‘38 ‘Paes o wh filed ' od Garde tty ds papa ee iv, yore wh j eh ‘ > y PU t ! i + 7 A (ere a tac te iG 9 en eae a t ‘ > une j MENT Thy vite 4 V2 vk eget (t phat! At MALS Qe (or ah Lea A Ny Wh trtae oe : RN) AS ee 2 ph A 0 0 ra dee SHR iy Crsa) Fs] _ EDINBURGH NEW ‘ « % f \ it \ t LOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. " ‘ I r 4 ; Pa om ; 4 3 ; , ) E a * ; ; . bert i. % : f . he ‘ ie t =f be k ; tee ; : \ « ; r ‘ : ey SRA ae ’ Pe 2 - ~ ‘ ee 5r - ti iba gets - - Ah S| J+? ine poe ‘ es ) ‘ S ales . pA ie . ’ ny ted f gs! , THE “EDINBURGH NEW. PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, EXHIBITING A VIEW OF THE PROGRESSIVE DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SCIENCES AND THE A CONDUCTED BY NG ROBERT JAMESON, REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, LECTURER ON MINERALOGY, AND KEEPER OF THE MUSEUM IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH; Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh ; Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy ; of the Royal Society of Sciences of Denmark ; of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin ; of the Royal Academy of Naples ; of the Geological Society of France; Honorary Member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta; Fellow of the Royal Linnean, and of the Geological Societies of London ; of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, and of the Cambridge Philosephiecal Society ; of the Antiquarian, Wernerian Natural History, Royal Medical, Roya) Physieal, and Horticultural Societies of Edinburgh ; of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland ; of the Antiquarian and Literary Society of Perth; of the Statistical Society of Glasgow ; of the Royal Dublin Society ; of the York, Bristol, Cambrian, Whitby, Northern, and Cork Institutions ; of the Natural History So- ciety of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle ; of the Imperial Pharmaceutical Society of Petersburgh ; ¢f the Natural History Society of Wetterau ; of the Mineralogical Society of Jena ; of the Royal Mineralogical So- ciety of Dresden ; of the Natural History Society of Paris ; of the Philomathic Society of Paris ; of the Natura] History Society of Calvados ; of the Senkenberg Society of Natural History 3 of the Society of Natural Sciences and Medicine of Heidelberg ; Honorary Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York ; of the New York Historical Society ; of the American Antiquarian Society ; of the Academy of Natural] Sciences of Philadelphia ; of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York ; of the Natural History Society of Montreal ; of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanical Arts ; of the Geological Suciety of Pennsylvania ; of the Boston Society of Natural History of the United States ; of the South African Institution of the Cape of Good Hope ; Honorary Member of the Statistical Society of France ; Member of the Entomological Society of Stettin, &c. &c. &e. OCTOBER 1853..... APRIL 1854. VOL. LVI. TO BE CONTINUED QUARTERLY. EDINBURGH : ‘ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK. LONGMAN BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS, LONDON. “1854, EDINBURGT PR NTED LY NEILT AND COMPANY, OLD FISHMARKET. CONTENTS. PAGE Art. I. On the Paleohydrography and Orography of the | Earth’s Surface, or the probable position of Waters and Continents, as well as the probable Depths of Seas, and the absolute Heights of the Continents and their Mountain-Chains during the different geo- logical periods, By M. Amz Bove’. Communi- cated by the Author. (Gontinned from vol. lv. p.- 316.) : 3% . ° . I II. On the recent Progress of Ethnology. By Ricwarp Cutt, Esq., Honorary Secretary to the Ethnologi- cal Society, and Corresponding Member of the _ Historical Institute of France, : siete ~ III. On Cohesion of. Fluids, Evaporation, and Steam- Boiler Explosions. By Lieut. E. B. Hunt, Corps of Engineers, U.S.A. Communicated by the Author, : : 2 : vty ae IV. Researches in Embryology; a Note supplementary to Papers published in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1838, 1839, and 1840, shewing the Con- firmation of the Principal Facts there recorded, and pointing out a Correspondence between certain Structures connected with the Mammiferous Ovum and other Ova. By Martin Barry, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E. -Communicated by the Author, 36 il CONTENTS. PAGE Art. V. Notes on the Life of the celebrated Dominique-Fran- cois-Jean Arago, Perpetual Secretary of the Aca- demy of Sciences, Member of the Board of Longi- tude, and Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, &e., &e., : oer. : re * | VI. The Funeral Speech of M. Frovurens at the Grave _ of M. Arago on the day of his Funeral, which took place on the 5th October 1853, ~ ease VII. On the Introduction of the Magnificent Forest Tree, the Deodar, from India into England, . et Cultivation of the Deodar in England, i : 70 VIII. Remarks on Mollusca and Shells. By Dr Avcus- Tus: GOULD, . ‘ a ; . 44 1. Zoological Regions, . ° é ‘ 74 2. Identity of Species, . : : . ‘ 74 8. Local Aspects of Species, and Characteristic Form of Regions, é d ‘ : 76 4, Analogous Species in co-ordinate Regions, ° i IX. Report of the Maritime Conference held at Brussels for devising a Uniform System of Meteorological Observations at Sea, . ; nf > 61 ~X. An Essay on the China-stone and China-clays of Cornwall, with a description of some Mechanical Improvements in the mode of Preparation of the latter. By Mr H. M. Sroxer, of St Austell, Cornwall, : ) : ; te XI, Qn the Analysis of Euclase. By J. W. Mauzr, Esq., Ph. D., 4st ; “ie . 103 CONTENTS. ili PAGE Mar. aes On the Anatomy and Physiology of Cordylophora ; XIE. XIV. > KV. XVL XVII... XX. - -XXI, a contribution to our knowledge of the Tubularian Zoophytes. By Gzrorce James Atiman, M.D., M.R.1.A., Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin, &e., | On the Elasticity of Stone and Crystalline Bodies. _ By E. Hopexinson, Esq., The Classification and Nomenclature of the Palzo- zoic Rocks of Great Britain. By Professor SEDGWICK, On. the Surface Temperature and Great Currents of the: North Atlantic and Northern Oceans. By the Rev. Dr ScoreEssy, On the influence of Climate on Plants and Animals. By Dr Emmons of New York, On the Origin of Crystalline Limestones. By Pro- aa A. sea : : ; . Biographical Sketch of Mr fe Hugh Edwin Strickland, . Notice of an Attempt to Naturalize the Craw-Fish (Astacus fiuviatilis) in the South of Scotland. Communicated by Dr FLemine, On the apparent Visibility of Stars through the Moon immediately before their Occultation. By ; eke Epmonps Jun., Esq. Communicated by the Author, On the. Paragenetic Relations:of Minerals, 106 108 110 114 118 127 131 136 iv CONTENTS. PAGE XXII. The Ocean—its Currents, Tides, Depth, and the Outlines of its Bottom, ‘ : . 162 XXIII. On some Points in the Physical Geography of Nor- way, chiefly connected with its Snow-Fields and Glaciers. : : : : . 169 XXIV. Ordnance Survey of Scotland, . F 7210 XXV. Screntiric INTELLIGENCE :— . / re. 7G: MINERALOGY. 1. On the Formation of Crystallized Minerals. By AuG. FREVERMANN. 2. Artificial Pro- duction of Diamond Powder, : 176-178 GEOLOGY. 3. Use of Salt among the Natives in Namaqua Land, South Africa, . ‘ ° » ¥<+ 178 METEOROLOGY, 4. Some observations desirable to be made with reference to the Glaciers of Norway. By Professor JAMES 'orRBES, 65. Theory of the Pile and the Aurora Borealis. 6.“ Piroréco” or Bore that occurs in the Guama River at Spring Tides. 7. Mirage of South Africa. 8. Majestic Cloud seen from the Jungfrau, 179-182 HYDROGRAPHY. 9. A new method for taking Deep-sea Sound- inge, . “ : P ; . 183 ZOOLOGY. 11. Report of Committee appointed at meet- ing of the American Philosophical Society on 30th of February last, to examine and report . upon a collection of fine wools, presented by the King of Saxony to Peter A. Browne, Esq., . . ; : : e/ « [QG=167 BOTANY. 15. Microscopical Description of the Proto- coccus nivalis from the Arctic Regions, by M. Justice. 16. Dr Kane on Specimens of Vegetable Matter found by him on the Ice Plains of the Polar Seas, . ; 187-188 MISCELLANEOUS. 17. Important Scientific Invention, . . Ao ee CONTENTS. Art. I. On an Isothermal Oceanic Chart, illustrating the Geographical Distribution of Marine Animals. With an illustrative Map. By James D. Dana, Esq., II. On the Temperature of Running Streams during periods of Frost. By Ricuarp Apis, Esq., Liver- pool, - TIT, Onthe Nature and Origin of different kinds of Dry Fogs. By M. C. Martins, IV. Synopsis of Meteorological Observations made at the Observatory, Whitehaven, Cumberland, in the year 18538. By Joun FrercHer Mitter, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.R,A.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E., &ce. Com- municated by the Author, VY. The Great Auk still found in Iceland, PAGE 189 224 229 249 260 ii CONTENTS. Art. VI. On the Food of Man under different conditions of Age and Employment. By Dr Lyon Prayrair, C.B., F.R.S., ; VII. Description of Two Caves in the North Island of New Zealand, in which there are Bones of the large extinct wingless birds, called by the Natives the Moa, and by Naturalists the Dinornis ; with some general Ob- servations on this Genus of Birds. By Artuur S. Tuomson, M.D., Surgeon of the 58th Regiment, VIII. Norway and its Glaciers visited in 1851 ; followed by Journals of Excursions in the High Alps of Dau- phine, Berne, and Savoy. By James D. Forses, D.C.L., F.R.S., Sec. R.S. Ed., Corresponding Member of the Institute of France, and of other Academies ; and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. (Continued from page 169,) IX, Notice of the “ Silurian System of Central Bohemia, by Joacuim BarranveE.” Communicated by JAMES Nicox, F.R.S., Regius Professor of Natural His- tory, University of Aberdeen, . X. On Vesicles in the Abdominal Cavity and Uterus, containing a Mulberry-like Body rotating on its Axis, and on the Expulsion of the Ovisac from the Ovary. By Martin Barry, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E. Com- municated by the Author, XI. The Physical Geography of Hindostan. By Dr Grorce Buist, Bombay, XII. On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals, PAGE 262 268 296 310 319 328 353 CONTENTS. Art, XIII. On the Fossil Plants found in Amber. By Pro- fessor GOEP PERT, : ; ; : XIV. Screntiric INTELLIGENCE:— . METEOROLOGY, 1. Climate of Finmarken. 2. Proposed Meteor- ological Survey, . HY DROGRAPHY. 3. Amount of pressure borne by Animal Life in profound depths. 4. Sea Pressure. 5. The colour of the Ocean. 6, Admiral Smyth on the Temperature of the Ocean. 7. Cap- tain Allen’s proposal of converting the Dead Sea into a north-eastern extension of the Mediterranean. 8. Arctic Glaciers. 9. Al- pine, Norwegian, Himalayan, Snowdon, Cam- brian, and Highland Glaciers. 10. Dove on ili PAGE 365 369 Oceanic Currents, ‘ ; ‘ 369—373 MINERALOGY. 11. On the supposed new metal Aridium. 12. Density of Selenium. 13. Dolomite. 14. Crystallized Furnace Products. 15. Purifi- cation of Graphite for Lead Pencils. 16. Arctic Minerals, . ; 5 : Siae10 GEOLOGY. 17. The Lower Silurian Rocks of the United States. 18. Nature of the Coral-Reefs be- tween the coasts of Florida and Mexico. 19. Geological conclusions in regard to the Rus- sian Interior Seas. 20. On the probable depth of the ocean of the European Chalk Deposits. 21. Professor Rogers’ objections to Professor Forbes’ deep-sea genera. 22. Mr Ayres’ objections to Professor Forbes’ deep-sea genera. 23. Artificial Silicification of Lime- stone. 24. How to render Sandstone and other porous materials impervious to Water. 25, Employment of Quick Lime in High Fur- naces, instead of Limestone, by C. Montefior iv CONTENTS. PAGE ; Levi, and Dr Emil Schmidt. 26. Professor Rogers on Earthquake Movements, and the thickness of the Earth’s Crust. 27. Colora- tion, ; : : é : 375-379 ZOOLOGY. 28. Observations on the Habits of certain Craw-fishes. 29. Arctic Whale Fisheries. 30. Cod-Fishing of the Lofodens 379-380 BOTANY. 31, Is the Flora of the Globe a distinct and in- dependent one? 32. Physiognomy of Vege- tation in different quarters of the Globe, 33. The Plants, considered as Characteristic of Nations, 34. The Statistics of Vegetation over the Globe. 35. Geographical Distribu- tion of Plants, ; = g 380-383 GEOGRAPHY. 36. Dr Barth’s Discoveries in Africa,. : 383 MISCELLANEOUS. 37. Industrial Education. 38. The Earl of Rosse, K.P.M.A., on Education, ; : : 884 THE EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. On the Paleohydrography and Orography of the Earth’s Surface, or the probable position of Waters and Continents, as well as the probable Depths of Seas, and the absolute Heights of the Continents and their Mountain-Chains du- ving the diferent geological periods. By M. Ami Bourn’. Communicated by the Author. (Continued from vol. ly., page 316.) But we give the means to determine approximatively this value by another way, so that it is possible to control this geo- - gnostic bathographic mode of determination by the more geo- detic one. Another control is given us by the estimation made _ by Humboldt for the maximum of the medium of continental heights, and the height of the point of gravity in the volume of all continents above the present level of the sea. He was led to this by the evident errors of Laplace, who estimated 4000 feet the middle elevation of continents. Humboldt found 157°8 toises, or 307 metres, or 942 feet, for this value, but he left out of consideration and calculation the whole of Africa, where there exist immense plains, as well as very _ extensive plateaux, and even in the south-east very high and extensive chains. Nor could he have had, during the time of his calculation, an exact idea of the greatness and altitude of the lofty plateaux and plains of North America; and he must have overlooked also all what is called the polar countries or islands, where high chains are not uncommon, especially at the Austral pole. For that reason A. K. John- ston differs already a little from Humboldt; for he admits VOL, LVI. NO. CXI.—JANUARY 1854. A 2 M. Ami Boue on the Paleohydrography in Europe, instead of the 105 toises of Humboldt, 671 feet; for North America, instead of 117 toises, 748 feet; for Asia, instead of 180 toises, 1152 feet; for South America, instead of 177 toises, 1151 feet. We arrive in this way at the probability that Humboldt and Johnston’s estimations are still too high; but as in our way of reasoning, we must also take into consideration all the parts of the earth’s crust which form submarine protuberances, and add this value to the one admitted in continental parts above the sea level ; in this way we must arrive evidently at a higher estimation of middle height or thickness, and this will not be far from 1500 to. 2000 feet in height for the last wrinkled pellicle of our globe under and above the sea level, which we thought to be able to establish for our whole water-covering of the oceans: On the other side, the values of the elevations and sub- sidences, or high and low parts of the earth’s surface, being equal, an estimation of the maximum for the middle height of continents gives us the means to calculate the whole quantity of sea water through the mutual surface contents of land and water. The mutual relations of these is said to be about 1:3 or 24, but according to Lyell, itis 1:4, 1:3. He admits for the whole earth’s surface 148,522,000 square miles, with 37,673,000 square miles dry land, and 110,849,000 | square miles of water (Principles, 1835, vol. i., p. 216). In following Laplace’s old error of giving to the middle depth of the seas 2 miles or 4 leagues (Mem. Acad. de Se. Paris, 1776), we arrive at a quantity of water of 55,091,600 cubic leagues, or even for all waters on the earth’s surface 110,183,200 cubic leagues of Breislak (Institut. Geol., 1818, vol. i., p. 48). If Kant fixed the middle depth of seas to half a geographical mile, and Keil to a quarter of a mile, old De la Metherie was still more near the truth in admitting only 1200 to 1500 feet for this value ; and by that way he was able to calculate the quantity of the sea water to 1,530,320 cubic leagues. He added also that if the whole earth’s surface were flat and covered entirely with water, the depth of it would be only 700 feet, according to the admission of the mentioned value of the quantity (Theorie de la Terre, 1795, vol. ii., p. 347). De la Metherie’s estimation of the quantity of water must _ and Orography of the Earth’s Surface. 3: be too great, if other calculations conduct Rozet to believe that this value is 1000 times smaller than the volume of the compact parts of the globe (Traite de Geologie, 1835, p. 15).. The volume of the whole spheroid would be, according to Breislak, 1,230,320,000 cubic leagues ; according to Daubuis- son, 1,079,235,800 cubic myriameters (Traite de Geognosie, 1819, vol. i., p. 25) ; and according to Reviere, 1,082,634,000. K. M. Beudant allows the quantity of the water on the globe under two millions of cubic myriameters. When we have once the true value of the sea water and its basin, we can logically conclude from this the value of the dry land. But here is the place to remark that the highest chains are placed always only upon the greatest protuberances or vaults of the earth’s surface, which is quite natural; but together give an indica- tion of the maxima and minima values of the elevations upon the whole globe, as well as in each country. In other words, if we find heights from 24,000 to 27,000 feet in South America and the Himalaya, or similar cavities in the Austral seas, we must not believe that there exist in the earth such a force of elevation or subsidence; but that only the last elevations have taken place upon a soil already elevated upon a vault of the earth, and that in the same way the subsidence has _happened on parts already subsided. It is yet possible that a chain may be wholly upheaven in later times; but our Alps in Europe shew us that we can hardly admit of a single elevation of 8000 feet at once, for all the summits and pinnacles which reach above 10,000 feet did gain this. height only by the inclination of their composing beds. On the other hand, a yet unknown physical law has established. an intimate relation between the value of the greatest eleva-: tions or upheavings, or highest mountains of each continent and their relative individual extent. A kind of scale of this description is furnished by the Himalaya, the Chimborazo, and Mont Blane, three continents of unequal greatness. The same relation is to be observed among the cavities of. the earth, for the greatest sea depths are in the Austral seas,’ where the extent of dry land is to that of water as 1:16. ie A 2 en 4 M. Ami Boue on the Paleohydrography The same may be said of the southern part of the Pacific, which is as large as all the continents together. On tke contrary, in the Northern Ocean to the 30th lat. north, the sea has only a relative smaller depth, and the dry land fills up there nearly as much space as the water. We may observe, probably, that the volcanic action may modify our conclusions. We find, for instance, in Mont Blane only metamorphic rocks, and in the Himalaya, second- | ary slates, and the highest pinnacles of the Andes nothing else than volcanic cones, so that we can only compare the height of the old vaults upon which these volcanic matters were united. zi Voleanic action is still an agent very little known, and its force of elevation has not yet been determined. When we see on certain large volcanic islands, heights like those of Mont Blane, for instance in Sicily, at Teneriffe, &e., and even still higher peaks in other volcanoes, those immense accumulations of igneous matters do not decide the question, if the volcanic force has been able to elevate a Chimborazo at the height of 24,000 feet from the mentioned normal sea-depth of 1500 to 2000 feet. According to all our observations, it must, on the contrary, be admitted, that the volcanic islands give us the limits of the voleanic force of elevation, and that in other places the height of the base of the volcanoes enables us to judge of their extraordinary altitude. In that way we see the lava flowing constantly from the crater of the Kirauea volcano upon the isle of Hawaii, which is only 3800 feet in height. We see volcanoes like Etna ejecting periodically stones to a height of 6000 feet, but the lava flows only through rents in the sides of the cones far below the high summits. In the Andes, whose trachytic domes predomi- nate, the eruptions are also below, and the ashes and smoke go out above. ‘This position of the volcanoes of South America upon the earth’s vaults, may possibly explain how — the voleanic phenomena and earthquakes in those countries — are much stronger than elsewhere, because the action takes place under a covering filled with more rents, and more easy to be moved, being already bent to a vault. Generally, the higher the volcano, it is the more easily moyed; on the — and Orography of the Earth's Surface, 5 contrary, the lower, even when ecakvine: the motions are, the more difficult, and its effects more local. For in this resides. probably partly the difference between the present and the former activity of volcanoes. These have lost very little or nothing of their former exciting cause, but only the secondary circumstances of their possible expansion by this foree have been modified by time. Let us continue our approximative estimation of the Heights of Chains in the primitive periods, according to the mentioned depths of the various seas at different times; the highest hills in the Primary period would be between 1500 to.2000 feet, in the Zechstein period already 3000 to 4000 feet, in the Trias time 4000 to 5000 feet, in the Jura period 5000 to 6000 feet, in the Chalk time 6000 to 11,000 feet, in the Tertiary period 8000 to 20,000 feet, and in the Actual, 10,000 to 26,000 feet. The middle value of these highest pinnacles would be for the period of the Trias and Jura about 4000 feet, in the Chalk period 8000 feet, in the Tertiary period 10,000 feet, and now it would be 12,000 feet. » The mountains next in height would have increased in ein from the oldest times till now, as well as the inclined planes under the sea level. The greatest height of those chains may have attained in the Trias already 3000 feet, in the Jurassic period about 4000 to 5000 feet, in the Chalk period | 6000 to 8000 feet, in the Tertiary time about 4000 to 10,000, feet, and now they measured 6000 to 12,000 feet. Their middle yalue would give only 2000 feet in height for the Trias period, 3000 for the Jurassic, 7000 for the Chalk, and 8000 for the Tertiary one. The greatest height of the hilly countries may have been in ‘the Primary period 1000 feet, in the Zechstein 1500 feet, in the Trias 1600 to 1800 feet, in the Jurassic 2000 feet, in the Chalk 2500 feet, and in the Tertiary at least 3000 feet. Their _ middle height which varies now between 1500 and 3000 would _haye attained in the primary times only 600 feet, in the -Zechstein period 1000 feet, inthe Trias 1500, in the Jurassic 1000 feet, in the Chalk 2000 feet, in the Tertiary time 2500 “feet, , and in the Alluvial 3000 feet. 1 6 M. Ami Boué on the Paleohydrography On the Middle Height of the lowest parts of the Continents, according to Humboldt and Johnston. We can limit the estimations for each continent and can draw the conclusion how small that height must have been in the Primitive period. In Europe the middle height gives now only the middle value of 300 feet. As the middle value of | the highest chains of the mountains of middle heights of the hilly land in the Alluvial period, is to that in the Primary time about 4 or 5:1 in the Zechstein, about 3: 1 in the Trias, 2:1inthe Jura, as 2, 2:3 in the Chalk, as 2, 3:3, and in the Tertiary as 2, 5:3, we obtain by using these researches in the middle height of the lowest parts of the continents in the different Primary periods 60 to 80 feet, in the Zechstein period 100 feet, in the Trias 150 feet, in the Jura 180 feet, in the Chalk about 200 feet, and in the Tertiary 250 feet. These values are naturally contrary to those of the cavities of the parts of the sea bottoms which were the nearest to the shores during the different geological periods. - With the aid of such philosophical collections of heights as Strantz gave us, (Berghaus’ Annal., 1830, vol. ii. ; 1832, vol. vi. ; 1835, vol. vii.; 1836, vol. xiii. ; 1839, vol. xix. ; 1841, vol. xxili.), one might with some difficulty establish by ap- proximations similar values for the breadth of the chains, the height of the plateaux and cols, the breadth of valleys, the length of the course of rivers, &c., during the different geological periods. I may only mention one of these, viz., the angle of inclination of the low lands and of the lands of the middle heights for which Strantz adopts for the first 5° to 10°, and the latter 10° to 20°. These values have in- creased always from the older times till now, a fact which shews the necessity to admit in the Primary times not only a much flatter land than now, but quite flat shores. Quite the contrary must have taken place in the chains, because the higher were not protected as now by so many mountains of secondary height; so that the angle of inclination of these last is much smaller than formerly. Generally this value rises with the smallness of the hill and diminishes with its greatness. But this value of the inclination of the plane and Orography of the Earth's Surface. 7 must have diminished in the hills from the beginning till now, a fact which, on the other hand, conducts us to acknowledge that the current of water, their destructions and alluvium, must have been much greater the more we look back to these primitive times. Probably about the chalk period the beds of rivers may have become long enough to equalize the re- Sults of the greater angle of inclination with those of the shorter beds of these. Let us try, lastly, to determine geognostically the chief places of the continents in the various geological Henigdeg u in going back from the present time to the oldest. in As the subsidences increase always in a certain arithmetical sitidadGision to the newer, and the elevations follow the same scale, it is clear that the present world must have possessed much more dry land at the beginning of things. ' In the alluvial time great countries have disappéared to the NNW. and west of Europe; this we may suspect by the position of the greater parts of the low land,—by the chief sub- sidences in Europe and Africa,—by the destruction of part of the Tertiary beds and basins,—by many islands and many shallows of certain seas, as between Norway and Spitzbergen, in the German Sea, in the Gulf of Bevin, &c. But according to our observations they may have existed already in the old alluvial time (Proceed. Vienna Acad., January 1852). The myth of the lost Atlantis may well be a true tradition. In North and South America similar relations indicate for the same period of time subsidences in the north-east direc- tion for North America, and in south-east and south-west for South America. In the mean time was found in the Pacific, the great equatorial cavity in Southern Asia, especially that amongst the Indian Archipelago and east of Africa,—a subsi- dence in the south-east direction. In the tertiary period numerous basins indicate many great seas which did cover the lowest parts of the earth’s surface, as Thaye detailed it already in the Proceedings of the Vienna Acad. for 1850, pp. 96-102 ; and also less completely elsc- where. As these parts form the largest portions of the earth’s _ Surface, this relation alone convinces us that much dry land _ disappeared in later date under the sea. In the same 8 M. Ami Boué on the Palwohydrography geognostical way I have shewn the place that the sea has occupied in older periods. During the Alluvial time a good deal of land formed by Tertiary beds, Chalk, Jura beds, and even by Primary fossiliferous and crystalline rocks, subsided in the Atlantic, and in the Pacific the countries that disap- peared may have belonged to the tertiary, primary, and crys- talline rocks. To the south-east of Africa, fragments of land have subsided, belonging to all the four classes of for- mations. _ In the middle and older secondary periods, it would seem that the countries lying on equatorial lines in the Pacific did replace the Australian countries, which had again subsided, as well as part of the dry land of both peninsulas in Hindu- stan. The secondary formations do not appear in these latter countries, because they could not be formed there. Accord- ing to similar considerations, it may appear probable that a part at least of Eastern America and a part of Western Africa were again put under water by subsidences. It is possible that the rent of the Red Sea took its origin in that time, for it is surrounded by much chalk and tertiary rocks. Later, at the end of the Jura time, on the contrary, these countries must have been thrown up, and the motion must have lasted till the Alluvial time. This we prove by the chalk mountains, and the now dry tertiary basins. In the Primary period were islands in all seas, especially distributed in an equatorial direction, because this position coincides most with the density of the centrifugal force, which had not then attained its present limits in the process of rotation. Before we conclude, we may observe that later observa- tions will certainly complete this essay. ‘Through the pro- gress of paleontology, and natural history, zoologists and botanists have been able not only to restore and delineate to us the old fauna and flora, but they have also deciphered the philosophical plan of the origin and development of organic nature. In the same way, geology and physical geography will illustrate the once palezeohydrography and orography, and follow nearly all the changes in the paleoplastics of the earth. Weshall obtain then, as complement of our actual .- and Orography of the Earth’s Surface. 9 geological maps, others for each period of time ; and in the last will be indicated- not only the place of the various for- mations, but also the values of the various elevations and subsidences. These values will consist in the indications of the height, extent, and breadth, of the chains, of the angle of inclination of those as well as of the beds of rivers, the depth of the seas, the temperature of the different periods, the mag- netic phenomena during these periods, and, last, the general geography of the different fossil flora and fauna. A beginning is made in this way with the Paleohydro- graphy and Orography, but the paleophysics are hardly Studied, and even less the paleochemistry. We have got very few notions on paleometeorology and paleotemperature or thermics, as for instance in the changes in the isothermal lines in the geological times (Bul. Soc. Geol., 1848, vol. v. p. 276). The paleomagnetism, connected intimately with temperature changes, will also give rise to most interesting discoveries, and even to magnetical maps in the various geological periods. Upon paleohydrology, I may soon treat, and upon paleopotanography I have selected a few facts already (Mem. of the Vienna Acad., 1851, vol. iii. p. 89). In a later paper I have shewn, by the various degrees of heat in the thermal waters, where many different vegetables and animals of higher and lower classes. may have lived, and that the temperature of the sea, at the beginning, could not have been so great as philosophers thought. The maximum of that temperature could have varied only between 70° and 80° C.; but in the general one I found only about 30° or 40°, like Sir H. de la Beche (Bul. Soc. Geol. for 1852, vol. ix.) The last knowledge mankind will acquire is that of Paleo- astronomy ; but a proper knowledge of this branch will require many centuries of time. 10 Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. On the recent Progress of Ethnology. By RicHARD CULL, Esq:, Honorary Secretary to the Ethnological Society, and Corresponding Member of the Historical Institute of France.* Two works by Dr Latham, one of our fellows, have been published during the year—“ The Ethnology of Europe,” and “The Ethnology of the British Isles”? These are valuable additions to our literature, and bear the characteristics of Dr Latham’s vigorous mind. Much of the matter is neces- sarily familiar to us as admitted science; and not a little containing his own views has already appeared in his former publications. Dr Latham is doing good service to our science by casting doubt and uncertainty on much of that which is believed to be true, but of which the evidence is unsatisfac- tory. Thus, in a former work, he drew attention to the limited data on which Blumenbach erected and eulogized his Caucasian race; he now draws attention to the Saxons, and displays with ability his view of the place which they occupy in English history. And this view is not very flattering to the vanity of those who boast of Anglo-Saxon origin. One of the great questions of European Ethnology, the origin of the Etruscans, has been again discussed during the past year. This subject has occupied the attention of some of the profoundest scholars of our times, but unfortunately with results much disproportioned to the labour which has been expended. It is a question that only scholars can dis- - cuss, for the investigation is historical, philological, and criti- cal, on materials collected both in ancient and modern days. Dr Donaldson has, with praiseworthy industry, in Varronia- nus, second edition, along with treatises on the Dialects of ancient Italy, given in fuller detail than in his paper read before the British Association, the evidences and data of his views on the language and consequent origin of the Etruscans. The population of ancient Italy, as Dr Prichard (Physical Hist., vol. ili., p. 203), has shewn, may be conveniently thrown into three great groups, viz. :— * From a copy communicated by the Author, Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 11 1. The Umbrians, who may be deemed to be the earliest known inhabitants of North Italy, ¢.¢., of nearly all Italy lying between the Alps and the Tiber. 2. The Etruscans, who at a remote period dispossessed the Umbrians of a great part of their territory: they called themselves Rhaséna. _- 3. The population of Italy south of the Tiber consisted of several nations, termed Siculi, GEnotrians, Aborigines, Latins, Sabines, Opici or Ausones. | Dr Donaldson’s view is, that the Etruscan language is in part a Pelasgian idiom, more or less corrupted by contact with the Umbrian, and in part a relic of the oldest Low German or Scandinavian. - Scholars in general deem the Etruscan to be a composite language. Dr Lepsius adduced evidence to support his view that the Etruscans were Tyrrhenians or Pelasgians, who in- vaded Italy from the north-east, conquered the Umbrians, and took possession of the western part of the district for- merly occupied by that people. Dr Donaldson claims to have discovered a Seandinavian element in the Etruscan lan- guage. The evidence, however, which is adduced in support of the existence of such an element is considered by high philological authorities to be as yet unsatisfactory; and it appears that our knowledge of the Etruscan language is nearly where Niebuhr left it, viz. that aifil ril means viwit annos. Professor Newman in his Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman History, has ably stated the leading characters of the Ethnography of ancient Italy. Professor Newman Shewed years ago, Classical Museum, vol. vi., that even ‘Cicero’s Latin abounds with intrusive Keltic elements; and especially that the Sabine was related to the Gaelic. He considers (“* Regal Rome,’ p. 18), that the primitive Latin must have derived its Keltic infusion through the Umbrian. Miller, as quoted by Prichard, ohserves, that words belong- ing to the barbaric portion of the Latin language abound in the Eugubian tables, which are Umbrian. Yet he admits that the dialect of these tables displays considerable analogies ‘with the Greek. And Grotefend had long ago shewn that 12 Mr Cull-on the recent Progress of Ethnology. the Umbrian and Latin have an extensive vocabulary in com- mon, and that they abound in analogous grammatical forms both in verbs and nouns. Here are difficulties for criticism to reconcile. But whatever was the medium through which the Keltic element was introduced into the Latin language, we shall agree with the Professor that the Keltic is the in- trusive element, because, in numerous instances, the word which is common to the two languages is isolated in. the Latin, while in the Keltic it is one of afamily...The ques- tion may still be asked, Who are the Umbrians? It is true that the Umbrian language is cognate with the Latin, but its precise affinity has yet to be shewn. Dr Latham (Varieties of Man, p. 554), because Livy says the languages of Etruria and Rheetia are alike, thinks the Etruscans and Rhetians are one people; the former at their highest refinement, the latter at their greatest rudeness; and also considers the stock to be indigenous to Northern Italy. It appears to me that we lack evidence, and, unfortunately for their reputa- tion, scholars are drawing wider conclusions than, are war- ranted by the facts. An able paper on the Romanic languages. of the Grisons and Tyrol was read last session by Dr W. Freund, one of our Fellows, in consequence of which the Berlin Royal Academy of Sciences has given him the charge of a commission to pro- ceed, at the Government expense, to ancient Rhetia, to make philological and archzeological researches, so, as. to throw a light, by the collection of new facts, upon the ancient inhabi- tants of Etruria, the Grisons, the Tyrol, and the south-east of Upper Italy. The next contribution to European Ethnology during the year is an account of the ancient inhabitants of Yorkshire, in Mr Phillip’s excellent work On the Rivers, Mountains, and Seacoast of Yorkshire. Mr Phillips reproduces. York- shire in the time of the Romans, and shews its successive phases under the Anglo-Saxons and Danes. His synopsis of its history during that long period is concise and clear. In an able chapter on the Races of Men in Yorkshire, Mr Phillips says,—‘* If, without regard to any real or supposed evidence of their national origin, we attempt to class the a —_ Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 13 actual population of Yorkshire into natural groups, we shall find, independent of Irish immigrants, three main types fre- quently distinct, but as often confused by interchange of ~oheitanaty features. “1. Tall, large-boned shipaatly sons; visage long, angu- nee complexion fair, or florid; eyes blue or gray ;, hair light brown, or reddish: Such persons in alloparts of the country form a considerable part: of the population... In the North Riding, from’ the’ eastern ‘coast’ ‘to the western mountains, they “are plentiful. aeneali families: prevail) very much ‘about Lincoln. 6-2) Person ‘robust; visage oval, full, and rivaled nose often slightly neputlihe ; complexion somewhat embrowned, “florid ; eyes brown; or gray; hair brown, or reddish. In the oW est ‘Riding, especially in the elevated districts, very power- ‘fal men ‘have these characters. | "© 3? Persons: of lower stature and: smaller nnipaiethesid “visage short, rounded; complexion embrowned; eyes very “dark, elongated; hair very dark.» (Such eyes: and, hair: are commonly called black). Individuals having these characters “oeeur in the lower grounds: of ‘Yorkshire, asin the valley of ‘the Aire below Leeds, ‘in the vale: of the: Derwent, and the ‘level regions south of York. They are:stillamore frequent in “Nottinghamshire and ~Leicestershire,: and may. be said to abound amidst ‘the true Anglians. of Norfolk and: Suffolk. * The physical characters‘here traced cannot be, as Dr-Prichard ~eonjéctures in a parallel case im Germany,:the effect of some centuries of residence in towns, for they are spread. like.an epidemic among the rural and secluded population.as much “as among the dwellers:in towns. «Unless we suppose such . ‘varieties of steep to spring upianong the blue-eyed Lan beelontste and: tee 16 ‘Bxitons, among net nte as, shcasie ~ stated, the Iberian element was domjéethrally admitted. “°o Adopting this latter view, there is no difficulty in regard ~ to the other groups. \ They-are of North German and Scan- * dinavian origin, and the men of Yorkshire inherit the physi- ~eal organization and retain many of the peculiarities of Jan- * guage of their adventurous sires. In the words employed, in 14 Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. the vowel sounds, the elisions, and the construction of sen- tences, the Yorkshire dialects offer interesting analegies to the old English of Shakspeare and Chaucer, the Anglo-Saxon of the Chronicle, and the Norse, as it is preserved to us by the Icelanders.” Professor Phillips furnishes us with philological materials for the study of the East Yorkshire dialect, and says,— ‘ Investigations of this kind (philological) must not be limited to Yorkshire, for even our dialectic peculiarities spread southward into Derbyshire, westward into Cumberland, and northward to the foot of the Grampians. Though several dialects, or varieties of dialects, exist in Yorkshire, they appear not so different from each other when heard, as when looked at in the disguise of arbitrary spelling.” This work of Professor Phillips must be regarded as a valuable contri- bution to the Ethnology of England; and it is to be hoped. that others as well qualified will supply us with the ethnolo- gical details of their own localities. Our science is indebted to John Grattan, Esq., of Belfast, for obtaining certain ancient Irish crania from the round towers and other places, for carefully preserving them and bringing them under the notice of the Ethnologists at the Belfast meeting of the British Association last year. It is not easy to overrate the importance to our science of the study of crania, both ancient and modern. Mr Grattan ably classed his crania in four well-defined chronological groups, viz. :— 1. The Prehistoric, 2. The remote historic, 8. The Anglo-Irish, and 4, The Modern periods. Mr Grattan modestly said,—‘‘ To attempt to generalize upon such imperfect data would be rash and presumptuous in the extreme. Let us hope, however, that, by calling public atten- tion to the value of such specimens, we may be but laying the foundation of a collection, which, one day more extended and in better qualified hands, shall do good service to science, They however illustrate one fact, which bears importantly upon the question of races, viz. the tenacity with which dif- Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 15 ferent types preserve their identity even through periods of time which embrace no small portion of the history of man- kind.” It is with great pleasure I inform you that some of these crania will be figured and described in the large work on Ancient British Crania which my friend Dr Thurnam is now preparing for publication. Africa.—The recent progress of African discovery so’ amply repays the labour bestowed on it, as to satisfy the desires of the most ardent. Some account, in an agreeable though desultory form, of the scientific labours of the Prussian mission to Egypt and Nubia, under Dr Richard Lepsius, has appeared in an English dress, under the title “ Discoveries in Egypt, Nubia, and the Peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-45, during the mission sent out by His Majesty Fre- derick William IV. of Prussia. By Dr Richard Lepsius.” These letters, on their arrival in Europe, appeared in various journals, chiefly in the Preussiche Staatzeitung, and thence were copied by other papers. The collected letters, therefore, although only now published, are not new to us; and some of the lingual questions connected with Ethnology were discussed in our society as long as six years ago, The letters are edited by K. R. H. Mackenzie, Esq., who appears to be well acquainted with the Ethnology of North-East Africa. Much valuable information concerning the tribes in the interior of Africa around Lake Tsad has been collected by the enterprising travellers, Drs Barth, Overweg, and Mr Richardson, which is at present in the Foreign Office, but which the Foreign Secretary has kindly promised to lay be- fore our Society. _ Dr Daniell, a Fellow of our Society, and distinguished by his Ethnological researches in Africa, safely arrived at Macartney’s Island, on the Gambia, in November last. He informs me that he is now in the midst of an unwrought ethnological field, and which he hopes to turn to good account. I trust his life will be preserved to pursue those researches _ for which he is so well qualified, and that he will return to us in robust health to enjoy the otiwm cum dignitate after 16 Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. his long and laborious sojourn in the pestilent marshes of the west coast of Africa. The publication of a second edition of the Rev. Samuel Crowther’s Yoruba Vocabulary, now greatly extended, and also a grammar of the language by the same, a native author, supplies us with ample materials for the study of that beau- tiful language: while the able introduction by the Bishop of Sierra Leone is a valuable contribution to African philology. A characteristic of African languages is the euphonic con- cord, which was first discovered by the Rev. W. Boyce, of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, and published in his gram- mar of the Kaffir language; but its principles have been since more fully laid down by the Rev. John W. Appleyard, in his more elaborate grammar of that language, in which its extension to other South-African languages is exhibited. The Yoruba language, which is not a South-African one, has its euphonie concords, and that between the verb and the pronoun is worthy of attention. The pronouns are, 1s¢, “emi; 2d, “iwo;” 3d, “ on,” in the nominative case ; but these nominatives have each two other forms, which depend on the vowel of the verb. And the third personal pronoun has seven forms dependent on the verb’s vowel, when used in the objective case. In this. way the pronoun is always subordinated to the verb. Now, although the existence of euphonic concord connects as one link the Yoruba with other African and chiefly South-African languages, yet at present I confess I do not see the special links which will enable one to say to what group it naturally belongs. At present, how- ever, we know but little of African philology. I need scarcely say in this society that euphonic concords are not confined to African languages, as every one knows they are found in the Keltic. | The Rev. Dr Koelle of the Church Missionary Society, has lately returned from Sierre Leone with MS. vocabularies of 150 languages, and with MS. grammars in an advanced state of compilation of the Bornon, and the Vei, the former of which, he informs me, has some features in common with the Ugro-Tartarian languages and some with the Semetic, the _ existence of which will modify our views of the Negro lan- Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. ig guages. He is now engaged in preparing this valuable con- tribution to our knowledge of African languages for the press. Dr Koelle informs me that his vocabularies do not extend to those languages spoken in the north-east of Africa. The continued lingual researches of Dr Krapf in the dia- lects of the east and north-east of Africa; those of Mr Appleyard in the south of Africa from east to west, with the researches into the Negro languages of the western coast, seem to render the lines of demarcation between them less trenchant, and to indicate certain affinities which may con- firm the conjecture of Dr Prichard of a close connection be- tween all the African languages. Much, however, remains to be done in collecting vocabularies, shewing the areas in which the languages to which they belong are spoken, and the compilation of grammars. We must not remain satis- fied with the indications of affinities ; we ought from positive knowledge to exhibit the whole of their several relationships. And we must never forget that lingual evidence, however strong and perfect, is only one line of evidence: we must obtain the concurrent testimony of the other lines of Ethno- logical evidence in order to justify our conclusions. “ Kaffraria, and its Inhabitants,” by the Rev. Francis Fle- ming, M.A., Chaplain to the Forces in King William’s Town, is a small volume, containing a popular but animated descrip- tion of the country, and so much of its natural history as the author found necessary to introduce an account of its human inhabitants. Mr Fleming’s knowledge is gained froma per- sonal experience of three years’ residence. The large space devoted to a description of the native tribes and their lan- guages, displays the author’s ideas of the importance of Eth- nological knowledge; and the little work is likely to be useful in exciting a desire for more het all and systematic knowledge of the South African. Asia.—Steady progress continues to be made in decipher- ing the cuneiform inscriptions of Assyria. These inscriptions are the original public records of the empire, and are of infi- nitely higher value than ordinary ancient MSS., because, being the originals, they are free from those corruptions VOL. LVI. NO. CXI.—JANUARY 1854, B 18 Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. which creep into all MS. copied texts, either from the inad- vertence or the wilfulness of the transcribers. The great question is, Can we correctly read them? Some persons, who are unacquainted with the philological methods of re- ~ search adopted in this inquiry, or whose philological know- ledge is insufficient to enable them to appreciate those methods, have called in question the results of the labours of our distinguished investigators. But 1 believe that all who have studied those methods are satisfied that we pos- sess the philological key to open the immense and invaluable stores of knowledge which are locked up in those languages. Mr Layard’s new book, just out, is the last work on ancient Assyria. In it is a translation from these cuneiform inscrip- tions abridged, the joint production of Mr Layard and Dr Hincks, of the annals of King Sennacherib, by which he is identified with the Sennacherib of Scripture (p. 159). Colonel Rawlinson wrote a paper last year, containing an outline of Assyrian history, compiled from the inscriptions of Nineveh; and also a sketch of the Assyrian Pantheon, de- rived from the same source. Tous, as Ethnologists, the im- portant light thrown upon ancient geography, and the con- nection of the people with their several localities, is of equal interest to any of the Assyrian discoveries. The chronology is of great value; and these, together with the synchronisms of Biblical history, are already clearing away some of the Ethnographical darkness which yet enshrouds that interest- ing part of Asia. Dr Hincks read a paper at the Belfast Meeting, in Sep- tember last, of the British Association, ‘“‘On the Ethnolo- gical bearing of the recent discoveries in connection with the Assyrian Inscriptions,” which claims our attention. He’ considers the Assyrian language to belong to a family akin to that of the Syro- Arabian languages hitherto known, rather than to that family itself. Dr Hincks pointed out the fol- — lowing resemblances, or what the Assyrian had in common with the Syro-Arabian family. It has verbal roots, which were normally triliteral, but of © which some letters might be mutable or evanescent, whenee arise different classes of irregular verbs. These roots admit Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 19 not only the simple conjugation, but others in which radical letters are doubled, other letters added, or both these modi- fications made at once. From these roots verbal nouns are formed, either by a simple change of the vowels, or by the addition of letters, such as are called, in Hebrew, Hee- mantic. gai: The Assyrian agrees with the Arabic more closely than with any other of the Syro-Arabian family in these respecis : Ist, In forming the conjugations, consonants are inserted among the radical letters, as well as prefixed to them. This takes place regularly in Arabic, but in Hebrew only when the first radical is a sibilant. 2d, The termination of the aorist varies as in Arabic, different verbs taking different vowels between the second and third radicals, while the first radical sometimes termi- nates the verbs, and sometimes takes after it a or uw; and, 3d, The forms of the plural vary, and the cases of nouns differ in a manner which resembles, in some measure, what takes place in Arabic. The Assyrian language differs from all the Syro- Arabian languages yet known in the following respects :— Ist, Where they have h it has s in a variety of instances, and especially in the pronouns and prenominal affixes of the third person—Suw, si, sunu, sina; sa, sa, si, sun, and sin— most of which resemble forms in other languages, if only h be substituted for s. The same difference occurs in the characteristic of the causative conjugation. In these re- spects, but not by any means generally, the Assyrian agrees with the Egyptian, and, through it, with the modern Berber. _ 2d, The Assyrian has no prefixes, such as b for zn, J for to, which occur in all the Syro-Arabian languages. In place of these it has separate prepositions: and to evoid the awkward- ness of joining these to the prenominal affixes, and perhaps for greater clearness, nouns are inserted, forming compound prepositions, as ina kirbisu, “in its midst,” for “in it.” Com- pound prepositions may be used, also, before other nouns, as ina kirib biti. Sometimes the Assyrian uses affixes as sub- stitutes for prepositions. Instead of ana, “to” or “ for,” before a noun, ish may be added. Thus, for “a ae is B 20 Mr Cull ow the vecent Progress of Ethnology expressed indifferently by ana. shallati and. shallatish. . This last. form has much of the nature of an adverb, and has Some resemblance to the Hebrew noun with the locative. In place of ish, the pronoun, generally ma, is adopted as a sub- stitute for ana, Thus su-ma is ‘to him,” and answers. to le-ho, from which Jo is contracted ; the Hebrew prefixing the representative of “ to,’ while the Assyrian postfixes it... 3d, The Syro-Arabian languages make frequent use of a preterite, in which the distinctions of number and. person are confined to the end of the root; but the Assyrian rejects it, or at least uses it in an exceedingly sparing manner, On this account Dr Hincks proposes to consider the Benoni par- ticiple, masculine, singular, in regimen as the root. 4th, The varieties in the termination of the future are not connected with any particles that may precede them, but of themselves indicate different tenses.. The termination in u is certainly a pluperfect. Thus, where mention is made of “that Marduk Baladan, whom I had defeated in my former campaign,” the verb is askunu: but whenever ‘I defeated” occurs in the simple narrative, askun or askana, or, in a dif- ferent conjugation, astakan is used. This law has been fully established. The addition of a seems not to change the sense ; it is added to every verb when what it governs fol- lows it, and to some verbs even where it precedes it. These are chiefly such as denote locomotion. The resemblance of the most common Assyrian preposi- tions, and that of the pronouns, also, to the Indo-European form is curious, and points to a common though remete origin. t The Babylonian inscriptions are in the same language as _the Assyrian. This was probably the court language at’ Babylon; but the common people most probably used the Chaldean language, in which some parts of the Books of Ezra and Daniel are written. | Mr Hodgson is still contributing towards our knowledge of the monosyllabic languages in Trans-Gangetic India, and the results of his inquiries are recorded in the Z'’ransactions of the Bengal Asiatic Society. The present war in Burmah will, I trust, open up that and the surrounding countries for Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 21 Ethnological inquiry ; and should the dynastic struggle which is now going on in China be finally settled by British arms or diplomacy, we may hope for the opportunity of studying more perfectly the Ethnology of that vast empire. Trans- Gangetic India and the Chinese empire may be considered as one extensive Ethnological area, the languages of which are monosyllabic and the religion Buddhism. “Mr Oldham, Geologist to the Indian Survey, has been studying the hill-tribes north of Sylhet; and a valuable com- munication was read to our Society on the subject on the first night of the session. "We may expect further knowledge of these various tribes from him, as he has gone to that locality a second time with specific objects of inquiry. He says: “I am satisfied the language is monosyllabic: and I think the “Garo tribe is more nearly allied to the Kassias, Kukis, Ka- chari, and Munipari, than with the Bodo or Dhimal.” He is now studying the mutual relationship of these hill-tribes. , Mr Logan, another of our Fellows, continues his scientific researches in the Indian Archipelago. He and his band of contributors record the result of their investigations in the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. ‘Re- 3 siding in that distant part of the world, they devote their energies to the study of its nature. Mr Logan’s contribu- tions to its Ethnology are of the highest character. His papers on the languages of the Indo- Pacific islands place him ‘in the foremest rank of ethnological philologists, and give us more precise ideas of the Ro ath hala which led to Si tis those islands. Mr Logan is animated by an Sadana desire of knowledge, with an untiri ing zeal in its pursuit, and aims at the high ob- ject of exhausting his subject. In a letter which I lately re- ceived from. him, speaking of the Polynesian languages, he “says: “I think you will find that I have pretty well exhaust- ed our present linguistic data in my forthcoming chapters, and thrown new light on the Polynesians, but we require f more facts for Micronesia and Papuanesia, before we can go _ further. In my next chapters I take each geographical "group separately (e.g. Sumatra and its islets, Java and its ‘islets, Borneo and its islets, and so on to Polynesia).” 22 Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. “Within the last six weeks (January 6, 1853) I have re- eeived vocabularies of several new Borneon and Moluccan languages.” I am anxiously waiting for the continuation of Mr Logan’s chapters on these languages, for he has already thrown a flood of light on the Ethnology of the Malays and the Poly- nesians. A valuable contribution to our knowledge of Buddhism in Burmah is made by the Rev. P. Bigandet, in a translation from a Burmese MS. of a legend of the Burmese Buddha, called “ Gaudama.” The MS. was brought from Ava, which is a great seat of Buddhist learning. The original text was in the Pali, from which it had been translated into the Bur- mese language. Another contribution to our knowledge of Buddhism, as it exists in Camboja, entitled, ‘‘ Notice of the Religion of the Cambojans,” taken from a MS. of M. Miche, Bishop of Dansara, also appears in vol. vi. of Mr Logan’s Journal. ‘“ Whoever has sojourned in Camboja will have remarked certain points of doctrine difficult to reconcile to each other, and even with those mentioned in this notice. There is nothing wonderful in this. Someare taught in books, others are the popular beliefs. Moreover, it is not unusual to hear the Cambojans say amongst themselves, Such a pagoda does not teach the same as a neighbouring one: their books do not even always agree.” Knowing the extensive area over which Buddhism prevails, we might expect it to vary both in doctrine and practice ; but it must be confessed, that until this article appeared we had no notion that neighbouring pagodas varied in their teaching, “A Manual of Buddhism, by the Rev. R. Spence Hardy.” This is a valuable contribution to the literature of our science, as it ably answers the question, “‘ What is Buddhism?’ The manual is not a work written by the author after the mere consultation of Singhalese writings on the subject, but is itself an actual translation from Singhalese MSS. So that the work is not a view of Buddhism by a Christian, but by a — Buddhist, and is, therefore, one of authority. The study of © this work, in connection with the “* Eastern Monachism” of © “Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 28 the same author, published about three years ago, which describes the discipline, rites, and present circumstances of the Buddhist priesthood, will give us a complete idea of the nature and practice of Buddhism. The Buddhist religion is that of many millions of people Spread over a vast area, the whole of which, however, is in Asia. The Buddhist religion of China differs somewhat from that of India. “The sacred books of Burmah, Siam, and Ceylon, are identically the same. The ancient literature of the Buddhists, in all the regions where this system is pro- fessed, appears to have had its origin in one common source ; but in the observances of the present day there is less uni- formity ; and many of the customs now followed, and of the doctrines now taught, would be regarded by the earlier pro- fessors as perilous innovations.” (P. 357.) The doctrines of Gotama, therefore, like those of every other founder of a creed, have been modified by his succes- sors. Buddhism, and its powerful results, have been too little studied by philosophic historians. ‘There have been various opinions as to the age in which Gotama lived: but the era given by the Singhalese authors is now the most gene- rally received. According to their chronology, he expired in the year that, according to our mode of reckoning, would be B.C. 543, in the eightieth year of his age.” (P. 353.) “ Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific, including the Feejees and others, inhabited by the Polynesian Negro races, in H.M. Ship ‘ Havannah,’ by John Elphinstone Erskine, Capt. R.N.” This valuable contribution to Ethnological Science is well illustrated by coloured litho- graphs of the natives. This contribution, however, as a whole, is not quite new to us, for the Rev. John Inglis accom- panied Captain Erskine on a missionary tour to some of the islands, and gave us an account of it in a paper read in our Society, December 10, 1851: and made also a valuable con- tribution therein to the philology of the Papuan race: Captain Erskine’s Journal corroborates Mr Inglis’ tour, and also adds to our knowledge of other islands in the West- ern Pacific. » We may expect further information concerning the Pacific 24 Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. islands from Captain Denham’s expedition, which is now iy ‘that ocean Mr Brierly, who accompanied the late Captain Owen Stanley in the “ Rattlesnake’ to New Guinea, the Louisade Archipelago, and the North-Western Pacific Islands, is en- gaged in preparing for publication the ethnological materials which he gathered in that cruise. His abilities as an observer, and the opportunities he enjoyed, have been turned ‘to good account; and I am able to say that his forthcoming work will extend our knowledge of the Ethnology of that area. | | America.—The study of the Ethnology of North America is being pursued with that energy and comprehensiveness of purpose which characterize that people. The Government of the United States appointed a commission of well-qualified men to study, record, and publish historical information con- cerning the Indians in its territory. A magnificent work in quarto is the result, of which the second volume reached Kurope in the autumn. This work contains a description and history, with the manners, customs, and language, as ex- hibited in copious vocabularies and grammars, of the several tribes of Indians. The two volumes already published are well illustrated by copperplates and woodcuts. The com- prehensive design of giving a systematic account of the people who are fast fading away before the advances of a higher civilization, is one that we might copy with great advan- — tage to our national character both in British America and in our other colonies. : The Smithsonian Institution, in its systematic cultivation of natural knowledge, embraces that of Ethnology, and in its volumes are found most valuable contributions to the Arche- ology of the Indian tribes. The researches connected with the earth-works of the Mississippi Valley, by the Hon. E. G. Squier, who is a Fellow of our Society, in vol. i., and those connected with the earth-works in Ohio, in vol. iii., by Charles Whittlesey, Esq., are important contributions to the — ancient Ethnology of those districts. . The American Ethnological Society is not idle, but, on the Mr Cull on the recent Progress of Ethnology. 25 contrary, is contributing its quota to the elucidation of Ame- rican Ethnology. The first part of vol. iii. is just issued from the press, and contains much new and interesting mat- ter. The Hon. E. G. Squier, whose work on Nicaragua is an authority, is still studying and throwing a light on that district. A paper, “On the Archeology and Ethnology of Nicaragua,” in the present Part, is a valuable contribution to our knowledge, both of the tribes and of their languages. Prior to Mr Squier’s visit, our information of this interest- ing district was very meagre and sketchy. A knowledge of these tribes is likely to point out what relationship existed between the Mexicans and Peruvians, and also the relation- ship of both to the great American family of Man. The British Association for the Advancement of Science has printed for circulation, in order to rightly direct inquiry, a new edition of its queries, under the title of “ A Manual of Kthnological Inquiry.” From the circumstance that the leading Ethnologists of Great Britain belong both to our Society and to the British Association, there is a unity of action in the two Societies, in the endeavour to collect the facts and data of our science. And my being Ethnological Secretary to Section E, as well as Honorary Secretary to our Society, the object of the Association in the distribution of its Manual can be more fully carried out. Copies have already been sent to nearly every missionary station in tae world; and from the concise directions as to what to observe, we may expect a large mass of facts to be brought together for the advancement of Ethnology.—(from Sketch on the Recent Progress of Ethnology. By Richard Cull, Esq.) 26 Lieut. Hunt on Cohesion of Fluids, On Cohesion of Fluids, Evaporation, and Steam-Boiler Explosions. By Lieut. EK. B. Hunt, Corps of Engineers, U.S.A.* Communicated by the Author. I now wish to present a simple exposition of the mecha- nical theory of cohesion in fluid masses, and from this to de- duce the structure of a fluid surface, shewing that its cohesive strength is much less than that of the interior layers. The result furnishes a clear and direct explanation of the great fact of evaporation, and shews why, in all cases, even in ebul- lition, evaporation is a strictly surface phenomenon. Hence follows an explanation of one of the chief causes of steam- boiler explosions, and the easy suggestion of a very practical remedy; also an explanation of the heating of fluids to high temperatures, as observed by Donny, and of the entire agency of contained air in ebullition. Several years have now elapsed since, in tracing out the results of a highly general theory of molecular mechanics, it occurred to me to call in question the commonly-received views as to the amount and character of a fluid cohesion. Regarding all cohesion as directly a function of the distance between adjacent molecules, it was quite impossible to ima- gine that the exceedingly small difference of the intermolecu- lar distances corresponding to the fluid and solid forms re- spectively in any given substance, could produce that very great difference of cohesive strength so generally conceived to exist. The slight difference of volume, for instance, be- tween a solid and fluid pound of iron, would not lead us to anticipate any marked difference of cohesion, so long as we regard this cohesion as any tolerably simple function of the intermolecular distances. The ordinary experiments professing to measure fluid co- hesion, are by no means cases of direct rupture, and indeed furnish no measure whatever of actual cohesive strength. The common experiment of separating, by counterpoising weights, a dise from a fluid which wets it, furnishes no indi- cation of the cohesion in the mass of fluid, bat merely shews — * Read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Cleaveland, Aug. 1853. Evaporation, and Steam-Boiler Explosions. 27 the force required to break the fluid surface. Donny’s expe- riments shew positively that the yielding is here entirely at the surface, progressing through the mass by the successive breaking of the successively formed surfaces, only a mere fluid filament being at last broken by direct rupture. It is truly @ case of capillary action between a horizontal fluid sur- face and a horizontal solid circular surface, and like all other capillary action exists primarily at the surfaces only. Tix- cept in the frequently observed adhesion of well-boiled mer- eury in barometer tubes, to heights far above the true baro- metric level, we have in fact no record of any experiments exhibiting the resistance offered by a fluid mass to direct rup- ture, which only ought to be taken as a true measure of cohe- sion. All the common views of a slight fluid cohesion are based on erroneous interpretations, in which the effects of the easy mobility of parts in fluids are very loosely imputed to a low value of cohesion. Once clearly understanding that surface yielding gives no measure of cohesion or direct re- sistance in rupture, we can readily see that the prevalent ideas on this subject are without support. If we study the phenomenon attending the condensation of gases and vapours into fluids, it is apparent that while con- tiguous molecules are still at distances many times as great as that characterizing the fluid state, the cohesive attraction inanifests itself appreciably. Steam instantly condensing, at the rate of a foot of steam to an inch of water, shews that in’ water the cohesive action of a molecule extends effectively through a sphere whose diameter is at least twelve times the distance between adjacent molecular centres in the fluid. Hence in water the radius of effective cohesive action must be so great as to include several molecular layers. The mo- ment a gas ceases to follow Mariotte’s law, cohesive action becomes appreciable ; and this is proof enough that in masses _tnany layers contribute their action in making up the total cohesion. _ If we conceive any fluid mass to be distributed into layers, then the correct measure of fluid cohesion will be the force ‘requisite to produce a direct simultaneous separation of all the parts along a unit of the dividing surface between two 28 Lieut. Hunt on Cohesion of Fluids, layers. This is equal to the resultant of all the forces acting from either direction against this unit of surface, these forces being held in equilibrio by the equally opposing forces. ‘To obtain an expression for this cohesion, let the fluid mass be conceived as divided into elementary layers relative to three perpendicular co-ordinate axes. Let the layers above the plane X, Y, be called 1, 2, 3, &c., those below being called a, b,c, &e. Take the unit of surface in the plane X, Y, be- tween layers 1 and a. Then the force with which the unit in layer 1 presses against layer a is composed of all the at- tractions which the entire layers a, 6, c, &c., exert on the _noittog 3605 (eddy Peer Meekiey Pate | | » See units in layers 1, 2, 3, &., which make up the prism basing on the unit of surfaces. Or, making the cohesion 4, and designating the elementary forces by the layers sordid which they are exerted, we have ~=a,1+b6,1l+c¢,14+d,14 ke. + a,2+b,24+0, 24+ &e. +a,3+b, 3+ &e. . +a, 4+ &e. in which the terms arranged above each other have equal values. This series would require to be extended so as to include all terms corresponding to distances at which cohe- sive forces may not be regarded as evanescent. By assuming - some law of connection between this force and the distance, an integration of effect could be attained ; but this is not now necessary. An inspection of the formula gives the main fea- tures in the mechanism of cohesion within masses, either solid or fluid. In order now to study the peculiarities of constitution be- longing to surfaces, let us, in this formula, introduce the hy- pothesis that layer 1 becomes a surface layer. All terms containing 2, 3, 4, &e., are thus struck out, and we Evaporation, and Steam-Boiler Eawplosions. 29 have, as the surface cohesion along the normal direction, p=a;1+6, 1+¢,1+d,1+é&e. But in the general expres- sion we have, by observing the equality of terms, sen@=d, b+2:(b «1)+3(c.1) +4 d-1) + &e. Comparing these values of a, we see that the surface layer eoheres to the mass with a very much smaller force than two internal layers cohere against each other. For the second, third, &c., layers, a like discussion applies, and the cohesion gradually increases on penetrating the mass. -)/Ehis formula involves-no. particular hypothesis as to the value or character of the forces acting, only that the aggre- gate is attractive. But as condensation is a spontaneous phenomenon through all that portion of the aggregational range in which energetic actions are found, we ought to as- sume that all the effective terms are attractive. To present the grounds which seem to me to authorize the conception of that repulsion in all states of aggregation, is only exercised between adjacent molecules, while the attractive actions are the resultants of all the primary constitutional forces, and extend through larger spheres, would involve the exposition of a complete theory of molecular mechanics. I must, there- fore, leave, as an assumption, the conception that in fluids the only repulsion to be taken into account is that between the contiguous layers (a and 1), which prevents their yielding farther to the cohesive forces pressing them together. We should observe, that in consequence of the deficiency of cohesion along the fluid surface, a rarefaction would take place, which would again diminish surface cohesion to a con- _ siderable extent below that value given by the formula. _To determine the cohesion measured along a surface, as we haye done for that along the normal, let the general for- mula be applied to a surface element. Then, instead of the : a), C-CLECEELEELeL oi ; normal layers being full layers, they ave essentially but half * 30 Lieut. Hunt on Cohesion of Fluids, layers, or each term has approximately only one-half of its value for the interior. Hence the value of 7 is approximately only one-half of the interior value, or the cohesion along a sur- face is about one-half what it is within the mass. But as this value gives a rarefication also along the surface as well as along the normal, it will therefore be much diminished, so as to become less than one-half the general value. Thus both along the normal and along the surface, a weak cohesion is a necessary characteristic of the bounding layers of material masses, both fluid and solid. The result thus reached in re- spect to a mass 7n vacuo, would not be greatly affected in the ordinary atmosphere. It is somewhat remarkable that Poisson’s capillary theory, as stated by Mossotti, in Taylor’s Scientific Memoirs, is based essentially on an analysis of the fluid surface, in which the halving of the normal layer is totally overlooked, and the cohesion along the surface is declared to be the same as in the mass, the surface layer only having been taken into account. I have not seen Poisson’s work, but it is singular that Mossotti should either have made such an oversight, or have failed to detect it in Poisson, if he really committed it. It is a radical defect—even using Poisson’s own hypothe- sis—and must directly affect, or even invalidate, his whole theory. betel I come now to an important deduction from the preceding discussion. Fluid surfaces are in a state of weak cohesion as compared with fluid interiors; hence a partially atmo- spheric condition of rarefaction exists along such bounding. surfaces. If, then, we assimilate heat to a molecular repul- sion, as 1s customary, we see at once that as the temperature is raised the weak cohesion in the surface layer will be wholly overcome long before the mass is heated to that point which will overmaster its internal cohesion. Hence the sur- face molecules will freely pass off as vapour, while a strong cohesion still exists throughout the entire mass. Evapora- tion thus goes on at surfaces, at all temperatures above that which just suffices to overcome the weak surface cohe- sion. This constitution or structure necessarily characteriz- ing the limiting layers of fluids, is the true and full explana- Evaporation and Steam-Boiler Haplosions. 31 tion of evaporation in all its forms. From this we see that a fluid mass, without interior or exterior surfaces, or so in- closed as virtually to answer this description, might be heated up far above the boiling-point without boiling. Wesee that ebullition is but the effect of an internal evaporation starting in minute air-bubbles, and growing with the expanding bub- ble. We see that water entirely freed from air-bubbles, and with a restricted open surface, as in Donny’s tube experi- ment, should go on heating up far above the boiling point, until at last the whole heated mass would flash into steam with an explosion. All the phenomena described by Donny, in his excellent paper in the Annales de Chimie et de Phy- sigue, follow as easy and obvious deductions from this con- stitution of the fluid surface. Indeed, we do not at all wonder his being forced, from his experiments, to conclude empiri- eally that there must be some peculiar quality in surfaces, _ which makes evaporation take place so much more readily on them than in fluid masses. We see, too, how utterly fallacious are the experiments usually taken, as measuring fluid cohesion—they being in fact only results of the weak cohesion in surface layers—which, with the free mobility of fluid parts, fully explains all the observed results. This fully explains how a too perfect boiling of the mercury in barome- ter tubes makes it adhere at the top with such tenacity. It explains Berthollet’s experiment on the forced dilatation. of - fluids, in which a deaérated fluid, sealed when hot, does not shrink in cooling for a long time, but at last breaks and col- lapses—indicating that it has borne a great tension before yielding. Prof. Henry’selegant experiments with soap-bubbles, in which by measuring the tension of the inclosed air, heisable to deduce, first, the compressing force, and thence the cohe- sion of the fluid film, with a very great.value, furnish an in- dependent confirmation of the same general views. We may remark that the heterogeneous structure of the outer layers would destroy the mobility of their parts, and give a film- like character to the fluid surface, while all within this film would have free mobility. This, with the additional fact of _a drawing inward of the outer layers, by the unbalanced co- _hesive action of the layers near the surface, explains the 32 Lieut. Hunt on Cohesion of Fluids. great variety of formal phenomena exhibited by drops, bub- bles, and fluid surfaces. About four years since, I conceived the idea of directly measuring fluid cohesion by rupturing a pure fluid column in a cylinder with a moving piston. By filling the cylinder with the fluid to be tested, and immersing the piston by the aid of a valve closing at will, the force requisite for starting the piston will be the cohesion of the column, on allowing for atmospheric pressure. Of course, the fluid must adhere to the cylinder more strongly than it coheres in itself, else the adhesion only would be measured. Nor must it contain any air-bubbles, as the presence of one such, however small, will give a start to the break, by presenting a weak surface. This is the great difficulty of the proposed experiment. In May last, I had just. begun such an experiment, on mercury, in an amalgamated cylinder, but the requisite precautions for excluding air could not be taken for lack of time, as I was obliged to leave my station before the apparatus was com- plete. The rapidity with which the mercury rushed past the piston, in the rough trials made, shewed that some pack- ing will probably be requisite in a deliberate measurement, and this again will present the difficulty of introducing an unamalgamated surface in the mass to be broken. The pre- cautions requisite for a perfect trial of the experiment are quite numerous. I anticipate that exceedingly small air- _ bubbles will have the effect of making the indications irregu- lar, as the smallest bubbles will only start a break on the ap- plication of very considerable force. I will now apply this discussion to steam-boiler explosions. The condition requisite for ebullition in boiling water is simply that air-bubbles in the heated portions shall present on their boundaries the weakly coherent surfaces requisite for evaporation to be established. Perfectly deaérated water, with a limited surface, would not boil at all, but would steadily heat up until it reached that point at which it would flash explosively into steam. Now, one chief cause of steam- boat explosions is clearly of this description. The boat stops at a wharf; ‘the doctor,” or pump supplying water to the © engine, being worked by the engine itself, stops its water Evaporation, and Steam-Boiler Eaplosions. 33 supply when the engine stops. The water in the boiler goes on boiling until all the air-bubbles are boiled off from the water, and their air is mixed with the steam above. There then ceases to be any evaporating surface, except that on the top layer, which is farthest from the heating surface, and quite inadequate to the consumption of all the heat supplied. Then the mass of water begins to heat up, and it goes on storing up the unconsumed caloric, until the water is far hotter than the head of steam would indicate. The engineer then starts the engine; this starts the pump, which throws a stream of air-charged water directly into the glowing fluid. The heat instantly finds its outlet. by an overwhelming eva- poration on the newly supplied bubble surfaces, and a tumul- tuous ebullition follows. . The gathered store of heat flashes off a portion of the water into steam of excessive tension—a tension such as nothing can withstand. The terrific conse- quences are too often witnessed in those fatal catastrophes which have given to our western rivers such a tragic repu- tation. No one can examine a list of western steam-boat explosions without being forcibly impressed with the fre- quency of these accidents just as the boat is starting from the wharf, after a landing. It seems to me beyond doubt that many of these occur just in the manner now stated, and from the deficiency of air-bubbles in the boiler. We see in this reasoning, too, a sufficient explanation of dry steam, or steam hotter than its tension indicates. The heating is then going on faster than the evaporation, and the steam is thus heated as if it were not in contact with the water, or were in a vessel by itself. us - It is not always that the remedy for a danger is as obvious __ and as easily applied as in this case. It is only necessary to. keep the pump in steady, slow operation, while the engine is: at rest. It should always be capable of an independent movement, and should constantly, while a boat is fired up, be kept at work, however slowly. By this means air for ebullition will always be supplied, and the accumulation of heat in a sluggish mass of water cannot then go on until the explosion point is reached. The field over which I have thus rapidly traversed is one requiring much patient study VOL. LVI. NO, CXI,— JANUARY 1804. C 34 Lieut. Hunt on Cohesion of Lluids,. . for its full development and illustration. I could not here give all which belongs to it without exceeding reasonable limits. Nearly all the views which I have presented were the result of my own studies, so far as concerned my original — acquaintance with them, but I was happy to find that Donny and Henry had, in some points, reached the same conclusions by independent routes. But Iam not aware that any one has presented the same analysis of cohesio nor of the mole- cular constitution of material surfaces. Especially does the derivation of evaporation from molecular mechanics seem to me novel and worthy of careful consideration. Donny indi- cates essentially déaeration as a cause of steam-boiler explo- sion; but it is as an experimental deduction, and not con- nected with its mechanical derivation. In conclusion, I will present an outline of a most interest: ing illustration of creative design in the earth’s co-ordination: The explanation of evaporation which has been given shews that for each fluid the formation of vapour lies within certain definite limits of temperature, as a result of primary struc- ture. These limits differ greatly in different fluids. Now, in framing the earth for habitation, or for the proper life of animal and vegetable forms, something equivalent to rain was necessary, from the constant descent of fluids to the lowest level. Without some agency to lift the great organic. fluid above its lowest ocean bed, sterility would have been the lot of all which rose above its surface, and terrestrial, organisms would have been quite impossible. But fluidity. does not involve evaporation except within certain definite limits, special for each liquid. Again, evaporation might, freely go on, and yet no capacity for condensation exist, ex- cept within other limits of temperature, quite unattainable, - save through spécial arrangement, Rain, then, with our earth and atmosphere, involved a special constitution of the raining fluid, not only so that evaporation at ordinary tem- peratures should go on, but so that condensation may again take place in the ordinary air. Not only must this qualitative arrangement exist, but also a quantitative one; since the ~ quantity of rain best sufficing to the aggregate organic need — is exactly a certain definite number of inches per annum.. » Evaporation, and Stedin-Boiler Explosions. 385 Now, water is doubtless the only known liquid which could by possibility answer these definite mechanical conditions ; hence we say, that there is a peculiarly clear evidence of de- sign, first, in making a fluid which could, under our cosmical conditions, undergo the raining round, and secondly, in its being on the earth in so exactly the quantity best meeting the aggregate organic needs. Ether, quicksilver, or any other known fluid, could not, in any possible arrangement of quantity, supply this primary cosmical necessity. Now, when we reflect how many are the instances in which the terrestrial elements, simple and in combination, exist in strict adaptation to organic needs, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the cumulative evidence of design much ex- ceeds that furnished by a locomotive or a cotton-mill. .Not only is organic life framed in strict relation to the earth, but the earth is also primarily constituted in strict relation. to organic life. Let whoever doubts this, study the extremely slender a priori chance that a drop of rain of any known liquid should ever fall upon the earth, and let him but pic- ture the total lack of all land life which must have followed any cast of the die other than that really existing. Life without fluid circulation is totally inconceivable by the mind of man, and exactly to determine the appropriate kind and quantity of liquid, as has been done in the real frame of nature, was a problem of pure and absolute intellection, transcending the grasp of every mind save the all-wise creat- ing Designer. . 3 2 36 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. Researches in Embryology ; a Note supplementary to Papers published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, 1839, | and 1840, shewing the Confirmation of the Principal Facts there recorded, and pointing out a Correspondence be- | tween certain Structures connected with the eo eS. | Ovum and other Ova. By Marvin Barry, M.D., F.R. S. F.R.S.E.* (Communicated by the Author-) The following ‘are some of the principal Paote recor ded i in my Papers on Embryology: others will be mentioned further on. ci 1. The spermatozoon penetrates into the interior of ‘the ovum, | : 2. The germinal vesicle persists beyond the period at which © it had been supposed to disappear. é : 3. Cleavage of the yelk, previously noticed in’ Batrachian — Reptiles, and some Osseous Fishes, takes place in the ovum of the highest animals—Mammalia. | 4. This cleavage of the yelk is effected by means of the nuclei of cells. 5. The nuclei effecting aldavage of the yelk have their ori- _ gin in the germinal spot, whieh divides and subdivides to furnish them. 6. The nucleus of the cell neither “ remains unaltered,” nor “is absorbed as useless,” after the formation of the cell-mem- brane ; but continues to display properties which shew it to be the most important portion of the cell. 7. Ova ofthe Rabbit destined to be developed, are in most. instances discharged from the ovary in the course of nine or ten hours post coitum ; and they are all discharged about the same time. Two of these facts, viz., that regarding the period at which the ovum of the Rabbit is usually expelled from the ovary, and the fact that cleavage of the yelk takes place in the mam- * The substance of a Paper read before the Royal Society of London, June — 16, 1853. Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. 37 miferous ovum,—both of which I published in March 1839,— received immediate confirmation. All the others were denied. Yet since then they have all, without exception, been abun- dantly confir med. Some of these facts, however, remained un- acknowledged. for so many years, that the original record of them was “forgotten. These have proclaimed themselves in ova of some of the lower animals, and observers are pub- lishing them as quite new, though really no more than con- firmations of facts first observed in the mammiferous ovum, and recorded in the Philosophical Transactions many years before, Up to the period when I communicated to the Royal Society the second. series of those Researches, entire ignorance of the time post coitum when the ovum leaves the ovary had so com- pletely prevented the obtaining of ova.from the Fallopian tube, that nothing was known of the essential part of. the mammiferous ovum between its expulsion from that organ, and a comparatively advanced condition of it in the uterus. By a determination of that time the hindrance in question was removed ; it was thus made comparatively easy to procure ova from the Fallopian tube, in one of the Mammalia, at least— the Rabbit. And very soon afterwards a work by Professor Bischoff appeared in Germany on the mammiferous ovum, ac- knowledging that Barry seemed to have been right in his an- nouncement that the time post coitum when the ovum of the Rabbit usually leaves the ovary is about nine or ten hours.* _ To determine the time in question, was a task requiring a. great deal of patience, and attended with difficulties of no common kind. But in the course of that inquiry I became ac- quainted with the fact that there was another period also in the existence of the mammiferous ovum regarding which nothing whatever had been ascertained,—the period interven- ing between the coitus and the expulsion of the ovum from the ovary. I saw changes then taking place in the ovarian ovum, without a knowledge of which it is impossible to under- ‘stand the ovum in any of its future phases, And it is mainly to what was noticed by myself during the inquiry now referred ' * Or words to this effect. I write from a’part of the country where the book’ is not obtainable. ‘ 38 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. to in that dark and previously unexplored period, that I owe | my observation of nearly all the facts just mentioned; and |) any one of these would have repaid the labour. Had Bischoff. duly examined the ovum after the coitus and before its ex- | pulsion from the ovary, for which nine or ten hours afford | ample opportunity, he would have seen it becoming more and } more prepared for fecundation, might perhaps have met with it at the very moment of this change, and would at all events — have had the opportunity of witnessing the effects thereof in | their most incipient stages. He would then have understood | the ovum better in the Fallopian tube and uterus, and could — not have denied facts which have since established themselves in ova of some of the lower animals, notwithstanding the ob- scuring yelk, and in spite of all the outcry which Bischoff raised against my announcememt of them. Thus while some laughed at what I maintained regarding the germinal spot, they gave drawings shewing that at the very same time they had divisions and sub-divisions of this myste- rious body before their eyes; obscured however, in the ova they examined, by a quantity of yelk not present in a solid form, in the mammiferous ovum. Hence the importance of examining the latter at the early period just mentioned. And I now have the satisfaction to see that the illustrious names of Von Baer and Johannes Miller may be added to those who at length find just what I had described as seen in the Mammalia, that the germinal spot, dividing, furnishes the nuclei of the cleft yelk-balls. The importance of the nucleus of the cell, the part it takes m producing secondary deposits, and its divisions for the pro- duction of young cells, I believe to be now doubted by very . few of those who have really made adequate inquiry. Yet up to the time when these facts concerning the nucleus were recorded in the Philosophical Transactions, no one had ques- tioned the views of Schleiden and Schwann,—that after the’ formation of the cell-membrane the nucleus either “ remains unaltered,” or ‘as a useless member is absorbed.”’ Thus Schwann, when discussing the question, whether the germinal vesicle is a young cell, or the nucleus of the yelk-cell, re- marked : “ Ifit be the first, it is very probably the most essen- Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Hmbryology. 39 tial foundation of the embryo; but if it be the nucleus of the yelk-cell, its importance ceases with the formation of the _yelk-cell, and according to the analogy of most cell-nuclei it must subsequently be either entirely absorbed, or continue for a time without forming any new essential object.’’* _ My observation that the spermatozoon penetrates into the interior of the ovum, after having been by some neglected and by others denied for about a dozen years, and even as lately as in 1852 being ridiculed by Bischoff as “‘ born of the imagination,’’ has at length been fully confirmed ; and this in two quarters, by inquirers acting quite independently of, and unknown to one another,—in animals, moreover, not far from the lowest in the scale, my own researches having been made at the other end of the animal kingdom in the highest class—Mammalia. One of these confirmations was made in this country by Dr Nelson, the other in Germany by Dr Keber. The researches of the former were on ova of an Entozoon, those of the latter on ova of the fresh-water Mussel. Nelson’s paper was published in the Philosophical Transactions for last year ;+ that of Keber has been published in a Separate form.{ It is impossible to read the accounts given by these observers without feeling the fullest confi- dence in their observations, made and repeated as they evi- dently were with care and patience that leave nothing in these respects to be desired. It was found by Nelson, that the spermatozoa penetrating each ovum of the Entozoon he examined were in considerable number; but by Keber, that only a single spermatozoon pene- trated the ovum of the fresh-water Mussel. Nelson is one of those who now find in animals at the other end of the Ani- mal Kingdom what I-had shewn in Mammalia, that the ger- minal spot, dividing, furnishes the nuclei of the cells out of _*“Mikroskopische Untersuchungen uber die Uebereinstimmungen in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen.” Berlin, 1838-9, S. 660, T “ The Reproduction of Ascaris Mystax. Phil. Trans, 1852, Part ii. “De Spermatozoorwm Introitu in Ovula.” KGnigsberg, 1853. (The obser- vations were on Unio and Anodonta, and made in 1852.) 40 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. which arises the new being; an opinion which, as will pre- sently be shewn, is that of Keber also.* . Keber describes the penetration of the spermatozoon into. the interior of the ovum in Unio and Anodonta, through an aperture formed by dehiscence of its coats, analogous to the micropyle in plants; and he refers to an observation in ova of several species of Holothuria made by Professor Johannes Miiller, and communicated by him to the Academy of Berlin in 1850 and 1851, of what he (Miiller) considered as very much resembling that micropyle.. The orifice found by Keber to form for the entrance of a spermatozoon into the Mussel’s ovum, seems to correspond to that seen by myself to have formed for the same purpose in the ovum of the Rabbit; in which orifice I saw and delineated what I believe to have been the head-like extremity of a spermatozoon on the point of uniting its hyaline nucleolus with that of the germinal spot. Neither Keber nor Nelson, it is true, saw any such immediate and close connection between the fecundating element and the germinal spot... Nor doI think that this was essential, seeing that in the ova they examined, the yelk enters largely into the formation of the new organism; while in the mammiferous ovum (the subject. of my observations) it is the fecundated germinal spot alone that forms it. Hence they did not trace the fecundating element beyond the yelk. Nelson describes the spermatozoa as undergoing liquefaction in the yelk, the ger- minal spot furnishing the nuclei to effect cleavage of the latter. Keber saw the spermatozoon, or rather what he terms the nu- cleus of its head-like extremity, to divide into nucleoli in the yelk. He acknowledges his inability to solve the question, in. what relation these nucleoli derived from the spermatozoon stand to the pellucid nuclei of the yelk-balls; which nuclei—ac- cording to Vogt, Von Baer, Loven, Johannes Miiller, and others —have their origin in the germinal spot.} But after recapitu-: lating the results obtained, he concludes from the observations of Johannes Miillert and his own, that neither the germinal * Even Nelson, however, was not aware of my having recorded the penetra- _ tion of the spermatozoon into the ovum as an established fact; though Keber was fully aware of it, and does me the justice to quote all that I had written in the Philosophical Transactions on the subject, both in 1840 and 1848. t Keler, loc. cit, p. 46. + Muller’s Archiv, 1852, Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. 41 spot nor the spermatozoon really disappears, “ but that both enter into the formation of the nuclei of the new organism.’’* _ And he finally says: “ Through observation alone can it be decided, whether the nuclei arising out of the spermatozoon and the germinal spot unite to pass into the embryonic cells.” t That such union is what takes place in the mammiferous ovum I think was shewn by my own observations in 1840, when it was recorded that, before the cleavage of the yelk begins, the hyaline centre of the germinal spot is determin- ately held by the retinacula, up to a certain time, as near as possible to the surface of the ovary; that an orifice is formed in the “ zona pellucida,” at the part where this centre lies ; that on one or two occasions I saw this centre of the germi- nal spot, apparently without any covering from the germinal vesicle,t actually protruded into the orifice in the “zona pellucida,” as if to meet the fecundating element ; and that subsequently the germinal spot passes to the centre of the germinal vesicle, and the germinal vesicle to the centre of the ovum. Tadded, that the germinal vesicle, which by de- terminate pressure at the periphery became lenticular, now resumes the spherical form, and that an orifice in the “zona pellucida” is no longer seen. Such alterations suggest the probability of some sudden and important change having been effected in the condition of the ovum. The nature of the al- terations is such as to induce the belief, that the ovum has undergone fecundation ; the mysterious hyaline centre or nu- cleolus of the germinal spot having received the fecundating element of the seminal fluid, and having thus been the point of fecundation. And farther, from an observation I published at the same time, it is to be inferred that the fecundating element is the pellucid substance (nucleolus) contained in the head-like extremity of the spermatozoon, a direct union taking place in the mammiferous ovum between this substance and the hyaline nucleolus of ‘the germinal spot. I have already stated why I think such direct union between the spermato- _* Keber, loc. cit., p. 56. { Keber, loc. cit., p. 111. _ tL havesince recorded the fact, that an orifice is sometimes seen at the cor- responding part in other cells. Phil. Zrans. 1841, Part ii,, p. 204, Plates 17 to 19. 42 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. zoon and the germinal spot is not essential in ova where the — yelk enters largely into the formation of the new being. In the mammiferous ovum, the hyaline centre of the germinal spot, and the hyaline in the head-like extremity of the sper- matozoon are both to be considered nucleoli, a mixing or combination of which it appears to me yields the substance out of which is formed the new being ; and to this mixing I apprehend is to be attributed the resemblance between the offspring and both its parents.* Keber justly deprecates theory when it is attempted there- with to make up deficiencies left by superficial investigation, and gives examples of it in two papers recently published in Germany on this very subject, shewing the conclusions they contain to be valueless, annihilated as they are by positive observation. The author of one of those two papers is Bis- choff,{ that of the other, Kolliker.t I fully adhere to what I first published in 1839, and again recorded as established and extended by means of higher magnifying powers in 1840, that in the mammiferous ovum, the mulberry-like body into which the fecundated germinal spot has divided, contains a cell larger than the rest—a sort of queen-bee in the hive; and that the embryo arises out of the nucleus of this cell, in the form at first of the so-called “ primitive trace,’’ and “ chorda dorsalis.” This origin out of the nucleus of a cell (instead of, as had been supposed, in the substance of a membrane) explains why in the higher animals, the embryo is formed at one point of the yelk surface. JTarther, I maintain the accuracy of all the other “ marvellous figures,” as Bischoff calls them, given by myself of mammiferous ova from the uterus. Before record- ing the results referred to in this communication I had sacri- ficed about 150 rabbits, which yielded 181 ova from the uterus, 230 from the Fallopian tube, and an uncounted number from the ovary,—a large proportion of the latter belonging to the dark period pioneered in the inquiry above mentioned. And * See also my remarks on this subject in Miiller’s Archiv for 1850, Heft vi. } “Theorie der Befruchtung und iiber die Rolle welche die Bperueaeeeraae dabei spielen,” in Mijller’s Archiv, 1847, s, 422. { “ Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geschlechtsverhaltnisse.” Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. 438 I cannot refrain from here repeating that he who, in re- searches on the mammiferous ovum, does not very minutely, and very patiently, and again and again, examine ova during that period, i.e., in the ovary post coitum, is quite incapable of understanding them in the uterus or Fallopian tube. Another cause of ignorance that recent works by a German author shew still to exist regarding the mammiferous ovum in the Fallopian tube and uterus, is its perishable nature. This inconvenience is felt chiefly in examining ova the essen- tial part of which has left the centre and reached one side ; for the chances are against that side being directed towards the eye. You cannot turn the ovum round and round with- out destroying it, for to a body so delicate it is impossible, even with the finest hair pencil, to apply an equally delicate manipulation. And supposing you at length find one having the essential part directed upwards, a few minutes will not suffice for the examination, of which some figures that have been published afford ample proof. Some medium is required in which the examination may be more perfectly accomplished. The smallest ova from the Fallopian tube and uterus it was my practice to view imbedded in some of the mucus taken from those parts, after I had excluded the air in a manner formerly described.* For any but the smallest a transparent fluid is required. I tried a large number, and all were found unsuit- able excepting one. That one was a saturated aqueous solu- tion of Kreosote, which I still most particularly recommend as a medium in which the ovum may be examined day after day, and may be even delineated at the end of several days. _ Besides the facts and conclusions already referred to in this communication, my papers on Embryology will be found to contain others, among which are the following, viz. :— - 8. The existence and mode of origin of a vesicle not pre- viously described, which I shewed to be common to the ova of vertebrated animals, and to constitute the foundation of the Graafian follicle, a vesicle which I followed upwards from _ * Phil. Trans, 1839, Part ii., pp. 365, 367. Tt Phil. Trans. 1839, Part ii., p. 345, Plate 8, fig. 138, a drawing taken after the ovum had lain in Kreosote water for three days. 44 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. the minuteness of ;},5th of a line, and proposed to call the ovisac. . | y oft 9. The existence and mode of origin of ban dsregulating the movements of the mammiferous ovum in the ovary, and rendering gradual its expulsion from that organ ; which bands I termed the retinacula. 10. The existence of vesicles under the mucous membrane of the uterus in the Rabbit, containing a mulberry-like body, one of which I had seen revolving on its axis. _ In rabbits, of which he sacrificed about thirty in his re- searches, Keber met with vesicles in large number, each of — which contained a revolving mulberry-like body, revolving by means of cilia; and he found the position of these vesicles to be most frequently somewhere in the cavity of the abdomen. He satisfactorily shews such vesicles to have been expelled from the ovary, and mentions facts that induced him to. be- lieve them to be ova. I have no doubt that this indefatigable observer is quite right in considering the revolving body in such vesicles to be the essential part of an unfecundated ovum.* There is one point, however, on which I am compelled to differ from him in his conclusions, without for a moment questioning the accu- racy of any of his observations. He is evidently one who, desiring only to arrive at truth, will not feel hurt by the sug- gestion I am about to offer. So far from this, indeed, his work already mentioned contains a special invitation on the subject. I do not believe the membrane of the vesicles in question to be the vitellary membrane (‘ zona pellucida’); and for the following reasons. In some of the Mammalia it is so common to meet with ~ ova that have escaped from the ovary during the rut without — fecundation, that with others I believe this to take place — generally in the class. Such unimpregnated ova, however, I have usually found to be accompanied by their ovisacs ; which also I have no doubt takes place generally in this class * It was erroneously stated in a short notice which appeared in the last num- — ber of this Journal, that Keber had considered the vesicles in question to be fecundated ova. 2 “Dr Martin Barry’s Researches:in Embryology, ‘45 of animals. Then the first change after their expulsion from the ovary seems to be the disappearance by liquefaction of the “zona pellucida ;”* which is not surprising, for it arises as a mere fluid,t and seems never to reach more than a gela- ‘tinous consistence in the ovary. In the Rabbit, when the ovi- sacs thus expelled with their unimpregnated ova do not pass into the cavity of the abdomen, but enter the uterus, they become connected’ therewith by bloodvessels, and seem to exist for a while therein as parasites. The mulberry-like re- ‘volving body they contain, no doubt consists of the group of ‘ells arisen from nuclei into which the germinal spot divides and subdivides; which divisions and subdivisions, therefore, T believe to take place without fecundation. But when this happens, they do not lead to the formation of a cell larger than the rest, which I have compared to a queen-bee in the hive. The epithelium with vibrating cilia seen by Keber on the inner surface of the membrane of these vesicles, appears to me to have been what’ Von Baer denominated the mem- brana granulosa; each granule having become an epithe- lial cell. The membrane of the vesicles in question, there- fore, lined by such an epithelium, J believe to be that of my ovisae. ‘From these remarks it will be seen that, though not taking the same view aS Keber on one point, I believe that physi- ologist to have shewn that the mulberry-like body described by myself in the Philosophical Transactions for 1839, as re- volving on its axis, was the essential part of an unfecundated mammiferous ovum. That observation of mine was quite incidental, but I have the satisfaction to know from Bischoff’s own remarks that it was that observation that led him to look for a revolving body in the ovum of the Mammalia,t and which he was so fortunate in one instance as to find. It was the fibrous membrane,—the layer of granules on its inner surface,—the connection by bloodvessels with the uterus,— is See a Rie wi ing I gave of such an ovisac from the infundibulum in the Hog. Phil. Trans. 1839. Part ii., Plate 5, fig. 102, h and /. ey ‘Phil. Trans., 1888. Part li., Plate 8, fig. 70, f. =f See a paper of his in M iter’ s Archiv for the following year, 1840. 46 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. and the absence of anything like a “ zona pellucida,’’—that made me hesitate to consider the mulberry-like revolving body as the essential part of an ovum ; for, as regarded that mul- -berry-like body, I stated the resemblance it bore to an ovum to be perfect. There certainly were not wanting inducements that would have made it very agreeable to one who had shewn that cleavage of the yelk takes place in the ovum of the Mam- malia,* could he have extended from the ovum of some of the lower arimals to that of the highest class, the remarkable phenomenon of rotation also. But Icontented myself with the remark : “ It remains to be discovered whether the mul- berry-like structure with its germ in the ovum of Mammalia also performs rotatory motions.” + Among the objections anticipated by Keber as likely to be raised by others against his view, that these vesicles are ova, is the fact that their membrane is fibrous,—a fibrous structure never having been discovered in the “zona pellucida.” Now this objection I have just met by my statement that the mem- brane in question is not the “zona pellucida,” but the ovisac. For there can be no doubt that a multitude of particles I figured as dividing and subdividing to enter into the formation of the ovisac (before the existence of what could be denomi- nated membrane), and leaving remarkable centres which also T delineated, were the elements of fibre. { Another objection that might be raised against Keber’s view has reference to size ; an objection fully provided for by my idea that the vesicle in question is not the vitellary mem- brane but the ovisac. Keber observed, that in the membrane of one of the bliin’ containing a revolving body there had been formed an orifice ; and this by an arrangement of the fibres too regular to admit of the supposition that the orifice was accidental. This ori- fice I believe to exist before the expulsion of the ovum from the ovary; an opinion founded on the following observation ee ee * Phil. Trans. 1839, Plate 6. Tt Phil. Trans. 1839, p. 357. t See especially in the Phil. Trans. for 1841, Plate 25, figs. 164 to 173. And see a paper of mine in this Journal for October 1853, “On Animal and Vegetable Fibre.” -Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. 47 along with others; viz, that “‘ when the discharge of the ovum from the ovary is very near, that portion of the Graafian vesi- cle directed outwards is seen to have been removed.”* After recording which, I gave adrawing of a Graafian vesicle about to discharge its ovum, that Graafian vesicle having been care- fully dissected out of the ovarium, and so placed that the com- pressor might act upon it laterally, when an appearance was obtained which I cannot help believing to have presented the orifice in question.| And I have no doubt that in the Mam- malia this orifice is intended as well for the admission of the feeundating element, as also for the expulsion from the vesi- cle in question (ovisac), while in the ovary, of the feeundated oyum.t For my observations shew that fecundation of the Riek dts ovum takes place in the ovary.§ And here I am reminded, not only that the ovisac at its origin, like other primary cells according to my observations, is always elliptical and not round, but that as its size advances (during which it becomes more spherical) it is often met with somewhat tapered at one end ; which end is often found to be the position of the minute ovum.||. Now as possibly the ori- fice in question may be intimated at an early period, and before the ovisac becomes covered with bloodvessels to produce a Graafian follicle, I recommend inquirers to seek for it chiefly at the smaller end, which they will no doubt find directed towards the surface of the ovary. I have just shewn that in Mammalia, when unfeeundated ova leave the ovary, the ovisac usually escapes with them. Tt is deserving of notice that in this class of animals the leaving of the ovary by fecundated ova seems to be always %* « Researches in Embryology, Second Series.” Phil. Trans., 1839, p. 317. Tt Phil. Trans., 1839, Plate 5, fig. 95. ’ T See a drawing I gave of the ovisac with its orifice after the expulsion 4 the ovum. Phil. Trans., 1839, Plate 5, fig. 98. § It must not be inferred that my observations of Spermatozoa i in the interior of ova met with in the Fallopian tube, made me suppose fecundation of such ova to have taken place after their expulsion from the ovary. a * |] “ Researches in Embryology, First Series.” Phil, Tr WNS., 1898, Plate 8, fig 74 h. 48 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. Followed by the expulsion of the ovisac.* So that in Mammalia the ovisac appears to escape either with the ovum or after it.t This brings me to conclusions, which I venture to offer as perhaps sufficient to supply analogies long sought for by Physiologists in vain, viz. :— 1. That in the Mammalia the vesicle I described as the foundation of the Graafian follicle, and termed the ovisac, does not remain permanently in the ovary, but is expelled and absorbed.t 2. That in the Bird the ovum, when escaping from the ovary, is accompanied by the corresponding vesicle,—the ovi- sac, and that the ovisac becomes the shell-membrane of the. Bird’s egg; the Bird’s “ egg,” as we call it, being thus a shelled ovisac, and the contained “ yelk,” as is known, be- ing the true ovum. 3. That the expelled and lost ovisac in the Mammalia therefore corresponds to the shell-membrane in the Bird. 4, That after the formation of the ovum, the albuminous contents of the ovisac in the Mammalia correspond to the al- bumen in the Bird’s “ egg.” 5. That my retinacula in the Mammalia after all find their analogue in the chalaze of the Bird; and that both have their origin in the granular contents of the ovisac, which, at an early period, are in appearance just the same in both. 6. That the shell-membrane of the Bird’s “ egg” is thus a primary cell. (We next come to the “ zona pellucida” in the ovum of Mammalia, known to correspond to the vitellary membrane * In the Rabbit this expulsion of the ovisac seems to take place in three or four days after the fecundated ovum has escaped. In the Sheep and Goat not so soon; for it appears to me to have been this vesicle (my ovisac) that Dr Pockels refers to in these animals, as remaining in the incipient corpus lutewm eight days and more after the expulsion of the ovum from the ovary.—(Miiller’s Archiv, 1836, Heft ii., s. 203.) t The ovisac escapes freed from its vascular covering; the latter alone enter- ing into the formation of the corpus luteum. “ Researches in Embryology, Second Series.” Phil. Trans, 1839, § 261, Plate 5, fig. 98. . t And, therefore, as I formerly shewed, can take no part in the formation of the corpus luteum. Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. 49 in the Bird’s “ egg ;” which latter I found to be originally a perfect “ zona pellucida,’’—its consistence almost fluid.*) If the analogies now pointed out be admitted, they will of course be found applicable, more or less, to the ova of other animals, as well as to the ovum of the Bird. They will also serve to explain the occasional presence in the Bird’s “ egg” of more than one yelk (ovum); obviously referable tothe same cause as that (to be presently men- tioned) sometimes producing in Mammalia several ova in one Graafian follicle. For, it must be remembered, the founda- tion of the Graafian follicle in Mammalia is the ovisac; and the ovisac I have just stated my belief to become the shell- membrane of the Bird’s ““ ego. ai _ (The existence of my retinacula is actually among the facts that Bischoff has denied. I must confess that this ap- pears to me to imply investigation so superficial, that I do not wonder at denial in the same quarter of facts requiring far more profound research. For instance, the penetration of the Spermatozoon into the ovum, my observation of which, —though the fact was stated to have been demonstrated. to an Owen and other men of eminence,—Bischoff ridiculed as “born of the imagination.” Those who, from such denial, have been led to doubt the existence of the retinacula, may be convinced of it without the trouble even of opening a Graafian follicle, by simply examining the latter in the Rab- bit, or still better in the Ferret (Mustela Puro), from the ex- terior of the ovary with a good pocket lens.) I cannot refrain from again referring to the egg-like form, tapered at one end (this end often found to be the position of the ovum), among my figures of the ovarian ovisac, which I believe to become the shell-membrane of the Bird. For Such an early appearance of that tapered form suggests the * Phil. Trans., 1838, Plate 5, fig. 25. _ ¢ In the Dog, I have frequently seen three, and not rarely four ova in one Graafian follicle ; and in the Ferret, such instances of plurality are still more frequent. VOL, LVI. NO, CXIL—JANUARY 1854, D 50 Dr Martin Barry’s Researches in Embryology. thought, that the shape characteristic of the Bird’s “egg” is first intimated there—in the ovary. And if so, the shape in question is after all not peculiar to the “ egg” of the Bird ; for — it happens that the ovarian ovisacs to figures of which I am ~ now referring, were seen in one of the Mammalia.* From the observations of Von Baer and R. Wagner, in invertebrated animals, and my own in two classes of the Vertebrata, I concluded, in 1838, that the germinal vesicle and its contents constitute, throughout the animal kingdom, ~ the most primitive portion of the ovum.} Subsequent re- search in the Bird enabled me to record this as an established fact.t And as the positions to be assigned to the several parts of the ovum, in the language of “ cells” have not yet been satisfactorily determined, I will here, in that language, state my own recorded observations. There first exists a pellucid particle, which becomes an — elliptical “ cytoblast.’”? Out of the nucleolus of this “ cyto- — blast” there arise the germinal vesicle and its contents ; and then the outer part of the “ cytoblast” forms the membrane — of a cell,—my ovisac. To this cell the germinal vesicle is — related as the hollow nucleus toa ganglion globule. Out of the granular contents of the cell now mentioned is formed, first, a portion of the yelk around the germinal vesicle, and — then, around the incipient yelk, the vitellary membrane— the “zona pellucida” of Mammalia—which arises in a semi- fluid form. The occasional presence of two or more ova: in a single ovisac, is to be explained as follows. It sometimes happens that before the formation of the membrane of the ovisac, the nucleolus of the ‘“ cytoblast ” has divided into two or more parts, each of which becomes a germinal vesicle: and then the membrane of the ovisac, subsequently formed, is made to include the whole of these,—and we have in one ovisaec two. * The Dog. Phil. Trans., 1838, Part ii., Plate 8, fig. 74, h. t “ Researches in Embryology,” First Series, Phil. Trans., 1838, Part ii, § 93. } { Phil. Trans., 1841; Part ii., Plate 25, figs. 165 to 173. Notes on the Life of Arago. 51 or more ova.* For out of the contents of the ovisac a yelk arises around each germinal vesicle, and then a vitellary membrane (“zona pellucida”) around each yelk. This, as already said, explains the presence occasionally, not only of several ova in a Graafian follicle, but also of more than one “ yelk ” (ovum) in the Bird’s “ egg.” Notes on the Life of the celebrated Dominique-Francois-Jean Arago, Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, Member of the Board of Longitude, and Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, &c. &c.t The death of DoMINIQUE-FRANCOIS-JEAN ARAGO has cast a gloom over the city; and the announcement of this melan- choly result, which we deplore and record with sadness, was received with a heavy, heartfelt regret by his fellow-citizens. The last of one of the bright ornaments of the true old school Of science is now no more. The philosopher, the man of of science, the friend of truth, the judicious and wise coun- sellor, has left this earth full of years and full of honours, having devoted a life of fifty years with a steady determina- tion to improve his country, and to advance his fellow- creatures. Never during this long period has he allowed his — activity to be interrupted, nor has he ever flagged or even re- coiled from anything that remained to be done. The lofty aim of the departed philosopher was ever to unfold the wonder of Divine skill, and to develop the laws of Divine government. His immortal writings will shed a light on the paths of science, as long as the world is governed by the same laws. _ It is our office to give “ honour due” to all such manifes- tations of intelligence; and whilst endeavouring to shew the extent to which the mental powers of M. Arago were effec- _ * An instance of this, met with in the ovary of a Bird, shewing two young germinal vesicles about to be included in the same ovisac (and thus to explain the presence of two “yelks” in the Bird’s “egg,”) will be found in the Phil, Trans. for 1841, Part ii., Plate 25, fig. 165, in the only body in this figure not marked by a letter. Tt From the Atheneum, Quarterly Review, Commonwealth Newspaper of Glas- gow, and Comptes Rendus. 3 D2 52 Notes on the Life of Arago. tive in gaining for mankind new truths from Nature,—we have also to examine the degree in which such a mind as his was influential, by suggestion and by example, in elevating the spirit of his age. The long series of sufferings which brought M. ila to the grave, at a not very advanced age, commenced by dia- betes, not very intense, but which rapidly exhausted his strength. The diabetes gave way to another malady, which continued slowly the lamentable work of decomposition and destruction, and which was terminated by dropsy in the chest, with suffusion and suffocation, swelling of the extre- mities, &e. Everything announced an early death; but it was hoped that the efforts of science, and the devoted and tender care of an afflicted family, would prolong his precious existence some days longer. ‘The illustrious patient rose on Sunday, 2d October, afternoon, and dressed himself. He went to bed again at five o’clock, and took a slight repast. Some minutes after, he asked to be raised a little, and to be placed in the middle of his bed; then all at once he cried, pressing his breast, “‘] am suffocating! Iam suffocated!” His at- tendants hastened to him, and proceeded to light a lamp the better to ascertain his state; but before this could be done the death-rattle was heard, and in less than five minutes | after 'rangois Arago was dead. The great man has now drawn his last breath. The stillness of death surrounds him, accompanied with deep silence and pensive sorrow, sweetly — mingled with the full assurance of hope. The close of such a life is full of solemn and soul-subduing tenderness. The — living soul has gone—it has gone to the sweets of eternity— _ the eternal home of his God and his Saviour. His death is an act of his Maker, designed for the good both of the living © and dead. : During all his malady his lofty intelligence was not ob- scured for an instant. Scarcely three weeks ago, he was— labouring at a new edition of his celebrated work on Thunder; he recalled what he had read, dictated precious additions, — caused difficult researches to be made, &c. ; and he asked M. — Babinet to prepare for him a table of the best determined — numbers of the length of undulations, in order that he might complete an important paper on Light; he corrected the Notes on the Life of Arago. 53 proofs of his Biographical Notice of Monge; he terminated his Notice on Planets, &c. ; he discussed with perfect luci- dity ; he made profound remarks, &c. The pain of his malady affected him a good deal less; every week there was a vio- lent conflict between his conscience—delicate to excess—and _ his physical weakness, the energetic refusals of physicians, and the pressing solicitations of his family; more than once it was impossible to restrain him, and he was seen almost dying endeavouring to examine a voluminous correspondence, as if he wished to yield the last sigh at the post of duty. _ The funeral of M. Arago took place with much pomp. The remains of the deceased were transferred to a chapelle ar- dente, under the principal gate of the Observatoire, where his friends were permitted to sprinkle holy water over them. In the meantime a brigade of infantry, under the command of General Renault, drew up at both sides of the avenue of ‘the Luxembourg, where they were shortly joined by 200 men of the 18th battalion of the National Guard. The rain, which _ had set in early in the morning, fell without ceasing, which, _ however, did not prevent thousands from assembling on the | avenue and in the streets through which the cortége was to | pass. At noon the procession began to move. It was opened | by two companies of the 6th regiment of infantry, the band | playing a solemn dirge ; next rode the General, accompanied by his staff, and an escort of horse chasseurs, attired in their new uniform, green and black, with woollen bonnets, which gave them the appearance of Cossacks. Then came two other companies of infantry, the detachment of National Guards, two mourning coaches, containing the clergy of St | Jacques du Haut Pas, a modest hearse drawn by two horses, | and followed by M. Emmanuel Arago, the son of. the de- ceased, other members of his family, his numerous friends, | the members of the Académie des Sciences, of which M. Arago | was perpetual secretary, and a crowd-of his political adhe- | rents, among whom were M. Garnier Pagés, his colleague of | the Provisional Government in 1848; M. Pagnerre, one of | its ‘secretaries; M. Bastide,. niet of Foreign Affairs in | the Executive Goyernment under General Cavaignac; M. a east; 54 Notes on the Life of Arago. Guinard, Colonel of the Parisian Artillery, who, having joined M. Ledru-Rollin in the demonstration of the Conservatoire des Arts des Métiers, on the 13th of June 1849, was sen- tenced to banishment, but was subsequently pardoned by the Emperor; Messieurs de Lasterie, Jules Favre, Flandin, — Lherbette, and other members of the late Legislative Assem- bly. Two Imperial state-carriages came next, in which were seated Marshal Vaillant, Grand Marshal of the Palace, and M. Ducos, Minister of Marine, who directs ad interim the department of Public Instruction in the absence of M. For- toul. Two battalions of infantry closed the march. The cortége descended the avenue of the Luxembourg, passing close to the spot where Marshal Ney was shot, and proceed- ed to the Rues de I’Est, Val de Grace, and St Jacques, to the church of St Jacques du Haut Pas. The edifice being small, very few except the family and immediate friends of the de- ceased could be present at the religious service, which was performed by the parish priest, assisted by a numerous body ~ of the clergy. At one o’clock the cortége resumed its march, in the same order, for the cemetery of Pére-la-Chaise, passing through the Rues St Jacques and Soufflot, the square of the Panthéon, the Rues Clovis, Fossés, St Victor, and St Bernard, — the Quay St Bernard, the Bridge of Austerlitz, the Place — Mazas, the Boulevard Contrescarpe, the Place de la Bastille, — and the Rue de la Rouquette. It was said that this morning when the Moniteur announced that the Government intended — to honour the memory of the illustrious deceased, the chiefs of the Democratic party met, and resolved to recommend their friends not to appear at the funeral. Either their orders — did not reach in time or were disobeyed, for the greatest number of those who formed the cortége belonged to that party, with whom M. Arago did not sympathise, and who — were in arms against him in June 1848. They awaited the © arrival of the procession in wine-shops and coffee-houses — along the line of march, and joined it as it passed. M. Ranal, a former pupil of the Polytechnic School, and one of the young race of philosophers in whom Arago had taken a lively interest, pronounced over the tomb of his mas- ter the following brief but touching eulogium :— oy “ Illustrious Master—Much-loved Master—Noble Citizen — Notes on the Life of Arago. 55 —Itis a duty, and at the same time a very sad honour, for me to express a sentiment which now fills every heart. Thy con- stant solicitude for the progress of human knowledge has always induced thee to take the young by the hand, and to inspire them with thy passion for science. On the eve of thy death, the last word which thou spoke to us was, ‘ Work ; work diligently.’ “ This sublime lesson will remain engraven on the heart of every young philosopher. They will feel compelled to fol- low the path which thy genius has opened. In falling asleep into immortality, thou hast desired to teach them that work is the only means of doing service to their country and hu- manity. Thanks on their behalf. Adieu, in the name of youth—in the name of its admiration of thee—of its love for thy memory—lI tell it thee—you may count upon it. Adieu !” M. Arago was born in the village of Estager, near Perpig- nan, in the Pyrenees, on the 26th of February 1786, and he died at the Observatory in Paris on Sunday the 2d of Octo- ber; consequently he was in the 68th year of his age. Gifted by nature with powers of a higher order than those which are usually bestowed on man, he possessed or acquired habits of industry which enabled him to develop them in all their fulness. Like the majority of really great men, he was the architect of his own fortune. He owed little to fortuitous circumstances; and, indeed, achieved much when serious ob- stacles were put in his path. Suffering no difficulty to bear him back, he rose always superior to misfortune ; and, with great honesty of purpose and indomitable independence, he laboured towards the end which he had in view. From his _ boyhood this appears to have been his character. When a youth in the College of Perpignan, his ambition was excited _by the appearance of, and the respect paid to, an engineer en chef. He learned that this honour might be obtained by ‘means of the Polytechnic School, and that a searching exa- ‘mination in mathematics must be gone through to ensure his _ admission to that institution. Francois Arago then seriously commenced mathematical studies, and in 1804 he entered the school in question with the highest honours. 56 Notes on the Life of Arago. In 1806, when only twenty years of age, so much had he distinguished himself, that he was appointed a secretary of the Board of Longitude; and almost immediately afterwards, — his acquirements having attracted the attention of M. Monge, he was recommended as the fitting assistant to M. Biot for undertaking the measurement of an arc‘of the meridian in Spain. This scientific labour was considerably advanced in — 1807, when Biot returned to Paris, leaving Arago in charge of the important work. In the execution of this arduous work, MM. Biot and Arago were stationed on the summit of Mount Galatzo, one of the highest of the Catalonian branch of the Eastern Pyrenees, while MM. Chaix and Rodriguez established themselves on — Mount Campecey in Ivica, one of the Balearic Islands. In — this cold and desolate position the astronomers remained for several months, keeping up a constant communication with each other by means of fire signals, lighted up at particular intervals. Here they were exposed to various kinds of pri- vations and particularly to the fierce blasts which sweep — over these lofty solitudes. The huts in which they dwelt were frequently blown down, and their lives endangered. But these calamities were nothing compared with the dan-_ gers to which they were exposed from the ignorance of the people. Before Arago had finished his work, his colleague, M. Biot, had returned to Paris, and war had broken out be- tween France and Spain... The fires which blazed at the signal-stations were regarded by the ignorant mountaineers as telegraphic despatches informing the invading army of the — movements of the patriots. Arago was therefore denounced as a spy, and it required all the courage and skill which he possessed to escape the dangers to which he was thus ex-- posed. Born near the Spanish frontiers, he spoke the same dialect which prevails round Mount Galatzo, and, disguised in the mantle and red cap of a Catalonian mountaineer, he- effected his escape to Majorca, where he found shelter, along with his papers and instruments, in the fortress of Belver. After completing in this retirement his geodesical caleula- tions, he obtained liberty, on the condition of proceeding to Algiers, which he did by the first opportunity. On his pas- sage from Algiers to Marseilles, in an Algerine frigate pro- Notes on the Life of Arago. 57 cured for him by the French consul, the ship, when in sight of the French coast, was captured by a Spanish privateer. Arago was carried a prisoner to Catalonia, confined in the fortress of Rosas. and afterwards sent to the hulks.at Pa- lamos. Indignant at the insult-offered to his flag, the Dey of Algiers demanded and obtained from the Spanish Govern- ‘ment the liberation of Arago, and the whole of the crew. Anxious to return to his country, Arago again set sail for Marseilles, but, when about to enter the harbour, a violent hurricane drove the vessel to sea, and cast it on the rocky shore of Sardinia, then at war with Algiers. Being thus prevented from landing, the vessel in a shattered condition reached Bougia, on the coast of Africa, about three days’ journey from Algiers. Assuming the costume of a Bedouin Arab, and protected by a marabout, Arago, travelling on foot, reached Algiers in safety. Unfortunately, however, for our distinguished philosopher, the former Dey, who had res- cued him from the hulks at Palamos, had fallen a victim in ‘an insurrection, and was succeeded by a man of brutal cha- racter, who refused to permit Arago to return to France. The French consul, however, succeeded in obtaining his re- lease, and Arago was safely landed at Marseilles, in the month of August 1809, the vessel in which he had embarked ‘having narrowly escaped from an English cruiser, which had given it chase. Upon the death of the celebrated astronomer Lalande, in 1809, Arago, though only twenty-three years of age, was, in opposition to the standing rules of the Academy of Sciences, appointed to the vacant place in the section of Astronomy ; and, after a few years, he entered upon that brilliant career of discovery which has immortalized his own name, and added to the glory of his country. Although Arago, when a ‘pupil at the Polytechnic School, had voted against the as- sumption of the consulate for life, yet Buonaparte, who knew how to value an honourable man, never resented this act of hostility, and remembering the courage of the young philo- sopher, he appointed him one of the Professors of the Poly- technic School, and subsequently Director of the Imperial Observatory, in which he resided till his death. 58 Notes on the Life of Arago. Numerous researches, experiments, and inventions, have — immortalized his name ; but his principal claims to renown, are, 1st, magnetic and rotatory polorization ; 2d, magnetism by the action of currents ; 3d, magnetism by rotation. Fran- cois Arago was an encyclopedic genius. Sciences, letters, social economy,—his vast intelligence embraced all with an ever equal superiority. At the Ecole Polytechnique, the — Académie, the Observatoire, and the Municipal Council, the extent and variety of his knowledge, and especially the as- — tonishing faculty of assimilation, vulgarization, and applica- tion, with which he was gifted, placed him everywhere in the first rank. As an orator, he was distinguished by a marvel- lous lucidity of exposition—by the abundance, facility, and picturesque energy of his delivery. As a writer, he was dis- tinguished by clearness, elegance, and a sustained firmness of style—qualities which place him on a par with the most distinguished of our prose writers. “ He possessed,” says Timon, “the secrets of the language, as well as the secrets of the heart.’”’ ‘“ Never,’’ says one of his biographers, “ did human head undertake, without breaking, such an enormous mass of labour.” Arago considered every man idle who did — not work fourteen hours a-day. Days of that kind were, however, for him days of repose. He was engaged at the same time in chemistry, physics, mechanics, astronomy, na- _ tural history, philosophy, and literature. He was a member of all the scientific or industrial associations in the world; — his study was literally encumbered with plans to examine, and memoirs to analyse. ‘The Government, the municipality, the establishments of public utility, and even private industry, found in him an active and disinterested counsellor and ~ guide. His time was given to all things and to everybody. At the same time that he had an eye to what passes above, — he had one to what takes place here; and amidst all his ab- sorbing and varied occupations he found time to shew him- self one of the worthiest and most charming talkers in the saloons of Paris. Arago’s first work was read before the Institute on the 24th of March 1806. It was an investigation, in which he — was assisted by Biot, “On the Affinities of Bodies for Light, — Notes on the Life of Arago. 59 and particularly on the Refracting Powers of different Gases.” With M. Petit, Arago investigated “‘ The Refractive Powers of certain Liquids, and of the Vapours formed from them. With Fresnel, he examined ‘“ The Action which the Rays of Polarized Light exercise upon each other :’—and on those ‘Subjects much valuable matter will be found in his Memoirs. Omitting from our list those Astronomical notices which regularly appeared in the Annuaire—and which, though forming a part of his official duty, manifest, nevertheless, the zeal of the Secretary and subsequent Director of the Bureau des Longitudes—we would refer to M. Arago’s memoirs ‘“‘ On the Comets of Short Period ;” “ On the Pendulums of MM. Breguet ;” “ On Chronometers ;? < On the Double Stars ;” -and on the vexed question, ‘‘ Does the moon exercise any appreciable Influence on our Atmosphere?” Passing from astronomical subjects, we find several memoirs :—‘* On Noc- turnal Radiation ;”’ ‘‘ The Theory of the Formation of Dew ;” and on allied subjects—as “The Utility of the Mats with which Gardeners cover their Plants by Night ;” ‘‘On the Artificial Formation of Ice ;”’ and “ On the Fogs which form after the. setting of the Sun, when the Evening is calm and ‘serene, on the Borders of Lakes and Rivers.’ Indeed, the whole of the phenomena to which Dr Wells had directed at- tention in his excellent work “ On Dew,” was thoroughly investigated by M. Arago. When we add the memoirs on “ The ye Relation of the Different Chains of Mountains in Europe,” “The Abso- lute Height of the most Remarkable Ridges of the Cordilleras of the Andes,’ “ Historical Notices of the Steam-Engine,”’ “On Explosions of Steam-Boilers,”’ “ Historical Notices of the Voltaic Pile,’? “those which are connected with the Po- larization of Light,” ‘* the Phenomena of Magnetic Rotation,” and “‘ On the Egyptian Hieroglyphics,” we think we indicate labours of a most varied and important character. _ For many years, M. Arago, who was the Director of the Observatory at Paris, employed his position in the Chamber of Deputies and elsewhere, to obtain large grants from the state for the use of the institution over which he presided. ‘Mz. Arago, on the 13th September 1852, proposed to the Aca- 7 60 Notes on the Life of Arago. démie des Sciences an infallible method of finding out every planet which remained. Since that period several more have been added to the list.* : | The French nation may be justly proud of such a man as Arago. We cannot overlook his earnest desire to give to the public all the advantages of the discoveries of science with the least possible delay ; and with the utmost freedom from mere technicalities. In 1816, he established, in con- nection with M. Gay-Lussaec, the Annales de Physique et de Chimie; and on his pressing representation, on the 13th July 1835, the Academy commenced, in charge of its per- petual secretaries, Les Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires. In 1830, Arago was made Director of the Observatory ; and he succeeded Fourier as a perpetual secretary of the Academy of Sciences. His remarkable activity of mind and *1. 1801 a Ceres , : Piazzi . x Palermo. 2. 1802 E Pallas*’’ . : Olbers I. ° Bremen. 3. 1804 : Juno. : Harding : Lilienthal. St TODF fay Vesta. : Olbers II. . Bremen. 5. 1845 , Astrea . ‘ Hencke I... Driesen. 6. 1847 ‘ Hebe as "a als Hencke ll. . Driesen. 7. 1847 Tris 3 . Hind I. ; London. 8. 1847 : Flora. 4 Hind ITI. + London. 9. 1848 : Metis. d Graham : Markrea. 10. 1850 ° Hygeia . . De Gasparis TI. Naples. 11. 1850 ; Parthenope . De Gasparis II. Naples. 12. 1850 t Victoria ; ind iif, . London. 13. 1850 ° Egeria . : De Gasparis III. Naples. 14. 1851 i Irene ‘ : Hind IV. . London. 15. 1851 ° Kunomia , De Gasparis IV. Naples. 16. 1852 . Psyche . , De Gasparis V. Naples. e 1 ie 0 el > Hea tia ie rs . Diisseldorf. ; 18. 1852 é Melpomene . Hind V. : London. 19, 1852 p Fortuna : Hind VI. J London, 20.1852 . Massalia ; OS Cees VI. Nee pi: 21.1852. ~~ Lutetia . Goldschmidt Paris, ot 22. 1852 . Calliope : Mind Vii}: London. 23. 1853 ° Thalia . ‘ Hind VIII. . London. 24. 1853 : Phocea . ; Chacornac II. Marseilles... 25. 1853 P “ , De Gasparis VII. Naples. tis 26 . 1853 : ew, z Luther II. . Bilk. Notes on the Life of Avago. 61 unwearying industry, led him without: difficulty through an amount of labour which would have overwhelmed an ordi- nary man. There was a remarkable clearness in his percep- tion of these matters to which his attention was directed. He readily stripped them of any adventitious clouding or mystery by which they might be surrounded, and fearlessly and energetically expressed his convictions. As a writer, we may remark the strong evidences of the latter in his firmness of style ; and the clearness of his perceptive faculties is shewn in his lucid eloquence. : In 1834 Arago visited Edinburgh for the purpose of at- tending the meeting of the British Association. His friend, Professor Jameson, shewed him marked attention. The freedom of the City was granted to him by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council, which he was highly proud of ; and he also had conferred on him the honourable distinction of doctor of laws. - It would have been well if Arago had devoted himself ex- clusively to the pursuits of science and literature, for which he was so eminently qualified. He found himself unable to » resist the temptation presented by the revolution of 1830 of entering on the political arena. During the combat of the three days he did his best to stop, through his influence with Marmont, with whom he had long been on friendly terms, the effusion of blood. In the election which took place soon after the fall of the elder branch of the Bourbons, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies by his department, and at once chose the party to which he attached himself, by taking his place between Laffitte and Dupont (de L’Eure) in the extreme left. From that period till the revolution of 1848 he acted with the same party. On questions of material interest to the country, such as public education, the navy, canals, rail- roads, &., he often spoke, and effectively ; and it is not yet forgotten, that on the question of the fortifications of Paris his opposition against the detached forts was formidable. His speech in 1840, on the necessity of extending the electoral suffrage, produced great sensation at the time. In the midst of his scientific and legislative labours, he found time to at- tend to his duties as member of the Council-General of the 62 Notes on the Life of Arago: Seine, to which he was elected in 1840. The period is too recent to be forgotten when he appeared before the world in a still more prominent manner, and in the decline of his use-' ful life he was flung into the midst of the revolutionary tem- pest. The republicanism of Arago had nothing sanguinary — or violent in it. He was named member of the Provisional Government, and Minister of War and Marine ad interim, and exerted himself to stem the flood which rolled on with so much violence. From the first moment he did his best to allay the passions of the multitude, but without effect. His labours during that terrible but brief period which began with the flight of the royal family and closed with the tre- mendous struggle of June, gave him a shock from which he never totally recovered. His double capacity as Minister of War and of Marine, and his alleged want of acquaintance with the details of those departments, form one of the most amusing passages in the memoir of “ Jerome Paturot,” which, I presume, is in the recollection of those who read the sati- rical productions of the period. Whatever may have been his qualifications for ministerial functions, his courage as a citizen was not doubted. In the midst of the horrible carnage of the days of June he marched at the head of the troops against the barricades of the 12th arrondissement, and exhausted every effort, but in vain, to stop the slaughter. His name, once so popular in that quarter, had lost all its influence ; and it is said the insurgents directed their fire against him, when, advancing alone to a barricade, and waving a white flag, he implored the infuriated multitude to consent to terms — of peace. That deadly struggle put an end to the political career of Arago. Broken down morally and physically, he — never again assumed a prominent position; and, though he still retained his place in the National Assembly, he gave his vote in silence. His altered features, and his form once so stately, but now bowed down less by age’than by sorrow, — gave token of his sad disappointments. | The coup d’état of the 2d of December completed the ads ; struction of all his fond illusions. Summoned as a public — functionary to take the oaths to the new government, he re- fused, and prepared to resign the place he had occupied in the Notes on the Life of Arago. 63 Observatory for so many years. The government, however, made an exception in his favour, and Arago remained to his last breath Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences. In this emergency he addressed the following noble letter _to the Minister of Public Instruction; and it had the happy effect of changing the decision of the Emperor, who allowed him to retain both his offices :— “ Paris, May 9, 1852. * Monsieur le Ministre,—The government has itself ad- mitted that the oath prescribed by Art. 14 of the Constitu- tion ought not to be required from the members of a purely scientific and literary body like the Institute. I cannot see why the Bureau des Longitudes, an astronomical academy in which, when a vacancy occurs, an election ensues to fill it up, is placed in another category. This simple circumstance would perhaps have sufficed to induce me to refuse the oath, but considerations of another nature, I confess, have exer- cised a decisive influence on my mind. Circumstances ren- dered me, in 1848, as member of the Provisional Govern- ment, one of the founders of the Republic. As such, and I glory in it at present, I contributed to the abolition of all political oaths. Ata later period I was named by the Con- stituent Assembly president of the Executive Committee; my acts in this last-named situation are too well known to the public for me to have need to mention them here. You can comprehend, Monsieur le Ministre, that in presence of these reminiscences my conscience has imposed on me a resolution which perhaps the Director of the Observatory would have hesitated to come to. I had always thought that, by the terms of the law, an astronomer at the Bureau of Longitude _ was appointed for life, but your decision has undeceived me. I have therefore, Monsieur le Ministre, to request you to appoint a day on which I shall have to quit an establishment which I have been inhabiting now for near half a century. That establisment, thanks to the protection given to it by the Governments which have succeeded each other in France for the last 40 years,—thanks, above all, I may be allowed to say, to the kindness of the Legislative Assemblies in re- 64 Notes on the Life of Avago. gard to me—has risen from its ruins and its insignificance, and can now be offered to strangers asa model. It is not | without a profound sentiment of grief that I shall separate from so many fine instruments, to the construction of which I have more or less contributed ; it is not without lively ap- prehension that I shall behold the means of research created by me passing into malevolent, or even hostile hands; but my conscience has spoken, and I am bound to obey its dic- tates. Iam anxious that, in this circumstance, everything shall pass in the most open manner; and in consequence, I hasten to inform you, Monsieur le Ministre, that I will ad- dress to all the great academies of Europe and America—for I have long had the honour of belonging to them—a circular to intimate my removal from an establishment with which my name had been in some sort identified, and which was for me a second country. I desire it to be known everywhere, that the motives which have dictated my determination have nothing for which my children can ever blush. I owe these explanations, above all, to the first-rate savans who honour me with their friendship, such as Humboldt, Faraday, Brew- ster, Melloni, &c. Iam anxious, also, that these illustrious personages shall not be uneasy concerning the great change which this determination of mine will produce in my existence. My health has, without doubt, been much impaired in the service of my country. A man cannot have passed a part of his life going from mountain-peak to mountain-peak, in the wildest districts of Spain, for the purpose of determining the precise figure of the earth; in the inhospitable regions of Africa comprised between Bougia and the capital of the Re- gency; in Algerine corsairs; in the prisons of Majorca, of Rosas, and Palamos—without profound traces being left be- hind. But I may remind my friends, that a hand without vigour can still hold a pen, and that the half-blind old man — will always find near him persons anxious to note down his words. Receive, Monsieur le Ministre, the assurance of my respect. “Fr, ARAGO.”’ ‘«‘Monsieur,—In excusing yourself on May 9 on the score of ill health, for not attending with your colleagues of the Notes on the Life of Arago. 65 Board of Longitude to take the oath to the Prince President and to the Constitution, you had authorized me to suppose that. you would not.decline an obligation imposed by the Con- stitution on all public functionaries. Your second letter, which bears the same date, but which I received at. a later hour, does not allow me to, entertain that hope. - Without stopping to remark on the change of language, which it is im- possible not to be struck with, and on the terms—so little guarded—which | was surprised to meet with on this occasion from your pen, I considered it my duty to take the orders of the Prince before I accepted your resignation. The President of the Republic has authorized me to admit an exception in fayour of a savant whose works have thrown lustre on France, and whose existence his government would regret to embitter. The publicity given to your letters will not change in any respect the resolution which I consider it an honour to transmit to you. Receive, Monsieur, the assurance of my distinguished consideration. “‘ HW, ForrTouu.” In his capacity as perpetual secretary to the Institute.for the Physical Sciences, an office to which he succeeded on the death of Baron Fourier in 1830, it became the duty of Arago to write the Eloges of its members, both foreign and domestic. Cuvier, as the perpetual secretary for the Natural Sciences, had in this respect distinguished himself as a powerful and eloquent writer ; but we venture to say that his eloges were equalled, if not surpassed, by the vigorous and eloquent bio- graphical sketches which came from Arago’s pen. The fol- lowing is a list of the most important of these Eloges, with _ the dates at which they were read :— -1831—Volta, Foreign Associate. 1832—Dr Thomas Young, Foreign Associate. 1833—Baron Fourier. 1834—James Watt, Foreign Associate. 1837—Carnot. 1841—Condorcet. 1844-—Bailly. _Of his qualifications as a legislator, the following and con- VOL. LVI. NO. CXI.— JANUARY 1854, 1D 66 Notes on the Life of Avago. cluding paragraph from a sketch by Cormenin (Les Oratewrs), published in 1842, may give a good idea :— “Whenever Arago ascends the tribune, the Chamber, at- tentive and anxious, becomes still, and listens eagerly. The spectators hang over the galleries to see him. His stature is lofty, his hair is naturally curled and flowing, and his fine Southern head rises over the Assembly. In the muscular contraction of his temples there is a power of will and of thought which reveals a noble spirit. Unlike those speakers who address the house on every occasion, and who, nine times out of ten, are ignorant of what they talk about, Arago does not speak except on questions already prepared, and which combine the interest of the circumstance with the attractions of science. His speeches are therefore quite to the purpose as well as general, and appeal at once to the reason and the passions of his auditory. In this manner he soon comes to master them. The very moment he enters on his subject, he concentrates on himself the eyes and the attention of all. He takes science, as it were, between his hands ; he strips it of its asperities and its technical forms, and he renders it so clear that the most ignorant are astonished, as they are charmed, at the ease with which they understand its mys- teries. There is something perfectly lucid in his demonstra- tions. His manner is so expressive that light seems to issue from his eyes, from his lips, from his very fingers. He inter- weaves in his discourses the most caustic appeals to Minis- ters—appeals which defy all answer; the most piquant anec- dotes, which seem to belong naturally to the subject, and which adorn without overloading it. When he confines him- self to the narration of facts, his elocution has all the graces of simplicity. But when he is, as it were, face to face with science, he looks into its very depths, draws forth its inmost secrets, and displays all its wonders; he invests his admira- tion of it with the most magnificent language, his expressions become more and more ardent, his style more coloured, and his eloquence is equal to the grandeur of his subject.” Arago stood the busiest man in a busy age—the great ex- — positor of nature’s truths as they were developed by the — labours of experimentalists. The idea given, Arago saw at Notes on the Life of Arago. 67 once its entire bearing, and advanced himself by rapid strides to the elucidation of the fact. His suggestions were the guiding stars of science in France ; his experiments were the foundations on which new sciences were to be built. Arago never allowed his thoughts to be involved in a theory; he accepted a theory as a means of advancing, but was ever ready to abandon it when it was found that facts favoured a contrary view. In the history of philosophy, his name will have enduring fame, not from the discoveries which he made, but from the aid which he gave to science in all its depart- ments by his prompt and unfailing penetration. A member of nearly all the scientific societies of Hurope, he was the point uniting them in a common bond. In every part of the civilized world his name was regarded with reverence, and all scientific communities felt that they had lost a friend when they heard of the death of the Astronomer of France. a The Funeral Speech of M. Flourens at the Grave of M: Arago on the day of his Funeral, which took place on the Oth October 1853. -GENTLEMEN,—Death takes us in general by surprise. The severe indisposition that M. Arago has laboured under for the last six months ought to have stripped us of all hope of ever seeing him again amongst us; but the blow which has now fallen upon us has thrown us into a state of deep consternation, as if it had never beenf oreseen. The reason is, that the void which certain people leave behind them is much greater than even our fears represented to us; and we only find out its vast extent after it has actually taken place. Yes, the mind which has become eclipsed was that powerful intelligence which the Academy cherished so much; a vast intelligence born to embrace in its grasp all the sciences, and to extend them, and in which seemed to be realized the noble vocation of our own Society, and its own motto, to dis- cover, to invent, and make perfect. At the very outset of his career, M. Arago had the good fortune, so desirable for a young man who desires to dream B2 68 Notes on the Life of Ar ago. of : a distinguished future, to be connected with ; a great y work. He was appointed to go to Spain with M. Biot to complete the trigonometrical survey, a work which has given US a very precise measurement of our globe. His great capacity, and the ardent feeling with which he devoted himself to this beautiful under tahieig procured for him, on his return, ‘the | Yre- ception into the Academy. He was then scarcely tw enty -three years old. In_his youth he gained much. affection ; and the Society which so early bestowed upon him its sympathies, soon perceived with pride that he justified them all. This is not the place to enumerate all the labours of a scientific life, which was alike active, devoted, and. restless... M,. Avago had a decided genius for invention. He opened n new roads. His discoveries on polarization, the relations: of magnetism and electricity, and his magnetism. of rotation, are of a high order, and have laid open to our view unknown results ; nor was he less able or less fortunate in other kinds ‘of discoveries. .M. Arago often wandered out of his own pro- per sphere... He strove hard to raise the standard of ‘the body that he belonged to. .He was ever in search of ta lented young men to enlist for the Academy, to add to its — reputation. All his scientific contemporari ies were attached to him by, the ties of the deepest gratitude. Bae ff the year 1830, M. Arago was called upon to replace M. Fourier’ as perpetual secretary. Since the time that he appeared at’ his post, the Academy seemed to become possessed of a more active life; by familiarity, which was full of charm in a superior man like him, he knew how’ to secure” ‘confidence and lively attachments. This gift, this great art of success, he devoted entirely to the success of that body whose érgan he had, become. Never did the activity of the Academy’ ap- pear so. powerful or so extensive. Science seemed to throw - an unusual splendour, and to spread widely its brilliant light -on all the productive powers of our country. “Arago' was gifted with a matchless penetration of mind, along with’ ex- traordinary analytical powers. _The ‘exposition of the’ Works ae Opty of secretary. nig thoughts were easy ‘and rd bit with a turn for intellectual wit; and his powerful expressions invariably Notes on the Life of Arago. 69 gained for him the marked attention of his colleagues, who a way 8, s, astonished | to. See so many happy talents united, ees, ‘to him with a feeling of pleasure mixed with admira- : When protracted ilIness had deprived him‘ of sight, ihe. resources ‘of ‘his’ vast genius became manifest to’“all those. who surrounded him. Works on the thost diffictilt and | complicated. subjects were analysed. by him in a clear, dis- tinct, and logical manner, Thanks to his unfailing memory, all his ‘intellectual work was done easily, and without’ any visible labour. | ‘The very facility of its reproduction dis- guised 1 fr om the listener the wonder of the intellectual prs cess, AS the historian of the Academy, M. Arago manifested in a this 80 dificult and formidable office of high priest, as it may ‘be called—in which capacity he had to foretell the judgment of, ‘posterity—a. conscientious study, a force of investigation, a desire. to, be completely impartial, which procured for his eloge : a very high rank. In these writings of the eloquent ; secretary, we find. all the qualities of the great mind :’a’bril- diant style, vigour, and enthusiasm, along with a charming . Bont nature. AS interpreter of the feclings of dons Academy Lyvas willive to speak of ‘the 1 man in so far as He belonged ‘ to, DS. He will live for, ev er, as one of the scientific illustr a- tions, of. our ‘country. ‘The noble veterans of science in all parts of the civilized world, in Berlin, London, St Peters- burg, and Philadelphia, will mix their grief with ours. - The generation of scholars who have followed each other for the last forty years will, tell. to that intelligent, and patriotic _ youth which to-day occupy their TEE in our brilliant schools how much beloved he was, and what power there was in the kind sympathies of that master on whose tomb they lay down at this moment the homage of their grief. Arago knew well the sweets of filial piety. The ties of his affection became extended without getting weaker. His brother and sisters were along with him under the same pa- ternal roof; their children and his belonged to him alike. He also found a niece, whose touching and pious solicitude _ for him receives to-day the grateful tribute of the Academy. 70 On the Introduction of the ay On the Introduction of the Magnificent Forest Tree, the Deodar, from India into England. The cultivation of this magnificent forest tree is about to engage the serious attention of the Government, and one or more of the royal forests are to be planted with it. Mr Jameson, Director, Botanical Gardens, North-West Provinces, India, sent home last season, by order of the Governor- General, upwards of two thousand pounds of Deodar seeds ; and in order that parties now cultivating the Indian Cedar on a large scale might see the dimensions the timber attains, he also sent home four planks twenty feet in length, four feet and a half wide, and four inches thick, procured in the forests of Kooloo, in the Kohistan of the Punjaub. For years past from five to six maunds (400 to 500 lb.) of seed have been despatched annually by him to the Court of Directors, by the overland route, for distribution to public institutions and pri- vate individuals ; and young plants which, ten or twelve years ago, used to sell for £5 and £6 each, may now be had of the nurserymen at twenty shillings per hundred. Cultwation of the Deodar in England. When, at the instance of the late Lord Auckland, at that time Governor-General of India, the Court of Directors ordered a large quantity of seed of the Deodar to be imported annually* for distribution here, a service was rendered to the * 400 to 500 1b., which are liberally distributed to public and private gardens throughout the country. In addition to the seeds of the Deodar tree, seeds of the following coniferous trees are also sent to England from the Saha- rumpore Botanical Garden, being collected by the seed collectors of that noble institution in the Forests of the Himalayas, viz.— Pinus excelsa, Gerardiana. Brunoniana,. . longifolia, P. (Abies) Smithiana, Picea Webbiana. Pindrow. Cupressus torulosa, Juniperus excelsa, religiosa. and lastly, Pinus Royleana, a magnificent new Pine discovered last season in Deodar from India into England. 71 United Kingdom, the extent of which cannot, as yet, be esti- mated... Enough, however, has been seen to assure us that we have acquired in some abundance an evergreen tree of singular beauty, perfectly hardy in these latitudes, and so unlike any other coniferous plant in its manner of growth as to add a new feature to the rich vegetation of these islands. We now learn with great satisfaction that the East India Company has ordered a ton weight of the seed of this tree to be placed at the disposal of Government for the service of the Woods and Forests, and that the first parcel has al- ready arrived. Should all this quantity vegetate, no fewer than 16,000,000 plants will have been acquired, and thus we may expect the hills of Great Britain to be speedily clothed with the sacred Cedar of the Brahmins ; or making every al- lowance for deteriorated seeds, the produce to be raised must necessarily be prodigious. The charge of rearing it having been confided to four eminent. nurserymen—Messrs Glendin- ning of Chiswick ; Lawson of Edinburgh ; Skirving of Liver- pool; and Waterer of Knaphill—we have security for the crop being skilfully managed.* Government will thus become possessed of a very large quantity of a fast-growing tree, the value of which cannot be over-rated, whether it is regarded as a nurse, most useful for protection, and profitable for thinning, or, according to the testimony of those who are familiar with it in India, strong sand durable, as timber. Nepaul, at an altitude of 12,000 feet. This fine Pine grows to a height of 100 feet, and its timber i is close-grained, and resembles much the Deodar ; and as it is met with at a great altitude on the Himalayas, it will be found to be per- fectly hardy in Britain. In form, too, it is highly ornamental, and will thus prove a great acquisition. By the Director of the Botanical Gardens a large quantity of seed has been sent to the India House for distribution throughout the country. Another large supply will be forwarded shortly, and parties who have been hitherto disappointed, may procure seeds, by applying to Dr Royle at the India House. * We have consulted one of the above gentlemen to whom part of the seeds have been confided, and we have much pleasure in stating, from his authority, that the seed that was late in reaching this country was successful, and that which was early, unsuccessful.—ED, as ALA 72 ‘ On the Introduction of the We apprehend that no hardy tree yet known has the same high value as the Deodar, as anurse. The Scotch Pine is so heavy and compact in its foliage that it keeps light off the deciduous trees which grow among it, and offers great ob- struction to the free circulation of air; doing about as much harm in this way as it effects good by giving shelter from heavy gales. Its poles, too, are so bad that it must always bear a very low price in the timber market. Larch, which is a far better nurse, because its light airy foliage and pyra- midal form offer no hindrance to the action of light and the free circulation of air, and whose poles usually fetch a good price, has the fault of being destitute of leaves in the early spring, and is, moreover, subject to the mysterious and in- curable “rot.’’ On the other hand, the Deodar combines the graceful form and rapid growth of the Larch, with the ever- green character of the Scotch Pine, without the faults of that ‘species ; and we have the evidence of every observer who has seen it in India, that its timber is of excellent quality. As that is a very material point, and since we have occasionally heard it suggested that because the Deodar is nearly related to the Cedar of Lebanon, its timber will probably partake of the bad quality of the latter, it seems worth while quoting the opinions of those who are personally acquainted with it. That no inference can be legitimately drawn from its sup- posed relationship, to the Cedar of Lebanon, is. sufficiently shewn by the Scotch Pine and the Pinaster. They also are nearly related ; and yet the old timber of the first has great durability and strength, while the latter is at all ages worth- less for any purpose except, firewood., A similar but more striking contrast,is offered by the Pinaster and Pinus his- panica, species surely more nearly allied than the Deodar and Cedar of Labanon. Now we have the evidence of Captain Widdrington that the latter was largely used in the Spanish navy for deck-planking, a purpose to which Pinaster timber could never be applied. The positive testimony of Indian travellers seems conclu- sive as to the durability and excellence of Deodar timber. Baron Charles Von Hugel, now Austrian Minister at Florence, a good judge of such matters, saw the tree in abundance, and Deodar from India into England. 73 he calls it “ the incorruptible Himalayan Cedar, the invalu- able Deodar.” Major Madden, than whom no one has more carefully investigated the history of Himalayan Comers on their native mountains, quotes this very expression of Von Hugel, and evidently assents to it; he even thinks it worth inquiry whether it really repels the white, and which seems to be a Himalayan notion. Moorcroft,—and there never was a more trustworthy re- porter,—in the first volume of his Travels, makes use of the following language: “ The most valuable tree of Kashmere is, however, the Deodar, a variety of Cedar, the timber of which is extensively employed in the construction of houses, temples, and bridges.” And he adds, that pieces of it had been found little decayed, although exposed to the action of water for four hundred years. We have, moreover, the high authority of Dr Royle, who long resided in the Deodar countries, that the timber is of excellent quality, and of great strength, as well as durability. | It is universally employed in the building of temples, in which none but the best materials would be employed. The mode of using it is to construct a solid framework of the timber, and then to fill in the spaces between with stones, so that the main strength of the building is made to depend upon the © Deodar, rather than the masonry. Thus used, it is exposed to a trial which nothing but timber of the best quality could support. This is in complete accordance with all that we have ever heard of the quality of Deodar wood ; and must be regarded as conclusive. . The only subject of doubt in our minds as to the issue of ‘the great undertaking now described is whether the gentle- men to whom the young Deodars will be finally entrusted, after they shall have been delivered up to Government by the _ nurserymen who are to rear them, will know either where, or when, or how, they ought to be planted. 74. Remarks on Mollusca and Shells.* By DrAuGusTUS GOULD. 1. On the Zoological Regions. 2. Specific identity of Shells. 3. Local aspect of Species and characteristic forms oy regions. 4. Analogous species in co-ordinate regions. 1. Zoological Regions. The doctrine of distinct zoological regions evidently apper- tains to the mollusks, and is well illustrated by them. In nearly every work containing any considerable catalogue of shells, the same species will be found quoted as being found in widely-distant regions, in different oceans, and even on opposite sides of the globe. The many thousand localities carefully noted on the records of the Expedition, go to prove beyond dispute, that no such random or wide-spread distribu- tion exists. The error has arisen from two principal causes. One is, that reliable notes of localities have not been taken. A voyage is made to the Sandwich Islands, and all the shells brought home by the vessel are said to be shells from the Sandwich Islands, though they may have been obtained at California, the Society Islands, New Zealand, and perhaps half-a-dozen other places quite as remote from each other. A sea captain purchases a collection at Calcutta or Valpa- raiso for his friends at home; and all the shells are marked as denizens of the port where they were purchased, though they might not have lived within thousands of miles. Pur- chased shells cannot be relied on for localities ; for this end a shell must have been found containing the animal, or else dredged, or picked up on the shore, and labelled accordingly. There have been instances where New England shells, which had gone to the west coast of America in the way of ex- change, came back again as Pacific shells. 2. Identity of Species. “ Shells are regarded,” says Dr Gould, “as. specifically identical, which, on careful comparison, are found not to be so. And this is very likely to occur where some one very remarkable peculiarity exists, Thus, a Lutraria from Lower * United States Exploring Expedition, vol, xii. Remarks on Mollusca and Shells. 75 California (Z. undulata) has the thin, milk white, concentric- ally undulated valves so similar to those which characterize a shell from the coast of Carolina (L. canaliculata), that no one observing them separately would hesitate to pronounce them the same; but place the two side by side, and it will be seen that in one the beaks are near the posterior, and in the other near the anterior end of the shell, Equally strik- ing resemblances and differences will be found when we com- pare Maciranasuta and M. braziliana, Lutraria ventricosa, and ZL. carinata, the former of which are found in the Gulf of California, and their analogues in the Gulf of Mexico. So, too, we find on the catalogues Cytherea chione and Natica maroccana, Mediterranean shells, set down as found also in the Gulf of California; but a direct comparison shews them to be quite different in form and coloration, and well entitled to the distinctive appellations of Cytherea biradiata and Natica Chemnitzii. Triton nodosum, of the West Indies, has also been regarded as identical with a Sandwich Island .species (7. elongatum). We need not multiply examples of this kind. But if such confusion has arisen among strongly- marked species, how much more liable is it to occur where specific differences are slight ? In many genera, as in Physa and Succinea, the form, surface, and colouring, are so uniform throughout, that undoubted species are distinguished by only the slightest differences. Indeed, there are even some genera, like Heliw and Nanina, Patella and Lottia, which cannot be distinguished but by an examination of the animal. When, therefore, we have before us shells from widely diverse regions, apparently identical, they should be sub- _ jected to the most careful scrutiny for structural differences. If no obvious ones are detected, we may not consider the question as settled, unless the animals have been compared ; and we may go even further, and require that their internal ‘structure, as well as external features, should be ex- amined. The number of instances where this apparent ubiquity exists is fast diminishing, as in the cases already mentioned, in those of Cyprea exanthema, cervina, and cer- vinetia, &c. A large proportion of the shells inhabiting the eastern and western shores of the Atlantic have been re- 76 Remarks on Mollusca and Shells. garded as identical, and many,of them are really so. But, the closer the comparison; the, more it, tends, to diminish, rather than increase the identical species. .The. same, is found true in regard to, other classes of animals... In fact, the doctrine of the local, limitation of animals, even now, meets with so few, apparent.exceptions, that. we admit it as an axiom in zoology, that species strongly resembling each other, derived from widely diverse localities, especially, if a continent intervenes, and if no known. or plausible, means) of communication. can, be, assigned, should, be assumed.as dif- ferent, until their identity, can, be proved., Much, study, of living specimens must, be had, before the apparent,exceptions ean be brought under the rule. Some shells have undoubt- edly a,very. extensive range. .The species, of Cypnea.are remarkable for this, and more than any other genus would lead us to conclude that oceans present no limitations. ;Hyen among them, however, new! distinctions aré constantly, ap- pearing:; There are also some’ shells,.which may be, called cosmopolite, at least they are erratic,,and will,be found: wherever their pabulum is found. .Thus, Helix cellaria, at- taching’ itself to. water casks, is found. in most seaports,in all parts of the world... Helix simélaris.is| found wherever the coffee plant. grows); and Helix vitrmoides in\like manner accompanies the Arum esculentum or taro. Bulimus octona, or a closely allied species, is a parasite of the Banana. But exceptions of this kind confirm rather than militate against the conclusion. 3. Local Aspect of Species, and Characteristic Form of Regions. ‘There is a certain local aspect, or peculiar facies, which impresses itself upon us the more we study local collections ; just as we learn by a very little observation, to distinguish men of different nations and neighbourhoods. Thus we dis- tinguish the loose, horny, colourless structure of the northern marine species ; the stony, corroded, livid New Zealand- ers ; the polished, absolutely perfect specimens from the coral seas. Certain forms are so characteristic of certain regions, that we never expect to find them elsewhere. Thus we look — for Clausilia in Europe and Asia; for Achatina in Africa ; - Remarks on Mollusea and Shells. "7 for Cylindrella in the West Indies and their neighbourhood ; for Achatinella'in the Sandwich Islands ;'for Partula in the Pacific Islands, south of ‘the equator ; to the United States of America’ wé look ‘for Helices? with toothed apertures ; to the’ Philippine Tslands’ for ‘the ‘ivory and beautifully painted species, &c.; and we venture to ‘call them stragglers, if we are ‘brought to us from any other quarter. & Dy Pickering’ remarks, in relation'to the Feejee Islands, colt was! only Here, ‘inthe midst: of ‘the ‘coral° sea, where I foul und’ myself surrounded bya oreat! variety of Cone, Mitre, Olive; ‘Cowry, Ovula, Harpa) Terebra,; Cassis, Strombus, Conelix:Piranidella, Tridacna, Vulsella, Lima; &e., that Tbéeaiie fully aware of ‘the imperfect state of this science. Wee'inixsed Patella? Eburna, Terebellum; Cancellaria, Hip- popus, Aneillaria, and Marginella.’ Bivalves seem to pre- vail: less'than at Tonga. °° Mactra proper was not met with. Tn fluviatile°shells these ‘islands are vicher than’ the eastern ‘ones; no doubt on ‘account of their larger sizejaud the conse- ‘quent ‘greater abundance of ‘fresh water. 2A. fresh-water bivalve, Oyrena; was here met with for the first time among ‘thé islands. “Among land-shells*we missed Partula::' The ‘appearance! of ‘large Bulimi reminded one ofthe continent. ‘The true sceeetae seem tobe supplanted by: Nanina: PN MOIDH Pes ie ay Analogous gous in, co-ordinate Regions. detiepoisin! point ‘of interest, extensively elucidated by the collections of the Expedition, is the occurrence of analogous species in co-ordinate regions. It is now a received fact that ‘the animals and plants of the northernmost zones are, for the _ “most part,:identical) throughout the whole ‘circuit ;. and! that - the’ ‘species ‘gradually diverge: from ‘each ‘other ‘towards the lequator, onthe three continents ; \and that after passing the ~*equator towards the north, there is ‘not/a:return to the same species, and rarely to the sameogenera, as we should expect af variation of forms'dépended. mainly on difference of tem- I, perature:> There ‘is; however, a return’to) molluscs of a kin- dred character'and form, and oftentimes to the same genera. oo The analogies of specimens from distant regions, are much stronger when reckoned by. isothermal longitude, than by 78 Remarks on Mollusca and Shells. isothermal latitude. In the latter case we may have analogous genera. Along our northern seas, some of the most charac- teristic shells are, Buccinum,. Tritonum, Fusus, Terebratula, Rimula, &e. Around Cape Horn are shells of the same types, so closely allied that they have not yet been separated as dis- tinct genera, though peculiar in many important respects: But this resemblance does not descend to species. In the first case, however, not only have we the same genera, but the species seem to repeat each other ; so that species brought from great distances east or west are scarcely to be distin- guished upon comparison. As examples in illustration, we may place against each other the following a from Oregon, and from the Eastern States ;— Mya precisa. Mya truncata. Osteodesma bracteatum. Cardita ventricosa. Cardium blandum. Venus calearea. Alasmodonta falcata. Helix Vancouverensis. Helix loricata. Helix germana, . Planorbis vermicularis. Planorbis opercularis, Lacuna carinata. Natica Lewisii. Trichotropis cancellata. Fusus fidicula. Lottia pintadina, Osteodesma hyalina. Cardita borealis. Cardium Icelandicum, Venus mercenaria. Alasmodonta arcuata. Helix concava, Helix inflecta. Helix fraterna. Planorbis deflectus. Planorbis exacutus. Lacuna vincta. Natica ferox, Trichotropis borealis. Fusus turricula. Lottia testudinalis, &e. Mingled with these are others very different in type, which mark the two localities as constituting very different zoologi- cal regions. Where, for instance, have we the analogues of Parnopea generosa, Lutraria ventricosa, Triton oregonense, on the one hand, and of Mactra gigantea, Fusus decemcosta- tus and Icelandicus, Pyrula canaliculata and carica, Pando- ra trilineata, &c., on the other? The same comparison holds good between the shells of the Gulf of California and the Gulf of Mexico. From a consideration of the land-shells collected on the Pacific islands, it seems possible to draw some fair inferences Remarks on Mollusca and Shells. 79 as to the relations of the lands which once occupied the area of the Pacific Ocean, and whose mountain peaks evidently now indicate, or constitute, the islands with which it is now studded. By observation of the species, we think there are strong indications that some groups of islands have an inti- mate relation to each other, and belonged at least, to the peaks of the same mountain ranges, before they were submerged, while the indications are equally strong, that other groups had no such territorial connection. The Samoa, Friendly, and Feejee Islands are near to each other, and seem as if they must have intimate geological re- lations. The Samoa and Friendly Islands give evidence of such relation, the same forms and many of the same species occurring on both groups. But, if we may draw inferences from the land-shells, these two groups are more intimately related to the Society Islands, though at a much greater dis- tance, than to the Feejee Islands. Nota single species of land- shell found on the Feejees was collected on either side of the other groups. Several genera which are common to the other groups are wanting in the Feejees. Thus, no specimen of Succinea or Partula, genera so abundant in the Society and Samoa Islands, was found at the Feejees ; and the true Helix, especially the pyramidal forms, so remarkable in the other groups, seemed to be replaced by large species of Nanina. On the other hand, large and peculiar species of Bulimus occur abundantly on the Feejees, while nothing of the kind occurs on any of the other islands. Indeed, judging from the Jand-shells, the Feejees are more nearly allied to the islands to the westward, such as the New Hebrides, than to _ the Friendly Islands on the east, though so much nearer. When we examine the fluviatile shells, however, we do not _ find the same distinction. Many of the same species of Mela- nia, Navicella, and Neritina, seem to occur in all the groups, though the large coronated species of Melania prevail in the Feejees. There is some reason to suspect, moreover, that the fresh-water shells collected at those islands have acci- dentally become more or less mingled. It must also be con- sidered that the Navicella, and more especially Neritina, is oftentimes decidedly littoral, and even marine, in its habits. 80 Remarks on Mollusca and Shells. The little island of Metia, or Aurora Island, to the north- eastward of Tahiti, is one of peculiar interest. It is a coral island, which bas been elevated 250 feet or more, and has no other high island anywhere near it. On it were found four small land-shells belonging to three genera, viz., Helix perte- nius, Helix dedalea, Partula pusilla, and Helecina trochlea. None of these were found upon any other island. They seem to have originated there after the elevation of the island, and have a significant bearing upon the question of local and pe- riodical creations in comparatively modern times. As the genus Partula is characteristic of the groups just south of the equator, so Achatinella is the characteristic shell of the Sandwich Islands. Closely connected as the islands of this group are, they each have their peculiar forms of land-shells ; and, as the southern islands bear evidence of greater age than the northern ones, we may infer that, within these narrow limits, we have evidence of the appearance of some species subsequent to the existence of others now livy- ing. On the island of Kauai, the oldest of the group, we have Achatina adusta and pyramidata, a form which does not appear on the other islands ; the Achatinelle are chiefly of the elongated glabrous form, which I have grouped under the name Leptachatina; the Helices are planorboid and multi- spiral. On Molokai, the species of A chatinella are large and beautiful, and peculiar in their form and colouring. On Maui, the Helices are small and glabrous, with some very curious hispid and ribbed species, with lamelle within the aperture. On Oahu, the species of both Helix and Achatinella are simi- lar to those on Maui. On Hawaii, Succinea seems to prevail in larger proportion than on the other islands, while Acha- tinella, which occurs so abundantly on all the other islands, either does not occur at all, or but very rarely. Sa Bhi. Report of the Maritime Conference held at Brussels for de- vising a Uniform System of ca leach Observations at Sea. By carefully collating the observations on the direction of the wind, and of the currents of the ocean, from the log-hooks of upwards of 10,000 voyages, Lieutenant Maury, of the United States Navy, has been able to construct a series of wind and current charts, which have already proved of the highest value to navigation,—voyages have been greatly shortened, and their cost and risk much diminished. In constructing these charts, the ocean is divided into spaces of 5° of latitude and 5° of longitude, and the direction of the wind which is observed In one part of these districts is assumed to be that in which it is blowing in every other part of the district. ..A special chart is appropriated to each month of the year, and thus the navi- gator is able to see at a.glance what are the prevalent winds in every part of the ocean at any time of the year, and is en- abled so to shape his course as to avail himself of the favourable winds, and to avoid those which. are opposed to his course. From this brief sketch of the principle upon which the wind charts have been constructed, it will be readily, understood that the observations upon the direction .of,the currents of the ocean and their temperature, when.collated,in the same manner, will enable us to trace their circulation through every part of the ocean, and the causes which give rise to and per- petuate their movements; as the observations on the tempera- ture and pressure of the atmosphere will enable us to trace _ the origin and course of the great atmospheric currenis. But when it is considered that even for spaces so large as 5° of latitude and 5° of longitude, the least number of observa- tions which are required for the three great oceans amounts to the enormous number of 1,669,200, the minimum number for each square being 100; and when it is borne in mind that certain parts of the ocean are more frequently traversed by the vessels of one nation than by those of another, and some parts very rarely traversed by any, it will be evident that this admirable system, so ably begun by Lieutenant Maury, canonly VOL. LYI. NO. CXIL—JANUARY 1854. F | 82 On a Uniform System of be carried out effectually by the co-operation of all the prin- cipal commercial nations. To carry out this system, the conference whose report is subjoined was held, and itis a subject of sincere congratulation to know that not only our own Government, but the Governments of several of the other nations who were represented at that conference, are already taking active measures for carrying into effect the recom- mendations which are contained in this report. But as Lieutenant Maury very justly observes, “‘ the impor- tance of concert among meteorologists all over the world, and of co-operation between the observer on shore and the naviga- tor at sea, so that any meteorological phenomenon may be traced throughout its cycle both by sea and land, is too obvious for illustration, too palpable to be made plainer by argument, and therefore the proposition for a general conference to ar- range the details of such a comprehensive system of observa- tion, addresses itself to every friend of science and lover of the useful in all countries.”,—(See Lieutenant Maury’s Sail- ing Directions, 5th edition, p. 30.) These sentiments are fully participated in by the most eminent meteorologists in Europe, including Quetelet, Kup- ffer, Kreil, Dove, Lamont, Bravais, Hansteen, our own dis- tinguished Astronomer-Royal, and the officers in charge of the meteorological observatories in Spain, Holland, &.; and a second conference is now proposed to effect a system of co- operation for observers on land, similar to that which in the first conference has been recommended for observers at sea. We dare not speculate on the result to be obtained by so vast a system of observations, but we cannot doubt but that they will be of highest interest to science, and of the greatest benefit to mankind ; and we may congratulate ourselves on — living in an era when scientific men in all nations, setting aside — all petty national or selfish views, are prepared to combine their labours for the good of all—presenting a spectacle such — as history cannot refer to. | REPORT. ‘Tn pursuance of instructions issued by the Governments respectively named below, the officers whose names are here- unto annexed, assembled at Brussels for the purpose of hold- Meteorological Observations at Sea. 83 ing a conference on the subject of establishing a uniform system of meteorological observations at sea, and of con- curring in a general plan of observation on the winds and currents of the ocean, with a view to the improvement of navigation, and to the acquirement of a more correct know- ledge of the laws which govern those elements. © The meeting was convened at the instigation of the Ame- rican government, consequent upon a proposition which it had made to the British government, in reply to a desire which had been conveyed to the United States, that it would join in a uniform system of meteorological observations on land, after a plan which had been prepared by Captain J aeeae of the Royal Engineers, and submitted to the Govern- ment by Sir J. Burgoyne, Inspector-General of Fortifications. _ “The papers connected with this correspondence were pre- sented to the House of Lords on the 21st of February last,* and have been further explained in the minutes of the con- ference. And it is here merely necessary to observe, that some difficulties having presented themselves to the imme- diate execution of the plan proposed by the British govern- ment, the United States availed themselves of the opportu- nity afforded by this correspondence, of bringing under the notice of the British government.a plan which had been sub- mitted by Lieutenant Maury, of the United States Navy, for a more widely extended field of research than that which had been proposed, a plan which, while it would forward the object entertained by Great Britain, would, at the same time, _ materially contribute to the improvement of navigation and _to the benefit of commerce. ; « An improvement of the ordinary sea route between dis- tant countries had long engaged the attention of commercial men, and both individuals and nations had profited by the advances which this science had made through a more cor- rect knowledge of the prevailing winds and currents of the ocean. But experience had shewn that this science, if it did not now stand fast, was at least greatly impeded by the want of a more extended co-operation in the acquirement of those facts which were necessar y to lead to a more correct know- ledge a the laws which govern the circulation of the atmo- * See Parliamentary Papers, No. 115, 84 On a Uniform System of sphere, and control the currents of the ocean ; and that the subject could not receive ample justice, nor even such a mea- sure of it as was commensurate with the importance of its results, until all nations should concur in one general effort for its perfection. But, could that happy event be brought about, could the observations be as extensive as desired, and receive that full discussion to which they were entitled, the navigator would learn with certainty how to count upon the winds and currents in his track, and to turn to the best ad- vantage the experience of his predecessors. “ Meteorological observations, to a certain extent, had long been made at sea, and Lieutenant Maury had turned to useful account such as had from time to time fallen into his hands ;* but these observations, although many of them good in them- selves, were but isolated facts, which were deprived of much of their value from the absence of observations with which they could be compared, and, above all, from the want of a constant and uniform system of record, and from the rude- ness of the instruments with which they had been made. “The moment then appeared to him to have arrived when nations might be induced to co-operate in a general system of meteorological research. To use his own words, he was _ of opinion that ‘the navies of all maritime nations should co-operate, and make these observations in such a manner, and with such means and implements, that the system might be uniform, and the observations made on board one public ship be readily referred to, and compared with the observa- tions made on board all other public ships, in whatever part of the world ; and, moreover, as it is desirable to enlist the © voluntary co-operation of the commercial marine, as well as that of the military of all nations, in this system of research, _ it becomes not only proper, but politic, that the forms of the — abstract log to be used, the description of the instruments — to be employed, the things to be observed, with the manipu- lation of the instruments, and the methods and modes of ob- servation, should be the joint work of the principal parties concerned.’ « These sentiments being concurred in by the Government * See Sailing Directions by Maury. Meteorological Observations at Sea. 85 of the United States, the correspondence between the go- vernments was continued, and finally each nation was invited to send an officer to hold a conference at Brussels on a given day. *« And that the system of proposed observation and of com- bined action might become immediately available, and be extended to its widest possible field of operation, it was de- teymined to adapt the standard of the observations to be made to the capabilities of the instruments now in general use in the respective naval services, but with the precaution of having all these instruments brought under the surveil- lance of parties duly appointed to examine them and deter- mine their errors; as this alone would render the observa- tions comparable with each other through the medium of their respective standards. “ The conference opened its proceedings at Brussels on the 23d of August 1853, in the residence of M. Piercot, the Mini- ster of the Interior, to whom the thanks of the conference are especially due. “M. Quetelet was unanimously elected president. ** Before entering upon any discussion, it was the desire of all the members of the conference that it should be clearly understood, that, in taking part in the proceedings of the meeting, they did not in any degree consider themselves as committing their respective governments to any particular course of action, having no authority whatever to pledge their country in any way to these proceedings. «The objects of the meeting having been explained by Lieutenant Maury,* the conference expressed its thanks to that officer for the enlightened zeal and earnestness he had displayed in the important and useful work which forms the subject of the deliberations of the conference. ~ “In concerting a plan of uniform observation, in which all nations might be engaged, the most obvious difficulty which arose was from the variety of scales in use in different coun- tries. It is much to be desired that this inconvenience should be removed; but it was a subject upon which the _ conference, after mature deliberation, determined not to re- * See the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Conference. 86 a On a Uniform System of tte commend any modification, but to leave to each nation to continue its scales and standards as heretofore, except with regard to the thermometers, which it was agreed should, in addition to the scale in use in any particular service, have that of the centigrade placed upon it, in order to accustom observers in all services to its use, with a view to its final. and general adoption. | « The advantages of concert of action between the meteor- ologist on land and the navigator at sea were so obvious, that, looking forward to the establishment of a universal sys- tem of meteorological observation upon both elements, it was thought that the consideration of scales could, with greater propriety, be left for that or some such occasion. “ As to the instruments to be recommended, the conference determined to add as few as possible to such as were in common use in vessels of war; but, regarding accuracy of observation as of paramount importance, the conference felt it to be a matter of duty to recommend the adoption of ac- curate instruments, of barometers and thermometers espe- cially that have been carefully compared with recognized standards, and have had their errors accurately determined, and that such instruments only should be used on board every man-of-war co-operating in this system, as well as on board any merchantman, as far as it may be practicable. ‘«‘ The imperfection of instruments in use at sea is notorious, The barometer having hitherto been used principally as a monitor to the mariner, to warn him, by its fluctuations, of the changes in prospect, its absolute indication of pressure — has been but little regarded, and makers seldom, if ever, de- termined the real errors of these instruments, or, if known, still more rarely ever furnished the corrections with the mi | struments themselves. .. © That an instrument so rude and so abundant in error as is the marine barometer generally in use, should, in this age of invention and improvement, be found on board any ship, will doubtless be regarded hereafter with surprise ; and it— ‘will be wondered how an instrument so important to meteor- — ology, and so useful to navigation, should be permitted to — remain so defective, that meteorologists, in their investiga- — Meteorological Observations at Sea. 87 tions concerning the laws of atmospheric pressure, are com- pelled in great measure to omit all reference to the obser- vations which have been taken with them at sea. The fact will, it is believed, afford a commentary upon the marine barometers now in use, which no reasoning or explanation can render more striking. “ It was the opinion of the conference that it aad not be impossible, considering the spirit of invention.and improve- ment that is now abroad inthe world, to contrive a ma- rine barometer which might be sold at a moderate price, that would fulfil all the conditions necessary to make it a good and reliable instrument; anda resolution was passed to that effect, in order to call the attention of the public to the importance of an invention which would furnish the na- vigator with a marine barometer that at all times, and in all weathers at sea, would afford the means of absolute and ac- curate determinations. . “ The conference is also of opinion that an anemometer, or an instrument that will enable the navigator to measure the force, velocity, and direction of the wind at sea, is another desideratum. _ “The conference was of opinion, that the mercurial barome- ter was the most proper to be used at sea for meteorological purposes, and that the aneroid should not be substituted for it. * With regard to thermometers, the conference does not hesitate to say, that observations made with those instru- ments, the errors of which are not known, are of little value ; and it is therefore recommended, as a matter well worth the attention of co-operators in this system of research, whether some plan may not be adopted in different countries for sup- plying navigators, as well in merchantmen as in men-of-war, with thermometers the errors of which have been accurately determined. __ “ For the purposes of meteorology various adaptations of the thermometer have been recommended, such as those which refer to hygrometry and solar radiation ; and, accordingly, @ space will be found in the columns for temperature by ther- mometers with dry, wet, and coloured bulbs, With these ex- 88 On a Uniform System of ceptions, the only instrument, in addition to those generally used at sea, for which the conference has thought proper to recommend a column, is that for specific gravity; the cost of this instrument is too insignificant to be mentioned. ** The reasons for recommending the use at sea of the wet, the white, and black bulb thermometers are obvious ; but with regard to the thermometer with a bulb the colour of sea- water, and the introduction on board ship of a regular series of observations upon the specific gravity of sea-water, it may be proper to remark that, as the whole system of ocean cur- rents and of the circulation of sea-water depends in some de- gree upon the relative specific gravities of the water in va- rious parts of the ocean, it was judged desirable to introduce columns for this element, and to recommend that observations should be carefully made with regard to it, both at and below the surface. ‘“ With respect to the thermometer having a bulb of the colour of sea-water, it is unnecessary to say more in favour of its use on board ship than that the object is to ascertain whether or no such observations will throw any light upon the psychrometry of the sea, or upon any of the various inte- resting phenomena connected with the radiation from the surface of the ocean. “In bringing to a conclusion the remarks upon instruments, the conference considered it desirable, in order the better to establish uniformity and to secure comparability among the observations, to suggest, as a measure conducive thereto, that a set of the standard instruments used by each of the co-operating Governments, together with the instructions which might be given by such Governments for their use, should be interchanged. “ The object of the conference being to secure as far as pos- sible uniformity of record and such a disposition of the ob- servations that they would admit of ready comparison, the annexed form of register was concerted and agreed upon. The first columns of this form will receive the data which the Government of the United States requires merchant ves- sels to supply, in order to entitle them to the privileges of co-operators in this system of research, and may therefore — Meteorological Observations at Sea. 89 be considered as the minimum of what is expected of them. This condition, which it may be as well to state here, requires that at least the position of the vessel and the set of the cur- rent, the height of the barometer, the temperature of the air ‘and water, should each be determined once a-day, the force and direction of the wind three times a-day, and the observed variation of the needle occasionally. ** Every abstract log kept by a merchant vessel should con- tain at least what is here recommended, Anything more would enhance its value and make it more acceptable. “ ‘The remaining columns are intended principally for men- of-war to fill up in addition to those above mentioned, but it is believed that there are many officers in the mercantile navy also who are competent to this undertaking, and who will, it is hoped, be found willing to distinguish themselves in this joint action for the mutual benefit of the services. | “In the compilation of this form the conference has had carefully in view the customs of the service and the addi- tional amount of attention which these duties will require, and it is believed that the labour necessary for the purpose, at least to the extentspecified in the instructions for filling up the columns, is only such as can be well performed under ordinary circumstances, and it has considered it a minimum, and looks with confidence to occasional enlarged contribu- tions from zealous and intelligent labourers in the great cause of science. « The directions for filling up the columns, and for making certain observations, it will be seen by the minutes, were limited to such only as seemed necessary to the conference to insure uniformity of observation. This subject received the benefit of much discussion before the meeting, and it was considered most advisable to confine the matter to hints, which it is hoped will be found sufficient, when embodied in the instructions which each nation will probably issue with the forms, to insure that most desirable end—uniformity. _ “ The conference, having brought to a closeits labours with respect to the facts to be collected and the means to be em- _ ployed for that purpose, has now only to express a hope that whatever observations may be made, will be turned to useful 90 On Meteorological Observations at Sea. account when received, and not be suffered to lie dormant for the want of a department to discuss them; and that, should any Government, from its limited means or from the. paucity of the observations transmitted, not feel itself justi- fied in providing for their separate discussion, it is hoped that it will transfer the documents, or copies of them, to some neighbouring Power, which may be more abundantly provided, and willing to receive them. ‘“‘ It is with pleasure that the conference has learned that the Government of Sweden and Norway has notified its in- tention of co-operating in the work, and that the King has commanded the logs kept by his Swedish subjects to be trans- mitted to the Royal Academy of Science at Stockholm, and also that in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Portugal, mea- sures have been taken to establish a department for the same purpose, and that the Admiralty of Great Britain has ex- pressed its intention of giving instructions for meteorological observations to be made throughout the Royal Navy. “ The conference has avoided the expression of any opinion as to the places or countries in which it would be desirable to establish offices for the discussion of the logs, but it is confidently hoped that, whatever may be done in this respect, there will be always a full and free interchange of materials, and a frequent and friendly intercourse between the depart- ments ; for it is evident that much of the success of the plan proposed will depend upon this interchange, and upon the frankness of the officers who in the several countries may conduct these establishments. « Lastly, the conference feelsthat it would but inadequately discharge its duties, did it close this report without endea- vouring to procure for these observations a consideration which would secure them from damage or loss in time of war, and invites that inviolate protection which science claims at the hands of every enlightened nation ; and that, as vessels on discovery or scientific research are by consent suffered to — pass unmolested in time of war, we may claim for these do- cuments a like exemption, and hope that observers, amid the excitement of war, and perhaps enemies in other respects, may in this continue their friendly assistance, and pursue Mr H. M. Stoker on the China-stone, &c., of Cornwall. 91 their occupation, until at length every part of the ocean shall be brought within the domain of philosophic research, and a system of investigation shall be spread as a net over its sur- face, and it become rich in its benefit to commerce, navigation, and science, and productive of good to mankind. *‘ The members of the conference are unwilling to separate without calling the attention of their respective Governments to the important and valuable assistance which it has received from the Belgian Government. That the conference has been enabled to draw its labours to so speedy. and satisfactory a close is in a great measure owing to the facilities and con- veniences for meeting and deliberating which have been af- forded by His Majesty’s Government. “ Signed at Brussels, this 8th day of September 1853. ! UETELET, President. pelgium, 1 Pe. | Denmark, P. RoTHE. France, DELAMARCHE. - Great Britain, (ides Fae - Pe Netherland, JANSEN. Norway, | THLEN. Portugal, Dre MaArTros CorREA. | Russia, GORKOVENKO. Sweden, ! PETTERSSON. United States, MAURY.”’ ~ An Essay on the China-stone and China-clays of Cornwall, with a Description of some Mechanical Improvements in the Mode of Preparation of the latter. By Mr H. M. STOKER, of St Austell, Cornwall. The China-stone and China-clays of our county, or the disintegrated granites, have of late years assumed a no less important than interesting feature in its history; not only to the capitalist, from the great addition the discovery of their use has made to its commercial importance; to the working-classes, from the necessarily co-existent increase of 92 Mr H. M. Stoker on the China-stone and | employment; to the shipping, from the quantity annually exported ; but also to the traveller, from the picturesque scenes, the preparation of these articles has added to the previously existing and unexampled ones offered him for con- templation in the various modes of raising and rendering available the mineral wealth for which we have been so long and so justly famed ; and not only to these, but to the prac- tical chemist as well, does it afford matter for speculation, inasmuch as the supply of the former of these articles is so limited, as to require, in the course of a very few years, some cheap and easily available substitute; whether to be supplied from this or from some other county, is a questio to be determined only by the conjoined efforts of the miner, the geologist, and the analytical chemist. From these few remarks, any apology for the appearance of the present essay would only be out of place, especially when we take into consideration the paucity of information possessed even by such men as the jurors of the Exhibition ofthe past year, as proved by their indifference both to the purity and quantity of the raw material ; and this is now the more to be deplored from the contrast presented to us in the degree of attention paid by those jurors who investigated the “merits of this article in its manufactured state, and by the- observations necessarily made on other raw material, not less than from the fact that in no work with which I am at present acquainted has the preparation or the source of this article been fully described. These observations will be found to refer generally to those districts whence the greater amount is attainable, and from them I have reason to hope that some few general laws may be deduced, whereby, when the present source is ex- _ hausted, other localities may be found in the county for their supply. | Attention was first directed to the fact, that the disinte- grated granite and clays of our county, as well as those of Devon, when fused or burned, could be rendered available : to the potter, in 1768, by the late Mr Cookworthy of Ply- mouth, who extensively exported them to the potteries of Staffordshire for that purpose from Devon ; subsequently to _ China-clays of Cornwall. 93 which, large beds of a like description of clays were found in the parish of St Stephen’s: and it having been ascertained that the decomposing granite, from which such beds are formed, was capable, when fused, of forming a suitable glaze for the articles made of the clay, a large trade was at once opened, which has continued progressively to increase till the present time. The disintegrated granite, under the name of China-stone, from the use to which it was applied, was exported at a later period than the China-clay or kaolin,—this article of com- merce not having been introduced till the year 1802, when it was first raised from a bed of great purity, containing no iron or manganese, but merely felspar, silica, and mica, in varying proportions. And this is at present the only source from which it can be obtained of a sufficient degree of purity for ordinary purposes; though, from its price, and the efforts that have been made by chemists, both here and in the pot- teries, to gain a substitute for it, it is very doubtful whether it will long continue so; more especially if the distance we are placed from Stafford be taken into consideration. Most of the granites from which the China-stone was formed, differ from ordinary granite only in the existence in the latter of plates of talc, hornblende, or diallage, the pre- sence of either of which renders the China-stone in which they are found, though but in small proportions, of not even the slightest use, from the black or brown-coloured slag of silicate of iron or manganese found on fusion. Some varia- tion, too, may be found in the amount of each of the ingre- dients which I have named, but this affects neither the clay formed on a continuation of the disintegrating process, nor is it supposed to exert any influence on the glazing properties of the stone. The places in which a search for this article would be in- stituted with the greatest probability of success, is in the proximity of fissured granite rocks, containing, or supposed to have contained, softened stone; or in hills with rounded heavy summits, the beds of which are placed horizontally, and felspar (or feldspar) forming its predominating ingre- - dient. ea | 94 Mr H. M. Stoker on the China-stone and The bed from which it is obtained is about three-fourths of a mile in extent. on the contiguous borders of the parishes of St Dennis and St Stephens, occupying almost the centre of the central granite district of the county, and is sur- rounded by other primary rocks of igneous origin, which, as they stretch towards the coast on either side, merge into beds of killas or clay-slate. On the eastern and northern boundaries, the granite is more irregular and abrupt in cha- racter than on the other sides, is more porphyritic, and con- tains a much larger proportion of felspar, in large white or red opaque, cubic, or rhomboidal crystals ; while on the south it is separated from the neighbouring granite by a large elvan dyke. And it is worthy of notice, that, while on one side of this you may find China-stone perfectly pure, on the other, only from one to two feet distant, the stone 1s rendered useless by the presence of small plates of tale im- bedded in dense gray granite, which also forms a portion of the eastern boundary. : ~ Any one who has carefully studied the porphyry dykes, or the general nature of the primary rocks of our county, cannot but have noticed the difference in the temperature at which some of them have been upheaved, compared to that of others ; for while some of our granites are composed of substances which have in their crystals a certain amount of water that has not been lost, others have no trace of it, their felspar having become an amorphous-looking powder (kaolin) ; and others presenting the same waxy edge on fracture that is noticed in porcelain, particularly the elvan dykes: and from this it hag been conjectured, though to me it appears doubtful, that as the melting point of other minerals was considerably below that of these rocks, at the time of the extraordinary convulsion to which our county has been subjected, the China-stone was by this means freed from iron, &c.; and that, on its having reached the surface, the water by which it was surrounded at once caused the crystals of felspar to split, lose their out- line and character, and become easily acted on by the solvent power of rain-water, which, by depriving it of a portion of its potash, leaves the crystals of quartz or silicic acid and — plates of mica, glistening with a silvery hue, imbedded in a China-clays of Cornwall. 95 mass of silicate of potash and alumina; which, from the loss of crystallization, cannot be termed felspar, nor is it kaolin. for it has not been subjected sufficiently long to the causes which lead to its formation. Many have thought, and do still suppose, that the clay is gradually forming into granite, and confidently assert that the whole of the middle granite tract was undoubtedly formed from clay beds; the geologist, I need scarcely add, will be able to estimate this at its proper worth: others also add, that this mass has been thrown up in the water, which at first covered it and fell back on itself, which they assert accounts for the flattened outline the tops of the hills of this cibevich present. The chief causes which I believe to have led to its disin- tegration, and not only to the formation of China-stone, or China-clay, but to that of all the land at present in cultiva- tion or capable of being cultivated, are—Ast, external physical agents, proved by the fact that China-stone is very seldom found at a depth of more than from 20 to 30 feet from the surface ; the influence of the seasons; the changes from hot to cold on a body composed of crystals possessing such different expansive powersas those of felspar and quartz; and the solvent power of rain-water: while, as chemical agents, we have, 2dly, the influence of the excess of carbonic acid in the air, as well as that from the interior of the earth, of the influence of which we have abundant proof in the ex- cellent crops obtainable near lavas, or wherever this gas can _ gain access to the compound silicates of which the greatest portion of the earth’s crust consists ; and by the influence of “respiration in rooms provided with windows, which may have been exposed for a long period to its application. At present, while there is a great demand for the article, the spot from whence China-stone is procured presents the appearance of a large rabbit burrow, as there are no less than nine sets for the district, the proprietor of each of which has his portion of the hill covered with the mouths of pits, around which are stationed a number of men with their waggons, who, after the China-stone has been raised by quar- rying and the employment of powder, carry it to one of the 96 Mr H. M. Stoker on the China-stone and nearest ports to be shipped for the potteries of Staffordshire and Worcestershire. These ports are distant seven or nine miles from the quarries, entailing in this transport a con- siderable amount of land carriage, and a consequent increase in the price, which of late years has been raised from 12s. to 20s. free on board, at Par, Pentewan, or Charlestown ; still the demand has by no means diminished, and the pro- prietors of these sets have been obliged to fix a certain limit to their annual supply of 18,000 tons, which rate of consump- tion will have effected the removal of all the China-stone in these beds in rather less than fifty years. The number of people employed in its preparation are com- paratively few, as the operation of blasting requires but two or three persons in each pit ; and in loading the waggons the parties employed as carriers are but too eager to fill in order to gaina load. The before-mentioned reasons render the question of supply an important one, and one well worthy the attention of the land-owner as to future resources, and the influence the discovery of any large bed of good stone would exert on his pocket ; though, while the present sets of the China-stone Company of Cornwall hold out, they not only can but will maintain a monopoly. China-stone, in its present state, consists of a mixture of quartz, felspar, and mica, blended so as to form a homo- geneous mass which very much resembles granite, though its texture is not so compact; the quartz exists in small bluish- - white and transparent crystals, the edges of which, by the process of disintegration, are rendered more or less indistinct, and they have become more transparent than when in the form of granite. These crystals are imbedded in a mixture of white felspar which has lost a portion of its potash, and small opaque scales of mica having a lustrous silvery aspect and very thin: the granite from which it has been formed is of the simplest kind, the more common forms containing, in addi- tion to the mica, quartz and felspar, which may be either red or gray, crystals and scales of hornblende, diallage, or tale, with a more or less appreciable amount of iron, indicated by the black spots formed on fusion or calcination; and as the chemical composition of this article, when pure, should indi- China-clays of Cornwall. 97 cate an absence of these deteriorating qualities, until some cheap mode of separating these constituents from the other- wise vitrifiable granites of our county be found, the China- stone at present in use must retain its pre-eminence, consist- ing as it does of a pure double silicate of potash and alumina, which, when fused, forms a pearl-white translucent mass, firm and resonant, consisting of an opaque body of nearly perfectly formed kaolin, surrounded by and diffused through the glaze of silicic acid, to which its transparency is due: and not only does the foregoing deteriorating substances render the article useless, but should there be a very great excess of quartz crystals or silica the article will not, from the forma- tion of single silicates, be capable of fusion at any temperature ; though this fault may be remedied by the addition of either potash or soda, to which the vitrifaction not only of this, but of the various kinds of glass, is also due ; felspar, according to Liebig, containing 17:75 per cent. of potash. China-stone is used in the potteries for a number of pur- poses, the most important of which are, 1s¢,—in the forma- tion of clay bodies to form biscuit ware ; 2dly,—to strengthen clays rendered poor by the absence of potash; and, 3d/y,—in the preparation or construction of glazes, for the calcined biscuit ware, when mixed with other ingredients. The manufactured China-stone and China-clay is termed * pottery,’’ of which there are several varieties, each contain- ing different proportions, of China-stone, clay, and other ‘articles. In the porcelain series there is said to be but 3 per cent. of potash, but this I imagine, from the transparency and purity of the body, to be inaccurate: the Chinese used to em. ploy the ashes of ferns, which, from the amount of carbonate of potash they contain, gave to it that richness and blending of the body with the glaze for which it has been long remark- able: bone ash was also used, both by the Chinese and French, and is now employed by our potters in considerable quantity, for the sake of the phosphate of lime it contains, which, during the process of fusion, adds considerably to the trans- parency of the ware without rendering the glaze liable to craze or peel off, as would be the case were lime alone em- VOL. LVI. NO. OXI.— JANUARY 1854. G 98 Mr H. M. Stoker on the China-stone and ployed ; in fact at times, during a single firing, more than £5000 worth of pottery is rendered useless by the admixture of this earth, the surface of the services becoming covered with a congeries of cracks and fissures ; hence great care is necessary to prevent its addition. The terms employed to designate the kinds of calcined and fused wares, are :—Pipe-clay, the least used and least impor- tant; Queen’s ware; Terra Cotta; Basalts; and Porcelain biscuit ; the whole of which were introduced by Wedgewood, to whose persevering, accurate, and scientific research, we are indebted for the position our pottery now holds; and it should not be forgotten that the rapid strides by which we have gained it, and the discoveries that have of later years been made in this art, have been wholly derived from a good practical acquaintance with chemical analysis, the import- ance of which cannot be too strongly urged, on both the potter and the producer of the raw material. The other and more common wares are, porcelain; pottery, an inferior kind of porcelain ; and earthenware; to the description of which I shall for the present confine my attention, that of the before mentioned wares, as well as of Parian, biscuit china, &c., belonging more strictly to the province of the potter than to — that of the writer of the present Essay; though, from the history of the experiments to which their existence is due, the subject will be found fraught with interest to the chemist and geologist. Until a very late period pottery manufacture was com- paratively unknown in England; in the eighteenth century we were indebted entirely to the Chinese for our best, and to the continental potteries for our commoner wares ; a cen- tury has but elapsed, and to the credit of the industrious, the — persevering, the indefatigably speculating, Englishman, be it added, that from pole to pole, under any portion of the globe’s | equator, wherever the traveller may roam in search of adven- ture, no less than through the length and breadth of his happy little island home, he will find, in his cup, his plate, or his — dish, a never dying testimonial to the enterprising character’ of the Englishman. China-clay of Cornwall, _ | 99 In porcelain or china and the coarser variety termed pot- tery, the ingredients are so combined as. to act chemically on — each other, the decomposed felspar consisting of a fusible glass of silicate of alumina and potash, more opaque than that formed by the fused silex in which it is disseminated ; and when the body is formed of China-clay, infusible at the highest temperature, in the process of vitrifaction, it is so acted on, as to form a substance uniformly opaque, having a vitreous, waxy fracture, and when coloured by some metallic base is termed stoneware. There are two kinds of china or porcelain ; the one termed the hard china was formerly imported from France, though, of late years, it has been altogether superseded by the second variety, or soft china. The body of hard china may be con- veniently formed by a mixture of ingredients in the following proportions :— Kaolin, or Chine-clay ‘ 70 parts : 1 Sante Felspar Sand . f : ; 12 Selenite . : ‘ 4, which calcined, forms the biscuit: this, after being dipped in a mixture of potash and felspar, is again heated, when vitri- faction ensues, the article possessing a homogeneous trans- lucent structure, and not a mere glaze or coat as found on the common earthenware. In making soft china the English potters fully vitrify the ware by the first application of heat, the shape of the article being kept by ground flint, removable with ease after it is taken from the oven, and the glaze being subsequently applied is vitrified at a lower temperature than . that used in the formation of the biscuit of soft china, the in- gredients used to form which, are,— Bone. : : ; 46 parts Kaolin . ¢ : ; i eae China-stone . ‘ . 23 In making the glaze, a frit is first formed, which renders the glaze more easily applicable to the surface of the biscuit, by eewing a mixture sunilar to the following :— G 2 100 Mr H. M. Stoker on the China-stone and China-stone . : : 25 parts Soda e Y . . 6 ees Borax . ; : ‘ ee Nitre F 3 : ‘ 1 Of this frit, when ground, 26 parts are taken, and added to or mixed with— 26 of ground China-stone, 31 ... white-lead, 404 lint, 7... carbonate of lime, &c., 3... oxide of tin, in which the biscuit is dipped prior to the last application of heat. The colours to be laid on the ware are applied and burnt in prior to the formation of the glaze, an article often requiring a separate burning for each different colour, thus, especially in gilded articles, entailing an additional amount of cost and labour. The China-stone increases the strength and sonorosity of the article, while the ground flint gives whiteness and density to the base of plastic clay: earths are by themselves infu- sible, but on the addition of silex or silica, another name for quartz, we form a silicate, to which, if we add a third of earth, with an alkaline base, we form a body vitrifiable and uniformly translucent. As it may not be uninteresting to my readers, I shall briefly attempt to describe the mode in which the China-stone and China-clay are treated, prior to their being turned, twisted, and flattened, to form the numberless articles in which they greet the eye. The China-stone is ground to a fine powder by means of a number of stones which are kept rotating on the bottom of a paved vat, when it, as well as the clay and ground flint, are mixed with a certain quantity of water, by a process termed “ bluging,” till of the consistence of cream, when it is passed in a state of slop or slip through a series of cambric or lawn sieves kept rapidly revolving by a water-wheel, each pint of clay slip weighing twenty-four ounces, while that of the flint or China-stone weighs thirty-two ounces; it is then passed — through a very fine silk sieve, after which these ingredients — China-clay of Cornwall. | 101 are mixed together in variable proportions in a large vat or tub, and, as soon as the mixture has attained its requisite consistence, the water is driven off by evaporation, which causing the slip to contain in its interstices an innumerable quantity of air globules, renders it necessary that it should be submitted to the process of kneading or beating, after which it was formerly thought necessary, though now aban- doned, that this mass should lie fallow for three or four months, when it is considered to be fit for the lathe. The proportions of the ingredients used in the different kinds of earthenware are as follow :— ‘In cream colour or painted ware,—Dorsetshire clay, 56 parts; kaolin or China-clay, 27; flint, 14; and China- stone, 3 parts. In brown ware,—red clay, 83; Dorset clay, 13; flint, 2; and manganese, 2 parts. In drab ware,—Cane mar], 32; Dorset clay, 22; China- stone, 45; and nickel, 1 part. In jasper,—barytes, 32; kaolin, 15; Dorset clay, 15; stone, 33; and of lead, 3 parts. The glazes commonly used for the cream-coloured ware consists of varying proportions of ‘white lead and China- stone, or, as these may craze, a frit of the following materials is often employed :— Of China-stone, 30; flint, 16; red lead, 25; soda, 12; and borax, 17 parts; 26 parts of this are then mixed with 15 of China-stone, 10 of flint glass, 9 of flint, and 40 of white lead ; which constitutes the fritted glaze. The composition of most of the bodies and clays now used is a secret confined to the walls of the mixing room, so that it is extremely difficult to ascertain, with any degree of ac- curacy, the influence of an excess of ingredients ; thereby en- tailing a co-existent difficulty on the part of the producer, in his endeavour to form or prepare a substitute for these articles. The China-clay or kaolin of Cornwall was first brought in- to notice at a very late period, though the material itself has been long used ; -in fact, not only were the Chinese well ac- 102. On the China-stone and China-clay of Cornwall. quainted with it, both in a raw and manufactured state, from the most remote ages, but it is also probable, from the in- teresting evidences lately brought to light, through the in- dustrious exertions of Mr Layard, and from other sources, that the Egyptians knew somewhat of its uses. When obtained by Mr Cookworthy, in 1768, from the Les- crowse and Trethose clay works, in the parish of St Stephens, a large supply was at once demanded for the Staffordshire potteries, which has gradually increased till the present time. The average annual export of late years, which I have been enabled to offer my readers through the kindness of the most influential shipping agents in the neighbourhood, is as follows :— At Charleston | . 40,000 tons of Chine Py : >. (hU,000>, ... Pentewan ~. 18,080°, .. Other harbours . 12,000 See Forming a total of 80,000 tons. From the little attention paid to former exports of this article, I have been unable to form an accurate estimation of them, though some idea of the increase may be gleaned from the following estimates of the value of the exports of the manufactured article, to the various countries with which England has any commercial relations :— ig tae from Stafford in1835 . £280,000 ‘! 1837. . 660,000 1841 $ 600,759 . , 1851 . 1,210,000 while wailibe to this the exports from Derby, Worcester, and other potteries, will give a total of £2,150,000 shipped during the past year; in addition to which, of late years, a consider- able amount of crude kaolin has been exported to every pot- tery on the continent, and also to those of our inquiring American brethren, while a small portion has been used for bleaching. (To be continued.) 103 On the Analysis of Euclase. By J. W. Mauuer, Esq., Ph. D. Euclase, from its transparency, delicate shades of colour, and perfect crystallization, is one of the most beautiful mineral Species with which we are acquainted ; and since it is at the Same time a mineral of great rarity, good specimens of it form some of the most highly prized ornaments of mineralo- - gical collections. Such of the characters of the mineral as can be examined without injury to the specimens, have been pretty accurately Studied, especially the complex crystalline forms under which it occurs, which have been described at length by Hauy, Weiss, Phillips, and Levy. Our knowledge of its chemical composition, however, the investigation of which involves the destruction of the specimens operated on, depends upon a single analysis by Berzelius, as the number given by Vau- quelin, the only other chemist who has examined the sub- stance, are almost valueless, presenting a loss of about 30 per cent. Though from the high authority of Berzelius as an analyst, any other investigation could scarcely be expected to yield results of much novelty, or differing materially from those he has given, yet a second analysis possesses some interest, even if merely confirmatory of his. The results of one which I have recently made, I wish, therefore, to bring under the notice of the Society. The material employed for this analysis, consisted of four fragments of erystals, weighing together about 20 grains. Though this is rather a smaller quantity than is usually taken for a mineral analysis, it was in the present case quite enough, as the constituents to be determined were but few, and alumina and glucina form a large proportion of the whole. These fragments were perfectly clear and transpa- rent, three of them of a beautiful pale mountain-green, and one of a very light tinge of blue. . They presented both na- tural crystal planes and faces of cleavage, and amongst the former were several adapted to the use of the reflecting go- 104. J. W. Mallet, Esq., on the Analysis of Euclase. niometer. The mean results of some angular measurements over the obtuse lateral edges of four distinct vertical prisms were, 115° 6’, 127° 51’, 140° 44’, and 149° 32’, all of which agree nearly with numbers given by Phillips. The only cleavage I observed was that parallel to the terminal plane, replacing the acute lateral edge of the vertical prism, which is mentioned in mineralogical systems as the only cleavage easily obtained. The specific gravity of these fragments was 3°036. They were reduced to fine powder, and fused with the mixed car- bonates of potash and soda, and the analysis was then con- ducted according to the usual routine for silicates. The alu- minaand vlucina were separated according to the old method by carbonate of ammonia, as from previous experiments I | found the use of caustic potash, which has been more recently proposed for this purpose, both difficult and uncertain. ‘The analysis gave the following constituents per cent. :— Atoms, Silica : ) 44°18 ’ 3 950 Alumina ‘ g 3187 s ; 620 Glucina ; : 21°43 ’ . 564 Peroxide of iron. Lal ; : 016 Peroxide of tin. °35 ; 99-14 These numbers agree very fairly with those of Berzelius, and dividing by the atomic weights of the several constituents, give their equivalent proportions as in the second column. — These are very nearly in the ratio :— SiO, Al, Og +) Goi Qe 8 ag. And hence we have the formula :— 2 (Al, ©, S8i,02). 4 GasOeBiOn Or if the two earths, alumina and glucina, be isomorphous :— 4 (Al, O0,+G, O,) 3 Si O,. Scacchi, taking glucina as a protoxide, suggests an ana-— logy between euclase and epidote, but if the corrected atomic weight of this earth be used, the formule of these two minerals — J. W. Mallet, Esq., on the Analysis of Euclase. 105 differ widely.* If, on the other hand, alumina and glucina be isomorphous, the composition of euclase coincides with that of andalusite. : 4 Al, O, 3 Si O,. part of the alumina elise cohineed va glucina. An impor- tant objection to the idea of any real connection between ‘these minerals, however, arises from the fact, that they occur in different crystalline systems, andalusite belonging to the right prismatic, while euclase is in the oblique prismatic sys- tem. There was one minor pointin connection with Berzelius’s analysis which it was interesting to examine with special care, namely, the occurrence or not of a small quantity of tin in euclase, and I, therefore, took particular pains in testing all the reagents for this metal before using them, and made a separate blowpipe experiment on the mineral itself, with the object of reducing the tin directly. Even by the latter method there was no difficulty in distinctly ascertaining its presence, and there can, therefore, be no doubt of its really existing in the pure mineral. The occurrence of traces of this metal in other silicates, as beryl, epidote, and a magnesian garnet, meteoric stones, and in several ores of titanium and tantalum, has been re- marked by different analysts, especially by Berzelius, and is certainly a very curious fact, when we consider the extremely small number of minerals in which tin forms a leading con- stituent, and the improbability of such minute quantities being essential to the composition of the species in which they occur.—(Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, vol. v. part iii., 1853, p. 206.) * The angles of crystals of the two species also differ considerably. 106 Dr J. G. Allman on the On the Anatomy and Physiology of Cordylophora ; a contri- bution to our knowledge of the Tubularian Zoophytes. By GrorGE JAMES ALLMAN, M.D., M.R.1.A., Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin, &e. The author, after pointing out the necessity of giving greater definiteness to the terminology employed in the de- scription of the true zoophytes, proceeds to the anatomical details of Cordylophora, a genus of Tubulariade. He de- monstrates that Cordylophora is essentially composed in all its parts of two distinct membranes inclosing a cavity, a structure which is common to all the Hydroida. For greater precision in description, he finds it necessary to give to these membranes special names, and he therefore employs for the | external the name of ectoderm, and for the internal that of endoderm. Each of these membranes retains its primitive cellular structure. In the ectoderm thread-cells are pro- duced in great abundance; these are formed in the interior of the ectodermal cells by a process of endogenous cell-for- mation, and are afterwards set free by the rupture of the mother-cell. The thread-cells in a quiescent state are minute ovoid capsules, but under the influence of irritation, an in- ternal sac is protruded by a process of evagination ; the sur- face of the evaginated sac is furnished with a circle of curved Spicula, and from its free extremity a delicate and long fila- ment is emitted. The thread-cells of Cordylophora thus closely resemble the ‘“‘ hastigerous organs” of Hydra. The polypary is a simple unorganized secretion deposited in layers from the ectoderm. In the endoderm the author points out a distinct and well-developed glandular structure composed of true secreting cells, which are themselves produced in the _ interior of mother-cells, and elaborate a brown granular se-. cretion which he assumes as representing the biliary secre- tion of the higher animals. He describes, as a system of special muscles, certain longitudinal fibres, which may be distinctly seen in close connection with the inner surface of — the ectoderm. The tentacula are shewn to be continuous tubes communicating with the cavity of the stomach, and thus _ Anatomy and Physiology of Cordylophora. 107 possess the same essential structure as those of Hydra ; they are formed of a direct continuation of the ectoderm of the polype, lined by a similar continuation of the endoderm. The appearance of transverse septa at regular intervals, which is so very striking in these tentacula, must not be at- tributed to the existence of true septa. It is due to a pecu- liar condition of the endodermal layer, but the author has not been able to give a satisfactory explanation of it. Through the whole of the canal which pervades the axis of the stems and branches, a constant though a regular rotatory move- ment is kept up in the contained fluid ; this movement is not due to the propulsive action of vibratile cilia, and is explained by the author as the effect of the active processes going on in the secreting cells of the endoderm, processes which can scarcely be imagined to take place without causing local al- terations in the chemical constitution of the surrounding fluid, and a consequent disturbance in its stability. The reproductive system of Cordylophora consists of ovoid capsules situated on the ultimate branches at some distance behind the polypes; some of these capsules contain ova, others spermatozoa ; they are plainly homologous with the ovigerous sacs of the marine Tubulariade ; they present a very evident, though disguised medusoid structure, having a hollow cylindrical body, whose cavity is continuous with that of the polype-stem, projecting into them below, and repre- senting the proboscidiform stomach of a Medusa, while a system of branched tubes which communicate at their origin with the cavity of the hollow organ, must be viewed as the homologues of the radiating gastro-vascular canals, and the proper walls of the capsule will then represent the disc. From comparative observations made on other genera of Hydroida, the author maintains the presence of a true me- dusoid structure in the fixed ovigerous vesicles of all the genera he has examined, and he arrives at the generalization, that for the production of true ova in the hydroid zoophytes, a particular form of zooid is necessary, in which the ordinary polype-structure becomes modified, and presents, instead, a more or less obvious medusoid conformation, Hydra being at present the only genus which appears to offer an excep- 108 - E. Hodgkinson, Esq., on the tion to this law, though the author believes that the excep- tion is only apparent, and that further observations will enable us to refer the reproductive organization of this zoophite to the same type with that of Cordylophora and the marine Hydroida. The author has satisfied himself that the ova-like bodies contained in the capsules of Cordylophora are true ova, and not gemme ; he has demonstrated in them a distinct germinal vesicle, and has witnessed the pheno- menon of yelk-cleavage ; and the paper details the develop- ment of the embryo to the period of its escape from the cap- sule in the form of a free-swimming ciliated animacule, and traces its subsequent progress into the condition of the adult zoophyte.—{ Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1858). On the Elasticity of Stone and Crystalline Bodies. By I. Hopexinson, Esq.* _ It is generally assumed by writers on the strength of ma- terials, that the elasticity of bodies is perfect, so long as the material is not strained beyond a certain degree. But from the experiments I made several years ago, at the instance of the British Association, on the strength of Hot and Cold Blast-iron (vol. vi.), I was led to conclude that the assump- tion was very incorrect, as applied to cast-iron at least; and further experiments rendered it probable that it was only an approximation in any. Among the bodies of most value in the arts, cast-iron holds an important place; and I found that bars of that metal, when bent with forces, however small, never regained their first form, after the force was removed ; and this defect of its elasticity took place whether the cast- iron was strained by tension, compression, or transverse flexure. I subsequently found that in the first two strains (by tension and compression), the straining force might be well represented by a function composed of the first and se- cond powers of the change of length produced,—thus, w= ae— be? w=ae—Ve * Read before the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Hull. Elasticity of Stone and Crystalline Bodies. 109 where w is the weight applied, e the extension, ¢ the com- pression, and a, a’, b, b’ constant quantities. If the elasti- city were perfect, the part depending on the second power must be neglected. The necessity of a change in the funda- mental assumption for calculating the strength of materials may be inferred from the fact, that in computing the break- ing weight by tension, from experiments on transverse flex- _ ure and fracture, we obtain the strength of cast-iron three times as great as from numerous experiments I have found itto be. The formule of Tredgold give this erroneous result, and those of Navier are in accordance with them. Stone.—To obtain the elasticity of stone, I had masses of soft stone, obtained from various places, sawn up into broad thin Slabs, 7 feet long, and about 1 inch thick. They were rubbed smooth, and rendered perfectly dry in a stove, and were bent transversely in their least direction by forces acting horizon- tally. The slabs, during the experiments, were placed with their broad side vertical, and had their ends supported, 6 feet 6 inches asunder, by friction rollers, acting horizontally and vertically. It resulted from the experiments, that the defects of elasticity were nearly as the square of the weight laid on, or, consequently, as the square of the deflexion nearly, as in cast-iron. The ribs never regained their first form after the weight was removed, however small that weight had been. From other ribs of stone, obtained from various localities, and broke transversely by weights, acting vertically, and in- creased to the time of fracture, the ratio of the deflexion to the weights applied were found in various experiments to be nearly as below :— “02 01 02 "018 "02 027 0356 012 "022 023 0°22 "032 05 ‘0125 "033 "024 024 "0390 aegis 8 O14 036 "027 025 ‘038 09 ‘015 "026 ‘ll ‘016 The ratio represented by the numbers in each vertical co- lumn, are those in each separate rib of stone ; and they would have been equal if the elasticity had continued perfect, but they were increasing where the weights were increased in 110 - Classification and Nomenclature of the every instance. The change shewn by these experiments to be necessary would increase considerably the mathematical difficulties of the subject; and they would be greater still, if the change of bulk and lateral dimensions in the bodies strained were included, according to the conclusions of Pois- son, or the experiments of Wertheim, which are at variance with each other. But these changes are so small in the bodies I am contemplating, that they may be neglected for all practical purposes. Thus, from my experiments, the utmost extension of a bar of cast-iron, 50 feet long, is about 1 inch, or ;3yth of the length, and therefore the change of lateral dimensions of the bar being only a fraction of this giath, according to either Poisson or Wertheim, it is too small to need including. The experiments in which I de- duced the utmost extension of cast-iron, are given in the ‘* Report of the Commissioners on the Strength of Iron for Railway Purposes.” If the body strained were wrought-iron, ‘brass, or others of a very ductile nature, the change of late- ral dimensions might, in extreme cases, be included. I beg to mention, with great deference, that the profound work of Lamé, lately published, on “ The Mathematical Theory of Elasticity,” in which the elasticity is considered as perfect only, does not appear to apply to such bodies as I have here treated of.—( Atheneum, No. 1353.) The Classification and Nomenclature of the Paleozoic Rocks of Great Britain. By Professor SEDGWICK.* The Professor stated that the fossiliferous rocks formed in reality only one great system, representing the whole succes- sion of events from the first appearance of organic life to the present day. But as it was convenient to divide history into _ chapters, so the strata had been divided into three principal series,—the Paleozoic or Primary, the Secondary, and the Tertiary, each characterized by many families, genera, and species of peculiar fossils. The Paleozoic strata might be again divided into an upper, middle, and lower series: the * Read before the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Hull. . Paleozoic Rocks of Great Britain. LIL first including the Permian and Carboniferous systems ; the second, the Devonian or Old Red Sandstone; and the third, the Silurian and Cambrian systems. These rocks were charac- terized generally by the entire absence of Mammalia, and even of reptiles in their lower division; and by the presence of peculiar groups of shells (Orthocerata and Goniatites), crustaceans (Trilobites), and corals (e.g. Graptolites). Very few specific forms ranged from one division of this system to another ; but they had great general resemblance. A few corals ranged from the Bala limestone to the Devonian, and one (favorites Gothlandia) even to the lower beds of carbon- iferous limestone ; Terebratula reticularis was found in the Silurian and Devonian ; and Leptaena depressa from the Bala limestone to the Carboniferous. Prof. Sedgwick then called attention to the grounds for separating the Cambrian and Si- lurian systems, which he said he had always maintained to be distinct. He had commenced his observations in the Cumber- land Hills, of which a section was exhibited, shewing the fol- lowing successions of rocks :—1. Skiddaw, slate, usually with- out fossils, but containing graptolites in one locality ; 2. Con- iston limestone, abounding in fossils; 3. Coniston flagstone and grit. The order of succession of the beds above these was difficult of determination in the Lake district. He had next investigated the structure of North Wales, between the Menai and the Berwyns, and had established the existence of a great system of rocks comparable to those of the Lake dis- trict, and had given to them the name of the Cambrian system. Meanwhile, Sir R. Murchison had discovered in “ Siluria” tracts exhibiting the whole upper series, equivalent to the beds above the Coniston grit. And having made good sec-. tions of the strata in ascending series, from the Llandelio flags to the Old Red Sandstone, and given names to these rocks which were now generally adopted, this country had become the type to which all others were referred for comparison, because in it the order of succession was ¢learly made out. It then became a question what was the boundary line be- tween the Cambrian and Silurian systems? Sir R. Murchi- son had made the Llandeilo flags the base of his system, and considered the whole country westward of it to be Cambrian. 112 Classification and Nomenclature of the It proved, however, that the rocks to the west of the Llan- deilo valley were newer, and not older than the flags; that in fact the Llandeilo flags were notabove the Cambrian system, but an integral part of it. But, instead of adding the narrow beltof country occupied by these flags to the Cambrian system, Sir R. Murchison had wished to convert the whole breadth of the Cambrian region into Silurian. Prof. Sedgwick then re- ferred to the section of the Malvern strata, as determined by Prof. Phillips ; he contended that the Caradoc sandstone and conglomerate of this section belonged in reality to the Wenlock series, and proposed for it the nameof ‘ May-hill sandstone.” The underlying black shales and “ Hollybush sandstone,” of Prof. Phillips he regarded as the true Caradoc sandstone, be- longing to the Cambrian system. Prof. Sedgwickfurther endea- voured to shew, by sections and lists of fossils, that the Silurian May-hill sandstone existed in a distinct form in the typical dis- trict of the Caradoc sandstone. With this correction the Cam- brian system would include the lower Silurian of Sir R. Mur- chison. The distinctness of the Cambrian or Lower Silurian from the Upper Silurian was admitted on fossil evidence; Mr Barrande had found only 6 per cent. of fossils common to the two systems in Bohemia, and Mr Hall only 5 per cent. in America. In Westmoreland the per-centage was only 33. Of 324 Species in the Cambridge Museum, not 15 per cent. were common to the two systems, including all the doubtful cases, and the real number was probably not above 5 per cent. Professor Sedgwick then read a letter from Professor Rogers in America, expressing his approval of this nomenclature, and his conviction that it would be eventually be adopted; he also entered upon an explanation of the manner in which his various papers on this subject had been published in the Journal of the Geological Society, as it had been supposed that he himself had abandoned the term Cambrian at one time, whereas the alteration had been made in his paper by a former President (Mr Warburton) of the Society, with- out his knowledge. Mr Hopkins, late President of the Geological Society, ex- plained some of the circumstances referred to by Professor Sedgwick, and expressed a strong conviction that the Pro- Paleozoic Rocks of Great Britain. 113 fessor would succeed in establishing his nomenclature. Set- ting aside all personal claims, and looking solely at the merits of the case, he believed that the proportion of distinct species in the Cambrian and Silurian systems would prove to be as ‘great as in other parallel cases. Professor Phillips stated, that it was more than thirty years since he first met Professor Sedgwick on one of his geological excursions ; and after so many years of labour, he was gratified -to see that he had obtained a form of sound classification of the oldest fossiliferous rocks of the British Isles. He believed that if Sir R. Murchison were present he would put aside all — points of difference, and also congratulate him on having pre- sented so good a view of the subject. As the development of our types was looked upon as the pattern for other countries, it would be unfortunate if we allowed it to be supposed that there was no basis for our classification, whereas no difference of opinion existed as to the main facts, viz., that the Cambrian rocks contained a large series of characteristic forms of life, and that the Silurian also contained a distinct series ; the question was, where to draw the line between them. A classification taken from the Malvern country alone would be incomplete, as regarded both the series of strata and the forms of life. It was extremely difficult to apply the doctrine of the succes- sion of life on the globe to minute cases, since the sets of fossils from adjacent quarries might differ, being determined by local circumstances. The term “ system’’ of rocks as now employed, had no such distinct character as when it was first used by Mr Conybeare, whose systems were distinguished by conformity and mineral character, as well as by fossils. He wished not to express a positive opinion or to adopt arrange- ments which he regarded only as provisional; there had arisen before him a vision of a classification founded entirely _ on the succession of life, and he looked forward to the time when the nomenclature should express, not the local mineral changes,but those phenomena of organic life which extended over much wider areas. Mr Strickland argued, that there had been no period at which organic life was absent from the globe, and no such _ thing as an entirely new creation; but that the changes in VOL, LVI, NO, CXI.—JANUARY 1854. H 114 On the Surface Temperature and Great Currents organic life had all been gradual. He did not think that ‘even zoological terms would be universally applicable any more than that the same species would be found everywhere at the same time. The nomenclature must ever remain to a certain extent arbitrary and conventional. The value of the Cambrian and Silurian systems was not to be determined by the per-centage of identical species so much as by the zoo- logical affinities of the genera and large groups of fossils ; and in this respect they were apparently more allied than the Silurian was with the Devonian, or the Devonian with the Carboniferous system. On the Surface Temperature and Great Currents of the North Atlantic and Northern Oceans. By the Rev. Dr SCORESBY.* The author commenced by pointing out the great impor- tance to Physical Geography of the subjects which he pro- posed to discuss, particularly as they tended, in the economy of Nature, to furnish a compensating instrumentality against the extremes of condition to which the fervid action of the vertical sun in the tropical regions, and its inferior and more oblique action in the polar regions, were calculated to reduce the surface of the earth. Our knowledge of all the currents of the ocean, with perhaps one exception, the Gulf Stream, which had been, in its more important features, carefully ex- amined and surveyed, and more especially in the American Coast Survey, was derived from the comparison by naviga- tors of the actual position of the ship as determined from time to time, with its position as calculated from what sailors technically called the “ dead reckoning,” or the course steered, and the distance run as determined by the log, an instrument by no means perfect. The determination, however, of oceanic currents, to which the present communication referred, de- pends simply on induction from observation of temperature, and that mainly of the surface. Such observations, indeed, only become available under considerable differences betwixt * Read before the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Hull. of the North Atlantic and Norihern Oceans. 115 the mean atmospheric and oceanic temperatures : and where they may seem to indicate the region from which peculiar qualities of the sea are derived, they ean afford but little, if any, information as to the precise direction or strength of the eurrent so indicated, yet still the general results are found important and useful. The researches of the author embrace those in the Greenland Sea, the North Sea, and a consider- able belt across the North Atlantic. To those in the North Atlantic he wished at present to direct attention ; and to a belt of it embraced within the limits of a series of passages chiefly by sailing vessels between England, or some European port, and New York. Of these passages, sixteen in number, four were performed by the author himself, and twelve were supplied by an American navigator, Capt. J. C. Delano, an accurate scientific observer. The observations on surface temperature discussed amount to 1153, gathered from a total number of about 1400. Usually Capt. Delano recorded six observations each day during the voyage, at intervals of four hours. Seven of the passages were made in the spring of the year,—two in the summer,—one in autumn,—and three in winter. Taking the middle day of each passage the mean day at sea was found to be May 18th or 19th,—a day fortu- nately coincident in singular nearness with the probable time of the mean annual oceanic temperature. The author had laid down the tracks of the ship in each of the voyages ona chart of Mercator’s projection, and the principal observations on surface temperature were marked in their respective places. The observations were then tabulated for meridians of 2° in breadth, from Cape Clear, longitude 10° W., to the eastern point of Long Island, longitude 72° W..,—embracing a belt of the average breadth of 220 miles, or a stretch of about 2600 miles across the Atlantic. The results were the following: _ —1. Highest surface temperature northward of latitude 40°, 74° ; lowest 32°; range 39°: 2. Mean surface temperature as Paleed from the méans of each meridional section, 56°, whilst the mean atmospheric temperature for the correspond- ing period was 54°2: 3. Range of surface temperature within each meridional section of 2°, 83° at the lowest, being in longitude 20-22° W., and at the greatest 36°, being within H 2 116 On the Surface Temperature and Great Currents > the meridian of 62-64° W.: 4. Up to longitude 40° the sur- face temperature never descended below 50° ;—the average lowest of the sixteen meridional sections being 51°88, and the average range 11°3: 5. In the succeeding fifteen sec- tions, where the lowest temperature was 32°, the average lowest was 37°1 and the average range 29°7. This re- markable difference in the temperature of the eastern and western halves of the Atlantic passage, the author said was conclusively indicative of great ocean currents yielding a mean depression of the lowest meridional temperature from 51°88 to 37°-1, or 14°8, and producing a mean range of the extreme of temperature on the western side of almost thrice the amount of the extremes on the eastern side,—or, more strictly, in the proportion of 29°-7 to 11°3. The author drew attention to a diagram in which he had laid down along the entire belt curves shewing the whole range of the lowest de- pressions of temperature and highest elevation, withthe means at each longitude distinguished by different shading ; and pointed out how the inspection of this as well as of the tabu- lated results affords striking indications of the two great cur- rents, one descending from the polar, the other ascending from the tropical regions, with their characteristic changes of cold and heat. In classifying the results, the author con- sidered the entire belt of the Atlantic track of the passages as divided into six divisions of 10° of longitude each, and these into meridional stripes of 2° each, omitting the first two de- grees nextthe European end, or about 80 miles westward of Ire- land to 72° W., or about the same distance west of New York. To each of these six divisions he directed attention, pointing out the conclusions to be derived from each. ‘The curves approaching each other and running nearly parallel through the western half with great regularity, shewing the variations and range to be much less, while throughout the eastern half the widening of the distance, and the irregular form of the extreme curves shewed the influences of the two currents very remarkably. The author then proceeded to draw conclusions, shewing that sometimes the cold current from the north plunged beneath the warmer current from the south. Some- times they divided,—the colder keeping in-shore along the a ™ a of the North Atlantic and Northern Oceans. 117 American coast, the other keeping out and forming the main Gulf Stream. Sometimes where they met they interlaced in alternating stripes of hot and cold water; sometimes their meeting caused a deflection,—as, where one branch of the Gulf Stream was sent down to the south-east of Europe and north of Africa, and another branch sent up past the British Islands to Norway and Scandinavia by the polar current set- ting down to the east of Newfoundland. The author next proceeded to consider the uses in the economy of Nature of these great oceanic currents. The first that he noticed was the equalizing and ameliorating influence which they exer- cised on the temperature of many countries. Of this he gave Several examples. Thus, our own country, though usually spoken of as a very variable climate, was subject to far less variations of range of temperature than many others in simi- lar latitudes,—which was chiefly from the general influence of the northern branch of the Gulf Stream setting up past these islands. He had himself on one occasion, in the month of November, known the temperature to rise no less than 52° in forty-eight hours, having previously descended in a very few days through a still greater range ; while in these countries the extensive range between mean summer and. winter tem- perature scarcely in any instance exceeds 27°, and in many places does not amount to nearly as much. Another advan- tage derived from these currents was, a reciprocation of the waters of high and low latitudes,—thus tending to preserve a useful equalizing of the saltness of the waters, which otherwise by evaporation in low latitudes would soon become too salt to perform its intended functions. Next he pointed out their use in forming sand-banks, which became highly beneficial as extensive fields for the maintenance of various species of the finny tribe, as in the great banks of Newfoundland. Next, this commingling of the waters of several regions tended to change and renew from time to time the soil of these banks,— which, like manuring and working our fields, was found to be necessary for preserving these extensive pastures for the fish. Lastly, by bringing down from polar regions the enormous masses of ice which, under the name of icebergs, were at times found to be setting down towards tropical regions, they 118 On the Influence of Climate on Plants and Animals. | tend at the same time to ameliorate the great heats of those regions, and to prevent the polar regions from becoming blocked up with accumulating mountains of ice which, but for this provision, would soon be pushed down as extensive glaciers, rendering whole tracts of our temperate zones unin- habitable wilds. Dr Scoresby concluded by pointing out se- veral meteorological influences of these currents, by causing extensiye fogs, and winds more or less violent, On the influence of Climate on Plants and Animals. By Dr Emmons of New York. It is difficult to determine the influence of climate on or- ganized beings. The influence of climate seems, however, to modify what exists; it spends itself on those bounds, it does not form, but modifies varieties. Light, no doubt, should be regarded as an element of climate; its duration and in- tensity are indications of its force, and measures its activity. We see the foliage of a forest becoming more deeply green as we go towards a tropical region; the herbage of a species of forest tree becomes stiffer, rigid, and less leafy, as we go north, or ascend the mountains; and we may trace the changes in our ascent, until we find it a dwarf, a diminutive tree, a . mere shrub, upon the heights of.a mountain, while in the plain at its base it is a lordly tree. Those changes are unques- tionably due to climate; they are not those which charac- terize varieties, much less species: indeed it is important that we do not assign too much to climate, Some naturalists have supposed that climate produces varieties; it seems, however, more consonant to facts to infer that varieties are independent of climate; that the causes which have been operating in the production of varieties have belonged to in- dividuals. These forces or influences are begotten in a civil- ized state, or where many individuals are congregated. It is not agreeable to the principles of natural history to maintain that the peculiar vegetation under a tropical sun is due to climate, or that it is an effect of climate. The species of plants belonging to the tropics differ entirely from CON ee ee On the Influence of Climate on Plants and Animals. 119 the temperate ; their characters are those of different species, not varieties. When we trace the changes in a species of maple, as it approaches the confines of a temperate region: we may estimate the extent of change which is induced by elimate. We cannot compare dissimilar species with those which grow in the south ; and, seeing that their differences arise from the influence of climate, because those differences are specific, they should be different; and they may be greener, straighter, and taller, because those characters be- long to them. But climate has influences, but not the in- fluences in kind by which permanent changes are continued and propagated by the usual modes by which individuals are multiplied, as by cutting, grafting, layers, or budding. Take off the pressure of a cold climate, and the plant which has been pinched and shrivelled, or dwarfed, will mount upwards, and spread itself under a genial sun. It is probable that climate favours the development of certain varieties more than others; indeed, there can be no doubt of the fact that varieties reach a higher state of perfection in certain climates than in others. If we study the habits of certain fruits, we shall find, and it is a fact well known, that they are very in- ferior, and even valueless, in some climates. The plum is fine and very perfect along the Hudson River; but a few miles distant from it, it becomes inferior in quality. While, how- ever, it is sufficiently manifest. that varieties do not originate under the forces incident to climate, it is still difficult to point to causes which are directly operative in their production : it is, however, probable that a parental influence, those in- fluences perhaps which are implanted for wise purposes, are effective in their development. Those species which are re- presented under numerous yarieties, as the fruits and domes- ticated animals, have implanted in them a susceptibility to undergo those changes in their constitutions—it is, in fact, a part of their specific character ; it is of a higher grade in some of the domesticated animals than others, and it is inci- dent to those animals only which can be domesticated ; and those which are easily domesticated have the power of mul- tiplying varieties in the greatest numbers, and display the widest differences in the extremes. These views apply to 120 Dr Emmons on the Influence of Man, who is more susceptible of change in his physical na- ture than any of the domesticated animals. Designed by the Creator to multiply and fill the whole earth, we find that his constitution is adapted to that end, to occupy all climates and adapt himself to a scorching sun or the frosts of a polar sky. Viewed in the extremes, the varieties in their physical character present differences which are very striking ; viewed however in their intellectual and moral aspects, the charac- ters are those of a unity. Their power of speech and lan- guage, the conveyance of ideas by speech is universal ; this oneness of mind, which displays itself all over the world, the religious sentiment which is universal, point with significance to the singleness of the species. It must be so, or else Man is an anomaly in creation. Those who have entertained the theory of a plurality of species, which in their aggregate compose the human race, rely wholly upon physical charac- ters to sustain their views. Considered even in this light, are the differences in the race so great that they would not have originated in the progress of time? Are the differences greater than in the breed of dogs and other domestic animals, which naturalists admit are of one species? In all cases those differences are external ; they belong almost solely to the skin. Ifthe bony skeleton is examined there are some differences it is true in their proportions, but those differences are found in each of the races respectively. The blacks have not all the flat noses, thick lips, and projecting jaws; there are whites with the same configuration of bone. But there probably has not existed a greater error in natural history than in classing man with animals, notwithstanding the fact that in his physical organization he is not very dissimilar to them ; yet, in the common classification, his least important charac- ters are made the characteristics ; whereas really his higher attributes, those belonging to mind, and his moral nature, should have been made the characteristics. If this view be correct, we shall be troubled no longer with perplexities and doubts about the question of the plurality of species, inas- much as there is such a perfect uniformity in the characters of Man in his mind as to stamp the truth upon the heart of évery candid inquirer. The thoughts of Man are like one Climate on Plants and Animals. 121 broad river, they flow in one channel; the speech of different races, which are widely separated, relate to subjects of the same kind; their belief in existence after death, of rewards and punishments, and all the strong castes of mind, move in one channel, and are harmonious in all their leading cha- racteristics. Being destined to dwell on the earth for a Season, it was fit and proper that he should, for that end, be furnished with what may be termed an animal nature; this nature belongs to the body, which is sustained, like that of animals, by food taken into the body, and air taken into the - lungs,—a transient habitation for an immortal mind. The end required an apparatus adapted to the circumstances of his existence, and to the surrounding medium; but to make that apparatus the all-important part of his nature, to draw his characters from that, so transient, while mind, speech, articulate language, moral and intellectual attributes, re- ligious sentiments, all of which are common to the races, does Man great injustice, and is an outrage upon his nature. This uniformity of sentiment is proved by an intercourse with all the tribes of men. If there were two or more Species, we have a right to infer that this uniformity would exist. Of all the species which live, or have lived, is there any like it in the whole range of created beings, that two different species have intellects alike, or an ability to com- municate purposes and intentions? If there are no cases of an analogous kind, it is plain that this uniformity of mental and moral views and feelings, and which are manifested in the same modes, should be taken as proof of the unity of the stock from which the races have sprung. This subject is noticed cursorily, because it is one which - is exciting a great interest ; itis one of great importance, and it should be placed upon the right ground ; and it is hoped that better and more correct views of classification should -be embraced than those which have hitherto prevailed, and if Man is to be placed at all in a zoological classification, his characteristics should be drawn from his more essential at- tributes,—his intellectual and moral nature. If this view is correct, then, our inquiries will be directed to those powers as they exist in the various tribes of men. Climate, when 122 Dr Emmons on the Influence of considered in its relations to plants and animals, may be re- garded, as I have already had occasion to remark, as a modi- fier of the existing species and varieties ; but its modifica- tions are restricted and confined: it sometimes favours the more perfect developments of varieties or species, and some- times it operates in other locations where the climate is mo- dified to restrain development and perfection. Climate never intermeddles with specific characters; it may for a time obscure those characters in a monstrous growth, when aided by a rich soil, or by over-feeding. A problem of great im- portance may be solved by observing what products are spe- cially favoured by certain climates, and what climates are unfavourable to the production of the same. Where we have climate in our favour, and have not to contend with it, the expense of production is materially diminished ; the certainty of the product is also increased, and its perfection secured, by which its value is also increased. As an element of climate, the temperature of the soil at different depths is one of great importance. The different soils may be said to enjoy different climates; those which are sandy possess a climate unlike that of a clay soil, a due admixture of sand and clay combine elements which belong to a climate inter- mediate between the two. In pursuing our investigation in menial to species and varieties, it is highly important that we should be impressed with the fact that specific characters are permanent, and it will appear, on reflection, that this is a beautiful and wise arrangement. There is a fitness in the provision of indivi- dualizing species, as it were, both by corporeal marks and » by intellectual and instinctive power. The intention or pur- pose which is fulfilled by this arrangement I do not intend to speak of now; it is the fact which I wish to bring before the reader. Many persons, however, when they speak of grada- tions of character, and of the intimate relations of things, and the links which bind all together, seem to labour under a fallacy. Where are those gradations seen, and what is the idea which is thus prominently set forth? What are the gradations of being? Is it probable that in the gradations which are insisted upon there is anything like a coalescence Climate on Plants and Animals. 123 of species? I suppose the phrase, gradation of being, is often used with too much looseness, and hence it frequently happens that confusion results from its use ; and it undoubt- edly arises from misunderstanding the nature of the changes which have taken place in some species, and especially those which are represented by numerous varieties. These varieties are never generic, but strictly specific. Take the apple, which runs into many varieties ; those varieties all retain the charac- teristics of the species. No apple has been found yet which has made the least progress towards the pear; neither has the pear yet transformed itself, in-any of its varieties, into an apple; each and every one of them are equally removed from the. genus, and yet each branches out into hundreds of varieties ; and no one has the least doubt to which species any one of the varieties belong. The same is true of all the other species. There is no upward or downward movement in this ; there is, it is true, in the case of fruits, a difference in quality, but none of them can be said to have made any progress to- ward an allied species. The constitutive power to multiply varieties is only a part of their specific characters. If we turn our thoughts to the animal kingdom for illustration of the same principle, for example, we find the elephant is apt to learn, while the rhinoceros or hippopotamus rarely possess this aptitude in the smallest degree ; the positive character of the first is as important specifically, as the negative in the latter. If, then, by gradation of character, it is designed to convey the idea that species coalesce, by the resemblances in their varieties, the idea is erroneous ; if, however, the phrase is designed to convey or express the fact, that in the system to which they belong, some species occupy a higher position than others, or that there are grades of development, some of which are high and others low, it is undoubtedly true. The _ position which a species holds is positive and arbitrary ; Species occupy a shelf or platform which is fixed, and it neither inclines downward nor upward ; the position of the shelf, or in other words, the species, is nearer one than another species, that is, a species more closely resembles certain species than | others. Although the distance between neighbouring species is unequal, still the two which are nearest akin never coalesce 124 Dr Emmons on the Influence of with each other through their varieties ; even in vegetables, where they are susceptible of being engrafted or budded upon each other, there is no tendency to coalesce, or to produce an intermediate variety ; the scion of the pear engrafted upon the quince is still a pear. There is, to be sure, a good reason for this: the pear is developed or formed in the cellular sys- _ tem, and really bears no connection with the quince, except by the sap, which flows upwards, and passes through the cellular system. The cells produced are only pear cells, yet it seems that if there were any tendency in the pear to be- come a quince, under any circumstances, the relation which the scion bears to the stock would be a favourable one. It appears necessary that a cell should be furnished from one of the parents, in order to produce an intermediate progeny, as is the case in the propagation of mules. But here we have unfailing test of the mixed parentage, from the sterility of the offspring, and although attempts have been made to prove the contrary position, still there is now no position better established than the one that the offspring of two different species of animals are sterile. Itis true that, as in many other cases, there are no partial exceptions, still two mules — cannot propagate a race. | Specific character is unchangeable, and species are kept in consequence of this arrangement strictly apart. There is an application of this fact to the products of our fields, which by some farmers are supposed to undergo a change. Chess is a plant which has but a slight relationship to wheat, and yet the question has been discussed for years, and many in- telligent men in other matters have strenuously maintained that wheat changes to chess; the change of course must be by a single leap, in a single season—a complete somersault, a perfect degradation of the species in a single period of growth. When and where does the change begin? The point which troubles farmers, is the appearance of chess where they have sown wheat, and clean wheat too. But it is also notorious to every observer, that Nature too has sown her seeds broadcast, and where there is land in a condition for seeds to germinate, there they will spring up; and it comes to pass, from a wise : Climate on Plants and Animals. 125 provision, the tenacity of seeds for the vital principle ;* and chess, while fond of a good soil, springs up by the side of fences and fields, and scatters its seeds, which lie in the soil till favourable opportunities occur for their germination. The fact that chess grows where wheat is expected, is a trifling fact, which is easily accounted for on known principles, while the transformation of one species of plant into another is contrary to the laws which govern the growth and develop- ment of organized bodies. The only point which can be cited, and which is at all analogous to what appears a trans- formation, is the reversion of domesticated animals to their original appearance or condition ; as when the dog or hog is left to roam, and becomes wild in the forests, they resort back to their original condition, their original instincts returning as they become wild. Now, if it can be shewn that chess is the original of wheat, it might happen that where wheat springs up spontaneously and sows itself, it might in time become chess. But this hypothesis is unsupported by a single fact in the history of the.two genera. The errors which have been entertained in regard to the transformation of wheat into chess have arisen solely from defective observation. Chess is observed in a wheat field, and becomes the more pro- “minent/and abundant when the wheat has been winter killed. Now it would be just as philosophical to maintain that the common wild cherry which springs up in our northern forests, where a windfall has occurred and swept down the pines, that the pines were changed into cherry trees; these cherry trees cover the entire ground, and previous to the windfall not a cherry tree was to be found. The seeds of the cherry, however, lay in the ground, and when light and air was ad- mitted by the destruction. of the old forest, they spring up and cover the ground. The occurrence is not strange, except in the great abundance of trees produced ; and the occurrence of chess would not be regarded strange if but few plants made their appearance; but when they become numerous, * The phrase, vital principle, is used for convenience ; it is not designed by it to express an opinion in regard to the independent existence of something which presides over the movements of a living being. 126 Dr Emmons on the Injluence of the question comes up, where did all the seeds come from ? The case is one which is common, it becomes prominent only from the relation which the plants wheat and chess bear to each other; looking like a grain in the midst of a grain field, being a hardy plant too, and springing up where it is not wanted, it has excited attention and imperfect observation, and in the end proving so worthless with its associates, it becomes prominent from its worthlessness. When we have ascertained the fact that seeds possess the power of retain- ing what is called vitality for a long period, that they may sleep in the ground for years, and then subsequently awaken into life, by heat and air, or favourable conditions ; that all this is true, and eminently so of some seeds, the fact of the appearance of chess in an old field, or in a field prepared for wheat, ceases to be a mystery. It is only a fulfilment of a law of vegetation ; it occurs in obedience to the characteris- ties which have been stamped upon organized beings by the Creator, in order that the earth shall be clothed with ver- dure, and not lie in a barren waste. It has been maintained that species have a tendency to rise in the scale of existence, that they may change their own proper natures and become something else. Such a view is analogous to that which prevails among farmers about chess, has originated from defective observation, and has its source and beginning from misunderstanding the relations of or- ganized beings to each other. It arises directly from, the fact which has already been stated, viz. the closer resem- blance which one species has to another than others of the same tribe. The pear has a closer resemblance to the apple than it has to the quince. The domestic dog has a closer re- semblance to the wolf than the fox ; and hence it has hap- pened that the idea of an advance or change has taken a deep hold on the minds of some men ; but there has been no change at all, not only are the species kept apart, but groups of or- ganized beings also. Species, in their individual capacity, do not advance towards a higher, neither do they retrograde toa lower species. Plants do not deteriorate, neither do animals ; but they retain all their specific characters. There is another view which is interesting, viz., the man- Climate on Plants and Animals. 127 ner in which domesticated animals break up into groups: it is illustrated in the dog, and all the domestic animals ; but those groups retain the characteristics of the species, and of all the changes which take place not one affects the organi- zation, The groups or varieties constitute well-marked families, and are capable of preserving their identities as species. While species, as the dog and ox, possess a consti- tutional ability to change their external characters, which are not specific, the change itself is governed by a law which, while it marks the groups with characters transmissible to their offspring, still not one group, or an individual of a group, is merged in any of the near or remote species. I remark again, that specific character is never destroyed by external influences ; in those influences where a species is changeable, and readily breaks up into groups whose characteristics are transmissible from the parents to their offspring, the speci- fic character is never uprooted ; and in fact these external changes should be regarded as belonging to the specific cha- racters. It is true that this susceptibility cannot be esti« mated or measured, as these changes are regarded as acci- dents or occurrences which cannot be determined by law.— (Dr Emmons on the Natural History of New York.) On the Origin of Orystalline Limestones. By Professor A. DELESSE.* M. Delesse, having just. previously reviewed the general characters and mineral contents of different crystalline lime- stones,J commences this communication by defining “ meta- morphic limestone’? and “ metamorphic rock,” as a rock which has been subjected, at a period posterior to its forma- tion, to considerable modifications in its physical or chemical properties. ‘These modifications are brought about by the development of diverse minerals, by changes in its structure of aggregation, or in its structure of separation, as well as in its chemical composition. The modifications in the physi- * Bullet. Soc. Geol. France. Deux ser. tome ix., pp. 133-138. ; Tt Loe. cit., pp. 120-183. See also papers by MM. Delesse, Cotta, and Schee- rer; supra, pp. 4, 15, and 19, et seg.— Transl. 128 Professor A. Delesse on the cal properties of the rock result from the.action of heat, electricity, magnetism, pressure, as well as of all the agents that can bring into play molecular attraction and repulsion. The modifications in its chemical properties arise from the introduction of new substances in the rock, by injection, sub- - limation, secretion, cementation, and especially by infiltration. M. Delesse then observes :—‘“ It appears to me that the crystalline limestones should be considered metamorphic, though certainly they are metamorphic to very different de- grees; still they have all been subjected, since their deposi- tion, to modifications in their chemical, or at least their physical properties. There are, however,.some limestones that form an exception, namely, those which have been de- posited by chemical precipitation, and which were originally crystalline. These are not to be confounded with the meta- morphic crystalline limestones, nor do they contain the mineral characteristics of the latter. The crystalline limestone of the gneiss of the Vosges, which, from its mineralogical and geological characters, M. Delesse considers to be a metamorphic limestone, is then particularly adverted to; its characters are succinctly de- scribed; and M. Delesse proceeds to say, that probably the limestone was originally deposited, either in mass from water charged with carbonate of lime, or as strata by the waters of the sea. The beds in which the limestone has been inter- calated belong without doubt to certain divisions of the Transition group; and, moreover, all geologists who have studied the Vosges have regarded the gneiss inclosing the limestone as metamorphic. The phenomena that have produced the metamorphism of the gneiss are unknown; but a group of strata could be transformed into gneiss only by the introduction of the quan- tity of alkalies necessary for the production of the felspar, one of the constituents of the gneiss. Further, heat must have been effective in the development of the crystalline structure of the limestone of the gneiss, since the limestone contains spinelle, chondodrite, garnet, amphibole, pyroxene, &c.; that is to say, minerals of an igneous origin, since they are found in the limestones on the flanks of Vesuvius, or in Origin of Crystalline Limestone. 129 the sphere of action of other volcanoes now active, such as those of Teneriffe, Ponza Isles.* On the other hand, there could not have been complete fusion; for in the crystalline limestone of Norway, MM. Naumann and Keilhau have ob- served fragments of corals.t The nature of the very numerous minerals of the crystalline limestone also gives great improbability to the hypothesis of complete fusion. It appears, indeed, that rocks which have been reduced to a fluid state, and which have had an igneous origin, such as lavas, have always a very simple mineralogical composition. They are essentially formed of two minerals: the one of the felspar class, in which are concentrated the alumine and the alkalies; the other of the pyroxene or peri- dote kind, in which are concentrated the oxide of iron, mag- nesia, and lime. In “crystalline” limestone, on the contrary, there are various silicates, sometimes with a single base, sometimes with many ; and these silicates are often associ- ated either with free silex or with silicates, not saturated with bases. Moreover, together with these. silicates, there are very energetic uncombined bases, such as magnesia (periclase), alumine (corindon). There are also metallic ox- ides, such as the oxides of iron, which, under certain circum- stances, appear to have been contemporary with the lime- stone ; and there are compound oxides, such as the spinelles, perovskite; in which the oxide, playing the part of an acid _ (alumine, titanic acid), is an acid much less energetic than the silex. We easily comprehend, then, that these minerals have been formed with the concurrence of heat, or of the molecular actions which it developed; but it is difficult to admit that they result from a complete fusion of the Bpy hel line limestone. _ Moreover, many facts prove that felspar may be formed _in rocks without the intervention of a great heat; for exam- ple, in the Arkose of La Poirie (Vosges), crystals of felspar are developed in the clay lands (argilolites), which certainly have not been melted, and the stratification of which is quite * Dufrenoy, Ann. des Mines, 3 sec., tome xi., p. 385. T See also Translation of Professor Scheerer’s Memoir, supra, p. 7.—Ed. VOL. LVI. NO. CXI.—JANUARY 1854. I 130 Origin of Crystalline Limestone. recognisable. At Morel, in the commune of St Laurent (Saéne-et-Loire), crystals of pink orthose of an after develop- ment exist in a limestone with Gryphea arcuata, which has a crystalline structure, but characterized by a grayish yellow tint somewhat different from its usual colour. Lastly, at Steinmal felspar crystals have been observed by M. von Dechan in the inside of the abdominal buckler of a Homali- notus. Inthe same manner, the transition graywackes in the neighbourhood of Thann, and to the south of the Vosges, are very often completely impregnated with felspar, and still we find in them numerous remains of plants which have been well preserved in spite of the later development of crystals of felspar of the sixth system. ~The intimate and mutual penetration of the limestone and gneiss, shews that both have been reduced to a plastic state, if not to actual fluidity ; and the dissemination of the felspar in the limestone mass, shews also that the gneiss must have been sufficiently pasty for the felspar to have been secreted. The penetration of the limestone by the gneiss, as also the undulations sometimes presented by both rocks at the line of junction, make it evident that pressure was brought into play to a great extent during the crystallization of the gneiss; this has produced in the limestone fissures generally parallel to its line of contact with the gneiss, and compar- able to those formed in a book the leaves of which are squeezed or pressed back laterally. Those fissures have been immediately filled by the secretions of matter diffused in the limestone, and they have given place to the parallel zones of nodular concretions, whilst the same matter formed the veins or the lining in fissures of the gneiss. Although in most of the metamorphic limestones the minerals are — especially developed in the natural joints, originating in — stratification, these nodules, on the contrary, in the limestone of the gneiss of the Vosges, apparently owe their paral- lelism to pressure. | Pressure, like heat, has been also effective in actuating molecular attraction, and in developing the different minerals ; disseminated in the limestone. ers Subsequently to the crystallization of the limestone and ~ Biographical Sketch of Mr H. E. Strickland. 131 of the gneiss, certain minerals have been, and probably are still being, modified by chemical action arising from infiltra- tion, so that new minerals are formed by pseudomorphosis ; as for example, the pyrosklerite—(T. R. I. Quarterly Jour- nal of the Geological Society, Vol. ix., No. 36, p. 27.) Biographical Sketch of Mr Hugh Edwin Strickland. We have to announce, with deep regret, the death of Mr H. E. Strickland, who was killed by a railway train, whilst examining the strata of arailway cutting on the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire line. «© Mr Strickland arrived at East Retford from Hull, hav- ing attended the recent meeting of the British Association. _ He was attached to the Geological Section of the Asso- ciation ; and in pursuance of his practical investigations in that science, he proceeded on Wednesday afternoon to ex- amine the strata of the deep cuttings on each side of the Clarbrough Tunnel, about four miles distant from Retford. A little after four o’clock, a boy at work in the fields observed him standing between the two lines of rails, near the mouth of the tunnel, on the Gainsborough side, with a pocket-book in his hand, apparently engaged in making notes. At this time, a coal train was approaching on the down line,—to avoid which he stepped off the ‘six feet’ on to the up line ;—but -unhappily he did so just at the moment when the Great North- ern passenger train was issuing from the tunnel. The train dashed upon him,—and the next instant he lay a shattered and shapeless corpse.” Mr Strickland was in the prime of life,—at that age when the promise of youth is fast realizing itself. He was born at Righton, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, on the 2d of March 1811. His father, Mr Henry E. Strickland of Apperley, in Gloucestershire, was a son of the late Sir George Strickland, Bart. of Boynton, in Yorkshire. He was a grandson on his mother’ 8 side of the celebrated Dr Edmund Cartwright,— - whose name is so indissolubly connected with the manufac- 12 1382. Biographical Sketch of Mr H. E. Strickland. turing greatness of England on account of his invention of the Power-loom. Mr Strickland’s boyhood was spent under his father’s roof ; where he was under the private tutelage successively of the three brothers Monkhouse,—one of whom is now a fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford. From his father’s house he was transferred to the late Dr Arnold,—who, prior to his appoint- ment at Rugby, took private pupils at Laleham, near Staines. He finished his education at Oriel College, Oxford. | Although distinguished for his classical knowledge, Mr Strickland had early acquired a taste for natural history pur- suits ; and after the completion of his. studies at college he resided with his family at Cracourt House, near Evesham, Worcestershire—where he studied minutely the geology of the Cotswolds and the Great Valley of the Severn. Some of his earliest published papers were on geology ; but his first effort as an author indicated a taste for the pursuits of his maternal grandfather. It appeared in the Mechanics’ Maga- zine for 1825,—and was on the construction of a new wind- gauge. | In 1835, Mr Strickland travelled in Asia Minor, in com- pany with Mr W. J. Hamilton, M.P.,—who was then Secre- tary to the Geological Society. An account of this journey was published, in two volumes 8vo, by Mr Hamilton, in 1842, under the title “ Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Ar- menia.” This tour resulted also in the publication of several interesting papers on the geology of the districts visited, both by Mr Strickland himself and conjointly with Mr Hamilton. The principal papers published by Mr Strickland singly were —*‘ On the Geology of the Thracian Bosphorus,’’—“ On the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Smyrna,’—and ‘On the — Geology of the Island of Zante.” He early devoted his at- — tention to the study of birds; and during this journey he © gave proof of his ornithological knowledge by adding to the — list of birds inhabiting Europe the Salicaria Olivetorum. He — subsequently devoted a large share of his attention to the study of birds ;—as his papers in the “ Annals and Magazine of Natural History,” and in Sir William Jardine’s “ Contri- butions to Ornithology,” amply testify. His principal ; work, Biographical Sketch of Mr H. E. Strickland. 183 however, on this subject, and the one which will give him a place amongst the classical writers on the ornithology of this country, is devoted to the history of the Dodo. This, work was published, as our readers will remember, in 1848,“with the title “ The Dodo and its Kindred ; or, the History and Affi- nities of the Dodo, Solitaire, and other Extinct Birds.” It was handsomely illustrated ; and was an example of how the difficult subject of the affinities of extinct animals should be dealt with. Mr Strickland was aided in the osteological portion by Dr Melville. Since the appearance of this work, he has twice published supplementary notices regarding the Dodo and its kindred, in the “ Annals and Magazine of Na- tural History.” One of Mr Strickland’s last contributions to science was on the subject of ornithology,—when, in the Sec- tion of Natural History, the day before his death, he gave an account of the Partridge (Tetraogallus) of the Great Water-Shed of India, recently illustrated in Mr Gould’s “ Birds of Asia.” Although as a zoologist ornithology was his strong point, Mr Strickland had an extensive knowledge of the various - classes of organized beings. ‘Thus, several of his papers were devoted to accounts of the Mollusca, both recent and fossil, in various districts. One of his papers at the last ‘Meeting of the British Association at Hull was, as our readers will see elsewhere, “‘ On the Peculiarities of a Form of Sponge (Halichondria taberea).” . Mr Strickland paid a large share of attention to the ter- minology of Natural History,—and was the reporter of a ‘Committee appointed by the British Association to consider ‘the rules by which the nomenclature of zoology might be established on a uniform and permanent basis. These rules were principally drawn up by him ; and they have since their _ publication been very generally acted on,—and have contri- . “buted greatly to simplify Natural History nomenclature. ’ The general principles of classification could hardly fail to interest a mind so discursive as his,—and accordingly we find him at various times publishing on this subject. In an early number of the “ Annals and Magazine of Natural His- te “tory” he inserted a paper “ On the true Method of discovering 134 Biographical Sketch of Mr H. E. Strickland. the Natural System in Zoology and Botany,’—in which he displayed a great knowledge of the forms of animal and vege- table life. In the reports of the British Association for 1843 he published a paper “ On the Natural Affinities of the Inses- sorial Order of Birds;” and again, in the ‘* Magazine of Natural History,” vol. ii..—“ Observations on the Affinities and Analo- gies of Organized Beings.” It must be obvious, that the labours to which we have al- luded imply an immense amount of industry,—but in the midst of all his practical investigations Mr Strickland found time for purely literary work. Thus, in 1847, he undertook to edit for the Ray Society a work, the collection of materials for which had cost Prof. Agassiz many years of labour, en- titled “ Bibliographia Zoologie et Geologiz.” Three volumes of this great work are published, and the fourth and last is now in the hands of the printer. Mr Strickland’s labour here was not merely that of editing—it embraced the contri- bution of a large mass of additional matter, amounting to a third or fourth of the whole. He spared no pains to make this work complete ;—and it must ever be regarded by the zoologist and the geologist as a most valuable gift to the sciences which they cultivate. On the occurrence of the illness of Dr Buckland, and his withdrawal from the duties of the chair of Geology at Ox- ford,—every one felt the propriety of inviting Mr Strickland to deliver lectures in his place. Though young for so impor- tant a post, and with a reputation in other departments of science, he was found able to sustain the fame of his pre- decessor in this,—and brought to bear with great advantage the stores of his varied knowledge upon a science which is always susceptible of influence and amplification from the principles of other departments of science, however distant from it they may at first sight appear. The Reports of the British Association, the Transactions of the Geological Society, the papers of the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, and of the London and Edinburgh Philo- sophical Magazine, all testify to Mr Strickland’s activity asa — geologist. They contain a mass of valuable observations both on paleontology and on the physical structures of rocks Biographical Sketch of Mr H. E. Strickland. 135 in this country and other parts of the world,—which must for ever remain a part of the history of the science of geology, and constitute a permanent monument of the industry and earnestness of the man who made them. In several of his geological papers, Mr Strickland’s name is connected with that of Sir R. I. Murchison ; especially in a work on “The Geology of Cheltenham and its Neighbour- hood.” He assisted Sir Roderick in preparing for the press his great work on the Silurian system ; and the proof-sheets of his new work on Siluria all passed through Mr Strickland’s hands,—the last of the work having been corrected at Hull. At the time of his death, Mr Strickland was engaged in working on his “ Ornithological Synonymy,”—the printing of which was delayed only to render it more full and complete. He possessed a very ample and useful library,—also exten- sive geological and ornithological collections,—which are now at his residence at Apperley Green, near Tewkesbury. In 1845 Mr Strickland was married to the second daughter of Sir William Jardine, Bart :—both of whom, with Mr Strickland’s father and mother, survive to lament his prema- ture loss. In the above brief sketch we have spoken only of Mr Strickland’s scientific career,—but he had moral qualities that endeared him to all who knew him. Few came in contact with him who did not recognize in him a conscientious, amiable, and excellent man. In him Oxford has lost a Pro- fessor whom she could ill afford to part with at this time. To him they who hoped for the wider culture of natural science at Oxford looked as to one who had the power and the ability to take a lead. The scientific societies have lost in him a member who was unwearied in his assiduity to carry out their objects in all their purity. His means made him independent of his labours ;—and all recognized in his exertions that love of science and its objects which constitutes the true philosopher.—(A thenewm, No. 152, p. 1125). 136 Notice of an Attempt to Naturalize the Craw-Fish (Astacus fluviatilis) in the South of Scotland. Communicated by Dr FLEMING. The following curious entry occupies a place in a volume of Adversaria (for 1770, p. 4), formed by Dr Walker, Pro- fessor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, the immediate predecessor of the present occupant of the chair.* “ Cancer Astacus, Lin. (The Cray-Fish). “ They abound in the rocky rivulets about Penrith, in Westmoreland, which run upon limestone. « They spawn in the months of June and July. They were brought from Penrith seven years ago, and planted in the rivulet which runs past the house of New Posso, where they still live. “Graham, who brought them, informs me that the best time for transporting them is about the lst of May. He carries them in a close basket among wet grass, which he deposits in water at night. Three days and three nights is the longest time that they can be so carried with safety. He can carry on horseback about 1000. He took them to Kailzie in Tweed- dale for 13s. 6d. per hundred, but most of them died. He offered to bring them to Moffat for 8s. 6d. per hundred if 1000 were taken. He feeds them sometimes with beels. “To Robert Graham at Penrith, to the care of Mrs Buchan- nan, at the Crown in Penrith. * 'The way to catch them or to know if they are in a desires is to put in a lump of flesh or any carrion into it over night; they will be found preying upon it in the morning.” It appears from the preceding statement that this crus- tacean, even in those days of difficult transport, was suecess- fully conveyed from Cumberland to the parish of Manor in eo * Seven volumes of these Adversaria which came into my possession, con- taining many important notices of interesting subjects in Natural History, have 4 been deposited in the Library of the University. Apparent Visibility of Stars through the Moon. 187 Peebles-shire, and that they outlived their translation through- out a period of at least seven years. The late distinguished zoologist Sir John Graham Dalyell, Bart., instituted, at my request, a series of inquiries for the purpose of ascertaining if the descendants of this stock were _ still to be found in the places referred to, but all traces of such animals had disappeared, and even tradition, usually a toler- ably faithful record, had preserved no memorial of the ex- _ periment. It would be a very easy process at the present time, with the command of railway speed, to transport the animals from their native haunts to any of our suitable streams ; while such an addition to our luxuries would not interfere with any other source of enjoyment. Pennant, in his “ British Zoology,” terms the crustacean CRAW-F ISH; but Berkenhont and later writers term it Cray- ~ Fish. J. F. NEw CoLLeGeE, EDINBURGH, 3d December 1853. On the apparent Visibility of Stars through the Moon imme- diately before their Occultation. By R. EDMONDS Jun., _ Esq. Communicated by the Author. Hight years ago, when the cause of the occasional projec- tion of a star on the moon’s disk for a few seconds before its occultation was, at one of the meetings of the British Associa- tion, and elsewhere, publicly discussed by eminent scientific men, I prepared a short paper, suggesting that it might arise from the telescope being on such occasions set to the star’s focus instead of the moon’s, in which case the imperfect image of the moon formed at the stellar focus would, of course, be magnified. But when the star is on the very edge of the ~ moon, the image of the latter would not find room for being magnified without spreading itself over the star’s image, and thus oceasioning the apparent visibility of the star through the moon, the extent of this projection being equal to the excess of the radius of the magnified lunar image beyond that 188 -Apparent Visibility of Stars through the Moon. of its perfect image when brought to a focus. In the occul- tation of the star Aldebaran in 1829 the reason why eight of the thirty-one European observers did not perceive any pro- jection, and that the other twenty-three did, may be, that the telescopes of the former were suited to the lunar focus, and those of the latter to the stellar; the eye being incapable of determining the exact focus. I did not, however, publish my remarks, nor shew them to any one until last month, when my nephew (Frederick B. Edmonds) being here on a visit, I desired him to read them, with a view to test by experiment the correctness of my ex- planation. He accordingly placed a candle in the furthest corner of the room close behind a card, through a small hole in which the light flowed to representa star. At the distance of about two yards from the candle he placed an illuminated disc to represent the moon; and then retiring three yards from the disc, with a powerful pocket spy-glass, having its focus set for the “ star,” looked at the “ star,” along the edge of the ‘‘moon,”’ when the former appeared very clearly pro- jected on the latter, precisely as in the reality observed by astronomers. When the focus of the glass was set for the “ moon” no projection whatever occurred. I immediately communicated this to Professor Airy, who very kindly informed me that the explanation would be satis- factory if the focal length of the telescope for the moon were sensibly different from that for the star. ‘“ It would be highly desirable, however, (he added,) to bear this consideration in mind in the case of another observation of the occultation of a bright star.” The explanation now offered will therefore, in all proba- bility, ere long be fully tested; and if the eye be unable directly to detect any difference between the lunar and stellar foci, the existence of a sensible difference between them would, I presume, be indirectly established, should the pro- jection disappear on lengthening the focal distance, and re- appear on shortening it. 139 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. (Continued from vol. lv., page 352.) Lode Formations. By the term lode formation is to be understood a small group of minerals usually associated together in lode fissures; and presenting distinctive characteristics in their mode of association... At the same time it must be added, that groups of minerals can only be regarded as constituting any one formation so long as the succession of the individual mine- rals in what is termed the lode structure, or banded arrange- ment of the minerals, remains the same. Repetitions or suc- - cessive generations of a formation likewise occur. There is considerable difficulty in determining and distin- guishing the lode formations: thus, 1. Certain minerals oc- eur in different formations, and some one mineral, especially quartz, is often repeated, without the remaining members of the group. 2. Some minerals, as iron pyrites, some va- rieties of calcite, and copper pyrites, occur in so. many for- mations, that they cannot be regarded as. distinctive. Still formations are sometimes characterized by the quartz and the particular abundance of pyrites.. 3. In some instances druses are very rare in lodes, and it is only in them that the structure and succession of the minerals can be recognised. 4. Sometimes there are two or three formations in one lode, and then it is not always easy to determine whether a mi- neral belongs to one or the other. It appears that the minerals which serve best. to. distin- 4 guish the lode formations are either some of those siliceous species which are not products of decomposition, or some of the true ores.. There is still a want of some kind of scientific nomenclature for these phenomena, but the paragenetic rela- tions, are perhaps too little understood, and the relative dates of lodes too little known, to warrant the adoption of one as yet. Nevertheless the paragenetic grouping of a few but constant minerals in lodes is too evident to escape notice. Such, for in- stance, is the case with minerals containing cobalt, nickel, bis- muth, and arsenic; lead and zinc; tin and scheel, and the very 140 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. frequent association, under similar conditions, of fluor Spar and heavy spar. Undoubtedly it is not allowable to form an opinion on this subject from individual specimens in mineralo- gical cabinets ; it is the universal association of minerals in the different known lodes of one class which must be studied. Moreover, the determination of lode formations is not alone difficult in regard to the constituent minerals, but likewise in regard to the date of the several substances. When dif- ferent formations occur together in one lode, or in different lodes intersecting each other, some inference may be formed as to their relative dates ; but as yet there are only a few such instances of contact. known, and therefore this branch of re- search, so important in its relation to mining, yet remains to be cultivated. J The following description of*lode formations comprises both such as have a practical interest, and such as at present have only a scientific interest; they are likewise arranged according to probable relations of date, commencing with the older. ) | I. Pyroxene, garnet, pyrites, and blende formation.—This is undoubtedly one of the oldest, perhaps the oldest, of all lode formations, although want of acquaintance with its con- tact phenomena renders this still uncertain. The character of these lodes is not very distinctive, since the lode planes are frequently parallel with the strata adjoining ; for which rea- son they are very generally regarded as beds. Again, the banded structure is almost altogether wanting. The forma- tion, however, is marked by the occurrence of silicates, some- times in considerable masses ; a circumstance which strongly indicates a very remote date. It is probable that the lode substance of this formation bears a relation to the adjoining rock similar to that of amygdaloid rock to old red sandstone, where it has penetrated the latter, and yet occurs in parallel layers. Thus the date of the lode substance would be much the same as that of the adjoining rock; and indeed, in a geognostic point of view, it appears to resemble the eruptive rocks, as if it had been injected, which may be the reason of — the absence of banded structure. This formation occurs in Saxony, Bohemia, and Scandi- On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 141 navia. Its constituent minerals are specifically different from the same minerals occurring in rocks. Pyroxene appears to be the oldest member, idocras and garnet more recent. Pseu- domorphs are by no means wanting. It is further remark- able, that at different parts one or other mineral predomi- nates considerably. Thus the accumulations of galena, iron, copper pyrites, tin ore, and even limestone, have been found sufficient to admit of being worked. The general features of this formation present great ana- logy with those of the “kalkstdécken,” previously spoken of. While in these latter, limestone predominates, and in some localities there is a much greater diversity of imbedded mi- nerals, and the lode form appears less marked, the occur- rence of limestone in the former is only exceptional; but, on the other hand, there is an abundance of pyroxene, garnet, and pyritic minerals, which is foreign to the “ kalkstécken,” and the lode character is more distinctly marked. Il. Titanium formation.—This is probably little inferior in antiquity to the last, not only because it occurs in the ‘oldest known rocks, but because the essential constituent mi- nerals, containing titanic acid, do not occur in any other forma- tion, with the sole exception of the “ kalkstécken ” and diver- gent zones. Felsite is likewise found upon them, which cer- tainly indicates a very remote date. The phenomena presented by the lodes of this formation appear to admit of the following inferences: 1. That the felsites are in all instances older than the compounds of ti- tanic acid, or of titanic and silicic acid together. 2. Quartz is generally more recent than the above minerals, except rutil, with which it appears contemporaneous, and sometimes even older than it. IIL. Noble quartz formation.—This occurs in Saxony, espe- cially in mica-slate, sometimes in gneiss, both rocks being “much altered. It is older than the porphyry veins with which “it Comes in contact, but these veins appear to bear some re- lation to the richness of the lodes: The principal lode sub- ‘stance is quartz, frequently converted into hornstone; -gene- “rally adhering firmly tothe adjoining rock, and ramifying into it. Large masses of ore never occur in these: lodés, 142 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. which are therefore worked only in virtue of the silver and gold present in the minerals they contain. The Saxon lodes of this formation are especially characterized by a variety of mispickel, in small crystals with a brilliant lustre, generally imbedded in quartz, and very rarely implanted upon it. There is always some gold in this ore, although, in most instances, not sufficient for profitable extraction. It is, indeed, very pos- sible that the presence of argentiferous blende and glance, as well even as that of metallic silver, was determined by this mineral. There are good reasons for the opinion that the lodes of this formation are intimately connected, as regards their ori- gin, with metamorphic phenomena in the adjoining rocks, and that they are on a larger scale essentially the same as the small and sometimes metalliferous quartz veins in felsite rock and porphyry. Antimony, tellurium, and arsenic, constitute, by reason of their analogy, a mineralogical and chemical group, and their natural compounds frequently appear to belong to one and the same lode formation. Antimony glance always contains traces of gold and silver, in some localities sufficient for ex- traction, and it is very probable that the Transylvanian lodes bearing quartz with auriferous and argentiferous tellurium minerals, and even metallic gold, are of this class. The gold occurring in lodes of this formation is very recent, being implanted upon antimony glance, iron pyrites, calcite, realgar, and even gypsum. In like manner, silver appears to be the most recent member of the formation ; consequently it is hardly to be doubted that these metals have originated by some mode of extraction from compound minerals. IV. Pyritic lead and zine formation.—This very closely resembles the last-mentioned formation, from which it is se- parated only on account of the peculiar character communi- cated to it by the considerable masses of galena, black zine- blende, arsenical iron, sulphur, and magnetic pyrites, and the absence of any considerable quantity of gold or silver in them. Generally speaking, these minerals have been converted into pseudomorphic bisulphurets. The presence of copper py- rites is likewise distinctive ; the edle quartz of Freiberg is, On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 143 moreover, intersected by porphyry, while this formation in- tersects porphyry. Assuming the porphyry to be of the same date, this would support the opinion of miners who regard the formations as different. Still there are no grounds for di- viding the pyritic lead and zine formation into so many parts as Werner did. On the other hand, it cannot be doubted that there are several formations of galena and zinc-blende, for instance, the clinoedritic and the barytic. But these two minerals frequently occur together elsewhere without any recognisable relations to other minerals as regards date having yet been ascertained, therefore the possible future ne- cessity for further subdivision must not be altogether denied. The zinc-blende is almost always the black variety, especially when: associated with arsenical pyrites, and indeed whenever pyritic minerals preponderate.. When it is of a brown or red colour there is seldom much if any pyrites near. It is well known that black zinc-blende contains an essential admixture of sulphuret of iron, and has a lower specific gravity than that of any other colour. The clineodritic lead and zine formation sometimes di- rectly follows the present one ; however they must neverthe- less be regarded as distinct. Sometimes the heavy spar formation is likewise present with and without the noble quartz ores, which are, howeyer, less abundant the greater the quantity of pyritic minerals, and in this case belong to a more recent formation which has been sporadically imbedded in that of the latter, as is the case in the noble quartz formation, where such lode substances are generally absent. The pyritic ores are met with, although quite in miniature, in the fissures of argillaceous spherosiderites, the lode veins of coal strata, and even in the cavities of limestone petrifac- tions of still more recent date. The minerals constituting this pyritic lead and zinc forma. tion are frequently mixed together in coarse masses, no con- _ stant succession being observable except in the druses which sometimes occur where the lode bellies out, when galena and zine-blende present themselves as the older, and pyrites as the younger members. ‘Two generations have likewise been ob- 144 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. served, thus upon galena and blende—mispickel, and then again galena and mispickel. Derivatives of galena are rare, those of copper pyrites unknown. This is perhaps the most important formation for the min- ing of Freiberg, for only a small part of the silver which is obtained there is derived from the true silver formation, the principal part being extracted from the galena of this forma- tion. It is in connection with this formation that we first meet with a phenomenon called by the miner, the iron hat, gossan. It has been universally found that iron ores, especially brown iron ore, red hematite, and even specular iron ore, are met with only at the upper part and outcrop of the lodes, which, when worked deeper, yield ores of more valuable metals. There is indeed historical evidence that the working of iron ores has laid bare ores of silver, lead, copper, cobalt, and nickel, and in many districts the proverb is still in use— “ Der Gang hat einen eisernen Hut, Und thut darum in der Teufe gut.” It is scarcely probable that this phenomenon can in all cases be accounted for in a similar manner. It is met with in lodes of the pyritic lead and zine formation in some of the Freiberg mines, and there it may have originated from the action of the atmosphere upon pyritic minerals. There are brown iron ores which are remarkable for contain- ing silver sometimes in available quantity, called in Germany ‘‘ edle Braunen”’ and “ Gilben,” in Mexico “ Pacos,’ It is possible that in the earlier periods of mining in Germany, the belief in the “ eisernen Hut” was more universal than at the present time; but in Mexico and South America it still main- tains its ancient authority, and has recently received a con- firmation in the discovery of the lead and silver mines at Jarosa, near Alicante in Spain. But the presence of silver in the iron hat is not essential. Probably the knowledge of its occurrence has contributed to the confirmation of the opinion that the deeper a lode is driven the greater is the probability of finding rich deposits of ore, although in this instance there is another genetic reason for the belief than that previously spoken of. On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 145 At other places the large number of pyritic minerals are wanting, and are replaced as at Prizebram by spathic iron. Here the “‘ hut” may originate from the alteration of spathic iron. In the neighbourhood of Prizebram, the lodes of iron ore are leased to private individuals only to a certain depth, because the more valuable pyritic ores occur below that depth, and these are worked by the government. At other places, the various iron and manganese ores of the “ eisenen Hut’’ are certainly more recent than other minerals on the same lodes, and present a genetic character distinct from them. | Although it is true that most lodes of iron ore continue as such to all accessible depths, still some of the deposits of ferruginous minerals ought not to be altogether overlooked or disregarded, especially when they occur in true lode dis- tricts, for it is probable that in many instances such a depo- sit may be the iron hat of a lode. V. Cobalt and Nickel formations in general.—Not only are minerals containing these elements very generally as- sociated together, but in almost every mineral which con- tains one of them as an essential constituent, at least traces of the other enter its composition. Arsenic enters more largely than sulphur into the composition of the more fre- quent of these minerals, so that it might be termed the co- balt, nickel, and arsenic formation. Metallic arsenic has even been found. Bismuth minerals are in some localities such constant associates that- they might be regarded as es- sential, while in others they are altogether absent. How- ever, they occur unaccompanied by cobalt and nickel minerals, although the arsenik-kies of Altenburg contains nickel, and bismuth glance is a frequent associate of copper pyrites. Copper pyrites, and sometimes its ordinary products of - composition, especially malachite, kupperfecherz, accompany the minerals of this formation. Linneite is never without cop- per pyrites, although large masses of it have not been found. Arsenical iron pyrites occurs, though not largely. The uran- pecherz occurs sporadically, espa) a in one group of this formation. The principal lode substances (gangarten) are spathic iron VOL. LVI. NO. CXI.—JANUARY 1804. K 146 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. of twelve periods, and partly converted into brown iron, prin- cipally as support, pearl spar, fluor spar, heavy spar, quartz, (three generations), cale spar (three sub-species), brown spar and tantokline. It has been ascertained that only those arsenical pyrites which are accompanied by chlorite, contain nickel with traces of cobalt. The cobalt minerals of Chili occur in chlorite slate. The schaalstein of Nassau bearing lodes of cobalt and nickel is a greenish clay-slate, approximating closely to chlorite slate, and perhaps actually passing into it. It is considered, perhaps correctly, as clay-slate, altered by the adjoining chlo- rite slate. The metallic bismuth of the tin formation is ac- companied by chlorite, and a number of facts lead to the in- ference that these formations are peculiar to the chloritic rocks. Diorite, one of whose principal constituents is amphibole, contains gelbnikelkies at Gladenback (Darmstadt),—only in- deed disseminated, but so abundant as to be worked. The spathic and brown iron lodes at Lobestein bear nickel and cobalt minerals principally when they cut through or pass near diorite, while in the clay-slate they are either scarce or absent. The principal deposits of nickel and cobalt are chiefly in amphibolie rocks. The magnetic pyrites of Lillehammer (Norway) and Klefwa (Sweden), containing 3 to 4 per cent. nickel, and nearly 1 per cent. cobalt, occur in amphibole and diorite rocks. Breithaupt has found that these magnetic pyrites closely resembled that from the Adlers mine (Bava- ria), and Plattner found in it 1 per cent. cobalt and a trace of nickel, The magnetic pyrites of Lillehammer and Neufang contain fragments rather than crystals of amphibole, which leads to the conjecture that they are the contents of lodes. It is further remarkable that even in meteorites, magnetic pyrites accompanies the iron containing cobalt and nickel. Traces of nickel have been found in olivine; and peridotes are present in many meteorites. The numerous instances of the paragenesis of minerals eontaining cobalt and nickel in amphibole and dioritie rocks, are not less remarkable, and must not be overlooked, as is On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 147 sufficiently indicated by the above-mentioned occurrence of cobalt and nickel in magnetic pyrites. However, this formation occurs in true clay-slate, and likewise in mica-slate, gneiss, and granite, although only sporadically. Its occurrence in zechstein and cupreous slate is altogether distinct from its appearance in lodes in the above-mentioned rocks. Older Cobalt formation in Chili.—This formation is stated to have been discovered near Huasco in chlorite slate. The Schneeberg cobalt nickel lodes likewise bear axinite, and these two instances of association induced Breithaupt to ex- mine the arsenical pyrites of Thun, sitting upon axinite, for cobalt, which it was found to contain. It would there- fore be advisable to examine pyritic minerals associated with axinite, in order to ascertain whether they contain an available quantity of cobalt and nickel. Glaucodot likewise occurs porphyritically in chlorite slate, with precisely the same characters as the mispickel in Frei- berg mines, except that here the adjoining rock is disinte- grated, which is not the case with Chili chlorite slate. VI. Tin formation.—The principal representatives of this formation are tin ore (cassiterite) and the two wolframites, ferro-wolframite and mangano-wolframite. These minerals are associated wherever tin ore is worked, and the isolated occurrence of one or other is a great rarity. The scheel- spar is without doubt to be regarded as a product of the de- composition of wolframite. Beryl and topaz occur together and separately, the former as a very old member of the group. Quartz is never absent. The formation likewise in- eludes such pyritic minerals as contain an essential admix- ture of arsenic, rarely such as are free from that element. Molybdenum glance is a frequent mineral. Calcite and most carbonates, so frequent in other formations, are here very scanty. | One especial characteristic of this formation is the very limited: number of rocks in which its lodes occur. These are—granite, gneiss, mica-slate, and a few clay-slates. Tin and wolfram lodes have never been observed in diorite, dia- K2 148 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. base, sandstone, or limestone. Such kind of negative facts must not be disregarded; this one, for instance, indicates that these lodes are of very remote date, apparently that of the protrusion of the older granite. The existence of alluvial deposits of tin ore must not be overlooked. These are, in fact, to be regarded as the result of gigantic natural ore washings. The absence of wolframites is probably owing to the more easy mechanical and chemical destruction of these minerals as compared with the tin ore. Even in lodes, instances of the chemical destruction of wol- framites, and production of scheelspar, have been observed, unaccompanied by any pseudomorphs after tin ore. A remarkable feature is presented by the lodes of this for- mation where they come in contact with those of red hema- tites. It has been observed at Altenberg (Saxony), that at the points of contact both lodes are poorer, and frequently the tin ore is altogether absent. The lodes of this formation generally possess in a very marked manner the banded structure, especially in the mica slate at Ehrenfriedersdorf (Saxony). VII. Clinoedritic lead and zine formation.—Under the term clinoedrites, Breithaupt understands a mineralogical genus comprising the various kinds of fahlerz, tennantite, copper-blende, &c. These minerals are distinguished chemically by their very complicated, although characteristic composition, containing, on the one hand, copper, mercury, silver, zinc, iron, cobalt, and nickel; on the other hand, antimony, arsenic, and tin. All these metals exist as sulphurets ; those of copper and mercury with two equivalents to one of sulphur; those of silver, zinc, iron, tin, and probably cobalt and nickel, with equal equivalents; those of antimony and arsenic with two equivalents of metal to three of sulphur. The clinoedrites occur in very definite paragenetic rela- tions ; bournonite is frequently associated with them. In many places this formation occurs alone, sometimes together with the older pyritic, or with the more recent fluo-barytic. When felspar or iron spar occur in the pyritic lead and On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 149 zine formation, it is to be regarded as terminated, and the Same may perhaps be said of the second generation of quartz; therefore quartz and iron spar are frequently found to sup- port the clinoedritic formation. Since, however, iron rose and manganese spars possess a close mineralogical relation,. and protoxides of iron, manganese, &c., replace each other chemically, they are frequently found alone or associated in the lodes. When pear] spar occurs, it is the oldest of the car- bonates. It is remarkable that the galena implanted upon rose spar presents imperfect crystal forms, rounded edges, broken planes, &c. While all these carbonates appear as the supporters of this formation, still they are tolerably contem- poraneous in formation with galena, zinc-blende, and the clinoedrites, although these minerals are obviously the more recent, from their distinct superposition. Arsenical pyrites are no longer found, nor indeed in any more recent formation. Magnetic pyrites is likewise wanting. Pyritic minerals, on the whole, are less abundant, and the smaller their quantity the greater the amount of silver in the galena and clinoedrites. When copper pyrites is altogether wanting, weissgiiltigerz occurs, with thirty-one per cent. of silver. The minerals are likewise more argentiferous when the formation occurs alone, and when the lodes ramify. In this case, even antimonial silver-blende and eugenite occur. When the formation lies over the pyritic, it is poorer in clinoedrites, and the per- centage of silver is smaller. In this formation, as in most others, one or other of its sup- porting minerals, and sometimes all of them, are wanting, the mineral then being implanted upon the adjoining rock. Sometimes this deficiency is owing to subsequent decompo- sition, with production of quartz pseudomorphs; thus, at Kapnik the whole of the manganese spar, and at Freiberg the rose spar, have been removed, while the other associated minerals are well preserved. ' The formation has sometimes heavy spar superposed, but belonging to more recent formation. At the contact of the elinoedritic with the heavy spar and. ccelestine formation, the | galena and fahlerz of the former 258 a large amount of silver. 150 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. VIII. Iron spar formation.—There are a great number of lodes which consist solely of iron spar and products of its decomposition. When other minerals occur, it is only in a subordinate manner. The most usual associates of iron spar are quartz and felspar. always older; heavy spar always more recent. Examples of the paragenetic relation of these minerals are, however, by no means frequent. 3 IX. Copper formation.—This includes those associations of the more usual sulphurets, without galena and blende, but generally with iron pyrites. There may be several other groups whose relative age is to be determined by future ob- servation. The group here understood is such a one as oc- curs under circumstances similar to those of the clinoedritic lead and zinc formations. The chief representatives of such a group are—copper pyrites predominating, then sulphuret of copper, variegated pyrites, and clinoedrites. Metallic copper is rare, except in lodes, almost always accompanied by red copper, malachite, and other products of decomposition. It is highly probable that such lodes have been formed by the al- teration of sulphurets ; and however much the physiognomy of the individual lodes may vary in respect to the cupreous minerals, they were perhaps originally but little or not at all different. The fine modifications of red copper, malachite, and copper lazure at Chessy, near Lyons, have been proved by Fournet to result from the washings of copper pyrites lodes.. The same is probably the case with the immense masses of malachite at Nischne Tagilsk and other parts of Siberia. It has been very generally observed, that cupreous mi- nerals containipg oxygen occur at the surface or in the up- per parts of the lodes, while at greater depths they. consist almost entirely of glance and pyritic minerals. At Bakura- nao, in Cuba, malachite and copper lazure have been found, which, when worked to some depth, were found to cover copper pyrites, cuban and magnetic pyrites. Enormous quantities of malachite, tile ore, copper lazure, and metallic copper are obtained from the mines of Burra Burra, which, when further worked, will most probably be found to yield sulphuretted minerals. The metallic copper may very pro- On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 151 bably have been formed by cementation during the vitriol- essence of iron pyrites, and the accompanying copper pyrites, &c., were influenced by this process of decomposition. Per- haps ferruginous minerals acted upon solutions of sulphate of copper during hundreds of centuries, in the same reducing manner as metallic iron acts in a few moments. The natural cupreous springs of Neusohl in Hungary, Altenberg in Saxony, Riotinto near Seville, &e., afford evidence that such processes of vitriolescence still take place in the depth of lodes. There is in the Wernerian Museum at Freiberg, a frag- ment of metallic copper, in which a splinter of wood is im- bedded, found in “ Old Man.”* Taking all circumstances into consideration, it is very probable that native metallic copper has been produced by cementation. The lodes of the copper formation do not often form druses, and the known succession of their minerals presents no great variety. The derivative products are more numerous. Sometimes, however, the cupreous minerals are accumulated in large masses under peculiar conditions of the lodes, for instance at the points of intersection. Uniform distribution of the ores for considerable distances of length and depth is not frequent. At the mine “ Junge Hohe Birke” (Saxony), the copper formation is decidedly more recent than the pyritic lead and zine, especially in the lodes with a south-westerly direction, and where they intersect vertical lodes, and in these latter, where the former lodes adjoin them. The galena of the old formation, especially in masses with a hexaedral cleavage, is imbedded in copper pyrites, iron pyrites, and sometimes in fahlerz. In one instance, these fragments of galena have been found completely converted into fahlerz, with very con- siderable diminution of volume, the individual hexaeders ob- tained by cleavage consisting of a number of small crystals of gray copper united in a divergent manner, so as to form small druses. This pseudomorph is a very remarkable one. ~ Near Freiberg this formation is represented by coarse * The technical German term for an old working which has been long aban- doned and again resumed, 152 The Ocean—its Currents, Tides, Depth, masses of copper glance, and variegated copper sometimes in the form of galena. The copper glance is both compact and friable, but contains variegated copper, and the whole is co- vered by quartz. Iron pyrites occur in small hexaedral crys- tals upon other varieties of copper glance, and porphyriti- cally imbedded in it. The gray copper occurring in some places contains a good per-centage of silver; but the bournonite associated with it contains very little, and indeed gray copper appears to be poorer in silver when accompanied by bournonite. It has already been remarked that bismuth glance never occurs without indications of the previous existence of cop- per pyrites, and the same may be the case with the as yet imperfectly known bismuth, silver, and lead ores which occur at Wolfach in Baden, for the most part disseminated through quartz, and accompanied by copper pyrites, heavy spar, fluor spar, &c. The Ocean—its Currents, Tides, Depth, and the Outlines of its Bottom.* When, a short time ago, I was conversing upon compara- tive or ancient geography with a friend whose mind ranges © over all subjects, from the epic to the abstrusest mathemati- cal problem, I was reminded by him that those who are acquainted with the writings of the ancients would see with admiration how often a piece of knowledge, or a thought be- longing to those bygone days, emerges with an applicability to our new geographical views which is truly astounding, Take, says he, the Homeric view of the ocean; it was an ocean, and yet an ocean stream. It covered the immeasur- able earth, and yet it ran round the boundaries of all known lands. Thus, the most learned of our popular poets has also spoken of the region “ Where jealous Ocean, that old river, winds His far extended arms, till with deep fall Half his waste flood the large Atlantique fills.” When the poet goes on to pour his flood into “ Slow, unfathom’d Stygian pool,” * From Sir R. I. Murchison’s Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, 23d May 1853. and the Outlines of its Bottom.. 153 we have only to vary the reading, as Dr Whewell suggests, * _ Half the broad Pacific’s tideless pool,”* But the point for us is not merely to occupy ourselves with finding that the ocean, as the ancients imagined, does “ wind its extended arms” like those of a river. However we may regard this as a flight of imagination, or admire it as the foreknowledge of our ancestors, our duty is more stern, and we must pass from the myth, to ascertain what arms this jealous ocean has, how far they extend, where they wind, and where they end in “ steep fall; which last words, brought down to our geographical prose, means merely an accelerated current. Now, although we have had many ad- mirable contributions to answer these questions, and above all comparison those of the illustrious Rennel, who led the way in all these inquiries, there still remained a vast deal to be accomplished. The memoir of Mr Findlay, recently read before the Society, illustrated as it was by a series of admirably constructed large charts, in which all the cold or polar currents were marked in a blue colour, and the warm currents in a red tint, is certainly the most complete general view which has been taken in our day of this grand subject —a full and accurate acquaintance with which is of such im- portance in the intercourse between distant nations. In these valuable documents, and particularly in the work of the same author to which I called your attention last year, we not only see the extent of our present knowledge as to the nature and distinction of upper and under currents, but also the desiderata which remain to be filled up. I cannot here, indeed, attempt to convey to you an adequate view of Mr Findlay’s labours of compilation and deduction, and must restrict myself to saying that, taking into account the known _ eurrents of the Atlantic and Pacific, and having regard to * Though there are many tides in the Pacific, this idea of a tideless pool may be correctly applied to the central Pacific around Tahiti. Geographers will do well to refer to the Appendix to Captain Fitzroy’s second volume of the Sur- veying Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, to see the value attached by that successful navigator to the essays of Dr Whewell, and also to appreciate the importance of the views of so experienced and scientific a seaman, 154 The Ocean—its Currents, Tides, Depth, additional observations, he reduces the motions of each of the two oceans to systems of revolving, re-entering currents ; one such circle, or orbit, existing in each case to the north and south of the equator. The currents of the ocean are so complex and numerous, that it is not to be expected we can obtain all the requisite materials to form a correct view from ordinary navigators who are occupied in trade and commerce. And this brings _ me back to a point on which I dwelt last year:—or an ex- pedition ad hoc, and entirely devoted to the survey of the Tides of the Ocean. Such an expedition, connected as it must be with a special attention to the currents, would, 1 repeat, be truly worthy of this maritime nation, and all geo- graphers would rejoice if its conduct were confided to our associate Captain Fitzroy, whose tried capacity as a naval surveyor and sound nautical accomplishments particularly qualify him for such anemployment. For we must recollect, that in addition to the researches of Sir John Lubbock in this country, and those of Professor Bache in the United States, the able, consecutive, and elaborate investigations of Dr Whewell, founded on real data, have led far towards the establishment of definite laws respecting the tides. It is therefore much to be desired that the naval authorities of Great Britain, honouring these skilful gratuitous labours, should without delay accede to the prayer of the British Association, and send out such an expedition as is here pro- posed—one which would enable Dr Whewell to complete a generalization worthy of this age of inquiry, and of the great- est utility to navigation. In the meantime it is a subject of congratulation that a peer of the realm distinguished for his acquirements in astro- nomical science, sustaining the same objects for which we are contending in common with the British Association and the Royal Society, should have brought this important sub- ject before Parliament, directing specially the attention of the Upper House to the very great importance of such obser- vations and generalizations as those of Lieut. Maury of the United States Navy. This meritorious officer, some of whose researches were adyerted to by my predecessor, has recently and the Outlines of its Bottom. 155 issued a circular which calls for the co-operation of the princi- pal maritime nations in collecting materials for wind and current charts. The prayer of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the Royal Society, that a more extended and systematic direction be given to meteoro- logical observations at sea, as prepared by Lieut. Maury, will, I trust, meet with favour in the eyes of the British Government. The Royal Society says truly, that, short as the time is that the system has been in operation, the results to which it has led are of very great importance to the in- terests of navigation and commerce; and it is earnestly to be hoped that the system of co-operative observation may be zealously promoted. In short, when Lord Wrottesley ex- plained in Parliament what enormous spaces of the ocean were still blanks as to any records of the winds, or of the currents and temperatures of the sea, the words which he added will find a response in the breasts of all whom I now address :—“ That these blank spaces are a reproach to the civilization of the present age ; that it is our duty not to rest satisfied until we know all that can be known about the globe we inhabit that can be rendered in any way profitable to our common species ; and that, therefore, the principal maritime nations should share the labour of exploring these vacant spaces.” Our neighbours the French* have indeed shewn their desire to promote useful surveys of distant seas by the addition they have recently made to our knowledge of the hydro- graphy of the Chinese seas, resulting from the researches of the “ Capricieuse”’ corvette, under the command of Captain Roquemaurel, who has trigonometrically surveyed the eastern coast of Corea and Chinese Tartary for an extent of 130 leagues. One of the results is the ascertainment of an ,ex- cellent port in the Golfe d’Anville, nearly in the same parallel as the strait of Matsmai, from which it is about 130 leagues distant; parallels in which it is suggested some profitable mhalo-Bahing grounds may also.be met with. % Since our last anniversary the Meteorological Society of Paris has been established, and is now organized in so satisfactory a manner, that I have joined it myself, and trust that many of my countrymen may do s0 likewise. 156 The Ocean—its Currents, Tides, Depth, As the phenomena of tides, currents, winds, and the con- dition of the atmosphere and ocean are in great measure de- pendent on the outline of the solid portion of the earth, so has this year brought with it the most remarkable hydro- graphical observation of modern times, in the detection of an abyss in the ocean said to be nearly double the depth of any of which we previously had a conception. Hitherto, indeed, it had been the prevalent belief (an opinion supported by Laplace himself), that the depressions of the crust beneath the ocean were probably of about the same extent as the elevations above the sea. Some obser- vations of our scientific associate, Captain Denham, R.N., have, however, gone far to modify if not to set aside this hypothesis. By soundings* in the ocean, midway between the Cape of Good Hope and Tristan d’Acunha, he has con- cluded, after several times dropping the plummet, and by finding the line always stop at the same point, that the sea has there the enormous depth of 7706 fathoms, or double the height of Chimborazo, the giant of the Andes. It is also a triumph of nautical skill and perseverance that the “‘ Herald,” and her companion the “ Torch” steamer, should have been enabled to lie at anchor more than three weeks on the comparatively shallower banks in the middle of the wide Atlantic ocean, such a position having greatly astonished those mariners whose course happened to cross these new and unheard-of anchoring grounds. When so stationed Captain Denham further ascertained, by sending down thermometers, that, whilst the surface-water was at 90°, the cold never exceeded 40° at any depths which were sounded. In addition to important magnetical observations, he has excited great interest amongst geologists by proving, that, within one cast of the lead, coral reefs rise suddenly like a wall, from no bottom at 200 fathoms to 19 fathoms * The soundings were made with peculiar lines given to him by Commodore M‘Keever of the United States Navy. But I must state that some naval sur- veyors are of opinion, that the results may have been more or less deceptive, in consequence of the line not lying in a straight direction between the ship and the plummet, whether by the vessel drifting during so long an operation, or by the influence of currents and other causes, ee Lali Da and the Outlines of its Bottom. 157 from the surface ; thus illustrating one of the phenomena on which Mr C. Darwin has thrown so much light. In looking at the statement of Captain Denham, and at the vast number of desiderata that remain to be inquired into, it is not, therefore, too much to affirm, that until our submarine knowledge shall have been vastly more extended than it is ; until, in short, we know as much of the earth beneath the waters as of that which is above them, we are wanting in several of the most essential elements to explain the proxi- mate causes of the deflection of the great oceanic currents to which we have been averting, as well as of the origin of many climatal peculiarities. The geologist, meteorologist, and geographer, are indeed each of them equally interested in the determination of grand problems like these, which will teach us the forms of the submerged lands around which run the various streams deli- neated in the maps of Mr Findlay: such, for example, as that which, with its superjacent floating masses of “ Sar- gasso,” or sea-weed, circles in the North Atlantic, or the great whaling grounds of the North Pacific, around which the North Equatorial and Japanese currents flow ; or, again, that mass between New Zealand and Australia which is en- circled by the Australian current. In this last instance the geologist again steps in to help to Solve the problem. The discovery of the enormous bird, the Dinornis, in the comparatively small tract of New Zealand, has naturally led him to suppose that there was once a much larger adjacent mass of land to provide for the sustenance of such huge creatures ; and hence it is a fair inference, that the nucleus around which the Australian current runs, is the central and higher portion of what was a large continent once united with New Zealand.* In the meantime, passing from such theoretical views, I * The same reasoning may be applied to the island of Madagascar, where eggs of birds have been found, which contain the substance of 240 hen eggs. This isle may be the remnant of a former vast Hastern continent now submerged. See Professor Edward Forbes’s proofs of the existence of such ancient conti- nents, derived from the present insulation of certain groups of plants and ani- mals.— Memoirs Geol, Surv., vol. i. 158 The Ocean—its Currents, Tides, Depth, Se. Seize on ‘he one great submarine phenomenon indicated by Captain Denham, to assure you. that however it may be modi- fied, I view it as of singular importance in enabling natur- alists to account for the marked separation of the tribes of marine beings which at present exist in regions widely separated from each others. For vast depths are to many inhabitants of the sea (including all the mollusca) what great and snowy heights are to the animals of the land—perfectly impassable barriers. Now, whilst we have in the profundity of parts of the present ocean a distinct reason for the sepa- ration of aquatic races in our times, the near approach, on the contrary, to a general and uniform distribution of marine mollusca in primeval periods, as registered in the ancient sea bottoms which have been raised to form our present conti- nents, compels me to believe that the earlier geographical outlines of our planet were infinitely more simple than the present. In other words, that the oceans were then broader on the whole, the lands of less altitude, and the cavities in the sea bottom by no means so deep as those of our actual highly diversified outlines. For, had such very varied out- lines prevailed in primeval periods, most unquestionably the © same land-plants which are found in the old coal formation could not have lived from Spitzbergen and the Polar regions to temperate and even warm latitudes, and in nearly all longitudes ; nor could the. same tribes, and often the small species of shells and other animals, have inhabited the most distant seas at the same period. It is this varied outline, as brought about after many re- volutions and changes of the crust of the globe, which presents to the meteorologist that mass of complicated problems, so few of which have yet been sufficiently solved to enable us to arrive at definite laws respecting weather, or the causes of its seemingly capricious changes. But still, notwithstand- ing all its variations, there is a mean distribution of heat and cold which restricts certain groups of creatures to each continent and sea; and the more we can approach to a cor- rect delineation of these zones beneath the waters, as well as those above them, and comprehend the nature of all tides and currents, the more perfectly shall we attain some of the highest aims of the physical geographer. 159 On Some Points in the Physical Geography of Norway, chiefly connected with its Snow-Fields and Glaciers. By Professor JAMES ForBEs, D.C.L.. F.R.S., Sec. R.S. Ed., Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. [We insert the ninth chapter of an admirable work that has just appeared from the pen of Professor James D. Forbes, on Norway and its Glaciers, visited in 1851—followed by Journals of Excursions in the High Alps of Dauphiné, Berne, and Savoy. This invaluable work, so deeply in- teresting and important, reflects great honour on our dis- tinguished friend, and shews his usual profound knowledge of the various subjects treated of, and is a valuable addi- tion to the scientific world. It ought to be carefully studied by every traveller.] Introductory Remarks. § 1. On the Configuration of Norway—Its Ground Plan—lIts Mountainous Districts or Fields are usually Pla- teaux—Large proportion of elevated Area—The Kjolen Mountains— their existence denied by some Geographers—Three Sections of Nor- way, §2. On some peculiarities of the Climate of Norway—Less severe than commonly supposed, or than any other land in the same parallel—The causes of this—The Summer and Winter curves of equal temperature— Contrast of the two sides of the Peninsula, § 3. On the position of the Snow-line in Norway—Mainly determined by the Sum- mer temperature—-Particulars of observations on the subject—Of the limit of growth of the Birch—Influence of the Sea in depressing the Snow-line—Table of Results. Amongst the many questions with which a stray traveller is sure to be addressed by the peasantry of a remote country, one of the most puzzling to answer is, as to the pleasure or information he can find in looking at their hills and waters, and woods and snows. Has he not enough of such things at home? What value have stones and plants, _ which lie utterly concealed from the eyes of the inhabitants to whom they belong, but which can tempt the wealthy stranger to lose his time, his money, and his comfort, in examining, perhaps in collecting them.* The naturalness of * The inability of the peasantry to ascribe any other motive than interest or compulsion to such journeys, is amusingly experienced by every traveller off 160 On the Physical Geography of Norway. the inquiry, the reality of the paradox, makes the answer often difficult. There are very many persons of opportuni- ties far superior to these poor peasants who can form nearly as little idea of the motives for such toilsome journeys. To them, the country is the country everywhere, its stones are stones merely, its glaciers and its lakes are accidents, which suggest no particular conclusions except as they give a mo- mentary variety to the landscape, or as they affect the value of the soil. What comparative anatomy is to the study of living beings, physical geography, or the comparison of different countries, is to the study of the earth we live on. The interest of each part is beyond measure increased by comparing it with other parts; and the more such comparisons we are enabled to make, the more distinct meaning can we attach to even a few slight and seemingly isolated observations in a country wholly new to us, as when Owen reproduces the skeleton of a long extinct bird from a few imperfect bones brought from the antipodes. To construct the orographical map (map of mountainous regions) or skeleton of a country, is a more difficult task than. it might at first appear tobe. The materials for a complete relief or model exist for but a few limited portions of the globe. The materials for maps are gathered from com- paratively limited observation. The tact necessary for per- the beaten tracks, in the theories which are formed as to his vocation. This is nowhere the case more than in the more secluded parts of France. I once amused myself by reckoning up the conjectures as to my business, and the motives ascribed to me, during a journey of no very great extent, which in- cluded, as well as I recollect, the following, besides guesses nearer the mark ;:— An engineer of mines, a Government surveyor, a garde forestier, a tax-gatherer, the descendant of a confiscated noble of the first revolution surveying his pater- nal acres, a criminal escaping by bypaths from justice, an iron-merchant, a stone-mason, anda gold-finder, Of these various aliases, the last is probably the most inconvenient. I recollect travelling through the mountains of Cogne with a half-witted fellow, a sort of crétin, for a guide, who, after hearing all the explanations I had to give of my journey, constantly returned with a malicious leer to the loss the country suffered by ignorance of the treasure which lay about in it, particularly under the glaciers, and which more knowing strangers, assisted, he insinuated, by mystic arts, could turn to an excellent profits: \ > On the Physical Geography of Norway. 161 ceiving the peculiarities of the configuration of a country is only to be acquired by practice ; and when acquired, it leads to skilful and interesting generalization. A general com- manding an army, a geologist exploring a district, and a fox- hunter pursuing his sport, each in their way acquire a facility analogous to that of the comparative anatomist just referred to, in apprehending the whole from a part, in predicting what will be the probable course of a mountain ridge, or of ariver which he has not yet seen, and in finding a practicable pas- Sage across an intricate and difficult country, by which even a native might be bewildered. Since then even the mere base or skeleton of a country possesses so much distinctive character, and offers so many subjects of interesting contrast and comparison, it is very obvious that the details of struc- ture, as well as of the various plants which embellish it, animals which live upon, as well as rational beings which people it, with their peculiarities of occupation, habits and dress, furnish an exhaustless field, in which the most restless curiosity may expatiate. But to explain all these sources of interest to the more ignorant class of peasantry is impos- sible, though here and there intelligent men may be found, even in the humblest class, and in all countries, who possess that spark of divine mind which only requires to be roused, and which sometimes unexpectedly responds to the well- meant effort of the traveller to enlighten him as to his occu- pations and interest. The only part of the physical geography of Norway of which I intend here to offer the slightest sketch, is what re- _ gards the distribution of perpetual snow and of glaciers, be- ing the objects of my chief observations recorded in the pre- ceding pages. A comparison in this respect with the Alps offers much interest, and though my contribution may be slight and inconsiderable, it will, I am persuaded, lead the way to systematic inquiry by those more favourably placed for pursuing it. Norway itself assuredly does not want for persons thoroughly qualified to obtain and make use of the information thus desired. _ The existence of perpetual snow, the elevation at which it begins above the sea level, and the formation of glaciérs VOL. LVI. NO. CXI.— JANUARY 1854. L 162 On the Physical Geography of Norway. depending for their origin and nutrition upon these snow- beds, are complicated phenomena, referable by analysis to a variety of causes or conditions. Of these, the most impor- tant are the configuration of the soil and the climate, which last is itself a complex and somewhat undefined fact. I shall, for greater distinctness, reduce my remarks to dif- ferent heads; and under some of these I shall endeavour to classify several of the facts incidentally referred to in the previous chapters. § 1. On the Configuration of Norway. As there are few parts of the world where snow lies in summer at the level of the sea, the existence of perpetual snow depends in Norway, as elsewhere, upon the greater or less elevation of the mountains. The general height of moun- tains in Scandinavia is inferior to that of the Alps, Andes, Caucasus, or Himalaya, and is therefore so far in accordance with the generally received opinion, that the elevation of the land diminishes from the equator towards either pole. The highest ground in Norway is 8500 feet above the sea level, in latitude 613°; but whilst the country is justly accounted a mountainous one, it is so rather in respect of its general elevation than from the conspicuousness of its isolated sum- mits. Sweden is comparatively low and tame; Norway de- fends it, like a huge breakwater, from the invasion of the North Sea, whose force is indeed still tremendous, but which, from the traces of former convulsions, would appear to have been the seat of powers still more energetic. The ragged outline of the coast, the depth of its inlets or fiords, the bold- ness of its headlands, the multitude of its islands, often al- most undistinguishable from the mainland, are facts fami- liarly known. ‘They seem to shew that the boundary of sea and land has been decided only after a prolonged struggle, and that great masses of the latter have gradually been un- dermined or abraded, so that a tolerably permanent condi- tion has only been obtained when, after the crumbling of lesser obstacles, the mountains themselves have become the buttresses of Scandinavia. On the Physical Geography of Norway. 163 The configuration of Norway may be conveniently con- sidered in two portions; the comparatively narrow district, extending from near Throndhjem to the North Cape, a dis- tance of above 600 English miles, and the more expanded part, 400 miles in its greatest dimension, from Throndhjem to the Naes of Norway. Throughout the former, the moun- tains cling, as it were, to the coast, and the boundary be- tween Sweden and Norway is only one-fourth of the breadth of the peninsula distant from the North Sea, which yet in- cludes all the more considerable elevations. South of the Syl-field (lat. 63°) the high ground occupies by far the greater part of the breadth of Norway in its widest extension, and fully half the breadth of the peninsula in the parallel of the Dovre-field. This is due chiefly to the expansion of the coast to the westward, where mountains of enduring crystalline rocks form that prodigious lobe of land dividing the North Sea form the Skagerack, which, bearing the whole brunt of forces which appear to have come from the north, not only defended the entire north of Europe from the shock, but probably furnished by their attrition the material of which the low grounds of the continent of Europe are mainly com- posed. In this general disposition of the mountainous masses of Norway we see a strong analogy to the west coasts of our islands, and likewise to those of North and South America. It appears almost certain that a common cause has devas- tated the western shores of nearly every continent. The forms of the Norwegian mountains have been very _ generally mistaken by geographers. They do not constitute either unbroken chains rising from the low grounds and form- ing a ridge, nor are they a series of distinct detached eleva- tions, but, in the southern division of the country especially, they form plateaux or table-lands of great. breadth, and generally more or less connected together, though occasion- ally separated by deep but always narrow valleys. In the description of the view from Sneehittan I have endeavoured to convey a clear idea of these wonderful expansions of moun- tains, often so level, that upon what may almost be called their summits, a coach and four might be driven along or across leg 164 On the Physical Geography of Norway. them for many many miles, did roads exist, and across which the eye wanders for immense distances, overlooking entirely the valleys, which are concealed by their narrowness, and in- terrupted only by undulations of ground, or by small moun- tains which rise here and there with comparatively little pic- turesque effect above the general level. These table-topped mountains are the Fields, or more pro- perly the Fjelds, of Norway, which, in their less interrupted or more elevated parts, have acquired specific names. They have been very erroneously supposed by map-makers to form a continued ridge serpentining through the country, though preserving a Bones parallelism to the coast, of which the chief (from north to south) are the Dovre-field, the Lange- field, the Sogne-field, the Fille-field, and the Hardanger- field. The error in question is easily traced to the usual method ° of constructing a map from rude and imperfect observations. The river-courses are first determined with a certain ac- euracy,* and from analogy (rather a precarious one, how- ever) with other countries, the origin of these is traced to a water-shed or ridge, assumed to be comparatively narrow, along which the chief summits are to be sought, and supposed to be extended merely by spurs or lateral ranges of small extent between the valleys. To such a theory the construc- tion of the common maps of Norway may be easily traced, and the tradition of this unbroken chain may be found in nearly every map. Thus, the general surface of the country is in reality com- posed of elevated and barren table-lands. The proportion of arable land (land which might be tilled), to the entire extent of Norway, is not, according to the competent authority of Professor Munch, more than 1 to 10; and if we exclude a few local enlargments of the plains near the capitals, it would not even exceed 1 to 100. By a rude estimation on Professor * The river-courses preserve a surprisingly exact parallelism on the south- eastern slope of the peninsula from the Skagerack to near the head of the Gulf of Bothnia. The direction of these lines of fissure is about 30° with the, meridian in Southern Norway, but above 40° in Lapland. In neither case, 4 probably, does it coincide with the direction of greatest declivity of the general surface of the continent. On the Physical Geography of Norway. 165 Kielhau’s map, I find that the portion of the surface of Nor- way; south of the Throndhjem-fiord, which exceeds 3000 feet above the sea, amounts to very nearly 40 per cent. of the whole; and when it is recollected that only one summit exceeds 8000 feet, and that the spaces exceeding 6000 are almost inappreciable on the map, it will be more clearly understood how completely the mountains have the charac- ter of table-lands, whose average height probably rather falls short of than exceeds 4000 feet.* _ The centre of gravity of the elevated country preserves a rough parallelism to the coast, although from the predigious indentations made by the larger fiords, the bases of the higher mountains are often washed by salt or at least brack- ish water. Of the outlying portions which approach nearest - to the sea, the most remarkable are the mountains of Justedal and the Folgefond, both of which are covered with perpetual snow, In the northern district of Scandinavia, where the theory of a ridge is in some respects less inaccurate than in the south, its insufficiency was clearly discovered by the difficulty or impossibility of defining the line of demarcation between Norway and Sweden by that of a continuous water-shed. Such a ridge, if it exist at all, must be held in some cases _to run up to the very coast of Norway, or even beyond it into the islands ; in other places it dies out altogether, and is resumed with a change of direction.| The present boundary between Norway and Sweden was defined by a joint com- mission of engineers in the middle of the last century, and is represented on nearly every.map as the exact direction of a slightly zigzag chain of mountains called the Kjélen or Keelen. This is assumed, in most maps, to be prolonged * These estimates refer to German or Rhenish feet, which ave about 3 per cent. longer than English. _ t Pontoppidan was not unaware of this, for he states, that in Finmark the Kelen ridge in many places breaks into large valleys, and consequently is not so continued as farther towards the south, and that it seldom reaches above four leagues i in a continued chain. (Wat. Hist. of Norway, i., 40.) The worthy Bishop of Bergen, though not unjustly accused of credulity, was igre: well read in the science of his time in several departments. | 166 On the Physical Geography of Norway. along the border of the two countries, considerably to the south-east of Throndhjem, and it was even long maintained that a mountain mass existed there of prodigious elevation, from which a great many rivers, particularly the Glommen, the Gota, and the Dal, take their rise. The height of this fabulous mountain was even assumed to be 12,000 feet. Tt is, however, only a slight and lower extension of the plateau of the Dovre-field beyond the deep valley of the Glommen, and its greatest height does not amount to 5000 feet. Perhaps, however, those Scandinavian geographers go too far who insist that the existence of the Kjélen is purely mythical, and that they must be “hunted and expelled” from our maps. The able researches of Wahlenberg, Keilhau, Vibe, and Munch, and the improved charts of the coast, have thrown the greatest light on the form of the country. The — contoured map of Keilhau, though, of course, in many places conjectural, gives us a tolerably accurate picture of the gene- ral relief; and though the Kjélen range be broken, sometimes almost annihilated, now pushed inland, and now bounding the very shore (as at Fondal, lat. 663°, and Lyngen, lat. 70°), it must, I think, be admitted, that it is worthy of being classed amongst mountain ranges.* It has not in the far north the peculiarly tabular form of the southern mountains, and is distinguished by many summits of noble forms, and a grandeur disproportioned to their absolute elevation, as the Seven Sisters, the Lofoddens, and the Peppertinderne. It attains its greatest elevation (I speak now of the northern division) at Sulitelma, in lat. 673°, being no less than 6200 English feet. Sulitelma is not an isolated mountain, but forms part of a wild and extensive group, first visited and clearly de- scribed by Wahlenberg, who justly characterizes it as the centre of the Alps of Lapland. It is true that there are at intervals passes across the Kjélen mountains, which are extremely low, such as the frequented road from Throndhjem to Sundsvall on the Baltic, * Wahlenberg, surely a most competent authority, continually speaks of the “alpium jugum” in describing the course of the mountains between Norway and Sweden. - On the Physical Geography of Norway. 167 the ascent of which is everywhere easy, and which attains a height of only 2000 feet above the sea. About lat. 64°:3, there appears to be a distinct depression in the chain, near the Namsen river. In lat. 68°:3, which is that of the Lofoddens, there is a pass across the peninsula by the lake of the Tornea Trask, which is elevated no more than 1300 French feet, whilst the well-known track from Alten to the head of the Gulf of Bothnia, by Kautokeino, does not exceed 864 French feet, according to Von Buch, and beyond this the mountaing never resume their continuity. A detached summit (Raste- kaise) reaches 2700 feet; the North Cape itself (on the island of Mageroe) attains little more than 900 feet. From this point eastwards the country becomes tame and level, nor do the northern parts of Russia or Siberia offer, probably, any considerable elevations, with the exception of the more de- pressed part of the chain of Oural. That the elevation of the Kjolen mountains is the result of forces exerted parallel to an ideal axis, is illustrated by the general uniformity of the declivity' on the side of Lapland, ) A measured skeleton triangulation only. ~(¢) As large as can be granted. (d@) Such as to admit of accurate admeasurement of the areas. No. in Se- ries. Register Date. Party replying. Rural Districts. Towns. . Number. =a ae p Draft. m Draft. ae graved. graved. 1853. Inches to a Mile. 10,845 | May 26 | Mr A. Smollet, M.P. : . | 24 12 120 60 10,888 | .... 27 | Colonel Hunter Blair, M.P. . | 24 6 120 60 10,888 |... ... | Com. of Supply, Ayrshire . | 24 6 120 60 10,889 |... ... | Lieut.-General Arbuthnot, M.P. 24 6 120 60 10,953 | ... 28 | Highland and Agricultural grees (a) (a) if a 10,996 | .... 80 | Mr J. E. Elliot; M.-P. 3 24 12 (6) 11,166 | .... 31 | Lord Wrottesley - | (24 to) 26%) 60 to 120) 11,326 | June 1 | Com. of Supply, Co. of Edinburgh 263 1 11,857 | .... 8 | Com. of Supply, Kincardine . | 2Cc 6 60 30 11,889 | ... ... | Duke of Devonshire ; ‘ 20 12 60 60 11,934 |... 9 | Com. of Supply, Peebles 24 12 120 60 11,953 |... ... | Sir G. G. Montgomery, Bart., M. P. 24 12 120 60 11,998 | ... 10 | Com. of Supply, Nairnshire . | 263 uy 120 1 12,189 | .... 13 | Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster . 24 12 120 60 12,190 | .... ... | Messrs Stevenson, Salt, nant dng 24 12 120 60 12,204 | .... ... | Mag. and Town- Council, Aberdeen | 24 6 120 60 12,237 | ... 14 | Lord Lovat ; 4 24 12 120 60 12,347 |... 16 | St Andrews University 24 12 120 60 12,611 | ... 20 | Board of Supervision for Relief of the Poor ; 263 1 120 60 12,962 | .... 24 | Lieut.-Col. Hon. L. Maule, M. Pi, 24 12 60 60 13,239 | ... 29 | The Earl of Rosse ? 20 } 60 60 13,3827 | .... 30 | Mr Walter Coulson, Q. om ..| 268 | 268 | 120 | 120 14,003 | July 7 | Marquis of Tweeddale_. . | 24 1 wee tee 14,418 | .... 14 | Hon. Charles Gore, Commissioner of Woods, &c. ; . | 262 8 60 60 15,252 | ... 25 | Sir David Brewster “ioe 6 120 60 15,312 | ... 26 | Mr E. H. J. Craufurd, M. Pi 3 24 6 120 60 15,449 | ... 27 | Mr James MacGregor, M.P. . | 20 1 60 20 15,554 | .... 29 | The Lord Advocate ‘ 24 12 120 120 15,801 | Aug. 1 | The Rev. Dr Dewar, Principal of Aberdeen University . 12 6 120 60 16,064 | .... 4 | Mr Thos. Huskinson, Estate-Agent 26% | 13} 120 60 16,338 | .... 9 | Mr A. Doull, Civil Engineer . | 24 24 120 | 120 16,497 |... 11.| Mr J. Macquorn Rankine, Civil Engineer, &c. . : . | 24 6 60d | 60d 16,809 | .... 16 | Mr Thomas Woollcombe 263 | 134 120 60 17,450 |... 23 | Mr Philip Park, Civil Engineer 24 6 120 60 17,401.) o>... >| Mr On Pitz Smyth, F.R.S.L. & E., &e. : 24 12 240 | 120e 17,622 Mr James J erwood . » | Lad | °US5. 3) RED 17,796 | .... 29 | Mr James Forsyth ° . | 24 12 120 60 17,815 | .. ... | Mr Lewis D. B. Gordon . | 24 12. 120 60 17,962 | .... ... | Mr Robert Dawson : th TORTS 0. nine ue? oft 18,128 | Sept. 2 | Mr R. B. Grantham . . | 24 12 120 60 18,268 | .... 3 | Colonel Stopford Blair . . | 24 6 120 60 | (a) “ Larger than 6 inches.” (b) “ Larger than 5 feet.” 174 Abstract of Replies to the Treasury Circular : Scale recommended. Treasury (c) Not less than 20 in low country and 6 in hill country. (d) “ 120 in special cases.” (e) “ 120 for first-class towns, 60 for second-class towns.” on the Ordnance Survey of Scotland. 175 * Scale recommended. | Bro. Treasury eer ri So. Register| Date. Party replying. Rural Districts. Towns. Array Draft. En- pan, | == a graved. graved. 1853. Inches to a Mile. }102 | 18,346 Pept 6 | Mr H. M‘Lauchlan : 5 24 12 120 60 103 | 18,403 7 | Mr James J. Beattie 3 ‘ 20 5 1053 524 1164 | 18, 546 | ... 10 | Mr J. R. Wright : a ge 12 120 60 ‘1105 18,568 ... ... | Mr J. H. Williams " . 24 12 120 60 106 | 18,647 | ... 12 | Mr W. Ranger, C.H. F ‘ 12 6 120 24 1107 | 18,775 |... 14 | Mr William Murton : : 24 4 +6 tp /108 | 18,854 |... 15 | Messrs Fox, Henderson, & Co. . | 26% | 134 | 240 | 120 109 | 19,264 | .... 22 | Mr Charles Osborn 2 3 24 12 120 60 110 | 19,325 | ... 23 | Viscount Dalrymple, M.P. Ps 20 12 60 ae 111 | 19,545 | ... 28 | Com. of Supply, Forfarshire vie a) 6 is es 112 | 19,712 ... 30 | MrG. W. Carrington. ‘ 24 12 96 48 113 | 20,265 | Oct. 10 | Mr J. W. Nicoll ; e 24 6 te Bae 114 | 20,513 | ... 14 | Mr W. E. Gaine P ; 24 12 120 120 115 |} 20,514; ... ... | Mr Lucius H. Spooner . ato 20 1 “0 es 116 |} 21,514 ... 28 | The General Board of Health . 24 |24&6 | 120 120 117 | 21,515 | ... ... | Mr John M‘Millan ‘ ‘ (d) (b) pg mS 118 | 22,233 | Nov. 5 The Statistical Society . - [0004 |-000016 | -0008 |-00008 (a) As large as will render it available and useful for plans of estates, railways, &c. (>) Large enough to give correct measurements of fields, &c., The following Table contains a Synopsis of the above. In the upper column is given the number of inches to a mile, as recommended to be drawn or engraved; and in the under column is given the number of replies in favour-of each sepa- rate scale. SUMMARY, For Rural Districts. ° DRAFT PLANS. Inches to Mile. 6 | 12 | 133] 20 | 24 | 252) 26 | 262} 40 Replies in favour of theabove| 30 | 8 DF nln dtd Ie kink by | 2a). 1 Scale. ee ee ee eee es ' Replies in favour of the above| 21 | 1 | 47 | 4 f (41) Yo |'2 5 Scale. - Note.—From the Replies of the Commissioners of Supply of the different, Counties, it appears that _ fourteen counties are in favour of having County Maps engraved on the Scale of 6 inches to a mile ; four in favour of 12 inches toa mile; and four in favour of 1 inch toa mile. No Replies appear to ve been received from the other counties. 176 Scientific Intelligence.—Mineralogy. For Towns. DRAFT PLANS, Inches to Mile. | 20 | 24 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 96 |1052) 120 | 182 | 240 | 264 SS | | S| | ee eee Replies in favour of the above| 1 4 oree2ag a G i I 65 | 1 - 2 Scale. ENGRAVED. | Inches | 1 | 6 | 10 | 12/ 20 | 24| 30 | 40 | 48 | 52¢] 60 ‘adieu to Mile. Re- plies in favour DE ths | eel Aue above Scale. 2S ea eT Lo es NV.B.—Fifteen have not mentioned the Scale, but it appears from the notes appended, that they are all in favour of a larger Scale than the Six-Inch. Note.—Replies received from four County Towns, three in favour of the 6-inch Scale and one in favour of the l-inch Scale. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. MINERALOGY. 1. On the Formation of Crystallized Minerals. By Aug. Frever- mann, (Annalen der Chemie, 1858, vol. lxxxviii., p. 120.)—A se- ries of experiments with which I have been lately engaged seem to throw some light on the formation of crystallized minerals from aqueous solutions. I started upon a conviction that crystals found in geodes could have been formed neither by evaporation nor by re- frigeration of saturated solutions, and I think I have suceeded in dis- covering the mode of formation of such minerals. The method is ‘equally applicable to very soluble or slightly soluble bodies, and admits of an infinite variety of modifications in its mechanism. Its principle is nothing else than a gradual alteration of the affinity of the solvent to the dissolved body, so that the precipitation occurs very slowly. ‘The gradual change of chemical force is obtained by the diffusion of one liquid into another, such as in mixing produce a solid precipitate. ‘The arrangement of the apparatus is the same as in Graham’s experiments. Powdered chromate of potash was placed in the bottom of a long glass cylinder, and powdered nitrate of lead in the bottom of another; both were then filled with water, | Scientific Intelligence.—Mineralogy. 177 and placed in a large beaker-glass, which contained water enough to cover the two cylinders. In a few months the nitrate of lead had diffused out into the beaker-glass, and formed several beautiful amor- phous compounds on the edge of the cylinder in which the chromate had been placed. In the interior of the cylinder, beautiful pink, highly refractive needles of Rothbleierz (PbO, CrO,) were depo- sited, also little dark-red rhombic plates of Melanochroit (3 Pb O, 2CrO,). The needles of neutral chromate found in this manner attained to three or four millimetres, and then fell to the bottom of the cylinder, where the conditions of their development were want- ing. Had it not been for this circumstance, they would, no doubt, in three or four months, have got to half an inch, or even more. Some crystals of Weissbleierz (Pb O, CO,) formed in the same vessel, owing, no doubt, to the circumstance that the chromate con- tained some carbonate of potash. Ina similar manner I obtained erystals of cale-spar, also rhombic plates of 2 CaO, HO, PO, + 4 HO, and some shining needles, which I believe to be 3 CaQ, PO,. As this method is perfectly general in its principle, and proves applicable to such compounds as carbonate and chromate of lead, we may safely affirm, that the insolubility of a compound will no longer prevent its being prepared in a crystalline form. It appeared in these experiments, as if the great length of time which elapsed before the crystals formed, was owing to the salts not diffusing out rapidly enough; I therefore modified the form of experiment by placing a vessel full of dry salt inside a large vessel, containing a solution just sufficient in quantity to cover the inner vessel. A large precipitate formed on the undissolved salt, and in a few days little crystals were perceptible in the amorphous mass, which continued to grow as long as the materials lasted. In this way I hope to obtain good-sized crystals of heavy-spar, calc-spar, sulphate of lead (Schwerbleierz), pyromorphite (3 (Pb O, PO,) + Pb Cl), apatite, &c. By diffusion of a solution of silicate of potash into one of aluminate of potash, I hope to obtain felspar. The crystallization of very soluble compounds may be accomplished by a similar process. Thus, if a solution of sulphate of iron in a beaker-glass is covered with a thin stratum of water, and alcohol gently poured on the top of that, a good and rapid crys- tallization is obtained. It is probable that in like manner crystals may be prepared from an acid, an alkaline, an alcoholic, or an ethereal solution ; and that the separation of two bodies by alteration of the solvent, so often employed in organic chemistry, may thus be com- bined with a separation by means of crystallization. The above-mentioned crystals were identified with the minerals, without the aid of chemical analysis; but as in each experiment the number of possible results was limited, and as the crystals agreed in their general chemical deportment and in their physical properties, as well as in their mode of aggregation and geometrical forms, with the minerals named, chemical analysis could hardly have increased VOL. LVI. NO. CXI.— JANUARY 1854. M 178 Scientific Intelligence.— Geology. the certainty of my conclusions. (Quarterly Journal of the Geolo- - gical Society, vol. ix., No. 36.) 2. Artificial Production of Diamond Powder.—Some consider- able sensation has been produced in the scientific circles of Paris, by the announcement of the artificial formation of diamond powder. M. Despretz has made two communications to the Académie des Seiences upon carbon. In these, he states, that placing at one, the inferior, pole of a voltaic battery, a cylinder of pure charcoal (its purity being secured by preparing it from crystallized white sugar-candy), and at the superior pole a bundle of fine platinum wires, so arranged that. the charcoal was in the red portion of the electric arc, and the plati- num in the violet; he found the carbon volatilized, and collected on the platinum wires in a changed state. In these experiments, the current has been continued during a month in activity, and the powder collected on the wires has been found to be sufficiently hard to polish rubies with great rapidity, and when burnt, it left no residue. M. Despretz asks himself, Have I obtained crystals of carbon which I can separate and weigh, in which I can determine the index of re- fraction and the angle of polarization, without doubt? No. I have simply produced by the electric are, and by weak voltaic currents, carbon crystallized in black octohedrons, in colourless and trans- lucent octohedrons, in plates also colourless and translucent, which possess the hardness of the powder of the diamond, and which dis- appear in combustion without any sensible residue. A similar result has been obtained by decomposing a mixture of ehloride of ear- bon and alcohol, by weak galvanic currents. The black powder de- posited, was found to possess equal hardness with that which was sublimed, and rubies were readily polished by it. A few years since, graphite and coke were formed from diamonds. We now appear to be advancing towards the conversion of graphite and coke into dia- monds.—( Atheneum, No 1355.) GEOLOGY. 3. Useof Salt among the Natives in Namaqua Land, South Africa.—The Namaquas occasionally use salt, but they set no store upon it. There is no doubt, that people who live on meat and milk would require salt much less than those who live on vegetables ; but half the Damaras subsist simply on pig-nuts,—the most worthless and indigestible of food, and requiring to be eaten in excessive quan- tities to afford enough nourishment to support life. The Hottentots of Walfisch Bay, who live almost entirely on the nara gourd, and who have the sea on one side, and salt springs in front of them, hardly even take the trouble to collect salt, which they certainly would do if they felt that craving for it which distresses many — Europeans. The last fact that I have to mention with reference to salt, is that the game in the Swa Kop, do not frequent the salt rocks Scientific Intelligence.—Meteorology. 179 to lick them, as they do in America.—(Galton on Tropical South ‘ Africa, p. 183.) | METEOROLOGY. _ 4, Some observations desirable to be made with reference to the Glaciers of Norway. I briefly refer to a few of the many observations desirable to be made with reference to the Glaciers of Norway, which may be recom- mended to future travellers :— 1. To ascertain whether unquestionable and well-defined snow- fields occur north of lat. 60°; the level of the snow-line, and the period of the year at which it retreats highest. 2. To examine the glaciers on the west slope of the Justedal mountains, and at the head of Sogndal and Veitestrandswand, and to trace to their origin the remarkable granite boulders which seem to be derived from thence (p. 155). _ 3. To select amongst the glaciers of the Justedal range one or more suitable for careful observations of progression, both during the height of summer, and from year to year. The Lodals glacier is probably one of the best. 4, To ascertain carefully the snow-line of the Folgefond and in Nordfiord (between Justedal and the sea). 5. To visit and describe the glaciers of the Ymesfield, &c. 6. To explore the country to the north and north-west of Snee- hattan on the Dovrefield; to observe its geology, and ascertain the level and extent of its snow-fields. 7. Generally, in the preceding excursions, to notice the occur- rence of grooved and polished rocks, and the direction by compass of the strize, especially on level places, not in the declivities of valleys. The attempt to trace generally the boulders to their origin, could only be attempted by persons familiarly conversant with the intricate and obscure geology of Norway. But moraines should be watched for and sketched. That of Vasbotten, near Stavanger, mentioned by Esmark, would be worthy of a visit. 8. In Nordland, and the higher north, the traveller may explore the Borgefield, between the Namsen and Vefsen, rivers frequented for their fishing by numerous tourists. 9. The glaciers and snow-fields of Fondal (lat. 66°, 67°) would _ unquestionably repay a week or a fortnight’s research. From the steamboat station of Rodd, the Melsfiord, Holandsfiord, and Gloms- fiord, might be easily visited, of which the two first at least con- tain glaciers at a very low level. The mountains of Fondal are in a great measure detached from the interior chain, and it is probable that the explorer might return from Gilleskaal, beyond Cape Kun- nen, by the landward side, to the head of the Ranenfiord (lat. 66° _ 10’), and rejoin the steamer. | - 10. The promontory of Lyngen, with its numerous glaciers, 180 Seientific Intelligence.—Meteorology. might be made the object of an excursion from Tromsd, with tlie aid of the steamer. 11. A detailed examination of the Bergsfiord, Jékulsfiord, and Qvenanger range, has been already recommended (p. 84). 12. Every opportunity should be taken to ascertain the direction of the abrading and smoothing agency, which has left such extra- ordinary traces along the coast, between the Throndhjem-fiord and — the Lofoddens ; and in general it should be sought to observe how far the strie correspond or not in direction with the general declivity of the ground, or whether they are in any case extensively parallel with the coast. 13. The limits of vegetation of the birch and the snow-line should be observed wherever practicable; but with regard to the latter, the great difficulty of ascertaining the extreme limit of recession of the snow should be borne in mind, and the time of year, the character of the season, and the exposure, should be particularly noticed. 14. The meteorology of Norway is in a state which is not credit- able to the acknowledged intelligence of the people, and the emi- nence of its scientific men. I know of but two places, Christiania and Kaafiord, (separated by 10° of latitude) of which the mean tem- perature is known with any accuracy. This is lamentable in a country whose climate is one of the most interesting in Europe. The means of remedying it seem easy. Let observations, in the first instance, be confined to the thermometer. It is impossible to doubt that a net-work of say fifty stations, might be quickly established over the entire country. The intelligent officers of the Royal Marine and Trigonometrical Survey ; the clergy (who have almost all had a university education); the masters of schools and academies,—like my well-informed friend, M. Blom, at Troms6; the active magis- trates and civil officers ; even the station-holders and substantial mer- chants on the anna bee routes, would probably, in many instances, lend a cheerful aid to so simple and interesting an inquiry ; whilst the combination of the results could not be placed in better hands than those of the Professors of Christiania.—(Norway and its Gla- ciers, by Professor James Forbes, p. 245.) 5. Theory of the Pile and the Aurora Borealis.—M. de la Rive, the celebrated physicist of Geneva, has presented to the Academy the first volume ofa treatise on Theoretical and Applied Electricity, which he has published in London, and of which he is now preparing an edition in French. In explaining the plan of his work, M. de la Rive dwelt more especially on the theory of the pile. He has always been a defender of the chemical theory ; but, while acknowledging the influence of chemical action, he now recognizes, that we cannot always admit that chemical action precedes the production of elec- — tricity, and he is led to consider the two phenomena as commonly simultaneous, and due to a more general cause, viz., molecular polar- Scientific Intelligence.— Meteorology. 181 ization, which is established at the moment of contact of two bodies susceptible of acting chemically on one another. M. de la Rive also expresses his opinion on the cause of the aurora, which he explains, not by a radiation of the polar magnetism, but by a purely electri- cal action. After examining nearly all recent observations, he be- lieves that he may attribute this phenomenon to the electricity with which the currents of air are charged, that rise from the equatorial regions, and travel in the upper atmosphere towards the poles, where they combine with the negative electricity of the earth, forming, under the influence of the magnetic pole, true luminous arches.— (American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xvi. No. 47, 2d Series, p. 274.) 6. *‘ Piroréco”’ or Bore that occurs in the Guamd River at Spring Tides.—About thirty miles above Para the piroréco com- mences. There was formerly an island in the river at this point, but it is said to have been completely washed away by the continual action of the bore, which, after passing this place, we rather expected to see, now being the time of the highest tides, though at this season (May) they are not generally high enough to produce it with any force. It came, however, with a sudden rush, a wave travelling rapidly up the stream, and breaking in foam all along the shore and on the shallows. It lifted our canoe, just as a great rolling ocean- wave would do, but, being deep water, did no harm, and was past in an instant, the tide then continuing to flow up with great velocity. The highest tide was now past, so at the next we had no wave ; but the flood began running up instantaneously, and not gradually, as is generally the case. On our way down, I again encoun- tered the “ piroréco,” when I hardly expected it. We had gone in-shore at a sugar estate, to wait for the tide, when the agent told us we had better put out further into the stream as the piro- réco beat there. Though thinking he only wished to frighten us, we judged it prudent to do as he advised ; and, while we were expect- ing the tide to turn, a great wave came suddenly rushing along, and breaking on the place where our canoe had been at first moored. The wave having passed, the water was as quiet as before, but flowing up with great rapidity. As we proceeded down the river we saw everywhere signs of its devastations in the uprooted trees which lined the shores all along, and the high mud banks where the earth had been washed away. In winter, when the spring tides are highest, the ‘‘ piroréco’’ breaks with terrific force, and often sinks and dashes to pieces boats left incautiously in too shallow wa- ter. The ordinary explanations given of this phenomenon are evi- dently incorrect. Here there is no meeting of salt and fresh water, neither is the stream remarkably narrowed where it commences. I collected all the information I could respecting the depth of the river, and the shoals that occur in it. Where the bore first appears there is a shoal across the river, and below that the stream is some- 182 Scientific Intelligence.—Meteorology. what contracted. The tide flows up past Para with great velocity, and entering the Guam river comes to the narrow part of the chan- nel, Here the body of tidal water will be deeper and flow faster, and coming suddenly on to the shoal will form a wave, in the same manner that in a swift brook a large stone at the bottom will cause an un- dulation, while a slow flowing stream will keep its smooth surface. This wave will be of great size, and, as there is a large body of wa- ter in motion will be propagated onwards unbroken. Wherever there are shallows, either in the bed or on the margin of the river, it will break, or as it passes over slight shoals will be increased, and as the river narrows will go on with greater rapidity, When the tides are low they rise less rapidly, and at the commencement a much less body of water is put in motion; the depth of the moving water is less, and does not come in contact with the bottom in passing over the shoal, and so no wave is formed. It is only when the body of water in motion as the tide first flows in is of sufficient depth, that it comes in contact with the shoal, and is, as it were, lifted up by it, forming a great rolling wave. It appears, therefore, that there must exist some peculiar formation of the bottom, and not merely a narrow- ing and widening in a tidal river to produce a bore, otherwise it would occur more frequently than it does.—( Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, by Alfred R. Wallace, p. 114.) 7. Mirage of South Africa.—We were surrounded by a mirage of the most remarkable intensity,—objects 200 yards off were ut- terly without definition ; a crow, or a bit of black wood, would look as lofty as the trunk of a tree,—pelicans were exaggerated to the size of ships with the studding sails set, and the whole ground was wavy and seething, as though seen through the draught of a furnace. This was in August, the month in which mirage is most remarkable here ; it is excessive at all times, and has been remarked by every one who has seen the place. A year and a half later [ tried on two occasions to map the outline of the bay, which was then com- paratively clear, but still the mirage quite prevented me ; an object which I took as a mark from one point being altogether undistin- guishable when I had moved to my next station.—(The Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa, by Francis Galton, p- 16.) 8. Majestic Cloud seen from the Jungfrau.—It was four o’clock when we reached the summit of the Jungfrau, and we staid half an hour. The view to the east was generally clear. The Finsteraar and Schreckhorn, the glacier of Aletsch, the Monch and Eigher,— and we got a glimpse of the bottom of the valley of Grindelwald. The view to the west was in one respect scarcely less remarkable, for there a magnificient cumulous-headed cloud stood in wonder- ful majesty, reaching apparently from the valley to at least 2000 feet above us. It was a glorious sight, a single cloud at least 10,000 feet high.—(Norway and its Glaciers, by Prof. James Forbes.) _ le i De Scientific Intelligence—Hydrography—Zoology. 183 HYDROGRAPHY. 10. A new method for taking Deep Sea Soundings.—Hitherto a continuous series of soundings in deep water has been rendered dif- ficult by the fact of each sounding costing the ship a fresh line ; however strongly the line was made, when once out it has never been recovered. The Americans have invented a mode by which the weight on touching the bottom is detached; so that the line may be drawn back with ease.—The following is an account of this ingenious contrivance :—‘“ A hole is drilled through a 64 1b. or heavier shot, sufficiently large to admit a rod of about three quar- ters of an inch in diameter. This rod is about 12 or 14 inches in length, and with the exception of about 14 inch at the bottom, per- fectly solid. At the top of the rod are two arms extending one from each side; these arms being upon easily-acting hinges, are capable of being raised or lowered with very little power. A small branch extends from the outside of each of them, which is for the purpose of holding, by means of rings, a piece of wire by which the ball is swung to the rod. A piece of rope is then attached by each end to the arms, to which again is joined the sounding line. The ball is then lowered into the water, and upon reaching the bottom, -the strain upon the line ceases, and the arms fall down, allowing the ball to detach itself entirely from the rod, which is then easily drawn in,—the drilled portion of which is discovered to be filled with a specimen of that which it has come in contact with at the bottom.” With this apparatus, aided by the host of assistants whom Lieut. Maury’s visit to Europe will doubtless bring to the great work of exploration, the ocean bed may become in time as well known to us as the bed of the Thames or that of Hudson.— (Atheneum.) ZOOLOGY. 11. The Committee appointed at the Meeting of the American Philosophical Society on the 30th of February last, to examine and report upon a collection of fine Wools, presented i the King of Saxony to Peter A. Browne, Esq., of this city :-— Report, That they have attended to the duty imposed upon them by their appointment, and have received, from the kind politeness of Mr Browne, much aid and information in relation to the subjects of their inquiries. It is already known to the Society that the attention of this gentleman has been for some time directed to the minute and critical investigation of hair and wool, and that by means of assi- duous microscopic and micrometric examination of these bodies he has been enable to arrived at results, some of which appear to have been before unknown, and others, if known, very little noticed. Among these, he claims the following ; — That he was the first to point out the exact difference between hair 184 Scientific Intelligence.—Zoology. and wool ; and that he originated the division of sheep into two spe- cies, viz. the hairy and the woolly. That by the application of the well-known laws of hybridism, he was the first to shew that by crossing these two species, a self-sup- plying, permanent race of animals cannot be produced. That he was the first to demonstrate, by actual measurement, that as fine wool can be grown in the United States as in any country in the world. From the results of his examination of a great number of speci- mens of wool from various parts of this country, he claims to have discovered that by drawing a diagonal line across the United States, corresponding somewhat with the line of tidewater, one may point out the respective districts where the woolly and the hairy sheep may, and may not, be bred with success. The Committee proposed not to enter into a critical investigation of the theories of Mr Browne, in relation to hair and wool; but from the laborious and earnest attention which he has given to the subject, they are inclined to regard his opinions and conclusions as being well worthy of considerate attention from the naturalist, the agriculturist, and the manufacturer of fabrics in which wool forms an entire or a component part. If, as he asserts, the hairy and the woolly sheep are of different species, and that by their breeding together a degene- rate race is produced, yielding a mixed fleece of hair and wool, and inferior in other respects ; it is surely important that the fact should be known, and claim serious attention wherever sheep are bred, that the two varieties or races may be kept separate, as appears to be the case in the best sheep-folds in Saxony. The collection of wools presented by the King of Saxony to Mr Browne, consists of upwards of six hundred specimens, very neatly put up and labelled, embracing varieties from the principal districts in that country where the growing of wool is pursued as a branch of agricultural economy. These specimens exhibit the quality of wool taken from different parts of the same animal, as well as the va- rieties from the different breeds of sheep, and the various districts in which they are produced. In relation to this collection of Saxony wools, and illustrative of the subject of sheep-breeding and, wool- -growing, Mr Browne has favoured the Committee with a communication, whichis appended to this report. Cuas. B. ianeiverc | A, L., Exwyny G,. M., Justice, To Charles B. Trego, Alfred L. Elwyn, and George M. Justice, Esquires, Committee of the American’ Philosophical Society, ap- pointed to examine the Wools presented by His Majesty the King of Saxony to Peter A. Browne, of Philadelphia.—Gentlemen, the kingdom of Saxony-is:divided into four circuits and fourteen’ doubltios: Scientific Intelligence.—Zoology. 185 and. the specimens I now exhibit to you (numbering 628) represent the animals belonging to the principal stock sheep-folds in all the circuits, and in nearly all the counties; so that the cabinet may be considered as presenting a fair view of the existing state of sheep- husbandry in Saxony. Saxony is the smallest kingdom in Europe ; containing, according to some writers, 5300, and according to others, 5640 square miles ; having, for its area, about one-eighth that of Pennsylvania, and about one-eleventh that of Virginia, yet it is said to maintain 25,000,000 sheep. They export annually an immense quantity of wool, and their own manufactories of that article employ 25,000 people. To be perfectly satisfied that their sheep are of a very superior kind, and that their wool is of the finest sort, you have only to ex- amine these specimens, and compare them with the samples of fine wools brought by Mr Fleishman, from most parts of Europe, at the instance of the Federal Government. How did Saxony become possessed of this inestimable treasure ? _ According to the celebrated agriculturist, M. Thaér, Germany, before the introduction of the merinos, had three varieties of sheep ; neither of which were held in high estimation. In 1765, Augustus Frederick, then Elector of Saxony, procured from Spain, 200 merinos, which he placed at Stolpgen, in the county of Hayn, and circuit of Dresden. Against this innovation, popular prejudice at first ran high, but it gradually subsided with the progress of experiment ; and, in 1777, so much had these sheep risen in public estimation, that the elector determined to import 300 more. The agent sent to Spain could procure only 110, and of these many died during and soon after the transportation; but they, like those previously ob- tained, were selected from the best Spanish flocks; and then com- menced the celebrated establishments of Rennersdorf, in the county and circuit of Bautzon and of Lochmule, in the county of Nieder- forchheim, in the circuit of Zwickau. It was upon this compara- tively slender foundation that the art of sheep-breeding was erected in Saxony. But it could never have attained its present great cele- brity, but for the rigid observance of the rule, in breeding, to keep these merinos entirely separate from all other sheep ; their blood was, by this means, preserved pure ; no mixture of them with either . of the pre-existing races being allowed, on any pretence whatever. And to this day, ‘the Saxon shoep-breeder will not permit one to — lose sight of this important fact; in proof of which I cali your at- tention to this clause in the letter of Mr V. Kirchen, the farmer of the stock sheep-fold of the Duke of Parma, in the SonErY of Dres- den, called ‘‘ Weistropp,’’ which accompanies these 16 beautiful specimens,—“ These sheep are the drecendants of the original im- portation from Spain of 1778.” __ J consider this collection of specimens of Saxony wool.as a apie cal illustration of my theory of sheep-breeding and fine wool- “grow- _ VOL, LVI. NO. CXI.— JANUARY 1854. ey N 186 Scientific Intelligence.=Zoology. ing, verifying the rule which I laid down, long before I saw these specimens, that to insure a pure and perfect breed of fine-woolled sheep, it is absolutely necessary to preserve the two species of these animals entirely separate, and not to mix the merinos with the common sheep of the country, as is too often done in the United States. If any American sheep-breeder still entertains a latent doubt as to the soundness of this rule, he is invited to inspect this collection, to have passed, separately, in review, the specimens from the various sheepfolds, aud particularly to notice that this is not a collection of picked locks, from those parts of the animal where the wool is usually the finest ; but that in order to afford the greatest facility of judging of the sheep from the wool, samples are given from all parts of the body, the shoulders, the withers, the back, from under the belly, the tail, and the legs: let these be carefully examined, and they will be found to be all wool; not a hair to be found upon those parts of the sheep where the impure race commence shewing hair. I consider this uniformity and entirety of fibre as an unerring test of purity of blood ; and therefore cannot but regard Saxony as an example, upon a large seale, and worthy of being followed, of the perfection of sheep-husbandry. It will be recollected that I have heretofore shewn, by actual ad- measurements with the microscope and micrometer, that as fine wool can be produced in the United States as in any part of the world; there is therefore no deficiency in climate or soil; all that the American agriculturist requires is to procure a pure breed, and to preserve them uncontaminated by spuriouscrossings. To obtain the former, I proffer free inspection of my cabinet, where there will be found samples of all the varieties, with references to the sheepfold from which they can be supplied, and even the number of the sheep whose wool is there exposed to view. In connection with this part of the exposé, I ask particular atten- tion to this suite of specimens from the Manor of Obermylaw, near Rechenbach. It will be recollected that the principal objection to the Saxo-merino sheep has heretofore been, that the staple is short, and consequently that the clip must be light; but these specimens, while they exhibit the maximum fineness, have a staple so long as to obviate entirely this objection. This variety of Saxon. wool has not, so far as I know and believe, been before brought to this country, nor have the sheep from which it was taken, made their appearance in the United States; but it must be borne in mind, that as they are only a variety of the merino, the American planter and: farmer may, by proper care and attention, produce it here, or he may im- port these very sheep, and by due management preserve the integrity of their fleece. Upon the whole, therefore, I submit to you, gentlemen, that re Majesty the King of Saxony has conferred a singular favour upon Scientific Intelligence.—Botany. 187 the United States, in sending hither these specimens, and that he is ‘entitled-to the thanks of all good citizens who take an interest in this important branch of industry. I am, &c. vy P. A. Brown. BOTANY. 15. Microscopical Description of the Protococcus nivalis from ‘the Arctic Regions, by M. Justice—The perfect type of the Pro. ‘tococcus nivalis, is a globular cyst, varying in size from the ‘goth of an inch to the y 55th of an inch in diameter ; each cell or ayst having an opening, whose smallest diameter measures only the Description of the Anaoteatua, or Cave of the Spirit. 273 tlement of Rotomarama,’on the path leading to Raraoraro, It is situated at the bottom of a hill, in a stratified rock, the entrance to which is 25 feet high, and 18 feet broad, of an oval form, and in appearance something like the gateway of an old castle. A thick foliage of shrubs conceals the entrance, and a dark green creeper adheres to the limestone rock, and covers the opening. The cave extends in a tor- tuous direction underneath the hill for upwards of a mile, and consists of several different passages.. We reached the end of one of these passages after having traversed along for half a mile, according to measurement; but the largest we left unexplored. From the top and sides of the cave there are numerous stalactites—some of them six feet long, and composed of transparent calcareous spar, while others had a red tint. In that part of the cave which we explored there were three openings in the roof, at different places, of from ten to fifteen feet each in circumference, through which light was seen streaming in, one hundred and fifty feet above the head. Immediately below these openings there were heaps of wood and debris washed down from the sur- face ; but these openings did not throw much light into the cave, so that even during the day the cavern was perfectly dark. There are numerous spacious chambers, picturesque galleries, grottoes, and cells, in different parts of the cave. The height of the roof is fifty feet in some parts, and in other places not more than ten feet; the breadth varies from twelve to forty feet. I saw no living creature in the interior of this cave but a few glow-worms, which adhered to a high dome-shaped part of the roof, and presented the appearance of the starry firmament.’ The floor of the cave is made up of different materials ; parts are composed of calc-spar, parts are covered with a thick crust of soft limestone depo- sited from the overcharged water ; and there are many large masses of limestone which have fallen from the roof. There are also large pools of stagnant water in some parts of the cave, and a subterraneous stream of water runs through a certain portion of the cave, and then disappears under the rock. There was no opening at the other extremity of the cave opposite the entrance, but there was an opening at the end of one of the passages; which was almost blocked up 274 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. with earth, and the water in the cave had a sweet taste. There was no evidence of art about this cave, but I saw large pieces of charred wood on the floor, which I found, on inquiry, was burned three years before, when the natives ob- tained some of the Moa’s bones, which they sold to us at Parianiwaniwa. The cave appears to have been formed by a fissure in the rock, the erosion of water, and by the falling down of the sides and roof. No plants were seen growing in the cave, and no shells were found; the air was good, although colder than the external atmosphere. The Moa’s bones which were procured from this cave were found, some under the sand, some in crevices and corners, and some under the limestone floor. They were broken, and shewed evidence of having been rolled; but we were after- wards told (when they refused to let us visit the cave again) that bones are to be found in the farthest extremity of the cave, under sand and soft limestone, and that the natives had obtained many bones here some years ago, which were burned because they saw no use of them. Among them was the pelvis and spinal column all adhering; several of the bones we got were covered with a crust of limestone, In a crevice of the cave, in one of the galleries, slightly covered with sparry limestone, we picked up a most perfect skull and a few bones. This skull is unknown to me. It differs from all the Moa’s skulls that I have seen, although I think it belongs to the genus Dinornis. I shewed it to Governor Grey, who informed me that he could not say what bird it was the skull of. I have transmitted it, therefore, with this paper, for examination.* I have already mentioned in the narrative, that we were unable to visit this cave a second time, to prosecute our researches ; but I have little doubt, if this were properly gone about, many bones would be found there; for perhaps the Moas resorted to this cave as a place of refuge. All the bones that we got here had been evidently washed from the interior of the cave, or into the cave by water. Before the introduction of Christianity, this cave—* the cave of the Spirit of God ”—was held in the greatest terror SS * This skull is in the possession of James Thomson, Esq. of Glendowan, 37 — Moray Place, Edinburgh. a) ie The Discovery of the Moa Bones. 275 by all New Zealanders. The love of money made some Christian natives conquer their fears, and enter the cave three years ago to look for Moas’ bones ; but the examina- tion was apparently made in a very hasty and imperfect manner. It was in such gigantic caves as this, that the richest harvest of fossil and sub-fossil bones have been found in Europe, South America, and Australia. History of the Discovery of the Bones of the Moa, and the Characters of the Genus Dinornis.—In the late Sir Ro- bert Peel’s gallery of ‘modern worthies ” at Drayton Manor, there hangs a portrait of Professor Richard Owen, and in his hand is depicted the tibia of a Moa. This is a just and ap- propriate connection ; for to the original mind of Mr Owen the world is indebted for the first hint of the existence of this gigantic bird. The discovery was made in this manner. In 1839 a Mr Rule lent Professor Owen a part of the thigh- bone of a Moa, which had been obtained in New Zealand, and from this single fragment he drew up a wonderfully cor- rect notice of the bird. This memoir was sent out to New Zealand, and distributed among some of the missionaries. In the Tasmanian Journal* for 1843, there appeared a very excellent account, by the Rev. Mr Colenso, of some Moa’s bones which he had obtained in New Zealand; but I was struck, on reading this paper, to find no mention made of Mr Owen’s memoir, which was entitled ‘‘ Notice of a Fragment of the Femur of a gigantic Bird in New Zealand.” Since then Professor Owen has contributed, in several papers, observations on the Moa, which papers were founded on the collections of bones sent to England by Archdeacon W. Williams, Dr Mackellar, Mr Percy Earl], Colonel Wakefield, Mr Walter Mantell, and others. It is worthy of mention in this place, that not the least curious object in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London is the skeleton of this feathered giant, built up from some of these materials by Mr Owen. The Moa belongs to the Struthious order of birds, a family * This journal was originated and supported by Sir John Franklin, when Governor of Van Diemen’s Land. 276 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves in New Zealand. distinguished by having very short or rudimentary. wings and massive legs. In their habits they are strictly terres- trial; and this will be at once comprehended, when I men- tion that in this order we find the Ostrich, the Cassowary, the Rhea, the Emu, the Apteryx, and perhaps the Dodo. Bones of five different species of Moas have been found in New Zealand. The scientific term Dinornis is applied as a general term to the whole of them; and we have the Di- nornis robustus, Dinornis struthioides, Dinornis dromioides Dinornis curtus, and Dinornis didiformis. But there are found in New Zealand, side by side with the large Moa’s bones, the bones of other birds nearly allied to the Moa, although of less magnitude. The New Zealanders call them all Moas’ bones; but naturalists denominate the largest as the bones of the Palaptyrix, the next as the Aptornis, of which there are two species, and the smallest bones are called the Notornis; and those who are curious about the dis- tinguishing features of each, I beg to refer to Mr Qwen’s papers. A specimen of the last species of these birds was eaught alive in a remote, unfrequented part of the south island of New Zealand, in 1850, by some sealers, and kept alive for several days, and afterwards killed and eaten ; but, fortunately, the skin of this interesting bird, the link between the living and the dead, the last perhaps of a race coeval with the gigantic Moas, was preserved from destruction by Mr Walter Mantell, commissioner of Crown Lands, Welling- ton; and facing the title-page of Dr Mantell’s beautiful work on “ Petrifactions and their Teachings,” there is an engraving of this bird, now denominated with great justice and propriety Notornis Mantelli. The largest species of Moa—Dinornis robustus—is sup- posed to have stood ten feet six inches in height; but I think this is under the mark, for I saw the complete leg of a Moa put together (in a magnificent collection of bones in the possession of Sir George Grey, which were unfortunately destroyed in the conflagration of Government House in 1848), and the head of the femur or thigh bone was six feet from the ground. As the ostrich is seven feet high, and as the head of its femur is about half the height of the bird, Ido not think (knowing that the legs of the ostrich are | se ae aS te re (ee ae ee Different Localities of the Moa Caves. 277 reckoned to be proportionally longer for its height than those of the Moa) Iam wrong in concluding that the Moa, ‘whose ‘inferior extremity I saw put together, must have stood, when alive, about thirteen or fourteen feet high. The ~Moas were unable to fly, as their rudimentary wings were incapable of raising them from the ground, and the only bone that I have seen which I took for the humerus was sent to Professor Owen, and it was but a small one. The Moa had three toes on each foot, and some New Zealanders describe the domestic cock as being a perfect picture in miniature of that bird. The feathers of the Moa are de- scribed as having been most beautiful, which would lead us to infer that they were of various colours, for Maoris are all fond of gaudy colours ; the bones of the legs of the Moa were filled with marrow, and not with air like other birds; portions of the eggs of the bird have been found among their bones, of a sufficient size to afford a chord to estimate the probable size of an entire shell, and the conclusion is, that a hat would have been a proper-sized egg-cup for a Moa’s egg. Places on New-Zealand where Moas’ bones have been found. *—In the middle island Moas’ bones were found by Percy Earl, Esq., at a place called Wazikouaiti, seventeen miles north of Otago,* ina swamp which is almost submerged under the sea, and only visible at low water. Mr Walter Mantell conceives it to have been originally a swamp or morass, in which flax (Phormium tenax) once grew luxuri- antly. Some ofthe largest bones and finest specimens have been obtained from this part of the country. In the north island, Moas’ bones have been found in the beds of rivers, running from mountain regions of the interior into Hawk’s and Poverty Bays; the collection of bones sent to England in 1842 by Archdeacon W. Williams, were ob- tained from this district, and also those described by Mr Colenso ; and bones have been found by Mr Walter Mantell at the mouth of a stream called Waingongoro, which empties itself into the sea about sixty miles to the south of Taranaki. The bones were imbedded in a sand flat, were very nume- _ * Mr Edward Shortland, in his work entitled the “Southern Settlements of New Zealand, 1851,” gives a very good account, witha map, of the bay and river of Waikouaiti. , ‘ 278 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. rous, and most of them were as soft as pipe-clay. Onabluff near the embouchure of the river, Mr Mantell saw the sand flat strewn with bones of men, moas, and other birds. They had probably been brought down the stream, and originally covered over with sand, which sand had been drifted away when he saw them. Moas’ bones have also been found by Mr Mantell near the above place, in circular holes contain- ing beds of ashes with charcoal. Moas’ bones have been found by myself in two caves in the mountain limestone formation, near the western coast ; and I have seen bones which were brought from other caves in this district. There is a voleanic hill called Hikerangi, near Tuhua, thirty miles. from the Taupo Lake, near the top of which, I was informed, there was a cave which contained Moas’ bones. Dieffenbach mentions that the Rev. Mr Taylor found bones in a rivulet near Whanganui, which flowed from a mountain called Hikerangi. I purchased bones at Rotoaire, which were found in a cave on the hill between the lake and Taupo; but as that cave was tapued in consequence of its being a place of sepulture, the natives would not conduct me to it. At Rickawa, near the south end of the Taupo Lake, the pa of the great chief Te Heuhea gave me ametatarsal bone, which he told me he had found among the scorie rock, on a hill near Taupo; and I have seen the femur of a Moa which was found in the sand at the mouth of the Waikato river, which river has its origin or spring in the Taupo Lake. No bones have ever been found north of Auckland. Are all the gigantic Moas extinct ?—There are a few New Zealanders who believe that some of these feathered giants still tread upon the earth; but to prevent the least charge of credulity from being brought against myself, I shall not insert any of the stories which I have heard from the natives on this subject, because they all possess more or less the air of fiction, and none of them the least appearance of fact. There are also Europeans in New Zealand who believe that Moas are still in existence in some of the remote and unfrequented wilds of the middle island; but such stories are unsupported by any evidence of a credible nature. A European informed Mr Colenso, in 1842, that a Moa was res att Ts the Moa an extinct Bird 2 279 then living in the snow-capped hills above Cloudy Bay, and that two Americans, who resided in the neighbourhood, equipped themselves with fire-arms, and proceeded in pur- suit of the monster They hid themselves in a thicket near the place where he lived, and shortly after they saw him stalking about in search of food; but they were so petrified with horror at the sight, that they were unable to fire. They observed the monster, by their own account, for near an hour ere he retired, and were right glad to escape from witnessing a meal, where instead of eating they were all but eaten. This Moa was described as being about 14 or 16 feet high.* Mr Colenso did not place the least credit in this story. In a periodical,t of which only two numbers were pub- lished, there is a paper on the geology of New Zealand, by the Rev. Mr Taylour, in which it is stated that “he was informed by Mr Meurant, a government native interpreter, that in the latter end of 1823, he saw the flesh of the Moa in Molyneux Harbour, in the middle island, and that the flesh looked like bull-beef;” and that he also saw a Moa’s bone, which reached four inches above his hip from the ground, and as thick as his knee, with the flesh and sinews upon it. The natives told him that the Moa, whose flesh he had seen, was a dead one which had been found accidentally ; that they had often tried to snare them, but without success. A man, named George Pauley, now living in Foveaux Straits, told him he had seen a Moa, which he described as being an immense monster, standing twenty feet high; he said he saw it near a lake in the interior, and it ran from him, and he ran from it; that he saw its footmarks before he came to the river Tairi in the mountains. Thomas Chasseland, a man who sometimes interpreted for Meurant, and is well acquainted with the Maori language, used to say that he ‘also had seen the flesh of the Moa, and at first he thought it was “human flesh.” If these stories were all true, there could be little doubt that a Moa of the largest breed may still be living in the solitudes of the middle island ; and if so, probably some en- terprising colonist, from the settlements of Nelson, Otago, or * Tasmanian Jour., No. vii., 1843. t New Zealand Mag., April 1860. Wellington, 280 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. Canterbury, might obtain a living Moa, and realize fame and fortune by exhibiting it in the different capitals of Europe. It is painful to me attempt to throw discredit on any state- ment which has been introduced to the world by the Rev. Mr Taylour; but if exaggerated stories like these are allowed to pass uncontradicted, after being put forward in such a way, they become every year more and more hurtful, because they increase in weight as they grow in years. It is, there- fore, solely for the sake of truth that I bring forward Mr Meurant’s story for the purpose of stating that I do not be- lieve it. I would not have noticed it at all if it had been confined to the New Zealand Journal; but I observe it is quoted in a book of considerable weight.* I knew Mr Meu- rant personally ; he was an old New Zealand sealer, a pecu- liar race of men, now almost extinct, born in New South Wales, soon after the settlement of that colony. In early manhood Meurant abandoned the place of his birth, and adopted the adventurous life of a sealer, which he followed for many years; he was an honest, good, intelligent man, but much given, as many uneducated travellers are, to the marvellous, and many of his stories were connected with the middle island of New Zealand. I well recollect, one dark night, five years ago, when crossing the Houraki Gulf in a very bad boat, that I sat up many hours listening to Mr Meurant’s curious old stories about sealers and whalers, and the changes which time had worked on New Zealand and the New Zealanders. It was shortly after the earthquake at Wellington, in 1848, that this occurred; and the conver- sation turned to it, and Menrant said that the earthquakes in the middle island were most fearful, and that he had seen the tops of the mountains touching each other from the violence of their shakings. I told this next morning to one of my companions, and he said, Do you not know that Meu- rant has a strong imagination? Now, let me be clearly understood, for Mr Meurant is since dead, and cannot defend ‘himself. I do not say that the whole of his story about the gigantic Moa is a fiction,—quite otherwise; I believe there was some slight foundation for it; most probably he may * Annals of Natural History, No. VIII. London, 1851. a 4 | Se ey i rey The probable Locality of the Moa. 281 have seen a large Notornis Mantelli. This bird is two feet high, and such an animal was caught alive in 1850,—which time and Meurant’s fertile imagination may have magnified into one of the largest of the feathered giants. Ihave asked _ several men who knew Meurant, what they thought of his statement about the Moa, and they all said that they could not bring themselves to believe it. _ For my own part, 1 never saw or heard of a New Zea- lander who had seen a large Moa, nor have I ever seen or heard an account of a large Moa having been seen, which carried the least evidence of truth on the face of it. That the gigantic Moa is extinct, I have not the smallest doubt ; but it is still probable that a few more living specimens of the Notornis Mantelli may yet be found in the southern parts of the middle island of New Zealand. This state- ment is made with the perfect knowledge that Sir Everard Home, R.N., when commanding Her Majesty’s ship “North Star,” in the Pacific Ocean in 1844, stated that he felt little doubt that a Moa (Dinornis) may still be found alive in the middle island.* Since that period considerable portions of the solitudes of the middle island have been explored by Mr Thomas Brunner, and by officers of Her Majesty’s sur- yeying ship Acheron, and by colonists from different settle- ments in search of roads and grazing districts, but none of these have seen the least trace of a living gigantic Moa. Is it probable that the Moa once lived on some of the Tro- pical Polynesian Islands ?—In the Connecticut sandstones of the Permian period, in North America, the footprints of gigantic birds have been seen.} In 1850 the bones and eggs of a gigantic bird were found in Madagascar, different from the Dodo, but approaching, although differing from,. the Dinornis.{ Such discoveries suggest the question, whether it is probable that Moas may have once lived on some of the Polynesian islands scattered about in the Pacific Ocean? The bones of the bird, it is true, have never been * Professor Owen on the Dinornis, Part II. _ T Professor Hitchcock, Trans. American Academy of Arts, 1848. t See Translation of M. Geoffrey St Hilaire’s Paper on some Bones and Eggs of a gigantic Bird, from the Madagascar Annals of Nat. Hist, vol. vii. 1850. 282 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. found in any of these islands, neither have the inhabitants any tradition about the animal; but the natives of the Poly- nesian islands apply the term Moa to the domestic fowl. Is this not a kind of proof that an animal resembling the New Zealand Moa had lived at one time in these islands ; other- wise, how is it to be accounted for that the same race of men should in one set of islands call a domestic fowl a Moa, and in another island confine the term Moa to the large struthious order of birds known to naturalists as the Dinor- nis? This is an important point in the history of the New Zealand Moa. I shall, therefore, endeavour to explain it. There is strong evidence, drawn from a similarity in lan- guage, customs, physical appearance, and character, that the true Polynesian race which now people the numerous islands in the Pacific and New Zealand are of Malay origin, and that originally the present inhabitants of all these islands come from Malacca and Sumatra; and on referring to the best dictionary of the Malay language,* I find the word muat is a species of pheasant; that me mua means to make the voice peculiar to that bird; and J angan me mua angkau de sini signifies “do not thou be moaning here.” It is, there- fore, obvious that before the Polynesians migrated from their original country, they were acquainted with a bird which they called the Mua. On their arrival in their canoes at some of the Polynesian islands which they now inhabit, they probably discovered the domestic fowl of the islands in a wild state, in the woods (for this animal was found in a domestic state in all the tropical Polynesian islands, where they were first discovered by Europeans), they had to’ give the animal a name; and being acquainted with two words in their own language to select from, mua and manuk, —the first being applied to a species of pheasant in their native land, the latter being the term in the Eastern islands (through which they had probably passed) for a bird or fowl. They could not properly apply the words dyam and hayam, which are the Malay words for domestic fowl, to an animal which was running about wild in the woods; and therefore t U is sounded 00, as in moon, sloop, fool. The 4, as in want, ball, call. t Marsden’s Dictionary of the Malayan Language. —— se ee Re i a is eri 0 ee: - ox va a 92 aS, = ow ~ im a — een ge! ee ee - First arrival of the Inhabitants in New Zealand. 283 they called this species the Mua—now changed to Moa, from some resemblance which it may have had in their eyes to the Mua of their native country. In process of time the wild bird became domestic, but still it retained its original name. ‘Things were different with the Malay branch of the human race who migrated to New Zealand. When they took possession of it there were no domestic fowls indigenous to the country ; but they saw a new bird, as the ancient song says, to which they gave the term Moa, or Mua,—a name which the natives of the present generation say was given to it on account of its moaning voice. But although appli- cable in this way, yet the name may have been given to it from another cause. In course of time European vessels introduced the domestic fowl to the New Zealanders, but they could not apply the term Moa to it, as this name was already appropriated ; so they fell back on the word manuk, the term for a bird or fowl in the Eastern islands. Manu, in the New Zealand language of the present day, is the ge- neral term for all birds, though it is likewise often applied to the domestic fowl, as a distinct name. Tikaokao is pro- perly a name given to a cock from its crow, and heihei is a hen, @ corruption probably of the English term for a female fowl. This tedious explanation, which I have considered it ne- cessary to enter upon for the elucidation of the history of the Moa, tends to shew the kind of proof which the language af- fords for advancing a knowledge of the history of the New Zealand race. Probable time at which the New Zealanders arrived in New Zealand.—This is an important point to ascertain to- wards the elucidation of the history of the Moa, and it is sa- tisfactory to find that we are not left entirely in the dark on this subject. The New Zealanders are in the habit of keeping a numeri- eal record of the chiefs who have lived and ruled since their arrival in New Zealand. They have sticks upon which a notch is made as each chief is gathered to his fathers; and it was the duty of the priests to keep this knowledge alive among the people, and they did so by frequently going over before the assembled tribes the names of all their dead chiefs. 284 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. I have several of these sticks in my possession (Papatu- puna, as they are called), and the names of the ancestral chiefs of several tribes, written down from the mouth of well- informed people among the natives. It would therefore appear, taking the average of several tribes, that there have been between eighteen and twenty-five generations of men, since the arrival of the first settlers in New Zealand. The tribes appear all to have arrived in the country at the same time, although in different canoes; and if we allow 22 years as the average reign of each of the chiefs, this will indicate that the present race of natives arrived in New Zealand four or five hundred years ago ; in other words, they arrived about the 15th century. My reason for assuming 22 years as the average duration of the reign of each of the chiefs, is calcu- lated in this way. In England, from William the Conqueror to William the Fourth, thirty-four sovereigns reigned for 763 years, which gives 223 years as the average length of each reign, including those who died by violent deaths. It is difficult to ascertain what number of generations of New Zealanders have passed away since the time when the first settlers of the present race of natives landed in New Zealand; because it appears they were often in the habit of recording the names of the brothers of the chiefs, as well as the chiefs themselves,—a practice which is apt to lead to the supposition that more generations of natives have passed away than ever did exist. There are two genealogical trees, however, which relate to the tribes Ngaiterangi and Ngati- wakaue, on which I place much reliance, because these genea- logical trees were carefully investigated before the resident magistrate at Rotorua, in order to ascertain which of these tribes had a right to the island of Motiti in the Bay of Plenty; and as a test of the accuracy of the genealogical evidence, the statements of each party were carefully inquired into by the opposite party. It requires a circumstance like this, or some historical in- quiry, to excite the New Zealanders to tax their memories about their ancestors ; otherwise a natural delicacy, or a fear of saying anything that may lead to mischief, makes them avoid the subject, unless specially inquired about. The time that has elapsed since the Moa was seen. 285 Were there any gigantic Moas alive when the New Zealand- ers arrived in New Zealand ?—I think there were not many gigantic Moas in New Zealand at that time, for, although there are traditions enough to enable us to conclude that there must have been some of them cotemporary with the — first New Zealanders, yet several tribes, e.g., the Ngapuhis, who live in the northern part of the north island, have no traditions about the Moa, and they have asked Europeans to describe to them what kind of an animal it was. The coun- _ try where the Ngapuhis tribe live is the narrowest part of the island, and no bones of the bird have been found in this district; and if the Moas had been so numerous as to have furnished food for the inhabitants, according to Professor Owen’s idea, we should have had a greater variety of tradi- tions about them. I have heard and read several accounts of what the natives saw when they first landed in New Zealand, but in none of these traditions is there any mention made of their having seen a Moa on the sea-coast.- The Dodo was abundant, according to Leguat,* near the sea-coast. It is supposed that there were more Moas in the middle than in the north island, but I doubt this circumstance. All the bones that have been seen in the middle island have been _ found im a limited space, and in good preservation,—a fact _ which may have produced this opinion. { : i | _ Probable time which has elapsed since the last gigantic _ Moa was seen.—A few years before the death of the great _ chief Tee Rauparaha, he was asked if he had ever seen a Moa himself, or a man who had seen one, and he said he had not. _ As he was then about 80 years of age, his answer takes us | back about 160 years; and as I believe from careful inquiry _ that this is tolerably correct, I do think we will not be far _ wrong in assuming that all the Moas were extinct in this | country 200 years ago, or about two centuries after the arri- | *A New Voyage to the East Indies, by Francis Leguat and his Companions. | $8yvo. London, 1708. . | VOL. LVI. NO. CXII.—APRIL 1854. U 286 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. val of the New Zealanders in the island; in other words, about the year A.D. 1650. The Dutch navigator Tasman visited New Zealand in 1642, but none of his crew landed, or had any colloquial in- tercourse with the natives, so that from this visit nothing about the Moas can be gleaned; and no other European na- vigator, who has written an acount of his voyage, landed in New Zealand until after the Moas had become extinct. Cap- tain Cook was told about a gigantic lizard which had lived in the country, but nothing about a gigantic bird. Causes of extinction.—Professor Owen is of opinion that the Moas were exterminated by the New Zealanders using them as food; and he attributes their extinction in a country destitute of large animals as one of the causes which led the New Zealanders to adopt the horrid practice of cannibalism. The first supposition is very doubtful, and the second is not probable. I admit the advent of the New Zealanders in New Zealand must have produced the destruction of a few Moas, but I cannot bring myself to believe that their ex- tinction was entirely brought about by this cause. Accord- ing to the most authentic sources, the New Zealand popula- tion, when at its greatest, never much exceeded two hundred thousand souls; and for one hundred and fifty years after their arrival in the country, they could not have increased to one hundred thousand. Now let us imagine this small po- pulation spread over a country nearly as large as England— a population fearful of trespassing on the lands of other tribes—a population of indolent people—and we will have at once a strong argument against the opinion that the Moas were cut off from the earth entirely by human agency. There are mountain ranges where the feet of men have rarely trodden. I have walked through forests for thirty miles without seeing the sign of a habitation ; in such places the Moa could find ample shelter in the present day. The middle island of New Zealand offers a still stronger argu- — ment; on it the Maori population were scattered along the © coasts, and were few in number; and yet, according to the — best information, no large Moa has been seen on that island — for upwards of one hundred and sixty years. It is only ne- — Sa The time that has elapsed since the Moa was seen. 287 cessary to call to mind the difficulty there was in extirpating wolves from England, to have a clear idea of the improba- bility of the New Zealand race having caused the extinction of the Moa. Ina small island a race of large birds might be easily extirpated, and we have some recent examples of this; but in New Zealand, I think, the New Zealanders arrived in time to see the last of the large Moas die. The circumstance of Moas’ bones having been found in caves of more recent appearance than those found by Mr Walter Mantell in the cooking-holes of the New Zealanders at Waingongoro, would lead us to infer that some of the Moas died in these caves after the advent of the New Zea- landers. On asking a native of the cave district near Pa- rianiwaniwa, what brought all these Moas’ bones into caves, he said, that long ago an eruption of Tongariro occurred, which set fire to the country, and that the Moas fled to the caves, and there perished. This tradition, although it may be an exaggeration of some local conflagration, is of some value, as shewing there were other causes which proved destructive to the Moas in addition to human agency. At Rotomarama, near the “cave of the spirit,” one of my fellow- travellers asked a well-read Christian native, what destroyed all the Moas, and in reply he said it must have been the _ great flood. The similarity of the words Noah and Moa may have suggested this to his mind, but my friend got the better of the argument, by asking him if it was not stated in Scripture that Noah took a pair of every living creature with him into the ark, before the flood; the man looked puzzled, - and said “‘awa,”—an exclamation the expressiveness of which cannot be rendered into English, but means * I don’t know.” There is another argument that the Moas died out, and _ were not extirpated by man, in the circumstance of the ani- mals being only found in New Zealand previous to their _ extinction ; for rarity, according to Professor Lyell, precedes | the extinction of all species of plants and animals. Itis appa- _ rently a law of nature, that certain races of men, plants, and animals, have a period of creation, increase, and decay. _ May we not then state, and with some probability we are u 2 _ 288 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. nearly right, that the period of the extinction of the gigantic Moa occurred about the 17th century, and that this event might have been slightly hastened, but not produced, by the hand of man. New Zealand appears to have been the last refuge for wingless birds; but as sure as the race of men who peopled ancient Babylon and Nineveh, and other coun- tries, have become extinct, and as surely as many of the Polynesian race are now decaying, so certainly will the whole of the wingless birds in New Zealand, like the Moa, become extinct. They have run their course, have fulfilled their destiny, and are now following the law which the Creator has stamped on all his works. Professor Owen’s idea that the want of food after the ex- tinction of the Moa may have caused the New Zealanders to adopt the disgusting custom of cannibalism is not at all likely; for the motives which led the New Zealanders to eat human flesh were hatred, revenge, and to cast disgrace on the person eaten. That it was unlawful for women to eat human flesh, unless under some peculiar circumstances, will at once set at rest the supposition that human flesh was ever made a substitute for animal food. I do not make this statement without inquiry; but the subject is foreign to this paper, otherwise I would enlarge upon it. Observations on some of the probable habits of the Moas. —I. They were of an indolent nature, and not much given to moving about.—This I infer, because the New Zealanders — always describe them as being very fat; and Mr Owen con- cludes they were a more sluggish bird than the Ostrich, in © consequence of the small size of the neural canal of the spine, and the relative shortness of the ankle-bone meta- — tarsus. Il. They lived in mountain fastnesses and secluded caves. —This I infer, because all tradition points to such districts — as the probable places where Moas’ bones are still to be found. The finding of bones in caves almost confirms this idea ; for if the Moas did not live in them, they resorted to them to die. The Ostrich and Emu live in plains; perhaps ’ + dinette an ie : 7 an. Observations on the Habits of the Moa. 289 the habits of the Moas were somewhat similar to these birds, and they may only have resorted to hills, forests, and se- cluded places, after the advent of the human race. The _ Kiwi or Apteryx is found in forests, hills, and secluded spots, and this strange bird may have some of the habits of the Moa. Hil. They lived chiefly on vegetable food.—This conclu- sion is drawn from the adze-like shape of the beak, from their bodies being described as very fat (no flesh- eating bird is ever fat), from nature having endowed them with feet and _ toes remarkably well adapted for uprooting fern root and _ other subterrestrial substances, which abound in New Zea- land, and from their swallowing stones to assist in diges- tion. No flesh-eating animal ever does this. IV. They were in the habit of swallowing stones to assist digestion—This statement rests on tradition. The New Zealanders point out certain stones which they say have been in the stomach of a Moa. This habit is confined to vegetable-feeding birds. _ YV. They were dull and stupid birds——This is inferred, _ because the skull is low and flat, and is confirmed by the _ traditions of the New Zealanders. , VI. They were in the habit of standing and resting on _ one leg.—My authority for this is not good, but I give it to : ; convey some impression of what is now said by the New _ Zealanders about the habits of the Moas. A most intelligent Maori, who belongs to one of the interior tribes, told me that he knew where a Moa lived. I asked him where it _ was, and what the animal did all day. He said; it stood in a cave in which there was a waterfall, and that the bird stood first.on one leg, and then on the other. All this story is fabulous, but the statement of its standing on one leg may q probably have some foundation in the habits of the bird. RS OE LLL O I LD aacmeainh eal ae es : : as 5 Deductions drawn from the Moas’ bones as to the probable 290 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. length of time which has elapsed since the birds were alive — The best preserved Moas’ bones that I have seen were those obtained from the swamp or morass at Waikouaiti, in the middle island of New Zealand. This is, however, no proof that they were more recent than those found in a less per- fect state in the north island, because peats and morasses act as antiseptics, and bones have been preserved in a perfect state in such places for a great many centuries. The bones of birds are so much more delicate than those of quadrupeds, that very few of them are found in a half fossilized state. Even the bones of the Dodo, which strange animal was seen alive in considerable numbers at the Mauritius not many centuries ago, have apparently decayed away off the face of the earth. The very circumstance of Moas’ bones being found in a tolerably perfect state is therefore a strong evi- dence of the recent existence of these birds. The natives near the cave of the Moa relate that their fathers were in the habit of taking the skulls of the Moas to keep the powder they used for tattooing, and pieces of the long bones as hooks to catch fish, in consequence of their hardness. Now, none of the bones or skulls that I saw in this cave were suffi- ciently perfect for such purposes, and therefore I must con- — clude either that all the most perfect bones had been taken _ away, or that the process of decay among Moas’ bones was very rapid. As perfectly fossilized bones are generally allowed to be of greater age than half fossilized ones, it is therefore ob- vious that some idea of the age of bones may be formed from the quantity of animal matter they contain. Let us apply this test to the Moas’ bones. I carefully examined several Moas’ bones from the cave of the Moa, and found that the quantity of animal matter — contained in them was very different. In the cancellated — structure of the heads of the long bones of the inferior ex- tremities, the proportion of animal matter was as low as five _ per cent., but in the shaft of the tibia, the ribs, and a piece 3 of the sternum, I found it as high as ten per cent. In one a cervical vertebra of a small bird, which had the outward shell a Analysis of the Moa Bones. 291 perfect, the quantity of animal matter was thirty per cent.— the animal matter retaining the figure of the bone after the inorganic matter had been extracted by muriatic acid. Se- veral of the tracheal rings were found entire, and had a remarkably recent-like appearance. _ For the purpose of testing the accuracy of my analysis, I transmitted several specimens of Moas’ bones to Theophilus Heale, Esq., of the Great Barrier Copper Ore Mine, and he gave me the subjoined as the composition of the cancellated head of a very decayed tibia, viz.— Carbonic acid ‘ ‘ ; 4-80 decimal parts. Animal matter ; . : 5°50 - Insoluble earthy matter. ‘ 6°50 a Lime . . é . 45°66 at Phosphoric glenahars ote, . 84:50 3 Magnesia ; 70 ij A small amount of the peroxide oh iron *00 i Loss : : ' e , 2°34 iY 100:00 Mr Heale found that the more solid bones contained a much greater amount of animal matter. The bone submitted to the foregoing careful analysis had a pale brown colour, was very light and porous, the outer shell was much destroyed, and the cellular structure, although perfect, contained a quantity of earthy matter. _ The composition of recent Moas’ bones is unknown; but as the bones of the Moas resemble the bones of quadrupeds in containing marrow, and as the bones of quadrupeds are composed of about one-third of animal, and two-thirds of earthy and alkaline salts, let us take them as a subject of comparison. It therefore appears that some of the Moas’ bones had lost a considerable quantity of their animal matter, and others very little. Now, what conclusion can be drawn from this as to their probable age ? I can find no experiments which will enable me to answer this question. In the widely-scattered bone breccic of the 292 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand, Mediterranean, Dr John Davy* was only able to find a trace of animal matter. M. Marcel de Serres and M. Ballard, chemists in Montpellier, procured some human bones from a Gaulish sarcophagus, supposed to have been buried some fourteen or fifteen centuries at least, and they had lost three-fourths: of their original animal matter. T Several skeletons of men were found in the West Indies, incrusted with a calcareous cement; but they only retained a small portion of their animal matter;{ whereas a skull three thousand years old was taken from a tomb in ancient Thebes, and contained about half of its animal matter.§ In 1845, the fossil remains of a gigantic Mastodon were ex- humed in the town of Newburgh, New York, and twenty- seven per cent. of animal matter was obtained from some of the bones|| (tusks and teeth), while skulls found by Mr Stephens in Yucatan were almost entirely destitute of ani- mal matter.4 These examples tend to shew what length of time bones, under favourable circumstances, will retain their animal matter, and that no conclusion can be drawn as to the pro- bable age of the Moa’s bones in the cave of the Moa, from the circumstance of some of them still retaining only one- seventh, and others nearly the whole of their animal matter. General Remarks.—Is it probable that New Zealand was once connected with Australia? This is not at all likely, © seeing there is so little resemblance between the flora and ~ fauna of the countries, and neither in the ossiferous caves or tertiary deposits of the continent of Australia have Moas’ — bones been found. Is it probable that New Zealand was once connected with at ihale ——< America? This, Professor Owen thinks, may have been the — case at a remote geological period ; and he is inclined to re- gard New Zealand as one end of a mighty wave of the un- — * Physiological and Anatomical Researches ; 1839. } Lyell’s Principles of Geology. } Ibid. § Dr John Davy. || Lyell’s Principles of Geology. § Incidents of Travel. sitaall Geological Conclusions on New Zealand. 293 _ stable and shifting crust of the earth, of which the opposite end, after having been submerged, has again risen with its accumulated deposits in North America, shewing in the Connecticut sandstones the footmarks of the gigantic birds _ which strode its surface before it sank ; and to surmise that the intermediate body of the land wave along which the ~ _ Dinornis may have travelled to New Zealand has progres- sively subsided, and now lies beneath the Pacific.* This beautiful idea rests on Dr Deane’s discovery, in 1843, of the footprints of many species of three-toed birds _ of gigantic size, and of the imprints of others with four toes, with the prints of twelve kinds of quadrupeds supposed to belong to the Saurian, Chelonian, and Batrachian orders, in the sandstone in Connecticut. There still lives, to give some reality to the above in the secluded parts of South America, a three-toed wingless bird; but to give weight to Professor Owen’s idea, it would be requisite to discover the bones of some of these birds and quadrupeds, for we have high autho- _ rity for refusing to pin our faith to impressions without the discovery of bones. To those who believe in the doctrine of specific centres, or that every species of animals and plants on the surface of _ the globe originated in a single birthplace, there will be no difficulty in explaining how the Moa was confined to the _ New Zealand group of islands. New Zealand (they would _ say) was the centre of the creation of those numerous species _ of wingless birds we find upon it, some of which are strange to all other parts of the world. Perhaps New Zealand is _ only a part of a great southern continent, the remainder of which now lies at the bottom of the sea. Captain King, _R.N., states there are soundings from Cape Maria Vande- man, in New Zealand, to Norfolk Island, and I have been told by old New Zealand whalers that there are soundings _ between New Zealand and the Chatham Islands. I cannot bring myself to believe that the gigantic Moas were ever hatched to live and die on the small spot of earth we now eall New Zealand. * Memoirs on the Dinornis, Part II. 294 Dr A. Thomson on the Moa Caves of New Zealand. It is a curious circumstance, that the few islands upon which the bones of large extinct birds have been found are all situated in the southern hemisphere, and there are some points of resemblance between the islands of the Mauritius, Madagascar, and New Zealand, sufficient to excite the atten- tion of the thoughtful and speculative. These islands are situated to the south of the line, between long. 45° and 180° east. They are chiefly of volcanic origin. The zoology of all three is peculiar. So far as that of Madagascar is known, it can scarcely be assimilated to that of Africa or Asia ; while it appears equally distant from that of Australia. There is, however, too little known about Madagascar, or the large bird, the remains of which have only lately (1850) been found, to allow me to speculate on the subject. But when I turn to the two islands most celebrated for the re- mains of feathered giants, the Mauritius and New Zealand, I find a wonderful similarity in some things. Both are sur- rounded by large oceans, in the neighbourhood of large con- tinents ; both are in a genial climate in the southern hemi- sphere ; both were discovered by Europeans much about the same time, and both have been only lately occupied by the human race. A rat* constitutes the quadruped indigenous to both islands, and in both the large birds which were ob- served upon them soon became extinct. Bontius, in 1658, saw the Dodo alive in the Mauritius. I infer New Zealand- ers saw a few Moas alive early in the seventeenth century. — There is this great difference between the two places. We — have written testimony of the existence of numerous Dodos in the Mauritius ; but, in the present day, some men doubt — whether they ever lived, because the bones of the animal cannot now be found on the island. In New Zealand, on the contrary, the existence of the Moa rests on a few * It is doubtful whether the present rat of New Zealand is indigenous. It is very probable that it accompanied the early settlers. Similar animals are found over all the Polynesian Islands ; and the United States’ exploring expe- dition met with rats on Gardner’s Island, one of the Phenix group, during their passage from the Feejee Islands to the Sandwich Islands,—a circumstance which made them assume it had been inhabited by the human race, ® General Remarks on the Struthionide. 295 traditions and sayings, but the dead bones of the animal are abundant, and testify to a fact which no man can doubt. ~ Let us look at the living wingless birds which still live in _ the world. They appear to be a condemned race, for we find the signs of decay stamped on the faces of them all, and they seem to have an inborn antipathy to the human race ; for wherever men appear they disappear, even with- out the use of destroying agencies. The Ostrich selects his _ residence in places where men can scarcely live, namely, under a burning sun, and on sandy deserts. The American Rhea vegetates in secluded places, and is seen with diffi- culty, for they can perceive the approach of men, when the eyes of men cannot observe them. The Emu is fast disap- pearing before the Anglo-Saxon colonization of Australia. The Apteryx selects the most secluded places to live in, and the Cassowary is very rare in the few islands where it is known to be indigenous. It would seem that this strange species of animals—birds without wings !—were created to live in solitary places far away from the haunts of men. They may have been created ata period long prior to that of the higher order of quad- rupeds, for we see the marks of their feet in sandstones of an early date. New Zealand appears, according to the testimony of the natives, in former days to have abounded in Saurian rep- _ tiles of immense size, There were no land Mammalia on the islands,* but many birds, ferns, and fern-like plants. Some growing to the height of sixty feet are found covering a great part of the north island, and the largest and most abundant timber-irees, belonging to the Conifere, are here in great plenty, and earthquakes are not unfrequent. AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND, July 12, 1853. _ * The dog, rat, and bat, are perhaps introduced. 296 On the Physical Geography of Norway. Norway andits Glaciers visited in 1851; followed by Jowr- nals of Excursions in the High Alps of Dauphine, Berne, and Savoy. By JAMES D. Forsss, D.C.L., F.R.S., Sec. R.S. Ed., Corresponding Member of the Institute of France, and of other Academies ; and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, (Continued from page 169.) § 2. On some Peculiarities of the Climate of Norway.— The time can hardly be said to be gone by when an erro- neous belief was prevalent as to the utterly inhospitable cli- mate of Norway. Bishop Pontopiddan cites the amusing mistake of our English Bishop Patrick, who describes a Nor- wegian as imagining a rosebush to be a tree on jire ; whereas roses are common flowers in many parts of Norway. He farther adds, that the harbour of Bergen is not oftener frozen than the Seine at Paris, that is, twoor three times in a century, whilst the harbours of Copenhagen and Lubeck are frequent- ly blockaded with ice. This he justly ascribes to the influ- ence of the open sea. A still more singular fact is, that the smallest piece of drift ice is unknown on any part of the Nor- wegian coast, though it extends to lat. 71°, while off the coast of North America, they are occasionally seen in lat. 41°* Until a comparatively recent period, it was generally believed that the temperature of the North Pole was 32°, of the equa- tor about 86°, on an average of the year, and that every place had an intermediate temperature depending solely on its la- titude. The influence of sea or land in great masses in al- tering the climate—the former as a general moderator of ex- treme heat and cold, the latter in increasing the inequalities of climate—was next perceived, and the inflections (as they are called) of the isothermal lines, were clearly indicated by Von Humboldt. The isothermal lines are lines which pass through all points of the earth’s surface in each hemisphere which possess the same average temperature. If the temperature depended solely on the latitude, they would form accurate * See the limit of drift ice indicated in the vignette map, accompanying the General Map of Norway in this volume. ; 7 7 3 zs 5 ‘ I + a j ‘4 On the Physical Geography of Norway. 297 parallels of latitude. But as the continents are hotter than the ocean between the tropics, and colder in higher latitudes, the lines of temperature have a descending loop over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the former circumstance, and an ascending one in the latter.* Thus, for example, the iso- thermal line of 40° Fahr., which passes nearly over Thrond- hjem in Norway (lat. 63°), and attains perhaps the 66th de- gree of latitude over the Atlantic, falls to the 48th degree in Canada (a little north of Quebec), and to the 50th or lower in the eastern parts of Asia, but rises again under the influ- ence of the Pacific Ocean to about 60° of latitude on the west- ern coast of North America. A farther step in these important and curious generaliza- tions (which are due primarily to Von Humboldt) consists in distinguishing the summer and the winter curves of tem- perature, which have an important bearing on the existence of perpetual snow and glaciers. Places with the same.aver- age temperature may be yet, the one temperate and whole- some, the other nearly uninhabitable from extreme cold dur- ing winter, which is compensated by the almost tropical heat of the summer months. Thus whilst at Throndhjem the dif- ference of temperature of January and July is 40° Fahr., at Jakutzk, in Siberia, which is nearly on the same latitude. this difference amounts to 114°; and mercury is sometimes _ frozen for three months of the year. In the Faroe Islands, on the other hand, the climate of which is perfectly insular, the variation between January and July is only about 18°. Whilst then, Norway enjoys the average climate superior to any other continental country in the same latitude, it is also, on the whole, less visited by extremes of summer heat and winter cold. No doubt, the different portions of the _ country vary distinctly in this respect, the coast possessing the moderate or insular character, the interior or Swedish side a much severer one ; still, on the whole, the statement is true. It is vividly represented by the isothermal lines for | _ January and for July, drawn by Professor Dove of Berlin, and * See the map of Isothermal lines in Berghaus’ and Johnston’s Physical Atlas, 1 r or in the neat and cheap maps published by the National Society. 298 On the Physical Geography of Norway. copied in the small chart which occupies one corner of the map accompanying this work ; which at the same time shews the general position of Norway relatively to other countries, where it is observable that the northmost portion extends as near the Pole as the centre of Greenland. The blue curves which pass through places believed to have the same mean temperature of the month of January, shew that we must penetrate farther towards the Pole, in the neighbourhood of the Norwegian coast, in order to obtain a given degree of winter’s cold than in any other part of the northern hemi- sphere. In fact, we may conceive the Atlantic as moderating the effect of winter by pouring in a flood of heat towards the arctic seas, through the enormous strait between Greenland and Norway, which connects the Atlantic Ocean with the pro- per “ Polar Basin,” if such exist, and this flood of heat spends itself chiefly or entirely on the Norwegian side of the opening —the January isothermals falling with extreme rapidity into lower latitudes on the inhospitable coast of Greenland. Now this general expression of the phenomena evidenced by the isothermal lines, has, as is well known, a physical cause pre- cisely corresponding to it, and sufficiently explaining it. This is the continual direction of a current of the Atlantic waters, having the high temperature due to southern lati- tudes precisely in the line in which the arctic cold is thus powerfully repelled. The “ Gulf Stream,” taking its rise in | the Gulf of Florida, proceeds northwards and eastwards, un- til it breaks on the shores of Europe and Northern Africa, a portion of it striking the western coasts of the British Isles, and being prolonged to the coast of Norway, imparting warmth to water and to land, and effectually repelling the invasion of floating ice, with which Finmarken would other- wise be continually menaced.* It has been calculated that the heat thrown into the Atlantic Ocean by the Gulf j —— Stream in a winter's day would suffice to raise the tempera- — ture of the part of the atmosphere which rests upon France and Great Britain from the freezing point to summer’s heat. * Tl faut s’eloigner de 20 a 30 lieues marines des derniers promontoires (North Cape) avant d’apercevoir des ildts de glace ; encore sont-ils bien loin a Vhorizon.—Von Buch, Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. ii,, 1816. On the Physical Geography of Norway. 299 The fact of such a transference of the heated waters of the tropics into Northern Europe is popularly but convincingly proved by the common occurrence of finding West Indian seeds and woods upon the west coasts of Ireland,. Scotland, and Norway. Captain Sabine relates that in the year 1823 some casks of palm oil were thrown ashore at Hammerfest (lat. 71°), which were traced to the wreck of a vessel the year before at Cape Lopez in Africa.* The general direction of the Gulf Stream (only its feebler and reflected part, however) on the coast of Norway is indicated on the little chart before referred to, whilst on the west of the Atlantic a reverse stream marked, ‘‘ Polar Current’’ is shewn descending from Spitzbergen and the “ Polar Basin,” between the coasts of Ice- land and Greenland, charged with icebergs, and of course ap- proaching the temperature of freezing salt water. This mass of water spends its cold on America, as the Gulf Stream does its heat on Europe, and finally sinks under the warm cur- rent off the coasts of the United States. The position of the red curves which pass through places which have the July temperature alike, is altogether different from that of the winter curves ; indeed in part of Norway (as also in Great Britain) they are very nearly at right angles. The summit of the J uly curves is found in Siberia, where the _ summer heat is overwhelming, which is moderated as we approach the shores of the ocean. Jt is by the amount of _ the summer heat that the limits of perpetual snow are mainly _ determined. The part of Norway beyond the arctic circle is of course exposed to the continued action of the sun, day P 4 and night, during part of summer; hence the rapidity of vege- _ tation, and the intense heat which in some places prevails for a short time,—the thermometer as we have seen, rising to 84° at Alten in lat 70°. The two sides of the Scandinavian peninsula differ exceed- ingly in climate, the eastern part tending to the continental, _ the western to the oceanic climate. The contrast between _ Bergen and Christiania in this respect has been stated in a _ former chapter. The table-land of Norway forms in all its * Note to Cosmos. 300 On the Physical Geography of Norway. extent a most important barrier, which commonly separates the most opposite states of weather. The rain at Bergen is several times as great as that at Christiania. It falls chiefly in winter—that of Christiania in summer. When it rains or snows east of the Fille-field, it is most probably fine on the west. A sort of intermediate climate occurs on the western depression of the continent, but at some distance from the coast, and offers an interesting peculiarity ; it is the climate of the interior of the fiords, as on the Hardanger and Sogne near Bergen, the Throndhjem-fiord above that town, and Kaa- fiord, as contrasted with the climate of Hammerfest. In all these cases the climate improves as we recede from the shores, the corn ripens better, the mean temperature is higher, and, at least in the far north, vegetation is more luxu- riant. This arises mainly from the excessive amount of rain, fog, and cloud, which lowers out of all proportion the temperature of summer in the immediate neighbourhood of the coast. Bergen is universally known as one of the most rainy spots in Europe, and its position manifestly resembles that of Westmoreland, of Penzance, and of Coimbra, which enjoy an unenviable pre-eminence in this respect. The ave- rage fall of rain at Bergen exceeds 77 inches, while that at Upsala, on the continental side of Scandinavia in the same parallel, is only sixteen inches. At Bergen 21 per cent of the annual fall is in the three summer months, whilst at Up- sala it amounts to 33 per cent.* At Ullensvang, on an in- terior branch of the Hardanger-fiord, though plunged in the midst of lofty mountains, the climate has already greatly improved. At the head of the Sogne-fiord it is still better. The barley was ready there for the sickle, when it was hope- lessly green near Bergen. In Finmarken, again, the interior fiords, and the valleys connected with them, surpass incom- parably in climate the islands and outlying portions of the coast. The valleys of Bardu and Lyngen are the most northern corn-lands in the world; and at Alten the Scotch fir attains a height of 780 English feet above the sea, and the birch of 1500 feet. At Hammerfest, which is an island * Schouw, Climat d’Italie, pp. 170, 171. On the Physical Geography of Norway. 301 exposed to the sea, and less than one degree of latitude far- _ ther north, nature seems almost torpid, the fogs are conti- - nual, the birch-trees are mere bushes at the level of the sea, _ and scarcely anything can be reared in the gardens. In short, we have the climate of Iceland, neither excessive heat nor cold, but a benumbing mediocrity of temperature and a perpetual cloud. _ § 3. On the Position of the Snow Line in Norway.—The _ occurrence of perpetual snow at a certain height above the sea in even the warmest regions in the globe, has in all ages excited the curiosity of geographers and naturalists.—Re- _ garded at first asa very simple indication of the depression of temperature as we ascend in the atmosphere, it has been care- _ fully studied and applied (often erroneously) to the determina- tion of climate. Closer examination has shewn that the pre- sence of perennial snow,—in other words,a predominance ofall _the causes tending to its accumulation over those which tend to its waste of fusion—is, indeed, a very complicated fact, and cannot be taken as the simple expression of any one of the ele- ments of climate. The snow line is far from having invariably a ‘mean temperature of 32°, as was at one time supposed. Under the equator it is about 35°; in the Alps and Pyrenees about 25° ; and in latitude 68° in Norway it is (according to Von Buch) only 21°; yet, though there are regions both in the extremity of Siberia and in arctic America, of which the mean tempera- ture is below zero of Fahrenheit (as, for example, Melville Island), it is quite established, on the concurrent authority of those best aquainted with these regions, that nowhere in the Northern Hemisphere does the snow line attain the level of the sea. The explanation is to be sought principally in the intensity of the summer heat during the period of perpetual _ day, which effectually thaws the soil, though only to a trifling depth, and raises upon its surface a certain amount of brief _ vegetation suitable for the support of arctic animals. _ Another cause affecting exceedingly the level of the snow line is the amount of snow which falls. The interior of con- _tinents being far drier than the coasts, the snow to be melted $ a comparatively slight covering. The snow Jine on the north % ‘Side of the Himalaya is at least 3000 feet higher than towards i “VOL. LVI. NO. CXII.—APRIL 1854. x 302 On the Physical Geography of Norway. the burning plains of Hindostan. This is chiefly due to the excessive dryness of the climate of Thibet. In like manner: — five times less rain falls on the coast of the Baltic than at — Bergen. All this confirms the excellent generalization of Von Buch, that it is the temperature of the summer months which determines the plane of perpetual snow. It is thus easy to understand why the mean temperature of the snow line dimi- nishes towards the pole, because for a given mean temperature of the whole year the summer is far hotter in proportion. Also, places at which the temperature of the summer is low, are those which have a moderated or coast climate ; but there — also the fall of rain and snow is most abundant, whilst in ex- cessive or continental climates the precipitations are compara- tively small. The red lines on the small chart which indicate the mean temperature of July, have therefore a peculiar sig- nificance as respects perpetual snow ; to take only one instance at present, they explain why in Iceland snow lies all the year — at a height of only 3100 feet, whilst in Norway, on the same — parallel, the snow line would approach 4000. The same general principle holds good in the ‘Southern — Hemisphere. Its temperature, on the whole, being greatly — inferior to that of the north (though the extremes are less), it a acts towards the rest of the globe in some measure as the — refrigeratory of a great distilling apparatus (as some one has correctly observed), and its higher latitudes are the seat : of almost continual storms and fog, of which the climate of ‘ Cape Horn is a familiar example. Summer there can hardly — be said to exist, and the snow line is proportionally low. Ac- cording to Sir James Ross,* the first living authority on the — subject, the snow line does reach the level of the sea in the — antarctic regions, at a latitude between 67° and 71°, under which forests still grow in Norway, and even corn in some sheltered places. The following are the only estimates I have met with of the level of perpetual snow in Norway, although it is pro- | bable that others exist. We shall commence with the south- west district. * From a private letter with which he kindly favoured me. a Ay On the Physical Geography of Norway. 303 1. The Folgefond, on the south-west of the Hardanger - country, is the most important of that region. An outlying hill (latitude 59°9) above Rosendal, called Melderskin, is _ covered with perpetual snow (according to Hertzberg), though _ its height is only 4558 Rhenish, or about 4700 English feet, We may suppose the snow line to be at least 200 feet lower, as the summit is isolated, say 4500. 2. Lat. 60°1. On the western or seaward side of the Folgefond, near Moranger-fiord, by my observation, the snow begins at 3800 or 3900 English feet.* | 3. Lat. 60°1. The landward or eastward side of the Folge- fond ceases to be covered with snow according to the same _ authorities, at 1697 metres, or about 5240 English feet. 4, This last elevation has been also determined by Nau- mann (Travels, i. 130), but with a very different result. The mean of two observations of 4100 and 3950 Rhenish feet cor- responds to 4150 English feet. All the preceding determinations are subject to some doubt. In the first the snow line is not directly measured - at all, only the summit of the hill. In the second, the baro- meter was acting imperfectly. The third is unquestionably much too high from a comparison with the determined height _ of various parts of the “fond” (see Gea Norvegica, p. 159), certainly many hundred feet above the snow line. The _ fourth, on the other hand, is as certainly somewhat too low, _ the observation having been taken (Naumann, i. 109) at an outfall or depression of the glacier. It seems to me very _ probable that a mean of the whole will be tolerably correct, _ which gives nearly 4400 English feet. _ 9. Lat. 60°2. Hartougen, in the Hardanger-field (Smith), 5000 Rh. ft.=5150 Eng.—Lat. 61°. The interior range of _ the Fille-field (Von Buch), 1694 metres, about 5560 English feet. Mean 5400 Eng. feet. — 6. Lat. 61°5. Outlying portion of Justedals Breen to- wards the sea, between Jolster and Indvigs-fiord, according _ to Naumann, about 4000 Rhenish, or 4120 English feet. = * This observation though subject to some doubt, is well confirmed by the ; _ limit of the birch, as ascertained by Professor Christian Smith of Norway. x2 304 On the Physical Geography of Norway. 7. Lat. 61°-6. Justedals Breen, east side, near Lodals- kaabe (Von Buch and Bohr), mean 5460 English feet. 8. Lat. 61°°6. Storhougen, between Lyster and Justedal (Keilhau), 5000 French, or 5330 English feet. 9. Lat. 61°°6. In the centre of the chain, near Otta-vand (Broch), 4610 Rhenish, or 4750 English feet. 10. Lat. 62°:2. Dovre-field, according to Naumann, 5200 Rhenish, or 5360 English feet. Dovre-field, guessed by Von Buch at 1582 metres, or 5109 English feet. 11. Lat. 67°:1. Sulitelma, on the frontier of Norway, and Swedish Lapland. Wahlenberg is the sole authority. As reported by Von Buch, the snow line is at 1169 metres, or 3840 English feet; but there seems to be some mistake, for in Wahlenberg’s Flora Lapponica, it is expressly said (In- trod., p. xl.), that the summit of the mountain is 5796 French feet above the sea, and 2600 above the snow line, leaving, therefore, almost 3200 French feet for the height of the lat- ter. Von Buch’s 1169 metres* is equivalent to 3600 French feet. Wahlenberg, in another place, assigns 3300 French feet as the general height of the snow line in Lapland (p. xxxv.) M. Durocher gives 1169 metres as the height (always on Wahlenberg’s authority) in the Expedition du Nord, and 1010 metres=3109 French feet, in his paper in the Annales des Mines (1847, vol. xii., p. 79), which corresponds with none of the others. Under these circumstances, we must take Wahlenberg’s own authority, and conclude that the level of the snow line at Sulitelma is probably— On the west, or Norway side, 3200 French = 3410 English feet. On the east, or Lapland side, 3300 French = 3520 English feet. i > r ‘ = “] i S : = 12. Lat. 70°. At Alten in Finmarken, which is somewhat ‘ removed from the immediate influence of the sea, the snow 2 line is fixed by Von Buch at 1060 metres, or 3480 feet. But this being an insulated summit (Storvands-field), is hardly * See his Memoir on the Snow line in Norway, in the Annales de Chemie, already cited. It is an abstract of a larger essay to be found in the French translation by Eyries of his Journey in Norway, and in Gilbert’s Annals for — 1812. See also Thomson’s Annals of Philosophy, vol. iii., for a translation. On the Physical Geography of Norway. 305 comparable to Sulitelma, the greatest concentration of snowy ' mountains in the north of Scandinavia, and consequently colder in proportion. 18. Lat. 70°4. On the island of Seiland, level of perpe- _ tual snow, according to Keilhau, 2880 Rhenish, or 2970 English feet; according to Durocher; 886 metres, or 2910 English feet—a close agreement. We are at first surprised to find so few and little ac- cordant determinations of the level of the snow line in Norway, but it is easily explained. In Norway (unlike Switzerland) the snowy regions are commonly remote from inhabited valleys; they are of difficult access, and are rarely and casually visited by the curious traveller. The ascertain- ment of permanent from occasional snow, always difficult, is nearly impracticable except by continued and close observa- tion, and it is not to be expected that the natives should be _ able to give satisfactory information on a subject of so little interest to them. _ The substance of the preceding observations may be re- duced to this— . First, The first four and the sixth observations tell us that in lat. 60° to 62° the snow line at a short distance from the - coast may be considered to be at 4300 English feet, or there- abouts. _ Secondly, In the same latitude, towards the centre of the country, it rises (by the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th observa- Thirdly, In lat. 67°, in the interior, it has fallen to 3500 feet, and is not much lower on insulated summits in lat. 70°, though on the coast it falls to 2900. This trifling effect of latitude is partly explained by the marked tendency of the ‘summer isothermal lines to run parallel to the peninsula of Scandinavia. ~ Von Buch has remarked, that in Norway and Lapland the _ planes of vegetation of the pine and birch run nearly parallel te the plane of perpetual snow—the intervals, as observed by him at Alten, being given by the following table of limit- eng B heights of vegetation above the sea :— 306 On the Physical Geography of Norway. VEGETATION IN LATITUDE 70°. The Pine (Pinus sylvestris) ceases at : ‘ 237 metres = 780 Eng. ft. The Birch (Betula alba) ceases at . ; ; 482 metres = 1580 Eng. ft. Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) ceases at ° 620 metres = 2030 Eng. ft. Mountain Willow (Salix Myrsinites) ceases at . 656 metres = 2150 Eng. ft. Dwarf Birch (Betula nana) ceases at. ‘ 836 metres = 2740 Eng. ft. The Snow line. . . . . - 1060 metres = 3480 Eng. ft. From the growth of the birch he has estimated the level of the snow line in the islands of Qualoe and Mageroe, though neither of these rise to the requisite limit. It is pro- bable, however, that the direct sea blast to which those bare rocks are exposed must act chemically upon vegetation in a way which would render the deduction of the snow line con- siderably doubtful—which doubt is confirmed by the more recent determination of the snow line on the island of Sei- land, opposite to Qualoe. Still, as a guide to fill up the gaps of direct observation, I add some determinations of the limit- level of the common birch in Norway, chiefly taken from the Gea Norvegica, from Naumann’s Travels, and from the observations of Wahlenberg, and of Smith the Norwegian botanist. These are important, as indicating the law of the phenomenon. Von Buch estimates the interval between the limit of the birch and perpetual snow at about 1870 English feet throughout Norway ; Wahlenberg, at 1960 English feet ; which probably represents best the results in higher latitudes. In the following table, I have inferred the height of the snow line from the limit of the birch, by adding 1900 feet to the latter number ; and I have added in another column the direct determinations of the snow level previously given. | On the Physical Geography of Norway. 307 Snow Linein English ft. Places where the Superior Limit of the Birch has Mean Limit), b b d of Birch in Pater English ft.| Inferred, | Observed. Lat. 594°. Gousta-field, Tellemarken (inland) 3550 5A5O 3500, 3290 Rhenish feet P Lat. 591°, Suledals-field, 3090, 2760 Rh. ft. (coast) 3010 4910 Lat. 60°-61°. Hardanger-field, 3320, 3440 Rh. 5400 ft., Fille-field, 3300, 3630 Rh. ft. (inland) eta! Bal . Lat.60°. Hardanger-fiord, Ullensvang 2900 Rh. ft., Folgefond, 1900, 2100, Voss, 2630(coast) a 9 Lat. 62°. Lom, central chain, 3150 Rh. ft.; 00; | vre, 3370, 3350, 3600, 3220; +i 3400 ; 3450 5350 5300 mean 3350 Galan) ‘ ‘ Lat. 64°. North Throndhjems ‘Amt, | seven ob- ) 4110 servations, of which the highest is 2130 | ois Cape Rh. ft. on the Swedish frontier; thelowest }| 2060 3810 , 1790 Rh. ft. on the eid a -field; mean 2000 | perint almost exactly , : Lat. 67°. Gilleskaal, Salten, near;the sea, and also near great Icefields of Fondal, 1200 1300 3200 Rh. ft. ; Stegen, 1320 (coast) . . Lat. 67°. Suliéelma, W. side 1100, ‘E, side 2100 Fr. ft. (inland) . Lat. 68°. Lofodden 1510, * 1070, 1030 Rh. ft: ; mean (coast) ° ° Lat. 693°. Alten, Piniiarken, and RY ge- nerally, 1550, 1550, 1300, 1420, 1150; Kaa- fiord, 1530 ; mean 1420 1710 3610 3460 1200 3100 1460 3360 3480 nes ee ee Ee aps Se Lat. 70°-6. Qualoe, 227 metres (Setland,sn snow 750 2650 2940 line) (coast). , Lat. 71°-2. Mageroe, N olin Cape, 130 yee 430T _ By means of a graphical construction, derived from the _ preceding table, I have succeeded better than I could have _ expected, in representing the variation of the snow line, and the limit of the birch in Norway, in terms of the latitude. ; But it is absolutely necessary, on the roughest estimate, to distinguish the Coast climate from the Inland climate. It appears, on the slightest examination, that the limit both of the birch and of perpetual snow rises as we recede from the coast towards the interior, the amount, however, varying be- tween one latitude and another. By Coast, be it observed, I do not mean the actual shore exposed to the blast and spray _ of the open ocean, but generally (with some exceptions, how- * Lédingen, sheltered exposure, Von Buch. _ + From excessive exposure not comparable to the others. The same remark applies in some degree to the preceding observations at Qualoe. 308 On the Physical Geography of Norway. ever, aS at Kaa-fiord, which has a continental climate), the comparatively narrow space where the mountains have a de- cided western declivity. The result of the projection (due regard being had to the number and worth of the observa- tions upon which it is based) is, that the curves are nearly flat between 59° and 62°, where they begin to decline rather rapidly—passing from convex to concave about the 65th degree, from which point northwards they decline, but with extreme slowness. ‘This form of the snow line is, I am per- - suaded, in the main correct. The rapid fall north of the Dovre-field, its flatness in the south, and its slow declivity in the north, all correspond to observation. I shall now give a table founded on these curves, for every two degrees of latitude. TABLE OF THE HEIGHT OF THE SNOW LINE AND LIMIT OF THE CoMMON BrrRcH (Betula alba) In NoRWay. | Siow Pine. Limit of Birch, | Latitude | | whey | Interior. | Coast. |Difference.|| Interior.| Coast. |Difference. | || Eng-Ft. | Eng. Ft. | Eng. Ft. || Eng. Ft. | Eng. Ft. | Eng. Ft. 60° 5500 4450 1050 3600 2650 950 62° 5200 4150 1050 3350 2450 900 | 64° 4200 3650 550 2300 1900 400 66° 3700 3250 450 1750 1450 300 68° 3450 | 3000 450 1500 1150 350 c0- 3350 2900 450 1350 950 400 It will be understood that these numbers must be con- sidered as mere approximations. Errors of from 100 to 200 feet may well occur in the best determinations of this kind. — Besides, the distinction of Interior and Coast evidently does not admit of precision. Beyond the limits of Norway the depression of the snow line is probably much more rapid. Over the ocean we come ~ into wholly new climatic conditions. The level of the snow — line at Cherry or Beeren Island, lat. 743°, has been estimated at 180 metres, about 600 English feet, and at Spitzbergen, lat. 793°, at 0; but I have already stated that this last result is inadmissible. The preceding discussions establish completely the influence _ of climate in determining the rise of the snow plane towards On the Physical Geography of Norway. 309 the interior. This is most conspicuous about lat. 60° to 62°, where the difference, it would appear, amounts to perhaps 1000 feet; but rapidly declines in lat. 64°, corresponding, in fact, to the peculiar change in the form of the peninsula (referred to at page 190), which there rapidly loses its massive and elevated character, and the climate becomes in consequence more maritime. The rise of the snow line may even be traced on the east and west side of the outlying mountains near the coast. It depends partly on the same cause as the rise of the snow line in the interior of Asia—the comparative dry- ness of the climate—but in great measure also on the greater effect towards the interior of the solar rays, which at Bergen, and on the coast generally, are so often obscured by clouds and fog. Wahlenberg long ago remarked the superior im- portance of the heat of the sun in melting snow, compared to the effect of rain.* This is also true in Switzerland, though exceptions are sometimes striking.| But in Norway, the rain which falls on summer snow can have no great warmth, nor be in any great quantity. We shall probably much ex- aggerate its effect, if we suppose that one-fourth of the yearly fall on the snow fields is in the state of rain, and that the mean temperature of that rain is 40°F. This quantity would thaw no more than one-jiftieth of the snow fallen at other seasons. { We observe in passing, as the result of the comparison of the configuration of the country with the position of the snow line, that though the surface actually covered by perpetual snow in Norway be small, yet the mountainous districts and _ table-lands everywhere approach it so nearly, that the snow * “ Calore solis nix melius solvitur quam pluviis omnibus calidis;’? and more _ to the same purpose.—Flora Lapponica, Introd., lvi. + The floods of September 1852 at Chamouni were caused mainly by a deluge of warm rain, which acted simultaneously on the glaciers and snows up even to the summit of Mont Blanc, which was seen all the while from Cha- _ mauni, whereas falling snow always conceals it more or less. My guide Au- guste Balmat mentioned these facts to me in a recent letter. t M. Durocher has computed, from the observations made at the convent of the Great St Bernard in Switzerland, which is but little below the snow line, _ that not more than one-ninetieth of the annual snow is dissolved by the rain. on 310 Notice of the “ Silurian System of plane may be said to hover over the peninsula, and any cause which should lower it even a little would plunge a great part of the country under a mantle of frost. Nay, so nice is the adjustment, that even the convexity of the rocky contour has its counterpart in the fall of the snow line near the coast, and in the general depression towards the north. The inci- dence of this remark will presently be more fully perceived. Notice of the “ Silurian System of Central Bohemia, by Joachim Barrande.”* Communicated by JAMES NICOL, F.R.S.E., Regius Professor of Natural History, University - of Aberdeen. Some time ago the introductory portions of this volume were noticed by us in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. 1]. (January 1851), p. 107, from a copy kindly for- warded by the author. In this notice an account was given of some of the more important geological results at which M. Barrande had arrived by his long and laborious researches. Referring the reader to this article, we now proceed to the more immediate subject of this volume, which contains a highly interesting account of his investigations into the struc- ture of those singular crustaceans—the Trilobites—which form a large portion of the ancient fauna of Bohemia, and also of many districts of ourown country. To shew the extent of these researches we may mention that they occupy more than 800 quarto pages, and are illustrated by above fifty plates, full of very beautifully executed figures. In collecting the materials for this curious history, M. Barrande was assist- ed by numerous workmen, trained under his own eye, to seek out and bring together the shattered fragments of or- ganic beings buried in these old strata. He pays a well- merited compliment to the zeal, skill, and intelligence of the humble Bohemian peasants employed in this minute and laborious research, who, he says, have improvised a nomen- * Systéme Silurien du Centre de la Bohéme, par Joachim Barrande, Vol. i., with vol, of plates. Prague and Paris. Central Bohemia, by Joachim Barrande.” dll clature in their own language, both for the animals and the rocks in which they are found. Some of them who have been longest in his employment are not only able to catch the most evanescent traces of the minutest embryos with the - microscope, but at once recognise any new or rare form in the district where they are engaged. M. Barrande has thus been enabled to extend his re- searches over a far wider range of localities, and to bring together a greater number and variety of specimens than would have been possible for an isolated individual. Some of the results of this wholesale mode of collecting specimens are not only curious, but of importance in the history of the animals. Thus the Dalmanites socialis is one of the most common trilobites in Bohemia. It is characteristic of the quartzites of his stage D.,some beds in the Drabow moun- tains being quite full of fragments of it, which form often nearly the entire surface of the rock. Yet they were only fragments ; and it was some years before perfect specimens of the whole animal were found in another locality. But these were badly preserved, and though collected in hundreds did not give the information on the structure of the animal that was wanted. At length a new depository of them was discovered in the Drabow mountains, with perfect, well-pre- _ served specimens. In these, however, the body was always extended, and a new locality had to be discovered before any were found rolled up, as was the case with all of them it furnished. Eight years had been spent in these researches, and some thousand specimens of this Dalmanites had passed through his hands, but all of adult individuals, when a new locality enabled him to complete the history, and to trace out the singular metamorphoses it undergoes, as represented in the highly interesting series of figures in his twenty-sixth plate. - Ten years’ researches were thus required to work out the history of this single trilobite, and the same was true of many others. Lot er OS ore . On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 361 the planes of stratification, a coating of erythrine, together with malachite and chessylite ; moreover, cobalt has been detected by analysis as one among the numerous ingredients of this slate. Vanadium has likewise been met with recently in the Mansfeld slags; it has probably originated from some cupreous mineral, in which it existed as a substitute of anti- mony or arsenic. Friesleben expressly states that cobalt and nickel minerals occur less in cupreous slate itself than in the riicken,—~.e. in the lodes traversing it, or when actually inthe slate, in the immediate proximity of these riicken. ! All these circumstances render it probable that the con- tents of the lodes called “‘riicken” have been formed by la- teral secretion, the more so as they do not extend downward to any depth. A direct ascension is thus out of the question here. Quartz would, in such a case, have been brought up from the granite and greywacke slate, but there is no trace of quartz or of silicates. It is not improbable that the car- bonaceous matter of the cupreous slate has chiefly contri- buted, by reduction, to the formation of the pyritic minerals, containing also cobalt, nickel, and arsenic. -Asbolan, or black erdcobalt, is one of the minerals which contains cobalt with traces of nickel. This occurs in the lodes above the cupreous slate; in zechstein, which is espe- cially rich in hydrated oxide of iron; indeed, the lodes which bear it do not even extend into the cupreous slate, and ap- pear to be fissures formed by drying, with which zechstein abounds. It has been found by experience that the asbolan near Saalfeld decreases as the cupreous slate is approached. The stalactitic form, and the considerable percentage of water in asbolan, may perhaps be evidence in favour of its being an infiltration product. The large quantity of manga- nese in asbolan may be accounted for by the fact, that the spathic iron, from which the hydrated oxide of iron has prin- cipally originated, contains manganese. As might be expected, the group in question of the cobalt nickel formation, is not deficient in the associates of cupreous minerals. In the Mansfeld district they are not very abun- dant on the riicken in cupreous slate and wiesliegenden, still 362 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. copper glance occurs, and as a rarity, digenite. At Saalfeld the cupreous minerals occur in the lodes, especially above the cupreous slate, and even when this is absent; because, as has been stated, the beds of zechstein are partially im- pregnated with cupreous minerals ; rich deposits of fahlerz, copper pyrites, and barytite, together with the numerous products of these minerals, have been found here in zechstein. The fahlerz generally contains cobalt, a fact which accounts for the efflorescence of erythrine from it; the most usual de- rivative is, however, the so-called ferruginous copper green. Erythrine has been found upon fahlerz, and indeed upon the crystal planes, where they appear somewhat decomposed, without any other mineral containing cobalt being visible among its associates. Such fahlerz contains even some ar- senic. Still it is stated that rothnickelkies and spiess-cobalt have been met with in lodes at a considerable elevation above the cupreous slate. But all the minerals with a me- tallic lustre here mentioned are known to occur at Saalfeld in lodes, in cupreous slate, or immediately beneath it, the latter especially at Kaulsdorf. According to Friesleben the cupreous slate, especially at Mansfeld, appears to be richer near the riicken rather than otherwise. This fact may be regarded as a further proof that the metallic substances have generally accumulated towards the riicken. Barytite as a lode substance, is a very constant associate at all depths ; but it is remarkable that it is always more re- cent than the fahlerz, and older than the pyritie minerals con- taining cobalt and nickel. For this reason, perhaps, the fahlerz is wanting in the riicken of copper—slate, and weiss- liegenden, heavy spar being there the oldest member. Cale- spar and arragonite appear as more recent members, and it is only in some few instances that there is a second genera- tion of copper pyrites, almost solely in very small crystals upon the cale-spar. In the immense and long-worked deposits of brown iron ore at Konitz, Kamsdorf, and Saalfeld, which belong to the zechstein, and have, perhaps, entirely originated from spathic iron, as is indicated by the frequent pseudomorphs, and the association of compact and frothy ee os eS ek On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 363 wad—the usually accessory derivatives of this mineral,— barytite is, in all instances, more recent than spathic iron or brown iron ore, and lies in numerous veins in them. The fahlerz and copper pyrites belong only or principally to lodes in zechstein above the cupreous slate, and the fah- lerz has most likely not often been found without a covering of heavy spar. Here, as in all other formations, it has been found that it is richer in silver when accompanied by little or no copper pyrites. The galena, which occurs very rarely indeed, may perhaps be referred to the same date as the fahlerz. If, then, the barytite is taken as the boundary, two formations must be distinguished in the lodes,—that of fahlerz and that of cobalt and nickel minerals, even although they may be very closely connected. This distinction is supported by the circumstance that barytite has not been deposited upon the first formation until after the fahlerz has suffered decomposition. Consequently, the constituents of the fahlerz must have first been set in motion, and those of the cobalt and nickel minerals afterwards. Sometimes the minerals whose formation has preceded that of the barytite are mixed up together with those which have been formed subsequently, partly in a fractured state, and even so-called spheroidal masses are found; phenomena which undoubtedly indicate violent disturbances of the lodes. At the Neidhammeler-zuge, near Saalfeld, fragments of fer- ruginous zechstein are surrounded by fahlerz, copper pyrites, barytite, and then the numerous decomposition pro- ducts, ferruginous copper green, copper lazure, malachite, erythrine, kupferschaum, &c. Yellow and brown earthy cobalt and copper—manganese ore likewise occur here,—and these originated either from the hardening of mud, or are de- composition products,—and ochery hydrated oxide of iron, impregnated with oxide of cobalt. Even metallic copper has in some rare instances been found in spike-shaped distorted crystals, entirely surrounded by brown iron ochre. In the riicken of Schweina and Gliicksbrunn spies cobalt is the only abundant primitive mineral of the cobalt nickel formation ; rothnickelkies with chloanthite is rare. Bis- muth appears to be entirely wanting. The lodes, moreover, 364 On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. ‘bear ore only to the depth of a few yards, corresponding to the thickness of the cupreous slate, and the weissliegenden. In the rothliegenden and in granite they terminate abruptly. (This is likewise the case in the riicken of Sangerhausen and Rothenburg, where rothnickelkies and nickel-glance pre- dominate almost to the entire exclusion of spies cobalt.) In the Riechelsdorf lodes pyrites containing nickel and cobalt occur in the zechstein above the cupreous slate, although near to it, and extend to a small distance beneath it. Traces of bismuth have also been met with here. According to previous observation, gold and silver mine- rals are altogether absent from this formation; still the fahlerz contains as much as 3 per cent. of silver, and although this mineral, strictly speaking, does not belong to this group of the formation which commences with heavy spar, as has been shewn, it has been included because it appears in the same lodes, and because it not unfrequently contains cobalt. As regards the great variety of minerals occurring in the lodes, the Saalfeld district is the most important. | It must be admitted that these five groups of the cobalt nickel formation cannot be referred to one and the same period, but must, perhaps, be separated into several lode formations. The Chilian is undoubtedly distinct, and should perhaps be placed immediately after the fifth formation. Again, a group which includes lode quartz as an essential con- stituent should, perhaps, be separated from one in which it is absent. The want of observations respecting the relative age of the individual lodes in which cobalt and nickel minerals occur, the absence of spathic iron, and especially of barytite, or their pseudomorphs, in some places have rendered it necessary to consider under one head groups of minerals which will, without doubt, hereafter be found to differ. Still the course here adopted has the advantage of present- ing a connected view of the known modes of occurrence of bodies which in a mineralogical, chemical, and geognostical point of view are very closely related. Further, the localities enumerated admit of the conclusion being drawn, that the most recent group belongs to a period between the completion of the old coal formation, and but EE ———————E———— On the Paragenetic Relations of Minerals. 365 little subsequent to the zechstein ; up to the present time at least, it is not known that cobalt or nickel minerals occur in a sedimentary formation more recent than the latter. XIV. Barytic, Lead, and Zinc Formation.—Although this formation is characterised as barytic, the most frequent lodic substance next to barytite is fluorspar. The lodes may in other respects be classified into two groups, according to the presence or absence of quartz. Among the minerals galena is the most characteristic. It is generally poor in silver, in some rarer instances without any. There is perhaps no other formation of which it is an essential member where it has suffered so many alterations. The most ordinary products of decomposition are cerussite, ' hyromorphite, mimetite, anglesite, leadhilite, phosgenite, mendipite, plumbocalcite, and the very rare schwebleinz (superoxide of lead). 3 - (To be concluded in our neat Number.) On the Fossil Plants found in Amber. By Professor GOEPPERT. [Berlin Academy, Bulletin, 1853, pp. 450-476; and Leonhard u. Bronn’s N. Jahrb. f. Min. u.s.w. 1853, pp. 745-749.] Since Prof. Goeppert recognised the Taxodites dubius of Stern- berg, which occurs abundantly in the plant-bed at Schosnitz, Silesia, as the Taxodium distichum, Rich., now living in the southern parts of the United States and in Mexico, and found also some fossil Plants from Schosnitz to be identical with living species, thus pointing out the identity of some tertiary plants with the living, he has had the opportunity of examining a collection of 570 specimens of Amber, containing plant-remains, belonging to M. Menge of Dantzig, and 30 specimens bequeathed by M. Berendt. With these the author has been enabled to raise the number of the species of plants in the Amber Flora from 44 to 163, of which only Libocedrites salicor- nioides and Taxodites Europeus occur fossil out of the Amber, and 30 are identical with existing species. The constitution of the Amber Flora, as at present known, is shewn in the following table.* * For the lists of genera and species, see the works above referred to, VOL. LVI. NO. CXII.—APRIL 1854. 2B 366 Professor Goeppert on the - Number of Number identical with Species. existing Species. PLANT CELLULARES. Tsi Hemgeetcic.. ico8. 2740... AS 16 4, certainly; perhaps all. oe ae Ri ee ae 6 or 7 (with species on HI; , Lichenes <....6ssi09s- (i 12 the E. and W. coasts of Arctic America.) IV. atta hepatici : i 39 specimens 11 11 ungermanniee Vid’ Mucei frondosi 1<.f;.4-: 03 ao... bet 19 { 2 or 3, certainly ; per- haps all. PLANT VASCULARES. III. Cryptogame (Acotyledones.) Filices. Pecopteris Humboldtana, Gépp. & Behr. IV. Monocotyledones. Cyperacez. Carex eximia, Gépp. and Menge. Graminee. Fragments. Alismacee. Alisma plantaginoides, Gépp. & Menge. V. Gymnosperme. CupressPiees.; cine cacs basccn coed <>: 220 2 PRRUCUTINGEEN nnn eee se tae ME cae net 31* 1 Ct elAGOaI Te: «seeped ke ec HLS. ees 1 VI. Monochlamydez. TROTTER oon ove «nee shes walacn ceeets ne, une SPORITOT AS on Ss Soman capable wiee | 10 Salicinez ........ ET Seek Seen as 3 VII. Corolliflore. Kricinez...... bite HSLERGLE, DE, ole 22 3 V SPANO 65 oi, 5 foe aek ac asdinncsade sedis 1 Primulacee#.......0-....:. a. CEOS SO 2 Verbasea® sickats i pdencwas oo bleaies 2 1 ae ead aR he CART fcay Sete yi SEFODATIATINOG ... d. sce sncenepicak ene x MD MPIODTORD yc 5 «56 woe Hos crthece ca canes 2 VIII. Choristopetale. Loranthez .......... Giwsgaate Vets ab Crttaritbicsae era aoa eibs cate 1 s The whole Flora as yet known consists of 24 Families, 64 Ge- nera ; comprising 163 species.t The following are the general results of Prof. Goeppert’s re- searches, A considerable number of tertiary species of plants (especially Plante cellulares) are still living. * Of these, eight (the species determined from the fossil wood) afford Amber. t The number of species may probably be raised to about 180, by additions from about 50 specimens of which the relations are barely determinable. Fossil Plants found in Amber. 367 The flora of the Amber being destitute of tropical and sub-tropical forms, it, is to be referred to the Pliocene period, The. remains only of forest-plants have been preserved in the Amber. This flora much resembles the present, especially in the Cellular plants ; the Cupressinec, however, are now almost wholly wanting in our latitudes, and the Abietinee and the Ericinee are not abundant. The four species, of Thuia, Andromeda, and Sedum, which are iden- tical with the living, are indeed northern forms; on the other hand, the Libocedrus Chilensis is found on the Andes of Southern Chili. _ The flora of the northern parts of Europe, Asia, and America, is at present less rich in species of Cupressinee and Abietinee than that of the Amber, although it possesses some of the species found in the latter ; nor are the existing northern species of Conifere so rich in resinous products as were the trees of the Amber-flora with which the Dammara Australis of New Zealand can alone in this re- spect be compared, the branches and twigs of this tree being stiff with white resin-drops. If we take into consideration the enormous extent which the forests of Abies alba, Abies ovata, . nigra, Larix Dahurica, balsamea, Sibirica, and — Sibirica, Pinus Cembra, at present attain in North America and Northern Asia, we are led to infer a similar extension in former times of the Amber-forests throughout the northern regions; to which, indeed, the wide distri- bution of amber in the late tertiary deposits of North America, Holland, North Germany, Russia, and Siberia to Kamtschatka, bears evidence. If we judge from the proportion which the fir-forests bear to the rest of our northern flora generally, we shall infer, from the preva- lence of the Conifere in the Amber, the existence of a very rich flora contemporaneous with the latter, and of which but a small part has as yet been presented to our notice. Germany contains 6800 species of Cryptogame, according to Rabenhorst, and 3454 species of | Phanerogame, according to Koch. The proportions are— THr GERMAN FroRA. THE AMBER FLOP . ; Classes. Species. Classes. Speci Mryptogame ...i3 0.4 257. -0 ys Beste C8Q0 aun. 6 60 Families. Species. Families. Species, Phanerogame ...............005 - 135 3454 ...... 20 102 ae ee rere < Bo td 6% vit 10 PMO ccs aiirrkeec is ros sev ewees oat OD ee oY: 24: 368 On the Fossil Plants found in Amber. Amber is never found isolated in large or small masses in the bituminous wood of the Brown-coal with resin-ducts of a single row of cells, which never contain yellow masses of resin, but only dark- brown transparent resin-drops, as in the Cupressinee, or the Cupres- sinorylon of Goeppert. The compound resin-ducts of the Abietinee alone are filled with amber. It is probable that the amber and its plant-remains have been drifted to the places in which they are now found. The author knows of no well-authenticated instance of the occurrence of amber in the Brown-coal formation itself; it occurs in the drift-beds above it, where, however, it does not appear to have originally belonged. Scheerer has found it in Norway; Von Brevern, atG ischiginsk in Kamtschatka; Rink, in Haven Island, near Disco Island, Green- land ; and in these instances it is generally in drift-beds. The sup- position, however, that it belongs to the Drift-period is difficult to substantiate, the flora of that period being as yet but little known, The stomach of the fossil Mastodon found in New Jersey contained twigs of Thuja occidentalis (found in the Amber-flora) ; and in the Erie Canal, in New York State, at a depth of 118 feet there have been found freshwater shells, together with portions of Abies Cana- densis, which still grows in the neighbourhood, and leaves of which are recognised (though with some doubt) in the amber. The fossil wood of the Drift-beds of Siberia, also, is nearly related to that of the present day.* The height at which amber is found at the Castle on the Riesen- gebirge near Helmsdorf is nearly 1250 feet [German] above the sea level, and at Grossman’s Factory near Tannhausen, at 1350 feet. The amber is not derived from one species of wood only (Pinites succinifer), as Professor Goeppert formerly thought, but also from eight other species, including the Pinus Rinkianus, in which Vau- pelt observed the amber of Disco Island. It is probable that all the Abietine, and perhaps the Cupressinee, have furnished their share of the resinous matter (at first consisting of various specifically different resins) that afterwards by fossiliza- tion became amber; and this is supported by the author’s experi- ments in the formation of amber from resin by the wet process, as in his experiments on the formation of coal from recent plants.t+ In form the amber is either like drops, indicative of a former semi- fluid condition, or as the casts of resin-ducts and cavities. Large nodular masses occur, which must have been accumulated in the lower part of the stem or the root, as in the Copal trees.—( Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol. x., No. 37.) * See Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vi. Part 2. Miscell. p. 66,—TRANSL. + Ibid., p. 33.—TRANSL. 369 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. METEOROLOGY. 1. Climate of Finmarken.—“ I shall here add,’’ says Professor Forbes, ‘‘ a few particulars which give a general idea of the climate of this part of Norway. For eleven years (1837-48), the average temperature at 9 a.M. was 34°°50; at 9p.M., 32°-83 ; mean 33°66. Von Buch estimated it, solely from the upper level of the Pine (640 feet above the sea), at nearly 1° Reaumur, or 34°:25 Fahrenheit, a remarkable coincidence. ‘The mean temperature of February, which is decidedly the coldest month, is 15°4; and of August, which is usually the hottest, 54°°3. This range is, how- ever, small, compared with the actual extremes on particular days, which I find to be the following, during three years, for which they are specified; but of which those for 1848 only are certainly taken with self-registering instraments :— 1846. 1847. 1848. Maximum ....... 83°3 84°°7 86°9 Minimum ,....... 14°8 3:1 20:2 Range see 98:1 87:8 107-1 Hence it appears that the thermometer rarely, if ever, falls below the zero of Fahrenheit, whilst there is not, perhaps, another part of the earth’s surface on this parallel where mercury does not freeze in winter. The fall of rain and snow in these three years was only 18-18, 16:81, and 17°19 inches.”’*—(Morway and its Glaciers, by Professor James D. Forbes.) 2. Proposed Meteorological Survey.—We regret to have to an- nounce to the scientific public, onthe authority of Captain James, Royal Engineers, that the proposed second conference at Brussels, for making arrangements for the mutua] interchanges of the principal results obtained from the meteorological observations taken on land in all parts of the world, cannot, under the present aspect of our foreign relations, take place this year. The opinions of all the most eminent meteorologists in Europe and America are strongly in favour of such a combination and system of co-operation, and we trust the war which is now pending may be of short duration, and that this conference may still be held at no distant day. HYDROGRAPHY. 3. Amount of pressure borne by Animal Life in profound depths.—The real amount of pressure borne by aniinal life in pro- found depths is truly an interesting element for consideration and * See Reports of British Association for 1849 and following years. 370 Scientijic Intelligence—Hydrography. experiment. At 16 fathomsa living creature would have to sustain only about 60 pounds to the square inch, and at 60 fathoms as much as 180 pounds. At 100 fathoms depth the pressure would amount to 285 pounds; and at 700 fathoms the creature must bear with impunity a quantity equal to 1830 pounds upon the square inch; while the pressure of 1000 fathoms of superincumbent water on the same area considerably exceeds a ton.—(Rear-Admiral Smyth, K.S.F., on the Mediterranean, p. 193.) : 4, Sea Pressure.-—* In proportion to the descent into the sea does the pressure of the superior portion upon the inferior become greater ; and as a column of sea water, 11 yards in height, is nearly of the same weight as a column of air of an equal base, extending from the surface of the earth to the limit of the atmosphere, it fol- lows that, at a depth of 1100 yards, the water sustains a pressure of 100 atmospheres. How enormous, then, must this pressure be on beds still lower, if the mean depth of the sea, at a distance from the coasts, extends for several miles, as the laws of gravitation seem to indicate.’ A question thence arises as to the depth of water necessary to produce the liquefaction of gases. Estimating the height of a column of water equal to the pressure of an atmosphere, in the usual way, at 34 feet, and neglecting the saline contents of the sea, as well as the probable compression of water itself at vast depths, Dr Faraday has shewn (Philosophical Transactions for 1823) the pressure and temperature at which the gaseous substances below enumerated become liquid in his experiments, and it results that those gases could not exist as such below the depths marked in feet on the last column. Feet. Sulphurous acid gas liquifies, under 2 atmospheres, at 45° 68 Cyanogen gas, bin a 3°6 a. 45° 123 Chlorine gas, ee vee 4 ‘Sud 60° 136 Ammoniacal gas, ... aes 6:5 iti 50° 221 Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, 17 ate 50° 578 Carbonic acid gas, ... ent 36 ie 32° 1224 Muriatic acid gas, ... eee 40 whi 50°. 1360 Nitrous oxide gas, ... ol 50 45° 1700 —(Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth, K.SF., on the Mediterranean Sea.) 5. The Colour of the Ocean.—The usual tint of the Mediterranean Sea, when undisturbed by accidental or local causes, is a bright and deep blue ; but in the Adriatic a green tinge is prevalent ; in the Levant basin it borders on purple, while the Euxine often has the dark aspect from which it derives its modern appellation. The clear ultramarine tint is the most general, and has been immemorially noticed, although the diaphanous translucence of the water almost justifies those who assert that it has no colour at all. Seamen admit of one conclusion in regard to colour, namely, that a green Scientific Intelligence—Hydrography. 371 hue is a general indication of soundings, and indigo blue of profound depth.—( Rear-Admiral W.H. Smyth, K.S.E., on the Mediterranean Sea, p. 125.) 6. Admiral Smyth on the Temperature of the Ocean.—The result of my experiments leads to the conclusion that there actually exists a very sensible diminution between the surface temperature and that obtained at great depths, and the difference may be roundly esti- mated at about one degree for every twenty fathoms of line near the surface, save where the agency of subterranean currents may _be at work, for such streams are undoubtedly connected with oceanic influences; but below about 180 fathoms, to our utmost depths, the temperature varied but little from 42° or 43° of the Fahrenheit scale. We found that at equal depths the warmth is rather higher along shore than in the offing ; still no reliance can be placed here upon thermometrical indications of an approach to land or a great bank, as taught in the Atiantic Ocean, and the supposed heating of the waves is a mistaken sensation produced by the cooling of the . atmosphere in the meantime. The mere surface temperature is very variable, according to the weather and the altitude of the sun, differing at sunrise and in the afternoon by three or four degrees, and even more.—(Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth, K.S.F., on the Mediterranean Sea, p. 124.) 7. Captain Allen’s proposal of converting the Dead Sea into a north-eastern extension of the Mediterranean.—There is certainly no natural feature of the earth’s surface more astounding, or more difficult of explanation, than the existence of this long deep fissure, which, being 630 feet below the Mediterranean at the Lake of T iarias, deepens in the Dead Sea to 1300 feet below the general sea-level. With the nature of the hilly country between the Medi- terranean and the Sea of Tiberias we are pretty well acquainted, and we are reminded by Captain Allen that a line of communica- tion might be established without traversing any very high ground. Hence it is possible that the modern spirit of enterprise might adopt the suggestion of a ship canal, as shadowed out by this officer, through which the waters of the Mediterranean, rushing for a number of years, might be cascaded into the low country, and thus sub- merging a great area, now pestilential and of little or no value, render the Dead Sea a south-eastern extension of the Mediterranean. But still there would remain a space of land to be cut through from the Dead Sea depression into the Red Sea; and the first question is, what is the nature of that barrier, and what its altitude. But before we can arrive at any explanation of this problem in ancient or geological geography, or form any rational con- jecture of the eventual possibility of opening such a water communication between Europe and Southern Asia, it is essen- tial that the true physical features of the region, particularly of the tract between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, be de- 372 Scientific Intelligence—Hydrography. lineated. For this purpose the proposal of Captain Allen to effect in his own person a survey of such lands, accompanied by a com- petent officer of the Royal Engineers,* is well worthy of our country, and I hope will be ordered by her Majesty’s Government.—(Sir Roderick Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxii., p. 15.) 8. Arctic Glaciers.—As, doubtless, large portions of our continents were under water when vast erratic blocks were transported to great distances by icebergs and deposited on what are now plains of terra firma, so these must have proceeded from ice-clad continents. Among others, I have laboured’ with my asseciates to shew how all the higher portions of Scandinavia and Lapland constituted a glacial centre in a former icy period which sent off its stone-bear- ing ice vessels to what is now the dry land of Germany, then a sea bottom. Dr Rink now comes out with a demonstration, that in the present period all the vast continent of Greenland, as far as is known, is one vast interior of ice, through which the rocks scarcely protrude, and though of no great altitude, is yet sufficiently high in . its central parts to afford a slight incline in the general and onward march for the enormous ice-field, until, protruding its arms into deep and long lateral fronds, huge bergs are in certain favouring spots broken off from the parent mass, and calve (as the Danes term their launch), before they sail away into Davis Straits and southwards. 9. Alpine, Norwegian, Himalayan, Snowdon, Cambrian, and Highland Glaciers.—The glaciers which have been observed in the Alps, Norway, and Himalayan mountains, are separate ice streams, which fill valleys, and radiate from certain lofty centres, carrying with them the materials out of which their moraines are formed. And in some of our insular tracts, such as Snowdon and the Cumbrian mountains, we can easily explain how such glaciers must there also have acted from similar centres, and have scratched and polished the shoulders of the valleys as they descended. But as several authors have observed, and as Mr Robert Chambers has well shewn, ina re- cent memoir,t replete with good new observations on the west coast of the Highlands, there are many lofty tracts in Scotland, as wellas in Norway and other countries: Striation seems to be quite indepen- dent of the outline of the ground, thus indicating a grand and sie movement of ice, It is to countries which present such phenomena that the memoir of Dr Rink forcibly applies; and it leads us to imagine that. there was a period when Scotland, particularly all the Highlands, was ana- * Steps were taken a few months ago to carry out this project, and General Sir J. Burgoyne, with whom I consulted, was quite prepared to furnish the requisite engineer officer, but the season was considered too far advanced. I trust that the Government will sanction the execution of the enterprise next Winter or spr ing. { Edin, New Phil. Journal, April 1853, p. 229. : a | Scientific Intelligence —Mineralogy. 373 logous to what Greenland now is, and when an icy mantle extended itself from higher plateaux into the fronds or friths on its sides.— (Sir Roderick Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxiii., p. 1xxxiii.) 10. Professor Dove on Oceanic Currents.—The influence of oceanic currents, says the Earl of Rosse, on the temperature of the regions in which they prevail, was very inadequately appreciated before the pub- lication of these researches. Of these currents, the most important, and infinitely the most interesting to ourselves, is that so well-known as the Gulf Stream. Its immense influence in moderating the winter cold along the shores of western Europe, is shewn by the singularly abnormal position of the winter isothermals in that region ; and not only is this fact of great interest in itself, and of first-rate impor- tance in meteorology, but it has also enabled the geologist to form a far more accurate estimate than otherwise it would have been possible to have done of the probable climatal influences of particular con- figurations of land and sea, and thus to overcome, not by arbitrary hypothesis, but by logical deduction, some of the greatest apparent anomalies in speculative geology. The former existence of glaciers in our own islands need no longer be regarded as a mystery, for it is now demonstrable that they would be highly probable, if not ab- solutely necessary, consequences of any configuration of land and sea, which should divert the Gulf Stream from its present course; and the geologist has no difficulty in conceiving such a configuration, not merely as a possible, but as one which probably did exist during the glacial period. I mention this as an instance of the diffusive influ- ence of a great step in one science on the progress of science either more or less directly associated with it. A further and very important conclusion has been deduced by Professor Dove, from the monthly isothermals ; I mean the fact that the mean temperature of the sur- face of the globe, as a whole, is higher when the sun is in the northern than in the southern signs. The explanation is, that the northern hemisphere has more land than sea at the surface, and the southern much more sea than land, and that from the different action of the sun’s rays on the solid and fluid surfaces, it follows that the hot summer of the northern hemisphere, added to the milder winter of the southern, gives a mean of general temperature several degrees of Fahrenheit higher than the cool summer of the southern, together with the cold winter of the northern hemisphere.—( Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. vi. No. 99; Earl of Rosse’s Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, London. MINERALOGY. 11. On the supposed new metal Aridiwm.—Some years since Uligren published a paper upon a substance found by him in a Nor- wegian chromic iron ore, and which he considered as the oxide of a new metal, closely resembling iron in its chemical properties and relations. Bahr has carefully examined the mineral in question, 374 Scientific Intelligence.—Mineralogy. and finds that the so-called oxide of aridium is merely oxide of iron, with a little phosphoric acid and oxide of chromium.—(Journal fur Practische Chemie, ix. 27.) 12, Density of Selentum.—Schaffgotch has determined the den- sity of selenium, and deduces from a great number of experiments the following conclusions :—1st, Selenium has two different spe- cific gravities (at 16 R.), namely, 4-282 and 4-801. The smaller number belongs to an amorphous and glassy condition, the higher one to a granular crystalline state; the two states may be con- verted into each other at pleasure. 2d, The blood-red flocky Sele- nium, as precipitated in the cold, has the density of amorphous Selenium, whether its colour and apparent volume have been changed by heat or not.—(American Journal of Science and Arts, 2d series, No. 49, p. 123.) : 13. Dolomite.—M. J. Durocher has obtained dolomite artificially through the action of magnesia vapours. He put in a gun-barrel some anhydrous chloride of magnesium, and a porous carbonate of lime, the latter being so placed that it could be reached only by vapours from the former. The gun-barrel was closed, and then kept at a low red-heat for three hours, The limestone, when taken out, was partly scoriaceous externally, and covered with a mixture of chloride of calcium, and chloride of magnesium within; it was altered mostly to a dolomite, as ascertained by analysis.—(dAmerican Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xvii., No. 49, 2d series, p. 128.) 14. Crystallized Furnace Products——¥F. Sandberger has an- nounced the occurrence, as furnace products, of graphite in 6-sided tables near Dillenburg ; metallic copper in threads, and rarely octa- hedral crystals, near Dillenburg; antimonial nickel in long hexa- gonal needles, at Ems; galena in cleavable cubes, at Holzappel and Ems ; magnetic iron in octahedra ; 8 Cu? O+-SbO3 in copper red or yellow hexagonal tables, at Dillenburg; Ti Cy + 3 Ti? N in Bodenstvin.—(A merican Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xvil., No. 49, 2d series, p. 128.) 15. Purification of Graphite for Lead Pencils—Runge pro- poses to purify poor graphite for pencils, by digesting, for thirty- six hours, the finely powdered mineral with about double its weight of concentrated sulphuric acid, then diluting the acid with water, and washing the powder free from acid. Graphite thus powdered is very much cheaper than the ordinary English, and is quite as pure as the best Borrowdale black-lead.. The decanted sulphuric acid contains iron, sulphate of alumina, &c.; the latter may be separated when large quantities of graphite are operated upon. Runge also proposes to add a little lamp-black with the graphite, in order that the lines made by the pencils may have a deeper shade of black. Probably certain kinds of manganese may be used for the same purpose.—(La Technologiste, April 1858, p. 360; Dublin Journal of Industrial Progress, No. 1, p. 21.) Scientific Intelligence.—Geology. 375 16. Arctic Minerals.—Before we take leave of arctic subjects, says Sir Roderick Murchison, let me remind you that, judging from a memoir communicated by M. Lundt of Denmark, and lately read to our society by Sir Walter Trevelyan, on the mineral produce of the southern parts of Greenland, we have every reason to think that valuable ores of copper may be found to extend far to the north of the tracts around Disco, where the minerals in question were ob- served. Judging from the few rocks submitted to my inspection by Captain Inglefield, and which were coliected in the more northern parallel of 77°, I should infer, from their crystalline character, that a very large portion of this region may prove to be metalliferous, and that industry may there be rewarded with spoils of the land, as well as by catching the whales and seals of the sea——(Sir Roderiek Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxiii., p- Ixxxiii.) GEOLOGY. 17. The Lower Silurian Rocks of the United States.—One of the chief geological facts ascertained in reference to the origin of life in the crust of the globe, is the discovery of certain fossil animals (trilobites) in strata lower than any in which they had been found in America, but which are precisely on the same horizon as the lowest fossil- bearing Silurian rocks of Britain, Scandinavia, Russia, and Bohemia, where trilobites also occur in the same relative position. Excuse me, then, if I say that I felt no small pride when I saw that M. Owen had mapped all these rocks as lower Silurian, and as agreeing with those which, under that name, I have defined to be the lowest fossiliferous rocks of Europe. These and other paleeozoic rocks, the equivalents of our Devonian, are surmounted by carboniferous masses of such extent, that one of them may be mentioned as a coal-field larger than England.—(Str Roderick Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geographical Society.) 18. Nature of the Coral-Reefs between the coasts of Florida and Meaico.—I must, indeed, specially allude to an admirable illustra- tion of the true nature of the coral-reefs between the coasts of Florida and Mexico, the “Keys” of the seamen. In a separate report on the topography of that tract, in relation to the former, present, and probable future condition of such reefs, Professor Agassiz has successfully shewn how all such surveys ought to be made in conjunction with naturalists. For, quite independent of the important additions to natural history knowledge which are obtained, Statesmen as well as hydrographers thus ascertain the causes of in- crease or decrease of coral reefs, and learn that whilst no human power can arrest the growth of such reefs, there are channels amidst them which will remain deep in long periods of time, and the outlines of which, when well defined by lighthouses, may be the salvation of much life and property. In other words, the fixed and stable points, of land and the channels which are dangerous, are 376 Scientific Intelligence.— Geology. thus accurately defined by the great naturalist Agassiz——(Sir Ro- derick Murchison’s Addiess to the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxiii.) 19. Geological conclusions in regard to the Russian Interior Seas.—There is perhaps no feature of more commanding interest in its bearing on the physical outlines of the earth at a period which approaches near to our own era, than the fact, which geological re- searches have established, that there has existed a vast interior sea, which covered all the area between Constantinople on the west, and Turkestan on the east, or a length of nearly two thousand miles, whilst it ranged irregularly from south to north over a space broader than the present Caspian Sea is long, or of about one thousand miles. Of this great submerged area, the Seas of Azof, the Caspian, and the Aral, are now clearly the chief detached remnants. For, as I for- merly explained, the very same species of mollusca which are now living in these seas, are found in a fossil state in limestones forming cliffs on their shores, or on those of the Black Sea, or in masses ef intermediate land, which are simply the elevated bottoms of a once continuous vast internal sea, the whole of whose inhabitants were as distinct from those of the then ocean as are the present inhabitants of these detached Caspians from those of the present Mediterranean and ocean.—(Sir Roderick Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geo- graphical Society, vol. xxiii., p. 1xxxvii.) 20. On the probable depth of the Ocean of the European Chalk Deposits. By Professor H. D. Rogers (Prov. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1853, 297.)—Various geologists, and among them Professor Ed. Forbes, in his excellent and learned Paleontology of the British Isles, in Johnston’s Physical Atlas, have suggested that the ocean of the chalk deposits of Europe was a deep one; and in evidence of this, Professor Forbes cites the ‘‘ striking relationship existing to deep sea form of the English Chalk Corals and Brachiopods, adding, that the peculiar Echinoderms (Holaster, alerites, Ananchytes, Cidaris, Brissus, and Goniaster) favour this notion, as also the pre- sence of numerous Foraminifera.” 21. Professor Rogers’ objections to Professor Forbes’ Deep-Sea | Genera,—I beg leave to present a difficulty in the way of this con- clusion. Several of these genera of Echinoderms, as Ananchytes, Cidaris, &c., occur in the greensand deposit of New Jersey, referable by every fossil test to the age of the greensand and chalk of Europe. And this American stratum was unquestionably the sediment of quite shallow littoral waters. That they must have had a trivial depth is proved by the circumstance that they repose in almost horizontal stratification, at a level of not more than from one to two hundred feet lower than the general surface of the hills and upland region to the N.W. of the margin of the zone they occupy as their outcrop. It is obvious that a depression of the cretaceous region, such as would cover the present deposits with a deep sea, would have like- —_" =. Scientific Intelligence.— Geology. 377 wise overspread the low gneissic hills to the N.W. of the Delaware, which present no traces of having ever been submerged during the cretaceous or any secondary period. 22. Mr Ayres’ objections to Professor Forbes’ Deep-Sea Genera. —Mr Ayres remarked, that of those genera of Echinoderms, which Mr Forbes regarded as deep-sea genera, two or three are found in North America, in water not two hundred feet deep. Terebratula, which has been generally regarded as only an inhabitant of very deep water, and whose structure has been described as admirably adapted to the depth at which it has been found, and which Professor Owen has demonstrated, cannot exist at a depth of less than two or three hundred fathoms, exists at Eastport, Me., in water so shallow that it can be taken by hand. In the same locality and position, radiata are found, which have heretofore been thought to be only inhabitants of deep water. Some of Professor Forbes’ genera are also found in less than ten fathoms of water.—( American Journal of Science and Art, vol. xvii., No. 49.) 23. Artificial Silicification of Limestone.—lIt is some years since M. Kuhlmann of Lille proposed to preserve pieces of sculpture, &c., by impregnating them with a solution of silicate of potash—SiO® KO + CO? Ca0=Si0? Ca0+CO? KO. This process has been used on a grand scale in certain parts of the cathedral Notre Dame. The architect of the cathedral reports as follows :—1. That the in- filtration of silica made “ sur les terrasses et contre-fort du chceur,”’ in October 1852, has preserved the stone from the green moss that covers stone in moist places. 2. That the gutters and flagging of limestone subjected to this process present surfaces perfectly dry, covered with a silicious crust. 3. That upon the stone so prepared, dust and spider webs are less common than upon the stone in the ordinary state. The report also states, that tender stones have been rendered hard; they have lost part of their porosity, and after being washed, they dry more rapidly than stones not silicified. The pro- cess has succeeded completely on all calcareous blocks, whether iso- lated, or forming part of the structure, new and old. It is not yet known how this process will act on mortars ; but if successful, the silification of an entire monument may be accom- plished, and its restoration when old. The whole exterior might be thus covered with a thick bed of artificial silicate of lime, and a whole edifice be protected by this means from all atmospheric causes of destruction.*—(American Journal of Science and Arts, 2d Series, No. 49. January 1854, p. 119.) * This process may prove highly useful in protecting the rapid decomposi- tion of some of our finer building stones, that are exposed to much damp. The overseers of our finer buildings ought, undoubtedly, not to overlook this impor- tant notice. ‘ 378 Scientific Intelligence.— Geology. 24. To render Sandstone and other porous materials impervious to Water.—The sandstone is first heated to a temperature of about 400 Fahrenheit, and then plunged into coal tar, heated to about the same temperature, and allowed to remain in it for about eight hours. In this way a mass is obtained so solid, that it is scarcely possible to break it with a hammer. Bricks and tiles require only four hours steeping, at a temperature of about 230° Fahrenheit. (Acid cisterns and refrigerators of Yorkshire sandstone, and many other applica- tions of that material, have been boiled, in this way, in tar, since several years, in many of the chemical factories of Great Britain, and with the best results.)—(Forster’s Bauzeitung, 1858, p. 36. The Dublin Monthly Journal of Industrial Progress. No. 11, p. 56. | cr seats of Quick Lime in High Furnaces, instead of Limestone, by C. Montefior Levi, and Dr Emil Schmidt.—From experiments made at the iron-works of Ougrée near Liege, they found that to produce 100 kilogrammes of pig-iron, the average con- sumption of coke for six months of 28 days, when limestone was used, was 1603 kilogrammes; whilst with burned lime the consumption was only 1463 kilogrammes; being a saving of 8°88 percent. The ave- rage production for 28 days with limestone was 461,000 kilogrammes, and with burned lime, 735,000, or an increase of 24°3 per cent. Corresponding results were obtained with another furnace, worked for three months with limestone, and three with burned lime. The average coke consumed per 100 kilogrammes with the former being 162, and with the latter 1474 kilogrammes ; the production of iron per month being on an average 469,000 with limestone, and 563,000 kilogrammes with lime. The furnaces at Ougrée have now been work- ing 34 years with lime, with the same result ; the saving per year, notwithstanding the cost of burning the lime, being 30,000 franes per furnace. The same process has been successfully tried in some parts of Wales, and in England.—(Zeitschr. des Ostr. Ing. Vereins, 1852, p. 145.) 26. Professor Rogers on Earthquake Movements, and the thick- ness of the Earth’s Crust.—Professor Rogers is of opinion that the undulatory movement of an earthquake is felt much more sensibly at a point above the earth’s surface, than directly upon it. An instance illustrating this had come within his own knowledge. The earthquake which destroyed the principal city of Guadaloupe was felt in the city of New York, but only in the fourth story of a print- ing office. The sound generally precedes the shock, as has been observed in this country. In North America, the undulation is al- ways parallel to the physical features of the continent, making it reasonable to believe, that through a long series of epochs the motion has been in one rather than various directions, as supposed by Elie de Beaumont, There are two movements in earthquakes ; an un- dulatory and a molecular movement. The latter, Professor Rogers Scientific Intelligence.—Zoology. . 379 thought, was the movement which attracted most observation, giving rise as it does, to.sudden and abrupt changes of relation on the sur- face of the earth, at places where the formation of the strata admits of more or less freedom of movement, causing the sudden shocks which are so destructive. Professor Rogers is of opinion, that the thickness of the earth’s crust, in most places, is not more than ten miles.—(American Journal of Science and Art, vol. xvii., p. 135.) 27. Coloration.—Coloration cannot be made use of as a generic character, and its importance to the paleontologist is small, but when occurring on fossil forms it should always be noted. Professor Forbes has kindly informed me, “ that his observations on the distribution in depth of recent species, have led him to the conclusion, that definite patterns, 7.¢., stripes, bands, and waves of colour, vividly marked, do not occur, except in rare instances, on shells living beyond mode- rate depths, as below fifty fathoms or thereabouts ; and that thus we may be enabled to come to approximate conclusions respecting depths of ancient seas from the patterns preserved to us on fossil shells.” The coloration is of some use in distinguishing the recent terms of Brachiopoda ; green, yellow, red, and bluish-black, being the prevail- ing colours : several forms are striped or spotted with red. Among the fossil species, some examples have preserved traces of their colours, as already mentioned in Part iii., p. 6, and several other examples will be hereafter noticed so that in all probability the species now extinct, when alive, presented all the rich varieties of tint, observ- able in the present. inhabitants of our seas —(British Fossil Brachi- opoda, vol. i., p. 53.) ZOOLOGY. 28. Observations on the Habits of certain Craw-jishes—(In a letter of Dr R. P. Stephens to the Smithsonian Institution.) ‘ Our friends the Astaci increase in interest as I become more and more acquainted with their habits and instincts. I have learned this month that they are migratory, and in their travels are capable of doing much damage to dams and embankments. On the Little Genesee, they have, within a few years, compelled the owners of a dam to re- build it. The former dam was built after the manner of dikes, 1.0.5 with upright posts, supporting sleepers laid inclining at an angle of 4.5° up the stream. On these were laid planks, and the planks covered with dirt. The Astacus proceeding up stream, would burrow under the planks where they rested on the bottom of the stream, removing bushels of dirt and gravel in the course of a night. I have seen this season, where they had attempted the present dam, piles of dirt, of at least one bushel. “* They now travel over the dam in their migrations, often climbing upright posts, two or three feet high, to gain the pond above.”— (American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xvii., p. 134.) 29. Arctic Whale Fisheries.— The extraordinary success which has 380 Scientific Intelligence—Botany. attended the exertions of the whale-fishers of the United States, to which Capt. W. Baillie Hamilton called my attention last summer, has naturally roused the energies of many persons in this country, in the hope that the whales which have repaired to the farthest Arctic seas, to live there undisturbed, may yet be reached by the harpoons of our sailors. A document communicated to the United States’ Senate by the Secretary of the Navy, on the 5th of April 1852, explains clearly the very extraordinary and successful efforts, which were only commenced in the year 1848, by the whale-ship ‘ Superior,” commanded by Capt. Roys, penetrating through Behring Strait into the Arctic Ocean. The success of this intrepid sailor, who filled his vessel with oil in a few weeks, gave rise to many imitators, and in 1849 he was followed by no less than 154 sail of American whale-ships, nearly the same number going out in each of the two succeeding years. When it is estimated that the value of the ships and cargoes during two of these years amounted to no less a sum than 17,412,453 dollars, we cannot be surprised that so lucrative a trade should excite much emulation among British speculators, As geographers, indeed, we must now be anxious to have this important question finally set at rest—z.e., whether (as I think, in common with Old Barentz, Capt. W. B. Hamilton, and others) there may not exist a practicable passage to the Arctic Ocean to the east of Spitzbergen ; in which case our ships might reach profitable whaling grounds without the risk of a long voyage to Behring Strait and the difficult navigation of these seas. Let us still hope that our own Government will endeavour to determine this point, so ably urged by Mr Petermann, who has shewn at how little cost and in how short a time the query could be answered, and who has also given many valid reasons to induce us to confide in the prospect of success.—(Sir Roderick Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxiii., p. 1xxxi.) 30. Cod-Fishing of the Lofodden Islands.—The cod-fishing of the Lofodden Islands is celebrated all over the north. Ilere, chiefly in the inclement months of February and March, fishing-boats, from an extent of coast of several hundreds of miles, are concentrated to the number, it is said, of 3000, manned by 16,000 hardy fishermen, who catch in the season not less than 3,000,000 cod-fish,* which are conveyed about midsummer to Bergen in yachts, packed in the manner already described.—( Forbes on Norway, p. 62.) *-These fish are chiefly dried without salt, in the sun and wind, a process peculiar to the clear dry climate of Nordland and Finmarken. "= Scientific Intelligence.—Botany. 381 BOTANY. 31. Zs the Flora of the Globe a distinct and independent one ? _——-While there are evident and distinct features in the plants which constitute the floras of different parts of Britain, there are many difficulties to be overcome before we can adopt the speculative views of Forbes. The connection between the Tertiary and the present epoch is not made out as far as the species of plants are concerned, and we are disposed to look upon the existing flora of the globe as a distinct and independent one. Schouw differs from Forbes in his explanation of the flora of the British Islands.. He does not believe in the migration and geological changes to which Forbes alludes. He thinks that the west and south-west coast of Britain and Ireland had at first a mild climate, especially in winter, and that in conse- quence, plants were produced there common to the analogous climates of Spain and the south of France; while the Scotch and English mountains were distinguished throughout by a polar climate, and produced nearly the same vegetation as the Lapland and Scandinavian mountains.—(Professor Balfour's Class-Book of Botany, Part I1., pp. 10-33.) 32. Physiognomy of Vegetation in different Quarters of the Globe.—In this department of botanical geography we consider plants according to the distribution of forms, marking the predomi- nance of this or that form of plants by the absolute mass. of its individuals, or by the impression it makes from the character given to the flora. The prevalence of a single form will often produce a much greater physiognomic effect than the number and variety of the floral productions: Hind says that a general physiognomic impression is sometimes conveyed by the prevalence of colour. Yellow colours, according to him, abound on the tropical mountain- plains in autumn, while blue colours prevail in subtropical regions. In northern latitudes and in Alpine districts, white flowers are more common than on the plains. He makes the following state- ments as to the proportion of colours in the flowers of different countries : et Xanthic. | White. ie ik hia: pa Central America, . . 12 1 OO - 8 Sandwich Islands,. . 12 31 7 Alashka, skiecla Smal bee 26 13 11 MOalwfornia,...... . 1h 25 19 6 New Guinea, .... 12 23 15 Hong-Kong, .. . 13 27 10 —(Professor Balfour's Class-Book of Botany, Part II. p. 99.) VOL. LVI. NO. CXII.— APRIL 1854. 20 382 Scientific Intelligence.—Botany. 33.—The Plants considered as characteristic of Nations. By Schouw.—In the South Sea Islands, the bread-fruit tree, and cocoa- nut palm supply important articles of food and clothing. New Zealand flax is characteristic of the island whence it derives its name. Among the Malays of the Indian Islands, the clove tree, nutmeg, pepper, and ginger, are the principal characteristic plants, and these are also common in India. Maize, which gives the most abundant, and also the most uncertain of all crops, was originally confined to America, which was also the case with the Potato. The Maguey plant (Agave potatorum), is a valuable product of Mexico, and may be called the vine of the Mexicans; while Agave americana is use- ful for clothing. Chenopodium Quinoa is a plant used for food in the high districts of Mexico, Peru, and Chili; the Mauritia palm is an important means of subsistence to the tribes of the Orinoco ; the Date Palm is equally useful in the south of Africa, and in the Arabian deserts. The Coffee tree characterizes the south of Arabia and Abyssinia. Rice and cotton were two important plants for the Hindoos ; the Tea plant for the Chinese; Wheat, barley, rye, and oats, to the Indo-Caucasian races of Western Asia and Europe ; the olive and the vine for the inhabitants of Mediterranean districts ; and the Rein-deer Moss for the Laplanders.—(Professor Balfour's Class-Book of Botany, Part II. p. 990.) 34. The Statistics of Vegetation over the Globe.—This subject involves the consideration of the number of known vegetable species in the world, their numerical distribution, and the relative propor- tion of classes, orders, genera, and species in different countries. In the present imperfect state of our knowledge of the floras of different countries, it is impossible to tell the exact number of species of plants in the globe. Those known at the present day, tdescribed and undescribed, amount probably to nearly 120,000, and rom this estimates have been made of the total vegetation, the num- ber varying from 150,000 to 200,000. Hinds, reckoning the species at 134,000, gives the following conjectural distribution as compared with surface :— Species. Extent of Surface. Geog. sq. miles, Europe, ; : . L1200° “ss we 27a Asia, . ; : 6 ¢ 96,000... ccvicners pier Afrieast. fs .. ete 2B; 200. shicniats aos pce N. America, . : s+; 14,400 ..... ... hee S. America, . . - 40,000. ... -...cinmO05000 Australasia, . i -§ 7,200. ... So ean 134,000 40,411,000 The following is the estimated number of known and described plants :— Scientific Intelligence.—Miscellaneous. 383 Genera. Species. Acotyledonous plants, . 140,015,000 Monocotyledonous plants, . 1450 14,000 Dicotyledonous plants, : 6300 67,000 9150 96,000 —(Professor Balfour’s Botany, Part IL., Physiology and Classifi- cation, p. 996.) 35. Geographical Distribution of Plants——From all that has been said on this interesting subject, says Professor Balfour, we are led to the conclusion that many plants must have originated primi- tively over the whole extent of their natural distribution ; that cer- tain species have been confined to definite localities, and have not spread to any great distance from a common centre; while others have been generally diffused, and appear to have been created at the same time in different and often far distant localities; that mi- gration has taken place, to a certain extent, under the agency of various natural causes; that geological changes may, in some in- stances, have caused interruptions in the continuity of floras, and may have left isolated outposts in various parts of the globe; and finally, that social plants were probably created in masses, that being the natural arrangement suited to their habits.—(Balfour’s Class- Book of Botany, Part II., p. 989.) GEOGRAPHY. _ 86. Dr Barth’s Discoveries in Africa.—F rom the end of March to the end of May last year, Dr Overweg made a successful journey from Kuka, in a south-westerly direction, and reached to within 150 English miles of Yacoba, the great town of the Fellatahs; while Dr Barth went north-east, on a journey to Baghirmi, a powerful king- dom between Lake Tchad and the Upper Nile, which had never been previously visited by any European. Dr Barth reached Masena, the capital of the country, on the 28th April last year, which place formed his head-quarters during the three successive months.—(Sir Roderick Murchison’s Address to the Royal Geographical Society p- 110.) MISCELLANEOUS. 37. Industrial Education.—If industrial education must be cheap, in order to be successful, we may say with equal truth, that its teachers must be well paid. In these countries the worth of a man is estimated by his pay ; and if we judge by this standard, the most worthless people are those to whom is intrusted the education of the people. This rule not only applies to the humble teacher of a country school, but to the most eminent professors of colleges. A simple clerk in a Government office very often receives three or four 384 Scientific Intelligence.—Miscellaneous. © times the amount of salary which is thought liberal for a professor of a college. If an eminent barrister is appointed to some place, less than £1000 a-year would not be offered him, and even the obscure members of the legal profession can readily obtain from £500 to £700 per annum ; but the moment a scientific man is in question, £300 is considered to be the equivalent of his services, no matter how brilliant, while the junior members are considered to be suffi- ciently paid if they receive a salary of a draper’s assistant. We have selected the Government rewards for scientific and literary services, not because they are exceptions to those conferred by the public, but because they shew the standard by which the latter judge of the value of education ; and as long as that remains, such as it is, we can searcely believe that the public is seriously desirous of either intellectual or industrial education. We ask of our readers to consider calmly and earnestly the above points. One false step made in the beginning would precipitate us again into the slough from which we have already made some successful efforts to escape. Let them ponder well over this fact, that to be an educated people is to be respected, to be prosperous, to be independent.—(The Dub- lin Monthly Journal of Industrial Progress, No. 11, p. 44.) 38. The Earl of Rosse, K.P.M.A., on Education.—* I do not contend,” says the Earl of Rosse, “‘ that science can in a moment in- crease our success in the arts, upon which the greatness of this country depends, If we were to say to the mathematician, give us the best lines for a ship suited toa given purpose, however profound his mathematical knowledge might be, he would fail; practice must be combined, but in due subordination with theory. It is where in a nation science is cultivated profoundly by a large class of persons, and circumstances exist tending to direct it to practice, that some men will always be found gifted with the faculty of applying it whatever way the interests of the country may require. Popular science, however, will not do; it has its uses, subordinate as they are. It must be science of a high order; science as taught at our universities. There, a power is created capable of effecting great objects, but in too many cases it is not applied at all, and it now passes away without useful results. Were it possible to enlist that gigantic power into the service of the country, by making our scientific associations more inviting, by placing science in this metro- polis in a position more attractive, a result would be obtained which the meanest utilitarian would consider of immense value.—(Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society, London.) INDE X. Adie, Richard, Esq., his account of the temperature of running streams during the period of frost, 224. Africa, discoveries in, by Dr Barth, 383. Arago, Dominique, Frangois Jean, biographical notice of, 51. Aridium, a supposed new metal, notice of, 373. Auk (Alca impennis), still found in Iceland, 260. Aurora borealis, noticed, 180. Ayres, M., his observations on deep-sea genera, 377. Barry, Dr Martin, his researches on Embryology, 36. On vesicles in the abdominal cavity and uterus, containing a mulberry-like body, rotating on its axis ; and on the expulsion of the ovisac from the ovary, 319. Boue, M. Ami, his account of the paleohydrography and orography of the earth’s surface, 1. Bore or Piroroco, in the Guama River, notice of, 181. Buist, Dr George, on the physical geography of Hindostan, noticed by, 328. China-stone, or Kaolin of Cornwall, described, 91. Chart, isothermal oceanic, illustrating the geographical distribution of marine animals, 189. Chalk deposits, their probable depth, 376. Climate of Finmarken, noticed, 369. Cloud, majestic, seen from the Jungfrau, 182. Conference, maritime, report of, held at Brussels for devising a uniform system of meteorological observations at sea, 81. Cod-fishing of the Lofodden Islands, 380. Coral reefs, the nature of, between the coasts of Florida and Mexico, 375. Cordylophora, anatomy and physiology of, 106. - Coloration, its use as a generic character, 379. Craw fish (Astacus fluviatilis), notice of an attempt to naturalize it in the south of Scotland, 136. observations on the habits of, 379. Cull, Richard, Esq., the recent progress of Ethnology, 10. 386 Index. Dana, James D., his account of an isothermal oceanic chart, illus- trating the geographical distribution of marine animals, 189. Dead Sea, a mode of converting it into a south-eastern extension of the Mediterranean, 371. Deodar, the cultivation of, in England, 70. Dove, on oceanic currents, 373. Dolomite, observations on, by Durocher, 374. Diamond powder, its artificial production, 178. Earthquake movements, notice of, 378. Education, Industrial, remarks on, by the Earl of Rosse, 384. Edmonds, R., jun., Esq., on the apparent visibility of stars through the moon, 137. Embryology, researches in, noticed, 36. Emmons, Dr, his observations on the influence of climate on plants and animals, 118. Ethnology, recent progress of, 10. Euclase, analysis of, 103. Fisheries, Arctic Whale, 379. Flora of the globe, 380. Fluids, the cohesion of, as connected with evaporation and steam- boiler explosions, 26. Flourens, M., his funeral speech over the grave of M. Arago, 67. Fleming, the Rev. Dr, observations by, on the means taken to naturalize the Craw-fish in the south of Scotland, 186. Frevermann, Auguste, on the formation of cr ystallized minerals, 176. Frost, observations on the temperature of running streams sais the period of, 224. Fog, the nature and origin of different kinds of, 229. Food of Man, under different conditions of age and employment noticed, 262. Forbes, Professor James, observations by, on some points in the physical geography of Norway, chiefly connected with its snow fields and glaciers, 159. Furnace products, notice of, 374. Glaciers, Arctic, 372. Alpine, Norwegian, Himalayan, Snowdon, Cambrian, and Highland, 372. queries in regard to, 119. of Norway, noticed, 159. Gould, Dr Augustus, his observations on mollusca and shells, 74. Graphite, purification of, for lead pencils, 374. Hindostan, physical geography of, 328. Index. 387 Hodgkinson, E., Esq., remarks on the elasticity of stone and crys- talline bodies, by, 108, Iceland, the Great Auk of, (Alcea impennis), noticed, 260. Intelligence, Scientific, 176. Justice, M., Esq., observations on the Protococcus nivalis, by, 187. Kane, Dr, remarks by, on the vegetable matter found on the ice plains of the Polar Seas, 187. Kaolin of Cornwall noticed, 91. Light, intensity of, noticed, 188. Limestones, crystalline, the origin of, described, 127. Artificial silicification of, 377. Martins, M. C., Esq., his observations on the nature and origin of different kinds of dry fogs, 229, Mallet, J. M., on the analysis of the Euclase, 103. Meteorological observations at sea, as devised by the maritime confer- ence at Brussels, 81. observations made at the Observatory, Whitehaven, Cum- berland, 1853, 249. Miller, John Fletcher, Esq., his meteorological observations, made at the Observatory, Whitehaven, Cumberland, in 1853, 249, Minerals, their formation and crystallization noticed, 176. Paragenetic relations of, 139. Arctic, 375. Mirage of South Africa, 182. Moa Caves in New Zealand, noticed, 28. Mollusca and shells, observations on, 74. Nicol, Professor, observations by, on Joachim Barrande’s account of the Silurian system of Central Bohemia, 310. Ocean, temperature of, 371. colour of its currents, tides, depth, and outlines of its bot- tom, noticed, 152. Oceanic currents, 373. , | Orography of the earth’s surface noticed, 1. Paleohydrography of the earth’s surface noticed, 1. Playfair, Dr Lyon, his observations on the food of man under dif- ferent conditions of age and employment, 262. __. Plants, geographical distribution of, 383. characteristic of nations, 381. a ; wv” £ 388 Index. Quick lime, employment of, in high furnaces, 378. ae Rosse, Earl, remarks on education by, 384. Rogers, Professor, on deep-sea genera, 378. on earthquake movements, 378. Rocks, paleeozoic, of Great Britain, as described by Professor Sedg- wick, 110. Sandstones, rendering them impervious to water, 377. Scoresby, the Rev. Dr, on the surface-temperature and great currents of the North Atlantic and Northern Oceans, 114. Sea pressure, amount of, borne by animals in profound depths, 370. Seas, Russian Interior, geological conclusions in regard to, 376. Selenium, density of, 374. Silurian system of Central Bohemia noticed, 310. Silurian rocks of the United States, 3'75. Salt, its use among the natives in Namaqua Land, South Africa, 178. Stars, their apparent visibility through the moon immediately before their oscultation, 1377. Stone, its elasticity, noticed, 108. Soundings, deep-sea, a new method for taking them, described, 182. Sedgwick, Professor, on the paleeozoic rocks of Great Britain, 110. Stokes, Mr H. M., on the china-stone and china-clays of Corn- wall, 91. Strickland, Hugh Edwin, Esq., biographical notice of, 131. Thomson, Arthur S., M.D., his observations on the New Zealand Moa caves, 268. Vesicles in the abdominal cavity and uterus, noticed, 317. Vegetation, Physiognomy of, in different quarters of the globe, 381. general statistics of, 381. Wools of Saxony, an account of, 183. END OF VOLUME FIFTY-SIX. , TP." Cen i ey PIAVAl 4 : al PRE ahah. 5’ ; y ai : } =, ret v4 a ‘ 4h wh al ‘ i ie eae, a -) ‘ . ¢ ious Ke, at v7 ax yy) Wet s A : 4 = | | , i ae ah igh , ued! iy = | , rahe ek. \ Ses ' F J JIA > 4.4 i My ; igi! > als. “a . ; By Fi : , Say : % | ie «eS aye of eg ; x) * : ul ‘ : : Ys ‘ er ie kG ant Witctrales a AN a i i Sede tde poe Usk ree ret ye NG 4 ts Wise i i Hiss ips} \ y vis Anas 1 etry we BY 4) ' vary ny 4} ( 1) " ey MALU AL i | Rt 15 te ite a) - afte that yh ye sues Nir 47 beating Wy " mt fi i i} qs payed Hcsh ch Atv ey! vit t easel t, ff ] i IEE ed iy BUSA) ee ‘ rf alt f peri 4! fealty