ELEMENTS OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. ELEMENTS OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. BY o CARL GEGENBAUR, “< PROFEssoR OF ANATOMY AND DirEctTor oF THE ANATOMICAL INSTITUTE AT HEIDELBERG, F. JEFFREY BELL, B.A., % ref, MaqgpatEen Couteaer, Oxrorn. THE TRANSLATION REVISED AND A PREFACE WRITTEN BY HK. RAY LANKESTER, M.A. F.RS., > FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD, AND PRoFEssoR oF ZooLoGy AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY In UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Lonpon. LONDON : MACMILLAN AND CO. 1878. EVANS, 2 PRE PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Our knowledge has been so much increased in extent and exactness in almost every department of Comparative Anatomy since the time when I converted my “ Grundziige” into the first edition of this smaller manual—the ‘ Grundriss””—that the publication of a second edition hardly seemed an easy task. Nevertheless, I gladly undertook it, for I had observed so much new evidence of the importance of the doctrine of development in anatomical enquiry. The road along which science may travel forward success- fully seems indeed to be growing easier, yet the distance which we have made is but short in comparison with that which lies in front of us, and far beyond our view. Every question solved leads again to fresh problems, and renders unstable even what seemed to have taken a definite form. There are, therefore, great difficulties in giving such a comprehensive presentation of the subject as a text-book ought to supply. I have tried as much as possible to evade these difficulties where I have been unable to overcome them. Much remains unaltered, because recent in- vestigations appear to demand fundamental changes, the concrete expression of which cannot be immediately taken in hand. I have somewhat modified the arrangement of the matter. I can hardly be blamed for separating the Brachiopoda from the Mollusca, and treating them as forming an independent phylum. Nor indeed is the change a real one; for even in my “ Grundziige”’ I drew especial attention to the great difference that obtained between them and tle “other Mollusca.” The Tunicata have vi PREFACE. been treated in the same way, but this does not require any apology at the present date. By treating the subject more concisely I have been able to increase the real matter to a certain extent, without enlarging the size of the book. I have, of course, only dealt with what has seemed to me to be of capital importance; many, and even important, details have been omitted, owing to the limits imposed by the aim of the book. I have endeavoured to correct some previous mistakes and to supply omissions. If any such have been retained, or have newly crept in, I shall be fairly judged, I know, by anatomists, who will remember the vast extent of our science and the object of this work. I hope that I have satisfied them, and if I have my toil is well repaid. Heidelberg, November, 1877. C. Gegenbaur. PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION. Ir is a great pleasure to me to be able to place in the hands of my pupils in Oxford and London an English translation of Professor GEGENBAUR’S “Grundriss der Vergleichenden Anatomie.” I have to thank the energy and industry of Mr. Jerrrey Bexu, of Magdalen College, Oxford (now one of the staff of the British Museum), for the translation which he undertook and carried through at my request, when I found that my time was too fully oceu- pied with other work to allow of my completing it myself within a suffi- ciently short period from the date of publication of the German work. My share of ‘the present work has therefore consisted in a careful revision of the MS. and proof-sheets, which has been by no means a mere formality, but enables me to give the assurance that the original work is faithfully rendered in the translation. The chapter on the Tunicata I took occasion to translate myself. That Professor GrGENBAUR’s work will be of great service to those English students who do not already read German cannot be doubted. We have some excellent treatises in the English language on anintal morpho- logy, notably the Manuals of the Anatomy of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals, by Professor Huxtey. But we do not possess any modern work on Comparative Anatomy, properly so-called ; that is to say, a work in which the comparative method is put prominently forward as the guiding principle in the treatment of the results of anatomical investigation. The - present work therefore appears to me to form a most important supplement to our existing treatises on the structure and classification of animals. It has, over and above this, a distinctive and weighty recommendation in that throughout and without reserve the Doctrine of Evolution appears as the living, moving investment of the dry bones of anatomical fact. Not only is the student thus taught to retain and accumulate his facts in relation to definite problems which are actually exercising the ingenuity of investigators, vill PREFACE. but he is encouraged, and to a certain extent trained, in the healthy use of his speculative faculties ; in fact the one great method by which new know- ledge is attained, whether of little things or of big things—the method of observation (or experiment), directed by speculation—becomes the con- scious and distinctive characteristic of his mental activity. Thus we may claim for the study of Comparative Anatomy, as set forth in the present work, the power of developing what is called “common sense” into the more precisely fixed “ scientific habit ” of mind. I have made no notes nor additions of any kind to the original ieee with the exception of a few references to English works likely to be useful to the English student. These additions are indicated by brackets. Whilst the work is thus presented to the reader precisely as its author designed that it should be, there can be no objection to the introduction in this place of a few remarks suggested by the fact that this English translation is intended for the use of English students, and that it is therefore desirable, in order to prevent confusion and perplexity, to point out certain statements of fact, or of interpretation of fact, in which Professor GxrcENBAUR differs widely from authorities usually followed in this country. I shall, moreover, refer to some recent additions to knowledge published since this work left Professor GrcENBAUR’s hands. It will be understood that the following paragraphs are intended as a supplement necessitated by the special objects of this translation, and are by no means to be regarded as conceived in the spirit of criticism or discussion, which would assuredly ill befit a writer who is making known to a new audience the teachings of a master to whom he is deeply indebted. Nuclei of Cells.—In the first place, it seems necessary to notice that, whilst the last German edition of this work was in the press, very important additions to our knowledge of the nucleus of organic cells or plastids were being made. Though these investigations are not yet complete they tend to modify what is said concerning the nucleus on pages 15 and 16. The student is referred to an article by Mr. Prresttzy in the Quart. Journ. Microse, Science, vol. xvi. (1876), for an account of the observations of AVERBACH, STRASBURGER, Hertwic, and VAN BENEDEN, and to part iil. of the same Journal, vol xviii. (1878), for original observations on the same subject by Dr. Kier. Reproduction of Infusoria.—A most important modification in the current views as to the reproduction of the Infusoria has resulted from the same line of study as that just mentioned, when carried into the domain of unicellular organisms. O. BUrscuit and Enycetmann have shown that we are not at present in a position to assert that the process of con- jugation in the Infusoria is followed by a production of spores (see § 70). It results from their investigations that conjugation in the Infusoria is attended by a definite breaking-up of the nucleus and so-called nucleolus (paranucleus) of the conjugating individuals; but that the conjugating PREFACE. ix individuals separate, and after expelling portions of the broken-up nuclear structures (probably as effete products), proceed to re-form the nucleus, or nucleus and nucleolus characteristic of the species. The so-called Acineti- form embryos appear to be parasites, the rod-like bodies occasionally observed in the nucleus are also parasites, whilst the striated structure and spindle- shape exhibited by the nucleolus or paranucleus in such forms as Para- meecium and Stylonichia at the period of conjugation, are simply due to changes in this body which are exactly paralleled in the nuclei of egg-cells and other tissue-elements of multicellular organisms, when those cells are about to divide by transverse fission. The process of conjugation in the Infusoria may be, and probably is, attended by an exchange of nuclear material between the conjugating individuals, and is so far comparable to sexual congress, but it results in a simple “ rejuvenescence” of the conjugating individuals and not in a production of spores. Reproduction by fission and by the modification of fission, known as gemmation, has been accurately observed in Infusoria, but of the formation of “spores” in this group we are at present ignorant, in spite of all that has been written on the subject. Origin of Male and Female Reproductive Elements from different Germ-layers.—In § 95 Professor GucenBAuR has described the observations of Ep. Van Brnepen on the development of the sexual products in Hydractinia, and has adopted his generalisation, so far at least as it applies to the Hydromedus. From more recent observa- tions (Cramician, Zeitschr. fiir wiss. Zoologie, vol. xxx. p. 501, 1878) it appears that in other genera of hydroid polyps the same arrangement does not obtain. In Eudendrium ramosum the ova appear to develop from the ectoderm, and the sperm from the endoderm; in Tubularia mesem- bryanthemum both ova and sperm are ectodermal in origin according to Cramictan ; VAN BENEDEN found the ova to be endodermal and the sperm ectodermal in Hydractinia, whilst KiermenBere ascribes both to the ecto- derm in Hydra. Nervous System and Sensory Organs of Medusx,—During the past year a considerable addition has been made to knowledge on these points, by the researches of the two Hertwias (“ Das Nervensystem und die Sinnesorgane der Medusen.” Leipzig, 1877). It is no longer possible to deny the existence of differentiated nervous tissue in the Medusee—the central organ having the form of a ring situated along the line of insertion of the velum in the Craspedota, and of a series of isolated ganglia, usually eight in number, placed on the edge of the dise in the Acraspeda. (See for an abstract of recent researches on this subject, Quart. Journal of Microsc. Science, vol. xviil. p. 340.) Cirri and Elytra of Aphroditacew.—The statement in § 105, that the elytra of the cheetopodous Worms, allied to Aphrodite, are formed by the metamorphosis of the dorsal cirri of the parapodia, appears to be contradicted sc PREFACE. by the fact, that in Sigalion the elytra and dorsal cirri exist side by side on the same segment. Homologies of the Rami of the Appendages in Astacus.—The view taken by Professor GucENBAUR, as to the homologies of the parts of the appendages immediately following the mouth in Astacus, differs somewhat from that which is current in this country. In Fig. 122, p. 239, the mandible, two maxillz, and three maxillipedes of the right ae of Astacus fluviatilis are figured. This woodeut was kindly re-drawn for the English edition by the author, at my request, and gives a more complete outline of the parts in question, than does the older cut of the German edition. Throughout the series of appendages, three divisions are distinguished by the letters a, ¢, d. Taking the lowest figure first (the third maxillipeda) we find the endopodite marked a, the exopodite marked ¢, and the letter d placed with the single epipodite (podobranchia, Huxiry) to its inner side, whilst the double arthrobranchia (Huxtzy) not forming part of the appendage proper, but a distinct respiratory development, is seen on its outer side. In the next figure (the second maxillipede), a indicates endopodite, ¢ exopodite, and d is placed close to the double arthrobranchia on its outer side, whilst the modified epipodite is seen to the inner side again, of this. In the figure of the first maxillipede, a is placed near the foliaceous endopodite, which has a detached outstanding segment, c near the filamentous exopodite, and d near the broad epipodite. The same explanation of the lettering holds good for the next appendage, the second maxilla. In the next appendage— the first maxilla—the absence of the letters ¢ and d, indicates that the author regards the whole appendage as reduced to the representative of the foliaceous endopodite a of the two inferior appendages—a view with which few will disagree. In the case of the mandible, however, Professor GEGENBAUR marks the “ palp ” with the letter c—considering, therefore, the basal piece of this appendage to represent the endopodite, and the palp to represent the exopodite. The more usual opinion on this matter is that the mandible, together with its palp, corresponds to the simple foliaceous first maxilla. The jointed palp, mounted on its solid basal biting-piece, cor- responds to the jointed endopodite a of the last maxillipede. The question of the presence or the absence of a representative of the exopodite in the Decapod’s mandible, is a matter of considerable importance in reference to possible comparisons between the gnathites of Crustacea and Tracheata. The actual development of the parts in question from the nauplius-form of appendage, must be the ultimate test of the homologies of their rami in the Crustacea. Blood-corpuscles of the Mollusca.—The statement on p. 375, that ‘the form-elements of the blood are always colourless ” in the Mollusca, is one which I may be allowed to correct, since I have-published an account of the blood-corpuscles of Solen legumen (Proc. Royal Society, No. 140, 1873), which, besides colourless amceboid forms, comprise a vast number of PREFACE. Xi oval ones, deeply stained by hemoglobin. The number of these corpuscles is so considerable as to give the blood of Solen legumen a bright blood- red colour. I may add here that I have observed similar though larger corpuscles impregnated with hemoglobin in the blood of species of Arca. Homologies of the Arms of the Cephalopoda.—The view that the sucker-bearing arms of the cuttlefish are to be regarded as appendages of the head homologous with the tentacles on the head of Gasteropods (p. 326), is one which, it will be well for the student to remember, is not that usually taught. He should make himself acquainted with the older and the newer view, and the grounds on which they are based. Without entering into a discussion of the arguments which may be adduced in favour of this or of rival interpretations of the parts, it must suffice here briefly to mention that the arms of the Cephalopod (the development of which had been made known by KOuurKeEr), were shown by Professor Huxtey, five-and-twenty years ago, to correspond to the fore-part of the foot of the Gasteropoda, and the ganglion, from which they receive their nerve supply, was then considered as corresponding to the pedal (Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca, Phil. Trans. 1853). This view was maintained in the earlier editions of GEGENBAUR’s work. It has been abandoned in the present edition, in deference to the statements of Mr. Junrine (‘‘ Vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems und Phylogenie der Molluscen, Leipzig,” 1877). The whole of that author’s work, both statement of fact and speculative superstructure, appears to me to call for very cautious treatment, involving the rejection of some of his principal conclusions. Origin of the Limbs of Vertebrates.—Professor GEGENBAUR is inclined to regard the skeleton of the limbs and limb-girdles of Vertebrata as derived from gill-arches and their branchial rays (§ 357). The student is reminded that another possible derivation of these organs is from primitively continuous lateral fins—supported by cartilaginous rays, and comparable to the primitively continuous dorsal median fin. The specialisation and con- centration of the lateral fin on each side in two regions, thoracic and pelvic, would be competent to give rise to the two pairs of fins, such as we find in the Elasmobranchs, Mr. Batrour (“ Development of Elasmobranch Fishes,” 1878) is led to adopt this view by the observation, that in the embryo dog- fish the lateral fins have precisely the same mode of origin as has the dorsal median fin, arising “as special developments of a continuous ridge on each side, precisely like the ridges of epiblast, which form the rudiments of the unpaired fins.” This view of the nature of the vertebrate limbs has been independently worked out with great care from the point of view of comparative anatomy, by Mr. J. K. Tuacurr (Median and Paired Fins, Transactions Connecticut Academy, vol. iii. 1877). In the important memoir just cited, Mr. THacuer shows very plausibly how the Elasmobranch fin, and not only the fin, but the supporting limb-girdle also, may have Xi PREFACE... been derived from the gradual shifting, atrophy, hypertrophy, and con- erescence of primitively similar cartilaginous rods, which formed a series on each side of the body, identical in character with the primitive median dorsal series. According to this view, the “archipterygium” of Professor GxcENBAUR is not antecedent to, but is derived from the type of fin found in Elasmobranchs. (See also on this subject, Huxiey, On Ceratodus, Proc. Zool. Soc. vol. 1876, p. 24.) Relation of the Malleus and Incus to the Mandibular and Hyoid Arches.—Investigations directed to the development of the skull led Professor HuxLEy some years since to adopt the conclusion of ReIcHERT and of Goopstr, that the small bones of the Mammals’ tympanic cavity were derived from the upper ends of the anterior visceral arches. At first it appeared probable that the malleus and incus were both derived from the upper end of the cartilaginous mandibular arch, the lower part forming Meckel’s cartilage. This led to the suggestion that the malleus corresponds to the articulare of the lower jaw of other Vertebrata, whilst the incus was considered to be the representative of the quadratum, since it articulates with the malleus just as the quadratum does with the articulare (Croonian Lecture “On the Theory of the Vertebrate Skull,” Proc. Royal Society, vol. ix. p. 398). Further investigation led Professor Huxtey to a modification of his views. The embryological evidence is not quite complete, but the relations of the parts in question in the developing Frog, in certain Lizards, and in Mam- malia, have led him to the conclusion (“ Manual of Vertebrate Anatomy,” p. 85, 1871) that whilst the malleus is formed from the uppermost extremity of the mandibular arch, and therefore represents, not articulare, but quad- ratum, the incus is developed from the uppermost extremity of the second or hyoid arch, and corresponds to the hyomandibular of fishes. The stapes is also developed from the upper portion of the hyoid arch, just below the incus. The incus may therefore be spoken of as the supra-stapedial portion of the hyoid arch, and in certain Vertebrata it exists as a mere cartilaginous supra-stapedial rudiment. These views in their later form have not been adopted by Professor GEGENBAUR. He observes (§ 402) that the homologies of the ossicula ‘audittis of the various classes of Vertebrata have not yet been satisfactorily determined. In § 352 he maintains the earlier determination of the homo- logy of the mammalian malleus with the articulare of other Vertebrates. Concerning the homologies of the incus and the stapes, he considers it advisable, in the present state of knowledge, to make no statement. The student is advised of these differences of interpretation of structural fact, in order that he may the more carefully make himself acquainted from original sources with the details of development, relation to nerves, and other features of the parts under discussion. Nomenclature of the Lobes of the Brain in Fishes.—In the earlier editions of the present work, Professor GecenBaur, led by the testlt PREFACE. xiii of investigations carried out by his pupil Mrxiucno-Mactay (“ Vergleich. Neurologie der Wirbelthiere,” 1870), modified the current nomenclature of the lobes of the Fish’s brain, so that the large bispherical part, which was usually considered as the mesencephalon in the Teleostei and Selachii, was assigned to the thalamencephalon—or second of the five cerebral segments—whilst the unpaired large projecting lobe, usually considered as the metencephalon (cerebellum, fourth segment), was identified with the mesencephalon of higher Vertebrates, and the cerebellum was considered as being represented by a small transverse plate, often overlapped by the folded mesencephalon, and usually of no larger size than the piece similarly identified in the frog. In the present edition Professor GrGENBAUR has modified this system of nomen- clature, and has returned to the older and usually accepted method of naming the parts of the Fish’s brain. Thus in Fig. 281, d marks the two spherical masses which were in former editions assigned to thalamencephalon, and are now, as is usual with other anatomists, designated mesencephalon, the expansion between them and g being the reduced area of the thalamen- cephalon. ‘The letter } is now referred to as metencephalon (cerebellum) : this was previously referred to as mesencephalon ; the myelencephalon prosencephalon, and rhinencephala retain their names, which had not been affected by Mactay’s system. Whilst Professor GrcENBAUR has returned to the usual system of naming these parts, he still considers that the facts on which Mactay’s nomenclature was based possibly point to homologies other than those indicated by the names ; so that the Fish’s cerebellum does not necessarily agree with that of higher Vertebrata. He remarks: “The mesencephalon is usually considered as being confluent with the thalamencephalon in Selachians ; and a part which really represents it, so far at least as relations of position are con- cerned, is customarily called by the name ‘cerebellum.’ ” In translating the German terms, Vorderhirn, Zwischenhirn, Mittelhirn, Hinterhirn, and Nachirn, I have adopted Professor HuxueEy’s equivalents, namely Prosencephalon, Thalamencephalon, Mesencephalon, Metencephalon, and Myelencephalon. In the edition of Quan and Suarpry’s Anatomy, published in 1867, a similar but not identical series of terms was suggested. For the “‘primitiven Hirnschlitz,”—the early strongly-marked sinking in of the cerebral roof which separates the prosencephalon from the thalamencephalon —we have no special term in use; “ primitive cerebral cleft” is the transla- tion which has been adopted. It is worth while pointing out to the student, in connection with this subject, and in fact in relation to the whole of the chapter on the Vertebrata, that Professor GEGENBAUR assumes some small amount of familiarity on the part of the reader with descriptive human anatomy ; reference to a manual treating of this subject, on the part of the student who has not previously mastered it, is indispensable. Nomenclature of the Parts of the Digestive Tract.—The transla- tion in the present work of the simple word “Darm,” and its compounds xiv PREFACH. Vorderdarm, Mitteldarm, Hinterdarm, Kopfdarm, has caused me some perplexity. It has been varfously rendered in the translation by “ gut,” “‘enteron,” “enteric tube,” “alimentary canal,” “digestive tract.” The fact is that, whilst we have no definite nomenclature at present in use in English which recognises the true morphology of the canal which com- mences with the mouth and ends with the anus, the nomenclature in use in Germany is of very doubtful advantage, since it has not a sound morpho- logical basis, but is altogether superficial. ‘“ Darm,” for which our readiest equivalent is “out,” is used indifferently for the whole or for any part of the physiological entity which reaches from oral to anal aperture. But the English word “gut” is associated rather with the hinder than with the fore- most portion of this tract. It will probably be found most convenient to speak of the physiological whole as the “alimentary canal,” or “ digestive tube ;” and these terms I have endeavoured consistently to make use of in this sense, though sometimes the term ‘enteric tube” has been similarly applied. The division of this tube or canal into pharynx, cesophagus, stomach, and intestine ; or, again, into fore-gut, mid-gut, and hind-gut (Vorderdarm, Mitteldarm, Hinterdarm, p. 48), is one based upon superficial adaptations of form, and does not admit of a comparison of the parts so designated in the various phyla of the Animal Kingdom. The pharynx and the eso- phagus of the Vertebrata are developed from the endoderm of the embryo ; the parts which receive the same names in the Mollusca and the Arthropoda are developed from the ectoderm. The hind-gut of the Vertebrate is endo- dermal in origin, ectodermal in the Arthropod, and partly endodermal partly ectodermal in the Mollusca, In fact there is no attempt to recog- nise the facts of embryology in the terminology applied to the alimentary canal. Under these circumstances I have proposed (Quarterly Journ. Microse. Science, April, 1876, and “‘ Notes on Embryology and Classification,” London, 1877, p. 11), to distinguish the primitive digestive space which develops from the endoderm (in fact the gastrula-stomach) as the “ enteron.” The anterior passage leading into this from the mouth, and formed by an ingrowth of ectoderm, I have termed the ‘“ stomodum,” and the corresponding passage leading from the anus I similarly propose to call the ‘‘ proctodeum.” These three primary factors of the alimentary tract are most equally developed in the Arthropoda and some Mollusca. In Vertebrata the stomodzum is exceedingly small, if indeed its true homo- logue exists at all (excepting in the Tunicata). The proctodeeum is also in them evanescent. The middle portion of the alimentary tract formed from the primitive enteron (archenteron), which does not entirely coincide with that part to which the term “ Mitteldarm” is applied, does not in all the various animal phyla take up the whole of the primitive enteron. This, in fact, only occurs in some of the Ccelenterata, which may therefore be said to possess in the adult condition an archenteron. In other groups the PREFACE. 2 XY primitive enteric sac gives off the foundations for a variety of other structures, so that what is left of it as the central element of the alimentary canal is a changed and broken-up enteron, which may be called ‘‘metenteron” as opposed to the unchanged “ archenteron.” It is to these three morphological factors then, the metenteron, the stomodzum, and the proctodeum, that we are called upon to assign the various adaptational swellings, constrictions, and outgrowths of the alimen- tary tract of higher animals. These distinctions are not recognised in Professor GEGENBAUR’S work. It will be sufficient here to point out that the exact limit of stomodeum and of proctodeum in any particular case, can only be ascertained by direct observation of the process of development. ‘The metenteron is that part of the alimentary canal with which the most important digestive glands are connected, such as the liver, and from its walls they are formed as outgrowths. The stomodzeum gives rise to salivary glands, and usually to masticatory sacs (gizzards), but these latter may form also in the metenteron. The proctodeum forms the cloacal chamber, where such exists, and always receives the openings of glands (such as the Malpighian filaments of insects) which are excretory rather than accessory to digestion. These explanations will be sufficient to make clear to the reader the sense in which the words “ enteron” and “enteric” have occasionally been employed in the translation. Classification.—At the present day, naturalists have learnt to recog- nise in their efforts after what was vaguely called the “natural” system of classification, an unconscious attempt to construct the pedigree of the animal world, The attempt has now become a conscious one. Necessarily classifications which aim at exhibiting the pedigree, vary from year to year with the increase in our knowledge. They also vary according to the importance attached by their authors to one or another class of facts as demonstrating blood-relationships. Probably no two zoologists of the present day would agree, within wide limits, as to the classification which comes nearest to expressing the pedigree. Accordingly it is by no means desirable that students should be taught to accept any one scheme of clas- sification as finite. They should be taught to look upon these schemes as the condensed expression of an author’s views—as the epitome of his teaching, facilitating the recollection and the comparison of conflicting solutions of the vast series of unsolved problems of morphology. I propose here, for the convenience of the student, to place side by side the general outlines of the schemes of classification adopted by Professor Huxiey in 1869 (No. I.), that adopted by Professor GucEnBaur in the present volume (No. II.), and that which I have made use of in my lectures during the past year (No. IIL). I have taken the older classification adopted by Professor Huxtry rather than that more recently put forward by him, because it is one with which xvi PREFACE. my experience as teacher and examiner has shown me that English students are thoroughly familiarised. I I. III. SUB-KINGDOMS. PHYLA. PHYLA. PrRoTozoA. PROTOZOA.* PROTOZOA.* (Bhizopoda, Gregarinida, Radiolaria, Spongida.) i ae pee TNFUSORIA. VG Tan. PORIFERA. C@LENTERATA. : (Hy drozoa, Ac\inozoa.) Soames NEMATOPHORA, ANNULOIDA. ois eae (Scolecida, Echinoderma.) ANNULOSA. ‘ ECHINODERMA. PLATYHELMIA.|| (Crustacea, Arachnida, Myriapoda, Insecta, Che- “ " GEPHYREA.|| nnelida. ; RACHIOPODA. sa oe ne eldp,) =. ECHINODERMA, olyzoa, Brachiopoda é 2 Hees Ree eres ora ENTEROPNEUSTA, || Mor.usca. NEMATOIDEA. || (Lamellibranchiata, Bran- M OLLUSCA. = chiogastropoda, Pulmo-. CHETOGNATHA.|| gastropoda, Pteropoda, ARPRRNGpE naan Cephalopoda.) TuNICATA.§ a ie ee eee ar Morntusca.** (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia.) VERTEBRATA. VERTEBRATA.T+ Seeing that one of my chief objects in superintending the translation of the-treatise to which these few pages are introductory, has been to be able * The Protozoa in Nos. II. and III. include the same organisms as in No. I:, excepting that the Infusoria are included in that phylum in Nos. II. and III., and that the Sponges are excluded, being in No. II. placed under the Coelenterata, and in No. III. forming the phylum Porifera under the “ grade”’ Coelentera, as shown in the genealogical tree on the adjacent page. + The Vermes of No. II. include all the Annuloida of No. I. excepting the Echinoderma, which are raised to the rank of an independent phylum. They also include the Annelida (Chzetopoda, Hirudinea, and Gephyrea) from amongst the Annulosa of No. I. and the Polyzoa from amongst the Molluscoida of the same series. { The Brachiopoda, raised to the position of a distinct phylum in No, II., are placed among the Molluscoida in No. I. and amongst the Mollusca in No. III. § The Tunicata, considered as an independent phylum in No. II., are found amongst the Molluscoida in No. I. and form a section of the Vertebrata in No. III. || The Platyhelmia, Gephyrea, Enteropneusta, Nematoidea, and Chztognatha form in No. III. a number of independent phyla. Together with the Polyzoa (included in No. II]. under the Mollusca), the Rotifera, and the Cheetopoda, included under the Appendiculata, they constitute the series of phyla which are in No, II. massed together as ‘‘ Vermes.” @ The Appendiculata include animals with lateral locomotive appendages, and usually a segmented body. The group is, excepting that it has the addition of the Rotifera, nearly co-extensive with the Annulosa of No. I. ** The phylum Mollusca in No. III. includes the Polyzoa and Brachiopoda, excluded from it in both No. I. and No. II. +t The Vertebrate phylum in No. III. includes the Tunicata, which it will be seen by reference to page 70 are already placed on the Vertebrate stem by Professor Gegenbaur, PREFACE. xvul to place the work in the hands of the students of my own classes, I need not apologise for adding here further details of the classification which I find it most convenient to adopt in teaching. I have arranged the chief phyla first of all in the form of a genealogical tree, and secondly in a series exhibiting their subdivisions into classes, ete. This classification is of course to a large extent only a modification and adaptation of systems already put forward by other naturalists. 3 g 2 2 : a 5 3 2 3 S| 5 ~~ °° a qa Oo z ) oO is = ee et S| is = iG 8 a q Lol < Se $ 3 3 3) is = 3 i) hep oS 2 | rg 6 Ss 4 2 3 g fai a | 3 & O ° = g ° Si i) aw) 3 5 5 j | Grade II. CQ@ALOMATA. 3 T oO B= H [o) AY Grade I. CQLENTERA. Grade II. ENTEROZOA. Protozoa Protozoa. | Grade I. PLASTIDOZOA. XViii PROTOZOA, PREFACE. GRADE A, GYMNOMYXA. Class 1. Gymnomyxa. GRADE B. CORTICATA, Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PORIFERA, Class 1. 2. Lipostoma (Gregarine). Suctoria. Ciliata. Flagellata. Proboscidea (Noctiluca). Calcispongie. Fibrospongiz. 3. Myxospongize. NEMATOPHORA, Class 1. 2. 3. 4, ECHINODERMA BRANCH. Class 1. 2. Sh BRANCH, Class 1. 2. 3. LATYHELMTA. BRANCH, CILIATA. Class 1. 2. BRANCH. 2. 3. GEPHYREA. Class 1. 2. 3. 4, Hydromedusee. Scyphomedusze. Anthozoa. Ctenophora. AMBULACRATA. Holothuridea. Echinoidea. Asteroidea. TENTACULATA. Crinoidea. Blastoidea. Cystidea. Planariz. Nemertina. SUCTORIA. Class 1. Trematoidea. Cestoidea. Hirudinea. Hehiuride. Priapulidee. » Sipunculide. Phoronide. PREFACE. xix VERTEBRATA. BRANCH. UROCHORDA (TUNICATA). Class 1. Larvalia. 2. Saccata. BRANCH. CHPHALOCHORDA. Class. Leptocardia. BRANCH. CRANIATA, GRADE A, CYCLOSTOMA, Class. Cyclostoma. GRADE B. GNATHUOSTOMA, Grade qa, Heterodactyla branchiata. Class 1. Pisces. 2. Dipnoi. Grade B, Pentadactyla branchiata. Class. Amphibia. Grade y. Pentadactyla lipobranchia. Class 1. Reptilia. Lae s Sy ies =Branch. Monocondyla. 3. Mammalia, =Branch. Amphicondyla. APPENDIOULATA. BRANCH. CHAITOPODA. Class 1. Oligocheeta. Class 2. Polycheeta. BRANCH. ROTIFERA. Class. (Orders only.) BRANCH: GNATHOPODA (ARTHROPODA), GRADE A, MALACOPODA, Class. Peripatidea. GRADE B, CONDYLOPODA. Class 1. Crustacea: 2. Hexapoda. 3. Myriapoda. 4, Arachnida.* -% Following Prof. Ed. Van Beneden, I include Limulus, the Eurypteriha, and Trilobites under the Arachnida as Branchiopulmonata: xX PREFACE. MOLLUSCA. BRANCH. EUCEPHALA. GRADE A, LIPOGLOSSA. Class. Scolecomorpha (Neomenia). GRADE B. ECHINOGLOSSA. Class 1. Gastropoda,* 2. Cephalopoda.+ 3. Scaphopoda. BRANCH. LIPOCEPHALA. Class 1. Tentaculibranchia (Polyzoa). 2. Spirobranchia (Brachiopoda). 3. Lamellibranchia. The phyla Enteropneusta, Chatognatha, and Nematoidea, containing respectively the genus Balanoglossus, the genus Sagitta, and the various families of thread-worms, do not admit of subdivision into classes or orders, * Includes the Chitons as a separate archaic grade ‘‘ Amphomeea,” the remaining Gastropoda, all of which are asymmetrical, being placed in a higher grade as “ Cochlides.” + Includes Siphonopoda (Cuttles and Nautilus) and Pteropoda. E. RAY LANKESTER, Exeter College, Oxford. September, 1878. Paragraph Ura 3—10. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction Scope of Comparative Anatomy . General Part. Structure of the animal body . Organs and organism Differentiation . : : Earliest stage of the aaiaial organism. Thecell . . 5 Differentiation of Ke sieved organism Origin of the tissues A. Vegetative tissues Epithelium ; Connective substances Form-elements of the nutrient finid . B. Animal tissues Muscular tissue Nervous tissue . Origin of the organs Systems of organs a) Integument . b) Skeleton c) Muscles d) Nervous system e) Sensory organs f) Respiratory organs of the atepeeene (Der ae gills) : g) Excretory organs. h) Alimentary Canal Respiratory organs of the nteron i) Vascular system . k) Reproductive organs Metamorphosis of the organs Development and degeneration Correlation of the organs 13 13 14 15 15 18 20 21 21 23 29 30 31 32 34 37 37 38 39 40 42 45 46 47 49 50 52 54 54 57 XXli Paragraph 49. 50. bl. 52. 53—55. 56—58. 59. 60. 61—70 99. 100—103. 104. 105. 106. 107—111. 112. 113. 114. 115—121. 122. 123. 124, 125. 126. 127—132. 133. 134. 135. 136. CONTENTS. Fundamental forms of the animal body Metamerism of the body Comparison of the organs . : Classification of the Animal Raeedan 5 Bibliographical aids in Comparative Anatomy Special Part. First Section. Protozoa. General review of the group Bibliography . Organisation of the pedtezan Second Section. Coelenterata (Zoophyta). General review of the group Bibliography . Form of the body Appendages Integument Skeleton Muscular system Neryous system Sensory organs Alimentary canal . Generative organs . Third Section. WVermes, General review of the group. . Bibliography . . Form of the body . 3 : a - Appendages . : : : : c : External gills . - : : . c ‘ Integument . Skeleton . 0 0 . : Muscular system Nervous system . 5 : Sensory organs Tactile organs Visual organs . Auditory organs . Alimentary canal . : Enteric branchize . : : : Accessory organs of the ditinentary oni : Celom . . - , : : Page 58 61 63 61 - oO aT ~T ~ ~T NT Or 101 103 105 108 108 109 111 119 125 127 128 132 135 136 142 142 145 152 152 153 156 156 163 164 165 Paragraph 137—141. 142—145. 146—156. 157. 158—161. 162. 163—167. 168. 169. 170. 171—173. 174. 175. 176. Wife LVS. 179. 180, 181, 182. 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188—190. 191—193. 194. 195—200. 201. 202. 203. 204—206. 207—211. 212, 213. 214. 215. 216—220. 221. 222—225. 226—237. CONTENTS. Vascular system Excretory organs Generative organs . Fourth Section. Hehinoderma. General review of the group Bibliography . Form of the body Appendages Integument and dermal skeleton Muscular system Nervous system Sensory organs Alimentary canal ; Organs appended to the aiimentary Sana 5 Coelom Vascular system Blood-vessels Water-vessels , Excretory organs Generative organs . Fifth Section. Arthropoda. General review of the group Bibliography . Form of the body Appendages : : Appendages of the Fanaa isle > Branchize Appendages of the Mapchonte Integument 3 Muscular system Nervous system Sensory organs Tactile organs . Auditory organs Visual organs Alimentary canal Organs appended to the slicnentany aml : 1) Appendages of the fore-gut 2) ” ” mid-gut 3) 5 6 hind-gut Coelom 5 5 5 Vascular system Excretory organs Tracheze . Generative organs . 192 194 194. 199 200 207 208 210 211 215 216 217 217 219 224. 224 228 232 234 237 238 240 243, 248 251 252 260 260 261 263 267 273 273 274 276 277 279 285 286 291 XXIV Paragraph 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244, 245. 246, 247. 248— 253. 254. 255. 256. 257—259. 260—263. 264. 265. 266—269. 2/70. 271. 274. 275—279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284— 288, 289—292. 293—298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 3806. CONTENTS. Sixth Section. Brachiopoda. General review of the group Bibliography Form of the body Integument, shell, and arms Muscular system < : Nervous system and sensory organs Alimentary canal - Ceelom and circulatory organs. Excretory organs Generative organs . Seventh Section. Mollusca. General review of the group : Bibliography . Form of the body Appendages Integument Shell Gills Internal skeleton Muscular system Nervous system Central organs and nerves of ine pede Visceral nerves . Sensory organs - : Tactile and olfactory organs Visual organs . 5 : : Auditory organs Alimentary canal - ; Organs appended to the sianredten cacnalt 1) Appendages of the fore-gut 2) Appendages of the mid-gut 3) Appendages of the hind-gut Celom : : - 6 Vascular system Excretory organs Generative organs . Eighth Section. Tunicata. General review of the group : Bibliography . Form of the body Integument . Skeleton Muscular system Nervous system . 3 - : . . . 388 389 390 393 394 394 395 Paragraph 307. 308. 309—311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321—323. 324—326. 327. 328—334. 335—337. 338. 339. 340. 341—352. 353—356. 357. 358—360. 361—365. 366. 367—369. 370. 371. 372—377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384, 385. 386. 387—392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397—399. 400—403. 404. 405. 406—409. CONTENTS. Sensory organs . 5 . . : 5 Alimentary canal . ° . o : : Respiratory antechamber (Branchial cavity) Enteron : : 5 5 ° 4 . Vascular system . “ - . . 5 Generative organs . : : 5 2 : Ninth Section. Vertebrata. General review of the group Bibliography . ; 0 Form of the body . 5 : : 5 . Appendages . 5 5 ° Integument c Epidermal structures . : Dermal skeleton . : : 4 Internal skeleton Vertebral column Ribs. - : 5 Sternum : : C : . : Cephalic spelen: : . c - 5 Skull . s ; i c 5 Branchial Sesion 5 ; 2 5 Skeleton of the appendages “ : : Anterior appendages < : : . Shoulder-girdle 2 . ° A . Anterior extremity . : = . 5 Posterior appendages : - “| . Pelvic-girdle . ¢ 0 . . . Posterior extremity . ¢ : . . Muscular system Dermal muscles . : 2 : Musculature of the seeleon Electric organs 2 - : . ° Nervous system . . A. Central organs of the nervous serayaien - a) Brain. é : A : : b) Spinal chord . é ; 3 c) Investments of the central nervous eaten B. Peripheral nervous system . a) Spinal nerves . : : 5 : b) Cerebral nerves. : c) Visceral nerves Sensory organs 5 : - : 5 Oifactory organs . . : - : Visual organs 5 ; . ° . . Auditory organs . . : - Alimentary canal . 5 : Respiratory antechamber (Cephalic Brien) Branchize : . : 4 . . . XxXV Page 397 398 399 403 404 406 408 412 413 414 417 419 422 426 428 438 442, 444 4.47 468 472 474 474, 477 484, 484 487 491 492 493 499 501 503 503 511 512 513 514 515 522 523 525 527 533 539 540° 541 XXV1 Paragraph 410. 411. 412. 413. 414416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424., 425—427. 428. 429. 430. 431—436. 437—442. 443—446. 447—449. 450—458. CONTENTS. Branchial clefts and palate of the Amniota Nasal cavity . - : . é Buccal cavity . ° Organs of the buccal ean < Alimentary canal proper rE of he reek Fore-gut Mid-gut : . . - Hind-gut . Organs appended ie fe jnta: parm Mesentery Pneumatic organs of the eee ae a) Air-bladder . b) Lungs . : : - Celom . : ° . Vascular system : Heart and arterial Se : 5 . Venous system . A ° s ° . Lymphatic system "i ° : . . Excretory organs . ° ° . . . Generative organs . - : : ° : CORRIGENDA. Page 79, six lines from top, for “finer” read “ firmer.” », 87, three lines from top, for “ generation” read “ gemmation.” », 88, two lines from top, for ‘spiral ” read “ special.” », 88, in the explanation of Fig. 30, for “broad” read “ brood.” Introduction. errr The Scope of Comparative Anatomy. $1. Tue department of science which has organic nature for the object of its investigations, breaks up into two great divisions, Botany and Zoology, corresponding to the two kingdoms of organised nature. The two disciplines together form the science of living nature— Biology. They are closely connected with one another, in so far as the phenomena seen in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms rest on the same fundamental laws, and in so far as, notwithstand- ing the differences of their special arrangements, animals and plants have common beginnings, and are, in the economy of nature, closely interdependent. In both of these disciplines several kinds of investigation are possible, and from these new disciplines arise. Putting aside the realm of Botany, let us follow out that of Zoology into its further subdivisions. The investigation of the functions of the animal body, or of its parts, the reduction of these functions to elementary processes, and the explanation of them by general laws, is the busi- ness of Physiology. The investigation of the material substratum of those functions, and accordingly of the phenomena of form of the body and its parts, as weil as the explanation of the phenomena of form by reference to function, is the business of Morphology. Physiology and Morphology have thus different duties, and their methods also are different ; but for each it is necessary, although in different ways, to keep in view the other, as weil as the common aim, which is indicated in the term Biology. Morphology again is divided into Anatomy and Embryology; while the former has for the object of its investigations the adult organism, the latter has the growing organism as the object of its tud ers : 2 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Anatomy may be divided into general and special Anatomy. General Anatomy has to do with the fundamental forms of animal organisms (Promorphology), and the morphological phenomena which arise from them. Special Anatomy takes for its object the organological composition of the animal body. Histology, or microscopic Anatomy, forms one of its branches, being the study of the elementary organs of the animal body. Embryology explains, by tracing their gradual development, the complications of the external and internal organisation, and, in fact, deduces them from simpler conditions. The changes in organisation can be followed out in the embryonic life of the individual, and also in the continuous series of organisms. The discipline ordinarily known as Embryology deals with the former; and as Ontogeny (or the development of the individual) is contrasted with Phylogeny (or the development of the phylum). As the latter includes the earlier and no longer existent conditions of animals, it also embraces Paleeozoology. It is the history of the development of the series of organisms in their geological succession. § 2. Since Anatomy has for its object the composition of organisms, it may be considered as the doctrine of structure, and is divided, according to the different poits of view from which structure itself may be regarded, into several divisions. When the com- position of the body itself, its forms, and the relations of the separate organs are taken as its scope, it is known as descriptive Anatomy, for it describes the objects examined, without drawing any further conclusions from them. Anatomical fact is the aim of the investiga- tion, and empiricism satisfies this aim. Owing to its relations to medicine, and so to practical requirements, the descriptive Anatomy of the human organism, so far as it is restricted to a special series of facts, has become developed into a special branch, which, as Anthropotomy, is put side by side with the similarly descriptive Zootomy. The two differ only in their subject-matter, and not in their treatment of it, for both are analytical. In proportion as either abstains from drawing conclusions from its series of facts, and giving these the value of abstractions, is it wanting in the character of a science; for a science is constituted neither by an extensive range of observations, nor by the complication of the methods by means of which such observations are made. A critical appreciation of the scientific import of any branch of study has, therefore, little to do with the mechanical apparatus of investiga- i gs INTRODUCTION. 3 tion, which has its value only in facilitating the discovery or demon- stration of facts. Anatomy assumes a very different character so soon as the knowledge of facts is only its means, and its aim the conclusions which can be drawn from an assemblage of such facts ; the facts of individual phenomena being regarded not by themselves exclusively, but being brought into relation with one another. This happens when what is alike in the organisation of different organisms is made the object of search, and when the facts thus acquired are compared. Anatomy thus arrives at scientific results, and shapes the results of inductive inquiry into deductive conclusions. Thus it becomes Comparative Anatomy. Its methodis synthetical. The analyses of Descriptive Anatomy (Anthropotomy as well as Zootomy) provide the basis for it; they are consequently not only not excluded from Comparative Anatomy, but are most closely embraced and logically permeated by it. The more careful the sifting of facts, the surer the basis of comparison. Empiricism is thus the first requisite, and abstraction is the second. Abstraction has no basis without pre-existing empiricism; and empiricism by itself is, from the scientific point of view, a mere stepping-stone to real knowledge. § 38. The task of Comparative Anatomy is the morphological ex- planation of the phenomena of form met with in the organisation of the animal body. Comparison is the method which serves for the performance of this task. It shows the way which scientific investi- gation has to go, and which it is necessary to know in order to avoid disjointed and fruitless labour. The comparative method seeks to test, in series of organisms, the morphological results of the observation of the organs of the body, places together similar characters, and separates the dissimilar from them. Thus it takes into consideration everything which can in any way be looked at as the result of anatomical observation: relation to other parts of the body, form, number, extent, structure, and texture. It thus collects series of stages for the several organs, in which the extremes may be so far different from one another as not to be recognised, but which are united to one another by numerous intermediate steps. It is clear, in the first place, from the existence of various forms of one and the same organ, that the physiological value of an organ in different stages is not by any means the same, but that an organ, as its anatomical characters are modified, may come to Wave very different functions. The exclusive consideration of their physio- B 2 4 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. logical duties may thus bring organs which are morphologically connected into very different categories. Thence results the sub- ordinate importance which we must assign to the physiological duties of an organ when we are engaged in an investigation in Comparative Anatomy. Physiological value is only to be regarded at all, and then in the second place only, when we are trying to make out the relations to the entire organism of those modifica- tions which an organ may have undergone as compared with some other condition of the organ. By this examination of anatomical facts, by means of com- parison, Comparative Anatomy demonstrates the connection of entire series of organs. Within these series we find changes of the most varied range, sometimes slightly, sometimes widely extended ; modifications which affect the size, number, form, and even the texture, of the parts of an organ, and which may even lead to changes in its situation. The review of such a series teaches us then to recognise a progress presented in those several successive stages, which the modifications of one and the same organ in different animals exhibit to us. § 4. We ascribe the existence of a certain amount of similarity in the organisation of certain larger or smaller divisions of the animal kingdom to Transmission—a phenomenon which is exhibited in the passing on of its organisation by a given organism to its posterity. The descendants repeat the organisation of the parental organisms. This is an indubitable fact. Nevertheless now and again objections are raised either to the existence of Transmission or to its signifi- cance. The similarity of the organisation of the descendants and their ancestors is then ascribed, not to Transmission, but to certain physical forces acting during embryonic life. In reply, we may ask, how does it happen that in ancestor and descendant these forces are the same—viz. all those forces of tension, of pressure, and so on, from which it is sought to deduce the building up of the embryo? If, for example, a joint gets its ontogenetic development by the movement of the parts of the skeleton by means of muscular activity, a certain arrangement of the muscles is presupposed, and a perfectly definite structure of the muscles; and for these again, a perfectly definite number and arrangement of the morphological elements which make up a muscle. This being so we must ask, whence comes the definite arrangement of these parts ? whence arises the similarity of arrangements in the ancestors and the descendants ? We find, in fact, that we must give full recognition to the exist- YY ——- INTRODUCTION. 5 ence of the transmission of properties, and recognise in it a phenomenon of general prevalence, which may indeed present modifications of, but never exceptions to, certain definite laws. We may deduce it from the conditions involved in propagation, and thus explain it to a certain degree; for it is clear that portions of an organism, if they give rise to a new organism, will carry on to it the peculiarities which the primitive organism possessed. This is clearest in the lower organisms, which are propagated by mere division. Hach portion forms at once an organism like the first. But from this there extends a continuous series of methods of pro- pagation, up to those in which generative products come into action, which are quantitatively very different, although in all cases derived from the division of the parent organism. The new organism in this case also represents in actual sub- stance the continuation of the ancestral, and will therefore possess qualities which agree with those of the latter. The amount of similarity or agreement in the organisation of animals is very various. We recognise animals which differ from one another by slight points only; then those which are separated by considerable differences ; and again others which, in external or internal organisation, present the greatest differences. Thus agreement, as well as variation, is found in interminable gradations. We call things which are more or less like to one another, “related ;”? and in like manner, when organisms exhibit likeness, we use that word to denote the reciprocal connection, but in this case we give to it its full meaning of blood-relationship. We recognise similar organisms as related to one another, when we can explain the similarity of the organisation by common inheritance. But the degree of this similarity measures the degree of relationship which we can deduce from it. Relationship can be regarded as close when the differences are slight ; while when the differences are great it must be regarded as more distant. We thus substitute for the conception of the agreement, or likeness, of the organisation, that of relationship, for we regard the agreements which obtain in the organisation of a collection of organisms as inherited peculiarities. The doctrine of the Blood-relationship of Organisms or Phy- logeny is based on the law of inheritance. Comparative anatomy thus reveals the relations of affinity within the various divisions of the Animal Kingdom by pointing out what is alike and what unlike. [A full account of this most important law of inheritance and its phenomena is to be found in Hacxer’s luminous essay on the subject (Generelle Morphologie, vol. ii. p. 170).] 6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. § 5. By means of inheritance, characters are passed on to the organism, which are afterwards matured in the course of its indi- vidual development (Ontogeny). ‘There is no such development in the simplest forms, inasmuch as the young, which arise by division of the maternal organism, only need increase in size to make them like the maternal organism. In this case, development is the same thing as growth, which is completely coextensive with it. The farther an organism is from a primitively simple condition, or the greater the sum of characters which have been inherited from its ancestors and transmitted to their descendants, the less simple is its ontogeny ; for during it a part at least of the characters which have been inherited from its ancestors are repeated, and are presented by the developing body in. several successive stages. Ontogeny thus represents, to a certain degree, paleontological development, ab- breviated or epitomised. The stages which are passed through by higher organisms in their ontogeny, correspond to stages which are maintained in others as the definitive organisation. These embryonic stages may accordingly be explained by comparing them with the mature stages of lower organisms, since we regard them as forms inherited from ancestors belonging to such lower stages. Regarded from this point of view, many of the so-called larval- stages, with their “ provisional organs’’—so named because they are transitory, and limited to the .earlier stages of life only—are seen to be forms of great importance, and full of significance. Such organs, besides having physiological relations to the organism which possesses them, in consequence of which they are preserved as practical arrangements, and become heritable, can be recog- nised in lower grades of the existing series of animal forms, and thus reveal the phylogeny of the animal that possesses them. The “stadium larvatum” then, notwithstanding its name, often points out with great clearness the blood-relationship of an organism. At times these larval organs are not so well explained by transmission as by adaptation, and thus the estimation of their true meaning is made more difficult. The significance of these arrangements is more obvious in organisms which do not enter immediately into the “ struggle for existence” in the external world, but are developed for a certain time within the coverings of the ovum, and so are less exposed to the moulding influences of the outer world. In these cases they are “ provisional ”” arrangements, and may be with greater certainty regarded as having been transmitted, and consequently as repetitions of lower stages. The branchial clefts which appear in , —— ee INTRODUCTION. 7 the embryos of the higher Vertebrata, but by-and-by disappear, are structures of this kind. Regarded alone they are explicable, for they neither lead to the formation of gills at any time, nor are they converted (with the exception of the anterior) into definitive organs of any other kind. Comparison shows us, however, that in a large division of lower Vertebrata these branchial clefts are important — organs of respiration; and as we also know Vertebrata (Amphibia), in which the clefts function only for a time as respiratory organs, and close up later on, we are able to comprehend the branchial clefts of reptiles, birds, and mammals, as arrangements obtained by transmission from lower stages, which have lost their primitive function, and remain for a short time only—during feetal life. § 6. In the sum of the characters of the organisation, which inherit- ance passes on to an organism, we find, in consequence of what has been already pointed out, a greater or smaller number of arrange- ments, which pass on into the permanent adult stage of the organism without having any recognisable function in it. Such parts are, as arule, seen in a more or less atrophied and rudimentary condition, which they often do not acquire until the ontogeny has run its course. In the early stages of the ontogeny they generally agree in completeness with the other arrangements which obtained in the ancestral form from which they are derived. These rudi- mentary organs commence to atrophy the earlier in proportion as they were inherited earlier, in a paleontological sense ; and, as a rule, disappear late when their origin is a relatively late one. The fully- developed form of the rudimentary organs is consequently to be found, in the former case, in widely separated species; in the latter, on the other hand, in species more closely allied. These organs are valuable objects, since phylogenetic relations can be very generally recognised by their aid. They show, too, how little physiological significance ought to be regarded in a morphological discussion ; for in most of them a function is not to be made out at all, or, if it can be made out, is found to be quite different to the primitive one. $7. Comparative Anatomy forms part of Ontogeny, inasmuch as it treats of the phenomena of the organisation which appear in the course of the individual development of the animal; not only in relation to the complete stage of the organism, but in relation also to the definitive arrangements of other organisms. Comparative 8 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Anatomy explains the phenomena of Ontogeny. Ontogeny by itself does not rise above the level of a descriptive discipline, and in proportion to the exactness of its investigation possesses a value as so much objective material. At the same time Ontogeny gains scientific importance by its connection with Comparative Anatomy. Its facts, which by themselves are incomprehensible, or are only teleologically explicable in a metaphysical sense, because restricted to the later events in the history of an organisation, are, by Comparative Anatomy, put in connection with the known pheenomena of other organisms, and are thereby rendered explicable phylogenetically. The necessity of an exact knowledge of Compara- tive Anatomy for Ontogeny is sufficiently obvious. Just as little can the former separate itself from the latter: since from Ontogeny Comparative Anatomy gains an insight into the lower stages of organisation. To the same extent, and in the same way as On- togeny helps to form the basis of Phylogeny, does it render indispensable service to Comparative Anatomy. A “Comparative Embryology” has sometimes been put in contrast with Comparative Anatomy; of course merely as a theo- retical division of the scope of study. A “comparative”? Ontogeny of this kind must, just as much as every individual ontogeny, have regard to the organisation of the fully-developed stage; and, in fact, without Comparative Anatomy it cannot lead to any scientific results. § 8. The relations of every organism to the outer world in which it lives, from which it obtains material, and to which again it gives it up, cause the outer world to have an influence on the organism. This influence is practically seen in the changes of the organism, which depend further on a Variability which is inherent in it. Variability comes under our observation as the capacity for adaptation, and in effect operates as a modifying and even metamor- phosing agent upon the inherited organisation. The organism is altered according to the conditions which im- fluence it. The consequent Adaptations are to be regarded as gradual, but steadily progressive, changes in the organisation, which are striven after during the individual life of the organism, pre- served by transmission in a series of generations, and further deve- loped by means of natural selection. What has been gained by the ancestor becomes the heritage of the descendant. Adaptation and Transmission are thus alternately effective, the former representing the modifying, the latter the conservative principle. The endless variation of the phenomena of organisation is, we see, consequently —wor INTRODUCTION. 9 due to Adaptation, just as we have seen that similarity is due to Transmission. $r9: Adaptation is commenced by a change in the function of organs, so that the physiological relations of organs play the most important part init. Since adaptation is merely the material expression of this change of function, the modification of the function as much as its expression is to be regarded as a gradual process. As a rule, therefore, Adaptation can be perceived by its results only in a long series of generations, while transmission can be recognised in every generation. Although Adaptation as a process cannot be directly observed, it is nevertheless possible to infer it with certainty by comparison. When, for example, we find a simple structure of the stomach in the Carnivorous Mammalia, and, on the other hand, a more complicated one in the Herbivora, and especially in those which take in large quantities of food, as, for example, the Rumi- nantia, we are entitled to consider the complication in the structure of these stomachs as a change caused by the food—as an Adaptation to the mode of nutrition; and when, further, the ontogeny of the Ruminantia shows us a form of stomach which is simple in the early stages of development, and is gradually converted into the more complicated condition, ontogeny confirms the supposition we have already gained by comparison. In many cases the influence of Adaptation on the organisation can be observed also directly ; as, for example, in many Amphibia, where the branchize which are de- veloped during the larval stage are retained in function for an extended period, if the opportunity of escaping from the water does not arrive; and in others, again, where the branchiz undergo atrophy, as soon as their aquatic life has been exchanged for one on land, although their nearest allies live in the water, and always retain the branchiz. In the one case we see development, and in the other atrophy, as phenomena resulting from Adaptation. In Adaptation, the closest connection between the function and the structure of an organ is thus indicated. Physiological functions govern, in a certain sense, structure; and so far what is morpho- logical is subordinated to what is physiological. This dependence of the form of an organ on its activity is seen in the most elementary way in the matter of size. When the function is increased, there is an increase in the size of the organ. The muscular system shows to what extent increase of activity affects size. Without exercise the muscles undergo degeneration, till they completely disappear. Tf they are kept in exercise, and if the demands on them are increased, they develop to a considerable size. The amount of 10 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. development is in the closest connection with the amount of activity. But since, when a function ceases or diminishes, atrophy commences, we obtain, as a result of the process, rudimentary organs. They owe their origin to atrophy. Physiology alone, then, can give us the explanation of the origin of these organs; and thus again we are led to observe the great influence which it exerts on the study of Morphology. 5 § 10. An organ can be so much changed by the gradual modification of its function that it becomes, from the physiological point of view, a new one, and is then placed in quite another physiological category of organs. This fact is of considerable importance, for it helps to explain the appearance of new organs, and obviates the difficulty raised by the doctrine of evolution—viz. that a new organ cannot at once appear with its function completely developed; that it there- fore cannot serve the organism in its first stages whilst it is gradually appearing ; and that consequently the cause for its development can never come into operation. Hvery organ for which this objection has the appearance of justice can be shown to have made its first ap- pearance with a significance differing from its later function. Thus, for example, the lungs of the Vertebrata did not arise simply as a respiratory organ, but had a predecessor among fishes breathing by gills, in the swim-bladder, which at first had no relation to respiration, Even where the lungs first assume the functions of a respiratory organ (Dipnoi, many Amphibia) they are not the sole organ of the kind, but share this function with the gills. The organ is there- fore here caught, as it were, in the stage of conversion into a respiratory organ, and connects the exclusively respiratory lungs with the swim-bladder, which arose as an outgrowth of the enteric tube and was adapted to a hydrostatic function. The earlier function of an organ which by adaptation is converted to new uses is generally a lower one, and less important for the organism, in comparison with the new function which is taken on, so that the organ thus rises to a higher grade. In other cases the value of the primary function is less, because it is shared by other similar organs. It is then quantitatively lower, for a share is taken by the other similar organs in discharging the total amount of the function necessary for the full activity of the organism. The atrophy of some of the organs which are of equal value raises the value of those that remain by causing their higher development. To these facts, as to their change of functions, the difference in the classification of organs, accordingly as we make use of a physio- logical or a morphological method, is due. _ GENERAL PART. THE ORGANISM, 13 Structure of the Animal Body. The Organs and the Organism. § 11. In the living body we observe a number of activities of its material substratum, by which the series of phenomena spoken of as life are conditioned. Underlying these, there are chemico-physical processes, which are accompanied by a continual degradation of the material, and consequent metastasis, or change in the arrangement of chemical elements. The body nourishes itself by replacing the material used up in metastasis by fresh matter, which is received from without; and this it assimilates, or makes like to the substances of which it is itself composed. The substances, partly taken in with the nutrient matter, partly produced by metastasis, which are of no further use in the organism, are passed out. Hence results the excretory function. If the quantity of matter assimilated is greater than that which is expelled, there is an increase in the size of the body: it grows. Thus it fulfils the first condition for the production of that material from which a new organism, like to itself, arises : and so reproduction is closely connected with nutrition. The body is, in the first place, in relation to the exterior by its surface ; this puts it in connection with the surrounding medium, Changes in the form of the surface of the body result in movements, and give rise to locomotion. The surface also is the medium by which it perceives the outer world, or has sensations. The parts of the body which preside over these processes are the instruments by which life is carried on—organs. In virtue of their existence the body is an organism, and when we also include under the term “ organisms” certain bodies in which no organs can be individually separated, it is because the virtual existence of organs in them is to be assumed from the mere fact that life is carried on in them. The term “organism” is therefore employed in this instance, not in an anatomical, but in a physiological sense. In the simplest condition of the organism, the vital phenomena take place in the homogeneous substance which forms the body, and which is the seat of all these processes equally. The body 14 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. in this case represents, potentially, a collection of organs, which only appear, in fact, when the different functions are no longer performed by every part of the body. The condition which the lower organisms permanently exhibit in regard to this matter is possessed for a short time only by the more complicated. Differentiation, § 12. The complication of the organism arises from a process of division which transfers to separate parts the physiological acti- vities of the primitively homogeneous body. What was previously accomplished by the whole body, is, subsequently to that process, carried out by particular portions. The work is then done either by a large number of parts, which are distinct from but similar to one another, or the separate parts acquire dissimilar shapes, and become different from one another. In the first case the division of labour is quantitative, in the latter it is qualitative, and the separation of the different parts is in correspondence with a difference in func- tion. According to the degree in which the separation or division originally set up in the primitively indifferent body is repeated in the organs derived from it, further complications arise, which present for our observation a step-by-step progression in development. Hence there arises a difference in the value of the organs, and it becomes necessary to distinguish their higher and lower conditions. The distribution of work amongst a number of different organs leads to the perfecting of the operations of such organs. Hach organ is enabled to develop in a definite direction, in correspond- ence with the particular function which is undertaken by it. The organism thus becomes more highly developed, as well as com- plicated. Division of labour leads to a perfecting of the whole organism. According as the division of labour involves only a few or many organs, a greater or less part of the organism is brought under the operation of this perfecting influence. The reater the importance, for the whole organism, of the organs affected, the more considerable is the perfecting accomplished in it through their modification. The functions which attach them- selves to definite parts of the body bring about a difference im the development of those parts proportionate to their own difference ; and thus it is that new parts and new organs arise, which are different from those already existing. The division of functions leads to the establishment of a difference, that is to a differentiation, of the parts. A part of the body which was formerly like the rest, and con- sequently not different from it—that is was indifferent—passes into the condition of being separate, becomes distinguishable, or different from the rest. And as this differentiation is connected with the division of labour, inasmuch as it is conditioned by it, it may be regarded as the product of it. Every physiological function can be again divided qualitatively into various sub-functions, by the locali- THE CELL. 15 sation of which fresh organs again arise. ‘Thus the principle of the division of labour is the cause of very great variation in the organi- sation, and all morphological phenomena are more or less closely connected with it, and with the differentiation which is due to it. First Stage of the Animal Organism. The Cell. § 13. Living matter appears in its simplest form as an albuminous sub- stance, known as Plasma, or Protoplasm, which, by the aid of our present optical instruments, seems to be homogeneous throughout. This substance occurs in the form of small lumps, in which condition we find the simplest organisms. In those simplest forms, where the protoplasm is homogeneous, and in which only a few granules at most are present as heterogeneous elements, there is no limitation of the lump to the exterior by distinct enveloping structures; but in organisms of little higher grade we find an envelope produced by a chemico-physical change in the most external layer of the proto- plasm. Thus the protoplasm, which is endowed with all the phenomena of life, and even of movement, is enclosed by a more or less firm envelope, which forbids alterations in form, and is the cause of a definite shape being maintained. Such structures may be combined to form complex organisms, as is the case in many of the lower plants. This kind of form-element, or morphological unit, is known as the cytod, and is rightly distinguished from another more highly-developed form. In this higher form there arises in the protoplasm a sharply marked-off dense structure, which is called the nucleus. It is the product of the first process of differentiation of the protoplasm, which no longer alone represents the living substance. In the nucleus a small body, the nucleolus, generally appears. The nucleus, unlike the protoplasm, is not contractile, or at any rate has not a large share of contractility; but it not only takes a part in most of the vital pheeno- mena of the surrounding protoplasm, but frequently gives evidence of being their regulator. Such corpuscles of protoplasm as are pro- vided with a nucleus are called cells (cellule). These structures, like the cytods, may form independent organisms, which are then called “unicellular.” When the cells form a complex by multi- plication, we have a multicellular organism. The smallest parts of multicellular organisms, no longer separable into constituent pieces like to one another, are cells; and are therefore the form-elements of these organisms. The same remark applies to the cytods, or the simpler condition. While these, however, are rarely present, we find cells widely distributed in the Vegetable Kingdom, and as the sole form-elements in the Animal Kingdom. 16 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. § 14. In the indifferent condition, that is as long as changes in a definite direction do not arise, leading to the formation of definite new structures, the cells of all animal organisms appear to have essentially the same character. In them we distinguish according to what has been remarked above: first, the protoplasm, which forms the principal mass of the body of the cell; and secondly, the cell-nucleus, surrounded by, and different from, the protoplasm, than which it is usually more dense. The share which this nucleus takes in many varied phenomena of the life of the cell, compels us to regard it as by no means a subordinate part of the cell-body. In addition to these parts of the cell, some persons recognise (formerly everyone did so) a membrane which differs from the protoplasm or contents of the cell, and envelopes it: from its presence arose the notion of the “ vesicular form ”’ of the cell and its name. Although it cannot be denied that in many cells there are envelopes differentiated from the protoplasm, yet this condition is never found in the earliest life of the cell, but is always the re- sult of an advanced change, and of the passage of the cell into a differentiated form. Automatic movements of the protoplasm of the cell are such common manifestations of their life, that they are always definitely apparent as a property of all cells which are not highly differentiated, that is of cells in which the protoplasm is not meta- morphosed. In free cells, and such as are not enveloped by firm membranes, this phenomenon of movement produces locomotion. Even in cells that are not free movement may be observed, consisting partly in a change in the form of the surface, partly in a change in the position of the granules in the protoplasm. ‘That there are also properties resident in protoplasm which we may attribute to sensibility of a very low grade results from many experiments and observations. We may further observe nutrition in the cell.. At times, indeed, we can see the protoplasm ingesting food; in all cases the growth of the cell is an express indication of its nutrition. This phano- menon of growth, which may be seen in any indifferent cell, is expressed by the increase in size of the protoplasmic body, owing to the assimilation of matter from without. The growth of the cell may be quite regular, increase in size obtaining in all directions, as is the case with all cells in their earliest stages; as long as this lasts the cell completely retains its spherical form, unless its move- ments or external influences modify it. Or growth may be unequal, and the cell become elongated by increase in size along one axis ; or, again, it may become stellate by growing along several axes. Irregular increase of this kind is ordinarily accompanied by differen- tiation of the cell-substance, and is therefore the commencement of the conversion of the cells into tissue. THE CELL. AN) § 15. Another phenomenon—that of reproduction—is a result of, and is indissolubly connected with, the growth of the cell; for multi- plication is merely the extension of growth beyond the limits of indi- vidual cohesion. There are various modes of cell-multiplication ; the simplest of these is a direct result of growth. A bud is formed by the cell-body growing out on one side. This gradually increases in size, and breaks off from the mother-cell, when it becomes a new free cell. The number of young cells which are budded off from a single cell is not always the same, also the part taken by the nucleus of the mother-cell in the process, varies. This mode of multiplication by gemmation passes imperceptibly into the more common mode of multiplication by fission. Gemmation is charac- terised by the difference in size which obtains at first between the cells that are formed and their mother-cell. If they break off at once they do not nearly equal it in size; if they delay their separation from the mother-cell they gradually get to equal it, and then the products of division are almost or altogether equal to one another, so that there is no possibility of distinguishing mother from daughter. It is evident that in proportion to the extent to which the products of division differ from one another in size, does division become more and more like gemmation; the whole difference therefore between fission and gemmation lies in the amount of protoplasm which is given over by the parent-cell to the one which arises from it. The difference is a quantitative one merely. Division commences by an enlargement of the nucleus; in some cases by a formation of fresh nuclei. No form of reproduction other than multiplication, by fission or by gemmation has been certainly observed in the animal-cell; a large number of the modes of cell-multiplication, which have been stated to obtain, such as the so-called endogenous cell-formation and similar processes, are merely forms of fission. As to free or spon- taneous cell-formation, so much at least is certain, that it is not as common as was once supposed. When the nucleus divides and the cell goes on growing without the protoplasm becoming marked off into separate portions corre- sponding to the nuclei, the structure which is formed cannot be any longer regarded as a single cell. But it is not a compound of cells either, for this would presuppose the existence of a number of separate cells. This condition has therefore been very rightly regarded as a special one, and called a Syncytium., Structures of this kind are found in nearly all groups of animals. The same result is obtained by the Concrescence of a number of separate cells, the protoplasm of which runs together into a continuous mass, in which there are of course a number of nuclei. While the protoplasm in the above-mentioned series of pheeno- mena undergoes no perceptible changes in constitution, a change C 18 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. in the protoplasm is essential to another kind of phenomena, to which we now pass. The substances contained in the protoplasm become separated from it, that is, are secreted from it. This process of secretion varies in character; it sometimes occurs within the protoplasmic body, and then substances differing in their chemico- physical properties from the protoplasm are formed within the cell. These substances may be distinguished by their constitution, such as fat, colouring matter, and so on; or by form, such as granules, drops, crystals. Sometimes secretion affects the surface of the protoplasm ; and then the secreted substance may be fluid, in which case it will get separated and removed from the protoplasm; or it may be solid, in which case it will remain more or less intimately connected to the rest of the unaltered protoplasm. Substances which are different from the rest of the protoplasm of a cell arise by chemico- physical changes of the whole surface, or of a part of it. We may regard these changes in the protoplasm as differentiations, for they are differentiated from matter which was previously in an indifferent condition within the protoplasm. In this way the structure which has been already alluded to as the cell-membrane, is formed at the periphery of the cell. But this same process leads to other arrangements also, which we shall have to examine more closely hereafter. The series of vital processes exhibited by a single cell essentially agrees with those exhibited by any and every other organism, so that the cell itself is virtually an organism (Hlementary organism). Differentiation of the Animal Organism. § 16. The simplest and lowest stage of the animal organism is repre- sented by the earliest stage of its development, in which it is known as the egg. Hxcept in some exceptional cases, which only prove the rule, and which need not be mentioned here, this egg is nothing more nor less than a cell. The egg-cell does not differ from other cells in any essential points; it may increase in size, and special particles—yolk granules— may appear in its protoplasm. Although the presence of these latter alters the character of egg-cells as indifferent cells, yet it does not destroy their character as cells, which is just as little affected by this as in eee ee fh: other cells by the differentiation within their aiaioplaail b Nucleus POdies of substances, such as chlorophyll (Germinalvesicle).cNu- granules, starch, pigment granules, &ec. This cleolus (Germinal spot). condition of the egg-cell, which on the whole DIFFERENTIATION OF THE ORGANISM. 19 is a simple one, agrees in character, although it may be for a time only, with many lower unicellular organisms (Protoplasta). The egg-cell undergoes changes, which ordinarily commence after impregnation, and which are accompanied by changes in the nucleus (the so-called germinal vesicle). In its place, and in part from the material which formed it, two new nuclei arise, and Figs. 2-5. Various stages of the so-called cleavage process (Division of the egg). the egg-cell now begins to divide. Two cells thus arise, which are either like one another, or differ from one another, in size or in constitution. In both cases something fresh has arisen from the egg-cell, and in both there is a differentiation, for two parts have arisen from it. Four, eight, sixteen cells, and so on, are formed by continued division, although of course not always quite regularly, until at last a number of cells are formed. This process of the division of the egg-cell is known as the “segmentation of the yolk,” and is a constant phenomenon, although it may present various modifications, which are always due to adaptation, and which may be so explained. This is the first course of differentiation in the organism ; in place of a single cell, a number of cells, similar to, or different from one another, arise. The functions of the organism, which were all performed previously by the egg-cell, are now performed by the separate cells. The division of the egg-cell must therefore be considered as leading to a division of its functions, although indeed this division is merely a quantitative one. The various stages of this process of division have other relations also, for they appear to agree in character with the mature stage of many lower organisms (Protista), as for example the Volvocines and Catallacta, in the developmental history of which there is at one time an organism composed of a number of equi-formal cells. The animal organism, therefore, even in the commencement of its ontogeny, passes through several morphological stages, which are permanent among the Protista, and the process of segmentation of the ovum may be explained as a sur- vival transmitted from early ancestors. Accordingly the teleological halo, with which it would necessarily’ be sur- rounded, were we limited to seeking its explanation exclusively im connection with the future organism which is to arise from this segmentation, is cleared away. The organism does not, how- ever, get a specifically animal character from this formation of o 2 20 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. a number of cells; that character first makes its appearance in the course of further processes of differentiation. These processes of differentiation consist in the more or less similar morphological elements (cells) which represent the organism, acquiring, in larger or smaller groups, distinct characters: in their being differentiated, and forming the rudiments (first stages) of organs, by taking a definite order and arrangement. These organs then are made up of cells, which form their tissues. We thus arrive at the essence of the architecture of organisms; we have tissues, which make up organs, and are themselves composed of form-elements—the cells, Origin of the Tissues. Solr The cell, then, in those organisms which we regard as animals, constitutes the whole of the organism only for a time; that is, so long as it is an egg-cell. By division a multitude of cells is formed out of the egg-cell, and these form the rudiments of the animal. In later stages a part only of the material formed from the ovum retains the primitive character of the cells ; the form and substance of most of the cells are altered, and therefore their physiological properties are altered; that is, new relations are established. The new cell-complexes formed from aggregates of similarly altered cells, and their derivatives, are the tissues. The process which leads to the formation of these tissues is essentially a differentiation. This, again, affords us an example of division of labour, for each differentiated aggregate of cells has to perform a definite function for the organism, which function was not the duty of a definite set of cells when the cells were indifferent, and indeed were performed in common with all others by one cell only (the egg-cell), in the earliest condition of the individual organism. In all cases histological differentiation commences in the proto- plasm of the primitive cell; the nucleus is less strikingly affected, but numerous changes may be seen to occur in it. When the chief part is played by a substance differentiated from the protoplasm, the nucleus becomes of but slight importance. According to the characters of their form-elements the tissues are divided into several large groups: these I call Epithelial tissues, tissues of the Connective Substance, Muscular and Nervous tissue. The first two form a lower group, which, as Vegetative tissues we may distinguish from the other two, which are the Animal tissues. The difference between the two groups lies in the quality of their differentiation; the products of the differentiation of the former having a more passive relation to the organism, while the products of the differentiation of the latter exhibit an independent activity in the carrying on of the life of the organism. The vegetative group, or tissues analogous to them, are, moreover, most widely distributed in THE TISSUES. 21 the Vegetable Kingdom ; whilst in that kingdom the animal tissues, which are the source of the arrangements characteristic of animals, are wanting. All other tissues, though often distinguished by name, are either not independent tissues at all, but only much more complicated structures formed of a variety of tissues, or are forms of tissue which should be ranged under one of the above-mentioned categories, or may be merely component parts of the tissues already named. We overlook the true conception of what a tissue is if we call structures which are made up of several tissues “compound tissues.” A. Vegetative Tissues. Epithelium. § 18. Cells placed side by side, and forming one or more layers which invest the surface of the body or the walls of internal spaces, are called epithelial. Epithelial tissue, then, consists simply of cells. lt is distinguished from other tissues by the fact that the cells, at least so far as their arrangement is concerned, retain their primitive characters. Hpithelium represents phylogenetically, and therefore, also, ontogenetically, the oldest form of tissue. The germinal layers which are the earliest organological products of the differ - entiation of the masses of cells which arise from the segmentation of the egg-cell, are layers of epithelial cells. Hpithelial cells vary greatly in form, and are the starting-point of various organs. The protoplasm of epithelial cells very often loses its homogeneous character, owing to the differen- tiation of its outermost layer into a thickened membrane. In stratified epithelium this is best seen in the superficial layers, the absence of a membrane in the cells of the deeper layers being an indication of their younger con- dition. Another differentiation is the development by the superficial layer of cells on the surface exposed to the ex- terior, or lining an internal cavity of the body, of fine pro- cesses, which are capable of movement ; these processes, which vibrate during the life of the cell, are known as cilia. The hairs on these ciliated cells are sometimes a in the form of a single flagellum, or occur in a group Tene of many as cilia. In the former case the cell runs out cells. a of into a fine process, and forms a flagellate cell; these a Hydroid are most common in the lower animals. Cilia are shown P°¥P-° e ‘ : . : ponge to be differentiated products, since their movements are (collar not simply effected by the contractility which is already cell). inherent in the protoplasm. In many of the lower or- ganisms cilia are formed for a time and are again drawn in and their substance fused with the protoplasm. This shows that they ae \ 22 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. are differentiations of the protoplasm, and that their movements are due to the same cause as the movements of the protoplasm. This indication of their identity with protoplasm cannot be seen in the more differentiated forms of cilia. Another differentiation may be seen on the outer surfaces of many epithelial cells. A membrane, instead of being formed by a change of the whole periphery of the superficial layer of protoplasm, may be formed on a definite portion of it only: in this case it is more highly developed, and may lead to a partial thickening of the outer- most layer of protoplasm. In short, a layer of varying thickness of a substance different from, but as a rule still connected with, the protoplasm, forms on the outer face of each cell. Homogeneous membranes—cuticles—are formed by the further differentiation of the substance thus secreted in a layer from the protoplasm of the cells ; that is by the part formed from each cell becoming more intimately connected with the layers formed by the cells around it than with its own cell. Where these layers are laid down irregularly and gradually undergo other changes, by means of which each fresh addition can be distinguished from the preceding one, they become laminated. The more the substance of which these cuticular struc- tures are composed differs from the protoplasm of the cells which have deposited it, the more difficult is it to make out any passage of the protoplasm into it, and the more distinctly is the formation of cuticles seen to be a process of secretion. When the cuticle is not formed regularly on the surface of the separate cells, protoplasmic processes project from the secreting cell-layer into the secreted layer, which are then traversed by corresponding canals (pore-canals): these are ordinarily very fine. These cuticles differ greatly in con- sistency, and present every intermediate step between softness and extreme hardness. They are often converted into organs of support, when they are very firm; in which case they ordinarily consist of a substance known as “chitin.’? These chitinised cuticles are very common in the Invertebrata. § 19. The secreting activity of the cells of large epithelial layers may give rise to liquid, or even to gaseous bodies. The epithelia there- upon enter into new relations to the economy of the organism; they no longer produce substances destined to build up the organism, but they present an intermediate step towards that condition of epithelial structures in which parts of the epithelium enter into the formation of a tissue of definite function—glandular tissue. -As there is always a direct connection between the aggregation of cells which form the secreting organs, or glands, and the epithelium, which either persists permanently, as in the majority of glands, or which is at any rate present when they are first formed, this glandular tissue is seen to be nothing more than a modifi- THE TISSUES. 23 cation of the epithelial tissue, due to its differentiation. Like it, glandular tissue always consists of cells. In the simplest stage individual cells in a layer of epithelium become secreting-cells, and function as gland-cells, by forming and secreting a substance such as is not produced by the other cells. In this way uni- cellular glands arise. They either retain their original position between the other cells of the layer or sink beneath the level of the epithelium, and open between the other cells by a fine duct formed by the membrane of the cell (Fig. 7). If the secreting surface be increased without the general epithelium taking any share in it, the sunken epithelium must increase in size, and so give rise to structures which are more or less separated off from the epithelium, such as pits, sacculi, or cecal tubes; and these may be again complicated by fresh growths. The tissue lying beneath the primitive epithelial layer forms en- velopes for these pits as they grow; but it con- tinues to have the same relation to them, however complicated in form the ramifications and similar proliferations of the epithelium may be, as it pre- viously had to the simple even layer of epithelium. Thus the gland in its simplest form appears as a depression of the epithelium into the sub- _ jacent tissue. In the more distinct forms of glands Fe. ee there is a further differentiation of the cells which See eiaaa,. of form the gland. The constituent cells of the theant (after Stein). gland become separated into those which secrete and so represent true gland-cells, and those which connect the secreting portion of the gland with the still indifferent epithelial layer. These, in contradistinction to the secreting portion of the gland, form the epithelium of the duct. Connective Substances. § 20. The phazsnomenon which in epithelial tissue leads to the formation of homogeneous membranes may, by being extended over the whole periphery of every cell as well as by continued repetition, become of greater Importance. Even in the epithelial tissue we often meet with a fine intermediate layer, the cement-substance. As the sub- stance which is differentiated from the protoplasm of a number of cells gradually increases between the cells containing unaltered protoplasm, the cells become separated from one another, and a distinction is made between the cells which form and the inter- cellular substance which isformed. A number of very different 24 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. tissues present this common character in their more intimate structure. They are called connective substances, as the majority of these tissues serve to unite other tissues to organs, or systems of organs. The differences in these tissues are due partly to the character of their cells, partly to their relations with the intercellular sub- stance, and partly to the chemico-physical constitution of the intercellular substance; but all these pomts are not equally well marked in every part of them. Whilst this latter circumstance allows us to recognise the passage of one of these tissues into the others, the fact that such passages do periodically take place under our observation, affords a more weighty reason for uniting them than the fact that we can detect common characters in their structure, although often hidden by various differences. The various tissues which belong to this group are: 1) cellular con- nective tissue, 2) gelatinous tissue, 3) fibrous connective tissue, 4) cartilaginous tissue, 5) osseous tissue. § 21. Connective tissue is divided into the following varieties: 1) Cellular connective tissue (vesicular connective tissue) is the simplest form. It is formed of rounded or elongated cells, which are separated by a small quantity of intercellular sub- stance only. ‘There are often vacuolated spaces in the cells, which are filled with a fluid. The intercellular substance often has the form of cell membranes, which serve to unite the juxtaposed cells to one another, and are common to neighbouring cells. In other cases again it 1s more largely present, without prepon- derating in quantity over the cells. ‘The differentiation of the protoplasm of the intercellular substance varies in degree. This tissue is most widely found in the Arthropoda and Mollusca. a In the Vertebrata it forms the Fig. 8. From the gelatinous substance of the disc of Aurelia aurita, treated with iodised serum (after M. Schultze). x 500. a Branched fibres in which no cells can be made out. 6 Cells in the homogeneous gelatinous substance: the processes are largely retracted in this specimen. chorda dorsalis, or notochord. 2) Gelatinous tissue (mucous tissue) is distinguished by the soft gelatinous character of the intercellular substance ; it is ordinarily hyaline, and in it THE TISSUES. 25 are placed either rounded and completely separated or filiform and branched cells, which are united to one another by their processes. Chords or tracts of cells also occur. In this way a fine network is formed, which traverses the gelatinous portion of the structure, the trabeculee of which may become firmer by further differentiation, and may become broken up into fibrille. A similar fibrillation may affect the intercellular substance, in which case fibrous bands, in which there are no cells, can be made out. This tissue is found in many of the lower animals; in the umbrella of the Medusz (Fig. 8), the integument of the Heteropoda, &Xc. 3) Fibrous connective tissue may be regarded as a further development of gelatinous tissue. Its morphological elements are elongated or branched cells, embedded in an intercellular substance formed of fibrous tracts and bundles. This substance is largely due to a differentiation of the walls of the cells, as is clear from its development. Development also reveals the fact that part of the protoplasm which sends off processes, is directly differentiated into fibrils and fibrous bundles; these are therefore distinct from the earlier formed, and more or less homogeneous intercellular substance. The thickness of the fibres and the direction they take vary greatly. The fibres, which are generally curved and undu- lating, sometimes run parallel to one another, sometimes anastomose; the cells and the cell-processes are, in their earlier stages, arranged in a manner corresponding to the subsequent arrangement of the fibres. Fibrous connective tissue is distinguished as loose, or firm, according to the characters of its intercellular substance; the firmer sort is also known as “ tendinous tissue,” the fibrous bands of which are placed parallel to one another. In addition to the fibrille, which swell up when treated with acids and alkalies, there is another form of fibre, which is seen in the intercellular substance of fibrous connective tissue; this resists these agents more completely, and is called “ elastic tissue,” on account of its elasticity. It is, as may be seen from its relation to the inter- cellular substance, not an independent form of tissue, but merely a modification of connective tissue. Inasmuch as a portion of the intercellular substance arises by subsequent differentiation of the protoplasm of the original cells, as was remarked above, the morphological elements which are present in fully-developed connective tissue represent the remains only of the primitive cells. According to the quantity of pro- toplasm used, and converted into fibrous structures, and so in- corporated into the intercellular substance, the nucleus of the connective-tissue cells is surrounded by more or by less protoplasm, or the whole protoplasm disappears; the presence of isolated nuclei in the fibrous bands of connective tissue is an indication of this. Where the protoplasm still remains around its nucleus—where, that is to say, a cell, according to the conception given above, is present, this cell may undergo fresh changes, which are of so many . 26 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. kinds that connective tissue is richer than any other in the various phenomena of differentiation. § 22. 4) Cartilaginous tissue is characterised by cells lying in a firmer intercellular substance. Its cells do not, except in a few cases, possess distinct processes, or processes which can be easily made out; but are very nearly circular in form, or else oval or fusi- form. The amount of intercellular substance varies in amount. It is distinguished from those forms of connective tissue which are formed of simple cells placed in a homogeneous intercellular sub- stance, by its greater rigidity. Cartilaginous tissue is well adapted by the possession of this character to function as an organ of support. When the cells predominate, and there is but little intercellular substance, and when what there is is in the form of fine membranes, cartilage is seen to be directly allied to vesicular connective tissue. The protoplasm of these cells often takes on a definite arrangement, and forms bands which extend from the nucleus to the periphery, and unite together there. They are separated from one another by spaces which contain fluid (Fig. 9). In proportion as its intercellular substance is diminished, does this tissue differ more and more from ordinary cartilaginous tissue. In the protoplasm of cells of this kind, which are found forming a sort of skeleton in the Medusz, the phenomenon of streaming of the protoplasm may be seen. : If the intercellular substance in- Fig. 9. Cartilage cells from the Creases, it either remains homogeneous tentacle of a Medusa (Cunina). (hyaline cartilage), or it undergoes further differentiations like those of connective tissue; but these differentiations do not much affect its relations to its cells. When the intercellular substance breaks up into fibres, we get fibrous cartilage; when elastic nets appear in it we get elastic cartilage. By gradual changes of the inter- cellular substance, as well as of the cells, cartilaginous tissue passes into fibrous connective tissue, and thus indicates its close connection with that form of tissue. The cells also become more specially modified in some cases by being elongated or producing radiating processes, which unite with those near them: as, for example, in many Selachii, or more developed still in many Cephalopoda. The intercellular substance then appears to be traversed by the processes from the cells (Fig. 10). The phenomenon, which in the cases just cited is greatly exaggerated, obtains also in ordinary hyaline cartilage, where the cells are apparently sharply marked off from one another ; for the intercellular substance may be seen to be traversed by processes, although these are, of course, extremely fine. The intercellular substance of cartilaginous tissue is always THE TISSUES. 27 distinct from the protoplasm of the cartilage cells which lie in its cavities; but as it is differentiated from the protoplasm, it must, nevertheless, be regarded as a secreted product of the protoplasm— a layer secreted by a cell: often an intercellular substance may be seen in hyaline cartilage surrounding the cell like a capsule. This was formerly regarded as a cell- membrane belonging to the cell. As these “capsules” can often be shown to enclose groups of cells consisting of several gene- rations, which have resulted from the fission of a single cell, the enclosed cells were looked upon as mother and daughter cells, &c., and the pheenomenonitself was regarded as a case of endogenous cell- formation. As a fact, these “capsular systems ” are merely the expression of secretions, not become homogeneous, and Fig. 10. Cartilage from a Cephalopod. formed by several generations "Simple, b Dividing cells. ¢ Ganalicali, of cells which arose from one 4d An empty cartilage capsule with its another. The perfectly gradual pores. e Transverse section of canaliculi f ee Heat ; (after M. Fiirbringer). passage of cartilaginous tissue in which such capsules may be seen, into tissues where the intercellular substances is completely homogeneous, shows that we have here to do with different stages in the differentiation of one and the same secreted substance, which has arisen in the former case by an interrupted, and in the latter case by a regular, secreting activity of the cells. In virtue of the anastomoses of the processes of cartilage-cells, cartilaginous tissue comes very close to the next form of tissue, and it is only distin- guished from it by the characters of its intercellular substance. § 23. 5) Osseous tissue. This, the firmest form of the connective substances, consists of an organic intercellular substance combined with lime-salts, in which there are cells with fine anastomosing processes; or it presents a ground-substance like that just men- tioned, in which, however, there are no cells, but only cell-processes. These processes traverse it as fine canaliculi. There are therefore two structural phases of osseous tissue to be distinguished. Cells enter into the composition of the one, but in the other they simply send out fine processes into the pore-canals of its solid ground-substance. 4 The tissue containing bone-cells is the most common; it is 28 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. found in the skeletal organs of all classes of the Vertebrata; whilst that form of osseous tissue with canaliculi only is found in the skeleton of many fishes, and as a general rule in the dental organs of all Vertebrata (dentine). The development of osseous tissue explains the relations of the intercellular substance to the cells. That form of it which contains cells may arise in two ways: either by the ossification of con- nective tissue, the cells in which become converted into bone-cells by the ossi- fication of the intercellular substance, which becomes impregnated with calca- reous salts, while the cells themselves become con- nected with one another by their processes, which traverse the pore-canals in Fig. 11. Transverse section of the femur of the antercollut uF ae Rana. o Osteoblast layer. o'o”Cells becoming OF the same tissue ae formed bone-cells. 0” A bone-cell. p Periosteum. by apparently indifferent m Medullary cavity. cells, which secrete a scle- rogenous substance. This substance is laid down in stratified lamellz, into which the secreting cells send fine protoplasmic processes (Fig. 11, 0). The secretion of this substance is preceded by a change of part of the protoplasm of the cell. As soon as this is differentiated it does not belong any longer to the cell, and is therefore secreted from it. If some of the secreting cells (0’0”) cease to be active, while the cells near them do not cease to be so, the former gradually get to lie in a layer of intercellular substance, which finally surrounds them, and so converts them into bone-cells (o”). The cells of the secreting layer (osteoblasts) are continuously connected by fine processes with those which are already enclosed (bone-cells). Thus each of the former is rendered capable of becoming a bone-cell. The other form of osseous tissue is developed in a perfectly analogous manner, so far as its history is accurately known, through the development of dentine. In this case also a layer of cells secretes a substance, which hardens or is sclerogenous, and into this the cells at the same time send processes, which traverse pore- canals. But the cells (odontoblasts), instead of gradually sinking into this extra-cellular substance, always remain outside it, and are connected with it by their processes only. The secreting substance is thus traversed by fine parallel canaliculi (the dentinal canals, so-called, since they were first made out in the dentine). This form of osseous tissue, notwithstanding its different appearance in later stages, THE TISSUES. 29 is very closely allied to the former kind, for its intercellular substance also is secreted from cells—arises, that is, by the differentiation of a part of the protoplasm. The connection is still closer if we regard the earliest stage in the process. In both cases a homogeneous sub- stance is secreted, which is hardened by calcareous compounds, and into this the cells, which form it, send their processes. If this process goes on in the same way as it began, so that a complete cell never passes into the secreted layers, it leads to the formation of that form of osseous tissue which is traversed by fine pore-canaliculi only, arranged for the most part in parallel lines. If some of the secreting cells gradually pass into the secreted substance, that substance becomes an intercellular substance containing bone-cells. Morphological Elements of the Nutrient Fluid. § 24, The cells, which are suspended in the nutrient fluid of the body, and which are its form-elements, are closely connected in origin with the connective tissue. If it is allowable to regard this fluid as an intercellular substance, then the whole of the nutrient fluid might be compared to a tissue, which would not differ from the other tissues of the connective series in any essential point other than its fluid condition. Hven if we admit it to possess another function in consequence of this fluid condition, yet this function must be held as falling well within the category of vege- tative functions, Apart from the importance of these considerations, the form-elements in question must be enumerated in the present place, for they take their earliest origin from the tissue which forms the walls for the vessels of the nutrient fluid. As far as its characters are known, a portion of the cells which form the mesoderm during the processes of division do not become connected with the rest, but remain isolated in the fluid which fills these canals or spaces, which fluid is known as blood. These form-elements then are the blood-cells. In the Invertebrata they appear, as a rule, in the form of completely indifferent cells, consisting of a nucleus (Fig. 12, ») and protoplasm, which latter exhibits amceboid movements. Among the Vertebrata these morphological elements persist as lymph- cells in the Craniata, while in the blood- fluid proper there are elements which are TRUEST TAL Serer datua derived from these forms, but are much f° a Crustacean P (Maja altered. These latter have lost their amce- Squinado) with protoplas. boid character during differentiation, and ™ie processes. Nucleus. have the form of rounded or oval discs, the nucleus of which disappears in the Mammalia, though present in the rest of the Vertebrata. 30 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. B The Animal Tissues. § 25. In the epithelial, as well as in connective tissues, the product of the differentiation of the protoplasm gives rise to phenomena which are limited to the sphere of vegetative operations. When a more highly contractile substance arises as a product of the division of the protoplasm, a new tissue is formed, which is known as contractile or muscular tissue. Its contractility, however, is not automatic, but dependent on stimuli, which come from the form- elements of the nervous system. The contractile form-elements of the muscular tissue differ therefore essentially from the indifferent cell formed of protoplasm, although the latter also is contractile. They presuppose the existence of another, or nervous tissue, just as it on the other hand determines the existence of the muscular tissue. These intimate re- lations explain the causal relationship which these two tissues have to one another phylogenetically. The two kinds of elements are differentiated from a single neuro-muscular cell, which is in many Coelenterata the representative of the two tissues. (Fig. 13.) This kind of cell corresponds to an indifferent stage of the animal tissues, in which they have not yet be- come distinct tissues. The tissue which forms the starting-point of the differ- entiation is not a new structure. It is the outermost layer of the body, and consists of cells, which form an epithe- Fig. 18. Neuro-muscular cells lium. The neuro-muscular tissue Pee ee oe Ge is therefore a differentiation from the Kleinenberg). epithelial tissue, and is thus connected with a more simple condition. Cells which are hardly at all different from other epithelial cells give off a band-lhke process at their base, which becomes connected to a layer of longitudinal fibres underlying the epithelium. While the epithelial cells of the outer layer of the body unite, when in their indifferent condition, a low grade of sensibility with a low grade of contractility, the sensibility, when the cells become more highly specialised, remains with them, and the contractility becomes assigned to a differentiated process of the protoplasm, which now appears as a distinct appendage of the cell. Thus commences that arrangement which, in the more highly differen- tiated stages, is expressed by the connection between ganglion-cells, nerve-fibres, and muscle-fibres. By sup- posing that the fibres, which in the earlier case appear to be merely processes of the cells, retain their nuclei, and that the products of the division of the nuclei of the cell gradually become fibres, and that further the neuro-muscular cell-is no longer con- THE TISSUES. 31 nected directly, but by means of a separate process with the fibre, which has at the same time itself also become independent, we can see how the more differentiated stage has been brought about. Nerves and muscles seem from this point of view to be the products of the separation of one and the same layer of tissue, which tissue we shall learn later on to know as the “ ectoderm.” And at the same time a physiological postulate is thus satisfied : for clearly it is impossible to imagine that nerve or muscle once came into existence with their elements totally distinct from one another, and that the connection between them, on which their functions depend, was the result of a later union. Muscular Tissue. § 26. The morphological elements of the muscular tissue are, so far as their more special characters are concerned, divisible into two groups. One consists of cells simple in form, the other of fibres derived from cell-aggregates, or from syncytia; the latter is indicated by the presence of numerous cell-nuclei. In either case the amount of protoplasm, which retains its indifferent character, is slight, and subordinate in importance as far as the function of the form-elements in question is concerned. Further differentiation of the contractile substance may in either case lead to the higher development of the fibre. 1) The so-called smooth muscular fibres, or contractile fibre-cells, constitute the first form. They are spindle-shaped cells, which are often greatly elongated, and then are band-like in form ; in these cells either none of the indifferent protoplasm at all persists, or what does is to be found in the long axis, or at the periphery of the cell only. In all cases such remaining protoplasm surrounds the nucleus. The contractile substance is homogeneous and limited externally by a membrane, which is often difficult to demonstrate. The reaction of these muscle-fibres to nerve stimu- lation is slow. Owing to differentiation of the contractile substance into singly and doubly refractive particles, the fibres gain the appearance of transverse striation; such is the origin of that variety of the tissue, which is known as transversely-striated muscular fibre. There are various intermediate forms between this kind of striated tissue, which consists of fibres derived each from a simple cell, and the other more homogeneous kind of fibrous muscular tissue. 2) The elementary parts of the other form of muscular tissue are formed by cell-aggregates (syncytia). They generally arise, as it seems, from the growth of one cell, the nucleus of which multiplies, so that they may be regarded as arising from the continuous but imperfect division of one cell. Their contractile substance either has a cylindrical shape, is limited externally by a homogeneous 32 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. membrane (the sarcolemma), and contains several nuclei, with remnants of protoplasm along its axis; or the contractile substance forms a solid cylinder, on the surface of which, and immediately below the sarcolemma, are the nuclei with the remains of the proto- lasm. Further, there are two varieties of this form of muscle-tissue in which the contractile substance is respectively more homogeneous or more heterogeneous. If more homogeneous the fibres resemble the so-called smooth fibrous cells, from which indeed they differ only by the fact that they do not correspond to a single cell, but toa multiple of cells, as is clear from the number of nuclei appertaining to the fibre. In the other condition, owing to the differentiation of the contractile substance, they resemble the second form of simple muscular fibres, and, like them, are transversely striped. These also correspond to a number of cells although they are derived from a single cell, and owe their elongation to its growth. The reaction to stimulus is, in transversely-striped fibres, rapid. Nervous Tissue. § 27. Nervous tissue appears (as has been already explained) at the same time as muscular tissue in the Animal Kingdom, and is distinguished by its functions, even in its lower conditions, from other tissues. It receives and passes on stimuli, converts them into sensations, and produces voluntary excitations. ‘T'wo conditions are to be distinguished in the morphological characters of the elementary parts, nerve-fibres and nerve-cells. The former are mostly present in the peripheral portion of the nervous system, and are the con- ducting organs, while the latter form the central elements. 1) Nerve-fibres have not always the same relations, and their different conditions are to be regarded as stages of differentiation. a) In their simplest form they are elongated homogeneous band-like bundles composed of fibres which are so slightly separated from one another that they appear to be merely striated. For the majority of Invertebrata the relation of nerve-trunks of this kind and their branches to the histological form-elements is not thoroughly made out; and even the question whether the numerous striations of the nerve-trunks are to be regarded as the indication of their being composed of separate fibres, is an open one. The presence of nuclei in their structures is the sole fact which poimts to their relation to cells. In other cases fibres united into bundles may be distinguished as individual elements of structure. The fibre consists of an apparently homogeneous substance which is limited super- ficially by a fine membrane, beneath which are the nuclei. Remains of protoplasm may be at times made out around the nucleus, which shows that the rest of the fibre is a differentiated substance. The THE TISSUES. 33 structure of these nerve-fibres is therefore histologically of a similar grade to that of muscular-fibre, and the only difference between the two is in the quality of the differentiated protoplasm, which in one case gives rise to muscle, and in the other to nerve-substance. Such fibres are to be seen in the Invertebrata as well as in Amphioxus and the Cyclostomi. In the higher Vertebrata they are present only in the sympathetic nervous system. b) Further differentiation gives rise to a second stage of the. nerve-fibre. The nerve-substance, which lies beneath a more or less delicate envelope, is differentiated into a chord which traverses the axis of the fibre—the axis-cylinder—and into a fatty substance which surrounds it. The latter, known as the medullary cylinder (medullary sheath), gives a highly refractive contour to the nerve- fibre, and can be separated from the axis-cylinder only by artificial means. The homogeneous sheath which surrounds the medullary cylinder—the neurilemma—contains the nuclei which are the remains of the cells from which the fibre was formed. So far as is yet known this form obtains in the Gnathostomous Vertebrata only. 2) The other form-element of nervous tissue is represented by cells, which are called ganglion-cells, as they are principally present in the swellings (ganglia) of the nervous system. They form the central apparatus. Their substance is generally finely granular in character, with many other peculiarities which cannot be entered into more closely here. The nucleus, which as a rule is provided with distinct nucleoli, lies in the middle of the granular substance; this latter is often limited by an external membranous and firmer layer. A very complicated structure is ascribed to these cells, and is explained by every observer in essentially different ways, so that the questions involved appear to be still far from being settled. The ganglion-cells possess processes by which they are con- nected partly to one another, and partly to nerve-fibres. They form therefore the points of origin of the nerve-fibres. It is not yet settled how ganglion-cells, which are devoid of processes, and therefore completely isolated, can be of any service. The fact is, that the belief in their existence grows less and less every day. The processes of the nerve-cells vary greatly in number, as well as in their relation to the fibres; the only point to be noted about them is that in the differentiated fibres it is the axis-cylinder which is continued into the substance of the cell, while the medullary cylinder ceases at some distance from it, or, rather, is no longer differentiated. The relations of the axis-cylinder to the substance of the cell appear to vary greatly, and are in many points a problem still.* * Sonsrie, A., Ueb. d. fein. Structur der Nervenelemente der Gasteropoden. Leipzig, 1872. 34 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Origin of the Organs. § 28. In section 13, the title of organs was given to those parts of the body which were entrusted with a definite function for the purposes of the organism, and which had a form in correspondence with this function. In this general sense every form-element is an organ, just as much as the parts, which are made up of form- elements, and have a definite function, are organs. The conception of an organ is therefore a relative one. We must accordingly separate organs into those of a lower and those of a higher order. The former are represented by the morphological units or form- elements—elementary organs—while the organs of a higher order are those which are made up of a number of elementary organs— cells, and their derivatives (tissues)—and which are set apart for a single function. There are but few of these organs of a higher order in the lowest stages of animal organisation, owing to the simplicity of the organism. But these few organs form the ground- work on which the gradual complication of the organism is raised up by continued differentiation, and in accordance with the principle of the division of labour. We may therefore call those simple organs of a higher order, from which complex organs are developed by differentiation, “ primitive organs.’’ When we examine these primitive organs more closely, we find it convenient to associate them with the earliest processes of dif- ferentiation which take place in the organism, for they can be derived from them. A collection of smaller cells arises from the division of the egg-cell, and these have not all the same position. Some occupy the inner part of the organism, and others form a layer which surrounds it, and at the same time forms the external boundary of the body (Fig. 14). If in this stage of development the taking in of food into the body com- mences, then the inner cell mass becomes con- verted into the limiting layer of the digestive cavity, and forms a primitive gut (enteron). In many observations the process of division into two layers is described as due to the a ae or invagination of a one-layered vesicle. In Sp ames oo ihe ate other cases it is represented as taking place into a peripheral (c) differently, so that it is impossible to make out and a central (d) por. whether there is any phenomenon common ton, to all cases, and, if so, how far it is common. Let us therefore turn to the results of the process, without making any generalisation about it. We now have an organism made up of two layers of cells. An outer one, or ectoderm, which forms the primitive integument, and an inner THE ORGANS. 35 one, or endoderm, which surrounds a primitive enteric cavity. The two layers pass into one another at the oral opening which leads into the cavity. The two cell-layers, which form the body of such an organism, furnish the conditions under which it is possible for it to lead an independent animal existence. The outer one is the organ of support, and may be converted into an organ of locomotion if it gives rise to cilia, and may be the seat of respiratory functions also. In so far as it per- ceives the state of the surrounding medium it is an organ of sensation too. The inner layer is nutritive in function, produces changes in the food which is taken in, and allows what can be assimilated to pass into its cells; and these in their turn feed the outer layer of cells. What is useless is passed out again by the same opening as that by which it entered. As the functions of the two layers are dif- _ ferent the special characters of the morpho- logical elements which compose them are different also; we need only call attention now to the much greater size im most cases of the cells of the endoderm, as compared with the cells of the ectoderm. This grade of organisation is to be seen in some of the lower divisions of the Animal Kingdom (Ccelenterata and Vermes), where it represents a lowly stage of development. Indications of it are to be seen even in the higher divisions. This form has been called Fig. 15. Diagram to represent the first dif- ferentiation of the or- ganism into ectoderm and endoderm, and the formation of a digestive cavity. a Mouth. 6 En- teric cavity. c Hndo- derm. d Ectoderm. (In transverse section.) the Gastrula, on account of the dominant development of the enteron. Starting from the hypothesis that forms agreeing with a Gastrula in all essential points were the precursors of all the higher forms of animal organisation, a Gastreea-form resembling the Gastrula has been regarded as the primitive ancestral form of all animals. This Gastrea theory is based, first, on the existence of independent animal forms which resemble the Gastrea; secondly, on the fact that the embryonic body which commences with a Gastrula, does not, in the lower divisions, rise very much above it, so that even apparently considerable complications of the organism can be traced back to the existence of these two layers of the body ; thirdly, the presence of these two layers of cells, forming the ectoderm and endoderm, as a general, constant, and therefore regular phzenomenon, even in the higher divisions of the Animal Kingdom, as well as their constant relation to the same functions, is a fact of the greatest importance for the hypothesis in question; indeed the occurrence of these layers as the so-called germinal layers, which make up the embryonic body, cannot be rightly understood without a reference to a hypothetical Gastrea-form. This hypo- thesis may therefore be regarded as justified. : D 36 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. We recognise then the Gastreea as a fundamental form, and discover in the differentiation of two layers corresponding respec- tively to endoderm and ectoderm, which are present even in the highest grades of the Animal Kingdom, facts which point to such a Gastreea stage, and are due to it. But it must not be at all sup- posed that we have advanced farther than just on to the threshold of a knowledge of these relationships. The definitive explana- tion of many of the points which have considerable importance in this matter is still far distant, and but little light has yet fallen on even such apparently simple points as the origin of the Gastrula and its two layers. It is a question whether the form which pre- cedes the Gastrula is a one-layered vesicle—that is, whether the two layers of the body are due to the endoderm being formed by invagination ; or whether the endoderm is developed from a primitive internal cell-layer delamination. And again, whether the two con- ditions that have been observed are independent of or derivable from one another. Further investigations will have to settle all this, and our judgment must therefore be proportionately reserved until such investigations have been made. O20: The two layers of which the body of the lower animals is made up during their early stages, and which are, in the higher divisions, represented by the germ-layers—that is, the ectoderm and endoderm—give rise to an intermediate layer or mesoderm, in the formation of which the other two apparently take an equal share. But it is not yet definitely known what share each takes, since the earliest processes of the differentiation of the rudiments of the body still require much careful investigation, and, moreover, they do not present the same characters in all cases. These three layers appear directly after the segmentation of the ovum in the higher animal organisms, and are coincident with the first traces of histological dif- ferentiation. They represent the outline of the organism in the condi- tion of a germ, and from this the whole organism by differentiation evolves itself. These rudiments of the body exhibit great modifications in the higher divisions of the Animal Kingdom, and the stage which is represented by the Gastrula form is more difficult to make out in proportion as the differentiations through which the organism has to pass are more considerable; but the principal features can be easily recognised as identical in all cases. The outer germinal layer (deric layer or ectoderm) forms the outer limiting layer of the body, and the imner (lower) germinal layer (enteric layer, glandular layer, or endoderm) the foundation of the gut or enteron. The middle layer (mesoderm) afterwards arises between them. As the ectoderm and endoderm are the first organs marked off in the course of development, the germinal layers are to be regarded as primitive organs, which have been transmitted from the earliest THE ORGANS. 37 stages in the differentiation of the animal organism to later, and there- fore higher stages, and which, following the law of the division of labour, give rise to series of new organs. We do not yet know enough of the details of the organological differentiation of the germinal layers to be able to give the history of every organ. However, the facts which are clearly established with regard to, at any rate, some divisions of the Animal Kingdom enable us to follow out the first steps in the process of differentiation. The organs which put the organism into relation with the outer world, such as organs of defence, of support, and of sensation, are principally derived from the ectoderm (hence called the sensory layer), also those of move- ment; while the endoderm principally provides the organs for the preservation of the individual and of the species (nutritive layer). As the origin of the mesoderm, out of which important organs are formed, is still very obscure, the relations of these organs to one or other of the two primitive germinal layers must be left an open question. The primitive character of the organism more or less disappears as the rudiments of the body are formed out of the germinal layers, and as fresh organs which render the organism more complicated arise init. Organs differentiated from the germ layers which act the part of primitive organs are reckoned as secondary organs. From these, tertiary organs are formed, and so on. The separate organs differentiated out of a primitive organ remain connected together, owing to the fact of these processes of separation being due to the division of a function, and of the separate functions being subordinated to the primary function, from the breaking up of which they took their origin. Combinations of organs are therefore formed, which are known as organic systems, on account of their morphological and physiological connection. This connection does not always persist in the adult condition ; and, in fact, organs primitively connected often become separated. This obtains chiefly in those organs which serve several purposes, for when the functions become independent the organs become so too. But even in these cases ontogeny indicates what was the primitive condition. Systems of Organs. a) Integument. § 30. The ectoderm, as the outermost layer of the body, forms the simplest condition of the integument of animal organisms. In the lowest organisms (Protista) there is either no integument at all, the protoplasm which forms the body being protracted into ever- changing processes (pseudopodia), or the integument is represented 38 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. by the outermost layer of the protoplasm of a single cell, in which case we have the first example of a denser stratum of the cell becoming separable as a distinct envelope and covering for the rest of the organism. The ectoderm has the function of an organ of defence when its cells secrete a substance which invests, more or less per- fectly, the surface of the body. This substance may harden and give rise to tests or shells, or form a continuous covering for the body, like the carapace of the Arthropoda. When a mesoderm is formed, that part of it which becomes con- nected with the ectoderm takes on, in various ways, the functions of an organ of support. The calcareous deposits in the complicated integument of the Echinodermata are examples of this. The activity of the ectoderm in producing firm organs which protect the body is seen also in the Vertebrata, where numerous and varied parts, which function as investing and protecting organs, are produced by it. b) Skeleton. § 31. In proportion as the various protective organs which are formed from the ectoderm increase in size or in strength, and at the same time become connected with internal organs, they attain the function of organs of support also. Such organs we designate as the skeleton. The combination of inorganic substances (chiefly calcareous salts) with an organic base plays an important part here. The supporting function of the integument gives rise to numerous adaptations. The combination of the functions of both protection and support is clearly a lower stage as compared with the formation of internal skeletons, which indicate a higher functional differentiation, and function exclusively as organs of support. Here, too, we meet with the most various conditions. The lowest forms, the first beginning of such internal skeletal organs, are solid deposits in the tissues, the separate pieces of which have no connection with one another. The growth and union of these deposits give rise to skeletal formations, which may be also regarded as excretions. Examples of them are found even in the Coelenterata. When a definite tissue, the properties of which specially fit it for the function of support, is brought into use, the imternal skeleton assumes a higher degree of development. The differentiation of cartilage from the indifferent connective tissue is the first ex- pression of this phenomenon. As low down as the Medusa, among the Vermes and among the Mollusca, the employment of cartilaginous tissue for organs of support is commenced, and in the Vertebrata it attains to greater importance, until it is pushed aside by a second and more perfect skeletal tissue—the osseous. THE ORGANS. 39 c) Muscles. § 32. The locomotion of the body exhibits itself in its simplest phase as a change in the form of the body due to the contractility of its protoplasm. When these changes in form follow one another rapidly, and have all the same direction, the body either elongating or sending out processes which attaching themselves to some fixed point, are followed gradually by the rest of the semi-fluid body (Rhizopoda), locomotion is effected. The difference between this mode of locomotion and undefined change of form is seen to be merely one of degree. The contractility of protoplasm may pro- duce changes in position even when it is invested by a differentiated, though soft, integument. This layer of integument will follow the movements of the body it invests. In such cases, and they are very common among the Protista, special organs of locomotion cannot be said to exist, for the cilia have other functions to perform for the organism in addition to locomotive ones; such, for example, as that of aiding in the ingestion of food. Specific organs of locomotion make their first appearance when the contractile morphological elements known as muscle-fibres are differentiated; these, in the simplest case, form a muscular layer lying beneath the ectoderm. The genesis of this earliest musculature of the body is due to a differentiation of the ectoderm (Hydroid polyps), the cells of which give off flattened processes, which form a continuous layer of contractile fibres. Hach individual ectoderm-cell concerned in the formation of this layer of fibres represents accordingly a sensory apparatus, which stands in direct continuity with a contractile apparatus. The cell is indeed replaced, when the musculature is’ differentiated, by groups of muscles which work so as to balance one another, and completely harmonise in their action (compare Sect. 31). We cannot yet say how far this process, which gives so deep an insight into the mode of differentiation of the tissues as well as of the organs, is repeated in the ontogeny of the higher forms of animals. In all divisions above the Coelenterata we always find the separation between ectoderm and muscle complete. It may therefore be doubted whether a process of the kind described in the Hydroid polyps always accom- panies the origin of the muscular system. But yet it is very probable that something of the kind does occur. Hyen though the process of differentiation in the higher organisms does not enable us to recognise these processes in their case, yet it is not to be assumed without further reason that the mode of origin of the muscular tissue was in them primitively different, for Ontogeny very seldom repeats phylogenetic processes in every detail. 40 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. § 33. The earliest musculature of the body is closely related to the integument, from which it can with difficulty be separated. Since this is the case not in the Ccelenterata alone, we have here an instance in favour of an essentially equivalent origin for this part of the musculature in all cases. Together with the integument, it forms, on the appearance of a body-cavity, a ‘‘ dermo-muscular tube,” which encloses the other organs. The arrangement of the muscular fibre seldom presents much regularity till the body becomes jointed into separate parts, placed one behind the other (metameres) ; and with the development of organs of support the muscles become differentiated into separate groups. Collections of fibres form bundles, and these again make up larger complexes, muscles. The segmentation of the muscular system corresponds therefore to the segmentation of the body, and the separate segments differ in proportion to the difference in function of the metameres. The various kinds of movement which are produced by the crossing of the fibres of the dermo-muscular layer in different strata, are, where the muscular system is more highly differentiated, effected by groups of muscles acting in opposition to one another, and completely balancing one another in their action. Locomotion by movement of the whole body is brought about by the dermo-muscular tube and the differentiations which arise from it; the whole integument, in the first instance, takes a share in this activity. A further differentiation arises from this state of things when special appendages are formed, as limbs, on certain parts of the body. When the animal changes its place these act as the arms of a lever. They have the form of simple soft processes of the dermo-muscular tube (Ringed worms), or of jointed organs, which are supported by the integument (Arthropoda), or by means of internal skeletal structures (Vertebrata). The complication of the muscular system is in close connection with the development of supporting organs ; and the two form a single locomotor system in which the skeleton plays the passive part. d) Nervous System. § 34. In the lowest conditions of animal organisation the protoplasm of the cells is the seat of sensation, as well as of movement; and this is permanently the case in the lowest organisms. As the muscular layer of the body becomes differentiated, the ectoderm becomes the principal organ of sensation. The differentiation of a nervous system is due to the further development of a portion of this layer THE ORGANS. 4] as a sensory organ, for which reason such an organ must be at first placed superficially. This superficial position of the earliest rudi- ments of the nerve-centre has been already made out in so many forms that it may be regarded as a general phenomenon. As the sensory organ becomes differentiated from the ectoderm it sinks down into the body. The developing central organ is thus gradually covered over by other layers of the body. This arrangement, which is most peculiar, and by itself most unin- telligible, is explained if we regard it as inherited from a more primitive stage, in which the nervous system was but slightly differentiated, and was represented by the whole cell-layer of the ectoderm, or by part of it. We must consider its gradual attain- ment of an internal position to be a process due to its continued differentiation, and consequent higher potentiality ; the organ, which has become of greater value to the organism, gets hidden within the body. With regard to the structural characters of the differentiated nervous system, the central organ, which is chiefly composed of ganglion-cells, is to be distinguished in the first place from the nerves, which pass to the terminal apparatus, and consist of fibrous elements (peripheral nervous system). § 35. The earliest complications are due to the appearance of several parts (ganglia), in which are central form-elements connected with one another : the further development of these parts is very various. The ganglionic mass, which forms the central organ, is primitively dorsal, owing to the earliest separation of the central organs taking place from the dorsal ectoderm, as we have already seen. This dorsal nervous mass, which generally lies near the entrance to the alimentary canal, is differentiated into several parts, which are con- nected together by commissures; their fibres form an esophageal ring In the animals built on a radiate plan the number of the ganglia is increased in correspondence with the radii; the peripheral distribution of the nerves also follows these general ‘structural relations exactly. The nervous system in bilaterally-symmetrical animals follows the bilateral arrangement. The more primitive form is represented by a superior ganglionic mass (cerebral ganglion). Other ganglia do not seem to be formed until the metameres are formed. We then are able to distinguish dorsal and ventral ganglia ; the latter may form ganglionic masses along a continuous longitudinal trunk, or a single subcesophageal ganglion. The variations in size of these cesophageal ganglia are in the closest connection with the nerves which pass off from them. When sensory organs are developed, the ganglion which sends off their nerves becomes of considerable size, while it seems to degenerate when they grow less. The supra-cesophageal ganglia are the most important in this relation, for it is fom 42 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. them that the nerves of the higher sensory organs arise, which in position and direction have one widely-distributed arrangement. From this form another is directly derived, determined apparently by the well-marked metamerism of the body. Whilst in unseg- mented animals possessing an cesophageal ring, the ventral parts of the body are supplied by nerves which arise from the subcesophageal ganglia, we find that the number of ventral ganglia is increased when the body is broken up into parts lymg one behind the other (meta- meres). A vyentrally-placed series of ganglia is formed by the development of a separate pair of ganglia for each segment; and these, being united to each other by longitudinal commissures, form a ganglionic chain. The Ringed worms and the Arthropoda present us with this form. Further differentiation gives rise to all kinds of variations of this type. In the first place, the size of the ganglia varies with the size of those parts of the body that have to be innervated; and in the second place, the ganglia of several segments of the ventral cord fuse into larger ganglionic masses. Even when the central nervous system is entirely dorsal, as in the Vertebrata, it undergoes differentiations of this kind. When the most anterior part of the body is developed into a head, the most anterior part of the central nervous system is developed into a special region, the brain, which is marked off from the remainder of the medullary tube, or spinal cord, which remains more equal in size throughout. As differentiation advances, variously developed regions appear in the brain. e) Sensory Organs. § 36. The sensory organs inform the organism of the condition of the outer world. Protoplasm, in its indifferent condition, charac- teristic of the lowest organisms, reacts to various stimuli from with- out, and appears to be the seat of the lowest kind of sensation. When the surface of the body is not completely marked off from the inner portion of the organism (Rhizopoda) it is used as an organ of perception, of course of the very lowest grade ; it functions therefore as a sensory organ of the lowest order. When the surface is more distinctly marked off, and a distinct outer layer of the body is established (Infusoria, Gregarine), we get a differentiation of great importance for sensory perception. Although, indeed, particular parts of the surface in the Infusoria specially acquire the function of sensory organs, yet there is no ground for speaking of sensory “ organs”’ in an anatomical sense, in this case, any more than there is in the still lower stages. Sensory organs only appear when a nervous system is marked off, for sen- sory organs are the end-organs of the sensitive nerves. THE ORGANS. 43 Their presence therefore presupposes that form of differentiation which we treated of above, when speaking of the nervous system. Since ontogenetic facts point to the primitive segregation of the nervous system from the ectoderm, as being most probably a funda- mental process, this same outermost layer of the body becomes also of the greatest importance in studying the origin of the sensory organs. Almost all the sensory organs are derived, directly or indirectly, from it; whence arises the permanent or temporary connection of these organs with the integument. It is very unsafe to assert what are the functions of many of the sensory organs of the lower animals. This applies to all those organs which are not comprised amongst those which fall within the domain of our own judgment, on account of our possessing them or their homologues, in which case only is it possible that the connection between their structure and specific function can be estimated. Such outstanding organs have been classed together as organs of a sixth sense. § 87. The sensory organs are divided into lower and higher. The former are commonly distributed over the integument, and are simple in structure. Compared with the higher they represent a more indifferent condition. Modified cells of the integument, which generally belong to the epidermis, connected on the one hand with a nerve fibre, and on the other provided with a process of varying shape, which is directed towards the surface of the body, are the most common examples of the lower sort. They are regarded as the organs of general tactile perception; but the physiological function of these organs, especially in aquatic animals, has not been definitely determined, and it is reasonable to suppose that many of them are the media of specific sensations, in which case they would resemble the higher organs of sense. The significance of these arrangements is somewhat more certain when they are connected with special organs, such as movable processes of the integument and the like; they then appear to be tactile organs. It is still a question whether structures of this kind, especially in the lower divisions of the Animal Kingdom, are of use for perceptions other than tactile. The higher sensory organs present themselves to us as special elaborations, with one special function and capable of response only to stimuli of one special kind; they are to be regarded as developed from the lower kind of sensory organs, and oftentimes still possess the essential structure of that lower kind. Organs of taste and smell can only be certainly distinguished in the higher divisions of the Animal Kingdom, and the function of the latter is certain only in those Vertebrata which live in the air; in the lower divisions it is still doubtful. Even in the case of the organs of taste the greatest caution is necessary as to their real import. The value of a sensory organ to the organism determines its being protected against 44 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. external influences. This explains the foldings-in of the portion of the integument which is about to be differentiated into a sensory organ, It is for this reason that the higher sensory organs gradually sink beneath the level of the ectoderm as they are developing, and attain a favourable position for further development. § 38. Vesicles filled with a fluid, on the walls of which a nerve ends, are regarded as auditory organs (otocysts). In its simplest form the vesicle is directly connected to the central nervous system, or the nerve passes from it to the vesicle. These vesicles almost always contain firm concretions or crystalline structures; and very often crystals of calcic carbonate. There are often hair-like prolongations of the end-organs in addition to them, which project into the lumen of the vesicle. This form of auditory organ, which obtains in the Invertebrata, is complicated in the Vertebrata by diverticula and outgrowths which form a labyrinth. New arrangements are produced in the form of organs for carrying and increasing the sound, which become attached to the auditory organ, although they primitively presided over other functions. Inasmuch as the labyrinth-vesicles of the Vertebrata are developed from the integument, the terminal organs of the auditory nerve which are differentiated in its walls are genetically connected with the terminal organs of the tactile nerves, which lie in the integument; they may therefore be regarded as a specific development of a lower sensory organ. The genetic relations of the simpler otocysts of most Invertebrata are as yet unknown, but all the more exact results point to the supposi- tion that they arise by a differentiation of the ectoderm. The optic organ also has a simple mode of origin. We exclude the pigment spots, which used to be often called eyes, and only recognise an eye where a nerve-ending of definite form can be detected, either under or on the surface of the body, acting as an organ for the perception of light. By the light-absorbing property of the pigment it is possible that indefinite sensations of hght and shade may be produced, or other sensations altogether unlike that which we call “ sight”? may possibly be produced by the heat-rays alone of the light. The function of pigment in the way just noticed is doubtful, but when it surrounds a part only of a rod-like nerve-ending, and that in such a way as to leave the outermost end free, and exposed alone to the influence of light, it has, clearly enough, a definite function. Optic organs of various degrees of complexity are formed by the union of a few or of many nerve-endings; the elements which are the medium of light-perception (rods) forming a convex or concave layer. Another complication is due to the addition of organs to refract the light (lenses); these, too, may have all kinds of relations, but they are always, either directly or indirectly, derived from the integument. In eyes in which the surface of the THE ORGANS. 45 layer of rods is convex there are, as a rule, as many lenses as there are perceptive nerve-endings ; when the layer of rods is concave, there is one lens only. By the addition of other arrangements to the neryous apparatus of the eye, by which its functional capacity is modified or increased, this organ becomes one of the most com- plicated of the animal economy. In most of the lower divisions the optic organ, even when fully developed, still retains its primitive relation to the ectoderm. In the higher divisions it is separated from it, and gets to le, together with its perceptive apparatus, be- neath the integument, or the perceptive apparatus is derived from the embryonic foundations of the nerve-centre. The phenomena of differentiation may be seen even in what relates to the position of the optic organ, for the parts of the body which carry the eyes, as well as the number of the eyes, varies greatly in the lower divisions of Animals. Connected with this is the occurrence of a great number of eyes on the anterior part of the body, which goes to form the head, until, finally, the number of eyes on the part in question becomes limited to two. The different position occupied by visual organs forbids us to suppose that they have had a common hereditary origin, and is in favour of these heterotopic organs having been independently differentiated from an indifferent apparatus. On the other hand, that eyes which are connected to the cerebral ganglion, or the dorsal nerve-centre, have a common genetic relation, is not to be disputed, f) Respiratory Organs of the Integument. (Dermal Branchiz.) § 389. An important part is played by the integument, and therefore by the ectoderm, im the formation of respiratory organs. Before they appear the gas exchange is carried on probably by the whole surface of the body, and this mode of respiration obtains in many of the lower aquatic animals. A change of the surrounding medium is effected, partly by the movements of the body, and partly by special organs, for example cilia ; thus fresh quantities of it are con- tinually brought into contact with the respiratory surface. This is not, however, the only method of respiration in the lower animals, for the introduction of water into the interior of the body, in fact the bathing of the alimentary canal by water, is certainly not without significance in this direction, while it is of great im- portance as being the beginning of a long series of differentiations. Certain limited portions of the surface become more developed in this direction as the function becomes localised, and, in compensation for this limitation, acquire the form of blood-carrying processes, which are called branchiz. In many cases they are differentiated 46 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. from the appendages (Vermes, Crustacea). An increase of the surface, which is brought about in various ways, is the mode in which the further complication of branchiz takes place; it is very frequently accompanied by a reduction in the number of separate branchial organs. eho importance of branchiz to the body calls into existence various kinds of supporting arrangements for these organs, which, in their lowest condition, project freely from the surface of the body. Neighbouring parts of the integument being raised up into covering lamellze, the branchize become hidden in cavities (branchial cavities), and the same tegumentary folds give rise to afferent and efferent canals for the water, which serves for respira- tion (Mollusca, higher Crustacea). In this way the development of respiratory organs may affect other parts of the integument, the direct relation of which to respiration had been lost for a very long time. g) Excretory Organs. § 40. Just as the gaseous excretory matters are eliminated from the organism by the respiratory organs, so too are there arrangements for eliminating the solid or fluid matters which have become useless to the organism. The whole surface of the ectoderm performs this function in the lower organisms; in the higher forms of life, on the contrary, there are special organs, dermal glands, which have this function. Of those general arrangements which function as organs of secretion we have to do here with those special ones only which eliminate the excretory matters, and which are distinguished as excretory organs from those glands which secrete matters which are of use to the organism ; these latter are either indepen- dent, or are united to definite systems of organs, of which they are, in that case, specialised parts. The excretory nature of the products of secretion of those secreting organs, which are formed by the ectoderm, is least open to doubt, for the products are removed at once from the organism by the emptying of the gland. Of the various kinds of organs which open on the surface of the body one sort attains to general importance. These are the kidney- like excreting organs, which eliminate the nitrogenous excreta from the body. These organs are distinctly derived from dermal glands, notwithstanding that in the Vermes, where they seem to have their most simple form, they penetrate deeply into the body; nor does the fact that in many cases (Annelida, Mollusca) the organ, which in other points also is much modified, opens into the body- cavity, and so connects it with the surrounding medium, and even serves in many groups (Mollusca) as a means for introducing water, THE ORGANS. 47 affect the question of its origin. In other forms (Annulata) these organs, having a tubular form, assist in the generative functions, by serving as ducts for the generative products. The recurrence of this function for a portion of the primitive excretory apparatus (primi- tive kidney, archinephron) of the Vertebrata might be explained as an inheritance from a lower stage. How far such a view is justified is still uncertain. In any case a genetic point of contact between the primordial kidney of Vertebrata and the renal tubes of lower organisms, can only be looked for where the apparatus is, as in the Vertebrata, single on each side of the body. h) Alimentary Canal. § 41. The ingestion of nutrient matter into the body is, in some of the lowest organisms, effected by endosmotic processes, in which the surface of the body takes the principal share. In others solid nutri- ment is ingested, the soft protoplasm sending out pseudopodia, and embracing the nutrient matter which happens to come into the neighbourhood (Rhizopoda). The formation of a definite part of the surface of the body, serving for the ingestion of nutriment, is really a step towards organological differentiation (Infusoria) ; but this does not constitute an alimentary canal, which does not appear as a separate organ till the body is differentiated into cell-layers. The cell-layers, when they do appear—an inner and an outer—pass into one another at the margin of the orifice of entrance. The inner layer, or endoderm, lining a space open to the exterior, forms the wall of a digestive cavity. In the simplest form, represented by the Gastrula, the endoderm is the sole wall of the primitive enteric cavity. The formation of a mesoderm gives rise to other layers external to this one. Of these the most im- portant is a muscular layer, for by it the intestine is enabled to per- form independent movements. ‘The opening which leads into the enteric tube serves as a mouth for the ingestion of nutrient matters, as wellas for an opening for the rejection of the undigested remains of the food (Cceelenterata, many Vermes). The appearance of an anal orifice produces a further separation of functions, and converts the blindly-ending gut or enteron into a tube open at both ends, the separate portions of which take on various functions, and so undergo different adaptations. The first portion, which is connected with the mouth, forms an cesophagus, which serves for the introduction of food; then follows the true digestive cavity, which is generally widened, or provided with cecal sacs, and is generally called the stomach, though this name is not always applied to equivalent parts. The terminal part of the whole system serves for further alteration of the food, as well as for the excretion of the remnants 48 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. by the anus. This differentiation of the digestive tube into several unequal parts is the most important complication which it undergoes; any further differentiations are subordimate to this. Three tracts are accordingly henceforward distinguished, as fore- gut, mid-gut, and hind-gut. Tn addition to the varying and numerous changes in size which the different portions of the canal undergo, other arrangements, due either to special new functions, or mere expressions of further division of labour, arise in it. Organs for seizing and comminuting the food become attached to the mouth, or mark off a portion of the cesophagus (masticatory organs). In the stomach also there are sometimes masticatory organs of this kind. When they occur at the commencement of the cesophagus, just behind the mouth, this part, which is frequently distinguished by its larger supply of muscles, is known as the pharynx. The size of the cavity of the canal is increased by dilatations, or ceecal diverticula. Crops are formed in the course of the cesophagus, cecal sacs on the stomach and on the rest of the intestine, which are variously complicated in number and arrangement. When the length of the alimentary canal is greater than that of the body, it is arranged in ascending and descending loops, or in coils, and so adapted to the size of the cavity in which it is contained. Both the quantity and quality of the food ingested is of the greatest import- ance as affecting all these relations of parts; and nowhere is the adaptation of the organ to its function—which results from the mode of life of the animal—more clearly seen than in the arrange- ments of the alimentary canal. Secretory organs are generally connected with the alimentary canal, to aid in the process of digestion; their products dissolve, and act on the nutrient matter by chemical change. Glands of this kind are sometimes distributed over the whole canal, and some- times distinguish certain portions of it only. In their simplest form they are not differentiated from the enteric wall, and in that case are not distinctly marked-off parts. Those marked off from the wall | of the enteron are separated into two chief divisions. One of them comprises the glands which open in the buccal cavity, or its neigh- bourhood, and are distinguished as salivary glands. Another group is formed in the portion which serves for digestion, and is regarded as a bile-producing organ, a liver. It is right to note that the distinguishing of these organs by names which are applied to organs of higher organisms, physiologically better understood, is merely hypothetical, for nothing is known of the physiology of most of the organs of the lower animals. This holds especially for the epithelium of the gut, which generally appears coloured, and which is often called the “liver.” This organ appears under the form of an epithelium, lining a part of the digestive cavity in the Ceelen- terata, in many Vermes, and even in Insects, till at last it becomes limited to definite czecal appendages of the alimentary canal, and so attains to the lowest grade of mdependence. The liver presents THE ORGANS. 49 itself from this point onwards either in the form of numerous follicles, which beset a large portion of the canal, or it forms a large group of glands, which open separately or together into the alimentary canal. he differentiation of the liver leads to a gradual separation of that organ from the digestive tube, so that finally it is aa connected to the canal by its ducts (higher Mollusca, V erte- rata). Respiratory Organs of the Enteron, 9 § 42. The general differentiations of the primitive gut (archenteron), formed by the endoderm, which have been already mentioned, give rise, in obedience to the principle of division of labour, to organs which serve for the ingestion and digestion of nutrient matters; these do not confer any essentially new functions on the gut. But such a new function does appear when the gut acquires relations to respiration. It is not certain whether this function obtains in the primitive gut, although this is probable, for the endoderm is bathed by the surrounding medium, like the outer layer of the body, while the water which is taken in with the food may serve for respiration. The relation becomes much more definite when we note the regular streaming in of water into the rectum, which obtains in many Vermes and Mollusca. This phenomenon is an indication of the respiratory function of the gut, but has no bearing upon the forma- tion of distinct respiratory organs, which are differentiated from the digestive tube. Such a respiratory organ is brought into existence in the most anterior portion of the gut, by its walls being broken through by lateral pores; by special relations of these pores to the vascular system it acquires a respiratory significance. This arrangement, which already makes its appearance in the lower divisions, occurs again in the Vertebrata. Processes, known as branchie, in which the respiratory vascular network is distributed, arise on the walls of the clefts of this cavity. A region of the primitive digestive tube is thus converted into a special portion, a branchial cavity, at the hinder end of which the tube which serves exclusively for nutrition commences. Another form of respiratory organ is developed from the wall of the gut, in the form of a diverticular outgrowth of the anterior portion of that organ. This appendage of the gut is filled with air, and in fishes has merely a hydrostatic function. As the relations of the circulation become changed it is gradually converted into a respiratory organ, and becomes the lungs; in the higher divisions of the Vertebrata new organs, namely, those for the production of a voice, are developed on the passages leading into it. 50 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. i) Vascular System. § 43. The substances prepared by the digestive process for the nourishment of the body are, in the lowest organisms which take in solid food, merely distributed from the digestive spaces into the protoplasm of the body. When a distinct digestive tube is formed, nutriment passes through its walls straight into the parenchyma of the body, so that the mesoderm and ectoderm, with the organs differentiated from them, are nourished by the endoderm. This is characteristic of the Coelenterata and some groups of Vermes. In many others a dividing of the mesoderm occurs, which takes the form either of canalicular cavities, or of a complete splittmg of the mesoderm into an outer plate attached to the ectoderm, and an inner one attached to the endoderm. Between these dermal and gastric layers of the mesoderm is the body-cavity, or perienteric- cavity (ccelom), in which a fluid, to be regarded as the nutrient fluid, is collected. When morphological elements are found in this fluid, they are derived from the cells of the mesoderm. This fluid is not at first exclusively nutrient ; it also subserves locomotion, by swelling out different parts of the body at the will of the animal. An important function of this kind is also played by the water, which in many cases is taken into the ccelom from the exterior. The movement of the fluid in the general cavity of the ccelom is at first effected by the movements of the body. Contractions and expansions of the body-wall cause the fluid which is shut in by the dermo-muscular tube to continually change its position; this may be regarded as the lowest form of a circulation of the blood. In this case the passages have not special walls, nor are there any special arrangements for regulating the circulation. This simple condition persists in many divisions in which the coelom is developed (Bryozoa); in others canalicular cavities arise, which are arranged regularly, and have the form of vessels, and may undergo further complications. Their contents form the hemal fluid or blood (Nemertines). When in addition to these vessels a perienteric-cayity is formed, the vascular system, which is partly enclosed in it, is either completely shut off from it (many Annelida), or is placed freely in communication with it at one or more points (Mollusca, Arthropoda, Vertebrata). In the latter case the vascular cavities must have arisen as portions of the body-cavity, while in the former case the body-cayvity was not formed until after the vessels. The formation of the body-cavity is therefore, in the case exemplified by the Annelids, to be regarded as a secondary process; and the formation of a hollow space in the mesoderm has accordingly led to two different results successively; on the first occasion to the formation of blood vessels, on the second occasion to the formation of a body-cavity. THE ORGANS. 51 § 44. Certain portions of the hollow cavitary system, which forms the heemal passages, are converted into contractile vessels by the development of muscles in their walls. The earliest circulatory system arises by these producing by rhythmical action the regular in-and-out flow of the blood. But the direction of the stream of blood is not yet constant; it can be driven first to one side and then to the other. The portions of the vascular system which are dis- tinguished by their greater contractility are sometimes extended over a large surface, and sometimes limited to shorter parts. They are the begining. of the formation of a heart. The heart is therefore an organ differentiated from the blood- vascular passages, and in its simplest form is a portion of the vessels which is able to move its contents in two directions. It is only when valves appear at the ostia of the cardiac tube, that the direction of the flow is defined; the structure of the heart thus be- comes complicated, and is further elaborated by being divided internally into separate portions (ventricles and auricles). Contractile organs of this kind often appear as the only differentiated parts of the blood-vascular system, formed from the cavity of the celom. The blood passes directly from the heart into lacunar portions of the coelom, between the different organs, and from thence back again to the heart (Arthropoda), or there are definite vessels going off from the heart, which sometimes traverse the body in the place of the hollow cavity, or only partially replace the lacunar passage, in that they do not on their way back to the heart reach it as vessels, but into lacunar spaces. In this case the cavity of the ccelom shows itself as a portion of the blood passage, which is only partly represented by true vessels (Mollusca). Where the vessels are completely developed and the heart differentiated, the vascular system is divided into three parts. That which leads from the heart and distributes the blood in the body is called the arterial, and its vessels arteries. The passage which takes the blood back to the centre of the circulation is formed by the veins, and the part of the passage which lies between the afferent and efferent vessels, forms a network of extremely fine canaliculi (capillaries). This intermediate portion is very frequently replaced by a lacunar system, in which case the greater number of the venous passages also have no special walls. It is very often difficult to say what should be regarded as a vessel and what as a lacuna, and the distinction often depends on very unimportant points. It is not sufficient to say that the essen- tial character of a vessel is the investment of a cavity by flattened elements derived from modified connective tissue, for these elements might just as fairly be regarded as the covering of the other organs which wall in these spaces; it is therefore questionable to call wide internal cavities, invested by such cells, “vessels.”? This oe E 52 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. indeed be regarded as the sole criterion, and it should only have weight when considered together with the greater or less regularity of the lumen. But in examining this question we must bear im mind one thing; namely, that in all these cases we have to do with spaces which are walled in by connective substances, and that vessels are differentiations of these spaces, and therefore presuppose an indifferent condition. Between the two stages, the differentiated and the undifferentiated, there are all kinds of intermediate steps. k) Reproductive Organs. § 45. The phenomenon of the multiplication of the individual is primitively closely connected with nutrition. Not only is nutrition the cause of the growth and consequent increase in size of the body, but it gives rise to a condition in which the organism converts the excess of nutrient material brought to it into the means for pro- ducing a new individual. In the lower forms, as in elementary organisms, a process beginning with gemmation, and leading on to fission, is a very common phenomenon. The manner in which multiplication is effected varies with the amount of material which is used by an organism in producing a new organism. The phenomena of multiplication by gemmation and spore-for- mation, which are so common in the lower divisions of the Inverte- brata, have some relations to sexual differentiation, which indeed does occur among the Protista. It is derived from a stage in which two similar germ-cells fuse to form a new organism (Conjuga- tion). As the two uniting cells become gradually dissimilar they become distinguished into egg-cells and sperm-cells; these are the morphological elements of the sexual reproductive matter throughout the whole Animal Kingdom, notwithstanding their numerous modifications, which are seen most markedly in the seminal cells. While the ovum retains its most essential characters, and can be recognised as such in every division, the seminal cell very early undergoes considerable changes. Like other cells it gets a flagellate process, which may be greatly developed, while the cell- body and its nucleus are so reduced that they ordinarily form a structure of no great size. In this way filamentous structures— spermatozoa—are formed from the seminal cell. Sexual Repro- duction, then, does not exhibit a real contrast to the asexual. § 46. We do not exactly know in all cases what are the relations between the place where the reproductive matters are formed and the early rudiments of the body, but from what has been observed THE ORGANS. 53 in certain Coelenterata and Mollusca we may suppose that primi- tively the relations of the two are very different, for in these forms the ova are derived from the endoderm, and the sperm from the ectoderm. The endoderm is, therefore, the female, and the ectoderm the male germinal layer. But it is not yet known how far these relations obtain among the higher animals. As yet there are only uncertain indications, but these speak to a general agreement with the results already obtained. The parts of the body which are set apart for the formation of the sexual products gradually take on the form of glands. This is a further step in differentiation, and is connected with the local- isation of the function. In the simplest cases the two kinds of generative products are formed in special parts of the body, which function as sexual organs (reproductive glands); but these parts are not at first distinguished by any special characters. The organs which produce the semen are called testes, and those which produce ova, ovaries. Going a step further, we find the reproductive glands still further differen- tiated. In their simplest condition the products of these organs merely break away from the spot where they are formed, and pass into the digestive sac, or into the body-cavity, or even directly to the exterior. Gradually, however, ducts, which are often very com- plicated in character, are added on: it is probable that these ducts are not primitively connected with the germinal glands. Where these ducts can be seen to have any relations to other organs, these appear to be excretory organs (§ 40) which have entered into the service of the genital organs, and have been altered so as to correspond to this function. It becomes a great question whether the excretory ducts of the reproductive matter are not in all cases excretory organs. Receptacles which serve for the collection of the sperm are formed on the outlet-tubes (seminal ducts) of the organs which produce the sperm; from the wall of these canals glands are differentiated, which secrete a fluid to be mixed with the sperm ; finally, there are arrangements for passing the sperm into the system of the other sex (copulatory organs). ‘The differen- tiations of the egg-forming organ are no less varied; the duct (oviduct) of the ovary is provided with dilatations, in which the ova get special envelopes, or are further developed. These portions of the oviduct are called the uterus. Special glands, Yolk glands, are formed from the ovary, and secrete a substance which is either taken up by the ovum or which merely forms an envelope for it. Appended organs receive the semen which is passed in copulation, and are known as receptacula seminis; lastly, other parts serve for the reception of the copulatory organ, or for the deposition or preservation of the ova. The relation of the egg-forming and sperm-forming organs to one another varies greatly, and must be considered from the stand- point of differentiation. In the lower divisions organs of both kinds are united with one another, sometimes in such a way that one 54 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. and the same gland produces both semen and ova (hermaphrodite gland). The ducts, also, are often more or less common to them both. But in other forms the genital organ is divided, the products of its two parts being different; testes and ovaries, that is, are present as separate organs, the excretory organs of which only are united more or less extensively; or each of them may have its separate orifice. All those animals which unite in themselves both kinds of reproductive organs are known as Hermaphrodites. A separation of sexes is apparently foreshadowed in various forms, by the alternating activity of the organs, at one time the egg- forming and at another time the sperm-forming organ exercising its function. The hermaphrodite stage is the lower, and the condition of dis- tinct sexes has been derived from it. This change is due to the decrease in size of one or the other organ, so that hermaphroditism is the precursor of sexual differentiation. This differentiation, by the reduction of one kind of sexual apparatus, takes place at very different stages in the development of the organism, and often when the sexual organs have attained a very high degree of differentiation. Tn these cases ontogeny exhibits the two kinds of organs primitively united, and so causes the individual to be hermaphrodite at a certain stage in development. The separation of the sexes affects the whole of the organism, for it produces a series of changes in each sex, which affect organs that had primitively little to do with the sexual function. Sexual differentiation is completed when the two kinds of organs are given over to different individuals. Thenceforward for reproduction, not only two different substances, semen and ova, and two different organs for producing them, are necessary, but also two individuals ; these are distinguished as male and female. Changes in the Organs. Development and Degeneration. § 47. The result of the continued differentiation of a given organ is a complication by which the organ is removed proportionately further frem its primitive condition. As the primitive condition is the lower differentiation, it entails a perfecting corresponding to a higher con- dition. This is clear on the principle of division of labour, which is the cause of all differentiation (cf. § 12). In obedience to this law a function can be the more perfectly carried out, the more exclu- sively the organ is related to that function. The more an organ is exercised for one function only, the more suitable are the conditions for its development in one direction, for there is no competition with DEVELOPMENT AND DEGENERATION. 55 other directions of development. A limb which is a gill too, that is which has both locomotive and respiratory functions, is of a lower grade than an arrangement resulting from a division of the two functions, in which a part separated off from the appendage repre- sents a gill, and the rest an organ of locomotion. When the functions are united, locomotion is necessary for respiration, but when they are separated, they are independent of one another, and respiration is effected without the aid of locomotion, by the development of special organs for changing the water, these organs so far taking the place of locomotion. In both organs the independence which is necessary for their further development in one direction is gained. The organs of the body are not always developed to the same extent. One or another often remains in a lower condition, and so retains its more lowly character in an otherwise highly differentiated organism. It is not therefore wise to draw any conclusions as to the extent of the differentiation of single organs from that of the organism itself; it is better to judge organs by comparing them with equivalent organs in other organisms. The real factor in the development of an organ by differentiation must be sought for in the increased or modified function of the organ in the struggle for existence, that is in its adaptations to the ex- ternal conditions of life. It is hence that transmission acquires its importance, since it not only causes a perpetuation of inherited characters, but is enabled to effect an elevation in those characters. Degeneration or reduction is another constant phenomenon which is dependent on differentiation, masmuch as it presupposes it. Its result is, in itself, the exact opposite to that of differentiation. For while differentiation is the cause of complications, reduction is the cause of simplifications of the organism, and is therefore the cause of organs or of organisms passing to a relatively lower stage. With regard, however, to the general organism, and its relation to other organisms, it produces the same effect as differentiation, for it leads to variety in form. Reduction, like differentiation, varies in degree; it may affect Separate portions of the body, or groups of organs, or finally the whole of the body. It is different, again, according as it affects the individual, the species, or the genus. In one case it may be seen to be a definite process, in another a condition, which can only be assigned its place as one of the several stages of such a process by the aid of a comparative series of allied forms. It may affect organs in two different ways. The affected organ may be in- dependent of the general arrangements which obtain in the de- veloped organism to which it belongs, and then reduction has but a transitory or provisional signification. Reductions of this kind during the course of the development produce simplifications, but as the differentiation which is going on in other parts may be producing new and higher organs, this reduction does not hold the organism back, but is a cause rather of the progress of differentiation in another direction. The reduction of parts which belong to certain 56 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. developmental stages in the individual are examples of this kind of reduction (Larval organs). (Cf. § 5.) The other kind of reduction affects organs which belong to the developed organism or its rudiments. It may affect the fully formed and completely functional organ as well as one just laid down, and in the primary state of differentiation. The process of reduction is seen therefore in various degrees of intensity. The process is often difficult to perceive amid the various other processes of differentiation which are affecting the rest of the organism when the organ affected is only just making its appearance: the further, however, differentiation has gone, the more striking must the process be. The reduction of an organ is necessarily connected with its function, a change in which must be regarded as the cause of the reduction. Loss of function produces retrograde changes in an organ, but of course neither process is a sudden one. Although reduction is, on the whole, the cause of the simplifica- tion of an organ, and therefore of the organism also, it is not a phenomenon which makes the organism absolutely lower in degree. Reduction may rather lead to a higher differentiation, as it does when larval organs are removed; it may give rise to higher forms even in whole series of organisms derived from one another, by facilitating the higher development of those not affected by it. In this case again reduction precedes differentiation, This is strikingly seen in the numerical relations of parts, which become individually more perfect as they diminish in number. As reduction is a gradual process, the organs which are affected by it may be met with in various stages. ‘These rudimentary organs are most significant indications of genetic relations, while they at the same time show us how an organ which has lost its primitive function, and which may even have no intelligible signifi- cation as regards the purposes of the organism, may persist for a very long time before it completely disappears. (Cf. supra, § 6.) Reduction may affect every organic system and be observable in every part of it. It is expressed in the form as well as in the size and number of the parts, and even in their histological characters. Its conditions are to be sought for, first of all, in the relations which alter the organism. According to the number of organs affected, reduction is more or less manifest in the organism as a whole. Inasmuch as comparison everywhere reveals to us evidence of either progressive or of retrogressive change, we may regard the organism as a thing caught in the act of moving, as arrested in the midst of a career through the most diverse ranges of form. The changes of the various orgatis, and the phenomena which are observed in the elementary structure in the cell, are what make up this movement, CORRELATION. 57 Correlation of Organs. § 48. The changes in the organism which are due to differentiation and reduction are the cause of a fresh series of phzenomena in the factors which gave rise to them. From the conception that life is the harmonious expression of a collection of phenomena regularly conditioned, it follows that the activity of an organ cannot be regarded as really existing for itself alone. Every kind of arrangement presupposes a series of other arrange- ments; every organ, therefore, must have intimate relations with the rest, and be more or less dependent on others. LHvery move- ment in a muscle presupposes the existence of a nerve; and both of these organs presuppose the existence of a nutrient system. In this way one function has an intimate connection with other apparently dissimilar functions. This relation, which was first defi- nitely pointed out by Cuvier, and which is known as Correlation, shows us the road by which we can attain to a correct appreciation of animal organisation. By far the most important point is the conception of the organism as an individual whole, which is as much conditioned by its parts, as one part is conditioned by others. Correlation is a necessary result of this conception. Not only the general arrangements of the organisation, but also its apparently more subordinate features, exhibit intimate relations with one another, and a change which affects one system of organs, simultaneously produces modifications in some of the other organs. These are adaptations to changes, which themselves are due to adaptations. They are, however, of a secondary character, while those which are of a primary character have their origin in the outer world. Correlation may be divided into the more and the less remote ; where less remote it is expressed in one system of organs or in other systems functionally connected with this; when more remote, in organs which are functionally less related to it. Physio- logical principles are essential im the investigation of correlation, and it is necessary, therefore, to know what are the functions of separate organs, or at least what their value is in the animal economy, in order to be able to recognise it. So, too, it is of im- portance to know what are the habits of the animal, for the original forces, on which the various relations of the organs depend, are due to them. As the forces which cause changes in the organism either lie without the organism, or, as most of them, are to be sought for without it, they do not come within the scope of our work. Com- parative Anatomy, therefore, is limited all round by a wide but uncultivated region, in which rich harvests may be gathered for biological science, whenever its treatment is taken in hand. 58 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, Fundamental Forms of the Animal Body. § 49. Owing to the infinite variety of the external characters of animal organisms, it is necessary to seek for fundamental forms to which this variety may be referred. We must also ascertain the con- ditions which influence and give rise to the most important modifi- cations of these forms. These results may be obtained in different ways. We will choose the shortest by commencing with the lowest stage of the animal organism. This is the stage which the Gastrula form presents to us; by its wide distribution this form will provide us with the characters which are best adapted for our purpose. An organism at this stage is some- what spherical or oval in shape, and the mouth A will be found at a point on the surface. If we imagine an axis (Fig. 16, AB) drawn straight through the digestive cavity, the pole corresponding to the opening of the mouth represents the oral, and the opposite the aboral pole. This axis (A B) is the primary axis of the body. In a body of a regular cylin- —l\1-¢ drical or spheroidal shape we can imagine as \ | many lines as we please drawn through the body perpendicular to this axis. (Secondary axes, ab, cd.) In this instance they are all equivalent. The secondary axes are in this case indifferent to one another, and are cha- a racteristic of a lower condition. The organism, either when moving freely in the water, or Z \ ; When fixed (by the aboral pole, of course), as mace wi it afterwards is, is differentiated by the develop- ment of a certain number of secondary axes, their development haying relation to the main- b tenance of the balance of the body. We here, Fig. 16. Diagram of then, have to do with a statical cause. The oe ae aoe development of the organism along its secon- cd Secondary axes. The ary axes takes place through the development lower figure is eee of external appendages, tentacles and the like, uses Section one ig ot through differentiation of the enteric cavity, two secondary axes. | or through the laying down of other organs (such as the generative glands) in the direction of those axes. In consequence all the conceivable secondary axes are no longer equivalent. Those along which organs are differentiated are distinguished from the rest. They have passed, in fact, from the previously indifferent condition to a differentiated one. The so- called radiate fundamental-form of the body which is commonly found in the Ccelenterata, arises in this way, as may be seen by B FUNDAMENTAL FORMS. 59 studying the relations of the axes to one another, as explained above (cf. Fig.17). The importance of the mouth to the organism causes the differen- tiations which obtain A A around it to have a special value. These differentiations are de- veloped as_ tentacles of various form, and cause the parts around the mouth to be much more varied in cha- racter than those at the aboral pole. If the body grows in the direction of its primary axis, without becoming attached to the ground, the axes may acquire modified importance if locomo- tion in the direction of the animal’s length be | B a“ sal ee, established. The pri- mary axis will remain as before, but the secondary axes will necessarily differ ac- cording to the signifi- cance of the surfaces which they connect. When one and thesame surface always touches the supporting object, Fig. 17. Radiate fun- damental form; letters as in Fig. 16. The an- terior surface of the body is seen in the lower figure, and shows the appendages (tentacles) +» which are differentiated along the two transverse Se Fig. 18. Diagram to show the differentiation of the secondary axes. In the upper figure a cephalic portion is indicated by the development of a pair of dorsal tentacles. The lower is a transverse sec- tion of the upper figure, and the secondary axes : are consequently seen in it becomes the ventral i surface, and the oppo- site one becomes the dorsal. These two surfaces, the dorsal and the ventral, are placed under different conditions, and must therefore be differentiated in different ways, while the two sides, or—when the body is perfectly flattened out—the two lateral edges necessarily come to differ in character from the dorsal and ventral surfaces. Such cases are instances of the development of only two inequivalent secondary axes. One connects the ventral and dorsal surfaces, and is the dorso-ventral axis (Fig. 18, ab), the other connects the sides (¢ d) of the body, and is the transverse axis. The surfaces which correspond to the poles of the first or dorso-ventral axis are not, while those which correspond to the poles of the transverse axis are, equivalent. A primitive condition which has disappeared in the dorso-ventral axis in consequence of the differen- axes, it. 60 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. tiation of its surfaces, is retained in the case of the transverse axis. This, the second form, which can be derived from the Gastrula, and is ordinarily known as that of bilateral symmetry, first appears in the Vermes, and prevails in all the divisions above them. When the secondary axes of the body retain their primitive indifferent character, we may imagine that there are as many similar pieces in the architectural composition of the body as there are possible secondary axes. But when the secondary axes become differentiated, the divisions of the body take on a definite numerical relation. They are known as antimeres. If two secondary axes become differentiated, and are like in character, we have four antimeres, for we can divide the body into four similar parts, along these secondary axes. But when two unlike secondary axes are differentiated the body is only made up of two antimeres; two halves of the body, distinguished as right and left, are the parts corresponding to one another. In this way the eudipleural funda- mental form is developed. § 50. The differentiation which marks off the oral from the aboral pole, and which has been already mentioned, gives a higher significance to the former region of the body. This differentiation asserts itself in other forms, as in the primary radiate form, and in very various ways. It is not only the presence of the mouth, which favours the differentiation of organs around it, as organs for aiding in the prehension or ingestion of food, but the greater significance of the anterior end of the body in locomotion is also a cause of differen- tiation. This part takes the initiative. It has to show the way to the rest of the body, and often indeed, to lead it; it meets with a thousand foreign objects, which it has to examine, to follow, or to avoid. It is therefore exposed to external influences other than those which act on the opposite end of the body. The dignity of the relations of this region explains how it is that the mouth is not by any means always at the anterior end of the body, and that it much more frequently is placed close to or even altogether on the ventral surface, without the anterior end of the body being less highly developed. The high specialization of the anterior region is caused principally by the development of various kinds of sensory organs, and therefore of organs which put the organism into relation with the outer world; the region moreover often has various organs of defence connected with it, and with it is closely connected the development of the central nervous system. The whole region thus gets a higher value in comparison with the general organism, for it shelters and carries the organs which elevate and rule the latter. This anterior region of the body is therefore called the head, or chief portion. The differentiation of a head seems to depend primarily on the position of the mouth. This directs the course of movement, and to this, as a secondary cause, the anterior part of the body owes its METAMERIC SEGMENTATION. 61 various distinctions. The appearance of a head is at the same time a result which affects the whole body, for the body can now be divided into two portions at least, which differ in character. Metamerism of the Body. § 51, The planning out of the individual organism as a single struc- tural entity is only characteristic of lower conditions of development, whether permanent, as in nearly all Coelenterata and in the lower classes of Worms, or transitory, as in the higher divisions of the Animal Kingdom. Simultaneously with the growth of the body to a considerable length, we observe the beginning of the division of the organism into separate segments, following one on another, noticeable externally through the occurrence of separating constric- tions, or through the regular distribution of appendicular structures or processes of the body, internally represented by the arrangement of the organs in the distinct successive compartments of the body. We term this segmentation of the body Metamerism; the separate segments are metameres. The metamerism which thus breaks up the body is only a further example of differentiation. From the primitive homogeneous indifferent body a heterogeneous, diversified body is developed, and the separate metameres differ from one another ; not only are they something new in comparison with the earlier condition, but they are also—notwithstanding their resem- blance one to another—different from one another, owing to the position which each occupies. Metamerism is not in all cases, where it is perceptible, exhibited with equal clearness. Sometimes it is apparent in this or that organ, or system of organs, more than in another, and, again, in other organs may be altogether wanting. It is easy to recognise very various conditions of the commencement and of the incomplete carrying out of the process. Where we find it in fullest develop- ment it dominates the whole organism, and is exhibited in all organs ; so that each metamere possesses its individual system of organs, and particular systems of organs common to all metameres present a special differentiation of their structure in each metamere (ventral ganglion chain). In this manner the organism becomes built up of many component parts. And hereupon we have to take note of conditions in which independent importance is acquired by the metameres. Little by little a metamere, in virtue of the elaboration of its own set of organs, ceases to be dependent on the total organism, emancipates itself from the commonwealth, and gains the capability of leading a free existence. To this many phenomena are traceable, which are usually called gemmation (Worms). 62 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. § 52. An efficient cause for metamerism may be sought, as has been above indicated, in the phenomena of growth. We can imagine a repetition of local outgrowths, resulting in practical advantage to the organism, taking place in particular systems of organs simultaneously with the elongation of the body. In this way the external meta- merism may be brought into connection with the movement of the body, which was perhaps the earliest cause of this phenomenon. Many facts point to its beimg so. In any case there are numerous examples of the gradual elaboration of metamerism without all systems of organs being at once affected by it. Metamerism has, however, a less doubtful origin in its connection with gemmation, which is itself a kind of growth. It seems, indeed, in many cases, as if gemmation led to metamerism, in such a way that the metameres represent buds, which remain connected with the organism, and only in some cases attain to a higher stage of individual existence. Numerous instances of incomplete metamerism prevent us, however, from attributing a general significance to this process, and it cannot in any sense be regarded as the sole cause of metamerism. Metamerism leads to perfection of the organism. By it the organism is enabled to get a larger number of organs, although, indeed, they are at first mere repetitions of one and the same arrangement. As the separate segments become more independent their action becomes more free, till at last the differentiation of a larger number of separate organs gives a larger scope for action. Differentiation, then, gains ground in every part, and alters the organs of the separate metameres in different ways, according as their functions become more various. By the development and reduction of metameric organs the metameres get to differ in value, and become differentiated themselves ; this differentiation is expressed externally by the difference in their size and form. This leads to the disappearance of the primitive similarity of the metameres. The amount, too, of their independence may be lessened, and a number of primitively separate metameres may gradually fuse into larger divisions. This gives rise to complexes of metameres, in which the fact of their being composed of separate units of the body is only suggested, and that often faintly; sometimes a large, sometimes a small number of segments undergo concrescence. This, too, is on the whole a cause of differentiation of the organism, as the body consists in consequence of some independent and of some fused metameres. Finally, metamerism may altogether disappear, and the presence of separate organs alone indicate, and that often obscurely, the phenomenon which obtained in the primitive state. Every stage in metamerism is therefore a source of variation in the external and internal organisation of the organism, HOMOLOGIES. 63 Comparison of Organs. § 53. The variations in- organisation among the various larger and smaller divisions of the Animal Kingdom are such as to lead us, at first sight, to perceive the points of difference rather than those of agreement. And this is more marked in proportion to the diver- gence between the particular divisions compared. It is, however, the business of Comparative Anatomy to follow out the changes in the organisation, and to discover what is “similar’’ in the changed and metamorphosed forms, however deeply hid it may be. An organ may be “similar” to another in one of two ways. Hither in its functional relations, that is from a physiological point of view ; or in its genetic and therefore anatomical relations, that is from a morphological point of view. These two relations of an organ must be kept well apart. The change of function in one and the same organ, as well as the similarity in arrangement of organs which are morphologically very different, compels us to ascribe a subordinate value to physiological relations, when we are comparing organs. The gills of a Fish, of a Crab, and of a Cephalopod, are organs of respiration, and have many structural points in common ; yet they are very different organs morphologically, as the relations of each of the three to the whole organism shows. By insisting on similarity of function, we bring together organs which are morpho- logically different, and so turn aside from the object of Comparative Anatomy. We distinguish, accordingly, physiological likeness, or Analogy, from morphological likeness, or Homology, and only consider the proof of the latter as our task. The smaller the division to which the objects of comparison belong, the more obvious is the homology. Homology therefore corresponds to the hypothetical genetic relationship. In the more or the less clear homology, we have the expression of the more or less intimate degree of relationship. Blood-relationship becomes dubious exactly in proportion as the proof of homologies is uncertain. It is impossible therefore to say exactly how far homology extends throughout the Animal Kingdom. As a matter of fact, numerous investigations have discovered a larger number of homologous arrangements even in otherwise divergent groups, and have thereby extended the boundaries of homology further than was formerly thought possible. In consequence of the existence of various possible modes of morphological agreement, homology is divided into two primary eroups: General and Special Homology. 64 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. § 54. I. General Homology is under consideration when an organ is referred to a category of organs, or when a single organ com- pared with another is taken merely as the representative of such a category. These categories always consist of several organs or parts present in the body. When we compare the body-segments of an Annelid, the vertebra, or the appendages of an animal with one another, we lay the foundations of general homology. This again consists of several subdivisions, according to the kind of category which is made use of in the comparison. 1) Homotypy has reference to organs which are fellows to one another, such as the organs of the two sides of the body; the right kidney is homotypical with the left, and the right eye with the left eye, and soon. Whilst these examples may not show the necessity for the formation of this division, it should be noticed in addition that homctypical organs have not always the same characters. They are often so changed that their homotypy cannot be recognised, and has to be worked out. 2) Homodynamy (equivalent to the general homology of Owen, and partly also to his serial homology) subsists between parts of the body which are affected by a general morphological phzeno- menon serially expressed in the organism. Homodynamy is dis- tinguished from the next subdivision by the fact that the parts in question are arranged along the long axis of the organism and define its type. The metameres therefore are homodynamous parts ; as are the segments of the Arthropoda, the primitive vertebree of the Vertebrates, etc. 3) Homonomy. This describes the relation to one another of those parts which are arranged along a transverse axis of the body, or in one segment only of its long axis. The rays of the pectoral and pelvic fins of fishes, the individual fingers and toes of the higher Vertebrata are homonomous structures. Besides these there are other subdivisions of general homology distinguishable, which are however of very subordinate importance. § 55. II. Special Homology, Homology in the restricted sense. This is the name we give to the relations which obtain between two organs which have had a common origin, and which accordingly have also a common embryonic history. As exact proofs of genetic relations are necessary for the investigation of special homologies, this mode of comparison is generally limited in the lower divisions of the Animal Kingdom to systems of organs ; it is only in the Vertebrata that it is possible to extend this method to more minute features. Thus among the Vermes or the Mollusca we can hardly indicate, with any certainty, particular parts of HOMOLOGLIES. 65 the alimentary canal as homologous; while in the Vertebrata we can confidently assert that even such unimportant structures as the ceca of the intestine from the Amphibia onwards are homo- logous. The homologies of the parts of the skeleton, which are the organs that have been investigated with the greatest exactness, are those which can be most definitely recognised. It is a large part of the main task of Comparative Anatomy to prove special homo- logies. Be vecial homology must be again separated into subdivisions, according as the organs dealt with are essentially unchanged in their morphological characters, or are altered by the addition or remoyal of parts. I therefore distinguish— 1) Complete Homology, when the organ referred to is unchanged in position and connection, and is still perfect however much modified in form, size, and various other points. This kind of homology is generally found within the limits of small divisions, less often in larger ones. For example, the bones of the upper arm from the Amphibia to the Mammalia, the heart of the Amphibia and Reptilia, etc., exhibit complete homology. 2) Incomplete Homology. This consists herein, that an organ which is otherwise completely homologous with another, has other parts which are wanting in the latter added to it, or conversely, when an organ is wanting in some essential part in comparison with another organ. The heart of the Vertebrata may serve as an example. The organ is homologous throughout the division from the Cyclostomi onwards, but the homology is incomplete; for in Fishes a part, the venous sinus, which in the higher divisions is taken into the heart, and which in the Mammalia is absorbed into the right auricle, lies outside the heart. The homology between the heart of the Fish and of the Mammal is consequently incomplete owing to addition. In another case it may be incomplete owing to diminution. The reverse of the previous case may serve as an example, were it allowable to regard the heart of the fish as a reduced one. An example is presented by the pectoral fins of fishes. The skeleton of this organ in the Ganoidei or Teleostei is, owing to reduction, incompletely homologous with that of the Selachi. Parts have in this case disappeared which did primitively belong to the organ, just as in the former case parts, which although they were primitively present did not belong to the organ, were added to it. Systematic Classification of the Animal Kingdom. § 56. In the general organisation of every animal we recognise a number of arrangements which it has in common with a greater or less number of other animals. ' These relations are partly of a more EF 66 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. general nature, affecting the position or arrangement of the most important systems of organs, and partly they affect the special development of individual organs; they extend to agreement in form, size, and number. The classifying spirit of man has formed definite conceptions of these relations of organisms to one another. All those individuals which agree in essential points he has called a species, and has united into a genus those species which resemble one another in a number of points; these again he has united mto larger divisions, families, orders, and classes. Thus arose the zoological system, which, in so far as it unites what agree, and separates what differ, has come to be the expression of our general knowledge of the Animal Kingdom. In this way the whole Animal Kingdom can be broken up into several large divisions, each of which differs from the rest by a number of special characteristics. The essential character may be recognised in all the subdivisions, and even under great individual variations. This has been called the “type.’ The type then means a collection of characteristics which are expressed in the organism, and which are predominant in a large division of the Animal Kingdom, and which are evident in the course of develop- ment as well as in the adult condition. Such larger divisions which differ from others in certain fundamental points of organisation are themselves called “‘ types.” Within each type we note a variation in the characters of the divisions which make it up, and this often to such an extent that what is characteristic of the type appears to be lost in some forms. In this case it is always individual development which enables us - to recognise the connection of these forms with the “ type.” If we admit that similarity of organisation in different individuals is explicable by the fact that they have a common ancestor, and that therefore these similarities are due to affinity, we must regard less close similarities as due to a less close relationship. We therefore ~ regard the individuals which belong to one species as more closely allied than are the representatives of different species, and within the limits of one species we shall again derive from common ancestors those individuals which are distinguished by special characters, and which we unite into a sub-species. No one has any hesitation in recognising within the limits of small groups of individuals the pheenomenon of the continuation of the peculiarities of a given organism into other individuals by means of transmission; indeed it is often possible to perceive, by direct ob- servation, that descendants are like their ancestors. By extending this conception of affinity to a wider circle, and regarding what is common in organisation as due to a common descent, and what is divergent as due to adaptations, we take our stand on the theory of Descent (cf. §§ 4 and 5). We consequently regard the large divisions known as “types,” as phyla, or leading branches of the genealogical tree, and by so doing point to the cause which has determined their existence. CLASSIFICATION. 67 Within one phylum a form of animal organisation is evolved along the most varied lines, which gradually lead from the simple to the more complex, and from the lower to the higher. The categories which we distinguish as species, genera, families, orders, and classes are due to continued differentiation. These subdivisions correspond to the ramifications of the branch, and in them the divergence of character is expressed. The differences between the classes, orders, and so on, are so great that they do not seem to have any connecting links at all, but we must take into consideration the fact that in living forms we have before us only the final offshoots of developmental series of organisms, which have been ramified in very various ways, and which lived in earlier and often very far-distant periods, and which have gradually disappeared. The paleontological record proves this partly, though it may be but very slightly. In the strata of the earth remnants of forms which have disappeared, and which were the predecessors, and, in fact, the direct ancestors, of later living organisms, are preserved. Inasmuch as the living forms are but a small portion of the whole world of organisms, which has existed in the course of geological periods of development, we cannot expect that far-distant connections should be always evident, the inter- mediate steps determinable, and the genealogical connection made clear and indubitable. It is necessary to try and put the whole together out of fragments and to find lost traces of continuity. The most important part of the business of Comparative Anatomy is to find indications of genetic connection in the organisation of the Animal body. Following out this conception we have to represent to ourselves a developmental series of organisms arising in each phylum from a primitive form, which has been, during geological development, differentiated into many branches and twigs, most of which have disappeared at different periods, while some, greatly changed though they may have been, have lived on until to-day. The general character which has remained in these various stages of differentiation, and has been transmitted, with modifications, from the stem-form, is what is typical in the organisation. § 57. It is not always possible to prove, to the same extent, in all of the large divisions which are regarded as types, the common ancestry of the forms which belong to it. It is im fact very probable that several divisions have had a polyphyletic origin, in which case the organisms which belong to them must be united together for reasons other than genealogical. Such divisions cannot be regarded as phyla. We meet with such relations in the lowest forms, in the ‘boundary-territory between Animals and Plants. It is difficult to find a boundary line, for there are organisms which seem to belong to one as much as to the other Kingdom according to the phenomena F 2 68 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. to which they give rise. The idea of a boundary line presupposes a rigidly-defined conception of Animal and Plant. The characteristic of the animal organism may be taken to be that differentiation affects the whole organism. This differentiation consists in its division into two layers, which have been already (§ 28) called ectoderm and endo- derm, and from which the germinal layers of the higher divisions are derived. But the exclusion of all the lower organisms, which do not undergo this division from the Animal Kingdom, would put out of our scope many phenomena which are of great importance, if we would understand animal organisation. Although it might be best to regard this world of lower and very varied organisms as a special Kingdom placed between the Animal and the Vegetable, and containing the beginnings of both, that of the Protista, yet we, as our work embraces the connections between animals and these lowest organisms, must enter into a consideration of them. We therefore unite a number of those divisions of the Protista, which are more nearly related to animals than plants, as the Protozoa. As their genetic relations to one another are altogether unknown, the division which is formed by these organisms cannot be regarded as a “phylum.” Nor is there a type common to them all. We there- fore regard them as lower organisms, which are the nearest of the Protista to Animals, and we must compare them, not with the separate divisions of the higher animal organism, but with them all together. This compels us to unite the latter into a single group, which has been called the Metazoa. The Protozoa and Metazoa are not so very sharply marked off from one another. Nota few of the Protozoa are known to be composed of a number of cells. It is the arrangement of cells in layers of definite physiological value which characterises the metazoic organism. This seems to take place very gradually, and at first the layers are incomplete. We find representatives of this im the parasitic Dicyemidee, which live in the so-called veinous appendages of the Cephalopoda, and deserve to be specially mentioned. A germinal cell gives rise to a number of cells by division, among which a single large cell becomes surrounded by a number of smaller cells, which form a continuous layer. The central cell represents the endo- derm, and is covered by the peripheral layer, which represents the ectoderm at all but one small spot. (Fig. 19.) The endo- Vig.19. Fig. 20. Vermi- dermal cell elongates considerably, and Seuae ee ae its protoplasm becomes differentiated in Dicyema (after E. van Various ways. It forms the groundwork typus. Beneden). of the elongated body, and remains covered by the ectodermal cells, which also grow, without however multiplying very much; these give off fine cilia, and form the protective and locomotor organs of the body, while THE DICYEMIDZ:. 69 the endodermal cell in the axis of the body becomes an organ of nutrition, and takes on the function of repro- duction, for the germs of young forms are found in it of two different types. The organism of Dicyema is thus seen to be two-layered, and the two layers have different functions; the inner one is morphologically least differentiated, for it consists of a single cell. Tt is not quite certain whether this corresponds to a primitive condition or no, for the parasitic life of the Dicyemide may have been the cause of the reduction of a multicellular endoderm. But their development is quite easy to make out, and in it there is never more than one endodermal cell, so that the fact becomes more significant. Just as among the Protozoa the multicellular forms are allied by intermediate steps to the unicellular, from which they have been developed, so among the Metazoa does Dicyema exhibit to us the commencement of the separation of the body into cell-layers, and although the arrangement is not as perfect as it is in the rest, yet it is in the same direction as that which in them arrives at full expression. Van BENEDEN, ED., Recherches sur les Dicyemid. Bull. Acad. Belg. xli., xlii., 1876. § 58. __ Passing over the Dicyemide, I recognise the following divisions of the Metazoa: . Coelenterata, . Vermes. . Echinoderma., Arthropoda. . Brachiopoda. Mollusca. . Tunicata. . Vertebrata. CO NT > OTE C9 pO Fig. 21. Vermiform embryo of Dicyema typus. 7 Nucleus of the endodermal cell (after H. van Bene- den). These divisions represent in a general way separate branches of the pedigree of animals, and each of them contains higher and lower forms in various proportion. But the degree and extent to which their organisation is developed is different in each of them. The divergence of organisation expressed in each division is indicated by their relations to one another, and it shows us how the lower forms of the higher phyla may have started from the lower phyla. These 70 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. large divisions are therefore arranged in genealogical connection. The extent to which each division is separated from its fellows varies in each case. The relation of the various large divisions to one another is seen in the subjoined tree. Vertebrata Mollusca | Arthropoda | | Tunicata Brachiopoda Echinodermata \ eV = } Vermes Coelenterata BSS | ee ean ee | Protozoa The more exact limitation of the separate divisions, as well as the reasons for the genealogical relations here merely indicated, will be found in the special chapters. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 71 Bibliographical Aids in Comparative Anatomy. § 59. The principal work which is to be recommended as a scientific guide to the whole of Morphology, and especially to the questions which I have, in the foregoing paragraphs, treated very concisely, and which should be care- fully studied, is: Hicxet, E., Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. Allgemeine Grundziige der Formenwissen- schaft, mechanisch begriindet durch die von Cx, Darwin reformirte Descendenztheorie. 2 Bde, Berlin, 1866, The following books also treat of Morphology philosophically: Lrucxirt, R., Die Morphologie und die Verwandtschaftsverhiltnisse der wirbellosen Thiere, Braunschweig, 1848. Carts, V., System der thierischen Morphologie. 1853. Bronn, Morphologische Studien iiber die Gestaltungsgesetze der Naturkérper, Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1858, a, Comprehensive Works on the whole subject of Comparative Anatomy : Cuvrer, G., Lecons d’anatomie comparée recueillies et publiées par Dumférin et DuvERNoy. 5 vols. Paris, 1798-1805, — Lecons, etc., recueillies et publiées par Dumérin. Seconde édition. 8 vols. Paris, 1835-46, Mecxet, J. F., System der vergleich. Anatomie. 6 Bde. Halle, 1821-33 (incomplete—sexual organs wanting). Mityr-Epwarps, H., Lecons sur la physiologie et l’anatomie comparée de l’homme et des animaux, T, I—X. Paris, 1857-76, Unfinished, Leypie, F., Vom Ban des thierischen Kérpers. I, Band. 1 Hilfte. Ttibingen, 1864, b. Text-books and Manuals of Comparative Anatomy : Carus, C. G., Lehrbuch der Zootomie. Leipzig, 1818. Second edition, under the title of Lehrbuch der verg]l. Zootomie. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1834. Waener, R., Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1834. New edition, under the title of Lehrbuch der Zootomie. 2 Bde. Leipzig,1843-48. (The second volume, containing the Anatomy of the Invertebrata, is by H. Frey and R, Levucgarrt.) VY. Sresoip and Srannivs, Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1845. Second edition under the title of Lehrbuch der Zootomie. Band I. Heft 1-2, containing the Anatomy of Fishes and Amphibia, is all that has as yet appeared. It will be continued. Een, Ces and LrevcKart, R., Anatomisch-physiologische Uebersicht des Thierreiches. Stutt- gart, 1852. Scumipt, O., Handbuch der vergl. Anatomie. 7¢ Auflage. Jena, 1876. Owen, R., Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the Invertebrate Animals, Second edition. London, 1855.—Of the Vertebrate Animals. Pt. I. Fishes. London, 1846. Jonrs, Rymer, General Outline of the Organisation of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. Fourth edition. London, 1871. Hartine, P., Leerboek van de Grondbeginselen der Dierkunde in haren geheelen Omvang. Deel I—IIl. Tiel, 1864-74 (deals also with Comparative Anatomy). Sr, eine os Lessons in Elementary Anatomy. London, 1873. (Introduction to human anatomy. c. Figures of the Structure of Animals: ee ae and Orto, Erliuterungstafeln zur vergleichenden Anatomie, 8 Hefte. Leipzig Waaener, R., Icones zootomice, Handatlas zur vergl. Anatomie, Leipzig, 1841, Scuuripz, O., Handatlas der vergl. Anatomie, Jena, 1852. Carvs, V., Icones zootomice. Leipzig, 1857. First half (Invertebrata). Lrrvia, F,, Tafeln zur yergl, Anatomie, Erstes Heft, Tiibingen, 1864, 72 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. d. Comparative Histology : Lrynia, F., Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen und der Thiere, Frankfort, 1857. e. Ontogeny: Foster, M., and Batrovr, T, M., The Elements of Embryology. Part I. Macmillan and Co, London, 1874. K6rirxer, A., Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen u. der héheren Thiere, 2¢ Auflage. 1 Hiilfte. Leipzig, 1876. In addition to these works, numerous monographs, treatises and essays, contained in the transactions of academies, and other learned societies, or Journals of Natural History, Zoology, and Anatomy, should be consulted. [The English student should consult especially the ‘Journal of Anatomy” (Macmillan), dating from 1867, and the “Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science ” (Churchill), dating from 1853,—E, R. L.] SPECIAL PART. PROTOZOA. Hirst Section. Protozoa. General Review of the Group. § 60. I rEcKON among these certain divisions of those organisms which, owing to the simplicity of their organisation, are examples of the lowest grades of lying forms. The most essential character appears to be the absence of organs differentiated for the most im- portant functions. The imperfect limitation of this division is due to this negative character ; in it, nothing that is “typical”? of all its members, either in the relation of the body to its morphological elements, or in its organisation, can be made out. The want of any histological differentiation is a reason for considering the organisms enumerated in this group, in company with others, which we are wont to regard as lowly plants, as forms of life which stand between the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. It is on this consideration that the plan of uniting all the lower organisms which cannot be regarded as Animals or Plants into the Kingdom of the Protista is based. If we recognise this conception, it appears unnecessary to form a division of the “ Protozoa.” But the knowledge of the stages of organisation, which obtain in the Protista, are of such high value for the compre- hension of animal organisms, that to pass them over completely would not be in accordance with the aim of this book. I have, therefore, retained in this place the division of the Protozoa, and place in it a number of forms which, by the simple conditions of their organisation, and by the low grade of their differentiation, are well adapted for giving an idea of the group. First of all I exclude from it those forms which have not a nucleus, that is, which do not pass beyond the cytod stage. The development of a nucleus in the otherwise simple protoplasmic body 76 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. of the organism is, when compared with the cytod stage, the ex- pression of a considerable advance, and prevents us from uniting the forms that do possess it with those that do not, whatever other points of agreement there may be in their protoplasm; even though it is quite clear that in these cytod forms (Monera) we have the beginnings of the higher stages. These beginnings vary greatly, correspond to separate divisions of more developed forms, and make it probable that the latter have had a polyphyletic origin. Of the groups of the Protista I regard the Rhizopoda, Gre- garine, and Infusoria as Protozoa. There is no permanent limitation of the protoplasmic body in the Rhizopoda; their protoplasm sends out varying processes. The lowest division is that of the Amcebide, the organism of which is of the grade of a cell. The body is formed by protoplasm and a nucleus; it is ordinarily naked, but it can temporarily surround itself with a capsule, or the capsule may be a permanent covering, open at one or two points. The organism communicates with the outer world by this opening, and by it can extend itself over its shell. If there are several nuclei present the organism forms a syncytium. The Foraminifera form the second division. It is very probable that they all have a nucleus; and these organisms, therefore, are also similar to a cell. But the formation of a covering, provided with numerous pores, and often considerably complicated, is an indication of a tendency to higher development. The Heliozoa form a small group more nearly allied to the next division. The Radiolaria, finally, are distinguished from all other Rhizopoda by the possession of a “central capsule” within the body. The central capsule contains a number of nuclear structures; these, indeed, render the Radiolaria similar to cells, but their body cannot be re- garded as a cell. Another course of differentiation seems to have affected them. Further, in some the entire capsular protoplasm contains separate cells, which are regarded by many as structures not belonging to the organism (yellow cells). The development of various kinds of supporting organs gives a peculiar character to the Radiolaria. We can make out a large number of axes in the body, by the aid of these skeletons. The second division of Protozoa is formed by the Gregarine. An outer limiting portion surrounding the nucleus, that is a body of the grade of a cell, is wanting in the earliest stages only. They pass, therefore, through the Cytod-stage. - In the mature organism an envelope, differentiated from the protoplasm within, can be made out; and they give indications of higher differentiations of the subjacent layer of protoplasm. An anterior portion is in many separated by a constriction from the cylindrical or band-like body. The Infusoria form the third large division. I do not, as do many, include the Flagellata among them. The body, formed of protoplasm, has its external form defined by the differentiation of a cortical layer. his cortical layer surrounds the more indifferent protoplasm, which may in many cases be seen to be rotating, and so PROTOZOA. es calls to mind the streaming of the protoplasm in certain vegetable cells. A nucleus, which may be various in form, shows that the body of the Infusorian is equivalent to a cell. In some there are several nuclei. A higher degree of potentiality is expressed by the differentiation of various histological structures in the cortical layer. But this does not affect the character of the Infusoria as unicellular organisms, so long as they have only one nucleus, if we may suppose that the cell is no longer in its indifferent condition. In many forms there is a small nuclear structure, the nucleolus, in addition to the nucleus. The Infusoria are divided into the Suctoria (Acinita) and the Ciliata. The former have definitely arranged fine pro- cesses, capable of a small amount of movement, which serve in the ingestion of food. The Ciliata are distinguished by an invest- ment of cilia; and subdivisions are formed according to the way in which these cilia are distributed over the body. Bibliography. Rhizopoda: Aversicn, C., Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd, VII.—Dvsarp1n in Ann. se. I. I. 1V.— ScuuitzE, M., Ueber den Organismus der Polythalamien. Leipzig, 1854.—CarPENtTER, W., Researches on the Foraminifera. Phil. Tr. 1856, 1859.—The same, Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. London, 1862. (R.S.)—Huxtey, Tx. H., On Thalassicolla. Ann. nat. hist. 1851.—Mutxtrr, J., Abhandl. der Berliner Acad. 1858.—HAcket, E., Die Radiolarien. Eine Monographie. Berlin, 1862.—Scuutzz, F. E., Rhizopodenstudien. Arch. f. mikr. anat. Bd. X—XII. —Herrwie, R., Arch, f, mikr, anat. Bd, X. Suppl.—The same, Zur. Histolog. der Radiolarien. Leipzig, 1876. Gregarine: Srertn, Ueber die Natur der Gregarinen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phyl. 1848.—K6xxiixzr, Beitr. z. Kenntniss niederer Thiere. Zeits. f. Zool. I.—LresrrKtun, Hyolut. des Grégarines. Acad. Roy. de Belgique. Mém. des Soc. étrangéres. T. XXVI. Ed. van BenrpeEn, Rech. sur Vévolut. des Grégarines. Bull. de l’Acad, royale de Belgique. 2me Sér. T, XXXI. Sur la Struct. des Grég. Ibidem, T, XXXIII. Infusoria: Exrensene, C. G., Die Infusionsthiere als vollkommene Organismen. Leipzig, 1838.— Dusarpry, Hist. nat. des Infusoires. Paris, 1841.—Srrry, Fr., Die Infusionsthiere auf ihre Entwickelung untersucht. Leipzig, 1854.—The same, Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere. I. II. Leipzig, 1859-66.—CraparrpE, E., et LAcuMAnn, Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes. Genéve, 1858-61.—ENnGELMANN, TH. W., Zur Naturgeschichte der Infusionsthiere. Leipzig, Zeitschr. f. Zool. XI.—Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. I.—Hicxet, Z. Morphol. d. Infusor, Jen. Zeit- schrift VII.—Btrscutr, Archiy. f. mikr. Anat. [IX.—Zeitschr, f. w. Zool. XXVIII.—HeErtwie, R., Ueber Podophrya gemmipora. Morph. Jahrb, I, § 61. As the body of the lowest organisms is formed of contractile protoplasm, which changes continually in form, there is no definite boundary to the body, nor any kind of differentiated integument. We see the bodies of most of those Protista, which are not provided with an envelope, alter in contour, just like the indifferent cells of higher organisms; processes of the protoplasm are extended from different points at different times, and the rest of the body flows after them. Thus, as the body moves, there is always a change in its surface, so that a particle of its substance, which at one moment is found in the interior, may at another moment enter into the formation of a process. The processes, Pseudopodia, have some- 78 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. times the appearance of broad lobate prolongations (Fig. 22) separated from one another by shallow depressions ; sometimes they flow out as delicate, sometimes ‘as wedge-shaped, currents, which divide in all kinds of ways at their periphery, and so form ramified processes. These changes are always within definite limits of form in the various divisions, so that the form of the pseudopodia is the expression of the first differen- tiation of a definite morphological character of the protoplasm. The : pseudopodia characterise the Rhizo- Fig.22. An Amoeba figured at two oda, the superficial protoplasm of different moments during move- = : : : ment. n Nucleus. i Ingested food. which is able to emit them in every Some vacuoles may also be noted. form of this group (Fig. 23). Neigh- bouring pseudopodia can unite with one another at any point and in various numbers (Fig. 23, 2), or may even become connected in a retiform manner. This character of the protoplasm is not affected by in- ternal differentiation (skeletal organs, etc.). It is the expression of a stage in the lowest living material when it is not differentiated at its periphery. When the outer- most layer of the body is hardened, pseudopodia cannot be formed at every point. The chemico- physical changes in the peripheral parts e et fale vee lead to the formation Fig. 23. A Foraminifer (Rotalia) with extended of gomethine unlike pseudopodia, which pass through the pores of the 1 Si edioae ih t multiloculate shell. At «, several pseudopodia have ae € pro 1O- united together. plasm, whichretainsits indifferent character, and indeed still gives signs of its power of movement, but is restrained by the firmer cortical layer from any considerable exten- sion of itself. .This stage is found in the Gregarine; characters which obtain in many of the Amcebe exhibit intermediate steps towards it. A firm homogeneous membrane sometimes delicately striated, extends in these forms over the whole body, which is formed by a single cell. It passes directly into the soft protoplasm, and appears to be a cuticle differentiated from it. Like all cuticles, it PROTOZOA. 79 has no contractility; but it is extensible and elastic, and is thus able to follow the contractions and expansions of the protoplasm. In addition to this separation of the cuticular layer there is also, in the Gre- garine, a cortical layer separated off from the internal parts, which appears to be finer than the richly-granulated protoplasm ; this is also found in the Infusoria. § 62. With the separation of the body into an external cortical layer, and an internal par- enchymatous substance, further metamor- phoses of the cortical layer are connected. Of these the first that should be mentioned Fig. 24., Gregarinw from ware 3 : irs the enteric canal of Opatrum are the cilia which are widely distributed .atniosum ; a is the younger in the Infusoria. They appear to be direct _ stage, provided with a “pro- but actively motile prolongations of the in- Bosoi afore: Beare me tegument: if combined with a cuticle they ss ontion Of ihe hedy: pect traverse it. They either beset a limited part - lene of the body only, as the so-called oral open- ing, or they are extended over larger tracts, or over the whole body often, with great regularity. According to the definite distribution and arrangement of these cilia, the Infusoria have been subdivided into Holotricha, Hetero- tricha, Hypotricha, and Peritricha. It is clear that they are differ- entiations of the protoplasm, from what happens in some other groups of the Protista, where they form temporary structures only, and, like the pseudopodia, can be again withdrawn into the proto- plasm of the rest of the body. The flagella, as well as the undulating membranes, which are often formed in the region of the mouth of many Infusoria, are modifications of the cilia. The cilia appear sometimes to be modified in a peculiar way to form stiff processes, movable only at their point of attachment to the body (Stylonychia); sometimes, indeed, they are flattened and broadened. The cilia, as well as the style-shaped processes, serve as locomotor - organs, and show us that locomotion is connected with the integu- ment, just as it was connected with the temporary external layer of . the body, where pseudopodia were formed. Another structure observed in the cutis of many Infusoria (e.g. Paramecium), are firm rod-like bodies (Trichocysts), which, under certain influences, emit a fine stiff filament. These structures lie close to one another in the cortical layer, and in a direction per- pendicular to the long axis of the body. They call to mind the stinging cells of the Coelenterata, but they are not to be regarded as the same things, for they are not formed from cells, 80 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. § 63. In the cortical layer of the body of the Gregarine, and of many Infusoria, there are indications of bands, or fibres, resembling muscles. In the Gregarine these structures are arranged cir- cularly, or spirally, and form a layer just below the cuticle; it extends over a short part only of the “ head,’’ which, as a rule, is separated from the body by a constriction, but it never passes into the wall of partition which separates this part from the body. Among the Infusoria these contractile bands are principally known in the larger species of some genera (Spirostomum, Stentor, Prorodon, etc.). In others they are absent. They sometimes run spirally, sometimes longitudinally. They are also present in the Vorticellinee, where they form spiral coils towards that end of the body which passes into the stalk. It is clear that these structures do not form the sole contractile system of the body, for those Infusoria which do not possess them are capable of executing powerful contractions. But that they are really contractile is shown by Spirostomum, in which the contractions of the body are not effected along its long axis but in the direction of the striated band, which describes several spiral turns. The contractile band, which runs in the interior of the stalk of the Vorticelline, is a differ- entiation from the protoplasm of the same kind; in Zoothammium it branches with the colony, in Carchesium it exists separately in each individual of the colony. Although these structures in many points resemble muscular fibres, and are physiologically the same, they cannot- be compared with these histological elements from a morphological point of view, for neither cells nor the products of cells take any share in forming them. They are differentiations from the protoplasm of the organism, whilst in the tissues of the Metazoa they are formed by the differentiation of a whole lot of morphological elements. The whole contractile apparatus cor- responds therefore to a muscular system in function only. The separate bands or stripes are merely analogous to muscles (myophana). § 64. The function of supporting organs of the body is performed in the Protozoa by firm structures, which either traverse the soft substance of the body as a framework, or invest it in the form of shells and tests. The latter serve as organs of defence in proportion to their size and firmness. All the structures here to be enumerated are either directly or indirectly differentiations of the protoplasm, which are formed either on the surface or in the parenchyma of the body. The more completely these secretions cover the body in the form of tests, the more do they interfere with its freedom of movement, unless there are compensating arrangements. Shells and internal supports are widely distributed in all divisions of the lower PROTOZOA, 81 organisms; they vary greatly in complexity, and this complexity is sometimes in inverse proportion to that of the body. Simple shells, generally oval in form, and provided with an orifice, obtain in one division of the Amcebe (Difflugia, Arcella), The shell is sometimes soft ; but some- times it is more firm, and this firmness is increased by the addition of foreign bodies. They sometimes seem to be internal shells, owing to the extension of the protoplasm over them. The shells of the Foramini- fera are more complicated in form, owing to the for- mation of new parts around a simple rounded test,which Fig. 25. Transverse section of a Foraminifer then form separate cham- (Alveolina Quoii); the arrangement of the separate bers communicating with chambers in relation to one another can be seen one another by orifices, and (after W. Carpenter). with the exterior by pores (Figs. 25, 25). These many- Seliambared shells become very firm by the addition of chalk, or, though more rarely, of silica (Polymorphina Nonionina) ; owing to the variations in the relative position, size, and mode of connection of the chambers, these structures vie in wealth of form with the more lightly constructed internal supports of the Radiolaria. When the chambers are ranged along a straight line, rod-shaped shells, often swollen into beads, are formed; the separate portions of which, known as “ chambers,” may be all of the same size, or may increase in size from one end to the other (Nodosaride).