"TT^ y^^^t^ THE ENGLISH FLORA, BY SIR JAMES EDWARD SMITH, M.D. F.R.S. MEMBER OF THE ACADEMIES OF STOCKHOLM, UPSAL, TURIN, LISBON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, ETC. ETC. THE IMPERIAL ACAD. NATURE CURIOSORUM, AND THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT PARIS J HONORARY MEMBER OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON ; AND PRESIDENT OF THE LINNiEAN SOCIETY. Thus spring the living herbs, profusely wild, O'er all the deep green earth ; With such a liberal hand has Nature flung Their seeds abroad." Thomson. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, IIURST, REES, ORME, BROWN, and GREEN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1S24 ,$(=>Z PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, SHOE-LA N£, LONDON. TO SIR THOMAS GERY CULLUM, Bart., FELLOW OF THE ROYAL, ANTIQUARIAN, LINNiEAN, AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES, WHOSE KNOWLEDGE AND LOVE OF NATURAL SCIENCE ENTITLE HIM TO THE RESPECT OF ALL WHO FOLLOW THE SAME PURSUIT, THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED, IN GRATEFUL AND AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE, BY THE AUTHOR. a2 PREFACE. 1 HE title of Flora, first used by Linders and Rup- pius, early in tlie eighteenth century, to designate an account of the native plants of some particular country, has become popular in the Linnaean school of Botany, and is now universally adopted. Books bearing this title are almost innumerable, while their scope and their merits are equally various. Some are little more than catalogues of names ; others are elaborate histories of the vegetable productions of particular districts, more or less extensive; and many are illustrated with figures of the several species, or at least of those requiring particular elucidation. The utility of such publications has been much con- troverted ; but it depends, like that of other works, on the excellence of their plan and execution. A mere list of the plants of any country, if accurate and complete, has its appropriate value ; more espe- cially when it contains the discriminative charac- ters by which such plants may be ascertained. But a Flora may also be made a vehicle for the natural, medical, and economical history of a country, like the Flora Lapponica of Linnaeus ; though such ob- jects cannot with propriety enter into the plan of a Floy^a of any highly improved or well-known region. We now therefore expect, under this title, u work vi P 11 E F A C E. chiefly confined to botanical illustration and descrip- tion, with such remarks concerning the properties of any particular plants as may be new or important ; and possibly some philosophical views arising from the nature of the subject, tending to the general elucidation of botanical science. Such only are the pretensions of this English Flora, the particular aim and design of which, with respect to practical use, will hereafter be explained. Before the author enters on this explanation, he proposes to take a general view of the works which have been published on the Botany of Great Britain ; in order that the student, who will meet with per- petual references to these books in the following pao*es, may previously become acquainted with them, and with the characters of their authors. He .may thus learn which of them may be dispensed with, in the prosecution of his own studies, and which are most likely to assist him, in any difficult or doubtful subject of inquiry. They will be noticed in a chronological order, to show the progress of Botany in this country, and how far each writer has been indebted to his predecessors. Some remarks of a similar nature, by the author of the present work, were laid before the Linnaean Society, five- and-twenty years ago, and are printed in the fourth volume of its Transactions. They were preparatory to the publication of his Latin Flora Brita^inica, and served as an introduction to a critical history of the genus Bromus, whose British species had previously been little understood. Phytologia Britannica, by William How, M.D., printed at London in 1G50, without the author's PREFACE. VU name, claims attention as the first general catalogue of our native plants. This is a duodecimo volume of 133 pages. The species are disposed alphabeti- cally, and amount to about 1250, including several exotic plants in general cultivation, with numerous varieties of such as are truly wild. The names of many are very erroneous, even among those most easily determined, and many are, doubtless, admit- ted on insufficient grounds. But, on the other hand, several rare and curious species are noticed, not without some entertaining and instructive remarks and anecdotes. The same author in 1655 edited Lobel's Illustrationes, a work not confined to British plants, and chiefly aimed at certain errors of Park- inson. Dr. How died in 1656, aged 37. His book was the foundation of the following. P'lnax Rerum Naturalium Britannicarum, by Christopher Merrett, M.D., an octavo of 223 pages, of which 165 are allotted to the Vegetable Kingdom, appeared in 1667. The number of plants mentioned in this work is not much greater than in the preced- ing ; for though several species or varieties are added, several are unaccountably omitted. Its plan and ar- rangement are the same. Ray, in one of his letters, calls this publication " Dr. Merrett's blundering Pinax ;" an expression which appears harsh, if we judge Merrett as an original author, because few naturalists, at the time he lived, could have been expected to succeed better in a first attempt. But when it is considered how much assistance he derived, not only from the above performance of Dr. How, but likewise from the local catalogues or Itineraries of Johnson, the Catalogue of Cambridge vm P R K F A c I-:. plants published in 1660 by Ray, as well as from various botanical friends, all which he very hand- somely acknowledges, we cannot but confess that his work mio;hthave been more abundant in matter, and more correct in execution. Dr. Merrett contri- buted little besides this publication to the advance- ment of natural history. He however became a Fellow of the Royal Society, when science was emi- nently requisite for the attainment of that honour, and died at the age of 81 in 1695. The above-mentioned works, whatever might be their value or their defects, were superseded in 1670 by the great Ray's Catalogus Plantarum Anglice et Insidarum adjacentium^ an octavo of 358 pages ; of which a second edition, of only 311 pages, though enriched with about 46 additional plants, and nu- merous observations, as well as with two, not very important, plates, appeared in 1677. The arrange- ment of this work is alphabetical ; but with respect to accuracy, and abundance of descriptive, critical and medical remarks, it has greatly the advantage of the performances of How and Merrett. A small Fasciculus of new-discovered British plants, consisting of 27 pages, and intended as a supplement to this Catalogue, was published by Ray in 1688. This was succeeded in 1690 by the first edition of the Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britamiicai^mn of the same author, in which the plants of Britain were first classed in scientific order, according to a system of his own ; an explanation of which he had already given to the world in 1682, in a small oc- tavo volume. P R K F A C E. IX A second edition of Ray's Synopsis, considerably enlarged, appeared in 1696, consisting of 346 pages. As this is the most accurate and most valuable work of its immortal author, the foundation of every sub- sequent English Flora, and scarcely equalled in any age or country for correctness of practical observa- tion, it cannot be too frequently studied by those who wish to trace the origin and progress of our in- digenous Botany ; to ascertain the aborigines of our Flora ; to become acquainted with the persons who first cultivated this department of science, in En- gland, and with the principal scenes which they have now rendered classical ; as well as with the manner in which their studies were conducted, in the closet or the field. It will be observed that nei- ther Ray nor any other writer, at this time, attempted uniformity of nomenclature, or any regular plan of definition. Each plant is mentioned under one or more descriptive appellations, taken from various books, being probably such as Ray himself judged most likely to give, collectively, a just idea of the species in question. Even Caspar Bauhin, who had published a universal synoptical work, as an in- dex to all the botanical knowledge then extant, is not quoted uniformly. His names are generally in- dicated, but they do not take the lead. New species are introduced under original definitions ; and in- deed there are few of the old ones which the author has not elucidated by some remark, wherever he found occasion. The pages, or figures, of preceding authors are not indicated by Ray. This was soon afterwards practised by Tournefort, and is now be- come indispensable. Ray appears to have examined X PREFACE. every plant he admitted into his Syjiopsis, and to have gathered most of them with his own hands. He studied and determined their synonyms, com- pared their descriptions, and, tracing their natural affinities and characters, by the parts of fructification as well as by the general habit, he disposed the whole in systematic order. He was rarely deceived in the observation of nature, and was only occasionally mis- led, by the imperfect figures or descriptions of pre- ceding writers. Above 100 species are added, in this edition, to the list of British plants. The third edition of Ray's Synopsis was published in 1724, nineteen years after his death, by the cele- brated Dillenius, a German botanist, brought into England by William Sherard, formerly British Con- sul at Smyrna, who by his will founded the Botani- cal Professorship at Oxford, and appointed Dille- nius the first Professor. The editor modestly de- clined prefixing his own name to this book, as being a foreigner. In a letter to Dr. Richardson, printed in the Linncean Coi^respondence* , vol. 2. 130, he ac- knowledges his obligations to that gentleman and to Consul Sherard, as having principally contributed to the perfection of this publication ; and in the work itself he every where commemorates those who have given him particular assistance, especially with regard to the native stations of the rarer species. Twenty-four plates, drawn and engraved by the editor, are added to this edition, which is the only * A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnatus, and other natu- raUsts, from the original manuscripts. By Sir J. E. Smith, M.D. F.R.S. P.L.S., in two volumes, octavo, London, 1821. P R E F A C K. XI one in general use, being always referred to by Lin- neeus, and quoted throughout by Hudson, and most subsequent writers upon British plants ; particularly in the Flora Britanuka and Efiglish Botany, as well as in every page of the present work. Dillenius has, very properly, distinguished all his own additions to the Synopsis, by marking his new species with an asterisk, and inclosing his remarks between brackets. This ought to be kept in mind, for the perfect un- derstanding of the work ; and yet \^ not unfre- quently find his observations, and even his figures, criticized, as coming from Ray. The changes made in the synonyms of this edition are unfortunately not marked ; and as they are often erroneous, those botanists who are studious of truth and precision must have recourse to the edition of 1696. Dille- nius has indeed added several plants on insufficient grounds, either as species or natives, some of them being under different denominations in the original work. Such mistakes, into which very able men may readily fall, have from time to time been cor- rected by following writers. The subject has now passed thrice under the inspection of the author of the present English Flora, not altogether surely without advantage, and yet certainly without being brought to perfection. The third edition of Ray's Synopsis was long the standard book of English botanists, and its nomen- clature, however imperfect, was in daily use. The system of this author, indeed, scarcely served for the technical examination of plants ; nor was it often adverted to by those who, from long habit, preferred his names to the more concise ont s of Linnaeus. Xll P R E F A C K. But this was far from beiiio- the case with unshackk^d inquirers ; and those who were led to the study of Botany by the facility of the Linnsean system, could not proceed far without perceiving the superior sim- plicity and accuracy of nomenclature, as well as of definition, which pervaded all the works of the same author. A small party of ingenious and learned men at Norwich, as recorded in the seventh volume of the Linnsean Society's Titans act ions, p. 295, in correspondence with Mr. Hudson and his able friend Stillingfleet, entered, with awakened zeal and im- proved principles, upon the cultivation of this an- cient field of natural science. Several naturalists of distinguished ability, in and about the metropolis, pursued the same path. Mr. Lee of Hammersmith, at the suggestion and with the assistance of the. ac- complished Lady Ann Monson, published, in 1760, his Introduction to Botany, in which the principles of the great Swedish teacher were first fully ex- plained to the English student. In the same year Dr. Hill put forth his Flo7^a Britanjiica, illustrated by a reimpression of the plates of Dillenius, and five additional ones of his own. The classification and generic characters of Linnaeus are here adopted, but not his system of nomenclature, nor, with any re- gularity, his specific definitions. The body of the work is the third edition of Ray's Synopsis, almost in its original form. We cannot help wondering that Hill did not take advantage of an inaugural disser- tation, published under the Presidency of Linnaeus at Upsal, in 1754, bearing the title of Floi^a Anglica, in which the plants of the Synopsis, with a reference to its pages, are disposed according to the system PREFACE. Xlll of Linnaeus, under the names of his Species Planta- rum, the obscure ones being thrown into an appen- dix. This dissertation, however incomplete, was the first Linnsean Flora of our country. It was doubtless consulted by Hudson, and his coadjutor Stillingfleet, in the far more perfect work of which I shall presently speak, and which became the uni- versal text-book of British botanists. Several attempts had been made, before the Lin- nsean system came into notice, to furnish the stu- dents of English plants with a systematic manual, in our native language ; and these, though now ob- solete, ought not to pass unnoticed. Professor Martyn the elder, in 1732, accommo- dated Tourneforf s History of plants growing about Paris, to the plants of Britain, in English, with many additions. Mr. John Wilson published at Newcastle, in 1744, a Synopsis of British plants in Mr. Ray's method. The authors of these performances were practical botanists, though their books rank but as compilations, and are now obsolete. Petiver illus- trated Ray's Synopsis with a set of seventy-two folio plates, having twelve figures in each, with English names. These, though rude, would have been highly valuable, had they, in every instance, been drawn from native specimens ; but being often copied from fo- reign books, whose figures, in several instances, were misapplied, even by Ray himself, the engravings of Petiver sometimes serve only to perpetuate error. They are however often cited with advantage when original, and will be found, in the sequel of this work, to throw light upon many a difficult question. The F^;'^ylw^//cv7,by Mr.Williamlludson, F.R.S., XIV PREFACE. an apothecary in Pan ton-street, Haymarket, pub- lished in 1762, marks the establishment of Linnsean principles of Botany in England, and their applica- tion to practical use. With this book in his hand, any one conversant with the Latin language, and with the first rudiments of systematic knowledge, might reduce a wild plant to its class, order, genus and species. By turning to the books indicated un- der each species, he would become acquainted with every thing relating to its characters, history, or properties, and might confirm his own determination of the plants, by the figures and descriptions of for- mer writers. This is the use of a systematic arrange- ment, and therefore the more clear and easy it is the better. Hudson's work became extremely popular, and rose in process of time to near twenty times its original price. A second edition appeared in 1778, in two volumes, with many additions, and various al- terations, especially among the Grasses, Mr. Hudson having pursued a train of experiments upon the dif- ferent species or varieties of this family by cultiva- tion. But his alterations are certainly not all for the better. His synonyms are often faulty, particularly those of foreign authors, from a practice, not thought reprehensible in his time, of transcribing them from other books, without examination. This is proved by various errors in the names or pages cited ; and Linngeus, in whom Hudson and others have chiefly confided, is more faulty in such matters than most writers; for he often left the transcription of his synonyms to his pupils, after having written his own names in the margins of the books to be quojed. The Rev. Mr. Lightfoot's Flora Scotica, in two PREFACE. XV volumes, written in English, with a few indifferent plates, was published the year before the second edi- tion of the Flora Anglica^ and is a useful companion to that work. But if Hudson be censurable for blindly copying synonyms, what shall we say of Lightfoot? He translated entire descriptions from foreign writers, without any indication of the sources from whence they were borrowed, and many of them are now known to belong to different plants from ours, so that the student is led into a labyrinth of error, from which he has no means of extricating himself, nor indeed of knowing when he is in the right path. The first edition of Hudson having become so very scarce, a Latin Flora AngUca, on a more compen- dious plan, was begun in 1774, by the present Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, Bart. But this work w^as sup- pressed on the appearance of the second edition, and goes no further than the genus Daucus, a few copies only having been distributed gratuitously by the highly estimable author amongst his friends. An English work translated from the full generic, and essential specific, characters of Linnaeus, as far as regards British plants, exclusive of Grasses, Trees, and all the Cri/ptogamia, except Ferns, was published at Kendal in 1775, by Mr. James Jenkinson. This might serve to initiate young beginners, ignorant of Latin, into the Linnsean mode of description. A far more complete and valuable work, in our native tongue, appeared in 1786, from the pen of the late William Withering, M.D., an eminent phy- sician at Birmingham, under the title of " A Botani- cal Arrangement of all the Vegetables naturally XVI PREFACE. growing in Great Britain/' Of this a second edition, greatly improved, came forth in 1787, consisting, like the former, of tw^o volumes. This edition is ren- dered peculiarly valuable by " a new set of references to figures," by Dr. Jonathan Stokes ; who performed, with great judgment and accuracy, the laborious task of examining almost every figure, throughout the whole botanical library, which was referrible to any British plant, and of disposing citations of the whole in order, according to their comparative ex- cellence. A third edition of Dr. Withering's work, greatly enlarged in its plan and execution, making four volumes, appeared in 1796. In this the classes with separated flowers, and the Gynandria^ are, ac- cording to the scheme of Thunberg and others, abo- lished ; an alteration which it would not become me to reject without giving my reasons, and these may be found in the Introduction to Botany^ which the reader will of course peruse before he applies the present work to practical use. This edition of Wither- ing, the last which its worthy author completed, is what I have always used, and the only one quoted in the ensuing pages. Two more editions with which I am not conversant, have been given to the world since his death. The work of Dr. Withering was the only book, at the time of its publication, which could effectually serve a mere English reader, in the present advanced state of botanical knowledge, for the determination of British Plants. Its language is liable to little exception. The references to figures have, in the third edition, been revised and corrected, but not I believe by their original author Dr. Stokes. Nume- P K E V A C K. XVI 1 rous places of growth, of the less common plants, have been added, and several new species intro- duced. I know but of one essential fault in the original plan of this work, and that is much lessened in the third edition, the compilation of descriptions from foreign authors, which do not always belong to our plants. Nevertheless, as Dr. Withering in- variably mentions the sources from whence he has borrowed, no reader can necessarily be misled. An English book, to the language of which I have always been partial, is the " Outlines of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Berk- enhout, M.D.," published in 1770, in three volumes, the second comprehending the Vegetable Kingdom. It is without synonyms, but the short characters are clear and expressive. This work, however, is super- seded by Withering s. A second edition, under the title of a Synopsis, in two volumes, appeared in 1789. It is scarcely necessary to mention Stephen Rob- son's British Flora, printed at York in 1777,with three plates ; the Enchiridion Botaniciim, a concise Latin work of a similar aim, published by Arthur Brough- ton, M.D., at London in 1782; or the " Plates of the Indigenous Plants of Great Britain," chiefly outlines and many of them diminished, given to the publick, at a very cheap rate, by Mr. John Walcot of Bath in 1778. The last publication was discon- tinued after tab. 168, and the two former have never been very popular. A great work, illustrative of British plants, but, as Mr. Dryander has observed, " more splendid than useful," in twelve quarto volumes, with numerous VOL. I. b XVIU P R E F A C E. coloured plates, was printed, I know not precisely at wdiat period, by John Earl of Bute, a nobleman greatly devoted to botanical studies, some of whose letters to the late Mr. Peter CoUinson may be seen in the " Linnaean Correspondence" above mentioned, vol. i. 26 — 36. His Lordship's book being intended for the use of his particular friends only, chiefly ladies, no more than twelve copies were printed, and it therefore can hardly be thought a just subject of criticism. Apelles remarked that an ordinary artist could more readily paint Helen rich than handsome ; so it is easier to make a rare book than a good one. Various partial, or local. Floras have at different times appeared in Britain, from the first promulga- tion of the Linnaean system to the present day. These it is not necessary to particularize here. They will be occasionally referred to in the body of the work, and their titles are given in the List of Authors at the end of this Preface. One great national work however, by its title of Flora Londinensis limited to the neighbourhood of the metropolis, must nevertheless here be noticed; for though not yet completed, it has admitted the vegetable productions of several remote parts of Britain. Its author, the late Mr. William Curtis, has been extensively known by his popular and very useful Botanical Magazine. But the Flora Londinensis y a work of great practical observation and experience, ranks, as I have elsewhere ob- served'^, " independent of its excellent figures, next * Tr. of Linn. Soc. vol. iv. ^280. P R V. r A C K. XIX to Ray's Synopsis, in original merit and authority upon English plants." It is now continued, with great ability, by Professor Hooker of Glasgow. In the year 1790 the late Mr. James Sowerby, an eminent botanical drauo-htsman and a faithful ob- server of nature, requested my assistance in publish- ing coloured figures of British plants. I readily undertook the letter-press of this work, and it came out in monthly numbers, under the title of English Botani/. My name at first did not appear; but findino^ the book a fit vehicle for orio^inal informa- tion and criticism, I publickly acknowledged it by a preface to the fourth volume in 1 795, and the title- page of every succeeding volume declares its real author. This publication, from which the Fungi are excluded, has now extended to 36 volumes, and has been closed, for the present, by general indexes to the whole. It approaches nearer to a complete set of figures of the native plants, than ever appeared in this or any country. The plates amount to 2592, and it is but just to the memory of the excellent and lamented artist, to say, that they are, on the wdiole, the most expressive and accurate of their kind. In the account of each species, besides corrected cha- racters, synonyms and descriptions, I have frequently introduced whatever might recommend the study of plants, diffuse a charm over the more dry and techni- cal parts of the subject, improve our scientific lan- guage, or direct the contemplative mind to more important and exalted views of its Creator's works. The English Botany has had an extensive sale, and I trust it has very widely promoted a love of plants, and a taste for correct and scientific botany. Some- b2 XX PREFACE. times I have doubted whether these ends have been so fully answered as its partial author might expect ; and whether the great facility with which a trivial and superficial knowledge of plants is now gained, by turning over books of coloured figures, may not be injurious to true science. The flippancy with which every body quotes '^ Sowerby," whom they know merely as the delineator of these plates, without ad- verting to the information of the work, or the name of its author, leads me to the mortifying conclusion, that all I have done is of little avail, except to the pene- trating eyes of the scientific few, who stand less in need of such assistance. But with their approbation I am conscious I ought to be content. The acquisition of the Linnsean herbarium soon discovered to the botanists of England that many of our native plants had hitherto been mistaken, and that the nomenclature of our whole Flora stood in need of revision. Hence I was led to undertake a Latin Flo7^a Britannica, of which two volumes were published in 1800, and a third in 1804. This last concludes with the Musci, the rest of the crypto- gamic orders remaining as yet unfinished. The chief merit to which this work aspires is originality. The author has examined every thing for himself, copying nothing without investigation. Every ge- neric and specific character has been scrutinized, and, where necessary, corrected ; and the descrip- tions are all made from wild British specimens. Any borrowed fact or information is invariably ac- knowledged. The Flora Brifminica has been fa- vourably received, both at hom ^ and abroad. It was reprinted, word for word, by Dr. Romer at PREFACE. XXI Zurich, and a great German critic has been pleased to reckon it inferior only to the Flora Germanica of Schrader. The author cannot but wish so hiofh a compliment were better deserved. The Compen- dium FlorcE Britannicct is an epitome of this work, containing the specific characters entire, with a few additional remarks. This has been reprinted, and accommodated to the German Flora, by Professor Hoffmann, at Gottingen ; and the late Mr. Galpine published an English translation, at Salisbury, in 1806. Dr. Hull of Manchester has furnished the Eno-Hsh student with a British Flora in his native language, of which there are two editions. Notwithstanding all these publications upon Bri- tish Plants, the want of a more complete and au- thentic work in English, unexceptionable in phra- seology, has been generally felt and acknowledged ; insomuch that various applications have, from time to time, been made to me, for permission to translate the Flora Britajinica, or to compile an English work from that and the English Botany ; for it has been observed by some persons that " a British Flora can in future be no more than a compilation.'' Such projects, and such views of the subject, made me sensible of the necessity of my undertaking an English Flora ; and since this intention has been announced, the calls for its accomplishment have multiplied, so that I find myself under an obligation to make, at least, a beginning, by publishing two vo- lumes in the first place, and proceeding immediately with the remainder. Having now, for more than thirty years, had the XXU P R E F A C K. botany of my native country perpetually under con- sideration in the progress of the EyigUsh Botany and Flora Britannka; and this same subject having en- gaged the attention of numerous coadjutors, espe- cially among those members of the Linnsean Society who have contributed to enrich its Transactions ; I am aware of so great a progress in our general stock of knowledge, that a Flora of Britain, far from being necessarily a compilation, or a translation, must now be a new and original work. The books just men- tioned may, indeed, form the basis of such an un- dertaking ; but the science of Botany, through their means, has been progressive in an eminent degree, for twenty years past, and the accession of new-disco- vered species will be found no less considerable in that space of time, than the elucidation of those pxe- viously known. Two natural orders of plants in parti- cular occur, in the present volumes, under entirely new points of view; the Linnsean Calamarice, chiefly comprehended in the Triandria Monogynia, and the Umbellatce in Pentanchia Digynia. The genera of the former had never been well defined, till Mr. Brown, in his Prodromus of the Flora of New Hol- land, undertook this difficult task. His labours have generally been my guide, and I have ventured to dif- fer from this great botanist chiefly in one particular. He admits, as an essential generic distinction, the absence or presence of certain bristles under the seed in the Calamarice. The observation of nature, in several instances, but especially in Sc'irpus cari- cinus and rufus, pp. 58, 59, has taught me, beyond a doubt, that such bristles ought to have no place in the generic characters, though they here distin= P R E F A C E. XXlll guish two very difficult species. I have also been obliged to correct a few mistakes of my learned friend Dr. Scbrader, and of other distinguished writers, concerning these plants, and their near allies the Grasses ; all which I submit, with due deference, to the reconsideration of the parties con- cerned. In the order of Umbellatce considerable indulgence may be requisite, as my performance is almost entirely novel. No reason has been given for taking the injiorescence and bracteas into consi- deration, for defining the genera of this tribe, ex- cept the supposed necessity of such a measure. Se- veral botanists have blamed Linnseus for this dere- liction of his own principles, and have run into a contrary error, by fixing on the seeds alone for ge- neric characters. The able Professor Sprengel has had recourse to the seeds^ but he still adverts to the bracteas. Professor Hoffmann has adhered to the old principles, with many minute details. By a full investigation of all the organs of fructifica- tion, and by distinguishing the tumid bases of the styles from the floral recej)tacle, things hitherto confounded, I have characterized the Umbelliferous plants like the rest, by the parts of the flower and fruit alone. In doing this I have kept the exotic species in view, of which the Linnsean collection, and those of many botanists of Switzerland, with the Greek herbarium of my lamented friend Pro- fessor Sibthorp, have furnished me with almost all that are known. The principles I have adopted prove amply sufficient, being no other than those by w^hich Linnseus was on the whole so successful, though he deserted them in the arrangement of the XXIV PREFACE. tribe in question. But what affords me most satis- faction is, that I am thus enabled to keep entire al- most all his own genera. He had in reality founded them by that penetrating insight into natural genera, for which he was so eminent ; but he was always labouring, according to his ideas derived from the umbels, and involucrums as he called the hracteas, to make " the genus give a character," and this labour was often in vain. Parts that vary in the same individual species, and differ in those most closely related, can obviously never prove a safe foundation for generic distinctions. Yet prepossession often stands in the way of truth. It appears from the letters of Cusson, who devoted all his time to the study of this tribe, that he just began, towards the end of his labours, to think the Jioral receptacle, meaning principally the bases of the styles, had not been sufficiently attended to; but he had not reso- lution to begin his task anew. If what I have done should excite the attention of competent judges, I hope succeeding botanists will improve upon this attempt ; for all who have looked at Umbelliferous plants, must be aware of the necessity of their better definition. When studied upon fixed principles, they will be found well worthy of attention, and not ss instructive or curious than more gaudy flowers. I must now particularly explain what I have had in view in the general plan and execution of the following work. The reader is requested to consider that the first object of this English Flora is botanical discrimina- tion ; by which I mean, not only the furnishing English readers with means for the easy and accu- PREFACE. XXV rate determination of our species of native plants, but also to inculcate and exemplify principles ca- pable of more extensive application. I wish to lead young botanists to the study of genera and species, with their true grounds of distinction and definition. Those who may take the trouble accurately to follow me, will find I have given my whole attention to these objects. I have also, for the first time in a general British Flora, introduced the Natural Orders of our plants, and have under each genus subjoined a compendious view of its natural habit, characters and qualities, after the manner first attempted by Gouan, and carried to perfection in the Sy sterna of DeCandoUe, a prodigy of knowledge and labour, and the greatest work of practical Botany that this age, or perhaps any other, has produced. But I have offered no natural arrangement of the British plants. A Flora can aflford but a broken and partial view of a Natural System, nor can such a system answer the first purpose of a Flora, which is to en- able unpractised students to investigate and deter- mine unknown plants. Those English botanists who wish to become acquainted with the dependence of the natural orders on each other, as exemplified in the system of Jussieu, will find all they can de- sire in my Grammar of Botany, chiefly designed for that purpose. The Artificial System of Linnaeus, equally applicable to any Flora or catalogue of plants, is used in the present work ; that any bo- tanist, by reducing a plant to its class and order, according to the perspicuous and easy rules of that system, may next compare it with the short essential characters of the genera, at the head of each class, XXvi PREFACE. which genera are there artificially disposed accord- ing to those characters. Having determined the genus, he will then find it, amongst its allies, duly- numbered, in the body of the work, where its full characters, with all needful observations, and re- ferences to figures of the fructification, are given ; the natural order, according to Linnseus, Jussieu, or others, being indicated. For the history of the natural order, and a view of the other genera be- longing to it, the student may then turn to the Gram- mar. Having become acquainted with what relates to the genus of his plant, he will next compare his specimen with all the specific characters under that genus, till he ascertains its species, and confirms his determination of its name by reading the particular description, and consulting as many of the synonyms, or authors quoted, as he may have within his reach ; thus finally becoming acquainted with all that is re- corded concerning the plant he has gathered. With respect to the last mode of inquiry, I would recommend a young botanist to be very sparing, till he has settled his mind, respecting the species before him, by its .characters alone. Those who are employed in instructing others, will find an ad- vantage in keeping the attention of their pupils to characters and definitions. By this their powers of observation and discrimination will be strengthened. They will know why they apply such a name to each particular plant, and I know by experience that species thus investigated are never forgotten. The memory of the student may further be assisted by drying and preserving competent specimens, not mutilated fragments, of all his plants; which will PREFACE. XXvii gradually form a valuable memorial of his labours, and a storehouse of pleasing recollections and asso- ciations. I have long ago observed, that " a plant gathered in a celebrated or delightful spot, is, like the hair of a friend, more dear to memory than even a portrait ; because it excites the imagination, v^ith- out presuming to fill it ;" nor do I find such senti- ments at all impaired by advancing age. In the language of the present v^^ork, freed from all exceptionable allusions, I have chiefly aimed at writing common sense in plain English. Hard words have never taught wisdom, nor does truth require them. The few unavoidable technical ex- pressions must be familiar to those who have read any introductory book, especially the Introduction to Botany and Grammar, or may be readily under- stood by a reference to such publications. In doubtful cases I have taken Johnson's Dictionary for autho- rity ; but wherever a pure English word could be found, I have preferred it, as well as English termi- nations and construction. Happy should I be to lend any assistance to the improvement and esta- blishment of our botanical language, or to remove from it the charges of inelegance and obscurity. Late writers have, from diffidence or inattention, not much furthered this object. I hope following ones will not overlook it, but concur with me where they find me in the right, and improve upon me where they see occasion ; altering nothing for the sake of alteration, either in characters or language ; such emendations, however easy, being extremely incon- venient. It is scarcely necessary to remark that smooth, as opposed to all hairiness and roughness, XXVIU P R £ FA C E. is preferable to glabrous, though the latter is near- er the Latin ; while even expresses a freedom from all inequality. The former answers exactly to the Latin glaber, the latter to Icevis. Heartshaped is full as intelligible as cordate ; furrowed is surely pre- ferable to silicate, and triangular to triquetrous. When, as in the last instance, a purely Latin word is become familiar English, it is certainly not the worse on that account. Uniform, universal, and many others, are now completely naturalized, and may justify unilateral as a translation, now first at- tempted, of secundus ; and which is at any rate better than secund. The Latin has furnished us with numerous words, in common use, beginning with oh ; and therefore obovate may be admitted, as more commodious than inversely ovate, and by. this time equally intelligible. Still I prefer the English construction of ovate-lanceolate to the half Latin ovato-lanceolate. According to these examples, the reader will judge of the rest. He will find in my -introductory publications explanations of every use- ful or necessary term, perhaps of many more ; though in general those which pedantry and affectation have contrived, without necessity, are purposely omitted in those works, and I hope never used in the present volumes. The synonyms, or references to authors, given in the Flora Britannica, have here received consi- derable augmentation, as well as correction. Every one has been carefully revised ; and where the same specific names as mine are used, it has been thought best not to encumber these pages with citations of every provincial or local Flora throughout ; though PREFACE. Xxix where our nomenclature (lifters, such difference is generally marked. Neither have I been desirous of assembling together every particular place of growth of the less common species. I have noted where the rarer ones are to be found, but principally when 1 have verified the fact by my own examination, or by seeing specimens. Common report is little to be trusted; and the English student, if desirous to know all that has been recorded upon this subject, may amply satisfy his curiosity with the Botanist^s Guide of Turner and Dillwyn, a work whose sole object is to assist the travelling botanist in his in- quiries. Many readers may think a regular indica- tion of the Scottish plants desirable ; and therefore, though Lightfoof si^/o;*^ Scotica is not quoted through- out, in my Latin work, I have here cited that of my friend Professor Hooker completely. The valuable Midland Flora of Mr. Purton, an assiduous and faithful observer, will be found worthy of frequent consultation. The general uniformity of our no- menclature and arrangement will render this work easy of access to the readers of mine, and in several places I have pointed out my obligations to its worthy author. The room gained by omitting superfluous refe- rences has allowed of more copious citations of the old writers and their expressive cuts, as well as of many valuable modern synonyms. Old books have been too much neglected by new writers, though a student may derive great pleasure, and considerable infor- mation, by an introduction to them. I have consi- dered it as an imperative duty to examine every synonym herein adopted, marking as quotations, be- XXX P R E F A C F. tween inverted commas, the few which I could not consult. I cannot too often insist on the mischief of copying synonyms from other books. The value of synonyms consists entirely in their collector being answerable for their exactness; by which he enriches his own work with the accumulated treasures of the botanical library, as far as his readers think proper to follow up the pursuit. But if he blindly tran- scribes them, such surreptitious references are sure to be soon discovered, by the frequent errors of the press, respecting pages or figures, which occur in most books. At a single discovery of this kind, all our respect and confidence vanish ; for we know not that every thing else of the same nature is not equally fallacious ; and an author who has appeared very learned and deeply read, proves a copyist of the very lowest rank, decked out with imposing but borrowed feathers. M. DeCandolle, that great practical as well as learned botanist, has not only examined cri- tically his immense store of synonyms, but has sub- joined a mark of admiration, whenever he has seen the original specimen of any author. He disposes his references chronologically, which, in a general system, has many advantages. I have followed no precise method in the arrangement of mine, except that the Linnaean and other systematic ones stand first, as agreeing mostly with the names I have adopted ; and those which are most certain or impor- tant generally take the lead. I have taken great pains, from original authorities, to determine all those of Haller. The older writers are ranged ac- cording to the goodness of their figures, the value or certainty of their information, or perhaps accord- PREFACE. XXxi ing to tlie order in which I am in the habit of con- sulting them, which has arisen from long practice, those which I have found most useful naturally of- fering themselves first to my attention. By their be- ing generally in the same order, the reader will know where to look for each. Ray's Synopsis is necessarily in an English Flora, regularly quoted throughout; as likewise is much of Gerarde's Herbal by John- son ; and the noble wooden cuts of Matthiolus, pub- lished by Valgrisius at Venice. But the bulk of the old herbalists, whether English or foreign, have been used merely for occasional reference, when they seemed likely to be serviceable, or when their figures appeared peculiarly good. In the indexes I have spared neither time nor la- bour. An author may fail in judgment or know- ledge, and for this fallibility he is entitled to indul- gence ; but an index requires nothing more than such a degree of care and attention as his readers have a right, on their part, to expect from him. If those who take my various publications for their botanical guides, have half the pleasure in using these books, that I have had in composing them, I need scarcely wish them more. Innocent amuse- ment, inducing a change of ideas, is wholesome for the mind, like air and exercise for the body. On this ground alone Botany may well be recommended ; nor shall I repeat here those higher views of its im- portance as a science, which may be found in the preface to my Introduction, or in my pamphlets on the subject of the Cambridge Botanical Professor- ship. On those occasions it was necessary to ex- plain, to the uninformed, the aims and pretensions XXXll PREFACE. of the science about to be taught ; but in the present instance I must presume that those who look to my book for information, need no persuasion to the pur- suit itself, nor any recommendation of Botany, or of the study of Nature. Neither am I disposed to con- tend here for the superiority of these pursuits over others. A man who looks no further than the nar- row bounds of his own profession or science, is some- times inclined to depreciate those of other people, especially if any worldly advantage be concerned. Some studies seem to contract the mind ; but such is not the character of natural science, which en- larges the understanding by a perpetual display of the power and wisdom of God, and encourages our best hopes by sure testimonies of his goodness. He who feeds the sparrows, and clothes the golden lily, of the fields in a splendour beyond that of Solomon himself, invites us, his rational creatures, to confide in his promises of Eternal Life. The simplest blade of grass, and the grain of corn to which " he gives its own body," are sufficient to convince us that our trust cannot be in vain. Let those who hope to in- herit these promises, and those who love science for its own sake, cherish the same benevolent disposi- tions. Envy and rivalship in one case are no less censurable, than bigotry and uncharitableness in the other. The former are as incompatible with the love of Nature, as the latter with the love of God ; and they altogether unfit us for the enjoyment of happiness here or hereafter. Norwich, December 2, 1823. BOOKS QUOTED IN VOL. I. Jhbot. — Abbot, Charles, Flora Bedjlrdiensis. Bedford. 1 7^JS. octavo. Aduns. Fam. — Adanson, Families des Planles. Paris. 1/63. octavo. 2 volumes. Ait. Hort. Kew. — Alton, WiWiam, Hortus Kewcnsis. London. 1789. octavo. 3 vol. — Ed, 2, by M'iUiani Townsend Alton. London. 1810—1813. 5 vol. Allion. Pedem. — Allioni, Charles, Flora Pedemontana. Turin. 1/85. folio. 3 vols. Spec. Rariorum Pedemontii Stirpium Specimen pri- mum. Turin. 1755. quarto. Amhrosin. Phyt. — Ambrosini, Hyacinth, Phytologia. Bologna. 1666*. folio. Arduin. Spec. — Arduino, Peter, Animadversionum Botanicarinn Specimen. Padua. 1759. quarto. — Specimen alterum. I'enice. 1763. Barrel. Ic. — Barrelier, James, Plantcc per Galliam, Hispaniam, et Italiam observatcc, Iconihus ceneis exhibitce. Paris. \7\4.foHo. 3 vols. Bast. Opusc. — Baster, Job, Opuscula Subseciva. Harlem. 1759. quarto. 2 vols. Bauh. Hist. — Bauhin, John, Historia Plantarum Universalis. Y'ver- dun. lOCtO. folio. 3 vols. Bauh. Pin. — Bauhin, Caspar, Pinax Theatri Botanici. Basil. 167L quarto. Prodr. Prodromus Theatri Botonki. Basil. 1671. quarto. Theatr. Theatri Botanici Liber Primus. Basil. 1658. folio. Beauv. Agr. — Beauvois, A. M. I^. J. Palisot de, Esmi d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie. Paris. 1812. octavo. Belleval Ic. Ined. — Belleval, Peter Richier de, Icones Ineditce, Unpublished Engravings, in the Linniean Library, by Belleval, Professor of Botany at Montpellier, early in the I 7th century. Berk. Outl. — Berkenhout, John, Outlines of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland; volume 2nd. Loudon. 1770 octavo. 3 volumes. Bieberst. — See Marsch. vot. I, c XXxiv BOOKS QUOTED IN VOL. I. Bigelow Mtd. But. — Bigelow, Jacob, American Medical Botany. Bostoji. 1 8 1 7 — 182 1 . quarto. 3 vols. Blair Bat. Ess. — Blair, Patrick, Botanick Essays. London. 1720. octavo. BoharVs Herbarium.— Boh^n, Jacob, the editor of Morison's 3rd volume ; his Herbarium, preserved in the Sherardian Museum at Oxford. Bocc. Mus. — Boccone, Paul, Museo di Piante Rare. Venice. 1697. quarto. Sic. — Ico7ies et Descriptiones Rariorum Plantarum Sicilian, Melitce, Gallitv,et lialice. Oxford. 1674. quarto. Boehm. Lips. — Boehmer, George Rudolph, Flora Lipsics Indigena. Leipsic. J 750. octavo. Boerh. Ind. Alt. — Boerhaave, Hermann, Index Alter Plantarum, qucE in Horto Academico Lugdiino-Batavo aluntur. Leyden. 1727. quarto. 2 volumes. Borckh. in Roem. Arcliiv. — Borckhausen, in Roemefs Archiv. fur die Botanik. — Quoted from Brown's Prodromus. Bot. Guide. — Turner, Dawson, and Dillwyn, Lewis Weston, the Botanist's Guide through England and Wales. London. 1805. octavo. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. H. Sice. Hortus Siccus in the British Museum, collected by various persons. Br. Pr. — Brown, Robert, Prodromus Flora Novce Hollandice et Insulce Van-Diemen. London. \'S\0. octavo, vol. \st. Terr. Austr.- General Remarks on the Botany of Terra Australis. London. 1814. quarto. Browne Jam. — Browne, Patrick, Civil and Natural History of Ja- maica. London. \756. folio. Brunf.Herb. — Brunfels,Otho, Herbarum VivceEicones. Strasburgh. 1532. folio. Buddie's Herbarium.— Budd\e, Adam, Herbarium of English Plants; in the British Museum. Bull Fr. — BuUiard, Herbier de la France. Paris. 1786, 8(c. folio, unfinished. Buxb. Cent. — Buxbaum, J. C. Plantarum minils cognitarum Cen- turicB 1 — 5. Petersburgh. 1728 — 1740. quarto. Camer. Epit. — Camerarius, Joachim, De Plantis Epitome. Frank- fort. 1 586. quarto. Cavan. Ic. — Cavanilles, Anthony Joseph, Icones et Descriptiones Plantarum. Madrid. 1791 — 1801. /o/io. Q vols. Clus. Cur. Post. — Clusius, Charles, Curce Posferiores. Antwerp. \6\\. folio. Hist. Rariorum Plantarum Historia. Antwerp. 1601. folio. Pann. Rariorum aliquot Stirpium, per Pannoniam, Austrian!, et vicinas quasdam Provincias observatarum, Histo- ria. Antwerp. 1583. octavo. Bt)oK.S OLOTED IN VOL. I. XXXV Column. Ecphr. —Cohimua, Fabius, Miniis cogmlarum, ^c. Stir- pium Ecphrasis. Rome. \6]6. quarto. Phytob.- Phijtohasanos. Naples. 1592. quarto-^ tdit. 2 was published at Florence. 1744. quarto. Conip.— Smith, James Edward, Compendium Florcs Britannicce. Ed. 3. London. \8]S. duodecitno. Cord. Hist.-— Cordus, Valerius, Historia Stirpium. Colosn. 15G1 folio. * Cullum.—CuWum, Sir Thoma.s Gery, Bart., Florce Anglicce Speci- men wiperfectum et ineditum, anno 1/74 inchoatum. octavo hnds at Daucus Carota. Cupan.^ Panph.—Cupam, Francis, Panphyton Siculum. Palermo. 1/13. quarto, vol. ]st.—Ed. 2. published by Gervasi, before 1/19, 1G8 plates, without title or date, unfinished. Curt. Brit. Gr.— Curtis, William, Practical Observations on the British Grasses. Ed. 2. London. 1790. octavo. Lond Flora Londinensis. London. \777 , &sC. folio fasc. 6. ^ Mag. Botanical Magazine. London. 1787, 8sC. oc- tavo.vol.]—\4. Continued by Dr. John Sims, vol. \5~50,8 furnished here and there with transverse, often oblique, internal partitions : fertile ones axillary, compound, tumid, ultimately forked, with a dotted anther, and one germen, occasionally two, at the division^ without any proper bracteas. 5. C. nidifica. Proliferous Chara. Smooth, transparent, without prickles. Whorled branches simple, elongated, without internal partitions ; fertile ones axillary, compound. Bracteas unequal. C. nidifica. Fl. Dan. t.76\. Engl. Bot. v. 24. t. 1703. Comp. 2. In salt-water ditches. At Shoreham harbour, Sussex, and near Cley, Norfolk. Mr. Borrer. Annual. August — October. Firmer, and rather stouter, than C.Jlexilis, but much more slender than the last, and more divaricated than either. The axillary branches, which bear fructification, and rather numerously sur- round the main stem, within the long slender whorled branches, being themselves whorled and subdivided, cause the bushy or proliferous aspect, which at first sight marks this species. TTiree or four small, unequal, cylindrical bracteas accompany each flower, as in C. vulgaris and hispida. The anther is often stalked, especially, as it seems, when the plant is occasionally dioecious. 6. C. gracilis. Slender Shining Chara. Smooth, transparent, shining, without prickles. Whorled branches acute, repeatedly forked ; often fertile, as well as the axillary compound ones. Bracteas none. MONANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Callitriche. 9 C. gracilis. Engl. But. v. 30. t. 2140. Comp. 2. C. n. 1684 /3. Hall. Hist. v. 3. 4. C. minor, caulibus et foliis tenuissimis. Faill. Mem. dc VAc. des Sc, for 1719. 18. 71. 6. Dill, in Raii Syn. 133. Equisetum minus, sub aqua repens, ad genicula polyspermon. Sher. in Raii Syu. ed. 2. 43. In ponds and boggy pools, rare. In fish-ponds in Jersey. Sherard. St. Leonard's forest, Sussex. Mr. Borrer. Annual. September. Much smaller, as well as more delicate and compound, than any of the foregoing j when dry, glittering and gleussy, almost colour- less. Whorled branches very rarely simple j mostly forked or subdivided repeatedly, bearing t\\eJiowers in their forks. Anth. and germ, usually together, without bracteas. This species and C.Jiexilis first taught me to consider Chara as having no real leaves ; what preceding vvriters have termed so, being in no re- spect difl:erent from the branches, in structure or economy, as they often bear the flowers. In Ray's Historia, ,^^fit'cm7. Engl. Bot. v. 9. t. 628. Curt. Lond. fasc. 4. t. 3. Hook. Scot. 15. Fl. Dan. t. 687. Bull. Fr. ^ 31 1. Poit. ^ Turp. Par. f. 41. V. n.208. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 90. V. sylvestris minor, & V. sylvestris, seu palustris, minor altera. Rail Sijn. 200. V. minor. Ger. Em. 1075./. V. minor, et V. flore exiguo. Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 2. Phu minimum. Matth. Valgr. v. 1. 38./. Camer. Epit. 23. f. In moist boggy meadows frequent. Perennial. June. Root creeping. Stem simple, 6 or 8 inches high • the fertile plant most robust. Leaves and their segments mostly entire ; occa- sionally serrated. Fl. flesh-coloured. Spur very short and blunt. Seed-crown red, less feathery. Stam. and pist. sometimes in the same^oit'er, but scarcely both perfect. 3. V. officinalis. Great Wild Valerian. Stamens three. Leaves all piiui ate; leaflets lanceolate, nearly uniform. V. officinalis. Linn. Sp. PI. 45. Willd. v. 1 . 177. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 6. FL Br. 38. EngL Bot. v. 10. t 698. Curt. Lond. fasc. 6. L 3. Hook. Scot. 15. JVoodv. t.96. FL Dan. t. 570. V. n. 210. Halt Hist. v.\.9\. V. sylvestris major. Raii Syn. 200. Ger. Em. 1075. f. Valeriana. Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 1. Phu. Column. Phytob. 1 13. t. 114. Ph. parvum. Matth. Valgr. v. 1. 37./. Ph. minus. Camer. Epit. 22. f. Ph. germanicum. Fuchs. Hist. 857./. /3. Valeriana sylvestris major montana. Bauh.Pin. 164. Dill, in Raii Syn. 200. V. foliis angustioribus. Riv. Monop. Irr. t.2.f. 1. In marshes, and about the banks of pools and rivers. /3. In dry mountainous woods and pastures. Perennial. June. J?oo< tuberous, somewhat creeping, fetid 3 in /3 more aromatic, and preferred for medical use. Stem about 4 feet high, furrowed. Leajiets coarsely serrated 5 those of the radical leaves broadest, approaching to ovate 5 but there is no remarkably large termi- nal leaflet; thoj^e of the stem in /3 are very narrow, and often U TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Fedia. entire. Fl. numerous, blush-coloured, or white, in large corym- bose panicles. This, as a medicinal plant, is but a substitute for the real ^»ou, or Phu, of Dioscorides, V. Dioscoridis. Sm. Fl. GrcEc. Sihth. t. 33, ' which Dr. Sibthorp ascertained in his Greek tour. 4. \,pyrenaica. Heart-leaved Valerian. Stamens three. Stem-leaves heart-shaped, serrated, stalked; the uppermost pinnate. V. pyrenaica. Linn. Sp. PL 46. Willd. v. I. 179. Vahl Enum. V. 1. 11. DonH. Br. 77. Engl. Bot. v. 23. L 1591. Hook. Scot. 15. V. canadensis. Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 4. V. maxima, cacalise folio. Pluk. Phyt. t. 232./. 1. In various woods in Scotland, particularly about Edinburgh and Glasgow. G. Don, and T. Brown, M.D. Perennial. July. Stem 2 or 3 feet high, furrowed. Leaves all variously serrated ,- the lower ones simple j upper accompanied with 1 or 2 pair of small lanceolate leaflets. Footstalks of the uppermost leaves, as well as their ribs and margins, often downy. Fl. light rose-coloured, numerous, with a short spur. The scent of the root, and pro- bably its qualities, agree with the last. 18. FEDIA. Corn-sallad. Fahl Enum. v. 2. 18. Sm. in Rees's Cycl. v. 14. Hook. Scot. 12. G(Ertn. t. 86. Valerianella. Tourn. t. 52. Valerianae species. Linn. Gen. 22, Nat. Ord. see n, 17. CaL of 3 or 4 variously-shaped teeth, subsequently enlarged, and crowning the capsule. Co7\ of 1 tubular petal, with a short blunt spur at one side ; limb in 5 obtuse, rather unequal, segments. Filam. 3, sometimes more, borne by the tube, rather shorter than the limb. Anth. roundish. Germ, inferior, of 3 cells, roundish. Style thread-shaped. Stigma notched. Caps, coriaceous or membranous, va- rious in shape, not bursting, crowned with the permanent calyxy usually of 2 abortive cells, and 1 fertile. Seeds solitary, ovate, smooth, with a simple skin. Annual herbs, about a span high, with a fibrous root^ forked leafy siem^ and opposite, mostly simple and smooth, leaves. Fl. small, bliieish, purplish, red, or yellow. Fruit very various. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Fedia, 43 1. F. olitoria. Common Corn-sallad, or Lamb's Lettuce. Leaves linear-tongue-shaped, blunt. Flowers capitate. Cap- sule inflated, two-lobed, F.olitoria. VahlEnum. v. 2. 19. Hook.Scot.l5. Schrad. Germ. vA .95 . Valeriana olitoria. M'illd. v. 1. 182. V. Locusta. Zi;?«. 5/>, P/. 47, a. Fl.Br.2,9. Engl. Bot. v.\2. t.SW. Curt. Lond.fasc. 5. t. 4. Mart. Rust. t. 24. Valerianella arvensis praecox humilis, semine compresso. Rail Syn. 201. Moris, sect. 7. t. 16./. 36. . V. n. 214. Hall. Hist. v. 1.94. Lactuca agnina. Ger. Em. 310./. 1,2. Locusta major, et minor. R'w. Monop. Irr. t. 6. In corn-fields, and light cultivated ground. Annual. j4pril — June. Stem forked twice or thrice, furrowed, smooth, except a few de- flexed hairs on the ribs just below each fork. Lower leaves spa- tulate, stalked ; upper sessile, sometimes jagged. Fl. pale blue, in round heads j none at the forks of the stem. Caps, smooth, with a minute crown, of 3 inflexed teeth, one of them much the largest. The leaves vary in form and division. 2. F. dentata. Oval-fruited Corn-sallad. Leaves linear-tongue-shaped. Flowers solitary in the forks of the stem. Capsule ovate, ribbed. Crown erect. F. dentata. FahlEnujn. v. 2. 20. Hook. Scot. 15. Schrad. Germ. 96. Valeriana dentata. Willd. v. \. ]83. Ehrh. Herb. 122. Fl.Br.\385. Engl. Bot. V. 20. t. 1370. V. Locusta olitoria. Fl. Dan. t. 738. Valerianella n. 215. Hall. Hist. v. I. 94. In corn-fields. Found in Cornwall and Essex, by Mr. Edw. Forster j on Harleton hill, Cambridgeshire, by the Rev. Mr. Holme. About Edinburgh. Hooker. Annual. June, July. Leaves narrower than in the foregoing. Fl. smaller, purplish, al- most all from the forks of the smooth stem. Caps, not inflated, nor lobed. Crown of 3, scarcely more, erect, unequal teeth, one much the largest. Columna's synonym, Ecphr. t. 209. f. 2, appears doubtful, as the seed of our plant is neither pierced nor umbilicated , that of Rivinus evidently belongs to F. olitoria. Fedia, as derived from Fedus, an ancient word, synonymous with Hcrdus, a kid, is not unsuitable to this genus. Falerianella, being a compound, as well as a diminutive, of an established name, is inadmissible. 46 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Crocus. 19. CROCUS. Crocus. Lmn.Gen.2D. Juss.59. Fl.Br.39. Tourn.t. 183, 184. Lam.t.30. Nat. Ord. Eiisatce. Linn. 6. Irides. Juss. 18. n, 20 and 21 the same. Cal. radical, of 2 unequal, membranous, tubular sheaths, single-flowered. Cor. superior; tube cylindrical, erect, 3 or 4 times the length of the limb, which is regular, in 6 elliptic-oblong, equal segments, 3 of them pardy internal. Filam, in the mouth of the tube, shorter than the limb. Anth. arrow-shaped, erect. Germ, at the root, inferior, roundish. Style thread-shaped, very long, rising as high as the stamens. Stigm. 3, dilated upwards, variously folded, jagged, or many-cleft. Caps, membranous, of 3 cells, and 3 valves. Seeds several, globular. Stem or stcdk none. Bulb solid, externally coated. Leaves several, recurved, linear, keeled, revolute, smooth, with a white central stripe, radical as well as the Jlo^wers^ which are blue or yellow, vernal or autumnal. =* 1. C. sativus. Saffron Crocus. Stigma prominent laterally, in three deep, Hnear, notched segments. C. sativus. Linn. Sp. PL 50, a. Willd. v. 1. 194. Vahl Enum. V. 2. 45. fl. Br. 39. Woodv. t. 176. Redout. Liliac. t. 173. C. officinalis. Huds. 13, a. Mart. Rust. t. 58. C. autumnalis. Eiigl. Bot. v. 5. t. 343. Crocus. RaiiSyn. 374. Ger. Em. 151. /. Trag. Hist. 763. f. Fuchs.Hist. 441. f. Crocum. Matth. Valgr. v. 1. 62, 63./,/. Camer. Epit. 33. f. In meadows and pastures, naturalized probably. Perennial. Sept. Fl. shorter than the leaves, large, purple. Throat without hairs. Stigm. deep-orange, fragrant, narrow, a little dilated upwards, and notched at the summit. Anth. pale yellow. The stigmas are the officinal Saffron. 2. C. vermis. Purple Spring Crocus. Stigma within the flower, in three short wedge-shaped jagged lobes. Tube of the corolla hairy at the mouth. C. vernus. TVilld. v. 1. 195. Vahl Enum. v. 1. 46. Fl. Br. 40. Engl. Bot. V. 5. t. 344. Ker in Curt. Mag. t. 860. Jacq. Austr . app. t. 36. Redout, Liliac. t. 266. C. sativus. Linn. Sp. PI. 50, /3. C. officinalis. Huds. 13, /3. C. n. 1257. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 127. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Trichonema. 47 C. vernalis caeruleus. Deering Nott. 60. C. vernus, flore purpureo. Ger. Em. 154./. In meadows about Nottingham plentifully, first observed by Deering. Perennial. March. Fl. much like the last, occasionally white. Leaves less reyolute. Stigm. pale, inodorous. Mr. Ker first noticed an assemblage of entangled, jointed, pellucid hairs, closing the top of the tube j an excellent character of this species. It is very common in gardens, flowering a fortnight later than the still more abundant Yellow Crocus, Curt. Mag. t.Ab. 3. C. nudiflorus. Naked-flowering Crocus. Stigma within the flower, in three deeply-laciniated tufted segments. Flower unaccompanied by leaves. C. nudiflorus. Fl. Br. 41. Engl. Bot. v. 7. i.491. Vahl Enum. v.2.46. C. speciosus. Marsch. Taiir. Cauc. v. 1. 27, from the author. C. sylvestris autumnalis. Dod.Pempt. 214./. C. montanus autumnalis. Ger. Em. 154./. 6. Colchicum commune. Deering Nott. 57. In sandy meadows annually overflowed. Between Nottingham castle and the Trent. Rev. Mr. Becker. Perennial. Oct. Tube of the cor. a foot long ; limb of a fine deep purple. Stigma deep orange, not much scented. Leaves not produced till De- cember, paler, flatter, with less of a white central stripe, than in the two preceding. Capsule elliptical, stalked, ripening in May. 20. TRICHONEMA. Trichonema. Ker in Sims 8( Kon. Ann. of Bot. v. 1. 222, Dryand. in Ait. Hart. Kew. ed.2. v.\.S2. Sm. in Rees's Cycl. v. 36. Romulea. Maratti Plant. 13. t.\. Nat. Ord. see n. 19. Cal. an inferior sheath, more than half the length of theror. of 2 lanceolate, entire, permanent valves. Cor. superior ; tube very short, funnel-shaped ; limb regular, somewhat spreading. Filam. from the mouth of the tube, much shorter than the limb, minutely hairy, with large, oblong, converging anth. Style longer than the stam. Stigm. 3, equal, spreading, very slender, rather abrupt, divided to the base. Caps, roundish. Seeds globose. Root a solid bulb. Stem simple or divided, naked, or bearing one leaf. Leaves mostly radical, narrow, smooth. FL solitary, various and changeable in colour and size. 48 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Iris. 1 . T. Bulhocodium, Channel-leaved Trichonema. Leaves linear, channelled, recurved, longer than the flower- stalks. T. Bulbocodium. Ait. Hart. Kew. ed. 2.v.\. 82. Ixia Bulbocodium. Linyi. Sp. PI. 51. Willd. v. 1, 196. Vahl Enum. V. 2. 50. Comp. 8. Etigl. Bot. v. 36. t. 2549. Fl. Gnec. v. 1 . 26. t. 36. Jacq. Ic. Rar. t.27\. Curt. Mag. t. 265. Redout. Li- liac. t.S8. Sisyrinchium Theophrasti. Column. Ecphr. 328. t. 327. Crocus vernus. Ger. Em. 153./. 1, 2. On grassy hillocks in Guernsey. Mr. Gosselin. Perennial. March, April. Bulb ovate, with torn membranous coats, eatable. Leaves several, spreading, 3 or 4 inches long. FL blue or purplish, ribbed, varying to white or yellow, on simple or branched, sometimes leafy, curved stalks. 21. IRIS. Iris, or Flower-de-luce. Linn.Gen.27. Juss.57. Fl.Br.4\. Tourn. t. 186— 188. Lam. t.33. Gartn.t. 13. Nat. Ord. see n. 19. Cal. an inferior sheath, of 2 leafy valves. Co?', superior ; 3 outer segments largest, rounded, reflexed, opposite to, and applied underneath, the stigmas; sometimes hairy- above ; inner erect, narrow : all united by a firm thick base. Filam. awl-shaped, lying on the larger segments. Anth, oblong, depressed. Germ, oblong, with 3 furrows. Style short, thread-shaped. Stigm. 3, equal, dilated, and of the texture of petals, two-lipped ; upper lip cloven, erect; lower minute; with a cleft between them to re- ceive the pollen. Caps, angular, of 3 cells and 3 valves. Seeds numerous, 2-ranked, globular, or angular from pressure. Perennial smooth herbs, with a tuberous, sometimes bul- bous, 7'oot, Stem leafy below, erect, round. Leaves sheathing, mostly sword-shaped. Fl. several, large, pur- ple, blueish, or yellow. 1 . I. Pseud-acorus. Yellow Water Iris. Corolla beardless ; inner segments smaller than the stigmas. Leaves sword-shaped. Seeds angular. I. Pseud-acorus. Linn. Sp. PI. 56. Willd. v. 1. 232. Vahl Enum. V.2. 138. Fl.Br.4\. Engl. Bot. i\9. t. 578. Curt.Lond.fasc.3. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Schcenus. 49 t. 4, Woodv. t. 40. Hook. Scot. 16. Fl. Dan. t. 494. Bull.Fr, 1. 137. Poit. 8^ Turp. Par. t. 4G. Cord. Hist. 134./ I. n. 12G0. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 129. 1. palustris lutea. Raii Syn. 374. Ger. Em. 50. f. Pseudoacoium. Matth. Valgr. v. 1 . 20. f. Pseudoiris. Dod. Pempt. 248./. Acorus, Brunf. Herb. v. 2. 47. f. Acorum falsum. Camer. Epit. 6.f. A. officinarum. Fuchs. Hist. 13. f. 12. In ditches, pools and rivers frequent. Perennial. Julij. Root horizontal, depressed, brown, very astringent. Stem 3 or 4 feet high. Leaves erect, ribbed, grass-green. Fl. from 3 to 6, large, handsome, bright yellow j disk of the larger segments pencilled with dark purple. 2. \,foetidissi?na. Stinking Iris, or Gladwyn. Roast- beef plant. Corolla beardless; inner segments spreading. Stem with one angle. Leaves sword-shaped. Seeds globose. I. foetidissima. Linn. Sp. PI. 57. Willd. v.\. 232. Fahl Enum. V.2. 139. Fl. Br. 42. Engl. Bot. v. 9. t.596. Poit. Sf Turp. Par. t.4o. I. sylvestris quam Xyrim vocant. Raii Sjjn. 375. Xyris. Ger. Em. 60. f. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 2 40. f. Camer. Epit. 7 S3. f. Sphatula foetida. Fuchs. Hist. 793. f. 794. Trag.Hist. 904./ In groves, thickets, and under hedges, but rather rare. Dr. Wither- ing observed it to be very common in all the south-west counties. Perennial. May. About 2 feet high. Leaves dull green, exhaling, when rubbed, a scent compared to that of roast beef, to which it is no compli- ment. Fl. dull pale purple, pencilled with dark veins. Seeds orange-coloured, polished. ** Fl. inferior i chaffy. Seed 1. 22. SCHCENUS. Bog-rush. Linn. Gen. PL 29. Juss.27. Fl. Br. 42. Br.Pr.23l, Lam. t.SS.f.l. Chsetospora. Br. Pr. 232. Nat. Ord. Calamaria, Linn. 3. CyperoidecE. Juss. 9. O/- peracece. DeCand. 134. Br. Pr. 212. Five following genera belong to the same. See Grammar 68, 198. [This natural order, for which I prefer the original name of Calamaria^ has received great illustration by Mr. Brown's discoveries in New Holland ; and from his Prodrovms the following characters, in addition to Jussieu's, given 50 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Schoenus. in the Grammar, are princi})ally taken. My calj/x, con- sisting of a single scale or glume to eachjlower, and often accompanied by many smaller empty ones in each spike, is the palea (chaff or scale) of Mr. Brown. The Perianth, or Cal2/j:, of this author, is either wanting, or consists of rough bristles, various in number, or more rarely is mem- branous, as in the genus Carex, consisting in that instance of 1 valve ; in others of 3. But my objection to this view of the subject is, that these bristles, or membranous parts, are situated between the stamens and germen, and cannot therefore be either calyx or corolla, but are rather an appendage to the germen and seed, which latter they ac- company to the last. The stamens are " of a definite number, generally 3, some- times 1 or 2, sometimes 4 or 6, very rarely 12;" their Jilaments either capillary, or flat, lax and spreading, pro- ceeding from the receptacle beneath the germen ; anthers attached by the base, linear, undivided, mostly pendulous, of 2 cells, bursting lengthwise. Germen with the rudiment of a single kernel only, which is attached by its base to the bottom; style cylindrical, or more commonly triangular, finally separating, either at the base, or more usually at a joint, a little way up, leaving the lower part to form a beak to the seed ; stigmas linear, downy, rarely cloven. Seed hard, often polished, coloured, and dotted, with as many angles as there are stigmas ; its chief bulk consisting of a firm albumen of the same shape; embryo simple, orbicular, flattened, situated in the base of the seed, on the outside of the albumen, as Mr. Brown observes in opposition to Goertner, who, with Jussieu, describes this organ as within the albumen; plumula not discernible. The Jlowers are ranged in spikes, various in length; the lower glumes of which are, many of them, in some cases, abortive and destitute of any organs of fecundation. I think nothing is gained by calling the seed of these plants a nut, on account of its hardness, which is but compara- tive ; there being no supernumerary integument to distin- guish this seed from others, acknowledged to be simple and naked.] SCH(ENUS. Spike of 1 — 3 Jloiaers, subtended by numerous, smaller, empty, keeled, folded, crowded glumes, in 2 opposite ranks. Cor. none. Filam. capillary, longer than the glumes. Anth, linear, erect. Germ, superior, round' sh, TRIANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Rhynchospora. 51 more or less triangular, with or without a few rough bristles, shorter than its own glume, underneath. Sti/le capillary, simple and without a joint at the base, deci- duous. Slig7)i. 3, acute, feathery. Seed the shape of the germen, hard, loose, simply pointed. Moot scarcely creeping. Ste?}2s erect, rushy, round or tri- angular, without joints, leafy chiefly at the base. Leaves sheathing, rigid. Spikes aggregate, brownish. The bristles under the germen are present or not, in species otherwise so nearly akin, that they appear scarcely to mark even natural sections of the genus. The same is the case in Scirpus. 1. S. 7ugricans. Black Bog-rush. Stem round, naked. Head roundish, abrupt, overtopped by one of the two floral leaves. S. nigricans. Linn. Sp. PI. 64. Willd. v. 1. 261. FuhlEnum. v. 2. 208. FL Br. 43. Engl. Bot. v. ]G. t. ] 121. Hook. Scot. ]6. Don H. Brit. 5 1 . Schracl. Germ. v. 1 . 113. Cyperus nigricans. M^ith. 78. C. n. 1347. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 181. Juncus leevis minor, panicula glomerata nigrlcante. RaiiSyn. 430. J. lithospermi semine. Magn. Monsp. 14.5. t. 144. J, capitatus lithospermi semine. Moris, sect. 8. 1. 10./. 28. Junco affinis, capitulo glomerato nigricante. Scheuchz. Agr. 349. t.l.f. 12, 13, I 4. On turfy bogs. Perennial. June. Root of very long strong fibres, crowned with black, shining, erect, folded sheaths, a few of which bear very narrow, acute, upright leaves, convex beneath, and embrace the bottom of the simple, rigid, otherwise naked, stem, which is from 8 to 12 inches high. Head black. Anth. long, prominent, yellow. Stigm. 3, dark purple. Seed white and polished, with a few narrow rough scales below the base, arising from the elongated receptacle, represented in Eng. jBo^.but overlooked by Vahl and Schrader. 23. RHYNCHOSPORA. Beak-rush. Fahl Eyium. v. 2. 229. Br. Pr. 229. Nat. Grd. see ??,. 22. Spike of 2 or 3 perfect Jlowers, subtended by numerous, gradually smaller, empty, crowded glumes. Gl. all im- bricated in every direction, concave, pointed. Cor. none, Filam. 1, 2 or 3. A}ith. linear, erect. Germ, superior, e2 52 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Rhynchospora. roundish, small, with several rough bristles, shorter than its glume, beneath. Style capillary, with a broad base, which remains, forming a hard, conical, compressed, pale beak to the convex, otherwise obtuse, seed. Stems erect, simple, leafy, triangular. Leaves keeled, with entire sheaths. Spikes in corymbose, stalked heads, FL sometimes partly monoecious, according to Vahl. 1. R. alba. White Beak-rush. Heads abrupt. Stamens two. Leaves tapering. Numerous bristles at the base of the seed. R. alba. Vahl Enum. v.2. 236. Schoenus albus. Linn. Sp. PL 65. Willd. v. 1 . 267. FL Br. 46. EngL Bot. V. 14. t 985. Hook. Scot. 16. Don H. Br. 53. FL Dan. t. 320, bad. Scirpusn. 1341. HalL Hist. v.2. 179. Cyperus minor palustiis hirsutus, paniculis albis paleaceis. Rail Sijn. 427. Moris, v. 3. 239. secL 8. L 9. /. 39. Gramen junceum leucanthemum. Ger. Em. 30.* G. cyperoides palustre leucanthemum. Scheuchz. Agr. 503. t.W. Gramini luzulae accedens glabrum, in palustribus proveniens, pa- niculatum. Pluk. Phyt. L 34. f. \l. On turfy bogs, most frequent in mountainous countries. Perennial. July, Aug. Root moderately creeping. Whole plant smooth and slender, from 6 to 12 inches high. Leaves erect, shorter under the flower- stalks. Spikes slender, very white when recent ; pale reddish brown when old or dry. Stigm. 2. -Seed lenticular, greyish, with a flat beak, one third its own length, and about 10 brown rough bristles from the receptacle, rising above it. 2. ^.Jiisca, Brown Beak-rush. Heads ovate-oblong. Stamens three. Leaves thread-shaped. Three bristles at the base of the seed. R. alba /3. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 236. Schoenus fuscus. Linn. Sp. PL 1664. Willd. v. 1. 262. EngL BoL V. 22. ^.1575. Don H. Br. 203. Ehrh. Beitr. v. 4. 154. Phy- toph. n. 1. Roth Germ. v. 2. 48. Schrad. Germ. v.\. 110. Turn. in BoL Guide 754. FL Dan. t. 1562. Cyperus minor angustifolius palustris, capitulis fuscis paleaceis. Moris. V.3. 239. secL 8. L 1 1./.40, bad. DHL inRaiiSyn. 427. In bogs, rare. On Cromlyn bog, near Swansea. Mr. E. Forster. Near Killarney, Ireland, Mr. Mackay. Originally gathered near the isle of TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Cyperus. 53 Purbeck, Dorsetshire, by the Rev. Mr. Lightfoot, according to a specimen in the herbarium of the Rev. Mr. Hasted, Bury. Mr. John Denson. Smaller than R. alba. Leaves narrower, of a more even thickness, not tapering. Glumes of a shining n ddish brow^n. Bristles only 3, alternate with the 3 permanent i^^am. Style varying in length. 24. CYPERUS. Cyperus, or Galingale. Lifin. Gen. 29. Juss. 27. FL Br. 47. Tourn. t. 299. /. D— F. Lam. t. 38. Gcertn. t. 2. Nat. Orel, see n. 22. Sj)i/ce mostly linear, compressed, of numerous Jloixers^ with uniform, keeled glumes, imbricated in 2 opposite ranks, all perfect, except one or two at the bottom. Filam. 2 or 3, short. Anth, linear. Germ, roundish, without bristles beneath. Style simple at the base, deciduous. Stigm. 2 or 3. Seed pointed, smooth, loose. Root fibrous, or creeping. Stem simple, without joints, round, or mostly triangular, leafy or sheathed about the bottom, as well as at the summit. Spikes terminal, ag- gregate, either capitate or spiked. 1. C. longus. Sweet Cyperus. English Galingale. Stem triangular. Umbel leafy, twice compounded, with naked stalks. Spikes alternate. C. longus. Linn. Sp. PL 67. Willd. v. 1 . 285, excl. Rottb. svn. Vahl Enum. v. 1. 346. Fl. Br. 47. Engl. Bot. v. 19. t. 1309. Jacq. Ic. Ear. t. 297. B.aiiSyn. 425. Ger. Em.30.ff. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 120. C. longus odoratus. Bauh. Theatr. 216. f. Moris, v. 3. 237. sect. 8. f. 11./. 13. C. odoratus, radice longa. Scheuchz. Agr. 378. t. S.f. 12. In marshes, but very rare. By a rivulet between St. David's town and St. David's head. Sir John Cullum, Bart. At Walton in Gordan, Somersetshire. Mr. Dyer. Perennial. July. Root moderately creeping, highly aromatic, and astringent. Stem 2 or 3 feet high, with a very large, leafy, compound, erect um- bel, whose slender triangular stalks are closely sheathed at the base. Spikes shining brown, narrow, erect, 5 or 6 together, loosely spreading in 2 directions. Stigm. 3. 54 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. 2. Cfuscus. Brown Cyperus. Stem triangular. Umbel compound, with three unequal leaves beneath. Spikes crowded, spreading every way. Stigmas three. C. fuscus. Linn. Sp. PL 69. WiUd. v, 1. 280. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 336. Hook. Lond. t. 85. FL Dan. t. 179. Fl. Gmc. v. 1. 34. t.AS. Poit. 8,' Turp. Par. t. 75. Schrad. Germ. v.\.\ 18. Leers 9. t.\.f.2. E/irh.Calam. III. C. n. 1349. Hall. Hist. i). 2. 181. C. minimus, panicula sparsa nigricante, Scheuchz. Agr, 384. C. minor pulcher, panicula compressa nigricante. Moris, v. 3. 239. sect.S. t. 11,/. 38. In wet meadows, rare, Found by Mr. Haworth in a low marshy meadow, half a mile from Little Chelsea. Hooker. Annual. Sept. Root of many simple fibres. Stems several, about 6 mches high, smooth and pliant. Spikes numerous. Gl. brown, more or less dark, pale at the keel ; the lower ones gradually deciduous with the seed. Stam. but 2 according to Dr. Hooker ; 3 are repre- sented in Fl. Dan. as well as by Leers^ Poiteau, and Bauer. We have seen no living specimens to settle this matter. The seed is triangular, inequilateral, pale, with a simple beak, Will- denow, Vahl, and even Schrader, copy Linnseus's erroneous' reference to Morison, if. 9, for 11 , 25. SCIRPUS. Club-rush, and Bull-rush. Linn. Gen. 30. Juss. 27. FL Br. 48. Br. Pr. 223. Lam. t.SS.f. 2. Gartn. t.2. Isolepis. Br. Pr. 221. Nat. Ord. see n. 22. Sj)ike of numerous Jloi^ers, all perfect. GL imbricated in every direction, expanded, concave, uniform, except 1 or 2 occasionally. Cor. none. Filam. flat. Aiith. linear. Style neither jointed nor dilated at the base, deciduous. Stigm. 2 or 3, downy. Seed with or without rough bristles beneath ; often pointed. Bog or water plants for the most part, with generally perennial, fibrous, seldom creeping, roots. Stem round or angular, naked, except at the base or summit, without joints. Irrflorescence usually compound, rarely simple. isolepis differs solely in the want of bristles under the germen. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. 55 * S])?'kcs soliicny. 1. S. ccEspitosifs. Scaly-stalked Club-rush. Stem round, striated ; sheathed and invested with numerous scales at the base. Spike terminal. Outer glumes largest, with leafy points. S. caespitosus. Linn. Sp. PI 71. ^'illd. v. \. 292. Vahl Enum. V. 2. 242. Fl. Br. 49. Engl. Bot. v.\b.t. 1029. Bel. Budb. t.2S.f. 1. Hook. Scot. 17. Don H. Br. 132. Schrad. Germ, v.\. 123. Ehrh. Calam. 102. S. montanus, capitulo breviori. Bail Syn. 429. Scheuchz. Jgr. 363. L7.f.\8. S. n. 1334. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 1/6. Juncus parvus montanus^ cum parvis capitulis luteis. Bauh. Hist. f. 2. 523./. 2. On turfy barren heaths common. Perennial. July. Boot with many coarse, tough, zigzag fibres. Stems numerous, from 3 to 12 inches high, in dense tufts, erect, naked, except at the base^ where they bear 2 or 3 very short leaves, with long sheaths, besides numerous tumid, furrowed, polished, permanent, radical, external scales. Spikes solitary, small, reddish brown, many of them pinched and abortive ; sometimes entirely sup- pressed ; whence the barren stems have been taken, as Schrader remarks, for leaves. Two outer glumes as tall as the spike, pointed, their seeds most invariably perfected. Stigm. 3, rarely 4. Seed elliptical, triangular, brown, with green edges, sub- tended by about 6 forked bristles. This specie's and the next approach in habit and character to Eleocharis hereafter described, to which I would remove them rather than not admit that genus. Mr. Brown, liowever, does not enumerate them as belonging to it. 2. S. pauciflorus. Chocolate-beaded Club-rush. Stem round, with a tight leafless sheath at the base. Spike terminal, of few flowers, longer than its blunt membranous- tipped outer glumes. S.pauciflorus. Lightf. 1078. Fl. Br. 50. Engl. Bot. v. 16. t.l\22. Hook. Scot. 17. "Don H. Br. 1 27. S. Baeothryon. Ehrh. Phyt.3]. Lijin. Suppl. 103. fVilld. v. \. 293. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 244. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 125. Both Germ. V.2. 54.. S. campestris. Both Catal. r. 1. 5. S. n. 1335. Hall. Hist. v.2. 176. S. minimus, spica breviore, squamosa, spadice^. Scheuchz. Agr. 364. t.7.f.\9. On moors and mountains in Scotland, not uncommon. 56 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. Near Yarmouth, Norfolk. Mr. D. Turner. Perennial. August. Smaller than the last, with several barren stems, but no real leaves. The numerous radical polished imbricated scales are also want- ing, there being only a very few thin and narrow ones, besides the close abrupt sheaths which embrace each stem. Spike smaller and blacker than in S. ccespitosus, but, except when starved, twice as long as the 2 outer glumes, which end in a rounded membranous border. Seed grey, shining, obtuse, with a brown point, and at the base 6 fine rough bristles. I prefer Lightfoot's unexceptionable and original name to the pedantic one of Ehrhart, foisted, like many other such, by him, into the Supplementum of Linnaeus, while printing ; contrary to the author's intention. 3. ^.fluitans. Floating Club-rush. Stem branched, leafy, pliant and floating. Flower-stalks alternate, naked. Spikes terminal, of few flowers. S. fluitans. Linn. Sp. PL 71. Willd. v. 1. 295. VahlEnum. v. 2. 246. Fl. Br. 5\. Engl. Bot. v. 3. t.2\6. Hook. Scot. 18. Don H. Br. 129. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 130. Fl. Dan. t. 1082. S. equiseto capitulo minori. Raii Syn. 431. Scheuchz.Agr.365. t.7.f.20. Isolepis fluitans. Br. Pr. 22 1 . Gramen junceum clavatum minimum, sen Holosteum palustre repens, foliis capitulis et seminibus psyllii. Moris, v. 3. 230. sect. 8. t. 10./. 31. Pluk. Phyt, 1.35. f'.\. In ditches and ponds j as well as in pools upon grassy commons and heaths, occasionally dried up. Perennial. June, July. Stem zigzag, most slender in the lower part. Leaves awl-shaped, keeled, spreading at nearly a right angle with their sheaths j those that are under water longest and almost capillary. Flower- stalks 2 or 3 inches long, compressed, contracted at the top. Spikes solitary, small, pale green, with obtuse glumes, and yellow anthers. Style short. Stigmas 2, long and feathery. Seed pale, round, with 3 angles, and a very small point ; no bristles underneath. ** Stem rounds isoith several spikes. 4. S. lacustris. Bull-rush. Stem romid, naked. Panicle cymose, twice compound, terminal. Spikes ovate. Bracteas generally much shorter than the panicle. 5. lacustris. Linn. Sp. PL 72. Willd, v. 1. 296. Vahl Emm. v. 2, TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. 57 267. Fl. Br.t)2. Engl. Bot. v. 10. t. 66Q. Hook. Lond. ^ 91. Scot. 18. Br. Pr. 223. Ehrh. Calam. 112. Fl. Dan. t. 1142. S. palustris altissimus. Baii Syn. 428. Scheuchz. Agr. 354. Juncus maximus, seu Scirpus. Bauh. Theatr. \7S.f. In clear ditches, ponds, and the borders of lakes and rivers. Perennial. July, August. Root thick, creeping. Stems 4 — 6 feet high, soft, spongy, smooth, used for thatching, and especially for platted chair-bottoms. Leaves at the base 1 or 2, short, with long sheaths. Panicle various in luxuriance, or number of spikes, which are brown, soft, half an inch long, with fringed, pointed glumes. Stam. 3, flat. Stigm. 3, rarely but 2. Seed obovate, flat at one side, keeled at tlie other, having 6 rough bristles at the base, and ending in a very small brown point. 5. S. glaucus. Glaucous Club-rush. Stem roiindj naked, glaucous. Panicle cymose, not higher than the bractea. Spikes ovate, conglomerate. Stigmas two. S. glaucus. Comp. 10. Engl. Bot. v. 33. t. 2321. S. lacustris (3. Fl. Br. 52. Huds. 19. Hook. Scot. 18. 5. palustris humilior. Scheuchz. Agr. 356. Juncus sive Scirpus medius. Rail Syn. 428. Bauh. Theatr. 181./. In salt-marshes, and salt-water ditches, not uncommon. On the west of Ardbigland, Galloway, Scotland. Mr. J. Mackay. Shoreham, Sussex j and Cley, Norfolk. Mr. Borrer. Perennial. August. Two feet high, of a glaucous hue. Pan. less compound. Spikes more crowded, darker, with broader glumes dotted with purple. Stig7n. never more than 2. A very distinct species. 6. S. HoloschcBnus . Round-cluster-headed Club- rush. Stem round, naked. Spikes numerous, in globular, sessile or stalked, heads. Bracteas two, unequal, leafy. Leaves channelled. Seed without bristles. S. Holoschoenus. Linn. Sp. PL 72. Willd. i\\. 297. Vahl Enum. v.2.264. Fl.Br.53. Engl. Bot. v. 23. t. \6\2. Fl. Dan. t. 454, bad. Dicks. Dr. PL 2. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 135. S. maritimus, capitulis rotundioribus glomeratis. Raii Syn. 429. Scirpoides maritimum, capitulis sparsis glomeratis. Scheuchz. Agr. 371. t.8.f.2—5. Juncus maritimus capitulis rotundis. Moris, v. 3. 232. sect. 8. t. 10. / 1 7. Pluk. Phyt. L 40. f. 4. ReL Rudb. 22. f. 1, and 25. f. 3. Bauh. Theatr. 174./. Holoschoenus. Dalech. Hist. 987. f. 58 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. On sandv sea shores, in the south of England, rare. At Braunton Boroughs, Devonshire, found by Mr. Stevens. Ray. In ISomfersetshire, Hampshire, Dorsetshire, &c. Sherard, Pe- fiver, &c. Perennial. Sept. Roots tufted. Stems firm, rushy. Leaves and bracteas acute, with a white furrow along the upper side. Heads sessile or stalked, brown, opaque, varying from 1 to 12 or 15 in England, and to more than 60 in warmer climates. Glumes obovate, with a point, keeled, fringed. Siigm. 3. S. ausiralis and romanus of Linnaeus are varieties of this, with 1 or 2 heads, and S. globiferus of his son, in the Suppl. 1 04, is an opjjosite variety with about 60. - 7. S. setaceus. Bristle-stalked Club-rush. Stem bristle-shaped, leafy at the base. Spikes about two, sessile, surmounted by a leafy bractea. Seed furrowed, without bristles. S. setaceus. Linn. Sp. PL 73. Willd. v. 1 . 298. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 253. Fl.Br. 54. Engl. Bot. v. 24. t. 1693. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 12. 1. Don H. Br. 130. Hook. Lond. t.97. Scot. 19. Fl. Dan. t.Sll. Leers 10. t.l.f. 6. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 137. Hofm. Germ, for 1800. t. 2. Ehrh. Phytoph. 51. S. foliaceus humilis. Raii Syn. 430. S. omnium minimus, capitulo breviori. Scheuchz. Agr. 358. Isolepis setacea. Br. Pr. 222. Juncellus omnium minimus. Moris, v. 3. 232. sect. 8. t. 10./. 23. In watery places, on sandy or gravelly ground. Annual. July, August. Stems tufted, about 3 inches high, slender, with 1 or 2, rarely 3, little roundish or ovate spikes, green or brownish, pointing ob- liquely, apparently lateral, but what rises above them is a leafy hractea, attended occasionally by a small one underneath. Stigvi. 3, downy. Seed turbinate, triangular, slightly pointed, greyish, furrowed lengthwise, destitute of bristles. 8. S. cariciniis. Compressed Club-rush. Stem roundish, leafy- at the bottom. Spikes aggregate, two- ranked, many-flowered. Leaves flat, with rough edges and keel. Seed with six bristles at the base. S. caricinus. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 132. Wahlenh. Lapp. 16. S. caricis. Retz. Prodr. 16. Roth Germ. v. 2. 56. Willd. Sp. PL V. 1. 292. Schoenus compressus. Linn. Sp. PL 65. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 2\4. FL Br. 44. EngL Bot. v. II. t. 791. Hook. Scot. 1 6. Pollich V. 1 . 35. t.\.f. 2, faulty. Leers 9. L \.f. 1, excellent, EhrK Phytoph. 11. Dicks. K. Sice. fasc. 3. 2. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. 59 Carex uliginosa. Limi. Sp. PL 1381. FL Suec. 325. Gramen cyperoides, spica simplici compressa disticha. Pluk. Phyt. t. 34. /9. Raii^Sijn. 425. Scheiicliz. Agr. 490. t. 11./. 6. In boggy meadows, not very uncommon. Perennial. July. Root somewhat creeping. Stem about a foot high, simple. Leaves grass-green, sheathing, acute, keeled, rough-edged towards the end, nearly as tall as the stem. Spikes of a bright chesnut brown, collected into a flat common spike, in 2 ranks, the outer glume of each shorter than itself, and empty. Stigm. 2, (Pollich's figure shows 3,) downy. Seed lenticular, grey, with 6 rough, longish bristles beneath, and beaked with an unusually long portion of the style, nearly the whole of it, though the stigmas are deciduous. 9. S. riifus. Brown Club-rusb. Stem round, leafy at the bottom. Spikes aggregate, two- ranked, few-flowered. Leaves channelled, smooth, with- out a keel. Seed without bristles. S. rufus. Sclirad. Germ. v. 1. 133. t. \.f. 3. Fl. Dan. t. 1504. Schccnus rufus. Huds. 15. Fl. Br. 45. E7igl. Bot. v. 15. t. 1010. FahlEnum. v. 2. 215. Hook. Scot. 17. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 10. 6. Don H.Brit. 52. S. compress! varietas. Light/. 1138. t. 24./. 2. In marshes towards the sea coast, in many parts of Scotland, as well as in Mull, SkyC;. Arran, &c. On the western coas't of Ireland. Dr. Wade. Near the bridge between Bootle and Crosby rabbit-warren, between Liverpool and Ince. Mr. John Shepherd. In Anglesea. Rev. H. Davies. Perennial. June, July. Root creeping, v/ith downy fibres. Stems 4 to 6 inches high, round, quite smooth and even. Leaves 2, smooth throughout, semi- cylindrical, channelled, but not keeled, generally much shorter than the stem, which they embrace at the bottom with their sheaths. Compound spike ovate, flat, imperfectly 2-ranked, of a dark rusty brown. Bractea often very short ; sometimes nearly equal to the whole spike, and leafy 5 often entirely wanting Flowers 2, 3 or 4. Glumes turgid, even and polished ; the outermost large, empty, as long as the partial spike to which it belongs. Stigm. 2. Seed ovate, smooth, pointed at each end, flat on one side, tumid on the other, tipped with a short jagged beak left by the style, and certainly without any bristles at the base. This last character, faithfully expressed in Engl. Bot., effectually distinguishes this species from the last 5 and at the same time proves the unimportance of these bristles for a generic character, the two species in question being so nearly allied, that good botanists have hardly been able to discriminate them. CO TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. *** Stem triangular. Panicle naked, 10. S. triqueter^ Triangular Club-rush. Stem acutely triangular, straight, naked, sharp-pointed. Spikes lateral ; sessile or stalked. Stigmas two. Seed smooth. S, triqueter. Uim. Mant. 1. 29. mild. v. 1 . 302. Vahl Enurn. V. 2. 270. FL Br. 55. Engl. Bot. v. 24. t. 1694. Hook. Lond. t.^2. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 140. Fl. Dan. t. 1563. S. n. 1338. Hall. Hht. v. 2. ]77. Juncus acutus maritimus, caule triquetro maximo moUi, et proce- riornostras. Pluk, Almag. 200. Phyt. t. 40. f. 2. RaiiSyn.42S. (3. Scirpus pungens. Vahl Eniim. v. 2. 255. Juncus acutus maritimus caule triquetro, rigido, mucrone pungente. Pluk. Almag. 200. Phyt. t. 40. f. 1 . Dill, in Rail Syn. 429. J. acutus maritimus, caule triangulo. Bauh. Theatr. \7b.f. Moris. r.S. 232. sect. 8. t. 10. f. 20. Rel. Rudb. 22. f. 2, 3. About the muddy banks of rivers exposed to the tide, but rarely. In the Thames at Lambeth, Battersea, &c. as well as below London. Doody. /3. Found by Sherard in Jersey. Perennial. August. Root creeping, forming large entangled tufts. Stems 3 feet high, acutely triangular throughout, pliant and cellular, with many transverse interruptions ; the point erect and rather sharp. Leaf solitaiy, very short, with a long close sheath. Spikes from a lateral' cleft, 2 or 3 inches below the top, partly sessile, partly on rigid angular stalks ; all ovate, of numerous, closely imbri- cated, elliptical, concave, fringed, keeled, pointed, partly reddish, glumes. Stam. 3, with 3 rough intermediate bristles. Stigm. 2, downy. Seed roundish, obtuse, smooth and polished, in which, as Schrader observes, it differs from the exotic S. mucronatus, whose seed is minutely corrugated, with 5 or 6 rough bristles beneath. Our S. triqueter has 3 or 4, scarcely more. /3, as far as I can discover, is but a variety, whose spikes are all sessile. Yet Plukenet's figure more resembles a Carolina species, .S. americanusoi Pursh, n. 16 ^ and Commerson's specimen before me, alluded to by Vahl, is like mucronatus, but has smooth seeds. 11. ^. carinatus. Blunt-edged Club-rush. Stem bluntly triangular upwards, naked ; round at the base. Panicle cjonose, terminal. Bractea pungent, channelled, erect. Stigmas two. S. carinatus. Comp.XO. Engl. Bot. v. 28. t. 1983. Hook. Lond. t. 79. S. lacustris /3. Huds,\9. Fl. Br. 52. Juncus aquaticus medius, caule carinato. Dill, in Raii Syn. 428. Doody's Furrowed Bull-rush. Pet. Cone. Gram. n. 199. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scirpus. 61 About the banks of large rivers. In the Thames at Battersea- and Limehouse. Doody. Above Westminster bridge. Mr. E. Forster. On the banks of the Arun, near Arundel castle. Mr. Borrer. Perennial. August. Root creeping. Leaf none. Stem rather convex between the angles ; not fiat, or concave, as in 6\ trigueter. Panicle most like S. lacustris, but the principal bractea is often longer, and more of the texture of the stem 5 still evincing its true nature, as I apprehend, by being channelled ; though with regard to terminal or lateral inflorescence, the present species is inter- mediate in nature, between lacustris and triqueter. Spikes ovate, numerous, rusty. Stigm. 2. Seed smooth, with 6 rough bristles beneath. ###* ^^^^ triaiigulai'. Panicle leafy. 12. S. marithnus. Salt-marsh Club-rush. Stem triangular. Panicle teraiinal, leafy. Spikes conglo- merate. Glumes torn, with an intermediate point. Stigmas three. S. maritimus. Linn. Sp. PL 74. Willd. v. 1. 306. Fahl Enum. V. 2. 269. Fl. Br. 56. Engl. Bot. v. 8. t. 542. Curt. Lond. fasc.4.t.4. Hook. Scot. \9. Don H.Br. 131. Schrad. Germ. ?;. 1. 143. Ehrh.Calam. 12. S. n. 1339. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 1/8. Gramen cyperoides palustre, panicula sparsa. Rail Sijji. 425. G. cyperoides, panicula sparsa, majus. Bauh. Theatr. 86./. G. aquaticum cyperoides vulgatius. Ger. Em. 22. f. Cyperus longus inodorus latifolius, spicis tumidioribus minus sparsis. Moris, v. 3. 238. sect. 8. t. 11./. 25. /3. Scirpus tuberosus. Desfont. Atlant. v. 1, 50. S. maritimus. Fl. Dan. t. 937. Cyperus rotundus littoreus. Ger. Em. 31./ C. rotundus inodorus littoreus. Mom. 2;. 3. 236. sect. 8. t.W. f. 9. Raii Syn. 426. In salt marshes, and about the banks of great rivers exposed to the tide, frequent. Perennial, July, August. ' Root creeping; in p knotty. Stem 1 — 3 feet high, striated 3 roughish at the angles 3 leafy at the base and summit. Leaves sheathing, keeled, dark-green, rough-edged, taper-pointed. Spikes ovate, soft, partly stalked, solitary or aggregate 3 occasionally elongated and cylindrical. Glumes membranous, of a dark uniform brown, often minutely downy 3 the point, or awn, longer than in the neighbouring species. Seed roundish, shining brown, with 3 blunt angles, and from 1 to 5 or 6 rough bristles. 62 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eleocharis. 13. S. sylvaticiis. Wood Club-rush. Millet Cy- perus-giass. Stem triangular, leafy throughout. Panicle terminal, leafy, cymose, repeatedly compound. Flower-stalks sheathed at the base. Spikes aggregate. S. svh-aticus. Unn. Sp. PL 75. Willd. v.]. 307. Vahl Enum. V.2. 271. FL Br. 57. Engl. Bot. v. 13. ^.919. Hook. Scot. 19. Fl. Dan. f.307. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 145. Leers 10. t. \.f. 4. Ekrh.Calam. 131. S. n. 1340. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 178. Cyperus gramineus. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 504. /. Rail Syn. 426. Scheuchz. Agr. 393. C. gramineus miliaceus. Ger. Em. 30,/. Gramen cyperoides miliaceum. Bauh. Theatr. 90. f. G. arundinaceum, foliis acutissimis, panicula inultiplici, cyperi facie. Loes. Pruss. 119. t.33. In nrioist shady woods, not common. In Pembrokeshire, Warwickshire and Essex. Ray. In Norfolk. Mr. Rose, and Mr. Stone. In several woods about London, as well as in the south of Scotland. Perennial. June, July. Root creeping. Stem a yard high, or more, smooth. Leaves nu- merous, grassy, flat ■ rough and cutting at the edges and keeL Panicle of innumerable, little, dark-green, ovate spikes. Glumes obtuse, with more or less of a small point. Stigm. 3. Seed len- ticular, convex at one side, whitish, smooth, with 6 or 8 longish rough bristles. 26. ELEOCHARIS. Spike-rush. Br. Pr. 224. Scirpus. Tourn. t. 300. Lam. t. 38./. 1 . Nat. Ord. see n, 22. SpiJce of numerous fowers, all perfect. Gl. imbricated in every direction, expanded, uniform. Cor. none. Filam. capillary. Anth, linear. Germ, compressed. Style di- lated at the base, and united, by a suddenly contracted joint, with the germen. Stigm. 2 or 3. Seed lenticular, or triangular, crowned with the hard, discoloured, wrinkled, triangular or compressed, permanent base of the style. Bristles 4—12, finely toothed, beneath the gei-men, rarely wanting, springing from one common mem- branous base with the 3 stamens. [The ingenious Mr. Kunth, in a treatise on the family of Cyperacece, p. 4, has objected to Mr. Brown's idea of an TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eleocharis. 63 articulation in the sfijlc ; because, as he justly says, an actual joint would intercq^t the impreojnation. But there is no question of any such thing. There is nothing ana- logous, in the vegetable body, to the joints in the limbs of animals. The term is used for a certain point where, after the original functions of the part have been per- formed, a solution of continuity takes place ; as in the rachis, or main stalk, of the spiked grasses, which becomes very brittle at each joint, when the seeds ripen, though originally continuous. The same may be observed in the stalks of leaves, and of fruits.J Water plants with simple leafless steins, sheathed at the base, and a solitary, terminal, erect, leafless spike. 1. Yi, palustris. Creeping Spike-rush. Stem round. Root creeping. Stigmas two. Seed lenti- cular, most convex at one side. Scirpus palustris. Linn. Sp. PL 70. HUM. t'. 1 . 29 1 . Vahl Enum, V. 2. 247. Ft. Br. 48. Engl. Bot. v. 2. ^.131. Rel. Rudb. 27. f. 2. Don H. Br. 126. Hook. Scot. 18. Fl. Dan. t. 2/3. Poit. ^ Turp. Par. t. 59. Leers 10. t. l.f. 3. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 127. Walilenb.Lapp. 14. S. n. 1336. Hall Hist. v. 2. 177. S. equiseti capitulo majori, RaiiSyn. 429. Scheuchz. Agr.360. Juncus equiseti capitulis. Beuih. Theatr. 186./. J. minor, capitulis equiseti. Ger. Em. 35./. 1631. Juncellus cyperoides, capitulo simplici, Loes. Pruss. 131. ^36- In ditches, rivulets, and boggy ground, very common. Perennial. June, July. The root sends out horizontal runners, which fix themselves here and there by fibrous radicles. Stems many together, erect, as thick as a crow's quill, smooth, from 6 to 12 inches high, each invested at the base with 2 or 3 tight, entire, cylindrical, reddish sheaths. Leaves x\one. iS)327te ovate-oblong, acute, half an inch long. Glumes brown, bluntly keeled, acute, encompassed with a pale membranous border, and a little expanded while in flower. Stam 3, capillary. Anth. linear, bufl^-coloured, loosely spread- ing. Germ, ovate. iS^/^m«5 certainly but 2, downy, spreading, the length of the style, whose base is greatly dilated, and ovate, but its point of attachment with the germen is not thicker than the upper part of the style. Seed yellow, polished, roundish-obovate, tumid at each side, but most on that next the glume, crowned by the brown, wrinkled, compressed, permanent, unpolished base of the style, and subtended by from 3 to 5 bristles, about its own length, rough with deflexed teeth. Three stigmas are very erroneously represented, in Engl. Bot. this species not being then well distinguished from the following. 64 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eleocharis. 2. E. multicaidis . Many- stalked Spike-rush. Stem round. Root fibrous. Stigmas three. Seed acutely triangular, as well as the permanent base of the style. Scirpus multicaulis. Fl. Br. 48. Engl. Bot. v. 17. t. 1 187. Don H. Br. 128. Fahl Enum. v. 2. 24G. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 128. S. palustris /3, minor. Wahlenb . Lapp . 14. Hook. Scot. 18. Liiin. FL Lapp. ed. 2.16. S. t. 1G7. Fl. Dan. See the remarks to t. 287 of that work. S. multicaulis, equiseti capitulis minoribus. Rel. Riidb. 28. f. 2. S. equiseti capitulis crassioribus et habitioribus, pumilus et multi- caulis. Rupp. Jen. ed. Hall. 319. S. caule aphyllOj spica imbricata subrotunda,, glumis obtusis. Hall. Enum. 249. On turfy bogs, and wet commons, in many parts of Scotland, as well as in Cornwall, Essex, Sussex, Yorkshire and Norfolk. First noticed in the isle of Skye^, by Mr, John Mackay, in 1794. Perennial. July. Root tufted, with many long fibres. Whole plant rather smaller than the preceding. Stems very numerous, 8 or 10 inches high, sometimes more, spreading loosely, with 1 or 2 tight purplish sheaths at the base. Leaves none. Spike smaller, more acute and slender, than in the last, and rather darker coloured. One or two of the lower flowers are often viviparous. Glumes obtuse, with a membranous edge. Stam. 3. Stigmas certainly 3, as is clearly expressed in Engl. Bot., though Professor Schrader, by a scarcely credible mistake in any body, but least of all in him, positively asserts that the painter has faultily drawn but 2 ! I presume moreover to persist in the correctness of the above sy- nonyms, contrary to his opinion. There being, as Schrader al- lows, 3 stigmas, the seed, has one fiat side, and 3 nearly equal an- gles, and is smaller and browner than that of E. palustris, having moreover a triangular beak, or point. There are 5 or 6 rough bristles at the base of the germen, often more or less deciduous. Dr. Wahlenberg declares that he has carefully examined these two species, and found them the same, the root not being creep- ing in either. Professor Hooker, following him, has accordingly made them varieties, I recommend to these excellent botanists to consider the above particulars, and have no doubt of their coming to a better authorized conclusion. 3. E. acicularis. Least Spike-rush. Stem quadrangular. Stigmas three. Seed numerously furrowed, without bristles at the base. Filaments per- manent. Scirpus acicularis. Linn. Sp. PL 71, omitting Scheuchz. syn. mild. V. 1. 295. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 245. FL ^r. 51. EngL BoL TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eriophorum. 65 V. 11. t. 749. Hook. Loud. t. 49. Scot. 18. Fl. Dan. t. 287. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 14. 1. Don U. Brit. 2. Ehrh. Phyt. 4K Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 130. S. minimus, capitulis equiseti. Dill. Giss. 165. Raii Syn. 429. Juncelli omnium minimi, capitulis equiseti. Pluk. Almag. 201. t.AO.f.7. Juncellus clavatus minimus. Moris, v. 3. 234. sect. 8. t. 10. y. 37. Cvperus acicularis. With. 78. Mariscus n. .'346. Hall. Hist. ?;. 2. 180. In damp spots, upon heaths, where water has stagnated during winter. First noticed in England by the Rev. Mr. Dodsworth, according to Ray and Plukenet. Perennial. August. Root fibrous, with slender runners. Stems numerous, erect, very slender, from 2 to 6 inches high, certainly quadrangular, though somewhat compressed, smooth, with a tight red sheath at the base. Leaves none, though there are many barren stems which resemble them. Spike minute, of 5 or 6 flowers. Glumes hvown, acute, with a membranous edge. Stam. 3, their filaments flat, longer than the seed, under the base of which they remain at- tached, and hence, as Dr. Hooker well remarks, may have arisen a report of this species having bristles under the germen. I could never find any. The style is short, with 3 long stigmas. Seed whitish, elliptic-oblong, with many longitudinal furrows, and a small blunt beak. The seed of the lowest Jiower, though perfectly formed, sometimes remains diminutive and abortive, Kernel, according to Dr, Hooker, smooth, obovate, 27. ERIOPHORUM. Cotton-grass. Unn. Gen. 30. Juss. 27. Fl. Br. 58. Lam. t.39. Gcertn. t.2. Nat. Orel, see n. 22. Spike of numerous Jlonsoers^ all perfect. Gl. imbricated in every direction, uniform, flat, mostly membranous and greyish, pointed, with 1 or 3 slender ribs, not awned ; 1 or 2 of the outermost often empty. Cor. none. Filam, 3, capillary. Anth. pendulous, prominent, linear. Germ, obovate, encompassed with numerous fine hairs from the receptacle^ shorter than the style, but subsequently greatly elongated. Style simple, entirely deciduous. Stigm. 3, downy. Seed obovate, sometimes minutely and bluntly pointed, encompassed beneath with very copious, longj cottony, white hairs. Boot perennial, with strong fibres. Stem erect, simple, leafy; rarely naked. Z/^'^i'^'s linear, or lanceolate. Spikes one or several, erect or pendulous. Natives of boggy meadows, or alpine moors. VOL. I. F 66 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eriophorum. * Spike soliiarj/, I.E. vaginatum. Hare's-tail Cotton-grass. Stem triangular above ; round below, with a swelling sheath. Spike ovate. Glumes membranous. E. vaginatum. Linn. Sp. PL 76. Willd. v. \. S\2. Vahl Enum, V. 2. 388. Fl. Br. 58. Engl. Bot. v. 13. t. 873. Rel Rudb. 29. f. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 10. firaves Br. Gr. t.\. Fl. Dan. t. 236. Poit. 8^ Turp. Par. t. 49. Hook. Scot. 20. E. csespitosum. Host Gram. v. 1. 30. f.39. Schrad. Germ. vA. 150. Juncus alpinus, cum cauda leporina. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 514./. Raii Syn. 436. J. alpinus^ capitulo lanuginoso, Bauh. Prodr. 23./. Theatr. 187. /. 188. Scheuchz. Agr. 302. t.7.f. 1—3. Prodr. 26. t. 7.f.\. Gramen juncoides lanatum alterum danicum. Moris, v. 3. 224. sect.^. t.9.f.6. On barren mountainous moors, frequent. On turfy boggy heaths in the south of England, more rarely. Perennial, March, April. Root slightly creeping. Stems tufted, jointed, smooth, finally 12 — 15 inches high, with 1 or 2 inflated, strongly reticulated sheaths in the lower part, and below them several erect, slender, triangular, striated, sharp-pointed leaves, nearly as tall as the stem. Spike silvery grey when in flower, with long-pointed, thin, single-ribbed scales, and yellow prominent anthers ; when in seed very conspicuous, in May and June, from its copious, long, white, soft and smooth hairs, by means of which the little triangular seeds are finally carried away by the wind. Ray reports that sheep are very fond of this plant. I have found the leaves fed down early in the spring, before the stems run to seed. 2. E. capkatum. Round-headed Cotton-grass. Stem entirely round, with a swelling sheath. Spike roundish. Glumes membranous. E. capitatum. Host Gram. v. 1. 30. t. 38. Schrad. Germ. i>. 1 . 1 5 1 . Comp. 1 1 . Engl. Bot. v. 34. t. 2387. Hook. Scot. 20. Fl. Ban, ^.1502. E. Scheuchzeri. Roth in Sims ^ Kon. Ann. of Bot. v.\. 149. Vahl Enum. V. 2. 388. Juncus alpinus, capitulo tomentoso majori. Scheuchz. Agr. 304. Prodr. 27. t. 7.f.2. On a sand- bank by an alpine rivulet on Ben Lawers, Scotland, near the limits of perpetual snow. O. Don. Perennial. August. TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Erlophonim. 67 Roo^ extensively creeping. Stem about half as high as the fore- going, but of a stouter habit, and cylindrical throughout. Leaves thicker, and much shorter. Glumes smaller, and not quite so thin and delicate ; the outer one with many ribs. Hairs of the seed much shorter than the former. 3. E. alpinum. Alpine Cotton-grass. Stem triangular, naked above the leaves, which are shorter than their sheaths. Spike oblong-ovate. Glumes firm, strongly keeled. E. alpinum. Linn. Sp. PL 77 . IVilld. v. \. 314. Vahl Enum. V. 2. 388. Fl. Br. 60. Engl. Bot. v.b. t.3\\. Hook. Scot. 20. Dicks. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 2. 290 ^ 356. Fl. Dan. t. 620. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 8. 3. Don H. Brit. 26. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 149. Host Gram. r. 1. 31. t.AO. Linagrostis juncea alpina,capitulo parvo, tomento rariore. Scheuchz. Agr. 305. t.7.f. 4, J uncus alpinus bombycinus. Bauh. Prodr. 23. Baiih. Hist. v. 2. 515. Scheuchz. Prodr. 27. t. 8./. 1. On turfy alpine bogs in Scotland. On a moss 3 miles east of Forfar. 3Ir. Broivn S^ Mr. G. Don. On the mountains of Breadalbane ; Mr. Somerville. Hooker. Perennial. June, July. Boot creeping, throwing up a row of crowded stems, destitute of joints, 4 — 6 inches high, with 3 rough angles. Leaves few, very short, channelled, rough-edged, with long, striated, smooth sheaths. Spike erect, very small, of a few ovate, rusty, chaffy glumes, each with a strong, green keel, and quite unlike the grey, filmy, tapering scales of the 2 preceding species. Hairs white and shining, few in each spike, erect, not concealing the glumes. The late Mr. G, Don justly pointed out to us that the shoot with long leaves, annexed to the figure in Engl. Bot., belongs to Carcx dioica, a plant frequently intermixed with this Eriophorum. ** Spikes several. 4. Ya. polystacldon. Broad-leaved Cotton-grass. Stem round. Leaves flat, lanceolate, with a triangular point. Stalks of the spikes smooth. Hairs thrice the length of the spike. E. polystachion. Linn. Sp. PI. 76. Willd. u. ]. 312. J'ahlEnum. V. 2. 389. Fl. Br. 59. Engl. Bot. v. 8. t. 563. Dicks. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 2. 289. H. Sicc.fasc. 4. 1. Hook. Scot. 21. Roth Germ. v. 2. 63. Leers W.t.l.f. 5. Hoffm. Germ, for 1800. t. 3. E. latifolium. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 154. Poit. S^ Turp. Par. t. 50. Fl.Dan. M38I. F 2 68 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eriophorum. Linagi'ostis panicula minore. Vaill. Par. U7. t. 16./. 2, L. panicula ampliore, Scheuchz. Agr. 306. ^ Gramen tomentosum pratense, panicula spars^. Bauh. Theatr.6\.f. Moris. V. 3. 224. sect.S. t.9.f. 1. In boggy meadows. In Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Yorkshn-e, Cumberland, and very common in Scotland. Dickson. In Shropshire. Rev. E. Williams. Perennial. April. Hoot fibrous. Stem 2 feet high, jointed, striated, smooth, leafy, somewhat angular at the top, but otherwise quite cylindrical. Leaves many, smooth, broad and flat, with a narrow acute keel j their points suddenly contracted, triangular, sharp. Spikes seve- ral, sessile or stalked, ovate, grey, with leafy, pointed, sheathing bracteas ; their stalks striated, but not downy. Glumes filmy, bluntish, slightly keeled. ^?2^/i. linear, yellow. Stigm. 3, very slender. Hairs of the seed about thrice as long as the spikes, which become pendulous after flowering. 5. E. pubesrens. Downy-stalked Cotton-grass. Stem angular upwards. Leaves flat, lanceolate, with a tri- angular point. Stalks of the spikes downy. Hairs twice the length of the spike. E. angustifolium. Poit. ^ Turp. Par. t.5\. In bogs and marshes. At Frogden, Scotland. Mr. Arthur Bruce. On Cherry Hinton moor, Cambridgeshire, always growing on grassy ground, not in the bogs. Rev. J. Holme. Perennial, April, May? Smaller than the last, with which the leaves accord, except in being narrower, and somewhat shorter. The stem is triangular as low as the insertion of the first, or even second, leaf, but, as far as can be judged from dried specimens, appears to be cylin- drical at the bottom. Spikes from 2 to 8 or 9, their stalks some- what angular, compressed and striated, clothed with fine silky hairs. Glumes elliptical, flat, brownish -black, membranous, single-ribbed, except the outermost, which has sometimes 3 ribs. Stigmas 3, reddish. Seed obovate, triangular, tawny. Hairs scarcely half the length of the last, very white and silky, ele- gantly contrasted with the dark glumes, which they do not conceal. . The authors of the splendid, but unfortunately abortive. Flora Parisiensis have mistaken this for the E. angustifolium of other writers, which is their E. Vaillantii. Schrader, by his character of the rough flower -stalks, and angular stem, appears to have confounded our plant with the polystachion, his latifoLium, TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Eriophorum. 69 6. E. angiistifoliiim. Common Cotton-grass. Stem nearly round. Leaves linear, triangular ; channelled towards the base. Stalks of the spikes smooth. Hairs four times the length of the spike. E. angustifolium. Roth Germ, v. 2. 63. Dicks. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v.2.289. mild. v.\. 313. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 389. Fl. Br. 59. Engl. Bot. V. 8. t. 564. Graves Br. Gr. t. 4. With. 72. Hook. Scot. 21. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 153. Fl. Dan. t. 1442. E. polystachion. Huds. 21. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 9. E. Vaillantii. Poit. ^ Turp. Par. t. 52. Linagrostis. RaiiSyn. 43d. L. panicula ampliore. Faill. Par. 117. t. 16. f. 1. In turfy, boggy, and muddy meadows, common. Perennial. April. Root creeping. Plant nearly as tall, though much more slender than E. polystachion, with still longer hairs to the seeds, which almost entirely conceal the grey, membranous, pointed glumes. The spikes in seed, conspicuous for their whiteness, last through tlie summer, and though partly drooping, are less absolutely pendulous than those of the polystachion. The very narrow tri- angular leaves afford a ready distinction. 7. E. gracile. Slender Mountain Cotton-grass. Stem round, with three slight angles. Leaves triangular ; channelled towards the base. Spikes longer than the bractea. Hairs twice the length of the spike. E. gracile. Roth in Sims S; Kan. Ann. of Bot. v.\.\bO. Comp. 1 1 . Engl. Bot. V. 34. t. 2402. Hook. Scot. 20, Poit. et Turp. Par. t. 53. li'ahlenh. Lapp. 19. E, triquetrum. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 152. Fl. Dan. 1. 1441. In boggy mountainous situations. On Ben Lawers, and the Clova mountains, in a micaceous soil. G. Don. Perennial. July. Root creeping, with slender, jointed runners. Stem slender, 6 inches high when in flower, twice as tall, like the other species, in seed. Leaves recurved, linear, triangular, acute, very narrow, smooth, shorter than the flowering stem ; channelled and keeled in their lower part, with a short, lanceolate, entire sfipula. Spikes 3 or 4, pardy stalked, always nearly erect, accompanied by a leafy, ribbed bractea, not so tall as themselves. Glumes almost black, membranous, the uppermost somewhat pointed ; lowest of all 3 -ribbed. Our Scottish specimen is not in seed, nor are the flower-stalks dis- cernible ; but it answers in other respects to German specimens in seed, from Professor Schrader. In these the stalks of the 70 TRIANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Nardus. spikes are very minutely downy ; the seeds linear-obovate -, the hairs about twice as long as the spikes. A Lapland specimen from Dr. Wahlenberg agrees with them exactly. 28. NARDUS. Mat-grass. Linn. Gen. 30. Juss. 33. Fl.Br. 61. Lam.t. 39. Nat. Ord. Gramirui. Linn. 4. Gramincce. Juss. 10. Br. Pr. 168. See next genus. 33 following genera belong to the same. See Grammar, 68, 69, as also the follow- ing order. Common receptacle linear, toothed, unilateral. Flo\soers al- ternate, sessile, all directed one way, perfect. Cal. none, except a slight border from the recept. Cor» a glume of 2 unequal, lanceolate, pointed, concave valves ; tlie outer one largest, embracing the other. Filam. capillary, shorter than the corolla. Antli, oblong. Germ, superior, oblong, slender. Style 1, short. Stigma 1, long, feathery. Seed 1, linear, pointed at each end, invested with theper- _^^.manent corolla. A small genus of hard, rigid, slender, smooth grasses, with simple, upright or curved, many-flowered spikes, 1. N. sfricUi. Common Mat-grass. Spike bristle-shaped, straight. Leaves thrice the length of their sheaths. N. stricta. Linn. Sp. PL 77- WiUd. v. 1.314. Vahl Enum. v. 2. 396. Fl. Br. 61 . Engl. But. v.b.t. 290. Knapp. t. 2. Mart. Rust. t. 27. Hook. Scot.2\. Cavan. Ic. v. 3. 2. t. 204./. 2. Leers II. t. l.f.7. Schreb. Gram. 65. t. 7. Fl.Dan. t. 1022. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 157. Sincl. 171. N. n. 1410. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 201 . Gramen sparteum juncifolium. Bauh. Theatr. 69. f. 70. Scheuchz. Agr. 90. t. 2./. 10. Raii Syn. 293. G. sparteum^ capillaceo folio, minus. Moris, v. 3. 217. sect. 8. t. 7. /.8. Spartum nostras parvum. Loh. Ic. 90./. Ger. Em. 41 ./. 1 631 . On barren, sandy, rather moist^ heaths and moors. Perennial. Julij. Root of numerous, very strong, downy fibres. Stems and leaves furrowed, roughish with minute bristles, rigid, 4 or 5 inches high, remaining bleached through the winter. SyoiA-es solitary, purplish, oF many slender Jlowers, whose outermost glume is tipped with a short rough awn. Schrank celebrates this deep-rooted grass as a safe support to the hands of the alpine botanist, in precipi- tous situations^ though it renders his ])ath very slippery. 71 TRIANDRIA DIGYNTA. An entirely natural order, consisting of Gramina. Linn. 4. Gramincce, Juss. 10. Br. Pr. 168. See Grammar, 6^, 69. No natural order can be more clear and distinct than this. But why Jussieu changed its old name Gramina, for Graminecc, I cannot discover. The plants are woX. grassy, but grasses, ipsa gramina. To call them graminece, is to compare them to themselves. The following view of their characters, taken chiefly from Mr. Brown, will further illustrate what is contained in the Grammar, i^^ow^■5 for the most part united; sometimes monoecious; more frequently imperfect in one or other of their organs of impregnation. Calijx of Linnaeus, {ghima of Brown,) a husk, or glume, con- taining 1 or 2jlorets, or many Jlorets on a 2-ranked co7n- mon stalk, or receptacle : it is mostly of 2 unequal valves, rarely of 1 only, or entirely wanting. Corolla, i^pcrianth of Brown,) a similar husk, ov glume, al- most always of 2 valves, (rarely of but 1,) which are dis- similar; the outermost generally keeled, having 1, 3, or many longitudinal ribs, pointed, often cloven at the sum- mit, often bearing from below the top, a jointed, twisting, hygrometrical, often feathery, (rarel}^ simple and straight,) awn; the innermost usually with 2 distant ribs, each at a lateral fold ; generally without any awns, but with 2 if any ; sometimes wanting. Nectary of Linnaeus, {squamulcE of Brown,) 1, or 2 com- bined, minute, membranous or fleshy scales, beneath the germen, eidier both at one side, between the outer valve of the corolla and the stame?is, or alternate with the valves, and opposite to each other; someiimes entirely wanting. Stamens below the germen, deflnite, except in Pariana ; ^fila- ments long and capillary : anthers of 2 cells, oblong, pro- minent, pendulous, forked and divaricated at each end. Germen with a solitary kernel; styles mostly 2, either di- stinct, or partly combined, rai'ely 1 only, and still more rarely 3; Stigmas rough, or feathery, sometimes branched, or compound. Seed with a close, sim})le, flrmly united, membranous, co- loured skin; either naked, and uncoimected ; or inclosed in the })ennancnt hardened valves of the corolla, consti- lit 72 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. tuting a spurious seed-vessel, often accompanied with a spiral or feathery, finally separating, awn ; albumen mealy ; embryo closely applied to the outer side of the albumen, at the base, having a simple, shield-like, fleshy cotyledony as durable as the albumen^ to which it is attached, under the skin ,• plumida external, simple, in a membranous sheath of its own, from whence, when burst, the primary leaves of the young plant are protruded. The genera of grasses are related to each other, as Mr. Brown observes, in many different directions ; so that no regular series can exhibit them all according to their na- tural affinity. This able observer describes 3 principal modifications of their fructification. In the first the calyx contains 1, 2, or muny^fiorets. When thejloret is solitary, the outer valve of the corolla is at the inside of the outer, or smaller, valve of the calyx ; when there are 2 or more Jlorets, they are either all perfect or complete as to stamens and pistils ,- or the upper, or in- nermost, are gradually smaller, and less perfect, wanting stamens, or pistil, or both. Most of the Europa^an ge- nera come under this section, though they differ in their hvjlorescence, as Agrostis, Aira, Phleum, Alopecurus, Fes^ tuca, Poa, Avena, Bromus, Triticum, Hordeum, &c. These genera, chiefly abounding in the temperate, and found also in the frigid, zone, are of much rarer occurrence, if not entirely wanting, in the torrid zones. The second section has either 2 Jlorets in each calyx, or by suppression of valves, or of organs of impregnation, one jloret only; the more perfect, or durable, /^or^/' being al- ways within, or next to, the inner valve ot the calyx. To this very natural tribe belong Holcus of Brown, (for which I retain the name of Sorghum, see Rees's Cyclop, v. 33, and which is not found in Britain,) Andropogon, Ischcje- mum, Saccharum, Panicum, &c., principally tropical grasses, rarely occurring in the temperate, and scarcely at all in the frigid, zones. The third section is characterized by having the interme- diate Jloret united, or most perfect, while those at each side are either neuter, or furnished at most with stamenst only. Mr. Brown considers this tribe as less natural, as well aa less extensive, than the two former. Hierocle, of which several species are found in the colder regions of each hemisphere, is an example of it, and to this genus Anthoxanthum bears a manifest relationship; see Diandria TKIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Phalaris. 73 Digynia, p. 37. Mr. Brown traces an analogous struc- ture in Pomcrculla^ Ehrharta, Tetrarrhena^ MicrolcEiia^ and perhaps Phalaris. In tliis last section are compre- hended several genera, more or less anomalous in struc- ture, and certainly ill understood by botanists in general. They either have separated y/oiirr^, or a deficiency of calyx, or an unusual number of stamens. Most of them are tropical and aquatic grasses. Grasses yield more sustenance to man and to the larger animals, than all the rest of the vegetable kingdom to- gether. Their herbage, so perpetually s})ringing, and so tenacious of hfe, accommodated, in one instance or other, to almost every climate, soil, and situation, affords to Nature, her most welcome clothing, and to the cultivator of the soil his chief riches. Nothing poisonous or inju- rious is found among them, if we except the intoxicating quality attributed to the seeds of Lolium ; but many are gratefullv aromatic. Their farinaceous albumen supplies man witfi the staff of life, in Wheat, Rye, Barley, Rice and Maize, and makes a great part of the food of many birds and small quadrupeds. As man cannot live on tasteless unmixed flour alone, so neither can catde, in general, be supported by mere grass, without the addition of various plants, in themselves too acrid, bitter, salt, or narcotic, to be eaten unmixed. Spices, and a portion of animal food, supply us with the requisite stimulus, or additional nutriment ; as the Ra- nunculus tribe, and many others, season the pasturage and fodder of cattle. 29. PHALARIS. Canary-grass. Linn. Gen. 32. Juss. 29. FL Br. 62. Lam. t. 42. Gcertn. t. 80. Schrad. Germ, v I. 177. Cal. single-flowered, of 2, nearly equal, compressed, keeled valves, whose straight inner margins meet. Cor. smaller than the cal. concealed, of 3 or 4 valves ; the outermost smallest, lanceolate, acute, of 1 or 2 valves ; 2 inner ones twice as large, unequal, cartilaginous, downy, subsequently hardened and closely investing the seed. Nect. 2 equal, ovate, thin scales. Filam. capillary. Anth. oblong. Styles very sliort, with long feathery stigmas. Seed ovate, coated with the ijHier corolla. Stems leafy. Injlorescence more or less compound, though often apparently a simple spike. 74 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Phalaris. 1. Vh. cajiariensis. Manured Canary-grass. Panicle ovate, resembling a spike. Calyx-glumes boat- shaped ; entire at the summit. Outer corolla of two naked valves. Ph. canariensis. Linn. Sp. PL 79. mild. v. 1. 326. Fl. Br. 62. En^l Bot. V. 19. t. 1310. Mart. Rust. t. 17. Knapp t. 3. Hook. Scot. 23. Schracl. Germ. v.l.\77. Leers \8.t.7.f.3f. Schreb, Gram. v.l.SS.t. 10./. 2. Sincl. 303. Phalaris. Ger. Em. 86./. Ph. major, semine albo. Bauh. Theatr. 534. f. Scheuchz.Agr.52. t. 2./ 3. A, C, E, F. Moris, v. 3. 186. sect. 8. t.3.f. 1. Dill, in Rait Syn. 394. In cultivated and waste ground, probably naturalized. Annual. June — August. Root of many white fibres. Stem 1 or more, 2 feet high, erect, leafy, striated, roughish, with brown joints. Leaves broad, soft, acute, with long tumid sheaths, and a blunt stipula. Panicle compact, erect, compound, though resembling a simple ovate spike, elegantly variegated with green and white. Seeds po- lished, the usual food of Canary-birds. 2. Ph. aru?idi?iacea. Reed Canary-grass. Panicle upright, with spreading branches. Flowers crowded, unilateral. Outer corolla of two bearded valves. Ph. arundinacea. Linn. Sp. PL 80. Comp. 11. Engl. Bot. v. 6. t. 402. V. 30. t. 2160./ 2. Huds. 23. Hook. Scot. 23. Pur- ton 69. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 180. t. 6.f. 5. Fl. Dan. t. 259. Leers ]8. t.7.f.3. Ehrh. Calam. 5 1 . Arundo colorata. Soland. in Ait. H. Kew. ed. 1. v. I. 116. Dry- andr. ibid. ed. 2. v.\. 1/4. FL Br. 147. Knapp t. 98. Willd. V. 1. 457. a: n. 1524. Hall. Hist v. 2. 243, Gramen arundinaceum acerosa gluma. Raii Syn. 400. Moris, v. 3. 203. secLS. t.6.f.4\. G. aquaticum paniculatum, phalaridis semine. Tourn. Inst. 523. Scheuchz.Agr. 126. t.3.f.4. In ditches, pools, and the margins of rivers, common. Perennial. July. Root tufted, creeping, with strong horizontal shoots. Stem 4 or 5 feet high, reed-like, jointed, hollow, smooth. Leaves harsh, lanceolate, flat, taper-pointed, striated, as well as their close sheaths. Stipula short, bluntish, decurrent. Panicle erect, large, lobed, with spreading, angular, rough branches. Fl. very numerous, crowded, leaning one way, often purplish. Calyx- glumes equal, acute, keeled, ribbed. Lnier Corolla downy ; at length cartilaginous, inclosing the seed ; outer of 2 very minute. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Phleum. 75 linear, swelling, firm glumes, each terminating in a tuft of hairs, exceeding their own length. Dr. Schrader has most happily corrected the misconception relative to the outer corolla, which having been considered as tufts of hair only, this grass was judged an Arundo. See t. 2160./. 2. A variety with striped leaves is common in gardens. See SincL 253. 30. PHLEUM. Cat's-tail-grass. Linn. Gen. 33. Juss.'lO. Fl. Br. 68. Lam. t. 42. Gc^rtn. t. I. Cal. of 2 nearly equal, compressed, clasping, parallel, point- ed, or avvned, more or less abrupt, valves, spreading at the top, containing a single floret. Cor. of 2 unequal, mostly awnless, valves, concealed within the calyx, al- waj'S remaining membranous ; the larger valve clasping the smaller. Filam. ca}:)illary. Antlu linear, prominent, cloven at each end. Germ, roundish. Styles capillary, spreadmg. Stigmas feathery. Seed elliptic-oblong, loose. Annual or perennial grasses. Stem leaty. Iiifl. a spiked cluster, or dense panicle, assuming the form of a spike. Fl. numerous, crowded. \,V\\.p7'ate?ise. Common Cat's-tail-grass. Timothy- grass. Cluster spiked, cylindrical. Calyx abrupt, fringed at the keel, longer than its awns. Ph. pratense. Linn. Sp. PL 87. mild. v. 1. 354. Fl. Br. 68. Engl. Bat. V. 15. f. 1076. Mart. Rust. t. 5. Hook, Scot. 23. K)iapp t. 6. Leers 17. t. 3./. 1. Schreh. Gram. v. I. 102. t. 14. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 182. Sincl. 83. Ph. n. 152S. HalLHist.v. 2. 245. Gramen typhinum majus, seu primum. Rail Syn. 398. G. typhoides maximum, spica longissima. Bauh. Theatr. 49./. Prodr.lO.f. Scheuchz.Agr.60.t. 2./. 5, A,B. Moris, v. 3. ] 93. sect. 8. t.4. ord. 3.f.\. Ph. pratense minus. Sincl. 85. /3. G. typhinum minus. Raii Syn. 398. G. tvphoides medium, sive vulgatissimum. 3Ioris. v. 3. 1 93. sect. 8. t.4. ord. 3. f. 2. y. Phleum nodosum. Linn. .Sp. PL 88. WiUd. v. 1. 355. Leers 17. t.3.f.2. FLDan.L3S0. SincL87. Ph. n. 1530. HalL Hist. v. 2. 245. Alopecurus bulbosus. Dicks. H.Sicc.fasc. 12. 4. Ciramcn nodosum, spica parva. Bauh. Tlicatr. 20. f. Dill, in Raii Syn. 398. 76 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Phleum. G. typhoides asperum alterum, Bauh. Theatr. 52./. Scheuchz. Agr. 62. G. typhoides minus. Moris, v. 3. 1 94. sect. 8. t. 4. ord. 3./. 3. G. typhinum minus. Ger. Em. 12. f. In moist meadows and pastures ; (3 in less fertile spots, and by way sides ; y in barren ground^ occasionally flooded, or in very dry situations ; all equally common. Perennial. June — October. Root somewhat creeping -, in /3 slightly tuberous ; in y bulbous, often double. Stem from 2 to 4 feet high, knotty, erect ; in the varieties partly decumbent J round, striated, leafy except near the top. Leaves flat, roughish, with long, close, striated sheaths, and a small blunt stipula. Cluster erect, cylindrical, obtuse, from 2 to 6 inches long, of innumerable crowded Jlowers, on short, subdivided, partial stalks. Cal. hairy, green or purplish, with white ribs, and a broad, dilated, abrupt, membranous mar- gin to each valve. Awns straight, short, rough. Once celebrated for its agricultural merits, but now out of fashion, though it spontaneously makes a part of the hay crop. 2. Ph. alpinum. Alpine Cat's-tail-grass. Cluster spiked, ovate-oblong. Calyx abrupt, fringed at the keel, as long as its awns. Root tuberous. Ph. alpinum. Linn. Sp, PI. S8. H. Lapp. ed. 2.20. Willd.v.l- 355. Fl. Br. 69. Engl Bot.v. 8. t. 519. Dicks. Tr. of Linn. Soc. V. 2. 288. Don H. Brit. 3. Hook. Scot. 23. Schrad, Germ. v. I . 184. FLDan.t.2\3. Ph. n. 1529. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 245. Gramen typhoides alpinum, spica brevi, densa et veluti villosa. Scheuchz. Agr. 64. Prodr. 17. t. 3. On the mountains of Scotland. Near Garway moor. Mr. Dickson. On Ben Lawers. Mr. Brown. Perennial. July. Root tuberous, moderately creeping. Stem ascending, 6 — 12 inches high, often decumbent at the base, leafy, smooth. Sheaths of the upper leaves very long, a little inflated. Stipula short, acute. Cluster about an inch long, often tinged with dull purple, as well as the naked upper part of the stem, and sheaths of the leaves. Calyx-glumes strongly fringed at the keel j their awns about as long as themselves, or longer. Outer valve of the corolla ribbed, tipped with a small awn. 3. Ph. asperum. Rough Cat's -tail-grass. Panicle spiked, cylindrical. Calyx wedge-shaped, swelling upward, pointed, rough ; keel naked. Stem branched. Ph. asperum. Jacq. Coll. v. 1. 110. Jc. Rar. 1. 14. Villars Dauph. r.2. 61. t.2.f.4. Schrad. Germ. v. \. 185. TRIANDRIA— ^DIGYNIA. Phleum. 77 Ph. paniculatum. Huds. 26. Fl. Br. 70. Engl. Bot.v. 15. 1. 1077. Knapp t.S. Ait. H. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. 145. Ph. viride. Allion. Pedem. v. 2. 232, from the author. Ph. n. 1531. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 246. Phalaris aspera. Retz. Obs.fanc. 4. \4. fruid. v. \. 328. Host Gram.v. 2. 28. ^ 37. Ph. paniculata. Ait. H. Kew. ed. \. v.\. 87. Sibth. Oxon. 34. In dry open fields, rare. Near Bristol, and on Newmarket heath. Hudson. Near Bourn bridge. Mr. Crowe. In Badminton park, Gloucestershire, near the lodge. Herb. Banks. In Bedfordshire. Rev. Dr. Abbot. Annual. July. Whole plant bright green. Root of several strong whorled fibres. Stem 8 — 18 inches high, very smooth, leafy, branched from the bottom, as well as in the upper part. Leaves roughish, pointed, erect, with slightly swelling sheaths. Stipula oblong, generally torn. Panicles terminal, solitary, erect, 2 or 3 inches long, very dense, cylindrical, or somewhat tapering, rough to the touch, when bent to one side proving to be much branched and subdivided, consisting of innumerable little tumid /lowers, whose calyx-valves are roughish, each tipped with a small rigid point ; the keel often toothed, but neve^ fringed ; the inner edges mem- branous and abrupt. Cor. of 2 unequal, oval, ribbed, somewhat downy, glumes. Stam. and Styles capillary. Seed cylindrical, minute, loose. The synonyms in Villars and Hudson, as well as those of older authors, are, as Schrader observes, to be received with caution. I submit to the correction of the great author last mentioned as to the specific name, which is perhaps preferable to our original one, and certainly far more generally adopted. 4. Ph. Boehmeri. Purple-stalked Cat's-tail-grass. Panicle spiked, nearly cj^indrical. Calyx-glumes linear- lanceolate, slightly pointed, nearly smooth, abrupt at the inner margin. Stem simple. Ph. Boehmeri. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 186. Comp. 12. Phalaris phleoides. Linn. Sp. PI. 80. IVilld. v. 1 . 328. Fl. Br. 63. Engl. Bot. V. 7. ^.459. Fl. Dan. ^ 531. Host Gram. v. 2.26. ^.34. Ehrh.Phyt. 61. Sincl. 207. Gramen typhinum, spica conoide striata, culmo violaceo. Barrel. Ic.t.2\.f.\. In high sandy or chalky fields, rare. In several parts of Cambridgeshire. Lyons, Relhan, &c. In a field at Narburgh, Norfolk. Mr. Crowe and Mr. Woodward. Perennial. July. Root fibrous. Stems 1 2 — 18 inches high, erect, leafy, of a shining purple where naked, by which this species is readily known. 78 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Plileum. The radical Leaves last in tufts through the winter ; those on the stem have very long, scarcely inflated^, sheaths. Panicle as remarkably lobed as the last. Glumes purplish, more or less fringed with a few bristles, not soil hairs ; pointed^ not awned. Cor. rather unequal^ membranous, scarcely downy. Shjles short. 5. Ph. Michelii. Michelian Cat's-tail-grass. Panicle spiked, nearly cylindrical. Calyx-glumes lanceo- late, taper-pointed, hairy, fringed. Corolla oblong, firm, hairy; inner valve cloven. Fh. Michelii. Allion. Pedem. v. 2. 233. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 187. t. l.f. 2. Comp. 12. Engl. Bot. v. 32. ^.2265. Hook. Scot. 24. Ph. n. 1532. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 24G. Phalaris alpina. Hcenke in Jacq. Coll. v. 2. 91. Host Gram. V. 2. 26. f. 35. Gramen t_\^hoides alpinum, spica graciliori delicata et villosa. Scheuchz . Agr . 65. Hall. Enum. Rar. 10. n. 264. G. typhinum junceum perenne. Barrel. Ic. t. 21./. 2. G. spicatum saxatile glabrum perenne, spica cylindracea rufescente longa, locustis acutis cilii instar pilosis. Till. Pis. 72. On the loftiest mountains of Scotland, but rare. On the rocky parts of the mountains of Clova^, Angusshire. G. Don. Perennial. Juhj. Root fibrous. Stems tufted, from 1 to 2 feet high, leafy, some- times purplish in the naked part. Leaves flat, pointed, rough- edged ; the sheaths of the upper ones a little swelling. Stipula short and blunt. Panicle close, from 1 to 3 inches long, much thicker than the last. Calyx-glumes exactly lanceolate, not abrupt, with sharp, rigid, often inflexed points ; their keels strongly fringed ; the ribs and sides rough, with fine white hairs. Cor. essentially different from the last, being of the texture of the calyx, and almost as long, fringed ; the outer glume with 5 ribs J inner cloven at the summit. 6. Ph. arenariwn. Sea Cat's-tail-grass. Spike slightly panicled, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse. Calyx- glumes lanceolate, fringed, thrice the length of the abrupt, notched, corolla. Ph. arenarium. Linn. Sp. PI. 88. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.189. Comp. 12. Hook. Lond. t. 7. Scot. 24. Ehrh. Calam. 132. Fl. Dan. t. 915. Phalaris arenaria. Huds. 23. Fl. Br. 62, Eng. Bot. v. 4. t. 222. Knapp t. 4. Willd. Sp. PL v. 1. 328. Gramen typhinum maritimum minus. Raii Syn. 398. Pluk. Phyt. i. 33./.8. Scheuchz. Agr. 63. On the sandy sea coast frequent ; also on SwafFliam and New- market heaths. Engl. Bot. At Narburgh, Norfolk. Mr. Crowe and Mr. Woodtvard. TRIANDRIA-.DIGYNIA. Alopecurus. 79 Annual. May. Root of many lonp^, simple, partly downy, fibres. Slnms several, except in a starved state, 3— G inches high • leafy below ; naked and purplish above. Upper leaf very short, with a long, rather swelling, sheath. Stipula lanceolate. Spi/ce thick and short, variegated with green and white, narrow at the base. Inner margin of the cali/x often a little abrupt. The ver)- short, ribbed, abrupt, crenate outer glume of the corolla characterizes this very distinct species. The whole plant is somewhat glaucous, and after flowering remains long bleached, and often blown about, on the sand. Professor Hooker's reference to Scheuchzer should be 63, not 68, and belongs to Plukenefs synonym. 31. ALOPECURUS. Fox-tail-grass. Linn. Gen.SS. Juss. 29. Fl. Br. 72. Lam. t.42. Gcertn. t.\. Cal. of 2, nearly equal, compressed, ovate-lanceolate, ribbed, clasping, acute valves, mostly, but not in every instance, combined at the base, containing a single floret. Cor. of 1 valve, rather shorter than the calyx, concave, ribbed, pointless. Aiijji from the base of the cor, and above twice its length, roughish; finally twisted and reflexed. Ftlam. capillary. Anth. cloven at each end. Styles more or less combined. Stigm. long, feathery, spreading. Seed ovate, smooth, loose, covered with the corolla. Erect, decumbent, or floating grasses, mostly perennial. Stem-leaves with long sheaths. Fl. numerous, apparently spiked, but having simple or compound partial stalks. Glumes particoloured, often downy. Aims prominent. 1. A. pratensis. Meadow Fox-tail-grass. Stem erect, smooth. Spike somewhat panicled. Calj-x- glumes acute, hairy, combined at the base, shorter than the awn of the corolla. A. pratensis. Linn. Sp. PL 88, JVilld. v. 1. 357. Fl Br 72 En^l Bot. V. 11. t. 759. Hook. Scot. 21. Curt. Lond. fasc.o. tX Mart. Rust. t. 6. Knapp t. 14. Graves Br. Gr. t.2\. Schrad Germ.v.\.\70. Leers 15. t. 2. f. 4. Schreb. Gram. 133. t. 19. f. 1. Sincl. 13. A. n. 1539. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 248. Gramen alopecuro simile glabrum, cum pilis longiusculis in spica. Raii Syn. 396. r & ^j G. alopecuroides majus. Ger.Em. 10. f. Moris. ?," 3. 191 sect 8 ^4./.8. G. myurum, spica molli candicante villosa. Scbcuchz. A^r. 70. In meadows and pastures every where. 80 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Alopecurus. Perennial. May. Root fibrous. Stems from 1^ to 3 feet high, smooth, leafy. Leaves a little glaacous, nearly smooth, flat ; upper ones more rough, very short, with long, furrowed, slightly swelling sheaths. Stipula short, obtuse, scarcely downy. Spike but partially pauicled, though most of the flowers are stalked, 2 inches long, thick, soft, of a silky hoary aspect. Calyx-glumes combined at the lower part. Cof. folded, nearly as long, with 5 green rib«, and a prominent dorsal awn. Anth. prominent, yellow. Styles entirely united. Stigm. separate, about as long, slender, fea- thery. Seed ovate. An excellent grass for pasturage, being early, plentiful in produce, and grateful to cattle in general. 2. A. alpinus. Alpine Fox-tall-grass. Stem erect, smooth. Spike ovate, somewhat panicled. Calyx-glumes woolly, obliquely abrupt, nearly as long as the aw^n of the corolla. A. alpinus. Engl. Bot. v. 16. ^.1 126. FL Br. 1386. Camp. 12. Hook. Scot. 22. Don H. Brit. 4. A. ovatus. Knapp t. 15 r wanting awns. On the loftiest mountains of Scotland. On the mountains about Loch ne gare, Aberdeenshire, Mr. R. Brown ; who informs me that he communicated it to Mr. G. Don. Perennial. July. Root somewhat creeping, with many long fibres. Stern about a foot high, bent at the lowest joint, then erect, leafy, smooth. Radical leaves linear, narrow ; those on the stem two, broader, and much shorter, smooth, with very long, smooth, slightly in- flated, pale reddish sheaths, each crowned by a very short abrupt stipula. The dense, spiked panicle is formed of numerous, crowded, compound tufts, or lobes, as in the foregoing species, but is ovate, and not an inch long. Calyx-glumes combined at the base, sloped off at the point, 3-ribbed, shaggy with long, dense, soft, white hairs. Cor. ovate, acute, folded, keeled, with 2 distant green ribs at each side, and a rough dorsal awn, scarcely, if at all, longer than the calyx. Styles short, combined. Stigmas slender, feathery. No foreign author appears to have noticed this species. 3. A. agreatis. Slender Fox-tail -grass. Stem erect, rough ish. Spike racemose, nearly simple, ta- pering Calyx-glumes almost naked, combined at the base, dilated at the keel. A. agrestis. Lm«.Sp. PL 89. ^f'iZ/rf.i^'. 1.357. Fl.Br.7^. Engl. Bot.v.\2. t.SAS. Mart. Rust. t. 22. Knajypt.lG. Hook. TRIANDRIA^DIGYNIA. Alopecurus. 81 Scot. 22. Schrad Germ. vA. l/I. Schreh. Gram. v.\. 140. t.]9.f. 2. Leers Itl t. 2. /.a. Fl. Dan. t. G97. Ehrh. Phijt. 71. Sincl. 1 (if). A. myosuroides. IJuds. ed. 1. 23. Curt. Loud. fuse. 2. t.7. A. n. 1.V10. //(///. //w^. f. 2. 249. Gramen myosuroides majus, spica longiore, aristis rectis. Rail Syn. 397. G. spicatum, spica cylindracea, tenuissima, longiore. ScJieuchz. A^r. G9. t. 2.f. (), A, B. 0. alopecuroides, spica lon^a, tenuiorc. Moris, y.3. 192. sect. 8. t 4./. 12. (J. alopecurinum minus. Ger. Em. 1 1./. /3. G. myosuroides minus, spica breviore, aristis recurvis. Rail Si/)i. 397. In cultivated fields^ and by way sides. Annual. Juli/. Root small, filDrous. Stems several, 1^ or 2 feet high, erect, leafy, roughish to the touch in the upper part. Leaves pale, rough above, with longish swelling sheaths, and each an oblong downy stipula. Spike slender, tapering at each end, 3 inches long, often purpHsh ; the partial stalks almost entirely simple, and close- pressed. CaJyx-glumes combined a good way up, lanceolate, narrow, a little downy at the edge ; tlieir keel dilated, but far less fringed than in A. pratensis. Cor. smooth. Aivn twice the length of the calyx. Styles short, united. Stigmas thrice as long, slender, downy. (3, in Buddie's herbarium, is a very trifling variety, merely starved. 4. A. bulbosus. Bulbous Fox- tail-grass. Stem erect. Spike tapering, perfectly simple. Calyx-glumes distinct, linear, pointed, downy. Root bulbous. A. bulbosus. Linn. Sp. PI. 16G5. IVilld. v. 1. 356. Fl. Br. 73. Engl. Bot.'v. 18. t. 1249. Knapp t. 17. Gramen myosuroides nodosum. Dill, in Raii Syn. 397. t. 20. f. 2. G. typhinum phalaroides, pilosa spica, aquaticum bulbosum. Bar- rel. Ic. ^.699./.!. In wet salt marshes, rare. First found by James Sherard, but the place is omitted by Dillenius. On the north side of Yarmouth, Mr. Woodward. In Cardift" marshes, Ghimorganshire, and near the Aust passage. Rev. Mr. LightfooVs herbarium. Near Weymouth, Mr. Lambert, Perennial. July. i?ooi of several, aggregate, ovate, solid, fleshy bulbs, sometimes one above the other, with fibres beneath. Stems solitary from the top of each bulb, slender, round, smooth, leafy, with 2 joints, occasionally bent at the lowermost, otherwise erect^ about a VOL. I, « 82 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Alopecurus. span high. Leaves narrow, striated, slightly channelled or con- cave ; those on the stem with long swelling sheaths. Stipula lanceolate, short. Spike racemose, but hardly branched, the partial stalks very short. Calyx-glumes broader, and less linear, than they appear in Engl. Bot., being somewhat dilated upward, and bordered at the keel ; they are minutely downy, or hoary all over, with purplish ribs and point, the keel and ribs fringed. Corolla bluntish, one third shorter than the calyx ; its awn twice as long. Anthers scarcely protruding beyond the glumes. Styles combined, short. Stigmas linear, downy, extending a little beyond the calyx. The calyx-glumes are certainly not combined in this species, which obliges me, with regret, to reject that part of Schreber's and Schrader's generic character. Foreign bota- nists seem unacquainted with this grass, nor have all those of our own country known it well. None can be more invariably distinct. 5. A. gemculatiis . Floating Fox- tail-grass. Stem ascending, bent at the joints. Spike cylindrical, slightly panicled. Calyx-glumes combined at the base, abrupt, fringed. Corolla notched, its awn twice the length of the calyx. A. geniculatus. Linn. Sp. PL 89. fVilld. v. 1. 358, excluding the reference to Fl. Dan. ! Ft. Br. 74. Engl. Bot. v. 18. 1. 1250. Curt. Lond. fasc.5. t.6. Mart. Rust. t.97. Hook. Scot. 22. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 173. Leers 16. t. 2.f. 7. Ehrh. Calam. 42. Sincl. 24o. A. paniceus. Fl. Dan. ^,861. A. n. 1541. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 249. Gramen aquaticum geniculatum spicatura. Bauh. Theatr. 42. f. Scheuchz.Jgr. 72. t. 6.f. C, D, E. Raii Syn. 396. G. fluviatile spicatum. Ger. Em. 14. f. *' G. aquaticum spicatura. Park. Theatr. 1275./." G. alopecurum fluviatile geniculatum procumbens. Moris, v. 3. 193. sect.S. t.4.f.]5. /3. G, fluviatile album. Dill, in Raii Syn. 396. y. Alopecurus bulbosus. Huds. 27, excluding the synonyms, A. bulbosus geniculatus. Sincl. 185. In ponds, ditches, and slow streams, floating widely on the surface. y. In dry barren ground, or on walls. Perennial. July. Roots of many long fibres, from the lower joints of the branched, spreading, leafy, smooth stems. Leaves much broader and shorter than in the last, with roughish furrows, and long, smooth, rather tumid sheaths. Stipula oblong, very thin. Spikes erect, 1^ or 2 inches long, bluntish, dense, but separable into short, branched TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Knappin. 83 lobes, or tufts, with smooth flower-stalks. Calyx-glumes nearly equal, obtuse, purplish, combined at the base, minutely pointed, but terminating in a membrane which conceals the dark-co- loured point ; their sides hairy, and keels strongly fringed. Cor. shorter than the calyx, abrupt, irregularly notched, ribbed slightly at each side. Awn from below the middle, twice the length of the calyx. Antli. linear, yellow. Styles short ; accord- ing to Schrader combined at first, but subsequently distinct. Stigmas long, cylindrical, acute, downy. The root in var. y has extremely copious and long fibres, and one or two of the lower joints of the stem, owing to a dry barren situation, become oval and fleshy, as in Phleum pratense y, p. 7'>. This lias by many been mistaken for A. bidbosus, which always grows in water, and differs essentially in character, as I trust can no longer be doubted, 6. A.ftdvus. Orange-spiked Fox-tail-grass. Stem ascending, bent at the joints. Spike cylindrical, pa- nicled. Calyx-glumes combined at the base, obtuse, fringed. Awn the length of the calyx. Anthers roimdish. A. fulvus. Engl. Bot. v.2\. t. 1467. Comj^. 13. A. geniculatus var, 4. With. 121. In ponds and ditches, floating on the surface. In Edgbaston park, near Birmingham. Mltliering. At Swains- thorpe, near Norwich. Mr. Stone, In Angusshire and Fifeshire, Messrs. Don. Hooker. Perennial. July. Like the preceding in habit, and in general struct\ire; but our spe- cimens are much more luxuriant. Spike about 3 inches long, conspicuous for the orange colour of the anthers, v/hich are still more peculiar on account of their short roundish figure. The shortness of the aiv)is may be a variable circumstance. The sug- gestion of Dr. Withering first led me to propose this as a species, and 1 still wish to leave it for more accurate examination, though Professor Hooker is of a different opinion. I hope not to be thought precipitate or dogmatical, which faults 1 have had ex- perience enough to wish, at least, to avoid. 32. KNAPPIA. Knappia, Engl. Bot. V. 16. 1127. Fl. Br. 1387. Comp. 6. Hook. Loud. t. 64. Mibora. Adans. Earn. v. 2. 495. Beauv. Agr. 29. t. 8. /. 4. Chamagrostis, Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 158. Cal. of 2, nearly equal, expanded, concave, keeled, ovate, abrupt, single-ribbed, awnless valves, containing a single floret. Co7'. of 2 unequal, obovate, membranous, ribbed, G 2 84 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Knappia. very liairV) fringed, awiiless valves, rather shorter than the caiyx ; the larger embracing the inner one. Filam. capillary, twice as long as the calyx. AntJi. elliptic-ob- long, cloven at each end, erect, with 2 minute terminal beaks. Germ, minute, roundish. Styles very short. Stig- mas rather longer than the stamens, cylindrical, downy, acute. Seed loose, covered by the corolla, obovate, " co- ])iously dotted in longitudinal lines." Hooker. Only one species is known. 1. Y^. agrostidea. Early Knappia. K. agrostidea. Engl. But. v. 16. t. II 27. Comp. 13. Knapp t.WO. Davies Welch Botanol, 9. Hook. Lond. t.Q\. Agrostis minima, Linn. Sp. PL 93. ffVld. v. 1. 3/2. Fl. Br. 82. Huds. 32. StiUingJi. Misc. prcef. 28. Chamagrostis minima. Sclirad. Germ. v. 1. 158. Gramen sparteam, capillaceo folio, minimum. Dill. Giss. append. 172. ^.16./. 1. G. minimum. Dalecli. Hist. 424./. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 465./. G. minimum, paniculis elegantissimis. Bauh. Theatr. 26. /. Scheuchz. Agr. 40. t.X.f. 7, I. G. minimum anglo-britannicum. Lob. Illustr. 20. Rail Indie. PL Dub. 15. ^ G. loliaceum tenuissimum, unciale aut biunciale. Moris, v. 3. 182. secL8. t.2.f. 10. In sandy maritime pastures, very rare. A few miles from Lee, Essex, near the mouth of the Thames. LobeL Found by Mr. Stillingfleet in Wales. Huds. Frequent on the south-west coast of Anglesea. Rev. Hugh Davies. Annual. March, April. Root of m.any long slender fibres. Stems 1 to 3 inches high, erect, simple, slender, smooth, triangular, naked, except at the very bottom, vrhere they are invested with the membranous sheaths of a few short, obtuse, channelled leaves. Stipula membranous, bluntish, cloven, but not deeply divided. Spikes solitary, simple, erect, of from 6 to 1 0 fiowers, mostly sessile, alternate, erect ; 2 or 3 of the lowermost only more or less stalked ; their common stalk zigzag, slender, smooth, angular, but not excavated as in the truly spiked grasses. FL, like the top of the stem,, purplish. Cor. white and feathery. This little grass, well known on the coasts of France, soon disap- pears after shedding its seeds. The name of Chamagrostis, com- posed of Agrostis already established, is inadmissible. Mibora of Adanson, whose meaning is not explained, but which is partlv, as it seems, composed of ^opu, fodder, has been over- looked, because that author's names, so often founded on a bad TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Polypogon. 85 principle, have been generally neglected. The construction of this word is evidently incorrect, and to restore it would prove more inconvenient than instructive. See Beauvais A f, 25. Alopccnru'« vetidicosus. Hwls. rd. 2. 28. 88 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Agrostis. Panicum serotinum arvense, spica pyramidata. Tourn.Inst. b\b. Rail Syn. 394. Gramen paniceimi serotinum, spica laxfi pyramidali. Moris, v. 3. 189. Herb. Bobart. G. serotinum arvense, panicula contracta pyramidali. Scheuchz. Agr. 148. G, aiopecuro accedens, ex culmi geniculis spicas cumpetiolis longi- usculis promens. Pluk.Almag. \77. Pliyt. t.'SS.f. 6. In fields where water has stagnated, especially towards the sea, but not common. In the isle of Shepey plentifully. Hiids. At Weymouth. Rev. Mr. Lightfoot. In corn fields at GUlingham, Norfolk. Mr. Woodward. At Cley, Norfolk. Mr. Rose. Annual. August. Stem branched from the bottom, smooth. Leaves roughish at the edges, with smooth, striated, slightly tumid, sheaths. Siipula ob- long, torn Avhen old. Panicle erect, lobed, but very close, taper- ing, pale green, bristly, v/ith roughish and angular partial stalks. Ft. small, pale green.' Cat. tumid and polished at the base ; its valves compressed, membranous at the edges, rough at the keel 5 one of them longest, and most pointed, but not av/ned. Cor. much smaller ; its outer valve ovate, concave, obtuse, downy, with a jointed, rough, twasting, dorsal aw?i, rather longer than the calyx, rarely if ever wanting j inner smaller, cloven, hairy at the base. Nect. deeply cloven, acute. Anth. short. Seed coated with the hardened corolla, and enveloped in the shining calyx. 35. AGROSTIS. Bent-giass, Linn. Gen. 33. Juss. 29. Fl. Br. 77. Lam. t.4\. Cal, of 2 rather unequal, acute, keeled, folded, clasping, awnless, permanent valves, containing a single floret. Co7\ of 2 unequal valves, generally larger than the calyx, membranous, ribbed, unchanged after flow^ering, with a tuft or two of hairs at the base ; the larger valve bearing, constantly in some species, a rough, dorsal awn, which in others is most generally wanting ; the smaller valve con- stantly awnless, more membranous, various in size, and occasionally abortive. Nect. of 2 minute scales, some- times combined. Filam. capillary, rather longer than the glumes. Anth. deeply divided at each end. Genu, ovate. Stifles short. Stigm. densely feathery. Seed ovate, po- lished, loose, wrapped in the unaltered corolla. Habit various, generally slender, with fibrous, mostly per- ennial, roots, and jointed, leafy, erect, ascending, or pro- TRIANDllIA— DIGYNIA. Aoiostis. 89 str ate i;t cms. Leaves narrow, acute. Panicle much branch- ed, generally spreading, of innumerable, solitary, erect, smali Jloxi:crs. Cal. roughish, often coloured. Cor. most frequently pale, or whitish. Seed very minute. A^rostis, as generally understood by authors, is justly said by Mr. Brown to be an artificial genus, and thereibre I should scaicely hesitate to admit Tvichodium of Michaux and Schrader, as an artificial separation from it, difierino- only in having a single valve to the corolla. Such Schrader found to be the case with A. canina, but I do not, and therefore we have nothing to do with Trichodiwn in a British Flora. * Axuned. 1 . A. Spica vcjiti. Silky Bent -grass. Awn straight, rigid, many times longer than the corolla. Panicle loosely spreading. A. Spica venti. Linn. Sp. PL 91. mUd. v. I. .36! Ft Br 77 Engl. Bot.v. 14. ^.O.-)!. K7iappt. 20. Leers \9.t.4. f. 1 Srhrad Germ. v. I. 203. Fl.Dcm. t.SoS. . ■ ■ - Avena n. 1480. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 228. Gramen miliaceum majns, glumis aristatis, spadiccis et pallidis. Rail Sijn. 405. G. segetum altissimiim, panicula sparsa. Scheuchz. A^r 144 t.'S.f. 10. A, B. Bauh. Theatr. 33./. 34. « • • G, harundinaceum. Ger. Em. b.f. G. agrorum venti spica. Park. Theatr. 1 158./. Loh. Ic. 3.f. In sandy corn-fields, occasionally overflowed, but not very common. In several parts of Norrolk 3 and near Warrington, Lancashire.* Near Kingston u'pon Thames. Bishop of Carlisle. Between Kennington and Camberweil. Mr. Groult. At X^'althamstcw. Mr. E. Forster. Annual. June, July, Root of many tliick whorled fibres. Stems one or more, 2 or 3 feet high, erect, leafy, smooth, jointed near the base, unbranched. Leaves spreading, ribbed ■ a little downy above 3 rough beneatii ; their sheaths long, ribbed, smooth. Stipula jugged. Panicle large, silky in appearance, leaning to one side, and^elegantly wav- ing with the wind 3 its branches numerous, in alternate bundles, finely subdivided, rough and angular up^^ards. Cal. r.nd CV;r. polished, often purplish 3 outer valve of the latter rough with mi- nute tubercles, and remarkable for its long straight awn 3 inner minutely cloven at the point. Sctd minute, ovale, jxiinted, very smooth. 90 TRIANDIIIA— DIGYNIA. Agrostis. 2. A. canina. Brown Bent- grass. Awn incurved, from below the middle of the corolla ; inner valve obsolete. Calyx ovate, coloured. Stems decum- bent, with prostrate shoots. Stipula lanceolate. A. canina. Linn. Sp, PL 92. JVilkl vA. 367. H. Br^. 78. Engl. Bot. V. 2G. t. 1S5G. Knapp t.2\. Hook. Scot. 24. Leers 19. t.A.f.2. Hoffm. Germ, for 1900. 34. t.Q. A. vinealis. With. 127. A. stricta. Sincl: 151. Trichodium caninum. Schrcd. Germ. v. 1. 198. Avena n. 1479. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 227. Gramen paniculatum supinum, ad infima culmorum genicula fo- liorum capiliarium fasciculis donatum. Scheucliz. Agr, 141. t. 3. / 9, C. /3. Huds. 30, excluding the synon3'ms. Agrostis tenuitblia. Curt. Brit. Gr. 42, without an awn. A, fascicularis. Sincl. 155. In meadows and pastures^, especially in damp boggy places, common. Perennial. June, July. Root creeping, with downy fibres, and many trailing leafy shoots. Stems several, more or less decumbent, and taking root, at the lower joints ; from 1 to 3 feet long, leafy, ascending, slender, smooth. Leaves roughish on both sides, narrow, especially in the radical tufts, where they are, as Professor Schrader remarks, quite setaceous, and by the presence of such tufts this species is readily distinguished from the awned varieties of A. vulgaris, without adverting to the corolla. Sheaths striated, smooth. Sti- pula lanceolate, elongated, finally torn ; in vulgaris this part is extremely short. Panicle spreading when in flower, otherwise collected into lobes or close tufts -, the branches capillary, elastic, angular, rough, brownish purple. Fl. erect, shining. Valves of the calyx ovate, pointed, purple ; occasionally yellow, Si7icl. 1 53. j the outer one largest, with a rough keel ; inner smooth. Cor. membranous, white or greenish -, the larger valve ribbed, notched, about the length of the calyx, or rather shorter, with a jointed incurved awn, from below the middle of its keel, extending a little way beyond the point ; smaller valve often entirely want- ing, though some flowers in every panicle usually have it, either diminutive, as in Engl. Bot., or nearly equal to the awned valve, as in a specimen before me. Leers, the most accurate of all ob- servers in this tribe of plants, says this valve is very often want- ing, but not always. Such a partial defic:ency could hardly aftord a specific, much less a generic, distinction. The awn varies in length, and is occasionally absent, as in var. /3, nothing being more uncertain than the dorsal awns of grasses. The terminal ones, whether uF the rabjv or corolla, are much more to be trusted. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNI A. Amostis. 9 i to 3. A. setacea. Bristle-leaved Bent- grass. Awn incurved, from near the base of the corolla; inner valve minute. Calyx lanceolate, tapering, rough. Ra- dical leaves bristle-shaped. Stem nearly erect. Panicle close, oblong. A. setacea. Curt. Brit. Gr. 42. Lond. fasc. 6. t. 12. FL Br. 79. Engl. Bot. V. \7. t.l 188. Knapp t.2i. Hook. Scot. 25. A. alpina. JVith. 128, with erroneous synonyms. A. canina y. Hiids.'S] , excluding the syn. On dry turfy heaths, in the south and west of P^ngland. Mr. Curtis, who first distinguished this grass, received it from his gardener Uobert Squibb, from Fiddletovvn heath, Devonshire. The late Eavl of Gainsborough, and the present Bishop of Car- lisle, observed it in Hampshire 3 the late Duchess Dowager of Portland at Weymouth 5 and Mr. D. Turner in the Isle of \\'ight. Professor Link sent it from Portugal, where he found it common on heaths. Perennial. July, August. Root rather woody, tufted, with strong downy fibres. Stems 8 — 12 inches high, a little inclining, slender, nearly or viuite smooth, leafy. Leaves pale glaucous green ; the radical ones involute, almost capillary, erect, acute^ roughish, or downy ; those of the stem shorter, broader, with very long smooth sheaths. Stipula lanceolate, tender, often torn. Panicle erect, oblong, cylindn- cal, but little spreading at any period 3 its branches rmgular, bristly. F/. erect, pale purplish. CaZ. of 2 unequal, long and tapering, keeled, scarcely awned, valves, rough at the edges and keel, downy all over. Outer valve of the corolla lanceolate, shorter than the calyx, with a rough twisting awn from near the bottom, twice the length of the valve 3 inner very small, oblong, about equal to the germen. Anth. purplish,, deeply cloven at each end, prominent. Styles distinct. Very different from A. alpina of Willdenow, Sp. PI. v. 1. 368, which is Haller's ^re/m n. 147/3 as well as from his rupcstris, Hallcr's n. 1478. ** Generally isoithout a-jcns, 4. A. vulgaris. Fine Bent-grass. Panicle spreading; wdth divaricated, caj/illary branches. Calyx-valves nearly ecjual. Stem erect. Stipula abrupt, very short. A. vulgaris. With. 132. Fl. Br. 79. Engl. Bot. v. 24. t. Ifi/I. Knapp t. 26, ^^.115. Rclh. 27. IIoolc. Scot. 25. Sincl. 143. Sclirad. Germ. v. 1. 206. /. 2./. 3. //o//w. Germ, for ISOO. 36. t. 7. A. hispid.i. Jf'Jld. V. I. 370. 92 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Agrostis. A. tenuis, Sibth. 36. A. capillaris. Abbot 14. Roth Germ. v. 2. 85. A. polyiriorpha a, Huds. 3 1 . A. stolonifera. Leers 20. f.4.f.6. Ehrh. Calam. 71. Poa n. 1475. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 226. Gramen miliaceum, locustis minimis, panicula fere arundinacea. Rail Syn. 402. 3. Fl.Br.80. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.206. t.3.f. 1. A. canina. With. 127. y. Fl. Br. 80. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 206. A. pumila. Linn. Mant. 1.31. Wiild, v.\.37\. Light/. 1081./. in title of V. 2, bad. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 18.3. Ehrh. Calam. 105. Gramen minimum palustre, panicula spadicea delicata, tenuifolium, semine exiguo rotundo. Scheuchz. Agr. 131. I. Fl. Br. 80. With. 133. var. 3. A. vulgaris e, Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 207. t.2.f. 4. In meado\vs_, pastures, waste ground, and the borders of fields, every where. Perennial. July, August. Root tufted, strong, somewhat creeping. Stems 12 — 24 inches high j in y 2 — 4 inches only ; erect or ascending, leafy, slender, striated, smooth to the touch. ; their lowermost joints ofien throwing out roots. Leaves linear, narrow, taper-pointed, rather spreading, rough on both sides, with long, striated, smooth sheaths. Stipula extremely short and abrupt, by which, as Pro- fessor Schrader long ago noticed, all the varieties of this species, whether awned or not, are readily distinguished from A. canina, as also from alba. Panicle purplish, very delicate, slender, uni- formly divaricated, with equidistant, elastic, finely capillary branches, collected into small tufts after flowering ; their lower part smooth j upper more or less rough, but the ultimfite stalks are smooth. Fl. small, erect, shining. V^alves of the calyx lan- ceolate, concave, somewhat unequal, with membranous edges ; the keel of the larger often roughish. Cor. of 2 thin, very un- equal, valves ; the smaller notched at the summit, hairy at. the base ; larger 3-ribbed, shorter than the calyx, usually awnless, but sometimes, as in var. /3, and not unfrequently in y, furnished with a dorsal rough awn, about twice its own length. The an- thers project just beyond the calyx, and are oblong, cloven at each end. Styles very short. Stigm. densely feathery. Seed ovate, tumid, especially in y, which is often, not always, infected with the smut, or ustilago. In ^ the glumes become, more or less, elongated and leafy, the fructification being transformed into a bud, and the panicle viviparous. This happens chiefly in shady or moist situationvS, where the whole plant is pale and slender ; in dry exposed spots it is dwarf, condensed, of a fine brownish purple all over. The earliness of thi:> grass appears, according to Mr. Sinclair's ob- TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Agrostis. 93 servatlons, its chief agricultural value, the produce beinp- far from abundant. A. capilUiris, Linn. Sp. PL 93. Sm. PL Ic. t. a I, is a totally differ- ent plant, found in Portugal, by the late Sir T. Gage, Bart. 5. A. alba. Marsh Bent-grass. Panicle condensed at the hase of the main divisions ; .stalks rough. Calyx- valves lanceolate, bristly at the keel. Stem spreading, creephig. Stipula oblong, ribbed. A. alba. Linn. Sp. PL9'3. mUd.v.\.37\. FLBr.Sl. EngL Bot. V. \7.t.\ 189. Hook. Scot. 25. CuUum 23. Schrad. Germ v 1. 209, amid 3. t.2.f. 1. A. mutabilis, Knapp t.2S. A. polymorpha ?, palustris, Ilitds. 32. A, palustris. SincL 237. A. capillaris. Leers 20. t.4. f. 3. ? A. stolonifera latifolia. SiricL 1 13, also aristata. 233. Gramen miliaceum majus, paniculu spadicea, n. 11 ^ as also pani- cula viridi, n. 12. DHL in Rail Si/n. 404. ^. A. stolonifera. Linn. Sp. PL 93. Herb. Linn. Willd. v 1 369 Fl. Br. 80. EngL BoL v. 22. L 1532. Mart. Rust. t. 120 Knaim t.27. 8^t.\\6. ^^ A. polymorpha ^. Huds. 31. A. alba. Leers 2] . t.4. f. 5. Poa n. 1473. HctlL Hist. 225. Gramen montanum miliaceum minus, radice repente. Rail Sun 402.? ^ ' G. caninum supinum. Ger. Em. 26./. G. caninum supinum minus, Scheuchz. Agr. 128. /. A. sylvatica. Huds. ed. 1.28. Linn. Sp. PL 1665 mild V. I. 371. A. polymorpha ij. Huds. 32. Gramen miliaceum sylvestre, glumis oblongis. DHL in Raii Si/n 404. ^ * In moist meadows, and fields inundated in autumn. /3 in ditches and wet situations, on a clay soil, especially near the sea. y in woods. Perennial. July, August. A larger plant than A. vulgaris, from which it essentially and mani- festly differs, in having an elongated, ribbed, bluntish, mostly downy, finally torn, stipula ; whereas that of vulgaris is scarcely visible at all, or at most not a line in length. I concur with Professor Hooker and Mr. Bicheno in uniting A. stolonifera to alba, but by no means in perceiving any ambiguity between the latter and vulgaris. A. alba has long, decumbent, more or less branching, stems, send- ing out roots from tiieir lower joints. The leaves are broad, flat. 94 . TRIANDllIA— DIGYNIA. Cynodon. taper-pointed, ribbed, very rough on both sides to the touch, especially at the edges. Sheaths long, smooth in my specimens, though Professor Schrader informs me they are occasionally rough. Panicle 4 — G inches long, alternately lobed, or divided into several large, half-whorled, bundles, of extremely unequal, angular, rough branches ; the lowermost particularly crowded, generally much more so than is represented in Engl. Bot. Calyx-glumes keeled, acute, slightly unequal, rather tumid j their keels either entirely or partially rough Vv'ith little bristles ; their sides smooth ; their edges not more membranous than the other part, in which last character they differ from the vulgaris. Cor. of 2 unequal valves ; the larger ribbed, and occasionally- awned from a little below the summit. Styles very short. Stigmas thick, feathery. The calyx is either greenish white, or brownish purple, but not so constantly, in different individuals, as to mark a durable variety. In /3 the stem is more extensively creeping, sometimes floating j but the chief difference consists in the still more dense and tufted lobes of the panicle, as in EugL Bot. and Leers t. 4./. 5. The calyx, besides, is generally rough all over, with little bristly points 5 and I had thought, with the accurate Schrader, that this roughness would afford a specific character ; but it is wanting in the Liverpool specimens, see Engl. Bot. t. 1532. y is distinguished by an elongation of the caL 8^ cor., the Jlowers being imperfect, and many of them transformed to leafy buds. The lower branches of the panicle are abortive. A. coarctata, Ehrh, Calam. 133, referred by Schrader to the purple variety, or rather state, of our alba, appears extremely different in its narrow involute leaves, trading radical shoots, and slender loose panicle. I have seen nothing like it in England. Ehrhart's specimen in his Calamaria precisely accords with one sent by Dr. Roth as his A. alpina; but it is a real Agrostis, neither A.al- pina, nor A. rupestris of Willdenow • see Trichoclium n. 2 & 3 of Schrader; about vv^hich I find various errors, not concerning the British Flora. 3G. CYNODON. Dogs-tooth -grass. " Richard in Pers. Syn. v. 1. 85." Br. Pr. 187. Nutt. Gen. Amer. 56. Beauv.Agr.37. t.9.f.\. Digitaria. Schreb. Germ. v. 1. 165. CaL of 2 nearly equal, lanceolate, acute, keeled, awnless, spreading valves, containing a single floret. Cor. of two unequal, keeled, compressed, awnless valves; the outer^ most much the broadest, clasping the other. Nectary of 2 minute scales. Filam. rather longer than the corolla. Anth. cloven at each end. Germ, ovate. Styles distinct. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Cynodon. 95 Stigm. feathery. Seed ovate, coated with the hardened corolhi. Schrader and Brown have observed occasionally the rudi- ment of a second flower, like a small bristle. The stems are prostrate and creeping, leafy, with nprioht flowering- branches. Fl. spiked, unilateral, somewhat al- ternate, on the flat side of a linear triangular receptacle^ several of which are collected at the top of tlie branch. The recept. is really neither jointed nor scrobiculated, so that this genus cannot be referred to the spiked grasses, which constitute our third section. 1. Q>» Dactylon, Creeping Dog's-tooth grass. Spikes four or five, crowded together. Corolla smooth. C. Dactylon. Br. Pr. 187. Panicum Dactylon. Lhiii. Sp. PL 85. Willd. v. I. 342. Fl. Br. Q7. Engl. Bot. V. 12. t. 850. FL Grccc. v.I.Ad.L GO. Knapp t. 13. Dicks. Dr. PL 53. H. Sicc.fasc. 1 1. 1. Digitaria stolonifera. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 165. D. n. 1527. Hall Hist. v. 2. 244. Agrostis linearis. Retz. Obs.fasc. 4. 19. Willd. v. 1. 375. Ascer^ tabled by Mr. Lambert. Gramen repens, cum panicula graminis mannse. Raii Stpi. 399. G. Dactylon, folio arundinaceo, majus et minus. Bauh. Theatr. 111 — 113,/,/. Moris, r.3. 184. w. 3, 4. sect.S. t.3.f.4. G. Dactvlon, radice repente, sive officinarum. Town. Inst. 520. Scheu'chz. Agr. 104. ^. 2./. 1 1, I. G. dactiloides, radice repente. Ger. Em. 28./. G. Canarium alterum. Lob. Ic. v. 1. 23./. On the sandy shores of Cornwall abundantly, first noticed by Mr. Newton in the time of Ray. Perennial. Juhj, August. "^riie roots are tough and creeping, almost woody, wit^ smooth fibres. Stems also creeping to a great extent, matted, round, jointed, leafy, very smooth. Leaves tapering, sharp-pointed, ribbed, hairy, a little glaucous ; with long, striated, smooth sheaths, and a hairy slipula. Flowering -branches a span high, leafy, simple, terminating in 4 or 5 nearly equal, crowded, erect, many-flowered, linear spikes ; the common stalk of each trian- gular, roughish ; flat and slightly bordered on one side, along which the nearly sessile, shining, pmpWahJloiccrs are ranged in 2 close alternate rows. The cor. is longer than the calijx, very much compressed, opposite, not, as I once thought, alternate, with respect to the latter. 9G TRIANDUIA— DIGYNIA. Digitaria. 37. DIGITARIA. Finger-grass. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 244. Jusfi. 29. Nuft. Gen. Amer. 55. Beauv. Agr. 50. t. 10./. 12. Syntherisma. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 160. Cal. single-flowered, of 3 very unequal, close-pressed, awnless valves ; the outermost minute, triangular, occasionally wanting ; the next largest, as long as the corolla, concave, ribbed ; the third innermost, opposite to the latter, hardly one fourth its size, lanceolate, flattish, slightly ribbed. Cor. of 2 unequal, elliptical, awnless, finally horny valves; the outer shaped like the larger valve of the calyx, and about as large, inflexed at the edges; inner narrower, flat. Filam. capillary, rather longer than the glumes. yintJi. short, cloven at each end. Gerjii. ovate. Styles thread-shaped, about the length of the stamens. Stigmas short, feathery, dense. Seed o\atQ^ coated by the harden- ed polislied corolla. Root fibrous, generally annual. Herbage coarse. Leaves broad, ribbed, with long, warty, often hairy, sheaths. Spikes several, alternate, rather close together. Fl. on short, divided, partial stalks, unilateral, alternate, in 2 rows, on a zigzag, bordered common stalk. 1 . D. sanguincdis. Cock's-foot Finger-grass. Leaves and their sheaths somewhat hairy. Flowers in pairs. Calyx rough at the edges of its largest valve only. D. saiiguinalis. Scop. Cam. v. 1. 52. D. n. 1526. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 244. Panicum sanguinale. Linn. Sp. PI. 84. Willd. v. 1 . 342. Fl. Br. 66. Engl. Bot. V. 12. t. 849. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 7. Knapp t. 12. B'lart. Rust. t.78. Hook. Scot. 21 . Schreb. Gram. v.].l\9.t.l6. Ehr/i.Calam. 114. Syntherisma vulgare. Schreb. Germ. vA. 161. Gramen Dactylon folio latiore. Bauh. Theatr. 114./. Rail Syn. 399. Scheucliz.Agr.\{)\.t.2.f.U,G,\{. Moris. Hist. v. 3. 184. n.2. sect.8. t.3.f.2. Ischsemon vulgare. Lob. Ic. v. 1. 24./. Ger, Em. 27. f. In sandy cultivated fields, but rare. In Ray's time it was found at Great Witchingham, Norfolk, and about Elden, Suffolk, by Thomas Wlllisell. Hudson found it n^!ar Guildford, There are specimens in Lightfoot's herbarium, gathered near Brandon, Norfolk, and at Henham, Suffolk. Bat- tersea fields have long been known to produce this grass, which TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Panicum. 97 is indubitably a native, tliough^ like all annual plants, variable in its places of growth. Annual. July, August. Root fibrous. Stems numerous, bent and decumbent at the base, then ascending, about a foot long, jointed, leafy, striated, smooth. Leaves broad, pointed, striated, wavy at the edges, besprinkled, like their long rather swelling sheaths, with little warts, many of which bear bristly hairs. Spikes ^vom. 3 to 8, alternate, spread- ing, crowded at the top of the stem, many-flowered. Common stalk of each spike flat, wavy, winged, rough-edged, with a flat mid-rib at one side, the other beset v>'ith 2 rows of unequally cloven, two-flowered, short, erect partial-stalks. Fl. dark pur- plish, erect, elliptic-oblong. Largest valve of the calyx with usually five ribs, its edges rough or downy. Stigmas, and often Anthers, violet coloured. Tlie specific name is said to have ori- ginated in the use made of this grass in Germany, which is to procure bleeding of the nose, by thrusting its spikes up the nostrils. Professor Schrader separates from this species, by the name of Synfherisma glabrum, what Leers has described, and represented in his t. 2.f. 6. I describe the native P^nglish plant, upon which Haller evidently founded his Digitaria. Jussieu copied him, even in his error respecting the character j nor did he advert to the bivalve corolla, pointed out by Haller himself, in Panicum Dae- tylon, which forms an exception to their definition of Digitaria. I have therefore concurred with Mr. Brown and other able bota- nists, in applying the name of CynocJon to the preceding genus, retaining Digitaria for this. The advanced state of our know- ledge requires the separation of both from Panicum, with whose character they have never been found well to accord. 38. PANICUM. Panick-grass. Linn. Gen. 32. Schreb. 46. Juss. 29. Sm. in Rees's Cycl. v. 26. Fl. Br. 64. Lam. t. 43. Br. Pr. 189. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 239. GiErtn. t. 1. Pennisetum. Br. Pr. 195. Cal. imperfectly two-flowered, of 2 very unequal, ribbed valves ; the outermost various, generally triangular, very short, sometimes wanting; inner much larger, concave, elliptical, many-ribbed, for the most part awnless. One Jlorct perfect;' the other either entirely neuter, or fur- nished (in some foreign species) with stamens only. Co?-. in \\\e former of 2 unequal, elliptical, membranous, acute valves, both becoming horny, and forming a coat to the seed: in the latter of 1 or 2 valves, the outermost concave, of the texture of the calyx, ribbed, sometimes more or less VOL. I. li $8 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Panicum. awned; the innermost flat, awnless, often wanting. Filam, capillary, the length of the corolla. Anth. short, cloven at each end. Germ, ovate. Styles distinct, awl-shaped, as long as the stamens. Stigmas feathery, tufted, short. Seed ovate, flattened at one side, coated with the ribbed hard- ened corolla. Pennisetum of Richard and Brown differs only in having a number of abortive flower-stalks, improperly called an iii- voliicrum, as they have no share in the fructification. I therefore, notwithstanding these really great authorities, decHne its adoption, there being no natural distinction of habit in its favour. Panicum is a very extensive genus, of large coarse grasses, mostly annual in Europe, of no agricultural use; the in- Jlorescence spiked or panicied ; the seeds in some instances used for food. The great imperfection of its secondary Jloret, so much resembling the calyx in one of its valves, might well lead to an error, which Schreber and Jussieu first corrected. 1. V. vert'icillatum. Rough Panick-grass. Panicle spiked, cylindrical, lobed, with whorled branches ; and several prominent bristles, rough with reversed teeth. Corolla of the perfect floret slightly uneven. P. verticillatum. Linn. Sp. PL 82. Willd. v, I. 334. H. Br. 64. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 874. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 6. Knapp t. 9. Graves Br. Gr. t. 10. Schrad. Germ. vA.239. Host Gram. v. 2. \]. t. 13. Ehrh.Calam. 122. P. n. 1543. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 2,50. Gramen paniceum, spica aspera. Bauh. Theatr. 139. f. Scheuchz. Agr. 47. Rail Syn. 394. G. paniceum, spica simplici aspera. Moris, v. 3. 189. sect. 8. t. 4. f. 11. G, geniculatum. Ger. Em. 15./. 1. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 469./. In moist cultivated fields, but rare. About the banks of the Thames^ between London and Putney, in several places. Mr. Newton. In Battersea fields, and near Norwich, Annual. July, August. Root of several stout fibres. Stems one or more, from 6 inches to 2 feet high, simple, spreading, jointed, leafy, striated ; angular and rough at the top. Leaves lanceolate, taper-pointed, harsh on both sides, very rough at the edges ; their sheaths long and smooth. Stipula of numerous short hairs, continued a little way down the margins of the sheath. Panicle compound, 2 inches TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Panlcum. 99 long, erect, somewhat lobed ; the branches short, about 4 in a whorl, each of several flov/ers, every pair of which is accompa- nied by about 2 channelled, angular bristles, longer than the whole branch, and rough with minute teeth directed downwards. Fi. generally in pairs, "oval, each inserted into a little terminal disk, or cup, close to the bristles. Cal. pale with green rib^, smooth and even. Cor. almost as large as the calyx; both valves very minutely wrinkled, or dotted, at leasr in the perfect floret, and constituting a rigid shining coat to the seed, inclosed in the permanent, but loose and unaltered, larger valve of the calyx. 2. P. viride. Green Panick-grass. Panicle spiked, cylindrical, continuous, with numerous pro- minent bristles^ rough with erect teeth. Corolla of die perfect floret slighdy uneven. P viride. Linn.Sp.PL^^. M'ilUL v. ]. 335. Fl. Br. 05. Eugl. Bot. V. 13. t. 875. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. ^.5. Knapp 1. 10. Graves Br. Gr. t.U. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 240. Leers \3. t.2. f.2. Host Gram. v. 2. 12. t. 14. Ehrh. Calam. 1 13. P. Crusgalli. Fl. Dau. t.852. Gramen paniceum, spica simplici Isevi. Rail Stjn. 393. G. panici efifigie, spica simplici. Gcr. Em. \7 . f. In sandy fields, but not common. In Battersea fields, Curtis, Soiverhy. On the west side of Norwich, with the preceding. Annual. July, August. Smnller than the foregoing, but often so like it, that few persons can distinguish them. The spike however is neither lobed, nor whorled. Bristles more numerous, though often, as Ray found them, not so prominent. The most essential distinction, pointed out by Mr. Curtis, consists in the minute teeth of these bnsdes being directed forward or upward, not downward ; and we can hardly conceive this character to be variable. The neutcr/o/e^ is mo're frequently wanting in this species. The minute rough- ness of the corolla is like the last. Sometimes the spike, though usually green, has a purple tinge. 3. P. Crus-galli. Loose Panick-grass. Panicle erect, branched, bristly. Flowers awned, unila- teral. Leaves lanceolate, harsh, naked, without stipulas. P. Crus-galli. Linn. Sp. PL 83. JVilld. v. 1. 337. //• Br. 65. En^l Bot. V. 13. t. 870. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 8. ^"W- 1 ' • Gi^avcs Br. Gr. t. 1 2. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 243. Leers 13. f. 2./. 3. Ehrh. Calam. 104. P. n. l.>44. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 2:>0. 100 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Aira. P. sylvestre herbariorum. Park. Thealr. 1154./. P. vulgare. Gar. Em. 85./. Gramen paniceum, spicu divisa. Bank. Pin. 8. Theatr. \36.f. Scheuchz. Ai^r. 49. Rali Sun. 394. Moris, v. 3. 189. w. 15. sect.S. t.4.f.\5; ^alson. lO.f. 16. In moist arable land, but rare. Near Guildford. Huds. About Battersea, Putney, and Greenwich. Rcnjj Lightfoot, Curtis, &c. Annual. July. Root fibrous. Stems several, often 2 feet high, stout, leafy, smooth, with some tufts of radical leaves, and a few short, more spread- ing, stems, at their base. Leaves harsh, pointed^ neither warty nor hairy. There are no stipulas of any kind, one represented in Engl. Bot. being an error. Sheaths compressed, striated, smooth. Panicle erect, rigid, unilateral, with angular rough-edged stalks 5 its lower branches rather distant, and zigzag j upper crowded 5 all with tufts of fine smooth bristles, originating in tubercles, at their base ; which bristles seem not essentially different from those of Richard's Pennisetum, and greatly invalidate the sup- posed character of that genus, of which our two foregoing species are examples. The larger valve of the calyx is ovate, concave, ribbed, bristly, pointed, or slightly awned^ smaller cup-shaped, embracing the whole base of the flower. Cor. of the perfect floret 2 ovate awnless valves, very smooth, and even, finally horny, coating the seed 3 the larger concave, obscurely ribbed ; the inner smaller, flattish : that of the neuter floret of 2 very dissimilar valves ; the outermost resembling the outer valve of the calyx, to which it has heretofore been supposed to belong, concave, ribbed, bristly, inflexed at the edges, and terminating in a rough, straight awn, generally short, as in Engl. Bot., but sometimes very long as in Leers, and Morison's/. 16 ; the in- nermost rather smaller, thinner, flat, notched at the tip, see Curtis,/. 5. Stam. and Pist. in the perfect fl. only, about as long as the corolla, and formed like those of the 2 species above described. The Linnoean P. Crus-corvi proves not a distinct species from this. 39. AIRA. Hair-grass. Lin7i. Gen. 34. Juss.3\. FL Br. 83. Lam. t. 44. Gcrrfn. t.\. Cal. of 2 unequal keeled valves, containing a spikelet of 2 perfect ^or^/5, one of them generally elevated on a short stalk, without any rudiments of a third. Cor. of 2 oblong, unequal, clasping valves; the outer one largest, with a dorsal tw^isting awn, above the base, in several species wanting; inner notched at the point, awnless. Nect, a cloven scale. Filcmi. capillary. Anth, prominent, pen- dulous, notched at each end. * Germ, ovate. Stijles short, TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Aiia. 101 (.istiiict.^ St/gm. featliery, large. Seed ovate, loose, co- vered with the membranous corolla. Inflorescetice panicled, eidier very loosely, or condensed into a spike. The genus is, as Mr. Brown remarks under In's Eriachne, Pr. 183, entirely artificial, allied to 3 or 4 others, from which it differs in the small number of florets. We can therefore give no characteristic description of its habit, any further than that the stems are erect, jointed, and more or less leafy. Leaves generally narrow. * Corolla a'wnless. 1. A. crislala. Crested Hair-grass. Panicle spiked. Calyx longer than its flower-stalk, shorter than the florets. Glumes all pointed. A. cristata. Linn. Sp. PL 94. FL Dr. S3. Engl. Bot. v. 9. t. 6J8 Knapp ^30. Hook. Scot. 29. Schrad. Germ. v. I. 255. Poa cristata. IViUd. v. I. 402. With. 145. Hull. 22. Reth. 3/ Sibth. 42. Abbot 19. Host Gram. v. 2. 54. t. 75. Leers 31 t 5 /. 6. Ehrh.Phyt. 32. ' ' ' Fcstuca n. 1444. Hcdl. Hist. v. 2. 217. Gramen pumilum hirsutum, spica purpureo-argentea molii. Raii Sijn. 396. G. spica cristata, subhirsutum. Bauh. Prodr. 8. Thcatr. 43. Scheuchz. Agr.\66. Moris, v. 3. 194. sect. 8. t. 4./. 7. In dry, elevated, or calcareous^ pastures^ or on walls, not very common. Perennial. JuJi/, August. Roots forming dense tufts ; their fibres downy. Stems simj^le, erect, round, about 6 inches high, or more ; most jointed and leafy be- low J a little downy above. Leaves rather stiff, linear, narrow, acute, flat, single-ribbed, with long, clasping, more or less downy or hairy .s7/e(/^/i5, and a very short, slightly "fringed, stipula. The edges of the leaves are rough and hairy, as Plofessor Schrader rightly observes, in opposition to my former descriptions, but this character varies in degree ; their upper surface is strongly ribbed. Panicle lanceolate, dense, erect, many-flowered, froni 1 to 4 or 5 inches long, compound and somewhat interrupted, conspicuous for its shining silvery hue, mixed with pale purple and green ; the common stalk densely downy. Fl. crowded, erect. Glumes all similar, compressed, finely pointed, with mem- branous edges. Florets very rarely 3. Til is species is a Festuca, except in the small number of florets. 2. A. aqnatica. Water Huir-grass„ Panicle spreading. Florets awnless, even, obtuse, longer than the rnlyx. J.eaves flat. SlijMila nblon. Gramen avenaceum, locustis rubris, montanum. Sdieuchz. Agr. \7\.t.3.f. IG, D— F. Bauli.TheatT. 155./. Prodr.20.f. Rail Sijn. 4(]3. Moris, v. 3. 215. sect. S. 1. 1 . f. 48, had. G. avenaceum locustis rubiis. Park. Theatr. 1151./. In mountainous woods in the north of England, and in Scotland. Perennial. June, July. Root creeping, as in the preceding. Leaves smoother, and rather narrower, with an extremely short stipula. Panicle for the most part siPxiply racemose ; sometimes divided in the lower part. Ft. of the colour of the last, but more pendulous, and essen- tially different in having two perfect _/ore^A^, besides one or two abrupt, long-stalked, neuter ones. The outer valve of the cu- roila, in the former, is strongly and copiously ribbed ; the inner very thick, and minutely downy, at the margin. 3. M. ccEvulea. Purple Melic-grass. Petals beardless, acute. Panicle close, erect, compound. Flowers upright, cylindrical. M. cgerulea. Linn. Mant. 2. 325. mild. v. 1. 383. Fl. Br. 93. Engl. Bot. V. II. t. 750. Curt. Lond.fasc. 5. ^. 1 1 . Knapp t. 40. Hook. Scot. 3 1 . Schrad. Germ. v. 1.269. Host Gram. v. 2. 7. t. 8. Aira caerulea. Linn. Sp. PL 95. Huds. 33. Leers22. t. 4.f.7. Fl. Dan. t. 239. Molinia caerula. Beauv. Agr. 68. t. 14. f. 6. Arundo n. 1518. Hall. Hist. zj. 2. 241.' Gramen pratense serotinum, panicula longa purpurascente. Rail Sijn. 404. Moris, u. 3. 201. sect. 8. t. 5./ 22. G. arundinaceum enode minus sylvaticum. Scheuchz. Agr. 209. G. paniculatum autumnale, panicula ampliore, e viridi nigricante. 76.207. t.4.f. 11, 12, In barren sandy boggy ground, especially about turfy pools on mountainous heaths. Perennial. August. A hard coarse reedy grass, varying greatly in luxuriance, rather artificially referred to this genus, having more the habit, though not the fructification, of Arundo. The root consists of many strong fibres. Stems rather bulbous at the base, with a single joint near the bottom. Leare*- taper-pointed, rough, except at the back ; besprinkled with hairs on the upper surface, particu- larly towards the top of the sheath. Panicle oblong, of numerous, compound, close, furrowed, wavy, scarcely rough, branches. FL dull violet-coloured, or brown, smooth. Cal. lanceolate, acute, single-ribbed, compressed, unequal. Outer valve of the cor. of a similar figure ; inner abru])t. Anth. violet-coloured. Stalk of the spikelct much elongated, with 1 perfect Jloret, sessile at its base 3 another on a level with the shorter valve of the c«?., and Vol,. I. I 1 14 TRI ANDRI A— DIGYNI A. Seslerla. 1 or 2 neuter ones higher up. Seed loose, polished, invested with the hardened cor., in which this grass differs from Aira, whose petals remain membranous. Shady situations render the panicle pale, brownish, or whitish. The stems are said to be used for brooms, or even baskets, where better materials are rare. 43. SESLERIA. Moor-grass. Scop. Cam. ed.\.] 89. Juss. 31. Fl. Br. 93. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 271. Lam. t. 47. Col. of 2 nearly equal, keeled, pointed, slightly awned valves, containing 2 or 3 perfect florets. Cor. of 2 lanceolate, keeled, acute, partly awned, valves ; the outermost undi- vided, toothed; inner cloven. Filam. capillary, rather longer than the cor. Antli. prominent, linear, notched at each end. Germ, small, ovate. Styles more or less com- bined. Stigm. long, linear, downy. Seed loose, covered with the permanently membranous cor. Root generally perennial. Stems simple. Leaves chiefly radical, linear, keeled, bluntish. Fl. spiked, blueish, or whitish. 1. S. carulea. Blue Moor-grass. Spike ovate-oblong, imbricated. Bracteas alternate. Outer valve of the corolla with three teeth. S, caerulea. Scop. Cam. ed. 2. r. 1. 63. f7.JBr.94. Engl. Bot. v. 23. t. 1613. Knapp t.A3. Hook. Scot.3\. Schrad. Germ.v. 1. 273. Host Gram. v. 2. 69. t. 98. Arduin. Spec. 2. 18. t. 6. /.3, 4, 5. Fl. Dan. t. 1506. S. n. 1446. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 217. Cynosurus cseruleus. Linn. Sp. PL 106. Willd.v. 1.414. Huds. 59. Mart. Rust. t. 20. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 6. 3. Ehrh. Calam. 14. Wulf. in Jacq. Misc. v. 2. 66. Jacq. Ic. Bar. t.2\. Gramen parvum montanum, spica crassiore purpuro-ceerule^ brevi. RaiiSyn.399. G. glumis variis, Bauh. Theatr. 158./. Prodr. 21. f. Scheuchz. Agr. 83. ^.2./. 9, A, B. On moist alpine limestone rocks. In many parts of Westmoreland. Common in the Scottish High- lands'. Knapp, Hooker. Very common about Settle, Yorkshire. Dr. Windsor. Perennial. April — June. Root long and strong, forming dense tufts. Stem about a span high, without branches or joints, smooth, for the mo&t part TRI ANDRI A— DIGYNIA. Glyceria. 1 15 naked. Leaves rather firm, spreading or recurved, single-ribbed, striated, bluntish, with a short cartilaginous tip ; rough chietiy at the edges and keel near the extremity. Sheaths short. Stipula obsolete. Spike erect, blueish grey, shining, about an inch long, somewhat branched or panicled, with notched or jagged, short bracteas. Glumes all more or less awned. Calyx as well as the outer valve of the corolla, fringed ; the latter terminating in a short central awn, and a short tooth (Schrader says some- times 2) on each side ; inner valve flat, cloven, with inflexed margins, downy at the outer edges. An elegant and singular grass, flowering too early to be often seen by mountain travellers. Professor Schrader has much enriched this genus, describing 6 German species, one of which, with an annual root, is Cenchrus capitatus, Linn. Sp. PL 1488, Fl. Gnvc. vA.Sl. t. 100. referred to Sesleria by the learned Host, I have had no opportunity of investigating its structure, which has never, till now perhaps, been rightly understood. 44. GLYCERIA. Sweet-grass. Br. Pr. 179. Beauv.Agr. 96. t. 19./. 7. Poa, sect. 2. Hook. Scot. 32. Cal. of 2 unequal, awnless, concave valves, containing a linear-oblong spikelet of numerous, awnless, alternate, two-ranked, perfect^or^^f^, unconnected by any fibres, or web, at their base. Cor, of 2 unequal valves ; the outer cylindrical, ribbed and furrowed, scarcely keeled, entire, more or less abrupt, and often membranous, at the point, inflexed at the edges ; inner narrower, obtuse, or notched, flat, membranous, with 2 nearly marginal ribs. Nect. a tumid scale, notched or cloven, at one side of tlie germen. Filam. capillary, longer than the cor. Anth. pendulous, linear, deeply cloven at each end. Germen ovate. Styles distinct, various in length. Stigmas spreading, feathery, large, repeatedly branched or compound. Seed cylin- dric-oblong, with a furrow at one side, loose, covered with the unchanged corolla. Root perennial, in some species annual. Stems leafy, knotty. Fl. panicled, numerous. I venture to admit into Mr. Brown's genus of Glyceria, founded on Festiica^ (or Poa,) fluitans alone, such of our former Poce as agi'ee with that grass in having linear spikelets, cylindrical furrowed Jlorets, and for the most part branched stigmas, which last character is considered by that learned author as one of the most essential. It occurs however in Poa annua, trivialis, prateiisis, and 1 2 116 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Glyceria. perhaps in other indisputable species of that genus, whose characters will be given hereafter. As to the present tribe, the writer of this has long been convinced of their natu- ral relationship to each other, and their ill agreement with Poa^ and proposes the above characters, founded on the shape of i\\eJlorets more especially, as no less obvious than invariable. 1 . G. aquatica. Reedy Sweet-grass. Panicle erect, repeatedly branched, spreading. Florets nu- merous, obtuse, with seven ribs. Nectary cloven, acute. Poa aquatica. Linn. Sp. PL 9S. mild. v. I. 385. Fl.Br.Qo. Engl. Bot. V. 19. t. 1315. Curt. Lond. fasc. 5. t. 12. Knapp t.44. Hook. Scot. 32. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 278. Host Gram. v. 2. 44. t. 60. Fl. Don. t. 920. Leers 26. t.D.f.5 P. n. 1454. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 220. Gramen aquaticum majus. Raii Syn. 411. Ger. Em. 6.f. Lob. Ic. v.\.4.f. G. palustre paniculatum altissimiim. Bauh. Theatr. 38. Scheuchz, Agr.\9l.t.4.f.\. G. paniculatum aquaticum latifolium. Moris, i?. 3. 201 . sect, 8. t. 6, /.25. In ditches, pools, and the margins of running streams, common. Perennial. July. Root creeping, jointed, with whorled fibres. Stems 5 or 6 feet high, smooth, a little compressed. Leaves broad, flat, single-ribt^d, linear, with a short point, rough at the edges and keel only. Panicle large, repeatedly compound ; its branches alternately half whorled, angular, rough. Spikelets erect, more linear than in Engl. Bot., of from 5 to 1 0, or more, florets, whose outer valve is blunt and strongly ribbed, cylindrical, not keeled ; sometimes minutely downy. Common calyx even. Nectary abrupt, of 2 short acute lobes. Styles a little distant, longer than their feathery stigmas, which are repeatedly subdivided, as in the next species. A coarse grass, but not unacceptable to cattle, making a great part of the hay in marshy lands. It is sometimes viviparous, but sparingly. Leers is not correct in his figure of the stigmas. 2. Qi.fluitans, Floating Sweet-grass. Panicle oblong, branched, divaricating. Spikelets close- pressed. Florets numerous, obtuse, seven-ribbed, with short intermediate ribs at the base. Nectary obtuse, tu- mid. G. fluitans. Br.Pr.\l9. Festuca fluitans. Linn. Sp. PlWl. mild. v. 1 . 426. Huds. 4G. TRIANDRIA-DIGYNIA. Glyceiia. 117 Curt Land. fasc. \.t 7. Mart. Rust. t. 1 13. Fl. Dan. t. 237 Host Gram.^ v. 2. 55. t. 77. Schreb. Gram. v. \.37.t.3. Leers OD. t. O.J. 0. PoaRmtans Scop. Carri.ed. 2. V. 1.73. Fl.Br.96. En^l. Bot ^.-2. J.1O20. Knappt.45. Salisb. Pr.2\. Hook. Scot. 32. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 280. P. n. 1 453. Hall. Hist. v. 2.219. ^'^Ifn ^'''^o'^'^o"'^ "^""^ longissima panicula. Bauh. Hist, v 2 49V. J. Ran Sijn. 412. G. aquaticum fluitans, multiplici spica. Bauh. Theatr. 41 f Scheuchz.Agr.]99.t.4.f.5. '•^' G. fluyiatile. Ger. Em. 14./. G. loliaceum fluviatile, spicfi longissima divisa. Moris, v. 3. 183. sect. 8. t. 3.J^. 16. G. mannae esculeiitum prutenicum. Loes. Pruss. 108. t. 21, bad. In stagnant waters, and slow streams, frequent. Perennial. June—August. ^TttilTpS ^f ^reeping or partly floating. Stems ascending, round, sXen ?/^^ "T""'^' ^^""""^ tender, partly decumbent on the surtace of the water, as are many of the long, linear, obtuse flat noint d o^'"' /'"'^(" ''''^' --P--^-d, ?ery smooth. S^i^a pomted, often torn, decurrent. Panicle nearly erect, lon/and narrow doubly but sparingly branched, the branches roufhish rather turned to one side, tor the most part erect, but while flowermg strongly divaricated for a time. Spikelets erect, long- linear, nearly cyhndrical, of 8-12, rather lax, florets. C«Z. mem-' branous, obtuse, with a green keel, but no lateral ribs • one valve much the largest. Outer valve of the cor. cylindrical ob- tuse 3 membranous, and often notched, at the summit / mi- nutely downy under a high magnifier, furnished with no promi- nent keel, but with 7 equal, parallel, roughish ribs, besides a short intermediate one, on each side of the central rib at the bottom; inner valve flat, inflexed at the edges, with a mare-inal rib, as in most of the true grasses, the summit cloven. Nect thick and glandular, scarcely lobed. Anth. much contracted after flowering. Germ, elliptical. Styles distinct. Stigmas large and bushy, being, as Curtis and Brown remark, repeat- edly compound. Seed elliptic-oblong, with a deep furrow at one side. Loesel describes the mode of collecting the seeds for food, of which a more ample account may be seen in the Fl. Londinen.is. They are said to be very sweet, especially before they arrive at matu- rity ■ whence tlie name of Manna grass, which, no doubt, sug- gested to Mr. Brown the generic name. The fine sharp bran is said to kill intestinal worms in horses. ^hcjiouers, like those of Aira aquatica, have a sweet taste. The nectary w really a secretory gland. 118 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Glyceria. 3. G. dista?is. Reflexed Sweet-grass. Panicle branched, spreading ; the branches finally reflexed. Florets about five, obtuse, obscurely five-ribbed, polished. Root fibrous. Poa distans. Unn. Mant. 32. WiUd. t;. 1. 401. FL Br. 96. Engl. Bot. 1?. 14. ^.986. With, 141. ^. 25. Knapp t.47. Hook. Scot. 33. Schracl. Germ. v. 1 . 282. Host Gram. v. 2. 46. t. 63. P. retroflexa. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. t. 10. P. salina. Pollkh Palat. v. 1, 89. Aira aquatica /3. Huds. 34. On sandy waste ground towards the sea, in many parts of England and Scotland. Curtis noticed it on Hampstead hill. Perennial. July, August. Root fibrous, not creeping. Stems several, a foot high, round, leafy j decumbent at the base. Whole plant slightly glaucous, smooth. Leaves tapering to a sharp point. Stipula rather short, obtuse, notched ; that of the upper leaves often pointed. Panicle erect, with several series of half-whorled, angular, slender, rough branches, rigidly bent downward in a very remarkable m';inner. Spikelets linear, while young somewhat elliptical, variegated with purple. Florets smooth and shining, rarely more than 5, slightly distant. Outer valve of the corolla quite cylindrical, without any keel, but marked with 5 blunt, more or less evi- dent, ribs, which are commonly purple, and the interstices glau- cous ; the point is abrupt and membranous j inner valve slightly notched. Nectary deeply cloven. Styles short. Stigmas large and densely feathery j according to Mr. Curtis "branched." 4. G. maritima. Creeping Sea Sweet-grass. Panicle branched, rather close ; erect after flowering. Flo- rets about five, somewhat pointed, slightly five-ribbed. Root creeping. Poa maritima. Huds. 42. Willd. Sp. PL v. ]. 396. Fl.Br.97, Engl. Bot. V. 16. t. 1 140. Knapp t. 46. Dicks. H. Sice, fasc, 11.2. Hook. Scot. 33. Schrad. Germ. t). 1 . 281. Pi.oth Beitr. fasc. 1. 6. Fl.Dan. t.'Zol. Gramen paniculatum maritimum vulgatissimum. Raii Syn. 409. G. caninum maritimum paniculatum. lb. 410. In salt marshes on the coast, frequent. Perennial. July — Oct. Root creeping, by which it differs essentially from the last. Herbage more glaucous. Leaves involute, sharp-pointed, with rather tumid sheaths and a short stipula. Branches of the panicle spreading whilst in flower, then erect, rarely divaricated, never deflexed. Florets quite cylindrical, rather pointed, but not con- stantly so, their five ribs less evident than in the last-described. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Glyceria. 119 nor is there any prominent keel. Nect. deeply and acutely cloven, tumid at the base. Stigm. apparently like the last. I have not examined them in a recent state, the particular struc- ture of that organ not having been resorted to for important di- stinctions, till Mr, Brown described it in my second species of Glyceria. xMr. Curtis indeed, as well as Mr. Sowerby, faithfully represented what they saw in the respective plants, and accord- ing to them the stigmas of many grasses appear to be repeatedly subdivided. 5. G. procumbens. Procumbent Sea Sweet-grass. Panicle lanceolate, unilateral, two-ranked, close, with rough stalks; the main one cylindrical. Florets about five, bluntish, five-ribbed. Poa procumbens. Curt. Lotid.fasc. 6. ^ 1 1. Fl. Br. 08. EnH. Bot. r. 8. ?. 532. Knappt. 49. Hook. Scot. 33. ° P. rupestris. With. 146. t. 26. Gramen maritimum, paniculis asperis cristatis. Bocc. Mus. f. 1 . 1 35 ^ loliaceis, t. 95. In waste ground near the sea. At the foot of St. Vincent's rocks, and near the floating dock, Bristol, as also on the coast of Essex. Curtis. On Scarborough pier. Sir T. Frankland, Bart. Just over the bridge at Yarmouth. Mr. D. Turner. I have the same from Amsterdam, and Boc- cone's synonym shows this plant to be found also in Sicily. Annual. July, August. Root fibrous. Whole plant glaucous and rigid. Stems several, more or less prostrate, a span or more in length, leafy, smooth. Leaves flat, ribbed j rough above ; smooth beneath.' Sheaths long, tumid, ribbed, smooth. Stipula rather pointed, often torn. Branches of the panicle, as well as the spikelets, two-ranked, turned all one way. Valves of the cal. blunt, very unequal ; the outermost with 3 principal ribs. Outer valve of the cor. cy- lindrical, witli 5 ribs, the central one most prominent towards the summit, which is purplish, membranous, and obtuse ; inner valve narrow, bristly at the lateral ribs. Nect. divided, sheathing the germen. Styles \try short. S7i^?;ms branched and compound. Seed elliptic-oblong, pointed, flattened^ loose. 6. G. rigida. Hard Sweet-grass. Panicle lanceolate, unilateral, two-ranked, close, with smooth stalks ; the main one bordered. Florets about seven, acute, scarcely ribbed. Poa rigida. Linn. Sp. PI. \0l. mild. v. \. 396. Fl. Br. 99. Engl. Bot. V. 20. M371 . C7trt. Lond.fasc. 2. t. 4. Knapp t. 48. Hook, Scot. 33. Schrad Germ. v. 1 283. Host Gram. v. 2. 53. /. 74. 120 TRIANDllIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. Gramen exile duriusculum, in muris et aridis proveniens. Rait Syn. 410. G. panicuUi multiplici majus. Bauh. Prodr. 6./, bad. Theatr. 31. /. 32, bad. Schcuchz. Agr. 271. t. 6./. 2. G. minus duriusculum. Ger. Em. 4.f, bad. G. loliaceum murorum duriusculum, spied erecta rigida. Moris. v.S. 182. sect. S. t.2.f.9. G. filiceum rigidiusculum. Vaill. Par. 92. t. 18./. 4. On walls and dry gravelly banks, not uncommon. Annual. June. Root fibrous, woolly. Stems several, 3 — 5 inches high, peculiarly rigid and wiry, as is also the, not inelegant, panicle. Leaves short, narrow and pointed ; rough on the upper side. Sheaths ribbed, smooth. StipiUa elongated, blunt and mostly torn. Florets cylindrical, minutely pointed, furnished with a slight keel near the summit, but rarely with any traces of ribs. Cahjx acute^, strongly keeled. Anih. short, prominent. Styles scarcely any. Stigmas large, tufted. The whole plant generally assumes a brown or purplish hue, re- maining bleached and dry after Midsummer. Professor Schrader speaks of it as very rare in Germany, nor does Haller mention this species at all.' Ehrhart published a most unnatural culti- vated dried specimen, at no. 2 of a collection, whose title 1 know not_, and which v>as never perhaps continued. 45. POA. , Meadow-grass. Linn. Gen. 34. Juss. 32. Fl.Br.9b. Lam. t. 45. Cal. of 2 unequal, avvnless, acute, ovate, folded, keeled valves, containing an ovate, imbricated spikelet, of sevei'al awn- less, alternate, 2-ranked, perfect Jiorets^ often connected at their base by a condensed web, of long, white, cottony, filaments. Cor. of 2 unequal valves; the outer ovate, acute, strongly keeled, compressed, sometimes ribbed, en- tire, more or less membranous at the summit, as well as at the edges, which are flat, not inflexed ; inner narrower, with 2 nearly marginal ribs, the edges membranous, in- flexed, the summit cloven. Nect. a deeply-cloven scale. Filam. capillary, longer than the corolla. Anth. pendu- lous, oblong, cloven at each end. Germeti ovate. Sti/les very short. Stigmas spreading, feathery, in several species repeatedly branched. Seed elliptic-oblong, acute, some- what angular, loose, covered with the unchanged corolla, and sometimes woolly at the base with the permanent web above desciibed. lioal either fibrous or creeping, in most instances perennialc TRIANDlllA— DIGYNIA. Poa. 121 Stems leafy, knotty. Leaves flat, linear. Fl. loosely pa^ nicled, numerous. Several species are among the most valuable pasture grasses. 1. V. compress a. Flat-stalked Meadow-grass. Panicle unilateral, rather dense. Stem compressed. Root creeping. Spikelets ovate-oblong. Florets connected by a web. P.compressa. Linn.Sp.PlAm. Willd.vA.307. FL Br.90. EngL Bot.v.6. t.265. Knappt.57. Hook. Scot. 34. Schrad. Germ. V. 1. 303. Host Gram. v. 2.51. t. 70. Leers 30. t. b.f. 4. FL Dan. t. 742. ?. n. 1455. HalL Hist. V. 2. 220. Gramen pratense paniculatum medium. DHL in Rail Si/n. 409. G. paniculatum, radice repente, culmo compresso. FailL Par. 91. L\8.f.5. Sclieuchz.Agr.\9S. On the tops of walls, and in dry barren ground, frequent. PerenniaL June — Sept. Root moderately creeping, with downy fibres. Steins obUquely as- cending in the lower part, then erect and often crowded together, near a foot high, remarkably compressed, by which this species mav readily be known, as also by a sudden contraction where the panicle begins. The branches of the latter are acutely an- gular, rough, spreading considerably while in flower, but close and erect both before and after. Leaves short, narrow, rough- ish, especially at the edges, with long, compressed sheaths, and a short obtuse stipula. The whole plant is more or less glau- cous. Calyx-glumes 3-ribbed, Florets from 3 to 8 or 9, connected at the base by a mass of white folded threads, as fine and soft as a spider's web, which may be drawn out to a considerable length. The outer valve of the cor. has 5 not very conspicuous ribs, and is rough at the keel ; purplish upwards 3 silvery and membranous at the margin. Stigmas slender. Schrader's remarks seem to imply that the web is occasionally wanting, in which I apprehend some mistake. This grass, though not succulent, is eaten by all cattle, but cannot be cultivated in moist or manured ground. Its produce any where is far from abundant. 2. P. alphia, Alpine Meadow-grass. Panicle loosely spreading. Spikelets heart-shaped, four- or five-flowered. Florets rather sickle-shaped, hairy at the base, without a web. Lower stipulas very short ; upper oblong, acute. P. alpina. Linn. Sp. PL 99. mil(Lv.\.3m. FL Br. \00. EngL BoL V. 14. /. 1003. Knnpp i. 50. and t. 117. Light/. 06. Hook. 122 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. Scot. 34. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 292. Host Gram. v. 2. 49. t. 67. Wahlenh. Lapp. 39. P. n. 1456. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 220. Gramen alpiimm paniculatum majuS;, panicula speciosa variegate, Scheuchz. Jgr. 18G. Prodr. 20. t. 3. /3. Fl. Dan. t. 807, fl. viviparous. Gramen alpinum latifolium^ panicula laxa foliacea, &c. Scheuchz. Agr. 2\2. t.A.f. 14. On lofty mountains. Common in the Highlands of Scotland. Hooker. On Corbie Craig near the river Esk^ 5 miles from Forfar, Mr. G. Don. The late Mr. J, T. Mackay sent it from the place last mentioned, as well as from Ben Lavvers,, and other mountains of Breadalbane^ chiefly in a viviparous state. Perennial. July, August. Root fibrous, tufted, not creeping. Stem A — 12 inches high, erect, the lower joint only being sometimes bent; leafy below ; naked, round, striated, and smooth at the top, with frequently a tinge of purple. Leca-es linear, rather broad, flat, many-ribbed, bluntish vi'ith a small point, rough at the edges and sometimes on the upper side 3 a little glaucous beneath : radical ones numerous, tufted, some of them narrower, spreading, with smooth lax sheaths, and short blunt stipulas ; those of the stem having much longer sheaths, each crowned with a lanceolate, often torn, sti- pula. Panicle spreading, short, somewhat ovate, or triangular, its branches angular, wavy, nearly smooth, mostly in pairs, re- peatedly subdivided. Spikelets so broad as to be often almost heart-shaped, usually of A florets, in cultivated specimens of 6, I have never seen 9 or 1 1, as observed by Schrader. Glumes con- cave, keeled, moderately compressed, green at the back, purple at the sides, membranous and white at the edges, those of the calyx 3-ribbed, much resembling the outer valve of the cor., ex- cept that the lower half of the latter is silky, especially the keel, and the base of each Jioret bears several longish straight hairs, but the complicated web is wanting; inner valve finely fringed at the ribs. Stigmas feathery, but according to Mr. Sowerby's observation, slender, and I cannot ascertain whether they are compound or not. The whole panicle often consists of buds in- stead of real florets, particularly in wet seasons. There is also a densely tufted variety, represented in Mr, Knapp's t. 117. 3. P. laa^a. Wavy Meadow-grass. Panicle drooping, loosely spreading, zigzag. Spikelets ovate, three-flowered. Florets connected by a web. Stipulas all lanceolate. P. laxa. '' Hwnke Sudet. 118." Willd. v. 1 . 386. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 291. Wahlenh. Lapp. AO. Hook. Scot. 34. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Toa. 123 P. flexuosa. Ft. jBr. 101. Engl Bot.v. IG. t. 1 123. Don H. Brit. 6. P. n. 1457. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 221. Gramen alpinum paniculatiim minus, panicula spadiceo-viridi, ele- gans, Scheuchz.Agr. 1G3. Prodr. 19. t.4. G. paniculatum alpinum parvum, panicula spicata spadiceo-viridi, elegans, Scheuchz. It. 6. 457./. 16. In the Highlands of Scotland. Found on Ben Nevis by the late Mr. J. T. Mackay, a most excel- lent observer, who sacrificed his health and life to the too ardent pursuit of botany and horticulture. See Ejigl. Bot. Perennial, July. Root slightly creeping. Whole plant more dwarf, slender, and de- licate than the last, pale and somewhat glaucous. The leaves are narrow, roughish above. Stipulas all lanceolate and acute. Panicle rather close, with us more or less zigzag, especially the lower ]}art. Spikeleis not heart-shaped, but all ovate, of 3 Jiorets, rarely 4, or 2, glaucous, coloured like those of P. alpina, but paler, and essentially distinguished from that species by the connecting complicated web at their bases, while the keel only of each, not the sides, is silky. Having now ascertained, by Swiss specimens, the true synonyms of this rare species, I adopt its original name, as pointed out by Professor Schrader. Mr. Don found this grass most frequently viviparous. 4. P. hulhosa. Bulbous Meadow-grass. Panicle close, slightly zigzag. Spikelets four-flowered. Flo- rets hairy at the keel, connected by a web. Leaves finely serrated.^ Stem bulbous at the base. P. bulbosa. Linn.Sp.PL\^2,oiandy. Willd. v. 1.399. Fl.Br. 102. Engl. Bot. u. 15. t. 1071. Huds, 41. Knapp t. 53. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 294. Host Gram. v. 2. 47. t. 65. P. n. 1461 . Hall. Hist. v. 2. 222. G. xerampelinum, miliacea pertenui ramosaque sparsa panicula. Scheuchz. Agr. 185 ; but not of Vaill. Par. 91.^ G. vernum, radice ascalonica. Vaill. Par. 91. <. 17./. 8. On the sandy sea shore, and perhaps some other dry barren gi'ound. Near Clapham in Surrey. Huds. ed. 1. 34. On the denes near Yarmouth. Mr. Stone and Mr. D. Turner. At Little Hampton, Sussex. Mr. Borrer. At Lowestoft, Suffolk, on the low sandy ground between the middle part of the town and the beach, plentifully. Perennial. April, May. Root a tuft of small, ovate, white scaly bulbs, as truly such as the bulbs of a Lily or Garlick, and, like' them, tlirowing out fibrous radicles from' their base; which hn))pcns when the autumnal rains fix them in the moistened sand. Early in spring a dense 124 TlllANDRIA-DIGYNIA. Poa. crop of linear, keeled, slightly glaucous leaves, serrated with fine sharp marginal teeth, is produced, affording a grateful pasturage for cattle, and withering by the time when summer feed abounds. Their sheaths are broad, smooth, partly striated, rather lax, often purplish. Stipulas all lanceolate, acute, of a moderate length, considerably decurrent. Stem 4 or 5 inches high. Panicle ovate- oblong, less spreading and lax than in either of the two last, and scarcely at all zigzag. Spikelets of hardly more than A florets, usually of 3, ovate, pale, variegated with green and a violet pur- ple, somewhat shining, externally smooth, except the rough keel of the calyx. Outer valve of the cor. ovate and acute, as in the last, silky near the margin, hairy at the keel with a continuation of the complicated, not very copious, web, which connects the bases of the florets ; inner strongly fringed. Stigmas slender, and, as far as I can judge, simply feathery. I find no difference between this grass and what abounds in Ger- many, France and Italy, in the early spring, except that the lat- ter, in the streets of Rome, is usually viviparous, which circum- stance has not been observed in England. Morison's sect.ii.t.^. f. 14. Ger. Em. 3./ 1, and Barrel. Ic. t. 272. and t. 703./. 1, represent this j and possibly /. 2. of the plate last quoted may be the much larger oriental variety, preserved in the Linnsean herbarium, and alluded to in Engl. Bot. as a distinct species. It looks very different, having long and narrow leaves, but is certainly what Linnseus intended by his variety /3. I have other viviparous specimens, which evince a most Proteus-like nature in Foa bulhosa, if they really belong to it 3 but this question is here out of place. Mr. Knapp's t. 53 has accidentally the root of some other species subjoined. 5. P. trivialis. Rougbish Meadow-grass. Panicle spreading. Spikelets three-flowered. Florets lan- ceolate, five-ribbed, connected by a web. Stipula oblong. Stem and leaves roughish. Root fibrous. P. trivialis. Linn.Sp.Pl.^^. Willd. v. \.387. Fl. Br. 103. Engl. Bot. v.l5.t. 1072. Curt. Lond.fasc. 2. t. 6. Knapp t. 54. Sincl. 21. Hook. Scot. 35. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 296. Host Gram. v. 2, 45.^.62. P. dubia. Leers 28. t.6.f.5. P. scabra. Ehrh. Calam. 72. Gramen pratense paniculatum majus. Bauh. Theatr. 28./. Schcuchz. Agr. 177. t. 3./. 17, A. latiore folio. Rail Stjn. 409. /3. Poa setacea. Huds. ed. 1. 34. In meadows and pastures, especially such as are rather moist, very common. Perennial. June — October. Roots fibrous, Uiftcd. Stems several, about 18 inches high, erect. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. 125 leafy, with several knots ; the naked part cylindrical, roiighish to the touch, as are the edges and backs ot the flat, slightly spreading, lax, linear, deep-green leaves. In their long corn- pressed sheaths also a slight roughness is sometimes perceptible. Stipula acute, oblong, or lanceolate, 1 J or 2 lines long, as no- ticed by Scheuchzer, Hudson and Curtis, by which this species is invariably distinguished from the following. Scheuchzer's synonyms of each, misapplied by Linn.Teus and all his followers, see Fl. Br., are at length settled by the accurate Schrader. Haller, I have authority to say, did not well discriminate these two grasses ; and Linnaeus has recorded under P. pratensis, his own ignorance of their distinctions, and those of 2 others, which Willdenow has strangely perverted, so as to include the widely different P. annua, and exclude aJpina, which indeed is not less distinct, P«nic/e large, spreading, with half-w^horled, horizontal, wavy, angular, rough, compound, but very unequal, branches. Spikelets ovate, of three, sometimes only two, Jlorets, whose glumes are rough at the keel. Outer valve of the corolla lan- ceolate, acute, concave, moderately compressed, rather longer than the cahji, keeled ; smooth, with 2 lateral ribs, at each side ; membranous at the point ; inner lanceolate, acute, scarcely cloven, or if so, the minute segm.ents are convolute and com- bined, its edges inflexed, smooth. The bases of thejiorels are attached to the receptacle and to each other by a few long, very slender, convoluted filaments, which may be pulled out to a considerable extent. Nectary ovate, deeply cloven, acute. An- thers deeply divided at each end, with spreading lobes. Germ. ovate. Shjles very short. Stigmas large, spreading, feathery, repeatedly subdivided, as in the genus Glyceria. Seed lanceolate, triangular. Mr. Curtis, deeply versed in the practical economy of grasses, de- clares this to be one of the most valuable for pasturage and hay, yielding abundantly, though not particularly early ; and of the most excellent quality. The variety /3, of which I have an original specimen, is only a starved plant, with short and slender Leaves. 6. P. pratensis. Smooth-stalked Meadow-grass. Panicle spreading. Spikelets four-flowered. Florets lan- ceolate, five-ribbed, connected by a web. Stipula short and obtuse. Stem and leaves smooth. Root creeping. P. pratensis. Linn. Sp. PL 99. Willd. v. I. 388. Fl.Br.\04. Engl. Bat. I'. 15. 1. 1073. Curt. Lond.fasc. 2.t.'o. Knajyp ^.5.5. Dicks. H.Sicc.fasc.\4.3. Sincl. \7. Hook. Scot. 3 j. Schrad. Germ. V. 1 . 298. Host Gram. v. 2. 44. t.6\. P. glabra. Ehrh. Calam. 62. Gramen pratense paniculatum medium. Bauh. Theafr. 30. f. Scheuchz. Agr.\80. Rati Syn. 409. 126 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. G- prateiise minus. Ger. Em. 2.f. /S. Poa aiigustifolia. Lhui. Sp. PL 99. JVilld. v. 1. 387. Leers 2/ . t.G.f.S. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 14. 4. G. pratense paniculatum majus, angustiore folio. Raii Syn. 409. Moris. V. 3. 20] . sect. 8. t. 5. f. 19. Scheuchz. Agr. 178. t. 3. /17.B. y. Poa subcaerulea. Engl. Bot. v. 14. t. 1004, ea?cZ. the reference to Withering. P. hiimilis. £/ir/t. Calam. 115. Cowp. IC. F/. /??•. 1387, excluding the references to Willdenow, Haller and Scheuchzer. P. caerulea. Knapp t.WS. Sincl. 19. P. pratensis /3, alpina. //mc/^. 39. P. pratensis /3, minor. Hook. Scot. 35. In meadows and pastures, whether moist or dry, common. /3, In woods, y. In momitainous situations, in Wales, Anglesea, Westmoreland, Cumberland and Scotland. Perennial. May, June. Root creeping, with horizontal runners. General aspect of the plant very like the last, with which it has been usually con- founded, but the stem and leaves betray no roughness when drawn through the hand. T\\^ florets are mostly 4, sometimes 5, very rarely but 2, their connecting web very copious, as well as long and complicated, their keel often silky. The outer valve of the calyx has very prominent lateral ribs. But the clear and essential mark of this species, compared with the last, consists in its very short, abrupt, pointless stipula, which in every leaf, of every variety, proves constant and invariable. Scheuchzer, Hudson and Curtis have all observed this, we believe indepen- dently of each other, and following botanists have confirmed the truth of their remarks. The stigmas of P. pratensis are as much branched as those of P. trivialis. P. pratensis of Leers, 28. t.6. f. 4, cited with doubt in Fl. Br., is referred by Schrader to his serotina, v. 1. 299. /S differs chiefly in the narrowness of its leaves, which are involute, and somewhat rigid, with roughish sheaths, especially the lower ones. All authors, since the publication of Fl. Br., have con- curred with me in making it a variety only. y is remarkable for a glaucous hue of the whole herbage, less evi- dent in Ehrhart's own specimen of his P. humilis, which is cer- tainly my siibccerulea. The stem is but a span high ; the leaves short, broad and flat. The panicle is much smaller and less branched than in the common pratensis ; the spikelets similar, except in their glaucous colour, more pointed calyx, and rather more turgid and less angular j^ore^s, 3 in number, whose con- necting web is extremely copious, so as to be visible without pulling them asunder. Nevertheless, 1 submit to the opinion of the accurate Schrader, who has, like myself, examined speci- TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. 127 mens, and is a competent judge. The stipulas of the above 3 varieties are all alike. As an object of agriculture P. prateusis is not less valuable than the trivialis. It is earlier in lejif, and will thrive with less moisture, though the latter produces, at last, a better crop. Mr. Curtis and several other able botanists have rendered great service to the farmer in directing his attention to such objects, and it is undoubtedly worth his while to be select in seed for grass lands. But, after all. Nature is supreme in the accommo- dation of particular grasses to certain soils and situations, and whatever we may sow, unless we have well studied her laws, she finally triumphs. 7. P. annua. Annual Meadow-grass. Panicle widely spreading. Spikelets ovate, five-fiowered. Florets a little remote, five-ribbed, without a web. Stems oblique, compressed. P. annua. Linn. Sp. PI. 99. TVilld. r. 1. 390. Fl. Br. 105. Engl. Bot. V. 16. t. 1141. Curt. Lond.fasc. 1. t. 6. Mart. Rust. t. 98. Stillingfi^ t. 7. Knapp t 52. Hook. Scot. 35. Schrad. Germ, V. 1. 304. Host Gram. v. 2. 46. t. 64. Leers29. t. 6./. 1. Ehrh, Ca/am. 106. P. n. 1466. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 223. Gramen pratense paniculatum minus. Bauh. Theatr. 30. f.3\, Scheuchz. Agr. 189. t. 3./. 17, E. G. pratense minus, seu vulgatissimum. Uaii Sijn. 408. G. pratense minimum album. Moris, v. 3. 201. sect. 8. t.b.f.2\. G. minimum album. Ger. Em. 3./. In meadows, pastures, waste and cultivated ground, every where, except in alpine situations. Annual. April — ISlov. Root fibrous. Stems several, pale, very smooth, somewhat com- pressed, leafy, jointed, branched at the base, spreading in every direction, and taking root at many of their lower joints j their length from 3 to 12 inches. Leaves of a fine light green, spread- ing, linear, bluntish, flaccid, roughish at the edges only, flat, except a crumpled portion here and there, characteristic of the species, though not absolutely peculiar to it. Sheaths long, com- pressed, smooth. Stipula oblong and acute at the upper leaves ; shorter, obtuse, and jagged at many of the lower ones. Panicle .smaller than in the two last, more lax, its outline, as Haller re- marks, triangular ; its branches most directed to one side, all nearly smooth. Spikelets variegated with green and white, ovate, externally smooth and polished. Florets 5 or 6 j their outer valves 5-ribbed, silky at the edges and back ; inner notched, rough-edged. There is no web or hairiness at the base. Anth. 128 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. i^hoYt. Styles distant, very short. Stigmas very large and re- ])eatcdlv com])or.nd, as in Ghjceri'iJIuiians. A good grass for fodder, abundant in proportion to the richness of the soil, easily raised^ but not durable. 8. P. giaiica. Glaucous Meadow-grass. Panicle spreading. Spikelets ovate. Florets from two to five, obscurely five-ribbed, bluntish ; silky at the keel and lateral ribs ; hairy at the base, without a web. Stipulas of the lower leaves very short and blunt. P. glauca. FI. Dan. t. 964. With. 148. Fl. Br. 1388. Comp. IG. Engl. Bot. V. 24. t. 1 720. Hull 23. JVahlenh. Lapp. 41 . P, csesia. Knapp t. 56. P. n. 1468. Hall. Hist. v. 2.224, from its discoverer. Prof. Lachenal. P. montana. Allion. Pedem. v. 2. 245. P. nemoralis (3. Hook. Scot. 35. Gramen paniculatum angustifolium montanum, panicula densa, locustis parvis muticis. Scheuchz. Agr. 180. /3. iVahlenb. Lapp. 41. Poa csesia. Ft. Br. 103. Comp. 16. Engl. Bot. v. 24. t. 1719. Hook. Scot. 34. On the mountains of Wales, Scotland, and the north of England. On Snowdon. Mr. Griffith. Brought from Scotland, and culti- vated in Chelsea garden, Mr. Fairbairn. Plentiful on the Scot- tish alps. Hooker. On Ingleborough, Yorkshire. Dr. Windsor. j6. Received from Scotland, and long cultivated in Chelsea garden. Mr. Fairbairn. On Ben Lawers, and other Highland moun- tains. Mr. J. T. Mackaij. Brouglit from Ben Lawers by Mr. D. Turner and Professor Hooker, to whom I am obliged for a wild specimen. Perennial, June, July. The whole plant, in both varieties, is with us extremely and per- manently glaucous ; in Lachenal's specimens less so, especially the leaves. Root tufted, fibrous. Stems erect, 12 — 15 inches high, leafy, furnished with from 2 to 4 joints : round, striated, and almost perfectly smooth in the naked part above the leaves, which is only occasionally angular and rough-edged near the top. Leaves linear, bluntish, flat, single-ribbed, roughish to the touch, except at the back towards the base. Sheaths striated, somewhat swelling, roughish, though sometimes in a very slight degree ; the upper ones as long as their respective leaves, or longer. Stipula mostly very short and blunt, not projecting out of the sheath ; but at the uppermost leaf, in both varieties, it is sometimes greatly elongated, lanceolate, acute, and externally downy. Panicle upright, spreading ; the branches 2, 3, or more, together, simple or variously compound, angular, rough with minute bristly teeth, especially near the flowers. Spikelets ovate^. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. 159 erect, variegated with glaucoiis-grcen, purple, and silvery white. Calyx-glumes ovate-lanceohite," very acute, strongly 'keeled,' smooth, except the upper part of the keel • membranous at tlie edges 3 the inner one largest, with a short rib near the keel at each side j the outer single-ribbed. Florets 2 or 3 in the first variety J 4,5, or more, in the second, /3, always longer than the calyx. Outer valve of the corolla ovate-lanceolate, either smooth or minutely downy, hairy at the base; furnished with 5 ribs in- cluding the keel, which, like the 2 nearly marginal ribs, is clothed half way up with close silky hairs, the intermediate ribs being smooth, and often so little prominent as to be discoverable only by holding the glume against the light ; inner valve oblong, slightly cloven, with inflexed edges, often rough at the fold. IScct., according to Mr. Sowerby, of 2 notched scales, but I suspect it to vary in this respect, as it does in size. Styles scarcely any. Stigmas large, feathery, and distinctly compound evep in a dried specimen. (5 has broader leaves, and 4 or 5 Jlorets, even in a wild specimen from Mr. Turner ; in cultivated ones there are often six, in which case their common stalk is hairy, particularly close to each floret ; but this is essentially different from the folded web connecting the florets in other species. The calyx is often broader, and quite ovate, in this variety, but there are imper- ceptible gradations. The two varieties however remain constant, through a long course of cultivation, and I have specimens of the original glauca, raised from seed in Mr. Griffith's garden, quite unaltered. Dr. Wahlenberg observed the leaves of glauca to be often involute wiien dried ; ours seldom exhibit this character. All things considered, I agree with the very able botanist last named in reducing these two grasses, hov/ever different in aspect, to one species ; and am happy to concur also with my valued friend Professor Hooker in the same opinion ; but not in referring P. glauca to the very distinct and well-marked P. ne- moralisy though as Dr. Wahlenberg says it is an intermediate species, he cannot mean a doubtful one, betv.-een the latter and P. trivia lis. 9. P. nemorcdis. Wood Meadow-grass. Panicle spreading, capillary. Calyx-glumes lanceQlhve, ta- per-pointed, each three-ribbed. Spikelets lanceolate. Florets about three, five-ribbed, acute ; silky at the keel and lateral ribs ; hairy at the base, without a web. Sti- pulas very short, notched. P. nemoralis. Linn. Sp. PI. 102. Willd. v. 1. 399. FL Br. lOG. E}igl. Bot. V. 18. t. 12G5. Knapp t. 58. Hook. Scot. :iD. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 301. Host Gram. v. 2. 51. t.7\. Leers 30. /. 5. /'. 3. FL Dan. t. 749. Ehrh. Calam. 5. P. angustifolia /3. Huds. 41. VOL. f. K - 130 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Poa. P. n. 14G9. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 22A. Gramen paniculatum angustifolium alplnum, locustis rarioribus et angiistioribus, non aristatis. Scheuchz. Agr. 1G4. Prodr. 18. f. 2. It. 2. 135. {ed. Loud. G2.) ohs. 45. t. 18./. 3. /3. Poa angustifolia a. Huds. 40. P. pratensis, var. 2. With. 142. Hm/Z 21. In groves and woods. Most plentiful in the north of England, where it is very common j as also in woods on a chalky soil in the south. Perennial. June, July. Root fibrous, scarcely creeping. Whole plant very slender and delicate, l^ or 2 feet high. Stems several, erect, slightly com- pressed, smooth, striated, leafy, with 4 or 5 joints. Lec/i-es al- most all on the stem, grass-green, narrow, flat, with 3 principal ribs and many intermediate ones j more or less rough, espe- cially the mid-rib and edges j tapering to a fine slender point ; the lowermost smooth at the back. Sheaths hardly so long as the leaves, compressed, nearly smooth. Stipula very short in all the leaves, and inclosed within the sheath, but visibly notched along the margin. Panicle erect, or slightly drooping to one side, very slender, with numerous, half-whorled, angular, rough, wavy, compound branches. Spikelets erect, pale green and white, with a purplish tinge ; their general surface shining, and nearly smooth. Cat. of 2 unequal, lanceolate, taper-pointed, almost awned valves, each with 3 ribs ; the keel, or central rib, rough; the margin of the larger, or innermost, much dilated and mem- branous. Florets 2 or 3, rarely 4. Outer valve of the cor. lan- ceolate, acute, with 5 ribs, of which the 2 marginal ones and the keel are finely silky at their lower part, the 2 intermediate ones smooth, and not very conspicuous, unless the glume be held against the light; inner valve narrow, rough-edged, cloven at the point. The base of each floret is sometimes, not always, hairy, but there is no complicated web. Stigmas large and tufted. Mr. Sowerby found the nectary of 2 acute cloven scales. |3 is of a firmer habit, less slender in every part, with a more dense panicle, and sometimes more numerous ^orefi\ An original spe- cimen proves it Mr. Hudson's P. angustifolia, of which he sub- sequently made nemorcdis a subordinate variety. But it is not angustifolia of Linnaeus, which belongs to pratensis. Neither is it trivialis of Leers, whose considerable web indicates an aflSnity to pratensis also. Morison's sect. 8. t. 5. /. 19, is, more safely perhaps, transferred from the present plant to that species. In Switzerland P. nemoraUs often bears, on the stems, rigid bristly tufts like radicles, analogous to the mossy balls of the Dog-Rose, and like them probably the effect of the puncture of some insect. See JBocc. Mus. t. 59. Scheuchz. It. 1. 38. t. 5. /. 1. This has not been noticed in Britain. Schrader makes it his var. /3 ; but it is rather an accident than a variety. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Tiiodia. 131 46. TRIODIA. Heath-grass. Br. Pi. 182. KunthNov. Gen. et Spec. v. 1. 150. t. 47, 48. Beauv. Jgr.76. t. 15./.!). Cal. of 2 nearly equal, clasping, awnless, acute, ovate, con^ cave, keeled, valves, containing an ovate, imbricated, tumid spikelcf., about its own length, of several two-ranked per- fect Jiorets^ variously hairy at the base, but without any complicated web. Cor. of 2 unequal, ovate, rigid, con- cave valves, closely pressed together transversely ; the outer obscurely many-ribbed, not keeled ; flat and ex- panded at the edges ; deeply cloven at the summit, with ari intermediate dorsal tooth, or awn, longer or shorter than the lateral points ; inner smaller, lining the cavity of the outer, fringed; cloven or notched at the point. ^ect. of 2 scales. Filam. capillary. Antli. prominent, pendulous. Gcrmcn oval, flat. Styles short, distinct. Stigm. cylindrical, feathery. Seed loose, oval, depressed, convex on the outside, concave on the inner, closely pressed between the unchanged valves of the corolla. Hard, rigid, perennial grasses, with leafy stems. Inflores- cence variously panicled. 1. T. decumbens. Decumbent Heath-grass. Panicle nearly simple, close, erect. Florets four; their middle tooth shortest. Calyx smooth. Stipula hair}'. Festuca decumbens. Linn. Sp. PL 1 10. M^illd. v. 1 . 424. Huds. 47. Fl. Dan. t. 162. Leers 34. t. 7.f. 5. Ehrh. Calam. 16. Dicks. H.Sicc.fasc. 11.3. F. n. 1434. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 213. Poa decumbens. IVith. 147. Fl. Br. 107. Efigl. Bot. v.W. t. 792. Hook. Scot. '36. Knapp ^.59. Sclirad. Germ. v. 1. 305. Host Gram. v. 2. 52. t. 72. Melica decumbens. Ji^eb. Gott. 3. Gramen avenaceum parvum procumbens, paniculis non aristatis. Raii Syn. 408. Pluk. Phijt. t. 34. /. 1. Mont. Prodr. 53. t. 2. f.\,S;t.p.:^3.f.77. G. triticeum palustre humilius, spied mutica breviore. Moris, v. 3. \77.sect.S. t.\.f.6. G. montanum avenaceum, locustis muticis tumentibus, pilosum. Scheuchz. Agr. 170. t. 3.f. \6. A, B, C. In spongy bogs, on barren, sandy, mountainous ground, frequent. Perennial. July. Root slightly creeping, with strong fibres. Whole plant harsh and rigid, lying close to the ground except when in flower. Stem from 4 to 12 incheslong, jointed, bent,lcafv,verv smooth. Leaves a 2 132 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Briza. linear, striated, rather glaucous, smooth, except towards tlie points, where the rib and edges are very rough. Shealhs stri- ated, hairy, especially at the top. Stipula a row of hairs. Fa- n'lcle of a few large, turgid, purplish spikelets, its branches few, wavy. The corolla has 2, or more, dense tufts of shining bristles at its base, with 2 intermediate depressions. The middle tooth is flattened, and close-pressed, not extended into a bristly awn. When able botanists have much dift'ered about the genus of any plants it is likely to prove a new one, as is the case \ni\\ this grass. Several species of the same genus are found in New Holland, and some on the mountains of South America. What- ever the other species of the learned DeCandolle's Danthonia may be, this undoubtedly belongs to Mr. Brown's very natural genus of Triodla, which is enough for our purpose. It could not, when properly examined, be placed either in Festuca or Foa; still less, as some have thought; in Bromiis or Melica. 47. BRIZA. Quaking-grass. Linn.Gen.35. Juss. 32. Fl. Br. \0S. Lam. t. 45. Gcsrtn.t.l. Cat. of 2 nearly equal, awnless, obovate, or almost orbicu- lar, obtuse, expanded, concave, slightly keeled valves, containing abroad-ovate, or triangular, obtuse, compressed .'^pikelet of many, awnless, two-ranked, perfect jiorets. Cor. of 2 unequal, awnless, obtuse valves ; the outer or- bicular, or obovate, expanded, concave, sometimes gib- bous, contracted or inflexed at the edges, without rib or prominent keel; inner much smaller, flatter, oval, or ob- ovate, entire or notched, inflexed at the edges ; both per- manent, embracing the seed. Neat, a cloven scale. Filam, capillary, longer than the glumes. AntJi. oblong, cloven at each end, pendulous. Oer?ne7i ovate. Sfi/les very short. Stigmas feathery, long, cylindrical. Seed nearly orbicidar, flat, pressed closely between the valves of the corolla, and coated wdth the outer one, to which it is firmly united. Hoot annual, or perennial. Ste7iis erect, leafy. Leaves flat, Spikelets loosely panicled, for the most part elegantly pen- dulous and tremulous; membranous and shining when dry. 1. 3, minor. Small Quaking-grass. Spikelets triangulai', seven-flowered. Calyx longer than the florets. Stipula lanceolate, elongated. B. minor. Linn. Sp. Fl. 102. mild. v. 1. 403. Fl. Br. 108. Eiigl. Bot. V. 19. f. 1316. Fl. Grcec. v. 1. 58. t. 74. Schrad. Germ. v.\, 308. Host Gram. i;. 2.22. ^ 28, TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Biiza. 153 B. aspera. Krutpp t.Q\. Gramen trcmulum minus, panlcula ampla, locustis parvis trian- gulis. RailSyn.A\2. G. tremulum minus, locusta dcltoide. Moris, v. 3. 203. sect. 8. t 6. f.47. In cultivated fields in the south of England, very rare. Near Bath. Mr. Alchorne. Huds. Between Pensancc and Mar- icetjevv, Cornwall, 1774. Light f. in his herbarium. Sent from thence by Mr. Penneck, in J 803. Mr. Sowerbij. In Jersey. Sherard. In Guernsey. Yalden. Annual. Jidij. Root fibrous, small, downy. Whole plant of a light bright green, sriiooth, except the edges of the leaves; a span or more in height,' with one or more stems. Stipida long, acute, decurrent. Pa- nide spreading, with numerous, fine, capillary, rigid, zigzag branches. Spikelets green and white, often with a purple tint, shining. Calyx extending beyond the lowest ^^ore^^. Outer valve of the corolla gibbous at the base; inner acutely cloven. Seed orbicular, depressed, when ripe firmly attached to the outer valve of the corolla. Poa n. 1449. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 218. Gramen tremulum minus pani- cula parva. Bauh. Prodr. 4./. Moris./. 46, appears, by Mailer's account, a mere variety of the following. 2, B. media. Common Quaking-gra&s. Spikelets ovate, about seven-flowered. Calyx shorter than the florets. Stipula very short and bhmt. B. media. Linn. Sp. PL 103. Willd. v. 1. 404. Fl. Br. 109. E?7'rl. Bat. V. 5. 340. Mart. Rust. t. 39. Knapp t. GO. Hook. Scot. 37. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 309. Host Gram. v. 2. 22. t. 29. Fl Dan i. 25.8. Leers 2d. t. 7. f. 2. Poa n. 1448. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 218. Gramen trcmulum. Rail Sijn. A\2. G. tremulum majus. Bauh. Theatr. 22. f. Schcuchz. A^^r 204 i 4 /. 8. o • . . . G. tremulum vulgare minus^ locustis rotundioribus. Bloris. v 3 203. sect. 8. t. 6.f. 45. In pastures common. Perennial. Majj, June. Root fibrous, tufted. Stem 12 or 18 inches high, leafy at the bot- tom chietty, smooth 3 straight and slender' in the' upper part. Leaves deep green. Panicle very slender and tremulous, the branches and spikelets tinged with purplish brown. Florets about 7, the lower ones projecting a little beyond the (Y////.1-, which ren- ders the spikelet ovate. I have from Mr. J. E. Bowman a beau- tiful Welch specimen, whose J/orcfs are 12 or more, green and white, witii 3 ribs towards each margin, more conspi<.uous than 134 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Dactylis. in the common kind ; yet there are scarcely sufficient grounds to make it a species, at least not without a comparison of move specimens. 48. DACTYLIS. Cock's-foot-grass. Linn. Gen. 35. Juss.3\. FL Br. 1 10. Lam. t. 44. CaL of 2 unequal, linear-lanceolate, taper-pointed, keeled, compressed valves, containing a spikelet of several ^ore/5. Cor. of 2 unequal, lanceolate, keeled, compressed valves ; the outer one more or less awned, flat and membranous at the edges ; inner about as long, but narrower, 2-ribbed, folded, acutely cloven at the point. Nccf. of 2 lanceolate, pointed scales, tumid at the base. Filam. capillary, longer than the cor. Anth. cloven at each end. Germ, roundish. Styles very short, distinct. Stigmas spreading, oblong, feathery. Seed oblong, with a longitudinal furrow, covered by the unchanged corolla, but loose, not attached to it. Too near to Festiica. Root perennial. Stem leafy, simple or branched, Flcivers in dense unilateral panicled tufts, 1. Y>. glomcrata. Rough Cock's-foot-grass. Panicle distantly branched. Flowers in dense globular tufts, unilateral. Corolla somewhat awned, five-ribbed, taper- pointed. D. glomerata. Linn. Sp. PL 1 05. Willd. v. 1 . 408. FL Br.lW. EngL Bot. V. 5. t. 335. Mart. Bust. t. 14. Knapp t 62. Hook. Scot. 37. Sind. 9. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.311. Schreb. Gram. v. I . 72. t. 8./. 2. Host Gram. v. 2. 67. t. 94. Leers 21. L S.f. 3. FL Dan. t. 743. Bromus glomcratus. Scop. Cam. v. 1. 76. B. n. 1512. HalL Hist. v. 2. 238. Gramen asperum. Baiih. Hist. v. 2. 407./. RaiiS}jn, 401. G. spicatum, folio aspero. Bauh. Proclr. 9. f. Theatr. 45. /. Scheuchz.Agr. 299. t. 6.f. 15. Moris, r.3. 202. sect. 8. t. 6./. 38. In meadows, hedges, and shady places, common. Perennial, June — August. Root fibrous, tufted. Stem erect, straight, 2 feet high j leafy be- low 5 naked and roughish above. Leaves linear, flat, acute, dull green, spreading, striated, harsh, rough-edged. SheatJts rough, keeled, compressed. Stipula elongated, mostly torn. Panicle alternately branched ; branches angular, stiff, very rough, spread- ing, especially the lowermost, each bearing a compound, ovate or globular, dense tuft, of unilateral, bristly, crowded spikelets Calijx membranous, very unequal ; the outer valve 3-ribbcdj TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Spartina. 135 rough at the keel. Florets 3 or 4, rarely solitary ; common stalk smooth. Outer valve of the cor. 5 -ribbed, rough at the keel, with a short awn-like point ; inner fringed at the ribs. Anth. pale violet, pendulous. In shady places, orchards, &c., this is a har.sh coarse grass, not very acceptable to cattle j but when cultivated on dry open land, its quality becomes excellent, and the crop of tufted radi- cal leaves abundant. 49. SPARTINA. Cord-grass. Schreb. Gen. 43. Muhlenh. Gram. 53. Bcauv. Agr. 25. t. 7.f. (J. Limnetis. Richard. — Nuttall Gen. 38. Cal. single-flowered, of 2 unequal, compressed, lanceolate, keeled, clasping valves ; the outer one sometimes smallest, narrow and pointless ; sometimes largest, w itli a rough, straight, terminal awn; inner cloven at the summit, with more or less of an intermediate tooth, or point. Cor. about the length and shape of the cal. of 2 lanceolate, bluntish, clasping, compressed, awnless valves, the innermost ra- ther the longest. Ncct. none. Filam. capillary, not so long as the cor. Anth. erect, linear, entire at the top, cloven a^ the base. Gm«. elliptic-lanceolate. ^/^-^ combined a great part of their whole length, separate at the top. Stigmas feadiery, slender, various in length. Seed, oblong, com- pressed, clothed with the unaltered corolla, but quite loose. Hard, rigid, smooth, perennial, maritime grasses, with com- pound, close, unilateral spikes of numerous/ottW5. This genus is closely allied to Dactijlis, under which it has been included by Linnaeus and most botanists ; but a compari- son of their characters, given above, will prove them very distinct. Schreber places Spartina in Triandria Mono- gynia ; but a partial, or temporary, combination of the 2 styles of true Grasses is so common, and so various in species of the same genus, that it is best not to take it too strictly. There can be no reason to change the great Schreber's original name for Limnetis. 1. ^.striata. Twin-spiked Cord-grass. Spikes two or dn-ee, erect, with very smooth stalks. Glumes downy. Outer valve of the calyx smallest. Dactylis stricta. Soland. in Ait. H. Kcw. ed. \.v.\. 101 TViUd V. 1 . 407. Fl. Br. 1 1 0. Engl. Bot. v. fi. t. 380. With. J 41). /. 27. Knapp t. 63. D. (-ynosuroidcs, Ilud.s. 43. Loe/t. It. Hi.sp. 1 15. Spartum Esbe.\ianum,spica gcniina clau-sa. Dill, in Rail Si/n. 3P3. 156 TillANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Cynosurus. In muddy salt-marshes^ on the eastern coast. About the mouths of rivers in Kent and Essex, found by Merret, Buddie, and Sherard. Dillenius. Plentiful in the isle of Shepey. Bishop of Carlisle. At Aldborough, Suffolk. Mr. M^oodward and Mr. Davy. Perennial. August. Root creeping, with strong fibres. Whole plant hard, tough and rigid. Stems 10 — 20 inches high, several together, simple, ascending, round, leafy from top to bottom, smooth, jointed. Leaves numerous, straight, spreading, taper-pointed, keeled, channelled, striated, of a dull green, smooth ; involute when dry. Sheaths striated, smooth, very long, investing each other far above tlieir respective knots ; their lower part remaining of a fibrous spongy texture, after the upper part and its leaf are gone. Stipula short and jagged. Spikes 2, rarely 3, rising just above the short uppermost leaf, erect, straight, close together. Common stalk simple, angular, with a linear hollow to receive each spikelet, but not jointed. Spikelets imbricated, in 2 rows, lateral, lanceolate, their glumes all more cr less downy or silky. Outer valve of the culijx narrow, acute ; inner much broader and longer ; membranous and cloven at the top, with a short, thick, horny, intermediate point. Floret solitary. Valves of the cor. less downy, acute, entire, finely striated. Nect. none, as Schrader also observes Germen lanceolate. StT/les combinec| about 3 fourths of their length. Stigmas slender, prominent. 50. CYNOSURUS. Dog's-tail-grass. Lini. Gen. 36. Juss. 31. Ft. Br. 111. Lam. t. 47. Grrrl7i. t. 1 , &pihdets in pairs ; one entirely neuter, of numerous, two- ranked, lanceolate, concave, pointed or awned, empty glumes ; the other parallel to it, of several ^or5. mth. \G9. Hull 27. On the sandy sea coast, chiefly of Sussex. In Mersey island near Colchester^ Essex. Dale. At Southend. Mr. E. Forster. Biennial. June. Root fibrous, slightly downy. Stems severnl, from 6 to 14 inches high, erect, leafy nearly to the top, simple, very smooth. Leaves acute, somewhat involute ; very smooth at the back ; furrowed, and often hairy, on the upper side. Sheaths longer than the leaves, ribbed, smooth ; the uppermost large and inflated. Sti- pula short, obtuse. Paiiicle rather close j its stalks all com- pressed, dilated upwards, rough-edged, Spikelefs erect, or a little turned to one side. Florets keeled, not cylindrical. Awns long, rough, often purplish. One valve of the calyx is so minute as to be scarcely discernible, by which character this species is readily known from all our other grasses, though it agrees in that respect with Siipa membranacea of Linnseus. The latter is a true Fesiuca, scarcely diftering from this, indeed, except in being larger, with longitudinally furrowed Jioiuer-stalhs. 1 be- lieve it to be only a more luxuriant state of the same plant. 8. F. glgantea. Tall Fescue-grass. Panicle drooping, twice compound, spreading. Florets from three to six, ovate-lanceolate, shorter than their awns. Sti- pula abrupt, auricled, clasping the stem. F. gigantea. Villars Daiiph. v. 2. 110. FL Br. 120. Engl. Bot. V.26. t. 1820. Hook. Scot. 39. F. avenacea sterilis elatior, spicis aristatis in gyrum contortis. Bel. Rudb. 17./. 21. Bromus giganteus. Linn. Sp. PL 114. Willd. v. 1.435. Huds. 51. Curt. Lond.fasc. D. t. 7. Knapp t. 87. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 3G2. Schreb. Gram. v. 1. 88. ^.11. Host Gram. v. 1.6. t. 6. Leers 30. t. 10./. 1. Ehrh. Phyt. 52. IVeigel Obs. U. t. I./.5. B. n. 1510. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 238. Gramen avenaceum glabrum, panicula e spicis raris strigosis com- posita, aristis tenuissimis. Raii Syn, 415. G. bromoides aquaticum latifolium, panicula. spars^ tenuissim^ aristata. Scheuchz. Agr. 264. t. b.f. 17. G. sylvaticum glabrum, panicula recurva. Vaill. Par. 93. 1. 18./ 3. iS. Hook. Scot. 39. Festuca triflora. Engl. Bot. v. 27. t. 1918. Comp. 18. Bromus triflorus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1 15. mild. v. 1 . 43G. Fl. Dan t. 440. Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 8. 27G. TRIANDRIA-^DIGYNIA. Festuca. U5 Gramen bromoides panicuia sparsCi, locustis minoribus aristatis. Scheuchz. Agr. o\\. t.b.f. \9. In woods and hedges that are rather moist. /3. In more dry or barren ground. At Saham, Norfolk. Mr. Crowe, On the banks of the Esk, near rortar. Hooker. Perennial. July, August. Root tufted of many strong, partly woolly, fibres. Stems three or four feet high, erect, smiple, leafy, round, striated, smooth, with several joints. Leaves nearly upright, a foot long, lanceolate, taper-pointed, dark peen, broad, flat, with a mid-rib which is pale underneath, and several parallel, lateral, roughish ribs : the mterstices striated 3 edges rough. Mea^/,. striated, smooth and naked, not hairy 3 the upper ones longer than their leaves- lower short. Stipula very short, brown or purplish, often jagged' with an acute auricle at each side, clasping the stem. PaMe a little drooping, twice compound, the primaiy branches 2 or 3 togetlier, the rest alternate, all angular and rough. Spikelets alternate, drooping, ovate, not half an inch long without the awns generally of 4 or 5 perfect >re^., with the rudiments of another. Valves of the calyx lanceolate, keeled, pointed : the outer narrow, sometimes awl-shaped, withoutany lateral ribs • in- ner with 3 rough ribs, including the keel. Outer valve of the co- rolla ovate-lanceolate, scarcely keeled, 5 -ribbed at the upper part, smooth, acute, and often cloven, at the summit, the mid-rib ex- tended into a capillary, rough, whitish, often wavy, aicn, half as long again as the glume ; inner valve very thin, a little con- cave, cloven at the point, its lateral ribs smooth to the naked eye, but appearing under a magnifier finely downy, as in others ot this genus, not coarsely fringed as in Brojnus. Nectaru acutely cloven. Germe.i elliptic-oblong. Styles ^hori. Stigmas feathery, oblong, scarcely compound. Seed oblong, dark brown or purplish, covered with the unchanged corolla, but I believe not combined with either glume. /3 is a much more delicate, paler, and narrower-leaved grass, about 2 feet high, with a smaller, more upright, panicle; the outer va ve of the calyx sometimes a mere bristle. But thout^h reckoned distinct by Linnaeus and Scheuchzer, it proves when carefully examined, to be marked by no real specific character, the number of Jlorets being undoubtedly variable. 9. F. calamaria. Reed Fescue-grass. Panicle repeatedly compound, spreading, erect. Florets from two to five, oblong, cylindrical, keeled, angular, ponited ; niner valve folded in the middle. F. calamaria. FLBr. 121. Engl. Dot. v. 14. t. 1005. Knapp t. 72 Hook. Scot. 39. fVade PL Rar. Hib. 7. VOL. I. L 146 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Festuca. F. sylvatica. nilars Dauph. v. 2. 105. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 337. Host Gram. v. 2. 56. t. 78. Poa sylvatica. Pollich tJ. 1. 83 ; excl. Mailer's stjn. P. trinervata. Elirh. Calam. 36. Schrad. Spied. 3. Willd. Sp. PI. t>. 1.389. '' Fl. Dan. t. 1145." Gramen paniculatum nemorosum latifolium glabrum, panicula nu- tante, non aristata. Till. Pis. 75 3 in the Sherardian herbarium from the author. j3. Hook. Scot. 40. Festuca decidua. BellardiMSS. Ejigl.Bot.v.32. t.2266. Comp.l8. In mountainous woods of Scotland, Ireland, and the north-west part of England. Root fibrous, tufted. Stems several, upright, 2 or 3 feet high, leafy, round, smooth 5 sheathed at the bottom with many short, blunt- pointed, polished scales. Leaves lanceolate, or linear, flat, taper- pointed, erect, striated, many-ribbed, rough at the edges, and sometimes on both sides 3 their length from 6 to 18 inches 3 their colour a deep green. Sheaths cylindrical, striated, roughish upwards 3 those of the upper leaves very long. Stipula short, jagged 3 the uppermost a little pointed. Panicle spreading while in flower, afterwards close 3 the branches slender, angu- lar, smooth except the ultimate ones. Spikelets small in compa- rison with the herbage, erect, often tinged with purple or brown. Cal. of one awl-shaped, and one linear valve, both pointed, but rather membranous than awned at the tip. Outer valve of the corolla lanceolate, but inflexed at the edges, roughish upwards, keeled, with a remote rib at each side, the point elongated, membranous, with scarcely any traces of an awn, though some- times strongly keeled to the tip of the membrane, and in /3 slightly awned occasionally 5 inner valve cloven, its 2 ribs smooth, and brought so nearly together by a central fold of the membrane, as often to assume the appearance of a simple keel 3 in /3 they are sometimes rough, Nect. cloven. Germen oval. Styles very short. Stigmas cylindrical, feathery, small. /3 is a smaller plant, with much narrower leaves, and scarcely more than 2 perfect florets, the upper ones falling off early, for want of strength. I am entirely obliged to my friend Prof. Hooker, for suggesting it to be a variety only, differing from the original species as F. triflora does from gigantea. 10. F. loliacea. Spiked Fescue-grass, Spike two-ranked, drooping. Spikelets nearly sessile, linear- oblong. Florets cylindrical, awnless, pointed, with five slight ribs at the top. F. loliacea. Huds. ed. 1.38. With. 157. Fl. Br. 122. Engl. Bot. V. 26. t. 1821. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. t. 9. Knapp t. 74. Hook. Scot. 40. mild. Sp. PL V. 1. 426. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.341. SinclQl. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Festuca. 147 F. elongata. Ehrh. Calam. 93. F. fluitans /3. Huds. 47. Poa n. 1 4:)2. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 219. Gramen loliaceum vulgare, spicis rarius dispositis. Moris, v. 3. \S2. sects. t.'2.f.2. In rich moist pastures: and meadows, not uncommon. Perennial. June, July. Many botanists liave taken this grass for a variety of our Glyceria ^fluitans, and more perhaps have overlooked it for Lotium perenne; yet it is certainly distinct f om both, as Mr. Curtis has well de- monstrated. The root is fibrous. Stems several, erect, 2 feet high, simple, leafy, round, very smooth, of a pale green like the rest of the plant. Leaves linear, narrow, flat, smooth j with long smooth sheaths ; and extremely short stipulas, embracing the stem at each side with a small acute auricle, as in F.gigantea. Spike a span long, or more, generally unbranched, of many al- ternate, nearly or quite sessile, oblique, smooth, pale, upright, compressed spikelets, on a wavy, angular, common stalk, chan- nelled alternately to receive them, and rough at the angles, which droops more or less in the upper part. Valves of the calyx very unequal ; the smaller lodged in each channel of the stalk, linear- lanceolate, varying in size, sometimes wanting ; larger opposite, many-ribbed, bluntish. Florets \0 or 1 2, cylindrical j smooth below ; compressed and keeled at the summit, with 2 slight ribs at each side, and roughish, ending in an acute membrane, some- times attended by a small point, like the rudiment of an awn ; inner valve nearly as large, downy at the ribs, Germen obovate. Styles very short. Stigmas densely feathery along the upper side. Tiie seeds are rarelv perfected. 11. Y. jwatensis. Meadow Fescue-grass. Panicle nearly upright, branched, spreading, turned to one side. Spikelets linear, compressed. Florets numerous, cylindrical, obscurely ribbed. Nectary four-cleft. Root fibrous. F. pratensis. Huds. ed. 1. 37. FL Br. 123. Engl. Bot. v. 23. t. 1.592. Curt. Lond.fasc. G. t. 7. Mart. Rust. t.S4, Knapp t. 73. Hook. Scot. 40. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 332. F. elatior. Linn. Fl. Suec. 32. Host Gram. v. 2. 5/. t. 79. Schreb. Gram. v. 1. 34. t. 2. Leers 35. t. 8./. 6. Ehrh. Calam. 44. F. fluitans y. Huds. 47. Poan,145I. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 2\9. Gramen paniculatum elatius, spicis longis muticis squamosis. Raii Syn. 411; but not Barrel. Ic. t.2h. G. loliaceum, panicula multiplici et spicata. Scheuchz. Agr. 200. t.4.f.Q. In rather moist pastures and meadows. \. 2 148 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Festuca. Perennial. June, July. Root fibrous, tufted. Stems several, erect, about 2 feet high, simple, leafy, round, very smooth, bent at the lowest joint only. Leaves linear, pointed, 'spreading, flat, striated ; rough at the edges, sometimes on the upper side, especially the uppermost. Sheaths striated, very smooth. Stipula very short and obtuse, often torn, decurrent, clasping the stem. Panicle nearly erect, simply or doubly branched, the branches inclining to one side, solitary or in pairs, unequal, wdth compressed, rough stalks j all closed to- gether after flow^ering. Valves of the calyx rather acute^ keeled, smooth ; the larger ovate-lanceolate, v^^ith 3 or 5 ribs j smaller single-ribbed. Spikelets linear, of 8 or 9 florets. Outer valve of the corolla cylindrical, keeled, more or less purple, sniooth, except the keel, obscurely 5-ribbed at the upper part, ending in a membranous point, which, in the upper ^ore^s chiefly, is often cloven, and attended by a short awn ; inner valve cloven, its marginal ribs downy. Nectary with 4 divaricated points. Ger- men obovate, with short distant styles, and thick feathery stigmas. Seed lanceolate, channelled along the upper side, loose, acute. A hardy early grass, aftbrding a plentiful crop. Curtis. 12. Y, elatiar. Tall Fescue-grass. Panicle somewhat drooping, much .branched, spreading loosely every way. Spikelets ovate-lanceolate. Florets numerous, cylindrical, somewhat awned, obscurely ribbed. Nectary four-cleft. Root creeping. F. elatior. Linn. Sp. Pl\i\. Fl. Br. 124. Engl. Bot. v. 23- t. 1593. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. t. 8. Hook. Scot. 40. Sincl. 255, 257. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 333. F. arundinacea. Schreb. Spicil. 57. Ehrh. Calam. 125. Villars Dauph. t;. 2.106. ^.4. Bromus littoreus. fVilld. Sp. PL v. 1.14. Host Gram. v. I. 7*t. 8. Si?icl 259. B. n. 1511. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 23S. Gramen arundinaceum aquaticum, panicula avenacea. Raii Syn. 411. G. paniculatum nemorosum, latiore folio, glabrum, panicula nu- tante non aristata. Dill, in Raii Syn. 4 11 3 but the plant of Mi- eheli is F. calamaria, n. 9. G. loliaceum, spica divis^, pratense majus. Moris, v. 3. 183. sect. 8. G. arundinaceum, locustis viridi-spadiceis loliaceis, brevius aris- tatis. Scheuchz. Agr. 266. t. 5.f. 18. Dover Grass. Herb. Sherurd. In moist meadows, osier-grounds, and the borders of ditches and ponds, much less frequent than the last. Perennial. June, July, TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Festuca. 149 Root somewhat creeping, with downy fibres, penetrating deeply into the mud or clay. Stem about four feet high, reedy, striated, smooth, leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate, twice or thrice as broad as the preceding, and much longer, many-ribbed, smooth, except at the edges. Sheaths very long, smooth, Stipiila much like the last. Panicle a foot or more in length, repeatedly compound, spreading in every direction. Every part is nearly twice the size of F. pratensLs. Spikelets ovate, less compressed, rather more glaucous, and less purple. Fl. sometimes with consider- able au-?is, generally with the rudiments of them, just below the cloven membranous summit of the outer valve of the corolla. Nect. with 4 upright points. A coarse but nutritious grass, making sometimes a considerable part of the crop of marshland hay. 13. F. sylvatica. Slender Wood Fescue-grass, Spike simple, drooping. Spikelets nearly cylindrical, turned to one side. Awns longer than their glumes. Leaves hairy. Root fibrous. F. svlvatica. Huds. ed. 1. 38. Mart. Rust. 1. 1 14. Knapp t. 76. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 13. 9. Lighff. 103. F. pinnata /3. Huds. ed. 2. 48. F. gracilis. '' Moench. Meth. 191." Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 343. Bromus sylvaticus. Pollich v. 1. 118. Fl. Br. 136. Engl. Bof. i\ 1 1. t. 729. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 4. 300. Hull 26. Hook. Scot. 40. Sincl. 2/3. PourretAct. Tolos.v.3.2,0S. Host Gram. v.\. 17. ^.21. B. gracilis. Weig. Ohs. 15. t. \.f. 1 1. Roth Germ. v. 2. p. 1. 145. Willd. Sp. PI. V. 1. 438. Ehrh. Calam. 107. B. pinnatus. Fl. Dan. t. 164. Triticum n. 1432. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 213. Gramen avenaceum dumetorum spicatum. Raii Sijn. 394. G, loliaceum corniculatum latifolium, spicis teretiusculis angustis et glabris. Scheuchz. Agr. 36. In dry copses, thickets, and hedges, not rare. Perennial. July. Root fibrous, tufted. Stems 2 feet high, or more, round, leafy, simple, smooth or a little haiiy j very slender, naked, and some- what inclining at the top. Leaves spreading, flat, pointed, ribbed, rough, more or less hairy, bright green ; tawny or yellow towards autumn, but lasting long. Sheaths close, hairy, Stipula short, blunt, notched, or torn. Spike simple, from 3 inches to a span long, drooping at the top, rarely divided at the bottom. Spikelets alternate, sessile, slender, an inch or more in length, generally hairy, inclining more or less to one side ; their com- mon stalk wavy, angular, scarcely rough. Cahjx-glnmps unequal, lanceolate, many-ribbed, hairy ; the smaller pointed ; larg-cr IjO TRIANDIIIA— DIGYNIA. Bronuis. avvned Florets horn 6 to 9, or more, imbricated, somewhat cy- lindrical ; keeled, ribbed, fringed, and hairy at the upper part, with a terminal aim ; inner valve linear, flat, abrupt, inflexed at the ribs, v/hich are strongly fringed. Nect. of 2 acute scales. Germen elliptical. Styles very short. Stigmas small, feathery. Seed linear, channelled, quite unconnected with the glumes which enfold it. The perfectly loose seed has determined me to adopt the opinion of those eminent botanists, who, contrary to my former deter- mination, still refer this plant and the following to Festuca. The narrow cylindrical florets, and terminal awns, strengthen this opinion , though the inner valve of the corolla is, in F. sylvatica, more strongly fringed than is proper to the present genus. The original name, given by Hudson, is, however, more conveniently retained for this species, than for my F. calamaria, n. 9, as hav- ing been so generally in use. 14. Y.pinnata. Spiked Heath Fescue-grass. Spike simple, erect, two-ranked. Spikelets nearly cylindri- cal. Awns shorter than their glumes. Leaves nearly smooth. Root somewhat creeping. F. pinnata. lluds. 48. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 13, 8. Knapp t. 75. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 342. Bromus pinnatus. Linn. Sp. PL 115. PFilld. v. 1. 438. Fl. Br. 137. E7igl. Bot. v.W. t. 730. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. A. 301 . Ret. Rudh. 11. Sind. 27 o. Pollich 7;. 1. 117. TVeig. Obs. 14. t.i.f.lO. Host Gram. v.\. IS. t. 22. Leers 39. t. ]0.f. 3. Triticum n. 143 1. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 212. Gramen spica brizae majus. Bauh. Prodr. 18./. Theair. 133./. Rail Syn. 392. Moris, v. 3. 205. G. loliaceum corniculatum. Scheuchz.Agr.3D. In open fields and heaths on a chalky soil. Not uncommon in Yorkshire^ Oxfordshire, and Kent. Perennial. July. Root scaly, slightly creeping. Whole plant more rigid, and less hairy than the last, the spike more elegant, erect, and smooth, with more numerous florets, whose awns are shorter than the glumes, and sometimes scarcely evident. The inflexed edges of the inner valve of the corolla almost meet, covering the seed, though quite unconnected therewith j their ribs are less strongly fringed than in F. sylvatica. 52. BROMUS. Bronie-grass. Linn. Gen, 36. Juss.32. Fl.Br.\25. Lam. t. 46. CaL of 2 unequal, ovate or lanceolate, acute, compressed, awnless, many-ribbed valves, containing an ovate, or ob= TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromus. 151 long, compressed, imbricated spikclct, of many alternate, two-ranked, awned, perfect forcfs. Cor. of 2 unequal valves; the outer elliptical, rarely lanceolate, concave, scarcely compressed, more or less ribbed, longer than the calyx, flat, or a little inflexed, at the edges ; cloven at the summit; awned at the back just below die summit; cam tapering, wavy, direct, generally as long as the glume, or longer, decurrent at the base ; inner glume nearly as long as the outer, but much narrower, two-ribbed, cloven or entire at the summit, its margins membranous, folded in at each rib, which is strongly fringed v.ith rather di- stant bristles, curved ujnvard. Ned. a deeply divided scale, or of 2 distinct entire ones. Filam. caj^illary, shorter than the cor., sometimes but 2. Anth. generally short, pen- dulous, notched at each end. Germ, ovate. Styles distant, lateral. Stigmas densely feathery. Seed elliptic-oblong, depressed, downy at the summit, concave or channelled on the upper side, which is united to the unchanged in- ner valve of the corolla, the other valve being usually loose. Root mostly annual or biennial : perhaps always one or the other in the genuine species. Stems one o/more, erect, simple, leaty. Herbage more or less downy, or hairy. Panicle somewhat branched, many-flowered. 1. B. sccalinus. Smooth Rye Brome-grass. Panicle spreading; slightly subdivided below. I^pikelets ovate, of about ten, distinct, somewhat cylindrical, smooth florets. Awns wavy, shorter than the glumes. Leaves slightly hairy. B. secalinus. Linn. Sp. PL 112. mild. v. 1 . 428. Fl. Br. 125. Engl. Bot. v.\7.t.\\7\. Tr.of Linn. Soc. t;. 4. 28 1 . Kyjapp t. 79. Hook. Scot. 41 . Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 347. Host Gram. t\ 1. 10. ^ 12. Ehrh. Calam. 45. Leers 36. t. \l.f.2, not ex- cellent. B. polymorphus y. Huds. 49. B. vitiosus, PVeig. Obs. 4. t. \.f. 2. Festuca avenacea, spicis habitioribus, glumis glabris. Raii Sijn.4\4. F. graminea, glumis glabris. Scheuchz. Agr. 2b\.t. 5./. 10. Gramen avenaceum, locustis majoribus squamatis, segetale majus Moris. V. 3. 2\2. sect. 8. t.7.f. 16. In cornfields. Annual. July — Seplonber. 152 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromus. Root fibrous, downy. Stem 3 feet high, round, smooth, with 4 or 5 somewhat downy knots. Leaves linear, pointed, flat, with many minutely hairy ribs ; the edges, and upper side, besprinkled with longer hairs. Sheaths striated, smooth and naked. Stipula short and blunt. Panicle erect ; the lower branches whorled, and somewhat compound ; upper alternate and simple 3 all an- gular and rough, spreading as the seed ripens. Spikelets ovate- oblong ; their Jlorets imbricated whilst in bloom 5 minutely downy towards the edges and summit j convex at the back, with- out any keel 3 obscurely 2-ribbed at each side 3 subsequently, by the inflexion of their edges, the florets become cylindrical, and their common stalk appears between them. The awns are sometimes much shorter than the glumes, inserted below the bluntish cloven point, and more or less wavy. The mn^r valve is veiy obtuse, its ribs strongly toothed, or fringed, with distant bristles. Styles ivom W\q opposite sides of the germen, below the top. Seed elliptic-oblong 3 convex and loose at the back 3 channelled along the front, or upper surface, to which the chan- nelled permanent inner valve of the corolla is closely attached, As the seed ripens, the spikelets become pendulous. A useless, and rather troublesome, weed in arable land. 2. B. velutmus. Downy Rye Brome-grass. Panicle spreading ; scarcely subdivided. Spikelets ovate- oblong, of from ten to fifteen crowded, elliptical, downy florets. Awns as long as the glumes. Leaves slightly hairy. B. velutinus. Schrad.Germ.vA.M'^.t.^.f.2>. Hook. Scot. 4] , B. multiflorus. Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc.vA. 283. Fl. Br. 126. Engl. Hot. V. 27. t. 1884. Knapp t. 80. Festuca graminea, glumis hirsutis. Bauh. Pin. 9. Theatr. 143,/. Scheuchz.Agr. 250. t.5.f.9. F. spicis habitioribus, glumis incanis. Petiv. Concord. Grain, n. 1 06. Dill, in Raii Syn. 4\4, In cornfields, rare. Between Edinburgh and New Haven, Annual. July. Scarcely so tall as the foregoing. Panicle with almost entirely simple branches, and fewer spikelets, which are larger, and their glumes clothed all over with soft pubescence. Florets^ never be- coming separated, or cylindrical, but remaining contiguous, or crowded 5 though rather less so, and at the same time more nu- merous, in our specimen than in those sent by Professor Schra- der, on whom I am obliged to rely for its not being B. mulii^ forus of Weigel, which he declares to be arvensis. Haller confounded this and the preceding under hi?^ n. 1502. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bronuis. 153 3. B. 7iioUis, Soft Broine-grass. Panicle erect, rather close, compound. Spikelets ovate, downy. Florets imbricated, depressed, ribbed. Awns as long as the glumes. Leaves and sheadis very soft and downy. B. mollis. Linn.Sp.Pl.\\2. Willd. v. 1.429. FL Br. \26. Engl. Bat. V. 15. t. 1078. Tr, of L. Soc. v. 4. 284. Curt. Lond.fasc. 1. /.8. Mart. Rust. t. 99. Knappt.77. Hook. Scot. 4\. SmcL59. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.351. Host Gram. v. 1. 16. t. 19. Schreb. Gram. v. 1. 60. t. 6./. 1,2. Leers 37. t. 1 1./. i. Weig. Obs. 7. t. 1./. 4. Ehrh. Calam. 55, B. polymorphus cc. Huds. 48. B. hordeaceiis. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 1. 77. B. n. 1504. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 236. Festuca avenacea hirsuta, paniculis minus sparsis. Rad Si/n. 4\3. Gramen avenaceum pratense, panicula squamata et villosa. Moris. v.3.2\3.sect.^. t.7.f. 18. G. avenaceum, locustis villosis angustis candicantibus ct aristatis. Scheuchz. Agr. 254. t. 5./. 12. In fields and pastures every where, as well as on waste ground, walls, and banks. Biennial. June. Root fibrous, whitish. Stem 2 feet high, or more, in good ground, much more dwarf, scarcely 2 or 3 inches, in dry barren places, when it becomes B. na7iMsof VVeigel, Obs. 8. t. \.f. 9, as we have it from himself. The leaves are very soft to the touch, hoaiy with fine, short, dense hairs, as are also the sheaths, but the stem more frequently smooth, with downy joints, or knots. Sti- pula short, with an obtuse point. Panicle 2 or 3 inches long, hoary and downy all over, a little spreading when in full flower, but otherwise erect and close ; its branches half-whorled ; the uppermost simple ; some of the rest more or less subdivided j all angular and downy. Spikelets numerous, nearly erect in every stage of growth, ovate, acute, rather tumid. Glumes downy in every part, except occasionally at the base ; those of the calyx elliptical, acute 5 the larger with 5 or 7 strong ribs, sometimes more ; the smaller with 3. Florets 7 — 10, rarely fewer, closely imbricated in every state, elliptical, concave and depressed, not at all cylindrical 5 the outer valve with 7 strong ribs, membranous at the margin, blunt and deeply cloven at the extremity, with a strong straight awn continued from the midrib, and about the length of the glume. Shjles distant. Seed large, elliptical, depressed, nearly flat, united with both valves of the corolla, the inner one being obovatc, entire, strongly fringed. Tliis grass makes a part of the general crops of iiard-Iand hav, but 154 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromus. according to Mr. Sinclair, its crop of herbage is small and of little value. 4. B. racejnosus. Smooth Brome-grass. Panicle nearly erect, spreading, slightly branched. Spike- lets ovate-oblong, naked. Florets imbricated, depressed, ribbed. Awns as long as the glumes. Leaves some- what downy. B. racemosus. Linn. Sp. PL 1 14. TViUd. v. 1 . 436. Fl. Br. 128. Engl. Bot. V. ]5.t.] 079. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 4. 286. Knapp t. 78. Hook. Scot. 4 1 . Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 352. B. pratensis. Ehrh. Cahtm. 1 16. Engl. Bot. 1984, at the bottom. Comp. 19. B. arvensis. Knapp t. 82. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 18. 5. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 920, excluding the synonyms. Sincl. 55. Festuca avenacea, spicis strigosioribiis, e glumis glabris compactis. Raii Syn. 414. Buddie's Herbarium. Gramen avenaceum pratense, gluma tenuiore glabra. Moris, v. 3. 213. sect. 8. t.7.f. 19. BobarVs Herbarium. Dill, in Raii Syn. 414. G. avenaceum hirsutum annuum, panicula ampliore, magisque sparsa, locustis crassioribus glabris et aristatis. Till. Pis. 74. SherarcVs Herb, from the author. G. loliaceum alpinum, spica exili, rarioribus locustis. Pouted. Comp. 46 . Herb. Sherard. In meadows and pastures. At Holkham, Norfolk. Mr. Crowe. Earsham, Norfolk. Mr. Wood- ward. Boyton, Wilts. Mr. Lambert. Also at Battersea, and in various other parts of Britain. Annual, or Biennial. June. A very distinct species from the preceding, more slender in habit, and much less downy, not at all soft to the touch. The panicle is generally simple, its branches longer, and less divided, rough with minute bristles, not downy. Spikelets larger, more turgid, rough to the touch, but naked and shining. Outer valve of the corolla marked with 2 green ribs at each side, which are scarcely at all prominent, nor are there furrows between them as in B. mollis. No one who has seen the plants together can mistake them. The florets vary in number from 5 to 10. Authentic spe- cimens, and Professor Schrader's accurate inquiries, have ena- bled me to correct the synonyms of this species, and of B. ar- vensis hereafter described. Much of the mass of error, which had always enveloped this genus, was by similar means cleared away in the 4th vol. of the Linnaean Society's Transactions ; but the confusion among German authors, who had in vain undertaken its particular illustration, could be set right by a consummate botanist of that country only. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bionius. 155 5. B. sqiiarrosus. Corn Brome-grass. Panicle drooping, scarcely branched. Spikelets ovate-ob- lono-. Florets about twelve, imbricated, depressed, rib- bed. Awns widely spreading. Leaves downy. B. squarrosus. Linn. Sp PL U2. WillcL v. \ . 430. Huds. 49. Fl. Br. 129. Engl. Bot. v. 27. t. 1885. Tr. of L. Soc. v. 4. 288. Hook. Scot. 42. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 350. nUars Daiiph. r. 2. 1 1 5. Host Gram. v.\. W. t.\3. Avena n. 1501. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 235. Festuca graminea, glumis vacuis. Scheuchz. Agr. 251. t. 5. /. 11. Gramen phalaroides majus acerosum^ nutante spica. Barrel. Ic. t.24.f.\. G, festuceum majus, locustis crassis lanuginosis, aristis recurvis longissimis, Buxb. Cent. 5. 19. t. 38./. 1. In cornfields, a doubtful native. Near Glastonbury, Somersetshire, and Marshfield, Sussex. Huds. In various parts of Scotland, Mr. G. Don. Hooker. Annual. July. Root small, fibrous. Stem a foot high, simple, smooth, striated, leafy except at the upper part. Leaves linear, narrow, many- ribbed, besprinkled with soft hairs. Sheaths clothed with hairs pointing downwards, like the two last species. Siipula short, blunt, hairy. Spikelets few, pendulous, large and tumid, full an inch long.' Calyx strongly ribbed. Florets from 8 to 12 or 15^ closely imbricated. Outer valve of the corolla elliptical, con- cave, somewhat inflexed at the edges, with 3 or 4 crowded very evident ribs at each side, the whole surface either minutely downy, more or less, or densely hairy, as described by Buxbaum and Host ; the summit deeply cloven, furnished at the cleft with a strong, dorsal, rough, tapering, twisting au-n, about the length of the glume, strongly divaricated when diy ; inner valve obtuse, entire, not one third so broad as the outer, strongly fringed with distant bristles, and attached to the upper concave side of the seed. Nectary permanent at the base of the seed, on the opposite convex side. Having never been able to see, in any collection, a native British specimen of this species, and having received B. secalinus from Sussex as squarrosus, by means of an old friend of Mr. Hud- son's, I have always doubted the accuracy of his report. If Mr. G. Don had ever seen the true plant, his correct eye could not have confounded it with any other ; and yet tliat it should be found '' in various parts of Scotland," though generally con- fined to the south of Europe, seems, as Professor Hooker hints, not probable. 156 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Broimis. 6. B. arvensis. Taper Field Brome-grass. Panicle spreading, drooping, compound, half-whorled. Spikelets lanceolate, acute. Florets about eight, imbri- cated, smoothish, with two close ribs at each side. Leaves hairy. B. arvensis. Lmn. Sp. PL 113. Fl. Suec. n. 97. TVilld. v. 1. 434. FLBr.lSO. Engl. Bot.v. 28. 1. 1984. Tr. of Lin?i.Soc. v. 4. 289. Bel. Budb. 15./. 2, Hook. Scot. 42. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 356. Host Gram. v. 1. 12. 1. 14. Leers 38. t. 11. /.3. VUlars Dauph. f. 2. 116. Ehrh. Calam. 64. B. spiculi-tenuata. Knapp t. 81. B. versicolor. PolUch v. 1. 109. B. verticillatus. Cavan. Ic. v. 6. 66. t. 590. B. multiflorus. Weig. Obs. 2. t.\. f.l, according to a specimen, Schrad. B. n. 1509. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 238. Festuca elatior, paniculis minus sparsis, locustis oblongis strigosis aristatis purpureis splendentibus. BaiiSyn. ecZ. 2.261. ed.3. 414. Herb. Sherard. F, graminea effusa juba. Scheuchz. Agr, 262. t. 5.f. 15. Aegilops major, caule et foliis arundinaceis, locustis glabrioribus et angustioribus, e fusco xerampelinis. Dill. Giss. \30. append. 60. Herb. Sherard. In cornfields, rare. Near Southampton. Sherard. In Durham, near the coast. Mr. Knapp, &; Mr. W. Backhouse. Not uncommon in Scotland. Hooker. Annual. Jahj. Stem about 3 feet high, sending out fibrous roots from its lowest joints, erect, simple, except now and then at the base, smooth, leafy, with 4 or 5 hairy knots. Leaves spreading, many-ribbed, hairy, rough-edged. Sheaths long, ribbed, either nearly smootli, or thickly clothed with soft deflexed pubescence. Panicle very large and conspicuous, with numerous half-whorled, partly com- pound,.harsh, spreading branches, the lowermost bracteated, as it were, by a notched scale, various in size and shape. Spikelets drooping and finally pendulous, ovate-lanceolate, variegated with purple and green, smooth to the naked eye, but appearing minutely downy when magnified. The outer valve of the corolla has 2 lateral ribs at each side, close together, distinctly marked, very different from the more numerous but fainter ribs of B. ra- cemosus ; awn purple, as far as we have seen longer than the glume, and quite straight, inserted below the divided point j inner valve much narrower, very thin, the green ribs fringed with spreading bristles. Nectary of 2 notched scales. Sttjles distant, very short. Anthers purple. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromus. 157 7. B. erectus. Upright Perennial Brome-grass. Panicle erect, slightly branched. Spikelets linear-lanceo- late. Florets about eight, loosely imbricated, lanceolate, compressed. Awn shorter than the glumes, straight. Radical leaves very narrow, fringed with scattered hairs. B. erectus. Huds. 49. ¥1. BtA2>\. Engl. Bot. v. 7.t.47\. Tr. of L.Soc.v. 4. 290. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 14. 6. Knapp t.SG. Hook. Scot. 42. Sincl. 95. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 357. Fl. Dan. t. 1383. B. agrestis. Allion. Pedem. v. 2. 249. Host Gram. v. 1. 9. t. 10. B, perennis. Hilars Dauph. v. 2. 122. B. n. 1507. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 237. Festuca avenacea sterilis, spicis erectis. Raii Syn. ed. 2. 261 . ed.3. 413 J the synonyms erroneous. Gramen bromoides pratense, foliis prseter culmiim angustissimis, rara lanugine villosis. Scheuchz. Jgr. 255. ^. 5. /. 13 j in She- rarcis Herb, from the author. G. bromoides paniculatum, foliis et culmo villosis. Scheuchz. Agr. 257 ; according to Sherard. G. quod Festuca pratensis lanuginosa C. B. Faill. Par. 93. t. 18. f 2 J synonyms much confused. G. avenaceum glabrum, panicula purpuro-argentea splendente. Moris. V. 3. 213. n. 20. In Bobart's Herbarium. G. loliaceum, locustis longis aristatis. Monti Prodr. 35./. 2 j ex- cluding the references to Ray and Morison ; from the author in Sherard' s Herbarium. G. sparteum, longa et spicata panicula, lolii utriculis, festucce po- tius, majus. Barrel. Ic. t. 13./. 1. In fields and by road sides, in a sandy soil over chalk. Not rare in Oxfordshire, where Sherard first noticed this species. It occurs also in Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Kent. Perennial. July. Few plants, or then- synonyms, have been less understood by the older botanists than this. Linnaeus had a specimen with a wrong synonym, but knew nothing of its history, nor has he any where described the species. It differs from all the foregoing in having a strong, perennial, blackish root, and the ribs of'^the inner valve of the corolla are finely downy, rather than fringed. These cha- racters belong to Festuca more than to Bromus ; and if the seed should prove entirely unconnected with the corolla, as I suspect, it would confirm the relationship of the present plant to the former genus. The numerous radical leaves are remarkable for being very narrow, and fringed unequally with long, white, up- right hairs ; those on the stem are broader, and nearly naked j all of a fine deep green. Sheaths ribbed, mostly smooth ■ now and then bearing a few hairs, intermixed with deflexed pube- scence. Stipula very short, finally torn. The stem is 2 or 3 feet high. Panicle erect and close, purplish, with yellow or saffron- 158 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromiis. coloured anthers. Both valves of the corolla acute, cloven ; the outer one lanceolate, angular, smooth or downy, more or less compressed, with two strong distant ribs, and 1 or 2 short slight ones, at each side. yJw7i from just below the membranous point, stout and straight. Styles rather distant. Nectary acute^ deeply cloven, tumid at the base. 8. B. asper. Hairy Wood Brome-grass. Panicle drooping, branched. Spikelets linear-oblong. Flo- rets about eight, rather distant, lanceolate, compressed, downy. Awns shorter than the glumes. Leaves uni- form ; lower ones hairy. B. asper. Linn. Siippl. 41 1 . Willd. v. 1 . 432. Ft. Br. 133. Engl Bat. V. 17. ^.1172. Tr. of Linn. Soc. f.4.293. Mart. Rust. t. 126 = Knapp t. 85. Hook. Scot. 42. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 360. Host Grain, v. 1.6. t. 7. Ehrh. Phyt. 42. B. ramosus. Linn. Syst. Veg. ed. 13. J 02 ; hut not Mant. 34. Cullum 40. B. nemoralis. Huds.51. B. nemorosus. Villars Dauph. v. 2. 117. B. hirsutus. Curt. Lond.fasc. 2. t.8. B. montanus. Pollich v.\. 116. Retz. Obs.fasc. 2. 7- Poa n. 44. Gmel. Sib. v. 1. 110. t. 21 ; 'from the author. Gramen avenaceum dumetorum, panicula sparsa. Rail Syn. 415. G. avenaceum dumetorum paniculatum majus hirsutum. Moris, i;. 3.213. sect. 8. t.7.f27. In moist woods and hedges. Annual, or biennial. July, August. Root of many stout, pale, spreading fibres. Stem erect, from 4 to 6 feet high, round, leafy ; smooth in the upper part. Leaves spreading, deep green, lanceolate, pointed, harsh, many-ribbed, a foot long, and | of an inch broad, fringed at the edges, espe- cially towards the base, with coarse rigid hairs, variously di- rected. Sheaths ribbed, mostly very rough, with defliexed hairs. Stipula short, obtuse. Panicle a foot long, widely spreading ; the branches seldom more than 2 or 3 together, very rough, the larger ones alternately subdivided. Spikelets obliquely pendu- lous, about an inch long, compressed. Calyx-valves very un- equal, pointed, compressed j the outer smallest, single-ribbed ; inner with 3 ribs, hairy towards the margin. Outer valve of the corolla resembling the inner one of the calyx, hairy in like man- ner at the margin, but with 2 slight intermediate smooth ribs ; the keel extended into a nearly straight, stout, rough awn, shorter than the glume, scarcely distinguishable at the origin from its very slender cloven point ; inner valve concave, shorter, but not much narrower, obtuse, the ribs finely and rather closely fringed, AW^ deeply cloven. .S7?//e.s very short. Stigmas densely TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromiis. 159 feathery. Seed linear, channelled above, blunt and downy at the summit, slightly attached to the inner valve, not at all to the outer, sometimes indeed quite loose. This gigantic grass has, like the last species, some points of agree- ment with Festuca, especially in the shape of its glumes, the finer fringe of the inner one, and the narrow, almost perfectly loose, seed. The roo^ however is certainly not perennial, nor the awn terminal. In agriculture this species is useless, but hardly in any way troublesome to the farmer. The exotic B. inermis is another ambiguous species, agreeing in shape o( glumes, very short auiis, and loose seed, with Festuca, to which genus it is referred by Schreber, Haller, and Moench. 9. B. sterilis. Barren Brome-grass. Panicle drooping, mostly simple. Spikelets linear-lanceo- late. Florets about seven, lanceolate, compressed, seven- ribbed, furrowed. Awns longer than the glumes. Leaves downy. B. sterilis. Lmn.Sp.Pl.\\3. Willd. v.1.433. Fl. Br. \'S4. Engl. Bot. V. 15. t. 1030. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 4. 295. Curt. Lond^ fasc. 1, t.9. Mart. Rust. t. 125. Knapp t. 84. Ger. Em. 76./. Hook. Scot. 43. SincL\77. Schrad. Germ. v. I. 364. Host Gram. v.\. 13. t. 16. Leers 37. t.l\.f.4. Ehrh. Calam. 27. B. grandiflorus a. Weig. Obs. 9. t. \.f. 6. B. n. 1505. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 237. Festuca avenacea sterilis elatior^ seu Bromos Dioscoridis, Raii Syn. 412. Moris, y. 3. 212. sect. 8. t.7.f.\l. Gramen avenaceum, panicula sparsa, locustis majoribus et arista- tis. Scheuchz. Agr. 258. t. b.f. 14. In fields, waste ground, hedges, and on walls, common. Annual. June, July. Root fibrous, small. Stems erect, 18 inches or 2 feet high, leafy, rather slender, round, smooth, sometimes taking root from the lower joints. Leaves Xmear, narrow, flaccid, soft and downy on both sides, with a few longer hairs at the edges towards the bottom. Sheaths striated, angular, clothed more or less with deflexed hairs, Stipula short, obtuse, finally torn. Panicle a span long, spreading, like the last, but smaller and less subdivided. Spikelets pendulous, lanceolate, rough to the touch, tinged with purplish brown, an inch long. Florets finally more remote, as well as more numerously and strongly ribbed, than the pre- ceding, with intermediate furrows ; the inner valve notched, its ribs more strongly fringed. Awn purplish, half as long again as its glume. Nectary deeply divided. Stamens always 3, as in all the foregoing. Germen obovate. iS^?//e5 lateral, very short. Stigmas small, feathery, cylindrical. Seed lanceolate, channelled along the upper side, and united to the inner valve of the corolla. ICO TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Bromus. The specific name alludes to the unprofitable nature of this grass for the farmer. To whatever genus B. asper belongs, the present species ought not to be separated from it, any more than the following, 10. B. diandrus. Upright Annual Brome-grass. Panicle upright, a little spreading, scarcely subdivided. Florets lanceolate, with two close marginal ribs, and only- two stamens. B. diandrus. Curt. Lomhfasc. 6, ^.5. Fl. Br. 135. Engl. Bot. V. 14. t. 1006. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 4. 296. Knapp L83. Graves Br. Gr. t. 102. Hook. Scot. 43. Sincl. 179. B. madritensis. Linn. Sp. PI. 114. Willd. v. 1.437. Schrad. Germ. i;. 1.366. Host Gram. v. 1. 14. t. 17. B. muralis. Huds. 50. Sibtlu Oxon. 48. B. ciliatus. Huds. ed. 1 . 40. B. gynandrus. Roth Catal. v. 1. 15. B. sterilis, erecta panicula, major. Barrel. Ic. t.76.f. 1. Festuca madritensis. Desfont. Atlant. v.\.9\. F. avenacea sterilis, paniculis confertis erectioribns, aristis brevio- ribus. RaiiSyn.ed.2.2Q\. PJuk.Plujt. t.299.f.2. Herb.Sherard, F. avenacea sterilis, pediculis brevioribus et spicis erectis. Moris. V.3. 212. sect. S. t. 7. f. 13. Herb. Bobart. Gramen bromoides pumilum, locustis erectis majoribus aristatis. Scheuchz.Agr. 260. In sandy ground and on walls, but not general. Common in Jersey. Sherard. At the foot of St. Vincent's rocks, Bristol. Sir Joseph Banks. Near Battersea church. Curtis. About Edinburgh. Mr. Arnott. At Southampton. Annual. June. Boot fibrous, small. Stems from 6 to 12 or 14 inches high, erect, stiff, slender, round, smooth, leafy, with about 3 joints. Leaves less downy than in B. sterilis, as are also the sheaths. Stipula similar. Panicle totally different, being erect, tufted, and rather close. Spikelets also erect, purple or brownish. Florets essen- tially distinguished by having 2 strong ribs only, which are close together, adjoining to the membranous margin at each side. There are occasionally traces of an intermediate rib, in the upper part only, between these and the keel. Hence Pro- fessor Schrader describes 7 ribs, including, of course, the keel. Inner valve strongly fringed. Nect. of 2 narrow scales. Stamens^ w^hether in wild or luxuriant cultivated specimens, never more than 2, as Roth also asserts, and as Dr. Withering observed in Portugal. Stijles short, lateral, much below the summit of the germen, to which Roth found the stamens likewise attached, but this circumstance is certainly not constant. Stigmas dense, fea- thery. 5eefZ lanceolate, channelled, attached to the inner glume. TRIANDIIIA--DIGYNIA. Stipa. liii Whether more than one species be really confounded under the above synonyms, there being a vast difference of size in different specimens, even in the respective parts, few botanists are as yet perhaps competent to determine. I cannot question that my ac- curate friend Schrader has found, as he says, in some instances, 3 stamens. This only increases the uncertainty. Content with describing English specimens, as I have seen them, I prefer the excellent name given by a supereminent English botanist -, though not the less aware of the impropriety of rejecting an es- tablished appellation, however faulty, provided it be not altoge- ther false or absurd. 53. STIPA. Feather-grass. Linn Gen. 37. Juss. 30. Fl. Br. \3S. Lam.t.4\. CaL of 2 nearly equal, lanceolate, concave, lax, pointed valves, containing a solitary jioret. Cor. of 2 valves, nearly equal in length ; the outer elliptic-lanceolate, in- volute, slightly keeled, with a very long, terminal, twist- ing tftcvz, jointed, and finally separable, at the base ; inner ihuch narrower, hnear, awnless, inflexed at the edges, smooth. Nect. of 2 linear-lanceolate, membranous, pointed scales. Filam. shorter than the corolla. Anth. linear, erect. Germ, oblong. Styles short, distinct. Stigmas cy- Hndrical, feathery. Seed cylindrical, pointed, loose, closely enveloped in the hardened outer valve of the corolla, which is very sharp, and barbed with bristles, at the base, so as to penetrate and fix itself in the earth. Hoots fibrous, generally tufted and perennial. Leaves slen- der, flat. Stems round, jointed, smooth, upright, leafy. Panicle simple or branched. Flowers erect, slender, with long awns, bent just above the twisting part; then straight; either feathery or naked. t 1 . S. pennata. Common Feather-grass. Awns feathery. S. pennata. Linn. Sp. PL \15. fVilld. v. 1.440. Fl.Br.\38. E)igl. Bot. V. 19. t. 1356. Knapp t. 88. Sincl. 163. Schrad. Germ. V 1.229. S. n. 1514. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 239. Gramen sparteum pennatum. Bauh. Theatr.70. f.7\. Dill, in Rail Syn. 393. G. sparteum pennatum majus. Barrel. Ic. t. 46. G. spicatum, aristis pennatis. Scheuchz. Jgr. 153. t.3.f. 13, B. Spartum austriacum. Ger. Em. 42. f. Avena perennis austriaca capillacea, aristis longissimis pennatis. Moris. V. 3. 210. sect. 8. t. 7 f.9. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Avena. On dr}' mountainous rocks 3 a doubtful native. Found by Dr. Richardson, in company with Thomas Lawson, on the lime-stone rocks hanging over a little valley, called Long Sleadale, about 6 miles north of Kendall, Westmoreland. DUle- nius. Nobody has been able to meet vt^ith it since. Perennial. June. Root fibrous, crowned with several stems, a foot high, and dense tufts of upright, long, narrow, acute, dark-green, roughish leaves. Sheaths striated, very long, especially the uppermost, which is also considerably dilated, and envelops the young pa- nicle, rising above it when in flower ; the leaf being recurved, pendulous, involute and striated. Stipula oblong, obtuse. Pani- cle simple, erect, of 6 or 1 Jlowers, whose elegant feathery awnSy about a foot long, attract general attention, and are used for ornament, in dress, or otherwise. 54. AVENA. Oat, or Oat-grass. Linn. Gen. 37. Juss. 32. FL Br. 139. Lam. t.47. Cal. of 2 rather unequal, ovate-lanceolate, concave, lax, mem- branous-pointed, awnless valves, containing a lax spikelet, of several alternate Jlorets. Cor. of 2 unequal valves ; the outer firmer than the calyx, and about the same size, ovate, involute, so as to be nearly cylindrical, pointed at each end, concave ; deeply cloven at the summit, bearing from the middle of the back a stout ms^n ; spirally twisting in its lower part ; simple and tapering above ; spreading when dry ; inner valve ovate, smaller, awnless. Nect. of 2 lanceolate scales. Filam. shorter than the corolla. AntJi. rather short. Germ, obtuse. Styles somewhat la- teral, short, distinct. Stigmas densely feathery. Seed el- liptic-oblong, with a narrow channel along its upper side, sometimes downy, closely enveloped in the hardened outer valve of the corolla, retaining its aum. Root annual or perennial. Habit, as well as the size of the Jlowers^ extremely various. Pmiicle compound, or simple. Glumes shining. 1. h.fatna. Wild Oat, or Haver. Panicle erect, compound. Spikelets pendulous. Florets about three, shorter than the calyx, bristly at the base, with an oblique scar, all awned. A. fatua. Unn.Sp.Pl.\\%. Willd. v . \ . 447 . Fl.Br.\39. Engl. Bat. V.3]. <. 222 1 . Mart. Rust. t.8l. Knapp t. 93. Hook. Scot. 43. Don H. Br. 80. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.373. Host Gram. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Avena. 163 V. 2.42. ^58. Schreb. Gram. v. 1. 109. t. 15. Leers 42. t.9. f.A. Ehrh. Calam. 28. A. n. J 495. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 233. A. svlvestris pilosa^ aristis recurvis. Moris, v. 3. 209. sect.S. t. 7. Aegilops quibusdam, aristis recurvis, seu Avena pilosa. Rail Siin.389. Ae. bromoides. Ger. Em. 77./. Gramen avcnaceum, utriculis lanugine flavescentibus. Scheuchz. Jgr. 239. t.o.f. 1. In corn-fields ; where it is often too abundant, especially among barley. Annual. June, Julij. Root of several thick, whorled, woolly fibres. Stem a yard higli, erect, simple, round, very smooth, most leafy belovv' Leaves spreading, flat, linear, finely ribbed, rough, sometimes hairy, as well as their thin smooth sheaths. Stipula short, abrupt, notched. Panicle large and spreading, with half-whorled, slender, rough, simple or compound, branches, which are tumid at the top. Spikelets drooping or pendulous. Calyx an inch long, green, many-ribbed, chaffy, smooth. Florets 2 or 3, tawny, obscurely ribbed ; finally brown, with copious tawny bristles. Awn 2 inches long j spiral, stout and brown in its lower part, vrhich is an excellent hygrometer, well known to natural philosophers. The oblique scar at the base of each Jloret distinguishes this species from A. sativa, whose scar is transverse, and the glumes smooth. The flowers serve rustic fishermen, instead of artificial flies, to catch trout. 2. A. styigosa. Bristle-pointed Oat. Panicle oblong, turned to one side. Florets two. Outer valve of the corolla tipped with a double straight bristle. A. strigosa. Schreh. Lips. 52. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 1. 446. FL Br. 1390. Engl. Bot. V. 18. t. 1266. Comp. 19. Knapp t. 92. Don H. Br. 8 1 . Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 368. Host Gram. v. 2.41. ^ 56. Ehrh. Calam. 38. In corn-fields. Common in Scotland, Wales, Yorkshire and Cornwall : see En. P/. 1 18. Willd.v. 1.449. FLBr. 142. Engl. Bot. vA'i.t. 952. Curi. Loud. fasc. 3. t.5. Knapp t. 89. Hook. Scot. 44. S'incl.39. Schrad. Germ. v. \. 377. Host Gram. v, 3. 26. t. 38. Schreb. Gram. v. 1 . 76. t. 9. Leers 44. t. 10./. 5. Ehrh. Calam. 56. A. n. 1497. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 233. Gramen avenaceum pratense elatius, panicula flavescente, locustis parvis. Raii Syn. 407. Scheuchz. Agr. 223. t. A. f. 18. G. avenaceum, panicula flavescente, locustis parvis, Moris, v. 3. 2\b.sect.Q. t.7.f.42. In meadows, pastures, and by road sides, in chalky and hmestone countries, frequent 5 sometimes on dry sandy soils. Perennial. July. Root more or less creeping. Stems a foot high, leafy, smooth, ra- ther slender, with several, sometimes hairy, joints. Leaves nar- row, taper-pointed, flat, hairy on both sides, many-ribbed. Sheaths ribbed, besprinkled with deflexed hairs. Stipula .short, jagged, fringed. Panicle rather close, half-whorled, sometimes a little drooping, of innumerable small, yellowish, shining spike- lets ; having sometimes AJlorets, instead of 2 or 3, in which case their size is evidently increased. Calyx-valves acute, very un- TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Lagurus. 167 equal, the larger with 3 ribs. Outer valve of the corolla, with 3 or 5 ribs, cloven, its segments not more acute or awn-like than usual ; inner notched, inflexcd at the edges. Awn from above the middle of the outer valve. Germtn obovate. Slijies short, di- stinct, erect. Stigmas densely feathery, compound. Partial stalk of the florets bristly. A valuable grass in upland pastures. 55. LAGURUS. Hare's-tail-giass. Linn. Gen. 37. Juss. 30. Fl. Br. 143. Lam. t. 41. Gcertn. L 1. Cal. single-flowered, of 2 long, slender, membranous, spread- ing valves, fringed, as well as their terminal a-jon, with numerous soft hairs. Cor, of 2 unequal valves, thicker and firmer than the calyx; the outer longest, ovate- oblong, concave, terminating in two equal upright a-jons, shorter than the calyx, and bearing a much longer one from the middle of its back, twisting in the lower part, tapering and direct in the upper, reflexed when dry ; in- ner valve smaller, involute, clove/i, awnless. Nectary deeply cloven, acute. Filam. capillary, shorter than the calyx. Anth. erect, oblong, cloven at each end. Germen elliptic-oblong. Styles very short. Stigmas cylindrical, feathery. Seed ohXong, obtuse, with a "furrow along the front, loose, but enveloped in the unchanged corolla. Root fibrous. Stem leafy, erect. Spike dense, many-flowered. 1. L. ovatus. Ovate Hare's- tail grass. L. ovatus. Linn. Sp. Pl.WO. Willd. v. 1. 453. Fl. Br. 143. Engl Bot. V. 19. 1. 1334. FL Grcec. v. 1.71. ^.90. Dicks. H.Sicc. fuse. 7. 1 . Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 227. Host Gram. v. 2. 34. t. 46. Schreb. Gram. v. 1. 143. 1. 19./. 3. Alopecuros genuina. Moris, v. 3 191. sect. 8. t.4.f. 1 . Gramen spicatum tomentosumlongissimis aristis donatum. Scheuchz. Agr.5S. t.2.f.4, B, C. G. alopecuros, sJDica rotundiore. Bauh. Theatr. 56. /. Monti Prodr. 59./. 87. G. alopecurum molle, spica incana. Barrel. Ic. t. 1 16./ 1, 2. In open sandy fields, near the sea, in the south. In Guernsey. Mr. Gosselin. Annual. June. Root of several woolly fibres. Stem from 4 to 12 inches, or more, in height, erect, with 4 or 5 joints, round, leafy ; naked, striated, and smooth at the top. Leaves lanceolate, acute, many-ribbed, downy on both sides -, wavy at the edges ; abrupt, sometimes ovate, at the base. Sheaths inflated, ribbed, very downy. Sti- pula oblong, embracing the stem, downy. Spike more or less 1G8 TllIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Arundo. inclining, ovate, many-flowered, woolly from the copious soft hairs of the calyx, and beset at the base with numerous empty glumes of a similar structure ; the upper part is bristly with the numerous, prominent, brownish awns of the flowers. This grass serves, like the Stipa pennata, to decorate flower-pots in winter) to which the foreign Briza maxima is a welcome ad- dition. 56. ARUNDO. Reed. Linn. Gen. 3S. Juss. 32. Fl. Br. 144. Lam. t. 46. Cal, of 2 unequal, lanceolate, pointed, keeled, compressed, awnless valves, containing one or more Jlorets. Cor, of 2 unequal valves ; the outer largest, lanceolate, keeled, com- pressed, pointed; either entire or notched at the ex- tremity ; with or without an a^son from some part of the keel ; inner cloven at the point, inflexed at each marginal rib ; each valve furnished, at the base, with numerous, erect, soft, slender hairs, gradually elongated as the flowers advance, and finally spreading in every direction. 'Nectary of 2 minute scales. Filam. capillary, about the length of the calyx. Anth. cloven at each end. Germen obovate, or oblong. Styles short. Stigmas feathery, densely tufted. Seed oblong, pointed at each end, loose, but en- veloped in the corolla, the hairs attached to which serve as wings for the seed. Root for the most part creeping. Stems erect, from 2 to 12 feet high, round, jointed, clothed with harsh, taper- pointed, sheathing leaves. Panicle very much branched, of innumerable flowers ; in A, arenaria close, and spiked. 1. A. Phragmites. Common Reed. Florets about five, awnless, longer than the calyx. Panicle loose. A. Phragmites. Linn. Sp. PI. 120. Willd. v. 1 . 454. Fl. Br. 144. Engl. Bot. V.6. t.40\. Knapp t. 95. Hook. Scot. 27. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.223. t.5.f.4. Leers 45. t. 7.f. 1. Ehrh. Calam. 108. A. n. 1515. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 240. A. valiatoria. Raii Syn. 401. Ger. Em. 36. f. A. vulgaris. Bauh. Theatr. 269 ./. Scheuchx. Agr. \6\.t.3.f. 14,D. A. palustris. Matth. Valgr. v.\.\34.f. Camer. Epit. 73. f. A. vulgaris palustris. Moris. iJ.S. 218. sect. 8. t. S.f. 1. In marshes, ditches^ and about the banks of pools and rivers, very abundant. Perennial. July. Root creeping. Stems stout, about 6 feet high, annual, hollow. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Arumlo. 169 very smooth, with many knots. Leaves a fo6t long, or more, lanceohue, many-ribbed, rough-edged, ta])cring to a tine, almost capiUary, point; ovate at the base; smoothest at the back. Shealhs long, close, striated, scarcely rough ; crowned with tufted silky hairs, which supply the place of a stipuln. Panicle very large, repeatedly compound, the branches half-whorled, greatly subdivided, angular, nearly smooth, close, a little droop- ing to one side, and waving ig the wind. Glumes brownish pur- ple, all narrow, and smooth, except the keel of the outer valve of the corolla, and the ribs of the inner. T'hcre is no aivn. The hairs in this species spring rather from the common receptacle, or partial stalk ; so that the lowermost^ore^ is, as Schrader re- marks, almost without any, yet not quite so. The rest of the species answer more truly to the generic character, having the hairs on the corolla itself, and constituting- a most natural well- defined genus ; from which nevertheless it would be very rash to separate A. Phragmites ; for to say nothing of their common habit, there are various gradations. Still less can the solitary Jlorets of many species cause them to constitute a separate ge- nus J yet some have attempted this, by the very faulty appella- tion of Calamagrostis , compounded of two other established names ! The Common Reed is useful for thatching, garden-fences, &c., and is annually cut, as a regular crop, for such purposes. 2. A. epigejos. Wood Reed. Calyx single-flowered, longer than the corolla. Panicle erect, close. Flowers crowded, unilateral. Corolla with a dorsal awn about as long as the hairs and calyx. Leaves lanceolate. A. epigejos. Linn. Sp. PL \20. Willd.vAAoG. Fl.Br.]4D. Engl. Bot. V. 6. t. 403. Knapp t. 97. Schrad. Germ. t\ 1 . 211 . ^ 4./. 1. Ehrli. Culam. 74. A. Calamagrostis. Huds.bA. Light/. 106. Hook. Scot. 27 . A. n. 1519. IIall.Hist.v.2.24\. Calamagrostis lanceolata. With. 122 ; but not of Roth. Gramen arundinaceum, panicula molli spadicea, majus. Raii Syn. 40 1 . Bauh. Theatr. 94. f. 95. Scheuchz. Agr. 1 22. t. 3./. 3, B. Prodr.2\.t.b. G. paniculatum palustre prgealtum exile, panicula arundinacea. Ponfed. Comp. 56. Herb. Sherard. In shady ditches, and moist woods, but rare. Between Newington and Hornsey. Hudson. In Hethel and Ar- minghall woods, near Norwich. Mr. Crowe. In Scotland, but not common. Light/. Perennial. July. Stem nearly as tall as the last, but much more slender ; often 170 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Arundo. branched at the bottom. Leaves linear-lanceolate, with a sharp taper point, roughish -, a little glaucous underneath. Sheaths striated, scarcely rough, except the long upper one. Stipula lan- ceolate, acute, thin, soon torn. Panicle smaller, closer, more erect, and of a brighter purplish hue than in the last ; the branches rough, spreading when in flower only, beset with nu- merous, crowded Jiowers, directed to one side. Calyx-valves nearly equal, rough at the keel. Outer valve of the corolla about half as long as the calyx, membranous, flat, with 2 rough mar- ginal ribs at each side, and cloven at the point ; bearing from its back, about the middle, a twisting inflexed awn, which rises as high as the points of the calyx ; inner valve much smaller, slightly cloven. The soft hairs, originating from the base of each valve of the corolla, nearly surround the whole ^ore^ and are about as long as the calyx, or finally somewhat longer, when they carry away the ripe seed. Linnaeus by mistake interchanged Scheuchzer's synonyms of this and A. Calamagrosfis ; and thus some botanists, who trusted to his citations, rather than to his definitions and characters, were, as in other instances, misled. 3. A. Calamagrostis. Small Reed. Calyx single- flowered, much exceeding the corolla. Panicle erect, loose. Flowers scattered, spreading every way. Awn terminal, short. Hairs longer than the corolla. Leaves linear. A. Calamagrostis. Linn.Sp.Fl.Vn. FL Br. \46. Engl. Bat. v. 2,0. t. 2159. Knapp t. 96. Ft. Dan. t. 280. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.214. t.A.f.A. Ehrh.Calam. 84. A. epigejos. Huds. 54, Calamagrostis epigejos. With. 123. C. lanceolata. Roth Germ. v. 2. p. 1 . 90. C. minor, glumis ruffis et viridibus. Dill, in Raii Syn. 401 , Gramen arundinaceum paniculatum montanum, panicula spadiceo- viridi, semine papposo. Scheuchz. Agr. 124. In moist woods, hedges and fens. Near Oundle, T.eicestershire : Mr. Scamplon, Dillenius. In the fenny parts of Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, and Lincolnshire, not unfrequent. Perennial. June, July. Root fibrous, as Scheuchzer likewise seems to imply j scarcely creeping j the fibres woolly. Whole plant much more slender and delicate than the last. Stems 3 or 4 feet high, very smooth. Leaves narrow, pointed, bright green ; roughish beneath 3 some- times a little hairy on the upper side. Sheaths smooth. Stipula oblong, obtuse, decurrent, mostly torn. Panicle much branched, loosely spreading everyway, as are the Jiowers also, Calyx- V(n^na-^rnjUoTT>f^^ - TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Anmdo. 171 valves lanceolate, acute, of a pale bronzed purple, the keel roughish. Corolla not much above half as long, membranous, white ; both valves notched at the summit, the larger bearing a very small, rough, nearly terminal, awn. Hairs from the base of the corolla, which they exceed in length. 4. A. stricta. Smallest Close Reed. Calyx single-flowered, ovate, scarcely longer than the co- rolla. Fanicle erect, close. Flowers scattered, spread- ing every way, with a dorsal awn. Hairs shorter than the corolla. Stipula very short. A. stricta. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.215. t. 4. /. 5. Engl. Bat. v.ZO- t.2\C)0. Cow/3.20. Hook. Scot. 27. A. neglecta. Ehrh. Calam. 1 18. Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 10. 337. In marshy ground in Scotland. In the \Vhite IMire, a mile from Forfar. Mr. G. Don. Perennial. June. Roof creeping. Stem scarcely 2 feet high, very slender and smooth, with 2 joints. Leaves narrow, sharp-pointed, rough on the upper side. Sheaths quite smooth, slightly striated. Stipula scarcely prominent, except that of the uppermost leaf, which is very short, abrupt, slightly notched, finally torn. Panicle from 3 to 5 inches long, slender, close, except when in full flower, of a purplish brown ; the branches half-whorled, roughish. Calyx- valves ovate, acute, not pointed, single-ribbed ; sometimes be- sprinkled with short hairs. Corolla nearly as long as the calyx, both valves membranous, flat, abrupt, and notched ; the outer with 2 ribs near each margin, and a straight awn from the middle of its back, scarcely overtopping the glume ; inner smaller, with solitary, marginal ribs. Hairs but half the length of the largest valve, a little elongated as the seed ripens. 5. K, arenaria. Sea Reed. Marram. Sea Mat-weed. Calyx single-flowered, longer than the corolla. Panicle spiked. Flowers erect, slightly aw^ned. Leaves involute, sharp-pointed. A. arenaria. Linn. Sp. PI. 121. Willd. v. 1 . 457. FL Br. 1 48. Engl. Bot. v.8.t. 520. Knapp t. 99. Mart. Rust. t. 32. Hook. Scot. 27. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 12. 5. Schrad. Germ. v. I. 221. t. 5. /. 2. Fl. Dan. t. 9 1 7. Ehrh. Calam. I 7. Calamagrostis arenaria. RofJi Germ. v. 2. p. \. 93. H'ith. 123. Gramen sparteum spicatam, foliis mucronatis longioribus, vel spica secalina. RaiiSyn. 393. Bauh.Theatr.67.f. G. spicatum secalinum maritimum maximum spica longiore, Scheuchz.Jgr. 138. t.3.f.8. 172 TRIANDKIA— DIGYNIA. Lollum. Spartum anglicanum. Ger. Em. 42./. Frequent on the sandy sea coast. Perennial. July. Root jointed, creeping very extensively. Whole plant glaucous. Stems ascending, 2 or 3 feet high, round, finely striated, very smooth, almost solid. Leaves narrow, rigid, sharp-pointed, in- volute 3 furrowed above j very smooth beneath. Sheaths close, striated, nearly or quite smooth. Stipula lanceolate, pointed, near an inch long, mostly divided, or torn. Panicle erect, quite close, cylindrical, tapering at each end, perfectly resembling a spike, straw-coloured, many-flowered ; the branches short, erect, not much divided, close-pressed, angular and rough. Calyx- valves nearly equal, lanceolate, keeled, compressed, rough at the keel ; the innc* one rather the largest, with a rib at each side j outer with a minute point below the summit. Corolla very like the calyx, but rather smaller, and more ribbed, its outer valve bearing a small short dorsal awn, below the top. Hairs chiefly attached to the inner valve, and scarcely half its length. Nectary longer than the germen. Styles distinct^ erect^ with long cylin- drical feathery stigmas. One of the most valuable grasses for binding the sand of the sea shore, and raising those banks, which in Norfolk, and especially in Holland, are the chief defence of the country, against the en- croachments of the ocean. Elymus arenarius, Carex arenaria, and even Festuca rubra, contribute to the same end. 57. LOLIUM. Darnel. Linn. Gen.2>^. Juss.^l. Fl. Br. 148. Lam. t. 48. Common receptacle^ or main stalk, many-flowered, con- tinuous, elongated, channelled alternately, at each side, to receive the separate spikelets. CaL of one valve, opposite to each channel, lanceolate, slightly concave, permanent, containing a compressed spikelet of numeroiis two-ranked Jlorets ; there is sometimes a small inner valve, in the channel. Cor. of 2 unequal valves, opposite to the calyx ; the outer lanceolate, or elliptical, concave, somewhat keeled, acute, cloven at the point, more or less awned; the mson terminating the keel, at the cleft of the valve, nearly straight, various in length, sometimes scarcely dis- cerniijle; inner valve elliptic-oblong, rather smaller, in- flexed at the edges. Nectary of two, sometimes cloven, scales. Filam. capillary, shorter than the corolla. Anth, cloven at each end. Germen obtuse. Styles very short. Stigmas oblong, feathery along the upper side. Seed el- liptic-oblong, channelled in front, v^here it is united to TRIANDIIIA-DIGYNIA. Lolium. 173 the inner valve of the corolla, being loosely invested on the opposite side with the outer valve. Root fibrous, annual or perennial. Stems several, jointed, leafy. Leaves flat. Spike two-ranked, of numerous alter- nate spikelets. 1. h. perenne. Perennial Darnel. Rye-grass. Corolla very slightly awned. Spikelets longer than the calyx. Florets lanceolate. L. perenne. Linn. Sp. PI. 1 22 WiUd. v.\.46]. FL Br. 1 48. Engl, Bot. V 5. ^.315. Rel Rndh. 13./. Hook. Lond.fasc. \. t. 18. Scot. 45. Knopp t. 100. Mart. Rust. t.4. Graves Br. Gr. t \ 1.5. Slnd. 105. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 397. Host Gram. v. 1.20. t 2.3. Schreb. Gram. v. 2. 79. f. 37. Leers 47. t.\2. f. 1. Ft. Dan. t. 747. Ehrh. Calam. 94. L. n. 1416. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 204. L. nibrum. Ger. Em. 78. f. Gramen loliaceum, angustiore folio et spica. Bauh. Theafr. 128./. Rail Sipi. 395. Sdieucfiz. Agr. 25. Moris. v.?j. 182. sect.S. t.2.f.2. j3. Lolium tenue. Linn. Sp. PI. 122. M'illd. v. 1 . 4G2. L. n. 1418. Hall. Hist. r. 2. 205. Graminis loliacei anoustiore folio et spica, varietas, spica tereti, angiistissinia. ScheucJiz. Agr. 28. y. Lolium perenne /3. Leers as above, f + . Gramen loliaceum paniculatum. Dill, in Raii Sijn. 395. G. loliaceum, multiplici spicata panicula. Moris, as above. $. G. loliaceum, spica lata, e plurimis spicis, dnplici versu dense dispositis, constante. Scheuchz. Agr.2d. t. 1. f.7 , D. Prodr 16. t.2. G. loliaceum, spicis br.vioribus et latioribus, compressis. Moris. as above. In meadows, pastures, and waste ground, common. y and S found occasionally near Norwich. Perennial. June. Root of a few simple fibres. Stems several, a foot high, more or less, round, smooth, rigid, leafy, with purplish tumid joints, the lowermost of which are bent. Leaves dark green, linear, pointed, flat, smooth, striated. Sheaths compressed, striated, smooth. Stipula sliort, entire, acutely auricled at each side. Spike nearly upright, various in luxuriance, with a smooth conlmon stalk. Spikelets numerous, alternate, erect ; usually many-flowered. Outer valve of the corolla linear-lanceolate, keeled, acute, gene- rally with a short au-n, just below the cloven tip, scarcely dis- cernible, and frequently wanting. Sfi/les very short. Seed linear. 174 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Lolium. /3 is merely a starved state of the plant, with 3 or 4 Jlorets only, but still the spikelet extends beyond the calyx, y has a branched, or compound, general spike. $ bears a short, broad, ovate, close spike Sometimes the Jlorets are, here and ther«, viviparous. Well known to the farmer by the name of Uye-grass, or Ray- grass. It yields an early crop of hay upon high or sandy lands; and makes a fine turf, which however is said not to be lasting, except on a rich soil. Much valuable information concerning its cultivation and merits is collected by Professor Hooker, in his continuation of the FL Londinensis. The result seems to be that this grass is best suited to the light land of Norfolk, where it first obtained its reputation. 2. L. temulentum. Bearded Darnel. Awns longer than the corolla. Spikelets shorter than the calyx. Florets elliptical. Stem rough in the upper part. L. temulentum. Linn. Sp. PL 122. TViUd. v. 1.462. FL Br. 150. EngLBot.v.l6.t.\]24. Knapp t. \0l. Hook. Scot. 45. SincL299. SchracL Germ. v. 1 .400. Host Gram. v. 1 .20. t. 26. Schreh. Gram. V. 2. 74. ^.36. Leers 4S. 1. 12. /. 2. FL Dan. t. 160. Ehrh. Calam. 29. BulL Fr. t.\{i7. L. n. 1420. HalL Hist. v. 2. 205. L. album. Ger. Em. 78. f. Raii Syn. 395. Zizania. Tdlands Ic. \\2.f. Gramen loliaceum, spicalongiore. Baiih. Theafr. 121./. Scheuchz. Agr. 31. t.l.f.7,E,F. In fields, among w^heat, barley, or flax. Annual. July. Root of a few downy fibres. Stems 2 feet high, leafy, round ; smooth and shining below ; rough upwards. Leaves of a brighter green than the preceding, rough on the upper side. Sheaths roughish. Stipula short, abrupt, notched. Spike about a span in length, with a rough stalk. Calyx linear, flattish, many-rib])ed, roughish at the edges, rising above the spikelets, generally attended, in the lower ones, with a short elliptical inner valve, pressed close to the channel in the stalk. Florets about 6. Outer valve of the corolla elliptical, concave, with a dorsal awn, longer than itself; inner rough at the folds. Seed elliptical, a little flattened, with a furrow along its upper side, where it is firmly coated by the inner valve. The seeds are of very evil report, for causing intoxication, in men, beasts, and birds, and bringing on fatal convulsions. Haller speaks of them as communicating these properties to beer. 3. L. arvense. Short-awned Annual Darnel. Corolla slightly awned. Spikelets as long as the calyx. Florets elliptical. Stem very smooth. TRIANDRIA— DIGYXIA. Rottbollia. 175 L. arvense. JVith. 1G8. Fl. Br. 151. Engl. Bot. v. 16. t. 1125. Knapp t. 102. Hook. Scot. 45. Sc/irad. Germ. v. 1.399. Host Gram. v. 3. 1/. ^ 25. L. temulentum. Hiids. 55. L. temulentum, a variety. Sincl. 301 . L. verum Gesnevi. Moris, v. 3. 181. sect. 8. t. \.f. with a spike of the last, annexed. In fields, but not common. In Scotland. Mr. J. Mackay, and Mr. Hopkirk. Near V/altham- stovv. Mr. E. Forster. Annual. Julij. Rather smaller and smoother than the preceding, of which it is probably but a variety. The awns, represented too long in Engl. Bot., are either wanting, or at most very short, lax and weak. There are sometimes 2 little inner valves to the calijx ; some- times none at all. Schrader observes that the upper part of the stem, and the common stalk of the spike, are not invariably smooth. 58. ROTTBOLLIA. Hard-grass. Linn.Suppl.\3. Schreb. Gen.72\. Juss.3]. Fl. Br. ]5l. Lam. t.48. Common receptacle, or main stalk, many-flowered, elongated, jointed, finally separable, with a channel in each joint, al- ternately disposed, to receive the Jlo?'eis, which are mostly 2 in each channel, of a different structure from each other, 1 only being always perfect. Cal. of 2 parallel valves, opposite to die channel, lanceolate, spreading whilst in blossom. Cor., in the perfect floret, of 2 lanceolate, acute, membranous, nearly equal, valves, inflexed at the edges ; in the other similar, if furnished with stame7is ,- if not, merely a rudiment, or scale. Nect. of 2 acute scales. Filam. capillary. Anth. pendulous, cloven at each end. Germen oblong, obtuse, in 1 floret only. Styles short. Stigmas widely spreading, feathery. Seed elliptic-oblong, shut up in the cavity of each joint of the stalk, by the closed glumes, and falling off with it. Habit and size very various. Spikes either solitary, or ag- gregate, brittle when the seed js ri])e. 1. R. incurvata. Sea Hard-grass. Spike cylindrical, tapering. Cal3rx-valves combined below. Floret solitary. Corolla awnless. R. incurvata. Linn. Suppl. 114. Willd. v. 1.463. Fl. Br. 151. 176 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Elymus. Engl.Bot.v.\\.t.7G0. Fl. Grcec.vA.72. t.9\. Knappt. 103. Hook. Scot. 46. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.410. Host Gram. t;. 1. 18. t.2S. Fl.Dan.t.93S. Cavan. lev. 3.7. t.2\3. Aegilops incurvata. Linn. Sp. PL \ 490. Huds. 441. Gramen Darvum marinum, spica loliacea. Ger. Em. 30.* Rail Sijn. 39^j. G.loliaceum maritimum, spicisgracilibus articulatisrecurvis. Moris. V.3. 182. sect.S. t.2.f.8. G. loliaceum maritimum, scorpioides, Sherardi. Scheuchz. Agr. 42. t.2.f. 1, A, B. On the sea coast, in salt marshes, in various places. Annual. August. Root fibrous, downy. Stems numerous, a span long, spreading, partly procumbent, leafy, round, smooth, jointed and bent. Leaves of a deep glaucous green, linear, narrow, acute, single- ribbed, striated, rough on the upper side and at the edges. Sheaths slightly tumid, stri-dted, smooth. Stipula short and blunt. Spikes terminal, solitary, incurved, cylindrical, very smooth, the closed, more or less combined, valve of the cahjx so exactly closing the chink of each joint, both before and after llowering, as to make one even surface. The rudiment of the secondary^ore^ is but small and variable. All the glumes are destitute of awns. R. Jiliformis, Don H.Br. 1/8, whether the plant of Roth, Willde- now, Monti, &c., or not, appears to me our incurvata, drawn up weak among other grasses, as it occurs sometimes in Norfolk. 59. ELYMUS. Lyme-grass. Linn.^Gen.39. Juss.3\. B. Br. \52. Lam. t. 49. Common receptacle, or main stalk, many-flowered, continu- ous, elongated, toothed alternately, at each side, and flat- tened just above. Flowers two or more at each tooth, pa- rallel. Cal. to each flower of 2 unequal, erect, linear-lan- ceolate, or awl-shaped, pointed or awned, more or less keeled, valves, containing a spikelet of several jlorets. Cor. of 2 unequal, ovate-lanceolate valves ; the outermost largest, keeled, ribbed, pointed or awned; the awn straight and terminal ; inner flat, cloven, inflexed at the edges, with a rib at each side. 'Sectary of two lanceolate scales. Filam. capillary, shorter than the corolla. Anth. linear, notched at each end. Germen turbinate. Styles distant, very short. Stigmas feather^^, spreading. Seed, linear, or lanceolate, channelled along the upper side, very hairy at the summit, more or less attached to the unchanged glumes of the corolla. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Elymus. 177 Large, rigid, or coarse, mostly perennial, grasses ; various in aspect ; some foreign species are conspicuous for their long aii-?/s. 1 . E. arc?iarius. Upright Sea Lyme-grass. Spike upright, close ; main stalk not winged. Calyx lan- ceolate, the lengtli of the spikelets. Leaves spinous- pointed. E. arenarius. Linn. Sp. PL 122. Willd. v. 1.467. Fl. Br. 152. Engl. Bof. V. 24. t. 1672. Knapp t. 108. Mart. Rust. ^ 31. Hook. Scot. 46. Schrad. Genu. v. 1. 401. Schreb. Gram. v. 2. 85.^.40. FLDan.t.S47. Triticum n. 56. Gmel. Sib. v. 1. 119. t. 25. Spartimi herba 4 Batavicum. CUis. Hist. v. 2. 221./. On the sandv sea shore. In the isle of Bute, and in Devonshire, Huds. In various parts of Scotland. Hooker. Abundant on the north coast of Norfolk. Perennial. Juhj, but rarelv. Root widely creeping. Stems 3 or 4 feet high, erect, firm, reed- like, hollow, round, striated, leaf;/ chiefly at the base. Leaves hard and rigid, very glaucous, spinous-pointed, one or two feet long, involute ; their upper surface marked with strong rough furrows j the under side quite smooth. Sheaths long, close, furrowed, smooth. Stipula very short. Spike erect, close, glau- cous, G — 14 inches long. Glumes finely downy. Florets about 3 in each s pikelet, rarely 4 ; the uppermost, in either case, usu- ally wanting the germen. As this plant rarely flowers on our coasts, it is often overlooked for j^rundo arenaria, p. 171 ; but the short stipula essentially di- .stinguishes this Elymus, which is perhaps the very best of all plants to resist the force of the sea. 2. E. genicidatus. Pendulous Sea Lyine-grass. Spike bent perpendicularly downward, lax; main stalk winged. Calyx awl-shaped, longer than the spikelets. Leaves spinous-pointed. E. geniculatus. Curt. Brit. Gr. 46. Fl. Br. 153. Etigl. Bot. v. 23. t. 1;kSG. Knapp t. 109. Sincl. 2G9. Elymus. Linn. Am. Acad. v. /. 1 92. /. 2./. 5. IVith. v. 1 . 134. /. 2. /. 2G. In marshes near the coast, rare. Near Gravesend. Mr. Dickson. Perennial. JiUij. Root of several downy fibres, scarcely creeping. Whole plant glaucous, larger than the foregoing, but more slender in habit. 178 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Hovdeinn. Stipula veiy short. Spike 1 j or 2 foct long, lax, at first erect, but while in flower becoming strongly bent, at an acute angle, at the second or third spikelet, so as to become permanently pendulous. Cali/x-valves twice the length of the last, narrow and tapering, smooth, half as long again as the spikelets. Florets 3 or 4 3 the outer valve ribbed and downy. Cultivated for many years in a garden, this grass is little changed, though all the spikes are not always reflcxed. 2. E. europcEiis, Wood Lyme-grass. Spike erect. Florets about two, rough, awned, as well as the calyx. Leaves flat, pliant. E. europeeus. Unn. Mant.Sj. Willd. vA. 4/0. Fl. Br. 154. Engl. Bof. V. 19. ^. 1317. MWi. 170. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 402. Host Gram. v. 1. 22. t. 28. Elirh. Phijt. 3. Hordeum sylvaticum. Huds.57. Mart. Rust. t.45. Knapp t. 107. H.n. 1537. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 24S. Gramen secalinum majus sylvaticum, Raii Syn. 392. G. hordeaceum montanum, spica strigosiori brevius aristata. Scheucliz.Agr. IG, Prodr. 14. t. 1. In woods, thickets and hedges, on a chalky soil. Not rare in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Derbyshire, and the north of England. Perennial. June. Root fibrous, tufted. Herbage of a grassy green. Stem erect, 2 feet high, simple, round, striated, smooth, most leafy in the lower part. Leaves lanceolate, many-ribbed, flat, acute, rough on both sides and at the edges. Sheaths clothed more or less with deflexed hairs. Stipula very short, minutely notched. Spike 2 or 3 inches long, generally quite upright, close, green ; its main stalk angular, furrowed, rough, zigzag. Flowers 3 together at each notch. Calyx-valves awl-shaped, very smooth and even at the base ; ribbed, angular, and roughish above ; each tipped with a straight rough awn, half its own length. Florets often solitary, never more than 2, all generally perfect. Outer valve of the corolla lanceolate, ribbed, rough, especially in the upper part, terminating in a long straight awn ; inner slightly cloven, rough at the marginal ribs. Germen obovate, downy. Styles distant, extremely short. Stigmas slender. Seed lanceolate, with a furrow along the upper side, and a downy point, firmly coated with both valves of the corolla. 60. HORDEUM. Barley. Linn, Gen. 39. Juss. 32. Fl. Br. 155. Lam. t.A9. Gcertu. t. 81. Common receptacle^ or main stalk, many-flowered, jointed, elongated, toothed alternately at each side, the interme- TRIANDRI A— DIGYNI A. Hordeum. J 79 (liate spaces flattened, and bordered. Flowers 3 at each tooth, not all perfect, unequally stalked. Cal. to each flower of 2 rather slender, variously shaped, pointed or awned, parallel, upright valves. Floret solitary. Outer valve of the corolla ovate, concave, angular, terminating in a long, straight, rough axivi, rising above the awns of the calyx ; inner smaller, lanceolate, flat, inflexed at the edges, pointed. Nectary of 2 acute scales. Filam,, ca- jiillary, shorter than the corolla. Anth. notched at each end. Germen turbinate. Stj/les very short. Stigmas fea- thered along the upper side. Seed ovate-oblong, pointed at each end, with a narrow channel along the upper side, firmly coated with both valves of the corolla. Boot mostly annual. Ste?ns jointed, hollow, leafy. Spi/ce nearly upright, close, bristly with the copious long aivns, finally breaking at the joints. 1. Yi, 7?iw'i?iu?n. Wall Barley. Mouse Barley. Way Bennet. Lateral flowers barren. Calyx-valves of the intermediate one lanceolate, fringed. H. murinum. Linn. Sp. PL 126. Willd. r- 1 . 474. R. Br. 155. Engl Bot.v. 28. t. 1971. Rel. Rudb. 12./. 2. Curt. Lond.fasc. 5. t. 9. Mart. Rust. t. 43. Knapp t. 104. Hook. Scot. 46. Smcl. 141. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 404. Host Gram. v. 1. 25. f. 32. Fl. Dan. t.G29. Ehrh.Calam.47. H. n. 1536. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 248. H. spurium. Ger. Em. 73./. Gramen secalinum et Secale sylvestre. Raii Syn. 391. G. secalinum vulgatissimum viarum. Moris, v. 3. 179. sect. 8. t. 6. G. hordeaceum minus et vulgare. Bauh. Theatr. 134./, Scheiichz. Agr. 14. On waste ground, and by way sides^ common. Annual. June — August. i?oo^ fibrous. Stems 12 — 18 inches high, spreading and decum- bent at the base ; then ascending, slender, leafy, smooth, with 3 or 4 joints. Leaves linear, flat, roughish, with long, rather lax, strongly ribbed, smooth sheaths. Stipula short. Spike 2 or 3 inches long, cylindrical, very dense and uniform, two-ranked, brittle. Two lateral ^o?rer6' stalked j their cah/x-valves bristle- shaped, rough j those of the central ^flower linear-lanceolate, three-ribbed, fringed with spreading hairs. Ij^iar^X flowers w\i\\ stamens only ; central one perfect, and considerably tlic largest. Outer valve of the corolla of the latter concave, somewhat downy, n2 ISO TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Hordeum. finally coating the seed ; inner as long, but narrower and flat, with a bristle at its base externally, probably the rudiment of a secondy/ore^ A grass of no agricultural use. 2. a, pratciise. Meadovv Barley. I^ateral flowers imperfect, with shorter awns. All the calyx- valves bristle-shaped and rough. H. pratense. Huds.56. Fl. BrA56. Engl Bot. v. 6. 409. Ret. Rudb. 12./. I. Mart. Rust. t. 108. Knajop t.XOb. Hook. Scot. A6. Sincl.203. Schrad. Uerm. v. ] . 405. Ehrh. Calam. 57 . H. nodosum. Linn. Sp. PL 12G. Willd. v. \. 474, excluding Ray's synomjm. H. murinum /3 Ibid. H. secalinum. IVilld. v. 1. 475. Host Gram. v. 1. 26. t. 33. H. maritimum. El. Dan. t. 630. H. n. 1538. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 248. Gramen secalinum. Ger. Em. 29. '^. Raii Syn. 392. G. secalinum pratense elatius. Moris, v. 3. 179. sect. 8. t. 2.f. 6. G. spicatum secalinum minus. ScheiicJiz. Agr. 17. Vaill. Par. 83, t.\7.f.6. In meadows and pastures, especially such as are rather moist. Perennial. June. Root fibrous ; becoming bulbous in barren ground occasionally overflowed. Whole plant more slender than either of our other species. Stem more upright, and twice as tall ; naked and smooth at the top. Leaves narrow, roughish, sometimes hairy, as well as their sheaths, which are close, not swelling, with a scarcely perceptible stipula. Spike 2 inches long, often tinged with brown or purple. All the calyx-valves very narrow, bristle- like, equal, rough at the back. La.terei\Jlowers stalked, with or without stamens, but always destitute o^ pistils. Outer valve of the corolla in all the /lowers ovate, awned ; the awn shortest in the lateral ones. Germen in the middle flower only, turbinate. Stigmas feathery along the upper side. Thejlorets in all my British specimens are smooth, but in Ehrhart's, from Hanover, they are partly besprinkled with soft hairs. This is indeed a most trifling variety, as Professor Schrader consi- ders it. 3. H. maritimum. Sea Barley. Squirrel-tail-grass. Lateral flowers imperfect, with shorter awns ; the inner valve of their calyx half-ovate. ' H. maritimum. With. 172. El. Br. 156. Engl. Bot. v. 17. t. 1205. Knappt. 106. Hook. Lond.fasc. 1. /. 43. Scot. 46. Mart. Rust, t. 44. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 406. Fahl Symh. v. 2. 25. Host Gram. V. 1. 27. t. 34. Pourret Act. Tolas. t\ 3. 320. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Tiiticum. 181 H. marinum. Huds.:)7. Dkks. 11. Sice. fuse. 5. 4. 11. geniculatiim. Allion. Pedem. v. 2. 2jiJ. t. 01./. 3. II. rigiclum. Roth Catal. v. 1. 24, (iramen secalinum palustre et maritimum. Jlaii Sijn. 302. G. secalinum maiitimuin glaucifolium, spicis brevioribus. Moris. V.3. \7[). sccf. S. t. 6./ 5. G. spicatum secalinum maritimum minus. Sdieuchz. Agr. 18. (t. hordeaceum a maritimis pumilum, Pluk. Phyt. ^.33./. 2, hud. In pastures and sandy ground near the sea. Annual. Jnne, July. This species most resembles H. murinum in general habit, but i^ on the whole rather smaller and more glaucous. The aicns are all rougher, with minute bristly teeth. This roughness, and the great brittleness of the main stalk of the spike, cause consider- able inconvenience to horses in whose hay this grass chances to be intermixed. It sticks in small Iragments to their gums, and produces inflammation. Luckily the plant is not of common occurrence ; but in the isle of Thanet, where it abounds, the effect just mentioned is notorious. Mr. Curtis records this cir- cumstance in Fl. Loud. fasc. 5, under t. 9, referring it to the common //. murinum, for he w^as not then practically acquainted with the difference between these two grasses, nor does he advert to it ; but he subsequently knew them well, and 1 have speci- mens from himself. The half-ovate form of the innermost valve of the calyx, clearly distinguishes H. maritimum, as Hudson well remarked. The tvvo species^ though similar, are obviously and sufficiently distinct. 61. TRITICUM. Wheat. Vvlieat-grass. Linn. Oen.40. Juss. 32. Fl. Br. 137. Lam. f. 49. Gcertn. I. SI. Common receptacle^ or main stalk, many-flowered, elongated, continuous, or somewhat jointed, toothed alternately at each side, Avavy, compressed. Spikclets solitary at each tooth, lateral, contrary to the main stalk, many-flowered. Cal. of 2 concave, oblong, ribbed or keeled, nearly ecjual, opposite valves, with or without terminal awns. Florets 3 or more, 2-ranked, applied laterally to the main stalk. Outer valve of the corolla resembling the calyx, concave, keeled or furrowed, pointed or awned ; inner flat, awn- less, inflexed on each side at the lateral rib. Kectarij of 2 acute scales, tumid at die base. Filam, capillary. .//;///. linear, forked at each end. Germc/i turbiniite*. Sti/les short, distinct. Stigmas feathery. Seed ovate, obtuse, with a narrow channel along the up]ier side, loose, but en- veloped in the unchajiged corolla. 182 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Triticuni. Root annual, or perennial. Habit various. Stem simple or branched. Spikes simple and close, or compound and lax. 1. ^ , junceum. Sea Rushy Wheat-grass. Calyx-valves blunt, many-ribbed. Florets about live, awn- less. Main stalk smooth. Leaves involute, sharp-pointed. Root creeping. T. junceum. Lmn. Sp. PL 128. JV'dld. v. 1. 480, excl. most of the syn. Ft. Br. 157. Engl. Bot. v. 12. t. 814. Knapp t. 1 13. Hook. Scot. 44. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 6. 9. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 394. Host Gram. v. 3. 23. t. 33. Fl. Dan. t.OlG. Gramen maritimunij spica loliacea, foliis pungentibus, nostras. Pluk. Phyt. t. 33. f. 4. Dill, in Rail Syn. 39 1. (3. G. loliaceum maritimum supinum, spica crassiore. Tourn. Inst. 516. Dill, in RaiiSijn. 391. y. G. caninum maritimum, spicfi foliacea. Bauh. Theair. 15. /. Raii Syn. 391. Moris, v. 3. 178. sect. 8. t.2.f. 12. G. caninum marinum alterum. Ger. Em. 2b. f. On the sandy sea coast, frequent. Perennial. July. Root widely creeping, with numerous woolly fibres, well calculated for binding the loose sand, which purpose it serves in common with Elymus arenarius, Arundo arenaria, &c. The whole plant is glaucous and rigid, like those grasses. Stem 1 2 or 18 inches high, simple, inclining, leafy, round ; very smooth, even and polished, tinged with a bright violet hue, below ; striated above. Leaves strongly involute, many-ribbed ; smooth at the back j marked with rough furrows on the upper side ; tapering and pungent at the point. Sheaths furrowed. Stipida very short, membranous. Spike simple, solitary, erect, rigid, of numerous, alternate, rather distant, flat, ovate spikelets, each consisting of 5 or 6 smooth, awnless Jiorets. Calyx, and outer valve of the corolla, many-ribbed, furrowed, keeled at the upper part, each valve terminating in a slight notch, with a small, thick, inter- mediate point, produced from the keel, most evident in the upper Jiorets. The mairi stalk separates finally at the joints. The in- ner valve of the corolla is minutely fringed. This species is sometimes confounded with a maritime variety of T. repens, hereafter described. 2. T. repens. Creeping Wheat-grass. Couch-grass. Calyx-valves pointed or awned, lanceolate, many-ribbed. Florets about five, sharp-pointed or awned. Leaves flat. Root creeping. T. repens. Linn. Sp. PL 128. fVilld. r. 1. 481. /'/. Br. 158. Engl. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Tiiticum. 185 Bot. V. 13. t. 909. Knapp t.\\]. Hook. Scot. 44. Sincl. 307. Schrad. Germ. v. 1.390. Host Gram. v. 2. 17. ^ 21. Leers 43, t. 12. f. 3. Sc/ireb. Gram. v. 2. 24. t. 26. Ehrli, PL Of. 12. T. n. 112G. Hall. Hist. V. 2. 210. Gramen spica triticea repens vulgare caninum dictum. Raii Sijn. 390. G. caninum repens vulgatius. Moris, v. 3. 178. sect. 8. t. 1./. 8. G. caninum arvense, sive Gramen Dioscoridis. Scheucliz. Jgr. 5. G. caninum arvense, sive primum. Baiih. Theatr. 7.f. B. Glumes awjied. T. repens. Mart. Rust. 1. 124. With.\73. var.A. Fl. Dan. t. 748. Graminis spica triticea repentis vulgaris varietas, cum spica aris- tata. Scheucliz. Agr. 9. G. loliaceum, radice repente, &c., aristis longioribus donatum. Vaill. Par. 81. t. 17./. 2. /. Triticum junceum. Relh. 55. T. repens var. 5. TVlth. 173. Elymus arenarius. Huds. ed. 1. 44. Gramen caninum maritimum, spica triticea^ nostras. Rail Syn. 390. In waste, as well as cultivated, land, every where. y. On the sea coast, not uncommon. Root long, creeping deeply and widely, so as to be very difficult of extirpation;, jointed, clothed with membranous sheaths ; the fibres downy. Stems slender, erect, 2 feet high, most leafy below J round, striated, and smooth, at the top. Leaves of a dull, somewhat glaucous, green, linear, fiat, spreading, gene- rally all directed one way ; their margin and upper side rough. Sheaths tight, ribbed, smooth, or a little hairy. Stipula short, finely notched. Spike 2 or 3 inches long, erect, fiat, of nume- rous, pretty close, elliptic-oblong spikelels; the main stalk some- times hairy, especially at the edges. Florets from 4 to 8 or 9, the colour of the foliage. Valves of the calyx lanceolate, ribbed, pointed or awned. Outer valve of the corolla similar, but with fewer ribs, and those chiefly towards the summit, which ends cither in a short point, continued from the keel, or in a terminal rough aiv7i, various in length, but seldom longer than the glume itself 3 inner valve obtuse, or notched, awnless. The maritime variety y is rather stouter and shorter in habit, all over more or less glaucous, though variable in that respect, and certainly a mere variety. The leaves are often involute. Schrader describes a more remarkable state of this grass, figured in Leers 1. 1 2, /. 4, 1 , in which a great part of the spikelets in the lower portion of the spike are double, or in pairs, contrary to the generic character. But the creeping root distinguishes this variety from the following species, with which it is con- founded by Leers ; both being indeed considered by him as be- longing to T. repens. 184 TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Tiiticum. 3. T. caninum. Fibrous-rooted Wheat-grass. Cal}Tc-valves somewhat awiied, with three or five ribs. Florets Ibiir, awned. Leaves flat. Root fibrous. T. caninum. Uik^^s. 5S. FL Br. 15D. Engl. Bat. v. 20. t. 13/2. Knappt. 112. Hook. Scot. 44. Sincl. 03. Schrad. Germ. v. 1. 389. Host Gram. v. 2. 20. t. 25. Fl. Dan. t. 1447. T. n. 58. Gmel. Sib. v. 1. 122. t. 27. T. n. 1429. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 212. Elvmus caninus. Lin7i. Sp. Fl. 124, IVilld. v. 1. 469. Leers 46. V. 12./. 4, 2. Ehrh.Phyt.72. Gramen spica triticea compacta, aristis longioribu.s. Scheuchz. Agr. 10. G. caninum aristatum, ratlice non repente, svivaticum. Rail Syn. 390. G. caninum non repens, elatius, spica aristata. Moris, r.3. 177. sect. 8.t.l.f.2. Buxb. Cent. 4. 29. ^.50. In woods, and shady liedges, on a chalky, or limestone, soil. Perennial. July. Boot of several downy stout fibres, not at all creeping. Sicins 2 feet high, leafy, round, minutely striated, very smooth. Leaves nearly upright, lanceolate, taper-pointed, thin, flat, bright green, rough on both sides ; sometimes hairy. Sheaths of the lower ones only hairy. Stipula very short. Spike 3 or 4 inches long, a little inclining, close. Spikelets alternate, except the lower- most, which sometimes stand in pairs, side by side. Calyx lan- ceolate, with 3, sometimes 5, stout, smooth, very neat, ribs ; the keel being not rough as represented in Engl. Bot., though the short terminal awn is sometimes so. Outer valve of the co- rolla ribbed at the top only, with a much longer, rough own from the keel ; inner valve fringed. The fibrous root distinguishes this species from every variety of the last, 4. T. cristatum. Crested Wheat-grass. Calyx-valves elliptical, awned, keeled, obscurely ribbed. Florets awned. Spikelets closely imbricated, depressed, straight. Stems simple. T. cristatum. Schreb. Gram. v. 2. 12. t. 23. f. 2. Engl. Bot. v. 32. ^2267. Comp. 22. Hook. Scot. 45. Bieberst. Taur.-Caucas. V. 1. 87. Host Gram. v. 2. 19. t. 24. Bromus cristatus. Linn. Sp. PI. 115. TFilld. v. 1.439. Festuca n. 51. Gmel. Sib. v. 1. 1 15. t. 23. Gramen triticeum, spica latiore compacta. Buxb. Ce?if. ]. 32. t.50.f.3. On the eastern coast of Scotland, very rare. TRIANDRIA— DIGYNIA. Triticum. 185 On steep banks, and rocks, ])y the sea side, between Arbroath and Montrose. Mr. G. Don. Perennial. July, but rarebj. Root of several long, strong-, very woolly fibres, suited to a sandy soil. Stems ascendini?, 12 or IS inches high, simple, wavy, slen- der, rigid, leafy ; hairy at the top. Leaves linear, keeled, taper- pointed, folded rather than involute, many-ribbed ; smooth be- neath ; very hairy on the upper side. Sheaths close, striated, smooth. St'lpula scarcely any. Spike terminal, erect, an inch or more in length, ptde, bl'untish, compressed, of numerous small oblong spilc'elcts, so closely crowded as to depress each other. Florets variable in number from 3 to 6 or 7, either smooth or hairy. Cali/x-valves elli})tic-oblong, with a terminal, straight, rough awn, us long as themselves ; their lateral ribs obsolete, or smoothed av/ay, not turgid as in 7'. prostratum, a species next akin to this, but with a shorter, rounder, spike, annual root, and branched stem. The outer valve of the corolla resembles the calyx, but is longer j inner notched at the summit, its margins infl'exed, as usual, at the lateral ribs. Gmelin remarks that the hairiness of the leaves is variable. The spikelets, in one of the Linnsean specimens, are extremely hairy; in another, like Mr. Don's, smooth. In one Siberian specimen they are viviparous, apparently after the manner of alpine grasses; the'transformed glumes singularly enhu-ged, and strongly ribbed. T. imhrieatum of Marschall von Bierberstein, Fl. Taurico-Cauca- sica, r. 1.8S, sent from the Gottingcn garden by Professor Schrader, seems to differ from the crislatnm in the much greater dimensions of its herbage only, the spike being very like that of our wild specimen, and but little larger. T. pectinatum of the same author is but the smooth state of cristatum ; and I am well satisfied that pubescence is here of no importance, 5. T. loliaceum. D'vvarf Sea Wheat-grass. Calyx-valves obtuse, awnlcss. Florets numerous, avvnless, elli})tical, ribbed. Si)ike unilateral. Stem branched. Root fibrous. T. loliaceum. Fl. Br. 1.59. Engl. Bot. v. 4. t. 221. Willd.Sp.Pl. t'. 1.483. With.\7\. Knappt.WA. Hook. Scot. Ao. SchracL Germ. v. 1. 39.5. T. unilaterale. Ait. flort. Kew. eel. 1 . r. 1 . 1 22. Host Gram. v. 2. 21 . t. 27 ; but not of Linnaeus. Poa loliacea. Huds. 43. Relh.'S?. Gramen pumilum, 4oliaceo simile. Rail Syn. 395. G. exile duriusculum maritimum, foliolis circumvolutis, veluti jun- ceis, brevibus. Pluk. Phyt. t. 32. f. 7. G. loliaceum maritimum biunciale. Moris, v. 3. \ 82. sect.S. t. 2. /. 6. G. loliaceum e\ile durius. Rel. Rudb. 13./. 186 TRIANDllIA— TRIGYNIA. Montia. On the sandy sea coast. Not rare on the sandy shores of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. Annual. June, July. Root of many long downy fibres. Stem rigid and wiry, as in my Glyceria rigida, p. 119, branched from the bottom, generally 2 or 3 inches high, but various in luxuriance, leafy, very smooth and polished, erect or decumbent. Leaves linear, acute, nearly smooth 5 involute when dry. Sheaths close, keeled, smooth. Stipula short, notched. Spike usually simple, but when highly luxuriant, from culture, compound, always unilateral -, its main stalk two-edged, wavy, smooth. Spikelets ovate-oblong, slightly turgid, smooth, two-ranked, rather close, of numerous imbri- cated^ore/s. Calyx strongly keeled, with a blunt membranous point. Outer valve of the corolla resembling the calyx ; inner fringed at the lateral ribs. Nectary undivided, obtuse, surround- ing the base of the .fullomim. Manured, or Fuller's Teasel. Leaves combined, serrated. Scales of the receptacle hooked backwards. Common calyx reflexed. D. fulloniim. Linn. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. 143. JViUd. v. 1. 543. FL Br. 1 08. Engl. Bot. v. 29. t. 2080. Ilooh: Scot. 49. D. fullonum /3. ''Linn. Sp. PL 140. Iliids. 61. D. sativus. Ger. Em. 1 107. /'. Raii Sijn. 1 92. D. albus. Fuchs. Hist. 224.}: Jr. 127./ Carduus fullonum. Lob. Ic. v. 2. M . f. Labrum Veneris. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 24./. Camer. Epit. 431./. About hedges, according to Hudson ■ but sc.ircely wild. Biennial. Juhj. Root fleshy, tapering, branched. Stem 5 or 6 feet high, erect, strongly furrowed, prickly, leafy, branched at the top. Leaves sessile, combined at the base, serrated ol* jag£;ed, naked, with prickly ribs. Ft. whitish, with pale purple anthers, very nume- rous, in a close, obtuse, conical head, th<> intermediate scales bristly at the edges; rigid, and hooked at the points; by which they are rendered serviceable for carding woollen cle^th, being fixed, in several rows, in wooden frames with handles, adapted for that purpose. The scales arc just strong enough to raise the TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Dipsacus. 193 wool, giving wav before they can injure the cloth. Some esteem this but a luxuriant variety of the following, as it requires a very rlchlv manured soil, to preserve its characters, anil useful pro- perties, 2. D. sijlvesfris. A\'ilclTeasel. Leaves opposite, serrated. Scales of the receptacle straight. Common calyx inflexed, longer than the head. D. sylvestris. Linn. Sijst. Veg. ed. 14. 143. Willd. v. 1. 544. Fl. Br. 1G8. Engl. Dot. V. 15.M032. Curt. Lond.fasc.3. t.9. Hook. Scot. 49. Jacq. Austr. t. 402. Ger. Em. 1 1(57./. Cord. Hist. 105,2./. Rail Syn.\ 92. D. fullonum a. Linn. Sp. PL 140. Huds. 6 1 . D. n. 198. Hall. Hist. v. 1.86. D. purpureus . Fuchs. Hist. 225 . /. Ic. 1 28. / Labrum Veneris. Lob. Ic. v. 2. 18./ L. Veneris alterum. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 25./ Camer. Epit. 432./ About moist hedges, and by road sides, frequent. Biennial. July. Less robust than the foregoing, about 4 feet high. Leaves often joined at the base, but less remarkably. Heads large, encom- passed and overtopped by the long, leafy, common calyx. Scales of the recept. straight, taper, prominent. Cor. light purple, or lilac, 4-cleft, as in the preceding. 3. Y). pilosus. Small Teasel. Shepherd's Staff. Leaves stalked, with lateral leaflets. Common calyx de- flexed, about the length of the head. D.pilosus. Linn.Sp.Pl.\A\. Willd. v. \.bAA. Fl.Br.\69. Engl. Hot. V. 13. t. 877. Cnrt. Lond. fasc. 1. t. 10. HooJ€. Scot. 49. Jacq. Austr. t. 248. Fl. Dan. f. 1448. D. n. 199. Hall. Hist. r. 1.86. D. minor, sive Virga pastoris. Ger. Em. 1 168. Rail Syn. 192. D. sylvestris, capitulo minore. Moris, v. 3. 1 68. sect. 7. ^.36./ 5. Virga pastoris. Lob. Ic. v. 2. 18. / Matth. Falgr. v. 2. 26. / Camer. Epit. 433./ In moist shady places, on a chalky, or limestone, soil. In various parts of Norfolk and Suffolk ; also at Matlock bath, Derbyshire, and occasionally in other places. In Scotland, ac- cording to Lightfoot, but not common. Biennial. August, September. Stem 3 or 4 feet high, with spreading branches, angular, leafy, rough with ascending hooked prickles. Leaves deep green, ovate, pointed, strongly serrated, ternate. Fl. white, in small globular heads. Anth. brown, or purplish. Scales straight. VOL. I. o 194 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Scabiosa. fringed, as is also the crown of the seed. Cor. unequally 5-cleft. A useless weed^, but not troublesome to the farmer. 6d. SCABIOSA. Scabious. Linn. Gen. 48. Juss. \9i. FL Br. \70. Tourn. t. 263, 264. Lam. t.57. Ga:rtn.t.86. Nat. Ord. same as 7i. 65. Commo7i Cal. many-flowered, of numerous spreading leaves, surrounding the receptacle in several rows, and attached to it; the innermost gradually smaller. Proper Cal. double, superior, permanent; the outer shortest, mem- branous, plaited, ribbed ; inner in 5, or more, deep, awl- shaped, slender, sometimes feathery, segments. Cor. of each flower monopetalous, tubular, dilated upwards ; limb in 4 or 5, equal or unequal, segments. Filam. 4, spread- ing, lax, from the mouth of the cor. longer than its limb. Anth. oblong, incumbent. Germ, inferior. Style thread- shaped, about as long as the corolla. Stigma obtuse, cloven. Seed naked, solitary, crowned with the double, enlarged or expanded, calyx. Common receptacle convex, either chaffy, bristly, or naked. A numerous, chiefly Europaean, genus, generally perennial, in a few instances shrubby. Stem round, leafy. Leaves opposite, mostly hairy ; generally compound, or divided. Fl. solitary, terminal, stalked, purplish, or yellowish white. The outermost corollas being often largest, render the whole aggregate Jlower radiant in several species. The corolla being in some 4-cleft, in others 5-cleft, divides the whole into two great sections. 1. S. succisa. Devil's-bit Scabious. Corolla in four equal segments. Heads nearly globular. Stem-leaves distantly toothed. S. succisa. Linn.Sp.Pl.\A2. mild. v. \. 548. Fl.Br.l70. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 878. Curt.'Lond. fasc. 3. t. 10. Hook. Scot. 49. Fl. Dan. t. 279. S. radice succisa, flore globoso. Raii Syn. 191. Succisa. Fuchs. Hist. 715. f. S. sive Morsus diaboli. Matth. Falgr. v. 1. 571 ./. Camer. Epit. 397. f. Morsus diaboli. Ger. Em. 726. f. In grassy, rather moist, pastures. Perennial. August — October. Root blackish, abrupt at the \o\veY end. Stem a foot high, or more. TETRANDRIA— MOKOGYNIA. Scabiosa. 195 rough with deflexed hairs. Radical leaves numerous, obovate, entire ; those of the stem variously toothed, or coarsely ser- rated ; the uppermost lanceolate, entire ; all dark green, harsh and hairy. FL 3 or more, dark purplish blue 3 often milk-white ; very rarely, according to Dr. Kendrick, of a pale purple. They are'too bright a blue in Engl. Bot. The liairs on every part of the Jioiver-stains point upwards. Seed-crown chiefly of 5 bristles. 2. S. arvensis. Field Scabious. Corolla in four segments ; the marginal flowers radiant. Leaves pinnatificl, cut. Stem bristly. S. arvensis. Linn. Sp. PL 143. Willd. v. 1. 550. FL Br. 170. En^L But. t;. 10. ^.639. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. 1. 13. Hook. Scot. 49. FLDan. t. 447. S. n. 206. Flail. Hist. v. 1.89. S. major communior, flore laciniato. Raii Syn. 191. S. major vulgaris. Ger. Em. 719. /. Scabiosa. Fiichs. Hist. 716./. In cornfields and pastures. Perennial. Jul?/. Stem a yard high. \\'hole plant hairy 3 reported to be sometimes smooth, with all the leaves undivided, but this has not been seen in England. The radical leaves are lanceolate, serrated, stalked ; the rest pinnatifid, the upper ones most deeply, and quite sessile. FL large and handsome, of a fine pale purple ; changing to a most beautiful green if held for a fev/ minutes over the smoke of tobacco. Those of the disk are palest, or reddish, nearly equal ; those of the circumference large, unequal, with- out perfect stameris. Seed-crown small, bristly. Sheep and goats are said to eat this herb, bat its bitter and nauseous flavour is not aofreeable to domestic cattle. 3. S. columbaria. Small Scabious. Corolla in five unequal segments. Radical leaves ovate, or lyrate, notched ; the rejst pinnatifid, linear. S. columbaria. Linn. Sr>.Vl.\4?>. IVillcL v.]. od2. FLBr.\7\. EngL Bot. v.\9.t.\3\\. Hook. ScoL 50. Fl. Dan. t. 314. 8. minor vulgaris. Raii Syn. 191. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 3./ 4. S«»minor, sive columbaria. Ger. Em. 719./. S. minor. Camer. Epit. 711./ In pastures, and waste ground, on a chalky, limestone, or gravelly soil. Rare in Scotland, and mountainous countries. Perennial. June — August. Root woody; bristlv at the crown. Stem 12 to IS mches high. Leaves and flowers smaller and more delicate than in thelast, from which this species is elegantly and decisively distinguished o 2 WG TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Sherardia. by the 5-cleft corolla, which like that is radiant. Seed-crown of 5 brown bristles, accompanied by a short, notched, membranous ruffle, originating in the outer calyx. 67. SHERARDIA Sherardia, or Field- madder. Li7in. Sp. PL 50. Juss.l96. Fl.Br.\7\. Lam. t. 61. Gartn.t. 24. Nat. Ord. Stellated. Linn. 47. Ruhiacece, Juss. 57. 5^c/. 1. 3 following genera the same. See Grammar 127. [The first section m Jussieu, to which all our genera belong, vis the genuine type of this order, as originally understood. It is marked by a Jruit consisting of 2 naked seeds, of a roundish or perfectly globular figure, whose skin is either smooth, granulated, hairy, or prickly, and in Ruhia is internally pulpy. Or this fruit may be considered as a pair of Utriculi ; or membranous capstdes without valves, see Grammar 23; Rubia having a twin beiTy. The latter accords with the sentiments of those who do not acknowledge the existence of naked seeds. The leaves are simple, undivided, 4 or more in each whorl; their edges prickly rather than serrated. Flo'wers axillary or terminal, generally many together. These herbs are said to possess a diuretic quality. A prize was offered in 1789, by the Academy of Sciences, &c., at Lyons, for the best botanical and economical treatise on the Linnaean Stellatce ; and it was gained by the late M. Willemet of Nanci, whose work, forming a small octavo volume, was published at Strasburgh in 1791.] Cal. small, superior, of 1 leaf, with 6 segments or teeth, per- manent. Cor. monopetalous, funnel-shaped ; tube cylin- drical ; limb in 4, rarely but 3, equal, flat, acute seg- .ments. Filam. from the mouth of the tube, recurved. Anth. roundish, 2-lobed. Germ, inferior, of 2 round or oblong lobes. Style capillary, divided at the top. Stigmas bluntish, or capitate. Seeds 2, naked, roundish or oblong, rough, each crowned with 3 teeth from the calyx. Herbaceous, with branched steins, and whorled leaves. . .Fl. terminal, or axillary ; blue or yellow. 1. S.arvensis. Blue Sherardia. Little Field-madder. All the leaves whorled. Flowers terminal. S.arvensis. Linn. Sp. Pl.\49. Willd. v.].574. FL Br.l7\. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 891. Curt. LoncLfasc. 5. t. 13. Hook. Scot. 50. Fl. Dan, t. 439. Willem. StelL 76. TETRANDRIA^MONOGYNIA. Asperula. 197 ^^7T^'n nV: Giss^^JPend. 96. /.3. Blair BoL E.s. 155. L4. J. 6. Hall. Hist. n. 734. v. 1 . 321 Rubeola arvensis coerulea repens. Bauh. Prodr. 1 45. RaiiSyn. 225 Asperula flore cameo, acuto folio. Barrel. Ic. i.54\.f.\. ^ ^''' In fallow fields, or among corn, on a light, or gravelly, soil Annual. June— August. t> > 6 y, >oii. Root small. Herb generally hairy. Stems several, branched spreadmg, mostly decumbent, square, leafy, 3 to G inches lon^ Leaves 6 ma whorl, obovate, acute, entire, palish meen roughest at the edges and keel. Fl. in a sessile terminal umbel' enveloped with 1 or 2 of the upper whorls, whose leaves are narrower, often more numerous, than the rest. Cor. slender of yfXh'f ^"''i ^/^//;, tawny. Stigmas c.plt^te. Fndt of 2 globular, closely combmed seeds, roughish, crowned with the somewhat enlarged cali/x. This is perhaps the only genuine species of SJwrardia. Two others muralis- :ind erecta, may be seen in the Flora Grcrca ; but these have oblong disunited seeds, whose crown is but obscure, and vvhose>^j;er6- are yellow, with simple stigmas. S. fruticosa of Linnaeus has not the cahjx proper to the genus, and resembles in habit Lrmdea montana, Fl. Grwc. t. 143. 68. ASPERULA. Woodruff. Linn. Gen. 50. Juss. 196. Fl. Br. 172. Lam. t.6]. Nat. Ord. see 7i. 67. Cal. superior of 4 small teeth, deciduous. Cor. monopeta- ous funnel-shaped; tube nearly cylindrical, various in length; hmb in 4, occasionally but 3, deep, oblong, spread- ing segments. Filam. in the mouth of the tube, alternate with the segments, short. Antk. of 2 round lobes. Germ, inferior, of 2 roundish lobes, %/e thread-shaped, divided at the upper part Sttgm. capitate, small. Seeds 2, naked, combined, globular, not crowned by the calyx. Herbaceous, or somewhat shrubb3^, all European, of rather humble stature. Leaves sessile, whorled, either nume- rously, or not more than 4. FL always terminal, imnicled, white, or reddish, rarely yellowish or blue; often fra- grant. Seeds rough or smooth. 1 . A. odorata. Sweet Woodruff. Leaves eight in a whorl, lanceolate. Panicles stalked, of tew flowers. A.odorata. Linn. Sp.Pl.XbO. Willd. v. 1.575. FL Br.\72 Ensl Bot. v.W t. 755. Cart. Lond.fasc. 4. t 15. Hook. Scot. 50. Fl Dan. t. o62. Dod. Pcmpt. 355./. milem. Stcll. 65. 198 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Aspemla. Asperula. Ger. Em. 1124./. Raii Syn. 224. Mill. Ic. t. 55. f. 2. A. n. 728. Hcdl. Hist. v. 1 . 3 19. Matrisylva. Trag. Hist. 49Q.f. Galium Matrisylva. fi'iggcrs HoUat. 13. Hepatica altera. Brunf. Hisi. v. \. 191. v. 2. S2./. In dry mountainous woods. Perennial. May. Root creeping. Stems simple, annual, a span high, angular, smooth, leafy. Leaves 7 — 9 in each whorl, usually 8, bright green, spreading, about an inch long, rough at the edges only. Pani- cles generally 3 together, on longish stalics, forked, not much subdivided. Ft. pure white, with a short tube ; fragrant chiefly at night. Fruit rough with ascending bristles. The herb v.'hile drying has the scent of new hay, approaching to bitter almonds, or Heliotropium peruvianum, of which it retains a portion some time. The edges of the leaves stick to the hands, or clothes, in a manner almost peculiar to the rough plants of this natural or- der, caused by the minute hooked bristles to which that rough- ness is owing. 2. A. cynanchlca. Small Woodruff. Squinancy-wort. Leaves linear, four in a whorl ; the upper ones very un- equal. Flowers all four-cleft. Fruit smooth. A. cynanchica. Linn. Sp. PL 151. milcL v. 1.5/9. Fl. Br. 172. E7igl. Bot. v.\.t 33. MWem. Stell. 67. A. n. 730. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 320. Rubeola vulgaris quadrifolia lajvis fioribus purpurantibus. Ruli Syn. 225. Rubia cynanchica. Baiih. Hist. v. 3. 720./. Galium m.ontanum latifolium cruciatum. Column. Ecphr. v. 1 . 296. t.297.f. 1. Synanchica. Dalech. Hist. I IS5. Ger. Em. \ 120. On dry chalky sunny banks, abundantly in the chalk counties, but not in Scotland or Wales. Perennial. June, July. Stems numerous, ascending, from 4 to 6 inches high, copiously clothed with linear smooth leaves, for the most part 4 in a whorl ; but sonie of the uppermost are 2 of them so diminished, as to have been overlooked, even by Linnaeus. Fl. in terminal pa- nicled tufts, sometimes very fragrant. Cor. white or blush-co- loured, elegantly marked with three red lines on each segment. Fruit granulated, as Professor Schrader has remarked to m.e 3 though not bristly, as in Columna's figure. Physicians do not, in our days, rely on the practice of old Dale- champ, who recommends this plant, outwardly as well as in- wardly, to cure the Squinancy, or Quinsy, Hence however we have retained an obsolete and unmeaning name, for a plant which might easily have had one more expressive. TETRANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Galium. 199 69. GALIUM. Bed-straw. Linn. Gen. 52. Juss.l96. Fl.Br.\73. Tourn. t. 39. Lam. t. 60. Gcertn. t.24. Aparine. Tourn. t.39. Nat. Ord. see 7i. 67. Cal. superior, very minute, with 4 teeth. Cor. monopeta- lous, wheel-shaped, in 4 deep, acute, often long-pointed, segments, without a tube. Filam. from the base of the corolla, awl-shaped, shorter than the limb. Anth. of 2 round cells. Germ, inferior, of 2 combined globes. Style thread-shaped, the length of the stamens, cloven at least half-way down. Stigm. capitate. Seeds 2, naked, com- bined, globular, not crowned by the calyx. A genus, chiefly Europaean, more extensive than the last, similar in habit. Fl. terminal or lateral, not sweet-scented. The skin of the seed, as in Asj)erula, is either smooth, gra- nulated, or bristly. In some species the Jlotvers are par- tially imperfect ; in others partly 3-cleft, or 5-cleft. * Fruit smooth, 1 . G. cruciatmn. Cross-wort Bed-straw. Mug-weed. Leaves ovate, hairy, four in a whorl. Stem hairy, simple above. Flower-stalks axillary, corymbose, with two leaves. G. cruciatum. With. 186. Fl. Br. 173. Engl. Bot. v. 2. 1. 143. HooJi. Scot. 5 1 . G. Cruciata. Scop. Cam. v. 1. 100. G. n. 709. Hall. Hist. ij. 1. 314. Valantia Cruciata. Linfi. Sp. PL 149 1 . TJllld. v. 4. 95 1 . Hiids. 441 . JVillem.Stell.S6. Cruciata. Ger. Em. 1123./. Raii Sijn. 223. Dod. Pempt.357.f. In thickets and liedgcs, common. Perennial. Maij. Root slender, creeping. Stem branched at the base, simple above, 12 or 18 inches high, square, hairy, supporting itself among bushes, and beset with numerous whorls of soft, hairy, ribbed, ovate leaves. Flowers small, yellow, about 8 on a slender co- rymbose stalk, from the bosom of each leaf, and accompanied by 2 smaller ovate leaves, upon the stalk. Several of the Ji. want the pistil ; some are 3-cleft ; a few occasionally 5-cleft. Fruit quite smooth, concealed by the dcflexed leaves. 2. G. palustre. White Water Bed-straw. Leaves obovate, obtuse ; the upper ones four in a whorl, un- equal in size. Stem weak ; branched in the upper part G. palustre. Linn. Sp. PL 153. irifld. v. 1^.585. H. Br. 174. 200 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. Engl. Bot. V. 26. t, 1857. Hook. Lorid.fasc. 1. t. 20. Scot. 51. Fl. Dan. t. 423. Willem. Siell. 44. G. n. 719. Hall. Hist. V. 1.317. Molluginis vulgatioris varietas minor. Rail Syn. 2\4. Buddie's Herb, in the British Museum. In moist meadows, ditches, and the borders of rivers, among reeds and other tall plants, common. Perennial. July. Stems smooth, much branched, weak, 3 or 4 feet high when sup- ported. Leaves always obtuse, smooth except at the edges ; the lower ones, on the main stem, often 5 or 6 in a whorl ; the rest but 4, of which 2 opposite ones are always smaller. Panicles terminal, widely spreading, imperfectly corymbose, partly um- bellate, smooth. Cal. scarcely any. Cor. white, with broad, acute, not pointed, segments. Fruit small, very smooth. Fruit dotted, sparingly perfected. G. album, Ger. Em. 1 126, though cited by Hay and all following authors, appears by the figure to be some other species. 3. G. JVitherins^ii. Rough Heath Bed-straw. Leaves about five in a whorl, widely spreading, lanceolate, fringed with bristles. Stem upright, slightly branched, rough with reversed hooks. G. Witheringii. Fl.Br. 174. En^L Bot. v. 31. t. 2206. Hulled. 2. 44. Hook. Scot. h]. 0. montanum. With. 128. t. 28, (incorrect), from the author. In moist, heathy, rather elevated, spots. On the high but boggy parts of Handsworth heath, near Birming- ham, (now inclosed and cultivated). Withering. Norfolk. Mr. Rose. In Bank Meadow, at Rose Castle, Cumberland. Bishop of Carlisle. Perennial. July. Root creeping, slender. Stem upright, weak, about a foot high, slightly branched, sometimes quite simple, quadrangular, leafy ; the angles beset with minute hooks, curved downwards. Leaves 5, sometimes 6, in a whorl ; on the branches but 4 ; spreading or deflexed, small, elliptic-lanceolate, bluntish, often tipped with a very small bristle, not a hair, scarcely perceptible, and fre- quently wanting ; the midrib rough underneath with reversed hooks ; the upper side, near the edges, with bristles pointing forward, as are also the edges themselves, except near the base, where there are often some reversed hooks. Panicles small, ter- minal, forked, smooth, except the main stalk. Buds purplish. Cor. cream-coloured; segments 3 -ribbed, acute, pointless. Anth. at first pale yellowish green, but soon turning to a reddish brown. Style deeijly cloven. Sligm. globular, green. Germen ^n(\ fruit smooth. TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. 201 Dr. Withering's figure erroneously represents the stem clothed with long, straight, erect hairs, though his own specimen is as above described. Hence Professor Hooker judged this " a very doubtful species"j but without seeing the plant, which may well excuse his mistake ; for the species of this genus require accu- rate and minute investigation. The present turns brown in drying, which G. uliginosum does not. Other characters of the latter will be found in their proper place. 4. G. saxatile. Smooth Heath Bed-straw. Leaves six in a whorl, obovate, obtuse, with a small point. Stem much branched, prostrate, smooth. Fruit granulated. G. saxatile. Linn. Sp. PL 154. HWul.v. \. 588. Fl.Br.\75. Engl. Dot. V. 12. t. 815. Hook. Scot. 51. Willem. Stell. 41. G. montanum. Huds.67. Culluni 55. Relh.GG. G. procumbens. Witli.\87. Slbth.50. Abbot 34. G. harcynicum. H'eig. Obs. 25. Willd. Sp. PL v.\. 595. Ehrh. Herb. 82. DeCancL Ic.fasc. 1.8. t. 25. G. n. 717. Hall. Hist. v. 1.317. Mollugo montana minor, galio albo similis. Raii Stfn. 224. Herb. Buddie. Ray's Small Madder. Petiv. H. Brit. t.SO.f. 6. On heaths and hilly ground abundantly. Perennial. June — August. Root creeping. Stems procumbent, or straggling, smooth, square. Leaves numerous ; small on the lateral branches ; thrice as large on the stem ; obovate, with a small fiat point, dark green, smooth on both sides, roughish at the edges, more or less, with short, direct, tooth-like serratures. FL milk-white, copious and very conspicuous amongst heath, grass, kc, in smooth, forked, terminal ajid lateral panicles. Seeds reddish after the flowers iall J wrinkled if abortive, as in Dr. Hooker's specimens 3 but if fertde, minutely dotted while young, and subsequently covered with prominent granulations. Willdenow is wrong in his synonyms, as in most of the genus. No species can be more common, or more distinct, though hitherto greatly misunderstood. The leaves vary in breadth. 5. G. uliginosmn. Rough Marsh Bed-straw. Leaves six in a whorl, obovate-lanceolate, rigid, bristle- pointed ; their edges rough, like the stem, "^ith recurved prickles. Fruit smooth, smaller than the corolla. G. uliginosum. Linn. Sp. PL 153. mild. v. 1. 595. FL Br. 175. EngL hot. V. 28. t. 1972. Don H. Br. 102. Hook. Lond.fasc. 1 . t.2\. Scot.5\. Ehrh. Herb. Wl. WiU em. Stell. 40. G. n. 713. HalL Hist. v. l.31() j from the son of the author. But it can scarcely be Barrelier's t. 82. 202 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. Aparine palustris minor parisiensis, flore iilbo. DHL in Raii Syn. 225. In wet meadows, watery places, and ditches among reeds, &c. Perennial. August. Root and lateral shoots creeping. \\'hole plant of a rather bright green, as in Professor Hooker's excellent figure, which it retains when dry. The stems are brittle and weak, a foot high, sup- porting themselves on other plants, and sticking by their rough edges. Leaves pretty uniformly six in a whorl, except on the weak, or ultimate, shoots ; lanceolate inclining to obovate, their dilatation, if remarkable, being above the middle ; they end in a pale bristle, and the tip of the leaf itself is discoloured 3 the edges are uniformly beset with minute, recurved, very sharp prickles, often accompanied with a less complete row of similar prickles, on the disk adjoining^ directed the contrary way, which may deceive an incautious observer. The main rib has recurved prickles underneath, like the marginal ones. Fl. small, white, on terminal, forked, smooth, slightly panicled, stalks. Anth. pale. Fruit small, dotted. Willdenow places this among the rough-fruited species ; but his synonyms are so confused, it is impossible to ascertain what he intended. If the points and prickles of the leaves, as well as their shape, be duly observed, this plant can never be confounded with G. TVi- theringii, for the characters thence derived, though much neg- lected^ are no less constant than curious. 6. G. erectum. Upright Bed-straw. Leaves about eight in a whorl, lanceolate, bristle-pointed, with marginal prickles all pointing forward. Stem weak, slightly hairy under each joint. Fruit smooth and even. Corolla taper-pointed. G. erectum. Huds. ^^. FL Brit. 1/6. Engl Bot. v. 29. t. 2067. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 17.2. Hook. Scot. 5 1 ? IVillem. Stell. 47, excluding the syn. In hedges and pastures, whether dry or somewhat moist, but not common. On the bushy part of Heydon Common, Norfolk. Mr. Crowe. In dry hedges at Portslade, Sussex. Mr. Borrer. Perennial. June, July. Stems 1-J or 2 feet high, weak, resting on other plants, branched, whitish or glaucous, square, except immediately under the whorls, where they acquire intermediate angles, and are some- what hairy, though otherwise smooth. Leaves lanceolate, scarcely at all obovate, except some of the lower ones, a little glaucous, copiously reticulated with veins 3 smooth on both sides, even the midrib ; but the edges, and the adjoining portion of the disk above^ bear a double row of hooked prickles, all directed TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. 203 forward By this the present plant differs essentially from G. uli- ginosum, a/ well as in its larger size, s^touter habit, glaucous hue and larirer less obovate leaves, though their discoloured tips, and'terminal' bristles, agree. The>^fer.of the present, however, are larner far more numerous, and crowded into dense, terminal, compound panicles ; each segment of their coro//a tipped with an awn-like point. 7. G. chiereum. Grey Spreading Bed-straw. Leaves six or eight in a whorl, linear, bristle-pointed, with marginal prickles all pointing forward. Stem weak, much branched, smooth. Fruit smooth. Corolla taper- pointed. G. cinereum. AlUon. Pedem. v. 1. 6. t. 77./. 4. milem. SlelL 54. G. diffusum. Hook. Scot. 52. In the Lowlands of Scotland. ^ , o -i r T?A\r. On the banks of the river Leith, near Slateford, 3 miles from Edin- burgh. Mr. G. Don. s3ot4-P^^^ Hor 2 feet high, -Pe^tedly br^^^^^^^ leafy, smooth, pale, or somewhat glaucous, quadiangular, one or two of the angles sometimes doubled. Leaves 8 in a whorl on the main stem 3 6 on the branches ; linear, scarcely at all lan- ceolate, destitute of veiny reticulations, smooth on both sides, the ed^es rou^h, especially towards the point, with sharp, shal- low serratures, or close bristles, hardly more than a simple, strictly marginal, row, pointing forwards. Panicles terminating the stem and upper branches, 3-forked, corymbose ■ the upper ones aggregate Stalks quite smooth. Cor. white, larger than in the last, with horizontal segments, each tipped with a short, taper, not bristly, point, various in length and direction. Stigmas P-lobular, large. Fruit smooth, or slightly granulated. Thik comes verv near G. erectum ; experience must prove how far the ditlerences above indicated are constant. Seeds were s^^^^^^ by M Thouin, named - G. cinereum of DeCandolle and plants raised from them flowered in August 1815, near Norwich. I have a wild one from the late Mr. G. Don, as a new species ex- actly an-rcein^ therewith. G. austriacum, Jacq. Austr. t. bU, ti-om the author, comes nearer to this than the figure indicates ; but the edj^es of its leaves are either quite smooth, or rough with a few recurved prickles. The leaves of these 3 species are more or less revolute, at least when dry. 8. G. aristatum. Bearded Bed-straw. Loaves six in a whorl, stalked, lanceolate, flat, reticiilated with veins, bristle-pointed, with minute marginal prick.es 204 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. pointing forward. Stem much branched, spreading, smooth. Seeds smooth, kidney-shaped, separated. Co- rolla taper-pointed. G. aristatum. Linn. Sp. PL 152. G. foliis pluribus lanceolatis, pedunculis in summo caule floriferis. Va?i Roy en Prodr. 256. G. album linifolium. Barrel. Ic. v. 1. 12. t. 356. Rubia Isevis linifolia, floribus albis. Bocc, Mus. v. 1. 83. t. 75. On hilly ground in Scotland. In Angusshire, but not common. Mr. G. Don. Perennial. July, August. The root appears by Boccone's figure, of which Barrelier's is a copy, to be woody. Both figures, except the solitary leaf, are dimi- nished. The stems are numerous, a foot high, upright, with co- pious spreading branches, square, very smooth. Leaves 6 in a whorl on the main stem, and often on the branches, though sometimes but 4 or 5 ; the largest above an inch long, on short broad stalks, elliptic-lanceolate, fiat, pliant, deep green on both sides, with many interbranching veins, smooth except the edges, which are very minutely prickly. Fl white, in terminal, forked, aggregate, compound 'panicles, with perfectly smooth, slender, but not capillary, stalks. Segments of the cor. spreading, each tipped with a taper point of its own substance, as in the 2 last, not with a real bristle. Seeds becoming kidney-shaped as they ripen, with a central vacancy, smooth, or slightly granulated. This new addition to our Flora, sent by the late Mr. Don as G. erec- tum, is undoubtedly the original G. aristatum, described by Linnaeus in Sp. PI. 152, with which he afterwards confounded his l(Evigatuni, Sp. PI. 1667. But this latter proves on compa- rison, as he himself suspected, the same with sylvaticum, remark- able for its capillary panicle ; though it is the aristatum of many succeeding authors, as far as they had any distinct ideas of that little-known plant. The fruit of G. sylvaticuinis a small double globe, the globular seeds being closely combined ; the leaves are glaucous at the back ; the stem round ; in all which particulars it differs abundantly from our true aristatum. Morison, cited in Hort. Kew. does not prove the plant he mentions, whatever it was, to have been cultivated in England ; for he only saw it dry, brought from Paris by Sherard. 9. G. verrucoswn. Warty-fruited Bed-straw. Leaves six in a whorl, lanceolate, with marginal prickles all pointing forward. Stalks axillary, three-flowered. Fruit warty, drooping. G. verrucosum. Comp. 25. Fngl. Bot. t?. 31 . /. 2173. Fl. Grccc. V. 2. 24. t. 133. Hook. Scot. 52. G. tricorne. Don H. Br. 103. TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. 205 Valanthi Ai)anne. Liwi. Sp. PL 1491. ffVld. v. 4. 950 j with fault// synonyma. Schrad. Spicil. 5;3. t. i.f.3. Willem. Stell 87. Aparine semine coriaiulri saccharati. Toiini. Inst. 114. Vaill.Par. t.4.f.3,b. A. minor saxatilis, verrucoso semine. Cupan. Pannh. ed. \.v.\. t.2l. In cornfields, rare. In the Carse of Gowrie, and near Forfar, Scotland. Mr. G. Don. Near Malton, Yorkshire. Mr. R. Miller. Annual. JiDie — August. Roof slender, reddish when dried. Stems several, spreading, a span long-, slightly branched, rough at the 4 angles with reflexed prickles, while similar ones on the margins of the leaves all point forward. Fl. small, pale yellow. Fruit a large double globe, beset with pyramidal warts, which give it the form of coriander comfits. The two lateral powers generally have no pistil. 10. G. tricorne. Rough-fruited Corn Bed-straw. Three-flowered Goose-grass. Leaves about eight in a whorl, lanceolate, with reflexed mar- ginal prickles, like those on the stem. Stalks axillary, three-flowered. Fruit sharply granulated, drooping. G.tricorne. With.ed. 2. 153. Fl. Br. 176. Engl. Dot. v. 23. ^.1641. Relh. 5G. G. spurium. Huds. 68. With. 190. Sibth. d9. Abbot 33. G. n. 72.5. Hall. Hist. v. 1.319. Davall. Valantia Aparine. Mart. Rust. f. 122. Aparine semine Iseviore. Raii Syn. 225. A. semine Isevi. Vaill. Par. 14. t. 4./. 3 j except b. A. coriandri semine, foliis asperis. Cupan. Panph. ed.2. t. 18. A. foliis brevioribus, et semine leeviore. Moris, v. 3. 332. In dry chalky fields, not common. In the isle of Thanet, in Surrey, and near Stamford. Hudson. In Oxfordshire, Yorkshire, Gloucestershire, Norfolk, and the isle of Wight. FL Br. and Engl. Bot. Annual. July. Root small. Stems several, simple, weak, with four rough angles, whose prickles are deflexed, as in the last. The edges and ribs of the ^earei- are beset with similar prickles, all curved down- wards, not, as in the preceding, directed towards the point. This invariable character might have prevented Haller, W'illde- now, and others, from confounding the two species, which in- deed differ in other respects, Th^ Jlowers of the present are greenish white, all three on each stalk generally perfect in structure, though seldom all fertile. The />Mi/ is a double globe, covered with bristly granulations, and looks as if it had been siiaven with a razor. 206 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. 11. G. spm^'mm. Smooth -fruited Corn Bed-straw. Leaves about eight in a wliorl, lanceolate, with reflexed mar- ginal prickles, like those on the stem. Stalks axillary, many-flowered, cymose. Fruit smooth, erect. G. spurium. Linn. Sp. PL 154. Erigl Bot. v. 26. t. 1871. Hook. Scot. 52. Don H. Br. 104. IVillem. Stell. 47. G. n. 724. Hall. Hist. r. 1. 318. Nomencl. 66. DavalL Apariiie vulgaris, semine minori. J^ailL Par. 14. t.A.f. 4 ; except h. In cornfields in North Britain. About Forfar, but sparingly. Mr. G. Don. Annual. June, July. This resembles the common G. Apar'ine, hereafter described, in habit, but the leaves are sometimes shorter. Their general form is linear-lanceolate ; and they are each tipped with a pale hair, variable in length. They are from 6 to 8 or 9 in a whorl, naked on both sides ; the edges and keel rough with small recurved prickles, such as are found, mucli more sparingly, on the angles of the square stem. Flowcr-stal/cs opposite, from most of the whorls, rather longer than the leaves, not defiexed;, but always erect, or spreading, rough, corymbose, each bearing 6 or 7 small, green, perfect powers, with I or 2 floral leaves. Stigmas capi- tate, Germen quite smooth. Fruit of 2 kidney-shaped seeds, with a considerable central vacancy y their surface smooth and even, except a slight ruggedness, apparently caused by drying. Vaillant's beautiful plate represents them hairy, which has caused some doubts as to his synonym. They may vary in this respect^ like several others of this genus. His fig. b, still more hairy, belongs to V. Sparine. 12. G. piisillum. Least Mountain Bed-straw. Leaves eight in a whorl, linear-lanceolate, hair-pointed, en- tire, somewhat hairy. Panicles terminal, forked. Fruit very smooth. G. pusillum. Linn.Sp. PL 154. Willd. v. 1 . 589. FL Br. \77. Engl. Bot. V. 2. t. 74. Hook. Scot. 52 ? G. scabrum. Jacq. Austr. v. 5. 10. t. 422. G. obliquum. Villars Danph. v. 2. 320. t. 8 ; according to sped- mens from the author, and from his friend M. Chaix ; but the Jloicers are not so much pointed as in Ids figure. G. album supinum multicaule. Rupp. Jen. 4. Dill, in Raii Syn. 224. G. foliis senis et novenis subasperis, spinula terminatis. Hall. Efium. 460 ; sunonyms confused. G. n. 715. Hall.' Hist. V. 1.316. On limestone hills. Near Kendall. Huds. In Scotland. Mr. G. Don. Near the lake TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. 207 of Killarney, Ireland. Rev. Mr. Butt. About Matlock bath, Derhj^shire, plentifully. Perennial. Jiiltj, ^uguat. Stems very numerous, from A to 10 inches high, branched, square, loosely spreading, and forming large tufts, conspicuous for their innurnerable little milk-white Jlowers. The lower part of each stem is frequently rough with short prominent hairs, such as are scattered, often abundantly, over the Ic.wer leaves, but not pointing upwards or downwards, nor do they form a regular fringe on the margin • the upper leaves are smoother. Some- times the whole herb is destitute of any such hairs. There are no hooked prickles on any part, though a few of the hairs, about the lower part of the margins of some leaves, are now and then slightly deflexed. The branches are opposite, mostly smooth. Leaves from 6 to 8 or 9 in a whorl, on the stem and main branches j and indeed rarely fewer any where ; linear-lanceo- late, scarcely inclining to obovate, bright green, shining, revo- lute when dry, quite entire, tipped with a white bristle, most evident on the upper and smaller ones ; the lowest are much crowded. Flowers in copious, forked, smooth, minutely brac- teated panicles, terminating the stem and branches. Segments of the corolla acute, somewhat pointed. Style deeply cloven. Stigmas globose. Fruit small, of 2 globular seeds, quite smooth. This is, in itself, a most distinct and well defined species, ho other- wise variable than in the pubescence, which is of a very pecu- liar nature, at least among the smooth-seeded kinds ; consisting of short, soft, directly prominent, hairs, not attaching themselves to neighbouring substances, like the prickles of the foregoing species. Nothing however, as Haller remarks, is more difficult than the synonymy of this plant. Indeed most writers upon the present genus mention every thing but what is important or discriminative. Our plant is certainly that of Linneeus -, but Haller, who in his first edition above quoted appears to have meant the same, has there collected synonyms which belong to the totally different G. glaucum. Under n. 717 of his 2nd edi- tion, he has given such a description as cannot be mistaken, though, according to Mr. Davall, he includes, under this number, G. austriacum of Jacquin ; and there can be no certainty of his references to older authors. I presume Mr. G. Don must have known G. pusilliim, though Professor Hooker seems doubtful about it, and I therefore quote his work with hesitation. Our English plant could surely never have been, by any chance, called Icrve ; for if one specimen be smooth, it is always accom- panied by hundreds in every state of hairiness. G. piisillum of Villars, if correctly drawn, must be different. His species require an accurate scrutiny ; they are probably too many ; nor was he or his pupils invariably correct in the specimens of this diffi- cult tribe, which they sCiVt named to their correspondents. 208 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Galium. 13. G. veriini. Yellow Bed-straw. Leaves eight in a whorl, linear, channelled, entire, rough. Flowers in dense panicles. Fruit smootli. G. verum. Linn. Sp. PL 155. WillcL v. 1. 590. FL Br. 178. Engl Bot. V. 10. t. 660. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. t. 13. Mart. Rust. t. 54. Hook. Scot. 50. milem. Stell. 6 1 . G. n. 710. Halt. Hist. v. 1. 315. G. luteum. Ger. Em. 1 126./. Rail Sijn. 224. Galium. Mattli. Valgr. v.2.47b.f. Camer.Epit.S68.f. Fuchs. Hist. 196./. Dod. Penipt. 355./. Mill. Ic. 93. t. 139./. 1 . In hilly, bushy places, and about the borders of fields, in dry ground, frequent. Perennial. July, August. l?oo^ creeping, of a tawny hue. Stems 18 inches high, somewhat woody, round, v/ith numerous, opposite, square, leafy, often downy, branches. Leaves narrow, deep green, revolute, deflexed, rough with minute points, and each tipped with a hair. FL of a golden yellow, extremely numerous, in dense tufted panicles, smelling of honey, very strongly in the evening, or before rain. Stamens short. Anth. brown in decay. Fr. small, round, blackish. A kind of vinegar is said to have been distilled from the flowery tops, and the herb was formerly used to coagulate milk, for Cheshire cheese. Mr. Curtis reports tlrat the roots yield a better red than Madder, and that the whole plant dyes a good yellow. 14. G. Mollugo. Great Hedge Bed-straw. Leaves eight in a whorl, elliptical, bluntish, bristle-pointed, rough-edged. Flowers in loose spreading panicles. Co- rolla thick-tipped. Seeds smooth, globular. G. Mollugo. Linn. Sp. PL 155. Willd. v. 1. 590. Fl. Br. 178. EngL Bot. V. 24: t. 1673. Hook. Scot. 53. Fl. Dan. 1.455. Bull Fr. L 283. Ehrh. PL Of. 441 . IVillem. StelL 32. G. n. 711. HalLHist.v. 1.315. Mollugo. Dod. Pempt. 354. f. M. vulgatior. Rail Sijn. 223. Rubia sylvestris. Ger. Em. 1118./. Fuchs. HisL 281./. (3. Galium scabrum. With. 190, from the author. In hedges and thickets. Perennial. Juhj, August. Stem 3 or 4 feet high, or taller if supported by bushes ; more dwarf upon open chalky hills ; square, swelling and pale just above the whorls, smooth, or a little downy ; in /3 hairy, as well as the foliage, though not very remarkably. Leaves elliptic-obovate, deep green ; paler beneath ; generally very smooth, except the TETRANDRIA-MONOGYNIA. Galium. 209 edges, which are beset with small prickles, pointing forward tlowers abundant, milk-white, in terminal loose panicles See;- ments of the cor. three-ribbed, each tipped with a tumid point not a bristle. Fruit small, often abortive. 15. G. a?iglicu7)i. Wall Bed-straw. Leaves about six in a whorl, lanceolate, pointed, frin^red witii prickles. Stems straggling, rough. Flower-stalks cloven. Fruit granulated, without hairs. G. anglicum. Huds. 69. Fl. Br. 1/9. Engl. Bot. v. C / 384 Willcm. St ell. 48. G. parisiense. Ftelh. 67. Aparine minima. Rail Syn. 22.5. t. O.f. 1. On walls, and dry sandy ground. In Kent. Huds. ' In several parts of iNorfolk, Suffolk, and Cam- bridgeshire, especially on old ruins. Annual. Ju}ie, July. Root small. Whole plant scarcely a span high, with many spread- ing, square, slender and brittle stems, whose angles are rou2h With defiexed bristles, as the little leaves are at their edoes and sometimes other parts, with prickles directed forwards 'xhe lovver leaves are obovate, coarsely reticulated with veins Fl pale greenish yellow, not hair-pointed. Germen and fruit rouffh with minute tubercles, but never observed to be hairy. In this last particular, and the dark-purple corolla, G. parisiense of Lin- naeus, G. htigiosum of DeCandolle, Ic. 8. t 26, differs from our plant ; nor does the fruit of the latter, though densely hairy seem to be warty. I have G. anglicum, nevertheless, from Nar-' bonne, and it is G. divaricatum of Pourret. ** Fniil bristly, 16. G. borcale. Cross-leaved Bed-straw. Leaves four in a whorl, ovate-lanceolate, three-ribbed, smooth, with rough edges. Stem erect. Fruit rouah with hooked bristles. G boreale. Z^««. %P/. 156. Willd. v. 1.59.1. Fl.Br.]SO En-l Bot.v.2.t. 105. Hook. Scot. 53. Fl. Dan. 1. 1024. Elirh Herb 92 Uillem. St ell. 31. G. n.722. Hall. Hist. v. 1.318. Mollugo montana erecta quadrifolia. Raii Syn. 224. Ilubia pratensis leevis, acuto folio. Bauh. Prodr. 145. R. erecta quadrifolia. Bauh. Hist, v 3. ;;. 2. 7 Ki. /; In rocky shady places, by rivers and lakes, in the north of England, and in Scotland, not uncommon. Perennial. Juhj. VOL. 1. I. 210 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Rubia. Root creeping, reddish^ having the dyeing- quality of Madder, but in a slighter degree. Stems erect, square, roughish, 18 inches high, with many shortish leafy branches. Leaves various in breadth, the largest about an inch long, rough at the edges only, with 3, sometimes 5, strong ribs ; the under side palest, Fl. white, in numerous, compound, tufted panicles, having at each division a pair of small, ovate leaves. Cor. scarcely pointed. Fruit globose, of 2 kidney-shaped seeds, hoary with dense bristly hairs, hooked at the ends. Some foreign specimens have nar- rower leaves, as in J. Bauhin's figure^ and shorter bristles on the fruit, but there appears to be no specific difference. 17. G. Aparine, Goose-grass, or Cleavers. Leaves eight in a w^iorl, lanceolate, keeled, rough, fringed with reflexed prickles. Stem weak. Fruit bristly. G.Aparine. Linn. Sp.PL\i)7. Willd.v.\.D97. H.Br. 180. LngL Bot. V. 12. t. 810. Curt. Land. fuse. 2. t. 9. Mart. Rust t. 104. Woodv. suppL t. 269. Hook. Scot. 53. Fl Dan. t. 495. Bull. Fr. t.3\D.' Willem.Stell.2D. G. n. 723. Hall. Hist. V. 1.318. Aparine. RaiiSyn. 225. Ger. Em. \\22.f. Dod. Pempt.Sbd.f. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 163. /.faulty. Camer. Epit. 557./. In hedges, every where. Annual. 31ay — August. Root fibrous. Stem branched, britde, supporting itself upon other plants, often 3 or 4 feet long, the 4 angles beset with hooked prickles, like those on the edges and keels of the leaves, by all which the herb sticks to our hands and clothes, as well as to the coats of animals, as do likewise the seeds. Fl. small, pale buff- coloured, but few^ together, on lateral leafy stalks or branches. Fruit a double globe, rough with minute short hooks. The ex- pressed juice of the herb is reckoned antiscorbutic. The roasted seeds are said to be no bad substitute for coffee, to which they are botanically related ; and if raised for a crop they might, perhaps, have the additional recommendation, to some people, of being very much dearer. This common Europaean plant has been found wild in the remote country of Nepal, by the Hon. Captain Gardner, from whom Dr. Wallich has sent us specimens, 70. RUBIA. Madder. Linn. Gen. 52. Juss. 197. Fl.Br.lSl. Tourn. t. 38. Lam. t. CO. Nat. Ord. see n. 67. Cal. none, or very small, superior, with 4 teeth. Cor. mo- nopetalous, bell-shaped, in 4 or 5 deep segments, without TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Exacum. 211 a tube. Filam. from the base of tlie corolla, shorter than its limb, awl-shaped. Anfh. of 2 round cells. Germ, in- ferior, of 2 round lobes. Style short, deeply cloven. Siigm, capitate. Berry a smooth double globe. Seeds solitary, roundish, with a central depression. T\\Qjiowers have, in some instances, five segments, and as many stamens. Habit like the last, but perennial, and sometimes shrubby, as well as evergreen. Fl. yello\\*ish. Friiit succulent, black. 1. R. pe7'egrina. Wild Madder. Leaves four, or more, in a whorl, elliptical ; shining and smooth on the upper side. Flowers five-cleft. R. peregrina. Linn. Sp. PL 158. fVilld. v. 1. 604. Fl. Br. 181. Engl. Bot.v.\2.t. Sol. Cullum56. Hu(1s.6d. Willem. Stell. 20. R. anglica. Huds. ed. 1. 54. R. tinctorum. JVith. \93. Hull 3d. R. sylvestris aspera, qupe sylvestris Dioscoridis. Raii Syn. 223. ed. 1.317. Moris. V. 3. 326. sect. 9. t.2\.f.2. R. silvestre aspera. Zann. 1st. 167. t. 67. Wild Madder. Petiv. H. Br. t. 30./. 3. In thickets, and on stony or sandy ground, in the west of Britain. On St. Vincent's rock, and in Devonshire. Ray. In Cornwall. F. Borone. On Tunbridge rocks. Bishop of Carlisle ; not now to be found there. Forst. Tonhr. 21. Plentiful all over the sandy islands on the west of Scotland. Dr. Mitchell. Linn. Cor- resp. V.2. 449. Yet this plant has escaped the notice of Light- foot and Hooker. Not unfrequent in South Wales ; and the Rev. H. Davies found it on the sea coast of Anglesea, though not common. Perennial. Jime — August. Root creeping, fleshy and tender, of a tawny red, useful in dyeing, if not so good as the Cultivated Madder. Slem branched, spread- ing, square, perennial and partly shrubby , its angles rough with hooked prickles ; as are the edges and rib of the broad, shining, dark, evergreen leaves. Fl. yellowish green, in forked terminal panicles. Cal. wanting. Cor. concave, but shallow. Germen smooth. Berries juicy, in pairs, black and shining j one of them often abortive. The late Mr, Davall ascertained Haller's n. 708 to be, not this species, but R. tinctorum. 71. EXACUM. Gentianella. Linn. Gen. 5/. Juss. 142. Fl. Br. 182. Nat. Ord. Botacea: Linn. 20. Geyitiancv. Juss. 4G. Gen- tia/ierp. Br. Prodr. 1-49. See n. 134, 135. p2 212 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Exacum. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, divided about half way down into 4 equal, acute, sim})le segments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal; tube swelling, the length of the calyx; limb in 4 deep, spreading, equal segments, imbricated in the l)ud. Filam. fi'om the tube of the cor. between the segments of the limb, and much shorter, thread-shaped, nearly equal, erect. Anth. roundish-oblong, of 2 cells. Germ, oval, superior. Style terminal, thread-shaped, a little inclining, as long as the limb, permanent. Stigma capitate, undivided. Capsule filling the tube of the cor. which gradually enlarges with it, elliptical, compressed, of 2 valves with inflexed edges, imperfectly dividing it into 2 cells. Seeds numerous, small, rough, attached to a fixed, or finally separated, double receptacle. Herbaceous, smooth, intensely bitter. Leaves simple, entire, and as well as the branches, or Jlower-stalks, opposite. Fl. terminal, generally yellow. 1. Yi. filiforme. Least Gentianella. Leaves sessile. Stem thread-shaped, forked. Flowers on long stalks. E. filiforme. J7. 5r. 182. Engl.Bot. vA. t.235. With. 194. Willd Sp. PL V. 1. G38. Alt. Hurt. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. 250. Hook. Loud. fasc. 2.91. t. 86. " DeCand. Fr. ed. 3. v. 3. 663." Gentiana filiformis. Linn. Sp. PL 335. Huds. 103. Fl. Dan. t. 324. Ehrh. Phyt. 43. Centaurium palustre luteum minimum nostras. Raii Syn. 286. VailL Par. 32. t.Q.f.3. On sandy or turfy bogs. In Dorsetshire, Cornwalb Devonshire and Sussex, not very un- common. In Dursey island^ Cork_, Ireland 3 Mr. Blashford. WadePLRar.Hib. 11. Annual. July. Root small, fibrous. Stem 2 — 4 inches high, erect, round, slender, branched from the bottom, more or less forked. Leaves chiefly radical, lanceolate or spatulate, single-ribbed, not an inch long. Fl. small, yellow, erect, stalked, solitary at the end of each branch. The structure of the receptacles appears somewhat different from Mr. Brown's idea of what is strictly proper to Exacum ; but, as Linnaeus observes, there are few genera in which some part or other of the fructification is not various, or liable to exceptions; a principle very judiciously kept in view by our learned country- man in the following genus. TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Plaiitaoo. 213 & 72. PLANTAGO. Plantain. Linn. Gen. i>7 . Juss. 90. FL Br. \S2. Toiirn.t.4S. Lam. t.S5. Br. Pr. 424. GcErtn.t.bl. Coronopus. Tourn. t. 49. Nat. Ord. Plantajrijics. Juss. 31. Plantas:inccc. Br. Pr. 423. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 4? deep, erect, equal or unequal, segments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, tubular, perma- nent, finally membranous; tube swelling; limb in 4 deep, reflexed, ovate, acute segments. Fllam. from the tube, alternate with the divisions of the limb, extremely long and prominent, capillary, at first folded inward, then erect, finally flaccid. Anth. oblong, compressed, of 2 cells, bursting lengthwise. Germ, inferior, ovate, of 2, rarely 4, cells. Style vertical, capillary, but half the length of the stamens. Stigma hairy, acute, generally undivided. Caps. ovate, thin, bursting all round, of 2 cells, rarely 4, with a longitudinal, finally separate, receptacle, bearing the seeds on each side. Seeds either solitary, in pairs, or numerous, oblong, sessile. Herbs, generally almost stemless, for the most part peren- nial. Leaves simple, undivided, or cut, or toothed, either flat and ribbed, or semicylindrical and fleshy. Fl. in simple, dense, stalked, mostly radical, cylindrical spikes. Bracteas solitary to each flower. 1. V. major. Greater Plantain. Leaves ovate, smoothish, somewhat toothed, on longish foot- stalks. Flowerstalks round. Spike tapering. Seeds nu- merous. P. major. Linn. Sp. PI. 163. fVilld. r. 1. 641. Fl. Br. 182. Engl. Bot. V. 22. t. 1558. Curt. Loud. fuse. 2.t.\\. Hook. Scot. 53. Fl. Dan. ^ 46 1 . Camer. Epit. 26 1 . /. P. n. 660. Hall. Hist. v. 1 . 293. P. latifolia vulgaris. Raii Sijn. 314. P. latifolia. Ger. Em. 4\9.f. P. rubea. Brunf. Herb. v. 1 . 25./. P. media. Matth. Valgr. v. 1. 435./. /3. P. latifolia glabra minor. Dill, in Raii Syn. 314. Bauh. Hist. v.3.p.2. 505./ y. P. major, paniciila sparsa. Raii Syn. 314. Bauh. Hint. v. 3. p. 2. 503./ P. panniculis sparsis. Gcr. Em. 420./. •5'. P. rosea sj)icata. Gcr. Em. 420./ P. rosea. Bauh. Hisl. v. 3. /;. 2. 503./ 214 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Plantaoo &^ In meadows, pastures, waste and cultivated ground, common. Perennial. All Summer. Root of many long stout fibres. Stem none. Leaves numerous, broad, with 7 or 9 ribs, on channelled ribbed stalks, often longer than themselves ; the margins wavy, or variously toothed, Fl. small, whitish, with reddish anthers, very numerous j imbricated in the bud ; afterwards more distant ; composing several long spikes, each on a simple, naked, radical stalk. Caps, membranous, small, oval, pointed, with several angular seeds in each cell, which are the food of small birds. The rose-shaped variety, and the panicled one, are often kept in gardens, for the sake of curiosity, and afford remarkable instances of vegetable trans- formation. This species, like the whole genus in general, is mucilaginous and somewhat astringent} qualities which render it a, not altogether useless, rustic medicine. 2. P. 7nedia. Hoary Plantain. Leaves ovate, dov/ny, with very short footstalks. Flower- stalks round. Spike cylindrical. Seeds solitar}^ P. media. Linn. Sp. Pl.\Q^. Willd. v. \ .642. Fl. Br. \S3. Engl. Bot. V. 22. t. 1559. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 14. Hook. Scot. 53. Fl. Dan. t.5S]. Camer. Epit. 262./. Ehrh. PI. Off. 342. P. major incana. Raii Syn. 314. P. major. Matth. Valgr. v. 1. 436./. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 23./. P. incana. Ger. Em. 419./ In dry pastures, on chalky or gravelly hills, abundantly. Perennial. June — August. Root rather woody. Leaves all pressed close to the ground, hoary, entire, with 5 or 7 ribs. Flowerstalks taller than the foregoing, hoary. Spike shorter and thicker, very dense in eveiy part. Cor. membranous and silvery in appearance, with shining, pink sta- mens, and whitish, pointed anthers. Seeds one in each cell, semi- cylindrical. The Hoary Plantain, a great and lasting nuisance in fine grass- plats, is best killed by a drop of vitriolic acid on the crown of the root, which it never long survives. Its medical qualities are like the former. 3. P. lanceolata. Ribwort Plantain. Leaves lanceolate, entire, tapering at each end ; woolly at the base. Flowerstalks angular. Spike ovate. P. lanceolata. Linn. Sp. PI. 164. Willd. v. 1. 643. FL Br. 184. Engl. Bot. V. 8. t. 507. Curt. Lond.fasc. 2. t. 10. Mart. Rust. t.67. Hook. Scot. 54. Fl. Dan. t. 437. Ehrh. PL Off. 352. " P. n. 656, Hall.HisL v. 1.292. TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Plantago. 215 V. quinquenervia. Ger. Em. 422. /'. Raii Syn. 314. P. longa. Matth. J'algr. v. 1. 437 j: Camer. Epit. 2C3. f. P. minor. Bmnf. Herb. v. 1. 24./. In meadows and pastures, very common. Perennial, Jioie, Julij. Root rather woody. Leaves numerous, erect, deep green, acute, each tapering at the base into a broad, flat, ribbed footstalk, accompanied at its insertion with large tufts of soft, white', woolly fibres. Flowerstalks taller than the leaves, likewise woolly at the base, five-angled, with intermediate furrows, nearlv smooth, twisted. Spi/cc an inch long, with black imbricated hracteas, and occasionally leafy at the base. Cor. pale. Jnth. large, cream-coloured. The 'spikes are liable to the very same transformations as in P. major. This species makes a part of most meadow hay, and has been cultivated as a crop, but seems to be now disused. Cattle are said not to eat it willingly at least by itself. ^' 4. P. inaritima. Sea Plantain. Leaves linear, channelled, nearly entire. Flowerstalks roiuul, longer than the leaves. Spike cylindrical. P.maritima. Lbui.Sp. PL 16o. Mllld. v. 1. 647. FI. Br. 184. En^l Bot. V. 3. /. 175. FL GrcEc. v. 2. 37. t. 148. Hook. Scot, 54 Davies Welsh Botanol 16. Fl Dan. t. 243.. P. marina. Raii Si/n.3\5. Lob. Ic. v. 1. 306./. Ger. Em. 423./. P. an alpina angustifolia. J . B. v. 3. 506 ?. Rail Syn. 315. Not Bauhin's plant. P. montana. Hiids. ed. 1. 53. Coronopus. Ger. Em. 425./. Sea Plantain. Petit: H. Brit. t. 4./. 9. In muddy salt marshes, and about the mouths of large rivers • as also on the loftiest mountains of Wales and Scotland. Perennial. August, September. Root long, cylindrical. Herb extremely various in luxuriance. Leaves numerous, all radical, spreading, fleshy, from 4 to 12 inches long, linear, acute: channelled above ; convex beneath • dull green, smooth, or somewhat hairy ; either quite entire, or frequently, in maritime situations, beset with a few distant,' ir- regular teeth; more or less woolly at the base, but neither con- tracted there, nor stalked. Flowerstalks several, taller than the leaves, erect, or ascending, round and even, generally smooth. Spike long and slender, many-flowered, slightly tapering, dense,' uninterrupted, with fleshy bluntly keeled bractcas, not' longer than the calyx. Stigma undivided', not cloven. I have not seen the ripe capsule. Some of the above figures, as those of FL Gnrc, Lobel, and one of (ierarde's, represent the haves with a few teeth : but that 216 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Centunculus. circumstance is merely incidental, and does not mark even n distinct variety. Yet such specimens were mistaken by Hudson for P. Lop/lmgii, L'mn. Sp. PL 166, owing to the figure of Peti- ver, above quoted, being erroneously cited by Linnaeus. On the other hand, Ray himself took mountain specimens of our P. ma- ritima for an exotic species of Bauhin, the Plantain noirdtre, (P. nigricans) of Reynier's herbarium ; which Haller confounds with lanceolata, and which others have referred as inaccurately to alpina. Dillenius, between brackets, in the Synopsis, corrects Ray's mistake. Mr. Davies celebrates P. maritima, as a favourite food of sheep. 5.V.Coronopus. Buck's-horn Plantain. Star of the Earth. Leaves in many pinnate linear segments. Flower-stalks round. P. Coronopus. Lbm. Sp. PL 166. Willd. v. 1. 648. Fl. Br. 185. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 892. Hook. Scot. 54. Fl. Dan. t. 2/2. P. n. 658. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 293 ; excluding the reference to Petiver. P. foliis laciniatis, Coronopus dicta. Raii Syn.3\5. Coronopus. Matth. Vcdgr. v. 1. 448./. Camer. Epit. 276. f. Cornu cervinum. Ger. Em. 427./. Lob. Ic. v. 1. 437./ Buck's-horn Plantain. Petiv. H. Brit. t. 4./ 10. jS. Plantago gramineo folio hirsuto, minor, capitulo rotundo brevi. Dill, in Raii Syn. 316. On dry sandy or gravelly ground,' frequent ; often near the sea. Annual. June- — August. Root tapering. Leaves numerous, spread flat on the ground, pale, hairy, pinnatifid and cut, with pointed segments, various in breadth ; they are scarcely ever so starved as to be undivided, answering to the var. /3. Spikes numerous, dense, cylindrical, varying greatly in length, on spreading hairy stalks. Anthers tipped with a membrane. Caps, of 4 cells, with a solitary seed in each. 73. CENTUNCULUS. Chaff-weed. Linn. Gen. 58. Juss. 95. Fl. Br. 1 85. Dill. Nov. Gen. 111. ^.5. Br. Pr. 427. Lam. t. 83. Gcertn. t. 50. Nat. Ord. Rotacece. Linn. 20. Lysimachicc. Juss. 34. Cal, inferior, in 4' deep, lanceolate, acute, spreading seg- ments, permanent. Cm\ shorter than the calyx, mono- petalous, tubular, v/ithering; tube almost globular; limb in 4 ovate, flat segments. Filain. short, equal, smooth, in the mouth of the tube. Anth. roimdish, of 2 cells. Germ. globose, in the tube of the cor. Style cylindrical, erect, TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Sanguisorba. 217 as long as the stam. permanent. Sti<;ma simple. Caps. globose, of one cell, bursting all round, almost membra- nous. Seeds numerous, minute, angular, covering the large, central, globose, pitted receptacle. The Jloxijers are said to be occasionally 5-cleft, by which they approach Anagallis ; but the tubular corolla, and naked stamens, keep Centuncidus distinct. I.e. minimus. Small Chaff weed. Bastard Pimpernel. Flowers sessile. Corolla without glands at the base. C. minimus. Linn. Sp. PL 16f). Willd. v. I. 653. Fl. Br. 185. Engl. Dot. v.S.t.^3\. Curt. Land, fuse . 3. t. 11. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 7.2. Don H. Br. 179. Hook. Scot. 54. FL Dan. t. \77 . Centimculus. DHL in Raii Sijn. 1. HalL Hist.n. 627. v. 1. 278. Anagallis paludosa minima, foliis rotiindis alternatis. VailL Par. 1 2 t.4.f.2. Anagailidastrum exig-uum, foliis lanceolatis alternis, (lore albo fu- gaci et vix conspicuo. Mich. Gen. 14. t. 18./. 2. Alsine palustris minima, flosculis albis, fructii coriandri exiguo. Mentz, PugilJ. t. 7. On sandy watery heaths. At Chisselhurst, Kent. Dillemus. On many heaths around Lon- don, and near Ampthill, Bedfordshire. Fl. Br. and Engl. Bot. On Eiist Heath, near Lowestoft. Mr. Lilli/ IVigg. Edgefield Com- mon, near Holt, Norfolk. Rev. R. B. Francis. Near Ban try, Ireland. Mr. J. T. Mackay. In the lowlands of Scotland. Hooker. Annual. June, July. Very diminutive, simple or branched, from 1 to 2 inches high. Leaves alternate, or nearly opposite, sessile, ovate, entire, smooth, 2 or 3 lines long. FL axillary, solitary, sessile, white or reddish' expanding in bright sunshine only, and of very short duration. Anagallis puraila, Swartz hid. Occ. v. 1. 345, is made a second species of this genus by Mr. Brown, and, I believe, very justly. 74. SANGUISORBA. Burnet. Linn. Gen. 58. Juss. 336. Fl. Br. 186. Lam. t. 85. Nat. Ord. Sciiticoscc. Linn. 35. Rosacccc. Juss. 92. See n. 78; also Grammar 171. Cat. superior, of 1 leaf, in 4 deep, equal, ovate, spreading, coloured segments. Cor. none. Filam. from the base of the calyx, opposite to its segments, and nearly as long, dilated upward, smooth. Anth. roundish, of 2 cells. Ger- mcn inferior, quadrangular. Style thread-shaped, nearly 218 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Sanmiisorba. o* as long as the stam. Stigma notched. Caps, quadrangular, hard, not bursting, of 1 cell. Seed 1, or 2, elliptical. Herbaceous, with pinnate, serrated leaves. Spikes dense, the upper JIoxiDcrs earliest. Germen with 2 or 4 hracteas at the base. The unquestionable affinity of this genus to the natural class Icosandria of Linneeus, induces me to conform to Jussieu's ideas, so far as to take for a cali/i\ what Linnaean botanists have hitherto called corolla. Yet even Jussieu candidly expresses his doubts in this case ; and I am well aware of the danger of allowing metaphysical speculations, to inter- fere with common sense, in Botany or any other science. Whether the originally thin outer coat of the germen should be taken for the body or tube of the calyjc^ as in Rosa^ may admit of a question. That and the rest of the germen certainly become together a hardened pericarp^ or capsule, which part in Rosa is pulpy. I have seen but 1 seed, and 1 style in Sanguisorba, as represented by La- marck. Jussieu describes 2. 1. S. officinalis. Great Burnet. Spikes ovate. S. officinalis. Linn. Sp. PL 169. fVilld. v. J . 653. Fl. Br. 186. Engl Bot. V. 19. /. 1312. Mart. Rust. t. 142. Hook. Scot. 54. Fl.Dan. t.97. S. major, flora spadiceo. Raii Sijn. 203. Bduli. Hist. v. 3. p. 2. 120./. S. major. Fuchs. Hist.7S8.f. Pimpinella n. 705. Hall. Hist. ?;. 1.31 1. P. sive Sanguisorba major. Matth. Valgr. v. 2.330. f. Camer. EpiL77S.f. P. sylvestris. Ger. Em. 1045. In meadows and pastures, on a calcareous soil, that are rather moist ; chiefly in the north of England ; more sparingly in the lowlands of Scotland. Perennial. June, July. Root strong, somewhat woody, astringent. Hero smooth. Stem 2 feet high, erect, furrowed, leafy 3 panicled above. Leaves of 4 or 5 pair of heart-shaped, stalked, obtuse, strongly serrated, veiny leciflets, with or without small sessile intermediate ones : those on the stem alternate, smallest, with a pair of large, round- ed, cut stipulas, united to the base of the common footstalk: radical ones Vvuth very long footstalks. Spikes about an inch long, dull purple, dense, on long flower-stalks. Bracteas green, fringed, 4 under each flower 3 the calyx of Linnaeus. Cat. very hairy externally at the base. Stigma 4-clcft. Seed solitary. TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Epimedium. 219 Of no agricultural value ; though it makes a part of the hay, in manyrich northern pastures. The taste is astringent, and the plant has been recommended as a tonic, but the Puterium, its near ally, is far more grateful in flavour. 2. S. 77iedia. Oblong Burnet. Spikes cylindrical. S. media. Linn. Sp. PL\69. ll'illd.v. 1.G54. Ait. Hort. Kew.ed.2. v. 1.258. Pimpinella minore di Candia. Zann. ht. 163, t. 65. P. maxima canadensis, spica rubra glomerata. Moris, v. 3. 264» sects. t.lS.f.S. In pastures, in the west of Scotland. Mr. G. Don. Perennial. Jnhj. Taller and larger than the foregoing, with a much longer, and truly cylindrical, spike, of rather {mlerjiowers. Mr. Don who sent it, had scarcely an idea of its being more than a variety. Yet it is certainly the plant of the authors above quoted, and is found wild in "Siberia, as well as in Canada. The stigma is globular, in numerous segments. But the shape of that part varies^ in the present genus, according as it is more or less perfect. 75. E PI MEDIUM. Barremvort. Lin?i. Gen. 59. Juss. 287. Fl. Br. 187. DeCand. Syst. v. 2. 28. Tourn. t.\]7. Lam. t. 83. Nat. Ord. Corijdales. Linn. 24. Dcrbcridcs. Juss. 78. Ber- beridecc. DeCand. 36. See Grammar 154 ; — also Bcrhc- ris, 71. 200. Cal. inferior, of 4 small, ovate, concave, spreading leaves, deciduous. Cor. of 4 ovate, equal, concave, spreading petals, opposite to the calyx. Nectaries 4, one lying upon each petal, and nearly as long, pouch-like, obtuse, equal, attached underneath "to the receptacle, by one side of the orifice. Filam. awl-sha^ied, erect, close to the style. Ant/i. of 2 oblong-oval, parallel cells, attached longitudinally to the inner side of the ^filament, below its summit, each cell opening by a valve, which bursts from the bottom and rolls back. Germ, superior, elliptic-oblong, widi a furrow at the back. Sti/le oblique, roundish, the length of the stam. Stigma simple. Pod oblong, pointed, of 1 cell and 2 valves. Seeds numerous, unilateral, oblong. Boot perennial, creeping. Stem annual, succulent; with scales at the base. Leaves conqiound, heart-shaped, with bristly serratures. Cluster terminal, simple or compound. ^20 TETRANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Corims, 1. E. alpinum, Alpine Barrenvvort. Radical leaves none ; stem-leaf twice ternate. E. alpinum. Uiin. Sp. P/. 171. fVilld. v. 1. 660. DeCand. Syst. V. 2. 28. Fl. Br. 187. Engl Bot. v. 7. t. 438. Fl. Grcnc. v. 2.39. t. 150. Cullum 60. With. 199. Hook. Scot. 5d. Hopkirk Glott. 25. Epimedium. Dod. Pemp^. 599./. Ger.Em. 480./. Lind. Alsat.l36. t.6. In mountain thickets, rare. In Bingley woods, Yorkshire, Dr. Richardson. On Carrock Fell, Cumberland. Mr. Thomas Hutton. Skiddaw. Mr. E. Robson. About the ruins of Mugdock castle, near Glasgow. Mr. Hopkirk. At Hunter's Tryste, near Edinburgh. Dr. Hastings. Hooker. Perennial. May. Root slender, thread-shaped. Stems solitary, simple, a foot high, pellucid and tender, each bearing one most elegant and delicate, twice or thrice ternate, leaf, whose fringed veiny leaflets, 1 -^- or 2 inches long, hang perpendicularly, and increase in size after the Jiowers are past. From the point of insertion of their common footstalk, at the top of the stem, springs a branching cluster of very handsome and singular drooping j^OM^ers, whose dark-red petals are contrasted with the pale lemon-coloured nectaries, which are full of honey, and altogether peculiar. The French school deny them their proper appellation, because it was in- vented by Linnaeus, and he sometimes extended the term too far J but this is no objection to its just application, as in this in- stance, the Orchis tribe, and others innumerable. Another species, E. pinnatum, from Persia, is described by Pro- fessor DeCandolle. 76. CORNUS. Cornel. Li7in. Gen. 59. Juss. 214. Fl.. Br. 187. Tourn. t.4]0. Lam. t. 74. GcErtn. t. 26. Nat. Ord. Stellatce. Linn. 47. Cajprifolia. Juss. 58. Cal. superior, of 4 minute, deciduous teeth. Cor. of 4 ob- long, acute, fiat, equal jtetals^ broad at the base. Filam. awl-shaped, erect, longer than th^pet. and alternate there- with. Anth. roundish, incumbent. Germ, roundish, com- pressed, inferior. Style thread-shaped, as long as the cor. Stigma obtuse. Drtipa roundish, naked and pitted at the summit. Nut oblong, or somewhat heart-shaped, of 2 cells, with 1 kernel in each. Shrubby or herbaceous; furnished rarely in the former case, but always in the latter, with a large white involucrum^ of 4 leaves, under each umbel ; the cymose species have none. Leaves simple, entire ; opposite, except in one in- TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Conius. 221 stance. Stipulas none. Fl. numerous, cymose or umbel- late, white or yellow in the shrubby kinds ; dark purple ui the herbaceous ones. Fruit red and eatable ; or black or white, and nauseous, bitter, or insipid. 1. C. sajigitinca. Wild Cornel-tree. Dog-wood. Branches straight. Leaves green on both sides. Cymes naked, flat. C. sanguinea. Linn. Sp. PI. 171. IVilld. v. \.GG2. Fl. Br. 188. Engl. Bat. v. 4. t. 240. Hook. Scot. 55. VHerit. Corn. n. 5. Fl. Dan. t. 481. WUlem. Stell. 93. C. n. 816. Hall. Hist. V. 1.363. C. foemina. Raii Syn. 460. Ger. Em. 1467./. Virga sanguinea. Matth. Valgr. v. 1.236./. Camer. Epit. 159./ In hedges and thickets^ especially on a clialk or limestone soil, common. Shrub. June. A bush 4 or 5 feet high, with many opposite, straight, round, smooth brandies, of a dark red when full grown. Leaves oppo- site, stalked, ovate, acute, smooth and green, not silky, on both sides, 2 or 3 inches long, with many transverse ribs ; they turn entirely red, more or less deep, before they fall. Cymes termi- nal, of numerous, greenish-whitej^ozters, unpleasantly scented. Petals revolute at the sides, inserted, with the stamens, into a glandular ring, crowning the germen. Fruit dark purple, very bitter, like every other part of the plant. Matthiolus records that an oil is obtained from these berries by pressure, after they have first been boiled, which is used for lamps in the country near Trent. 2. C. Siiecica. Dwarf Cornel. Herbaceous. Umbel between two branches, stalked, with an involucrum. Ribs of the leaves but slightly combined. C. Suecica. Linn. Sp. P?. 1 7 1 . Fl. Lapp. ed. 2. 38. 1 5 ./. 3. Willd. V. 1. 660. Fl. Br. 188. Engl. Bot. v. 5. /. 310. Hook. Scot. 5ij. Don H. Br. 82. JVillem. Stell. 96. C. herbacca. Huds.7l. Pall. Ross. v. 1.52; excluding the variety. C. pumila herbacea, Chamsepericlymenum dicta. Dill. Elth. 108. f. 91. Chamaspericlymenum. Raii Syn. 261. Ger. Em. \206.f Park. rheatr. 1461./. Clus. Hist.v. 1. 60./ In moist alpine pastures. On the Cheviot hills of Northumberland, abundantly. Ray. In the Highlands of Scotland, frequent in boggy spots about rivu- lets. Light/oof. In the Hole of Horcum, near Scarborough. Mr. T-avis. 922 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Parietaria. Perennial. June, July. Root creeping, branched, slender. Stems herbaceous, 4 — 6 inches high, erect, leafy, with 2 short branches, subsequently extended, between which stands the solitary little umbel of dark purple Jtowers, subtended by 4 unequal, white hwolucral leaves, tinged with red, and finally turning green. Drupa red, sweetish. Nut nearly globular, pointed. 77. PARIETARIA. Wall-pellitory. Linyi. Gen. 54i. Juss. 404. Fl. Br. 189. Tourn.t. 289. Lam. t. 853. GiETtn. f. 119. Nat. Ord. ScabridcE. Linn. 53. Urticcc. Juss. 98. Lwolucrum various, 1- or S-flowered, regular or irregular. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 4 deep segments, permanent ; enlarged and hardened after flowering, except in flowers that want stamens. Cor. none. Filam. recurved, linear, wrinkled, elastic when disturbed. Anth. of 2 distant round lobes. Germ, ovate. Style cylindrical, erect. Stigma tufted. Seed ovate, flattened, polished, invested with the enlarged calyx. Roughish, branched, leafy herhs^ with alternate, stalked, perhaps always entire, leaves. Fl. small, reddish, various in the different species, some wanting the style, others the stamens. 1. P. officinalis. Common Wall-pellitory. Leaves lanceolate-ovate, without lateral ribs at the base. In- volucrum three-flowered, with seven ovate segments. Stem ascending. P. officinalis. Liw«. % PZ. 1492. W\lld.v.4.95?,. Fl. Br. 189. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 879. Curt. Loyid.fasc. 4. t. 63. Hook. Scot. 56. Bull. Fr. t. 199. Fl. Dan. t. 521. P. n. 1612. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 285. Parietaria. Rail Syn. 1 58. Ger. Em. 33 1 ./. Brunf. Herb. v. 2.19./. Helxine. Matth. Falgr. v. 2. 457./. Camer. Epit.Sid.f. Lob. Jc. v.].258.f. On old walls and rubbish, in sheltered places. , Perennial, June — September. Root rather woody. Stems annual, branched, quadrangular, hairy, reddish, succulent, very impatient of frost j clothed with nume- rous, alternate, stalked, elliptic-lanceolate, acute leaves, of a dull green, a little hairy 5 paler beneath. F/. numerous, axillary, small. Involucrum stalked, in 7 deep, equal, hairy segments, containing 3 Jtowers, of wliich the lateral ones are perfect, and TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Alchemilla. 223 fertile, their red calyx becoming greatly elongated as the seed ripens ; the intermediate one has no stamens ,\)\xt a fertile pJA-^i/, whose calijx, though likewise investing its own seed, remains but little altered. The whole plant is mucilaginous, and has been used in medicine as an emollient. 7S. ALCHEMILLA. Ladies Mantle. Linn. Gen. (jA. Juss.337. FL Br. 189. Tourn.t. 289. Lam. t. 86, Gartn. t. 73. Nat. Ord. Scnticoscc. Linn. 35. Rosaccce. Juss. 92. See 71. 74; also Grammar 171. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, tubular, permanent ; the limb spread- ing, in 8 segments ; 4 outer alternate ones smallest. Cor. none. Filam. from the mouth of the calyx, opposite to the smaller segments, awl-shaped, short. Aiith. roundish, minute. Germ, in the bottom of the calyx, generally soli- tar\\ Style from the base of the germen, thread-shaped, about the length of the stamens. Stigm. cajiitate. Seed 1, occasionally 2, elliptical, compressed, naked, except the closed permanent calyx. Herbaceous, with alternate, stalked, lobed or fingered, downy or silky, toothed or serrated, leaves. Stipulas in pairs, large, cut. Fl. terminal or axillary, small, yellow^ish green. The species are all astringent, and somewhat mu- cilaginous. 1. A. vulgaris. Common Ladies Mantle. Leaves lobed, plaited. A. vulgaris. Linn. Sp. PL \7S. mihl.v. 1.698. Fl. Dr. 189. Engl. Bot. V. 9. t. r)97. Abbot o6. t. I . Hook. Scot. 56. Purt. v. 1. 102. t. 1. Ehrh. PL Of. 281. A. n. 1.506. HaU. Hist. i\ 2. 2G2. Alchimilla. Raii Syn. 158. Ger. Em. 949./. Stellaria. Matth. Valgr. v. 2.519./ Camer. Epit. 908. /: Pes leonis. Fuchs. Hist. 612. f. Brunf. Herb. v. 2. 53./ /3. Alchemilla minor. Huds. ed. 1. 59. A. alpina pubescens minor. Pluk. PJiyt. t. 240./ 2. In dry, rather mountainous, pastures. Perennial. June — August. Root woody, with long fibres. Stems from 4 to 8 inches high, more or less procumbent, alternately branched, round, hairy, leafy, terminating in numerous liule corymbose clusters, of green Jlouers, on smooth, almost capillary, stalks. Radical leaves nu- 224 TETRANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Alchemilla. merous, on long footstalks, large, roundish kidney-shaped, bluntly lobed, plaited, serrated ; of a fine green above ; most hairy beneath j Stem -leaves of the same form, but a great deal smaller, alternate, on short stalks, with a pair of large notched stipulas to each. /3 is a dwarf, more hairy, variety, growing in barren exposed situa- tions. 2. A. alpina, Alpine Ladies Mantle. Leaves fingered, serrated ; silky at the back. A. alpina. Linn. Sp. PL 179. mild. v. 1. 698. Fl. Br. 190. Engl. Bot. V. 4. t. 244. Hook. Scot. 5G. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 15.2. Fl. Dan. t. 49. A. n. 1567. Hall. Hist. v. 2. 262. A. alpina pentaphyllos. Raii Syn. 1.58. A.perennis incana argentea,seusericea, satinumprovocans. Moris. V.2. 195. sect. 2. t. 20. f.3. A. argentea montana pentaphyllea. Barrel. Ic. t. 7i)(). Pentaphyllum petrosum, Heptaphyllum Clusii. Ger. Em. 988./. Stellaria argentea. Camer. Epit. 909./. On alpine rocks, especially in a micaceous soil. In Cumberland, Westmoreland, North Wales, and the Highlands of Scotland, abundantly. Perennial. Jiihj. Rather smaller than the last, and essentially different, not only in the silvery pubescence of the stalks, Jlowers, and backs of the leaves, but in the latter being separated to the base into .0 or 7 obovate lobes, closely serrated towards the extremity. Nothing can be more beautiful than the silvery splendour of their under sides, especially in exposed and barren spots, when the leaves are agitated by the wind. No figure can do them justice. The upper surface is smooth and naked, of a fine green. 3. A. arvensis. Field Ladies Mantle. Parsley Piert. Leaves fiat, three-lobed, cut. . A. arvensis. Fl. Br. 190. Engl. Bot. v. 15. ^,1011. Hook. Scot. 56. A. Aphanes. Leers 54. Sibth. 61. Abbot 36. Wilki. Sp. PL v. 1. 699. A. n. 1569. HaU. Hist. v. 2. 263. A. annua minima hirsuta, foliis inferne albicantibus. Moris, v. 2. 195. sect. 2. ^.20./. 4. A. minima montana. Column. Ecphr. 145. t. 146. Aphanes arvensis. Linn. Sp. PL \79. Huds.72. mth. 4, Hull 37. Relh. 69. Purt. v. 1. 48. FL Dan. t. 973. Percipier anglorum. Ger. Em. \594.f. Raii Sijn. 159. TETRANDRIA-DIGYNIA. Buffonia. 225 In sandy or gravelly fields, especially when fallow, as well as on heathy banks. Annual. May — October. Root small, fibrous. Stems numerous, about a finger's length spreadmg or prostrate, round, leafy, hardly subdivided. Leaves alternate, variously cut, on short stalks, with large deeply cut stipulas FL green in axillary, hairy tufts, still shorter than the footstalks. The whole plant is more or less hairy, and in fla- vour and scent approaches its natural ally, Burnet. Like most other plants which have obtained an empirical reputation for calculous complaints, it is astringent, and perhaps slightly mu- cilaginous, r o ; The stamens, generally 4, are often solitary. In other respects it IS altogetner an Alchemilla ; and, like A. vulgaris, has often 2 pistils, ° ' TETRANDRIyl DIGYNIA, 79. BUFFONIA. Buffonia. Linn. Gen. 65. Juss. 300. Fl. Br. \9l. Lam. t. 87. Gcprtn. t.\29. Nat. Ord. Caryophijlle^. Linn. 22. Juss. 82. iV. 63 the same. Cal inferior, of 4 upright, awl-shaped, keeled, equal leaves, membranous at their edges. Cor. of 4 elliptic-oblono-, undivided, equal, upright petals, shorter than the calyx, i'^ztewi. awl-shaped, smooth, shorter than the petals. Anth, roundish, of 2 cells. Germ, superior, obovate, compressed' Styles 2, short and distant, erect. Stigmas capitate. Caps oval, compressed, of one cell, and 2 valves. Seeds 2, large oval, compressed, tuberculated, inserted into the base of the capsule. Habit ofan^r^Tzon a, with awl-shaped /^«i;^5. Nearly smooth in every part. Only 1 species. 1. Vi. tenmfolia. Slender Buffonia. B. tenuifolia. With.205. Fl.Br.\9\. Engl. Bot v 19 f 1313 Bufonia. Linn. Sp. Pl.\79. mild. v. \. 700. Hud3. 72. Hull 3S vol.. I. Q 226 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Ilex. Alsine polygonoides tenuifolia, flosculis ad longitudinem caulis velut in spicam dispositis nostra. Rail Syn. 346. Pluk.Almag. 22. Phyt. t. Ib.f. 3. Brit. Mus. H. Sice. v. 95.foL35. Herniaria angustissimo gramineo folio, erecta. Magnol Hort, Monsp. 97. t. 15. Polygonum angustissimo gramineo folio, erectum. Magnol Monsp. 211. On the sea coast, very rare. Found by Plukenet about Boston, Lincolnshire. Pluk. Almag. On Hounslow heath, by Mr. Doody. Dill, in Ray's Synopsis. No other botanist has met with this plant on Hounslow heath ; and the late Sir Joseph Banks, who often examined the coast near Boston, was persuaded that Bupleurum tenuissimum had been mistaken for the Buffonia. Yet Plukenet and Dillenius cer- tainly knew the latter perfectly, and the original specimen in the British Museum is right. Annual. June. Root slender, fibrous. Stem smooth, round, alternately branched, a span high. Leaves awl-shaped, 3-ribbed, smooth, combitied by their broad sheathing bases, which are minutely fringed. Fl. small, white, solitary, erect, on terminal or axillary roughish stalks. Leaves of the calyx each with 3 close ribs, and broad membranous margins. Sauvages named this genus after his great 'countryman BuffoUy who had indeed very slender pretensions to a botanical honour j a circumstance supposed to have been indicated by Linnaeus in the specific name, tenuifolia. TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. 80. ILEX. Holly. Linn. Gen. 67. Juss.S79. Fl.Br. 192. Lam. t.89. Aquifolium. Tourn. t. 371. Duham. Arh. v. 1 . 59. Nat. Ord. Dumosce. Linn. 43. Wiamni. Juss. 95. See Grammar 182. Cal. inferior, small, of 1 leaf, with 4 small teeth, permanent. Cor. wheel-shaped, in 4 deep, elliptical, spreading, con- TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Ilex. §27 , cave, segments ; or of 4 petals, cohering by their broad bases ; much larger than the calyx. Filam, awl-shaped, shorter than the corolla, and alternate with its divisions. Anth, small, two-lobed. Germ, roundish. Styles none. Stigmas 4, obtuse, permanent. Berry globular, of 4- cells. Seeds soHtary in each cell, oblong, pointed, angular at the inside, rounded externally. St^metimes the fiox^oers are 5-cleft ; and the germen is often wanting in some that are 4-cleft. Slu'ubs or trees, with generally alternate, sometimes ever- green and prickly-edged, leaves. Flowers axillary or ter- minal, on compound stalks. Berries not eatable. 1. I. Aqidfolium, Common Holly. Leaves ovate, acute, spinous and wavy. Flowers axillary, somewhat cymose. I.Aquifolium. Linn. Sp. PL IS\. Willd. v. 1.707. Fl Br. \92. Engl. Bot. v. 7. t. 496. Hook. Scot. d7. FL Dan. t. 508. Elirh. Arb.2\. Agrifolium. Ger.Em. 1338./. RaiiSyn.AQQ. Aquifolium. Matth. Valgr. v. \. \AQ.f. Camer. EpiL 84. f. MilL /c.31./. 46. A. n. QQ7. HalLHist.v. 1.297. /3. Agrifolium baccis luteis nondum descriptum. How Phyt. 3. Rail Syn. 466. In hedges and bushy places^ upon dry hills. Tree. May. A handsome evergreen tree, of slow growth, with a smooth grey bark, which, abounding with mucilage, makes bird-lime, by ma- ceration in water. The icood is hard, and close-grained. Leaves alternate, stalked, rigid, shining, wavy, with spinous divaricated lobes ; the upper ones on old trees, entire, with only a terminal prickle. FL copious, white, tinged externally with purple ; the earlier ones least perfect. Berries scarlet -, casually yellow. Numerous variegated varieties are kept in gardens, and one whose leaves are prickly on the disk. The tree bears clipping well, but is not so fashionable for cut hedges as formerly. The branches, laden with berries, are stuck about rustic kitchens and churches "at Christmas, and remain till Candlemas day. In Norfolk the Misseltoe accompanies them, and sometimes the Euonymus. The Druids are said to have introduced this custom for the accommodation of certain sylvan spirits, of a chilly con- stitution, while the oaks were leafless. Agreeable associations, connected with returning seasons, keep up such practices long after their original meaning is forgotten. Q 2 228 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Polamogeton. 81. POTAMOGETON. Pond-weed. Linn. Gen. 67. Juss.]9. Fl. Br. \93. Br. Pr. 343. Tour n. t. 103. Lam. t. 89. Gcertn. t. 84. Nat. Ord. InundatcE. Linn. 15. Naiades. Juss. 6. Alisma- cecE. DeCand. 116. Br. Pr. 342. N. 82 the same. Cal. none. Cov. inferior, of 4 roundish, obtuse, concave, equal, incurved petals^ with cla'isos about their own length, deciduous. Filam. flat, very short, often more than 4. Anth. exterior, oblong, 2-Iobed. Germens 4, superior, ovate, acute, gibbous. Styles generally none. Stigm. ob- tuse, permanent. Seeds 4, naked, roundish ; tumid at the back ; compressed or angular at the inner margin. ''Em- bryo curved," almost double. Gcsrt?i. Br, Aquatic, floating or immersed, herbs, of a highly vascular texture, whose evaporation, by their whole surface, is ex- tremely copious and rapid. Stem branched. Leaves alter- nate, or opposite, stalked or sessile, simple, undivided, entire, rather membranous, smooth, with parallel longitu- dinal ribs. Flowet's spiked, greenish, raised above the water; the seeds ripened at the bottom. Four of our species are found in New Holland. 1. P. natans. Broad-leaved Pond-weed. Upper leaves oblong-ovate, stalked, floating, coriaceous ; lower ones linear, membranous, sessile. P. natans. Linn. Sp. PL 182. fVilld. v. 1. 712. Fl. Br. 193. Engl. Bot. V. 26. t. 1822. Hook. Scot. 57. Mill. Illustr. MI. Fl. Dan. t. 102.5. Br. Prodr. 343. P. n. 843. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 375. P. rotundifolium. Raii Syn. 148. Bauh. Pin. 193. P. latifolium. Ger. Em. 821./. Potamogeton. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 481./. Camer. Epit. 873. /. Fuchs. Hist. 651. f. Trag. Hist. 688. /. In pools, ditches, and slow rivers. Perennial. July. Roots creeping extensively in the mud. Stem round, much branch- ed, several feet in length. Lowermost leaves alternate, linear, acute, very narrow, sessile, membranous ; uppermost floating, partly opposite, leathery, smooth, deep green, 2 or 3 inches long, elliptical, often heart-shaped, with about 7 main ribs, and some intermediate ones ; involute in the bud. Footstalks various in length, semicylindrical, very vascular. Stipidas intrafoliaceous, large, lanceolate, acute, concave, pale and membranous. Spikes simple, raised an inch or two above the water, each on a long, TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. 299 thick, axillary stalk, suddenly contracted at the bottom of the spike. F/. a little distant, quite sessile, rather numerous, ver- tical, olive green, with yellow anthers, and plenty of whitish pollen. Except as manure, I know of no use for this, or any of the genus. 2. P. heterophyllum. Various-leaved Pond-weed. Upper leaves elliptical, stalked, floating, slightly coriaceous; lower ones lanceolate, membranous, sessile. Flowerstalks swelling upward. P. heterophyllum . Schreh. Lips. 2 1 . mild. Sp. Pl.v.\.7\3. Hoffm Germ, for 1800. 81. Fl. Br. 1390. Engl. Bot. v. 18. t. 1285. Hook. Scot. 57. Hopk. Glott. 27. Fl. Dan. t. 1263. P. palustre. Teesdale Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 5. 43. Relh. 64. P. gramineum. Lightf. 123. Fl. Dan. t. 222; without the floating leaves. P. forte species, foliis tenuibus et pellucidis, lapathi minoris forma. Dill, in Rail Syn. 150? P. folio angusto pellucido fere gramineo. Raii Syn. 148. ? P. n. 850. Hall. Hist. v. ].377; excluding the reference to Ray. In pools and ditches. Near Beverley, Yorkshire. Mr. Teesdale. Berrington pool, Shrop- shire. Rev. E. Williams. Cambridgeshire. Relh. &; Rev. J. Hem- sted. At Old Buckenham, Norfolk. Mr. D. Turner. In Bar- dowie loch, Clydesdale. Hopkirk. Angusshire. Mr. G. Don. Perennial. July — September. Smaller than the last. Floating leaves thinner, generally more pointed, scarcely heart-shaped, seldom 2 inches long^ the sub- mersed ones excessively numerous, lanceolate, tapering at each end, not linear ; their length 1| or 2 inches j breadth at most half an inch ; with 3 or 5 principal ribs. Stipulas blunter and shorter than the former. Flower-stalks swelling upwards, or club- shaped, often crowded at the tops of the branches. Spikes dense, about an inch long, the stalks contracted suddenly below them. 3. V, perfoliatinn. Perfoliate Pond-weed. Leaves heart-shaped, clasping the stem, uniform, all sub- mersed. P. perfoliatum. Linn. Sp. PI. 182. mild. v. 1. 713. Fl. Br. 104. Engl. Bot. V. 3. t. 108. Hook. Scot. 58. Fl. Dan. t. 196. Raii Syn. 149. Br. Prodr. 343. P. n. 845. Hall. Hist. v. I. 376. P. tertia. Dod. Pempt. 582. f Ger. Em. 822. /. Bauh. Hist. v. 3, 770./. P. rotundifolium alterum. Loes. Pruss. 205. t. 65. In ponds and rivers, very common, 230 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. Perennial. July, August. Whole plant immersed in the water, except the spikes, which con- sist of a few brown flowers, with copious white pollen. Their stalks are rather tumid in the upper part. Leaves all sessile, 1-1 or 2 inches long, uniform, olive-coloured, pellucid like oiled paper, as Haller remarks ; harsh to the touch, but brittle j their ribs reddish. Seeds compressed, shining. Stipulas tight and close. Haller esteems Loesel's plant a distinct species, and it is his own n. 844. Dillenius has introduced it into Ray's Synopsis, next to P. perfoliatum. The leaves are said by Haller to be firm {dura) like those of the first 3 but he had seen only a dry specimen col- lected near Berne, without^oM;er5, and the plant was never ob- served afterwards. 4. P. denswn. Close-leaved Pond- weed. Leaves ovate, pointed, opposite, crowded. Stem forked. Spike of four flowers. P.densum. Linri.Sp. Pl.\S2. mild.v.l.7U. Fl.Br.lOA. Engl. Bot. V. 6. t. 397. Hook. Scot. 58. Fl. Dan. t. 1264. P. n. 849. Hall. Hist. v. 1.376. P. seu Fontalis media lucens. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 769./. RaiiSyn. 149. Tribulus aquaticus minor 2. Clus. Hist. v. 2. -252. T. aquat. minor, muscatellse floribus. Goody er in Ger. Em. 823 j but the figure is P. crispum. In ditches, ponds and slow streams, not uncommon. Perennial. June. Smaller than the last, and of a much brighter green. AH the leaves are under water, somewhat recurved, an inch or inch and half long, very near together. Flowerstalks solitary, from the forks of the s^ew, each bearing a small quadrangular head of 4 green flowers, well compared, by Clusius and Goodyer, to the flowers of Adoxa Moschatellina. -This head is just out of the water du- ring impregnation i after which, by the increase of the branches, it sinks, and ripens seed, whilst other flowers come forth above. The deeper the water, the larger is the whole plant. 5. V.fluitans. Long-leaved Floating Pond-weed. Lower leaves lanceolate, pointed and membranous, with distinct ribs ; upper elliptic-oblong, stalked, coriaceous, obtuse, floating. P. fluitans. Roth Germ. v. I. 72. v. 2. p. \. 202. fVilld. Sp. PI. v. 1 . - 713. Fl. Br. 1391. Engl. Bot. v. 18. t. 1286. Hook. Scot. 57. Fl.Dan. t. 1450? P. n. 847. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 3/6 3 excl. the syn. of Linnmis. Fontinalis lucens major. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 769./. TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. 231 In ponds, ditches, and slow streams. In ditches, in marshy ground near Beverley, Yorkshire. Mr. Tees- dale. Lilleshall mill-pool, Shropshire. Rev. E. Williams. In the river at Scole, Norfolk. Mr. Woodward and Mr. D. Turner. Perennial. July, August. As large as the first species, with which it agrees in having the upper leaves floating, and considerably coriaceous j but it is really more akin to lucens, from which Haller had much diffi- culty to distinguish our plant. He speaks of it as very com- mon in Switzerland, and I have many specimens from the late Mr. Davall. J. Bauhin's figure agrees far better with this than with the following, to which his synonym has always been re- ferred. The stem is 5 or 6 feet long. Whole plant nearly im- mersed, a few of the uppermost leaves only being more or less floating, during the flowering season at least. These are firm and coriaceous, though less so than in P. natans, elliptic-oblong, bluntish ; tapering at the base into foot -stalks, extremely various in length. Stijndas sheathing. Flower-stalks axillary, solitary, from various parts of the stem, slightly swelling upwards. Spikes above an inch long, cylindrical, dense. The lower leaves are sessile, occasionally somewhat stalked, lanceolate, mostly acute. The ribs of all the leaves are distinct and separate from the very bottom, by which this species essentially differs from the follow- ing. All parts of the plant, especially the upper leaves, and flowers, are tinged with a reddish hue, permanent in dried spe- cimen:^, and resembling P. coloraium, Fl. Dan. t. 1449, what- ever that may be. 6. P. lt(cens. Shining Pond- weed. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, pointed, membranous, stalked, repeatedly triple-ribbed, all submersed. Spike dense, many-flowered. P. lucens. Lmn. 6p. P/. 183. Willd.v.\.1\\. Fl. Br. 194. Engl. Bot. V. 6. t. 37G. Hook. Scot. 58. Fl. Dan. t. 195. P. n. SAC). Hall. Hist. v. 1. 376 : excl. the sijn. of Linyiceus. P. aquis immersum, folio pellucido, lato, oblongo, acuto. Rail Sijn. 148. P. longis acutis foliis. Ger. Em. 822./. P. altera. Dod. Pempt. 582./. P. alterum nostras, longis et obtusis splendentibus foliis, minutis- sime crenatis. Pluk. Amalth. 1 77 ? Dill, in Raii Spi. 1 50 ? Lapathum fluitans, longo serrato folio. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 988./. Long Pond-weed. Petiv. H. Brit. t. 5./. 5. In ditches, ponds, lakes, and slow streams, chiefly on a clay soil, frequent. Perennial. June, .July. Rather larger than the last, floating entirely under water, except \\\Qfl,owers. Stem not much branched. Leaves about 4 inches 232 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. long, all nearly alike, more or less acute, tipped with a small point ; their colour olive green, now and then reddish in the upper ones ; their base usually tapering into the footstalk^ some- times rounded 3 their margins more or less undulated, becoming plaited when pressed, and the edge is rough, or very finely cre- nate, but this last character varies. What is most characteristic is the strong network, formed by the numerous transverse veins, connecting the 5 or 7 longitudinal ribs : and especially the union of the side ribs to the middle one, a considerable way above the base of the leaf. The Jlowers talk swells towards the top. Spike 2 inches long, of very numerous, crowded, gveenjlowers. Petiver's figure is justly commended by Haller ; but the latter quotes P, serratum of Linnaeus very erroneously. Plukenet's definition, of which Dillenius could make nothing, answers very well tp some of my specimens. 7. P. lanceolatmn. Lanceolate Pond-weed. Leaves lanceolate, membranous, flat, entire ; contracted at the base; with chain-like reticulations near the ribs. Spikes ovate, dense, of few flowers. P. lanceolatum. EngLBot.v.1%.t.\%%o. Comp.27. Davies Welsh Botanol. \S. Hook. Scot. dS. P. setaceum. Linn. Sp. PL 184 ? Huds. 76 ? Fl. Br. 198 ^ P. racemosum angustifolium. Bauh. Prodr. 101 ? In Anglesey and Scotland. In the rivulet between Bodafon and Lligwy, Anglesea. Rev. H. Davies. Found by Mr. G. Don in the Loch of Linthothen, An- gusshire ; and by Mr. Maughan in a mill-pool by the bridge at Bervie, Kincardineshire. Hooker. Perennial. July, August. The whole plant, not a quarter the size of the preceding, floats under water, the powers always excepted, and is of a brownish olive-colour. Leaves sessile, alternate except under each flower- stalk, hardly 2 inches long, bluntish, even, entire, distinguished by several series of beautiful, oblong, chain-like reticulations, close to each side of the main rib. These unfortunately are not expressed in Engl. Bot. Stipulas narrov/, lanceolate, acute. Flower-stalks solitary, from the bosom of one stipula of the op- posite leaves, shorter than the leaves, rather stout, each bearing a small, sl^rt, dense spike, of 8 — 12 little brownish^oiyer^. This species certainly answers to the definition of the hitherto un- determined P. setaceum of Linnaeus and of Hudson ; but nothing can be absolutely affirmed on this subject, nor does the name well agree. Some may be inclined to refer to P. lanceolatum, the No. 16 of Dill, in Rati Syn. 150, quoted above under hete- rophyllum. I have only conjectures to offer_, which some au-. TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. 233 thentic specimens, if they exist at Oxford^ or elsewhere, may confirm or refute. 8. P. crispum. Curled Pond-weed. Fresh-water Caltrops. Leaves lanceolate, waved, serrated, alternate; the upper ones opposite. Flowers in loose spikes. P. crispum. Liww. % PL 182. Willd.v.\.1\^. FLBr.ldb. Engl. Bot. V. 15. f. 1012. Curt. Lond.fdsc. b.t.\b. Hook. Scot. 58. Fl. Dan. t.927. Br. Prodr. 343. P. n.848. Hall. Hist. V. 1.376. P. seu FontinalLs crispa. Raii Syn. 149. Bank. Hist. v. 3. 770./. Tribulus aquations minor, quercus floribus. Ger. Em. 824./. Pusillum Fonti-lapathum. Lob. Ic. v. 1 . 286./. /3. Potamogeton serratum. Huds. 7.5 , excl. perhaps all the syn. Tribulus aquaticus minor. Clus. Pann. 7lS.f. 714 ^ 715. Hist, V.2. 252 f. T. aquat. minor, muscatellae floribus. Ger. Em. 824. f. not descrip- tion. In ditches, ponds, and rivulets, frequent. Perennial. June, July. Whole plant under water, bright green. Leaves sessile, or nearly so, 2 inches long, bluntish, elegantly crisped at the edges, and more or less undulated ; furnished with slight reticulations next the rib, far less remarkable than the last. The lower leaves are usually alternate ; upper ones often opposite. Fl. yellowish green, with elongated reddish styles, in short loose spikes. Hud- son's P. serratum is acknowledged by himself to be too near crispum, of which it is doubtless a variety with more of the leaves opposite, and all perhaps less undulated ; as in Clusius's figure, annexed by Johnson, in Gerarde, to a description belonging to P. densum. 9. P. compressum. Flat-stalked Pond-weed. Leaves linear, obtuse, with a very slight point; two lateral ribs meeting just below the extremity. Stem compressed. P. compres.sum. Linn. Sp.PlAS^. IVilld. v. \.7l5. Fl.Br.\95. Engl. Bot. V.6. t.4\S. Hook. Scot. 58. Fl. Dan. t. 203. P. caule compresso, folio graminis canini. Raii Syn. 149, Dill. Giss.l\2. In ditches and slow stream.s. Perennial. June, July. Stem wavy, alternately branched, much compressed tliroughout its whole length, though rounded at the edges. Leaves sessile, al- ternate, except a })air or two of the uppermost, perfectly linear, in which this species diflcrs from all the preceding ; they are 2 234 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton* or 3 inches long, and l-8thof an inch broad, rounded at the end, with a minute, often scarcely perceptible, point. The mid- rib becomes cellular, or vascular, in the upper leaves, as if com- posed of oblong reticulations, in some degree resembling P. lan- ceolatiun. Whether this appearance be owing to air-vessels, produced in the flowering season, to render the plant buoyant, we can but conjecture. At each side are 2 equidistant, parallel, very fine ribs, of which the inner pair only are continued till they form an arch just below the termination of the leaf, Stipulas pale, partly cloven, embracing the stem. Flowers brownish, 4 or more in eacli small loose spike, just rising out of the water, terminal till the branch rises above them. 10. P. cuspidatum. Pointed-leaved Pond-weed. Leaves linear, with an oblique taper point; three principal ribs, and numerous intermediate ones, all distinct. Stem compressed. P. cuspidatum. Schracl. Germ. v. 2. P. compressum. Teesdale Tr. of Linn. Sac. v. 2. 106. Don H. Br. 204. P. gramineum latifolium. Loes^. Pruss. 206. t. 66 ; excellent. In ponds and rivulets. In a rivulet at Hovingham, Yorkshire. Mr. Robert Teesdale. In the lake of Rescobie, and also in the lake of Forfar. Mr. G Don. Larger than the last, with which it has, in England, always been confounded. Professor Schrader has communicated it to me as the P. cuspidatum of his Fl. Germ., the 2d vol, of which, if pub- lished, has not yet reached us, and I have sought out such cha- racters as my specimens afford. The principal one is indicated in the name. The leaves are not rounded at the end, but taper off rather suddenly and obliquely, into a terminal point, formed of the substance of the leaf. There are, moreover, only 2 lateral ribs, 1 at each side, half way between the mid-rib and the mar- gin. These are often very inconspicuous ; but there are nume- rous intermediate ribs, all over the leaf, which do not occur in P. compressum. Both the lateral as well as all the intermediate ribs keep distinct, and vanish just below the extremity of the leaf. These characters, though not the intermediate ribs, are clearly expressed in Loesel's figure, which has hitherto been quoted for P. compressum, as has likewise Haller's n. 851. But his character of the lanceolate leaves long ago caused the accu- rate Mr. Davall to suspect an error in that reference. This cha- racter indeed agrees admirably with specimens in the Linnsean herbarium, of a plant erroneously taken for compressum, but which I am told the late Professor Willdenow has somewliere named complanatum. It^Jlower -stalks are near a foot long ; Ze«fes 5 -ribbed, l-3d of an inch broad, tapering at each end. This is very possibly Haller's n. 851. TETRANDRIA-TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. 235 1 1. P. graminewn. Grassy Pond-weed. Leaves linear, tapering downward, with solitary, very slen- der, lateral ribs. Stem round, forked. Flower-stalks from the forks, scarcely longer than the spikes. P. gramineum. Linn. Sp. PL ISA. mild. v. I. 716. Fl. Br 196 Engl. Bot. V. 32. t. 2253. Teesdale Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 2 106* Br.Prodr.343. P. gramineum latiusculum, foliis et ramificationibus densissim^ stipatis. Dill, in Raii Stjn. 149. t. 4./. 3. In ponds and ditches. In ditches near Deptford. Buddie. Near Norwich. Mr. Rose. In the ponds at Castle Howard, and near Beverley. Yorkshire Mr. Teesdale. Perennial. Jalij. Herb submersed. Stem slender, thread-shaped, wavy, mucli branch- ed, forked in the upper part. Leaves grassy, alternate, except at the forks, crowded, spreading, 3 inches long, of a fine green, linear, though gradually contracted toward the base, bluntish^ with an occasional small short point. Their mid-rib is more or less accompanied by very narrow, oblong, parallel reticulations j side ribs solitary, nearer to the margin than to the mid-rib, ex- tremely fine, and sometimes scarcely discernible, vanishing' at a greater or less distance below the point. There are no inter- mediate ribs, Stipidas pale, usually convoluted, so as to be nar- rower than their leaves. Stalks from the forks of the stem, per- haps without exception ■ the remark to the contrary, in some instances, being founded on a specimen of P. cuspidatum, mis- taken by Linnieus. Spikes ovate, dense, generally quite as long as their stalks, just raised above the water. Seeds almost globu- lar, with an oblique point. Tlie ribs of the leaves in this and the two preceding species will always clearly ascertain them. They have indeed puzzled bota- nists who have seen them only superficially, or not at all ; but they are not the less distinct on that account. 12. V,pusilhim. Small Pond-weed. Leaves linear, spreading at the base, opposite or alternate, with solitary, very slender, lateral ribs. Stem round. Flower-stalks axillary, mostly lateral, many times longer than their spikes. P.pusillum. Linn.Sp. PL [84. mild. v. 1.717. I'l.Br.\07. Engl. Bot.v.3.t.2\D. Hook. Scot. 59. Ehrh.HerbAVl. El.Dan. t.l43[' P. n, 852. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 3/7. P. pusillum, gramineo folio, caule tereti. Raii Si/n. I.IO. J'aill. Par. 164. /.32./. 4. 236 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Potamogeton. P. gramineum tenuifolium. Loes. Pruss. 206. t. 67. Narrow Grass Pond- weed. Petiv. H. Brit, t.b.f. 11. In ponds and ditches, especially on a clay soil, not uncommon. Perennial. July. Much smaller than any of the foregoing. Stem slender, round, more or less branched, from 1 to 2 feet long, altogether sub- mersed, the flowers only appearing above-water. Leaves 1^ or 2 inches long, scarcely a line in breadth, opposite under every flower-stalk, otherwise alternate, rather acute ; their mid-rib slightly accompanied by oblong reticulations ; lateral ribs to- wards the margins, solitary, very slender, and often hardly visi- ble ; if continued far enough, joining the mid-rib, at some di- stance below the point, and not quite both together. Stipulas sheathing, broader than the leaves. Flower-stalks lateral, axil- lary j the uppermost sometimes surmounted by a pair of branches j all much longer than the small, ovate spike, which consists of but few Jlowers, becoming a little distant as the fruit advances. Seeds ovate, obliquely beaked. A perfectly clear and well-known species, though Willdenow has misquoted Haller, and Haller the Fl. Dan. A variety somewhat larger than common, but not otherwise different, was found by Mr. Teesdale, near Beverley, which I have from Switzerland for compressum, and it is also marked Haller's n. 851 ; a combina-r tion of errors, for which the accurate Mr. Davall is not respon-. siblCj for he had studied this genus correctly. 13. P. nectinatum. Fennel-leaved Pond-weed. ' Leaves bristle-shaped, single-ribbed, parallel, thickly set in two ranks ; sheathing at the base. Spikes interrupted. P. pectinatum. Linn. Sp. Pl.lS^. Willd. v. I. 715. Fl. Br. 197, Engl. Bot. v.b. t. 323. Hook. Scot. 59. Ehrh. Herb. 123. P. marinum. Linn. Sp. PL IS4. Wiild. v.1.7 \6. Huds.76, FL Dan, t. 18(3. P. n. 853. Hall. Hist. v.\. 377. P. millefolium, seu foliis gramineis, ramosum. Raii Syn. 150. P. maritimum, grandiusculis capitulis, capillaceo folio, nostrdsj. Pink. Almag. 305. ^. 2 1 6. /. 5 . Dill, in Rail Syn. 150. P. pusillum fiuitans. Bocc. Sic. 42. t. 20. f. 5, P. ramosum foliis gramineis. Vaill. Par. 164. t.32.f. 5. Millefolium tenuifolium. Ger. Em. 828./. In rivers, ditches and ponds, whether of fresh or salt water. Perennial. July. Root tuberous, with creeping scyons. Stems very much branched, various in length, leafy, zigzag. Leaves alternate, two-ranked, slender, tapering, acute, their solitary rib connected by trans- verse alternate veins with the margins ; clasping the stem with their elongated sheathing base, which aj)pears to be lined with TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Ruppia. 237 the stipula, whose cloven summit rises a little above the sheath, as in grasses. Spikes few, solitary, each from one of the upper- most forks of the branches, on a longish stalk, cylindrical, with considerable interruptions, rising just above the surface, seldom produced but in still waters. Fl. 2 or 3 together, dull green. Seeds scarcely more than I or 2 from each flower, gibbous. Few plants vary more in the size of its herbage, which is most considerable in rapid streams, where the flowers seldom appear. Dillenius says the leaces are most slender, and the heads of Jlowers largest, in salt-water ditches ; but this is d-sproved by observation in England, and by Swiss specimens, all from fresh water, as various as any ; so that P. marinum cannot be marked even as a variety. 82. RUPPIA. Ruppia. Linn. Gen. 68. Juss. 19. Fl. Br. 198. Lam. t. 90. Gartn. t. 84. Buccaferrea. Mich. Gen. t. 35. Nat. Ord. see ?^ 81. Cat. and Cor. none. A?ith. 4, sessile, irregularly quadran- gular, depressed, bursting by a horizontal transverse fis- sure. Germens 4, occasionally 5, turbinate, at length stalked. Styles none. Stigmas obtuse, depressed in the centre. Seeds 4, naked, ovate, obliquely pointed, convex at one side, bluntly keeled at the other, each elevated on a stalk, 4 or 5 times its own length. Habit of Potamogetoii, from which it differs in the want of a corolla, in the posture as well as shape of the anthers, and in the stalked seeds. But Linnaeus surely errs in using the term spadix here, for what the former genus shows to be ?Ljlower-stalk. Impregnation in Ruppia takes place within the sheath of the leaf, and the seeds are subse- quently raised above the w^ater to ripen ; just the reverse of Potamogeton. 1. K.maritima. Sea Ruppia. Tassel Pond-weed. R. maritima. Linn. Sp. PL 184. Willd. r. 1. 717. FL Br. 198. EngL Bot. V. 2. t. 136. Hook. Lond. t. 50. 5co^59. Lighif. 124. /. 8. /*. 1 . Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. J 7. 9. Potamogiton maritimum, gramineis longioribus foliis, fructu fer^ umbellato. Rati Syn. 134. t. 6.f. 1. P. maritimum pusillum alterum. Pliik. Phijt. t. 248./. 4. Fucus ferulaceus. Ger.Em. 1573./. Tassel Pond-weed. Petiv. H. Brit. t. (i.f. \. Buccaferrea maritima, foliis acutissimis -, etiam foliis miniis acutis. Mich. Gen. 72. ^35. 238 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Sagina. In salt-water ditches. Perennial ? Angus f, September. Herb submersed" Roofs fibrous, in tufts, from several of the lower joints of the long, slender, round, much branched, leafy stem. Leaves alternate, linear, extremely narrow, more or less acute, channelled, single-ribbed from about the middle upward, entire ; dotted with brown or purple towards the edges 3 clasping the stem with their sheathing, somewhat dilated, base. Spikes usually 2 -flowered, on short, solitary, axillary stalks. Fl. alternate, ver- tical, as distinct on their common stalk as those of any Fotamo- geton, and inclosed within the sheath of the neighbouring leaf, as it appears, till impregnation is accomplished ; my account in Engl. Bot. being, in this particular, incorrect. Professor Hooker has rightly explained the process. After flovv-ering, the flower- stalk, often spiral, is greatly lengthened, rising to'the surface of the water, and carrying with it the 4 impregnated germens, each raised on its own long and firm stalk, produced likewise after the anthers are fallen. Each germen becomes an ovate, pointed seed, the size of Millet, with a hard shell, that does not burst. Dr. Hooker has admirably illustrated the history of this curious plant, and has named the parts of the seed so as, surely, to leave no room for any improvement. The germination of the plant, when properly investigated, must show which is the real 83. SAGINA. Pearl- wort. Linn. Gen.Q>S. Juss.2,00. FL Br. 199. Lam.t. 90. Gcertn. t. 129. Nat. Ord. Caryophyllecc. Linn. 22. Juss. 82. Cal. inferior, of 4 ovate, concave, equal, widely spreading, bluntish, permanent leaves. Petals 4, ovate, obtuse, en- tire, shorter than the calyx, alternate with its leaves, spreading; sometimes wanting. Filam. thread-shaped, ascending, shorter than the cal. and opposite to it. Anth. of 2 roundish lobes. Germ, superior, ovate. Styles ter- minal, short, rather spreading. Stigmas obtuse, downy. Caps, ovate, of 1 cell, and 4 ovate, separate, equal valves. Seeds numerous, minute, rough, attached, each on its own stalk, to a central cylindrical y^eceptacle. Small, generally smooth, herhs^ with opposite, narrow, en- tire leaves^ and axillary, solitary, stalked, small, greenish or white j^ot£;^r5. 1. ^. procumbens. Procumbent Pearl-wort. Stems procumbent, smooth. Leaves minutely pointed. Petals half as lono- as the calyx. TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Sagina. ^39 S. procumbens. Linn. Sp. PL 185. IVilkl r. 1. 718. Fl. Br. 199. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 880. Curt. Lond.fasc. 3. t. 12. Hook. Scot.^0. Arduin. Spec. 2. 23. t. S.f. 2. Alsine n. 8G I . Halt. Hist. v. 1 . 382. A. pusilla graniinea, flore tetrapetalo. Tourn. Inst. 2A3. Segu. Veron. v.\.42\. t.D.f.3. Alsinella muscoso flore repens. Dill. Giss. 81. Raii Syn. 345. In sandy ground, or the walks and beds of neglected gardens, as well as on shady walls, and gravelly banks, every where. Perennial. May — August. Root fibrous. Stems 2 — 4 inches long, spreading on the ground in ever)' direction, leafy, round, taking root at their lower joints, and if not disturbed, remaining through the winter, as Mr. Curtis first remarked. Leaves in like manner evergreen, combined by their membranous bages, three-ribbed, linear, about half an inch long, smooth in every part, obtuse, with a very minute bristly point. Floiver-stalks longer tlmn the leaves, smooth. jF7. droop- ing, with white roundish petals. Seeds extremely minute. The late Rev. H. Davies gathered on a green near Beaumaris, in July 1817, a very pretty variety, with rose-like double ftoiceis, of from 27 to 32 petals. This has found its way into some curious gardens. A different synonym of Tournefort is quoted in the Prodr. Fl. Gr^c, which nevertheless is correct, though the above ought also to have been noticed. 2. S. maiitima. Sea Pearl-wort. Stems nearly upright, divaricated, smooth. Leaves obtuse, without bristles. Petals none. S. maritima. Don H. Br. 155. Engl. Bot. v.ZX.t. 2195. Comp. 28. Hook. Scot. GO. Lond. f.\\D. On the sea coast of Scotland, as well as of England and Ireland, also on the Highland mountains. On the coast near Aberdeen, and on the summit of Ben Nevis. Mr. G. Don. At Bally-castle, near the Giant's causeway, Ire- land. Mr. R. Brown. On Hartle-pier, Durham. Mr. fVinch. In salt marshes at Southwold, Suffolk, abundantly. Professor Hooker. Annual. May — August. Root tapering, fibrous below. Stems numerous, 2 or 3 inches high, spreading at the bottom, but otherwise erect, branched, leafy, round, smooth, often purplish. Leaves scarcely half the length of the former species, but broader in proportion, thick and blunt, often tipped with a minute point, but no bristle j com- bined by their membranous bases, and sometimes fringed there- abouts. Flower-stalks slender, erect, smooth, usually an inch long. Calyx-leaves broadly ovate, obtuse, with a white mem- 240 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Moenchia. branous edge. Petals abortive^ or entirely wanting. Capsule rather longer than the calyx. Mr. Don found sometimes 8 stamens. Professor Hooker says the petals are entirely wanting, nor can I find any. The edges of the calyx are occasionally violet-coloured. 3. S. apetala. Annual Small-floweved Pearl-wort. Stems nearly upright, hairy. Leaves bristle-pointed, fringed* Petals obsolete, or wanting. S. apetala. Linn. Mant. 2. 559. mild. Sp. PI. v. 1. 719. Fl. Br. 199. Engl. Bot. t\ 13. ^. 881. Curt. Lond.fasc. 5. t. 14. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 3. 6. Hook. Scot. 60. Don H. Br. 156. Arduin. Spec. 2. 22. t. 8./. 1 ; bad. Saxifraga anglica alsinefolia annua. Raii Syu. 345. In dry, sandy, barren ground ; on walls and waste places ; very common. Annual. — May, June. The whole plant is more slender than either of the foregoing. Stems numerous, partly reclining but not taking root, more or less hairy, or rough with prominent scattered points. Leaves shaped ' like those of S. procumbens, but fringed at the edges, each tipped with a very distinct bristle ; and they are not unfrequently hairy all over. Flower-stalks long and slender, and likewise hairy. Flowers not perhaps so truly apetalous as the last, though often perfectly so. The petals, if present, are white, not half the length of the calyx, either entire or notched. Caps, pale, about twice as long as the calyx. Seeds bordered with a black line 3 but this, as in Spergula and Arenaria, is variable. 84. MGENCHIA. Moenchia. Ehrh. Beitr.fasc. 2. 1 77. Hook. Scot. 48. Nat. Ord. see ?i. 83. Cal. inferior, of 4 elliptic-lanceolate, concave, equal, con- verging, pointed, membranous-edged, permanent leaves. Pet. 4, lanceolate, undivided, entire, upright, shorter than the calyx^ withering. Filam. thread-shaped, ascending, shorter than the petals. Anth. of 2 roundish lobes. Germ, superior, ovate. Styles terminal, very short, spreading. ^ Stigtn. obtuse, downy. Caps, the length of the calyx, cylindrical, slightly ovate, of 1 cell, and 1 valve, mem- branous, opening at the summit with 8, occasionally 10, equal, shallow, acute teeth. Seeds numerous, kidney- shaped, rough, attached, each on its own stalk, to a cen- tral cylindrical receptacle^ half the length of the capsule. TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. TiUaea. 241 Herbaceous, smooth, erect, with the habit and fruit of a Cerastium, or Holosteum, 1. M. erecta. Upright Moenchia. M. glauca. Pers. Sijn. i\ 1 . 153. Hook. Scot. 60. M. Quaternelhu Ehrh. Phyt. 82. Beitr. v. 2. 178. Sagina erecta. Linn. Sp. PL 185. Ullld. r. 1. 7 19. FL Br. 200. Engl. Bot. V. 9. t. 609. Curt. Land. fasc. 2. t. 12. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 6. 6. Drijand. Bibl. Banks, v. 3. 244. Huds. 73. With. 216. Alsinella foliis caryophylleis. Raii Sijn. 344. t. 15./. 4. Alsine verna glabra. Vaill. Par. 6. t.3.f. 2. Chamselinum gramineo, seu acuto, folio. Barrel. Ic. t. 1165. In pastures and heathy ground^ on a barren gravelly soil. Annual. May. Root small, fibrous. Whole herb glaucous and \try smooth. Stems several, erect, 3 or 4 inches high, round, leafy. Leaves opposite, sessile, linear-lanceolate, entire, single-ribbed. Flowers erect, solitary, on long terminal stalks, conspicuous for the shining white of their petals and the edges of their calyx-leaves. Caps. of a light shining brown. An elegant little plant, certainly misplaced in Sagina, as its habit and the structure of the capsule evince. The uncertainty of its genus is hinted, in FL Brit, and Engl. Bot. ; though I had not then seen Ehrhart's work, to consider his characters. The ori- ginal specific name erecta ought not to be changed. We may be thankful to get rid of Quaternella. 85. TILLiEA. Tillsea. Linn. Gen. 68. Juss.307. Mich. Gen. t. 20. FL Br. 201. Lam. t. 90. G^rtn.t. 112. Nat Ord. Succulent cb. Linn. 13. Sempet'vivce. Juss. 83. Cal. in 3 or 4? deep, spreading, large, ovate, succulent seg- ments, inferior. Pet. 3 or 4, ovate or lanceolate, acute, flat, thin, rather smaller than the calyx, and alternate with its divisions. Nect. none. Filam. 3 or 4, simple, awl-shaped, shorter than the corolla, erect. Anth. roundish, of 2 cells. Germens 3 or 4, ovate, superior. Styles ter- minal, very short. Stigmas obtuse. Caps. 3 or 4, oblong, pointed, recurved, bursting lengthwise at their upper edge, each of 1 cell, and 2 valves. Seeds ovate, 2 in each cap- sule. Small, succulent, annual herbs, with numerous branches, op- posite sessile leaves, and generally axillary^otLT?-^. This genus differs from Crassida in the want ol nectariferous scales, as well as in number of the several parts. 2i2 TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Radiola. 1. T. ??i?/s'cosa. Mossy Tillaea. Stems procumbent. Flowers sessile, mostly three-cleft. T. muscosa, Linn. Sp. PL 186. TVilld. v.\.72\. FL Br. 201. Engl. Bot. V. 2. ^.116. Roses Elem. append. 448. t. 2./ 2. T. muscosa annua perfoliata, flora albo. Mich. Gen. 22. t. 20. SempervivLim omnium minimum, repens, muscosum, polygon! fiicie. Bocc. Mus. v. 2. 36. t. 22. Polygonum muscosum minimum. Bocc. Sic. 56. t. 29. Crassula foliis sessilibus connatis;, floribus aggregatis in foliorum alis. Guett. Obs. v. 2. 97. On the most barren sandy heaths. Frequent in Norfolk and Suffolk, A troublesome weed on the gravel walks at Holkham. Annual. Matj, June. Root fibrous, small. Stems at first erect, but soon becoming pro- cumbent, an inch or two in length, round, leafy. Leaves^ oppo- site, very succulent, reddish, smooth, oval, obtuse, combined at the base. FL axillary, solitary, often accompanied by a pair of smaller leaves. Col. pointed. Petals narrow, pointed, white with a tinge of red. The whole plant is smooth, so small and depressed that it only becomes remarkable by the ample reddish patches, which it forms over the most dreary sands. Thejlowers are naturally 3 -cleft, and of course triandrous5 but they are sometimes 4-cleft in strong plants, and Gsertner says 5 -cleft. Still the want of nectaries keeps them generically distinct from the chiefly African genus Crassula. 86. RADIOLA. Flax-seed. GmeL Syst. v. 2. 289. FL Br. 201 . DHL Gen. 126. t 7. Linocarpum. Mich. Gen. t.2\. Nat. Ord. Gruinales. Linn. 14. Akin to CaryopliyllecE, Juss. 82. See n. 180. Lima, DeCand. 15. — It still re- mains very doubtful to what Order this genus and Linum are nearest akin. CaL inferior, of one leaf, in 4 principal segments, each of which is deeply and acutely 3-cleft, permanent. Petals 4, obovate, undivided, spreading, the length of the calyx, and alternate with its principal segments. Filam. 4, awl- shaped, the length of the petals, without any intermediate imperfect filaments. Anth. roundish, of 2 lobes. Germ, superior, roundish, 4-lobed. Styles 4, terminal, capillary, very short, permanent. Stigm. capitate, obtuse. Caps. roundish, somewhat pointed, with 8 furrows, 8 valves, with inflexed edges, cohering slightly in pairs, and 8 cells. Seeds solitary, ovate, compressed, polished. TETRANDRIA— TETRAGYNIA. Radiola. 243 Small, herbaceous. Stem repeatedly forked. Leaves oppo- site, entire. Fl. from the forks and summits of the stem, stalked. We know but one species, referred by Linnaeus to Liiium, from which it differs in structure, as well as in number and habit. 1. R. millegrana. Thyme-leaved Flax-seed. R. millegrana. FL Br. 202. Engl. hot. v. 13. t. 893. Hook. Scot. 60. R. linoides. GmeL Syst. v. 2. 289. R. vulgaris serpyllifolia. Dill, in Raii Syn. 345. t. 15./. 3. Jacob Faversh. 92. Linum Radiola. Linn. Sp. PL 402. Syst. NaL ed. 12. v. 2. 225. Willd. V. 1. 1542. Huds. 134. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 10. 7. Fl. Dan. t.l7S. L. n. 840. Hall. Hist v. 1.374. Linocarpum serpylli folio/ multicaule et multiflorum. " Mich. Gen. 23. ^.21. Millegrana minima. Raii Syn. ed. 2. 207. Ger. Em. 569. f. Chamselinum vulgare, Faill. Par. 33, t. 4./. 6. In wet sandy ground. Annual. July, August. Root fibrous, small. Herbsmooth. Stem 1 — 2 inches high, erect, repeatedly forked, leafy, many-flowered, moderately spreading, and somewhat corymbose. Leaves sessile, small, ovate, 3 -ribbed. Fl. stalked, solitaiy, from the forks of the stem, as well as its ultimate branches, white, very minute. Caps, light brown, ra- ther depressed. R 2 Class V. PENTANDRIA. Stamens5. Order I. MONOGYNIA. Pistil 1. * Flowers monopetalous, inferior-, isoith 2 or 4^ naked seeds, Asperifoliae. 96. ECHIUM. Throat of the corolla dilated, naked; Hmb irregular. Stigma deeply cloven. 91. PULMONARIA. Cor. naked in the throat, funnel- shaped. Call/a: prismatic, 5'cleft at the margin. 88. LITHOSPERMUM. Cor, naked in the throat, funnel-shaped. Cal. in 5 deep segments. 92. SYMPHYTUM. Cor, closed with awl-shaped con- verging valves ; limb bell-shaped. 93. BORAGO. Co?\ closed with awl-shaped or notched valves ; limb wheel-shaped. 95. LYCOPSIS. Cor. closed with concave obtuse valves, funnel-shaped, with a doubly bent tube. Seeds con- cave at the base. 89. ANCHUSA. Cor. closed with concave obtuse valves, funnel-shaped; tube straight, tumid below. Seeds concave at the base. 94-. ASPERUGO. Cor. closed with concave obtuse valves, salver-shaped. Cal. of the fruit compressed, with jagged parallel lobes. 87. MYOSOTIS. Cor. half closed with rounded valves, salver-shaped ; lobes obtuse. Seeds perforated at the base, borne by the calyx. 90. CYNOGLOSSUM. Cor. half closed with rounded valves, funnel-shaped. Seeds depressed, imperforate, borne by a central column. ** Fl. monopetalous, inferior, with numerous covered seeds. 102. ANAGALLIS. Caps, of 1 cell, bursting all round. Cor. wheel-shaped. Sfafn. hairy. 245 101. LYSIMACHIA. Caps, of 1 cell, with 10 valves. Cor. wheel-shaped. 98. CYCLAMEN. Caps, of 1 cell, pulpy within. Cor. wheel- shaped, reflexed. Stigma simple. 97. PRIMULA. Caps, of 1 cell, opening with 10 teeth. Cor. salver-shaped; tube cylindrical; throat open. Stigma globular. 100. HOTTONIA. Caps, of 1 cell, with 5 teeth. Cor. salver-shaped. Stam. from the margin of the tube. Stigma globular. Cat. in 5 deep segments. 99. MENYANTHES. Caps, of 1 cell. Cor. hairy. Stigjna divided. 117. ERYTHR.^A. Caps, of 2 incomplete cells. Cor, salver-shaped. Aiith. finally spiral. 113. DATURA. Caps, of 2 cells, and 4 valves. Cor. funnel-shaped. Cat. deciduous. 114. HYOSCYAMUS. Caps, of 2 cells, with a lid. Cor. funnel-shaped. Stigma capitate. 112. VERBASCUM. C^j95. of 2 cells. Cor. wheel-shaped, irregular. Stigma obtuse. Stam. declining. 104. CONVOLVULUS. Caps, of 2 or 3 cells, with 2 seeds in each. Cor. bell-shaped, plaited. Stigmas 2. 105. POLEMONIUM. Caps, of 3 cells. Cor. deeply 5-cleft ; tube closed by 5 valves. Stam. between the valves, opposite to the segments. 103. AZALEA. Crti75. of 5 cells. Cor. heW-sha^ed. Stam. from the receptacle. Anth. with 2 pores. Stigma capitate. 127. VINCA. Follicles 2, erect. Cor. salver-shaped, ob- lique. Seeds simple. 116. SOLANUM. Berry of 2 cells. Cor. wheel-shaped. Anth. with 2 pores. 115. ATROPA. ^m^/ of 2 cells. Cor. bell-shaped. Stam. distant, incurved. Anth. heart-shaped. »** pi^ monopetalous, superior. 118. SAMOLUS. Caps, of 1 cell, with 5 recurved valves. Cor. funnel-shaped, 5-cleft, with intermediate scales. 108. JASIONE. Caps, half 2-celled, opening at the top. Cor. wheel-shaped, in 5 deep segments. Stigma club- shaped. Anth. combined at the base. 246 107. PHYTEUMA. Caps, of 2 or 3 cells, bursting late- rally. Cor. wheel-shaped, in 5 deep segments. Stigma 2- or 3-cleft. 109. LOBELIA. Caps, of 2 or 3 cells. Cor. irregular, split lengthwise. Stigma capitate, hairy. 106. CAMPANULA. Caps, of 2 or 3 cells, with torn fissures at the base. Cor. bell-shaped. Stigma 2- or 3-cleft, revolute. 119. LONICERA. Berry of 1 or more cells, with many seeds. Cor. irregular. Rubia 1. **** i^/. of 5, or 4!, petalsy inferior. 120. RHAMNUS. Berry of several cells. Cal funnel- shaped, bearing the petals. 121. EUONYMUS. Caps, of 4 or 5 cells. Seeds with a fleshy tunic. Cal. flat. 1 10. IMPATIENS. Caps, of 5 cells, and 5 elastic valves, Cal. of 2 leaves. Cor. irregular. 111. VIOLA. Caps, of 1 cell, and 3. valves. Cal. of 5 leaves, extended at the base. Cor. irregular, spurred. ***** pi^ of S petals^ superior, 122. RIBES. Berry with many seeds. Cal. bearing the petals. Style divided. 123. HEDERA. Berry ^\\}£\^ — 5 seeds. C«/. surrounding . the germen. Style simple. Pet. broadest at the base, #*#### p^fais 'ii)anti?ig. 125. GLAUX. C«/>5. superior, with 5 5^^^5. Ca/. coloured, of 1 leaf. 124. ILLECEBRUM. Caps, superior, with 1 seed. Cal cartilaginous, of 5 leaves. 126. THESIUM. Z)n//'a inferior, dry. C«/. coriaceous, 5-cleft, bearing the stamens. Order II. DIGYNIA. Pistils 2. See be- ginning of Vol. II. 247 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA, 87. MYOSOTIS. Scorpion-grass. Linn. Gen. 73. Juss. V6\. Fl. Br. 212. Dill. Gen. 99. t. 3. Lam. t.9i. Gcertn. t. 68. Nat. Ord. Asperifolice. Linn. -l-l. Boraginece. Juss. 42. Nine followino; tjenera the same. See Grammar' 102. [Professor Schrader, in a small treatise on the Asperifolice, gives their natural characters as follows : Root simple or branched, perpendicular, sometimes oblique, very rarely creeping. Stem herbaceous, rarely shrubby; branches alternate, axillary. Leaves for the most part alternate, entire, sometimes wavy, or broadly toothed, more or less bristly, like the rest of the herb ; tlieir bristles proceeding each from a small prominence finally be- coming callous; very rarely seated on a tubercle. Flovcers alternate, with or without bracteas^ mostly forming a uni- lateral cluster, at first spirally revolute, afterwards elon- gated; tlie partial stalks enlarged as the seeds ripen. Bracteas, if present, solitary, generally lateral, more or less leafy, permanent. Calyx, except in Cerinflie, ofl leaf, more or lo^s deeply 5-cleft, very seldom merely 5-tootlied; the segments or teetii generally a little unequal ; perma- nent, enlarged after flowering, and in some instances , altered in shape. Corolla inferior, of 1 petal, 5-cleft, the segments mostly equal ; the mouth either completely, or imperfectly, closed with convex hollow valves; or beset with swellings, or plaits, or dense hairs; or eiitirely naked and pervious. Stamens from the interior part of the tube, seldom from the mouth, alternate v/ith the segments of the limb, and equal to them in number; anthers of 2 cells, distinct, very seldom attached to each other. Ger- mens 4-, very rarely (in Cerinthe) 2 only, distinct, seated on a fleshy or glandular receptacle, subsecjuently enlarged, and supporting the ripe fruit. Sfijle 1, from the disk be- tween the germens, permanent; and terminating in a generally undivided stigma. Fruit as many close capsules (achenia) as there are germens, various in substance, each fin-nished, in some instances, with an umbilical de})ression, from which proceeds the strophiolum, or crest, hardly oc- curring but where that depression exists, and wliich is v.hilish and (Icshy, occupying the whole cavity: but be- 248 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Myosotis. comes contracted and wrinkled as the fruit ripens, so as to render the depression more visible. Seed solitary in each capsule, with a single skin, and no albumen; embryo inverted ; cotyledons 2, slightly convex ; radicle superior. Receptacle mostly unaltered, and flat ; in some convex ; in some conical ; in odiers columnar, or pyramidal ; marked with scars, or little hollows, where the capsules are attached. Schrad. Asperif. 1 7. I rather, after the example of Linnaeus, consider these sup-, posed achenia as naked seeds ; nor is there any advantage in denominating them, after Goertner and some other writers, nuts, which in that case would merely mean /lard seeds. The kernel within having but a single ski?!, mem- brana ; and the near relationship of this Order to the Verticillatcje of Ray and Linnaeus, the Labiatce of Jussieu, being acknowledged, analogy, though often a treacherous guide, must lead us to consider the second covering as the outer skin, testa, in one case as well as the other. In the Verticillatce there can be no question about the mat- ter, if naked seeds be ever allowed to exist ; and to deny this is merely a dispute of words. In the Asperifolicc, the outer skin is often indeed elaborately constructed ; and sometimes dowuiy, or prickly ; but such characters are not more appropriate or essential to a seed-vessel than to a seed. The seeds of Cerinthe, which at first sight seem a difficulty less easy to be surmounted, are merely confluent, or combined laterally, in pairs, like the nuts of Messer- schmidia, which last are the seeds of a drupa, the only ge- nuine mils, of which a Walnut is the type.] Myosotis. Cat. inferior, of 1 leaf, oblong, erect, divided half way down, or more, into 5 acute equal segments, permanent. Cor. of one petal, salver-shaped; tube cylindi'ical; limb ascend- ing, or horizontal, in 5, rather deep, obtuse, often notched, equal segments : mouth half closed with 5 little, rounded, notched, convex, slightly prominent valves, Filam. very short, in the throat. Anthers small, oblong, concealed by the valves. Germens 4-, roundish, inserted into the base of the calyx. Style thread-shaped, central, erect, the length of the tube. Stigma obtuse. Seeds 4, ovate, rather compressed, pointed, smooth, in the bottom of the somev^'hat enlarged, closed calyx, each with a small hollow at its point of insertion. PENTAKDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Myosotis. 249 Herbaceous ; hairy or bristly. Leaves scattered, undivided, entire, single-ribbed. Clusters terminal, many-flowered; revolute in the bud. Cor. bright blue, or yellowisji ; red before expansion, Seeds various ; highly polished ni all our species. * Roots 2^erenni(d^ or jierhaps biennial. 1. M, pahistris. Great Water Scorpion-grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves and calyx roughish with close bristles. Clusters leafless. Calyx funnel-shaped, with short broad spreading teeth. Limb of the corolla horizontal, longer than the tube. Root creeping. M. palustris. Roth Germ. v. 1. 87. v. 2. p. 1. 221 Comp 33, Engl.Bot.v.2S.t.\973. inth.'Z2b. HullA6. Relh. ed. \. /6. Sibth.QS. Jbhot ^iO. Hook. Scot. 67. Lehm. Jsperif. S8. M. scorpioides palustvis. Ger. Em. 337./ Linn. Sp. PL 188. H. Br. 212 $. Huch.. 78. Curt. LoncJ.fasc. 3. t. 13. Han Syn. 229. Ehrh. ilerb.2\. ,. , r -i M. scorpioides. mild. Sp. PL r. 1. 746. PJahlenb. Lapp. o4. Scorpiurus n. 59 1 a. HalL Hist. l\ 1 . 261 . S. palustris perennis, viridioribus foliis. Mons. v. 3. 451. sect. 11. ^31.f. 4. Echium 'scorpioides palustre. Bauh. Pin. 254. Ana2:airLS aquatica. Pass. Ic. p. ult.f. 49. Cynoglossa minor. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 176./. In clear rivulets and ditches, common, Perennial. June— August. Roots very long, creeping, blackish, with numerous tufts ot strong fibres. Herb bright green, rather succulent, from 6 to 12 or 18 inches high. Stems ascending obliquely, round, branching, leafy, either nearly smooth, or clothed with, more or less spreading, bristlv hairs. Leaves sessile, nearly uniform, elliptic-oblong, bluntish, U or 2 inches long, clothed on both sides with small close-pressed bristles, which scarcely render them rough to the sight or the touch. Clusters many-flowered, 2 or 3 together, on a terminal leafless stalk, or elongation of each branch 3 each general and partial stalk, as well as both sides of the calyx,hemg clothed with erect, or close-pressed, short, straight, simple, rigid, pale uniform, bristly hairs. Partial stalks at first crowded into a dense revolute spike, which unrolls gradually, and, after flower- ing is greatly elongated, the stalks spreading almost horizontally as the seeds ripen, forming a very lax straight cluster Calyx about half the length of each partial stalk, after the flower is past • bell-shaped at the base ; the limb divided half way down into 5 broad, triangular, rather expanding, segments. Tube of the corolla about as long as the calyx, whitish 3 limb longer. 250 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Myosotis. . horizontal, of a beautiful enamelled sky blue, with white elevated ribs at the base of each rounded, scarcely notched, segment ; the valves of the mouth yellow. Thejlower-buds are of a fine pink. Style the length of the tube. ^Stigma capitate, umbilicated. Seeds ovate, compressed, obtuse, blackish, highly polished, somewhat bordered. This most elegant plant, the Forget-me-not, or emblem of affec- tion, among the Germans, is the most distinct, and best known, example of its genus, though too long confounded with other common species. The perennial creeping roots, shining green herbage, and enamelled blossoms, are ail strikingly characteristic. Linnaeus records its being hurtful to sheep -, which, like a similar report of Hijdrocotyle vulgaris, may have arisen from those ani- mals suffering from frequenting the wet situations of these plants. 2. M. ccESpitosa. Tufted Water Scorpion -grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves and calyx besprinkled with erect bristles. Clusters leafy at the base. Calyx funnel-shaped, with broad spreading teeth. Limb of the corolla the length of the tube. Root fibrous. M. csespitosa. '' Schulz Stargard. suppl. 2. Reichenbach Amcen» 1. 26." according to Dr. Panzer of Nuremberg. In watery places. Near Tunbridge j and at Binfield, Berks. Mr. T. F. Forster. Perennial, or biennial. May, June. Root fibrous, or slightly creeping. Stems numerous, a foot high, crowded, erect, much branched, leafy and many-flovvered. Whole herb of a weaker, paler, more lax habit than the foregoing, having always a leaf or two at the base of each cluster. The Jloicers are smaller, paler, and far less conspicuous. Calyx rather more deeply 5 -cleft, with fewer, more dispersed and lax, bristles. Seeds like the last. The plant remains unchanged by cultiva- tion, and is doubtless a very distinct species. 3. M. mtermedia. Trailing Hairy Scorpion-grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves hairy. Clusters leafless. Tube of the calyx clothed with hooked bristles ; segments with straight upright hairs. Root creeping. Stems decumbent. M. intermedia. ''Link. Reichenbach Amcen. 1.22." Dr. Panzer. M. scorpioides. Fl.Dan. ^.583, largest figure. In dry shady places. In a small wood at Edgefield, near Holt, Norfolk, in a perfectly dry situation. Rev. R. B. Francis. On hedge banks near Nor- wich, towards Keswick. Mr. J. Backhouse. Perennial. April, May. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Myosotis. 251 Root long and creeping. Herb of a dull green, copiously clothed with lax spreading liairs, sometimes minutely callous at their origin. Stems several, very hairy, leafy, more or less branched, from 4 to 10 inches high ; procumbent at the lower part. Leaves oblong ) the lowermost often obovate, and tapering at the base. Clusters in pairs or solitary, on terminal, leafless, upright stalks. Hairs on the general and partial stalks erect, but not close- pressed. Partial stalks when in fruit longer than the calyx, spreading not quite horizontally. Calyx bell-shaped in the lower half, and plentifully clothed with spreading, pcirtly brownish, hooked bristles ; in the upper half deeply 5 -cleft, the lanceolate converging segments covered with straight, erect, silvery hairs. Cor. bright blue, almost equal in size and beauty to that of M. palustris. ' Seeds oval, brown, highly polished. 4. M. sijlvatica. Upright Wood Scorpion-grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves hairy. Clusters with a leaf at the base. Tube of the calyx clothed with hooked bristles ; segments with straight upright hairs. Root fibrous. Stems erect. M. sylvatica. Leiim. Asper'if. So. Hook. Scot. 66. M. scorpioides sylvatica. Elirh. Herb. 31. M. scorpioides y. Fl. Br. 212. M. scorpioides latifolia hirsuta. Merr. Pin. 82. Dill, in Rail Syn. 229. t. 9./. 2. Scorpiurus n. 591 /3. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 262. In woods and dry shady places, frequent. Perennial. June, July. Root fibrous, branching at the summit. Stems one or more^ erect, 12 or 18 inches high, branched at the upper part, leafy, angular, clothed ivithsoft spreading hairs. Leaves oblong, obtuse, clothed ' and fringed with similar hairs, slightly callous at their base ; the lowermost obovate, each tapering into a footstalk. Clusters terminal, mostly solitary, very long and straight when in fruit, each with a sessile, ovate, acute leaf, at the base of its stalk. Partial stalks moderately spreading, somewhat longer than the calyx, and clothed, like the common stalks, with short, upright or incurved, hairs. Tube of the calyx bell- shaped, densely clothed with fine, spreading, hooked bristles ; limb longer than the tube, in 5 deep, unequal, lanceolate segments, rough with erect, straight, brownish-tipped hairs. Corolla bright blue ; limb horizontal, in .) obovate, flat segments, longer than the pale tube. The flowers vary a little in size, and yield in beauty to those of M. palustris. Tab. 583 of the Flora ])unlca is, as Dr.Lehmann observes, not a good figure of this species, being un- questionably, I think, drawn from the preceding, which escaped his notice. ' DiUtnius's figure, in Ray's ^ynoiisis, is a good re- 252 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Myosotis. presentation of M. sylvatica, which, as Merrett remarks, is very common in woods in Kent. 5. M. alpestr'is. Rock Scorpion-grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves hcairy, radical ones but half the length of their footstalks. Clusters forked at the base, leafless. Calyx deeply five-cleft, clothed with upright hairs ; the lowermost incurved. Root fibrous, tufted. M. alpestrls. Lekm. Asperif. 86. Hook. Scot. 66. M. alpina. Don H. Br. 205, M. rupicola. Engl. Bot. v. 36. t. 2.559. Comp. 33. Lycopsis montana coerulea. Barrel. Ic. t. 404. On the mountains of Scotland. Plentiful on the summit of Ben Lawers, and other lofty Highland mountains. Mr. G. Don^ Mr. J. Mackay, S^c. Perennial. July, August. Boot fibrous, or slightly creeping, blackish. Stems several, from 3 to 5 inches high, erect, simple, roundish, leafy, clothed with spreading hairs. Leases ovate-oblong j the upper ones rather pointed ; radical ones elliptical, on linear smooth footstalks, twice or thrice their own length. Clusters either terminal, in pairs, on a leafless stalk, with a solitary flower at the fork, or axillary and solitary j all dense and revolute when in flower, subsequently elongated 3 their stalks all clothed with erect or close short silky hairs. Calyx in 5 deep, unequal, linear -lanceo- late segments,' covered with similar upright hairs, those on the very short tube only being slightly curved. Flowers blue, full as large and ornamental as in M. palustris, pale pink in the bud, their horizontal limb much longer than the very short tube j valves white. I have this from M. Villars as his alpine variety of M. scorpioides. Haller, by his reference to Barrelier, seems to confound it with the palustris, from which none can be more distinct. ** Roots annuaL 6. M. arvensis. Field Scorpion-grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves hairy. Clusters stalked, with one remote axillary flower. Calyx half-five-cleft, clothed with spreading hairs ; those of the tube hooked. Root fibrous. M. arvensis. Roth Germ. v. 2. p. 1. 222, Willd. Sp. PL v. 1 . 747. With. 225. Sibth. 68. Abbot 40. Hook. Scot. 67. Engl. Bot. V. 36. t. 2558. Comp. 33. Lehm. Asperif. 90. M. scorpioides arvensis. Linn. Sp. PI. 188. R. Br. 212 a. Huds. 78. Relh.7D. Ehrh. Herb. 4\. Beitr.v. 5.\76. Bull. Fr. t. 355, incorrect. M. scorpioides hirsuta. Rati Syn. 229. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Myosotis. 253 Scorpiurus n. 590. Hall. Hist. t\ 1 . 261 . In dry sandy fields and open places, common. Annual. June — Auf!;ust. Root fibrous, generally simple at the crown, always annual. Stem from 3 to 8 inches high, erect, branched and spreading from the base, roundish, slender, leafy, clothed with partly spreading hairs. Leaves covered with similar hairs ; the lowermost stalked, obovate j the rest sessile, more or less obtuse. Clusters many- flowered ; at first small, dense, and revolute j but very much elongated, and quite erect, when in fruit ; almost always distin- guished, as Mr. Borrer first remarked, by having one distant drooping flower-stalk situated in the bosom of the uppermost leaf. Sometimes there are more solitary flowers, or a small cluster or two, so situated. Partial stalks, when in fruit, spread- ing, covered with close hairs, and much longer than the calyx ; of which the tube is bell-shaped, clothed with spreading or de- flexed, hooked, bristly hairs ; the segments lanceolate, as long as the tube, their hairs erect. Corolla with a white tube, as long as the limb, which is small, bright blue, scarcely reddish in the bud 5 its valves sunk in the tube. Seeds ovate, obtuse, keeled, of a shining brown. The smaller Jlowers, and annual root, di- stinguish this species from all the foregoing. The wooden cuts of old authors do not precisely represent it, the artists probably having M. sylvatica and intermedia in view at the same time, though they distinguished M. palustris. 7. M. versicolor. Yellow and blue Scorpion-grass. Seeds smooth. Leaves hairy. Clusters on long, naked stalks. Calyx longer than the partial stalks ; hairs of its tube hooked. Root fibrous. M. versicolor. " Vers. Sijn. v. 1. 156." Lehm» Asperif. 93. Engl. Bot. V. 36. 2558. t. 480./. 1 . Comp. 33. Hook. Scot. 67. M. arvensis jS. Roth Germ. v. 2. p. I. 223. Willd. Sp. PL v. 1 . 747. M. scorpioides /3. H. Br. 212. Huds. 78. Relh. 75. M. scorpioides y. Linn. Sp. PL 189. M. scorpioides collina. Ehrh. Herb. 51. Beitr. v. 5. 177. M. scorpioides hirta minor. Rail Syn. 229. Echium Scorpioides minus, flosculis luteis. Bauh. Prodr. 119. Pin. 254. Anchusa lutea. Cav. Ic. v. 1. 50. t. 69. f. 1 ; all the synonyms wrong. Alsine myosotis av9ojw.yyX. Jmss. 131. F/.^r.216. Tourn.t.57. Lam. t. 92. Gar In. t. 67 . Nat. Ord. see n, 87. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, oblong, sligluly acute se^^- ments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel-shaped, scarcely lono-er than die calyx ; tube cylindrical, shorter than the limb, which is divided halfway down into 5 rounded seg- ments ; mouth about half closed with as many convex, horizontal valves. Filam. in the throat, lower than the valves and alternate with them. Ajith. roundish. Germens 4, depressed, horizontal. %/^ central, awl-shaped, almost as long as the tube, permanent. Stigma small, notched. Seeds 4-, depressed, roundish, imperforate at the base, moj-e or less rough with hooked prickles, sometimes bor- 260 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Cynoglossum. dered, all attached horizontally to a central columnar re- ceptacle^ formed of the hardened, permanent, angular style. Herbaceous, seldom perennial. Merh downy, hairy or warty, often fetid. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, acute; the lower ones stalked, often rounded at the extremity. Clusters numerous, stalked, bracteated or naked. FL dull crimson, purple, or blueish. Seeds a kind of bur. 1. C officinale. Common Hound's-tongue. Stamens shorter than the corolla. Stem-leaves broadly lanceolate, down}', sessile. Flowers without bracteas. C. officinale. Linn. Sp. PL 192. Wdld. v. 1. 760, Fl. Br. 216. Engl. Bot. V. \3.t.92l. Curt. Lond. fasc. 4.t.\6. IVoodv. snppl. t. 216. Hook. Scot. 69. Lehm.Asperif.l52. '' Fl. Dan. t. \\47." C. n,587. Hall. Hist.v.l. 260. Cynoglossum. Raii Syn. 226. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 175./. C. majus vulgare. Bauh. Pin. 257. Ger. Em. 804./. C. vulgare. Matth. Valgr. v. 2.531, 532./. Canier. Epit. 917. f. In waste ground, and by road sides, common. Biennial. June, July. Root fleshy, tapering. Whole herb of a dull green, downy and very soft, exhaling when touched a pungent and nauseous scent, like that of mice, or, as some say, the urine of dogs. Stem 2 feet high, branched, leafy, furrowed, hairy. Leaves with a strong mid-rib, aud several lateral veins ; those on the stem wavy, broad at the base ; radical ones larger, a span long, tapering at each end. Clusters terminal, panicled, without partial bracteas. Calyx downy. Cor. and its valves dullcrim.son. Seeds obovate, very rough. This plant is esteemed narcotic, and dangerous for internal use. 2. C. sylvaticum. Green-leaved Hound's-tongue. Stamens shorter than the corolla. Leaves lanceolate, some- what spatulate ; the upper ones clasping the stem ; all smooth and shining above; hairy and warty beneath. Flowers without bracteas. C. sylvaticum. HcEnke in J acq. Coll. v. 2. 77. FL Br. 216. EngL BoLv.23.t.\642. With.228. Sibth.70. Hook. Scot. 69. Lehm. Jasper if. \d7. C. officinale y. Linn. Sp. PL 193. C. officinale ^. Willd. v. 1. 760. Huds. 80. C.n. 588. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 260. Cynoglossa folio virente. Raii Syn. 226. C. media altera, virente folio, rubro flore, montana, frigidarum re- gionum. Column. £rp/?r. 176, f. 175, excellent. PENTANDllIA— MONOGYNIA. Pulinonaila. 261 By road sides and hedges, in shady situations, rare. In several parts of Essex, Worcestershire, Kent, and Surrey. lia?/, Dillenius. In Oxfordshire. S'lblli. Near Norwich. Andrew Caldwell, Esq. Found by Mr. G. Don, in the Carse of Gowrie, Scothind. Hooker. Biennial. June. Undoubtedly distinct from the common species, in its bright shining green colour, and want of downy softness, besides having scarcely any scent. The leaves are smooth on the upper side, except from the prominence of the callous warts of the under surface when pressed ; the latter being rough to the touch, and more or less hairy. Flowers at first opening reddish 3 subse- quently of a dull blue. The Stem-leaves have a few short paral- lel lateral ribs at the base. 91. PULMONAUIA. Lungwort. Linn. Gen. 7d. Juss. ]30. Fl.Dr.2\7. Touni.t. 55. Lam. 1.93. Nat. Ord. see ?i. 87. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, tubular, prismatic, with 5 angles ; the border in 5 equal segments. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel- shaped ; tube cylindrical, as long as the calyx; limb in 5 rounded, moderately spreading, segments ; moutli naked and open. Filam. in the throat, very short. Anth. oval, erect, converging. Germ. 4, roundish, downy. Style thread-shaped, shorter than the calyx. Stigma small, bluntish, notched. Seeds 4, almost globular, even and polished, hairy, attached to the base of the enlarged, bell- shaped calyx. Herbaceous, hairy, of huuible growth. Fl. of a violet blue, crowded, erect. 1 . P. officinalis. Common Lungwort. Leaves ovate. P. officinalis. Linn. Sp. PL \94. mild. v. 1. 763. Fl. Br. 217. Engl. Bot. V. 2.^.11 8, excluding the radical leaves. IFoodv. suppl. t.2\2. mth.22S. Abbot 42. Hook. Scot. 69. Don H. Br. 157. Fl. Dan. t. 482. P. n.597. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 2G 1. P. maculosa. Ger. Em. 808./. Lob. Ic. 586. f. P. altera. Matth. Valgr.v.2. 3S7.f. Camer. Epit.7S4.f. In woods and thickets, but rare. In (Ui{f wood, 6 miles west of Darlington, Diuham. Mr. E. Robson. Between Thurleigli and Milton-Ernys, Bedfordshire. Ihr. Dr. Abbot. (\)mmon in Exbury wood, Hampshire. Mr. Kudge. IV'ienuial. Maij. . '-^^^ - . ' 262 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Symphytum. Root fibrous. Stems 9 to 12 inches high, simple, erect, leafy, hairy Leaves ovate, hairy, scarcely warty; paler beneath j mostly speckled with white on the upper side, whence they have been thought to resemble the human lungs, and were therefore sup- posed good for coughs : the lower ones stand on long, bordered footstalks. Clusters terminal, corymbose, erect, with a bractea or two at the lower part. Fl. of a violet blue ; reddish in the bud. Seeds brown, or blackish, downy. 2. P. angusiifoUa. Narrow-leaved Lungwort. Leaves lanceolate. P. an^ustifolia. Linn. Sp. PL 194. IVilld. v. 1. 768. Comp. 34. En}l. Bot.v. 23. t.\Q2S. With. 228. Fl. Dan. t. 483. Park. Parad. 2A8. t.2b\.f.2. P. n.598. Hall. Hist. V. 1,265. P. angustifolia, rubente caeruleo flore. Bauh. Pin. 260. P. angustifolia caeruleo flore. Clus. Pannon. 673. /. 674. Bauh. Hist. V. 3. .596./. Ger. Em. 808./. 3. P. foliis Echii. Ger. Em. 808./. 2. RaiiSyn.226. P. alpina, angusto folio. Bocc. Mus. liO. f. 86. In woods and thickets, rare. In a wood bv Holbury house, in the New Forest, Hampshire. Mr. Goodyer ; Ger. Em. Among the ruins of the monasteiy of Maes-glas, or Green-field, Flintshire, from whence it was sent byMr.R.H.WaringofLeeswood. Mr.E.Robson. In a wood be- tween Newport and Ride, in the Isle of Wight. Mr. Turner and Mr. Borrer. Perennial. May, June. About twice as tall as the former, from which it differs in the lan- ceolate shape of its leaves, especially the radical ones, which are a span in length, tapering at each end, seldom spotted. The limb of the cGrclla is shorter, with rounder segments. Calyx, when in fruit, bell-shaped, and much dilated in width, without prominent angles, its stalk bent downwards, which seems not to be the case wVth P. officinalis. Seeds large, black, downy. These are the only species of real Pulmonaria hitherto discovered, whatever may become of the rest, some of which, as our mari- lima, and the suffruticosa of Italy, have the calyx oi a Liihosper- mum. 92. SYMPHYTUM. Comfrey. Linn. Gen. 7Q>. Juss. 131. Fl. Br. 218. Tourn. t. 56. Lam. t. 93. Gcertn. t. 67. Nat. Orel, see ft. 87. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, acute, straight segments, permanent. Cor, of 1 petal, bell-shaped ; tubu about as PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Symphytum. 263 long as the Hmb, wliich has 5 shallow, spreading, acute, marginal segments; mouth closed with 5 lanceolate, fringed, converging valves, shorter than the limb. Filam, short, in the throat, alternate with the valves. A7it/u arrow-shaped, acute, concealed by the valves. Germ. 4, abrupt. Stijle slightly club-shaped, as long as the corolla. Stigma simple. Seeds 4, ovate, tumid, converging, at- tached to the base of the enlarged calyx. Herbaceous, perennial, hairy or bristly. Leaves ovate, pointed, veiny. Clusters large, revolute, forked. FL of various colours, spreading or drooping. Roots fleshy, abounding in mucilage. 1. S. officinale. Common Comfrey, Leaves ovate-lanceolate, decurrent, finely hairy. S. officinale. Linn. Sp. PL 1 95. Willd. v. 1 . 770. FL Br. 2)8. EngL Bot. r. 1 2. ^ 8 1 7. Curt. LomL fuse. 4. L 1 8. Woodv. suppL t.2\o. Hook. Scot. 69. Fl. Dan. i. 6G4. Schrad. Asperif. 25./. 8. S. n. COO. IIalLnist.v.\.2GQ. S. magnum. BauJi. Hist. v. 3. 51)3./. Rati Syn. 231). S. majus. Mattli. J'algr. v. 2. 310./. Camer. Epit. 700./. Consolida major. Ger. Em. 806./ (3. Symphytum ])atens. Sibth. 70. In watery meadows, about the banks of rivers and ditches. Perennial. Muij, June. Root externally black, oblong, fleshy, yielding much pure insipid mucilage, which renders it useful in coughs, and all internal irritations. Stems 3 feet high, hairy, winged v/ith the decurrent bases of the taper-pointed, wavy, rough-edged leaves. Clusters hairy, stalked, in pairs, revolute. Cal. more or less spreading in the buff-coloured, as well as purple, variety ; which last is Dr. Sibthorp's .S. patens, and Haller describes its Jlower shorter than the other ; but I have not been able to find a specific difference. 2. S. tuberosum. Tuberous-rooted Comfrey. Leaves ovate, slightly decurrent, rather harsh ; ujiper ones opposite. S. tuberosum. Linn. Sp. PL 105. PfVhL v. 1. 771. FL Br. 219. EngL Bot. v.2\. t. 1502. Light/. 1091 . Hook. Scot 69. Don //. J5r. 133. Jacq. Obs. /asc'^ 3. \2. t. 63. Austr. t.22j. Ger. Em. 806./. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 594./ S. radice tulDerosa. Camer. Epit.70\./ In moist shady places in tlic north. Oppobitc to the new well at the water of Leith, but more jilcntifuUy 2<34 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Borago. in Dr. Robertson's walks at North Marchiston, near Edin- burghj first observed by Mr. Yalden. Lightfoot. In several other places in the south of Scotland, according to Mr. Hopkirk^ Mr. Maughanj &:c. Hooker. In Durham. Mr. Robson. Perennial. Juii/. Root knobbed and branched, externally whitish. Herb of much humbler stature than the last, with a simple, scarcely winged, stem, and more ovate, rather harsher, leaves. Flowers fewer, drooping, yellowish white, tinged with green ; their valves finely toothed at the edges. 93. BORAGO. Borage. Linn. Gen. 77. Juss. 131. Ft. Br. 219. Tourn. t. 53. Lam. t.94. Nat. Ord. see it. 87. Cal. in 5 deep, moderately spreading, segments, permanent. Co7\ of 1 petal, wheel-shaped ; tube of various lengths ; limb in 5 deep, flat or tv/isted segments, widely spreading; mouth bordered with 5 short, obtuse, notched valves, or with aw4-shaped ones, or with both, in which case the latter bear the stamens at the inner side. Filam. awl- shaped, various in length, converging. Antli. arrow- shaped, or oblong and notched. Germ. 4. Style cylin- drical. Stigma capitate. Seeds 4, ovate, converging, rug- ged or tuberculated, attached to the base of the closed calyx. Herbaceous, rough with prickly hairs, or bristles. Flo'-iioers numerous, panicled, handsome, blue or white. Dr. Leh- mann has, with the greatest propriety, separated from this genus three tropical Linnsean species, (wliich have a naked throaty and their seeds attached to a winged cen- tral column,) by the name of Trichodesma, 1. B. officinalis » Common Borage. Limb of the corolla flat, much longer than the tube; mouth with a double row of valves ; the innermost awl-shaped, bearing the stamens. B. officinalis. Linn. Sp. PI. ]97. Willd. v. I. 776. Fl.Br.2l9. Engl. Bot. v.\.t.36. Hook. Scot. 70. Lehm. Asperif. 201 . B. n. 607. Hall. Hist. V. 1.269. B. hortensi.s. Ger.Em.797 .f. Raii Syn. 228. Borago. Brimf. Herb. v.\. 113./. Buglossum, sive Borrago. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 527. /. Camer. Epit.9]4.f. Buglossa urbana. Cord. Hist. 109. 2./. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Asperugo. 265 In waste or cultivated ground, and by road sides, frequent ; yet generally thought not indigenous. Biennial. June, July. Root tapering, mucilaginous, as well as the herbage, whicli is clothed all over with very pungent bristles. Stem branched, 1^ or 2 feet high, round, spreading, leafy. Leaves alternate, ovate, wavy, and more or less toothed ; the lower ones broadest, and stalked. Flovcrs numerous, in terminal drooping bunches, very beautiful. Corolla an inch broad, of a most brilliant blue ; pink in the bud. Valves and anthers prominent, blackish. Seeds wrinkled and warty, of a light sliining brown. The whole plant has an odour approaching to Cucumber and Burnet, which gives a flavour to a cool tankard ; but its supposed exhilarating qua- lities, which caused Borage to be reckoned one of the four cor- dial flowers, along with Alkanet, Roses, and Violets, may justly be doubted. 94. ASPERUGO. Madwort. Linn. Gen. 77. Juss. 13\. FL Br. 220. Tourn.t.bA. Lam.t.9A. Schrad. Asperif.f. 9. Nat. Ord. see n. 87. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, divided halfway into 5 small, nearly equal, segments, permanent; subsequently enlarged, com- pressed, forming two erect, parallel, unequally sinuated and toothed, veiny lobes. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel-shaped; tube cylindrical, very short ; limb longer, in 5 rounded spreading segments ; mouth nearly closed by 5 convex, obtuse valves, converging horizontally. Filam. very short, in the throat, alternate with the valves, and concealed by them. Anth. small, roundish, of 2 lobes. Germ, 4-, com- pressed. Style erect, the length of the tube. Stigma blunt. Seeds 4, obovate, tuberculated, compressed, imperforate at the base, attached laterally in pairs to a central column, formed of the lower part of the style. Herbaceous, prostrate, rough with minute, rigid, depressed bristles. Floral leaves opposite. FL axillary, blue. 1. K, procwnheiis. German Madwort. Calyx of the fruit fiat. A.procumbens. Linn.Sp. Pl.im. Willd.v.\.77Q. Fl. Br. 220. Enrrl.Bot.v.\0.t.66\. Fl. Grcpc.v.2.(j5.t.\77. Hook. Scot.70. Don H. Br. 158. Ft. Dan. t. 552. Lehm. Asperif. 208. Schrad. Asperif. 26. f. 9. A. n. GOO. Hall. Hist. v. L 2G9. A. vulgaris. Raii Sijn. 228. 266 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Lycopsis. A, spuria. Dod. Pempt.SoG.f. Alysson germanicum echioides. Lob. Zc. 803./. Dalech.HistA 143./. Aparine major Plinii. Ger. Em. 1122./ Borrago minor sylvestris y.ap7ro;/73vo7ry;. Column. Ecphr. 1 8 1 . <. 1 83. Cynoglossa topiaria forte Plinii. Banh. Hisf. v. 3. 601 ./. The same cut is put in the preceding page, for C. folio virente ! German Madwort. Petiv.H. Brit. t. 29./. 12. In rich waste ground, but rare. Near Newmarket ; by Boxley, in Sussex ; and in the Holy island. Ray. At Wangford, near Brandon. Mr. F. Eagle. Near Pur- fleet, Essex, found by Mr. Alchorne. Huds. About the church at Newmarket. Relhan. At Dunbar. Lightfoot, Hooker. Annual. June, July. Root small, tapering. Stems prostrate, square, leafy, a foot or two in length, their angles beset with reflexed prickles. Leaves 2, 3, or 4 together, dark green, elliptic-lanceolate, bordered with direct prickles, and rough with depressed bristly hairs, so that the plant sticks to the hands or clothes like Galium Aparlne. Flowers small, axillary, solitary, on short stalks ; limb of a fine deep blue • valves white or reddish. Cal. when in fruit de- flexed, much enlarged. Seeds whitish, finely granulated. Co- lumna's Greek appellation compares the enlarged calyx, aptly- enough, to a Goose's foot. This appears to be the only genuine species of Jsperugo, so that the specific character is superfluous. 95. LYCOPSIS. Biigloss. Linn. Gen. 78. Juss. 131. Fl. Br. 220. Lam. t. 92. Gcprin. t.67. Echioides. Dill. Gen. 100. t.2. Nat. Orel, see n, 87. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, oblong, acute, erect, or somewhat spreading, segments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel-shaped; tube cylindrical, curved to one side just above the base, and recurved towards the summit ; limb in 5 rather deep, rounded segments, sometimes ob- lique, and slightly irregular; mouth closed vvith 5 rounded, convex, hairy, converging valves. Fila/ii. very small, within the tube at its uppermost curvature. A?itk. oblong, in- cumbent. Germ. 4. Sfijle thread-shaped, half the length of the tube. Stigina obtuse, notched. Seeds 4, ovate, angu- lar, with a bordered scar, attached to die base of die en- larged swelling calyx. Herbaceous, bristly and warty. Leaves for the most part sessile, alternate, often wavy, or sligluly sinuated. Clus- ters terminal, solitary, or in pairs, somewhat bracteated. Fl. briglit blue, or pur])lish. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Echium. 267 Dr. Lehmaiin has reduced this genus to Anchusa, with which it agrees in the bordered scar of the seed; but the curvature of the Uibe affords a remarkable and constant character, and I concur with Professor Hooker in keep- ing them distinct, notwithstanding the above eminent au- thority. 1. \u. arvensis. Small Bugloss. Leaves lanceolate, wavy, somewhat toothed, very bristly. Stalks of the flowers and fruit erect. Limb of the corolla slightly unequal. L. arvensis. Linn. Sp. PL 199. mUd. v. 1 . 780. Fl. Br. 221 . Engl. Bot. V. 14. i. 938. Curt. Lond. fuse. 5. t. 17. Hook. Scot. 70. Fl. Dan. f.435. Ehrh. PL Of. ,382. L. n. G05. IlalL Hist. v. 1.2G8. Anchusa arvensis. Lehm. Asperif. 225. Bieberst. Taur. -Caucus. r. 1.123. Buglossa svlvcstris minor. liaii Syn. 227. Ger.Em. 700./. Echion. Fuchs. Hist. 268. t. 269. Echioides. Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 7. In fields, waste ground, and on dry banks, common. Annual. June. Root small, tapering, whitish. Whole herb very bristly and i)rickly. Stem erect, branched, slightly angular, leafy, 1 to 2 feet high. Leaves light green, single-ribbed ; the lower ones bluntest, and tapering down into footstalks ; the rest sessile, or clasping the stem. Clusters in pairs, forked, revolute : erect, displaying their enlarged bristly hracteas, when in fruit. Partial stalks shorter than the calyx, erect, especially in fruit. Cal. very bristly. Cor. bright blue 5 tube and valves white ; limb a little irregular and inclining. Seeds hard, grey, ovate, pointed, wrinkled and granulated. 96. ECHIUM. Viper's-bugloss. Linn.Gen.78. Juss.lSO. FL Br. 22\. Tourn.t.oA. Lam. t. 04. Gairin. t. 67. Nat. Ord. see 11. 87. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, awl-shaped, upright seg- ments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, bell-sha})cd ; tul)e very short; limb erect, gradually dilated u})ward, its margin in 5, more or less unequal, broad, rather spread- ing segments, of which the 2 up})ermost are longest, tiie lower one smallest and most reflexed ; mouth t)})en and naked. Filani. awl-shapcd, une(|ual, declining, as long as the corolla, or longer, inserted into the IuIjc. AiU/t, !268 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Ecbium. roinKiisb, incumbent. Germ. 4, rounded. Style decHning, tbe lengtli of tbe stamens, often Jiairy. Stigma deeply cloven, acute. Seeds 4, ivrinkled /jr rougb, obliquely pointed, attacbed to tbe base of tbe hardened, sligbtly enlarged, calyx. Herbaceous or sbrubby, eitber bristly, or merely warty; in some instances hairy, or silky. Leaves oblong. Spikes in pairs, many-flowered ; either terminal and solitary, or lateral and collected into long leafy clusters. Corolla blue, red, or white ; generally large and handsome. 1. E. vulgare. Common Viper's -bu gloss. Stem bristly and warty. Stem-leaves lanceolate, bristly, single-ribbed. Spikes lateral, deflexed, hairy. E. vulgare. Linn. Sp. Pl.200. Willd.v. 1. 787. FL Br. 222. Engl. Bot. V. 3. ^.181. Mart. Rust. t. 136. Hook. Scot. 70. FL Dan. t. 445. Bail Sijn. 227. Ger. Em. 802./. Bauh. Pin. 254. Clus. Hist. V. 2. 143./. Ehrh. PL Of. 392. Echium. Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 7. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 345./. Gamer. EpiL 737./ E. n. 603. HalL Hist. v. 1. 268. E. sive Buglossum sylvestre. Lob. Tc. 570. f. . Buglossa sylvestris. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 111./ ^.Huds.Sd,. FL Br. 222. E. alterum, sive Lycopsis anglica. 3Ierr. Pin. 35. DilLin Rail Sijn. 228. E. violaceura. With. 233 ? possibly of Lin nee us. Echii altera species. Dod. Pempt. 631,/ Lycopsis. Raii Sijn. 227. L. altera anglica. Lob. Ic. 579. f. L. anglica, Ger. Em. 802./ In fields and waste ground, especially on a sandy or gravelly soil j as vv-ell as on old walls,, and rubbish. Biennial. June, July. Whole herb very rough with prickly bristles arising from callous points, intermixed with smaller hairs. Stems one or more, 1 to 2 feet high, erect or spreading, simple, round, leafy. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, single-ribbed, entire, dull green, tapering at the base ; the lowest stalked. Clusters terminal, leafy, com- posed of numerous, axillaiy, stalked pairs of dense, -reflexed^ hairy spikes^ each of numerous, crowded, large, hcciutifuX Jlowers ; pink in the bud, then blue or purple, occasionally white. As the seeds ripen, each spike becomes a spreading lax cluster, like the figures indicated under our variety 3, all which seem to re- ])resent either the E. vulgare at an advanced period, or in a dwarf and starved state. Yet some of these figures having been PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Primula. 2G9 adopted by Linnaeus (through C. Bauhin) for his E. italicum, and he having thence been led to mark that species as a native of England, it has been received into all our Floras, and pub- lished by Mr. Dickson in his Hort. Sicc.fasc. 14. 18, and also in Engl. Dot. V. 29. t. 1 081 , from garden specimens, for the Lijc.opsis of Ray, found plentifully, as be reports, in Jersey. The Jersey plant however, as fiir as I liave been able to learn, has blue Jlowers ; whereas E. italicum is always white. Ray cites the figure of Dodonaeus, which is from the very same' block with Lobel's and Gerarde's, as a good representation of his plant. Our E. vulgare may frequently be found very nearly answering to this figure, nor have I ever been able to detect a second species in England, whatever may be found in Jersey ; on which subject some authentic information, by means of specimens or seeds, is very desirable. Possibly E. plautagijieiim, Fl. Greec. t. 179, having lateral ribs to its leaves, like the above wooden cut_, may be the plant of Ray and Dodonaeus. 97. PRIMULA. Pi-inirose, and Cowslip. Linn. Gen. 80. Juss. 96. Fl. Br. 222. Tourn. t. 47. Lam. i. 98. Gcertn. t.oO. Nat. Ord. Precia^.'Lmn.^l. Li/si mac/iia. Juss, 3 if. Primn- lacecE, Br. Pr. 427. iV. 98 the same, also 100—102. See Grammar^ 95. [There appears little reason for Ventenat's change of the original name of this order to Primulacea^. Mr. Brown, who adopts the latter, adds the following characters to those of Jussieu, given in the Grammar. Calijx in 5, rarely 4, segments, regular, permanent. Corolla regular ; limb in 5, rarely 4, divisions. Stigma capitate. Capsule with parallel, not imbricated or infiexed, valves. Seeds jDeltate, furnished with alhimen^ in which is lodged the embryo^ parallel to the scar ; radicle indeterminate in direction. Herbs, with mostly opposite, sometimes whorl- ed, sometimes scattered, leaves. See the characters of the Lentibidarice, an order separated from this, p. 27.] Primula. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, tubular,with 5 angles and 5 teeth, regu- lar, erect, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, salver-shaped; tube cylindrical, as long as the calyx, or longer; limb s})reading, in 5, rather deep, inversely heart-shaped, obtuse segments; throat concave, hemispherical, pervious. Filam. in the throat, very short, opposite to the segments of the limb. Anth. pointed, erect, converging, not prominent. Germ. globular. Style thread-shaped, the length of the calyx. 270 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Primula. Stigma globular. Caps, cylindrical, as long as the calyx which invests it closely, of 1 cell, opening with ten acute parallel teeth. Seeds numerous, roundish, covering a cen- tral, ovate-oblong, unconnected receptacle. Herbaceous, stemless, perennial. Leaves simple, mostly toothed ; tapering at the base, or stalked. FlGtxer-stalks umbellate, bracteated. Cor. yellow, red, or purplish. 1. P. vidgaris. Common Primrose. Leaves obovate-oblong, tootlied, wrinkled. Stalks single- flowered. Limb of the corolla flat. P. vulgaris. Iliids. 83. Fl Br. 222. Engl. Bot. v.\. t. 4. Hook. Scot. 71. P. veris y, acaulis. Linn. Sp. PL 205. FL Dan. t. 194. P. vcris vulgaris. Raii Syn. 284. P. veris minor. Ger.Em. 781./. P. elatior (3, acaulis. irUld. ?;. 1 . 801. P. acauiis. Jacq. Misc. v. 1. 158. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. t. 16. P. n. 608. HalL HisL v. 1. 270. P. sylvarum. Loh. Ic.D68.f. Alisma sylvarum. Column. Phyt.2\.f. /3. Primula elatior. Hook. Lond. t.d. In groves, thickets, hedges and waste grassy places, abundantly. Perennial. April, May. Root somewhat fleshy, with long fibres. Leaves numerous, radi- cal, obovate-oblong, unequally toothed, soft and somewhat downy, reticulated with veins ; tapering gradually downward into broad short footstalks. FL numerous, large, sulphur- coloured, with a darker radiating spot in the middle ; their scent agreeable, though slight. Sometimes the Jloiver-stalks form an umbel, being elevated on a common stalk, as tall as the leaves, a few remaining single from the root ; but this variety, my /3, is distinct from P. elatior. I have such a specimen from the Rev. Mr. Relhan. There is always an awl -shaped brae tea at the base of each particular stalk, whether radical or umbellate. There are cultivated varieties, Vv4iite, purplish, or brown, single or double, of which the double sulphur-coloured is peculiarly elegant. 2. P. elatior. Oxlip Primrose. Leaves toothed, wrinkled, contracted towards the middle. Stalk many- flow^ered. Limb of the corolla fiat. P. elatior. With. 234. TL Br. 223. En^L Bot. v. 8. ^.513. CuU turn 73. Hook. Scot 7 1 . Willd. Sp. FL t\ 1 . 801 . Jacq. Misc. V. 1. 158. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Primula. i>71 P. veris /3, elatior. Linn. Sp. PI. 204. Fl. Dan. w. 433. /.43^. P. veris altera. Camer. Epit. 884. /: P. vulgaris /3. llnd.s. 84. P. n. 609. Hull. Hist. V. 1.271. P. pratensis inodorata lutea. Raii Stjn. 284. Herba Paralysis. Camer. Epit. 404./. 2. Bncif. Herb. v. I. 97./ In woods, thickets, or pastures, rare. Perennial. Jpril. Leaves contracted, or sinuated, about the middle, in which respect this species differs from the preceding, and more agrees \\itli th^ followmg. The foicers are sweet-scented, all umbellate, smaller with a less expanded limb, than in the former, or its varieties • but larger, paler coloured, and less cup-shaped, than in the Cow- slip. It has otten been supposed a mule between these two most common species ; and having often, perhaps, been confounded with the umbellate variety of the Primrose, its histoiy and true nature have become the more obscure. 3. P. verL^. Common Cowslip. Paigle. '^ Leaves toothed, wrinkled, conti'acted towards the middle. Stalk many-flowered. Limb of the corolla concave. P. veris. Linn. Sp. PL 204. mild. v. 1. 800. Huds. 84. Fl. Br 223 Engl. But. V. \.t.5. Hook. Scot. 71. Camer. Lpit. 883. f P. veris officinalis. FL Dan. n.434. L 433. Bull. Fr. t. \7\, P. veris major. Raii Syn. 284. Ger. FZm. 780. f. P. officinalis. Jacq.Misc.v.l.\o9. mth.234. CurL Lond. fa-c 6 t.15. J " ' ' P. n. 61 0. HaU. Hist. v. 1.271. Herba Paralysis. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 96./ In meadows and pastures, chiefly on a clay, or chalky, soil. Perennial. April, May. Leaves hoary, more finely downy and soft than in either of the foregoing, contracted in the middle, so as frequently to become heart-shaped, as it were, with winged footstalks - their maro-in wavy, as well as toothed. Flowers numerous, in one or more umbels, with small partial bracteas, on downy common stalks much taller than the leaves. Cal. downy. Limb of the corolla much smaller than the last, concave, or cup-shaped ; of a deeper yellow on the upper side, with 5 orange spots, or freckles, in which Shakspear has supposed their sweet odour to res'ide. These flowers make a i)leasant soporific wine, resembling that of Elder-flowers, or the Muscat wines of the south of France, A dark- flowered variety, called the Black Cowslip, has been sent from Bedfordshire, by the late llev. Dr. Abbot, with the cah/v divided to the base ; and from Northumberland, by Mr. Winch, with the same part unaltered. 272 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Primula. 4. V.farinosa. Bird's-eye Primrose. Leaves toothed, even ; powdery beneath. Limb of the co- rolla flat; mouth with a notched border. Stigma undivided. P. farinosa. Linn. Sp. PL 205. Willd. v. \.S02. Fl. Br. 224. Engl. Bot. v.l.t. 6. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. t. 14. Hook. Scot.7i. Loud, t. 133./. 6—9. FLDan. f. 125. P. veris flore rubro. Ger. Em. 783. f. Clus. Pann. 340./. Verbasculum umbellatum alpinum minus. Raii Sijn. 285. Aretia n. 623. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 275. In wet pastures and by rivulets, on mountains in the north of En- gland, as well as in Scotland. Perennial. June, July. Half the size of the last ; distinguished by the white mealiness of X\iQ flower-stalks and backs of the leaves, whose upper sides are green, smooth, and even ; as well as by the beautiful rose-co- XouvqA flowers, whose mouth is surrounded with a notched yellow glandular border, which caused Haller to make this plant an Jretia, such glands forming one of the chief characters of that genus. They are however more remarkable and converging in its genuine species. 5. P. scotica. Scottish Primrose. . Leaves finely toothed, even; powdery on both sides. Limb of the corolla flat; mouth v>ith a notched border. Stigma five-cleft. P. scotica. Hook. Lond. ^.133. P. stricta. FLDan. L\3S5} In the north of Scotland ; the soil or situation not recorded. Found by Mr. Gibb of Inverness, on Holborn Head, near Thurso in Caithness, abundantly, also in the way from Thurso to Dun- beath. Hooker. Perennial. July. Akin to P. farinosa, but the mealiness is said to be yellower, ex- isting, more or less, on both surfaces of the leaves. Limb of the corolla violet ; its mouth not more glandular than my specimens of the last. But the calyx is rather more tumid, and the 5- notched stigma, accompanied by a furrowed style, appears to con- stitute a sound specific character. The stamens being situated a little lower in the tube is of no consequence. The variable- ness of that circumstance is well known to cultivators of the Polyanthus. Whether this be the P. stricta of Fl. Dan., can only be ascertained by specimens, which I have not seen of either. It is much to be wished that specific names, taken from particular countries, perpetually introduced by gardeners, were not sanctioned by superior authorities. It will be fortunate if stricta, the older name, should prove to belong to this species. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Cyclamen. 273 98. CYCLAMEN. Cyclamen. Sow-bread. Linn. Gen. 8-2. Juss.97. Fl. Br. 22A. Tourn,t.6S. Lam.t.\00. Nat. Ord. see w. 97. Cat. inferior, divided half way into 5 ovate segments, per- manent. Cor. of 1 petal, wheel-shaped; tube nearly glo- bular, twice as long as the calyx, deflexed ; limb many times longer than the tube, reflexed upwards, in 5 deep, lanceolate, oblique, equal segments; mouth open, naked, prominent'at the circumference. Filam, very short, in the tube. Anth, straight, acute, converging, in the mouth of the corolla. Germen roundish. Sti/le cylindrical, straight, rather longer than the tips of the anthers. Stigma simple. Caps, globose, of 1 cell, opening at the top with 5 parallel teeth, the inside lined with pulp. Seeds numerous, some- what ovate, angular, covering a central, roundish-ovate, stalked, unconnected receptacle. Herbaceous, stemless, perennial, smooth. Root orbicular, depressed, intensely bitter and nauseous. Leaves varie- gated. Flower-stalks simple, spiral after flowering; some- times glandular, as well as \\\q footstalks. Cor, more or less purplish, elegant. *1. C hederifoliuni. Ivy-leaved Cyclamen. Leaves heart-shaped, angular, finely toothed ; their ribs and footstalks roughish. C. hederifolium. IVilld. Sp. PL t;. 1 . 8 10. Ait. Hort. Kew. v.l.3\l. Curt. Mag. t. 1001 ? Comp.35. C. europBeum. Fl. Br. 224. Engl. Bot. v. 8. t. 548. C. hederee folio. Bauh. Pin.3i)S. Ger. Em. 884. f. In groves and thickets rare, scarcely indigenous. On a bank at Bramfield, Suffolk^ on a wet clay soil. Mr. D. E. Davij. Perennial. April. Root globular, brown, sending out many branched fibres. Leaves beautifully variegated with dark and glaucous green ; their un- der side paler, purplish, with slightly glandular ribs. Foot-stalks round, more glandular ; tapering and wavy at the base. Flowers pendulous, on naked wavy stalks, taller than the leaves. Cor. white, or flesh-coloured ; purplish about the mouth. As the fruit advances, the flower-stalks curl spirally, and bury it in the earth. A very acrid plant, especially the root, whose acrimony is not much perceived ut the first tasting, but sooh becomes in- tolerable. VOL. I. f 274 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Menyanthes. 99. MENYANTHES. Buckbean. Linn. Gen.82. Juss. 98. Fl. Br. 225. Tourn. t. 15. Lam. t. 100. Gcertn. f. 114. Nymphoides. Tourn. t. ^7. Villarsia. Venten. Clwix 9. Br.Pr.456. Nat. Ord. doubtful ; akin to GeiitiaiicB, Juss. 46. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, slightly spreading, seg- ments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel-shaped ; tube short, somewhat dilated upward; limb divided beyond the middle, into 5 spreading or recurved, more or less pointed, segments, bearded on the disk, at the base, or at the margin. Filam. awl-shaped, short, attached to the tube, alternate with the segments of the limb. Anth. cloven at the base, erect. Germ, conical. Style cylindrical, about equal to the stamens. Stigma lobed or notched. Caps. ovate, surrounded at the lower part by the calyx, of 1 cell, and 2, more or less separable, valves. Seeds nume- rous, attached to the margins of each valve. Villarsia is kept distinct from the original Menyanthes, by Mr. Brown, after the example of Tournefort, Wiggers, Ventenat, and others, chiefly because- of its corolla having to each segment a bordered fringed margin ; while the base of the limb, not the middle of the disk, is hairy, or bearded. The leaves moreover are simple, not ternate. But as this able botanist is doubtful of the natural order of both his genera, which renders their limitation the more precarious ; and differs from Wiggers in believing they belong to one and the same order; I greatly scruple to divide them. They are herbaceous, perennial, smooth, aquatic or bog, plants, very vascular, with stalked leaves QXid Jlo-uoers. Leaves ternate, oxidjlowei^s clustered, white or reddish, densely shaggy, in Menyanthes. Leaves simple, undivided, and^. axillary, or clustered, mostly yellow, with a darker, elevated, naked disk, in Villarsia. 1. M. trifoliata. Common Buckbean, or Bog-bean. Marsh Trefoil. Leaves ternate. Disk of the corolla densely shaggy. M. trifoliata. Linn. Sp. PL 208. mild. r. 1. 81 1 . Fl. Br. 225. Engl. Bot. V. 7. t. 495. Curt. Lond. fasc. 4. t. 17. Woodv. Med. Bot. t. 2. Hook. Scot. 71. FL Dan A. 541 . Bull. Fr. M3 1 . Bigelow Med.Bot.Amer. t.4Q. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Menyanthes. 275 M. n. 633. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 280. M. pahistrc triphvllum, latifolium et angustifolium. Rail Syn. 285, M. palustre. Da'lech. Hist, \020.2fg. Trifolium paliulosum. Ger. Em. \\94.f. In watery meadows, pools, ditches, and spongy boggy ground, fre- quent. Perennial. June, July. Root black, creeping, with long stout fibres. Stems ascending, round, leafy. Footstalks round, stout ; sheathing and dilated at the base. Leaflets equal, obovate, wavy, each with a thick mid- rib. Clusters stalked, each opposite to a leaf, many-flowered, erect, partly whorled. Bracteas ovate, 1 to each partial stalk. Calyx obtuse. Cor. flesh-coloured ; its filamentous clothing white J all together very elegant. Anthers yellow. Fruit rarely seen. The whole herb is very bitter, and a powerful sudorific. An infusion of the leaves is a popular remedy for the rheumatism j and has been recommended in gout, scurvy, ague, dropsy, &c* In small doses it is tonic. 2. M. nymphcEoides , Fringed Buckbean. Fringed Water-lily. Leaves heart-shaped, wavy at the edges, floating. Corolla fringed. M. nyraphaeoides. Linn. Sp. PI. 207. JVilld. r. 1 . 8 10. Fl. Br. 226. Engl. Bot. V.4. t.2\7. Fl. Dan. t.339. Villarsia nymphseoides. Venten. Ch. 9. Waldschmidia nymphaeoides. Wigg. Holsat. 20. Nymphaea lutea minor, flore fimbriato. Raii Syn. 368. In ponds, and the marginal recesses of large rivers, rare. In several parts of the Thames. At Ankerwyck, near Windsor, Bishop of Carlisle. Near Walton bridge. Earl of Dartmouth. In the lake at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, brought thither from near York, by Mr. Teesdale. Sir T. G. Cullum, Bart. Perennial. July, August. Root long and stringy. Stems several feet long, round, branching, floating by means of their roundish-heart-shaped, very smooth ^ leaves, which are mottled above, purplish beneath ; involute in the bud, as in Nymphcea and Nuphar. Fl. axillary, on simple aggregate stalks, without bracteas. Cor. 1 i inch wide, spread- ing, yellow, with a darker radiating disk. German with 5 pur- pli.sh glands at the base. Stigma 5-cleft, notched, deciduous. Caps, ovate, compressed. I presume to correct the erroneous construction of the specific name, as Tournefort, who has led every body else to write nym- phoides, certainly did not mean to compare the plant to a nymph, but to its fellow-creature the Nymphcea. 276 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Hottonia. 100. HOTTONIA. Featherfoil, or Water- violet. Lmi, Gen. 82. Juss,9o. FL Br. 226. Lam. t. 100. Nat. Ord. Prccice. Linn. 21. Lijsimachia^. Juss. 34. Primu- lacece, Br. Pr. 427. Two following genera the same. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, linear, ratlier spreading segments. Cor, of 1 petal, salver-shaped ; tube cylindri- cal, open, about as long as the calyx; limb flat, in 5 deep, ovate-oblong, notched, equal segments. Filam. awl- shaped, short, from the margin of the tube, each opposite to a segment of the limb. Anth. incumbent, oblong. Germeii globular, pointed. Style short, cylindrical. Stigma globose, undivided. Caps, globose, pointed, of 1 cell, with 5 valves, subtended by the permanent calyx. Seeds nu- merous, roundish, covering the large, globular, central, unconnected receptacle. Herbaceous, aquatic. Leaves many-cleft, immersed, smooth. Fl. elegant, numerous, in whorled clusters, raised above the water. The stamens, as well as segments of xhejlowei^ are occasionally 6, 7, or 8. I. H.pahistris. Water Featherfoil. Common Water- violet. Stalks solitary, many-flowered; partial stalks whorled. H.palustris. Linn. Sp. P1.20S. mild. v. ].S\2. Fl. Br. 226. Engl. Bot. V. 6. t. 364. Curt. Lond. fasc. \. t. W. Fl. Dan. t. 487. Ehrh. Herb. 83. H. n. 632. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 279. Hottonia. Boerh. Ind. Alt. v. 1 . 206. Raii Syn, 285. Ponted. An- thol. 272. Myriophyllum alterum. Matth. Valgr. v.2.b\\.f. Camer. Epit. 897./. Viola palustris. Ger. Em. 826. In clear ditches and ponds^ on a gravelly soil. Perennial. June. Herbage smooth, entirely under water. Root creeping. Stems trailing, round, leafy. Leaves crowded, 3 or 4 inches long, bright green, deeply pinnatifid, with linear segments. Stalks central, solitary, naked below, rising high above the water, with numerous whorls of elegant pink, or deep rose-coloured,^oe^;er5, of the shape, and nearly the size, of a Priinrose, making a very handsome appearance. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Lysinmchia. 277 101. LYSIMACHIA. Loosestrife. Linn. Gen. S3. Juss.Oo. Fl.Dr.227. Tourn.t.dd. Lam. 1. 10}. Gcertn. t. 50. Nat. Ord. see ii. 100. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, spreading, acute segments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, wheel-shaped ; tube none ; limb widely exjianded, in 5 deep, ovate-oblong segments. Filam. awl-shaped, inserted into the base of the corolla, opposite to each segment. Aiith. oblong, notched at each end. Gennen roundish. Style thread-shaped, the length of the stamens. Stigma obtuse. Cajjs. globular, pointed, of 1 cell, and 10 valves, sometimes cohering in pairs. Seeds numerous, angular, covering a large, central, orbi- cular, unconnected, pitted receptacle. The stamens are, in some instances, connected at their origin. L. Linum-stellatum, see Fl. Grcec. t. 189, has really ten valves to the capsule, though combined in pairs, as in our L. 7iemorum. The corolla of the former indeed is less deeply 5-cleft than it ought, as Linnaeus remarks, and has really a short tube. The whole genus is herbaceous, perennial, less frequently annual. Leaves simple, midivided, entire ; opposite or whorled ; scarcely ever alternate. Fl. scendess, terminal ' and aggregate, or axillary and solitary, rarely axillary and aggregate. Cor. yellow ; in a few white, or flesh-coloured. * Stalks many-Jlowered. 1 . L. vulgaris. Great Yellow Loosestrife. Clusters panicled, terminal. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute. L. vulgaris. Linn.Sp.Pl.2Q^. mild.v.l. 8\6. FL Br. 227. Engl Bot?v. 1 1. ^ 761. Curt. Lond.fasc.o. 1. 19. Hook. Scot. /2. Fl. Dan.t.GSO. Bull. Fr. t.347. L. n. 630. Hall. Hist. v.\.27S. L. lutea. Rail Syn. 2S2. Ger. Em.474.f. Lysimachia. Matth.Valgr. v. 2.298. f. Camer.Epit.6S6.f. In watery shady places, and reedy margins of rivers. Perennial. July. ^ . , , . ... Root creeping. Stems 3 or 4 feet high, erect, leafy, w'lth 4 or more angles art'ording as the leaves are 2 or more together ; simple, except at the top, where each terminates in a copious panicle ot handsome yellow /oarr.s whose corymbose clusters are partly axillary partly terminal j their talks awl-shaped biacteas, and 278 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Lysimachia. pointed, fringed calyx, all more or less downy. Leaves on short stalks, 2, 3, or 4 together, 2 or 3 inches long, varying in breadth, single-ribbed, veiny ■ often downy beneath. Fl. an inch broad. Stam. combined, smooth. Caps, rarely perfected. 2. L. thyrsiflora. Tufted Loosestrife. Clusters lateral, axillary, stalked. L. thyrsiflora. Linn. Sp. PL 209. mild. v. I. SIS. Fl. Br. 22S. Engl. Bot. V. 3.t.\ 76. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 1 8. 7. Hook. Scot. 72. Fl.Dan. t.b\7. L. n. 631. Hall. Hist. V. 1.279. L. lutea, flore globoso. Raii Sijn. 283. Ger. Em. 47 o. f. How Phyt.7\, L. lutea. Clus.Hist. v. 2. 53. bothfg. Lysimachium aquatile, Dod. Pempt. 607. f. In watery places, very rare in England. In the East Riding of Yorkshire j Mr. Dodsworth. Ray. By King's Langley, Hertfordshire. Hoiv. In Anglesea ; Mr. Lhv, yd. DiU lenius. . By the side of Loch Lomond ; in a bog at Forfar^ and very plentifully in the borders of a lake, 4 miles east of Forfar. Mr. J. Mackay. In a marsh beyond Fossil, North Britain ; Mr. Hopkirk ; and by the lakes of Rescabie and Balgawen, Angus- shire, frequent 3 Mr. David Don. Hooker. Perennial. July. Roots creeping, with whorled fibres. Stem 1 — 2 feet high, round, quite simple, erect, leafy, slightly woolly. Leaves numerous, opposite, sessile, smooth, lanceolate. Fl, small, yellow, in dense, slightly branched, stalked, solitary, ovate, opposite, axillary, downy clusters, about the middle part of the stem. Cor. dotted with red, perfectly wheel-shaped, with solitary minute teeth be- tween the segments. Stam. smooth, slender, as long as the co- rolla, or longer. Capsules rarely seen. ** Stalks single-lowered, 3. L. nemoimm. Wood Loosestrife. Yellow Pim- pernel. Leaves ovate, acute. Flowers solitary. Stem procumbent. Stamens smooth. L. nemorum. Linn. Sp. PZ. 2 1 1 . TVilld. v. 1 . 820. Fl. Br. 228. Engl. Bot. V. 8. t. 527. Curt. Lond.fasc. 5. t. 18. Hook. Scot. 72. FLDan.t.\74. Ehrh. Phyt. 33. L.n. 628. Hall. Hist. v.\.27S. Anagallis lutea. Raii Stjn. 282. Ger. Em.6iS.f. A. flavo flore. Clus.Hist. v. 2. 182. f. In moist woods, and shady, rather watery, places. PENTANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Anagallis. 279 o Perennial. Mau — September. Stems creeping at the base, decumbent, often pendent from banks and rocks, branched, 12 or 18 inches long, leafy, square, smooth, red and pellucid. Leaves opposite, stalked, veiny, of a bright shining green, rather succulent. Fl. of a golden yellow, about half the size of L. vulgaris, each on a simple, slender, twisting, axillary, solitary stalk, about the length of the adjoining leaf. Cal. awl-shaped. Cor. divided beyond the middle, fringed with minute glandular hairs. Stam. yellow, quite smooth. Caps. globular, of 10 narrow valves, connected in pairs. One of our most elegant, though not uncommon, plants. 4. L. Nummidaria. Creeping Loosestrife. Money- wort, or Herb Twopence. Leaves somewhat heart-shaped. Flowers soHtary. Stem prostrate, creeping. Stamens glandular. L. Nummularia. Linn. Sp.Fl.^W. fVilld. v. I. 821. FI.Br.229. Engl. Bot. V. 8. t. r)28. Curt. Lond.fasc. 3. t. 14. Hook. Scot. 72. Fl. Dan. t. 493. L. n. 629. Hall.IFst.v. J. 2/8. Nummularia. Raii Si/n. 283. Ger. Em. 6S0.f. Camer. Epit.7bb.f. In wet meadows, boggy pastures, and the borders of rivulets. Perennial. June, July. Herb smooth, of a pale green. Stems quite prostrate, creeping, compressed, vvitii 4 prominent angles, a foot or 2 in length, scarcely branched. Leaves on short stalks, roundish-heart-shaped, wavy, with a small point. Flower-stalks angular, axillary, the length of the leaves. FL rather larger than the last, pale le- mon-coloured. Cal. ovate, or heart-shaped. Cor. clothed with glandular hairs, as are likewise the whitish stamens. Caps, sel- dom perfected, the plant increasing much by the roots. 102. ANAGALLIS. Pimpernel. Linn. Gen. 83. Juss. 95. FL Br. 229. Tourn. t. 59. Lam. MOl. Gcertn. i. 50. Nat. Ord. see n. 100. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, spreading, acute, keeled segments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, wheel-shaped ; tube none; limb nearly flat, in 5 deep, roundish-ovate segments, contracted at their base. Filam, erect, slender, shorter than the corolla, clothed, in the middle part more especially, with prominent glandular liairs. Anth. heart- shaped. ' Germ, globose. S/i/lc thread-shaped. Sligm-a ca})itate: or sometimes simple. Caps, globuhn*, of 1 cell, 280 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Anagallls » thin and pellucid, splitting horizontally into 2 hemisphe- rical valves. Seeds numerous, angular, abrupt, covering a large, central, orbicular, pitted, unconnected recej)tacle. Herbaceous, or slightly shrubby, annual or perennial, smooth, except the corolla and stamens. Leaves mostly opposite, often dotted, as are also the stejns. FL elegant ; scarlet, blue, or pink ; on simple axillary stalks. 1 . A. arvensis. Common Scarlet Pimpernel. Leaves ovate ; dotted beneath. Stem procumbent. Corolla minutely notched. A. arvensis. Linn. Sp. PL 211. Willd. v. 1 . 822, /3. FL Br. 230. EngL BoL v. 8. t. 529. CurU Lond.fasc. 1. 1. 12.' Hook. ScoL 72. Ft. Dan. t. 88. A. n. 625. HaU. Hist v. I. 276. A. flore phoeniceo. Raii Syn. 282. A. mas. Ger. Em. 617. f. Matth. Valgr. v. 1. 569. /. Camer. Epit. 394./. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 238./. /3. A. phoenicea, foliis amplioribus, ex adverse quaternis. Pluk. Aim. 29. Rail Syn. 282. In fields and gardens, common. Annual. June — August. Root small. Stem branched from the lower part, often dotted with purple, more or less procumbent, square. Leaves sessile ; in /3 four together ; ovate, many-ribbed ; dotted with purple at the back. Flower-stalks angular, longer than the leaves, twisted and recurved after flowering. Segments of the calyx lanceolate, pointed, keeled^ membranous at the edges. Cor. bright scarlet, with a violet-coloured mouth ; its edges finely crenate, or mi- nutely fringed with glands. Stam. purple, hairy ; dilated and smooth at the base. Anth. yellow, heart-shaped. Style purple, permanent. Stigma capitate. Caps, pale and transparent, the size of a pea, separating all round, the valves marked with some indication of longitudinal separations, which seldom take effect. Seeds roughish, abrupt externally, each with a central dot. The beautiful flowers close at the approach of rain, as farmers and shepherds in general well know. They are very rarely found of a brilliant white. 2. A. ccEVulea. Blue Pimpernel. Leaves ovate, or somewhat lanceolate; dotted beneath. Stem erect. Corolla strongly notched. A. caerulea. Schreh. Lips. 5. Abbot 46. Engl Bot. v. 26. t. 1823, Comp. 36. Hook. Scot. 72. Ft. Dan. t. 15/0. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Anagallis. 281 A. arvensis. mild. Sp. PL r. 1 . 821 , a. n. Br. 230, v. Iluds. 87 $ A. n. 626. Hall. Hist. v. \.277'> A. foemina. Rail Syn. 282. Ger. Em. 6\7.f. Matth. Valgr. v.\. 570. f. Camer, Epit.395.J\ very good. In corn-fields, rare. Between Stock well and Camberwell. Huds. In AVorcestershire. Nash. Bedfordshire. Abbot. Devonshire, and near Bath j Mr. Martyn. mt/i. At Great Saxham, Suffolk. Rei\ G. R. Leathes. At Tharston, near Long Stratton, Norfolk. Rev. Mr. Burroughs. About North Luffenham, near Stamford. G. Ainslie Esq. About Glasgow, and other places in the south of Scot- land, Hooker. Annual. July. Very like the last in every part, except the corolla being smaller, of a most vivid blue, paler beneath, its margin strongly, acutely, and unequally notched, as the cut of Camerarius very well ex- presses. The stem in that cut is, moreover, erect, which Mr. Leathes thinks essential to this species. I have not in- variably observed it to be so. There is certainly no difference in the calyx. Whether a species or variety, the Blue Pimper- nel is reported to be constantly propagated by seed. 3. A. tenella. Bog Pimpernel. Leaves roundish, somewhat pointed, stalked. Stem creeping. Stigma acute. A. tenella. Linn. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. 196. mild. Sp. PI. v. 1. 823 Fl. Br. 230. Etigl. Bat. v. 8. t. 530. Curt. Lond. fasc. 3. t. 15. Cullum 76. Hook. Scot. 73. Don H. Br. 54. Lysimachia tenella. Linn. Sp. P/. 211. Huds. 87. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 2. 12. Nummularia minor, flore purpurascente. Bauh. Prodr. 136./ Pm. 310. Rail Syn. 283. Ger. Em. 630. f. Moris, v. 2 567.* sect. 5. t. 26./. 2. N. rubra. Bauh. Hist. v. 3.271. f. On wet, spongy, mossy bogs, not uncommon. Perennial. July, August. Root and stems creeping. \V'hole plant smooth, except the sta- mens, depressed, branched, with small, roundish-ovate leaves, finely dotted underneath. Flowers erect, rose-coloured, on slen- der stalks much longer than the leaves, and becoming twisted when in fruit. Stam. clothed with white, jointed, woolly fila- ments. Anth. roundish, yellow. Stigma simple, rather acute. Caps, smaller than the last, but otherwise precisely similar, as well as the seeds, with which parts Linnieus was unacquainted when he referred this species to Lysimachia. It yields to none of our wild plants in elegance ; and being scarcely known on 282 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Azalea. the continent, except in the south, is a welcome present to Ger- man, Swiss and Swedish botanists. The corolla is rather funnel-shaped, as in Centmiculus, and the herbage most like a Lysimachia ; but the essential characters are clear. 103. AZALEA. Azalea. Linn. Gen. 85. Juss. 158. Fl. Br. 231. Lam. t.WO.f.l. Gartn. ^63. Nat. Orel. Biconies. Linn. 18. Khododendra. Juss. 50. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, acute, upright segments, coloured, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, bell-shaped, di- vided half way into 5 nearly equal segments, whose mar- gins are inflexed. Filam. inserted into the receptacle, thread-shaped, unconnected. Auth. roundish, opening by 2 terminal pores. Germ, globular, with 5 longitudinal furrows. Sfi/le cylindrical, erect, the length of the germen, permanent. Stigma capitate, umbilicated. Caps, roundish, with 5 deep furrows, umbilicated, crowned with the style, of 5 cells, and 5 convex, acute, cloven-pointed valves, whose inflexed edges form the double partitions. Seeds numerous, roundish, dotted, attached to an unconnected, tapering, central column. Gsertner found but 2, or more commonly 3, cells to the capside^ never 5. 1 have found 4 or 5. That the American Azalece of the gardens must constitute a distinct genus, has long been thought. But whatever shall be determined conceiuiing them, the plant before us is the identical Azalea.^ on which this genus was founded, and which alone, except perhaps A. laj)ponica, answers to the generic description of its author. Shrubby, depressed,, evergreen. Leaves smooth, convex, entire. Fl. red, on simple, aggregate, terminal stalks. 1 . A. procumhens. Trailing Azalea. Branches spreading and reclining. Leaves opposite, revo- lute, very smooth. A. prociimbens. Linn. Sp. PI. 205. Fl. Lapp. ed.2. 60. t. 6.f. 2. Willd. V. 1. 832. Fl. Br. 231 . Engl. Bot. v. 13. t. 865. Hook. Scot. 73. Don H. Br. 134. Fl. Dan. t. 9. Pall. Ross, v.l.p. 2. 52. t. 70. f. 2. A. n. 666. ^HnlLHisi.v. 1.296. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. 283 Chamaerhododendros ferruginea supina, thvmi folio^ alpina, Bocc. Mits. 64. t.j'S. Chamaecistus serpyllifolius, Ger. Em. 1284./. Ch. Septimus. Cl'us. Hist. v. 1. 75./. Anonymos altera. Clus. Pann. i)7.f. 58. A. fruticosa, foliis ericae bacciferae Matthioli, Bauh. Hist. v. 1 . b'27 f. On alpine moors. On the heathy summits of most of the mountains of Scotland. Shrub. July. Stems dwarfish, woody, rigid, round, buried in moss, with nume- rous, alternate, leafy branches, t^ach 2 or 3 inches long, depressed, spreading in all directions. Leaves opposite, small, elliptical' obtuse, revolute, shining, on short, broad, fringed, footstalks'. Flowers small, rose-coloured, on simple, smooth, red, terminal, aggregate stalhs, each stalk with a convex bracten at its base! Coat of the capsule spongy, with a deciduous cuticle. The an- thers consist of 2 cells, each cell opening by a rather wide pore, with a blunt border j nor have 1 ever found them bursting longi- tudinally, as describ-d by an eminent French writer, which is an extremily rare character in this natural order, if not absolutely inconsistent therewith. See Hooker 230. 104. CONVOLVULUS. Bindweed. Linn. Gr;.'.86. Juss. 133. Fl. Br. 232. Tourn.t.o/. Lam.t. J 04. Gcorin.t.\3A. Br. Pr. 482. Calystegla. Br. Pr. 483. Nat. Old. CampanacecE. Linn. 29. Con-colvuli. Juss. 43. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, small, in 5 rather deep, ovate, imbri- cated, converging, permanent segments. Cor. of 1 petal, large, hell-shaped, regular, spreading, with 5 prominent plaits, and as many very shallow lobes. 'Sect, a gland under the germen. Filam. from the base of the corolla, and half its length, awl-shaped, converging. Anth. ter- minal, erect, arrow-shaped. Germ, roundish. Stijle thread-shaped, as long as the stamens. Stigmas 2, spread- ing, oblong. Caps, invested with the calyx, roundish, either valvular, or bursting irregularly, of 1, 2, or 3, more or less complete, cells, with a central, imconnected, angular receptacle., whose angles are opposite to each su- ture. Seeds large, roundish, 2 in each cell, attached to the base of the receptacle. Linufjeus observes there are few genera in which one part or other of the fructification does not evade a strict limitation of character. Such is the case with the seed-vessel in the very natural genus Convolvulus. 284 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. The plants have a milky juice. Stem leafy, herbaceous, rarely woody, generally twining, from right to left, or procumbent. Leaves alternate, simple, stalked, without stipulas. Fl. axillary or terminal, on bracteated stalks ; their colours various. Ours have all axillary, reddish or white^ Jloxvey'S, and their roots are perennial, creeping ex- tensively. 1. C. ai'vensis. Small Bindweed. Leaves arrow-shaped, acute at each end. Stalks mostly single-flowered. Bracteas minute, remote from the flower. C. arvensis. Linn. Sp. PL 218. PVilkl v. I. 844. Fl. Br. 232, Engl. Bot. i\ 5. f. 3 1 2. Curt. Lond.fasc. 2. t.\3. Mart. Rust. t. 89. Hook. Scot. 73. Fl. Dan. t. 459. Bull. Fr. t. 269. C. n. 664. Hall. Hist. v.\. 295. C. minor vulgaris. Raii Syn. 275. Smilax lenis minor. Ger. Em. 861.^". Helxine cissampelos. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 359./. Camer. Epit. 753./. Fuchs. Hist. 258./. /3. Convolvulus arvensis minimus. Raii Syn. 276. C. angustissimo folio nostras, cum auriculis. Pluk. Phyt. t. 24./ 3. y. C. flore minimo, ad unguem fere secto. DM. in Raii Syn. 276. In hedges, fields and gardens, very common ; an almost uncon- querable weed, especially on a gravelly soil. Perennial. June, July. Root creeping, branching, extending to a great depth. Stems nu- merous, angular, twining or prostrate, leafy, slightly downy, not much branched. Leaves various in breadth, entire, smooth, on channelled downy /oo^5^«ZA-5, not one fourth of their own length. Flower-stalks as long as the leaves, sometimes divided, angular, swelling upward, bearing 2 minute, downy, lanceolate bracteas about their middle. FL fragrant like Heliotrope, but fainter, very beautiful, of every shade of pink, with paler or yellowish plaits, and stains of crimson in the lower part ; sometimes they are nearly white. They close before rain. Anth. red, or white. Stigmas linear, downy, almost equal in length to the style. I have never seen the capsule or seeds. 2. C. sepium. Great Bindweed. Leaves arrow-shaped, abrupt at the posterior lobes. Stalks square, single- flowered. Bracteas heart-shaped, close to the flower. C.sepium. Linn.Sp.PL2\8. Willd. v. \. 844. FL Br. 233. Engl. Bot. v.5.t.3\3. Curt Lond.fasc. I. t.\3. Mart. Rust. t. 88. Hook. Scot. 74. FL Dan. t. 458. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. 285 C. n. 663. IMl Hist. v. 1. 293. C. major. Rail Stjn. 2/5. Baiih. Hist, v. 2. 154./. Calystegia sepiuni. Br. Pr. 483. Smilax lenis, sive Itevis, major. Ger.Em.S6l.f. Dad. Pevwt. 392./. S. laevis. Fuchs. Hist. 720. f. Matth. J'algr. v. 2. 552./ Camer. Epit. 932./. In moist hedges, osier holts, and thickets. Perennial. Jidij, August. Routs long, creeping extensively, rather fleshy. Stems twining, several feet lo^ig, leafy, angular, smooth,' slightly branched. Leaves nearly vertical, on smooth stalks ; pointed at the end j variously lopped at the base, which tlie wooden cuts of old au- thors, excej)t Dodonaeus and Gerarde, do not express. Fl. soli- tary, large, pure white for the most part ; occasionally of an uniform flesli-colour, or rose-colour. Stam. and Pist. white. Stigmas short and blunt. The large bracteas inclose the calyx, which is one of the characters of My. Brown's Calystegia, as its name implies. 1 have not seen the fruit. The root has been used as a purgative, being near akin to the acrid and violent Scammony. 3. C. Soldanella, Sea Bindweed. Leaves kidney-shaped, somewhat angular. Stalks single- flowered, their angles membranous. Stems procumbent. C. Soldanella. Linn. Sp. PL 226. IVilld. v. 1 . 87G. FL Br. 233. EngL Bot. V. 5, f. 314. C. maritimus, Soldanella dictus. Raii Syn. 276. Soldanella marina. Gtr. Em. 838. f. Brassica marina. Cord. Hist. 205. 2./ Malth. Valgr. v. 1 . 427./ Camer. Epit. 253./ B. marina, sive Soldanella. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 166. f. Dalech. Hist. 526./. On the sandy sea shore. Perennial. June, July. Root extensively creeping. Herb smooth, rather succulent. Stems lax, procumbent, spreading in a circular form, slightly branched, angular, often purplish, 1 to 2 feet long. Leaves on longish stalks, heart- or kidney-shaped, more or less pointed, entire, or sometimes angular. Fl. very large in proportion, and remarka- bly handsome, on long, solitary, angular stalks swelHng upward, their 4 angles bordered and purplish, Bracteas ovate, close to tlie calyx, but rather shorter. Cor. as large as the last, of a de- licate purplish pink, with pale yellow ])laits. Stigmas short, awl- shaped. Caps, roundish, somewhat lubed. Seeds large. The Jlowers expand in the sun-shine only, and arc of short duration. 286 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Polemonium. 105. POLEMONIUiM. Jacob's Liidder. Linn. Gen. S7. Jns.^.. ]36. FLBr.234. Tourn. t. 61. Lam.t.lOG. Gcertn. t. {)2. Nat. Ord. Cainpanacecc, Linn. 29. Polenionia. Juss. 44. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, cup-shaped, divided halfway into 5 broad, rather acute, segments, permanent. Cor, of 1 petal, wheel-shaped; tube very short, closed at the top by 5 con- vex, downy valves ; limb large, dilated, spreading, slightly concave, in 5 deep, roundish-ovate, obtuse, equal segments. Filam. awl-shaped, inclining, shorter than the corolla, in- serted into the tube, between the valves, and opposite to each segment of the limb, yhith. terminal, erect, oblong; roundish after bursting. Germ, ovate, acute. Style cy- lindrical, the length of the stamens. Stigma in 3 acute, revolute segments. Caps, ovate, with 3 blunt angles, in- vested with the calyx, of 3 cells, and 3 valves, separating at the top ; partitions contrary to the valves. Seeds nu- merous, oblong, triangular, attached to the innermost angle of each cell. Herbaceous, with mostly pinnate leaves, and terminal, pa- nicled, blue or purplish, J/ owers, 1. V. ccEruleum. Blue Jacob's Ladder. Greek Va- lerian. Leaves pinnate. Flowers erect. Root fibrous. P. caeruleum. Linn. Sp. PI. 230. Willd. v. I. 886. Fl. Br. 234. Engl. Bot. V. \.t.\A. Hook. Scot. 74. Fl. Dan. t. 255. P. n. 665. Hall. Hist. ?;. 1. 296. P. vulgare cseruleum. Raii Syn. 288. Valeriana grseca. Dod. Pempi.^b 1 ./. 352. Ger. Em. 1 076./. Bauh. Hist.v.3.p.2.2\2.f. In bushy places, in the north of England, and south of Scotland,but rare. At Malham Cove, in Craven, Yorkshire , also in other parts of that neighbourhood, first found by Dr. Martin Lister j and sub- sequently by Dr. Richardson. Raii Si/n. At the Lover's Leap, Buxton. Rev. Mr. Wood. Near Bake well, Derbyshire ; Mr. Whately ; and in Gordale, Yorkshire ; Mr. Gough. Withering. Two miles east of Queen's Ferry, on the coast ; Mr. Maughan j in Arnistone woods ; Mr. Arnott -, Del vine woods ; Mr. Mur- ray. Hooker. Perennial, June. Root fibrous, not creeping. Herb nearly smooth, 1^ or 2 feet high. Stem angular, leafy, hollow, often reddish, unbranchedj pa- PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Campanula. 287 nicled at the top. Leaves alternate, of many elliptic-lanceolate, entire leajicls, with an odd one of nearly equal size. Fl. rather drooping, numerous, blue, occasionally white. Stalks and calijx a little downy. A common ornament of rustic gardens, of no particular qualities, notwithstanding its name of Valerian, de- rived perhaps from the leaves, which resemble those of some ValeriancB. It is not known to be a Greek plant, nor does Dios- corides appear to have mentioned it. 106. CAMPANULA. Bell-flower. Linn. Ge«. 88. Jmss. 164. Fl. Br.2?A. Tourn.t.37. Lam. t. 123. GcErtn. t.3\. Nat. Ord. Campanacece. Linn. 29. CamjpanulacecE. Juss. 52. Three following genera the same. See Grammar 1 1 7. Cal. superior of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, acute, rather spreading segments; in some with intermediate, reflexed, tumid lobes ; permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, bell-shaped, more or less expanded, withering ; impervious at the base, com- bined with the cal}^, and furnished at the lower part with 5 acute, converging valves, concealing the summit of the germen ; limb in 5 broad, spreading, regular segments. Filam. from the point of each valve, capillary, short, re- tractile. AntJi. longer than their filaments, linear, com- pressed, spreading. Germ, inferior, angular. Style thread- shaped, down}', longer than the stamens. Stigma in 2 cr 3 oblong, revolute segments. Caj^s. roundish, obovate, or prismatic, angular and ribbed, of 3 cells, rarely 2 only, bursting by 3 torn lateral openings, between the ribs ; or sometimes valvular at the summit. Seeds nume- rous, small, polished. Milky herbs ; seldom shrubby. Leaves almost always al- ternate ; simple, or rarely compound ; smooth or rough. Fl. variously situated, mostly blue, inodorous. The style, pardy very hairy, receives tlie pollen before it reaches the stigma, and retains it long. 1. C rotujidifolia. Round-leaved Bell flower. Radical leaves heart- or kidney-shaped, serrated; stem-leaves linear, entire. C. rotundifolia. Linn. Sp. PI. 232. mild. v. 1 . 892. Fl. Br. 235. Engl. Hot. V. 13. t. 8(36. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4.t.2l. Hook. Scot. 74. Fl. Dan. t. 853. Ger. Em. 452./. Rail Syn. 277 ; exclud- ing the reference to J. Bauhin. C. n. 701. Hall. Hist. v. 1.310; excluding Ocder's syn. 288 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Campanula. C. minor rotundifolia vulgaris. Bauh. Pin. 93. C. minor alpina, rotundioribus imis foliis. Cius. Hist. v. 2. 173, as to the figure, which is Gerarde's. C. sylvestris minima. Dod. Pempt. 167 j the same figure. On heaths, walls, banks, and about the borders of fields, common. Perennial, Juhj, August. Root somewhat creeping, rather woody. Herb smooth, dark green. Stems more or less crowded, upright, round, sometimes a little downy, about a span high, slightly, if at all, branched, each termi- nating in a loose cluster of a few drooping, h\\ieJlowers, on long, slender, tremulous stalks, with an awl-shaped bractea to each. The radical leaves are numerous, heart-shaped, with a blunt point, and 4 or 5 bluntish serratures at each side ; their footstalks thrice as long as the leaves, linear and very narrow ; some of these leaves are often kidney-shaped ; others ovate, or lanceo- late, and entire. They all usually wither very soon, so that the plant, when in flower, is found with stem-leaves only, which are long, linear, acute, entire and very narrow, tapering at the base into short footstalks. Segments of the calyx linear-awl-shaped, entire, spreading. Cor. thrice as long, twisted in decay. Cap- sule roundish. Sometimes, though rarely, the flowers are white. On mountain rocks this species may perhaps assume a more humble stature, with fewer flowers j nor are such variations unusual with it in barren ground. One of them was originally taken for C. uniflora of Linnaeus, a very different plant, by Mr. Hudson j and probably by Ray for C. alpina rotundifolia minor, of Bauh. Prodr. 34. This latter is really C. parva Anguillarce Contabrica, Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 796 ; and there is a good figure in each of these places. It is C. n. 702 of Haller ; C. t. 189 of Fl Dan.; and C, pumila of Dr. Sims in Curt. Mag. t.5l2 ; being C. ccBsjntosa of Villars, and of Scopoli, as well as pusilla of Hsenke in Jacq, Coll V.2. 79. In our gardens it is usually white, and grows luxuriantly under a frame, or in the open border ; being doubt- less a constant and very distinct species, characterized by the numerous serrated, obovate or lanceolate, stem-leaves ; to say nothing of its smaller size, and brighter green hue. I have no authority for believing that this C. ccespitosa, for so it should be called, has ever been seen wild in Britain. In the Fl. Brit. I re- lied on former authors, who have every one of them committed some error in the synonyms, which the detail here given will enable the reader to trace. 2. C patula. Spreading Bell-flower. Radical leaves obovate, or elliptic -lanceolate; the rest linear- lanceolate ; all even, crenate and roughish. Stem with several iringed angles. Panicle spreading. Calyx minutely toothed. PENTANDRIA— MOXOGYNIA. Campanula. !^Sy C. patula. Lhni.Sp. PL 232. JfVJdv. 1 . 896. Fl. Br. 235. Engl Bot. v.X.t 42. Hook. Land. t.b\. Fl. Dan. t'373. Piutln V.3.3A2. C. n. 698. Hall. Hist. V. 1.309. C. esculentaj facie, raniis et tloribus patulis. Dill. Elth. 68. i.bS. C. minor alba, sive purpurea. Gcr. Em. 452 /. ? In pastures, borders of fields, and hedges, rare. On the outside of l^uddon wood, Leicestershire. Mr. Woodward. In many parts of Worcestershire and Staffordshire. Withering Near Holt, Norfolk. Rev. J{. B. Franci.t. At Cobham, Surry. Engl. But. In several parts of that county and Kent. Mr. Graves. In many places about Alcester. Burton' Biennial. July, August. Roof small, tapering, white. Stem erect, 2 feet high, leafy, having about 5 angles, fringed with short deflexed hairs ; pan'icled and spreading at the summit. Radical leaves stalked, spreading, obovate, elliptical, or oblong, obtuse, bluntly crenate, roughish[ or fringed ; turning yellow, and withering when the^flowers ap- pear 3 the stetn-lcaves are alternate, sessile, lanceolate or linear, acute, less crenate, and rather smoother. Fl. of a fine blue, larger than the preceding, more tapering at the lower part ; the limb ribbed, gradually spreading. Segments of the calyx awl-shaped, with one or more livid teeth on each side, towards the base. The herbage, though bitter and milky, is often eaten by cattle. 3. C. Rapiinmlus, Rainpion Bell-flower. Leaves wavy, crenate, roiighish ; radical ones elliptic-lan- ceolate. Stem angular ; hairy below. Panicle compact. Calyx entire. C. Rapunculus. Linn. Sp. PL 232. Willd.v. 1 . 896. FL Br. 236. Engl. Bot. V. 4. t. 283. Hook. Loud. t. 80. Fl. Dan. t. 8.)5. C. n. 699. Hall. Hist. v.\.3\0. Rapunculus. Camer. Epit. 221. f. bad. Maith. Falgr. v. 1. 397./. much worse ; like a Linuni. R. esculentus. Bauh. Pin. 92. Baii Syn. 277. Rapuntium parvum. Ger. Em. 453. f. Rapum sylvestre. Fuchs. Hist. 214 f. Ic. 122. Raponeoli. Brunf. Herb. v. 2. 84./. On banks, and about the borders of fields, not common. About Old Buckenham castle, Norfolk. Mr. Pitchfurd. In many parts of Kent and Surry, as well as in other ))laceSj on a gravelly soil ; having formerly perhaps escaped from gardens. Biennial. July, August. Root spindle-shaped, white, milky, sweet, with a bitterish pun- gency ; when cultivated, milder. It was formerly eaten raw, or variously dressed. Stem a yard high, leafy, angular, more or vol, r. u C?90 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Campanula. less rough all over its lower part. Leaves longer, broader, and more uniform, than in the last species ; the lower ones taper- ing into footstalks. Panicle long, cylindrical, of a regular series of shortish, unequal, aggregate or subdivided, smooth, bracteated stalks. Cal. slender, almost entirely without teeth. Cor. light blue, swelling in the lower part. 4. C persicifulia. Peach-leaved Bell-flower. Leaves smooth, slightly serrated ; radical ones obovate ; those of tiie stem linear-lanceolate, sessile, remote. Stem round, very smooth, with few flowers. C. persicifoha. Linn. Sp. PL 232. Fl. Sitec. ed. 2. ^G. Willd. v. 1 . 897. Don H. Br. 1 80. Hook. Scot. 74. Fl. Dan. f. 1 087. Bull. Fr. t. 3G7. Fl. Grcec. v. 3. 4. t. 205. Ger. Em. 45 1 ./. Lob. Ic. 327. f. Scop. Cam. ed. 2. v. 1. 145. G. n. 697. Hall. Hist. v. 1.307. C. persica; folio. Clus. Hist. v. 2. 171./. C. media. Dod. Pempt. \66.f. Phyteuma. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 533./. l)ad. In woods in Scotland. Near CuUen. Don. Perennial. Juhj. Root somewhat creeping. Stems li or 2 feet high, erect, simple, round, pale, very smooth, more or less leafy. Leaves long and narrow, with very shallow serratures, especially the uppermost, which are acute, and nearly entire. Fl. very large, above an inch wide, of a fine blue, erect. Germen often hairy, as Scopoli re- marks ; but this character is not invariable. Segments of the cabjx long, lanceolate, entire, very smooth and even. Haller erroneously applies to this species Linneeus's remark of the toothed calyx m C.patula. The flowers are often solitary in wild specimens. In gardens, where they are generally double, and often of a brilliant white, there are always several on each stem. This plant being a native of most parts of the continent, from Sweden to Greece, may well be found also in Scotland, and I concur with Professor Hooker in admitting it. Mr. Cr. Don's specimens have a perfectly wild aspect. 5. C. latifolia. Giant Bell-flower. Leaves roughish, ovate-lanceolate. Stem unbranched, round. Stalks single-flowered. Fruit drooping. C. latifolia. Linn.Sp.Pl.2\\Z. JVilld. v. \. 900. Fl. Br. 236. Engl. Bot. 5. t. 302. Hook. Sc t. 75. Fl. Dan. t. 85. C. n. 691. Hall. Hist. v. 1.307. C. maxima, foliis latissimis. Banh. Pin. 94. Paii Sijn. 276. PENTANDRIA-MONOGYNIA. Campanula. 291 C. pulchra, Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 807./. Trachclium majus Belgarum, sive giganteum. Ger. Em. 448./. In moist woods and thickets, by the sides of rivulets. Not unfrequent in Scotland, 'and the north of England ; more rare in the south. In Forehoe wood near Kimberlcy, Norfolk. Mr. Ruse. In Suffolk, on a clay soil. Mr. Woodward. Near Dunstable. Rev. Dr. Abbot. In shady woods at Matlock bath, Derbyshire. Perennial. July, August. Root rather fleshy, very milky, as well as the whole herb. Stem erect, 3 or 4 feet high, quite simple, leafy, round, with several slightly prominent ribs, roughish with fine hairs. Leaves nu- merous, alternate, on short stalks, ovate, pointed, doubly and bluntly serrated, veiny, finely hairy, 3 or 4 inches long; the uppermost lanceolate. Panicle terminal, but slightly branched, leafy ; the upper leaves diminishing to linear, mostly entire, bracteas. Fl. erect, large, deep blue 3 in gardens sometimes white, with a purple eye. Cahjx lanceolate, pointed, entire, or partly serrated. Caps, pendulous, hemispherical, smooth. It varies with a spreading panicle and smoother leaves. 6. C. rajmnculoides. Creeping Bell-flower. Leaves roughish; radical ones heart-shaped, crenate, stalk- ed; U})permost sessile, lanceolate. Flowers drooping, uni* lateral, in a terminal, bracteated, upright cluster. Calyx reflexed. C. rapunculoides. Linn. Sp. PL 234. TVilld. v. 1 . 901 . Fl. Br. 237' Engl. Bot. V. 20. t. 13G9. Hook. Scot. 75. Fl. Dan. t. 132/- Don H. Br. 55. C. Trachelium. Bull. Fr. t.SlO. C. n. 692. Hall Hist. V. 1.307. C. repens, flore minore caeruleo. Bauh. Hist v. 2. 806. f. bad. C. hortensis, Rapunculi radice repente. Moris, v. 2. 460 sect. 5 t.3.f.32. In woods and fields, but rare. In some woods in Oxfordshire, amongst yew trees. Buddie's her- barium. At Blair in Scotland. Dr. Skrimshire. In corn-fields 2 miles north-west from Kirkcaldy, where it is considered as a troublesome weed 3 Mr. Chalders. Hooker. Perennial. Juhj, August. Root creeping widely. Stems 18 inches or 2 feet high, erect, leafy, slightly angular, roughish with minute deflexed hairs, simple, ex- cept some small rudiments of branches rarely protruded. Leaves veiny, rugged, scarcely roughish to the touch, bluntly and un- equally serrated, of a rather deep shining green ; radical ones very like those of Violets, heart-shaped, on long stalks ; upper ones sessile, deflexed, ovate, or lanceolate ; gradually diminish- u 2 'J9'-2 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Campanula. ing to the lanceolate, or linear, bracteas, of the long, straight, simple, many-flowered, terminal cluster. Fl. on very short stalks, bright purplish blue, hairy, half the size of the last, droop- ing all to one side. Cal. recurved, rough-edged, entire, not ser- rated. Caps, roundish, with 3 prominent angles, opening by 3 large intermediate pores near its base. 7. C. Trachelhim. Nettle-leaved Bell-flower. Stem angular. Leaves lanceolate, partly heart-shaped, sharp- ly serrated, bristly as well as the calyx. Stalks axillary, with few flowers. C Trachelium. Linn. Sp. PL 235. mild. v. 1. 903. FL Br, 238. Engl. Bot.v. 1. t. 12. Hook. LojuJ. t. 109. Scot. 75. Fl. Dan. t.l026. C n. 690. Hall. Hist. V. 1.307. C, vulgatior, foliis urtic«, vel major et asperior. Bauh. Pin. 94. RaiiSyn.27C). C. Cervicaria dicta. Ftichs. Hist. 43 1 . ^ 432. Trachelium majus. Ger. Em. 448./. Uvularia major. Trag. Hist. 926. t 927. Cervicaria major. Dod. Pempt. 164./. In groves, thickets, and hedges, frequent. Perennial. Juhj. Root thick, and rather woody. Stem 2 or 3 feet high, simple, straight, leafy, with several slightly winged and roughish angles. Leaves harsh, coarsely and unequally serrated, taper-pointed, ribbed ; the lowest large, on long stalks, heart-shaped, much resembling the Common Perennial Nettle ; the upper ones on shorter stalks, and more lanceolate, or ovate. Fl. on shortish, simple or divided, stalks, from the bosoms of many of the upper- most leaves, large, deep blue, sometimes white. C«Z. simply 5- cleft, generally bristly at the base and margin. Cor. perfectly bell-shaped, more or less fringed. The bristles of the leaves are often as pungent as those of a Nettle, though not venomous. The name Trachelium, from rpa^rj^os, the neck, alludes to the re- puted virtues of this plant in disorders of the throat, to which the other appellations of old authors allude. A decoction of the herb, which is bitter and somewhat acrid, was used as a gargle. 8. Q^. glomerota. Clustered Bell-flower. Stem angular, simple. Flowers sessile, most of tliem in a terminal head. Leaves ovate, crenate. C. glomerata. Linn. Sp. PI. 235. M'illd. v. 1 . 903. Fl. Br. 238. Engl. Bot. V. 2. t. 90. Hook. Scot. 75. C. n. 685. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 305. C.pratensis, flore conglomerato. Bauh. Pin. 94. Raii Syn. 277. PENTANDIIIA— MONOGYNIA. Campanula. 293 Trachdium minus. Ger. Em. 449./. T. alpinum, floribus conglomeratis. Hcrm. Parad. 235. t. 235. Rapunculus calyculatiis. Barrel. Ic. t.j23.f. 3. Gentiana coUina. With. 282. /. 1 1 ./. 8. From the author. In dry open chalky pastures. Perennial. July, ^■Jugust. Root rather woody, with lon^ fibres. Stem from 1 to 18 inches high, never branched unless injured, erect, straight, angular, hoary with short deflexed hairs. Radical and lower stem-leaves oblong-heart-shaped, on long stalks ; upper ones more acute, ovate, sessile, clasping the stem j all crenate, hoary all over with short close hairs ; paler at the back. Fl. of a puiphsh, deep, but rich, blue, most of them in a dense terminal head, subtended by 2 broad, concave, pointed, hoary bracieas ; a few occasionally,' solitary or in pairs, sessile from the bosoms of the upper leaves. Ca/. 'simply 5 -cleft, hoary. Cor. rather cylindri- cal, hairy, about one third the size of the last. In a cultivated state the herbage becomes over luxuriant, and less hoary ; the ^/lowers paler, more numerous, but far less handsome. Such is the case with many of the true chalk-country plants. 9. C. hybrida. Corn Bell-flower. Stem often branched from the base, straight. Leaves oblonnr, crenate, wavy. Corolla widely spreading, shorter than the calyx. Capsule prismatic. C. hybrida. Linn. Sp. PI. 239. IVilld. vA. 913. FL Dr. 239. Engl. Bot.v.6. 1.375. C.n. 704. Hall. Hist. f. 1.311. C. arvensis erecta. Rail Syn. 278. Moris, v. 2. 457. sect. 5. L2. /. 22. Speculum Veneris minus. Ger. Em. 439. /'. Onobrychis altera Belgarum et Dodoneei. Lob. Ic. 418./, In dry or chalky corn-fields. Annual. August. Root small, tapering. Herb barely a span high, pale greyish green, rough with prominent, rigid, minute hairs, especially the stem, and the undulating margins of the oval sessile leaves. Fl. few, terminal, solitary, sessile. Segments of the calyx lanceolate, spreading, rough.' Cor. scarcely half their length, almost wheel- shaped, with a plaits, deep blue, with a pale centre. Grrmen much lengthened after impregnation, becoming a long triangu- lar, downy capsule, opening towards the summit by 3 lateral pores. 10. C. hederacea. Ivy-leaved Bell-flower. Stem flaccid, much branched, procumbent. Leaves stalked, smooth, heart-shaped, with angular lobe>\ 294 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Phyteuma. C. hederacea. Linn. Sp. PL 240. Willd. vA.9l6. Fl. Br. 239. Engl. Boi. V. 2. t. 73. Hook. Scot. 75. Lond. t. 93. Dicks. Dr. PL 56. H. Sicc.fasc. 10. 9. FL Dan. t. 330. bad. C, Cymbalariae foliis. Raii Syn. 277. Ger. Em. 452. /. Bauh. Prodr. 34. Moris, v. 2. 456. sect. 5. t. 2. /. 18. Pluk. Phyt. L23.f.l. C. folio hederaceo. Bauh. Hist. v. 2. 797. f. In wateiy shady places, not general. Abundant in Cornwall, and many parts of the west of England, as well as about Sheffield, Yorkshire. Ray. In Bagley wood, near Oxford. Laivson. In Wales 3 Dr. Richardson. DHL In Sus- !^x abundant. Hudson, Dickson, and Borrer. On a bog near High-Beech, Epping forest. Mr. E. Forster. On Hartlebury Common, Worcestershire. Rev. T. Butt. In the County of Cork, Ireland. Mr. J. T. Mackay. In several parts of the low- lands of Scotland, and in the Scilly islands. Hooker. Perennial. June — August. A delicate little smooth plant, whose long, trailing, entangled, variously branched stems creep very far. Leaves about ^ an inch vv^ide, rarely a little hairy, scattered, on longish slender stalks, heart-shaped, with 5 acute principal angles, and a few smaller intermediate ones. FL terminal, solitary, on long slender stalks, more or less drooping, short-lived, light blue. Segments of the calyx awl-shaped, entire, permanent, the capsule opening at the summit, between them, with 3 valves, though even dried specimens have indications of lateral pores, which do not open. Seeds numerous, minute. 107. PHYTEUMA. Rampion. Linn. Gen. SO. Juss. 165. FL Br. 240. Lam. t,l24. Gartn. t.SO. Rapunculus. Town. t. 38. Nat. Ord. see n. 106. CaL superioi-j of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, acute, rather spreading segments, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, wheel-shaped, in 5 deep, linear, acute, recurved segments. Filam. thread- shaped, dilated at the base, scarcely attached to the co- rolla, much shorter than its segments. Anth. oblong. Germ, mferior, angular. Style cylindrical, curved, longer than the stamens. Stigma in 2 or 3 spreading segments. Caps, roundish, of 2 or 3 cells, with strong ribs, between which it bursts by three irregular openings. Seeds nume- rous, small, obovate. Herbaceous, mostly perennial, milky, generally nearly smoolli. FL blue, numerous, spiked or capitate, Leaves PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Jasione. '295 simple, crenate or entire ; in some almost grassy. Most of the oriental species bear scattered Jloivcrs ; and one, Plupinnalum, see Fl. Gncc. t. 220, has compound leaves. 1. V\\. orbicular c. Round-headed llampion. Flowers in a roundish head. Leaves crenate ; radical ones heart-shaped, or elliptic-lanceolate. Ph. orbiculare. Lmn. Sp. V12A2. Willd. v. \.92\. rLBr2A0. Eugl. Bot. V. 2. M42. Uook. Lond. t. 55. Jacq. Aiistr. t. 437- Rapunculus n. 681. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 304. R. corniculatus. jRii".3/oH07^. /rr. M 09./. 1. ... ^ R rorniculatus montunus. Rail Sini.27S. Gcr. Em. A-r^.f. '=>■ R. cornlculatus, folio oblongo, spica orbiculuri. Moris, v. 2. 463. sect. 5. t.D. f. 47. ^^_ R.corniculatus carulcus minor, i^rirre/. Ic.^ a'-.). Rapuntium montanum ravius, corniculatum. Column. Lcplir. —3 ^.224. In pastures, and bv road sides, on a chalky soil, bat rare. On the downs of ' Sussex and Hampshire, ni manv places. Ray In several parts of Surrey and Kent. Hudson, Hooker. Plentiful near Leatherhead. Perennial. August. rr ; -u Root long and woodv, divided at the crown. Herb mdky, not acrid. Stems solitary, simple, leafy, somewhat angular, smooth a foot hi^h, or more. Leaves smooth, crenate, with a midrib and many reticulated veins ; the earliest radical ones hear - shaued • the next, like those on the lower part of the stem, el- iiptic-lanceolate3 all on long stalks : those on the upper part ovate or lanceolate, sessile, fringed at the base. H of an in- tensely brilliant deep blue, numerous, inodorous, sessile, tormmg a round head, accompanied by several close, ovate-lanceolate, eafy braeteas. As the 3-celled eapsules ripen, the head be- com^es oval, and the parts of the Jlower, alter lasting long in a S state are finally, as Professor Hooker observes, deciduous, except the fringed ealyx. The figures of Morison and Bar- relier are copied from that ot Columna. 108. JASIONE. SheepVblt. 4'- rwco ir.r. Fl Br 241. Lam. t. 724. Gartn. Linn. Gen. Add. Ji^ss. loo. ri.m.^-^ t.SO. Nat. Ord. see Ji. 106. Cal superior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, acute segments, perma- n^Tcor. wheel-shaped, i. 5 deep, l-cec>h e ecpud straight, moderately spreadmg segments f ^^^- ^^l" shaped, short. Ani/^- oblong, combined at the base. 29G PENTANDUIA— MONOGYNIA. Lobelia, Germ, roundish, inferior. Style cylindrical, erect, longer than the stamens. Stigma cloven; in some flowers club- shaped and only slightly notched. Caps, bladdery, round- ish, with 5 angles, impeifectly 2 -celled, opening by a round pore at the top ; the partitions perpendicular, opposite, not completely meeting. Seeds numerous, elliptic-oblong, very minute, covering a globular, stalked, unconnected receptacle, in the bottom of the capsule. The central Jlox, Only one certain species. See Curt. Mag. t. 2198. 1. J. montana. Common Sheep's-bit. Sheep's Sca- bious. J. montana. Linn, Sp. PL 1317. TVilld. v. 1. 888. Fl. Br. 241. Engl. Bot. V. 13. ^.882. Curt. Lond. fuse. 4. t. 58. Hook. Scot. 76. FL Dan. f.,3l9. Rapunculus n. 678. JlaU. Hist. v. \ . 303. R. Scabiosse capitulo crerulco. Bauh. Pin. S2, Raii Syn. 278. Ilapuntium alterum lej)tophvHon capitatum. Column. Ecpkr. 226. ^227. Scabiosa minima hirsuta. Ger. Em. 723. f. S. media. Lob. Ic. 536./. In dry sandy fields, and heathy ground, plentiful. Annual. June, Juhj. Root tapering, rather woody, said to be occasionally perennial in the south of Europe ; see Wiildenow. Herb rough with short rigid hairs. Stems several, a span high, simple or branched, roundish, leafy. Leaves sessile, oblong, bluntish, wavy, entire or unequally serrated, gradually smalltr from the root upwards, alternate. FL small, in round, solitary, terminal tufts, on short partial stalks, each tuft surrounded by several ovate hracieas, analogous to those of Phyteuma, which LinntEUs esteemed a ge- neral calyx, misled by the idea of a compound flower, suggested probably by the combined anthers. Corolla light blue. Stigma purplish. This plant is closely related to Phyteuma; but the partitions of the capsule, and its terminal entire orifice, added to the combined anthers, afford perhaps good marks of generic distinction. 109. LOBELIA. liobelia. Linn. Gen. PL 456. Juss. 165. FL Br. 242. Lam. t. 724. Rapuntium. Tourn.t.bl. Gcertn.f. 30. Kat. Ord. see n. 106. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Lobelia. 297 CaL superior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, small, nearly regular, per- manent segments, surrounding the summit of the germen. Cor. of 1 petal, irregular ; tube cylindrical, longer than the calyx, split along the upper side ; limb in 5 deep, lan- ceolate segments ; the 2 uppermost small, most reflexed, and most deeply separated, constituting the upper lip ; the rest more spreading, generally larger, forming the under lip. Filam. awl-shaped, the length of the tube, combined at the top. Anthers united into a cylinder, more or less curved at the extremity, separating after a while at the base into 5 parts. GermeJi pointed, inferior. Style cylindrical, as long as the stamens. Stigvia capi- tate, hairy. Caps, elliptical, angular, of 2 or 3 cells and as many valves, bursting at the top, within the circum- ference of the calyx ; partitions contrary to the valves. Seeds numerous, minute, covering the conical recep- tacle. Herbaceous or shrubby, milky, acrid. Leaves simple, un- divided. Fl. racemose or solitary, various in colour, in- odorous. Pubescence various. ] . L. Dortmanna. Water Lobelia. Leaves linear, entire, of two longitudinal cells. Stem nearly naked. L. Dortmanna. Linn. Sp. PL 1318. Willd. r. 1. 938. Fl Br. 242. Engl. Bot.v.2. t. 140. Light/. 505. t. 21. Hook. Scot.76. Fl. Dan. t. 39. Dortmanna lacustris, floribus sparsis pendulis. Rudb. Act. Suec. ann. 1720.97.^2. Gladiolus palustris. Bauh. Pin. 41. Rudb. Elys. v. 2. 17./. 7. G. lacustris Dortmanni. Cliis. Cur. Post. 40. f. Rail Syn. *287. G. lacustris. Ger. Em. 105./. In the lakes of Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the north of England. Abundant in those of North Wales and Scotland. Richardson, Lightfoot. In most of the lakes, with clear gravelly bottoms, m Westmoreland and Cumberland. Perennial. July. , • j Root of many long, simple, whitish fibres. Herb smooth, immersed in water like the Hottonia. Leaves numerous, 2 inches long, mostly radical, obtuse, recurved, tumid, divided internally, by a longitudinal partition, into 2 cells. Stem solitary, erect, round, hollow, slightly leafy, terminating in a simple cluster of light blue, drooping, alternate flowers, raised several inches above the water. Bracleas small, solitary, at the base of eadi partial stalk. Cor. bearded at the mouth, as arc the anthvrs at their tips. Cap- 298 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Impatiens. sule elliptic-oblong, with 5 angles, crowned,, a little below the summit, with the upright calyx. 2. L. urens. Acrid Lobelia. Stem nearly upright. Lower leaves obovate, slightly toothed ; upper lanceolate, serrated. Clusters terminal. L. urens. Li«/i. % PL 1321. WilU.vA^d^^. FL Br. 243. Engl. Bot. V. 14. ^.953. Curt. Lond.fasc.6. L 63. Dicks. H. Sice. fuse. 16.9. BuU.Fr.t.d. Rapunculus galeatus blsesensis, seu soloniensis, flore violaceo mi- nore. Moris, v. 2. 467. sect. 5. t. 5.f. 56. Rapuntium urens soloniense. Bocc. Sic. 21. t. 1 1,/. 3. Draba flore cseruleo galeato. Bauh. Pin. 1 10. Prodr. 53. On bushy heaths in Devonshire. On Shute Common, between Axminster and Honiton. Mr New- berry. On the slope of Kilmington hill, two miles from Axmin- ster J Lord Webb" Seymour. Curtis. Near Ottery St. Mary. Miss Burgess. Perennial. August, September. Root fibrous. Stem a foot or more in height, branched, leafy, an- gular, roughish, not hairy. Leaves alternate, oblong, with shal- low, irregular, tooth-like serratures, nearly smooth -, the lower- most stalked. Clusters erect, long, simple, lax, with short, roughish partial stalks, and linear-lanceolate hracteas. Calyx and germen rough. Corolla light purplish blue, downy, with a pale ribbed tube not an inch in'length. Anthers incurved, downy externally, blackish. Caps, of 2 cells. The whole herb is milky, fetid, and very acrid. 110. IMPATIENS. Balsam. Linn. Gen. AbS. Fl. Br. 243. Riv. Tetrap. Irr. t.]2\. Lam. 1.725. Balsamina. Juss. 270. Tourn.t. 23b. Riv. Tetrap. Irr. t. \20. G(Ertn. i. 113. Nat. Ord. Corydales. Linn. 24. Akin to Gerania. Juss. 73. Perhaps allied in some points to Corchorus, CaL inferior, small, of 2 roundish, pointed, concave, lateral, rather unequal, coloured, deciduous leaves. Cor. of 5 unequal petals, ringent ; upper one roundish, flat, erect, slightly 3-cleft, pointed in the middle, constituting the upper lip ; lower pair very large, reflexed, dilated out- wards, obtuse, irregular, constituting the lower lip i inter- mediate pair opposite, at the base of the upper lip, some- times united to the lower petals, sometimes wanting. Nec- tary of 1 leaf, tubular, oblique at the mouth, whose upper edge is attached to the receptacle, tapering at the base PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Impatient. '299 into a curved spur. Filam. from the receptacle, very short, incurved, narrower towards the base. Anth. com- bined at the base. Genu, superior, of 5 cells, ovate, pointed. Style none. Stigma simj^le, shorter than the anthers. Cajjs. ovate-oblonf^, of 5 cells, and 5 linear valves, separating elastically, and curved spirally inwards. Seeds several, oval, attached to a membranous-bordered central column. Annual herbs, with a branched, very succulent, leafy stem. Leaves' undi\ided, serrated. Fl. axillary, stalked, pendu- lous, red or yellow, inodorous, very ornamental. 1. \. Noli'ine-tangere. Yellow Balsam. Touch me not. Stalks solitary, many-flowered. Leaves ovate. Joints of the stem swelling. I. Noli-me-tangerc. Linn. Sp. PL 1329. JVilld. v. 1. 11/6. Fl. Br.243. Engl. Dot. v. 14. ^.937. Hook.Scot.76. Fl. Dan. t. 582. Impatiens. Riv. Tetrap. Irr. t. 121. I. n. 557. Hall. Hist. V. 1.239. I. herba. Dod. Fempt. C59./. Balsamine lutea, sive Noli me tangere. Rail Syn. 31C. Balsamina lutea polonica. Barrel. Ic. t. 1197. Noli me tangere, Balsamita altera. Column. Ecphr. 149. t. 150. Persicaria siliquosa. Ger. Em. 446. f. In watery shady places in the North, but rarely. In several parts of Westmoreland ; also in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Wales. Ray. On the banks of Wynundermerc, in little brooks, and watery places, near Rydall hall, plentifully. Annual. July, August. Root fleshy, with numerous, entangled, horizontal fibres. Herb smooth. Stem erect, pellucid, 12 or 18 inches high, veiy juicy. Leaves alternate, stalked, ovate or elliptical, sharply serrated} the lowermost serratures crowded and elongated. Stipulas none. Fl. large and handsome, yellow, spotted internally with red, 4 or 5 together, on branching axillary stalks. Caps, succulent j when nearly ripe elastic, bursting asunder with the slightest touch, and scattering its seeds. In a dry garden the corolla is often abortive. The leaves wither very soon after gathering ; but I cannot find that they hang down in a flaccid state during the night, as \'illars reports, whatever may be the case after a day of southern sunshine, as he saw them in Daiiphiny. Dodo- naeus speaks of this as a plant of pernicious qualities : and Hay says it is dangerously diuretic. 300 PENTANDKIA—MONOGYNIA. Viola, 111. VIOLA. Violet. Linn. Gen. 457. Juss. 294. Fl. Br. 244. Sm. in Rees's Cycl. v. 37. Tourn. t. 236. Lam. t. 725. Gccrtn. t. 1 1 2. Nat. Ord. Campanacece. Linn. 24-. Allied to Cist?. Juss. 80. Violacece. Venten. Malmais. 27. Decand. 17. [Ventenat declares, after Jussieii, that Viola is the type of a natural order, jjreswned to exist, but of" which no other genus is known. It were better to say it cannot be referred to any known order ; for though it possesses here and there a character of several different orders, it is hardly allied, on the whole to any one.] Cat. inferior, permanent, of 5 ovate-oblong, erect, equal, acute leaves, inserted above their obtuse base ; 2 of them subtending the uppermost petal; one each of the lateral petals ; and one the 2 lowermost. Cor. irregular, of 5 un- equal petals ; the uppermost solitary, broadest, most ob- tuse, slightly cloven, directed downward (the position of the flower being reversed), terminating at the base in a horn-shaped blunt nectary, projecting betwixt the calyx- leaves ; 2 lateral petals opposite, equal, obtuse, straight ; 2 lowermost (turned upward) equal, larger. Filam. very small, 2 of which, adjoining the odd petal, have 2 com- bined spurs, which enter the nectary. Anth. broad, con- verging, scarcely connected, obtuse, each terminating in a membranous point. Germ, superior, roundish. Style thread-shaped, projecting be^^ond the anthers. Stigina oblique, pointed or concave. Caps, ovate, triangular, ob- tuse, of 1 cell and 3 rigid, finally reflexed, valves. Seeds several in each cell, ovate, polished, attached to the linear central receptacle of each valve. The stigma of V. odorata, and its allies, is a simple liooked point ; in V. tricolor, and others of the Pansy tribe, it is a hollow knob, perforated at the summit, and gaping oc- casionally. T^hejlower is reversed, or inverted, in all the Europajan species ; in most of the Indian ones erect. The species are numerous, almost entirely herbaceous, and of humble stature. Stem trailing, or erect, or wanting. Leaves stalked, simple, mostly alternate; in some instances deeply divided; in ail crenate, or serrated. Stipidas in pairs, various and remarkable. Fl. on simple stalks, va^ riously coloured ; very often streaked in a radiant man- ner, like Veronica. One species especially is highly fra- grant, and gives its name to a peculiar deep purplish-blue PENTANDRI A— MONOGYNIA. Violn. SO I colour, as well as to a delicious scent, resembling its own, in the root of Irisjioventina^ and a few cryptogamic vege- tables. 1. V. h'lrta. Hairy V^iolet. Stem none. Leaves heart-shaped, rough with hairs, as well as their footstalks. Calyx-leaves obtuse. Lateral petals with a hairy central line. V. hirta. Linn, Sp. PL 1324. mild. r. 1. 1 162. Fl. Br. 244. Engl. Dot V. 13. i. 894. Curt. Lond.fasc. 1. t. 64. Hook. Scot, 76. Fl.Dan. /. 618. V. n. 559. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 240. V. martia major hirsuta inodora. Moris, v. 2. 4/5. sect. 5. t. 35./. 4. Rail Syn. 365. V. fol. Trachelii, serotina hirsuta, radice lignosa. Merr. Pin. 125. Viola. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 137./.3. V. inodora. Riv. Pentap. Irr. M 19./. 2. In groves and thickets, on a chalky or limestone soil. In Oxfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Kent. Rail Syn. At Marham, Norfolk. Mr. Crowe. Near Bury, Suffolk. Mr. Wood- ward. On St. Vincent's rocks, Bristol. Mr. Dyer. Perennial. April. Root rather woody, cylindrical. Stem none, except a few short, simple, horizontal runners, forming leafy tufts, but not taking root. Leaves oblong-heart-shaped, veiny, crenate, of a light hoary green, clothed on both sides with short hairs. Footstalks longer than the leaves, erect, rough with copious, prominent, horizontal hairs. Stipulas lanceolate, chiefly radical, more or less toothed, pale green. Flower-stalks taller than the leaves, erect, smooth, with a pair of lanceolate, smooth bracteas, below their middle. Fl. solitary, drooping, obliquely reversed, of a light greyish blue, streaked with black, scentless. Lateral petals marked, just above the claw, with a hairy line. Cal. smooth. Stamens flat. Anth. each tipped with a 'flat, orange-coloured membrane, converging, but not united. Capsule rounded, hair)% with several round seeds. 2. V. odorata. Sweet Violet. Stem none. Scyons creeping. Leaves heart-shaped, nearly smooth, as well as their footstalks. Calyx-leaves obtuse. Lateral petals with a hairy central line. V. odorata. Linn. Sp. PI. 1324. JlVld. v. 1 . 1 1 63. Fl. Br. 245. Engl. Bot. V. 9. t.6]9. Curt. Loyid.fasc. 1. ^63. Hook. Scot. 77. Fl. Dan. t. 309. Bull. Fr. t. 169. Rcncalm. Spec. 141. r 140, simpler. Ehrh. PI. Of. 158. V. n.558. Hall. Hist. V. 1.240. 302 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Viola. Viola. Brunf.Herb.v. I. \37.f. 1,2. Riv.Pentap. Irr. M19./. 1. V. martia purpurea. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 542./. Rail Syyi. 364. V. nigra, sive purpurea. Ger. Em. 850./. V. purpurea. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 522./ Camer. Epit. 910./ (3. V. martia alba. Rail Syn. 364. V. flore albo. Ger. Em. 850./ In woods, hedges and pastures, frequent. Perennial. March, April. Root ratiier woody. Stem none, but the long, trailing, leafy scyons spread very far, throwing out abundance of fibrous radicles. Leaves of a darker green, and more rounded heart-like figure than the preceding, veiny and somewhat wrinkled, but smooth above, though slightly downy underneath. Footstalks nearly smooth. *S^/;j?\. FL Br. 24S. Engl. Bot. v. ]]. t.72\. irith.2G3. Hook. Scot. 77. V. grandiflora. Huds. ed. 2. 380. Lightf. 508. V. n. 566 ^. Hull. Hist. V. 1.243. V. montana lutea grandiflora nostras. Rail Sijn. 365. V, flore luteo majore. Rlv. Pentap. In: f. 121. Great Yellow Pansie. Pet. H. Brit. t. 37. f. 10. In moist mountainous pastures. Very common in the mountainous parts of Wales, and the north of England, as well as in Scotland, Perennial. May — September. Root fibrous, slender. Stem 3 or 4 inches high, simple, leafy, tri- angular, a little downy at one side ; tapering, weak, and de- cumbent at the base, where it is sometimes, though very rarely, divided. Leaves alternate, stalked, ovate, strongly crenate, a little hairy, especially at the edges ; the lowermost small, round- ed, or hea'-t-shaped. Stipulas large, deeply palmate, or fingered } their middle segments largest. Flower-stalks one or two on each plant, axillary, solitary, rising much above the top of the stem. Bracteas towards the upper part of each stalk, alternate, small, oblong, obtuse, occasionally with 2 small teeth at their base. Fl. larger than the last, with which the calyx nearly agrees, but the corolla is generally yellow, with blackish, branched, radiating lines ; the lateral petals palest ; the 2 upper ones sometimes purple. When all are purple, as sometimes happens. Professor Hooker says this is V. amcena of authors. The anthers are di- stinct, with a small orange-coloured appendage. Style with a double curvature. Stigma club-shaped, hollow, hairy at the sides, marked underneath with a dark purple line. All the pe- tals are densely bearded round the mouth of the flower. Great confusion has existed between this very distinct species and the Linnsean V. grandiflora, whose flowers are twice as large, and the spur twice as long as the posterior lobes of the calyx j whereas in F. lutea those parts are of the same length ^ see Rees's Cycl, n. 67. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Veibascum. SOT 112. VERBASCUAI. Mullein. Linu.Gen.97. Juss.\24, FL Br.249. Tourn.t.Gl. Lam.t.U?. Gcertn. t.!J5. Blattnrin. Toimi.t. 6],K. Nat. Ord. Lurid(C. Linn. 28. Solanccc, Juss. 41. Four fol- lowing genera the same. See Grammar 101. [The Sohuicrc of Jussieii are better defined than heretofore, as well as better contrasted with that author's Scrophula- rice, by Mr. Brown, Prodr. 443, as follows. Calyx in 5, rarely only 4, divisions, j^ermanent. Corolla monopetalous, uiferior, deciduous ; the limb in 5, rarely 4, segments, regular, or a little unequal; in the most genmne of the tribe, plaited in die bud ; in the more doubtful ones, imbricated. Stam. attached to the corolla, as many as the segments of its limb, and alternate there- with ; one of them sometimes abortive. Germen single of 2 or 4 cells, with many seeds. Stijle 1. Stigma obtuse' rarely lobed. Fruit with 2 or 4 cells; either a capsule, with a parallel and double imrtition ; or a hcrry whose receptacles are united to the partition. Seeds numerous, sessile ; with a fleshy alhimen ; embryo internal, more or less curved, often out of die centre ; radicle directed to- wards the scar. Leaves undivided, or lobed. Partial flower-stalks without hracteas. For the rest see Grammar. These plants are distinguished from the Scroplmlarice of Jussieu and Brown, (many of which are comprehended by Linnasus under his Liiridce,) by having a curved or spu-al embryo, and a corolla plaited in the bud, the flowers being, almost without exception, regular, with as many stamens as there are segments. " Hence," as Mr. Brown observes, "the genera whose corolla is not plaited* and whose embryo is straight, should either be excluded, or should be placed, with such as have an imbricated corolla, a slightly curved embryo, and 2 long, with 2 shorter, stamens, in a separate section, the foundation of a new order."] Veriuscum. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, small, in 5 deep, erect, acute, nearly equal, segments, peimanent. Cor. of 1 j^etal, wlieel- shapcd, unequal ; tube very short; limb spreadini^, in 5 dee]), rounded segments. Filam. 5, awl-shaped, unequal, distant, declining, woolly, shorter tlian the corolla, in- x2 308 PENTANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Vurbasciim. sevtetl into its base. Anth, compressed, erect, more or less kidney-shaped, bursting along tlie upper edge, im- perfectly 2-cclled. Gormen superior, roundish. Style thread-shaped, slightly swelling upwards, declining, rather longer than the stamens. Stigma obtuse. Caps, ovate, slightly compressed, or (In Btattaria of Tournefort) nearly globular, of 2 cells and 2 valves, opening at the upper part, the valves sometimes splitting half way down ; par- tition double, from the infiexed parallel margins of the valves, but often incomplete. Rcccpt. ovate or globular, central, connected at each side, in an early state, with the valves. Seeds numerous, minute, angular, dotted, covering the receptacle. Herbaceous, usually biennial, more or less woolly, or mealy, mucilaginous, narcotic. Stem mostly solitary. Leaves simple; either undivided, or pinnatifid ; all radical the first year ; subsequently all cauline, alternate, sometimes decurrent, simply or doubly crenate, or toothed, rarely entire. Ft, very numerous, panicled or spiked, aggregate, yellow; rarely white, brownish, or purple. Bracteas o\ate, or lanceolate, pointed, of 2 orders, external and internal. Whole genus perhaps Europa^an. Species extremely va- riable, subject to cross imj^regnation. The Btattaria of Tournefort is smooth, except fine glandu- lar hairs on the stalks. 1. V. Thapsus, Great Mullein. High Taper. Leaves decurrent, crenate, woolly on both sides. Stem simple. Cluster dense. Flowers almost sessile. V. Thapsus. Linn. Sp PL 252. Willcl v. 1 . 1 001 . Fl. Br. 249. En^L Bot. V. 8. L 549. TVoodv. Med. Bot. M25. Hook. Scot. 78. Sciirad. Ferhasc. 17. Fl. Dan, f. 631. V. n. 581. Hall Hist V. 1.256. V. mas latifolium luteum. Rail Syn. 287. Moris, v. 2. 485. n. 1. s-ct.b. t.9.f. 1. V. aut Phlomos vulgaris tnas. Lob. Ic. 561./. V. candidum mas. Fuchs. Hist. 845. t. 846. V. primum. Matth. Falgr. v. 2. 487./. Dalech.Hist. 1298./ Ca- met. Epif. 878./ V. latius. F)od. Pempt. 143./ Tapsus barhatus. Ger. Em.773.f. /3. Var. 2. Thapso-nigrura. With. 248. On banks, and waste ground, on a chalky or gravelly soil. Biennial. July, August. Root spindle-shaped. Stem erect^ straight, 3 or 4 feet high, very PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Verbascum. 509 seldom branched, (though so represented in the figure of Came- rarius, commended by Haller), leafy, woolly, slightly angular, winged Leaves alternate, dccurrent, ovate-oblong^ minutely crenate, very densely covered on both sides with white, branch- ed, entangled, woolly hairs, the lowermost largest, and stalked. Cluster terminal, cylindrical, dense, many-flowered. FL nearly, but not quite, sessile, large, of a golden yellow, with red 5^^- mens, and a green stigma. Outer bracteas ovate-lanceolate, pointed, alternate, often smooth on the upper side ; inner ag- • gregate, smaller, very woolly. /3 is described with a branched stem, the upper leaves only dccur- rent, and the hairs of the stamens jDurple. The late Mr. E. Rob- son traced its origin to the pollen of F. nigrum impregnating V. Thapsus. Mr. D. Turner found a variety answering to this description, at Barton, near Swaffham, Norfolk. 2. V. Lychnilis. White Mullein. Leaves we(lge-sha})ecl-oblong ; stripped of down on their upper side. Stem angular, panicled. V. Lychnitis. Linn. Sp. rL2b^. Willd. v. \. 1003 (3. Fl. Br. 230. Engl. Bot. V. ] . t. 58. Hook. Scot. 78. FL Dan. t. 586. xMatth. Falgr.v.2.40\.f. Ger. Em.77b.f. V. n. 583 /3. Hail. Hist. v. 1. 257. V. flore albo parvo. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 357./. Raii Sijn.287. V. candidum foemina. Fuchs. Hist. 84/./. /3. V. Thapsi. Linn. Sp. PI. 1009. V. Thapsoides. mild. v. \. lOOl. Huds. 90. mtJi. 249. Sym.Syn, 56. Schrad. Verhasc. 25. t. b.f. 2. *' Hoffmanns, et Link Lusit. r. 1.214." V. angustifolium ramosum, flore aureo, folio crassiore. Bauh. Hist. V. 3. 860 -J according to Linnseus. In pastures, by road sides, and other waste places, on a chalky soil. Plentiful in Kent. At Kinvcr, Stafl'ordshire ; according to Dr. Stokes. In several parts of the south of Scotland. Hooker. /S. In Kent. Huds. Biennial. July, August. Stem erect, a yard high, straight, angular, woolly, leafy j panicled at the top. Leaves elliptic-oblong, contracted at each end, finely crenate, reticulated with veins ; white with a f^oft downy wool- liness beneath ; dark green, and almost entirely naked, above; the lowermost stalked ; upper ones smaller, sessile, not decur- rcnt, generally numerous. Branches of the panicle racemose, many-flowered. FL stalked, collected into small woolly tufts. Outer 6/ (^c/cf'i lanceolate : inner very small. G//. woolly. Cor. 310 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Verbascum. much smaller than the foregoing, cream-coloured, yellow at the mouth 3 externally mealy. Filaments yellowish^ hairy. Antli. orange-coloured, uniform. The mule variety /3 I have never seen wild ; nor is there any au- thentic specirnen in the Linnaean herbarium. Mr. Griffith of Denbighshire has favoured me with specimens artificially pro- cured, from V. Lychnitis by the pollen of V. T/jf/psws, which an- swer to the description of Linnaeus, except that he mentions '' a purplish beard upon the Jllaments, though less so than in V. Lychnltlsr To explain this, we must recollect that he con- founded with the Lychnitis our V. pulveridentum, whose stamens are scarlet, for which colour he often uses the word jmrpureus. Professor Link has sent from Portugal specimens, vvhich agree with Mr, Griffith's, as his V. Thapsoides. But the corolla of both is yellow • beard of x\\e filaments white. Their upper leaves are somewhat decurrent. The species of Verbascum are extremely obscure, and so, of course, are their intermixed varieties. 3. Y . pulverulentiim. Yellow Hoary Mullein. Nor- folk Mullein. Leaves ovate-oblong, obscurely serrated, clothed on both sides with mealy deciduous wool. Stem round, panicled. V. pulverulentum. Villars Dauph. v. 2. 490.' Fl. Br. 251. Engl. Bat. V. 7. t. 487. Hook. Scot. 78. V. Lvchnitis a. mild. Sp. PL v. 1 . 1003. mth. 249. V. Lychnitis /3. Huds. 90. y.u. 583, a. Hall. Hist. V. \,2b7. V. pulverulentum, flore luteo parvo. Bauh. Hist. ij. 3. 856./. 857. /3. V. nigro-pulverulentum. Fl. Br. 251. Rees's Cycl. By road sides, and in the borders of fields, on a gravelly or chalky soil, chieflv in Norfolk and Suffolk. About Norwich and Bury 3 also at Wollerton, near Nottingham. Ray. Abundant for 2 or 3 miles round Norwich, in fallow fields, and on banks, hillocks, and waste ground. p. At Hellesdon near Norwich, and in various parts of Norfolk oc- casionally. Biennial. July. The whole herb is clothed with a white, mealy, somewhat unctu- ous, woolliness, easily rubbed oft'. Stem from 3 to 5 feet high, erect, round, leafy, copiously panicled, tapering upward, forming a stately pyramid of innumerable golden flowers, with scarlet stamens, bearded with pale-yellow, or white hairs. Leaves above a foot in length ; elliptic-oblong, with many transverse ribs and reticulated veins ; the radical ones somewhat stalked ; upper ones ovate, pointed, sessile, gradually smaller. Bracteas linear- lanceolate. Flowers stalked, disposed as in the last species, but largei-, and always bright yellow. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Verbascum. 511 B from its characters rather seems to be produced by tlie pollen of this plant falling upon V. jiiiirriun, of which latter therefore it ought, perhaps, to be deemed a variety. But the habit most agrees with the pulvenilcntum, though the stem and branches are more angular, and tinged with puri)le. Leaves less woolly, and more strongly crenate. Hairs of the stamens violet-coloured. Radical leaves considerably stalked. Root generally, if not al- ways, perennial. If the stem of F. pulvenilentum be smartly struck, 3 or 4 times, with a stick, all the flowers then open will, in a few minutes, throw off their corolla, the calyx closing round the gernien, so that after 8 or 10 minutes none will remain on the ])lant. This curious instance of irritability was first pointed out to me by Don Joseph Correa de Serra, late Portuguese ambassador to the United States, whose scientific knowledge, and philosophical views of every subject, have long procured him universal resi)ect, and at length the notice and confidence of his sovereign. 4. V. nigrum. Dark, or Black, Mullein. Leaves oblong-heart-shapecl, stalked, waved and crenate, slightly downy. Cluster mostly solitary. V. nigrum. Linn. Sp. PL 253. mild. t,. 1 . 1004. FL Br. 25 1. Eticrl Dot.v.\.t.59. Hook. Land. fasc.2.t.\03. Scot.7S. FL Dan. t loss. Ger. Eni.77b.f. Trag. HisL 2\S.f. Renealm. Spec. 107. t. 106. V. n. 584. Hall. Hist. v. 1 . 257. V. tertium. Matlh. Valgr. v. 2. ASO.f. Cam er. Epit. 8S0. f. ^ V. nigrum, flore parvo, apicibus purpureis. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 8d/.J. Rail Sijn. 288. On banks, and by way sides, in shady lanes, on a gravelly or chalky soil. Perennial. July, August. Stem simple, erect, 2 or 3 feet high, leafy, angular, brown or pur- plish, terminating in rarely more than one long, upright, cylin- drical, spiked cluster, of bright yellow, aggregate/o^re; 5, smaller than the last ; the filaments densely clothed with violet-coloured hairs. Leaves heart shaped, veiny, waved and crenate, of a fine deep green, somewhat downy, but not hoary, all stalked, except some of the small ui)])er ones j the radical ones a foot long, and their stalks nearlv as much. „ , . c i f i In Switzerland iho Jlowers are occasionally white. Seeds of such a variety, sent to England, produced plants with a large copper- coloured corolla, in the garden of the late Lady Amelia Hume. 5. V. virgatwn. Large-flowered Primrose-leaved Mullein. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, toothed, sebbile; radical ones downy, 312 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Verbascum. somewhat lyrate. Stem branched. Flowers aggregate, partly sessile. V. virgatum. With. 250. FL Br. 252. Engl. Dot. v. 8. t. 550. Blattaria flore amplo. Ger. Em. 77S.f. B. magno flore. Bauh. Hist. v. 3. 859./. Lob. Ic. 564./. In fields and by way sides, rare. F'ound plentifully in a field near Wrexham, by Mrs, Nasli 3 from whose garden at Bevere, near Worcester, it is presumed to have estahlished itself in several parts of that neighbourhood, as men- tioned by Dr. Stokes and Dr. Withering. Rev. Mr. Baker. Biennial. August. Root thick, branched. Whole plant green, not hoary, though clothed more or less with prominent, short, often forked, glan- dular hairs. Stem 5 or 6 feet high, branched from the bottom, leafy, stout, solid, round, slightly angijlar, and winged from the partially decurrent leaves. Radical leaves resembling those of a Primrose, but larger, more or less lyrate, always clothed with the glandular hairs above described j those of the stem oblong- lanceolate, sessile, doubly toothed,, often nearly smooth ; the upper ones heart-shaped, taper-pointed, more simply toothed, clasping the stem, and partly decurrent. FL axillary, usually several together, partly stalked ; the uppermost solitary, espe- cially on weak plants, the leaves which accompany them being diminish^nl to slender-pointed bracteas. Calyx hairy and viscid. Cor. large, bright yellow. Stamens yellow, bearded in the middle with purple. Capsule globular. 6. V. Bluttana, Moth Mullein. Leaves clasping the stem, oblong, smooth, serrated ; radical ones sinuated. Clusters panicled, simple. Flower-stalks ionffer than the bracteas. o V. Blattaria. Linn. Sp. PI. 254. Willd. v. 1. 1005. FL Br. 253. EngLBot.v.G. t.393. V. n. 585. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 258. Blattaria. Matth. Valgr. v.2. 495./. Camer . EpiL SSd . f. Trag. HisL 925./ Fuchs'^Hist. 182. t. 183. B. lutea. DHL in Raii Syn. 288. B. Plinii. Ger. Em. 776./. Lob. Ic. 564./ Merr. Pin. 16. B. flore luteo. Ger. Em. 778./ On banks, in a gravelly soil, but rare. Between Deptford and Greenwich. Merrett. In a lane between Mitcham Common and Carshalton, and near Horn's Place, by Rochester ; J. Sherard. Dill. On a bank 3 miles from Ro- chester, near the river Med way. Mr. Jacob Rayer. Not un- common in Devonshire and Cornwall. Annual. Jubi. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Datura. J 13 Root tapering, whitish. Stem 3 or 4 feet high, erect, leafy, smooth, sohd, roundish, with several sHght angles ; simple below ; branched at the summit in an alternate manner 3 each brunch terminating in a long, upright, simple cluster, of numerous handsome yeWowJloivers. Leaves dark green, shining, smooth, veiny, with unequal teeth, or serratures ; radical ones a span long, bluntish, sinuated, somewhat lyrate, tapering at the base into a short stalk 3 the rest sessile, alternate, or partly opposite, acute, spreading j broad and heart-shaped at the base, clasping the stem. Flower-stalks solitary, simple, each with a solitary, ovate, pointed bractea, shorter than itself, especially in the upper part of each cluster. Segments of the calyx lanceolate, recurved, clothed, like the stalks, with small glandular hairs. Cor. streaked with purple at the base , stained with brown at the back, Stam. very unequal, bearded with purple hairs. Caps, globose, with a furrow at each side. Whole herb fetid and acrid. There is a white- flowered variety in gardens, mentioned by C. Bauhin. 113. DATURA. Thorn-apple. Linn. Gen. OS. Juss. 125. F/. i?r. 253, Law. f. \\3. Stramonium. Tourn. t. 43, 44. Gcertn. t. 132. Nat. Ord. see ii. 112. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, oblong, tubular, swelling, with 5 angles and 5 teeth, separating by a horizontal fissure all round, near the base, leaving a circular, reflexed, perma- nent portion underneath the germen. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel-shaped, regular; tube cylindrical, rather longer than the calyx ; limb moderately spreading, with 5 plaits, 5 angles, and 5 shallow, pointed, equal lobes. Filam. equal, awl-shaped, as long as the tube, to which they are united for about half their length. Anth. heart-shaped- oblong, erect, compressed, obtuse. Germ, ovate, of 4* cells. Style central, thread-shaped, straight, erect, the length of the stamens. Stigma thick, obtuse, of 2 oblicpie lobes, united above. Caps, roundish-ovate, often prickly, subtended by the permanent base of die calyx, of 2 half divided cells, and 4- valves; receptacles 2 to each cell, columnar, vertical, spongy, dotted, each attached, by a lateral jirocess, to the principal transverse partition. Seeds kidney-shaped, dotted, very numerous, covering the receptacles. Herbaceous, or shrubby. Stem round, branched. Leaves scattered, stalked, pliable, simple, either entire or toothed. 314 PENTANDRIA-MONOGYNIA. Hyoscyamus. Fl. lateral, or, with some of the leaves, from the forks of the stem, solitary, stalked, large, fraorant, white, or joiirplish. Cajjs. beset with spines, or tubercles, or smooth, occa- sionally in the same species. =^1. D. Stramomum. Common Thorn-apple. Fruit spinous, ovate, erect. Leaves ovate, smooth, sinuated. D. Stramonium. Linn.Sp. PL2'jb. WilkLv. \.\mS. F/. Br. 254. Engl. Bot. vAS. t. 1288. Curt. Lond.fasc. 6. tA7. Woodv. Med. Bot. t. 124. Fl. Dan. t. 436. Bull. Fr. t. 13. Stramonium n. 586. Hall. Hist, v. 1. 258. S. spinosum. Ger. Em. 348./. Solanum pomo spinoso oblongo, flore calathoide. Stramonium vulgo dictum. Ra'dSi/n.266. S. Manicum Dioscoridis. Colunm. Phytoh. 46. t. 47. ed. 2. 37. 1. 12. Tatula. Camer. Epit. \76.f. In waste ground, and on dunghills -, supposed to be the outcast of gardens. By the road side beyond Brook, Norfolk, in the way to Bungay j observed for many years, apparently wild. About London not uncommon. Annual. July. A bushy, smooth, fetid herb, 2 or 3 feet high, of a narcotic quality, and greatly in repute as a remedy for the asthma, being smoked like tobacco. Stem much branched, forked, spreading, leafy. Leaves from the forks of the stem, large, unequal at the base, variously and acutely sinuated and toothed, single-ribbed, veiny, of a dull green. Fl. axillary, erect, white, sweet-scented, espe- cially at night, about 3 inches long. Fruit as big as a walnut in its outer coat, very prickly. Seeds black. The mention of this plant is interposed in Ray's Synopsis, ed. 2, 150, between several paragraphs which relate altogether to the Jtropa Belladonna 3 an error which Dillenius has perpetuated in his edition, 266. 114. HYOSCYAMUS. Henbane. Lin7i. Gen. 98. Juss. 124. Fl. Br. 254. Tourti. t. 42. Lam. t.l\7. Gcertn. t. 76. Nat. Ord. see n. 112. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, tubular, swelling below ; limb in 5 acute segments; permanent. Cor, of 1 petal, funnel- shaped, irregular ; tube cylindrical, short ; limb rather spreading, divided half way into 5 obtuse, rounded seg- PENTANDRIA-MONOGYNIA. Ilyoscyamus. 315 ments, one broader tlian the rest. Filam. from some part of the tube, awl-shaped, inclinhig, somewhat unequal in length. Anl/i. heart-shaped, incumbent. Germ, round- isli. Style thread-shaped, recHning, the lengdi of the longer stamens. Stigma capitate. Caps, ovate, filling die body of the calyx, obtuse, marked with a longituthnal furrow at each side, of 2 cells, o}:)ening transversely by a convex lid ; rece})tacles oblong, convex, attached to the perjDendicular jxirtition. Seeds numerous, obovate, curved, dotted, covering the receptacles. Downy, fetid, narcotic herbs, occasionally somewhat shrubby. Stem round, branched. Leaves alternate, si- nuated or angular. Fl. axillary, solitary, yellow or whitish, variegated with purple. 1. H. niger. Common Henbane. Leaves sinuated, clasping the stem. Flowers sessile. H. niger. Linn. Sp.Fl. 257. tnilcl. i\ 1. 1010. FL Br. 254. Engl. Bot. u. 9. ^ 591. IVooOv. MecL Bat. t. 52. Sims in Curt. Mag. t. 2394. Hook. Scot. 7S. Ger. Em. 353./. Dreves Bilderb. t. 47. Bull. Fr.t. 93. Fl. Dan. t. 1452. H. n. 580. Hall. Hist. v. 1 . 254. H. vulgaris. Raii Syn. 274. Hyoscvamus. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 224./. Trag. Hist. 132. t. 133. 'Mafth. Valgr. v. 2. 410./ Camer. Epit. 807./ Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 102. H. flavus. Fuchs. Hist. 833./ On waste ground, banks, and commons, especially in a dry chalky soil. Annual. July. Root spindle-shaped. Stem bushy. Leaves sessile, soft and pliant, sharply lobed, downy and viscid, exhaling a powerful and op- pressive odour, like all the rest of the plant. Fl. numerous from the bosoms of the crowded upper leaves, almost entirely sessile, of an elegant straw-colour, pencilled with dark-purple veins. A variety without these veins, mentioned by several writers, was found at Fincham in Norfolk, by the Rev, R. Forby, with an in- termediate kind, very faintly veiny. The capsules and seeds of Henbane, smoked like tobacco, are a rustic remedy for the tooth- ache j but convulsions and temporary insanity are said to be sometimes the consequences of their use. The seeds, abounding with oil, may safely be eaten raw, at least in small quantities ; and an extract of the herb, very cautiously administered, is re- commended by some physicians as an opiate. 316 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Atiopa. 115. ATROPA. Dwale. Linn. Gen. 99. Juss. 125. Fl. Br. 255. Lam. t. 1 14. Gccrln. ^ 131. Belladonna. Tourn. t. 13. Nat. Ord. see n. 112. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, acute, somewhat unequal segments, permanent. Coi'. of 1 petal, bell-shaped ; tube very short; limb tumid, ovate, longer than the calyx, with 5 shallow, nearly equal, spreading marginal seg- ments. Filaiiu from the tube, awl-shaped, nearly as long as the limb, spreading and curved in their upper part. Anth. deflexed, heart-shaped, 4-lobed, tumid. Germ, ovate, with a nectariferous gland underneatli. Style thread- shaped, reclining, as long as the corolla. Stigma capitate, ascending. Berrij subtended by the enlarged calyx, glo- bular, with 2 lateral furrows, of 2 cells; receptacles fleshy, 1 in each cell, attached to the transverse partition. Seeds numerous, kidney-shaped. Herbaceous or shrubby, smooth or downy, of a narcotic and dangerous quality. Leaves stalked, simple, mostly undivided. Fl, lateral ; solitary or aggregate. 1. K, Belladonna, Common Dwale. Deadly Night- shade. Stem herbaceous. Leaves ovate, undivided. Flowers solitary. A. Belladonna. Linn. Sp. Fl. 260. Willd.v. 1. 1017. FLBr.255. Engl. Bot. V. 9. t. 592. Curt. Lond. fasc. 5. t. 16. Woodv. Med. Bot. t. 1. Hook. Scot. /8. Jacq. Austr. t. 309. Bull. Fr. t. 29. Belladonna. Rail Syn. 265. Mill. Ic. t.62. B. n. 579. Halt. Hist. v. 1.251. Solanum lethale. Ger. Em 340./. S. majus, sive Herba Belladonna. Matih. Valgr. v. 2. 419./. Ca- mer. Epit.8\7.f' hi hedges and waste ground, on a calcareous soil ; frequently about antient ruins. Perennial. June. Root fleshy, creeping. Whole plant fetid when bruised, of a dark and lurid aspect, indicative of its deadly narcotic quality. Stems herbaceous, annual, three feet high, round, branched, leafy, slightly downy. Leaves lateral, mostly 2 together of unequal size, ovate, acute, entire, smooth. Fl. imperfectly axillary, so- litary, stalked, drooping, dark dull purple in the border, paler downwards, about an inch long. Berry of a shining violet black, the size of a small cherry, sweetish, and not nauseous, so that children have oflcu been tempted to eat it, to their own de- PENTANDRIA— MONOGYXIA. Solammi. 3\ strnction. Only half one of these fruits is said to have proved fatal, producing a deadly stupor. To make the patients swallow vinegar, and to keep them from sleeping, may avert the fatal consequences. Emetics do not take effect. The leaves applied externally, as well as taken in powder, or infusion, have been recommended to cure cancers ; but their use in any way occa- sions dreadful uneasiness, horrors and swoonings, so that few practitioners can persevere long in prescribing so distressing and ambiguous a remedy. 116. SOLANUM. Nightshade. Lmn. Gen. IGO. Jiiss. 126. FI. Br. 2hG. Diinal. Solan. 115. Toitrn. t. C2. Lam. t. 115. Gcerin. t. 131. Nat. Ord. see n. 112. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5, more or less deep, acnte sefr- nients, permanent. Cor, of 1 petal, wheel-shaped ; tube veiT short; limb much longer, reflexed, plaited, in 5 acute, equal, rather deep, segments. Filain. short, awl- shaped. Anth, much longer, oblong, angular, convei-ging, sometimes unequal, opening by two terminal pores. Germ. roundish. Style thread-shaped, projecting beyond the andiers, deciduous. Stigma obtuse, simple or' notched. Ben-i/ roundish or ovate, smooth, with a terminal scar ; of 2, occasionally more, cells, with a fleshy receptacle to each, connected with the partition. Seeds numerous, roundish, compressed, imbedded in pulp; sometimes minutely dotted. A numerous, principally tropical, genus of shrubs or Iierbs, more or less narcotic, though in some cases rendered eatable by cookery. Stem leafy, in some exotic species prickly. Leaves nXievnute, stalked, rarely dec ur rent, mostly simple, often variously lobed ; in some compound. Fl. variously disposed, sohtary or aggregate, drooping, in- odorous. Anth. yellow, j:)rominent. Cor. generally pur- plish, or wliite. Lycopersieum seems well distinguished as a genus by M. Dunal, alter the example of Tourne- fort and others. \, ^. Dulcamara. Woody Nightshade. Bitter-sweet. Stem shrubby, zigzag, witliout thorns. Upper leaves hastate. Clusters cymose. S. Dulcamara. Linn. Sp. PL 2G4. JVUhl. v. 1. 1028. Fl. Br. 250. Engl. Bol. V. 8. /. 3(i5. Curt. Loud. fnsr. 1. /. N. JVoodc. Med. S18 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Solanum. ' Botf.'S3. Hook. Scot. 79. Fl. Dan. t.607^ Bull Fr,L 23. Dunal 140. S. n. 575. Hall. Hist. v. \, 248. S. lignosum, sen Dulcamara. Raii Syn. 265. Amava dulcis. Ger. Em. 350./. Vitis sylvestris. Matth. Valgr.v.2. 619. f.Camer. Epit. 986./. /S. Solanum lignosum, seu Dulcamara marina. Rail Syn. 265. In hedges and thickets, especially in watery situations. ^. On the southern coast. Ray. Shrub. June, July. Root woody. Stem shrubby, twining, branched, rising, when sup- ported, to the height of many i'eet. Leaves acute, generally smooth ; in variety |3 hairy ; the lower ones ovate, or heart- shaped 5 upper more or less perfectly halberd-shaped ; all en- tire at the margin. Clusters either opposite to the leaves or terminal, drooping, spreading, smooth, alternately subdivided, and resembling cymes, though not really such. Bracteas minute. Fl. elegant, purple with 2 round green spots at the base of each segment. They are reported to vary occasionally to white or flesh-colour, the spots being also sometimes white. Berries oval, scarlet, juicy, bitter and poisonous. The root and young branches, in the form of a decoction, much diluted with milk, have been recommended in scrophulous or glandular obstructions. Tlie leaves are not unfrequently found variegated. 2. S. nigrum. Common, or Garden, Nightshade. Stem herbaceous, without thorns. Leaves ovate, bluntly toothed, or wavy. Umbels lateral, drooping. S. nigrum. Li7in. Sp. Pl.266. Willd. v. \. 1035. FLBr.25G. Engl. Bot. V. 8. ^.566. Curt. Loml. fasc. 2. 1. 14. M'oodv. Med. Bot. t.226. Hook. Scot. 79. Fl. Dan. t.4Q0. Bull. Fr.t. 67. Du- nal 152. S. n. 576. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 249. S. vulgare. Raii Syn. 265. S. hortense. Ger. Em. 339. f. Matth. Valg. v. 2. 415./ Camer. Epit. 812./ Fuchs. Hist. 686. f. Brunf. Herb. v. 2. 29. f. Common in waste, as well as cultivated, ground, and on dunghills. Annual ; occasionally perennial. June — September. Root fibrous. Herb fetid, narcotic, bushy, with numerous, angular, or winged, leafy branches. Leaves undivided ; lengthened out at the base, smooth. Umbels from the intermediate spaces be- tween the leaves, solitary, stalked, simple, downy. Fl. white, with a musky scent. Berries globular, black ; sometimes, as it is reported, yellow. A grain or two of the dried leaf has some- times been given to promote various secretions, possibly by ex- citing a great, and rather dangerous, agitation in the viscera. Many exotic varieties of this Solatium are mentioned by authors, which perhaps may be entitled to rank as species. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Erythra?a. 319 117. ERYTHR^A. Centaury. Renealm. Spec. 77. " Borckh. in Roem. Archiv. v. 1. 28 " Br Pr 45 1 . Hook. Scot. 62. Chironia. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. 22. Fl. Br. 257. Fl. Grccc. v. 3. 31. Centaurium minus. Tourn. t. 48. Nat. Ord. Rotacece. Linn. 20. Gentianrv. Juss. 16. See n. 134^, 135. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, erect, acute, awl-sliaped segments, sometimes united below by a membranous border, permanent. Cor. of 1 petal, salver-shaped ; tube nearly cylindrical, slender, longer than the calyx ; limb in 5 deep, ovate or lanceolate, equal, spreading segments, about half the length of the tube, withering. Filam. thread-shaped, equal, inserted into the tube,, alternate with the segments of die limb, and much shorter. AntJi. ob- long, incumbent, twisting spirally as the pollen ripens. Germcn elliptic-oblong, or nearly linear, compressed. Style terminal, cylindrical, prominent, on a level with the stamens, straight, and generally erect. Stigmas 2, round- ish, spreading till after impregnation. Cajis. elliptic-ob- long, nearly linear, acute at each end, compressed, im- perfectly 2-celled, of 2 valves widi inflexed margins. Seeds numerous, roundish, in 4 rows, placed alternately on the inflexed margins of the valves. Herbaceous, annual, almost perfectly smoodi, very bitter. Stem erect, square, either simple or very much branched, in the same species. Leaves opposite, sessile, ribbed, un- divided, entire. Liflor. simple, spiked, forked, or corym- bose. Fl. rose-coloured, or yellow. A very natural genus, well distinguished from Chironia by the above characters ; particularly the long tube and short limb; straight style ; 2 stigmas; and almost linear capsule, destitute of a separate partition, or receptacle. The annual root and whole habit differ also from C/ii- ronia, which is shrubby. The name Erythrcva^ alluding to the red colour of most of the flowers, is justly retainecl for its priority of date, and fortunately is unexceptionable. Chironia however, alluding to the botanical Centaur, would more properly have belonged to the Centaurium minus.) the type of our present Erythrcva ; though from the first appropriated to an African genus, from which it can bv no means be removed. 350 PENTANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Erythra?a. 1. E. Centaurium. Common Centaury. Stem nearly simple. Panicle forked, corymbose. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Calyx half the length of the tube ; its segments partly combined by a membrane. E. Centaurium. " Fers. Syn.vA. 283." Hook. Scot.79. E. vulgo Centaurium minus. Renealm. Spec. 77. t. 7^. Chironia Centaurium. Curt. Loncl. fasc. 4. t. 22. With. 255. Fl. Br.2o7. EngI.Bot.v.G.t.4\7. IVoodv.Med. Bot. t. 157. Willd, Sp.Pl.v.X. 1068. Gentiana Centaurium. Linji. Sp. PL 332. Huds. 102. Bull. Fr. t.2h3. Fl.Dan. t.6\7. G. n. 048. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 288. Centaurium minus. Bank. Pin. 2/8. Raii Syn. 286. Tillands Ic. t.29. Trag.Hist.l39.t. 140. Camer. Epit.42G.f. Fuchs. Hist. 387./. C. parvum. Ger. Em.D47.f. Matth. Valgr.v.2.\9.f. In dry gravelly pastures. Annual. July, August. Root small, tapering. Stem about a foot high, leafy, sometimes branched at the upper part, and, when very luxuriant, from the base also. Radical leaves obovate, numerous, depressed ; the rest acute, ovate, or elliptic-lanceolate ; all three-ribbed, bright green. Fl. nearly sessile, from the forks and terminations of a corymbose, more or less dense, repeatedly subdivided, leafy or bracteated, pawicZe. Brac'eas opposite, awl-shaped. CrtL slender, partly membranous, sometimes more than half as long as the pale greenish tube of the corolla, whose limb is of a most ex- quisite and brilliant pink, rarely white ; expanded only in sun- shine, and closing as soon as gathered. Anth. yellow, spiral, with 3 convolutions, after bursting. Style rather oblique, if not curved or deflexed. Caps, slender, brown, invested closely with the permanent dilated tube of the corolla. A celebrated stomachic and tonic, now left to rustic practitioners. 2. E. lit tor alls. Dwarf Tufted Centaury. Stem simple, straight. Leaves linear-obovate ; obscurely three-ribbed. Flowers densely corymbose, nearly sessile. Calyx as long as the tube ; its segments combined below. E.littoralis. HooA:. ScoL 80. Chironia littoralis. Turn, and Dillw. Guide, 469. Winch, v. 2. pre/. 3. Ch. pulchella. Don H. Brit. 7. ;3. Ch. Centaurium 3 variety 1st. Fl. Br. 1393. On the sandy sea coasts of Scotland, Northumberland, Lanca.shire^ and Wales. PENTANDllIA— MONOGYNIA. Erythrcea. 321 On the coast of Elgin. Mr. Brodie of Brodie. Guillon Links j Mr. Maughan; shores of the Moray Frith; Mr. D. Don. Hooker. On the Links, south of Bamborough castle, and on Holy Island, abundantly. IVinch. On the Welch coast. Mrs. Dowson. /3. On the sandy sea shore to the north of Liverpool. Dr. Bostock and Mr. Shepherd. Annual. June, July. Stems generally about 2 inches high, stout, simple and solitary j sometimes, especially in the variety p, there are several together from the crown oftlie root 3 from 3 to 5 or G inches in height, and somewhat forked at the top^ like the first species. Leaves all linear-obovate, obtuse, often roughish at the edges, with an obscure marginal rib at each side, not extending so far as the mid-rib ; radical ones very little larger or broader than the rest, which are variously disposed, mostly crowded about the top and bottom of the stem, and an inch long. All the leaves indeed seem liable to vary in breadth, and when they become almost elliptical, there are 2 additional ribs. Fl. rather larger and hand- somer than the foregoing, for the most part sessile, and crowded into a dense head, or a partly forked, compact, corymbose pa- nicle, which last is most usual in /3, Segments of the cahjx more or less combined above the base, their edges somewhat, but not uniformly, membranous j they are often minutely downy, some- times 3-ribbed. As the capsule swells, the tube of the corolla becomes longer than the calyx ; but never till the flower fades. The style is perfectly straight and upright. The variety (5 is the Swedish plant mentioned in E7igl. Bot. v. 7. at the bottom of page 458. 3. E. latifoVia, Broad -leaved Tufted Centaury. Stem three-cleft at the top. Flowers in dense forked tufts. Calyx as long as the tube. Segments of the corolla lan- ceolate. Lower leaves broadly elliptical, with five or seven ribs. Chironia Centaurium ; variety 2nd. Fl. Br. 1393. On the sea shore of Lancashire. In sandy ground near tiie sea, to the north of Liverpool. Dr. Bos- tock and Mr. Shepherd. 1803. Annual. July. Root with many long fibres. Stem solitary, erect, scarcely 3 inches high, leafy J simple below; divided at the top into 3 princii)al branches, each terminated by a very compact, round, densely forked, tuft, or head, o{ Jiowers, which are but half the size t)f F.. Centaurium, the segments of their corolla being lanceolate, and much narrower than in either that species or the last. There is r.ow and tiien a smaller tuft, or two, situated lower down. The leaves, especially the lower one?- are very diflerent VOL. I, V 322 PENTANDRIA—MONOGYNIA. Erythra^a. from the last species, as well as from E. Ccntaurium, being some- times almost orbicular, with 7 ribs in their lower part ; more generally broadly elliptical, and obtuse, with j ribs. The calyx is as long as the tube, or longer ; its segments broad and mem- branous below ; tapering at the upper part. Anth. spiral when old. ,S7«/^e erect, cloven, with 2 large sfio mas. The broad many-ribbed leaves, and small tutted Jiowers, sufficiently distinguish this species at first sight. I have not seen living specimens. 4. E. pulchella. Dwarf Branched Centaury, Stem forked, variously branched, or simple, winged. Flowers solitary, stalked. ^ Calyx above half as long as the tube. Segments of the corolla lanceolate. Leaves ovate- E. pulcliella. Hook. Scot, 79. Chironia pulchella. Willd. Sp. PL v. 1. 10G7. mth. 235. FL Br. 258. Engl. Bat. v. 7. t. 458. Ch. ramosissima. Ehrh. Herb. 124. Gentiana pulchella. Swartz in StockJiolm Trans, for 1783. 85. ^.3./. 8, 9. G. Centaurium /3. Linn. Sp. PL 333. mild.v. \. \06S. Wilh.2b5. Centaurium minus palustre ramosissimum, llore purpureo. VailL Paris. 32. t.G.f. 1. In sandy ground, chiefly near the sea. Near Gorlestone, Suffolk. Mr. Stone. On the dawns at Port Owen, on the north coast of Cornwall. Mr. Watt. Brauntou Burrows, Devonshire. Bishop of Carlisle. Hinton moor, Cam- bridgeshire. Piev. Mr. Relhan. On the Denes at Lowestoft, Suffolk. Annual. August, September. Root tapering. Stem solitary, erect, from 1 to 2 or 3 inches high, sometimes more, varying extremely in luxuriance, being na- turally much branched in a forked corymbose manner ; but in a starved state, as Dr. Swartz met with it, quite simple and single- flowered ; in every form it is leafy, and square, with mem- branous, more or less dilated, angles. Leaves ovate, bluntish, with 3 or 5 slender ribs j the upper ones more lanceolate ; lowest obovate, or round. Fl. stalked, from each fork, as welF as from each termination, of the stem, erect, slender. Cal above half as long as the tube even in an advanced state ; at an early period full as long, with slender awl-shaped segments, combined by a membranous base. Cor. with a pale slender tube -, the limb* of a full pink, as delicate and narrow as in the last, much less ovate than in the two former species. The antliers are less spiral than in any of them, making scarcely one turn. Style a little oblique, with large spreading stigmas. Caps, long, tumid, in- vested with the corolla, as in other species. l^ENTANDRIA-MONOGYNIA. Samolus. 323 118. SAMOLUS. Brook-weed. Z-inn. Gen. 89. Juss.97. Ft. Br. 250. Br. I'r. 428. Tourn t 60 Lam. t.lOl. Gcertn. t.30. ^• Nat. Orel. Precice, Linn. 21. Akin \o LysimachicE, Juss. 34. Cal inferior of 1 leaf; tube hemispherical, closely investing the lower halt of the germen; margin in 5 deep, triangu? lar, equal, permanent segments. Cor. of 1 petal, funnel- shaped; tube wide, as long as the calyx; limb spreading, m 5 deep, obtuse segments, with 5 small, intermediate, conyergmg scales at their base. Filam. from the middle ot the tube, opposite to the segments of the limb, awl- shaped, short. Anth. sheltered by the scales of the corolla, roundish, 2-lobed. Germ, superior, invested with the tube of the calyx, nearly globular. Style erect, short, co- umnar. Stigma capitate. Caps, globular, of 1 cell ; its lower half closely invested with the tube of the calyx • upper opening with 5 recurved valves. Seeds numerous' small, angular, attached to the globose, central, uncon- nected receptacle. Herbaceous. Leaves alternate, undivided ; tapering at the base mto footstalks. Fl. terminal, racemose, bracteated. white. This genus has marks of considerable affinity to Montia, n. 62, and therefore to Jussieu's 86th order, Portulacece. The apparently half inferior situation of the germen has caused some doubts in the minds of the ablest botanists, whether it could be referred to the Lysimachice, now termed Primulacece. But that part is surely to be reckoned superior; nor, were it odierwise, is such a difference always essential; witness Vaccinium and Erica. See Grammar 112, 2 U, 216. 1. S. Valerandi. Common Brook-weed. Water Pimpernel. Leaves obovate, obtuse. Clusters corymbose, many-flowered. Bracteas solitary, in the middle of each partial stalk. S. Valerandi. Linn. Sp. PL 243. mild. v. I. 927. Fl. Br. 239 Engl. Bot. V. 10. t. 703. Br. Pr. 428. Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 20 Hook. Scot. 80. FL Dan. t. 198. Rail Syn. 283. Bauh Hist V.3. 780. f. Ehrh.Phyt. 92. S. n.707. liall.Hht.v. 1.312. Anagallis aquatica rotundifolia. Qer. Em. 620. f. Y 2 324 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Lonicera. A. aquatica tertia. Lob. Ic. 4G7.f. Veronica aquatica, folio subrotundo non crenato. Moris, v. 2. 323. sect. 3. t.24. f.26. Planta heteroclita, &c. Moris, v. 2. 324. Alsine aquatica perennis, foliis bccabunga?. Moris, ibid. sect. 3. t. 24. f. 28. In clear watery places, on a gravelly soil. Found also in New South Wales, according to Mr. Brown ; as well as in Africa and North America. Perennial. July. Root fibrous, white. Herb smooth, slightly succulent, pale green. Stem erect, round, leafy, a foot high, more or less, terminating in one or more corj^mbose, alternate, upright clusters, of small, white, scentless Jlowers. Bracteas solitary, at a slight bend in the middle of each partial stalk, lanceolate, acute, deciduous. Leaves an inch or 2 long, entire j the upper ones nearly sessile. Capsules erect, each embraced by the pale tube of the calyx^ and encompassed by its withered segments. Seeds black, turbinate, angular, abrupt. No particular qualities are attributed to this plant. 119. LONICERA. Honeysuckle. Linn. Gen. 93. Fl. Br. 260. Lam.t. 150. Caprifolium. Jm55. 212. Tourn.t.378. Gcerln.t.27. Xylosteon. Juss. 212. Tourn. t.379. Nat. Ord. Aggregates Linn. 48. Caprifolia. Juss. 58. See Gramma}' 129. Cal. superior, small, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep segments. Cor. of 1 petal, tubular ; tube oblong, swelling at one side ; limb in 5 deep revolute segments, one of them more deeply separated than the rest. Filam. awl-shaped, inserted into the' upper part of the tube, and about equal to the limb. Anth. incumbent, oblong. Germ, roundish, inferior. Style thread-shaped, reclining, about the length of the corolla. Stigma bluntly capitate. Berry roundish with a concave scar, of 1 or more cells, sometimes double and confluent. Seeds several, roundish, compressed. Caprifolium, which includes the original Periclymenum, though not that of Tournefort, has the limb of the corolla very unequally divided. The Jlowers are whorled, or capitate, bracteated. Berries solitary and distinct. Stem twining. Xylosteon, or rather Xylosteum, has a more deeply divided, but not more regular, corolla, the tube being very short. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Lonictia. .323 FL in pairs, bnicteated. Berries single-celled, distinct. Stem erect. The bra?ic/u'S, as well as leaves, of both arc ojij)osite ; the latter simple, undivided, except casually; in some partly confluent and perfoliate. 7-7. oltcn fraorant. Fruil not eatable. With the other LinnoLnm sections, whether entitled to rank as distinct genera or not, we have no concern in an En- glish Flora. I cannot account for the words "5/J///5 hi- dlvisls" in the original specific character of Z. r^;7^/r«, which apply, as Mr. Brown observes, to the whole genus. The germcns of each pair of flowers are indeed perfectly united, or " undivided," in this species ; so that, as Lin- naeus expresses it in his manuscript, " there are 2 flowers to the same germen ;" and perhaps he wrote originally " baccis coadunato-globosis, stijUs divisis'' 1. L. Caprifolium. Pale Perfoliate Honeysuckle. Flowers ringent, whorled, terminal. Leaves deciduous; the uppermost confluent and perfoliate. L. Caprifolium. Linn. Sp. PL 246. IVilld. v. ] , 982. FL Br. 2fi0. EngL Bot. V. 12. t. 799. Hook. Scot. 80. Jaco. Austr. t. 357. Ehrh.PLExsicc.\4]. Caprifolium italicnm perfoliatum proecox. EngL GanL Cat. 14. ^ 5. C. italicum. Dod. Pempt.AW.f. Periclymenum. Matth. falgr. v.2.32\.f. Camcr. Epit.7 13. f. P. italicum. R'lv. Monop. Irr. t. 123. P. perfoliatum. Ger. Em. 891. f- In woods and thickets, but rare. In a wood near Elsfield, Oxfordshire, plentifully. Rev. T. Butt. In Chalk-pit Close, Hinton, Cambridgeshire, certainly wild ; also in another coppice in the same parish. Rev. R. Relhan. In several woods in the south of Scotland. Hooker. Shrub. Man, June. Stem woody, round, smooth, somewhat branched, twining from left to right, and climbing, where it meets with supi)ort, to a consi- derable height. Buds axillary, opposite, solitary, acute, glaucous. Leaves obovate, entire, smooth, glaucous beneath • the lower ones distinct, and somewhat stalked 3 2 or 3 of the upper pairs united ; the uppermost of all forming a concave cup. FL in one or more axillary whorls, 6 in each whorl ; the uppermost termi- nal, with a central bud ; highly fragrant, 2 inches long, yel- lowish, with a blush-coloured tube. CaL slightly toothed. Berries elliptical, of a tawny orange, each crowned with the al- most entire rah/ v. 526 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Loiiiceni. 2. L. Periclymenum, Common Honeysuckle, or Woodbine. Heads of flowers ovate, imbricated, terminal. Leaves all separate, deciduous. Flowers ringent, L. Periclymenum. Unn. Sp. PL 247. Willd. v. 1. 984. Fl. Br. 260. Engl. Bot, V. 12. t. 800. Curt. Lond.fasc, 1.^15, Hook. Scot, 80. Fl. Dan, t. 908. Ehrh. PL Of. 432. Caprifolium n. 673. HalL Hist. r. 1. 301. C. germanicum. Rail Syn. 458. Dod. Pempt. 411./. Engl. Gard. Cat. t. 5. Periclymenum. Ger. Em. 891./. Fuchs.HisL 645, t, G46, P. germanicum. Riv. Monop. Irr. t. 1 22. P. hortense. Gesn. Ic, Pict,fasc. 1.38. t. 7.f. 49. /3, Caprifolium non perfoliatum.foliis sinuosis et variegatis. Tourn, InsL 608. DHL in Rail Syn. 458. Periclymenum foliis quercinis. 3Ierr. Pin. 92. In hedges, groves and thickets, common, j6. In a wood near Kimberley, Norfolk. Mr. Woodward, Shrub. June, July, to October. Stem twining and climbing, as in the foregoing, with opposite branches. Leaves of a darker green, all distinct, sometimes downy -, glaucous beneath ; by the sea side occasionally more glaucous, and rather succulent ; in variety /3 sinuated, like these of an oak, and variegated. Heads ofjlowers all terniinal, ovate, most fragrant in an evening, Cal. distinctly 5 -toothed. Cor. externally deep red ; or in the earlier-flowering varieties nil over buff-coloured ; in the maritime plant smaller, and greenish. J5emes nearly globular, deep red, bitter and nauseous; often roughish -, accompanied by permanent bractcas. A favourite plant in gardens and shrubberies. The true Woodbine of poets, though likewise the " Twisted Eglantine" of Milton. Notwithstanding Curtis's imperfect quotation, Shakspear is guiltless of this blunder. He says '^ So doth the woodbine, the sweet honeysucklcj. Gently entwist the maple." 3. L. Xylosteum. Upright Fly Honeysuckle. Stalks two-flowered, Berries distinct. Leaves entire, downy, L. Xylosteum. Linn. Sp. PL 248. Willd. v. 1. 986. Comp. 39, Engl Bot V. 13. ^. 916. FL Grcec, v. 3. 18. t. 223. Berk. Outl. ed. 1. V.-2. 60. With. 247. FL Dan. t. 808. Caprifolium n. 677. HalL HisL v. 1. 302. Chamaecerasus dumetorum, fructu gemino rubro. Bauh. Pin. 45 1 , Duham. Arb. v. 1. 153. L59. Periclymenum rectum germanicum. Gcr. Em. 1294,/, PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Rhamims. 327 P. rectum svlvestre. Gesn. Ic. Pict, fnsc. 1. 36. t. 14./. 47. Xylo.steum.'/)orf. Pempt.4\2.f. Riv. Monop. Irr. 1. 120. In thickets and rocky places. In the fissures of rocks, under the Roman wall near Shewing- Sheels, or rather Sewenshele, Northumberland. Ji'nllis. Plen- tifully, and certainly wild, in a coi)i)ice called the Ilackctts, to the east of Houghton bridge, 4 miles from Arundel, Sussex. Mr. Borrer. Shrub. Jul I/. Stem erect, bushy, 4 or 5 feet high, with numerous, round branches ; the young ones leafy and downy. Leaves deciduous, stalked, ovate, acute, dull green, soft and flexible. Fl. small, cream- coloured, or reddish, scentless, in pairs, on axillary simple stalks. Bracfeas hairy, double ; the 2 outermost lanceolate, spreading ; inner a small concave scale under each germen. Cal. in 5 ob- tuse lobes. Cor. downy. Berries scarlet, oval, distinct, of I cell, with about G seeds in each. A shrub of little beauty, and no known i.itility, though common in plantations ; where 1 have never seen any ripe fruit. 120. RHAMNUS. Buckthorn. Linri. Gen. 105. Jim. 380. FL Br. 261. Toimi. t.306. Lam. t. 128. GcErtn. t. 106. Frangula. Tourn. t. 383. Nat. Ord. Z)Mwzo5ir. Linn. 43. Rhamni. J uss. 95. N. 121 the same. CaL inferior, of 1 leaf, funnel-shaped ; coloured internally ; limb in 5, sometimes only 4, acute, equal, spreading seg- ments. Petals as many as the segments of the calyx, alter- nate with them, small, convergnig, sometimes imperfect, or wanting. Filam. in the moutli of the calyx, opposite to each petal, awl-shai:>ed, short. A?it/i. romidish, two- lobed, small. Germ, superior, roundish, seated on a glan- dular disk. Style short, cylindrical, rarely divided. Sti'gma in 2, 3, or 4 lobes. Berri/ nearly globular, of 2, 3, or 4 cells. Seeds solitary in each cell, rounded externally, flattened at the inner side. The flowers are often more or less dioecious. Stem shrubby. Leaves stalked, simple and undivided. Sti- ■pidas small, deciduous. Fl. small, on aggregate stalks, yellowish. Berries blueish-black, purgative. 1. R. catharticus. Comnion Buckthorn. Thorns terminal. Flowers four-cleft, dioecious. Leaves ovate, serrated. Stem erect. Berry with four seeds. 328 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Rhamnus. R. catharticus. Linn. Sp. PL 270. Wilkl v.\. 1002. FLBr.26\, Engl Bot. V. 23. t. 1 G29. Hook. Scot. 80. M'oodv. Med. Bot. t.\\4. FI.Dan.t.S^O. RouSi/n.466. Bauh. PinAJS. Dalech. Hist. 145./. 146. Ehrh. PL Of. 200. * R. n. 824. HalL Hist. v.\. 366. R.soluhvus. Dod.Pempt. 7 ii 6. f. Gcr. Eyn. \337.f. \,2. Cervispina. Cord. Hist, \7o.f. Spina infectoria. Maith. Valgr. v. 1. 143./. Camer. Epit. 82. f. Lob.Ic.v.2.lS\.f. In hedges, groves and thickets. Shrub. May. Fruit in September. Branches alternate, or nearly opposite, spreading, straight, round, smooth, hard and rigid, each terminating in a strong thorn, af- ter the first year. Leaves deciduous, bright green, smooth, ribbed j the young ones downy ; the earlier ones in tufts from the flowering buds ; the rest opposite, on the young branches. Footstalks dowmy. Stipulas linear. FL yellowish-green, on the last year's branches, numerous ; the fertile ones with narrow petals, rudiments of stamens, and a deeply 4-cleft style ■/ barren ones with an abortive germen, and broader /je/aZ^. Berries glo- bular, blueish black, nauseous, violently purgative, with 4 cells, and as manv seeds; by which last character they are easily known, by druggists, from the fruit of the tbllowing, which is supposed to be less active. The unripe berries dye yellow. 2. R. Frangula, Alder Buckthorn. Berry-bearing Alder. Thorns none. Flowers all perfect. Style simple. Leaves entire, smooth. Berry with two seeds. R. Frangula. Linn. Sp. PL 280. Willd. v. 1 . 1098. FL Br. 262. EngLBot.v. 4. t. 250. Hook. Scot.8\. FL Ban. t. 2/8. R. n. 82 1 . HalL HisL i;. 1 . 365. Frangula. Dod. Pempt.7S4.f. Matth. Valgr. v. 2. 609. f. Camer. EpiL 978. f. Duham. Arb. v. 1. 245. t. 100. Dalech. Hist. 200. f. RaiiSyn.46j. Alnus nigra, sive Frangula. Ger.Em. 1470./ Dalech. Hist. 97./ In woods and thickets. Rather rare in Scotland. Shrubi May. Fruit in July. Stem 3 or 4 feet high, with numerous, alternate, leafy, round, smooth, blackish branches. Leaves alternate, (not opposite,) elliptical, or roundish, pointed, entire, deep green, wdth many parallel transverse ribs. Footstalks downy, as well as the minute Stipulas. FL whitish, five-cleft, on simple, aggregate, axillary, smooth stalks. Jnthers pm'\)\e. .S7?/Ze very short. Stigma en- pitatCj cloven. Berries dark purple, each with 2 large seeds. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Ribes. 329 121. EUONYMUS. Spindle-tree. Linn. Gen. 107. Juss. 377. Fl. Br.2()2. Tourn. t.SSS. Lam. (. 131. G(prtn. ^ 113. Nat. Orel, see ?i. 120. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, flat, in 5 deep, rounded, concave, permanent sepiients. Pd. 5, oblong, flat, spreading, longer than the calyx. Filam. awl-shaped^ straight, distant, attached to the germen as well as to die recep- tacle. Anth. 2-lobed. Genu, superior, depressed, pointed. Style short, simple. Sfigma obtuse. Cajjs. succulent, co- loured, with 5 sides, 5 prominent angles, 5 cells, and 5 coriaceous valves having central partitions. Seeds solitary, ovate; each enveloped in a succulent, folded, coloured tunic. Shrubs with opposite branches, hard -jcood, and opposite, stalk- ed, simple, smooth, deciduous leaves. Fl. on forked axillary stalks; often 4-cleft. Filam. in some instances very short. * 1. E. eiiropmis. Common Spindle-tree, orPrickwood. Flowers mostly four-cleft. Petals acute. Branches smooth and even. E. europceus. Linn. Sp. PI. 286. TViUd. v. \. \\30. FLBr.262. Engl. Bot. V. G. t. 3G2. Hook. Scot. 81 . Bull. Fr. t. 135. E. vulgaris. Raii Syn. 468. Scop. Cam. v. 1. 1G7. Ehrh. Jrb.3. E. n. 829. Hall. Hist. V. 1.370. Euonymus. Matth. Valgr. i\\. 173./. Camer. Epit. 102./. Dod. rempt.7S3.f. E. Theophrasti. Gcr. Em. \A6S.f. Carpinus Thcophrasti. Trag. Hist. 982. t. 983. In hedges and thickets. Shrub, or small tree. Mai/. Fetid in every part when bruised, and esteemed poisonous, whence arose, by antiphrasis, the generic name, signifying in Greek of good repute. Branches angular when young 5 afterwards round, with a green, smooth, not warty, bark. Leaves ovate, pointed, finclv serrated, about 2 inches long. ,S'ith 5 interme- diate scales or bristles seldom wanting. Anth. simple, of 2 cells. Germen superior, ovate, acute. Stijle short. Stigma obtuse. Caps, roundish, pointed at each end, of 1 cell, with 5, more or less distinct, valves. Seed solitary, oval, pointed at each end, filling the capsule. Stem herbaceous, with numerous, opposite, undivided, en- tire leaves, and opposite membranous stipulas. Fl. axil- lary, either whorled, or crowded into terminal leafy heads.^ 1 . L vertkillatum, AVliorled Knot-grass. Flowers whorled, without bracteas. Stems procumbent. I. verticillatum. Linn. Sp. PI. 298. IVilld.v. I. 1205. Fl. Br.26S. Engl. Bot. V. 13. t. 895. Dicks. Dr. PI. 57. H. Sice. fuse. 12. 13. Fl. Dan. t. 335. Corrigiola. Raii Sijn. I GO. Polvgala repens. Ger. Em. 563./. Lob. Ic.4l6.f. Dalech.Uist. 489./. Paronychia serpyllifolia palustris. Vaill. Par. 157. t.\5. f,7. 336 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Glaux. In marshy boggy ground, in Cornwall and Devonshire. In Devonshire not uncommon. With. About Pensans. F. Borone. Perennial. Jiihj. Root creeping. Herb smooth, branched, procumbent. Leaves small, ovate, acute, or sometimes spatulate, scarcely stalked, rather fleshy. Stipulas intrafoliaceous, small, white, jagged. Fl. small, aggregate, axillary, white or reddish. Calyx- leaves abrupt, with long, twisted, terminal bristles ; concave at the inner side. Scales between the »tamens lanceolate, reddish, pointed, alternate with the calyx, resembling petals. Fllam. very short. Stigma notched. Caps, of 5 distinct valves. 125. GLAUX. Sea-milkwort. Linn. Gen. 1 14. Juss. 333. Fl. Br. 2G8. Tourn. t. GO. Lam. t.\4\. Nat. Ord. Calycanthemce. Linn. 17. Salicaricc. Juss. 91. Supposed by recent authors, see Hook. Scot. 212, to be allied to Samolus^ p. 323, and therefore to the Primulacece, see p. 269; but their characters and habits are essentially different. Cal. inferior, of 1 leaf, coloured, bell-shaped, in 5 deep, spreading, obtuse, recurved segments, permanent. Cor. none. Filam. awl-shaped, erect, not longer than the calyx. AritJi. roundish. Germ, superior, ovate. Slyle cylindrical, as long as the stamens. Stigma capitate. Caps, globose, pointed, of 1 cell and 5 valves. Seeds 5, roundish, attached to a very large, globular, central, pitted receptacle. Herbaceous. T^^^y^s opposite, simple, undivided. FL axillar}^ Li its calyx this genus is akin to Polygonum, in its fmiit to Jussieu' s Li/shnachice ; but cannot well be referred to any natural order yet defined. 1. G. maritivia. Common Sea-milkwort. Black Saltwort. G. maritima. Linn. Sp. PI. 301 . Wilhh z;. 1 . 1210. Fl. Br. 2C8. Engl. But. V. \.t. 13. Hook. Scot. 82. Raii Syn. 285. FL Dan. t. 548. Ehrh. Pliyt. 83. Poly2:onum raaritimum longiiis radicatum nostras. Raii Syn. ed.2. G9'.erf.3. IGl. Pluk. Phyt.t. 53./. 3. Newton's Knotgrass. Pet. H. Brit. t. lO./.G. Alsine bifolia, fructu Coriandri, radice geniculata. Lees. Pruss. \3.t.3. Herniaria glabra /3. Huds. 108 In muddv salt-marshes abundantlv. PENTANDRIA-MONOGVNIA. Thesium. 337 Perennial. June, July. Hoot of many long, thick, zigzag fibres. Stem erect, 3 or 4 inches high, branched, round, smooth, densely clothed with elliptic- ^o tt?; 'r'""^ 'rf f/ ^'""«^'\^^"^-^^> P^-^le underneath, saltish nnnl P .,f '^^^'«^,^-^^ Very short, or scarcely any. StijMa, none. Fl. axillary, solitar>', nearly sessile, flesh-coloured. 126. THESIUAi. Bastard-toadflax. Linn.Gen.WA. Juss. 7.'). FL Br.269. Lam. t. 142. Ga>rtn.f.S6. Nat. Ord Veprecul^. Linn. 31. El,eagm. Juss. 75. Sa?Ua- lacece. Br. Pr. 350. Cal. superior, of 1 leaf, internally coloured, divided half way down into 5 spreading segments, with intermediate notches ; ultnnately closed, coriaceous, permanent Co?- none. Filam, short, awl-shaped, erect, inserted into the base ot each segment of the calyx, in the centre. Anf/i roimdish. Germ, inferior, roundish, ribbed. Sfyle cylindri- cal, as long as the stamens. Slig7na cloyen. Drupa oblono- angular, dry, coriaceous, crowned by the inflexed calyx. JSiit roundish. Mr. Brown describes a small tuft of hairs at the outside of each stamen. Herbaceous, or shrubby, smooth, rigid, witli scattered, nar- row leaves. FL clustered, or panicled, bracteated, small, whitish, or yellowish. 1. T. linophyllum. Flax-leaved Bastard-toadflax. Cluster branched. Bracteas three together. Leaves linear- lanceolate. Tube of the calyx very short. T. linophyllum. Linn. Sp. Pl.30\. IVilld. r. 1. 1211. R Br 269 Engl. Bot. V. 4. t. 247. Dicks. H. Sice. fasc. 11.5 T. pratense. Ehrh. Herb. 12. Linaria montana, flosculis albicantibus. Bauh. Pin. 213. L. adulterina. Raii Sf/n. 202. Sesamoides procumbens nostras montanum, linariee folio, fioribus albicantibus. Moris, v. 3. GOl. sect. 15. t. 1./. 3. In high open chalky pastures. In Cambridgeshire frequent j also in Sufiblk, on the west side of Bury ; and in Dorsetshire. Found, by the Rev. 11. Forby, on Limekiln hill, near Shouldham, Norfolk'. Perennial. Jul?/. Root woody, yellowish. Stems widely spreading, angular, leafy, a span or more in length. Leaves turned to one side, rough - edged, light green, an inch long at most. Clnslrrs terminal. VOL. I. X 338 PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Vinca. many-flowered, erect, generally branched or subdivided. Partial stalks alternate, erect, single-flowered, with 3 unequal, spread- ing, lanceolate bracteas under the Jlower. Cat. with a very short tube, and a broadish, white, sharply toothed border, irregularly notched between the segments. The varieties of Willdenow seem distinct species; especially T. montanum, Ehrh. Herb. 2, a much larger, more upright, herb, with compound, more slender, panicles; which is Haller's n. 1573, and likewise Gerarde's plant, Ger.Em. 555, taken by Ray for the English species. 127. VINCA. Periwinkle. Linn.Gen.W^. JussA44. F/. Br. 269. Lavi.t.\72. Gartn.t. \\7. Pervinca. Tourn. t. 45. Nat. Ord. Contorted Linn. 30. Apociiiece. Juss. 47. See Grammar 108. Cat. inferior, of 1 leaf, in 5 deep, upright, acute, permanent segments. Cor. of 1 petal, salver-shaped; tube longer than the calyx, cylindrical in the lower part, dilated and marked with 5 lines above, 5-sided at the mouth ; limb horizontal, in 5 deep, oblique, abrupt segments, attached to the summit of the tube. Filam. from the middle of the tube, short, doubly curved. Anth. membranous, obtuse, erect, incurved, bearing pollen at each lateral margin. - Germens 2, superior, roundish, accompanied by 2 lateral roundish glands. Style 1, common to both germens, cy- lindrical, shorter than the tube. Stigma 1, capitate, seated on a flat orbicular disk. Follicles 2, cylindrical, acute, erect, bursting along one side. Seeds several, oblong, cy- lindrical, furrowed, without wings. Stems trailing or reclining, perennial, somewhat shrubby. Leaves opposite, ovate, entire ; in our species evergreen. Fl. axillary, handsome, inodorous. 1. Y. minor. Lesser Periwinkle. Stems procumbent. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, smooth-edged. Flowers stalked. Segments of the calyx lanceolate. V. minor. Linn.Sp.Pl^M. WilUiv. \. 1232. FLBr.270. Engl. Bot. V. 13. ^.917. Curt. Lond. fasc. 3. t. 16. Hook. Scot. 82, Ehrh. Arb. 102. V. pervinca. Brunf. Herb. v. 1. 178./. V. pervinca minor. Rail Syn. 268. Ger, Em. 894./. Pervinca. Trag. Hist. 394. / P. n. 572. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 246. PENTANDRIA— MONOGYNIA. Vinca. 339 Clematis. Cower. Epit. 694./. C. (laphnoides. Dod. Pempt. 405./. Lob. Ic. 635./. In busily places, and about hedges and banks, but rare. By Iloniiigham church, Norfolk, on a bank facing the south, plen- tifully ■ also in several lanes in that parisli, undoubtedly wild. Mr. Crowe. Abundant at Raleigh, Essex. Rev. U. B. Frartci Near Rippon, Yorkshire. Rev. James Dalton. Perennial. May. Root creeping. Herb very smooth. Stems round, trailing j the flowering branches simple, leafy, erect. Leaves dark shining green, on short stalks, opposite, without stipulas. Fl. solitary, an inch wide, of a fine violet blue. Fruit scarcely seen in En- gland. There is a white-flowered variety in gardens, having va- riegated leaves; and another witli double, more purple Jiowers, well figured and described in Corner. Epit. 695. 2. V. 7najor. Greater Periwinkle. Stems ascending. Leaves ovate, fringed. Flowers stalked. Segments of the calyx bristle-shaped, elongated. V. major. Linn. Sp. PI. 304. mild. v. 1. 1233. Fl. Br. 2/0. Engl. Bot.v.S.f.5\4. Curt. Lond.fasc.4.t.l9. Hook. Scot. S2. Ehrh. Arb.\\2. Pervinca n . 5 73 . Hall. Hist. v.\.246. P. vulgaris latifolia, flore caeruleo. Garid. Prov. t.S\. Clematis. Matth. Falgr.v.2. SO.i.f. C. daphnoides major. Bauh. Pin. 302. Raii Sijn. 268. Ger. Em. 894./ Dod. Pempt. 406./, C. sive Pervinca major. Lob. Ic. 636./ In thickets and groves, especially on a wet soil. Perennial. Mo?/. Nearly t\yice as large, in every part, as the former. Stems branched, ascending while in flower; afterwards procumbent, and taking root near the extremity. Leaves fringed with short rigid hairs. Fl. of a lighter blue. Cat. very narrow, mostly fringed witli coarse hairs. Follicles unequal, filled with several large whitish seeds, one above another. 22 ERRATA IN VOL. I. ,. 26. /. 8— read Ger. Em. 612. f. 49. /. 7 from the bottom, read Calamarice. 56. I. 21 — read equiseti. 60. /. 3 from the bottom, for (i read y- . 75. /. 9 — remove the /3 to the line immediately above. 188. after line 5, insert A. verna. Dalech. Hist. 1234./. 198. l. 5--for Hist, read Herb. 225— last line, read Bufonia tenuifolia. I N D E X OF THE NATURAL ORDERS IN VOL I. Aggregate page 4'2, 44, 192- 197, r.24 Alismacc-e 228 Amaranthi 335 Apocineae 338 Aralite 334 Aroidece 4, 31 Asperifoliae l;'47-269 Atriplices 2 Berberideae 219 Berberides 2.9 Bicornes 282 Boragineae 247-269 Cacti 330 'Calamariae '35, 49-70 Calycaiithemae 15, 336 Canipanaceae 283-298, 300 Campanijlaccae 28'"-298 Cnpntoiia 220, 324 CaryopbyllecE . . 187-1^9, 225, 238, 240, 212 Characeae 6 Chenopodese 2 Cisti . 300 Contorta? 338 Convolvidi 238 Cory dales 27, 29, 219, 298 Cyperaceifi y>^') Cyperoidece 35, 49-70 I)ipsace ANTMOXAN'rilUM 12, liT A. odoratum ol Antliyllis ahincfolia poly fro- noides major 189 marina incana alsinc- folia 1^9 Aparinc... 199, 210 aqui!^ innatans Terevi- 31 205 Sana, foliis Pcrccpier, ca- preolis donata coriandri scmine .... Joliis hrcvioribus ct se^ mine Iceviore 205 .... 266 .... 209 major Plinii. . minima minor saxatilis, verrii • 2C5 202 coso semine . pal list r is minor pari- siensisy/lore albo - — . — semine coriandri sac- charati 205 — semine Icevi 205 IcEviore 2^)5 vulgaris, semine minori 206 Aphanes arvensis 224' Aqui folium 226, 227 Areiia 272 ARUNDO 41, 168-172 Arundo W.) A. arenaria 171 — arenaria 177 .... 170 .... 169 .... 71' .... 169 .... 170 .... 171 .... 16S 168 .... 171 — Calaniagrostis — Calamagroslis — colorata — cpigejos — cpigejos , — ncglecta — palustris — Phragmites — stricta — xallaioria lf>"^ . — vulgaris 168 ASPliliUGO . . 241, 265, 266 A. proQuiuben? 265 . — spuria 266 Asperugo'vulgaris .... page 2o5 ASFEUULA .. 190, 197, 198 Aspcrula 1 98 A. cynanchica 198 — Jlore cameo, acuto folio 197 — odorata 1 97 ATllOPA 24-5, 316, 317 A. Belladonna 316 AVENA 41, 162-167 Jir;m..89, 90,102, 104, 105- 1C8, 155 A. olpina \G'> — bromoides 1 65 — elaiior 1C8 — fatua 162 — flavescens 166 — nodosa 109 — pilosa 163 — planicidmis 165 — pratensis 164 — pubescens 164 — sesquitertia 164 — strigosa 163 AZALEA 245, 282, 2S3 A. procLiiubens 2^2 Balsamina 298 B. lutea polonica 299 sivc Noli-me-tan- gere 299 Beccabunga 21 Belladonna 316 Blattaria 307 Bfloreamplo 312 luteo 312 — lutea 312 — mngnofore 312 — Ptinii 312 BORA GO .... 244, 264, 265 Borago 264 B. hortensis 264 — minor sylvcstris 266 — officinalis 2' "4 — scmpcrvirens 259 Brassica marina 285 BRIZA 40, 132-134 B. aspera 133 — maxima 168 — media 133 — uiinoi , 132 316 INDEX or LATIN NAMES. BROMUS . . page 11, ]50_161 B. agrestis 157 — arvensis 156 — arvensis 154; — asper 158 — ciliatus 160 — cristatus 184? — diandrus 160 — erectus 157 — giganteus 1 44? — glomeratus 1 34 — gracilis 149 — grandijlorus 159 — gynandrus 160 — hirsutus 158 — hordeaceus 153 — inermis 1 59 — littoreus 148 — madritensis 160 — mollis 153 — montanus 158 — rnidtiflorus 152, 156 — muralis 16) — nemoralis 158 — nemorosus 158 — perennis 157 — pinnatus 149, 150 — polymorphus 151, 153 — pratensis 1 54 — racemosus 154 — ramosus 158 ■ — secalinus 151 — spiculi-tenuata 1 56 — squarrosus 155 — sterilis 159 — sylvaticus 1 49 — trijlorus 144 — velutinus 152 — versicolor 1 56 • — verticillatus 156 — vitiosus 151 Buccaferrea maritima .... 237 BUFFONIA .. 191, 225, 226 B. tcnuifolia 225 Bufonia teyiuifolia 225 Biiglossa 258 B. major 258 — sylvestris 26 S -- mi)wr 267 Biiglossa urhana .... page 264 Buglossiim 257, 258 B. arvense annuiim litho- spermi folio 255 — dulce, ex insulis Lancas- trian 257 — Jblio borragi?iis hispani- cian 259 — latifolium semper virens 259 — semper virens 259 — sive Borrago 264 dulcis mellita Lancastriensis Cala?nao;roslis arenaria . epigejos lanceolata 957 171 ... 170' 169, 170 minory glumis ruffis et viridihus 170 CALLITRICHE .... 1, 9-11 aquatica 10 — ' — autumnalis 10 verna 10 Calystegia 283 sepium 285 Cameraria arvensis et minor 187 CAMPANULA 246, 287-294 C. alpina rotinidifolia minor 288 — arvensis erecta 293 — ccespitosa 288 — Cervicaria dicta 292 — cymhalaricejoliis 294 — esculentcB Jacie, ramis et Jloribus patulis 289 — Jblio hederaceo 294 — glomerata 292 — hederacea 293 — hortensis, Rapunculi ra- dice repente 291 — hybiida 293 — latifolia 290 — maxima, Jbliis latissimis 299 — media — minor alba sive purpurea alpina, rotundiori- bus iinisfoliis rotu7idiJolia vulga' ris — parva Anguiltarce Canta- brica 288 .290 289 2r8 288 INDEX Campanula patula . . page — persicitolia — pratensis, Jlorc conglome. rato — pulchra — pumila — pusilla — rapunculoides — Rapiinculus — repots, Jlore minore ov- ruteo — rotundifolia — sylvestris minima — Trachelium — Trachelium — unijiora — vulgatior, J7)liis urticce^ vel major et asperior .... Caprifolium 324, germanicum italiciim. &c )ion pirJolialnm,foliis si?iuosis et variegatis .... Carduusfidionum Car ex are n aria idiginosa Carpimis Theophrasti .... CaryophyUiis arvensis glaber viinimus ■ ■ - holosfeus arvensis. . . . Cauda equina fie mina .... vulpis monspcUiensium Cenchrus capitaius Centaurium minus .... 319, — — palustre ramosis- simutn, Jlore purpurea . . palustre luleum mini- mum nostras parvum CENTUNCULUS 190,216 Centunculus C. minimus Cerastium umbcllatum ... Cerinthe C. maritima procumbensyjb' His etjloribus ccerideis . . Cervicaria major Cervispina Clic€lospora Ol I,ATIN iNAMES. 347 288 290 292 291 288 288 291 289 291 287 288 292 291 288 292 326 326 325 326 192 172 59 328 iC6 188 A- 86 115 320 322 2J2 320 217 217 217 188 248 256 292 328 19 Chama'cerasus du)nctoruni, frueiu gemino rubra page 326 Cha nuccistus serpyllifolius . . 283 Septimus 283 Chama-drys 23 Chamcelinum gramineo^ sen acuta, folio. 241 vulgare 21-3 Chamccpericlymenum 221 Chamcerhododendros ferrn- ginea supina, thy mi folio, alpina 283 Chamagrostis 83 minima St CHARA 1, 6-9 C. flexilis 7 — gracilis 8 — hispida 7 — incrmis pellucida 7 — major, caulibus spinosis 7 subci ncreajragilis 7 — minor, caulibus et Joliis nuissimis 9 Chara nidifica 8 tomentosa 7 translucens 8 translucens major Jlex- dis 8 minor Jlexilis . . 7 vulgaris 6 — ■■ — vulgaris Jceli da .... 6 Chionajithus 14 Chironia 319 Ch. Centaurium 320-322 — littoralis 320 — pulchella .320, 322 — ramosissima 322 CIUCiEA 12, 15, 16 C. alpina 16 omnium minima . . 16 — intermedia 16 — lutetiana l.S — minima 16 CLADIUM 12,35, 36 C. germanicum '^(y — Mariscus 36 ClematiK 339 daphnoidcs 3: 9 major 339 !4S INDEX OF LATIN NAM£S. Clematis sive pervinca ma- jor page Colchiciim commune Consolida major CONVOLV ULUS 245,283 C aiigustissimo Jolin nostras cum auriculis — arvensis — arvcnsis minimus — flore minima ad unguem fere secto — major — maritimus, Soldanelladic- tus — minor vulgaris — sepium — Soldanella Corchorus Cornu cervinum CORNUS ic;0, 220- Jcemina herbacea « pumila herbacea, Cha- mcepericli/meuum dicta . . ' sanguinea . Suecica Coronopus 213, 215, Corrigiola Crassulajvliis sessilibus con^ natis, Jioribus aggregatis infoliorum alts (U'ocum CilGCUS 38, 46 Crocus C autumnalis — montanus autumnalis . . — nudiflorus ' — officinalis — sativus — sativus — speciosus — sijlvestris autumnalis . . — vernalis cccruleus — vernus — vernus •^ Jlore purpureo . . . . Cruciata CYCLAMEN 245, C. eurnpccuni. 339 47 263 285 284 284 284 284 285 276 284 284 285 298 216 -222 221 221 221 22! 221 216 335 242 46 ,^7 46 46 47 47 46 46 46 47 47 47 46 48 47 199 273 273 Cijclamcn hederce folio page 273 C. hecierifolium 273 CYNODON 59,94,95 C. Dactylon 95 Cyyioglossa folio virente . . 260 C. media alter a, virentef olio y ruhrojlore, montana, fri- gidarum j-egionum 263 — minor 249 — topiaria forte Plinii. . . . 266 CYNOGLOSSUM. . 244, 259- 261 Cynoglossum 260 C. majus vulgare 2C0 — ofhcinale 260 — officinale 260 — procumbcns glaucophyl- lon maritimum nostras, jioribus purpuro-ccBruleis, semine Icevi '^56 — sylvaticum 260 — vulgare 2(:0 CYNOSUllUS .. 41, 136-138 ccerulcus 114 cfistatus , , . . 137 echinatus 1 37 elegans 138 paniceus 85 CYPERUS 38, 53,54 C. acicularis 6!) — fuscus 54 — gramineus 62 miliaceus 62 — longus 53 inodorus sylvestris 36 — ^ odoratus 53 — minimus, panicidd sparsd nigricante 54 — minor angustfolius palu- stris, capitulis fuscis pa- leaceis 52 jpalustris hirsutus, paniculis albis paleaceis . . 52 . pulcher, paniculd comp^essd nigricante .... 54 — nigricans 51 — odoratus, radice longd . . 53 DACTYLIS .... 40, 131, 135 D. njnosuroides Vd5 INDEX or LATIN' NAMES. 340 page 313. Dnrtylls glomerata . . — stricta J^arithnnin DATUIIA .... 2t5 D. Strainonium DKiITARIA :9, 9G, Digitaria 1). saiigiiinalia — st<)lo)ii/t'ra DIPSACUS 19:), 192- D alljus — fuUonum — fullonum — minoj'f sive Virga pas- toris — pilosus — jmrpiireus — sativus — sylvestris capitido minore . . Dortmanna lacustris, Jloii- bus sparsis pendidis .... Draba Jiore ccendeo, galea- to Echioides 266, /lore albo Echion ECHIUM 244, 267- Echium altera species alfenim, sive Ly cops is anglica italicnm marivAim planlagineum scorpioides i}iinus,Jlos- \\\5 ,';i4. 311. 97 91- 96 95 ■194- 192 192 193 193 193 193 192 193 192 culis luteis palustre • • • . violaceum vulgare ELE0CHAUIS....3S, 62 E. acicularis — multicaulis — paliistris ELYMUS 41, 176 Elymus E. arenarius ' — arenarius — cauituis 297 298 7 255 267 ■269 268 268 268 269 '256 269 253 249 268 268 ^-()5 64 61- 63 178 177 177 183 184 F.lymn,? europaeus — gcniciilatus • • • page 178 177 EP1MHD1U:VI..19:), 219, 22) Epiiiii-diii))i 22') E. alpinuni 220 pinnalmn 220 Esquisetum fcetidiuii, sub aqua repens 6 ))7ajus subcinereum, a- quis iinmersum 7 minus sub aqua repens, ad genicula poliji^permon palustre, linariiC sco- pari(F folio EKIOPilORUM .. 38, 65-70 E. alpiiium 67 — angListi folium 69 — august ifolium 6S — ccespitosum 66 — capitatum 66 — gracile 69 — lati folium 67 — po]3'stachion 67 — polijstachion 69 — pubescens 6-> — Scheuchzeri 65 — triquetruvi 69 — vaginatmn 6i — Vadlantii 6^> ERYTHKiEA . . 245, 319-:/J2 — Centaurium ^2 ) — latifolia 321 — littoralis 320 — pulchella S22 EUONYMUS 246, 329 Euonijrnus 329 E. europneiis 329 — Theophrasti 329 — vuharis 329 EXACUM 19;\ 211, 212 E. filiforme 212 FEDIA 38, 44, 45 F. dentata 45 — olitoria 15 FESTUCA 10, 133-150 Fesluca 101, 1»4 F. arundinacea 148 — avenacca hirsuta, pani- culis minus sparsjs 153 INDEX OF LATIN NAMES. Fest. aven. spicis habitioribus glumis gtabris .... page sjjicis sti'igosioribus, e gliimis glabris compactis sterilis elatior, seu Bromos Dioscoridis .... steril. elat. spicis aristatis in gyrum con- tortis ■ — ster. humillima, spi- ca unam ^jar^ewz spectante — ster. panicidis con- Jertis erectioribiis, aristis brevioribns — ster. pedicidis bre- vioribus et sjncis erectis . . ' — I ster. sjncis erectis, . — bromoides — ccesia — calamaria — cambrica — decidua — decumbens — duynetorum — duriuscula • — duriuscula 139, ■ — elatior - — elatior = — elatior, paniculis minus spaj-siSi locustis oblongis strigosis aristatis purpu- reis splendentibus • — elongata — Jluitans 116, — gigantea — glabra — glauca — gracilis — gramiiiea, effusajuba . . glumis glabris. . . . gl. kirsutis vacuis 151 151< 159 heterophylla loliacea. . . . 7nadritensis Myurus . . nemorum. . . ovina . . oviiia 139, 114 i 141 160 160 157 142 139 145 142 146 131 141 141 142 148 147 l:6 147 147 144 142 142 149 \56 151 152 155 141 146 160 143 141 139 140 141 139 152 149 146 139 144 Fcstuca pinnata P^ge 150 — jnnnata 149 — pratensis 147 — 7'epens 142 — rubra — rubra — spicis habitioribus, glumis incanis — sylvatica — sylvatica — tenuijblia — trifiora — uniglumis 143 — vivipara 140 Fontalis media lucens .... 230 Fontilapathum p)usillum . . 233 Fontinalis lucens major. . . . 230 Francrula S27, 328 FRAXINUS 12, 13-15 Fraxinus .- 14 F. excelsior 14 — excelsior 15 — heterophylla 14 — simplicifolia 15 Fucus feridaceus 237 GALIUM .... 190, 199-210 Galium 208 G. album linifolium 2C4 — alh.supinum muUicaule. . 206 — anglicum 209 — Aparine 210 — aristatum 203 — austriacum 203, 207 — boreale 209 — cinereum „ . . . 203 — Cruciata 199 — cruciatum 199 — difusum 203 — divaricatu7n 2C9 — erectum 202 — Joliis pluribus lanceolatis pedunculis in summo caule fioriferis 204 — fol. senis et novenis sub- asperis spinuld terminatis 206 — glaucum 207 201 209 — narcynicum — litisiosum . . — Inteum 208 NDEX OF LATIN NAMES. 351 Galium Matrisijlva . . page 198 — INIollugo 208 *— inontamun 2(:0, 201 latifolium crucia- turn 198 — obliquum 206 — palustre 199 — parisiensc 209 — procumbeiis 201 — pusillum 2C6 — pusillum 207 — saxatile 201 — scabrum 206, 208 — spurium 206 — spurium 205 — tricorne 205 — tricorne SOi — uliginosum 201 — verrucosum 2.)1' — verum 208 — Wither! ngii 2 )0 Gentiana Centaimum. . 320, collina filiformis pulcliella . , „ Gladiolus lacustris jmlustris GLAUX 246, 326, 322 293 212 322 297 297 337 G, maritima 336 GLYCERIA.. .. 40, 115-120 G. aquatica 1 16 — distans 118 — fluitans 116 — maritima 118 — procLimbens 119 — rigida 1 i9 Gramen agrorum^ venti spied 89 alopecurinum minus. . 81 alopecuro accedens, ex culmi geniculis spicas cum petiolis longiusculis pro- mens alopecuro simile gla- brum, cum pilis longius- culis in spied 79 alopecuroides majus . . 79 88 spica aspera. . . . spica tonga ir- \^S SI Gramen alopccuros minus, spied longiore page 86 spica rotundiore 1 67 alrweeurum fluviatile gcnicutalum proeumbens . . 82 majusy spied vi- rcsccnt e divulsd , pilis longi- oribus B>i> — minus, spied vi- rescente divulsd 85 mollc) spied in- cand 1 67 alpinum latifolium, pa- jiieuld laxd Jbliaeed, Sfc. 122 _ — nemorosum pani' cidaium, foliis angustissi- mis, locustis splendeniibus arisiatis 104 panicidatum ma- jus, paniculd speeiosd va- pan. minus, pa- J 22 nicidd spadieeo-viridi, ele- gans 123 p>atense, pani- culd duriore laxd sjjadi- ccd, locustis majoribus . . 1 42 aquatieum cyperoides 61 116 vulgatius fluitans muliiplici spied geniculatum spi- catum 82 . majus 116 paniculatum,pha- laridis semine 74 '• spieatum 82 ■ arundinaecum, accrosd glumd 74 aquatieum, pani- culd avenaced 148 I cnodc minus si/l- \ vaticum .••.•.• ^ ^'^ ' Jbliis acutissimis, paniculd multipliei, cyperi facie ; G2 I ■ paniculd molli ! spadiced majus 1 69 panieulatnmmon- 332 INDEX OI" LATIN' NAMKS. ianiun paniculd spadiceo- viridiy sem'me pajjposo p. Grameri aspernm avenaceum alpinumgla- 170 134- brum angusti folium, locus- tis aristatis, in spicain dis- positis 165 angustifolium al- pinuin, spicatd panicula, ex purpureo viridi et ar- gent eo variegatd 165 dumetorumy jja- 7iiculd sparsd 158 dumet. panicula. 158 149 109 turn majus hi7'sutum dumet. spicatum elaiiusjubdlongd splendente elat. radice tuber- culis prceditd 1 09 glabrum, pani- culd e spicis raris strigosis compositd, aristis tenuissi- mis . glabr. paniculd pmpuro-argented splen- dente hirsutum annU' cras- ari- um, paniculd ampliore ma gisque sparsd^ locust is sioribus glabris et statis locustis majoribus squamatis, segetale majus locust, rarioribus locust. rubris.mon- tanum locust. villosisan- 144. 157 151 ll'i 113 orustis candicantibus et ari- o statis 153 165 143 montayiurn, spica simplici aristis recurvis . . murorum, spied longissimd nemorense, glu- mis rarioribus ex fusco xerampelinis 112 paniculd Jlave- uejitCy locustis pa wis, ... 166 Gramen aven. pan. sparsd, locustis majoribus et ari- statis page jmniculatum aU pinum, Jbliis capillaceis 159 brevibus, locustis purpu- reo-argenteis splendentibus et aristatis 104 parvum procum- bens, paniculis non ay-is- tatis 131 pratense elatiusy paniculd Jlavescente, locus- tis parvis 166 ■ ■ p7'at. glumd te- nuiore glabra 154 septimum, seu glabrum, (potiiis hirsu- tum) jjaniculd purpuro- argented splendente .... uiriculis lanugine Jlavescentibus 163 bromoides aquaticum latifolium, jKiJiiculd sparsd tenuissime aristatd 144 pianiculd hetero- malld, longioribus aristis donatd 142 • pan. sparsd, lo- 164 custis minoribus aristatis paniculatum, Jb- liis et culmo villosis pratense, Jbliis 145 157 pr deter culmum angustissi" mis, rard lanugine villosis 157 pumihim, locustis ei-ectis majoribus aristatis i60 bulbosum nodosum . . 109 Canarium alterum . . 95 • caninum aristatum, ra- dice non repente, sylvati- cum 1 84 arvense,sive Gra- meri Dioscoridis 183 canin. arvense, sive primum 183 marinum alterum 182 maritimum pani- culatum US INDEX OF LATIN NAMES. ?53 Gramen canimim mariti- mum, spied foliaced page nodosum non repcns ela- tiuSy spica aristata ■paniculntum molle rej^ens vulgatius supinum sup. minus .... capillaceumy locustellis pennatis non aristatis . . cristatum cyperoides miliaceum panicula sparsa majus. iJiemum palustre leucan- palust. panicula sparsd • — spicdsimplici com- pressd distichd dactiloides, radice re- pente D act yl on y folio arun- dinaceo, majus et minus. . fo)l. latiore .... radice repente, sive ojjicinarum Dioscoridis exUe durius, Norvcgi- cum aut Danicum duriusculum, in 182 109 181. 108 183 93 93 139 137 62 61 52 61 59 95 95 96 95 183 105 muris et aridis provcniens 120 duriusc. mai'iti- rtjum, foliolis circumvolu- lis, veluti Junceis, hrevibus -fostuceum majus, locus- tis crassislanuQ-inosis, ari^ si IS rccurvis lontrissimis. . myurum^ minori spied hcteromalld — fdiccu m rigidiusculum — Jluviatik album spicatum foliis junceis oblong is, radice nlbd foliolis junceis brevilms majus, radice nigrd .... VOL. I. 185 \5o 143 120 117 82 82 105 139 Gramen foliol. junc. brev, minus page o-enicidatum glum is variis. harundinaceum hordeaceum a mariti- mis pumilum minus et vulmre o montanum, spied strigosiori breviiis aristatd junceum clavaium mini- mum Icucanthemum . . juncoides lanaium al- terum danicum loliaceum, ajigustiore folio et spied angust. fool, et sp. varietas alpinum spic. ex- iliy rai-ioribus locustis . . corniculatum. . . . comic, lat folium y spicis teretiusculis angustis et glabris exile durius. . . . Jluviatile spica longissimd divisa foolioUs brevihus junceis minus locustis longis ari- statis maritimum biun- dale marit. scoypioides Slier ardi marit. spicis gra- cilibus articulatis recurvis multiplici spicatd panicula — — murorum durius- culum y spica erect a rigid a paniculd multi- plici et spicatd paniculatum , . radice repente &c , aristis longioribus donatum 139 98 114 89 181 179 178 105 56 52 173 173 154 150 149 185 117 139 157 185 176 176 173 1^0 147 173 185 2 a INDEX or LATIN NAMES. Gj-amen loliacru'V, spica di visa pratense majas page 148 . — spica lata e plu- riniis spiels chiplici versu dense disposiiis, const ante 173 spicii longiore . . 1 74- spicis bi'cvibus et laiioribus compressis .... 173 temiissimuin, iin- ciale ant biunciale 84- hizidce accede us p;Ia- brum, in jmlustribus jvo- veuiens, panicuhiium .... 52 manncB esculent um pru- ienicum ]Slari(V Borussonim. . maritimum paniculis Gramen montanum avena- ccHviy locustis midicis tu mentibusy pilosum . . pa^^e miliaceum minus, r ad ice repente ■ muiorumj spica longii,- sima myosuroides majus^ spied longiore y aristis rcc- 1 1 93 U3 tis 117 111 asperis cristatis 119 spied loUacea,fo- liis pungent ibus, nosti'as. . 182 — miliaceum aristatiim molle .. .. 108 locustis minimis, minus, spica bre- viore, aristis recurvis. ... 81 nodosum »1 myurum, spica molli candicante villosu. 79 nemorosum, paniculis albis, capillaceo folio .... lO^ nodosum, avenaced pa- nicula 10) spica parva paniculafcre arundinacea majus, glumis aristatis, spadiceis et pal- lidis maj. panicula 92 89 — palustre panicidatum altissimum paniceum serotinum, sjnca laxa pyramidal i . . spica aspera . spica aspera la^ spadiced; 2iUo panicula vi- ridi 93 maritimum molle 105 pratense molle . . 1 07 tiore spied divisd. . . . spica siwplici as- , segelale majus . . sylvestre, glumis ohlon^is vulgar e rdinimum — album anodo-britanni- cum 102 93 87 127 84- palustre, panicida spadicea delicatd, tenuifo Hum, semine exiguo ro- iundo panicidis elegan- iissimis ,• • • • : spica brevi habi- tiore nostrum lOG minus duriusculum .. 120 perd spic. simpl. Icrvi panici cffigie, spied siwplici paniculd multiplici ma- 116 88 98 138 1(0 98 99 £9 120 92 84< jus ptaniculatum angustifo- Hum alpinum, locustis ra- rioribus et angustioribus, 110)1 aristatis 1 JTO angustif. monta - num, paniculd densd, lo- custis parvis muticis .... aquatic2im latfo Hum aguaticum mUia- ceum autumnale, pani culd ampliore, e viridi ni- g-ricante 128 116 102 113 NDEX OF LATIN NAMES. 355 Gramen panicidatum bro' moides viinuSy paiiiculis aristaiis, luiam jjarte^u spectantibus page el alius, spicis longis midicis squamosis. . — locustis parvis piirpiu-o-argoiteis majus 142 147 ct percnnc — viarit. vulgatissimiim minimum moUe nemorosum laii- 104- 118 1C6 folium glahrum, paniculd 7iuia)ite, lion aristatd .... nemor. latiorejb- lioy glabrum, paniadd nu- tante, non aristatd palustre prccal- turn exde,jKi}iiculd arundi- naced jmrpuro-argcn- ieum, locustis parvis, an- nuum . radice repejite, cidmo compresso spaHeum alpi- num, paniculd angustd, spadiceo-viridi , prol iferum • supinum, ad inji- ma culmorum geniculajb' Uorum cajjillariujn Jasci- culis donatum parvum marimim, sjn- cd toliacea montanum, spied crassiore ^;« jpu ro ■ ccvrulea brcvi prcccox, spied laxd canesceide ■ pJialaroides majtis ace- rosum, nuiante spica .... prat en sc cristatiim . . rninimuvi album minus minus, scu vulga- tissimum jyanicula duriorc I ax a, unam partem spcc- tante 146 14S 169 1C6 121 140 9J 176 114 1C6 \5r> lb7 127 126 127 141 ' 2 a Gramen pratense panicula- tmn majus page " panic, maj. an- gustiorcj'olio 'paniculatum me- dium 121, paniculatum mi- nus ■ panic, molle. . . . serotinum, jjani- culci longa jjurpurascenie pumilum hirsutum, spi- ca purpurco-a rgentcd main • repens, cum ptanicula graminis manna; secal ilium et Secale sylvesire ■ majus sylvaticum maritimum glau- cijolium, spicis brcvioribus jjalustre et mari- timum jyratense clatius vulgatissimum vi- a7'um scfretale scp^etum altissimum 2m- niculd sparsd .... pajiiculd arundi- naced serotinum ai'vense, pa- nicidd contractd pyrami- dali .' spartcum, capillaceojb- lio, minimum capill. folio minus juncijhliuv.i .... longd et spicatd pajiiculd lolii lUricidis.Jcs- tuccc potius, majus montanum, spied Jbliaced gramined, majus ct minus spicatmn, foliis mucronatis longioHbns, xrl spied sccalind spied brizcc majus. . . . eristatd, subhir- sutum 124 126 i25 127 107 113 101 95 180 179 178 181 ]81 180 179 102 89 102 88 84 70 70 157 u:) 171 150 101 S5G INDEX Gramen sjncd triticea com- pactd, aris/is longiori- bus "page 184< — trit. rcpens vul- gare, caninum dictum . . 183 I trit. rep, vidgarc, cum spied aristatd 1 83 spicatum, folio aspero 131' . saxatile gJabrum jjerenne, spied cylindraced Tufescente longdi loeusfis aciitis ciliiijistar pilosis . . 78 secaliniun mariti- 7Jiiim, glaucifoliiim^ spicis brevioribus 181 — seccd. marit. maxi- mum y spied longio7-e .... 171 ■ seeal. minus .... 180 spied eylindraced, tenuissimd, lonpiore .... 81 tomeniosum, Ion- gissimis aristis donatum . . ]67 sylvatieum glabriim., jjnniculd recurxvi 144 — ■ paniadd miliaced sparsd 87 tomentosum prate)7se, panieuld sparsd 68 " tremutwm 1 S3 majus 1 33 minus S)'e 133 ' ■ Vidgare minus 8^c. 133 triticum pnlustre hu- milius spied midied bre- viore 131 ' sjned latiore eom- paetd 1 81< typhinum majus, seu primiim 75 — maritimum minus 7 8 minus 75 — phalaroides-, pilo- sd spied, aquatieum bulbo- sum 81 — — typhoides alpinum, spi- ed brevi densd et veluti vil- losd 76 alp. spied graci- liori delicatd et villosd . . 78 OF LATIN NAMES. Gramen typhoides maximum, spied longissimd . . . . page medium,, sive vul- to vernum, radiee ascalo- nied 123 spied brevi laxd 37 xe7-ampelimim, miliaeed pertenui ramosdque sparsd panieuld 123 Grcssularia '-^29 HEDERA .... 24-6, 334, 335 H. arborea 335 ^ — communis, major et minor 235 — eorymhosa 3f^5 — Helix 334 — Helix, sive minor, '>35 Hederula aquatiea 32 Heliotr opium 255 Helxine 222 Hejjatica altera 98 Herniaria angustissimo gra- mineo folio, erecta 226 • glabra 3S6 Herha paralysis 271 trinitatis 305 HIEUOCLE ...40,109-111 H.borealis 110 HiPPURIS.. 1, 3, 4 H. vulgaris 4 HOLCUS 40, 1{;7-109 Uolcus 109, 110 H. avenaceus 108 — horealis 110 — lanatus 107 — mollis 108 — odoratus 110 HOLOSTEUM . . 41, 187, 188 H.palustre repens,foliis ea- pitulis et seminibus psyllii 5% — quce Alsine verna glabra, floribus umbellatis 188 — umbellatum I 87 HORDEUM ....41, 178-181 Hordeum 178 H. genieulatum 181 — marinum 181 — maritimum 180 — maj'itimum 180 INDEX OF LATIN NA3IES. JOi Hordeum niurinum . . page 179 — Diuri/iuni 180 — nodosum lh»() — pratcnse IS'J — rigidum 181 — secalinam 1 80 — spuriiLm J 79 — sijlvcdicum 178 Honninum pratcnse i,4? sylvcstre 34-, 35 HOTTONIA 245,276 Hottonia '276 \\. palustris 276 Hi/drophace 32, 33 HVOSCYAMUS245, 3i4., 315 Hijoscijamus 315 H.Jiavus 315 — niger 315 - — vulgaris 315 Jacea altera , ':05 she Flos Trimtatis . . 305 JASIONE 24-5, 295, 296 J. montana 296 ILEX 191,226,227 I. AquiColium 227 ILLECEBRUM 246,335,336 I. verticillatum 3fi5 IMPATIENS .. 246, 29.-', 299 Impatieiis 299 /. hcrba 299 — Noli-me-tangere 299 IRIS.. £8,48,49 I. ftL'tidissinia 49 — pahistris lidea 49 — Pseud-acorus 48 — sylvestris quam Xyrim vo- cant 49 Ischccmon vulgar e 96 Jsolcpis Jlnitans 5Q ' sciacca 58 Jiincelli omnium minimi^ ca- pitulis cquiscti 05 Juncellus clavalus minimus 65 ci/peroides, capitulo sim • plici 63 omnium minimus .... 56 Junco MILIUM 39, 86-' 8 M.cffusum 87 — lendigerum 87 — SolU "" MUlcfoUum fiqu(iticum,Jiore lutco (ralcriculato palustre (rnlcricitldlum orfilcric. minus . . tcnuijhlium 2r}L SO 30 31 236 MUleo^rana mininm 243 MOliNCHlA . . J9I, 21' \ 24-1 M erccta 241 — frlauca 2H — ^(luntcrneUa 21.1 jMoliuia cccrida i 13 MoUuginis vidgalioris varie- tas minor 200 Mollugo 2{ 8 M. montnna erccta quadri- folia 209 — mont. minory galio (Mo similis 201 — vnhnlior 208 MONTI A 4i, ]86,-4a M aquatica minor 187 fontana J 87 Morsus rrnUiiice minor .... 25 M YOSOTIS .... 244', 247-254 M. alpestris 252 . — alpina ^^52 — apula 254 — arvensis '^^52 — nrvensif 253 . — caespitosa 25') — intermedia - 5 > — palustrs 249 .— rnpicola 252 — scorpioidcs . 249-253 Mi/osolis scorpioides colli- 253 na page 253 hirsula 252 Jiirtn minor 253 lali folia hirsida . . 251 palustris 249 sijlvalica 251 Mijriophyllum altcrum .... 276 ! NARDUS 39,70 j N. striata . 70 I Noli mc langere, Balsamita j altera 299 Nummulnria 279 minor, Jlore purpu- rasccnte 2.'- I rnhra 281 Nifmpluua lutca minor, Jlore jimbrudo 368 Onobrychis altera Belgarum ct Dodoncci 293 PANICUM 10, 97-100 /-*. Crus-corvi 100 99 99 96 88 100 98 — Crus-palli — sangiiinale — serotininn arvense spied pyramidaWi — sylvcstre hcrbariorum . . — verticillatum ........ — viride ^^ — xndgare 1^^^ PAIUETARIA. . 191,222, 223 Parictaria 2'-2 P. officinalis 222 Paronychia altera . serpyllifolia palustris 335 189 335 97 224 224 scarp arvijisis 252 Penniscturd Pentaphi/llum petrosum, Hep- taphyUum Clnsii Percipicr Amxiorum Pcriclymcnnm 325, 326 J'oliis quercinis S26 germanicum 326 liorlense 326 italicum -25 - -^ rccluyn germanicum . . 326 sylvcstre -27 360 NDEX OF LATIN NAMES. Persicaria siliqnosn . . page 299 Pervinca 8^i8, 339 vulgaris lalijblia^ Jiore C(^ruleo 339 Pes leonis 22S PHALARIS 39, 73-75 Phalaris 74- Ph. alpina 78 — arenaria 78 — arundinacea 74 — aspera 77 — canariensis 74 — major, semine albo .... 74 — paniculata 77 — pMeoides 77 PHLEUM 39, 75-79 Ph. alpinum 76 — arenarium 78 — asperum 76 — Boehmeri 77 — crinitum 85 — Michelii 78 — nodosum 75 — paniculatum 77 — pratense 75 — pratense minus 75 — viride 77 Phlomos vulgaris mas .... 308 Phu 43 ■ germanicum 43 minimum 43 minus 43 parvum 43 peregrinum 42 PHYTEUMA . . 246, 294, 295 Ph. orbiculare 295 Pimpinella 218 maxima canadensis, spi- ca rubra glomeratd .... 219 minore di Candia .... 219 PINGUICULA .... 12, 27-29 P. jiore amplo purpurea, cum calcare tongissimo 29 — Jl, minore cameo 28 — Gesneri 28 — grandiflora 29 — lusitanica 28 —' sive Sanicula Eboracensis 28 Pinguicula villosa . . page 28 — vulgaris 28 Planta heteroclita, &c 324 PLANTAGO .. !90, 213-216 /-*. an alpina angustifulia ?. . 215 — Coronopus 216 — folds laciniatis, Corono- pus dicta 216 — graminco folio hirsuto, mi?ior, capitulo rotundo brevi 216 — incana 214 — lanceolata 214? — latifolia 213 — Loejlingii - 216 — longa 215 — major 213 — major , 214 — marina 215 — maritiraa 215 — media 214 — media 213 — mino r 215 — montana 215 — 7iigricans 216 — pannicidis spar sis 213 — quinquenervia 215 — rosea 213 — rubea 213 POA 40, 120-130 Poa 92,93, 111, 113, 115, 117, 121-123, 133, 147, 158 alpina 121 avgustifolia 126, 129, 130 annua 127 aquatica 116 bulbosa 123 cceridea, 126 ccBsia 128 ccmpressa 121 decumbens 131 distans 118 dubia 124 dtdcis 1('2 fiexuosa 123 Jluitans 116 — — glabra 1 25 — glauca 128 INDtX OF LATIN NAMES. CI Poa hmnilis page 126 I laxa 122 I — — - loliacea 185 ! maritima 118: monlana 128 ] ncnioralls I'-^O ncmornlis 128 pratensis 125 pratensis alp'nia 130 126 126 jjrocumbens 119 retrojtexa 118 rfg-zV/a 119 rupcstris 119 scilina 1 1^> scabra 1 24* setacea 1 24 suhccendca 1 26 sylvatica 144- triner'vata 146 trivialis 124 POLEMONIUIVI 2i5, 286, 287 P, caeruleum 286 — vidgare cceruleum 286 POLYCARPON. . 41, 188, 189 P. tetrapbyllum 189 Poly gala repens 335 Polygonum angusiissimogra' mineofolioy erectum .... 226 fcemina 4 maritimum^ longius ra- dicatum nostras 336 muscosiim minimum . . 242 POLYPOGON .... 39, 85, .^6 P. littoralis 86 — monspeliensis 85 POTAMOGETON. . 191, 228- 237 Potamogeton 228 P. altera 231 — alteram nostras, longis et ohtnsis splendent ihnsjbliis mimdissime crcnatis .... 231 — aqiiis immer sum, f olio pel- lucido, lato, oblongo, acuto 231 — caidc compresso .folio gra- minis canini 233 230 2:^0 229 229 235 229 234 Potamogeton comprcssnm p, 234 crispum 23^' — cuspitlatum 234 — densum — lliiitans — folio an gusto pcllucido, fere gramineo — forte species, foliis tenui- bus et pellucidis, lapathi minoris forma -- gramineum — gi-amineum — lat folium latiusculum, foliis et ramijicationibus dcnsissime stipatis 235 tenu folium 236 — heterophyllum ^29 — lanceolatum 232 ^ lat folium 228 — longis acutis foliis 231 — marinum 236 — maritimum, ^ramineis longioribus foliis^ fructu fere umbellato 237 grandiusculis capi' tulis, capillaceo folio, no- stras 236 — pusilhim alterum. . 236 — m illefoliu m , sen foliis gra • mineis, ramosum 236 — natans 228 — palustre .« 2!i;9 — pectinatum 236 — perfoliatum 229 — pusillum 2.''5 — pusillum fluitans 236 gramineofolio,caule tereti .. . . 235 — racemosum angustifoUum '.^132 — ramosnm,foliis gramineis 236 — rotund foliiun 228 alterum 2i9 — serratum 233 — setaceum 2-2 — seu Fontalis media lucens 230 — iertia 229 PKIiMULA .... '2^^5,269-212 — cormvcssum. 233 aid is 270 3g: INDEX OF LA'J'IN NAMES. Primula elatior P^^g^* — elatior acaidis — farinosa — njficinalis — pratensis inodorata liiiea — scotica — stricta — si/lvarum — veris — veris acaidis . altera » Jlore rubro '- major . . . - minor . . . - officinalis. - vulgaris . vulgaris . — vulgaris Pseudnacorum Pseudoci/perus palustris,Jb- liis et carina serratis .... Pseudoiris PseitdommTuhium palustre PULMONARIA ....'J41, P. alfi'ma, angustojblio. . . . •—^altera — angustifolia — angustifolia cccruleo Jlore ruhente cccruleo Jl. — foliis Echii — maculosa — maritima 23'j, — officinalis — sujfruticosa Quaiernella RAUIOLA 101, 242, R, linoides — vulgaris serpyllifolia . . Raponeoli Rapum sijlvestre Rapunculus 289, 295, R, calyculatus . — cornicidatus cceruleus minor . . — folio oblongo^ spica orblculari 270 Rapunculus cornkulat mon- 27') tanus page 295 270 — esculcntus 289 272 — galeatus blesensis, seu so- '■21 \ hmicnsisyjioreviolaceomi- 271 , nore 29S 272 I — scabioscE capitulo cceruleo i96 272 , Rapuntinm alterum leptO' 270 j)liijllon capitatum 296 271 montanum rarius, cor^ 270 niculatum 295 271 parvum 2S9 272 urens soloniense .... 298 271 RHAMNUS. . . . 246, 327, 328 270 R. catharticus 327 27 < — Frangula 328 270 _ solutlvHs 328 270 RHYNCHOSPORA 38, 51-53 271 R.alba 52 49 ^alba 52 — fusca 52 36 RIBES 216, 329-334 49 R. acidum 330 34 — alpinuni 332 26 I — alpitms dulcis 3 b2 -262 —Jlore rubente 331 262 —fructuparvo 330 261 — Grossularia 233 262 — hortense 330 262 — nigrum 332 262 vulgo dictitniy folio 262 olente .- 332 261 — petraeum 331 262 — reclinatum 334 261 — rubrum 330 2 )2 — spicatum 334 241 —Uvacrispa 333 2l<;> — vulgaris acidiis ruber . . 330 243 fru^tu dulci 330 24 ) rubro 330 243 Ribesiumfructu nigro .... 332 289 Romulea \ 47 289 R0TTB0LLIA..4), 175, 176 296 R, Jiliformis 176 293 — incurvata 175 i9j Rubeola arvcnsis ca'rulea re- 295 pens 197 — vulgaris quad; i folia I'Tvis, 295 Jloribus puypurantibus . . 1 98 NDEX or LATIN NAMES. 365 IIUBIA. . . . page 190, 210, 211 anglica 211 cijnanchica 1 98 erect a quadrifoUa. . . . 209 IcBvis Ihi'ifolia, jiorihus albis 204 peregrina 21 1 pratensis Iccvisy acuto folio 209 silvestre aspera 211 sylvestris 2o8 — aspera, quce syl- vestris Dioscoridis 211 tinctoriLin 211 Scabiosa columbaria page 195 — major commiinior, Jiorc lacmiato . RUPPIA 191,237,238 R. maritima 2 ^7 S AGIN A 191, 238-240 S. apetala 240 — erecta 24 1 — maritima 239 — procumbens 238 SALICORNIA 1,2,3 Salicornia 2 S. annua 2 — crcctasfoliis brevibuSi cii' prcssiformis 3 — ciiropcca 2, 3 — fruticosa 3 — herbacea 2 — herbacea 2, 3 — procumbens 2 — radicans 3 — sive Kali geniculalum . . 2 SALVIA 12,34,35 S. pratensis 31' — verbcnaca . '5 SAMOLUS 245, 323, 324 S. Valorandi :^23 SANGUISORBA l )2 — rubra striata Eboracensis 3 J2 — Ruppii S03 — tricolor 3v\5 — tricolor petrcca 'So5 Virga pastoris page ^^-^ sanguiuca 221 Vilis sijlvcstris .SIS IVahbchmidm vijmphccoidcs ti75 Xiflo4cum 324, 327 Xijris 49 Zizanla 1 74 ZOSl I:KA 1,4,5 Z. marina 5 INDEX OF THE ENGLISH NAMES IN VOL. I. Alder, berry- bearing, ^«oe 328 Alkanet 257-259 bastard 255 All-seed 188,189 Ash 13-15 Azalea 282 Balsam 298, 299 Barley 178-181 Barrenwort 219, 220 Bastard-toadflax 3;i7 Beak-rush 51, 52 Beard-grass 85^ 86 Bed-straw 199-209 Bell flower 287-294' Bennet, way, 179 Bent-grass 88-94< Berry-bearing Alder .... 328 Betony, Paul's, 20 B ndweed 283-285 Bitter-sweet 317 Bladderwort 29-31 Blinks 186, 187 Bog-bean 274* Bog-rush .49-51 Borage 264 Brome-grass 150-160 Brooklime 20, 21 Brook-weed 323 Buckbean e^74, 275 Buckthorn 227, 228 BufFonia 225 Bugloss '266, 267 Bugloss, viper's,! .page 267-269 Bull-rush 56 Burnet 217-219 Butterwort 27, 28 Caltrops, fresh water, .... 233 Canary-grass 73, 74 Cat's-taii-grass 75-78 Centaury 319-322 ChafF-^weed 216,217 Chara 6-9 Chickweed, Germander, . . 24- jagged 187 Speedwell 24 upright , 25 water 187 Clary 34, 35 Cleavers 210 Club-rush .. 54-62 Cock's-foot-grass 134 Comfrey 262-264 Cord-grass ] 35 Corn-sallad 44, 45 Cornel 220-222 Cotton grass 6.^^-69 Couch-grass 182 Cowslip 269-271 Crocus 46, 47 Currant . S29-333 Cyclamen 273 Cyperus 53, 54, 62 Cyperus-grass, Millet, .... 62 Darnel 172-175 INDEX UF KNGLISH NAMES. 369 Deadly- nightshade . , page 316 Devil's-bit 194 Dog's-tail-grass 1M6-138 Dog's-tooth-grass 94-, 95 Dog-wood '221 Duck-weed 31-33 Dwale 316 Enchanter's nightshade. . 15, 16 Featherfoil 276 Feather-grass 161 Fescue-grass 138-150 Finger-grass 96 Flax-seed 24-2, 243 Flower-de-luce 48 Fox- tail-grass 79-83 Galingale, English, 5'^ Gentianella 211,212 Germander chickweed. ... 24 wild, 23 Gladwyn, stinking, 49 Glasswort, jointed, 2, 3 Gooseberry, 329, 333 Goose-grass 205, 210 Grass, Barley, 179-181 Beard, 85, 86 • Bent, 88-94 'Brorae, 150-160 Canary, 73, 74 Cat's-tail, 75-78 Cock's-foot, 134 Cord, 135 Cotton, 65-69 Couch, 182 Darnel, 172-175 Dog's-tail, .... 136-138 Dog's-tooth, 94-95 Feather, 161 Fescue, 138-150 Finger, 96 Fox-tail, 79-83 Goose, 205-210 Hair, 100-106 Hard, 175 Hare's-tail, 167 Heath, 131 Holy, 109-111 VOL. I. Grass, Lyme,. . . .page 176-178 Mat, 70 Meadow, 120^130 Melic, 111-113 Millet, 86-88 Moor, 114 Oat, 162-166 Panick, 97-100 Quaking, 132, 133 Rye, 173 Scorpion, 247-253 Soft, 107-109 Sqmrrel-tail, 180 Sweet, 115-120 Timothy, 75 Vernal, 37 Wheat, 181-186 Grass-wrack, 5 Grasses, natural order of, 70- 186 Grey Mill, or Millet, .... 254 Gromwell 254-257 Gypsy-wort 33 Hair-grass 100-106 Hard-grass 175 Hare's-tail- grass 167 Haver 162 Heart's-ease -05 Heath-grass 131 Henbane 314, 315 Henbit, small, 25 Herb Twopence 279 High Taper 308 Holly 226, 227 Holy grass 109-111 Honey-suckle 324-327 Horehound, water, 34 Hound's-tongue 259-261 Jacob's ladder 286 Jointed glasswort 2, 3 Iris 48,49 Ivy 334 Knappia, early, 84 Knot-grass ^^5 ' Ladies Mantle 223-225 2 B ;to INDEX OF ENGLISH NA3IEi>. Lettuce, lamb's, page 45 Lobelia '^96-298 Loosestrife 211-219 Lungwort 261,262 Lyme-grass ........ 177, 178 Madw'ort 265 mountain, 23 Madder, field, 196 Madder, wild, 211 Mantle, ladies, 223-225 Mare's-tail 4- Marram 171 Mat-grass 70 Mat- weed, sea, 171 Meadow-grass 120-1'^0 Melic-grass 111-113 Milfoil, hooded, 29-31 Milkwort, sea, 336 Millet-grass S6-88 Moenchia 240, 241 Moneywort ' 279 Moor-grass , ,, 114 Mouse-ear Scorpion-grass 247- 253 Mullein ,. ^. 307-313 Nightshade , 317, 318 deadly, ,, 316 enchanter's, 15, 16 Oat, bristle- pointed, .... 163 Oat-grass 162-166 Oat, wild, 162 Oxlip 270 Paigle 271 Panick-grass 97-100 Pansy y05, 306 Parsley Piert 224 Pearlwort 238-240 Pellitory, wall, 222 Periwinkle 338, 339 Pimpernel 279-28 1 bastard, 217 water, 323 yellow, 278 Plantain 213-216 Pond-weed .... page 228-237 tassel, 237 Prickwood 329 Primrose 269-272 Print, or Prim print, 13 Privet 13 Quaking-grass 132, J 33 Rampion 294, 295 bell-flower 289 Reed 168-172 Roast-beef plant 49 Ruppia . . 237 Rush, Beak, 51, 52 Bog, ...., 49-51 Bull, 56 Club, .. 54-62 Cotton, 65-69 Spike, 62-65 Twig, 35, 36 Saffron 46 Sage . •. 34, 35 Sallad, corn, 44, 45 Saltwort, black, 336 Sampire, marsh, 2 Sanicle, Yorkshire, 28 Scabious 194-196 sheep's, 296 Scorpion-grass 247-253 Sea-milkwort 3^6 Sheep's-bit 295, 296 Shepherd's staff , . 193 Sherardia 196 Soft-grass 107-109 Sow-bread 273 Speedwell 16-26 Spike-rush 62-65 Spindle-tree 329 Squinancy-wort 198 Star of the earth 216 Starwort, water, 9-1 1 Sweet-grass li 5-120 Teasel.. .,. 192, 193 Thorn-apple 313, 314 Tillaea 241^242 INDLX OF ENGLISH NAMES. 571 Timothy-grassi P^g^ 75 Toad flax, bastard, fJ37 Touch lue not 299 Trefoil, marsh, 271? 'l'»'ichonenia . .' 4-7, 48 Twig-rush 35, 36 Valerian 42-4'4' Greek, 286 Vernal grass 37 Violet 300-306 water, 276 Viper's bugloss . . page 267-269 Wall-pellitory 222 Water-lily, fringed, 275 Water-star wort 9-1 1 Water-violet 276 Way Bennet 179 Wheat 181 Wheat-grass 181-186 Winter-weed 25 Woodbine 326 Woodruff 197, 198 END OF VOL. I LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE. jXrLAMMxM. New York Botanical Garden Library QK306.S62V.1 gen Smith, James Edward/The English flora 5185 00123 1768 liiiiiiiiii m