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OF CANADA, Lt. TORONTO ADATION TVOINVHOAJT UNV TIVUALINOIADY SVxXayL 2001d8YU0A ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN BY W. C. WELBORN, B.S., M.S., 1 aa ee VICE-DIRECTOR AND AGRICULTURIST OF THE TEXAS EXPERIMENT STATION New Work THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1908 All rights reserved LIBRARY of CONGRESS | Two Gopies Kecenvce MAY 22 1908 Gopyrignc cutry Jax. tu "wh LASSA XX Nu. (V7 O3 PY 6. Covyrigut, 1908, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published April, 1908. MANUFACTURED BY BROCK & RANKIN, CHICAGO, PREFACE AND SUGGESTIONS Tue author feels no hesitation in taking the ground that agriculture has an educational, or mind-training value, fully equal to geography or history. The facts presented in agriculture are quite like those of physical geography in particular; the description of the develop- ment of crops, live stock, and agricultural industries gener- ally is the very best of history.. In addition, the study of agriculture has a manifest advantage in training the habits of observation, as it treats of things that are about us—that may be seen, heard, and felt—and_ therefore truly educates through the environment of the pupil. If a geography class could be taken to Mount Vesuvius and could see the great volumes of ashes, cinders, and lava that are belched forth, covering hundreds of square miles with rich soil, what a lesson it would be in world- building and what an inspiration to the whole school and the whole community! In agriculture we teach facts that may be verified on the farm, in the garden, by the roadside, and in the forest, and facts, too, of greater im- portance by far to that community than the operations of the far-away voleano. Beyond all this, agriculture will impart a mass of useful information about the greatest business in this country, which farmers cannot any more Vi fs / vl PREFACE AND SUGGESTIONS afford to do without than doctors could afford not to know that the blood circulates. This information, put into the minds of pupils generally, will be imparted in a great measure to the present generation of farmers, and will be reflected in better methods and better results on the farms of the country. Agriculture can without any doubt be taught as easily as any other subject, if the truth is told, if it is put into simple language, and is arranged in fairly logical order. This book has aimed to meet these conditions, and on ac- count of the want of preparation on the part of many teach- ers, has a faithful list of questions at the end of each chapter. No one can answer the questions without under- standing the subjects. It is believed the questions will be a great help to teachers and pupils, and will enable any teacher to teach the subject quite as easily as geography or history can be taught. Indeed, it is believed that most teachers in country districts actually know much about agriculture, although they may never have read any book treating it. The author does not believe that most country teachers will have time and means to provide a large amount of illustrative material in the way of a farm, live stock, garden, orchard, and laboratory. Teachers of history and of geography are not expected to follow any such method, and their only illustrative material consists of pictures, or maps and globes, of things generally removed a thousand miles of distance or a hundred years in time. The principles of agriculture could be taught as well by the same means. Whenever a teacher is fortunate enough PREFACE AND SUGGESTIONS vil to have a pupil who has seen the battlefield of Gettysburg, it is never difficult to teach the history and geography of that whole region to that pupil and to the whole class. In teaching agriculture you teach something that all the pupils and their parents know something about, and their interest will be keen. An appeal to what the pupil has seen or can see for himself will in a great measure compensate for any lack of direct illustration. You are teaching something about the pupil’s old friends and acquaintances, and you are less dependent on experimental work on this account. It is not believed that any considerable percentage of ‘the schools are in position to make agriculture more of an outdoor than a class-room subject. Neither is it advised in teaching this book to try to vary the order of chapters taught to better fit the seasons for experi- mental work. Agriculture is certainly a valuable class- room study; it should be so used, and calling to mind what the pupils have experienced and stimulating them to find more will constitute the best experiments. Then make all the saggested experiments and observations that time and means will permit. Try to get still others made by the patrons, who should always be consulted on account of their invaluable practical experience. Remember, these farmers know more than the author of your text-book about many agricultural matters. In preparing this book the author supposes that its readers are acquainted to some extent with agricultural matters from practice and observation. The smaller details of information have been left to be got in some other way, if not already known. Only the general truths ‘Ze vill PREFACE AND SUGGESTIONS and useful principles about the main features of agri- culture have been attempted. No attempt has been made to agree with other authors ; in fact, in many very important matters, views directly opposite to those of most agricultural writers have been taken. Agriculture as a science is new. Much that we beheved true ten years ago has been disproved. The dis- credit attaching to so-called “book farming” no doubt came about from the widespread publication of so much matter that was untrue and hurtful to those attempting its practice. The Agricultural Experiment Stations of the country have given us the most reliable agricultural literature we have in the record they have made of their own research and of the practical work of farmers with whom they have codperated. In differing with other authors, most of whom wrote a number of years ago, this work is in substantial agreement with the combined re- sults of all the experiment stations, so far as_ these results have been published. It is fully believed that in this little volume enough of truth applicable to the sec- tions intended to be served will be found, and enough of error has been pointed out to make the book one of general usefulness. While written for the schools, this work should be no less valuable for the farmer and general reader. The fact that it gives useful information about agricultural affairs in language easily understood, being otherwise suitably arranged for school work, should make it only more valuable to the farmer, who is a student no less than the publie school pupil. PREFACE AND SUGGESTIONS 1x The author has received valuable help and advice from Dr. H. H. Harrington, President of the Texas Agricul- tural and Mechanical College, and Dr. C. P. Fountain, Professor of English, who patiently criticised the entire work. He is under obligation also to almost the entire faculty of the above-named institution for kind assistance. JANUARY 13, 1908. CHAPTER 10 IT. Ill. IN. Ae VE. VII. Leone IX. X. XI. XII. mT: XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. ».6D.E XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. ALY. XXYV. f CONTENTS THE RESOURCES OF THE FARMER THr BuILDING OF A PLANT THE MAKING OF THE SOIL . KINDS OF SOIL RAINFALL AND Propucrions oF TEXAS CHEMISTRY OF SOIL AND OF PLANTS Tue Purysics OF THE So1L: STORAGE OF WATER Bacterra or Germ Lire THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS GRAFTING AND BUDDING SEED SELECTION . : ; IMPROVING THE LAND. ROTATION OF CROps . : MANURES AND FERTILIZERS COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS PLOWING PREPARATION FOR PLANTING IRRIGATION Insect FRIENDS AND ENEMIES CoTTon . Corn . WHEAT AND OATS ; : : RIce SuGAR CANE. P : . : THE SWEET PoTATo . : : xi . Xil CHAPTER XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. »,@.9.G XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXY. XXXVI. XXXVIT. DS, OOO Ub XX XIX. XL. ».GAE APPENDIX GLOSSARY INDEX CONTENTS THe CowPeEA AND PEANUT . ; 3 : ‘TOBACCO SorGHuuM, KaFir, AND MrLo-MAIzE THE VELVET AND ‘Soy BrEAns, ALFALFA, HAIRY VETCH : ; s ; : : THE CLOVERS AND MINOR Crops OTHER Hay AND PASTURE GRASSES ORCHARD Crops Truck Crops. THE FEEDING or ANIMALS THe MAKING OF A RATION ANIMAL DISEASES . : é J : ; ‘ ANIMAL HUSBANDRY : / , 2 : Z Raisinc Horses anp MULES CATTLE Hogs, SHEEP, Goats, PoULTRY, AND BEES DAIRYING : é : s : : ; s LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College : . Frontispiece FIG. PAGE 1. Sprouting Pea : ; : 5 2. Weathering of Rock, fon ming or , : , 9 3. Glacier in the Alps 3 : : : ; : cee 6 4. Where a Glacier Melts . ; ; , ; : Nees be 5. Trees assist in breaking Rock ; : : : : 3 6. Soil Divisions of Texas . : : ; Nai 8 7. Alkali Land . : ; 5 ‘ Paks pel 8. Former Inhabitants of the Pbiite : ; : : ; ee) 9. Present-day Scene on the Plains. ; : ; eee | 10. Soil Areas of the Cotton Belt ; ; . aoe 11. Rainfall Map of Texas . : : : : aaa 12. Showing Capillary Action of Soils : ; ; eae 15. Stirring Soil when Wet and when in Right Condition . he! 14. Different Bacteria greatly Magnified. : : : 2 AG 15. Tubercles on Roots of Legumes. . ; : : Se 2) 16. Fibrous Roots of Corn 17. Osmosis . 18. Flower of the ats 19. Lily of the Valley . 20. Steps in Budding ‘ : : : , ; . Ring Budding for Oranges and Pecans . : : sbi Oe J) Ox (os er Gr cue th © P| 22. Grafting . : SO ate : i h@o 23. The Proper Depth t to plant Fig eigen ‘ : so /O6 24. Old Pecan Tree growing Paper-shell Buds. : . ae 25. Testing Seed . : ; ; : : : : G9 26. Pure and Impure Alfalfa eta : : : ‘ ‘ holes 27. New Mexico Date Palm. : : - : ; ee Xxili SHNS Cor — . Co Ww Sr ever Gt Or Gt Or Or < SONIA aE ES LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Terraced Land 29, Corn Grown on Washed and on Terraced or Terraced Land and Rows Best Shape for an Open Ditch Tile Draining . Cowpeas and Sweet siren . Hogs grazing Cowpeas Fertilized and Untertilized Coaee Sandy-land Plow Black-land Plow Steam Plow on the Plains Sub-surface Packer. . Trrigating between Rows . Spraying Fruit Trees 2. Boll Weevil and Larva . 3. Different Life Sizes of Adult Boll W eev “ils Punctured Square containing Young Weevils Karly and Late Cotton in Boll Weevil District i}. Good Type of Cotton Plant . Poor Type of Cotton Plant Rolling Fresh Cotton Bed to firm the Soil Poe Planting 9. Mississippi Cotton Field Round Cotton Bales ‘ Long and Short Staple Cotton American Bale of Cotton as it gets to Europe Corn and Cowpeas . . Wheat planted in Loose Soil and in Soil Eeaceen Wheat Field on the Plains Oats and Vetch tice Field in Louisiana . : Filipinoes plowing in Mud, preparing Land for Rice Seeded Sugar Cane : Way to use a Saccharimeter . 51. Cutting Sugar Cane in Louisiana . PAGE FIG. 62. . Digging Sweet Potatoes . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Hill of Sweet Potatoes 64. Spanish Peanuts 65. Saving Peanuts ‘ 66. Tobacco growing under Cheese- cloth Suen : 67. Harvesting Sorghum 68. Field of Kafir Corn 69. Soy Bean 70. Stacking Alfalta ane 71. Red Clover 72. Crimson Clover 84. . Florida Beggar Weed Rape Field . Jerusalem Artichoke . Johnson Grass Guinea Grass, Biloxi, Mississippi . ‘ Intensive Farming — Chinese in Hawaii grow pace ce at Once Trrigating an Orchard Well-trimmed Texas Peach Tree . San José Scale on Peach Trees : : ‘ é : . Cocoanut Plantation as seen in Florida, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines An Apple Branch . : : Figs at the Texas Experiment Station . . Smyrna Fig Trees, California : ; ; i . Grape Fruit at Beeville, Texas, Branch Experiment Station 87. . Harvesting Irish Potatoes . Smal] Hotbed . . Gathering Tomatoes . Cabbage Field Texas Orange Tree Southwest Texas Steers being fattened on aes a Cot- ton-seed Meal jak ) “I us ==) DS NS Neh NS eee he © bm to a to bo bo fo t oo) —_ ) (5%) =I 99 100. TOL: 102. 105. 104. 105. 106. hire 108. 109. 110. 111. 122. 115. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Coach Type . : . Draft Type: Percheron 5. Zebu, or Sacred Bull of India . Dual Purpose Cattle: Devon and Red Poll . . Beef Cattle: Short Horn and Hereford z . Showing Beef Cattle at the Texas Agricultural sa Me- chanical College : Breeds of Swine: Tamworth and Das oc Jersey . Breeds of Swine: Poland China and Berkshire . Razor Backs for Want of Feed Movable Fence Sheep and Goats Flock of Angoras . Sheep Ranching in the West Plymouth Rock Hen Brown Leghorn Hen Bronze Gobbler Round Silo ; ‘ Dairy Cows: Jersey a Hoan Dehorned Cream Separator Pure and Impure Milk . Box Churn ioe) ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN CHART Rt THE RESOURCES OF THE FARMER UsuALLy the first object of the farmer is to grow plants. These may be used or sold, or they may be fed to animals, and the animals or animal products used or sold. For exainple, cotton may be grown and sold, and the seed may be fed to cows, and milk and butter produced for home use and for sale. Plants Necessary for Man and Animal Life. — The earth and the air are rich in the things needed to produce bone and muscle and blood. Yet animals would starve if they tried to live on rock, or earth, which is only ground-up rock. Man and his servants, the other animals, cannot digest rock or earth. Neither can they use to build up their bodies any of the gases of the air they breathe. Plants, however, our other servants, send their little threadlike roots all through the soil. These roots twine themselves about the little rocks, or soil grains, and suck from them the substances they need for growth. Their green leaves, too, through little openings or breathing pores, known as stomata, take in the gases of the air, and find in these one of the most important things needed to ie B it 2 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE make them large and strong. This same element is also ‘needed for the growth of our bodies, and since we can get none of it from the air, we must get our supply by eating plants or substances obtained from plants. So, by eating and digesting the plants, we can use the materials the plant roots get from the soil. Earth, Air, and Water.— All the animal kingdom, in- cluding man, is made up of the elements of the earth, the air, and the water. Water is the only one we can use for growth without the help of plants, but we cannot live on water. If it were possible that all the plant world could go on a strike, animal life perhaps could not endure on the earth more than a month. Plants purify the Air.— Our faithful servants of the plant kingdom not only stand between us and starvation, but also purify the air that we breathe. When we breathe the air, part of the oxygen gas we take in is used in the lungs to purify our blood. In its place we exhale, or breathe out, a gas called carbonic acid gas. The air of a closed room which contains very much of this gas is unfit for breathing. Plants use Carbonic Acid Gas. — When green leaves take in air, they use the carbon of the carbonic acid gas which the air contains, and give out pure oxygen. If it were not for this work of plants, the whole atmosphere would become so filled with carbonic acid gas as to be like a small, close room. Animal life would probably soon cease for want of pure air. You may ask why we do not die in winter when there are few green leaves. Your geography teaches that the trees are green in winter THE RESOURCES OF THE FARMER 3 throughout the Southern hemisphere, and are green in the torrid zone all the time. Winds bring pure air to us in winter, and carry away the air of our zone to be purified. Animal Life of Use to Plants. — Animals in turn give off from their lungs carbonic acid gas for plants. But the burning of wood and coal and the rotting of leaves, wood, and other vegetable matter also make this gas. So the plants could lve without the animals, but prob- ably they would not thrive quite so well. As animals, including all worms, insects, etc., die, their bodies rot and add richness to the land. Earthworms and many other — lower forms of animal life make holes in the soil, let in air, assist water to drain away, and by eating parts of the soil and grinding it make it finer and richer. Animal Manures. — The larger farm animals, such as cows, horses, sheep, and hogs, eat grasses, weeds, corn, and other foods. The horses and mules give us work ; the cows, milk and butter and beef; and the hogs, pork and lard. At the same time, if the farmyard manure is saved and used on the land, the fertility of the soil will be kept up and the crops will be large. Value of Manure. — It is often true that the manure produced by live stock is worth more than the cost of the food eaten by them. ‘This is true in feeding cotton seed when it sells for a low price. Then certain hay crops, such as peas, peanuts, alfalfa, and others, get their most costly fertilizing ingredient from the air. Even when these crops are cut for hay, their roots enrich the land. If the hay is fed to stock, very rich manure is produced. With plenty of live stock and crops like these to feed ‘i 4 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE them, we would have very fertile land. These things will be discussed at length later on. QUESTIONS What products do farmers grow? Giveexamples. Why could not animals live without plants? Where do the materials that our bodies are made of come from? From what different sources do plants get the materials to grow with? What effect do plants have on the air we breathe? Why do animals make the air better suited to nourish plants? What is the name of the gas that plant leaves take in from the air? How does the air become purified in winter? What effect does animal life have on the fertility of the land? May animal manures ever have more value than the cost of the foods the animals eat? Why? Why do certain crops enrich the land rapidly ? Observation. — Did you ever notice where old horse lots or cattle pens have been put into cultivation how rich the land is, and how long it remains rich ? CHAPTER II THE BUILDING OF A PLANT In order to grow plants we need seed, soil, moisture, air, warmth, and light. Some plants, such as weeds, and even some useful plants, need no sowing or cultivation. The Seed. — A seed is generally a little package of rich foodstuff for young plants, containing a germ, or young plant itself. The germ and the food are usually dry so as to keep well, and are covered with a nearly waterproof coat to preserve them till a suitable season for growing comes. The Seed and Root. — When the weather becomes warm enough, the seed is sown in moist soil, the germ sprouts or swells and begins to grow. The little plant uses the Fic. 1.—SPROUTING PEA food stored up in the mother seed at first, till it can send out little roots through the soil to gather food and water for itself. The Root, Stem, and Leaf. — In the meantime the plant has made a stem, and on top of this have grown some / 5 6 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE green leaves. ‘These leaves have little openings, and the stems of the plant have little channels for the food and water to pass up and down. As already learned, the stomata of the leaves take in carbonic acid gas with the air. By the aid of sunlight the green leaf takes the car- bon, combines it with water, and makes sugar, starch, wood, and other materials. The leaf gives off the oxygen pure for us to breathe. What Plants are made of. — About half the weight of dry plants is carbon, most of which is gotten from the air. So we see the leaves are quite as useful in feeding plants as are the roots. Air, Water, and Soil as Food for Plants. — Nine tenths or more of the weight of dry plants is made up of ele- ments which plants get from water and air together. One tenth, or generally less, is made up of materials drawn from the solid earth. Burn a plant, and the part it got from the air and water will go off in smoke and other gases. The part that came from the solid earth will remain as ashes. When plants, or parts of plants, rot the same thing happens: the part that comes from the air goes back to the air, and the part that comes from the earth goes back to the earth. Plants build Animals. — The ash of plants is the part that makes the bones of animals, while the sugar, starch, — and oils of plants produce the fat of the animal body, and also supply heat to keep the body warm and force to pro- duce motion and work. Most plants produce some sugar, as sugar cane; some starch, as corn; and some oil, as cot- THE BUILDING OF A PLANT T ton seed. Other constituents in plants produce in ani- mals muscle, fat, blood, hair, skin, ete. We will discuss these things more at length later. The Main Purposes of Plants. — ‘The main purpose of every plant appears to be to produce seed, or in some other way to make other plants of the same kind. Peo- ple and animals sometimes consume the seed, roots, or stems that would produce new plants, and sometimes parts that would not reproduce. The new seeds are generally the most valuable for food, as in the case of rice, wheat, and corn. QUESTIONS What is a seed, and what does it contain? What provision is made in every seed for the young plant to grow from it? Of what use are leaves of plants? How do plants get their solid food from the soil? Does a plant use all the water the roots take in from the soil? Do plants get more of their food from the air or from the earth? What common substances does the plant make out of the carbon it gets from the air and the water it takes from the soil? About what part of the dry weight of a plant is derived from the soil? What part came from the air? Where did the other part come from, and how much does that make of the whole? If you burn a plant, where do these materials go? How nearly is rotting of plants like burning them? What part of plants makes the bones of animals? What do the sugar, starch, and oils of plants produce in the body of the animal? Do all plants produce some sugar, starch, and oil? What parts of plants do people and animals use ? Experiment. — Weigh a bundle of dry grass; burn it and weigh what is left. You can do this at school during recess. CHAPTER III THE MAKING OF THE SOIL The Soil and how it is Formed. — Although plants get fully half of their food from the air, we cannot change the air to make it better fitted for growing them. Plants get almost all the other half of their food from water, and all their soil food by the help of water. We can supply water sometimes, and can always so work the land as to make the rain water in the soil last a long time during drought. The soil itself affords no more than ten per cent of the weight of plants, and sometimes not over one or two per cent. Yet we can often so work the land and fertilize it as to double our crops. Soil made of Rock. — The earth was once covered with solid rock. Now it is generally covered with decom- posed rock to a depth of a few feet to a hundred or more feet. This powdered material is called sod. The top layer of this for a few inches is generally darker in color than the deeper layers, and is called top sozl, or sol, while the layer under this for some distance is called subsoil. The upper layer is generally dark in color be- cause there is mixed with it rotting leaves, stem$, and roots of plants. This material is often called humus. Plows generally run about deep enough to turn over this top soil, leaving the subsoil unbroken. 8 THE MAKING OF THE SOIL 9 How the Rock was ground up. — Geology, the science which teaches the past history of the earth, tells us some interesting stories about how the soil was made. ‘The surface of the earth was at first covered with melted rock, surrounded by air containing water vapor, as we find the Fic. 2.— WEATHERING OF ROCK, FORMING SOIL air to-day. As the vapor high in the air became cold, it formed rain, which fell on the hot rock. Of course the rain cooled the rock and cracked it. As the rain water was heated, it rose in steam, and reaching the higher air, grew cold, and was again condensed into rain. Again it fell and cooled and cracked the rocks still more. Finally the rocks became cool enough for the rain to form little streams, and to wash and grind the little pieces of broken rock, and separate the coarser from the finer pieces. As the whole surface of the earth cooled, mountains and valleys, hills and hollows, were formed. Many large cracks, or seams, were also made in the earth’s crust. hs 10 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Cold weather came; rain filled all the crevices and eracks of the rocks, and froze. You know how ice will break pitchers, vases, or bottles. When water freezes, it expands with resistless force. Of course the rocky sur- face was split by the ice. When the ice melted, the water formed into swift streams, carried the broken rock along ; deposited bowlders here, gravel yonder, sand at another place, and fine soil at still another. Streams are steadily doing the same things to-day. Rocks are still being broken throughout the mountain regions by rain and ice, variation of temperature, winds, and other agencies. Early Plant Life. — While soil was thus being made, lower forms of plants, like léchens and mosses, came and fastened themselves to the rocks. The roots of plants seem to give out an acid that eats away, or dissolves, the rock. These low forms of plants may be seen to-day slowly eating away old gravestones and stone walls and buildings. Plant roots will cut furrows in the surfaces of Hower pots. When these first plants died, they added some humus to the soil and made it better. This fitted the soil for higher plants. Finally, animals of the lower kinds appeared, and when they died their bodies became a part of the soil. Glaciers. — At one period in the earth’s history there was intense cold everywhere. Much of the water vapor of the whole air fell as snow or sleet. Whole valleys were filled with moving ice, and formed what are known as ylaciers. One of these, which extended over part of the northern portion of the United States, is said to have THE MAKING OF THE SOIL 11 been a thousand feet deep and a thousand miles wide. It moved toward the south, tearing away rocks, and cutting away parts of hills and mountains. Fig. 3.— GLACIER IN THE ALPS Most of the rocks thus collected sank to the bottom of the ice mass, and scoured the solid rock of the earth until they ground themselves into powder. Thus enough fine rock dust was made to cover a good part of the continent with soil. This deposit, left after the melting of the ice, is known as drift soil. Stream Action. — The work of moving and sorting the materials by the streams has never ceased. Every creek or river moves rock, gravel, sand, or fine sediment. When a swift stream overflows its banks, the current of the water vi 12 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE is checked, and its gravel and sand are allowed to settle. When the water gets farther away from the channel and begins to run more slowly, it allows fine mud to settle. In this way stiff, muddy soils are made. = SSSSSS=> SSO aa Ae 3 WSS aw SS Wind-blown Soils. — Not only do ice and running water move soils, but in dry countries the wind blows enough dust and sand*to build up the land several feet deep. Streams have been filled, railroad tracks covered, and even cities have been buried by wind-blown soil. Just north of the Canadian River in Hemphill County, Texas, is a beautiful example of wind-formed soil. The south- west wind has blown away the fine particles of soil and left great mounds of coarse sand for many miles. Farther north finer particles settled and formed a loam soil. Still THE MAKING OF THE SOIL 15 farther north the finest soil settled and made a silt or clay soil. Sedentary Soils. — While much soil has been trans- ported from where it was first made from rock, much of the earth’s surface is covered by soil made from the rock CRANE Ee CRS vier i, = For Eas y a Lge gl SP \ ag Wis SG yy Ly, *s y LG LZ iy J Ga Aa /. XG AN i) INS SS S \ SS Ww SOS cue grat Fic. 5.— TREES ASSIST IN BREAKING ROCK lying just under the surface. The soil of much of the black prairie land of Texas and other Southern States was formed in this way. The lime rock is only a few feet under the surface. White, grayish, or blue lime rock powdered up and mixed with humus, or rotting vegetable matter, always turns black. These soils, lying where they were formed, are sometimes called sedentary soils. Those moved by ice and water and wind are called transported soils. We 14 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE QUESTIONS Why is it impossible to change the air so as to make it feed plants better? What can be done to the soil to make plants erow better? Is it often profitable to furnish plants extra water? Is it possible to work the land in a way to make the rainfall last longer? What is soil? What is soil made of? What do you call the upper part of the soil, and what the lower part? What makes the soil darker in color than the subsoil? What do you call rotting vegetable matter in the soil? How deep do plows generally run? What is the name of the science that teaches us the past his- tory of the earth? What was the first condition of the surface of the earth? How did it become cooled? What effect did ice have in breaking up the rock of the earth’s surface? Where is soil being made at this time? What sort of plants first grew on the rocks, and what effect did they have? Describe how glaciers help make rock into soil. The soil made by glaciers is called by what name? Explain how streams sort out different kinds of soil. Besides water and ice, name any other means by which soil is moved and sorted out. Was the soil of the black prairies of Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama transported, or is it lying where it was formed? Experiment. — Heat different kinds of rock; pour water on them while hot. Note how many crack and break and how many can be easily powdered up. Do this at recess or after school. In winter notice how banks of ditches, streams, etc., crumble down after a freeze. Make a little lime by burning chalk; mix it well ina ball of mud made of stiff clay. Let it dry, keep it, and observe it from day to day. Stir a quart of clay loam soil violently in a bucket of water; let the water rest a second or two and pour the water off into another bucket aud let it settle for an hour. Dry the settlings in both buckets and see what kind of soil you have in each. CHAPTER IV KINDS OF SOIL Sand, Clay, and Loam.— We generally know a sandy or clay soil when we see it. Sandy soils are made up of coarse particles of rock, and clay soils of very fine mate- rial, having scarcely any grain at all. Clay soils may be of any color, and are generally sticky. when wet. They are usually richer than sandy soils, but harder to work. A mixture of sand and clay, especially when containing a good quantity of humus, is what is called a loam. Be- sides, we have clay loams and sandy loams. ‘The loam soils nearly always drain well and are easy to work; they are usually richer than sandy soils and stand drought better. Then we have limy soils, sometimes called calcareous sols. ‘They are made of rotten lime rock. All the great black prairie belts in Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama are covered with calcareous soil. It is stiff and sticky when wet, but crumbles into little shotlike particles when dry. If you mix a little lime with a small ball of sticky clay and put it out to dry, it will crumble to powder when it dries. Limy soils are generally of great fertility. They often contain ten times as much plant food as sandy soils. Arid and Semiarid Soils. —In much of West Texas and north to the Canadian line and west to the Rocky Moun- 15 ‘A 16 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE tains there is so little rainfall that the soils are called arid or semiarid. ‘That means that they are not watered, or only half watered. These soils are generally loose and sandy in nature, but are very productive when watered. ‘There is no such thing as a poor arid soil. Soils that have plenty of rain clarendon Fria. 6.— Sort Divisions or TEXAS No. 1. Coast Prairie No. 4. East Cross Timbers ** 2. Sandy and Clay Land mainly ‘‘ 5. West Cross Timbers of the Timber Belt * 6. Red Lands ‘* 3. Lime Land “ 7. Great Plains are called humid. The reason that arid soils are so much richer than humid soils is that the latter have had plant food washed, or leached, out of them all through the past ages. Chemical analysis shows that certain dry West KINDS OF SOIL dE Texas soils contain twenty times as much of some of the important elements of plant food as the pine-woods lands of East Texas contain. Wherever these dry lands are well irrigated, they become sources of great wealth. Alkali Land. —Sometimes dry lands are so full of salts hurtful to crops that they are called alkali lands. Alkali lands never occur in humid climates, because the rain washes out the harmful compounds along with some of the useful elements of plant food. Fic. 7.— ALKALI LAND By heavily irrigating alkali land after tile draining it, the excess of salts hurtful to crops is washed out of it, and it becomes very productive. . Carbonate of soda in excess causes what is known as black alkali. Still other harmful compounds cause what is known as white alkali.. i Cc 18 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Geological Formations. — Looking at the map, Figure 6, we find that the state of Texas is divided into several belts, according to the general types of soil in each belt. Coast Prairies. — The coast prairies, occupying a strip of level land from thirty to sixty miles wide, are generally a clay or clay-loam soil, with a clay subsoil. Where the larger rivers such as the Brazos, Colorado, and Nueces enter the coastal plains, the soils are largely made up of the rich deposits from the streams. These soils are often very rich in lime, and richer also in the other elements of plant food than the rest of the coast prairies. As the coastal prairies reach farther west and get more and more into the dry belt, the soil becomes naturally richer; that is, it contains larger amounts of plant food. So is the soil deposited by the Brazos, Colorado, and Nueces rivers richer than that deposited by the Trinity and Sabine, because the former three rivers rise and flow through drier and naturally more fertile sections than the latter two. The Trinity flows through rich black land, and its deposits are richer than those of the Sabine. Timber Belt. — North of the coast prairies lies an im- mense timber belt. This includes the long-leaf and short- leaf pine areas of East Texas and the other Southern States, and a broad strip of post-oak land extending far southwest toward the Rio Grande. These areas are roll- ing lands, generally made up of sand and clay. Here, as in almost all humid sections, the subsoil generally contains a larger proportion of clay than the top soil. In the eastern part of this belt, where pine timber is abundant, the land is often very sandy and seldom KINDS OF SOIL 19 stiffer than clay loam. These pine lands are naturally poor in plant food; but they drain well, are warm, hold moisture well, and respond remarkably to fertilizers. By the help of fertilizers these thin Iands produce fine crops of fruits, vegetables, tobacco, corn, and cotton. The large area of post-oak land mentioned above also seems to need commercial fertilizers in order to give the best results. There are many small patches of lime land cropping out in the timber belts described, but the country has not been mapped carefully enough for us to know their extent. There is a considerable area of line prairies comprising parts of Washington, Lee, and other counties, just west of the Brazos River. Calcareous Soils. —Occupying an immense area in the central part of Texas are the cretaceous, or lime, lands of the state. This belt was, even before it was cultivated, generally without timber, and hence it is called prairie. Lime lands are usually so rich in plant food that com- mercial fertilizers cannot be profitably used on them. If such lands become less productive, a crop or two of clover, grass, peas, or some other crop that will add humus to it and loosen it up, will make it generally productive again. It never injures strong lime land to plow it wet, be- cause the lime causes it to crumble into powder, as has already been explained. Buckshot Land. — Much of the stiff land in the river bottoms is of this character; when wet it is stiff and sticky, but when dry it crumbles. This kind of land in ve 20 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE the bottoms is often called “ buckshot” land, because the erumbs it breaks into are somewhat like shot. Grand Prairie. — ‘The western part of the lime prairies, known as the Fort Worth Prairie, or Grand Prairie, has not so deep or so black a soil as the eastern part, or Black Prairie. ‘The lime rock of the Grand Prairie is sounder and harder, and decays more slowly. Hence, the decayed rock, or soil, is thinner, and often has less humus, and is Fic. 8. — FORMER INHABITANTS OF THE PLAINS not so dark in color. The Grand Prairie is more ele- vated, more rolling, and consequently more subject to wash. Much of its soil, formed through the ages past from the weathering and crumbling of the rock, has been washed off into the streams, and much of it into the sea. Red Lands. — North and west of the great Black and Grand Prairie belts, and between these lime prairies and the Great Plains, lies a large area of soils generally red or brown in color, so far as the writer has seen, and composed KINDS OF SOIL PH mostly of sands, clays, and loams. This region was also mostly treeless. ‘This area also includes light, thin soils with occasional sections rich in lime, such as the gypsum deposits. This section scarcely contains such great stores of plant food as the black prairies do, but it is generally more fertile than the East ‘Texas or South Texas timbered lands. Lying west and north, these lands are naturally Fic. 9. — PRESENT-DAY SCENE ON THE PLAINS more fertile than the lands farther east and south formed of a similar kind of rock. ‘The influence of rainfall has already been explained. It has been also well proved that the lands farther north do not wear and lose their fertility as the more southern soils do. As the soils of northern climates are frozen more of the time, their plant food is locked up so that it cannot waste away. It rains little as far west as West Texas in winter, when crops are not @ 22 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE growing. In East Texas and the other Southern States it rains much in winter, when crops are not growing, and hence the land is leached and impoverished. Chemical analysis has frequently shown that a clay loam soil in Wisconsin, for instance, contains several times as much lime, phosphoric acid, potash, and nitrogen in a form to be used by crops, as a clay loam in Mississippi. That is, the soluble plant food in the Mississippi soil is dissolving and washing away throughout the warm, wet winter, while in Wisconsin the soil is locked up in ice for perhaps six months. The Mississippi land should grow a restorative crop in winter to keep it from becoming poor. Red Fruit, Truck, and Tobacco Soils. — Much of the East Texas timber belt has sandy loam soil varying from hght gray to a bright red in color. ‘The red color denotes iron compounds and good natural drainage. This area pro- duces the fine wrapper and filler tobacco of Nacogdoches and Palestine, the tomatoes, potatoes, and other truck crops of Jacksonville, Troupe, Henderson, Athens, Tyler, and other points. This same area is becoming one of the great peach-growing sections of the South. . The Great Plains. — Lying still farther west, northwest, and southwest of the last area described are the Great Plains. The Plains comprise a large area of level land, ranging from about 4000 feet high in the northwest to about 2500 feet in the southeast. The Plains of Texas include most of the Panhandle and extend southwest to the Pecos River. The soils of these plains are said by geolo- gists to have been deposited in an ancient fresh-water KINDS OF SOIL 23 lake. The soils vary from light sands to dense, stiff clays. In color they vary from black to red. The Plains are so bare of timber, except in sheltered canyons, that one might ride all day and never find a riding switch. ‘This treeless condition is probably due to annual fires that swept over the country. The Plains extend north to Canada and west to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The soils are rich, and as the people have gradually learned to cultivate them so as to conserve the twenty or more inches of annual rainfall of the eastern part of the Plains, farming has made splendid progress. Fine crops of kafir, milo, sorghum, corn, wheat, oats, melons, etc., are readily grown. The land is still mostly used for grazing, but it is being rapidly cut up into small tracts for farms. West of the Pecos River. — This section is generally rather mountainous and rough, but it contains many fer- tile valleys. With irrigation these are, of course, very productive. So far there has been no large development of farming in this region, except in the Pecos and Rio Grande and other river valleys. In the more elevated mountain valleys of this region apples and grapes thrive wonderfully under irrigation. Some day this region will rival any other part of the world in the production of these and other fruits. Cross Timbers. — It will be noticed from the map that the timber area of Texas extends up Red River far west of Fort Worth, and one narrow belt comes southward between Dallas and Fort Worth to Waco, and the other extends from considerably west of Fort Worth, and reaches nearly 24 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE to Austin. ‘These are called the East and West Cross Timbers. ‘The land in these belts is sandy, and resembles, in every essential particular, the large post-oak belt, in South Texas, except that it is generally more sandy. Like the latter, the land in the cross-timbers sections will no doubt respond profitably to the use of commercial ferti- lizers. These lands produce fine fruits, vegetables, and potatoes, as well as general crops. The cross-timbers lands were at one time considered almost worthless, but they are now held in high esteem. Soils of the Cotton States. — Figure 10 shows the different soils of the whole cotton belt as mapped by the Depart- ment of Agriculture. It will be seen that the pine flats and pine hills appear in all states touching the sea. The lands marked “oak” also appear in most of them. These lands are often spoken of as oak, hickory, and short-leaf pine lands, as all these growths generally appear except in the western part of this area in Texas, where the short-leaf pine disappears. Black prairies occur only in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and a little corner in Arkansas. There are also considerable areas of lime- prairie in Oklahoma not shown on this map. The deep Red Lands appear only in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, and the Piedmont includes the more elevated regions of Alabama, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Alluvial lands are usually situated along the larger rivers, espe- cially the Mississippi. The two classes of Pine lands, the Oak, the Piedmont, and Sand Hills, are largely ferti- lized with commercial fertilizers, especially in the older states. These lands are not of high natural fertility, but OF SOIL KINDS SUH NYO & RB35N19 fee “WO Wen 2s “HK SHLVIS CaLINo | | 7 | | j 4HL Jo 31sivud ae LTAG NOLLOO oe HL JO —ONvs. Be SVANV IOS TVOIEAL SONY? aay LNOWG3id 430009 ® 3NId1¥ . | anivad VO" @3u aidived sovig Siva ANId fe NI stan 3Nid- ” ; ce : ee ere WIANTI¥ SONY? _ASTIVA. 26 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE are very susceptible to high improvement. These and the Red Lands are largely of the same nature. In fact, most of the agricultural land of the earth is made up of sands, clays, and loams not very rich in lime. Where the sands and clays are mixed, making loams, the soil drains well, warms up early, works easily, holds moisture well, pays for fertilizing, and, although not naturally rich, makes profitable farming and gardening land the world over. Light and Heavy Soils.—Sandy land is often called light land, although it may weigh, when dry, one hundred pounds to a cubic foot, while clay land weighing, say, seventy-five pounds to a cubic foot, is called heavy land. Sandy land is called light because it is easy to work. Clay land is sticky and tough, and is called heavy because it is hard to work. Light sandy lands are warm and. good for early truck crops, watermelons, etc., while heavy clay lands are good for grasses, wheat, rice, and other crops. Corn, cotton, oats, sorghum, and many other crops do equally well on various kinds of soil, if the soils be equally rich and in suitable condition. | QUESTIONS What is the difference between sandy and clay soils? Which is generally richer, sandy soil or clay soil? What do we call a mixture of sand and clay? What do you understand by calcareous soils? Where do you find these? What makes such soil crumble when it dries? Are these soils generally fertile? Define arid, semiarid, and humid soils. Why are arid and semiarid soils generally richer than humid soils? What are alkali lands? What can be done to get rid KINDS OF SOIL 27 of alkali? Draw a map of Texas and mark the different geological divisions. Describe the coast prairies. Will the soils be richer along the Brazos River where it flows through the coast prairies than the other coast prairie land? Explain why. What varieties of lands are there in the main timber belts of Texas? What character of land is found in the pine timber belt of the Southern States? Under what circumstances are pine lands good farming lands? What do you understand by buckshot land? What is the difference between the eastern part of the Texas lime lands and the western part? De- scribe the red land areas of Texas. Why is land North and West naturally richer than the land South and East? Describe the Great Plains. What kind of soils are found on the Great Plains? What kind of land is found in Cross-timbers areas of Texas? Why is saudy land called hight land ? CE AT EV RAINFALL AND PRODUCTIONS OF TEXAS KigurE 11 is a map of the State of Texas, showing the amount of annual rainfall in the different belts. In extreme East Texas fifty or more inches fall on the aver- age during the year; in another broad belt, forty inches or more; in another rather narrow strip west, thirty inches ; then in a very broad belt extending west of the 101st Meridian, twenty or more inches; west of this ten to twenty inches fall. These lines of rainfall curve east- ward as we go north to the Canadian line. But northern latitudes demand less rain than southern latitudes, be- eause of shorter summers, cooler temperatures, and less evaporation. Western Nebraska should make as good crops on fifteen inches of rain as Texas can on twenty inches. Fortunately, in West Texas and the semiarid belt generally, where rainfall is light, a large proportion of the total falls in the spring and summer, when it is most likely to be needed. In East Texas and farther east, much of the rain falls in winter. These rain belts go far toward determining the kinds of crops that can be grown, and will be referred to frequently. Elevation and Production. — Texas varies in elevation from sea level to about five thousand feet, not considering 28 RAINFALL AND PRODUCTIONS OF TEXAS 29 the mountain peaks. Elevation influences climate quite as much as latitude does. A small portion of Texas about the mouth of the Rio Grande is truly tropical. All the coast country is subtropical. Here we find the Fig. 11.— RAINFALL MAP or TEXAS No. 1. 50 inches and over No. 4. 20 to 30 inches 2. 40 to 50 inches “ 5, 10 to 20 inches ‘ 3. 30 to 40 inches sugar cane, rice, bananas, and oranges, while the western part of the Panhandle has exactly such a climate as grows sugar beets to perfection in Colorado and Michigan. It is mainly the elevation of the Panhandle that gives it the temperature suitable for the sugar beet. é 30 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Between the extremes, Texas has fine climates for wheat, oats, corn, cotton, and a great variety of other crops. Wheat will thrive farther west than corn, because it requires less rain. Still farther west sorghum, kafir corn, milo-maize, etc., are grown, largely because the land is so dry that Indian corn is not a certain crop. Cotton flourishes in both wet and dry sections if there is warmth enough. Far to the west, alfalfa, when irri- gated, revels in the abundance of plant food and the fine mellow, porous soil. Of course, the dry, rich soils of the Pecos, the Rio Grande, the Arkansas, and many other ‘alleys, when irrigated, grow a great variety of crops to perfection. QUESTIONS Draw a map of Texas and show the different rain belts. About how much rain falls in each belt? How many different kinds of climate are found in Texas? What effect does elevation above sea level have on climate? What effect does climate have on corn pro- duction? What crops do well where it is too dry for Indian corn? ee ee eS Se CHAPTER VI CHEMISTRY OF SOIL AND OF PLANTS The Elements of Matter. —We have several times referred to elements. An element is the simplest form of matter. Iron and gold are elements. Oxygen is an element. Elements may be called the A B C of matter. Just as twenty-six letters may be combined so as to form many thousands of words, so less than one hundred elements unite in various ways to form every substance in exist- ence. Some of these elements are solids, one is a liquid, and some are gases. Iron rust is not an element. It is a substance formed by the union of iron and oxygen. The chemist can separate the iron rust into its elements and thus obtain pure oxygen and metallic iron again. Water is a substance formed by the union of oxygen and hydrogen in the proportion of two parts, by volume, of hydrogen to one of oxygen. The water thus formed may be separated into these gases again. Such a union of two or more elements is called a chemical compound. Chemical and Physical Changes. — When water evapo- rates, or when it forms steam, it is not then separated into oxygen and hydrogen, but merely divided into fine particles of water, and each particle floats in the air. This is a physical change in the water. The formation of ice 31 32 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE is also a physical change. Filing iron into dust produces only a physical change, just as breaking a piece of iron in two. Powder some chalk into dust, and you effect only a physical or mechanical change. Each particle of dust is as pure chalk as that you had before. If you pour some strong vinegar on the chalk, it will boil, get hot, and con- sume the chalk, forming new compounds in no way like chalk or vinegar. If we cut wood, a physical or mechani- cal change is produced. If wood burns, a chemical change is produced. When wood burns, another chemical ele- ment, the oxygen of the air, comes in and unites with the elements of the wood, and additional compounds are formed, all of which are entirely different from the origi- nal wood. Chemical changes completely alter the substances. A union of oxygen and hydrogen gases forms water, a liquid. Two gases may form a solid when united, or they may form a liquid, or another gas. ‘Two substances, poisonous in themselves, may unite and form a harmless compound; or two substances, harmless in themselves, may form a deadly poison. Common salt is made of a metal called sodium and a gas called chlorine; both of these elements are poisonous before uniting. Plants as Chemists. — Plants are skillful chemists. Out of water and carbon plants manufacture sugar, oil, woody fiber, etc. From carbon and water, with a little nitro- gen, phosphorus, and sulphur from the soil, plants pro- duce the most complicated compounds found in plant and animal bodies. Elements found in Plants. — When plants are analyzed CHEMISTRY OF SOIL AND OF PLANTS oo (that is, separated into their elements), about fifteen elements are found in them, as follows : — carbon sulphur potassium aluminum hydrogen phosphorus sodium silicon oxygen magnesium iron chlorine nitrogen calcium manganese The sodium, manganese, aluminum, silicon, and chlorine are perhaps not necessary for plant growth, but plants will not grow in the absence of any one of the other ten elements. All plants use the same elements; but they do not use them in the same proportions. Where Elements of Plants come From. --- Of these ten elements necessary for plants, the air supplies the carbon ; the water the hydrogen and oxygen, and the soil all the others. Some plants, however, can get nitrogen from the air circulating in the soil. Sunshine. — The sunshine adds nothing to build up the plants. Like a fire in the furnace of a boiler, it furnishes heat that causes the work to be done. The warmth of the sun causes many chemical changes to take place in the soil and in the plant. Without the warmth and light of the sun nothing could grow, nothing could live. When coal burns, it gives out heat. The energy that produces the heat in the coal was supplhed to the trees perhaps millions of years ago by the heat and light of the sun, and these trees afterward formed the great coal beds. A great waterfall like Niagara produces energy to run railroad trains and factories, and to light cities, but the heat- energy of the sun raised the water from the sea and put D yi / 3- ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE in motion the wind that carried it to the watershed of the river; so that, ‘after all, the work of the water was made possible by the work of the sun, the great source of all work. Abundance of Most Elements. — (nly two or three of the elements of plant food furnished by the soil are ever so scarce as to prevent the normal growth of plants. Phos- phorus and nitrogen are most often scarce. In much of the sandy and loamy lands of the South neither of these elements exists in sufficient quantities to raise good crops. Hence fertilizers are used. Potassium also may be scarce in very sandy or very poor lands. Lime may occasionally be needed in fertilizers, but not often. Most of the value of commercial fertilizers or barnyard manure is due to the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which they contain. A wagon load of barnyard manure may contain no more than thirty pounds of these valuable elements, but even this amount gives it high value. Fertilizing Elements found Combined. — These elements are always united with other elements in soils and fer- tilizers. About four-fifths of the air is pure nitrogen, but in the gaseous form it is of no use to most plants. But combined with oxygen and sodium, it forms sodium nitrate, a solid substance soluble in water. In this com- pound it is a splendid fertilizer. Phosphorus burns in air, and hence cannot be used in the pure state. Combined with oxygen, calcium, and water to form calcium phosphate, an important constitu- ent of bones, it is easily handled and is an _ excellent fertilizer. Bones, which contain about twenty-five per CHEMISTRY OF SOIL AND OF PLANTS oe cent phosphoric acid in this form, are fine fertilizers. Potassium will burn in water or air, and is consequently not found pure in nature. Combined with oxygen and sulphur into potassium sulphate, or with chlorine into potassium chloride, it is easily handled as a fertilizer. Wood ashes are rich in potash (one of the substances that make soap when mixed with grease), and mainly for this reason ashes may be good fertilizers; they also contain some phosphoric acid and lime. Fertilizers will be discussed in a later chapter. QUESTIONS What is a chemical element? Give an example of an element. About how many elements are there? What substances do the differ- ent elements make up? What is water made of? What are the elements of iron rust? Are iron rust and water elements or com- pounds? Can water be separated into its elements? If water is frozen into ice, is that a chemical or physical change? If you powder chalk, is that a chemical or physical change? If you pour vinegar on powdered chalk, what sort of a change takes place? If wood burns, what sort of a change is produced? Which makes the most complete change in substances, chemical or physical changes? What do plants use for making sugar, starch, and oil? Can chemists produce sugar from these substances? Can plants produce still other substances that chemists cannot make? How many elements are found in plants when they are analyzed? Name some of the more impor- tant ones. Do all plants need the same elements for growth? Do all plants use the same elements in the same proportion? What effect does the sun have on the growth of plants? Where did the heat of burning coal first come from? Explain what the sun had to do with making a waterfall. How many elements sometimes get scarce in the land so that crops cannot grow well? What do we do to supply these scarce elements? Name the two elements that are most often scarce. What other two occasionally are not present in sufficient We 36 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE quantity? Why do we not find phosphorus pure? What fertilizer ingredient is found in bones? Experiment. — Heat chalk and see if you can make lime. Stir a good quantity of this lime in water and let it stand awhile. Pour the clear liquid off and blow your breath through it, using a tube or hollow straw. Note the milky appearance of the liquid. See if you can settle some of this chalk and collect it. Put some zine in a little bottle of strong hydrochloric, or muriatic, acid, which you can get at the drug store. See if gas given off at the mouth of the bottle will burn. If there is enough of it and the neck of the bottle is small enough, it will burn. Being hydrogen gas, it will form water when it burns by uniting with the oxygen of the air.” Be careful in this experiment, as a small explosion may occur. Heat a little ammonia; hold a rod wet with hydrochloric acid in the gases rising and note result. ee en wikt ol aul Mel ON avium ie BE THE PHYSICS OF THE SOIL: STORAGE OF WATER Soil a Storehouse for Plant Food. — ‘I'he soil made up, as we have seen, of ground-up rock mixed with humus, or decaying vegetable and animal matter, is a storehouse of plant food. Even moderately good land will have in a foot of depth enough nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and pot- ash to supply crops for two or three hundred years or more, but the roots of most plants feed to a depth of four or five feet. Since plants can use only soluble matter, and since plant food becomes soluble very slowly, lands having a large quantity of plant food may sometimes become unproductive and need fertilizing. Soil a Storehouse for Water. — ‘The soil stores rain-water and gradually gives it up to the plants. Sometimes soils are known to hold water enough to nourish plants during a six months’ drought. Ordinarily crops begin to suffer when they go without rain for three weeks or a month. Crops need an immense amount of water. A mature corn stalk of large size may be said to have used during its lifetime about two barrels of water. The production of one pound of dry hay, or other dry plant body, requires the use of about 400 pounds of water. Most of this water is evaporated from the leaves. Water-holding Power of Soils. — Clay soil may often hold forty per cent or fifty per cent of its own dry weight O7 te ff 38 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE of water and not be wet enough to allow any water to drip from it. We call this water soil-moisture. If a cubie foot of dry clay soil weighs 75 pounds, it will hold 30 to 37.5 pounds of water, and will weigh 105 to 112.5 pounds when thoroughly moist. A sandy soil will barely hold twenty per cent of its weight of water. A cubic foot of dry, sandy soil weighing 100 pounds will hold 20 pounds of water, and will, therefore, weigh 120 pounds when thoroughly wet. Dry humus will some- times hold twice its weight of water. Hence, if soil has plenty of humus in it, it will hold more water and stand drought better. Such is the case with new lands, or old land after peas or other restorative crops have been grown on it; or land that has been in pasture a few years. A clay soil may hold in a depth of four feet ten inches more water than does sandy soil. ‘Ten inches of water would be equal to ten big rains. It would be supposed that clay soils would always stand drought well, and sandy soils would always suffer worst from drought. This is not always so. Sandy soils generally suffer more than clay soils, but sometimes the clay soils suffer more. Sandy land will come nearer giving up all the water in it than clay land will. Crops can use the water from the sand until the supply gets as low as five per cent. In clay, plants can hardly live after the supply of water gets below twelve or fifteen per cent. Clay is often so wet in early spring that roots cannot go deep, and when a drought comes, the crops burn up. Clay land is quite sticky when wet, and if plowed wet THE: PHYSICS OF THE SOIL 39 and dried suddenly by the sun, will be cloddy and very hard to get into good condition. When very dry, it shrinks and cracks, thus breaking plant roots and caus- ing the plants to suffer severely from drought. A loamy soil with a good percentage of humus will generally stand drought better than clay or sand. Loams also drain nearly as well as sand and can be worked almost as easily. A good loam contains nearly all the advantages and but few of the disadvantages of sandy and clay soils. NUE 3 Kinds of Water in the WE BB aN. Soil. —In a moist soil a Nga = = thin’ film, or sheet, of SSS Fig. 12.— SHOWING CAPILLARY water surrounds each ACTION OF SOILS grain, but there are small spaces between the grains. That is, the soil is porous and will admit air. The water held as moisture is called capillary water. It moves about in the soil by capillary action. Ina dry time water rises in this way from below to supply plants. A lamp wick raises oil by the same means. If you will insert some little glass tubes in a vessel of water, you will see the water rise in the tubes. The smaller the tubes, the higher the water will rise. This is capillary action. Capillary water, or moisture, is the kind of water most beneficial to crops. As smaller elass tubes will cause water to rise higher than larger ones, so a soil with small grains, hike clay or clay loam, having smaller spaces between the grains, will cause i 40 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE water to rise higher in time of drought than coarse sandy soil will. But since the sandy soil has large grains and large tubes, or pores, between the grains, capillary water will move faster in sandy soil than in clay soil. We have all noticed that rain water sinks into sandy soil faster than it does into a clay soil. Ground Water. — If we dig deep down into the soil, say thirty or forty feet, we find standing water, as in wells. This is called ground water, or the water table. Some- times we find ground water within a foot of the surface. When the pore spaces of the soil are thus filled with water, air cannot enter, and roots of most plants cannot grow. Hence the necessity of draining the land. Ground water may remain near the surface for a short time with- out doing much harm. In most soils, crops would never suffer from drought if ground water remained about four feet from the surface. Enough of the ground water would be drawn up by capillary action to moisten the soil and supply the crops. But when the ground water is thirty or forty feet deep, it probably does not greatly benefit the crops. Hygroscopic Water. — Dust, apparently dry, contains some water, as may be proved by heating a weighed quantity of it to the boiling temperature of water, and then weighing it again and noting the difference in weight. This is called hygroscopic water. UWygroscopic water is of little or no value to crops, as it can hardly be used by most plants. Hay, corn, flour, cotton-seed meal, and most other dry substances contain about ten per cent of moisture that may be driven off by heat, but they THE PHYSICS OF THE SOIL 41 will regain the same amount of moisture from the air when they get cold. Importance of Water.-— For each pound of soil food used by crops. from 4000 to 10,000 pounds of water are needed, most of it being evaporated from the plant leaves. Some of this water is evaporated from the sur- face of the ground, and a little is used to help build up the plant. It can be seen from this how very important it is to supply plenty of water either by irrigation or by so working the land as to make it hold and furnish the crops the greatest amount of rain water. Water is not only an important food for crops, but it is the life blood of plants, as it carries all food into and through the plants. Green or Succulent Plants. table, is largely composed of water. Green grass, corn, Every green plant, or vege- sorghum, etc., contain seventy-five to eighty-five per cent of water. Melons, strawberries, cucumbers, and many other fruits and vegetables contain ninety per cent or more of water; Irish potatoes, eighty per cent, and sweet potatoes, seventy per cent. Hay, even when dry enough to stack or house, contains thirty to thirty-five per cent of water. You have noticed corn and sorghum wilt and droop on a hot afternoon; this is because the water is evaporating from the leaves faster than the roots can take it in from the soil. At night evaporation is not so fast, and the roots catch up with their work. Wet Soils too Cold. —In speaking of water for crops, we mean water in the form of capillary moisture. A soil full . of standing water will neither water nor feed most crops 2 42 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE to the best advantage, because it is too cold. All soils in our climate are too cold in early spring, and crops cannot grow until the ground is warmed by the heat of the sun. Even seeds will not sprout or germinate until the ground has been somewhat warmed. It requires five times as much Fic. 15.—STIRRING SOIL WHEN WET AND WHEN IN RIGHT CONDITION heat to warm a pound of water one degree as it does to warm a pound of moist, sandy soil one degree. Therefore, if a soil is full of water, it takes a long time for the sun to warm it up. Hence, land in sections where winter ‘ainfall is heavy should. be handled in a way to get rid of water before the spring. Evaporation produces Cold. — Again you have noticed that wet clothes in windy weather make you very cold. The water evaporates, or dries off, and takes up the heat THE PHYSICS OF THE SOIL 43 from your body. ‘That makes you cold. So a soil full of water has been found to lose from its surface by evapora- tion several times as much water as a soil that contains only the proper amount of moisture. Therefore the wet soil will be much colder than a moist soil. A very wet soil has sometimes been observed to evapo- rate an inch depth of water a week more than a moist soil. The heat required to evaporate this amount of water from an acre of land would melt 600 tons of ice. The cold produced by evaporating this quantity of water would convert over 500 tons of well-water into ice. Hence it is that a thermometer stuck into a very wet soil often shows a temperature 10 degrees lower than it does when put into a well-drained soil of the same kind. It need not be wondered at, then, that corn and cotton will fre- quently remain small and yellow on undrained soil. Corn and cotton will not grow at 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but they grow well at 60 degrees. A plant may stand with its roots bathed in water and be able to use but little of it. In fact, the large amount of water in the soil, and the evaporation from it, may make the plant so cold that its sap will not flow. To prevent evaporation of moisture insummer and make crops stand drought, land is cultivated. The compact condition of the soil is broken so moisture cannot be drawn up to the surface. Cultivating three inches deep saves the moisture better than a less depth. Least Amount of Water for Good Crops. —It has been found that about the least amount of water required to make crops is four inches in depth for each ton of dry material in the crop. On the Great Plains, where about / 44 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE 12 or 15 inches of rain can generally be counted on dur- ing the growing season, the land may be so worked that it will make three or four tons of hay to the acre; and if the rainfall were conserved in the best manner, probably 50 or 60 bushels of corn could be made to the acre. To furnish water to plants we want a moist soil but not a wet one. Drainage is such an unportant question that it will be discussed in a separate chapter, as will also the subject of cultivation as a means of saving moisture. Dark-colored Soils Warm. — Of soils of the same com- position and equally well drained, those that are dark in color will get warm earlier in the spring. You have noticed that black clothes are much warmer in the sun- shine than light-colored clothes. The dark-colored cloth- ing allows the sun’s heat to penetrate and reach the body, while white clothing reflects the heat. So dark soils absorb the sun’s heat more readily than do light-colored soils. QUESTIONS Where is the great storehouse of plant food? Suppose all the nitro- gen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the land could be used by crops, would the land make very many crops? Why do lands become ex- hausted ? How is water for plants kept over from one rain to another? How long do plants sometimes do without rain? How long can most field crops do without rain and not suffer? How much water will a big corn stalk use during its lifetime? To produce a pound of dry hay, how much water must the plants use? Which will hold the most water, clay land or sandy land? Why will plenty of humus in the land make it hold water better? Which will give up its water to plants most completely, clay land or sandy land? Why will clay land not always stand drought better than sandy land? Explain what is meant Poh PAYS(Cs: OF -THE SOIL 45 by capillary water in the soil. What do you understand by the ground water of the soil? How near the surface does the ground water have to come to be harmful? How is ground water got rid of ? Explain hygroscopic water. How could you compare the water plants use to the blood in our bodies? What is a succulent plant ? How much of watermelons and strawberries is water? How much more heat will it take to warm a pound of water than a pound of soil ? What other reason is there for wet soil to be cold? To evaporate an inch of water from an acre would use up how much heat? How much higher temperature can often be found in drained than in undrained soil? About how many inches of rain are required to make a ton of dry crop on an acre? Why are dark-colored soils warmer than light- colored soils ? Experiment. — Grow a stalk of corn or other vigorous plant in a box of soil at the schoolhouse or at home. Cover the top of the soil with a piece of blanket or some material to see that water cannot evaporate from the surface. Weigh box and contents from day to day, and note losses in weight, which will represent evaporation froim the corn leaves. Fill lamp chimneys as shown in Fig. 12 with different kinds of dry soil. Tie cloth over each and immerse ends;in pan of water and watch rise of capillary water in each. Grow corn or other plants in cans with no drainage holes, and in cans with holes in the bottom. Water both liberally and note results. Weigh potatoes, green grass, fruits, ete. Slice and dry them. Note losses and calculate percentage of water originally contained. Weigh different kinds of well-dried soil after being put into pots. Wet them and let excess of water drip as long as it will. Then weigh again and note percentage and amount of water each kind holds. Keep one box of soil excessively wet for some days and another box about right for growing plants. Keep them in the sun. Insert a thermometer three inches deep in each soil at midday and at 8 o’elock in the morning and note differences. Allow a crust to form on two boxes or pots of soil. Spread an inch layer of coarse dry sand on one. Weigh each from day to day and see which one loses moisture most rapidly. All of the above are suitable school exercises. CHAPTER VIII BACTERIA, OR GERM LIFE Work of Bacteria. — As is well known, little forms of life, plant and animal, too small to be seen except with a powerful microscope, play an important part in nature’s processes. ‘The souring of milk is caused by millions of little living beings. The decay of fruit and the spoiling of meat are also caused by minute forms of plant life. Some kinds of bacterial life bring disease, and doubtless other kinds assist us to get well. It is entirely likely that we have more Fig. 14.— DIFFERENT BACTERIA friends than enemies ete are among these little beings, and without them we could not live long. Only a year or two ago the French people took a vote on whom they regarded the greatest man that ever lived. A man named Pasteur was voted first, and Napoleon stood seventh. Pas- teur’s fame comes from his study of microscopic life. He learned to prevent and cure by inoculation human and animal plagues. He learned to prevent charbon and rinderpest of cattle and to cure hydrophobia of man. 46 BACTERIA, OR GERM LIFE +7 Influence on Industries. — Putting up fruit and sirup in cans is nerely heating and killing the germ life in the material to be canned, and then sealing it up so the air cannot enter and bring inore germs into it. Meats, milk, vegetables, fruits, and most of the products lkely to spoil may be preserved in this way. In making bread, wine, vinegar, alcohol, cheese, butter, and in many other industrial processes of the household, the farm, and the factory, we are directly dependent on our little servants, the bacteria. Effects on Soils and Manures. — It has long been known that the bacteria play an important part in making soils productive, and in bringing about changes in animal ma- nures. ‘The organic matter, the remains of plant and animal bodies, in the soil, rots because it is attacked and eaten by myriads of microscopic beings. As this organic matter decays, it furnishes plant food to the erowing crop. Many other chemical changes that take place in the land are helped or hindered in the same way. Barnyard manure is full of germ life. It has often been noticed that manure loses half its value in six months’ time. Certain bacteria attack it, and convert its nitrogen into nitric acid, which washes away in the rain water, or into carbonate of ammonia, which escapes into the air. The odor coming from stables is often caused by escaping car- bonate of ammonia. ' The best way to prevent germ life from destroying so much of the value of manure is to keep the manure well packed. An experiment in stall-feeding steers, at the Pennsylvania Experiment Station many years ago, i 48 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE showed that when the manure remained in the stable many months and became thoroughly packed, only about five or six per cent of the plant food was lost. When manure can be put out on the land and plowed under, the soil will catch and hold much plant food that would other- wise be lost. Bacteria on Legumes. — As far back as the time of the Romans and the Greeks, it was known that clover, beans, and some other crops made the land they grew on better, but it was not known how these plants made the improvement. It was sus- pected, and even asserted, about half _ a century ago, that these plants took in nitrogen of the air through the leaves. This was proved to be un- true. Yet these lecumes, cor ped plants, were always rich in nitrogen and left the soil rich in it. Some said they sent deep roots into the subsoil and dissolved nitrogenous | compounds and other plant food, Fic. 15.—Tupercirs “0d brought them up near the surface. on Roots or LecumMEsS Finally it was proved that plants do get nitrogen from the air, but not through their leaves. They get it through their roots, and by the help, in a remarkable way, of bacteria that live on the roots. If you will dig up a cowpea or a peanut plant, you will find BACTERIA, OR GERM LIFE 49 any number of little warts, or tubercles, on the roots. These knots are the homes of bacteria that help the host plant to get nitrogen. Corn, oats, cotton, potatoes, and most crops cannot develop these bacteria on their roots, and hence cannot use the free nitrogen in the air. A crop of cowpeas, peanuts, or velvet beans grown on a single acre has often been found to contain 200 pounds of nitrogen in its fruit, leaves, stems, and roots. A ton of cotton-seed meal does not contain so much nitrogen. Of course, when such a crop is plowed under and rots, the land is greatly enriched.’ Even when the crop is not plowed under, but saved for hay, the roots, stems, and fallen leaves will enrich the land. _ The same kind of bacteria will grow only on closely related kinds of plants. So it is often found that when a legume is planted for the first time in a neighborhood, it is well to sprinkle the land with soil that has already successfully grown this kind of plant or a kind closely related to it. This supplies the new land with germs which inoculate the plant and enable it to produce a better crop. The effects of restorative crops on the land will be more fully discussed in a chapter on rotation of crops. Plant Diseases. — These little bacteria and fungi (singu- lar fungus) cause most plant diseases. Cotton rust, grain rust, pear blight, peach curl, tomato blight, and many other diseases are caused by fungi of different kinds. Some of these are very difficult to treat. Many fungous diseases are checked in a great measure by spraying with Bordeaux mixture. Some strains of crops are resistant "a E 50 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE to these diseases. The red oat is much more resistant to rust than other kinds. A strain of sea-island cotton resistant to cotton wilt is said to have been found. In the tropics a small wild tomato grows with perfect free- dom from disease, where the finer cultivated kinds usually fail on account of blight. Root rot of cotton is a serious matter in much of Texas and in other sections. The crop dies in patches. Alfalfa, peanuts, peas, different fruit trees, and many weeds are subject to it. The fungus causing it does not live on the roots of sorghum, corn, wheat, oats, etc. Therefore, rotation with these crops is about the only partial remedy known. Melon wilt and cotton wilt are two other fungous diseases that cause great loss in some sections. Rotation of crops and burning of diseased plants are measures adopted to prevent the spread of all fungous dis- eases. The treatments for many plant diseases are given in the Appendix. QUESTIONS What do you understand by bacteria? What causes the souring of milk? Is germ life harmful or beneficial to us? What is necessary in order to preserve fruit? Is germ life of much importance in the arts and industries? Is it of any importance in soils and manures? By what means are peas and other crops enabled to enrich the land? How much nitrogen will a big crop of peas or peanuts add to an acre of land? Will all kinds of bacteria grow on all kinds of leguminous crops? What causes grain rust? Are there any grains resistant to rust? What causes potatoes to rot? Why should cut or bruised potatoes not be mixed with sound ones? What about root rot of cotton? What other plants does it attack? What plants are not attacked by this fungus? How can one partly get rid of root rot? What other fungous diseases of cotton are mentioned? What disease of melons ? BACTERIA, OR GERM LIFE ol Experiment. — Dig up peas, peanuts, and other pod-bearing plants, bring them to the schoolhouse, and examine little tubercles on roots. Perhaps the County Superintendent could acquire a large microscope and let the schools have it by turns. In this case examine germs in milk, water, etc. It will be most interesting. Cut sweet potatoes at home, and inoculate with germs of rotting potatoes and note effects. CHAPTER IX THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS Plant Families. — botany, the science which deseribes plants, divides all plants into great tribes, having certain degrees of relationship or resemblance. Corn, sorghum, sugar cane, oats, wheat, rice, grasses, etc., are put Into: Hi large tribe, because they all have leaves somewhat alike, and grow somewhat in the same way. ‘This large tribe is again divided into grains and grasses. Some of the mem- bers of this large family are very closely related, as oats, wheat, barley, and rye. Sorghum and Johnson grass are about first cousins, while milo-maize and kafir corn are something like double first cousins, or probably as close kin as brothers. Another large family of plants bears seed in pods. Most of these plants support on their roots bacteria that enable them to feed on nitrogen from the air, as you have already learned. ‘This family includes all the clovers, alfalfa, beans, peas, peanuts, beggar weed, and various other plants. The cowpea is more closely related to the bean than to the garden or English pea. This family of plants is often called The Legumes. Cotton and okra belong to another big family, and are rather closely related. Of the fruit trees, peaches and plums are likewise closely akin: also apples and pears. 52 THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS 03 Fruit trees closely enough related may be grafted on to each other. Genus, Species, and Varieties. — While a number of plants somewhat alike are said to belong to a family, or tribe, these tribes are divided into groups still more closely related. Each of these smaller groups is called a genus. The different kinds of clover belong to the genus Trifolium, or three-leaved plants. Each genus is divided into still smaller groups whose members are still more closely related to each other. Each of these groups is called a species. Sorghum and Johnson grass are different species of the same genus. ‘Then we have varieties of the same plant. Short-limbed cotton and long-limbed cotton are different varieties. Different varieties of a plant may be said to be as closely related to each other as brothers and sisters. (See Appendix for further descrip- tion of the plant families. ) Length of Life. — Plants that grow on from year to year, like fruit or forest trees, are called perennial plants. So are plants that keep coming up from the same roots, like Johnson grass and Bermuda grass. Plants like cotton and corn, that die, root and branch, each year, and have to come up from seed again, are called annuals. It is true, cotton is a perennial in the tropics, and lives and grows for many years, getting as large as plum trees. Certain other plants grow two years and make seed the second year and die. These are dbiennzals. Turnips, beets, and melilotus, or sweet clover, are biennials. Storage of Plant Food. — Biennial plants generally store up the first year a supply of rich food in their roots, so A ot ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE they grow very rapidly the second year. Perennials store up in their twigs and buds food that causes very rapid growth of young leaves the next spring. So all plants store food in their seed for the use of the young plants until the latter can take root. Irish potatoes may grow a foot high from the food in the seed potato. It has been proved that if large pieces of Irish potatoes are planted, much better yields are secured than when the seed pota- toes are cut into small pieces. ‘That is, the young plants, being better fed, get a better start and grow more vigor- ously if big pieces of seed are planted. Sugar cane, of course, has a large store of sugar and other food in the stalk planted. The young plant can grow a long time just by feeding on this seed stalk. So in the East Indies, where people want time to gather an- other crop from the land, and yet want the sugar cane early, they start the cane in beds and then transplant the mother stalks bearing the young cane when the other crop has been removed and the land prepared. ‘To lengthen the short growing season in the Gulf States, cane might be sprouted under glass or cloth and trans- | planted in the same way. Even a mustard seed and a tobacco seed contain some food to start the young plant off. Plants, if they had intelligence and speech, would tell us they do not store food for us, but for their own off- spring. The sap in the sugar maple, sugar cane, and sugar beet, that we take to make sugar, is stored there to support new plants and new growth; so of the starch and other substances in rice, corn, wheat, and barley seed. THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS ay) The rich protein compounds in beans, peanuts, and cotton seed are primarily to support young plants. In one sense we are robbers of the plant kingdom, and must be in order to live. Roots, Stems, and Leaves. — Plants have roots to hold them upright in the soil and to gather moisture and food from the soil. The stems serve to hold the leaves up to sun and air. The stems, as you have seen, also contain | little channels through which plant food and water are | carried from the roots upward to the leaves. Then the finished chemical compounds made by the leaves pass back into every part of the plant. The leaves, as we have seen, give off water, and take in carbonic acid gas. Plants as Chemists. — By means of the chloro- phyl, or green coloring matter, and sunlight, the leaf is able to make starch out of carbon and water. No human chemist can do this. Then the plant readily turns its starch into sugar. Chemists can perform this feat, but they cannot turn sugar back into starch. The plant candothis. To the starch or sugar the plant makes, it adds a hlttle sulphur, phosphorus, and nitrogen, which come up in the soil Fic. 16.— Frsrous Roots oF Corn ob ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE water, and a compound called protein is made. Chemists cannot make this, and without it in our food we could not live. Protein will be discussed later under the subject of Feeding Animals. Kinds of Roots. — Plants are often spoken of as having either fibrous or tap roots. Corn and oats and wheat have fibrous roots. Cotton has a tap root, and of course has many small fibrous roots branching out from this main tap root. The smaller roots. of plants are the feeding roots, and even the smallest roots that can be seen with the unaided eye are covered with small hairs that take in moisture and food from the soil. Length of Roots. — Plant roots grow to a much greater length than one would suppose. Most plants have roots longer than the height of the plant. We often see cotton or corn injured at a distance of forty yards or more from a large green tree. The tree is not shading the crop for any great distance, as some people think. The little roots of the tree are stealing food and moisture from the crop. This injury is greatest in time of drought. It has been estimated that if all the roots of a hill of corn were placed in a straight line, they would reach a mile. Plant roots often go many feet deep, but the majority of the feeding roots of farm and garden crops will nearly always be found in the upper six inches of the soil. Osmosis of Plants. —If a bladder containing strong salt water be suspended in a vessel of pure water, the pure water will pass through the bladder rather rapidly, and some of the salt water will pass out into the vessel. THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS oT The most rapid movement will be into the bladder toward the strong solution. The mixing of lquids through a membrane like this is called the principle of osmosis. This is the way in which plant roots take in food and water from the soil. Water containing dissolved salts is inside the plant, and water contain- ing salts is also about the roots in the soil. As the leaves of the plant evaporate water, the liquid inside becomes stronger than that outside. Hence the weaker liquid outside be- gins to flow through the cell walls of the roots into the plant and the © liquid inside passes out less rapidly. As water continues to evaporate from the leaves, the stronger solution will be in the leaves and the weaker one in the roots where the soil water is entering. Hence the weaker solu- tions move upward from cell to cell. This, at least, partially accounts for the movement of sap in plants. Beans when soaked swell up until they burst. This is due to the prin- 45,, Pioneers ciple of osmosis. ‘The weaker liquid OsmosIs flows through the skin of the bean. A shriveled piece of Irish potato will take in water when soaked and become plump. But if soaked in strong salt water, the potato will become still more shriveled, because the juices of the potato flow outward to the strong solution. ie 58 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE To show the pressure of the flow of sap, cut a small grapevine and fit a rubber tube over it and put a glass tube in the other end of the rubber tube. The pressure will raise water in the glass tube many feet high. Fertilization of Plants. — Plants, in order to make seed, have flowers. A perfect flower FEUMAg Se OS Ga ie eel eet CaS Ratan: producing a little yellow powder called pollen, and a pistil containing the little seed. In order to become fertile and make good seed, some of the pollen must reach the little seed. See Figure 19 for the names of the different parts of the flower. One part of the corn flower is represented by the shoot and _ silks, the other part by the tassel. As is well known, no grain is made unless the pollen of the tassel falls on the silk of the corn. . The ears of corn fill much better in a large Fic. 19.— Lity oF THE VALLEY, SHOW- field than where: there are 4 18 3 SUAMaNs 222 oe IN THE CENTER only a few stalks. In the latter case, the pollen is blown off and does not reach the silks. Corn of different varieties will sometimes mix even when the fields are some distance apart; this is ee =e eee THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS due to the fact that the pollen is blown from one field to the other. In order to be sure of effecting the most rapid improvement by selecting seed corn, the shoots of the desirable kind should be covered with paper bags before the silks appear, and then the silks should be dusted artificially with the pollen from the same stalk, or an equally desirable one. Still other plants have flowers containing pistils on one plant and the flowers containing the stamens on another. Often two varieties of strawberries must be planted close together on this account. Date palms had been growing on the Texas coast for a long time and had borne no fruit. It was supposed they would not bear in this climate. Finally, some one brought flowers from palms growing in Mexico and fertilized those on the Texas trees, and as fine dates as could be desired were produced. Work of Insects. — Insects aid in carrying pollen and fertilizing flowers. When cucumbers are grown in hot- houses in winter, it has been found that fertilization can- not be done so well by hand, and bees have been introduced into the hothouses for the purpose. ‘The bee or other insect gets pollen on its body and carries it to the next flower visited. The showy colors and the sweet perfume of flowers, it is said, are nature’s ways of attracting insect visitors to the flowers. In the Philippine Islands and Borneo, wherever a few flowers are cultivated, sticks are stuck up with eggshells put on top of them, often giving the appearance of numerous flowers. The people say that the eggshells make the flowers grow better. Whether this is a useless notion, or whether the eggshells may & 60 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE help attract the few insects that visit flowers there, the writer has often wondered. Crossing and Hybridizing. — Plants of different varie- ties may be crossed by fertilizing the flowers of one vari- ety with the pollen of another. Plants of different species may often be crossed, and the resulting plant is called a hybrid. Crossing and hybridizing sometimes produce superior plants, but the chances are that the new plants will be no better than the originals. As a rule the prac- tical farmer and gardener had best leave crossing and hybridizing on a large scale to the professional plant breeders. To every hybrid or cross that is superior to the parent plants, there are hundreds that are inferior. > QUESTIONS What is the name of the science that describes plants? How are plants classified? Name a near relative of sorghum. Name a dis- tant relative of corn. Name a relative of the cowpea and one of cotton. Can plants not related to each other be grafted together ? Are the plants in a species or in a genus more closely related? What is an annual plant? What is a perennial and what is a_ biennial plant? What provision is made by all plants in the fall for rapid growth next spring? What is the reason that big pieces of Irish potatoes will yield more when planted than small pieces will? What does the sugar-cane plant feed on when young? In what way do we rob plants? Of what use are roots to plants? Of what use are stems and leaves? Can chemists make sugar out of starch, and can they make starch out of sugar? Can plants do these things? What other compound in plants is necessary for animal life? Can human chemists make this compound? What two kinds of roots do plants have? Give examples of plants that have both kinds of roots. How long are the roots of a large tree? Ixplain the injury a tree will do to a crop in time of THE BOTANY OF OUR CROPS 61 drought. How deep do plant roots feed? Explain the principle of Osmosis, or the mixing of liquids through a membrane. Explain how the principle of Osmosis enables plants to get food from the soil. What will happen if a shriveled Irish potato is soaked in salt water ? What is a flower? What are the principal parts of a flower? Where are the different parts of the Indian corn flower situated? What would happen if all the tassels of corn were cut off? If you wish to be sure that an ear of corn would not mix with other corn, what would you do? Why do people sometimes have to plant two kinds of strawberries near each other? Why would the date palm not bear fruit in Texas, and what was done to make it fruitful? Of what use are insects to plants? Of what use are the pretty colors of flowers? What do we mean by “crossing” plants ? Experiment. — Plant on the farm at home one row of corn from nubbins and a row from fine ears, and see if there is a great differ- ence in yield. Report next session for the benefit of the school. Plant at the proper season at home a few single eyes of Irish potatoes, cutting each eye off with a very small, thin piece of potato. Then plant pieces as big as walmuts, with all eyes cut out but one on each piece. Note how much better plants the latter will make. Make report next session. Watch a few stalks of corn growing in garden, and if you wish take out all the tassels when they first appear. Note that few grains or none at all will be. made. CHAP x GRAFTING AND BUDDING MAny plants do not produce offspring ike themselves when their seed are planted. This is true of peaches, apples, plums, pecans, and other fruit-bearing trees. You may plant a seed from ever so fine a peach, and you are nearly certain to get a tree bearing inferior fruit. If you plant the finest paper-shell pecan, the chances are you will get a small, hard nut. But if a bud or graft be taken from a good kind of tree and made to live and grow on a stock of any kind, it will always bear fruit like the tree from which it was taken. Budding. — Figure 20 shows the common method of budding. Budding must be done in summer when the bark slips readily. Peaches, plums, and cherries are generally budded rather than grafted. Young seedling trees are grown in large numbers, and buds of desir- able kinds put under the bark of the seedling plant near the ground. In the Southern States peaches are often budded in June and September. When the June bud is found to live, the top of the stock is broken above the bud and allowed to remain attached until the bud begins to grow vigorously; the broken top is then entirely cut off, and the new bud makes the tree. The tops of the stocks budded in September are not cut 62 GRAFTING AND BUDDING 63 away until the following spring. The Japanese per- simmon may be budded into seedlings of the common persimmon grown in the same way as peach seedlings. Figure 21 shows the ring method of budding pecans and oranges commonly practiced in the South. Buds of the finest kinds of pecans may be inserted in pecan seed- lings or hickories. If the hickory or pecan trees on which the grafting is to be done are old, the limbs and tops Fic. 20.— STEPS IN BUDDING a. Cuts in Stock d. Bud Inserted b. Bark Slipped Away -e. Bark Wrapped c. Bud f. Bud making New Tree should be cut off in the winter so that a new growth will be put forth. Several buds are inserted in the new wood the following summer, and then fine kinds of pecans will be produced in two or three years (see Fig. 24). Satsuma orange buds are grafted into a hardy, worth- less orange, called the trifoliata, grown from seed. As the sap ceases to flow vigorously in this trifoliata stock in the fall, the trees become so nearly dormant that they are not much affected by cold. Hence we have a hardy We / f 64 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE and valuable orange for South Texas, Louisiana, and other Southern States, where the orange industry is one (ib ager, Fic. 21.— Rinc BUDDING FOR ORANGES AND PECANS of great promise and is already assuming commercial —propor- tions. Grafting. — Apples and pears are. more often grafted than budded. Seeds are planted and many young plants pro- duced. . Uhese storm the stock on which cuttings, or scions of eood varieties, are grafted. Figure ~ 22 shows different methods of grafting. Grafting is generally done in winter and very early spring. The main caution to be observed is to see that the inner bark of the stock and scion exactly join for at least a part of the way around, so that the sap can flow back and forth. Different species of plants may be grafted or budded on each other, as apples, pears, and quinces. This is also true of cherries, peaches, and plums, and with pecans and GRAFTING AND BUDDING 65 hickories. Better results are often secured when the stock and the scion are of the same species. = ——————— == = ——— SSS; = ae : ———— ss a. Scion; b. Stock Many people think peaches and apples can be grafted or budded on each other. That is not true. + Plants must be rather closely related ) to be grafted and budded together. } In almost every neighborhood there are men who are skilled in budding and grafting. It is suggested that each pupil seek an opportunity to witness the art of budding and grafting, and by a little prac- tice, learn to do it. Cuttings and Layering.—It is often not F Fe i . ‘ : 1 a Gaee necessary to bud or graft in order to propa- DertH TO gate and multiply plants. Many plant cut- PLANT Fie ~ : i I Curtme tings simply stuck down in favorable sol us F 66 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE will live and grow. Figs are fairly easily multiplied in this way by planting cuttings in winter or early spring. The limbs of other plants may be brought down to the ground and covered, and when they take root, they may be set out as any other plant. This is called layering. Grapes are often propagated in this way. In the tropics most plants grow from cuttings set in the early part of the wet season. There one may often see a ball of mud tied toa limb which has been eut half in two, or had the bark cut. Fic. 24.— OnLp PECAN TREE GROWING PAPER- SHELL Bups This is done to en- courage rooting at that point. This method is about the same as ordinary — layering. Runners. — Many plants are multiplied by root stocks or runners. The blackberries and raspberries put up numerous plants from the roots. They are propagated GRAFTING AND BUDDING 67 by planting pieces of roots. Strawberries send out run- ners that root and make new plants. Bermuda grass, in this climate, is propagated from the trailing stems that root at each joint. It may also be produced from seed got from the tropics. Johnson grass, one of our most dreaded pests, grows from seed and from large, fleshy, jointed underground stems, usually called roots. QUESTIONS Suppose you plant the seed of fine peaches, will they always pro- duce trees having fine fruit? What is necessary, then, in order to re- produce fine peach trees? What other fruits will not come true from seed? What two methods do we have of multiplying such fruits? Describe budding. Describe different methods of grafting. How are oranges propagated in the Gulf States? Do we graft or bud apples and pears? At what time of year is budding done? What time of year is grafting done? How are figs propagated? How are erapes propagated? How do we propagate strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries ? Experiment. — Practice grafting and budding and see what success you have. CHAPTER XI SEED SELECTION PEOPLE appear to believe in selecting the best seed for planting and the best animals for breeding. Yet, as a rule, but a half-hearted effort is made, especially in regard to seed selection. It is true, a great deal of money has been spent for seed which are supposed to represent years of careful selection, and which are claimed to have a producing power two or three times as great as the seed usually planted. These purchases have generally been disappointing; the seed in many cases have proved to be not so good as some of those planted for years in the purchasers’ neighborhood. Do Seed run Out ?— It is not true, certainly with most crops, that seed “run out,” and that new seed from a distance must be brought in. In fact, it has been generally found that seed of a certain variety of crop erown in any locality will be better for that locality than those brought in from a distance. Seed grown in a locality for a number of years go through a process of adaptation and natural selection, better suiting the crop to its conditions. Of course the farmer can hasten this adaptation by intelligent artificial selection of planting seed. In this way corn has been developed to grow farther north, wheat to suit certain sections and give 68 SEED SELECTION Ov) better yields; cotton is being developed to make fair crops ahead of the boll weevil, etc. Other crops have been adapted to resist disease. In a measure, also, varieties of crops have been produced to suit different types of soil, to vary in their fertilizer requirements, resistance to excessive wet or dry weather, etc. Plants resemble Parents. — In a general sense, a plant is like its parents. It is not true, however, that seed from a nearly perfect ear of corn will, of necessity, produce only stalks having perfect ears. A fine ear of corn may have been fertilized (pollenized) by one bearing a little nubbin. The nubbin may have been pollenized by the stalk having the fine ear. In that case the nubbin would make as good seed as the fine Fig. 25. — TESTING SEED ear, if the grains are as sound and individually as large. Even if the fine ear is crossed with another stalk having a fine ear, and the nubbin with a stalk having a nubbin, it is not at all likely that the seed will be so widely different in productive power when planted as the parent plants were. Each grain has in it not only the strain of its immediate parents, but of a hundred generations of parents. One or two generations of nubbins, or even almost barren stalks as ancestors of one parent, caused by poor soil, poor culture, or drought, will not be likely seriously to reduce the yield when planted, if good conditions are again provided. i TO ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE The Farmer his Own Seedsman. — As far as possible every farmer should select his seed in his own neighbor- hood or on his own farm.. He should select seed with a view of obtaining a size and type of plant that suits the soil and seasons of his locality. It is highly probable that all the desirable qualities cannot be combined in any one type of cotton, for example. We should like earliness, hardiness, prolificness, high per cent of lint, large bolls, and long staple. It is probable that some of these quali- ties are antagonistic to each other, and consequently all of them can never be fully attained in one variety. But large bolls, earliness, and at least fair prolificness, can be obtained in short staple cotton. This has been proved many times. Sound, Heavy Seed. — The farmer should see to it that only sound, heavy seed are saved. The Department of Agriculture at Washington has devised a little machine to separate light cotton seed from heavy, plump seed. The latter, in a planting test, gave a much better yield than unseparated seed. Good stands of all crops are necessary in order to make good yields. Seed corn in the corn-growing states is often unsound, and the poor stand resulting cuts off the yield several bushels per acre. Of course good, sound, heavy seed of all kinds should be insisted on when buying. As all seed lose their vitality with age, new seed should be demanded. Seed bought should be subjected to a germination test. That is, one hundred average seed should be kept under a moist cloth, or in moist sand, at a temperature suitable to germination, to see how many are good. SEED SELECTION ie Weed Seeds. —In buying alfalfa, clover, wheat, oats, and many other seeds, one should be on his guard against introducing the seed of noxious weeds. In examining many samples of alfalfa seed brought into Texas, the Experiment Station has found large percentages of dod- der, Russian thistle, dock, and other exceedingly bad Fic. 26.— PURE AND IMPURE ALFALFA SEED, MAGNIFIED weeds. Oats and wheat are very likely to carry Johnson- grass seed, when grown in sections where that grass exists. It would be advisable to have a microscopic examination made of all seed that are likely to have mixed with them the seeds of harmful weeds. No doubt the experiment stations and agricultural colleges of all the states will do this work free of charge. Watching for Sports. — The farmer, by careful watching for just the type of plant wanted, and selecting, keeping pure, and planting, can accomplish much more than by / (2 - KLEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE artificially stimulating big yields and depending on these seed to make big yields. A new type of plant is called a sport. Sports do not.always breed true, but they often do, and thus produce new varieties. An extraordinary crop secured by high fertilizing, good seasons, etc., will not be likely to afford better seed than a crop which has made a poor yield on account of unfavorable conditions. The large yields of many of the high-priced seed which are sold are due rather to high fertilizing than to special merit in the seed. Dr. de Vries and Dr. Nillson, quite noted European plant breeders, pronounced the plan of the German plant breeders a failure. The German plan is to select a large amount of seed from the whole of a good crop and plant these together. Dr. de Vries and Dr. Nillson watch for a single plant differing from the others and of a desired kind, called a sport, then isolate it and multiply from it. In this way they claim to have accomplished certain and excellent results. All the evidence points to the fact that if there is any variety which is best for a given locality, it will not be the best for all localities growing this crop. With a long season of growth and plenty of rain, a late-maturing kind of corn will outyield an early kind. But for a northern latitude, or the dry western climate, we should hardly recommend the large-stalked, late kinds of corn. It is also evident that the same kind of cotton does not do equally well over any large extent of country. Limits to Improvement.—It seems reasonable that crops that have been highly improved already cannot be SEED SELECTION eS) improved so rapidly in future as in the past. That is, a limit can be reached somewhere beyond which improve- ment cannot go on. It is said the sugar beet has had its sugar content doubled since Napoleon began its improve- ment as a means of raising revenue for his wars. Whether this is true, or part of the improvement actually came from better handling and later ripening of the beets and better methods in the factories, it is immaterial. It is true, however, that the sugar content of the beets grown in Germany, the greatest sugar-making country on earth, has not increased on an average so much as one per cent on the weight of the beets in nearly forty years. Java, next to Hawaii the most intensive cane-sugar country in the world, was forced to give up its sweetest sane and grow a vigorous, hardy kind, able to resist certain cane diseases. The same country once grew an immense quantity of as fine coffee as was ever known. Disease came and entirely destroyed the industry, which is now being built up again, with an inferior but hardy kind of tree, able to resist the disease. Less hardiness and less resistance to disease seem gener- ally to follow improvement in other directions. Whether this evident tendency can be guarded against and disease resistance combined with improvenient in yield and quality of product, are questions as yet unknown. Such a com- bination has not been attained in improved live stock, and certainly has not in most cases with improved piants. Hopkins, of Iinois, has bred corn to contain some 45 per cent more protein than average corn. In doing so, he ae 74 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE appears to have reduced the size of ears, and presumably the yield of corn, about 25 per cent. Potatoes and Cane. — Planting small sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes is a general practice in some sections, and has been for generations, but potatoes show no marked tendency to become smaller. It is true that planting small Irish potatoes, where they are cut to two eyes, will result in smaller yields than larger potatoes cut to two eyes. You have seen why this is so. When the same sized pieces are cut from small potatoes as are cut from large potatoes, there will be more eyes in the pieces cut from the smaller potatoes, and with some varieties several of these eyes come up, resulting in too many plants, and consequently a larger proportion of small potatoes. Above the Louisiana sugar belt proper the practice of sirup makers has been for years to save for planting the small, worthless stalks of cane. In the tropics the practice has been for ages to plant the immature, worth- less tops. In neither case has any deterioration in the cane occurred. In the tropics much experimental work has been done to find the effects of planting poor stalks and tops, but no change one way or the other has been found. In the case of sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, and cane, we plant parts of the old plants just as in budding and grafting. In each of them real seed may be grown, and are grown and planted. When sugar cane grows a year or more in the tropics, it makes a head of fine feathery seed. These are planted and a little, weak stalk of cane SEED SELECTION (is) is produced. This stalk is planted and cane is produced in the usual way, but there is never any telling what kind of cane it will be. It is never likely to resemble the par- ent, and is entirely likely to be different from any other variety of cane ever produced. You are more likely to get Fic. 27. — New Mexico DATE PALM from the seed of red cane either white, green, striped, or even black cane, than red cane. Only one in thousands of the kinds produced in this way has been found to have better qualities than well-known kinds. Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes are said to show these same variations when grown from real seed. Other Seed-producing Plants. — With plants that cross i, 76 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE pollenize, variation is much more likely to oceur. Luther Burbank plants a vast number of seeds of each kind, and watches for sports. By growing this sport and fixing the type by preventing cross fertilizing, he obtains the new variety. Rapidity of Improvement. — Plants are not so rapidly and certainly improved by usual methods of selection and breeding as some people believe. Of the one hundred or more so-called varieties of cotton tested at several Southern experiment stations, no one kind has often made the best return two years in succession at the same station. No one kind that yielded best for early planting has often yielded best for late planting. No one kind has often made best returns the same year at any two stations. Frequently the variety that yields most on one kind of land yields least on another kind. If we take averages, the kinds known to be old have yielded nearly as well as those which are claimed to have been improved in receut years. QUESTIONS W hat are comparative merits of home grown seed and seed brought from a distance? What about seed “running out”? What have experiment stations found out about the best variety of cotton? How about seed from a crop that was poor on account of drought? Can seed be improved by merely fertilizing the crops? Tell about the _ experience in planting sugar cane and potatoes. What is a “sport”? How are new varieties produced? Can all desirable qualities be combined in one variety of plant? What sort of corn should be selected for a dry country ? How are seed tested? What undesirable plants are likely to be introduced in seed? To what extent do you think we can go on improving our crops ? ' : 7 SEED SELECTION ia Experiment. — Use a magnifying glass and examine seed of alfalia, turnip, and other small seed for weed seed, rotten seed, ete. Make germination tests at proper season with different seed. You may have heard the old saying that wheat turns to cheat. Suppose you get some cheat seed and some pure wheat seed and plant each sepa- rately in boxes. See if each does not make its own kind. You can do these things at school. CHAPTER Xi IMPROVING THE LAND THE rapidity with which lands wash and wear has al- ready been mentioned. The humus of Southern soils has been found to decrease much faster than in northern lands. The same open winters and heavy rainfall that cause the waste of humus and soluble plant food also cause the soil of much of the rolling Southern lands to wash off into the valleys and creeks, leaving red gullies and poor subsoil. Poor Land Unprofitable. — The question of improving the soil is the great question of the farm. If one-fourth of a bale of cotton to the acre pays all expenses of its pro- duction, including land rent, labor of man and team, seed, gathering, ginning, marketing, etc., then a half bale to the acre will pay over twelve dollars an acre net profit when lint sells at ten cents a pound and seed at $20 a ton. While a quarter of a bale makes no net profit, a half bale to the acre makes a net profit as large as $120, drawing ten per cent interest. If fifteen bushels of corn to the acre pays all expenses, then thirty bushels at fifty cents a bushel will pay a net profit of about $7.50. Poor, worn land producing small crops is very poor property; but good land producing large crops pays better than almost any other kind of investment. Land Easy to Improve. — The building up of the soil is the surest and quickest way to make large and profitable 78 IMPROVING THE LAND (es) crops. It is not difficult or expensive to improve land which produces a quarter bale so that it will make a half bale or even a bale of cotton to the acre. Much of the thin land of the South which now yields only fifteen bushels of corn or less to the acre could be easily made to yield thirty bushels or more. It is a general fact that the thin, poor lands are the easiest lands to improve. Amount of Plant Food. — If even the poorest land is analyzed and calculations made of the amount of phos- phoric acid, nitrogen, and potash contained in a depth of three or four feet, enough plant food is found to sup- port several hundred, or perhaps a thousand, big crops. But such land ceases to produce well because crops and the leaching and washing of the rains have taken away most of the soluble, or available, plant food. Perhaps almost all the humus has been exhausted and the land is no longer dark in color, porous, and fresh, as it was when’ it was new. With most of the humus gone, germ life has little to feed upon, and germs no doubt play an im- portant part in dissolving plant food and making it fit for plant use. Nature enriches Land. — If this poor land is left uncul- tivated, grass and weeds and briers and bushes soon take possession of it. These hardy plants thread the soil and subsoil with their roots, which can extract food out of the poorest land. If protected from fire these plants make a shade and a soft covering for the land. When they die they decay and form humus. The roots decay and leave channels for air and water to pass through the soil. The shade and humus encourage germ life, which thrives and ae SO ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE multiplies. Rotting vegetable matter also feeds and shel- ters innumerable earthworms and other low forms of ani- mal life that burrow and eat and grind and pulverize the soil. Byafew years of such treatment, nature makes this land just as fresh and productive as it ever was. With a crop of peas, velvet beans, or peanuts, or a coat of barnyard manure now and then, land should retain its freshness and productiveness. By such management it will remain fresh and open and porous; the air ean enter: it will hold moisture better; germ life will thrive, and all these things help to dissolve plant food in the soil for the use of crops. Physical and Chemical Improvement. — Improvement in iand may be effected by adding chemical plant food in the form of concentrated fertilizer, or by making some physi- cal change in the soil. Plowing or draining would be a physical improvement. Adding sand to a tight, heavy soil, if it could be done profitably, would often help it, and yet the sand may have no plant food, Coarse manure contains plant food, but one of its chief uses is to open up the land or otherwise put it in better physical con- dition. It adds vegetable matter, or humus, to the soil, inakes it drain better, and lets the air enter. It also makes a coarse, sandy soil less porous, and causes it to hold water better. A good supply of humus is the corner- stone of soil improvement, particularly for the worn up- lands of: the humid part of the South. Terracing. — ‘To prevent rolling lands from washing, a very successful plan followed in the South Central and Southeastern States is to lay off with a cheap leveling in- IMPROVING THE LAND SL strument lines around the hillside on a dead level. A sharp bed is thrown up on these lines with a turn plow ies iia ean Ps 7 Si te ae 28. — TERRACED LAND and weeds and grassare allowed to grow on them. These lines are generally run so that one will be three perpendicular feet higher than the one next to it down the hill. Of course, the lines will be closer to- gether on steep land than on gently rolling land, and they will be closer together at some points than at other points. Rows are gen. erally laid off parallel to each of two terraces, beginning, say, above one and laying off until G Fig. 29. —CORN GROWN ON WASHED AND oN TERRACED LAND 82 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE halfway to the next terrace up the hill at the point where the two terraces are nearest together. Then begin below this next terrace and make rows till this halfway point is reached. Last of all the short rows are filled in. This scheme enables each row as nearly as possible ak to take care of its own we. Uo opens Brea. ver Ww: oo Wedneccuiaeiee ee water, while whatever water breaks over the rows soon comes to a terrace line ing cea ) covered with weeds and ee grass. Here the speed of Fic. 30. — TERRACED LAND AND Rows : the water is checked, and whatever sediment it carried is deposited. Ina few years the old terrace lines are richer than the other land. ‘These are plowed up and the terraces made along new level lines. Figures 28 and 30 will make clear the description of this plan for preventing washing. Drainage. — There is a great deal of land in all humid sections that is unproductive because of poor drainage. Fia. 31. — BEST SHAPE FOR AN OPEN DITCH We have seen that too much water makes the land cold, shuts out air, prevents the growth of microscopic life, etc. Straightening channels of small creeks, clearing out ob- structions, and making a few simple, open ditches will often make much excellent creek bottom land very productive. Any open ditch or channel for water to flow in should IMPROVING THE LAND 83 be made widely V-shaped (Fig. 31). Such a channel will always clean itself out much better than a wide-bottomed ditch, and will not be liable to cave and fill up. Often by merely starting such a channel with a plow and replowing after heavy rains, one can make excellent drainage chan- nels at trifling expense. Draining Marsh and Creek Lands. — Near the seacoast there are immense bodies of marsh land too flat to be drained insucha way. ‘This land needs to be surrounded with low levees with channels cut through them, and to have the water pumped out over the levees. A trifling amount of pumping will permanently drain such lands and make them highly valuable. The drainage canals might be made the very best and cheapest means of trans- portation. Holland has hundreds of square miles re- claimed even from the sea at a cost of perhaps over one hundred dollars an acre. Even rivers are pumped out over the great levees, or dikes. This land is below sea level and is cut here and there with drainage canals. The people are said to go to market in boats in summer and on skates in winter. There are also large bodies of fine creek bottom land that could be drained by dredging out straight channels for some miles. As this is usually too large an under- taking for one men, the land to be reclaimed should be organized into a drainage district and taxed or bonded to get money to make the improvement. Tile Draining. — A great deal of land in the Northern and Central States is drained with tile, or burned clay pipes. These pipes are laid end to end in ditches dug fe 84 at suitable distances, and covered over. excellent and permanent system of drainage. ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE This makes an Tile drains do not draw water from the land any better than open ae Mibu) yoy ll wi Hey vit wilt Aas | AWE ae NNN ae \ \\) Za ly Ss ’ NY Vara \\\\ Nig Ra) Teka Oe zx W \\. — AR ae sis ae. EA tZ W a a aie e ; ‘ Z BR Ma We ; \ " ‘ i I ( \ ‘ Fic. 32. — TiLE DRAINING ditches of equal depth; but they are never in the way of teams or machinery, they cause no loss of land, and they never fill up when well laid. When tiles are once laid, the expense is over, but open ditches have to be worked on every year. In the Gulf States there has been almost no tile drainage, because land has been cheap and tiling has been costly. Perhaps the cost of tiling an acre would buy two acres that do not need tile. long, and we can generally wait for the excess of water to dry Moreover, the seasons are off, and yet have time to make acrop. Figure 32 will show the method of draining with tiling. As our lands increase in value and we come to want to use our whole season in maturing two or more crops, tiling will likely come into favor. In some places, brush, poles, rocks, etc., have been put into ditches and covered over so as to make cheap under- drains. IMPROVING THE LAND 85 QUESTIONS Why do Southern lands wear out more rapidly than Northern lands? Why do Eastern lands exhaust faster than Western lands? Why is good land of such great importance to the farmer? What lands are generally most easily improved? Suppose exhausted land grows up in weeds, grass, and briers, will it become productive again ? Should land thus growing up be burned off, or should the growth be allowed to rot? What can we do to improve poor land faster than turning it out? Besides growing crops on land to improve it, what can we add to it? Give an example of physical improvement and chemical improvement of land. Describe the plan used in the South- ern States to prevent hilly or rolling land from washing into gullies. What can be done to make creek bottoms productive? What shape should an open ditch have to be most serviceable? What can be done to make large areas of flat marsh land productive? What country has reclaimed from the sea a great amount of land? How do people go to market in that country? Describe tile drainage. Why have the Southern people not used much tiling ? Observation. — Observe how much more productive old fencerows and old building sites are than land regularly cultivated. Observe how much better crops are grown this year on land that grew peas last year. Note how much better the crop often is near a ditch where drainage is good than farther away where the land is not so well drained. CHAP TER se Slit ROTATION OF CROPS English Rotation. — In England, clover, turnips, beans, and wheat follow each other in regular order, and consti- tute a five-year rotation. The lands of Great Britain were once so poor that only about three bushels of wheat were raised for each bushel planted. While invading France, the people learned the value of such crops as clover, turnips, and beans. By rotation of crops, bone fertilizers, and stock feeding, they have built up the land till it makes over twice as much wheat to the acre as the land in the United States. A Southern Rotation. —If an East Texas farmer plants on a field cotton one year, corn and peas the next year, and oats followed by peas the third year, he not only has an excellent three-year rotation, but grows five crops in the three years —two of them restorative crops. Where cotton can be matured and gathered early, it might be a good plan to have the oats follow the cotton. Corn and peas leave the land very dry, and oats come up much bet- ter if sown on land that has been well worked in cotton. It might be well to sow oats after one of the pickings and cover them with a cultivator run between the rows. Different crops do not require different elements of plant food. They all require the same elements, but they 86 ROTATION OF CROPS 87 use them in different proportions. ‘Therefore, one kind of crop may temporarily exhaust the soil of one element, and cease to grow well, while another crop can still do well. But the greatest benefit of this, or any other rota- tion, arises from the restorative crops grown, and the Fic. 33. —COWPEAS AND SWEET SORGHUM great amounts of nitrogen the bacteria enable them to get from the air. Cotton Every Year.— The constant planting of land to cotton rapidly exhausts the humus of the soil, because if cotton is cultivated close and clean, there is little in the way of grass, weeds, and trash left to rot on the land. For the same reason cotton land washes badly. A corn and pea crop, followed by an oat and pea crop, will build up the 83 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE land rapidly; for these crops leave stalks, stubble, and vines, which, when plowed under, rot and make humus, and supply plant food. A good system of rotation also affords an opportunity to use commercial fertilizers most profitably, if the land is of a kind that responds to fertilizing. . Fertilizing Restorative Crops.— Commercial fertilizers have their best effects where there is plenty of humus. A pea crop does not need nitrogen in its fertilizer, as it gets nitrogen from the air. It will seldom need potash. So it can be fertilized cheaply with acid phosphate, which supplies only phosphoric acid. The yield of pea vines will often be doubled by this cheap fertilizing, and conse- ROTATION OF CROPS 89 quently the nitrogen the peas get from the air will be doubled, and the good effects on the land will be greatly increased. Since land once well enriched with pea vines needs only acid phosphate for corn and cotton, all the fertilizing can be cheaply done. The teacher and the pupil are referred to bulletins of the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia Experiment Sta- tions, which give the results of many years of work with this three-year rotation in connection with commercial fertilizers. In each state very poor land was soon built up so that it produced a bale of cotton to the acre, and other crops in the same proportion. Dividing the Farm. —'T’o follow such a rotation, a farm should be divided into three parts, having one third in each crop each year. This plan would better distribute the labor of men and teams over the season. It would afford so much corn, peavine hay, oats, etc., to feed on, that more stock could be kept and more manure saved, — both ot which would be helpful in further building up the land. It would make no particular difference if cotton now and then should be grown two years in succession on a field, or if oats should be left out once in a while. Other crops might be substituted for some of those mentioned. One need not follow absolutely any particular plan of rotation. Some lands are not equally well suited to all these crops, but grow one particularly well. Such lands may well be used for one crop and fertilized, if need be, to keep up their fertility. Then certain land for orchards, gardens, and for other special purposes could be set aside, and the rest of the land could be used for crops in rotation. VA 90 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Other Rotations. — Rotations may be changed to suit the crops, and to some extent the markets. In the lime lands, alfalfa should be a particularly valuable crop. Once planted, it would be profitable as long as a good stand holds out, maybe five or six years. The land could be used for alfalfa so long, and then planted in cotton and corn five or six years. In some sections wheat may be substituted for oats in the rotation. Rice land would be greatly benefited if, in off years, when the planter is waiting to get rid of red rice, the land could be drained and grown in cowpeas or other restorative crops. The sugar planter generally rotates his cane land with corn and peas. In West Texas, small grain should be followed with cowpeas the same season, provided cotton, corn, kafir, milo, or sorghum is to grow on the land next season. The land should catch enough rain and snow, especially if plowed and harrowed in early winter, to bring up the spring crops. But if fall-sown grain is to follow small grain, then the land should be plowed and kept disked to make it moist enough to bring up seed in fall. QUESTIONS What is a rotation of crops? What crops do the people grow in rotation in England? Has the rotation been very beneficial in that country? What is a good rotation of common crops for the South- ern States? Why is this a good rotation? What effect does it have on land to grow cotton constantly on it? Can fertilizers be used ' profitably in rotation? Why would you not fertilize peas or peanuts with fertilizers containing nitrogen? With what would you fertilize peas? What Experiment Stations have succeeded well with a three- year rotation? Would following this rotation require one to put ROTATION OF CROPS On all of his farm in one crop each year? What crop may be used to advantage on the lime lands of Texas? What crop might take the place of oats in rotation? Why do rice farmers have to stop grow- ing rice for a year or more now and then? What could be done with the rice land to advantage when it is lying out? Experiment. — Get your father to rotate his crops on a small piece of land as an experiment, if he does not do so regularly. CHA ine OLY. MANURES AND FERTILIZERS Value of Bones. — About seventy-five years ago a. Ger- man chemist named Liebig analyzed plants and found out what they contained. By experimenting, it was learned what ingredients the plants are unable to get in sufficient quantity from poor land, and attempts were begun to com- pound suitable mixtures of fertilizer ingredients. Liebig was perhaps the first chemist to teach that bones, being rich in phosphoric acid and fairly rich in nitrogen, are good fertilizers. He afterwards wrote, bitterly complain- ing that, after he had taught the Englishmen the value of bone as a fertilizer, they had robbed the battlefields of Waterloo, Leipsic, and the Crimea of a hundred thousand tons of bones to enrich their fields. Guano and Composts. — Peruvian guano, a bird manure of certain rainless South American islands, was the first concentrated commercial fertilizer used in this country. It was used in the older cotton states from just after the war between the states until about 1880, when the supply was mostly exhausted. About 1870, David Dixon, of Georgia, made composts, or mixtures of guano, manure, leafmold, salt, and other things, and let them lie for some time in large moist heaps, and then applied in the cotton row before planting. He raised enormous crops 92 MANURES AND FERTILIZERS 93 of cotton, and accumulated a great fortune. It is prob- able the salt and some other things were useless. But a compost of commercial fertilizer ingredients with barn- yard and stable manures or cotton seed never fails to give good results. It has been found, however, that putting the manure or cotton seed in the furrow, sprin- kling the commercial fertilizer on it, and then bedding on the mixture, does quite as well as first composting in a heap. Phosphate Rock. — Rock, rich in lime phosphate, a com- pound of phosphoric acid and lime, is mined in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and in many other parts of the world. This rock is ground up by powerful mills. into a fine powder called floats. As the phosphoric acid is not easily soluble in this form, the powder is mixed with sulphuric acid. This sulphuric acid combines with. part of the lime, leaving the phosphoric acid in a condi- tion to dissolve in water and to be used by crops. The floats, thus treated with sulphuric acid and dried, are called acid phosphate or superphosphate. This acid phosphate is. the largest ingredient in most commercial fertilizers. It. contains usually fourteen to sixteen per cent of pure phos- phoric acid. The next prominent ingredient in commer- cial fertilizers is cotton-seed meal, which contains about. seven per cent of nitrogen, three per cent phosphoric acid, and one and a half per cent potash. A little kainit, or other potash salt, found in Germany, is usually put into: the mixtures. When containing nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, a fertilizer mixture is called a complete: fertilizer. Nitrate of soda, which is mined in Chile and. “s 94 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE contains about sixteen per cent of nitrogen, may be used in place of part or all of the cotton-seed meal. The nitrogen in nitrate of soda is more quickly available than that in cotton-seed meal. For early, quick-maturing crops, nitrate of soda should take the place of some of the cotton-seed meal. Dried blood or other slaughter- house refuse and dried fish are also often used. The nitrogen in these is about as quickly available as that in cotton-seed meal. The dried fish is rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid. Where Potash is Needed. —It has been learned from experiments that the soils of Mis- sissippi, Louisiana, and Texas do not generally need potash. Sono pot- ash salt should be used in the mix- tures for these states. In Georgia, the Carolinas, and Alabama, a little potash is generally found beneficial. Fertilizer Mix- Fic. 35. — FERTILIZED AND UNFERTILIZED tures. qua it COTTON parts of cotton- seed meal and acid phosphate mixed will make an excellent cotton fertilizer for old and worn lands. Such a fertilizer MANURES AND FERTILIZERS oS) will contain about three and a half per cent of nitrogen and nine per cent of phosphoric acid, and about three fourths per cent of potash. For land not so badly worn or land that has been in pasture, or been lying out one or more years, 1300 pounds of acid phosphate and 700 pounds of cotton-seed meal, making a ton, would probably be better than the other meal-acid-phosphate mixture. For land needing potash about two hundred pounds of kainit should enter into each ton of mixture. ‘Trade conditions now seem to warrant us in valuing nitrogen in fertilizers at seventeen cents a pound, and phosphoric acid and potash at six cents a pound each. Balancing Manures. — Barnyard and stable manures are not well enough balanced without some additional phos- phoric acid to give the most valuable results on most of the thin lands of the cotton states. If every load of manure had a hundred pounds of acid phosphate added to it, the results would be better, and it would go much farther. Manure, as a rule, is much richer in nitrogen and potash than in phosphoric acid. Experience has shown that for most sections a fertilizer should be richer in phosphoric acid than in anything else. Rich Food makes Rich Manure.— The quality of fresh animal manures largely depends upon the kind of food the animals eat. No food eaten by animals loses much of its fertilizing value by passing through the animals. The manure made from feeding cotton-seed meal will never contain less than seventy-five per cent as much fertilizing value as the meal had, and it may contain as much as ninety per cent. Manure made from feeding cotton seed ‘a 96 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE will be richer than that from feeding corn, because cotton seed is richer than corn. 3 The liquid manure from well-fed cattle will contain half or more of the total fertilizing value of the feed. From cattle eating mostly coarse food, the liquid will not contain so much of the fertilizing value. In order to save the liquid manure properly in stables, bedding for the cattle should be provided so as to absorb and hold it. As has been said before, if animals are allowed to tramp the manure down in the stables, its value will be preserved better than in any other way, unless it be apphed to the land and mixed with the soil from day to day. Value of Manure. — A dairy cow, well fed, will produce ten cents’ worth of manure a day, if the plant food is rated at the same price that has to be paid for it in com- mercial fertilizers. A horse well fed on oats and grass hay will produce nine or ten cents’ worth a day, but of course not all of it will be dropped in the stable. If the horse is fed on peavine, peanut, or alfalfa hay, the manure will be worth more. Your past lessons have taught you why this is so. Immense losses occur every year on ac- count of the poor way in which farm manures are handled. In fact, on most farms no attempt is made to save and use them. A ton of cotton seed has about the same plant food that: a thousand pounds of cotton-seed meal has. The meal rots quicker, and is perhaps better for quick-growing crops. As the seed supplies more humus to the land, it will give results the second and third years after using. MANURES AND FERTILIZERS 97 QUESTIONS Who was the first man that analyzed plants? What complaint did he make against the English people? What was the first con- centrated fertilizer used in the United States? Tell about David Dixon’s first experience in using this concentrated fertilizer. Where is the phosphoric acid of fertilizer obtained? How is phosphate rock treated? What is the name of the product made from phosphate rock? What is generally mixed with it? What may take the place of cotton-seed meal in fertilizer mixtures? What is meant by com- plete fertilizer? What advantage has nitrate of soda over cotton- seed meal as a fertilizer? What other materials are rich in nitrogen? What states appear to need no potash added to their soil? What states appear to need some potash in their fertilizer mixtures? Name a suitable mixture of acid phosphate and cotton-seed meal for cotton to be grown on worn land. What may be added to barnyard manure to make it more valuable? What fertilizer ingredient should nearly all fertilizer mixtures be richest in? Is very much fertilizing matter lost from feed stuff by being eaten by animals? Which will produce richer manure when fed to animals, corn or cotton seed? Which will produce richer manure when fed, peavine or Johnson-grass hay? How much cotton seed will equal a, ton of cotton-seed meal in ferti- lizing value? Which will have the most lasting effect when used as a fertilizer, cotton seed or cotton-seed meal? Which will give the quickest results ? Experiment. — Manage to get a few rows of cotton and corn on the farm at home fertilized with cotton-seed meal, a few rows with acid phosphate, and a few rows with kainit, using all fertilizers at almost the rate of one hundred and fifty pounds per acre. Watch growth of crops carefully and if possible weigh and measure yields. Then use a mixture of meal and phosphate, a mixture of meal and kainit, and a mixture of phosphate and kainit in the same way, and also note results. See if the author is correct about the kinds of fertilizers needed. Try fertilizing peas or peanuts with cotton-seed meal, with phos- phate, and with kainit in the same way. Report results to school next year. H CHAPTER XV COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Large Use of Fertilizers. —The use of commercial fer- tilizers has grown enormously in a few years. Georgia used in 1907 perhaps $15,000,000 worth and used them profitably. Texas used perhaps less than 20,000 tons, yet Texas probably has more land suited for using such fer- tilizers profitably than Georgia has. Arkansas and Okla- homa also have much of such land. Practically all of the timber belts, most of the coast prairies, and much of the sandy and loamy lands in the red-land sections in Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas would prob- ably readily respond to commercial fertilizers. The lime lands and the dry lands of the West are generally too rich for ordinary amounts of commercial fertilizers to be used on them with profit. Valuing Fertilizers. — A mixture of 1200 pounds of cotton seed and 800 pounds of acid phosphate to the ton makes a good fertilizer. This mixture contains about 36 pounds nitrogen, worth $6.12, about 126 pounds phosphoric acid, worth $7.56, and about 20 pounds potash, worth $1.20. Total value, $14.88 per ton. Of the meal and acid phosphate mixture first named on page 94, 2000 pounds contain: — 98 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 99 70 pounds nitrogen @ .17 $11.90 180 pounds phosphoric acid (@ .06 — 10.80 15 pounds potash @ .06 gue 90 _ Total value per ton, $23.60 For Georgia, Alabama and the Carolinas 1200 pounds phosphate, 700 pounds cotton seed meal, and 100 of muriate or sulphate of potash are often recommended ; also 1000 pounds phosphate, 700 pounds meal, and 300 pounds kainit. Kainit contains 12% of potash, and muriate and sulphate about 50% of potash. Nitrate of Soda. — The nitrogen in nitrate of soda acts more quickly than that in cotton-seed meal. All plants need fertilizers when young. ‘So a mixture probably better than the last one named would be 1400 pounds acid phosphate, 400 pounds cotton-seed meal, and 200 pounds nitrate of soda to the ton. Or, for badly worn land, 1200 pounds acid phosphate, 600 cotton-seed meal, and 200 nitrate of soda. Where whole seed are used instead of meal, 1000 pounds seed, 850 pounds acid phos- phate, and 150 pounds nitrate of soda are recommended. For quick-growing crops like early truck crops a still larger proportion of nitrate is recommended. Richness of Mixtures.— The different fertilizer mix- tures which contain cotton-seed meal and cotton-seed meal and nitrate of soda are all richer than the aver- age fertilizer which is sold for cotton. One hundred and fifty pounds to the acre are about equal to 200 pounds of ordinary cotton fertilizer. These mixtures are about as rich as most of the so-called vegetable fertilizers, WE 100 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE except that the latter usually have a large amount of potash. Do Fruits need Large Proportions of Potash? — It has been generally supposed that fruits and vegetables need larger proportions of potash than ordinary field crops do ; but from what would seem conclusive results in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, potash is not profitable to use for any crop on any soil yet tried in these states. There seems to be no proof anywhere that fruits and vegetables need a larger proportion of potash than corn or cotton. The kind of land more than the kind of crop seems generally to determine the kind of fertilizer. For well- known reasons this statement does not apply to legumi- nous crops and their nitrogen supply. Tobacco needs a larger proportion of potash than most crops, as its ash contains a very large amount of this ingredient. Proportions of Plant Food in Mixtures. — The Southern manufacturers and users of fertilizers, in mixing their materials so as to contain two per cent of nitrogen, eight per cent of available phosphoric acid, and one and a half to two per cent of potash (or in about those proportions), seem to be much nearer the best practice than Northern manufacturers and mixers follow. Books have been writ- ten giving what are supposed to be the fertilizer needs of almost all crops, and the only basis for supposing the crops to need plant food in the proportions recommended seems to have been the analysis of the crops themselves. Analysis shows that nearly all crops contain more potash than phosphoric acid. That is no indication that ferti- lizers for such crops should contain more potash than COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 101 phosphoric acid. Almost all lands are richer in potash, generally three to four times as rich. From the _ best- known chemical means of determining available plant food, there are many times as much available potash in average soil as there is phosphoric acid. Many of the largest fertilizer companies in the country are putting more potash than phosphoric acid in their fertilizers. Such practice is, without doubt, causing the loss of millions of dollars annually. Experiment Necessary. — Only actual field trials with erops- will afford proof of what they need on different soils. The experiment stations of the country have made the most reliable literature of agriculture we have, and their results clearly show that, with rare exceptions, crops need much more phosphoric acid than potash in fertilizers, and in much of the country the latter is not needed at all. In nearly all cases, the kind of land instead of the kind of crop should decide which one of these elements is most needed. A slightly worn, muck land in Illinois and the neighboring states needs only potash to make it productive again. Very poor sandy land in Florida needs potash, but still more phosphoric acid and nitrogen. Some land in Mississippi and the states west of the Missis- sippi River probably need potash— particularly deep sandy land. Farmers should make some tests for themselves. Stimulating Effects of Fertilizers. — Many people ask if commercial fertilizers do not have a stimulating effect, and if they do not wear out the land. It is true that 100 pounds of fertilizer will often increase the cotton crop 500 pounds of seed cotton to the acre. 102 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE This cotton, together with the seed, contains more plant food than the fertilizer contained, notwithstanding some of the latter is always washed away. The explanation is that the fertilizer causes a strong growth of root that en- ables the crop to get more plant food out of the soil than it would get otherwise. To that extent fertilizer wears the land. But if we can get the plant food in the form of valuable cotton, we shall be more than repaid for the wearing of the land. Effects Permanent. — By using reasonable amounts of fertilizers with coarse manures and cotton seed, or with suitable rotation of crops, lands are steadily and perma- nently enriched. We have abundant evidence that where large quantities, say from 800 to 2000 pounds to the acre, are used for vegetables, such as cabbage or Irish potatoes, and these crops are followed the same season by cotton or sweet potatoes, the land grows better from year to year. Where Fertilizers Pay. — Fertilizers seem to pay best on land which is sandy enough to drain perfectly, and which, at the same time, has a good percentage of clay in the subsoil. Such are the long-leaf and short-leaf pine, oak, and hickory lands of the Southern States. Also much of the coast prairies and practically all of the post- oak timber lands of Texas and Louisiana are of this char- acter. For staple crops, fertilizers seem to pay best on land naturally rather poor in plant food, making at best less than half a bale of cotton to the acre. The author has frequently seen moderate applications fail to show any good effects on land fertile enough to yield two thirds of a bale of cotton. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 103 For vegetables, large applications of fertilizer on land of almost any character will generally pay. Fertilizers have generally been unprofitable on lime land. These lands have such large stores of plant food that they only need to have their physical condition improved. Rota- tion of crops, coarse manures, pasturing, etc., will make available enough of their own food to restore their former productiveness. The Alabama Experiment Station, how- ever, did find that large applications of commercial fer- tilizers, containing an abundance of nitrate of soda, paid well on well-drained, worn lime land. Nitrate of soda used in side furrows during cultivation also gave good results in frequent trials at that station. Method of applying Fertilizers. — Barnyard manure is generally spread broadcast on the land, while commercial fertilizers are usually applied in the drill before planting. For cotton, the fertilizer is generally sprinkled in a furrow and bedded on. Experiments have well demonstrated that all manures and fertilizers give better results if they are strewn in the drill, or under the drill, where the crops are to be grown. It used to be thought that it was best to put fertilizers very deep in the ground. The Louisiana Ex- periment Station and others have proved that probably it is better to use them about the depth of the seed ora little deeper. The Georgia Experiment Station got better results by bedding on fertilizers than by putting them in the furrow with the seed. It has been believed that some of the fertilizers should be used at or before planting, and some in side furrows during the cultivation of the crop. if 104 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Where moderate amounts of fertilizers are used for cotton, all experiments indicate that it is a little more profitable to use the full amount just before or at plant- ing time. It has often paid to use part of corn fertilizer at the second cultivation. Nitrate of soda applied during the cultivation of cotton has proved to be profitable in a number of experiments. | Amount of Fertilizers to Use. —It has been proved by all experiment stations that small applications of concen- trated fertilizers, say 100 to 200 pounds to the acre for cotton, pay a larger percentage of profit on the cost of fertilizer than larger applications; but larger applica- tions, 300 to 400 pounds, or even 600 pounds, often pay a bigger profit to the acre. It is always unprofitable to use too large an amount. It appears to be well established that land badly worn, and having little humus, will give good profits on only small applications of fertilizers. ‘The land seems not to hold water enough to support a large crop. It follows that land in good condition from rotation of crops, pasturing, being allowed to grow up in weeds, or plowing under coarse manure, will supply water for a big crop, such as a large amount of fertilizer ought to produce. Every farmer should, by careful observation, find out just how much fertilizer it will be profitable to put on his land. From three to ten times as much fertilizer is often used on Irish potatoes, cabbage, onions, and other vege- table crops, as on cotton or corn. Fertilizers almost always pay better on cotton than on corn. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 105 QUESTIONS Give an example to show how large the trade in commercial fertilizers has become. Should fertilizers be used more largely in Texas than at present? What lands in Texas would probably give profitable results with commercial fertilizers? What amounts of cotton seed and acid phosphate mixed would make a ton of good fertilizer? What are nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash valued at in fertilizers? Would you use a larger proportion of cotton- seed meal on badly worn land than on better land? Why would some nitrate of soda be of advantage in every fertilizer mixture? What are the vegetable fertilizers, generally sold, rich in? What was the belief about commercial fertilizers wearing out land? What mis- takes are made by some Northern manufacturers in mixing fertilizers ? Do commercial fertilizers wear out the land? Do large amounts of fertilizers improve the land rapidly? Do small applications of com- mercial fertilizer pay better on rich land or poor land? What kind of crops, if any, need the highest percentage of potash in their fer- tilizers? Tell about fertilizing lime land. What is usually the best treatment to make lime land productive? Are fertilizers and manures most effective when spread broadcast over the land or when used in the row? How deep has it been found necessary to put fertilizers in the ground? Has it been found profitable to use part of the fertilizer before planting and part while working the crop? Which pays the better, a small application of fertilizer or a large application? Why can large applications not be used profitably if the land is very badly worn? How much more fertilizer is generally used to the acre for cabbage and onions than for cotton and corn? CHAPTER XVI PLOWING Subsoiling. — Plowing is the primary operation of the farm or the garden. Yet people hold very different opin- ions as to how it should be done. All the older agricul- tural literature advised that the deeper plowing could be done the better on all classes of land and for all kinds of crops. This same opinion seems to be held by many agricultural writers even now. Subsoiling, particularly following a turn plow with a bull-tongue, running deep in the same furrow, so as to loosen the subsoil twelve to eighteen inches deep, is frequently recommended. The Georgia -Experiment Station tried subsoiling on perhaps hundreds of plots of land for some ten years or more, but the crops were never any better than those that received ordinary plowing. The Mississippi Stations, two of them, thoroughly tested subsoiling on different lands, for different crops, and at different seasons of the year. The crops were never increased over those made on lands plowed in the usual way. The Kansas Experiment Station tried subsoiling for many years, but the yield of the crops was never in- creased. The experiment stations of. many other states, includin Texas have been similar] disa 0; ,0Inted in sub- g 3 106 PLOWING 107 soiling. It is expensive to subsoil land, and if it does no good, it should not be recommended. ‘The truth seems to be that there is very little land where subsoiling pays. Many farmers have reported good results from subsoiling, while others have reported no results, and still others, injury from it. Depth to Plow. — There is a difference of opinion among people who do not subsoil land as to how deep it should be broken in its preparation. Doubtless different soils and different crops should influence the depth of prepara- tion, if their requirements could be definitely known. The Alabama Experiment Station for a number of years subsoiled some land and broke other pieces to depths varying from three and one half to six and one half inches. The subsoiling did not pay for either cotton or corn, and the different depths for breaking did not seem to give any marked difference in crops. One depth yielded most one year, and another depth yielded most another year. The different depths of breaking averaged about the same yield for both corn and cotton. The Indiana and Oklahoma stations tried eight-inch plowing against four-inch for many years, and generally did not get increase enough in yield to pay for the extra work of breaking deep. Every farmer should make some tests for his own land. The Texas Experiment Station planted sorghum on one piece of land subsoiled fifteen inches deep, on another plowed five inches deep, and on still another plowed three inches deep. That broken five inches deep yielded much more than either of the others. The subsoiled piece made 108 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE a little more than the piece broken three inches deep. So it would seem that breaking the land or bedding it an ordinary depth is best, and we know it is cheapest. Deep Plowing for Cane. — In Australia and Hawaii, deep breaking and planting have proved best for sugar cane, but it is probable that the deep planting serves to keep the tall tropical cane from falling down, and that it yields more on this account. Many experiments at several ex- periment stations in Australia failed to give any good results for especially deep breaking for other crops. H. W. Campbell, who has won something of national fame on account of the results achieved in farming semiarid land, claims that it is far more important to compact the soil plowed and make it thoroughly fine than to plow it deep. He recommends plowing from three to seven inches deep, according to the conditions, com- pacting again, and then working up a fine mulch of sur- face soil about three inches deep. In a conversation with the author, Mr. Campbell said that it would be well-nigh impossible to compact land plowed twelve inches deep so as to get it again in good condition for drawing up moisture from the subsoil. Purposes of Plowing. — Plowing serves to bury trash and manure, to make a seed bed, to conserve moisture, to kill weeds and grass, to allow air and water to enter the soil better and promote chemical changes, to allow roots of crops to grow better, etc. All farmers’ boys and girls know a plow and its difter- ent parts. If not, they should ask their fathers and neighbors about these things. PLOWING 109 Black-land and Sandy-land Plows. — A plow is a sort of twisting wedge. ‘The more twisting the wedge the more it turns the soil and the more it pulverizes it, but the harder it is to pull, and the poorer it will scour in black or stiff soil. The straighter and more tapering the moldboard, or wedge, the easier it will be to pull, the less it will turn and break and crumble the soil, the Fic. 37. — BLACK-LAND PLOW brighter it will keep, and the better it will work in stiff and black land. Figure 87 shows a good type of a black- land plow, also suitable for any stiff clay soil. Figure 36 is a good picture of an ordinary, or sandy-land plow. Sandy-land plows are apt to choke and cake on black land. The black land may be broken up cloddy, but as 110 ELEMENTS OF. AGRICULTURE explained before, the lime it contains soon causes the clods to melt down into little shotlike particles. This is also true of much of the bottom land. Killing Bermuda Grass. — It is often advisable to use a black-land plow in sandy sections. To kill Bermuda grass where it has been pastured, the sod should be broken in the fall or winter about three inches deep with a small black-land plow, going at such speed and held in such a manner that the furrow slices will be turned on edge. This causes the grass to freeze and die. On pastured land, the underground stems of this grass have to come near the surface for air, and hence shallow plowing at the right season causes them to freeze. The land on which the Bermuda grass has been killed in this way is always rich and productive when brought back into cultivation. Killing Johnson Grass. — Johnson grass may be pastured two years and killed by careful working of the land in cotton a year or two. ‘The big fleshy runners, which go down so deep in cultivated land, come close to the surface when pastured, and get small and weak. If, after being pastured, the land is broken in the fall and then thor- oughly plowed again in the spring and worked well and late in cotton, the grass can be entirely killed. After the turf has been killed and rotted, the land becomes very productive. QUESTIONS What was the old idea with regard to plowing? What is sub- soiling? What have the Experiment Stations found out about sub- soiling? Is it definitely known how deep land should be plowed? PLOWING It What about plowing deep for sugar cane? What is the Campbell system of soil culture? Name some of the different purposes for which plowing is done. How may a plow be compared to a wedge? What sort of plow should be used in black land? Which will pul- verize and crumble the soil most, a black-land plow or a sandy-land plow? What would happen to a sandy-land plow if used in sticky black land? How would you kill Bermuda grass? Could you kill Johnson grass in the same way? In what condition is the land after killing Bermuda grass? Explain why this is so. After killing Johnson grass, what condition will the land be in? What effect will the rotting of any grass, weeds, or other vegetable substance have on the land? CHAPTER 22V It PREPARATION FOR PLANTING Bedding or Flat-breaking. — As to whether land should be broken flat or thrown into beds is a question which depends on the character of the land, the kind of crop, the season of the year, and the amount of moisture in the soil. On sandy soil in the West it would be undoubtedly a fine plan to plant corn in the bottom of a lister, or “buster,” furrow, either with a planter attachment or with a drill to follow after the lister. In case you don’t know what a lister is, get some good farmer to show you one and explain it to you. By planting the corn in the bottom of the furrow on hard ground, it will be sure to get enough moisture to come up. Your father will tell you that cotton, wheat, or clover planted in well-settled, firm ground, will come up much better than in freshly made, loose ground. Hard, firm land can draw up moisture from below. A fresh, loose bed, with seed planted far above the firm ground, is something like a lamp wick cut in two between the flame and the oil. The seed cannot get enough moisture to come up. When the young corn is in the bottom of a furrow with ridges of loose dirt in the middle, the dirt can be gradually worked to the corn, and little weeds and grass can be covered at each working. The corn, when deep rooted, 112 PREPARATION FOR PLANTING 113 is better able to endure drought and to stand up in the storms. Cotton in some cases might also be worked in the same way, but when young, it is a more tender plant than corn, and it is more likely to need starting on a small bed or on level ground, even in dry sections. In Eastern or Southern States, land must be very sandy, or the planting must be late, to justify planting in lister furrows. Generally, on clay or bottom land, early corn and cotton are both planted on beds for the sake of getting sufficient drainage to secure good stands. Corn is sometimes planted on beds eight feet wide, two rows being planted on each bed. This gives drainage on one side of each row of corn. Bedding with Lister. — One of the best and cheapest ways to bed for cotton is to use a lister. The old rows should be broken out in the fall, winter, or early spring. This will make beds in the old middles. Then if, some time before planting, these beds are burst with the lister, the beds for planting will be where they were the pre- vious year. This preparation is much cheaper than bed- ding and re-bedding with a turn plow, and so far as we know, is quite as good. If fertilizer is used, it should be sprinkled in the middles just ahead of the lister when the land is being re-bedded, so that the beds will be over the fertilizer, or else the fertilizer should be put in the furrow at planting time. In the drier districts the earlier and deeper application of fertilizer is best. Fall or Spring Breaking. — There has been much experi- menting done to determine whether fall or spring break- ing of land is best. In a majority of cases in the humid I 114 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE sections of the South, land broken in the spring has pro- duced as good crops as that broken in the fall. Even where pea vines have been grown, plowing the dead vines under the next spring has done quite as well as plowing them under green in the fall. Some believe that crops Fic. 38.--STEAM PLOW ON THE PLAINS turned under when very green form acids that are hurtful to future crops. It has been said that tillage is manure; that is, tillage enables the earth, air, and moisture to form soluble plant food. ‘This is true, and hence we should till or plow little in a warm, wet country, unless we have crops growing or soon to be started that will take up and use this plant food, and prevent its being leached and washed away. Where moisture is scarce, as in the western part of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, fall plowing would un- / N PREPARATION FOR PLANTING Th doubtedly pay. One of the things to be feared so far west, where it rains little in winter and early spring, is that there will not be moisture enough to bring up early crops. Plowed land in arid or humid climates, summer or winter, always contains more moisture than unplowed land. One of the disadvantages of clay or bottom land in humid climates is that, if plowed in the fall, it holds so much moisture that it cannot be planted early in the spring. Usually land that has not been plowed in the fall can be bedded and planted in the spring before a team can stand on the fall plowed land without bogging. The trouble is still greater if the land is subsoiled in the fall. Much land is of such a nature that if plowed in fall, it compacts again and requires just as much preparation the following spring. Lime lands, heavy bottoms, grass sods, and lands hay- ing large amounts of weeds and trash, are most likely to be ben- MA efited by fall or early elie Tc a [A winter plowing. Fall ein plowing is often ad- visable to destroy in- sects, such as boll Fic. 39.— SUB-SURFACE PACKER worms, cut worms, etc., and to kill cotton stalks, so as to deprive the boll weevil of food. Plowing Land when Wet. — Ordinary types of land such as clays and loams are very likely to be injured when plowed too wet, especially in late spring. It does ‘A 116 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE not hurt light sandy lands, lime lands, and the buckshot lands of the bottoms to plow them wet, because the clods that are formed crumble easily. It probably would not hurt any land to plow it wet, if it were not that in dry weather the clods become very hard. The rice land of China and Japan is all plowed in the water, but owing to the fact that the land is kept wet by irrigation, it con- tinues to make good crops, as it has done for ages. Plowing for Fall Seeding. — Any kind of land in which small seeds, like alfalfa, turnips, rape, etc., are to be sown in the fall, should be broken early in summer, if possible, and kept clean of weeds by harrowing and disking till planting time. Such land will be much more moist than the land that grew a crop of grass or weeds until late in the season. All kinds of plants, as we have seen, draw heavily on the water of the soil. When two crops of Irish potatoes are to be grown on the same land in one year, the land should be well plowed and kept clean, from the time of digging the early crop until planting time of the second crop. In no other way, without irri- gation, can land be kept moist enough in most seasons to bring up and grow a fall crop of potatoes. Working Crops. — Cultivation of growing crops is given to kill weeds, to form a dirt mulch, to prevent too rapid evaporation of moisture, and to stir up the soil to admit air and cause rapid formation of soluble plant food in the soil. It is often advised that cultivation should always be shallow —from one to two inches. Hundreds of ex- periments have been made cultivating all depths to five and six inches. Results have been very conflicting. PREPARATION FOR PLANTING By Three inches deep has perhaps averaged better yields than deeper or shallower cultivation. This is about the depth run by single sweeps so largely used for cotton in the South. A safe rule would seem to be to cultivate the most convenient depth for destroying weeds and grass. Cultivation may be given too often as well as too seldom. For staple crops,'cultivation each twelve to fifteen days gives about as good results as more frequent working. Where drought is feared, it may pay to work oftener to break a crust formed by hard rains. QUESTIONS Would you plow land in ridges or beds, or plow it level? How may corn be planted to advantage in dry sections? What is the difficulty sometimes experienced in planting cotton on fresh, loose beds? Why is it better to plant on land that has had time to settle and pack by rain? If corn is planted in the bottom of a lister furrow, can it be worked cheaper ? Why do we plant on beds atall? Explain how a lister is used in bedding land for cotton. Explain how fertilizer is applied. Which has proved better, breaking land in the fall or in the spring? Hasit been found best to plow pea vines under when green, or to wait until they are dead? In what part of the country would you always plow land in the fall? Which will always have the more water in it, plowed land or unplowed land? In the humid sections do you have too much or too little water in the early spring? Which can you plant earlier in spring in humid sections, fall-plowed or spring- plowed land? What classes of land will do best for fall plowing? Is it ever advisable to plow in the fall to kill insects? What kinds of land may be plowed wet and not be injured? Why will it injure clay land to plow it wet? How do the Chinese and Japanese manage to plow land wet without injuring it? If you wanted to get a stand of alfalfa in the fall, how would you treat the land? How would you treat land to grow a fall crop of Irish potatoes ? Experiments. — Get your father to plow a few rows twelve inches deep, and a few rows about three or four inches deep, and plant both i: 118 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE alike. See if there is any value in subsoiling. If you can’t get this done, spade a small piece of ground twelve inches deep and another three or four inches; plant and observe results. Let the whole school know result next year. Plant at school or at home a few seeds in two boxes of soil. Have soil rather dry, and plant seeds in quite loose soil in one, and in the other pack the dirt well after planting and then loosen soil above seed. See what difference in the germination of the seed. This can be done at school. In the time of drought take off the top soil on well-cultivated land on the farm and get a little box of subsoil, closing it up tight. Take some subsoil from a hard-packed weed patch near by and close it up in a can or box. Weigh each one and then see how much water you can dry out of each one. Observe whether fall plowing enables your father to plant earlier or later in spring, and whether it helps or hinders early growth of plants. : Wet some clay in boxes and stir one while wet, and then let it dry in the sun and note effect. Stir the other when it is moderately dry and note difference. This is a suitable school exercise. CHAPTER XVIII IRRIGATION Watering Rice. — The importance of irrigation cannot be overestimated. It is absolutely essential to make rice- erowing profitable, and to make other kinds of farming possible in many sections. The fact that when arid lands are irrigated, they at once become highly productive and lasting in their qualities, has already been referred to. In the rice-growing districts, large pumping machinery is used, sometimes raising a hundred thousand gallons of water a minute. This water is raised a few feet from the large rivers, creeks, and bayous, and emptied into broad, shallow canals, some of them a hundred feet wide. The water flows along these canals a little higher than the surface of the flat rice lands that are to be watered. Smaller canals take water out of the big ones, and still smaller ones take it out of these and distribute it to the fields. By the time the big canal flows a few miles, and has had half its water taken out by laterals, or small canals, the water has become too low to flow out, and another pumping station is put in to raise the water a few more feet into a canal made with higher banks. Storing Water. —In the mountain states, millions of dol- lars have been spent to build large concrete dams, some- times a hundred feet high and a mile long, across canyons or stream beds. ‘These dams sometimes make lakes many 119 4 120 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE miles long and two or three miles wide, and the lakes hold water enough to irrigate one hundred thousand or more acres of land. The United States Government is putting in a large number of these big storage reservoirs in the West. By wise laws, the money derived from the sale of public lands in the districts to be irrigated, is used for building more dams, catching more water, and reclaiming more rich, semidesert land. It is confidently believed that eventually all the flood waters now flowing down the Mis- sourl, Arkansas, and other rivers, will be stored and held for summer irrigation. When this is done, there will be no more danger of the great levees of the Mississippi River breaking and flooding the rich delta country through which the river flows. These are vast undertakings, but our country is great and rich,-and our people are enter- prising and daring in developing its natural wealth. Small Reservoirs. — There are thousands of small streams and canyons that may be dammed by individuals or small companies, where water enough may be stored to irrigate from a few acres to several thousand acres. It may be said that small reservoirs may be made at less expense to the acreage reclaimed than in the case of larger ones. Irrigation in Humid Sections. — The possibilities for irri- gating profitably in the humid sections have been par- ticularly neglected. Nearly every crop in every section suffers more or less from drought at some time. Much rain falls in Mississippi, yet the author has seen the ‘profits on strawberries increased by irrigation as much as a hundred dollars to the acre. A Louisiana truck raiser, by irrigating during a drought, made two hundred IRRIGATION 121 and fifty crates of cabbage to the acre, while the best yield made by any neighbor was one hundred and fifty crates. The Wisconsin Experiment Station, situated in a humid climate, pumped water from a depth of twenty-six feet for irrigation, and burned coal costing five dollars a ton to do the work. The increased yields averaged about forty per cent on the different crops irrigated over those that were not irrigated. The net extra profits made to the acre one year, by means of irrigation, after paying for pumping and distributing the water, were as follows:— TAO ica sek Pe in Coe OOO) COENG sae eer een ee nS TOtaAd GES 5h pets ere ee ose Water Reservoirs. — Water can be found in abundance in many humid sections, and may be got cheaply on the land itself. Small streams often flow through the land, and these may be dammed up and made to flow over it by gravity, or the water may be raised by pumping. In the clay or lime districts where lasting streams are not plentiful, storage reservoirs can be easily made by damming stream beds, or hollows. In nearly all the large valleys of streams, and on low-lying lands near the sea- coasts, overflowing artesian water may be had. Through- out much of the sandy and loamy areas of the country, large shallow wells afford water at depths of from ten to sixty feet, and the supplies may often be sufficient for irrigation. Crops needing Irrigation. — Among the crops that with irrigation may be made very profitable in the Southern fi 122 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE States are sweet potatoes, sugar cane, and fall Irish pota- toes. Sweet potatoes and cane do their best growing in September and October, when there is nearly always a deficient moisture supply. In fact, the states east of Texas are drier in these two months than the country Fic. 40. — IRRIGATING BETWEEN Rows along the one hundredth meridian. With irrigation there is little doubt that a hundred bushels can be added to the yield of each acre of potatoes and one hundred gallons of sirup for each acre of cane. Cane and potatoes both grow in wide rows and on ridges; water can be easily appled to each crop, by causing it to run along the middles be- tween the rows. Whenever there is enough rain, the fall crop of Irish potatoes, planted about August in the Gulf States, makes quite as large and profitable a yield as the IRRIGATION 123 spring crop. On account of drought in April or May the early Irish potatoes scarcely produce a full crop one year in ten. There is no crop more easily injured by deficient moisture supply. Mistakes in Irrigation. — A great mistake almost certain to be made by a beginner in irrigation is, that he tries to make a little stream of water, say ten to fifty gallons a minute, irrigate a large piece of ground. ‘To make such a stream water even a quarter of an acre, troughs, hose- pipes, etc., must be used, and that would make the labor of distributing the water cost too much to be profitable with ordinary crops. If one undertakes to run such a small stream along rows or furrows, it will lose itself perhaps in the first twenty feet. In order to run water along ditches and distribute it to the rows and over the land at a reasonable labor cost, at least two hundred gallons a minute should be at command. Such a stream may be let out of the ditch into several rows at a time, and the water will perhaps follow the rows a distance of a hundred yards. With this amount of water, one man can probably irrigate from one to two acres a day. With five hundred gallons’ flow a minute, four or five acres a day can be watered. Another mistake where water is abundant is to use too much. Moderate applications of water followed by cultivation as soon as the land will work well will be found most profitable. Storage Ponds. — Those who have small artesian wells or small pumping plants, should construct reservoirs a little above the level of the land to be watered, and should accumulate water and let it out in large volume when 124 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE it is to be apphed. A flow of fifty gallons a minute will accumulate about seventy-five thousand gallons of water in twenty-four hours. This will afford a little over one and two thirds inches of water for an acre of land, a sufficient watering if it is applied in rows or furrows. In an arid country, when the land is very dry, as much as four inches may often be put on the land at one irrigation. | Distributing Water. — In distributing water over a field, the ditches must, of course, be kept on the highest ground. The rows, or furrows, to carry the water must be run at a suitable angle to the ditches, so as to have fall enough to run the water at a reasonable rate of speed, and at the same time not to wash the land. A little experience will enable one to give the rows the best fall on his partic- ular kind of land. Head ditches should sometimes be one hundred yards apart and sometimes two hundred. Experience and common sense will be the best guides as to this. In the arid country farmers sometimes flood the land somewhat as the rice farmers do, keeping water on the land just long enough to wet it thoroughly. QUESTIONS Tell about rice irrigation. What is the nation doing in the way of irrigation? What about farming in arid countries under irrigation ? What profits from irrigation are possible in humid countries? What crops would probably respond profitably to irrigation? What amounts of water are necessary? What suggestions are made about catching and storing water? What mistake is a beginner apt to make at first in irrigation ? CHAPTER XIX INSECT FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Losses Caused. —In 1907 the cotton boll weevil no doubt destroyed, in ‘Texas alone, a million bales of cotton, worth not less than sixty millions of dollars. When we consider the great number of harmful insects, we must conclude that the losses occasioned by them for the whole country are enormous. Not all insects are harmful. We have seen how many of them, by carrying pollen and fertilizing flowers, make plants fruitful. Then we have the bee and many other useful kinds of insects. \2 2:50 | 10.20 0.50 10 Cornsfodder’ a4) “2075-15. slats eh. 08 0.37 Bt Bermuda grass .| 33.0 | 2.60 | 14.80 0.30 10 Johnson grass .| 340 | 2.40 | 16.50 | 0.50 10 Japan clover . .| 80.0 | 2.70 | 14.40 | 0.60 13 Crab erase 2 2.60 383.05 4st 90" S|. 1400 0.60 9 Sorghum . . .| 20.6 | 0.60 | 1220 | 0.40 BL Aivalian baw 28.2 3.90 12°70 0.3, nk OO 16 Cowpea . 2s 20.7) 16 ABO 2) 8-70 2080 aie Soy bean - . | 249 a0 22.00) 4a tx00 16 Oat fodder <:i5* <. |<. 87.Birlo2h 21095 a)" 22.06 1.04 13 Rye fodder... .-| 984°) 2 Obs 4d ae 10 Barley fodder. . |--oieps | a0 hs 10 eee 12 THE FEEDING OF ANIMALS 241 Dry Marrer, DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS, AND FERTILIZING VALuE IN 100 Pounps or FEED Strurrs — Continued M Dry CARBO- ee or ane Gr REED Marrer | PROTEXY | yyprares nas ~ 100 Les. or FEED GREEN FoRAGE — ( Cont.) j Cents Wheat fodder .| 36.0 2.80 18.00 | 0.90 te Orchard grass .| 27.0 1.91 15.91 0.58 11 Red-top grass. .| 934.7 2.06 21.24 0.58 11 Kentucky blue BESssacule -, oa 3.01 19.85 0.85 Reasmte —:-.. . | 25.0 2.40 P02 70:20 Ad Redrelover:.— . 29.2 3.07 14.82 | 0.69 14 Burclover. . .{ 25.0 2.60 P00) = -0:50)4.| 12 Crimson clover . 19st 2.40 9.10 0.50 | ig: SILAGE FROM — | Borehm 20.9 0.60 14:90 | 0.20 emis . || 20.9 0.56 11.79 0.65 9 Hay FROM -— Bermuda grass . | 86.0 6.90 39.00 0.80 30 Jchnson grass . | 89.7 6.00 4940 1-220 30 Militia ees. | OLG 10.58 37.93 1.38 66 Cowmpeas .. .°-..| 89.8 10.80 38.60 1.10 60 Hairy vetch . .| 83.3 14.60 30.60 2.30 70 Red clover. . .{| 90.3 6.58 35.35 1.66 58 PeAN 200205. 92.4 6.70 42.10 3.40 60 Burclover ..*.; 83.3 8.80 36.50 0.50 48 Crimson clover .| 91.4 10.49 38.13 1.29 60 Crabrerass 2: 3.0. 41)-.86.0 4.30 36.40 1.50 25 Red-top grass. .| 91.1 4.82 46.83 0.95 30 Hungarian grass 92.3 4.50 51.67 1.54 33 242 ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE Dry Marrter, DicrestrsLtE NUTRIENTS, AND FERTILIZING VALUE IN 100 Pounps or FEED Srurrs — Continued anos FERIILIZING Name oF FEEp Sued PROTEIN ee waa 100 Les. a FEED Hay From (Cont.) — Cents Orchard grass . .| 90.1 4.78 41.99 | 1.40 30 Timothy grass . .| 86.8 2.89 43.72 | 1.43 25 Kentucky blue grass | 78.8 4.76 37.33 | 1.95 26 Japan-clover:: °°.) 2. 41)-80.0 7.80 41.40 | 1.80 50 Shredded corn stover| 80.0 2.30 43.20 0.90 20 Corn blades (fodder) 80.0 4.00 40.80 | 0.60 35 Cornwhucks. 2.) es. 80.0 1.30 49.90 0.30 20 Cotton-seed hulls. | 88.9 0.3 33.10 ZO 20 Wheat straw. . .| 904 | 0.40 | 36.30 | 0.40 14 Oasisinaw -) oe. al 0B. 1202 -|- = 38.60 0.80 oy Rye straw ~ . . .| 92.9 | 0.60 40.60 | 0.40 | 16 Barley straw. . .- 85.8 | 0.70 41.20 0.60 29 Roots AnD TUBERS — | Sweet Potato. . . 28.9 |. 1.00 2250 — ee IrighePotate' eso 2 De th OO 16.30 0.10 tte Reeve hte pect 15.0 see 8.84 — —— ANTS? hese ge 9.5. | 0.81 6.46 | 0.11 —— Rutabagass @ 9:2 44 0.88 774~| 0.1L | Artichoke (Jerusa- deri) 4.0/en see 20.0 2.00 16.80 | 0.20 — GRAINS AND OTHER SEEDS — Cotton seed.) = i= 89.7 iad) 30.0 17.5 75 Cotton-seed meal. OT. Srtlicat 2 16.9 12.2 150 Cotton-seed hulls .| 88.9 | 0.5 Becl5 failed 25 Corn, field 304. a. ceo aa areo 86.70) "aa 33 Corn and cob meal . 84.9 | 4.4 60.0 2.9 ene | | THE FEEDING OF ANIMALS 245 Dry Matter, DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS, AND FERTILIZING VALUE IN 100 PouNDs oF FEED Sturrs — Continued a ee = CARBO- Name OF FEED Pane | PROTEIN | pypRATES GRAINS AND OTHER SEEDS (Cont.) — Wheat 89.5 | 10.2 69.2 Wheat bran cto Gil Neel G2 39.2 Wheat shorts . le Fe a eal 50.0 Wheat middlings S79. +) 12:8 53.0 Rice . 87.6 4.8 (22 Rice bran 90.5 5.3 45.1 Rice polish 90.0 9.0 50.4 Oats . 89.0 9.2 47.3 Rye : 88.4 | 9.9 67.6 Parieyaee te. | 2 BOA P87 65.6 Malt sprouts (dry). | 89.8 | 18.6 B71 Brewers’ grains (wet), 24.5 3. 9.5 Brewers’ grains (dry); 91.1 | 14.7 36.6 Linseed meal (old process) 90.8 | 28.8 32.8 Linseed meal (new process) . 89.9 | 28.2 40.1 Cowpea, seed . Se ol LEB 54.2 ~ FERTILIZING Fat VALUE IN | 100 Les. or FEED Cents cy 38 rua ree 5.8 3.4 65 0.5 19 7.5 56 6.5 45 OCI AY Sage eee he teak ear yD 1.4 19 4.5 7 ot ahs dD Cee 2) kee ft 68 CHAPTER XXKV THE MAKING OF A RATION Making up Rations. — Suppose you wish a day’s feed for a horse of good size that is doing heavy work, and you have oats, peavine hay, and Bermuda hay. Ten pounds of grain and 7 pounds each of the two hays would give 24 pounds of dry, or nearly dry, feed, and not far from half of it will be grain. Let us make the calculation and find out if this food will afford the right amounts of nutrients. You see from Table No. 1 what amounts of digestible protein, carbo-hydrates, and fats 100 pounds of oats con- tain. Youare to use 10 pounds of oats. Hence 10 pounds will contain 10 per cent of all that 100 pounds contain. Make a little table like Table No. 2 below. Find 10 per cent of the protein in the 100 pounds of oats, and put down in the column headed *“ Protein.” Do the same for the carbo-hydrates and fats. You are to feed 7 per cent of 100 pounds of each of the hays. Perform the same operations for these. Then add each column. By this method you get the total of each nutrient. This is perhaps near enough the right amounts of nutrients for all practical purposes. If, instead of ten pounds of oats, six pounds of oats and four pounds of corn were given, we should have almost exactly the standard amounts of nutrients first named for a heavily worked 244 THE MAKING OF A RATION 245 horse, a milk cow, and a fattening steer. You should not forget that a small horse, especially if doing light work, will not need so much feed. Fats Strong Feeds. — You have learned that fat performs the same work in the animal body that is done by carbo- hydrates. But the fat is stronger. Shee Fleas (different species). Remove all dust and rubbish; clean floors and sprinkle with kerosene: keep out dogs and cats : scatter pyrethrum powder under carpets and in kennels. Glover’s scale (Lepidosaphes gloverii, Pack.). VII or VIII. Grain beetles (different species). X. Grasshoppers (different species). I, II, or ILI. Green bug (Toxoptera graminum, Rond.). See page 155. Harlequin cabbage bug (Murgantia histrionica, Hahn). VI or V, 0. 306 APPENDIX Hemispherical scale (Lecaniuim hemisphericum, Targ.). VII or VIII. Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor, Say.). XV, a, and late sowing of wheat. May beetles (Lachnosterna, several species). I, also pasture infested grass land with hogs. Melon aphis (Aphis gossypii, Glov.). XV and V, a. Mexican cotton boll weevil (A. grandis, Boh.). See page 132. Mosquitoes (different species). Destroy larve by pouring kerosene on water where eggs or larve are. Cover cisterns, empty troughs, cans, and useless vessels of all kinds. Watch for stagnant pools of water and drain them. Put fish in per- manent pools and tanks. Oyster shell bark louse of the apple (Lepidosaphes pomorum, Bouche). LY: Peach scale (Aulacaspis pentugona, Targ.). TLV. Peach tree borers (Sanninoidea exitiosa, Say, and Synanthedon pictipes, Say). XII, XIV. Plum cureuho (Conotrachelus nenuphar, Hbst.). Jar trees in early morning, collect and destroy beetles. | Purple scale (Lepidosaphes citricola, Pack.). VII, VII, winter spray on deciduous trees, LV. Red spiders or mites (different species). XVI, XVII. Round headed apple tree borer (Saperda candida, Fab.). >. GUE. 2 hE ed. Ul | San José scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus, Comst.). IV. Seurfy scale (Chisonaspis furfura, F.). IV. Soft scale (Lecanium hesperidum, L.). Southern plum aphis (Aphis setariw, Thos.). V, b, imme- diately before leaves fall or before buds open and after eggs hatch. ; Striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata, Fab.). Sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarus, Fab.). X. Tent caterpillar, The American (Malacosoma Americana, APPENDIX 307 Fab.). When tents first appear cut off branches to which they are attached and burn. Tomato worm (Phlegethontius sexta, L.). Hand pick and destroy. Twig girdler (Oncideres sp.?). Burn amputated twigs. Woolly aphis (Schizoneura lanigera, Hausi.). V, 0. Foornotr. Following are the names, with their abbreviations, as used after the technical names of insects herein treated: A. & S., Abbott & Smith; Boh., Boheman; Bouché, Bouché; Burm., Burmeister ; Comst., Comstock; F., Fitch; Fab., Fabricius; Glov., Glover; Harr., Harris; Hausm., Hausmann; Hahn, Hahn; Haw., Haworth; Hbst., Herbst ; Howard, Howard ; Lec., Leconte; L., Linneeus; Pack., Packard ; Riley, Riley; Rond., Rondani; Say, Say; Targ., Targoni; Thos., Thomas; Uhl., Uhler; Walsh, Walsh. 308 APPENDIX JUDGING STOCK— TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE Drarr Hors—E—ScALE or Potnts — For GELDING * wae | Scorp 1. AGE | General pearance 2. HEIGHT : : : , 3 ; 3. WeientT, over 1500 ere . . . score according to age 4 4. Form, broad, massive, low set, proportioned : : q 5. Quaxiry, bone clean, yet indicating sufficient substance ; tendons distinct, skin and hair fine. : : ; 4 6. TEMPERAMENT, energetic, good disposition. , ; | Head and Neck: 7. Heap, lean, medium size ’ : ; 1 8. Muzzxx, fine; nostrils large ; lips thin, even . 1 9. Eyes, full, bright, clear, large 1 10. ForenerapD, broad, full ; 1 11. Ears, medium size, well carried. : ! : 1 12. Necx, muscled; crest high ; throatlatch fine ; windpipe large 1 Forequarters : 13. SHoutpeErs, sloping, smooth, snug, extending into back 2 14. Arm, short, thrown forward . : : : ? f 1 15. Forearm, heavily muscled, long, wide . : ; 2 16. Knees, wide, clean cut, straight, deep, stroniatee sup- ported . ‘ ‘ : : ; 2 17. Cannons, short, lean, ee ; sinews oe: set hack, ; 2 18. Feriocks, wide, straight, strong .° . x d ; 1 19. Pasterns, sloping, lengthy, strong . ; : : : a 20. Fret, large, even size, straight; horn dense, dark color ; sole concave ; bars strong ; frog large, elastic ; heel wide, high, one-half length of toe : 8 21. Leas, viewed in front, a perpendicular line front fe point of the shoulder should fall upon the center of the knee, cannon, pastern, and foot. From the side, a per- pendicular line dropping from the center of the elbow joint should fall upon the center of the knee and pas- tern joints and back of hoof ‘ 2 : : : 4 TorTaL : : ‘ : ; : ‘ 4 5 ‘ 47 APPENDIX 309 JUDGING STOCK — Continued Drarr Horsrt — ScaLr oF Porsts— For GELDING a Score 3ROUGHT FORWARD . ‘ : ; ; ; : ‘ 47 Body : 22. Cuest, deep, wide, low, large girth 2 23. Raps, long, close, sprung 2 24. Back, straight, short, broad 2 25. Lorn, wide, short, thick, straight 2 26. UnperRvIne, flank low fs 1 Hindquarters : 27. Hips, smooth, wide 2 28. Croup, long, wide, muscular . 2 29. Tai, attached high, well carried . ‘ : : il 30. THicus, muscular . 5 2 31. QuarTeERs, deep, heavily ae 2 32. Gaskins or Lower TuiGus, wide, Raseled 2 33. Hocks, clean cut, wide, straight : 8 34. Cannons, short, wide ; sinews large, set back 2 35. Fetriocks, wide, straight, strong . ; i 36. Pasterns, sloping, strong, lengthy : ; ; 2 37. Fret, large, even size, straight; horn dense, dark color ; sole concave; bars strong; frog large, elastic; heel wide, high, one-half length of toe : 6 38. LEGs, weal from behind, a perpendicular ihe fi om the poing of the buttock should fall upon the center of the hock, cannon, pastern, and foot. From the side, a perpendicular line from the hip joint should fall upon the center of the foot and divide the gaskin in the middle ; and a perpendicular line from the point of the buttock should run parallel with the line of the cannon SA Action : 39. Wark, smooth, quick, long, balanced. : : ; 6 40. Trot, rapid, straight, regular . : : : ; ; 4 TOTAL ? Q : : é ; : P : : 100 310 APPENDIX JUDGING STOCK — Continued Licntr Horses — Scar or Points — For GELDING PERFECE SCORE 1. AGE General Appearance : 2. WEIGHT . ; ; : : : ; : : 3. HEIGHT : ; ‘ ‘s ; : 4. Form, symmetrical, smooth, stylish : ; : : 4 5. Quanxitry, bone clean, fine, yet indicating sufficient sub- stance ; tendons defined ; hair and skin fine 4 6. TEMPERAMENT, active, good disposition . 4 Head and Neck : 7. Heap, lean, straight : ; i 8. Muzz.e, fine ; nostrils large ; lips thin, even 1 9, Eyes, full, bright, clear, large 1 10. Forrenean, broad, full . : rears ; : : 1 11. Ears, medium size, pointed, well carried, and not far apart . . : : . : ‘ : : : 1 12. Neck, muscled ; crest high; throatlatch fine ; windpipe large 1 Forequarters : 13. SHoutpers, long, smooth with muscle, oblique, extending into back and muscled at withers 3 14. Arm, short, thrown forward i. 15. Forearm, muscled, long, wide : : 2 16. Kwness, clean, wide, straight, deep, strongly suppanicd 2 17. Cannons, short, wide ; sinews large, set back 2 18. FrrLocks, wide, straight ‘ ; : 1 19. PastrEeRNs, strong; angle with ground, 45 degrees 3 20. Frrer medium, even size, straight; horn dense; frog large, elastic ; bars strong ; sole concave ; heel wide, high 6 21. Lees, viewed in front, a perpendicular line from the point of the shoulder should fall upon the center of the knee, cannon, pastern, and foot. From the side, a per- pendicular line dropping from the center of the elbow joint should fall upon the center of the knee and pas- tern joints and back of hoof : : : ; 4 Toran : ; . : ‘ : : 5 42 APPENDIX JUDGING STOCK — Continued 311 Ligur Horst — ScALe or Potnts — For GELDING PERFECT | ScorE Broucur FORWARD 42 Body : 22. ‘Cuest, deep, low, large girth 2 25. Russ, long, sprung, close BK 2 2 24. Back, straight, short, broad, haseted 2 25. Lorn, wide, short, thick . ‘ ; : : 2 26. UnpbeErRLINE, long, flank let down . d 1 Hindquarters : 27. Hips, smooth, wide, level 2 28. Croup, long, wide, muscular . . 2 29. TAIL, attached high, well carried 1 30. Txuicus, long, muscular, spread, open angled . 2 31. Quarters, heavily muscled, deep 2 32. Gaskins oR Lower Tuicus, long, wide, muscular . 2 33. Hocks, clearly defined, wide, straight 5 34. Cannons, short, wide; sinews large, set back 2 55. Frtiocks, wide, straight 1 36. Pastrrns, strong, sloping : ; : 2 37. Farr, medium, even size, eee horn dense; frog large ; a bars strong; sole concave ; heel wide, high. 2 ; p : : 4 38. Lees, viewed from Fenda: a Aeenendiéular tine from the point of the buttock should fall upon the center of the hock, cannon, pastern, and foot. From the side, a perpendicular line from the hip joint should fall upon the center of the foot and divide the gaskin in the middle ; and a perpendicular line from the point of the buttock should run parallel with the line of the cannon ‘ ; t é : : 4 Action : 39. Wa tk, elastic, quick, balanced : 3 5 40. Tror, rapid, straight, regular, high : ; ha co Tora. A . ; ; ; , ; 100 312 — APPENDIX JUDGING STOCK — Continued BeEF STEER — SCALE OF POINTS pas General Appearance: 1. WeiGut, score according to age : 5 : 5 : 10 2. Form, straight top line and underline; deep, broad, low set, stylish : ; f : : ; ? : 10 . Quarry, hair fine; skin miablee dense, clean bone ; body covering to be uniform, of a mellow touch, yet suffi- ciently firm to indicate a large proportion of muscle : 10 4. Conpition, development of flesh and fat; fat indicated by spinal covering, rib covering, fullness of flank, purse and tongue root’. : : , : : ; : 10 Head and Neck: 5. Muzzxir, broad ; mouth large ; jaw wide ; nostrils large ul 6. Eyes, large, clear, placid . : : ; f 1 7. Facer, short, quiet expression . y : 1 8. Bosaein: broad, full : : , : 3 : . 1 9, Ears, medium size, fine texture . : A : - 1 10. Horns, fine texture, oval, medium size é : js 1 11. Neck, thick, short, throat clean ; ; ; ; i Forequarters : 12. SuouLpeER Vern, full . ; ; ; 2 15. SHOULDER, Sores with flesh, compaet on top, smooth 2 14. Brisker, aavateees: breast wide : 1 15. Drewtap, skin not too loose, and drooping : : 1 16. Lures, straight, short ; arm full; shank fine, smooth. : 2 Body : 17. Cnest, full, deep, wide ; girth large ; crops full 4 18. Riss, long, arched, thickly fleshed ; 8 19. Back, broad, straight, smooth, even . : . : 10 20. Lorn, thick, broad . : ‘ 8 21. Frank, full, even with underline 2 Hindquarters : 22. Hips, smoothly covered, distance apart in proportion with other parts A ; ; E : ; : 2 TOTATE : ‘ : : ; : : : 89 APPENDIX ole JUDGING STOCK — Continued BEEF STEER — SCALE OF POINTS PEEFHCT Score BrouGutr Forwarp : : : , ; F ; a tice Oe Hindquarters — Cont. : 23. Rump, long, wide, even, tail head smooth, not patchy 2 24. Pin Bones, not prominent, far apart . 1 25. Tuiens, full, deep, wide 2 26. Twist, deep, plump . ; 2 27. Purse, full, indicating fleshiness : 2 28. Leas, straight, short ; shank fine, smooth . = LOC Ve San : . ‘ : : : : j : . 100 is y; - vib PERFECT ScALE OF Pornts — For Datry Cow J SCORE General Appearance : 1. Weicur : ; : : : 6 2. Form, inclined to os we Span alaed : : ‘ a fb bevy. hair fine, soft; skin, mellow, loose, medium 6 thickness, secretion resloue: bone, clean, fine 4. Connpirion, lean, though vigorous appearance when in milk 6 Head and Neck: 5. Muzzvr, clean cut; mouth large ; nostrils large if 6. Eyes, large, bright, full, mild x 7. Facer, lean, long, quiet expression —. : : : é 1 8. ForrenEAp, broad 1 9. Ears, medium size, yellow abide, fine texture 1 10. Horns, fine, texture waxy . ‘ : : : : | es 11. Neck, fine, medium length ; throat clean, light dewlap 1 Forequarters : 12. Wirners, lean, thin . : : : ; : : ; 1 15. SHourpers, light, oblique . : ; é 2 14. Leas, straight, short ; shank fine ; ; : ; ‘ 2 Wovaie: : ; : ‘ : : ; : é , P 30 314 APPENDIX JUDGING STOCK — Continued h > aepeeeesnn ScaLe or Pornts— For Datry Cow i te SCORE Brovuentr Forwarp , : 3 ; ; : Re Body : | 15. Cuesr, deep, low; girth large with full fore flank. =. eee ne 16. BARREL, ribs rok long, wide apart, large stomach : 10 17. Back, lean, dratahie open jointed —. ; ) : , 2 18. Loin, broad : : ; : : é : : 2 19. Nave ., large : : : : : : . ‘ ; 2 Hindquarters : | 20. Hups, far apart, level . é : : ; : : 2 21. Rump, long, wide 2 22. Pin Bones or Tuertrs, high, sid apart 1 23. Tai, long, slim, fine hair in switch . : ; ; : 1 24. Tnicus, thin, long : ; : 4 25. Escurcnron, spreading over éitiehs. extendinte high antl wide; large thigh ovals . ; ; : 2 26. Upper, long, attached high and full behinds extemuiae far in front and full, flexible ; quarters even and free from fleshiness ‘ , 3 : : : : : 20 27. Trats, large, evenly placed : : : : 5 28. Mammary VEIns, large, long, tortuous, Bachan: with double extension ; large and numerous milk wells . b 5 29. Leas, straight, short ; shank fine : : : : ota 2 STOCK DISEASES AND REMEDIES By Dr. BR. P.-Marstectar, Texas A. & M.. COLLEGE THE HORSE Chronic Indigestion. — The three most common causes of chronic indigestion are improper food and water, bad teeth, and the presence of worms in the intestines. Food and Water. — Animals when given faulty food or water do not “do well,” have an unthrifty hair coat, sweat easily, and cannot stand hard work. In such eases it is well to change the feed supply. Bad Teeth. — Horses have bad teeth. Many of the common defects of teeth can be detected by the ordinary observer, if he will take the trouble to open the animal’s mouth and inves- tigate. Common defects are irregular teeth, decayed teeth, teeth with sharp edges. Very often a few dollars spent in having the teeth attended to will prolong the animal’s iife and usefulness. Worms. — Young horses often have worms in the intestines that sap their vitality. The symptoms are the same as those of poor food and water. A very safe and efficient remedy for this trouble is a drench made of two ounces of turpentine and one pint of linseed oil. Acute Indigestion: Colic. —If any of the causes of chronic indigestion are severe and continued, they lead to colic, the symptoms of which are those of chronic indigestion augmented. Horses with colic show pain by being restless, getting up and down, looking around at side and pawing and stamping. An ounce of chloral hydrate in one pint of water often gives relief without causing any of the deleterious effects of many other remedies. 315 316 APPENDIX Bad Eyes. — The most common disease of the eyes of horses is “moon blindness.” ‘The first attack is mistaken very often for a slight injury. But the animal has from time to time, at more or less regular periods, subsequent attacks, each being more severe and leaving more permanent effects. This is an incurable trouble and results in blindness. Beards of grains and chaff get in the eyes of animals and will cause serious injuries if not removed.