U.S. Arm ee Erg: Kes. Ct (AD - ae 30) Effects of Beach Replenishment on the Nearshore Sand Fauna at Imperial Beach, California by Terence Parr, Douglas Diener, and Stephen Lacy MISCELLANEOUS REPORT NO. 78-4 DECEMBER 1978 DOCUMENT COLLECTION Prepared for U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Kingman Building Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060 Reprint or republication of any of this material shall give appropriate credit to the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. Limited free distribution within the United States of single copies of this publication has been made by this Center. Additional copies are available from: National Technical Information Service ATTN: Operations Division 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 Contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. wikify INN mM UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO, 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER MR 78-4 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Miscellaneous Report 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) EFFECTS OF BEACH REPLENISHMENT ON THE NEARSHORE SAND FAUNA AT IMPERIAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, 7. AUTHOR(s) Terence Parr Douglas Diener Stephen Lacy 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION-NAME AND ADDRESS ‘CHESTEC SGMWZLCSS Tine nvironmental Consultants 3211 Fifth Avenue San Diego, California 92013 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Department of the Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERRE-CE) Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 - MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) DACW72-76-C-0007 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS G31534 12. REPORT DATE December 1978 13. NUMBER OF PAGES sas (el 22 1S. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) UNCLASSIFIED DECL ASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 15a. - DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. - DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) - SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES - KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse sida if necessary and identify by block number) Beach replenishment Nearshore fauna Imperial Beach, California Sediments 20. ABSTRACT (Continue om reverse side if neceaeary and identify by block number) This study evaluates the changes in intertidal and shallow subtidal sand- bottom infaunal populations in response to the addition of approximately 765,000 cubic meters of dredged material added to an eroded beach at Imperial Beach, California. A sampling design utilizing small sampling units and extensive replication was effective in generating reliable numerical estimates of infaunal densities and diversity. (Continued) FORM DD taan 7a L473 EDITION OF t Nov 65 Is OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) The dredged material had a high proportion of fine material with lesser amounts of shell fragments. Fine sediments were rapidly transported offshore while shells persisted on the beach. Measured beach effects were short term (S weeks or less) involving increases in abundance mostly of motile crustacean species which brood their young. Planktonic recruitment of polychaetes was evident during this period. As the fine sediments worked offshore, silt and fine sand fractions in- creased in the bottom sediments. At subtidal depths, there was a positive correlation between the silt-clay fraction and number of species and abundance. Overall abundance and diversity of the benthos were not adversely affected by beach replenishment. In response to an unpredictable, changing environment (erosion-deposition), most of the resident biota are short-lived, opportun- istic species which are typically patchy in distribution both temporally and spatially. Possible longer term effects upon longer lived species, such as sand dollar populations, were not determined. 2 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) PREFACE This report is published to provide information to coastal engineers on the potential impacts of beach replenishment programs upon intertidal and shallow sedimentary benthic biota. The work was carried out under the coastal ecology research program of the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC). The report was prepared by Stephen Lacy of WESTEC Services, Inc., San Diego, California, and authored by Terence Parr and Dr. Douglas Diener, | Marine Ecological Consultants, Solana Beach, California, under CERC Contract No. DACW72-76-0007. We would like to thank R.M. Yancey of CERC for his keen interest and constructive criticism; J. Neal for computer programing; S. Edwards, L. Lovell, P. Estern, B. Stewart, S. Garner-Price, E. Hartwig, and C. Engel for their assistance with field and laboratory analysis and in helping prepare material for the report; and D. Aubrey and D. Seymour of Scripps Institution of Oceanography for providing wave data. R.M. Yancey was the CERC contract monitor for the report, under the general supervision of E.J. Pullen, Chief, Ecology Branch, Research Division. Comments on this publication are invited. Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th Congress, approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 88th Congress, approved 7 November 1963. OHN H. COUSINS Colonel, Corps of Engineers Commander and Director CONTENTS Page CONVERSION FACTORS, U.S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (SI). ... . 9 GEOSSARYSOFPBLOLOGIEALY TERMS I aaicit. acietirei 1) le tcit t-te mCCneLO) I TONAN OO UIGION oom ioe ol co.Mao 8-5 ‘silo 6 6 Gros ooo oo oo Ai II MARINE® SEDIMENTARYS COMMUNE Sire vy ieptss elias) , which is related to the wave energy per unit surface area (E): E = pg where p is the fluid density and g is the gravitational acceleration, is listed in units of square centimeters. The significant wave height H1/3 is estimated from the wave variance through the equation: GL Sa @ Beach Replenishment. Approximately 765,000 cubic meters of material was pumped onto Imperial Beach between 22 March and 20 June 1977 (see Fig. 1; App. A). Cal The material used for beach replenishment was dredged from the San Diego Bay. The median grain size was 120 micrometers (Muslin, 1978). The average composition of the dredged material consisted of 70 to 85- percent sand, 5- to 15-percent silts and clays, and 5- to 15-percent shell material (App. A). The composition of Imperial Beach before the dredge disposal was 95- to 99-percent sand with only small amounts of shell and silt. Beach replenishment started at rock groin No. 1 (Fig. 1) and proceeded slowly south at an average rate of 15 meters per day, and eventually terminated 1.36 kilometers south near station B. Conse- quently, the full impact cf beach dredge disposal occurred at different times at the sampling stations. For example, during survey II (6 April 1977) the 3.7-meter offshore stations were sampled 15 days (137,700 cubic meters deposited) after the start of beach replenishment. Thus, the 3.7-cubic meter depth at station A had been affected by dredge disposal (Fig. 1) while there was no discernible dredging impact at the 3.7-meter depth at station B, 1.19 kilometers south of station A. The material deposited on Imperial Beach averaged approximately 10- percent silts and clays. Most cf this fraction was rapidly washed offshore either during the sediment deposition or on exposure to wave regimes. Therefore, it is estimated that approximately 76,500 cubic meters of the material applied to the beach was rapidly transported into the sublittoral zone. An estimate of the area impacted by these fine sediments (length of disposal area = 1.34 kilometers times distance offshore to the 9.2-meter isobath) is 1.25 x 10® square meters. This area, if covered evenly by 76,500 cubic meters of sediment, would be buried under 6.1 centimeters of silts and clays. This is consistent with observations made during the beach disposal period (survey III, 2 June 1977) which found 2 to 6 centimeters of silt in the upper part of the 10-centimeter-deep cores from 6.1 meters of water. This layer of silt appeared responsible for the burial not only of infauna but also larger macrofauna such as the sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus. IV. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL RESULTS Ic Beach Topography. Profiles of the beach are biologically important because from them estimates of sediment gain or loss (sediment stability) can be ascer- tained. Additionally, significant features (e.g., surge channels and sandbars), which partition the intertidal area into different habitats, can be quantified. Sandbars create low-energy zones while surge chan- nels generally represent areas of rapid water and sediment movement. The approximate beach profiles of the three intertidal stations are shown in Figure 4. These profiles show the extent of beach 28 *SowT) OT poq.eraddexd SATOJOW UT B9TeIS [eITJIAaA *SkaAANS [Te oJ Suotzeys [Teptjysz9qUL LOF sSaTizord yoeoq oieutxorddy ‘fF aan3rIy SH3aLIW Meee. $318909 5 =e __ (001 0s AN3WL3A3Y ons. LL/EL/LL A ASAYNS LL/62/L Al AAANYNS LL/9L/2@ WW AAAYNS 94/vZ/6 | AJAYNS 9 NOILVLS $318809 LNAWL3IASY LL/ZL/LL A ASAYNS LL/82/L_ Al AZAYNS LL/Z/9 Wi AAAYNS LL/St/2@ 11 AAAYNS 9L/E2/6 | AAAYNS @ NOILVLS TIVMv 3s 9°0- LL/OL/LL A ASAYNS LL/L2/L Al AANYNS LL/tvt/2 WW AAAYNS 94/22/61 AAAYNS V NOILVLS (4) SNOILWA313 ag replenishment and the general features of the beach for each station surveyed. Significant beach features are summarized in Table 3. Changes in beach topography are shown by photos in Figures 5 and 6. Intertidal survey I (22, 23, and 24 September 1976) was conducted toward the end of the southern California summer at a time of maximum seasonal beach accretion. All three intertidal stations were fine sandy beaches with small but well-developed berms and no surge channels or sandbars. Survey II (14, 15, and 16 February 1977) stations all had some sand loss, probably due to winter waves. Station B was extensively eroded with the upper intertidal consisting exclusively of cobble with large surge channels. This correlated with the lowest abundances of intertidal organisms in any survey. Survey III (2 June 1977) was conducted 2.5 weeks before the end of beach replenishment and the dredge pipe was located 290 meters north of station B. However, it was evident from the beach profile that sediment had accumulated at this station. Intertidal station B was covered with 2 to 3 centimeters of a fine silt layer over large shell fragments and some gravel. Survey IV (postdisposal, 27, 28, and 29 July 1977) was conducted during a period of low wave energy (Fig. 7). Stations A and B had wide berms while station C continued to lose sand. Survey V (10, 11, and 12 November 1977) found 20 percent of the beach width at station A eroded since Survey IV (107 days). Major sand loss occurred at both stations A and B while station C showed little sand loss but had more cobble in the upper intertidal. On 24 March 1978, a return visit to all stations found a steep beach slope at station A with an estimated 60 percent of the added sediments having been eroded from this station since Survey IV (242 days) (Figs. 4 and 5). Station B appeared to have some sand loss but no measurements were taken; station C had eroded to almost ex- clusively cobble with no sand exposed at low tide (Fig. 6). The considerable erosion of these beaches was largely due to heavy winter storms which were of an intensity to be expected once in 10 years. Bo Grain-Size Analysis. The median grain diameter for Imperial Beach has been reported as 200 micrometers (Dexter, 1977; Muslin, 1978); however, this study found 30 Table 3. Survey I 22 to 24 Sept. Survey 2 14 to 16 Feb. Survey 3 2 June 1977 Survey 4 27 to 29 July Survey 5 10 to 12 Nov. 24 March 1978 1 2 Significant features of intertidal stations at Imperial Beach for all surveys. 1976 1977 1977 1977 Station A Northern dredge disposal BW - 150 nt Berm - 15 m Fine sandy beach; no sandbar or surge channels 2 BW - 135 m Berm - 8m Fine sandy beach; sand loss, moderate; sandbar, 30 m wide; small surge channel Not sampled BW - 125 m Berm - 100 m Fine sand mixed with large patches of shell; sand gain, large; sandbar, 20 m wide; small backwash zone BW - 95 m Berm - 80 m Fine sand mixed with large patches of shell; sand loss, large; sandbar, 2 m wide; backwash zone Berm - 40 m Fine sandy beach; patches of shell Noticeably absent Station B Dredge-disposal terminus BW - 120 m Berm - 15 m Fine sandy beach; no sandbar or surge channels BW - 120 m Berm - Om Upper intertidal exclusively cobble; sand loss, large; sandbar, 20 m wide; large surge channels BW - 120 m Berm - 35 m Fine sandy beach with a few cobbles in upper intertidal covered with silt and shell fragments; sand gain, moderate; no sandbar and no surge channel BW - 150 m Berm - 5S m Fine sandy beach with scattered patches of shell; sand gain, large; sandbar, 40 m wide; small backwash zone BW - 150 m Berm - 35 m Fine sandy beach; sand loss, moderate to large; sandbar, 2 m wide; small backwash zone Fine sandy beach BW = Beach width, previous high tide line to -0.6 meters MLLW. Berm = Reference point to crest of beach slope (see Figure 2). Station C Downcoast "Control" BW - 105 m Berm - 10 m Fine sandy beach; no sandbar or surge channels BW - 150 m Berm - Om Fine sandy beach; sand loss, small; sandbar, 0 m wide; no surge channels Not sampled Bw - 105 m Berm - 0m Fire sandy beach; upper intertidal mixed cobble; sand loss, large; sandbar, 20 m wide; large surge channel BW - 150 m Berm - 0m Fine sandy beach; upper intertidal mixed cobble; sand loss, no appreciable sand loss or gain; sandbar, 40 m wide; large surge channel Cobble beach 10 JUNE 1977 24 MARCH 1978 Figure 5. Station A (northern dredge-disposal changes in beach profile. n ror ct oO — 2 2 FEBRUARY 1977 24 MARCH 1978 Figure 6. Station C (control site), an unreplenished section of beach showing natural erosion. 38) "wo <,U> JO site, ut passatdxe yoeog [Tetsoduy TOF satds1ouea aaeM “ZL 9INdTY d1iVvd SNIMIdWVS 8Z6L LL6L 9Z6L Nvr 93d AON 190 1d3S ONV AINC ANN AVI YdvV YVW 834 NF 93d AON 190 1d3S SNV <— aolu3d —> Ivsodsia- 390340 YASINNN ASAYNS Al Wi i i) SH1d4G HALAW-L'9 pue -LE ge Boks pate Bak | TWGILYALNI = “LN Loe “Le LN! voRe“e INI Leva Ni INI 19 3 LE Viv lS HidjG SGOIHAd ONIIdINVS oot te te eer | 1 | | | | ! 002 oe Vivd ON oov 00s 009 002 Czu> (ADY3ANS SAVM OL G3LV13SY ATLOZYIG) zwo 34 the sand to be slightly coarser at 210 to 250 micrometers. The mineral content of the sand averages about 50-percent hornblende (Intersea Re- search Corporation, 1978). Grain-size diameter is considered a parame- ter of major biological importance (Jannson, 1967). The most commonly used grain-size parameter is the median grain size (Md) (Fig. 8). Intertidal sediments (Md = 210 to 275 micrometers) were coarser than offshore sediments. The sediment at 6.1 meters (Md = 84 to 110 micro- meters) was finer than at 3.7 meters (Md = 125 to 165 micrometers). The intertidal sediments were finer (Md = 133 micrometers) during survey III (2 June 1977) than during any other intertidal survey. The large increase in fine sediments at the 2.7- and 6.l-meter impacted Stations indicated that some of these fine sediments were quickly transported offshore (Figs. 8 and 9). The rapid recovery of intertidal station B sediments following the termination of beach replenishment and the lack of any measurable change in median grain size or percent of very fine sand at intertidal station A also indicate how rapidly these fine sediments are moved cffshore. Five months after beach replenish- ment the median grain size and percent of very fine sand for all sta- tions had returned to values comparable to those found at the initiation of the study. That longer lasting changes occurred in sediment parameters is indicated by consideration of the coarse sediment fractions. The coarse sand fraction was measured in two different ways. First, the percentage of sand larger than 1 millimeter was calculated from sand-grain distri- bution data. Secondly, the volume (milliliters) of coarse sand retained on a 0.5-millimeter screen from a 0.5-liter core sample was measured. An indication of the extent and persistence of coarse sediments in the replenished area is shown in the coarse sediment volume for all core samples taken at the intertidal stations (90 cores per station) for survey V (Table 4). Table 4. Total volume of coarse sand (diameter larger than 0.5 millimeter) retained from 90 cores (45 liters) per intertidal station, survey V, November 1977. Station Designation Volume. Volume sampled (m1) (pet) A 28 12,600 B 10,150 C 2,745 ZS 6 30 Hd NVIG3AWN ‘(uoT]RIS Tepl}s9qUT = JN] ‘UOTIeVURTSop uorqe4s = YS) so[duwes Juowtpas worz sqytun tyd uetpow pue LoOJoWeRTp 9ZTS-uLeAd UPIpaW “g ouNnsIy A Al LL6L 93d AON 190 1d3S ONV AINE WLE IVLS WLE EBV VIS tee J31vd GNV ON ASAYNS Hl Il I LL6L OL6L Jnnr AVW UdVv YHVIN EEE} NVC 93G AON 190 i1d3S ONV TWSOdSIG 39G3uq Ag G3ALOVdWI LON WZ'€ 8 VLS Se0e cory fence eee soon Secce, 88 eeeacae Corry Sececs Seeccce Senae IWSOdSIG 39G3uqC Ag GALIVdWNI WLE V VLS aod OOoE ose 4 “LL 6vL SZL SOL 88 bl co (ui71) 4ZIS NIVYS NVIGAW JO YALANVIG 36 *(uUOT}eIS TePt}zA9}VUT = INI ‘UOLJEUBTSAp UOTIEIS = YWIS) sotdwes JuowLpss worz (STOJOW -OLOTW GZ[ ULY} TAT [ewWwS ToJoweTp) pues outzZ AOA YUSITOgG °*6 DANBTY divd GNV “ON ASAYNS A Al lil I I LL6L LL6L 9Z6L 94a AON 190 41d3S Onv Ane 3annr AVA ydV YVIN 434 Nve 940 AON 190 idaS SONV 1WSOdSIG 3DG4yqC AG Wee? MES G3ALOVdWI LON WZE & WLS 20 ®&e S05 e ®e e &e ® WLE A 8V WLS WL9IDVLS WE9E BV VLS NG 1WSOdSIG 39G]4uYqG Ag GALOVdNI WLE V VLS WL'9 DWLS e VVLS aoiWad IvsodSiag-39G4ua OL 02 of Ov os 09 OZ 08 06 ooL GNVS 3NId AY3SA LN39uY3d SI The impacted intertidal stations, 4.5 months after beach replenish- ment had approximately five times more coarse sand than the intertidal control station. The spatial distribution of coarse sand volume along the beach transect (high waterline to -0.6 meter MLLW) for stations A and C for survey V shows that the coarse sand persisted on the berm and beach slope (Fig. 10). Additionally, the proportion of coarse sand was maximum along the beach face indicating that as waves rework the deposited sediments a part of the coarse sand is carried up on the beach face. At the beach-water interface and proceeding offshore, the sediments are reworked and sorted to the extent that there is no difference between the northern dredge station and the southern control (Galoey ey) The large increase in coarse sand found in the sediment samples is correlated with the large aggregations of shells formed by the resorting of deposited sediment which contained 5- to 20-percent shell material. After the winter storms of 1977-78 the beach was again photographed (March 1978) and there was a conspicuous absence of these shell deposits. It is suggested that storm surf has reworked these shell deposits either into smaller fragments or buried them offshore. In March 1978, patches of shells were found in the swash zone beneath an estimated 10- to 20-centimeter overburden of finer material. A further measure of sediment modification induced by beach re- plenishment is revealed by the sediment-sorting coefficient, od = (¢g4 - 16)/2, determined from sediment samples via gravimetric sand- grain analysis. This is a measure of how uniform the sand-grain dia- meter is in a sediment sample. Coefficients of 0.4 to 0.6 indicate well- sorted sand or uniform grain size and constant pore space while values of 0.7 or larger indicate a greater range of sediment diameters and less porous sand with variable pore space. Sediment sorting coefficients for the 3.7- and 6.1-meter stations are shown in Figure 12. There was no change in sediment sorting for the offshore stations. Impacted intertidal stations (A and B) had an increase in both the sorting co- efficient and in the range of coefficients measured (Fig. 13). Se Organic Carbon. Organic carbon in the sediments is an indication of food source for deposit-feeding infauna. Organic carbon values were generally highest at the 6.1l-meter stations, less at the 3.7-meter stations and lowest intertidally (Fig. 14). Intertidally, there was no measurable influence of beach replenishment on the organic carbon content of sediments. However, offshore at the 3.7-meter stations (survey II, 6 April 1977), sediments at station A which were sampled during the dredge-disposal period had a 5l-percent increase in organic carbon compared to station B and a nearly threefold increase compared to Station C. Station B, survey III (2 June 1977) was impacted by beach replenishment and a 36- and 146-percent increase in organic carbon was found, compared to station B, survey II at 3.7- and 6.1-meter depths. Organic carbon values remained higher at the impacted stations than at 38 ud a -5 Z 2 400 ud cc e) 1S) E i=} im «300 Ww a a 2 < ” a ct 200 < fe) (Ss) LL fs) = w 100 = S) 3 S50 a ie BEACHBERM -—_ BEACH ___ BACK- SWASH ZONE SUBTIDAL | nd SLOPE WASH ‘ TIDE EINE -0.6 MLLW Figure 10. Volume (milliliters) of coarse sand (diameter larger than 0.5 millimeter) along intertidal transect lines for station A and station C for survey V, November 1977. Sf) *soTdues JUusUTpes WoOTZ (TOJOUTT[T UM O'T uey} Iodtel IoJowerp) pues asxeod ALOA jU9DTEeg “[] 9an3Ty 31VG GNV ‘ON AaAuNS A AI Ill Il I LL6L LL6L 9L6L 930d AON 190 1tdaS OAV AINE ANNE AV Ydv YWW 934 Nf 93G AON 190 Ildas 9ONV : : a eS WL 39 VIS, Parct nessa wersantaan cams Foe ee eee LE DVIS SB ..eneeeeeet (a a see. OD LNI WLE 83 V VIS Oe F 0S on WL99 3 VIS" oz oe Ov os a9 oz os 8 vis 06 / doiwad @ LNi (39d) GNVS ASUNOD AY3A 40 *“SUOTIBIS I9JOW-[°9 pUR-Z°¢g IOJ SJUITITFJOOD Burqaos YuoWwLpog “ZT sInsTI,] J1iVG GNV “ON AJAYNS ' A Al Il II I LL6L 9L6L AON 190 iddS = ONV Aine = anne AVW udV HV a34 Nv or [a AON 190 4id|S ONV vo TOYLNOD NYSHLNOS 9 VLS SNNIWYAL co 1vSOdSIG-43904uG 4 WLS NOILVLS 1VvSOdSIG -3903NG NYSHLYON V VLS E10 v0 WL'9 DVS © s0 ca as _——_— —e ee oe oe os eo TW vegereeccceesseccccensenng VLE D WLS =z ® q wgaows ~HLEa BV Vs =~ =~, —_—_-=— NLS 2°83 V VLS a 90 £0 80 golid3d IvsodsiG-3903uG at (@ D)1N3191I44309 ONILYOS LN3WIGSS 4| *poinseoall SJUITITJFIOI FO a8uevr aqedipur sarg “(INI) SUOT2eIS [ePl}1OZUL TOF SQUOTIIFZOON Burqsos yuowtpas “gy aanBry divd GNV “ON ASAYNS ] LL6L A Al Hl il LL6L 9L6L 9/6L 93QG) AON 190 id3s ONW AING 3ANNF AVIN YdV YVN G34 Nur 93G AON 190 IdaS'= 9ONVv OYLNOD 0 NYAHLNOS - 9 WLS S < — m SNNIWY SAL oa af 1VSOdSIG-3DG4uG - § VLS >a 120 2 NOILVLS 1VvsOdsid m 4 -3904uG NYAHLYON - V VLS BS 4e0° 2 4 v0 go 1 3 INI 90 4 | eon £0 WANT [Lo ccwcccecencccceensep tery yr” 7 7 . 7 8'0 7 4 GE 60 7 7 OL < > 2 > $2 sm m at DdD= = m 2 + UL § VS aoiw3d 9 Ivsodsia-3903u) ae << g31LyOS A1H00d 42 LN319I43309 ONILYOS LNAWIG3S “sotdues uoqied Stuesio0 Woz YYStTamM Aq YUdUOD UOGued JTUeBIO qUusd19q A Al 24d AON 130 4id3s onv AINE **. LE @ 8 V VIS ° % ° “oe poncnscecee” \N \ WL98 83 V VIS N alvd GNV ON A3AYNS Il anne AVI yudV ss qaoiuad Iws0odsiG-39034a YVAN @34 Nv 940 AON 190 LL6L 9Z6L idas 2 we OO 6 eee 7 ett —putieteteted 2 = -— TWSOdSIG 39GauYG Ad G3ALIVdWI LON W LE € WLS TwSOdS!Id 39G4uHG AG G3ALOVdINI WZ V WLS “pl oansty 9L6L ony too rai) £00 vo'0 s0'0 90°0 400 80°0 LHSISM Ad NOSYV) DJINVOYO LN39Y3d 43 the control station through survey IV but were noticeably lowered at all stations by survey V (Fig. 14). This uniform decrease of organic carbon correlated with the onset of winter surf (Fig. 7) and the return of the cffshore sediments (3.7 and 6.1 meters) to values com- parable at the initiation of this study (Figs. 8 and 9). A regression analysis of combined stations and surveys showed a significant (p<.05) positive correlation between organic carbon and silt. Organic carbon values at station C, about 1.1 kilometers north from the Tijuana River, appeared not to be influenced by its proximity to this potential source of organic detritus. 4. Temperature. Temperature is considered a major factor in controlling the distri- bution of organisms. Temperatures recorded during sampling at Imperial Beach varied little between stations (Table 5). Offshore at the 3.7- and 6.l-meter depths, temperatures showed more seasonal variation but differed little between stations during each survey. Se Wave Data and Seasonal Storms. Wave patterns and storms are forces which determine the littoral zone profile and influence the diversity and abundance of organisms found near the shore. Local storms affecting Imperial Beach generally cause short-period waves of 10 seconds or less, and although they may occur at any time, they tend to occur rore often during the winter. North Pacific storms generally occur during late fall, winter, and early spring and cause longer waves with periods between 12 and 20 seconds. Southern tropical storms produce waves from the south with periods between 12 and 20 seconds in late spring to early fall (Muslin, 1978). The wave data for this study are shown in Figure 7. The data are presented in terms of the cm’, which is directly related to the wave energy as described in Section III, 1. Wave energies ranged from 50 to 650 square centimeters and the wave period ranged from 6 to 18 seconds. These wave energies and frequencies can be converted to horizontal velocities at a given depth (for more detail see U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1977). Comparison of these calculated bottom velocities with threshold of motion studies (Menard, 1950; Manohar 1955; Inman, 1957) indicates whether sand suspension or sand transport might occur. Br om velocities of about 0.2 meter per second are needed to resuspend s 4 in the size range found at Imperial Beach and about 0.3 meter pe second is necessary to initiate ripple formation (Fig. 15). J” these values are compared with some typical wave frequencies and periods for Imperial Beach (Table 6), it is evident that at the 3.7-meter stations 44 LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL “poAOAINS 3ONz, “AON 62 8°st == 25 LL “LPN 6 25 94 “any Ig 0°02 siaqaut “AON 62 st LL ‘*8ny ZI 8°8I LL eune 7Z 9°9T LL “APN 6 6°91 94 “any I¢ 6°61 STa do, “AON GZ 0°91 LL “any Zt Zs so LL “ARN G TL 9L “anv IE 6°61 saajau “AON 62 0°9L LL *8ny 21 6°81 -- ZL cady 9 g'Ll 92 “any of £61 saya “AON 62 6°SI ZL ‘Sny 21 6°81 LL aune: Z 8°91 LL ‘ady 9 zLt 92 any oF T6l S49 ou “AON 62 c°9ol LL *8ny ZI 0°61 =e LL cAdy 9 s "at 94 “dny OF 76l srayau 2 °¢ “AON ZI s’6I LL Aine 62 0°12 me ZL °994 91 Sst 94 ‘adag bz 0°02 Leptdaoqur AINE 87 U'st LL ang Z oct LL ° 994 ST S°dl LL “494 ST s‘Lt az ‘adas ¢z O'o! Tepfaroqe “AON OT 0°61 LL Aine 1z 0'°6I vane LL °994 FT ost 91 ‘3dag 22 S61 Tepaaaut a1eq De 91eq Qh a1eq Io airy oe arg ae yadaq uot eis A Al {II II I x 2 : i 2% Aaanins ae pe ‘o1ep ADAINS YyOeO TOF suoTIeYS [[e OF YyOeog [etszoduy ye onzeLEdwW9}) 197eM “Gg TPL 49 “(ZS61 Wewuy, worz) ToOJOWeTp JUOWTpas UDdATS e& OF UOTIOW PURS FO UOTIETITUT 9YyI TOF AITIOPOA wnwTUTW SLINN @ NI HALAWVIG e L- 0 L z sajddiy jo aoueseaddesig v7 peg pajddiy ‘aouajsdwog Oo (OS6L) GHUVNAW sajddiy jo aoueseaddesig ~% sajddiy jo uoneniul vy JUIWIAOW| JO UO!}LIIU] @ (SG6L) HVHONVWN “ST omnstyy 000v “0002 oooL (ssazawossIW) YA AWIVIG (puodas Jad siajaw) ALJIOOTSA 46 the sand bottom is in flux except under the most calm conditions. Even at the 6.l-meter depth sand is being transported regularly because of wave energy (Fig. 7). This implies that the nearshore environment of Imperial Beach was an area where sediment fluxes existed continually for most of the year extending beyond the 3.7-meter depth. Table 6. Calculated horizontal velocity of wave motion (meters per second) at the bottom for three wave energies, three depths, and for three wave periods. Wave period(s) eeucnnuaivave Enorayt | Se OOS. Ooo CO © SOs Rs OOS O MOORS OOO e OL OL ORO) of of of o dh od oll of o& of lIWave energy per unit surface area per square centimeter, E = pg, where p = fluid density and g = gravitational acceleration (see Sec. III). V. BIOLOGICAL RESULTS Ihe Sampling Design Effectiveness. If sampling data and conclusions derived from monitoring, re- search and survey programs are to be utilized in decisionmaking processes, it is necessary to know the levels of precision and con- fidence of statements made regarding such community attributes as abundance and diversity. These considerations are essentially a function of error in taking samples and inherent variability of sampled properties. Since most biological data are typified by high variance, this study hoped to minimize the variance and increase precision by extensive replication with small sampling units (Elliott, 1971) and reduce bias in sampling by using hand-operated core samplers which minimize sediment disturbance and take a consistent sample volume. 47 a. Precision of Estimates. The number of samples from intertidal, 3.7-meter, and 6.l-meter sampling stations needed to estimate population values for abundance and species richness at 50- and 30-percent levels of precision (P%) at a 95-percent level of confidence was calculated (Table 7). These are the average number of samples needed to know that 95 percent of the time the true population means will lie within +P% of the measured mean. These estimates from the sample data are derived from properties of variance in the data and are corrected for nonnormal distribution properties. Most of the contagiously distributed data sets fit a negative binomial distribution. Types of distributions of sampled data are presented in Table 8. In sampling design considerations, it was expected that a greater heterogeneity of factors would influence distribution on the beach more than offshore; therefore, 90 samples per survey were taken at each intertidal station and subtidal assessments were based on 15 samples at each of two depths. Subsequent analysis indicated the adequacy of this approach. Precision of estimates of species and abundance population parameters were approximately equal from the different depths using these discrepant sample numbers (Table 9). The number of samples taken at all depths was (on the average) sufficient to estimate these population parameters at a +30-percent precision level. A 50-percent precision level may be reached by taking approxi- mately half this number of samples within each depth habitat. This fact is a useful one in relating level of information return to the inherent cost factors on a given project. For example, in the present study a 20-percent loss of precision would accompany a 50-percent reduction in sample analysis time (Table 7). b. Small-Scale (Within-Station) Variation on the Beach and Comparison of Intertidal Transect Methods. At each intertidal station no significant differences in variability or precision of estimate were found between transects sampled either randomly or at fixed intervals within strata (Fig. 2). An advantage of the line-point method is the possibility of constructing regressions of variables with fixed positions along the transect (see Fig. 10) and relating these to observed profile features along the beach. Considering only a single transect along the beach, abundance and species richness are estimated at respective precision levels of about 27 and 45 percent. Grouping of the three transects at each inter- tidal station increased precision by decreasing these estimates to 17 and 27 percent, respectively. Here again, cost optimization factors may be considered in relation to precision criteria and sampling design. Single transects had mean values that deviated an average of 20.6 percent (median value = 13 percent) from the average of three tran- sects combined; i.e. assuming that three transects located 50 meters apart represent "'true'’ population densities on the beach, then any 48 Table 7. Depth intertidal 3.7 meters 6.1 meters lie P = precision and Y lie within +P% of the measured mean Y% of the time. Sample number esti- mates are derived from an actual data series and do not assume a normal distribution of data points. Average number of samples needed to estimate abundance and species per sampling unit at precision levels of 50 and 30 percent at a 9S5-percent confidence level during Imperial Beach study. } Abundance (pct) Species (pct) 50 30 50 30 49 85 = confidence level, the true population mean will Table 8. Frequencies of different distribution types for abundance per sample and species per sample during Imperial Beach study. Contagious (aggregated) (pet) INTERTIDAL | Individuals per sample | 92.5 i Hod 0 Species per sample | 30.8 \ 69). 2 0 3.7-METER DEPTH Individuals per sample 61.5 38.5 0 Species per sample | 0 1 84.6 15.4 | 6.1-METER DEPTH ! Individuals per sample Tod 27.3 0 Species per sample 49 Table 9. Precision of estimate (P) at 95-percent confidence level for species per sample and abundance per sample during Imperial Beach study. ! Species Individuals per sample per sample (pet) INTERTIDAL 3 transects 1 transect 3.7-meter depth 6.1l-meter depth ITrue population mean lies with +P% of the sampled mean 95 percent of the time, assuming random distribution. Most species per sample data fit a random description. When data are contagiously distributed skewness of precision estimates introduces an error term (see Table 8). 2Samples consisted of 500-milliliter cores; 8-centimeter diameter x 10-centimeter depth. 50 single transect will deviate from this "true'' value by 13 percent half of the time and the average error is 20.6 percent. Considering the homogeneous appearance of the beach this finding was at first un- expected. Yet, most of the beach organisms are motile crustaceans which can form aggregations creating small-scale patchiness. Gc Species Acquisition. The number of species occuring at a given site is important to ecologists. How effectively can the true population be estimated? Species acquisition curves provide one approach to answering this question. An area is considered to be well sampled in terms of species composition if increased sampling only rarely adds additional species; i.e. the species acquisition curve approaches an asymptote in relation to sampling effort. Species acquisition relation- ships of Imperial Beach samples are presented in Figure 16. At inter- tidal stations when sample size was 90, approximately 70 percent of the total species were found in the first 30 samples. At subtidal stations, when sample size was 15, 70 percent of the species were found in the first six samples. Therefore, the sampling method used effectively depicts species composition at a given time and locality. Acquisition curves through time were also constructed (Fig. 17). These were not asymptotic indicating somewhat continuous seasonal introductions of new species with time. Introduction rates were higher subtidally in association with higher diversity at these depths. These data indi- cate that sites cannot be fully typified with respect to species com- position by a single, or even a few, surveys. If knowledge of species composition is an important design criterion, such information as presented above is useful in optimizing the allocation of program time and cost resources. Bo Biological Impacts of Dredge Disposal. It is assumed that most organisms residing within beach sediments which were deposited upon probably perished due to burial. Some lique- faction of indigenous sediments was evident during deposition and possibly motile species (amphiods, decapods, etc. ) escaped burial. The assumption that introduced sediments from San Diego Bay were defaunated following pumping at high pressures through mechanical impeller booster pumps along variable lengths of pipe (up to 7,600 meters) was verified by inspecting core samples from the surface of newly deposited sediments. They were devoid of live organisms. A list of all species collected at different times and depths is presented in Appendix B. a. Intertidal Abundance. Total abundance of organisms from the intertidal stations ranged from 100 to 2,100 per square meter and averaged 882 per square meter during the study. This is high compared to densities of 200 per square meter reported for the area in February 5! Figure 16. 100 80 | 70 INTERTIDAL PERCENT OF SPECIES COLLECTED AT SITE 1 TRANSECT 2TRANSECTS 3 TRANSECTS (30 SAMPLES) (6QSAMPLES) (90 SAMPLES) NUMBER OF CORE SAMPLES PERCENT OF SPECIES COLLECTED AT SITE 3 6 9 12 NUMBER OF CORE SAMPLES PERCENT OF SPECIES COLLECTED AT SITE a o NUMBER OF CORE SAMPLES 6.1m DEPTH wet 3.7m DEPTH Species acquisition curves for each depth stratum as a function of sample numbers. Bars indicate ranges from individual stations and surveys. Se CUMMULATIVE NUMBER OF TAXA SAMPLED 140 6.1 METERS 120 100 3.7 METERS 80 INTERTIDAL 40 20 SURVEY PERIODS Figure 17. Species acquisition curves through time for each depth stratum. DS) by Dexter (1977). Estimated densities of the abundant species and the rank order of abundance in the intertidal area are presented in Tables 10 and 11. Summer periods (June, July, and September) had the highest densities of organisms, while winter periods (November and February) were lower. Seasonal total abundance patterns at all three intertidal Stations (Fig. 18) showed drops in abundance from summer to winter preceding the beach replenishment operation. This correlates well with measurements of increased wave action offshore (Fig. 7) and with observa- tions of beach erosion during this period (Fig. 4, Table 3). Surf temperatures averaged only 1.5° Celsius lower in winter (Table 5). Thus, twofold or more seasonal changes in total abundance occurred here in response to natural events. Before beach replenishment, intertidal abundance varied significantly between stations (p<.05) along the 2.1- kilometer stretch of nearly straight sand beach (Figs. 18 to 21). Localized erosion-deposition patterns may have been responsible. Based upon beach profiles, it was determined whether beach stations had built up or been eroded between surveys. This was compared with abundance data. A significant (p<.05) correlation was found between these vari- ables, (sign test, Tate and Clelland, 1957); i.e., abundances generally increased during calm depositional periods and decreased with beach erosion. Upper intertidal sediments had been eroded at all beach sta- tions before survey II (February), but this was most severe at station B. It is here that relatively few organisms were found (Fig. 20, see also Fig. 4). Localized wave and current patterns along beaches may significantly affect species composition and abundance; e.g., a rock groin is located 170 meters north of station A and wave and current patterns may be different here. Observations of physical events should accompany biological studies in order to help sort out natural versus induced effects on populations. Beach replenishment occurred in the spring (22 March to 20 June 1977), followed by increases in abundance at all stations the follow- ing summer (Fig. 18). At station A (impacted station) and station C (control) abundances were not significantly different from each other and were similar to those in the previous late summer. Similarities between these impacted and control intertidal stations suggest that deposition effects are not long term. Note that fine sediments were not present in sediment samples from station A 4 months after sediment deposition while they were evident 1 month after deposition at station B (Figs. 8 and 9). This indicates that fine sediments were sorted out of beach material within 4 months after deposition. Concomitant offshore increases in fine sediments substantiate this (Figs. 8 and 9). Sampling at station B indicated a possible short-term effect of beach replenishment. Summer populations were sampled just 290 meters 54 2u/TEz ‘ds umip1] ayouks podrydury 2/169 ‘ds umzp1jayouhs podrydwy z/861 ‘ds umip1jzayours podtydury zu/T1OT ‘ds wnwprzayouhs podryduy zu/2vT DBO]vuD DZIWAMY podesaq zU/£62 a ‘ds s2dsv20fg uvaoewny 7/09 ‘ds sn1aozsnpnyoy 2/81 yi ‘ds umaprzeyouhs podtyduy zu /78 p60] DUD DIIWAWY podesaq zu/Ss9 ‘ds uniprjzayouks podrydwy QAaAdAUNS LON z/09 dabuuto so7doj00g a .aeydATOd zu/16 snuozsida snxoydoyor |, zu/Z01 ‘ds sn1aoqsnvyoq zu /LLz1 ‘ds umaprjayouks podryduy G3ASAUNS LON r4 74/09 ‘ds sniaozsnnyog ‘ds sn1aozsnvyog 2u/8ob zu /Lev ‘ds um2zp27 ayouhs ‘ds umip1zayouhs podryduy podtyduy z/OS Butpae oxy SUuON 2u/SLs ‘ds umzp1zayouhs podryduy 2u/EL a ‘ds s2dsv7z0h9 ueaseun) zu/ bee pypuodonu snuozng a yaeyodATod 2/16 ‘dds sniuoygsnnyoq zu/99z zu/ozs ‘ds unip1zayouhs ‘ds umipryayouhs podtyduy podrydury y~orqu0) - yTeurwtay Tesodstq -aspeig - ¢ 32TS yesodstq UuLdYIION - V (LL61 “AON) ~ f\ Iajou aienbs sad gg uey. Jaqvai3 Sotytsuep je BuTrind50 sustuesio [eptitequy (ZL61 Arne) AI rTesodstq adpeig (ZL61 aun) III aLVd GNV YddWNN AXAYNS (ZL61T °923) (92461 *3das) II I *Apnys yoeog Tetasodwy surinp NOILV.LS TWWOILUSLNI “OT eTQBL <9) Sle O6b ves LeL SLUT 0 wfiquog sounydordg qupusaof vuncoydeq ‘dds wnap2)ayouks DyvyNaevs vUOTabOY snuozsida snxoydoyod | purjvhy s271hsodhy, dabruudtv so07doz0°s DzsSaPOW VUIT7AL 2vy7aqid ruc? aboy synuay sisdo7fiqsviaq smmdofisnf p21amo ‘dds sn2doysnvyog Sapo Pay vanubhicdl ordsouo radody ‘dds supawo7 rjdng p217a0q 01120110 sisdoaonu srshwoyqunoy q uPaqToUEN qupusdof punoozday dabimin gso.doj0ag ‘dds um2p2zayoufig afiquog sauvydo1ds ‘ds sadsp7 0h) 282126 snxoydoz nq puryy 1py7a41d puczaboy snuo sida snxoydoyoid pvynumnbs 31daqzazoag Sapo leUoN vaevubhid o1rdsouo1adody ‘dds sapawoz2ydngq poosesrisg = () prs = AW ASNTTON = OW ct 02 (a4 Sc Iv 88 £8S B aeYIATOY podesay ueaovuny podryduy Tom XG 95°— . v W ESTIMATED NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PER SQUARE METER (x103) MEAN NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PER CORE SAMPLE 70 50 40 30 20 STA A 6.1M OFFSHORE NORTHERN DREDGE-DISPOSAL SITE STA B 6.1M OFFSHORE DREDGE- DISPOSAL TERMINUS STA C 6.1M OFFSHORE SOUTHERN CONTROL Figure 2 5 io 9MAR 1977 I PERIOD 2 JUNE 1977 Tl SURVEY NO. AND DATE Mean number of organisms per core sample and 6.1- METER DEPTH 12 AUG 1977 IV estimated abundances per square meter for 6.l-meter stations. U2 Bars KGoaac .95 S ee 14 12 10 ESTIMATED NUMBER PER SQUARE METER (x 103) NUMBER OF SPECIES DGE-DISPOSAL PERIOD STA A OFFSHORE OF Soevee DISEOSAE 3.7 -METER DEPTH STA B OFFSHORE OF DISPOSAL TERMINUS STA C OFFSHORE OF SOUTHERN CONTROL 30 AUG 6 APR 2JUNE 12 AUG 29 NOV 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 I ll Tl IV Vv SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 28. Total number of species sampled per survey for 3.7-meter stations. 13 NUMBER OF SPECIES DREDGE-DISPOSAL PERIOD 6.1-METER DEPTH STAC STA A OFFSHORE OF OFFSHORE NORTHERN DISPOSAL SITE OF SOUTHERN CONTROL Yi STA B OFFSHORE OF DISPOSAL TERMINUS STAC OFFSHORE OF SOUTHERN CONTROL 31 AUG ‘76 9 MAR ‘77 2JUN ‘77. 12 AUG ‘77 29 NOV ‘77 { ul ut iv v SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 29. Total number of species sampled per survey for 6.l-meter stations. 74 periods and were decreased by a storm just before the fifth survey, 5 months after deposition of beach sediments (Fig. 7). Biological activities of the sand dollar, D. excentricus, may have had an effect on infaunal communities within the subtidal zone. They comprised a large part of the biomass and migrated on and offshore. This movement possibly influenced other infaunal organisms; however, the sampling program did not provide a detailed picture of D. excentricus movements. A total of 140 taxa was collected from the subtidal zone (App. B). This compares with the 131 taxa reported from the subtidal (to 7.6-meter depth) at Imperial Beach by Dexter (1977). So Faunal Similarities. Similarity indices at the 3.7- and 6.1- meter stations were compared for the five surveys at station B. No changes related to beach nourishment were detected (Table 13). The greatest changes observed appeared to be related to a storm which pre- ceded survey V, 5 months after deposition. fale Biomass Relationships. Biomass data from all surveys are presented in Table 16. An increase in the biomass proceeding offshore is evident. The sand dollar, D. excentritcus, accounted for 87 percent of the total biomass at 3.7- and 6.l-meter depths. Biomass data were too variable and sporadic in relation to D. excentricus distribution (Fig. 30) to be useful in assessing deposition effects. g. Abundance and Diversity in Relation to Depth. Relationships are presented in Figure 31 and Tables 17 and 18. During the study period there was a significant (p<.05) increase in abundance and species density proceeding from the upper to middle strata of the intertidal zone. At the lowest stratum of the intertidal zone there was a drop in abundance (not significant at the p<.05 level) and species density was similar compared to the middle stratum. Differences between the inter- tidal zone and 3.7 meters were pronounced and significant (p<.05); however, total abundance and species density did not increase much between 3.7- and 6.1-meter depths. These relationships are in accord with other observations of increased diversity in less physically con- trolled (more stable) environments with increasing depths proceeding offshore (Day, 1967; Sanders, 1969; Day, Field, and Montgomery, 1971; Parr and Diener, 1978). Although they appear to be more stable and di- verse, communities in deeper water may be more susceptible to changes in physical variables since they do not regularly experience them. The nearshore communities, although experiencing greater vicissitudes of environment and fluctuations in abundance, may be a more resilient system. Ecosystem resiliency is discussed in Holling (1973). h. Community Composition in Relation to Depth. Relative numbers of species and abundances of major taxonomic groups change with depth (Table 19). The intertidal zone was dominated by crustaceans both in CS *qyZyamM afdwes 18902 jo quazizad g°6G 03 H°€6 WoOrZ Buyauesa satdwes uy (sno1UquaoNa aaqAPUpUay]) BAT TOG pues jo COED ‘VW3;eam atdues [e307 Jo yuadiad C6 = (s28Uahapog vIII7]a],) WET aTBuys jo CRMEEESL |. *3y3}am atdues 1eI07 Jo Juad1ad gz puL Oy = (8217N4Nap1000 vVpodranyda)]y) qexd ABavy al suys jo CEUELEELE, ‘sayspem ardwes [e307 jo quao1ad g/ 07 Ey wo1y Buysue1 satdues uz (um07]N7IB YP7AA7,) SUleTQ OWSyq Jo BoUnKeId if 6°SIh 61 Zl 0” yl 282 (6 yr0sl 8Y S CRIGYEM (SG) Zz C8t 8 02 9 Il TZ poll yOts 1Z 898 208 S1azaw) (°€ €°SY LI zoel 4 SE 1s LZ 8l (shan t -ins pue suoy7eI3s [[V) 4 che Ll OL Vv Tepraqzaay A AL Ill | 11 I [vorjieas yidaq aseiaay = —- Adaing *suotieys Surtdwes yoeog [Tetsodwy ye r9 0 azenbs sod 4Yy8tom JOM sweIsd 02 poyTOAUOD ‘ssSewoTg “OT 9TqeL 76 ‘ON ASAUNS NOlLlvLS 9 *suorye ys Layou-[°9 pue-2°¢ 1O0F SatTdwes 9105 eUNeJUT YITM patdurs sno1dquaexa daqsoipuag JO sioquinu pue (SA1dJOWT[{ IW) aZIS “QE daNn3Iy A Al il Il I L246 940 L461 ONV ZZ6t ANNE LL6L YdV-YVIN 9Z6L 1dAS $318909/G31dNVS LON G31dNVS LON $319809/G31dNVS LON wWeE'9 $318909/G31dNVS LON We'9 LL6L ANNP OZ OL YVW ZZ is) B.) m ie) (9) Ut S ” U je} ” > r- a) m a i) 1o) ° Ca) © 20000 000 SYSLIW L9 LV TWNGIAIGNI ANO =e SYALAW LE LV TWNGIAIGNI JNO =e OL vc ce Ov 8b 9S v9 (ww) 1S31l YFLSVYOGNICG AO YALIWNVIG 77 AVERAGE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PER CORE SAMPLE DREDGE-DISPOSAL UPPER STRATUM PERIOD : 800 20 MIDDLE STRATUM 18 + NORTHERN DREDGE- a 16 DISPOSAL STATION 3200 DREDGE-DISPOSAL TERMINUS SOUTHERN | 2800 “CONTROL” 14 12 2400 10 2000 1600 1200 12 2400 LOWER STRATUM 2000 1600 1200 800 400 SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV 1976 1977 1977 I II Ill IV Vv SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 31. Mean number of organisms per core sample and estimated abundances per square memter for intertidal beach strata. 78 AVERAGE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PER SQUARE METER Table 17. Numbers of species collected within major taxa and depth strata. Total PRCT SURREAL strata Polychaeta Mollusk Fabel MGS ase taxa) , ee 3-7-meter TOTAL (all depths; not additive) Table 18. Average abundance and number of species per sample as a function of intertidal SEL) and depth during the Imperial Beach study.! INTERTIDAL - SUBTIDAL Number of surveys Number of animals ig. sig. per sample . : 6 4.55 205 27.35 Number of species ig. sig. per sample . ¢ . 1.79 .05 TALI within-depth stations from different sampling dates were combined; sample unit = 8-centimeter diameter by 10-centimeter depth. Differences between successive strata or depths sig- nificant at 5-percent level are indicated by sig. 0S. 09 Table 19. Percent contribution of major taxonomic groups and their abundance and diversity at different depths during Imperial Beach study. SPECIES GROUP SPECIES COMPOSITION (pet) INTERTIDAL STATION B c INTERTIDAL STATION A Cc Crustaceans Polychaetes 19 7 11 12 38 38 32 36 Mollusks aL 1 2 1 1 6.5 i 6.5 i Other 3.7-METER STATION 1 3. METER STATION 1 A B Cc ABC Crustaceans Polychaetes Mollusks Others 6.1-METER STATION 1 6.1-METER STATION ABC 1 A B C ABC Crustaceans Polychaetes Mollusks Others 1 combined values of stations A, B,and C. 80 numbers (84 percent) and species (49 percent). Motility appears to be an important adaptation to this zone. Statements on the overriding importance of polychaetes in infaunal communities (Dauer and Simon, 1976) do not apply to these exposed coastal shallow sediments within the surf zone. At the 3.7-meter depths, crustaceans comprised over 41 percent of the numbers and 48 percent of the species; at the 6.1l-meter depths, crustaceans comprised 45.5 percent of the numbers and 35 percent of the species. These were mostly motile brood-carrying pericarid crustaceans (e.g., amphipods, cumaceans) similar to those in the inter- tidal zone. Polychaetes at 6.l-meter depths comprise 38 percent of the abundance and 46 percent of the species. Since most polychaetes recruit from the plankton, increased sediment stability with depth may be impor- tant to larval settlement and probably underlies this observed relation- ship. Polychaetes are reported to predominate in offshore environments (Knox, 1977) where sediments are more stable. ac Relationship of Abundance and Diversity for Specific Sedi- ment Parameters. An increase was expected in fine sediment fractions and possibly of organic matter from the San Diego Bay sediments used to replenish Imperial Beach. Within each depth stratum all surveys were combined and sig- nificance of the correlations of numbers of species and average abun- dance with organic carbon content, silt-clay fraction, and very fine sand fraction was determined. Correlation of silt with carbon was also determined (Table 20). Correlations were determined using regression analyses (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969). Tests for significance of correlation between factors were set at a 95-percent confidence level. Results were as follows: (a) Intertidal (n = 13 comparisons) No significant correlation between variables. (b) 3.7-meter depth (n = 13 comparisons) (1) Significant increase in total species present with increased silt. (2) Significant increase of average abundance per sample with increased silt. (3) Significant increase in organic carbon with increased silt. (c) 6.1-meter depth (n = 11 comparisons) (1) Significant increase in average abundance per sample with increased silt. 8 | INTERTIDAL depth 6.1-meter depth Table 20. Species (total) 1, Not surveyed. Regression analysis rile of associated biological and physical-chemical variables from Imperial Beach surveys. Abundance per sample (avg. ) 5 3 4. 4 lll pn ol FArFPELOMWA So 6.0 OF OHO OO 6 COFRFPUAYNUIYNNAY Silt-Clay (pet-wt.) 82 Fine sand or smaller (pet-wt.) 51.33 24.74 Organic carbon (pet-wt.) (2) Significant increase in total species present with increased fine fraction (particles less than 0.125 millimeter median grain diameter). (3) Significant increase in organic carbon with silt. These results indicate a possible effect of silt and fine sediment fractions on the diversity and abundance of benthic infauna in the subtidal zone; this positive correlation suggests that silty sediments which are being washed offshore may temporarily enrich the nearshore biota on the way to equilibrium conditions at greater depths. Fine sediments did not remain long on the beach (e.g., station A, Figs. 8 and 9) after deposition. The increased carbon with added silt may have an adjunctive effect. Although carbon did not directly show significant correlation with abundance and diversity, it showed a positive correlation (p<.05) with silt. Particle size generally decreased with depth. This is a function of the wave energy impinging on the bottom effecting sorting and trans- port processes. Certainly, typical increases in diversity with depth (Sanders, 1968; Gray, 1974; Parr and Diener, 1978) correlated with increases of fine sediments offshore may reflect the covariance of these factors with important energy-related factors (e.g., orbital velocity on the bottom). Water motion on the bottom may be very important to in- faunal organisms. The disposal of appreciable amounts of silts in the nearshore environment by the beach replenishment provided an opportunity to assess the importance cf silts as a single factor within different wave energy zones and its significance was noted. So Major Species. This section discusses the biology and effects of beach nourishment upon major or "key" species. In this report "key" species refer to species that were numerically abundant or contributed greatly to the biomass or are believed to be important in structuring the composition of the nearshore community. a. Dendraster excentricus (Sand Dollar). Dendraster has a major role in determining dynamics of shallow-sand communities along the coast. Dendraster is capable of forming extensive beds and is probably the most significant biomass component in shallow water just beyond the surf along its geographic range from British Columbia to central Baja California. At Imperial Beach, there was a greater number of infaunal species in areas with Dendraster compared to similar areas and depths without Dendraster. This may be due to creation of greater habitat complexity by Dendraster (Table 21). 83 Table 21. Number of infaunal species collected at Imperial Beach during predisposal surveys I and II at the 3.7-meter depth. STATION B Surveys I II No. of species Note: Station A is adjacent to a Dendraster bed; stations B and C are not near a Dendraster bed. Although the sand dollar, D. excentrtcus, was not always numerically abundant within the core samples (Fig. 30), underwater observation showed this species was gregarious and formed extensive beds at times. This aggregating behavior has been attributed to their reproductive habits, as fertilization is external (Weihe and Gray, 1968), but the problem is probably more complex and further study is needed. In Dexter's (1977) study of Imperial Beach, D. excentrtcus had maximum densities of more than 1,200 per square meter. Diving observa- tions found extensive beds with hundreds of individuals per square meter. Densities calculated from core samples varied from 0 to 350 per square Meter. Large variations in abundance patterns are expected considering the biological and physical factors controlling distribution. Shoreward, D. excentrtcus occurrence is limited by wave action and a strong bottom surge. On the open coast, they are typically not found within the surf zone (Ricketts and Calvin, 1952), but occur in numbers just seaward of the breaker line. According to Merrill and Hobson (1970), a size gradation of D. excentricus is found from the surf to the outer limit of approximately 4-to 12-meter depths. They reported that juvenile D. excentricus (<10 millimeter) were more abun- dant near the shore, and the adults more abundant offshore. The ability of D. excentricus to migrate on and offshore is an important aspect in understanding its distribution. At Imperial Beach, D. exentrtcus popu- lations moved more than 100 meters offshore and then back during the study. Dexter (1977) found a seasonal pattern to these migrations. In late spring and summer, D. excentricus moved shoreward and there was a general offshore movement into deeper, calmer water during winter months and storm activity. 84 Strong wave action and bottom surge directly affect deposition and erosion of nearshore sediments. Movements of nearshore sand can strongly influence the size of sand dollar populations. Merrill and Hobson (1970) reported that D. excentrtcus is occasionally carried by sliding sediments to depths of 37 meters. Shifting substrates and sedi- ment composition affect sand dollar populations. Weihe and Gray (1968) found that the sand dollar, Melltta quinqutesperforata, a genus related to Dendraster, was adversely affected by a high percentage of silt and mud. In the laboratory, Melitta had a definite preference for sandy substrate. Dredging, which deposited heavy amounts of silt and mud near their study area, totally eliminated sand dollar populations, which had been abundant in previous years. Turbidity and silt deposition affected settling of Mellita larvae or smothered juveniles which had settled. Along the California coast large populations of D. excentrtcus existed in areas preceding dredging operations (MacGinitie, 1935, 1939; Ricketts and Calvin, 1952), but have not been found since (Merrill and Hobson, 1970). Burial of D. excentricus is not the crucial problem since they may undergo natural. burial when conditions become unfavorable. However, under buried conditions water circulation and food supply must be main- tained. Fine sediment loads may prevent this. Merrill and Hobson (1970) and Weihe and Gray (1968) found the optimum habitat for sand dollars to be clean, well-sorted sand with moderate water currents. Core sampling at 3.7- and 6.1-meter depths included a large part of the typical D. excentricus depth range, and the individuals collected varied widely in size (Fig. 30). Newly metamorphosized juve- niles (<2 millimeter) were found at the 3.7-meter depth in all surveys except survey V which occurred 5 months after the end of the beach deposition program, and after the first winter storm. Survey IV (post- dredge disposal) found juveniles at all 3.7-meter depth stations but more abundant at station C than at the 3.7-meter impacted stations A and B. Divers found extensive beds of sand dollars at the 3.7-meter depth only for stations A and B in surveys I and II (predisposal surveys). At these stations during surveys III and IV, the sand dollars were buried under 3 to 9 centimeters of fine sediment, but they appeared to be alive and healthy. In survey V, none were observed at any of the 3.7-meter stations. Divers found no adult D. excentrtcus beds at 6.1- meter depths in surveys I and II. During survey III (station B, 6.1 meters), scattered small individuals were found covered by 3 to 9 centimeters of fine sediment. This survey was concurrent with beach replenishment; the highest percentage of the fine silt for the entire study period was found on this survey. At station A, 6.1 meters, survey IV, there were no adult specimens of D. excentrtcus observed, but at station B, 6.1 meters, survey IV, they appeared common and were buried by 3 to 9 centimeters of silt. At the latter station in survey V, the individuals that were previously common, had moved out of the area, and only a few scattered specimens remained. However, in survey V, abun- dant beds were present at station A, 6.1 meters, survey V. Since number and size of these individuals were similar with individuals 85 present at station A, 3.7 meters, survey IV, the same population is assumed to have moved offshore to station A, 6.1 meters, survey V. The timing of this migration indicates a seasonal response rather than an avoidance of perturbations induced by beach nourishment. This is most evident since by survey V the physical conditions had returned to levels comparable to those at the onset of this study. Since the sampling program was not specifically designed to follow D. excentrtcus movement, it is impossible to quantify the direct effects of the beach deposition program on the beds. Beach replenish- ment buried some large beds of sand dollars with very fine sediment, but no direct mortality was seen. Onshore-offshore migrations may have been affected by deposition of fines but offshore migration was evident 5 months after beach replenishment and correlated well with the onset of the first winter storms. b. Crustaceans. Crustaceans in nearshore sediments are dominated by species which do not disperse by planktonic larvae (amphipods, iso- pods, cumaceans). Many are capable of leaving the sediments to form reproductive swarms or seek food or another habitat. Densities are more variable since patchiness may result from response preferences, repro- ductive aggregations, localized brood release, and response to food source. The following is a discussion of the response of selected crustaceans or species groups to beach replenishment. (1) Synehelitdium spp. (Amphipod). This species group, composed of an undescribed intertidal species (personal communication, J.L. Barnard, 1977) and offshore species including S. shoemakert, ranked 1, 10, and 13 in abundance for intertidal, 3.7- and 6.1l-meter depth sta- tions, respectively (Table 11). The abundance of Syncheltdium in the intertidal varied from 13 to over 1,400 per square meter (Fig. 32, Table 10). Egg-carrying individuals were found at all stations in all five surveys. Abundance of Syneheltdtum did not differ between stations in the intertidal zone during survey 1. There was a significant drop in abundances at intertidal station B, survey II, which correlated with extensive erosion that exposed cobbles at this station (Figs. 4 and 31, Table 3). Survey III (station B only) was concurrent with beach replen- ishment. Estimates of over 1,250 individuals per square meter indi- cated that beach replenishment did not preclude Syncheltdium. In survey IV (postdisposal) intertidal abundances were high at all sta- tions. Station B had significantly higher abundances than station A but neither differed significantly from station C. Five months after dis- posal (survey V), abundances at all stations were lower, and station B was Significantly higher than stations A and C. The general abundance pattern observed for this species group of amphipods suggests a seasonal pattern with low abundances in winter and high in summer only to decrease again with the onset of 86 Y3ALAW 3YVNOS Yad WAIG/TFHONAS 40 YASINNN G3SLVIILSA 002 00b 009 008 oooL oneL X Ba S Oe s ee Sieg “SsuOTIeYS TeptisoqUT Ye (podrydue) «ds wnzprjzayouks 10J 19,OUW aaenbs sad saouvpunqe pazeutzss pue opduwes o109 aod azaqunu uray *7ZE JaINBT. a1LvVG GNV ‘ON ASAYNS A Al LL6L 93G AON 190 I1d3S ONV ANG ANN Hitt Ul I ZL6L 9ZL6L 9L6L AVW UdV YVW 8345 NVF JAG AON LIO 1d]4S 1OYLNOD NYSHLNOS IVLS SANIWYSL TWSOdSIG-390G3HG advV_Ls NOILVLS 1VSOdSIG -JOGAYG NYASHLYON V VLS goiusd “39 AIdWVS 3HO9 Y3d “dS WAIGITFHINAS 40 YASINNN 3DVYSAV 87 winter storms. This agrees with Enright (1962) who studied the inter- tidal Synehelidtum in southern California and found their numbers to be adversely affected by storms. The greatest abundance of Synchelidium was during periods of low wave energy and the lowest numbers coincided with higher wave energies (compare Figs. 7 and 32). There appeared to be no adverse impact of beach replenishment upon intertidal populations of this species group. (2) Euphilomedes spp. (Ostracod). This ostracod group con- sisted of two species, EF. carcharodonta (distributed from British Columbia to southern California) and #. longtseta (California). These crustaceans occurred sporadically in large numbers. Ostracods are mobile crustaceans and £. carcharodonta is believed to be a detritus feeder (Baker, 1975). This group ranked number one in abundance in the 3.7- and 6.l-meter depths but was only sampled once intertidally (Fig. 35, habilie Till). This group was abundant only at Station B where densities of over 8,000 individuals per square meter were estimated. Abundances appear to be highest between June and October, but because of their obvious patchy occurrence, relationships are difficult to discern. However, during survey IV (postdisposal) when abundances at station B, 6.1 meters, increased to 6,900 per square meter; this group was scarce at the 3.7-meter depth (133 per square meter). Strong aggregation is evident in this species as indicated by large differences (p<.05) in abundance between stations before beach deposition. (3) Hohaustorius spp. The taxonomy of this genus of amphi- pods is poorly known for the eastern Pacific. More than one species occurs in the nearshore California sediments (Smith and Carlton, 1975), and at least two species were sampled at Imperial Beach, including Eohaustortus washingtontanus. The abundance of this group ranked second intertidally and fourth at the 6.1l-meter depth (Table 11). Intertidal densities of Hohaustortus reached a maximum of 102 per square meter during survey III (June 1977, station B, concurrent with beach replenishment) and remained high at this station through sur- vey IV, July 1977 (Table 10). At the 3.7-meter depth the group was sampled regularly with densities estimated from 0 to 200 per square meter. At the 6.1l-meter depth densities also fluctuated greatly and ranged from 0 to 2,700 per square meter (Table 15). Intertidal abundances immediately after replenishment appear to be positively correlated. Since this reponse was not ob- served at station A approximately 2.5 months after the beach replenish- ment operation had moved south of rock groin No. 2 or at station B less than 3.5 months after replenishment, this potential enhancement of abundances was of short duration. No relationship of abundance or persistence to replenishment was observed at the 3.7- and 6.1-meter depths. ; 88 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EUPHILOMEDES spp PER CORE SAMPLE 42 rN ag © A-3.7M NORTHERN DREDGE goco OA -6.1M DISPOSAL STATION AB -3.7M DREDGE DISPOSAL 3 OB - 6.1m TERMINUS 7600 36 = 7200 @ 44 6 — 6800 32 u \ 6400 30 5 |i \\ 6000 28 | \ 5600 q \ 26 I 5400 : \ 24 | ° 4800 o \ 22 y \ 4400 STA B3.7M ] 20 ° \ 4000 18 6 \ 3600 16 \ 3200 14 iN \ 2800 . 12 L N, \ + 2490 \ A 10 r XN \ — 2000 5 : N \ 8 \ STA 8 6.1M \ 1600 . 6 IL SS STA A 3.7M . 1200 SS, s a . 3 SS ~ \ — 800 \ sackppocesceesSancoccceedh] 2 : . 5, 400 Roos ae STA A 6.1M : pe TE eee 4, ~~ 6 S2ccgcecca fA} aR 3 a AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 1976 1977 1977 I II nn IV Vv SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 33. Mean number per core sample and estimated abundances per square meter for Euphilomedes spp. (ostracods) at 3.7- and 6.1l-meter stations. 89 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EUPH/LOMEDES PER SQUARE METER (4) Zrtehophoxus eptstomus (Amphipod). Four species of this genus were collected at Imperial Beach, but only 7. eptstomus was abun- dant. This species ranked 6th in abundance intertidally, 5th at 3.7 meters, and 11th at 6.1 meters (Table 11). The geographic range of T. eptstomus extends from California to Panama. Abundances of this species were highest at the 3.7- meter depth. The average was from 200 to 550 per square meter (Fig. 34); the pattern of abundance agrees well with Barnard (1963) who reported 55 per square meter from inshore depths of 2 to 5 meters with numbers decreasing offshore. However, abundance was 4 to 10 times that found by Barnard (1963) and probably reflects different sampling methods (diver core samples versus remote grab samples). Intertidal zone abundances were. 10 to 91 per square meter and were highest during beach replenishment (91 per square meter, Table 10, Fig. 35). At the)3.7- meter depths, abundances fluctuated greatly with maximum estimated densities of 1,127 per square meter being encountered at station B, survey II (6 April 1977). As this survey was conducted 15 days after the start of beach replenishment, this response by a mobile species such as T. eptstomus might be expected. No response was noted at station A during survey II, and this impacted station did not differ from the control station. At this time dredge disposal of sediments was local- ized near station A (1.2 kilometers north from station B) and station B had not been impacted by this operation. Consequently, it appears that the large increase in density at station B was unrelated to beach re- plenishment and may have resulted from changes brought about by the severe erosion of intertidal station B between surveys I and II. The large decrease observed at station B, 3.7 meters, for survey III (con- current with beach replenishment) may have been due to beach replenish- ment, but abundances were not significantly different (p<.05) than station C. (5) Mandibulophoxus ¢tlest (Amphipod). This species ranked seventh in abundance at the 3.7-meter stations and reached densities in excess of 600 per square meter (Table 11, Fig. 36). This species was also more abundant at that depth than intertidally or at 6.1 meters. Beach replenishment had no discernible effect on this species. (6) Cumaceans. Three species of cumaceans were common in nearshore sediments at Imperial Beach. These showed strong depth preferences. Leptocuma forsmant ranked 12th and 14th in abundance at 3.7- and 6.1-meter depths, respectively, and was not found intertidally. This species was found consistently at all offshore stations during all surveys except survey V when only three specimens were collected at station B, 6.1 meters. Dtastylopsts tenuts was common only at the 6.1-meter stations ranking sixth in abundance. Densities reached over 800 per square meter (Table 15) but populations fluctuated greatly. Barnard (1963) reported 100 per square meter in southern California inshore sands. Cyclaspits sp. B, an undescribed species, ranked third in 90 ‘umjesris yydop yore LOZ poutTquod suotieIS *(podtydue) smuozsi1da snxoydoyouty 10} 19}0W 9Lenbs aod Y3LIW JYVNOS Y3d STVNGIAIGNI 40 YASWNN G3ALVIWILS3 soouepunge pojeutiss pue o[dues o109 tod roqunu uvoy “ps O1n3Ty SYSLIN LO SHSLIW LE IVGILYILNI a om & ZB — S| —_— OS -. =* fe SS Ve ae 002 ne Acasa == - = 4— eamsaa: = o- ¥., ’ %e, Y “ee, we save So 00v : seg, re %e, ay BOS oe v A ASAUNS YY 009 Al AaAuNS A Wt AaSAYAS [J i ASAUNS W 1 AZAUNS @ OL 4 | O€ JIdWNVS 3YOD Y3d SIVNGIAIGN! 4O Y3SSINNN 91 AVERAGE NUMBER OF TR/ICHOPHOXUS EPISTOMUS PER CORE SAMPLE DREDGE-DISPOSAL PERIOD stA A ——————— STA B 4 INTERTIDAL 80 2 40 6.0 1200 3.7- METER DEPTH @-—--STA A NORTHERN DREDGE-DISPOSAL 5.0 1000 STA B DREDGE- DISPOSAL TERMINUS COE STA C SOUTHERN 40 CONTROL 300 3.0 600 2.0 400 1.0 200 6.1- METER DEPTH 2.0 400 200 1.0 AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 1976 1976 1977 1977 I ll lll IV Vv SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 35. Mean number per core sample and estimated abundances per square meter for Trichophoxus eptstomus (amphipod) for each depth stratum. 2 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF TR/CHOPHOXUS EPISTOMUS PER SQUARE METER Y3LIW SYWNOS Y3d SF7/9 SNXOHdOTNGIGNVW 40 YAEINN JDVYEAAV 002 00v 009 008 “SUOTINYS TOOW-[°9 pur LS ze (podtydue) 280726 snxoydoznqipuny 10f¥ 1910W oLenbs aod soouvpunqe poajeurizso pue oydues o109 sod aoqunu ueay “9g o1nBIy alvd GNV ‘ON ASJAYNS A Al vt Il I LL6L LL6L 9L6L 9L6L 93G) AON L190 i1id3S ONVW AING ANAC AVW YdvY YW 834 Nv 93G AON 190 1d3S 9ONV L9V VLS oe WL9 8 VLS vd A a? Pare a vis ° °, ° fey XN fe, @ ®e ° SN “a WEE V VLS TOYLNOD NYSHLNOS 9 VLS ‘SANIWHYAL TVSOdSIG-A9G3HG 4 WLS ALIS JDGAYG NYSHLYON V VLS AIdWVS 3YO9 Y3Ad SI7/D SNXOHdOTNGIGNVW 4O YASINNN JDVY3AAV Je abundance in the intertidal zone and eighth at the 3.7-meter stations (Table 11). Maximum abundance was at the 3.7-meter depth where esti- mated densities exceeded 1,200 per square meter (Table 14). Inter- tidally, abundances reached 293 per square meter (Table 10) for survey IV (postdisposal) and this was the only time they were not found at the offshore stations. This correlates with a period of low wave energies and possibly indicates an onshore movement of this species during periods of calm weather (Fig. 7). There was no significant detectable response of cumacean species to beach replenishment. (7) Decapods (Crabs). Many of the nearshore decapods are Significant components of the nearshore biomass. Their densities were generally low and they tended to be highly aggregated. (a) Blephartpoda occidentalis (Spiny Sand Crab). Adults of this large crab were only found intertidally and their biomass ac- counted for 45 to 78 percent of the station biomass (Table 16). Less than two per square meter were generally found. Juveniles were off- shore and their densities were higher. This possibly indicates an onshore migration with maturity. (b) Emertta analoga (Sand Crab). This sand crab ranked fourth in abundance (Table 11) and was taken consistently in the inter- tidal zone but never collected offshore. Estimated densities varied from 2 to 142 per square meter with the highest densities occurring at intertidal stations A and B for survey IV (postdredge disposal). This may have been due to seasonal recruitment at this time, but high numbers were not observed at station C. However, at this time the upper inter- tidal of station C had eroded to cobble and this probably lowered the biological attractiveness of this station for Hmertta (see Fig. 4). In survey V, abundances of Hmertta were not significantly different between stations. Beach replenishment may have had some positive effect on Emerita densities, but at best this was a short-lived phenomena. There appears to be no long-lasting adverse effects of beach replenish- ment on this species. This species is noted for its longshore movement, and patchy distribution and recruitment patterns (Barnes and Wenner, 1968). Che Polychaetes. The significant role that polychaetes play in the dynamics of soft-bottom communities was reviewed by Knox (1977). Five species of polychaetes that were numerically abundant are discussed in relation to their response to beach replenishment. (1) Apoprtonospto pygmaea. This polychaete worm ranked second in abundance at the 3.7- and 6.l-meter stations and reached densities estimated at 4,700 per square meter (Fig. 37, Table 11). On the east coast, this species was a numerical dominant in the repopu- lation of a protected intertidal area following defaunation of the sediments (Dauer and Simon, 1976). However, in California the response of this opportunistic species to disturbance gradients shows no consis- tent trend (Oliver, 1977). Densities fluctuated over hundredfold 94 12 ALL STATIONS COMBINED BY DEPTH 2 5 . ix CHE SAL O STA A 3.7m NORTHERN oo \sTA B3.7m 18 DREDGE-DISPOSAL SITE © STA B 3.7m-12 DREDGE- i. DISPOSAL TERMINUS __ ei) 4 STAC 3.7m SOUTHERN a CONTROL AVERAGE NUMBER PER CORE SAMPLE AVERAGE NUMBER PER SQUARE METER ‘ STA A 3.7m 16 3200 5 STA A 6.1m 14 © STAB6.1m a STAC 6.1m 12 2400 30-31 AUG 9MAR 6 APR 2 JUNE 12 AUG 29 NOV 1976 1977. 1977. 1977. 1977 1977 I Il Ill IV Vv SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 37. Mean number per core sample and estimated abundances per square meter for Apoprionospio pygmaea (polychaete) at 3.7-and 6.l-meter stations. 95 approximately every 3 months at a depth of 7.6 meters in another Cali- fornia sand-bottom community (Diener and Parr, 1977). In this study, densities fluctuated greatly with no consistent pattern that could be related to added beach sediments, seasonality or measured sediment parameters. (2) Scolelepts squamata. This polychaete ranked 10th in abundance intertidally, 4th at the 3.7-meter stations and was rare at the 6.l-meter stations (Table 11). This species not only had a strong preference for shallow water, but also was highly seasonal in its re- cruitment to the nearshore habitat (Fig. 38). Abundance was high at all 3.7-meter stations, survey II (6 April 1977), and estimated densities were 1,600 per square meter (Table 14). Abundance decreased signifi- cantly at all stations for the next survey and subsequently abundance was either very low or the species was absent. The decrease observed at station B, 3.7 meters, during survey III (2 June 1977) may be attribu- table to beach replenishment or to normal population fluctuations. However, since the control station was not sampled in survey III, no decision is possible. It is significant that on survey IV (12 August 1977), densities were very low at station C at 3.7 meters. This species also recruited in high numbers to an area obviously physically impacted by beach replenishment (station A, 3.7 meters, 6 April; Figs. 8 and 9). (3) Magelona pttelkat. This polychaete was found only once in the intertidal zone but it ranked sixth and seventh in abundance for the 3.7- and 6.l-meter stations, respectively (Table 11). It appears to have responded with increased settlement (densities to 1,300 per square meter) at impacted stations A and B during beach replenish- ment (Fig. 38). This increase in density was not found at control station C which implies that this dense settlement may not have been a seasonal effect but a response to the changed physical conditions pro- duced by beach replenishment. (4) Scoloplos armiger. This polychaete worm ranked 9th in abundance intertidally, 11th at 3.7 meters, and 9th at 6.1 meters (Table 11). This species was found at all depths at all surveys. Maximum density was 910 per square meter (Fig. 38, Table 15) found at station A, 6.1 meters (9 March 1977) before beach replenishment began. Changes in population densities do not appear related to beach replenishment or any of the sediment parameters. (5) Qwenia fustformts collaris. This cosmopolitan species builds tubes and lives in the subtidal bottom off Imperial Beach. These sand-bottom, tube-dwelling organisms increase the stabilization of sediments (Rhoads, 1974). Occurring in small clumps or larger patches, the tubes are able to stabilize marine substrates much the way plants do to soil in terrestrial ecosystems. Qwenta sorts out and concentrates the mineral hornblende in the process of tube building and repair (Fager, 1964). Since horn- blende comprises about 50 percent of the sediment at Imperial Beach, it 96 DREDGE-DISPOSAL PERIOD 120 1600 r22STAA&B3.7m wan STA C 3.7m 1400 SCOLELEPIS SQUAMATA 4 1200 4 1000 1 600 20 200 ee rer is ea es os eT. -aw2STAA&B3.7m «ue STA C 3.7m 100 e=* STAA&BE.1m Ree ay ea 1200 80 1000 60 AVERAGE NUMBER PER CORE SAMPLE AVERAGE NUMBER PER SQUARE METER 40 400 20 = aueee ee to oo on 2! -=2STAA&B3.7m SCOLOPLOS ARMIGER «ut STA C 3.7m e=STAA&B 6.1mo7 o 20 200 wierd 30-31 AUG 9 MAR 6 APR 2 JUNE 12 AUG 29 NOV 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 if Il Ill IV Vv SURVEY NO. AND DATE Figure 58. Mean number per core sample and estimated abundances per square meter for Seclelepsts squamata, Magelona oiteixat, and Secoloplos armiger (polychates) at 3.7 and 6.1] meter stations. Si is not surprising that Owenta is at times a significant component of the subtidal macrofauna. This species ranked fifth in abundance at the 6.1- meter stations (Tables 11 and 15). Fager (1964) reported that newly settled Owenta appeared throughout the year in southern California. A maximum density of 15,000 per square meter was reported, but average densities within aggregations were 500 to 1,000 per square meter. Qwenta appeared sporadically in Imperial Beach samples and occurred in comparatively large numbers at station A, 6.1 meters and station C, 3.7 meters during survey IV following beach replenishment. The density of Qwenta tubes within these areas was 4,097 and 373 per square meter, respectively. This survey was preceded by a period of relatively calm wave activity (Fig. 7) which allowed successful settlement in the shallow water. By survey V after storm activity (November 1977), this species was absent from station C, 3.7 meters and densities had been reduced to 13 per square meter at station A, 6.1 meters. The ephemeral nature of a large population buildup of Owenta and its subsequent decline suggests that some factor other than beach replenishment was instrumental in the successful recruitment of this worm. Such rapid population declines are typical of opportunistic species with short lifespans (Grassle and Grassle, 1974). d. Nematodes. Roundworms are one of the most numerous and wide- spread of all multicellular organisms, but their taxonomy and role in marine sediments are poorly understood. This assemblage ranked third in abundance at the 3.7- and 6.1-meter stations (Table 11). Marine nema- todes are small organisms, with the majority able to pass through a 0.5-millimeter screen (Reish, 1959; Warwick and Gage, 1975). This study was not designed to sample this group, because such a design is not cost-effective for the purpose of the study. Estimates of numbers based on the nematodes that were retained on a 0.5-millimeter screen showed densities approaching 3,000 per square meter with numbers fluctuating greatly (Tables 14 and 15). Se Mollusks. Mollusks, which are primarily planktonic in their larval form before settling in the sediments, are major infaunal com- ponents of the biomass. (1) Ztvela stultorwn (Pismo Clam). The Pismo Clam is the only large bivalve in the surf zone along the southern California coast. This thick-shelled clam may reach a length of 12 centimeters or more and live for 7 years or more (Fitch, 1950). Individuals up to 6 centimeters long were collected at Imperial Beach, indicating successful recruitment within the previous 1 to 2 years. Population density estimated from combined intertidal stations and surveys was 2.1 per square meter. A comparison of clams collected at each station showed a significant de- crease (p<.05) in average density (1.17 + 0.97 to 0.14 + 0.27) following beach replenishment. The deposited sediments may have affected density, though the estimates were based on very few individuals. A special sampling program would have to be designed to obtain good estimates. Populations of large, relatively low density species cannot be estimated unless extensive dredging is employed to obtain large samples (see Loesch, 1974). 98 (2) Donax gouldit (Bean Clam). The bean clam is noted for its tremendous temporal variations in abundance (Coe, 1953). However, this species appeared consistently at all intertidal stations for all surveys except during beach replenishment (survey III, station B inter- tidal). Densities found in cther surveys ranged from 2 to 36 per square meter. This typically intertidal species was occasionally found off- shore at the 3.7- and 6.l-meter stations. Beach replenishment may have been responsible for the absence of Donax intertidally during survey III when they were possibly buried by silt, but later postdisposal densities at impacted stations A and B were equal to or higher than those observed at the beginning of this study. (3) Tellina modesta. This small deposit-feeding bivalve is considered a community dominant between depths of 9 and 27 meters (Barnard, 1963). At Imperial Beach it was consistently taken only at the 6.l-meter stations where it ranked eighth in abundance (Table 11). Densities varied from 13 to 769 per square meter (Table 15). Beach replenishment appears to have had no discernible effect on the abundance or persistence of this species. Ais Vertebrates (Fish). Leuresthes tenuts (Grunion)is the only fish reported in this study because it spawns in the upper intertidal on a series of receding high tides. Alterations of beach topographies and sediment parameters caused by beach replenishment could conceivably affect the spawning of this species. Grunion are known to spawn at Imperial Beach. Eggs and larvae of this species were found in cores only at the dredge impacted stations A and B for survey IV (postdredge dis- posal). Evidently, the beach replenishment which terminated 37 days before survey IV did not prevent grunion spawning in the project area. VI. CONCLUSIONS Adverse effects of beach replenishment were few except for the direct burial of less mobile organisms. There was an increase in di- versity and abundance of organisms correlating with increased sediment silt fractions which were increased significantly by beach replenish- ment. However, this biological enhancement also correlated with the summer low wave energy and the corresponding less physically disturbed nearshore area. The relative individual contribution of these two factors on diversity and abundance is difficult to discern. The posi- tive response of organisms to beach replenishment was of short duration (less than 2 months) and largely exhibited by the mobile crustaceans. A longer lasting response of most organisms in the community appears to be associated with the relatively stable bottom in the summer and fall. With the onset of winter storms and the concomitant offshore movement of sediments, abundances declined significantly and diversity was lower for most of the 3.7- and 6.1-meter stations. 39) Burial of offshore organisms by fines transported from the beach replenishment material could have a greater adverse impact than inter- tidal burial. This is because offshore population densities are higher and dominant species with high biomass (e.g., the sand dollar, Den- draster excentricus) are long-lived; they successfully recruit to form new beds only sporadically and modify the nearshore habitat (stabilize sediments and enhance diversity). Burial of sand dollar beds at Imperial Beach does not appear to have any induced significant immediate mortality but questions of delayed mortality and recruitment success require longer term studies. At the termination of the field study (November 1977), other than changes in beach profiles and increased coarseness of the deposited material, there appeared to be no other long-lasting measurable physical changes at Imperial Beach due to beach replenishment. To minimize biological impacts of beach replenishment, dredged sediments should closely match the composition of indigenous sediments at the deposition site. This may conflict with other project objec- tives, such as increasing sand coarseness to slow erosion or the avail- ability of appropriate sediments for dredging. The percentage of fine sediments (smaller than 125 micrometers) should be low to minimize siltation and consequent anoxic sediment conditions offshore. The nearshore community at Imperial Beach is adapted to seasonal transport of sediments. Consequently, the deposition of some sediments on the beach is part of a natural cycle. The nearshore community appears to be highly resilient to this type of perturbation; however, offshore the biological community is more diverse and does not regularly receive high sediment loads. Consequently, the organisms appear less adapted to this type of perturbation and are less resilient. 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Date (1977) Naval Air Station North Island Aircraft Carrier Quay Wall/No. 1 - No. 2 Groin April 16 10,399 85 10 5 >» by 9, 863 80 15 5 APPENDIX A . . 1 Wallin Ove MAeceeiall Composition (pct by volume) (M3) Date uct nl crops ron eel cae Se a Sd St Sh Sill San Diego Unified Port District Area 1 at 10th Avenue Marine Terminal/ No. 1 - No. 2 Groin San Diego Unified Port District Area 1 at 10th Avenue Marine Terminal/ No. 2 Groin North Bay Sliver North of TRANSBAY Utilities/No. 2 Groin I12 APPENDIX A Composition (pct by volume)? Corner "'A'' of North Bay Entrance Channel/No. 2 Groin Volume of Material (M*) Date (1977) May 6 5 | 35 20 A) -|\ 10 7 5) GO is 10 | 10 8 9 =] 90) |) 10) 10 | 10 Corner ''B'' of North Bay Entrance Channel/No. 2 Groin May 10 10,246 5 70 715 10 10 11 10,092 10 | 80 5 5 Corner ''B'' of North Bay Entrance Channel/No. 2 Groin - Pier May 12 Test oVLO 10 80 5 5 13 2,829 15 75 5 5 Corner ''B' of North Bay Entrance Channel/Pier 113 APPENDIX A Composition (pct by volume)? Volume of Material (M*) Date (1977) May qq Sc 3 0) OANIADAUHHWN rH Corner "D' of North Bay Entrance Channel/Pier - No. 1 Groin June 9 9,175 15 5 100 Fathom "'dogleg''/Pier - No. 1 Groin 114 APPENDIX A Table (Continued) Composition (pct by volume)? Volume of Material mee 097 eee aor | 0 eee [eel [a [oe Navy - 7th Street Channel/Pier - No. 1 Groin June 15 5,887 80 15 5 16 3,364 80 15 5 Navy - 7th Street Channel/Pier June 17 4,493 15 5 Fishing Pier - No. 1 Groin June 18 2,523 15 5 Navy - 7th Street Channel/Pier - No. 2 Groin 80 15 NOR 0 10 10 Material: G Gravel St Stone Sd Sand Sh Shell C Clay Sl Silt M Mud H Hardpan 2__ = Trace 3No work NOTE: Data taken from Corps of Engineers Daily Dredging Reports prepared by General Western Construction Company. 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