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Published by the students of Yeshiva University High School of Brooklyn 2270 Church Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11226

Dancing and Singing Children

Luca Delia Robbi


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One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth forever.

Ecclesiastes 1 :4

Where have we come from? Where are we go- ing to? Where are we now? These are the ques- tions that man has asked himself from time imme- morial, and will continue to ask himself indefi- nitely. Man often wonders about himself, about his childhood. . . .

When he was young, and full of dreams. When his world consisted of his daddy and mommy and nanny and favorite toy. When the four comers of the earth were bounded by his playpen. When the ceiling was the sky and a picture book reality. When Humpty Dumpty really fell off the wall and when Kaptain Kangaroo was his best friend.

And suddenly, the world of dreams had ended. . . .

Dov Zakheim



































Minor Publications


Chagigot 62

I.Y 65

High School Bowl 66

Debating 68

Math Team 69

Chess and Checkers .... 70

Squads 71

Varsity Basketball 72

Aquamen 74

Athletics 76

Intramurals 78







Dr. Samuel Belkin, President YESHIVA UNIVERSITY

Mr. Samuel Levine, Executive Director, Y.U.H.S.

Y.U.H.S.B. Boys

Rabbi Abraham N. Zurojf, Principal

Y.U.H.S. Girls

Rabbi Manfred Fulda, Administrator

Y.U.H.S.M. Boys

Rabbi David L. Weinbach, Administrator

Y.U.H.S.M. Girls

Dr. Isaac Lewin, Principal, Hebrew Dept.

Mr. Martin Lillker, Administrator


Rabbi Abraham N. Zurofj Supervisor, Y.U.H.S.

Mr. Sheldon Socol, Director, Student Finances

Mr. Charles Bendheim, Chairman of the Board, Y.U.H.S.


The Administration has ably carried out its position in student-faculty relations by instilling a feeling of mutual respect among students and teachers alike. Under the leadership of Rabbi Abraham N. Zuroff, recently appointed super- visor of all four Yeshiva University High Schools, YUHSB has reached new heights in scholastic achievement. With the aid of Mr. Samuel Levine, Executive Director of YUHS, the drive to erect the new Yeshiva High School complex went into first gear with the moving of Brooklyn Central to Avenue M and East 14th Street. The boys will follow in the near future.


Editor-in-Chief Morris Waldoks, Advisor Mr. Harry Allan, Editor-in-Chief Aaron Kershenbaum



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Literary Editors: Ira Newman, Jacob Rand

Business Managers: Sigmund Handelman, Howard Reinfeld

Art Editors: Gad Schwartz, Steve Weinstock, Alan Zelenetz

Associate Editors: Leo Brandstatter, Dov Zakheim

Photography Editors: David Levine, Neil Leist

Typing Editors: Ira Widman, Jordan Jacobowitz

Feature Editors: William Cybuch, David Davies

Under the guidance and instruction of our Talmudic Faculty, each student leaves YUHSB with a basic knowledge of his Jewish heritage and an appetite whetted for continued studies in Tal- mud as well as Jewish law and lore. Each Rebbe offers his own distinct approach to the study of our multifaceted Torah. Their dedication and sincerity have acted as a guiding light to the life- long path of a Torah-true Jew. It is only through such unswerving dedication that the trend toward Jewish secularization and assimilation has been reversed.

Rabbi Harold Kanatopsky.



Rabbi Yaacov Dardac:

Rabbi Herman Frankel.

Rabbi Samuel Fink.

Rabbi Herbert Bomzer.


Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz

Rabbi Solomon Drillman. Rabbi Samuel Shmidman.

Rabbi Wilfred Wolfson.

Rabbi Zelo Schusseim.

Rabbi Wolf Durchin.

Rabbi Joseph Epstein.

Rabbi Satnuel Faivushevitz.


"May his soul be bound in the bonds of the living:

The Class of 1966 mourns the loss of a great Talmid Cochum and rebbe. His untimely p'tira indeed left its mark. The gap left by Rabbi Sheb- shaievitz can never be filled, as a man of distinct quality, ahavas Torah, yiras shomayim and great teaching ability can never really be replaced. The last class he taught was in 1963-64 and he was then forced to leave after Pesach because of ill- ness. The class deemed that one of Rabbi Sheb- shaievitz's stature should grace our Elchanite as an inspiration and as an example of what a true Torah Jew should and can be. A student of the renowned Mirrer Yeshiva, he came to America by way of China and Japan after the Nazi holo- caust, and upon arriving, immediately set out on the road of chinuch, which is the basis of all Juda- ism. In his eighteen years as a revered rebbe in YUHSB, Rabbi Shebshaievitz instilled his ideals in every student he taught. In his own quiet and gentle way, he succeeded in imparting Torah to his pupils just as he, himself had received it from the aedolei Torah who were his rebbaim.


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Mr. Isidore Rosenman Chairman







Mr. Lowell Sanders American History, Economics

The world today is both complex and enigmatic. In a seven term sequence of Geography, World Histoiy, American History, and Economics, it is the task of the Social Studies Department to trace these complexities and perlexities back to their sources in history, hundreds, even thousands of years ago, and relate past with present, there with here, then with now. The fruits of their efforts are evident not only in our Regents marks, but also, and far more important, in our understand- ing of the world around us.

Mr. Sidney Zuckojj World History

Mr. Murray Kunkes Geography


Mr. Joseph Strum Student Advisor

Mr. Arthur Arluck

Mr. Robert Bassell Advisor, Library








Mr. Alvin Baron

Stressing the ever-present need for communica- tion between men, the Enghsh mentors of YUHSB strove to convey to us the knowledge of both the spoken and written word. In addition to the tra- ditional vocabularly and usage, the beauty of literature, both American and English, was brought to us in this four year course and was always enhanced by extensive discussion and eval- uation of what was read. Unique and interesting teaching methods, such as movies and student dramatization, have instilled in us a love of our language that should last a lifetime.

Mr. Josef Brand Advisor, Topics

Mr. Sidney Gold

3. /? 2 *


Mr. Morris Septimus

In this Age of Computers the need for mathe- matics becomes more and more evident. In addi- tion to the required three year sequence of Ele- mentary Algebra, Geometry, and Eleventh Year Mathematics, we are also permitted to elect Ad- vanced Algebra and Calculus in our Senior year. Always stressing the underlying principles behind the formulas we learned, our highly competent Mathematics Department did much to give us a deep understanding of what we learned as well as a broad knowledsre of it.

Mr. Harold Kirsch



tabbi Fred Bohensky Biology

Although only General Science and Biology are required, the vast majority of the students avail themselves of the highly popular and enlightening elective Chemistry and Physics courses. Under the tutelage of our expert Scieice stafT in both the classroom and laboratory, we have acquired a broad vista of knowledge in many things rang- ing from the infinitesimal molecule, to the infinite universe, to the most complex of all things, man himself.

Mr. Samuel Leibowitz Chairman

Mr. Burton Zuckerman Chemistry

Mr. Martin Bennett Physics

Mr. George Davidson General Science





Dr. Jechiel Lichtenstein Hebrew



Rabbi Yaacov Dardac Hebrew

Mr. Isaac Canto French

Rabbi Wilfred Wolfson Hebrew


As nations become increasingly dependent upon one another, a facility in foreign languages be- comes absolutely essential. We are fortunate, in- deed, to have the expert tutelage of Monsieur Marshal. We can say without hesitation that we have one of the most competent French depart- ments in the United States. The required four year course of Hebrew studies not only increases our proficiency in our historical tongue, but also opens up the \vorld of Hebraic culture to us.


Mr. Maurice Marshal French Chairman

Mr. Herbert Lesell

Drivers Ed,

Mr. Leon Leibowitz

Mr. Harry Allan Advisor, Elchanite

The position of the Minors Department is unique among the Faculty', for these courses, above ters, go beyond mere knowledge of the sub- ^^ 'he finer points of life taught to us in the .■rt and Music classes, the need for physical fitness brought across in the Physical Education course, and the mature attitude a driver must have, as taught to us in Driver's Education, are things that all of us will appreciate in later life.

Physical Education

Mr. Richard Korn


Mrs. Yetta Rosenman, who believed in temper- ing justice with mercy when distributing admits, performed the Herculean task of keeping all our college records in order. Assisting her and man- aging the book room and mimeograph machine, was Nisson Berlin, a YUHSB alumnus who made good. Mrs. Sarah Shapiro, mistress of the switchboard, kept the financial records of our school in order while sei-ving as secretary in the Office of the Bursar.

Mrs. Yetta Rosenman



The Guidance Department, under the auspices of Rabbi Kanatopsky and Mr. Strum, played an important role in the life of each student of \TJHSB. Not only did it assist us with any per- sonal or academic problems we may have had, but also, it helped us in our choice of college and in this way steered us toward the right course in later life.

Air. Joseph Strum

Rabbi Harold Kanatopsky


Thanks to the fine work of our maintenance staff, under the leadership of Mr. Manuel Nor- mandia, wc all have been able to carry on our studies in an atmosphere of cleanliness and safety. We owe a true vote of thanks to these noble guardians of our health.






He was a young man and his horizons had broadened. There was school and there were grades. There was competition and jealousy and friends and love. There were reading and writing and speaking and the forming of opinions. There were girls and a social life and fun and dances. There were camps and summer jobs, and drafts and colleges more study, more work, more grades and more discussion. Finally there was a degree, and a girl, and a career and the beginning of a new life. . . .

Dov Zakheim



Elchanite Typing 7-8; Chagiga Food 7-8; Math Team 7-8; Intramural Math 6; Bulletin Typing 7-8; Library squad 3-4.

One of Eastern Parkway's contribu- tions to our school, Morris had the distinction of being one of the elite who were able to understand Looie. Short on talk and long on action, he was always ready to help a friend. He will take his love of all things mathe- matical to Brooklyn next Fall.

"He that has knowledge spareth his words." Proverbs


Lab Squad 7-8; Y.O.C. 7-8; Service Squad 5-6; Dialect Typing 5-6; Re- view Typing 5-7.

Joel dropped in his sophomore year and liked it so much that he decided to stay as a junior. As a senior Joel is famous for "rounding off to the nearest thirthe enth" . One year of R. Shusheim and a half of Frankel top- ped off by a stretch in Club 204 demonstrated his skill in Talmudical studies. A lab assistant in his senior year, Joel will continue wearing his white coat at Yeshiva where he will major in Medicine.

"Science is nothing but percep- tion." Plato


Varsity Basketball 3-8; Captain 7-8; Varsity Swimming 6-8; J.V. Basket- ball 1-2; Intramurals 1-8; Service Squad 1-3; Sergeant 4; Class High School Bowl Team 7-8 ; Trivia Bowl 8. Dick, who earned his name the hard way in R. Shmidman's class, also earned another name, "the Octopus", on the basketball court. First in Irv's book, but last in Doc's, the heights he reached in Gemorah never quite equalled those attained at Spinelli's. He plans to give up basketball for math at Brooklyn next Fall.

"We have no majors in extra- curricular activities."


West Side Story Original Location

Hey, kid! Stop writing on the sidewalk!


G.O. Vice President 8; Class Presi- dent 7; Math Team 7-8; Chess and Checker Team 7-8; Coordinator of Intramural Math 7. Barney, who headed our first success- ful math intramurals, is a devout refu- gee from Brooklyn Tech. Despite his last name, his lively disposition and quick wit made him a favorite amongst his mentors and peers alike. He will take his phenomenal math aptitude to Brooklyn, where he'll ma- jor in History.

"Wit makes its own welcome." Emerson


Elchanite Co-Editor 7-8 ; Class Presi- dent 5-7; Vice President 3; Debating Team 1-6, Captain 5-6; Softball Team 3-8; Captain 7-8; Arista 5-8; Debating Manager 3-4; Service Squad Sergeant 3; Lieutenant 5; Hausman Awards 3, 5, 7; Bulletin 1-8; R.O.O.D. 1-8. As his name implies, Lip was the possessor of outstanding forensic abil- ity, which he put to the test arguing with the big man in the litth office. As a Co-Editor of the Elchanite and Captain of the Softball Team, Leo displayed an abundance of brain and brawn. A proselyte of Rabbi Y., he will study Physics in the Hallowed Halls of Belkin next Fall.

"Speech is the mirror of the soul." Publius Syrus


Arista 7-8; Points Commission 7-8; Service Squad Lieutenant 5-6; Soft- ball Team 6-8; Intramural Football 6-8; Intramural Softball 3-4; Intra- mural High School Bowl 3-4; Haus- man Awards 5, 7; Library Squad 3-4; Focus 8.

Chemical Engineering is the ambition of one of YUHSB's most promising students. Quick and agile, he was an asset to his class intramurally. His keen mind, which earned him berths on Arista, Intramural High School Bowl Teams, and a seat in the high- est shiur, should surely help him at Brooklyn, next Fall.

"The Universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it." Marcus Aurelius Antonius



Elchanite Feature Editor 7-8; Top- ics Feature Editor 7-8; Y.U.F.A.G. 1-2; Ye Sophs Foibles 3-4; The Torah 5-6; Bulletin 2-6; J.V. Basketball 3-4: Service Squad 1-4; Class Sanitation Manager 1-2; Varsity Softball 7-8; Trips Commission Head 7; Intra- murals 1-8; Hedy 7-8; R.O.O.D. 1-8. Sheik Velvet, "Sibich" to Septy, will always be Willie to Hedy. A former editor of Y.U.F.A.G., Ye Sophs, and Torah, he deserted his writing career to keep company at the movies. A quick thinker, and sharp dresser, Willie should make out quite well at Brooklyn next season.

"My love and hers has always

been purely platonic."



Elchanite Feature Editor 7-8; Topics 3-6; Feature Editor 7-8; Bulletin 3; Managing Editor 4-6; Editorial Ad- visor 7-8; Band 5-8; Head 7-8; Cha- giga 5-6; Head 7-8; Concession Head 7-8; Y.U.F.A.G. 1-2; Ye Sophs 3-4; The Torah 5-6; Sifryon Typing Edi- tor 5-6; Editor-in-Chief 7-8; R.O.- O.D. 1-8.

Half of the "New Moods," Dave could do almost anything with a guitar as evidenced by highly success- ful performances at the Chagigot. A learner from 103, he baffled the brass by going uptown where he will hopefully strike the right notes throughout his college career.

"There is music wherever there

is harmony."

Sir Thomas Brown

"Last month's was better."


Library Squad 1-2; Library Super- visor 7-8: Softball Team 4-8; Cap- tain 7-8; Handball Team 5-8: Cap- tain 7-8; High School Bowl Team 5-8; Captain 7-8; Track Team 4-8; Service Squad, Lieutenant 5-6 : Intra- mural High School Bowl Manager 3, 5-6; Class Debating Manager 4; Intra- mural Football 7-8. Bruce, who made the big metamor- phosis from Mirrer as a soph, made his mark at YUHSB as Rabbi K's private coffee pusher. His dealings with Bob should prepare him for just about everything. Captain of the button pushers, his profound knowl- edge of history will be put to good use at Brooklyn.

"His only fault is that he has no fault." Pliny the Younger



On the street where we live.


Class Athletic Manager 8; Intramural Basketball 7-8; Service Squad 1-3 Library 1-2; Topics 7-8; Bulletin 5-8 Y.O.C. 5-8; Yugar 8; Sifriyon 7-8 Yugar Statistician 7-8.

Fink, a true Y.U. boy who spent his summer at Camp Morasha, was one of the most popular kids in Rabbi Y.'s class, where he sojourned during his senior year. An ardent Yu- gar and Yankee fan, Fink spent many a free class discussing the merits of Messers. Ford, Mantle, Maris, Ben- zon and Lew. His good natured per- sonality will be welcome at Y.U. where he will study Math.

"A merry heart doeth good like medicine." Proverbs


Elchanite Typing Squad 5-6; Intra- mural High School Bowl 7-8; Service Squad 3-4 ; Points Commission 5-6 ; Discount Commission 7-8; Topics Poll Commission 7.

Sam, a member of our own Red Headed League, served as a high priest to the window god (small g). An ardent adversary of Rabbi K., Red played an integral part on the Focus as Typing Editor. An avid reader as well as a devout Spinellanik, he will continue his endeavors at Yeshiva next Fall.

"There was never a saint with red hair." Russian Proverb


Chagiga Decorations Head 7-8; Band 1-8; Library 1-3; Service Squad 1-3; Intramural Basketball 4-8; J.V. Swimming 1-2.

Mike enjoyed the reputation of being the best of Mr. Korn's Driver's Ed. students. A fine artist and accordian player, he figured heavily in the planning of the Chagigot, as he mas- terminded the background and deco- rations and starred in the school band. A happy-go-lucky guy, Mike will spread some of his good cheer at Brooklyn where he will major in Biology.

"A Buick, a Buick, My Kingdom

for a Buick."

Butchered Shakespeare



Varsity Basketball Team 5-8; Elcha- nite Photography 7-8; Captain J.V. Basketball 3-4; Tennis Team 3-8; Captain 7-8; Topics Business Man- ager 5 ; Review Typing Editor 3-4 ; Service Squad 3-4; Y.O.C. 7-8. One of Irv's starting five, Mike leaped his way into the hearts of Yugar fans. French, despite his nick- name, never quite found his way into the heart of the stout Parisian and chose Physics instead. His quick smile and good nature will prove assets to him in his endeavors at Y.U.

"Ya miss eight, ya make five, you're up two." Irv


Arista 7-8; President 8; Varsity Math Team 7-8; Minyan Head 7-8; Corollary 1-8; Editor in Chief 7-8; Atom 1-2; Y.O.C. 7-8; Hebrew Li- brary Squad 1-4; Service Squad 3; Lab Squad 1-2; Debating Intramurals 1-2; Intramural Math 3-4; Manager 7; Hausman Award 5, 7. Most people know Fish as the ardent B'nai Akivanik who also pulled some of the best scores on the Boards and the Merit exam. Yet, Mel also man- aged to edit the Corollary and head the Minyan. A true student of Torah, he will continue his quest for both Talmudic and secular knowledge at Y.U. next term.

"Imagination is the eye of the soul." Einstein


Points Commission Head 7-8; Elec- tions Commission Head 8; Chess and Checkers Team 7-8; Bulletin Typing 2-4; Intramural Basketball 1-8; In- tramural Math 5-8 ; High School Bowl 7; Billiards Team Captain 7-8. One of the Bard Spinella's most de- vout disciples, Allan found time be- tween shots to head the Points and Elections Commissions. One of the original members of the "A" Group in Mr. Morse's gym class, he rose to greater heights starring in basket- ball intramurals throughout his stay. He should rise to even greater heights next Fall in Y.U. where he will major in Chemistry.

"Let's to billiards!" Shakespeare


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View from the basement.


Tennis Team 3-8; Captain 7-8; Focus Associate Editor 8; Softball Team 7-8; J.V. Baslietball 3-4; Intramurals 1-8; Service Squad 3-4; Almost Ath- letic Manager 8.

Hymie, often called "Pretty Boy" by R. Drillman endeared himself to all with his stylish and often flashy sweater collection. An ardent Queens- nik, he entered YUHSB's gates each morning in an Olds (some trick). He will major in Pre-Med at Queens next Fall.

"Would you like to come up and see my etchings sometime?"

Good Question


Concession Head 7-8; Chagiga 7; In- tramural Math Team 7-8; Lab Squad 1-4; Bulletin 7-8; Topics Typing Squad 5-8; Typing Commission Head 7-8; Yugar 1-8; Newspaper Bureau 5-6; Intramural Math Commission 7-8; School Play 1-2. Greenie, known far and wide for his joviality, was a great man to tell a joke to. The more serious side of his nature was displayed in his efficient management of the concession. Jeff will take his easy going manner to Brooklyn, where he will major in Chemistry.

"If you are wise, laugh."



Elchanite Activities Editor 7-8 ; Class Vice President 8; Chagiga Head 7-8; I.Y. Representative 7-8; Topics Fea- ture Staff 7-8; Bulletin Sports Edi- tor 7-8; Band Head 7-8; Swimming Team Manager 1-8; Library Squad 1-2; Intramurals 1-8. Jay, whose mastery of subtle humor made for his widespread popularity, mastered numerous other trades. He led the school's entertainment world as head of both Chagiga and band. Jay's leadership ability played a role in his positions of I.Y. representative, manager of the Aquamen for 4 years, and Elchy Activities Editor.

"It's what's happening baby."

Murray the K


Twelve cents it isn't worth.


Elchanite Business Manager 7-8; Math Team 5-8; Captain 7-8; Dia- lect Editor-in-Chief 7-8; Concession Head 7-8, Intramural Math Team Manager 6, Service Squad 4-5 ; Bulle- tin 5; Chagiga 7-8. A quick man with numbers, Siggy put his talents to use both as business manager of the Elchanite and as Co- Captain of the Math Team. Between keeping order at the minyan and ar- guing with Mr. L. he found time to be Editor-in-Chief of the Dialect. Sig hopes to be the nemesis of the phy- sics mentors uptown at Columbia next season.

"The study of mathematics be- gins in minuteness and ends in magnificence." C. C. Colton


Elchanite Photography Squad 7-8; J.V. Debating 4; Intramural Debat- ing 8; Service Squad 1-2; Library Squad 1 ; Tennis Team 7-8. As our only import from Sharei Ze- dek, Marty brought the grace of Coney Island to Church Ave. A mem- ber of the "Rabbi K. fan club", Marty found his way into the heart of the energetic mentor. Marty could always be counted on for homework relief and survived the many barrages during R. Drillman's shiur. He will at- tend that large outlet for Barron's and Barchas, Brooklyn College, next Fall. "A good cause can sustain itself upon a temperate debate."

Thomas Browne



Glee Club 1-8; Head 7-8; Chess and Checkers Team 1-2; English Library 1-2; Chagiga 1-8; Intramurals 3-8; Elchanite Raffle Winner 8. Hoch, who majored in backyard bas- ketball, was the world's greatest pro- ponent of the off-the-backboard bank shot. Possessing a wondrously melo- dious voice as well as an outstanding talent for leadership, Sol teamed up with Waldo and helped him to lead the Glee Club to smashing success at the chagigot. He should prove a boon to Y.U. where he will major in Dentistry.

"Sing away sorrow cast away care."


What's an administrative assistant

doing in the basement?

Matching Test.


Chess and Checkers Team 5-8; Cap- tain 7-8; Library Squad 1-2; Band 3-4; Service Squad 1-2; Math Team Manager 6.

Normie, who teamed up with Wid and Mikes to form The Terrible Trio That Tormented Timid Teachers, was also the captain of the champion- ship chess team, that garnered first place in the I. Y. A charter mem- ber of R. Fink's class, Normie should have a wild time at Brooklyn where his profs will be the unwitting butts of his witty remarks.

"The chess-board is the world." Thomas Huxley


Elchanite Typing Editor 7-8; Softball Team 7-8; Intramural High School Bowl 7-8; Manager 4-5; Football In- tramurals 5-7 ; Softball Intramurals 6 ; Basketball Intramurals 3 ; Library Squad 2 ; Service Squad 1 ; Hausman Award 3, 5, 7.

One of our finest all-around athletes, Socko was a perennial participant in football, basketball, and Softball intra- murals, in addition to being a mem- ber of the varsity Softball team. His talented hands also found work earn- ing his position as Elchanite Typing Editor. An outstanding math student, Jordan will major in Accounting at N.Y.U. next Fall.

"Well done, soon done."



Soccer Team 7-8 ; Chess Team 2 ; In- tramural Debating 1-8; Manager 1; Intramural basketball 3-7 ; Intramural Softball 4; Intramural Math 7-8; J.V. Debating 3-4; Class Business Manager 3; Constitutional Revisions Commission 4.

Ray, who made the backyard his home away from home, exhibited the talents he acquired there as an inte- gral part of intramural teams. A two- letter man, holding positions on both the soccer and chess teams, and an outstanding math student to boot, Rafe will journey to the Junction where he will major in Math.

"Mathematics possesses not only truth but supereme beauty."

Bertrand Russell



English Library Accessioning Squad 5-6; English Library Maintenance Squad Head 7-8; Review Typing Edi- tor 5-6; Managing Editor 7-8; Checker Team 5-6; Topics Typing 5-6; Dialect Typing Editor 7-8; Corollary Typing 7-8; Bulletin Typ- ing 5-6; Chagiga Food Committee 7 ; Yugar Typing 8. A graduate of Ezra Academy, Mark became an integral part of YUHSB's literary publications by serving as Typing Editor of the Dialect and Re- view and working on the staff of the Topics and Bulletin. A fastidious worker in both school and extra cur- ricular projects, Mark will go on to Brooklyn to major in Pre-Med.

"A quick legible hand is no mean accomplishment."



Focus Editor-in-Chief 8; Class Presi- dent 8; Elchanite Staff 7-8; High School Bowl Team 5-8; Debating Team 3-8; Trivia Bowl 8; Library Squad 3-4.

Abe, unlike his namesake, was one of our school's true intellectuals. Well- versed in all phases of literature from classical Greek to the contemporary "Mad." One of the disciples of Rabbi Y. Abe should find his profi- ciency in Literature and keen insight into Politics most helpful at the Halls of Ivy at the Junction next Fall. "Since men learned to print, no night is wholly black."

Christopher Morley

HYMAN KATZ Service Squad 2 ; Library Squad 1 ; Chagiga 7-8; Intramural Basketball 3; Intramural Softball 3-6; Intra- mural Football 7 ; Intramural Math 6; Intramural Ping-pong 4; Intra- mural Bowling 3; Intramural Stick- ball 3-4; J.V. Swimming 2. Hymie, a refugee from Chaim Ber- lin, took his intramurals seriously. By being on every class team formed, Hymie was able to achieve a fine intrascholastic standing. A member of Rabbi K's Koffee Klatch, Hymie's quiet manner hid an inquisitive and often philosophical mind. He will major in Psychology at Brooklyn next Fall.

"Genius is only great patience." Buffon


No! Give me the last Ring Ding!

King Kong!!! Where?

AARON KERSHENBAUM Elchanite Editor-in-Chief 7-8; Class President 1, 2, 4, 6; Vice President 5; Arista 5-8; Bulletin 1-4; Associate Editor 5-8; Math Team 5-8; Captain 7-8; Varsity Track 1-8; Captain 7-8; Debating Team 5-8; Student Court 5; Varsity Basketball Manager 5-8; R.O.O.D. 1-8.

One of those rare personages who could fully understand both Looie and Gelman, Kersh was the only kid in Club 204 who had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the Yiddish language. Kersh put his linguistic ability to good use by editing % of the Elchanite during chazara. A gen- uine "good-guy" and scholar as well, he should meet with great success at Brooklyn Poly, where he'll study his first love, Engineering.


Service Squad 5-6; Concession 6-8; Softball Team 6-8; Tennis Team 6-8; Intramural Football 5-8; English Li- brary Squad 5-6; Review 5-8; Glee Club 6-7; Typing Commission 6-8; Chagigas 6-8.

Well-known for his all-around ath- letic prowess, Joe earned positions on Varsity Softball, football, and tennis teams, in addition to being active in- tramurally. Always willing to do his part, he helped out with the Library, Glee Club and the Concession, giv- ing much needed assistance to all three. His educated arm and mind which initiated many football plays in the front yard should do him proud at Brooklyn next Fall.

"As ye throw, so shall ye reap." Butchered Bible



Service Squad 1-4; J.V. Basketball 3- 4; Intramural Basketball 1-8; Intra- mural Football 5-8; Intramural Soft- ball 7-8; Topics 5-8; Bulletin 7-8; Li- brary Squad 7-8.

An ex-J.V. man, Jack put his talents to work in the backyard during lunchtime, always exhibiting the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play that Eliot Aaron professed. A permanent fixture on his class' intramural teams. Jack will give up backyard ballhand- ling for Yeshiva next Fall. "Keep your knees up."

Elliot Aaron

NEIL LEIST Topics Managing Editor 7-8; Topics Photography Editor 5-6; Math Team 6-8; Movie Commission Head 7-8; Elchanite Photography Editor 7-8; Intramural Debating 1-7; Glee Club 3-4.

Neil, the Bernard Baruch of B.T.A. out-Morganed Morgan by cofnering the stock market when he was born. An avid shutterbug, Neil put his tal- ents to good use by serving as pho- tography editor of the Elchanite and the Topics. He will attend the hal- lowed halls of Dr. Belkin next fall where he will pass on his valuable stock tips to the Rebs at Riets.

"All that glitters is not gold, but some is." Old Adage Ammended

Cramming for Pete's test.



Class Athletic Manager 8; Swimming Team 3-8; Tennis Team 5-8; Service Squad 1-4; Record Library 5-6; In- tramural Basketball 1-8; Intramural Softball 6; Intramural Stickball 3-4; Intramural Bowling 6, 8; Intramural Ping-Pong 7-8.

One of our Rockaway commuters. Levy became a fervent backyard play- maker as he controlled the boards during his free time. His athletic flair was accentuated by his appearance.! on basketball and Softball intramural teams. A learner from 103, Irwin will continue his studies at Yeshiva where he will major in Math.

"A faithful friend is a strong de- fense." Ecclesiastes

Chuck it up.


Elchanite Photography Editor 7-8; High School Bowl Manager 7 ; High School Bowl Team 6-8; Topics Pho- tography Squad 1-6; Photography Editor 7-8; Service Squad 2; Lieute- nant 7; Bulletin 5-8; Chagiga 7-8; Basketball Intramurals 1-8; J.V. Bas- ketball 1-2.

The noblest Yubrain of them all, Dave's broad vista of knowledge got the buzzer-pressers many a tossup. Known for his quick caustic wit, he was always willing to state his opin- ions candidly to everyone. He will im- prove his already extensive knowledge of Poli. Sci. at Brooklyn College next Fall.

"Do you sleep in that sweat shirt?" Bernie


Varsity Basketball 3-8; Captain 7-8; Captain J.V. Basketball 1-2; Arista 5-8; Vice President 7; Class Vice President 5 ; Class Athletic Manager 1-3; Service Squad 1;' Sergeant 2; Hausman Award 3, 5, 7; Tennis Team 7-8; Swimming Team 7-8; Softball Team 7-8.

A strong man under the boards at Wingate, Jonas was also the possessor of a nimble mind, making him a "big man' in Club 204 and Vice President of Arista. Active in many facets of school life, Jonas was re- vered by all for his mature outlook on life. He will go on to Y.U. next Fall where he will major in Science. "It's how you play the game."



Focus Editor-in-Chief 7-8; Class President 8; Poet Laureate 8; Review Writer 7-8; Corollar>' Writer 7-8; El- chanite Writer 7-8. Samuel, the articulate editor of the Focus, reached his peak of power in the eighth term when he was elected class President. Though Baron de- manded Lippy's impeachment, our man showed that he was made of strong stuff, and resisted his English teacher while at the same time con- ducting G.O. meetings in a new and lively manner. A lover of poetry, Lippy will attend Brooklyn where he will major in the Humanities. "A poet is born not made."




Elchanite Photography Squad 7-8; Glee Club Head 7-8; Band 7-8; Top- ics Art Squad 3-4; J.V. Basketball 3-4; Discounts Commission 7-8; In- tramurals 1-4.

Jim, who singlehandedly led the civil rights movement at YUHSB, was al- ways accusing Yetta of using racial discrimination when handing out ad- mits. Possessing a golden voice, Jimmy was a co-leader of the best Glee Club ever. A backyard basket- ball regular, George will pass up a career in the NBA to major in Bio. at Yeshiva.

"Voice of silver, heart of gold." Duke L.B.


Audio- Visual Squad 7-8; Swimming Team 1-2; Glee Club 3-4; Class Math Team Manager 6, 8; Class Bus- iness Manager 3-4; Library Squad 1-2; J.V. Debating 1-4; Service Squad 1-2; Chess and Checkers Team 7-8; Intramurals 1-8. Lenny was one of the Yugars' most ardent rooters, coming to virtually every game, both home and away. A ping-pong player par-excellence, and a Spinella regular, Lenny still found time to excell in Math despite Looie. Lenny definitely will NOT cut col- lege and will major in the Humani- ties at Brooklyn.

" 'Tis good will that makes in- telligence." Emerson


Swimming Team 1-8; Student Court Justice 7; Service Squad 1-2; Lieute- nant 7; Business Manager 3; Class Debating Manager 7. Bernie, the third of the Mez's, entered YUHSB where he was to find a place in the tent of Rabbi Fink. A lover of music, Bernie found time to pull lOO's on the Math Regents and to escort four young maidens to basket- ball games. Able to fix anything elec- trical, he will cultivate this prowess by entering Brooklyn Polytech next Fall.

"A fish without water is one without love," M.L.W.


Not bad, but a / 10 it isn't worth.

Hey, what's my car doing in ihe auditorium?


Elchanite Typing 3-4; Service Squad 1-2; Arista 7-8; Chess and Checker Team 7-8; Bulletin 3-4; Topics 3-4; Library Squad 1-3; Intramural De- bating 1-6; Track Team 7-8; Intra- mural Math 5-6; Trivia Bowl 7-8; In- tramural High School Bowl 7-8 ; Sifri- yon 5-6; Kolenu 5-6; Hausman Awards 3, 5, 7.

Mikes, who knew how to use chemi- cals in more ways than one was the uncontested chemistry champ in both Burt's and Smiley's classes. Certainly one of the wildest of the wild, Ira showed us all that intelligence and fun can coexist beautifully. Nineteen sixty seven should find him majoring in Chemistry at Brooklyn.

"Give me where to stand and I

will move the earth."


When I say begin, begin, begin.


Elchanite Activities Editor 7-8; G.O. President 7, Swimming Team 1-8; Captain 7-8; Student Court Chief Justice 5; School Athletic Manager 5 ; Hausman Award 7 ; Class Vice- President 3-4; Class President 2; In- tramurals 1-8; Variety Nite 4; School Play 1-2; Miriam 1-3, 5-8. Matty, who was one of the only two- time electoral winners that the class of '66 produced, teamed up with Heshy, Moishe, Bernie, and Jay to form one of the wildest quintets in the school. Y.U. is lucky to get this fine athlete and scholar, zvhose per- sonality and sense of humor made every G.O. meeting a lively spectacle.


Elchanite Literary Editor 7-8; Eng- lish Library 3-8; Co-Head 5-6; Head 7-8; Student Court Justice 6; High School Bowl Team 8; Focus Associate Editor 8; Intramural Math 8; Intra- mural High School Bowl 4-8; Intra- mural Debating 4-5; Review 3. Sinner, as he was dubbed by his co- horts, was one of the most erudite members of our class. His literary knowledge was truly profound, net- ting him many points in High School Bowl meets. Long time member of the library squad and later head of it, he will continue working with books next fall when he will major in English at Brooklyn.

"Literature is an avenue of glory". Isaac D'Israeli



Y.O.C. 6-8; Class Debating Man- ager 8; Intramural Debating 3-8. Burton, who probably dictated the Constitution to Madison, spent his spare time arguing the virtues of the New York Yankees. A favorite with Baron, Burt could be counted on to give a check in Baron's book for a homework never handed in. His ex- cellent grades in the liberal arts should give him an excellent back- ground at YU where he will be a Political Science Major.

"Humility is the solid founda- tion of all virtues." Confucius


Elchanite 5-8; Class Debating Mana- ger 1-3, 5-6; Constitutional Revisions Commission Head 7-8; Varsity De- bating 7-8; Focus Associate Editor 8; Bulletin 1-4; Review 4-5; Library Squad 1-2; Intramural Debating 1-8. // amiability were gold, Heshy would indeed be a rich man. He could al- ways be counted on to liven up mat- ters with a humorous anecdote, or embark upon one of his loquatious dissertations on anything under the sun. A constructive force in the mold- ing of the Elchanite, Heshy will fur- ther develop his creative skills at Y.U. next Fall.

"Humor and intelligence, hand in hand, one and inseparable." Duke L.B.


•J\\3' 't


JACOB RAND Elchanite Literary Editor 7-8; Corol- lary Associate Editor 6 ; Editor-in- Chief 7-8; Focus Associate Editor 7- 8; Arista 4-8; President 7; Intramural Debating 1-8; Class Debating Man- ager 4-6; Varsity Debating 7-8; Var- sity High School Bowl 7-8: Bulletin 2-8; liadcrech 5-8. Jake, the Torah-Vodaath boy who made good, was the first of our class to enter Arista, and was unanimously elected fall term, president of that elite body. A genuine scholar, with a sense of humor, Jake was Rabbi Yogel's official tea man. His outgoing personality should prove to be a most valuable asset to him uptown.

"A man of learning has within him great riches." Phaedrus

View from 204.


Elchanite Business Manager 7-8 ; Top- ics Circulation Manager 7-8; Class Athletic Manager 2-6 ; Intramurals 1-8; English Library 1-2. As anyone knows, a boy from Toras Chaim, can't be all bad. A dis- placed person from Belmont Avenue, Heshy arrived in B.T.A. full of en- thusiasm for all things psychological. Heshy's rise from R. Drillman to Rabbi K. left him fulfilled as he will attend Yeshiva next Fall. An active member of all school activities, Heshy exhibited great qualities in his mature and often occult reason- ing.

"Character is higher than intel- lect." Emerson


J.V. Basketball 2-4; Service Squad 1-4; Review Typing Squad 1-3; Li- brary Squad 4-6; Record Library 2- 4; Intramural Basketball 1-6; Intra- mural Football 1-6; Intramural Stick- ball 1-6.

Itsy, YUHSB's own blonde bombshell, dazzled his peers by his achievements, especially by ending up in R. Frankel's shuir. An avid backyard hoopster, Itsy had a style all his own. An ar- dent member of the Boro Park tribe, he will help Jimmy on the Civil Rights march Uptown.

"Hellow Itzy. How are you?"



YOC 1-8; Hausman Awards 3, 5, 7 ; Haderech Editor-in-Chief 5 ; Intra- mural Basketball 1-4; Intramural Ping-Pong 2 : Intramural Stickball 2 ; Class Athletic Manager 1-3. Michael, whose prowess as a stickball pitcher was overshadowed by his great capacity for learning, was the only student to give a "guest shiur" in Rabbi Yogel's class. Ably tutoring his classmates, as well as providing others with an inspirational example in reli- gious conduct, Moshe should meet with great success in his pursuit of Torah learning at Mesivta Netzach Yisroel.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my

feet and a light unto my path."




Record Library Head 7-8; Service Squad 1-4; Soccer Team 5-8; Typing Commission 5-8; Intramural Basket- ball 1-8; Intramural Football 7-8; In- tramural Softball 5-8; Bulletin Typ- ing 7-8; Topics Photography 3-8; Times and Tribune Commission Head 7-8.

// you were interested in school in- tramurals you surely saw Abe around. Active in all facets of athletic activi- ties since his freshie year, he became an important asset to the Varsity Soc- cer Team. He became the first head of the newly instituted record library, and typed for many of our school pub- lications. Abe, who hopes to be a Chemical Engineer, will continue his studies at Brooklyn next Fall.

"Chuck it up!" Call of the Wild


Bulletin Typing 7-8; Record Library 5-8; Soccer Team 7-8; Topics Pho- tography Squad 7-8 ; Library Squad 3, 7-8; Class High School Bowl Man- ager 8; Intramural High School Bowl 5-6; Sifriyon Squad 7-8; Trivia Bowl 8; Discount Commission 7-8; Intra- mural Math Bowl 7-8; Chagiga 7-8. Whether Big Bill, the Mouse, or P'gSy> Jerry (that's his real name) could be found playing ball in the backyard or frequenting Spinelli's joint. A really likeable fellow, he kept busy under the boards, as well as in his schoolwork. An avid Knick fan. Bill will room with Elge in the all NBA dorm at YU.

"Once a hoopster, always a hoop- ster." Persian Proverb

Boy, d'ya see that one?

IRA SCHMOOKLER Class Vice-President 7; Class Debat- ing Manager 8; Service Squad 3-4; Typing Commission Head 7-8; Intra- mural Basketball 1-8; Intramural Softball 1-8; Chagigas 7-8. Ira, best known for his successful as- sociations with members of the fairer sex, was also active in other ways, participating extensively in all phases of intramural life from stuffing in baskets to pushing buttons in High School Bowl meets. His amiable na- ture is bound to be an asset to him next Fall at Brooklyn.

"There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs


Class of "67

A five button suit?


Class President 1 ; Class Business Manager 4; Service Squad 1-2; Li- brary Squad 2; Intramural Debating 1, 2, 4; Intramural Bowling 3-4; Cha- giga 7-8.

One of Joe Spinella's bread and but- ter men. Jack could always be counted on for a homework in a time of dire need, like every day. Active in intra- mural affairs both as a debater and as a bowler, he will journey to Brook- lyn College next fall where he will major in Science.

"He that has patience may com- pass anything." Rabelais

No comment.


Elchanite Art Editor 7-8; Soccer Team 1-8; Captain 7-8; Track Team 3-8; Captain 7-8; Arista 7-8; Sifriyon 5-6; J.V.' Basketball 3-4; Intramural High School Bowl 6-7; Intramural Basketball 1-8; Intramural Football 1-8; Intramural Softball 1-8. Gad, whose Israeli background helped him in Varsity Soccer competition, was one of the key men on the Track Team which he captained. His ability to sketch made him a shoo-in for the Elchanite Art-Editorship and his su- periority in Physics will aid him in Brooklyn College where he will re- tain his 2-S status on his newly ac- quired draft card.

"Art is indeed not the bread, but the wine of life." S. P. Lichter

Whadda you mean, a five-button suit?


G.O. High School Bowl Manager 8; High School Bowl Team 7-8; Softball Team 7-8; Soccer Team 7-8; Trivia Bowl 8; Math Team 5-8; Topics Bus- iness Manager 7-8; Intramural Foot- ball 5-8; Intramural High School Bowl 3-6; Manager 6-7. Eli, who by walking into class sport- ing his "mean-man" haircut, im- pressed us as being the next school tough guy, proved to be the most friendly guy in R. Fink's class. An all around student, starring on the Merits and Boards as well as the Softball and Math teams, Eli will con- tinue succeeding in Columbia.

"Every Advance in science is- sues forth from a new attempt at imagination." John Dewey



Y.O.C. Head 7-8; Kashruth Com- mission Head 7-8; Yugar Associate Editor 5-6; Editor-in-Chief 7-8; Soft- ball Team 6-8; Sifr>'on Associate Editor 7-8; Koleinu Associate Editor 7-8; fntramural Baslietball 1-8; Class Debating Manager 2; Intramural De- bating 2-6; Intramural Football 7; Lost and Found 1 ; Hausman Awards 1-8.

Mike was active in all phases of Yeshiva life, heading the Y.O.C. and Kashruth committees in addition to spending a year and a half in Rabbi Yogel's shuir. An avid Yugar fan, he was editor of the publication of the same name. He will journey up- town next fall to pursue his ambition to become a Rabbi.

"A man with G-d is always in the majority." John Knox


High School Bowl Team 7-8; Swim- ming Team 1-8; Class Vice President 2; Arista 6-8; Chess and Checker Team 5-8; Track Team 7-8; Intra- mural Debating 1-7; Intramural High School Bowl 3-6; Corollary 4-6; Art Editor 7-8; Dialect Art Editor 7-8: Focus Staff 8.

An RJJ emissary to YUHSB, Mike ran the gamut from R. Drillman to Club 204. A highly successful button pusher, our Hungarian revolutionary amazed us with his ken of highly di- versified subjects. An admirable math student, Michael also was superb in his knowledge of mythology in Bob's class. Well read and well versed, Mike will major in Physics Uptown at YU. "Knowledge is the food of the soul." Plato

You've got three seconds to pick up that piece of paper.


Debating Team 3-8; Captain 7-8; In- tramural Debating 1-8; Intramural High School Bowl 4-8; Class Debat- ing Manager 6; Class Business Man- ager 5-7; Service Squad 2; Movie Commission Head 7-8; Record Com- mission Head 8.

A strong advocate of the "better late than never" theory, Dave spent, a good deal of time getting admits from the lady behind the desk. Al- though he never got an excused ad- mit, he did develop a great profi- cency in debating which led to his captaincy of the forensic team. Dave will go on to Brooklyn where he will major in Poll. Sci.

"You come late but you come." Yetta from "The Piccolomini"

Yech! A gefilte fish sandwich!

As we feed the data into the computer


Class Vice President 3 ; Class High School Bowl Manager 5 ; Topics Bus- iness Manager 7-8; Bulletin 3-4; Service Squad 3-4 ; Intramural Bas- ketball 3-4; Intramural Softball 2-4; Intramural Football 5-7 ; Radio Club 1-2; Varsity Softball 8; Varsity Soc- cer 8; Intramural High School Bowl 5-6; R.O.O.D. 1-8. The perennial front-yard quarterback, Joe proved he could throw more than footballs in Frankel's class. A mem- ber of The St. Finbar Gridiron squad, he gained notoriety with his boot- legging of "excellent stamps". A suc- cessful tyro in the stock market, Joe will leave football to major in Pre- Med at Allie Sherman's Alma Mater. "Don't skip nothing . , ."

Joe to Skippy


Elchanite Editor-in-Chief 7-8; Class President 3-6; Vice President 1, 7 I. Y. Representative 7-8; Chagiga 5 Head 7-8; Glee Club 2-8; Head 7-8 Variety Nite 3; Head 7-8; Student Court 5-7; Debating Team 7-8. Moishe, ANZ's favorite presidential candidate, was Mr. Everything of 1966. Besides being Editor-in-Chief of the Elchanite, Head of the Chagiga and Glee Club, and lY secretary, Waldo also was chairman of the "I like R. Fink and R. Fink likes Me" society. The possessor of an uncanny ability to make friends, Moishe, who as a Freshie knew every student in T.A., should prove an asset to Brook- lyn where he'll be a Religion Major. "Anyone See Moishe Waldoks?" Old Bulgarian Adage

GARY WALTUCH Varsity Basketball 3-8; Captain Var- sity Bowling 7-8; Softball Team 7- 8; J.V. Basketball 1-2; Intramural High School Bowl 7-8; Intramural Basketball 1-2; Class Athletic Man- ager 7.

Gary, the Yugar's leading scorer, en- deared himself to R. Bomzer almost as much as he did to Shelly and the roaring Yugar fans. A star bowler and Softball player, "Walt" was one of the leading batters in the latter while captaining the former. His out- going personality and athletic abili- ties should make him a sure bet at Brooklyn where he will major in Poll. Sci.

"A faultless body and a blame- less mind." Smith



Arista 7-8 ; English Library 2-8 ; Head 7-8; Math Team 7-8; Hebrew Library 2-3; Hausman Award 3, 5, 7 ; Intra- mural High School Bowl 4-8; Intra- mural Math 6; Chagiga 7-8. Jack, who began his high school career running errands in the Eng- lish Library, graduated from YUHSB as head of that revered institution. Possessing a keen and fertile mind, Jack spent many a chazara hour phi- losophising with Kemp in Rabbi Y.'s hideaway. He wilt continue his dili- gent work and service at Brooklyn. "G-d has placed no limit on in- tellect." Bacon


Elchanite Business Manager 5-6 ; Bul- letin Editor 7-8; Sifriyon Editor-in- Chief 7-8; Yugar Managing Editor 7- 8; Dialect Associate Editor 7-8; Var- sity Basketball Manager 5-8; Y.O.C. 3-8; Hausman Awards 3, 5, 7; Intra- murals 3-8.

Dave, better known as Elge, man- aged the Yugars from his front row seal in Rabbi Yogel's class. A three- time Hausman Award Winner, Dave used his analytical mind to convince Sam to part with his valuable YU drive dollars in order to pay for the buses at Yugar away-games. Dave will continue on his road to success at YU where he hopes to get Smicha. "What is intelligence? Mod- esty!" Solomon Ben Jehudah


Elchanite Art Editor 7-8; Service Squad 2 ; Sergeant 3 ; Captain 7 ; Top- ics 6; Sports Editor 7-8; Bulletin 2; Sports Editor 6; Swimming Team 1- 8; Captain 7-8; Intramurals 1-8; Lab Squad 1 ; Yugar 7-8. Steve, who holds almost every YUHSB freestyle record, proved to be one of our most versatile seniors. Captain of the Aquamen, Art Editor of The Elchanite, and Sports Editor of The Topics, Steve still found time to mimic Moe at Chagigas. He should put the U. of Penn. pool to good use while majoring in Liberal Arts.

"No handsome man is ever really poor." Spanish Proverb


O.K., men, smile!

The ball, did it come yet?

HARRY WEISSMAN Arista 6-8; Softball Team 7-8; Trips Commission Head 7 ; Newspaper Bu- reau 5-8; Head 7-8; Hebrew Library Squad 1-4; Assistant Head 3-4; In- tramural Basketball 1-4; Intramural Softball 5-6; Intramural Math Team 7-8; Hausman Awards 3, 5, 7. Harry was that remarkable personal- ity who through snow, sleet, or hail always delivered the only uncensored paper in YUHSB—The New York Times. A member of Club 204, he managed to get seated in the back of the room where the Rabbi would pay least attention to him and vice versa. Harry, will retrace his brother's foot- steps next fall at Brooklyn College.

"Extra! Extra! Read all about


Sot change of a million?


Elchanite Typing Editor 7-8; Yugar Staff 3-4; Associate Editor 5-6; Edi- tor-in-Chief 7-8; Topics Staff 3-4; Business Manager 5; Typing Editor 7-8; Review 3-4; Typing Editor 5; Record Commission Head 7-8; Typ- ing Commission Head 7-8; Arista 5-8. Wid, who with Shmid edited the Yugar and with Horowitz and Mikes terrorized teachers was also notorious for ringing the "early-period bell" in Skippy's and Rabbi R.'s classes. An excellent typist he served as typ- ing editor of the Elchanite and the Topics. A brilliant math student, he will major in his finest subject at Brooklyn next Fall.

"Wit and wisdom are born with a man." Seldon


Tennis Team 3-8; Service Squad 1-3; Lieutenant 7; Glee Club 3-4; J.V. Swimming 3-4; Intramural Bowling 4; Chagiga Decorations 7-8 Library Squad 1 ; Lab Squad 3. Kuba, as he was dubbed by R. Drill- man let his presence be known in the classroom with his amiable and often humorous laugh. Akiva's goal of be- coming an M.D. guided his career in YUHSB as Bio and Chem were his favorite subjects. One of the few to jump from the "special class" to Rabbi K. he will take his Pre-Med studies at Yeshiva next term.

"O great and holy window god. . . ." Keve



Elchanite Co-Editor 7-8; Bulletin Editor-in-Chief 5-8; Topics Editor-in- Chief 7-8; Dialect Editor-in-Chief 7-8; Arista 3-8; Track Team Cap- tain 7-8; Debating Team 3-8; High School Bowl Team 7-8; Class Vice President 5-6; Student Court 5-6; Hockey Team Captain 7-8; Hausman Awards 3, 5, 7; R.O.O.D. 1-8. Zack, whose pen was mightier than a sword and usually jar sharper, per- formed the Herculean task at editing the Topics, the Bulletin, and for kicks, the Dialect. A fast man with words, Zack got around with his feet too, captaining both the track and hockey teams. A profound scholar, Columbia will be richer for having him as a student.

"The pen is the tongue of the mind." Cervanta


Discount Commission Head 7 ; Eng- lish Library Squad 2-8 ; Accessioning Squad Head 7-8; Intramural Math 6-8; Intramural Debating 3; Chagiga Decorations 7-8 ; Hausman Award 5 ; Typing Commission 7. Joe, or as Seiior called him in French, Jose was a frequent contributor to the "serenity" in Rabbi K.'t classes. A pious worshipper of the window god, his quick wit and ability with words made him an able contributor to many a chagiga song fest. An ex- cellent math and science student, Jose will major in Chemistry at Brooklyn next Fall.

"He who parodies actually re- veals the truth." Adage


ALAN ZELENETZ Elchanite Art Editor 7-8; G.O. Presi- dent 8; Vice-President 7; Class Presi- dent 3; Class Vice-President 4; Topics Art Editor 3-4; 7-8; Chagiga 5-8; Co-Head 7-8; Band 5-6; Head 7-8: Concession 6-8; Audio-Visual Head 7-8; Trips Commission 3-4; Dialect French Editor 7-8; Review Art Edi- tor 5-8; R.O.O.D. 1-8. ANZ was our "Jack of all Trades". G.O. President, band leader. Art Edi- tor of everything Zelo also headed Audio-Visual and Chagiga staffs. His mastery of wit and humor, one rea- son for his widespread popularity, will be a helpful asset to him in Brooklyn next Fall.

"Humor is the harmony of the heart." Jerrold




Letters of Commendation

William Cybuch Samuel Freund Melvyn Geduld Sigmund Handelman Raphael Kaminer

Abraham Kempler Aaron Kershenbaum Ira Michaels Ira Newman Harold Rabinowitz

Jacob Rand Michael Silber Eli Shapiro Dov Zakheim


Semi-Finalists Aaron Kershenbaum Ira Michaels Michael Silber Jack Warman



Alan Zelenetz


Jacob Rand



i Torld Hi'

Isaac Blech Leo Brandstatter Paul Bronner William Cybuch David Davies Bruce Fader Howard Finkelstein Samuel Freund Michael Friedman Melvyn Geduld Allan Goldman Jeffrey Greenstein Sigmund Handelman Martin Hecht Jordan Jacobowitz Raphael Kaminer

Morris Apfelbaum Hyman Goldstoff Jay Grunfeld Solomon Hochberg

Mark Kaplan Harry Katz Abraham Kempler Aaron Kershenbaum Neil Leist David Levine Samuel Lifschitz Bernard Mezrich Ira Michaels Marvin Monheit Ira Newman Harold Rabinowitz Jacob Rand Harold Reinfeld Ira Schmookler Jack Schwager


Hyman Katz Joseph Krause George Mezei Burton Nusbacher

Gad Schwartz Eli Shapiro Michael Shmidman Michael Silber David Steam Joseph Tischler Morris Waldoks Gary Waltuch Jack Warman Steven Weinstock Harry Weissman Ira Widman Dov Zakheim Joseph Zawadzki Alan Zelenetz

Abraham Rosenzweig Jerry Samlet Akiva Wulkan



A.N.Z. meets A.N.Z.

George: Is 6 rows of 5 each too much to ask from 31 of


Doc: ShaivB'ni.

Warman : I already took one this morning.

"Hey look, isn't that Stan Laurel's partner?"

John leaves and takes his little friends with him.

Kunkes predicts that Russia's Mr. K. will lose his job by

the end of the year. A.N.Z. predicts that Y.U.H.S.B.'s Mr.

K will lose his job by the end of the year.

Royal Order of the Orkydirkle is formed. Wilon overhears

and is given token position Court Jester! He was later

elevated by holy ghost.

Something walks into our Math Class looking and smelling

like a herring wearing pajamas.

George : Life is like a glass of tea.

Student: Why is that?

George: How should I know? I'm not a philosopher.

Tragedy strikes Doc accidentally catches his tie in his

shoe laces, sits down, and breaks his nose with his feet.

Dunetz replaces George (in class, but not in our hearts.)

Morse: O.K. you half-wits. Line up in alphabetical order

according to height.

Some of us hand in homeworks to George folded in half.

George: It's not fair! Why should I unfold your papers?

Rabinowitz fakes out seismograph experiment for four


Benzon fakes report on dinosaurs. Tells Dunetz he has to

go home to bring in his tyranosaurus rex.

Dunetz: You don't e.xpect me to believe that you have a

tyranosaurus rex at home, do you?

Dick: You're right. Actually it's a brontosaurus.

Dunetz: Well, that's different. Bring it in tomorrow.

George brings in jar of mercury for the class to inspect. We

file around and around. Then we file around some more until everyone has seen the mercuiy at least five times. The bell rings, but George promises is that he'll bring the mer- cury in again the next day so that everyone can get a chance.

Monheit: Newton's discovery was great because until then apples fell up.

Gold: No Shapiro, you can't do a book report on the Carpetbaggers.

Kunkes: The grass is as tall as an elephant's . . . no . . . the grass is as high as an elephant's eye. That's better. George brings in a can with unknown contents. George: Honest fellows . . . it's dehydrated water! Look, here are the directions: Pour contents into one gallon of water, stir, chill, and serve !

Ollie: Levine, leave the room and close the window behind you.

George : Jupiter has a revolution every twelve years. Mexico has one every six months.

"YU Freshies are Great" is second only to the Topics and the Bulletin, but fails to win C.S.P.A. award. We meet "Handsome Bob." "Da first ting we gonna learn in dis course is gramma." "Mr. Gelman, can you do this problem?'" Mr. G "I'm sure I can. Next question." George Davidson waits two weeks to start Gen. Sci. course until someone remembers to bring a can. Course delayed another two months until everyone brings in crushed can experiment. Fiendish machination to smuggle "Excellent" stamps foiled as George threatens to buy one with only one "L."

Question on George's test; "The villi are like: a) Grand Central Station when both doors are open; b) a can about to be crushed; c) a Chock full o' Nuts restaurant; d) all of these. Ans. (d)

Student: "Why are we spending so much time on ni- trates?"

George: "'Cause they're cheaper than day rates." Bob: "When Mr. Strum comes in, if ya know somtin', raise your left hand, and if ya don't, raise your right hand." Bob astounds everyone when he comes to school wearing a tie less than 5" wide and by writing the word SHAM on the board all in the same period. We think the word he wrote was rather appropriate, don't you?) Morse proctors Gen. Sci. final. Final renamed "forum." "Mr. Dunitz, when is the next surprise quiz?" "Duh . . . I'll let you know tomorrow for sure."



Zak and Zev receive Xmas gift subscription to T.V. Guide

compliments of the Shmid, "Gee tanks, reb."

Lippy tries to prove triangles congruent by A.S.S.

Kirsh: I don't know about the triangles Lifshitz, but as far

as you're concerned. . . .

Willie C. wears pajamas to school and is asked by the

Shmid to model them for the Big Rabbi.

A.N.Z. Mr. Cybuch, take your hat, and your coat, and

your books and your pajamas

Zev Wilon and David Levine lead Chutzpah League with

Zelenetz close behind.

Morse volunteers to clear the ice in the back yard.

Moe : How you say, to cow a milk?

Leibowitz walks into room on first day of term wearing

his 1910 double-breasted suit, gray tie with twenty inch

bottom red and blue flannel hunting shirt topped by his

official Mouseketeer hat.

Morse: Now let's see you do the same thing going up. Fred, the sadist, teaches us Bio. Term to include such atrocities as killing and dissecting a frog painlessly. You don't feel a thing it's the frog who's in agony. What did Gregor Mendel experiment with? Horseradish recipes!

Arluck: You're to read any book on the French Revolu- tion by any lefthanded plumber named Finklestein. An Israeli tailor fixes a British suit for an Egyptian bom Frenchman to look American.

Biohensky: Neanderthal man wasn't much different from us. Just take a short one, give him a haircut and a shave, stick moustache on him, give him a hat, coat, and attache case, and he'll look just like. . . . Student: You!

We get Senor Cantor for Franish. Or is it Spench? Cantor: Where's my pen? Waldoks! You took my Pen! Waldoks: No I didn't Mr. Cantor!

Cantor: Don't tell me! I'm giving you a zero. Whereupon he picked up his pen and gave Waldoks a zero. "Rabbi Z, How was Tom Jones?"

ASMW first comes into being as it is inscribed on Happy's tombstone. Willy : A little rachmonos goes a long way.

We finally get to dissect some frogs Soto eats like

a king for a month.

Archie's philosophy: Would you rather have rats run all over you or have a pendulum split your belly-button? Hoch gives Bo a note explaining why he couldn't do his homework. Bo hands it back the next day with the follow- ing across the top : Sloppy, do over.

Willie hands in Bohensky homework with a play-by-play account of the Knick game and prediction of the Clay- Liston fight.

"The Birds" comes to the movies as some of them zero in on Wulkan and spray him with Ah . . . Ech! Michaels brings chocolate-chip covered mustard sandwich. Wolfson: Rabinowitz, Gypsy Rose Lee's got nothing on you! Physical feat of the season. Leist does J4 of a push-up.

Some book reviews:

Wanted : Dead or Alive Cybuch, Davies and Zelenetz. Experim.ent in Terror Central Girls. Guiding Light Rabbi Dardac.

Looney Tunes sung by Mrs. Shapiro and Leon Lei- bowitz.

Pajama Game starring Willie Cybuch. Dear Yisroel Your son has a scholarship note.

Septy, Spin, Horowitz, Kirsh, Ruby flash by in rapid


Moe: There are 2 things you muset know to do good at

the finals. Idiom, vocabulary and grammar.

Bruce: Mr. Arluck, I think a better title for Silas Marner

would have been: "The Social, Political, and Economic

aspects of a Pre-Victorian Squire!"

Moe : Ah have never been absent. . . .


NEWS' FLASH: Mr. Josef BraiVtl. Cotiri JcSler of the Montague household in Verona, was arraigned in court \-estcrday on charges of baby-slaughtei-. It is unknown wliy the defendant, usually serene, viciously attacked a two- month old baby, sucking its ihunih. while laving, and rant- ing in a Cocknev accent, "Do you bite your thuni at nie sir'?!!

Dootch wants to get rid of l")avies: '"Davies, maybe you; have to take ah picture?"'

Louie: Here's your homework. One, oi' two |)roblems . ., . do one . . . two . . . three . . . try four . .. . five's a nice . . .. skip to fourten . , . hut Iwanl you to come back to ten . . . then you niight want to look at twelve . . aah . . . sixti'cn I challenge you on . . . seventeen . . . well . . .you can't do that ., . . eighteen, I can't do that ... Zuckofl: O.K. Boys, tomoiiow we start \V\V]. During the cotuse of the long, hard day. many of oiu' teachers tend to licco)ue forgetful. One prime example is Mr. Marshal, who vvvv innocently began tcacliing our World History class Fiench. Mr. Zuckoll' walked in and . . . ZuckofT: Hey . . . what's goin' on here????? Marshal: (turning vaiious shades of red, green and purple) Oh . . . er . . . ah . . . As was just telling them to be cjuiet . . .

shades of red, . . As was just



Any girls found in the building will be immediately con- fiscated.

Anyone found fishing in the toilets without a license will be subject to a $30 fine.

Anyone found committing suicide will be expelled. Boys only! OfTenders will be violated.

All survivors of the battle of San Juan Hill, see Mrs. Rosenman after school for details of an essay contest. Pope Pius' Ecumenical Council will meet in room 202 after school. Attendance compulson' all those not attend- ing will be excummunicated.

Zuckerman leaves us for the lure of greener pastures at Lincoln.

. shades of Dunetz!!!

WeisSj when are we getting a Chemistry

Weiss arrives Student: Mr teacher?

Nat Berlat, our lab assistant assisted us on many of our tests. Too bad he assisted us with the wrong answers! Shweppes you Ipsquick!!

Biggest fiasco of all time occurs when Zelenetz, and Davies, "steal" French Final. "Wal, Ah Know they have stealen mah final from the car." Joe T: Cool it boys. Cool it.

Jonas: Now don't get excited or you'll give it away. Joe: We better be careful or those three will get in trouble.

Fish: Oh ... I don't believe it.

Moe: As I have told the other class, my final is stealed. Fish: I believe it! I believe it!

Zelo, Dave & Willie : "Everybody in the bathroom after school and we'll give you copies. But be careful. Don't open it till you get home"!

Zakheim: Yow! They even have an Answer Key!! Joe: Hey, it's a fake! It's a Fake!!!! Jonas: Yeah Where are those three bums! ! ! ! Joe: I knew it all the time . . .

Goldman flips his pen for four hours and gets on Dootch's nerves :

Dootch: Goldman, vot are you ... ah jungler?? Zukoff didn't cotton to our immature actions. One day: Zuckoff : Remind me to bring in some lollipops on Sunday morning."

Zuck: Who did your hair today, Friedman? Roto-rooter? Zuckoff: Here's your homework for tomorrow. Do ques- tions, one, two and three . . . four . . . five, six, seven, eight . . . uh nine, ten . . . and eleven. Also twelve. Student: Mr. ZuckofT, couldn't you just say one through twelve?"

ZuckofT: O.K. Skip number seven. Dootch: Two rungs doesn't make vun goot. Brand: My speed reading course is not compulsory. Now, the homework for tonight : Read, Gone With The Wind, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and any three

volumes of the Encyclopedia Britanica . . .
















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Louie: Learn these formulae by heart, and if necessary,

memorize them.

Dootch: Hayvahntem, Geduld?

Moe is absent for three days. Asks hospital staff to give

him room with unobstructed view of parking lot.

Student: B, D, A, D, B, A, C, B, A . . .

Zuckoff : Hey, what are you doing?

Student: Studying for one of your tests! ! !

ZuckofT: What was the relationship between Lenin and

his brother?

ZuckofT: Katz, would you please move away from the


Katz: I'm trying to get some sun.

ZuckofT: Samet, would you please encourage that pigeon

to go away from the window !


Yat: Hey what's the matter with the lights in this room?

They're getting dimmer.

Class: What are you talking about?

Yat: Help! My eyes are failing me!!!!

Jay: It always gets dark this time of night!

Baron: Everybody sit tight and don't move. This can

turn into a dangerous situation. Wait ... I have a candle

in my desk . . . Hey ! Where'd everybody go . . . ! ! ! !

All in all, the administration was very helpful. It is pitch

black and a tall ominous figure enters the room . . .

ANZ: Mr. Rosenman. Excuse me. The lights don't work.

ANZ: Mr. Zelenetz, Mr, Davies, what are you doing;

running around; the halls. Fifth period has begun; you

should be in class.

Zclo and Dave : We're looking for Mr. Arluck.

ANZ: Mr. Arluck stays from 1st period to third period.

Period !

Baron : Mezrich ... is that my homework you're doing in


Bernie: No. It's mine!

Louie : The next time I need your help, remind me not to

ask for it!

LKS : Rabbi Dardac, How long do you have to wait after

drinking Beer before you can eat beer pretzels?

Yoc: Truly dear boy. What the hell do us birds give a


ANZ catches Willie cutting class . . .

ANZ: Mr. Cybuch, what are you doing here?

Willie: I'm waiting for the bell to ring.

ANZ: Ch . . . for a; second I; thought you were cutting

class . . .






Cooper: Next time you wanna say something, just shut up!

Goldstoff transfers to Rabbi K's class and starts off by


Kenny: Listen Goldstoff ... If you think you can talk

whenever you want in here . . . you're right! I just don't

have the strength to stop you (sob) !

Matty: The highest mark on my report card was my


Bennet: Levine, don't you like this course?

Lcvine: It's not the course, MR. BENNET.'.'

Baron asks Stearn to read and class whispers to him to stand


Baron: (Angry) Look! When I want him to stand up

I'll tell him so!!! , . . Steam, . . . stand up!

What's goin' on Now??!!

Advice from one of our Rebbies . . . Pull down your

pants and see if you make a b'racha I'vatala everyday . . .

Matty: Here's an admit. I wasn't in school the last three


Cooper: Why don't you bring an admit home for when

you're in school?


The New moods walk into The Rabbi's office while he is

in conference with Mr. Levine.

Sam: You know Rabbi, these boys play very well.

ANZ: They do? What do you play?

One new mood : We play folk music.

Another need mood: And at the Chagiga we'll play

Rock 'n' Roll.

ANZ: You play Rock 'n' Roll? Tell me . . . can you

play Nellie, Nellie?

Louie: . . . and then solve for X.

Steve: Why?

Louie: Not Y ... X!

Fink: So Stevey boy, you made State Penn?

Zakheim: Can I get my English book from Kershenbaum?

LKS : Absolutely not dear boy.

Zak: But Mr. Baron will castrate me . . .!!

LKS: So you'll sing male soprano!

Rosenman : May I leave the room?

Baron: Yes ... Is he gone? Quick, before he comes back

turn to Fanny Hill!!

Looie: Some of you may enjoy this topic, some of you

may ignore it, some of you may tolerate it. Then there's

you, Hochberg!

We get sub for Sanders and we all sign sheet of paper for


Sub: All right. Answer when I read off your name. I

guess we can start by crossing off Wilt Chamberlain, Bill

Russel, and Cassius Clay.

Deep voice from back of room: Hey, what ya mean? . . .

R. Bomzer: That's what I thought then . . . But now

that I'm ten years wider . . . er . . . uh . . . wiser . . .!!


Strum: Rabbi, you don't look well today. Would you like

me to proctor the exam?

ANZ: No; it's all right I feel fine; . . . Now, when I say


Moe : Wal, you knoh ah have never been absent . . .


Pesach rolls around and we still have 20 lbs. of cake and

one case of soup left in the concession. What should we


Greeny: Don't worry. I'll take care of it!

Finkelstein: About tomorrow's homework ... is it for


Louie contemplates giving us a test:

Now let's see . . . There's very little I can test you on . . .

but there's even less you can answer! Which just about

sums up our accomplishments in the past four years.



Rabbi A.N. Zuroff ^^B


Candidates for Graduation ^BS^m



The Commancement Exercises represent the climax of four years 1|

of hard

work? 9





The General Organization has the mammoth responsibility of coordinating the numerous extra- curricular activities in YUHSB. Representatives from every class in the school meet bimonthly at Student Council meetings to decide vital issues pertaining to student activities. In addition to the regular meetings, emergency meetings are held on special occasions when need warranted their being held.

The Council raised money largely through the sale of season's passes to basketball games, through admissions to home games, and by ordering the busses which transported students to and from Yugar away games. The funds thus raised were, for the most part, appropriated for use by the numerous student activities. The surplus funds were given to the Elchanite.



Bottom^ Senior representatives. Fall, Left to right: Ira Schmookler, Leo Brandstatter, Morris Waldoks, Barney Blech.

Freshman representatives. Fall, Left to right: Lenny Hirsch, Shmerl Widowski, Matthew Weinstock, Richard


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Left to right: Cary Sprung, David Berkowitz, Phillip Orbuch, Irving Wizenfeld, Joel Friedman, Jeffrey Garber.


It is also the job of the G.O. to set up and run the myriad assemblies during the course of the year. It is to the credit of Fall Term President Marvin Monheit that he arranged an assembly where representatives of John Lindsay and Abra-

Faculty Advisor Mr. Joseph Strum.

Left to right: Matthew Weinstock, Murray Jonas, Harry Arem, Lenny Hirsch, Mark Bernstein.

Junior representatives Spring, Left to ugkl: .Han Leben- baum, Mendel Shapiro, Joel Friedman, Philip Orbuch, Cary Sprung, Irving Wizenfeld.

Right to left. Spring term: President Alan Zelenetz, Vice President Barney Blech, Secretary Treasurer William Schechter.

Executive Council

ham Beame, then candidates for the mayoralty of New York, spoke before the senior class. In addi- tion to this assembly, there were the annual open G.O. meeting, a basketball rally, numerous de- bates, and High School Bowl meets.

Spring Term President Zelenetz has to his credit the inception of the Movie and Record Commis- sions. The former provided the student body and the faculty with many films which were both edu- cational and entertaining in nature. The latter gave the students an opportunity to purchase records at greatly reduced prices.

Mr. Joseph Strum. Advisor to the Student Coun- cil, attended every meeting and was invaluable in the assistance he gave to the Council by help- ing to keep the meetings running smoothly.

Fall Term, Left to right: President Matty Monheit, Vice President Alan Zelenetz, Secretary Treasurer David Portoivicz.



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Left to right, Heads: Michael Shmidman, Heshy Pincus.

Rabbi Avrohom Cohen.

One of the most active student organizations in the school is the Yeshiva Organization Com- mission. Under the leadership of this year's heads, Michael Shmidman and Heshy Pincus, the Y.O.C. successfully coordinated all the religious activities of the Yeshiva. Included in its program are the Minyan, Mishmar, and the Kashruth Commis- sion.

The Minyan, led by adviser Rabbi Faivushevitz, H. Pincus, M. Geduld, and E. Singer, is attended by sixty boys each morning. After the davening, breakfast is served by the Elchanite concession. Rabbi Cohen, with the assistance of A. Birnbaum officiates at the Mishmar, where students are given a chance to review their Talmud lessons every Thursday evening.

An important function of the Y.O.C. is the Kashruth Commission. Headed by M. Shmidman and L. Karp, the commission makes sure that all foods sold in the Yeshiva are strictly kosher. Let- ters are sent periodically to the producers of these products to see that they comply with the highest standards of Kashruth. Material obtained from the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations is distributed to the student bodg.

Tzedakah plays a big part in YOC activities. This year's YU charity drive was an unprecedented success, raising over $1000 for worthy chraities. Once again, the YOC undertook the sale of matzoh products for Passover. The Pesach Provi- sions Committee, headed by B. Nusbacher, dis- tributed the supplies to the student body.

Left to righl. Top row: Irving Birnbaum, Harry Arem, Quincy Widowski. Middle row: Jesse Horowitz, Howard Finklestein, Leon Karp, Melvyn Geduld, Heshy Billet, Jacob Rand, Mendel Shapiro, Michael Friend, Joel Yarmak, David Warshaw, Solomon Hochberg, David Portowicz, Elliot Singer. Bottom row: Joel Hirsch, Phillip Waldoks, Richard Zelenetz, Dov Primer, Avram Malek, Dov Zakheim.



Left to right: Vice President Jonas Lew, President Jacob Rand, Secretary Dov Zakheim.

Seeking to live up to its name as "the best," YUHSB's branch of the National Honor Society, embarked upon an extensive program to better YUHSB. Book reports and Talmudic disserta- tions were periodically placed on its newly ac- quired bulletin board. In addition to the two induction assemblies, where underclassmen be- came acquainted with the ideals of Arista, there was also an Arista sponsored career speech given to the seniors, which hopefully helped them to make the important choice between colleges. Arista members continued to help their fellow students with their studies and strove always to maintain academic excellence throughout YUHSB.


Arista inductees. Left to right, Down: Sam Sacher, Sigmund Handelman, Ira Michaels, Elliot Singer, David Baye- witz, Mark Kaplan, Paul Bronner, Jack Warman.

Faculty Advisor Rabbi Fred Bohensky.

Left to right, Down: Gad Schwartz, Alan Lebenbaum, Harry Weissman, Michael Silber, Heshy Billet, Leon Karp, Ira Widman, Mendel Shapiro, Jack PlamhoU, Leo Brandstatter.

Left to right: Aaron Kershenbaum, Melvyn Geduld, David Portowicz.









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The Topics

Left to right. Top row: Richard Zelenetz, Jack Lebewohl, Ira Widman, Eli Shapiro, Irwin Mansdorf. Bottom row: David Levine, Alan Zelenetz.

Tlie Topics, YUHSB 's month- ly newspaper, continued in its noble tradition as one of YUH- SB's oldest and finest publica- tions and maintained its posi- tion of literary exeellance under the expert leadership of Dov Zakheim. Jay C4runfeld's ever- popular feature articles con- tinued to be favorites among the student body, while Sports Slunts, by Steve Weinstock, gave us a clear over-all picture of events around the lY. The pho- tography of Dave Levine and Neil Liest livened up every is- sue with numerous action shots and candids. Poet Laiireate Lip- sehitz's poetry and Alan Zelen- etz 's cartoons rounded out every issue making the Topics truly excellent in every way. The Orkydirkle, in the'true tradition of Purim issues, split many sides with its humorous treatment of the school. On a more sei'ious note, wei'e the timely editorials dealing both with YUHSB and with the Jewish community as a


Not only did the Topics come out five times, more than it ever did for the last three years, but it also published two six page issues, a feat unprecedented in Yl'HSB history.

The Topics Poll was revised this year to cover issues never

touched in previous polls and to eliminate some of the areas which did not produce informa- tive results in past years. For the first time, the students were polled on specific information. They were asked to identify va- rious prominent people in di- versified fields, such as Andy Warhol, Doctor Rock, and Ru- dolf Nuriyev. The opinion ques- tions were expanded to include many controversial topics such as narcotics, smoking, Vietnam, and the voting age. The tradi- tional ' ' Favorite Teacher ' ' ques- tions appeared again, although such questions as, "How to im- prove the school," were not in- cluded as the responses were chaotic last year. The responses to the revised poll were infor- mative, and it is hoped that the format innovated in this year's poll will be continued.

Left to right. Standing: Michael Friend, Steve Weinstock, Dave Davies, David Kaufman. Seated: Neil Leist, Editor-in-Chief Dov Zakheim.

Left to righiTEaitor-in Josef Brand.


■Chief^Dov Zakheim, Faculty Aavt:






Left to right. Top row: Neil Nusbaum, Elliot Singer, Irving Birnbaum. Bottom row: Jacob Rand, Editor-in-Chief Jack Flamholz, David Reis.

Left to right. Standing: Neil Nusbaum, Michael Handler, Elliot Singer, Richard Schiffmiller. Seated: Alan Zelenetz, Mark Kaplan, Editor-in-Chief David Kaufman, Leon Karp, Moishe Waldoks.




Left to right. Standing: Michael Silber, William Cybuch. Seated: Jeffrey Greenstein, Mark Kaplan, Editor-in-Chief Dov Zakheim, Editor-in-Chief Siggy Handelman, Alan Zelenetz, Jacob Rand.

Left to right. Standing: Paul Bronner, Ira Michaels, Jacob Rand, Samuel Freund. Seated: Michael Silber, Editor-in-Chief Samuel Lifschitz, Editor- in-Chief Abe Kempler, Ira Newman.




Quality and quantity were the trademarks of YUHSB's minor publications. Subject matter ranged from languages and literature to math and mussar.

The ATOM, magazine of modern science, pre- sented scientific problems and essays.

The world of numbers was explored in the CORROLARY, the paper for the mathematics minded.

The DIALECT specialized in languages. Essays were in Hebrew, English, and French.

FOCUS was a topical publication, pushing for a rebirth of school spirit. It spotlighted on a dif- ferent topic each issue.

YOC positions on various issues were stated in HAKOL. Divrai torah and mussar were also featured.

Creative writing filled the pages of the REVIEW, YUHS's literary magazine. Its excellent


essays were enjoyed by the entire student body.

Articles of Jewish interest written in both Hebrew and English filled the SIFRIYON.

The YUGAR concentrated on basketball. Prob- ably the most circulated periodical, the YUGAR was given out free at Varsity home games.

Left to right, Top row: Abe Kempler, Harry Weissman, Leon Karp, Mendel Shapiro, Dov Zakheim, Harry Arem, Bottom row: David Portowicz, Jacob Rand, Editor-in-Chief David Warshaw, Editor-in-Chief Dave Davies, Melvyn Geduld, Alan Zelenetz.


Left to right. Standing: David Bayewitz, Steven Weinstock, Joseph Tischler, Billy Schechter. Seated: David Warshaw, Editor-in-Chief Ira Widman, Editor-in-Chief Michael Shmid- man, Irwin Mansdorf.



Left to right. Standing: Joseph Zawadzki, Abe Kempler, Harry Arem, Michael Silber, Mendel Shapiro. Seated: Jack Flamholz, Samuel Lif- schitz, Jacob Rand, Editor-in-Chief Melvyn Geduld, Mark Rand, David Bayewitz.


Under the leadership of Faculty Advisor Mr. R. E. Bassel, Supervisor Bruce Fader and Heads Ira Newman and Jack Warman, the English Library has expanded its resources more this year than any other year in the past.

Among the outstanding achievements of the year were the receiving and processing of more than 400 new volumes, the institution of two en- tirely new squads, a magazine squad to correlate all the periodical material and a maintenance squad to repair damaged books. New squads have realized their expected goals and have firmly emplanted themselves in the library organiza- tion. The circulating of over 1,000 volumes among the student body was a shining example of school service.

The English Library is the school's largest em- ployer, having nearly forty upper and lower class- men working on its six squads during the school year.



Left to right. Top row: Jack Warman, Ira Newman. Bottom row: Bruce Fader, Faculty Advisor Mr. Robert Bassel.


Left to right: Joel Fruchter, Jesse Horowitz, Solomon Waldoks.

-, Ira Weg, Phillip

Left to right. Standing: Joshua Rosenthal, David Reis, Joseph Hershkovits, Joseph Traub. Seated: Joseph Silberklang, Joseph Zawadzki, Mark Kaplan, David Berkowitz.

Under the organizational skill of Rabbi Joseph Epstein, the Hebrew Library has greatly expanded from its humble beginnings to what is now a five thousand volume collection.

Now in its fifteenth year of existence, the library's principle purpose is to supply the Roshei Yeshiva with reference works in order to supple- ment their shiurim. It, of course, also caters to individual student's needs through its circulation department. Ably led by Harry Weissman and Jacob Rand, the library attained new heights as an institution for the promotion of learning in our school.

^ "^




Left to right. Standing: Harry Arem, Leo Brandstatler, Irving Salom, Moishe Waldoks, Dov Zakheim. Seated: Jonas Lew, Head Harry Weissman, Head Jacob Rand, David Warshaw.


The class of '66 is proud that it maintained the fine tradition of its predecessors. Both its Chanu- kah and Purim Chagigot delighted the student body with their witty and often satirical humor. Moving away from the trite and hackneyed themes of school life, the writers succeeded in their attempt to spoof many erstwhile institutions such as "Batman" and "Jungle Jim". Under the leadership of heads D. Davies, M. Waldoks, and J. Grunfeld and assistant head A. Zelenetz, the two Chagigot this year surpassed many of previous years in entertainment and humor.

The Chanuka Chagiga began with an inspiring message from Rabbi ANZ, was followed by songs from the glee club, and a comedy monologue by H. Baumgarten. The band, under the leadership of A. D. Davies, A. Zelenetz and J. Grunfeld, was a huge success at both chagigot. They played many popular songs and delighted the audience. The highlight of the night, following the senior songs, was the skit "Jungle Jim Goes Hawaiian" and described the whole purpose of YUHSB "getting students to go to YU." All decorating and props were created by the students under the leadership of Mike Freidman.

The Purim Chagiga followed with the same

Lejt to right: George Mezei, Solomon Hochherg, Moishe U^aldoks


Left to right: Dov Frimer, Steve Roth, Joseph Zzveiter, Jacob Appleman, David Bayewitz Dov Zakheim, Benne Mezrich, Dave Levine, Michael Friend, David Steam, Jesse Horowitz George Lefkowitz, Phillip Waldoks.

enthusiasm. This time Rabbi Bomzer started the evening with a spiritual message, and was followed by the seniors' pride, Sam Lifshitz, who gave a rendition of his own poetry. Together with the glee club and the band, which was at its best, the writers offered an uproariously humorous skit satirizing the popular Batman T.V. series. The Purim Chagiga amid raves and cheers ended the entertainment for the year.

Left to right: Paul Davies, John Brand, George Zeleneiz, Ringo Grunfeld.

This year YUHSB again played an integral part in the I.Y. Under the leadership of Moishe Wal- doks and Jay Grunfeld, YUHSB was ably repre- sented in the many I.Y. meetings, as well as in the skirmishes with the administration. One last- ing effect of this year's YUHSB affiliation is the acquisition of a new status, non-paying member. This meant that YUHSB would participate in all scheduled events but not expend any funds to the student run council. The other Yeshivas partici- pating in the activities are Flatbush, YUHSM, Ramaz, HILI, YCQ, and RJJ, an amalgamation to be proud of.

Left to right: Senior representative Morris Waldoks, Junior repre- sentative William Schechter, Senior representative Jay Grunfeld.

In addition to a well rounded program, an lY newspaper was published and distributed to member-schools. An lY essay contest was also held and prizes were awarded. YUHSB and the Class of 1966 should be proud of the teams and captains nobly participating in all phases of I.Y. competitions.



High School Bowl Managers, Left to right, Fall Term: David Levine. Spring Term: Eli Shapiro.

-his year has witnessed another tremendous rise in the popularity of High School Bowling, both on the varsity and intramural level. The intramural H.S. Bowl games, ably set up by Fall Team High School Bowl Manager D. Levine and Spring Term High School Manager E. Shapiro, using the questions formulated by the Varsity Team, has attracted more interest than any other school activity except basketball.

The Varsity Team, which for the first time has been run on a rotation basis, has lived up to ex- pectations and has completed the most successful season in the team's history, scoring victories against HILI, RJJ, MTA, and defeated by Flat- bush and HILI. As this article goes to press the team is tied for first. The high point in the sea- son was reached when the team defeated the seemingly unbeatable faculty team, which had defeated last year's Varsity.

Special praise is due for J. Flamholz who both in attitude and knowledge has been a tremendous asset to the team. Flamholz, along with L. Karp, will captain next year's team and there is every reason to believe that they will lead the team to even greater heights.



Captain Bruce Fader.

Left to right: Jacob Rand, Michael Silber, Eli Shapiro, Jack Flamholz.

Left to right: Leon Karp, Ira Newman, David Levine, Dov Zakheim.


Due to the tireless efforts of Debating Managers David Kaufman and Stuart Francis, YUHSB in- tramural debating enjoyed an unusual amount of popularity. Interesting topics and efficient man- agement overcame the usual apathy that had shrouded our debating program in recent years.


Even the normally lackadaisical seniors partici- pated, and helped make this a season of few for-, feits.

The four grades are divided into the junior and senior divisions. The round-robin schedule even- tually leads to a playofT between the two divisions, before an assembly. This year, the class debating format was revised to include a question period by the audience.

The debating program also included Varsity and Junior Varsity teams that competed with other schools in the Inter Yeshiva League. As a recent innovation, the members of the Varsity elect a cajDtain to take care of interscholastic de- bates. The first captain was Leo Brandstatter ('64- '65) and David Stearn was captain this past season.

This year, the Varsity debates sparked much interest through controversial topics dealing with such matters as: United States involvement in Vietnam, our role in the Dominican Republic, and nationalization of the railroads. It is hoped that future Managers and captains will maintain student intrest in debating.

Left to Tight: Stuart Francis, David Stearn, David Kaufman.

Standing, Left to right: Richard Schiffmiller, Dov Frimer, Alfred Neugut, Joel Fruchter, David Wolfson, Michael Handler, Jacob Rand, Neil Nusbaum, Dov Zakheim. Seated: Jesse Cogan, Harry Arem, Aaron Kershenbaum, Morris Waldoks, Richard Zelenetz.




Left to right. Top row: Aaron Kershenbaum, Jeffrey Greenstein, Sigmund Handelman, Eli Shapiro, David Kaufman, Neil Leist, Jacob Rand. Left, column from top: Martin Templeman, Jack Flamholz, Barney Blech, Joseph Zawadzki, Mark Rand, Jack Warman, Neil Nusbaum. Right, column from top: Melvyn Geduld, Ira Michaels, Jeffrey Garber, Morris Apfelbaum, Avram Malek, Jacob Appleman, Michael Handler.

Advisor, Rabbi Louis Cooper

The Yuclids, under the able leadership of Mr. L. Cooper and co-captains S. Handelman and A. Ker- shenbaum, maintained a , fine record finishing in the top half of the Interscho- lastic Math League, a league composed of public and private high schools in the New York area. The popularity of the Yuclids has given rise to a new in- tramural sport, the Math Bowl which will hopefully supply the team with many able members in the future.

5^ 1 /




Although only one player remained from last year's championship teams, the Yuchex and Chessmen staged a miraculous rally to finish first and second respectively, in I.Y. competition. Sparked by Captain Norman Horowitz, unde- feated and untied in both chess and checkers competitions, the teams' new blood displayed their unique playing qualities under pressure.

Standing: Captain Norman Horowitz. Seated, Left side, down: Heshy Pincus, Gad Schwartz, Lenny Mezei. Right side, down: Abraham Rosenzweig, David Kaufman, Solomon Hochberg, Barney Blech, George Mezei, Ira Michaels.

Standing: Captain Norman Horowitz. Left side down: Raphael Kaminer, Heshy Pincus, Lenny Mezei. Right side down: Ira Michaels, David Kauf- man, Barney Blech.



The Concession, in its second year under stu- dent auspices, had a most successful year, netting over $800, and thereby made a substantial con- tribution to the Elchanite which received a large portion of the profits. Under the aegis of Siggy Handelman, Jeff Greenstein, and Dave Davies, the Concession met the nutritive needs of the stu- dent body, serving breakfast to the minyon-goers, lunch to everyone, and supper to the basketball team. The greatest volume of business, however, was done in snacks such as Ring Dings and Fruit Doodles, which kept the student body going throughout the long school day.

Left to right: Jeffrey Greenstein, Dave Davies, Sigmund Handelman.


With the growing number of assemblies and teaching demonstrations, the role of the Audio- Visual Squad has grown greatly. Led by Alan Zelenetz and Dave Davies, the squad kept the microphones, record players and movie projectors in working order and made sure they were where they were needed when they were needed. With- out their help, the debates, High School Bowl meets, Chagigot, and numerous other functions could not have been the great successes which they were.


Times and Tribune

Left to right: David Steam, Jay Grunfeld, Head: Alan Zelenetz, Head: Dave Davies, Bernie Mezrich.

Left to right: Harry Weissman, Eli Shapiro, Akiva Wulkan, Abe Rosenzweig.

Satisfied customers all.


Gary Waltuch

For YUHSB basketball fans, the 1965-66 MJHSL season started off with a bang. In the an- nual pre-season Alumni game, the Yugars trounced a strong Alumni team 89-70. Four Yu- gars hit double figures in this game, led by Cap- tains Benzon and Lew who put in 21 and 17 points respectively.

In the league opener against Flatbush, the other two seniors on the team, Mike Friend and Gary Waltuch led the Yugars to a superb 73-60 victory. The Yugars went on to win in their next four games, downing Elizabeth, Ramaz, Hili, and Flatbush. Thus, at the halfway point of the season the Yugars owned a 5-0 record, and first place in the MJHSL.

Following a loss and a victory in two exhibition games, the Yugars entered the Hili Invitational Tournament. After an easy victory over St. Fran- cis Prep in the tourney opener, the Yugars topped Hili 56-49 to gain first place in the tournament. Norm Benzon, Yugar captain was chosen MVP of the tournament. This marked the first time in YUHSB history that the Yugars had won the championship in this annual event

The second half of the season can be summed


Coach Irv Forman

Left to right: Howard Hershenov, Irving Wizenfeld, Steven Simon, Cary Sprung, Alan Lebenbaum, Alan Springer.

Managers: Left to right: Aaron Kershenbaum, Ronald Rothblatt, Jack Flamholz, David Warshaw, David Kaufman, Dov Zakheim.

.up by the word "injury." In the all-important MTA game Mike Friend suffered a torn cartilage, and against Hili Jonas Lew badly injured his shoulder. Plagued by these injuries and other minor ailments, the Yugars went on to drop 3 of their last five games. In the post season playoffs Flatbush and Hili defeated YUHSB, and the team which had been picked by many to win the championship was forced to settle for a third place finish.


Alumni 70

Flatbush 60

Elizabeth 50

Ramaz 49

Hili 46

Flatbush 63

Consumer Boys Act. 74

RJJ 48

St. Francis 36

Hili 49

Hili 48

MTA 52

Adelphi 83

Ramaz 41

Elizabeth 74

MTA 70

Hili 58

Flatbush 48 L— 7


















W— 11

* exhibition ** league playoff *** Hili Invitational Touniam( nt

SCORING Benzon— 212 Lew— 209 ^Valtuch— 234 Friend— 100

On the way to MTA.


The swimming team, placing a close second to Flatbush in a tight lY race, rolled up impressive victory scores against YUHSM, RAMAZ, and RJJ and were in keeping with the tradition of strong YUHSB swim teams.

Leading the team this year were its captains, Matty Monheit and Steve Weinstock. Monheit broke every existing lY backstroke record and swam freestyle as well, while Weinstock eclipsed three school freestyle records this year and won consistently at 50 and 100 yards. Both captains were varsity swimmers for four years and both had hands in leading the team to three previous championships.

Senior swimmers Norm Benzon, freestyle, Jonas Lew, breastroke, and ace backstroker Bernie Mez- rich swam with great success and undergraduates J. Yarmak, M. Kline, L. Shusterman, J. Wein- berg, J. Kowalski, S. Wilner and M. Weinstock gave the team the needed push to victor\'. Senior manager Jay Grunfeld again turned in an out- standing year as timekeeper and statistician.

Captains Matty Monheit, Steve Weinstock.




























Top TOW, Left to right: Larry Shusterman, Irwin Levenbrown, David Hollander, Jeff Bronheim, Mark Kline, Sol Wilner, Joel Yarmak, Matty Weinstcck, Jerry Kowalski, Jerry Weinberg. Sitting: Bernie Mezrich, Captain Steve Weinstock, Captain Matty Monheit, Manager Jay Grunfeld. Floor: Manager Harold Baumgarten, Jonas Lew, Norman Benzon, Manager Richie Zelenetz.


j.v. yugars

Standing, Left to right: David Lerner, Menachem Taubus, Jesse Cogan, Mark Bernstein, Danny Freedberg, Chuck Levner, Gary Kaufman, Dave Wolfson, Izzy Posner, Irving Thorn, Marc Kaplow, Alan Bernstein. Seated: Willy Weinreb, Dave Schildkraut, Jay Wydowsky, David Martin, Joel Hirsch, Alan Rosenberg, Manager Stuie Mermelstein.


Top row, Left to right: Irwin Levenbrown, Neil Nekrich, Abe Rosenzweig, Irwin Richman, Dov Zakheim, Lenny Mezei, Irving Birnbaum, Arthur Wein, Isadore Kaplow. Bottom row: Captains Gad Schwartz and Joe Hershkovitz.


The Junior Yugars, coached by former YUHSB front court star Hal Brettstein, began rather slowly but came on to place second in the standings just behind YUHSM.

High scoring Brett, who attends Hunter College, shaped the team into a cohesive unit which pro- duced many top stars. M. Taubus, the team's lead- ing scorer and rebounder, R. Deutsch a jumping jack forward, and W. Weinreb, a backcourt play- maker are all top varsity prospects.

With a good crop of freshmen ballplayers re- turning and the wealth of talent possessed by Coach Brettstein, a championship is a distinct pos- sibility for next year.

A new outlet for student energies and support is the Yusox. After capturing a league title last year, the Yusox hope to continue in this vein in the 1966 season. Captained by Joseph Hershko- vitz, the soccermen suffered an exhibition loss but are optimistic about the upcoming season. Seniors Abe Rosensweig, Dov Zakheim and Gad Schwartz should help make this a season to remember in I.Y. competition.


The Cindermen, YUHSB's Track Team, are once again looking forward to a highly successful season. This year interest in track has risen, as .witnessed by the surprisingly large turnout at practices. The team tied for first place in the Jewish Press Track Meet last year and hopes to rise to greater heights this year under the leader- ship of Co-Captains D. Zakheim, G. Schwartz, and A. Kershenbaum.


As YUHSB's version of our national pastime, the Softball team posted an impressive record both in league play as well as in exhibition contests. Led by Captains Bruce Fader and Leo Brand- statter, the team was composed of a strong infield and an exceptionally fast outfield. However, the most consistent aspect of this year's team proved to be its hitting. Thanks to continued practices on Friday afternoon and lunchtime catches during the week this year's softball team proved to be one of the strongest in LY. history.

Top row, Left to right: Neil Nekrich, Michael Silber, Irwin Levenbrown, Bill Schecter, Abe Rosenzweig, Norm Benzon, George Lejkovits, Dave Berkowitz, Irwin Richman, Bruce Fader, Steven Roth. Bottom row: Captains Aaron Kershenbaum, Gad Schwartz, Dov Zakheim.

Left to right. Standing: David Lerner, Gary Kaufman, Joel Hirsch, Ronald Rothblatt, Steven Friedman, Burt Gottesman. Seated: Paul Bloom, Alan Rosenberg, Harry Arem, Irving Birnbaum, Sheldon Rosen.

Left to right. Top row: Joseph Krause, Paul Bronner, Hymie Katz, Jonas Lew, Irwin Levenbrown, Hymie Goldstoff, Michael Shmidman. Bottom row: Captain Leo Brandstatter, Manager Harold Rabinowitz, Captain Bruce Fader.



Intramural activities are unique among extra- curricular affairs in that underclassmen participate in them more extensively than in any other of the school's activities. In most instances, the school is divided, for intramural purposes, into a junior division, composed of freshmen and sophomores, and a senior division, composed of juniors and sen- iors. In this way, it is hoped that underclassmen will get the best chance of participating in intra- murals in an equitable atmosphere.


William Schechter

Philip Orbuch.

In the Fall Term athletic program this year, innovation was the by-word. Under the capable direction of Bill Schechter, three second lanes were painted on the basketball courts. This innovation had a profound influence upon the school cham- pionship, an honor garnered by Class 7A.

Allstar games were also introduced, and the season's greatest upset occurred, in one such game when the Junior Allstars upset the Seniors in a very exciting game.

Leit to right: Abe Rosensweig, Leo Brandstatter, Irwin Levenbrown, Mike Friedman, Steve Weinstock, Jack Lebenski, Irwin Richman, Mike Friend.




In the gridiron sport, Class IB won the junior division championship while Class 8B won the senior division and school championships using, for the first time, a school owned football.

For the sports expert, Mr. Schechter started the Sports Bowl, a contest that matches the parti- cipants' knowledge of the world of sports. In a suprising finish, the junior division champions, Class 3B, beat Class 5A for the school champion- ship.

Junior Division Champs -Class 3 A

Senior Division Champs - Class 7B

Left to right: Eli Shapiro, Bruce Fader, Gary Waltuch, Dave Levine, Paul Bronner, Dov Zakheim, Mike Shmidman, Aaron Kershenbaum.



High School Bowl

School Champs -Class 3 A

from each class were given the chance to pit their minds against those of their fellow students. Class 3A emerged victorious in the battle of the brains this year and won the school championship.

In short, the 1965-66 intramural program was one of the most successful ever.

Spring Term Athletic Manager Phil Orbuch kept the good work up, as basketball, softball, bowling and ping-pong intramurals were held. In Mr. Orbuch's term, metal nets were bought for the basketball hoops for the first time.

Debating intramurals enjoyed unusual success as there were exceptionally few forfeits. This was due primarily to the interesting topics put up for debate. Class 3A copped the junior division crown, while Class 7A won in the senior circuit and emerged victorious in the school championship.

High School Bowl intramurals were the fastest- growing of all intramurals in YUHSB. Students


Junior Division Champs - Class 3 A



Right to lejt: Spmnella Kershenbaum, Cue-stich Kelly.


Left to right. Standing: Little Orphan Moishie, Green Hornet Gary, Krazy Kat Kempler, Spiderman Shapiro. Seated: Wonder Woman Weinstock, Bozo Barney, Gilligan's Grunfeld, Lex Levine, Daredevil Dick, Smilin' Jack Warman, Shazam Zelo.




An innovation to the activities of the lY, the Trivia Bowl proved to be one of the most popular of Yeshiva sports.

Trivia is played by a panel of five students each from three participating schools. Questions are asked of each school in turn and one point is awarded for each correct answer. Such questions include, "What was the color of Elmer Fudd's shoe?" and "what was the name of Pat Brady's jeep?"

This year's team, led by comics' expert Abe Kempler, TV buff Jay Grunfeld, and the overall trivia-mindedness of Dave Levine rolled up an impressive record.

Following in the tradition of last year's unde- feated "touchtackle" football team, this year's team rolled up an equally high victory total and again reigned undefeated.

The defense, headed by B. Mezrich, M. Mon- heit, J. Grunfeld, J. Lew, and J. Krause proved solid while the offensive backfield of G. Waltuch, S. Weinstock, and B. Fader produced many an exciting run. "Red dogging" linebackers D. Levine, L. Brandstatter and A. Kershenbaum kept the opposition "honest" and helped the team to vic- tory.



Left to right. Back rqw: Y. A. Bronner, Kersh Kershenbaum, Legs Zakheim, Joe T. Tischler, Peroxide Weinstock, Mumbles Sha/iiro. Middle row: Walt Waltuch. Front row: Lew Jonas, Booboo Fader, Lip Brandstatter, Herbert W. Krause, Lance Grunfeld, Big Zoondel Levine, Creps Reinfeld, Dick the Stick Benzon.



Pillow: Jolly Jeff. Ponies, Left to right: Miriam Monheit, Ling-Lang Lip, B.O. Bernie, Happy Heshy. Jumpers, Left to right: Itzy-bitsy Itzy, Moishe Fink, Luigi T., Arm and leg: Aaron Kershenbaum, Cuzin' Jay from Jersey.

The most popular of the Activities-in-Exile once again proved to be hockey. While blocking the op- position's shots and ducking ANZ's raids, the school's hockey buffs managed to get in a fine season of play. Ever gaining popularity, hockey may eventually take its rightful place among YUHSB's legitimate sports.





Fischer Knit Finishers, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Goodman

Dr. & Mrs. S. J. Finkelstein

Mr, & Mrs. Leonard Friedman

Mr. & Mrs. S. Davidowitz

Mr. & Mrs. Morton Davis

M. Klein Glat Kosher Meats

Rabbi & Mrs. Norman Strizower

Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Lichter

Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Charnoff

Samuel Bauer & Sons, Inc.

New Bedfoixi Thread Co., Inc.

Paramount Mimeographing & Mailing Co.

Leibowitz Fruits & Vegetables

Mr. & Mrs. David Lew & Family

Mr. & Mrs. L. Hershkowitz

Mr. & Mrs. A. Cybuch & Daughter

Mr. Samuel Leibowitz

Joseph Altman

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Tand

Kenmore Bowling

Lowy Family Samuel Rand & Family Clear View Opticians Hershey & Paul Fruit Store

Associated Food Store Simon Geldwerth David Wax Universal Meat Market

Discount City Mr. David Leibowitz Spinella's Billiard Parlor Independent Chemical Corp. Mr. & Mrs. M. Mezrich S. Leibowitz & Co.


Gustave Geffroy

Auouste Rodin

A life of toil a life of joy. A life of happiness and laughter. A life of despair and lost hope. A life of bringing up your kids and sending them to school. A life of working at your job day in, day out. A life of relaxation, leisure time, plays, musicals, concerts, the men's club. A life of strain and pressure, bills, and taxes, sicknesses, acci- dents. And soon the kids had grown up and time had flown faster than ever and again another phase was over. Something new was taking place. Life was slower and one felt older. . . .

Dov Zakheim


Red Sun Red Cape

Ole! Guitars Sounding Drums Pounding! Incense of Myrrh, Myrtle, and Thyme!

Red Sun. Red Cape. The great matador swings wide a scarlet cape of fire and the thick boweled bull bounds blindly at flashes of red sun and flashes of red cape wildly the beast hits punctures pierces the center of flesh and blood. Ole. guitars sounding drums pwunding. incense of myrrh, myrtle, and thyme. Red Sun. Red Cape, red fighter.

Alan N. Zelenetz

The Lord of the Oxe


Roaring, rampant, raging red, El toro snorts and swings about In all his sweaty majesty.

His drooling, ringed, regal shout Snorts, and swipes the roasting dust, Exploding clouds around his head. While fiery cinders scorch his mouth And sear his eyes like flaked rust. Lord of the oxen, for the galleries to see. Circling the arena ridiculously.

Blazing, slick vermilion swirls,

El Matador comes prancing round

In bright, effeminate symmetry

And toro hears the hums abound,

Nebulous in greasy gleam.

From stinking men and driveling girls

And the oxen-stalls around.

Gelded oxen a bull do deem

Lord of the oxen monarch for he

Was spared his masculinity.

Male he is; Lord he will die. In the rusty circle midst the maze Of seething sand where he will try To see his slim tormentor's face, Mustachioed, lean and threatening pain. 'Neath the sagging soggy sky He comes, grinning in the haze, Onward. Onward! Onward again

Lord of the oxen swims in his sea Of raging, royal symmetry.

Ira Newman



The sun rose out of the horizon into the clear blue eastern sky, shedding its golden rays upon the land. It was once a beautiful land, a land with trees and birds and men. Today there were no trees, no birds, no men.

Especially no men. They made sure of that, those fools who thought they could improve the world by dropping the bomb. Now all that was left was soot, ashes, rubble.

Because of a few petty differences in ideology, a few lusty men destroyed in a few minutes what it took G-d eons to create.

The sun slid behind a cloud. For a few moments, its rays no longer bathed the Earth in their golden light. But no one knew; no one cared. The sun might just as well have been gone forever.

Aaron Kershenhaum



A puissance draws him on,

As, naught but lodestone, he is caught up.

In a frenzied circle of unceasing affinity.

A girl, nay, many winter months have passed,

A woman beckons him,

Who departed a child and returns a man.

His numb feet press into the hard, white snow carpetting the vastness about him. And the crystalline glitter upon his eyes casts light upon a frozen tear, A tear of happiness.

Now he has reached the town he bade goodbye so many years before,

When the bugles and war drums had carried him off into their dissident world.

Where harmony was man killing man and music was screaming.

He enters through the gate from which he had passed.

At sixteen into the hostility of war,

And strangely, as in self-portent. The words of the immortal flash through his mind,

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here."

And suddenly obsessed with these words he stumbles. The wanderer who has reached his destination stumbles. Upon a grave.

"Here lies she . . . dead . . . her man had gone to war."

He forgets all words. And lies upon her grave, And the snow begins to fall.

And he dies, sleeping with his love under the white blanket of snow feather,

For not only had the war taken youth from the child,

But life from the man.

And left a wanderer never to consummate his love.

Save in Paradise.

Alan N. Zelenetz


Day, night;

Are these the skies 'neath which I strolled, The beam-bathed trees 'neath which I lolled? Where goes the Sun's life rendering light? What instinct moves this creature night.

Youth, years;

Is this the man? Is this the mind

That thought that someday I would find

What nature moves the land, the sea.

The winds that howl inside of me?

To know that day would end so soon, To hear the distant bays at noon ! Would I still have slept and dreamt, Till all the day was gone, ill spent? But day will come, unheralded as night. Again I'll drift into sweet respite.

And yet my queries met no end.

No wiser am I now than when

I saw the sky of the setting sun

And thought "G-d's ways will ne'er be known.'

Thus, all I've learned is that all is His.

(Perhaps that's just what wisdom is.)



Ira Newman

The questions and the answers

They buzz in my skull like flies.

They puncture my peace of hot breezes and swaying grass,

My icy serenity of cardboard cups and soda faucets of

sweating chrome, Of slinky afternoon shadows of trees and tall buildings. They drone cuttingly, 'incessantly, infernally. Flies sawing electrically at the dungheap And I am at their mercy.

And now, you howling hordes of questioners,

How can I solve your woes and whys.

Your cesspool of generalizations?

For I have heard before these doubts and queries

And already I have seen their answerers.

I have seen them in sopping, pebbly parking-lots, kicking wildly, ridiculously, like crushed cockroaches in the dank and wobbly glimmer of the street-lamps.

I have seen them at midnight, groveling naked on the Coney Island beaches, sucking and scratching the sand, screaming hideously, violently inching away from the onrush of the merry brown waters.

I have seen them.

I cannot make reply.

The questions and the answers

That murmur deep in my guts like flies

That fatten on my vitals like flies

They belch up deeply the steaming, putrefying blasts

Circling the park benches, swirling in the trash flurries, searching;

Raging and stinking in the slithering rush-hour conglo- meration of spider)- greenery, rotting and smoulder- ing, neighbor fingering neighbor obscenely;

Cornering the carousel, the sickening cacaphony, the laughter of the children, the sneering little horses striving for an ending, begging for an ending, sinking in the vortex.

Spinning, perfumy, bloated, glutted. Searching.

Flies grow gummy, iridescent, clinging like leeches,

Excretions jellied, ameba-like, swelling,

Cloying globs of glutinous uncertainty,

Seeking, within, damp, decaying folds.

Finding in me but room for retching,

Emptying the empty retching,

Spewing frothy vomit on the swaying grass

In the shadows and the afternoon sunshine.


It twinkles in the twilight; like a lake it beckons.

Floats me through stillness into its liquid belly,

Its quivering glaze of shimmering peaks

Absorbs me into the all-enfolding creamy warmth,

(Wake me not and I drown not)

Sleep the fulfillment

Sleep the protector.



An easy chair, and grandchildren. A social Se- curity form, and Medicare. A last will and testa- ment, and a death bed. . . .

Yes, Man has often reflected on the cycle of life that is inevitably his destiny. He has asked the questions, "Where from?", and "Where to?". And some men have reached the conclusion that the entrance into life and the exit from that existence are located in the divine realms of the L-rd, and that men should strive to reach the exit as free from sin as when they left the entrance. . . .

We, who are still in the second phase of our existance, hope and pray that we may achieve the spiritual purity that has marked the exit of so many of our forefathers. And we dedicate this book to this ideal of completing the cycle of our lives in purity and dignity.

Dov Zakheim




Morris Apfelbaum

Joel Arbisser

Norman Benzon . . Isaac Blech

1035 Union St IN 7-6170

332 Hewes St EV 4-1338

2039 81st St DE 1-6740

1529 56th St UL 1-9352

Leo Brandstatter 1342 55th St UL 1-8255

Paul Bronner 21 Story St UL 4-3415

William Cybuch 732 Gerald Ct DE 2-8511

David Davies 2168 77th St 259-7447

Bruce Fader 86 Chester Ave GE 8-7802

Howard Finkelstein 1692 52nd St HY 4-7495

Samuel Freund 522 E. 51st St DI 5-7497

Michael Friedman 2357 E. 27th St SH 3-8473

Michael Friend 1345 47th St UL 3-8498

Melvyn Geduld 1434 E. 8th St DE 6-7651

Allan Goldman 4504 15th Ave GE 6-5834

Hyman Goldstoff 71-38 I67th St, Flushing 291-0912

Jeffrey Greenstein 1590 E. 22nd St CL 8-2386

Jay Grunfeld 144-16 68th Ave,, Flushing 268-5719

Sigmund Handelman 8718 Bay Parkway ES 3-7931

Martin Hecht 2911 Brighton 5th St TW 1-6523

Solomon Hochberg 980 E. 7th St CL 8-0248

Norman Horowitz 796 Westminster Rd UL 9-0699

Jordan Jacobowitz 1057 Hendrix St NI 9-2430

Raphael Kaminer 1030 E. 14th St DE 8-8029

Mark Kaplan 1600 Ocean Parkway DE 6-3353

Harry Katz 418 E. 49th St PR 4-2183

Hyman Katz 1198 E. 55th St RN 3-2650

Abraham Kempler 333 E. 92nd St 385-5684

Aaron Kershenbaum 548 Linden Blvd UL 6-6922

Joseph Krause 1164 E. 58th St RN 3-3852

Jacob Lebewohl 156 E. 94th St SL 6-7481

Neil Leist 2553 E, 7th St NI 6-6734

Irwin Levenbrown 1340 E. 7th St CL 3-6181

David Levine 2514 E. 7th St SH 3-2715

Jonas Lew 446 Ocean Ave IN 9-0792

/ ^'X^i-

1 >%^ i


Samuel Lifshitz 1307 E, 52nd St HI 4-7448

George Mezei 1262 54th St TR 1-2715

Leonard Mezei 5105 17th Ave UL 4-9406

Bernard Mezrich 1242 47th St UL 4-5434

Ira Michaels 2814 W. 8th St HI 9-7072

Marvin Monheit - 1041 East New York Ave PR 1-7991

Ira Newman 52 E. 92nd St PR 4-5518

Burton Nusbacher 145 Hooper St EV 8-4631

Harold Rabinowitz 23 Boerum St EV 7-8190

Jacob Rand 955 51st St UL 4-5419

Howard Reinfeld 473 E. 92nd St HY 6-5097

Irwin Richman 1435 51st St UL 1-5458

Michael Rosenman 134 E. 94th St PR 8-4549

Abraham Rosenzweig 3223 Ave. N CL 8-8176

Jerry Samet 5115 15th Ave HY 4-7832

Ira Schmookler 444 Hawthorne St SL 6-8274

Jack Schwager 1237 E. 55th St CH 1-5776

Gad Schwartz 328 E. 91st St 345-4721

Eli Shapiro 718 E. 7th St UL 4-8693

Michael Shmidman 9808 Ave. N CL 1-2242

Michael Silber ^40 W. 86th St., New York City PR 3-3665

1173 E. 55th St RN 3-7639

St DE 1-0531

56 Hawthorne St BU 7-1430

1434 E. 34th St DE 8-3250

David Stearn

Joseph Tischler H^V.^'t

Morris Waldoks

Gary Waltuch

Jacob Warman 3730 Kings Highway ES 7-2049

David Warshaw

1556 50th St HY 4-9712

Steven Weinstock 1315 E. 10th St NI 5-5422

1454 E. 49th St CH 1-8777

Harry Weissman Ira Widman . . . . Akiva Wulkan . . - Dov Zakheim . . Joseph Zawadzki Alan Zelenetz . .

1411 Ave. V 336-1043

930 E. 7th St UL 9-5353

1510 Ocean Parkway ES 5-5388

315 E. 48th St PR 2-8097

2060 Ocean Ave ES 6-5808