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University of Illinois, 1915. THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ZOOLOGY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1918 TABLE OP COv P--3 I Intro iuotion •••••••• .---.----.1 II App'tratuu an! V-ithoio ------------- 6 III PreeenlHtion if Data -------------- \q Regeneration in Baaee ------------- \q Carbon Dioxida Production and Ravens rat ion in Ba»©« - - - ±\ Regeneration in Aciie - ----------- 17 Carbon Dioxide Production §mi Regeneration in Acid* - - - 21 Halation of Si** to Carbon Dioxide Production a; Regeneration ----- ---33 Regeneration ia Low Oxygen - ----- ---33 IV Sumwry -------- ----- ---33 V Litenstura Cited ----- ----- - - - 35 VI Tablee - - - --37 VII Figuree ------- ----- ---74 VIII Yite - --114 smcr» or the hydrogen io?; cokcehtratioe aei? oxtoe* COKTEITT OF f ATER UPOK RE0ISERATI01I AWD METABOLISM IK TADPOLES IRTRODUCTIOW The direct influenoo of toapsraturn upon the rate of development has Ions 8*6n recognised end hoe recent iy receive J considerable sttsr.tion, espeeiil'y from the economic entonologlats who are working upon the relation of wenthor conditions to the titan of emergence of insect pest*. Thit other environmental factors way eiwllnrly sifMi development la elso recognised but ae yat the liter ture is ate age r. Probably no single environmental factor is of greater importance to aquatic mVrniff than the chemical reaction (hydrogen ion concentrHio of the water. Shelf ord and Powers (1915) have shown that marine fiehee are extremaly eeneitlve to slight variations in the hydrogen ion concentration of the water, onj Well* (1915) h*» shewn the sane to be true of freeh water fishes. The first study of tne effect of hydrogen ion concentration upon the rate of developoent is that of Loeb (1898). He compared the develcpsmnt of eggs of the sea urchin in normal sea water with those in ssa eater to which 2 c.c. /lO WaOH per 100 c.c. had been added. At first no difference was noted but after the thirty-t*o to sixty -four cell stages, it wes evident the eggs in the alkaline solution hni developed no re rapidly. The embryos in normal aater were still blestulao when those In the alkaline water sere plutei, and st the ond of forty-eight hours, though all «ere plutei, the ones in alkaline *»ter were lerger and farther developed. One, two 2. or three o.o. n/lC HC1 p«r 100 c.c. was found to retard davelopeont. Working upon th» eggs of fundulus in fresh water, Loeb found that 4 o.o. n/l0 IsOH per 100 o.c. caused them to hatch factor. Mora th«n 6 c*:. retarded development. 1C c.c. allowed only a few of the egge to hatch, while 15 c.o. resulted in failure of any to hatch. 2 o.c. of n/l0 HC1 killed all of the eggs, while 1 o.c. killed most of them. Losb Attributed these results to an increase of oxidation by bases and a decrease by noids. Later Loeb (1914) deolded that the acceleration of development of the sea urchin eggs in water to which HaOH had been added did not appear until the thirty-two to sixty-four cell state bsaause at first the concentration was too high, but after 3 few hours the beneficial effects appeared as tha results of neutralising the adds produced by tne embryos during development. Theos conclusions were based upon a comparison of the rate of regeneration and growth of tubularians in a solution of HsCl, KCl, CaCl2 w»d MgC^'2 in trta proportions in whioh they occur in sea w:iter, and in the saaas solution to which SaOH, SaHCC3 or H&2 HPO4 lad been added. Althou growth was invariably better when a base had been added, as the effect) of the weaker bases wars better than those of the HaOH, Loeb concluded that the results were not duo to the tras OH ions but to tie ability of tha base to neutralise the acids produced by the tubularian. Loeb and Waetney (1913 a and b) have shown that bases increase the rate of oxygen consumption in both the unfertilised and fertilised egge of strongylocon- trotus purpuratus but that in fertilised eggs this increase in oxygen consumption is accomplished only by concentrations whicn cause a supprssiion of the phenomena of development. floors, Roaf and Whitley (1905) worked upon the effeots of alkalies and acids and of alkaline and acid salts upon growth and cell division in the fertilised egge of Echinus eeoulentus. The bases used were TIaOH, KOH, Ca(0H)2 3. and NH4OH. The acids wore HC1, CK3COOH and C02 and the salts Na2C03, NaHCOg, Ka2HP04 and NaH2P04. Those workers found th^t bases, exoept NH4OH, give acceleration of development in low concentrations, while higher concentrations cheek development and finally kill. Acids all inhibit. The primary factors affeoting the rate of growth appear to be the variations in concentration of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. Thus all of the caustic alkalies are of approx- imately equal power and there is little or no action of the cations. But in the case of the phosphates, where the hydrogen-hydroxyl ion concentrations are comparatively low, there seems in addition to be a specific factor. The extreme limits of variation of hydrogen and hydroxyl ion concentrations within which growth is possible are shown to be very narrow, .0015 M. caustic alkali or .001 M acid practically stopping all development. Whitley (1905) showed the same relationship between hydrogen-hydroxyl ion concentration and development to hold for the eggs of Pleuronctes platsssa. He gives three reasons why alkali is less harmful than acid: 1* Alkali added to sea water is immediately thrown out as insoluble hydrates or oarbonates. 2. Alkali is constantly used up to neutralize CO2 produced by the animal. 3. Loeb has shown a low quantity of alkali increases the permea- bility to 03. This may increase the resisterce of the egg. Finally Grace Medes (1918) has shown that changes in the composition of the sea water by concentration, dilution or addition of acids, bases or salts in non concentrations lethal cause a retardation of development of the eggs of arbacia punctuUta. Excepting for the experiments of Loeb in 1898 on Fundulus eggs, nearly all of the work so far done on the effects of bases and acids on development has been done upon marine animals. Many of the most serious 4. Iffic i'.iea in such invaetigationa arias aa the result of tmc ohemioel composition of aea water and may be largely oli»in*»ted by tha ue« of fraah »*t*r form*. Thua Haas (1916) hsa eho*n that tha addition of hyirotlaa to *** water reaulte in a proportion te increase in OH ion ouncantr»tion only aftor all of tha Ca and Kg have bean precipitated out iu th* form of their basic carbonates. This diaoovary is of twofold Importance for it asmna in the flrat place that awch of tMl base added to the eea water la ioRediately thrown out, ar. 1 in tha seoond pl*co, Ihe disturbance of t^e balance between the salts of la, K, Ca and Mg, which Loeb (1903) ha* ah own la exceedingly hnrrcful to marina an ism 1*. In working with acids too, the use of ae« water presents certain difficulties, for any strong acid added to aea water will imaediritoly form ealta with tha liberation of COg. Hence no comparison of the effects of th<> various mineral acid* in ?oaaibls,a8 the acidity esisiting in the eea water la due to H2CO3. For theme reason*, end alao to aee whether fresh crater animals are adjusted to a d iff a rant H ion optimum than marine organisms, the author at flrat wlahed to undertake a atudy of the effects of bases end acids upon development and growth of some fresh wster fore. ^inoo, however, there were no eggs or young larvae available at the time of year »h9n this investigation must ba done, it w»e decided to uao regeneration which in many way* resembles original growth. This aeamed further deaimble beesrioe M such studies of regeneration h^ve ae yet been m=»de Mai it is probable thst comparative studies of regeneration and growth under varyinr environmental conditions wight throw much light upon the extent of Mm similarity or dissimilarity of the two proceseee. fhtt la true of tha effects of hydrogen ion concentration is also true of tat affect of oxygen i» regeneration. As yet no experimental studies are kmmtn to tnva been awde on regeneration in varying concent rations of oxygen. As rapid mstaboliam aal rmmil growth re uaually associated, tha meVibollam experimenta were under- taken to aea whether any correlation coal! ba traced between the r*te of s. regeneration of a port and tue metabolism of the animal ae a whole and whether eubetances stimulating to oxygen metabolism are, ae Ihitley eu --osed, beneficial to ths organism. In thle work the author hae been concerned only with the extrinsic factors of regeneration. The intrinsic factors have bison considered only ae they arose »s necessary corollaries to the work on environmental effects. Materials The tadpoles studied were larvae of Rana alimnta (Daw) collected from a spring-fed marsh near !luncls, Illinois. Thres collecting trips ware made, dated October 9, 1917, March 5th and 24th, 1918. This supply was supplemented during t»e middle of the winter by a few tadpoles purchased fro* a local dealer. All tadpoles were Identified by means of key to larval amphibia, fright (1914). V' *. stock of tadpoles was kept in the greenhouse in an albarins tank supplied -rith running wster to a depth of about 6 incft*s. Tha fosi supplied was f llano . "it ous green alga*. All tadpoles were kept fasting luring experiments. Measurements of regeneration were Mfcdt by sain* of ■ caliper and metal C.Q.S. ruler, obtained from Spencer Lense Company. The tail was the only organ experimented upon. In making avers&ee there w*ss no elimination of iniividuala, excepting in one or two instances, and tfeprc not? is made of the fact tat the aberrant individual included in tne table. APPARATUS A*D MffTTODS The oxygen free *atar *«• obtained fro* the water boiling Apparatus in the vivarium at the University of Illinois which has besn described by Shelford (193 This apparatus consists primarily of a boiler ir. v L*k the vater is boiled by <*e*ns of bigfe presaura ateam practically all of the gasss are driven out and from ahioh it passes into a tank covered by a hood whs re boiling is continued until the water is freed of gases. The flow cf water into th? boiler is regulated by a float cork. The oxygen free vater is withdrawn from the hooded tank, passes through cooling pipae in the ruo» below where it is used. As It cuasea from the pipes it contains no oxygen (Winkler method) Ml ie strongly alkaline, due to the C0~ h-ving been expelled by long boiling and fetish of the bicarbonate having been converted into carbonates. A series of different oonoentr^tiono cf oxygen was obtained l^j syphoning the water through a series of half -gallon mason jars (fig.l) through alternate ones cf which air *as bubbled. Ths water from the last of these was siphoned into a fivs-inch beaker so that the level of water ir ths Jars co ild not fall below five inches. It was found by titration that the Oi concentration varied greatly in the different p».rts of a Jar through which s. stream of air wae passing, but was relatively constant except at the surface in a Jar through which the water was be in;: siphoned fc».t no air was passing; consequently the jars containing the exparlsiental anlmale were alternated with those which were being aerated, with the result that such oxperi •»■.■•• nt contained a little ora O3 than the one preceding. The flos of air through the water was regulated by passing it larvfegjl capillary tubes drawn to a fins point and the air pressure was kept relatively constant by means of a mercury manometer made by bending a D at one 7. and of & 5 ft. glass tube snd attaching It at the and of the air Una. Mercury ass than poursd in tube until a prsuaire *%e reach ji »t which »ir would babble through the Jars at the desired rata. Dally Ojj deteralnotlonb were aade on the water from g »eh jar by the Pinkie r eat hod. Seaples f '*e determinations were collected by introducing a Powera*oa.*plln;7; bottle (Power* 1918) between two jars and allowing the aster to siphon through it fifteen minutes. Aa hae been aantiojend above, the oxygen-fro<* water from the boiler ie strongly alkaline. Intra neutral water watt desired, thle was reraadiad by aesns of the acidulator (upper left hand of fig. l) a-.ich cone lets of a twelve - liter aepirated bottle pl*oed in a large earthenware sdlk pen, with the u?per opening corked securely. T'te acid In ia* pit ., HI timot at %ht loval of the top of t'.e lower opening in IIm bottle, thua giving a constant pressure in the siphon which is drawn to a- capillary tube aft the diets! end. 1 floir of the acii is rag 1a 3i*e si tat capillary tube. ?ha acid drops froa the oiphon i M separwtory funnel, rough anion it p-iseea to tha bottaa of the ten-liter aixic£ bottle, vhare it la thoroughly mixed with the water before enter 'riaental Jara; 1 ,'l '* H3SO4 was uae-i. Vat aoiJity of *ater could bo ro;: by 00 • the atMkbtf of drop* of i»ci* per ainute •sn-i ragalatiag tin flow of water throngs taa aisiag tottlt aaaoTdlagly* In some preliain-iry aaaerlaaata, ordinarily distills! water obtain* 1 froa the Daaartaaat of Chemistry ffas used. This water ie condensed in a copper oondenser and paaaes through blocked in tin pipes. It was found not only to be very toxic to tadpoles but to vary In Its effect froa day to lay so that tadpoles eiight live sever-*! days in water taken froua one bottle and die in a few hours in water tnkan froa another. fho saae water redictillsd in glass 8. supported the Ufa of tadpolsa of ftufo lantlyiflosua. Le Conte through metamor- phosis. These results are in accord with tits finding of Bullot (1914) an* Powers (1919 b) who attributes the toxic effect of ordinary distilled tator to tr-ieea of colloidal coppar taken ftp from the condenser. Powers had shewn that a goldfish nay live fifty-one 1*ys in '*iter redistilled in glass byt succumbs quickly if ths minutest trace* of colloidal copper be aided to tha natar. The water for all of the exporia&ente was onionaed in a six-foot Jana glass eondanaar attache! to tha second tank of the watar-b oiling apparatus •stationed above. It was than aerated for 24 hours by a atrosa of air pre* viously paaaad through sulphuric acid and calcium hydroxid rash bottles. This dlatllled water »** neutral to Rosalie acid and neutral rai. An enalysia of the water made by tnm water analyst of the State ffater Survey was as follows: Physical examination Turbidity 0 Color 5 Odor V Residue on evaporation Total eolide 33 to 42 part* p&r million Alkalinity as calcium carbomte Methyl orange 0 to 0 parts per million Chlorides At sodium chloride 0 to 0 parts per million Asmonia nitrogen 4 to 7 parts ■pnr million Albuninoid ammonia 0*060 to 0.102 parta per million A oonwon shiner (Notropus blennius) lived in t-tia water (changed weekly) from Octobar IS, 1917 to Pebniary 17, 1918, or a total of one hundred twenty-two iaya. As, luring this tim;*, the fish deoreaaal notably in ai»t, ita death 9. might be attributed to starvation rather than to the toxioitr of the water. Powers (unpublished) has ohown two goldfishes lived In thie water ninety-five and ninety-nine days, whsreas in the chemistry distilled w*ter, the length of life was tiros hundred fifty-two and five hundred ninety-seven eiinutee. All chemicals ueed were either Marks or Baker's analysed oharaicals. The acids and basee were standardised at a/lOO, except H3PO4, Na2C03, HaHC03, which were ^100 tnol. For the determi:./tion of CO2 production,! pt clamp-top fruit Jars were used. The capacity of one of thesa J are is about 500 c.c. 400 c.e. of water or the solution under investigation was put in a jar, then a test tube containing 10 c.c. n/50 Ba (OH) 2 was inserted so thct the top of the test tube etood above the level of the vrater, ths rubber ring was adjusted, tho tadpole put in, and the lid olaapsd down. A stronger solution of Ba(0H)2 *■** used where acid had been added to tne water or nhnre more CO2 was expected. To correct for the CO2 in the *ater and in the air above, a control Jsr was prepared at the same tins and in precisely the same manner, sxoept th"t no tadpole was put in it, and placed beside the experiment. At intervals, usually 24 hours, the Ba(0H)2 was nixed aith the ^ster by inverting and rotating the Jar. The tadpole was quickly reaioved, and the excess Ba(0H)2 titrated with n/l00 HgSOb using Phenolpthaleir as indicator. The difference li tM amount of acid required to neutralise the experiment and the control was recorded as the amount of CO2 (ob a/l00 H2CO3) . produced by the tadpole during the givan tins* The hydrogen ion concentration was determined by the method of MeClendon (1916). The solution to be tested w^e placed in a test tube 1 cm. bore and l/lO o.c. of the indicator solution added. It was then compared with the color chart by looking down into the tube against a white background. The indicators used were Butter yellow (Dlmatfcyl amido azobenzene)methyl orange, 10. 4 Br-ehenol - I - pthalsln (Bron Phenol blue) Sietiiyl red, Pcranitro phoncl, Veutmi red, ?. Rr-thyaol • • « r -thalein (Bron tnyrcol blue) Thymol - 3 - pthniaia . «ol blue), Phenol pth*la In an-1 Thy»olpthalolr.. .-it lone of Methyl Viol irlla 0 0 (Orange IV) *ere also prepr.rei but none of the eclat i re so acid ea to eoaa iu their rngo, Or the oth*r hand, IHi baaic •«!«%] tot ee/or.i %ta range of thle color "t so th* hydrogen ier. HHHtfaltW of •nlj' ttM aKire dilute solutions ooul J •a iet*raia».J. PRFSSmTXOH OF DATA Before iMflM&nf t&t stp-jrlawate oa regen:*r »t.l >n, a fa* taata were made to determine arjiroxiw.tsly Wi J to uaa. The flret, a tadpole woe put into I liter of n/l00 solutions (except H3PO4 0.01 aol)0j asen of the bases riJa to bo taata I l«ngth of life noted so folloxa • Base m HaOH B*(GH)2 *ti(0Fi)3 KH40H Length of life of tadpole la minutes 50 m W H 35 II i I mo9 m H2SO4 H3PO4 CH3COOH Length of life ia minutes TO 120 135 135 1M Tea control* were run. One, itetilled enter f row the metal at 111; 3 waiter *«« uaol In making up the solution*, an 4 I3M Hmnf to e.lbainite the poaelbUlty of oestotie pressure having produced the effect, a solution ccn- •Uiilli oi II parte 0.01 «ol. KH^PO^ nn 13 pcfrta 0.01 sol. Ha2 HPO4 which ie the • tact nautralltT buffer solution of Levy, Rowotrae and M-svrlott (1915) diluted to 0.01 *ol. Ia the forcer the taiealf lived fir.* days; ia the latter rt freight da 7a. The second aeriee wea in .001 normal solutions (except R3PO4 whieh vae .001 moi.) and gate tha following reaulta: 11. Bass :n •! 3 and 4, brings out anothsr int»r*stln£ point: That the lRrgor tadpoles (tables 1 and 3) ahow a marked retardation of regeneration In 15 and 20 o.o. of the baeea, while the smaller tadpoles (tablaa 2 and 4) ore killed by concent rations which produce reach lata retardation of regeneration. Th*t while the norwnl regeneration of the smaller tadpolee 1b much faster than thst of the larger ones, the effect of <»ny srivsn concentration of baae on regeneration le about the same for both slsss, being, if anything, more marked la the larger individual while the effect upon the animal ae a whols, aa shown by the length of life, is greater in case of the smallsr individual. Frorc this we say believe thnt while regeneration is affsoted by tne ea«e agents as general metabolism, the two vary independently and that the thrasholl of toxicity (Powers 1918 b) of a substance to the regenerating tissues may be above or b^iio* th* threshold of toxicity to the organism as a whols. This subject of the effect of else upon Regeneration and Metabolism will be more fully discussed l»ter. Tho next series of oxrjsriaents (Tables 5,5a and 6. Figures 5, f, 7 and 8) was run in order to determine whether the effect of bau»as upon regener- ation was due to the action of the hydroxyl lone or whether the ketions or osmotic prsesuro played an important part. 0. 1 raol. solutions of NagCOa and KaHCOg were used. The nuaber of o.c. of tho solution used is given in the first colusm. Thin was amis up to two hundred c.c. with distilled water. The experiments were carried on In finger bowls, each containing four tadpoles, and the water was changed alternate days* In order to assure a uniformity of slae of tadpoles in the various solutions, the eighty tadpolas used were first divided into four lotu, such lot containing tadpolos of a uniform slae. One taipola from auch of the four lots was then put into eaoh of the solutions. Thla method for obtaining uniformity of six* was ueod in all suooeeding experimante where a large number 13. of animals was involved. The first, seventh, ani fifteenth dishes were dlatillad water octrois. In figures 6, 7 and 3 tin 0 line, or our** of growth of the controls «ae plotted froa the average a of these three. If iirotio preasurs is the important factor in the concentrations uael, retardation of regeneration should be the sans, or very nearly the same, in equi-soleoular solutions of Sa^COa and NaHCOa. If the Va-ion Is the laportsnt factor, thirty, sirtv, ninety and one hundred twenty c.c. of XaHCX>3 should h-.vo epproxlaately tha tacee effects as fifteen, thirty, fourty-five and sixty c.c. of Va2C03 respectively, while thirty c.c. each of tfa^COs and 83HCO3 should have the enas effect as forty -five o.c. MajjCOa* Tables 5,5a an>* 6 show that this Is not the case. Table 4 and Pig. 5 eho* a progressive and rap 13 deere^ea in regeneration in increasing concentrations of VagCX^. The tadpoles in 60 an J 75 c.c. died ia four and three days respectively without h*.vin: .niorgona any regeneration. Table 5 show* no anrkad decrease in regeneration in increasing concentrations of 9aHC03 until a .006 aol. solution (120 c.c. in 200) Is reached, although the control gives the best regeneration. The low psresntage of regeneration of the tadpoles in 30 c.c. oust be attributed to chance as thoao in both the higher and lower concentrations showed better regeneration. The curves of regeneration shown in figursa 6, 7 and 3 bring out •ore clearly the difference in effect upon regeneration of fagCOs and WSHO3. Thus while 15 c.c. Sa^COs ani 45 c.c. HaHCOs (Fig. 5) depress regeneration but little more than either of the salts alone, 45 c.c. KA2OO3 and 15 c.c* IfaHX^ (Tig, 3) give practically the easo depression as 45 c.c. fagCOa alone, which Is inooaparably greater than the depression caused by 45 c.c. RoHCOa alone. Since there Is this great difference in depreesion of regeneration between equl -molecular eolutlone of th*» carbonate and bicarbonate, and alnce 14. ■or»owr the bsolsity of the bicirbcntt* (p.H. glwan in last two columns tnbls 5a) ia sufficient to account for the slight iepression in regens rotten caused by thsa «t compared to the control, it »»y r.nttslj be concluded th«t the ieprsssion in regeneration caused by basis is das to t'ne hydroxy! ions. fhla conclusion ssess ths xaom Justifiable in visw of ths fnot that the concentration.* of salts used ia ths laltl experiments are three to five times ns great as the concen- tration* of ths hylroxlds used. Carb on Bloxlls Pro! notion en J gogene ration in Brnoee As basic me! la .are generally kno»n to increase oxygen aetsbolism, it was thought desirable to try a few experiments to see whethar the decrease in regeneration eoul.t in Any way be correlated *t incre-ia-" in taffbon dioxide production. 7hs methods employed have already been described. Table 7, experiment 4, gives the CO^ production in KOH of six sets of four tadpoles eaoh. Table 0 givso the regeneration of ths esse tad- poleo. Those i~i tie higher concentrations (30, 35 aad 40 c.c. KOH per 400 e.c.) died without regeneration. Tig. 9 (drawn froa table 7) repreeent* graphically the Increase in C03 production with increase! concentration of base and gives a curwe almost identical with the ourvs shown in Fig. 10, which was drawn froa the data of Loeb and ITastnay (1913 b) for ths 1 nereis* of oxygen consumption in increasing concentrations of bases. Fig. 11 gift's the ourwee of growth for the three sets of tadpolee which survived. It shoro clearly the decrease both in the mte of regeneration And the total amount regenerated in increasing concentrations. Fig. 12 (drnwn froa th-* data of tables 7 and 8) compare* the effect of the varying concentrations of K3QRI upon the rate of regeneration taken ss time necessary to regenerate 20, 30 tad 35$ of ths »'rount removed. The dotted line represents the CO^ per gram per day produced by the s-iae tadpoles. 15. It will bo noted thnt the rata of ro.jene ration curves and the carbon Jiorlde curve sre not parallel. Thia, however, would not be expected em the normal carbon dioxide production is a straight line anl the nortavl rate of regeneration ia a curvs, progressing more siO#ly as regeneration neare completion. It le of interact to note that the curve of regeneration for the earlieet etage shorn (ZOf> of the amount removed) correspond! more nearly to the curve of carbon dioxida production Vwn ioea the curve for t»v* second a tags (30jf of the amount removed) and thle in turn sho*e more similarity than the curve for the third state (33# of the amount removed). This would suggest that at the vary beginning of tie process of regeneration the retardation of regeneration correaponde With the acceleration of oxygen matabolism but that later the two prooeeeea diverge progreesively, due to the additional inhibition to regeneration afforded by the presence of the regenerated tiasue. Tablea 9 and 10, experiment five, give the carbon dioxide pro- duction and regeneration of sr. other aerlea of tadpoles in KOH In this ease the normal COg production of each set of tadpolea *ae first determine! an* used as a basis for comparison of the C02 production under experimental con lit ions* In graphing the CO^ production (Fig. 14) no. 6 was omitted as these tadpoles had been injurod by accidental mixing of the Ba(OH)a used to absorb the COg from the air above the water (Description of apparatus) with the water in which the tadpolea were. Tablea 11 an! 1° give the results of a similar series of experiments using Ca(0H)2 a* the base, and here again one set (So. 4) was spoilt* .1 by accidental contamination of the solution with Ea(OH)£. Figures 13 and IS are the ourvea of regeneration in KOH and CaOH raspactlvely; figures 14 and 16 shoa the rate of regeneration so time necessary t-> regenerate a given per cent of the awount reeoved, and the C0„ production. While these curves are not 16. comparable, tha regeneration curves being plotted ??ith ordinate as concent mtlon and asscissa as time, an i tne COg cunreo being plotted with orlin its ae con- centration *m ■' *o«ciBea as cc. COo as 0*01 WBSCO3, still they do serve to shoe that as CO2 production is increased, regeneration is decreased progressively. Child (1911) has shown th-*t for pl^.naria the rate of regeneration le proportional to tlM nta of met-sbolisw: and thit consequently younger or entailer worms regenerate store rapiily than the larger on^s. In tadpoles, as has already been pointed out, the rate of regeneration is greater in the soallsr indiviiuals. The fact, then, that a decrease in regeneration is correlated with a rles in carbon dioxide production in basic media must be regarded as shoving tnat the increased oxygen aetabelism due to bases is a destructive metabolism and not indicative Of any stimulation of tha normal functions of the organ ism. It will be notad that in both of the above experiments (Fig. 13 and 15) the regeneration of tha tadpoles in watar containing ten cubic centimeters of the base nvade up to 400 was better than that of the controls. It will also bs seen by examination of the data (tables 9 and 10) that while the initial hydrogen ion concentration of these solutions is decidedly on the basic side of neutrality (P.H. aoout 9), that by the time the solution was changed, it was slightly acid (P.H. about 6.3). For this reason another series of experiments was planned, using- trv» saaa concentrations, but a larger volume in proportion to the size of the tadpolas and changing the solution oftener. two parallel eeries were run, each containing five small tadpolae in one liter of distilled water, ,90025 H. EaOH ani .0005 B. HaOH(25 0.0. and 50 o.c. 0.01 ». par liter). The experiments were curried out in two-quart mason jars kept tightly sealed ani containing test tubes of Ba(0H)2 solution to absorb the CO^ from the air above the water. The results of this experiment are given in t-ible 13. Due 17. to the CO, produced by the tadpoles the distilled water became acid and the NaOH solution less basic. However, it was no longer neutralized. The retarda- tion to regeneration (Fig. 17) is very marked in 25 o.c. NaOH per liter while 50 o.c. per liter proved fatal in two d.^ye. These results are in accord with the suggestion of Loeb (1904) that the beneficial effect of the addition of a base is due, not to the presence of hydrozyl ions, but to the neutralization of acids produced by the animal, and show that a P H between 3 and 9 is markedly detrimental. Regeneration Ir Acids As the previous experiments show, neutrality is more favorable for regeneration in talpoles than bacisity. Is the same thing true of acidity? A complete series from acids, almost certain to H«rw detrimental effects to bases •n to be harmful, was formed by using 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 c.c. of 0.01 mol. H3P04 and 5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 and 20 c.C. of 0.01 H NaOH made up to 200 c.e. with 5 o.c. 0.01 mol. neutral Na2HPO| ^ KH2P04 mixture as a neutral control as well as the usual distilled water controls. The solutions were changed daily. It was hoped in this ray to locate approximately the optimum hydrogen ion con- centration for regeneration. The results are given in tables 14 and 14a (Exp. 8). The results for H«P0^ (table 14) are not very conclusive, as the rate of regeneration (Fig. 18) is about the same for all concentrations which are not fatal. The total amount regenerated is, however, greater in the three controls. The neutral phosphate control lies midway between the two distilled water oontrols, shoring that the presence of Na, K and P04 ions in the small amount employed is neither beneficial nor detrimental. The results of the NaOH series (table 14a) are definite, showing a progressive decrease in both the rate of regeneration and the amount regener- ated, as the concentration of base is increased. While the curve of growth IB. of tadpoles In 5 c.c. lies above the controls, the hydrogen ion determinations •ho* that this eolution is not only neutralised but becomes 9lightly acid within twenty-four hour*, §mi it h is already bean shown (Exporlurant 7) that this sane coneentr-.tio ; of base is distinctly harmful if tha voluwa is sufficient to pravent its bein; noutralizsi. Fig. 20 gives the time necessary to regenerate 25, 3" and 35$ of the amount removed. The next series of experiments (9, 10, 11 ami 12) involving 124 tadpoles was made in order to compare the effects upon regeneration of the various adds. Tha experiments were carried on in finger bowls containing 200 c.c. of the solution. Four tadpoles were placed ia each dish and the solutions were ohangad rilteraate days. The acids used were 0.01 !f HNO3, HBr and H2S04 end 0.01 raol. H3K>4# Tables 15, 16, 17 and 18 respectively give the results of the experiments. The tadpoles in tUo HKO3 series were •lightly •waller than those in the H2504 and HgP04 series, those in HBr sere somewhat larger* A comparison of the tables or figures (21, 22, 23 and 24) show that In HKO3, H^r an! H2SO4 tie retardation of regeneration is gradual and comparatively slight in concentrations up to 12.5 c.c. (.000625 H) . As the concentrations rise above this, tha retardation to metabolism increases very rapidly, the order of toxicity of the acids being HNO3, HBr, H3?04. This might be explained on the ground that in the lower concentrations the acids are so nearly completely ionised as to have about the smite effects, but as the concentration is increased the concentration of hydrogen ions, and consequently the toxicity increases mors rapidly in HNO than in HBr and in HBr than in HgSOj. The data is, however, insufficient to «? arrant any conclusions. In H3P04 (Fig. 24) there was no such marked retardation of regeneration in the concentrations used although the decrease in the total amount regenerated wss squally pronounced. : rate of regensration proceeded at very nearly the 19. normal rate up to a certain point and w*s than discontinued abruptly. The HgPC^ aerie* of experiment 8 (tsble 13, fig. 18) gave »imil%r characteristic curves, but why the form of the HgP04 curve should differ from th*t of the other eeide is not explained. Twelve an! one-half e.o. O.Ol Iff HSr or H2SO4 gives about the ease initial hydrogen Ion concentration as twenty-five o.c. 0.01 mol. H3PO4 beeauae of it a greater ionization, but by the end of twenty-four hount the hydrogen ion concentration la -rue'; lower. This la beeauae the total number of hylrogen ions whioh must be replaced before the solution will be neutral is greater in the H3PO4 , consequently it is neutralized more slowly. Thus the tadpoles |sj the stronger acids are in a medium of higher hydrogen ion concentration each time the solution is changed but of lower hydrogen ion oonoentration before it io changed again than those in tfta H3PO4, that lm, they live under a more variable enviroutaorit. Further experiments till be needed fcfj sho« whethsr this is the oauae of the difference in ths regeneration curves or whethsr it is caused by some specific action of the HJPO^. The tadpoles marked (T) (Tables 15, 16 and 1?) *ere transferred to neutral distilled water to see whether normal regeneration could take plc-.ce after the* initial stunting vith acids. Their subsequent regeneration is, of course, not added in with the vtlMr tadpoles of th* group in determining the p*r cent of regeneration. Tadpoles tranaferred luring the first days of the experiment underwent more regeneration thar; those i«»ft in the solutions but their regeneration was far below normal. At the close of the experiment all survlvoro were transferred to distilled water but none of them underwent further regeneration, showing that the effect of adds is not merely a retardation but a permanent inhibition to regeneration. The ourvee in figure 25 represent the time required to regenerate ?2.5£ of the amount retrove.1 in HHO3 and 25# of the amount removed in HBr, 20. H2?-°4 snJ H3PO4. 7b8 sotted lines represent the aetual exp*rim*ntai data, tho •olid lin^a the theoretlcnl curve. Excepting in the cnce of H3PO4, these linee eoineile vary closely. A comparison of the curves lor HHO3, H6r and H3S04 with the curves for cirbon dio«ide production in bases (Fig. 9) for oxygen consumption In bMM (Flft. 10) an! for regeneration in bases (Fig. 7) shows that they *re all si'ailtr. Thess curves are also similar to ths metabolism cunrss drawn by Powere (1919 b) from the data of Loeb and Kiss Hymen for oxygon consumption in increasing amounts of anaesthetics. On the other hand, th-sy are ths opposite of ths cunrss of Kro&h (1914 a and b) for Increase in ths rate of dsvslopment at increased temperatures, ths toxicity curves of Powers (1918 b) for ths decrease In length of life with increase in concentration of toxlo substances and of the curve tir torn increase in regeneration in increasing amounts of oxygon (F1&. 38) to be discuss at later. This would suggest th«t whether criterion ohoaan be tine required to complete a given stage in development (Krogh 1914 a and b), time required to ra^nerate a given p«r cent of the amount removed, length of life (Powers 1913 a), or rata of oxygen metabolism, the sffsot of temperature (Krogh 1914 a and b) hydrogen ion concent rati on, insufficient oxygen >ni toxic substances (Powers 1918 b) follows ths same general laws. That th**e various functions, - development, oxygen metabolism, regener- ation, ems length of life - vary independently and bear no cattail relations toward ona another is shorn by ths facts that an animal may be killed before it has begun to regenerate in a ctadiut in which another may survive and undergo conaiierable regeneration, while a marked change of 003 production may be pro- duced by 1 medium which has apparently no effect upon regeneration. This would indlests tamt tne threshold of toxicity of any given environmental agent, as well as the velocity at which it booomej toxic#variea for the different functions of the organism. However, that any environmental factor which 21. affect* on* of tfceae funotiona will. If continued for •> sufficient time nnd intensity affect ?*11 of thi function* eiitil^rly and in the euae direction la eugge*tsd by the similarity of the curves. The only apparsnt exception Is the increase in C02 production, due to ions of bases which o *u»oJ retarda- tion of regeneration, an) issth. Mo«evor, an haa *e*n pointed out, thia inore ao in oxygon astabolisft a.a« percentages of the amounts removed (Figures 12, 14, 16 ind 20) shows that while in sons cases (Figures 14 and 20) the regen- eration of tadpolea In the higher concentrations of base* scorns to follow no definite plan, that in gsnornl the curves are similar. In any given series all of the curves of regeneration - which represent different stages in regener- ation of the sans animals * are eonfconl. This shows thst while the rite of regeneration at different stages la different, the p*r cent of retardation as oomparad to th<» normal, due to tha acid or base,, la the asms for all stages, or that for each concentration tha rei.tive velocities for the different stages are prastically the seas. This is similar to the findings of Krogh (1914a) in his work on the development of frogs' eggs at various tempo rat urea. Ctrbon Dioxide Production and Regeneration in Acids. The next eerlea (Fxrsriments 13 and 14) was undertaken to see whether any correlation could be found between the regeneration and oarbon dioxide production in acids. Ten sets of four tadpoles each of as nearly the satis also as possible were use). The normal serbon dioxide production in distillsd vatsr for n period of throe days was determined after a two-day fast 22. to allo» tho aliaentary tract to become empty. The first and tenth seta vers then kept in diatilied water as control* and tvvo other sight put In 10, 20# 25 and 30 c.c. of HC1 -mi HBr K*de up to 400 CO. with distilled water. Tho cnrbon lioxUe production, whether expreeeed «• gra«s par dor or »» psr cont of norte%l, decreased progressively with tho lncroaee in concentration of aoli, except Ir. case of the tadpolon in 30 o.e. of HC1 (T*!ble 19, Fig. 39) which showed a decided rlaa. The survivors wore allowed to reganer-ita in the aatae concentr \tiona of <*olaa. Table 20 gives the raaulta. Tha HC1 series ahow a progreseive ieoreaae in regeneration (Fig. 30). Xu tha HBr sariaa tha tadpoles in 20tc.c. regenerated .-»ora rapidly than thoaa in 10 c.o, after the seventh day. This ia probably attributable to ehanee aa the tadpoles in 25 c.c. showed greatly -dec roaaad regeneration and survived only eight lays. Figure 31 $lvoe tha rate of regeneration of the HC1 serlee m time neeeeeary to regenerate 25, 30 ani 32.5^ of the amounts re- moved, and the CO^ production of the aaeie tnllviduals ~.s c.c* H^COg par gran of tadpole par d*y. It is provable th«*t for cent of aoretal COg production (Fig. 29) ia tha worn logical tray of representing the effect of w environmental factor upon netabolleie. Hare again (Fig. 31) the curves for various f9r cents of regeneration are confooel, showing that far each concentration the relative velocities of the d liferent stages are the sane* Tables 21 and 22 give the results of an experiment In which CO^ detern. r*s were «ade Jaily throughout the period of regeneration. Four rather larjre tadpoles i»ere used, care being taken to be** theti as nearly alike as possible. The experiitent was begun at an alsoat constant teieperituro of thirteen degrees centigrade, but later was placed at roow taatperature in order to hasten regeneration. The effect of tno aoid in decreasing both the COj production and the regeneration (T*ble 23, Fig. 33) ia pronounced. 33. Figure 33 shows graphically tie average dnily C02 production, the par cant of CO,, production, the tot'il amount regenerated as per cant of tho amount removed, and the tiaw required to regenerate 7.5jt of the amount re- moved, while theee cxrvea aro in no wise cot3p'.«rable, they asnre to fcrin? out more clearly tha progressive reduction in rate an! amount of raganeratlon and in carbon dioxide pro 1 -action dua to increasing acidity of tha medium. Halation of Site to Carbon Dioxide Pr-.-i ■action an.) Regeneration. It haa already been mentions! in connection with experiments one and two tnmt thara la a dlffaranca between large nnll tadpoles in tha relation of retardation of regeneration »r»d length of life in various eonoentra- tiona of baaea. Drayar and Walker (1914) show that in warm-blooded animals of the aaite species, but cf dlffarent weights, dosage of drugs oust be Calculated in relation to body surface. they explain this on the ground th<*t *the concentra- tion in Imt plasma of any given substance administered la dependent on the volume of tha circulating blood, which ia Itself proportion-vl to the body surface in any given species of animal." Tha •basal boat production- of a wara-blooded animal, which may be defined a« the heat proiuoel by the animal under consider- ation when kept at tha same temperature aa ito normal body temperature at rest and starving, ia alao regarded as proportional to body surface for any given a pec lea. A faw axporimente were undertaken to see whether any relationship could be traced between the body are* or bodr weight of tadpoles ar.d the effects of acids and bases upon regeneration pjai carbon dioxide production, which may ba regarded '«s moat nearly representing the basal metabolism of tfef la. Tor the firat experiment two tadpoles were taken which had been oolleot»« at the eane tl«*,and iif fared enly in weight, git at care being taken that they should be similar in ah^pa, relative langth of tail, sit. After one week of starvation in distill*! trrtar/they were welshed aed the CO- 24. produotion of each ^aa determined for three aucceaalve daya (Table 19) while tha CO* production p*>r gram: .reight was not the aarae for the two epealnene on any two iaye, the avomgee of tha thr*? d^ya 3.97 Mai 3.99 are prsaticslly identical. It waa now hoped to determine th* ere* a of the t*ipol*e a* anaea- thetiiing and making plaeter caeta of thaw, which eould later be narked off Into a re f. a -it. J meaeurod »iih dividere. i» wetboi, however, proved unttatisf aetory and waa abandoned. For the next oxp«*rl*$nt (Id) a ne-w methoJ of calculating the area waa deviaal. The average of tha length, width &ad depth of the hoJy wan found and *lth I • the diameter tha area of tne body eae calculated aa the area of ■ aphsre. Tho ares of the toll aaa computed by regarding it "a a roo tangle fro* the baae to the level at which it begin* to taper rapidly to a point, and aa a triangle frow thia level to the tip. Th«*ea MM* were doubled to give the two alias of the tail, m -sres of the iv>dy, already found, added to give tha total are** of I ' sole, whlc.i is axprceecd in atjuare Millimeter*. Tha ore** c arvuteJ by thia awthod. i& probably considerably ieee than the aotua.1 area of the iadpole, but it vn» hoped that by selecting eniaolc eiailnr in ahape, Mm ratioa of computed area to actual area would be about the Three seta of three tadpolen each were selected, &eaaured, weighed "»nd Dm COo production deterwlnsd for six successive daya (Tnble 24). At the end of thia time tha C0r fir l«» per gr»« of tadpole waa 4.65 c.c for the 2 larger else, 4.66 c.o. for tin aecond siae Med 5.0 o.c. for tha ewaller also, showing a alight lnerets* in 00„ production par unit of weight, with B decrease a in else. In order to corapare the relative area, weight and CJ0£ production of the three taJpolaa, all were expressed in terms of p>r cent of the larger also taken ae 100 (Table 24). Tha weight and CO,, production vary b7 differences of 4*1.13 % and +2.Q3 % in the aecond! and third alsea respectively, while the 25. area and CO- production vary by differences of -8.8$ and -12.6$, suggesting that the normal COo production of tadpoles in distilled water ia much more nearly correlated with body weight than with area, as ie the caaa for <*arm-blooded vertebrates. The next series (Experiment 17) was carried out in the same manner. Carbon iioxiia proiaction *as determined over a period of eight days. The large tadpoles usad in thia axpsriment were much larger than those used in the preceding, and it was noticed that the/ frequently exhausted the supply of oxygen in lbs air in the experimental Jars. Thia was evident because when the jars were opened, although the temperature had remained constant, the lids came off with a "pop", showing that a partial vacuum had been formed. The tadpoles also had a tendency to float at the surface, as they had been observed to do in low oxygen water. For thi1? reason it was rather to be expected that the C0« production of the largar si*e would be proportionately low, and this ie found to be the case (Table 25). If now the large tadpoles be taken as standard or 100$ in comparing the area, weight and C0« production of the three ■ets, the C03 production of the second and third sizes will appear abnormally hirh. Thus the difference between weight and C0« production are *6.8$ and ♦4.2$ for the second and third sizes respectively, while the differences in area ani CO^ production are -7.1 and -8.5. Despite the fast that the large tadpoles in which COo production was abnormally low sere taken as standard, the CO, production still corresponds more nearly to the weight than to the volume. If, on the other hand, th? second size of tadpoles be taken as 100$, the relative difference between weight and CO- production of tha third size is on- ly -M. 6$, while the difference between araa and CO production is -10.7$, showing again a very close correlation betveen weight and CO* production. At th« close of the eight days in diatillsd *ater tue CO- production m 26. of the eame taipoloa woe Jit naift-ai for a p rlor. of six lays in 20 c.c. 0*01 S HC1 made up to 400 o.o* - the same volume aa had been used in tw previous sxperlaants. The C02 proiuotior; decreased in all three aata. Although tha absolute deoreae* eae greater in th© l«rg>»r tadpol^e, the relative decrease was greater in the smaller on?a, tha par cant dscreaeo Doing 33J&, 48$ and 5p£ in tha largo, moiiuoi .tnvi small also* raapaotl vtly. If tha decrease in COj production ha compared to weight and area, uaing tno large else aa IV$> (Tabla 35), tha daoraaaa in COj production ia e#im to be wore neerlj correlated with area than with volume. This experiment, while suggostivo, la not conclusive, however, aa there were no distilled water oontrola and aa the C03 production in distilled water showed a continuous decrease even before the acli x?.a aided* In the next eeriea (Experiment 18) the error due to the lirger tadpoles exhauatlng the air in thnir Jar was avoided by putting the eane weight rather than th« same number of tadpoles in eneh Jar. Tha Jere »ere divided into four seta, each contelnin? three sixes of tadpoles numbered A, B, and C (Table 26). The large tadpoles (A) were hardly comparable with the other two slses, aa all had hind lege in which the sec on 4 Joint had already developed* low. IA IBi 3A especially, were different, the forcer because it had a very large compact body and short, stubby tail, the latter because the body *a* rather long sr.1 fie l*gs were such farther developed than in any of the othyrs, Tha individual tadpoles were weighed an:! tee as u red and the areas oomputsd as in the above experiments. However, only the summaries are given hers (Tible ?S). After the 00, production had been determined for six successive days in distilled water, sat 1 was kept as a control, while eetj 2, 3 and 4, were put in 20 c.c. of KOH, Ca(0H)2 an.l H3904 respectively, mode up to 400 c.c. Tha C03 pro- duction in these solutions win* dstsrmin^d for four days. An examination of the summary (Table 26) shows le the CO- pfSsfettiOB per gram varies from 37. 5.65 to 6.45 o.o. p*r Hy, even if ii exoluls the t*o inllviiuals (1A ant 3A) slro*dy aentiosad as aberrant, taet this variation baera no apparent relation to aise and thit the average COn proiuctljn la about the saws for all also*, thus for also 8 it is 6.04 ani for alto C 5.96. Duo to tna early death of soma of the tadpolea and abnora^l be- havior of others during ths experiment, no attempt is stada to correlate the inoraaari COg in baaaa or tha decreaeed C03 in H3SO4 'i** either weight or area. Tha experlaunt doee she?, ho. ever, 1 14) par oent of increase of C02 in baaaa and tha par cant of decroaeo of C02 In acids both increase aa tha *i»e of tha tadpolas decraasa »n1, as tha relative are* of the tadpoles lnersaees ae tha •isa deore»e:a, tfeia f«ot nay be regarded aa somewhat suggestive. The surviving tadpoles of tha abova experlwsint *ere operated upon ani allowed to un-argo regeneration in the earns concentrations aa tha C02 deterraina- tlona h«J boon mede for. Tha results (Tabla 27) show that tha concentrations uaod had no effect upon regeneration in eiae A. That elae B was affeotsd only in tha ease of HUSO., in which regeneration waa noticeably retarded, •fell* In thoea of size C which survived to regenerate, tlM regeneration *as aarkadly depressed. ?or tha final aorlas on the affect of else on regeneration srlaent 1?) 0.01 g HC1 waa uaad In concentrations of 30, 40, 50 and 60 o.o. per liter. Tha experiments were carried out In 10-lnoh crystallizing dishes, each initially oontoinln? tan tadpoles of turee different olzss. Two tadpoles in tho first control and one in 40 c«c. XI Jutzped out during tha first few days. All in 60 o.o. died without regeneration within ton days. An examina- tion of the data (Table 28) shows thet under nor™ I conditions the average per cent of regeneration Increaeas as the else of the tadpoles decreases. The per cent of regeneration as compared to the controls in various concentration** of BC1 ia practically tna sane for all. (The high per oent of regeneration, as cuapared to the oontrola shown by the tadpoles of teodlun also, is lue to the 38. abnormally low regeneration of the tadpoles of that also la the first oontrolV A comparison of this experiment with Fx?*riment 18 (Table 27) sesms to suggest that the depression of regenerat ion duo to acids la practic-lly the same for sll alias of tadpoine until a concentration is reached which is soon fatal to ths smaller onas. Tn such a concentration, those email ones which survive to resll asr&ted. During the following night the cater again ceased to flow through the jure and again the water in which tht* tmdyolma vera bce&sra aerate i. Since the tadpoles h»J been two days in aerated *3tar, ih* original purpose of tho experiment h-»J to be abanlonai. An aerating jar with a rapid stream of air passing through it wax placed Just after ixing bottle eo thst trie water entered tho first Jar aemtai. Measurements made on the twenty-sixth day of the experiment ehoved that the tadpole in the first jar (0.2 c.c 0^ psr liter), which had regenerated only 2.8j£ during the twenty-two days preceding the aeration of the water, had regenerated 19.0£ in the four days following the change. The tadpolsa already in hi ;her amounts of 02, of course, showed less difference. I experiment is valuable as demonotr tin? th-st the decrease in regeneration 31. in tha lower amounts of oxygen la due to the lack of oxygen and not to any Blight rite in tamp^rature of the eater in the successive jars, or to a decrease in alkalinity of the water as it took up carbon dioxide produoed by the successive tadpoles. It hae long been known that low temperatures, if not so low ?s to produce detrimental effects, may retard or completely check the development of certain ?ni*ale for a conslierable period of time, the animal still retaining the power to complete normal development. The following experiment was planned to test whether thia might be true for regeneration. Three seta of four tad- poles each were seleoted. The first set was kept at room temperature - 19 to 21 degrees centigrade - the seoond was kept in a water bath at 14 decrees, and the third was kept in a ref rigeretion tank at 0 to 4 degrees. The first set underwent regeneration rapidly, the rate of the second set was considerably retarded, the third set underwent no regeneration whatever (Table 34 and Fig. 40). When the firet set had completed regeneration, two fror. the third set *»ere were trancferred to room temperature. The day in which they ^transfer red and aeveral succeeding days were cool, so th9 temperature of the water stood at 18 to 19 degrees. For thia reason the regeneration of these tadpoles was slightly slower than that of the controls, although the growth curves are very similar. The two tadpoles left at the lower temperature died without regeneration at the end of forty-seven days. In comparing the 9ffocte upon metabolism of hydrogen ion concen- tration, lo* oxygen and low temperature, it is of interest to note th t alike they cause decrease and both the rate of regeneration and the total amount regenerated. Were the effect of these agents due wholly to their action in retarding the metabolism and consequent division and growth of the oells of the regenerating parts, the result would not be a decrease in the ultimate amount regenerated, but rather an increase in the length of time necessary to complete 33. rogena ration. This, hi* ova r, is not the ease lor in acids and basee the tad- pole* In the higher and moro detrimental concent rations oaaao regenerating at a time as early or earlier than the controls. In low oxygen regeneration ceases at practically tha aana tin? in all concentration*, while in low teaqpora- tures, although tne period of growth la longer at tha lower tonne r-<-turas tha* at tha hi^hor tomparss.turoe, the difference is not fUtfiftiftttt ti eotspenante the difference la rate of regeneration, ao Ihs x&tlmate amount rogeneratei ie still less at the lower than at the higher teiapmr^lur^s. The only tonsbla explanation »ee?r»e to be Uut the phenow?r.a of growth and of differentiation in tha regenerating pirta nr& differently af footed by t'.e environmental agents studied, thr t ie, tfcftt tat optima for these phenomena are different «o that a hydrogen ion concentration, an oxygen content or « temperature of tha surrounding medium which retards ono process way hate no effect wpon the other. Thus ft hydrogen ion concentration or deficiency in oxygen which causae a narked retardation to regeneration ssay h^sve no effect upon differentiation, while a temy * r it -*ra vmich retards regeneration &rsrttly nay have only a slightly retarding effect upon differentiation. That the three environmental factors etui lei may liffer this *ay in regard to their relative effects upon regeneration ft«d differentiation seems the mora probable since experiments show th«.t they do differ in their relative effeots upon regeneration and survival or length of life, Thas a. concentration of acids or bases or a deficiency of oxygen sufficient to completely chaoi regeneration is rapidly fatal, whila a tadpole may live forty-eight lays at a temperature whioh completely prevents regeneration. 33. SUMMARY A study haa bean made of the effects of various conditions of hydrogen ion concentration, deficiency of oxygen and low temperature upon regen- eration and metabolism in tadpoles of Rana olimata. These studies show that the optimum hydrogen ion concentration for regeneration is neutrality or very near neutrality. As the hydrogen ion concentration varies from neutrality in the direotlon of either aoidity or bacisity, both the rate of regeneration and the total amount regenerated decrease, at first gradually and then very rapidly. These effects are due to the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. The relative effect upon regeneration of any given hydrogen ion concentration is practically the same for all stages of regeneration. In water of low oxygen content, both the rate of regeneration and the total amount regenerated are proportional to the oxygen present. Both the rate of regeneration and the amount regenerated decrease with a decrease of temperature. Tadpoles, whose regeneration has been completely checked by a decrease in temperature, retain the capacity to undergo a large degree of regeneration to or beyond a psrlod at which control tadpoles have completed regen- eration. Tadpoles, whose regeneration has been checked by insufficient oxygen, •how this capacity to a lees degre3, while those whose regeneration has been checked by acids or bases show it scarcely at all. It is suggested that this may be due to a difference in the relative effects of the environmental factors studied upon the phenomena of regeneration and differentiation. Carbon dioxide production of tadpoles in neutral water is propor- tional to their weight. Carbon dioxide production is decreased by acids and increased by bases. A high rato of carbon dioxide production, when produoed by a basic 34. •edittK, 1* not correlated with a high rate of regenentlon. Both the relative decrease of carbon dioxide production In acid* aui Ibi relative increase of osrbon dioxide production in bases increase as the size of the tadpoles decrease. This 1* »ugs»otiv* of ■ correlation bot»een the of foot of acids and bases and the area of tM tiinole. The relative deereate in regeneration of tadpoles dus ie aoida and basse appeare to be independent of eiae, escactin$ in concen- trations which are soon fatal to the entailer ones. The probability is suggested that hydrogen ion concentration, insufficient oxy^et-, low temperatures and toxic substances affect devolopewnt, regeneration, oxygen metabolism, and duration of life, according to the earns laws, although the relative effeote of any given environmental factor upon the variom functions of the organism Jiffsr, ami although the relative effects of the same environmental factor nay differ in animals of different else* This work was done In the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Illinois, unler the 'ireotion of Dr. V. I. Shelf ord, to whoa, the writer ie Indebted for n<%aj courtesies a:;.' valuable suggestions. The writer ie also Indebted to Dr. Charles Zeleny for suggestions concerning the methods used in the work on regeneration, end to Mr. F. D. 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Worth Aaertcan *aur«, Wa4hington. Zaleny, Charles. 1917. The Effect of Degree of Injury, Level of Cut and Time within the Regenerative Cycle upon the Rate of Regeneration. Proc. Nat. Acad, lei., 3:311-217. 3? 1 EXPERIMENT 1 Regeneration in Bases - KOIi cc.KOU Length Length Length Regenerated in mn. in 200 in mm. removed cc.IIpO in mm. date - be.«run 10/25/17-10/30 ll/l ll/? ll/'J ll/S 1l/"J 0 . . 1.2 2.1 2.2 2,8 3.4' 4. ^eegen. 8.4 14.7 15.4 10. G 2'£, 8 20.4 1/4 53 12.0 1.3 2.0 2.5 2.0 3.1 3.7 ''~egen. 10.8 16.8 20.8 24. 20. 31. 1/° 54 32.5 1.1 2.1 2.5 2.0 3.3 4.0 ^rep;en. 8.8 10.8 20. 23. 20.4 32. 2' 55.7 12,9 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.5 3.', 4.2 ^regenerated 8.5 16.3 17. 10.4 2r>. 32;5 5 57 13.3 1.0 2.1 2.6 3.0 3.7 4,4 ^regen. 7.5 15.8 19.5 22.0 2« . 33. 10 5C 12.0 0.8 1.0 2,0 2*5 3,1 4.0 ^rcgen. 6.6 15.8 16.8 iU.4 21.3 33.3 15 59 13.8 0.8 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.8 3.3 Jfregen. 5.8 8.7 0,4 14. > ':>. 24. 20 5(2 12.9 0.2 0,8 1.1 1.7 2.0 2.6 ^regen. 1.5 6.2 8.5 13.2 tfcVS 20. 25 55.5 12,1 died without regeneration Date TT/9 TT/12 li/l4 fl/lE 71/20 il/22 IT/24 0 1 4.6 5.1 Veg. 32. 36. 1/4 4.7 5.0 'reg. 30. 41. 1/2 4.3 4.8 #reg. 34.4 38. 2 433 5.0 #reg. 33.3 39. 5 4.6 4.6 #reg. 34.0 34.0 34.6 10 4,4 4.-0 #reg. 36.6 39. 15 3.5 3.6 ^reg. 25. 26. 20 3,1 3.3 #reg. 24. 25.0 25.6 A. 5.6 5.8 6.4 6.2 6.° »-^r» . 40 .5 45. 43.5 43.:. 5.1 5.4 . 5.8 5.8 0 • '42.5 T>. 4T„ 47. t?« 4.8 5.0 5.5 5.5 38. 40. 44. 44. 42. 5.1 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.3 29.5 41. 41. 41. 41. 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.1 34.6 Or O ;;6. 38. • ^^ . 1 4..0 4.0 4.0 4.6 4.0 39 . , 3.6 3.8 dead 26. 27.5 3.3 dead TM3LF 3 EXP^RIIFHT 1 Regeneration in Ba9as KOH cc XOH Length Length Length Regenerated in mm. in 200 in mm» removed oc.H20 in mm, dafe - begun 10/25/17 - 10/30 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/5 11/7 11/9 0 ^ 23.7 5.3 1.3 2. 3.3 4.6 2.9 3.0 3.2 /regenerated 23. 40. 44. *$.. ser- vo . 56.5 60. * s £6- 6.1 1.3 1.9 2,0 1,2 2.6 3.6 2.9 ^regenerated 31. 31. 33. 34. 42. 6 43.6 48. 1 f 87 6.1 1,4 a .o .- 3.7 3.0 3.1 3.1 generated 23. 33. 39. 44. 49. 51. 51. 2 ^ 26 5. 1.1 2. 2.3 £.6 3.6 3.7 ^regenerated 20.4 37. 37, 37. 44. 44. 46. 5 28.5 5. i.3 2,0 2.0 3.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 v venerated Si 38. S 38.5 43. 43. 53. 53. 10 t m6.5 5.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 3.0 2.0 2.1 3.3 ^regenerated ^13.2 27. 3 37.3 36.4 36.4 38. 40. 15 26. 4.8 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8 1 generated 13.5 18.7 18.7 23. 37. 33.3 37.5 20 28. 6.0 dieu without regeneration • continued from above K0H date 11 /l 8 31/14 11/1 7 ii/; 20 11/23 0 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3. 2 £regen . 60 . 62. 62. 90. 60. i 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 9. 0 ^regen. 43. 46. 49. 49. 49. 1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3. 3 ^regen. r31 . 52. 53, 53. 53. 2 2.7 2,7 3.0 3.0 ds tad ^regen. 46. 46. 51. 51. 5 2.7 3.7 3.7 dead #regen. 52. 52.,, 10 8*2 dead 40. 15 1.0 lead $regen. 30. 8 TABLF 3 FXPFRIMFHT 2 Regeneration in Baaes - Ca(0H)2 No, Ca(0H)o.t*ngtb btaftli Length P.. rate* in mm, 0~in mm. removed . . itf -te - "be run 10/ 30/1 "3 ' 11/4 11/9 11/1 18 11/14 11/1 7 1 0 11,1 u '. 3, •0 4.7 5,0 < -. v. 34. 41. 43. V 0 45 11, • 1.0 3.3 3.4 4.5 4. 4. % . 38. 31, 41. . 1 1 47 .0 , 3.0 3. 4.3 4.5 4.7 9.0 . 31. 37.2 37. .1 3 i 40 13 a A. . JL 4.1 o.3 5.3 6.1 0 8.4 . 30.3 41, •k. 46,5 0 a 4 1 45 ii.i 0.? . 3. 4.3 ■ i v * k.3 r* i . . . . ■ a 5 3 4S 12. i . . ♦ .1 , 5.1 3. 1 r* $ 8,3 <» 0 , *. 41. G . i (V . *2 6 5 <*■* 11,3 0 . 0 3.0 3. 4.8 4. a 4.8 % , 3w>, 40.7 .3 43.5 7 7.5 49 11*0 *,4 • * . 36 . 1C I7. 1 43 d 11, • — 18. .4 31 , * I.I 3&. .a do!^i 11 £0 48 10. ' ! without re-^nu ration. So. Ca(0H)3 date i: L/M 11/ a/27 11/ 1 0 5, . . 1 5.5 5.3 * 46, > . 51. 31. I» 0 4 ► 7 5.0 5.0 • 45. 4a. t 5, ► 0 5. , 1.0 ; 41, . 41. 0 U.G 41. 3 « 6, ,5 8. 5 ft. . 8.8 ;' 49: i 4*'. V 1.9. fcf< 4 1 4, >4 4. 8' » . 39 . 43. 45. 45. 5 2 . .3 . 7 5.7 5.7 H, > 47. 47,5 47.0 6 5 f 5 44, » 44. 0 ad 7 7. 4, 4. '3 . . * 4'5, > 4:5. 44. a * . 8 10 4, ► 3 4. 4 . . : 3?, i 37. 41. U. 9 >5« ,1 3. 1 ". . * • ra. . 51.6 10 40 TABLF 4 FX^RrrFNT 3 Regeneration in Banes - Ca(0H)3. Mo. Ci(0H)2 Length Lsn-rth Length Reranerntei in wai. in .£00 in arc. rsariove-l co.H^O in ma. date - oe/un 10/30/1? 11/4 11/7 ll/9 11/1^ 11/14 11/17 1 0 31 7.0 1.1 'J. 3 . ,« -j , 8 , ,■ 16. 13. 40. 40. 43. i" 0 31 6.9 1. .. 1.6 1, . o ;- 13. 33. 37. 17. 40. 3 3 J 1 7.0 1. . 1.7 .0 1.3 . CH t 17. 91 rt ,4 41. 47. 47. a 3 i .. 2, , . 1.0 3,0 . ► L t 16. .1 40. 47. 47.6 47. 4 1 SI 6.6 1.0 . ■ i 1.5 . vr t 15. .3 .4 , 11.4 o 5 31 7.1 X. .1 8*6 3.0 1. 3.1 0 i % 17. ,C> 36.6 **• 46.5 , ^ 6 5 30. 7,0 1.1 '•3.4 3.0 ' . -. 1.5 ,4 ^.3 43. 46. 16. . 7 7. 9 6. ■ • . 9 • . 3. 1 2..-; dead i .7 .4 H* 35. 44. 41.2 B 1C . . 1.0 1.9 51 • 37 . ' 9 15 6.1 . ,9 8, .. a • t 14. | 30. 32. , 10 17.5 U i- 7.1 0.7 10. 1,1 ll.7 1.6 33 » 0 je&d 1 34 6. 5 0, <4 4#6 Ho. Ca(0H)3 AftW 11/19 11/22 11/3? 1 0 * . 1.0 -4 41. . . V 0 .9 2. . * J. U. 42. 2 i 3.1 .1 $ 47. -. 47. 3 I 3.0 1.0 . t 47. G 47. 47. 4 1 .7 .7 di t 41. 41. 3 2. 3.1 i. + . . . 6 6 .5 . . i 50. 5',) . 50. 41 TABLE 5 SXPSRIM5OT 3 Regeneration in Base* - Na^Ctt^ .01 isol, 1*2 CO3 Tad. Length Length Length Regenerated in naa. in 300 no. in mia. removed OC.H^O Be.-un 3/27/18 0 1 in ma. 11.8 4/3 . & 4/4 3.4 4/6 5. 4/8 6.0 4/10 7.0 4/14 7.5 4/18 5.3 4/33 5.9 4/34 4/38 5.9 s 50 13.3 .5 4.0 3.8 4.4 4.9 5.0 8.0 8.4 8.5 8.5 3 49 11. 3.3 3,1 M 4.7 .0 5.6 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4 total 44 13. ( §.0 >• lTTT 4.2 1^77 B.C affTT 5.S 3*1 3TT 5.6 6.0 TJS. 3 6.0 387* 6.0 .4 i 18. 38. 34. 41. 45. 48.5 51. 54. 54. 54. 15 1 47 13.1 1.6 3.3 3.8 5,0 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.7 5.7 5.7 a 49 .0 1.5 3. £j 3.5 4.4 5.0 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.1 6.1 3 45 11.8 .0 3.1 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4 Total 44 TOTS" 77T 3. j 1 f>. 3 3,5 iTTS" lCT 4.7 i~7£ 5.4 8l7f 5.6 8 «v . 3 6.C 3377 6.0 . 0 5.6 3 3, '4 i 14.9 35.3 30. I 37. 40, 44. 46. 46.5 46.7 46. 3C 1 43 13.5 1.3 1.7 2, . 3 4j 3.9 3.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 a 50 12.5 1.7 3.1 3.0 3.7 3.3 8*3 4,3 5.0 5.1 5.1 3 45 11.3 1.7 3.7 3.4 3,1 3.1 5.0 3. 1 3. w 3.9 4.0 4 43 U.I 1.3 3.S 3.3 3.7 a. a 4.7 5.0 5.0 £>. 3.8 total tsttt 672T S3 lTTS" ITPZ 1375" iunr lTTC 1773* 187ST 1ST* I 13.4 19.3 34.4 36.4 «*9. 35. 35. $7. 5 ' , 0 34. 45 1 5* U.l 1.1 1.1 1.7 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.1 dead 2 48 13.0 1.0 X , A 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 dead 3 47 11.9 0.6 1.8 3,4 dead ?•¥ 4 total 40 LLC Z57~ l.C 377 1.3 »77 1.6 777 lead 373* T7T TTT 15.5 <* 1 7.7 13.6 16. 15.1 16.3 16.3 60 died without regeneration • 1 75 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.6 0 1 5" 11.5 3.6 3.1 3.5 4.3 4.3 5.3 5.4 6.5 S.5 6,0 48 12 . 9 3.3 3.3 % . ^ 4.0 5.1 4.3 6.1 Ll 6.0 8.4 3 43 11.6 , • 3,3 3.' Tt » 4. 4.8 5.1 6.1 « •• 6,7 ;.3 £.t 1 44 13.2 hi 37T >»a 4.C 4.5 s.a 5.7 wS79 aTJTT 3*73" frot ■..: TECS' x -.0 l^T lSTST 1377 aSTT 47.5 51.5 53.5 50. ? 19.5 36.6 3:. 35 » 40.3 43. Approximate PH initial after 43 hra. 7 6.8 lOf 7.4 7.8 6.8 / 42 TABLF 5 a EXPFRIM^NT 3 Regeneration in Baeee MaflCOj •01 sol, NaHCO, in aoo oo.H20 0 15 Length Regenerated in mm. H H 45 75 90 120 Tad. Length Length no. In bub, removed Begun 3/37/18 4/3 4/4 4/6 controls the eame ae tot NasCO^ 1 48 12.6 3.0 3.3 4. 2 4 total 1 a 3 4 total 1 3 3 4 total I 1 3 3 1 3 3 4 totfbl r i 2 3 4 total i 1 2 3 4 total 49 48 49 48 52 45 45 53 47 43 51 Si 52 46 41 55 50 45 43 54 49 47 44 51 51 ii.8 45 11.8 TO" 13.5 13.0 13.0 1.6 T57T 12.6 ti.a 11.4 ... 4"0* 13.6 I . IX. 5 16.5 SETS' 13,1 13.0 11.3 11.8 T377 12.7 12.3 13.0 11.3 TT" 12.0 11.9 11.8 1 .. -77~ .3 4.0 1.8 1.7 77T" lTHT 16.1 26.5 3.0 2.1 3.1 1.3 ^7T 16.5 3.0 2.1 1.9 \. 777 16.4 3.0 3.1 3.1 1.6 16. 1.3 1.8 3.1 ... 77T 16. 3.1 2.0 1.8 1.7 77*r 15.4 1.9 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.6 iTTo** 35. 3.3 3.7 2.8 3.6 lTTT 23.6 3.4 3.0 3.5 lTTST 24.3 3.3 3.1 3.~ 1T7** 23.6 3.3 3.8 3.1 3.3 lO* 34. 3.5 3.0 3.6 3.3 .6.5 IB ■ ie: 4.1 3.4 3.3 llSTC 31. 3.7 I . I ■•. 3.6 3.3 lTTT 39. 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.4 lT*T 29.4 4.1 3.9 3.7 ia 1TTS" 30.4 3.3 3,3 3.5 3.5 13TS 37.6 3.3 4.1 3.3 3.1 lSTS* 38. 3.0 3.1 3.0 8.7 4/8 4/10 4/14 4/ia 4/33 4/24 4/38 4.3 5.7 4.4 3.0 3375* 98. 3 4.1 4.1 3.9 4.0 lTTTT 33.4 4.1 4.3 4.0 3.8 i"CT 33.6 4.1 4.8 4.3 4.0 lTTT 35. 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.1 1BT5* 31.5 4.0b 4.7 3.9 3.8 iSTT 33. 3.1 3.6 3.1 2.3 4.9 6.4 5.0 tint 39.5 4.3 4.5 4.0 4.2 lCT* 35. 4.6 5.0 4.2 lTX 37. 4.3 5.3 4.6 ■:.{. 1S77 38. 3.9 4.6 4.6 4.1 lTTT 35. 5.0 5.0 4.5 .:».. 18T3" 37. 3.3 3.6 3.2 3.0 5.3 0.9 . 3.2 ■TTT 43.5 4.9 4.8 4.5 *7T" 38. 5.3 4.6 4.8 6.0 6,0 8.0 8.0 5.7 6.0 mlealng 1377 2oT~ 51. 54.5 4.9 4.3 4.5 i.g iTTTT 39, 5.6 5.0 4.9 1F?T leeing44. 1477 49, 5.8 8.0 4.8 5.0 44. 4.2 5.2 4.9 5.1 157T N . 5 5.6 5.7 4.8 4.3 257? 41. 3.3 4.0 3.5 3.C :-~7 5.7 6. m 5.2 33TT 45, 6.0 4,9 5.1 mi* a 17575* 43. 5.8 6.1 5,5 4.9 sSTT 45. 4.1 3.0 3.3 3.3 1378" 38.5 5.0 5.1 5.1 4 . L> 1*377 40,7 5.5 5.0 5.0 1*575* 44. 6.2 5.7 5.^ 5,0 45. 8,0 5.0 5,1 43. 5.6 6,1 5.5 4.9 ?JZ7T 45. 3.3 4.1 3.5 3.1 14*7B* wis . 6.0 8.0 6.1 soTT 55. 5.0 5.1 5,1 4.5 1S77 40.7 5.5 5.3 5.0 1373" 45. 6.3 5,7 5,3 5,0 .TT 45,5 6,0 5.3 5.1 lO* 43.5 5.8 6.1 5.3 2T7T 45. 3.3 4.3 3.5 3.3 TT 39.7 6.0 3.0 6.1 3o7T 55. 5.0 5.1 5.0 4.5 157? 40.6 5.5 5.3 5.0 1*573" 45. 5.7 6#3 5.3 ^6,0 32 , ii 45.5 8.0 5,3 5.1 1*37? 43.5 5.8 6.0 5.3 *.■? .^7~ 45. 3.3 4.3 3.5 . 29.7 Approximate PH Initial after 48 hre. 7.7 7.3 7.9 7.5 8.3 7.8 8.1 7.7 1.8 7.9 8.6 8.7 8.1 TABLE 6 EX^FRIIFNT 3 4 Regeneration in Bases - N&2CO3 + N&HCO3 in 200 in 200 CO.H3O 0C.H3O 15 45 Tad* Length Length no* in mm* removed in sue* begun 3/27/18 1 50 Length Regenerated in bob. 2 54 3 43 4 47 total t 1 49 a 47 3 44 4 45 total 12.5 12.5 11. 6 12.1 *S77 11.8 12.0 11.6 1.'. 4TT7T 4/3 2.0 2.1 2.1 '.- . " 18. 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.0 773* 4/4 3.1 3.0 3.8 3.8 137T 28. 2.5 2.9 2.8 V. 77"* 4/6 3.6 3.8 4.2 4. io77 33. 3.0 3.3 3.1 3.3 iJCT 4/8 4.1 dead 6.0 5.0 i*CT 38. 3.6 3.9 3.6 3,7 l^Tcf 4/10 4.6 5.3 5.1 15*7o~ 40.5 3.9 4.0 3.8 4.3 i*CT 4/14 5,3 ■ « 17. 04.2 37.5 32.4 34.3 3.9 5.0 4.5 4.0 37,5 4/18 5.8 4/32 6.0 4/24 6.1 4,1 5.5 V> ... 1377 41. 4.1 4.9 4.4 ..... 41,5 4/38 6.1 6,6 6.1 6.1 5.9 -. 6,0 ~ iTTe isTb" 18T iK? 44. 48. 50. 50. 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.9 4.4 4.4 .i~ ifxr 41.3 41.5 Approximate PH initial after 48 hiv>. 7 6.8 .'•' M 30 1 til 2 53 3 44 4 50 total 13,0 13.5 11.4 11.8 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.6 57T 2.0 2.3 ..: wTTT 2.7 2.7 2.8 2 . 3 lCTT 3.0 3,0 £.3 ir.r 3.1 2.8 3.0 2.5 lTTT 10.3 17,5 31. 32,5 -3. 3.5 3.1 .;~7T 24.6 3.6 3.2 3.5 3.1 13TT 37. 3,6 3.0 :.:,',, 3.6 3,7 4.0 iTTT 3,6 3.7 4,0 - 30. 10« 7.. 45 15 50 25 16 BO 1 47 2 53 3 43 4 45 total I 1 5. a 49 3 46 4 46 total % 1 53 a 51 3 44 4 46 total 11,8 11.6 11.5 ■ . 47.7 12.8 11. 5 13.0 11.8 i.t.O 11.6 12.8 11.7 77 3.1 1.0 ... TTS* Q.t 173 5.3 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 o 1.1 1.3 1. 2.C 5.5 1.6 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.3 1.8 7*77 775" 8.2 11.5 14. 15.7 15.7 <;ead lead '■' • » - 3.8 Tot>*l" ■ T~7T iTT" 1 *• ■—^™"fc i37""~ ._ I . 47.6 51. Q 54.4 • 9 1 .9 16 1 13 Lftl 3 . . 1 .a i.a ■ t. 3 11. , • 7. 7. - 7.0 4 LO ■ 'TT .-. 177T ■■..-. Tot, a 3TT4 6?t 1773* 177" 177T £ r»j 41. 60. so. ^•S 1 74 i * M A . '.; 'l • 3. 3. 1 •• -.1 .3 4.1 3. ie*A 3 in. . 9. 3.0 3. It 4 ' 10 8,7 J-7 .. TotaJI Tb 77T ;"T£ 1^7? T7" 377 i 16, . 39. .7 30. 30. • T>ii« taipol*? #aa abnoiv >th in btfn&vler M I ir. fora of the \ trt so li not indu-lcV in the total. 16 TABL* 9 FXPFPIIFNT 5 Carbon dloxid production in Base© - KOH 1 3 3 4 & 6 7 Wt.of 5 ttvipolee -4.7 5.1 5.0 5*0 4.9 4,6 4,6 Normal CO-. Production in Distilled Water date 3/9/18 29,4 34.7 V3.9 31.9 34.4 30. 34.5 10 7.1 33.7 30.3 ,5 31. 23.1 SB. 3/11 . . >.B 30.7 .5 •14.15 26. 3/1 .. 34.1 . . 34. , 34.1 3/13 . .4 .7 33.3 30.3 14. ,4 3/14 a > -v.) •■■ . .1 . v Total CO 163.4 177.3 175,1 .9 175.7 11). 1 164.4 A*. Daily 37.08 .65 .18 30. ,3* 18. 37.4 CO. COj per g*.day 5.76 .31 .83 6.09 5. 4.0 5. CO^ Production in KOH oc.KOH in 400 00 iro 10 15 20 «5 30 M 0 3/16 ;.l 38.4 30.4 33. 38.9 44.0 19.8 3/16 31.8 . 4.4 . 31.0 33.9 14.7 3/17 26.1 . 34.1 3C. 30,8 .iea.1 ..0 3/18 . ,8 31. 33.3 dead 18. 3/19 :.. ■,.;> -.7 31.4 ___ __ 17.4 Total C03 i.3 .2 .6 i.l .7 77.9 ,D CO,, per day ^4.84 .34 . , 38.95 18.3 C02 par (■•day . 5,46 8. 6. 6.85 8.46 4,0 i» of Normal 1. 93,9 10'-. . 114.7 . 66.8 • The Ba(OR).; u*el to abaorb the CO^ became mixed with the water When fount the ta'polea were almoet deal ani frojt that time they *ere abnormal. oo» KOI In 30C oo.H^C 15 ■0 88 TABLr 10 EXPTSIMTfflf 5 Regeneration In Ba»ea - KOH 47 00 i KOH Tft . Lenrth Length Lanrrth Re;!; ane rated in 300 no. in m« removed 00i Hw0 in raja. be^un 3/19/18 ?/ 3, 3/30 4/3 4/5 4/9 4/13 4/17 4/.31 1- 1 43 11,2 1.1 . - 3.5 5.0 5,0 8.0 7,0 7,0 7,0 a 45 9.8 1.6 .0 .9 3. 4.0 4.3 4,7 5.3 5,1 .,. 3 44 10. 1. 1.8 2.6 3.7 4.5 4,5 5,0 4,9 4,9 4.8 4 totn 45 xtfr 3.Q ~T" lOT .ittit lffTTT T77 4,f 5.0 I 10.4 19. 29.0 38. 48, 46, 54, • 5 55.7 l 51 9.8 1.0 1.4 2.1 »J ,9 3.3 3,5 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2 48 11.1 0.9 1.6 .1 3.8 3.7 5,1 3,5 3,5 3.1 3,1 50 .J 1,1 »0 ,« %* 4,n 4,t> 5.1 5,1 5,0 5.0 4 46 11.1 0.8 1,8 3.4 3.9 4.1 4,2 • 3,3 . 3.3 5 total 44 ... TH? £.0 TfTBT i irhr iTTT" lTTTT 4*5 scTT 4.7 T7~ 4.5 ~7"f 1 • ? 9.4 16.8 23. 33, 36, 39, 41, 41. 40, 40. 30 1 48 10.1 0. 1.6 1*0 3,6 3.6 5,0 ->. 4,9 5,1 . 49 11.0 0.7 1.3 3.3 3.5 3,8 4,3 3,0 5. 3. 4,0 3 48 11. 1.0 1.8 3.8 3,0 4,6 4.1 3.9 4. 4. 4 10. . 1.3 2,3 3,1 3.3 3.6 -■■, 4.3 dead 5 total 4C KT 1.7 777 iTnr iFTT l77T 4.3 4.8 '■'•1, 7 • 4.8 lT7~ * S.5 14.4 23,1 26. ■'' . 40, 43, 40.8 40,8 25 1 46 10.0 0.5 1.7 .8 3. 3.3 3.6 3,7 3,7 dead 3 48 11. X. 1.5 .1 2, 3,3 3,8 3,3 dead 3 46 10. 1.0 1.3 1.9 .5 3.3 3.S 4,4 4,5 4. Lead 4 total vrrr 0, ?7T 1.6 2,0 lTTTT i"v7"f '••• •' 3.3 l"OT l^TS 3,4 lTTT V| . "T" * 7.4 14. •1, . 31. 34, 38, 37lii . 0 1 49 10.3 1.0 . .7 .4,0 -4.6 .5,4 4,9 5,9 5.5 5,6 a 47 11.0 1.1 2*0 2,8 3,7 4.4 4.8 5,3 5,3 5,7 5,5 3 44 10.1 1.1 1.8 .7 3.6 4,0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5,0 4,6 4 49 10. 8 1.0 1.6 2 • 3.9 4. 4,6 4,4 4,8 4,8 4.1 5 tot=*l i 47 7*7T • 9.9 — 18. 35, itW 36. 41.5 4,3 ... 33.9 24.8 45. 4?; II:8 4,0 35,0 47. ... 47. Approximate PH Initial .after 48 hrs. 9 .7 3.3 '.. 1C .- 6.7 48 TABLr 11 ^TPJMTHT 6 Carbon dioxid Production In Baaee - Ca(OK)£ Ko. 12 3 4 5 6 7 Wt.of Tadpoles 4 4,1 4 4. 4 3.8 3,7 Normal CO., Production In Distilled Vater vte 29.8 .7 .4 •17, .3 38.7 28. S 3/1 . 33.0 36.8 .5 .7 >.8 .4 3/11 33.7 33. 9 <;2.7 17.1 . .4 22.1 3/. 21.3 23.3 31.4 16,1 19, . 18*4 3/13 , .2 , 1,0 34. 35.0 17. b 3/14 . 21.7 ^4.7 19j |3 Total C 1 3.1 142.8 146.6 110.8 131.7 141.8 131.6 A*. CQz per tef 26.01 23.8 24.93 18,47 a. 95 : , 21.93 CO3 per gat. day 6.5 .3 6.23 4.3 5.5 6.3 5.95 CO2 production in Ca(0r Oa(0B)2 In 400 co. HO 10 15 20 18 30 35 0 3/15 25.3 .1 *?. 30. 33.3 36. 19.7 3/16 I.. 6 30.8 .4 , 19,1 30*0 17.6 3/17 33. b .1 .7 . lead 14.1 3/18 . .0 . .1 3/19 x . , ;. . „. . , Total C03 111.1 115.2 127.4 148.7 53.0 6b. 74.6 Ay.COj per day 23. 33.04 . .74 26.5 . 14.92 COj per graa day 5.55 5.62 6.37 6.91 6.73 7,13 3,34 i> of Hornal CC 85.4 96.8 .3 161. 130.7 134. 68. • later oont^&in it^i by Ba(OH) . Ca(QH)3 Tad. Lenrth Length in 400 no. in an. ro&ovtd oo.Hw0 In no. begun 3/19/18 TABL? 13 KXPFRIMTHT 6 Regeneration in Base* ■> Ca(0H)3 Length Regenerated in 3/23 3/35 3/37 3/30 4/3 4/5 4/9 4/13 4/17 4/30 10 1 K 10.5 1. 1.6 . 3,3 3.8 4.1 4,1 4.1 4,1 4.1 3 45 9.9 0.9 3.0 3,8 4,0 4,5 5.3 4.4 5.5 5.6 3 43 11.0 1.3 . 3.0 3,3 4,8 4,5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 4 43 ICC 0.8 3,0 . 3,7 4,3 4.4 5.3 5,1 5.3 5.0 5 41 total 1.1 1.8 9TTT lSfET VK7 4,H 3*fir S.Q 3TTT 10. 18.3 26. *J4 ,t> 43. 45. 46, 4a, 48, 48. 15 1 43 10.5 i.i 1.9 . 3.6 1*4 4,8 4.9 4.9 4,8 5.0 3 43 11.0 l.i 3,0 3.0 4,4 5.0 5,0 . 4.7 3 4? 11.0 0.8 »C 3.0 3.8 4.4 4,8 t>» 5 4.7 .- 4,5 4 46 10.0 1.0 3.1 3.1 3.9 3.9 4,1 5,0 . . . 5 43 total 10.1 * sSr 1.9 • 14Y» lStS" 3T7T 4.5 3^8 37rjr3Trtr 4.<3 33TT 327" t 9.5 18.9 38. 35. 41,5 44. 45. 46. 44,4 43. 30 1 48 10.0 0.7 3,0 , ? 3.3 4,0 4.7 < 4.5 ieai 3 41 1C.6 1.0 1.7 3,7 3.0 4.0 4,1 6, . 5.0 3 44 10.0 1.0 1.8 3,7 3.6 4,4 3,8 4.1 4.3 4,3 . 4 41 .6 1.0 l.S . 3.1 4,0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4,0 4.0 5 41 total k- 1.8 3, 1 3,3 lTTS" if!7" 3,7 ~7T 4.3 . ..-It sTTo 3.9 • ITT" i37T . 17,7 34,5 31.5 . 40,5 41, - . 41, 41. 35 1 45 10.4 1.7 .. 3.0 4.4 4.5 3.7 3,3 . 4,0 a 44 10.1 1.0 1.5 3,.: 3,3 3.0 4,1 4.1 4,1 3 43 10.0 L. 1,8 3.3 3.1 3,7 4,5 4.5 4.5 . 4,5 4 45 10,0 0.5 1.7 . 3.3 3,8 3,7 4.1 4*8 lea.i 5 46 total XT" 1 . B 37? -TT* ITT 187T ■• ilk "T~ lTT* . 14.?: .5 39, 36. 41. 41. 43. 4*. 43, 30 1 43 10. 1.3 3,0 3,0 . 3,7 3*8 .-- Aead * 7,3 11. 18,3 15. . ■. . 36, 36. 0 1 45 10.0 1.0 1.7 3.7 3,8 4.1 4.3 4,4 5.0 . . 3 49 11.1 ,. 3,0 3,7 . 4,5 4,5 5.0 5,0 5.0 . 3 43 10. . ' . . ■...• 4,5 4.0 . 4,3 4.7 4 43 total &T 1.9 lTT^ lflT" • 4.4 "7T . r. 4.0 4.4 4.4 10. s 18. 35.4 33,3 40, 41, b SO 33.6 33.4 31.8 44.5 44. 43. fl.5 Approximate PH initivl after 48 hrs. 9 10 . 7, • 6.7 tablf 13 ^xp-himtht i 50 Refine ration NaOH Length Len;;th Len per in rns* removed liter in mu begun 4/16/18 in B'199* - NaOH th in H;-:en-r ftt#4 M BG 18 bo IT 3P 3? 37 35 37 •3. 38 36 30 tctal 33 40 35 41 If 38 M 35 total 38 39 38 3B 37 11.0 •>. 10. 3 10.3 4/ 0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 10.1 10.4 10.4 11.0 0.3 0.7 .< 4/J3 4/33 1.6 3.7 Ti.O 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1X75 37.7 .0 3.1 1.6 1,5 i.a 1.8 2.1 isfy 10.9 4/26 3.1 . 3.7 3. '■' » lETST 32. Si 2.7 3.8 ,. i^TT .34. 4.1 3.8 4,0 4/30 3.7 -. 4.4 3.9 4.0 4,1 36, 3.0 3.6 3.0 1 . • 33. 3.0 3.7 3.1 3.0 lSTF 30. 11.0 dead 4/19 10.0 dead 4/30 10.0 • • 10. S • ■ 9,3 dead 4/19 no regeneration 18 11*0 40 10, . 37 10. .3 35 10 1 ► © 56 9, Li. tot t lb 11. 10.3 10.8 io. e 10 • ll.o 10,1 0 35 50 1.0 . 1.0 1.0 * i.< .. 0.7 0.7 •• . 3.1 3.0 1.8 xgtff 19.3 1.6 1.1 1.0 1,1 1.3 rrr 3.0 3.0 3,0 3, . 3.4 3.3 lisir 1.8 1.3 1,8 1.9 |0 3.0 3.5 4,0 3.9 3,6 36.5 3,8 des4 . .6 ,6 4.0 4.0 3.9 ! deed 4/19 dead 4/30 • • dead 4/19 * * ■otal ~~T~ $ M 13 43 39 13,3 43 13 'OTAL 5STT 51 13 43 13.3 43 43 otal 1ZT7? 51 13.1 50 13.9 44 14 33 U ►otal 5X7? 53 13 ai «•* 45 1J.1 39 totU fStT I«CHP04 13.8 1 . 13.4 1 srnr Length Regenerated In Begun 4/4/18 4/10 4/14 4/16 1.4 1.0 1.8 3.8 3.5 1575* T7T 1.8 1.7 -_ 1.0 1.9 i.e .. 1 ..:■ ~T7r ""XT 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.1 3.9 -TTT 1.9 . l.a O" —7- 1,9 1.9 r • « 14.3 3.6 137F 3.3 3*1 i<-j# ;. " H|' 111 " 3.0 ■•* . ■ 3.5 '■i 4 . *TT 3.1 3,0 4.0 lTTT .. 3.6 3.4 . XX 4.0 4.5 IS. 4.1 ■ .' 31. S TT 4.1 4,5 . '■ - « 3.5 •. lTOT 33. 4/18 4.5 ■ • 4.3 loTT .6 4/31 4/34 4/30 4/30 5/4 -*77 4.0 •. 4.3 • 4.D 4.0 4.8 36. —r~ 4.3 4.5 4.8 :"T 35.4 T*" 177T 4.3 5.1 Ski dead t « 47T" TT" 4.0 4.0 4,0 . ... iTTT aJTT 4.9 4.7 5.3 HOT tJt- i. .. 1577 & jl 4.n 4.9 ... _. 40. S7CT 4,9 . ~T" I . "TTT 1*1 37. ™r ~ 4.7 4.9 ... ._ 5.0 5.0 . 41. ~!*7r ■'■>. ■ 5.8 COT 39. — r~ - 4.9 5.0 6.1 43, 4TTT .flfiL ... ♦7TT 3 I , ■ ... 40. 5.0 5.0 5.0 6,0 - imi» 1,4 3,7 4,7 1,9 3.1 4,0 4.3 1.3 3.1 4.4 j.,0. 3.5 4.1 4.9 TTT 13TT 11CT lSTT 13.8 36. 30.5 35. 6.3 4.9 4.7 ~7T 5.0 4.7 a. 7 «■* 1 . . 1 41.5 6.1 5.0 4.9 . 43. 5.1 3^. 45. 0.0 5.0 5.0 ■■■.- alTf 4a. • . 5.1 If*" 45. Approximate PH of Solutions initial after 84 houra. 3.4 6.7 4.0 . •:.■> 5.7 ;. 6.3 .■ -. •. TABL5 14a EXPTOIMOT 8 Regeneration In B&aee - SaOH 52 KaOH Length Length Length Regenerated In w». in *OC in mm. remodel Be^un 4/4/18 co.fUO In hub* 4/10 4/14 4/16 4/18 4/31 4/34 4/36 4/30 5/4 0 51 13,1 1*3 3.1 3.9 4,9 '• 5.8 6.3 5.5 6,5 44 13 1.3 3.1 4.3 4.9 5. 5.6 6.0 8.1 8,4 49 15 1.9 3,3 4.3 5.0 5.0 5. 8.8 5.3 ' » 'J 39 total 11.3 If 77T 3.4 4.0 4.5 ~77 -. S«3 5,-j IS. 9 13.9 ,.4 .e ' . 4 ••♦ 47. 47. 47. 6 60 v$w 4.7 • ♦ «>. 1 B.B1 1 . ' ' . . 48 13.4 1.3 3.1 • 5,0 k. 5,8 5.9 ■:. , 5. 48 12 1.9 3.5 4.1 4,3 5.0 5,8 5.6 5.8 44 {J 73* 3.3 iI7» 4.0 iTTT 4,6 *~° 33,8 ; . Ail 13.1 14,7 •♦, l*i 38,6 .6 44. ■• » 10 50 "XT" 3,fi 3.8 t?i ■"XT" b.I !>, ' ... 1 CI 45 1,-3.9 1.3 3.4 3,6 4,0 4.0 4,5 5.0 5.0 5.0 45 IS. 1.3 «.d 4,0 3,9 4.1 4,5 4.5 4.9 4.9 3d total 11 41?, 1.8 W7T 3.0 3.3 lT^T 4.3 lSfS* 4.6 IT?? 5.0 i#7T 5.0 5.3 ^j^ .'■-.'■ 13 .>. 30. . 39. 41.5 4*.b ■..'../ .5 54 T." .7 i3.« 3.1 "TITOh 47 13.4 1.8 3.9 3,6 4,0 4 . 4,3 4.8 b.e 5.0 43 .5 1.1 3.4 4,0 4,0 4.5 4,9 5.0 5, I, 33 t*tal 13 oTTT §ft lO? 3.7 iSTT ill lai. ■• « • 143 J 13,6 siii ;• • .4 ». -. . . i 3.8* 15 M ™UT" •.o 3.7 3.B" . Wp9 • 43 IS. 1.4 3.1 3. 3,9 4,3 4.5 4.0 4.0 44 11 1.1 . 3,1 3,5 I4 3, a 3.7 4.1 4.1 43 TOTAL 17.5 51 _— 1.7 ST?T ■ . • iTTT ifiT 3,9 iTTT 4. 1ST" it£ 4.s i~ iTTS* 4.. Total t otal 7.5 Total 10 Total 12.5 Total t IB "otal 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 I 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 # 40 30 44 14 43 43 38 30 34 30 41 45 40 43 39 36 38 47 40 38 37 10.4 II. 0 10.7 10.0 T7. 1 10.0 ~4Tnr 10 .0 10.0 7.0.2 11.0 10.4 10.8 11.0 371 *5 41.9 10.0 10.0 10.2 10.8 41.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 t.o 1*0 1.1 t.o 1.1 t. 0.7 V 1.0 0.0 a. 8 l.i l.t 1.0 0.7 0.8 3.0 f).*i 0.5 0.0 0.7 6.0 2.7 3.6 4.4 •!. 3,3 3.0 8,8 1.0 4.5 .9 killed bv aeold ■ nt. 3,1 4jl_ 4^ 4-fl 4^ 12.0 15.3 ^J.l 107f 1'. 28.0 35.0 40, 3.4 4.1 8.9 3.8 '..:» 3.5 0.8 0.1 27.5 3,0 iTTf 2.9 2.1 iTT^ •1. 3.5 ' i . 8 ioif 4.6 4.0 4. "J itIi 1 1, 1 4.3 4 9.1 20.8 32.0 39.0 3.0 3.0 2. a 2 4 :.' ti*« 2.8 3.1 2,4 2.4. 10,7 25,5 2.0 1.4 1.9 2.1 T7T ' ,1 »> a «J>. «- 0.0 3.0 lint 3. 3.0 3,0 2.9 13.0 81, .3 ? 1 dead 2.3(1 67T 4,1 9,1 4.1 1™ 37. v 3.4 3.7 4 . l 3.4 1 CH 05. • ' - 2.1 S.u 4,5 4,5 -1,8 4." 1.''- lO •a f. fc.i 4fl I - ..- 40. •1,5 1.1 4.1 4, , 3 . I a.s 3.8 .0 3, 8 37. .3 dead .' 4, 3 I . ■■ 1.1 4.1 1.5 4.1 10. 8 40.0 1 . j 4.0 8,9 3.8 1 u . T 9M • I 4,0 3,5 urn '■■■ 16il dead 2.q) 5.0 5.0 n.o 4*8 4.8 iSTo" 46 40.5 4«8 4.5 ^•0 5.0 4.8 4,9 ^r i^to* 44. 44. 4.1 4,3 4.4 4.7 4.5 4 .:■ 1770" iftf 42, 42. 4,4 4.6 4,3 4.3 4,5 4,5 4,0 4,0 1774* 40, 40. 4.0 3.9 3.5 3.6 5,0 3,7 11 .2 . B - .r 5.1 5.0 a.o I -. 3,6 ti 5.0 O.C iO 4/4 6,1 5.0 5.0 15VT 4.1 4,1 4.4 4.2 4.7 4.3 4.5 4.7 \Wy 17TS 42. 42. 4,7 4.6 4.1 4.1 * .5 1*8 |.0 *s& 40. 40. Approximate • of Solution initial after 24 hro. after 88 hr«, 7 6.8 40.5 46.6 5,4 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.3 5.2 iSto* lCST 45. -*5. 0.6 dead dead 3.6 7.2 34. 4,5 3.8 3,4 3,2 8.< . 9 . 5.4 6.1 4*9 4.4 .. 80.0 -v.O A*«d 17.5 Total i 20 1 3 * 41 40 40 41 41 9.0 10.2 10.0 12.0 Irs 10.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 5.1 dead 1.9 1.2 dead l.QCDl.o. 4TT 12.7 dead 8m4 1.1 dead (others died with- out regeneration) 3U1 3. 4.1 0.4 9,0 5.0 v TABLE 16 exp :t 10 negenoration in Acid - lMr. cc. ad, Length Length in 200 no. in hi* removed Length Regenerated in CO.IKgfl in mim Approximate Rogun 3/12/18 •• — • ** •* -.3/10 3/10 8/80 3< 3/31 4/8 4/0 of Solution 0 1 50 12.0 1.1 3.2 4.4 4.8 5.2 5,4 ' .a B.3 2 47 12.5 in -.7 3.8 },. '.0 5,0 4.8 7 3 '•1 1.0 2.3 3.3 iOr 4.0 4-0 iifl 4.1 *otal 372 B 0m 11.5 lTTT ?TTT 1475" tTTT 1 60 1 1.0 9,3 ■ > 33, 37. it, 42, 42 48. 9.9 0 1 To 3.0 ' 4.1 5. ~7T M 2 48 10.5 1.1 2. 3.8 '.' '. |08 4.2 4.2 5.5 Total 10, ."8 1.1 3 , & 2.5 .11.3 inTT A. 9 ,4 4,3 4.3 1,^,7 1 51 ■ ;.0 10, << iZ_ 32.4 37, 38.1! .3 30.3 30, 7.5 1.1 :}.(> 1.1 ~ rr« 5.1 5.1 |J 8.1 2 48 11,1 .1.0 2.2 3.5 1*0 4.1 1.2 4.2 4.2 4.0 Total 3 11.3 Sfs* 7?t7 itTS iTTo 4,(5 . ITT" 4.7 4. ft I47?r lTTC 4.8 lTTf 1 84 13.0 0.3 23. «j « . » > ; 30. 10. 41. 41. 41. 10 — ._ " Ko ri.4 Kt ' 4.6 4.6 •"T,?i 2 4G U.6 1.0 2.1 3,5 4.4 tt 4.0 4.8 4.8 ;:.0 Total 3 48 33777 178" rrnr 3 — Ji .■«■ 10.1 ■ ■:.7' ii7?r '3.7 71 1 lift 4*£ 3y7 77 I 12. 8 8*1 is. 7 30 . 30.4 1 ; 1 I . * .• • . 3*;, . 8.1 ... ^. T .. — • 2.0' ■ '-,i,jr' » . 3.5 3.0 V 2 JO 11.3 ,0.9 4»a 4.2 1.2 4.2 3.4 Total 3 44 11,0 35TT H' ii" ... CT *» ,8 iT??r lTT? i17T iTTS 2*& ii77f 1 11.0 " 7.1 18.2 it.4 ■ »2 , " - ^3. 33. 1 0.0 2 . J " ^r"l9"■,"" 4lT '"3.0 : dead 1 48 is. 3 0.7 2.? 3.Q 3.0 3.0 dead .3 Total a 1 1 H3r .... 7\S TTTT 3.1 r».' dead __. — Co 91 , 7,«1 1Q.0 22.0 , M58. •i.. i?.r> i 47 18*0 1.6(7) nau 2 4i 11.8 dead 3,2 ■ 45 10 .1 w Total J^JP < .3 20 All died without rogoneration. 3.1 nepene 06.Ho ,i in 200 OO.HgO :>ate - 0 ui 5 Total t r.r» Tota: i 10 "ota! 12. B Tota 18 Tota: 17. fi Total 20 otal (T) il 55 rABLK 17 NnUIOMf 11 Regeneration in Acids - H2S04 oo. Ho ,04 Tad •Length Length in 200 no. in erurerooved oe.H^1' in m. Hate - ne«un 3/0/18 — - - ! cnjrth Regenerated in vm. tal S Total f 7.5 Total "otal 12.5 Total 10 Total 17.5 Total 20 1 2 3 1 2 a 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 e a •1 41 43 40 SO 10 43 40 36 20 30 0S8 43 30 37 38 4S 43 37 36 40 41 •11 80 30 43 56 3e> 40 08 36 35 11.0 10.7 I- .1 10.0 10.1 lt.0 11.0 TZTf 10.0 11.0 0.1 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.2 11.0 VC7T 10.5" 10,0 10.5 10, .3 10.0 10.0 11.0 10. a 4THT 11.0 10.4 10.6 10.1 otal (T) Indicates 10.4 11. 0 10. 0 10.1 TT3 - 3/13 l.o t.O 1.0 TH7 0. 1 — Y' >■ - .5/17 3.0 3.5 3.4 3.3 i?Or 31.0 3.6 0.8 3.0 1.0 2.0 3,0 1TF7FT T..i :8.(, -rti — TX l.l 1.0 •*0 v" 2.0 2.1 0.1 2,2 ?~T Tot? 0.0 25,f3 ole 3.6" 0.8 2.5 0.0 2.3 37T To7,i 8.2 24,2 *<~7o* 27T" 1.2 2.6 1.0 2.8 3/20 4.0 5,0 4.3 4.0 4.7 ''"IT 1.' " ! ■ 4.5 .13. .11 4 .b 4.1 o.r> ■47. * 3.8 -. 3/,>r» 5.0 1.1 '. ltCT 15,0 4.5 3/27 #,8 5.1 5.0 a 3.8 3,0 ITPT isTTT 34.0 37. ~XZ — ttt -.'■■ . ** 2 03.0 0.8 — 2.0 Co" 23.5 . 170 57FT 0.8 1.7 0.8 2.3 3.0 3.4 itS 20,0 t.i 3,3 iSfo" 99 1 ...—-■. .. ... 4.0 4.8 4,0 1673 37,7 1.3 . 3.1 570 4.7 3.5 3.0 ia77 40. ~17r :. tut? 30, >• 45. , 4.4 4.8 44. ■-"sir 4.3 3.7 3 . * ioT? *2j& 4.F 5.3 5.3 4,8 27Ot 48. 3/31 4.8 5.0 4.8 !$7?" 47. 4/2 5.0 5.0 5.2 25T2" 48. 478 4.0 a,g 10^7 4(3. 0,0 TFnr 8i3 T7T 0,5 1,0 ii . <• 0.3 0.5 gjtf 6.0 0 21^0 1.0 1.2 1.7 .13.3 dead.' 1.3(1 1.5 dead 27ff 13.0 3.0 .7 3.0 O. 2.2 2. a iTT3* lirnt 27,0 32.3 dead 1.3 1.3 1.7(7)2. 1 .1 dead i.o 4,0 13,6 Si . 3.8 lTTT 4.3 3.8 4,0 3.5 uo iSTS 38. 3.5 3.6 %o 33. ?cr 4.0 4.0 3,6 ifTfi" 43,6 4.3 4.1 177T .4 2.. 4.1 3,7 IJ 1674" 40, 3,6 3.6 UP 1377* 33. 4,8 5,0 48, 4,0 4.0 3.0 lTTo" 43.0 4.4 4.1 111 If^f 42. *^75" 4,2 1. I tffS .40,5 ^_ 3.4 3.6 33. ^r.7 5.0 5.2 5.3 2(177 4' " 4.* 4.0 3.(3 1775" .0 S.fl 4.4 4.1 4 . 4 17VT 4.0 4.0 US itTo" 4.0.5 —>r?r dead 3.8 3.0 iottf Approximate P3 of solution, initial after artcr 24 hrs. Jirs. 7 6.8 C.8 5,5 6,4 6.5 4.5 6.0 6.3 4/6 4.0 5.0 o.3 4.0 7? 5TT 5.1 4.7 5,3 2TCT 48.. 3.0 4.0 3.5 177TT 43.0 •nrar 4.4 4.1 4.1 177? "^tr s.4 4.0 4.3 4,0 4,5 .IT 40.5 •U'^d) no furtlier growt 3.3 4. dead 9 3 dead 377* 3.0 5.5 ' . ■ ■ — »'lW ■»! 1 , ;i dead 2.) 3.0 3.1 dead 173* 3,2 not determined )1.3 1.7 2.0 1.8 2.1 2.1 Q '1 - • ■ • 3.1 3. tadpole was transferred to neutral water ec.l cc.I Date 0 Total % Tota] f.fl Total 10 Total i 12.5 Total 15 Total TABU 18 13 56 Regeneration In Acids - 1-3^(14 00.1131*04 Tad. Length Length Length Regenerated in vn. jn 200 no. In nsn.retnoTed cc.!I2<> *n tm» - ttogun 3/0/18 43/^ 3/17 3/20 3/23 3/ ^ 3/31 1//Z 4/0 Approximate Pli of :>olwt Initial after after 24 hrs, hv . 0 1 10.0 1.0 3.3 3.0 . 4. 4.6 4.S 6.5 4. 2 40 10. 1.0 3.4 . 5. 1 1 . n 43 10.7 1.0 3.5 4.7 4. 5.| 1 t 207? 48. 10"j7? 5.0 20. 48. 0. 49. Total 41 11.0 1 .6 r 0. 31. 4.0 15.~ 37. r i' .3 1 . 5 1 •14 11.0 1.0 3.0 3,0 3.8 .0 4.7 . M <.•< 4.8 Total • 3 4 32 30 40' 10.0 10.6 10, 12.5 1.0 i.i 0.0 3.0 28.2 4. 15.3 >. 1.1 17. 42. 1.3 4.7 4.7 4.8 5.7 lTTT? 47. 5.0 47. 1.0 27777 17. 5.0 4.8 ..' 7" 4h. 0.0 4.*> i.o 7T 7.0 Total 1 2 3 4 44 30 10. 10.6 '>.0 1 .7 4THY 0.0 t.o . 1.1 r 1 ». • .3 .8 .(> 3.0 10.0 27.0 1T.3 35.3 4. 1.1 4. 1. 43. 4.2 4.5 4.3 44.5 5.0 1^72? .• 5.2 47. 3.0 4. 0.0 0. 47. 10 1 2 3 45 38 .0 10.0 11. 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.0 .0 3.5 4.7 3. •1. 5.0 L.I 40. 0.6 3.7 1. i| ' .•' 41.6 6.5 4. 41 . 6.0 4.0 5.0 '.' io7T 44. o.s 4.0 0. 44. Total * 4 37 1.0 3.' 8.0 2.7 lTTfiT .5 jO 12.5 Total 1 2 3 4 40 38 10.5 1 . 10.4 11. > 1.1 l.o 0. 1.0 0 .0 . 1 .7 . 1 1. 34. 4. 3S.5 1. 4.6 4. 1.1 17. 41.5 «.« ■'.< 1.4 1777* 41.5 5.0 5.1 4.8 4.4 lTf7 U.5 4.H 8.1 • .8 4.4 3.4 1777" 41.0 4. 6.1 4.8 4. lTTT 41.0 4.7 4.8 4.4 41.0 4.6 15 1 41 10.0 0.9 . 4.4 5.6 5.5 0.4 5.4 1 11. . -.7 . . . 4.6 4. 4.9 0.0 3 4 ID. 11.0 1.1 1. 1 4.1 1 . r . > lfltff . 0.0 t.o •joTT Total nnrr ~ lTTa 15. . . 44.9 47. 17. 47. 47. 9.5 . ' .6 .7 I .: . 6.3 . . ♦ , J 0.1 . 4.7 >.' . Regen In «0i co.wa D ate 17,5 Total 20 Total 22.5 Total t 10 Total t 57 TABLE 18 EXPERIMENT 13 Continued. Regeneration in Acids - H3PO4 «** OOs day 1 2.' m. ii. i 10.8 an.! in. on •-• 0.0 17.0 16, 17..1 15. fe n .0 •6 . 1 .8 1 7 . 0 15.8 1 2.' 15.7 14.0 Ki.l 45.6 15.26 a J. 6 ia.7 11. 14, 8 40.4 13, ri J. 7 16 .a 13, > ia.a 42,0 1 4.0 7 o.o 14, 11. io,n 40.1 10.4 6 o.o i a . IS. 8 IS. 2 46 mf is. ao 0 *» .o 12, .i 10. la . 1 13*18 0 ,6 m.t ,0 in. a 37. 12.43 • ay fc.45 i - B. COo production of the sa^e tadpoles In Acids - no] ad tlftr i. cc.Hwl in 40© cc.ttoO A* date 06* 4/1 pr <.'duoc 4/2 >d Total vsr dav sr of inonnal 1 0 U.2 8.7 20.9 10. 3,6 . 2 10 o .a 7.7 17.0 • - . ,8 0 20 0.1 7. 16,3 H.ia ■ . .* i 25 ,0 6,1 14.0 7.0 , . 5 00 cc.Mfcr In 400 cc. 0.0 1.3 14.3 7.15 8 10 6.4 10.0 . * . 7 20 7. < 3,6 11.0 . 1,1 8 25 7.1 a.^ 10.2 .1 1.7 .4 o 00 6.1 .7 .8 1.4 1. oc. 10 0 11. 0. .7 10.05 4.14 . Riren as 0.01 N U2CO3 30 13 -,. ^; oration in Acids - liCl and R1 r. Vo. oc,li«Jl T.enjrth Length Tent!i regenerate;! in »n, in 400 la r.r.ror.oved cc.i'oii In fete. date - Bestm 3/31/18—4/8 4> 4/0 4/13 1/17 4 #21 4/25 1 • 0 18 .4 1. .2 3.0 .0 4.7 5.0 ►0 11.0 1.0 . 2.8 3,4 . 4.'? 4. 42 11.8 l.a ,0 3.0 ' * . &• 4.2 «. Total 40 1 ,0 4T75" . o < oTiT 3,1. 3,0 4. 1 7 . 1 4.*J 1 - . "> 4.4 17,5 * 11.3 If) R 2C .8 • -.•■'• . 17. . 2 12.1 8.0 3.1 »»•<•■: 44 12.0 0. 1. 3.1 4. ■ . 4.5 44 12, 1.1 •a 3.0 3.7 4. 4.0 Total 41 11. 4t7T 1,0 3.8 2.1 7*nr 2,8 3.3 iTTt - 4tS 77 177?r t 20 40 fcl ,. 16,3 iJi>. 5 31.0 38, n ii.o 1.0 3,0 4.0 4.8 ■. . 5.0 12.1 0.0 1.4 2.1 ' • • • 3,1 3.0 10.0 0.5 1,8 8*9 2. 3. 3.0 Total 11,7 27? 2.8 ioTF I?T 3.0 '.1 1 B , g 3,0 ' .ft 88 died ■ML 14,7 23 88, 33.8 4 without regeneration ft 30 • i « fiiir. 10 Total 7 20 8 Total Total 0 30 10 0 Total 50 47 1$ 39 52 48 42 12 48 10 died 8ft 41 42 12.5 1.0 82.3 1.4 11.4 1.4 10.2 U TE7T T?F 10,8 37.7 i.a 2.0 | 5 1 ■ - . -. 8.2 12.5 12.0 11.2 11.8 '""7" i.i ■ *• . ■ * 3.0 2.0 iO 23.3 O.G . 2,1 1.5 2^4 8.6" 10.!; 3.0 2.fc 3.1 127F ... 2 died without regenerati .3 0.3 0.5 dead 12.1 0.0 mrr itr 3.1 3.« 3.1 ;:.n 20. 11. i. 3.6 4.0 3.0 141F8 31.5 t.o 34. 4.0 •1 a a 3.5 i17?? 31,0 (.; 4.0 4.0 ',1 on 1,5 0.8 dead 0.5 4.0 jjtii :*a". . ltliout regeneration 12.5 12.4 fen> 7f 1.3 1.3 1.8 11.1 18.1 3.0 3.0 lTTF 3.8 i 4.1 4'J i.V 5.0 4.7 4,7 "'77 r.3 37.4 itT^ 60 T 31 * 14 \. Xorral Carbon dtoxid product i on in distill' ter. Date Deo. 17. Dec.l . DM,10, DSO.81. :jcc,21. Total Tadpole OOfl produced as 0.01N iij>i>o I, 0.4 7.4 7. O.fl * ' . 5.5 .1 . 5.5 8. 6.1 7.3 ($.85 0*4 .7 .7 7. .0 .5 B.Carbon dioxid production in aciu - DC1. Tadpole 1 n/i 1 in 200 c< of water Pfl 7 10 4 tr> Tadpole 1 3 3.8 3.2 ate COo as 0.01N KgOOg. V » ■ oeo.22 5.*> ,; 7.t 25 & 2611. 4. ?!« 7.0 4.55 7.4 s.o 5.3 5,3 . 5.8 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.5 , 6.1 <>.7 . 7.5 2*> 80 31 Jan. I 3 4 7 •10 11 I 1", 1 I 1G 17 10.6 V>.8 20 ,7.5 22&2$ ; 24 25 , 27 . 28 0.0 t. 4.3 10.1 4.8 7.0 G.3 4.4 . . I 4.7 3.6 5.0 • 5.2 • > . <- . 5.0 1.0 5.1 n.<* .. M .7 5.8 •s>.4 . 3.8 5.0 3.7 B . 1 0 3.7 3.05 1.7 2.5 I. I 2.0 1.4 9 '1 • « 1.7 '. 1.7 4.0 i~.l ,0 4.8 ' .7 7,0 4.0 8:8 0.0 3.0 5.6 3.7 3.8 b >J an • 8,0 30^01 12.5 . .7 1.3 Feb. 1*8 ■ • - MM 8 7 10.0 11.0 6.3 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,4 6." 8.1 6.3 6.6 8.3 1.6 •. 3.0 1.7 1.8 1.3 0.0 I 1%0 SuMMary 3.3 Tir^ J *7^n days 0.0 'otal 1.8 M2 3.1 . r*c02 >er day C.3 3.5 C02 91'3 3.0 1.5 1.5 8.2 8.0 4.8 Par . 4J 3.9 . 6.2 1.6 2.5 ft. 6 dead '.- u '.■•■ dead 1 . 3 teftd 333. 0 264.1 4. * Experiment raised from 13 tb 20 degrees C. G1 taw: ; 23 14 Regeneration in Acid - IICl lV#>> '' Tadpole 1 T enjrth. Bny„ 70 2 71 3 7 ."• Length or tail 40 47 48 Lenfctl* removed 13. 12. .1 M/100 UC1 in 200 cc water 0. 0 10 t? Date Amount regenerated lonpth in nan. 1.0 0* ler In raw. .7 length in .5 1 B let: 1 n ^ 13 1.7 12. 1. 10.4 .8 ,. . . 20 £.♦ If). 7 1.0 15. 1.8 15. 0. 1.1 25 30 3.0 3.5 83, .3 2.0 3. 23 3.6 10. 21.8 '.}. 0.6 Feb. 3 4.0 ;kj. :*..2 .3 2.0 21. ^. i.3 7 .5 1, ■ » • .0 ,;.o dead 12 11 4.5 .5 1. 34. Head .5 3« dead 1 />? 62 TABL^ 23 FXPFPI^TJT 15 ttel'ition of 11*4 ;i,n ! Gs-rVm Uttl I .n T&ipol* i a It.ijaa. 1.6 0.86 D*t« C0a CO3 per gVM co^ CO3 per 9/25/17 3. 1.47 1.05 1.33 9/ae/i? 1.7 1.06 1. 1.23 9/37/1? !■ -1 - II 1.44 1.3 1.55 TOt<|l •#aa 3.97 3.4 .39 G3 TABL* 34 FXP*-RIMFNT 16 Relation of Sine and Carbon dloxid Production. Ho. Tad. Lta ;th in am. Width Width Depth Area Weigl no. total of 1 -nil of body body tail computed 1 1 7. 43 15 11 11.5 1?"6 3.7 3 7i 50 ) 15 11 11. 70 3.6 3 77 ;> 16, 12 11 1318 1.7 3 1 H 39 33 TOTAL 13.3 9 1C. 77 a a 33 13 10 10.3 1339.7 . 3 66 43 13.3 10.1 1434.5 win. 3.0 TOTAL rrr 3 1 56 37 19 10 7 7.7 883.3 1.2 3 53 33 11.6 8 7.7 874 1.3 3 41 31 16 V.J 8.. 7.0 7-*4,7 J'l." l.C «T>rvr*T *T~* Carbon Hoxid Production in Distilled later.* lo. 1 3 3 Data 1/32/18 54, 1 4C.1 19.8 1/ 46/3 3C 13.9 1/ pQ • 8 36.7 16.5 1/. 71. 45.1 16. 54 30.5 i/at 7. 31.1 . Tot*l ^ lETTTr CO3 par lH.y e>^ . 73 . 17.51 par day g*aa 4. 4.66 5.0 Relation of Araa.Waifjht and CO^ production. Ho.l tAken a© 100. Araa 100 74,1 44.6 Hi :ht 100 64.17 .17 COi produced 100 . 32. CO^ given aa 00. 0.0 IK H3C03 64 TABLF 35 FXPSRI M^KT 17 Relation of Siae and Carbon iioxil Production. No. Tad, » Length in ; :,. . Width Width Depth Area**-"1 3 i ->>t no, , total of tail of boly body of t aj LI computed ,gas. 1 1 73 44 33 14. 13.5 lv 4.1 a 71 44 37 lo. U. 13 1566 3.5 3 70 43 37 TOTAl 14 1 i 11 17 3.6 lTTT* 1 3d 38 .1 8 B 1034 .0 I 54 1 13 . 9 1041 1.7 3 • 4 11 6 7 984 S7T TOTAL ^ 3 1 49 31 18 9 7.5 6,5 768 1.3 3 34 TOTAL 9 8 8.5 83) 1.0 Carbon iioxil Production in Oi^tillei Walter Ho. 1 3 3 Data 8/4/X3 43.1 36.3 13.7 . 38.5 . 3/8 .6 . 9.3 2/7 55. 29.0 13.1 /• 38.5 15.3 5.5 3/9 31.7 19.0 8.7 • 0 31.9 15.5 5.4 3/11 Total CO, 0.4" 323T" 16.7 7.4 CO3 par day 40« 21. 9. CO2 par graa day 3. CI 4.16 4.5 20 oe.HCl per 400oo. Wa.ter or 0.005K jFfCl •/] . .0 3.7 13 27.0 1C. 6.0 14 . 7.5 3. 15 32.0 13.3 2/l .6 3/17 gjSjU dead) T Total C0.„ l^tTT 1 ', . - 1375 CO^ pe- :y 1,8 11. £'8 C03 pe S».day •38 3.16 Deo re** e from normal COj, per da. 15. 3 .3 4.5 Ratio of ft. Area aril Deore&ae in C9^ takin f.l aa 100 ;ht 100 45.5 17.86 Area 100 53. 30.5 CO^ Jeoreaee L * 100 66.6 30. 65 'm-m TABL^ 36 inrpFRIMTHT 18 Effect of Sl*e on CO-, production anl Regeneration 9fl. mm Ko. Ko.of Av. Total Total COn Produced Tadet length w% • ur« t 3/9 3/10 1/11 3/13 '13 3/14 1A 1 79 3.6 181 81 84, ,3 19*8 lfl.4 81. - IB 8 64 3.4 1001 34 .9 33, ,6 16,3 16.3 lii.9 13.4 1C 6 44 3.4 3944 M .7 33, ,1 17.1 17. 19.1 M 1 3. 3104 ,3 30.3 30.5 18,7 17.0 18 - -B 3 36 . ,7 30.' 7 18.5 17.0 16.3 1 20 7 40 .4 4164 ,6 »• J 19.3 13.7 19.6 18. 0 3A 1 75 3.7 iaa 8$, .3 35, ,3 19.0 19.9 30.3 14.5 3B 3 n .7 3369 18 .3 19, ,1 16. C 15.9 15.7 18.3 3C 6 89 3547 16 .1 ,0 15.4 13,5 14.7 14.7 ii 1 76 .7 1800 13, . - 17, »5 16,1 14.5 14. 11, «i a . 1313 17 ,6 14, ,7 12.1 11.3 1*.0 .7 4C 6 39 3.7 ^i *i -"i> •. . 14. 9 14.0 14.7 • 5 The aftite tadpole* with 300, ,o. 0. .1 B KQH, O*(0R)a n,i HrB 24,9 23.3 SI. 4 31.6 18.8 3... 107. *b. dea*(5) 31.06 35.6 1, 0*445) <* U il.C 19.0 16.1 13. 8 .93 17.55 3D 36.8 31.6 17.5 15. 17.4 30.4 117, 50 24.3 3 dead IS. 23 34.8 %M< 4* 1C. 7.4 ia.8 5.0 15.5 8.67 56.5 4B 1 . . 9.1 - 13. 10.3 78. 4C 11. 5.6 9.7 16. 8. 56. 8UMMARY Continual Bo. C0a ] mi lay per 1 jfUft Bo, CO a per grais per lay normal In expt. normal In expt. u »S8 3.56 31 7.7 xL .7 4. n 6,45 10 6.0 4.3 30 5.65 84 4. 4A 5.65 3.38 n 5. 7. 4B 6.0 4.7 BO 6.3 7. 4C 5.9 3. 06 TABLE 37 TXPfHIiPTrT'Oontinua 1 Effect of Si so upon COo Production *o& Regeneration The Surririn ^oiee of the previous experlnent were operated on-. 36, . • 6 3 41 H.l 6. .».'.. 11.7 13.8 14,8 . 16.0 18. . 34. 37. 43,5 . *7. 4 40.5 9.1 , 13,8 16.0 . 17.9 17.8 $ - '. « SO, . 39. 41. . 44. Average • £ of Regeneration of the two above Control* 6 15.1 „ • , . . 40.3 6 43 17, 34,05 9 .55 39,75 , 44.15 6 30 33.7 .7 35.5 40,35 43,5 46.7 46,7 30 3 55 45. 5.9 9.0 .3 13,4 1:5,4 14.5 15.3 i 13. 19. . V . . .'. 33.6 ■a 41 33.4 5.8 9. 10.5 11.8 13,0 14.2 14.3 I 17.3 .4 31,4 3l>. . • 4 • 5 4 '53 , . 10. 1 13.. 8 14,1 14.8 , 16, r* 19- !T a i» <*-• »o. t» •3 <* ■ to 37. *- H).* H-a-a 40 3 1, 4.0 • 3 7.6 . 9.6 • 1 /* i 1.';. ia. . 3.; . 33. . , 3 43 3* . 6.4 9.0 10, .4 13, , 14.1 * 17. I, .4 34, »■'• • • 4 33 37.7 7. < 11.6 1 ,7 13. 15.0 15.1 15.3 * 19.4 31. . . 40. 40.4 N 3 •6 44 .3 . 10.3 11.9 .7 .7 13.8 i 1. 19. •0 37.0 39,0 31,0 31.3 § 41 '■■ « ... 7. . 10. 11.8 11.7 /dead 7* 4 3* s*o 17.3 ,.:, 13. H - - S3, ^ X.7 ■3 3- *~ 3* 5fir. 1 5 9 % of Regenervti Control on Conpejri?* » • 100* to the Go^trole 30 81 , e. 83, . . a;i. 41 IOC 118. 102. . 98. 99.6 98.5 M 86* 69. • 4 90. . . .5 40 51 91.5 . 101. 93. . 88. 87. 48 t. 104, 96. ' . 91. 89. 88.5 33 . 104. , 87. 93, . 88.5 m 88 91. 84. . . . , 77.5 41 . . a:. . . , . 32 . 91. ... . . e:>. 68 TABLF 39 TX^^RIW^KT 30 Regeneration in low (h.y Jar 1 Z co, ft) per j.Uer •tufcimuB 0 1.04 ■lnUua 0 C.l Average 0 0.54 Tadpole length 77 73 removed 11. .7 l«£*!ier%ted a oegu* 13/18/17 U/tt deed 0.6 1/6/18 1/1C 1/lft 1/30 1/ l/£3 i : i.e> 11, •o 14.6 .1 15. 18, - £.5 1.0 1.6 73 1.0 B.4 ••1 17.5 e ' ia.o 3. 5 31 , 94. 35. -. §•0 £.48 77 1.0 ft. 1.4 11.8 16.C 17,8 ■ 9 . ;> » - ft. 04 7C ?.« 17.0 3,4 3.8 - •' « 3.4 3,0 ft 4.35 » .0 16,4 .4 . -i. 16. 81, . 4.1 4.7 70 1.3 10.0 I . 3.5 3.0 £8. 3.3 16, 3. 3. ■ CO TABL* 30 FX^^riyFNT 30 Re gen* ration in Low Oxygen Jar co,0 per liter 6 wuil*u* 0 1.04 .5 . 3. 4.35 5.33 Klftlaijcp 0 D,U3 l« 3.0 2,54 . 4.1 f.verig« 0 0.54 1. . 3.03 3. 4.7 Tadpole ) en^th M 63 53 .38 59 18 50 removed • 1 10. 10 10 . Re. »nexuted fcen*n 13/18/17 0.5 dead 1.4 c. 0.4 0.9 1.6 i 5. 19. 5. 4. 9. .3 1/6 1. 3.8 1.0 .1 1,3 .7 $ 1&» 2G. 16, ii« 13.7 38, 1/iO 3,& 3.1 1, •*r^ 1.4 3.0 i .10. 7 ifc. 14. 30. i/ia .1 3.S 1.9 1. .1 i u, I . . 6 19 . lb- M, i/ao »5 3. 3 3.1 .€> .1 i 25. 39.? 9*« U, . 3 . .5 dead . 3, i ■v5. 33. 83. 33. 1/ »*8 2.5 3. 5 (deal) 3.3 9i i 18, 33. 33. Taipol .. length 37 35 34 36 >** 36 34 removed 8 7.5 7 7. 7.5 8 8.1 Regenerated i deal C.S 6.6 G.8 14. dead dead (&Mfc 1 .0 1/6 i %%%i de 3.1 38. 1/10 l 3.3 41. 1/15 ^ 3.6 44. l/~>0 i .8 47. 1/33 i 3.8 47. 70 TABL? 31 fXPSallim 31 Rtgtneration in Low Oxygen Water. Jar no. CO.O3 p«r liter , 1 r.ini-u;: averse 1 0 0* Length NMff 5. in an. 17 17.4 3 >e 1.14 0.37 0.7 3 4 ♦77 1.1 1.9 1 3.6 3.4 .17 Hit $ . 30. 7 4.68 5.0 3.3 3,68 4.1 Jar. Len in an, 1 67 Length He :.v'r 1.6 •. .BTt generated in /a/17 2 am. • 8 16 3.0 17. k/3 • • • -.■■.. 3 71 65 A*.% .4 17 2.0 ii.B I87T • 3'3 „ 4, ->3.5 @. 4 3w. 6. 3 ■.-.<• 6.1 ; 3 73 74 AT * 17.7 17 . t : . . . ■ 4. .4 4,1 3,4. 7.0 39. St 7.5 • — - 4 Ay.* 18 17. 3.1 17. VfTb 5.0 1 ■•. 4. 1 7.v 6.' . Ml, 6. V? 5 7 Av.£ 17.9 17 WIT 4,8 2a, 7.1 K.6 ?#S 41. 6.5 38. 39.6 8 70 13 16 .4 19 3.0 19 9.1 38. 6,6 16.6 f • \ J » 1 33.4 7 71 64 17.4 13.1 4. 4. 1 ■ it. . SO. 7,3 4 . 7.0 42. T7. 7, v 43. 7.5 ja, Hoa.l *nl 2 transferred to aerate l water at the oloj« of the experiment mnlcrwcnt bo further re^enerati , 71 TABL* 33 FXP^iyp^T 33 Regeneration in Lo* Oxygen Jir 1 3 3 4 o 6 7 oo, 0C par lit er ■frXloUB trace 1.0 1,9 .3 3.6 4.68 5.7 fcinimua 0 0*3 0. 1.0 1.8 .9 3.1 0* 0. 1,17 1. .7 3. 4.1 Tilpolea length B3 7;; 82 85 80 83 8* remor i . 22. , . .7 33.0 Regenerate i Date * be •jun 3/^3/13 4/3 alight but not measurable. 4/K) 4, ; . 4,3 5. . 3.8 . $ 17. 13, MM ,7 6. r. . 4/15^ 4. 4,8 5.5 . .1 S.l 7.6 f 30, 34, . 35.6 1. 39. 34.5 ) 4,3 5.5 6.7 6.9 6. 7,6 8.5 * *1.3 34,8 30. 1 . i « .7 • .5 3 5,3 5,5 6.9 7. 1 .3 7.6 3.4 * 33. 27.5 11. 31, . 36.7 33. 72 $3 KXPSROTf si tion In Low 0xy*en Jar 13 3 4^6 oo .0<- p*x litar m»*l«iutt .33 8,76 4.6 8.3 1 . a.lnlKum .13 0.5 1.9 .3 5.0 7*1 **«r. . 1.5 9.0 4, 43 7.1 8.38 TvinolM l*n»-*h 71 73 78 73 1?.7 17. 13.3 18.. 19. Re -jen« rated Dato - bcT'iri 10/33/17 10/ - - 0,3 11/1 * 5. 11, - • 1.4 J 9.1 11/7 £ 1.7 14. 11/10 i5 £ .6 16. 11/13 r.s 1, ' .8 10,6 11/14 Boll«r toiled. ■»* 4.0 32. G i .0 8.8 • 16. 12/13 dS&J 0.8 0. 3. b.O m «• 1,1 b.o 0. ft. 1,3 7. 4.6 dead 1.1 1.5 1.0 6.0 3. 19, 3.7 30. 3*0 4. ^3.9 33. 4. 34, 4.2 i • 1 . 1 re4 to boeofta ••Aerated. 5. 5.7 .8 5.0 1,7 8. 8.0 44. 43. «• 54. 3.0 44. iti 7^ TABIT 34 » FTPFPllfFKT 34 Effect i of Temperature on Regeneration t.C, ,Len Length Length Regenerated in wm. in on. remove i BefTUn 3/6/18 In a»» 3/1C B/1J 1 3/17 1 3/31 3/;6 3/30 4/6 II n X . ■•■ 3.0 -. 8,0 8.0 8.0 to 63 16 1.1 3.8 5. . 7.0 7.3 7. 7.5 1 14 l.l . 5.0 7.0 7.0 7. 7.4 10 tOtTil 7"7" 77 irKr 9 .. • 77" 5.6 .777 77 ■777 t 7,3 19. 19$ • 45.9 43. 50. 14 61 15 i.6 1.1 3.4 3. 4.4 54 16 0*0 1.0 ♦ 3.7 4. 5.0 ea 14 0. 1 1.6 , ,fc> 1 * M totU 15 OCT 77 777 'ictrr 1TTT 177" hi ■ • - i . 7*1 if .9 . . 0 16 (T) to 55 16 Ho Re ion 4 6, 60 2 14.5 15 4/16 (T) teti 4/30 4/ 5/4 If 6.0 3.0 .0 8.0 8. to 7.5 7.8 7.6 7.8 7.8 ai 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.7 • -i*. 7~ 6.0 4c.. 49. . 49. . 14 6.4 6*5 C.5 6.5 S. 5 5.5 5,5 .5 5.7 5.8 6.0 6,0 6. 6. 6,0 8.7 • 77" 6.6 ,77" .777 ~7" 41. 41. 41, 4J3.3 42. 0 3. 4.8 5.0 6.0 6.2 to no regeneration dead 4 4.1 5.3 . 6.3 6.5 no re-ener^t: 77*" irrr* iCTT i~77 7T 34.6 , 34.4 40. 43. (T) ■ Transferred to temperature 19 to 31 de^reee. 6 I) to >» o o CO C o •H cd ■P C CO a to f-t M o 03 M O a5 u c e o c o o bO © C S •H ft >» 4* M a) N > Ctt a cd •H OB •H S> O © OB O < Pt a) d o r-t O • OB OB >> Vi cd o tJ d o o o CM h u ft g 40 vi a) M h d © It bO © o .a 09 XI O . p, & bO a) fc o o O rH ca aJ tJ e-. d a> c fi 4» 4 cd •p co a) © is s o u ■ i ■ ■ ! o, ■ ■**■ L L . 1 T T i • * • i ^ A i " 1 * ♦ L. . _j J ^•^ i > T T 1 ' (; 1 1 I IllHtf j 1 1 1 s L i \ 76 •iiSSi ■■■■■■ »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BBaaaaav ■■■■■■■■■■■*■■!■■■■■■■■■■■«•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ iiiaiaifWiiiaaiiaaii ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■ ......■■:■■■■■•. a. . ■ !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■•>•• ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■- - tm ■•■■■■■ »:::: •■■■■■ ■•aaaaaaaa ■aaaaaaaaa IS!?"? 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U O V* ■H © O fc U) II ,o o o c goo) 43 "H © 3 CM 4» co oD -p S5 aj • al aJ d *d tOjBD © fl • «H .• Pt M «H CO Si Mo6 o -d Sffi O •H M (3 H «J O M fc e» -n ctj wfe ".:":: ill llllll H I iHillni lib:! 78 •H CO •h a « i-i • © o r-< a • O -HO •o • efl • H O 4» IO O O a) «mO • H o cam ai-fl to C5S O © • O CO t> fl ■HVI.O M O a o+> ho • ^ CO © o o 4>t*>» a ttfxp a) © • © a) m tj«m in m m © c o +> C © © © C © • iH .Q © (£+> O ,Q 4>oo4o a) CM +» hDO 00 O C O1^- M O >C\J O •H M C M <6■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■•■■■■•■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■ •■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■••••••••••■■••••>••••••••■••••••••••■••••••••••••■••>•••••••»■■•■■•••••••••••••••• G •■■■■■■■*■■■■■ •■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■*■•■!■■■■■■■■■•• ■■■■■■■■■■■■■*■■■■■■ *■■■■•«■■«•■■■ ■■iiminniliim mmmMMi— — 1 1«i»«««i ■■■■■■■»—■■■■■— imn & :::::::::::::: ■■■■■•• ■•■■■< :::: m m% m m n "I 79 80 81 83 Fig. io. Graph showing the Q*yc«n consumption of Fertilised •g$a of Stron^ylooentrotus purpuratus in increasing oonoent rat ions of BaOH. Orlin&ts * co. 0.1& HaOH in 50 oo. of the solution. Ab»oies& * ooeffioi«nt of Oxygon consumed as ooapared to neutral oontrole. Drawn from the iat» of Loeb and Vastneya (1913 b) 85 o m o otj a Sod © a) 5a ,Q P » r-« o < a o -p • © xi o mo© a -p -h tovi © C -P © o © 2 H 01 c 0^40 o 00 C P OJO 0 S3 aS O pij ■H r-l o a) ■P o © a! • u >» © ho oh a)r- © ^ «H C • S © bOO&5 • HHiiSlilillillHSIH maro mi; iiissiy iBlSHbM* *«^H ^^ s. _ r^ 1 1 ^\ •» J^ic-i %> >s s 87 «. h Vi o n ©do f-i © ft-H +» © • n oj *o" •o' © d CI © a © M © O © O o © O OH -H •H >. A3 304J +> 00 • CK) o> ■6 TOO © *o Tt o, © a) MO o n M M o o © • hlini) -»» do © ^ p,p,4» d d •H • rH © © ho .a >£. 0303«H O o © CO O • 03 oo o d d 6 S ME-. MOO *0 o • •s«H h || O d >»o o hPO O «h •H rH © Cd * » coo H o S a) d 4hhhH © to • « -p • © o © © © ■»» © d II *H r-» d m © ©0*0 ^ d > Pi a! a) r-».d a) © a ■h borap, • • Q|V4 S V? • ft O ©O o 8 toaJ or) rt offi -d m U O 05 o •HP d u c o H X* O fe fc O^ Cfl hD-H « O «<\^^.0 fe J ^v_^ u; 88 ::::: • ■•■a .■■■•iiiiiiiiiiiiii nil ■■■■■■Ill jHsiippfnijinn m ■ m ill © -H t~i © c «H O • O SO •O COp • «J~ O Pffi II o o O a) © O © © • C -H © G o v» o ► o ■HO (J h-H •P & P P aJ •< o 3 MO* r-i © C TJV« o n o t> o ai © -H +> • bn-p a) 0) 0Q Od MTlOH M P f> (3 P C © • <1> © J2 © OH A © b0-P O.Q p O © a) » — o in j ■ ■■■I KEI 89 iKssii! stHi mm §Bn iiii!fii!!i!!!!ill!i!!!i!i!ili!.iii!l HiiSniiiiti" 1ST Sliiliili!!1!l%«M sjjjj 1 I . H •g**1 is • © «o • • op no • r-l 4» d O 4* 0 C 0 > V a M • M •H 3 to ■ T> O iH M M O Vt O V o iH ^S • .Q 4* M 0 a) M e d »• c o fi 0 a) 09 o *4 •d 01 XX t4 0 • p. 4* 0 a faD 0 0 a o •H fe ^ p u fc O ♦> S5 fc« 1 c (3 Vt 0) •H o o a o ♦* b0 3 rH 0) 4* O & M a) a) © c v< fc" a •H o • p. •P at •U UDcO a) >» *~« t4 M u at o fetD +» •d a 97 ao ■ ■■■•■KlllUIIli •■■•■alOHIlKUIIIIIIIIIIII •■■■■■ ■ ■lIMIIinillMiaiHIIIIIIMMIIIIMIP ■■■■■■I ••■■■■••Mil •■■- tl»liaiMIIIMMMHIllMI • I I !■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaa.i >o 01 tiiniMiiiifii i»im» ■■■■■■■■■i •■■■>••■ • ■■•■■■■■ ••••••• aaaaaaaa 'aaaaaaaa* aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa • ■■■a aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaa aaaaa aa->»a aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa t ■■■•■• ir jHiiiiiciiiiiiinimuiii'iiifMitiiiiuiiHHI HIIIIIMI •••MM • imillMIMII IUIHM ■■■■•■■■■a *m«iim Ml* lllll ■ •■■•■■•••■■••■■•••■••••••••■••••■••••■••■■■■•■••■■••■■••■iiMIIUUIl ■aaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaaaja ■■! ■■■•■■■■■■■•■• raaaaaa ■■■■••■EiiiHi ■aaaiaai ■■■■■■■•■•••ItMIIlI {■••■••■■■••■■■•■••■■•■■■■■••■■■I i •• •■ iBaaeaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaiaao-iaaaaaa •■••■ ■•■■■uiiMlllimliiuin aaaaa' laaaaaaaaa - ■■ ■aaaai ■aaaaa LciiamtiHi •■ oiriini 4 iaa • ■■•■in •■■■■■■■■■ ■ iaa ■ ■■■•■I ■■■■■• ■■■ llllllX :::::::::: aaaaaaaa a iaa •>•■■• ij!jj!jii!!j!jiij!l!jj!l!!|ljj ■SaV't VH '"* '"" ••■■mii naiaai aaaaaaaaaua. aaiaaaa la ■ laaaaaci aaaaa aaaaaaaa laaaaaaa a n aaaaiaajjaai ■■■■if!"'. •■■•■■■■'»■■" 1WI ■ ■■aaaaaaaa i», ■•■••■■ !:::■:;::! ■ >II'E> — ■ iaaHfeSSl 98 100 ■ • — - • 1L m. u V -__ 10 ■ ■VI ^ f OO © § CO K 3 Si T AW 1 p V ^ \ \ ^v showing COj product ion of tadpolee in lnore-vflng oonoent rations of HC1 ani HBr. Ordinate » oo« G,G1N Aoi 1 In *GQoo. of solution. Abscissa - % normal CO3 produce.! • Froa data of Table 19 # 103 104 105 OB ►» > a • r rJ R V O o R •H C *-l 4* o 3 o © r-t s O bO •H (ft R 4* •rH Vl QB II o £ •m a} • M o o Q OB o R •«-l T"« O o a o R .a COi «H < R CO • 4-1 © •CJ ♦H © #H O +> O ft a) ffi T* ^ a) © JS •i* c r-l © O *» bD • O © © R • O V** o •H o 4* II a) II U QJ R c8 > • © R u CO bO T-l 2 caj © n o M m o *H © © o r-i .R • & +» w-\ a M a) a) a o •H M M 3 u fc O +» 55 fc •d Fig. 33. Graph showing $ regenerated, daily C$3, time to regenerate 7.5^ and f> of normal CO3 produced in increasing concentrations of HC1. Ordinate = cc.O.OlN HC1 in 300 cc, Abscissa for $ regen. = f> removed, for CO3 daily * cc.O.OlN H3CO3. for 7,.5# regen. = time in days. For fo normal CO2 = % CO2 in neutral water of tables 31 and 23. MMB Bm ■■■■■a ■■■■■■■■ 107 8 108 m © o > • 4» 4 o fl fll CO to © M «d.~* hO© C © >» f3 © -H © IX © © r-4 O b04» © ,0 © d ^5 d Vt M +>h IO . « C >£.* © «H © ©MO C 11 P a? O Sftd! •H © p +» 4» -p S; 6 aJ ,-P -H © 9 CJ-C5 >»t3 o © u aJ C5 u oO« 4 to nnniiji HSFW 109 110 Ill Pc-r ||ier. Fig. 38. Graph ahowin- the tirc© require! to regenerate 30> of the a&ount remoroi In 4«oreaelh& aonoen* t rat tone of oxygen, Orilnate • oo» oxygen x>«r liter* Abeoieea ■ tine in lays. From data of Table 33, 112 rtg« . Graph •aftviag ra^anarvttlon in decrt&ainc o on cant rations of fter the *at ar ha4 baen aerate . Heavy perpendicular lino oarka time of entrance of oxygen. Or II oat a * f, regenerated. Abaci aa a m time in laye, Kuabere at enia of curves ■ 00.O3 eriftionally in 1 liter of the water. Frow lata of Tab la 33» 113 1 I VITA Klnna Xrrnetina Jewell •*?• born no-»r Inring, Kansas, February 9, 1892. She reoelved her secondary education In the public high so^ool of Irving, JCanaas. In September 1910, aha enteral Colorado College, from which institution aha received tna legree A.B. in 1914. Her major nae Biology. In the fail of 1914, she enteral the Graduate Sohool of the Cnivereity of Illinois as a Scholar in Zoology, and tho apring of 1915 aho received tha degree M. A. froa tha sane institution. Tha ysar* 1915-1916 and 1917-1918 *ere apant as n Gro^unta Fello* in tho Daparts»r.t of Zoology of the University of IlllriOia, sni tha year 1916-1917 <*a a 3radu.-*ta Aosiat-uit. The samara r of 1916 woe apont at tha Pugent 8o«M Biological itfttltft, Sllea Jawall la a •saber of Signa II an J Iota Sigma Pi. Pu'ollcstione 1916. Cylindroteenia American? Hov. Spac. Froia tha Crioket Frog. J Our.. Paraaltui.., It 141-199. 1918. The Occurrence of Sichanaee in tho Digest lvs Tract of In verteb rates. Jour .Biol. Cheta., 33; 161-167. By Minn* K. Jawall an J BafNUPd B. Lawia. H^V awwwMBM ^BmM com "UNIVERSITY OF 'LUNOI8-URBANA 3 "pi 12 039541 01 3_ ■HUH m W m w m ■■