. But it should be recollected that in Cala- bria, Sicily, South America, and many other countries, earth- quake-shocks occur almost every month, and occasionally for days and weeks continuously ; so that, in such cases, it is very possible that on the same day, nay, at the same hour, that shocks are felt in this country, shocks should be going on in other regions, without there being the least connection between the several series. But insufficient as is the coincidence of time to form, of itself, a proof of connection between the shocks indigenous to this country and those which occur abroad, even this element is awanting in all the cases which have been suggested. It has never been shewn that the shocks coincide more closely than and especiallj/ in Scotland. ^8^ by occurring on the same day^ which allows, generally speaking, a difference of nearly twenty-four hours between them. As long as there is such vagueness in the data, it is impossible to draw any conclusion. Indeed, it may be affirmed, that until registers are kept in those districts which are known to be particularly subject to earthquake-shocks (as there now are at Comrie in Perthshire, and at St Jean de Mauricnno), so as to fix not merely the day, but the hour and minute of their oc- currence, with other particulars, it will be impossible to say whether the sources of volcanic action in this country and in other countries are connected. 5. The localities in this country, which are most subject to Earthquake- Shocks, are charactei'izedhy certain geological fea- tures. It has been mentioned that nearly two-thirds of the shocks felt in Scotland occur in the district of Stratherne, and par- ticularly in the neighbourhood of Comrie ; and that a large proportion issue from the Great Glen of Scotland. Now, along these districts, it is well known that there are deep and ex- tensive fissures and dislocations in the earth's crust ; and, more- over, that there is an extensive development of granite and ancient porphyry rocks, which are generally thought to have their foundations deeply laid in the interior of our planet. Through Stratherne, the author has lately traced seven or eight basaltic dykes, filling up ancient fissures, which are all parallel to one another, and run in a direction nearly, if not exactly, co- incident with the adjoining range of the Grampians. These dykes have been traced for about 50 miles, exhibiting in that long course little or no variation in quality, thickness, or di- rection, and they therefore attest the magnitude of the scale on which the disrupting forces had operated. Though proof of a like special character cannot be yet offered of dislocations along the Great Glen of Scotland, yet it may be generally affirmed of every district abounding in granite and porphyry, as is the case in the Great Glen, and particularly along its north side and at its west extremity (where the shocks have been most frequent), that great disturbance must have been produced by the outburst of these igneous rocks ; and, in fact, it is generally admitted that the whole slate- series of the 284 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake' Shocks in Great Britain^ Highlands owes its elevation to the outburst of these primi- tive traps. Nor is it unimportant here to remark, that in Calabria,* Pignerol,-)- Connecticut^^ the Caraccas,§ and other countries where earthquake-shocks have been both frequent and severe, the rocks are generally primitive, abounding also in ancient porphyries. According to Daubeny, the volcanoes of Auvergne, Cantal, Styria, and the Canaries, are situated in granitic rocks. 1| It is true that in several parts of England, where shocks have been very frequent, as in the southern counties, and in Derbyshire, rocks of this character do not prevail. But in these districts there occur numerous and extensive " faults" which must go deep into the bowels of the globe. For ex- ample, each of the Tyndale and Craven faults in Yorkshire runs from at least fifty to sixty miles ; and several of them have produced a vertical displacement of the earth'*s crust to the extent of from 3000 to 4000 feet. In the South Wales coal-field, there is an axis of dislocation which runs from the Bristol Channel through the Mendip Hills and Somersetshire, and " in the line of its projection to the east is the coeval dis- turbance of the coal from near Boulogne, through Belgium and Westphalia, and in the south of Ireland."1[ One of the faults in the Colebrookedale coal-field has been shewn by Mr Prestwick to manifest a vertical displacement of no less than 1000 feet.* * Then, again, in the south-east coast of England, there are two great axes of elevation running east and west, the one through the Isle of Wight, and the other dividing the London from the Hampshire basin, both of which have been traced into the continent, and have, in all parts of their extensive course, produced great vertical movements. This series of faults, still preserving the same general direction, has been traced by M. De la Beche, through Devonshire and Cornwall. * Pinkerton's Voyages, vol. v., p. 282. t Journ. de Phys., t. 67. X Silliman's American Journal of Science, xxxix. p. 341. § Humboldt's Person. Narr., vol. iii. p. 4. II Daubeny on Volcanoes, p. 384. % Phillip's Treatise on Geology, p. 115. • « Silurian System, vol» iii., p. 110. and especially in f^cotland. 285 Thus, then, it appears that in tliose districts, both of Eng- land and of Scotland, where earthquake-shocks are most fre- quent, there are rents which cut through the solid ribs of the earth's crust, and reach down into its unfathomable recesses ; affording, therefore, a medium of communication between the forces (whatever they are) which there exist, and the ex- ternal agents of the atmosphere. It is here not undeserving of notice, that the direction in which the pulsations accompanying earthquake-shocks are pro- pagated, is, in most instances, coincident with the direction of these fissures. Thus, on looking at the notices in the re- gister of shocks in those parts of England situate to the south of a line drawn between the mouths of the Severn and the Thames, it will be found that, almost without exception, the shocks were felt, and the undulations seen to move. East and West, which is the direction of the great lines of fault.* In Anglesea, North Wales, and Cheshire, where the dykes and slips run NW. and SE., the vibrations are in the great majority of cases stated to have been in the same direction.-f* In Lincolnshire, and near the Humber, where the hills range N. and S., the shocks are said to have been felt most in that direction. t The shocks on 19th April 1754, 14th Septem- ber 1777, and 19th November 1795, seem to have been felt in a direction NE. and SW., which is parallel with the faults that traverse that part of the country (between York and Man- chester) most affected by them. One explanation of this remarkable parallelism of the direc- tion of the shocks, and the line of the principal faults, is sug- gested by the difficulty with which the vibrations would be * See, in proof of this remark, the shocks dated 25th October 1707, 8th February, 9th February, 8th and 18th March 1750, 29th December 1769, 8th September 1773, 8th September 1775, and 23d January 1834. In refer- ence to the shock of 8th March 1750 here mentioned, it may bo observed, that Michell takes notice of another in London which occurred in tho pre- ceding century, which ho was informed by an eye-witness moved also East and West ; " being by accident in a scalemaker's shop when it happened, he obsers'ed that all tho scales vibrated from cast to west" — (Phil. Tram, for 1760, p. 575.) t See, in proof of this remark, the shocks dated 2d April 1750, 18th Janu- ary 1768, 28th August 1780, and 29th August 1791. X See notices dated 23d August 1750, and 1st August 1751. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII.— OCTOBER 1841. T 286 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Br i tain, transmitted across these faults.* Evidently they must be transmitted more readily along parts which are unbroken and compact than along parts that are shattered. They must, therefore, be most extensively and strongly felt in directions parallel with the faults and dykes. But this explanation does not meet all the conditions of the question. It accounts sufficiently well for the direction in which the vibrations are propagated, but it does not account for the frequency of shocks in particular districts of country, namely, those districts which are most shattered by dykes and faults. If, as most geologists believe, earthquakes are caused by the development of some mechanical power beneath the earth's crust (whether exerted by elastic vapour or a heated nucleus), it is evident, that this power will produce the great- est effect on those parts which are the least able to resist it. On that hypothesis, it is easy to understand how the upheav- ing forces should obtain vent only or chiefly in those districts which, in consequence of extensive dislocations, are capable of most easily yielding ; and how the indications of these forces should be most distinct along the lines of dislocations. The same result must follow, on the hypothesis that earthquake- shocks are caused by the relation which the state of the at- mosphere bears to the state of the earth's nucleus ; and that a communication between them is effected, by the fissures which reach from the surface to the interior of the earth. These are the two most probable hypotheses to account for the produc- tion of earthquakes ; and in both of them, it is manifest how it is that the shocks should be most frequent where deep and extensive dislocations prevail. 6. On glancing over the register, it will be found that the shocks seldom occur single, and that there are generally tivo in quick succession, as is well shewn under dates May 173G, 12th March 1795, September 1801, and August 181G. But farther, it deserves attention, as is well indicated by Mr Gilfillan^s Comrie register, that the shocks come very fre- quently in groups^ i. e., there w^as a succession of them for many days, and sometimes for several weeks, the strongest or * In the notice of the shocks along the sea-coast of Hampshire in 1707, it is specially stated, that it was "not felt at all to the north of the Downs/* u e.f oB the north side of the fault which traverses that district. and especiatli/ in Scotland. 287 most severe being generally at the commencement of the scries. 7. The shocks are invariably accompanied by sounds. The sounds are of two kinds. One resembles an explosion, which has been variously compared to a discharge of artillery or the blast of a quarry. The other resembles a rushing or whizzing noise. J3oth arc described as being in the atmo- sphere. Some examples of each may now be specially refer- red to. (1.) The Explosion. — Dr Stephen Hales relates his sensations during the earthquake of 8th March 1750. He " perceptibly felt his bed heave. There was also a hollow, obscure, rushing noise in the house, which ended in a loud explosion up in the air, like that of a small cantion. The soldiers who were in St James Park, and others who were then up, saw a blackish cloud with considerable lightning, just before the earthquake began. It was also very calm weather."* In describing the earthquake of 30th September 1750, the same author states, that persons " were suddenly surprised with an uncommon noise in the air, like the rolling of large carriages in the streets, for about twenty seconds. At the same instant, they felt a great shock or snap, which sensibly shook a punch-bowl and made it ring."t Under date 18th November 1756, when an earthquake in Argyleshire is noticed, the shock is stated to have been pre- ceded by a noise like thunder, at a great distance in the air. When the Comrie earthquakes commenced, the inhabitants attributed the noise which they produced to the firing of can- non at Dunira.t Farther illustrations will be found in the register, under dates 8th and 18th March 1750, August 1755, June 1756, March 1792, and August 1834. (2.) The Bushing or Whizzing Sound. — Under date in the re- gister of January 1787, it will be seen that a rushing noise in the air preceded the shock, though it was then calm. Sir Thomas Lauder mentions, in his account of the earthquake in 1816, that a man, who at the moment of its occurrence was * Discourses on Earthquakes, p. 243. t Ibid. p. 263. X This circumstance was mentioned in Mr Gilfillan's letter to Sir Thomas Lauder, which was to have b3cn quoted at length ; but in the course of printing this Memoir, the letter has unfortunately been lost or mislaid. 288 Mr D. Milne on Ear Ikquakc' Shocks in Great Britain^ travelling on foot among the mountains south of Relugas, was first alarmed by a sudden and tremendous "noise of a rushing wind, which came sweeping up the hills like a roar of water. This was instantly followed by the rumbling sound or rhombo, and the ground was then sensibly heaved up and down under his feet." During the earthquake felt in Perthshire, on 1st March 1831, it is related, that the sound resembled a sudden gust of wind, though it was calm at the time. During the earth- quakes at Leicester, on 30th September 1750, and 6th Novem- ber 1764, in Yorkshire in April 1754, the shocks were attended with a rushing sound of the air. During the earthquake in May 1773, it is related, that, though calm and serene, a sud- den gust of wind (apparently) beat against the \Yindows, as if a great quantity of small shot had been thrown against them with violence. In the earthquake of November 1755, it is stated, that, though there was no wind, a whizzing gust in the air was felt immediately before the shock. Another observer says, '' we were all extremely surprised and alarmed at a sud- den blast (rather than explosioii) which burst out instantane- ously, and which seemed to rush through the air with great velocity, and to meet with considerable resistance to its mo- tion ; for it made a whizzing noise as it passed over us." Under date 8th June 1753, it is mentioned that the " shock was accompanied and succeeded by a rushing noise and explo- sion like gunpowder fired in the open air." Farther notices to the same effect will be found under dates December 1703, 30th September 1750, 6th November 1764, and September 1833. That the *' tremblement" of the district affected by a shock must of itself produce a considerable noise cannot be disputed. The jar or tremor in the rocks must communicate a vibration to the air in contact with them. Whether this circumstance will entirely explain the phenomena just related, may fairly admit of a question. What other explanation may be sug- gested, will more properly be afterwards considered, when additional phenomena have been described. 8. The next circumstance suggested by an inspection of the register, is, that the shocks are more severe and more frequent in certain months of the year, than in others. Of the 139 Scotch, and the 116 English earthquakes there recorded, the and especially in Scotland, 289 numbers now to be mentioned have occurred in these several months — Scotland. England. Total. January, 14 11 February, 14 13 }. 74 in threo Winter months. March, 12 10 April, 9 10 May, 8 4 I 44 in three Spring months. 4 l44i] 9 J 5 J 12 I 79 7 J June, 4 July, 6 5 August, 12 9 J. 50 in three Summer months. September, 12 1 October, 14 November, 20 12 J. 79 in three Autumn months. December, 15 139 116 From this statement, it appears that in Scotland the numbers of shocks during the six summer months, from April to Septem- ber inclusive, was fifty, and in the rest of the year eighty-nine. That, in like manner, in England the numbers of shocks dur- ing the six summer months was fifty-two, and during the six winter months, sixty-four. From recent catalogues and classifications of the same kind, constructed by continental writers, these inferences are ve- rified in a very remarkable manner. The results which they have separately arrived at, from registers of earthquake-shocks, ranging over very diff'erent periods of time, may here be stated. In explanation of the folloN'sing table, it requires to be men- tioned that Von Hoff's register* includes earthquake-shocks, and volanic eruptions in all parts of the globe north of the equator, and extends from the year 1821 to 1830 inclusive; that Professor Merian'st catalogue applies only to shocks at Basle, and extends from the 10th to a part of the 19th cen- turies inclusive ; — and that M. Alexis Perreyt of Dijon, has published his catalogue only down to the year 1583, commenc- ing with the year a. d. 306. * Annalcn der Physik und Chemie, vol. xxxiv., p. 104. Von Iloflfs re- gister includes some shocks and eruptions on the south side of the equator j but these arc not taken into account in the table in the tgxti t Ibid. p. 108. \ Comptes licndues, tome xii., p 1 185, 290 Mr D. Milne 07i Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain^ Vo> HOFF. Merian. Pekrey. Total. . During the Shocks. Eruptions. Shocks. Shocks. Three Autumn months. 101 G 40 55 jsso Three Winter months, 9« 5 32 43 Three Spring months, 95 2 19 39 208 Three Summer months, 75 3 27 38 It may now, therefore, be held as conclusively established, that an intimate connection exists between the state of the at- mosphere and the frequency of earthquake-shocks. What the nature, and, still more, what may be the cause of that con- nection, it would be premature to inquire, before all the phe- nomena which bear on the subject have been explained and con- sidered. Some of these phenomena will now be mentioned. 9. Whatever may be the time of the year in which shocks occur in this country, the weather has been at or about the time of their occurrence generally warm, and what is termed ctose^ or suttry. During the winter of 1749-50, which was followed by an unusual number of earthquakes in the south of England, the weather was remarked as *' extraordinary " for warmth. *' The warmth on some days, especially on the 13th February, was greater than in the previous June." On the 8th February, the day of the shock, the air is represented as " very hazy and warm at the time.""* It is stated that, at Plymouth, from the beginning of June to the 15th July 1757, when an earthquake occurred along the south-west coasts of England, the weather was very warm, dry, and occasionally excessively hot. On the 11th, 12th, and 13th July, Fahr. thermometer in the shade was not less than 87°, at three p.m. ; and on the 12th, it was 88°. In London, the thermometer, between the 10th and 15th July, was as high as 85° (viz. on the 14th), and not lower than 80°.t Under date August 1786, it is noted, that, *< on the preced- ing evening, the weather was so close and sultry, as to render breathing oppressive." At the time of the Chichester earthquake in September 1833, " the air was very sultry, warm, and still." In the one which occurred at the same place, on 23d January 1834, it is * Phil©8. Trans, for 1700. t Ibid, for 1757, p. 428. and especially in Scotland, 291 mentioned, that the " morning of the previous day was rainy, foggy, and warm. The same humid weather prevailed up to the close of January, and the season was a fortnight nearly in ad- vance up to end of March." " The temperature of the ground,'' it is added, " was unprecedentedly high for mid- winter, and the water in the wells 2° above the average." Mr Gilfillan has the following entry in his journal, in de- scribing the Comrie earthquake of 2d January 1795, which happened at 1 hour 50 minutes a. m. " The preceding even- ing was clear and frosty. The air was impregnated with hoar- frost, which fell upon the earth in great quantities. The win- dows of my chamber were incrusted with it when I went to bed. Immediately after the shock, I looked at the glass, and saw the hoar-frost was melted. The wind began to blow a little from the N.NW., about 1^ hour after the concussion, and I have always observed that the wind is N. or NW. during our earthquakes."* Notices to the same effect will be found under dates Decem- ber 170S, July 1795, 18th September 1801, and December 1826. 10. Fogs have attracted attention, as 2i frequent attendant on earthquakes. In the accounts given of the Lisbon earthquake of 1st No- vember 1755, it is mentioned, that, on the preceding day, at Colares, the weather was " uncommonly warm for the season, the wind north, from which quarter, about 4 p. m., there arose a/<9^ which came from the sea, and covered the valleys, a thing rare at this season of the year. Soon after, the wind changing to the east, the fog returned to the sea, collecting itself and becoming exceeding thick. The 1st November, the day broke with a serene sky, the wind continuing at east ; but about 9 a. m. the sun began to grow dim, and about half an hour after was heard a rumbling noise like that of chariots, which increased to such a degree as to equal that of the loud- est cannon, and immediately a shock of an earthquke was felt."t At Lisbon, in like manner, it is noticed, that, on " the 31st October, the atmosphere and light of the sun had the ap- * Edinburgh Courant of 10th January 1705. t Discourses on Dortbquakes; p. 312. 292 Mr D, Milne on Earthquake'Shocks i?t Great Britain, pearance of clouds, with a notable defuscation. The 1st No- vember, early in the morning, a thick fo^ arose."* It is stated by an eye-witness, that, at Lisbon, the earth- quake of 31st March 1761 was followed next morning by ''^reat/o//s:'f The Chichester earthquakes of November 1833 and January 1834 are stated to have been preceded by thick fogs ; and, with regard to the former, it is specially mentioned, that the thick fog preceding it was recognised as " precisely similar to the fog which accompanied the Lisbon earthquakes in 1807 and 1816." Under date August 1786, it is mentioned, that, on the even- ing preceding the shock, " a thick fog came on." 11. The next phenomenon deserving of notice in this place, is the appearance o£ a Jine powder, or dust, covering consider- able districts of country^ which is thought to be connected with earthquake-shocks. Two cases of this class are mentioned in the register, under dates October 20. and 23. 1755, and February 1837. The first case is explained by an eruption of K6tlugia,*a volcanic mountain in the south side of Iceland, which took place on the 17th October 1755, and continued till the 7th November 1 755. It is stated that a column of fire rose from the crater which was seen at the distance of 180 miles, and the atmosphere was so filled with smoke and ashes, that the adjacent parishes were in a state of complete darkness.^ The other case has not received any explanation, and per- haps it might not be thought worthy of any attention, were it not that the phenomenon (if such it may be called) has seve- ral times since been observed, with the additional circumstance, that the dust or powder has been found covering considerable districts of country. The subsequent cases now alluded to hav- ing occurred after September 1839 (when the register ^tops), they will not be farther noticed at present, falling more properly to be afterwards described, with the continuation of the regis- ter. Meanwhile, it may be observed that the powder which was observed in Stratherne was (as stated in the Register) not * Discourses on Earthquakes, p. 315, t Philos. Trans, for 17G2, p. 423. J Henderson's Iceland, i. 314. and especially in Scotland, 298 confined to the waters of the loch, but was found on the land, and at a distance of several miles from it.* It must have fal- len, therefore, in the atmosphere, and was not, as some persons suggested, washed into the loch from the adjoining peat-bogs. A small portion of the water from Loch Earne, containing the powder, having been submitted to Professor Conhell, the fol- lowing note shews the result of his examination. " I have examined, in a general way^ the small quantity sent to me of the black powder with which Loch Earne was covered. When heated with access of air, it glows and is consumed, leaving a somewhat bulky, but light and flocky, ash of a grey colour. This ash yields to heated muriatic acid, a trace of the metallic oxide, which seems to be iron, and a still feebler trace of lime, and the residue consists of siliceous-looking particles. When the ignition takes place in a close tube, and lime-water is introduced, it becomes very milky by agitation. It is thus evident that the powder is essentially carbonaceous, with some siliceous admixture. I am quite unable to offer any definite ^opinion as to the origin of such a substance in such a situation. " After I had examined it, I got your note, asking me if I could say ' that it was not soot.' The word soot, in a chemical sense, is somewhat indefinite, as the nature of that substance varies according to the com- bustible from which it proceeds. Thus lamp-black is almost entirely carbon, whilst the soot of wood fires contains, besides combustible mat- ter, certain quantities of soluble and insoluble salts. Hence, almost, any fine black carbonaceous powder may he soot from some source or another; and this observation might, I think, apply in the present instance, al- though I should be far from saying that it was so, particularly in the ab- sence of any known burning source on a large scale in the neighbourhood from which it might be derived. The somewhat considerable quantity * The following extract from the Edinburgh Weekly Journal newspaper, of date 15th February 1837, gives some further information regarding tho occurrence in question, than what is in the register. " Remarkable Fact. On Wednesday last (8th February) Locherne,in Perthshire, was observed lo bo covered by a black scum, Avhich spread in a thin film over its surface. O n Thursday morning, this had removed from tho central parts and collected near the sides, where part of it Avas deposited on tho sands in the form of black paste, which, when taken up in the hands, was not easily waslied off again, and rendered tlie Avater (usually remarkably pure) totally unfit for use. About the same time, at the farm of Miggar, eiglitor nine miles from Loch- erne, some clothes that had been left out all night to bleach were next morn- ing covered with black dew of a biniilar kind. AVas this phenomenon ob- served in other piurts of the country, and can it have any connection with tho pi*csont uoxious state of the atmospheres I" 294 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain, and chemical nature of tho ash seems also rather against this view; but the siliceous particles may be in part adventitious. Yours sincerely, " Arthur Connell." I J' I7th A2>nl 1840." 11. Fain appears to be a frequent co7icomitant of earthquake- shocks in this country, though indiscriminately before and after them, as well as during the time of their occurrence. For examples of excessive vdin^ preceding strong shocks, see the dates December 1797, August 1816, and January 1834. For an example of excessive rain during the occurrence as well as before a shock, see the account of the earthquake of August 1786. For examples of excessive rains after shocks^ reference may be made to Mr Gilfillan''s account of the one on 7th Septem- ber 1801. He remarks, that though the weather had been previously good, it has become wet since, as generally hap- pens after earthquakes. Sir Thomas Lauder, in his account of the Inverness earthquake of August 1816, mentions, that though the summer of that year had been very wet and stormy, the weather on the day preceding the shock was fine and still ; but on the day succeeding it, a thick rain came on, which con- tinued to fall incessantly for above sixty hours ; and, indeed, during the whole of the ensuing month, " there was hardly any fair weather." An author, who, under the name of Philotheus, published, in 1748, a history of Earthquakes, referring to one felt at Ox- ford (England) on 17th September 1683 (noticed in the regis- ter), says, that " the latter part of the first week of September was so rainy, that some apprehended a deluge." The same observation, that earthquake-shocks generally ac- company rainy weather, and are most frequently preceded by it, has been made in foreign countries, which shews that the coincidence is not accidental. Thus Dolemieu, in describing the Calabrian earthquakes of February 1783, mentions, that " the autumn of 1782 and the winter of 1783 were very rainy."* Drake, in his account of the Cincinnati (United States) earth- quakes, which continued from December 1811 for nearly a • Pinkerton's Voyagos, vol. v. p. 296, and especially in Scotland, 295 year, states, " there was a greater flood in the Mississippi in the summer of 1811 than had occurred for fifteen years before. Between St Louis and New Madrid, many parts of the valley were extensively overflown.""* In Chili, the seasons for rainy and dry weather are remarkably certain and regular. But, on many occasions, this state of things has been entirely altered when violent earthquake-shocks occurred. By the earthquake of 19th November 1822, the coast of Chili, for a distance of fifty miles, was raised generally three feet, and in some places four feet. Mier, in reference to this earthquake, states, that " on the night of 27th November it rained heavily, to the sur- prise and astonishment of all. Rain at that season is most unusual. It had never before been known in the month of November."t 12. The barometer, when observed, appears, with only one or two exceptions, to have been generally below its averaye level, when shocks were severe ov frequent. In proof of this remark, reference may be made to the no- tice in the Register, dated 14th September 1777, where it is mentioned, that the barometer fell a few lines at the time of the shock, and rose immediately after. It is said, that, on the 10th November 1782, the barometer in Scotland sank to within ^^gth of the bottom of the scale, which probably means 27.1 inches. On the same day, Loch Rannoch was violently agitated. This circumstance has gene- rally been attributed to the influence of the Calabrian earth- quakes ; but they did not commence till some months after- wards,— when volcanic eruptions took place likewise in Ice- land, on a great scale. It is noted, that, on 5th November 1789, when a severe shock was felt at Comrie, the barometer rose and fell several times during the day, and next morning a violent storm commenced which continued for twenty-four hours. In the Leeds earthquake of 1795, it is related that the baro- meter for thirty-six hours preceding the shock had varied very remarkably. On the day before, it was 30.23 inches. On * Drake's Account of Cincinnati, 1815, p. 239. t Micr's ChUi, vol. i. p. 38U. 296 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain^ the morning of the shock, it had sunk to 28.63 inches, being a subsidence of more than 1^ inch. During the earthquake of September 1801, it is mentioned that " the barometer fell suddenly." On the 25th December 1821, there was a remarkable de- pression of the barometer in every part of Europe. It was noticed in Scotland, Germany, France, and Switzerland.* It was accompanied with violent storms, with lightning and nume- rous meteors. On the same day " a slight shock of an earthquake was felt at Mayence.''* But what is more material, there was at the same time a series of terrible eruptions in Iceland. The old volcano of Eyefjeld Jokkul, which had been quiet since 1612, broke out on the 19th December 1821, and continued in eruption till June 1822. In Iceland, the barometer began to fall on the 18th December, and continued falling till the 26th December.t There was a shock of earthquake in Scotland in March 1831, and it will be seen that the barometer was lower during the succeeding month than in any other of the same year. A similar fact is recorded in the register, under date 20th March 1833. In the account of the Chichester earthquakes, in January 1834, the barometer is described as having been " in an inter- mittent state" during the preceding month. The only other notices bearing on this point will be found under dates 11th August 1786 and 1st November 1755. In the last-mentioned case (viz. a depression of the barometer to the extent of 2 inchesj at Amsterdam, during the Lisbon earthquake), it is possible that the fall may have been occa- sioned by an upward motion of the earth, which, owing to the great inertia of mercury, would cause a flow into the cistern. * The amount of depression at different places will be found in the Edin- burgh Philosophical Journal for 1822, vol. vi. p. 384 and vol. vii. p. 182. t Ditto, p. 156. I The following is the account given of this occurrence by the anony-' mous author of the work so often referred to, entituled '* History and Phi- losophy of Earthquakes," on p. 309. Among other phenomena at Amster- dam he states, that " the mercury, which stood pretty high in the barome- ters, descTunded almost an inch, as it were, at once," Othgr accounts repre« scut the dcprcsaiou us greater. and especially in Scotland. 297 In describing the shock of 18th February 1786 (noticed in the register as having been felt in this country as well as abroad), Bertrand states,* that at St Quentin in France, and at Berne in Switzerland, at both of which places the shocks seem to have been distinct, if not severe, the barometer was parti- cularly low. It may here be added, as a circumstance probably connected with the depression of the barometer about the time of earth- quake-shocks, that the atmosphere seems then to be in that pe- culiar state which is almost always characterized by a depres- sion. For example, Bertrand, in describing the phenomena in France of the earthquake just alluded to, says, " Ce tremble- ment, presque par-tout, a ete suivie, quelques heures apres, d*un aifreux orage, qui a cause beaucoup de dommages. C'etait un vent du Sud-sud-ouest. C'est a 8 heures du soir, qu'il souffloit avec le plus de violence. On apper9ut encore alors, en divers lieux, quelques secousses." It was then, as may be perceived from the note below, that the barometer was lowest. In the account given in the Philosophical Transactions for 1757, of the earthquake which occurred on the 15th July of that year, it is stated, that, on the preceding day, at 11 a. m., there was along the SW. coast of England, where chiefly the shock was felt, *' a most violent hurricane, which lasted five or six minutes." Whilst the specific instances that have been adduced, afford evidence that the barometer is below its usual average when earthquake-shocks are occurring, there is a general remark which tends in no inconsiderable degree to confirm that con • elusion. It is well known that the average height of the ba- rometer is always lowest during that part of the year (viz. during the six winter months) when, as already shewn, earth- quake-shocks are most frequent. Not only is the barometer then lowest, but it is also subject to greater vacillation than * Histoirc Naturelle, p. 303. His words are, in regard to St Quentin — " Le vent ctait Quest, peu violent, — le baromctre fort bas :" — In regard to Beme, *' Le barometre ctait excessivement bas, et le thermoni^lre extraor- dinairement liaut. Celui la etait \ 8 heures du soir a 25 pouces, b\ lignes, seulemcnt domi-ligne au dessus du terme le plus bas. Le 19 a G heures du matin, le thermometro avoit descendu do I04 degre's." 298 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain^ at any other season. " On an average of three years (says the writer of the article Meteorology in Brewster's Encyclo- paedia) we have found that, for the six months beginning with April and ending with September, the mean monthly range of the barometer is to that of the six months in the propor- tion of five to eight." It will be remembered that the earth- quake-shocks in this and in other European countries are, dur- ing the same six months of summer, less than during the rest of the year, in very nearly the same proportion. Mr Gilfillan of Comrie seems to have thought, that earth- quake-shocks there were very frequent about the time of new and full moon, as may be seen from the extracts given in the register under dates May 1793 and 21st March 1795. This opinion, if well founded, would afford an additional confirma- tion, though a slender one, of the connection between earth- quake-shocks and a diminished atmospheric pressure ; as it has been ascertained that the barometer is slightly lower than usual, at these periods of the moon's age.* In the earthquakes of foreign countries, it has been so fre- quently noticed that the barometer fell at or about the time of the shocks, that it is scarcely possible to doubt the connec- tion between the two phenomena. Thus Humboldt, writing at Cumana in South America, relates, that, " on the 18th August 1799, I was struck at finding the absolute height of the barometer a little less than usual. There was on that day eleven strong shocks of an earthquake at Carupano, twenty- two leagues east from Cumana.''t In describing the pheno- mena accompanying the earthquake which happened in the evening of 4th November 1799, the same intelligent observer says, " The barometer was lower than usual, but the course or progress of the horary variations or little atmospheric tides was in no respect interrupted. The mercury was j)f^ci8ely at its minimum height, at the moment of the third and last shock, * Mr Luke Howard, on comparing the barometrical averages of eighteen years preceding 1832 with the moon's declination, " thinks there is evi- dence of a great tidal wave or swell in the atmosphere, caused by the moon's attraction, preceding her in her approach to, and following her slowly as she recedes from, these latitudes." (Philosophical Magazine for July 1841, p. 553.) t Humboldt, vol. ii. p, 31C. and especially/ in Scotland. 299 (at 9 p. M.). It continued to rise till 11 p. m., and then fell again toward 4^^ a. m., according to its usual law."*' The French academicians, in relating the earthquakes of Pignerol in 1808, state the following fact, " Le General Me- nou, ayant entendu le 17th Avril, le bruit precurseur d'une secousse, alia de suite examiner le barometre. II vit le mer- cure descendre rapidement a Tinstant de la secousse, et en- suite remonter/'* Mr Darwin mentions, that "just before the earthquake of November 1822, the mercury in the barometer (at Valparaiso) sank beneath the graduated part," and there- fore, as he explains, beneath 26 inches. He adds this remark, that, " considering these circumstances, and especially the unquestionable fact of rain frequently following severe earth- quakes, even at the most unusual seasons, I cannot conclude otherwise than that there exists some connection between the subterranean and atmospheric disturbances, of which we are at present quite ignorant." t 13. But there are several other meteorological phenomena, indicating a disturbed state of the atmosphere^ which have been frequently observed at or about the time of earthquake-shocks. (1.) Gusts nmH Lidls of Wind. — Mr Gilfillan, in reference to the earthquake at Comrie of 10th October 1792, says, " The weather had been with us, as I believe all over Scotland, for a good while past, uncommonly variable and boisterous, and had verged from high gusts of wind to a deep calm, for one or two days before the earthquake. The air was hazy and moist, much like the appearance of the sky before thunder ; and it is a remarkable fact, that the earthquake and its concomitant noises, if I am not mistaken, always happen in calm weather. We have of late also had frequent and heavy rains." J In the register, under date December 1703, it is mentioned, that though a little before the shock there was " a violent storm," it was calm at the moment of its occurrence. Other curious instances of the same general fact are given in the register, under dates 25th February, and May 1793 ; 18th October and * Journal de Physique, tome Ixvii. p. 292. t Vogage of the Beagle, vol. ii. p. 433. X Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Gilfillan by his son, in which a few ex- tracts ai'o given from Mr GilfiUan'e private journal, p. 1\, 300 Mr D. Milne 07i Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain^ 3d and 30th December 1794 ; November 1795 ; 24th Febru- ary 1799 ; September 1801 ; August 1816 ; and 23d January 1834. On the 27th August 1834, when a shock occurred, a " whirl- wind'' was remarked. (2.) Thunder^ and especially lightning, often precedes shocks. On 10th October 1731, a great flash was seen a minute after one. On 1st July 1747, one was seen at the very moment of a shock. On the 8th March 1750, lightning is stated to have been seen a minute or two before. During the earthquake of 18th August 1816, a flash was seen at Montrose immediately after the shock. On the 22d October 1821, when an earth- quake in the Highlands occurred, it is mentioned* that *' the day was rainy and lowering ; and about four o'clock there was a loud and continual peal of thunder, with some vivid flashes of lightning." Other examples will be found under dates 8th October 1731, Feb. 1750, and 23d January 1834. These accounts are entirely accordant with the observations which have been made during volcanic eruptions. Thus it is related, that, during the eruption of Kotlugia in 1756, before referred to, the lightning was very violent, and killed several persons.t During the earthquake which destroyed Caraccas in 1812, though the evening was cloudless, there was a con- tinued glare of vivid flashes of lightning, and of repeated peals of subterranean thunder, all of which (including the flashes) seemed to issue from below the horizon.]: Humboldt,§ in de- scribing the phenomena attendant on the earthquake of Cu- mana on 4th Nov. 1799, states, that there was a thunder-storm, and " at the moment of the strongest electric explosion, there were two shocks of an earthquake, which followed at 15" from each other. A few minutes before the first shock, there was a very violent blast of wind, followed by an electrical rain in great drops. The electrometer of Volta was strongly aff*ected. The sky remained cloudy, and the blast of wind was followed by a * Edin. Philos. Journ. for 1022, vol. vi. p. 192. t Henderson's Iceland, vol. i. p. 314 ? I Silliman's Journal for January 1029. § Personal Narrative. English Transl, vol. ii. p. 31C. and especially in Scotland. 301 dead calm, which lasted all night.'** In some of the eruptions of Vesuvius, forked lightning has been seen not only issuing from but entering the crater. (3.) Meteors and balls of fire are recorded as having been seen under the following dates, when shocks were felt, 8th March 1750, October 1755, November 1795, August 1816, and 20th February 1818. In August 1755, on the day after a severe shock at Stamford, " a large ball of fire" was seen, and continued visible for seven or eight minutes. These notices, also, are in accordance with what has been observed in foreign countries, both volcanic and non-volcanic. Thus in describingf the earthquake-shocks which occurred daily in Pignerol between 2d April and 12th May 1808, the French academicians mention, that, on the 11th April, a lu- minous meteor was seen of a globular form, and which de- scended without detonation. On the 15th April, and at the very moment when several strong shocks were felt, four night watchmen suddenly found themselves illumined by a vivid light, which issued from a meteor resembling in form a stake. On two other days, electrical meteors of different descriptions were noticed. A violent tornado is described as having devastated Charles- ton in South Carolina, on the 10th September 1811. " In the interval between this calamity and the concussions of the earth (the first of which occurred on the 16th December 1811), va- rious meteors and balls of fire, of different sizes and appear- ances, were observed. One of them, of a magnitude calcu- lated to excite alarm, was seen by spectators who were an hundred miles asunder, about 3 p. m. on 21st November, mov- ing with great rapidity. It illuminated the ground and the sur- * Sir William Hamilton, in his account of the eruptions of Vesuvius in 1779, says, that " for some time after the eruption had ceased, the air conti- nued greatly impregnated with electrical matter. The Duke of Cotrosiano, a Neapolitan nobleman (who, from his superior knowledge in experimental philosophy and mechanics, docs honour to his country), told me, that having, about half an hour after the great eruption had ceased, held a Leyden bottle armed with a pointed wire, out of his window at Naples, it soon became considerably charged." Sir William particularly notices the " volcanic lightning," which was manifested near the crater during the eruption, (rm««- actiom of Land. lioy. Soc, Ixx., p. 58.) t Journal do Physique, tome Ixvii. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII,— OCTOBER 1841. V 302 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake- Shocks in Great Britain, face of the waters, as if a torch of burning matter had been pass- ing over them." * Meteors were seen to accompcany the earth- quakes which occurred on 2d February 1776 in Rhode Island, and in November of the same year in South Carolina." f It is mentioned in Mier'^s Chile, J that in four hours after the severe earthquake of 19th November 1822, a luminous meteor was seen, in apparent size little less than the moon. It left behind it a long train of light, and afterwards seemed to explode. It is added, that in most of the Chilean earth- quakes such meteors are seen. (4.) Frequent and vivid displays of the aurora borealis are noticed as having been remarked in this country, at and about the time of earthquake-shocks. See in particular the notices under date 2d April and 23d August 1750, 24th Feb- ruary 1759, 24th September 1816, and September 1833. The various meteorological phenomena just enumerated, as having been frequently and indeed usually observed at or about the time of earthquake-shocks, lead plainly to the infe- rence, that there is, during their occurrence, a great develop- ment of electricity. Indeed, there are several cases, where this is not left to be inferred. Thus, on the 14tli September 1777, when a severe shock occurred, it is mentioned that " a lady felt a stroke on the top of her head, as if of electricity." When the earthquake of 18th November 1795 occurred, lu- minous appearances and some remarkable clouds were seen, which convinced the spectators that they were " occasioned by electric light, with which the clouds were highly charged." It is added, that '•' many persons felt something like an electrical shock," — " and several persons in delicate health passed the night (of the earthquake) in a restless uneasy manner, with- out knowing why."" It is related that, on the 6th and 7th Sep- tember 1801, on both of which days shocks occurred, the at- mosphere was apparently much charged with electricity. These notices, no doubt, describe only the impressions and sensations of individuals. But reliance in them is increased, on finding tliat, in other countries, electrical instruments have given * Account by Mr Tartt, given in Edinburgh Philososphical Journal of 1820, vol. ii. p. 300. t Amprican Journal of Science for 1840, p. 336. % Vol. i. p. 388, and especially in Scotland. 305 precisely similar indications. Reference has already been made to Humboldt*s authority, that his electrometer was strongly affected during the earthquake of Cumana in November 1799. In like manner, during the Pignerol earthquakes, before al- luded to, it is stated that, on the 10th April 1808, during a shock, the electrical apparatus was considerably affected. The following remarks in the same report are especially wor- thy of attention : — " Quand I'intervalle des secousses depas- soit plusieurs heures, I'electricite se truovoit de peu de degr^s, et toujours positive ou vitree. Dans le moment des secousses, elle devenoit forte au point de ne pouvoir plus etre mesuree par les electrometres. Vingt minutes apres une secousse, les bandalettes de mon electrometre, mis en contact de I'appareil electrique permanent que j'ai etabli a la Tour, restoient en- core a 30° de divergence toujours positive." * Signor Gem- malaro relates, that his guide and two travellers on Mount Etna, in June 1814, encountered such a current of electricity, that their hair bristled up from the effect of it, and a loud whistling or humming sound in the air was heard, and which they modulated by motions of their fingers. In extracts from Gemmalaro's Journal^ referred to below, many other electrical phenomena are mentioned, in connection with eruptions of Etna.t Mr Drake, in describing the Cincinnati earthquakes, which commenced in December 1811, says, that, *•' in the win- ter of 1811--1812, many persons observed, or thought they observed, that those substances which are susceptible of electric excitation, gave extraordinary indications of the presence of the electric fluid.^J After it has thus been established that electricity, to an unusual extent, is connected with earthquake-shocks, there is naturally a disposition immediately to inquire, whether the one phenomenon is directly or indirectly the cause of the other ? But the inquiry might be extended so as to compre- hend all the other phenomena before related, which appear to be equally connected with the occurrence of shocks. It is bet- ter, therefore, to postpone any attempt to explain these isolated phenomena, important though they be, until the whole subject * Journal do Physique, tomo Ixvii. t Brande's Journal of Science, vol. xiv. p. 324, and xix. p. 233, X Account of Cincinnati, 1B15; p.2 39. 304 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain, has been fully developed ; for it will be seen, even from the facts still to be mentioned, that the different classes of pheno- mena accompanying earthquakes, help to explain one another. The only other facts of a general nature which occur here to be noticed, relate to the disturbance of the dipping-needle during earthquake-shocks. Though the observations on this point, have not been made in Great Britain, it may not be deemed altogether out of place to allude to them here, con- nected as they are with electricity, and calculated to throw light on the general subject of this memoir. It is recorded by Bernouilli, that, in 1767, he observed the dip of the needle diminish half a degree, during an earthquake; and De la Torre, whilst Vesuvius was in eruption, remarked a change of several degrees in the variation of the needle. Mr Kreil, the magnetic observer at Milan, in a letter pub- lished in L'Institut of 27th February 1840, says, *' Les oscil- lations verticalles de I'aiguille sent beaucoup plus frequentes dans les moisde Novembre et Decembre, qu'aux autres epoques de I'annee, et se montrent plus communement par les tems humides." " Pent etre convient il, de les attribuer a quelques legers tremblemens de terre, qui seront encore bien plus fre- quents que les forts, mais qui encore inappreciables a nos sens et a nos instruments imparfaits, nous ont ete cependant ac- cuses par notre appareil plus perfectione. Les plus fortes os- cillations decette espece, sont presque constaniment accompagne de forts tremblemens de terre, qui neanmoins ont pour theatre des pays souvent fort eloignes. Ainsi parmi un grand nombre de phenom^nes de ce genre, je citerai comme remarquable celui de 23d- Janvier 1838, qui se presenta entre 7^ 33' et 7^ 47' p. M. (Tems. Moy. de Milan), et ou I'aiguille eprouva des os- cillations verticales si vivos, que ses arcs s'eleverent sur Techelle verticalle environ 15', sans toutefois qu'on ait pu partout autre moyen reconnoitre les traces d'un tremblement de terre. Au bout de 20 jours, on lisoit dans les journaux des details, sur les disastres affreux causes par un tremblement de terre survenu le memo jour a Buckarest, Jassy, Odessa, et autres localites. D'apres les epoques indiques, le phenomene avait ete observe a Jassy a 7^ 42' (Tems Moy. de Milan), et Odessa a 7^' 45' du meme tems, epoques qui coincident exactement avec celle ou le phenomene des oscillations de I'aiguille a ete observe." PLATE VI. £din:N>'wFhil.Jour.Vol.31.p.303. Fr^.l. Fi^.7. B. GooiUvr. Utlt KMiirhtJl . Sculp'. and especially in Scotland. 305 Signor Capocci, Directeur de I'observatoire de Naples, in a letter to Eliede Beaumont published in theComptes Rendues,* says, " Apres 1' eruption du Janvier dernier, la declinaison de I'aiguille a brusquement diminu^ d*un demi degreaumoins." In the Annalen der Physiken,f a Mr Gay is r^erred to as having observed in Chili, for a long period, and with great care, the daily variations of the needle. It is stated on his autho- rity, that, during the earthquake in that country, of 20th Feb- ruary 1835, a great distui-bance was produced in the daily va- riation of the dipping needle, but not in that of the horizontal needle. On this point it also deserves to be noticed, that the mean daily changes in the variation of the needle, amount, during the six months of summer, on an average of the last observa- tions in this country, to 10' 48", and in the six winter months to 6' 31", — ^the maximum and minimum being also in Decem- ber and June respectively. t It will be remembered, that, in both these respects, viz., the time of the year and the parti- cular months when the maxima and minima of diurnal vari- ation occur, the register of earthquake-shocks presents a re- markable coincidence or analogy. A similar coincidence is discoverable in the magnetic inten- sity^^ which reaches a maximum in December, and a minimum in June : — so that it is, on the whole, difficult to resist the conclusion, that the causes of earthquake-shocks, whatever they are, are, in some way or other, connected with terres- trial magnetism. In reviewing the summary which has now been given of the phenomena attending the earthquake-shocks felt in this coun- try, it will be observed that the order proposed has been, as far as possible, preserved, of noticing, firsts the phenomena which explain the nature or character of the shocks; and, next^ the phenomena which seem to throw light upon the causes of them. Without venturing to say what these causes are, until, at all events, the observations made during the shocks of 1839, 1840, and 1841, in this country have been detailed, it may be ad- * Tomo ix. p. 374. t Vol. xxxvii. p. 480. J See article Ma^etism, ia Napier's Encyclopajdift Britannica, p. 730. § Ibid. p. 740. ^ ' * ' ^ 306 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake-Bhockt in Great Britain^ vantageous to point out some of the inferences which appear to be established by the register, so far as it goes, and the phe- nomena embraced by it. (1.) Whilst it is undeniable that the shocks emanate from the interior part's of the earth at different depths, it would appear that they are essentially connected with changes in the earth's atmosphere. This inference is established by the proofs ad- duced in the foregoing pages, of the various meteorological phenomena that almost constantly attend earthquake-shocks. In what way these atmospheric changes are connected with earthquakes, — v/hether as causes or effects of them, — is a dif- ferent question. Some of them, it may be thought, cannot possibly be considered effects. For example, the monthly va- riations in the weight and electricity of the atmosphere (to which the monthly occurrence of earthquake-shocks exactly correspond), no one will venture to ascribe to any other than solar influence. If, then, none of these are the effects of earth- quakes, is it to be at once concluded that they are the causes, or that they influence the causes, of earthquakes % Do all of these meteorological forces, or atmospherical conditions, exert an influence, — and do they act separately or in combination ? Mr Scrope, in his excellent treatise on Volcanoes says, that he was told by the Lipari fishermen, that the intensity of the eruptions at Stromboli is much greater during winter than summer, and that it usually increases with the storminess of the season, insomuch that the fishermen are in the habit of auguring fair or foul weather from the state of the volcano. This circumstance, which is entirely in accordance with the facts deduced from our register, led Mr Scrope to suggest, that the greater frequency of earthquake-shocks in the winter sea- son may be owing to the diminution of atmospherical pressure during that season.* When the barometer is at 31 inches, the atmosphere presses on the surface of Great Britain with a weight equal to 291,793,239,406 tons. When it sinks to 27 inches, there is a diminution of weight on the same area, equal to 37,648,938,386 tons, being about 427,231 tons on each square mile. It is manifest, that, when the subterranean elas- tic forces have, by accumulation or otherwise, acquired such * Scrope on Volcanoes, p. 7 and 60. and especially in Scotland. » 307 strength as that they are nearly able to produce a disrup- tion of the strata which confines them, a considerable depres- sion of the barometer might enable them to accomplish that result. It is thus easy to understand how shocks should be more frequent in winter than in summer, and how at any season shocks should generally be preceded by barometrical depres- sion. It is thus shewn that the ordinary changes of atmospheri- cal pressure may have an important effect on the elastic forces, whether gaseous or liquid, which are supposed to exist beneath the solid crust of the earth, and cause them to produce disrup- tions, that would propagate vibrations to the earth's surface. (2.) But can all the electrical phenomena of earthquakes be accounted for on the foregoing theory"? Would a mere change of atmospherical pressure be attended by these phenomena, without supposing the production and development of subter- ranean electricity 1 Looking to the facts before described, it seems difficult to deny, that, during earthquake-shocks, there is an excess of electricity ; and from the way in which, on se- veral occasions, it was indicated, it is reasonable to suppose that it issued from the earth. The tvhizzing sound, — the cracks or stiaps in the air, sometimes as loud as the report of a can- non,— and the electrical shocks experienced by individuals during earthquakes, seem almost to establish this proposition. Electricity, as is well known, is produced by the conversion of water into steam, so that if rain were to percolate from the earth's surface far enough down into the interior of the globe, so as to be converted into steam, electricity would be evolved in considerable quantity. Now it is, in this point of view, im- portant to observe, that earthquake-shocks are most frequent in those places where there are deep and extensive fissures, and at those seasons where rain falls in most abundance on the earth's surface. From the table given on page 289 hereof, it will be seen that the shocks are more frequent during the first three months of winter than during the remaining three months, a circumstance which is confirmatory of the suppo- sition that electricity is evolved by the autumn rains. There may be some hesitation in admitting that water could descend in the fissures wliich intersect the earth's crust to the requi- site depth. But that water docs descend very far, by such fi»- 308 Mr D. Milne on Earthquake-Shocks in Great Britain, sures, is known to miners, as the deepest mines are never free from water, which, the greater the depth, exerts the greater hydrostatic pressure. Besides, it will be remembered that earthquake-shocks are most frequent at those seasons when the weight of the atmosphere is least, and when, therefore, the subterranean elastic forces may, to some extent, exert a lifting or heaving power on the superincumbent strata, and thus facilitate the progress of the water along the cracks and fissures. (3.) The suggestions now thrown out to explain the cause of earthquake-shocks, and the phenomena accompanying them, are founded on the assumption, which most geologists seem to have adopted, that these shocks arise either from disturbances in the molten lava on which the earth's crust is floating, or from disruptions caused by an explosion or sudden expansion of elastic vapours. On that view, it is not difficult to see that a considerable variation, and especially a diminution, of atmo- spheric pressure over any portion of the earth's surface, may facilitate there the production of such subterranean commo- tions ; and in this case the electricity evolved would be classed among the phenomena attending, and not among the causes of, earthquake-shocks. But, on the other hand, it seems to deserve consideration whether electricity may not itself be, occasionally at least, in* strumental in the production of shocks. If (as cannot be doubted) electricity be generated to a great extent in the in- terior of the earth, and is, at the very time that the shocks occur, transmitted'upwards to the surface, is it not reasonable to suppose that vibrations would thereby be caused in the earth's crust as effectually as by the alleged disruption of strata ? And is it not more philosophical to attribute such vi- brations to a known and sufficient cause, than to one entirely hypothetical ? It may be asked how, in this view, the diminution or the variation of atmospherical pressure is connected with the pro- duction of earthquake-shocks, if they are caused solely or chiefly by electricity 1 In answer to this objection, it may be remarked, that those circumstances which aid in the produc- tion of subterranean electricity, are generally indicated by a *low barometer, and at all events occur chiefly at those seasons Mr H. D. S. Goodsir on two New Species of Leachia, 309 of the year when the barometer is lowest. Farther, it is im- portant to observe, that some recent writers have, on appa- rently very plausible grounds, attributed the depression of the barometer to the influence of electricity on the atmosphere.* It has long been known that electricity is generated in great abundance in the earth, and that it passes in various forms, though most frequently imperceptibly, into the atmosphere. Would it be an irrational conjecture, that the production of earthquake-shocks, at least in non-volcanic countries, is due to the states in which the atmosphere are relatively to each other ? If, as there is reason to suppose, electricity is formed in the interior of the earth most abundantly during winter, does this circumstance not serve to explain the greater fre- quency of shocks in that season \ and may the shocks not be caused by occasional discharges of electricity from the earth into the atmosphere — ^not unlike to discharges from one cloud to another \ [In the next number there will be a continuation of the Register of Shocks in Great Britain, and especially in Scotland, during the years 1839, 1840, and 1841, with an abstract of the phenomena which accompanied them.] On two New Species of Leachia. By Henry D. S. Goodsir, Esq., Surgeon, Anstruther, Fife. With a Plate. Communi- cated by the Author. Among a number of undescribed Crustaceans which have from time to time occurred to me at the mouth of the Frith of Forth, are two Idoteae, referable to the genus Leachia of Johnston.t 1 . Leachia intermedia. (Mihi^ L. Antennis superioribus longioribus articulis duobus primis inferio- rum ; ultimo articulo minute et globoso ; quarto segmento thoracico serie tuberculatum utroque latere amborum cardinum longitudinalium instructo. Long. lin. 4.6. * See a paper by M. Tassau, road at the Societt? Philomathique of Parisi as quoted in L'Institut of 10th June 1841 ; and also a paper by Mr Rowell, read at the G lasgow Meeting of the British Association (p. 4G of Brit. Assoc, Report for 1840). t Edin. Phil. Jour., vol. xiii, p. 219. 310 Mr H. D. S. Goodsir on two New Spec ics of Leachia. This species resembles L. lacertosa^ but its prominent parts are more boldly thrown out. The plates on each side of the antennae do not project, and their inferior-anterior angles are acute. The superior antenna) are longer than the two first joints of the inferior ; the first joint is globose, the second, third, and fourth are slender, and the fifth is globular. The inferior antennae are almost as long as the body ; the first joint in each is as long as the head, cylindric, and having a ridge on its external side ; the following joints are more slender, and the last joint finely pointed. A double row of tubercles run down each side of the body immediately above the inser- tion of the legs. They are large and very prominent on the three anterior and three posterior articulations of the thorax, but on the fourth articulation they are not so prominent, and are placed in a regular series on each side of the longitudinal hinges peculiar to this segment. The abdomen bulges consi- derably, and then tapers suddenly to a point at its posterior extremity. The animal is of a straw colour spotted with brown. Hab. Firth of Forth, off Anstruther. 2. Z. gracilis. (Mihi.) L. gracilis. Antennis superioribus pauUo brevioribus, tribus priniis articulis inferiorum ; quarto thoracico segmento, lineari-cylindricoj et non tuberculato. Long-, lin. 7. In this species the body is very slender and quite smooth, without the tubercles which are found in all the other species. The plate which covers the base of the antennsQ projects, and is rounded anteriorly. The superior antennae are almost as long as the three first joints of the inferior. The first joint globular, the second and third linear, each of them as long as the first, the fourth equal in length or longer than the others conjoined, and the fifth is minute and linear. The inferior antennae are as long as the body. The first joint obsolete, the second slightly clavate, and the last three joints strongly pec- tinated on their inferior edges. Both pairs of antennae have a few bristles scattered over them. The body is quite smooth, with the exception of a few scattered punctures. The fourth thoracic segment is linear, cylindric, and not tuberculated. Mr H. D. S. Goodsir on (tvo New Species of Leachia, 311 The proximal extremity of the abdomen bulges very much, assuming the appearance of one of the thoracic segments, and* from this it tapers very gradually to a very fine point. Colour dirty white, with brown spots. Hab. Firth of Forth, off Anstruther. I have also met with the L. lacertosa of Johnston {Arcturus longicornisy Westwood) in the Frith of Forth, and in deep wa- ter in the German Ocean. My specimens of this species pre- sent all the characters recorded by Johnston, Westwood, and Milne Edwards. It occurs more frequently than the two new species; but all three are rare, probably in consequence of their pelagic habitats. With the dredge I have procured specimens of all the species alive, and have kept them in glass-jars of sea-water with sand and corallines, and have thus been enabled to watch their habits closely. Under the circumstances just stated, each individual will select a branch of coralline, will keep that branch exclusively to itself, and will defend it with the greatest vigour against all intruders. It fixes itself to its resting-place by means of its true thoracic feet, and seldom uses these for progression. When it falls to the bottom of the vessel, it fixes its long pointed antennae firmly into the sand, and, with the assistance of the true feet, drags and pushes itself forward. This, how- ever, may not be a natural mode of progression, but may be adopted in consequence of the artificial circumstances in which the animal is placed. Swimming is the natural mode of progression. It is amus- ing to see one of these animals resting, in an erect posture, on a branch of coralline, by means of its true thoracic feet, waving its body backwards and forwards, throwing about its long inferior antennae, and ever and anon drawing them through its anterior fringed feet, for the purpose of cleaning them. It frequently darts from its branch, with the rapidity of lightning, to seize with its long antennae some minute crus- taceous animal, and returns to its resting-place to devour its prey at pleasure. In this manner the antennae are the only organs employed in seizing and enclosing the prey, which they drag to the an- terior thoracic feet which hold it while it is being devoured. 312 Mr H. D. S. Goodsir on two New Species of Leachia. The strong claws with which the inferior antennae are armed, seem also to be useful to the animal in the act of prehension. The genus Arcturus was constituted by Latreille for the reception of Sabine's Idotea Bafini.* Westwood, in his paper on the Arcturi, in the first volume of the Transactions of the Entomological Society, included in this genus not only Sabine^s Idotea Baffini^ but also Johnston's Leachia lacertosa, a species differing from the former in the great length and development of the fourth thoracic segment. Milne Edwards, in the Nouvelles Suites a Buffon, following up Mr Westwood's arrangement, divides the species of the genus Arcturus into two sets, the one in which the fourth thoracic segment is not more deve- loped than the others, and the other in which this segment is elongated and provided with a pouch. The first set includes only one species, that first described, — the Arcturus Baffini, Westwood ; the second, the Arcturus longicornis^ Westwood, — ■ Johnstone's Leachia lacertosa. Considering the highly deve- loped fourth thoracic segment to be of generic value, I have thought it right to restore Dr Johnstone's original genus, and have therefore placed my two new species along with his L, lacertosa in the same genus, retaining the genus Arcturus for the reception of Sabine's original species. As the fourth thoracic segment affords the characters of this genus, so the antennae, and particularly the superior, exhibit the best marked specific characters. These, and the sculpture of the surface of the animals, have afforded sufficient characters for the three species already described, and will, I have no doubt, serve to distinguish any others which may occur. From an anatomical examination of L. lacertosa, I may state the following details of structure in this very remarkable ge- nus : — The nervous system consists of a supra-oesophageal ganglion, from which the usual nerves of sense proceed, as well as a cord on each side of the pharynx, to join the first thoracic ganglion. At the base of each of the four ciliated feet, a ganglion is situated. These ganglia are connected to one another by double cords, and to three similar ganglia at the bases of the three posterior feet by a long double cord, which is situated immediately under the delicate transparent * Appendix to Captain Parry's Voyage, Mr H. D. S. Goodsir on two New Species of Leachia. 313 membrane which closes the vault of the marsupium of the fourth thoracic segment. From the last of the thoracic gan- glia, a delicate filament on which ganglia could not be dis- tinctly made out, passes along between the bases of the bran- chial or abdominal feet. The muscular system in this genus presents nothing peculiar, except the highly-developed and distinctly-defined longitudinal muscles, two in number, which stretch along the dorsal aspect of the elongated fourth tho- racic segment. These are arranged for the purpose of enabling the animals to erect the anterior part of the body on the true thoracic legs, and of affording a purchase for the proper action of the powerful-clawed antennae. The intestinal system con- sists of the simple mandibles and the maxillary feet, of a di- gestive tube moderately dilated along the fourth thoracic seg- ment, but bulging considerably at its posterior part, and ter- minating in a delicate intestine, which opens at the anterior part of the vault formed by the last abdominal segment be- hind the last pair of branchial feet. The liver exhibits itself in the form §f two elongated yellow granular masses on each side of the stomach. The dorsal vessel or heart was indis- tinctly seen along the posterior part of the back, and may be considered as communicating in the usual way with the branchial organs, which are, in the family to which this genus belongs, developed in the sides of the abdominal feet. I am not acquainted with the characteristics of the male, almost all the specimens procured having eggs in the marsu- pium. The eggs are pear-shaped and curved, have a tough external membrane, a granular white, and alight yellow mass towards their centre, which may be of the nature of the yelk globules. The ovaries are two elongated white granuUu* bodies on each side, and beneath the liver. They open at the third thoracic segment, at the extremity of the marsupium. Explanation of Plate VI. Fig. 1. Leachia intermedia. ... 2. Its superior and inferior antennse. ... 3. Its fourth thoracic segment. ... 4. Leachia gracilis. ... 6. Its superior and inferior antenn». ..T 6. Its fourth thoracic segment. ... 7. Nerrous system. 314 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning Itiquiries, Experimental and Philosophical, concerning the Ori- gin of Intestinal TTorms. With a Plate. By Dr Eschricht, Professor of Physiology in the University of|Copenhagen. Communicated by the Author.* With a Plate. CONTENTS. Chap. I.— Historical Intboduct ion— Page 315. § 1. Intestinal worms regarded as identical with corainon worms ; the theory of equivocal generation generally adopted, rejected, and again adopted, 315. § 2. The theory of equivocal generation applied to intestinal worms, 317. § 3. Had little credit in England, 319. § 4. Much doubted after the discoveries of Professor Ehrenberg concerning the infusoria, 321. § 5. Must be subjected to very severe restrictions, 323. Chap. II.— Is constancy in External Form and Internal Structure, com- patible WITH THE Theory of Spontaneous Generation ?— Page 324. § 1. It does not refute the theory, 324. § 2. But makes it very doubtful, 325. § 3. Particularly in respect io the Entozoa, 325. § 4. Might be considered more compatible with the theory if somewhat modified, 326. § 5. Which modification, however, did not prove correct in a single instance, 327. Chap. III.— Is complete Organization compatible with the supposed Spon- taneous Generation ? — Page 327. § 1. This question answered in the affirmative by Profes5y)r Burdach, 327. § 2. Exposition of the phenomena by generation, 328. § 3. The analogy between the formation of living bodies and crystallization refuted, 332. § 4. The analogy be- tween the supposed equivocal generation and generation refuted, 333. § 5. Ex- planation of equivocal generation as produced by latent life refuted, 334. Chap. IV.— The great Fertility of Intestinal Worms incompatible with THE Hypothesis of their Spontaneous Generation— Page 335. § 1. The chief characteristic of the structure in intestinal worms is an immense development of the generative system, 335. § 2. Example from the Ascaris lumbri- coides, 336. § 3. Example from the Strongylus inflexus, 337. § 4. And from the Bothriocephalus latus and punctatus, 338. Chap. V. — Intestinal Worms are in all cases tuk Offspring of other Iir- TESTiNAL Worms. — Page 342. § 1. Helminthiasis contagious, 342. § 2. The Entozoa very commonly change their abode at different periods of life, 344. § 3. Are very commonly subject to metamorphoses, 347. § 4 The manner of propagation of the Entozoa supposed, to be very complicated, 348. 5. The Spermatozoa are not parasitic animals, 351. § 6. Several cutaneous eruptions are parasitic cryptogamous plants, communi- cated by contact, 352. Chap. VI.— Conclusion— Pag^ 353. § 1. GenersJ Remarks upon parasitical life, 353. § 2, Infusory animalcules com- pared with Entozoa, 354. § 3. The two theories compared in relation to physiology, 354. § 4. The analogy between the supposed equivocal generation and creation refuted, 355. Explanation of the Figures in Plate, 356. AW. ♦ This valuable communication was -written by the author in English. We have had occasion to make some verbal corrections j but the language generally is wonderfully correct.— EDlTr the Origin of Intestinal JVorms. 316 Chap. I. — Historical Introduction. Sect. 1. Intestinal Worms regarded as identical with Common Worms ; the theory of Equivocal Generation adopted, rejected, and again adopted. — The viscera, and other parts of man and animals, occasionally abound with living worms, and such ques- tions as the following very naturally occur ; — How are they introduced into these situations ? — do they originate sponta- neously ? — or are they introduced from without ? — and in what manner ? The answer to these inquiries must be deemed of the highest importance, by the philosopher and physician. They have, however, been little attended to in the earlier as well as the later periods of the history of science. During the infancy of zoology, when the Ascarides were considered iden- tical with common worms, it was readily concluded that they might be introduced into the body with the water which was drunk, or that their ova or young might be mixed with our food; and thus, at a time when plants, and the lower, and even vertebrate animals, were considered as originating from the decomposition of organic substances, and some of them, for example eels, always in this way. — This theory was scarcely applied to intestinal worms, so easily was their introduction in- to the body accounted for. In the first centuries after the re- vival of science, the whole theory of equivocal generation was generally discredited. Many instances occurred in which its admission was proved to be erroneous, and especially on the discovery of the metamorphosis of insects in the 17th century. Single facts speedily led to a general conclusion, and the Har- veian maxim, " omne vivum ex ovo,^' became a favourite axiom in many physiological schools, in opposition to the theory of spontaneous generation. The supposition, that intestinal worms were identical with those without the body, being prevalent, the question concerning their origin offered no particulai' dif- ficulty. About the middle of the 18th century, however, the an- cient theory of equivocal generation again revived ; for the maxim *' omne vivum ex ovo**' was more easily announced, than applied in every individual case. After the discovery of the infysory animalcules by Leuwenhoeck at the close of the 17th 316 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning century, such unexpected facts were ascertained respecting them as could scarcely be explained otherwise than by admit- ting their spontaneous origin ; and about half a century later (1745-1764), the neglected hypothesis of the ancients found, nearly at the same time, several eminent defenders, namely, Needham in England, Buffon in France, and Wrisberg in Ger- many. The ingenious speculations of these natural philoso- phers could scarcely be overpowered by Spallanzani and Tere- chowsky ; on the contrary, they rather appeared confirmed by the experiments of Monti, Ingenhouse, Priestley, and others. Succeeding inquirers into the history of the infusoria, were ge- nerally imbued with theoretical views highly fg-vourable to the spontaneous origin of living bodies. They regarded the in- stances established by John Hill, in his " History of Ani- mals," and by Otho Frederic Miiller, in his celebrated " Ani- malcula infusoria," more as abstract types originating out of a boundless variety, than as real distinct species like those of animals in general ; and considered the infusoria generally as living particles without any certain structure or form. It was alleged that one of the larger infusoria might be changed into smaller ones, wholly differing both in shape and habits. The character of these animalcules was said to depend chiefly, if not entirely, upon external influences ; quite the reverse of what happens in the case of organized bodies, whose charac- teristic it is to be developed in conformity with a certain rule, even under a great variety of external influences. " If we take a greater or less quantity of water," it was observed, "stronger or weaker light, higher or lower temperature, we shall always obtain different animalcules from the same organic substances : again, if these substances be differently treated before they are employed in making the infusions, if they be raw or boiled, pulverized or entire, dried or fresh, &c. the procreated being will be different in kind." Hence the Miillerian forms were not regarded as characters of constant species, but merely as very inconstant types of no precise import in science. The learned and ingenious G. R. Treviranus of Bremen (in his Biologic, 2d and 5th volume, 1803-5) proposed the theory of an indelible but infinite variety of all organic matter. Pro- vided with an internal occult life, it could assume new forms, the Origin of Intestinal Worms, SlT varying to infinity according to different external influences ; and the infusoria were esteemed the first and simplest pro- duction of this vital power of organic matter. Oken, the most eminent of natural philosophers, declared (" Zeugung,'* 1805), that the infusoria, although animals themselves, constituted the essence of all other living bodies. Plants and animals, man included, he supposed to be a mass of innumerable mi- croscopic living bodies ; when our bodies increase, he held it was owing to an addition of animalcula ; when they diminish, to a subtraction of these creatures. Another very common' opinion was to attribute independent life to the globules of the blood ; nay, in a manual of zoology published in the year 1829 by Reich enbach, these important particles are repre- sented along with the Spermatozoa, as the first family of the animal kingdom. The doctrine of the spontaneous origin of the infusoria ob- tained considerable amplification upon the publication of thein- vestigations of several inquirers (Fray, Gruithusen), ix). which it was pretended that infusoria were produced by the infusion of in- organic substances in distilled water, artificial gases alone being admitted. Professor Burdach at Konigsberg (Physiol., vol. i.) also arrived at the same result ; finding, that, when freshly- hewn granite was exposed, with distilled water and oxygen or hydrogen, to the solar light, there appeared a green matter, with threads of Confervse. This learned professor believes that the presence of the four elements of the ancients is the only condition required for the production of life in its lower forms. Sect. 2. The Theory of Equivocal Generation was applied to Intestinal Worms. — If equivocal generation were to be adopted at all, it would very naturally be applied to intestinal worms. The profound researches, of Goeze, Zeder, Rudolphi, and Bremser, on the subject of these animals, at the close of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, only more firmly persuaded them that a spontaneous origin was not only ad- missible, but was the common mode of production in this group. What had hitherto induced the belief that intesti- nal worms were introduced into the body from without, was the (pinion that these worms were identical with common VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII,— OCTOBER 1841. X 818 Mr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning worms. But this opinion was proved to be erroneous. On the contrary, it was proved that all intestinal worms, formed dis- tinct species and families, of peculiar forms and internal struc- ture adapted to their peculiar mode of life, and that they would soon die if expelled from the body. Consequently, it could only be from animal food, itself containing intestinal worms, that these creatures could be introduced. But as regards man, who feeds only on certain parts of animals, especially the flesh, and this never raw, but prepared in a way which would destroy any living being within it, this explanation appeared highly im- probable. With respect to animals feeding upon other ani- mals, the idea might appear more plausible ; but intestinal worms were proved to be found as frequently in herbivorous as in carnivorous animals. They are also met wdth, not only in the interior of the digestive organs, but in other parts of the body, in the cellular membrane (Filaria), the muscles (C^sticercus), the brain (Coenurtis), the blood {Stro7igylus), the lungs (Hamularid)^ the liver (Distomd), the kidneys {Slro^igy- his) ; in fact, not a single part of the body can be deemed free from them ; and, moreover, they are found in new-born and even unborn animals. If such facts alone afford strong argu- ments against the introduction of these animals with the food, the conclusion is strongly corroborated by the observation that the worms in all these different places form distinct species. They are in general different in each animal, and in each or- ganic system of each animal, so that the Fauna Helminthica may be deemed more extensive than all the other living fauna put together. Attempts have been made to explain how they might have descended from parents to their young before the birth of the latter, and how their ova might be carried along by the circulating blood, &c. ; but all these explanations had no observations to rest upon, and seemed so contrary to our physiological knowledge, that they afforded abundant opportunity for the witty sarcasm of the facetious Dr Bremser, in the first chapter of his *' Lebende JVurmer in lehenden Miti- schen" Thus, in Germany, the theory of equivocal gene- ration was generally embraced, not only by those inclined to mysticism and romance, but even by the more severe and ju- tlicious explorers of nature ; and it was founded not soleh on the Origin of Intestinal it^orms, 319 superficial explanations of difficult matters, but upon carefully acquired facts and laborious investigation. Sect. 3. Had but little credit in England. — If we consult the English philosophers and physiologists of the period before the last ten years, we find the question slightly treated, if not passed over in silence. Dr Fleming, in vol. 1st of his Philo- sophy of Zoology, Edinburgh 1822, asserts, that it is " not at all difficult to give an explanation of the appearances on which the whole fabric of the theory of equivocal generation rests." But afterwards (p. 25) he only tells us, that "the most rational explanation which can be given of the appearances of these plants and animals, in such places, is derived from the consi- deration of the smallness of their seeds and eggs, which may be carried about by the winds, and showered down along with the rains, so as to enter with facility into every situation." Now, if this explanation be the most rational, as it seems to be, still it is nothing more than an hypothesis founded on no direct observation. As to the ova being carried about by the winds, it is true that the atmosphere contains organic mat- ter, evaporated from living and dead organic bodies, and mi- nute dried organic particles, but no instance is known of eggs or seeds having been observed with the microscope in these evaporations or minute particles ; although the recent obser- vations of Professor Schultze, at Griefswald, have proved that certain small animals, if dried to dust, may retain their vitality for at least seven years. Be this, however, as it may, it is highly improbable that the occurrence should have happened in all or in any of the experiments which were carefully insti- tuted on this subject. Rain-water might be supposed to con- tain microscopic animals and plants, or at least their eggs and seeds ; but experience has not confirmed this hypothesis; and Professor Ehrenberg, our most expert microscopical in- quirer, has never discovered any thing of the sort, although he has met these microscopical objects where nobody before him ever suspected their existence. (See his Organisation^ Sgste^ >matik und Geographisches Verhdltniss der Infusionsthierchen, 1 Theil Berlin 1830. P. 79.) Dr Bostock, in his System of Physiology, vol. iii. (1827), af- ter having stated the theory of equivocal generation as " very 320 Dr Eschrkht's Inquiries concerning generally exploded," judiciously adds the following remark (p. 71) : — " The argument against equivocal generation is, however, merely analogical, and therefore can have but a certain degree of strength to whatever extent it be carried ;" and he no less judiciously finishes his exposition with these words : — " Upon the whole, it will be prudent to regard this as one of those mysteries which the present state of our know- ledge does not enable us to explain, or even to comprehend." How just this final remark has proved to be, will be shewn hereafter. The cases which this learned physiologist regards the most difficult to be accounted for, are the appearance of intestinal worms, and, still more, that of the seminal animalculae. As to the intestinal w^orms, he mentions the supposition that their germs are contained in our food, and that they are conveyed into the intestinal canal and developed there, as being the situation specifically adapted for their subsistence. But if this explanation of their appearance has been considered in any degree satisfactory, it argues a very imperfect knowledge of helminthology. The reason why the theory of equivocal generation obtained no footing in England, although it possessed in Needham one of its most ingenious authors, was, in a great measure, the au- thority of Harvey, whose maxim, " omne vivum ex ovo," w-as commonly understood as opposed to the theory of spontane- ous generation. Still it is not less true that the maxim was never advanced in this sense by its author. When Harvey, in the 63d of his " Exercitationes de generatione,'* states, *' omnia animalia eodem modo ab oviformi prasmordio gene- rantur,"' he adds immediately, " oviformi, inquam, non quod illud figuram ovi referat, sed quod constitutionem et naturam ejus possideat," which is farther explained in the 62d Exerci- tation in this manner : — " His (animalibus et stirpibus) autem omnibus (sive sponte^ sive ex allis, sive in aliis vel parttbus vel excrement is eorum putrescentibus oriantuj') id commune est, ut ex principio aliquo, ad hoc idoneo, et ab efficiente interno in eodem principio vigente, gignantur ; adeo ut omnibus vi- ventibus primordium insit, ex quo et a quo proveniant." His whole theory is very clearly expounded shortly afterwards in the Origin of Intestinal IV^orms. 321 these words : " Di versa scilicet diversorum viventium primor- dia : pro quorum vario discrimine alii atque alii sunt genera- tionis animalium modi ; qui tamen omnes in hoc uno conve- niunt, quod a primordio vegetal!, tamquam e materia efficien- tis virtute dotata, oriantur : difFerunt autem, quod primordium hoc vel sponte et casu erumpat, vel ab alio prseexistente (tan- quam fructus) proveniat. Unde ilia, sponte nascentia, Iisec a parentibus genita dicuntur.'' The same observation upon Har- vey's theory, Ave may add, has lately been made by Professor Valentin in Burdach's Physiology, 2d edit. vol. i. p. 10. Sect. 4. Was much doubted after the discoveries of Profes^ 8or Ehrenherg concerning the Infusoria. — Within the last ten years, a nev^ and most important era in the history of equi^ vocal generation has arisen in Germany with the publications of Professor Ehrenberg. As these are celebrated all over Eu- rope, I shall point out only the most important discoveries which bear on this theory. The first capital point in his observations is, his complete confirmation of the assertions of John Hill and of O. F. MiJller, that these animalcula form perfectlg distinct species^ like those of other animals, and may in the same way be dis- tinguished by external and internal characters. The second point may be stated in as few words as the first, though it is of no less importance, and the result of immense labour : " The animalcula infusoria^ eve^i the smallest monades, have a very complicated organization^ These unexpected discoveries, once announced, gave a fatal blow to all romantic fancies about the infusoria, as founded, in a great measure, upon the general opinion that they were wholly destitute of organs. It is true Spallanzani, as well as MUller, had previously observed certain distinct parts within some of them. Corti stated that he had detected a vascular system in some, and Nitzch, eyes in others ; but these assertions were but little attended to. At length, Dutrochet supplied a description of the very complete organi- zation in some of the larger infusoria — the Rotifera, whilst others still remained, in the last edition of Cuvier's Regne Ani- mal (1829), as '' infusoires homogcnes'^ . Thus the imagina- tion had full scope for further speculation ; and if the discovery of a complete organization in the animalcula infusoria has given a fatal blow to the tlieory of a spontaneous generation^ 322 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning the whole merit is due to the discoveries of Professor Ehren- berg. It is of little consequence in this matter, whether this gentleman he right in maintaining that the infusoria poli/gas- trica are provided with real stomachs, as may be fairly in- ferred from observation, or whether M. Dujardin be correct in asserting the pretended stomachs to be only foramina in the mass ; or whether the opinion of Professor Meyer of Berlin be correct, who maintains that what Professor Ehrenberg regards as stomachs, are nothing more than globules of the food pre- pared in the intestines, and thrown into a large cavity. Neither is it of any consequence whether he be right or wrong in as- serting that certain organs are testes ; the fact being, that Pro- fessor Ehrenberg has discovered, beyond all controversy, that all the infusoria have a very complete organization, even if not so perfect, according to his belief, as that of the higher or- ders of animals. To this may be added, as the third important particular, the direct observation that the reproduction of these creatures is perfectly analogous to that of the other lower a?ii- mals ; so that their appearance may be explained in most in- stances without difficulty. These are circumstances which would lead every cautious naturalist to entertain the strongest suspicions concerning the spontaneous origin of these animal- cula, and hence we now find the modern physiological school of John MUller, Valentin, Siebold, &c. harbouring such doubts ; although the theory of spontaneous^generation can scarcely be considered as refuted or exploded, so long as such philosophers and physiologists as Carus, Burdach, and Baer, still warmly de- fend it. ** To be, or not to be, that is the question \' and in respect to this doctrine, strong and specious arguments may be addu- ced on both sides. This being the case, a rash decision is carefully to be avoided, and those who rashly arrive at one, will probably fluctuate and change more than they anticipate. Time will speedily shew whether the physiologists of some countries, which have always rejected the doctrine, will not ere long adopt, and perhaps again reject, it ; in fact, at the present moment, no country possesses a more zealous advocate for the theory than France does in M. Turpin. At the same time, the question is much too important to be thrown aside. If we •eannot obtain absolute certainty, we ought to approach it as the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 398 nearly as possible. The interest of physiology is often more in the inquiries than in the results; and no inquiry in nature is useless, even though the desired end be sought in vain. These remarks are applicable to the inquiry concerning the exist- ence of equivocal generation in general, and particularly re- garding intestinal worms, as they necessarily lead to the most interesting and important mysteries of nature. Sect. 5. Must be subjected to very severe Hestrictions. — The infusory animalcules form distinct species, they have a very complete organization, they multiply in a manner analogous to other animals, partly by eggs, partly by voluntary division. Hence their spontaneous origin, if adopted at all, must be sub- jected to the following restrictions : 1. That their formation, although arising spontaneously, is limited to certain external and internal forms, no intermediate form being permitted. 2. That such forms arising spontaneously may have a highly complicated structure, with a harmony as perfect as that which characterizes organisms in general. 3. That these diminutive organisms, themselves spontaneously produced, and the off- spring of no other similar organism, must still propagate them- selves in a manner analogous to other animals. With these restrictions, the theory of equivocal genera- tion appears to many physiologists to be deprived of all foun- dation. But it will require little pains to shew, that these same restrictions have long been made in the theory, as ap- plied to intestinal worms. As to the first point, it is certain that, in the human body for instance, one Ascaris lumbricoides is invariably precisely like another of the same sex, in respect both to external shape and internal structure. This result is much more easily ascer- tained in these worms than in the infusoria, on account of their greater size. As to the complicated structure, it may now be regarded as decided, that it is as perfect in iiitestinal worms in general as in animals of other classes. For the Nematoidea this has been shewn in several species, especially in the Ascaris lum- bricoides. In proof of this, I need only cite the monography of M. Jules Cloquet, although a more complete account of the class may now be necessary. A genus of this order, which 324 Dr Eschricht*s Inquiries concerning has lately been most accurately described, is that of the Pen- tastoma. (Diesing, in the Annals of the Vienna Museum, vol. i.) Concerning the Trematoda, numerous beautiful mo- nographies have long since sufficiently proved our assertion, every one being familiar w^ith the treatises of Mehlis, Laurer, Nordmann, and Diesing. The Acantocephali have had a dili- gent describer in Westrumb,andthe J?fA««(?r%wc/iM5^?^a5, par- ticularly in Jules Cloquet. Of the Cestoidea the genus Both- riocephalus has been carefully described by Professor Leuck- art, and the Twnia solium by several anatomists, though not in distinct monographies. In the year 1837 I had the honour to receive the prize avrarded to a treatise upon the anatomy and physiology of the Bothriocephalic by the Academy of Ber- lin. It was sent in the month of May 1838 to the Academia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina at Breslau, in order to be pub- lished in its Acta ; and here I shall only notice, that this ani- mal has a very complicated structure in each of its thousand joints, very analogous to the structure of the Trematad. The organs of generation I shall have an opportunity of describing somewhat more particularly in the following pages. It is only in the vesicular worms that a more complete internal struc- ture has not yet been demonstrated, although important and highly interesting notices have been furnished by Dr Siebold (in Burdach's Physiology, 2d edit. vol. ii. p. 183-213). Fi- nally, in respect to the third point, it is a general opinion that the intestinal worms produce eggs and young ones, and the accuracy of this opinion will also be amply illustrated in the following pages. We have now to consider how far these restrictions may be deemed compatible with the theory of equivocal generation, CHAP. II. IS CONSTANCY IN EXTERNAL FORM AND INTERNAL STRUCTURE COMPATIBLE WITH THE THEORY OF SPONTANE- OUS GENERATION ? Sect. 1. It does not refute the Theory. — The question here proposed might be answered in the affirmative, inasmuch as it must be granted as a general law in nature, that forms in ge- neral are confined within certain impassable limits, although the necessity of this limitation transcends our conception. Thus, for the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 325 instance, in the numerous forms of carbonate of lime, a funda- mental form is still observed to prevail, whereby this variety is limited. In confirmation of this view, we may adduce the obser- vations which have been made upon hybrid animals^ which can scarcely ever procreate, as if nature were averse to hybrid forms in general. Finally, the defenders of equivocal generation pre- tend that new forms will arise in every case where altogether new conditions exist, as has been stated with regard to algas and other such plants ; but it is quite as difficult to prove these views, as it would be to refute them. Sect. 2. But makes it very doubtful, — Thus the first-named restriction to the doctrine of spontaneous generation, although it contains no decided proof against the theory, should make us hesitate much before we adopt it. For, as it is safer to trust little to our own sagacity, and much to the expedients of nature, it seems wiser, on discovering the same animal here and there and everywhere, to conclude that this animal, by its natural in- stinct, has found means to multiply in some way which escapes our observation, than to maintain that this process could not have eluded us, and that nature must afresh have created new specimens precisely of the same stamp as those all around us. I say all around, for if we consider how extremely minute are the quantities submitted to microscopical examination in the experiments upon infusory animalcules, and how repeatedly the same forms recur, we cannot but acknowledge the com- mon forms of infusoria to be spread wheresover a drop of fluid is to be found. Sect. 3. Particularly in respect to the Entozoa^ or Internal Worms. — It was previously observed, that the constancy of forms was much more easy to ascertain in intestinal worms than in the infusoria, on account of their greater size. But it is likewise much more difficult to make this constancy of form harmonize with the supposition of their spontaneous origin. To maintain that the contents of the human intestines are, by a kind of fer- mentation, metamorphosed into living animals which, notwith- standing the immense variety of food in men of diff^erent condi- tions, always prove to be the Ascarides lumbricoides, Taeniaj so- lium, or Bothriocephali lati in the smaller intestines, and the As- carides vermiculares, or Tricocephali dispares in the larger, will 326 Dr Eschricht^s Inquiries concerning assuredly appear a very bold attempt to every one. And, more- over, as the inhabitants of Russia, Poland, Switzerland, and a part of France, are subject to a particular kind of tape-worm, the Bothriocephalus latus, widely different from the Ta3nia solium, it would be necessary at the same time to maintain such a similarity existed in the diet of a Russian nobleman, a Polish Jew, and a Swiss chamois-hunter, as would produce one and the same species out of their chyme ; whilst another was produced from the chyme of an English lord, a Scotch High- lander, and a Westphalian peasant. Sect. 4. It might be reputed more compatible with the Theory, if this were somewhat modified, — The spontaneous ori- gin of intestinal worms might, however, be supposed to pro- ceed from a different, and possibly a somewhat more plausible, cause. They might be conceived to be a morbid formation from the living body itself, as tubercules and the so called false mem- branes are, which often possess a peculiar vascular system. As it respects intestinal worms of the simplest organization, this hypothesis is not without a semblance of probability. It might be held particularly of the Acephalocysti, which, although consi- dered worms, look precisely like simple vesicles ; the Echino- cocci, in the later period of their development, are not very dif- ferent from these, and the Coenuri again are only different in respect of their Taenia heads, which Dr Siebold has observed to appear subsequently on the common vesicle ; the same per- haps may be the case with the head of the Cysticerci, although these might be regarded as tape-worms, and tape-worms may be maintained to be composite Trematoda, which belong to the most perfect organized intestinal worms. Thus an almost uninterrupted scale might be composed of the intestinal worms, from those which can scarcely be distinguished from morbid vesicles to those having a very complete organization, and what appeared possible for the animal at the lowest part of the scale, could not readily be declared absolutely impossible for that at the highest. But though this theory may appear somewhat plausible, it will scarcely stand the test of calm criticism. The Acephalocystides may, in shape, be very like to Hydatides, but if they be really animals, they will be widely different from such morbid formations in their internal struc- the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 327 ture. Their spontaneous origin may appear somewhat more plausible than that of more complicate organisms ; it is not more so in reality. Sect. 5. Which modification^ however ^ did not prove correct in a single instance.-^On one occasion an excellent opportu- nity was afforded me for observing whether there was any gra- dual degeneration into an intestinal worm ; and I made the best possible use of it. In nearly all the Cotti scorpii (fig 1, Plate vii., in 98 out of 102 which I examined) may be found a greater or a lesser number of Bothriocephali punctati, all of which were attached, by the foremost part of the head to the mucous surface of the appendices pyloricae. I found the size of these worms very different, according to the greater or smaller number of joints connected with the head. The smallest were, but one-third of a line, had no joints, and consisted only of the head. These heads were almost concealed between the valves or villi, attached to the mucous surface, and the suggestion forcibly occurred to my mind, that these heads might be no- thing more than degenerated valves like corns or tubercles. A more accurate examination, however, soon banished this idea. Nowhere could I find any morbid alteration of the valves, which indicated any thing like an intermediate state between a valve and a bothriocephalus ; and every protuber- ance was, with the greatest facility, ascertained to be a valve or a worm, with its individual characteristics of form, struc- ture, colour, attachments, &c. CHAP. III. IS COMPLETE ORGANIZATION COMPATIBLE WITH THE SUPPOSED SPONTANEOUS GENERATION ? Sect. 1. The question answered in the affirmative by Profes- sor Burdach. — These animals, which are held to arise sponta- neously, have a highly complicated structure, in which a har- mony as perfect as that which characterizes organisms in ge- neral prevails. To most this must appear a startling proposi- tion. Let us see how the illustrious Professor Burdach, en- deavours to make it plausible. He remarks (Physiologic, 2d edition, vol. i. page 12), *' By the discovery of the more com- plicated structure of the infusoria, the hypothesis of equivocal generation is in no respect refuted a priori ; for it is in gene- 328 Dr Escliricht*s Inquiries concerning ral a vain presumption to trace the limits of possibility in na- ture. In the process of reproduction a transparent fluid is seen to exi^de, which, by degrees, becomes more consistent, appears gran ulcus under the microscope, and is finally organ- ized, and even in some instances reproduces the lost organ with its bones, ligaments, muscles, and nerves. In generation by means of eggs, the new individual is formed in the same way out of a shapeless mass of microscopical grains. After such analogous facts, we can never regard it as impossible that an animal of a different species of a more simple struc- ture, or even with muscles and nerves, may arise out of the granulous mass which is produced by the decomposition of or- ganic substances." Sect. 2. Exposition of the Phenomena by Generation. — • These assertions of the celebrated professor merit a careful examination. The supposed spontaneous generation is de- clared analogous in its appearances to reproduction, and gene- ration by means of eggs. In order to examine the reality of this analogy, we shall take a review of the phenomena attend- ing these processes, such as they have been observed by mo- dern and highly accurate observers, especially by Dr Schwann of Berlin (Mikroskopische Untersuchungen uber die Ueberein- stimung, &c., Berlin, 1838, 1.), and Professor Valentin of Bern (in the Physiology of Professor Rudolph Wagner, 1839), Dr Schleiden having given the first impulse to the investiga- tion by his elaborate memoir. (MuUer's Archiv, 1838, 1.) A formless transparent fluid or substance is first secreted from the parent body, which is called the cytohlastema. In this transparent substance grains of the smallest size appear. These increase first by juxtaposition, and thus small bodies are formed with still smaller central bodies, ''^ nuclei^ — nucleoli;'''' the first, also called cytoUasti by Schleiden, in the analogous parts of plants, the merit of which discovery is due to the celebrated Robert Brown. After this a vesicle arises upon each nucleus, and grows by absorption from the cytohlas- tema. This cytohlastema is now, of course, in a great mea- sure, filled with vesicular bodies, each having a minute body or nucleus attached to its inside, which, again, in its turn, in- cludes one or more nucleoli. These vesicular bodies are called the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 329 cells, and they might not inappropriately be designated pri- mitive cellsy as they are the primary parts of all the systems of the living body, changing by degrees into all the different forms which the elementary particles of the different systems assume. In plants these primitive cells are permanent in al- most every part. The same is true in some of the systems of animal bodies, as in the epidermis and all other parts of the systema corneum, as also in the pigmenta. Very often a se- cretion occurs vv^ithin the primitive cells, as is common in plants ; and may be witnessed in great beauty in the pigmen- tum of the eye ; in the mucus Malpighii of the negro, it has been observed by Dr Henle of Berlin, as the dark colour seated within the cells ; and I lately made the same observa- tion in the very black cutaneous membrane of the Delphimis Fhoccena. The secretion commonly begins near to the nucleus. The nucleus generally disappears when the cells are fully de- veloped ; but this is not the case in the pigmentum of the eye, where the transparent nucleus looks like a hole in the dark cell. All the parts belonging to the corneous system, the epidermis, the nails, the horns, &c., consist merely of such primitive cells, and they are invariably formed and produced from a new mass or cytoblastema, secreted from the subjacent living parts. The systems in which the primitive cells do not undergo any further change, may be considered as possessing the lowest degree of organization. The globules of the blood, according to the observations of Professor Valentin, are to be regarded as nuclei with nucleoli, the real cells of which are dissolved in the transparent liquor of the blood. In other systems the metamorphosis of these primitive cells is much more striking. In the formation of cartilage, a secre- tion takes place between the cells which enclose it, so that they appear at last merely as small bodies, the corpuscula of the cartilage, in its interior ; afterwards when the inter- cellular substance is once filled with calcareous matter they appear to be united by means of long very narrow tubes (see a beautiful delineation by Professor Joh. Miiller, in Miescher de Inflammatione Ossium, eorumque anatome generali, Berl. 183G), and at last are filled up with calcareous matter, and 330 Dr Escliricht's Inquiries concerning appear as the corpuscula Deutschii. In the formation of the tela cellulosa of the muscles and nerves, the metamorphosis of these primitive cells is still more singular ; but it will not here be necessary to carry this review farther. Suffice it to observe, that it is out of these primitive cells that the primi- tive fibres, tubes, and particles in general are formed, by their metamorphosis, by their arrangement into rows, and by secre- tion in their interior. These phenomena in the process of reproduction are very like those observed in the formation of eggs, and in the metamorphosis of the blastema into the em- bryo, as, in general, thei/ resemble those which take place in all 7iutritive processes, in the widest sense of the expression. Not only is the blaste (blasto dema) composed of cells ; even the yolk, in a great measure, consists of them, and the egg may be regarded as a regeneration of the whole parent body, pro- ceeding in the same way as reproduction in general ; viz. a transparent fluid is secreted in the ovarium ; nuclei and cells are formed within it, which are destined to undergo a series of metamorphoses. In this case, the secreted mass, with its primitive cells, is limited by peculiar envelopes, indicating its higher destination as an independent organism. But even in this general formation of the whole organism, an analogy has ' been traced by Dr Schwann to that of the primitive cells ; the vesicula germinativa (or Purkinjii) being compared to the nucleolus, the yolk to the cell and its secretion. &c. (See Schwann, 1. c. p. 46-70.) How very much the ova of the As- carides resemble primitive cells will be afterwards shewn. As the formation of tlie egg may be termed a reproduction of the whole body, so nutrition may be regarded as a reproduction of the smallest particles of the body. And, in truth, it ap- pears beyond all doubt, that the internal changes in this pro- cess go forward precisely in the same way. No particle of a bone, for instance, will be formed, whether at first in the foetus, or afterwards by the unceasing process of nutrition, or accidentally by the regeneration of a wounded bone, without a metamorphosis from cartilage ; this, again, will be formed in every instance by primitive cells, and these, exactly in the way just mentioned. An inflammation, which is characterised by "swelling, heat, redness, and pain," has nothingto do with these the Origin of Intestinal IForms^ 38t processes, and will only harm them, whenever it occurs, In cold-: blooded vertebral animals, whose regenerative power is strong, and whose wounds and fractures will of course heal easily, no inflammation usually accompanies the regeneration ; and, in the warm-blooded, it cannot be too carefully guarded against. This great and fundamental rule in surgery and medical prac- tice has been discussed in Britain, with all due attention, by Dr James Macartney, in his treatise on Inflammation, the result of many years' laborious inquiry. The phenomena just described in reproduction and in formations generally, appears to be pre- cisely similar in invertebral animals, and, with certain modi- fications {vide Schleiden, 1. c), in vegetables too. In the Sal- pas, whose texture is regarded by some naturalists, so very simple, almost like a jelly, as by Professor Meyen at Berlin (Acta Loop. Carol, vol. xvi. p. 373). I lately had an opportunity of observing, not only that the serous membranes are formed just as in vertebral animals, by a layer of primitive cells, like a piece of beautiful mosaic work, but also, that, in the fa'tus, these cells are formed gradually upon the nuclei. At the same time, I had an excellent opportunity of observing, not only that the muscles of the Salpas have the same struc- ture, with transversal stripes, as those of the vertebrate and articulate animals ; but also that this texture was gradually developed in the foetus, precisely in the way stated by Professor Valentin, cells arranging themselves in rows, in which the nu- clei continue visible for a long time, the number of the rows at first being less, and each row thicker than the primitive fibres of the muscles into which they are metamorphosed. Upon the whole, there can be no doubt the phenomena are essentially the same in all processes of nutrition and repro- duction, and that equivocal generation, if it existed, w^ould pro- ceed in exactly the same w^ay. As it must further be granted to Professor Burdach, that it would be a vain presumption to trace the limits of possibility in nature, it cannot be deemed impossible that the primitive cells, once formed, might be metamorphosed in any direction ; and that animals with mus- cles and nerves might as well be formed in this way, as ani- mals and plants whose whole body was composed of cells. Nay, it may even be granted, that if spontaneous generation 332 Dr Eschrlcht's Inquiries concerning appears to us more admissible in the case of animals with a less complicated than in those of a more complicated struc- ture, this may be attributed to ourselves. The difficulty is not in the complication of the structure, but in the harmony of the structure according with the wants of life ; and this harmony may exist as well in a less complicated as in the more complicated organization, although, to our eyes, it is more conspicuous in the latter. Our inquiry must therefore rest upon the question, Whether such harmony of structure may be supposed to arise of itself? Sect. 3. The Analogy between the Formation of Living Bodies and Crystallization refuted, — The first point to be at- tended to here is, that the recently described phenomena in generation, and the formation of eggs, are in no degree to be referred to any species of crystallization. For I think it might be proved that there exists no analogy whatever between the formation of living bodies and crystallization ; nay, not even between what are called organic and inorganic forms. Such an analogy is very commonly admitted without hesitation. ''Organic forms," it is said, "are more round, more soft; in- organic more angular, more sharp ; even in the human body, we find the teeth, as less organic, sharper and more angular," &;c. These statements, I hold, rest on a very flimsy basis. Are the teeth more angular and sharp simply because they are less or- ganic? Howdid they obtain this shape? They were formed upon a soft pulp, having nerves and bloodvessels, and this pulp had precisely the shape which the teeth assumed. Had this highly organized pulp been round as a globe, the teeth would have become so too, — but nature would not have it so ; it was for the benefit of the living body that they should be sharp and angular as well as hard, and for that, and no other reason, they received their form. Can it be otherwise with the other parts of living bodies ? Assuredly not. The real forms of organic matter, analogous to the forms of inorganic substances, are perhaps as angular and as like crystals as any of the latter. Thus sugar, uric acid, stearine, &c., have all as beautiful crys- tals when spontaneously formed by their chemical affinities, as we find in minerals and salts. But when organic matter is formed in living bodies, it is forced to take the form which the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 333 the living power imposes on it, according to the use for which it is designed ; this it is forced to assume in opposition to its own formative power, just as steel and iron are forced to take the forms into which they are moulded by human art, in op- position to the forms of their own formative power. And yet the forms induced by human art comprehend merely the ex- ternal shape ; and, internally, the proper minute crystallized forms of the metal may be detected by minute examination. In the formation of living bodies this is not the case. If, for instance, you take the most minute slice of a tooth or a bone, and examine it with the greatest possible degree of microsco- pical amplification, you must not expect to find crystals of phosphate of lime. No, you will find even there forms con- forming to the uses of the body. We may hope to obtain am- plifying powers to which our present ones will be as simple lenses when compared with the best microscope ; but to hope for the discovery of a microscope which shall reach to the end and purpose of the provident care of the creating power in the living body, would be to expect the discovery of a tele- scope which should reach to the extreme limit of the world. But this mode of reasoning will not meet with the approbation of the electro-galvanic schools. Sect. 4. The Analogy between the supposed EquivocalGenera' tio7i and Generation refuted. — To these schnols it will appe^ar a mere repetition of ancient and obsolete theories, about 7iisus formativus^ vital powers^ and so on. But if those erred who regarded the vital powers as a Deus ex machina^ whom they might at any time invoke, instead of searching into the reason of the phenomena in living bodies, surely, on the other hand, the modern schools are just as wide of the mark. In my Da- nish Manual of Physiology, I have attempted to illustrate the relation of these opposing schools, in a tale to which I may here allude. Suppose the inhabitants of an island altogether ignorant of navigation, what would be their reasonings upon the approach of a ship to their shore \ Some might exclaim, ** It is a sorcerer, who is out of the reach of wind or tide ! "What a difference between his movements and those of our floating barks } Now he was close to the fatal reef, but how sud- denly he turned round and escaped ! '* To this another might VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII. OCTOBER 1841. Y 334 Dr Eschricht's Ltg nines concerning reply, " This is altogether nonsense, the whole difference is easily accounted for ; the sail and the bark turned round, and caught the wind and current in a different direction.'' Were mathematicians on the island, they might possibly find out mathematical proofs that all was a simple consequence of gen- erally prevailing laws. Limited, nevertheless, would be their views, so long as they overlooked the harmony of the motions resulting from the pilot's skill ; and not less limited is that ex- plication of the phenomena of the living frame which refers them all to the principles of mechanics, chemistry, and electro- galvanism, independent of the presence of a vital power. I repeat, then, that the difficulty in tracing analogies between the phenomena in the supposed spontaneous' generation and the process of generation, lies not in the complication of the processes, but in the harmony of the structure ; which may be quite as perfect in organisms of the simplest structure as in the others, and so sufficiently attest the presence of a ruling principle. T/ie great difficulty^ upon the supposition of equivocal generation^ lies in the origin of this principle. This principle being present in the process of generation, and in the formation of eggs, and wanting in a mixture of water, earth, air, and caloric, that very point is wanting upon which any analogy between such a spontaneous generation and com- mon generation rests. Sect. 5. The Explanation of Equivocal Generation as p)roduced hy a Latent Life refuted. — ^" But organic matter, it may be con- tended, may at least retain somewhat of the vital power of the living body from which it sprang, as is seen not only in eggs but still more in the twigs of plants." True ; but as a hen*s 0:%^ never produces any other animal than a chicken, and as a twig of willow never becomes any other sort of tree, so a piece of organic substance, if it retain somewhat of the vital power of the organism whence it was taken, cannot become any other sort of organism than that of the same species. It would be ridiculous to suppose a serpent hatched from the Qgg of a hen , or an oak springing from the twig of a willow, why then should it not be as marvellous for a Vol vox globator, to arise from a piece of beef \ In what respect is such a belief more probable, more indicative of greater perfection of natm'al science in our davs, than the belief of Aristotle that eels originated from the Origin of Intestinal JVorms^ 335 mud ? We give crocUt to the statements of Trembley, when he tells us of his having cut the hydra into innumerable pieces, every one of which became a hydra. Howsoever marvellous these statements, they are not repugnant to the common laws of reproduction, or of vital phenomena in general ; but let him tell us that out of a single portion arose a worm, a plant, or any thing but a hydra of the same species, and we assuredly reach the realms of fable. But, such a metamorphosis it may be an- swered, of the substance of one organism into another of a wholly different kind, has been directly observed. M. Turpin, it is stated, has seen (Ann. des Sc Nat. tome 8) the globules of milk degenerating into a certain species of cryptogamous plant, viz., the Pencillium glaucum, Linn., an observation ana- logous to that of M. Dutrochet, when he beheld muscular fibres formed in albumen by the influence of Galvanism, and also to that of Mr Cross, when he saw infusoria produced in the same way. Accurate observations, however, will at once de- monstrate the error and the fallacy of all such observations. CHAP. IV. THE GREAT FERTILITY OF INTESTINAL WORMS IN- COMPATIBLE WITH THE HYPOTHESIS OF THEIR SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. Sect. 1. The chief Characteristic of the structure of Intestinal Worms is the immense development of the Heproductive St/stem, — The highly complicated structure, both of the infusory ani- malcules and intestinal worms, constitutes, as we have stated, a strong argument against their spontaneous generation, and we now add, that the most striking character of their structure renders this consideration doubly weighty in regard to the latter class. The most striking character in the complicated structure of intestinal worms is the immense developinent of their reproductive system^ and this fact alone might well nigh decide the question respecting their spontaneous generation. The argument is this : If these worms have a spontaneous origin, a reproductive system is wholly unnecessary, and if one tape-worm appears spontaneously, all may ; this, in fact, is the more consistent supposition ; and the more so that the inutility of a system does not necessarily imply that it should be wholly wanting ; for we find nipples in male animals and many other 336 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries conceminj rudimentary parts, on a diminutive scale. If, on the contrary, the Entozoa be propagated like other animals, as extreme dif- ficulty exists in their getting to their appropriate habitat, their efforts must often be abortive and but rarely successful, and hence their reproductive faculty should be great. In this lat- ter alternative, we should expect to find the reproductive sys- tem developed in the highest possible degree ; whilst in the former, we should conclude, it would be reduced nearly to in- significancy. How then stands the fact ? Concerning this there can be no doubt. Not only is it known that the whole generative system is immensely developed, but, moreover, its very redundancy is so characteristic of the anatomy of intes- tinal worms, that sometimes all their other organs have been overlooked ; and it has happened to those engaged with the anatomy pf these animals, that for a time they doubted whether the common explanation of the organization were really the true one, although eventually all such doubts were dispelled. I shall adduce a few instances of what is here advanced, and from my own observations. Sect. 2. Example from the Ascaris lumbricoides. — In the Ascaris lumbricoides the external organs of generation have been well represented by Mr H. Cioquet ; but their internal structure seems not hitherto to have been accurately explored. Each of the horns of the female organs consists of several parts, of which the one next to the smaller extremity is the ovary; the middle part is an oviduct, and the thicker extremity, which unites with that of the second horn to form the com- mon vagina, is the uterus. In the axis of the ovary is a cord, which we may call the rachis, from its relation to the ova, these lying around it in wreaths as in the flowers of the plantago (Plate VII. fig. 1). But the ova in the ovary (figs. 1, 2,3, 4) have a very different form from those in the uterus (figs. 5, 6), viz., that of cones, the point being attached to the rachis, the basis turning towards the external parietes. M. Cloquet's draw- ings of these parts are but very imperfect in his beautiful mo- nography. Dr Henle of Berlin observed and described them in his treatise upon the Branchiobdella (Mliiler's Archiv 1835); but although he had observed their beautiful vesicle (the Purkingian), still he did not recognise them as ova, as was the Origin of Intestinal IVorms. 337 subsequently however done by Dr Siebold (in Burdach Phys. 1. c). The analogy between an egg and a primitive cell can rarely be more evident than in this instance. My attempts to ascertain the number of ova in one female yielded the follow- ing results : — The free end of the ovary is but l-25th of a line in diameter. A transversal section of the ovary (fig. 1) shews the number of ova around the rachis to be about 50, and their diameter to be about l-500th part of a line. Hence, in the space of one line there will be 500 wreaths or stars of 50 eggs each, so affording 25,000 ova. The length of each horn of the female organ is about 16 feet or 2304 lines, which, for the two horns, gives 4603 lines. If the ova, therefore, were of the same diameter throughout, their number would amount to 25,000 X 4608, but as they augment in size as they pro- ceed from the ovary to the uterus, till at last they attain a dia- meter of l-60th of a line, they will not form more than 60 wreaths or 3000 eggs in one line within the uterus. Thus, supposing the diameter of the eggs to increase proportionally throughout the length of the female organs, we may calculate ^, , « .25.000 + 3000 1. ^^^ the number of ova, on an average, at — ^ ^ , or 14,000 in each line ; giving the total number of eggs at 14,000 x 4608, of course more than 64,000,000, a fertility equalled only by that of some fishes. Sect. 3. Example from the Strong^lus inflexus. — In the other Nematoidea the female organs are generally formed on the same plan, and they are rarely less complicated. I shall here adduce another example, viz. that of the Strongylus inflexus (Rud.). This worm is extremely common in the bronchiae of the Delphinus phccana^ and has been described by Rudolphi (Hist. Yerm. vol. ii. p. 1 and 227) ; by Creplin (Nova? Observationes de Entozois, Bed. 1829, p. 17-19), and by Dr Craigie of Edin- burgh (Edin. Medical and Surg. Journal, vol. xxxviii. p. 301 and 354, Edinburgh, 1832). The last-mentioned author has in many respects given the best description, but the advan- tage which science might have derived from his labours was in a great measure lost, because he at first mistook the poste- rior extremity for the anterior, and thus regarded it as a new species. In a supplementary paper in the same volume, he corrected this blunder^ but unfortunately this second pftpcr 338 Dr Escliricht's Inquiries concernin(j was little attended to. In Germany, the first report alone was published (in Frorieps Notizen, vol. xxxvi. p. 122), and the well-known Stron^ijlus inflexus was introduced with the very equivocal appellation of *' Flakenwurm,"*^ which is very easily confounded with Hamularia. The delineations, supplied by Dr Craigie. of the posterior extremity of the female are excellent. We add, that the same extremity of the male has a very complicated structure. Two dark bodies, having the form of a Roman S, constitute the horny penis, which were, in every instance I noticed, retracted within the body. The nature of the two round bodies which resembled eyes, I could not discover. These two horns are intended, I suppose, to grasp the female during copulation ; their shape reminds us of the legs of some old-fashioned arm- chairs : they are included in transparent membranes like wings, and similar membranes invest the whole of this part of the body. These female worms, when in a fresh state, pre- sent a very beautiful appearance, as the white colour of the horns of the uterus, formed like the beads of a rosary, con- trast very strikingly with the adjacent black stomach and in- testine.* From the ovaries very narrow oviducts lead into these horns of the uterus. The internal construction of these female organs is precisely the same as that in the Ascaris lumbricoideSy but with this attending difference, that the young are developed in the ova during their passage through the oviducts and uterus. A small puncture in different parts will allow the ova to escape, with young ones in different stages. Sect. 4. Example from the Boihriocej)haliis latus and punc- tatus. — In the Bothriocephalus latus the female organs are formed in the following manner, as is more minutely described in my treatise formerly mentioned. In each joint is found a uterus, commonly called an ovary. It maybe unrolled in one cylindrical tube, wider towards the head, and very narrow at the other extremity. It is composed of two tunics, an exterior hard one, and an interior one, very thin. On the exterior are situate white corpuscula, which seem to be glands for the * This black colour docs not proceed from their contents, but from the liver, which is situate between the coals of the intestinal tube, throughout its whole length. the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 339 secretion of the egg-shells. The real ovary is a large gland composed of ducts, in which the small yolks are disposed in rows ; and it lies at each side of the uterus, near its posterior extremity. Besides these glands, a great number of yellow glands, 1200 in each joint, are found close beneath the skin of the lateral parts, in the joints furthest from the head, or in the last stage of the formation of the eggs, these glands become filled with a thick yellow matter, which they pour into a system of beautifully ramified ducts, which again dis- charge themselves on a certain spot of the uterus. It would be out of place to repeat in this place the whole series of ob- servations which led to the conclusion that these 1200 glands in each of the thousand joints have no other destination than to form a crust round the ova, by means of which they are evacuated, not singly one by one, but in hard cylindrical masses after the uterus and joint have been ruptured. By this observation, the curious fact that an animal with millions of eggs is generally found solitary, seems to be explained in a satisfactory manner. Proceeding to the male organs of generation, I will first mention a number of glands — about 400 in number — ^lying in the most deep-seated layer of the joints, each gland in a sepa- rate cellule. These glands I have reason to regard as so many testicles. The vasa deferentia mount up in a serpentine course to a vesicle which is analogous to the bursa lemnisci in the Trcmatoda, and which can very easily be seen in any joint of the Bothriocephalus latus. In this bursa lies the penis, more or less protruded through the great aperture. The small aperture, supposed to be the vulva, is easily distinguished in each joint. Between this and the great aperture a great num- ber of glands discharging themselves outwardly are observed. This immense complication of the reproductive apparatus apparently leaves no place for the other organs, but a more minute investigation will demonstrate several strata of mus- cles, an alimentary tube which, in the form of a very nar- row bifurcated cord, extends the whole length of the ani- mal, and other systems. The disproportion of the generative system is so much the greater as the joints are more deve- loped. The manner in which this disproportion is produced. 340 Dr Eschricht*s Inquiries concerning I had a favourable opportunity of observing in the Bothrioce- phalus punctatus, so extremely frequent in the Cottus scorpius. During mid- summer, in almost all their joints, the uteri are filled with ova. At the same time individual worms without heads may be sometimes found in the lower part of the intes- tine. These are about to be expelled ; for in other circum- stances, all specimens of Bothriocephalus punctatus adhere by the fore-part of the head to the mucous surface of the appen- dices pyloricae. The want of the head in the expelled indivi- duals makes it probable that they have left it behind in its habitual place, and this supposition is much strengthened by the above-mentioned observation of a number of heads adhe- ring to the mucous surface of the appendices pyloricae between other worms of very different lengths. The heads left behind, after the expulsion of 'all the joints, are about to generate a new series of joints of the most perfect kind ; and this in the following way. The joint next the head is soon divided by a transverse fissure into two, each of which repeats the same process as soon as it is somewhat grown. The repetition of this imperfect transverse division is marked, more or less, in all the Certoidea at the joints near the head, the fissures of later date appearing as more indistinct subdivisions between these earlier and deeper fissures. Whilst the joints multiply in this way, they increase in size in the same proportion, and so of course remove the joints from the head. But at a cer- tain distance from the head this mode of subdividing ceases, and the whole nutritive power is applied to the development of the organs of generation. During the winter, the Bothrio- cephalus punctatus, always adhering firmly to the mucous sur- face of the appendices pyloricae, is increased to its full length, the uteri and most of the other generative organs being formed, but no ova have yet appeared. Up to this period, the develop- ment of the generative organs is scarcely to be considered as disproportionate, and this is by far the best time for the exa- mination of the other systems ; a vascular system may now be seen ramified in innumerable anastomosing branches ; a system of vesicles covers the skin all over ; and innumerable primitive cells with nuclei and nucleoli, and granules of a very minute size, are diffused throughout every part of the interior. At the the Origin of Intestinal Worme, 341 commencement of spring the ova begin to appear in the pos- terior joints, and by degrees fill the uteri of all the joints, till they occupy those which are close to the head, when the sepa- ration from the head, before described, ensues, and this last- named member is left to repeat the important process. Thus the Bothriocephali are composite Trematods^ whose composition is not the result of a ramification — the mere vege- table form — like that of the Polypi, but of transverse division, like an imperfect generatio fissipara transversa : their relation to the Trematoda is like that of the Corals to the Hydrce ; if their transverse fissures had been completed, they would have resolved themselves into as many single Trematods ; just as the Corals would resolve themselves into as many single hydras as they have branches, if these had separated. A single joint of a tape-worm will not produce an entire new organism, — ^for, to the formation of this, an ova is necessary. The numerous divisions of the joints is intended to produce a corresponding number of bunches of ova. just as the repeated ramification of plants is destined to produce new bunches of seeds. The head of the tape-worm is fixed to the mucous surface, and from it derives the nutritive juices required for the whole organism ; in the same manner the root procures the nourishment of the plant from the soil. The number of joints developed with organs destined for the evolution of these germs is very great. The ova having reached maturity, the joints break to liberate them ; or the whole joint will be thrown off in the same way as the seeds of plants are freed, sometimes one by one, some- times in masses, according to the particular manner of life as- signed to every species of plant and animal. And is there any one who, upon the contemplation of this wonderful apparatus, and the extraordinary results of its agenc}^ can for a moment imagine that it is without an object or an end ? Can it be supposed that these ova, substantially the same as those of the higher animals, with a regular shell, formed by millions of glands, in every worm, and sometimes actually containing young ones, are mere fortuitous bodies, of no value or use ? We consider such a conclusion nearly impossible. 342 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning CHAP. V. INTESTINAL WORMS ARE IN ALL CASES THE OFFSPRING OF OTHER INTESTINAL WORMS. Sect. 1. Helminthiasis is coyitagious. — It is evident enough that the three principal arguments against equivocal gene- ration, applicable likewise to the infusoria, are most power- ful when brought to bear upon the Entozoa. Their limitation to distinct species is too well ascertained, their anatomy too complicated, and their fertility too striking, not to force the conviction upon us, that intestinal worms are the offspring of other similar worms, and may thus deposit young, not only in any body which they may inhabit, but in other bodies also. If this view be correct, the Entozoa will spread by a kind of emi- gration, and Helminthiasis may often appear epidemic or con- tagious: and yet these characteristics seem to have escaped the notice both of the vulgar and of physicians; and this chief- ly because both these classes confounded the Ascaris lumbri- coides with the common earth-worm, and so had a ready explanation of the almost constant occurrence of the com- plaint among children, in the supposed fact of the worm be- ing found in the soil, and being thence conveyed into the w^ater used for drink and for all domestic purposes. At a later period, when the science of Helminthology was more cultivat- ed, so many difficulties simultaneously arose as to the mode in which the Entozoa got into the body, that it came to be gene- rally doubted if they were introduced into the body at all, and to be extensively believed that their equivocal generation was the only reasonable way of explaining their appearance. Hence, all we can now do is, to examine facts and not theories, regard- ing the mode in which Helminthiasis is spread and propa- gated. The contagious nature of the complaint arising from the presence of Ascarides lumbricoides is, I believe, evident from the fact, that this worm not only appears in the human spe- cies, but likewise in several animals, particularly domestic ones, as the horse, ass, cow, hog, and also, it would seem, in the dog and cat. This fact can never be ascribed to similarity of diet or manner of life ; and the habitat of the parasite is common to all these animals. The contagious character of the Tcenia solium and the Bothriocephalus latus is perhaps Ktill the Origin of Intestinal JVonm. 348 more easily proved. The distribution of these two species in different coiintrics cannot arise, as has been already shewn, from difference in diet, manner of life, or climate. The hypo- thesis of a certain German professor, that their different distri- bution might indicate a difference in the races of mankind, is one of the most extraordinary examples possible of predilec- tion for a favourite theory. If any proof against such an opi- nion were wanting, it might be found in the fact, that the negro in the West Indies appears to suffer from Tctnia solium ; a worm of this species, passed by a negro, having been sent me some years ago by Dr Raon of St Thomas. The reason why the negro slave suffers from Taenia is not that his pedigree may be traced from a root common to him and to the Anglo-Saxon, but that from this source he has derived the Taenia, with many other things, good and bad. It would be interesting to know whether the inhabitants of the Russian colonies are subject to the Bothriocephalus. It is a well-known fact that Dr Sommerring suffered from a Bothriocephalus latus, and it was by an examination of this specimen that the specific character of this kind of worm was ascertained. When the fact was first known, Sommerring was supposed to belong to a Swiss family, but, as this was not the case, the origin of the worm was ascribed to his residence in Switzerland ; not that his body was so altered in this coun- try as spontaneously to produce a Bothriocephalus instead of a Taenia, nor that the food of the country was so peculiar as to be thus metamorphosed, but merely because an ova or young one of the species was here introduced into the frame. A striking example of the inconsistency of human belief is afforded by the opinion generally received in some countries respecting the Filaria medinensis. This species of Filaria has all the characters of an intestinal worm, and still has been supposed to be introduced from without, whilst all the others have been held to arise spontaneously. It is endemical in Guinea, and attacks Europeans as well as negroes. Its pre- sence is not observed for a time, sometimes for a couple of yeare, as was proved by the case of a boy who suffered from this worm at Copenhagen, two years after his departure from Guinea. As the view that the Kntozoa multiply like other animaU 344 Dr Eschricht*s Inquiries concerning necessarily throws light upon the mode of the propagation of Helminthiasis, so the mode of the propagation of the dis- ease serves, in its turn, as an argument for the common gene- ration of the animals which produce it. This remark may be applied to the Ccenurus cerehralis ; for the disease produced by this worm, — the common sturdy, or gid, or giddiness of sheep, — often rages amongst these animals as a virulent con- tagion. The disastrous effects of the Distoma hepaticum^ — - the fluke-worm, so well known in Rot, — are, in many countries, an object of dread to the farmers : this worm, too, occurs in man and calves, as well as in sheep. Among fishes, too, some intestinal worms, e, g. the Bothriocephaliis soUclus in stickle- backs, appears to rage in certain years like other contagious diseases. The fact that intestinal worms have been found in new-born animals, and even previous to birth, has been noticed as an un- answerable proof of their spontaneous origin. How otherwise, it is demanded, could these worms get into the] young ? This inquiry should be met with another, Did it not exist in the mo- ther ? In some instances we know that it did ; in the same way that smallpox spreads from mother to child, although the exact mode of communication cannot well be traced. If, then, intestinal worm.s get into the body as offspring of other intestinal worms, the inquiry presents itself, what are the various methods in which this actually happens 1 It has been a great disadvantage to science, that the disbelievers in equi- vocal generation have been satisfied with the supposition that intestinal worms were always introduced into the body with the food ; and also that the advocates of the doctrine, in their laborious inquiries, have disregarded those appearances which might have indicated the mode in which the Entozoa were ac- tually introduced. The manner in which animals provide for the safety of their offspring is known to be so exceedingly va- rious, and peculiar even to each species, that it can scarcely ever be conjectured beforehand. Hence there is but one way of solving the problem, viz. inquiring into nature. As to the Entozoa, the information hitherto obtained may be compre- hended in the following- facts. o Sect. 2. The Entozoa verg commonig change their abode at different periods of their /^agation of the Entozoa supposed to be very complicated. — It being once established that intesti- nal worms regularly change their forms and abodes, we cannot much wonder that their mode of introduction into the body can never be divined. If we turn our attention to the history of those creatures whose change of abode and shape is more familiar, we may demand. Was there one case among them in which that history could have been ascertained in any other way than by the most laborious research, or which, if conjec- tured, would not have been considered altogether fabulous .'' Thus is it with the development of the Ichnewnons in the inte- rior of other insects, and with the various methods in which the mother-ichneumon introduces the ova into these insects I The the Origin of Intestinal Worms. 349 Bots or horse-flies too {CEstrua equi), always appearing first in the dung of this quadruped, who could have anticipated the real source whence it sprung ! It is now known, beyond dis- pute, that the parent fly deposits its ova upon the coat of a horse, within reach of the animal's tongue ; that these are in- troduced into the animars stomach without being injured ; that tliere the larvae are disclosed, and immediately attach themselves to the mucous surface of the stomach, and at last pass through the whole length of the intestinal tube, and are discharged. And^ moreover, the newly-discovered metamorphoses of the Cirriped animals and the Lernce, described in the magnifi- cent memoirs of Nordmann (Mikrographische Beitrage), m the researches of John V. Thompson of Cork and of others, do they not all tend to demonstrate that a variety exists in the development of the lower animals, which surpasses the imagination of man ? Such facts having been revealed to the naturalists of our day, surely many others equally mar- vellous are reserved for naturalists of future times. As for the intestinal worms, all things tend to prove, that the greater the difficulties which these animals experience in conveying their young to the appointed places of safety, the more strange and peculiar are the means employed by them for that pur- pose, under the provident bounty of nature. Respecting these means, abundant hypotheses may be proposed. The fact, for example, that the flesh of fishes in summer is often bestudded with small worms (which, in one instance, I ascertained to be Echinorhynchi), might lead to the supposition that it is the breeding-place of some species ; the same suggestion might be offered with regard to the small twisted worms often found in the flesh and cellular tissue, and commonly called Filariae ; the Trichina spiralis, discovered by Owen, may perhaps be- long to the same category ; and all vesicular worms may be regarded as the earlier states of other species, an hypothesis which is strengthened by the fact, that no reproductive or- gans have been found in them, an occurrence always marking an early stage of development in intestinal worms. The monthly exacerbation of symptoms observed in helminthiasis, the itching of the nose in children suffering from worms, may, somehow or other, be connected with the history of these VOL. XXXI, NO. LXII. — OCTOBER 1841. S 350 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries toncerning troublesome guests. But all such hypotheses are of very lit- tle value ; and the answer to the inquiry, how intestinal worms are propagated, is to be obtained only by long and laborious investigations into nature, and will probably be found very different in different species. That the inquiry will he long and laborious will not be doubted, when we reflect on the history of the instances re- ferred to : and the labour must needs be far greater than that which is usually bestowed upon inquiries of this kind by medical men. The case of the Sarcoptes may serve as an il- lustration. For many years its existence was known from the tales of fishermen and galley-slaves, but medical men could nowhere find it. At last, a young French student had the effrontery, before the French Academy, to mingle mites with the humour evacuated from the pustules of the itch, and thus the insect producing the itch was for about twenty years re- garded as an acarus ; at length the Corsican peasants were consulted, and they pointed out the way in which the real Sar- coptes might be discovered. All the while this parasite was as common as the itch itself, and large enough to be easily detected by the naked eye ! That a particular inquiry will he required for each particular species, may be concluded from the fact, that each species se- lects generally certain animals, and in these certain regions ; as, for instance, the Lemma elongata (whose anatomy has been given by Dr Robert Grant) selects the eye of the Greenland shark, the Coronula balcenaris the skin of whales, the Otion auritum^ the Coronula, different species of Pinnotheres select certain species of living bivalves, and the Paguri certain uni- valvular shells. As a most curious instance of this predilection of parasites for certain localities, we may mention the parasites which re- gularly, in winter, fill a particular sac connected with the tes- tis of the Cephalopoda. These parasites have lately been in- troduced by Dr Carus into the parasite fauna under the name of Needhamia. (His memoir will be published in the next volume of the Acta Leopoldino- Carolina.) Swammerdam fur- nished the first description of them ; Needham, in his micro- scopical observations, nearly a century ago, supplied a good the Origin of Intestinal Jforms, S5i account and drawing of those from the Loligo, calling them seminal vessels. Those from the Mediterranean Octopus^ were slightly described by Cuvier as '* les fameux filamens, machines ou animalcules decouverts par Needham," and are apparently the species minutely described by Carus as Need^ hamia expulsoria. Those from the Sepia officinalis are repre- sented by Professor Rudolph Wagner of Erlangen as bemg very like Echinorhynchi^ which implies a very different form. In an Octopus from St Thomas's, I lately found in the same sac adhering to the testis, a number of Needhamiae, forming a new species. Sect. 5. The Spermatozoa are not Parasitic Animals. — These curious bodies being regarded parasitical, a very different opinion must be formed respecting the Spermatozoa. The modern in- quiries by Rud. Wagner, Valentin, Henle, Siebold, (Sec, which may all be found in Rud. Wagner's recent Manual of Physiology (of which the first volume appeared in 1839), have furnished science with several very important new facts, the most striking of which is the gradual and regular development of the Spermatozoa in small sacs. Being thus proved to be es- sential parts of the seminal fluid, they must be considered as analogous to the globules of the blood. Their apparently voluntary motion by no means warrants the inference that they are distinct animals. The continuance of motion in mi- croscopical parts of the body, after they have been separated from it, may be seen in the cilise upon the epithelial cells of certain mucous membranes, forming the famous vibratory mo- tions of Dr Sharpey, Purkinje, and Valentin. This analogy may be regarded the stronger, as no internal organs are found in the Spermatozoa ; and we are not aware of any fact in- dicating their power of propagating their own species. In the Nematoidean worms, I have observed a certain condition of the analogous parts, which perhaps may throw new light upon their mysterious functions. The testis of the Ascaris lumhricoides is well known to have the same cylindrical form as the horns of the female organs. The structure of the in- terior also seems to be analogous. I believe I have observed a central cord analogous to the rachis {vide supra) of the 352 Dr Eschricht's hiquiries concerning ovary, although I could never succeed in detaching it. Around this central cord, or rachis, bodies are found with a rather irregu- lar form, but not unlike the ova in the ovary, including a transparent vesicle apparently analogous to the Purkinjian. In fact, they are also very lil^e primitive cells, and the same re- mark might be made upon the ova in the ovary, and perhaps it is an analogy common to these Spermatozoan sacs and to ova. In the wide caudal extremity of the male organs, evi- dently analogous to the uterus, instead of Spermatozoa, there always appeared globular bodies, covered with small grains, and somewhat resembling the dust of pollen. Are these glo- bular bodies sacs for Spermatozoa ? are they analogous to the ova of the female % The results which might be deduced from such an analogy are too singular for me here to venture upon a statement of them. Sect. 6. Several Cutaneous Eruptions are Parasite Crypto- gamous Plants communicated hg Contact. — That several dis- eases, particularly of the skin, are to be referred to parasite cryptogamous plants, whilst others are produced by parasite animals, is a fact which has been lately ascertained. I here allude especially to the Muscardine, that contagious disease of silk-worms which is so much dreaded by the breeders of silk- worms in Lombardy, and which is characterized by a white eruption breaking out over the body soon after the death of the worm. M. Bassi found this eruption to be owing to a cryptogamous plant ; and the question occurs, whether does the plant give rise to the disease, or the disease to the plant 2 M. Audouin had some specimens of silk-worms labouring un- der the disease sent to Paris, and confirmed the observation of M. Bassi, that the eruption was formed by a cryptoga- mous plant. He examined its sporules, and introduced them into the skin of healthy worms, which speedily sickened, and died in ten days after the appearance of the eruption. A farther examination shewed, that, during the progress of the disease, the plant was grooving beneath the skin. (Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1837, October.) Dr Schonlein of Zurich has lately (Mull. Archiv. 1839, 1) examined certain cutaneous affections (especially the Porrigo the Origin of hitestinal TTorms. 353 lupinosa)y and found them to consist of cryptogamous plants. I have made a similar observation respecting the Aphthoi of children, though, at the same time, I must confess that I am not so conversant with the microscopical structure of plants, com- pared with that of pathological formations, as to consider my- self an authority on the point. To suppose aphthae contagi- ous, would undoubtedly be contrary to the prevailing opinion, though several facts induce me to suspect them to be so. In Greenland this disease is not known. In a family of my ac- quaintance which lived there for many years, none of the chil- dren born during their residence in the country suffered from it, whereas all those born after the family returned to Co- penhagen suffered from it as do most other new-bom chil- dren in that city. This may be ascribed to a difference of climate, but in the Greenland houses a high temperature is maintained ; or to a difference of diet, but the Danish families in Greenland live upon provisions sent from Denmark, with a few slight differences, such as that of eating the flesh of the reindeer for that of oxen. CHAP. VI. CONCLUSION. Sect. 1. General Bemarks upon Parasitical Life, — After what has been said in the foregoing chapter, it might be re- garded as established, 1. That parasitic life exists everywhere around and within other organisms. The soil is adapted to plants, plants for the use of animals, and animals (although wholly appropriated to their individual use) appear to be sub- jected to the use of parasites. As examples, we might adduce any one of those instanced in the foregoing pages concern- ing intestinal worms ; I shall, however, take an illustration of my remark from a different class of parasite animals. The univalvular molluscum adapts the form of its shell to its own use, but this form is at the same time precisely adapted to the use of a pagurus, whose whole body is twisted like this shell ; whose claws exactly fill up its opening ; whose tail is naked and provided with very minute limbs, enabling it to creep within the shell, and nowhere else. 2. That parasitic life, though wholly dependent upon other animals for support, ori- ginates and is propagated in conforjnity with tjie same gen^yal 354 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning laws as those of other living beings, modifications, as usual, existing according to the particular wants of each animal. 3. That a chief character of parasitic life is its concealment, escaping the attention of those who are its victims. Every pa- rasitic animal is the offspring of that provident mother Nature, and, as much care is taken for the preservation of a disgusting tape-worm as for that of a higher organism. Unprovided, apparently, with organs of sense, or even with a brain, and ex- tremely slow in its motions, it finds means of securing itself and its young : whilst the human understanding is unable to imagine what these means are, or declares it impossible that any such should exist. Sect. 2. Jnfusory Animalcules compared with Entozaa. The general remarks concerning infusoria were found applicable also to the Entozoa. Again, what has been stated concern- ing the Entozoa and their relation to the bodies they in- fest, may be applied to the infusoria and their relation to the terrestrial world. If we are correct in maintaining that the inquiry as to the mode in which these animals propagate and acquire a footing in their extraordinary habitats, demands a particular answer for each separate species, which is to be an- swered in each case only by a long and laborious investigation, the remark is equally applicable to the infusory animalcules, whose different species select some pure cold water, others acid or salt fluids, and others hot mineral springs ; and to in- fusory plants, of which particular species seem to be associated with every variety of fermentation, as observed by Dr Schwann and M. Caignard-Latour. Sect. 3. The two opposite Theories cotnpared in relation to Experimental Physiology/, — To suppose that ova and seeds are antecedent to animals and plants, wherever they appear, is considered by the defenders of spontaneous generation as con- trary to the genius of experimental physiology ; and there might be some truth in the reflection, if the hypothesis necessarily induced an indifference which was satisfied with this explana- tion ; but it is useless, as well as untrue, when it only adds a spur to the discovery of the occult phenomena connected with their curious history. On the other hand, the theory of equi- vocal goneratiou may appear favourable to experimental phy. the Origin of Intestinal Worms, 356 siology so long as it prompts to inquiry concerning the mode in which this supposed self-formation takes place ; whilst it is quite the reverse so soon as it closes the eye to any fact which leads to the discovery of the obscure history of parasites. The supposition of undiscovered ova and seeds is certainly contrary to the genius of physiology, when abused by the invention of fanciful theories concerning their appearance ; but this is only allowing that every theory may be abused, not excepting that of equivocal generation, which the history of physiology very sufficiently proves. When a naturalist, in spite of all his pains, fails to discover the supposed ova or seeds, it may look like simple truth to as- sert that *' there are none ;" whereas, all that can be legiti- mately inferred is, that he has found none ; and his declara- tion is merely the result of a vain presumption of his ability to penetrate the hidden mysteries of nature. It is, generally speaking, much safer to trust to generally prevailing laws, than to confide in such of our observations as are contrary to them. This remark may be applied to the assertion that plants are formed of granite, distilled water, and oxygen, under the influence of solar light. It ought to be remembered, that sometimes, in common life, the appearance or disappearance of a body seems impossible, and still, some- how or other, is effected ; and yet, in such cases, we do not have recourse to equivocal generation. This remark frequent- ly applies to the appearance of higher plants and animals in places where it is impossible to account for them, as after great conflagrations, or the draining of lakes and inlets of the sea, or of fishes in the lakes of volcanic islands. Such facts, however, instead of proving the existence of equivocal gene- ration, ought only to teach us the difficulty of investigating the powers of nature, and demonstrate that we are incapable of accounting for the appearance of such. plants and animals as could not be supposed to be produced by spontaneous gene- ration without absurdity. Sect. 4. The Analogy between the supposed Equivocal Gene- ration and Creation refuted. — Creation is sometimes referred to in favour of equivocal generation. The following is the language adopted :— " It is certain a time existed when oven 356 Dr Eschricht's Inquiries concerning, ^c, the highest organisms were brought into existence without a progenitor ; and hence such formations are not impossible. Creating power was then in its pristine vigour, now it is weaker ; but that it should have totally ceased is improbable ; on the contrary, it might be inferred, a priori, were it not proved by facts, that it still exists, at least as concerns the lowest plants and animals.'* But in referring to creation, the defenders of equivocal generation appeal to what may now be properly styled a miracle, that is to say, an act contrary to the established laws of nature ; and this appeal is inadmis- sible, because the actual phenomena can be explained only by actually prevailing laws. Even were the appeal admitted, our decision would be against the appellants ; for 'the analogy be- tween equivocal generation and creation has ceased with the discovery that the Infusoria, as well as the Entozoa, form well- marked and distinct species. Once proved, then, that these animals, wherever they appear, belong to the species already known; it is also proved that their creation has ceased, as has that of other animals ; for creation is not a re-production, but a first production, — and from nothing. Explanation of the Plate VII.* Figs. 1-6, Ova; Figs. 7-9, Spermatozootical bodies of Ascaris lumbricoid^t. (Fu^ p. 336 and 352.) Fig. 1. A transversal section of the ovary, l-25th of a line in diameter. The ova, about 50 in number, about l-60th of a line long, and 1 -450th broad; they form a wreath around the rachis. (Vide p. 336.) Fig. 2. Four ova separated, taken from the lower part of the ovary. Their length is about 1-1 5th of a line, the foramen in the middle is the Pur- kinjian vesicle, a represents a transversal cut of the rachis. Figs. 3-5. Shew the gradual metamorphosis of the ova. Fig. 6. A fully developed ova of the uterus, provided with a calcareous shell, and a layer of transparent horn. Fig. 7. Spermatozootical bodies from the middle part of the testis of Ascaris lumbricoides. The foramen in the middle may be regarded as the nucleus of the cell, or as a Purkinjian vesicle. Fig. 8. One of the horns, l-120th of a line in length and 1-lOOth of a line in diameter ; the sperm of the semen of the Ascaris lumbricoides here be- comes milky. It consists of a central vesicle (fig. 9.), surrounded by a number of smaller ones. # The Plate for this Memoir will be delivered in next number of tbe Journal. Arrangement of Minerals, 357 Tabular View of an Arrangement of Min-erals founded upon Physical and Chemical Characters, (Concluded from p. 182.) B« Zlarthy llXineralss Minerals in most cases composed of one earth or more, fre- quently coloured by metallic oxides, especially those of iron. Order I. MICA. Not metallic. Cleavage distinctly axotomous. Streak white . . . green. Hardness = 1.0 — 4.5. Sp. gr. = 2.3 — 3.4. Genus I. Mica. Rhombohedral. Prismatic and Hemiprismatic. Streak white... green. Hardness = 1.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 2.7 — 3.0. 1, Prismatic Mica or Talc. 2. Hemiprismatic or di-axial Mica, (Common Mica). 3. Rhombohedral or mono-axial Mica. Genus H. Margarite {Pearl-Mica). Rhombohedral. Hemiprismatic. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.5. 3.0... 3.1. 1. Rhombohedral Margarite (Clintonite). 2. Hemiprismatic Mar- garite {^Common Fearl-Mica). 3. Axotomous Margarite (Py- rosmalite of Hausmann). Genus HI. Cronstedite {3Ielan€-Mica). Rhombohedral. Streak dark leek-green. Hardness = 2.5. Sp. gr. = 3.3 — 3.4. 1. Rhombohedral Cronstedite. Genus IV. Hydromagnesite {Kuphone Mica). Rhombohedral. Hardness = 2.0. Sp. gr. = 2.3 — 2.4. 1. Rhombohedral Hydromagnesite, Order II. GRAPHITE. Metallic, not metallic. Streak black or brown; streak shining. Hardness = 0.5 — 2.0. Sp. gr. = 1.8 — 3.7. Genus I. Graphite. Rhombohedral. Metallic. Hardness = 1.0 — 2.0. Sp. gr. = 1.8 — 2.1. 1. Rhombohedral Graphite or Plumbago. Genus II. Manganese Froth. Amorphous. Aspect imperfect metallic. Hardness = 0.5. Sp. gr. =; 3.7i 558 Arrant; ement of Minerals. 1, Spumaceous Manganese-Froth. {Black Wad. Scaly brown man- ganese-ore, Manganesehydratemetalloide argentine J Haiiy. Man- ganese schaum. Brauner Eisenrahm, in part). Genus III. Manganesian Earthy Cobalt. Amorphous. Aspect not metallic. Hardness = 1.0 — 1.5. Sp. gr. = 2.2. 1. Uncleavable Manganesian Earthy Cobalt {Black Cobalt- Ochre. Schwarzer Erdkobold. Erd Kolalt). Order III. STEATITE. Not metallic. Streak white. Hardness = 1.5 — ^4.0. Sp. gr. =2.47— '3.0. Genus I. Steatite. Pseudomorphous. Amorphous. Hardness = 1.5 — 3.0. = 2.6 — 2.92. 1. Common Steatite. 2. Glyphine-Steatite (^^fa/wa^o/iYe or i<'«^wre- stone). Genus II. Serpentine. Rhombohedral. Prismatic. Cleavage very imperfect. Hardness = 2.0 — 3.0. Sp. gr. = 2.5 — 2.9. If hardness = 3.0 and less, it is rhombohedral, or sp. gr. 2.5 — 2.6. 1. Rhombohedral Serpentine, or Finite. 2. Prismatic Serpentine (Serpentine of geologists ) . Genus III. Picrosmine.* Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Tetarto- prismatic. Cleavage distinct in many directions. Hardness = 2.0 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 2.4 — 2.7. 1. Prismatic Picrosmine. 2. Peritomous Picrosmine (Killinite). 3. Hemiprismatic Picrosmine {Marmolite), 4. Tetarto-pris- matic Picrosmine (Pyrallolite). Order IV. SPAR. Not metallic. Streak white, reddish-brown, blue. Hard- ness = 3.5 -^ 7.0. Sp. gr. = 2.0 — 3.7. t Genus I. Schillerite. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Tetarto-prismatic. Cleavage mo- notomous, perfect. Metallic pearly lustre. Hardness = 3.5 — 6.0. =2.6 — 3.4. 1. Common Schillerite {Diafamous Schillerite'). 2. Bronze Schil- lerite or Bronzite {Hemiprismatic Schillerite^ or Foliated Antho^ * ricrosmine, from vrix^is, bitter, and Ufih, odour, in allusion to vhat is called tbo bitter odour of the moistened mineral. Arrangement of Minerals. 888 phylUte), 3. Hypersthene Schillerite. {Prismatoidal Schillerife). 4. Radiated Schillerite {Prismatic Schillerite or Radiated Antho- phyllite). Genus II. Augite. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic. Tetar to- prismatic. Cleavage not very perfect, and distinctly prismatoidal. No metallic pearly lustre, and no very distinct common pearly lustre. Hardness = 4.5 — 7.0. =2.7— -3.6. 1. Pyroxene Augite {Paratomous Avgite). 2. Homblende-Augite {Hemiprismatic Avgite), 3. Epidote- Augite {Prismatoidal Au- gite or Pistacite). Genus III. Kyanite. Hemiprismatic and Tetartoprismatic. Cleavage prismatoidal, very perfect and distinct. Common pearly lustre. Hardness = 5.0 — 7.0. =3.2 — 3.7. 1. Prismatic Kyanite {Rhatizile, Disthene). 2. Diaspore-Kyanite. 3. Prismatoidal Kyanite {Sillimanite). ttt Genus IV. Triphane. Prismatic. Cleavage rather distinct in one direction. Colour not blue. Hardness = 6.0 — 7.0. Sp. gr. = 2.8 — 3.2. 1. Prismatic Triphane, or Spodumene {Spodumen-wern). 2. Axo- tomous Triphane, or Prehnite. tttt Genus V. Datolite. Prismatic. Cleavage imperfect and difficult. Colour not blue Hardness = 5.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 2.9 — 3.0. 1. Prismatic Datolite. ttttt Genus VI. Amphigene. Tessular. Cleavage hexahedral, dodecahedral. Streak white — blue. Hardness = 5.5 — 6.0. Sp. gr. = 2.25 — 2.5. 1. Trapezoidal Amphigene, or Leucitc. 2. Dodecahedral Amphi- gene, or Azure-stone {Sodalite, Spinellane, Nosine, Hauyne, It- ternite, Lapis lazuli). Genus VII. Zeolite. Tessular. Rhombohedral. Pyramidal. Prismatic. Hemipris- matic. Hardness = 3.5 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 2.0 — 2.5. 1. Hexahedral Zeolite {Analcime). 2. Paratomous Zeolite {Cross-stone, Harmotome). 3. Staurotypous Zeolite {Phillipsite. Lime- ffarmotomef Connell). 4, Rhombohedral Zeolite (Chabasite). 360 Arrangement of Minerals, 5. Levyne-Zeolite. 6. Hexagonal Zeolite {Gmelintte). 7. Biato- moiis Zeolite (Laumonite). 8. Prismatic Zeolite {Mesotype Fibrous Zeolite. Natrolite). 9. Skolczite Zeolite {Mesotype of the Feroe Islands), \0. Com\)iomiQ ZQoXiiQ {Mesole of Berzelius'), 11. Orthotomous Zeolite {Thomsonite). 12. Prismatoidal Zeolite {Radiated Zeolite of Wern. Stilhite, H. in part). 13. Hemi- prismatic Zeolite {Foliated Zeolite. Heulandite. Stilhite in part, H.) 14. Diplogenous Zeolite {Epistilbite, R.) 15. Megallogo- nous Zeolite {Brewster ite). 16. Pyramidal Zeolite {Apophyllite). tttttt Genus VIII. Edingtonite. Pyramidal. Cleavage peritomous. Hardness =: 4.0 — 4.5. Sp. gr. =2.7 — 2.75. 1. Pyramidal Edingtonite {Hemipyramidaler Feldspath, Haid) . Genus IX. Elaine-Spar.* Rhombohedral. Pyramidal. Cleavage not axotomous. Hardness = 5.0 — 6,0. Sp. gr. = 2.4 — 2.8. 1. Ilhombohcdral Elaine-Spar, or Nepheline {Fettstein, Sornmite). 2. Pyramidal Elaine-Spar, or Meionite {Scapolite, Wernerite Pa- ranthine). 3. Peritomous Elaine-Spar or Davyne. Genus X. PETALITE.f Prismatic. Cleavage perfect in one direction. Hardness = 6.0 — 6.5. Sp. gr. = 2.4 — 2.5. 1, Prismatic Petalite. Genus XI. Felspar. Hemiprismatic and Tetarto-prismatic. Cleavage perfect in two rectangular or nearly rectangular directions. Hardness = 6.0. Sp. gr. =2.5 — 2.78. 1. Common Felspar {Orthotomous Felspar, Ice-Spar , Feldstein in part). 2. Ryakolite-Felspar(G/a*5i/ Felspar in part). 3. Spo- dumene-Felspar {Natron Spodumenc of Berzelius. Oligohlase Breit). 4. Albite-Felspar (including part of common felspar of some authors. Schorl hlanc, Rome de I'lsle. Albit, G. Rose, and Leonli). 5. Anorthite-Felspar {Anorthite, G.Rose, Chris- tianite Monticelli). 6. Polychromatic or Labrador Felspar. Genus XII. Chiastolite. Prismatic. Black marking in the interior of the crystals. Hard- ness = 5.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 2.9 — 2.95. 1. Prismatic Chiastolite. * Elaine f from tXa/ev, oil, in allusion to its oily aspect. t Petalite, from mrxXos, expanded, in reference to the great magnitude of the primitive angle, Arrangement of Minerals^ 361 Genus XIII. Almandine-Spar. Rhombohedral. Colour red. Hardness = 5.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 2.84^2.89. 1. Rhombohedral Almandine-Spar, or Eudyalite. Genus XIV. Azure-Spar. Prismatic. Amorphous. Cleavage imperfect. Colour blue — green. Hardness = 5.0 — 6.0. Sp. gr. = 2.75 — 3.1. 1. Prismatic Azure-Spar or Lazulite. 2. Prisraatoidal Azure -Spar, or Blue-Spar. 3. Uncleavable Azure-Spar, or Calaite {Tur- quoii). Genus XV. Adiaphane Spar.* Pyramidal. Prismatic. Amorphous. Cleavage imperfect — uncleavable. Hardness = 5.5 — 7.0. Sp. gr. = 2.9 — 3.4. 1. Pyramidal Adiaphane Spar, or Gehlenite. 2. Prismatic Adiaphane Spar, or Saussurite. 3. Uncleavable Adiaphane Spar, or Ne- phrite. Order V. GEM. Not metallic. No metallic adamantine lustre. Streak white. Hardness = 5.5 — 10.0. Sp. gr. = 1.9 — 4 7. Genus I. Andalusite. Prismatic. Cleavage perfect in two somewhat oblique directions, parallel to the axis. Hardness = 7.5. Sp. gr. = 3.0 — 3.2. 1. Prismatic Andalusite (^Feldspath apyre, HaUy). Genus II. Corundum. Tessular. Rhombohedral. Prismatic. Hardness = 8.0 — 9.0. Sp. gr. = 3.5 — 4.3. 1. Dodecahedral Corundum, or Spinel Ruby. (Alumine MagnesUe ou Spinelle, H.) 2. Octahedral Corundum, or Automalite {Spi- nelle Zincifere, H.) 8. Rhombohedral Corundum, or Oriental Ruby and Sapphire {Common Corundum, Adamantine- Spar, and Emery'), 4. Prismatic Corundum, or Chrysoberyl {Cymophane, H.) Genus III. Diamond. Tessular. Hardness •= 10.0. Sp. gr. = 3.4 — 3.6. 1. Octahedral Diamond. Genus IV. Topaz. Prismatic. Cleavage axotomous. Hardness = 8.0. Sp. gr. = 3.4 — 3.6. 1. Prismatic Topaz {Alumine FhiaU Siliceuae, ou Topazc, H. Phy- salit, Picnit), t Adiaphane-spar, so named on account of the low translucency of its varieties. Arrangement of Minerals. Genus V. Emerald. Ilemiprismatlc. Rhombohedral. Cleavage distinctly rhombohe- dral, axotomous and peritomous ; or very perfectly prismatoidal. Hard- ness = 7.5 — 8.0. Sp. gr. = 2.6 — 3.2. 1. Prismatic Emerald, or Euclase. 2. Rliomboliedral Emerald, or Phenakitc. 4. Dirhombohedral Emerald {Precious Emerald or Smooth Emerald J and Beryl or Striated Emerald), Genus VI. Quartz. Rhombobedral. Prismatic. Amorphous. Cleavage not axotomous. Hardness = 5.5 — 7.5. Sp. gr. = 1.9 — • 2.7. 1. Prismatic Quartz, or lolite. 2. Rhombohedral Quartz, or Rock- crystal {Common Quartz j S^c). 3. Uncleavable Quartz, or Opal. 4. Empyrodox Quartz {Obsidian, Pitchstone, Pumice, (Sfc). Genus VH. Axinite. Tetarto-prismatic. Cleavage imperfect. Colour not inclined to yellow. Hardness = 6.5 — 7.0. Sp. gr. = 3.0 — 3.3. 1. Prismatic Axinite. Genus VHI. Chrysolite. Prismatic and Hemiprismatic. Cleavage very imperfect. Colour green, brown ; both inclining to yellow ; yellow. Pure vitreous lustre. Hardness = 6.5 — 7.0. Sp. gr. = 3.1 — 3.5. 1. Prismatic Chrysolite or Common Chrysolite. 2. Hemiprismatic Chrysolite, or Chondrodite. Genus IX. Boracite. Tessular. Hardness = 7.0. Sp. gr. = 2.8 — 3.0. 1. Tetrahedral Boracite. Genus X. Tourmaline. Rhombohedral. Cleavage imperfect. Hardness = 7.0 — 7.5. Sp. gr. = 3.0 — 3.2. 1. Rhombohedral Tourmaline. Genus XI. Garnet. Tessular. Pyramidal. Prismatic. Cleavage imperfect or pris- matoidal. Hardness = 6.0 — 7.5. Sp. gr. = 3.1 — 4.3. 1. Pyramidal Garnet, or Vesuvian. 2. Tetrahedral Garnet, or Hel- vine. 8. Dodecahedral Garnet {Precious Garnet, d:c.). 4. Hexa- hedral Garnet, or Pyrope. 5. Prismatoidal Garnet, or Grenatlte. Genus XII. Zircon. Pyramidal. Hardness = 7.5, Sp. gr. =^4.5—4.7* I. Pyramidal Zircon. Arrangement of Minerals. 363 Ca IMEetalliferous IVIincralsa Minerals in which metals, generally the chief constituents, are in the native state, or combined with oxygen or sulphur. Order I. ORE, or OXIDE. Metallic, black ; not metallic. Streak not green, not blue. Hardness = 2.0 — • 7.0. Sp. gr. = 3.4 — 8.0, Genus I. Titanium-Ore. TessuUir. Pyramidal. Hemiprismatic. Streak white — pale (not yellowish) brown. Hardness = 5.0 — 6.5. Sp. gr. = 3.4 — 4.4. 1. Prismatic Titanium- Ore (Sphene). 2. Octahedral Titanium-Ore {Pyrochlore). 8. Peritomous Titanium-Ore (Titane oaryde). 4. Pyramidal Titanium- Ore {Anatase). Genus H. Zinc-Obe, — Red Oxide of Zinc. Prismatic. Streak orange-yellow. Hardness =4.0 — 4.5. Sp. gr. = 5.4 — 5.5. 1. Prismatic Zinc-Ore. Genus HI. Red Copper-Ore. Tessular. Streak brownish-red. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 5.6 — 6.1. 1. Octahedral Red Copper-Ore. Genus IV. Tin-Ore — Oxide of Tin. Pyramidal. Streak not black. Hardness = 6.0 — 7.0. Sp. gr. = 6.3 — 7.1. 1. Pyramidal Tin-Ore. Genus V. Tantalum-Ore. Prismatic and Hemiprismatic. Streak brownish-black. Hardness = 6.0 — 6.5. Sp. gr. = 6.3 — 8.0. 1. Prismatic Tantalum-Ore {Tantalite from Kimito), 2. Hemipris- matic Tantalum-Ore {Tantalite from Bodenmais. Kolombite, Gust. Rose.) Genus VI. Wolfram- Ore. Hemiprismatic. Streak reddish-brown, dark. Hardness = 5.0 — 5.5. =7.1— 7.4. 1. Prismatic Wolfram^ or Tungstate of Iron. Genus VII. Uranium-Ore, Amorphous. Streak black. Hardness = 5.5. Sp. gr. = 6.4 — 6.6. 1. Uncleavable Uranium-Ore (PecAcrar, W. Urane oxydule, U.) 364 Arrangement of Minerals, Genus VIII. Cerium-Ore. Amorphous. Streak white. Hardness = 5.5. Sp. gr. 4.9 — 5.0. 1. Uncleavable Cerium-Ore. Genus IX. Chrome-Ore. Tessular. Streak brown. Hardness = 5.5. Sp. gr. = 4.4 — 4.5 1. Octahedral Chrome-Ore. Genus X. Iron-Ore. Tessular. Rhombohedral. Streak red, dark brown, black. Hard- ness = 5.0 — 6.5. Sp. gr. = 4.4 — 5.3. 1. Axotomous Iron-Ore {Titanitic Iron of Gastein), 2. Hexahedral Iron-Ore (^Magnetic Iron-sand. Iserine). 3. Octahedral Iron- Ore {^Magnetic Iron-ore, Black Iron-ore), 4. Dodecahedral Iron-Ore {Franklinite), 5. Rhombohedral Iron-Ore {Iron- glance, Bed Iron-ore), Genus XI. Brown Iron- Ore. Prismatic. Amorphous. Streak yellowish-brown. Hardness = 4.5 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 3.4 — 4.3. 1. Prismatic Brown Iron-Ore. 2. Prismatoidal Brown Iron-Ore. 3. Uncleavable Brown Iron-Ore {Stilpnosiderite). Genus XII. Melane-Ore. Pyramidal. Prismatic. Hemiprismatic, and Tetarto- prismatic. Colour black. Streak grey, brown, black. Hardness = 5.0 — 7.0. Sp. gr. =3.4 — 5.9. 1. Anorthitic Melane-Ore {Allanite). 2. Hemiprismatic Melane- Ore (GadoHnite), 3. Diprismatic Melane-Ore {Lievrite). 4. f Prismatic Melane-Ore {Polymignite). 5. Dystomous Melane- Ore {Mschynite). G. Pyramidal Melane-Ore {Ferguso7iite), 7. Prismatoidal Melane-Ore {Cerine). Genus XIII. Manganese-Ore. Pyramidal. Prismatic. Amorphous. Streak dark (not yellow- ish), brown, black. Does not affect the magnet. Hardness = 2.0 — 6.5. Sp. gr. =4.0 — 4.9. 1. Pyramidal or Black Manganese-Ore {Manganese oxyde hydrate, H.Hausmannite). 2. Brachytypous Manganese-Ore {Braunite). 3. Uncleavable Manganese-Ore {Psilomelane). 4. Prismatoidal Manganese-Ore {Grey Manganese- Ore). 6. Prismatic Man- ganese-Ore {Pyrolusite), Order II. METAL, or NATIVE METAL. Metallic. Not lead-grey, not black. Hardness = 0.0 — 7.0. =5.7 — 20.0. Arrangement of Minerals, 365 Genus I. Arsenic. Rhombohedral. Colour tin-white. Hardness = 3.5. Sp. gr. == 5.7 — 5.8. 1. Rhombohedral Arsenic. Genus II. Tellurium. Tessular, rhombohedral. Colour tin-white. Not ductile. Hard- ness = 2.0 — 3.5. Sp. gr. = 6.1 — 8.6. 1. Rhombohedral Tellurium {Native Tellurium). 2. Uncleavable Tellurium {Argentiferous Tellurium). 3. Hexahedral Tellurium {Plumbiferous Tellurium). Genus III. Antimony. Rhombohedral. Prismatic. Colour white, but not inclining to red. Not ductile. Hardness =3.0—3.5. Sp. gr. = 6.5 — 10.0 1. Rbombohedral Antimony, or Native Antimony. 2. Prismatic Antimony, or Antimonial Silver. Genus IV. Bismuth. Tessular. Cleavage perfect. Colour silver-white, inclining'to red. Not ductile. Hardness = 2.0 -— 2.5. Sp. gr. = 9-6, 9.8. 1. .Octahedral Bismuth. Genus V. Mercury. Tessular ; liquid ; not cleavable. Colour white. Not malleable. Hardness = 0.0—3.5. Sp. gr. = 10.5 — 15.0. 1. Dodecahedral Mercury, or Natural Amalgam. 2. Fluid Mercury. Genus VI. Silver. Tessular. Uncleavable. Colour silver-white. Ductile. Hard- ness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. = 1 0 — 11 .0. 1. Hexahedral Silver. Genus VII. Gold. Tessular. Colour gold-yellow. Hardness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. 12.0 — 20.0. 1. Hexahedral Gold. Genus VIII. Iridium. Rhombohedral. Easily cleavable. Colour light steel-grey. Duc- tile. Hardness = 7.0. Sp. gr. = 19.0 — 20.0. 1 . Rhombohedral Iridium. Genus IX. Palladium. Tessular. Colour steel-grey. Ductile. Harduess = 4.6 — 5.0, =11.5—12.5. 1. Hexahedral Palladium. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII.— -OCTOBER 1841. A a 366 Arrangement of Minerals. Genu3 X. Platina. Tessular. Uncleavable. Colour steel-grey. Ductile. Hard- ness 4.0 — 4.5. Sp. gr. = 16.0 — 20.0. Genus XI. Iron. Tessular. Colour pale steel-grey. Hardness = 4.5. Sp. gr. = 7.4 — 7.8. 1. Octahedral Iron. Genus XII, Coppeb. Tessular. Colour copper-red. Hardness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr. = 8.4 — 8.9. 1. Octahedral Copper. Order HI. PYRITES. Metallic. Not lead-grey, not black. Streak black. Hard- ness = 3.0 ^ 6.5. Sp. gr. =z 4.1 — 7.7. Genus I. Nickel-Pyrites, or Copper-Nickel. Arsenical Nickel. f Prismatic. Colour copper-red. Hardness = 5.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 7.5 — 7.7. 1. Prismatic Nickel-Pyrites. Genus II. Arsenical Pyrites. Prismatic. Colour not inclining to red. Hardness =: 5.0 — 6.0. =5.7 — 7.4. 1. Axotomous Arsenical Vyntes {^Fer Arsenical, "E..^ 2. Prismatic Arsenical Pyrites {Fer Arsenical, H.) . Genus III. Cobalt-Pyrites. Tessular. Colour white, inclining to steel grey or red ; steel-grey. Hardness = 5.0 — 5.5. Sp. gr. = 6.1 — 6.Q. 1. Octahedral, or Tin-White Cobalt-Pyrites {Cobalt Arsenical, H.) 2. Hexahcdrab or Silver-White Cobalt Pyrites {Cobalt gr is, H.) S. Isometric Cobalt Pyrites {Kobaltkies), 4. Eutomous Cobalt- Pyrites {Nickelspies-glaserz, Hausmann). Genus IV. Iron-Pyrites. Tessular. Rbombohedral. Prisniatic. Colour yellow, sometimes in- clining to copper-red. Hardness = 3.5 — 6.5. Sp. gr. = 4.4 — 5.05. 1. Hexahedral Iron-Pyrites. 2. Prismaticlron- Pyrites. 3. Rhom- bohedral or Magnetic-Iron-Pyritcs, Arrangement of Minerals, 367 Genus V. Copper-Pvrites. Tessular. Pyramidal. Colour brass-yellow, copper-red. Hard- ness = 3.0 — 4.0. Sp. gr. 4.1— 5.1. 1, Octahedral Copper-Pyrites {Variegated or Purple Copper), 2. Pyramidal Copper-Pyrites, {Yellow Copper-Pyrites). Order IV. GLANCE. Metallic. Colour grey, black, brown. Hardness = 1.0 — 4.0. =4.2 — 8.5. Genus I. Copper-Glance (Dystom Glance, Mohs), Tessular. Rhombohedral. Prismatic, and Hemiprismatic Colour steel-grey, sometimes inclining to yellow, blackish lead-grey, iron- black. Cleavage imperfect, not axotomous. Brittle. Hardness = 2.5 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 4.3 — 5.8. 1. Hexahedral Copper-Glance {Stanniferous Copper-Glance, Bell- Metal Ore. Zinnkies, W.) 2. Tetrahedral Copper-Glance {Grey Copper. Fahlerz,W. Schwarzerz,W, Cuivre gris, H.) 3. Dodecahedral Copper-Glance {Tennantite). 4. Prismatoidal Copper-Glance {Antimonial Copper- Glance). 5. Diprismatic Copper-Glance {Bournonite. Schwarz Spiesglaserz, W. Plomb Sulphure Antimonifere, H. Endellione. Triple Sulphuret).* Genus H. Vitreous Copper. Prismatic. Cleavage imperfect, not axotomous. Colour blackish lead-grey. Streak more or less shining. Very sectile. Hardness = 2.5 — 3.0. Sp. gr 5.5 — 6.3. 1. Prismatic Vitreous Copper. {Kvpferglas, W.) Jl. Isometric Vi- treous Copper. {Silberkupferglanz, Hausmann). Genus HI. Silver-Glance. Tessular. Colour blackish lead-grey. Malleable. Hardness = 2.0 ^ 2.5. Sp. gr. = 6.9 — 7.2. 1. Hexahedral Silver Glance. {Argent Sulphure , H.) Genus IV. Lead-Glance. Tessular. Colour pure lead-grey. Sectile. Hardness = 2.5. Sp. gr. =6.8 — 7.6. 1. Hexahedral Lead-Glance. {Plomb Sulphure, H.) 2. Octahedral Lead-Glance. {Steinmannite, Zippe.) Genus V. Eutomous Glance.j Pyramidal. Rhombohedral. Prismatic. Cleavage monotomous, very * Zinkenite and Plagionite are placed in this genus by Mohs. f Euionwus (from w, easily f and rt^vw. to ckave), cleavage easily effected. 3G8 Arrangement of Minerals, perfect. Colour lead-grey, steeUgrey, pinchbeck-brown. In thin plates flexible ; elastic. Hardness = 1 .0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 4.2 — 8.5. 1. Elastic EiUomous Glance. {Molyhddns'ilher , W.) 2. Pyramidal Eutomous Glance. {^Tellurc natif Auro-plomhifere, H.) 3. Rhom- bohcdral Eutomous Glance. {Tetradymite, Haid. Markasit- glanz, Br.) 4. Dirhombohedral Eutomous Glance (Molybdena- glance. Molybdene Sulphure, H.) 6. Prismatic Eutomous Glance. {Sternbergite, Haid.) Genus VI. Bismuth-Glance. Prismatic. Colour lead-grey. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. z= 6.1 — 6.8. If the colour is blackish lead-grey, the Sp. gr. is = 6.7 and more ; if pure lead -grey, the Sp. gr. = 6.4, and less. 1. Prismatic Bismuth-Glance. {Bismuth Sulphure, H.) 2. Prisma- toidal Bismuth-Glance. {Nadelerz, W. .Bismuth Sulphure Flombo-cuprifere, H.) Genus VII. Antimony-Glance. Prismatic. Colour steel- grey, pure lead-grey. Cleavage perfect. Hardness = 1.5 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 4.2 — 5.8. If the sp. gr. 5.3, the hardness = 2.0, and easily broken when in thin plates. If sp. gr. above 5.3, colour is steel -grey, not inclining to lead-grey. 1. Prismatic Antimony-Glance. {Tellure natif awo-argentifere, H.) 2. Prismatoidal Antimony-Glance, or Grey Antimony. (Com- mon Ore of Antimony. Antimoine Sulphure, H.) 3. Axoto- mous Antimony-Glance, or Jamesonite {StahlantimonglanZj Br.) 4. Peritomous Antimony-Glance {Sulphuret of Silver and Anti- mony, Philhps). Genus VIII. Melane-Glance. Rhombohedral. Prismatic. Colour iron-black. Streak unchanged. Hardness =: 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 5.9 — 6.4. 1. Rhombohedral Melane-Glance. {Sprodglaserz, W. Polybasite, G. Rose.) 2. Prismatic Melane-Glance. {Sprodglaserz, VY. Argent antimonie sulphure noir, H.) Order V. BLENDE. Metallic, black ; not metallic. Streak green, red, orange, brown — white. Hardness = 1.0 — 5.0. Sp. gr. = 2.8 — - 8.2. Genus I. Manganese-Blende. Tessular. Streak green. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. Sp. gr. = 3.9 — 4.05. 1. Hexahedral Manganese-blende {Manganese sulphur^). Genus II. Bismuth-Blende, or Diamond Blende. Tessular, Streak white. Hardness = 4.5 — 5.0. Sp. gr, = 5.8 — 6.0. Arrangement of Minerals. 369 1. Dodecahedral Bismuth-Blende ( PTumM^AWoK/e of BreWiaupt, Arsenikwismuthy in part, of Werner). Genus III. Cadmium Blende. Rhombohedral. Streak orange-yellow. Hardness =3.5. Sp. gr. 2.8. 1. Rhombohedral Cadmium Blende or Grecnockitc, Jam. {^Sulphurct of Cadmium, Con.) Genus IV. Zinc-Blende, or Garnet-Blende. Tessular. Streak white — reddish-brown. Hardness = 3.5 — 4.0. =4.0 — 4.2. 1. Dodecahedral Garnet-Blende {^Zinc sulphure, H.) Genus V. Antimony-Blende — Purple Blende. Hemiprismatic. Streak cherry-red. Hardness = 1.0 — 1.5. Sp. gr. = 4.5 — 4.6. 1. Prismatic Antimony-Blende {Red Antimony. Antimoine ojcyd^ sulphure, H.). Genus VI. Ruby-Blende. Rhombohedral. Hemiprismatic. Streak red. Hardness = 2.0 ^ 2.5. Sp. gr. = 5.2 — 8.2. 1. Rhombohedral Rubj-Blende {Ruby Silver. Argent antimonie sulphure, H. Rothgiltigerz, W.) 2. Hemiprismatic Ruby-Blende {Rothgiltigerz, W. Myargyrite, R.) 3. Peritomous Ruby- Blende {Cinnabar. Mercure sulphure, H. Zinnober, W.). Order VI. SULPHUR. Not metallic. Colour red, yellow, brown. Streak red, yellow — white. Hardness = 1.5 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.9 — 3.6; Genus I. Orpiment. Prismatoidal. Hemiprismatic. Streak lemon-yellow, orange -yel- low, aurora-red. Hardness = 1.5 — 2.0. Sp. gr. = 3.4 — 3.6. 1. Prismatoidal Orpiment {Yellow Orpiment. Yellow sulphuret of Arsenic. Arsenic sulphure jaunc. Gelbes Rauschgelb). 2. He- miprismatic Orpiment {Red Orpiment or Realgar. Red sulphuret of arsenic. Arsenic sulphure rouge. Rothes Rauschgelb). Genus II. Sulphur. Prismatic. Streak white — sulphur-yellow. Hardness =1.5 — 2.5. Sp. gr= 1.9 — 2.1. 1. Prismatic Sulphur {Common Sulphur. Soufrc, H. Natiirlichcr Schwqfel, W.). 370 Arrangement of Minerals. CLASS III. Characters of the Class. — Specific gravity less than 1.8. If liquid, the smell is bituminous. If solid, is tasteless. Order I. RESIN. Fluid and solid. Hardness = 0.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 0.8 ~- 1.6. If sp. gr. = 1.2 and more, the streak is white or grey. Genus I. Mellite, or Honeystone. Pyramidal. Streak white. Hardness = 2.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.4 — 1.6. 1. Pyramidal Mellite. {Mellate of alumina). Genus II. Mineral Resin. Amorphous. Hardness = 0.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 0.8 — 1.6. If the sp. gr. = 1.4 and more, the streak is white. 1. Yellow Mineral Resin, {Amber). 2. Brown Mineral Resin {Idrialite of Schr otter). 8. Black Mineral Resin {Naphtha, Pe- troleanij Asphaltum or Mineral Pitchy S^c.) Order II. COAL. Solid. Streak brown, black. Hardness — 1.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. =1.2 — 1.6. If the sp. gr. =1.4 and more, the streak is black, and with- out considerable lustre. Genus I. Mineral Coal. Form irregular. Hardness = 1.0 — 2.5. Sp. gr. = 1.2 — 1.6. 1. Bituminous Mineral Coal {Brown Coal and Black Coal). 2. Non- bituminous Mineral {Anthracite, or Glance-Coal). ( 371 ) On Parasites, Animal and Vegetable, occurring in Living Be* ings ; and especially of a Cryptogamous Plant grorving in the Air-Ceils of an Eider-Duckf and destroying it. The subject of parasites, animal and vegetable, occurring in living beings, including man himself, has lately attracted much attention on the continent of Europe, and is so highly curious and important, that we must, in a few words, bring it under the notice of our readers. The vast extent of the sub- ject may be learned by a glance at M. Eschricht's memoir, on a previous page, where the author states that the Fauna Pa- rasitica alone surpasses in amount all the other fauna put to- gether ; and its interest and deep importance may be esti- mated by endeavouring to trace the origin and effects of these parasites : — as of the Fllaria in the aqueous and other humours of the eye of horses, and of man ; — of the Strongylus injtexi, nestling in the lungs, and there producing pulmonary con- sumption, in the porpoise ; — of th^ Distoma hepatlcum, so de- structive in the rot ; and the Cvenurus cerebralis in the sturdy or gid of sheep. With regard to vegetable parasites, science has been much indebted to the laborious investigations of M. Audouin, who has presented two memoirs to the French Aca- demy of Sciences, concerning the Miiscardine,-^a. scourge which attacks the silk- worm, and creates the most serious alarm among those interested in this trade. Attention was first directed to this point by the discovery, in 1835, of M* Bassi of Lodi, and of his fellow-countryman M. Balsamo, a botanist of Milan, of the vegetable nature of that whitish mat- ter which covers the dead body of Bomhyx mori at the termi- nation of the malady above referred to, and which has long been known. M. Bassi, being desirous to obtain the opinion of M. Audouin on the matter, sent him a chrysalis of a silk-worm which had been destroyed by the muscardine. During the years 1836 and 1837, the French physiologist made numerous researches into the history of this plague, and proceeded in de- veloping, in an anatomical, physiological, and pathological point of view, all the phenomena which occur in the invasion, progress, and termination of the disease. He also followed 372 On Parasites, Animal and Vegetable^ throughout its most minute details, the metamorphoses of the greasy tissue of the insect into the radicle or thallus of the new cryptogamous plant, the Botrytis bassiana^ which assured- ly is the alone cause of the malady. The memoirs of M. Au- douin have been honourably mentioned in a report of the Aca- demy, drawn by M. Dutrochet, and his conclusions approved of. M. Audouin, a few months ago, received a letter from his friend M. Eudes Deslonchamps, Professor of Zoology at Caen, which he read to the French Academy, and in which an ac- count is given of the growth of a cryptogamous plant in the air-cells of a duck, which rapidly killed it. The particulars of this interesting case we shall now supply. In the month of December 1839, Dr Blot, whose residence is not far from the sea, was presented with an eider-duck which had recently been captured in a trap ; and whose plumage shewed it to be either a female or a young male. It was very gentle, and was put into the poultry-yard, where it was soon at home with its new companions. It was almost always in the water ; and when its pond was frozen over, the ice was broken for its ac- commodation. In the spring it moulted, and then proved to be a young male. Three weeks or a month before its death it appeared less active than usual ; it ate less, and resorted but seldom to teh pond. Presently it was observed frequently to stretch its neck and extend its wings as if it had difficulty in breathing, and speedily this difficulty became urgent, the poor creature supporting its wings on the ground, and making great efforts to force the air into its chest. When it was lifted up, the strong muscular exertions it made for breath were distinctly felt. At the same time it was perceived that, from being very fat, it was gradually becoming exceedingly lean. On the 2d of July 1840, Dr Blot missed the eider-duck from the poultry- yard, and on going in search found it in its nest, whither it retired every night, and where it was still warm. The same day it was sent to M. Deslonchamps, who, on the moment, un- dertook its dissection. His purpose was to examine the heart and great vessels ; and he took every precaution that no part should be injured. The air-cells were immediately opened freely, and his surprise was great on finding them lined with occurring in Living Beings, 373 numerous spots of mould or mildew. The majority of these spots were round, and somewhat elevated, especially at the centre. They were of different sizes ; from a line to the tenth of a line. The largest had an irregular circumference, which was evidently the result of the confluence of several neigh- bouring spots, whose projecting centres shewed the different spots whence they had originally sprung. Although most nu- merous on the parietes of the chest, the mouldy spots were found throughout the whole extent of the air-cells, including the loins ; also upon the intestines, the bones of the pelvis, and in the air-vessels of the anterior extremities. None were to be found upon the pericardium, nor within the large blood- vessels ; nor were there any in the trachea, nor in the larynx, but they abounded in those bronchial tubes which traversed the lungs to communicate with the air-cells. The^air-tubes of the left side were all clothed with old mouldiness, of mature growth, for the sporules were completely developed, of a deep dirty green colour, and united in capitula, which were support- ed on straight filaments. It appeared that none of these ra- mifications of the bronchiae, which terminated in the substance of the lungs, were covered with the mould ; and the lungs, though somewhat gorged with blood, were quite permeable to air. floated when plunged into water, and contained neither tubercles nor ulcerations. From the advanced state of the growth of the mould in the left bronchiae, it was inferred that the disease commenced in these parts, and thence gradually extended to the right bronchiae, in which the spots appeared quite recent, and almost colourless. The membrane which corresponded to the serous one of the thorax and abdomen, and of their contained organs, and which is also a prolongation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchiae, was found, under the large and old spots of mould, to be thick, red, and conspicuously injected with blood. A large piece of this sero-mucous membrane was detached by dissection, and placed, with its face external, upon a round body, that the mould might more easily be examined, and it was then found that the spots could very readily be entirely separated from it. Interposed, however, between the sero- mucous membrane and the minute Cryptogamia, there was a 374 On Parasites, Animal and VegetdbUy distinct layer, yellowish, elastic, very thin at the circumfe- rence, and thicker towards the centre, especially of the older and larger spots, which formed a kind of soil for the minute plants. The adherence of this yellow layer to the membrane, although close, appeared to be neither cellular nor vascular, but to result from the juxtaposition of two minutely granular substances having a reciprocal configuration, a mode of ad- hesion this which closely corresponds with that of the epi- dermis to the interior membrane of the gizzard of birds, and which may be broken up in the same way. These layers did not appear to have any organization. When put into boiling water, and into nitric acid, they were not dissolved ; they ap- peared of the nature of albumen, true false membranes, the result of the irritation of the vascular and living membrane to which they adhered, and which secreted them. Under the larger layers of mould, the sero-mucous membrane had nearly a uniform redness and thickness. Under the smaller was seen, towards the centre, a vascular net-work highly deve- loped, and surrounded with a zone in w^hich the vessels could scarcely be perceived ; beyond this zone the vascular ramifi- cations became visible, and less crowded than towards the centre. The albuminous layer did not extend beyond the ex- ternal circumference of the zone. This mould, examined by means of the convex lens and microscope, appears to consist of transparent inarticulated filaments, slightly, or not at all, ramified, and forming an in- extricable felt closer and finer near the centre of the albumi- nous layer, where they are scarcely one-eightieth of a line in diameter, whilst near the external surface of the spot they are nearly double the size. There everywhere exists throughout this felted mass a great number of small globular or ovoid vesicles, whose diameter is the same as that of the filaments, which are undoubtedly the sporules ; they are white on those parts of the adventitious growth which are white, and of a greenish ash-colour in those places where this tint prevails. In the more crowded parts of the felt the sporules fill the inter- stices, while in the less crowded they are ranged in succession one upon another, sometimes on one side only, at others on the opposite sides of each filament. On a few of the older occurring in Living Beings, 375 spots of mildew a certain number of the filaments, which were erect, were isolated from the felt, and terminated by a round- ish agglomeration of greenish sporules. In subjecting these straight filaments to a high power of the microscope, it was noticed that some of them supported sporules with a capitu- lum, whilst others terminated in a flat margined disk, which appeared to be the mode in which those filaments terminated which had lost their sporules. Sometimes these filaments ap- proximated each other, and formed irregular meshes at the surface of the spots of mildew, sometimes they looked like cylindrical masses. After the most careful examination it could never be discovered that any thing like rooty fibres pene- trated into the albuminous layers. Many questions here naturally occur concerning the rela- tions which must subsist between the mould and the false membrane which supports it. Is it developed after the mem- brane has been secreted, and find in it a substance of organic origin, though not living, which is analogous to that upon which it is so often developed in the open air I or does the mould precede the formation of the false membrane, which is only the result of the irritation produced at the surface of the normal membrane, and owes its life to the roots of the mil- dew l or, finally, are the mould and false membrane propa- gated simultaneously I This last method appears the most probable, 1*^, Because no spot of false membrane was ever noticed which was not also covered with mould ; and 2d, Be- cause no mould was ever seen which was not separated from the natural surface by a false membrane, whose consistence al- ways corresponded with the extent and age of the Cryptogamia. Hence it would appear that whenever a sporule of mould, or the propagating cause of this singular vegetation whatever it may be, was attached to the surface of the living membrane, the spot, being excited, immediately became the site of an albuminous deposit upon which the mould began to grow, ex- tending its fibriles towards an indefinite circumference, and inducing the formation of a false membrane from the normal one, whose extension corresponded with that of the plant ; the addition of new albuminous layers from beneath explains the increased thickness of the central parts of the false membrane. 376 Successful Ascent of the Jungfrau. It also appears clear, that the vegetable matter has no imme- diate connection with the living animal tissue ; there is no en- grafting, soldering, prolongation, or implantation of the one into the other. In the Muscardine already noticed, or rather the Crjptoga- mia, which constitute that malady, M. Audouin has demon- strated, that the vegetable fibres develope themselves by their radicles, or rather, more accurately, their thallus, which grows at the expense of the greasy tissue of the silk-worm, destroy- ing its globules, and ere long entirely occupying its place, so producing the sudden death of the animal, and the hardening of its body ; whilst, in the singular case now before us, the interposition of an animal substance which is 'not living, ap- pears to be necessary ere the vegetable matter springs up and flourishes. There seem lesser differences in these interesting cases of the method in which vegetable parasites prove de- structive to animal life. Corresponding differences have long been noted in the injury inflicted by animal parasites ; and these hints concerning this wide and most important subject, abun- dantly demonstrate what a wide field lies open for the inves- tigation of the student of nature. Notice of Professor Forbes and Agassiz' successful Ascent of the Jungfrau. Our distinguished and enterprising friend and colleague Professor Forbes, along with Agassiz and others, have made a successful ascent on the great Swiss mountain the Jungfrau, whose summit is 13,720 feet above the level of the sea. Pro- fessor Forbes, being desirous to traverse the vast ice^^Jelds which separate Grindelwald and the Vallais, requested Agassiz, with whom he had been bivouacking for some time amongst the Swiss glaciers, to accompany him across the Ober-Aar glacier (which unites by a Col of 11,000 feet with that of Viesch), and those of Veiscli and Aletsch. To this Agassiz agreed, and pro- posed to add an attempt to ascend the Jungfrau, a proposal which wad readily assented to. Successful Ascent of the Jungfrau, 377 Of six travellers and seven guides who formed the party, four of each reached the top, viz., of the former MM. Forbes, Agassiz, Desor, and Duehatelies ; of the latter," Jacob Leut- vold (who ascended the Finster Aarhorn), Johann Jaunon, Melchior, Bauholzer, and Andreas Aplaualp. They left the Grimsel on the morning of the 27th August last (1841), as- cended the whole length of the Ober-Aar Glacier, and de- scended the greater part of that of Viesch. Crossing a Col to the right, they slept at the Chalets of Aletsch, near the lake of that name figured in Agassiz's Glacier Views. This was twelve hours' hard walking, the descent of the glaciers being difficult and fatiguing. Next day the party started at six a. m., having been unable sooner to procure a ladder to cross the crevices, and traversed the upper part of the glacier of Aletsch in its whole extent for four and a half hours, until the ascent of the Jungfrau began. The party crossed with precaution extensive and steep fields of fresh snow, concealing crevices till they came to one, which opened vertically, and behind which an excessive- ly steep wall of hardened snow rose. The crevices being crossed with the ladder, they ascended the snow without much danger, owing to its consistency. After some similar walking, they gained the Col, which separates the Aletsch glacier from the Roth thai (on the side of Lauterbrunnen, by which the ascent has usually been attempted). Thus the party, although now at a height of between 12,000 and 13,000 feet, had by far the hardest and most perilous part of the ascent to accomplish. The whole upper part of the mountain presented a steep inclined surface of what seemed snow, but which soon ap- peared to be hard ice. This slope was not less than 800 or 900 feet in perpendicular height, and its surface (which Pro- fessor Forbes measured carefully several times with a clino- meter) in many places rose at 45°, and in few much less. We know well, as all alpine travellers do, what an inclined surface of 45° is to walk up. Of course, every step our tra- vellers took was cut with the hatchet, and the slope termi- nated below on both sides in precipices some thousand feet high. After very severe exertion, they reached the top of this great mountain at four p. m. The summit was so small, that but one person could stand on it at once, and that not until the snow had been flattened. The party returned, as it came up 378 On Sepulchral Bemains of Ancient Nations step by step, and backwards, and arrived at the Chalets of Aletsch, and by beautiful moonlight, at half-past 11 at night. We may add, that the ascent of the Jungfrau was performed in the year 1812 by two guides, who were accompanied by Messrs Meyer, not by the Meyers themselves. In 1829, two of several Grindelwald peasants reached the top, after having been three days out. These are the only ascents up to this time. On Sepulchral Bemains of Ancient Nations dispersed through the North of Europe. The following observations, which have just appeared in Dr Pritchard's new work, were occasioned by the publication of a drawing, taken from the cast of a skull in the collection of the Royal College of Surgeons of London. The cast was pre- sented to the College by Professor Eschricht of Copenhagen, together with a learned and interesting memoir on the sepul- chral remains of ancient races in Denmark, and the neighbour- ing countries, published in the " Danske Folkeblad." The cast is that of a cranium discovered in a burrow in the isle of Moen, which appears from Professor Eschricht's account to be a good specimen of a great number of skulls found in simi- lar situations. The memoir which accompanied it gives much curious information on the subject of the sepulchral remains dispersed over the north of Europe. ''■ The comparison of the remains/' says Dr Pritchard, ^' with the nu- merous relicts of a like description spread through the British Isles^, and with the contents of innumerable tumuli existing in the north of Russia, and particularly along the banks of the great rivers of Siberia, may here- after throw an important light on the ancient history and ethnography of all these regions. Professor Eschricht's memoir communicates some in- teresting facts, which may suggest the topics of future inquir3^ "Over many parts of Denmark are scattered earthen mounds, which are termed in the country ' Jettehoie,' or Giant's tombs. They are re- garded as relicts of the olden time. Their vast number proves, says the author, that they were not raised during one age, and history records that the custom of erecting mounds over the dead prevailed in the north of Europe for many centuries previous to the introduction of the Christian religion. That these monuments belonged to different ages is further dispersed through the North of Europe, 379 evinced by the difference of their structure, and of the relicts of ancient art which have been discovered in them. For a long period of time it seems to have been customary to deposit in these graves burnt bodies, or merely collections of burnt bones in earthen vessels : but this was not the oldest custom, nor was it universally prevalent; we sometimes find bones in earthen vessels in the same graves with entire skeletons. With the dead it was usual to bury various articles, such as his weapons, work- ing tools, ornaments, and some religious tokens, probably amulets, fetlsses, or talismans. In the later pagan times such things were of bronze, some- times of gold, seldom of silver or iron ; in the more ancient times, the ornaments were generally of amber, and the weapons and implements of stone or bone, seldom, perhaps never, of metal. This circumstance fur- nishes the ground for distinguishing the sepulchral remains of the north- ern land as belonging to different chronological eras. '* Now, as we are obliged to admit that iron was known to the nations of Gothic or German race who inhabited Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, from an early age, and who were the ancestors of the present Swedes and Danes, we mugt refer the existence of the earliest class of these remains to a period ending two thousand years ago, and reaching back not only be- yond authentic historical memorials, but even beyond the earliest tradi- tions. It is evident that they belonged to a people older than the Danes. Who were this people ? The early traditions speak of giants, elfs, the hereditary enemies of the Goths ; and it is highly probable that under these names were designated that ancient race whose indefatigable indus- try supplied the want of metal. As historj^ gives little information, a re- search into the contents of the sepulchral mounds themselves seems to be the only resource for elucidating'this question. " Though many of these graves have been opened, and in some not fewer than twenty skeletons have been discovered, there is yet not one entire skeleton in any museum in Denmark. " In the summer of 1836, M. Hageof Stege, in the Isle of Moen, or- dered two mounds to be opened, which were situated close together near Byen. The style and contents of these burrows prove that they belonged to the oldest period of similar remains. An opening in the southern end of each mound affords an entrance to a narrow passage, which leads into a chamber in the centre of the mound ; the passages, as well as the chamber, are formed by means of rough stones of a flat shape. The se- pulchral chambers are fourteen or sixteen ells long, between four and five broad, and two ells and a half high." " From this account, it would appear that these oldest • Jettehoie,* or * Gravhoie,' in the Danish islands, bear a close resemblance to our long sepulchral burrows in Britain. Some of them contain, as it seems, ten or even twenty human skeletons. Three skulls were procured by Professor Eschricht from one of the tumuli above mentioned. They are described and figured in the memoir, and the cast sent to the museum was taken from one of them. Professor Eschricht afterwards compared these skulls. 380 On the Sepulchral Remains of Ancient Nations and the relics of art found in the same burrows, with several extensive collections of similar remains in the Danish museums, particularly with the contents of sepulchral mounds near Hellested in Sjaelland. The re- sult seems to be, that the shape of the skulls is very similar in all the tombs which belong to the first age, or that of stone implements. In these tumuli, there are numerous ornaments of amber, weapons of stone and of bone, but no relics that indicate the knowledge of metals among the people who deposited them. These tumuli are very numerous, and extensively spread, shewing that the tribe to which they belonged were for ages the sole inhabitants of the northern countries. In a series of burrows different from those described, ornaments, such as rings of gold, sometimes of copper or of bronze, make their appearance ; and these be- long evidently to a much later period of paganism. A third age succeeds, which is that of iron instruments and weapons. The people, whose relics are found in these last, are supposed to have been th(j ancestors of the Danes, namely of the Jutic, Gothic, or Germano-Scandinavian race. " We still want more precise information as to the osteological character of the skeletons found in these different series of tumuli, and the memoir contains no account of those which belong to the two latest periods. On the remains found in tumuli of the earliest class some interesting remarks are to be found in Professor Eschricht's memoir; but these are scarcely sufficient to satisfy all doubts as to the important ethnological question, to what people they belonged } The author supposes they were ^ a Caucasian race.' He draws this inference from the spherical form of the head and its considerable development, and from the shape of the nasal bones, which, as he says, are arched, indicating a prominent or aquiline nose. On the other hand, he mentions characters which belong to the Finnish nations rather than to Indo-Europeans. He says that the orbits of the eyes were small and deeply set under the eyebrows, so that the eye must have been deeply set, with strong prominent eyebrows : there is a considerable depression of the nasal bones between the orbits. These are characteristics of the Finnish race. A still stronger feature of resem- blance to some of the Lappish, Finnish, and many kindred races, is the lateral projection of the zygoma, giving to the skull much of that pyra- midal form, which is so remarkable a feature of the Turanian nations. This will be perceived by the reader on inspecting the annexed engrav- ing,* which was taken from the cast, though it is not perceptible in the profile or in the front view, neither of them affording aspects of the skull which are satisfactory, given in the ^ Danske Folkeblad.' It would be rash to conclude from these characters that the skull in question belonged to a Finnish people, though that race is known, as we have seen, to have approached in ancient times the borders of Denmark. We might rather look upon the Cimbric or Celtic inhabitants of Northern Europe, as does Referring to the plate in Dr Pritchard's volume. dispersed through the North of Europe, 381 Professor Eschricht, as the erectors and occupants of those ancient tombs- Some remains found in Britain give reason to suspect that the Celtic in- habitants of this country had, in early times, something of the Mongolian or Turanian form of the head. However this may have been, we recog- nise in both countries remains belonging to two successive periods : I mean those of the stone and of the copper age, in the phraseology adopted by Professor Eschricht.* The comparison of the sepulchral remains found in Denmark, and spread in great abundance through some parts of Holland, and over Sweden and Norway, with those of our own country, would open a field of most in- teresting research. It is evident, from the preceding observations, that the " Jettehoie," or oldest sepulchral mounds of Denmark, are very simi- lar in construction, and contain relics of a similar kind, with the greater part of our long barrows, and perhaps with most of the old sepulchral mounds spread through the south of England, and in various parts of Wales and Ireland. In most of the mounds examined by the late Sir R. C. Hoare, the remains of ancient art were similar to those above de- scribed : they belonged to a people in a corresponding state of society, probably to the same people. Implements and weapons of stone belong to each ; only amber is not found, as far as I know, in British barrows, that material having been abundant only near the Baltic ; ornaments of bone seem to have held the place of amber. Only in a few barrows, ac- cording to Sir R. C. Hoare, are ornaments of gold found, weapons of brass and golden rings have been more frequently seen in Ireland. These relics of copper or brazen ornaments are evidently of a later date than that long series of ages which raised the great majority of the numerous mounds and barrows which are spread both in the British isles and in the northern regions of Europe, but all the barrows where implements of iron are still entirely awanting, probably belonged to a period anterior to the entrance of the German nations. It is, on the whole, probable that they were raised by the Celtic tribes, of which the Cimbri were the last remains on the northern continent. For the Celts were long ignorant of the use of iron, if we may draw an inference from the British barrows. It is true that the Britons used iron in Caesar's time for some purposes, namely, iron rings for money, and probably the scythes of chariots were of iron, for what else could be used, unless it were brass. But the use of iron may have been confined to the Belgse in South Britain, who introduced it from Gaul. It must have been unknown during many ages to the Britons, as we have inferred from the contents of the barrows, which were the old sepulchres. * The three heads described are very small, though they appear to have be- longed to adults : the circumference measures only about sixteen inches. Heads BO small, as the author observes, are seldom seen among the modem Danes. This, however, may be an individual, rather than a national, character. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII.— .OCTOBER 184:1. B b 3B2 Mr John Sang oti a Convenient Arrangement It is much to be regretted that there is no collection of the sepulchral remains of our ancestors. Ample resources yet exist for enriching such a collection were it but Commenced ; but these resources are diminishing every day. Great numbers of skeletons have been found, and the bones scattered, within my knowledge, during the last few years. In Ireland the Royal Academy have set a laudable example in the care directed to such pursuits, and much may be expected from the enlightened zeal and activity of Dr Wilde and other members. How much might the Society of Antiquaries have effected if their attention had been directed to these researches ?^' On a Convenient Arrangement in Orthographic Projection. By Mr John Sang, Land- Surveyor, Kirkcaldy, M.S. A. With a pUite.t Communicated by the Society of Arts for Scotland. The facility of the isometrical method of projection is de- rived from the circumstances that the three axes in the di- rections of the height, length, and breadth of objects, are re- presented by lines having an integral proportion to one another, and that the scale is applied to these, and not, as in an ordinary corner projection, to those lines which merely happen to be parallel to the plane of the drawing. In the isometrical pro- jection, the proportion of the representations of the axis to one another, is that of equality, so that the line of sight is invari- able, and the draughtsman has not the power of giving more or less space to the top, end, or front of the object to suit the degree of development he may wish in those parts. By alter- ing the position of the perspective plane, the representations of the three axes may be made to have various proportions to one another different from equality ; if these proportions be all different from equality, and from one another in a projec- tion, that projection itself will give three directions of view, according as the greatest line is made to represent the length, height, or breadth. If the proportion between the representa- * Eesearches into the Physical History of Mankind, by Dr Pricliard ; vol. iii. part i. pp. xvii to xxii.. As a copy of Dr Eschricht's memoir has just reached us from the author, we may again recur to this interesting subject. — Edit. t The paper of which this is an abstract was read before the Society of Arts for Scotland, 22d March 1841, in Orthographic Projection. 383 tions of two of the axes remains that of equality, while that with the third one is different, that single projection will, in like manner, give two lines of sight. In order, however, to obtain the facility of execution which belongs to the isometri- cal method, these proportions must be integral, and not only so, but capable of being expressed by means of the plotting scales commonly used by draughtsmen. Taking these scales at 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, and 60 to the inch, there are possible two arrangements of the former sort, giving three lines of sight each, data for which are subjoined ; there may be a great variety of the latter sort giving two lines of view each, data for three of the best of which are also subjoined, giving to the draughtsman altogether (including the isometrical) 13 different directions of view. The three axes are represented by o a, o b^ o c. (1.) For the scales 40, 50, and 60 to the inch. In this ar- rangement all the lines parallel to o a, and all oblique lines are to be laid down from scale 40 ; those parallel to o 6 from scale 50, and those parallel to o c by scale 60. Angle aoh=: 99.23 6 0 c = 156.60 coa = 103.47 And 0 a being 100, 06 = 137.9 6c = 143.7 hed in 406 Froceedings of the Society of Arts, 1723 ; and a thrashing machine appeared in 1735. After a considerable interval, the operation of a reaping machine was exhibited by its inventor, Peter Williamson, in 1763, whose ' romantic history as a captive with the American Indians is well known. It was curious to follow the progress of the arts, and the obstacles opposing them, — from poverty and otherwise. Earlier in the century, a public contribution was required to purchase mathematical instruments for the University. Be- tween 1750 and 1760 a great impetus was given to improve- ment by the " Edinburgh Society for Encouragement of Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, and Agriculture," which sometimes offered 120 premiums annually. Individuals also lent their aid. One year Sir Gilbert Elliot of Stobs contributed 100 guineas to promote the Society's objects. Many advantages ensued ; inventions and improvements originated everywhere progressively over Scotland. Among others, the principal improvements of that powerful auxiliary, the steam-engine, is due to this country. At length the institution of our " So- ciety for Encouragement of the Useful Arts" has given more systematic patronage to genius, — as evinced on former oc- casions, and as would appear in the award of premiums which it was that evening his pleasing duty, as President, to bestow upon the successful candidates. The following communications were made : — 1. An exposition of Electrotype was given by Andrew Fyfe, M. D., F. E. S. E. (744.) The Society having resolved to give occasional experimental illustra- tions of subjects occupying much of the public attention, at the request of the President and Council Dr Fyfe undertook an exposition of Electro- type. After making a few general observations on the nature of the sub- stances employed in the process, he illustrated experimentally the action by which metals may be deposited from a state of solution, and made to assume the form of the object 09 which the deposit takes place. He after- wards explained the different methods followed, and exhibited the appara- tus by which this is effected, and by which the Electrotype process is now generally conducted ; pointing out, at the same time, the circumstances to be attended to so as to secure success. A small medal, connected with the Electrotype apparatus, and exposed in solution of blue vitriol, was shewn, and from it the metallic deposit was removed, so as to afford the members an opportunity of judging of the ease with which the process is conducted. Proceedings cf the Society of Arts, ^07 Numerous specimens of Electrotype engraving, of casts from medals, and from Paris-plaster moulds, were afterwards exhibited, for most of which Dr Fyfe stated that he was indebted to Mr Palmer, Newgate Street, Lon- don, and in whose name he begged to present the specimens to the Society. This was the first of the Experimental Expositions given by the Socioty, and, judging from the manner in which it was received, there is every rea- son to believe that they may prove of great benefit to the members, by giv- ing them an opportunity of becoming acquainted with subjects which it is otherwise difficult to comprehend. The thanks of the Society Averc voted to Dr Fyfe for his interesting ex- position, and to Mr Palmer for his very handsome donation. 2. Donation — Astronomical Observations made at the Iloyal Observa- tory, Edinburgh. By Thomas Henderson, Esq., F. R. S. E., &c. her Ma- jesty's Astronomer for Scotland. Vol. III. for the year 1837. Edinburgh, 1840. Presented by the Author. (735.) Thanks voted. 3. Donation — Atti della prima lliunioni degli Scienziati Italiani, tcnu- ta in Pisa, nell' Ottobre del 1839. Presented by Professor Philippe Cor- ridi. General Secretary, by command of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, (737.) Also, separately printed, an Alphabetical list of the members. (738.) Thanks voted. 4. Donation — Premiums offered by the London Society for the encou- ragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, for Sessions 1840-41 and 1841-42. Presented by that Society. (73 G.) Thanks voted. 5. The Report of the Prize Committee, awarding the Prizes for Session 1839-40, was read ; and the Prizes were delivered by the President to the successful Candidates, with an appropriate address to each. The Report is of the following tenor : — Your Committee having met, and carefully considered the various Com- munications laid before the Society during Session 1839-40, beg leave to report that they have awarded the following Prizes : — 1. To John Scott Russell, A.M., F.R.S.E., Greenock,— for his " Notice of a Polyphotal Lamp, and Reflector of Single Curvatm-e, for Steam- Ves- sels, and other purposes." Read and exhibited 13th November 1839. Printed in the Society's Transactions. — The Society's Honorary Silver Medal. (071.) 2. To John Alston, Esq. of Rosemount, Honorary Treasurer to the Asy- lum for the Blind, Glasgow, — for his " Map of England and Wiiles for the use of the Blind," printed in Relief. Exhibited 29th January 1840. — The Society's Honorary Silver Medal. (684.) 3. To Andrew Fyfe, M. D., F. R. S. E., Lecturer on Chemistry, Edin- burgh,— for his two Papers containing an account of his experiments " On the Comparative Illuminating and Heating power of different kinds of Gas-Burners." Read Uth March and 13th May 1840. Printed in the Society's Transactions.— The Society's Silver Medal, Value Fifteen Sove- reigns. (694 & 707.) 4. To Edward Sang, Esq., civil engineer and actuary, Edinbuigli,— -fur 408 Proceedings of the Society of Arts, liis Papers " On the Construction of Circular Signal Towers " — " On the Effects of the Curvature of Riiilways" — and for his valuable *^ Essays on Life Assurance." Read respectively on 15th April, and 27th May 1840 — and 18th December 1839 — 15th and 29th January, 12th February, and 11th March 1840. Printed in the Society's Transactions. — The Society's Silver Medal, value Ton Sovereigns. (700, 723, & G76.) 5. To Mr John Gilchrist, 14 Middle Arthur Place, Edinburgh, — for his " Model and Description of Improvements in connection with his Substi- tute for Door Springs ; for Doors opening either "vvay, particularly for Double Doors " — which, though opening freely when pulled or pushed by the hand, have no tendency to open by the force of the wind. Read and exhibited 29th April 18-10.— The Society's Silver Medal, value Eight Sove- reigns. (713.) 6. To Mr John AVhite, pattern-drawer, 39 Clerk Street, Edinburgh, — for his two communications, viz. : — " Outline of a plan for securing to the Manufacturers of Scotland protection against Piracy of Patterns;" and <^ Description and Drawing's of his new method of Manufacturing Persian Rugs, by which a great saving in material and workmanship is effected." Pioad and exhibited respectively on I3th November 1839, and 13th May 1840. — The Society's Silver Medal, value Eight Sovereigns. (669 & 718.) 7. To Mr Daniel Macpherson, 24 Salisbury Street, Edinburgh, — for his 'Description, Drawing, and Model of a new method for Shutting Doors which open either way, without the use of Spring?:, and requiring no addi- tional space beyond what is necessary for the Door itself." Read and exhibited 27th May 1840.— The Society's Silver Medal, value Five Sove- reigns. (726.) Your Committee desire it to be understood that the models referred to in Nos. 5 and 7 must be made to a scale, and to the satisfaction of the Curator of the Museum. The special thanks of the Society are justly due to all those gentlemen who have favoured it with communications, though not competing for prizes. In conclusion, your Committee regret that they have not been able to award the Keith Medal of Tv»^enty Sovereigns, nor the Society's Gold Medal of same value, in consequence of there having been no communications given in during this Session, which fall under the terms of advertisement of these prizes. They also beg leave to remind the Society, that, although the number of communications to which they have attached honorary and pecuniary rewards is not so great as on some former years, this arises, not on account of the communications in general being less valuable, but because many of the most interesting of them were not lodged in view to competition for prizes; and that while the general cha- racter of the papers has been decidedly improving during the last ten years, the past session has yielded to none in the interest it has excited both amongst the members and the public in general, which is best testified by the large increase of new members Avho have joined since last year. 6. The Models, Drawings, &c. of Inventions, &c. (Session 1839-40) for which the Prizes have been awarded, were exhibited* Proceedings of the Society ofjfrts. 409 PRIVATE BUSINESS. I. The following Candidates were admitted as Ordinary Members, viz. :— ■ I. H.D.Dickie, Esq. Manager Caledonian Firo and Life Assurance Company. 2. Captain John Donaldson Boswcll, K. N. 3. James Thom- son, Esq. civil engineer, Glasgow. 4. Charles Ransford, M.D., F.R.C.P., surgeon, Edinburgh. 5. John H. Hardyman, Esq. W. S. II. On the motion of the Council the Society elected the fol- lowing gentlemen as Honorary Members, viz. : — 1. W. A. Graham, Esq. Secretary to the Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, Adelphi, London. 2. Professor Encke, Berlin. 3. Professor Jacobi, St Petersburgh. 4. General "Wilson, ditto. 5. Sir John Rennie, C. E., London. C. James "Walker, Esq., C. E., Pros. Inst. Civ. Eng., ditto. 7. George Stephenson, Esq. C. E., Newcastle. 8. Cliarles Vignoles, Esq. C. E., London. 9. C. W. Williams, Esq. Liver- pool, 10. Richard Roberts, Esq., of Sharpe, Roberts and Co., Manches- ter. II. William Fairbairn, Esq., ditto. 12. Eaton Hodgkinson, Esq., ditto. 13. Robert Mallet, Esq., C. E., Dublin. III. The Society elected the following gentlemen as Office- Bearers and Councillors for Session 1840-41, viz. : — The Queen, Patroness. Andrew Fyfe, M. D., F. R. S. E., President, James L'Amy, Esq. of Dunkenny, F. R. S. E. 1 yice-Presid^ntz, LIEUT.-COLONEL ThOMAS BlANSHARD, R. E. J James Tod, W. S., 21 Dublin Street, Secretary. MuNGO Ponton, F. R. S. E., 30 Melville Street, Foreign Secretary, John Scott MoNCRiEFF, Accountant, 4 Albyn Place, Treasurer. John Dunn, 03 Hanover Street, Curator of Museum. Ordinary Councillors. Gilbert L. Finlay. Alex. Bry'son. John Beatson Bell. Alex. Rose. David Stevenson. William Crawfurd. James Hunter, M. D. Charles Cowan. Robert Maxton, James Hay. C. H. Wilson. William Wood, F.R.C.S. In quitting the President's chair, Sir J. G. Dalyell said, he had witnessed the most flourishing era of the Society, not only in the accession of new members, 135 having been enrolled during the three years of his office, but in number, variety, and interest of the subjects brought forward. These were very different from those of earlier date above alluded to ; for here were Mechanics in their various branches — Hydraulics, 4f^ Proceedings of the ^oe'iet^ of Arts. Acoustics, Optics, Chemistry, besides some of national industry, mental improvement, and the like. Although he deprecated the too frequent change of management of such a Society, as interrupting the regular course of great projects, it was essen- tial to profit by the peculiar talents of different individuals. He himself had ever endeavoured to promote the best interests of the Society, as promoting public benefit, and he now retired with the consciousness of having fulfilled his duty. The thanks of the Society were unanimously voted to the Ofiice-Bearers for the past Session, and in particular to Sir John Graham Dalyell, the President, for his able and impartial conduct in the chair. 23rf November 1840.— Andrew Fyfe., M. D., F. R. S. E., President, in the chair. Before proceeding to the business of the evening, the Society resolved, on the motion of the Secretary, to present a loyal and dutiful address of congratulation to her Most Gra- cious Majesty the Queen, on her Majesty's having given birth to a Princess, and appointed a Committee to prepare and for- ward the Address. The following communications were then made : — 1. Observations on the state of the Arts in Italy; with a brief account of Cameo-cutting, Mosaic-work, Pietra Dura_, and also of some of the do- mestic Arts, and mechanical contrivances of the Italians. By Charles H. Wilson, Esq., architect, A. E. S. A., M. S. A., Edinburgh. Illustrative Drawings and Sjiecimens Avere exhibited. (754.) Thanks voted, and to be printed in the Transactions. 2. Specimens of Surfaces produced on Cast-Iron without grind- ing, by Mr Joseijh Whitworth, engineer, Manchester, Hon. M. S. A. Com- municated by Sir John Eobison, K. H., F. R. S. E., M. S. A. (756.) Mr Sang remarked, that grinding, when properly executed, produces a much more perfect plane. Thanks voted to Sir Jolm Eobison. 3. Description of the process of Daguerreotype, with Specimens and Dia- grams demonstrating the action of light in that process, both in respect to Landscape and Miniature Portraits. By Mr Thomas Davidson, optician, 12 Eoyal Exchange, Edinburgh. Communicated by Mungo Ponton, Esq., F.E.S.E., Foreign Secretary. (745.) Mr Davidson described his improved apparatus, by which both Land- scape and Miniature Portraits may be taken by merely reversing the lenses. He also shewed his improved Camera, and his mode of polishing the plates, which is done without oil. He explained the effect of light in that pro- Troteedings of the Society of Arts. 411 cess, and stated, that, with the improved apparatus, much more perfect pic- tures arc produced, and the colours more nearly approachin;^ to those in nature. He stated, that, in France and Italy, from the greater brilliancy of the light, much bettor pictures could be produced with his improved ap- paratus, than those procured by Daguerre's process. Thank* voted, and to be printed in the Transaction?. 4. Description of a Method of Photographic Printing, by Mr W. Fraser> Aberdeen. Communicated by the Secretary. Specimens were exhibited. (741.) Thanks voted. 5. Donation — Printed Reports (in duplicate) relative to Smith's Patent Screw Propeller, as used on board the "Archimedes" Steam-vessel, &c. By Captain Edward Chappell, R.N. London, 1840. Presented by Captain Chappell. (740.) Thanks voted. 6. Donation — Specimens, with Description of the Seam of Black-band Ironstone now being wrought on his property of Nether Carbellow, in tlie parish of Auchinleck. Presented by John Robertson, Esq. of Duncanze- mere, W. S. (743.) Thanks voted. Richard Hunter jun., Esq., W. S., 1 Doune Terrace, was admitted an ordinary member. A Communication from the Experimental Committee was read, making a donation of their funds to the Society for experimental purposes. Thanks voted. 14M i)^cm5^r 1840.— Andrew Fyfe, M.D., F.R.S.E., Presi- dent, in the chair. Before proceeding to the business of the evening, the President stated that the address of congratulation to her Majesty on the birth of the Princess Royal, agreed to at last meeting, had been presented to the Queen by Lord Normanby, and that he had received a letter from his Lord- ship, stating that her Majesty had been pleased to receive the same very graciously. The following communications were made : — i. On Trigonometrical Surveying and Levelling, and on tlie effects of a supposed local attraction at the Calton Hill, Edinburgh, By William Gal- braith, A.M., M. S. A., Teacher of Mathematics, Edinburgh. (742.) Thanks voted, and ordered to be printed in the Transactions. 2. An account of the Plan of Telegraphing by Electro-Magnetism. By William Alexander, Esq., F.R.S.E., M.S.A. A Model was exhibited in operation, which excited much interest. (760.) Thanks voted. Remarks were made by Messrs Ponton, Sang, Dunn, Bryson, and others. Some in- teresting conversation also took place relative to the effect of a metallic wire connecting two clocks, in producing isochronous vibrations in their pendulums. 3. On the method of manufacturing Bricks in Persia, By James JRobert- 412 Proceedings of the Society of Arts, son, Esq., civil and mining engineer, Edinburgh, late in the service of the Shah of Persia. A Drawing was exhibited, illustrating the construc- tion of the furnaces for burning the previously sun-dried bricks. Mr Bobertson gave a very graphic detail of the process of manufacture — the patient labour of the Persian brick-maker beneath a broiling sun — his ab- stemious life — and the amount and value of his labours. (759.) Thanks voted. Mr Gavin Kay's Model and Description of Apparatus for saving the life of persons falling into any loch or standing water, on the ice giving way, were postponed, owing to the lateness of the hour. Donations were presented (1.) of a piece of wood, announced by the Donor as a piece of one of the Original Timbers of i\\Q fii-st Steam-boat built at Carron about the year 1794 ; presented by Mr W. Grosart, Falkirk (746.) ; in reference to which the subjoined letter from Sir John Robison was read to the Society : — " 14?^ December 1840. "Dear Sir, — As an engagement will prevent me from being present at the meeting this evening, I beg to call your attention to a mistake in one of the announcements in the billet, which should not pass unnoticed, lest it should be quoted and lead to error. It is in article 5th. " There was no steam-boat built at Carron ' about 1794.' "The first steam-boat was tried on Dalswinton Lake, in October 1788. " The second was tried on the Forth and Clyde Canal, in November 1789 ; the machinery of this vessel was prepared at Carron. '• The third was constructed and tried on the Forth and Clyde Canal in 1801. " The piece of wood presented to the Society is probably a part of this latter vessel, which has remained about Grangemouth ever since the trials, until about a year ago, when it was broken up and buried in some new works lately constructed in the harbour there. Previous to its disappear- ance, I requested Mr AVilson, the Canal Company's Superintendent, to take out some portions of the timbers to be preserved as relics, and it is probably from this source that the donation has been procured. " This last-mentioned vessel is remarkable, from the circumstance that it was during its preparation at Falkirk by Mr Symington, that Mr Fulton, the American engineer, was brought by Mr Henry Bell to observe its pro- gress, and that what he then saw led him to apply to Messrs Boulton and "Watt to make the machinery which was used in the first American steam- boat some years afterwards. I am, dear Sir, very truly yours, " John EoBi SON." " James Tod. Esq., W. S., Sec. Soc. of Arts." (2.) Report on Plans for preventing Accidents on board of Steam-vessels (arising from the bursting of the Boilers) ; with numerous Plates. Glas- gow, 1839. Presented by the Trustees on the River Clyde. The Secre- tary stated, that, in consequence of the number of disasters from the burst- Proceedings of the Society of Art9* 413 ing of boilers on the Clyde, the trustees of that river had been led to offer prizes for the best essay on the subject of their prevention. Ho believed that the whole of the principal papers thus obtained, or at least abstracts properly classified, were printed in the report now presented. (747.) Thanks voted. (3.) The " Inventors' Advocate," No. G3, London, 10th October 1840. Presented by the publishers. (748.) Thanks voted. The following gentlemen were elected Ordinary Members, viz. — 1. Mr Peter Wright, linen-merchant, 19 Queen Street. 2. Mr Alex- ander Keith Johnston, engraver, 7 Charlotte Street, 3. Mr Peter Ste- venson, phil. inst. maker, 9 Lothian Street. 4. Lieut-Colonel Sir William A. Maxwell, Bart, of Calderwood. 5. William Walker, Esq. surgeon, 47 Northumberland Street. 6. N. Maxwell, Esq. late Bengal Medical Staff, U.S. Club, Edinburgh. 7. George Harvey, Esq. U.S.A., historical painter, 15 Brunswick Street, Hillside. 8. Drysdale Carstairs, Esq. 23 Iloyal Terrace. 9. Mr C. H. J. Smith, landscape-gardener, 11 Elder Street. 10. Andrew Dun, Esq. W. S., 30 London Street. 11th January 1841.— Andrew Fyfe, M.D., F.R.S.E., Pre- sident, in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1. Model and Description of Apparatus for saving the life of persons falling into any loch or standing water, on the ice giving way. By Mr Gavin Kay, 18 Preston Street, Newington, Edinburgh. (757.) Keferred to a Committee. An interesting discussion followed upon this subject, which was carried on by Dr Glover, Mr Sang, Dr Maclagan, and others ; and on the motion of Mr L'Amy, one of the vice-presidents, Dr Glover was requested to give, in writing, his valuable practical observations, in order to their being printed and published for the use of persons frequenting the ice. 2. Description of an Instrument for indicating the amount of inclined disturbances during small Shocks of Earthquakes. By Alexander Rose, Esq., Lecturer on Geology, &c. Edinburgh, M. S. A. An acting model was exhibited. (767.) Thanks voted. 3. Description and Drawing of a simple but important improvement m the Camera Obscura, in taking portraits and other objects. By Mr Tho- mas Davidson, optician. Royal Exchange, Edinburgh. The camera with its improvements was exhibited. (768.) 4. Description and Diagram of a Method of taking views by Reflection, in the Daguerreotype, or in the common Camera Obscura. By Mr Thomas Davidson, optician, Edinburgh. (770.) A discussion followed the reading of these papers, in which Sir John Robison, Dr Hunter, Messrs Sang, Bryson, and others, took part. After VOL. XXXI. NO. LXII. — OCTOBER 1841. O d 414 Proceedings of the Society of Arts. the thanks of the society were voted to Mr Davidson, these two papers were referred to a committee. 5. Donation — Researches on Heat ; Fourth Series. On the effect of the Mechanical Texture of Screens on the immediate transmission of Eadiant Heat. By Professor Forbes, F. 11. SS. L. & E. Presented by the Author. (750.) Thanks voted. 6. Donation — Account of additional Experiments on Terrestrial Magnet- ism, made in different parts of Europe in 1836. By Professor Forbes. Presented by the Author. (749.) Thanks voted. 7. Donation — A Tabular View of the Yearly quantity of Rain which falls in different parts of Great Britain. By Joseph Atkinson, Esq., Harraby, near Carlisle. Presented by the Author. (755.) Thanks voted. PRIVATE BUSINESS. The following Candidates were admitted as' Ordinary Mem- bers, viz. — 1. Charles F. Davidson, Esq. W.S., 9 Saxo Cobourg Place. 2. James Clapperton, Esq. 32 George Square. 3. James G. Cowan, Esq. merchant, 1 Hermitage Place, Lcith. 4. David Eankine, Esq. Manager Dalkeith Railway Company, St Leo- mard's Hill. 5. Robert Stcuart, Esq. of Carfin, 18 Clyde Street. 6. James Cowan, M.D. surgeon_, R.N., G5 Castle Street. 2bth January 1841.— Andrew Fyfe, M. D., F.R.S.E., Presi- dent, in the chair. ThefoUowingcommunications were made: — ■ 1. An Experimental Exposition of the Doctrine of the Polarization of Heat ; introductory to which an account of Instrumental Methods of as- certaining minute variations of Temperature was this evening given by Professor Forbes, Sec. R. S. E., M. S. A., in the course of which the Pro- fessor exhibited one of the original thermometers invented and used by the Florentine Academicians, and he brought down the account to the metallic piles of Nobili and Melloni, in which, by the agency of electro- magnetism, the minutest variations of temperature can now be appreciated and measured ; and he stated the probability of arriving at still greater nicety, by improvements on those instruments. He was happy to observe that the Society had offered a premium on this subject. (769.) The best thanks of the Society were unanimously voted to Professor Forbes for this introductory account of the various thcrmometric instru- ments ; which were given to him from the chair. The Professor intimated his intention to give the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Polarization of Heat at a future meeting. 2. Description of a Drawing of a Self-Inking Printing Press (Roller Pressure), by which the whole process of Inking the T^T^s, Impression, Proceedings of the Society of Arts. 415 Tympan, and Frisket, is performed by the same operation as rolling in and rolling out the types in the common printing press. By Mr John Napier, printers' lead-caster, 13 West Nicolson Sreet, Edinburgh. A Working Model of the Press was exhibited. Referred to a Committee. (761.) 3. Notice of the completion of the Printing of tlie Bible in Relief for the use of the Blind. By John Alston, Esq. of Rosemount, Honorary Treasurer to the Asylum for the Blind at Glasgow, Hon. M. S. A. (771.) Thanks voted. 4. Donation — On the Strength and other Properties of Cast-Iron ob- tained from the Hot and Cold Blast. By William Fairbaim, Esq. en- gineer, Manchester, Hon. M.S. A. (London, 1838.) Presented by the Author. (772.) Thanks voted. 5. Donation — Remarks on Canal Navigation, illustrative of the ad- vantages of the Use of Steam as a Moving Power on Canals ; with an Ap- pendix of Experiments, Plans, Descriptions, &c. (London, 1831.) By the same. Presented by the Author. (773.) Thanks voted. C. Donation — Experimental Researches on the Strength of Pillars of Cast-Iron, and other materials. By Eaton Hodgkinson, Esq. Manchester. Hon. M.S. A. (London, 1840.) Presented by the Author. (774.) Thanks voted. The following Candidates were admitted as Ordinary Mem- bers, viz.: — 1. John Maitland, Esq. accountant, 27 Charlotte Square. 2. Robert Lindsay, Esq. chemist, 11 Elm Row. 3. James Lindsay, Esq. W.S., 39 London Street. 8Mi^^6nmryl841.— Andrew Fyfe,M.D.,F.R.S.E., President, in the chair. The following communications were made, viz. : — 1. On the Evaporative Power of different kinds of Coal. By Andrew Fyfe, M.D., President S. A. (775.) During the reading of which paper, the chair v/as filled by James L'Amy, Esq., Vice-President. After some general observations on the opinions entertained regarding the power of different inflammables for affording heat, Dr Fyfe alluded more particularly to the experiments of Dcspretz, by which it is she\>Ti that the heat evolved during combustion is in proportion to the quantity of oxy- gen taken up, and from which it is inferred that 1 lb. of pure carbon will boil off 12^ of water from temperature 32°, while hydrogen will boil oflf 37 lb. As these substances are the only inflammable ingredients in coal, we have, according to Despretz, a method of finding the amount of heat which a fuel will give out by combustion, provided we know the composition. Dr F. then alluded to the different methods proposed for ascertaining these, but at the same time stated, that as there is always a loss of heat in fur- 416 Proceedinga of the Society of Arts, naco?, ns now constructed, tho only way of finding the practical evaporative power was by consuming the fuel in properly constructed furnaces, and ascertaining liow much water is boiled off. It was to this method he had recourse in ascertaining the evaporative power of the fuel. The first series of experiments was made with the view of trying the power of common Scotch coal, and of Antliracito. From the numerous trials he had made, he found that the practical evaporative power of Scotch coal was about 6, compared to that of pure carbon as 12 ; or, deducting the cinders not con- sumed, it amounted to 6.6. The evaporative power, as determined by the ^ quantity of oxygen necessary for its combustion, was 9.5, so that there was a loss of nearly 29 per cent, of the heat evolved, supposing the combustion complete. The composition of numerous specimens of Anthracite was given ; some of them were shewn to contain no less than 94 per cent, of pure carbon. That with which Dr F.'s trials were made had only 71.4 per cent, of fixed carbon, 13 of volatile matter, and 10 of ash'es. It was there- fore not of good quality. Its evaporative power, when tried in the furnace, was very nearly 8, and, deducting the cinders, it amounted to 8.7. The evaporative power, according to the quantity of oxygen necessary for its combustion, Dr F, found to be 10.7, and accordingly the loss of heat amounted to nearly 19 per cent. Dr F., however, shewed that, considering the pressure at which the evaporation was conducted, the loss amounted to only about 12 per cent. The next series of experiments were made with the view of ascertaining the comparative power of common Scotch coal, and English caking coal : — from numerous trials, he found it to be in the raiio of 3 to 4, or very nearly so. On reviewing the result of the experiment, Dr F. alluded to the great practical evaporative power of Anthracite over other kinds of coal, which, though they contain much volatile matter, the hydrogen of which gives out much heat during its combustion, yet do not evaporate nearly so much ■water — indeed, he found the evaporative power to be according to the fixed carbon ; that coal which contained most giving out tho most heat, which he accounted for by the volatilization of the gaseous elements, which must absorb heat when expell-od from the coals, and which heat can only be re- placed by their undergoing combustion. From his numerous trials, Dr F. Avas inclined to suppose that the practical evaporative power of a fuel would be found to be as the fixed carbon in each, which evaporates 12.3 times its own weight of water. In his trials, the Scotch coal evaporated G.66, the Anthracite he used, 8.73, — of another Anthracite, it was 10.54. The quantity that ought to have been eva]porated by the fixed carbon in these coals (which was as 50.5, 71-4, and 92.4), was 6.2, 8.7, and 10.3 ; — ^num- bers so nearly approximating to those in the above practical results, as to induce him to believe that he was correct in the opinion he had advanced ; and hence the superiority of Anthracite over other coals, when consumed in furnaces as commonly constructed. Thanks voted to Dr Fyfe for this elaborate communication, and it was o*' derodto be printed in the Society's Transactions. Proceedings of the Society of Arte, 417 2. On an erroneous deduction drawn by the late Captain Henry Katcr from his Experiments on the Flexure of Thin Bars. By Edward Sang, Esq., actuary, Edinburgh, M.S.A. (777.) Various other communications were postponed on account of the lateness of the hour. 3. Donation — A Selection of Sacred Poetry, &c., with Specimens of Music in Relief, used in tcacliing the Blind at the Asylum at Glasgow. Presented by John Alston, Esq. of Rosemount, Hon. M.S.A. (751.) 4. Donation — The History of the Bible epitomized, with Chronological Index to the Bible, embossed for tlic use of the Blind. Presented by the same. (752.) 6. Donation — The Catechism of the Church of England, printed in Relief for the use of the Blind. Presented by the same. (753.) Thanks voted to Mr Alston for these three Donations. The following Candidates were admitted as Ordinary Mem- bers, viz. : — 1. Mr John Skirving, punch-cutter, 9 Montagu Street. 2. James M'Innes, Esq., S.S.C., George Square. 3. William Napier, Esq., W.S., 15 East Claremont Street. 4. William Fleming, Esq., banker, 3 East Claremont Street. 5. Mr Thomas Dayid'son, optician, 12 Royal Exchange. 22(1 February/ lMl.^k\\diVQ\Y Fyfe, M.D., F.R.S.E., Presi- dent, in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1. At the request of the President and Council, an Experimental Ex- position of the Doctrine of the Polarization of Heat, was given by Profes- sor Forbes, Sec. R.S.E., M.S.A. It was moved that the special thanks of the Society be given to Professor Forbes, for his veiy interesting and clear exposition ; which were given from the chair. (769.) 2. Notice of a New Railway Signal Light. By Alan Stevenson, LL.B. civil engineer. (780.) Thanks voted, and to be printed in the Trans- actions. 3. Description and Drawing of an Improved Common Lamp, in which the shadow is greatly diminished, and better light obtained, and at less expense of wick. By Mr John Napier, 13 West Nicolson Street, Edin- burgh. The lamp was exhibited. (7G2,) Referred to a committee. 4. The Report of the Committee on Mr Napier's Sctf-inking Printing Press was read and approved of. (761.) 5. Donation — An Experimental Inquiry into the Strength and other , properties of Anthracite Cast-Iron. By William Fairbaim, Esq. engineer, Manchester, Hon. M.S.A. (1840.) Presented by the author. (781,) Thanks voted. The following Candidates were admitted as Ordinary Mem- bers, viz. : — 418 Proceedings of the Society of Arts » 1. Charles Cameron, Esq. Mount Vernon, Libberton. 2. John Watson, Esq. (of Edinburgh Life Assurance) 11 Salisbury Street. 3. Charles W. Anderson, Esq. merchant, 13 Annandalc Street. 4. Alexander Low, Esq. accountant, 11 Albyn Place. %th March 1841.— Andrew Fyfe, M.D., F.R.S.E., President, in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1. Notice regarding a cheap and easily used Camera Lucida, applicable to the delineation of Flowers and other small objects. By Sir John Ro- bison, K.H., F.R.S.E., M.S.A. The instrument was exhibited. (783.) A piece of Plate Glass is made to stand in a vertical position by means of a support. It rests on a table covered Avith white paper, and the ob- ject is placed on the paper on one side of the glass. On looking down from that side of the glass diagonally, an image of the object is seen on the paper on the other side, and a drawing of it can be readily taken. Thanks voted, and Sir John was requested to give a short account of the instrument in writing, to be jjrinted. 2. On the Building Materials of the United States of North America. By David Stevenson, Esq., civil-engineer, Edinburgh, M.S.A. Specimens of the Wood and Marble of that country were exhibited and presented to the Society. (787.) Thanks voted, and an abstract to be printed in the Transactions. 3. Notice and Analysis of the Nodus Rosi, a Phenomenon produced by some pieces of Calcareous Spar brought from Iceland by Mr Rose, and first observed by Mr Nicol. By Edward Sang, Esq. actuary, Edinburgh, M.S.A. Specimens producing this beautiful appearance were exhibited. (784.) Thanks voted, and an abstract to be printed in the Transactions. 4. Description, with a Drawing, of the method of Burning Lime in Persia. By James Robertson, Esq. civil and mining engineer, 4 York Place, Edinburgh. (76G.) Thanks voted. 5. The Secretary, at the request of Mr Ritchie, Ironmonger, High Street, exhibited Bickford, Smith, and Davey's Patent Safety Fuse, for Blasting Rocks and other Mining Operations. It burns, when tamped, at the rate of a foot and a l^alf per minute, and gives fire with great certainty. It is sold at a moderate price, and in various lengths from 24 feet upwards, and saves much powder in blasting. There is a kind of it made for blasting under water, or in wet ground. Mr D. Stevenson, civil engineer, stated that he had used it successfully in blasting rock five feet under water. (792.) 6. Donation — Printed account of the nature and properties of Ronnie's Patent Trapezium Paddle- Wheels ; Avith a plate. Presented by George Rennie, Esq. civil eugineer, Whitehall Place, Westminster. (785.) Thanks voted. Proceedings of (he Society of Arts, lift PRIVATE BUSINESS. The following Candidate was admitted an Ordinary Mem- ber, viz. : — . George Simson, Esq. R.S.A, artist, 54 North Frederick Street, 22cl March 1841.— Andrew Fyfe, M.D., F.R.S.E., President, in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1 . Remarks on tlie manner of procuring Peat Fuel in the Highlands of Scotland, with Illustrations of an Improved Method founded on practical experience ; with a drawing. By Mr John Sherar, Edinburgh. Com- municated by David Stevenson, Esq. C.E., M.S.A. (758.) Thanks voted. 2. On a convenient arrangement in Orthographic Projection, with Dia- grams. By Mr John Sang, land-surveyor, Kirkaldy, M.S.A. (776.) -Thanks voted. Abstract to be printed. - 3. Description and Drawing of a Method of Navigating Canals by means of Steam-Boats and a Rail. By Mr James Clark, 73 John Street, Glas- gow. (778.) Thanks voted. 4. Donation — Model of a Suspension Bridge, shewing the best position for the Stays to prevent the destructive effect of Oscillation, according to the principles laid down by Mr Scott Russell, in the Transactions of the Society, vol. i. p. 313. Presented by James Tod, Esq. W. S., Secretary. (790.) Thanks voted. 6. Donation — The Civil-Eng'neer and Architect's Journal, Scientific and Railway Gazette, for February 1841. Presented by the Proprietor, 57 King Street, Westminster. (789.) Thanks voted. \2th April lUl.—kndiYQ^ Fyfe, M. D., F.R.S.E., Pre- sident, in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1. Description of a Lamp for the use of Divers, and others under Water. By W. II. Thomthwaite, 3 James's Place, Hoxton, London. The Lamp ^>as exhibited. (78G.) Referred to a committee. 2. On the proper form for a Pendulum of Verification. By Edward Sang. Esq. actuary, Edinburgh, M. S. A. (782.) Thanks voted, and to be print- ed in the Transactions. 3. Description of a Drawing of a Machine by which Ships of heavy burden may be enabled to enter shallow Harbours, Rivers, &c. By Mr John Napier, 13 West Nicolson Street. (763.) Referred to a Committee. 4. Description of a Drawing of a Portable Oven for placing ou a com- mon fire, and answering all the purposes of a Fixed Oven. By the same. The Oven was exhibited. (765.) Referred to a committee. 5. Donation— On the Constitution of the Resins, Parts IV. and V. By James W. F. Johnston, M. A„ F, B. S., Professor of Chemistry in the Uni- 420 Proceedings of the Society of Arts, versity of Durham, (London, 1840.) Presented by the Author. (791.) Thanks voted. I. The following Candidates were admitted as Ordinary Members, viz. : — 1. John Ainslie, Esq. of Huntington, 54 Queen Street. 2, John Marshall, Esq. advocate, Fettes Kow. II. The Members received the printed Annual Abstract of the Receipt and Expenditure of the Society, and of the Funds under its management, for the Session 1839-40. III. A remit was made to the Council to consider and re- port upon the propriety of the Society applying for a Royal Charter of Incorporation. IV. In terms of Law XX. the List of Prizes for Session 1841-2, as prepared by the Council, was submitted to the So- ciety and approved of. 31*^ May 1841.-— Andrew Fyfe, M. D., F. R. S. E., Pre- sident, in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1. On some erroneous statements lately made in a paper read before the Royal Irish Academy by Dr Robinson of Armagh, regarding the Re- flecting Telescopes made by the late James Short and Sir "William Her- schell. By Mr Thomas Davidson, optician, Edinburgh, M.S. A. Thanks voted, and to be printed. (800.) 2. On an Improved Method of Illumination, by a diiFerent arrangement of the Lenses, for the Oxy hydrogen Microscope and Magic Lantern. By the same. Thanks voted. Mr Davidson promised a further communica- tion on the subject next session. (801.) 3. Description, with Drawings, of a Life -Preserver, for the safety of persons immersed in water beyond their depth, and who either cannot swim or may be disabled. By Mr John Whyte, 39 Clerk Street, Edin- burgh, M. S. A. Models were exhibited. Referred to a committee. (795.) 4. Description and Drawing of a Self-shutting Nose-cock. By Mr George Hay, 166 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh. The Nose-cock was exhi- bited. (798.) Thanks voted. 5. Model and Description of a Portable Family Fire-Escape. By Mr John Baillie, 28 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh. (739.) Thanks voted. The following Reports of Committees were read and ap- proved of, viz. : — 6. On Mr Gavin Kay's Boat and Apparatus for saving persons immersed in water by the breaking of ice. (Second Report.) Mr Crawford, Con- vener. (757.) Proceedings of the Society of Arts, 421 7. On Mr Napier's Portable Oven, Mr Hunter, Convener. (765.) 8. On Mr Napier's Machine or Camel for raising ships in the water, to enable them to pass over shallows. Mr David Stevenson, Convener. (763.) 9. Donation — The Transactions of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, Adelphi, London : from its com- mencement, excepting vols. iv. and xxv. Presented by the London Society of Arts. (703.) Thanks voted. 10. Donation — Supplementary Report on Meteorology made to the Bri- tish Association in 1840. By James D. Forbes, Esq., F.R.S., Sec. R.S.E. (London 1841.) Presented by the Author, (707.) Thanks voted. 11. Donation — Introduction to the Science of Astronomy. By W. & R. Chambers. Embossed, by permission, for the use of the blind, with Dia- grams. By John Alston, Esq., of Rosemount, lion. M.S.A. (1841.) Pre- sented by Mr Alston. (804.) Thanks voted. 2. Donation — A Time-piece of Parisian Manufacture, which belonged to the late Mr James Cowan, watchmaker, Edinburgh, made for him while he resided in Paris in 1749, and which, on his death in 1781, be- came the property of Mr Tliomas Reid, watchmaker, Edinburgh, his suc- cessor. Presented by AVm. Auld, Esq., 67 Great King Street, Edinburgh, (807.) Thanks voted. 13. Donation — The Art of Daguerreotyping, with the Improvements of the Process and Camera. By Mr Thomas Davidson, optician, Edinburgh, M.S.A. Presented by Mr Davidson. (794.) Thanks voted. I. The following candidates were balloted for and admitted as Ordinary Members, viz. : — 1. J. Ewart Walker, M.D., 1 Lower Gray Street. 2. P. Nimmo, Esq., 14 Stafford Street. II. The Council reported on the subject of a Charter of In- corporation, recommending that it be applied for; and the draft of one proposed by them was read and approved of ge- nerally ; and a Committee was appointed to revise it and report. hth July 1841. — Andrew Fyfe, M. D., President, in the chair. On which occasion Field-Marshall His Royal High- ness Prince Albert, K G., was unanimously elected an Hon- orary Member. The following communications were made : — 1. Sir John Robison, K.II. exhibited — 1. Specimen of Maps for the Blind, printed in France. 2. Plan of London in Relief (about to bo published by Ackcrmann). 3. Specimen of Printing in Metallic Colours (from Cologne). 4. Small Casts and a Hollow Mould in Hard Cement, by Ilypolito Vincent, of Paris. 5. An Opera-Glass of a good and cheap construction from Paris. (816.) 4122 Proceedings of the Society of Arts. Sir John presented to the Society the Map of France for the Blind. Thanks voted, and given from the Chair. 2. Specimens of Lithography. By Messrs Allan and Ferguson, litho- graphers, Glasgow. (810.) Referred to a committee. \\. Specimens of Lithography. By Messrs Maclure and Macdonald, lithographers, Glasgow. (811.) Referred to a committee. 4. Specimens of four different styles of Window Blinds, made of Pierced Zinc and Painted. By Mr Marc La Riviere, London. Communicated by Mr David Watt, seal-engraver, North Bridge, Edinburgh. (850.) Thanks voted. 5. Specimens of Perforated Metals for various purposes (one of them containing 2500 holes in the square inch). By the same. (806.) Thanks voted. 6. Specimens of four different Colours — Scotch Ultramarine, Canary Yellow, Chrome Yellow, and Ness Lake — manufactured by Mr Murdoch Paterson, dyer, Inverness. (803.) Referred to a committee. 7. Description of a Contrivance for Shutting Doors opening either way. By Mr Daniel Macpherson, 24 Salisbury Street, Edinburgh. A Working Model was exhibited. (796.) Referred to a committee. 8. Description and Drawings of a Clock Alarum. By Mr John Napier, 13 West Nicolson Street. (764.) Referred to a committee. 9. Specimens of Widening Brooches, Screw Taps, Files, &c., tempered in a peculiar manner, so as to leave the centre soft, while the surface to any required depth is as hard as possible. By Mr Dougald Ferguson, smith, St Enoch's Wynd, Glasgow. (618.) Referred to a committee. The following Reports of Committees were read and ap- proved of viz. : — 10. On Mr Thornthwaite's Lamp for Divers. Mr Sang, convener. (786.) 11. On Mr Whyte's Life-Preserver. Mr Craufurd, convener. (795.) The following Donations were received viz. : — 12. Two Specimens of Weaving in Silk, in imitation of Engravings, from the Imperial Works at Alexandroski, near St Petersburg. 1. A Portrait of his Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicolas. 2. A Landscape. Presented by Lieutenant- General Alexander Wilson, I.R.S., Hon. M.S.A. ; through Dr D. B. Reid, M.S.A. (788.) 13. The l7th Annual Report of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution, 1841. Presented by the Directors. (802.) 14. The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, Nos. 42, 43, and 44. Presented by the Proprietor. (808, 809, and 812.) 15. Discourse on the Objects, &c. of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, established at Washington 1840. By the Hon. Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War, and a Director of the Institution. Presented by the Institution. (813.) PtoceedingB of the Society of ArtB. ^Sl 16. Constitution and By-laws of the said Institution ; with a Letter from the Secretary, dated 1st February 1U41. Presented by ditto. (814.) 17. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 By James F. W. Johnston, M.A., F.R.SS.L. & E., Durham. Presented by the Author. (815.) 18. Two Specimens of Tenons, cut by his new Tenoning Machine. Pre- sented by Mr John Kirkwood, jun. wright, Glasgow. (817.) Thanks were voted for those Donations. I. In terms of Law XX. the Society appointed a Commit- tee of twelve ordinary members, as a Prize Committee, for the purpose of awarding the prizes for communications made during the current Session. Their Report to be given in to the Se- cretary on or before the 1st October next, in order that the necessary arrangements may be made for the distribution of the Prizes at the first ordinary meeting of next session, being Monday 8th November next. II. The Draft of the proposed Charter of Incorporation, read and approved of generally at last meeting, and remitted to a Committee, was again considered, and finally approved of and adopted, and remitted to the Council to take steps for obtaining the Charter. IList of Prizes for Session 1841—42. The Society of Arts for Scotland proposes to award Hono- rary Medals, and Prizes of the Value of Thirty Sovereigns, and under, for approved Communications of — • Experiments applicable to the Useful Arts. Inventions, Processes, or Practices from Foreign Countries. Public or other undertakings of National importance, — not pre- viously published. Methods of EconomisingFuel, Gas,&c. — of preventing Noxious Vapours from Manufactories, — of procuring small, intense, and constant sources of Heat. Improvements in Instruments for Measuring minute quanti- ties of Heat, — in the Hardening of Iron, and Tempering of Steel, — in Photography, Daguerreotype, and Electrotype, — in Pavements of Streets, — in Balance or Pendulum Time- keepers,— in Taps and Dies, — in Flint Glass for Optical purposes, — in the Machinery of Land and Marino Steam- Engines, and in Steam -Carriages, — in Porcelain, — Type- founding, &c. 42 1: Proceedings of the Society of Arts. In addition to the above, the attention of Candidates is directed to Inventions, Discoveries, and Improvements \xi\hQ Mechanical and Chemical Arts in general, and also to means by which the Natural Productions of the Country may be made more available. The Society will also award the Keith Medal, value Twenty SovereignSy for any important Invention, Discovery, or Improve- ment in the Useful Arts. General Observations. — All Communications shall be entitled to compete for the Keith Medal which comply with the terms of the announcement of that Prize, although falling under any of the above specified subjects. The descriptions of the various inventions to be full and distinct, and, when necessary, accompanied by Specimens, Drawings, or Mo- dels. The Society shall be at liberty to publish in their Transactions copies or abstracts of all papers submitted to them. All Models, Drawings, &c. for which Prizes shall be given, shall be held to bo the property of the Society, — the Society being in the practice of taking the value of the Model into account in fixing the amount of the Prize, — and these and all others which shall be approved of, shall be entitled to a place in the Museum. All Communications must bo written on jPoo?6'cap "paper, leaving margins at least one inch broad, on both the outer and inner sides of the page, so as to allow of their being afterwards bound up with others ; and all Drawings must be on Imperial Drawing Paper, un- less a larger sheet be requisite. All Communications to be lodged as soon after \st Novcmhcr 1841 as possible, in order to ensure their being read during the Ses- sion ; but those which cannot be lodged so early will be received till \ St March 1842. Communications, Models, &c. to be addressed to James Tod, Esq. the Secretary, at the Museum of the Society of Arts, 63 Hanover Street, Edinburgh, Postage or Carriage paid. Royal Institution, Edinburgh, Uth April 1841. ( 425 ) SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. METEOROLOGY. 1. Falling Stars. — The following letter of Sir John Herschel to the Editor of the Athenceum on the periods of the falling stars will in- terest our readers : — Sir, — The bright moonlight of the 9th inst, having prevented my ob- taining satisfactory observations of the meteors, to whose periodical re- turn on the 9th and lOtli of this month Prof. Quetelet has drawn much attention, as being more regular than the display of the 12th and 13th November, allow me, in place of observations for the current year, to offer, as my contribution to our stock of knowledge of the subject, the follow- ing incidental mention of such an occurrence, which occurs in Sir W. Hamilton's account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in August 1779, printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 70, which will be read with the more interest, the periodical nature of the phenomena be- ing then unknown, and its occurrence being ascribed by him to some local electrical agency, developed by the volcanic ejections. '' August 9. 1799," after describing the phenomena of the eruption during the day till seven o'clock at night, " when all was calm," Sir Wil- liam Hamilton goes on to say, " it was universally remarked, that the air this night, for many hours after the eruption, was filled with meteors, such as are vulgarly called falling stars. They shot generally in a hori- zontal direction, leaving a luminous train behind them, but which quickly disappeared. The night was remarkably fine, starlight, and without a cloud. This kind of electrical fire seemed to be harmless and never to reach the ground, whereas that with which the black volcanic cloud of last night was pregnant, appeared mischievous, like that which attends a severe thunder-storm." The meteors of August 9. 1840, in so far as I observed them, radiated almost without exception from a point in the heavens very near the star y (Gamma), in the constellation Perseus, which is al- most coincident with the point (near the star /3 Camelopardali) from which I observed them to emanate on the 10th August 1839. Facts of this nature appear most decisive in favour of the opinion, that a zone or zones of these bodies revolve about the sun, and are intersected by the earth in its annual revolution. (Signed) J. F. W. Hkrschkl. COLLINOWOOD, Aug. 15. 1831. GEOLOGY. 2. Galvanism and Polarity as connected with the origin of the structure of rocks. — Whenever we meet with rocks admitting of the preservation of organic remains, the number of these decreases as we descend in the series, till we arrive at a period when the physical 426 Scientific Intelligence — Geology. monuments of the globe bear no trace of organized beings, an abyss which gives no record of life, and sets a bound to our zoological in- quiries. But the researches of the geologist do not rest here ; it still remains for him to investigate changes connected with great moving forces, with galvanism, and with polarity, manifested in cleavage, and joints, and all the other problems connected with the primary rocks; and these inquiries, it is believed, would in future form one of the most iinportant parts of geological investigation. — Sedgwick. 3. Artesian Wells. — Prof. Sedgwick, at the Plymouth meeting of the British Association, after reviewing the general principle of Ar- tesian Wells, described two districts in which these operations were attended with very different results. In the eastern part of Essex the chalk is covered by sandy beds of the plastic clay, and these by several hundred feet of impervious strata of Londori clay, all dipping together towards the east. The arenaceous beds below the London clay rise higher towards the chalk than the clay does, and absorb a considerable part of the water from the high grounds. By boring through the clays to this sand, springs of water immediately rise above the surface, and are carried off by natural channels. By this supply of water the value of the land has been materially increased, since the country, though abounding in peat bogs, and stagnant ponds dur- inor winter, suffers much from the summer drouojht. The other at- tempts to form Artesian wells, referred to by Mr Sedgwick, were made near Lincoln, which, though surrounded by fens, covered with water in the winter, is not sufficiently supplied during the summer. But the clays supporting the fens of the Bedford level are below the chalk, and though there are pervious beds beneath them, which rise to the north-west, yet the clays are of such enormous thickness that they have never been penetrated ; and even were that accomplished, the high land is so distant that intervening fissures, filled up with impervious materials, might intercept the supply. Expensive sink- ings have been made at Lynn, and also at Boston ; and, after boring- through many hundred feet of clay, they have utterly failed ; and in any future operations in this district, the chance of success would bo very remote. 4. M. dOmalius on the Mineral Beds of Condros M. d'Omalius d'Halloy communicated to the Brussels Academy of Sciences a notice concerning the relative bearing and origin of the deposits of the clay, the sand and the jplitanite of Condros, a country situated between the Meuse, Lesse, and Ourte rivers. These deposits may, according to the terms employed in geology, be considered as consist- ing of beds, masses, and veins. M. d'Omalius, however, considers that tliey have all the same origin. The raineralogical resemblance Scientific Intelligence — Geology. ^ 427 of the clays and sands to tlio plastic clay of Paris, has caused them to be considered as tertiary ; but their intimate alliance to metallic substances, and the circumstance that none of the tertiary fossils have hitherto been found either in the district of Condros, or in the other elevated localities of the massive anthracite (du massif anthraxifere) are, in the apprehension of M. d'Omalius, so many reasons which in- cline him to separate them entirely from the tertiary series of rocks. According to him, these sands, clays, and mineral ores have followed hard upon the formation of the coal measures, and have come to light during their contortion (sent arrives au jour lors du plissement). As to their mode of formation, M. d'Omalius believes, that if, instead of deriving these sands and clays from superficial waters, we were to suppose they proceeded from the interior, like metallic veins, and as M. d'Alberti supposes with respect to triasic sands and sandstones (les gres et les sables triasiques) their position would bo explained with the greatest facility. The volatilisation of silica does not ap- pear to him of more difficult supposition than that of magnesia, which is admitted by many geologists. Accordingly, he remarks, it may easily be conceived that if siliceous gas traversed masses of waters, it might produce chemical reactions which would precipitate silex, either in a pure state, or in that of silicates of alumina, or, to put it in other terms, which might produce sands and clays, in the same way as the waters of certain existing fountains precipitate carbonized lime, because the carbonic acid which held this salt in solution is precipi- tated when the water comes to the surface. M. d'Omalius designates by the term phtanite the whole of that substance which the inhabitants of the Condros district call clavia, although it is only a portion of these matters which belong to that modification of quartz to which Ilaiiy has given the appellation of phtanitey and though they present numerous varieties, in passing from phtanite to grey jasper, to red jasper, to hornstone, millstone, flint, (pyromaque), quartz, sandstone psammite, loam (Hmonite), to red iron-ore, schist, ampelite, &c. The relations of the phtanites with the minerals of iron, also with the clays and sands, induce M. d'Oma- lius to think that they have the same origin, to this extent at least, that they proceed alike from internal emanations ; but their state of cohesion leads to the belief that they are not the result of instantane- ous precipitations, which are supposed to occur in the case of clays and sands, but that they must, on the contrary, proceed from mole- cules which preserve their state of solution till they arrive at the sur- face, and then unite after the common laws of affinity. — L'Institut, No. 397. 5. QeognosUc Pogition of the i>ia«K>«d— Tho Brussels Academy 428 -^ ScientiJIe Jntelligence-^Geohgy. of Sciences has received from M. Claussen, a geologist wlio lias re- sided for twenty years in the Minas Geraes of Brazil, many geolo- gical notices of the province. We shall now dwell only upon the one bearing upon the true mineralogical habitat of the diamond. Towards the beginning of the year 1839, diamonds were discovered in the psammite sandstone (le gres psammite) of the Serro do Santo Antonio de Grammagoa. This mountain is composed of great beds of sand- stone (gr^s) which have a perfect resemblance to itacolumite ;* but their highly inclined beds, reposing immediately upon Macigno, a rock of the transition series, leaves no room for doubt as to their identity with the psammetic sandstones of Abaite (Abaethe). Those who made the discovery procured a great number of diamonds, be- cause the rock was very soft ; but, as they went deeper, it became harder, and consequently more difficult to work. The immensenum- ber of individuals, who were attracted from all quarters, to the num- ber of upwards of two thousand, and who laboured without either order or place, caused a portion of the mountain to crumble away before them, the debris of which still yields a profit by the extracting of diamonds after pounding. Specimens of the rock, with imbedded diamonds, are by no means rare ; although the miners nevertheless de- mand a high price for them, because by completely pounding them, they hope to find those large diamonds with which their imagination fills them. Matters are only made worse, if the purchaser be a stranger, for then they argue that he must know what the specimens contain, and cannot conceive how any one should offer a large sum of money from mere curiosity. The diamonds are found imbedded in the psammite sandstone ; in the itacolumite sandstone they are sometimes discovered between the plates of talc, very much as gar- nets are in mica-slate. In the museum of Rio Janeiro, there is a roundish diamond of very considerable size, which very distinctly re- tains the marks of grains of sand imprinted upon it. Among the specimens which M. Claussen has seen, there is rather a remarkable one in the possession of M. Mallard, a French gentle- man settled at Ouro Preto ; it is a small piece of pseudomorphosed sandstone, having very much the aspect of itacolumite, about two inches long and one broad, and contains a diamond weighing about two grains, and crystallized in the shape of a roundish octahedron. The owner demands L.125 for this specimen ! Another remark- able specimen belongs to a Brazilian merchant of Rio Janeiro : it is a piece of yellowish sandstone, about the size of the fist ; It contains * The itacolumite is a granular slaty compound of quartz and talc : The so- called flexible sandstone of Br^U is a vwiety of itacolumite. — Edjt» Scientific Intelligence — Geology, 429 two diamonds, one of which weighs nearly a carat, and the other a grain : both are crystallized in the form of perfect primitive octahe- drons. M. Claussen was assured that all the diamonds which are found in the itacolumite sandstone have rounded angles and edges, whilst, on the contrary, those which are found in the psammite sand- stone are perfect crystals. Were this fact verified, and found to bo constant, we must needs suppose that the same cause which has changed the sandstone into itacolumite has also operated upon the diamonds. The diamonds are never found enveloped in an earthy crust as some authors have described. Their surface is sometimes rough, but generally smooth. The diamond may very easily be recognised by putting it in water, where it retains all its brilliancy, having the appearance of a bubble of air, while all other precious stones lose this singular appearance. It is quite incomprehensible how the Brazilian government has not, up to the present moment, bestowed the slightest attention to this highly important discovery. It would appear it has not appre- ciated the importance of ever becoming positively acquainted with the primitive or matter rock of the diamond, which, once known, might lead to many discoveries as important as that of Santo- Antonio de Grammagoa, and restore to a highly useful purpose the formerly worked masses (cascalhos% by collecting and pounding all the pieces of this rock which could be discovered. With this information it is probable that in all time coming many more diamonds may be pro- cured than formerly, which will of course greatly lessen their mer- cantile value. — L'Institut, No. 379. 6. Dartmoor granite as a building material, — Dr Buckland, at the Plymouth meeting, exhibited a series of specimens from Lord Mor- ley's granite quarries, in Prince Town, Dartmoor. To the depth of fifty or sixty feet the granite is more or less decomposed, and it is sur- face granite which has been employed in almost all cases, because it was obtained cheapest ; and the result has been, that in all buildings which have stood for any number of years, such as Dartmoor prison, each block of granite has become a spongy mass, absorbing moisture continually, rusting the iron bars employed in combination with it, and rendering the cells so damp that they can only be used by covering the walls within and without with Roman cement or tiles. This de- fect is inseparable from all the granite which is not quarried from a depth beyond the influence of decomposition. At the bottom of the Morley works, a mass of granite is exposed to a great extent, and en- tirely free from this influence ; it is from this the granite is obtained now being used for Lord Nelson's monument in Trafalgar Square. VOL. XXXI. NO. LXri.— OCTOBER 1841, B 0 430 Scientific Intelligence — Geography. GEOGRAPHY. 7. Expedition up the Euphrates, — A vessel belonging to a leading firm at Liverpool was sent to sea under sealed instructions, about eighteen months ago, having on board two iron steam-boats, and other cargo of a similar unusual description. The destination of the vessel, as now appears, was the Persian Gulf, the steamers having been constructed by order of the East India Company to act as a flotilla for ascertaining the navigability of the river Euphrates. The expe- dition has been highly successful, having traversed the course of the stream 1100 miles from its mouth. The following are extracts from a private letter dated " Belis, June 6," written by Mr Floyd, the surgeon of the flotilla, and brought by the last overland conveyance : — '* I am now near Aleppo with the flotilla, having completed the ascent of the river Euphrates, without doubt one of the noblest rivers in Asia ; here, at a distance of 1000 miles from its embouchure in the Persian Gulf, it is 400 yards broad, and very deep. The Euphrates differs little from the Tigris up to Hilla, a Turkish Arab town, built near the site of ancient Babylon, except that its banks are much better cultivated, and in some the date-tree (the Palma dactili- ferus) adds to the picturesque meanderings of the river ; while in others, a mosque, with its lackered dome rising from a group of wil- lows, is a pleasing variety from the monotony of the surrounding district. The river is enclosed within a valley of high rocks, which extends from its source to below Hit. They are composed of gypsum, sandstone, and conglomerates with mica and feldspar. This climate is delightful, and produces all the varieties of European fruit, be- sides many of the tropical ones lower down the river. The only obstacle to the navigation of this river consists in the remains of the water-wheels used for irrig'ation. In the short space of 130 miles we found nearly 300 of these wheels, about one-third of which are in operation at the present day. They consist of large parapet walls built into the stream, directing the current of the river to the wheels, which are the most clumsy piece of mechanism, made of branches of trees, and have slung round them l50 clay vessels to raise the water in. The wheels are forty feet in diameter, placed at the end of an aqueduct raised upon well-built Gothic arches. It is surprising the quantity of water they raise to the surface. They cause a current of six or seven knots, with a fall of two or three feet where they are, so that this part of the river is difficult, and somewhat dangerous. The Tigris to Mosul, the site of the ancient Nineveh, and the Euphrates to Baulus — I might say to the heart of the Taurus (for we may go higher) — is now proved navigable." — Liverpool Times — Athcncewn, No. 721, p. 654. Scientific Intelligence — Mineralogy^ 4S1 M INERALOGY. 8. Nitrate of Soda Quarries in Peru ; — and Anhydrous Sulphate of Soda In the moming after breakfast, says a correspondent of the Literary Gazette, in No. 1279, we set out to examine the nitre-quarries and clarifying works. The nitre is found upon a small portion of the plain, extending along whore the latter and high grounds between it and the sea blend together for a distance, in a north and south bearing, of about 160 miles ; but nitre-works are only as yet established upon a small portion of this line. It is com- bined with the soil to the depth of three feet, the two forming so hard a mass as to require boring and blasting, after which it is pounded, dissolved, clarified, and crystallized, and packed off on donkeys to Iipique, where it sells for three and a half dollars per 100 lb., duty included. The residuum, after the extraction of the nitre, both from taste and appearance, could not be mistaken ; while the further in- formation that it was a deadly poison, and the clothes once wet with it never dried, still more clearly pointed out the muriate of lime. This nitre, as it is called, is not the proper nitre, which is the nitrate of potassa, but simply the nitrate of soda. The proper nitre is an efflo- rescent salt, which dries up into a light powder when exposed even to a moist atmosphere, while the nitrate of soda of Tarapaca is a deli- quescent salt that runs to solution under similar circumstances ; but the climate of Western Peru being totally destitute of moisture, hence this nitrate is found to answer well there in the manufacture of gun- powder as a substitute for the real nitre, and in which way it has long been applied. In Europe it is used in manufacturing rockets and other fireworks for saint-day displays in Catholic countries, and as manure for particular soils. Western Peru furnishing al- most nothing but the precious metals to make a return to England in payment of manufactures, hence this nitre was immediately hailed as a great boon to the return ships by furnishing them a profitable ballast. Many other mineral substances exist on this coast, from which an equally good trade might be derived; among which I may mention the anhydrous Glauber salt, or Glauber salt, having no water of crystalli- zation, of which a nephew of the celebrated Bolivar at Cobija, who gave' me a specimen, told me there was an inexhaustible supply in the valley of Atacama and other contiguous places. The sulphate of soda, or Glauber salt, is now extensively used in England in the ma- nufacture of British soda ; hence it may be advisable for mercantile men to turn their attention to these Peruvian mines, where it is