JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2004 USISSN 0013-872X No. 1 NTOMOLOGICAL NEWS nomic status of the Australian mayfly genera Jappa and Ulmerophlebia 1^-^ phemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) K J. Bae, K. J. Finlay, and I. C. Campbell 1 A new species of Platycephala from China (Diptera: Chloropidae: Chloropinae) Shu wen An and Ding Yang 11 Review of the Neotropical genus Trachelium Herrich-Schaeffer, with the description of six new species (Heteroptyera: Alydidae: Micrelytrinae: Micrelytrini) Harry Brailovsky 15 Redescription of Nothobrya schubarti Arle, 1961 (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha) Enrique Baquero, Rafael Jordana, and Kenneth Christiansen 31 Two new species of Hercostom us from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Lili Zhang, Ding Yang, and Kazuhiro Masunaga 35 The female of Tenuiphantes cracens (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Newfoundland, Canada J. R. Pickavance 44 A long-lasting method for marking beetles (Coleoptera), which does not enhance mortality A. J. Bates and J. P. Sadler 49 SCIENTIFIC NOTES: Attendance of Aetalion reticulatum (Hemiptera: Aetalionidae) by Polistes erythrocephalus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Peru M. A. MacCarroll and W. K. Reeves 52 First record of Sticthippus californicus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) outside California, U.S.A. Thomas A. Stidham 54 Insect meals from a leptodactylid frog (Amphibia: Leptodactyidae) !: Dominican amber (Miocene, 23 Ma) Scott R. An, 'erson 55 BOOK REVIEW: Early American Naturalists. Exploring the American West 1804-1900 by J. Moring Jorge A. Santiago-Blay 58 Night Visions. The Secret Designs of Moths by Joseph Scheer Katherine Marie Schuler 59 Bugs Before Time: Prehistoric Insects and Their Relatives by Cathy Camper Suzanne Mc/ntire 60 SOCIETY MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 2004 Jon Gelhaus Back Cover THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY MAILED ON NOVEMBER 12, 2004 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND NEW GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS OF ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Entomological News is published bimonthly except July- August by The American Entomological Society, which is headquartered at the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 United States of America. AES can be reached, as follows: telephone (215) 561-3978; fax (215) 299-1028; e-mail, aes@acnatsci.org and website: http://www. acnatsci .org/hosted/aes . Subscriptions to and Back Issues of Entomological News. Private subscriptions for personal use of members of the society are US $15 per year prepaid. 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Books for review should also be sent to the editor who will, in turn, give them to a colleague for review. Agreement. By submitting a paper for publication, authors tacitly agree to not submit in parallel the same manuscript to another journal. For published papers, authors agree to accept responsibility for all page, illustration, and requested reprint charges. Rejected manuscripts will be discarded, ex- cept for original artwork and photographs, which will be returned to the authors. Scientific Notes and Book Reviews. These are much shorter contributions, typically not exceed- ing two,printed pages. The main difference between these types of contributions and longer papers is that scientific notes and book reviews lack an abstract and most of the main headings, except for the acknowledgments and the literature cited sections. Postmaster: If undeliverable, please send to The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Benjamin Eranklin Parkway / Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT DOVER, DELAWARE 19901 U.S.A. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MAYFLY GENERA JAPPA AND ULMEROPHLEBIA (EPHEMEROPTERA: LEPTOPHLEBIIDAE)1 Y. J. Bae,: K. J. Finlay,' and I. C. Campbell3 ABSTRACT: The Australian burrowing mayfly genera Jappa and Ulmerophlebia are confirmed as monophyletic groups. Their adult and larval stages are redescribed and their egg stages are newly described. Additional taxonomic and phylogenetic discussions are provided. KEYWORDS: Ephemeroptera, Letophlebiidae, Jappa, Ulmerophlebia, Australia. The Australian mayfly genera Jappa Marker and Ulmerophlebia Demoulin (Leptophlebiidae) are unique among Ephemeroptera because of the convergent adaptation with the burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroidea) from the Northern Hem- isphere (Campbell, 1990; Bae and McCafferty, 1991, 1995). Members of the Ephemeroidea do not occur in Australia, and these are the genera of Ephemer- optera most closely adapted to hyporheic habitats in Australia. The larvae are generally found under cobble- or boulder-sized stones embedded in sand and silt substrate in mid-sized to large lowland streams (Riek, 1970; Peters and Camp- bell, 1991; Edmunds and McCafferty, 1996). The larvae of Jappa possess a characteristic head with a two-pronged frontal process or "cephalic tusks" (Fig. 1 ) that is analogous to the mandibular tusks of Ephemeroidea, in particular those of Potamanthidae (see Bae and McCafferty, 1991: Figs. 11-14), while the larvae of Ulmerophlebia lack such structure (Fig. 2). Despite this morphological difference, the generic distinction of the genera has been continuously questioned by mayfly taxonomists not only because their general morphology in adult and larval stages is similar, but because generic con- cepts have not been well defined. Harker ( 1 954) established the genus Jappa based on adult and larval stages. At that time, forewing length to width ratio and "a burrowing type larva" with tusk-like head frontal processes or "horns" were used as the major defining char- acteristics. Demoulin (1955) erected the genus Ulmerophlebia to include a spec- ies, Euphyurus mjobergi Ulmer, described (as an adult only) by Ulmer (1916), but did not compare it with Jappa. Previously, Ulmer (1920) recombined E. mjobergi with Deleatidium Eaton; and Demoulin (1955) distingui phlebia from Deleatidium mainly by wing and genitaLdiajjflttvrs. 1 Received on June 27, 2002. Accepted on May 18, 2004. Department of Biology, Seoul Women's University, Seoul ac.kr. 'School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia. E-mail: ian. campbell(« 'sci.monash.edu.au. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115(1): 1 . January & February 2004 Mailed on November 12, 2004 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figs. 1-2. Larval head: = 0.5mm). I. Jappa kutera (bar = 0.5mm). 2. Ulmerophlebia mjobergi (bar Williams (1968) mentioned a possible congeneric status of Jappa and Ulmero- phlebia based on personal communication with E. F. Riek. Riek (1970), in the Ephemeroptera chapter of the textbook 'The Insects of Australia," placed all bur- rowing Australian leptophlebiids, i.e. Jappa and Ulmerophlebia, into Jappa without any explanations. Peters and Campbell (1991) also followed the previ- ous classification by Riek (1970) in the second edition of the textbook. Suter (1986) provided a historical background of Ulmerophlebia and described the lar- val stage of Ulmerophlebia for the first time based on a second species, U. pip- inna Suter, but was conservative in clarifying the generic status of the Ulmero- phlebia and Jappa. Dean (1999) gave larval diagnoses of Jappa and Ulmerophle- bia when he provided larval keys to three nominal and four unnamed species of Jappa and four unnamed species of Ulmerophlebia, but still did not resolve the generic status. For the above reasons, the generic concepts of Jappa and Ulmerophlebia have not been fully resolved. The purpose of this study is to clarify and delineate the genera and provide detailed redescriptions of adult, larval, and egg stages. Type and voucher specimens and additional fresh materials of all previously known species of Jappa and Ulmerophlebia (see Species included, pp. 5, 7) are housed mainly in the Museum of Victoria, Australian National Insect Collection in Canberra, and Monash University and were examined for this study. Termi- nology, measurement, and other general methods are after Bae and McCafferty (1991). Vol. 11 5, No. 1, January & February 2004 Jappa Marker Jappa Marker, 1954: 257 [Type species: Jappa kulera Marker, by original designation; M & L]; Williams, 1968: 170 (L key); Dean and Suter, 1996: 44 (L); Dean, 1999: 34 (L). Adult. Male body length 9.4-11.3 mm; female body 12.0-16.5 mm; caudal filaments 14.0-19.1 mm. General body color light yellow with dark purplish brown markings. Head: Male dorsal com- pound eyes 1.10-1.43 mm in length, 1.00-1.19 mm in width, 0.48-0.68 mm in height, broadly meet- ing posteromedially (B/D = 0), dome-shaped, dorsally oval, and with anterior margin round and pos- terior margin somewhat attenuating from lateral view ("bicycle helmet" shaped); basal compound eyes anteroventrally pronounced, invisible to slightly visible from dorsal view, 0.67-0.87 mm in length, 0.43-0.58 mm in height, and anteriorly oriented from lateral view. Female compound eyes 0.33-0.47 mm in width and 1.53- 1.67 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 3.50-4.70). Thorax: Forewings transparent, often with dark purplish brown markings at basal, central, and api- cal areas, 8.8-15.6 mm in length, and 2.9-5.3 mm in width; longitudinal veins light brown to dark purplish brown; crossveins light brown to dark purplish brown (basally and anteriorly located crossveins often darker and more heavily infuscated); crossveins C-Sc 20-30, Sc-Rl 16-20, and Rl- R2 13-15 in number; crossveins in stigmatic area not anastomosed; MP2 basally connected to MP1 and CuA; ICul basally connected to CuA and CuP (angle between ICul and crossvein ICul-CuP larger than angle between ICul and crossvein ICul -CuA). Hindwings transparent, 2.3-2.9 mm in length, and 1.2-1.4 mm in width; longitudinal veins white to light yellow; crossveins C-Sc, Sc-Rl, and some in distal part sometimes dark brown; Sc ending relatively distally (length of Sc / distance from base of Sc to apex of distal margin = 0.89); crossveins C-Sc 9-11, more or less evenly distrib- uted (in one species, C-Sc crossveins apically concentrated); costal margin round, with weakly devel- oped costal projection at midlength; Rs 0.48-0.68 mm; Rl 0.64-0.98 mm; MPs 0.25-0.48 mm; MP1 1.11-1.37 mm. Male forefemora 2.10-2.27 mm, foretibiae 2.90-3.25 mm, foretarsal segments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 0.13-0.14 mm, 1.08-1.27 mm, 1.00-1.18 mm, 0.76-0.89 mm, and 0.38-0.44 mm (foretarsal segment 2>3>4> 5>1), and foreclaws 0.15-0.24 mm. Female foretibiae>forefemora>foretarsi. Claws dissimilar. Abdomen: Abdominal segment 9 with moderately to well developed posterolateral pro- jections. Penes Y-shaped or V-shaped, relatively long (height of penis / height of forceps segment 1 = 0.45-0.56); forceps 3-segmented, with segment 1 0.92-1.03 mm, segment 2 0.10-0.13 mm, and seg- ment 3 0.08-0.12 mm in length; forceps segment 1 basally broad and apically slender, with relative- ly abrupt constriction (constriction angle 80-1 10°) at mid-length to 3/4 apically; forceps segments 2 and 3 often indistinctly demarcated. Caudal filaments light yellow, often with purplish brown to dark brown stripes, often with maculation at joints; cerci 1.3-1. 7x length of body; terminal filament as long as cerci. Larva. Male body length 10.4-16.9 mm; cephalic tusks 1.0-2.0 mm; caudal filaments 5.9-10.9 mm. Female body length 10.4-23.8 mm; cephalic rusks 1.4-3.5 mm; caudal filaments 5.9-18.1 mm. Body surface glassy and heavily setose. General body color light yellow to light brown with dark pur- plish brown markings. Head: Head (Fig. 1 ) 1 .30-2.38 mm in length and 1 .75-4. 1 3 mm in width. Male compound eyes dorsally 0.56-0.60 mm in width and 0.65-1.06 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 1.08-1.76). Female compound eyes dorsally 0.23-0.56 mm in width and 1.38-2.86 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 4.75-6.1 1 ). Antennae 4.4-6.3 mm in length, with whorls of hairlike setae at each segment. Cephalic tusks arched and attenuating, apically convergent and upward, 1.32-2.30 mm in inner length and 1.58-2.88 mm in outer length, 14.9-26.5° in curvature; each cephalic tusk with rudimentary to distinct dorsal ridge, with small to large basodorsal tubercle, with fields of 6-20, 5-15, and 10-20 hairlike setae at basomedial, basosublateral, and apicodorsal areas (in two species apicodorsal setal field lacking), respectively, sometimes with lateral row of 1-4 spines (in one species lateral spine single and prominent), and sometimes with additional dorsolater- al row of 6-13 spines. Labrum distally wider (maximum length 0.30-0.38 mm; basal width 0.59-0. X7 mm; distal maximum width 0.75-1.06 mm); dorsal surface heavily setose, with basal and subapical hairlike setal fringes (basal setae longer than subapical setae); subapical setal fringe laterally longer and 8-15 setae densely arranged medially; anterior and lateral margins with hairlike setal rou; ante- rior margin concave, with prominent median tubercle, and with three pairs of rudimentary submedi- an denticles; ventral surface with dense hairlike setal field along anterior margin, with row of 10-20 stout setae on subanterior margins, and with fields of 20-50 hairlike setae at submedian areas. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Mandible dorsolateral margins with very long hairlike setal row; ventral surface with transverse row of 10-20 hairlike setae; inner incisors slightly smaller to as large as outer incisors; incisors with 2-3 apical teeth and 0-4 lateral denticles; prostheca rudimentary, with well-developed fringe. Hypo- pharynx superlinguae laterally curved and apically pointed. Maxillae with dense hairlike setal field medially 3/4 on galealacinial crown, mixed with rowed comblike setae medially 1/2 on galealacinial crown, with one pronounced comblike seta medioapically, and with rowed dense hairlike setae on medial margin; maxillary palp segment 1 0.27-0.52 mm, segment 2 0.37-0.48 mm, and segment 3 0.19-0.37 mm in length; segment 1 and 2 with sparse hairlike setae alone outer margin; segment 3 indistinctly demarcated from segment 2, with pronounced outer margin, and with strongly developed setal field along outer margin. Labial glossae dorsoventrally elongated and ventrally stalked, with dense hairlike setae; paraglossae with dense hairlike setal field dorsoapically; labial palp segment 1 0.28-0.59 mm, segment 2 0.31-0.40 mm, and segment 3 0.22-0.32 mm in length; segment 3 indis- tinctly demarcated from segment 2, apically pointed, with dense hairlike setal field along outer mar- gin, and with stout setal row along inner margin. Thorax: Pronotum anterolateral margins round; lat- eral margins with row of sparse to dense hairlike setae. Forefemora 1.67-4.88 mm, foretibiae 1.67- 5.63 mm, foretarsi 0.71-1.63 mm, and foreclaws 0.24-0.63 mm in length ( foretibiae>forefemora> foretarsi>foreclaws); forefemora with long hairlike setal fields along anterior and posterior margins and basomedial area on dorsal surface; foretibiae with dense hairlike setal field (filtering setae) rowed along inner and outer margins (dorsomedially bare), with stout setal field (raking setae) on 2/3 api- cal to entire inner margin; foretarsi with dense hairlike setae on dorsal and lateral surfaces; foreclaws apically darker, with 10-15 tiny teeth 3/4 basally. Midlegs and hindlegs heavily setose; length femo- ra>tibiae>tarsi>claws. Abdomen: Terga light brown to light purplish brown, mostly with submedian and sublateral dark purplish brown stripes, with very long hairlike setae covered on 1/2-3/4 dorsal area along median line, and with hairlike setal row along lateral margins; abdominal segment 8-9 with moderately to well developed posterolateral projections. Sterna bare (sterna 9-10 sometimes with hairlike setae). Gills on abdominal segment 1-7, double; both lamellae with indistinct to distinct Figs. 3-6. Eggs: 3. Jappa kutera (bar = 38|im). 4. ./. kiitcra. in part (bar = lO^un). 5. Uhnerophlebia mjobergi (bar = 43nm). 6. U. mjobergi, in part (bar = 17.6[.im). Vol. 115, No. 1, January & February 2004 tracheae, with single apical filament; gill lamella inner part strongly expanded apicolaterally, and with fine setae on 1/5-1/2 apical margin; gill lamella outer part with fine setae on entire margin; api- cal filament attenuating, marginally with fine setae; gills 4 1.38-2.86 mm in length, 0.78-1.83 mm in width, and 1.38-2.38 mm in filament length, with weakly to strongly developed apical expansion. Caudal filament segments with whorls of setae. Egg. Egg (Fig. 3) oval; long axis 124 |.im; short axis 80 mm. Color light yellow in nature, white in alcohol. Egg surface (Fig. 4) with ca. 780 knob-terminated coiled threads relatively evenly dis- tributed throughout egg surface; diameter of knob-terminated coiled threads 3.9-4.5 mm. Polar caps absent. Micropyles several, scattered, tagcnoform; sperm guide circular, 2.6-3.3 \im in diameter. Diagnosis. Adults of Jappa possess greater numbers of C-Sc crossveins (20- 30) in the forewings and more or less evenly distributed C-Sc crossveins in the hindwings (excluding one species), while those of Vlmerophlebia possess fewer C-Sc crossveins (12-19) in the forewings and apically concentrated C-Sc cross- veins in the hindwings. The hindwing vein Sc of Jappa ends relatively distally (length of Sc / distance from base of Sc to apex of distal margin = 0.89) com- paring with that of Ulmerophlebia (0.76). The penes of Jappa are relatively long- er (height of penis / height of forceps segment 1 = 0.45-0.56) than those of Ul- merophlebia (0.08-0.31). The constriction in the medial margin of forceps seg- ment 1 of Jappa is relatively abrupt (angle 80-1 10°), while that of Ulmerophlebia is relatively gradual (angle 135-150°). The larvae of Jappa can easily be distin- guished from those of Ulmerophlebia and any other leptophlebiid genera by the cephalic tusks (Fig. 1). In addition, the body size of Jappa in both of the adults and larvae (adult 9.4-16.5 mm, larva 10.4-23.8 mm) is generally larger than that of Ulmerophlebia (adult 6.9-8.7 mm, larva 5.5-10.0 mm). Species included. Jappa kutera Marker (1954), J. edmundsi Skedros and Polhemus (1986), J. serrata Skedros and Polhemus (1986), Jappa AVI (Dean, 1999), Jappa AV2 (Dean, 1999), Jappa AV3 (Dean, 1999), and Jappa AV4 (Dean, 1999). Distribution. NSW, NT, northern WA, QLD, and VIC. Remarks. There are several other species previously considered as, or assigned to, Jappa. Jappa tristis Marker (1954) [Holotype stage: M; locality: Tas- mania, Cradle Mt.; deposition: British Museum (Natural History)] was subse- quently identified as Jillyardophlebia Dean by Dean (1999). Jappa is not con- sidered present in Tasmania. Leptophlebia furcifera Eaton (1871) [Type stage: M; locality: Melbourne; de- position: Melbourne Museum = Museum of Victoria], recombined with Atalo- phlebia Eaton by Eaton (1884), was considered in Jappa by Dean (1999). How- ever, the type specimen was not preserved in the Museum of Victoria when YJB checked in 2001 and there is little evidence that this species belongs to Jappa based on Eaton's original description (Eaton, 1871) and redescription (Eaton, 1884). Leptophlebia strigata Eaton (1871) [Type stage: F; locality: North Australia; deposition: McLachlan Collection in British Museum (Natural History)], recom- bined with Atalophlebia by Eaton ( 1 884) and Dclcatnliuni by Uhner ( 1 920), was also considered in Jappa by Dean ( 1 999). The original description (Eaton, 1871) and redescription (Eaton, 1884) of the species do not clearly substantiate the ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS generic position, and it is crucial that the types be reexamined before generic placement can be confirmed. Ulmerophlebia Demoulin Ulmerophlebia Demoulin, 1955: 228 [Type species: Euphyurus mjobergi Ulrner, by original desig- nation; A]; Suter, 1986: 352 [M & L]; Dean and Suter, 1996: 44 [L]; Dean, 1999: 74 [L]. Adult. Male body length 6.9-8.7 mm; female body 6.3-8.6 mm; caudal filaments 7.5-9.5 mm. General body color light yellow with dark purplish brown markings. Head: Male dorsal compound eyes 0.92-0.98 mm in length, 0.78-0.87 mm in width, 0.44-0.56 mm in height, 0-0.05 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 0-0.06), dome-shaped, dorsally oval, and with anterior margin round and posterior margin somewhat attenuating from lateral view ("bicycle helmet" shaped); basal com- pound eyes anteroventrally pronounced, invisible to slightly visible from dorsal view, 0.52-0.66 mm in length, 0.29-0.36 mm in height, and anteriorly oriented from lateral view. Female compound eyes 0.22-0.29 mm in width, and 0.83-1.03 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 3.11-4.91). Thorax: Forewings transparent, often with dark purplish brown markings at basal, central, and api- cal areas, 6.6-8.5 mm in length, and 2.2-3.2 mm in width; longitudinal veins light brown to dark pur- plish brown; crossveins light brown to dark purplish brown (basally and anteriorly located crossveins often darker and more heavily infuscated); crossveins C-Sc 12-19, Sc-R 1 12-16, and R 1 -R2 1 0- 1 4 in number; crossveins in stigmatic area not anastomosed; MP2 basally connected to MP1 and CuA; ICul basally connected to CuA and CuP (angle between ICul and crossvein ICul-CuP larger than angle between ICul and crossvein ICul-CuA). Hindwings transparent, 1.3-1.9 mm in length, and 0.7-1.0 mm in width; longitudinal veins white to light yellow; crossveins C-Sc, Sc-Rl, and some in distal part sometimes dark brown; Sc ending relatively proximally (length of Sc / distance from base of Sc to apex of distal margin = 0.76); crossveins C-Sc 4-10, apically concentrated; costal margin round, with weakly developed costal projection at 1/3 basally to midlength; Rs 0.27-0.40 mm; Rl 0.56-0.75 mm; MPs 0.20-0.31 mm; MP1 0.47-1.06 mm. Male forefemora 0.45-1.67 mm, foretibiae 2.22-2.83 mm, foretalsal segments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 0.10-0.13 mm, 0.68-0.97 mm, 0.70-0.93 mm, 0.55-0.70 mm, and 0.25-0.30 mm (foretarsal segment 2>3>4>5>1), and foreclaws 0.13-0.15 mm. Female foretibiae> forefemora>foretarsi. Claws dissimilar. Abdomen: Abdominal segment 9 with moderately to well developed posterolateral projections. Penes Y-shaped or V-shaped, relatively short or rudimentary (height of penis / height of forceps segment 1 = 0.08-0.3 1 ); forceps 3-segmented, with segment 1 0.63-0.68 mm, segment 2 0.06-0.09 mm, and segment 3 0.06-0.08 mm in length; forceps segment 1 basally broad and apically slender with relatively gradual constriction (constriction angle > 135-150°) at midlength to 2/3 apically; forceps segments 2 and 3 often indistinctly demarcated. Caudal filaments light yellow, often with purplish brown to dark brown stripes, often with macula- tion at joints; cerci l.l-1.7x length of body; terminal filament as long as or slightly longer than cerci. Larva. Male body length 6.2-9.8 mm; caudal filaments 5.5-10.0 mm. Female body length 6.8- 1 1.2 mm; caudal filaments 6.3-13.2 mm. Body surface glassy and relatively less setose. General body color light yellow to light brown with dark purplish brown markings. Head: Head (Fig. 2) light brown, 1.27-1.40 mm in length and 1.59-1.75 mm in width. Male compound eyes dorsally 0.48-0.58 mm in width and 0.43-0.56 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 0.74-1.10). Female com- pound eyes dorsally 0.20-0.24 mm in width and 1.10-1.35 mm in distance between compound eyes (B/D = 4.67-6.00). Antennae 4.0 mm in length, with whorls of hairlike setae at each segment. Cephalic tusks absent. Clypeus greatly developed, 0.38-0.45 mm in length, 0.68-0.90 mm in basal width, 0.64-0.83 mm in apical width, with pronounced sublateral tubercles, and with fields of 8-10 hairlike setae subapicolaterally and 4-15 hairlike setae subbasolaterally. Labrum slightly narrower than clypeus (0.92x width of clypeus), slightly wider distally (maximum length 0.28 mm; basal width 0.56 mm; distal maximum width 0.60 mm); dorsal surface moderately setose, with basal and sub- apical hairlike setal fringes (basal setae as long as subapical setae); subapical setal fringe laterally longer (setae curved forward) and without dense arrangement; anterior and lateral margins with dense hairlike setal row; anterior margin slightly concave, with prominent median tubercle, and with three pairs of rudimentary submedian denticles; ventral surface with dense hairlike setal field along ante- rior margin, with row of 15-18 stout setae on subanterior margins, and with fields of 10-15 hairlike setae at submedian areas. Mandible dorsolateral margins with very long hairlike setal row; ventral surface without setal row; inner incisors slightly smaller to as large as outer incisors; incisors with 2- Vol. 1 15, No. 1, January & February 2004 3 apical teeth and 0-4 lateral denticles; prostheca rudimentary, with well developed fringe. Hypo- pharynx superlinguae laterally curved and apically pointed. Maxillae with dense hairlike setal field. mixed with row of comblike setae almost entirely on galealacinial crown, without medioapical comb- like seta, and with row of dense hairlike setae on medial margin; maxillary palp segment 1 0.26 mm, segment 2 0.29 mm, and segment 3 0.12 mm in length; segment 2 with sparse hairlike setae along outer margin; segment 3 indistinctly demarcated from segment 2, with moderately developed outer margin, and with moderately developed setal field along outer margin. Labial glossae dorsoventral- ly elongated and ventrally stalked, with dense hairlike setae; paraglossae with dense hairlike setal field dorsoapically; labial palp segment 1 0.38 mm, segment 2 0.27 mm, and segment 3 0.20 mm in length; segment 3 indistinctly demarcated from segment 2, apically pointed, with dense hairlike setal field along outer margin, and with stout setal row along inner margin. Thorax: Pronotum anterolat- eral margins round; lateral margins with row of sparse hairlike setae. Forefemora 1.15-1.50 mm, fore- tibiae 1.00-1.38 mm, foretarsi 0.43-0.55 mm, and foreclaws 0.15-0.25 mm in length (forefemora> foretibiae>foretarsi>foreclaws); forefemora with a few hairlike setae on dorsal and ventral surfaces, and with hairlike setal field along posterior margin (anterior margin with few hairlike setae); foretib- iae with relatively sparse hairlike setae (filtering setae) dorsally and along outer margin (inner mar- gin with few hairlike setae), with stout setal field (raking setae) 5/6 apically on inner margin; fore- tarsi with relatively sparse hairlike setae on dorsal and lateral surfaces; foreclaws apically darker, with rowed tiny teeth basally. Midlegs and hindlegs moderately setose; length femora>tibiae> tarsi>claws. Abdomen: Terga light yellow to light brown, mostly with broad submedian dark brown stripes, without long hairlike setal field along median line, and with hairlike setal row along lateral margins; abdominal segment 8-9 with moderately to well developed posterolateral projections. Sterna bare. Gills on abdominal segment 1-7, double; both lamellae with indistinct to distinct tra- cheae, with single apical filament; gill lamella inner part strongly expanded apicolaterally, and with fine setae on 1/10-1/2 apical margin; gill lamella outer part with fine setae on apically 1/10 to entire margin; apical filament attenuating, marginally with fine setae; gills 4 1.11-1.67 mm in length, 0.56- 0.89 mm in width, 0.95-1 .43 mm in filament length, with weakly to strongly developed apical expan- sion. Caudal filament segments with whorls of setae. Egg. Egg (Fig. 5) oval; long axis 149 ^m; short axis 100 (im. Color light yellow in nature, white in alcohol. Egg surface (Fig. 6) with ca. 116 knob-terminated coiled threads nearly evenly distributed throughout egg surface, with 0.4-2.1 jam tiny granules throughout egg surface; diameter of knob-ter- minated coiled threads 8.6-10.3 ^.m. Polar caps absent. Diagnosis. The adults and larvae of Ulmerophlebia can be distinguished from those of Jappa as specified above, in the diagnosis of Jappa. The larvae of Ulmerophlebia can be distinguished from other leptophlebiid genera by the fol- lowing combination of characters: possessing a prominent median tubercle ante- riorly on the labrum, lacking cephalic tusks, and possessing a somewhat enlarged clypeal margin with sublateral tubercles and subapicolateral and subbasolateral hairlike setal fields. Species included. Ulmerophlebia mjobergi (Ulmer, 1916), U. pipinna Suter (1986), Ulmerophlebia AV2 (Dean, 1999), Ulmerophlebia AV3 (Dean, 1999), and Ulmerophlebia AV5 (Dean, 1999). Distribution. NSW, QLD, and VIC. Remarks. Deleatidium annulatum Marker (1950) [Holotype: M; locality: NSW, Point Lookout, Serpentine; deposition: Australian Museum, Sydney (des- troyed)] was considered as Ulmerophlebia by Dean (1999), but the original description of the adult (e.g. wings) by Marker (1950) does not support place- ment in Ulmerophlebia and the description of the larva (e.g. maxillary palp) by Marker (1954) does not meet the generic concept of Ulmerophlebia. Atopopus spadix Marker (1950) [Holotype: M; locality: NSW, Armidale; dep- osition: Australian Museum, Sydney (destroyed)] was also considered as ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Ulmerophlebia by Dean (1999), but the original description of the adult (e.g. wings) by Harker (1950) does not support its placement in Ulmerophlebia. DISCUSSION In the phylogeny of the Atalophlebiinae (Leptophlebiidae), the genera Jappa and Ulmerophlebia have been hypothesized to constitute a basal clade, including Hapsiphlebia, Atalophlebia, Atalomicria, Acanthophlebia, Aprionix, and Kal- baybaria (Pescador and Peters, 1980; Towns and Peters, 1980, 1996; Campbell, 1993; Christidis, 2001 ). This clade, also known as the Hapsiphlebia lineage, was defined by the synapomorphies of lateral setae of the larval abdomen and incisor denticulation of the right mandible (Pescador and Peters, 1980). From our comprehensive examinations of the species of Jappa and Ulmerophlebia and the species of related outgroup genera, we recognize an addi- tional clade consisting of Jappa and Ulmerophlebia. This clade is defined by the synapomorphies of 1) a setose body, 2) gills marginally clothed with fine setae, 3) a median denticle anteriorly on the labrum, 4) submedian setal fields ventral- ly on the labrum, and 5) lateral spines on the larval abdomen. Jappa and Ulmerophlebia are thus distinct monophyletic sister groups. Jappa is defined by the synapomorphies of 1) cephalic tusks, 2) a hairlike setal field ventrally on the mandible, 3) double rows of hairlike setae (filtering setae) dor- sally on the tibiae, and 4) a long hairlike setal field along median abdomen. The cephalic tusks (Fig. 1) are unique in Leptophlebiidae. The cephalic tusks are arched and apically convergent and upward. They also bear basodorsal tubercles and setal fields at basomedial, subbasolateral, and apicodorsal areas. The body setation in Jappa is more specialized in having double rows of filtering setae on inner and outer margins of tibiae and broad setal fields on forefemora and along the median line of dorsal abdomen. The monophyly of the Ulmerophlebia is supported by the synapomorphy of the unique "shovel-like" clypeal development (Fig. 2). The clypeus of Ulmero- phlebia is flattened and somewhat elongated and possesses sublateral tubercles and hairlike setal fields in the subbasolateral and subapicolateral areas. Although the adults ofJappa-Ulmerophlebia clade retain many plesiomorphic characters shared with other Hapsiphlebia lineage groups, the larvae are quite specialized as shown herein. The hairy body is associated with the fossorial habit of the members of Jappa -Ulmerophlebia clade and the cephalic tusks and shov- el in Jappa and Ulmerophlebia, respectively, are evidently burrowing devices. In particular, the cephalic tusks of Jappa are analogous to the mandibular tusks of the Potamanthidae in Ephemeroidea, their Laurasian counterpart (Bae and McCafferty, 1991, 1995), in terms of functional morphology and burrowing behavior. As evidenced above, the genera Jappa and Ulmerophlebia are distinct mono- phyletic groups that are here recognized at the generic level. Presumably, this will confirm with a strict phylogenetic classification if indeed the Jappa- Vol. 1 1 5, No. 1. January & February 2004 Ulmerophlebia clade, which is unique among Australian leptophlebiids being a burrowing mayfly group, is recognized as a distinct tribe as suggested for group- ings under the subfamilies of Leptophlebiidae by Peters (1980). That classifica- tion can be adopted when the generic phytogenies of the Australian Leptophle- biidae are completed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank John Dean (Victoria EPA), Phil Suter (LaTrobe University), Richard Marchant (Museum of Victoria), Kimberi Pullan (ANIC, Canberra), Fred Govedich and Bonnie Bain (Monash University), Nigel Ainsworth (DPI, Victoria), and Dennis O'Dowd (Monash University) for their loans of material, field work assistance, and useful comments. We also thank anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions. This research was conducted during YJB's sabbatical leave to Monash University (September 2000-August 2001) that was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF-2001-013-G00007). LITERATURE CITED Bae, Y. J. and W. P. McCafferty. 1991. Phylogenetic systematics of the Potamanthidae (Ephemeroptera). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 117:1-143. Bae, Y. J. and W. P. McCafferty. 1995. Ephemeroptera tusks and their evolution, pp. 377-405. In. L. Corkum and J. Ciborowski (Editors). Current Directions in Research on Ephemeroptera. Canadian Scholar's Publishing, Inc. Toronto, Canada. 478 pp. Campbell, I. C. 1990. The Australian mayfly fauna: composition, distribution and convergence, pp. 149-153. //;. I. C. Campbell (Editor) Mayflies and Stoneflies. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dor- drecht, The Netherlands. 366 pp. Campbell, I. C. 1993. A new genus and species of leptophlebiid mayfly (Ephemeroptera: Lep- tophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from tropical Australia. Aquatic Insects 15:159-167. Christidis, F. 2001. Cladistic analysis of Austrophlebiodes and related genera (Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae). pp. 305-312. In, E. Dominguez (Editor). Trends in Research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. New York, NY, U.S.A. 490 pp. Dean, J. C. 1999. Preliminary Keys for the Identification of Australia Mayfly Nymphs of the Family Leptophlebiidae. Cooperative Research Center for Freshwater Ecology, Identification Guide No. 20, Albury, New South Wales, Australia. 91 pp. Dean, J. C. and P. J. Suter. 1996. Mayfly Nymphs of Australia. A Guide to Genera. Cooperative Research Center for Freshwater Ecology, Identification Guide No. 7. Albury, New South Wales, Australia. 82 pp. Demon I in. G. 1955. Note sur deux nouveaux genres de Leptophlebiidae d'Australie (Ephemer- optera). Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Entomologique de Belgique 91:227-229. Eaton, A. E. 1871. A monograph on the Ephemeridac. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1871:1-164. Eaton, A. E. 1884. A revisional monograph of recent Ephemeridae or mayflies. Part II. Trans- actions of the Linnean Society, Second Series, Zoology 3:77-152. Edmunds, G. F., Jr., and VV. P. McCafferty. 1996. New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeroptera from around the world. Entomological News 107:68-76. Harker, J. E. 1950. Australian Ephemeroptera. Part I. Taxonomy of New South Wales species and evaluation of taxonomic characters. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 71:1-34. 10 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Marker, J. E. 1954. The Ephemeroptera of Eastern Australia. Transactions of the Royal Entomo- logical Society of London 105:241-268. Pescador, M. L. and W. L. Peters. 1980. Phylogenetic relationships and zoogeography of cool- adapted Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera). pp. 43-56. In, J. F. Flannagan and K. E. Marshall (Editors) Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology. Plenum Press, New York, NY, U.S.A. 552 pp. Peters, W. L. 1980. Phylogeny of the Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera): an introduction, pp. 33-41. In, J. F. Flannagan and K. E. Marshall (Editors) Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology. Plenum Press. New York, NY, U.S.A. 552 pp. Peters, W. L. and I. C. Campbell. 1991. Ephemeroptera (Mayflies), pp. 279-293. In, The Insects of Australia. Second Edition, Vol. I. Melbourne Univ. Press, Carlton, Victoria, Australia. 542 pp. Riek, E. F. 1970. Ephemeroptera (Mayflies), pp. 224-240. In, The Insects of Australia. Melbourne University Press. Carlton, Victoria, Australia. 1029 pp. Skedros, D. G. and D. A. Polhemus. 1986. Two new species ofJappa from Australia (Ephemer- optera: Leptophlebiidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 62:311-315. Suter, P. J. 1986. The Ephemeroptera (mayflies) of South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum 19:339-397. Towns, D. R. and W. L. Peters. 1980. Phylogenetic relationships of the Leptophlebiidae of New Zealand (Ephemeroptera). pp. 57-69. In, J. F. Flannagan and K. E. Marshall (Editors). Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology. Plenum Press. New York, NY, U.S.A. 552 pp. Towns, D. R. and W. L. Peters. 1996. Leptophlebiidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Fauna of New Zealand. 36:1-143. Ulmer, G. 1916. Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific Expedition to Australia 1910-1913. 6. Ephemeroptera. Arkiv for Zoologi 10:1-18. Ulmer, G. 1920. Ubersicht iiber die Gattungen der Ephemeropteren, nebst Bemerkungen iiber einzelne Arten. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 81:97-144. Williams, W. D. 1968. Australian Freshwater Life. The Invertebrates of Australian Inland Waters. Sun Books. Melbourne, Australia. 262 pp. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 lj_ A NEW SPECIES OF PLATYCEPHALA FROM CHINA (DIPTERA: CHLOROPIDAE: CHLOROPINAE)1 Shuwen An2 and Ding Yang' ABSTRACT: The genus Platycephala is newly recorded from Guangxi, with the description of a new species P. guangxiensis. Remarks on its relationships with the close species P. zhejiangensis Yang and Yang, 1995, are given. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Chloropidae, Chloropinae, Platycephala, China. The genus Platycephala Fallen belongs to the subfamily Chloropinae, and is characterized by the following features: Body large; head distinctly longer than high; frontal triangle occupying large part of frons, reaching anterior margin of frons with broadened apex; arista slender with short pubescence (Kanmiya, 1983). Until now the genus Platycephala contained seventeen species world- wide, of which eleven are known from the Oriental Realm (Sabrosky, 1977; Cherian, 1978; Kanmiya, 1983; Yang and Yang, 1994, 1995, 1997; An and Yang, 2003) and six from the Palaearctic Realm (Nartshuk, 1984). Eight species are known from China (An & Yang, 2003). The major references dealing with Pla- tycephala are as follows: Andersson (1977), Cherian (1978), Kanmiya (1983). In this paper, one species of the genus Platycephala from Guangxi is de- scribed as new to science. Types are deposited in the Insect Collections of the China Agricultural University, Beijing. Platycephala guangxiensis An and Yang, NEW SPECIES (Figs.1-8) Diagnosis: Head triangular in profile, about 1.5 times as long as high. Frontal triangle trapezoidal, polished brownish yellow with two blackish lateral spots. Thorax black; propleuron brown with dark brown spot at posterior margin; ptero- pleuron blackish brown with pale upper part. Legs pale yellow. Description: Male: Body length 5.5-6.5 mm, wing length 3.8-4.6 mm. Head (Figs 1-2) blackish brown, triangular in profile, about 1.5 times as long as high; frons strongly produced beyond anterior level of eye, in profile about 0.35 times as long as long axis of eye; gena prominently broadened posterad, anteriorly strongly narrowed below eye; parafacial about 0.07 times as broad as long axis of eye. Frontal triangle trapezoidal, polished brownish yellow, occu- pying most of frons and reaching its anterior margin, semicircular anteriorly with two blackish later- al spots, and with many transverse grooves occupying median longitudinal area in front of ocelli; ocellar triangle black; area between eye and frontal triangle depressed and brownish. Occiput sub- shiny and punctured; gena and frons (in front of eye) brownish. Hairs and bristles on head brownish black. Antenna (Fig 3) brown with pale gray pollen; pedicel 0.8 times as long as flagellum; flagel- lum nearly rectangular, 1 .6 times as long as wide, rounded apically, with blackish brown anterior and 1 Submitted on May 15, 2003. Accepted on May 18, 2004. : Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China. H-mail: shuwen _anfr/ hotmail.com. 'Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China. E-mail: dingyang(o>cau. edu.cn or dyangcaudaJyahoo.com.cn. Corresponding author. Mailed on November 12. 2004 12 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 8 Figs. 1-8. Platycephala guangxiensis, n. sp. (male and female). 1, head, dorsal view; 2, head, lateral view; 3, antenna, outer lateral view; 4, hind femur, lateral view; 5, epan- drium, posterior view; 6, hypandrium and phallic complex, ventral view; 7, female abdominal terminalia, ventral view; 8, female abdominal terminalia, dorsal view. Vol. 115. No. I. January & February 2004 dorsal margins; arista pale yellow with brownish basal segment, pale short pubescent. Proboscis and palpus pale yellow with pale hairs. Thorax black, slightly narrower than head; propleuron brown with dark brown spot at posterior margin; pteropleuron blackish brown with pale upper part; mesonorum 1.3 times as long as wide, with prominent setigerous punctures; scutellum pale pollinose, 1.5 times as wide as long and brown at posterior margin. Hairs on thorax pale, bristles black; apical scutellar bristles convergent posteri- orly and nearly as long as scutellum; subapical scutellar bristles about 0.2 times as long as scutellum; sternopleuron with some long thin hairs. Legs pale yellow and pollinose except hind femur and basal part of hind tibia brownish. Hind femur (Fig 4) distinctly thickened, about 3.4 times as long as wide and 3 times as thick as fore femur; hind tibia somewhat curved and black ventrally. Hairs on legs pale, but tarsi with brown hairs. Wing hyaline; veins mostly brown. Relative lengths of costal sections 2nd: 3rd : 4th =2.2 : 3.2 : 2.2; relative lengths of ultimate and penultimate sections of veins R2+3 (4.4:1), R4+5 (5.3:1.5), M (4:2.2), CuAj (1:3.2); penultimate section of M about 7.3 times as long as r-m; R4+5 and M nearly parallel; dm-cu and r-m convergent posteriorly. Squama yellow with brownish yellow- hairs. Halter pale yellow with white knob. Abdomen dark brown; tergites 1-2 black and rugose; tergite 7 and following tergites brownish; venter yellow. Hairs on abdomen pale; dorsum with some long thin hairs laterally. Male genitalia (Figs 5-6): epandrium blackish, nearly as long as wide, with some long hairs; surstyli brown, attached to epandrium at base, narrow and crossing apically; hypandrium blackish, higher than wide; gonites well demarcated by oblique suture; pregonites parallel-sided with distal ends acute; postgonites oblique, distal ends convergent. Female: Body length 6.3-7.3 mm, wing length 4.1-4.3 mm. Similar to male. Female genitalia (Figs 7-8): yellow; tergite 10 nearly rectangular, distinctly longer than wide, distal portion narrowing toward tip and membranous; sternite 10 nearly quadrate, shorter than tergite 10. Hairs on genitalia brown, short, but sternite 10 with one row of long hairs on apical margin; tergite 10 and cerci also with some long hairs. Type Data: Holotype, male, CHINA: Guangxi, Tianlin, Cengwanglaoshan, 2002. VIII. 15, Ding Yang, deposited in the Insect Collection of China Agricultural University, Beijing. Paratypes: 2 males, 2 females. Same data and repository as holotype. Etymology of specific epithet: The species is named after the type locality Guangxi. DISCUSSION The new species is somewhat similar to Platycephala zhejiangensis Yang et Yang, 1995 from Zhejiang in having the blackish brown head and brown anten- na, but can be separated from the latter by the brown propleuron with dark brown spot at posterior margin, blackish brown pteropleuron with pale upper part and pale yellow hind tibia. In P. zhejiangensis, the thorax is wholly black, and the hind tibia is black (Yang and Yang, 1995). Nine species of the genus Platycephala are known to occur in China. Among them seven species (P. guangxiensis An and Yang, P. guizhouensis An and Yang, P. Hi An and Yang, P. maculata An and Yang, P. sichuanensis Yang and Yang, P. xanthodes Yang and Yang, as well as P. zhejiangensis Yang and Yang) are scat- tered in the central and southern regions of China: Western Mountain subregion (Sichuan), Min-Guang subregion (Guangxi), East Hilly Plain subregion (Zhejiang), Guizhou Plateau province (Guizhou), and Southern Yunnan subre- gion (Yunnan). All these regions are part of the Oriental Realm. Two other species [P. sinensis Yang and Yang, P. umbraculata (Fabricius)] are distributed in the Neimeng-Xinjiang region and the North China region (Beijing, Neimeng, Shaanxi) which are part of the Palaerarctic Realm. Platycephala umbraculata is also distributed in other parts of Asia (Japan and Mongolia) and Europe. 14 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Prof. Guofang Jiang, Nanjing Normal University, for his help in many ways. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30225009). LITERATURE CITED An, S. and D. Yang. 2003. A review of the genus Platycephala Fallen, 1820 from China (Diptera, Chloropidae). Annales Zoologici 53(4):65 1-656. Andersson, H. 1977. Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on Chloropidae (Diptera) with special reference to Old World genera. Entomologica Scandinavica. Supplement 8:200 pp. Cherian, P. T. 1978. The genus Platycephala (Diptera: Chloropidae) From India. Oriental Insects Kanmiya, K. 1983. A systematic study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 11. 370 pp. Nartshuk, E. P. 1984. Family Chloropidae. pp 222-299. In, Soos, A. and L. Papp. (Editors). Cata- logue of Palaearctic Diptera, Volume 10. Akademiai Kiado. Budapest, Hungary. 402 pp Sabrosky, C. W. 1977. Family Chloropidae. pp 277-319. In, Hardy, D. E. and Delfinado, M. D. (Editors). A Catalog of Diptera of the Oriental Region. Volume 3. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. 854 pp. Yang, D. and J. K. Yang. (1995) Diptera: Chloropidae, pp 541-543. In, Wu, H. (Editor). Insects of Baishanzu Mountain, eastern China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing, China. 586 pp. (In, Mandarin) Yang, D. and J. K. Yang. 1997. Diptera: Chloropidae. pp 1553-1554. In, Yang, X. K. (Editor). Insects of the Three Gorge Reservoir area of Yangtze River. Chongqing Publishing House. Chongqing, China. 1847 pp. (In Mandarin) Yang, J. K. and D. Yang. 1994. New species of the genus Platycephala (Diptera: Chloropidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 16(2):153-155. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 REVIEW OF THE NEOTROPICAL GENUS TRACHELIUM HERRICH-SCHAEFFER, WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF SIX NEW SPECIES (HETEROPTERA: ALYDIDAE: MICRELYTRINAE: MICRELYTRINI)1 Harry Brailovsky' ABSTRACT: Six new species of Trachelium Herrich-Schaeffer from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Panama, Trinidad, and Venezuela are described. New distributional records are given for: T. alboapicatus Distant, T. bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer, T. fulvipes Herrich- Schaeffer, T. mimeticum Breddin, T. spectabile Bergroth, and T. tessellatus Distant. A diagnosis for previously known species is provided, T. spectabile is redescribed, a key for the known species is given, and T. fulvipes is resurrected from his synonym under T. bicolor. KEY WORDS: Insecta, Hemiptera, Alydidae, Micrelytrinae, Trachelium, new species, Central and South America This paper attempts to summarize our knowledge of the genus Trachelium Herrich-Schaeffer. Trachelium, a typically myrmecomorphic and exclusively Neotropical genus, is characterized by having the humeral angles of the prono- tum and the apex of the scutellum strongly spinose, the head elongate before eyes, the head behind eyes tapering and narrowed, and the hind femora unarmed. Schaefer (1996) discussed the relationship with Cydamus Stal, the most closely related, and recently Schaefer (2004) added a key to the new world Alydidae. Trachelium is placed in the tribe Micrelytrini based on having rostral segment II longer than maximal length of segments III and IV together, rostral segment III less than half as long as IV, and a distinct evaporative area ridge. Previously only six species were known. In this contribution, six new species collected in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Panama, Trinidad and Venezuela are described, and new distribution records for T. alboapicatus. T. bicolor, T. fulvipes, T. mimeticum, T. spectabile, and T. tessellatus are included. Trachelium fulvipes is resurrected from the synonymy under T. bicolor. The following abbreviations are used for the institutions cited in this paper: AMNH (The American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA); BMNH (The Natural History Museum, London, England); BYU (Brigham Young Uni- versity, Monte L. Bean Life Sciences Museum, Provo, Utah, USA); CAS (Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA); CMNH (Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA, USA); CUIC (Cornell University, Insect Collection, Ithaca, New York, USA); DEU (Deutschcs Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde, Germany); FMNH (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA); HMNH (Hungarian Natural History Museum, Buda- 1 Received on April 20, 2004. Accepted on May 18, 2004. ' Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, UNAM, Apartado Postal No. 70153, Mexico 04510 D.F. Mexico. E-mails: coreidae(tf)servidor.unam.m\ or amayal(o)yahoo.com. Mailed on November 12, 2004 16 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS pest, Hungary); INBIO (Institute Nacional de Biodiversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica); INPA (Institute de Pesquizas da Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil); MNHN (Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France); MNRJ (Museum National, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); RNHL (Rijksmuseum van Naturlijke Histoire, Leiden, Netherlands); UNAM (Institute de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Coleccion Nacional de Insectos); USNM (United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA); USUL (Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA). KEY TO THE SPECIES OF TRACHELIUM 1. Head dorsally, pronotum, and scutellum black to dark reddish brown 2 la. Head dorsally, pronotum, and scutellum shiny orange to chestnut orange 7 2. Antennal segment IV reddish brown to chestnut orange, with basal third or basal half yellow 3 2a. Antennal segment IV entirely reddish brown to black 4 3. Scutellar spine reddish brown; metathoracic scent gland auricle bilobed, and raised; tubercle of calli exposed and acute Trachelium ventus NEW SPECIES 3a. Scutellar spine reddish brown with base yellow; metathoracic scent gland auricle elongate, flat and not bilobed; tubercle of calli short and stout Trachelium alvarengai NEW SPECIES 4. Femora black to dark reddish brown and with or without yellow ring near middle third; metathorax black with or without posterior margin yellow; abdominal sternite III black with or without longitudinal yellow stripe at middle third 5 4a. Femora, metathorax, and abdominal sternite III shiny orange Trachelium bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer 5. Hemelytral membrane with basal half brown and the angle white, and apical half pale ambarine; scutellar spine dark reddish brown Trachelium spectabile Bergroth (in part) 5a. Hemelytral membrane pale ambarine with basal angle white; scutellar spine dark reddish brown with base yellow 6 6. Foreacetabulae, metacetabulae, posterior border of propleura, and basal joint of hind femur black to dark reddish brown Trachelium tessellatus Distant 6a. Foreacetabulae, metacetabulae, posterior border of propleura, and base of hind femur yellow to shiny orange Trachelium fulvipes Herrich-Schaeffer 7. Hemelytral membrane with basal half brown and the angle white, and apical half ambarine; dorsal abdominal segments black 8 7a. Hemelytral membrane pale ambarine, with basal angle white; dorsal abdominal segments orange 9 8. Pronotum and scutellum black to dark reddish brown; thorax black with anterior margin of prothorax, acetabulae, and upper and posterior margin of metathorax yellow Trachelium spectabile Bergroth (in part) 8a. Pronotum, scutellum, and thorax shiny orange to chestnut orange Trachelium mimeticum Breddin 9. Spines of humeral angles of pronotum short, hooklike, directed backward, with apex recurved backward (Fig. 2) Trachelium formosus NEW SPECIES Vol. 115, No. 1. January & February 2004 1_7_ 9a. Spines of humeral angles of pronotum elongate, acute, needlelike, directed upward or oblique- ly backward (Fig. 1) 10 10. Antennal segment IV reddish brown to brownish orange 1 1 lOa. Antennal segment IV brownish orange with basal third or basal half yellow 12 1 1 . Scutellar spine shiny orange; length of antennal segment IV longer than 4.80 mm (d1) or 3.45 mm (9); total body length longer than 1 1 .00 mm (Cf ) or 9.80 mm (9) Trachelium secularis NEW SPECIES lla. Scutellar spine shiny orange with basal joint yellow; length of antennal segment IV shorter than 4.00 mm (Cf ) or 3.40 mm (9); total body length shorter than 9.00 mm (Cf ), or 9.20 mm (9) ... Trachelium lepidus NEW SPECIES 12. Metathoracic scent gland auricle creamy yellow, tuberculate, and conspicuously raised above the body surface; scutellar spine elongate, needlelike, and directed upward Trachelium alboapicatus Distant 12a. Metathoracic scent glad auricle yellow, elongate, and flat; scutellar spine iny, reduced to small conical expansion Trachelim limitatus NEW SPECIES Trachelium alboapicatus Distant (Fig. 3) Trachelium alboapicatus Distant, 1881: 159. Diagnosis. This species is characterized by having the head, antennal seg- ments I to III, legs, and dorsal abdominal segments shiny orange to chestnut orange, the metathoracic scent gland auricle creamy yellow, tuberculate, and raised above the body surface (Fig. 3), antennal segment IV with the anterior third creamy yellow and the posterior third dark brown, the humeral spines of pronotum large, elongate, needlelike, entirely shiny orange and directed oblique- ly backward, and the scutellar spine entirely shiny orange, and directed upward with apex curving backward; hemelytral membrane including the basal angle pale ambarine, calli raised forming a hemispheric or convex lobe, and maximal length of antennal segment IV longer than maximal length of antennal segments II and III together. Distribution. The present species was described from Guatemala (San Geronimo, and Tamahu) and has been subsequently reported from Mexico (Veracruz: Atoyac, and San Luis Potosi: Tamazunchale) and Panama (Volcan de Chiriqui) (Distant 1881-1893, and Brailovsky and Zurbia 1979). Material examined. Holotype: male, Guatemala, San Geronimo, Champion. Deposited in BMNH. New country records. Costa Rica: 1 male, 3 females, 20 km S of Upala, 11-15-V-1990, 13- XII-1990, 1 0-1-1991, F. D. Parker. Deposited in USUL. 1 male, Alajuela, Chachahua, 24-11-1982. H. Brailovsky and E. Barrera. Deposited in UNAM. Guatemala: 1 female, Alta Vera Paz, Trece Aguas, IV- 1925, Schwartz and Barber. Deposited in AMNH. Mexico: 1 female, Veracruz, San Andres Tuxtla, Laguna Escondida, 21 -IV- 1989, J. L. Colin. Deposited in UNAM. 1 male, Veracruz, Penuelas, 15- VII- 1941, H. S. Dybas. Deposited in FMNH. 18 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figures 1-5. Trachelium spp. 1-2. Pronotum. 1. 7] spectabile Bergroth. 2. 7^ formosus NEW SPECIES. 3. Metathoracic scent gland auricle of 7^ alboapicatus Distant. 4-5. Hemelytra. 4. T. formosus NEW SPECIES. 5. I spectabile Bergroth. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 19 Trachelium alvarengai, NEW SPECIES Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head, pronotum including humeral spines, scutellum (base of scutellar spine yellow), and clavus shiny black to shiny reddish brown; antennal segments I to III chestnut orange, IV chestnut orange with basal third yellow; corium yellow with apical margin creamy white, and punctures, middle third of exocorium and endocorium, and apical angle black to dark reddish brown; hemelytral membrane dark ambarine with basal angle grayish to white; connexival segments III-IV yellow, V-VI brown with posterior margin yellow, and VII brown with posterior border yellow; dorsal abdominal segments orange. Ventral coloration. Head shiny pale reddish brown; rostral segments I to III shiny pale chestnut orange, IV dark chestnut orange with apex black; propleura shiny black with acetabulac and prosternum yellow to shiny orange; meso- pleura shiny black with acetabulae, posterior margin, and mesosternum yellow to shiny orange; metathorax including metathoracic scent gland auricle shiny chestnut orange; legs shiny chestnut orange; abdominal sternite III chestnut orange, IV shiny pale reddish brown with wide yellow longi- tudinal stripe running at middle third, and V to VII shiny pale reddish brown with posterior margin of V yellow; pleural abdominal margins III-IV and VII yellow, and V-VI shiny pale reddish brown with posterior margin yellow. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV longer than maxi- mal length of antennal segments II and III together; rostrum reaching middle third of metasternum; each callus raised into short, stout, conical acute tubercle; spines of humeral angles large, needlelike, recurved backward; scutellar spine long, erect, needlelike, directed backward; metathoracic scent gland auricle elongate, flat, not bifurcate, curved anteriorly. Male variation. 1. Rostral segment I dark brown with apical joint chestnut orange. 2. Hind femur shiny chestnut orange with pale yellow ring at middle third. 3. Thorax shiny black with acetabulae yellow. 4. Abdominal sterna shiny black to shiny reddish brown with longitudinal stripe at middle third of sternite III and posterior margin of V yellow. Female. Dorsal coloration. Head, pronotum including humeral spines, scutellum (base of scutel- lar spine yellow), and clavus shiny black; antennal segments I to III shiny reddish brown, and IV dark reddish brown with basal third yellow; corium shiny black with two short yellow to creamy yellow transversal fascia, one anterior and near to middle third, the other posterior and close to apical angle; hemelytral membrane including basal angle dark ambarine; connexivum shiny black with posterior margin or posterior border yellow; dorsal abdominal segments black. Ventral coloration. Shiny black with following areas yellow: acetabulae, posterior margin of mesopleura and metapleura, longitudi- nal stripe and middle third of abdominal sternite IV, posterior margin of abdominal sternite V, and posterior margin of pleural abdominal margins IV and V; rostral segment I shiny black with apical joint chestnut orange, and II to IV shiny chestnut orange with apex of IV black; metathoracic scent gland auricle dark yellow; fore and middle legs with coxae, trochanters and femora shiny black to shiny reddish brown, tibiae dark yellow with apical third chestnut orange, and tarsi chestnut orange; hind leg with coxa and trochanter shiny black to shiny reddish brown, femur shiny black with basal joint yellow, and tibiae and tarsi like fore and middle legs. Female variation. 1. Basal angle of hemelytral membrane grayish. 2. Hind femur with yellow ring near middle third. Measurements. Male given first, followed in parenthesis by those of female. Head length: 2.14 mm (2.44 mm); width across eyes: 1 .68 mm ( 1 .78 mm); interocular space: 0.74 mm (0.88 mm); inte- rocellar space: 0.22 mm (0.30 mm); preocular distance: 1.22 mm (1.44 mm); antennal segments lengths: I, 1.48 mm (1.44 mm); II, 1.76 mm ( 1.64 mm); III, 1.52 mm (1.40 mm); IV, 4.24 mm (3.52 mm). Pronotal length: 1.4X mm (1.44 mm); maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.20 mm (1.44 mm); maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 1.64 mm (1.64 mm). Scutellar length: 0.92 mm (1.04 mm); width: 0.56 mm (0.62 mm). Total body length: 9.23 mm (9.77 mm). Type material. Holotype: male, Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, 22-IV-1954, Elias and Roppa. Deposited in MNRJ. Paratypes: 1 female, Brazil, Para, Jacareacanga, XII-1968, M. Alvarenga. Deposited in AMNH. 1 male, Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Ponte de Bolivia, 29-XI-1969, Evange- listas. Deposited in UNAM. 3 females, Bra/il, Rondonia, 62 km SW Ariquemes, Fzda Rancho Grande, 30-III-10-IV-1992, J. E. Eger. Deposited in USNM (Drake Collection). Discussion. Of the known species of Trachelium with the head, pronotum, scutellum, and clavus shiny black to shiny reddish brown only T. ulvarengcii has antennal segment IV bicolored. In T. bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer, T. fulvipes Herrich-Schaeffer, and T. tessellatus Distant, antennal segment IV is entirely black to reddish brown. 20 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Trachelium alboapicatus Distant has antennal segment IV bicolored, both the head, pronotum, scutellum, and clavus are shiny orange to shiny chestnut orange, and the metathoracic scent gland auricle is conspicuously tuberculiform (Fig. 3). This new species exhibits a clearly dimorphic color, which is explained in the description of each sex. Etymology. Named after Moacir Alvarenga, who collected one of the paratypes of this species. Trachelium bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer Trachelium bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer, 1853: 274-275. The type species of the genus Trachelium is distinguished by having the head, pronotum, and scutellum (base of scutellar spine yellow) black, antennal seg- ment IV black to dark reddish brown, dorsal abdominal segments dark yellow with segment VII black, and following areas shiny orange to shiny chestnut orange: femora, metathorax, and abdominal sternite III. Distribution. This attractive species was originally described from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, and Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia) and subsequently reported from Argentina (Misiones: Pindapoy, Iguazu, Presidente Peron, and Ciervo Petizo) and Bolivia (Yungas and Coroico) (Herrich-Schaeffer 1853, Stal 1870, and Kormilev 1953). Material examined. New country records. Brazil: 4 males, 2 females, Minas Gerais, Pedra Azul, XI- 1970, 1-1971, F. M. Oliveira. Deposited in AMNH and UNAM. 4 males, Minas Gerais, Carmo do Rio Claro, VI- 1943, Carvalho and 1-1978 Carvalho and Schaffner. Deposited in MNRJ. 12 males, Chapada, I-XII (without data), S. M. Klages. Deposited in CMNH 1 male. Para, Benevides, X-1918, S. M. Klages. Deposited in CMNH. 1 female, Mato Grosso, Itaum, Dourados, III- 1974, M. Alvarenga. Deposited in AMNH. 1 male, Goyaz, Campinas, XII- 1935, Aorgmeier, Lopes and Car- valho. Deposited in MNRJ. 1 male, Para, Belem, Mocambo, 31-1-1980, M. F. Torres. Deposited in INPA. Ecuador: 2 males, Coca on Rio Napo, Napo-Pastaza Prov., V-1965. Deposited in AMNH. 1 male, Napo-Pastaza, Shushufindi SE of Aguarico, 150-200 m, 2-X-1977, L. E. Pena. Deposited in AMNH. Paraguay: 1 female, Villarica, X (without data), F. Schade. Deposited in AMNH. Peru: 1 male, Departamento Junin, Estancia Naranjal, San Ramon, 1000 m, 20-27-VII-1965, P. and B. Wygodzinsky. Deposited in AMNH. 1 male, Departamento Junin, San Ramon de Pangoa, 2-III-1972, R. T. and J. C. Schuh. Deposited in UNAM. 1 male, Vilcanota (without data). Deposited in HMNH. Trinidad: 1 male, Arima, Blanchisseuse Rd., 16 km N Arima, 650 m, 30-111-1987, M. E. Carter, E. R. Hoebeke and J. K. Liebherr. Deposited in CUIC. 1 male, Cumoto (without data), W. S. Brooks. Deposited in AMNH. Suriname: 2 males, Sipaliwini, 12-VI-1963, P. H. van Doesburg. Deposited in RNHL. Venezuela: 1 male, Bolivar, km 143 El Dorado-Santa Elena, 1200 m, 18-X-1972, J. and B. Bechyne. Deposited in UNAM. Trachelium formosus, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 2, 4, 6) Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head, pronotum, scutellum, and clavus shiny chestnut orange; antennal segments I to III orange, IV dark brown with basal joint dark yellow; humeral spines black, scutellar spine creamy yellow with apex black; corium dull chestnut orange with veins paler; hemelytral membrane light ambarine with basal angle white (Fig. 4); connexival segments III to V and VII reddish brown with posterior margin creamy yellow, and VI reddish brown with anterior border and posterior margin creamy yellow; dorsal abdominal segments pale orange. Ventral coloration. Shiny chestnut orange with apex of rostral segment IV black, and following areas yellow to creamy yellow: collar, anterior border of prothorax, lower margin of acetabulae, pos- terior border of mesopleura and metapleura, middle third of abdominal sterna III and IV, posterior margin of abdominal sternite V, posterior border of pleural sterna III to V and VII, and anterior bor- der and posterior margin of VI; metathoracic scent gland auricle dull chestnut orange. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV shorter than maximal length of antennal segments II and III Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 21 together; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; each callus raised forming a conical acute tubercle; spines of humeral angles of pronotum hooklike, stout, directed upward, with apex curved backward (Fig. 2); metathoracic scent gland auricle elongate, slender, short, flat, not project- ing beyond upper third of metacetabulae; scutellar spine straight, directed upward (Fig. 2 ). Female. Coloration. Similar to male (holotype). Dorsal coloration: Connexival segments VIII and IX reddish brown with posterior third of IX dull yellow; dorsal abdominal segments VIII and IX, and posterior margin of VII reddish brown. Ventral coloration: Head, rostral segments (apex of IV black), mesothorax, and metathorax shiny chestnut orange with acetabulae, and posterior margin of mesopleura, and metapleura yellow; prothorax shiny pale orange with collar, acetabulae, and anteri- or border yellow; abdominal sterna shiny reddish brown, with middle third of abdominal sternite IV, and posterior margin of V creamy yellow; metathoracic scent gland auricle dull chestnut orange. Variation. 1 . Humeral spines shiny reddish brown with basal third chestnut orange. 2. Corium shiny chestnut orange. 3. Connexival segment VI reddish brown or chestnut orange. 4. Acetabulae entirely yellow. 5. Abdominal sterna III and IV entirely shiny chestnut orange. Measurements. Male given first, followed in parenthesis by those of female. Head length: 2.28 mm (2.36 mm); width across eyes: 1 .92 mm ( 1 .88 mm); interocular space: 1 .04 mm ( 1 .08 mm); inte- rocellar space: 0.42 mm (0.40 mm); preocular distance: 1.38 mm (1.40 mm); antennal segments lengths: I, 1.16 mm (1.08 mm); II, 1.72 mm (1.44 mm); III, 1.72 mm (1.48 mm); IV, 3.20 mm (2.88 mm). Pronotal length: 1.76 mm (1.52 mm); maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.48 mm (1.40 mm); maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 1.88 mm (1.76 mm). Scutellar length: 1.12 mm (1.08 mm); width: 0.76 mm (0.72 mm). Total body length: 10.48 mm (9.80 mm). Type material. Holotype: male, Brazil, Mato Grosso, Itaum, Dourados, III- 1974, M. Alvarenga. Deposited in AMNH. Paratypes: 2 males, Brazil, Goyaz, Campinas, XII- 1935, Borgmeier and Lopes. Deposited in MNRJ. 1 female, Brazil, Sao Paulo (without data). Deposited in HMNH. 3 males, 2 females, Brazil, Chapada, IV-VII (without data). Deposited in CMNH, and UNAM. 1 male, Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 450 m, XI-1910, J. Steinbach. Deposited in CMNH. Discussion. Trachelium alboapicatus Distant and T. mimeticum Breddin are the only previous known species with the head, antennal segments I to III, and legs shiny chestnut orange to shiny orange. Trachelium formosus belongs to this group and is characterized by having the spines of humeral angles hooklike, stout, black to reddish brown, directed upward and curving backward (Fig. 2), antennal segment IV dark brown with basal third dark yellow or dark orange, the scutellar spine creamy yellow with apex black, and the corium without creamy yellow marks. In T. alboapicatus and T. mimeticum, the humeral spines are needlelike, and shiny chestnut orange (Fig. 1), the scutellar spine shiny chestnut orange, and the apical margin of corium or the apical angle of corium creamy yellow to creamy white. The abdominal segments of T. mimeticum are dark brown to black, and in T. alboapicatus and T. formosus orange. In T. alboapicatus, antennal segment IV has the anterior half of the segment creamy yellow and the posterior half dark brown, with metathoracic scent gland auricle creamy yellow, tuberculate, clear- ly exposed, and raised above the body surface. In T. formosus, the metathoracic scent glad auricle is dull orange and flat, and antennal segment IV dark brown with basal third dark yellow or dark orange (Fig. 6). Etymology. From the Latin, formosus, meaning beautifully formed. 22 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figure 6. Dorsal view of Trachelium formosus NEW SPECIES. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 1 . January & February 2004 23_ Trachelium fulvipes Herrich-Schaeffer Trachelium fulvipes Herrich-Schaeffer, 1853: 275. Kormilev (1953) synonymized this species with T. bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer. On this contribution Trachelium fulvipes Herrich-Schaeffer is resurrected. They can be distinguished from one another by the color of the femora, which is black in T. fulvipes, and shiny orange in T. bicolor. Distribution. This species was described and previously known only from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Material examined. New country records. Brazil: 1 female, Goias, Jatai, XI- 1972. Deposited in the AMNH. 1 female, Amazonas, Tabatine, V-1950, J. C. M. Carvalho. Deposited in MNRJ. 1 female. Minas Gerais, Carmo do Rio Claro, VIII- 1975, J. C. M. Carvalho. Deposited in MNRJ. 1 macho, Mato Grosso, Itaum, Dourados, III-1974, M. Alvarenga. Deposited in the AMNH. Paraguay: 1 female. Gran Chaco, 260 km W Paraguay River, 10-VI-1936, A. Schulze. Deposited in the AMNH. Peru: 1 female, Puerto Bermudes, Rio Piohis, 12-VII-1920. Deposited in UNAM. Trachelium lepidus, NEW SPECIES Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head, antennal segments I to III, pronorum, scutellum, and clavus shiny orange; antennal segment IV reddish brown; scutellar spine yellow with apical third orange; corium dull orange with anterior third of exocorium, veins, apical margin, and quadrate spot near apical angle white; hemelytral membrane dark ambarine, with basal angle white; connexivum dark orange with posterior margin yellow; dorsal abdominal segments orange. Ventral coloration. Shiny orange, with apex of rostral segment IV black, and following areas yellow: poste- rior margin of mesopleura and metapleura, mesoacetabulae, middle third of abdominal sternite IV, posterior margin of V, and posterior margin of pleural sterna III to VII; metathoracic scent gland auri- cle dull orange. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV longer than maximal length of antennal segments II and III together; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; each cal- lus raised into conical acute tubercle; spines of humeral angles and scutellar spine, large, needlelike. and directed upward; metathoracic scent gland auricle elongate, slender, flat, curving anteriorly. Female. Coloration. Similar to male (holotype). Connexival segments VIII and IX, dorsal abdom- inal segments VIII and IX, and genital plates shiny orange. Measurements. Male given first, followed in parenthesis by those of female. Head length: 2.08 mm (2.32 mm); width across eyes: 1 .58 mm ( 1 .68 mm); interocular space: 0.82 mm (0.86 mm); inte- rocellar space: 0.26 mm (0.24 mm); preocular distance: 1.08 mm (1.34 mm); antennal segments lengths: I, 1.40 mm (1.36 mm); II, 1.60 mm (1.56 mm); III, 1.32 mm (1.2S mm); IV, 3.92mm (3.36 mm). Pronotal length: 1.44 mm ( 1.52 mm); maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.08 mm (1.18 mm); maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 1.44 mm (1.48 mm). Scutellar length: 0.80 mm (0.92 mm); width: 0.44 mm (0.52 mm). Total body length: 8.60 mm (9.00 mm). Type material. Holotype: male, Panama, Canal Zone, Ft. Davis, 5-VII-1924, N. Banks. Deposited in AMNH. Paratypes: 2 females, Panama, Canal Zone, Ft. Davis, 5-9-VII-1924, N. Banks. Deposited in AMNH, and UNAM. 6 males, 5 females, Panama, Canal Zone, Margarita, 25-28-X- 1972, L. H. Rolston. Deposited in the USNM, and UNAM. 1 male, Panama, Cerro Campana, 12-1- 1974, J. A. Slater, and J. Harrington. Deposited in AMNH. 1 male, Panama, Canal Zone, Madden Forest Res., 9-1-1974, J. A. Slater, and J. Harrington. Deposited in AMNH. 1 males, Panama, (iamboa, 1 1 -VIII- 1 986, C. Riley Nelson (Malaise Trap). Deposited in BYU. 1 female. Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Isl., 24-VII-1963, D. Q. Cavagnaro and M. E. Irwin. Deposited in CAS. 1 male, Panama, Canal Zone. Barro Colorado, 3-1-1929, C. H. Curran. Deposited in UNAM. 1 female, Colombia, Valle, Delfina. 400-500 m, 26-VIII-1967, P. y B. Wygodzinsky. Deposited in AMNH. Discussion. Trachelium lepidus, like T. alhoapicatus Distant, shares the fol- lowing characters: head, antennal segments I to III, legs, and pronotum shiny 24 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS orange. In T. alboapicatus the metathoraic scent gland auricle is creamy yellow, clearly tuberculate, and raised above the body surface (Fig. 3), the humeral spines of pronotum are large, needlelike, and directed obliquely upward, the scutellar spine is entirely shiny orange, the basal angle of the hemelytral mem- brane pale ambarine, and abdominal sternite V yellow, with anterior border shiny orange with brown marks. In T. lepidus, the metathoracic scent gland auricle is orange, flat, curving anteriorly, and never raised, the humeral spines are large, elongate, needlelike, and clearly directed upward, the scutellar spine yellow with apical third orange, the basal angle of the hemelytral membrane white, and abdominal sternite V shiny orange with only the posterior margin yellow. Etymology. From the Latin, lepidus, meaning pleasant, elegant. Trachelium limitatus, NEW SPECIES Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head, antennal segments I to III, pronotum, clavus, connexivum, and dorsal abdominal segments shiny to dull orange; antennal segment IV brownish orange with basal third yellow; humeral spines reddish brown; corium dull orange with posterior third of costal margin and small dot at middle third of endocorium yellow; hemelytral mem- brane pale ambarine. Ventral coloration. Head, rostral segments (apex of IV black), and thorax orange with yellow reflections; metathoracic scent gland auricle yellow; legs and abdominal sterna orange. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV longer than maximal length of antennal segments II and III together; rostrum reaching middle third of metasternum; each callus raised into conical acute tubercle; humeral spines large, needlelike, and directed obliquely backward; metatho- racic scent gland auricle elongate, slender, flat, not projecting beyond upper third of metacetabulae; scutellar spine tiny, reduced to small conical expansion. Female. Unknown. Measurements. Male. Head length: 2.48 mm; width across eyes: 1.78 mm; interocular space: 0.96 mm; interocellar space: 0.34 mm; preocular distance: 1.50 mm; antennal segments lengths: I, 2.00 mm; II, 2.16 mm; III, 1.84 mm; IV, 4.20 mm. Pronotal length: 1.64 mm; maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.42 mm; maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 1.94 mm. Scutellar length: 1.20 mm; width: 0.76 mm. Total body length: 11.63 mm. Type material. Holotype: male, Argentina, Misiones, Bernardo de Irigoyen, 12-XI-1973, Esco- bar y Claps. Deposited in UNAM. Paratype. 1 male, Argentina, Misiones, Posadas, 1972, D. Carpintero. Deposited in UNAM. Discussion. This species can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: dorsum of abdominal segments orange, scutellar spine tiny, re- duced to small expansion, basal angle of hemelytral membrane pale ambarine, and metathoracic scent gland auricle elongate, and flat. In T. mimelicum Breddin the must similar species, the dorsal abdominal segments are black, the scutellar spine elongate, needlelike and directed upward, the basal angle of the hemelytral membrane white, and the metathoracic scent gland auricle is raised into a small rounded tubercle. Etymology. Named for its limited known distribution. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 25_ Trachelium mimeticum Breddin Trachelium mimeticum Breddin, 1904: 147. This species is characterized by having the head, antennal segments I to III, and legs orange to chestnut orange; the metathoracic scent gland auricle dark yel- low, tuberculate and raised above body surface; the humeral spine of pronotum reddish brown, large, needlelike and directed obliquely backward; the scutellar spine shiny orange and directed upward with the apex curving backward; the and dorsal abdominal segments black; hemelytral membrane pale ambarine, with pale blue reflections and with basal angle whitish, and each callus with an acute conical tubercle. Distribution. This species was originally described from Bolivia and apparently has not been recorded since that time. Material examined. Syntypes: 2 males, Bolivia, Yungas de la Paz. Deposited in DEU. Trachelium secularis, NEW SPECIES Description. Male (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head, antennal segments I to III, pronotum, scutellum, and clavus shiny orange; antennal segment IV reddish brown; humeral spines of prono- tum and scutellar spine reddish brown; corium pale orange brown, with following areas white: trans- versal fascia near middle third, small dot behind the fascia and close to apical margin, middle third of apical margin, and quadrate spot near apical angle; hemelytral membrane pale ambarine; connex- ival segments III and IV dark orange with upper margin yellow, V to VII dark orange; dorsal abdom- inal segments orange. Ventral coloration. Shiny orange with apex of rostral segment IV black, and mesoacetabulae, metacetabulae, posterior margin of metapleura, and posterior margin of abdominal sterna IV and V creamy yellow to yellow. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV longer than maximal length of antennal segments II and III together; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; each callus raised into an acute conical tubercle; spines of humeral angles large, needlelike, directed obliquely backward; metathoracic scent gland auricle short, flat, straight, not projected beyond the upper third of metacetabulae; scutellar spine straight, needlelike, directed upward. Female. Coloration. Similar to male (holotype). Connexival segment III and IV yellow to pale orange, V and VI yellow with anterior third dark chestnut orange, and VII to IX dark chestnut orange; abdominal segments VIII and IX dark chestnut orange; abdominal sterna yellow to pale orange with anterior margin of sternite IV and V, and genital plates chestnut orange. Measurements. Male given first, followed in parenthesis by those of female. Head length: 2.72 mm (2.34 mm); width across eyes: 1.92 mm (1.72 mm); interocular space: 0.92 mm (0.88 mm); inte- rocellar space: 0.40 mm (0.28 mm); preocular distance: 1.56 mm (1.22 mm); antennal segments lengths: I, 1.92 mm (1.48 mm); II, 1.68 mm (1.56 mm); III. 1.50 mm (1.52 mm); IV, 5.07 mm (3.56 mm). Pronotal length: 1.84 mm (1.60 mm); maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.36 mm (1.24 mm); maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 1.88 mm (1.72 mm). Scutellar length: 1.04 mm (0.96 mm); width: 0.72 mm (0.60 mm). Total body length: 1 1.27 mm ( 10.05 mm). Type material. Holotype: male, Trinidad, W. I., Arima Valley, 800'- 1 200'. 1 0-22-1 V- 1964, Rozen and Wygodzinsky. Deposited in AMNH. Paratypes: 2 females, Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal, 22-1- 1929, C. H. Curran. Deposited in AMNH, and UNAM. 1 male, Panama, Code, El Valle, 500-600 m, VI I- 1981, N. L. H. Krauss. Deposited in UNAM. Discussion. This species resembles T. alboapicatus. Distant in having the head, antennal segments I to III, scutellum including the spine, and legs shiny orange; the humeral spines of pronotum large, needlelike, and directed oblique- 26 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ly upward; the basal angle of the hemelytral membrane pale ambarine; and the total length of antennal segment IV longer than length of antennal segments II and III together. Trachelium secularis can be distinguished by having the humeral spines and antennal segment IV entirely reddish brown, and the metathoracic scent gland auricle orange, flat, straight, not curving anteriorly or posteriorly, and not raised above the body surface. In T. alboapicatus, the humeral spines are shiny orange, antennal segment IV is reddish brown with anterior third yellow, and metathoracic scent gland auricle creamy yellow and remarkably raised above the body surface. Trachelium limitatus has the scutellar spine yellow with the apical third orange, the basal angle of the hemelytral membrane white, and the metathoracic scent gland auricle curving anteriorly. Etymology. The specific epithet means "wordly," referring to the comparatively broad distribu- tion of this species. Trachelium spectabile Bergroth (Figs. 1,5,7) Trachelium spectabile Bergroth (in Poppius and Bergroth), 1920-1921: 68-69. Redescription. Male. Dorsal coloration. Head shiny orange with interocular space mostly black; antennal segments I to III shiny chestnut orange, IV dark brownish orange; pronotum, scutellum, and clavus black; humeral spines and scutellar spine dark reddish brown; corium with basal third and api- cal angle dark yellow with punctures chestnut orange, middle third reddish brown with upper and lower area whitish and punctures chestnut orange; hemelytral membrane with basal half brown with angle white, and apical half pale ambarine, with veins darker (Fig. 5); connexival segments III and IV dark reddish brown with upper margin yellow, V to VII dark reddish brown with upper border yel- low; dorsal abdominal segments black. Ventral coloration. Head shiny orange; rostral segments shiny chestnut orange with apex of IV black; thorax black with anterior margin of prothorax, acetab- ulae, and upper and posterior margin of metathorax yellow; legs dark reddish brown; metathoracic scent gland auricle dark orange brown; abdominal sterna dark reddish brown with posterior margin of abdominal sterna III to V, and middle third of VII yellow; pleural margin III, IV, and VII yellow, V dark reddish brown with two yellow spots at posterior third, VI reddish brown with one yellow spot near middle third. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV clearly longer than maximal length of antennal segments II and III together; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; each callus raised into an acute conical tubercle; spines of humeral angles large, needlelike, directed obliquely backward (Fig. 1); scutellar spine large, needlelike, directed upward; metathoracic scent gland auricle short, broadening at distal end, not extending beyond the upper third of metacetabulae. Female. Coloration. Similar to male. Connexival segments III to V yellow, VI and VII pale brown with upper border yellow, VIII and IX dark reddish brown; abdominal segments VIII and IX dark reddish brown; pleural margins III to VII yellow; genital plates dark reddish brown. Variation. This species is quite variable in regards to head color. In some individuals the head is entirely black or shiny orange, or shiny orange with the interocular space black, and antennal segment IV dark brownish except in one specimen which is bicolored (black with basal third dark orange). Measurements. Male given first, followed in parenthesis by those of female. Head length: 2.84 mm (2.96 mm); width across eyes: 2.10 mm (2.16 mm); interocular space: 1.10 mm (1.24 mm); inte- rocellar space: 0.40 mm (0.38 mm); preocular distance: 1.52 mm (1.50 mm); antennal segments lengths: I, 2.20 mm (2.20 mm); II, 1.84 mm (2.12 mm); HI, 1.76 mm (mutilated); IV, 6.20 mm (muti- lated). Pronotal length: 1.88 mm (2.12 mm); maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.86 mm (1.90 mm); maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 2.18 mm (2.20 mm). Scutellar length: 1.20 mm (1.28 mm); width: 0.82 mm (0.84 mm). Total body length: 12.15 mm (13.18 mm). Distribution. This species was described from Peru, without any other reference. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 27_ Material examined. New country records.- 1 female, Bolivia, Nor Yungas, Caranavi, 9-VI- 1 93 1 . P. Denier. Deposited in UNAM. 2 males, Brazil, Chapada, III-IV (without data). Deposited in CMNH and UNAM. 1 male, Peru, Marcapata (without data). Deposited in HMNH. 1 male, Peru, Pachitea (without data). Deposited in HMNH. Discussion. Similar to T. mimeticum Breddin, with the dorsal abdominal seg- ments black, head in ventral view shiny orange, and hemelytral membrane clearly bicolored, with basal half brown with angle white, and apical half pale ambarine. In T. mimeticum, the head in dorsal view, the pronotum, scutellum, clavus, corium, legs, and ventral surface are almost entirely shiny orange and in T. spectabile Bergroth are almost black. Trachelium tessellatus Distant Truc/icHum ti'.s.wlliiius Distant, 1892: 373-374. This species seems to be most closely related to the Brazilian T. bicolor Herrich-Schaeffer and T. fulvipes Herrich-Schaeffer, with which it agrees in the black color of head, pronotum and scutellum (base of scutellar spine yellow), plus the antennal segment IV black to dark reddish brown. In T. bicolor the femora are shiny orange to shiny chestnut orange, whereas in the other two species the femora are black with or without a yellow median ring. In T. tessellatus Distant the basal joint of femora is black to dark reddish brown, the body size longer, and the distribution is from southern Mexico to Colombia. Trachelium fulvipes is a shorter species, with the basal joint of femora yellow, and it is occurs throughtout Brazil, Paraguay, and Peru. Distribution. This species was originally described from Panama (David, Bugaba, and Volcan de Chiriqui) and has been reported only from there. Material examined. Syntype: male, Panama, Bugaba, Champion. Deposited in BMNH. New country records. Colombia: 1 male, 1 female, Minca, V-VI-1919 (without data). Deposited in CMNH. Costa Rica: 1 male, Provincia Puntarenas, Estacion Bijagual, 500 m, V-1994, J. Saborio. Deposited in INBIO. 1 male, 2 females, Provincia Puntarenas, Estacion Carara, Res. Biol. Carara, 200 m, I-II-1990, R. Zuniga. Deposited in INBIO and UNAM. 2 females, Provincia Puntarenas, Estacion Quebrada Bonita, Res. Biol. Carara, 50 m, XII- 1992, R. Guzman. Deposited in INBIO. Panama: 1 male, I female. Canal Zone, Madden Forest Res., 7-1-1974, J. A. Slater and J. Harrington. Deposited in UNAM. 1 female, Code Prov., HI Valle (La Mesa), 13-1-1974, J. A. Slater and J. Harrington. Deposited in UNAM. Trachelium ventus, NEW SPECIES Description. Female (holotype). Dorsal coloration. Head, pronotum including humeral spines, scutellum including scutellar spine, and clavus shiny dark reddish brown; antennal segments I to III shiny reddish brown, IV reddish brown with basal third yellow; corium dark brown with some cen- tral pale yellow white tessellate markings, apical margin white, and apical angle dark brown; heme- lytral membrane pale ambarine with blueish green reflections, veins darker; connexival segments III, and V to VII reddish brown with posterior border yellow, IV yellow with basal border brown; dorsal abdominal segments reddish brown. Neutral coloration. Shiny reddish brown to black with collar, acetabulae, posterior margin of metapleura, nietathoracic scent gland auricle, middle third of abdom- inal sternite III. and posterior margin of abdominal sternite V yellow; rostral segment I dark reddish brown with apical joint chestnut orange, and II to IV chestnut orange with apex of IV black; coxae, trochanter and femora reddish brown, and tibiae and tarsi dark chestnut orange; abdominal pleural margin III reddish brown with two spots, and posterior border yellow, IV yellow with anterior bor- 28 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figure 7. Dorsal view of Trachelium spectahile Bergroth. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 29 der brown, V reddish brown with posterior margin yellow, VI and VII reddish brown with two yel- low spots, and VIII and IX reddish brown. Structure: Maximal length of antennal segment IV longer than maximal length of antennal segments II and III together; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum; each callus remarkably raised into a large acute needlelike spine; spines at humeral angles large, needlelike and recurved backward; scutellar spine long, erect, and needlelike; metatho- racic scent gland auricle bilobate. and laterally raised above body surface. Male. Unknown. Measurements. Female. Head length: 2.40 mm; width across eyes: 1.92 mm; interocular space: 0.82 mm; interocellar space: 0.26 mm; preocular distance: 1.56 mm; antennal segments lengths: I, 2.12 mm; II, 2.20 mm; III, 1.80 mm; IV, 4.52 mm. Pronotal length: 1.88 mm; maximum width of anterior lobe: 1.38 mm; maximum width of posterior lobe (without humeral spines): 1.96 mm. Scutellar length: 0.82 mm; width: 0.68 mm. Total body length: 1 1.85 mm. Type material. Holotype: female, French Guiana, Mana River, VI-1917. Deposited in CMNH. Paratypes: 1 female, French Guiana, V-1917. Deposited in UNAM. 1 female, French Guiana, Saul, 18-VHI-1881. Deposited in MNHN. Discussion. This species is similar to T. alvarengai in having antennal seg- ment IV bicolored and longer than the maximum length of antennal segments II and III combined, and the head, pronotum, and scutellum black to reddish brown. In T. ventus, the scutellar spine is entirely reddish brown, the metathoracic scent gland auricle bilobate and raised above the body surface, the tubercle of each calli remarkably exposed and acute, and the hind femur entirely reddish brown. Trachelium alvarengai has the scutellar spine black to reddish brown with basal joint yellow, the metathoracic scent gland auricle elongate, flat, not bilobate or bifurcate, the tubercle of each calli stout and short, and basal joint of hind femur yellow. Etymology. From the Latin, ventus, meaning wind. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the following individuals and institutions: Mick Webb (The Natural History Museum, London, England), Randall T. Schuh (American Museum of Natural History, New York), Norman Penny and Vincent Lee (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California), John E. Rawlins and Robert L. Davidson (Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA), E. R. Hoebecke and J. K. Liebherr (Cornell University, Insect Collection. Ithaca, New York), Eckhard Groll (Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde. Germany), Phil Parrillo (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois), Dominique Pluot (Museum National D' Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France), Tamas Vasarhelyi (Hungarian Natural History Museum, Buda- pest, Flungary), Jesus Ugalde (Institute Nacional de Biodiversidad. Heredia. Costa Rica), Jan van Tol (Rijksmuseum van Naturlijke Histoire, Leiden, Netherlands), Augusto L. Henriques and Jose Albcrtino Rafael (Institute de Pesquizas da Amazonia, Manaus, Brazil), Richard Baumann (Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Sciences Museum. Provo, Utah), the late Jose Candido Melo Carvalho (Museum National, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), Thomas J. Henry (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, c/o United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.) and Wilford J. Hanson (Utah State University, Logan, Utah). Special thanks to Ernesto Barrera and El via Esparza (Instituto de Biologia, UNAM) for the drawings. 30 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS LITERATURE CITED Brailovsky, H. and R. Zurbia Flores. 1979. Contribucion al estudio de los Hemiptera-Heteroptera de Mexico: XVII. Revision de la Familia Alydidae Amyot y Serville. Anales del Institute de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia 50 (l):255-339. Breddin, G. 1904. Neue Rhynchotenausbeute aus Sudamerika. Societas Entomological 8: 147. Distant, W. L. 1881-1893. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Heteroptera I. London, England, United Kingdom. 159,373-374. Herrich-Schaeffer, G. A. W. 1853. Die Wanzenartigen Insecten. 9:274-275, 989-990. Kormilev, N. A. 1953. Revision de Micrelytrinae Stal de la Argentina, con descripcion de un genero y siete especies nuevas de Argentina, Brasil y Bolivia (Hemiptera, Coriscidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 16: 49-66. Poppius, B., und E. Bergroth. 1920-1921. Beitrage zur kenntnis der myrmecoiden Heteropteren. Annales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 18:31-88. Schaefer, C. W. 1996. A new species ofCydamus, with a key to the species of the genus (Hemip- tera: Alydidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 89(1):37-40. Schaefer, C. W. 2004. Key to the genera of New World Alydidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Pro- ceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106(2):280-287. Stal, C. 1870. Enumeratio Hemipterorum 1. Hemiptera. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 9(1): 1-232. CORRIGENDUM On a recently published paper [Freytag, Entomological News 114(4): 181-186], the binomen Agallia pecki, was misspelled as A. peck only once, in the Abstract (page 181). Everywhere else in the paper, the binomen was spelled Agallia pecki or A. pecki, as intended by the author. The spelling "A. peck" is an incorrect original spelling and we are herein correcting it (Article 32.5, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth Edition, 1999, "with effect from 1 January 2000"). Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 3J_ REDESCRIPTION OF NOTHOBRYA SCHUBARTI ARLE, 1961 (COLLEMBOLA, ENTOMOBRYOMORPHA)1 Enrique Baquero2, Rafael Jordana2, and Kenneth Christiansen1 ABSTRACT: Three paratypes of Nothohrya sclniharti Arle, 1961 were examined in connection with a forthcoming description of a new genus of Entomobryidae. Some of the features observed by Arle in 1961, appeared similar to those of the new genus. These included: small size, color, the presence of PAO, a falciform mucro, the trochanteral organ and the body setae. Observation of a specimen with SEM allowed us to see the PAO and the other characteristics described by Arle in more detail, but other features not described by him were seen which indicate that the genus belongs in subfamily Orchesellinae. KEY WORDS: Collembola, Nothobiya, Orchesellinae, Entomobryomorpha. Arle ( 1 96 1 ) described the genus Nothobiya of the family Entomobryidae from Brazil which was characterized by a lack of scales, presence of a postantennal organ, and a falcate mucro. Although the genus was placed with other Ento- mobryidae, its taxonomic placement has remained unclear and no subsequent records of the genus have been made. Barra (1999) examined type specimens of Nothobiya and clearly showed it to be distinct from his genus Capbtya. Due to the kindness of Dr. Cleide de Mendonca (Museu Nacional, Departamento de Entomologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) we were able to examine three paratypes of this unusual species and clearly establish that the genus belongs in the subfamily Orchesellinae of the family Entomobryidae. METHODS The specimens were preserved in ethyl alcohol, apparently in good condition (Fig. 1), but they were very fragile. One specimen was mounted on slide using Hoyer's medium; another, without cleaning due to its fragility, was dehydrated using an ethanol series followed by critical-point drying in CO2, mounted on an aluminium SEM stub, and coated in Argon atmosphere with 16 nm of gold in an Emitech K550 sputter-coater. SEM observations were made in a Zeiss DSM 940A with a new digital image capture (Point Electronic GmbH, Germany). Al- though the animal is much wrinkled, the photographs have been included in this paper since they are informative. Some characteristics observed under both the light microscope and SEM are added to Arle's 1961 description. 1 Received on May 19, 2004. Accepted on May 21, 2004. : Department of Zoology and Ecology, University of Navarra, P.O. Box 177, 31080 Pamplona, Na- varra, Spain. E-mail: ebaquero@unav.es. ' Corresponding author: Grinnell College, Grinncll \.\ 501 12 USA. E-mail: christak(a grinnell.edu. Mailed on November 12, 2004 32 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Genus Nothobrya Arle, 1961 Diagnosis: The genus differs from other scaleless Orchesellinae by a combina- tion of falcate mucro, postantennal organ and curved hook-like labral papillae. Nothobrya schubarti Arle, 1961 (Figs. 1-8) Body length: Excluding appendages: 1.5-2.0 mm (according to Arle), 0.95 mm and 1.16 mm respectively for the slide mounted and the ethyl alcohol preserved specimens we studied. Color: Ground color of body pale yellow, with blue pigment on distal part of antennal segment I, final half of antennal segments II-III, distal two thirds of antennal segment IV, and bands on the ante- rior half of all tergites, coxae and trochanters (Fig. 1 ). Cuticle: Body seen under SEM with dense reticular pattern (Fig. 7). Scales absent. Head: Antennae six segmented with both the first and third segments very small (Figs. 2-3). Length in mm of segments 1-6: 0.02:0.05:0.01:0.09:0.12:0.17 respectively. Ommatidia 8+8, finely reticulated with A and B larger than the others. PAO is a vesicle (15x5 micrometers), narrowed in its inner side, situated in front and lateral to eyes A and B. In the specimens we saw the PAO is distorted as is the rest of the body (Fig. 4). Labral formula: 4/554 (Fig. 5), with labral papillae hook-like (Fig. 6). Abdomen: Abdominal tergite IV 1.26, 1.8 times longer than abdominal tergite III. Chaetotaxy: Large macrosetae present on head, thoracic segments and abdominal segment I, with pointed tips (type two of Christiansen, 1958). Macrosetae shorter and very robust on abdominal seg- ment I-VI, with clear barbules. Mesosetae of different size, with barbs that give them a pubescent appearance. Bothriotricha 2-3-2 on abdominal segments II-IV respectively, as is characteristic of almost all Entomobryidae (Szeptycki, 1979). Tenaculum: With 4 plus 4 teeth, and two setae on the corpus. Furcula: Denies ringed (Fig. 7) on basal three quarters, with the final portion narrowed and striat- ed transversally. Mucro falcate without basal spine. Leg: Trochanteral organ with three or four smooth setae. Foot complex: Tenent hair truncate. Pretarsus with a single short blunt seta. Claw elongate, with the two teeth of the internal edges very basal, and without unpaired distal tooth in the two specimens we observed. Unguiculus with four lamellae but the external two are very narrow and fused about two thirds of the way from the base to the apex of the unguiculus. The two inner lamellae fused near the apex (Fig. 8). Type-locality: Brazil, Parnaiba (Piaui), Fazenda Lama Preta, "numerosos ex. sobre a lama e no "mud-crack" em volta da lagoa", XI. 1960. R. Arle leg. Otto Schubart found three specimens from Pernambuco (Riacho Terra Nova, 5. IX. 1937). Material deposited at Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Remarks: The PAO of TV. schubarti was described by Arle as a vestigial vesi- cle. Barra (1999) described it as a vesicle with a cavity on the top, but probably this observation resulted from the poor condition of the material he saw, long in ethyl alcohol and collapsed. The SEM examination of a paratype revealed that the PAO is a vesicle larger than described by Arle; Figure 4 shows clearly the outline of the vesicle and how it is partially collapsed inward. The chaetotaxy and smooth seta at the ventral side of the final whorl of leg III are similar to most genera of the Entomobryidae. The trochanteral organ is poorly developed, as mentioned by Arle, with three or four short and smooth setae. Arle mentioned an almost imperceptible unpaired ungual tooth but we saw none under the SEM. The "type five" setae (Christiansen, 1958) are similar to those seen in Entomobtya (Fig. 7). The pecu- liar hooked labral papillae are similar to those seen in some species of Orchesellides, Heteromurus and Dicranorchesella (Mari Mutt, 1985). The seg- mental ratios and the presence of 6 segmented antennae indicate that this genus is best placed in the subfamily Orchesellinae. Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 33 Figs. 1-4. Nothobn'a schubarti. 1, Lateral habitus showing coloration, length of bar = 0.1 mm. Figs. 2-4 length of bars = 10 micra. 2, First two antennal segments, showing the basal subdivisions (SEM). The arrows point to the end of the two subsegments. 3, First anten- nal segment, PAO and first ommatidia (SEM). The arrow points to the end of the first sub- segment. 4, Detail of collapsed PAO (arrow) and two first ommatidia (SEM). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Dr. Mari Mutt (Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagiiez) for his useful information, and to Dra. de Mendoca (Museu Nacional, Departamento de Entomologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) for the loan of the type material of Nothobrya with the permission to prepare a specimen for SEM. Stephanie Peterson assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Arle, R. 1961. Novas especies de colembolas aquaticas (Notu prdmiinar). Atas da Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro 5:34-37. 34 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figs. 5-8. Nothobrya schubarti (SEM), length of bars = 5 micra. 5, Labrum (square: Fig. 6). 6, Detail of hook-like labral papillae (arrow). 7, Partial view of the crenulate dens, with two setae to show their barbule morphology. 8, Unguiculus showing three of the four lamellae and basal part of the unguis. Barra, J.-A. 1999. Un nouveau genre Capbiya avec deux nouvelles especes de la Province du Cap (Rep. Sud Africaine) (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 69: 19-24. Bellinger, P. F., K. A. Christiansen, and F. Janssens. 1996-2004. Checklist of the Collembola: Families, http://www.collembola.org/taxa/collembo.htm [Last updated on 2004.03.29 by Frans Janssens]. Christiansen, K. A. 1958. The Nearctic members of the genus Entomobrya (Collembola). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 118:440-545. Mari Mutt, J. A. 1985. Three new species of Orchesellides from North Korea (Collembola: Entomobryidae: Orchesellinae). International Journal of Entomology, 25(4):297-309. Szeptycki, A. 1979. Chaetotaxy of the Entomobryidae and its Phylogenetic Significance, Morpho- systematic studies on Collembola. IV. Polska Akademia Nauk Istytut Zoologiczny Krakow 1979:45-47. Vol. 115. No. 1. January' & February 2004 35_ TWO NEW SPECIES OF HERCOSTOMUS FROM CHINA (DIPTERA: DOLICHOPODIDAE)1 Lili Zhang:, Ding Vang', and Ka/uhiro Masunaga4 ABSTRACT: Two species from China are described as new to science: Hercostomus (Gymnopter- nus) huangi sp. nov. and Hercostomus (Hercostomust maoershanensis sp. nov. One new species- group, Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) setifacies-group, is proposed. Keys are provided for the species of the setifacies-group and the longicercus-group from China, and the geographic distribution of each species group is discussed. One new combination, Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) zhejiangensis (Yang, 1997) comb. nov. is created. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Hercostomus, China, new species. The genus Hercostomus is the largest and most diversified genus in the Doli- chopodidae with about 500 known species worldwide. There were 28 known species from China before 1995, of which only 11 species were recorded from continental China (Dyte 1975, Negrobov 1991). Since 1995, 218 species of Her- costomus have been added to the fauna of China, mainly based on the work of Wei (1997), Yang and Grootaert (1999), Yang and Saigusa (1999, 2000, 200 la- d, 2002), Yang and Yang (1995), Zhang and Yang (2003). Up to now, there are 246 known species in China. In the present paper, two species are described as new to science. One new species-group, H. (G.) setifacies-gmup, is proposed. Keys are provided for the species of the setifacies-group and the longicercus-group from China. A geo- graphic distribution map for each species group is also presented. One new com- bination Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) zhejiangensis (Yang, 1997) comb. nov. is created for Phalacrosoma zhejiangensis Yang, 1997. The following abbreviations are used: acr-acrostichal, ad-anterodorsal, apv- apicoventral, av-anteroventral, dc-dorsocentral, Li-fore leg, LH-mid leg, LIII- hind leg, pd-posterodorsal, pv-posteroventral, v-ventral. Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) setifacies group Diagnosis: Postocular bristles black. Antenna black; first flagellomere elon- gated, at least 2.0 times longer than wide. Clypeus in both sexes with one pair of black strong bristles. Cercus long and thick, longer than epandrium. This group includes the following 3 species: H. (G.) huangi sp. nov., H. (G.) zonalis Yang, Yang and Li and H. (G.) \myangensis Wei. The geographical dis- tribution of these species is shown on Figure 1 1. 1 Received on June 1, 2004. Accepted on June 29, 2004. : Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Haidian, Beijing 100094. China. E-mail: tolily(oJl26.com. 1 Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Haidian, Beijing 100094, China. E-mail: dingyang^cau. edu.cn or dyangcau(a yahoo.com.cn. To whom the correspondence and reprint re- quests should be addressed. 4 Lake Biwa Museum. 1091 Oroshimo-cho, Kusatsu-shi. Shiga, 525-0001 Japan. E-mail: moaiu/ Ibrn. gojp. Mailed on November 12. 2004 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Key to the species of the Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) setifacies group from China 1. Cercus nearly straight. Yunnan H. (G.) huangi sp. n. Cercus rather thick, somewhat swollen and rounded apically 2 2. Fore and mid femora yellow. Guizhou H. (G.) wuyangensis Wei All femora black with dark yellow to yellow tips. Shaanxi, Sichuan, Henan, Guangdong H. (G.) zonalis Yang, Yang and Li Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) huangi Zhang, Yang and Masunaga, NEW SPECIES (Figs 1-5) Diagnosis: Postocular bristles black. Antenna black; first flagellomere 2.0 times longer than wide. Cercus nearly straight and obtuse apically. Description: Male. Body length 2.7-2.8 mm, wing length 2.4-2.5 mm. Head metallic green with pale gray pollen. Face narrowing downward, narrower than first flagellomere. Hairs and bristles on head black; postocular bristles (including postero-ventral hairs) black. Antenna (Fig 2) black; first flagellomere 2.0 times longer than wide, somewhat acute apically; arista black, minutely pubescent, with basal segment 0.6 times as long as apical segment. Proboscis dark yellow with black hairs; pal- pus dark yellow with black hairs and 1 black apical bristle. Clypeus with one pair of strong, black bristles. Thorax metallic green with pale gray pollen. Hairs and bristles on thorax black; 6 strong dc, 8 paired acr; scutellum with 2 pairs of bristles (basal pair short and hair-like) and several short mar- ginal hairs. Propleuron with 1 black bristle on lower portion. Legs yellow; fore coxa yellow, mid and hind coxae brownish to dark brown; hind femur with black tip; hind tibia with dark brown to black tip; fore tarsus from tip of tarsomere 1 onward brown, mid tarsus from tip of tarsomere 1 onward black, hind tarsus black. Hairs and bristles on legs black; mid and hind coxae with 1 outer bristle. Mid and hind femora each with 1 preapical bristle. Fore tibia with 1 ad and 2 pd, apically with 2 short bristles; mid tibia with 3 ad, 2 pd and 1 av, apically with 3 bristles; hind tibia with 3 ad, 4 pd and 1 av, apically with 4 bristles. Relative lengths of tibia and 5 tarsomeres LI 1.0 : 0.65 : 0.25 : 0.2 : 0.15 :0.12;L1I 1.55 : 0.65 : 0.5 : 0.45 : 0.25 : 0.2; LIII 1.9:0.5 : 0.65 : 0.5 : 0.35 : 0.2. Wing (Fig 1) hya- line, tinged with grayish; veins brown, R4+5 and M parallel apically; CuAx ratio (length of m- cu/length of CuA distal section) 0.3. Squama pale yellow with black hairs. Halter pale yellow. Abdomen dark metallic green with pale gray pollen. Hairs and bristles on abdomen black. Male genitalia (Fig 3-5): Epandrium distinctly longer than wide, with long finger-like lateral lobe bearing 3 long apical bristles; cercus nearly straight and obtuse apically; hypandrium acute apically in ven- tral view. Female: Unknown. Holotype: Male, Yunnan: Xishuangbanna, Jinghong (300 m, yellow pan trap), 2002. IV. 12, Wenquan Zhen, deposited in the insect collection of China Agricultural University, Beijing. Distribution: China (Yunnan). Etymology: The species named after Prof. Dawei Huang (Institute of Zoology, Beijing). Remarks: The new species is similar to H. setifacies Stackelberg, but may be separated from the latter by the femora being yellow except the tip of the hind femur is black, and the cercus with an obtuse apex. In setifacies, the femora are black except the tips of the fore and mid femora are yellow, and the cercus has an acute apex (Stackelberg, 1934). Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 37 Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) huangi sp. nov. Figures 1-5. Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) huangi sp. nov. 1. wing; 2. antenna, lateral view; 3. cercus, lateral view; 4. male genitalia (excluding cercus), lateral view; 5. hypan- drium, ventral view. 38 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Hercostomus (Hercostomus) longicercm group Diagnosis: Antenna black; first flagellomere rather small, as long as wide, arista with very short basal segment (0.2 times as long as apical segment), acr biseriate, uniseriate or absent. Cercus slender and strap-like, usually longer than epandrium. The group includes the following 8 species: H. (H.) clavatus Wei, H. (H.) ebaeus Wei, H. (H.) filiformis Yang and Saigusa, H. (H.) longicercus Yang and Yang, H. (H.) modificatus Yang and Saigusa, H. (H.) pilifacies Yang and Saigusa, H. (H.) pilicercus Yang and Saigusa, H. (H.) maoershanensis sp. nov. The geo- graphical distribution of these species is shown on Figure 12. Key to the species of the Hercostomus (Hercostomus) longicercus group from China 1. First flagellomere somewhat acute apically 2 First flagellomere with acute upper and lower apical corners; face with 2-4 black hairs on lower portion (just above clypeus). Yunnan H. (H.) pilifacies Yang and Saigusa 2. Acr absent 3 Acr present 4 3. Mid coxa blackish, hind coxa yellow. Yunnan H. (H.) longicercus Yang and Yang Mid and hind coxae black. Guangxi H. (H.) maoershanensis sp. n. 4. Acr uniseriate 5 Acr biseriate 7 5. Femora entirely yellow 6 Femora black with yellow tips. Shaanxi, Guizhou H. (H.) clavatus Wei 6. Cercus with swollen base. Guizhou H. (H.) ebaeus Wei Cercus without swollen base. Yunnan H. (H.) filiformis Yang and Saigusa 7. Face with pale hairs on lower portion; coxae yellow. Yunnan H. (H.) pilicercus Yang and Saigusa Face without pale hairs; mid and hind coxae black. Shaanxi H. (H.) modificatus Yang and Saigusa Hercostomus (Hercostomus) maoershanensis Zhang, Yang and Masunaga, NEW SPECIES (Figs 6-10) Diagnosis: Mid and lower postocular bristles (including postero-ventral hairs) yellow. Antenna black; first flagellomere 1 .3 times longer than wide, acr absent. Fore coxa brownish black, mid and hind coxae black. CuAx ratio 1.0. Description: Male. Body length 2.8 mm, wing length 3.0 mm. Head metallic green with pale gray pollen. Hairs and bristles on head black; mid and lower postocular bristles (including postero-ventral hairs) yellow. Antenna (Fig 7) black; first flagellomere 1.3 times longer than wide, somewhat obtuse apically; arista black, nearly bare, with basal segment 0.23 times as long as apical segment. Proboscis black with black hairs; palpus black with black hairs and 1 black apical bristle. Thorax dark metallic green with pale gray pollen. Hairs and bristles on thorax black; 6 strong dc, acr absent; scutellum with 2 pairs of bristles (lateral pair short and hair-like) and several short mar- ginal hairs. Propleuron with 1 black bristle on lower portion. Legs yellow; fore coxa brownish black. Vol. 1 1 5, No. 1 , January & February 2004 39 mid and hind coxae black; fore femur blackish, mid and hind femora yellow with extremely black tip; tibia yellow with extremely black base and tips; fore tarsus dark brown to black, mid tarsus from tip of tarsomere 1 onward black, hind tarsus entirely black. Hairs and bristles on legs black; mid and hind coxae with 1 outer bristle. Mid and hind femora each with 1 preapical bristle. Fore tibia with 2 pd, apically with 2 short bristles and 1 black thin apv (about 0.4 times as long as fore tarsomere 1 ) ; mid tibia with 3 ad, 2 pd and 1 av, apically with 4 bristles; hind tibia with 3 ad, 3 pd and 1 av, api- cally with 3 bristles. Hind tarsomere 1 with 1 v at base. Relative lengths of tibia and 5 tarsomeres LI 1.0 : 0.6 : 0.25 : 0.2 : 0.15 : 0.15; LII 1.55 : 0.85 : 0.5 : 0.4 : 0.5 : 0.2; LIII 2.0: 0.53 : 0.7 : 0.5 : 0.3 : 0.25. Wing (Fig 6) hyaline, tinged with grayish; veins black, R4+5 and M parallel apically; CuAx ratio 1.0. Squama pale yellow with black hairs. Halter yellow. Abdomen dark metallic green with pale gray pollen. Hairs and bristles on abdomen black. Male genitalia (Fig 8-10): Epandrium distinctly longer than wide, narrowing toward apex, with slightly curved lateral lobe bearing 2 long bristles and 1 short apical bristle; cercus slightly shorter than epan- drium, and with long ventral bristles and hairs; hypandrium acute apically in ventral view. Female. Body length 2.8-3.2 mm, wing length 3.0-3.2 mm. Similar to male. Holotype: Male, Guangxi: Maoershan National Nature Reserve (2100m, light trap), 2003. VII. 5. Shuwen An, deposited in the insect collection of China Agricultural University, Beijing. Paratypes: 1 Cf, Guangxi: Maoershan National Nature Reserve (2100m, light trap), 2003. VII. 5, Shuwen An, deposited in the insect collection of China Agricultural University, Beijing; 3 Cf 4 9- Guangxi: Maoershan National Nature Reserve, Sanjiangyuan (1900 m , light trap), 2003 VI 30, Xingyue Liu, deposited in the insect collection of China Agricultural University, Beijing. Distribution: China (Guangxi). Etymology: The specific name refers to the type locality, Maoershan. Remarks. The new species is similar to H. longicercus Yang and Yang by hav- ing no acr, but may be separated from the latter by the black mid and hind coxae. In H. longicercus, the mid coxa is blackish, and the hind coxa is yellow (Yang and Yang, 1995). GENERAL DISCUSSION For the species of Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) setifacies-group, H. (G.) huangi is distributed in South China Region (Southern Yunnan Subregion: Yunnan, Xishuangbanna), H. (G.) wuyangensis Wei is scattered in Central China Region (Western mountain Subregion: Guizhou, Zhenyuan), H. (G.) zonalis is widely distributed in both Palaearctic part and Oriental part of China that includ- ing North China Region (Huang-hai Plains Subregion: Henan: Songxian, Luan- chuan and Xixia), Central China Region (East hilly plain Subregion: Henan, Luoshan; Western mountain Subregion: Sichuan, Emeishan), South China Region (Min-Guang Subregion: Guangdong: Nanling and Shimentai). The eight species of Hercostomus (Hercostomus) longicercus-group both are distributed in the Oriental part of China. H. (H.) longicercus Yang and Yang is distributed in Central China Region (East hilly plain Subregion: Zhejiang, Baishanzu); H. (H.) clavatus Wei, H. (H.) ebaeus Wei, H. (H.) modificatus Yang and Saigusa and H. (H.) maoershanensis sp. nov. are distributed in Central China Region (Western mountain Subregion: Guizhou, Fanjingshan; Shaanxi, Zuoshui; Guangxi, Maoershan); H. (H.) Jllifonnis Yang and Saigusa, H. (H.) pilicercus Yang and Saigusa and H. (H.) pilifacies Yang and Saigusa are scattered in South China Region (Southern Yunnan Subregion: Yunnan). 40 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Ms. Shuwen An, Ms. Chunfeng Jia, Mr. Xingyue Liu (China Agricultural University, Beijing) and Mr. Wenquan Zhen (Institute of Zoology, Beijing) for collecting the speci- mens, and to Professor Dawei Huang (Institute of Zoology, Beijing) for providing the specimens. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30225009). 10 8 Hercostomus (Hercostomus) maoershanensis sp. nov. Figures 6-10. Hercostomus (Hercostomus) maoershanensis sp. nov. 6. wing; 7. antenna, lateral view; 8. male genitalia, lateral view; 9. genital apical processes, lateral view; 10. hypandrium, ventral view. Vol. 115, No. 1, January & February 2004 41 CO u c c. 3 O ab I I I a a § •si 5 K 3 42 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Vol. 115, No. 1, January & February 2004 43 LITERATURE CITED Dyte, D. E. 1975. Family Dolichopodidae. pp. 212-258. In, Delfinado, M. D. and D. E. Hardy (Editors). A catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental region. Volume 2. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. 459 pp. Negrobov, O. P. 1991. Family Dolichopodidae. pp. 11-139. In, Soos, A. and L. Papp (Editors). Catalog of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 7. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. 291 pp. Stackelberg, A. A. 1929. Dolichopodidae. In: Lindner, E. (Editor). Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region, 1933-1934, 4(5): Lief. 71: 65-128; Lief 82: 129-176. Wei, L. 1997. Dolichopodiae (Diptera) from Southwest China II. A study of the genus Hercostomus Loew, 1857. Journal of Guizhou Agricultural College 16 (1): 29-41; 16 (4): 32-43. Yang, D. 1997. Five new species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Longwang Mountain, Zhejiang, Southeastern China. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 44(2): 147-153. Yang, D. and P. Grootaert. 1999. Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from Xishuangbanna (China, Yunnan province): the Dolichopodinae and the genus Chaandogonopteron (I). - Bulletin de Tlnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 69: 251-277. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 1999. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VI): Diptera from Emei Mountain ( 1 ). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 69: 233-250. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2000. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VII): Diptera from Emei Mountain (2). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 70: 219-242. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2001a. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (VIII). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 71: 155-164. Y'ang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2001b. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (IX). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 71: 165-188. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 200 Ic. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (X). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 71:1 89- 236. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2001d. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (XI). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 71: 237-256. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2002. The species of Hercostomus from the Oinling Mountains of Shaanxi, China. (Diptera, Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 49(1): 61-88. Yang, D. and C. K. Yang. 1995. Diptera: Dolichopodidae. pp. 510-519. In, Wu H. (Editor). Insects of Baishanzu Mountain, Eastern China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing. 586 pp. Zhang, L. L. and D. Yang. 2003. Notes on the genus Hercostomus Loew, 1857 from Guangxi, China (Diptera: Empidoidea: Dolichopodidae). Annales Zoologici 53(4): 657-661. 44 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS THE FEMALE OF TENUIPHANTES CRACENS (ARANEAE: LINYPHIIDAE) FROM NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA1 J. R. Pickavance2 ABSTRACT: The female of Tenuiphantes cracens is described for the first time from specimens caught at Port au Choix, Newfoundland, Canada, in pitfall traps in spruce-fir woods at nearly sea level. The climatic severity of the location creates a suitable environment for this alpine species. To date, the species has only been caught during a brief summer period. KEY WORDS: Tenuiphantes cracens, female, Araneae, Linyphiidae, Newfoundland, Canada. Zorsch (1937) described the new species Lepthyphantes cracens (now Tenuiphantes; Saaristo and Tanasevitch, 1996) on the basis of two males: the holotype collected by C. R. Crosby in 1921 from Mount Whiteface, New York, and another male specimen from Mount Marcy, New York, collected by C. R. Crosby in 1930. The female was not described. As recently as 2001 no other lo- cation had been reported (Buckle et al., 2001 ). Then Paquin et al. (2001a, b) first mentioned the occurrence of males of the species in Canada in Quebec. Subse- quently the species was included in a guide to Quebec spiders (Paquin and Duperre, 2003). In 2000 pitfall trap collections in Newfoundland produced both males and the previously unknown female of T. cracens. The female is described here for the first time. Good reasons should always be provided for matching an unknown sex with its counterpart. Here, the unknown females are matched to male T. cracens for two reasons. First, because the females were taken in the same set of traps at the same time as males of the species, and second because the other Tenuiphantes species known from Newfoundland, T. nigriventris (L. Koch 1879), T. tennis (Blackwall 1852) and T. zebra (Emerton 1882), have the identity of both sexes well established. METHODS All specimens of T. cracens reported here were caught in pitfall traps set in the litter of a stand of stunted, spruce-fir (Picea spp., Abies balsamea) woods (50° 42' N, 57° 20.9' W; about 8.9 m above sea level) on the eastern edge of the com- munity of Port au Choix, Newfoundland. Twenty traps were installed in four groups of five, each group arranged in a one square metre quincunx. All traps were in place from June 24 to August 20, 2000. Trapped specimens were re- moved on July 8, July 24, August 2, August 11, and August 20. One quincunx for one trapping period is here referred to as a set. Contents of the five traps form- ' Received on May 29, 2004. Accepted on June 8, 2004. 1 Biology Department Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B3X9. E-mail: rpickava^mun.ca. Mailed on November 12, 2004 Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February 2004 45_ ing one set were lumped as one sample. A total of 5 female and 1 7 male T. cra- cens were caught as follows: August 2-11, 4Cf and 39 in the same set; August 11-20, 2cf and 29 in the same set; August 11-20, llcf in a separate set with no females. Note that all females were taken in the same sets as 6 of the males. The remaining 1 1 males were caught in a separate set of traps from the same time period as one of the catches containing both males and females. An example of the males has been identified as T. cracens by Dr. C. D. Dondale of the Canadian National Collection of Insects and Arachnids, Ottawa (CNC). A male and a female have been deposited in the CNC. The remaining specimens (both male and female) are in the Biology Department (Pickavance collection). Memorial University of Newfoundland. RESULTS Diagnosis The external genitalia of female T. cracens resemble in general form the other Tenuiphantes species known from northeastern North America. These species are distinguished as follows. The sides of the scape of T. nigriventris are approxi- mately straight (Helsdingen et al., 1977) whereas the sides of the scape of T. cra- cens have a distinct concavity in the posterior half. The anterior portion of the scape of T. tenuis has distinctly concave sides (Helsdingen et al., 1977), where- as the anterior part of the scape of T. cracens has convex sides. The scape of T. zebra is not expanded posteriorly and is broadly rectangular or ovoid (Paquin and Duperre, 2003), whereas the scape of T. cracens is expanded posteriorly into two lateral wings. Description Figures 1-3 illustrate the external female genitalia of T. cracens. The term "scape" is used here in the sense of Zorsch (1937) to mean a continuation of the middle part of the ventral wall of the epig- ynum which is folded under itself and out again so that the narrow tip appears as a rounded tubercle at the end of the widened visible part of the organ. Observations and measurements are based on five specimens. The external appearance is characteristic. Mean width of the epigynum at widest point is 272 urn (range 265 - 275 um). The bell-shaped scape ends in a posteriorly projecting central process which lies dorsal to the principal part of the scape. Width of the scape at its widest point is 198 um (no measurable variation in the specimens examined). Mean length of the scape (from narrowest part of neck to posterior edge; excluding posteriorly projecting process) is 266 um (range 264 - 275 um). The ventral surface of the principal part of the scape has a shallow central depression surrounded by a sclerotised area which presents a slightly different appearance in each of the specimens examined. The anterior neck of the scape joins the anterior and lateral margins of the epigynum through an acute angle. In three of the specimens this acute angle is rounded and the neck of the scape is not hidden under the anterior margin or seemingly shielded by a membrane. In the other two specimens the acute angle is sharp rather than rounded so that the anterior of the neck is slightly tucked under the anteri- or margin of the epigynum. The anterior and lateral margins of the epigynum are smoothly concave rather than sinuous. Although all the epigyna examined here display a general bilateral symmetry, all were slightly asymmetrical in detail. Typically this asymmetry was particularly evident in the mar- gins of the epigynum, the shape of the scape, and the configuration of the central depression on the scape. 46 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 0 100 200 Figures 1 - 3. Tenuiphantes cracens female epigynum. 1. Ventral, 2. Postero-ventral, 3. Left lateral. All figures drawn to the same scale. Setae and bristles omitted for clarity. Vol. 1 15, No. 1, January & February 2004 47_ DISCUSSION Adults of the species are evidently only sufficiently active to be caught in pit- fall traps for a limited period of time because all 17 specimens of this study were caught in only two of the trapping periods, covering the period August 2 to Aug- ust 20, 2000. All other T. cracens specimens reported to date have been caught between July 7 and August 27. Paquin et al. (2001b) reported two specimens caught in 1991 from the Gaspe: one on July 8, the other between August 12 and 19. Zorsch (1937) reported two specimens from New York: one taken on August 25, 1921, the other on August 27, 1930. Clearly, future searches for this rarely collected species should focus on this time period. The Port au Choix locality of T. cracens, at about 9 m above sea level, seems quite different from the other alpine- Appalachian (Paquin et al. 200 Ib) localities reported for this species: Mount Whiteface, Mount Marcy and the Gaspe. How- ever, what Port au Choix lacks in altitude it makes up for in climatic severity. Port au Choix is at the northern end of the Northern Peninsula Ecoregion with its Atlantic high boreal ecoclimate and in many ways is similar to the Strait of Belle Isle Ecoregion immediately to the north with its Atlantic low subarctic ecocli- mate (Ecological Stratification Working Group, 1995). Under either climatic regime, if T. cracens is indeed an alpine species then Port au Choix would pro- vide its climatic ecological requirements. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to Dr. C. D. Dondale for both identifying the male of L. cracens and his general sup- port of my arachnological endeavours. I wish to thank Drs. M. Colbo and D. Innes for critical appraisal of this manuscript, the Biology Department, Memorial University for facilities and support, and two anonymous reviewers whose thoughtful suggestions greatly improved this paper. LITERATURE CITED Buckle, D. J., D. Carroll, R. L. Crawford, and V. D. Roth. 2001. Linyphiidae and Pimoidae of America north of Mexico: Checklist, synonymy, and literature. In, Paquin, P. and D. J. Buckle (Editeurs). Contributions a la connaissance des Araignees (Araneae) d'Amerique du Nord. Fabreries Supplement 10. Part 2: 89-191. Ecological Stratification Working Group. 1995. A National Ecological Framework for Canada. Resources Research and Environment Canada, State of the Environment Directorate, Ecozone Analysis Branch, Ottawa/Hull. Report and national map at 1:7,500,000 scale. Helsdingen, P. J. Van, K. Thaler, and C. Deltschev. 1977. The tenuis group of Lepthvphantes Menge (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Tijdschrift Voor Entomologie 120: 1-54. Paquin, P. and N. Duperre. 2003. Guide d'identification des Araignees (Araneae) du Quebec. Fabreries Supplement 1 1 : 3-25 1 . 48 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Paquin, P., N. Duperre, and R. Hutchinson. 2001a. Liste revisee des Araignees (Araneae) du Quebec. Partie 1. Pages 5-87. In, Paquin, P. and D. J. Buckle (Editeurs). Contributions a la con- naissance des Araignees (Arachnida) d' Amerique du Nord. Fabreries, Supplement 10. Part 1. 7- 87. Paquin, P., L. LeSage, et N. Duperre. 200 Ib. First Canadian Records of Tenuiphantes cracens (Zorsch) and Walckenaeria clavipalpis Millidge (Araneae: Linyphiidae), plus thirteen new pro- vincial records and a confirmation for Quebec. Entomological News 1 12(4):27 1-277. Saaristo, M. I., and A. V. Tanasevitch. 1996. Redelimitation of the subfamily Micronetinae Hull, 1920 and the genus Lepthvphantes Menge, 1866 with descriptions of some new genera. Bericht des naturforschenden lich Medzinischen Vereines in Innsbruck 83:163 -186. Zorsch, H. M. 1937. The spider genus Lepthvphantes in the United States. American Midland Naturalist 18:856-898. CORRIGENDUM On a recent paper by Yang et al. (2003, mailed on September 30, 2004), Notes on Dolichopus, Allohercostornus, and Phalacrosoma from Nepal (Diptera: Dolichopodidae. Entomological News 114(5):27 1-274, figures 1- 3 were misprinted. The correct images follow. Figs 1-3. Dolichopus nepalensis n. sp. (male). 1, Antenna (excluding scape), lateral view; 2. genitalia, lateral view; 3, apical genital process, lateral view. Scale = 0.25 mm. Vol. 115. No. I. January' & February 2004 49_ A LONG-LASTING METHOD FOR MARKING BEETLES (COLEOPTERA), WHICH DOES NOT ENHANCE MORTALITY1 A. J. Bates2 and J. P. Sadler ABSTRACT: Mark-release-recapture studies require marking methods that are durable and do not enhance the rate of mortality. Paint from the Mark-Tex Tech-Pen" was used to mark two species of carabid (Bemhidion atrocaendeum and B. decorum), and an enhanced rate of mortality, due to paint toxicity, was tested for. No significant increase in the mortality was detected over a 37-day period when compared to unmarked beetles. It was concluded that the marking method did not enhance mor- tality over the period of study. KEY WORDS: Bembidion atrocaeruleum, Bembidion decorum, Coleoptera, Carabidae, exposed riverine sediments (ERS), mark-release-recapture, mark-toxicity. Mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies, whether for estimating population size or for studying movement dynamics, require methods of marking insects that allow the identification of recaptured individuals. The ideal marking method should satisfy a number of criteria (Southwood and Henderson 2000), which include: ( 1 ) the marks must be durable enough to last the duration of study, and (2) the marking method should not affect longevity. Wineriter and Walker (1984) tested the durability of 26 marking materials on the pronota of three species of insect, including the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). They found that ink extracted from the Mark-Tex Tech-Pen* was the only material suffi- ciently durable when applied to the flour beetle. Paint from the most modern ver- sion of this marker, the TexPen" (ITW Dymon, 805 E, Old 56 Hwy., Olathe, KS 66061), was used in the study of Bates et al. (in press). Despite the abrasive nature of the exposed riverine sediment (ERS, open gravel and sand by the edge of rivers) habitat in which the MRR investigation was implemented, the durabil- ity of marks was shown to be sufficient for the period of study (Bates et al. in press). To test the second criterion, that the marking method does not affect longevity, is the subject of this paper. METHODS The species from the MRR investigation chosen for the toxicity study were two species of carabid, Bembidion atrocaeruleum (Stephens) and Bembidion decorum (Zenker in Panzer). These are both relatively small, (4.5-5.5 and 5.6-6 mm, respectively), fast-running, nearly glabrous species, chosen for the study due to their abundance and close association with ERS. Paint was removed from the pens and diluted at 5:1 (paint : thinner) with tur- pentine substitute. Beetles were controlled by dropping them into water, from where they could be picked from the surface and held immobile by firmly hold- 1 Received on September 16, 2004. Accepted October 14, 2004. - School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, England, United Kingdom. AJB is author for correspondence. E-mail (AJS): ajbl95@bham.ac.uk. E-mail (JPS): j. p. sadlerw bham.ac.uk. Mailed on November 12, 2004 50 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ing their hind legs between thumb and forefinger. One dot of each of six colors of paint (red, yellow, orange, blue, green and white) were applied, three dots to each elytra, using a piece of 5-amp fuse wire. Beetles were kept outdoors, in round white polypropylene paint kettles (inter- nal diameter = 172 mm, height 150 mm), which had holes in the bottom to allow drainage and 20-25 mm of sand and gravel substrate in which the beetles could hide and forage. White nylon netting (-0.5 mm diameter) was secured across the top of the container with glue continuously along ~40 percent of the container's circumference and elastic bands for the remainder. This allowed easy access into the containers for feeding and counting purposes. The sediment, which was removed from the MRR site, was initially heated overnight at 140°C in order to kill beetle parasites. The beetles were fed with freeze-dried chironomids as required. The survival of marked beetles of both species was compared with the survival of unmarked beetles over a 36-day period in five replicate containers. Ten beetles were kept in each container and beetles were counted at two- to four- day intervals. Mann- Whitney U (Wilcoxon-Mann- Whitney) tests were used to determine if the number of marked and unmarked beetles surviving at each time period was significantly different. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 illustrates the results of the mark toxicity experiment. At almost every time period, for B. atrocaeruleum and B. decorum, the mean number of marked and unmarked beetles surviving were within 1 standard error of each other and none of the differences were significant at even the 10 percent level. It is concluded therefore that the handling and marking process used did not increase mortality in B. atrocaeruleum and B. decorum over the period of study. The toxicity experiment was run over a longer time window than those used for the MRR study of Bates et al. (in press), which were <22 days. We therefore conclude that the marking method was likely to have caused no extra mortality in this investigation. It seems highly unlikely that a toxic effect would occur after this 36-day period after marking. The marking method described is a quick, inex- pensive method of marking small beetles and other insects, which, for the species tested is sufficiently durable and nontoxic. Given the findings of Wineriter and Walker (1984) it seems likely that the mark longevity on other insects will be longer than for B. atrocaeruleum and B. decorum when the species are pubes- cent, or when they live in less abrasive habitats. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Richard Johnson for all his help and advice. We also thank the department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK, and the Countryside Coun- cil of Wales for funding this research. Vol. 1 15. No. 1, January & February 2004 51 •- ~ A B s B B « 0> 7.5 10.0 -, 9-5- 9.0 - 8.5 - 80 - 9.5 - 9.0 - 8.5 - * — ft — * — i N> ^ ^ ^s ~i t k • N i M k i k J b^ J k J L J ft J *---. L J i. J k J i j 80 - 75 . -^ Marked Unmarked f * rms Marked Unmarked 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Days since marking Figure 1. A comparison of the mean number of marked and unmarked Bembidion deco- rum (top, triangles) and Bembidion atrocaeruleum (bottom, squares) surviving in replicate <- (n = 5) gravel microcosms (error bars show - 1 1SE). LITERATURE CITED Bates, A. J., J. P. Sadler, A. P. Fowles, and C. R. Butcher. Spatial dynamics of beetles living on exposed riverine sediments in the upper River Severn: method development and preliminary results. Aquatic Consen>ation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14 (in press). Southwood, T. R. E. and P. A. Henderson. 2000. Ecological methods (3rd Edition) Blackwell Science, Oxford, England, United Kingdom. 656 pp. Wineriter, S. A. and T. J. Walker. 1984. Insect marking techniques: Durability of materials. Entomological News 95: 117-123. 52 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTE ATTENDANCE OF AETALION RETICULATUM (HEMIPTERA: AETALIONIDAE) BY POLISTES ERYTHROCEPHALUS (HYMENOPTERA: VESPIDAE) IN PERU1 M. A. MacCarroll2 and W. K. Reeves3 Homopteran honeydew is a carbohydrate food source for Hymenoptera and Diptera in the Neotropics (Letourneau and Choe 1987, Cameron et al 1995). Honeydew contains a mixture of oligosacharides including melezitose and stachylose (Russell and Hunter, 2002) and might be a higher energy food source than floral nectar. The quality of food is important in determining caste in social Hymenoptera (O'Donnell 1998). In certain Diptera, such as sand flies (Psycho- didae: Phlebotominae), the composition of the sugar might affect the develop- ment of medically important trypanosomatids (Leishmania) in the gut (Cameron etal. 1995). Polistes eiythrocephalus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) was not known to tend or collect honeydew from aetalionids. On March 23, 2004, at 1243h, we observed four aggregations of Aetalion reticulatum (L.) (Hemiptera: Aetalioni- dae) feeding on a tree, most likely Solanaceae, in Agua Caliente, Department of Cusco, Peru. Each aggregation consisted of approximately 30-40 individuals, including nymphs, and adult males and females. A single female P. eiythro- cephalus was standing among or below each of the aggregations of A. reticula- tum. Polistes eiythrocephalus touched individuals of A. reticulatum with their antennae but the homopterans did not directly feed the wasps honeydew. Honey- dew accumulated below the aggregations of A. reticulatum, and P. eiythro- cephalus gleaned the honeydew from the branch directly below the homopteran aggregation (Figure 1 ). We collected and tasted the honeydew from the branch to verify that it was honeydew and not rain water. When P. eiythrocephalus was collected, it regurgitated a drop of honeydew from its mouth. This is the first account of P. eiythrocephalus tending A reticulatum and is further evidence that this homopteran is tended by wasps throughout its range. Aetalion reticulatum ranges from Mexico to Brazil and is tended by vespids in Costa Rica (Letourneau and Choe 1987). Voucher specimens of P. eiythrocephalus and A reticulatum are deposited in the American Museum of Natural History (Division of Invertebrate Zoology) and in the Clemson University Arthropod Collection. 1 Submitted on May 24, 2004. Accepted on June 16, 2004. : Department of Entomology, Soil, and Plant Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, U.S.A. E-mail: mmaccar(a),clemson.edu. 1 Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 U.S.A. E-mail: cui8@cdc.gov. Corresponding Author. Mailed on November 12, 2004 Vol. 115. No. 1. January & February- 2004 Figure 1 . Polistes erythrocephalus feeding on honeydew below an aggregation ofAetalion reticulatum in Agua Caliente, Department of Cusco, Peru, March 23, 2004. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank C.R. Bartlett, J.M. Carpenter, and P.O. McMillan for identifying specimens, and PH. Adler and M.W. Turnbull for reviewing this manuscript. This research was partially supported by the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences Travel Grant from Clemson University. This is technical contribution 4991 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. LITERATURE CITED Cameron, M. M., P. J. M. Milligan, A. I.lano-Cuentas, and C. R. Davics. 1995. An association between phlebotomine sandtlies and aphids in the Peruvian Andes. Medical and Veterinary [Entomology 9: 127-132. Lctourneau, D. and J. C. Choc. 1987. Homopteran attendance by wasps and ants: the stochastic nature of interactions. Psyche 94: 81-91. O'Donncll, S. 199S. Reproductive caste determination in eusocial wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Annual Review of Fntomology 43: 323-346. Russell, C. B. and F. F. Hunter. 2002. Analysis of nectar and honeydew feeding in Acdes and Ochlerotutus mosquitoes. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 18: 86-90. 54 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTE FIRST RECORD OF STICTHIPPUS CALIFORNICUS (ORTHOPTERA: ACRIDIDAE) OUTSIDE CALIFORNIA, U.S.A.1 Thomas A. Stidhanr Sticthippus californicus (Scudder), originally described in the genus Hippis- cus from Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California (Scudder, 1892), is widespread in California and economically important (Strohecker et al., 1968; Otte, 1984). At present, S. californicus has been reported solely from California (Strohecker et al., 1968; Otte, 1984; Heifer, 1987). On May 31, 2002, in western Nevada, I collected two adult males of S. californicus and observed other individuals approximately 3 miles south of state highway 722, southwest of Eastgate in Churchill County (lat. 39° 16' 15" N, long. 117° 53' 27" W). The two males (now deposited in the Essig Museum at the University of California at Berkeley) were collected with Cratypedes lateritius (Saussure) in an area with abundant sage- brush (Artemisia spinescens Eaton). The two male specimens have red hind tibia, hind wings with a yellow basal area, a bilobed rather than trilobed epiphal- lus, and other morphological characters consistent with specimens from Cali- fornia (Otte, 1984). The Nevada specimens are darker overall than that illustrat- ed by Otte (1984), but are within the range of variation exhibited by Sticthippus californicus specimens in the Essig Museum. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank C. Barr (Essig Museum) for access to specimens, and D. E. Erwin and H. E. Schorn (U.C. Museum of Paleontology) for their assistance in the field. LITERATURE CITED Heifer, J. R. 1987. How to know the grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches and their allies. Dover Publications, New York. 363 pp. Otte, D. 1984. The North American grasshoppers. Volume II Acrididae Oedipodinae. Harvard Uni- versity Press, Cambridge. 366 pp. Scudder, S. H. 1892. The orthopteran genus Hippiscus-lV. Pysche 6: 317-320. Strohecker, H. F., W. W. Middlekauff, and D. C. Rentz. 1968. The grasshoppers of California (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Bulletin of the California Insect Survey 10: 1-177. 1 Received on January 16, 2003. Accepted on June 23, 2004. : Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, 3258 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3258. E-mail: furcula(a!tnail. bio. tamu.edu. Mailed on November 12, 2004 Vol. 1 1 5, No. 1 , January & February 2004 55_ SCIENTIFIC NOTE INSECT MEALS FROM A LEPTODACTYLID FROG (AMPHIBIA: LEPTODACTYIDAE) IN DOMINICAN AMBER (MIOCENE, 23 MA)1 Scott R. Anderson2 Dominican amber is renowned for both its clarity and taxonomic breadth of biological inclusions. Nearly every insect order and a variety of small vertebrates have been found in Dominican amber. Though insects are sometimes observed with vertebrate inclusions, most are not directly associated with the vertebrate, simply being victims of the same entombment. A few vertebrates have been observed with dipteran larvae surrounding them (Grimaldi, 1996; Poinar and Cannatella, 1987), showing that the decay was in progress when entombment occurred. The stomach contents consisting of several distinct insect meals of a leptodactylid frog in 23 million-year-old Dominican Amber is herein described, and is the first direct evidence of insects associated with a vertebrate during its lifetime. The partial insects comprising the frog's stomach contents were primarily examined under a binocular/stereo dissecting scope, utilizing a variable zoom range of 15 to 90 times magnification. Lighting was supplied from above (direct) and below (backlighting) in varying intensities. Photography was performed by using a dissecting microscope (Nikon SMZ-10) with a digital camera connected to a personal computer equipped with the software program Auto-Montage. Auto-Montage integrates images taken at slightly different focal planes and endows the newly formed images with extended depth of field. Measurements were taken with a standard ruler calibrated in millimeters. The stomach contents consisting of several distinct insect meals are located adjacent to the upper surface of the leptodactylid frog's tongue. The tongue is ap- proximately 7 mm long from base to apex. The stomach contents occur on the anterior portion of the tongue, being approximately 3 mm long by 2 mm height. The stomach contents are partially obscured by the well-preserved upper portions of the hind leg (femur and tibiofibula present, as well as muscles, tendons, and skin). Figure 1 shows the location of the leptodactylid frog's tongue and stomach contents: the three lowermost arrows point to the tongue while a fourth arrow indicates the insect meals. Rotation and realignment of the specimen allows for the careful examination of the partial insect within the stomach contents. The stomach contents can be divided into two main areas: a distinct partial hind leg and a rounded mass of indistinct, partially digested insects, approxi- 1 Received on August 20, 2004. Accepted on September 23, 2004. -Tetra Tech NUS, Inc., 661 Andersen Drive, Foster Plaza, Building #7, Fifth Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15220 U.S.A. E-mail: AndersonS@ttnus.com. Mailed on November 12, 2004 56 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS mately 2 mm long by 2 mm wide. The distinct partial hind leg occurs close to the anterior portion of the tongue and is obscured from most views by the femur and skin of the frog. The tarsus, tibia, and a portion of the femur are visible and are all well preserved. The preserved portion of the femur is approximately 1 mm, while the tibia and tarsus each measure approximately 2 mm. A portion of the tar- sus is obscured by the rounded mass of insect partials. Though incomplete, the femur is thickened compared to the tibia. The tibia has at least five spines. The spines are relatively long (longer than tibia diameter) and appear movable. Based on the observed characteristics, this insect meal was likely a common ground cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Nemobinnae). Due to the awkward rota- tion required to view this portion of the stomach contents and the resultant irreg- ular surface created, photography of this feature has not yet proved successful. Fig. 1 Location of the tongue and stomach contents of the leptodactylid frog entombed in 23 million-year-old Dominican Amber. The second area of stomach contents that are observed consists of a rounded mass of insect partials approximately 2 mm long by 2 mm height. Though par- tially obscured by the femur and tibiofibula of the frog, most details of this area are readily observable when the specimen is rotated. Overall, this portion of the stomach contents appears to be a clumping of insect partials in a definite round- ed mass. Most of the partial insects are indistinguishable, sclerotized portions of unidentifiable insects, exhibiting little recognizable structure besides the general sclerotized appearance. This is evidence of their partial digestion. One, very well-preserved slightly clubbed, 11 -segmented, antenna is observed. A second antenna is also observed (appears to be the counterpart to the well-preserved antenna), but is deteriorated and total number of segments cannot be determined. Figure 2 shows this second area of stomach contents. The very well-preserved, slightly clubbed antenna is designated by an arrow, while a second arrow shows the clumped, deteriorated insect partials. Though two hymenopterans (families undetermined) are observed within the amber specimen, the partial insects that comprise the stomach contents of the Vol. 115, No. 1, January & February 2004 57 Fig. 2 Close-up of second area of stomach contents (clumped partial insects shown in Figure 1 ). frog are the only ones located in close proximity to the frog. Their deteriorated appearance shows that they were partially digested. At least two meals are iden- tifiable within the stomach contents, although more are possible based on the general deteriorated state of the insect mass. Regardless of the total number of insect meals, finding both the soft tissue tongue and stomach contents of a fossil frog is phenomenal. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks are given to my wife Heidi for allowing me to purchase the frog from Roy Larimer in 2000 and for her understanding and patience u hile I research this unique and interesting specimen. I am also grateful to Jorge A. Santiago-Blay (Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA) and Patrick R. Craig (Monte Rio, California, USA) for their invaluable input and critique. LITERATURE CITED Crimaldi, D. A. 1996. Amber: Window to the Past, American Museum of Natural History, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, N, U.S.A. 216 pp. Poinar, Jr., G. O. 1992. Life in Amber, Stanford University Press. Stanford, California, U.S.A. 350 pp. Poinar, Jr., G. O. and D. C. Cannatclla. 1987. An Upper Eocene Frog from the Dominican Republic and Its Implication for Caribbean Biogeography, Science, Volume 237. pp 1215-1216. Poinar, Jr., G. O. and R. Poinar. 1999. The Amber Forest: A Reconstruction of a Vanished World, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. 239 pp. 58 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS BOOK REVIEW EARLY AMERICAN NATURALISTS. EXPLORING THE AMERICAN WEST 1 804- 1900. J. Moring. 2002. Cooper Square Press. 200 Park Avenue South, Suite 1109. New York, NY 10003-1503 U.S.A. 241 pp. Hardcover. ISBN 0-8154-1236-3. Early American Naturalists Exploring the American West 1804-1900, delineates some of the trajectories of natural history in the United States during the post Lewis and Clark portion of the 19th century from three different and interlacing perspectives: chronological, biographical, and thematic. Fortunately, this book is more than a chronology, a collection of biographies, or an abstract discourse. Throughout his book, Moring emphasizes three major themes: 1) the human face of scientific research, 2) the links between science and politics, and 3) the progressive specialization of biology as the 19th century came to a closure. I detail those topics in the following paragraphs. Moring describes the lives of numerous early explorers, including the multiple difficulties 19th century nat- uralists working in the U.S.A. had to face to get research done (e.g. the tragic loss of life, such as that of David Douglas, and/or specimens, including Thomas Say's, the father of American entomology, inability to keep his specimens well preserved) and their often extraordinary personalities. The preservationist attitudes of John Muir (pronounced Miur) contrast starkly with the less than ideal research methods and personal ambitions of vertebrate paleontologists Cope and Marsh. After reading the book, well seasoned practitioners of natural his- tory, and even those on the sidelines will wonder how little some of the human aspects of science have changed. The book is sprinkled with humor (e.g. Audubon's depictions of imaginary fish precipitously described by the prolific Rafmisque or NuttalFs use of his rifle as a botanical digging tool). Characters of some notoriety in United States history (e.g. Aaron Burr and P. T. Barnum), those known more within museum cir- cles (e.g. Spencer Baird, third Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and his extensive network of collectors that helped making the "nation's attic" a world class natural history collection) or, sadly, faculty members who allegedly exploited students for their own benefit, parade in front of us, with their virtues and faults. Early American Naturalists is filled with examples of how naturalists from the incipient nation, especial- ly from the city of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), the major intellectual center of the United States during most of the 19th century, navigated the treacherous political waters to land favorable positions. Letters of recom- mendation from influential notables, then as now, came in handy for some hopefuls. By the middle third of the 19th century, passionate adventurers from all works of life and some who wanted to avoid becoming involved in the American Civil War had joined the ranks of the natural historians. Wave after wave headed west and, as if they had Copland's "Rodeo" as a background, national and international naturalists became part of the American expansion. As the 19th century comes to an end, the emphasis gradually shifts from general collecting by people with little formal preparation to generally more careful study and selective collecting by those with more exten- sive academic preparation (e.g. the "Scientifics" of Wilkes' expedition or the geological or biological sur- veys). Also, the academic motivations also slowly moved from discovering biodiversity to finding overarch- ing biological principles that help understand what has been collected. It is in this context that Darwin's evo- lutionary hypothesis appears in a timely fashion and on generally fertile grounds. Although American Natural History is dominated by men, the lives of several notable women, such as Martha Maxwell and Florence Merriam Bailey, are described in considerable detail. While I truly enjoyed reading Early American Naturalists, this work would have benefited from a more extensive "Further Reading" section (including references to the abundant resources of the internet) to reach readers avid to learn about major events (e.g. Louisiana Purchase, financial crisis of 1857), people (e.g. Asa Gray, John Wesley Powell), places or institutions (e.g. Peale family and their museum - see back cover of this issue - U.S. Biological Survey), and routes of early explorers (e.g. Pike, Long, Custis) could have been direct- ed to. In spite of these drawbacks, Early American Naturalists Exploring the American West is a good intro- duction to the subject and nicely brings to the forefront part of the Zeitgeist of the American 1 9th century. Those little or not familiarized with the historical context of 19th century natural history in the United States will benefit from reading this book. Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121 National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution P.O. Box 37012, Washington, District of Columbia 20560 U.S.A. E-mail: santiago-blay(fl'nmnh. si.edu. Mailed on November 12, 2004 Vol. 115, No. 1, January & February 2004 59_ BOOK REVIEW NIGHT VISIONS. The Secret Designs of Moths. Joseph Scheer. 2003. Prestel Publishing. 175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 402, New York, NY 10010 USA. 199 pp. HARDCOVER US$30.60 (approximately). To read Night Visions is to hold a work of art, the result of an obsession that originated by acci- dent. This work is totally dedicated to moths, turning any previous fears of these "misconceived crea- tures of the night" into adoration and wonder. This work entices readers' eyes, beginning with a table of contents hidden under a two-page wide - each page is 1 1.5" by 13.5" - wing of a Hyalophora cecropia saturniid. Moth images are magnified many times, revealing magnificent details that are only possible to see with microscopes or very good hand lenses. Night Visions is less of a scientific read and more of a visual appreciation experience. The author, Joseph Sheer, also an artist, printmaker, and professor, introduces Night Visions by describing how his obsession with moths of all shapes and sizes originated. He describes how he had tested a new scanner by snaring a live house fly inside. The elaborate structures, which were revealed by fourteen thousand pixels per inch, sparked Scheer's curiosity in other insects. This sole incident seeded years of artistic and entomological growth for the author. Sheer describes his personal experiences with moths in a storytelling fashion. He brings these night-dwelling creatures into a lively spotlight. Night Visions ' contents include three chapters entitled: "Attracted to Light" by Joseph Scheer; "Moths: Species Rich, but Little Known" by Marc Epstein; and "Nature's Art and Technological Imagination" by Johanna Drucker. These write-ups are preceded by a selection of 72 plates of moth imagery - the creme de la creme among the thousands of scans Scheer has made through the years - followed by a list of featured moths, their classification, and wingspan dimensions. Small plate num- bers and the scientific are printed on each image so as not to distract the readers' focus from the moths' microscopic intricacies and immeasurable beauty. Some images are full body while others are close ups of the head, antennae, or textured wing patterns. The only shortcomings I noticed are small portions of some images that are slightly out of focus. Scheer's "Attracted to Light" points out that there are one hundred and fifty thousand species of moths, eight times the number of their better known and more popular siblings, the butterflies. Epstein's "Moths: Species Rich, but Little Known," touches on the classification, descriptions, and identifications of each featured species. This teaser is a vignette of questions and answers brought up by the study of moths, such as the possible explanations for moths' attraction to lights and the prob- able significance of their complex mimetic color patterns. Lastly, "Nature's Art and Technological Imagination" by Drucker is a well-written history of science and image translation. She presents an original and poetic explanation of the images in the book as "artwork, not scientific records." "Artis- tic expression with sophisticated tools" that helps you visually meditate on the extreme detail. She states how technology assists us to "see first and intellectualize afterwards." Despite this book's acci- dental origin, it is an inspiring visual documentary of the author's work. While Scheer's solo exhibi- tions are limited by the space provided, this book portrays over a hundred beautiful species of moths. Night Visions enriches the understanding of moth biodiversity for the non-expert reader and gen- uinely sensitizes us to the world of moths. Katherine Marie Schuler Corcoran College of Art and Design Washington, District of Columbia 20006 USA E-mail: katie_miamifl(a hotmail.com. Mailed on November 12, 2004 60 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS BOOK REVIEW BUGS BEFORE TIME: PREHISTORIC INSECTS AND THEIR RELA- TIVES. Cathy Camper. Illustrated by Steve Kirk. 2002. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. 40 pp. ISBN 0-689-82092-5. US$16.95. Cathy Camper tells readers right from the beginning to quit worrying about insects taking over Earth in the future — "...scientists who work with insects know that bugs have already taken over!" This picture book's brightly colored illustrations, many drawn from eye-popping perspective near ground level, make turning pages rewarding. Descriptions of fossil insects and their modern descendants reinforce for children the immensely long history of arthropods. Topics covered include insect evolution; relatives (e.g. eurypterids, trilobites, spiders, and cen- tipedes); the formation of fossils; development of wings and flight; continental drift; and geo- logic time. Steve Kirk's intriguing artwork highlights the ordinary, such as cockroaches and dragonflies, as well as the amazing — Titanopterous, a gigantic grasshopper-like insect with a wingspan of 14 inches. Dinosaurs and appropriate flora complete the scenes. There are answers to the questions, why study insects? and, more importantly, why study fossil insects? With a well-tuned understanding of what interests children, Camper illustrates points with familiar ref- erences, often related to size: "Imagine trying to stomp on a cockroach almost as big as your shoe!" Prehistoric Arthropleura was "probably bigger than your mom." Descriptions include correct scientific terminology, such as: cerci, ovipositor, chelicerae, and others. Insect classes are referred to by name: Diploda (millipedes), Chilopoda (centipedes), Protodonata (ancient dragonfly look-alikes), etc. A bibliography and pronunciation glossary completes the lively text. Bugs Before Time: Prehistoric Insects and Their Relatives is an absorbing choice for young bug enthusiasts from ages 6 to 10. Suzanne Mclntire, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A. E-mail: maxintire@comcast.net. Mailed on November 12, 2004 Reviewers. When submitting papers, all authors are requested to provide the names of two qual- ified individuals who have critically reviewed the manuscript before it is submitted to Entomological News. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. All papers, except book reviews, are forwarded to experts for final review before acceptance. In order to expedite the review process, authors are also asked to suggest the name, address, email, tele- phone and fax of at least three experts in the subject field to whom the manuscript may be forward- ed for additional review. Ideally, the review process should be completed within 30 days. The editor reserves his prerogative of sending the manuscript to other reviewers. Authors are also welcome to list the names of reviewers to whom the article should not be sent, with a brief explanation. 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Mail inquiry to: ProQuest Information and Learning, 300 North Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-9866 U.S.A. Entomological News is listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded. SOCIETY MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 2004 The Historic Titian Peale Butterfly and Moth Collection Jason D. Weintraub Department of Entomology, The Academy of Natural Sciences The Society's first meeting of 2004 highlighted one of the oldest entomological collections in the Western Hemisphere, the Titian Peale Butterfly and Moth Collection, housed at The Academy of Natural Sciences. Titian Peale was a prominent early natural- ist, a contemporary and collaborator of Thomas Say, and the youngest son of the large family of artists and naturalists headed by Charles Willson Peale of Phila- delphia. Peale went on some of the earliest exploring expeditions as a naturalist, including a trip to Florida in 1817 when it was still in Spanish hands, the Long Expedition in 1 820, first exploring the land between the Mississippi and the southern Rocky Mountains, and the four-year Wilkes Expedition in the 1840s to South America and the Pacific Rim. During his long life until his death in 1885, Peale continued his pur- suit of Lepidoptera, with his personal collection pro- tected from light, dermestid beetles and moisture in specially designed boxes of Peale's own construction. These boxes, and specifical- ly the book covers, allowed Peale to record a significant amount of data for these specimens, something lacking for most specimens prepared by his contemporaries. Jason Weintraub examined the collection in a wonderfully illustrated talk, taking note of the highlights of the collection, including extinct species, species new to sci- ence, and assemblages of species from rare or threatened habitats. Weintraub also discussed the project funded by a Save America s Treasures grant that has allowed the boxes to be cleaned, restored and preserved, and the specimens to be repaired and individually photographed and catalogued. This digital catalogue is expected to be available later this year in a web-accessible form on-line. Several Peale boxes were on display to accompany the evening's talk. In other notes, Mr. Marcos Lhano, of Montevideo, Uruguay, was introduced; he is spending approximately six months studying the grasshopper subfamily Leptysminae in the Orthoptera Collection at the Academy. Over 40 members and visitors were present at the meeting. Jon Gelhaus, President of the American Entomological Society (1997-2003) Corresponding Sec. of the American Entomological Society (2003-present) E-mail: gelhaus@acnatsci.org. Titian R. Peale (1799-1885) Image courtesy of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia f ? T.?.S??'AN INSTTUTION LIBRARIES Mailed on November 12, 2004 39088011158326 |£=S-3' M' MARCH & APRIL 2004 USISSN 0013-872X No. 2 OLOGICAL NEWS First record of Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) parasitizing Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Argentina, with a discussion on its distribution and host range Jerry L. Cook, Luis A. Calcaterra, and Lucas Nunez 61 Three new species of Apogonalia from the Dominican Republic (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae) Paul H. Freytag 67 Introduction of the millipede, Cleidogena nantahala Shear, in New England, U.S.A. (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Cleidogonidae) William A. Shear and Rowland M. Shelley 71 Occurrences of the centipedes, Scolopendra morsitans L. and S. subpinipes Leach, on Pacific Islands (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae) Rowland M. Shelley 78 Higher classification of the burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Scapphodonta) W. P. McCafferty 84 New state and provincial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) W. P. McCafferty, M. D. Meyer, J. M. Webb, and Luke M. Jacobus 93 Titsona tida Chamberlin, 1962, a synonym of Chon eiulus palmatus (Nemec, 1895) (Diplopoda: Julida: Blaniulidae), with new North American locality records Rowland M. Shelley and Henrik Enghoff 101 SCIENTIFIC NOTES: Description of seven new species of Janbechynea (Orsodacnidae or Chrysomelidae, sensu lato) from Mexico: availability of new names and corrections Jorge A. Santiago-Blay 108 A record of the Arctic forestfly, Nemoura arctica (Plecoptera: Nemouridae), from the contiguous United States B. C. Kondratieff and R. W. Baumann 113 A fourth Floridian record of the centipede genus Rhysida Wood, 1862; potential establishment of/?. /. longipes (Newport, 1845) in Miami-Dade County (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae: Otostigminae) Rowland M. Shelley and G. B. Edwards 1 1 6 BOOK REVIEW: Fossil Revolution. The Finds That Changed Our^Vj Douglas Palmer SOCIETY MEETING OF MARCH 24, 201 e Past by I* tjt^fftlt. _ . _ //s'I/\ Back Cover ' f 200&on Qelhaus 120 Rlt: THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY MAILED ON DECEMBER 21, 2004 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND NEW GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS OF ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Entomological News is published bimonthly except July-August by The American Entomological Society, which is headquartered at the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 United States of America. 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Please send inquiries or send completed membership form to: Office Manager at the address above, e-mail: aes@say.acnatsci.org. or call (2 15) 56 1-3978. Previous editors of Entomological News: 1890 Eugene Murray-Aaron (1852-1940); 1890-1920 Henry Skinner (186 1-1926); 1921-1944 Philip P. Calvert (1871- 1961); 1945-1967 R.G. Schmieder( 1898- 1967); 1968-1972 Ross H. Arnett, Jr. (1919-1999); 1973-1974 R.W. Lake; 1974-2002 Howard P. Boyd; 2002-2003 F. Christian Thompson and Michael Pogue. New Guidelines for authors of Entomological News: Further guidelines can be found on http://www.geocities.com/entomologicalnews/instructions.htm Subject Coverage: Entomology, sensu lato. Manuscripts on systematics, ecology, evolution, mor- phology, physiology, behavior, biodiversity, conservation, paleobiology, and other aspects of insect and terrestrial arthropod life as well as nomenclature, biographies and history of entomology, among others, are appropriate topics for papers submitted to Entomological News. Papers on applied, economic, and reg- ulatory entomology or on toxicology and related subjects will be considered only if they also make a major contribution in one of the aforementioned fields. Any author may submit papers. Manuscripts will be accepted from any author, although, papers from members of the American Entomological Society are given priority. It is suggested that all prospec- tive authors join the AES. Send manuscripts, books for review, and editorial correspondence to the editor. All manuscripts, including scientific notes and book reviews, submitted for publication in Entomological News as well as all associated editorial communications must be sent to the Editor, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay at this address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121 , National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 U.S.A. If an author uses a mailing service that does not accept addresses with a P. O. Box, please use this address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, West Loading Dock, Washington, District of Columbia 20560 U.S.A. Other means of contacting the Editor are, as follows: Phone: (202) 633-1383, Fax: (202) 786-2832, e-mails: santiago-blay@nmnh.si.edu, or blayj@hotmail.com, or via the webpage at http://www.geocities.com/entomologicalnews/contact. htm. Books for review should also be sent to the editor who will, in turn, give them to a colleague for review. Agreement. By submitting a paper for publication, authors tacitly agree to not submit in parallel the same manuscript to another journal. For published papers, authors agree to accept responsibility for all page, illustration, and requested reprint charges. Rejected manuscripts will be discarded, except for origi- nal artwork and photographs, which will be returned to the authors. Scientific Notes and Book Reviews. These are much shorter contributions, typically not exceeding two printed pages. The main difference between these types of contributions and longer papers is that sci- entific notes and book reviews lack an abstract and most of the main headings, except for the acknowl- edgments and the literature cited sections. Postmaster: If undeliverable, please send to The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway / Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT DOVER, DELAWARE 19901 U.S.A. Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 6_1_ FIRST RECORD OF CAENOCHOLAX FENYESI (STREPSIPTERA: MYRMECOLACIDAE) PARASITIZING SOLENOPSIS INVICTA (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) IN ARGENTINA, WITH A DISCUSSION ON ITS DISTRIBUTION AND HOST RANGE1 Jerry L. Cook2, Luis A. Calcaterra', and Lucas Nunez4 ABSTRACT: The first record of Caenocholax fenyesi parasitizing the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, in South America is documented. Caenocholax fenyesi males were collected from colonies of 5. invicta in northeastern Argentina. This record helps to clarify the occurrence and host utilization of C. fenyesi in the United States, where S. invicta is an invasive exotic species. This record, along with other recent reports, suggests that C. fenvesi males are generalist parasites, not uti- lizing a narrow host range, as do most known strepsipterans. However, the potential presence of cryp- tic species is an alternate explanation. KEY WORDS: Solenopsis invicta, Caenocholax fenvesi. host association, distribution, host speci- ficity, host switching Host relationships in the strepsipteran family Myrmecolacidae are poorly known. However, in all species whose host has been documented, a form of het- eronomy exists (Kathirithamby 1989). Males utilize ants (Hymenoptera, Formi- cidae) as hosts during their developmental stages, while females use orthop- teroids for developmental stages and as the host of adult females (Kathirithamby and Hamilton 1992). Most species of Myrmecolacidae are known only from males, which are collected in their adult, free-living stage. These adult males are rarely collected with a host association, and hosts are currently known for males of eight of the 108 myrmecolacid species (Wesrwood 1861, Hofeneder 1949, Luna de Carvalho, 1972, 1973, Teson & Remes Lenicov 1979, Kathirithamby 1991, and Kathirithamby and Johnston 1992, 2003). Additionally, several para- sitized ant species have been collected but their associated strepsipteran species was not identified (Ogloblin 1939, Hughes et al. 2003). The first host association between Caenocholax fenyesi Pierce and the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, was discovered by Kathirithamby and Johnston (1992) in Texas, USA. This host association was considered as a crossover host since it appeared unlikely that parasitized S. invicta and the unknown orthopteroid female host were both simultaneously introduced and 1 Received on March 31, 2004. Accepted on July 16, 2004. : Department of Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2116 U.S.A. E-mail: bio_jlc(«ishsu.edu. 1 USDA-ARS South American Biological Control Laboratory, Bolivar 1559 Hurlingham, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. E-mail: trapisondaw tutopia.com. 4 USDA-ARS South American Biological Control Laboratory, Bolivar 1559 Hurlingham, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1 15 (2): 61, March & April 2004 Mailed on December 21, 2004 62 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS migrated throughout the southeastern United States in a span of less than 75 years (Cook 1996). Kathirithamby and Hughes (2002) discovered Camponotus planatus Roger parasitized by C. fenyesi in Veracruz, Mexico, and speculated that C. plana- tus was the original host of C. fenyesi. This discovery was from the vicinity of the type locality of C. fenyesi (Pierce 1909). Dolichoderus bispinosus Olivier was also recently found hosting C. fenyesi in the same Mexican locality (Hughes et al. 2003). Genetic studies by Kathirithamby and Johnston (2003) report that male C. fenyesi from Texas in S. invicta are 15 percent divergent from the morphologically identical male from Mexico, parasitic in D. bispinosus. This led them to name C. fenyesi from Texas C. fenyesi texensis and from Mexico C. fenyesi waloffi. The first report of Caenocholax in South America was given by Ogloblin (1939) from collections in Argentina and Brazil. Ogloblin found male specimens in Phei- dole radoschkowski reflexans Santschi that he reported as a new species of Caeno- cholax, but did not name the strepsipteran species. He found more of this strep- sipteran species in Pheidole fallax emiliae Forel and an additional undetermined Pheidole species. Ogloblin also found three fire ant species; Solenopsis saevissima pylades Forel (now S. xyloni), S. saevissima quinque cusp sis Forel (now S. quin- quecuspis), and S. saevissima richteri Forel (now S. richteri) in Missiones and Salta province, Argentina, that he reported as being parasitized by an undetermined spec- ies of Myrmecolax. This species was named Myrmecolax ogloblini by Luna de Carvalho (1973). Later, Teson and Remes Lenicov (1979) observed specimens from the Ogloblin collection taken from the Pheidole species (labeled as Caenocholax pheidolephagus, but never published) and determined that they were Caenocholax brasiliensis Oliveira and Kogan. Caenocholax brasiliensis and M. ogloblini have since been synonymized with C. fenyesi (Kathirithamby and Hughes 2002). The distribution of C. fenyesi confirms that its males must be hosted by more than one ant species, unless C. fenyesi constitutes a species complex. Caenocholax fenyesi has a currently known range from the southern United States to Chile and Argentina (Cook et al. 1997; Kathirithamby and Hughes 2002). While its known distribution now appears disjunct, it is probably widespread throughout this region. New collections continue to fill areas missing from the known distribution. The dis- tribution of S. invicta is well known, and it is not found in Mexico, Central America, or Ecuador, where C. fenyesi occurs. Camponotus planatus is a widely distributed species, but its northern limit includes only the southernmost part of Texas and parts of Florida. Its southern distribution limit does not include Chile and Argentina (W. P. MacKay unpublished data). In this paper we make the first report of C. fenyesi parasitizing S. invicta in its homeland and discuss its host relationships. NEW HOST ASSOCIATION RECORDS Fifteen Caenocholax fenyesi males were isolated from four Solenopsis invicta colonies from northeastern Argentina. The S. invicta colonies were being main- tained in laboratory rearing conditions at USDA-ARS-SABCL as part of a study of preference of Pseudacteon flies (Diptera: Phoridae) for different fire ant hosts. Two colonies were collected on September 11, and the others on November 20, 2003. Three colonies were from Herradura (S 26° 31', W 58° 17'), Formosa Province, on Vol. 115, No. 2. March & April 2004 63_ the coast of the Paraguay River. The other colony was collected near Centre Nacional de Desarrollo Acuicola (CENADAC), 20 km from Corrientes (S 27° 23', W 58° 41'), Corrientes Province, on the coast of the Parana River. Both collecting sites are located in the eastern limit of the phytogeographical province of the Chaco. This province has a mean annual temperature of 20 to 23°C and an annual rainfall of 1,200 mm (Cabrera and Willink 1980) with a pronounced dry season. The area where the colonies were collected has a somewhat higher rainfall because it is located near a tropical rain forest habitat and the main rivers of the region (Parana and Paraguay). Colonies were collected, separated from the soil by flotation (Banks et al. 1981 ), and housed in ventilated plastic rearing trays (40 x 30 x 15 cm) with plastic cover and a 7-cm plaster nest to provide humidity. Trays containing 2g of worker ants (-3000 ants) and 2g of brood were maintained at 25°C and 60 percent RH, fed sugar water, and provided water ad libitum. The trays were being examined daily for the presence of Pseudacteon (Phoridae) pupae. Caenocholax fenyesi males were found between October 3 and 20, 2003, with additional specimens collected between December 19, 2003, and January 2, 2004. We found only 15 C. fenyesi males from the approximately 12,000 S. invicta workers. Supposing the males emerged from different workers as is typical for this species (Cook 1996), the parasitism rate from these colonies was less than 0.2 per- cent. However, this may be an underestimation because stylopized ants lose their social instincts and abandon the nest (Ogloblin 1939, Cook 1996). The strepsipterans were morphologically identified in the laboratory at Sam Houston State University. Three male C. fenyesi from this collection are deposited in the entomology collection at Sam Houston State University. The other individu- als were kept at the SABCL collection. In addition, a survey was conducted to search for C. fenyesi females in late November and early December 2003 in both areas where the S. invicta colonies were found parasitized. A total of 2 1 7 orthopterans were collected and examined, but none were parasitized by C. fenyesi. Collecting methods were light trapping (three hours each day and for three days), sweeping (during 30 minutes), and pit- fall trapping (40 vials were put every 10 m for two days). In Herradura, 154 orthop- terans (70 Grillidae, 77 Acrididae, and 7 Gryllotalpidae) were collected in the light traps and 8 Grillidae in the pitfall traps (2 of them were parasitized with dipteran parasites). In Corrientes, 35 orthopterans were collected from sweeping ( 1 of them parasitized by a nematode). DISCUSSION The lack of information on host associations in the Myrmecolacidae is common, and in the case of C. fenyesi has led to several speculations about its host relation- ships. Cook (1996) speculated that C. fenyesi most likely did not move with its host from S. invicta s introduction into Mobile, Alabama, around 1918 (Creighton 1930) to Texas by its discovery in 1988 (reported by Kathirithamby and Johnston 1992). This move would have required a simultaneous move of both sexes, which occur in different hosts, or by the first larval instar. The dispersal stage is the first instar 64 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS larva, which must find and infect its host. It is unlikely that a 50u larva, which moves by walking legs and sometimes jumping with its caudal appendage, will dis- perse very far in any given generation (Cook et al. 1998). Although dispersal may also be mediated by a host female, which may disperse into an area where suitable hosts for both strepsipteran hosts occurs. Kathirithamby and Hughes' (2002) discovery ofC.fenyesi using C. planatus as a host led them to speculate that it may be the original host. This supposition pres- ents two problems, how S. invicta became its host in central Texas and why C. planatus would be the most likely original host. First, if C. fenyesi made a host switch from C. planatus to S. invicta, there is a logistical problem. Camponotus planatus only occurs in Texas in southern counties of the Rio Grande Valley, and the closest it has been reported to Brazos County (location of the material for the original host association) is the material that we (JLC) collected in San Patricio County and separate material collected by William P. Mackay from Victoria County (O'Keefe et al. 2000). Solenopsis invicta did not invade this region of Texas until the mid-1970s (Callcott and Collins 1996). The original host associa- tion that Kathirithamby and Johnston (1992) described was from specimens col- lected in 1988. While it is not impossible that C. fenyesi dispersed this far, it is unlikely given the dual host association of this strepsipteran and its low dispersal ability. It is even more unlikely that C. planatus is the source of C. fenyesi collect- ed in Louisiana between 1964 and 1967 (Khalaf 1968), in Mississippi in 1966 (Khalaf 1969), and in 1960 from Arizona (Johnson and Morrison 1979). The pres- ence of C. fenyesi in Arizona is most problematic to support the speculation of Kathirithamby and Hughes because neither C. planatus nor S. invicta are known to occur in Arizona. The second problem of what ant species is the original host of C. fenyesi is becoming more difficult to determine with the discovery of different host associations. The host record of C planatus from the type locality of C. fenye- si does not necessarily suggest that it is the original host, but only documents that this could be the host of the type population. More recently, D. bispinosus has also been recorded from this region in Mexico, making even that assumption unclear. The discovery of C. fenyesi utilizing S. invicta as a host in its native Argentina makes it an additional candidate as a primary host. The recent discovery of S. invic- ta in northwestern Argentina (Calcaterra et al. unpublished data), where males of C. fenyesi were also collected (Kathirithamby and Hughes 2002), could support this idea. All of these host ants are being parasitized in their natural habitats, as well as S. invicta being parasitized in its invaded territory of the United States. None of these ant species are found throughout the range of C. fenyesi, so there is a problem with designating any of them as an "original host," at least from the evi- dence that we now have. Other likely candidates could be other fire ants with wide distributions, such as Solenopsis xyloni McCook or Solenopsis geminata Fabricius, however, there is no concrete evidence that either is even a host. The only evidence for this assumption is that their distributions coincide in part with that of C. fenye- si; they are closely related to one known host, S. invicta; and Ogloblin's (1939) dis- covery of a specimen of what he identified as S. s. pylades Forel parasitized by a myrmecolacid that he did not identify. Solenopsis saevissima pylades is now a syn- onym of S. xyloni (Trager 1991). However, the identity of this Solenopsis species Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 65_ needs confirmation because S. xyloni is not thought to occur in South America (Trager 1991, Pitts 2002). The host found in Misiones by Ogloblin could be S. invicta, S. richteri, or S. macdonaghi. Solenopsis invicta is the most abundant of these species in this area. One conclusion that can now be garnered from the data we have is that male C. fenyesi is a generalist parasite of ants. If all of these strepsipteran specimens belong to the same species, C. fenyesi, then it certainly is not host specific. Males of C. fenyesi are currently associated with three species of ants that are not even in the same subfamily (S. invicta is in the subfamily Myrmicinae, D. bispinosus in Doli- choderinae, and C. planatus in Formicinae). The female would also be a generalist with our current associations. One host of the female C. fenyesi has been identified by Kathirithamby and Johnston (2003) as the cricket Macroanaxipha macilenta (Saussure). Prior to this, Kathirithamby and Hughes (2002) synonymized Myrme- colax ogloblini Luna de Carvalho under C. fenyesi, which would be an additional host for the female. Myrmecolax ogloblini was described from material Ogloblin had collected and called Mantidoxenos argentinum. The hosts of this species are Camponotus punctulatus cruentatus Forel for the male and Acanthiotespis macu- laus (Saussure) for the female (Luna de Carvalho 1973). Acanthiotespis maculatus is in the order Mantodea. If this synonymy is correct it would mean that the female is utilizing hosts in at least two separate orders, Mantodea and Orthoptera. An alternate conclusion may be that there are cryptic species that are all mor- phologically similar to C. fenyesi. In this scenario, different host species may have different strepsipteran parasites. In the light of Kathirithamby and Johnston's (2002) genetic analysis, this may be more logical. Molecular approaches and host specificity tests are needed to clarify this subject. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Sanford Porter (USDA-ARS-Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Ento- mology) and Juan Briano (USDA-ARS-South American Biological Control Laboratory) for reviewing the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Banks, W. A., C. L. Lofgren, D. P. Jouvenaz, C. E. Stringer, P. M. Bishop, D. F. Williams, D. P. Wojcik, and B. M. Clancy. 1981. Techniques for collecting, rearing, and handling red imported fire ants. United States Department of Agriculture, Advances in Agricultural Technology, Southern Series 21: 1-9. Cabrera, A. L. and A. Willink. 1980. Biogeografia de America Latina. OEA, Serie Biologica 13. Washington, District of Columbia, U.S.A. 122 pp. Callcott, M. A. and H. L. Collins. 1996. Invasion and range expansion of imported fire ants (Hyme- noptera: Formicidae) in North America from 1918-1995. Florida Entomologist 79: 240-251. Cook, J. L. 1996. A study of the relationship between Cacnncholax fcnvcsi Pierce (Strepsiptera. Myrmecolacidae) and the red imported fire ant. Soh-nopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera, Formi- cidae). Ph.D. Dissertation (Entomology) Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, U.S.A. 172 pp. Cook, J. L., J. S. Johnston, R. E. Gold, and S. B. Vinson. 1997. Distribution of Caenocholax fenve- si (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) and the habitats most likely to contain its stylopized host, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Environmental Entomology 26: 1258-1262. 66 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Cook, J. L., S. B. Vinson, and R. E. Gold. 1998. Developmental stages of Caenocholax fenyesi Pierce (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae): descriptions and significance to the higher taxonomy of Strepsiptera. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 27: 21-26. Creighton, W. S. 1930. The new world species of the genus Solenopsis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Science 66: 39-151. Hofeneder, K. 1949. Uber einige Strepsipteren. Broteria 18: 109-122, 145-166. Hughes, D. P., G. Moya-Raygoza, and J. Kathirithamby. 2003. The first record among Dolicho- derinae (Formicidae) of parasitism by Strepsiptera. Insectes Sociaux 50: 148-150. Johnson, V. and W. P. Morrison. 1979. New North American distribution records for four species of Strepsiptera. Entomological News 90: 251-255. Kathirithamby, J. 1989. Review of the order Strepsiptera. Systematic Entomology 14: 41-92. Kathirithamby, J. 1991. Stichotrema robertsoni spec. n. (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae): the first report of stylopisation in minor workers of an ant (Pheidole sp.: Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa 54: 9-15. Kathirithamby, J. and W. D. Hamilton. 1992. More covert sex: the elusive females of Myrmeco- lacidae. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7: 349-351. Kathirithamby, J. and D. P. Hughes. 2002. Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) para- sitic in Camponotus planatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Mexico: Is this the original host? Annals of the Entomological Society of America 95: 558-563. Kathirithamby, J. and J. S. Johnston. 1992. Stylopization of Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) by Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera: Myrmecolacidae) in Texas. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 85: 293-297. Kathirithamby, J. and J. S. Johnston. 2003. The discovery after 94 years of the elusive female of a myrmecolacid (Strepsiptera), and the cryptic species of Caenocholax fenyesi Pierce sensu lato. Proceedings of the Royal Society London, B (Suppl.), Biological Letters. Published online 17 Sept. 2003. (DOI 10.1098/rsbl.2003.0078). Khalaf, K. T. 1968. The seasonal incidence of free Strepsiptera (Insecta) males in southern Louisiana. American Midland Naturalist 80: 565-568. Khalaf, K. T. 1969. Strepsiptera from the Mississippi Coast. Florida Entomologist 52: 53. Luna de Carvalho, E. 1972. Quarta contribuicao para o estudo dos Estrepsipteros angolenses (Insecta Strepsiptera). Publicacoes Culturais da Companhia de Diamantes da Angola (Lisbon) 84: 109-130. Luna de Carvalho, E. 1973. Estudo sobre o " ' Mantidoxenos argentinus" (Myrmecolax Ogloblin), nom. nov. (Insecta Strepsiptera Myrmecolacidae). Ciencia Biologica (Portugal) 1: 51-56. Ogloblin, A. A. 1939. The Strepsiptera parasites of ants. International Congress of Entomology, Berlin 19382: 1277-1284. O'Keefe, S. T., J. L. Cook, T. Dudek, D. F. Wunneburger, M. D. Guzman, R. N. Coulson, and S. B. Vinson. 2000. The distribution of Texas Ants. Southwestern Entomologist 22 (Supplement): 1-92. Pierce, W. D. 1909. A monographic revision of the twisted winged insects comprising the order Strepsiptera Kirby. Bulletin of the U. S. National Museum 66: 1-232. Pitts, J. P. 2002. A cladistic analysis of Solenopsis saevissima species-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ph.D. Dissertation (Entomology). University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia, U.S.A. 266 pp. Teson, A. and A. M. M. Remes Lenicov. 1979. Estrepsipteros parasitoides de Himenopteros (Insecta - Strepsiptera). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica. 38: 1 15-122. Trager, J. C. 1991. A revision of the fire ants, Solenopsis geminata group. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 99: 141-198. Westwood, J. O. 1861. Notice on the occurrence of a strepsipterous insect parasitic on ants discovered in Ceylon y Herr Niener. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 5: 418-420. Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 67_ THREE NEW SPECIES OF APOGONALIA FROM THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (HOMOPTERA, CICADELLIDAE, CICADELLINAE)1 Paul H. Freytag2 ABSTRACT: Three new species of Apogonalia from the Dominican Republic are described, A. angusta, A. noda, and A. loxa. KEY WORDS: Apogonalia, new species, Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae, Dominican Republic The species of Apogonalia that occur on Hispaniola were reviewed by Young (1977). At that time four species were known, A. histro (Fabricius), A. interrup- ta (Signoret), A. pinguis Young and A. robusta (Walker). Three new species have now been found and are described here, two are related to A. pinguis and the other is not closely related to any of the four known species. Apogonalia angusta NEW SPECIES (Figures 1-5) Description: Length of males 7.5 mm, females unknown. Similar to A. pinguis in general ap- pearance, except slightly smaller, and more slender. General color pattern similar to pinguis, except with a dark brown spot, bordered by yellow, along middle of costa and a smaller greenish spot at base of costa. Male genitalia: Plates (Fig. 1) shorter then pygofer. Pygofer longer than wide, with slightly enlarged rounded apex. Paraphysis (Figs. 2 and 3) with two processes which are long, diverging, slightly enlarged near pointed apex. Aedeagus (Figs. 4 and 5) triangular in ventral view, with bifur- cate, ventrally projecting, sharply pointed apex. Type Data: Holotype male, Dominican Republic: Azua, East side of crest. Sierra Martin Garcia, 7 km WNW Barrero, 18° 21' N, 70° 58' W, 860 m, July 25-26, 1992, C. Young, R. Davidson, S. Thompson and J. Rawlins, cloud forest adjacent to disturbed forest. Paratype male, same data as holotype. Holotype and paratype have been deposited in the Carnegie Museum (Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania, U.S.A.). Notes: This species is closely related to pinguis and can be separated from it by being smaller, less robust, and with a distinctly different aedeagus. Apogonalia loxa NEW SPECIES (Figures 6- 10) Description: Length of males 7.5-8.2 mm, females 7.5-8.5 mm. Similar to A. pinguis in size and coloration of head and thorax, differing on front wing coloration and male genitalia. General col- oration similar to pinguis for head and pronotum. Front wings dark brown with three yellowish spots. 1 Received on June 3, 2004. Accepted on June I S, 2004. 'Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546 U.S.A. E-mail: pfreytag(a ix.netcom.com. Mailed on December 21, 2004 68 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS one spot in basal third of wing, one larger spot from end of clavus to the costal margin, and one across apical ends of subapical cells. Male genitalia: Plates (Fig. 6) slightly over half length of pygofer. Pygofer longer than wide, evenly rounded. Paraphysis (Figs. 7 and 8) with two thin, long, slightly diverging processes. Aedeagus similar to pinguis except lateral spines extending ventrally. Type Data: Holotype male, Dominican Republic: Pedernales, 20 km. N Cabo Rojo. 18° 07' N, 71° 39' W, 1070 m, July 23-24, 1990, C. Young, J. E. Rawlins, S. Thompson. Paratypes: two males and three females, same data as holotype. Holotype and one female paratype have been deposited in the Carnegie Museum, one male and one female paratype in the University of Kentucky Collection (Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A.), one male paratype in the Florida Collection of Arthropods (Gaines- ville, Florida, U.S.A.), and one female paratype in the National Collection, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. ANGUSTA Imm LOXA 10 Figures 1 -5 Apogonalia angusta n. sp. Fig. 1 , male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 2, paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 3, paraphysis, ventral view. Fig. 4, aedeagus, ventral view. Fig. 5, aedeagus, lateral view. Figures 6-10, Apogonalia loxa n. sp. Fig. 6, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 7, paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 8, paraphysis, ventral view. Fig. 9, aedeagus, lateral view. Fig. 10, aedeagus, ventral view. All drawn to same scale. Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 69_ Notes: This species is quite similar \opinguis, but it differs by being darker in color, with the conspicuous yellow spots and the aedeagus having the lateral spines extending ventrally. Other specimens seen are one male and two females from the same area, collected July 20 or 31, at 730 m., by the same collectors, in the Carnegie Museum. Apogonalia noda NEW SPECIES (Figures 11-16) Description: Length of males 7-7.5 mm., females 7-7.6 mm. A long, narrow, greenish species with reddish front wings. General coloration greenish yellow with dark brown pattern, and reddish under the front wings. Head and pronotum (Fig. 11) patterned with four evenly spaced dark spots across margin, two spots near ocelli, two near hind margin of head, and three irregular lines on each side of pronotum. Front wings with most longitudinal veins dark brown, patch of pink at base of wing, with underneath red. Dorsal surface of abdomen red, ventral surface reddish or dark brown. Male genitalia: Plates (Fig. 14) as long as pygofer. Pygofer long and truncate. Paraphysis (figs. 12 and 13) with two long thin parallel processes which diverge near apex. Aedeagus (Figs. 15 and 16) short with shaft simple, tubular, curving dorsad, gonopore near base. Type Data: Holotype male, Dominican Republic: Hato Mayor, Parque Los Haitises, near Cueva de Arena, 19 04' N 69° 28' W, 10 m., July 7-9, 1992, C. Young, R. Davidson, S. Thompson and J. Rawlins, costal vegetation on limestone. Paratypes: one male and two females, same data as holo- type. Holotype and one female paratype in the Carnegie Museum, one male paratype in the Univer- sity of Kentucky Collection and one female paratype in the Florida Collection of Arthropods. Notes: This species can be distinguished from all other species of Apogonalia known from Hispaniola by its evenly spaced spots on the margin of the head, or the unusual male aedeagus. Other specimens seen are one male and two females from Pedernales, from 540 to 730 m., 23-26 km. N Cabo Rojo, July 20, 1990, and two males from Barahona, near Rio Nizao, July or August 1990, all collect- ed by the same collectors, in the Carnegie Museum. 70 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 13 NODA Imm Figures 11-16 Apogonalia noda n. sp. Fig. 11, head, pronotum, and scutellum, dorsal view. Fig. 12, paraphysis, ventral view. Fig. 13, paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 14, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 15, aedeagus, ventral view. Fig. 16, aedeagus, lateral view. All drawn to same scale. LITERATURE CITED Young, D. A. 1977. Taxonomic study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Part 2. New World Cicadellini and the genus Cicadella. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 239. 1135pp. Vol. 1 1 5, No. 2. March & April 2004 7J_ INTRODUCTION OF THE MILLIPED, CLEIDOGONA NANTAHALA SHEAR, IN NEW ENGLAND, U.S.A. (DIPLOPODA, CHORDEUMATIDA, CLEIDOGONIDAE)1 William A. Shear and Rowland M. Shelley3 ABSTRACT: The milliped Cleidogona nantcthala Shear, 1972, is recorded from the New England states of Connecticut and Rhode Island, around 700 mi (1,120 km) northeast of its native area in western North Carolina. This is the third record of a species of Cleidogona from glaciated territory in eastern North America, and it is also the first documented case of a native diplopod's being trans- ported by human agency to another part of the continent and becoming established there. The species is believed to have been transported to New England after 1950 in association with rhododendrons and other Appalachian plants, and with 50 mi (80 km) between the Rhode Island and Connecticut sites, two introductions may have occurred. KEY WORDS: Cleidogena nantahala, New England, U.S.A., Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Clei- dogonidae The milliped fauna of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada is depauperate compared to that farther south (Shelley 1988). As an arbirtrary southern limit, if one extends the Mason-Dixon line (the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland) and the Ohio river through central Indiana and Illi- nois, only 61 species of Diplopoda occur to the north (based on entries in Hoff- man (1999a), 20 of which are known or suspected to be native European species that were introduced into North America through human agency. Forty-six of the 61 species, including all 20 aliens, inhabit formerly glaciated territory, so only 26 indigenous millipeds have invaded this area from refugia to the south (Shelley 2002a). Only one species, Conotyla fischeri Cook and Collins, 1895 (Chordeu- matida: Conotylidae), appears to be endemic to glaciated regions, as it is known only from northern and western New York, where it ranges from Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River to the Adirondacks and the Finger Lakes area (Shear 1971, Shelley 1988, Hoffman 1999a). Our knowledge of milliped distributions in North America, even in an area as well collected as this glaciated northeastern region, is still incomplete. However, no new taxa have been discovered there since the description of Okeanobates americanus Enghoff, 1979 (Julida: Okeanobatidae). Prior to this, the last ones were Aniuhts paludicolens Causey, 1967, Uroblaniulus stolidus Causey, 1953, and U. jerseyi (Causey, 1950), all representatives of the Parajulidae (Julida). Shelley (2001) considered A paludicolens to be a valid species, but the last two are of dubious validity and await a generic revision. Therefore, the discovery of an unreported, indigenous milliped from the northeast is of considerable interest. ' Received on March 24, 2004. Accepted on July 13, 2004. ; Biology Department, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, Virginia 23943 U.S.A. E-mail: wshear(o,ihsc.edu. 1 Research Lab., North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 4301 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 U.S.A. E-mail: rowland.shelleyta ncmail.net. Mailed on December 21, 2004 72 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS While examining the milliped collection from the Peabody Museum of Natu- ral History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (PMNH), one of us (RMS) discovered samples of a species of Cleidogona (Chordeumatida, Cleidogonidae) from Connecticut and Rhode Island. Initially, we thought the specimens repre- sented an undescribed, endemic species because they did not conform to the two most northern representatives along the Atlantic Coast, C. caesioannulata (Wood, 1865) and C. major (Cook & Collins, 1895). Some of these specimens were mentioned by Hoffman ( \999a, b), who suggested that they were C. major, but the northernmost locality of this species is Washington, DC (Shear 1972), some 300 mi (480 km) southeast of the Connecticut sites. Cleidogona caesioan- nulata has been collected as far north as Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsyl- vania (see Shear (1972:225, map 12), and would thus be the most plausible can- didate among the established species to occur in New England. However, when the specimens were dissected and the gonopods and cyphopods compared to those of described species, the millipeds turned out to be C. nantahala Shear, 1972, which occurs some 700 mi (1,120 km) to the southwest in western North Carolina and potentially also north Georgia (Shear 1972, Shelley 2000a). The identity was established through side-by-side comparisons with authentic North Carolina specimens. We present here the New England records, illustrations of the gonopods (figs. 1-3) and cyphopods (fig. 4) to facilitate future identifications of this species in the Northeast, remarks on northern representatives of Cleido- gona, and a likely explanation of how C. nantahala reached this area. Cleidogona nantahala Shear, 1972 (Figs. 1-4) Cleidogona nantahala Shear 1972:227. Hoffman, 1999a:221. Shelley, 2000a:187. Diagnosis: Gonopods apically divided, with narrow, curvilinear, apically sub- acuminate inner branch (ib) extending beyond distal extremity of laminate outer branch (ob); colpocoxite (c) apically divided (Figs. 1-3). Cyphopods with post- genital plate (pgp) distally expanded (Fig. 4). New England Records (All specimens housed at the PMNH): CONNECTICUT: New Haven Co., West Rock, cf, 9, March 22, 1964, B. Vogel. Middlesex Co., Hurd State Park, beside Connecti- cut River, Cf, March 26, 1961, C. L. Remington. RHODE ISLAND: Washington Co., Wood River crossing, Nooseneck Hill Road, under log, 9- June 2, 2003, J. E. O'Donnell, R. J. Pupedis. Remarks: Cleidogona nantahala belongs to the "Major species group" which ranges from Georgia to Washington, DC, but there is a considerable gap between the northernmost record, C. major at Washington, DC, and the New England localities. The northernmost generic record along the east coast is the aforementioned one of C. caesioannulata (a member of the "Caesioannulata species group") from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, some 110 mi (176 km) south- west of the New England localities. We believe this site represents the northern generic range limit along the east coast because no Cleidogona has been found Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 73_ to the north despite years of reasonably thorough diplopod sampling. Cleidogona caesioannulata has the widest distribution of any species, ranging from Stroudsburg westward and northward through Wayne County, Ohio, to Mason County, Michigan, on Lake Michigan about 2/3 of the distance northward on the Lower Peninsula at the level of the "thumb," and southward to North Carolina, where it occurs in all physiographic provinces and spans the state from the Coastal Plain (Beaufort County) to the Blue Ridge Mountains (Mt. Mitchell, Yancey County)4 (Johnson 1954; Shear 1972; Shelley 1978, 2000a; Kevan 1983; Snider 1991). It is plausible that C. caesioannulata adapted to colder climatic conditions during glacial maxima and spread northward following glacial retreat; it may also have occurred farther north between glacial advances, such that the present distribution represents a truncation of a once wider and more northerly one. Whatever the explanation, species of Cleidogona are almost always associ- ated with deciduous forest and probably could not have survived in periglacial tundra or taiga. It is germane to note here that unidentifiable females and juve- niles of Cleidogona have been found in Middlesex and Essex counties, Ontario, the latter being the southernmost county in Canada and directly across the Detroit River from Detroit (Judd 1967; Kevan 1983; Shelley 1988, 20020). Kevan (1983) and Shelley ( 1988, 2002a) believed that the individuals represent an undescribed species, as the postgenital plate of a female from Essex County, which is divided into two long, broad, apically truncated arms (see Shelley 1988, fig. 24), is unlike that of any species Shear (1972) reported, particularly C. cae- sioannulata or another "northern" species in the United States. Snider (1991) reported C. caesioannulata from 1 1 counties in Michigan, including St. Clair, so this species should be expected around Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, which is directly across the St. Clair River. Consequently, Cleidogona can be reason- ably expected in Ontario from the latitudes of Sarnia and London southward (in Lambton, Middlesex, Elgin, Kent, and Essex counties), and two species can be anticipated, C. caesioannulata and the potential new one with the divided post- genital plate in females. The New England specimens of C. nantahala are the third record of Cleidogona from formerly glaciated territory, the others being the aforemen- 4 Hoffman (1999/?) suggested that Jiilus pitnctatus Say 1821, under the replacement name and new combination Cleidogona sayanum (Bollman, 1893), is a senior synonym of either C. caesioannula- ta or C'. major. The types of J. punctatus no longer exist, and Say did not provide any locality infor- mation in his description; however, circumstantial evidence adduced by Hoffman suggests that the specimen(s) were most likely collected around Philadelphia, in eastern Pennsylvania. Hoffman (1999/7) had no specimens, but if C. caesioannulata is discovered near this city and a specimen is designated as the neotype of J. punctatus. C. caesioannulata will fall as a junior synonym of C. sayanum despite the fact that the latter name has not been used in the primary literature since its pro- posal in 1893. We are not prepared to accept this action and discourage others from doing so as it would replace the oldest current name in the genus (though not the type species) and, because of its wide distibution, the one most likely to be cited by researchers who are not systematists. For geo- graphical reasons, it is unlikely that C. major is a synonym of C". sayanum because it is unknown north of Washington, DC, and such a synonymy would be equally disruptive because C. major is the type species of Cleidogona. 74 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS tioned ones of C. caesioannulata from Michigan and north central Ohio (Johnson 1954, Shear 1972, Kevan 1983, Snider 1991) and the potential new species from southern Ontario. They are so disjunct from C. nantahala s home range, in west- ern North Carolina from Mitchell to Macon counties and, based on females, probably extending to Pickens County, Georgia (Shear 1972, Shelley 2000a), that the only plausible explanation for their New England occurrences is human introduction. For over 200 years, New England nurserymen have imported plants from the southern Appalachians, where a thriving cottage industry in the collec- tion of native plants still exists; it thus seems likely that individuals of C. nanta- hala were transported to New England in soil of rhododendrons or other native plants. The time of the introduction is unknown, but southern New England is perhaps the best-known region of the continent as far as its total fauna is con- cerned because it has been a center for natural historians since colonial days. However, the earliest collection of C nantahala was only 43 years ago, in 1961, by C. L. Remington, an assiduous arthropod collector who was actively sampling in southern New England for many prior years. Beatrice Vogel, who collected the species in 1 964, was a Yale graduate student studying wolf spider systematics who also sampled frequently in the area. As no specimens are available earlier than this, it is reasonable to conclude that the introduction probably occurred after 1950. We do not know the circumstances of either find, but the 1961 col- lection was in a state park, suggesting that it was not disturbed habitat or a place where southern Appalachian plants had been cultivated. The Rhode Island col- lection also was not from a cultivated spot, and the distance from the Connecticut sites, ca. 50 mi (80 km), suggests that more than one introduction may be involved. To our knowledge, Cleidogona nantahala is the first native North American milliped to be successfully introduced to another region of the continent, and we also believe it to be the first one introduced anywhere. Since the late 1980s, three North American scorpions - Centruroides vittatus (Say), C. hentzi (Banks), and Vaejovis carolinianus (Beauvois) - have been encountered with increasing fre- quencies in southeastern states well outside their normal ranges (Shelley 19940, b; Shelley and Sissom 1995), and while there is no definite evidence that repro- ducing populations have become established, the increasing frequency with which individuals are being encountered in homes, office buildings, yards, and casually wandering along city sidewalks suggests that this is just a matter of time. However, as often as plants and soil have been transported from one region of the country to another, no native millipeds have ever been encountered outside their home areas until this discovery of C. nantahala. According to the list of species in Hoffman (19990) and recent references (Shelley and Golovatch 2001; Shelley and Edwards 2001, 2002; Shelley 2004), 35 exogenous millipeds of European, Asian, Australian, and Neotropical origins have been introduced into North America and are now established here, primarily in urban environments; this figure does not include species intercepted during quarantines at ports. Asian Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 75 and European millipeds have been widely introduced into islands throughout the world, but this has not happened with any North America species, not even in Hawaii, where the North American centipede, Scolopendra polymorpha Wood, occurring from the Central Plains westward (Shelley 20026), was recorded from a pineapple field in Oahu by Shelley (20006). The question therefore arises as to why this particular milliped species has been able to establish itself in New England and, once there, perhaps gradually spread and increase its range. Over a half-dozen species of Cleidogona also occur in western North Carolina; some of which are partly sympatric with C. nantahala and could potentially be introduced along with the latter, but this has not happened. Apparently there is an aspect of the ecophysiology of C. nantahala that makes it unique among cleidogonids as a colonizer. Figs. 1-4 Cleidogona nantahala. 1, gonopods of male from Hurd State Park, Connecti- cut, anterior view. 2, left gonopod of the same, lateral view. 3, tip of left gonopod of male from West Rock, lateral view. 4, cyphopods of female from West Rock, posterior view. c, colpocoxite; ib, inner branch; ob, outer branch; pgp, postgenital plate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank R. J. Pupedis for loan of the PMNH diplopod collection, and R. L. Hoffman for a pre- submission review. 76 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS LITERATURE CITED Causey, N. B. 1950. New genera and species of millipeds — Parajulidae (Juloidea). Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Sciences 3:45-58. Causey, N. B. 1953. On five new North American millipeds and records of some established species. American Midland Naturalist 50:152-158. Causey, N. B. 1967. Aniulus paludicolens, n. sp., (Julida: Parajulidae), a bog-dwelling milliped. Michigan Entomologist 1:127-129. Cook, O. F. and G. N. Collins. 1895. The Craspedosomatidae of North America. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 9:1-1 00. Enghoff, H. 1979. The milliped genus Okeanobates (Diplopoda: Julida: Nemasomatidae). Steen- strupia 5:161-178. Hoffman, R. L. 1999a. Checklist of the millipeds of North and Middle America. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publications Number 8. 584 pp. Hoffman, R. L. 1999/1. The status of Juhts punctatus Say, 1821 (Chordeumatida: Cleidogonidae). Myriapodologica 6:23-26. Johnson, B. M. 1 954. The millipeds of Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 39:24 1-252. Judd, W. W. 1967. Millipeds (Diplopoda) in the vicinity of London, Ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist 81: 189- 196. Kevan, D. K. McE. 1983. A preliminary survey of known and potentially Canadian millipedes (Diplopoda). Canadian Journal of Zoology 61:2956-2975. Shear, W. A. 1971. Ataxonomic revision of the milliped family Conotylidae in North America, with a description of the new family Adritylidae (Diplopoda: Chordeumida). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 141:55-96. Shear, W. A. 1972. Studies in the milliped order Chordeumida (Diplopoda): a revision of the fam- ily Cleidogonidae and a reclassification of the order Chordeumida in the New World. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 144:151-352. Shelley, R. M. 1978. Millipeds of the eastern Piedmont region of North Carolina, U.S.A. (Diplopoda). Journal of Natural History 12:37-79. Shelley, R. M. 1988. The millipeds of eastern Canada (Arthropoda: Diplopoda). Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 1638- 1663. Shelley, R. M. 1994a. Introductions of the scorpions, Centmmides vittatus (Say) and C. hentzi (Banks), into North Carolina, with records of the indigenous scorpion, Vaejovis carolinianus (Beauvois) (Scorpionida: Buthidae, Vaejovidae). Brimleyana 21:45-55. Shelley, R. M. 1994b. Distribution of the scorpion, Vaejovis carolinianus (Beauvois) - a reevalua- tion (Arachnida: Scorpionida: Vaejovidae). Brimleyana 21:57-68. Shelley, R. M. 2000a. Annotated checklist of the millipeds of North Carolina (Arthropoda: Diplo- poda), with remarks on the genus Sigmoria Chamberlin (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae). Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 11 6(3): 177-205. Shelley, R. M. 2000b. The centipede order Scolopendromorpha in the Hawaiian Islands (Chilo- poda). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers No. 64:39-48. Shelley, R. M. 2001. A synopsis of the milliped genus Aniulus Chamberlin (Julida: Parajulidae: Parajulinae: Aniulini). Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monographs 5:73-94. Shelley, R. M. 2002a. The millipeds of central Canada (Arthropoda: Diplopoda), with reviews of the Canadian fauna and diplopod faunistic studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:1863-1875. Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 77 Shelley, R. M. 2002b. A synopsis of the North American centipedes of the order Scolopendro- morpha (Chilopoda). Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir 5: 1-108. Shelley, R. M. 2004. The milliped family Pyrgodesmidae in the continental USA, with the first record of Poratia digitata (Porat) from the Bahamas (Diplopoda: Polydesmida). Journal of Natural History 38: 1 1 59- 1 1 8 1 . Shelley, R. M. and VV. D. Sissom. 1995. Distributions of the scorpions Centruroides vittatus (Say) and Centruroides hentii (Banks) in the United States and Mexico (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Journal of Arachnology 23:100-110. Shelley, R. M. and S. I. Golovatch. 2001. New records of the milliped family Pyrgodesmidae (Polydesmida) from the southeastern United States, with a summary of the fauna. Entomological News 112(l):59-63. Shelley, R. M. and G. B. Edwards. 2001. Introduction of the milliped, Helicorthomorpha holstii, in Florida (Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). Entomological News 112(3):200. Shelley, R. M. and G. B. Edwards. 2002. Introduction of the milliped family Rhinocricidae in Florida (Spirobolida). Entomological News 113(4):270-274. Snider, R. M. 1 99 1 . Updated species lists and distribution records for the Diplopoda and Chilopoda of Michigan. Michigan Academician 24:177-194. Wood, H. C. 1865. The Myriapoda of North America. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 13:137-248. CORRIGENDUM On a recently published paper [Brailovsky, Entomological News 115(1)], the name Heteroptera was misspelled as Heteroptyera on the cover. 78 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS OCCURRENCES OF THE CENTIPEDES, SCOLOPENDRA MORSITANS L. AND S. SUBSPINIPES LEACH, ON PACIFIC ISLANDS (CHILOPODA: SCOLOPENDROMORPHA: SCOLOPENDRIDAE)1 Rowland M. Shelley2 ABSTRACT: The scolopendrid centipedes, Scolopendra morsitans L. and S. subspinipes Leach, occur, respectively, in 14 and 16 nations and dependent island groups in Oceania, most of which probably represent human importations. Both species are known from the Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, the Northern Marianna Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Western Samoa. Published records are summarized and new ones are reported; occur- rences are depicted on a distribution map. KEY WORDS: Scolopendra morsitans, S. subpinipes, Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopen- dridae, Pacific Islands This contribution addresses islands in the broad expanse of the Pacific Ocean referred to in part as "Oceania" - east of Australia; north and east of New Guinea; east of the Philippines, Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and the Kurile Islands; south of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands; and west of the continental islands of the Americas. A number of scolopendromorph centipedes (ones with 21 or 23 pairs of legs and pedal segments) have been intro- duced to islands in this vast area, and I address here the relatively large-bodied species of the genus Scolopendra L., which are often encountered in museums and university repositories. They belong to the family Scolopendridae, subfami- ly Scolopendrinae; have valvular, tripartite spiracles; and are thus readily distin- guished from large-bodied representatives of the Otostigminae (Ethmostigmus Pocock, Otostigmus Porat, and Rhysida Wood), which have rounded, non- valvu- lar spiracles. Scolopendra itself is characterized by the overlap of the first tergite by the cephalic plate and by a prominent, elongate, ventrodistal spine on the first (proximo-) tarsi of leg pairs 1-20. For the benefit of arthropod researchers in the Pacific who will likely encounter large chilopods, I detail the known occurrences of S. morsitans L. and S. subspinipes Leach in the defined area; both lack a pro- curved, transverse groove on the first tergite and longitudinal sutures on the cephalic plate, and are distinguished primarily by the number of ventral spurs on the ultimate prefemora. I provide diagnoses, literature citations, and new records from institutional holdings, all in the context of modern geopolitical boundaries; it is noteworthy that the two major publications on scolopendromorphs globally (Kraepelin 1903, Attems 1930) cite no records of these species from the Pacific 1 Received on November 22, 2002. Accepted on July 13, 2004. : Research Lab., North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 4301 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 U.S.A. E-mail: rowland.shelley@ncmail.net. Mailed on December 21, 2004 Vol. 1 1 5. No. 2. March & April 2004 79_ region. In the locality listings, which are organized alphabetically, national names are capitalized and specific islands or island groups are italicized; miss- ing data on labels (exact locality, date of collection, and/or names of collectors) are not reported, and the number of specimens in each sample is provided after the institutional acronym. To the best of my knowledge, all names for the islands and communities thereon are correct and accurately spelled as of 2002. It was not possible to survey every institution that potentially houses specimens, but I have investigated most major repositories in the United States and three in Europe. Acronyms of sources of preserved samples are as follows: AMNH -American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York BM - Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii BMNH The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom CAS - California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco FMNH - Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois MCZ - Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts MNHP Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France NCSM - North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh NMNH - National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia ZMH - Zoological Institute and Museum, University of Hamburg, Germany Scolopendra morsitans L., 1758 Diagnosis: Ultimate prefemora with numerous ventral spurs, usually arranged in three rows of around three spurs apiece. Illustrations are available in Attems (1930, fig. 38) and Shelley (2002, figs. 57-64). Published Records: PACIFIC ISLANDS IN GENERAL (Attems 1938). COOK ISLANDS: Aitutaki (Chamberlin 1944). Rarotonga (Chamberlin 1920). FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONE- SIA: Pohnpei (Kohlrausch 1881, Chamberlin 1920). FIJI: Islands in general (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904). Viti Levu, Nacula, Hofvea, Yanuca, Vatoa, and Sava Kasa (exact location unknown) (Wiirmli 1975). Rotuma (Pocock 1898, Chamberlin 1920). FRENCH POLYNESIA: Austral Is.: Tubuai (Kohlrausch 1881). Marquesas Is.: Fatu Hukit, Hiva Ova, Mohotani, and Ua Huka (Adamson 1932, Silvestri 1939). Society Is.: Tahiti (Kohlrausch 1881,Wurmli 1975). Tuamotu Is.: Gambler and Mangareva (Brolemann 1904). Makatea (Chamberlin 1944). NEW CALEDONIA: Noumea (Brolemann 1904). NORTHERN MARIANNA ISLANDS: Islands in general (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904). REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS: Islands in general (Cham- berlin 1920). TONGA: Islands in general (Kohlrausch 1881). Eua (Chamberlin 1920). TUVALU: Funafuti (Pocock 1898, Chamberlin 1920). WESTERN SAMOA: Upolu (Kohlrausch 1881, Cham- berlin 1920). New Records: FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA: Kosrae. Matante, 580 m, under bark of dead tree, February 20, 1958, J. F. G. Clarke (BM 1). Ulit/ii Atoll. Asor /.. October 6. 1952, N. L. H. Krauss (BM 1). FIJI: Ovalau. Levuka (BMNH 3). Vanua Levu (BMNH 1). Island Unknown, Wai Salima, N. L. H. Krauss (NMNH 1). FRENCH POLYNESIA: Tuamotu Is.: Raroia. May 14, 1923 (AMNH 1 ). GUAM: Patipoint, in petiole of dead Cycas frond, June 4, 1945, H. S. Dybas (FMNH 1 ). KIRIBATI: Tarawa. Bairiki, December 1957, N. L. H. Krauss (BM 1); Banraeaba, December 1957, 80 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS N. L. H. Krauss (BM 1); Marenamuka, under coconut log, December 1957, N. L. H. Krauss (BM many); and Naanika, November 1957, N. L. H. Krauss (BM 1). NORTHERN MARIANNA IS- LANDS: Pagan, N. end of Lake Laguna, in depression on young coconut tree standing in water, September 10, 1954, S. Castro (NMNH 2). PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Bougainville, Kohura, Prince Ra, June 9, 1952 (BM 2). REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS: Majuro Atoll. Majuro, on coconut palm, July 1, 1947, A. Spoehr (FMNH 2). Arno Atoll, Ine, June 8, 1950, 1. LaRivers (BM 1). SOLOMON ISLANDS: Guadalcanal. 1944-1945, W. I. Beecher, F. Cilley (FMNH, AMNH 44). New Georgia, Munda, October 1, 1943 - November 21, 1943, W. J. Beecher (FMNH 2) and Seghe, April 1944, C. O. Berg (NMNH 1 ). Russel Is., Bonika /.. July 24, 1964, R. Straatman (BM 1); and Paruru /., May 1943, W. J. Beecher (FMNH 2). TONGA: Tongatapu. November 15. 1893. R. B. Leefe (BMNH 4). Remarks: Adamson (1932) believed that his were the first specific records of myriapods from the Marquesas (an island group in French Polynesia) except for a report that he cited of S. morsitans (L. Rollin, 1929, Les iles Marquises, p. 53, Paris), which is not available to me. The Marquesans apparently then regarded S. morsitans as a native species and so named it in their native tongue. He sug- gested that the species had reached the islands as a "natural immigrant" or had been brought in by the Polynesians themselves; the latter seems more likely as an extreme rafting event would be necessary for the species to have arrived there naturally. Scolopendra subspinipes Leach, 1815 Diagnosis: Ultimate prefemora with 0-3 ventral spurs. Illustrations are avail- able in Attems (1930, fig. 43) and Shelley (2002, figs. 50-56). Published Records: PACIFIC ISLANDS IN GENERAL (Attems 1938). COOK ISLANDS: Rarotonga (Kohlrausch 1881). FIJI: Islands in general (Silvestri 1935). Ono-i-Lau (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904, Chamberlin 1920). Levuka, Munia, Ovalau, Viti Levu (Chamberlin 1920). FRENCH POLYNESIA: Marquesas, Society, and Tuamotu Islands in general (Silvestri 1935). Marquesas Is.: Eiao, Fatu Hiva, Mohotani, Nuku-Hiva, Tahuata, Ua-huka, and Ua-Pou (Adamson 1932, Silvestri 1939). Hiva Oa (Adamson 1932, Silvestri 1939, Chamberlin 1944). Society Is.: Moorea (Silvestri 1935). Raiatea (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904). Tahiti (Kraepelin 1904, Brole- mann 1904, Chamberlin 1920, Silvestri 1935). Tuamotu Is.: Gambier and Mangareva (Brolemann 1904). HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Hawaii. Kahoolawe, Kauai. Lanai, Maui, Midway, and Oahu (Shelley 2000; previous Hawaiian records summarized herein except those of Kraepelin [1904] from the islands in general and Oahu). NEW CALEDONIA: lie des Pins (Brolemann 1904). NORTHERN MARIANNA ISLANDS: Islands in general (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904). REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS. Islands in general (Takakuwa 1938). SOLOMON ISLANDS: Islands in general (Brolemann 1904). SAMOA ISLANDS IN GENERAL (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904, Attems 1914). TONGA: Islands in general (Kraepelin 1904, Brolemann 1904). WESTERN SAMOA: Upolu (Chamberlin 1920; Attems 1913, 1929). New Records: AMERICAN SAMOA: Tutuila. November 8, 1923, R. H. Beck (AMNH 1 ) and Pago Pago, October 25, 1949, L. Zachowski, H. H. Marrer (NMNH 1). BONIN ISLANDS: Chichi Jima (Kondo), July 3, 1949, J. Savory (BM 2). COOK ISLANDS: Rarotonga. Avarua, W. M. Wheeler (MCZ 4) and under log, February 1964, N. L. H. Krauss (BM 1). FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA: Tntk Atoll, intercepted at Hawaii, January 27, 1949 (NMNH 1 ); Tol, base of Mt. Unibot, February 4, 1953, J. L. Gressitt (BM 1); and Mocn I., December 3, 1945, R. L. Ingram (NMNH 1). Yap I., September 10, 1979, M. Lundgren (CAS 1); Dugoi Village, on trunk of orange tree, August 25, 1950, R. J. Goss (BM 1 ); Ruuf, from creeping vine, August 29, 1950, R. J. Goss (BM 2); and Dinay, November 16, 1977, M. Lundgren (CAS 1). FIJI: Ovalau. 1978, W. M. Mann (MCZ 2) and Levuka, 1969, W. M. Mann (MCZ 1). Viti Levu, Suva, 1915, J. P. Jefferson (MCZ 1). FRENCH POLYNESIA: Marquesas Is.: Fatu Hiva. January 6, 1925, P. H. Johnson (BMNH 1 ). Hiva Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 81 Oa, November 30, 1922, R. H. Beck, E.H. Quayle (AMNH 2); and Taio Hae Bay, Nuku, under rocks, October 6-8, 1934 (AMNH 3). Mohotani, 500 ft., February 2, 1931. Le Bronnec, H. Tauroa (BM 12). Nuku Hiva, nr. Taiohae, November 7, 1929, Mumford, A. M. Adamson (BM 8) and under log, 16 January 1968, J. F. G. & T. M. Clarke (NMNH 1 ). Tahuata, January 1925, P. H. Johnson (BMNH 2). Society Is.: Bora Bora, 1925, L. E. Cheesman (BMNH 2). Moorea. J. A. McTavish (AMNH 4); S end of Opunhoha Bay, beneath piles of coconuts, September 28 - October 6, 1958, D. E. Puleston (NMNH 8); and Opunoliu, December 1958, D. E. Puleston (NMNH 1 ). Raiatea. July 1909 (AMNH 1 ) and under box in shed. July 29, 1909 (AMNH 2). Tahiti, Mt. Aori, 2200', human feces, April 6, 1978, T. Mix (FMNH 1); Papeete, November 10, 1899 (MCZ 1), 3/4 mi ( 1 .2 km) from lagoon, under rotten logs, April 23, 1925, J. M. Clements (NMNH 5), and nr. foot of mts. ca. 1 mi (1.6 km) from lagoon, April 23, 1 925, J. M. Clements (NMNH 1 ); Papenoo, March 1 925, P. H Johnson (BMNH 1 ); Pare Dist., September 2, 1 96 1 , J. F. G. Clarke (NMNH 1 ); and Tautira, January 1960, N. L. H. Krauss (BM 1). Tiiamotit Is.: Ahunui, Lautiva, September 8, 1925, L. L. Bheerman (BMNH 1). Makatea, Uaite Paua. January 15-22, 1959, D. E. Puleston (NMNH 18). Mangareva, December 1914 (AMNH 1 ). Ramia, Tua Motu, May 23, 1929, D. E. Puleston (NMNH 1 ). Rangiroa, September 7, 1982 (ZMH 1). GUAM: July 1949, J. Kurfess (FMNH 1). Agarra, December 25, 1947, K. L. Maehler (NMNH 1 ). NORTHERN MARIANNA ISLANDS: Agrihan, May 29, 1952, J. L. Gressitt (BM 1 ). Fefen. May 27, 1946 (NMNH 1). Pagan, N. End of Lake Laguna, in depression on young coconut tree standing in water, September 10, 1954, S. Castro (NMNH 1). Rota, October 1945, W. L. Necker (FMNH 9); Sinapalo Village, June 1994, M. Lusk (NCSM 8). Saipan, November 16 - December 31, 1944, Aug- ust 1945, H. S. Dybas (FMNH 6) and October 25, 1944, E. A. Chapin (NMNH 1). Tinian, May 18, 1946 (NMNH 3). PALMYRA ISLAND: C. M. Cooke (BM 1). PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Bougainville. Whitney South Pacific Expedition (AMNH 1). REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS: Jaluit Is.. Jaborl. April 25 - May 1, 1958, J. L. Gressitt (BM 1 ). SOLOMON ISLANDS: Guadalcanal, July 1945, F. Cilley (AMNH 1). New Georgia, Segi Pt., April 1944, C. O. Berg (NMNH 1). Wana Wana L, July 9, 1944, Chapman (CAS 1). Treasury Is., Stirling I., 1945, R. E. Best (MCZ 1). TONGA: Nukualofa, February 22, 1925, P. A. Buxton (BMNH 1 ); in house, January 1980, N. L. H. Krauss (BM l);and 'Atenisi Univ.', April 11, 1981, M Walterding (CAS 1). Tongatapu and Velitoa, 1962, B. Nixon (CAS 2). Vava'u. along Leimatu'a-Tefisi Rd., January 10, 1982, M. Walterding (CAS 1). Mand(s) Unknown, 1888, Dr. Philippe (MNHP 1). WAKE ISLAND: February 8, 1963, C. F. Clegg (BM 1). WESTERN SAMOA: L'polu, Apia, May 19 - September 1, 1924, P. A. Buxton (BMNH 4). Remarks: According to Attems (1929), bites by S. subspinipes on the hand are common in Samoa. While S. subspinipes had not then, and apparently still has not, been taken on Haturu and Fatu Huku islands, Adamson ( 1 932) noted that S. subspinipes is abundant everywhere in the Marquesas from sea level to 2,000' except in dry regions; it also was not taken in cloud forest. He cited native Marquesan sources who believed the species had been introduced into the archi- pelago through commerce in the previous 50 years. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank the following curators and collection managers for loaning or providing access to materi- al in the indicated repositories: N. I. Platnick (AMNH). S. F. Swift (BM). C. E. Griswold (CAS). P. Sierwald(FMNH), L. Leibensperger (MCZ), J.-P. Mauries (MNHP), J. A. Coddington (NMNH). and H. Dastych (ZMH). Samples in the BMNH were examined in August 1997 upon payment of full bench fees; travel to London was supported by a grant from the American Philosophical Society. I am particularly grateful to my colleagues J. G. E. Lewis, for providing records from references that I was unaware of, and A. Samuelson and T. Gonsalves, for advice on island names and localities. 82 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS c/3 1 ' OH § I a 1 03 «*- o (U o ao Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 83 LITERATURE CITED Adamson, A. M. 1932. Myriopoda of the Marquesas Islands. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 98:225-232. Attems, C. 1913. Botanische und Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Wissenschaftlichen Forschungs- reise nach den Samoa-Inseln, dem Neuginea-Archipel und den Salomonsinseln von Marz bis Dezember 1905. VII. Myriopoda. Denkschriften der Mathematisch -Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 89:683- 687. Attems, C. 1914. Die indo-australischen Myriopoden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Vol. for 1914:1- 398. Attems, C. 1929. Myriopoden (Myriopoda). Pp 29-34, //;. Insects of Samoa, 88(2) - Terrestrial Arthropoda other than Insects. British Museum (Natural History). Attems, C. 1930. Myriapoda 2. Scolopendromorpha. Das Tierreich, 54:1-308. Attems, C. 1938. Myriapoden von Hawai. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Series B, 108:365-387. Brolemann, H. VV. 1904. Catalogue des Scolopendrides des collections du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle 5:243-324. Chamberlin, R. V. 1920. The Myriopoda of the Australian Region. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 64:1-269. Chamberlin, R. V. 1944. Chilopods in the collections of Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological Series, Field Museum of Natural History 28:175-216. Kohlrausch, E. 1 88 1 . Gattungen und Arten der Scolopendriden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 47:50- 132. Kraepelin, K. 1903. Revision der Scolopendriden. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Mu- seum, Hamburg, 20:1-276. Kraepelin, K. 1904. Catalogue des Scolopendrides des collections du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (Collection du Museum determine/e par M. Le professeur Karl Kraepelin, et collection H. W. Brolemann). Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Vol. for 1904:243-253, 316-325. Pocock, R. I. 1898. List of the Arachnida and "Myriopoda" obtained in Funafuti by Prof. W. J. Sollas and Mr. Stanley Gardiner, and in Rotuma by Mr. Stanley Gardiner. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Sen 7, 1:321-329. Shelley, R. M. 2000. The centipede order Scolopendromorpha in the Hawaiian Islands (Chilopoda). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 64:39-48. Shelley, R. M. 2002. A synopsis of the North American centipedes of the order Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda). Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir 5:1-108. Silvestri, F. 1935. Myriopoda from the Society Islands. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 113: 131-134. Silvestri, F. 1939. A further report on Marquesan Myriopoda. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 142:3-11. Takakuvva, Y. 1938. Verzeichnis der Japanischen und Mandschureischcn Chilopodenarten. Anno- tationes Zoologicae Japonenses 17:353-359. Wiirmli, M. 1975. Systematische Kriterien in der Gruppe von Scolopendra morsitans Linne, 1758 (Chilopoda, Scolopendridae). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift N. F. 22:201-206. 84 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS HIGHER CLASSIFICATION OF THE BURROWING MAYFLIES (EPHEMEROPTERA: SCAPPHODONTA)1 W. P. McCafferty2 ABSTRACT: A revised cladogram of the monophyletic groups of genera constituting the tusked bur- rowing mayflies (infraorder Scapphodonta) is presented, based in part on new analyses of relationships that have recently appeared in the literature. A new strict phylogenetic higher classification of Scapphodonta that incorporates both extant and extinct taxa and that reflects the revised cladogram is presented. Aspects include the new superfamilies Potamanthoidea (Potamanthidae and Australiphe- meridae) and Euthyplocioidea (Euthyplociidae and Pristiplociidae), and a newly restricted Ephem- eroidea (Ichthybotidae, Ephemeridae s.s., Palingeniidae and Polymitarcyidae s.s.). Sequencing con- ventions allow recognition of multiple scapphodont superfamilies, ephemeroid families and polymitar- cyid subfamilies. Pentagenia is placed in Palingeniidae, and Cretomitarcys is removed from the Scapphodonta. KEY WORDS: Higher classification, burrowing mayflies, Ephemeroptera, Scapphodonta The Ephemeroptera infraorder Scapphodonta is equivalent to what was recently considered the superfamily Ephemeroidea by McCafferty (1991) and others. It is a grouping hypothesized to be the sister clade of the infraorder Pannota, or the pan- note mayflies, within the suborder Furcatergalia (McCafferty and Wang 2000). The Scapphodonta are technically the "tusked burrowing mayflies" and as a mono- phyletic group demonstrate a defining apomorphy of having larval tusks derived from the outer body of the mandible (e.g., see Bae and McCafferty 1995). Scap- phodonta does not include other furcatergalian mayflies constituting the Behningi- idae (the infraorder Palpotarsa, or tuskless "primitive burrowing mayflies") or the few specialized Leptophlebiidae (infraorder Lanceolata) that are also known to bur- row and may possess tusks that are not homologous with scapphodont tusks (e.g., see Bae and McCafferty 1995, Edmunds and McCafferty 1996). McCafferty (1991) presented hypothetical relationships of burrowing mayfly groups that served as a basis for exemplifying the application of strict phylogenetic schemes of higher classification to Ephemeroptera. This resulted in a conservative familial classification of the Ephemeroidea, or Scapphodonta, that has to a large degree been followed throughout the world in recent years. That classification consisted of only four families: Australiphemeridae, Potamanthidae, Ephemeridae, and Polymitarcyidae. Ephemeridae was divided into subfamilies Ichthybotinae, Ephemerinae, Hexageniinae, Pentageniinae and Palingeniinae. All of these sub- families except Hexageniinae had been recognized as families at some point prior to 1991. Ichthybotinae, which had originally been considered a family by Demou- lin (1957a) but historically not such by others, was reestablished by McCafferty (1999). Polymitarcyidae was divided into the subfamilies Pristiplociinae, Euthy- plociinae, Exeuthyplociinae, Asthenopodinae, Campsurinae and Polymitarcyinae. 1 Received March 1, 2004. Accepted July 7, 2004. 2 Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47905, U.S.A. E-mail: mccaffer@purdue.edu. Mailed on December 21, 2004 Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 85_ Previous to this, however, the latter three had been considered in a more restrict- ed family Polymitarcyidae, and Euthyplociinae and Exeuthyplociinae had been considered in the family Euthyplociidae. Pristiplociidae was given familial sta- tus by McCafferty (1997). Since the McCafferty (1991) study, certain characters from internal anatomy that had been documented by Landa and Soldan (1985) and used by McCafferty (1991) have proven to be unreliable mainly because they had been based on too few exemplars within taxa. In addition, important new phylogenetic analyses of burrowing mayflies were made by Bae and McCafferty (1995) and Kluge (2003). These findings along with ancillary studies by McCafferty (1999) and McCaf- ferty and Wang (2000) have prompted a reevaluation and reclassification of the Scapphodonta as presented below. PHYLOGENY Compared to the analysis of McCafferty (1991), the phylogenetic analysis based on tusk morphology given by Bae and McCafferty (1995) offered a more convincing hypothesis of branching sequences of certain clades, one example being that the Campsurus group (Campsurinae) and Asthenopus group (Astheno- podinae) were sister clades rather than the Campsurus group and the Ephoron group (Polymitarcyinae). The Campsurus group and Asthenopus group tusks were shown to share an apomorphic large mediobasal spine, medioapical crenu- lation and ventral setation. The Bae and McCafferty (1995) study also showed that within the extant Scapphodonta excluding the basally derived Potamanthus group (Potamanthidae), the Euthyplocia + Exeuthyplocia groups (Euthyplociinae and Exeuthyplociinae) do not share additional apomorphies with other clades, but have tusks with unique medial and lateral rows of setae. Among remaining clades, the Pentagenia group (Pentageniinae) + the Palingenia group (Palin- geniinae) were hypothesized to be derived from an ancestor common with the Ephemera group (Ephemerinae) + Hexagenia group (Hexageniinae) rather than from within the Hexagenia group. This is supported by the apomorphic strong basal arch of the tusks in Ephemera + Hexagenia groups but not Pentagenia + Palingenia groups, and by the apomorphic U-shaped or arched arrangement of setae basally on the tusks found in Pentagenia + Palingenia groups but not the Ephemera + Hexagenia groups. Kluge (2003) also presented data that suggested the Euthvplocia + Exeuthyplocia groups to have a basal branching position among non-potaman- thid Scapphodonta, and gave another synapomorphy for these groups, i.e., the unique anteriorly developed clypeus. In addition, he hypothesized a sister rela- tionship between a clade consisting of the Ephoron + Campsurus + Asthenopus groups and a clade consisting of the Pentagenia + Palingenia groups. For exam- ple, these clades were shown to share apomorphies including forecoxae that are nearly contiguous, and an inner basal convexity of the larval forefemora with a curved arrangement of setae [Kluge also included use of the arrangement of setae at the base of the tusk that had been introduced by Bae and McCafferty ( 1 995 ) 86 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for the Pentagenia + Palingenia groups, see above]. Although Kluge (2003) stat- ed that two-segmented maxillary and labial palps represented another synapo- morphy for the Pentagenia + Palingenia + Ephoron + Campsurus + Asthenopus groups, the assigned character states of two- or three-segmented palps are not consistently distributed within this latter grouping or its hypothesized sister clade, or nearest outgroup (Ephemera + Hexagenia groups). For example, larvae of Pentagenia vittigera (Walsh) frequently have a second segmentation line in the maxillary palps, and the labial palps of genera of the Hexagenia group (e.g., Litobrancha McCafferty and some Hexagenia Walsh) are commonly two-seg- mented, as are species within the Ephemera group (e.g., at least some Afromera Demoulin). Kluge's statement of synapomorphy might better have been limited to the thicker, clublike, rounded palps (versus narrow, falcate or truncate palps). The hypothesis of the sister relationship of Pentagenia + Palingenia groups and the Ephoron + Campsurus + Asthenopus groups is considerably different from the proposed relationships of Palingeniidae and Ephemeridae first given by McCafferty (1972) and McCafferty and Edmunds (1976) and expressed in the McCafferty (1991) scheme. However, behavioral evolutionary trends among the Scapphodonta that were theorized by Bae and McCafferty (1995) remain for the most part compatible with Kluge's phylogenetic hypothesis. In addition, func- tional and behavioral differences associated with burrowing in Hexagenia and Pentagenia Walsh (Keltner and McCafferty 1986) as well as similarities between Pentagenia and Tortopus Needham and Murphy (Campsurus group) (McCaf- ferty unpublished) are also compatible with Kluge's hypothesis. Essentially, Pentagenia + Palingenia + Ephoron + Campsurus + Asthenopus groups demon- strate what appears to be well-armored and heavily sclerotized heads and tusks associated with an advanced type of burrowing that can involve chiseling into hard substrates or compacted substrates such as clay (e.g., Edmunds et al. 1956, Scott et al. 1959, Keltner and McCafferty 1986, Bae and McCafferty 1995, Ed- munds and McCafferty 1996). Although the capacity for this type of burrowing may not be strictly realized in the individual microhabitats of every species with- in the clade, it does not exist in other Scapphodonta. The significant change from the Bae and McCafferty (1995) interpretation is that this behavioral trend evolved only once rather than twice independently within the Scapphodonta. Kluge's (2003) additional hypothesis of a derivation of Behningiidae within the Scapphodonta is not convincing because it was based on suppositions that numerous characters only possibly derived in common with the Scapphodonta were lost subsequently in Behningiidae. Behningiidae forewings are unlike Scapphodonta in general and the most plesiotypic adults of Pannota (Neoephe- meridae) in that they demonstrate only an inconsistent, slight tendency for basal vein curvature (possibly but not necessarily suggesting a phylogenetic branch basad of the common ancestor of the Scapphodonta and Pannota); larvae do not possess tusks or other apomorphic structures that are associated with burrowing in Scapphodonta (and there is no evidence that precursors to Behningiidae pos- sessed tusks or such structures); and larvae are known to be an unusual type of Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 87 interstitial sand-dwellers with predatory habits (Keffermiiller 1959, Tshernova and Bajkova 1960, McCafferty 1975, Tsui and Hubbard 1979), a biology funda- mentally dissimilar to that found among the Scapphodonta. In addition, the con- siderable unique morphology associated with both the larvae (e.g., legs) and adults (e.g., genitalia) of Behningiidae (see McCafferty 1979, Peters and Gillies 1 99 1 ) does not appear to be derived in common with, or derived from, any Scap- phodonta. Considering all of the above, certain phylogenetic modifications can now be made to the cladogram of Scapphodonta originally offered by McCafferty (1991). Such a revised cladogram of the monophyletic groups of genera of the Scapphodonta is shown in Figure 1 . POTAMANTHUS group AUSTRALIPHEMERA group EUTHYPLOCIA group EXEUTHYPLOCIA group PRISTIPLOCIA group ICHTHYBOTUS group EPHEMERA group - HEXAGENIA group - PENTAGENIA group - PALINGENIA group - EPHORON group - CAMPSURUS group ASTHENOPUS group Fig. 1 . Hypothesized cladogram of monophyletic groups of genera of Scapphodonta. See text for defining apomorphies. 88 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS CLASSIFICATION The new phylogeny in turn requires a new, strict phylogenetic higher classifi- cation designed within the constructs of Linnaean hierarchy. Such a classifica- tion (Table 1) can reflect the branching sequences of major clades (Fig. 1) with- out the use of any numerical coding system. Table 1. Higher classification of the Scapphodonta. Within superfamilies, single aster- isked taxa are known from fossils only, and double asterisked taxa include both extant and extinct species. Bracketed genera are those whose relationships within the monophyletic group of genera remain unresolved. General distributions are given parenthetically. Superfamily Potamanthoidea, n. superfam. Family Potamanthidae Albarda (Holarctic, Oriental) Genus Rhoenanthus Eaton Subgenus Rhoenanthus s.s. Subgenus Potamanthindus Lestage Genus Anthopotamus McCafferty & Bae Genus Potamanthus Pictet Subgenus Potamanthus s.s. Subgenus Stygifloris Bae, McCafferty & Edmunds Family Australiphemeridae* McCafferty (Pangaean) [Genera Australiphemera McCafferty, Borephemera Sinitshenkova, Microphemera McCafferty, Paleoanthus Kluge] Superfamily Euthyplocioidea, n. superfam. Family Euthyplociidae Lestage (Pantropical) Subfamily Euthyplociinae s.s. (Pantropical) [Genera Campylocia Needham & Murphy, Euthyplocia Eaton, Mesoplocia Demoulin, Polyplocia Lestage, Proboscidoplocia Demoulin] Subfamily Exeuthyplociinae Gillies (Afrotropical) Genus Afroplocia Lestage Genus Exeuthyplocia Lestage Family Pristiplociidae* McCafferty (Gondwanan) Genus Pristiplocia McCafferty Superfamily Ephemeroidea Family Ichthybotidae Demoulin (New Zealand) Genus Ichthybotus Eaton Family Ephemeridae** Latreille (nee Australian) Subfamily Ephemerinae** s.s. (nee Neotropical, nee Australian) Genus Ephemera** Linnaeus Subgenus Ephemera s.s. Subgenus Aethephemera McCafferty & Edmunds Genus Afromera Demoulin Subfamily Hexageniinae** McCafferty (nee Australian) Genus Denina* McCafferty Genus Hexagenia** Walsh Subgenus Hexagenia** s.s. Subgenus Pseudeatonica Spieth Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 89_ Genus Litobrancha** McCafferty Genus Eatonigenia Ulmer Genus Eatonica Navas Family Palingeniidae Albarda (nee Australian, nee Neotropical) Subfamily Pentageniinae McCafferty (Nearctic) Genus Pentagenia Walsh Subfamily Palingeniinae s.s. (E. Hemisphere, nee Australian) [Genera Anagenesia Eaton, Chankagenesia Buldovsky, Cheirogenesia Demoulin, Mortogenesia Lestage, Palingenia Burmeister, Plethogenesia Ulmer] Family Polymitarcyidae** Banks (nee Australian) Subfamily Polymitarcyinae s.s. (nee Australian, nee Neotropical) Genus Ephoron Williamson Subfamily Campsurinae** Traver (Neotropical, Nearctic) Genus Campsunis Eaton Genus Tortopus Needham & Murphy [Genus Mesopalingea* Whalley & Jarzembowski (Laurasian)] Subfamily Asthenopodinae Edmunds and Traver (Pantropical) Genus Asthenopus Eaton Genus Povilla Eaton [Genus Asthenopodichnium* Thenius] Sequencing conventions (see Wiley 1981) are utilized for recognizing three superfamilies within Scapphodonta, four families within the Ephemeroidea, and three subfamilies within the Polymitarcyidae. The hypothesized cladogram of superfamilies, families and subfamilies can be reproduced precisely from their linear hierarchical classification. Within certain families or subfamilies, the phy- logeny of genera has been hypothesized previously. For the basis of the linear se- quence of taxa within Potamanthidae, see Bae and McCafferty (1991); and for the basis of the linear sequence of taxa within the Ephemeridae, see McCafferty (1973, 1987), McCafferty and Gillies (1979) and McCafferty and Sinitshenkova (1983). Those genera that are listed alphabetically within brackets in Table 1 require cladistic analysis before their interrelationships can be hypothesized. The placement of the extinct families Australiphemeridae and Pristiplociidae (shown by dashed lines in Fig. 1) is presently hypothesized from morphological data limited to alate fossils. Some recent genera in other families of Scappho- donta are represented in the Cenozoic, but no recent genera are represented in the fossil record previous to the Cenozoic. The present and historical placement of Mesozoic genera among recent families is either unfounded or provisionally based on limited morphological data. Mesogenesia Tshernova was originally described in the Palingeniidae (Tshernova 1977), and Demoulin (1957b) consid- ered Parabaetis Haupt in Ephemeridae, but both genera were shown not to belong to the Scapphodonta by McCafferty (1990). The genus Mesopalingea Whalley and Jarzembowski (1985) was originally placed in the family Palingeniidae. However, based on the morphology of the well-fossilized larval tusks, the genus should provisionally be placed in the subfamily Campsurinae of 90 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS the family Polymitarcyidae. This would represent a rare instance of a Mesozoic family of Scapphodonta surviving the K-T boundary and the mass extinctions associated with that critical juncture. Cretomitarcys Sinitshenkova (subfamily Cretomitarcyinae Sinitshenkova) was based on an alate specimen found in upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber. Sinitshenkova's (2000) placement of this mayfly in the family Polymitarcyidae is not supportable because wing venation charac- teristics, including lack of fundamental basal vein curvature and the orientation of cubital and anal veins in the forewings are not those of Scapphodonta. Instead, forewing venation, such as the uninterrupted extension of veins CuP and Al from the base of the forewing to the outer margin, suggests an extinct family (Creto- mitarcyidae, n. stat.) of the suborder Carapacea, and extensive longitudinal vena- tion of the hindwing may further suggest a relationship with the family Baetis- cidae [compare Figs. 3 and 4 of Sinitshenkova (2000) with Figs. 226a and b of Edmunds etal. (1976)]. An important aspect of the new classification of Scapphodonta taxa is the recognition of two additional superfamilies and the restriction of the concept of the superfamily Ephemeroidea. The placement of the North American genus Pentagenia is also of some significance because it adds another family of may- flies (Palingeniidae) to the North American fauna. The placement of Pentagenia as such had been proposed by McCafferty and Edmunds (1976), but at that time it was supposed that the Palingeniidae had arisen from within Ephemeridae, and thus recognition of the two families was later deemed incompatible with a phy- logenetic classification because of assumed paraphyly (McCafferty 1991). The family Ichthybotidae is somewhat an anomaly because of its geographic restric- tion to New Zealand in the absence of any other known Amphinotic Scappho- donta. McCafferty (1999) explained it as being relictual, suggesting that Scap- phodonta was probably more widely distributed in the Southern Hemisphere prior to the K-T extinctions. The familial classification presented here, including the linear sequence of families, is for the most part similar to that given a half century ago by Edmunds and Traver (1954). This may seem remarkable if one considers that the former classification was phenetic based. Some families have been slightly redefined or restricted in the new classification, Behningiidae has been removed; and the familial classification, including extinct families, would not be allowable under strict rules of phylogenetic classification within a single superfamily. Never- theless, the comparison illustrates that family recognition in mayflies based on phenetic analyses may to a large degree be congruent with family recognition within a strict phylogenetic system. This should not detract from the importance of continuing to test and refine classifications based on cladistics, but instead illustrates that relative stability can sometimes be maintained by choosing among strict phylogenetic classification options. Vol. 115, No. 2, March & April 2004 91 LITERATURE CITED Bae, Y. J. and W. P. McCafferty. 1995. Ephemeroptera tusks and their evolution, pp. 377-403. In. L. D. Corkum and J. J. H. Ciborowski (Editors). Current directions in research on Ephemeroptera. Canadian Scholars' Press, Toronto, Canada. 478 pp. Bae, Y. J. and W. P. McCafferty. 1991. Phylogenetic systematics of the Potamanthidae (Ephemeroptera). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 117: 1-143. Demoulin, G. 1957a. Remarques critiques sur la position systematique des Ichthvbotus Eaton, Ephemeropteres de Nouvelle Zelande. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Entomologique de Belgique 93: 335-337. Dm) mi I in. G. 1957b. A propos de deux insectes Eocenes. Bulletin de Tlnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 33(45): 1-4. Edmunds, G. F. and W. P. McCafferty. 1996. New field observations on burrowing in Ephemeroptera from around the world. Entomological News 107: 68-76. Edmunds, G. F. and J. R. Traver. 1954. An outline of reclassification of the Ephemeroptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 56: 236-240. Edmunds, G. F., S. L. Jensen, and L. Berner. 1976. The mayflies of North and Central America. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 330 pp. Edmunds, G. F., L. T. Neilsen, and J. R. Larsen. 1956. The life history of Ephoron album (Say) (Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcidae). Wasmann Journal of Biology 14: 145-153. Kefferm tiller, M. 1959. New data concerning Ephemeroptera within the genus Ametropus Alb. and Behningia Lest. Poznan Society of Friends of Science, Biology 19(5): 1-32. Keltner, J. and VV. P. McCafferty. 1986. 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Transactions of the American Entomological Society 101: 447-504. McCafferty, VV. P. 1979. Evolutionary trends among the families of Ephemeroidea. pp. 45-50. In. K. Pasternak and R. Sowa (Editors). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ephemeroptera. Polish Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Water Biology, August 23-26, 1975. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukwe, Warsaw. Poland. 312 pp. McCafferty, VV. P. 1987. New fossil mayfly in amber and its relationships among extant Ephe- meridae (Ephemeroptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80: 472-474. McCafferty, W. P. 1990. Chapter 2: Ephemeroptera. pp. 20-50. //;, D. A. Grimaldi (Editor), Insects from the Santana Formation, lower Cretaceous, of Bra/il. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History no. 195. 19 1 pp. 92 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS McCafferty, W. P. 1991. Toward a phylogenetic classification of the Ephemeroptera (Insecta): a commentary on systematics. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 84: 343-360. McCafferty, W. P. 1997. Discovery and analysis of the oldest mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) known from amber. Bulletin Societe Histoire Naturelle, Toulouse 133: 77-82. McCafferty, W. P. 1999. Biodiversity and Biogeography: examples from global studies of Ephemeroptera. Proceedings of the Symposium on Nature Conservation and Entomology in the 21st Century, Entomological Society of Korea 1999: 3-22. McCafferty, W. P. and G. F. Edmunds. 1976. Redefinition of the family Palingeniidae and its implications for the higher classification of Ephemeroptera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 69: 486-490. McCafferty, W. P. and M. T. Gillies. 1979. The African Ephemeridae (Ephemeroptera). Aquatic Insects 1: 169-178. McCafferty, W. P. and N. D. Sinitshenkova. 1983. Litobrancha from the Oligocene in eastern Asia (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 76: 205- 208. McCafferty, W. 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Leiden, The Netherlands. 498 pp. Tshernova, O. A. 1977. Unusual new larval mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Palingeniidae, Behningi- idae) from the Jura Mountains area of the Transbaykal. Paleontolologicheskiy Zhurnal 1977(2): 91-96. Tshernova, O. A. and O. Bajkova. 1960. On a new genus of mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Behningiidae). Entomological Revue (USSR) 39: 410-416. Tsui, P. T. P. and M. D. Hubbard. 1979. Feeding habits of the predaceous nymphs of Dolania americana in northwestern Florida (Ephemeroptera: Behningiidae). Hydrobiology 67: 119-123. Whalley, P. E. S. and E. A. Jarzembowski. 1985. Fossil insects from the lithographic limestone of Montsech (late Jurrasic-early Cretaceous), Lerida Province, Spain. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Geology) 38: 381-412. Wiley, E. O. 1981. Phylogenetics: the theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics. Wiley, New York, U.S.A. 439 pp. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 2. March & April 2004 93_ NEW STATE AND PROVINCIAL RECORDS FOR NORTH AMERICAN SMALL MINNOW MAYFLIES (EPHEMEROPTERA: BAETIDAE)1 W. P. McCafferty, M. D. Meyer, J. M. Webb, and Luke M. Jacobus2 ABSTRACT: New record data are contributed for 49 species of baetid mayflies from North America north of Mexico. A total of 209 newly documented locales constitute 115 new state or provincial records involving 30 USA states and five Canadian provinces. KEY WORDS: New state, new provincial records, North America, small minnow mayflies, Ephem- eroptera, Baetidae As part of the mayflies of North America project, we are attempting to docu- ment complete ranges of the nearly 700 species in the region. Most species of the family Baetidae, or small minnow mayflies, have been especially poorly doc- umented during the approximately 200 years of taxonomic and faunistic work on the mayflies in North America (see McCafferty 2001 ), and yet they are one of the most common and important groups of mayflies in both lotic and lentic aquatic habitats (e.g., Edmunds et al. 1976, McCafferty 1981). This is due mainly to the fact that these particular mayflies have been historically difficult if not impossi- ble to identify. For example, it was not until 1979 that a number of species began to be identifiable in the more commonly collected aquatic, larval stage (Morihara and McCafferty 1979). The purpose of the present study has been to begin to shore up this shortcoming in distributional data, and thereby make these species more accessible for biogeographic studies as well as studies of biodiversity and conservation biology. As such, we are able to contribute 209 new locale records involving 49 of the 122 baetid species currently known to occur in North Ameri- ca north of Mexico. In all, 115 new state and provincial records are provided. Species for which new data are documented are listed alphabetically. States and provinces are given in upper case. Most collection materials associated with the distributional data reside in the Purdue Entomological Research Collection; any other collection sources are indicated within brackets at the end of a data citation. Other collection sources include Arkansas State University [ASU], Louisiana State University [LSU], Illinois Natural History Survey [INHS], Uni- versity of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory [UIHL], Massachusetts Audubon Society [MAS], and the J. M. Webb personal collection [WC]. Life stages associated with the data are given as (L) for larvae and (A) for adults. RECORD DATA Acentrella ampla Traver New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Franklin Co, Colrain Township, Green R. XI- 17- 1994, B Colburn(L)[MAS]. SOUTH CAROLINA, McCormick Co, Cedar Springs Cr at Rt 138. 11-17-1984, BC Kondratieff (A). TENNESSEE, Blount Co, Red Cr, ca 2 mi E Walland, IV- 1 1 - 1 977, AR Brigham. 1 Received on May 27. 2004. Accepted on July 8, 2004. : Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47905, U.S.A. E-mail of WPM:mccaffer(a purdue.edu. Mailed on December 21. 2004 94 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS J Unzicker (L); Cocke Co, Cosby Cr at Cosby entrance to GSNP, V- 17-2001, CD & RP Randolph, LM Jacobus (L). WEST VIRGINIA, Pocahontas Co, West Fork Greenbrier R at Olive Jet nr Durbin, IX-03-1979, SM Shields (L). Acentrella insignificans (McDunnough) New data. MONTANA, Blaine Co, Milk R 16 mi W Havre at US Hwy 2, 48/35/45 N, 109/21/48 W, and Chouteau Co, Eagle Cr 16 mi SE Big Sandy, 48/03/26 N, 109/48/25 W, and Big Sandy Cr, 2 mi SE Big Sandy, 48/09/04 N, 1 10/04/56 W, VI- 14-2000, and Judith Basin Co, Arrow Cr, 4 mi N Geyser, 47/18/52 N, 110/29/11 W, VI- 12-2000, and Judith R, 3 mi W Hobson at C M Russel Mem Hwy, 46/59/51 N, 109/55/34 W, VI- 1 1-2000, and Liberty Co, Breed Cr W Whitlash at Bold Butte Rd, 48/54/28 N, 111/15/28 W, and creek crossing at Black Jack Rd, 2 mi N Mount Lebanon, 48/53/24 N, 1 1 1/02/01 W, VI-1 3-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L); McCone Co, Missouri R at Lewis & Clark Rec Area, 8 mi SE Wolf Point at St Rd 13, 48/04/02 N, 105/32/18 W, VII-27-2002, WP McCafferty, LM Jacobus (L); Yellowstone Co, Pryor Cr at 1990, 45/47/56 N, 108/17/36 W, VI-09-2000, WP McCaf- ferty et al. (L). Acentrella parvula (McDunnough) New data. MAINE, Hancock Co, Ellsworth, VI- 18- 1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M Minno (A). MONTANA, Blaine Co, Milk R 16 mi W Havre at US Hwy 2, 48/35/45 N, 109/21/48 W, and Chouteau Co, Marias R, at US Hwy 87, S Loma, 47/55/48 N 110/30/35 W, VII-27-2002, WP McCafferty, LM Jacobus (L). NORTH CAROLINA, Swain Co, Confluence of the Oconoluftee R and Raven's Fork, VIII-28-2001, at light (A). OKLAHOMA, Pushmataha Co, Panther Cr at Hwy 2, 3.1 mi N Hwy 2-3 jet, IV- 17- 1993, DE Baumgardner (L). SOUTH CAROLINA, Barnwell Co, Steel Cr, nr confl Meyers Br, 111-14-1984, BC Kondratieff (L). VIRGINIA, Carroll Co, New R at Rt 721 Bridge, in drift, VIII-02-1976, JH Kennedy (L). Remarks. North Carolina data for this species are given here because the only other published record of that species in North Carolina (Pescador et al. 1999) lacked locale data. Acentrella turbida (McDunnough) New data. ILLINOIS, McHenry Co, Spring Grove, VI-04-1938, Mohr, Burks (A) [INHS]. LOUISIANA, Livingston Par, Little Nutalbany R, Albany, VI-27-1973, B Stark (A). MONTANA, Judith Basin Co, Arrow Cr 4 mi N Geyser, 47/18/52 N, 110/29/11 W, WP McCafferty et al. (L); Liberty Co, creek crossing at Black Jack Rd, 2 mi N Mount Lebanon, 48/53/24 N, 1 1 1/02/01 W, WP McCafferty et al. (L,A). VERMONT, Windhams Co, North Br, at W edge of Wilmington, VI-20- 1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M Minno (A). YUKON, Moose Cr, VII-3 1-2001, DW Parker (L)[wq. Acerpenna macdunnoughi (Ide) New data. ARKANSAS, Franklin Co, Prairie Cr at St Hwy 217, 2.2 mi N Charleston, VIII- 15- 1981, J. Huggins (L). MASSACHUSETTS, Berkshire Co, Savoy Township, Black Br, 111-25-1995, B Colburn (A) [MAS]. MISSISSIPPI, Itawamba Co, Briar Cr, at Hartsell Rd, 34/19/44 N, 88/12/34 W, and unnamed stream at New Temple Rd, 34/20/47 N, 88/15/14 W, and Tishomingo Co, Little Cripple Deer Cr, at Co Rd 957, 34/44/01 N, 88/1 1/47 W, and Perrywinkle Cr at Co Rd 995, 34/44/29 N, 88/09/18 W, and Indian Cr at Co Rd 241 N luka, 34/51/25 N, 88/11/26 W, 111-18, 19-2004, JM Webb (L). PENNSYLVANIA, Carbon Co, Hayes Cr, VIII-30-1993, J Munro (L). Acerpenna pygmaea (Hagen) New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Hampshire Co, South Hadley Township, Bachelor Cr, IX-30- 1993, B Colburn (A) [MAS]. Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 95 Baetis brunneicolor McDunnough New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Franklin Co, Whately Township, Jimmy Nolan Br, X-07-1992, B Colburn (L) [MAS]. MONTANA, Big Horn Co, Indian Cr, at BIA Rd 88, NW Rosebud Battlefield St Prk, 45/16/08/ N, 107/ 02/43 W, VI-08-2000, and Liberty Co, Breed Cr W Whitlash at Gold Butte Rd, 48/54/28 N, 11 1/15/28 W, VI- 13-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L). NEW HAMPSHIRE, Crafton Co, Hale Br at For Serv Rd nr Sugarloaf Campsite, VI- 16- 1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M Minno (L). OHIO, Hamilton Co, Miami R at New Baltimore, IX- 18- 1952 (L). Baetis flavistriga McDunnough New data. GEORGIA, Cherokee Co, Town Cr, Canton, VI- 18- 1973, B Stark, G Vaught (L); Rabun Co, Betty's Cr, 5 mi W Dillard, VI-20-1973, B Stark (L). MONTANA, Chouteau Co, Boxelder Cr on BIA Rd 8, 7 mi W Boxelder, 48/18/06 N, 109/53/10 W, VI- 14-2000, and Liberty Co, Breed Cr, W Whitlash at Gold Butte Rd, 48/54/28 N, 1 1 1/15/28 W, VI- 13-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L,A). NEW HAMPSHIRE, Crafton Co, Hale Br at For Serv Rd nr Sugarloaf Campsite, VI- 16- 1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M Minno (L). VIRGINIA, Rappahannock Co, Thorton R, Hwy 2, VI-22-1975, Baumann, Stark, Pine (L). VERMONT, Windhams Co, Bill Br, nr Molly Stark St Prk on St Rd 9, VI-20-1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M. Minno (L). YUKON, Moose Cr, VII-3 1-2001, DW Parker (L) [WC]. Baetis intercalaris McDunnough New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Hampshire Co, North AmherstVI-05-1965, MC Miller (A), Amherst, V-30-1941, LM Bartlett (A). SOUTH CAROLINA, Bamwell Co, Meyers Br, XII-0 1-1984, and Steel Cr, nr confl of Meyers Br, 11-17-1984, III- 19- 1984, and Pen Br, XII-01-1984, and Steel Cr at Cypress Bridge, X-l 1-1984, BC Kondratieff (L, A). Baetis notos Allen and Murvosh New data. OKLAHOMA, Cherokee Co, Spring Cr, Teresita, VII- 14- 15- 1995, RK Heth (L). Baetis pluto McDunnough New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Essex Co, Pye Br, below Rt 97 bridge at Topsfield, VI-04- 1979, D Berysten (L). NEW HAMPSHIRE, Sullivan Co, Croydon Br N Grantham, IX- 13- 1975, KCS (L). TENNESSEE, Blount Co, Forge Cr at Parsons Br Rd, V- 18-2001, CD & RP Randolph, LM Jacobus (L). Baetis rusticans McDunnough New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Berkshire Co, Florida Township, Smith Br, XII-22-1994, and Franklin Co, Sunderland Township, Mohawk Br, V-20-1992, B Colburn (L) [MAS]. Baetis tricaudatus Dodds New data. ARKANSAS, Fulton Co, Spring R, V-07-1977, GL Harp (L) [ASU]. GEORGIA, Union Co, Nottely R, 7 mi S Blairsville, VI-20-1973, B Stark (L). Callibaetis californicus Banks New data. OKLAHOMA: Garfield Co (L) (no other data). Callibaetis ferrugineus (Walsh ) New data. MASSACHUSETTS, Hamden Co, Springfield, VI-09-1965, RW Koss (A); Hamp- shire Co, Cushman Pond, X-29-1938, JR Traver (L), and Amherst, VI-1 1-1956, IV-17-1957, VI-21- 1957, VIII-01-1960, JR Traver (A). MONTANA, Powder River Co, on For Rd 92 (Ten Mile Rd), 45/25/53 N, 106/08/59 W, VI-08-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (A). VERMONT, Waterbury Stiles Pond, VI-20-1948, LM Bartlett (A). 96 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Callibaetis florid an us B a n ks New data. ARKANSAS, Crittenden Co, Wapanocca L nr observation platform, Wapanocca Natl Wildlife Ref, IX-09-1978, and Mississippi Co. Big L nr shore, Big Lake Nat. Wildlife Ref, IX-02- 1978, J Rettig (L) [ASU]. KENTUCKY, Hopkins Co, Flat Cr, 5.2 km E Pennyrile Pkwy, 6.8 km S Anton, VIII-06-1980 (L). MARYLAND, Frederick Co, Potamac R, point of rocks, 1 mi above Rt 15, VIII-24-1965, and Montgomery Co, Potamac R, 4 mi below mouth of Monocacy R, and Potamac R at Whites Ferry, VIII-26-1965, JW Richardson (L). Callibaetis fluctuam (Walsh) New data. ARKANSAS, Craighead Co, rice field nr Cache R, 4 mi W Bono, VIII-13-1980 (A). OKLAHOMA, Garfield Co, X-10-1964, and 11-18-1965, RC Harrel (L). Callibaetis pallidus Banks New data. MINNESOTA, Polk Co, Crookston, VIII-27-1956, GF Edmunds (A). MONTANA, Chouteau Co, cattle tank 1 mi NE Big Lake, 47/40 N. 1 10/24 W, VI- 12-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L). WISCONSIN, Dane Co, Madison, VII-08-1912, and VII-01-1916, and V- 1941, and IV-30-1949, and VI-30-1952, and VI-1956 (A). YUKON, Alaska Hwy, Mile Post 660, VII-01-1952 (A). Callibaetis pretiosus Banks New data. ARKANSAS, Calhoun Co, Locust Bayou at St Hwy 4, 12 mi W Hampton, IV-25- 1977, HW Robison, and Lafayette Co, small pond behind brick residence, 1 mi E Stamps at St Hwy 82, 1-26-1991, J Nichols (L) [ASU]. INDIANA, Bartholemew Co, farm pond 1.5 mi E Waymans- ville, VII-02-1999, LM Jacobus (L). LOUISIANA, Calcasieu Par, Sam Houston St Prk, Lake Charles, VIII- 14- 1963 (A). Callibaetis skokianus Needham New data. WISCONSIN, Dane Co, Madison, VII-08-1916, JG Sanders, and VI-03-1929, MH Doner (A); Door Co, Sturgeon Bay, VII-29-1957, RL Giese (A). Centroptilum alamance (Traver) New data. ILLINOIS, Pope Co, Lusk Cr, 1.82 km NE Waltersburg, VI-26-1997, and Golconda, IV-03-1946, and Herod, 111-14-1946 [INHS]. Centroptilum album McDunnough New data. OKLAHOMA, Cherokee Co, Spring Cr, Timberlake Ranch, V-01-1997, RK Heth (L). Centroptilum bifurcatum McDunnough New data. INDIANA, Bartholemew Co, White Cr, S Rd 930S, V- 19-2000, LM Jacobus (L). IOWA, Winnesheik Co, Canoe Cr, Decorah, IX-09-2003, T Hubbard (L) [UIHL]. KANSAS, Douglas Co, Kansas R, at Eudora bridge, VIII-24-1978, P Liechti (L) [KU]. MONTANA, Chouteau Co, Shonkin Cr, .5 mi W Shonkin, 47/37/35 N, 1 10/34/53 W, VI- 12-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L); Hill Co, Milk R at St. John's bridge, VII-31-1999, JM Webb (L) [WC]; Wheatland Co, Musselshell R, at US Hwy 191 Harlowton, 46/25/44 N, 109/50/30 W, VI-10-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L) . Centroptilum conturbatum McDunnough New data. MONTANA, Blaine Co, Milk R, 16 mi W Havre at US Hwy 2,48/35/45 N, 109/21/48 W, VI-14-2000, and Chouteau Co, Highwood Cr, 3 mi S Highwood, 47/33/04 N 110/46/38 W, VI- 12-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L); Richland Co, Missouri R at St Rd 16, SE Culbertson, 48/07/21 N, 104/28/32 W, VII-27-2002, WP McCafferty, LM Jacobus (L). WISCONSIN, Trempealeau Co, Black R, above Hwy 35, VII-16-1991, RA Lillie (L). Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 97 Centroptilum minor McDunnough New data. MAINE, Franklin Co, Carr R, at Rt 16, W North Anson, VI-2 1-1986 (L). Centroptilum rufrostrigatum (McDunnough) New data. OHIO, Geauga Co, Kirtland, VIII-31-1942, and Lake Co, Willoughby, IX-04-1942, JRTraver(A). Centroptilum triangulifer (McDunnough) New data. INDIANA, Perry Co, Poison Cr, ca 5 mi NW Derby, V- 19- 1977, M Minno, S Yocuin (L). KENTUCKY, Breathitt Co, Canoe Cr, 3.7 km S KY 30 at mouth, and Carter Co, Tygarts Cr at jet KY 1662 & US 60, IV- 17- 1978, and Elliot Co, Little Fork Little Sandy R at jet KY 486 & Wallow Hole Cr Rd, .6 km NE Culver, VI-26-1978, and Fleming Co, Fox Cr at Big Run Rd bridge, .2 km NW Big Run Rd-KY 1013 jet, VII-20-1983, and Knott Co, Laurel Fork, 0.9 mi SE on KY 1098 from jet with KY 160, VI-20-1978, and Lewis Co, Kinniconick Cr 67 m up stream from Indian Cr con- fluence, .4 km ESE KY 344-377 jet, VII-22-1983, and Morgan Co, Caney Cr, 2.9 km N KY 2498 from jet with US 460, VI-29-1978, and Rowan Co, North Fork Triplert Cr, 5.7 km NNE on KY 377 from jet with KY 32 (L). OHIO, Lake Co, KirtlandIX-02-1942, JRTraver(A). WISCONSIN, Burnett Co, St. Croix R, Norway Point Landing, VI-1 1-1991, RA Lillie (L); Monroe Co, Squaw Lake, Fort McCoy, VI 1 1-06-1 98 1, AV Provonsha (L). Centroptilum victoriae McDunnough New data. ALBERTA, Pembino R, 53/39 N. 115,00 W, IX-18-no year, J Ciborowski (L,A). MONTANA, Big Horn Co, Indian Cr, at B1A 88, NW Rosebud Battlefield St Prk, 45/16/08 N, 107/02/43 W, VI-08-2000, and Elaine Co, Milk R, 16 mi W Havre at US Hwy 2, 48/35/45 N, 109/21/48 W, VI- 14-2000, and Chouteau Co, Shonkin Cr .5 mi W Shonkin, 47/37/35 N, 110/34/53 W, VI- 12-2000, and Eagle Cr, 16 mi SE Big Sandy, 48/03/26 N, 109/48/25 W, VI- 14-2000, and Judith Basin Co, Judith R, 3 mi W Hobson at C. M. Russel Mem Hwy, 46/59/51 N, 109/55/34 W, WP McCafferry et al. (L). WISCONSIN, Dunn Co, Chippewa R, Pature Island access, VI-03-1993, and Marathon Co, Eau Claire R, Dells Prk, VI- 10- 1992, and Rusk Co, Jump R, at Sheldon, VI- 17- 1992, RA Lillie (L). Cloeon dipterum (Linnaeus) New data. ALASKA, Valdez-Cordova Co, Lake Mentasta, Glen Hwy MP282, VIII- 12- 1954, CP Alexander (A).MICHIGAN, Oakland Co, 7 km SW Milford, IV-03-1988 (L,A). Diphetor hageni (Eaton) New data. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Sullivan Co, Grantham at light, V-10-1980 (A). Fallceon quilleri (Dodds) New data. MONTANA, Richland Co, Missouri R at St Rd 16, SE Culbertson, 48/07/21 N, 104/28/32 W, VII-27-2002, WP McCafferty, LM Jacobus (L); Yellowstone Co. Perry Cr at 190, 45/47/56 N, 108/17/36 W, VI-09-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L). Heterocloeon anoka (Daggy) New data. IOWA, Mitchell Co, Deer Cr, 43/25/32 N, 93/01/27 W, and Rock Cr at Rock Creek, VIII-21-2001, and Worth Co, Willow Cr nr Hanlontown, IX-04-2001 (L) [UIHL]. MANITOBA, Valley R at Hwy 5, and Wilson R at Hwy 10, VI-08-2000, JM Webb (L) [WC]. OKLAHOMA, Pushmataha Co, Kiamichi R at Hwy 2, 16.3 mi N Hwy 2-3 jet, 16 mi N Antlers. V'II-16-1993, DE Baumgardner (L). PENNSYLVANIA, Lacawanna Co, Scranton, Summer 1945. HK Tovvnes (L). SASKATCHEWAN, Montreal R, at Hwy 2, VIH-08-2000. and Overflowing R at Hwy 9, VII-09- 2000, and Red Deer R at Hudson Bay Reg Prk, VII- 19-2000, and South Saskatchewan R at Clarkboro 98 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Ferry, VII- 16-2000, and at Lemsford Ferry, IX- 16-2000, and at Queen Elizabeth Power Stat VI-02- 2000, and Waskesiu R at Hwy 2, VII-06-2000, and Weyakwin R at Hwy 2, VII-07-2000, JM Webb (L) [WC]; Torch R at Hwy 35, and Whitefox R, at Hwy 35, VII-02-1986, V Keeler (L) [WC]; Battle R, bridge S Washburn, VIII-27-1972, DH Smith (L) [WC]. Remarks. The present recognition and generic disposition of this species is being elaborated elsewhere by R. D. Waltz and WPM; however, it first appeared as given here in Webb and McCafferty (2004). Paracloeodes minutus (Daggy) New data. LOUISIANA, Lasalle Par, Trout Cr at White Sulphur Springs, VIII-25-1973 (L) [LSU]. Plauditus bimaculatus (Berner) New data. LOUISIANA, Washington Par, Silver Cr, 6 mi NE Franklinton, V-05-1974 (A) [LSU]. Plauditus cestus (Provonsha and McCafferty) New data. GEORGIA, Rabun Co, Betty's Cr, 5 mi W Dillard, VI-20-1973, B Stark (L). MANI- TOBA, Valley R at Hwy 5, VI-08-2000, and Shell R, at Hwy 5, VI-09-2000, JM Webb (L) [WC]. Plauditus dubius (Walsh) New data. MONTANA, Teton Co, Teton R, 300M E overpass on 115, 32 mi N Great Falls, 47/55/27 N 1 1 1/43/38 W, VI-13-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L). Plauditus gloveri McCafferty and Waltz New data. MANITOBA, Shell R at Hwy 5, VI-09-2000, and Valley R at Hwy 5, VI-08-2000, JM Webb (L) [WC]. MONTANA, Blaine Co, Milk R, 16 mi W Havre at US Hwy 2, 48/35/45 N, 109/21/48 W, VI-14-2000, and Chouteau Co, Big Sandy Cr, 2 mi SE Big Sandy, 48/09/04 N, 110/04/56 W, VI-14-2000, and Liberty Co, Breed Cr, W Whitlash at Gold Butte Rd, 48/54/28 N, 1 1 1/15/28 W, VI-13-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L). Plauditus punctiventris (McDunnough) New data. NEW JERSEY, Monmouth Co, Shark Cr, Shark Cr County Park, V- 17-2001, MD Meyer (L). Plauditus texanus Wiersema New data. OKLAHOMA, Pushmataha Co, Panther Cr, at Hwy 2, 3.1 mi N Hwy 2-3 jet, IV-17- 1993, DE Baumgardner (L), and Terrapin Cr, III- 17- 1994 (L). Plauditus virilis (McDunnough) New data. MANITOBA, Pine R at Hwy 10, and Valley R at Hwy 5, VI-08-2000, JM Webb (L) [WC]. MONTANA, Judith Basin Co, Judith R, 3 mi W Hobsonat C. M. Russel Mem Hwy, 46/59/51 N, 109/55/34 W, VI-1 1-2000. WP McCafferty (L). NORTH CAROLINA, Swain Co, Confluence Oconaluftee R and Raven's Fork, VI-18-, VII-16-, VIII-16,28-2001, and Oconaluftee R under Blue Ridge Parkway overpass, at light (A). OKLAHOMA, McCurtain Co, Silver Cr, III- 18- 1994 (L). PENNSYLVANIA, Mifflin Co, Mifflin Co, Reedsville, VI- 18- 1948 [INHS]. Pro cloeon fragile (McDunnough) New data. CONNECTICUT, New Haven Co, Mt. Carmel, X-20-1947, RM & AH Sommerman (A) [INHS]. MAINE, Franklin Co, Oquossoc, VII-15,27-no year, N Banks (A). Vol. 115, No. 2, March & April 2004 99 Procloeon pennulatum (Eaton) New data. MONTANA, Hill Co, Milk R at St. John's bridge, VII-3 1-1999, JM Webb(L) [WC]. NEVADA, Elko Co, Humbolt R, Elko, VI1I-29-1965, SL Jensen (L). WISCONSIN, Oconto Co, Oconto R, Hwy 88, VII-15-1992, and Sauk Co, Otter Cr, turnaround, VII-21-1993, slow run, VI-22- 1992, RALillie(L). Procloeon quaesitum (McDunnough) New data. NOVA SCOTIA: Annapolis R, VI-25-1950 (L). Procloeon rubropictum (McDunnough) New data. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Windhams Co, Whetstone Br, nr Battleboro, VI- 19- 1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M. Minnow (L). PENNSYLVANIA, Carbon Co, Hayes Cr, VIII-30- 1993, J Munro(L). Procloeon rufrostrigatum (McDunnough) New data. ILLINOIS, Kankakee Co, Kankakee, VII-10-1925 [INHS]; Vermilion Co, Oakwood, VII-30-1939 [INHS]. OHIO, Lake Co, Willoughby, VII-10-1939, and VII-22-1942, JR Traver (A). WISCONSIN, Burnett Co, St Croix R, VI- 16- 1992, and Marathon Co, Eau Claire R, VI- 10- 1992, and Oconto Co, Oconto R, Hwy BB, VII-15-1992, and Waupaca Co, Embarrass R, Behnke Rd, VII- 14- 1992, RA Lillie (L); Washburn Co, Totogatic R at Minong, IX-03-1939 [INHS]. Procloeon simplex (McDunnough) New data. ARKANSAS, Independence Co, West Lafferty Cr, 4 mi W Cushman, X-2 1-1978 (L) [ASU]. WISCONSIN, Burnett Co, St. Croix R, Norway Point Landing, VI-1 1-1991, RA Lillie (L); Washburn Co, Kimball Lake at Minong, VIII-25-1945 [INHS]. Procloeon viridoculare (Berner) New data. LOUISIANA, Catahoula Par, Grant Par, Fish Cr, Pollock, VI-28-1973, B Stark (L). MONTANA, Powder River Co, Little Powder R at US Hwy 212, 45/22/26 N, 105/18/07 W, VI-08- 2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L). OKLAHOMA, Garfield Co, Otter Cr, VIII-04-1964, RC Harrel (L), and Latimer Co, Red Oak Cr, 5 mi SE Red Oak, VI-08-1973, B Stark (L). Remarks. The Oklahoma records for P. viridoculare are given here because no detailed locale data appeared with the only other published record of this species from Oklahoma (Wiersema and McCafferty 2004). Pseudocentroptiloides usa Waltz and McCafferty New data. WISCONSIN, Burnett Co, St. Croix R, Hwy 70. VI- 16- 1992, Seven Island area. VII- 17-1991, and Columbia Co, Wisconsin R, below Portage, VII- 12- 1991, and Grant Co, Wisconsin R, Millerville, VIM 1-1991, and Green Co, Sugar R, Hwy 11-81, VI-06-1992, and Rock Co, Sugar R, Nelson Rd, VI-06-1 992, and Sauk Co, Honey Cr, above Hsy 60, VII-20- 1 99 1 , and Shawano Co, Wolf R. Hwy CCC, VII-15-1992, and Waupaca Co, Embarrass R, Behnke Rd, V1I-14-1992, and Wolf R, above Rey Rd, VI-09-1992, RA Lillie (L). Pseudocloeon dardanum (McDunnough) New data. MINNESOTA, Grant Co, Mustinka R at St Rd 9, 1 mi NW Norcross. 45/53 13 N, 96/12/49 W, VII-25-2002, WP McCafferty, LM Jacobus (L,A). MONTANA, Blaine Co, Milk R. 16 mi W Havre at US Hwy 2, 48/35/48 N, 109/21/48 W, VI- 14-2000, WP McCafferty et al. (L,A ); Milk R at Fort Belknap at US 2, 48/29/18 N, 108/45/40 W, and McCone Co, Missouri R at Lewis & Clark Rec Area, 8 mi SE Wolf Point at ST Rd 13, 48/04/02 N, 105/32/18 W, and Richland Co, Missouri R at St Rd 16, SE Culbertson, 48/07/21 N, 104/28/32 W, VII-27-2002, WP McCafferty, LM Jacobus 100 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (L); Hill Co, Milk R at St. John's bridge, VII-3 1-1999, JM Webb (L) [WC]. SOUTH CAROLINA, Kershaw Co, Wateree R, 100 ft S U.S #1 at bridge, IX-04-1966, JW Richardson (L). Remarks. The South Carolina record is significant in that it extends the known range of this species into the southeastern region of North America. Lar- vae of this species were described by Soluk ( 1981 ), at which time the species was thought to be primarily western. Thus, the much-used larval key to species of North American baetine mayflies (Morihara and McCafferty 1979) did not include the species, and any larvae of P. dardanum would have been keyed to P. ephippiatum (Traver) prior to the appearance of the McCafferty and Waltz (1995) key, which incorporated P. dardanum larvae for the first time. Since 1995, several records of P. dardanum have been confirmed from the Midwest (Ran- dolph and McCafferty 1998), and larval records of P. ephippiatum from the East must now be reevaluated using the McCafferty and Waltz ( 1 995 ) key. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For their various contributions to the study by way of specimen donations and loans, data shar- ing, or identification assistance, we would like to thank Dave Baumgardner, Betsy Colburn, Ed Dewalt, George Edmunds, George Harp, Kip Heth, Boris Kondratieff, Ellis Laudermilk, Dick Lillie, Pat Randolph, Jay Richardson, Bill Stark, Lu Sun, Bob Waltz, and Nick Wiersema. This study was conducted as part of the Mayflies of North America Project supported in part by NSF grant DEB- 9901577. LITERATURE CITED Edmunds, G. F., S. L. Jensen, and L. Berner. 1976. The mayflies of North and Central America. University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. 330 pp. McCafferty, W. P. 1981. Aquatic Entomology. Science Books International. Boston, Massachu- setts, U.S.A., 448 pp. McCafferty, W. P. 200 1 . The gentle quest: 200 years in search of North American mayflies, pp. 2 1 - 35. In: E. Dominguez (Editor). Trends in research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York, NY, U.S.A. 478 pp. McCafferty, W. P. and R. D. Waltz. 1995. Labiobaetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae): new status, new North American species, and related new genus. Entomological News 106: 19-28. Morihara, D. K. and W. P. McCafferty. 1979. The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephe- meroptera: Baetidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 105: 139-221. Pescador, M. L., D. R. Lenat, and M. D. Hubbard. 1999. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of North Carolina and South Carolina: an update. Florida Entomologist 82: 316-332. Randolph, R. P. and W. P. McCafferty. 1998. Diversity and distribution of the mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin, New Series 1 3 ( 1 ): vii + 1-188. Soluk, D. A. 1981. The larva of Baetis ikinhtints McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Ento- mological News 92: 147-151. Webb, J. M. and W. P. McCafferty. 2004. New records of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Alberta, Canada, Entomological News 114(4): 230-232. Wiersema, N. A. and W. P. McCafferty. 2004. New specific synonyms and records of North American Centroptilum and Procloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Entomological News 115(3), in press. Vol. 115, No. 2. March & April 2004 101 TITSONA TWA CHAMBERLIN, 1962, A SYNONYM OF CHONEIULUS PALMATUS (NEMEC, 1895) (DIPLOPODA: JULIDA: BLANIULIDAE), WITH NEW NORTH AMERICAN LOCALITY RECORDS' Rowland M. Shelley2 and Henrik Enghoff ABSTRACT: The unlabeled syntypes of the milliped, Titsona tida Chamberlin, 1962, collected at Mer- cury, Nye County, Nevada, exist in the microscope slide collection at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. They comprise a fragmented female of Choneiulus palmatus (Nemec, 1895) (Julida: Blaniulidae) and the severely distorted anterior segments of, appar- ently, a female callipodidan, which, on a geographical basis, is probably Colactis utorum (Chamberlin, 1925) (Schizopetalidae). As an antenna of the former species has been dissected and mounted, a draw- ing of such being the only illustration accompanying the description, and other aspects of this account pertain to C. palmatus, we designate the blaniulid as the lectotype of T. tida and place the name in syn- onymy under C. palmatus, one of five European blaniulids that have been introduced into North America and occur here primarily in urban biotopes. Unpublished localities of C. palmatus from Canada and the United States are reported including the first from Quebec, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Utah. A confirmatory illustration of two midbody segments of the lecto- type shows the diagnostic setae of C. palmatus that occur along the caudal pleurotergal margins. KEY WORDS: Tisona tida, Choneiulus palmatus, Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae, new locality records, Canada, U.S.A., Holarctic, introduced millipede In his final publication on millipeds, R. V. Chamberlin (1962) described three new species from Mercury, Nye County, Nevada, a small military community in the Nuclear Testing Area of the northern Mojave Desert, one of the most arid environ- ments in the United States. The last account, and hence Chamberlin's final milliped description, was the proposal of Titsona tida n. sp. for two individuals of unspeci- fied sexes collected in March 1960, a purported representative of the family Cam- balidae (then called "Leioderidae"), order Spirostreptida, which is primarily known from relatively moist environments in California and Oregon west of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and vicinity from Idaho to New Mexico, caves in Texas, and the forested biome that extends from eastern Texas to the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Loomis 1938; Chamberlin and Hoffman 1958; Shelley 1979, 1981; Hoffman 1980, 1999; Jeekel 2004). The type and only previ- ously known species, T. sima Chamberlin, 1912, occurs in Yolo and Butte counties, California, in the first region above and some 370 mi (592 km) northwest of Mercury (Chamberlin 1912, Chamberlin and Hoffman 1958, Buckett 1964, Hoff- man 1999, Shelley 2002a), so the species inhabit strikingly different environments. By itself, Chamberlin's description of T. tida provides nothing useful to ascertain its 1 Received on June 8, 2004. Accepted on August 22, 2004. 2 Research Laboratory, North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 4301 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh. North Carolina 27607 U.S.A. E-mail: rowland.shelley(« ncmail.net. 'Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK.-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail: hcnghoffta zmuc.ku.dk. Mailed on December 21. 2004 1 02 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS identity, and the only illustration is a meaningless drawing of an antenna without setae. As noted by Hoffman (1999), "There is no way to deduce from the descrip- tion what this taxon represents," so the enigmatic name, "T. tida, " has been car- ried in the literature for 43 years, most recently being cited by Jeekel (2004). According to Chamberlin (1962), the types of T. tida were deposited in his per- sonal collection, which was transferred to the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (NMNH), in 1972, after his death in November 1967, and Hoffman (1999) subsequently reported that the male holotype is at this institution even though Chamberlin did not mention sexes in the original description. However, T. tida is not included in the NMNH list of milliped types, and the specimens are not present in their type collection, as RMS searched for them in March 2004 without success. A topotype would thus seem necessary to clarify this name, but finding any millipeds in the desert at Mercury would be difficult, and with Chamberlin 's meaningless description, there is the added prob- lem of recognizing the species in the first place. Consequently, the destiny of T. tida would seem to be the nomen dubium or nomen inquirendum categories. In addition to the NMNH's alcoholic or "wet" myriapod holdings (both types and non-types), there is also a collection of microscopic slides with specimens of millipeds and centipedes, and parts thereof, that were permanently mounted by researchers in the past. These slides have been generally ignored and their contents are unknown; RMS searched through them in 2004 for a missing centipede type and unexpectedly discovered two labeled "Titsona tida. " The only other markings on the slide tags are "Ref. 93" on one and "Ref. 56" on the other, whose meanings are unknown; the locality is not mentioned nor are they labeled as "Types." However, we know of no other samples anywhere in the world identified as this species, and the slides contain two fragmented females with a separate antenna dissected from one, logically that drawn by Chamberlin (1962). We therefore con- sider these individuals as the syntypes of T. tida that were never marked as such. Both mounts are in poor condition with numerous bubbles in the medium beneath the coverslips. Milliped fragments extend through these bubbles and are difficult to discern, even under high power on a compound microscope, because of distor- tions by the surface films and meniscuses of the medium between the bubbles. The contents of these slides are as follows: Slide marked "Ref. 93": The dissected antenna and a fragment containing the head and ca. 21 segments of a female of the family Blaniulidae (order Julida) pos- sessing a row of long setae dorsally and dorsolaterally along the caudal margin of each pleurotergite (Fig. 1). Slide marked "Ref. 56": One segment, oriented in caudal profile view, and two fragments of the same individual as evidenced by the long setae. One fragment contains ca. 16 midbody segments, and the other is the caudal end with around 13 segments. The segments are difficult to distinguish because of distortions from the bubbles and intervening strands of medium, so counts are only approximations, but the milliped has around 5 1 total segments. Also on this slide are the head and around 12 segments of the anterior end of another milliped that is severely dis- Vol. 115, No. 2. March & April 2004 103 torted but clearly does not have segmental setae. It appears to be a callipodidan and is logically Colactis utorum (Chamberlin, 1925) (Schizopetalidae), which occurs to the east and west, in Lincoln County, Nevada, and Inyo County, California (Shelley 1996). Fig. 1 Two midbody segments of the lectotype of Titsona tida showing the pleurotergal setae and defense glands, drawn at 200x. As the dissected antenna corresponds to that drawn by Chamberlin (1962:55, fig. 6), we designate the blaniulid as the lectotype of T. tida. According to Chamberlin, the body in life was light brown with conspicuous defense glands lat- erally on each segment, which are visible on the slides as vaguely "heart-shaped" structures; there are also five ocelli arranged linearly on each side of the head with the medialmost significantly smaller. Coupled with the long pleurotergal setae (Fig. 1), these features are precisely those of Choneiulus palmatus (Nemec, 1895), illustrated by Schubart (1934:188, fig. 298), Jeekel (1953, fig. 19), Enghoff and Shelley ( 1 979:67, fig. 3), and Blower (1985:111, fig. 34A), and the roughly 5 1 seg- ments of the lectotype correlate with the maximum of 58 segments on females reported by Enghoff (1984). Choneiulus palmatus is a native Palearctic milliped that occurs in Madeira, the Azores and Canary Islands, and widely in western Europe - - Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, Portugal, France, Luxembourg, Bel- gium, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, and Russia 104 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (European part) - and has probably been introduced to much of this area (Enghoff and Kime 2004). It is one of five European blaniulids that have been introduced into North America and now occur here primarily in urban habitats; with its synanthropic habits in the US and the absence of tree litter and moisture at Mercury, we surmise that the lectotype of T. tida was found in or beside one of the dwellings there. In North America, C. palmatus has been recorded from Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Ontario, Canada, and, in the United States, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, California, and Washington; it has also been introducted to Hawaii (Jawlowski 1939; Palmen 1952; Chamberlin and Hoffman 1958; Kevan 1983; Enghoff 1984; Shelley 1988, 20026; Shelley and Swift 1998; Hoffman 1999). We therefore formally place T. tida in synonymy under C. palmatus, as summarized below, and provide unpublished North American records that the first author has discovered in 10 US repositories, which include one new Canadian province and six new US states. The contents of each sample (the total number of individuals and the num- ber of each sex) were not always recorded, so this is only provided when known. Institutional acronyms are as follows: AMNH - American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. CAS - California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. FSCA- Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville. MCZ - Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. MPM - Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, WI. NCSM - North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh. NMNH -- National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. PMNH - Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT. UCT - Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs. USU - Biology Department, Utah State University, Logan. Choneiulus Brolemann, 1921 Choneiulus is characterized by the "fringed funnel" configuration of the male posterior gonopods and by the fully developed second legs of females. The gono- pod morphology is shared with Archichoneiulus Brolemann, 1921, a north Afri- can genus that was synonymized under Choneiulus by Hoffman (1980) but retained as a separate genus by Enghoff (1984) because the second legs of females are reduced. Choneiulus includes five species, all confined to the west- ern Mediterranean area of the Palaearctic region except for C. palmatus (Enghoff 1984,2001). Vol. 115, No. 2. March & April 2004 105 Choneiulus palmatus (Nemec, 1895) Titsona Ma Chamberlin, 1962:54-55, fig. 6. Hoffman, 1999:112. Jeekel, 2004:74. New Synonymy. Diagnosis: Distinguished from all other North American ocellate blaniulids (the indigenous species, Virgoiulus minutus (Brandt, 1841), and the introduced species, Nopoiulus kochii (Gervais, 1847) and Proteroiulus fuscus (Am Stein, 1857) by the presence of a row of very long setae dorsally and dorsolaterally along the caudal pleurotergal margins; the setae are considerably shorter in the other species (see Enghoff and Shelley 1979:67, figs. 1-4). From P. fuscus, which is most similar to C. palmatus in terms of pleurotergal setal lengths, C. palmatus differs by being more slender and by having the ocelli in a single row, whereas they form a narrow triangle in P. fuscus (see Blower, 1985:109, 111, figs. 33 A- E, 34A). Males of C. palmatus are easily distinguished from other American species by the posterior gonopods, which resemble small, fringed funnels/trum- pets and are usually visible in lateral view without dissection (pertinent illustra- tions in Enghoff and Shelley 1979 and Blower 1985). The female vulvae also exhibit a characteristic configuration but are difficult to dissect from these small, narrow millipeds (pertinent illustrations in Lohmander 1925, Enghoff and Shelley 1979, and Enghoff 1984). New North American Records: CANADA. NEWFOUNDLAND: southeast arm of Nameless Is., exact location unknown but possibly in Nameless Cove in northern Newfoundland near Anchor Point, 9- July 8, 1938, BWB (NMNH). ONTARIO: Middlesex Co., 9.4 mi (15 km) N London, June 23, 1983, R. G. Holmberg (FSCA). Renfrew Co., Braeside, 49, April 11, 1987, L. LeSage, R. Skidmore (NCSM). QUEBEC: Iberville Co., Iberville, Dietrich-Jooss Vineyard, May 14 - September 3, 1998, L. LeSage et al. (NCSM). Missisquoi Co., Dunham, L'Orpailleur Vineyard, May 27, 1998, L. LeSage et al. (NCSM). New Provincial Record. UNITED STATES. CALIFORNIA: San Francisco Co., San Francisco, along Lawton St. nr. 30th Ave., soil in sidewalk crack, Cf, April 23, 1991, P. Rubtzoff (CAS). COLORADO: Larimer Co.. Fort Collins, 9, May 24, 1961, T. A. Woolley (MCZ). CONNECTICUT: New Haven Co., New Haven, Edgewood Park, 99- November 1973, M. Rico (PMNH) and Yale University campus, d", October 3, 1986, J. M. Tuteur (PMNH); and Woodbridge, 9, May 11, 1961, C. L. Remington (PMNH). Tolland Co., Storrs, July 1 6, 1 974, collector unknown (UCT). New State Record. ILLINOIS: Lake Co., Lake Forest, Lake Forest Ravine, in oak tree hole, 39, November 7, 1 959, W. Suter (FSCA). New State Record. MARYLAND: Montgomery Co., Bethesda, Cf, 59, November 4, 1978, T. J. Spillman (NMNH). New State Record. MINNESOTA: Ramsey Co., St. Paul. Cf, April 25, 1935, H. H. Sheperd (FSCA). New State Record. NEVADA: Nye Co., Mercury, 9- March 1960, collector unknown (NMNH). NEW YORK: New York Co., New York City, Manhattan, Central Park, 9, April 15, 1964, J. and W. Ivie (AMNH). Tompkins Co., Ithaca, Cf, May 21, 1967, collector unknown (NMNH). Westchester Co., Briarcliff Manor. Cfcf. 99. April 16, 1979, A. M. Young (MPM. NCSM). OHIO: Wayne Co., Wooster, April 14. 1958, A. A. Weaver (NCSM). SOUTH DAKOTA: Pennington Co., Lead, along US Hwy. 85 at Homestake Mine. juv.cf. 249- May 15, 1986, R. M. Shelley (NCSM). New State Record. UTAH: Cache Co.. Logan, 9, March 29, 1972, B. G. Orpin (USU). Salt Lake Co.. Alta, July 1948, collector unknown (AMNH); and Salt Lake City, May 20, 1949, S. Mulaik (AMNH). New State Record. 106 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank J. Coddington, for loans of the syntypes of T. tida and samples of C. palmatus in the NMNH, and the following curators and collection managers for access to or loans of the latter from the holdings under their charges: N. I. Platnick (AMNH), C. E. Griswold (CAS), G. B. Edwards (FSCA), L. Leibensperger (MCZ), J. P. Jass (MPM), R. S. Pupedis (PMNH), J. E. O'Donnell (UCT), and W. J. Hanson (USU). L. LeSage, Agriculture Canada, provided the samples from Quebec, and R. L. Hoffman provided a presubmission review. LITERATURE CITED Blower, J. G. 1985. Millipedes. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) No. 35:1-242, Linnean Society of London, E. J. Brill, London, England, United Kingdom. Buckett, J. S. 1964. Annotated List of the Diplopoda of California. Simmons Publishing Co., Davis, California, U.S.A. 34 pp. Chamberlin, R. V. 1912. New North American chilopods and diplopods. Annals of the Ento- mological Society of America, 5:141-172. Chamberlin, R. V. 1962. Millipeds from the Nevada Test Area. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 75:53-56. Chamberlin, R. V. and R. L. Hoffman. 1958. Checklist of the millipeds of North America. U. S. National Museum Bulletin No. 212:1-236. Enghoff, H. 1984. Revision of the millipede genus Choneiuhis (Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae). Steenstrupia, 10(6): 193-203. Enghoff, H. 2001. A new cavernicolous species of Choneiulus from Sicily (Diplopoda, Blaniulidae). Fragmenta Entomologica, 33(1):9-13 Enghoff, H. and R. D. Kinu . 2004. Diplopoda. Fauna Europaea Service, http://faunaeur.org Enghoff, H. and R. M. Shelley. 1979. A revision of the millipede genus Nopoinlus (Diplopoda, Julida: Blaniulidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, 10:65-72. Hoffman, R. L. 1980 (1979). Classification of the Diplopoda. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Gene- va, Switzerland, 237 pp. Hoffman, R. L. 1999. Checklist of the Millipeds of North and Middle America. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication No. 8:1-584. Jawlowski, H. 1939. Contribution to the knowledge of the Diplopoda of Nova Scotia and New- foundland. Fragmenta Faunistica 4:149-158. Jeekel, C. A. W. 1953. Duizendpootachtigen-Myriopoda I. De Millioenpoten (Diplopoda) van Nederland. Kon. Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen No. 9:1-22. Jeekel, C. A. W. 2004. A bibliographic catalogue of the "Cambaloidea" (Diplopoda, Spiro- streptida). Myriapod Memoranda 7:43-109. Kevan, D. K. McE. 1983. A preliminary survey of known and potentially Canadian millipedes (Diplopoda). Canadian Journal of Zoology 61(12):2956-2975. Lohmander, H. 1925. Sveriges diplopoder. Goteborgs Kungliga Vetenskapsoch Vitterhets- samhalles Handlingar, tja'rde foljden 30(2): 1-1 13. Loomis, H. F. 1938. The cambaloid millipeds of the United States, including a family new to the fauna and new genera and species. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 86:27-66. Palmen, E. Survey of the Diplopoda of Newfoundland. Annales Zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae 'Vanamo' 15(1): 1-31. Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 107 Shelley, R. M. 1979. A synopsis of the milliped genus Cambala. with a description of C. minor Bollman (Spirostreptida: Cambalidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 92(4):55 1-571. Shelley, R. M. 1981. The identity and status of Cambala washingtonensis Causey (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Cambalidae). Entomological News 92(2):75-78. Shelley, R. M. 1988. The millipeds of eastern Canada (Arthropoda: Diplopoda). Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 1638-1663. Shelley, R. M. 1996. The milliped order Callipodida in western North America (Schizopetalidae: Tynommathrae), and a summary of the New World fauna. Entomologica Scandinavica 27:25-64. Shelley, R. M. 2002a. Annotated checklist of the millipeds of California (Arthropoda: Diplopoda). Western North American Naturalist Monographs 1:90-115. Shelley, R. M. 2002/7. The millipeds of central Canada (Arthropoda: Diplopoda), with reviews of the Canadian fauna and diplopod faunistic studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:1863-1875. Shelley, R. M. and S. F. Swift. 1998. The milliped order Julida in the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers No. 56:38-43. 108 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTE DESCRIPTION OF SEVEN NEW SPECIES OF JANBECHYNEA (ORSODACNIDAE OR CHRYSOMELIDAE, SENSULATO) FROM MEXICO: AVAILABILITY OF NEW NAMES AND CORRECTIONS' Jorge A. Santiago-Blay2 Recently, I described seven new species of aulacosceline chrysomelids, sensu lato (Santiago-Blay 2004). Because of the voluminous nature of the book, New developments in the biology of Chiysomelidae (Jolivet et al. 2004), in which those descriptions were included, the chapter was part of the CD portion of the book. However, nowhere in the chapter or book did I indicate that "copies [of the work] (in the form in which it is published) have been deposited in at least 5 major pub- licly accessible libraries which are identified by name in the work itself as required by Article 8.6 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999). To make the binomina available, herein I am providing the Code-satisfying data: binomen, diagnosis, and the fixation of the holotype, including the reposito- ry (mandatory since January 1, 2000), for each new taxon. In addition, corrections to the paper are included. Description of seven new species of Janbechynea Bracketed phrases in type data have been added for clarity when they are not in the original label. Janbechynea (Bothroscelis) georgepauljohnringo NEW SPECIES (Figures 80, 192-197 of Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype, one adult female; deposited at Department of Entomology Collection, Texas A&M University (College Station, Texas). Mexico, Guerrero [3.4 km] 5.4 miles NE of Xochlipala; July 13, 1989; Jones and Schaeffer, collectors. Specimens Examined: one. Abbreviated description and diagnosis: Approximately 8 mm long, setose throughout. Color: head and pronotum reddish orange dorsally, elytra yellowish brown with basal third of elytral humeral margin reddish orange; ventrally reddish orange except head which is yellowish orange and apex of femora, tibiae, and tarsi which are dark brown to black. Head and pronotum shinny, with regularly spaced puncta, each with one seta. Pronotum slightly longer than wide; disc convex; lateral aspects es- pecially setose; lateral and posterior margins well defined, flanges only slightly turning upwards. Elytra dull, with numerous puncta, each bearing one seta, setae generally longer than interpunctal distance. Distinguished from other species of Janbechynea (Bothrosocelis) as follows: 1 ) from J. (B.)fuh'ipes by the color and setation of the pronotum (pale yellowish orange and disc almost devoid of setae) and leg coloration (pale brown throughout); 2) from J. (B.) virkkii by its more robust appearance (L/W < 1 Received on August 20, 2004. Accepted on November 3, 2004. 2 Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, MRC-121, Smithsonian Institution, 10th and Constitution Avenue, P.O. Box 370122, Washington, DC 20013-7012 U.S.A. E-mail: santiago-blay(«'nmnh. si.edu. Mailed on December 21, 2004 Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 109 2.5); 3) from J. (B.) melyroides by its more abundance and recumbent setation; and 4) from J. (B.) suzanita by its darker color and much smaller size. Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and honors the first name of the members of the 1960's British musical band, "The Beatles": George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Richard Starkey (a.k.a. "Ringo Starr") (Articles 11.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 1999). Geographical distribution and host plants: Known only from type locality; no host plant data available. Janbechynea (Bothroscelis) suzanita NEW SPECIES (Figures 87, 234-239 in Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype, adult female; deposited at the Department of Entomology Collection, Texas A&M University (College Station, Texas). Label reads "13 mi [= 8.1 km] NW Ocozocoautla, Chis. [= Chiapas?], Mex. [= Mexico]; VI-24-[19]65; H. R. Burke, J. R. Meyer, J. C. Shaffner. Specimens Examined: one adult female. Abbreviated description and differential diagnosis: Approximately 12 mm long; very sparse- ly setose. Color: yellowish orange throughout, legs slightly more orange except for distal fourth of femur and distal segments which are black. Pronotum shinny, almost completely devoid of setae; disc broadly and uniformly rounded, lateral flanges turning upwards giving pronotum appearance of a wide "w" in cross section. Elytra dull, not shinny; with irregularly spaced, minute puncta and short setae; setae shorter than interpunctal distance. Distinguished from other species of Janbechynea by its relative pronotum lacking setae, small elytral setae, and overall coloration. This species also resembles Aulacoscelis grandis and A. tibialis, from which it can be distinguished by the absence of the characteristic longitudinal flaps contiguous to the posterior pronotal pits which are present in all species of Aulacoscelis. Janbechynea suzanita is obviously different from all other Janbechynea; it may grant subgeneric status, just as Monros (1954) commented for A. grandis. Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and honors Ms. Suzanne Shaffer, dear friend of author JASB, and cybernophile. I have deleted the "ne" on "Suzanne" to make the specific epithet more euphonious. The suffix "ita," which has been added to "suzan," is, in this case, used to express affection; "a" indicates the person is a female, which is also the case of the holotype (Articles 1 1.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomen- clature 1999). Geographic distribution and host plants: Known only from type locality; no host plant data available. Janbechynea (Bothroscelis) virkkii NEW SPECIES (Figures 88, 240-245 in Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype, one adult male; deposited at the University of California (Berkeley) Essig Museum of Entomology. Label reads "1 mi N. San Jose de Felix, Zac[acatecas], Mex[ico]; VII-14- [19]54; J. W. McSwain, collector." Specimens Examined: 11; 7 males, 4 females, all but holotype designated as paratypes. Paratypes deposited at the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), Texas A&M Univesity, Shawn W. Clark Collection (Utah), California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco, CA). Abbreviated description and differential diagnosis: Approximately 6-7 mm long, slender- looking species, setose throughout. Color: head, thorax, and pronotum chestnut brown; legs darken- ing towards apex, femora yellowish brown, tibiae brown, tarsi dark brown. Head and pronotum shiny, with regularly spaced shallow puncta, each with one seta. Pronotum wider than long; disk convex, lateral aspects of pronotum only moderately setose; lateral and posterior margins well defined, flanges only slightly turning upwards. Elytra not as shiny as head and pronotum. \\ith numerous puncta, each bearing one seta, setae generally longer than interpunctal distance. 1 1 0 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Distinguished from other species of Janbechvnea by its small size and relatively slender look (LAV >2.5). Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and hon- ors Dr. Niilo Virkki, dear friend, field companion in the hunt for "crisomelidos en copula," and col- league of author, cytogeneticist par excellence, from whom I learned the craft (Articles 11.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 1999). Geographical Distribution and Host Plants: known from the central western Mexican States of Mexico, Zacatecas, Durango, and Jalisco; no host plant data available. Janbechynea (Janbechynea) julioi NEW SPECIES (Figures 82, 204-209 in Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype one adult female, deposited at the Robert H. Turnbow Private Collection (Alabama). Mexixo, Chiapas, El Sumidero, Mirador La Coyota, La Mesa de Nayar; June 24, 1990; R. Turnbow; on Guazuma [Sterculiaceae]. Paratype female; same data as holotype. Specimens Examined: Two. Abbreviated description (parenthetical phrases refer to female) and differential diagnosis: Approximately 10-11 mm long; head and pronotum shiny, abundantly setose; elytra dull, particularly setose. Color: with faded yellow and black longitudinal stripes dorsally, obvious in pronotum and ely- tra; yellowish brown throughout ventrally; legs yellowish brown, distal fourth of femora, tibiae, and tarsi brown to dark brown, darkening towards apex. Pronotum wider than long, strongly narrowing pos- teriorly; shiny, with numerous moderately deep punta, some bearing one seta, setation abundant throughout; disc convex, lateral flanges of pronotum only slightly turning upward. Elytra with numer- ous relatively deep puncta each bearing one seta (with two well-developed costae on basal third of ely- tra, elytral apices curved outwards), setae longer than interpunctal distance. Distinguished from other species of the nominal subgenus of Janbechynea, as follows: 1 ) from J. (J.) paradoxa and J. (J.) invemsimilis by its smaller size and metacoxae lacking projections, 2) from J. (J.) snyderae by its pronotal shape and striped coloration; 3) from J. (J.) woodburyi by its striped coloration, and 4) from J. (J.) maldonadoi by its more setose head and pronotum. Geographical distribution and host plants: Known only from type locality; "on Guazuma sp." (Sterculiaceae). Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and hon- ors my former travel partner and beloved paternal grandfather, Julio Santiago-Ortega, whose memory of joy and delicious travel foods always remains (Articles 11.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. 1999). Janbechynea (Janbechynea) maldonadoi NEW SPECIES (Figures 83, 210-215 in Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype one adult male; deposited at University of California (Berkeley) Essig Museum of Entomology. Label reads "Mex[ixo], Nay[arit], La Mesa de Nayar; VII-19-1955; B. Malkin, colector." Paratype female; same data as holotype, except collected on VI1-2 1-1955; also deposited at the University of California (Berkeley) Essig Museum of Entomology. Specimens Examined: Two. Abbreviated description (parenthetical phrases refer to female) and differential diagnosis: Approximately 10-11 mm long; head and pronotum shiny, sparsely setose; elytra dull, particularly setose. Color: with yellow and black longitudinal stripes dorsally, obvious in pronotum and elytra; yel- lowish brown throughout ventrally; legs yellowish brown, distal fourth of femora, tibiae, and tarsi brown to dark brown, darkening towards apex. Pronotum wider than long, strongly narrowing posteri- orly; shiny, with numerous moderately deep punta, some bearing one seta, setation sparse, not particu- larly abundant towards lateral sides; disc convex, lateral flanges of pronotum only slightly turning upwards. Elytra with numerous relatively deep puncta each bearing one seta (with two well-developed costae on basal third of elytra, elytral apices curved outwards), setae longer than interpunctal distance. Vol. 115. No. 2. March & April 2004 Distinguished from other species of the nominal subgenus of Janbechynea. as follows: 1 ) from J. (Jj paradoxa and J. (J.) invemsimilis by its smaller size and metacoxae lacking projections, 2) from J. (J.) snyderae by its pronotal shape and striped coloration; 3) from J. (J.) woodburyi by its striped coloration, and 4) from J. (J.)julioi by its less setose head and pronotum. Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and hon- ors my late friend and colleague in entomology. Dr. Jenaro Maldonado Capriles, with whom I spent so many joyful moments of learning. (Articles 11.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. 1999). Geographical distribution and host plants: Known only from type locality; no host plant data available. Janbechynea (Janbechynea) snyderae NEW SPECIES (Figures 86, 228-233 in Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype female; deposited at the Robert H. Turnbow Private Collection (Alabama). Label reads "Mexico: Chiapas, El Sumidero, Mirador La Coyota; June 24, 1990; R. Turnbow," collec- tor. Paratype: one female, same data as male. Abbreviated description (parenthetical phrases refer to female) and differential diagnosis: Approximately 10-13 mm long; head and pronotum shiny, barely setose; elytra dull, extensively setose. Color: head and pronotum dark yellowish brown, darkening mesally; elytra brownish black with brown margins. Head, prothorax, and mesothorax yellowish brown ventrally, metathorax dark brown, abdomen mesally yellowish brown, rest dark brown; legs yellowish brown throughout, with apex of tib- iae and tarsi almost black, mesofemoral apex and metafemoral apical sixth almost black. Pronotum longer than wide, with lateral sides nearly parallel; shiny, with a very few shallow punta, with only a few bearing one seta, setation; disc convex and quite polished, lateral flanges of pronotum only slight- ly turning upward. Elytra with numerous, shallow minute puncta, each bearing one seta, setae longer than interpunctal distance, without two well-developed costae on basal third of elytra, elytral apices rounded (curved outwards on females). Distinguished from other species of the nominal subgenus of Janbechynea, as follows: 1) from J. (J.) paradoxa and J. (J.) invemsimilis by its smaller size and metacoxae lacking projections, 2) from J. (J.) maldonadoi as well as J. (J.) woodburyi by its solid coloration; and from 3) J. (J.)julioi by its nearly parallel pronotum. Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and hon- ors my colleague, Rebecca Synder, an expert cybernophile who constantly helps me (Articles 1 1.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 1999). Geographical distribution and host plants: Known only from type locality; "on Guazuma sp." (Sterculiaceae). Janbechynea (Janbechynea) woodburyi NEW SPECIES (Figures 89, 246-251 in Santiago-Blay 2004) Type Data: Holotype female; deposited at the University of California (Berkeley) Essig Museum of Entomology. Label reads "Mexfixo], Nayfarit], La Mesa de Nayar; VII-19-1955; B. Malkin, colec- tor." Paratype female; same data as holotype, except collected on VII-2 1-1955; also deposited at the University of California (Berkeley) Essig Museum of Entomology. Specimens Examined: Two. Abbreviated description and differential diagnosis: Approximately 10-11 mm long; head and pronotum shiny, sparsely setose; elytra dull, moderately setose. Color: yellowish brown throughout, with black head, scutellum, and elytral apices; head ventrally black except mesally yellowish brown, prothorax yellowish brown, rest of thorax and abdomen dark brown; legs dark brown throughout, femoral pro- and retrolateral sides with a yellowish longitudinal area. Pronotum wider than long, slight- ly narrowing posteriorly; shiny, with a few shallow punta, some bearing one seta, setation sparse, par- ticularly abundant towards lateral sides; disc convex, with two quasicircular impressions sublaterally, lateral flanges of pronotum only slightly turning upward. Elytra with moderately numerous, shallow puncta relatively, each bearing one seta, setae longer than interpunctal distance, with two well-devel- oped costae on basal third of elytra, elytral apices curved outwards. 1 1 2 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Distinguished from other species of the nominal subgenus of Janbechvnea, as follows: 1) from J. (J.) paradoxa and J. (J.) inverosimilis by its smaller size and metacoxae lacking projections and 2) from J. (J.) snyderae, J. (J.) julioi, and from J. (J.) maldonadoi by its bicolorism. Etymology: The specific epithet is an arbitrary combination of letters that is indeclinable and honors my dear professor of botany in Puerto Rico, the late Roy Orlo Woodbury, phenomenal natu- ralist from whom 1 learned my love for plants, including cycads (Articles 1 1.3 and 26, International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 1999). Geographical distribution and host plants: Known only from type locality; no host plant data available. Corrections The species A ulacoscelis pueblensis Medvedev 1975 was not included in Table 1 of Santiago- Blay (2004). The data for that taxon are as follows: geographical distribution, Mexico; collecting days and months, not reported; plant associates, not reported. The species Janbechvnea (J.) elongata was not included on the key to the species of Aulacos- celinae. The second portion of couplet 23(22), should read "... elytra of females with three longitu- dinal, rather long, basal keels or with two transverse tubercles." Female J. (J.) elongata have the three longitudinal ridges but female J. (J.) paradoxa Monros 1953 and J. (J.) inverosimilis Monros 1954 do not. The later two species are separated on couplet 26(23). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chris Reid (Division of Entomology, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia) pointed my nomenclatural mistake in Santiago-Blay (2004). In addition to all those acknowledged therein, I am grateful to Michael Schmitt (Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Sektion Coleoptera, Bonn, Germany) and F. Christian Thompson (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Na- tional Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC) for confirming there was a mistake and sug- gesting Code-abiding solutions. LITERATURE CITED International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. 1999. W.D.L. Ride, H.G. Cogger, C. Dupuis, O. Kraus, A. Minelli, F.C. Thompson, and P.K. Tubbs (Editorial Committee). Interna- tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. International Trust of Zoological Nomenclature c/o The Bristish Museum (Natural History). London, United Kingdom. 306 pp. Jolivet, P., J. A. Santiago-Blay, and M. Schmitt (Editors). 2004. New developments in the biolo- gy of Chrysomelidae. SPB Academic Publishers bv. The Hague, The Netherlands. 803 pp. Medvedev, L. N. 1975. Review of the chrysomelid subfamily Aulacoscelinae in entomological col- lections of the German Democratic Republik. Mitteilungen aus dein Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 5 1:37-40. Monros, F. 1953. Aulacoscelinae, eine neue Chrysomeliden-Unterfamilie, mil Beschreibung einer neuen bolivianischen Gattung (Col.). Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey (Miin- chen). 4:19-25. Monros, F. 1954. Revision of the chrysomelid subfamily Aulacoscelinae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard College) 1 12:321-360. Santiago-Blay, J. A. 2004. Some aspects of the biology of the Aulacoscelinae, with the description of seven new species of Janbechvnea. p. 551. Full version in CD portion of the book, 66 pp. //;. New developments on the biology of the Chrysomelidae. P. Jolivet, J. A. Santiago-Blay, and M. Schmitt (Editors). SPB Academic Publishers bv. The Hague, The Netherlands. 803 pp. Erratum: On page 551 the title of this chapter, "Some aspects of the biology of the Aulacoscelinae, with the description of three new species of Janbechynea" is in error. Vol. 115. No. 3. March & April 2004 SCIENTIFIC NOTE A RECORD OF THE ARCTIC FORESTFLY, NEMOURA ARCTIC A (PLECOPTERA: NEMOURIDAE), FROM THE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES' B. C. Kondratieff2 and R. NV. Baumann' The Nemourinae genus Nemoura Latreille currently includes a large number of recognized species primarily occurring in Europe and Asia (Baumann 1975, Harper 1975, Zwick and Sivec 1980, Shimizu 1997, Zhu and Yang 2003). Five species are known from North America, N. arctica Esben-Petersen, N. normani Ricker, N. rickeri Jewett, N. spiniloba Jewett, and N. trispinosa Claassen (Stark 2001). Nemoura normani is known from Alaska and the Northwest Territories; N. rickeri from Alaska, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan; N. trispinosa widespread over north central and northeastern North America; N. spiniloba is known from California; whereas, N. arctica is known from Eurasia and Western North America, having been recorded from the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Quebec, and in the U.S., Alaska (Stark 2001). Nemoura arctica was originally described from Norway (Esben-Petersen 1910), and is considered a common species of streams and lakes in northern Europe (Lillehammer 1974b, Lillehammer 1988) and is recognized as a variable species in male and female terminalia structures (Lillehammer 1974a). Baumann et al. (1977) indicated that TV. arctica had been collected only from two localities in the Rocky Mountains; Summit Lake, British Columbia, and Spearfish, South Dakota. However, the South Dakota records actually pertained to TV. trispinosa (Sargent et al. 1999). Therefore, no record of this species has been published from the contiguous United States. Almost eighteen years ago, the senior author collected a series of specimens of N. arctica from a lake in a high elevation alpine/subalpine wilderness in the Snowy Range of Wyoming. This area is located at 3,200 to 3,500 m elevation about 55 km west of Laramie, Wyoming. This area has developed from Quater- nary and Holocene glaciation, with glacial cirque basins (Musselman 1992). An alpine lake dominates each watershed. Three other stoneflies are also known from the lakes; Capnia confusa (Claassen), Malenka flexura (Claassen), and Podmosta delicatula (Claassen). 1 Received on June 4, 2004. Accepted on July 16, 2004. : Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 U.S.A. E-mail: Boris.KondratietTtocoIostate.edu. ' Department of Integrative Biology, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 U.S.A. E-mail: Richard_Baumann(a byu.edu. Mailed on December 21, 2004 114 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS We provide figures of the epiproct and cerci from the Wyoming population for comparison with previously published figures by Koponen (1949), Brinck (1952), Zhiltzova (1972), Lillehammer (1974a, 1988). The epiproct structures of the Wyoming specimens (Figs. 1-3) agree with the variation as accepted by Lille- hammer (1974a, especially Fig. 25f). Figures 1-3 Nemoura arctica. 1. Male terminalia, lateral. 2. Male terminalia, dorsal, 3. Sclerotized structures of the epiproct, ventral. Material Examined: Wyoming, Albany Co., West Glacier Lake, Medicine Bow National Forest, June 29, 1987, B. Kondratieff and B. Painter; 1 male, 2 females, same but July 21, 1987, 3 males, 17 females. Material is deposited in the C. P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity, Colorado State University, and Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University. Vol. 115, No. 2, March & April 2004 115 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dave Carlson (Windsor, Colorado) for the illustrations. LITERATURE CITED Baumann, R. W. 1975. Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera): A study of the World Fauna at the generic level. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 21 1. pp. 1-74. Baumann, R. W., A. R. Gaufin, and R. F. Surdick. 1977. The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 31: 1-208. Brinck, P. 1952. Backslandor, Plecoptera. Svensk Insektfauna 15: 1-126. Esben-Petersen, P. 1910. Bidrag til en fortegnelse over arktisk Norges Neuropterfauna Tromso Museums Arshefter. 31/32: 82-86. Harper, P. P. 1975. Quelques Amphinemura et Nemoura nouvelles du Nepal (Plecopteres: Nemour- ides). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie 5: 119-127. Koponen, J. S. and P. Brinck. 1949. Neue oder wenig bekannte Plecoptera. Annales Entomologici Fennicae 15: 1-21. Lillehammer, A. 1974a. Norwegian stoneflies. I. Analysis of the variation in morphological and structural characters used in taxonomy. Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift 21: 59-107. Lillehammer, A. 1974b. Norwegian stoneflies. II. Distribution and relationship to the environment. Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift 21: 195-250. Lillehammer, A. 1988. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomo- logica Scandinavica 21: 1-165. Musselman, R. C. 1992. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, General Technical Report RM-249. 94 pp. Sargent, B. O., R. W. Baumann, and B. C. Kondratieff. 1999. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, U.S.A.: Distribution and zoogeographic affinities. Great Basin Naturalist 59: 1-17. Shimi/u, T. 1997. The species of the Nemoura ovocercia-group (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). Aquatic Insects 19: 193-218. Stark, B. P. 2001. North American stonefly list. www.mc.edu/campus/users/stark/Sfly0102.htm Zhiltzova, L. A. 1972. On the fauna of stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Mongolian Peoples Republic. Naskomye Mongolii 1: 119-121. Zhu, F and D. Yang. 2003. Two new species of Nemoura from China (Plecoptera, Nemouridae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 28: 474-477. Zwick, P. and I. Sivec. 1980. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Plecoptera des Himalaja. Entomologica BasilensiaS: 59-138. 1 1 6 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTE A FOURTH FLORIDIAN RECORD OF THE CENTIPEDE GENUS RHYSIDA WOOD, 1862; POTENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT OF/?. L. LONGIPES (NEWPORT, 1845) IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY (SCOLOPENDROMORPHAiSCOLOPENDRIDAE: OTOSTIGMINAE)1 Rowland M. Shelley2 and G. B. Edwards1 The scolopendrid centipede subfamily Otostigminae is represented in the Western Hemisphere by two genera, Otostigmus Porat, 1876 (only the subgenus Parotostigmus Pocock, 1896, occurs here), and Rhysida Wood, 1862, neither of which is native to the continental United States (Shelley 2002). There is an old, uncorroborated record of R. longipes (Newport, 1 845 )4 from Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida (Wood 1862), and six authors have reported R. celeris (Humbert & Saussure, 1870) from "Carolina" and Georgia (Humbert & Saussure 1870, Kohlrausch 1881, Underwood 1887, Pocock 1896, Kraepelin 1903, Attems 1930). However, Crabill (1960) expressed doubt that the latter was established here, and Shelley (2002) agreed, deleting it from the North American fauna. Neither Otostigmus nor Rhysida has been revised, and they are on a list of seven scolopendromorph genera that particularly need "taxonomic attention" (Lewis 2003). Literature records are therefore confusing and probably unreliable, but the northernmost of the Otostigminae in the Americas are R. nuda immar- ginata (Porat, 1876), from Durango, Mexico; R. I. longipes from Sinaloa and St. Croix, US Virgin Islands; O. (P.) denticulatus (Pocock, 1896), from Guerrero, Mexico, and Guatemala; R. n. nuda (Newport, 1845), from Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, and Haiti; O. (P.) occidentalis Meinert, 1886, from Haiti; and O. (P.) caraibicus Kraepelin, 1903, from Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands (St. Thomas and St. John), and St. Kitts (Meinert 1886; Pocock 1896; Kraepelin 1903; Chamberlin 1918, 1921, 1950; Attems 1930; Bucherl 1974; Lewis 1989). 1 Received on July 3, 2004. Accepted on August 3, 2004. 2 Research Lab., North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 4301 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 U.S.A. E-mail: rowland.shelley(a'ncmail.net. 'Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Division of Plant Industry, P. O. Box 147100, Gainesville, Florida 32614-7100 U.S.A. E-mail: edwardg@doacs.state.fl.us. A Opinions differ as to whether to recognize subspecies in R. longipes. In the "modern era," Attems (1930) recognized three races and one variety, but Koch (1985) synonymized R. I. kitnimUinu Chamberlin, 1920, under R. nuda (Newport, 1845). Takakuwa (1935), Verhoeff ( 1937). and Loksa (1971) proposed three new subspecies for forms from Asia, all summarized by Lewis (2002), but Bucherl (1974), Shelley and Edwards (1987), and Shelley (2002) did not recognize races at all. As Lewis' treatment (2002) is the most recent and comprehensive, we accept his assessment and assign the Florida specimens to the nominate race, the only one recognized in the Americas. Mailed on December 21, 2004 Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 117 No specimen of Otostigmus has ever been taken to the north, but representatives of Rhysida have been intercepted four times in quarantines at US ports since 1937 (Shelley 2002), and single individuals of/?. /. longipes have been encoun- tered three times in south Florida, in 1956-57 in Miami and South Miami, Miami-Dade County, and in 1962 in a home in Key West, Monroe County (Chamberlin 1958, Crabill 1960, Shelley 2002). Shelley and Edwards (1987) therefore included R. 1. longipes in their key to Floridian scolopendromorphs, but as no specimens had been encountered for 40 years, Shelley (2002) concluded that it had not established reproducing populations. While it is premature to rescind this conclusion, there is now reason to ques- tion it. On April 15, 2004, two inspectors from the US Department of Agriculture discovered 5-6 moderately large scolopendrid centipedes on grass beneath a piece of plywood outside a warehouse in the vicinity of Hialeah, Miami-Dade County; this site is some 15 mi (24 km) northwest of the Port of Miami, so the centipedes cannot be regarded as "interceptions." Two individuals were captured and sent to the second author, where they were accessioned as Florida State Collection of Arthropods sample #£-2004-2872 and sent to the first author for determination. The centipedes are ca. 57 mm long and 7 mm wide, and are a sub- uniform green dorsally that fades into light olive-brown on the last three tergites; the prefemora of the ultimate legs are light brownish, and the remaining podomeres are light green. They are clearly referrable to Rhysida because the first tergite overlaps the base of the cephalic plate; the spiracles are circular and non-valvular; and a pair of spiracles is present on segment 7. Key anatomical fea- tures are as follows: antennae (both broken, left with 4 antennomeres and right with 15) with three basalmost articles sparsely hirsute; teeth on coxosternal tooth plates 4+4, medial two on each plate indistinct and subequal in height; trochan- teroprefemoral process long, apically subacuminate, without additional teeth; dorsal paramedian sutures present on tergites 4-20, lateral margination evident on 9-21; ultimate tergite smooth, without sutures, strongly marginate, edges ele- vated into low but distinct carinae; sterna smooth, with short paramedian sutures arising from anterior margins on sternites 3-18 and weak caudomedial depres- sions on 7-19; sternite 21 wider than long, sides converging caudally, caudal margin slightly concave; coxopleural processes with three end and one lateral spines each; prefemora of ultimate legs with ventral, ventromedial, and dorso- medial rows of three equidistantly spaced spines apiece, distalmost of latter at distomedial corner; legs 1-4 with one short distal spine each on anterior surfaces of tibiae; 1st tarsi with two ventrodistal spines on legs 1-11 and one on legs 12- 19; two accessory claws present on legs 1-19. These features are compatible with the variation in R. 1. longipes as characterized by Atterns (1930) and Lewis (2002); based on proximity, the specimens are probably neotropical in origin, but theoretically, they could have come from anywhere within the species' range, which encompasses parts of the East Indies, Asia, Indian Ocean islands, and Africa as well as the Americas (Lewis 2002). From the circumstances of this dis- covery, it seems that the inspectors may have accidentally found representatives 1 1 8 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS of a larger population of this species that lives, reproduces, and is now estab- lished in this region of Miami-Dade County. Somewhat simultaneously, EMV (see Acknowledgments below) spotted a centipede with similar coloration out- side a warehouse in West Palm Beach. It eluded capture and may also have been R. 1. longipes, but two native south Floridian scolopendrids (both in the Scolo- pendrinae), Scolopendra viridis Say, 1821, and Hemiscolopendra marginata (Say, 1821) (Shelley and Edwards 1987, Hoffman and Shelley 1996, Shelley 2002), are similar enough in size and color that a non-specialist could confuse these species. We therefore cannot say that R. I. longipes occurs in Palm Beach County but note the possibility for future reference. As south Florida harbors numerous non-native species, we place on record the fourth capture of these allochthonous centipedes, and the first with more than one individual, because R. I. longipes may now be an established component of regional ecosystems. Concerted sampling around the same time of year is need- ed in and around Hialeah, possibly using pitfall traps, to attempt to gather addi- tional individuals and determine whether R. I. longipes truly occupies this region of Miami-Dade County. Sampling efforts to the north will document whether the centipede also occurs in Palm Beach County. One individual has been deposited in each author's institution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Eduardo M. Varona and Mike Meadows, USDA inspectors, for collecting the specimens and sending them to the second author; J. G. E. Lewis, for general advice and reference citations; and G. Hodges, for a prepublication review. LITERATURE CITED Attems, C. 1930. Myriapoda 2. Scolopendromorpha. Das Tierreich 54:1-308. Biicherl, W. 1974. Die Scolopendromorpha der Neotropischen Region. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London No. 32: 99-133. Chamberlin, R. V. 1918. The Chilopoda and Diplopoda of the West Indies. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 62(5): 1 5 1 -262. Chamberlin, R. V. 1921. The centipeds of Central America. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum 60(7): 1-1 7. Chamberlin, R. V. 1950. Some chilopods from Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 63: 155- 162. Chamberlin, R. V. 1958. Some records of chilopods from Florida. Entomological News 69(1): 13- 14. Crabill, R. E. 1960. A new American genus of cryptopid centipede, with an annotated key to the scolopendromorph genera from America north of Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 111:1-15. Hoffman, R. L. and R. M. Shelley. 1996. The identity of Scolopendra marginata Say (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae). Myriapodologica 4(5):35-42. Vol. 115. No. 2, March & April 2004 119 Humbert, A. and H. de Saussure. 1870. Myriapoda nova Americana. Description de divers Myriapodes nouveaux de musee de Vienne. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie 22:196-205. Koch, L. E. 1985. The taxonomy of Australian centipedes of the genus Rhvsida Wood (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae: Otostigminae). Journal of Natural History 19:205-214. Kohlrausch, E. 1 88 1 . Gattungen und Arten der Scolopendriden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 47:50- 132. Kraepelin, K. 1903. Revision der Scolopendriden. Mitteilungen aus dem naturhistorischen Muse- um in Hamburg 20:1-276. Lewis, J. G. E. 1989. The scolopendromorph centipedes of St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands, collect- ed by Dr. W. B. Muchmore. Journal of Natural History 23:1003-1016. Lewis, J. G. E. 2002. The scolopendromorph centipedes of Mauritius and Rodrigues and their adja- cent islets (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha). Journal of Natural History 36:79-106. Lewis, J. G. E. 2003. The problems involved in the characterisation of scolopendromorph species (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha). African Invertebrates 44(l):61-69. Loksa, I. 1971. Die von K. Lindberg in Afghanistan gesammelten Chilopoden. Senkenbergiana Biologica52:103-112. Meinert, F. 1886. Myriapoda Musei Cantabrigensis, Mass. Part I. Chilopoda. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 23(122):161-232. Pocock, R. I. 1895-1910. Chilopoda and Diplopoda. Biologia Centrali-Americana, 217 pp. (Fas- cicle on the Otostigminae issued in January 1896). Shelley, R. M. 2002. A synopsis of the North American centipedes of the order Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda). Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir No. 5:1-108. Shelley, R. M. and G. B. Edwards. 1987. The scolopendromorph centipedes of Florida, with an introduction to the common myriapodous arthropods. Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Entomology Circular No. 300:1-4. Takakuwa, Y. 1935. Ueber Neue Chilopoden aus Japan. Transactions of the Natural History So- ciety of Formosa 25(145):339-343. Underwood, L. M. 1887. The Scolopendridae of the United States. Entomologica Americana 3(4):61-65. Verhoeff, K. W. 1937. Chilopoden aus Malacca, nach den Objecten des Raffles Museum in Singapore. I. Teil Scolopendromorpha und Geophilomorpha. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore 13: 198-239. Wood, H. C. 1862. On the Chilopoda of North America, with a catalogue of all the specimens in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, ser. 2, 5:2-52. 120 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SOCIETY MEETING OF MARCH 24, 2004 EVOLUTION OF FLEA BEETLES (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) Catherine N. Duckett Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 In the evening presentation, Dr. Catherine Duckett, on an NSF Advance Fellowship at the Smithsonian Institution, demonstrated the use of phylogenetic hypotheses to study the evolutionary questions posed by flea beetles. Flea bee- tles form part of the subfamily Galerucinae that is composed of more than 8000 species, and include major agricultural pests such as Diobrotica spp. causing mil- lions of dollars of damage yearly. Duckett presented three competing hypotheses of relationships for the tribes Alticini and Galerucini, including one which hypothesizes that the Galerucini evolved from a jumping flea-beetle ancestor. Duckett's molecular analysis of ribosomal DNA supported this hypothesis — that the flea beetles are not a monophyletic group because the galerucini evolved from a species that could jump. Using this supported hypothesis, Duckett answered questions posed by flea beetle evolutionary biology, including the evo- lution of pharmacophagy (adults selecting toxic cucurbitacins as defensive com- pounds), prediction of identity for an unknown larval type, and systematic place- ment of a newly discovered, enigmatic species. In other observations made by members at the meeting, Howard Boyd noted that the bee Colletes thoracicus (Colletidae) had been active for nearly two weeks near his home in Tabernacle, NJ. Notice was made that Brood X of the Periodical Cicadas was expected this year in a broad area in eastern North Ameri- ca, including the Philadelphia/Delaware region. Dr. Ron Romig received a Cer- tificate of Appreciation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on behalf of his efforts for the Beneficial Insect Rearing Laboratory in Newark, DE. The certifi- cate was presented by member Bill Day, of BIRL. Nearly 22 members and visi- tors were present at the meeting. Jon Gelhaus, President Secretary of the American Entomological Society (1997-2003) Corresponding Secretary of the American Entomological Society (2003-present) E-mail: gelhaus@acnatsci.org. Mailed on December 21, 2004 Reviewers. When submitting papers, all authors are requested to provide the names of two qual- ified individuals who have critically reviewed the manuscript before it is submitted to Entomological News. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. All papers, except book reviews, are forwarded to experts for final review before acceptance. In order to expedite the review process, authors are also asked to suggest the name, address, email, tele- phone and fax of at least three experts in the subject field to whom the manuscript may be forward- ed for additional review. Ideally, the review process should be completed within 30 days. The editor reserves his prerogative of sending the manuscript to other reviewers. Authors are also welcome to list the names of reviewers to whom the article should not be sent, with a brief explanation. Upon return of reviews, authors will be asked to modify or rewrite their texts to accommodate suggestions of the reviewers and the editor as well as to conform to requirements of Entomological News. If authors do not modify their texts, they should specifically address, on a point by point basis, why they are not doing that. Page Proofs. The printer will send page proofs to the editor and the business manager. Faith Kuehn. Then, the proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as .pdf files, together with the reprint order form as an .rtf file. Authors must process proofs and return them to the editor and to the business editor by air mail or e-mail (attachment). Authors who anticipate being absent are urged to provide forwarding addresses or to provide temporary addresses (with dates). Proofs not approved within one week will be published as is. The editor will collect the page proofs and send them to the printer. Page and Reprint Charges. Charges for publication in Entomological News are US$25.00 per printed page (or part) for members and US$30.00 per printed page (or part) for nonmembers. Authors will be charged for all text figures and halftones at the rate of US$30.00 each, regardless of size. These charges were approved by the American Entomological Society Council for the 2003-2004 United States Fiscal year. Authors will pay for color printing at the going rate. There are no discounts. There are no page charges for book reviews. Page and reprint charges will be billed by Faith Kuehn. to whom communications and remittances of page charges and reprints should be sent. FK address is: 3789 Foulk Road, Boothwyn, Pennsylvania 19061 U.S.A. E-mail: fbkuehn@yahoo.com. Articles longer than 20 printed pages of Entomological News may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the entire cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. It hard copy reprints are desired, they must be ordered together with the proofs. Reprints as .pdf files are available for the authors. For options and charges, contact the business manager. Entomological News is printed by Dover Litho Printing Company. 1211 North DuPont Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901 U.S.A. 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This abundantly illustrated book goes to the heart of the issue: how old are the Earth and its inhabitants? This work is filled with fascinating nuggets of cultural/scien- tific historiography; the noble along with the less than virtuous. Some of these include Brogniarts's progressive views on fossil plants - some with possible insect damage - as global climate indicators, the story behind the "beast of Maastricht," the presence of mammoths in Wrangel Island (Siberian Arctic) during the construction of the Egyptian pyramids (4,000-5,000 years before the present), the trafficking on fossils, Mary Anning, Jr. along with numerous men and their roles in paleobiology, the origin of names currently used in the geological time table, Linne as the type of H. sapiens, the creatures in Linne's Anthropomorpha, the effect of the European Industrial Revolution in geology and paleobiology, the 18th and 19th century views of "amateurs" and "profes- sionals," dinosaur tracks (http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/dinos/dinotracks.html), and others. Through examples, the book also provokes a thoughtful reflection on how, as a community of scientific prac- titioners, geologists and paleobiologists were strongly influenced by views of western religious organizations, particularly those of Christendom regarding temporal issues. As numerous scientific discoveries began shatter- ing the belief in a relatively young Earth, scientists started to abandon a modus operand! in which faith would have had the last word while reason obeyed. Palmer provides instances of fossils (e.g. the skulls of extinct large proboscideans, deemed to be remnants of former giants, or a giant fossil salamander, described as Homo delu- vii testis Scheuchzer, "a human who witnesses the deluge") that were incorrectly interpreted as hard evidence for the existence of the nephilims (Genesis 6:4) and other sinners who died in a universal Noachian deluge. The paleobiological literature of the nineteenth century is filled with cases of respected scientists who explained the presence of plants and their herbivorous insects in coal measures in terms of a global pluvial catastrophe. Similar contemporaneous beliefs include the claim of some modem creationists that layers of fossilized strata are pro- duced in months, or that genuine amber and their biological inclusions are thousands of years old, or that there are just a few hundred biological "species" on Earth, or that huge vertebrates may still roam in a remote unex- plored jungle or a body of water. Even "illuminated" Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, hoped for the existence of living dinosaur-sized vertebrates in North America when he sent Lewis and Clark westward. Extending the discussion on radiometric techniques (http://www.gate.net/~rwms/AgeEarth.html) and greatly expanding the "Further Reading" section would have increased the value of this book. Although most illustra- tions in Fossil Revolution are well selected and helpful, adding to its broad perspective, the images depicting insects in amber (pp. 137-139) leave a lot to be desired. I noted very few errors and a rather memorable contro- versial statement, perhaps a lapsus, "...the fossil record does not preserve flowering plants until late Jurassic times" (p. 44). After reading Fossil Revolution, one wonders why the clash between systems of thinking still seems to be so vociferous in the west. How have these issues been "solved," if at all, in other civilizations? Fossil Revolution is an excellent read for anyone interested in the history of ideas and would make an excel- lent selection for interdisciplinary college courses. This novel interpretation of the fossil record also revolution- ized our world's view about the age of the Earth and its inhabitants. Given appropriate technology and previous knowledge, one can understand and, sometimes, predict natural phenomena. Nothing surpasses the constant pur- suit of the "ground truth." Jorge A. Santiago-Blay Department of Paleobiology MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012 Washington, District of Columbia 20013-7012 U.S.A. E-mail: santiago-blay@nmnh.si.edu. Mailed on December 21, 2004 •-id) I MAY & JUNE 2004 USISSN 0013-872X No. 3 NTOMOLOGICAL NEWS specific synonyms and records of North American Centroptilum and Procloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) N. A. Wiersema and W. P. McCafferty 121 "Supermale" caddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae, Philopotamidae) from the North Central United States David C. Houghton 129 Two new species of Ethmia Hiibner from China (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Ethmiinae) Shu-Xia Wang and Hou-Hun Li 135 A new small minnow mayfly (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Utah, U.S.A. N. A. Wiersema, C. R. Nelson, and K, E Kuehnl 139 A winter pitfall technique for winter-active subnivean fauna R Paquin 146 Crossocerus flavomaculatus, a new species of the subgenus Acanthocrabro from China, with a key to the Chinese species of the subgenus (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Crabronidae) Qiang Li and Junhua He 157 Not knowing is gnawing at me Frederick B. Getze 162 A new species of Oxycera Meigen (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Turkey Turgay Ustuner and Abdullah Hasbenli 163 SCIENTIFIC NOTES: An overlooked family-group name for termites (Isoptera) Michael S. Engel and Kumar Krishna 168 On the identity of Halictus cubensis Spinola, 1851 (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) Michael S. Engel 169 Two new orthopteran hosts of North American Polideini (Diptera: Tachinidae) James E, O'Hara and David A. Gray 171 Distributional records of Cataractocoris (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) in Mesoamerica Robert W. Sites 173 New host record for Urosigalphus mimosestes Gibson and first record of U. neomexicanus Crawford (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Mexico Victor Lopez-Martinez, J- /. Figueroa-De la Rosa, J. Romero N., J. A. Sanchez G., and S. Anaya R. 175 Perustigmus and Perustigminae Verhoeff, 1941, invalid genus- and family-group names in the centipede family Scolopendridae (Scolopendromorpha) Rowland M. Shelley and Amazonas Chagas, Jr. 178 BOOK REVIEW: Pest and vector control by H. F. van Emden and M. W. Service (Editors) Thomas G. Shanover 180 AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY BUSINESS: Society Meeting of April 28, 2004 Jon Gelhaus Back Cover THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY MAILED ON JANUARY 19, 2005 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND NEW GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS OF ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Entomological News is published bimonthly except July-August by The American Entomological Society, which is headquartered at the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1 195 United States of America. AES can be reached, as follows: lelephone (215) 561-3978; fax (215) 299-1028; e-mail, aes@acnatsci.org and website: http://www. acnatsci.org/hosted/aes. Information on the Calvert Award for insect-related study by a young person in the Delaware Valley region sponsored by The American Entomological Society can be found at: http://www.udel.edu/chem/white/ Odonata/Cal vert Awd .html Subscriptions to and Back Issues of Entomological News. Private subscriptions for personal use of members of the society are US $15 per year prepaid. Subscriptions for institutions, such as libraries, lab- oratories, etc. and nonmembers, are US $30 per year prepaid for those located in the USA and US $34 per year prepaid for those located outside the USA. Back issues when available are sold by complete volume, for US $15 to members, and US $30 to nonmembers. Membership / subscription application and additional information is available at: http://www.acnatsci.org/hosted/aes/ subscription.html. Please send inquiries or send completed membership form to: Office Manager at the address above, e-mail: aes@say.acnatsci.org, or call (2 15) 56 1-3978. Previous editors of Entomological News: 1890 Eugene Murray- Aaron (1852-1940); 1890-1910 Henry Skinner (1861-1926); 191 1-1944 Philip P. Calvert ( 1871-1961 ); 1945-1967 R.G. Schmieder (1898- 1967); 1968-1972 Ross H. Arnett, Jr. (1919-1999); 1973-1974 R.W. Lake; 1974-2002 Howard P. Boyd; 2002-2003 F. Christian Thompson and Michael Pogue. New Guidelines for authors of Entomological News: Further guidelines can be found on http://www.geocities.coni/entomologicalnews/instructions.htm Subject Coverage: Entomology, sensu lato. Manuscripts on systematics, ecology, evolution, mor- phology, physiology, behavior, biodiversity, conservation, paleobiology, and other aspects of insect and terrestrial arthropod life as well as nomenclature, biographies and history of entomology, among others, are appropriate topics for papers submitted to Entomological News. Papers on applied, economic, and reg- ulatory entomology or on toxicology and related subjects will be considered only if they also make a major contribution in one of the aforementioned fields. Any author may submit papers. Manuscripts will be accepted from any author, although, papers from members of the American Entomological Society are given priority. It is suggested that all prospec- tive authors join the AES. Send manuscripts, books for review, and editorial correspondence to the editor. All manuscripts, including scientific notes and book reviews, submitted for publication in Entomological News as well as all associated editorial communications must be sent to the Editor, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay at this address: Department of Paleobiology. MRC-121 , National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 U.S.A. If an author uses a mailing service that does not accept addresses with a P. O. Box, please use this address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, West Loading Dock, Washington, District of Columbia 20560 U.S.A. Other means of contacting the Editor are, as follows: Phone: (202) 633-1383, Fax: (202) 786-2832, e-mails: santiago-blay@nmnh.si.edu, or blayj@hotmail.com, or via the webpage at http://www.geocities.com/entomologicalnews/contact. htm. Books for review should also be sent to the editor who will, in turn, give them to a colleague for review. Agreement. By submitting a paper for publication, authors tacitly agree to not submit in parallel the same manuscript to another journal! For published papers, authors agree to accept responsibility for all page, illustration, and requested reprint charges. Rejected manuscripts will be discarded, except for origi- nal artwork and photographs, which will be returned to the authors. Scientific Notes and Book Reviews. These are much shorter contributions, typically not exceeding two printed pages. The main difference between these types of contributions and longer papers is that sci- entific notes and book reviews lack an abstract and most of the main headings, except for the acknowl- edgments and the literature cited sections. Postmaster: If undeliverable, please send to The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway / Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT DOVER, DELAWARE 19901 U.S.A. Vol. 115, No. 3, May & June 2004 NEW SPECIFIC SYNONYMS AND RECORDS OF NORTH AMERICAN CENTROPTILUM AND PROCLOEON (EPHEMEROPTERA: BAETIDAE)1 N. A. Wiersema2 and W. P. McCafferty3 ABSTRACT: Eight species of North American Baetidae are placed as subjective junior synonyms as follows: among Centroptilum, C. album [= C. convexum and C. walshi, n. syns.], C. bifurcation [= C. selandreorum, n. syn.], C. asperatum [= C. elsa and C. oreophiium. n. syns.], among Prodoeon, P. ingens [= P. imp/icutitm, n. syn.], P. rufostrigatum [= P. hobbsi, n. syn.], and P. viridoculare [= P. irmbnim, n. syn.]. Eighteen USA state records for eight species of Centroptilum and 21 state records and one Canadian province record for eight species of Prodoeon are included among the 17 species reviewed and the 67 new North American collection records cited. Certain previously incorrect records are reassigned. KEYWORDS: Ephemeroptera, Baetidae, Centroptilum. Prodoeon. new synonyms A study of the North American Baetidae genera Centroptilum Eaton and Pro- doeon Bengtsson (sometimes referred to as long-clawed baetids) revealed a num- ber of new specific synonyms and considerable new distributional data. This infor- mation is detailed here along with reassignments of some previously published collection records. New species descriptions and diagnoses and keys to all North American species of Centroptilum and Prodoeon will be taken up elsewhere. New data are given here for 17 species presented alphabetically. Specific syn- onymies for each species are given, including eight new synonyms for six of the species. A majority of the 67 new collection citations, including 19 of the 39 new state and provincial records, are based on materials from the Purdue Entomologi- cal Research Collection (PERC). Three of these 39 records are based on correct- ed assignments of previously published locale data. Other collections that have been the source of new records or other materials examined are Colorado State University (CSU), Cornell University (CU), Florida A & M University (FAMU), personal collections of L. S. Long (LSL), Massachusetts Audubon Society (MAS), Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Snow Museum of Entomology (SME), personal collection of R. S. Sarver (RS), and personal col- lection of N. A. Wiersema (NAW). CENTROPTILVM Centroptilum album McDu Centroptilum album McDunnough, 1926:189 Centroptilum wal.shi McDunnough, 1929:173, NEW SYNONYM Centroptilum convexum Ide, 1930:222, NEW SYNONYM 1 Received on July 19, 2002. Accepted on July 1 7. 2004. : MFG. Inc., Consulting Scientist and Engineers, 4807 Spicewood Springs Road, Austin, Texas 78759 U.S.A. E-mails: Nick. Wiersema(« mfgenv.com. 'Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Indiana 47907 U.S.A. E-mail: pat_mccafferty(fl entm.purdue.edu. Mailed on January 19, 2005 122 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Records. MASSACHUSETTS: Franklin Co, East Branch North R, VI-23-1995 (larvae, MAS). OREGON: Lane Co, Cummins Cr nr Neptune St Park, VIII-25-1954 GF Edmunds, and Benton Co, no other data (larvae, PERC). TENNESSEE: Williamson Co, Holt Cr at Edmundson Pike, III- 18- 1995 (larvae, PERC). Remarks. Examination of numerous larvae and adults throughout much of North America has demonstrated that species concepts of C. walshi and C. con- vexum include intergrading color variants of C. album. Larvae and adults that have been attributed to the above names are structurally indistinguishable. Cen- troptilum album is one of the most geographically widespread and commonly collected species of long-clawed baetids in North America. Centroptilum asperatum Traver Centroptilum asperatum Traver, 1935:708 Centroptilum elsa Traver, 1935:713, NEW SYNONYM Centroptilum oreophilum Edmunds, 1954:1, NEW SYNONYM Material Examined. Centroptilum elsa. HOLOTYPE: reared male adult, Wyoming: Moose, VII-30-1929, EB Knots (No. 1360.1, CU); PARATYPES: two males, same data as holotype (No. 1360.3 and 4, CU). Centroptilum asperatum, HOLOTYPE: male adult with subimaginal exuviae, California: Big Bear L, San Bernardino Mts, VIII-29-1932, CD Michener (No. 1359.1, CU). Baetis No. 1 Seemann, reared female adults, California: Cobil's Canyon, nr Claremont, Seemann (CU); larva, Napa Co, Capelle Cr at Rt 128,2.1 miNjctRt 121, 1-27-1994, BC Kondratieff (CSU). Remarks. Our study indicated that the type concept of C. elsa represents small, pale, late summer emergents of C. asperatum. In addition, no reliable characteristics have been found to distinguish C. oreophilum from C elsa. This is a strictly western North American species. It also includes Seemann's Baetis No. 1 taken from Riverside County, California (Seemann 1927) and the Cali- fornia locales cited above. Centroptilum bifurcatum McDunnough Centroptilum bifurcatum McDunnough, 1924:96 Centroptilum selanderorum Edmunds, 1954:2, NEW SYNONYM Records. KANSAS: Douglas Co, Kansas R at Eudora Bridge, VI1I-24-1978, P. Liechti (larvae, SME). KENTUCKY: Montgomery Co, Slate Cr at Cooks Branch Rd, .9 km SSW jet Ky 460 and 7 1 3, VII- 19- 1983, and Taylor Co, Robinson Cr, .75 km SWjct Ky 70 and 337 at Mannsville, VII-27-1983 (larvae, PERC). WASHINGTON: Benton Co, Richland, IX- 18- 1998, R Newell (adult, NAW). Remarks. Initial evidence of the equivalency of C. selanderorum (known as adults) and C. bifurcatum was presented by McCafferty et al. (1993). The exam- ination of considerable additional materials since that time has confirmed that genitalic form and coloration associated with C. selanderorum (Edmunds 1954) represents variability found within or between populations of the relatively wide- spread, mainly midwestern and western C. bifurcatum. The new Kansas and Kentucky records of this species extend the known midwestern range (e.g., Ran- dolph and McCafferty 1998) south and into the fringe of the Southeast. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 3, May & June 2004 123 Centroptilum conturbatum McDunnough Centroptilum conturbatum McDunnough 1929:171 Records. ARIZONA: Yavapai Co., Spring Cr, 8 mi SW Cedona, 1 mi off US 89A, 3500', T16N, R4E, center, SW/4, V-06-1981, and Red Tank Draw, 1.5 mi E 1-17 & AZ 279, on Rd # 618, E Montezuma Well Nat Mon, 3780', V-04-1981, WU Brigham, AR Brigham, MW Sanderson (larvae, PERC). COLORADO: Jackson Co, Roaring Fork R at Co Rd 5 bridge, VII1-22-1991, R Durfee, and Douglas Co, Cherry Cr, bank/bw Castlewood Canyon St Prk, VII- 17- 1997, A Polonsky, R Durfee (larvae, CSU). Remarks. This species is known from central and western Canada south through the intermountain western USA. Centroptilum minor McDunnough Cloeon minor McDunnough, 1926:190 Records. ALABAMA: Elmore Co, Sofkahatchee Cr, IX- 16- 1987, S Harris, and Dekalb Co, W. frk Little R at Desota St Prk, VI-22-1988, KS Eraser, and Clay Co, Cheaha Cr at For Rd 637, 2.7 mi W L Chinnabee, VI-OI-1988, S Harris (male adults, CSU). MISSOURI: Maries Co, Gasconade R nr Hwy 63 bridge, V-03-1989, S Humphrey (larvae, MDNR). NORTH CAROLINA: Randolph Co, Little Brushy Cr at St Rd 1005, V- 18- 1990 (larva, NAW). TEXAS: Montgomery Co, Peach Cr at US 59, N New Caney, 20° 12' 1 1 N, 095° 1 1' 07 W, IV- 19- 1999, and Walker Co, Sandy Cr, E Huntsville St Prk, 30° 37' 52 N, 095° 31' 15 W, 11-24-1999, and Waller Co, Ponds Cr at Hwy 290, IX- 17,27- 1997, NA Wiersema (larvae and reared females, NAW). Remarks. This is an eastern species that in the south extends westward to Missouri and Texas. Centroptilum ozarkensum Wiersema & Burian Centroptilum ozarkensum Wiersema and Burian, 2000: 1 77 Records. TENNESSEE: Cannon Co, East Fork Stones R at headwaters, VI-07-1997, and Williamson Co, Holt Cr at Edmundson Prk, 111-19-1995, LS Long (larvae and exuviae, NAW). Remarks. This species is currently known only from Missouri and Tennessee. Centroptilum triangulifer McDunnough Cloeon triangulifer McDunnough, 1931:88 Records. ARKANSAS: Boone Co, Bear Cr at St Rd 14, V-28-1974, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, L Dersch (female adult, PERC). FLORIDA: Calhoun Co, Chipola R at Hwy 20, 1-20- 1974 PH Carlson (larva, FAMU). IOWA: Chickasaw Co, East Fork of the Wapsipinicon R 2.5 mi NE of North Washington & N of 150th St. Bridge, X-03-2002 (larvae, PERC). Remarks. This species is found generally in the eastern half of the continent and extends westward into the Southwest as far as Oklahoma and Texas. Centroptilum victoriae McDunnough Centroptilum victoriae McDunnough 1938:27 124 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Records. INDIANA: La Grange Co, Pigeon Cr at 1 100 E, VI-10-1974, L Dersch, D Tyler (exu- viae, PERC). MICHIGAN: Marquette Co, Lower Elm Cr .25 mi SW Ives L Stone House, VII-9-11- 1985, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, and Pine River at bridge on Huron Mtn Club Compound Rd, VI-2-5-1986, WP McCafferty (larva, PERC). VERMONT: Windhams Co, North Brook at W Edge of Wilmington, VI-20-1976, WP McCafferty. AV Provonsha, and M Minno (larvae, PERC). Remarks. This species was first reported in name from the USA by McCaf- ferty et al. (2002) in their inventory of Iowa mayflies. Reexamination of Maine material upon which the report of C. semirufum McDunnough by Burian and Gibbs (1991) was based, revealed that it was referable to C. victoriae. As a result, C. semirufum is currently known in the USA only from the state of Pennsylvania (Jacobus and McCaffery 2001). Historically, C. victoriae has been known pri- marily from central and eastern Canada. PROCLOEON Procloeon ingens McDunnough Cloeon ingens McDunnough, 1923:44 Cloeon implicatum McDunnough, 1924:1 13, NEW SYNONYM Procloeon implicatum (McDunnough), NEW SYNONYM Remarks. We have found P. implicatum indistinguishable from P. ingens. Also, reexamination of material reported as P. mendax (Walsh) from Marquette County, Michigan, by Randolph and McCafferty (1998) showed it to be referable to C. ingens. This species is known from Alberta and the Yukon, east across Canada and also from a few USA states, including Colorado, Maine, and now Michigan. Procloeon mendax Walsh Cloeon mendax Walsh, 1862:381 Remarks. Leonard and Leonard (1962) mentioned Cloeon sp. from a small tributary of the Au Sable River in Crawford County, Michigan. Examination of this material and the figure of the geni- talia of this species presented by Leonard and Leonard (1962), demonstrated it as referable to P. men- dax, which otherwise is represented in Michigan only in an old report from Detroit (Wayne County) by Eaton (1887). The species has been reported infrequently from northeastern and midwestern North America. Procloeon nelsoni Wiersema Procloeon nelsoni Wiersema, 1999:27 Records. TENNESSEE: Rutherford Co, West Fork Stones R at Barfield, IV-22-1997, and Panther Cr at Panther Cr Rd, VI-08-1997, and Panther Cr at Walnut Grove Rd/Panther Cr Rd, IV-27- 1997, and Williamson Co, unnamed trib of Mill Cr at Rock Springs Rd and Clovercroft, IV-07-1997, LS Long (larvae, female adults, some reared, LSL). Remarks. Reexamination of the larva informally referred to as Procloeon sp. 3 from Texas by McCafferty and Davis (1992) revealed that is was referable to P. nelsoni. This species is currently known only from Texas and Tennessee. Vol. 115, No. 3, May & June 2004 125 Procloeon pennulatum Eaton Centroptilum pennulatum Eaton, 1870:2 Centroptilum infrequens McDunnough, 1924:98 Records. ARKANSAS: Scott Co, Johnson Cr at Johnson Cr Rd nr US Hwy 71. 8 mi N Mena, VI- 1-1974, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, L Dersch (larvae, PERC). COLORADO: Moffat Co, Yampa R at Echo Prk, Dinosaur Nat Mon, IX-03-1994, BC Kondratieff, R Durfee (reared adults, NAW). NEVADA: Elko Co, Humbolt R at Elko, VIII-29-1965, SL and JW Jensen (larva, PERC). TENNESSEE: Cannon Co, Carson Frk at Burt Burgen Rd and Todd's Cemetery, VIII-27-1997 (exu- viae, NAW). Remarks. This widespread Holarctic species was first recognized in North America by Lowen and Flannagan (1990) by way of synonymizing C. infrequens with it. The species is now known from all North American regions excluding the extreme southwestern USA and Mexico (see also comments under P. rivulare, below). Procloeon rivulare Traver Centroptilum rivulare Traver, 1935:716 Records. CONNECTICUT: New Haven Co, Seymour, Bladden's Brk, at Rt 67 and Skokorat Rd, VII-22-1996, SK Burian (larvae, NAW). MASSACHUSETTS: Hampshire Co, Mill R, Arcadia Sanctuary, Easthampton, VIII-01-1991 (larvae, MAS). MISSISSIPPI: Perry Co, Leaf River, 31/13/03N 87/03/47W, VII-2000 (PERC). TENNESSEE: Polk Co, Lost Cr at Lost Cr Campgr nr Ocoee R, III-5-1994, and Rutherford Co, West Fork Stones R at Barfield, IV-22-1997, LS Long (lar- vae, LSL). VERMONT: Windhams Co, small spring at North Brk at W edge of Wilmington, VI-20- 1976, WP McCafferty. AV Provonsha, M Minno (larva, PERC). VIRGINIA: Highland Co, Back Cr at Va Hwy 84, V-05-1968 (larva, PERC). Remarks. Reexamination of materials reported as P. pennulatum from North Carolina by McCafferty (1993) and New Brunswick by McCafferty and Ran- dolph (1998) are referable to P. rivulare. This species is known from far eastern Canada (New Brunswick and Nova Scotia), through the Appalachian chain in the USA, and westward in Kentucky, Indiana, Mississippi, and Ohio. Procloeon rubropictum McDunnough Cloeon rubropictum McDunnough, 1923:43 Records. MISSOURI: Bellinger Co, Little Whitewater R, IX-22-1999. and Hickory Co, Little Niangra R, IX- 17- 1996, and Reynolds Co, E Frk Black R. IX-2 1-1999, and Shannon Co, Pea Vine Hollow, V- 16-2001, and St. Clair Co, Brushy Cr. 1X-20-1995 (larvae, MDNR). TENNESSEE: Rutherford Co, West Fork Stones R at Barfield, I V-22- 1 997, and Panther Cr at Panther Cr Rd, VI-08- 1997, LS Long (larvae and female adult, LSL). Remarks. This species is relatively common throughout eastern Canada and the eastern half of North America to as far west as Oklahoma, although it has yet to be reported from any states north or south of Oklahoma. 126 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Procloeon rufostrigatum McDunnough Centroptilum rufostrigatum McDunnough, 1924:95 Centroptilum bistrigatum Daggy, 1945:389 Centroptilum hobbsi, Bemer, 1946:77, NEW SYNONYM Procloeon hobbsi (Berner), NEW SYNONYM Material examined. Centroptilum hobbsi, PARATYPE: female adult, Florida, Alachua Co, Sante Fe R at Poe Springs (FAMU). Procloeon sp. 1, female adults, Texas: Blanco Co, Blanco R (PERC). Records. MISSOURI: Adair Co., Chariton R at Hwy 6 bridge, IX-20-2001, RJ Sarver (larvae, RS); Osage Co, Maries R, VIII-21-1996, RJ Sarver (larvae, MDNR). VERMONT: Windhams Co, Whetstone Brk at Battleboro, VI- 19,20- 1976, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, M Minno (larvae, PERC). Remarks. Berner ( 1 946) based his description of C. hobbsi on a small num- ber of adult females from northern Florida, and he included a description of pre- sumably associated larvae. The latter are indistinguishable from the larvae of P. rufostrigatum. Adult paratype material of P. hobbsi also proved to be equivalent to P. rufostrigatum. The report of P. rivulare from central Texas by Baumgardner et al. (1997) is referable to P. rufostrigatum, and reexamination of material infor- mally referred to as Procloeon sp. 1 from Texas by McCafferty and Davis (1992) showed that it also is referable to P. rufrostrigatum. This species is common in the central plains states and Manitoba, but is also known from more eastern Can- ada and the USA. Procloeon simplex McDunnough Cloeon simplex McDunnough, 1925:185 Records. MISSOURI: Maries Co., Gasconade R nr Hwy 63 bridge, V-03-1989, S Humphrey (larvae, PERC, MDNR). Remarks. This species is known from scattered localities in the eastern half of North America. Procloeon viridoculare Berner Centroptilum viridocularis Berner, 1940:39 Procloeon imibniin Lowen and Flannagan, 1992:104, NEW SYNONYM Records. ARKANSAS: Scott Co, Mill Cr at Mill Cr picnic area, Ouachita Nat For, VI-1-1974, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, L Dersch (larva, PERC). KENTUCKY: Christian Co., Buck Fork Pond R, VIII-14-1980, and Knott Co, Carr Fork, VI-27-1978, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha (lar- vae, PERC). INDIANA: Benton Co., Big Pine Creek, V-25-1976, and trib of Big Pine Cr, ca 5 mi NE Templeton, VIII-04-1976, AV Provonsha, M Minno, and Elkhart Co, Elkhart R, IX-5-1978, WP McCafferty, AV Provonsha, and Hendricks Co, W frk White Lick Cr, VI1-20-1978, M Minno, JH Hollis, and Jasper Co., Oliver Ditch (Iroquois R), VII-26-1973, K Black, and Jefferson Co, Indian- Kentuck Cr, VI- 17- 1977, AV Provonsha, M Minno, AA Alabi, and LaGrange Co., Pigeon Cr IX-7- 1974, AV Provonsha, and Martin Co., West Fork White River at Hindostan Falls Publ Fish Site. VII- 26-1982, and Bogg's Cr, IX-8-1978, AV Provonsha, M Doub, and Tippecanoe Co., Wabash R, VI- 14-1977, M Minno, D Morihara, S Yocom, and Warren Co., Kickapoo Cr, V-2 1-1976, M Minno, D Morihara (larvae, PERC). OKLAHOMA: Noble Co, no other data (larva, PERC). Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 127 Remarks. We found that P. irmbrum was indistinguishable from P. viridoc- ulare. This species is common in central states such as Iowa and Texas, and southeastern states such as Florida and Alabama. It is also known from a few additional midwestern and eastern states as well as Ontario. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the following individuals for loans, donations, or other assistance: B. Colburn (Lincoln, MA), G. Edmunds (Salt Lake City, UT), R. Hoebeke (Ithaca, NY), B. Kondratieff(Fort Collins, CO), D. Lenat (Raleigh, NC), S. Long (Gainesville, FL), and J. Peters (Tallahassee, FL), R. Randolph and L. Sun (West Lafayette, IN), R. Sarver (Jefferson City, MO), and R. Waltz (Indianapolis, IN). Col- lections and documentation of materials held at PERC have been supported in part by NSF grant DEB-9901577to WPM. LITERATURE CITED Baumgardner, D. E., J. H. Kennedy, and B. C. Henry, Jr. 1997. New and additional records of Texas mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Transactions American Entomological Society 123: 55-69. Berner, L. 1940. Baetine mayflies from Florida (Ephemeroptera). Florida Entomologist. 23: 33-45. Berner, L. 1946. New species of Florida mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Florida Entomologist. 28: 60- 82. Burian, S. K. and K. E. Gibbs. 1991. Mayflies of Maine: an annotated faunal list. Maine Agri- cultural Experimental Station Tech Bulletin. 142: 109 pp. Daggy, R. H. 1945. New species and previously undescribed naiads of some Minnesota mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Annuals Entomological Society America 38: 373-396. Eaton, A. E. 1870. On some British species of Ephemeridae. Transactions Entomological Society London 18: 1-8. Eaton, A. E. 1883-88. A revisional monograph of recent Ephemeridae or mayflies. Transactions Linnaean Society London. 2nd Series. 3: 1-352. Edmunds, G. F., Jr. 1954. New species of Utah mayflies. II. Baetidae, Centroptilum (Ephemerop- tera). Proceedings Entomological Society Washington 56: 1-4. Ide, F. P. 1930. Contribution to the biology of Ontario mayflies with descriptions of new species. The Canadian Entomologist 62: 218-231. Jacobus, L. M. and W. P. McCafferty. 2001. New Ephemeroptera records from Pennsylvania. Entomological News 112: 144. Leonard, J. \V. and F. A. Leonard. 1962. Mayflies of Michigan trout streams. Carnbrook Inst.. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. 88 pp. Lowen, R. G. and J. F. Flannagan. 1990. Centroptilum infreguens McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) a junior synonym of Pseudocentroptilum penmilatum (Eaton). The Canadian Ento- mologist 124: 97-108. Lowen, R. G. and J. F. Flannagan. 1992. Nymphs and imagoes of four North American species of Procloeon Bengtsson with description of a new species (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). The Cana- dian Entomologist 124: 97-108. McCafferty, \V. P. 1993. Commentary on Dnmella titberculata and Procloeon penmilatum (Ephe- meroptera: Ephemerellidae; Baetidae) in North Carolina. Entomological News 104: 235-239. 128 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS McCafferty, W. P. and J. R. Davis. 1992. New and additional records of small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Texas. Entomological News 103: 199-209. McCafferty, W. P. and R. P. Randolph. 1998. Canada mayflies: a faunistic compendium. Proceed- ings Entomological Society Ontario 129: 47-97. McCafferty, W. P., R. S. Durfee, and B. C. Kondratieff. 1993. Colorado mayflies (Ephe- meroptera): an annotated inventory. Southwestern Naturalist 38: 252-274. McCafferty, W. P., T. Hubbard, T. H. Klubertanz, R. P. Randolph, and M. Birmingham. 2003. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Great Plains. II. Iowa. Transactions American Entomological Society 129: 77-105. McDunnough, J. 1923. New Canadian Ephemeridae with notes. The Canadian Entomologist 55: 39-50. McDunnough, J. 1924. New Canadian Ephemeridae. The Canadian Entomologist 56: 90-98, 113- 122, 128-133. McDunnough, J. 1925. New Canadian Ephemeridae with notes, III. The Canadian Entomologist 168-176, 185-192. McDunnough, J. 1 926. Notes on North American Ephemeroptera with descriptions of new species. The Canadian Entomologist 58: 184-196. McDunnough, J. 1929. Notes on North American Ephemeroptera with descriptions of new species II. The Canadian Entomologist 61: 169-180. McDunnough, J. 1938. New species of North American Ephemeroptera with critical notes. The Canadian Entomologist 70: 23-35. Randolph, R. P. and W. P. McCafferty. 1998. Diversity and distribution of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin, New Ser. 13: vii + 188pp. Randolph, R. P., W. P. McCafferty, D. Zaranko, L. M. Jacobus, and J. M. Webb. 2002. New Canadian records of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) and adjustments to North American Cloeon. En- tomological News 113: 306-309. Seemann, T. M. 1927. Ephemerida. Journal Entomological Zoology Pomona College (Pomona, California, U.S.A.) 19:40-51. Traver, J. R. 1932. Mayflies of North Carolina, Part II. Journal Elisha Mitchell Science Society 48: 141-206. Traver, J. R. 1935. Part II, Systematic, pp. 237-739. In: J.G. Needham, J.R. Traver and Y.-C. Hsu (Editors). The biology of mayflies. Comstock, Ithaca, New York. Walsh, B. D. 1862. List of the Pseudoneuroptera of Illinois, contained in the cabinet of the writer, with descriptions of over forty new species, and notes on their structural affinities. Proceedings Academy Natural Science Philadelphia 13-14: 361-402. Wiersema, N. A. 1999. Two new species of Pmcloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Texas. En- tomological News 110: 27-35. Wiersema, N.A. and S. K. Burian. 2000. Centroptilum ozarkensum (Ephmeroptera: Baetidae) a new long-clawed baetid from Missouri. Journal Kansas Entomological Society 72: 177-180. Vol. 115, No. 3, May & June 2004 129 .. SUPERMALE" CADDISFLIES (TRICHOPTERA: HYDROPSYCHIDAE, PHILOPOTAMIDAE) FROM THE NORTH CENTRAL UNITED STATES' David C. Houghton' ABSTRACT: Specimens of Chimarra soda and Cheumatopsyche campyla from Minnesota and Ohio, respectively, are reported with the unusual condition of possessing two sets of male genitalia. These specimens, the first report of "supermale" caddisflies from the United States are described and illustrated herein. The cause of the supermale condition remains unclear. KEY WORDS: Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae, Philopotamidae, north central U.S.A., "supermale" The term "ubermannchen" or, in English, "supermale" or "metamale" des- cribes sterile males with an extra male sex chromosome and often with exagger- ated primary sexual characteristics (Klima and Mey 1987, Redei 1998). Such specimens are quite rare in nature and it is not clear what causes the condition (Redei 1998). The only known description of a possible supermale caddisfly was by Klima and Mey (1987), who discovered a specimen of the German caddisfly Chaeopterygopsis machlachlani Stein (Limnephilidae) with two phalli lying par- allel to each other in the genital capsule and separated by a single intermediate appendage. The remainder of the genitalic structures of this specimen appeared to be normal. They hypothesized that this specimen was a supermale, although they did not provide any genetic information on it. Other genitalic anomalies, such as intersexual and gynandromorphic individ- uals, have been reported in 14 caddisfly species within five families, mostly in the European literature (Nielsen 1948, Schmid 1956, Schmid 1958, McLachlan 1968, Swegman 1978, Dia and Botosaneanu 1982, Mey 1982, Klima and Mey 1987, Botosaneanu 1995). Klima and Mey (1987) provided a review of all such anomalous individuals prior to 1987. This paper describes the apparent supermale condition in two caddisflies: a Minnesota specimen of Chimarra soda Hagen (Philopotamidae), and an Ohio specimen of Cheumatopsyche campyla Ross (Hydropsychidae). Both species are common throughout the eastern United States (Lago and Harris 1987, Nimmo 1987, Armitage 1991). In Minnesota, C. soda is common in the northeastern third of the state where it has been found in a variety of stream types (Houghton 2004). Cheumatopsyche campyla is abundant throughout Ohio and, likewise, found in a variety of habitats (B. J. Armitage, Ohio Biological Survey, personal communication). Examined material is deposited in either the University of Minnesota Insect Collection, Saint Paul, Minnesota (UMSP) or the University of Tennessee Trichoptera Collection (UT). 1 Received on June 18, 2003. Accepted on January 12, 2004. 'Department of Entomology, 219 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave., University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108. Current address: School of Sciences, 1501 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA 24501, U.S.A. E-mail: Houghtonfalynchburg.edu. Mailed on January 19, 2005 130 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Cheumatopsyche campyla, supermale Description: Size, color, and general appearance typical of species; forewing length 9 mm; all 10 abdominal segments including genitalia present. Genitalia (Figure 1): Segment IX annular, broad ventrally with knob-like dorsal apex bearing long stout setae. Segment X slightly longer than deep in lateral view, extending shelf-like over inferior appendages; with median lobe bearing setae and with setaceous apical lobes knob-like in lateral view and tapering dorsally to rounded points in caudal view. With two sets of inferior appendages. One set appearing normal, each appendage with basal segment elongate in lateral view, bearing fine setae basally and stout setae apically; apical segment broader basally, tapering to sinuate apex. Second set of inferior appendages attached inward of nor- mal set and asymmetrical in placement; right abnormal appendage rotated approximately 165° out- wardly, left abnormal appendage rotated approximately 120° outwardly, both abnormal appendages offset approximately 10° clockwise, abnormal appendages otherwise similar to normal appendages. With two phalli, each rotated approximately 90° outwardly, parallel to each other and with their dor- sal (now lateral) surfaces attached medially; phallic complex offset approximately 15° clockwise in genital capsule; both phalli typical in appearance with slightly enlarged ovate apices and complete phallobases; neither phallus appearing attached to ejaculatory duct. Material Examined: OHIO: Montgomery Co., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 2.5 km wsw of Fairborn, 27.vii.1999, u.v. light, 1 supermale rf (UT); MINNESOTA: Koochiching Co., Rainy R., confl. Little Fork R., S.H. 11, 12.vii.1999, D.C. Houghton, u.v. light, 3 normal cfcf ; Anoka Co., Coon Cr., Coon Rapids Regional Park, 14.vii, 2000, D.C. Houghton, u.v. light, 7 normal Cfcf; Crow Wing Co., Pine R., S.R. 169, 20.vii.2000, D.C. Houghton, u.v. light, 23 normal Cfcf (UMSP). Chimarra soda, supermale Description: Size, color, and general appearance typical of species; forewing length 6 mm; all 10 abdominal segments including genitalia present. Genitalia (Figure 2): Segment IX annular, with elongate spatulate mesal lobe on venter of sternum. Tergum X membranous, extended shelf-like cau- dally. Intermediate appendages sclerotized; curved and spatulate in dorsal view, each with two stout setae at apex. Preanal appendages lobe-like and setose, attached to intermediate appendages basally. With two sets of inferior appendages. One set appearing normal; each appendage with quadrate mesal lobe on inner surface near base bearing few setae; in lateral view base setose, projecting ventrad; remainder of appendage elongate with scattered setae; apical region broad, bearing setae. Second set of inferior appendages slightly thinner than and protruding caudad of normal set; attached inward of normal set and rotated approximately 45° inwardly; otherwise similar to normal set with similar setal arrangement. With two phalli, in dorsal view oriented parallel to each other in approximately the usual position within the genital capsule. Right phallus attached to ejaculatory duct and appearing normal, sclerotized laterally for majority of length with trilobed membranous apical portion; con- taining two pairs of internal sclerotized rods; outer pair slender, elongate, tips protruding apically from membranous region of phallus; inner pair sinuate, less heavily sclerotized. Left phallus without ejaculatory duct or complete phallobase; similar in appearance to right phallus with membranous api- cal lobes of phallus more distinct and with sinuate inner sclerotized rods protruding apically from phallic membrane. Material Examined: MINNESOTA: Koochiching Co., Rainy R., confl. Little Fork R., S.H. 11, N 48° 31.174', W 93° 34.174', 244 m, 12.vii.1999, D.C. Houghton, u.v. light, 1 supermale cf (UMSP); same, 13 normal Cftf; Lake Co., Baptism R., S.R. 1, Eckbeck Cpgrd, 30.vii.1991, R.J. Blahnik, u.v. light, 5 normal Cfcf (UMSP). Vol. 115, No. 3, May & June 2004 131 B Figure 1. Cheumatopsyche campyla, supcrmalc, male genitalia. A: Segments IX, X, inferior appendages, lateral. B: Segments IX, X, dorsal. C: Segments IX, X, Phalluses, dorsal. D: Tergum X, caudal. 132 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figure 2. Chimarra soda, supermale, male genitalia. A: Segments VIII, IX, X, inferior appendages, lateral. B: Segments IX, X, dorsal. C: Segments IX, X, Phalluses, dorsal. Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 133 DISCUSSION Except for the obvious anomalies, the general appearance and genitalia of these supermale specimens are similar to past descriptions of C. soda (e.g., Hagen 1861, Banks 1911, Ross 1944, Lago and Harris 1987) and C. campyla (e.g., Ross 1938, Nimmo 1987, Moulton and Stewart 1996), respectively. Like- wise, they appear similar to other males examined from various locations in Min- nesota. The chromosomal condition of both specimens is unknown. The cause of genitalic anomaly remains a matter of conjecture. Under exper- imental conditions using x-rays, Patterson (1931) induced only a 0.03 percent occurrence of gynandromorphs in a colony of Drosophila melanogaster. Klima and Mey's (1987) supermale of Chaeopterygopsis machlachlani was collected along with an intersex specimen and 173 normal individuals. The authors spec- ulated that this high prevalence of genitalic anomaly occurred due to chromoso- mal interaction caused by inbreeding in the species' isolated spring habitat rather than from mutation. Due to the widespread distribution of C. campyla and C. soda (Lago and Harris 1987, Nimmo 1987, Armitage 1991, Houghton 2004), it seems unlikely that inbreeding could be the cause of their supermale condition. Although anthropogenic pollution has been shown to cause morphological aberrations in both vertebrates and invertebrates (Dickman et al. 1992, Maden et al. 1993, Fort et al. 1999, Gardiner and Hoppe 1999), more information about the collecting localities must be obtained before such a hypothesis could be made about the supermale specimens described here. The C. soda specimen was col- lected from the confluence of two large (>100 m wide) rivers, the Rainy and the Little Fork, shortly after dusk. This site is located on the Canadian border and approximately 20 km downstream of International Falls, a town of 6,700 (IFCC 2000). This same collection contained 47 species of caddisflies and 13 male specimens of C. soda without genitalic anomaly. The C. campyla specimen was collected from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in southwestern Ohio. The same collection yielded 23 species of caddisflies and 123 male specimens of C campy- la without abnormality. It will be difficult to determine the cause of the super- male condition with such a small number of known specimens. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere thanks go to D.A. Etnier and J.T. Baxter, University of Tennessee, for loan of their supermale ('. campvla specimen and for supplying data about its collection site. I thank also U.G. Munderloh for translating some German literature into English, and R.J. Blahnik, R.W. Holzenthal. and two anonymous reviewers for reviewing earlier versions of this manuscript. The Minnesota spec- imen was collected during work supported by a Science to Achieve Results Fellowship from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and grants from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Nongame Wildlife Fund, and the Dayton Fund for Natural History, James Ford Bell Museum, University of Minnesota. 134 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS LITERATURE CITED Armitage, B. J. 1991. Diagnostic atlas of the North American caddisfly adults, I. Philopotamidae, 2nd Edition, The Caddis Press. Athens, Alabama. 72 pp. Banks, N. 1911. Descriptions of new species of North American neuropteroid insects. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 37:335-360. Botosaneanu, L. 1995. A gynandromorph specimen of Psvchomvia ctenophora McLachlan 1884, from Spain (Trichoptera: Psychomyiidae). Entomologische Berichten 53:131-136. Dia, A. and L. Botosaneaneau. 1982. Un cas de gynadromorphismus chez un trichoptere hydroptilidae du Liban (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae). Entomologische Berichten 42:140-141. Dickman, M. L. Brindle and M. Benson. 1992. Evidence of teratogens in sediments of the Niagara River watershed as reflected by chironoinid (Diptera: Chironomidae) deformities. Journal of Great Lakes Research 18:467-480. Fort, D. J., T. L. Propst, E. L. Stover, J. C. Helgen, R. Levy, K. Gallagher, and J. G. Burkhart. 1999. Effects of pond water, sediment and sediment extracts from Minnesota and Vermont on early develop- ment and metamorphosis in Xenopus. Environmental Toxicity and Chemistry 18:2305-2315. Gardiner, D. M. and D. M. Hoppe. 1999. Environmentally induced limb malformations in mink frogs (Rana septentrionalis). Journal of Experimental Zoology 284: 207-216. Hagen, H. A. 1861. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America with a list of the South American species. Smithsonian Institution Miscellaneous Collection 347 pp. Houghton, D. C. 2004. Minnesota caddisfly biodiversity (Insecta: Trichoptera): delineation and charac- terization of regions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 95: 153-182. IFCC (International Falls Chamber of Commerce). 2000. http://www.intlfalls.org/facts.htm. Klima, F. and W. Mey. 1987. Anomalien in der Geschlechtsrealisierung bei Kocherflegen (Trichoptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 34:161-168. Lago, P. K. and S. C. Harris. 1987. The Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) of eastern North America with the descriptions of three new species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 95:225-251. Madden, C. P., P. J. Suter, B. C. Nicholson, and A. D. Austin. 1993. Deformities in chironomid larvae as indicators of pollution (pesticide) stress. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology. 26:551-557. Mey, W. 1 982. Eine bilaterale gynandromorphe von Anabolia furcata Brauer (Insecta: Trichoptera). Zoo- logischer Anzeiger 209:394-396. Moulton, S. R. II and K. W. Stewart. 1996. Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Interior Highlands of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 56:1-313. Nielsen, A. 1948. Trichoptera, caddisflies, with description of a new species of Hydroptila, pp. 123—144. //;, Berg, K. (Editor), Biological studies on the river Susaa. Folia Limnologica Scandanavica. 225 pp. Nimmo, A. P. 1987. The adult Arctopsychidae and Hydropsychidae of Canada and adjacent United States. Quaestiones Entomologica 23:1-189. Patterson, J . T. 1 93 1 . The production of gynandromorphs in Drosophila melanogaster by x-ray. Journal of Experimental Zoology 60: 1 73-2 1 1 . Redei, G. P. 1998. Genetics manual: current theory, concepts, terms. World Scientific, River Edge, New Jersey. 1320 pp. Ross, H. H. 1938. Descriptions of Nearctic caddis flies (Trichoptera) with special reference to the Illinois species. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 21:101-183. Ross, H. H. 1944. The caddis flies, or Trichoptera, of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 23:1-326. Schmid, F. 1956. La sous-famile des Drusinae (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Mcmoires Insitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 55: 1-92. Schmid, F. 1958 Trichopteres du Ceylon. Archives fur Hydrobiologia 54:1-173. Swegman, B. 1978. The occurrence of an intersex individual of Psychomyiaflavida Hagen (Trichoptera). Entomological News 89: 1 87-188. Vol. 115, No. 3. May & June 2004 135 TWO NEW SPECIES OF ETHMIA HUBNER FROM CHINA (LEPIDOPTERA: ELACHISTIDAE: ETHMIINAE)1 Shu-Xia Wang2 and Hou-Hun Li2 ABSTRACT: Two new species Ethmia antennipilosa and E. cribravia from Guangxi and Yunnan provinces of China are described. Photographs of the adults and genital structures are provided. KEY WORDS: Lepidoptera, Elachistidae, Ethmiinae, Ethmia, new species, China Ethmia is the largest genus in Ethmiinae, with more than 90 species described in the Palaearctic Region. The genus is represented in China by 46 species report- ed previously (Sattler, 1967; Amsel, 1969; Liu, 1980; Liu and Xu, 1982; Wang and Zheng, 1997; Kun and Szaboky, 2000; Kun, 2001; Kun, 2002a; Kun, 2002b). The purpose of this paper is to describe two new species of Ethmia from China. Ethmia antennipilosa Wang and Li, sp. nov. (Figs. 1,3,5) Diagnosis: This new species is similar to Ethmia epitrocha (Meyrick) in pat- tern and male genitalia (Meyrick, 1914; Sattler, 1967), but can be separated from the latter by having an antenna with basal half of flagellum widely expanded; a bifurcate uncus from about middle; anterior part of gnathos with anterior margin rounded; a ventral margin of sacculus gently arched. Type Data: Holotype Cf: China, Hengxian (22.6° N, 109.2" E), Guangxi Province. July 18, 2002, coll. Yanli Du, genitalia slide No. W03065. Deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai Univer- sity, Tianjnn, China. Description (Figs. 1, 3). Head: frontoclypeus shinning black, medially tinged with white scales; vertex white. Antenna (Fig. 3) with scape white, with black scales along anterior and posterior mar- gins; flagellum black, basal half greatly expanded, compressed dorsoventrally. with long yellowish- white scales, forming a hairbrush on posterior margin, compact rough scales; distal half gradually thinned toward apex, ending in point. Labial palpus black, with appressed scales; second segment thick and long, about 1 .5 times as long as diameter of compound eye, dotted with white scales on dor- sal surface; third segment thin, shorter than 1/2 of second, distal half white, pointed apically. Thorax grayish white, with four black spots: two spots near anterior margin, two near posterior margin. Tegula grayish white, with one black spot near anterolateral margin. Forewing: length 10.5 mm; ground colour light gray, somewhat pale brown; costal margin gentle; apex rounded; fourteen irreg- ularly shaped black spots or blotches scattered on surface: three larger elongate blotches along basal half of costal margin; cell with four spots: one at base, one at 2/3 length and two other larger elon- gate spots near distal end; fold with three spots: one at base, 2/5 length and 3/5 length respectively, the basal spot is smallest; tornus with one spot above; one small spot at basal 1 4 near posterior mar- gin; two irregular large spots near apex; nine small, black marginal spots from distal portion of costal margin to termen; fringe whitish gray. Hindwing and fringe pale gray. Fore and mid legs white above, black with white markings below; hind leg grayish white, tarsus brown basally. white apically. Male genitalia (Fig. 5). Uncus widely bilobed apically, each lobe short, with rounded apex. Gnathos spinose, with posterior part subtriangularly shaped, the posterior margin dentate, slightly ' Received on May 17, 2004. Accepted on October 31. 2004. -'Department of Biology. Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China. E-mail (SXW): shxwangfa nankai.edu.cn. E-mail (HHL): liliouhuiVanankai.edu.cn. Mailed on January 19, 2005 136 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS concave at middle; anterior part wider, the anterior margin rounded. Labis spinose and weakly scler- otized, with a rounded apical margin. Valva gradually narrowed from base, distal 1/3 elongate, with fine and large setae; apex blunt. Sacculus weakly sclerotized, slightly arched ventrally, with a large distal spine. Costa forming a sclerotized plate from base to 2/5 length. Aedeagus strongly curved basally, with a small sclerotized plate near apex. Female. Unknown. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin, antenna, meaning long projection, as in those sticking up on sails, and pilosa, meaning hairy or pilose, referring to the specialized scales forming a hairbrush on the dorsal edge of antenna. Ethmia cribravia Wang and Li, sp. nov. (Figs. 2, 4, 6) Diagnosis. This species is similar to Ethmia dehiscens Meyrick (Meyrick, 1924; Sattler, 1967), but differs from the latter by having a hindwing with long ochreous brown scales along the anal margin, dorsally projected valva at end and vesica of aedeagus with several cornuti. Type Data. Holotype Cf: China, Lijiang (26.8° N, 100.2" E), Yunnan Province, Apr 11, 1974, coll. Yao Zhou and Feng Yuan, genitalia slide No. W03071. Paratypes: 2 cfcf, other same data as holotype. Deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjnn, China. Description (Figs. 2, 4). Head: frontoclypeus and vertex whitish gray, posterior area of vertex with a black spot at middle. Antenna filiform; scape blackish gray on dorsal surface, grayish white on ventral surface, flagellum gray. Labial palpus with first segment whitish gray; second segment with basal 2/5 black except for inner side; third segment with basal 1/3 black. Thorax brownish gray, with three black spots triangularly arranged. Tegula brownish gray except for base whitish, with a pair of black spots at base. Forewing: length 12.5 mm; costal margin gently arched; ground color brownish gray, overlaid with 16 black streaks and spots: costal margin with one spot at base, two larger spots beside this one near costal margin; cell with two rounded spots respectively set at mid- dle near upper margin and at end, the latter larger, longitudinally extending inward; fold with three spots respectively set at base, middle and end; eight streaks extending from basal 1/5 near costal mar- gin to around end of cell; posterior margin with one elongate spot at distal 1/3; 10-11 irregularly rounded small dots extending from distal 2/5 of costal margin and along termen to beyond tornus; fringe gray. Hindwing pale gray, with piliform ocherous brown scales on anal margin (Fig. 4). Fore and mid legs black, tarsomeres black basally, white apically. Hind leg whitish gray, except tarsus brown. Abdomen brown. Male genitalia (Fig. 6). Uncus produced into two large lobes near half length, and irregularly rounded, caudal margin with a pair of short apex-rounded processes. Posterior part of gnathos heart- like in shape, spined, with dense short spines along posterior margin, which is bluntly rounded; ante- rior part somewhat trapezoidal in shape, wider than posterior part, densely with short strong spines, straight anteriorly. Labis relatively short, with short spines, concave inward at ventral 2/3, apex rounded. Valva with basal 2/3 broad; distal 1/3 slightly narrowed, apex rounded and margined with strong setae, dorsally forming a projection at end pointing upward, ventrally with a short spine near apex. Costa straight, sclerotized. Sacculus weakly sclerotized, with ventral margin straight in basal half, forming an obtuse angle at about middle. Aedeagus relatively thick, bent at basal 1/3; cornuti consisting of several spines. Female. Unknown. Etymology. This specific epithet is derived from the Latin, cribravius, mean- ing tufty, and it refers to the long setae along the anal margin of the hindwing. Vol. 1 1 5, No. 3, Mav & June 2004 137 > Figs. 1-6. Ethmia spp. 1. Adult Ethmia antennipilosa sp. nov. (male). 2. Adult Ethmia cribravia sp. nov. (male). 3. Antenna of Ethmia antennipilosa sp. nov. showing special- ized scales. 4. Part of hindwing of Ethmia crihravia sp. nov. showing specialized setae of anal area. 5. Male genitalia of Ethmia antennipilosa sp. nov. 6. Male genitalia of Ethmia cribravia sp. nov. 138 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to K. Saltier, Department of Entomology, the Natural History Museum, London, UK, for his kind suggestion and J. A. Powell, Department of Entomological Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. for his valuable comments on Ethmia antennipilosa sp. nov. and litera- ture; A. Kun, Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Hungary, for sending us his papers on Ethmia: and Yalin Zhang, Entomological Museum, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, China, for providing us with specimens collected from Yunnan Province. This project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 3047021 1 ). LITERATURE CITED Amsel, H. G. 1969. Eine neue chinesische Ethmia-Art (Lepidoptera: Ethmiidae). Beitrage zur Naturkundlichen Forschung in Siidwestdeutschland 28: 75-76. Kun, A. 2001. New Ethmiinae (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) species from Southeast Asia. Annales Historico Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 93: 207-217. Kun, A. 2002a. New Ethmiinae (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) species from Southeast Asia II. Annales Historico Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 94: 169-179. Kun, A. 2002b. Taxonomic notes on the Korean Ethmia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae; Ethmiinae). Insecta Koreana 19(2): 131-136. Kun, A. and C. Szaboky. 2000. Survey of the Taiwanese Ethmiinae (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) with descriptions of three new species. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 46(1): 53-78. Liu, Y. 1980. A study of Chinese Ethmia Hiibner (Lepidoptera: Ethmiidae) in classification, distri- bution and numerical taxonomy. Entomotaxonomia 2(4): 267-284. Liu, Y. and K. Xu. 1982. Numerical taxonomic method applied to Palaearctic ethmiids (Lepidop- tera: Ethmiidae). Entomotaxonomia 4(4): 239-251. Meyrick, E. 1914. [H. Sauter's Formosa- Ausbeute] Pterophoridae, Tortricidae, Eucosmidae, Gele- chiidae, Oecophoridae, Cosmopterygidae, Hyponomeutidae, Heliodinidae, Sesiadae, Glyphip- terygidae, Plutelidae, Tineidae, Adelidae (Lep.). Supplementa Entomologica 3: 45-62. Meyrick, E. 1924. Exotic Microlepidoptera 3: 97-128. Powell, J. A. 1985. Taxonomy and geographical relationships of Australian ethmiid moths (Lepi- doptera: Gelechioidea). Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series No. 1 12: 1-58. Sattler, K. 1967. Ethmiidae. - Microlepidoptera Palaearctica. Volume 2. Verlag Georg Fromme & Co., Wien, Austria 185 pp., 106 pis. Wang, S. and Z. Zheng. 1997. Two new species and two new records of the genus Ethmia Hiibner (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 19(2): 135-138. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 3. May & June 2004 139 A NEW SMALL MINNOW MAYFLY (EPHEMEROPTERA: BAETIDAE) FROM UTAH, U.S.A.1 N. A. Wiersema,1 C. R. Nelson,' and K. F. Kuehnl4 ABSTRACT: Baetis moqui, n. sp., is described from larvae collected from the Escalante Canyon Region of Garfield County in south-central Utah. The new species is unique among North American Baetis in having gill number one highly reduced or absent. Labial morphology and overall setation characteristics indicate a close relationship between B. moqui and the northern California species Baetis alius and the eastern North American species Baetis phtto. An updated key to the North American Baetis larvae is provided. KEYWORDS: Ephemeroptera, Baetidae, Baetis, new species, Utah Morihara and McCafferty (1979) provided the most recent revision of those North American small minnow mayfly species considered in the Arctogean (Holarctic + Oriental + Afrotropical) genus Baetis Leach. Since then, considerable phylogenetic research within the family Baetidae has led to an explosion of new genera and a further restriction of Baetis to selected species within the Baetis complex of genera, defined by two larval apomorphies: possession of a femoral villopore and flat-tipped setae on the antennal flagella, abdominal segments, and caudal filaments (Waltz and McCafferty 1987; Gaino and Rebora 1999). Presently 2 1 North American species are considered within the genus Baetis, eight of which are known only from adults. In North America, most Baetis species are considered members of three species groups (Morihara and McCaf- ferty 1979): The fuscatus group, which includes the species Baetis carinus Ed- munds and Allen, Baetis flavistriga McDunnough, Baetis intercalaris McDun- nough, Baetis notos Allen and Murvosh, and Baetis rusticans McDunnough; The rhodani group, which includes the species Baetis adonis Traver, Baetis bicauda- tus Dodds, Baetis diablus Day, Baetis foemina McDunnough, Baetis magmis McCafferty and Waltz, Baetis palisadi Mayo, Baetis parallelus Banks, Baetis persecutor McDunnough, Baetis piscatoris Traver, and Baetis tricaudatus Dodds; The vernus group, which includes Baetis brunneicolor McDunnough, Baetis bundyae Lehmkuhl, and Baetis hudsonicus Ide. The Northern California species Baetis alius Day, and the principally Appalachian species Baetis pinto McDunnough have never been assigned to any species group, although their adult male genitalia would seem to indicate a close relationship to those species considered within the fuscatus species group. A new species is described from larvae collected from the Escalante Canyon Region of Garfield County in south-central Utah. This new species along with 1 Received on May 30, 2002. Accepted on August 4, 2004. MFG, Inc. Consulting Scientist and Engineers, 4807 Spicewood Springs Road. Building 4. Austin TX 78759, U.S.A. E-mail: RileyNelson@byu.edu. 'Department of Integrative Biology, 401 Widtsoe Building, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, U.S.A. E-mail (CRN): RileyNelson@byu.edu. * Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, The Ohio State University, 1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43229 U.S.A. E-mail: kuehnl.2@osu.edu. Mailed on January- 19. 2005 140 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS B. alius and B. pluto are hereby considered as members of the newly recognized alius species group based on similarities of the labium (elongate palpal segments, elongate glossae and paraglossae, submentum and menrum; palpal segment two with moderately developed distomedial projection and convex medial margin), and adult male genital forceps (forceps of generally fuscatus type, with segment one lacking a distinct distomedial protuberance). Baetis moqui, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-6) Diagnosis. The highly reduced and often absent nature of gill 1 distinguishes B. moqui from all other North American Baetis. In North America, larvae of Americabaetis Kluge and Diphetor Waltz and McCafferty are the only other Baetidae that lack gill 1. The distinct structure of the labial palpi will also serve to distinguish B. moqui from all other North American Baetis with the exception of B. alius. The wide first denticles of the mandibular incisors (Figs. 2 and 3); apically narrower, distomedially projecting paraglossae (Fig. 4); abdominal ter- gal patterning; and reduced or absent gill 1 (Fig. 5) of B. moqui will serve to dis- tinguish it from the larvae of B. alius. Additionally, the dorsal setae of labial palpi segment two (Fig. 13) in B. alius tend to be arranged in a vertically oriented straight line, where as those of B. moqui usually have a more or less clumped arrangement (Fig. 4). Mouthpart setation has proven to be considerably variable within most mayflies, thus the above feature may be of limited use. Description of the larva. Body length: 5.8-7.0 mm, cerci 4.5-5.2 mm, medial caudal filament 2.8-3.2 mm. Head: Head capsule almost entirely brown, frontal and region around epicranial suture usually pale. Antennae extending to at least first abdominal segment; scape and pedicel brown, fla- gella pale with brown apices. Labrum as in Figure 1 . Maxillae with 2-3 crest setae; palpi extending beyond galealacinial crest, segment 1 subequal to segment 2. Mandibular incisors as in Figures 2 and 3; first denticle broad, approximately as wide as denticle 2 and 3 combined. Labium as in Figure 4. Labial palpi segment 2 with 5-7 dorsal setae and well developed distomedial expansion with rough- ly convex inner margin. Thorax: Nota with extensive dark and pale markings. Hindwingpads well developed. Legs (Fig. 6) with dorsal margin of femora with long, stout setae; ventral margin with short stout setae; outer surface with numerous stout setae; inner surface with very sparse short, stout setae; dorsal margin of tibial and tarsi with very short stout setae; ventral margin with longer stout setae; femora with broad, medial, brown band and dark brown distally. Claws with 9-13 denticles. Abdomen: Gill 1 highly reduced or absent, when present similar to Figure 5. Gills 2-7 elongate; gill 4 with greatest length. Terga 1 with posterior three-fourths dark brown, anterior fourth pale; terga 2- 4 entirely dark brown with large pale, paired, submedial round areas, pale anterolateral corners, and often with pale, vertically oriented, medial band; terga 5-6 mostly pale with darkened posterolateral corners and often some dark medial patterning; terga 7-8 entirely dark brown except pale anterolat- eral corners; terga 9-10 generally pale, occasionally with some minor medial brown patterning. Sterna pale brown with weak tracheation marks; sterna 7-8 dark brown giving segments 7 and 8 banded appearance. Caudal filaments pale with darkened apices and often darkened basally. Type Material. HOLOTYPE: male larva, UTAH: Garfield Co., North Creek, above North Creek Reservoir, 8.2 mi from Hwy 12, North Creek Road, July 09, 2001, K. F. Kuehnl (deposited in the Purdue University Entomological Research Collection). Paratypes: 10 larvae same locality and dep- osition as holotype; 2 larvae, North Creek, above North Creek Reservior, 7 mi from Hwy 12, North Creek Road, July 06, 2001, K. F. Kuehnl (deposited in Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, BYU). Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 141 Additional Material. UTAH: Garfield Co., Pine Creek, Box Death Hollow trailhead. Pine Creek Road, June 28, 2001, K. F. Kuehnl (20 larvae, personal collection of NAW and BYU). Specific Epithet. Moqui is an early name attributed to the Hopi (Hopati = peaceful ones) tribe of Pueblo Indians. Remarks. Baetis moqui larvae have been collected from cold, clear water streams draining high elevation peaks (-3000 m) dominated by spring snowmelt and summer monsoonal rain events. Within these streams B. moqui larvae have been found on a variety of stream substrates including leaf packs and submerged vegetation along stream margins, but most commonly on fast flowing rocky sub- strates including leaf packs and submerged vegetation along stream margins, but most commonly on fast flowing rocky substrates within a coarse sand matrix. Baetis moqui were also commonly collected at a lower elevation (-2250 m to -2100 m) from North and Pine Creeks and were not collected at the confluence of either stream with the Escalante River or at elevations above 2250 m. In addi- tion, B. moqui was apparently absent from several similar adjacent streams in- cluding Sand, Boulder, Deer, Steep, and Calf Creeks, which were sampled and the presence of B. moqui was not detected at any elevation. Overall benthic macroinvertebrate community structure was similar between both North and Pine Creeks. Ecological associates found commonly with B. moqui include B. tricau- datus, B. bicaudatus, and Ephemerella dorothea infrequens McDunnough and several species of common western North American stoneflies including Pteronarcella badia (Hagen), Isoperla sp., Sweltsa coloradensis (Banks), and Amphinemura sp. The geological formations where these streams flow are typical for southern Utah, with both streams flowing largely over various sandstones. North Creek originates on the Aquarius Plateau (-3000 m) and traverses through the Wah- weap Formation (light gray to white, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone), Straight Cliffs Formation (light gray to white, medium- to coarse-grained sand- stone) and finally through more recent alluvial terrace deposits as it enters the Escalante River (Doelling and Willis 1999). The headwaters of Pine Creek are located on Boulder Mountain (-3000 m) where it starts its ascent through Navajo sandstone (light-gray-orange, white, and pink medium-grained sandstone) then through the Carmel Formation and Entrada sandstones (white or pale orange fine to coarse-grained sandstone) before entering the Escalante River (Doelling and Willis 1999). Somewhat uncharacteristic of southern Utah, both North Creek and Pine Creek are clear water streams with low sediment loads. The Escalante River above and between these two creeks passes through substantial alluvium deposits and a thin layer of Tropic shale thus increasing the sediment load and overall tur- bidity within the river causing a white murky appearance. 142 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS -.,- "N Figures 1-6. B. moqui, n. sp.: 1. Labrum. 2. Right mandibular incisors. 3. Left mandibu- lar incisors. 4. Labium. 5. Abdominal terga 1-2. 6. Femora. Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 143 Figures 7-17. Figs. 7-8, B. bicaitdatus. posterior abdominal terga and partial caudal fila- ments. Figs. 9-10, B. magnus, 9. Antennal scape and pedicel. 10. Labial palpi. Figs. 11- 13, B. alius, 11. Right mandibular incisors. 12. Left mandibular incisors. 13. Labial palpi. Figs. 14-15, B. intercalans, 14. Glossae. 15. Labial palpi. Figs. 16-17, B. flav- istriga, 16. Glossae. 17. Labial palpi. 144 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN BAETIS LARVAE The following key includes only those North American larvae presently consid- ered within the genus Baetis. It is presented in order to complement the key found in Morihara and McCafferry (1979), not replace it. Identifications should still be confirmed by reference to the larval descriptions and diagnosis provided in Morihara and McCafferty (1979). la. Median caudal filament usually reduced to short stub (Fig. 6; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 17f), occasionally up to approximately 0.2 length of cerci, distinctly tapering and without fringe of fine setae (Fig. 7) 2 Ib. Median caudal filament at least 0.4 the length of cerci, lateral margins of median caudal filament more parallel in nature and with fringe of fine setae in at least apical half (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24e, 25e) 3 2a. Gills elongate, more than twice as long as wide (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 18e); restrict- ed to the Canadian tundra Baetis foemina 2b. Gills not elongate, less than twice as long as wide (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 17g); wide- spread across western North America Baetis bicaudatus 3a. Antennal scape and pedicel with robust setae (Fig. 9; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 18a); paraproct surface with robust setae (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 1 1) 4 3b. Antennal scape and pedicle without robust setae (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 25a, 26a); paraproct surface without robust setae (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 10) 6 4a. Gill margins with large robust setae (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 19g, 20g) and serrate or not serrate 5 4b. Gill margins without large robust setae and serrate (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 12) Baetis tricaudatus 5a. Posterior margins of terga with robust setae (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 20f); labial palpi elongate, segment 2 greater than two times as long and basal width of segment 3 (Fig. 10; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 20b) Baetis magnus 5b. Posterior margins of terga without robust setae (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 19e); labial palpi not elongate as above, segment 2 less than two times as long as basal width of segment 3 (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 19a) Baetis adonis 6a. Gills elongate, more than twice as long as wide (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 22e, 23f); principally restricted to Canadian tundra, rarely found in Northeastern Wisconsin and Northern Rocky Mountains of Wyoming 7 6b. Gills not elongate as above, equal to or less than twice as long as wide; widespread 8 7a. Median caudal filament almost equal in length to cerci Baetis hudsonicus 7b. Median caudal filament approximately 0.5-0.8 length of cerci Baetis bundyae 8a. Labial palpi slender, segment 2 at least twice as long and basal width of segment 3 (Figs. 4 and 13; (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 33c and 36c); inner margin of labial palpi segment 2 convex (Figs. 4 and 13; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 33c and 36c) 9 8b. Labial palpi more robust than above, segment 2 less than twice as long as basal width of segment 3 (Figs. 15 and 17; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 21b, 24c, 25c, 26c); inner margin of labial palpi segment 2 concave (Figs. 15 and 17; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 21b, 24c, 25c, 26c)l 1 9a. Caudal filaments with near medial band of darkened segments similar to ( Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24e, 25e); eastern North American species, with principally Appalachian distribution Baetis pinto 9b. Caudal filaments generally uniform in color, without near medial band of darkened segments; west- ern North American species, west of the Continental Divide 10 lOa. Gill 1 highly reduced or absent (Fig. 5); inandibular incisors with broadened first denticle, approx- imately as wide as denticle 2 and 3 combined (Figs. 2 and 3) Baetis moc/ni Vol. 115, No. 3, May & June 2004 145 lOb. Gill 1 not highly reduced or absent; mandibular incisor denticulation not as above, denticle 1 approximately equal in width to that of denticle 2 or 3 (Figs. 1 1 and 12; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 33b) Baetis alms \ la. Labial palpi with medial lobe of segment 2 moderately developed (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 21b); pronotum almost uniformly shaded (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 21e) Baetis brunneicolor lib. Labial palpi with medial lobe of segment 2 poorly developed (Figs. 15 and 17; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24c, 25c, 26c); pronotum with inverted U-shaped mark (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24e, 25e, 26d) 12 12a. Caudal filaments without medial band of darkened segments; abdominal terga with distinctive patterning similar to (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 14e, 26e); southwestern species Baetis notos 12b. Caudal filaments usually with medial band of darkened segments (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24e, 25e); abdominal terga not patterned as above, usually similar to (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24e or 25e); principally distributed across eastern North America, rarely found in the Southwest 13 13a. Labial palpi segment 3 expanded distomedially, giving an almost truncate appearance (Fig. 15; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 24c); glossae with outer margin expanded and well rounded (Fig. 14); darker well marked abdominal terga with three, posterior round, pale areas (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Figs. 24e); or entirely uniformly shaded with brown Baetis intercalaris 13b. Labial palpi segment 3 not as above, distal margin evenly rounded (Fig. 17; Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 25c); glossae without expanded outer margin (Fig. 16); darker well marked abdominal terga with two large, often kidney-shaped submedial pale areas (Morihara and McCafferty 1979 Fig. 25e) Baetis flavistriga ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Drs. B. C. Kondratieff (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado) and W. P. McCafferty (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana) for their helpful critiques of an early manuscript of this publication. Drs. W. J. Pulawski and R. L. Zuparko (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California) are thanked for the loan of B. alius type material. We would like to thank Dr. Richard Baumann for his support in this project. Harry Barber and the Bureau of Land Management are thanked for their support. LITERATURE CITED Doelling, H. H. and G. C. Willis. 1999. Interim geologic map of the Escalante and parts of the Loa and Hite crossing 30' x 60' quadrangles, Garfield and Kane counties, Utah. Utah Geological Survey. Open-File Report 368. 22 pp. Gaino, K. and M. Rebora. 1999. Flat-tipped sensillum in Baetidae (F.phemeroptera): a microcharac- ter for taxonomic and phylogenetic considerations. Invertebrate Biology. 1 IS: 6S-74. Morihara, I). K. and W. P. McCafferty. 1979. The Baetis larvae of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Transcations of the American Entomological Society 105: 139-221. Waltz, R. D. and W. P. McCafferty. 1987. New genera of Baetidae for some Nearctic species previ- ously included in Baetis Leach (Ephemeroptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80: 667-670. 146 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS A WINTER PITFALL TECHNIQUE FOR WINTER-ACTIVE SUBNIVEAN FAUNA1 P. Paquin2 ABSTRACT: An adapted pitfall trap is described to sample the subnivean fauna active between the frozen ground and snow layers. A pitfall trap is placed in a frame adaptor before the first snow. An apparatus made of two wood boxes is placed over the pitfall; the frame box has no bottom and allows access to the pitfall from the top to gather samples. The open sides at the bottom allow organisms to enter the pitfall through the subnivean space. The bottom portion of the second box is closed and accumulates fallen snow. To service the traps, the removable snow column is lifted giving full access to the pitfall trap. The use of a fine mesh sifter improves the efficiency of the gathering of the sam- ples; all sizes of organisms are transferred to alcohol in a single and simple procedure that avoids damaging specimens. Two factors related to the trap were studied: 1 ) the winter-trap did not cause any cold air induction to the subnivean level; the temperature averaged -5°C both under the snow and in the trap providing a stable environment despite ambient temperature variations above the snow. 2) Trampling of the surrounding snow caused by the regular servicing of the traps had no effect on the presence or absence of taxa collected, although a significant effect on the numbers of Acarina was observed. KEY WORDS: Winter, sampling, snow, microhabitat The subnivean space is the habitat between the frozen ground surface and the snow layer. It originates from bacterial activity in the ground layers (Coxson and Parkinson, 1987) that creates CO9 and water vapor. The gas pressure erodes the snow layer in contact with the ground in an upward movement (Pruitt 1970). In combination with the frozen ground surface heterogeneity, this ongoing activity results in a space of variable dimensions, from a fine network of a few mm up to 8 cm (Coulianos and Johnels, 1962). The ecological stability of the subnivean space strongly depends on the insu- lating properties of the snow (Mail, 1930; Nasmark, 1964; Aitchison, 1974). Ac- cording to Pruitt ( 1970), snow accumulation of 20 cm is the threshold at which subnivean temperature becomes independent of ambient temperature, resulting in a stable environment. Well-adapted, winter-active fauna circulate in this habi- tat (Aitchison, 1979a, b, c, d, 1984; Merriam et al., 1983) but remain understud- ied due to the difficulty of sampling this fauna. Pitfall traps have been used extensively in ecological assessment, and several modifications were made to improve the efficiency or to better suit particular habitats. To study subnivean fauna, Aitchison (1974; 1979a) used a modified pitfall technique, elaborated from Nasmark (1964), consisting of a roof installed over the pitfall to prevent snow accumulation in the trap. However, this method was found inadequate for winter conditions where snow accumulated up to 1 meter. 1 Received on July 7, 2004. Accepted on July 20, 2004. 2 Department of Biology, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182- 4614, U.S.A. E-mail: paquinptaimlink.net. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115(3): 121, May & June 2004 Mailed on January 19, 2005 Vol. 115. No. 3, May & June 2004 147 This paper describes a new type of winter pitfall trap and inherent method- ologies that improve and facilitate collecting samples in winter conditions. Two factors regarding the technique were also investigated: cold air induction at the subnivean level due to the winter-trap and the effect of snow trampling due to the servicing of the traps on a regular basis. METHODS 1 ) Study area This study was conducted in the southern mixed-boreal forest of the Lake Duparquet area, Quebec, Canada (48° 30' N, 79° 13' W). At this latitude, the snow covers the ground for approximately 6 months, - - October to March - and traps were used over that period. The traps were tested in each of the major forest types of the mixed boreal succession: deciduous stands, dominated by aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), the mixed stands, which consisted of bal- sam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.), white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), paper birch (Betula papyri/era Marsh.) and some P. tremuloides Michx., and the coniferous stands, dominated by white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.). See Leduc et al. (1995) and Bergeron (2000) for a detailed description of the ecological succession. 2) The winter pitfall trap The described methods were used over three winter sampling seasons from 1993 to 1996. Dates and number of traps used are given in table 1 . Typically, five winter pitfall traps were installed in a transect in a given forest site, and each trap was separated from the next by a distance of 7-10 meters. Trap installation The winter-pitfall trap should be deployed before the first snow falls, ideally shortly after the first ground frost. The installation of the pitfall trap itself (shown in Fig. la) can occur earlier in the season before the installation of the winter apparatus (shown in Fig. Ib). The pitfall trap consisted of a 17 x 20 x 4 cm solid plastic pan inserted in a 28 x 30 cm wood frame adaptor. The adaptor and pitfall used are commercially avail- able from Argiope® as items BAG- 102 and BAC-205. The edges of the plastic pan expanded laterally and fitted perfectly into a groove in the wood frame. The ground was cut with a knife around the adaptor. The middle section of the hole was dug deep enough (about 15 cm) to clear the pan and minimize its uplift over the adaptor from soil and ice movements caused by frequent freeze and thaw cycles. The wooden frame was fitted flush with the ground. Brushing around the wood frame with a hand broom eliminated free particles and dirt that could be drawn into the pan by the movement of air when emptying the traps. After pre- servative liquid (30 percent ethylene glycol mixture) was added to the pan, it was placed in the wooden frame adaptor and the pitfall was ready to collect (Fig. la). 148 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 100 cm removable box 37 cm 70 cm frame-box 2cm removable DDK emovable snow colu t ' /'*.»* *.»»v J>-~ ^ r.\ o£\ */.\ *v* 1-J %£££ t ^ ethylene glycol mixture Figure 1. Winter-trap specifications and set-up, a) pitfall and wooden frame adaptor, b) winter apparatus design and size specifications, c) side view of winter-trap, specimens can reachi the pitfall through the 2 cm space on each side of the frame-box, d) removing the snow column gives access to the pitfall, which is lifted by hand through the frame- box. The next step consisted of setting up the winter device (Fig. Ib). Two inde- pendent sections made of commercial plywood and wood blocks were assem- bled: the frame-box (the outer section in contact with the ground) and the remov- able column (the inner box with a closed bottom). Once assembled, the frame- box was placed on the ground to enclose the pitfall (Figs. Ib-c). Four blocks (5 x 10 x 10 cm, see Fig Ib.) at the bottom comers were the only contact with the soil, leaving a 2 cm space between all sides and the soil, giving free access to the pitfall (Figs. Ib-c). Three inch (7.6 cm) nails were inserted in the blocks, allow- Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 149 ing the frame-box to be firmly anchored in the soil (Figs. Ic-d). The pitfall pan was then filled to a quarter full with preservative liquid and placed in the adap- tor, which was reachable through the frame-box. The removable column was then fitted into the frame-box. A rag collar was placed between the two boxes to prevent cold air induction in the apparatus, and a polyethylene band was tacked over the insulating collar to prevent it from icing (Fig. Ic). The column was closed at the bottom and snow accumulated inside the column as well as on the ground, but the subnivean interstice allowed organisms to access the pitfall. Servicing the traps The removable column was lifted slowly to prevent any strong air current that could have caused movement of debris at ground level entering the pitfall (Fig. Id). The column was then laid on its side, providing a straight, working surface for the subsequent steps. The pan was then removed through the open box (Fig. Id) and the contents sifted over a small bucket (Fig. 2a) with a fine mesh nylon strainer (110 urn). The contents of the pan and the pan were carefully cleaned with a flask of ethyl alcohol over the strainer. Specimens were then concentrat- ed with the ethyl alcohol flask to the center of the strainer (Fig. 2b). The strain- er was then flipped over a funnel fitted to a cap and a jar (see Fig. 2c), and a final wash with alcohol allowed the transfer of all organisms into the jar in one sim- ple procedure (Fig. 2d). This method was preferable to the use of forceps in the field, because efficient sorting of small organisms (such as mites) requires labo- ratory conditions and the use of a stereoscope. Resetting the trap The outside parts of the pan and the inner sections of the frame-box must be free from ice. It was also necessary to remove the ice from the 2 cm space at the bottom of the frame-box to ensure free access from the subnivean interstice. The pan was placed back in the adaptor, and the removable column was fitted back into the frame-box and re-isolated with the rag collar. 3) Factors that may influence trap catch The use of the winter pitfall traps for two seasons (1993-1994 and 1994- 1995), raised questions about possible biases associated with the methodology. The 1995-1996 season was devoted to testing two factors that may have influ- enced catches: 1) verification whether the use of the winter pitfall trap caused cold air induction in the subnivean space that may have influenced faunal activ- ity; and 2) testing the effect of the trampling of snow due to the servicing of the traps on a regular basis. 150 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Figure 2. Collecting specimens and transfer in ethyl alcohol, a) the contents of the pan are sifted though a fine mesh strainer over a small bucket, b) specimens are concentrated in the center of the strainer with an alcohol flask, c) the strainer is flipped while grabbing the center by hand, d) specimens are washed in the funnel and put in ajar. Cold air induction Before winter, a pair of programmable thermometers with probes was in- stalled a few millimeters above the ground surface. One was placed in a winter- trap and the other in the subnivean space, 10 meters away from the trap. The tem- peratures and snow depth were noted daily for the first two months of winter (November 3, 1995 - January 12, 1996). Trampling effect Ten winter traps were set up in a transect separated from each other by 7-10 meters in the cedar/balsam fir forest. Five traps were emptied every two weeks (5 visits in total) while the others were never visited before a final visit halfway through the winter season (February 12). In order to compare the trampling effect, data from the samples that were collected every two weeks were pooled for each trap. The five traps serviced on a regular basis could therefore be com- Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 151 pared with the five traps that were never visited; each trap having been active for the same period of time. Similarity matrices measuring the association between objects (samples) were calculated with SIMIL 3.01 in the R package (Legendre and Vaudor, 1991 ). The Sorensen (2a/2a+b+c) - presence/absence sensitive - and Steinhaus coef- ficients (2W/A+B) - which accounts for presence/absence of taxa and abundance - were selected [see Legendre and Legendre (1998) for details]. Mantel tests (Mantel, 1967) were then performed with the MANTEL 3.01 program in the R package. This analysis tests by permutation the correlation between the similarity matrices (species x stations) and a binary matrix coding for treatment (trampling/non-trampling), as suggested by Legendre and Legendre (1998) for similar data. RESULTS The specimens collected, summarized in Table 1 , are given to show the diversity of the subnivean fauna collected with this technique. All collections occurred in the presence of a snow layer that covered the ground for about six months at this latitude. A total of 22,419 specimens were collected representing 13 orders. An average of 19 specimens was collected per trap/week. Acarina were the most abundant in the col- lections followed by Collembola, Araneae, and Diptera. Table 1 . Overiew of collected organisms: number of weeks of sampling, number of traps, and abundance of organisms 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 From 1 November to 23 April From 30 October to 16 April From 3 November to 12 February 25 weeks 24 weeks 10 weeks 15 traps (5 traps per forest type) 30 traps (10 traps per forest type) 10 traps (all set up in the cedar forest) Acarina Araneae Chilopoda Coleoptera Staphynilidae (A)' Coleoptera others (A) Coleoptera immatures Collembola Diplopoda Diptera (A) Diptera immatures Homoptera Aphididae Hymenoptera (A) Lepidoptera (A) Lepidoptera immatures Opilio Pseudoscorpionida Symphyla Total Grand total 22419 organisms • (A) = Adults Total abundance Total abundance Total abundance 2274 4255 4891 622 1745 106 2 9 0 55 254 12 10 118 2 42 51 65 958 4227 1005 3 0 0 101 1401 7 11 141 6 1 3 0 6 5 1 1 5 0 2 1 0 3 3 0 1 4 0 0 10 0 4092 12232 6095 152 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Cold air induction test The subnivean temperature was similar to the temperature recorded in the winter-trap. The two temperature curves were barely distinguishable when a snow layer was present. They both averaged -5°C with a snow cover of 20 cm or more, and external temperature showed little influence, despite the fact that extreme temperatures (-40°C) were recorded (Fig. 3). Temperature Minimum air temperature Minimum subniveal temperature Minimum winter-trap temperature Snow depth (cm) Figure 3. Relation between air, subniveal, and winter-trap minimum temperature and snow depth. The data were gathered from November 3, 1995 to February 12, 1996, with 2 programmable thermometers: one placed in a pitfall trap and a second one placed in the subnivean space a, 10 meters away from the trap. Trampling effect The Mantel correlation done with the Sorensen similarity matrix did not reveal any significant relationship between the traps visited every two weeks and those only emptied at the end of the experiment. However, in using the Steinhaus coef- ficient, which also accounts for abundance, a significant relation was found (R = 0.357; P = 0.0176). A third analysis using the Steinhaus coefficient excluding Acarina was not significant (Table 2). DISCUSSION The techniques described above allow sampling in winter conditions charac- terized by deep snow accumulation, which was not possible with previously known methods. The high number of specimens collected (22,419) and the gen- Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 153 eral richness are evidence of the success of the method. Effectiveness was diffi- cult to compare with other studies done on subnivean fauna because of differ- ences in habitat, trapping effort, experimentation time, and differences in latitude and related winter conditions. However, Nasmark (1964) reported an average of 12 organisms per trap/week while this study found an average of 19 organisms per trap/week. The numbers of arthropod orders collected in this study (13 orders) is, however, similar to the results Merriam et al. (1983) (13 orders) and Nasmark (1964) (1 1 orders). Interestingly, numbers of Acarina found in the two later studies were low: a total of 127 mites found by Merriam et al. (1983) and 79 by Nasmark (1964) compared to the 1 1,420 mites collected in this study. This striking difference could be attributed to a deficiency in the other methodologies in collecting smaller organisms, but also to faunistic differences between forest habitats, which makes comparison of results hazardous. The results of this study, however, clearly show that this methodology is well-suited to smaller organisms. Several points can be made regarding the advantages of the winter pitfall trap technique described here. 1 ) The surface covered by the pitfall is bigger, 1 7 x 20 cm compared with 8 cm as used by Nasmark (1964), Aitchison (1984) and Itamies and Lindgren (1989). A better trapping effort minimizes variability among samples, which is a problem with pitfall trapping (Adis, 1979). 2) The use of a wood frame adaptor reduces the amount of dirt and particles in the sam- ples, which saves a lot of sorting time in the laboratory. 3) A removable pitfall allows one to replace the pan when damaged, which occurs easily in cold weath- er. 4) The use of the technique shown in figures 2a-d is important for collecting very small arthropods, such as mites. The method of transfer of specimens into alcohol is appropriate for all sizes and allows one to do it in a single and simple procedure while avoiding damage to specimens. Delicate manipulations with forceps or brushes (Aitchison 1984) are hazardous in windy situations as well as unreliable for smaller specimens. 5) This method allows one to reuse ethylene glycol and verify its concentration in a routine procedure. 6) The use of a removable snow column ensures that identical insulating conditions are found under the trap and in the subniveal environment. 7) The total time required to service one winter-trap is brief, averaging 7 minutes. Such efficiency is impor- tant when a high number of traps have to be visited. Cold air induction and subnivean temperature The aim of this simple comparison was to ensure that the winter-trap did not create a cold air induction to the subniveal level and bias the specimens collect- ed. Similar temperatures were found in the winter-trap and the subniveal envi- ronment. The use of the winter-trap did not cause any detectable cold air induc- tion that could create biases. The minimum temperature reached in the subniveal space is similar to that observed by Aitchison ( 1984) and Nasmark (1964) (aver- aging -5°C) but is lower than the average reported by Mail (1930), Coulianos and Johnels (1962) and Hayward (1965) (being just under the freezing point). The 154 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS latter authors may have obtained a slightly higher temperature because winter conditions were not as severe where they conducted their experiments. Trampling effect Trampling of snow did not cause any effect on the taxonomic composition of the collections at the order level with the Sorensen coefficient, which is only sen- sitive to presence/absence of taxa. However, the use of the Steinhaus coefficient, which is abundance sensitive, revealed a significant effect (R = 0.357, P = 0.018). The trampling effect was mainly due to the reduction in Acarina abun- dance, as shown by the non-significant result when mites were excluded from the analysis using the same coefficient (R = 0.21 1, P = 0.052). Although, the latter values were close to a significant level and suggested that trampling may have also affected the abundance of organisms other then mites, but not the taxonom- ic composition of collected orders. As the sampling season progressed, the snow conditions changed. In the first part of the season, snow depth was thin, and trampling at that stage may cause snow compaction and destruction of the subnivean space. Although the com- paction may only be temporary due to the continuous bacterial activity that re- stores the subnivean space, working only on one side of the trap will limit bias- es, leaving three undisturbed sides for full access to the pitfall through the sub- nivean space. As the season progresses, the surface snow layer develops a more robust and partially iced structure that can easily support more weight, and may cause fewer biases in collection. Technical considerations and recommendations During this experiment, methodological problems were encountered and are briefly mentioned here. Small rodents are also winter-active in the subniveal environment (Coulianos and Jonhels, 1962; Hayward, 1965). They can dig tun- nels that intercept with the winter-trap. There was not enough ethylene glycol to cause drowning, but the samples were contaminated with dirt, feces and fleas. Although requiring more hand-sorting time, specimens were still as numerous and in good condition. Also, propylene glycol could be used as an alternative to ethylene glycol, as it is less toxic to mammals. Another problem can occur late in the spring when the melting of the snow results in water accumulation under the residual snow and causes flooding of the forest floor (Jahn, 1970). This ecological perturbation in forested habitats is an important mortality factor for soil organisms (Joy, 1910; Uetz et al., 1979; Danks, 1991 ), and will also flood the winter traps and ruin samples. Frequent vis- its to the traps at this critical period during the sampling season will reduce this effect on the collections. Vol. 115, No. 3. May & June 2004 155 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Real Coderre for graciously permitting me the use of his personal snowmo- bile in 1993-94, Richard Baril and Guy Chatelle for safety arrangements during field work, Francois Lorenzetti (UQAM; Universite du Quebec a Montreal) and Daniel Coderre (UQAM) for comments and suggestions on a previous draft of the manuscript, and Sarah Crews and Cor Vink (SDSU; San Diego State University) for their reviews and grammatical improvements. Comments from two anonymous reviewers also helped to improve the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Adis, J. 1 979. 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May & June 2004 157 CROSSOCERUS FLAVOMACULATUS, A NEW SPECIES OF THE SUBGENUS ACANTHOCRABRO FROM CHINA, WITH A KEY TO THE CHINESE SPECIES OF THE SUB- GENUS (HYMENOPTERA: APOIDEA: CRABRONIDAE)1 Qiang Li2 and Junhua He3 ABSTRACT: Crossocerus (Acanthocrabro) flavomaculatus new species is described from the Bei- jing, Shandong, and Gansu Provinces in China. The first Chinese records are given for C. (A.) vagabundiis vagabundus (Panzer): Sichuan and Yunnan Province, Tibet Autonomous Region, and C. (A.) vagabundus koreanus Tsuneki: Beijing, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Hubei Pro- vince. A key to Chinese species is provided. KEY WORDS: Crossocerus, Acanthocrabro, Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae, China The subgenus Acanthocrabro Perkins occurs in the Northern Hemisphere where it is represented by just five species: annandali (Bingham), from northern India; maculipennis (Smith), from North America; nitidiventris (Fox), from east- ern North America; sauteri Tsuneki, from Taiwan, the only record of the sub- genus from China (Tsuneki, 1977); and vagabundus (Panzer), a widespread Pa- learctic species. During our study of Chinese material of Acanthocrabro, we dis- covered a new species and also discovered that A. vagabundus occurs in China. The new species is described here and a key provided for the identification of the Chinese species of Acanthocrabro. For the identification of the species of Acanthocrabro, we use the following subgenus characters: head without large, median, posteroventral projection; occipital carina not a complete circle; mandible with a tooth on inner margin, with 3 teeth in female and 2 or 3 teeth in male at apex; flagellomere III not swollen beneath; propleuron and forecoxa without lateral, large projections; mesothorax with mesopleural tubercle in female and most male, without meso- pleural tubercle in few male; male with forebasitarsus usually sinuate or twisted spirally, metacoxa edentate apically; gaster yellow maculate, sessile; metasomal tergum II without large, rounded, deep depression; female with pygidial plate usually narrowed and excavated apically; male with tergum VII usually large, near broad triangular or semicircular, not coarsely punctate than penultimate ter- gum (Bohart and Menke, 1976; Krombein, 1979; Leclercq, 1954, 1974, 2000; Marshakov, 1980; Nemkov et al, 1995; Oehlke, 1970; Pulavskii, 1978; Tsuneki, 1954, 1968, 1990; Yeo and Corbet, 1983). For the terminology we mainly follow Bohart and Menke (1976). The abbre- viations HW, HL, POD, OOD, LTI, and WTI are used for head width, head length, postocellar distance, ocellocular distance, maximum length of tergum I, and maximum width of tergum I, respectively. 1 Received on September 20, 2002. Accepted on August 23, 2004. 2 The Center for Agricultural Biodiversity Research and Training of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Agri- cultural University, Kunming, Yunnan Province 650201 People's Republic of China. H-mail: Iiqql962ta vip.sina.com. 'Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029 People's Republic of China. E-mail: jhhew zju.edu.cn. Mailed on January 19, 2005 158 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SYSTEMATICS Key to the females of the subgenus Acanthocrabro from China 1. Clypeal margin with 5 teeth medially; vertex impunctate, scutum finely punctate; pygidial plate without median longitudinal carina; midfemur evidently swollen C. (A.) sauteri Tsuneki - Clypeal margin with 2 or 3 teeth medially; vertex densely punctate, scutum coarsely, densely punc- tate; pygidial plate with or without median longitudinal carina; midfemur slightly swollen 2 2. Clypeus, scutum, prepectus, mesopleuron, propodeal enclosure and gastral tergum 1 with large yel- low spots; large portion of leg and gaster yellow; pygidial plate with or without median longitudinal carina (Fig. 2) C. (A.) flavomaculatus sp. nov. - Clypeus, scutum, prepectus, mesopleuron, propodeal enclosure and gastral tergum I without yel- low spot; small portion of leg and gaster yellow; pygidial plate with median longitudinal carina ...3 3. Orbital foveae large, shallow; mesopleuron sparsely punctate; gastral tergum V with large yellow spot C. (A.) vagabitndus vagabundus (Panzer) - Orbital foveae small, deep; mesopleuron densely punctate; gastral tergum V without yellow spot. C. (A.) vagabundus koreanus Tsuneki Key to the males of the subgenus Acanthocrabro from China [Male of C. (A.) sauteri Tsuneki is unknown] 1 . Clypeal margin with three teeth (Fig. 3); mandible apex tridentate (Fig. 4); forefemur without pro- jection at its hind surface; mesopleuron with mesopleural tubercle; propodeal enclosure, gastral terga I and IV with large yellow spots, coxa at apex and tibia yellow C. (A.) flavomaculatus sp. nov. - Clypeal margin with broad, large, high median projection and one or two lateral teeth; mandible apex bidentate; forefemur with projection at its hind surface; mesopleuron without mesopleural tubercle; propodeal enclosure, gastral terga I and IV without yellow spot, coxa and tibia black 2 2. Median clypeal projection broader than in next subspecies, clypeus with two lateral teeth; forefe- mur with a high, triangular projection at its hind surface ..C. (A.) vagabundus vagabundus (Panzer) - Median clypeal projection narrower than in previous subspecies, clypeus with one lateral tooth; forefemur with a low, round projection at its hind surface C. (A.) vagabundus koreanus Tsuneki Crossocerus (Acanthocrabro) flavomaculatus, NEW SPECIES (Figures 1-4) Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from Crossocerus (A.) vagabun- dus vagabundus (Panzer) and Crossocerus (A.) vagabundus koreanus Tsuneki by the following combination of characters: mandible apex tridentate in male (Fig. 4), clypeal margin with a low, blunt median tooth (Fig. 1, 3), mesopleuron with mesopleural tubercle, forefemur without projection at its hind surface, and propodeal enclosure and gastral tergum I with yellow spots in male; clypeus, scu- tum, prepectus, mesopleuron, propodeal enclosure and gastral tergum I with yel- low spots in female. Description. Female. Body length 8.1-9.1 mm. Head black, thorax and gaster black or dark brown; the following are yellow: mandible largely, clypeus largely, antenna! scape, pedicel at apex ventrally, pronotal collar above, pronotal lobe, lateral spot on anterior portion of scutum, basal half of scutellum, hind portion of prepectus, upper spot on mesopleuron, lateral spot on propodeal enclo- sure, tegula partly, tibia largely, basitarsus largely, femur at apex, large lateral spot or transverse band on gastral terga I - V, small lateral spots on sterna II and III; metanotum with or without yellow spot; tarsomeres II - V largely yellowish brown or reddish yellow. Head and thorax with weak steel blue lustre. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly prominent medially (Fig. 1). Mandible with three teeth at apex and a tooth at midlength of its inner margin. Frons without supra-antennal projection, with median Vol. 1 1 5, No. 3, May & June 2004 159 furrow; upper portion of frons and anterior portion of vertex densely, coarsely punctate, posterior por- tion of vertex densely, coarsely or finely punctate; vertex with large, oval orbital foveae. HW: HL: POD: OOD = 208: 141: 19: 31. Relative length of antennal scape: pedicel: flagellomere I: II: III: IV: V = 73: 16: 31: 17: 16: 16: 16. Lateral corner of pronotal collar round. Scutum densely, coarsely punctate, without longitudinal rugae adjacent to its posterior margin; scutellum sparsely or densely, coarsely punctate. Metanotum densely, finely or coarsely punctate. Mesopleuron densely, coarsely punctate, with mesopleural tuber- cle. Upper portion of upper metapleural area sparsely, finely punctate, lower portion of upper meta- pleural area and lower metapleural area without punctures. Propodeal enclosure delimited by furrow, with transverse furrow basally, with deep, V-shaped median furrow; posterior surface of propodeum with broad, deep median furrow on its upper portion, with sparse punctures, with short median cari- na, some transverse carinae and long or short lateral longitudinal carina on its lower portion; propodeal side with dense, fine, short, oblique rugae and punctures on its upper portion, with dense or sparse punctures on its median portion, without punctures on its lower portion. Hind tibia with spines on its outer surface. Gaster not petiolate, tergum I sparsely punctate. LTI: WTL = 140: 141. Pygidial plate with or without short median longitudinal carina (Fig. 2). Male. Body length 7.8 mm. The following are yellow: mandible largely, pronotal collar above, pronotal lobe, scutellum largely, anterior and posterior portions of prepectus, lateral spot on pro- podeal enclosure, coxa at apex, trochanter wholly or largely, fore and mid femora except lateral basal portion, tibia and basitarsus largely or partly, transverse bands on gastral terga I - IV, lateral spot on tergum VII, transverse bands on sterna II - IV. Anterior margin of clypeus prominent medially, with low, blunt median tooth and lateral tooth on each side (Fig. 3); mandible with three teeth at apex (Fig. 4); orbital foveae smaller than in female evidently. HW: HL: POD: OOD = 175: 128: 17: 26. Flagellum ventrally fringed with white hair, api- cal segment normal. Relative length of antennal scape: pedicel: flagellomere I: II: III: IV: V = 54: 11: 26: 14: 12: 12: 12. Punctures on thorax and gaster smaller than in female evidently, mesopleuron densely or sparsely, finely punctate. LTI: WTI = 120: 127. Gastral tergum VII without pygidial plate. Material examined. Holotype. 9- China, Beijing, Malianwa, 8 June 1975, Chikun Yang; deposited in the Insect Collections of China Agricultural University, Beijing. Paratypes: ICf, the same data as holotype; 19, China, Shandong Province, Taian, Mount Tai, 26 June 1992, Qiang Li, deposited in the Insect Collections of Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan Prov ince; l9. China, Gansu Province, Kou-ling, 13 September 1918, coll. Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, deposited in the Insect Collections of Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing. Figs. 1-4. Crossocerus (Acanthocrabro) flavomaculatus, new species. 1-2. Female. 3-4. Male. 1, 3. Frontal view of clypeus. 2. Dorsal view of pygidial area. 4. Frontal view of mandible. 160 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Distribution: China: Beijing, Shandong Province, Gansu Province. Etymology. The name, flavomaculatus, derived from Latin Jlavus (= yellow) and Latin macula- tits (= with spot), refers to the clypeus, scutum, prepectus, mesopleuron, propodeal enclosure and gas- tral tergum I in female and propodeal enclosure and gastral tergum I in male with yellow spots, which is one of the main recognition characters of the species. Crossocerus (Acanthocrabro) vagabundus koreanus Tsuneki, 1957, NEW RECORD FOR CHINA Material examined. 19. China, Beijing, Baihuashan, 1200 m. May 28, 1973, Yongshan Shi; 399, China, Inner Mongolia, Chahar, Yangklaping, July 26, 1937 ( 19), July 29, 1937 ( 19), August 2, 1937 (19), O. Pie; Id1, China, Hubei Province, Shennongjia, Dajiuhu, 1800 m, August 1, 1981, Yinheng Han. Distribution: China: Beijing, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Hubei Province. Korea: Zokurisan, Taitimpyoo-Taihyoo, Keijio (Tsuneki, 1957:61). Crossocerus (Acanthocrabro) vagabundus vagabundus (Panzer, 1798), NEW RECORD FOR CHINA Material examined. l9> China, Sichuan Province, Emeishan, Qingyinge, 800-1000 m, May 10, 1957, Zuocai Yu; 19, China, Yunnan Province, Zhongdian, Chongjianghe, 2400 m, August 8, 1984, Ruiqi Wang; 1C?, China, Tibet, Bemi, 2300 m, August 16, 1983, Yinheng Han. Distribution: China: Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Tibet Autonomous Region. Palaearctic Region. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to Professor Yan-Ru Wu (Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing), Pro- fessor Chikun Yang and Professor Wanzhi Cai (China Agricultural University, Beijing), Associate Professor Tielu Mo (Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong Province), Professor Yalin Zhang (Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Shanxi Province), Professor Lianfang Yang (Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province), Professor Hong Wu (Zhejiang Forestry College, Zhejiang Province), Professor Zaifu Xu (South China Agricultural University, Guangdong Province), Professor Xiaohong Ou (Southwestern Forestry College, Yunnan Province), and Associate Professor Zongqi Chen (Academy of Agricultural Science and Research, Yunnan Province), for providing us with specimens deposited in the insect collections under their care. This research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province. We also thank two anonymous reviewers and Dr. Jorge A. Santiago- Blay for their careful consideration of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Bohart, R. M. and A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world, a generic revision. University of California Press. Berkeley, California, U.S.A. 695 pp. Krombein, K. V. 1979. Superfamily Sphecoidea. pp. 1573-1740. /;;. Krombein, K. V, Hurd, P. D. Jr., Smith, D. R,. and Burks, B. D. (Editors). Catalogue of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, U.S.A. 2735 pp. Leclercq, J. 1954. Monographie systematique, phylogenetique et zoogeographique des Hymenopteres Crabroniens. Les Presses de «Lejeunia», Liege, Belgium. 371 pp. 84 maps. Vol. 115. No. 3, May & June 2004 161 Leclercq, J. 1974. Moms, types et neotypes d'une trentaine de Crabroniens europeens (Hymenop- tera Sphecidae). Bulletin & Annales de la Societe Royale Beige d'Entomologie 110:258-286. Leclercq, J. 2000. Hymenopteres Sphecides Crabroniens des Ameriques du genre Crossocerus Lepeletier & Brulle, 1835. Notes Fauniques de Gembloux 40:3-75. Marshakov, V. G. 1980. Fossorial wasps of the genus Crossocerus Lepeletier et Brulle (Hymenop- tera, Sphecidae) from Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. Nasekomyie Mongolii 7:336-365. Nemkov, P. G., V. L. Ka/enas, E. R. Budrvs, and A. V. Antropov. 1995. Nadsem. Sphecoidea. 67. Sem. Sphecidae - Royushchiye osy, p. 368-480 in P. A. Lehr (editor). Opredelitel' nasekomykh Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii v shesti tomakh. Tom IV. Setchatokrylyie, skorpionnitsy, pereponcha- tokrylyie. Chasf 1. Nauka, Sankt-Peterburg. 604 pp. Oehlke, J. 1970. Beitrage zur Insekten-Fauna der DDR: Hymenoptera - Sphecidae. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 20:615-812. Pulavskii. V. V. 1978. Nadsem. Sphecoidea. pp. 173-279. In. G. S. Medvedev (editor). Opredelitel' nasekomykh evropeyskoy chasti SSSR, Tom III. Pereponchatokrylyye, Pervaya chast. Nauka. Leningrad, Soviet Union. 584 pp. Tsuneki, K. 1954. The genus Crossocerus Lepeletier et Brulle (1834) of Japan, Korea, Saghalien and the Kuriles (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae Crabroninae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Fukui University (Series II, Natural Science) 3:57-78. Tsuneki, K. 1957. Verzeichnis der von Herrn Dr. K. Takeuchi in Korea gesammelten Crabroninen (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Akitu 6:59-62. Tsuneki, K. 1968. Studies on the Formosan Sphecidae (V), the subfamily Crabroninae (Hymen- optera) with a key to the species of Crabronini occurring in Formosa and Ryukyus. Etizenia 30: 1- 34. Tsuneki, K. 1977. H. Sauter's Sphecidae from Formosa in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Hymenoptera). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hugarici 69:261-296. Tsuneki, K. 1990. Description of two new subgenera, six new species and one unrecorded female of the Sphecidae from the island of Okinawa, the Ryukyus (Hymenoptera). Special Publications of the Japan Hymenopterists Association 36:81-99. Yeo, P. F. and S. A. Corbet. 1983. Solitary wasps. Naturalists' Handbooks, 3. Cambridge Univer- sity Press. Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. 65 pp. 162 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS NOT KNOWING IS GNAWING AT ME Frederick B. Getze1 It's important when speaking of animals, that you know what's what and what's "knat" for, the spelling of pests, the "G" use Which, even for gnus, is not news. So, lest spell-checkers make sounds like "blagnat" Please, be sure of the first letter of "Gnat." Branch Libraries Department, Agriculture Library, 025 Townsend Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19717-1303 U.S.A. E-mail: fritzg(«mdel.edu. Mailed on January 19, 2005 Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 163 A NEW SPECIES OF OXYCERA MEIGEN (DIPTERA: STRATIOMYIDAE) FROM TURKEY1 Turgay Ustiiner and Abdullah HasbenlP ABSTRACT: A new species, Oxycera turcica sp.n., is described from Turkey and its diagnostic characters are illustrated. It is compared with two related species described by E. Lindner from Israel. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Oxycera turcica, new species, Turkey Up to the present, only five species of Oxycera Meigen have been recorded from Turkey (Woodley 2001): Oxycera insolata Kiihbander, 1984; O. limbata Loew, 1862; O. meigenii Staeger, 1844; O. pygmaea (Fallen, 1917) and O. tri- lineata (Linnaeus, 1767). During our investigations of the Turkish stratiomyid fauna, we discovered a species which apparently represents an interesting con- tribution to the native Oxycera list. It appeared to be a new species distinctly dif- fering from the related species described by Lindner from Israel, viz. Oxycera galeata Lindner, 1975 and Oxycera orientalis Lindner, 1974. Oxycera turcica NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-18) Type Data: Holotype, 1 male: Turkey: Sivas, Sarkisla, Karacaoren Village, elev. 1710 m, June 23, 2003, coll. Ustiiner, deposited in Selcuk University Department of Biology in Konya (coll. Ustiin- er) in Turkey. Allotype: 1 female: Turkey: Sivas, Sarkisla, Karacaoren Village, elev. 1710 m, June 23, 2003, coll. Ustiiner, deposited in Selcuk University Department of Biology in Konya (coll. Ustiin- er) in Turkey. 2 male: Turkey: Sivas, Sarkisla, Karacaoren Village, elev. 1710m, June 23, 2003, coll. Ustiiner. 3 female: Turkey: Sivas, Sarkisla, Karacaoren Village, elev. 1710 m, June 23, 2003, coll. Ustiiner. 2 male: Turkey: Sivas, Giiriin, from Giiriin to Sivas 5. km., elev. 1550 m, July 26, 2003, coll. Ustiiner. 4 female: Turkey: Sivas, Giirun, from Giiriin to Sivas 5. km., elev. 1550 m, July 26, 2003, coll. Ustuner. 1 male: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyaly, Burhaniye Village (35° 35' E ; 37° 49' N), elev. 1414 m, June 23, 2002, coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli. 1 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Sanz, Incemagara Village (36° 26' E ; 38° 22' N), elev. 1518m, June 14, 2002, coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli. 2 male: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyaly, Burhaniye Village (35° 35' E ; 37° 49' N), elev. 1414 m, July 13, 2002, coll. Ustuner& Hasbenli. 1 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyaly, Burhaniye Village (35° 35' E ; 37° 49' N), elev. 1414 m, July 13, 2002, coll. Ustiiner&Hasbenli. 1 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyaly, Ulupynar Plateau (35° 33' E ; 37° 53' N), elev. 1500 m, July 13, 2002, coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli. 7 male: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyali, Sogulca Plateau (35° 24' E ; 38° O1 N), elev. 1665 m, July 14, 2002, coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli . 5 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Yahyali, Sogulca Plateau (35° 24' E ; 38° 0' N), elev. 1665 m, July 14, 2002, coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli. 2 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Sanz, Bostanlik Village (36° 26' E ; 38° 29' N), elev. 1700 m, 15 July 2002, coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli. 1 male: Turkey: Kayseri, Sanz, Sarlak Village (36° 40' E ; 38° 39' N), elev. 1889 m. July 16, 2002. coll. Ustuner&Hasbenli . 1 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Sanz, Sarlak Village (36° 40' E ; 38° 39' N) elev. 1889 m, July 16. 2002, coll. Ustiiner&Hasbenli. 1 male: Turkey: Kayseri, Sari/, Karapynar Village (36° 35' E ; 38° 35' N). 1 Received on July 12, 2004. Accepted on August 3, 2004. ; Selcuk University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology, Kampiis, 4203 1 Konya, Turkey. E-mail: tustuner@selcuk.edu.tr. 1 Gazi University, Faculty of Arts and Science. Department of Biology, 06500 Teknikokullar. Ankara, Turkey. E-mail: hasbenli@gazi.edu.tr. Mailed on January 19, 2005 164 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS elev. 1723 m, July 16, 2002, coll. Ustiiner&Hasbenli. 4 female: Turkey: Kayseri, Sanz, Karapynar Village (36° 35' E ; 38° 35' N), elev. 1723 m, July 16, 2002, coll. Ustiiner&Hasbenli. 1 female: Turkey: Burdur. Aglasun, Yesilbas Village environment (30° 27' E ; 37° 39' N) elev. 140 m, July 15, 2000 coll.Ostiiner & Hasbenli; 1 female Turkey: Konya, Bozkir, Yoloren Village, elev. 1 100m, July 5, 2001, coll. Ustiiner. The paratype specimens are deposited in the collection of the Zoological Museum of the Gazi University (ZMGU), Ankara (coll. Hasbenli) and Selcuk University Department of Biology in Konya (coll. Ustiiner) in Turkey. The type specimens were captured basking on Salix sp. and in a grassy area along a stream. Male: Head (Figs. 1 and 2) hemispherical, slightly broader than thorax in dorsal view. Eyes con- tiguous, only very short and sparsely haired, facets on lower third of eyes considerably smaller, con- trast border between larger and smaller facets very distinct. Triangular frons above antennae slightly covered with velvet-like, silvery-white pubescence, leaving only upper angle and narrow median groove bare and shining black. Face shining black with sparse pile. Fine powder-like, yellowish white stripe along inner margin of each eye. Postocular area swollen in lower half of head, shining black, with long, dense and white hairs. Scape and pedicel pale brown, flagellum black, last flagel- lomere slender but hardly longer than the rest of flagellum. Labella of proboscis light brown. Thorax (Figs. 3 and 4) shining black with long, white hairs. Postpronotal calli, subnotopleural stripe and postalar calli yellow. Yellow and anteriorly pointed spot on postalar callus often reaching about half distance to transverse suture or slightly shorter. Scutellum including spines yellow, only base (or basal 2/3) of scutellum black. Thoracic pile white, dense and erect on lateral parts of scutum and rather longer on pleura. R4 absent. Legs mainly yellow but exterior surface of fore femur with a black stripe-like spot, middle and hind femora with a black ring-like spot in middle. Hind tibia black with a yellow ring in middle. All tarsi yellow but tarsomere 2 and 3 dark brown on dorsal surface. Abdomen (Fig. 5) shining black, with a yellow lateral margin beginning at posterior corner of ter- gite 2, extending into lateral markings on tergites 3 and 4. Tergite 5 with a yellow apical spot. Venter entirely black. Male terminalia (Figs. 6, 7 and 8): Epandrium relatively narrow, semicircular, about half as high as proctiger. Proctiger subtriangular, cerci elongate oval, narrowed proximally. Gonostylus suboval, pointed distally, innercurved. Aedeagal complex relatively short and massive, tripartite in distal half. Length: body 5.0-6.0 mm., wing 4.5 mm. Female: Eyes at most with very inconspicuous and sparse short hairs. Frons (Fig. 10) shining black, about 1/3 as broad as head width, brownish above bases of antennae. Two small, white, almost round spots present at each side of frons at eye margin. Cerebrate (Fig. 11) (medial part of occiput) with a striking, semicircular yellow spot, rest of occiput black. Postocular band (Fig. 9) black, broad, approximately as wide as both basal antennal segments combined are long. Postocular area covered with sparse, short, white pile in upper half of head but with dense, long, white pile in lower half. Scape and pedicel yellowish brown, flagellum black, last flagellomere slender but hardly longer than rest of flagellum. Face black with sparse white hairs. Labella of proboscis pale brown with sparse, long, whitish hairs. Thorax (Fig. 12) shining black. Postpronotal callus (Fig. 13) with a round yellow spot, yellow subnotopleural stripe extended at wing-base. Postalar callus with large yellow spot, this spot pointed anteriorly and almost reaching tranverse suture. Scutellum and scutellar spines yellow. Thoracic pile consisting of white, dense and erect hairs on margin of scutum, and relatively long hairs on pleura. Wings (Fig. 15) transparent, veins yellow, R4 absent. Halteres yellow with darkened stalk. Legs mainly yellow, fore and mid tibia yellow, hind tibiae black with a yellow ring in middle. Tarsi chiefly yellow but tarsomeres 3 and 4 pale brown on outer surface. Abdomen (Fig. 14) shining black, with a yellow lateral margin beginning at posterior corner of tergite 2, and with rather broad and yellow sidemarkings on tergites 3 and 4. Tergite 5 with a yellow apical spot or medianly broadened yellow margin. Venter entirely black. Female terminalia (Figs. 16 and 17): Proctiger subtriangular, epiproct narrowed in distal half. Cerci bisegmcnted: basal segment about twice as long as broad, narrowed proximally, apical segment slightly shorter than twice as long as broad, both segments with long setae. Genital furca (= sternite 9) relatively narrow and elongate, markedly tapered towards distal part. Medial aperture subcircular but almost straight posteriorly. Posterolateral projections slender and long, 4-5 times longer than broad in middle. Length: body 6.0 mm, wing 4.0-4.5 mm. Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 165 1 4 8 Figs. 1-8 Oxycera turcica n. sp. male. 1: Head in lateral view; 2: Head in frontal view; 3: Thorax in dorsal view; 4: Thorax in lateral view; 5: Abdomen in dorsal view. Scale bar = 1mm.; male genitalia. 6-7: dorsal and ventral parts of male genitalia; 8: aedeagal com- plex in dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.25 mm. 166 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 13 15 16 Fig. 9-17 Oxycera turcica n. sp. female. 9: Head in lateral view; 10: Head in frontal view; 11: Head in dorsal view; 12: Thorax in dorsal view; 13: Thorax in lateral view; 14: Abdomen in dorsal view; Scale bar = 1 mm; 15: Wing. Scale bar = 1mm; female gen- italia; 16: Female terminalia in dorsal view; 17: genital furca. Scale bar = 0.25 mm. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 3, May & June 2004 167 DISCUSSION The striking yellow semicircular spot beyond ocellar triangle in the female is very characteristic as well as anteriorly extended postalar spots. A similar cere- bral yellow spot was figured by Lindner (1975) in his description of Oxycera galeata (as Heraclina galeata) based on the female holotype and a female para- type from Israel. However, this spot is apparently much higher and nearly trian- gular in O. galeata. Moreover, this species is well characterized by a large and conspicuous, subquadrate yellow midspot between the transverse suture and the scutellum. Another species described also by Lindner (1974) from Israel is Oxycera ori- entalis. Also this species is based on the female holotype (and one male and one female paratype) from Israel. According to the original description, the female head of 0. orientalis shows a very different yellow pattern compared with O. tur- cica sp.n. The cerebral spot is absent and the yellow frontal and postocular stripes are developed in addition to the paired frontal and upper postocular spots. The yellow frontal stripe begins on each side below the middle of the frons at the eye margin and continues slightly wider on the face, where it is covered with long white hairs. Both Lindner's species under discussion were originally described in the genus Heraclina Lindner, 1938, separated on the largely variable character, pres- ence or absence of vein R4. Rozkosny (1983) and Rozkosny & Baez (1983) con- sidered this genus to be a mere synonym of Oxycera Meigen, 1803, and this opinion was accepted by Woodley (2001). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our thanks are due to Prof. R. Rozkosny (Brno, Czech Republic) for critically reviewing the man- uscript. LITERATURE CITED Kiihbandner, M. 1984. Eine neue Oxycera- Art aus der Sudostturkei (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). Entomofauna - Zeitschrift fur Entomologie 5(34): 471-480. Lindner, E. 1974. On the Stratiomyidae (Diptera) of the Near East. Israel Journal of Entomology 9: 93-108. Lindner, E. 1975. On some Stratiomyidae (Diptera) from the Near East. Israel Journal of Ento- mology 10: 41-49. Rozkosny, R. 1983. A biosystematic study of the European Stratiomyidae (Diptera). Vol. 2.- Clitel- lariinae, Hermetiinae, Pachygasterinae and Bibliography. Dr. W. Junk, The Hague. The Nether- lands. 431 pp. Ro/kosny, R. and M. Baez. 1983. The Stratiomyidae of the Canary Islands, including a descrip- tion of a new species of Zabrachia Coquillett (Diptera). Vieraea 12: 75-94. Woodley, N. E. 2001. A world catalog of the Stratiomyidae (Insecta: Diptera). Backhuys Pub- lishers. Leiden, The Netherlands. 473 pp. 168 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTE AN OVERLOOKED FAMILY-GROUP NAME FOR TERMITES (ISOPTERA)1 Michael S. Engel2 and Kumar Krishna3 During ongoing work to complete a new, annotated world catalog of the termites (Isoptera), a family-group name was found that had been inadvertently overlooked during the preparation of an account of such names (Engel and Krishna, 2004). The name Odontotermitini was proposed as a tribe by Weidner (1956) for Odontotermes, Ancistrotermes, and Microtermes. Odontotermitini was not used by subsequent authors of termite classification. We provide here an entry for Odontotermitini, indi- cating the same information as provided for other termite family-group names (Engel and Krishna, 2004), and putting the name on record as an amendment to the earlier paper. Since the names provided in the earlier account are listed in order by taxo- nomic priority, Odontotermitini should be intercalated between the names Apicoter- mitinae and Cubitermitini. The entry would read as follows: 28a. Odontotermitini Weidner, 1956: 82. Type genus: Odontotermes Holmgren, 1910. Combining stem: Odontotermit-. In the table summarizing the hierarchical outline of termite classification (Engel and Krishna, 2004), Odontotermitini would be listed as a synonym of Macrotermi- tinae, immediately under Acanthotermitinae, itself a synonym (vide Engel and Krish- na, 2001; ICZN, 2003) as all three were proposed for groups of fungus-growing ter- mites. Odontotermitini does not affect the priority or status of any other family-group names. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to V. Krishna and an anonymous reviewer for constructive comments on this note. This is contribution 3409 of the Division of Entomology, Natural History Museum, University of Kansas. LITERATURE CITED Engel, M. S. and K. Krishna. 2001. Macrotermitinae Kemner, 1934 (Insecta, Isoptera): Proposed prece- dence over Acanthotermitinae Sjostedt, 1926. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 58(3): 206-209. Engel, M. S. and K. Krishna. 2004. Family-group names for termites (Isoptera). American Museum Novitates 3432: 1-9. Holmgren, N. 1910. Das System der Termiten. Zoologischer Anzeiger 35: 284-286. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 2003. Opinion 2038: Macrotermitinae Kem- ner, 1934 (Insecta, Isoptera): Given precedence over Acanthotermitinae Sjostedt, 1926. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 60(2): 162-163. Weidner, H. 1956. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tenniten Angolas, hauptsachlich auf Grund der Samm- lungen und Beobachtungen von A. de Barros Machado (I. Beitrag). Publicacoes Culturais da Com- panhia de Diamantes de Angola 29: 55-106. 1 Received on December 7, 2004. Accepted on December 18, 2004. 2 Division of Entomology, Natural History Museum, and Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 1460 Jayhawk Boulevard, Snow Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7523, U.S.A. E-mail: msengel@ku.edu. ' Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024-5192 U.S.A. E-mail: krishn@amnh.org. Mailed on January 19, 2005 Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 SCIENTIFIC NOTE ON THE IDENTITY OF HALICTUS CUBENSIS SPINOLA, 1851 (HYMENOPTERA: HALICTIDAE)1 Michael S. Engcl2 Some time ago Dr. Julio A. Genaro inquired if I might be able to determine the proper identity of the species known as Halictus cubensis Spinola, 1851 which was described from a male and female from Havana, Cuba. Unfortunate- ly, Spinola (1851, p. 203) only mentioned the species in passing, proposing it rather cavalierly as a note under his treatment of//, chloris Spinola, 1851 (today Corynura chloris} and principally referring to the position of particular wing veins. Thus, although the name was made available, the real identity of the species has remained undetermined for over 150 years. Indeed, in the catalog of Western Hemisphere halictids, Moure and Hurd (1987, p. 206) rightly left H. cubensis as Halictini incertae sedis. Through the kindness of Dr. Guido Pagliano I have recently had the opportu- nity to examine the male and female upon which Spinola based his brief descrip- tion of//, cubensis. I have found that the female is a specimen of Augochlora regina Smith, 1853 (Augochlorini: Augochlorina), while the male isAgaposmon viridulus (Fabricius, 1793) (Caenohalictini: Agapostemonina). Both species are already relatively well characterized and I therefore do not believe it necessary to provide lengthy redescriptions of them herein. However, for the purpose of nomenclatorial stability I have provided the necessary taxonomic summaries for both species, designated a lectotype for H. cubensis, and indicated the necessary new synonymy that the lectotype designation precipitates (infra). Both of Spinola's specimens are now labeled with their appropriate identities and the male with a lectotype label as indicated. SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY Tribe Augochlorini Beebe Genus Augochlora Smith Augochlora (Augochlora) regina Smith Augochlora regina Smith, 1853: 77. Material. Female; [Havana, Cuba; coll. Poey] [Halictus cuhensis Spinola] Augochlora regi- na Smith, del. M. S. Engcl, 2004. Specimen conserved in the Spinola Collection of the Museo Rcgionale di Scienze Naturali, Turin. 1 Received on June 28, 2004. Accepted on November 29, 2004. : Division of Hntomology. Natural History Museum, and Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 1460 Jayhawk Boulevard, Snow Hall, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas 66045- 7523 U.S.A. E-mail: msengel(«ku.edu. Mailed on January 19, 2005 170 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Tribe Caenohalictini Michener Genus Agapostemon Guerin-Meneville Agapostemon (Agapostemon) viridulm (Fabricius) Apis viridula Fabricius, 1793: 342. Andrena (Agapostemon) femoralis Guerin-Meneville, 1844: 447. Halictus cubensis Spinola, 1851: 203. new synonym Agapostemon semiviridis Cresson, 1865: 172. Lectotype (here designated). Male; [Havana, Cuba; coll. Poey] // [Halictus cubensis Spinola] // Lectotype, Halictus cubensis Spinola, 1851, desig. M. S. Engel [red label] // Agapostemon viridulus (Fabricius), del. M. S. Engel, 2004. Specimen conserved in the Spinola Collection of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Turin. The lectotype is here designated for the express purpose of stabi- lizing the application of the epithet cubensis as proposed by Spinola (op. cit.). The specimen is in excel- lent condition. Comments. Although I could have selected Spinola's female as the lectotype, A. regina has been more widely used in the literature, albeit still rather uncom- monly, than A. viridulus. Furthermore, of these two names in current usage only A. viridulus is older than H. cubensis. Selection of the male as the name-bearing type for the latter renders the epithet a junior synonym of the former, preserving current usage and eliminating the long unused name. Since Spinola's description applies equally to his male and female specimens and he refers to both, either is eli- gible to serve as the name-bearing type of H. cubensis. I believe my selection does the most to promote nomenclatorial stability. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Dr. Guido Pagliano (Turin, Italy) for kindly preparing the loan of Spinola's type material and for his patience during my study of the specimens. I am also grateful to Dr. Julio A. Genaro (presently of Toronto, Canada) for drawing my attention to the little mystery surrounding the identity of H. cubensis and to Dr. Charles D. Michener and an anonymous reviewer for constructive comments. This is contribution Nr. 3420 of the Division of Entomology, Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, University of Kansas. LITERATURE CITED Cresson, E. T. 1865. On the Hymenoptera of Cuba. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 4: 1-200. Fabricius, J. C. 1793. Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta: Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species adjectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus [volume 2]. Proft; Hafniae [Copenhagen], Denmark, viii+519 pp. Guerin-Meneville, F.-E. 1844. Iconographie du Regne Animal de G. Cuvier; ou. Representation d'apres Nature de Fune des Especes les plus Remarquables, et Souvent non encore Figurees, de Chaque Genre d'Animaux: Avec un Texte Descriptif mis au Courant de la Science: Ouvrage Pouvant servir d'Atlas a tous les Traites de Zoologie [tome 3: Texte explicatif]. Bailliere. Paris, France. 576 pp. Moure, J. S. and P. D. Hurd, Jr. 1987. An Annotated Catalog of the Halictid Bees of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, District of Columbia, U.S.A. vii+405 pp. Smith, F. 1853. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum: Part I, Andrenidae and Apidae. Trustees of the British Museum. London, United Kingdom. iii+[l]-197 pp., pis. I-VI. Spinola, M. 1851. Hymenopteros. pp. 153-569. In, Gay, C. (Editor). Historia Fisica y Politica de Chile, Zoologia [voliimen 6]. Maulde et Renou. Paris, France. 596+[2] pp. Vol. 115. No. 3. May & June 2004 171 SCIENTIFIC NOTE TWO NEW ORTHOPTERAN HOSTS OF NORTH AMERICAN POLIDEINI (DIPTERA: TACHINIDAE)1 James E. O'Hara2 and David A. Gray' The Polideini are a moderately sized tribe in the subfamily Tachininae with 36 genera and about 140 described species (O'Hara 2002). All but a few of the spec- ies are restricted to the New World. The tribe was redefined and the genera and species of America north of Mexico were revised by O'Hara (2002). In that work, all known hosts of the polideine species of America north of Mexico were listed and they include the greatest range of arthropod taxa of any tribe in the Tachinidae: various Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera (Diprionidae), Orthoptera (Gryl- lidae and Raphidophoridae), Blattaria (Blattellidae), Chilopoda (IGeophilus sp.), Scorpiones (Vaejovidae), and Araneae (Antrodiaetidae) (O'Hara 2002). Two new orthopteran hosts of North American Polideini were recently discovered by the junior author and are reported here. These new records are particularly notewor- thy because orthopteran hosts of Tachinidae are not as well known as hosts in the major orders attacked, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera (Symphyta), and Hemiptera. Dichocera lyrata Williston Sixteen specimens of Pristoceuthophilus marmoratus Rehn (Orthoptera, Raphidophoridae) were collected by the junior author in mid to late October 2003 from Topanga Canyon, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California, in an area of mixed coast live oak (Quercus agri folia Nee) and grass- land bordering chaparral. The live crickets were returned to the laboratory for behavioral studies. A single tachinid maggot emerged from one of the crickets on January 7, 2004. It was reared to an adult and subsequently identified by the sen- ior author as a male D. lyrata. There are no definite host records for D. lyrata in the literature, but a Dichocera "probably lyrata" specimen collected from Ithaca, New York, was reportedly reared from the raphidophorid Ceuthophilus guttulo- sus guttulosus Walker (Chinn and Arnaud 1993, O'Hara 2002). Exoristoides johnsoni Coquillett Six specimens of Gryllus integer Scudder (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) were col- lected by the junior author from high desert near Holbrook, Navajo County, 1 Received on October 27, 2004. Accepted on November 4, 2004. : Invertebrate Biodiversity, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario. Canada, K1AOC6. E-mail: oharaj(a'agr.gc.ca. 1 Department of Biology. California State University Northridge. 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge. CA 91330-8303 U.S.A. E-mail: dgray@csun.edu. Mailed on January 19. 2005 172 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Arizona, 1590 m (34.93°N, 110.13°W), on August 9, 2002. On the same day, a tachinid maggot emerged from a captured adult male cricket. The maggot was reared to an adult and subsequently identified by the senior author as a female E. johnsoni. This tachinid species has also been reared from the gryllids Anuro- gryllus arboreus Walker, Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burmeister and "Gryllus spp." (O'Hara 2002). There is no published information on the reproductive habits of D. lyrata or E. johnsoni, but we can infer a little about their habits from an examination of their female reproductive systems and by comparison with related tachinids. A pinned female of each species was dissected and both contained a number of par- tially and fully developed first instar larvae; ca. 1050 larvae in D. lyrata and fewer than 100 in E. johnsoni. The reproductive capacity of the examined E. johnsoni appeared to be greater than the number of larvae observed, perhaps in the range of 200, but certainly far fewer than the observed number in the D. lyra- ta specimen, which seemed to be near capacity. This difference in apparent fecundity probably means that the likelihood of an individual D. lyrata larva suc- cessfully parasitizing a host is less than that of an E. johnsoni larva by nearly a factor of ten. Be that as it may, the larvae of both species are of a motile type common within the Tachininae suggesting that ready-to-hatch eggs are deposit- ed on a substrate, most likely in response to host stimuli, and the first instars either actively search for a host or lie in wait for a passing host. The tachinid specimens and their puparia have been deposited in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada. The series of P. marmoratus from which the parasitized individual originated was identified by Ted Cohn (Adjunct Curator, Insect Division, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan). The parasitized G. integer was identified by the junior author. The remains of the hosts were not retained. LITERATURE CITED Chinn, J. S. and P. H. Arnaud, Jr. 1993. First records of Dichocera (Diptera: Tachinidae) reared from Ceuthophilus (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) hosts in Nevada and New York. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 69: 176-179. O'Hara, J. E. 2002. Revision of the Polideini (Tachinidae) of America north of Mexico. Studia dip- terologica. Supplement 10, 170pp. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 3. May & June 2004 173 SCIENTIFIC NOTE DISTRIBUTIONAL RECORDS OF CATARACTOCORIS (HETEROPTERA: NAUCORIDAE) IN MESOAMERICA1 Robert W. Sites2 The genus Cataractocoris (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) is among the largest of the New World naucorids in body size. Ironically, this genus is seldom collected, in part because of its unusual habitat and restricted range. Whereas most species of Naucoridae are either lentic, riffle-dwelling, or occur among marginal stream vegetation, species of Cataractocoris occur in the film of water that sheets down over the vertical rock faces of waterfalls and in the splash zone below waterfalls (Usinger 1941). They also can be found in turbulent, rocky streams with fast cur- rent. Only two species of Cataractocoris have been described: C. macrocephalus (Montandon) and C. marginiventris Usinger. Both species are known only from Mexico. Specifically, C. macrocephalus has been recorded from Temascaltepec District and C. marginiventris from both Temascaltepec and Guerrero districts (Usinger 1941, De Carlo 1950). Herein, I report records from two additional Mesoamerican countries for C. macrocephalus and from further northwest in Mexico for C. marginiventris. Both species likely are more widely distributed in Mexico and other Mesoamerican countries than currently known, but more col- lecting in appropriate habitats is needed to learn the extent of their distributions. Repository abbreviations are Texas A&M University (TAMU); Snow Museum, University of Kansas (UKSM); and Enns Entomology Museum, University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC). Cataractocoris macrocephalus (Montandon) EL SALVADOR: La Majadita, CL 1257, December 21, 1969, J. T. Polhemus, 2 males (UKSM). GUATEMALA: Yepocapa, Chimalt., July 1951, H. T. Dalmat, 2 males, 1 female (UKSM); Baja Verapaz, unnamed stream, 0.3 km S. La Cumbre, June 12, 2001, 4180 ft, W. D. Shepard, 1 female (UMC); Baja Verapaz, unnamed creek at Hwy 17, ca. 3 km S. La Cumbre and Jet Hwy, CA 14, 15° 00' 34" N, 90° 13' 51" W, 4180 ft, July 12, 2001, D. E. Baumgardner, 1 female (TAMU). Cataractocoris marginiventris Usinger MEXICO: Jalisco, Rio Las Juntas y los Verranos at los Verranos waterfall, February 18, 1999, L-238, R. W. Sites, 7 males, 13 females, 19 nymphs (UMC); Jalisco, Rio Mismaloya at Mismaloya, February 18, 1999, gravel/rocky stream, L-237, R W. Sites, 5 males, 2 females (UMC); Jalisco, Rio Tomatalan waterfall, Boca de la Tomatalan. February 18, 1999, L-236, R. W. Sites, 2 males, 2 females, 7 nymphs (UMC). 1 Received on August 6, 2004. Accepted on August 23, 2004. : Enns Entomology Museum, Department of Entomology, University of Missouri - Columbia, Co- lumbia, Missouri 65211, U.S.A. E-mail: bugs(u missouri.edu. Mailed on January 19, 2005 174 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank David E. Baumgardner and Edward G. Riley, Texas A&M University; James S. Ashe and Zachary H. Falin, University of Kansas; William D. Shepard, California State University-Sacramen- to; and Harry Brailovsky, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico for specimen loans, gifts, or sharing of data. I also thank J. E. McPherson (Southern Illinois University) and Richard Houseman (University of Missouri) for critical reviews of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED De Carlo, J. A. 1950. Generos y especies de la subfamilia Ambrysinae Usinger (Hemiptera- Naucoridae). Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. 150(l):3-27. Usinger, R. L. 1941. Key to the subfamilies of Naucoridae with a generic synopsis of the new sub- family Ambrysinae (Hemiptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 34(1):5-16. Cataractocoris macrocephalus (Montandon) Cataractocoris mnrgiuiventris Usinger Vol. 115, No. 3, May & June 2004 175 SCIENTIFIC NOTE NEW HOST RECORD FOR UROSIGALPHUS MIMOSESTES GIBSON AND FIRST RECORD OF U. NEOMEXICANUS CRAWFORD (HYMENOPTERA: BRACONIDAE) IN MEXICO1 Victor Lopez-Martinez,2 J. I. Figueroa-De la Rosa,3 J. Romero N.,3 J. A. Sanchez G.,4 and S. Anaya R.3 Hymenopterous wasps are the principal parasitoids of bruchids, principally species of Braconidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, Eupelmidae, Eurytomidae and Pteromalidae. From the braconid wasps, the genus Glyptocolastes Ashmead, Heterospilus Haliday, Stenocorse Marsh and Urosigalphus Ashmead have a wide range of bruchids as a natural host (Center and Johnson, 1976; Hetz and Johnson, 1988; Marsh 1979, 1997; Steffan 1981). High number of hosts reported for the hymenopterous is given principally for its "host specificity to a particular envi- ronment, not a particular beetle" (Hetz and Johnson, 1988). Systematic and biological hosts associations of Urosigalphus species has been published for Gibson (1972a, 1972b, 1982; Hetz and Johnson, 1988), they stat- ed that 19 species are distributed in Mexico. Urosigalphus belongs to the tribe Brachistini of subfamily Helconinae, and can be characterized as egg-larval par- asitoid (Sharkey, 1 996), which is reported in a undetermined species of Vrosig- alphus from Costa Rica (Traveset, 1991). According to Romero (2002), in his work about Mexican bruchids, 59 specimens of hymenopterous wasps that were reared from bruchids infesting Fabaceae pods and Convulvulaceae seeds, all belongs to the braconid genus Urosigalphus. In the present work new distribution record and host associations data for Urosigalphus (Bruchiurosigalphus) mimosestes Gibson are given; besides new distribution records of U. (Microurosigalphus) neomexicanus Crawford for the country. The records presented here are based on material principally deposited in the Coleccion de Insectos del Centre de Entomologia y Acarologia, Montecillo (CEAM); and some material borrowed from Texas A&M University, College Station (TAMU) entomological collection. 1 Received on July 11, 2002. Accepted on July 19, 2004. - Facultad dc Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Avenida Universidad 1001, Colonia Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C. P. 62210, Mexico. E-mail: vilomar74fo^yahoo.com.mx. ' Taxonomia de Insectos, Institute de Fitosanidad, Colegio de Postgraduados, km 36.5 carr. Mexico- Texcoco, Montecillo, Edo. de Mexico, C. P. 56230, Mexico. E-mail: fisaac(a>colpos.mx. 4Unidad de Control Biologico, CIIDIR-IPN-Unidad Oaxaca, Hornos 1003, Santa Cruz Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca, C. P. 71230, Mexico. E-mail: asanchezfo/colpos.mx. Mailed on January 19, 2005 176 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Subfamily Helconinae Urosigalphus (Bruchiurosigalphm) mimosestes The hypothesis of the host specificity to a particular enviroment of Hetz and Johnson (1988) can be partially corroborated with this work. Urosigalphus mimosestes has the capacity of attacking at least five species of bruchids associat- ed to four host plants (Table 1 ), and probably have a wider host range. This species has been reported from the Mexican states of Distrito Federal and Morelos (Gibson, 1972b; Figueroa and Romero, 2002), but now are reported from six Mexican states (Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Morelos, Nayarit, and Puebla) expanding the distribution of the species across the country. Host plant Bruchid host Country Reference Not reported Mimosestes nubigens (Motschulsky) Honduras Gibson (1972b) Lonchocarpus rugosus Ctenocolum janzeni Kingsolver Mexico Figueroa and Romero (2002) Acacia farmesiana, A. schaffneri M. nubigens Mexico New host plants records Ipomoea simulans Megacerus callirhipis (Sharp) Mexico New host record Prosopis juliflora Algarobius johnsoni Kingsolver, Mimosestes amicus (Horn) Mexico New host record Table 1. Host records and distribution of Urosigalphus (B.) mimosestes in Mexico. Material Examined: MEXICO. DURANGO: 1 9, Vicente Guerrero, San Francisco Javier, 2 1 -XII- 1995, col. J. Romero N., reared seed Prosopis /uliJJora, parasitoide del bruquido Algarobius johnsoni Kingsolver. GUANAJUATO: 1 Cf, Irapuato, El Copal, 18-VIII-1994, Salas A. D., reared seed Prosopis sp., parasitoide del bruquido Algarobius johnsoni Kingsolver; 1 9 and 1 9- same data but 21 -VII- 1994, Salas A. D.; 3 9 and 3 Cf , same data but 22-VIII-1994; 2 9 and 2 Cf, same data but 1 7-IX- 1994, Arevalo A; 4 9 and 1 Cf, km 3 carr. San Jose Iturbide-Victoria, 2-VIII-1996, col. J. Romero N., Acacia schaffneri (S. Watson) F. J. Herm, parasitoide del bruquido Mimosestes nubigens (Motschulsky); 1 9 and 1 Cf, San LuisdelaPaz, 1 1 -IV- 1996, Jose A. Sanchez G; 1 9, Yiustis, 10-XII-1995, Jose A. Sanchez G. HIDAL- GO: 4 9 and 7 Cf, 3 mill. N Las Trancas, Parque Nacional Los Marmoles, 20-VII-1999, 6250 msnm, col. J. Romero N., reared seed JRN#240/99 Acacia farmesiana (L.), parasitoide del bruquido Mimosestes nubigens (Motschulsky); 3 9 and 4 Cf, Zindejeb, Tasquillo, 20-VII-1999, 1830 msnm, col. J. Romero N.. reared seed JRN#239/799 Prosopis juliflora, parasitoide del biiiquido Mimosestes amicus (Horn), 20° 33' 04" N 99° 17' 44" W. MORELOS: 1 9, Tlalquitenango, La Mezquitera, 2-II-1997, 903 msnm, col. J. Romero N., reared seed JRN#201/97 Prosopis juliflora, parasitoide del bruquido Algarobius johnsoni Kingsolver. NAYARIT: 1 Cf, 15 mi. SE Tepic, 2-III-1973, ca. 4000, C. D. Johnson collector, reared seed CDJ#303/73 Ipomoea simulans, emerged by 25-IX-1973, parasitoide del bruquido Megacerus callirhip- is (Sharp). PUEBLA: 1 9, 6 km SW Acatepec, 17-VII-1996, 1900 msnm, Jesus Romero N. Urosigalphus (Microurosigalphus) neomexicanus Crawford At this time, no biological data has been published of this species, but this reports an increasing number of Urosigalphus in Mexico (19 to 20). This records are based upon 17 specimens examined, extending the distribution of the braconid to the Mex- ican states of Guerrero, Oaxaca and Puebla. Oaxaca represents its southernmost record. Vol. 115. No. 3, May & June 2004 1_T This species was originally described from New Mexico, USA (Crawford, 1914). These have since been recorded from Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Texas (Martin, 1956; Gibson, 1972a; Whitfield and Lewis, 2001). Future additional collections will help determine host and plant relations. Material Examined: MEXICO. GUERRERO: 1 Cf. 15 mi. W. Chichihualco, 15-VII-1984, Elev. Aprox. 1500', J. B. Woolley; 1 tf. 5.4 mi. Southwest La Laguna. 14-VII-1985, Jones & Schaffner; 1 9 and 12 Cf 6.2 mi SW Xochipala, 8-VII-1982, 5670 ft, R. Wharton. OAXACA: 1 Cf, 3 mi. se. Matatlan (Microondas road), 17-VII-1987, elev. 6650 ft., Kovarik & Schaffner. PUEBLA: 1 9, 6 km SW Acatepec, 17-VII-1996, 1900 m, Jesus Romero N. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Robert A. Wharton for the loan of TAMU specimens. Rick L. Westcott and C. D. Johnson for their comments to a first draft of the manuscript. Comments of two anonymous reviewers and the editor improved the manuscript. This work was supported by one SNI-CONACYT grant to the first author. LITERATURE CITED Center, T. D. and C. D. Johnson. 1 976. Host plants and parasites of some Arizona seed-feeding insects. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 69(2): 195-201. Crawford, J. C. 1914. A revision of the braconid genus Urosigalphus (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 2: 22-21 . Figueroa-De la Rosa, J. I. and J. Romero N. 2002. Ctenocolum janzeni Kingsolver & Whitehead (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) nuevo huesped para Urosigalphus (bruchiurosigalphiis) mimosestes Gibson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra de Huautla, Morelos, Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (n. s.) 85. 189-190. Gibson, L. P. 1972a. Revision of the genus Urosigalphus of the United States and Canada (Hymen- optera: Braconidae). Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America 8: 83-134. Gibson, L. P. 1972b. Urosigalphus of Mexico and Central America (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America 8: 135-157. Gibson, L. P. 1982. New species of Urosigalphus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Mexico. Proceed- ings of the Entomological Society of Washington 84(1): 97-101. Hetz, M. and C. D. Johnson. 1988. Hymenopterous parasites of some bruchid beetles of North and Central America. Journal of Stored Products Research 24(3): 131-143. Marsh, P. M. 1979. Family Braconidae. Pp. 144-295. //;, Krombein K. V., P. D. Hurd Jr.. D. R. Smith, and B. D. Burks (Editors). 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D. C., United States of America. 1 198 pp. Marsh, P. M. 1997. Subfamily Doryctinae, pp. 206-233. //;, R. A. Wharton, P. M. Marsh and M. J. Sharkey (Editors). Manual of the New World Genera of the Family Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Special Publication of the International Society of Hymenopterologist No. 1. Washington, D.C. United States of America. 439 pp. Martin, J. C. 1956. A taxonomic revision of the triaspidine braconid wasps of Nearctic America (Hymenoptera). Canadian Department of Agriculture Publication 965: 1-157. Romero N. J. 2002. Bruchidae. pp. 513-534. //;. Llorente B., J. and J. .1. Morrone (Editors). Biodiversidad, taxonomia y biogcografia de artropodos de Mexico: hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. Vol. III. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Distrito Federal, Mexico. Steffan, J. R. 1981. The parasites of bruchids. pp. 223-229. //;. Labeyrie V. (Editor). The Ecology of Bruchids attacking legumes (Pulses). Series Entomologica vol. 19. W. Junk. The Hague, The Nether- lands. 252 pp. Traveset, A. 1991 . Pre-dispersal seed predation in Central American Acacia farnesiana: factors affecting the abundance of co-occurring bruchid beetles. Oecologia 87: 570-576. Whitfield, J. A. and C. N. Lewis. 2001. Analytical survey of the braconid wasp fauna (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on six midwestern U.S. tallgrass prairies. Annals of the Entomolological Society of America 94(2): 230-238. 178 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTE PERUSTIGMUS AND PERUSTIGMINAE VERHOEFF, 1941, INVALID GENUS- AND FAMILY-GROUP NAMES IN THE CENTIPEDE FAMILY SCOLOPENDRIDAE (SCOLOPENDROMORPHA)1 Rowland M. Shelley2 and Amazonas Chagas, Jr.3 Verhoeff (1941) proposed the new scolopendromorph centipede genus Peru- stigmus for two new species in south Peru, P. rapax and P. ahicolus, erecting the monotypic subfamily Perustigminae (family Scolopendridae) to accommodate them. He did not designate either as the type species, so according to Article 13.3 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Perustigmus is an un- available genus-group name because it was published after 1930 without fixation of a type; Perustigminae is likewise unavailable because it was established for a genus that was invalidly proposed. The species, however, were validly proposed with anatomical characterizations and illustrations, and are available names even though the genus is not valid or available (Art. Kraus (1957) placed both species in synonymy under Cormocephalus andinus (Kraepelin, 1903) without comment, and they were cited as synonyms of the nominate subspecies of the latter by Biicherl (1974), also without comment. To our knowledge the only other citations of any of these taxa were by Schileyko (1992) and Schileyko and Pavlinov (1997), who included Perustigmus in the subfamily Otostigminae (Scolopendridae) in their cladistic analyses of the Scolopendromorpha. The basis for this assignment is unknown as it also lacked comment, but it may have been based on the shape of the spiracles that Verhoeff ( 1 94 1 ) characterized as "rund bis oval," rounded, non-valvular openings being characteristic of the Otostig- minae. Their assignments of the genus conflict with Kraus' placements of the species because Cormocephalus belongs to the subfamily Scolopendrinae, which has narrow, "slit-like," valvular spiracles. In this situation, the Code does not state whether unavailable names like Perustigmus and Perustigminae should be regarded as subjective synonyms of the valid names in which their components properly belong, and one could rea- sonably argue that the matter is moot since, as unavailable names, they techni- cally do not exist in the first place. The type specimens of P. rapax and P. alti- colus are cited by Weidner (1960) as (translated from German) "burned out in the 1 Received on March 19, 2004. Accepted on July 2, 2004. - Research Lab., North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 4301 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607, U.S.A. E-mail: rowland.shelley@ncmail.net. ' Departamento de Invertebrados, Laboratorio de Aracnologia, Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, s/numero, Sao Cristovao, CEP-20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. E-mail: amazonaschagas(o) mn.ufrj.br. Mailed on January 19, 2005 Vol. 1 1 5. No. 3, May & June 2004 179 Zoological Museum Hamburg in 1943." According to Dr. H. Dastych, the pres- ent chief curator (pers. comm. to RMS), the whole museum and most of Hamburg were destroyed during an air raid with incendiary bombs in 1943; the specimens that had been previously transferred to underground tunnels survived, but the types of the two species of Penistigmus were not among this material. Consequently, it is not possible to examine them to resolve the conflict of whether the species are properly referable to the Otostigminae or the Scolopen- drinae/Cormocephalus, but Verhoeff (1941:61, figs. 80-81) provided figures of the caudal legs of P. rapax that enable a decision. In general, the caudal legs of Neotropical species of Cormocephalus are wide and robust; the prefemur is at most only slightly wider than long and possesses spines on the dorsolateral, medial, and ventral surfaces; and the claw is longer than the first tarsus. In con- trast, the caudal legs of Neotropical representatives of the Otostigminae are slen- der; the prefemur is considerably longer than wide and may (Rhysida) or may not [Otostigmus (Parotostigmus)] possess spines; and the claw is shorter than the first tarsus. As Verhoeff 's drawings conform to the former arrangement, we accept Kraus' placement of both species as synonyms of, now, the nominate sub- species of C. andinus. Consequently, in the interests of resolving and simplify- ing the nomenclature, we formally place Perustigmus and the Perustigminae in synonymy under Cormocephalus Newport, 1844, and the Scolopendrinae, re- spectively, with the rejoinder that they are permanently unavailable names. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank A. Minelli, J. G. E. Lewis, and R. L. Hoffman for nomenclatural advice and prepubli- cation reviews. LITERATURE CITED Biicherl, W. 1 974. Die Scolopendromorpha der Neotropischen Region. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 32:99-133. Kraus, O. 1957. Myriapoden aus Peru. VI. Senckenbergiana Biologica 38(5/6):359-404. Schileyko, A. A. 1 992. Scolopenders of Viet-Nam and some aspects of the system of Scolopendro- morpha (Chilopoda Epimorpha). Part 1. Arthropoda Selecta 1(1):5-19. Schileyko, A. A. and I. J. Pavlinov. 1997. A cladistic analysis of the order Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda). Entomologica Scandinavica Supplement 51:33-40. Verhoeff, K. W. 1941. Chilopoden und Diplopoden. pp. 5-72. In, E. Titschack (Editor). Beitrage zur Fauna Perus, nach der Ausbeute der Hamburger Siidperu-Expedition 1936, anderer Sammlungen, wie auch auf Grund von Literaturangaben. Hamburg, Germany. Band I . VVeidner, H. 1960. Die Entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen Staatsinstituts und Zoologischen Museums Hamburg III. Teil) Chilopoda und Progoneata. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 58:57-104. 180 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS BOOK REVIEW PEST AND VECTOR CONTROL. H. F. van Emden and M. W. Service. 2004. Cambridge University Press. 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211 U.S.A. ISBN: 0521010837. Paperback. US$50.00. Also available hardback. Pest and Vector Control is a valuable addition to the pest management literature. The authors, world authorities and former classmates, have great enthusiasm for their subject matter. They write with clarity and vigor, and have produced a unique book: an introductory text covering the theory and practice of pest management for both agricultural pests and medical/veterinary pests. As the authors rightly point out, students and practioners in the two fields rarely interact despite evidence that man- agement practices in one (usually for agricultural pests) have impacted the ecology, population dynamics, and control practices of the other (key medical and veterinary pests). The book is composed of 13 chapters. The first two chapters outline the importance of insects to man and provide a theoretical background to pest and vector outbreaks. Terms that may be unfamil- iar to readers are defined within the text, which is convenient and improves the readability of the book. The theory of pest outbreaks receives broad treatment, appropriate for an introductory text. The authors provide an excellent treatment of man's role in causing and exacerbating pest and vector out- breaks. There is also a short section on the impact of climate changes on insect populations. While necessarily speculative on the ultimate impact of these changes on pest and vector population dynam- ics, the authors recognize the need for students to be aware of this changing interaction. Chapters 3 through 12 cover various control strategies. There is a fairly heavy emphasis on chem- ical control with the first three chapters devoted to pesticides: formulation, application, and problems associated with insecticides. Other control strategies including cultural, biological and genetic con- trol, host plant resistance and the use of pheromones are covered in subsequent chapters. The use of pathogens in pest and vector control is considered separately from biological control. The authors separate pathogens from biological control because these agents are frequently used more like pesti- cides than biological control agents. These agents also lack some biological attributes of predators and parasitoids. Chapter 12 covers all other control methods. This chapter also provides readers with information on international organizations involved in pest and vector control. While not an exten- sive listing, this section gives students an introduction to these organizations and their missions. An appendix of web sites for these organizations would have been helpful. Chapter 12 also includes a brief discussion of the role and importance of community participation. Involving fanners and com- munity members in agricultural, medical and veterinary pest management projects is complex, par- ticularly in less developed countries, but increases the likelihood of success in these programs. Including this topic, and documenting it with specific examples, the authors have given students insight into the challenges and opportunities of participatory pest and vector management. The final chapter begins with a discussion of failed pest and vector control projects from the 1950s. The authors trace the linkage from these failures, through the warnings sounded in Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, to the concept of integrated control. Some of the ideas and practices under- pinning integrated control are then discussed: economic thresholds, monitoring, forecasting, model- ing, control vs. eradication, and combining management practices. It's interesting that the book ends with the integrated control concept, a place many introductory texts begin. The book concludes by mentioning some of the economic and social pressures impacting pest and vector control. These include the increasing demand for "organic" produce, the growing influence of consumers, legisla- tive action banning of specific pesticides, and the increasing interaction between management of agricultural pests and management of medical and veterinary pests/vectors. Pest and Vector Control can be recommended to both introductory students and more experienced readers. Its strengths are clear, concise writing, a wealth of field examples from around the world, and the unique combination of covering both agricultural pests and medical/veterinary pests. Thomas G. Shanower, Pest Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS-NPARL 1500 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT 59270, U.S.A. E-mail: tshanower(is, \V. David Sissom, and Richard N. Henson 207 Additions and emendations to the mayfly (Ephemeroptera) fauna of Saskatchewan, Canada J.M. Webb, D.W. Parker, DM. Lehmkuhl, and W.P. McCafferty 213 New species of Hercostomus from Taiwan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Lili Zhang, Ding Yang, and Kazuhiro Masunaga 219 A new species of Amphinemura (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) from China Ding Yang, Weihai Li, and Fang Zhu 226 A new genus and species of Entomobryidae (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha) from the south of the Iberian Peninsula Enrique Baquero, Maite Martinez, Ken Christiansen, and Rafael Jordana 229 SCIENTIFIC NOTE: First record of Microcerotermes serrula (Desneux) (Isoptera: Termitidae) in Thailand SOCIETY MEETING: Society Meeting of October 20-22, 200 The American Entomological Society's chard M. Houseman 237 on Gelhaus 240 2004 Harold B. White Back Cover THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY MAILED ON FEBRUARY 3, 2005 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND NEW GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS OF ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Entomological News is published bimonthly except July-August by The American Entomological Society, which is headquartered at the Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 United States of America. AES can be reached, as follows: telephone (215) 561-3978; fax (215) 299- 1028; e-mail, aes@acnatsci.org and website: http://www. acnatsci.org/hosted/aes. Information on the Calvert Award for insect-related study by a young person in the Delaware Valley region sponsored by The American Entomological Society can be found at: http://www.udel.edu/chem/white/ Odonata/Cal vertAwd.html Subscriptions to and Back Issues of Entomological News. Private subscriptions for personal use of members of the society are US $15 per year prepaid. Subscriptions for institutions, such as libraries, lab- oratories, etc. and nonmembers, are US $30 per year prepaid for those located in the USA and US $34 per year prepaid for those located outside the USA. Back issues when available are sold by complete volume, for US $15 to members, and US $30 to nonmembers. Membership / subscription application and additional information is available at: http://www.acnatsci.org/hosted/aes/ subscription.html. Please send inquiries or send completed membership form to: Office Manager at the address above, e-mail: aes@say.acnatsci.org, or call (215)561-3978. Previous editors of Entomological News: 1(1) January 1890 and 1(2) February 1890, Eugene Murray Aaron (1852-1940); 1(3) March 1890 to 21(10) December 1910, Henry Skinner (1861-1926); 22(1) January 1911 to 54(9) November 1943. Phillip P. Calvert ( 1871-1961); 54(10) December 1943 to 57(10) December 1946, Editorial Staff with A. Glenn Richards (1909-1993) and R. G. Schmieder (1898-1967) as co-editors; 58(1) January 1947 to 79(7) July 1968, R. G. Schmieder; 79(8) October 1968 to 83(10) to December 1972, Ross H. Arnett, Jr. (1919-1999); 84(1) January 1973 to 85(4) April 1974, R. W. Lake; 85(5-6) May & June 1974 to 113(3) May & June 2003, Howard P. Boyd; F. Christian Thompson and Michael Pogue 1 13(4) September & October 2002 to 1 1 3(5) November & December 2002. New Guidelines for authors of Entomological News: Further guidelines can be found on http://www.geocities.com/entomologicalnews/instructions.htm Subject Coverage: Entomology, sensu lato. Manuscripts on systematics, ecology, evolution, mor- phology, physiology, behavior, biodiversity, conservation, paleobiology, and other aspects of insect and terrestrial arthropod life as well as nomenclature, biographies and history of entomology, among others, are appropriate topics for papers submitted to Entomological News. Papers on applied, economic, and reg- ulatory entomology or on toxicology and related subjects will be considered only if they also make a major contribution in one of the aforementioned fields. Any author may submit papers. Manuscripts will be accepted from any author, although, papers from members of the American Entomological Society are given priority. It is suggested that all prospec- tive authors join the AES. Send manuscripts, books for review, and editorial correspondence to the editor. All manuscripts, including scientific notes and book reviews, submitted for publication in Entomological News as well as all associated editorial communications must be sent to the Editor, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay at this address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121 , National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington. D.C. 20013-7012 U.S.A. If an author uses a mailing service that does not accept addresses with a P. O. Box, please use this address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution, West Loading Dock, Washington, District of Columbia 20560 U.S.A. Other means of contacting the Editor are. as follows: Phone: (202) 633-1383, Fax: (202) 786-2832, e-mails: santiago-blay@nmnh.si.edu, or blayj@hotmail.com, or via the webpage at http://www.geocities.com/entomologicalnews/contact. htm. Books for review should also be sent to the editor who will, in turn, give them to a colleague for review. Postmaster: If undeliverable, please send to The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway / Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT DOVER, DELAWARE 19901 U.S.A. Vol. 115, No. 4. September & October 2004 181 NEW DISTRIBUTION RECORDS OF MOSQUITOES (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) FOR YUCATAN, MEXICO1 Rosario Najera-Vazquez,2 F. Dzul,2 M. Sabido,2 E. Tun-Ku,: and P. Manrique-Saide14 ABSTRACT: As part of the West Nile Virus Emergence Program in Yucatan, carried out by the Mexican Ministry of Health, an extensive mosquito larvae survey was made throughout urban, sub- urban and rural localities within 66 municipalities of this Mexican State. Larval collections (2623 samples) from domiciliary and peridomiciliary habitats were made from August to December 2003 (rainy season). New municipality distribution records were established for 16 mosquito species. Psorophora howardii was recorded for Yucatan State for the first time. Ae. aegypti was the most widely distributed species, and was recorded in almost all the municipalities sampled, followed by Culex comnator. Cx. nigripalpus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. interrogator and C.v. thriamhus. A wide variety of habitats, natural or manmade, were found positive for mosquitoes, the most common being buckets, rock holes, water storage tanks, and laundry or kitchen items, all of which hosted a large number of different species. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Culicidae, Mexico, Yucatan, new distribution records Published contributions to the knowledge of mosquito fauna of the Mexican state of Yucatan (N 21°36', S 19°32' latitude; E 87°32', W 90°25' longitude) are scarce and geographically restricted. In the most recent document about mosqui- toes of Mexico that specifically mentioned the species richness of Yucatan, Ibanez-Bernal et al. (1996) reported forty-five species, but did not include de- tailed information about localities and species distribution. Other published lit- erature about the mosquito fauna of Yucatan reports the presence of approxi- mately 50 species (Vargas, 1956; Diaz-Najera and Vargas, 1973; Ibanez-Bemal and Martinez-Campos, 1994; Rivas et al., 2000). The majority of these reports only refer to "Yucatan" or the Municipality of Merida, the location of the capital city of Yucatan State, yet there are 105 additional municipalities within the state. Historically, mosquito studies in Yucatan have been primarily directed towards the control of Aedes aeg\>pti and Dengue virus transmission or the reduc- tion of nuisance biting. Recently the potential emergence of West Nile virus ( WNV) in the area has resulted in a renewed interest in entomology in the state. Yucatan is considered a likely point of incursion of this virus into Latin America because it is a principal landfall for many species of birds that migrate from the 1 Received on April 1 8, 2004. Accepted on September 1 , 2004. : Secretaria de Salud de Yucatan. Calle 72 No. 463. Col. Centre Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. E-mails: (RN-J) mnajera@sureste.com, (FD) fdzul@espn.insp.mx, (ET-K) etunk^iespn.insp.mx. ' Campus de Ciencias Biolologicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Apartado Postal 4-116 It/imna, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. "London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Kcppcl Street, London WC1L 7HT. I'nited Kingdom. E-mail: Pablo. ManriqueSaidew Ishtm.ac.uk. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115(4): 181, September & October 2004 Mailed on February 3, 2005 182 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Northeastern and Midwestern United States (Lorono-Pino et al., 2003). In re- sponse, the Mexican Ministry of Health established an entomological surveil- lance program in the state in order to get a more precise picture of the distribu- tion of mosquito fauna in the different localities of Yucatan. METHODS As part of the WNV Emergence Program in Yucatan, carried out by the Mexican Ministry of Health, an extensive mosquito larvae survey was conduct- ed in premises throughout urban, suburban, and rural localities within 66 munic- ipalities between August and December 2003, during the rainy season. Due to time constraints all localities were visited at least once during the study period, and no attempt was made to count habitats without larvae. Upon entering the col- lection site, inspectors visually scanned the area for containers or other potential habitats for larval development, and then examined all of them for larvae. Larvae found in small containers were collected either by use of a zooplankton net or pipetted with a turkey baster. In larger breeding sites, larvae were collected by sweeping the surface of the water with a net for aquatic insects. Inspectors col- lected only a sample of larvae from each collection site. From domiciliary and peridomiciliary containers and other habitats positive for mosquito larvae, 2,623 samples were collected and preserved in vials with ethanol 70 percent and subsequently transported to the Servicios de Salud of Yu- catan headquarters or the Zoology Laboratory of the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan. Specimens from each sample were examined in alcohol using a dis- secting scope, separated, and identified using the keys by Clark-Gil and Darsie (1983) and Ibanez-Bernal and Martinez-Campos (1994). Samples of the speci- mens, mounted on slides, are deposited in the Coleccion Entomologica Regional (CER) of the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A list of mosquito larvae species is presented here, along with their spatial dis- tribution (presence or absence) at the municipality/locality level of urban, subur- ban and rural areas of Yucatan, Mexico. The number of specimens examined is not available for all locations, and is therefore not included. However, at least one specimen of each species had to be present for a locality to be considered positive. Municipalities are given in uppercase, followed by the locality and the date of collection. When known, the neighborhood ("colonia," "barrio," or "frac- cionamiento") is mentioned, and the longitude/latitude coordinates for each locality are given for all locations. The larval collections in the Mexican state of Yucatan during the rainy season of 2003 established new municipality distribution records for 16 species. Psoro- phora howardii is first reported for Yucatan State. Ae. aegypti, the most widely distributed species, was recorded in 98.5 percent of the municipalities, followed by Culex coronator, Cx. nigripalpus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, C.\. interrogator and Vol. 115. No. 4, September & October 2004 183 s x> s u u t* SJillf.TUAlfJOXQl X X XX X X X X X X u Q o snquiDuiii UQ X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X I s>iini.~>s'n/ilntinb \JQ X XXX XX X X X X X X X X X X X •• — ' p sndjnduSiu 'xj XX XX X X X X X x XX X 'x ^ .toin8o.u3)iti 'xj X X XXX XX x X X X X X x XX X 1 .IOJVUO.IO3 'X-~) X XX XX X X X X X x XX XX 0 3 0 .111] '-.tO 'J 'XJ X X XX X X X X X X X en u 1 suapiq 'xj X X X 1 •dS iH.tooato X X X XX XX X X X X x X X TD iip.tnM.oif 'sj X C3 stuiffuoo •£s 'OQ X X X X X x X Xj 1 .vunipups JQ X X O .C § snwwposaiu -8H X —• snumba 'Sfj X X XX XX x X X x XX X en 1 siuoisnisDuv 'Sj-{ X X XX X X X X x X D, en iid. en c 'S I § en U 'G en "S "o 0 ^ i f 5 '2 ~a "0 o c s "c. c. 'S. _ c S g § || § a: (- o. 2 Z _) c CO C - o c Discardcd i Used tires rj is D 2 o en IT, « & 1> •^ ra ^ CQ Animal wal en ^ !r. ea c ^ « > 2 3 o o ej ^* •* <—-'»- u £ ~. ) ° 3 2 4J o7 o oa u. :> c^ oi c 'x O X) O 03 O f- r4 184 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Cx. thriambus. The remaining species were only registered for less than one third of the municipalities. It was not possible to identify some specimens, like Toxor- hynchites and Wyeomyia, to species level, nor was it possible to clearly differen- tiate between Cr, corniger-lactator specimens with the identification keys used. The breeding sites where samples of each species were collected are listed in Table 1. Breeding sites were classified in three groups: natural, nonessential, and useful (Pan American Health Organization, 1994). The second and third group includes manmade containers or artificial water bodies. Although a wide variety of types of containers were observed, they were grouped under representative names. Most of the names used to typify the containers are commonly used and known in the mosquito literature. As evident from Table 1 , most of the species reported were found breeding in a wide variety of containers, natural or manmade, useful or nonessential, but also in other habitats like temporary pools, ponds and marshes. Ae. aegypti, Cx. quin- quefasciatus, Cx. interrogator and Cx. thriambus were the species most com- monly observed in all the types of breeding sites. All breeding sites, whether natural, nonessential, or useful, harbored signifi- cant species diversity. However, buckets, rock holes, water storage tanks, and laundry or kitchen utensils reported a larger diversity of species and were also the most common habitats positive for mosquito larvae. Although no data regard- ing productivity (population density or abundance) of the breeding sites is avail- able, it appears that any control effort against mosquitoes should incorporate not only solid waste and environmental management (destruction, alteration, dispos- al or recycling of containers and natural habitats), but also the improvement of water supply and storage. Subfamily Anophelinae Anopheles (Nyssorrhynchus) albimanus Wiedemann Material Examined: HOCTUN: Hoctiin (N 20°51' 12.11", W 89°1 T53.34"), 10 Nov 2003; MERIDA: Dzitya (N 21°2"38.29", W 89°40"28.03"), 24 Nov 2003; MERIDA (N 20°58'12.94", W 89°36'59.97"), 3 Dec 2003; PROGRESO: Chicxulub Puerto (N 22°16"23.35", W 89°35'40.93"), 23 Sep 2003. Subfamily Culicinae Tribe Aedini Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) Material Examined: ACANCEH: Acanceh (N 20°48'12.33"; W 89°27'5.42"), 14 Nov 2003; AKIL: Akil (N 20°16'1.76"; 89021'25.23"), 7 Oct 2003; BOKOBA: Bokoba (20°59'21.71". W 89°10'32.94"), 8 Sep 2003, 10-11 Oct 2003, 10-11 Nov 2003; BUCTZOTZ: Buctzotz (N 2I°10'31.16", W 88"46'54.88"), 30 Sep 2003, 13-14 Oct 2003; CACALCHEN: Cacalchen (N 20°58'1.45", W 89°13'14.22"), 11 Sep 2003; CANSAHCAB: Cansahcab (N 2P8'15.14", W 89°5'34.86"), 18 Dec 2003; CANTAMAYEC: Cantamayec (N 20°28'3.7", W 89"4'54.87"), 2, 4-5, 8 Sep 2003, Cholul (N 20°26'22.03", W 89°9'31.59"), 20 Oct 2003; CALOTMUL: Pocoboch (N 20°56'47.34" W 88°6'14.82"), 4 Nov 2003; CELESTUN: Celestiin (N 20°52'16.97", W 90°23'48.88"). 4, 6-7 Oct 2003; CHACSINKIN: Chacsinkin (N 20°10' 15.98", W 89°!' 18.30"), 1 1-12, 15 Sep 2003; CHAPAB: Citincabchen (20031'35.7r, W 89°32'23.81"), 4 Sep 2003, 27 Oct 2003; CHEMAX: Chemax (N 20°37'52.63", W 87°55'41.93"), 2 Sep 2003, 24 Dec 2003, Sisbichen (N 20°48'0.28", W Vol. 115, No. 4, September & October 2004 185 87°54'46.75"), 10 Nov 2003, Xalau (N 20°39'31.65", W 88°0'5.46"), 3 Nov 2003, 8 Dec 2003; CHICHIMILA: Chichimila (N 20°36'44.09", W 88°12'41.87"), 1-2 Oct 2003; CHIK1NDZONOT: Chikindzonot (N 20°19'26.13", W 88°29'9.60"), 11 Sep 2003; CHOCHOLA: Chochola (N 20°45'15.09", W 89°50'1.98"), 9 Sep 2003, 8 Dec 2003; CHUMAYEL: Chumayel (N 20°25'40.33", W 89°18'20.50"), 23-24, 29 Aug 2003, 2-4, 22, 29 Sep 2003, 10, 14-16 Oct 2003; CONKAL: Conkal (N 21°3'44.55", W 89°30'53.06"), 8, 10 Sep 2003; CUNCUNUL: Cuncunul (N 20°37'17.06", W 88°17'33.36"), 22 Oct 2003; DZAN: Dzan (N 20°23'30.65", W 89°28'30.18"), 29 Oct 2003; DZEMUL: Dzemul (N 21°11'29.77", W 89°18'10.28"), 10 Dec 2003; DZIDZANTUN: Dzidzantiin (N 21°13'27.27", W 8901'55.32"), 10 Sep 2003, 15 Oct 2003; DZILAM GONZALEZ: Dzilam Gonzalez (N 21°15'19.45", W 88°55'0.97"), 11 Dec 2003; DZILAM DE BRAVO: Dzilam de Bravo (N 21°21'0.76", W 88°52'51.67"), 11 Dec 2003; DZITAS: Dzitas (N 20°49'7.58", W 88°31'21.76"), 17 Sep 2003, 23 Oct 2003, Xocempich (N 20°45'8.H", W 88°34'1.61"), 27 Nov 2003; ESPITA: Espita (N 20°58'56.07", W 88°17'51.38"), 5, 13 Nov 2003; HALACHO: Chuc-Holoch (N 20°28'5.18", W 90°6'45.75"), 17 Sep 2003, Halacho (N 20°29'35.62", W 90°5'26.89"), 17, 27 Sep 2003; HOCABA: Hocaba (20°48'1 1.64", W 89°14'39.12"), 19 Sep 2003; HOCTUN: Hoctiin, 10 Nov 2003; HUNUCMA: Hunucma (N 21°00'56.56", W 89°52'25.88"), 29 Sep 2003; IZAMAL: Izamal (N 20055'3.41", W 89°00'46.41"), 1 Sep 2003; KAUA: Kaua (N 20°36' 16.89", W 88°24'35.40"), 18 Sep 2003; KANASIN: Fraccionamiento Hector Victoria, 30 Oct 2003, Kanasin (N 20°55'51.07", W 89°32'57.75"), 14 Aug 2003, 1 Oct 2003; KANTUNIL: Holca (N 20°44'35.82", W 88°55'41.65"), 25 Sep 2003; KOPOMA: Kopoma (N 20°39' 15.41", W 89°54'15.55"), 26 Sep 2003, 8 Dec 2003; MAM: Mani (N 20°23' 18.00", W 89°23'48.57"), 18 Aug 2003, 25 Sep 2003, 27-28 Nov 2003, 1-3 Dec 2003, Tipikal, 10 Dec 2003; MERIDA: Colonia Amalia Solorzano, 30 Sep 2003, 1-2 Oct 2003, Colonia Amapola, 12, 18 Nov 2003, Colonia Benito Juarez, 23 Sep 2003, Colonia Buenavista, 19 Nov 2003, Camara Construccion, 2 Dec 2003, Caucel, 4 Sep 2003, Centre, 13 Oct 2003, 10-11, 13, 24, 26-27 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Chenku, 24, 27-28 Nov 2003, Colonia Chichen Itza, 25-26, 29 Sep 2003, 8 Dec 2003, Cholul, 4 Sep 2003, 1 1 Nov 2003, Colonia Azcorra, 12 Sep 2003, Merida, 21 Nov 2003, Colonia Sarmiento, 8 Oct 2003, Dzitya, 8 Oct 2003, Fraccionamiento Francisco de Montejo, 19 Nov 2003, Colonia Itzimna, 12 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Juan Pablo, 15 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Juan Pablo Ote, 22 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Lindavista, 17, 24 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Mag- nolias, 21 Nov 2003, 1 Dec 2003, Colonia Nueva Chichen, 23 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Pedregales de Tanlum, 17 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Residencial Pensiones, 16-17 Oct 2003, Fraccionamiento Terranova, 21,28 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel, 30 Aug 2003, 1 1 Sep 2003, 4-5, 8-9 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel I, 5 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel II, 8 Sep 2003, 25 Oct 2003, 25 Nov 2003, 3-5, 7, 11 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel III, 3-5, 8-9 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel IV, 9, 11 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel V, 9 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel 65, 5, 9 Dec 2005, 11 Sep 2003, Colonia Vicente Guerrero, 2 Oct 2003, Colonia Vicente Solis, 15 Sep 2003; MUXUPIP: Muxupip (N 21°1'49.42", W 89°19'21.30"), 18 Sep 2003, 27 Nov 2003; OPICHEN: Calcehtok (N 20"34'41.52", W 89°55'12.78"), 20 Aug 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Cooperativa (N 20°13'57.38", W 89°28'35.95"), 9 Oct 2003, 12-14, 16, 18 Nov 2003, Xohuayan (N 20°ir22.81". W 89°23'9.99"), 13 Nov 2003, Yaxhachen (N 20°3'44.63", W 89°34'41.88"), 6-7, 11-12 Nov 2003; PETO: Peto (N 20°7'38.87", W 88°55'31.98"), 12, 16-17 Sep 2003; PROGRESO: Chicxulub Puerto, 9 Aug 2003, 9 Sep 2003, Chuburna Puerto (N 21°14'28.64", W 89°47'47.70"), 19 Sep 2003, Frac- cionamiento Campestre Flamboyanes, 18 Sep 2003, Progreso (N 21°15'59.17", W 89°39' 14.39"), 2 Oct 2003, Hacienda San Ignacio (N 21°8'36.94", W 89°39'2.61"), 29 Aug 2003; RJO LAGARTOS: Rio Lagartos (N 21°33'17.86", W 88°8'33.36"), 12 Nov 2003; SAMAHIL: San Antonio Tedzidz (N 20°53'5.85", W 89°53' 16.60"), 27 Oct 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena (N 20°20'7.11", W 89°39'5.08"), 10, 23-26 Sep 2003; SOTUTA: Sotuta (N 20°35'20.19", W 89°0'25.2r'), 20 Oct 2003, Tibolon (N 20°39'25.52", W 88°56'23.37"), 21 Oct 2003; SUMA: Suma (N 2103'58.35", W 89°8'28.28'), 3 Sep 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahd/iu (N 20°12'9.95", W 88°56'55.07"), 18-19. 24 Sep 2003; TAHMEK: Tahmek (N 20051'53.29",W 89" 15' 15. 65"), 5, 9, 13-14 Oct 2003, 3, 5-7, 9, 12 Nov 2003; TEABO: Teabo (N 20'>23'56.09", W 89°17'13.64"), 21-22, 26, 18 Aug 2003, 10. 14-15. 24 Oct 2003; TEKANTO: Tekanto (N 20°59'36.62", W 89°6'0.70"), 9 Sep 2003; TEKAX: San Isidro Maquian (N 19°50'43.17", W 89"25'53.13"), 2 Sep 2003, Huntochac (N 19°49'19.66", W 89°30'52.65"), 3 Sep 2003,Tekax (N 20°12'26.24", W 89°17'51.99"), 19 Sep 2003. Kinil (N 20°19'21.92", W 89°8' 16.49"), 1 Oct 2003, Pencuyut (N 20°17'41.47", 89°17'53.06"), 1-2. 7 Oct 2003, Xaya (N 20°17'42.62". W 186 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 89°1 1*29.91"), 1-3, 5-7, 9 Oct 2003, Kancab (N 20°1 1*40.63", W 89°20'56.25"), 6-7, 25 Nov 2003, San Pedro Xtoquil (N 19°46'6.85", W 89°26'40.76"), 27 Aug 2003; TEKIT: Tekit (N 20°31'56.92", W 89°20'5.22"), 18 Nov 2003; TEKOM: Tekom (N 20°35'9.65", W 88°15'35.95"), 22-24 Sep 2003; TELCHAC PUEBLO: San Crisanto (N 21°19'32.13", W 89°9'46.34"), 10 Oct 2003; TEMAX: Temax (N21°7'39.50", W88°55'45.03"), 13 Nov 2003; TICUL: Colonia Obrera, 13-14, 17 Nov 2003, Barrio Guadalupe, 10 Oct 2003, 17 Nov 2003, Kinder, 3 Nov 2003, Barrio Mejorada, 12 Nov 2003, Pustu- nich (N 20°22'26.22", W 89°3 1*0.31"), 29 Sep 2003, 6 Oct 2003, Barrio San Enrique, 3 Nov 2003, Barrio San Juan, 13, 15 Nov 2003, Colonia San Joaquin, 22 Sep 2003, 31 Oct 2003, Barrio San Roman, 7-8, 10-11, 24 Nov 2003, Barrio Santiago, 4-7 Nov 2002, Ticul (N 20°24'9.21", W 89°32'32.43"), 5-6, 10, 29-30 Sep 2003, 27. 30 Oct 2003, 3-4, 7, 12 Nov 2003, Yotholin (N 20°19'45.02", W 89°27'37.78"), 29-30 Oct 2008, 13, 15 Oct 2003; T1NUM: Piste (N 20°40'56.30", W 88°35'4.87"), 20 Oct 2003; TIXCACALCUPUL: Tixcacalcupul (N 20°31' 19.78", W 88°1 5*50.83"), 24 Sep 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul (N 20°57'8.97", W 89°20'43.95"), 22 Sep 2003, 1-3 Dec 2003, Tixkokob (N 20°59'17.24", W 89°23'24.73"), 20 Nov 2003; TIXMEHUAC: Chicam (N 20°20'15.34", W 89°9'41.45"), 24 Oct 2003, Kimbila (N 20"! 7*40. 13", W 89°5'25.71"), 24 Oct 2003; TIZIMIN: Popolnah (N 20°57'46.94", W 87°33'4.35"), 3 Sep 2003, Tizimin (N 21°6'49.32", W 88°8'27.54"), 5- 6, 11, 17-19, 24-25 Nov 2002, 1-2, 10 Dec 2003; TZUCACAB: Tzucacab (N 20°4'30.20", W 89°3'15.58"), 29 Aug 2003; UAYMA: Uayma (N 20°41'52.58", W 88°18'35.16"), 15 Aug 2003, 10, 15 Sep 2003; UMAN: Uman (N 20°52'43.80", W 89"44'47.03"), 5, 8-9 Sep 2003; VALLADOLID: Valladolid (N 20°40'7.73", W 88"! 1*58.45"), 25 Sep 2003, 9 Oct 2003, 4, 26 Nov 2003; XOCCHEL: Xocchel (N 20°49'16.29", W 89°10'54.01"), 19 Sep 2003; YAXCABA: Libre Union (N 20°41'39.78", W 88°48'24.86"), 9 Dec 2003, Yaxunah (20°31'46.58", W 88°40'25.50"), 7 Oct 2003; YAXKUKUL; Yaxkukul (N 21°2'58.86", W 89°24'39.33"), 18 Oct 2003. Haemagogus (Haemagogus) anastasionis Dyar Material Examined: CHUMAYEL: Chumayel, 10, 17 Oct 2003; KANTUNIL: Holca, 25 Sep 2003; KOPOMA: Kopoma, 8 Dec 2003; MAN I: Mani, 28 Nov 2003; MERIDA: Dzitya, 8 Oct 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Cooperativa, 13-14 Nov 2003; SOTUTA: Sotuta, 20 Oct 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziii, 30 Sep 2003; TAHMEK: Tahmek, 6-7 Nov 2003; TEKAX: Xaya, 3 Oct 2003; TEMAX: Temax, 3 Nov 2003; TICUL: Colonia Obrera, 14 Nov 2003; TIXCACALCUPUL: Tixcacalcupul, 25 Sep 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 2-3 Dec 2003; TIZIMIN: Tizimin, 1 1 Nov 2003; YAXKUKUL: Yaxkukul, 18 Oct 2003. Haemagogus (Haemagogus) equinus Theobald Material Examined: CHACSINKJN: Chacsinkin, 15 Sep 2003; CHAPAB: Citincabchen, 4 Sep 2003; CHEMAX: Kuxeb (N 20°49'47.33", W 87051'49.32"), 24 Nov 2003; CHUMAYEL: Chumayel, 10, 15. 17 Oct 2003; CUNCUNUL: Cuncunul, 22 Oct 2003; HOCABA: Hocaba, 19 Sep 2003; MANI: Mani, 27 Nov 2003, 1 Dec 2003; MERIDA: Dzitya, 8 Oct 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Xohuayan, 13 Nov 2003, Yaxhachen, 12 Nov 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena, 26 Sep 2003; SOTUTA: Soruta, 20 Oct 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 30 Sep 2003; TAHMEK: Tahmek, 14 Oct 2003; TEABO: Teabo, 21 Aug 2003; TEKAX: Mesatunich (N 19°49'39.36", W 89°25'45.94"), 2 Sep 2003, Xaya, 3, 9 Oct 2003; TICUL: Colonia Obrera, 13 Nov 2003, Pustunich, 29 Oct 2003, Barrio San Juan, 7 Nov 2003, Ticul, 6 Nov 2003, Yotholin, 15 Oct 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 2 Dec 2003; TIZIMJN: Tizi- min, 17 Nov 2003; UAYMA: Uayma, 15 Oct 2003; YAXKUKUL: Yaxkukul, 18 Oct 2003. Haemagogus (Haemagogus) mesodentatus Komp and Kiiiiiin Material Examined: TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 30 Sep 2003. Ochlerotatus (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Rondan) Material Examined: ACANCEH: Acanceh, 14 Nov 2003; CHACSINKJN: Chacsinkin, 15 Sep 2003; CHAPAB: Citincabchen, 4 Sep 2003; HOCTUN: Hoctun, 10 Nov 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Cooperativa, 13-14 Nov 2003, Yaxhachen, 10-12 Nov 2003; SOTUTA: Sotuta, 20 Nov 2003, Tibo- Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 187 Ion, 21 Oct 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 30 Sep 2003; TAHMEK: Tahmek, 9, 12, 14 Nov 2003; TEKAX: Xaya, 3 Oct 2003; TEKOM: Tekom, 23 Sep 2003; TICUL: Colonia Obrera, 14 Nov 2003, Barrio San Juan, 23 Nov 2003. Ochlerotatus (Ochlerotatus) sollicitans (Walker) Material Examined: DZAN: Dzan, 28 Oct 2003; MERIDA: Fraccionamiento Magnolias, 21 Nov 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 1 Dec 2003; CHEMAX: Sisbichen, 10 Nov 2003. Ochlerotatus (Ochlerotatus) taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) Material Examined: CELESTUN: Celestun, 7 Oct 2003. Psorophora (Grabhamia) conflnnis (Arribalzaga) Material Examined: TEKAX: Huntochac, 3 Sep 2003. Psorophora (Psorophora) howardii Coquillett Material Examined: TEKAX: Xaya, 3 Oct 2003. Tribe Culicini Culex (Culex) bidens Dyar Material Examined: CHEMAX: Chemax, 4 Oct 2003; DZITAS: Dzitas, 17 Sep 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Yaxhachen, 6 Nov 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena, 26 Sep 2003; TIZIMIN: Tizimin, 6 Nov 2003. Culex (Culex) coronator Dyar and Knab Material Examined: ACANCEH: Acanceh, 14 Nov 2003; BOKOBA: Bokoba, 8 Sep 2003. 1 1 Oct 2003; BUCTZOTZ: Buctzotz, 30 Sep 2003, 13-14 Oct 2003; CACALCHEN: Cacalchen, 1 1 Sep 2003; CANSAHCAB: Cansahcab, 3 Sep 2003, 18 Dec 2003; CANTAMAYEC: Cantamayec, 2-5, 9- 10 Sep 2003, 21-22 Oct 2003; CALOTMUL: Pocoboch, 4 Nov 2003; CHACSINKJN: Chacsinkin, 1 1-12, 15 Sep 2003; CHAPAB: Citincabchen, 4 Sep 2003, 27 Oct 2003; CHEMAX: Chemax, 2 Sep 2003, Kuxeb, 24 Dec 2003, Sisbichen, 10 Nov 2003, Xalau, 3 Nov 2003, 8 Dec 2003; CHICHIM- ILA: Chichimila, 1-2 Oct 2003; CHIKINDZONOT: Chikindzonot, 11 Sep 2003, 6 Oct 2003; CHU- MAYEL: Chumayel, 29 Aug 2003, 2-5, 22 Sep 2003, 10, 14-17 Oct 2003; CHOCHOLA: Chochola, 9 Sep 2003, 8 Dec 2003; CONKAL: Conkal, 8, 10 Sep 2003, Xcuyiin (N 21°2'7.93", W 89°29'36.98"), 27 Aug 2003; CUNCUNUL: Cuncunul, 22 Oct 2003; DZAN: Dzan, 28-29 Oct 2003; DZEMUL: Dzemul, 10 Dec 2003; DZIDZANTUN: Dzidzantun, 10 Sep 2003, 15 Oct 2003; DZIL- AM GONZALEZ: Dzilam Gonzalez, 1 1 Dec 2003; DZITAS: Dzitas, 17 Sep 2003; ESPITA: Espita, 13 Nov 2003; HALACHO: Cuch-Holoch, 17 Sep 2003, Halacho, 27 Sep 2003; HOCABA: Hocaba. 19 Sep 2003; HOCTUN: Hoctiin, 10 Nov 2003; HUNUCMA: Hunucma, 26 Aug 2003, 29 Sep 2003, Texan Palomeque (N 20°55'50'37", W 89°49'42.34"), 28 Sep 2003 ; IZAMAL: Izamal, 1 Sep 2003; KAUA: Kaua, 18 Sep 2003; KANASIN: Fraccionamiento Hector Victoria, 30 Oct 2003, Kanasin, 14 Aug 2003, 1 Oct 2003; KANTUNIL: Holca, 25 Sep 2003; KOPOMA: Kopoma, 26 Sep 2003, 8 Dec 2003; MANJ: Mani, 18 Aug 2003. 1-2 Dec 2003, Tipikal, 10 Dec 2003; MERIDA: Colonia Amalia Solorzano, 2 Oct 2003, 30 Sep 2003, Colonia Amapola. 12 Nov 2003, Colonia Benito Juarez, 23 Sep 2003, Colonia Buenavista, 19 Nov 2003, Camara Construccion, 2 Dec 2003, Caucel, 4 Sep 2003. Centre, 24 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Chcnku, 26 Nov 2003, Cholul, 4 Sep 2003. 1 1 Nov 2003, Merida, 21 Nov 2003. Colonia Sarniiento, 8 Oct 2003, Dzitya, 8 Oct 2003, Colonia It/imna. \2 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Juan Pablo, 15 Dec 2003, Colonia Mulsay, 2 Dec 2003, Colonia Nueva Chichen, 23 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento San Jose Vergel, 22, 25. 29 Aug 2003. Fraccionamiento Terranova, 21, 28 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel, 8 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel II, 8 Sep 2003, 25 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel III, 8 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel IV, 17 Sep 188 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 2003, 11 Dec 2003; MUXUPIP: Muxupip, 28 Aug 2003, 18 Sep 2003, 27 Nov 2003; OPICHEN: Calcehtok, 20 Aug 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Cooperativa, 12-14, 18 Nov 2003, Xohuayan, 13 Nov 2003, Yaxhachen, 6, 1 1 - 1 2 Nov 2003; PETO: Peto, 1 2, 1 6- 1 7 Sep 2003, Xoy (N 20°7'3 1 .99", W 88°58'48.3 1 " ), 2 Oct 2003; PROGRESO: Chicxulub Puerto, 9 Aug 2003, Chuburna Puerto, 19 Sep 2003, Frac- cionamiento Campestre Flamboyanes, 18 Sep 2003, Hacienda San Ignacio, 28-29 Aug 2003; SAMAHIL: San Antonio Tedzidz, 27, 31 Oct 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena, 23-26 Sep 2003; SOTUTA: Sotuta, 20 Oct 2003, Tibolon, 21 Oct 2003; SUMA: Suma, 3 Sep 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 18, 23, 25, 30 Sep 2003, 5, 9, 13-14 Oct 2003, 3, 6 Nov 2003; TEABO: Teabo, 21-22, 26-29 Aug 2003, 15, 24 Oct 2003; TEKANTO: Tekanto, 9 Sep 2003; TEKAX: Huntochac, 3 Sep 2003, Kancab, 6, 25 Nov 2003, Mesatunich (N 19°49'39.59", W 89°25'46.62"), 2 Sep 2003, Pencuyut, 1-2, 7 Oct 2003, San Isidro Maquian, 2 Sep 2003, San Isidro Yaxche (N 19°53'38.75", W 89°26'57. 13"), 3 Sep 2003, San Juan Tekax(N 19°43'8.16", W 89°27'1.63"), 27 Aug 2003, Tekax, 19 Sep 2003, Xaya, 1-3, 6-9 Oct 2003, San Pedro Xtoquil (N 19°46'4.24", W 89°26'39.36"), 27 Aug 2003; TEKOM: Tekom, 22-24 Sep 2003; TEMAX: Temax, 13 Nov 2003; TICUL: Colonia Obrera, 17 Nov 2003, Pustunich, 29-30 Sep 2003, 6 Oct 2003, Barrio San Juan, 27 Oct 2003, 3 Nov 2003, Barrio San Roman, 24 Nov 2003, Barrio Santiago, 6 Nov 2003, Ticul, 5, 10, 29 Sep 2003, 4 Nov 2003, Yotholin, 29 Sep 2003, 13, 15 Oct 2003; TINUM: Piste, 20-21 Oct 2003; TIXCACALCUPUL: Tixcacalcupul, 24 Sep 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 22 Sep 2003, 1-3 Dec 2003, Ruinas de Ake (N 20°56'16.57", W 89°17'50.91"), 2 Dec 2003; TIZIMIN: Popolnah, 3 Sep 2003, Tizimin, 5-6, 11, 17-19, 24 Nov 2003, 2, 10 Dec 2003; TZUCACAB: Tantankin, 29 Aug 2003, Tzucacab, 1 Oct 2003, 25 Sep 2003, 27, 29 Aug 2003; UAYMA: Uayma, 15 Aug 2003, 15 Oct 2003; UMAN: Uman, 19 Aug 2003, 5, 8 Sep 2003; VALLADOLID: Valladolid, 17 Aug 2003, 25 Sep 2003, 9 Oct 2003, Xocempich, 27 Nov 2003; XOCCHEL: Xocchel, 19 Sep 2003; YAXCABA: Libre Union, 9 Dec 2003, Yaxunah, 7 Oct 2003. Culex (Culex) interrogator Dyar and Knab Material Examined: BOKOBA: Bokoba, II Oct 2003; BUCTZOTZ: Buctzotz, 30 Sep 2003, 13- 14 Oct 2003; CANTAMAYEC: Cantamayec, 2 Sep 2003; CELESTUN: Celestun, 7 Oct 2003; CHAC- SINKIN: Chacsinkin, 11-12 Sep 2003; CHEMAX: Chemax, 4 Sep 2003, Xalau, 3 Nov 2003, 8 Dec 2003, Kuxeb, 24 Dec 2003; CHIKINDZONOT: Chikindzonot, 1 1 Sep 2003; CHUMAYEL: Chumayel, 2, 29 Sep 2003, 15-16 Oct 2003, CUNCUNUL: Cuncunul, 2 Oct 2003; DZIDZANTUN: Dzidzantun, 10 Sep 2003; CHOCHOLA: Chochola, 8 Dec 2003; HUNUCMA: Hunucma, 26 Aug 2003; IZAMAL: Izamal, 1 Sep 2003; KAUA: Kaua, 18 Sep 2003; KANASIN: Kanasin, 14 Aug 2003, 1 Oct 2003; KAN- TUNIL: Holca, 25 Sep 2003; MANL Mani, 28 Nov 2003; MERIDA: Colonia Amalia Solorzano, 30 Sep 2003, Colonia Benito Juarez, 23 Sep 2003, Camara Construccion, 2 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Chenku, 27 Dec 2003, Colonia Chichen Itza, 25 Sep 2003, Cholul, 4 Sep 2003, Merida, 21 Nov 2003, 3 Dec 2003, Colonia Itzimna, 12 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel, 8 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel II, 25 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel III, 12 Sep 2003; MUXUPIP: Muxupip, 18 Sep 2003, 27 Nov 2003; OPICHEN: Calcehtok, 20 Aug 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Cooperativa, 14 Nov 2003, Yaxhachen, 6, 12 Nov 2003; PETO: Xoy, 2 Oct 2003; PROGRESO: Chicxulub Puerto, 9 Aug 2003, 9 Sep 2003; SOTUTA: Tibolon, 21 Oct 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 18 Sep 2003; 5, 9 Oct 2003. 9, 12 Nov 2003; TEABO: Teabo, 21-22 Aug 2003, 14-15 Oct 2003; TEKAX: Kancab, 25 Nov 2003, San Isidro Maquian, 2 Sep 2003, San Juan Tekax, 27 Aug 2003, Xaya, 1-3 Oct 2003; TEKOM: Tekom, 22 Sep 2003; TICUL: Pustunich, 29 Sep 2003, Barrio San Juan, 3 Nov 2003, Yotholin, 29 Sep 2003, 15 Oct 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 1-2 Dec 2003; TIZIMIN: Tizimin, 6, 19 Nov 2003. 10-11 Dec 2003; UAYMA: Uayma, 10 Sep 2003; UMAN: Uman, 9 Sep 2003; VALLADOLID: Valladolid, 25 Sep 2003, 26 Nov 2003. Culex (Culex) nigripalpus, Theobald Material Examined: ACANCEH: Acancch, 14 Dec 2003; BUCTZOTZ: Buctzotz, 30 Sep 2003, 13-14 Oct 2003; CANSAHCAB: Cansahcab, 18 Dec 2003; CANTAMAYEC: Cantamayec. 2. 8-9 Sep 2003, 22 Oct 2003; CELESTUN: Celestun, 4 Oct 2003; CHACSINKIN: Chacsinkin, 11-12. 15 Sep 2003; CHAPAB: Citincabchen, 4 Sep 2003; CHEMAX: Chemax, 2 Sep 2003, Xalau, X Dec 2003; CHICHIMILA: Chichimila, 2 Oct 2003; CHUMAYEL: Chumayel, 2-3 Sep 2003; CUNCUNUL: Cuncunul, 22 Oct 2003; DZAN: Dzan, 28 Oct 2003; DZIDZANTUN: Dzidzantun, 15 Oct 2003; Vol. 1 1 5. No. 4. September & October 2004 189 DZITAS: Dzitas, 17 Sep 2003, 23 Oct 2003; HOCABA: Hocaba, 19 Sep 2003; HOCTUN: Hoctun, 10 Nov 2003; K.AUA: Kaua, 18 Sep 2003; KANASJN: Fraccionamiento Hector Victoria, 30 Oct 2003; KANTUNIL: Hoica, 25 Sep 2003; MERIDA: Colonia Amapola, 12 Nov 2003, Colonia Buenavista, 19 Nov 2003, Centre, 10 Oct 2003, Fraccionamiento Chenkii, 26 Nov 2003, Colonia Chichen Itza, 25 Sep 2003, Merida, 21 Nov 2003, Dzitya, 8 Oct 2003, Colonia Itzimna, 12 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Lin- davista, 17 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Residencial Pensiones, 16 Oct 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel, 3, 8 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel II, 4 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel III, 8-9 Dec 2003, Frac- cionamiento Vergel 65, 5 Dec 2003; MUXUPIP: Muxupip, 27 Nov 2003; OPICHEN: Calcehtok. 20 Aug 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Yaxhachen, 12 Nov 2003; SAMAHIL: San Antonio Tedzidz, 27 Oct 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena, 25 Sep 2003; SOTUTA: Sotuta, 20 Oct 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 21 Sep 2003; TAHMEK: Tahmek, 5, 9, 14 Oct 2003, 5-6 Nov 2003; TEABO: Teabo, 21 Aug 2003, 10 Oct 2003; TEKAX: San Isidro Maquian, 2 Sep 2003, Tekax, 19 Sep 2003, Xaya, 1-3 Oct 2003; TEKOM: Tekom, 22 Sep 2003; TEMAX: Temax, 13 Nov 2003; TICUL: Colonia Obrera, 14 Nov 2003, Barrio San Roman, 10 Nov 2003, Barrio San Juan, 3 Nov 2003; TINUM: Piste, 20 Oct 2003; TIXCACALCUPUL: Tixcacalcupul, 24 Sep 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 1-2 Dec 2003; TIZIMiN: Tizimin, 5-6, 19 Nov 2003, II Dec 2003; VALLADOLID: Valladolid, 22, 25 Sep 2003, Xocempich, 27 Nov 2003; XOCCHEL: Xocchel, 19 Oct 2003; YAXCABA: Yaxunah, 7 Oct 2003. Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatiis (Say) Material Examined: BUCTZOTZ: Buctzotz, 13 Oct 2003; CANTAMAYEC: Cantatnayec, 2, 5, 10 Sep 2003; CELESTUN: Celestun, 26 Aug 2003, 3, 6-7 Oct 2003; CHACSINKJN: Chacsinkin. 15 Sep 2003; CHAPAB: Citincabchen, 4 Sep 2003, 27 Oct 2003; CHEMAX: Chemax, 4 Sep 2003; CHICHIM- ILA: Chichimila, 1,15 Oct 2003; CHUMAYEL: Chumayel, 24 Aug 2003, 3 Sep 2003, 15 Oct 2003; CUNCUNUL: Cuncunul, 22 Oct 2003; DZIDZANTUN: Dzidzantiin, 15 Oct 2003; DZILAM GON- ZALEZ: Dzilam Gonzalez, 1 1 Oct 2003; DZITAS: Dzitas, 17 Sep 2003; ESPITA: Espita, 13 Nov 2003; CHOCHOLA: Chochola, 8 Dec 2003; HOCABA: Hocaba, 19 Sep 2003; HUNUCMA: Hunucma, 26 Aug 2003; KAUA: Kaua, 18 Sep 2003; KANASJN: Kanasin, 14 Aug 2003, 1 Oct 2003; KOPOMA: Kopoma, 26 Sep 2003; MANL Mani, 2 Dec 2003; MERIDA: Colonia Amalia Solorzano, 30 Sep 2003, Colonia Amapola, 12 Nov 2003, Colonia Benito Juarez, 23 Sep 2003, Caucel, 4 Sep 2003, Centra, 24 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Chenku, 26 Nov 2003, Colonia Chichen Itza, 25 Sep 2003, Cholul, 4 Sep 2003, Merida, 21 Nov 2003, 3 Dec 2003, Colonia Itzimna, 12 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Lindavista, 7 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel, 1 1 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel I. 5 Dec 2003, Fracciona- miento Vergel II, 25 Nov 2003, 4 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel III, 12 Sep 2003, 5, 9-8 Dec 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel 65, 1 1 Sep 2003, 5 Dec 2003, Colonia Vicente Solis, 15 Sep 2003; MUXUPIP: Muxupip, 27 Nov 2003, 18 Sep 2003, 28 Aug 2003; OPICHEN: Calcehtok, 20 Aug 2003; OXKUTZ- CAB: Cooperative, 13 Nov 2003, Yaxhachen, 6 Nov 2003; PETO: Peto, 12 Sep 2003; PROGRESO: Chuburna Puerto, 19 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Campestre Flamboyanes, 18 Sep 2003. Hacienda San Ignacio, 29 Aug 2003, Progreso, 2 Oct 2003; RJO LAGARTOS: Rio Lagartos, 12 Nov 2003; SAMAHIL: San Antonio Tedzidz, 27 Dec 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena, 23-26 Sep 2003; SOTU- TA: Sotuta, 20-21 Oct 2003, Tibolon, 21 Oct 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 19 Sep 2003; TAHMEK: Tahmek, 5,9, 13-14 Oct 2003, 5-6, 9 Nov 2003; TEABO: Teabo, 21-22, 27 Aug 2003, 10. 14-15. 24 Oct 2003; TEKANTO: Tekanto, 9 Sep 2003; TEKAX: Huntochac, 3 Sep 2003, Xaya, 2-3 Oct 2003; TEKIT: Tekit, 8 Nov 2003; TEKOM: Tekom, 22 Sep 2003; TICUL: Pustunich, 29-30 Sep 2003, Barrio San Juan. 3, 8 Nov 2003, Barrio San Roman, 8 Nov 2003, Fraccionamiento Santamaria, 3 Nov 2003. Barrio Santiago, 7 Nov 2003, Ticul, 5 Sep 2003, 30 Oct 2003, 12 Nov 2003, Yotholin, 29 Sep 2003; TIXKO- KOB: Ekmul. 22 Sep 2003, 1-3 Dec 2003; TIZIMJN: Popolnah. 3 Sep 2003. Ti/imin, 6. 17. 19 Nov 2003, 1-2, 10-11 Dec 2003; UMAN: Uman, 19 Aug 2003, 5. 9 Sep 2003; YAXCABA: Libre Union. 9 Dec 2003. Culex (Culex) thriamhus Dyar Material Examined: BOKOBA: Bokoba, 8 Sep 2003. 11, 14 Ocl 2003; C'ACAI (HI N: Cacalchcn. 11 Sep 2003; CANSAHCAB: Cansahcab, 3 Sep 2003; CANTAMAYEC: Cantamayec, 2, 5, 10 Sep 2003; CELESTUN: Celestun, 26 Aug 2003; CHACSINKJN: Chacsinkin, 12 Sep 2003; CHEMAX: Chemax, 4 Sep 2003; CHIKINDZONOT: Chikindzonot, 1 1 Sep 2003; CHUMAYEL: Chumayel, 2 Sep 190 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 2003; DZIDZANTUN: Dzidzantiin, 10 Sep 2003; DZITAS; Dzitas, 17 Sep 2003; HALACHO: Cuch-Holoch, 17 Sep 2003, Halacho, 17, 27 Sep 2003; HUNUCMA: Hunucma, 2, 26 Aug 2003, 9 Sep 2003, Texam Palomeque, 28 Sep 2003; IZAMAL: Izamal, 1 Sep 2003; KANASlN: Kanasin, 14 Aug 2003, 1 Oct 2003; KANTUNIL: Holca, 25 Sep 2003; KOPOMA: Kopoma, 26 Sep 2003; MERIDA: Colonia Amalia Solorzano, 30 Sep 2003, 1 Oct 2003, Colonia Benito Juarez, 23 Sep 2003, Caucel, 4 Sep 2003, Cholul, 4 Sep 2003, Colonia Miraflores, 18 Aug 2003, Merida, 3 Dec 2003, Colonia Nueva Chichen, 23 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento San Jose Vergel, 22, 25 Aug 2003, Frac- cionamiento Vergel, 10-11 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel II, 8, 21 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel III, 12-11 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel IV, 17 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Vergel 65, 1 1 Sep 2003; MOTUL: Motul (N 21°4'41.14', W 89°16'41.48"), 21 Aug 2003; MUXUPIP: Muxupip, 28 Aug 2003, 18 Sep 2003; OPICHEN: Calcehtok, 20 Aug 2003; OXKUTZCAB: Cooperativa, 14Nov 2003, Yaxhachen, 6, 1 1 Nov 2003; PROGRESO: Chicxulub Puerto, 9 Aug 2003, Chuburna Puerto, 19 Sep 2003, Fraccionamiento Campestre Flamboyanes, 18 Sep 2003, Progreso, 2 Oct 2003, Hacienda San Ignacio, 28-29 Aug 2003; SAMAHIL: San Antonio Tedzidz, 27 Oct 2003; SANTA ELENA: Santa Elena, 23 Sep 2003; SUMA: Suma, 3 Sep 2003; TAHDZIU: Tahdziu, 18, 21, 23 Sep 2003; TEABO: Teabo, 22 Aug 2003; TEKANTO: Tekanto, 9 Sep 2003; TEKAX: Xaya, 3, 9 Oct 2003; TICUL: Carretera Estatal, 26 Sep 2003, Barrio San Juan, 3, 15 Nov 2003, Yotholin, 13 Oct 2003; TIXKOKOB: Ekmul, 22 Sep 2003, 3 Dec 2003; TIXMEHUAC: Chicam, 24 Oct 2003; UMAN: Uman, 19 Aug 2003, 5, 9 Sep 2003. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to all the personnel from each sanitary jurisdiction with special reference to Jorge Chan and Santos Vazquez Narvaez for their kind assistance in the field work, as well to Azael Che and Adan Zapata for their help on some of the mosquito samples identification. Pablo Manrique- Saide has a grant from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT, Mexico) and the "Programa de Impulse y Orientacion a la Investigacion (PRIORI-UADY)." We also thank Annemarie terVeen and the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments to the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Clark-Gil, S. and R.F. Darsie, Jr. 1983. The mosquitoes of Guatemala, their identification, distri- bution and bionomics, with keys to adult females and larvae in English and Spanish. Mosquito Systematics 15: 151-284. Diaz-Najera, A. and L. Vargas. 1973. Mosquitos mexicanos. Distribucion geografica actualizada. Revista de Investigacion en Salud Piiblica (Mexico) 33: 111-125. Ibanez-Bernal, S. and C. Martinez-Campos. 1994. Clave para la identificacion de larvas de mos- quitos comunes en las areas urbanas y suburbanas de la Republica Mexicana (Diptera: Culicidae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana 92: 43-73. Ibanez-Bernal, S., D. Strickman, and C. Martinez-Campos. 1996. Culicidae (Diptera). //;. Llorente, B. J., A. A. N. Garcia, and S. E. Gonzalez (Editors). Biodiversidad, taxonomia y biogeo- grafia de artropodos de Mexico. Hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. CONABIO-IBUNAM. pp. 591-602. Lorono-Pino, M. A., B. J. Blitvich, J. A. Farfan-Ale, F. I. Puerto, J. M. Blanco, N. L. Marlenee, E. P. Rosado-Paredes, J. E. Garcia-Rejon, D. J. Gubler, C. H. Calisher, and B. J. Beaty. 2003. Serologic evidence of West Nile virus infection in horses, Yucatan State, Mexico. Emerging Infectious Diseases 9 (7): 857-859. Pan American Health Organizacion. 1994. Dengue and Dengue Haemorragic Fever in the Amer- icas: Guidelines for prevention and control. PAHO Scientific Publication No. 548. Rivas, G., A. Che, and P. Manrique-Saide. 2000. Artropodos domesticos y peridomesticos de importancia sanitaria en Yucatan, Mexico. Revista Biomedica. 1 1 : S64. Vargas, L. 1956. Especies y distribucion de mosquitos mexicanos no anofclinos (Insecta Diptera). Revista de Investigacion en Salud Piiblica (Mexico) 16(1): 19-36. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 4, September & October 2004 191 NEW RECORDS AND CLARIFICATIONS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STONEFLY (PLECOPTERA) FAUNA, WITH AN ANNOTATED LIST OF THE STONEFLIES OF PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A.1 Jane I. Earle2 ABSTRACT: Five species, Nemoitra trispinosa Claassen, Strophoptetyx appalachia Ricker and Ross, Alloperla biserrata Nelson and Kondratieff, Neoperla robisoni Poulton and Stewart, and Neo- perla choctaw Stark and Baumann, are added to the Pennsylvania fauna. Five species, Allocapnia wrayi Ross, Leuctra carolinensis Claassen, Tallaperla anna (Needham and Smith), Tallaperla elisa Stark, and Malirekus hastatus (Banks) are deleted. An annotated list of the 133 described Pennsyl- vania stonefly species is presented. KEY WORDS: Stoneflies, Plecoptera, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), new records, clarifications, ecoregions Surdick and Kim (1976) published the first definitive review of the Pennsyl- vania stonefly fauna, recording 90 species in nine families and 32 genera. Stark et al. (1986) reported 94 species in Pennsylvania. Earle (1994) added 14 species and deleted four species previously added in error. Masteller (1996a) added 17 species, deleted five species, and presented an annotated list of Pennsylvania species that included 131 described species plus three undescribed Isoperla species. Grubbs and Stark (2001) added two Perlesta species, P. nelsoni Stark and P. teavsia Kirchner and Kondratieff, bringing the Pennsylvania list to 133 described species. Five species are added herein to the Pennsylvania list: Nemoura trispinosa Claassen, Strophoptetyx appalachia Ricker and Ross, Alloperla biserrata Nelson and Kondratieff, Neoperla robisoni Poulton and Stewart, and Neoperla choctaw Stark and Baumann. Five species added in error are deleted: Allocapnia wrayi Ross, Leuctra carolinensis Claassen, Tallaperla anna (Needham and Smith), Tallaperla elisa Stark, and Malirekus hastatus (Banks). With these addi- tions and deletions, the Pennsylvania stonefly fauna total remains at 134 des- cribed species; however, since several more soon to be described species will be added to the Pennsylvania list within the next few years, the Pennsylvania spec- ies list could approach 140. Collections of new species records presented are by the author. New county records are capitalized. An annotated list of Pennsylvania species is presented in Table 1. Voucher specimens will be placed at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Ecoregion information is from Woods et al. (1996). 1 Submitted on June 2, 2004. Accepted on September 19, 2004. 2 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, P. O. Box 8555, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 U.S.A. Current mailing address: 20 Red Fox Lane, Mechanicsburg. PA 17050. E-mail: jearle@sprintmail.com. Mailed on February 3, 2005 192 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ADDITIONS Nemouridae: Nemoura trispinosa: MONROE COUNTY: Red Run, Industri- al Road (41°07' 42"N, 75°22'48"W), one female, May 15, 2003. This is a small, low gradient stream with a swampy riparian area. Red Run is in the Pocono High Plateau section of the North Central Appalachians Ecoregion, which is a low relief, forested highland with many lakes and low gradient streams with few riffles (Woods et al. 1996). N. trispinosa is distributed across the northern US and Cana- da, west to Manitoba and Wyoming and south to Ohio (Stark 2001). Taeniopterygidae: Strophopteryx appalachia: HUNTINGDON COUNTY: Shade Creek near Orbisonia (40°12'19"N, 77°52'39"W), one male, April 25, 1994; FULTON COUNTY: Tonoloway Creek, SR 2005 (39°43t41"N, 78°09'08"W), 28 March 2003, 6 males; Sideling Hill Creek, PA Route 484 (39°44'35"N, 78°21' 33"W), 28 March 2003, one male and one female; BEDFORD COUNTY: Town Creek at Blues Gap Road (39°46'45"N, 78°30'12"W), one female. Shade Creek is a 3rd order limestone influenced stream in the Susquehanna River basin; the other streams are 4th order streams in the Potomac River basin. All are within the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion. The two northeastern species of Strophopteryx are appar- ently sympatric at least through part of their range, since one male Strophopteryx fasciata (Burmeister) was collected at the Tonoloway Creek site and from another nearby stream, Little Tonoloway Creek. Stewart (2000) reported that S. appalachia is found in the Appalachian Mountain region from West Virginia south to South Carolina. A northern range extension of S. appalachia into the Potomac River basin Maryland was recorded by Grubbs (1997). This record extends the northern limit of this species into southcentral Pennsylvania and the lower edge of the Susque- hanna River basin. No other specimens of S. appalachia have so far been identi- fied from farther north in Pennsylvania. Chloroperlidae: Alloperla biserrata: BEDFORD COUNTY, Blackberry Lick Creek, PA, Route 26 (39°47'05"N, 78°24'23"W), one male, May 17, 2002. Black- berry Lick Creek is a 2nd order, largely forested stream in the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion, Potomac River basin. This is the ninth described species of Alloperla now recorded from Pennsylvania. A. biserrata was described from collections from several small streams in Virginia (Nelson and Kondratieff 1980). Since the initial description, A. biserrata has also been reported from Maryland and West Virginia (Grubbs 1997 and Stark 2001). Perlidae: The Nearctic Neoperla were for many years believed to be one vari- able, widespread species, Neoperla clymene (Newman), until Stark and Baumann (1978) described several new species and removed several others from synonymy with N. clymene, resulting in eight North American species. Subsequent research- ers described several more species, bringing the total number of North American species to 15 (Stark 1990 and DeWalt et al. 2002). Masteller (1996a) reported 4 species of Neoperla from Pennsylvania, N. clymene, Neoperla catharae Stark and Baumann, Neoperla occipitalis (Pictet), and Neoperla steward Stark and Bau- mann. The following two additional species will bring the Pennsylvania Neoperla species total to six. Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 193 Neoperla robisoni: BERKS COUNTY: Maiden Creek, PA, Route 143, V2 mile north of 1-78 (40°34'55"N, 75°53'27"W) one male, June 27, 2000; PERRY COUNTY: Susquehanna River, Marysville (40°21'04"N, 76°55'51"W), one male, July 17, 1993 and one male July 25, 1998; Juniata River, Greenwood boat access (40°31'48"N, 77°08'33"W) one male, June 24, 1994. All locations are in the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion. N. robisoni was described by Poulton and Stewart from the Ozark Mountains (Ernst et al. 1986). These Pennsylvania records rep- resent a range extension farther northeast from the previous northern limit, the Potomac River in Maryland (Grubbs 1997) and into the Susquehanna and Dela- ware River basins of Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania and Maryland collections of N. robisoni are from medium to large, swift, rocky creeks and rivers. The other records are from large, lowland streams in the southeastern United States, from Mississippi to Tennessee (Grubbs 1997). Neoperla choctaw: CUMBERLAND COUNTY: Conodoguinet Creek, Mountain Road (40°09'06"N, 77°30'00"W), 3 females, August 6, 1998. PERRY COUNTY: Susquehanna River, Marysville (40°21'04"N, 76055'51"W) one female with eggs, July 13, 2002. The Pennsylvania habitats are large warm water creeks and rivers in the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion of the Susquehanna River basin. These records extend the distribution of N. choctaw north from its previ- ously reported distribution of Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and West Virginia (Stark 2001). N. choctaw adults have distinctive coloring; the wings are dark brown to black and the body is checkered black and orange. DeWalt et al (2002) reported that Neoperla are found in relatively clean streams and that 4 of the 7 species historically known from Illinois are now extir- pated and 2 others have had significant reductions in range. The presence of the six Neoperla species currently in Pennsylvania is a testament to the good quali- ty water of many of our larger creeks and rivers. Neoperla, however, have been under-collected as both nymphs and adults in Pennsylvania. Additional collect- ing in their preferred habitat should provide a better picture of their true distri- bution and abundance in Pennsylvania. CORRECTIONS Stark (2001) and Stewart and Stark (2002) presented compilations of state records for the North American stonefly species. Not all the additions and dele- tions presented in Earle (1994) and Masteller ( 1996a) were reflected in their lists. I present the following corrections to the Pennsylvania stonefly list based on review of publications that included PA species records and examination of ques- tionable species believed to be misidentifications. Only misidentifications or species listed in error will be discussed below. An annotated species list is pre- sented in Table 1 . Capniidae: Kondratieff and Kirchner (1982) described Allocapniu \\ru\i as a common winter stonefly east of the Appalachian Mountains ranging from Maryland to Georgia. Ross and Ricker (1971) described A. \\-rciyi as a coastal plain species. A. wrayi was added to the Pennsylvania stonefly list by Masteller 194 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (1996a and b) based on collections from 3 streams, two east and one west of the Appalachians. Specimens from these three locations have been examined and determined to be misidentifications of either Allocapnia pygmaea (Burmeister) orAllocapnia recta (Claassen). In addition, extensive sampling for winter stone- flies throughout Pennsylvania has not yielded any additional specimens of A. wrayi. A. wrayi should, therefore, be deleted from the Pennsylvania stonefly list. Surdick and Kim (1976) listed several locations for Paracapnia opis (Newman) from collections made in 1937. For many years, the two Paracapnia species had been confused and described under several names until the descrip- tion of Paracapnia angulata Hanson in 1961 (Hitchcock 1974). No additional P. opis adults have been identified from Pennsylvania; therefore, P. opis should not be considered part of the PA stonefly fauna. Leuctridae: Surdick and Kim (1976) placed Leuctra carolinensis on the Pennsylvania species list based on five males and one female collected from one stream in Lackawanna County in northeastern Pennsylvania in 1945. 1 examined these specimens and identified them as Leuctra tenella Provancher. Masteller ( 1996a) added an additional L. carolinensis record based on collections from one stream in Tioga County in northcentral Pennsylvania by visiting scientists from the southeastern U.S. where L. carolinensis is a common species. L. tenella and L. carolinensis are similar species that have been confused and listed in error in other states (Kondratieff et al. 1995). Since L. carolinensis is considered a south- ern Appalachian species distributed from Maryland south to South Carolina (Stark 2001 and Kondratieff et al. 1995) and no additional specimens have been discovered in Pennsylvania after many years of sampling, L. carolinensis should be deleted from the PA list. Peltoperlidae: Tallaperla anna was added to the Pennsylvania list in error and should be deleted. T. anna is restricted to the southern Appalachian Moun- tains of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia (Stark 2000). T. anna was included on the Pennsylvania species list in Surdick and Kim (1976) based on a collection from one stream in Luzerne County in northeastern Penn- sylvania in 1949. Stark (personal communication) believes that he examined these specimens during his review of Tallaperla and identified them as Talla- perla maria (Needham and Smith). The National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC), which is listed as the repository for the Pennsylvania specimen, has no current record of a T. anna from Pennsylvania (O.S. Flint, Smithsonian Institution, pers. comm.). No additional Tallaperla adults have been identified as T. anna since the 1949 collection. Considering the confirmed limited southern distribution, lack of additional records, and the diffi- culty of separating the very similar Tallaperla species, T. anna should be delet- ed from the Pennsylvania species list. Tallaperla elisa was also added to the Pennsylvania list in error. Masteller (1996a) included T. elisa on his Pennsylvania stonefly list based on collections from one stream, Lyman Run, Tioga County in northcentral Pennsylvania by vis- iting scientists from the southern Appalachians. 1 collected several male Talla- Vol. 115, No. 4. September & October 2004 195 perla from Lyman Run and several nearby streams in May 1 998, all of which were identified as T. maria. The Lyman Run T. elisa specimens were reexamined by the original collector who now believes that they are T. maria (C.H. Nelson, personal communication). T. elisa has been confirmed from only high elevation streams along the North Carolina and Tennessee border (Stark 2000 and person- al communication). Additionally, Kondratieff et al (1995) considered T. elisa to so be rare through its range as to be considered for endangered species status. T. elisa, therefore, should be deleted from the Pennsylvania species list. Grubbs (1997) included T. elisa as part of the stonefly fauna of Maryland; however, this record was based on nymphs and exuvia reported from one Mary- land stream in Duffield and Nelson (1993). Since Tallaperla nymphs cannot be reliably identified to species and Grubbs did not collect any additional specimens in Maryland, T. elisa should not be considered part of the Maryland fauna. Perlodidae: Yugus bulbosus (Prison) was the only Pennsylvania Yugus species included in Masteller (1996a). The revision of the genus by Nelson (2001 ) described two new species in the Y. bulbosus complex. Nelson described the distribution of Y. bulbosus as the southern Appalachians of Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, the distribution of one of the new species, Yugus kon- dratieffi Nelson, as Virginia and North Carolina, and the distribution of the other new species, Yugus kirchneri Nelson, as Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virgin- ia. Yugus adults are extremely elusive; the only confirmed Pennsylvania adult records are from Powdermill Run in Westmoreland County in southwestern Pennsylvania (Masteller 1996b), which Nelson examined and confirmed as Y. kirchneri. Nelson confirmed an additional Pennsylvania record for Y. kirchneri, a nymph collected in POTTER COUNTY, Bell Branch (41°29'00"N, 77°53' 39" W), 14 May 1976. Pennsylvania was included in the distribution list for Yugus arinus (Prison) in Stewart and Stark (2002). This listing is believed to be based on an erroneous listing in Stark et al. (1986) and was deleted by Earle (1994). The only confirmed Pennsylvania species of Yugus, therefore, should be Y. kirchneri. Surdick and Kim (1976) listed two species oflsogenoides: Isogenoides dora- tus (Prison) and Isogenoides hansoni (Ricker) in Pennsylvania. The /. doratus record in Surdick and Kim (1976) was based on collections by Jennings in 1942 and published in Prison (1942). Ricker (1952) described a new species, /. han- soni, using the Jennings Pennsylvania specimens and location as the holotype and type locality. Ricker (1952) stated that /. doratus was a Midwestern United States species. In addition to the above two Isogenoides species, Stark (2001) and Stewart and Stark (2002) also included Isogenoides olivaceus (Walker) as part of the Pennsylvania fauna. I have not found any records of this species in Pennsylvania in the literature or collections. Ricker (1952) listed the distribution of/, olivaceus as northern Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario and Quebec. Minnesota is the only additional valid state record for this species in Stewart and Stark (2002). /. hansoni should be considered the only valid Isogenoides species in Pennsylvania. 196 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Malirekus was considered a monotypic genus until the revision by Stark and Szczytko (1988) that established a new species, Malirekus iroquois Stark and Szczytko. They considered the two species to be allopatric, with M. hastatus oc- curring in the southeastern U.S. and M. iroquois in the northeastern U.S. and Can- ada, but cautioned that additional specimens from the mid-Atlantic region would need to be examined to determine the north-south limits of these two species. Grubbs (1997) did not find any M. hastatus in Maryland and suggested the North Branch Potomac River in West Virginia as the northern limit of M. hastatus. The only published Pennsylvania record of M. hastatus is from the Stroud Research Center in Chester County Pennsylvania (Masteller 1996b), which was a reared specimen of questionable origin (D. Funk, Stroud Research Center, pers. comm.). Malirekus adults are rarely collected; however, nymphs are regularly collected from small streams throughout Pennsylvania. No adults collected so far in Pennsylvania have been positively identified as M. hastatus. Malirekus females are difficult to verify without examination of the eggs; however, the sub- genital plates of the Pennsylvania females are consistent with M. iroquois (B.P. Stark pers. comm.). All nymphs collected so far in Pennsylvania have lacked the submental gills described by Stark and Szczytko (1998) as present on nymphs of southern populations of M. hastatus. M. hastatus should, therefore, be deleted from the PA stonefly list. New confirmed Pennsylvania records of M. iroquois are as follows: SULLIVAN COUNTY, Painter Run (41°19'22"N, 76°27'16"W), one male, May 29, 1977 (listed as M. hastatus in Kondratieff 2004); TIOGA COUNTY, unnamed tributary to Babb Creek at old village of Landrus (41°38' 20"N, 77°12'25"W), one late instar male nymph with visible genitalia, June 16, 1993; WESTMORELAND COUNTY, Roaring Run, near Camp Alliquippa (40° 04'09"N, 79°20'39"W, 21 May 1997, one female. Pteronarcyidae: Nelson (2000) in Volume I of the series Stoneflies (Plecop- tera) of Eastern North America listed the distribution of Pteronarcys scotti Rick- er, one of the six Eastern North American Pteronarcys species, as Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. This inclusion of P. scotti as part of the Pennsylvania fauna was based on Surdick and Kim (1976) who listed a record of P. scotti nymphs from one Pennsylvania stream. Masteller ( 1 996b) reported that P. scotti was added in error and he did not include it in his list of the Pennsylvania stonefly fauna. No adult P. scotti have been collected in Pennsylvania to confirm its presence, or from the adjacent states of Maryland and West Virginia (Grubbs 1997). P. scotti should, therefore, properly be considered a southern Appalachian species and not part of the Pennsylvania fauna. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Bill P. Stark, Mississippi College, for verification of the Neoperla and Malirekus identifications and review of the manuscript, and Dr. Boris C. Kondratieff, Colorado State University, for review of the manuscript. I would also like to thank the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. for loan of specimens. Thanks are also expressed to three anonymous reviewers. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 4. September & October 2004 197 NOTE The publication of Surdick (2004) after the completion of this paper resulted in a change: Alloperla petasata Surdick replaces Alloperla caudata Prison in Pennsylvania. The species list accompanying this paper has been adjusted accordingly. LITERATURE CITED DeWalt, R. E., D. W. Webb, and A. M. Soli. 2002. The Neoperla clymene (Newman) complex (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Illinois, new state records, distributions, and an identification key. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 104: 126-137. Duffield, R .M. and C. H. Nelson. 1993. Seasonal changes in the stonefly (Plecoptera) component of the diet profile of trout in Big Hunting Creek, Maryland, USA. Aquatic Insects 15: 141-148. Earle, J. 1994. New records of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Pennsylvania. Entomological News 105: 80-84. Ernst, M. R., B. C. Poulton, and K. W. Stewart. 1986. Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) of the southern Ozark and Ouachita Mountain region, and two new species of Neoperla. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79: 645-661. Prison, T. H. 1942. Studies of North American Plecoptera, with special reference to the fauna of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 22: 235-355. Grubbs, S. A. 1997. New records, zoographic notes, and a revised checklist of stoneflies (Plecop- tera) from Maryland. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 123: 71-84. Grubbs, S. A. and B. P. Stark. 2001 . Notes on Perlesta (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Eastern North America. Aquatic Insects 23: 119-122. Hitchcock, S. W. 1974. Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part VII. The Plecoptera or Stoneflies of Connecticut. Bulletin of the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, 107: 1-262. Huntsman, B. ()., R. VV. Baumann, and B. C. Kondratieff. 2001. The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of South Dakota. Entomological News 112: 104-1 1 1 . Kondratieff, B. C. 2004. Perlodidae - Perlodinae (The Springflies). pp. 149-180. In. B.P. Stark and B. J. Armitage (Editors). Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Eastern North America. Volume II. Chloro- perlidae, Perlidae, and Perlodidae (Perlodinae). Ohio Biological Survey. Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 192pp. Kondratieff, B. C. and R. F. Kirchner. 1982. Notes on the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera: Capniidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 84: 240-244. Kondratieff, B. C., R. F. Kirchner, and D. R. Lenat. 1995. A review of stonefly records (Plecoptera: Hexapoda) of North Carolina and South Carolina. Brimleyana 23: 25-40. Masteller, E. C. 1996a. New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) with an annotated checklist of the species for Pennsylvania. The Great Lakes Entomologist 29: 107-120. Masteller, E. C. 1996b. Plecoptera Biodiversity of Pennsylvania. Report to the Pennsylvania Wild Resources Conservation Fund. Privately printed, E. C. Masteller, The Pennsylvania State Univer- sity at Erie, The Behrend College. Erie, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 2 Volumes. Nelson, C. H. 2000. Pteronarcyidae (The Salmonflies). pp. 29-39. In. B.P. Stark and B..I. Armitage (editors), Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Eastern North America. Volume I. Pteronarcyidae, Peltoper- lidae, and Taeniopterygdidae. Ohio Biological Survey. Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 99 pp. Nelson, C'. II. 2001 . The Yugus hulhosiis complex, with a comment on the phylogenetic position of Yugus within the Eastern Perlodini (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 103: 601-619. 198 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Nelson, C. H. and B C. Kondratieff. 1980. Description of a new species ofAlloperla (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) from Virginia. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 53: 801-804. Ricker, W. E. 1952. Systematic studies in Plecoptera. Indiana University Publications, Science Series 18: 1-200. Ross, H. H. and W. E. Ricker. 1971. The classification, evolution, and dispersal of the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia. University of Illinois Biological Monographs 45: 1-166. Stark, B. P. 1990. Neoperla clymene revisited: systematics of the Nearctic species complexes (Plecoptera: Perlidae). pp. 299-310. In, Campbell, I. C. (Editor). Mayflies and Stoneflies: Life Histories and Biology. Proceedings of the Fifth International Ephemeroptera Conference and the 9th International Plecoptera Conference. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, The Nether- lands. 366 pp. Stark, B. P. 2001. North American stonefly list. Updated as of February 16, 2001. http://www.mc. edu/campus/users/stark/Sfly0102.htm. 20 pp. Stark, B. P. 2000. Peltoperlidae (The Roachflies). pp. 41-54. In. B. P. Stark and B. J. Annitage (Editors). Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Eastern North America. Volume I. Pteronarcyidae, Pelto- perlidae, and Taeniopterygdidae. Ohio Biological Survey. Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 99 pp. Stark, B. P. and R. W. Baumann. 1978. New species of Nearctic Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) with notes on the genus. The Great Basin Naturalist 38: 97-1 14. Stark, B. P. and S. W. Szczytko. 1988. A new Malirekus species from eastern North America (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 61: 195-199. Stark, B. P., S. W. Szczytko, and R. W. Baumann. 1986. North American Stoneflies (Plecoptera): Systematics, distribution, and taxonomic references. The Great Basin Naturalist 46: 383-397. Stewart, K. W. 2000. Taeniopterygidae (The Willowflies). pp. 55-88. In. B. P. Stark and B. J. Annitage (Editors). Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Eastern North America. Volume I. Pteronarcyidae, Peltoperlidae, and Taeniopterygdidae. Ohio Biological Survey. Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 99 pp. Stewart, K.W. and B. P. Stark. 2002. Nymphs of North American Stonefly Genera (Plecoptera). 2nd Edition. The Caddis Press. Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 510 pp. Surdick, R. F. 2004. Chloroperlidae (The Sallflies). /;; B.P. Stark and B.J. Armitage, (eds.). Stone- flies (Plecoptera) of Eastern North America. Volume II. Chloroperlidae, Perlidae, and Perlodidae (Perlodinae). Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus, Ohio. 192 pp. Surdick, R. F. and K. C. Kim. 1976. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Pennsylvania. A synopsis. Pennsyl- vania State University Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin 808: 9-73. Woods, A. J., J. M. Omernick, D. D. Brown, and C. W. Kiilsgaard. 1996. Level III and IV Ecoregions of Pennsylvania and the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Ridge and Valley, and the Central Appalachian of Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory. Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. 50 pp. Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 199 Table 1. Annotated list of the 134 Pennsylvania stonefly species. Capniidae Allocapnia aurora Ricker Allocapnia curiosa Prison Allocapnia frisoni Ross and Ricker Allocapnia gramilata (Claassen) Allocapnia harperi Kirchner Allocapnia maria Hanson Allocapnia nivicola (Fitch) Allocapnia pechumani Ross and Ricker Allocapnia pygmaea (Burmeister) Allocapnia recta (Claassen) Allocapnia rickeri Prison Allocapnia simmonsi Kondratieff and Voshell Allocapnia vivipara (Claassen) Allocapnia :ola Ricker Paracapnia angulata Hanson Leuctridae Leuctra alexanderi Hanson Leuctra duplicate Claassen Leuctra ferruginea ( Walker) Leuctra grandis Banks Leuctra maria Hanson Leuctra sibleyi Claassen Leuctra tenella Provancher Leuctra tennis (Pictet) Leuctra truncata Claassen Leuctra variabilis Hanson Paraleuctra sura (Claassen) Megaleuctra flint i Baumann Nemouridae Amphinemura appalachia Baumann Amphinemura delosa (Ricker) Amphinemura linda (Ricker) Amphinemura nigritta (Provancher) Amphinemura wui (Claassen) Nemoura trispinosa Claassen Ostrocerca alhidipennis (Walker) Ostrocerca complexa (Claassen) Ostrocerca prolongata (Claassen) Ostrocerca truncata (Claassen) Paranemoura perfecta (Walker) Prostoia completa (Walker) Prostoia similis (Hagen) Soyedina carolinensis Claassen Sovedina merritti Baumann and Grubbs Soyedina vallicularia (Wu) Soyedina washingtoni (Claassen) Taeniopterygidae Bolotoperla rossi (Prison) Oemopteryx contorta (Needham and Claassen) Strophopteryx appalachia Ricker and Ross Strophopteryx fasciata ( Burmeister) Taenionema atlanticum Ricker and Ross Taeniopteryx burksi Ricker and Ross Taeniopteryx maura (Pictet) Taeniopteryx metequi Ricker and Ross Taeniopteryx nivalis (Fitch) Taeniopteryx parvula Banks Taeniopteryx ugola Ricker and Ross Peltoperlidae Peltoperla arcuata Needham Tallaperla maria (Needham and Smith) Chloroperlidae Alloperla aracoma Harper and Kirchner Alloperla atlantica Baumann Alloperla biserrata Nelson and Kondratieff Alloperla chloris Prison Alloperla concolor Ricker Alloperla imbecilla (Say) Alloperla petasata Surdick Alloperla usa Ricker Alloperla vostoki Ricker Haploperla brevis (Banks) Rasvena terna (Prison) Suwallia marginata (Banks) Sweltsa later -alls (Banks) Sweltsa naica (Provancher) Sweltsa onkos (Ricker) Utaperla gaspesiana Harper and Roy Pcrlidae - Acroneuriinae Acroneuria abnormis (Newman) Acroneuria arenosa (Pictet) Acroneuria arida (Hagen) Acroneuria carolinensis (Banks) Acroneuria evoluta Klapalck Acroneuria ft lids Prison Acroneuria frisoni Stark and Brown Acroneuria lycorias (Newman) Attaneuria ruralis (Hagen) Eccoptura xanthenes (Newman) Hansonoperla appalachia Nelson Perlesta decipiens (Walsh) Pcrlcsta nelsoni Stark 200 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Perlesta nitida Banks Perlesta placida (Hagen) Perlesta teasyia Kirchner and Kondratieff Perlinella drymo (Newman) Perlinella ephyre (Newman) Perlidae - Perlinae Neoperla catharae Stark and Baumann Neoperla choctaw Stark and Baumann Neoperla clymene (Newman) Neoperla occipitalis (Pictet) Neoperla robisoni Poulton and Stewart Neoperla stewarti Stark and Baumann Agnetina anmilipes (Hagen) Agnetina capita tu (Pictet) Agnetina flavescens (Walsh) Paragnetina immarginata (Say) Paragnetina media (Walker) Perlodidae - Isoperlinae Clioperla clio (Newman) Isoperla bilineata (Say) Isoperla dicala Prison Isoperla francesca Harper Isoperla frisoni Illes Isoperla holochlora (Klapalek) Isoperla lat a Prison Isoperla marly nia (Needham and Claassen) Isoperla montana (Banks) Isoperla namata Prison Isoperla nana (Walsh) Isoperla orata Prison Isoperla richardsoni Prison Isoperla signata (Banks) Isoperla similis (Hagen) Isoperla slossonae (Banks) Isoperla transmarina (Newman) Perlodidae - Perlodinae Cultus decisus decisus (Walker) Cultus verticalis (Banks) Diploperla duplicata (Banks) Diploperla robusta Stark and Gaufin Remenus bilobatus (Needham and Claassen) Helopicus subvarians (Banks) Isogenoides hansom (Ricker) Malirekits iroquois Stark and Szczytko Yiigus kirchneri Nelson Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys biloba Newman Pteronarcvs comstocki Smith Pteronarcys dorsata (Say) Pteronarcys pictetii Hagen Pteronarcvs proteus Newman Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 201 FIFTY-THREE SPECIES OF TETRIGOIDEA (ORTHOPTERA) FROM CENWANG MOUNTAIN IN THE WESTERN GUANGXI ZHUANG AUTONOMOUS REGION, CHINA1 Guo-Fang Jiang2 and Ge-Qiu Liang' ABSTRACT: In this paper, we provide a checklist of 53 species of Tetrigoidea ground grasshoppers (Cladonotidae, Scelimenidae, Metrodoridae and Tetrigidae) from Cenwang Mountain, the natural reserve located near Tianlin County in the west Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southwest- em China. In addition, the female Macromotettix serrifemoralis Zheng et Jiang and the male Tetrix ruyuanensis Liang are described for the first time. KEY WORDS: Tetrigoidea, Cenwang Mountain, Western Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, Macromotettix serrifemoralis female, Tetrix ruyuanensis male Cenwang Mountain is a forested resort area (2,060 meters elevation) near Tianlin County, approximately 40 kilometers north of the city of Baise in the west Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southwestern China. The climate is subtropical, frosts are rare, and rainfall averages around 1,300 mm annually. Average temperatures range from 20.6°C in July to 4.7°C in January (Forestry Department of Guangxi, 1993). The vegetation zone is subtropical mountain broadleaf evergreens (Forestry Department of Guangxi, 1993). Vertical changes in the climate are clear because the mountain is large and steep. The overstory vegetation in the upper region (over 1,800 meters) of the mountain, where the collections were made, consists largely of secondary growth trees, Quercus nu- bium, Fagus lucida (both in the Fagaceae) and Liquidambar acalycina (Hama- melidaceae). The vegetation in the lower side of the mountain is very complex, being composed of subtropical middle mountain mixed broadleaf evergreen and deciduous forest (Forestry Department of Guangxi, 1993). The 53 species of Tetrigoidea reported herein were collected from grassy veg- etation near roadsides using a sweep net between 27 May - 5 June 2002 and 14- 16 August 2002. The locations visited included the Linao Hill, Weihuo Hill, Cen- wang Hill, Yaojiawan Hill, Dadong Hill, Langping, Jiudongping and Laoshan Tree Farm. The specimens were deposited at the College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University (Nanjing), and at the Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan University (Guangzhou). 1 Received on April 4, 2004. Accepted on September 17, 2004. :Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Bioresource Technology, College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097 People's Republic of China. E-mail: cnjgfl208fahotmail.com. 'Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, People's Republic of China. E-mail: lianggeqiufazsu.edu.cn. Mailed on February 3, 2005 202 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS List of species of Tetrigoidea from the Cenwang Mountain, Western Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China Taxa are listed alphabetically within each family. For each species listed, except Tetrix niyuanen- sis Liang and Macromotettix serrifemoralis Zheng et Jiang, the data is organized as follows: scien- tific name, author and year, number of males and females, dates, as well as collection localities. The asterisk "*" represents records that have been reported elsewhere in China. Cladonotidae Deltonotus g uangxiensis Liang et Jiang, 2004. Id1, 29 14-16 August 2002, Linao Hill (1,400 meter elevation); 3Cf, 19 Weihuo Hill (1,600m); ICf, 29 Cenwang Hill (1,600- 1800m) Pseudopltettix linaoshanensis Liang et Jiang, 2004. 3d", ?9 14-16 August 2002, Linao Hill (1,400m); 19 Weihuo Hill (1,600m); 19 Yaojiawan Hill (1,200- 1,400m) Scelimenidae Criotettix bispinosus (Dalman, 1818). 5Cf, 29 27 May 5 June 2002, Dadong Hill (1,400m); Id", 39 Langping( 1,200- 1,300m) Criotettix curvispinus Zheng, 1993. 39 27 May-5 June 2002, Yaojiawan Hill ( 1,200- 1,400m) Eucriotettix oculatm (Bolivar, 1898). 4Cf, 29 27 May-5 June 2002, 14-16 August 2002, Linao Hill ( 1 ,400m); 3Cf , 59Linao Hill ( 1 ,200- 1 ,400m); 2cf , 69Dadong Hill ( 1 ,400m); 4Cf , 1 9 Weihuo Hill (1,300m); 39 Langping (1,200- 1,300m); 4Cf Jiudongping ( 1,200- 1,300m) Scelimena melli Gunther, 1937. icf, 39 27 May-5 June 2002, Dadong Hill (1,400m) Thoradonta lativertex Gunther, 1938. 3cf, 49 14-16 August 2002, Linao Hill (1,400m); 2cf, 89 Weihuo Hill (1,300m); 4CT, 19 Dadong Hill (1,400m); 2Cf, 59 Langping (1,200m); 2Cf Jiudong- ping (1,200- 1,300m) Thoradonta transpicula Zheng, 1996. 2cf, 19 27 May-5 June 2002, Dadong Hill (1,400m) Thoradonta yunnana Zheng, 1981. 2cf 27 May-5 June 2002, 14-16 August 2002, Weihuo Hill ( 1 ,300m); 1 Cf , 29 Linao Hill ( 1 ,400m) Zhengitettix hainanensis Liang, 1994. 2Cf, 49 27 May-5 June 2002, 14-16 August 2002, Dadong Hill (1,400m); icf, 39 Linao Hill (1,400m); 5Cf, 29 Weihuo Hill (1,300m); 2cf, 19 Jiudongping (l,200-l,300m) * Zhengitettix obliquspicula Zheng et Jiang. 29 27 May-5 June 2002, Linao Hill (1,200- 1,400m); ICf, 19 Dadong Hill (1,400m) Metrodoridae Bolivaritettix circinihumerus Zheng, 2003. 7Cf , 29 27 May-5 June 2002, Langping ( 1 ,200- 1 ,300m) Bolivaritettix circocephalus Zheng, 1992. 4Cf 14-16 August 2002, Jiudongping (1,200- 1,300m); 2Cf, l9Weihuo Hill (1,300m) Bolivaritettix fanjingshanensis Zheng, 1992. 3d", 29 14-16 August 2002, Jiudongping (1,200- 1,300m) Bolivaritettix glnuntianus (Hancock, 1915). 4Cf, 59 14-16 August 2002, Linao Hill (1,400m); 2cf, 19 Dadong Hill (1,400m); 39 Langping (1,200m) Bolivarite ttix guibeiensis Zheng et Jiang, 1994. 6Cf, 1 9 14-16 August 2002, 27 May -5 June 2002, Weihuo Hill (1,300m); 2d", 39 Linao Hill, 1400m; 5cT, 29 Jiudongping (1,200- 1,300m); 39, 79 Langping ( 1 ,200m) Bolivaritettix humerlis Gunther, 1939. 3cf, 19 27 May 5 June 2002. 14-16 August 2002, Cenwang Hill (1,500- 1,800m); 2cf, 59Langping (1,200- 1,300m); 4Cf, 29 Linao Hill (1,400m); 1 9 Jiudongping ( 1 ,200- 1 ,300m) Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 203 Bolivaritettix javanicus (Bolivar, 1909). 2Cf 14-16 August 2002, Weihuo Hill ( 1 .600m) Bolivaritettix lativertex (Brunner von VVattenwyl, 1893). 39 14-16 August 2002, 27 May-5 June 2002, Jiudongping (1,300m); 2cf. 19 We ill no Hill (l,60()m): 3cf. 49 Dadong Hill (l,40()m) Bolivaritettix longzhouensis Zheng et Jiang, 1995. 2Cf, 19 14-16 August 2002, Weihuo Hill (1,600m); ICf, 49 Cenwang Hill (1,400- 1,800m) Bolivaritettix nigritibialis Zheng, 2002. 2cf. 4927 May -5 June 2002, Langping (1,200- 1,300m) Bolivaritettix sikkinensis (Bolivar, 1909). 2cf, 69 14-16 August 2002, Linao Hill (1,400m) * BolivaritettLx tianlinensis Zheng et Jiang, 2004. ICf, 29 27 May-5 June 2002, Linao Hill (1,400m) Bolivaritettix yuanbaoshanensis Zheng et Jiang, 1995. 4cf, 39 14-16 August 2002, 27 May 5 June 2002, Linao Hill (1400m); 3cf, 19 Laoshan Tree Farm (1,200- 1,600m); 2Cf Jiudongping (1,200- 1,300m); 4Cf, 19 Dadong Hill (1,400m); 2Cf, 29 Cenwang Hill (1,400- 1,800m); Id, 1(>m) Formosatettix yunnanensis Zheng, 1992. 3d", 69 27 May-5 June 2002. Cem\ang Hill (l.SOOm) Teredorus albimarginus Zheng et Zhou, 1996. 2Cf, 59 27 May 5 June 2002, Dadong Hill (1,400m) Tetrix bolivari Saulcy, 1901. 39 27 May 5 June 2002, Weihuo Hill (1.300m); 4tf.l9 Linao Hill (1.400m); 2Cf,l9 Linao Hill ( 1. 200- 1,400m); 2Cf Dadong Hill (1.400m); 3d", 29 Yaojiawan Hill (1,200- 1.400m) 204 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS * Tetrix cenwanglaoshana Zheng et Jiang, 2004. 29 27 May-5 June 2002, Cenwang Hill (1,500- 1,800m) Tetrix guangxiensis Zheng et Jiang, 1996. 3Cf, 29 27 May-5 June 2002, Weihuo Hill (1,300m); 3d1, 89 Linao Hill (1,400m) ; 7cf, 69 Linao Hill (1,200- 1,400m) ; 5cf, 29 Dadong Hill (1,400m); 2Cf, 69 Langping (1,200- 1,300m) Tetrix japonica (Bolivar, 1887). 18CT, 239 27 May-5 June 2002, 14-16 August 2002, Cenwang Hill (1,500- 1,800m); 12cf,159 Weihuo Hill (1,300m); 6Cf, 89 Linao Hill (1,400m); 9cf, 109 Linao Hill (1,200- 1,400m); 14Cf, 69 Dadong Hill (1,400m); 7Cf, 89 Langping (1,200m); 16CT, 109 Jiudongping (1,200- 1,300m) Tetrix ruyuanensis Liang, 1998. 6Cf, 4914-16 August 2002, Cenwang Hill (1,500-1, 800m); 2cf, 19 Weihuo Hill (l,300-l,600m); 3cf, 29 Langping ( 1,200- 1,300m); 9Cf, 59 Dadong Hill (1,400m); lOCf Yaojiawan Hill (1,200-1, 400m); 2Cf, 19 Laoshan Tree Farm ( 1,400- 1,700m) Tetrix subulata (Linnaeus, 1761). 3Cf, 29 27 May-5 June 2002, Linao Hill ( 1,200- 1,400m); icf. 19 Dadong Hill (1,400m) Jetr'ix tenuicornis (Sahlberg, 1893). 2cf, 49 27 May-5 June 2002, Cenwang Hill (1,500- 1,700m) Tetrix tinkiliami Zheng et Liang, 1998. 3Cf, 19 27 May-5 June 2002, Dadong Hill (1,400m) Tetrix tubercarina Zheng et Jiang, 1994. 3Cf, 19 27 May-5 June 2002, Langping (1,200- 1,300m) Tetrix yunnanensis Zheng, 1992. 3Cf, 59 27 May-5 June 2002, Langping ( l,200-l,300m) Descriptions of female Macromotettix serrifemoralis Zheng et Jiang and male Tetrix ruyuanensis Liang The female Macromotettix serrifemoralis Zheng et Jiang, 1998 and the male Tetrix ruyuanensis Liang 2002 were not reported in the original description and are described below for the first time. Macromotettix serrifemoralis Zheng et Jiang, 2002 (Fig. 1 ) Female: Body small and dark brown. Pronotum between humeral angles with two slanting white spots. Wings black. Outside of hind femur brown , lower side black. Hind tibiae dark brown, with two light transverse spots. Body length, 9 mm; pronotum length, 6.8 mm; hind femur length, 6 mm. Head slightly projecting above pronotum. Width of vertex slightly narrower than the width of an eye; lateral margins slightly turn out forward; anterior margin round; median carina obvious; in profile, frontal costa protruding between the antennaes distinctly; the width of longitudinal sulcus slightly nar- rower than the width of coxa of antennae. Antennae filiform, lying between lower ridge of eyes. Eyes globose, projecting. Lateral ocelli placed on the middle part of anterior margins of eyes. Disc of prono- tum with numerous tubercles, anterior margin straight; median carina distinct, in profile, upper margin of pronotum before and behind transverse sulci swelling upwards, the part behind the second swelling nearly straight; laterior carinae short, reduce postward on the prozona; humeral angle obtuse angle shaped, the part between them with two short longitudinal carinae; hind process of pronotum long cone- shaped, apex not reaching the tee of hind femur, apex sharp. Posterior angles of the lateral lobes of pronotum truncate; posterior margin of lateral lobes with two concaves. Elytra wide ovate, apex round- ed. Wings developed, reaching the apex of hind process of pronotum. Lower margins of fore and mid- dle femur straight; width of midfemur narrower than width of see parts of elytra. Length of hind femur about 3.2 times longer than the width, median keel of upper side with distinct fine teeth, preknec teeth before the knee acute angulate, knee teeth angulate. Outer side of hind tibia with 6 thorns, inner side with 5 thorns. Length of first segment of hind tarsus longer than the third. Ovipositor narrow and long, upper and lower ovipositors with slender teeth. Length of subgenital plate longer than wide, with a small triangle bulge in the middle of posterior margin. Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 205 Specimens Examined: 19< 27 May 2002, Guangxi: Tianlin (Jiudongping ), 1200m, collected by Jiang Guo-Fang. Fig. 1 Macromotettix serrifemoralis Zheng et Jiang, female whole body, lateral view. Body is 9 mm long. Tetrix ruyuanensis Liang, 1998 (Fig. 2) Male: Body small, dark brown, with tubercles. Body length, 7 mm; pronotum length, 7.5 mm; hind femur length, 5.5 mm. Head not projecting above pronotum. Anterior margin of vertex arched, slightly protruding beyond eyes, its width about 1.6 times wider than the width of an eye; median carina obvious, two sides on the midian carina slightly concave, lateral ridge slightly raising on the apex. Front slanting, in profile, ver- tex forming ocute angles with frontal costa. Parts before lateral ocelli not concave, protruding archedly between antennae; longitudinal furrow deep, lateral ridge gradually expands from the part above later- al ocelli to the median ocellus, width of longitudinal furrow between antennae as wide as of the coxa of antennae. Lateral ocelli placed on the middle of anterior margins of eyes. Antennae filiform, lying between lower ridge of eyes, with 14 articles, length of an article about 5 times larger than the width of middle ones of antennae. Eyes globose. Anterior margin of pronotum slightly straight; disc of pronotum between transverse sulcus swelling by small hillock, upper margin of pronotum straight behind shoul- ders, hind process of pronotum cone-shaped, reaching the knee of hind femur; median carina swelling taking slightly thin in shape, laterior carinae parallel on the prozona, prozona similar to square shape, part between humeral angles without short longitudinal keel; humeral angle close to arc shape. Posterior margin of lateral lobes of pronotum with two concaves; posterior angles downward, apex of angles round. Elytra long ovate. Wings developed, reaching the apex of pronotum. Upper margins of fore femur and midfemur slightly bending, and lower margins slightly undulate; width of midfemur slightly wider than the width of visible part. Hind femur short and stranger, its length about 2.8 times larger than the width, median keels of upper and lower sides with slender teeth. Outer side of hind tibia with 9 spines, inner sides with 8 spines, tip wider than base slightly. Length of first article of hind tarsus longer than the third distinctly; the first and second pulvilli below the first tarsus small, triangle, tip sharp; the third large, similar to rectangle, tip blunt. Specimens Examined: ICf. 1 .lime 2002, Guangxi: Tianlin (Dadong Hill), 1400m, collected by Jiang Guo-Fang. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Mr. Liu Jiangwen for collecting some of the amount specimens. This work was supported by a grant from the Comprehensive Investigation Foundation of Cenwanglaoshan Nature Reservation of Guangxi, China. 206 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Fig. 1 Tetrix ruyuanensis Liang, male whole body, lateral view. Body is 7 mm long. LITERATURE CITED Forestry Department of Guangxi. 1993. The Natural Reserve of Guangxi. China Forestry Press. Beijing, China. 320 pp. (in Chinese) Giinther, K. 1938. Revision der Acrydiinae. II. Scelimenae spuriae. Stettner Entomologische Zeitung 99: 117-148, 161-230. Gunther, K. 1939. Revision der Acrydiinae III. Section Amorphopi (Metrodorae Bol. 1887 auct.). Abhandlungen und Beriche der Museum fur Tierkunde und Velkerkunde zur Dresden (A) 20: 1-335. Jiang, G.-F. and Z.-M. Zheng. 1998. Grasshoppers and Locusts from Guangxi. pp. 263-390. In, Guangxi. Normal University Press. Guilin, China. 390 pp. (in Chinese) Liang, G.-Q. 1995. A new genus and a new species of Scelimemnidae from Hainan,China (Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea). pp. 33-34. In, Lian Zhen-Min. Entomology Resesarch No.l. Shaanxi Normal University Press, Xi'an. China. 239 pp. (in Chinese) Liang, G.-Q. and G.-F. Jiang, 2004. Four new species of Tetrigoidea from Tianlin County, Guangxi, South China (Orthoptera). Acta Zootaxonomica 29( 1 ): 115-1 20. Liang, G.-Q. and Z.-M. Zheng. 1998. Orthoptera,Tetrigoidea. pp. 11-278. //;. Fauna Sinica. Insecta. 12. Science Press. Beijing, China. 290 pp. (in Chinese) Zheng, Z.-M. 1993. Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea. pp. 74-75, 80-81. In. Huang, Chun-Mei (Editor). Animals of Longqi Mountain. China Foresty Press. Beijing, China. 1105 pp. (in Chinese) Zheng, Z.-M. and G.-F. Jiang. 1994. A survey of Tetrigoidea from Huanjiang Area, North of Guangxi (Orthoptera). Journal of the Guangxi Academy of Sciences 10(1): 86-87. (in Chinese) Zheng, Z.-M. and G.-F. Jiang. 2002. One new genus and seven new species of Tetrigoidea from Southern Region of Guangxi. Zoological Research, 23(5): 409-416. (in Chinese) Zheng, Z.-M. and G.-F. Jiang. 2002. A study on the genus Macromotcttix Gunther (Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea: Metrodoridae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 24(4): 235-238. (in Chinese) Vol. 1 1 5. No. 4. September & October 2004 207 DESCRIPTION OF THE MALE OF VAEJOVIS CHISOS SISSOM (SCORPIONES, VAEJOVIDAE) FROM TEXAS, U.S.A., WITH COMMENTS ON MORPHOMETRIC AND MERISTIC VARIATION IN THE SPECIES' Lee R. Jarvis,2 W. David Sissom,2 and Richard IS. Henson1 ABSTRACT: The scorpion Vaejovis chisos Sissom, 1990, is redescribed, based on the collection of three males and a number of new females. The hemispermatophore is described and illustrated, facil- itating new comparisons with Vaejovis sprousei Sissom, 1990, its closest known relative. Differences in the hemispennatophore and male chela morphometrics clearly separate the two species. Variation in morphometric characters, metasomal setal counts, and pedipalp chela finger dentition is analyzed on the basis of this increased sample size. KEY WORDS: Scorpiones, Vaejovidae, Vaejovis chisos, morphometrics and meristic variation, Texas, U.S.A. The scorpion Vaejovis chisos Sissom, 1990, was described on the basis of an adult female and two juvenile specimens from the Chisos Mountains in Big Bend National Park in Texas, U.S.A. The species is closely related to V. dugesi Pocock, 1 902 and V. sprousei Sissom, 1 990, neither of which were previously known from adult males. Recently, a significant number of new specimens of V. chisos have been collected, including the first adult males, and it is the purpose here to describe the male and provide a better assessment of intraspecific variation in the species. The recent discovery of the male of V. sprousei (Gonzalez Santillan and Sissom, 2004) enables the two species to be more adequately compared. Measurements were taken using an Olympus Model VMZ dissecting micro- scope calibrated at 20X, and illustrations were made from the same microscope using an ocular grid. Landmarks for measurements are provided by Sissom et al. (1990). Hemispermatophores were dissected as described by Sissom et al. (1990); terminology for hemispermatophores follows Lamoral (1979) and Stock- well (1989); trichobothrial terminology follows Vachon (1974). GPS data for collecting sites were taken from TrailSmart Topo! GPS Software, Wildflower Productions 1999. Specimens are deposited at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, U.S.A. Vaejovis chisos Sissom, 1990 (Figs. 1-4) Vaejovis chisos Sissom 1990a: 48, 49-51, fig, 2A-G. Vaejovis chisos: Kovarik, 1998: 146; Sissom and Jackman, 1998: 151; Sissom, 2000: 540; Gonzalez Santillan et al., 2004: 9. 1 Received on July 27, 2004. Accepted on September 3, 2004. : Department of Life, Earth, & Environmental Sciences; West Texas A&M University; WTAMU Box 60808; Cayon, Texas 79016 U.S.A. E-mail (LRJ): leemaroonjarvis(«;hotmail.com. E-mail (WDS): dsissom@mail.wtamu.edu. ' Department of Biology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North C'arolina 28608 U.S.A. E-mail: hensonnrn(a conrad.appstate.edu. Mailed on February 3, 2005 208 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Type Data. Holotype female from Kibbee (or Kibbe) Spring, Chisos Basin, Chisos Mountains (1,828 m), Big Bend National Park, Brewster Co., Texas, 31 Aug 1983 (W. D. and J. C. Sissom). Deposited in the American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A. Distribution. Known only from the Chisos Mountains, Texas, U.S.A. Description of male. Adult 27.35 mm in length. Base coloration light yellow brown, with mod- erate fuscosity on dorsum, metasoma, pedipalps, and legs. Prosoma: Anterior carapacial margin emarginate; median notch weak, rounded; entire carapacial surface finely to coarsely granular. Mesosoma: Post-tergites densely coarsely granular. Genital operculum completely divided, with genital papillae protruding posteromedially. Pectinal tooth count 17-18. Pectinal teeth large, each with elongate patch of peg sensilla. Sternite VII with one pair of moderate, granular lateral carinae. Stigmata suboval to elongate suboval. Metasoma: Segments I-IV: Dorsolateral carinae strong, serrate on I-III, crenulate on IV. Lateral supramedian carinae moderate to strong, crenulate. Lateral inframedian carinae on I complete, gran- ulose; on II incomplete, moderate, irregularly granular on posterior third; on III incomplete, weak on posterior third; on IV absent. Ventrolateral carinae moderate, crenulate. Ventral submedian carinae on I weak, smooth to finely granular; on I I-IV, moderate, crenulate. Dorsal intercarinal spaces with scat- tered coarse granulation. Segment V: Dorsolateral carinae moderate, serrate proximally; weak, gran- ular distally. Lateromedian carinae present on anterior three-fourths of segment, moderate, granular. Ventrolateral and ventromedian carinae strong, serrate. Intercarinal spaces finely granular. Metasoma I-IV setal counts: dorsolaterals, 0/0:1/1:1/1:1/1; lateral supramedians, 0/0:1/1:1/1:2/2; lateral infra- medians, 1/1:0/0:0/0:0/0; ventrolaterals, 2/2:2/2:2/3:3/3; ventral submedians, 3/3:3/3:3/3:4/4. Ventral accessory setae lacking. Metasomal segment V: dorsolaterals, 3/3; lateromedians, 2/2; ventrolaterals, 4/4. Metasomal segment I length/width = 0.92; III length/width = 1.18; V length/width = 2.38. Telson: Dorsal surface flattened, smooth; ventral surface with irregular fine granulation and weak punctations, about 16 pairs of large setae. Hemispennatophore (Figs. 1-2): Moderately slender; distal lamina with a distal crest on dorsal surface and a single, blunt hook-like structure near the base. Capsular area with simple invaginated sperm duct floor (Stockwell 1989: 130) and without conspicuous lobes or processes. Sperm duct flanked along distal edge by a series of minute denticle-like structures. Chelicerae: Dentition typical of family (Vachon 1963; Sissom 1990b, fig. 3.1H); ventral margin of movable finger smooth (i.e., lacking denticles). Ventral aspect of cheliceral movable finger with distinct serrula. Pedipalps: Trichobothrial pattern Type C, orthobothriotaxic (completely illustrated for the holo- type female in Sissom 1990a: Fig. 2, A-F). Femur: Dorsointernal, ventrointernal, and dorsoexternal carinae strong, granulose; ventroexternal carinae vestigial, with irregular coarse granules along dis- tal part of segment. Internal face with about 18-20 large granules; dorsal face with scattered coarse granulation. Femur length/width ratio = 3.47. Patella: Dorsointernal and ventrointernal carinae strong, serrate. Dorsoexternal and ventroexternal carinae moderate, granular. Internal face with lon- gitudinal row of about 16 granules; external face with scattered coarse granulation; dorsal and ven- tral faces lacking noticeable granulation. Patella length/width ratio = 3.30. Chela (Figs. 3-4) with dor- sal marginal carinae weak, granular; dorsointernal carinae weak to moderate, with a few larger, rounded granules; other carinae essentially obsolete. Dentate margin of fixed finger with primary row divided into six subrows by five larger denticles; six inner accessory denticles; trichobothria ib and // at base of fixed finger. Dentate margin of movable finger with primary denticle row divided into six subrows by five larger denticles; apical subrow with only one denticle; seven inner accessory den- ticles. Terminal denticles of chela fingers somewhat enlarged and bladelike, overlapping consider- ably when chela closed; fingertips with small white distal caps. Chela length/width ratio = 4.73; mov- able finger length/chela width = 3.05; fixed finger length/carapace length = 0.89. Legs. Midventral spinule row of telotarsus terminating between two pairs of enlarged spinules. Measurements of male (mm): Total L, 27.35; carapace L, 3.20; mesosoma L, 8.65; metasoma L, 1 1.95; telson L, 3.55. Metasomal segments: I LAV, 1.65/1.80; II L/W, 1.85/1.70; III L/W, 1.95/1.65; IV L/W, 2.70/1.60; V L/W, 3.80/1.60. Telson: vesicle LAV/D, 2.25/1.30/1.00; aculeus L, 1.30. Pedi- palps: femur L/W, 2.95/0.85; patella L/W, 3.30/1.00; chela L/W/D, 5.20/1.10/1.20; fixed finger L, 2.85; movable finger L, 3.35; palm (underhand) L, 2.05. Vol. 115, No. 4, September & October 2004 209 Figs. 1-4. Morphology of the male of Vaejovis chisos: 1, dorsal aspect of right hemisper- matophore; 2, ventral aspect of right hemispermatophore; 3, external aspect of right pedi- palp chela; 4, dorsal aspect of right pedipalp chela. Variation. In addition to the three adult males examined, 30 new adult females were also available, providing the opportunity to better analyze variation in morphometric and meristic characters in the species. Variation in pectinal tooth counts for 3 males and 20 females was as follows: in males, there were 3 combs with 18 teeth and 3 combs with 19 teeth; in females there were 1 comb with 14 teeth, 1 1 combs with 15 teeth, 22 combs with 16 teeth, and 5 combs with 17 teeth. In the three females from the original type series, there were three combs with 16 teeth and three with 17. In females, the genital opercula have a membranous anterior connection, but in males they are com- pletely separated. Female pectinal teeth are shorter and peglike, in contrast to the larger "banana-shaped" teeth of the male. In addition, each pectinal tooth in the male bears an elongate patch of peg sensilla; these patches are smaller in the female. Setal counts for the metasoma exhibited little variation. The modal counts, based on the left metasomal I-IV carinae of 20 specimens, were as follows: dor- solaterals, 0:1:1:1; lateral supramedians, 0:1:1:1; lateral inframedians. 1:0:0:0; ventrolaterals, 2:3:3:3; and ventral submedians, 3:3:3:4. In one of the specimens, an unpaired accessory seta was found in the ventral intercarinal space on seg- ment III. For segment V, the modal counts for these specimens were: dorsolater- als, 3; lateromedians, 2; ventrolaterals, 4. Four of the specimens had small setal 2 1 0 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS pores distally above the ventrolateral carinae (not the larger distal setae on the anal carina where it meets the ventrolateral carina), but these were interpreted as microsetae and not counted. Variation was also noted in the number of inner accessory denticles flanking the chela finger denticle rows. These were counted on 20 specimens, and the counts are reported for both the left and right sides (L/R). For the chela fixed fin- ger, three specimens exhibited counts of 5/5, five had 5/6 or 6/5, and 12 had 6/6. In most cases (12/16 fingers), those with five granules were missing the basal granule of the series, but on four fingers, the distal denticle was missing. For the movable finger, two specimens had counts of 5/6, one had 7/5, 13 had 6/6, three had 6/7 or 7/6, and one had 7/7. This type of variation in inner accessory denti- cles is also seen in Vaejovis vorhiesi Stahnke, 1940 and related species from Arizona (Sissom, unpub. data). Variation in selected morphometric ratios of the three adult males is as follows (presented as mean ± sd [range]): chela length/width, 4.78 ±0.11 (4.71-4.90); pedipalp femur length/width, 3.57 ± 0.14 (3.47-3.73); pedipalp patella length/ width, 3.19 ± 0.12 (3.07-3.30); fixed finger length/carapace length, 0.86 ± 0.06 (0.79-0.91); metasomal segment III length/width, 1.23 ± 0.05 (1.18-1.28); meta- somal segment V length/width, 2.33 ± 0.05 (2.27-2.38); and carapace length/ metasomal segment V length, 0.88 ± 0.62 (0.84-0.91). For 20 females, the ratios were as follows: chela length/width, 4.80 ± 0.25 (4.39-5.25); pedipalp femur length/width, 3.44 ± 0.12 (3.17-3.57); pedipalp patella length/width, 3.08 ± 0.07 (2.96-3.20); fixed finger length/carapace length, 0.86 ± 0.02 (0.81-0.90); meta- somal segment III length/width, 1.09 ± 0.03 (1.05-1.13); metasomal segment V length/width, 2.21 ± 0.05 (2.14-2.32); and carapace length/metasomal segment V length, 0.97 ±0.02 (0.93-1. 10). Comments. The morphometric ratios used earlier to separate females of V. chisos from V. sprousei (Sissom 1990a) are still largely valid, except that there is very slight overlap between the lower end of the ranges in V. chisos and the upper end of the ranges in V. sprousei. The differences in the male hemispermatophore (see below) and chela morphometrics (slender in V. chisos and slightly inflated in V. sprousei) provide additional characters to separate the two species. Within the mexicanus group, the hemispermatophores of V. chisos and V. sprousei are quite similar in structure. Both have a crest on the distal lamina, a single blunt hook at the base of the blade on the dorsal aspect, and a series of den- ticles along the invaginated floor of the sperm duct. However, the hemisper- matophore of V. chisos is much more slender than that of V. sprousei (see Gon- zalez Santillan and Sissom, 2004). Further, the denticles along the sperm duct are very distinct in V. sprousei but minute and scarcely discernible in V. chisos. Specimens were collected in thickly wooded areas with substantial ground cover (i.e. decayed leaves, plant cover), mainly from the banks and slopes asso- ciated with trail cuts. These areas were moister than adjoining slopes where the species was not found. Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 211 Specimens Examined. USA: Texas: Brewster Co.: Big Bend National Park, near upper end of Pine Canyon, 27 May 1992 (R. Henson, J. Davidovvski, T. Weseman), 3 females, 1 male (ASU); Big Bend National Park, from waterfall in Pine Canyon to edge of wooded area (29°15'44" N: 103 = 15'15"W to 29J16'01"N: 103°14'44"W), 27 May 1992 (R. Henson, T. Weseman, }. Davidowski), 1 male (ASU); Big Bend National Park, Upper Pine Canyon Trail, 23 May 2003 (R. Henson, P. Car- michael, N. Lopez, A. Anderson), 16 females, 1 male (ASU); 29 May 2003, 1 female, 6 juvs. (ASU); Big Bend National Park, Kibbee Spring Trail (29 16'24"N: 103°17'06"W to 29°16'25"N: 103°17'13"W), 22 May 1992 (R. N. Henson, T. Weseman, J. Davidowski), 1 female (ASU); Big Bend National Park, wooded area of Pine Canyon Trail, 27 May 2002 (R. N. Henson, T. Weseman, J. Davidowski), 9 females, 1 juvenile male (ASU). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the National Park Service for providing collecting permits (BIBE-92-014 and BIBE-2003-0024) for research in the park and to Mike Fleming and Vidal Davila of Big Bend National Park for facilitating the permit process. We also thank Brent E. Hendrixson and Kari J. Me West for reviewing the manuscript. Page charges were paid by the Department of Life, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, West Texas A&M University, and reprint costs by the Department of Biology, Appalachian State University. LITERATURE CITED Gonzalez Santillan, E., W. D. Sissom, and T. M. Perez. 2004. Description of the male of Vaejovis sprousei Sissom, 1990 (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae). Texas Memorial Museum. Speleological Mono- graphs 6: 9-12. Kovafik, F. 1998. Stiri (Scorpions). Madagaskar, Jilhava. 175 pp. (in Czech). Lamoral, B. H. 1979. The scorpions of Namibia (Arachnida: Scorpionida). Annals of the Natal Museum 23(3): 497-784. Sissom, W. D. 1990a. Systematics of Vaejovis dugesi, new status Pocock, with descriptions of two new related species (Scorpiones, Vaejovidae). Southwestern Naturalist 35(1): 47-53. Sissom, W. D. 1990b. Systematics, biogeography and paleontology. Chapter 3. pp. 64-160. In, G. A. Polis (Editor). Biology of Scorpions. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California, U.S.A. 587 pp. Sissom, W. D., G. A. Polis, and D. D. Watt. 1990. Laboratory and field methods. Chapter 12. Pp. 445-461. //;. G. A. Polis (Ed.). The Biology of Scorpions. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California, U.S.A. 587 pp. Sissom, W. D. and .1. .lackman. 1998. Order Scorpiones - Scorpions, pp. 148-155. //;. J. Jackman. A Field Guide to Spiders and Scorpions of Texas. Texas Monthly Field Guide Series. Gulf Pub- lishing Company. Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Sissom, W. D. 2000. Family Vaejovidae Thorell. 1876. Pp. 503-553. In. Fet. V, W. D. Sissom. G. Lowe, and M. Braunwalder. Catalog of the scorpions of the \\orld ( 1758-1997). Entomological Society. New York, NY, U.S.A. 690 pp. Stockwell, S. A. 1989. Review of the phylogeny and higher classification of scorpions (Cheli- cerata). Ph.D. Dissertation (Entomology). University of California. Berkeley, C'A, U.S.A. 413 pp. TrailSmart Topo! 1999. GPS Software. Wildflower Productions, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. Vachon, M. 1963. De I'utilite, en systematique. d'une nomenclature des dents de cheliceres chez les Scorpions. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoirc Naturelle. Paris (2) 35(2): 161-166. THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Membership coincides with the calendar year running from January 1 to December 31. If joining midyear, back issues will be mailed. Unless requested otherwise, membership application received after October 1 will be credited to the following year. 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Parker,' D. M. Lehmkuhl,4 and McCafferty5 ABSTRACT: Twenty-four species of Ephemeroptera are added to the known Ephemeroptera fauna of Saskatchewan based on the report of new data. Five species previously recorded from Saskatche- wan were based on misidentifications or unsubstantiated data. With the new additions and emenda- tions, 106 species of mayflies are known from Saskatchewan. Significant range extensions are report- ed for Pluiulitus gloveri, Procloeon viridoculare, and Serratella serrata. KEY WORDS: Ephemeroptera, Saskatchewan (Canada), new records, emendations McCafferty and Randolph (1998) accounted for 83 mayfly species from Sas- katchewan in their faunistic review of Canadian Ephemeroptera. Since then another three nominal species were reported by Sun et al. (2002), Randolph et al. (2002), and McCafferty et al. (2004), and two previously reported species have been removed from the list of species known from Saskatchewan as a result of synonymies (McCafferty 2001, Wang and McCafferty 2004). It should also be noted that Arthroplea bipunctata (McDunnough), Ecdyonurus simplicioides (McDunnough), and Asioplax edmundsi (Allen) [reported as Tricorythodes cor- pulentus Kilgore and Allen] had been correctly reported from Saskatchewan (Mason and Lehmkuhl 1983, Whiting and Sheard 1990) but were not listed by McCafferty and Randolph (1998). A further study of the Saskatchewan fauna, as reported here and based primarily on the study of old and new collections, has generated numerous new provincial records and allowed corrections to certain previous records. The Saskatchewan record of Procloeon rivulare (Traver) by Mason and Lehmkuhl (1983) cannot be confirmed and is highly unlikely, the rec- ords of Heptagenia solitaria McDunnough and Ephemerella aurivillii (Bengts- son) by Lehmkuhl (1976) are referable to H. pulla (Clemens) and E. needhami McDunnough respectively, and a record of Tortopus primus (McDunnough) by Lehmkuhl (1976) was only a probable record and has not yet been substantiated. Additionally, the material reported as Baetisca obesa (Say) by Lehmkuhl (1972) is referable to B. laurentina McDunnough. Therefore, H. solitaria. P. rivulare, E. aurivillii, T. primus, and B. obesa should be deleted from the Saskatchewan list of mayflies. The following species should be added to the Saskatchewan list of mayflies based on new data: Ameletus siibnotatus, Baetis bicaitdatus, B. 1 Submitted April 3, 2003. Accepted September 29, 2004. -' Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 U.S.A. E-mail: jmw975(« yahoo.com. 1 Aquatax Consulting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. E-mail: dale.parker@sasktel.net 'Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5E2 Canada. E-mail: Ichmkuhlw duke.usaskca. 'Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 U.S.A. E-mail: pat_mccaffertyta entm.purdue.edu. Mailed on February 3, 2005 2 1 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS bnndyae, B. intercalates, Centroptihim album, C. conturbatum, Plauditus cestus, P. gloveri, Procloeon ingens, P. mendax, P. rufostrigatum, P. simplex, P. viri- doculare, Baelisca columbiana, Brachycercus edmundsi, Caenis hilaris, Ewylo- phella bicolor, Serratella setrata, S. tibialis, Leucrocuta maculipennis, Sip/ilop- lecton basale, and Parameletus chelifer. Based on the additions, corrections, and deletions of Saskatchewan mayflies given or revised herein, there are currently 106 species accounted for in Saskatchewan. Some further modification will be apparent in the treatment of new data given below. Data presented herein are given alphabetically under applicable families. Unless indicated otherwise, all material examined are larvae and all collections were made by JMW. Vouchers of material examined are located in the collection of JMW, unless otherwise indicated. Ameletidae Ameletus subnotatus Eaton Material Examined: Pasquia R. at Hwy 9, 53.253°N 102.114°W, 25-IV-1980 ER Whiting; Weyakwin R. at Hwy 2, 54.434°N 105.820°W, 27-IX-1997; McVey Cr. at Hwy 55, 53.426°N 1 02.682° W, 24-1 V- 1980 ER Whiting. Baetidae Baetis bicaudatus Dodds Larvae were found in collections from north of Lake Athabasca, in extreme northwestern Saskatchewan. Material Examined: Shaft Cr., 59.570°N 1 08.680° W, 26- VI- 1986 J Ciberowski & ER Whiting; Berth Cr., 59.567°N 108.533°W, 26-VI-1986 J Ciberowski & ER Whiting; Crackingstone R. at Laredo Rd. Brg., 59.500°N 109.983°W, 29-VI-1986 J Ciberowski & ER Whiting. Baetis bundyae Lehmkuhl In Saskatchewan, this species was found in slow-flowing streams in the north- western portion of the province. Material Examined: Shaft Cr., 59.570°N 1 08.680° W, 26-VI-1986 J Ciberowski & ER Whiting; Berth Cr., 59.567'N 1 08.533° W, 26-VI-1986 J Ciberowski & ER Whiting; Stream at Km 75 of Hwy 955, 56.989°N 109.034°W, 30-VI-2000 (+ reared adult), 9-V1-2001 JMW & M Pollock; Stream on Hwy 955, 57.075°N 109.07FW, 30-VI-2000. Baetis intercalaris McDunnough This species was collected only in medium and large streams along the Manitoba Escarpment and the Cypress Hills. Material Examined: Fir R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52. 82 IN 102.388°W, 23-VI1-2001; Red Deer R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52.814°N 102. 373° W, 19-VII-2000; Frenchman R. at Rav- enscrag, 49.490°N 109.087°W, 23-VI-2000; Carrot R. at Hwy 55, 53.365"N 103.263°W, 23-VI1-2001. Centroptihim album McDunnough In Saskatchewan, this species is widespread throughout the boreal forest. Material Examined: Broad Cr. at Hwy 904, 54.840°N 108.408 W, 10-VI-2001 JMW & M Pol- lock, l-VII-2000; Green Bush Cr. at Hwy 3, 52.835°N 102.701°W, 19-VII-2000; Low Cr. at Hwy 904, 54.824 N 108.478 W, l-VII-2000; Otosquen Cr. at Hwy 9, 53.301 'N 102.158°W, 9-VII-2001; Overflowing R. at Hwy 9, 53.026"N 102.322°W, 19-VII-2000; Stream at Km 170 of Hwy 903, 55.432°N 108.769°W, 10-VI-2001 JMW & M Pollock; Umpherville R. at Hwy 905, 58.093°N 103.792°W, 8-VIII-2000; Weyakwin R. at Hwy 2, 54.434°N 105.820°W, 7-VII-2000. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 4. September & October 2004 215 Centroptilum conterbatum McDunnough Material Examined: Battle Cr. at Ranger Station, West Block of Cypress Hills Provincial Park, 49.600"N 109.923°W, 25-VI-2000, 30-VII-2000; Low Cr. at Hwy 904, 54.825°N 108.78°W, 1-VII- 2000; Pasquia R. at Hwy 9, 53.250 N 102.110 W, 20-VII-2000; Stream on Hwy 955, 57.075°N 1 09.07° W, 30-VI-2000. Plauditus cestus (Provonsha and McCafferty) Larvae of this species were collected from pea-sized gravel in medium-gradi- ent streams draining the Manitoba Escarpment. Material Examined: Green Bush Cr. at Hwy 3, 52.835°N 102.701 W,17-VI1-1999, 19-VII-2000; Red Deer R. at Rendek Elm Forest, 52.910°N 102.030'W, 24-V-2001; Torch R. at Hwy 35. 53.535°N 1 04.057° W, 22-VII-1986 ER Whiting, 2-V1I-1986 V Keeler. Plauditus gloveri McCafferty and Waltz Several larvae were collected from streams along the Manitoba Escarpment. This report represents a considerable northwestern range extension. Material Examined: Green Bush Cr. at Hwy 3, 52.835°N 1 02.70 1°W, 19-VII-2000; McVey Cr. at Hwy 55, 53.426°N 102.682°W, 20-VII-2000; Stream on Hwy 9, S of Hudson Bay, 52.668°N 102.372°W, 24-V-2001; Whitefox R. at Hwy 35, 53.517°N 104.057°W, 2-VIM986 ER Whiting. Procloeon ingens (McDunnough) A single larva was found in a pool of a stream along the Manitoba Escarpment. Material Examined: Overflowing R. at Hwy 9, 53.026°N 102.322°W, 19-VII-2000. Procloeon mendax (Walsh) A single larva of this species was found in a small stream in northern Saskatchewan. Material Examined: Stream at Km 105 of Hwy 905, 57.084°N 103.773°W, 8-VIII-2000. Procloeon rufostrigatum (McDunnough) Several larvae were collected from streams along the Manitoba Escarpment. Material Examined: Carrot R. at Hwy 55, 53.365°N 1 03.263° W, 23-VII-2001; Fir R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52.82TN 102.388°W, 23-VII-2001; Green Bush Cr. at Hwy 3, 52.835°N 102.701 °W, 19-VII-2000; Red Deer R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52.814°N 102.373°W, 19-VII- 2000; Red Deer R. at Rendek Elm Forest, 52.9 10°N 1 02.030° W, 9-VII-2001. Procloeon simplex (McDunnough) Larvae were collected from submerged vegetation in depositional areas of streams throughout western and central Saskatchewan. Material Examined: Battle Cr. at Ranger Station, West Block of Cypress Hills Provincial Park. 49.600°N 109.923°W, 30-V1I-2000; Beaver R. at Hwy 4, 54.295°N 108.601°W, l-VII-2000; French- man R. at Ravenscrag, 49.490°N 1()9.087°W, 23-VI-2000, 29-VI1-2000, 30-VII-1999; Overflowing R. at Hwy 9, 53.026°N 102.322°W, 19-VI1-2000; Stream on Hwy 965, 55.1 15 N 107.914 W, 30-VI- 2000; Waskcsiu R. at Hwy 2, 54.076°N 105.989°W, 6-VII-2000. Procloeon viridoculare Berner Saskatchewan represents the northernmost record of this species. In Saskatch- ewan, larvae were found in large parkland rivers and in streams along the 2 1 6 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Manitoba Escarpment. All larvae were collected in areas with silt-covered, medi- um sized cobbles. Material Examined: Battle R. at Hwy 21, l-VII-2000; Fir R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52.82TN 102.388°W, 23-VII-2001 (+ reared adult); North Saskatchewan R. at Borden Bridge, 52.37TN 107.145°W, 14-VII-1999, 2-X-1999. Baetiscidae Baetisca columbiana Edmunds Webb and McCafferty (2003) recently confirmed the validity of this species and reported it from Alberta. Material Examined: Umpherville R. at Hwy 905, 58.093°N 103. 792° W, 8-VIII-2000. Baetisca laurentina McDunnough Re-examination of material reported as B. obesa from Saskatchewan by Lehmkuhl (1972) showed they were referable to B. laurentina. This species is found throughout the boreal forest. Material Examined: Fir R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52.82TN 102.388°W, 23-VII-2001; Giekie R. 15km upstream of Hwy 905, 57.600°N 104.133°W, 12-VI-1980 ER Whiting; Hudson Bay (town), 1958, no collector indicated (deposited in museum of Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Saskatoon SK); McFarlane R., 59.200°N 1 07.91 T W, 20-VI-1980 J Ciberowski; Red Deer R. at Ren- dek Elm Forest, 52.9 10°N 102.030°W, 24-V-2001 (+ reared adults), 8-V-2001 JMW & DW Parker (+ reared adults); Stream on Hwy 9 S of Hudson Bay, 52.668'N 102.372°W, 24-V-2001; Torch R. at Hwy 35, 53.535°N 104.057°W, 27-V-1986 ER Whiting; Torch R. N of Hwy 35, 53.539°N 104.069°W, 9-VII-2001, 8-V-2001 JMW & DW Parker, 25-V-2000 JMW & DW Parker (+ reared adults). Caenidae Brachycercus edmundsi Soldan This species has been found in small boreal streams and the Saskatchewan R. System. In the South Saskatchewan R., B. edmundsi is only found downstream of Gardiner Dam, a hypolimnetic-release hydroelectric dam. Upstream of the dam and its associated impoundment, B. edmundsi is replaced by B. prudens (Me Dunnough). Material Examined: Arsenault R. at Hwy 903, 55.113°N 108.378°W, 10-VI-2001 JMW & M Pollock; Battle R. at Hwy 21, 52.84 1°N 1 09.343° W, l-VII-2000 (adults); Cr. at Km 65 of Hwy 9, 53.370°N 102.088°W, 23-VII-2001; Green Bush Cr. at Hwy 3, 52.835°N 102.701 W, 17-VII-1999; MacLennan R. at Hwy 2, 54.200°N 1 05.933° W, 16-VI-1971 DH Smith; North Saskatchewan R. at Cecil Ferry, 53.229°N 105.5 114°W, ll-VI-1971 DM Lehmkuhl (+ reared adults), 6-VI-2000; Otos- quen Cr. at Hwy 9, 53.301 °N 102. 158° W, 24-VII-1999, 9-VII-2001; South Saskatchewan R. at Queen Elizabeth Power Station, 52.130°N 106.650°W, 10-VII-1999 (+ reared adults), 2-VI-2000. Caenis hilaris (Say) This species occurs in medium-sized rivers in eastern Saskatchewan. Saskat- chewan extends its known range westward. Material Examined: Fir R. at Hudson Bay Regional Park, 52. 82 IN 102.388°W, 23-VII-2001; Montreal R. at Hwy 2, 55.038°N 105.3ir\V, 8-VIII-2000; Red Deer R. at Rendek Elm Forest, 52.910°N 102.030°W, 8-VII-2001 (adults); Torch R. at Hwy 35, 53.535°N 104.057°W, 22-VII-I986 ER Whiting; Torch R. N of Hwy 35, 53.539°N 104.069°W, 22-VII-2001, 9-VII-2001; Whitefox R. at Hwy 35, 53.3 17°N 104.057°W, 2-VII-1986 V Keeler. Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 Ephemerellidae Ephemerella needhami McDunnough All previous reports of E. aurivillii (Lehmkuhl 1976) were found to be refer- able to E. needhami. This species is common in fast-flowing streams throughout the boreal forest. Material Examined: Crackingstone R. at Laredo Rd. Brg., 8km SW of Uranium City, 59.500°N 108.700°W, 29-VI-1986 J Ciberowski & ER Whiting; Giekie R. 15km upstream of Hwy 905, 57.600°N 104.133°W, 1 2-VI-l 980 ER Whiting; Green Bush Cr. at Hwy 3, 52. 835 °N 102.701°W, 19- VII-2000 (+ reared adult); Meeyomoot R. at Hwy 165, 54.768°N 105.158°W, 17-VI-1971 DH Smith, 13-VI-2000; Mistohay R. at Hwy 104, 9- VI I- 1974 L Dosdall (adult); Overflowing R. at Hwy 9, 53.026°N 102.322°W, 20-V-1980 ER Whiting; Red Deer R. at Rendek Elm Forest, 52.910°N 1 02.030° W, 24-V-2001; River 10km W of Uranium City, 59.567°N 108.783°W, 21 -VI- 1986 L Dos- dall & DW Parker; Stream at Km 165 of Hwy 903, 55.4 15°N 1 08.71 8° W, 10-VI-2001 JMW & M Pollock; Torch R. at Hwy 35, 53.535°N 104.057°W, 27-V-1986 ER Whiting, 2-VI1-1986 V Keeler, 8-VII-1986 V Keeler; Torch R. N of Hwy 35, 53.539°N 104.069°W, 8-V-2001 JMW & DW Parker, 25-V-2000 JMW & DW Parker. Eurylophella bicolor (Clemens) Material Examined: Giekie R. 15km upstream of Hwy 905, 57.600 N 104.133°W, 12-VI-1980 ER Whiting; Red Deer R. at Rendek Elm Forest, 52.9 10°N 1 02.030° W, 8-V-2001 JMW & DW Parker, 24-V-2001; Stream on Hwy 905, 57.252°N 103.998°W, 8-VIII-2000; Torch R. at Hwy 35, 53.535°N 104.057°W, 2-VII-1986 V Keeler, 27-V-1986 ER Whiting; Torch R. N of Hwy 35, 53.539°N 1 04.069° W, 25-V-2001 JMW & DW Parker. Serratella serrata (Morgan) In Saskatchewan, this was collected from a small creek with large boulders in the northeastern portion of the province. Material Examined: Montreal R. at Station 2. 25-VII-1960 Cushing; Umpherville R. at Hwy 905, 58.093°N 103.792°W, 8-VIII-2000. Serratella tibialis (McDunnough) Material Examined: Broad Cr. at Hwy 904, 54.840°N 108.408°W. 9-VII-1974 L Dosdall (+ adults); Low Cr. at Hwy 904, 54.824°N 1 08.478° W, l-VII-2000. Heptageniidae Leucrocuta maculipennis (Walsh) In Saskatchewan, this species is exclusively found in portions of the South Saskatchewan River that have not been altered by hydroelectric dams. Interest- ingly, Whiting and Sheard (1990) did not record its presence in the South Sas- katchewan R., although it is now one of the most abundant heptageniids there. Material Examined: South Saskatchewan R. at Lemsford Ferry, 51.030°N 109.120'W, 30-YI1- 2000, I6-IX-2000 (+- reared adults). 6-VI-2001. 3-VII-2001 (+ reared adults), 20-VIII-2001. Metretopodidae Siphloplecton hasale (Walker) This species is found in northern lakes, the Saskatchewan R. and its larger tributaries (except the South Saskatchewan R.), and medium-sized boreal rivers. 2 1 8 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Material Examined: Courtney Lake at Hwy 905, 57.386°N 103.979°W, 13-VI-2000; Giekie R. 15 Km upstream of Hwy 905, 57.600°N 104.133°W 13-V1-1982 ER Whiting (adult); Giekie R. at Hwy 905, 57.703°N 103.951°W, 12-VI-2000; McDougal Cr. at Hwy 120, 54. 103° N 104.537°W, 16- Vl-1980 ER Whiting (adult); North Saskatchewan R. at Cecil Ferry, 53.229°N 105.5114°W, 26-IV- 1980 ER Whiting; Saskatchewan R. at Squaw Rapids Powerhouse Boat Ramp, 53.683°N 103.333°W, 14- V- 1980 PG Mason (adults); Torch R. N of Hwy 35, 53.539°N 1 04.069° W, 25-V-2000 JMW & DW Parker (adults); Wathaman R. at Hwy 905, 57.078°N 103. 742° W, 17-VI-1982 ER Whiting (adult). Siphlonuridae Parameletm chelifer Bengtsson Material Examined: McFarlane R., 59.150CN 107.900°W, 18-VI-1980 J Ciberowski (adult). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS M. Pollock assisted J.M. Webb in the field and J. Guenther provided valuable comments on the manuscript. This research was funded in part by a grant to DML and JMW from the Northern Scientific Training Program and by a grant to JMW from Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management. LITERATURE CITED Lehmkuhl, D. M. 1972. Baetisca (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae) from the western interior of Canada with notes on the life cycle. Canadian Journal of Zoology 50: 1015-1017. Lehmkuhl, D. M. 1976. Mayflies. Blue Jay 34: 70-81. Mason, P. G. and D. M. Lehmkuhl. 1983. Effects of the Squaw Rapids hydroelectric development on Saskatchewan River Chironomidae (Diptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of America 34: 187-210. McCafferty, W. P. 2001. Commentary on Ametmpus species (Ephemeroptera: Ametropodidae) in North America. Great Lakes Entomologist 34: 1-6. McCafferty, W. P. and R. P. Randolph. 1998. Canada mayflies: a faunistic compendium. Proceed- ings of the Entomological Society of Ontario 129: 47-97. McCafferty, W. P., M. D. Meyer, J. M. Webb, and L. M. Jacobus. 2004. New state and provin- cial records for North American small minnow mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Entomo- logical News 115(2): 93-100. Randolph, R. P., D. Zaranko, W. P. McCafferty, L. M. Jacobus, and J. M. Webb. 2002. New Canadian records of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) and adjustments to North American Cloeon. Entomological News 113: 306-309. Sun, L., J. M. Webb, and W. P. McCafferty. 2002. Cercohrachys cree: a new species (Ephemer- optera: Caenidae) from western North America. Entomological News 113: 80-86. Wang, T.-Q. and W. P. McCafferty. 2004. Heptageniidae of the World. Part I: Phylogenetic Higher Classification. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 130: 1 1-45. Webb, J. M. and W. P. McCafferty. 2003. New records of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from Alberta, Canada. Entomological News 114: 230-232. Whiting, E R. and J. Sheard. 1990. Patterns in the distribution of heptageniid (Ephemeroptera) species in Saskatchewan, Canada. Freshwater Biology 24: 143-157. Vol. 115. No. 4, September & October 2004 219 NEW SPECIES OF HERCOSTOMUS FROM TAIWAN (DIPTERA: DOLICHOPODIDAE)1 Lili Zhang,-1 Ding Vang,2-' and Kazuhiro Masunaga4 ABSTRACT: Three species of Hercostomus from Taiwan are described as new to science: Hercos- tomus chiaiensis sp. nov., H. hualienensis sp. nov., and H. taitungensis sp. nov. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Hercostomus, Taiwan, new species The genus Hercostomus is one of the most diverse genera in the Dolichopo- didae with about 500 known species worldwide. Seventeen species of Hercostomus from Taiwan were recorded in the catalogue of Dyte (1975). With the work of Wei (1997), Yang (1996, 1997a-b), Yang and Grootaert (1999), Yang and Saigusa (1999, 2000, 2001a-d, 2002), Yang and Yang (1995), Yang, Yang and Li (1998), Zhang and Yang (2003a-c), the number of species of Hercostomus known from continental China soared from 11 species (Dyte 1975, Negrobov 1991) to 235 species. The species of Hercostomus from Taiwan remains poorly known. Taiwan belongs to the Oriental Realm with a subtropical and tropical cli- mate. The fauna of Dolichopodidae of Taiwan is definitely rich and unique. In this paper, three species of Hercostomus, which belong to the H. hamatus- group, from Taiwan are described as new to science, based on the specimens col- lected by Dr. Ignac Sivec and Dr. Bogdan Horvat. The hamatus-group is charac- terized by the black antenna, postocular bristles entirely black, hind femur with black tip, R4+5 and M distinctly convergent apically, male cercus rather small, subtriangular and usually with several finger-like marginal processes bearing bristles, and hypandrium irregularly furcated (Wei, 1997). The type specimens are deposited in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana. The following abbreviations are used: acr - acrostichal setae, ad - anterodor- sal setae, av - anteroventral setae, dc - dorsocentral setae, LI - fore leg, LII - mid leg, LIII - hind leg, pd - posterodorsal setae, pv - posteroventral setae, v - ventral setae. Hercostomus (Hercostomus) chiaiensis, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-5) Diagnosis: First flagellomere nearly as long as wide; arista subapical. LI with 3rd to 5th tarsomeres flattened and black except 5th tarsomere white with black 1 Submitted on September 11, 2004. Accepted on September 20, 2004. : Department of Hntomology, China Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road. Beijing 100094, China. E-mail (LZ): tolily< Taiwan: Chiai county, 1160 m, 23°29'22"N, 120041'38"E, 1996. X. 21, Ignac Sivec; icf, Taiwan: Taipei county, S Vulai, 330 m, 24°50'03"N, 121°31'56"E, 1996. III. 15, Ignac Sivec and Bogdan Horvat; lcf299. Taiwan: Hualien county, 200 m, 1996. IV. 14, Ignac Sivec and Bogdan Horvat. Distribution: Taiwan (Taitung, Chiai, Taipei, Hualien). Etymology: The specific name refers to the type locality Taiwan, Taitung county. Remarks: The new species is somewhat similar to H. dissectus Yang and Sai- gusa in having leg I with 3rd and 4th tarsomeres black and 5th tarsomere white, and the hypandrium bearing a strong curved lateral spine near the base, but may be separated from the latter by the arista being subapical. In H. dissectus, the arista is dorsal (Yang and Saigusa, 1999). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are very grateful to Dr. Ignac Sivec and Bogdan Horvat (Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana) for kindly providing the specimens. This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30225009). LITERATURE CITED Dyte, D. E. 1975. Family Dolichopodidae. In, Delfinado, M. D. and D. E. Hardy (Editors). A Cata- log of the Diptera of the Oriental region 2: 212-258. University Press of Hawaii. Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A. 459 pp. Negrobov, O. P. 1991. Family Dolichopodidae. pp. 11-139. //;, Soos, A. and Papp, L. (Editors). Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 7. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary. 291 pp. Wei, L. 1997. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Southwest China II. A study of the genus Hercos- tnnnis Loew, 1857. Journal of Guizhou Agricultural College 16(2):36-50. Yang, D. 1996. New species of Hercostomus and Lndovicius from North China (Diptera: Doli- chopodidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 43(2):235-244. Yang, D. 1997a. New species of Amblypsilopus and Hercostomus from China (Diptera: Doli- chopodidae). Bulletin de I'lnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 67:131-140. Yang, D. 1997b. Five new Species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Longwang Mountain. Zhe- jiang. Southeastern China. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 44(2): 147-153. Yang, D. and P. Grootaert. 1999. Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from Xishuangbanna (China, Yunnan province): the Dolichopodinae and the genus Chaetogonoptemn (I). Bulletin de I'lnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 69:251-277. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 1999. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VI): Diptera from Emei Mountain (I). Bulletin de I'lnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Bel- gique, Entomologie 69:233-250. Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 225 Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2000. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VII): Diptera from Emei Mountain (2). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Bel- gique, Entomologie 70:219-242. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2001a. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (VIII). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 71 : 155-164. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2001b. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (IX). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 71:165-188. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 200 Ic. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (X). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 71:189- 236. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2001d. New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (XI). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 71:237-256. Yang, D. and T. Saigusa. 2002. The species of Hercostomus from the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi, China. (Diptera, Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 49(1): 61-88. Yang, D. and C. K. Yang. 1995. Diptera: Dolichopodidae. In, Wu, H. (Editor). Insects of Baishanzu Mountain. Eastern China, pp. 510-519. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, China. 586 pp. Yang, D, C. K. Yang, and Li Z. 1998. Three new species of Dolichopodidae from Henan. //;, Shen. X, C and Shi, Z. Y (Editors). The Fauna and Taxonomy of Insects in Henan Volume 2. pp. 81-84. China Agricultural Scientech Press. Beijing, China. 368 pp. Zhang, L. L and D. Yang. 2003a. Notes on the genus Hercostomus Loew, 1857 from Guangxi, China (Diptera: Empidoidea: Dolichopodidae). Annales Zoologici 53(4): 657-661. Zhang, L. L and D. Yang. 2003b. New species of Chrysotimus and Hercostomus from Beijing (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 73: 189- 194. Zhang, L. L and D. Yang. 2003c. Notes on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Guangdong, China. Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 71:181-188. 226 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS A NEW SPECIES OF AMPHINEMURA (PLECOPTERA: NEMOURIDAE) FROM CHINA1 Ding Yang,2 -' Weihai Li,2 and Fang Zhir ABSTRACT: Amphinemura guangdongensis sp. n., a new species of the family Nemouridae is des- cribed from China, and its relationships are discussed on the Chinese species. KEY WORDS: Plecoptera, Nemouridae, Amphinemura, new species, China The genus Amphinemura is distributed in the Holarctic and Oriental regions (Baumann, 1975). It currently contains about 120 species worldwide, including 37 from China. The species of Amphinemura from China were studied mainly by Wu (1938, 1962, 1973) and Zhu and Yang (2002, 2003). The present paper deals with one new species of the genus Amphinemura from China. The material studied is deposited in the Insect Collection of China Agri- cultural University, Beijing, and all of the specimens are preserved in 75 percent alcohol. The morphological terminology generally follows that of Baumann (1975). Amphinemura guangdongensis Yang, Li and Zhu, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-5) Diagnosis: Epiproct with a pair of large anterolateral spines that curved out- ward and a sharp apical process extended from its ventral sclerite. Median lobe of paraproct furcated into a slender projection and wide setous hump. Description: Male: Body length 7.0-8.5 mm; forewing length 9.4-9.6 mm, hindwing length 7.8- 8.1 mm. Head dark brown; antennae dark brown; mouthparts dark brown. Thorax dark brown; pronotum uniformly dark brown. Wings hyaline, tinged with grayish. Legs brown, except femora brownish yel- low to dark brownish yellow and tibiae with dark brown basal portion. Abdomen brownish; hypopy- gium including cerci dark brown; hairs on abdomen mostly pale. Terminalia (Figs. 1-5): Tergite 9 weakly sclerotized, rather constricted medially, with large trian- gular mid-anterior incision and weak mid-posterior incision, and with two groups of several black tiny spines at mid-posterior margin. Stemite 9 with slender vesicle; subgenital plate rather wide basal ly, then distinctly tapering toward tip. Tergite 10 weakly sclerotized except basal margin dis- tinctly sclerotized, with a rather large and shallow median concavity bearing several tiny black spines closely located along anterolateral margin and a large black spine with 3 tiny spines at mid-lateral margin. Cercus slightly sclerotized, long and nearly cylindrical. Epiproct with a pair of large antero- lateral spines that curved outward and a sharp apical process extended from its ventral sclerite. Paraproct divided into three lobes: outer lobe distinctly sclerotized, much shorter than median lobe, distinctly curved and finger-like; median lobe weakly sclerotized, well developed, apically distinct- ly sclerotized, strongly curved upward and forward, with rather wide and furcated tip, and with one 1 Received on July 1, 2004. Accepted on July 12, 2004. : Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Beijing 100094, China. E-mail: yangdingtocau. edu.cn or dyangcau(« yahoo.com.cn. ' Key Lab of Insect Evolution & Environmental Changes, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China. Mailed on February 3, 2005 Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 227 Figures 1-5. Amphinemura guangdongensis sp nov., male. 1, genitalia, dorsal view; 2 genitalia, ventral view; 3, epiproct, posterior view; 4, epiproct, lateral view; 5, para- proct. 228 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS row of black tiny spines along dorsal ridge; inner lobe weakly sclerotized, nearly as long as outer lobe, more or less straight, with acute tip. Female: Unknown. Type Data: Holotype, male, Guangdong, Ruyuan, Nanling National Natural Reserve, 2003. III. 25, Ding Yang. Paratypes: 1 male, Guangdong, Yingde, Shimentai National Forest Garden, 2003. III. 29, Ding Yang; 9 males, Zhejiang, Qingyuan, Baishanzu National Nature Reserve (1300 m), 1994. IV. 18, Hong Wu. Etymology: The species is named after its type locality, Guangdong. DISCUSSION The new species have distinctively sclerotized processes on the epiproct. This feature can be found also in some Chinese species, e.g., A. sinensis (Wu, 1926), A. chid (Wu, \935),A.fleurdelia (Wu, 1949), and A trifurcata (Wu, 1949). They would be related to each other, but A. fleurdelia can be separated from the other four species in having the slender ventral sclerite on epiproct. The new species is closely related to A. sinensis in the ventral sclerite on epiproct projected forward apically in the lateral view while the ventral sclerite on epiproct is truncate api- cally in the lateral view in A trifurcata and A. chid, but can be distinguished from A. sinensis by the ventral sclerite with long dorsal process curved forward. In A. sinensis, the dorsal process of the ventral sclerite is short and curved upward. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very indebted to Prof. Zaifu Xu (Guangzhou), Prof. Chi-kun Yang and Ms. Shuwen An (Beijing), and Dr. I. Sivec (Ljubljana) for their kind help in many ways. The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30225009). LITERATURE CITED Baumann, R. W. 1975. Revision of the stonefly family Nemouridae (Plecoptera): A study of the world fauna at the generic level. Smithsonian Contributions Zoology 211: 1-74. Wu, C. F. 1926. Two new species of stoneflies from Nanking. China Journal of Science and Arts 5: 331-332. Wu, C. F. 1938. Plecopterorum sinensium: A monograph of stoneflies of China (Order Plecoptera) Peiping. 225 pp. Wu, C. F. 1962. Results of the Zoologico-Botanical expedition to Southwest China, 1955-1957 (Plecoptera). Acta Entomologica Sinica 11 (Supplement): 139-153, plates I-VII. Wu, C. F. 1973. New species of Chinese stoneflies (Order Plecoptera). Acta Entomologica Sinica 16(2): 97-118. Zhu, F. and D. Yang. 2002. Three new species ofAniphinenntru from China (Plecoptera: Nemour- idae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 27: 745-749. Zhu, F. and D. Yang. 2003. Three new species of Amphinemura (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) from Tibet. Entomologia Sinica 10(1): 51-56. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 4. September & October 2004 229 A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF ENTOMOBRYIDAE (COLLEMBOLA, ENTOMOBRYOMORPHA) FROM THE IBERIAN PENINSULA Enrique Baquero,: Maite .Martinez,2 Kenneth Christiansen,' and Rafael Jordana2 ABSTRACT: A new genus and species, Hispanobryu hairancoi Jordana and Baquero, gen. n., sp. n. is described. It was found in the Gador Mountain range (Almeria, Spain). This genus is similar to Capbrya Barra, 1999, from South Africa. The distinguishing characteristics of the new genus are the presence of a post-antennal organ (PAO), no clear tenent hair, a characteristic unguis, the presence of a reduced trochanteral organ, and flattened body setae. The distribution of the bothriotricha is simi- lar to that of the genus Capbrya. KEY WORDS: Collembola, Entomobryomorpha, Entomobryidae, Hispanobtya gen. n., Spain, Iberian Peninsula Specimens of an undescribed collembolan with characteristics of both the families Entomobryidae and Isotomidae were found during a study of the cave fauna of Almeria (south of Iberian Peninsula). Their habitus, length of abdomi- nal segments III and IV, presence of PAO led to an initial identification as Isotomurus. Detailed study, including SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) observation, allowed us to see characters not visible under the light microscope. These details included the eye fine structure, claw, unguiculus, and body sculp- ture. As a result of this study it became clear that these specimens were a new genus similar to the genus Capbiya Barra, 1999, from South Africa. METHODS The specimens were collected in the "Paraje Natural Karst en Yesos de Sorbas" in Almeria, Spain. The plant community of the "Paraje Natural Karst en Yesos de Sorbas" is gypsophilous and is dominated by small bushes of Thymus spp. (thyme, Lamiaceae). There are few other plants near these. In the more open regions, where the thyme is less dense, there is a scattering of annual plants (La- zaro, 1986). The remaining soil is covered mainly by lichens, which cover about 90 percent of the gypsum surface. The predominant lichen community is Helian- terno alypoidis-Gypsophiletum stnithii (Rivas-Goday and Esteve, 1965). Samples were taken in the spring, summer and autumn, but Hispanobrya gen. n. was found only in the spring and summer. Specimens were preserved in 70 percent ethanol. Some specimens were mounted on slides using 'Hoyer medi- um,' whereas others were dehydrated using an ethanol series followed by criti- cal-point drying in CO2, mounted on aluminum SEM stubs, and coated in Argon 1 Received on August 4, 2004. Accepted on October 20, 2004. 'Department of Zoology and Exology, University of Navarra, P. O. Box 177, 310SO Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. Corresponding author: Enrique Baquero, ebaquerofaunav.es. Maite Martinez, mmartin4(« alumni.unav.es; Rafael Jordana, rjordanafa unav.es. 3Grinnel college, Grinnell, Iowa 50112 U.S.A. christak(« grinnell.edu. Mailed on Kebruary 3. 2005 230 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS atmosphere with 16 nm of gold in an Emitech K550 sputter-coater. SEM obser- vations were made in a Zeiss DSM 940 A. Abbreviations: MZNA, Museum of Zoology, University of Navarra. In addition to direct capture, specimens were captured with two types of pit- fall traps. One, containing a solution of water and chloral hydrate (10g/l), was collected after 24 hours. A second type had a mesh and 200 g of sheep/goat manure without preservative. The specimens in these traps were collected direct- ly after 48 hours, with an ethanol wetted paintbrush. Hispanobrya Jordana and Baquero, NEW GENUS Diagnosis: Body without scales. Abdominal tergite IV 1.72 times as long as abdominal tergite III (1.6-1.9; n=6). First antennal segment undivided, fourth antennal segment with apical vesicle but without a laminar projection. 7+7 ommatidia with reticulated cornea, and a very poor developed 8th ommatidium. Its cornea are almost invisible with the SEM, but the ommatidium lens is barely visible under light microscopy. The PAO is in the form of a protruding vesicle with a perforated cavity on top (Fig. 1 A). There are no clear tenent hairs on legs. A reduced trochanteral organ is present in leg III. The formula of trichobothria is 2, 3, 2 on abdominal tergites II, III and IV. Type species. Hispanobiya barrancoi sp. n. Jordana and Baquero. Etymology. The generic name refers to the geographical region (Hispania, Latin for the Iberian Peninsula). Hispanobrya barrancoi Jordana and Baquero, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-4) Description. Total length without appendages 0.7-1.0 mm (n=20) (holotype, 0.95 mm) (Fig. IB). Background color whitish, with some pigment on head and antennae, and bands covering most of the tergites of all segments. Under SEM the body presents a very uniform reticular pattern, consisting of large hexagonal cells with primary tubercles at the corners (Fig. 1A,C). Antennae longer than head (holotype antenna/head ratio 2.2). Length of antennae segments (holo- type): 0.07:0.11:0.12:0.14 (Fig. 3A,B). Antennal segments II and III similar in length. Antenna with abundant sensillae (about 50) of three types: 1) short, cylindrical, blunt and smooth; 2) long (two times the preceding) and smooth (Fig. 1C); 3) longer and serrated asymmetrically. Antennae segment IV with extrusible apical vesicle but without laminar projection. Antennae segment III with fewer sensory setae than segment IV, and an apical organ with two leaf-like perforate sensory organs (Fig. 3C). Antennal segment II with fewer sensillae than III. Antennal segment I with two basal sensillae on dorsal side, and five basal sensillae on ventral side. Head. The PAO is a protruding vesicle (20 x 10 micra in a Paratype) with a perforated cavity on top ( 1 1 .5 x 6.9 micra), situated in front of the eyes A and B. Under SEM the cavity of the PAO shows perforations (Fig. 1 A), and 7+7 reticulated ommatidia can be observed. The G ommatidia cannot be seen under the SEM, but a small lens can be seen under the light microscope. A large number of macrosetae of different sizes present (Fig. 4B). The bothriotrichum beside the eyes is present. Labrum with 554 setae (Fig. 4C). Labral papillae smooth with an anterior row of short blunt setae. The remaining labral setae are smooth and acuminate, the five prelabrals setae ciliated. The labial setae drawn appear like a typical entomobryid labial triangle with the Ml, M2, R, E, LI and L2 setae, all similar and ciliate, and seta a2 smooth present (Fig. 4B). Labial palps with five basal setae (Fig. 4D); the external differentiated papilla has a blunt, thickened seta. Venter of head with mesosetae of varied sizes. Body chaetotaxy. Microsensillae: 10/1000. Sensillae: 12/02223, thoracic ones lateral but those of Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 231 Fig. 1. Hispanobrya barrancoi (SEM microphotographs). A, Detail of the eyes and PAO (bar = 10 micra). B, Lateral habitus (bar = 100 micra). C, Two types of sensillae present on the antennal segment IV, one of them smooth and the other with peculiar spine-like projections, very difficult to see under light microscope (bar = 2 micra). D, Mesosetae and detail (x4) (bar = 5 micra). abdominal segments III and IV posterior and in front of the last row of setae, and in abdominal seg- ment V with the anterior sensillae three times as long as the posterior. Pseudopores on thoracic and abdominal segments I-IV. Bothriotricha on abdominal segments II-IV (2/3/2) (Fig. 2C,4A). There are 3+3 pubescent setae (type 2 from Christiansen, 1958) on abdominal segment IV similar to the both- riotricha but thicker. Macrosetae similar to the Entomobiya type 1 setae occur on the thorax and abdomen but are somewhat different in appearance from those seen in the genus Entomobr\-a (Fig. 1D.3L). The rest of setae are more flattened with 6-8 rows of barbed ridges; the basal barbs project out laterally more than the distance of the seta width. This type of setae are 14-46 micra long. Macrosetae present on head, thoracic segments and abdominal segment I (Fig. 2A.4A). Mesosetae on abdominal segments II-YI (Fig. 2B) and on legs up to 25 micra long. Trochanteral organ on leg III has four smooth setae (Fig. 3D,E). On the leg HI there is a smooth and long inner seta. Pretarsus with a single anterior seta. The unguis (Fig. 3F-J) with three longitudinal ridges extended beyond the level of the basal teeth, with the central ridge longer than the others, inner lamellae joined basal to apex forming the apical tooth. Between the basal paired teeth and the anteapical teeth there is an unpaired 232 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Fig. 2. Hispanobrya barrancoi (SEM microphotographs). A, Macrosetae on the thoracic segment II (bar = 10 micra). B, Lateral view of abdominal segment IV (bar = 30 micra). C, Bothriotrichum on abdominal segment II. (bar = 5 micra). D, Lateral view of the fur- cula and detail of the inucro (inset xlO) (bar = 20 micra). tooth. The unguiculus is half as long as the unguis, and has two short lateral wings but no terminal filament. The four lamellae have a strong ridge. The lateral flaps of the ventral tube each have eight apical setae, only one being smooth, anteriorly with 1 + 1 setae, and no posterior setae (Fig. 3K.). Tenaculum with four teeth on each ramus, and a single seta on the corpus (Fig. 3M). Furca. Manubrium with setae similar to those on the legs, manubrial plaque with two pseudo- pores, two inner setae and one outer seta (Fig. 3N). Denies ringed on its basal two thirds (Fig. 2D), with the final third narrowed and striated transversally, and with three subapical setae that reach the apex of the mucro, which is falciform and without basal spine. Type Material. Holotype. Female, SPAIN, "Paraje Natural Karst en Yesos de Sorbas," Alineria, 300 m (UTM co-ordinates 30SWG8308), Mediterranean maquia, 28 June 2002, Ruiz-Portero (pitfall trap) code: MZAL0164-02p (slide) (MZNA). Paratypes. Same data as for holotype, MZAL0164-02 (6 specimens in ethyl alcohol), MZAL0164-04p (slide) and MZALO 164-03, 05, 06 (3 specimens on 2 SEM stubs) (MZNA). Other material studied. Same locality as for holotype, MZALO 1 50-03p ( 1 specimen on slide), 9 August 2002 (direct capture and pitfall trap); MZAL01 5 l-02t ( 1 specimen in ethyl alcohol). 7 August Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 233 //I Fig. 3. Hispunohiya harrancoi. A, Antennae dorsal view. B, Antennae ventral \ie\\. C, Detail of the sensory organ of antennal segment III. D, Leg III. E, Trochanteral organ. F-J, Claw rotation to show its structure. K, Ventral tube (collophore). The arrow points to the head. L, Detail of" a mesosetae (type IV, Christiansen, 1958) from the body. M, Tenaculum. N, Furcula. 234 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 2002, (direct capture and pitfall trap); MZAL0152-02t (1 specimen in ethyl alcohol), 14 June 2002 (direct capture and pitfall trap); MZAL0153-03t (1 specimen in ethyl alcohol), 26 June 2002 (direct capture and pitfall trap); MZAL0154-03t ( 1 specimen in ethyl alcohol), 17 May 2002 (direct capture and pitfall trap); MZAL0161-03t (2 specimens in ethyl alcohol), 3 1 May 2002 (direct capture and pit- fall trap); MZAL0162-03t (4 specimens in ethyl alcohol), 27 August 2002 (direct capture); MZAL0163-03t (1 specimen in ethyl alcohol), 6 May 2002 (direct capture and pitfall trap) Ruiz-Portero (all MZNA). Etymology. The name is dedicated to Dr. Pablo Barran- Fig. 4. Hispanobiya barrancoi. A, Body dorsal chaetotaxy. B, Dorsal (a) and ventral (b) head chaetotaxy. C, Labrum. D, Labial papillae. co, who kindly provided the material. DISCUSSION Capbrya Barra from South Africa is the genus most simi- lar to Hispanobiya. Hispano- brya is similar to Capbtya in habitus, the falciform mucro, the dentes without spines, crenulated with the final third striated transversally, the num- ber and position of the bothri- otricha and type 2 setae on abdominal segment IV, the ratio between abdominal ter- gites III and IV, the general chaetotaxy and absence of a clear tenent hair. It differs in claw morphology, the sensory organ on antennal segment III, the eye number, and the PAO. The lack of SEM figures for the antennae of Capbrya makes comparison of the sen- sory setae difficult. Nothobiya Arle, 1961 is similar in size and habitus, but has a vesicular PAO and six segmented antennae (Baquero et al., 2004). The setae mor- phology and distribution are also different. Vol. 115, No. 4. September & October 2004 235 The presence of PAO of Hispanobtya Jordana and Baquero, gen. n., Capbrya and Nothobtya is similar to Indoscopus Prabhoo, 1971, at least one species of Alloscopus Borner, 1906 and Australotomunis Stach, 1947; however, the other features of Hispanobrya are totally unlike those found in these genera. The PAO is also found in some genera of Tomocerinae. The presence of type 1 setae, the trochanteral organ on leg III and the 2- 3- 2 arrangement of bothriotricha on abdominal segments II-IV, as well as the habitus indicate that all three genera belong in the family Entomobryidae sensu lato, but the chaetotaxy, the detailed structure of the setae and the unusual features of the unguis in Hispanobrya does not fit into any subfamily as they are presently defined. These discoveries raise two important questions: 1 ) what does the discovery of these two genera in two such disparate localities imply and 2) what is the impact of this upon the suprageneric classification of the Entomobryidae sensu lato. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Dr. Pablo Barranco (Department of Applied Biology, University of Almeria) for the material object of the study. Stephanie Peterson assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Baquero, E., R. Jordana, and K. Christiansen. 2004. Redescription of Nothobrya schubarti Arle, 1961 (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha). Entomological News 115: 31-34. Barra, J.-A. 1999. Un nouveau genre Capbrya avec deux nouvelles especes de la Province du Cap (Rep. Sud Africaine) (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Bulletin de 1'Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 69: 19-24. Christiansen, K. A. 1958. The Nearctic members of the genus Entomobrya (Collembola). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 1 18: 440-545. Lazaro, R. 1986. Sobre la flora y vegetacion gipsicola almeriense (Fanerogamas). Boletin del Institute) de Estudios Almerienses 6: 131-150. Rivas-Goday, S. and F. Esteve. 1965. Nuevas comunidades de tomillares del sudeste arido iberi- co. Anales del Institute) Botanico AJ Cavanilles 23: 7-78. MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NEW! #44 A Systematic Database of Thereva Latreille Names: An Answer to the Nomenclatural Challenge in Therevidae (Insecta: Diptera) by Kevin C. Holston. 86 pp $25 NEW! #45 A Revision of the Caryedontini (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Pachymerinae) of Africa and the Middle East by Clarence Dan Johnson, Benjamin J. Southgate and Alex Delobel. 120 pp $30 V #43 A World Revision of the Genus Spodoptera Guenee (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) Michael G. 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ID No.: 23-1599849 MAIL FORM & PAYMENT TO: The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103-1 195 Telephone: (2 15) 56 1-3978 E-mail: aes@acnatsci.org NAME ON CARD SIGNATURE www.acnatsci.org/hosted/aes Vol. 115, No. 4, September & October 2004 237 SCIENTIFIC NOTE FIRST RECORD OF MICROCEROTERMES SERRULA (DESNEUX) (ISOPTERA: TERMITIDAE) IN THAILAND1 Richard M. Houseman2 Our knowledge of termite biodiversity in Thailand historically has been lim- ited. Holmgren (1913) first recorded five species and Snyder's (1949) cata- logue of the termites of the world listed six. It was not until Ahmad's (1965) monograph that a significant survey of Thailand termite diversity was pub- lished. He recorded 74 species in 29 genera, of which 32 species were new to science. Later, 19 species were listed by Harris (1968) from collections made by H. Hillman and A. Manjikul. Morimoto (1973) reported 48 species from his collections in Thailand, including 13 new records and four species new to sci- ence. Based on all published records, 90 termite species in 29 genera have been reported from Thailand. Most published records are from north of the Isthmus of Kra, while a few collections have been reported from the southern peninsu- lar region of Thailand. Five species of Microcerotermes have been reported from Thailand: Micro- cerotermes mimitus Ahmad, Microcerotermes annandalei Silvestri, Micro- cerotermes crassus Snyder, Microcerotermes paracelebensis Ahmad, and Microcerotermes distans (Haviland). Herein, I report one additional species, Microcerotermes serrula (Desneux) (Fig. 1 ), collected from the southernmost peninsular region of Thailand in Songkhla Province near the border with Ma- laysia. This species is widespread throughout peninsular Malaysia (Tho 1992) in lowland dipterocarp (Dipterocarpaceae) forests and rubber plantations, where they build characteristic aerial nests on trees. I collected specimens of M. serrula from an aerial nest (Fig. 2) in a rubber plantation, and similar nests were observed on rubber trees throughout Songkhla Province. The effect of M. serrula on rubber trees and rubber production is unknown. Repository specimens are located in the National Science Museum, Pathum Thani, Thailand; Royal Forestry Department, Bangkok, Thailand; Department of Pest Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkhla Uni- versity, Hat Yai, Thailand; and the Enns Entomology Museum, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri U.S.A. 1 Received on September 28, 2004. Accepted on October 14, 2004. 2 Department of Entomology, 1-87 Agriculture Building, University of Missouri Columbia, Columbia, Missouri 65211 U.S.A. E-mail: housemanr(a missouri.edu. Mailed on February 3. 2005 238 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Microcerotermes serrula (Desneux) THAILAND: Songkhla province, Sadao district, rubber plantation near Ban Phni Tieo, ~6 km north of Malaysian border (WGS 84), N 06°34.500 E 100°24.053, 03 June 2003, R.M. Houseman, complete aerial nest containing workers, nymphs, and soldiers. Fig. 1. Soldier of Microcerotermes serrula (Desneux). View of head and pronotum from above. Fig. 2. Carton nest of Microcerotermes serrula (Desneux) in the branches of a rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis (Willd.). Vol. 115. No. 4. September & October 2004 239 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Dr. Surakrai Permkam, Prince of Songkhla University; Dr. Robert W. Sites, Akekewat Vitheepradit, and Mike Ferro, University of Missouri-Columbia for technical and logistical assis- tance. I also thank Dr. Robert W. Sites and Dr. Bruce A. Barrett for critical reviews of the manuscript. Support for RMH was provided in part from a USDA-ARS Hatch allocation to the University of Missouri-Columbia. LITERATURE CITED Ahmad, M. 1965. Termites (Isoptera) of Thailand. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 131(1): 1-113. Harris, W. V. 1968. Isoptera from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Opuscula Entomologica 33:143-154. Holmgren, N. 1913. Termitenstudien. 4. Versuch einer systematischen Monographic der Termiten der orientalischen Region. Kunglica Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 50(2): 1-276. Morimoto, K. 1973. Termites from Thailand. Bulletin of the Government Forest Experiment Sta- tion 257: 57-80. Snyder, T. E. 1949. Catalog of the termites (Isoptera) of the world. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 112: 1-490. Tho, Y. P. 1992. Termites of Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Forest Records 36: 1-224. 240 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS SOCIETY MEETING OF OCTOBER 20-22, 2004 Working Together to Promote Interaction and Cooperation in Entomology" Joint Meeting of the American Entomological Society (AES) and the Entomological Society of Pennsylvania (ESP) Susan King (AES) and David Rebuck (ESP), co-organizers http://www.acnatsci.org/hosted/aes/ http://www.entsocpa.org/ The October meeting was a joint conference between the American Ento- mological Society and the Entomological Society of Pennsylvania, having last met together in 1994. This conference, stretching over three days, in three locations in southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware, was organized by the presidents of the two societies, Susan King (AES) and David Rebuck (ESP). The varied meeting consisted of a mixture of invited and submitted talks and posters, tours of facilities, and a keynote speaker and awards ban- quet. There were 14 talks given over a wide range of entomological subjects, including the keynote presentation given by Dr. Bern Sweeney, Director of the Stroud Water Research Center, where the Thursday sessions were held. He spoke on "The Freshwater Crisis: The Global Problem with Backyard Solutions." Tours were given of the Stroud Water Research Center, and of the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology and the USDA Beneficial Insects Laboratory, both at the University of Delaware, where the Wednesday meeting was held. Friday's meeting was held at French Creek State Park, where some of the participants from outside the region stayed. The meetings were well attended; at the Thursday meeting over 60 participants attended the morning talks. The full list of speakers for this joint meeting can be viewed at http://www. acnatsci.org/hosted/aes/joint-meeting-flyer.pdf. The speakers for upcoming meetings (November 2004 - April 2005) of AES can be found at http://www.acnatsci.org/hosted/aes/membership.html. Jon Gelhaus, Corresponding Secretary of The American Entomological Society (2004) E-mail: gelhaus@acnatsci.org Mailed on February 3, 2005 Agreement. By submitting a paper for publication, authors tacitly agree to not submit in parallel the same manuscript to another journal. For published papers, authors agree to accept responsibility for all page, illustration, and requested reprint charges. Rejected manuscripts will be discarded, ex- cept for original artwork and photographs, which will be returned to the authors. Scientific Notes and Book Reviews. These are much shorter contributions, typically not exceed- ing two printed pages. The main difference between these types of contributions and longer papers is that scientific notes and book reviews lack an abstract and most of the main headings, except for the acknowledgments and the literature cited sections. Reviewers. When submitting papers, all authors are requested to provide the names of two qual- ified individuals who have critically reviewed the manuscript before it is submitted to Entomological News. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. All papers, except book reviews, are forwarded to experts for final review before acceptance. In order to expedite the review process, authors are also asked to suggest the name, address, email, tele- phone and fax of at least three experts in the subject field to whom the manuscript may be forward- ed for additional review. Ideally, the review process should be completed within 30 days. The editor reserves his prerogative of sending the manuscript to other reviewers. Authors are also welcome to list the names of reviewers to whom the article should not be sent, with a brief explanation. Upon return of reviews, authors will be asked to modify or rewrite their texts to accommodate suggestions of the reviewers and the editor as well as to conform to requirements of Entomological News. If authors do not modify their texts, they should specifically address, on a point by point basis, why they are not doing that. Page Proofs. The printer will send page proofs to the editor and the business manager. Faith Kuehn. Then, the proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as .pdf files, together with the reprint order form as an .rtf file. Authors must process proofs and return them to the editor and to the business editor by air mail or e-mail (attachment). 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Articles longer than 20 printed pages of Entomological News may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay the entire cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. If hard copy reprints are desired, they must be ordered together with the proofs. Reprints as .pdf files are available for the authors. For options and charges, contact the business manager. Entomological News is printed by Dover Litho Printing Company, 1211 North DuPont Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901 U.S.A. Telephone (302) 678-121 1; fax: (302) 678-8091: toll-free telephone (800) 366-9132; Web Page: www.doverlitho.com. Dover Litho has been recognized by DENREC and DELRAP Green Industries as "The Most Environmentally Conscious Printer in the State of Dela- ware." Entomological News is available in microform from ProQuest Information and Learning. Call toll-free (800) 521-3042, (800) 521-0600. (734) 761-4700. Mail inquiry to: ProQuest Information and Learning. 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48 106-9866 U.S.A. Entomological News is listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 39088011192119 THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY'S CALVERT AWARDS FOR 2003 AND 2004 In 1987, the American Entomological Society initiated the Calvert Award to be presented to a young person who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in insect-related study. The Award is named in honor of Dr. Philip P. Calvert who joined the Society as a teenager, later became its president, and was a member for 74 years. As Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania and an Associate of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Dr. Calvert played an important role in stimulating an interest in insects among young people. On April 23, 2003, the seventeenth Calvert Award was presented to D. J. Haney, an eighth grade student at William Allen Middle School, Moorestown, New Jersey. His project was entitled, "To Bite or Not to Bite." Mr. Haney's project evolved from a concern about the transmission of West Nile Virus by mosquitoes. He studied the effectiveness of a variety of natural compounds on their ability to repel a local vari- ety of mosquito. Daniel Zinshteyn, an eighth grade student from Philadelphia who attends Baldi Middle School, was first runner-up in 2003 with another insect repellent project, "DEET: Are there hidden dangers?" For his project, Daniel compared the repellent effectiveness of DEET and Black Walnut extracts on fruit flies, and found the extract to be safer and more effective. The second runner-up was Courtney Cope, from Sellersville, PA, and Penn View Christian School, for her project, "Horned Passalus Beetles can pull their Own Weight, Can You?" On April 28, 2004, the eighteenth Calvert Award was presented to Brady Rollins of Newark, Delaware, a student at the Towle Institute, Hockessin, Delaware. Her project was entitled, "Terminating Termites." Ms. Rollings interest in termites arose from a visit to the Entomology and Applied Ecology, University of Delaware. Her project was selected from among about 20 insect-related science projects presented at the annual Delaware Valley Science Fairs held April 7 at the Expo Center in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. Sam Spoor, a seventh grade student at Woodlyn Christian School in Woodlyn, Pennsylvania, was first runner-up with another insect repellent project, "Battling Mosquitoes." Sam's project arose from his interest in reducing the number of mos- quitoes breeding around his home. Second runner-up was Natalie Piger from Bethle- hem, Pennsylvania, and St. Anne's School for her project on rearing Painted Lady butterflies, "Growing to set free?" All students were honored at the Calvert Award ceremonies at American Entomo- logical Society meetings held at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. Harold B. White, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware Newark, Delaware 19717-1303 U.S. A, E-mail: halwhite@udel.edu Mailed on February 3, 2005 Vol. 115 'VEMBER & DECEMBER 2004 OLOGICAL NEWS The genus Ramosulus Young in Colombia (Homoptera: Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae) Paul Freytag 241 Redescription of Microtomus reuteri Berg (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Hammacerinae) from southern South America Maria Cecilia Melo and Maria del Carmen Coscaron 249 Taxonomic and biological observations on Leistotrophus versicolor (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Mexico Juan Marque-, and Julieta Asiain 255 New species of the genera Stictophaula Hebard and Mirollia Stsil (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from China A. V. Gorochov and Le Kang 263 First host record for Pteromalus cardui (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) on Urophora quadrifasciata (Diptera: Tephritidae) in spotted knapweed (Centaurea biebersteinii, Asteraceae) in Michigan, U.S.A. Jordan M. Marshall, Roger A. Burks, and Andrew J. Storer 273 Two new species of Rhopalopsole (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from China Ding Yang, Weihai Li, and Fang Zhu 279 Further records of phlebotomid sandflies (Diptera: Phlebotomidae) from Campeche, Mexico E. A. Rebollar-Tellez, R C. Manrique-Saide, E. Tun-Ku, A. Che-Mendoza, and F. A. Dzul-Manzanilla 283 BOOK REVIEW: When bugs were big, plants were strange, and tetrapods stalked the Earth: a cartoon prehistory of life before dinosaurs by Hannah Bonner Suzanne Mclntire 292 AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY BUSINESS: Statement of ownership, management, and circulation Jorge A. Santiago-Blay 293 Acknowledgments to reviewers of articles published in Entomological News (Volume 115), to reviewers overlooked in Volume 114, and to volunteers Jorge A. Santiago-Blay and Sarah E. Pivo 294 Index to Volume 115 (1-5) 2004 Jessi O \\eill, Suzaiyfe^Mcfylni&qnJfcLtitge A. Santiago-Blay 298 SOCIETY MEETING: Society Meeting of November 10, 20()2 Ion Gelhaus Back Cover THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY MAILED ON MARCH 15, 2005 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND NEW GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS OF ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Entomological News is published bimonthly except July-August by The American Entomological Society, which is headquartered at the Academy of Natural Sciences. 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1 195 United States of America. AES can be reached, as follows: telephone (215) 561-3978; fax (215) 299-1028; e-mail, aes@acnatsci.org and website: http://www. acnatsci.org/hosted/aes. Information on the Calvert Award for insect-related study by a young person in the Delaware Valley region sponsored by The American Entomological Society can be found at: http://www.udel.edu/chem/white/ Odonata/Cal vertAwd.html Subscriptions to and Back Issues of Entomological News. Private subscriptions for personal use of members of the society are US $15 per year prepaid. Subscriptions for institutions, such as libraries, lab- oratories, etc. and nonmembers. are US $30 per year prepaid for those located in the USA and US $34 per year prepaid for those located outside the USA. Back issues when available are sold by complete volume, for US $15 to members, and US $30 to nonmembers. Membership / subscription application and additional information is available at: http://www.acnatsci.org/hosted/aes/ subscription.html. Please send inquiries or send completed membership form to: Office Manager at the address above, e-mail: aes@say.acnatsci.org, or call (215) 561-3978. Previous editors of Entomological News: 1(1) January 1890 and 1(2) February 1890, Eugene Murray Aaron (1852-1940); 1(3) March 1890 to 21(10) December 1910, Henry Skinner (1861-1926); 22(1) January 1911 to 54(9) November 1943, Phillip P. Calvert ( 1871-1961 ); 54(10) December 1943 to 57(10) December 1946, Editorial Staff with A. Glenn Richards (1909-1993) and R. G. Schmieder (1898-1967) as co-editors; 58(1) January 1947 to 79(7) July 1968, R. G. Schmieder; 79(8) October 1968 to 83(10) to December 1972, Ross H. Arnett, Jr. (1919-1999); 84(1) January 1973 to 85(4) April 1974, R. W. Lake; 85(5-6) May & June 1974 to 1 13(3) May & June 2003, Howard P. Boyd; F. Christian Thompson and Michael Pogue 1 13(4) September & October 2002 to 1 13(5) November & December 2002. New Guidelines for authors of Entomological News: Further guidelines can be found on http://www.geocities.com/entomologicalnews/instructions.htm Subject Coverage: Entomology, sensu lato. Manuscripts on systematics, ecology, evolution, mor- phology, physiology, behavior, biodiversity, conservation, paleobiology, and other aspects of insect and terrestrial arthropod life as well as nomenclature, biographies and history of entomology, among others, are appropriate topics for papers submitted to Entomological News. Papers on applied, economic, and reg- ulatory entomology or on toxicology and related subjects will be considered only if they also make a major contribution in one of the aforementioned fields. Any author may submit papers. Manuscripts will be accepted from any author, although, papers from members of the American Entomological Society are given priority. It is suggested that all prospec- tive authors join the AES. Send manuscripts, books for review, and editorial correspondence to the editor. All manuscripts, including scientific notes and book reviews, submitted for publication in Entomological News as well as all associated editorial communications must be sent to the Editor, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay at this address: Department of Paleobiology. MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 U.S.A. If an author uses a mailing service that does not accept addresses with a P. O. Box, please use this address: Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, West Loading Dock. Washington. District of Columbia 20560 U.S.A. Other means of contacting the Editor are, as follows: Phone: (202) 633-1383, Fax: (202) 786-2832, e-mails: blayj@si.edu, or blayj@hotmail.com, or via the webpage at http://www. geocities.com/entomologicalnews/contact. htm. Books for review should also be sent to the editor who will, in turn, give them to a colleague for review. Postmaster: If undeliverable, please send to The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway / Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT DOVER, DELAWARE 19901 U.S.A. Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 241 THE GENUS RAMOSUL US YOUNG IN COLOMBIA (HOMOPTERA: CICADELLIDAE, CICADELLINAE)1 Paul H. F rev tag2 ABSTRACT: The genus Ramosulus Young is reviewed for Colombia. Of the four species in the genus, two species, R. cormgipennis (Osborn) and R. phaedrus Young, were known for Colombia. Five species are described as new, R. agostits, R. crassus, R. hamatus, R. lohatus. and R. minus, mak- ing the total number of species nine for the genus and seven for Colombia. KEY WORDS: Ramosulus. Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae, Colombia The genus Ramosulus was described by Young (1977) in his revision of the Cicadellini of the New World. He designated Cicadella cormgipennis Osborn as the type of the genus, and included four species. Two of the species were known from Colombia, R. phaedrus Young and R. cormgipennis (Osborn) [Young (1977), Freytag and Sharkey (2002)]. This paper is an update of our knowledge of the genus for Colombia, and includes the description of five new species. All types of the new species are deposited in the Institute von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia. Most material came from National Parks and Reserves. All species of Ramosulus are small, usually 4 to 5.5 mm, and mostly black with orange and sometimes yellow markings. This genus is known from the northern part of Brazil and from Colombia to Bolivia. Key to the species of Ramosulus in Colombia (males) 1. Clypellus black; pronotum with an interrupted transverse band of orange phaedrus Young 1'. Clypellus with lower portion pale yellowish white; pronotum with a complete transverse band of orange 2 2. Pronotal transverse orange band nearly straight across, and either wide or nar- row; scutellum variable (Figs. 1-4) 3 2'. Pronotal transverse orange band wide on lateral margins then narrow and bis- inuous; scutellum entirely black (Figs. 5-6) 6 1 Received on September 2, 2004. Accepted on October 2 1 . 2004. : Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0091 U.S.A. E-mail: pfreytag(o)ix. netcom.com. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115(5): 240. November & December 2004 Mailed on March 15. 2005 242 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 3. Orange band across crown not reaching hind margin of head near eyes; prono- tal transverse orange band narrow and close to posterior margin (Fig. 1 ) lobatus n. sp. 3'. Orange band across crown reaching hind margin of head near eyes; pronotal transverse orange band wide (Figs. 2-4) 4 4. Pygofer with a tuft of short setae at apex (Fig. 14); aedeagus with a long shaft (Fig. 11) corrugipennis (Osborn) 4'. Pygofer with a spine-like process at apex (Figs. 10, 18, and 22) 5 5. Scutellum with a pair of orange spots (Fig. 3); aedeagus with shaft straight, with apical processes long, and each nearly as long as the shaft (Fig. 16) crassus n. sp. 5'. Scutellum entirely black (Fig. 4); aedeagus s-shaped, with apical processes long, and each nearly two-thirds length of shaft (Fig. 20) agostus n. sp. 6. Orange band on crown not reaching hind margin of head near eyes (Fig. 5); pygofer with a stout spine off ventral caudal margin (Fig. 23) nanus n. sp. 6'. Orange band on crown reaching hind margin of head near eyes (Fig. 6); pygofer with a small hook-like process off caudal margin (Fig. 26) ..hamatus n. sp. Ramosulus phaedrus Young Ramosulus phaedrus Young 1977, p. 441. Length of males 5-5.1 mm, females 5.3-5.4 mm. Head mostly black with a median stripe from between ocelli extending onto face, and area from antenna! ledges along eyes to posterior margin, orange. Pronotum black with a transverse band across median, interrupted medially, orange. Scutel- lum black with pair of small orange spots on posterior half. Wings much as in corrugipennis. Legs mostly brown. Male genitalia: Young (1977) illustrated the male genitalia of this species. The types of this species were not seen, but this species was described from Cundinamarca, Colombia, on the basis of two males and three females. No other specimens have been seen of this species. Ramosulus lobatus n. sp. (Figs. 1 and 7-10) Length of males 4.2-4.6 mm., females 4.3-4.6 mm. Overall color pattern similar to nis. However, head, pronotum, scutellum (Fig. 1) with orange band not reaching hind margin of crown; scutellum with triangular spots, yellow. Vol. 115, No. 5, November & December 2004 243 LOBATUS CORRUGIPENNIS CRASSUS 0.5mm AGOSTUS NANUS HAMATUS Figures 1-6. Dorsal view of head, pronotum and scutellum of the species of Ramosulus covered in this paper. All drawn to same scale. Fig. 1, Ramosulus lobatus n. sp. Fig. 2, R. cormgipennis (Osborn). Fig. 3, R. cnissus n. sp. Fig. 4, R. agostiis n. sp. Fig. 5, R. namis n. sp. Fig. 6, R. hamatus n. sp. Male nenitalia: Pygofer (Fig. 7) triangular with lobe on ventral margin near base, with setal-like process (Fig. 10) at apex. Plate (Fig. 9) narrowing to pointed apex, about hall" length of pygofer. Aedeagus (Fig. 8) long, narrow, u-shaped near base in lateral view with two long processes at apex, one extending dorsad beyond apex, other extending basad close to shaft. Paraphysis (Fig.8) u-shaped. around base of aedeagus. Female ^uiiialia: Seventh sternum \\ith posterior margin e\enly eomexly rounded, similar to cormgipennis. Type Material: llololype male: Colombia: Putumayo, PNN La Paya. Salao Grande, 0°0!'S 74" 56' W, 330 m., 22-VII1-2001, Red, D Campos, M 2085. Paratypes: Four males, same data as holotype; one male, same data as holotype, except M 2087. 244 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 10 LOBATUS 8 0.5mm CORRUGIPENNIS 12 13 14 15 CRASSUS /T" 16 17 18 Figures 7-10. Ramosulus lobatus n. sp. Fig. 7, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 8, aedeagus and paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 9, plate, ventral view. Fig. 10, apex of pygofer, ventral view. Figures 11-14. Ramosulus cornigipennis (Osborn). Fig. 11, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 12, aedeagus and paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 13, plate, ven- tral view. Fig. 14, apex of pygoter, ventral view. Figures 15-18. Ramosulus crassus n. sp. Fig. 15, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 16, aedeagus and paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 17, plate, ventral view. Fig. 1 8, apex of pygoter, ventral view. All drawn to same scale. _ Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 _ 245 Other specimens examined: one male, Colombia, Caqueta, PNN Chiribiquctc, Rio Cunare, 0°32'N 72"37'W, 300 m.. Malaise, 15-19-XI-2000, E. Gonzalez y M Ospina; one male and one female, Colombia: Meta, PNN Tinigua, Vda. Bajo Raudal, 2°16'N, 73°48'W, 460 m.. Malaise, 29- VI- 20-VII-2002, C. Sanchez, M 2332; one female, Colombia, Meta, PNN Tinigua, Cano Nevera, 2°!!^ 73"48'W, 390 m.. Malaise, 23-I-7-II-2002, C. Sanchez, M 2330; one female, same data as last, except 20-23-XII-2001, M 2621; one female, Colombia: Meta, PNN Sierra de La Macarena, Cabana Cerrillo, 3"21'N 73°56'W, 460 m., Malaise, 21XII-2002-4I-2003, A. Herrera y W. Villalba, M 2983. All specimens deposited in the Institute von Humboldt. Ramosiilus corrugipennis (Osborn) (Figs. 2 and 11-14) Cicadella corrugipennis Osborn 1926, p. 204. Ramosiilus corrugipennis Young 1977, p. 439. Length of males 4.2-4.6 mm, females 4.5-5 mm. Color mostly black with orange pattern. Head, pronotum, scutellum (Fig. 2). Head with crown black with wide transverse orange band anterior to ocelli, extending onto antennal shelf and back to posterior margin near eyes. Face with upper two- thirds black, lower third yellowish white. Pronotum black, with wide transverse orange band across posterior half, covering nearly half of dorsal surface. Scutellum black, with triangular orange spots on posterior half. Front wings black, with three wide longitudinal orange bands, one along commis- sural edge of clavus, one below claval suture from base to apical cells, one along entire costal mar- gin; claval suture and commissure marked with thin line of yellow, apical cells smokey. Legs most- ly yellow with orange tibiae. Male genitalia: Pygofer (Fig. 1 1 ) elongate with rounded apex, apex with a cluster of short setae (Fig. 14). Plate (Fig. 13) narrowing to long pointed apex, about two-thirds length of pygofer. Aedeagus (Fig. 12) with long shaft, curving ventrally near apex, with two stout process at apex, one extending dorsally, one extending ventrally. Paraphysis (Fig. 12) u-shaped, around base of aedeagus. Female genitalia: Seventh sternum with posterior margin evenly convexly rounded. Young (1977) illustrated both the male and female characters of this species. This species has the widest range of any of the species of the genus and is known from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. It is the most commonly col- lected species in Colombia and has been collected in Amazonas, Meta, Putumayo and Vaupes. Adults appear to be collected year round in these areas. Ramosiilus crassus n. sp. (Figs. 3 and 15-18) Length of male 4. 1 mm. female unknown. Overall color pattern similar to corntgipennis. except legs mostly orange. Head, pronotum. scutellum (Fig. 3), as in R. corrugipennis, except transverse orange band across pronotum covering two-thirds of dorsal surface. Malcgcnitalia: Pygofer (Fig. 15) short, narrowing to truncate apex, with large spine-like process at apex (Fig. 18). Plate (Fig. 17) short, narrowing to a pointed apex, less than half length of pygofer. Aedeagus (Fig. 16) short, stout at base, narrowing to ventrally bent apex, with two lung processes at apex, one extending dorsally, other ventrally. Paraphysis (Fig. 16) u-shaped, around base of aedea- gus. Type Material: Holotype male: Colombia: Meta, PNN Tinigua, Vda. Bajo Raudal, 2"16'N 73° 48'W, 460 m.. Malaise, 29-V1-20 VII-2002, C. Sanchez,M 2332. 246 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS AGOSTUS 21 22 24 0.5mm 25 26 HAMATUS 27 28 Figures 19-22. Ramosulus agostus n. sp. Fig. 19, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 20, aedeagus and paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 21, plate, ventral view. Fig. 22, apex of pygofer, ventral view. Figures 23-25. Ramosulus nanus n. sp. Fig. 23, male genital cap- sule, lateral view. Fig. 24, aedeagus and paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 25, plate, ventral view. Figures 26-28. Ramosulus hamatus n. sp. Fig. 26, male genital capsule, lateral view. Fig. 27, aedeagus and paraphysis, lateral view. Fig. 28, plate, ventral view. All drawn to same scale. Vol. 115, No. 5, November & December 2004 247 Ramosulus agostus n. sp. (Figs. 4 and 19-22) Length of male 5.5 mm, female 5.5 mm. Head, pronotum, scutellum (Fig. 4). Head with black rec- tangular spot on anterior median margin extending onto face, longer than wide, remainder efface yel- lowish white. Pronotum with transverse orange band wide and located medially. Scutellum black. Front wings similar to corrugipennis. Male genitalia: Pygofer (Fig.19) triangular with a long spine at apex (Fig. 22). Plate (Fig. 21) narrowing near middle to a long pointed apex, about half length of pygofer. Aedeagus (Fig. 20) with shaft s-shaped in lateral view, with two long processes at apex, one extending dorsad, other ventrad. Paraphysis (Fig. 20) u-shaped and near base of aedeagus. Female genitalia: Seventh sternum with posterior margin evenly convexly rounded, embrowned on median third. Type Material: Holotype male: Colombia: Choco, PNN Utria, Boroboro, 6°01'N 77°20'W, 10 m., Malaise, 5-19-V1I-2000, J. Perez, M 335.Paratype female: Same data as holotype, except 20 m., I9-27-VII-2000, M334. This is the largest species in the genus at this time. Other specimens seen are two males from Colombia; Teresita, March 26, 1967, sweeping; and one male same data except April 20, 1967, in the University of Kentucky collection. Ramosulus nanus n. sp. (Figs. 5 and 23-25) Length of males 4.1-4.2 mm., female unknown. Head, pronotum, scutellum (Fig. 5). Head black with transverse band of orange anterior to ocelli, extending onto antennal ledges and along eyes but not reaching posterion margin; face with median black spot on anterior margin, remainder yellowish white. Pronotum black with transverse orange band on posterior half bisinous, wider on lateral mar- gins. Scutellum black Front wings similar to corrugipennis. except with additional narrow yellow band, or bands, between claval suture and larger band of orange on clavus. Male genitalia: Pygofer (Fig. 23) small, rounded with prominent apical ventral spine. Plate (Fig. 25) short, robust, narrowing near middle to rounded apex, somewhat paddle shaped in lateral view (Fig. 23), extending slightly beyond pygofer. Aedeagus (Fig. 24) short, stout, with two processes at apex, one short and curving ventrally, other longer extending basally. Paraphysis (Fig. 24) u-shaped near base of aedeagus. Type Material: Holotype male: Colombia: Vaupes, RN Mosiro-Itaiura (Capani), Centre Ambien- tal. f°04'S 69°31'W, 60 m.. Red, 20-I-1-II-2003, M. Sharkey & D. Arias, M 3387. Paratypes: three males, same data as holotype, except Malaise, M 3386. Ramosulus hamatus n. sp. (Figs. 6 and 26-28) Length of males 4-4.4 mm., females 4.3-4.6 mm. Overall color pattern similar to R. minus, except the orange band on crown extends to posterior margin. Head, pronotum, scutellum (Fig. 6). Male genitalia: Pygofer (Fig. 26) short, rounded with small hook-like process at caudal apex. Plate as in nanus (Fig. 28). Aedeagus (Fig. 27) short, somewhat stout, with a short process at apex curving ventrad. Paraphysis (Fig. 27) u-shaped, around basal part of aedeagus. Female genitalia: Seventh sternum with posterior margin evenly, but slightly, concavely round- ed either side of median, also embrowned either side of median giving median triangular appearance. Type Material: Holotype male: Colombia: Ama/onas, PNN Amacayacu, Mocagua, 3°23'S, 70°06'W, 150 m.. Malaise, 19-3 1-VI1-2000. A. Parente, M 676. Paratypes: Two males, same data as holotype. 248 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Other specimens examined: 51 males and 46 females, mostly same data as holotype, but col- lected various times since the time the types were collected. Specimens deposited in the Institute von Humboldt and the University of Kentucky collection. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are extended to Michael J. Sharkey whose National Science Foundation Grant no. DEB 0205982 made it possible to study the specimens used for this study. LITERATURE CITED Freytag, P. H. and M. J. Sharkey. 2002. A Preliminary list of the leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cica- dellidae) of Colombia. Biota Colombiana 3(2): 235-283. Osborn, H. 1926. V. Neotropical Homoptera of the Carnegie Museum. Part 5. Report upon the Col- lections in the Subfamily Cicadellinae, with descriptions of new species. Annals of the Carnegie Museum XVI(2): 155-249. Young, D. A. 1977. Taxonomic study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Part 2. New World Cicadellini and the genus Cicadella. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 239. 1135pp. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 5. November & December 2004 249 REDESCRIPTION OF MICROTOMVS REUTERI BERG (HETEROPTERA: REDUVIIDAE: HAMMACERINAE) FROM SOUTHERN SOUTH AMERICA1 Maria Cecilia Melo2 and Maria del Carmen Coscaron' ABSTRACT: Micmtomus reuteri (Berg) is redescribed. Photographs and drawings of the male and female genitalia are given. KEY WORDS: Micmtomus reuteri, Hammacerinae, Reduviidae, Heteroptera, redescription, Argen- tina, Bolivia, Brazil The American subfamily Hammacerinae (Reduviidae) is characterized by having the second antennal segment annulated and the scutellum with two apical prongs. According to Costa Lima (1835) these antennal pseudosegments can vary in number from 8 to 40, Maldonado Capriles and Santiago-Blay (1991) con- sidered from the variation to range from 23 to 28, and Schuh and Slater (1995) from 4 to 36. Meanwhile Coscaron et al. (2003) described the maximum number in M. tibia/is (Stichel) with 35 pseudosegments. This subfamily is comprised of two genera, Homalocoris Perty 1833 and Micmtomus Illiger 1807 (Maldonado Capriles 1990). Microtomm includes 12 species, some of them were studied in previous contributions as M. cinctipes (Stal), M. conspicillaris (Drury), M. gayi (Spinola), M. luctuosus (Stal), M. lunifer (Berg), M. pessoai Lent and Suarez, M. pwcis (Drury), and M. tibia I is Stichel (Coscaron and Giacchi 1985, 1987; Giacchi and Coscaron 1986, 1989; Coscaron et al. 2003), where adults, immature stages and eggs were redescribed. Berg in his original description characterized M. reuteri by the presence of: a transverse black stripe crossing the middle of chorion, the apex of the clavus, and the stripes situated on the middle of anterior and median femora and on the ante- rior middle of posterior femora, which are testaceous on the forelegs and red on the latter (". . . la faja transversal negra que pasa por el medio del corion y el apice del clavo, y por la cinta de los femures, situada en el medio de los anteriores e intermedio, y algo adelante del medio en los femures posteriores, la cual en los primeros es de color testaceo y en los ultimos de un rojo vivo"). Based on the examination of the holotype, deposited in the Museo de La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) and on additional conspecifics, we redescribe Micmtomus reuteri (Berg) and important characters omitted in the original des- cription. 1 Received on July 14, 2004. Accepted on November 4, 2004. : DivisicSn Hntomologia. Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n". 1900, La Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mails: cecimelo(« netverk.com. ar and coscaronto netverk.com.ar, respectively. Mailed on March 15, 2005 250 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS METHODS We worked with specimens from the collections of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York, U.S. A; Institute Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (IOC); Fundacion Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Argentina (FML); Museo Argentine de Ciencias Naturales (MACN), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata (MLP), La Plata, Argentina. Morphological characters were observed with a Wild-M5 stereomicroscope. Illustrations were done with a drawing tube attachment. The measurements of body parts are given in millimeters. Microtomus reuteri (Berg, 1879) Figs. 1-8 Hammatocerus cinctipes: Berg, 1879 (nee Stal), Anal. Soc. Cient. Arg., 7: 159. Hammatocerus Reuteri Berg, 1879, Hem. Arg., 9: 23; Lethierry and Severin, 1896, Cat. Gen. Hemipt., 3: 143; Berg, 1884, Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent., 17: 191. Microtomus reuteri Stichel, 1926, Deut. Ent. Zeits., 6: 180, 184. Microtomus fasciatus and/ nigra Stichel, 1926, Deut. Ent. Zeits., 6: 181, 186, 187. Microtomus reuteri Costa Lima, 1935, Anais Acad. Bras. Cien., 7: 320; Wygodzinsky, 1949, Inst. Med. Reg. Tucuman, Monografia 1: 52; Maldonado Capriles, 1990, Carib. J. Sci., p 158; Coscaron, 1998, Rev. Mus. La Plata, 31:6. Fig. 1. Microtomus reuteri Berg, general aspect, dorsal. Vol. 115. No. 5, November & December 2004 251 Redescription. Body compressed dorsoventrally, color dark brown (fig. 1 ). Total length 16.20-19.62 (mean =; 17.37). Head cylindrical and elongate, with abundant granulations and setae (fig. 2). Length 2.41-2.79 (mean = 2.62), width 2.41-2.85 (mean = 2.64). Anteocular region much longer than postocular one. Eyes very prominent and lateral, with black and golden spots, reduced posterior- ly. Behind them, close to the neck, light brown areas. Width of eyes 0.63-0.76 (mean = 0.70). Length of interocular space 1 .0 1 - 1 .20 (mean = 1.15). Ocelli pres- ent between eyes, color light brown. Before them, two triangular light brown areas are present without granulations or setae. Rostrum curved, brown, except distal portion of each segment light brown or reddish brown, with abundant setae ventrally. In some specimens, first segment with external longitudinal light brown stripe. Length 20.9-3.04 (mean == 2.70). Ratio of length of segments ca. 1:0. 75:0. 58. Antenna inserted at middle of anteocular region. Antenna color dark brown, setose. Length 7.79. Ratio of length of segments ca. 1:9.09:3.43: 2.73. Second segment with 18-20 pseudosegments. Neck dark brown, without granulations or setae. Thorax dark brown, with granulations and setae. Length 3.80-4.56 (mean = 4.34), width 4.43- 5.32 (mean = 4.89). Humeral angles of pronotum with short protuberances. Scutellum with granulations and setae. Legs with abundant setae and granulations, more conspicuous on fore and middle legs, color dark brown, except a pale laterally interrupted band on middle of femora. Femora I and II enlarged in middle part. Tibia brown or reddish brown, very setose. Spongy fos- sula present on tibia I and II. Tarsi brown, with setae. Hemelytra dark brown, except yellowish-white spots on chorion and clavus (fig. 1 ). In males, hemelytra reach posterior border of abdomen, being shorter in females. Length of hemely- tra 10.13-12.53 (mean = 11.22). Abdomen dark brown, setose, without granula- tions. Males with setose area in central part of segments 3 and 4. Length 8.36- 9.87 (mean = 8.94), width 5.44-6.96 (mean = 6.19). Connexivum dark brown with a colored area on every segment (fig. 1 ). Color varies from yellowish white to reddish light brown; with setae but without granulations. Male: Figs. 3-4. Pygophore (fig. 3) subrounded with sparse long setae; para- meres (fig. 4) curved, acute distally, with abundant long setae medially in the external surface; Female: Figs. 5-6. Gonocoxite VIII (fig. 5) with abundant short and sparse long setae; gonapophysis VIII (fig. 5) with six setae distally; gonocoxite IX (fig. 6) with long setae. Distribution. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay. 252 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1 mm 0.5mm 2 mm /^\Y:\\\ />/ \\vX^ 2 mm 2 mm Figs. 2-8. Microtomus renter/ Berg. 2. head, lateral view; 3-4. male genitalia: 3. pygophore, lateral view, 4. paramere; 5-6. female genitalia: 5. gonocoxite and gonapo- physis VIII; 6. gonocoxite IX. 7-8. Hcmelytra: 7. female from Cordoba, Argentina; 8. male from Misiones, Argentina. Vol. 1 1 5, No. 5, November & December 2004 253 Material Examined: Holotype male, ARGENTINA: Misiones, n° 1547 (MLP). ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: If, Escobar, V-1949, Wygodzinsky coll., IMR 802 (FML); 2m If, Campana, VIII- 1956, (AMNH); If, 14-1-1909, n° 5653, Ronderos det. (MACN); If, Delta, INTA, 9-15-1-1978, Bachmann coll. (MACN). Cordoba: If, W.M. Davis coll., M. fasciatus H.G. Barber det (AMNH); 1m, Cordoba, Rio Seco, 11-1955, Monros coll. (FML); If, Dept. Calamuchita, El Sauce, 1-1941, M.J. Viana coll. (MACN); 1m, Rio Ceballos, 1-1951, B. Juarez Heredia coll. (FML). Corrientes: If, XII- 1919, Wygodzinsky det. (AMNH); 1m, Ita Ibate, 12-1-1949, Lieberm. Dangelo coll.. Wygodzinsky det. Misiones: 1m If, P.N. Iguazii, XII-1979, Carpintero coll., Carpintero det. (MACN); Salta: 1m, Tartagal, 10-1-1957, Willink coll., Wygodzinsky det.(FML). Sunta Fe: If, Florencia, 27-VI-1932, en poste de corral de ovejas y cabras, n° 25891, Mision de Estudios de Patologia Regional, Jujuy (IOC); If, Lanteri, 7-1-1946 (AMNH). BOLIVIA: If, Prov. Sara, Steinbach, H.G. Barber det. (AMNH). BRAZIL: Goias: 2f, XII- 1933, Leopoldo Bulhoes, R. Spitz coll., em pau podre, n° 2198, Costa Lima det. (IOC). Sao Paulo: If, Sao Paulo, Anhemby, R. Tiete, I- 10, n° 4028, Costa Lima det. (IOC); 1m, Otto One Ler?, 4-II-1922, n° 4029 (MLP); If 1m, Franca, O. Dreher leg.; If, Tiememgasap? Costa Lima det. No certainty in procedence: If, n° 2199, Costa Lima det. (IOC); If, Ronderos det. (MACN); If, n° 526 (FML)." DISCUSSION Microtomus reuteri is easy to distinguish by the coloration pattern of hemely- tra, very different to other species where the pale portion is more expanded as in M. luctuosus, M. cinctipes, M. purcis, M. conspicillaris or it is very reduced as in M. lunifer, M. pintoi and M. tibialis. It is closely related to M. gayi and M. pes- soai, they have 5-7 setae on gonapophysis VIII in females. We agree with Berg's comments in that the diagnostic character is the coloration pattern of hemelytra; although we observed two exceptions: in one specimen from El Sauce, Dept. Calamuchita (Cordoba, Argentina) where the basal part of hemelytra is dark brown (fig. 7), and one specimen from Iguazii (Misiones, Argentina) where the pale areas are connected meddialy (fig. 8). In this species there is no variation in the pattern of the connexivum as it is in M. conspicillaris, M. cinctipes and M. tibialis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to acknowledge the anonymous reviewers that improved this manuscript. This work was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas PIP n" 545-98 (CONICET), and the National Geographic Foundation grant n° 7104-01. LITERATURE CITED Coscaron, M. C. and J. C. Giacchi. 1987. Revision de la subfamilia Microtominac. III. Micro- tomus conspicillaris (Drury,1782) (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Physis. Revista de la Soeiedad Argentina de Ciencias Naturales (Buenos Aires) Seccion C. 45: 59-65. Coscaron, M. C. and J. C. Giacchi. 1985 (1987). Revision de la subfamilia Microtominac (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). I. Microtomus lunifer (Berg). Revista de la Soeiedad Entomologica Argentina 44: 243- 250. Coscaron, M. C., M. C. Melo, and IN. Cuello. 2003. Synonymizing Microtomus sticheli Costa Lima, 1935 under A/, tihiulis Stichel, 1 926 and redcscription of the species. (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Zootaxa 288: 1-6. 254 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Costa Lima, A. da. 1835. Genero Microtomus Illiger, 1807 (Reduviidae: Microtominae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 7 (4): 315- 323. Giacchi, J. C. and M. C. Coscaron. 1986. Revision de la subfamilia Microtominae. II. Microtomus purcis (Drury, 1872), M. luctuosiis (Stal, 1854) y M. cinctipes (Stal, 1858). Physis. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias Naturales (Buenos Aires) Seccion C 44: 103- 1 12. Giacchi, J. C. and M. C. Coscaron. 1989 (1992). Revision de la subfamilia Microtominae. IV. Microtomus gavi (Spinola, 1852) y M. pessoai Lent y Juarez 1956 (Heteroptera, Reduviidae). Physis Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias Naturales ( Buenos Aires) Seccion C. 47: 67- 71. Maldonado Capriles, J. 1990. Systematic Catalogue of the Reduviidae of the World (Insecta: Heteroptera). Caribbean Journal of Science (Special Edition). 694 pp. Maldonado Capriles, J. and J. A. Santiago-Blay. 1991. Classification of Homalocoris (Heter- optera: Reduviidae: Hammacerinae), with the description of a new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 93:703-708. Schuh, R. T. and J. A. Slater. 1995. True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Classifi- cation and Natural History. Comstock Publishing Associates. Cornell University Press. Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. 336pp. Vol. 115. No. 5, November & December 2004 255 TAXONOMIC AND BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON LEISTOTROPHUS VERSICOLOR (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE) FROM MEXICO1 Juan \l:n i|in / and Julieta Asiain: ABSTRACT: Taxonomic information and illustrations of habitus and aedeagus are included to iden- tify Leistotwphus versicolor (Gravenhorst 1806). Geographic distribution and field observations in Mexico are included, based on specimens from six collections, fieldwork, and bibliography. KEY WORDS: Leistotrophits versicolor, Staphylinidae, taxonomy, biology, geographic distribution, Mexico The biology of the rove beetle, Leistotrophus versicolor (Gravenhorst 1806) has been studied in Costa Rica (Alcock and Forsyth 1988, Forsyth and Alcock 1990a, b). The previous studies report sexual dimorphism, with males having longer bodies and mandibles (Fig. 1 ); however, some males with small body size may be engaged in "female mimicry" to reduce aggressive behavior from larger males and as a strategy to gain access to females. The large males show resource defense, repelling aggressively other males and increasing their opportunities for access to females in search of alimentary resources. The resources defended by L. versicolor reported in previous studies are carcasses, dung, and decaying fruits. Furthermore, proximity to these resources permits the beetle to wait for prey, particularly adult flies (Forsyth and Alcock 1990a). Biological knowledge of L. versicolor is remarkable as compared to other sta- phylinids, but is based only on limited studies from sites in Costa Rica (Mon- teverde); no additional information has been reported for other sites from their widespread distribution (tropical and subtropical forest from Mexico to Argen- tina). In Mexico, the study of staphylinids has received a considerable impulse with the recent work by Navarrete-Heredia et al. (2002), where L. versicolor is record- ed for the first time for the Mexican states of Chiapas, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, and Tamaulipas (previous records were restricted to Veracruz). New records were also reported for Belize, El Salvador, and Hon- duras. All records given by Navarrete-Heredia et al. (2002) are at state level for Mexico, and at country level for sites outside Mexico, thus making it difficult to know more precisely the geographic distribution of the species. Furthermore, no taxonomic information is included to identify the species. Our goal is to contribute to the biological knowledge of L. versicolor in Mex- ico, including taxonomic information, illustrations, geographical distribution, and biological observations in the field. 1 Received on September 2, 2004. Accepted on November 9, 2004. 2 Laboratorio dc Sistematica Animal, Centre de Investigaciones Hiologicas. I Al II Apurtudo postal 1-69, Plaza Juarez, Pachuca. Hidalgo, Mexico, CP 42001. F-mails: jmarquez@uaeh.reduaeh.mx, asiainae(o!yahoo.com, respectively. Mailed on March 15. 2005 256 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS METHODS Taxonomic information is based on Navarrete-Heredia et al. (2002) and Mar- quez et al. (2004). Distribution records were obtained from the literature (Sharp 1884, Blackwelder 1944, Forsyth and Alcock 1990a, b, Herman 200 1 , Navarrete- Heredia et al. 2002, Marquez et al. 2004) and revision of the more important staphylinid collections in Mexico (codes identify collections in the text) [Colec- cion Nacional de Insectos, Institute de Biologia, UNAM, Silvia Santiago (CNIN); Museo de Zoologia, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Juan J. Morrone (MZFC); Coleccion de Coleoptera, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Juan Marquez (CC-UAEH); Coleccion Entomologica del Institute de Ecologia, A. C., Leonardo Delgado (IEXA); Coleccion Entomologica, Centra de Estudios en Zoologia, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jose Luis Navarrete (CZUG); Coleccion Jose Luis Navarrete-Heredia (JLN)]. Photographs were taken with a digital camera attached to a microscope. We took several measurements of the specimens with a scale attached to the microscope; we considered only the specimens deposited in CC-UAEH and MZFC collections because the individuals are adequately pinned. Specimens in other collections are pinned with the abdomen contracted and the head in a posi- tion that makes it difficult to measure. The specimens of the remaining collec- tions (except CC-UAEH and MZFC) were checked during brief visits that allowed little time to perform a morphometric analysis. Biological information is based on field observation and label data of the spec- imens analyzed. We observed and collected L. versicolor in the municipality of Tepehuacan de Guerrero, near the town of Chilijapa in the state of Hidalgo (N 21° 1.191', W 98° 51.812'). The site is located in the Sierra Madre Oriental bio- geographic province, which includes tropical forest at low altitude (near 1000 m) and cloud forest at high altitude (1300 m or more), with several degrees of human perturbation. Field work lasted for three days (June 21 to 23, 2004), with visits to several sites, collecting directly and with carrion, fruit, interception flight, and light traps. TAXONOMIC NOTES Leistotrophus versicolor (Gravenhorst 1806) (Fig. 1) Staphylinus versicolor Gravenhorst 1806: 119. Generic Diagnosis: anterior angles of pronotum prominent and acute; translucent postcoxal process of pronotum a narrow flange; mesosternum with complete mid-longitudinal carina; mouthparts directed more ventrally than ante- riorly (Navarrete-Heredia et al. 2002). Species Diagnosis: total body length 15-27 mm; black, with reddish brown setae at pronotum and elytra, and yellow setae at abdomen, especially at fifth and sixth visible segments; dorsal surface rugose; antennae slender, with first five segments long and remaining segments transverse; head conspicuously wide; mandibles from twice as long as head (mainly in males) to similar length as head Vol. 115. No. 5, November & December 2004 257 (mainly in females); pronotum shorter and narrower than head and elytra, with punctures at anterior angles; lateral margin of elytra carinate; legs with red and black spots; aedeagus as in figure Ic-d (Marquez et al. 2004). Leistotrophus patriarchicus Scudder 1876 is a fossil species known from the U.S.A. No others species are known for this genus (Herman 2001 ). (I Figure 1. Leistotrophus versicoloi; dorsal view of: a, male; b, female. Drawing of aedea- gus: c, dorsal view; d, lateral view (line = 0.5 mm). 258 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS .c ~ o >i fi |1IM ssl£l^| o o g, c/3 - 5 1 1~ * s 1 1 '! .a .25.8 g 3 •rT -s ^ .22 c -5 t= fe B ^ S ° o o ~ 'r -= cd f= ^ C. __ - S C- g ^ _1 c. ca l! 266 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 28 27 Figs. 7-28. Mirollia. 7-13, M. bispinosa sp. n. (7-11, holotype); 14-22, M. hainani sp. n. (14-20, holotype); 23-28, M. yunnani sp. n. Left male cercus (7, 14, 23) and its apical part (8) from above; distal part of male genital plate from below-behind (9, 15, 24); male gen- italia from above (10, 16, 25), from side (11, 17, 26), and from below (18, 27); female genital plate from below (12, 21) and from side (13, 22); structures of male genitalia: upper medial lobe (19) and apex of lower medial lobe (20) from above, apical part of lat- eral lobe from below-behind (28). Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 267 Measurements (length in mm): Body: male, 14-17, female 18; body with wings: male 29-32, female 32; pronotum: male 3.8-4.2, female 4.5; legmen: male 22-24, female 24; hind femur: male 12-13, female 13; ovipositor 6. Differential diagnosis: Miwllia bispinosa is most similar to M. quadripunc- tata Ingrisch, M. beybienkoi Gorochov, and M. caligata Ingrisch, but it differs from those in the size, shape, and position of apical spines of lateral genital lobes of male. From M. formosana Shiraki, this new species is distinguished by the other coloration of scape (not reddish brown), the presence of numerous dark dots on pronotum, and the absence of any tubercles on inner side of male cereal base; from M. mfonotata Mu, He and Wang, it differs in the absence of any red spots on lateral pronotal lobes (it has only blackish brown dots on upper part of pronotum), the shorter tegmina of female, and the somewhat other shape of female genital plate. Mirollia hainani, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 2, 14-22) Type Data: Holotype. Male, CHINA: HAINAN ISLAND: Jianfengling, 14.X.1983, coll. Chen Peizhen (IZCAS). Paratypes, CHINA: HAINAN IS- LAND: 1 male, 1 female, Jianfengling, 27. 1 V.I 983 (male) and 19.VI.1983 (female), coll. Gu Maobin (IZCAS); 1 male, Ledong, 26. VIII. 1984, coll. Lin Youdong (IZCAS); 1 male, Qiongzhong, 8. VII. 1984, coll. Lin Youdong (IZCAS); 1 female, Tongshen, 340 m, 26.111.1960, coll. Li Changqing (IZCAS); 1 female, Yinggen, 200 m, 5. V.I 960, coll. Li Changqing (IZCAS). Description: Male (holotype). Very similar to previous species (M. bi- spinosa) in general appearance including size, shape of body, and coloration, but dark parts of antennae somewhat smaller, pronotum with only a pair of dark dots on fore half of disc, and stridulatory vein of upper tegmen almost dark brown. Rostrum slightly S-shaped, almost as in M. foliolum Gorochov (Gorochov, 1999, Fig. 97); lateral ocelli medium-sized. Tegmina and hind wings almost as in M. bispinosa (Fig. 2); R with 2 branches on RS and 3 more or less distinct branches on RA in both tegmina. Cerci rather long, but not very thin, strongly curved and with large apical hook (Fig. 14); genital plate with shape of its nar- row part as in Fig. 15 (this part with deep, but not very narrow, hind notch). Genitalia (Figs. 16-18) with rather short and curved lateral lobes provided with denticles on apical part; medial genital lobes well divided into short upper addi- tional lobes [these additional lobes with denticles on apical parts and on proxi- mal medial projections of these lobes (Fig. 19)] and longer and rather narrow lower additional lobes [latter lobes with rounded apex denticulated along its hind edge above (Fig. 20)]. Variation: Occasionally, shape of rostrum almost as in M. bispinosa, and stridulatory vein of upper tegmen somewhat lighter than in holotype. Female: General appearance and lateral part of tegmina as in male, but with- out dark spot on dorsal part of upper tegmen. Apical part of genital plate with a pair of somewhat deeper (than in M. bispinosa} hind notches; hind unpaired 268 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS median projection of this plate somewhat shorter than hind lateral projections (Figs. 21, 22); ovipositor indistinguishable from that of previous species. Measurements (length in mm): Body: male 13-17, female 16-18; body with wings: male 25-28, female 30-32; pronotum: male 4-4.4, female 4.3-4.5; tegmen: male 19-21, female 23-25; hind femur: male 11-13, female 12-13; ovipositor 5.3- 5.7. Differential diagnosis: This new species is more or less similar to M. cari- nata (Haan), M. proxima Gorochov, M. javae Gorochov, M. ranongi Gorochov, M. hexapinna Ingrisch, M. bigemina Ingrisch, M. hamata Ingrisch, and M. ros- tellum Gorochov, but M. hainani differs from them in the deeper apical notch of male genital plate, the shape of male cerci, and the details of male genitalia (Figs. 19,20). Mirollia yunnani, NEW SPECIES ' (Figs. 3, 23-28) Type Data: Holotype, male, CHINA: YUNNAN PROVINCE: Changyuan, 1010 m, 16. V.I 980 (collector unknown) (IZCAS). Description: Male (holotype). Similar to M. hainani in size, structure of body and wings, as well as details of coloration, but rostrum as in M. bispinosa, cerci with small apical hook (Fig. 23), genital plate with not deep and not narrow hind notch (Fig. 24), and genitalia as in Figs. 25-27: their lateral lobes rather short and with narrow denticulated apex (Fig. 28), their medial lobes divided into upper denticulated processes (partly fused with proximal part of lateral lobes) (Fig. 25) and longer and narrow lower additional lobes not denticulated and directed medially (Fig. 27). Measurements of male (length in mm): Body 15; body with wings 31; pronotum 4.5; tegmen 23; hind femur 12. Female unknown. Differential diagnosis: This new species is very similar to M. carinata (Haan) and partly similar to M. bigemina Ingrisch in the shape of distal part of male genital plate, but M. yunnani is well distinguished from them in the other structure of male genitalia and shape of male cerci. Mirollia angmticerca, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 4, 29-33) Type Data: Holotype, male, CHINA: HAINAN ISLAND: Jianfengling, 28. IV. 1983, coll. Gu Maobin (IZCAS). Description: Male (holotype). Size and general shape of body similar to pre- vious species. Coloration light brownish (almost yellow) with a pair of small brown spots behind eyes, spotted antennae (including scape), several dark (black- ish) dots on upper part of pronotum (including a pair of larger dots on fore half of disc and 6 distinct dots along its hind edge), darkish small marks near auditory organ and in place of articulation of femora with tibiae, large brown spot on dor- Vol. 115, No. 5, November & December 2004 269 39 38 Figs. 29-39. Mirollia and Stictophaula. 29-33, M. angusticerca sp. n.; 34-39, S. sinica sp. n. Left male cercus from above (29, 34); distal part of male genital plate from below- behind (30) and from below (35); male genitalia from above (31, 36) and from side (32, 37); apical part of lateral lobe of male genitalia from side and slightly below (33); female genital plate from below (38); ovipositor and genital plate from side (39). sal part of upper tegmen including stridulatory vein (this spot occupies this part almost completely), and several small dark spots on different places of tcgmina and lower side of hind tibiae. Tegmina with roundly angular subapical part of anal edge; R with single RS and 3 more or less distinct branches on RA in both teg- mina; hind wings as in all previous species. Cerci long and thin, well curved, with small apical hook (Fig. 29); genital plate with distal part almost as in M. hainani, but its lateral apical lobes slightly longer and narrower (Fig. 30). Genitalia with long lateral lobes (Figs. 31, 32); their distal part rounded and denticulated (Fig. 33); medial genital lobes also rounded, not divided and not denticulated (Fig. 31). 270 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Measurements of male (length in mm): Body 14; body with wings 29; pronotum 4.5; tegmen 22; hind femur 12.5. Female unknown. Differential diagnosis: Mirollia angusticerca is similar to M. longipinna Ingrisch in the long denticulated lobes of male genitalia, but it well differs from this Indian species in the shape of male genital plate and above-mentioned gen- ital lobes. Mirollia composita Bey-Bienko, 1962 (Fig. 5)' Material Examined: CHINA: YUNNAN PROVINCE: 1 male, 1 female, Xishuangbanna, Mengla, 620-650 m, 5. V- 10. VI. 1959, coll. Li Xiaofu (IZCAS); 1 male, 1 female, Xishuangbanna, Menghun, 1200-1400 m, 25.V-14.VI. 1958, coll. Meng Xuwu and Zhang Yiran (IZCAS); 2 males, 1 female, Xishuangbanna, Damenglong, 650 m, 10-21. IV. 1958, coll. Meng Xuwu, Pu Fuji and Hong Chunpei (IZCAS); 1 female, Xishuangbanna, Yiwu, 800-1300 m, 11. V.I 959, coll. Li Xiaofu (IZCAS). Description of female (nov.): Very similar to female of M bispinosa and M. hainani, but coloration of pronotum as in M. hainani, rostrum of head and geni- tal plate practically indistinguishable from those of M bispinosa. Lateral part of tegmina in all these specimens with 2 branches on RS and 3 more or less distinct branches on RA (as in male from Fig. 5); sometimes, this part of tegmina with sparse dark dots or very small spots. Measurements of female (length in mm): Body 16-19; body with wings 30- 35; pronotum 4-4.3; tegmen 21-25; hind femur 12-13.5; ovipositor 5.5-6. Genus Stictophaula Hebard, 1922 Stictophaula sinica, NEW SPECIES (Figs. 6, 34-39) Type Data: Holotype, male, CHINA: YUNNAN PROVINCE: Xishuang- banna, Xiaomengyang, 850 m, 24.X.1957, coll. Zang Lingchao (IZCAS). Para- types. CHINA: YUNNAN PROVINCE: 3 females, same data as holotype, but 25-28.X.1957 and 6.IX.1958, coll. Zang Lingchao and Wang Shuyong (IZCAS); 1 female, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, 620-650 m, 15. VI. 1958, coll. Pu Fuji (IZCAS). Description. Male (holotype). Structure of body and size typical of this genus. Coloration green with rather sparse small dark dots on upper part of pronotum, numerous somewhat larger blackish dots on fore femora (these dots form 4 more or less distinct spots on upper part of femora) and near auditory organ (on fore tibiae), black small lower spines of fore femora, dark brown spot on proximal half of dorsal part of both tegmina, and sparse small dark spots in different places of lateral part of tegmina. Mirror of lower tegmen developed, but small and triangular, similar to that of S. gialaiensis Gor., S. daclacensis Gor., and S. thaiensis Gor. (Gorochov, 1999: Figs. 1, 3, 5); R with 2 branches on RS Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 271 and 2 distinct branches on RA (Fig. 6); hind wings clearly longer than tegmina. Cerci with hooked apical part; lateral apical lobes of genital plate with slight (but distinct) almost angular medial projections (Fig. 35). Median process of genitalia with curved and comparatively thin sclerite provided with rather numerous dis- tal denticles; upper part of this process membranous (excepting its apex) (Figs. 36, 37). Female. Similar to male, but dorsal part of tegmina with very small dark spot at base of its lateral edge only. Genital plate short, triangular, with hardy trun- cated apex (Fig. 38); ovipositor as in Fig. 39. Measurements (length in mm): Body: male 22, female 21-24; body with wings: male 46, female 46-48; pronotum: male 5.5, female 5.8-6.3; tegmen: male 36, female 37-39; hind femur: male 20.5, female 21-22; ovipositor 8.5-9.5. Differential diagnosis: Stictophaula sinica is similar to S. armata Ingrisch and S. grigorenkoi Gorochov in the shape of male genital plate and sclerite of male genitalia, but the hind median notch of this plate is less narrow, the hind lat- eral lobes of this plate with distinct or more distinct medial projections, and the above-mentioned genital sclerite is narrower than in S. armata (and without basal bend characteristic of this species) and distinctly wider than in S. grigorenkoi (Ingrisch, 1994, Figs. 1-8; Gorochov, 1999, Figs. 76-80). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Miss. Liu Chunxiang for her big technical assistance. This work was support- ed by the foundation "Lujiaxi Academic Exchange Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. LITERATURE CITED Bey-Bienko, G. V. 1957. Tettigonioidea (Orthoptera) of Yunnan. Results of Chinese-Soviet zoo- logical-botanical expeditions to South-Western China 1955-1956. Entomologicheskoje Oboz- renije 36(2):401-417. [In Russian, with English Summary] Bey-Bienko, G. Y. 1962. Results of Chinese-Soviet zoological-botanical expeditions to South- western China 1955-1957. New or less-known Tettigonioidea (Orthoptera) from Szechuan and Yunnan. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 30: 110-138. [In Russian, with English Summary] Gorochov, A. V. 1999. New and little known katydids of the genera Stictophaula. Arnobia, and Mirollia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from South-East Asia. Russian Entomo- logical Journal 7 (1-2): 1-14. Gorochov, A. V. 2()()3a. A New species and a new subspecies of Stictophaula from Java (Orthop- tera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). Zoosystematica Rossica 11(2): 372. Gorochov, A. V. 2003b. A new species of Mirollia Stal from Philippines (Orthoptera:Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). Zoosystematica Rossica 12(1): 28. Hehard, M. 1922. Studies in Malayan, Melanesian and Australian Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 74:121-299. Ingrisch, S. 1990. Zur Laubheuschrecken Fauna von Thailand (Insecta: Saltatoria: Tettigoniidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 70(1/3): 89-138. 272 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Ingrisch, S. 1994. Drei neue Arten der Gattung Stictophaula Hebard 1922 aus Thailand (Ensifera: Phaneropteridae). Entomologische Zeitschrift (Essen), 104 (13): 245-264. Ingrisch, S. 1998. Neue taxa der Mirolliini aus Sudost-Asien (Ensifera: Tettiginioidea: Phanerop- teridae). Entomologische Zeitschrift (Essen) (3): 85-104. Ingrisch, S. and M. S. Shishodia. 1998. New species and records of Tettigoniidae from India (Ensifera). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 71: 355-371. Ingrisch S. and M. S. Shishodia. 2000. New taxa and distribution records of Tettigoniidae from India (Orthoptera: Ensifera). Mitteilungen der Miinchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 90: 5- 37. Karny, H. H. 1925. List of some Katydids (Tettigoniidae) in the Sarawak Museum. Sarawak Museum Journal 3(8):35-53. Karny, H. H. 1926. Beitrage zur Malayischen Orthopterenfauna XIII. Die Scaphurinen des Buiten- zorger Museums. Treubia 9: 12-151. Mu F., T. He, and Y. Wang. 1998. A new species of family Phaneropteridae (Orthoptera: Tettigon- ioidea). Entomotaxonomia 20(4): 245-247. Shiraki, T. 1930. Some new species of Orthoptera. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 20: 327-355. Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 273 FIRST HOST RECORD FOR PTEROMALUS CARDUI (HYMENOPTERA: PTEROMALIDAE) ON UROPHORA QUADRIFASCIATA (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) IN SPOTTED KNAPWEED (CENTAUREA BIEBERSTEINII, ASTERACEAE) IN MICHIGAN, U.S.A.1 Jordan M. Marshall,2-' Roger A. Burks,4 and Andrew J. Storer ABSTRACT: An association between the biological control agent Urophoru quadrifasciata and a parasitoid, Ptemmahts canlui. was found within seed heads of spotted knapweed (Centaurea bieber- steinii) in Michigan, U.S.A. There was a significant correlation between the percentage seed heads with U. quadrifasciata emerging and those with P. curdui emerging. This parasitoid might reduce the already limited effectiveness of U. quadrifasciata in controlling spotted knapweed. KEY WORDS: Pteromalus cardui, Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae, Urophora quadrifasciata, Diptera, Tephritidae, spotted knapweed, Centaurea hierherteinii. Asteraceae, Michigan. U.S.A. Classical biological control of exotic pestiferous organisms involves the im- portation and release of their natural enemies, with each release intended to reduce the population size of the targeted species (e.g. Pedigo 1999, Speight et al. 1999). Prior to release of the biological control agents, host specificity tests are carried out under quarantine conditions to minimize the likelihood of the agent having unacceptable impacts on nontarget species. During the quarantine period, biological control agents are sterilized to ensure the agents are not carry- ing a pathogen, parasite, or predator of their own that would result in a failure of the biological control program (APHIS-PPQ 2003). Even with such measures in place to increase the chances of a biological control agent, predators or parasites native to the release location may become problematic for the agent. Spotted knapweed, Centaurea biebersteinii de Candolle (= C. maculosa auct. non Monnet de la Marck) (Asteraceae), is considered one of the most economi- cally destructive weeds in rangelands of western North America (Harris and Cranston 1979). It can be found throughout the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and in all Canadian provinces except the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Ecological impacts imposed by spotted knapweed include increasing sedimentation and runoff, decreasing native plant diversity, and decreasing for- age quality for grazers (Lacey et al. 1989, Kedzie-Webb et al. 2001, Olson and Wallander 2001). 1 Received on May 13, 2004. Accepted on November 12, 2004. : School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Ml 4W31, U.S.A. E-mail: (AJS): stored/ mtu.edu. 'Current Address: Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries. University of Tennessee, Knox- ville, TN 37996, U.S.A. E-mail: murshullw utk.edu. 4 Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, U.S.A. E-mail: rogerburksw yahoo.com. Mailed on March 15. 2005 274 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Urophora quadrifasciata (Meigen) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a Palearctic seed head gall fly introduced from the Krasnodar Territory, Russia, into British Columbia, Canada, in 1972 as a biological control agent for spotted and diffuse knapweed, C. diffusa Monnet de la Marck (Asteraceae) (Harris 1980a). Over the past 30 years, subsequent releases in several American states and Canadian provinces have allowed U. quadrifasciata to spread through much of the north- ern range of spotted and diffuse knapweeds (Story 2002). In addition to these releases, the dissemination of U. quadrifasciata is aided by its ability to disperse over large distances and locate remote patches of knapweed (Harris 1986, Mays and Kok 2003). It develops within seed heads by diverting energy from the plant to larval maturation by inducing gall production in the plant (Burkhardt and Zwolfer2002). U. quadrifasciata has an obligate second generation that overwinters in the seed head as late-instar larvae and emerges the following May- June (Myers and Harris 1980, Harris 1980a). A high supercooling capacity (down to -35°C) en- ables the larvae to survive at extremely low temperatures, providing an extension of suitable habitat into areas experiencing extended periods of exceptionally cold weather (Story et al. 1993). Larval mortality within spotted knapweed seed heads is often caused by direct predation by several bird and small mammal species, as well as indirect con- sumption by deer grazing on seed heads (Story et al. 1995). In April 2003, Pteromalus cardui (Erdos) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) (Dzhanokmen and Grissell 2003), a Palearctic parasitic wasp, was reared from spotted knapweed seed heads collected at locations in Houghton County, Michigan. During this time, U. quadrifasciata adults were also reared from seed heads collected from the same locations. Pteromalus cardui has been recorded from Britain, Hungary, Kazakhstan, and The Czech Republic (Graham 1969; Dzhanokmen 1987, 2001). It has been re- ported to parasitize the tephritids Tephritis dilacerata (Loew) and Ensina sonchi (Linnaeus) on Sonchus arvensis Linnaeus (Asteraceae), as well as other Tephritis spp. on Ptarmica cartilaginea Ledebour (Asteraceae) (Dzhanokmen 2001). None of these fly hosts of P. cardui have been recorded from northern Michigan (Footeetal. 1993). Following initial observations of the parasitoid emerging from spotted knap- weed seed heads, studies were undertaken to (1) develop evidence that the para- sitoid uses U. quadrifasciata as its host in spotted knapweed and (2) determine whether there is a relationship between emergence of the parasitoid and emer- gence of the seed head fly. METHODS Spotted knapweed plants were collected from 1 2 patches in Houghton County, Michigan, from 23 August to 14 November 2002, and stored at -8°C for 6 to 8 months, depending on the collection date. In April and May 2003, 660 seed heads Vol. 1 1 5. No. 5. Men cinher & December 2004 275 were randomly selected from the 12 sites and placed into vials to rear adult U. quadrifasciata and P. cardui at room temperature. Eight-dram plastic shell vials were half filled with wet sand topped with a layer of dry sand. Vials were cov- ered with cotton fabric securing a single knapweed seed head inside, and they were monitored for insect emergence every 3 to 4 days. The identity of U. quad- rifasciata adults was verified using White and Korneyev (1989) and voucher specimens (1 male and 1 female) of P. cardui have been deposited in the Insect Collection of the University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology. The proportion of seed heads from which P. cardui emerged and from which U. quadrifasciata emerged was determined for each collection site, and relation- ships between these proportions were tested using correlation analysis of arcsine transformed data (arcsinV/?) (Zar 1999). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION One hundred seventeen P. cardui adults emerged from the 660 spotted knap- weed seed heads placed in rearing. Wasps were reared from seed heads collect- ed at 9 of the 1 2 sites (Table 1 ), with the first adults emerging after 1 7 days. Fifty- four U. quadrifasciata adults also emerged from the 660 seed heads, with speci- mens reared from 8 of the 12 sites. On 9 occasions these flies emerged from the same seed head as a wasp (Table 1 ). Table 1 . Percentage of spotted knapweed seed heads from which Urophora quadrifasci- ata and Pteromalus cardui emerged alone, and those from which both U. quadrifasciata and P. cardui emerged. Seed heads were collected in Houghton County, Michigan, and insects emerged from May through July 2002 after overwintering. Site (UTM Zone 16N) No. of placed seed heads in rearing Urophora quadrifasciata Pteromalus cardui Both spp. 1 (382178, 52 19134) 50 0.0 4.0 0.0 2 (380817, 52 19287) 52 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 (380634, 52 19085) 50 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 (379830, 52 18685) 25 4.0 8.0 0.0 5 (379672, 52 19258) 25 12.0 44.0 4.0 6 (379990, 52 19550) 78 3.8 6.4 2.6 1 (380159, 52 10635) 50 0.0 12.0 0.0 8 (380549, 52 18850) 55 1.8 0.0 0.0 9 (380338, 52 18618) 97 9.3 29.9 1.0 10 (380338, 52 18618) 20 40.0 30.0 10.0 1 1 (379739, 52 18616) 49 6.1 20.4 2.0 1 2 (378375, 5221202) 109 10.1 11.9 1.8 Total 660 5.9 12.7 1.4 276 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Of seed heads that yielded at least one P. cardui, the mean number emerging was 1.26 (SE = 0.07). Of seed heads that yielded at least one U. quadrifasciata, the mean number emerging was 1.13 (SE = 0.06). Thirty-five percent of P. car- dui adults that emerged were reared from seed heads with one or more other adult P. cardui. Eleven P. cardui adults emerged from the 9 seed heads producing both U. quadrifasciata and wasps. No other insects emerged from seed heads from any of the sites. The proportion of seed heads from which P. cardui emerged at each site was con-elated with the proportion of seed heads from which U. quadri- fasciata emerged (r = 0.7270; p < 0.01 ). The fifty-four U. quadrifasciata adults emerged resulted in 0.08 viable galls/ seed head. Though Norwierski et al. (1987) described acceptable densities of U. quadrifasciata larvae as 0.5 gall/seed head, Harris (1980b) observed only 0.1 galls/seed head and reported a ninety-five percent reduction in seed production by U. quadrifasciata, in cooperation with U. affinis. This reduction in seed pro- duction is based on the assumption that each spotted knapweed plant produces an average of 416 seeds (16 seed heads/plant , x 26 seeds/seed head) (Watson and Renney 1974). A large number of seeds, 1300 to 1600 seeds/nr, are still allowed to enter the seed bank with viability of up to eight years in the soil (Harris 1980b, Davis et al. 1993). In areas where U. affinis and U. quadrifasciata co-occur, U. quadrifasciata rapidly becomes the dominant species in knapweed patches (Mays and Kok 2003). Even with U. quadrifasciata becoming well established, including areas such as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where no releases have been made, a large number of seeds are not being destroyed and densities of spotted knapweed are not being reduced (Lang et al. 1997). Such ineffectiveness has been considered a biological control failure (Myers 2000). The limited effectiveness of U. quadri- fasciata in reducing spotted knapweed seed production may be decreased further through parasitism by P. cardui. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank James A. Bethke (Department of Entomology, University of California, River- side, CA) for review of this manuscript, Eric Grissell (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Depart- ment of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC) for identification of P. cardui. and Janet M. Aerts, Brian L. Beachy, Devin M. Donaldson, Elizabeth E. Graham, and Justin N. Rosemier for field and laboratory assistance. LITERATURE CITED APHIS-PPQ. 2003. Reviewer's Manual for the Technical Advisory Group for Biological Control Agents of Weeds: Guidelines for Evaluating the Safety of Candidate Biological Control Agents. US Department of Agriculture, Marketing and Regulatory Programs 02/2003-02 PPQ. Washing- ton, D.C. 224 pp. Burkharclt, B. and H. Zwolfcr. 2002. Macro-evolutionary tradeoffs in the tephiritid genus Uro- />hora: benefits and costs of an improved plant gall. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4:61-77. Davis, E. S., P. K. Fay, T. K. Chicoine, and C. A. Lacey. 1993. Persistence of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) seed in soil. Weed Science 41:57-61. Vol. 11?. No. 5. November & December 2004 2T, D/hanokmen, K. A. 1987. Pteromalidac. pp. 88-41 1 . In. G. S. Medevedev (Editor). Keys to the In- sects of the European Part of the USSR, Vol. Ill: Hymenoptera, Part II. Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. 1341 pp. D/hanokmen, K. A. 2001. A Review of pteromalid wasps of the genus Pteromalus Swederus (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) from Kazakhstan: II. Entomological Review 80:472-496. I)/ h an ok me M. K.A. and E.E. Grissell. 2003. Nomenclatural changes in Pteromalidae. with a des- cription of the first New World species of Ormocerus Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Pro- ceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105:535-541. Foote, R. H., F. L. Blanc, and A. L. Norrbom. 1 993. Handbook of the Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephri- tidae) of America North of Mexico. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. 571 pp. Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1969. The Pteromalidae of northwestern Europe Hymenoptera: Chal- cidoidea). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Supplement 16:1-908. Harris, P. 1980a. Establishment of Urophora affinis Frfld. and U. quadrifasciata (Meig.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Canada for the biological control of diffuse and spotted knapweed. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 89:504-514. Harris, P. 1980b. Effects ofUrophom affinis Frfld. and U. quadrifasciata (Meig.) (Diptera: Tephri- tidae) on Cenmwea diffusa Lam. and C. maculosa Lam. (Compositae). Zeitschrift fur Ange- wandte Entomologie 90:190-201. Harris, P. 1986. Biological control of knapweed with Urophora quadrifasciaia Mg., Insects- Diseases-Pests, Canadex 641.613. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. 2 pp. Harris, P. and R. Cranston. 1979. An economic evaluation of control methods for diffuse and spot- ted knapweed in western Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 59:375-382. Kedzie-Webb, S. A., R. L. Sheley, J. J. Borkowski, and J. S. Jacobs. 2001. Relationships between Centaiirea maculosa and indigenous plant assemblages. Western North American Natur- alist 61 :43-49. Lacey, J. R., C. B. Marlow, and J. R. Lane. 1989. Influence of spotted knapweed (Ccntaurca mac- ulosa) on surface runoff and sediment yield. Weed Technology 3:627-631. Lang, R. F., R. D. Richard, and R. VV. Hansen. 1997. Urophora affinis and U. quadrifasciata (Diptera: Tephritidae) released and monitored by USDA, APHIS. PPO as biological control agents of spotted and diffuse knapweed. The Great Lake Entomologist 30:105-1 13. Mays, W. T. and L. T. Kok. 2003. Population dynamics and dispersal of two exotic biological con- trol agents of spotted knapweed, Urophora affinis and U. quadrifasciata (Diptera: Tephritidae), in southwestern Virginia from 1986 to 2000. Biological Control 27:43-52. Myers, J. H. 2000. What can we learn from biological control failures? pp. 151-154. In. N. R. Spencer (Editor). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds. 976 pp. Myers, J. II. and P. Harris. 1980. Distribution of Urophora galls in (lower heads of diffuse and spotted knapweed in British Columbia. Journal of Applied Ecology 17:359-367. Nornierski, R. M., J. M. Story, and R. F.. Lund. 1987. Two-level numerical sampling plans and optimal subsample si/e computations for Urophora affinis and Urophora quadrifasciata (Diptera: Tephritidae) on spotted knapweed. Environmental Entomology 16:933-937. Olson, B. F. and R. T. Wallander. 2001. Sheep grazing spotted knapweed and Idaho fescue. Journal of Range Management 54:25-30. Pedigo, L. P. 1999. Entomology and Pest Management. 3rd Edition. Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 691 pp. Speight, M. R., M. D. Hunter, and A. D. Watt. 1999. Ecology of Insects: Concepts and Applica- tions. Blackwcll Science, Oxford, England. 350 pp. 278 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Story, J. 2002. Spotted Knapweed, pp. 169-180. //;, R. V. Driesche, B. Blossey, M. Hoddle, S. Lyon, and R. Reardon (Editors). Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team FHTET-2002-04. 413 pp. Story, J. M., K. W. Boggs, W. R. Good, L. J. White, and R. M. Nowierski. 1995. Cause and extent of predation on Urophora spp. larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in spotted knapweed capitula. Environmental Entomology 24:1467-1472. Story, J. M., W. R. Good, and N. W. Callan. 1993. Supercooling capacity of Urophora affinis and U. quadrifasciata (Diptera: Tephritidae), two flies released on spotted knapweed in Montana. En- vironmental Entomology 22:831-836. Watson, A. and A. J. Renney. 1974. The biology of Canadian weeds. 6. Centaurea diffusa and C. macitlosa. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 54:687-701. White, I. M. and V. A. Korneyev. 1989. A revision of the western Palaearctic species of Urophora Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tephritidae). Systematic Entomology 14:327-374. Zar, J. H. 1999. Biostatistical analysis. 4th edition. Prentice-Hall Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 663 pp. Vol. 1 1 5. No. 5. November & December 2004 279 TWO NEW SPECIES OF RHOPALOPSOLE (PLECOPTERA: LEUCTRIDAE) FROM CHINA1 Ding Yang,1 ' VVeihai Li,: and Fang Zhir ABSTRACT: Two Chinese stonefly species of Rhopalopsole, Rh. Xui sp. n. and Rh. shimentaiensis sp. n., in the family Leuctridae are described. Their relationships with the related species are dis- cussed. Their diagnostic characteristics are discussed with closely related congeners and their habi- tat and biological data are provided. KEY WORDS: Rhopalopsole shimentaiensis, R. xni, new species, stoneflies, Plecoptera, Leuctridae, China The genus Rhopalopsole is characterized by the short subgenital plate of ster- nite 9, sclerotized lateral process of tergite 10, and long cylindrical cerci in male adults (Zwick, 1977). It is distributed in Asia with about 30 known species. Seventeen species are known in China from the studies of Wu (1949, 1973), Yang D. and Yang J. (1991, 1993, 1995a-b), Yang J. and Yang D. (1991, 1994). In the present paper, two species of Rhopalopsole from China are described as new to science. The types are deposited in the Entomological Museum of China Agricultural University in Beijing. Morphological terminology generally follows that of Zwick (1977). The major references dealing with Rhopalopsole are as fol- lows: Kawai, 1967; Jewett, 1975; Zhiltzova, 1975; Harper, 1977; Zwick, 1977. Rhopalopsole shimentaiensis NEW SPECIES (Figs. 1-5) Male: Body length 7.1-8.7 mm; forewing length 8.7-9.2 mm, hindwing length 7.2-7.5 mm. Head dark brown, slightly wider than prothorax; antennae brown; mouthparts dark brown. Thorax brown, pronotum dark brown; wings more or less brown; legs brown. Abdomen brown; hypopygium including cerci dark brown. Genitalia (Figs. 1-5). Tergite 9 weakly scleroii/ed, distinctly wider than long, its posterior margin weakly incised, with one small sclerotized mid-posterior spine. Sternite 9 basally with tonguelike vesicle bearing dense hairs and slightly longer than wide, apically with distinct subgenital plate wider than long and rounded apically. Tergite 10 with strongly sclerotized lateral process short and finger- like in lateral view, and somewhat acute apically in dorsal view; three separated and slightly sclero- tized mid-anterior sclerites, of which two lateral ones are small and narrow and median one is large and broad; one pair of weakly sclerotized mid-posterior sclerites indistinctly separated from the hemitergites. Cercus long and cylindrical, apically with black tiny spine. Epiproct slightly curved for- ward, rather wide with subtruncate apical margin. Paraproct somewhat tapering apically. Female: Unknown. Type Date: Holotype male, paratype 1 male, Guangdong, Yingde, Shimentai National Forest Park, 2003. III. 28, D. Yang. 1 Received on September 27, 2004. Accepted on November 12. 2004. ; Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University. 2 Yuanmingyuan West Road. Beijing 100094 China. E-mail: dyangcauf^ yahoo.coni.cn. 1 Key Lab of Insect Evolution & Environmental Changes, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037 China. Mailed on March 15, 2005 280 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Etymology: The species is named after the type locality Shimentai. Remarks: The new species is somewhat similar to R. apicispina Yang and Yang from Hubei, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the 9th ter- gite with a mid-posterior spine, lateral process of the 10th tergite longer, epiproct wide with truncate tip, and cercus with tiny apical spine. In apicispina, the 9th tergite has no mid-posterior spine, the lateral process of the 10th tergite is rather short, the epiproct is narrow with the pointed tip, and the cercus has no apical spine (Yang, D. and Yang, J., 1991 ). This species is collected in the mountainous area of the Shimentai National Forest Park. Adults appear in the early spring. Figs. 1-5 Rhopalopsole shimentaiensis sp. n. (male) 1, Genitalia, lateral view; 2, geni- talia, dorsal view; 3, genitalia, ventral view; 4, epiproct, posterior view; 5, paraproct, ven- tral view. Rhopalopsole xui NEW SPECIES (Figs. 6-10) Male: Body length 8.5-10.2 mm; forewing length 10.5-12.8 mm, hindwing length 9.1-1 1.6 mm. Head dark brown, slightly wider than prothorax; antennae dark brown; mouthparts dark brown. Thorax brown, pronotum dark brown; wings more or less brown; legs brown. Abdomen brown; hypopygium including cerci dark brown. Vol. 115, No. 5. November & December 2004 281 Genitalia (Figs. 6-10). Tergite 9 weakly sclerotized, distinctly wider than long, its posterior mar- gin nearly straight, with two narrow mid-posterior transverse stripes distinctly sclerotized. Sternite 9 basally with tonguelike vesicle bearing dense hairs and much longer than wide, apically with distinct subgenital plate wider than long and rounded apically. Tergite 10 with strongly sclerotized lateral spine rather thick basally and curved backward apically in lateral view and nearly straight and slight- ly directed outward apically in dorsal view; weakly sclerotized mid-anterior sclerite distinctly wider than long, which has two short obtuse lateral processes and one slightly long obtuse median process posteriorly; one pair of weakly sclerotized mid-posterior sclerites. Cercus long and cylindrical, api- cally without tiny spine. Epiproct with thin spinelike apical portion curved forward. Paraproct wide and rounded apically. Female. Unknown. Holotype male, paratype 1 male, Guangdong, Ruyuan, Nanling National Natural Reserve, 2003. III. 25, D' Yang. Etymology: The species is named after Preofessor Zaifu Xu. 10 Figs. 6-10 Rhopalopsole xui sp. n. (male) 6, Genitalia, lateral view; 7. genitalia, dorsal view; 8, genitalia, ventral view; 9, epiproct, posterior view; 10, papraproct, ventral view. Remarks: The new species is similar to R. longispina Yang and Yang from Zhejiang and R. aculeata Harper from Nepal in having the 9th tergite with one pair of sclerotized mid-posterior stripes and thin spinelike epiproct, but can be easily distinguished from longispina by the lateral spine of the 10th tergite rather thick and curved backward apically, median process of mid-anterior sclerite of the 10th tergite obtuse posteriorly, and paraproct wide and rounded apically. In longispina, the lateral spine of the l()th tergite is narrower basally and curved 282 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS upward apically, the median process of mid-anterior sclerite of the 10th tergite is pointed posteriorly, and the subanal lobe has the acute tip (Yang, C. and Yang, D., 1991). It can be easily separated from aculeata by the lateral spine of the 10th tergite rather thick and curved backward apically in lateral view and nearly straight and directed outward in dorsal view, mid-anterior sclerite of the 10th ter- gite divided into three processes posteriorly, and paraproct rather wide and rounded apically. In aculeata, the lateral spine of the 10th tergite is narrower basally and curved upward apically in lateral view and distinctly curved and directed inward in dorsal view, the mid-anterior sclerite of the 10th tergite is complete posteriorly, and the paraproct is rather narrow apically (Harper, 1977). This species is collected in the mountainous area of the Nanling National Nature Reserve. Adults appear in the early spring. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our sincere thanks are due to Professor Zaifu Xu, South China Agricultural University, Guang- dong, for his kind help in many ways during the survey to Guangdong in 2003. The research was sup- ported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30225009). LITERATURE CITED Harper, P. P. 1977. Capniidae, Leuctridae, and Perlidae (Plecoptera) from Nepal. Oriental Insects 11(1): 53-62. Jewett, S. G. Jr. 1975. Some stoneflies from Bangladesh, India and Southeast Asia. Oriental Insects 9(2): 127-134. Kawai, T. 1967. Plecoptera (Insecta). Fauna Japonica. Biogeographical Society of Japan pp. 1-211. Yang, D. and Yang, J. 1991. New species of Plecoptera from Hubei. Journal of Hubei University (Natural Science) 13(4): 369-372. Yang, D. and Yang, J. 1993. New and little-known species of Plecoptera from Guizhou Province (III). Entomotaxonomia 15(4): 235-238. Yang, D. and Yang, J. 1995a. Plecoptera: Leuctridae. pp 20-24. ///, Zhu, T. (Editor). Insects and macrofungi of Gutianshan. Zhejiang. Zhejiang Scientech Press. Hangzhou, China. 327 pp. Yang, D. and Yang, J. I995b. Plecoptera: Leuctridae. pp 61-62. //;. Wu, H. (Editor). Insects of Baishanzu Mountain, Eastern China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing, China. 586 pp. Yang, J. and Yang, D. 1991 . One new species of Rhopa lopsolc from Zhejiang. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College 8( 1 ): 78-19. Yang, J. and Yang, D. 1994. Two new species of Rhopalopsole (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from Shaanxi. Entomotaxonomia 16(3): 189-191. Wu, C. F. 1949. Sixth supplement to the stoneflies of China (Order Plecoptera). Peking Natural History Bulletin 17(4): 251-256. Wu, C. F. 1973. New species of Chinese stoneflies (Order Plecoptera). Acta Entomologica Sinica 16(2): 97-1 IX. Zhilt/ova, L. A. 1975. Rho/M/o/Kolc. a genus of Plecoptera new for the USSR (Plec., Leuctridae). Zoologicheskii Zhumal 54(2): 221-230. Zwick, P. 1977. Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 der Naturhistorischcn Museums in Basal. Entomologica Basiliensia 2: 85-134. Vol. 115. No. 5, November & December 2004 283 FURTHER RECORDS OF PHLEBOTOMID SANDFLIES (DIPTERA: PHLEBOTOMIDAE) FROM CAMPECHE, MEXICO1 E. A. Rebollar-TeMez,2 P. C. Manrique-Saide,1 E. Tun-Ku,3 A. Che-Mendoza,' and F. A. Dzul-Manzanilla1 ABSTRACT: Leishmania mexicana is endemic in southern Mexico, vectors of this parasite are phle- botomid sandflies. As part of entomological surveys carried out in the state of Campeche, we col- lected sandflies from different sites. A total of 16 species in two genera were recorded. Most of the species had been recorded previously in the state of Campeche, although in different counties. Two species; L. longipalpis and L. ylephiletor are recorded for the first time in Campeche, whilst L. undu- lata is confirmed to occur in Campeche. KEY WORDS: Phlebotomidae. Phlebotominae, Diptera, Campeche, Mexico, leishmaniasis Phlebotomine sandflies are the vectors of Leishmania parasites causing human leishmaniases (Killick-Kendrick, 1999). Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in southern Mexico is endemic and it is chiefly due to L. mexicana (Biagi). The state of Campeche is known to be an endemic area of CL (Rebollar-Tellez et al., 1996b). Knowledge of sandfly fauna is therefore an important component for un- derstanding parasite transmission in Campeche. Field studies on sandflies in Campeche have been conducted by several authors (e.g. Biagi and de Biagi, 1953, Rebollar-Tellez et al., 1996b, c and d). In spite of the importance of trans- mission of L. mexicana in Campeche, during the last five years no field studies nor collections of sandflies had been undertaken in this state. The present paper documents recent collections of phlebotomine sandflies in several foci of Cam- peche and compares them to the previous records of sandfly species in Mexico and Campeche. METHODS Collection of sandflies was conducted in several occasions from March 2001 to March 2002. Catches were carried out in five locations ("ejidos") of the state of Campeche. Locations were situated in La Libertad, (N 18°31.60' W 90°27.89') Escarcega, Dzibalche, (N 20° 19. 23' W 90° 13. 41') Calkini, "20 de Noviembre" (no coordinates available) Dos Naciones (N 17°58.40' W 89°20.74'), and La Guadalupe (N 18°20.24', W 89°28.49') Calakmul. Trapping methods included ' Received on April 23, 2004. Accepted on October 15, 2004. 2Centro de Investigaciones Regionales "Dr. Hideyo Noguchi," Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Avenida Itzaes 490, Merida, Yucatan 9700, Republica de Mexico. Fax: 52 (999) 923 6120. E-mail: rebollar@tunku.uady.mx. 1 Departamento de Zoologia, Campus de Ciencias Biologicas y Agropecuarias. Universidad Auto- noma de Yucatan, Apartado Postal 4-1 16. It/imna, Merida. Yucatan 97100. Republica de Mexico. E-mails: Pablo.Manrique-Saidetolshtm.ac.uk; etunk@espm.insp.mx; achemfa espm.insp.mx; and fdzul(« •espm.insp.mx. Mailed on March 15, 2005 284 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Shannon traps (for anthtropophilic species), light CDC traps, Disney traps (for rodentophilic species), funnel traps set at animal burrows, as well as manual cap- tures on human bait and into tree holes. Unless otherwise stated, for each collec- tion, the trapping method is indicated as Shannon, CDC, Disney, or funnel. Trap- ping effort was unequal in each location concerning the kind of used traps and days of collecting. Traps (except Shannon trap) were set before dusk and were collected at dawn. Sandflies were preserved in 8 ml glass vials containing 70 per- cent ethanol. Later in the laboratory, flies were cleared with a solution of 20 per- cent NaOH, then they were placed onto glass microscope slides and mounted in either Berlese fluid (Entomopraxis S. C., Barcelona, Spain) or DPX (Watkins and Doncaster, The Naturalists, Kent, England). Flies were identified under a light binocular microscope using the keys of Young (1979) and Young and Duncan (1994). Voucher specimens have been kept in the entomological collection of the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan with some duplicates deposited at the ento- mological collection at the Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology, School of Life Sciences, Keele University (Staffordshire, England). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 16 species in two genera were recorded in this survey. Dos Naciones was the location with the highest number of species (n= 15) followed by La Guadalupe (n= 8), however, this figure should be taken with caution as it may be due to the more frequent catches (trapping effort) of sandflies in these two sites. The species composition for each location is listed in Table 1 . Brumptomyia hamata (Fairchild and Hertig, 1947) Material Examined: 49- 12 CF. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 18 Oct 2001 (2 Cf CDC), 21 Nov 2001 (1 9 Shannon, 1 Cf CDC), 19 Jan 2002 (2 Cf CDC), 21 Jan 2002 (2 Cf CDC), La Libertad, Escarcega, 02 Nov 2001 ( 1 Cf CDC), 04 Nov 2001 (3 9 funnel trap, 4 Cf tree hole). This is the first record of the species for the county of Calakmul. This species had previously been reported in Escarcega, Campeche by Navarro-Correa (1995) and Rebollar-Tellez et al. (1996a). Brumptomyia galindoi (Fairchild and Hertig, 1947) Material Examined: 17 9, 81 Cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 (3 9, 10 rf CDC), 18 Oct 2001 (4 9, 9 Cf funnel, 3 9, 21 Cf CDC). 21 Nov 2001 (2 9 CDC), 22 Nov 2001 (2 9, 2 Cf CDC), 23 Nov 2001 ( 1 9, 1 1 CDC), 18 Jan 2002 ( 1 9, 9 Cf CDC), 19 Jan 2002 (2 9. 4 Cf CDC), 20 Jan 2002 ( I 9, 2 Cf CDC), 21 Jan 2002 (3 Cf CDC), 20 de Noviembre, Calakmul, 22 Mar 2001 (2 Cf Shannon), La Libertad, Escarcega, 02 Nov 2001 (1 Cf CDC), 04 Nov 2001 (1 Cf funnel, 4 Cf tree hole). This species had previously been reported by Navarro-Correa (1995) and Rebollar-Tellez et al. (1996a) in the county of Escarcega. This is the first report in the county of Calakmul. Ibanez-Bemal ( 1999) refers this species as B. mesai Sherlock on the basis of a shorter wing length to that which was given by Fairchild and Hertig (1947) in their original description. In addition, Ibanez- Vol. 115, No. 5, November & December 2004 285 Table 1. Known distribution of sand fly species in five sites of the counties of Calkini, Calakmul, and Escarcega, all located in the State of Campeche, Mexico. Site 1 = Dos Naciones, Site 2 = La Guadalupe, Site 3 = 20 de Noviembre, Site 4 = Dzibalche, and Site 5 = La Libertad. Species Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Brumptomyici hamata 19 79 39 5Cf B. galindoi 17973CT 2d" 6Cf Lutzomyia cniciata 20193C? 608C? 5Gf id1 70O" L. longipalpis 39 L. gomezi 39 L. ovallesi 3239 3d" 149 719 id" 39 L. serrana 29 L. deleoni 929 2Gf 69 292CT 419 8Cf L. permira Id" 3d1 L. shannoni 1409 37Cf 439 id" 19 19 269 8Cf L. wuhdata 39 id1 L. carpenteri 54931CT L. olmeca olmeca 1609 Id" 8393CT 69 120" 19 1089 L. ylephiletor 259 Id1 - L. panamensis 3459 92Cf 559 5Cf 19 Id1 195CT L. trinidadensis 3195CT Bernal (1999) points out that the Mexican specimens never possess seven or eight spines in the inner side of the gonocoxite. In this paper, we decided to adopt a more conservative position in regard of Ibanez-Bernal ( 1999) resurrection of B. mesai. We propose to maintain the name B. galindoi for the Mexican specimens until new and stronger evidence becomes available to consider B. galindoi and B. mesai as distinct species. Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) cniciata (Coquillctt, 1907) Material Examined: SS5 9- 3 cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 ( 1 9 tree hole), 18 Oct 2001 (149 Shannon. I 9 CDC), 21 Nov 2001 (56 9 Shannon. 2 9 CDC), 22 Nov 2001 (179 Shannon), 23 Nov 2001 (139 Shannon). 24 Nov 2001 ( 10 9 Shannon. 1 9 CDC), IS Jan 2002 (9 9 Shannon), 19 Jan 2002 (3 9 Shannon. 2 9 light CDC), 20 Jan 2002 (4 9 Shannon). 21 Jan 2002 (5 9 Shannon, 2 cf CDC), 22 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 24 Jan 2002 (2 9 Shannon), 25 Jan 2002 (5 9 Shannon), 26 Jan 2002 (4 9 Shannon). 25 Mar 2002 (6 9 Shannon), 26 Mar 2002 (14 9 Shannon), 27 Mar 2002 (5 9 Shannon), 28 Mar 2002 (179 Shannon), 29 Mar 2002 (X 9 Shannon). 286 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 30 Mar 2002 (1 9, 1 cf Shannon). La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 21 Oct 2001 (1 9 CDC), 22 Oct 2001 (56 9 Shannon), 6 Dec 2001 (60 9 Shannon, 1 1 9 CDC), 7 Dec 2001 (26 9 Shannon), 8 Dec 2001 (51 9 Shannon), 9 Dec 2001 (26 9 Shannon), 10 Dec 2001 (22 9 Shannon), 11 Dec 2001 (50 9 Shannon), 12 Dec 2001 (136 9 Shannon), 13 Dec 2001 (32 9 Shannon), 14 Dec 2001 (104 9 Shannon), 17 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 18 Feb 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 19 Feb 2002 (5 9 Shannon), 20 Feb 2002 (5 9 Shannon), 21 Feb 2002 (139 Shannon), 24 Feb 2002 (5 9 Shannon), 25 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon). 20 Noviembre, Calakmul, 22 Mar 2001 (5 9 Shannon), Dzibalche, Calkini, 06 Jul 2001 (1 9, human bait). La Libertad, Escarcega, 01 Nov 2001 (44 9 Shannon), 02 Nov 2001 (13 9 Shan- non, 1 9 CDC, 1 9 human bait), 03 Nov 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon, 1 9 CDC), 04 Nov 2001 (9 9 Shannon). This is the first record in the counties of Calkini and Calakmul. Lutzomyia crit- ciata is also known for the states of Quintana Roo (Cruz-Ruiz et al. 1994) and Yucatan (Rebollar-Tellez and Manrique-Saide, 2001). Ibanez-Bernal (1999) reports this species as the most widely distributed species in Mexico, occurring in 16 states in Mexico. Currently, L. cruciata continues to be one of the suspect- ed vectors of Le. mexicana in the Yucatan Peninsula and probably in other areas of Mexico. Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis (Lutz and Neiva, 1912) Material Examined: 3 9- Campeche, Dos Naciones. Calakmul, 28 Mar 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 29 Mar 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 30 Mar 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon). This is the first report of L. longipalpis for the state of Campeche. In the Yucatan Peninsula, it has been reported in the neighboring states of Yucatan and Quintana Roo (Ibanez-Bernal, 1999 for references). Lutzomyia longipalpis is the main vector of Le. infantum in the New World. Recent evidence shows that L. longipalpis is a species complex of at least three different members based on the stereochemistry of the male-sex pheromone (Hamilton et al. 1996). No Mexican specimens have hitherto been analyzed to compare the sex pheromone profiles. Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) gomezi (Nitzulescu, 1931) Material Examined: 3 9- Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 18 Jan 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 20 Jan 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 26 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon). Ibanez-Bernal (1999) reports this species from the county of Escarcega based on the works of Ramirez-Fraire (1992) and Navarro-Correa (1995). However, none of these authors seems to have deposited their specimens in an entomolog- ical collection for further comparison. Lutzomyia ovallesi (Ortiz, 1952) Material Examined: 411 9- 4 cT. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 18 Oct, 2001 (1189 Shannon, 1 9 CDC), 21 Nov 2001 (54 9 Shannon), 22 Nov 2001 (16 9 Shannon), 23 Nov 2001 (6 9 Shannon), 24 Nov 2001 (2 9 Shannon), 22 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 24 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 25 Jan 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 25 Mar 2002 (10 9 Shannon), 26 Mar 2002 (10 9- 1 Cf Shannon), 27 Mar 2002 (2 1 9 Shannon), 28 Mar 2002 (46 9 Shannon), 29 Mar 2002 (2 1 9, 1 C? Shannon), 30 Mar 2002 (15 9, 1 Cf Shannon). La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 29 Apr 2001 (1 9 CDC), 22 Oct 2001 (2 9 Shannon), 6 Dec 2001 (4 9 Shannon), 7 Dec 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon), 8 Dec 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon), 9 Dec 2001 (1 9 Shannon), 20 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 21 Feb 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 20 de Noviembre, Calakmul, 22 Mar 2001 (71 9, 1 Cf Shannon), La Libertad, Escarcega, 01 Nov 2001 (29 Shannon), 02 Nov 2001 (I 9 Shannon). Vol. 115. No. 5, November & December 2004 287 This is the first report of Lutzomyia ovallesi for the county of Calakmul. This species has been reported in the states of Quintana Roo (Ibanez-Bernal, 1999) and Campeche (Navarro-Correa, 1995). The later author reported L. ovallesi in the county of Escarcega (no specimens available). Lutzomyia ovallesi has been found infected with Le. braziliensis in Guatemala (Rowton et al., 1992). Lutzomyia serrana (Damascene and Arouck, 1949) Material Examined: 2 9. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 18 Oct 2001 (1 9 CDC), La Libertad, Escarcega 02 Nov 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon). This is the first report in the county of Calakmul. This species has been pre- viously known in Chiapas and Nayarit (Ibanez-Bernal, 1999). Navarro-Correa (1995) also listed this species in Escarcega, however there are no specimens available. Lutzomyia (Coromyia) deleoni (Fairchild and Hertig, 1947) Material Examined: 141 9, 12 cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 (2 9 CDC), 18 Oct 2001 (5 9 Shannon, 30 9 CDC, 5 9 funnel), 22 Nov 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon, 7 9 CDC), 23 Nov 2001 (2 9 Shannon, 6 9 CDC), 24 Nov 2001 (2 9 Shannon, 13 9 CDC), 18 Jan 2002 (4 9 CDC), 19 Jan 2002 (2 Cf Shannon, 6 9 CDC), 20 Jan 2002 (1 9 Shannon, 4 9 CDC), 21 Jan 2002 (4 9 CDC). La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 29 Apr 2001 ( 1 9 CDC), 6 Dec 2001 (4 9 CDC), 14 Dec 2001 (1 9 Shannon), 20 de Noviembre, Calakmul, 22 Mar 2001 (29, 1 cf Shannon), 28 Apr 2001 (1 Cf runnel), La Libertad, Escarcega, 01 Nov 2001 (3 9 Shannon, 4 9 CDC), 02 Nov 01 (6 9 Shannon, 4 9 CDC), 03 Nov 2001 (5 9, 1 cf CDC), 04 Nov 2001 (2 9 Shannon, 4 9- 3 Cf funnel, 13 9- 4 Cf tree hole). This is the first report of L. deleoni for the county of Calakmul. This species had previously been reported in the county of Escarcega by Ramirez-Fraire (1992) and by Navarro-Correa (1995) with no specimens available from either of their reports. Rebollar-Tellez et al. (1996a) also reported this species in Escar- cega and the studied material remains at the Entomological Collection of the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan Lutzomyia (Dampfomyia) permira (Fairchild and Hertig, 1956) Material Examined: 4 9 Campeche, 20 de Noviembre, 28 Oct 2001 (3 Cf funnel). La Guada- lupe, Calakmul, 21 Fob 2002 ( 1 Cf, CDC). This is the first report of I. permira in the county of Calakmul. The specimen collected in La Guadalupe has been deposited at the School of Life Sciences, Keele University. Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar, 1929) Material Examined: 2119, ^ &• Cainpeehe, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 (3 9- ' Cf Shannon, 1 9 1 Cf CDC), 18 Oct 2001 (7 9. 3 Cf Shannon), 21 Nov 2001 (42 9. 2 Cf Shannon). 22 Nov 2001 (d9. I Cf Shannon. I Cf CDC). 23 Nov 2001 (3 9 Shannon). 24 Nov 2001 (2 9 Shannon). 18 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 CDC), 19 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 CDC), 21 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 25 Mar 2002 (3 9. I Cf Shannon), 26 Mar 2002 (21 9. 3 Cf Shannon), 27 Mar 2002 (9 9, 3 Cf Shannon). 28 Mar 2002 (30 9. 17 Cf Shannon), 29 Mar 2002 (2 9- 3 Cf Shannon). 30 Mar 2002 (8 9- ' Cf Shannon). La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 22 Oct 2001 (2 9 Shannon), 6 Dec 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon, 1 9 CDC), 7 Dec 2001 288 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (7 9 Shannon), 8 Dec 2001 (5 9, 1 Cf Shannon), 9 Dec 2001 (1 9 Shannon), 10 Dec 2001 (3 9 Shannon), 11 Dec 2001 (4 9 Shannon), 12 Dec 2001 (5 9 Shannon), 13 Dec 2001 (1 9 Shannon), 14 Dec 2001 (2 9 Shannon), 17 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 18 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon), 19 Feb 2002 (2 9 Shannon), 21 Feb 2002 (2 9 Shannon), 23 Feb 02 ( 1 9 Shannon), 24 Feb 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 25 Feb 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 20 de Noviembre, Calakmul, 22 Mar 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon). Dzibalche, Calkini 06 Jul 2001 ( 1 9 human bait). La Libertad, Escarcega, 01 Nov 2001 (8 9, 5 Cf Shannon), 02 Nov 2001 (7 9, 1 Cf Shannon), 03 Nov 2001 (7 9 Shannon, 2 9, 1 Cf CDC), 04 Nov 2001 (2 9, 1 Cf Shannon). This is the first report of Lutzomyia (Dampfomyia) permira for the counties of Calkini and Calakmul. This species had previously been reported in the county of Escarcega by Ramirez-Fraire (1992), Navarro-Correa (1995) and Rebollar- Tellez et al. (1996a). According to Ibanez-Bernal (2000) the actual distribution of L. shannoni may be much greater than that which is known at present. Female L. shannoni are antropophilic and may act as secondary vector of Le. mexicana in certain areas. Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) undulata (Fairchild and Hertig, 1953) Material Examined: 4 9- Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 28 Mar 2002 (3 9 Shannon), La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 21 Feb 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon). This is the first report L. undulata for the county of Calakmul. L. undulata had been reported in the county of Escarcega by Navarro-Correa (1995), although to the best of our knowledge there are no specimens available. Lutzomyia carpenteri (Fairchild and Hertig, 1959) Material Examined: 54 9, 31 cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 (4 9 CDC), 18Oct2001 (2 9, 3 Cf CDC), 22 Nov 2001 (1 9 CDC), 24 Nov 2001 (1 9 CDC), 18 Jan 2002 (11 9 10 CT CDC), 19 Jan 2002 (21 9, 5 Cf CDC), 20 Jan 2002 (9 9, 7 cf CDC). 21 Jan 2002 (4 9, 6 tf CDC), 29 Mar 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon). According to Ibaiiez-Bernal (2000) L. carpenteri is at present known to occur in the states of Campeche, and Quintana Roo, but he does not quote the records of Ramirez-Fraire (1992), Navarro-Correa (1995) and Rebollar-Tellez et al. (1996a) from Escarcega. Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) olmeca olmeca (Vargas and Diaz-Najera, 1959) Material Examined: 35S 9- 16 Cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 (4 9 Shannon). 18 Oct 2001 (8 9 Shannon, 3 9 CDC), 21 Nov 2001 (23 9 Shannon. 1 9 CDC). 22 Nov 2001 (II 9, Shannon. 13 9 CDC), 23 Nov 2001 (9 9 Shannon, 10 9 CDC), 24 Nov 2001 (17 9 Shannon, 4 9, 1 cf CDC), 18 Jan 2002 (5 9 Shannon), 19 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 20 Jan 2002 (6 9 Shannon, 2 9 CDC), 21 Jan 2002 (7 9 Shannon. 1 9 CDC), 23 Jan 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 24 Jan 2002 (7 9 Shannon), 25 Jan 2002 (6 9 Shannon), 26 Jan 2002 (6 9 Shannon), 25 Mar 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 26 Mar 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 27 Mar 2002 (4 9 Shannon), 28 Mar 2002 (4 9 Shannon), 29 Mar 2002(1 9 Shannon). La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 21 Oct 2001 (4 9 Shannon), 22 Oct 2001 (1 9 CDC), 06 Dec 2001 (4 9 Shannon, 2 9, 2 Cf CDC), 07 Dec 2001 (6 9 Shannon). 08 Dec 2001 (4 9 Shannon), 09 Dec 2001 (4 9 Shannon), 1 1 Dec 2001 (6 9 Shannon), 12 Dec 2001 ( 1 9 Shannon), 13 Dec 2001 (5 9 Shannon), 14 Dec 2001 (5 9 Shannon), 17 Feb 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 18 Feb 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 19 Feb 2002 (8 9 Shannon), 20 Feb 2002 (5 9 Shannon). 21 Feb 2002 (7 9 Shannon), 22 Feb 2002 (4 9 Shannon), 23 Feb 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 25 Feb 2002 ( 10 9, 1 d" Shannon). 20 de Noviembre, Calakmul, 22 Mar 2002 (69, 12 Cf Shannon). Dzibalche, Calkini 06 Jul 2001 (I 9 Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 289 human bait). La Libertad, Escarcega, 01 Nov 2001 (199 Shannon), 02 Nov 2001 (42 9 Shannon), 03 Nov 2001 (9 9 Shannon, 10 9 CDC), 04 Nov 2001 (28 9 Shannon). In this paper, we report for the first time L. olmeca olmeca for the counties of Calkini and Calakmul. Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) olmeca olmeca is currently the proven vector of L. mexicana in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (Biagi et al., 1965). In Ibanez-Bernal (2000), L. olmeca olmeca is listed for the Mexican states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, and Tabasco. However, in Ibanez- Bernal (2000b) L. olmeca olmeca is listed also for the state of Campeche. In addition, L. olmeca olmeca had been reported in the county of Escarcega, Cam- peche by Ramirez-Fraire (1992), Navarro-Correa (1995) and Rebollar-Tellez et al. (1996a). Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) ylephiletor (Fairlchild and Hertig, 1952) Material Examined: 25 9- ' Cf . Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 26 Mar 2002 ( 14 9. 1 cf Shannon), 27 Mar 2002 (4 9 Shannon), 28 Mar 2002 (7 9 Shannon). This is the first report of L. ylephiletor for the state of Campeche. This species is also known in the states of Chiapas and Tabasco (Ibanez-Bernal, 2002). Female L. ylephiletor have been associated with transmission of Le. braziliemis in the neighboring country of Guatemala (Porter et al., 1987; Rowton, et al., 1991). Lutzomyia (Psychodopygus) panamensis (Shannon, 1926) Material Examined: 402 9. 103 Cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones, Calakmul, 17 Oct 2001 (21 9, 2 Cf, Shannon. 2 9. 1 cf CDC), 18 Oct 2001 (25 9, 13 Cf Shannon, 12 9, 13 cf CDC), 21 Nov 2001 (101 9, 1 Cf Shannon, 1 9, 1 Cf CDC), 22 Nov 2001 (17 9, 6 Cf Shannon, 5 9- 4 Cf CDC), 23 Nov 2001 (53 9, 16 Cf Shannon. 2 9, 10 Cf CDC), 24 Nov 2001 (6 9. 4 Cf Shannon), 18 Jan 2002 (4 9. 3 Cf Shannon. 1 9 CDC), 19 Jan 2002 (6 9, 7 Cf Shannon, 1 9 CDC), 20 Jan 2002 (12 9, 2 Cf Shannon). 21 Jan 2002 ( 10 9. 4 cf Shannon, 1 9 CDC), 22 Jan 2002 (5 9, 1 Cf Shannon). 23 Jan 2002 (4 9 Shannon), 24 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 25 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 26 Jan 2002 (169- ' 9 Shannon), 25 Mar 2002 ( 1 9 Shannon), 26 Mar 2002 (6 9. 1 cf Shannon), 27 Mar 2002 (4 9 Shan- non), 28 Mar 2002 (3 9. 1 cf Shannon), 29 Mar 2002 (3 9 Shannon), 30 Mar 02 ( 1 9 Shannon), La Guadalupe, Calakmul, 22 Oct 2001 (23 9, 5 Cf Shannon), 6 Dec 2001 (2 9 Shannon, 1 cf CDC), 7 Dec 2001 (6 9 Shannon). 8 Dec 2001 (6 9 Shannon), 9 Dec 2001 (2 9 Shannon). 10 Dec 2001 (3 9 Shannon). 1 1 Dec 2001 (2 9 Shannon). 12 Dec 2001 (4 9 Shannon), 13 Dec 2001 (3 9 Shannon), 14 Dec 2001 (I 9 Shannon), 19 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon). 21 Feb 2002 (1 9 Shannon). 20 de Noviembre, Calakmul. 22 Mar 2001 ( 1 9- I Cf Shannon). La Libertad, Escarcega, 01 Nov 2001 (1 9, 1 Cf Shannon. 1 Cf CDC), 02 Nov 2001 (2 Cf Shannon, 1 Cf CDC). This is the first record of L. panamensis in the county of Calakmul. This species had also been reported in the county of Escarcega and in the state of Quintana Roo (Ibanez-Bernal, 2000b). Female L. panamensis have been found naturally infected with flagellates (probably L. braziliensis) in Tikal, Guatemala (Rowton et al., 1991). Lutzomyia trinidadensis (Nevvstead, 1922) Material Examined: 31 9- -s Cf. Campeche, Dos Naciones. Calakmul, IS Oct 2001. ( I 9 s'^'i- non, 3 9, 1 Cf CDC), 21 Nov 2001 (4 9 Shannon). 23 Nov 2001 (9 9 CDC), 24 No\ 2001 ( I 9 Shan- non, 1 9 CDC), 18 Jan 2002 (1 9, 2 Cf CDC). 19 Jan 2002 (3 9 CDC), 20 Jan 2002 ( 1 9 CDC), 21 Jan 2002 (6 9. 1 Cf CDC), 26 Mar 2002 ( I 9 Shannon), 28 Mar 2002 ( 1 Cf Shannon). 290 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS In this study L. trinidadensis is reported for the first time to the county of Calakmul. L. trinidadensis had previously been found in the county of Escarcega by Navarro-Correa (1992 This species is also known in the states of Chiapas and Yucatan (Ibanez-Bernal, 2000b), Guerrero and Morelos (Ortega-Gutierrez, 1966). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the inhabitants of the study sites for their hospitality during our field trips. The senior writer wishes to thank M.D. Abelaido Chinas for his kind support throughout the study. This investigation received financial support from the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) ID A00732. LITERATURE CITED Biagi, F. and A. M. de Biagi. 1953. Datos ecologicos de algunos flebotomus mexicanos (Diptera, Psych.) Anales del Institute de Biologia de Mexico. 24: 445-450. Biagi, F., A. M. de Biagi, and F. H. Beltran. 1966. Actividad horaria de Phlebotomus antropofilos en la Peninsula de Yucatan. Revista del Institute de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales de Mexico. 26: 73-77. Cruz-Ruiz, A. L., J. Garcia-Rejon, P. Manrique-Saide, and J. Perez-Motul. 1994. Taxonomical identification of anthropophilic species of Lutzomyiu in Quintana Roo Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico. Revista Biomedica. 5: 127-131. Fairchild, G. B. and M. Hertig. 1947. Notes on the Phlebotomus of Panama (Diptera: Psychodidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40: 610-616. Hamilton, J. G. C., R. D. Ward, M. J. Dougherty, R. Maingon, C. Ponce, E. Ponce, H. Noyes, and R. Zeledon, R. 1996. Comparison of the sex-pheromonc components of Lutzomyia longi- pulpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) from areas of visceral and atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis in Honduras and Costa Rica. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 5: 533-541. Ibanez-Bernal, S. 1999. Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) de Mexico I.- Bnnnptomyia Franca y Parrot; Lutzomyia Franca, las especies del L. (Lutzomyia) Franca y del grupo vemtcarum. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 107: 61-116. Ibanez-Bernal, S. 2000a. Psychodidae (Diptera). In, J., Llorente-Bousquets, E. Gonzalez-Soriano, and N. Papavero, (Editors) pp. 607-626. Biodiversidad, taxonomia y biogeografia de artropodos de Mexico: hacia una sintesis de su conocimiento. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Volumen II. Mexico, Distrito Federal. 676 pp. Ibanez-Bernal, S. 2000b. Los Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) de Mexico. Tesis Doctoral (Institute de Biologia). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico, Distrito Federal). 291 pp. Ibanez-Bernal, S. 2001. Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) de Mexico II. Las especies de Lutzomyiu (Coromyia) Barreto, del grupo Dclpozoi y de Lutzomvia (Dampfomyia) Addis. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 40: 17-43. Ibanez-Bernal, S. 2002. Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) de Mexico. III. Las especies de Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) Barreto, del grupo Aragoi, de L. (Trichopygomyia) Barreto, del grupo Dreishachi y de L. (Nyssomyia) Barreto. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 41 : 149-183. Killick-Kendriek, R. 1999. The biology and control of phlebotomine sand tlies. Clinics and Derm- atology 17:279-289. Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 291 Navarro-Correa, C. V. 1995. Especies de Lutzomyia spp. como vectores potenciales de leishmani- asis cutanea localizada en una region selvatica del estado de Campeche, Mexico. Tesis Biologo (Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia). Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico. 44 pp. Ortega-Gutierrez, M. 1966. Flebotomos de la Cuenca del Balsas (Diptera: Psychodidae). Tesis Biologo (Institute de Biologia). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Distrito Federal, Mexico). 79 pp. Porter, C. H., F. J. Steurer, and R. D. Kreutzer. 1987. Isolation of Leishmania mexicana mexi- caiui from Lutzomyia ylephiletor in Guatemala. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81: 929-930. Ramirez-Fraire, A. 1992. Estudio de las poblaciones de Lutzomyia spp. (Diptera: Psychodidae): su variacion mensual y actividad horaria en la Zona de la Libertad, Municipio de Escarcega, Cam- peche, Mexico. Tesis Biologo (Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia). Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico. 36 pp. Rebollar-Tellez, E. A. and P. Manrique-Saide. 2001 . New distributional record of Lutzomyia cm- data (Diptera: Phlebotomidae) in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Entomological News 112: 337- 339. Rebollar-Tellez, E. A., A. Ramirez-Fraire, and F. J. Andrade-Narvaez. 1996a. A two-year study on vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Evidence for sylvatic transmission cycle in the state of Campeche, Mexico. Memorias do Institute Oswaldo Cruz 91: 555-560. Rebollar-Tellez, E. A., F. J. Andrade-Narvaez, I. Fernandez-Salas, and F. Reyes-Villanueva. 1996b. Collections of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from mammal burrows in an area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Campeche, Mexico. Entomological News 107: 317-321. Rebollar-Tellez, E. A., F. Reyes-Villanueva, I. Fernandez-Salas, and F. J. Andrade-Nar- vaez. 1996c. Population dynamics and biting rhythm of the anthropophilic sandfly Lutzomyia cruciata (Diptera: Psychodidae) in southeast Mexico. Revista do Institute de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo 38: 29-33. Rebollar-Tellez, E. A., F. Reyes-Villanueva, I. Fernandez-Salas, and F. J. Andrade-Narvaez. 1996d. Abundance and parity rate of Lutzomyia cruciata (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an endemic focus of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis in southern Mexico. Journal of Medical Entomology 33: 683-685. Row ton, E., M. de Mata, N. Rizzo, T. Navin, and C. Porter. 1991. Vectors of Leishmania hrazilicnsis in the Peten, Guatemala. Parassitologia (Supplement) 33: 501-504. Rowton, E., M. de Mata, N. Rizzo, C. H. Porter, and T. R. Navin. 1992. Isolation of 7.i -ishmania hraziliensis from Lutzomyia ovallesi (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Guatemala. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 46: 465-468. Young, D. G. 1979. A review of the blood sucking Psychodidae flies of Colombia (Diptera: Phle- botominae and Sycoracinae). IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville. 226 pp. Young, D. G. and M. A. Duncan. 1994. Guide to the identification and geographic distribution of Lutzomviti sand flies in Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America (Diptera: Psycho- didae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute. No. 54. 881 pp. 292 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS BOOK REVIEW WHEN BUGS WERE BIG, PLANTS WERE STRANGE, AND TETRAPODS STALKED THE EARTH: A Cartoon Prehistory of Life before Dinosaurs. Hannah Bonner. 2003. National Geographic. 48 pp. ISBN 0-7922-6326-X. US$16.95. Although 94 percent of the history of life occurred before the Age of Dinosaurs, few picture books for kids tackle any portion of that unfamiliar span of earth's long story. Bonner's genuinely funny "cartoon prehistory" is the perfect format for sharing the adventure. A timeline makes clear just what's meant by "before the dinosaurs" — the book opens in the Carboniferous Period (about 355 mil- lion years ago) and ends at the close of the Permian (250 million years ago). Maps for each period show the supercontinents Gondwana and Pangaea, with today's world for comparison. In comical sidebars, TV weather reptiles announce climate change. Several panels illus- trate how lush Carboniferous vegetation became the coal burned today in power plants. That the elec- tricity in some of our homes "is really solar energy captured by plants hundreds of million of years ago," is information to astound young and old readers. Bonner's detailed drawings set the Carboniferous scene of lycopods, horsetails, and ferns as the arthropods make their appearance: scorpions, land snails, early daddy longlegs, mayflies, springtails, millipedes, spider ancestors, and palaeodictyopterans. Immense Arthropleura provide a starting point for conjecture on why "XXL model" arthropods became so big. Alongside an amusing depic- tion of modern and Carboniferous "attitudes" to cockroaches, she explains possible reasons for roach evolutionary success. As Bonner shows rather than tells where possible, her introduction to amniotes (animals that lay eggs on dry land) includes a cartoon answer to the old question — which came first, the chicken or the egg? Kids will get the picture. Comic want ads for bug-eaters and restaurant ads displaying tasty bug dishes allow young readers to quickly grasp one reason why tetrapods moved onto land, though insects aren't featured in detail in the Permian half of the book. The text is straightforward when it needs to be; excellent spreads compare the precursors of dinosaurs to today's turtles, birds, and rep- tiles, and explore the mammal-like reptiles. All of course affected by the ultimate setback on the last pages — the Permian Extinction ending the Paleozoic Era. An illustrated timeline, chart of vertebrate evolution, pronouncing glossary, and index complete this playful romp through 100 million years. Guaranteed to be enjoyed by all ages, but especially 6-12. Suzanne Mclntire, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A. E-mail: maxintire(a)comcast.net Mailed on March 15, 2005 Vol. 115. No. 5. November & December 2004 293 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION 1. Title of publication: ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 2. Date of filing: February 23, 2005 3. Frequency of issue: Bimonthly except July and August 4. Location of known office of publication: American Entomological Society, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195 U.S.A. 5. Location of the headquarters of general business offices of the publishers: 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1 195 U.S.A. 6. Name and address of the Publisher, Editor, and Business Manager: Publisher: American Entomological Society, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-1195 U.S.A. Editor: Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural His- tory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia 20560 U.S.A. 7. Owner: American Entomological Society, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania 19103-1195 U.S.A. 8. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of the total amounts of bonds, mortgages and other securities: None 9. For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at special rates: The purpose, func- tion, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for Federal income tax pur- poses have not changed during the preceding 12 months. 10. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average No. Copies Actual No. Copies oj Each Issue During Single Issue Published Preceding 12 Mouths Nearest to f-'iling Date A. Total number of copies (net press run) 596 616 B. Paid and/or requested circulation 1 . Paid/ requested outside-county mail 527 subscriptions (includes exchange copies) 2. Paid/requested inside/county mail 0 0 subscriptions (includes exchange copies) 3. Sales through dealers and carriers 0 0 4. Other classes mailed through USPS 0 0 C. Total paid and/or requested circulation [sum of H)b(l). (2), (3), and (4)] D. Free distribution by mail (samples, 14 14 complimentary, and other free) E. Free distribution outside the mail 0 0 F. Total free distribution (sum of 10D and 10E) 14 14 G. Total distribution (sum of C and F) 541 541 H. Copies not distribution (office use) I. TOTAL (sum of G and H) 596 630 J. Percent paid/requested circulation (10C/10G x 100) 97% 97% 111 certify that the statements by me above are correct and complete. t, V Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Editor Entomological News MAILING DATES FOR VOLUME 115, 2004 No. Date of Issue 1 Jan. & Feb. 2004 Pages 1-60 Mailing Date November 12,2004 2 Mar. & Apr. 2004 3 May & June 2004 4 Sept. & Oct. 2004 5 Nov. & Dec. 2004 61-120 121-180 181-240 24 1 -300 December 2 1.2004 January 19.2005 February 3, 2005 March" 15. 2005 294 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO REVIEWERS OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (VOLUME 115), TO REVIEWERS OVERLOOKED IN VOLUME 114, AND TO VOLUNTEERS Jorge A. Santiago-Blay' and Sarah E. Pivo2 We are profoundly grateful to colleagues from around the world who have generously donated their time and energy to review numerous articles. In addi- tion to those reviewers who helped with contributions published on volume 115, we have added the names of a few colleagues overlooked in the Acknowledge- ments of volume 1 14, with the parenthetical notation "volume 114." The names of all reviewers are arranged alphabetically by last name; affiliations, or address- es, follow. David Adamski - Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Agri- culture, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Anonymous (several) various affiliations Yeon Jae Bae - Department of Biology, Seoul Women's University, Seoul, Korea Richard W. Baumann Department of Zoology and Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States Harry Brailovsky - Departamento de Zoologia, Institute de Biologia, Universidad Na- cional Autonoma de Mexico. Distrito Federal. Mexico, (volume 1 14 and volume 115) Francisco Collantes - Departamento de Zoologia y Antropologia Fisica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Espana Jerome Depaquit - Faculte de Pharmacie, Universite de Reims, France Christopher H. Dietrich - Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, United States Charles Dondale Canada David A. Etnier Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Ten- nessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States Neal L. Evenhuis - Department of Natural Sciences, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hono- lulu, Hawaii, United States Victor Fet - Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia, United States Oliver Flint - Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, United States R. Wills Flowers - Department of Insect Biodiversity, Center for Biological Control, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States 1 Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Insti- tution, P.O. Box 37012 Washington, District of Columbia 20013-7012 United States. E-mail: blayj(o!si.edu. 2 Georgetown University, Washington, Distriet of Columbia 20057 United States. E-mail: sep27@ georgetown.edu. Mailed on March 15,2005 Vol. 1 1 5. No. 5. November & December 2004 295 Brian T. Forschler -- Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States David H. Funk - Stroud Center, Avondale, Pennsylvania, United States Stephen D. Gaimari - California State Collection of Arthropods, Plant Pest Diagnostics, Sacramento, California, United States Michael Gates -- Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Jon Gelhaus - Department of Entomology, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Penelope Greenslade - Division of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Australian Capital Territory, Australia Igor Grichanov - Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia Daniel V. Hagan - Department of Biology, Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathe- matics, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, United States Thomas J. Henry Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Gary Hevel - Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Wash- ington, District of Columbia, United States Sigfrid Ingrish -- Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn, Germany Pierre Jolivet - Paris, France Susan Jones - Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States Susan Whitney King - Department of Entomology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, United States Ralph F. Kirchner - US Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, Water Manage- ment Section, Apple Grove, West Virginia, United States Boris Kondratieff - Department of Agricultural Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States Tom Klubertanz - Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Rock County, Janesville, Wisconsin, United States Robert Lane Department of Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, California, United States Leng Choy Lee - Dow AgroSciences LLC, Morrisville, North Carolina, United States Laurent LeSage Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada John G. E. Lewis - Manor Hill Farm, Halse, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom Julian Lewis - J. Lewis and Associates, Cave Karst and Groundwater Biological Con- sulting, Borden, Indiana, United States Jose A. Mari-Mutt - Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagiiez, Puerto Rico Franco Mason - Ministerio Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Centro Nazionale Studio c Conservazione Biodiversita Forestale, Verona, Italy Arnold Menke - Bisbee, Arizona, United States Charles D. Michener - Department of Entomology, Snow Entomological Collection, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, United States 296 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Gary Miller - Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Agri- culture, National Museum of Natural History, Beltsville, Maryland, United States (volume 1 14) Alessandro Minelli - Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy Fernando Montealegre - Department of Zoology, University of Toronto (Erindale), Mississauga, Ontario, Canada John C. Morse - Department of Entomology, Clemson University, Clemson, South Caro- lina, United States Peter Mundel -- Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, United States C. Riley Nelson - Department of Biological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, United States Charles H. Nelson - Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, The Univer- sity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States Alfred Newton - Department of Entomology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chi- cago, Illinois, United States Becky Nichols - Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, United States Michael Ohl - Institut fur Systematische Zoologie, Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin, Ger- many J. Olejnieek - Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic Stewart B. Peck - Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Jim Pecor - Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit, Museum Support Center, Suitland, Mary- land, United States M. L. Pescador Department of Entomology, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States Janice G. Peters - Department of Entomology, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States Dan Polhemus Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Jerry A. Powell - Department of Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States Wojciech Pulaski - Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, United States Patrick Randolph - Division of Biological Sciences, Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, California, United States David C. F. Rentz - Kuranda, Queensland, Australia Barton A. Richard - Department of Entomology, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, Florida Rudolf Rozkosny - Masaryk University, Kotlarska Czech Republic Jerome C. Rozen, Jr. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, United States Justin D. Runyon Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United States Carl Schaefer - Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Con- necticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States Vol. 115. No. 5, November & December 2004 297 Michael Schmitt - Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Sektion Coleoptera, Bonn, Germany William A. Shear - Department of Biology, Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, United States Takao Shimizu Funabashi, Chiba, Japan Michael Soleglad Borrego Springs, California, United States William P. Stark - Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, United States Kenneth Stewart Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Den- ton, Texas, United States John Stireman - Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, United States John S. Strazanac - Plant and Soil Science and Entomology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States Stanley W. Szczytko - College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States F. Christian Thompson Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Mustafa LJnal - Abant izzet Universitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakiiltesi, Biyoloji Boliimii, Bolu, Turkey Robert Waltz - Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Mick E. Webb - Entomology Department, The Natural History Museum, South Kensing- ton, London, England, United Kingdom A. Wheeler- Department of Entomology, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, United States T. A. Wheeler - Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University (Macdon- ald Campus), Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9 Canada (volume 114) Michael F. Whiting - Department of Integrative Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States Richard Wilkerson Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit, Smithsonian Institution, Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland, United States Norman Woodley - Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia. United States Xiangchu Yin China Richard Zack - Department of Entomology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, United States Also, we wish to highlight the labor of volunteers who have worked with JASB at the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, District of Columbia, United States). As part of their learning, they have helped in different steps of the edito- rial process: Rama Assaf (Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland), Judy Barr (Holton-Arms School, Bethesda, Maryland), Gloria Friar (Program tor Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Prince George's County Public Schools, Upper Marlboro, Maryland), Carmen Montopoli (School Without Walls High School, Washington, District of Columbia), and Suzanne C. Shaffer (Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland). Any omission was unintentional and entirely the responsibility of JASB. Any colleague whose name has been omitted is welcome to contact the Editor as we wish to dutifully acknowledge everyone who has helped. 298 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS INDEX — VOLME 115 (1-5) 2004 Acanthocrabro 157 Acknowledgments 294 Acrididae 54 Aetalion reticulatum 52 Aetalionidae 52 Alydidae 15 Amber (Dominican) 55 Amphibia 55 Amphinemura 227 An, Shuwen 11 Anderson, S. R 55 Apoidea 157 Apogonalia 67 Araneae 44 Argentina 61, 249 Artie forestfly 113 Asiain, J 255 Asteraceae 273 Australia 1 Bae,Y. J 1 Baetidae 93, 121, 139 Baetis 139 Baquero, E 31, 229 Bates, A. J 49 Baumann, R. W 113 Bembidion atrocaentleum 49 Bembidion decorum 49 Biology 255 Blanidlidae 101 Bolivia 249 Braconidae 175 Brailovsky, Harry 15 Brazil 249 Bugs Before Time: Prehistoric Insects and their Relatives (Book Review) 60 Burks, R. A 273 Burrowing mayflies 84 Butterfly collection, Peale back cover (1) Caenochlox fenyesi 61 Calcaterra, L. A 61 California, U.S. A 54 Campbell, I. C 1 Campeche 283 Camper, Cathy 60 Canada 101.213 Carabidae 49 Cataractocoris 173 Centaitrea bierberteinii 273 Centipede 78, 116, 178 Central (Middle) America 1 5 Centroptilum 121 Cenwang Mountain 201 Chagas, A 178 Che-Mendoza, A 283 Chilopoda 78 China 11,35, 135, 157,201,227,263,279 Chloropidae 1 1 Chloropinae 11 Cfwneiuliis palmatus 101 Chordeumatida 71 Christiansen, Kenneth 31, 229 Chrysomelidae 108 Cicadellidae 67,241 Cicadellinae 241 Clarifications 191 Cleidogena nantahala 71 Cleidogonidae 71 Coleoptera 49 Collembola 31,229 Colombia 241 Cook, J. L 61 Corrigendum 30, 48 Coscaron, M. del C 249 Crabronidae 157 Crossocems 157 Cromartie, W. J back cover (5) Culicidae 181 Desneux 237 Diplopoda 71, 101 Diptera. ...11, 35, 171, 163, 181, 219, 273, 283 Distribution 61 Dolichopodidae 35, 219 Dominican amber 55 Dominican Republic 67 Dzul-Manzanilla, F 181, 283 Earle, J. L 191 Early American Naturalists: Exploring the American West 1804-1900 (Book Review). 58 Ecoregions 191 Edwards, G. B 116 Elachistidae 135 Emendation 213 Engel, M. S 168, 169 Enghoff, L. M 101 Entomobryidae 229 Entomobryomorpha 31, 229 Ephemeroptera 1,84,93, 121, 139,213 Ethmia 135 Ethmiinae 135 Exposed riverine sediments (ERS) 49 Female 44 Figueroa De la Rosa, J. 1 175 Finlay, K. J 1 First record 54, 237 Florida, U.S. A 116 Fossil Revolution. The Finds That Changed Our Views of the Past (Book Review) back cover (2) Freytag, P. H 67, 241 Frog, leptodactylid 55 Gelhaus, J back cover (1), back cover (2), back cover (3), 240, back cover (5) Vol. 115, No. 5, November & December 2004 299 Genitalia 263 Geographic distribution 255 Getze, F. B 162 Gorochov. A.V. 263 Gray, D. A 171 Halictidae 169 Halictus cubensis Spinola 169 Hammacerinae 249 Hasbenli, A 163 He,J 157 Hemiptera 15, 52 Henson, R. N 207 Hercostomus 35, 219 Heteroptera 173,249 Higher classification 84 Hispanobrya 229 Holarctic..' 101 Homoptera 67, 241 Hopalopsole shimentaiensis 279 Host association 61 Host specificity 61 Host switching 61 Houghton, D. C 129 Houseman, R. M 237 Hydropsychidae 129 Hymenoptera 52, 169, 175, 157,273 Iberian Peninsula 229 Insect meals (of frog) 55 Insecta 15 Introduced millipede 101 Isoptera 168,237 Jacobus, L.M 93 Janbechynea 1 08 Jappa 1 Jarvis, L. R 201 Jiang, G 201 Jordana, R 31,229 Julida 101 Kang, L 263 Kondrateiff, B. C 1 1 3 Kuehnl, K. F 139 Krishna, K 168 Kuehn, F. B 292 Lehmkuhl, D. M 213 Leishmaniasis 283 Leistotrophus versicolor 255 Lepidoptera 135 Leptodactyidae 55 Lctophlebiidae 1 Leuctridae 279 Li, H 129 Li.Q 157 Li, W 226,279 Liang, G 201 Linyphiidae 44 Lopez-Martinez, V. 175 MacCarroll, M. A 52 Macromotettix serrifemoralis female 201 Manrique-Saide, P. 181, 283 Mark-release-recapture 49 Mark-toxicity 49 Marquez, J 255 Martinez, M 229 Marshall, J. M 273 Masunaga, K 35, 219 Mayfly 1,213 McCafferty. W. P. 84, 93,121, 213 Mclntire, S 60, 292, 298 Melo, M. C 249 Mesoamerica 173 Mexico 108, 175, 181,255,283 Meyer, M. D 93 Michigan, U.S. A 273 Micrelytrinae 15 Microcemtennes serrula 237 Microtomus reuteri 249 Microhabitat 147 Middle America 15 Milliped 71 Miocene 55 Mirrollia 279 Moring, J 58 Moth collection, Peale back cover (1) Myrmecolacidae 61 Najera-Vasquez, R 181 Naucoridae 1 73 Nelson. C. R 139 Newfoundland, Canada 44 Nemoura arctica 1 13 Nemouridae 1 13, 227 New distribution records 181 New England, U.S.A 71 New genus 229 New locality records 101 New provincial records 93 New record 191,213 New species 11, 15,35,67, 135, 139, 163, 219, 227, 229, 263, 279 New state 93 New synonyms 121 Night Visions: The Secret Designs of Moths (Book Review) 59 North America 181,93 North American Polideini 171 North central USA 129 Nothohrya 31 Nunez, L 61 O'Hara. J. E 171 O'Neill, J 298 Orchesellinae 31 Orsodacnidae 108 Orthoptera 54. 1 7 1 , 279 Olostigminae 116 (hvicru turcica 163 Pacific Islands 78 Paquin, P 146 300 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Palmer, D back cover (2) Parasitism 61 Parker, D. W 213 Peale, T back cover ( 1 ) Pennsylvania, USA 191 Peru 52 Perustigminae 178 Peruatignnts 178 Phaneropterinae 279 Phlebotomidae 283 Phlebotominae 283 Phylopotamidae 129 Pickavance, J. R 44 Pivo, S. E 294 Platycephala 1 1 Plecoptera 113, 227, 191 Polideini 171 Pollutes eiythrocephahts 52 Procloeon 121 Pteromalidae 273 Pteromalus cardui 273 R.xni 279 Ramosulus 241 Rebollar-Tellez, E.A 283 Redescription 249 Reduviidae 249 Reeves, W. K 52 Rhvsida I. longipes 1 1 6 Romero, J 175 Rhvsida 116 Sabido, M 181 Sadler, J. P 49 Sampling 147 Sanchez, J 175 Santiago-Blay, J. A 58, back cover (2), 108, 294,298 Saskatchewan, Canada 213 Scapphodonta 84 Scheer, Joseph 59 Schuler, K. M 59 Scolopendra morsitans 78 Scolopcndridae 78, 116, 178 Scolopendromorpha 78, 116, 17S Shanover, T 180 Shear, W. A 71 Shelley, R. M 71, 78, 101, 116, 178 Sissom, D 207 Sites, R. W 173 Small minnow mayflies 93 Snow 147 Society Meeting (Feb. 24, 04) ..back cover ( 1 ), 120, back cover (3), back cover (5) Solenopsis invicta 61 South America 15 Spain 229 Spichiger, S back cover (3) Spotted knapweed 273 Staphylinidae 255 Sticthippus californicus 54 Stictophaula 263 Stidham, Thomas A 54 Stonefly 191, 279 Storer, A. J 273 Stratiomyidae 163 Strepsiptera 61 Supennale 129 Tachinidae 171 Taiwan 219 Taxonomy 255 Tenuiphanles cracens 44 Tephritidae 273 Termite 168 Termitidae 237 Tetrix ri/vuunenisi male 201 Tetrigoidea 201 Tettigoniidae 263 Thailand 237 Tisona tida 101 Trache/iiim 15 Tun-Ku, E 181,283 Turkey 163 Ulmerophlebia 1 Urophora quadrifasciata 273 Urosigalphus 1 75 Urosigalphus mimosestes 1 75 U.S.A 101,203 Ustuner, T 163 Utah, U.S.A 139 Vespidae 52 Wang,S 129 Webb, J. M 93, 213 Weintraub, Jason D back cover ( 1 ) Western Guangxi Autonomous Region 201 When bugs were big, plants were strange, and Tetrapods stalked the Earth: a cartoon prehistorv of life before dinosaurs (book review) 293 White, H. B back cover (4) Wiersema, N. A 121, 139 Winter 147 Yang, Ding 11, 35.219,226. 279 Yucatan, Mexico 181 Zhang, Lili 35,219 Zhu. F 226, 279 Jessi O'Neill (Herndon, Virginia, USA), Suzanne Mclntire (Arlington, Virginia, USA), and Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Editor, Entomological News (Washington, DC, USA) Agreement. By submitting a paper for publication, authors tacitly agree to not submit in parallel the same manuscript to another journal. For published papers, authors agree to accept responsibility for all page, illustration, and requested reprint charges. Rejected manuscripts will be discarded, ex- cept for original artwork and photographs, which will be returned to the authors. Scientific Notes and Book Reviews. 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Mail inquiry to: ProCniest Information and Learning. 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-9866 U.S.A. Entomological News is listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded. SMITHSONIAN INSTfTUTION LIBRARIES 39088011396686 SOCIETY MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2004 Biomonitoring Pinelands Rivers using Snag-dwelling Insects Dr. William J. Cromartie Richard Stockton College Pomona, New Jersey, U.S.A. Dr. Cromartie discussed his biological monitoring research program to improve methods for ascertaining water quality using aquatic macroinvertebrates, mostly insects. Faculty and students of the Environmental Studies Program (ENVL) at Richard Stockton College (Pomona, New Jersey) are working with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Pinelands Commission, and the Great Egg Harbor Watershed Association to develop better invertebrate bioassays for the acidic, blackwater, sandy-bottomed streams in the New Jersey Pinelands. In spring 2002, the ENVL team devised a conceptual model of water quality in the Great Egg Harbor River based on chemical and biological data as well as per- cent developed land in each sub-watershed. In summer 2002, they collected macro- invertebrates from diverse substrates and measured pH as well as specific conduc- tance. Macroinvertebrates were identified in the laboratory, and multivariate analy- sis was performed on the data. This preliminary research showed that percent of developed land seemed to be the best predictor of water quality and biological impairment. Based on this preliminary analysis, the ENVL team focused on woody debris, which is known to be a key habitat for blackwater macroinvertebrates. In 2003 and 2004, they collected chemical data and additional replicated samples of 1-2 meters of woody debris (5-35 mm diameter). There was a clear relationship among stream chemistry, land use, and the fauna on woody debris, indicating that this assemblage is a reasonable target for monitoring. This monitoring method clearly indicates the sites with fairly pristine conditions and those that are very dis- turbed, but it has difficulty accurately discriminating among sites showing less severe and more diverse types of impairment. More information on this research can be found on the web at: http://www.stockton.edu/-cromartw/GEHR/GEHR% 20homepage.htm. About 30 members and visitors attended the meeting. Jon Gelhaus, Corresponding Sec. of the American Entomological Society (2004) E-mail: gelhaus@acnatsci.org 78315988 14 J 10/11/05 yfi t Mailed on March 15.2005 ?.™»'NSTrTUTION LIBRARIES 390880129171100